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As he hurried back, Ryan stopped for a second to glance up at the sky. The signs of Jesus’ coming had been fulfilled just as He had predicted--earthquakes, famines, floods, volcanic eruptions, wars and rumors of wars, false prophets, and false teachings. . . . Jesus had promised to return, but when would He come? A sudden noise jolted him out of his thoughts. Ryan looked down the rugged path and saw a group of evil men rushing up the mountain, shouting and jeering. Without time to lose, Ryan rushed back to the cave, where his mom and younger sister along with a small group of believers were huddled around a small fire. They had all fled not too long ago when the police had started knocking on doors. Ryan’s dad had not been so fortunate. The authorities had thrown him in prison for worshipping God on the Sabbath day. “We’re surrounded,” Ryan whispered in a hushed panic. The believers pressed closer together. Their lips moved silently in prayer as they pleaded with God for protection. The sound of men coming toward them grew louder and louder. Suddenly, a darkness, blacker than night, covered the earth. A rainbow, which seemed to come from heaven, encircled the group of believers. The evil men stopped in their tracks. “Look up,” a voice commanded. Ryan obeyed along with the rest of the believers. Running out of the cave, they peered into the darkness above. The heavens seemed to open, and they could see Jesus seated upon the throne of God. The earth shook violently, and rocks began tumbling down the mountainside. Ryan stumbled to the ground as heavy winds whipped through the trees. He crouched low, trying to stay out of the heavy downpour.

Then he saw it, a small black cloud in the east. That was it! That was the sign of Jesus’ coming! Ryan gazed at the cloud as it became brighter and brighter. Soon he could see the “great white cloud, its base a glory like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow of the covenant.” And there was Jesus, coming as “a mighty conqueror.” The earth reeled. Lightning flashed. Thunder rolled. Then there was the voice, saying, “Awake, awake, awake!” Ryan looked down the valley and saw graves opening and the dead coming back to

life. Angels rushed to gather the little children and take them to their mothers. Friends embraced, singing praises to God. Ryan felt himself being lifted up to meet Jesus in the clouds. But where were his glasses? Ryan smiled as he realized he could see clearly without them. The scar on his arm from a bike accident had also disappeared. Jesus had given him a new body.

Ryan saw his mom and younger sister. And there was his dad! As they hugged and kissed, they realized they would now be together forever. And there was Jesus, opening the pearly gates and saying, “Come and inherit the kingdom prepared for you.”

* This is an imaginary story based on Ellen White’s descriptions of Jesus’ second coming found in Chapter 40 of The Great Controversy.

Though it will appear there is no way of escape for them, God will preserve His people in miraculous ways during the time of trouble.

Adapted fromTestimonies for the Church,

vol. 1, pp. 353-354



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In this passage from The Great Controversy, Ellen White helps us imagine what it will be like when Jesus comes again.

As you read, think about what you might hear, see, and feel on that great day!

“Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud. It is the cloud which surrounds the Savior. God’s people recognize that this is Jesus coming! In hushed silence they watch as the cloud comes closer, becoming brighter and more spectacular, until it is a huge white cloud, with a fiery base, and above it the rainbow of promise. Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror. Thousands and thousands of angels fill the entire heavens with singing and light more intense than any human has ever seen. Jesus’ face is brighter than the sun. The wicked are terrified, but the righteous are happier than they have ever been. Jesus descends on the cloud, wrapped in flaming fire. The heavens roll up,

Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror.

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the earth shakes, and every mountain and island is moved out of its place. The wicked scream for the mountains and rocks to fall on them, to shield them from Jesus’ overpowering brightness. In the midst of all this chaos, the voice of Jesus calls the dead who have fallen “asleep” with their faith in Him. From the prison house of death, the dead rise to life, clothed with glory, light and energy,

and shouting for pure joy. There is no trace of disease or deformities on them. Angels gather God’s people from all over the earth, and bring them to meet their Lord in the air. Friends and family are reunited, and all rise together toward heaven.”

Adapted from The Great Controversy, p. 640-645

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You’ve Got Issues

The Bible says Jesus’ coming will be a spectacular event that everyone will see! (Matthew 24:27, Revelation 1:7) Graves will open, some of the dead will rise, trumpets will sound, the earth will heave, swell, and split, and islands will slide into the sea (I Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 6:14). Then we will see our Savior, surrounded by millions of shining angels. You will definitely know that Jesus has come!

But before the “real” coming of Jesus, Satan will pretend to be Jesus by appearing as a glorious being in various places of earth. Jesus said if we hear about such “an appearing,” don’t even go to look at the “pretend Jesus,” because you might be deceived. Matthew 24:26

Some folks believe that Jesus will come in a silent, surprise event. This theory is sometimes called ”the secret rapture.” But there is no Scriptural evidence for this idea. The text used most often to support a secret appearing is Matthew 24:40,41 which states that when Jesus comes, two men will be working together— one will be taken and one left, and two women will be grinding flour—one will be taken and one left. It is supposed that the “one taken” is silently whisked off to heaven, while the one left continues on with life as usual.

