Page 1: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

It's interesting Executor/ Presenter

In the District Court of United States of America

In and for the State of ____________

Your name, CEO Ex Rel



United States Company Corporation,

Doe’s 1-1000, etc..,al..,


Miscellaneous case number ________________



Every presentment presented by the presenter is always to be on and

for the record, i.e. public record. In your acceptance and/or refusal

to respond specifically to any and all presentments by the presenter

is your informed consent to hold your body and properties as surety

for all debts and or burdens in relation to this matter. This would

apply to both the defendants and the trustees known as

magistrates/judges of the federal District Courts. "The trial judge should inform a

pro se litigant of the proper procedure for the action he or she is obviously attempting to accomplish." Breck v. Ulmer, 745

P.2d 66, 75 (Alaska 1987)

The court claims that no trust exists and that it does not have fiduciary responsibilities in relation

to the trust/trusts! The court claims that it does not have trustee responsibilities! Because none of the following

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 2: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

have been repealed and or removed from law, and as a matter of fact the presenter has never accepted any of the

following nor has ever willfully consented or entered knowingly into a contract with full disclosure in reference to

any of the following. It has become necessary to revoke any and all powers of attorney, as well as contracts

relation to the following: note that this has no bearing on the original trust agreement between THE SOVEREIGN

ALMIGHTY GOD JEHOVAH and the presenter through his founding father the original creation known as man on

the planet called Earth.

(i) the Act of Settlement 1661-62; and the Act for the Settlement of Ireland 1651-

52; and or

(ii) the District of Columbia Act 1871; and or

(iii) the Lend Lease Act 1941. ; and or

(iv) THE TRADING WITH THE ENEMY'S ACT/October 6, 1917 Act; and or

(v) The Emergency Powers ACT 1861; and or


(vii) The Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1931-32; and or

(viii) The Patriot Act 2001; and or

(ix) the Company of Scotland Act (1695); and or

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 3: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

(x)"An Act for the Encouragement of the Trade to America; and or

(xi) An Act for settling and establishing a Court of Exchequer in the

north of Great Britain called Scotland; and or

(xii) Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Cestui Que Vie Act (1666), Cestui Que Vie

Act (1700’s), Cestui Que Vie Act (1800’s), Cestui Que Vie Act (1900’s); and or

(xiii) Act of Supremecy / the Crown Estate; and or

(xiv) the Crown Union (Union of Crowns); and or

(xv) Fide Commissary Trust; and or

(xvi) Foreign Situs trust; and or

(xvii) any form of, or any relation to any version of a Secret Trust; and


(xviii) any Temporary Testamentary Trust

(ixx) Fide Commissary

(xx) Cestui Que Vie/Foreign Situs Trust

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 4: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

(xxi) Social Security act And or the Healthcare act and or the Housing

Act and/or the judiciary act, and/or any other acts enacted by the U.S. Senate

and House of Representatives in joint and or independent sessions.


(xxii) any trust associated with Real Property, Personal Property and

Ecclesiastical Property.

If these so-called trusts do not exist to impact the

presenter in any way let the court rebut the presumption by a preponderance of

evidence to the contrary and the presenter shall not and will not bring forth

this matter ever again!

The presenter is none of the following nor has he ever

purported to be, nor has he ever consented to be, nor will he ever be any of

the following:

1. The Trust Corpus

2. An Estate “by virtue of any decree, statute or judgment”.

3. Any Temporary or permanent Trust,

4. A Corporate Person

5. or a Body Corporate,

6. A fiction of any kind, of any capacity, of any construct.

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 5: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

And by the power vested in me, the presenter, I hereby declared

to each of the aforementioned trusts to be permanently void, dissolved, and

collapsed and each of the aforementioned trusts are without force and

henceforth, heretofore and forever in relation to the presenter, his name, his

property, this person, his body, his likeness, his creations, his inventions,

his ideas, his writings, hits words, his works, his knowledge, his life, his

being, his DNA, his body chemistry, in any and every and all things associated

in pertaining to and or relation him, his property, his person, his being!

