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Republic of Serbia


Office for Cooperation with Civil Society




Belgrade, October 2012


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Table of Contents Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................2Introduction............................................................................................................................................5Methodology...........................................................................................................................................7Summary.................................................................................................................................................91. General data on participation of state institutions in the preparation of the Annual Summary Report on budget expenditures provided to the associations and other civil society organisations from the budget of the Republic of Serbia in 2011.....................................................................................142. Data on support provided to the associations and other civil society organisations collected on the basis of the Questionnaire...................................................................................................................15

2.1. Names of institutions and the amounts of allocated funds...............................................................15

2.2. Number of institutions and the amount of funds allocated according to the type of support: financial, non-financial or both types of support..........................................................................................15

2.3. The amount of funds allocated through financial and non-financial support...................................162.4. Review of institutions and the amounts of funds related to the procedures for granting financial support.……………………………………………………………………………………………………..162.5. Sources of financial support to civil society organisations...............................................................18

2.6. Economic classification of the budget funds through which the funds were allocated to the associations and other civil society organisations........................................................................................19

2.7. Co-funding of programs/projects selected in the scope of donation support....................................212.8. Refunding – number of institutions, number of the refunds, the amount of refunding....................21

3. Review of the calls for proposals and other procedures for allocation of funds....................244. Other data on the announced calls for proposals and procedures..........................................47

4.1. The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation............474.2. Media communication used for announcing the calls for proposals for funds allocation................48

4.3. Duration of the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations.............................................................................................................................50

4.4. Method of submitting applications by the associations and other civil society organisations for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation......................................................................................50

4.5. Persons in charge of opening and evaluating the applications submitted for the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation...........................................................................................51

4.6. Criteria for the funds allocation........................................................................................................524.7. Decision making on the funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations.52

4.8. Method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations as well as the broader public on (non)granting financial support.....................................................................................................56

4.9. Deadline for the conclusion of contracts with the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support..........................................................................................................................59

4.10. Procedures for receiving complaints.................................................................................................604.11. Monitoring implementation and evaluation of the financed programs/projects...............................61

4.12. Use of information about the results of the financed programs/projects..........................................67


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5. Data on supported programs/projects, as well as data about the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support.......................................................................................68

5.1. Name of the association or other civil society organisation, project name, the requested, granted and needed amount of the funds for the program/project realisation..................................................................69

5.2. Associations and other civil society organisations supported by the same institution for more than one project 109

5.3. Associations and other civil society organisations supported by several institutions.........................1135.4. Legal status of the program/project Lead Beneficiaries......................................................................115

5.5. Timeframe of the financial support for the programs/projects............................................................1175.6. Areas of the calls for proposals............................................................................................................117

5.7. Direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects.................................................................................1195.8 Type of activity...............................................................................................................................122

5.9. Territorial mapping of the programs/projects and the granted amount of funds............................1256. Analysis and comparison of budget expenditures according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law with data obtained from the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations........................133ANNEX 1 Review of the institutions to which the Questionnaire was sent..................................142ANNEX 2 Review of the institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire, as well as the institutions which replied that during 2011 they did not provide support to the associations and other civil society organisations................................................................................................145ANNEX 3 Review of the institutions which did not reply completely to the questions from the Questionnaire and the amounts of funds stated by those institutions..........................................150ANNEX 4 Review of the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations..................................................................................................................150ANNEX 5 List of direct beneficiaries offered as the answer to the 31st question of the Questionnaire (State direct beneficiaries of the program/project)........................................................................172ANNEX 6 Review of the activity types or services offered as the answer to the 32nd question of the Questionnaire (State the type of activity or rendered services).....................................................174ANNEX 7 Summary review of the number of institutional bodies which replied per questions, number of the calls for proposals per institutional bodies and number of the projects per institution..175ANNEX 8 List of Tables....................................................................................................................177ANNEX 9 List of Charts...................................................................................................................180


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Office for Cooperation with Civil Society was established by the Decree on the establishment of the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society (“Official Gazette of the RS, No. 26/10“) as an institution which performs professional affairs related to the needs of the Government ensuring harmonised actions of public administration bodies and inciting cooperation between public administration bodies and associations and other civil society organisations.

In compliance with the stated Decree, the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society prepares documents through which the Government monitors, directs and harmonises activities of the Ministries and special organisations connected to the issues of civil society development and Government cooperation with civil society, as well as with the means by which the public is informed about the activities directed to development of civil society and Government cooperation with civil society.

With the aim to realize defined goals stated in the Decree, envisaged is the participation in the preparation of the Annual Summary Report on budget expenditures provided to the associations and other civil society organisations1 from the budget of the Republic of Serbia.

This is the first Annual Summary Report of this kind created by collecting and analysing data based on the reports of the line Ministries and other Government institutions only at the republic level, which provided financial and non-financial budget support to the associations and civil society organisations in 2011. This Report is significant for many reasons – its aim is presentation of the conditions, amounts and relations of planned and allocated support funds, it provides a review of allocation procedures, funds beneficiaries, i.e. review of civil society organisations whose programs and projects were supported, as well as the areas that were financed; it provides review of supported activities, review of end beneficiaries, as well as the territorial mapping of financed programs and projects. Special importance of the Report lies in the fact that it is the first time that the survey of all economic classifications from which the funds are earmarked for financing projects and programs of the associations and civil society organisations is provided, as well as the amounts of funds that were returned to the budget and review of reasons for which the refunding was requested. Also, the Report shows for the first time all end beneficiaries of the supported projects and programs.

Bearing in mind the aforementioned, data presented in the Annual Summary Report should be used for improvement of the regular planning process, funds allocation, monitoring implementation of supported projects and programs and their effects, with the aim to obtain more effective and practical expenditure of funds for achieving set goals. Collection of data on financing the associations and other civil society organisations from the budget lines aims to establish more transparent reporting system on financial sources which are provided and paid to the associations and other civil society organisations as a form of support to program activities.

Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted in 2012 a Decree on Incitement funds for programs or shortage of funds for financing programs of public interest realised by associations (“Official Gazette of the RS, No. 8/12“). Adoption of this Decree presents the beginning of improvement of the legal framework, aiming to increase transparency in providing and allocating funds from the budget, as well as the practices of state institutions in terms of allocation of financial support to citizens` associations and other civil society organisations. The Annual Summary Report is significant especially for the possibility of overview of the procedures for funds allocation, method of selection, announcement of the list of supported projects/programs, process of contracting and monitoring implementation of supported programs and projects prior to adoption of the abovementioned Decree.

The strengthening of the system of fiscal responsibility and informing the broader public on projects and programs of civil society organizations financed from the national budget, integrity and accountability of 1 According to definition of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), organizations of civil society represent voluntary, non-government, non-profit organizations which encompass citizens` associations, trade unions, employees` associations, professional associations, cultural associations and other structures that act as intermediaries between public administration bodies and citizens, including social movements.


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the work of state institutions is encouraged, as well as strengthening of citizens` trust in the work of state institutions and also in the work of organisations of civil society. This presents the basis for inciting and improving cooperation between state institutions and civil sector during implementation of public policies. Review of allocated funds, areas and financed activities shown in this Report enable citizens to have an insight into where taxpayers` money is allocated.

Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia wishes to thank all participants in the preparation of this Report. The preparation of this Report would not be possible without their cooperation in collecting, processing and submitting information.

The Annual Summary Report should become a regular practice of reporting by institutions not only at republic, but also at provincial and local level. We hope that this method of informing shall assist all present and future support providers in planning new calls for proposals for funds allocations, procedures for funds allocations and monitoring effects of supported projects and programs, but also civil society organisations during the mere preparation of project proposal and planning as well as to increase the circle of potential beneficiaries of financial funds from the national budget and a number of financial areas.


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MethodologyIn the preparation of methodology we employed experiences of the Office for Cooperation with

NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, which has been preparing the Reports on provided financial support for projects and programs of civil society organisations since 20042.

With the aim to collect data necessary for the Annual Summary Report, the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations was created (hereinafter referred to as: the Questionnaire), prepared according to the Croatian model, but adapted in compliance with suggestions for improvement that were given by representatives of the line Ministries and other Government institutions and civil society organisations in individual consultations and during organized focus groups. The Questionnaire has been sent to addresses of 104 state institutions which operate at republic level, i.e. to direct or indirect budget beneficiaries3 for which funds were earmarked in the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/10).

Electronic application of the Questionnaire4 was created to facilitate completion and later data processing; individual applications and special codes were also devised for singular input of data for each institution, whereas the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society provided technical assistance to institutions during data entering in the application.

The Questionnaire consists of three large Chapters5 to which the line Ministries and other Government institutions were submitting reports.

The first Chapter of the Questionnaire comprises of data on the institution/institutional body, as well as data on the type of support provided to citizens` associations, i.e. other civil society organisations. The questions from this Chapter have provided answers about financial modalities, sources of funds allocated, as well as sources earmarked for co-financing of projects approved within the donors` support in 2011 and programs /projects for which refunding has been requested.

The second part of the Questionnaire refers to procedures for funds allocation, the legal framework for the stated type of financial support, the dynamics of calls for proposals, the method of announcing proposal/other procedure for fund allocation, the method of collecting applications, review of the professional body for evaluation and approval of applications, the results announcement for proposal/procedure for funds allocation, the method of monitoring implementation of approved projects, i.e. programs, as well as the evaluation of achieved results of approved projects, i.e. programs.

The third part of the Questionnaire aims to collect data on each specific proposal, i.e. on other procedures for funds allocation which institutions stated in the previous Chapter, as well as on every approved project, i.e. program within the stated proposal or other procedure. The aim of this Chapter was not only to keep records of those associations, i.e. civil society organisations which were provided with funds for realisation of the program, i.e. the project activities during 2011, but also to keep the records of areas within which financial support was provided during 2011, as well as the activities which have been supported and, for the first time, all end beneficiaries of supported programs, i.e. projects and their territorial proportion.

After the data collection through the Questionnaire had been done, the statistical data processing and its analysis was conducted, which was then compared to data on the planned funds of the budget line 481 – Subsidies to non-government organisations as per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/10), as well as with expenditures of funds on the same budget appropriation according to the Draft Law on Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011.

Note – The Questionnaire was created in such a manner that during the process of its completion, the institutions were bound to give the answer on total amount of funds allocated, which 2 More information may be found on the official internet presentation of the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia See ANNEX 1 of this Report.4 With support of the Office for Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) in Republic of Serbia.5 For more information see ANNEX 4 – Review of the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations.


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would match the answers on total amount of funds for all calls of proposals/other procedures, as well as total amount of funds for all programs/projects within the corresponding call of proposal. Contrary to that, institutions whose amounts did not match were not able to finish completion of the Questionnaire. In accordance with this, their answers were not taken into account while analysing data6.

It should be pointed out that all institutions did not answer to all questions, and thus their answers were not included in the analysis; multiple choice answers was allowed, which influenced the quality and analysis of obtained data.

6 See ANNEX 3 for the review of those institutions.7

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Summary Data presented and analysed in this Report were collected on the basis of answers to the

Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations provided by institutions of public administration, direct and indirect beneficiaries of budget funds, recognised in the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/10).

Call for participation in completion of the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisation has been sent to addresses of 104 state institutions. In the first year of reporting to the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society, 90 institutions took part in submitting data, whereas 14 institutions did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire. From 90 institutions that participated in completion of the Questionnaire, 68 reported that they did not allocate financial, i.e. non-financial support, whereas 22 institutions answered positively on the question of support provided in 2011. However, only 18 institutions completely filled in the Questionnaire, so the Report is based on the analysis of their data. Only the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management reported also on allocation of non-financial support, from the abovementioned 18 institutions7.

The Questionnaire for the first time has all economic classifications mapped, from which funds are allocated to the associations and other civil society organisations. According to data collected by the Questionnaire, total amount of funds allocated to the associations and other civil society organisations, taken from all economic classifications from which funds were being allocated, amounts to 3.052.736.657 Dinars. As expected, the greatest earmarked sources, 93.2% funds, were appropriated from the economic classification 481 – subsidies to non-government organisations and amount to 2.845.092.233 Dinars. Other economic classifications recorded in the Questionnaire are 472 – compensation arising from social security from which it was allocated 3.4 % of funds, 451 – subsidies to public non-financial companies with 2.5 % of funds allocated 424 – specialised services 0.8% of funds and 423 – service agreements.

As per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, planned sources on the economic classification 481 amount to 5.782.303.787 Dinars, whereas according to the Draft Law on Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 execution of budget from this economic classification is 4.950.323.294 Dinars.

As per institutions, the greatest allocations were appropriated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports with 69.4% of total funds allocated in 2011, i.e. Dinars, followed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with 526.917.324 Dinars, i.e. 17.3% of total funds and the Environmental Protection Fund with 129.440.522 Dinars, i.e. 4.2 % of total funds. Other institutions participated in total amount of 276.277.153 Dinars, i.e. 9.1% of total funds.

In view of the method of allocating support, public calls for proposals present the most frequent way of granting support, used on the part of 17 institutions which allocated 40% of total funds allocated, i.e. Dinars in such a way.

In addition to public calls for proposals, funds were allocated through other procedures for funds allocation. As the greatest provider of funds through procedures outside public calls for proposals, the Ministry of Youth and Sports stands out with 51.3% of funds, earmarking the funds according to its internal procedures and by-law acts.

Dominant financial source for appropriating financial support present the budget revenue – even 98.6% of funds allocated, i.e. Dinars. Credit follows with 1% of funds allocated, institution own revenue8 in 0.3% of funds and funds from the unallocated surplus from the previous year9 in 0.1% of cases. Donations present insignificant source of funding.

7 Support provided in goods.

8 As per the Law on the Budget System (“Official Gazette of the RS“, Nos. 54/2009, 73/2010, 101/2010, 101/2011) “own revenue shall present revenues which are generated through activities, i.e. sales of goods or rendering services, in compliance with the Law, by direct or indirect budgetary funds beneficiaries and funds of organisations for mandatory social insurance“.9 Unallocated surplus from the previous year is used as a source of financing during the current fiscal year.


