Download - 1 2015


From: Hellen M

Investment options Theories of investment options Massive open online courses Nursing skills laboratory Antenatal care ICT in education Violence in marriage Contract managementJournal articles downloaded were in the same fields as the ebooks above using both open access and subscription databasesInformation literacyInformation literacy attendance is still low. Many students register but only a few turn up. We were all the same able to train 23 students and about 10 one to one staff members. 5 students turned up for the training that had been requested for the DLM/SB students. A further 7 students turned up for the requested postgraduate training. This later group was very receptive. There is need to follow up with the postgraduate coordinators in the various departments to sell the program. Many clients are enthusiastic about the program and it would be a very successful program if the institution would find a way of making it mandatory.Ask a LibrarianA total of 209 ask a librarian queries were received. 116 queries were in relation to past papers. With the availability of off campus access link to past papers advice on how to access the past papers was give and clients returned a very satisfied thank you. 60 queries were on how to access e-journals and eBooks off campus and clients were advised to either visit the campus, given a password where possible or advised to request for a search on what they needed. 8 queries were in regard to literature searches and the search was carried out and resources sent. 4 queries on book renew were forwarded to circulation the other 21 queries were in relation to university maters such as admission, exams and credit transfers and were forwarded to the relevant department.Online chatThis has been in operation during the semester. It has started with a low key since very few opt for the live chat. Most opt to send an email via the live chat link. All the same it is a very promising service.Challenges Off campus access is a request that clients have made several times and at times it becomes impossible to give and answer that can satisfy them and although searching for them makes them satisfied for now it is not a long term solution. Promotion of live chat since it is the easiest and quickest ways of helping a client and avoiding accumulated disasisfaction.

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