In verses 38 and 39, Jesus uses the example of Noah and the Flood to show that the one “taken” is actually the one who is lost—destroyed by the flood waters—while the ones who are left were those who were safe in the ark. You can see that Matthew 24:38-41 does not support a secret rapture. The passage only warns us to be ready at all times for Jesus’ coming because we don’t know when that great day will be. The one thing we do know is for those who are ready to meet Jesus, it will be by far the best day of their lives.

How will we know when Jesus has come?

Just like the angel closed the door of the ark in Noah’s day and no one else could get in, so one day God will close the opportunity for people to make

a decision for God.Adapted from: Selected Messages, vol. 1, p. 63.

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Ask Cindy!How can I know I’m ready for Jesus to come?

This may be the most important question ever asked! Here’s how you can know you’re ready:

Ask youth minister Cindy Tutsch any question about Ellen White, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, or even Bible questions on next quarter’s topic— Being Green! Just send your e-mail to [email protected]. All of your questions will be answered—and we’ll even put some of them in the next Ve.Z for Kids! So what do you want to know?

If you pray, “Dear Jesus, I’m sorry for my sins. I want you to be Savior and Lord of my life. Help me to live for You,” then He accepts you into His family right then. You can KNOW you are saved (I John 5:13). Jesus feels bad when we worry about whether or not we are saved, after we have given our lives to Him. He wants us to believe that He loves us with all of His heart, and He wants us to TRUST Him with all of our hearts. Since we are part of His family, He wants to spend time with us. On this earth we spend time with Jesus through prayer (talking to Jesus like we would a friend) and through reading the Bible, which contains loving messages from God to us. Since we are part of God’s family, He wants us to be His representatives on earth, and help others as He did when He was living here.

Our salvation is a gift from God. We can never, ever earn it or deserve it. Are you thankful for salvation? Show Jesus your thanks! (John 14:15)

1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that

the results of sin are death. (Romans 6:23)

2. Believe that Jesus died on the cross to take

the punishment for your sins. (Galatians

3:13; Acts 13:38-39)

3. Ask Jesus to be Savior and Lord of your

life, and to give you strength to turn away

from your sins and live for Him. (Acts 3:19;

Acts 16:31)


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As Jesus neared the Jordan

River, he could hear the voice of John

the Baptist, proclaiming, “‘The right

time has come. The kingdom of God is

near. Change your hearts and lives and

believe the Good News!’” (Mark 1:15,


Many people came to hear

John preaching in the wilderness. He

had been sent by God to prepare

the way for the Savior. When people

realized how sinful they were, they

asked to be baptized by John in the

Jordan River.

God had let John know that

some day the Messiah would come

to him and ask to be baptized. God

promised to give John a sign so he

would know who He was. When Jesus

came, John saw in His face the signs of

His holy life.

John pleaded with Him, “‘Why

do you come to me to be baptized? I

should be baptized by you!’

“Jesus answered, ‘Let it be this

way for now. We should do all things

that are right’” (Matthew 3:14, 15, ICB).

As Jesus said this, His face had

the same heavenly light that Simeon

had seen in the temple when Jesus

was a baby. So John led Jesus down

into the waters of the Jordan River, and

there he baptized Him in the sight of all

the people.

The reason Jesus was baptized

was not to show repentance for His

own sins, since Jesus had never sinned.

Rather, He wanted to set an example

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Adapted fromThe Story of Jesus

for us. When He came up out of the water,

Jesus knelt on the riverbank and prayed.

Then the heavens parted and

beams of glory streamed forth. “He saw

God’s Spirit coming down on him like a

dove. And a voice from heaven spoke,

‘This is my Son and I love him. I am very

pleased with him’” (Matthew 3:16, 17, ICB).

Just as God heard the prayers of

Jesus, He will hear ours too. Even the most

sinful and needy people can have access

to the Father when they come to Him in

Jesus’ name. The same voice who spoke

to Jesus speaks to us, “This is My beloved

child, in whom I am well pleased.”

Artwork by

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2nd Coming!John 14:1-3Jesus Himself says, “I will come again.” We can trust His promises!

Luke 21:27Jesus will return in the sky with clouds of angels.

Acts 1:10, 11Angels who were sent to comfort the disciples said Jesus would return in the sky.

Titus 2:11-14Knowing Jesus is returning soon should affect the way we think, talk and act.

2 Peter 1:16Jesus’ 2nd coming is no fairy tale!

Matthew 24:30, 31The whole chapter of Matthew 24 tells about the events that will precede Jesus’ 2nd coming—culminating in a description of that event in verses 30 and 31.

Revelation 1:7Everyone will see Jesus come in the clouds. (No secret rapture!)

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17What a spectacular event! Nothing private about it.

2 Peter 3:11-14YOU can cause Jesus to come sooner by the way you live. (Incredible thought.)

Luke 21:34-36Be ready!

This Bible study was made especially for young people. You can find this study with the 41 Bible Studies by Cindy Tutsch, at

Give a Bible Study

There are hundreds of Scripture references to

Jesus’ 2nd coming. Tough to pick just ten. Keep

searching on your own!