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Observing the sources form budget revenue, earmarked proceeds have the greatest share in total sources of financing the associations and other civil society organisations, from which the greatest part – 82.7% originates from revenues generated on the basis of the Law on Games of Chance, whereas 17.3% of funds are comprised of other earmarked proceeds.

Obtained data on funds for co-financing programs/projects approved within the donor`s support, indicate that this type of support does not present a significant method of financing the associations and other civil society organisations by public administration bodies. Only three institutions co-financed 43 projects which were approved within donor`s support in total allocated amount of 76.638.000 Dinars.

For the first time, the Questionnaire also provides a data on the amount of funds refunded to the budget, as well as the reasons for which the refunding was requested . Only four institutions reported that they returned funds in 2011. Refunding was effected for 74 projects approved in 2011 in total value of 90.7 million Dinars10. However, the exact number of projects from which the funds were returned will be known in the next period, since the duration of projects is sometimes longer than the year in which the project has been approved.

During 2011, there were total of 62 calls for proposals. Institutions reported that the total number of received applications for proposals was 2.794, whereas the total number of supported projects was 1.428.

From 15 institutions which answered to the question on the dynamics of calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation, 12 institutions announced calls for proposals only once during the year, four institutions called for proposals twice during the year, whereas two institutions have had calls for proposals open throughout the year. With regard to the period of announcing calls for proposals, the greatest number of calls for proposals was in January.

For informing on calls for proposals for funds allocation, institutions most often used the official internet web pages of institutions, in case of 38 proposals in 2011, followed by the combination of internet web page and daily newspapers as frequent means of information in 18 calls for proposals, whereas for announcement of 9 calls for proposals other means of public information was used.

With a view to deadlines for submitting applications for calls for proposals/procedures, in 21 cases of proposals/procedures the deadline lasted 15 to 30 days. According to the length, the deadline between 8 and 15 days follows, and that was the case in 12 calls for proposals/procedures, but only 4 proposals lasted less than 8 days; the longest period for submitting applications was more than 30 days and it was recorded with 13 calls for proposals/procedures.

In terms of method of submitting applications for calls for proposals, i.e. other procedures for funds allocation, the dominant method for submitting applications has still been by mail, i.e. in person, which was the case in 29 out of 62 calls for proposals in 2011. Submitting applications exclusively by mail is recorded with 18 calls for proposals, whereas submitting applications by internet has still been represented in the least percentage and it was possible in case of 2 calls for proposals, whereas submitting applications by internet and the originals by mail was possible in the case of 6 calls for proposals.

Opening of received applications in most cases, i.e. 23 calls for proposals, was done by the Commission, whereas in 17 cases it was done by the person delegated for opening applications, then by Writing-room office (9), professional body for evaluation of the project proposals (4), a person in charge of cooperation with civil society organisations (4) and by the Sub-Commission with 3 calls for proposals/procedures.

Submitted programs/projects were evaluated by the Commission in 39 calls for proposals, persons employed in the institutions of public administration responsible for cooperation with civil society organisation in 6 calls for proposals, a Leader/Director/Head of public administration body with 5 calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation, by the Sub-Commission in case of 3 calls for proposals and the administration body of the institution and other bodies, i.e. institution representatives.

Composition of the professional body responsible for evaluation of received programs/projects has most frequently been made of representatives of institutions which has called for proposal (in 40 calls for

10 As refunded amounts that the Ministry of Youth and Sports reported about were extremely high, Office for Cooperation with Civil Society contacted them afterwards, and found that while filling in the Questionnaire there was a misunderstanding of this question and the amount is related to justified funds of supported projects, not the amount of funds that were returned to the budget.


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proposals), the representatives of the scientific and professional institutions (2 calls for proposals), the representatives of the international organizations (in case of 10 calls for proposals) and others. The maximum number of members of a professional body for evaluation of programs/projects was 11.

With regard to existence of criteria for funds allocation in calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation, criteria for funds allocation were present in 45 calls for proposals, from the total of 62 implemented proposals, i.e. in 73% of the announced calls for proposals.

In most cases (21 calls for proposals) decision on allocation of financial support has been made by the Minister, then by the Commission (18 calls for proposals), the State Secretary (7 calls for proposals) and by the Minister upon the proposal of the body that took into consideration the projects and programs (5 calls for proposals)11.

The most frequent method of informing about support provided presents the announcing on the internet web page of institution (in case of 32 calls for proposals), in written form, i.e. by mail or e-mail (30 calls for proposals), personally informing by telephone or by oral announcements (17 calls for proposals); informing has also been performed in other ways, such as the announcement in the “Official Gazette”, daily newspapers, electronic media and through the information agencies.

The same refers to informing about support which was not approved and it has also been done in several ways; the most frequent method has been in written form (32 calls for proposals), then via internet web pages (26 calls for proposals) or the information about non-approval of support has not been announced at all.

Deadlines for signing the Contract on funds allocation with the Lead Beneficiaries of approved projects/programs differ greatly from institution to institution; nevertheless, the greatest number of institutions (11 institutions) has given the deadline for conclusion of the Contract to be 30 days at the latest as of the conclusion date of call for proposal/procedure.

Procedures for receiving complaints on all calls for proposals have not been present with most institutions, whereas some have had them for only certain calls for proposals. Only two institutions reported that for 3 calls for proposals they had anticipated the complaint procedure. The ones which did have a complaint procedure, the complaints referred to the allocated amount of funds and to transparency of the implemented call for proposal/procedure.

Periodical financial report, final financial and narrative report and enclosures and products arising from project activities have presented the most frequent documentation for monitoring implementation of program/project that the association/civil society organisation should have submitted. Six institutions performed the monitoring visits to the associations during the programs/projects, whereas only two institutions monitored the beneficiaries` satisfaction.

Information on the achieved results of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other civil society organisations, institutions used in various manners – planning new calls for proposals/procedures (used by 10 institutions), program development, proposal of new regulations, improvement of policies or strategic documents (used by 8 institutions), with the aim to better informing of public and presentation of the work of the bodies (used by 14 institutions). Information on the results of supported programs/projects was used by three institutions upon project planning from the EU funds, whereas three institutions reported that data on the achieved results of the financed programs/projects were not used at all.

One of the most significant data is the number of the total supported programs/projects, which is 1.428 and realised by 1.178 associations and other civil society organisations. Analysis indicates that 1.016 associations/civil society organisations were supported by one program/project in 2011, whereas 114 associations/civil society organisations were supported twice, support was provided to 28 associations/civil society organisations three times, whereas 12 of them were supported four times during 2011. Support was provided six times to three organizations, i.e. associations, and one association/organisation was provided support seven, eight and nine times respectively.

With regard to funds, 56 programs/projects were supported with over ten million Dinars. Maximum amounts of funds were allocated to organisations, i.e. federations in the field of sport.

11 Note: When interpreting data, it is possible to find calls for proposals where there is more than one person responsible for decision making on granting support.


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Ten institutions supported more than one project/program of the same association and there were 148 such associations. Nevertheless, the greatest number of associations has referred to those which were supported by the same institution twice (104), then associations that were supported three times (24) and the ones supported four times (12 associations).

Regarding the legal status of the Lead Beneficiary of the financed programs/projects the greatest number by far relates to the associations (1.387). Foundations appear as Lead Beneficiaries (the total of nine foundations), companies (four) and one legacy foundation.

According to timeframe of the program/project, the projects that have lasted up to three months, from three to six months and from six months to one year have the equal share (in average per 20% of total approved projects). Projects lasting over one year have formed 4% of total approved projects, whereas for 36% of approved projects the answer on duration was not provided. Projects which timeframe has been up to three and from three to six months present projects of the least value, so their share was observed according to their funds approved of 5%, i.e. 6%. The highest amount of funds of the total amount of approved projects given in the percentage of 14.9% refers to the projects which timeframe has spanned in the period of six months to one year.

As for the area for granting support, the greatest support was provided to the programs/projects from the sports and recreation area with 63.4% of the total approved funds, i.e. 455 projects, then the area of the social security services which was supported with 17.2% of the granted funds. This area stands out not only by the amount of granted funds, but also by the number of supported projects – 323. Activities referring to youth and students follow with the amount of the financial support of 6.4% of total approved funds and the area of environment protection with 6.3% of funds.

Review of the beneficiaries of the approved programs/projects presents especially significant data, since past analyses of funds allocation did not deal with this issue. Analysis of answers recorded 83 groups of beneficiaries of all supported programs/projects12. In accordance with the area that was supported in the highest percentage, athletes have been direct beneficiaries in 60% of approved programs/projects; the persons with disabilities have formed the second largest group of direct beneficiaries. They have been direct beneficiaries in 272 projects/programs with 14.3% of total approved funds. General community, i.e. citizens, has been direct beneficiary in 225 approved programs/projects, i.e. 8.7% of approved funds and youth within the general population who have been direct beneficiaries of 160 programs/projects.

As regards activities of the supported projects/programs, the activities directed to building life quality of the persons with disabilities stand out in 385 programs/projects for which 556.715.583 Dinars were allocated. As per frequency, the activities are as follows: the activities on public informing (forums, conferences, public appearances, campaigns and the like) in 183 programs/projects, the educational activities – 143 programs/projects and the activities from the area of environment protection – 146 projects/programs.

As seen according to the territorial mapping of the programs/projects, there have been mostly those that covered the whole territory of Serbia – 362. These have been at the same time the projects/programs of the highest value with 60.2% of the total funds allocated. Projects realised abroad comprised of 216 projects with 47.8% of the total funds allocated. When smaller territorial units are observed, such as towns and municipalities, the greatest number of projects/programs was approved in Belgrade – 567, then in Novi Sad with 104 programs/projects, Niš with 99 and Kragujevac with 50 approved programs/projects. We wish to emphasize that funds earmarked here were neither included from the provincial budget, nor from the local administration budgets.

The programs/projects realised abroad were supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (104 programs/projects), the Ministry of Religion and Diaspora (66), the Ministry of Education and Science (8) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2).

In order to envisage and compare data obtained through the Questionnaire, the comparative review of the reported, planned and allocated amount13 of funds of the economic classification 481 was done. This comparison has been significant for the insight into the accuracy of given answers on the part of institutions. Relative to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, the Questionnaire covers only 49.2% of the total planned allocations of the economic classification 481, whereas in comparison to the execution of budget, the ratio is more favourable and amounts to 85.6%. Institutions reported on the 12 See table 55.13 See table 59.


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approved 2.845.092.234 Dinars, the planned amount according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law amounts to 5.782.303.787 Dinars, whereas the execution of budget according to the Draft Law on Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia amounts to 4.950.323.294 Dinars.

Apart from the significant shortcomings due to the partial review of earmarked funds on the part of a great number of the biggest support providers, the Report lacks data on approved funds of the several institutional bodies which substantially provided civil society organisations with funds.

As per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, the most funds were allocated for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which in its structure has participated with over one third (34.1%) in the annual financing of the associations and other civil society organisations together with the sources from the budget fund for financing sports. This Ministry has almost completely reported on the funds approved.

According to the stated Law, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies follows together with the two funds in its structure and the Directorate of Gender Equality (15%), whereas the presented funds allocated in the Questionnaire were 63%.

For the activities of the Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 13% of the planned funds were directed to the association and other civil society organisations (742.578.963 Dinars). However, this Ministry reported on only 4.8% of the earmarked funds in the Questionnaire (35.526.000 Dinars) in relation to the total execution of budget (688.592.008 Dinars).

As for the activities of the Ministry of Health together with the Budget fund for Red Cross, 11% of the planned funds was directed (610.308.000 Dinars). However, this Ministry reported on only 0.7 % of the funds earmarked in the Questionnaire (3.998.784 Dinars) in relation to the total execution of budget (468.156.370 Dinars).

Significant allocations for the political parties were in the amount of 9%. However, there are no answers in the Questionnaire about allocation in this area, since the Ministry of Finance did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire. The planned funds amounted to 542.401.000 Dinars, as it was executed.

For the activities of protection and promotion of human and minority rights 5% were directed, whereas the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government answered throughout the Questionnaire that in 2011 they did not have any allocations, which is in compliance with the execution of budget, and the Agency for Human and Minority Rights did not adequately fill in the Questionnaire, although the total planned funds amounted to 293.167.824 Dinars, of which the executed were 255.257.171 Dinars.

As per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, 4% of the funds apiece were allocated for culture and Media, as well as for the activities arising from the environment protection area. The Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society together with the Cultural Centres had earmarked 240.901.000 Dinars. However, this Ministry answered in inadequate manner on allocation of 194.389.500 Dinars.


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1. General data on participation of state institutions in the preparation of the Annual Summary Report on budget expenditures provided to the associations and other civil society organisations from the budget of the Republic of Serbia in 2011

Invitation for participation in completion of the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations (hereinafter referred to as: the Questionnaire) has been sent to the addresses of 104 institutions of direct and indirect budget beneficiaries recognized in the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/2010). Ninety institutions accepted the invitation for participation in completion of the Questionnaire (i.e. 85% of total number), whereas 14 institutions14 did not accept the invitation to submit data on the financial, i.e. non-financial support to the associations and other civil society organisations.

From 90 institutions that took part in completion of the Questionnaire, 22 institutions reported that they provided the financial, i.e. non-financial support in 2011. Four institutions 15 filled in the Questionnaire incompletely, so the answers of these institutions were not included in this analysis, and 68 institutions 16

answered that they did not provide/allocate financial or non-financial support to the associations or other civil society organisations.

Chart 1 Number of institutions which provided, i.e. did not provide financial support to the associations or other civil society organisations and number of institutions which did not participate in completion of the


14 See Annex 2, Table А2-1: Number and names of institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire.15 As it was stated, the total of four institutions did not adequately fill in the Questionnaire, so data obtained from those institutions could not be used during calculation of answers summary statistics, since discrepancy of entered amounts and incomplete data made impossible further use of these data. See Annex 3 for more information.16 See Annex 2, Table А2-2: Names of institutions and reasons why the support was not provided to the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011.