As established by the original trust on or about 4026 B.C.E.

he retains and maintains any and all Real Property, Personal Property and

Ecclesiastical Property associated with his person, body, life without

exception. He stakes his claim on his property/person/intellect/being/life on

all of the aforementioned and commands anyone who asserts anything to the

contrary to rebut him within five business days the filing of this

presentment/correspondence or forever be barred from any such claim,

assertions and/or rebuttal!

And as a direct descendent of the original man, and

inheritor the presenter asserts his right to exist and to engage on all levels

of existence to include private, personal, as well as public arenas without

hindrance, restrictions, limitations and without interference. This will also

include the following:

a. In reference to corporate commercial law, as some deem to be

effective because of the Cestui Que Vie Trust.

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 6: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

b. In reference to maritime and trust law

c. In reference to Talmudic and Roman/civil and/or Canon/ecclesiastical

law which is to include Trust of Baptism.

You are hereby noticed and warned that the presenter is a

competent, breathing, self-aware, sentient, mature, intellectual, peaceful,

non-combative, nonaggressive, inheritor of the planet Earth, a living man

capable of managing, maintaining, and tending to his own affairs without

supervision, hindrance, interference, and belligerences. And it's under the

canons of your laws as a fiduciary you are to cease and desist interfering

with the public, personal as well as private affairs of the presenter

immediately: see the following

Canon 2056

Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui

Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is

guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring

their immediate removal and punishment.

The presenter does not possess a birth certificate as most

would retain, none were created in his name, he is not so named on any

certificate of live birth. The presenter created his own name, call sign,

verbal designation, he retains and maintains all rights to his creation. It

has been adjudicated by a judicial officer who he the presenter is, or should

we say who I am (the phrase I am is not a title and does not reference a

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 7: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

title. It is just a matter of fact of the present). There is no corporate

title other than that created by the presenter because he retained all rights

to his creation from the onset. A copy of the judicial order for the change of

name has already been placed in the file and as a matter of public record. THE


by an officer of the court, acknowledged and accepted by the state of New

Mexico in the County of Socorro New Mexico, and has been made a matter of

public record for more than seven months without rebuttal. The existence and

establishment of the presenter being alive person has always been a matter of

public record, and this body has the fiduciary responsibility to collapse,

dissolve and foreclose on the trusts aforementioned and to liquidate and

surrender any and all profits, benefits to the presenter immediately without

unnecessary delay within four business days of receipt of this presentment in

the form of letters of credit!

The presenter maintains that he possesses full faith and

credit and has paid any and all debts associated with his property and or

person and/or estate to the tune of US$600 billion (the department of The US

Treasury, As Well As the Bureau Public Debt, As Well As the State of New

Mexico, As Well As the State of New York, As Well As the State of California,

As Well As the State of Arizona, each has Received security instruments to

cover any and all debts associated with the administrating of the trust,

associated with his affairs, leaving a balance due the presenter of more than

US$540 billion that is now due and payment is demanded.

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

Page 8: 0001 New the District Court of the United States of America Dissolving and Collapsing the Trust



From the office of the executor AN EXECUTIVE ORDER this matter is to be "Pay to the order of the United States of America. Without Recourse"

Certificate of mailingMailed to necessary party representatives.

The aforementioned is true and correct, presented under and

above the laws of the United States of America, under and above penalty of

perjury without recourse and with full reservation of rights and full

commercial liability, along with this Certificate of mailing: when a copy of

this presentment has been mailed to all necessary parties as of this date.

Dated this 16th day of August, 2012

Signature/autographed is affixed at topYour name son of Ex Rel

HONIC 3 box 8221948

Who Cares, PR 11776 w/out the United States

Cease and Desist order presented UNDER RESERVED Rights WITH THE Discharge of CLAIM By: Brett son of Isaac Agent is Not a corporation, is a Living Soul, enshroud with the breath of LIFE, with Jehovah the Living God as his creator and sole Ruler he is not a collective entity or fictitious character of any sort and/or kind, has never consented to being nor shall ever be such a FICTION, HE is the GRANTOR/Beneficiary in relation this matter And does not consent to servitude of any nature! Presenter hereby dissolves and collapsed any and all trust associated with his person/name/being /property in the fiduciaries are commanded to do whatever is necessary to carry out the wishes of the presenter. 0123456789

16th day of August, 2012

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