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This is your bulletin board, so please share your talents and expressions. Our next topic will be on BEING GREEN. E-mail us your creations relating to this theme, such as artwork, a poem, or a short paragraph about BEING GREEN and what it means to you. But hurry, we’re already working on next quarter’s e•Zine!

By: JulianAge: 7From: California

*The Latter Rain is the special outpouring of God’s Spirit on His people, just before Jesus comes.

*The meteorite shower of November 13, 1833, the great Lisbon earthquake of November 6, 1755, and the Dark Day with the moon coming up that night looking like blood on May 19, 1780, are signs that Jesus is coming soon! (see Revelation 6:12-13. For these and more signs, check out Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, and Revelation 6:12-13)

*Probation means the opportunity that people have to make a decision for Jesus. When “probation closes,” the time to make a decision for Jesus is past. (Revelation 22:11-12)

Did You Know?

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H o l y S p i r i t H e l p

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A - Weeks in a year? __________B - Inches in a yard? __________D - Years in a decade? __________E - Books in the Bible? __________F - Days in January? __________G - Minutes in an hour? __________H - Wheels a bicycle has? __________I - Days in a week? __________L - Pennies in a quarter? __________M - Sides in an octagon? __________N - States in the United States? __________O - Nickels in a dollar? __________P - Hours in a day? __________R - Months in a year? __________S - Quarts in a gallon? __________T - Books in the Old Testament? __________U - Books in the New Testament?__________

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ‘ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

Adapted from Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 353.

39 2 66 25 52 39 39 66 12 12 52 7 50

4 39 12 66 50 60 39 2 66 50 4 60 20 10 4

24 66 20 24 25 66 39 20 60 20 39 2 12 20 27 60 2

39 2 66 39 7 8 66 20 31 39 12 20 27 36 25 66

Answer the questions on the left. Then use the code to solve the blank message.

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Jesus is Coming AgainJesus is Coming Again

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“Don’t let this you. You God, don’t ?

Trust me. There is plenty of for in my Father’s

If that weren’t , would I have that I’m

on my way to get a ready ? And if I’m on

my way to get your ready, I’ll come and get you

can live I live. (Based on John 14:1-3)

Puzzle by Randy Fishell; Power Guide Logbook 2, p. 18, 19. Review and Herald Publishing Association, Copyright © 2002.

In the sentences below, write in the correct word that RHYMES with the picture. If you choose the correct words, you’ll be reminded of what’s ahead.

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Not Peeking, Are You?

E llen White was born in 1827 in Maine, U.S.A. Seventh-day Adventists believe that God called her to be a prophet and gave her messages through dreams and visions, as foretold by

the Bible (Joel 2:28-29; Ephesians 4:11-13). Ellen White’s writings bring messages of hope that express the love of Jesus for every person. She proclaimed that the Ten Commandments are based on God’s great love and that God will help His children keep His commandments as a response to that love. Ellen White dedicated her entire life to serving others.

The editors of Visionary invite you to read Ellen White’s writings for yourself. You could start with Messiah, Steps to Jesus, or A Call to Stand Apart, all rewritten in youth-friendly language and available through Discover, enjoy, and build a stronger friendship with Jesus!

Holy Spirit Help

The Latter rain strengthens God’s people to go through the time of trouble.

Jesus is Coming Again

throw, trust, you, room, you, home, so,

told, you, room, for, you, room, back,

so, you, where

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How Long Will It Take to Get to Heaven?

We will travel with Jesus through space for seven days to get to heaven. Adadted: Early Writings

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Next Time in Ve.Z for Kids

Our next issue focuses on Being Green. Send via e-mail your letters, questions, photos, drawings, and poetry about taking care of Planet Earth before September 1, 2009. Don’t forget to send us your picture with your submission. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! E-mail your submissions to: [email protected] (Not all

submissions may be published, but all questions will be answered!)

Being Green!

Director: James R. NixVice Director: Tim PoirierAssociate Directors: William Fagal, Cindy Tutsch, Ivan Leigh WardenEditor: Cindy TutschAssociate Editors: Joy Sorensen, Darryl ThompsonContract Writer: Helen Lee Robinson Artwork and Design: Joy Sorensen, Darryl ThompsonWriter-Researchers: Joy Sorensen, Darryl Thompson, Cindy TutschOnline: Joy Sorensen, Darryl ThompsonConsultants: Larry Blackmer, Linda Koh, Kimberly Luste Maran, Baraka Muganda

Ellen White Visionary for Kids (Ve.Z) is produced and published online by the

Ellen G. White® Estate, Inc.

Other ResourcesBible Treasures - Jesus’ Second Coming - Primary Treasure pkg. of 25Bible Treasures - Signs of Jesus’ Second Coming - Primary Treasure pkg. of 25

These great resources and more are available at anyAdventist Book Center:phone: 1.800.765.6955


Contact Usaddress: Ellen G. White Estate, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904e-mail: [email protected] web: www.whiteestate.orgphone: 1.301.680.6540fax: 1.301.680.6559

Ve.Z WebsiteOur online interactive version of Ve.Z can be found at

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