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2. Data on support provided to the associations and other civil society organisations collected on the basis of the Questionnaire

2.1. Names of institutions and the amounts of allocated funds

According to data obtained by completion of the Questionnaire17, 18 institutions allocated funds to the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011. The answer on allocation of funds in the total amount of 3.052.736.657 Dinars was provided in the Questionnaire. As per institutions, the amounts of allocated funds vary considerably. The Ministry of Youth and Sports participated with 2.1 billion Dinars (69.4% of total allocated funds in 2011), followed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies with 526.9 (17.3% of total funds), whereas other 16 institutions participated with 405.7 million Dinars in sum (13.3% of funds allocated).

Table 1 Review of the institutions and the amounts of allocated funds

Name of the institution Allocated funds in Dinars

Percentage of the total amount of funds

1 Ministry of Youth and Sports 69,42 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 526.917.324 17,33 Environmental Protection Fund18 129.440.522 4,24 Ministry of Education and Science 70.786.408 2,35 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 70.000.000 2,36 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 35.526.000 1,27 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 32.121.683 1,18 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 21.900.000 0,79 Office for the Coordination Body of the Government of the

Republic of Serbia for Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa11.164.945 0,4


Directorate for Forests 8.557.063 0,3


Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

7.499.932 0,2


Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 5.035.529 0,2


Ministry of Defence 4.000.000 0,1


Ministry of Health 3.998.784 0,1


Anti-Corruption Agency 1.999.390 0,1


Directorate for Gender Equality 1.916.649 0,1


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1.720.770 0,1


Serbian Environmental Protection Agency 50.000 0

  Total: 18 3.052.736.657

17 Comparative analysis of the planned allocations on the budget line 481 as per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/2010), as well as the analysis of the executed allocations on the line 481 during 2011 according to the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of he Republic of Serbia for 2011 could be found in the section 6 of this Report. All sections of the Report prior to section 6 refer exclusively to data obtained by processing single Questionnaires of the budget funds beneficiaries.18 Environmental Protection Fund, according to the Law on Environmental Protection Fund (“Official Gazette of the RS”, Nos. 72/2009 and 101/2011) has the status of the legal entity and for that reason the allocations of this Fund were treated separately, although the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning monitors the work of this Fund.


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2.2. Number of institutions and the amount of funds allocated according to the type of support: financial, non-financial or both types of support

All institutions which completed the Questionnaire provided the financial support, except for the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management which provided the non-financial support.

Table 2 Number of the institutions according to the type of support

Type of support Number of the institutions

Financial support 17

Non-financial support 0

Both types of support 1

Total 18

2.3. The amount of funds allocated through financial and non-financial support

According to data obtained from the Questionnaire, the financial support for the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011 amounted to 3.052.736.657 Dinars, while only the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management provided the non-financial type of support, which was not expressed in value. The non-financial support was approved outside the call for proposal for donating goods, which was only expressed in quantity and per types of goods, according to the decision of this institution manager (the Minister) as a donation upon the Conclusion of the Government of the RS19. According to the exposition of the line Ministry provided in the Questionnaire, the goods in question referred to goods seized by the market inspectors from companies in the course of executing administration and court procedures within the line Ministry competency, after the inspection monitoring was performed on the basis of established violation of positive regulations. On the initiative of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Sector for Market Inspection drew up the goods specification for the donation, which was donated upon the adoption of the Government Conclusion within the legal procedure and upon the Minister`s proposal. The support was directed for the needs of socially handicapped inhabitants in Kosovsko Pomoravlje and isolated enclaves on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, who live at the edge of existence and present the regular beneficiaries of support.

Table 3 The amount of funds allocated through financial and non-financial support

Type of support Amount in Dinars

1 Financial support 3.052.736.657

2 Non-financial support 0

3 Both types of support Not expressed in value

  Total: 3.052.736.657

2.4. Review of institutions and the amounts of funds related to the procedures for granting financial support

The greatest number of institutions (17) granted financial support to the associations and other civil society organisations through public calls for proposals. In this manner, Dinars were allocated, i.e. 40% of total amount of funds allocated during 2011.Granting support outside the calls for proposal, 155.663.332 Dinars, i.e. 5.1% of total funds allocated were earmarked by the Ministers/Leaders/Directors/Heads of institutions, organizational units or other legal entities.

19 Number 404-9954/11 as of 29 December 201115

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Also, as observed from the financial aspect, the method of providing support by rendering special services has been insignificant and by this procedure only 5.906.799 Dinars, i.e. 0.2% of funds were allocated.

Table 4 Number of institutions and the amounts of funds according to the procedures of granting financial support

Granting procedures Number ofinstitutions20

Total amount in


Share of different methods of granting

support, %

1 Support granted through public call for proposal 17 40.0

2Support granted outside the call for proposal, but by the decision of the public administration body /republic institution/organizational unit/other legal entity person in charge

7 155.663.332 5.1

3 Support granted upon rendering services, i.e. specialised services 3 5.906.799 0.2


ОTHER: Upon the Rulebook on close criteria for establishing the general interest in the area of sport, Directive on the method of work and acting during the process of program selection by which the general interest in the area of sport is achieved

1 1.564.761.878 51.3

5ОTHER: Upon the Decree on national acknowledgements and rewards for special contribution to development and affirmation of sport

1 97.115.634 3.2

6 ОTHER: Law on the Budget System of the RS for 2011 1 4.000.000 0.1

7 ОTHER: Conclusion of the Government 1 2.944.759 0.1

8 ОTHER: On the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation 1 200.000 0.0

Total: 3.052.736.657 100

Obtained data indicate that in 54.7% cases the procedure of public call for proposals was not used during allocation of funds, but other procedures for funds allocation. The total of four Ministries stated the use of other methods of granting support. To this end, significant funds in the amount of 1.661.877.512 Dinars, i.e. 54.5% of the funds the Ministry of Youth and Sports allocated by using the internal procedures in accordance with the by-laws in this area.

Also, as a basis for funds allocation, the Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for 201121, Conclusion of the Government and the Memorandum of Cooperation were used and funds allocated by this procedure amount to 7.1 million Dinars.

Table 5 Names of the institutions which used other procedures for granting financial support

Granting procedures Names of institution

Total amount in



ОTHER: Upon the Rulebook on close criteria for establishing the general interest in the area of sport, Directive on the method of work and acting during the process of program selection by which the general interest in the area of sport is achieved

Ministry of Youth and Sports 1.564.761.878

2 ОTHER: Upon the Decree on national acknowledgements and rewards for special contribution to development and affirmation of sport

Ministry of Youth and Sports 97.115.634

3 ОTHER: The Law on the Budget System of the RS for 2011 Ministry of Defence 4.000.000

4 ОTHER: Conclusion of the GovernmentMinistry of

Education and Science


5 ОTHER: On the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation Ministry of 200.000

20 Eighteen institutions allocated financial funds and the sum of the expressed number of institutions in Tables may vary and differ from this number, due to multiple choice answers and the situation when the answer to the given question in the Questionnaire was not provided on the part of some institutions. This note should be borne in mind when interpreting the following Tables.21 “Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 101/10 


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Granting procedures Names of institution

Total amount in


Religion and Diaspora

Total: 1.669.022.271

2.5. Sources of financial support to civil society organizations

As per the source of financing used by the institutions for finacing associations and other civil society organizations, most funds were allocated from the budget revenue – almost 98.6%. Other sources of financing are of no significance.

Credit was used, as an additional source of financing, by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (the value of the credit amounted to almost thirty million Dinars), and donation was used by two institutions – the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management (without entering the amount of the donation – in the category for the non-financial method of support) and the Office of the Coordination Body of the Governement of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa in the amount of 144.000 Dinars.

Тable 6 The sources of financing associations and other civil society organisations

Source of financing Amount in Dinars In percentage

1 Budget revenue 98,6

2 Credit 29.741.797 1,0

3 Own revenue22 8.835.617 0,3

4 Unallocated surplus from the previous years23 2.956.975 0,1

5 Donation24 144.000 0,0

  Total: 3.052.736.657 100

From the total budget revenue, dedicated income amounted to 817.2 million Dinars and has represented 27.1% of the total budget revenue. Dedicated income as per the Law on the Budget System represents “public funds which use and appropriation is set forth by law“. This income has been generated according to the Law on Games of Chance25 and the Law on Environmental Protection26.If we observe the share of dedicated income in the total sources of financing of the associations and other civil society organisations, it amounts to 26.8%.

The structure of dedicated income shows that the greatest part of such sources (82.7%) originates from the income generated acccording to the Law on Games of Chance27, and that 17.3% are of other dedicated incomes.

22 As per the Law on the Budget System (“Official Gazette of the RS“, Nos. 54/2009, 73/2010, 101/2010, 101/2011), “own revenue shall present revenues which are generated through activities, i.e. sales of goods or rendering services, in compliance with the Law, by direct or indirect budgetary funds beneficiaries and funds of organizations for mandatory social insurance“.23 Unallocated surplus from previous years is used as a source of financing in the current fiscal year.24 As per the Law on the Budget System “donations represent dedicated income that is realised on the basis ofAgreement between the donator and the recipient of the donation.“ 25 As per the Law on Games of Chance ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 88/11) 40% of generated income from the games of chance represent dedicated budget income used for financing Red Cross Serbia, organizations of the persons with disabilities and other associations whose aim is to improve socio-economic and social status of the persons with disabilities and other persons in need of social care, institutions of social security, sports and youth, local administration and for the treatment of rare diseases. Furthermore, according to this Law the dedicated income is allocated upon 19% for financing areas stated above and defined by the Law respectively, whereas the method and criterion of allocation are set forth by the competent Ministers.26 Environmental Protection Law (“Official Gazette of the RS", Nos. 135/2004, 36/2009, 36/2009 – another Law, 72/2009 – another Law and 43/2011 – Decision of the Constitutional Court) defines charges for environmental pollution as dedicated use of sources collected by payment of this charge for improving environmental protection (60% of collected funds have formed the income of the local administration unit, and 40% the budget income of the RS).27


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Institutions which have generated the dedicated income according to the Law on Games of Chance (in the total amount of 676 million Dinars) are as follows:

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in the amount of 401.730.427 Dinars and Ministry of Youth and Sports in the amount of 274.342.199 Dinars.

Other dedicated income has been generated by two institutions: Environmental Protection Fund from the charges for environmental pollution which have presented

the Fund`s income in the amount of 129.440.522 Dinars; Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of 11.774.910 Dinars through the loan of the

World Bank to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the project Delivery of Improved Local Services – DILS Project.

Тable 7 Dedicated income budget used for financing of the associations and other civil society organisations Source of financing Amount in Dinars Percentage

1 Dedicated income budget as per the Law on Games of Chance 676.072.626 82,7

2 Other dedicated income 141.215.432 17,3

Total: 817.288.057 100,0

2.6. Economic classification of the budget funds through which the funds were allocated to the associations and other civil society organisations

Institutions which completed the Questionnaire, reported from which economic classifications the budget lines were allocated for financing the associations and civil society organisations in 2011. The economic classifications are as follows:

- 481 – Subsidies to non-government organisations- 424 – Specialised services- 423 – Service agreements- 472 – Compensation arising from social security- 451 – Subsidies to public non-financial companies

As expected, the greatest part of the funds was allocated through economic classification 481 – subsidies to non-government organisations, almost 2.8 billion Dinars, i.e. 93.2% of funds allocated in 2011.

Table 8 Economic classifications through which the funds were allocated

Classification Amount in Dinars In percentage

1 481 – Subsidies to non-government organisations 2.845.092.233 93,2

2 472 – Compensation for social security from the budget 102.927.784 3,4

3 451 – Subsidies to public non-financial companies 75.057.063 2,5

4 424 – Specialised services 25.693.548 0,8

 5 423 – Service agreements 3.966.029 0,1

Total: 3.052.736.657


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Only three institutions of those which participated in completion of the Questionnaire – the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Directorate for Forests – did not report on funds allocation from the economic classification 481.

As per the total amount, the next used classification was 472 – compensation for social security from the budget with the total amount of 102.9 million Dinars, reported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education and Science.

The next is the economic classification 451 – subsidies to public non-financial companies, from which the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Directorate for Forests allocated in total of 75.1 million Dinars.

Line 424 – specialised services for financing were used by five institutional bodies – the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . The total amount of support executed through this line is 25.7 million Dinars.

Line 423 – service agreements were used by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the total amount of funds allocated through this economic classification is four million Dinars.

Table 9 List of the institutions and review of the economic classifications from which the funds were allocated to the associations and civil society other organisations

Name of the institution

Economic classification

481Subsidies to non-

government organisations


for social security from

the budget

451Subsidies for public

non-financial companies




agreements Total

1 Ministry of Youth and Sports 1.956.486.025 97.115.634  66.500.000

2 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 526.917.324         526.917.324

3 Environmental Protection Fund 129.440.522         129.440.522

4 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 70.000.000         70.000.000

5 Ministry of Education and Science 42.420.980 5.812.150 19.608.519 2.944.759  70.786.408

6 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 35.526.000       35.526.000

7 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 32.121.683       32.121.683

8Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

21.400.000   500.000   21.900.000


Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

11.164.945     11.164.945

10Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

7.499.932       7.499.932

11 Ministry of Defence 4.000.000       4.000.000

12 Ministry of Health 3.998.784       3.998.784


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Name of the institution

Economic classification

481Subsidies to non-

government organisations


for social security from

the budget

451Subsidies for public

non-financial companies




agreements Total

13 Anti-Corruption Agency 1.999.390       1.999.390

14 Directorate for Gender Equality 1.916.649       1.916.649

15 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 200.000   4.835.529   5.035.529

16 Serbian Environmental Protection Agency     50.000   50.000

17 Ministry of Foreign Affairs   699.500 1.021.270 1.720.770

18 Directorate for Forests   8.557.063     8.557.063

Total 2.845.092.233 102.927.784 75.057.063 25.693.548 3.966.029 3.052.736.657

2.7. Co-funding of programs/projects selected in the scope of donation support

Co-funding of the programs/projects approved in the scope of donation support has not presented a significant form of financing the associations and other civil society organisations by state institutions . Only three institutions co-financed the total of 43 projects that were financed from donors` funds. The total value of co-financing during 2011 amounted to 76.6 million Dinars.

Projects were co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development (total of 41 projects), the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija (one project) and the Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa (one project).

Data presented in this Report were obtained from the institutions which reported on support they provided, so it is not possible to have information on other funds that the associations secured for realisation of the projects and programs. Also, it is vital to add that this presents the answer to the question on provided co-financed support for the projects/programs approved in the scope of donation support. However, analysis of the mere calls for proposals/other procedures has shown that certain institutions performed co-financing through the calls for proposals, as well (for more information see Table 13 and the calls for proposals/other procedures under items 9 and 10 – within the Ministry of Religion and Diaspora, the call for proposal under item 12 of the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, the call for proposal under item 17 – the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and two calls for proposals/other procedures of the Environmental Protection Fund under items 60 and 61).

Table 10 List of the institutions which co-financed the projects/programs approved in the scope of donation support, the number of projects and the amount of co-financing

Name of the institution Number of co-financed projects

Amount in Dinars

1 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 41 70.000.000

2 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 1 6.494.000

3 Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa 1 144.000

Total: 43 76.638.000


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2.8. Refunding – number of institutions, number of the refunds, the amount of refunding

Twelve institutions answered to the question whether there had been the refunding on the part of the associations and other civil society organisations for the projects/programs that were approved during 2011, stating that they did not have any refunding during 2011, and four institutions answered affirmatively. The stated reasons of the refunding are as follows: project or program did not start in the expected timeframe, they had undedicated expenditures, and project was realized with fewer funds than it had been projected.

In 2011, there was refunding in total of 74 projects approved that year. The total value of returned funds is 90.7 million Dinars. It may be pointed out as a rather positive fact that almost 98.1% of returned funds for the projects approved that year were returned since the association or other civil society organisation managed to realise the projects with fewer funds than allocated in the first place. As per the number of projects, undedicated expenditures seem to be the reason for 39 projects, and 33 projects were successfully realised with fewer funds than the allocated amount. It should be emphasized that projects approved during 2011 might not have been completely realised in 2011. In accordance with this, the exact amount of the returned funds for projects approved during 2011 will be known in the following years.

During 2011, the refunding was executed in the total amount of 1.1 million Dinars for the total of 20 projects approved prior to 2011.

Table 11 Number and the amount of refunds in relation to the reasons for refunding

Reason Number of institutions

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

year 2011

Amount in Dinars

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

previous years

Amount in Dinars


Refunding for the whole project or program, since the project or the program did not start

2 2 1.157.960 1 714.960


Return of undedicated expenditures (e.g. higher expenditures per particular budget lines without previous approval and the like)

2 39 565.471 9 31.962


Organisation hassuccessfully realised the project with less amount than the allocated one

3 33 88.963.856 10 364.706

4 There was no refund 15        Total 74 90.687.287 20 1.111.628

The Ministry of Youth and Sports reported that in 2011 they executed refunding in the amount of 88.9 million Dinars28 from the projects that were successfully realised with fewer amounts than the allocated ones, and which were approved during 2011. This Ministry also reported that the reason for refunding was undedicated expenditure in 39 projects, and the total amount of returned funds was 565.000 Dinars.

The Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija also reported on refunding during 2011 (721.230 Dinars) and the Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa (518.324 Dinars).

28 As refunded amounts that the Ministry of Youth and Sports reported about were extremely high, Office for Cooperation with Civil Society contacted them afterwards, and found that while filling in the Questionnaire there was a misunderstanding of this question and the amount is related to justified funds of supported projects, not the amount of funds that were returned to the budget.


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For projects approved in the previous years, the three institutions reported – the Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa (358.436 Dinars), the Environmental Protection Fund (31.962 Dinars) and the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija (721.230 Dinars).

Table 12 Number and the amount of refunding during 2011 according to the institutions which reported on refunding

Name of the institution Reason for refunding

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

year 2011

Amount in Dinars

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

previous years

Amount in Dinars

1 Ministry of Youth and Sports

Return of undedicated expenditures (e.g. higher

expenditure per particular

budget lines without previous

approval and the like) 39 565.471 0 0

2 Ministry of Youth and Sports

Organisation has successfully

realised the project with less amount than the

allocated one 29 88.882.262 0 0

3 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija

Refunding for the whole project or

program, since the project or

the program did not start 1 714.960 1 714.960


Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of

Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

Refunding for the whole project or

program, since the project or

the program did not start 1 443.000 0 0


Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of

Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

Organisation has successfully

realised the project with less amount than the

allocated one 2 75.324 8 358.436

6 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija

Organisation has successfully

realised the project with less 2 6.270 2 6.270


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Name of the institution Reason for refunding

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

year 2011

Amount in Dinars

Number of

refunds in 2011 for the

previous years

Amount in Dinars

amount than the allocated one

7 Environmental Protection Fund

Return of undedicated expenditures (e.g. higher

expenditure per particular

budget lines without previous

approval and the like) 0 0 9 31.962

  Total: 74 90.687.287 20 1.111.628


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3. Review of the calls for proposals and other procedures for allocation of funds

During 2011, there was total of 62 calls for proposals for allocation of financial support to the associations and other civil society organisations. The number of applications about which state institutions reported has been 2.79429, whereas the total number of approved projects has been 1.428. The ratio between approved applications and the total number of received applications has been 36%30. Thus, for every three received application, there was on average one approved at the level of all state institutions during 2011. The ratio between approved and received applications differs greatly between institutions, as well as between the calls for proposals within institutions themselves. The least favourable ratio of approved and received applications during 2011 was achieved in the Public invitation in 2011 for the program activities for development of scientific staff of the Ministry of Education and Science (out of 70 application, only one was approved). Nevertheless, the same Ministry had in another announced call for proposal the Public invitation for allocation of subsidies to students` associations for realisation of the programs, i.e. parts of programs of the general interest for students, the ratio of approved and received projects of 86.4%, which is considerably more than the institutions average, since more than eight applications were approved out of ten received ones.

Particularly unfavourable ratio of the received applications in relation to the approved ones has been recorded with one public call for proposal of the Directorate for Gender Equality (from 34 received application, only four were approved - the ratio 11.8%); one call for proposal from the two with the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning (the ratio 13.8%), with only one out of seven calls for proposals of the Ministry for Labour and Social Policies (the ratio 16.7%) 31 and with one call for proposal reported by the Ministry of Health (the ratio 17.6%).

In order to completely comprehend the manner in which the needs of the associations and other civil society organisations adjust to available resources, this question should be made mandatory in the Questionnaire for the next period, since there have been 12 calls for proposals for which data on number of the received applications was not entered, and therefore they could not provide a complete review of the state of affairs.

29 Note: there are institutional bodies which did not report on the number of received applications for calls for proposals, but they did state the total number of approved applications.30 The ratio between approved and received applications at the level of all public administration bodies was calculated by exclusively taking into account those calls for proposals (of institutional bodies) for which the number of received applications and the number of approved ones was entered.31 The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies reported on one call for proposal where all received projects were approved.


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Table 13 Review of the calls of proposals and other procedures for allocation of funds within institutions, review of the number of received applications, the number of approved projects, review of legal/strategic basis for allocation of funds for the call for proposal, as well as the goal of the stated calls for proposals

Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Ministry of Economy and Regional Development


Call for proposal for the allocation of subsidies for

projects on tourism development in 2011

98 41 41,8 70.000.000

Schedule program and the use of

subsidies intended for tourism development

in 2011

Strategy for tourism

development, Tourism Law

1) Promotion and improvement of tourist products and tourist areas quality and improvement of receptive tourist-catering offer

2) Establishment of the regional balance of tourist turnover and monitoring system of achieved results in tourism

3) Establishment of the incentive system for green field investments so as to attract profitable investments

4) Establishment of the system for development and sustainability of the authentic tourist destinations through integration of tourism in

local communities by preparing and applying development plans, as well as by organizing destination management

5) Infrastructure development, environment protection and protection of cultural and historical heritage in tourist areas

6) Establishment of the management model by development of tourism and education with the accent on the local and regional

growth of competitiveness and quality in tourism

Anti-Corruption Agency


Call for proposal for support for civil society organisations

projects directed to strengthening society capacity in anti-


5 1 20,0 1.999.390

The Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for


National strategy for anti-


Ensure sustainability of civil society participation in anti-corruption and strengthening of social integrity


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Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Environmental Protection Agency

3 (Name of the call for proposal was not entered) - 1 - 50.000 Decision No:401-00-


Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

4 Anti-Doping education 2 2 100 2.200.000

Anti-Doping Law

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of

Serbia from 2009 to 2013

Anti-doping education, creation of conditions for achieving top sport results, appropriate supplementation and sport nutrition, decrease in

the number of athletes who take illegal drugs by providing alternative method of improving sport performances through

appropriate nutrition and supplementation

5 Preparation of an on-line course for sport nutrition 1 1 100 535.529

Creation of conditions for achieving top sport results, appropriate supplementation and sport nutrition, decrease in the number of

athletes who take illegal drugs by providing alternative method of improving sport performance though appropriate nutrition and


6 Practical sport nutrition 1 1 100 1.200.000

Creation of conditions for achieving top sport results, appropriate supplementation and sport nutrition, decrease in the number of

athletes who take illegal drugs by providing alternative method of improving sport performance though appropriate nutrition and


7 Hydration assessment of basketball teams 1 1 100 1.100.000

Improvement of scientific and research activities in the area of sport medicine, improvement of athletes health care, creation of conditions

for achieving top sport results

Ministry of Religion and Diaspora

8 Call for proposal for realisation of the project “Improvement of

religious culture, religious freedom and tolerance”

61 18 29,5 5.326.000 The Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for

2011, Law on Churches and


Affirmation, protection and development of Serbian cultural heritage and its presentation, encouraging religious and cultural creativity,

protection and development of religious culture as a factor of ethnical and cultural identity of the national minorities, encouraging

development of science on religion and interdisciplinary projects significant for the work of the Ministry


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Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal



Call for proposal for the co-financed projects which

contribute with their quality to preservation and strengthening of links between the parent country

and Diaspora

146 35 24,0 10.000.000The Law on the

Diaspora and Serbs in the Region

Strategy of preserving and strengthening

relations between the

parent county and Serbs in the


Usage, learning, preservation and cherishing the Serbian language and the Cyrillic letters, preservation and cherishing the Serbian

cultural, ethnical, language and religious identity and improvement of the economic cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the



Call for proposal for the co-financed projects which

contribute with their quality to preservation and strengthening of links between the parent country

and Diaspora

132 39 29,5 20.000.000The Law on the

Diaspora and Serbs in the Region

Usage, learning, preservation and cherishing the Serbian language and the Cyrillic letters, preservation and cherishing the Serbian,

cultural, ethnical, language and religious identity and improvement of the economic cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and

Serbs in the region.


The Memorandum on Cooperation with civil society

organisations “National alliance for local and economic development – NALED”

- 1 - 200.000

Work Program of the

Government of the Republic of Serbia for 2011

Improvement of the relations between the emigrants, citizens of the Republic of Serbia and their organizations and the Republic of

Serbia; creation of conditions for inclusion into political, cultural and economic life of the Republic of Serbia the emigrants, persons of the Serbian origin and citizens of the Republic of Serbia who live abroad

and their return to the Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning


Call for proposal for the co-financed project in the area of environment protection whose

Lead Beneficiaries are non-government organisations in 2011

376 52 13,8 15.000.000

The Law on the Budget System of the

Republic of Serbia

Contribution to environment protection through realisation of the projects which are related to popularization, encouragement and strengthening awareness of environment protection significance; realisation of the projects directed to solving individual issues or

topics in the field of preservation of natural resources and environment protection; implementation of one time activities

directed to solving actual problems.


Projects financed on the basis of the individual decisions of the


23 23 100 6.900.000 Popularization, encouragement and strengthening awareness of environment protection

Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija


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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal


Projects financed on the basis of procedure defined by programs

and conclusions of the Government

1 26 3,8 32.121.683 Conclusions of the Government

Strategy for return and survival on Kosovo and


Sustainable return and survival on Kosovo and Metohija

Ministry of Health


Invitation for submitting the proposals for “Support for

activities for health improvement” application for the project/program and meetings of

non-government organisations for the financial support under the

auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia

131 23 17,6 3.998.784The Law on the

Budget System for 2011

Development plan for health

care and Law on Health Care

Reduce morbidity and death rate from chronic non-contagious diseases (HNB), HIV/AIDS, addiction diseases, improvement of women`s, children, old and persons with disabilities, as well as

Roma health; adoption of healthy life styles and prevention of HNB

Ministry of Defence

16 Procedure for the funds allocation to citizens` associations

- 1 - 4.000.000 Article 76 of the Law on Defence (“Official Gazette of the RS“, No. 116/07) and the Decree on criterion

and procedure for the funds allocation for participation in the

financing programs of the citizens`

associations work which are based on

the activities significant to defence (“Official Gazette of

the RS“, No.100/2008 – hereinafter referred

to as: Decree).The Law on the

Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for

The Memorandum on

Cooperation between the Ministry of

Defence of the Republic of Serbia and SORVSS33, Cooperation

Program of the Ministry of Defence, the

Serbian Armed Forces and

SORVSS34 and the Cooperation

Plan of the Ministry of Defence, the

Serbian Armed

Implementation of the activities for popularization and affirmation of the importance of the role and duty of officers and non-

commissioned officers in the modern defence structures, the Serbian Armed Forces and its missions, defence system and rescuing people and material goods, as well as cherishing freedom traditions of the

Serbian people.


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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

2011, section 14, function 210,

economic classification 481

(“Official Gazette of the RS“, No.

101/2010) it is defined that the funds are in the amount of 4.000.000 Dinars per appropriation 481 – Subsidies to non-

government organisations

allocated for the work of SORVSS32

Decision on the appointment of legal entities significant for

defence of the Republic of Serbia

(“Official Gazette of the RS“, No. 52/08)

Decision on determining products

and services of special significance to

defence of the Republic of Serbia

(“Official Gazette of the RS“, No. 58/08)

Decision of the Government of the

Forces and SORVSS35 for

the calendar year


33Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia343Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia35Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia


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Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Republic of Serbia on determining

companies and other legal entities which produce items and

render services significant to defence

of the Republic of Serbia (confidential Nos. 00-374/2009-3 as of 29 December 2009), on the item number 1873 From

the institutional bodies and

organisations of special significance, the Organisation of the Reserve Military

Officers of Serbia was selected, whose legal successor is the

Association of the Reserve Military

Officers Organisation of Serbia (SORVSS)

Ministry of Youth and Sports

17 Call for proposal for financing and co-financing the programs directed to realization of the

programs and activities anticipated by the action plan and goals of the national strategy for

sport development in the Republic of Serbia for the period


- 110 - 121.001.616 The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport,

Directive on work manner and acting during the selection

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


Realisation of activities directed to achievement of goals of the Strategy for development in the Republic of Serbia for the period



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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

of programs by which the general interest is achieved in the area

of sport


Call for proposal for implementation of the goals of

the national strategy for youth – the resource centres for

participation in the process of encouraging youth activism

44 25 56,8 36.896.334

Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects

in the area of youth policy in 2011

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as

of 4 March 2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

National strategy for youth envisages encouragement, organization and appreciation of youth voluntary work with the aim to indicate to

social need for voluntary programs and benefits from voluntary work, as well as to ensure the conditions for voluntary work in all

areas of social life. The year 2011 was pronounced as the European year of voluntary activities by the decision of the EU. It was

officially opened on the conference in Budapest on 8 January 2011. It was estimated that one hundred million Europeans do voluntary

work. In the scope of voluntary work, it was planned that the “caravan“ of the European year of voluntary work would pass

through each member state, which should enable exchange of the volunteers` experience, and also to contribute to solving the key

issues in the domain of voluntary work. With support of civil society organisations – the Resource centres for the participation in the

process of encouraging youth activism, to which this call of proposal was intended, formal and informal groups of young people may state their ideas and suggestions for realisation of youth voluntary actions

in their local communities. Bearing in mind that 2011 was the European year of voluntary work and that young people should have had the opportunity to actively contribute to the improvement of life

in their communities, the Ministry of Youth and Sports expressed readiness to support them in such endeavours.


Calls for proposals for building capacity of youth in writing

projects and their more active inclusion into the programs of the

European Union and the European integration

2 1 50,0 3.200.000

Decree on determining program schedule and the use of funds for programs

and projects in the area of youth policy in 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4

March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

The particularly important process in implementing the National strategy for youth and the Action plan is preparation of young people

for the international cooperation and participation in the EU programs for youth, such as the program “Youth in Action“. For support in the realisation of this call for proposal, the Ministry of

Youth and Sports had engaged one association which should implement the training about writing projects for youth, in order to more actively include young people into programs of the European

Union and the European integration.

20 Calls for proposals for building capacity of youth in writing

projects and their more active inclusion into the programs of the

2 1 50,0 2.999.018 Decree on determining program schedule and the use of funds for programs

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation

Implementation of the training course for writing projects and project cycle management, provision of administrative-technical assistance in the process of evaluation of project proposals and monitoring and

support for realisation of the approved projects of associations in


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Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

European Union and the European integration

and projects in the area of youth policy in 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4

March .2011)

of the National strategy for


realisation of the “Call for proposals for building capacity of youth associations – The training course in the area of preparation (writing)

projects and project cycle management“


Call for proposal for building capacity of youth associations – call for submitting the projects for youth associations which participated in the training

courses in the area of the project preparation and project cycle management, financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports

during 2010 and 2011

30 23 76,6 3.421.330

Decree on determining program schedule and the use of funds for programs

and projects in the area of youth policy in 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4

March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

The particularly important process in implementing the Strategy and the Action plan is preparation and strengthening of network for

implementation of youth policy. The Ministry of Youth and Sports deems civil sector as one of the most significant partners in

implementation of the Strategy goals. It is necessary to include in this process all youth associations which have only just started working, beside the experienced associations. Therefore, the

Ministry of Youth and Sports provides the continuing support to capacity development of the non-experienced associations through trainings in the area of preparation (writing) projects and project

cycle management. During 2008 and 2009 the training for 55 non-sufficiently experienced associations was provided, of which 42 projects have been financed until now. During 2010, the new 29

youth associations participated in the training courses in the area of project management within which they developed their project ideas.

22 Call for proposal for monitoring and promoting the work of the

Office for Youth

1 1 100 11.301.900 Decree on determining program schedule and use of funds for programs and projects in the

area of youth policy in 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4

March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

In order to successfully implement the aims included in the National strategy for youth at the local level, it was necessary to create

prerequisites, i.e. to form local offices for youth (hereinafter referred to as the LOY), engage the coordinator for the LOY, form local

Council for youth and prepare the Local action plans (hereinafter referred to as: the LAP). During 2008, 2009 and 2010, the stated process encompassed over 100 municipalities which started the

process of planned solving of youth problems in their region, i.e. started the process of establishing the offices for youth and thus

contributed to creation of institutionalised framework for system care and position of youth in their regions. In 2009 and 2010, the Ministry

of Youth and Sports was directed to ensuring sustainability of the newly formed municipal structures – the LOY, the Council for youth,

and the coordinator for the LOY, as well as sustainability program which shall through its implementation at the municipal level directly impact the improvement of youth quality of life. The

Ministry of Youth and Sports has in the previous three years ensured prerequisites to overcome the real circumstances in the optimal way

with the complete use of the existing resources of the Ministry, through networking of the international donors with the local


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Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

participants who deal with youth policy, education and informing of youth in order to recognize and take advantage of their own

potentials, as well as through inclusion of all local protagonists into creation and implementation of the local youth policy. For the

realisation of this call for proposal, the Ministry of Youth and Sports shall engage one association that will be engaged into organisation and provision of professional and technical assistance to work and promotion of the offices for youth at the local and regional level.


Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to

realisation of the goals set in the strategy for sport development in the Republic of Serbia, which is financed from the budget fund of

the games of chance.

263 110 41,8 1.772.265.645

The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of

Serbia in the period 2009–


Realisation of the Strategy goals for sport development in the Republic of Serbia in the period 2009–2013

24Call for proposal for realisation

of the international cooperation in the field of youth policy

39 20 51,3 25.000.000

Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects

in the area of youth policy in 2011

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4 March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

On the way to accomplish visions and goals of the National strategy for youth, the international cooperation is extremely important in the

area of youth policy. Through various forms of international cooperation, we assist young people in Serbia in actively cooperating

and exchanging knowledge and ideas with their peers from the region, Europe and the world. Also, conditions for intensifying the

international cooperation through financing and co-financing associations` programs and projects are provided for.

25 Call for proposals for implementing goals of the National strategy for youth

– youth rules -

1 1 100 3.000.000 Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects

in the area of youth policy in 2011

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as

of 4 March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

With the aim to accomplish the vision of the Strategy and the activities from the Action plan, the cooperation of all key

protagonists in the area of youth policy is particularly important. The Ministry of Youth and Sports has been active, since its

establishment, at the domestic and the European youth scene and pays special attention to connecting with other domestic and

international protagonists in the area of youth policy and it has a great experience in organizing different events. On the basis of past

experience, it was perceived that conferences/seminars/training courses present the best practice where representatives of different

countries gather in one place, together with various sectors and institutions and give their contribution to further development of youth policy at the European level. To that effect, the Ministry of

Youth and Sports shall organize the 5th Conference on youth policy in Serbia, which shall be held in 2011 in Belgrade. The conference


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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

should enable all its participants to get information, exchange experiences and discuss legislative framework for youth in Serbia,

region, etc.

26Call for proposal for

implementing goals of the National strategy for youth

166 50 30,1 51.047.962

Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects in the area of youth

policy in 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4 March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

Implementation of the goals of the National strategy for youth through projects is directed to: 1. Strengthening of young people

through various training courses and activities (such as youth entrepreneurship, self-employment, gaining different skills aiming to increase the possibility of getting employed and self-employed; get training to actively look for job, business communication, CV and motivational letters writing, career information, skills development

for team work and the like), with the aim to have young people better employed; 2. Organisation of the activities, training courses and

events aiming to promote health and secure life styles, tolerance and non-violence, etc. 3. Creation and realisation of the training courses and/or activities for youth, directed to accomplishment of goals of

the National strategy for youth, which are implemented at least once a week during the project timeline, through the local offices for


27 Call for professional and technical assistance to career

guidance and counselling young talented people and

implementation of the strategy for career guidance and


2 1 50,0 10.977.000 Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects

in the area of youth policy in 2011

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4 March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

Provide conditions for establishment of cooperation with associations provide assistance to career guidance and counselling of

young talented people and implement the Strategy for career guidance and counselling, the prospective law on youth and the

strategic documents of this Ministry. The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted on 4 March 2010 the Strategy for career guidance and counselling in the Republic of Serbia together with the

Action plan for its implementation in the period 2010–2014. The basic aim of enacting the Strategy for career guidance and

counselling in the Republic of Serbia is to define the mechanisms for establishment of the career guidance and counselling system in the

Republic of Serbia, so as to better use human resources through creation of clearer connection between educational system and the labour market. Career guidance and counselling presents one of the basic instruments of human potential development, achieving not only educational aims (improvement of the educational system

efficiency), but also the aims of the economical development as well as the aims of social equality and inclusion. Recommendations

included in this document are based on already started activities of modernisation and improvement of vocational education and training, adult education and reform processes in the area of

employment. The concept of career guidance and counselling is especially important for young people and development of their


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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal



Call for administrative and technical as well as professional assistance in the realisation of

monitoring projects of associations and capacity

building for supporting the Ministry`s programs

1 1 100 12.152.421

Decree on determining program schedule and the use

of funds for the programs and projects

in the area of youth policy in 2011

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 14/11 as of 4 March .2011)

National strategy for youth, Action

plan for implementation of the National

strategy for youth

Support for realisation of the programs and projects as a result of the established call for proposal mechanism for supporting youth

associations and associations that deal with youth, implementation of the youth policy and the realisation of the National strategy for youth and the Action plan. The Ministry of Youth and Sports deems civil

sector one of the most significant partners in creating modern democratic country and the basic pillar in representing the interests of young people and advocating for their better position in society. To that effect, the Ministry of Youth and Sports strives to establish lasting mechanisms of cooperation between the Government and

non-government sector, to build capacity of youth associations and to enable them to actively participate in realisation of the National

strategy for youth goals.

29Money rewards for the special

contribution to development and affirmation of sport

6 6 100 97.115.634

The Law on Sport, Decree on national acknowledgements and rewards for the special contribution to development and affirmation of sport

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


Special contribution to development and affirmation of sport

30Financing camps of prospective athletes from the branch sport

associations/federations- 59 - 80.521.394

The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport,

Directive on work manner and acting on

the selection of programs by which

the general interest is achieved in the area

of sport

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


Achievement of the general interest in the area of sport

31 Financing the international sport competitions with the interest for

- 35 - 100.000.000 The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

Strategy for sport

Achievement of the general interest in the area of sport


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Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

the Republic of Serbia

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport,

Directive on work manner and acting on

the selection of programs by which

the general interest is achieved in the area

of sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


32Financing the international

competitions through subsidies to public non-financial companies

- 4 - 66.500.000

The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport,

Directive on work manner and acting on

the selection of programs by which

the general interest is achieved in the area

of sport

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


Achievement of the general interest in the area of sport

33Financing the regular programs

of the branch sport associations/federations

- 96 - 1.317.740.484

The Law on Sport, Rulebook on close

criteria for determining the

general interest in the area of sport,

Directive on work manner and acting on

the selection of programs by which

the general interest is achieved in the area

of sport

Strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009-


Achievement of the general interest in the area of sport


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Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

34 Request of the Eparchy 1 1 100 0

The Law on Trade, Article 56 Item.5 and

the Law on Government, Article

43, Item 3

For the needs of socially handicapped inhabitants in Kosovsko Pomoravlje and isolated enclaves on the territory of Kosovo and

Metohija, who live on the edge of existence and present the regular beneficiaries of support.


Call for proposal for allocation of the inciting funds for

improvement of consumer protection in the Republic of

Serbia in 2011 titled: “Support for the work of consumer

counselling centre”

4 1 25,0 7.499.932 The Law on Consumer Protection

National program of consumer

protection in the period 2007–


Purpose of the call for proposal is to support the work of the consumer counselling centre, which is run by the associations and federations of associations for consumer protection, as well as the

support for providing information, counsels and assistance to consumers in solving their problems

Ministry of Education and Science

36Education Reform Initiative of the South Eastern Europe (Eri

See)- 1 - 2.944.759

Conclusion of the Government of the RS on adopting the Draft Memorandum of Understanding on

the role and organisation of the Education Reform

Initiative of the South Eastern Europe

Implementation of the working program of ERI SEE until the

establishment of the Secretariat

Education reform in the RS


Public invitation for allocation of subsidies to student associations for the realisation of programs,

i.e. parts of programs of the general interest for students

44 38 86,4 48.233.130The Law for Pupils

and Students Standard

Improvement of students` creative work

38Public call for 2011 for the program activities of the

scientific staff development70 1 1,4 3.200.000

The Law on the Scientific and

Research activities

Decision on the funds schedule Development of the scientific and research staff


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the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

39Calendar of the competitions and

shows of the primary school pupils

- 26 - 2.038.609The Law on the

Foundations of the Education System

Professional guidance on the organisation of

competitions and shows of

primary and high school pupils

Assessment of quality and the knowledge level of the primary school pupils

40 Calendar of the competitions and shows of high school pupils - 29 - 2.595.000

The Law on Foundations of the Education System

Guidance for the organization of competitions

Knowledge testing of the high school pupils


Call for evaluation of the projects proposals in the program

“Strengthening of school for the inclusive education”

3 1 33,3 3.543.646

The Law on confirmation of the Loan and Program

Agreement (the project “Delivery of

Improved Local Services”) between

the Republic of Serbia and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and


Law on the Foundations of the Education


Support for development of the inclusive education


Call for monitoring and evaluation of the grant line

“Children and youth environment and health in Serbia“

3 1 33,3 1.282.380

The Law on confirmation of the Loan and Program

Agreement (the project “Delivery of

Improved Local Services”) between

the Republic of Serbia and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and


The Law on the Foundations of the Education


Encouraging the program “School without violence” of the Ministry of Education and Science and the UNICEF

43 Call for monitoring the school projects in the program

3 1 33,3 649.164 The Law on confirmation of the

Law on the Foundations of

Support for development of the inclusive education


Page 39:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation

Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

“Strengthening schools for the inclusive education“

Loan and Program Agreement (project

“Delivery of Improved Local

Services”) between the Republic of Serbia and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and


the Education System


Call for the training course for the inter-line Ministries and the municipal Commissions for the

assessment of the needs for providing extra educational and social support to a child/pupil

3 1 33,3 3.471.244

The Law on confirmation of the Loan and Program Agreement (project

“Delivery of Improved Local

Services”) between the Republic of Serbia and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and


Law on the Foundations of the Education


Support for development of the inclusive education

45Call for the training course of the

employees of the educational system of the Republic of Serbia

3 1 33,3 2.828.477

The Law on confirmation of the Loan and Program

Agreement (the project “Delivery of

Improved Local Services”) between

the Republic of Serbia and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and


Law on the Foundations of the Education


Support to development of inclusive education

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

46 Call for proposal for improving position of the persons with

disabilities in the Republic of

51 34 66,7 264.396.845 The Law on Citizen`s Associations, the Law on Games of Chance

Strategy for improving

position of the

Improvement of position of the persons with disabilities


Page 40:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation

Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Serbia persons with disabilities

47Call for improving position of the

persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia in 2011

238 112 47,1 78.994.980The Law on Citizen`s Associations, the Law on Games of Chance

Strategy for improving

position of the persons with

disabilities in the Republic of


Strategic goal of this call was to ensure the efficient services for the persons with disability at the local level, so as to create the

conditions for their inclusion into the community life


Call for improving the program of the citizens` associations

whose activities are directed to improving position of the persons

with disabilities

216 36 16,7 29.741.797 The Law on Citizen`s Associations

Strategy for improving

position of the persons with disabilities

Capacity improvement of the persons with disabilities associations and support for development of their activities directed to social

inclusion through improved approach to services

49Open call for improving position of the persons with disabilities in

the Republic of Serbia159 103 64,8 58.338.602

The Law on Citizen`s Associations, the Law on Games of Chance

Strategy for improving

position of the persons with

disabilities in the Republic of


Provide efficient services for the persons with disabilities at the local level so as to create the conditions for their inclusion into the

community life


Call for submitting the requests and the proposals for financing programs and activities in the area of family and children

protection and social security

25 25 100 8.787.500 The Law on Citizen`s Associations

Support for the program and the activities which are intended for children and their families, especially for children with disabilities

and without parent care, as well as for children from socially handicapped families

51 Improvement of the position of combatants, army invalids, war-disabled civilians, war invalids

and the members of their families in the Republic of Serbia, as well

as to mark the anniversaries of significant historical events from

the national liberation wars in Serbia

98 24 24,5 56.837.600 The Law on Financing

Association of Combatants of the

Struggle for the National Liberty of

Serbia (“Official Gazette of the RS“

No. 21/90), the Law on Associations

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 51/09)

Strategy for improving

position of the persons with

disabilities in the Republic of


Improvement of life conditions of combatants, war invalids, war-disabled civilians and the families of fallen combatants in the

Republic of Serbia


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Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal


Improvement of the social position of combatants, war

invalids, war-disabled civilians and the families of fallen

combatants of the Republic of Serbia

57 20 35,1 29.820.000

The Law on Financing

Association of Combatants of the

Struggle for the National Liberty of

Serbia (“Official Gazette of the RS“

No. 21/90), the Law on Associations

(“Official Gazette of the RS“ No. 51/09)

Strategy for improving

position of the persons with

disabilities in the Republic of


Improvement of life conditions of combatants, war invalids, war-disabled civilians and the families of fallen combatants in the

Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Contribution of the Ministry in the realisation of the activities in the area of culture, education and


9 7 77,8 1.720.770 Change of cultural, scientific, educational and sport potential of the Republic of Serbia abroad

Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

54 One time support 1 1 100 800.000

Conclusion of the Government of the

Republic of Serbia on the adoption of the

program of schedule and the use of funds for the programs and projects of citizens’

associations for providing help to the

inhabitants on the territory of the

municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac

and Medveđa

Program of the schedule and the use of funds for

the programs and projects of the

citizens` associations for

providing help to the inhabitants on the territory

of the municipalities of

Preševo, Bujanovac and

Medveđa in 2011

One time support


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Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal


Call for proposal for the programs and projects of the

citizens’ associations for providing help to the inhabitants

on the territory of the municipalities of Preševo,

Bujanovac and Medveđa in July 2011

24 7 29,2 4.316.130

Conclusion of the Government of the

Republic of Serbia 05 No: 401-1143/2011 as of 24 February


Program of the schedule and the use of funds for

the programs and projects of the

citizens associations for providing help

1.Encouraging projects in the area of culture and non-formal education (theatre, film, literature, music, comic books, design, literary and art workshops, workshops on the topics of cultural

policy, journalism workshops, discussions with writers and artists);2. Encouraging the realization of different youth projects;

3. Encouraging the multiethnic projects which promote youth activism in the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa;

4. Capacity building of civil society organisations in Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa through realization of the projects

significant for citizens of these three municipalities;5. Creating environment of cooperation and understanding of all ethnic communities living in Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa;6. Encouraging youth activism and inclusion of young people in

Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa into social trends at the local level;7. Cooperation and networking of the citizens` association from

Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa;8. Raising knowledge level of the non-government sector activists in

the areas relevant for the operation of civil society;9. Encouraging projects which aim to prevent discrimination;

10. Encouraging education of the population;11.Drawing together the youth from Preševo, Bujanovac and

Medveđa with their peers from other parts of the Republic of Serbia;12. Improvement of life conditions of the persons with special needs;

13. Improving the position of Roma population.


Call for proposals for the programs and projects of the

citizens` associations for providing help to the inhabitants

on the territory of the municipalities of Preševo,

Bujanovac and Medveđa in March 2011

49 11 22,4 5.904.815

Conclusion of the Government of the

Republic of Serbia 05 No: 401-1143/2011 as of 24 February


Program of the schedule and the use of funds for

the programs and projects of the

citizens` associations for providing help

57 Call for realisation of the projects of the citizens` associations in the area of cultural and educational

policies, gender equality and minority rights on the territory of

the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

4 1 25,0 144.000 Standard Letter of Agreement between the United Nations

development program and the Coordination

body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia

Standard Letter of Agreement between the

United Nations development

program and the Coordination body of the

Government of the Republic of Serbia for the

municipalities of Preševo,

Bujanovac and Medveđa on

application of the PBILD,

Encouraging cultural policies, educational policies, gender equality, and human and minority rights and encouraging knowledge level of the non-government sector activists in the area of cultural policies.


Page 43:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation

Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

peace building and inclusive

local development –

when the United Nations (UNDP)

development program presents

the partner implementing the program

Directorate for Gender Equality


Call for proposals for the projects of the citizens` associations for

inclusion of gender equality principles in the area of education

and Media

34 4 11,8 1.916.649 Gender Equality Act

National strategy for improving

position of women and

improvement of gender equality

Realisation of the activities projected by the Action plan for implementation of the National strategy

Directorate for Forests


Call for proposal for the allocation of funds upon the

annual program of using funds of the budget fund for forests of the

Republic of Serbia for 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No.


14 10 71,4 8.557.063

The Law on Forest (“Official Gazette of

the RS 30/10), Rulebook on close

conditions, as well as manner of allocation and the use of funds

from the annual program or using

funds of the budget fund for forests of the

Republic of Serbia and budget fund for

forest of the Autonomous

Province (“Official Gazette of the RS”,

No. 32/11)

Forestry Development Strategy of the

Republic of Serbia (“Official

Gazette of the RS”, No. 59/06)

Improvement of forestry and hunting in the Republic by planting new forests, care and protection of the existing forests, raising

awareness of community on the significance of forests and game.


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Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

Environmental Protection Fund


Call for proposals for co-financing the projects with

educational features in the area of environment protection whose

Lead Beneficiaries are non-government organisations (the

citizens` associations)

112 35 31,3 9.571.982

The Fund allocates the funds in

compliance with the Law on Environment Protection Fund, the Statute, Rulebook on the conditions which must be fulfilled by the beneficiaries of the Environment Protection Fund

sources, the conditions and

method of allocating Fund`s sources,

criteria and measures for assessment of the requests for allocation

of funds and the method of monitoring the use of dedicated

funds and contractual rights and


The Fund allocates the

funds in compliance with

the national program of

environment protection, the

national strategy for sustainable

development, the national strategy

for waste management, the national strategy

for biological diversity and other relevant

strategic documents at the

national, regional and local level, as

well as the action plans and recovery

programs and the annual work

program of the Fund for 2011

Raising awareness on the significance of environment protection, solving single issues and the realisation of actual activities directed

to environment protection.

61 Co-financing the programs significant for environment

protection in accordance with the Rulebook on conditions that must be fulfilled by the beneficiaries of the Environment Protection Fund, the conditions and the method of

the Fund allocation of funds, criteria and measures for

34 23 67,6 110.308.540 The Fund allocates the funds in

compliance with the Law on Environment Protection Fund, the Statute, the Rulebook

on the conditions which must be fulfilled by the

The Fund allocates the

funds in compliance with

the national program of

environment protection, the

national strategy

The basic strategic goal is the protection and improvement of the environment conditions through: 1) protection, preservation and

improvement of air, water, land, and forest quality, as well as mitigation of climate changes and protection of the ozone layer; 2) recovery of the sites for waste disposal, encouraging decrease in

generating waste, recycling and repeated usage of waste; 3) introduction of clearer production for plants` operation and

performance of activities, as well as early adjustment to environment protection demands; 4) technologies and production which decrease


Page 45:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation

Name of the call for proposal/procedure

Total number of

the received


Total number of

the approved


Ratio of the

approved and the received

applications in


Total amount of

the allocated funds in Dinars

Legal basis for the allocation of funds for the call

of proposal

Title of the strategic or

program document which was

the basis for the funds allocation

Goal of the call for proposal

assessment of the requests for allocation of funds and the

method of monitoring dedicated use of funds and contractual rights and responsibilities.

beneficiaries of the Environment

Protection Fund sources, the

conditions and the method of allocating the Fund`s sources,

criteria and measures for assessment of the requests for allocation

of funds and the method of monitoring the use of dedicated

funds and contractual rights and

responsibilities, medium-term and the annual work program

of the Fund

for sustainable development, the national strategy

for waste management, the national strategy

for biological diversity and other relevant

strategic documents at the

national, regional and local level, as

well as the action plans and recovery

programs and the annual work

program of the Fund for 2011

the load and pollution of environment; 5) protection and preservation of biodiversity and geo-diversity; 6) encouraging sustainable use of protected natural resources; 7) encouraging sustainable development of rural areas; 8) encouraging use of renewable energy resources; 9) encouraging clearer transport; 10) encouraging sustainable economy activities, i.e. sustainable economic development; 11) improvement

of the system for informing on the environment conditions, monitoring and assessment of environment conditions, as well as

introduction of the environment management system; 12) encouraging educational, research and development studies,

programs, projects and other activities, including demonstration activities; 13) co-financing prevention and intervention measures in extraordinary circumstances of environment pollution and capacitate people for reacting in case of incidents, including recultivation and

recovery of the polluted area, occurring as a consequence of an accident, when the case of accident is unknown or in cases which

exclude accountability of the polluter; 14) recultivation and recovery of historical pollution (tailings ponds, industrial waste dump and the like); 15) co-financing programs, projects and other activities in the area of the basic geological researches; 16) financing the program of ecological education and strengthening public awareness on issues of

preserving environment and sustainable development.


Improvement of the environment conditions in capacity of the

sustainable development on the territory of the AP Vojvodina in


- 63 - 9.560.000

Total: 62 calls for proposals 2.794 1.428 36,036 3.052.736.657

36 The ratio of the approved and the received applications at the level of all public administration bodies was calculated taking exclusively into account those calls for proposals for which the number of the received and the approved applications was entered. The ratio is generated as the quotient of the total number of approved and received applications for projects of all institutions.


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4. Other data on the announced calls for proposals and procedures

4.1. The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation

From 15 institutions which answered to the question on the dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals and other procedures for funds allocation, 12 institutions announced the calls for proposals once a year, four institutions had open calls for proposals twice a year and two institutions had open calls for proposals throughout the year. Also, the Ministry of Education and Science allocated in 2011 the funds for financing the associations and other civil society organisations for five calls for proposals announced in 2010. Two institutions provided support once, when the need arose.

Table 14 The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for the financial support allocation


Number of institution


Number of application


Allocated amounts in Dinars

Allocated amounts

in percentage

1 Once a year 12 1.862 941.420.042 36,7

2 Twice a year 4 220 39.256.995 1,5

3Open throughout the year

2 32 8.620.770 0,3

4 Other 4 277 1.576.337.554 61,4

  Total 15 2.391 2.565.635.361

It should be emphasized that the total number of institutions is not the result of figures sum in the corresponding column, since there are the institutional bodies which had more than one call for proposal of different duration and the dynamics of announcing. Also, the total number of applications for the calls for proposals for the financial support allocation in 2011 was 2.794. In certain Tables in the text, the number of applications may vary depending on how many institutions answered to the particular question and whether there was a possibility of providing multiple choice answers. The similar situation is reflected in the total amount (the total amount of the funds allocated was calculated according to the finalised Questionnaire and amounts to 3.052.736.657 Dinars).

Table 15 The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for the financial support allocation stated under the category “Other“ in the Table 14

Name of the institution

Name of the call for proposal/other procedures for allocation of the financial support for associations and

other civil society organisations

Entered answer under the category Other:

1 Ministry of Education and


The education reform initiative in the South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE)

The Government of the RS issued the Conclusion in 2010, which was

realized in 2011

The call for monitoring and evaluation of the grant line “Children and youth environment and health in Serbia“ The call was announced in 2010

The call for training of the inter-line municipal Commissions for assessing the needs for providing extra educational, health

and social support to a child/pupilThe call was announced in 2010

The call for evaluation of the projects proposals in the program “Strengthening of school for the inclusive education” The call was announced in 2010

The call for the training course of the educational system staff The call was announced in 2010


Page 48:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation

Name of the institution

Name of the call for proposal/other procedures for allocation of the financial support for associations and

other civil society organisations

Entered answer under the category Other:

of the Republic of Serbia


Ministry of Agriculture,

Trade, Forestry and Water


Request of the Eparchy

3Ministry of Youth and


The calls for proposals for the programs in the area of sport directed to realisation of the goals set by the strategy for sport

development in the Republic of Serbia, which are financed from the budget fund of the games of chance.

Opened from April to the 15th October

Financing the international competitions through subsidies to public non-financial companies

Pursuant to the Directive on work manner and acting during the selection

of programs by which the general interest is achieved in the area of sport

Financing the regular programs of the branch sport associations

Pursuant to the Directive on work manner and acting during the selection

of programs by which the general interest is achieved in the area of sport


Office of the Coordination body of the

Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities

of Preševo, Bujanovac and


One time support

Organisations, associations, sport clubs and other organisations may

request one time support during the entire year

Most institutions announced the calls for proposals for the financial support allocation in January (26%), 20% in March and 14% in July, whereas in February and October there were no announced calls for proposals/other procedures.

Chart 2 The structure of the announced calls for proposals per months(the calls for proposals announced once a year)


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4.2. Media communication used for announcing the calls for proposals for funds allocation

In view of informing on the announced calls for proposals for funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations, different types of informing have been used. The official internet web pages of the institutions were used for the announcement of 38 calls for proposals, whereas the combination of the daily newspapers and internet web pages according to the frequency was used in 18 calls for proposals and other means of public information were used in 9 calls for proposals. It is vital to emphasize that certain institutions used the combination of the stated types of communication.

Table 16 Media communication used for announcing the calls for proposals for funds allocation


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of application


Number of application

s in percentage


amounts in


Allocated amounts

in percentag


1 On the internet web page 38 1.809 64,8 978.233.521 32,0

2Information in the daily newspapers and the complete text of the call for proposal/procedure on the internet web page 18 1.346 48,2 833.132.553 27,3

3 In Mass Media communication 9 371 13,3 101.748.472 3,3

4 In the “Official Gazette“ 5 269 9,6 123.199.775 4,0

5 Other 6 2 0,1 1.392.179.093 45,6

As for the other means of communication, the Ministry of Education and Science uses the “Educational Review“, the Ministry of Defence uses its own internal document, the Ministry of Youth and Sports acts in compliance with their Directive on work manner and acting during the selection of programs by which the general interest is achieved in the area of sport (but without stating precisely the method of informing the associations), whereas the Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa may be contacted by the interested associations for one time support.

Table 17 Media communication used for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation stated under the category “Other“ in Table 16

Name of the institution Call for proposal Other Mass Media communication used

Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

Hydration assessment of basketball teams

Information on the project was published in the document “Hydration assessment of basketball teams”

supported by the international basketball federation FIBA, which enabled the implementation of this project

Ministry of Defence More information on the call for proposal see in Table 13

Internal document – The instruction on preparing the proposal of the financial plan of the Ministry of Defence

for 2011

Ministry of Education and Science Calendar of the competitions and shows of the primary school pupils “Educational review”

Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia

for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

One time support Organisations, associations, sport clubs and other

organisations may request one time support during the entire year

Ministry of Youth and Sports

Financing the international competitions through subsidies to public non-financial companies Pursuant to the Directive on work manner and acting

during the selection of programs by which the general interest is achieved in the area of sportFinancing the regular programs of the

branch sport associations

37 The total number of announced calls for proposals during 2011 by all institutions which replied to the questions in the Questionnaire is 62. From the already stated reasons on incomplete completion of the Questionnaire and/or the possibility of multiple choice answers, the total number of announced calls for proposals in the Tables and the text may vary.


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4.3. Duration of the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations

From 62 calls for proposals through which the funds were allocated, the deadline for submitting the project application was from 15 to 30 days in case of 21 calls for proposals. There were 1.515 applications of the program/project proposal received in this period for the open calls for proposals and 19% of the total funds allocated were appropriated in 2011.

Regarding 12 calls for proposals/other procedures, the deadline for submitting the programs/projects proposals was between 8 and 15 days, whereas in case of 13 calls for proposals/other procedures the deadline was more than 30 days. Only four calls for proposals were announced with the duration shorter than eight days.

Table 18 Duration of the call for proposal/other procedure for funds allocation


Number of calls for proposals

and other procedures

Number of calls for

proposals in percentage

Number of applications

Number of applications in


Allocated amounts in


Allocated amount in percentage

1 less than 8 days 4 6,5 5 0,2 5.035.529 0,2

2 between 8 and 15 days 12 19,4 303 10,8 106.916.325 3,5

3 between 15 and 30 days 21 33,9 1.515 54,2 586.860.685 19,2

4 more than 30 days 13 21,0 933 33,4 666.671.078 21,8

5 without answer 12 19,4 38 1,4 1.687.253.041 55,3

Total 62 2.794 3.052.736.657

4.4. Method of submitting applications by the associations and other civil society organisations for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation

The associations and other civil society organisations have been submitting the application for the calls for proposals in different ways – by mail, in person, via internet or by the combination of the stated methods. Submitting applications by mail or in person still presents the dominant method - 29 calls for proposals out of the total number of 62 calls for proposals. Submitting the calls for proposals in 18 cases was exclusively done by mail, whereas the internet applications still make for a small percentage of the total number of applications. Submitting the applications solely by internet was done for two calls for proposals and sending the applications via internet (the electronic Questionnaire) with the application originals sent by mail was effected in six calls for proposals. Observing this by value, internet was used as a way of submitting the applications in only 4.5% of the total funds allocated.

Table 19 Method of submitting applications for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of the

calls for proposals

in percentag


Number of application


Allocated amounts

Allocated amounts

in percentag


1 applications are submitted exclusively by mail 18 29,0 720 211.290.143 6,9

2 applications are submitted by mail and/or in person 29 46,8 1.697 2.405.404.81

7 78,8


Page 51:  · Web view23 Call for proposal for the program in the area of sport directed to realisation


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of the

calls for proposals

in percentag


Number of application


Allocated amounts

Allocated amounts

in percentag



applications are submitted via internet (the electronic Questionnaire/form) and the application originals by mail

6 9,7 167 134.737.305 4,4


Applications are submitted exclusively via internet (the electronic Questionnaire/form)

2 3,2 6 4.192.809 0,1

Total 62 2.794 3.052.736.657

4.5. Persons in charge of opening and evaluating the applications submitted for the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation

The Commission in charge of opening the submitted applications for the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations was formed in case of 23 calls for proposals, whereas for 17 calls for proposals the delegated person was responsible for opening of the submitted applications. The similar situation refers to the persons responsible for evaluation of the submitted programs and projects and the Commission was in charge of evaluation of 39 calls for proposals.

Table 20 The institutional bodies in charge of opening the submitted applications for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation


Number of the

calls for proposals

Number of applications

Allocated amounts in

Dinars1 Commission 23 948 1.744.114.4292 Person delegated for receiving/opening of the applications 17 767 76.544.0483 Writing room 9 556 248.608.0564 Professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals 4 263 1.682.468.665

5Person responsible for the cooperation with civil society organisations 4 186 67.926.102

6 Sub-Commission 3 505 373.133.622

Table 21 The institutional bodies in charge of evaluation of the received programs/projects


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of application


Allocated amounts in Dinars

1 Commission 39 2.4632.586.305.01


2Person(s) in public administration body/institution responsible for the cooperation with civil society organisations 6 114 122.624.310

3 The Minister/Leader/Director/Head of the public administration body 5 5 5.035.529

4 Sub-Commission 3 505 373.133.622

5 Administrative body of the institution 2 2 32.121.683


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Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of application


Allocated amounts in Dinars

6OTHER: representatives of public administration body competent for the preparation of the competition calendar 1 2.038.609

4.6. Criteria for the funds allocation

In the course of announcing the calls for proposals for allocation of the financial support to the associations and other civil society organisation, written criteria existed for the funds allocation in 73% of the announced calls for proposals. From the total number of 62 implemented calls for proposals, written criteria existed in 45 calls for proposals upon which 94% of the funds were allocated in 2011.

Table 22 Available criteria for funds allocation


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of the calls

for proposals

in percentage

Number of application


Number of application

s in percentage

Allocated amounts in


Allocated amounts

in percentag


1 YES 45 72,6 2.220 79,5 2.864.591.998 93,9

2 NO 12 19,4 551 19,7 168.489.901 5,5

3 without answer 5 8,1 23 0,8 19.654.759 0,6

Total 62 2.794 3.052.736.657

4.7. Decision making on the funds allocation to the associations and other civil society organisations

Regarding 26 calls for proposals, the person responsible for determining the structure and appointment of the professional body dealing with the opening and evaluation of the received programs/projects was the Minister, i.e. the State Secretary for 12 calls for proposals, the Leader/Director/Head of the institutional bodies for 7 calls for proposals, whereas other persons (the Assistant Minister, the Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit and the secretary of the Ministry) were presented in a rather small number relative to the number of opened calls for proposals.

Table 23 Persons responsible for the structure and appointment of the professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of application



amounts in Dinars

Allocated amounts in percentage

1 The Minister 26 1.8242.453.949.80

3 80,4

2 The State Secretary 12 507 252.596.346 8,3

3 The Assistant Minister 3 71 5.795.000 0,2

4 The Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit 3 6 944.000 0,0

5OTHER: the Leader/Director/Head of the institutional body 7 136 25.163.964 0,8


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Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of application



amounts in Dinars

Allocated amounts in percentage

6 OTHER: the Ministry secretary 1 34 1.916.649 0,1

If we observe the persons responsible for the structure and appointment of the professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals according to the institution, in four out of 14 institutions which replied to this question, the structure and appointment of the professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals has been performed by the Minister and in five institutions the appointment of the professional body and evaluation of the project proposal have been done by various persons depending on the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation.


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Table 24 The institutions in relation to the persons responsible for the structure and appointment of the professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals

Name of the institution Person in charge

1 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development

The Minister2 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija

3 Ministry of Youth and Sports

4 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

5 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

The Leader/Director/Head of the institutional body6 Anti-Corruption Agency

7 Directorate for Forests

8 Directorate for Gender Equality The Ministry secretary

9Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa The Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit

10 Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

The Minister, the State Secretary, the Assistant Minister, the Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit

11 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies The Minister, the State Secretary

12 Environmental Protection FundThe State Secretaries, the Leader/Director/Head of the

institutional body

13 Ministry of Education and Science The Minister, the State Secretary, the Assistant Minister

14 Ministry of Religion and the Diaspora The Minister, the State Secretary

The structure of the professional body/Commission/Sub-Commission was most frequently made of the representatives of the institutions which announced the call for proposal (in case of 40 calls for proposals), the representatives of the international organizations (10 calls for proposals). Minimum number of the members of the institutional body for evaluation of the applications was one, when the Leader/Director/Head of the institutional body is responsible for evaluation of the project and decision making on funds allocation, whereas the maximum number of members is 11. The Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa had in the structure of the Commission the representatives of the institutions, i.e. the institutional bodies of public administration and the representatives of the international institutions for one call for proposal and the Ministry of Youth and Sports in case of 11 calls for proposal.

Table 25 The structure of the professional body, the Commission or the Sub-Commission for evaluation of the programs/projects


Number of the calls for proposa


Average number

of member






1 Representatives of the public administration bodies 40 4 2 11

2 Representatives of the scientific and professional institutions 2 10 10 10

3 OTHER: representatives of the international organizations 10 3 3 3

4 OTHER: the Leader/Director/Head of the institution 4 1 1 1


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Number of the calls for proposa


Average number

of member






5 OTHER: civil servants 1 5 5 5

6 OTHER: no Commission, the donation upon the Conclusion of the Government of the RS 1

7 OTHER: The representative of the PBILD38 program of the United nations 1 1 1 1

In most cases (21 calls for proposals) the decision on allocation of the financial support has been made by the Minister, then by the Commission (18 calls for proposals), the State Secretary (7 calls for proposals) and the Minister upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs (5 calls for proposals)39. In case of six institutions, the decision on allocation of the financial support has been made by one body/person, most often by the Commission (in three institutions), the Minister in case of the Ministry of Defence, the Director of the institutional body of the institution in case of the Anti-Doping Agency and the Director in case of the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Table 26 The person responsible for the decision making on granting support


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1 The Minister 21 5

2 Commission 18 7

3 Sub-Commission 1 1

4 The State Secretary 7 3

5 The Minister upon the proposals of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs 5 3

6 The Assistant Minister 2 2

7The Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs

2 2

8 Other 10 6

Table 27 The institutions according to the person responsible for the decision making on granting support

Name of the institution Person in charge No.

1 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development Commission 2

2 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija Commission 1

3 Directorate for Gender Equality Commission 1

4 Ministry of Defence Commission 2

5 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

The Minister upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs 1

38 PBILD (Peacebuilding and Inclusive Local Development) 39 Please note when interpreting the data that the existence of the calls for proposals with more than one person responsible for the decision making on granting support is possible.


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Name of the institution Person in charge No.

6 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

- The Minister upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs- Commission- Sub-Commission 7


Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

- Commission- The Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit on the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs 2

8 Environmental Protection Fund OTHER- The Steering Committee of the Fund- The Steering Committee of the Fund upon the proposal of the Commission 2

9 Ministry of Youth and Sports - The Minister- Commission 14

10 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia OTHER – the Leader/Director/Head of the institution 4

11 Ministry of Foreign Affairs OTHER- the Secretary General upon the explained proposal of the competent organizational unit 1

12 Anti-Corruption Agency OTHER – the Leader/Director/Head of the Anti-Corruption Agency 1

13 Ministry of Education and Science

- The State Secretary- Commission- The Assistant Minister- The Minister upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs


14 Ministry of Religion and the Diaspora - The Minister- The State Secretary 3

15 Directorate for Forests OTHER – the Director of the Directorate for Forests (upon the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programs) 1

16 Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

- The Minister- The State Secretary- The Assistant Minister- The Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit on the proposal of the institutional body which has been examining the projects and programsOTHER – The Government of the Republic of Serbia upon obtaining the approvals issued by the competent Ministries 1

In case of the previously mentioned types of decision making on granting support, the decision has been made by the Leader/Director/Head, i.e. the Director of the institution as in case of the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia, the Directorate for Forests and the Anti-Corruption Agency; the Steering Committee in case of the Environmental Protection Fund, the Government of the Republic of Serbia in case of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management and the Secretary General in case of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Table 28 Other persons responsible for decision making on granting support

Answers Institutions

1 ОTHER: the Director of the institution

Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia,Directorate for Forests,Anti-Corruption Agency

2 ОTHER: the Government of the Republic Of Serbia upon obtaining the approvals issued by the competent Ministries

Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

3 OTHER: the Secretary General on the explained proposal of the competent organisational unit Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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Answers Institutions

4 ОTHER: the Steering Committee of the Fund Environmental Protection Fund

5 ОTHER: the Steering Committee of the Fund on the Commission proposal Environmental Protection Fund

4.8. Method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations as well as the broader public on (non)granting financial support

From 17 institutions which allocated funds and which replied to the question on the method of informing about the granted financial support, 11 institutions have used more than one method of informing, whereas six institutions have used only one type of informing: orally/by telephone, in written form, by announcing on the internet web pages.

Associations and other civil society organisations to which the funds were granted receive information about the funds allocation most often on the internet web page of the institution which granted the financial support (in case of 32 calls for proposals), in written form, by mail or e-mail (in case of 30 calls for proposals) and in case of 17 calls for proposals, the institutions personally informed on the granted support (orally or by telephone). In addition to the stated types of informing, the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management have used the “Official Gazette” and other Mass Media communication (daily newspapers, radio and TV stations, information agencies).

Table 29 The method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations about the granted financial support

AnswersNumber of the

calls for proposal

Number of the calls for proposals in


Number of institutions

1 By announcement on the internet web pages 32 51,6 12

2 In written form (by mail, e-mail) 30 48,4 15

3 Orally, by telephone 17 27,4 11

4In other Mass Media communication (daily newspapers, radio and TV stations, information agencies)

1 1,6 1

5 In the “Official Gazette” 1 1,6 1

Table 30 Review of the institutions according to the method of informing about the granted financial support


Number of the

calls for proposals


1 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 5- orally, by telephone

- announcement on the internet web pages- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

2 Ministry of Education and Science 5- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

- announcement on the internet web pages- orally, by telephone

3 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 4 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)

4 Ministry of Youth and Sports 4 - orally, by telephone- announcement on the internet web pages

5 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 2 - announcement on the internet web pages

6 Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

2 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages


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Number of the

calls for proposals


- in other mass media (press, radio and television stations, information agencies)

- in the “Official Gazette“


Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

1 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

8 Environmental Protection Fund 1 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

9 Anti-Corruption Agency 1- orally, by telephone

- announcement on the internet web pages- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

10 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 1 - announcement on the internet web pages- orally, by telephone

11 Directorate for Forests 1 - orally, by telephone- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

12 Directorate for Gender Equality 1 - orally, by telephone- announcement on the internet web

13 Anti-Corruption Agency 1- orally, by telephone

- announcement on the internet web pages- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

14 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1 - orally, by telephone

15 Ministry of Defence 1 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)

16 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 1 - orally, by telephone

17 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 1 - in written form (by mail, e-mail)

When the funds have not been granted, the associations and other civil society organisations have been most often informed in written form (by mail and e-mail in case of 32 calls for proposals), and in case of 26 calls for proposals they were informed by the announcement on the internet web page. Two institutions stated that for three calls for proposals they did not inform the associations and other civil society organisations on non-granting the support, as follows: the Ministry of Youth and Sports (the call for proposals under the title: Financing of the regular programs of the branch sport associations and Financing of the international competitions through subsidies to public non-financial companies) and the Environmental Protection Fund (Public call for co-financing the projects with educational feature in the area of environment protection whose Lead Beneficiaries are non-government organisations (the citizens associations). The answer under the category “Other“ was given by the Ministry of Education and Science stating that in this Ministry there was the Calendar of the competitions and shows through which the payment of funds to the associations and other civil society organisations was regulated. All associations and other civil society organisations which have entered the Calendar of the competitions and shows have been granted funds, apart from those who in written form declared that they were not interested in the funds.

Table 31 The method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations about non-granting support


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AnswersNumber of the calls

for proposalsNumber of the


1 In written form (by mail, e-mail) 32 15

2 Announcement on the internet web pages 26 9

3 Orally, by telephone 6 3

4 Do not inform 3 2

5 Other 1 1

As in the situation of informing the associations and other civil society organisations on granted funds, the institutions inform the associations and other civil society organisations on non-granted support in several ways. Four institutions used the combination of the direct written addressing (by mail, e-mail) or they have posted the announcement on the internet web page.

Table 32 Review of the institutions according to the method of informing about non-granted funds


Total number of

the calls for proposals

Number of the calls

for proposals for which

the answer was



1 Ministry of Youth and Sports

17 14

- in written form (by mail, e-mail) - announcement on the internet web pages - do not inform

2 Ministry of Education and Science10 9

- in written form (by mail, e-mail) - announcement on the internet web pages

3 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

7 7

- in written form (by mail, e-mail) - orally, by telephone- announcement on the internet web pages


Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa 4 2

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

5 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 4 4

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

6 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora4 3

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

7 Environmental Protection Fund3 2

- in written form (by mail, e-mail) - do not inform

8Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management 2 2

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

9 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 2 2

- announcement on the internet web pages

10 Directorate for Forests 1 1- orally, by telephone - in written form (by mail, e-mail)


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Total number of

the calls for proposals

Number of the calls

for proposals for which

the answer was



11 Directorate for Gender Equality1 1

- announcement on the internet web pages

12 Serbian Environmental Protection Agency 1 1- in written form (by mail, e-mail) - orally, by telephone

13 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1 1- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

14 Ministry of Defence 1 1- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

15 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 1 1

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

16 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 1 1- in written form (by mail, e-mail)

17 Anti-Corruption Agency1 1

- in written form (by mail, e-mail)- announcement on the internet web pages

The most represented type of communication with the broader public on the results of the call for proposals for granting support to the associations and other civil society organisations is through the internet. The public was informed on the results of 41 calls for proposals on the internet web pages of the institutions and this type of informing was used by 11 institutions out of 15 which had answered to this question. Other types of informing the broader public about the results of the calls for proposals/procedures for granting funds have been used by the Ministry of Education and Science, which has published the Calendar of the competitions and shows with the projects/programs of the associations and other civil society organisations in the “Educational review“.

Table 33 The method of informing the broader public about the results of the calls for proposals/procedures on the granted funds

AnswersNumber of the

calls for proposals

Number of the


1 On the internet web pages 41 11

2 Through Mass Media communication 8 5

3 The results were not announced publicly 6 5

4 In the “Official Gazette“ 2 2

5 Other 1 1

4.9. Deadline for the conclusion of contracts with the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support

Deadline for the conclusion of contracts with the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted the financial support was most often 30 days as of the conclusion date of the calls for proposals/procedure in 11 out of 15 institutions which replied to this question. This answer was given for 29 announced calls for proposals and 904 projects were granted funds. In this timeframe for conclusion of the


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contract, 86.5% of funds were granted according to the institutions report. Only the Ministry of Education and Science has allowed for six calls for proposals that the conclusion of contracts on granted funds should be done within two months as of the conclusion of the call for proposal/procedure for granting funds.

Table 34 The deadline for the conclusion of contracts with the associations and other civil society organisations


Number of the


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of the

approved application


Allocated amounts in Dinars


30 days at the latest as of the conclusion of the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation

11 29 904 2.377.064.733

2 Other 6 16 257 355.635.257


60 days at the latest as of the conclusion of the calls for proposals/procedure for funds allocation

1 6 34 14.369.910

Three institutions have not defined the deadline for the conclusion of contracts for the total of 13 calls for proposals. The Anti-Corruption Agency set forth the deadline for the conclusion of contracts in 15 days as of the decision making date in case of only one call for proposal. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has requested the contract conclusion prior to the realization of the activities or 7 days at the latest after the expiry of the month in which the funds were granted, whereas the Ministry of Education and Science has not defined the deadline, but the contracts should be concluded prior to the competitions at the republic level, according to the Calendar of the competitions and shows.

Table 35 Other deadlines for contract conclusion with the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support


Number of the

calls for proposal


Name of institution

1 OTHER: the deadline was not set

10 Ministry of Youth and Sports

1 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development

2 Environmental Protection Fund


OTHER: the deadline was not defined, but the contracts were to be concluded prior to the competitions at the republic level, according to the Calendar of the competitions and shows


Ministry of Education and Science

3OTHER: prior to realisation of the activities, 7 days at the latest until the expiry of the month in which the funds were granted

1Ministry of Foreign Affairs

4 OTHER: 15 days as of the decision making date 1 Anti-Corruption Agency

4.10. Procedures for receiving complaints

Most institutions (15) do not have the procedure for receiving complaints for all calls for proposals that they implement. Only two institutions have envisaged the procedure for receiving complaints for three


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calls for proposals. Also, most institutions have the procedures for receiving complaints for certain calls for proposals and for others they do not have such procedure40.

Table 36 Available procedures for receiving complaints

AnswersNumber of institutions

Number of the

calls for proposals

Number of


Allocated amounts in


Allocated amounts in percentage

1 NO 15 35 2.164 2.713.245.297 88,9

2 YES 2 3 158 89.486.077 2,9

3 Not answered 9 24 472 250.005.285 8,2

  Total 62 2.794 3.052.736.659

Institutions were allowed to report on the complaint contents, the total number of submitted and the total number of adopted complaints, if the procedures for receiving complaints existed. The answer to this question was entered by two institutions. The complaint was sent to the Ministry of Education and Science about the amount of the allocated financial support and the complaint was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management about the procedure transparency and implementation of the call for proposal/procedure in accordance with the law.

Table 37 Complaint contents on the results of the granted supportInstitution Answer

1Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

The objection of the participants is that this Ministry did not carry out the procedure transparently and in accordance with the law; in the Decision on allocation of the inciting funds for the improvement of consumer protection in the Republic of Serbia in 2011 not a single reason was stated, i.e. the criterion fulfilled by the participants who were granted support in the call for proposal

2 Ministry of Education and Science The amount of the granted financial support

4.11. Monitoring implementation and evaluation of the financed programs/projects

After granting funds and beginning the realisation of the programs/projects, the associations and other civil society organisations are obliged to submit documentation on the basis of which the competent institutional body monitors the implementation of the programs/projects. The documentation is as follows: the periodical financial report, the periodical narrative report, the final narrative and financial report, the audit report, as well as the attachments and products along with those reports arising from the activities of the financed project and the program. From the total of 15 institutions which replied to this question, each requested at least two documents by which the projects implementation was monitored, three institutions requested all abovementioned documentation and on average implementation of the financed programs/projects was done with four different documents which the association or other civil society organisation submitted. The documentation most frequently requested has been as follows: the final financial report, the final narrative report, the attachments and products along with the reports arising from the activities of the financed project and the program and the periodical financial report about implementation.

Table 38 The documentation used for monitoring implementation of the financed programs/projects


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1 Final financial report 49 14

40 This is why the sum in the column Number of institutions is higher than 15 – which is the total number of the institutions which provided the answer to this question.


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Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


2 Final narrative report 47 13

3 Attachments and products along with the reports arising from the activities of the financed project and the program (publications, photo-documentation and the like) 38 11

4 Periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) financial report on implementation 32 10

5 Periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) narrative report on implementation 31 9

6 Audit report 16 3

7 Other 6 4

Certain institutions require more complete documentation for monitoring implementation of the projects than the others. The most complete list of documentation should be sent to the Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Anti-Corruption Agency – the total of six different documents and five documents used for monitoring implementation of the supported programs/projects should be sent to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Environmental Protection Fund, the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Education and Science.The report about the independent external evaluation was not used for monitoring implementation of the financed programs/projects and four institutions have used other documentation, as well.

Table 39 The institutions according to the documentation used for monitoring implementation of the financed programs/projects


Periodical (monthly,

quarterly, semi-annual)

narrative report on the


Periodical (monthly,

quarterly, semi-annual)

financial report on the


Final narrative


Final financial report

Attachments and products along with the reports arising

from the activities of the financed

programs/projects (publications, photo-documentation and

the like)

Audit report

Other documentation


Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

• • • • • •

2 Ministry of Defence • •

Periodical (monthly and quarterly) report on the

activities of the SORVSS41


Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

• •

The minute on the goods reception and the report on

the executed distribution

4Ministry of Economy and Regional development

• •

5 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies • • • • •

6Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

• • •

7 Environmental Protection Fund • • • • • Documentation on

the evidence of the

41 Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia63

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Periodical (monthly,

quarterly, semi-annual)

narrative report on the


Periodical (monthly,

quarterly, semi-annual)

financial report on the


Final narrative


Final financial report

Attachments and products along with the reports arising

from the activities of the financed

programs/projects (publications, photo-documentation and

the like)

Audit report

Other documentation

intended use of funds (invoices,

statements, certificates and the


8 Ministry of Youth and Sports • • • • • •

9Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

• • • • •

10 Anti-Corruption Agency • • • • • •

11 Ministry of Education and Science • • • • •

12 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora • • •

13 Directorate for Forests • • • •

14 Directorate for Gender Equality • • •

15Serbian Environmental Protection Agency

• •

16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs •

Written request with the

information on the activities, the

specification of the required funds and the exact statement

of the purpose

17 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija •

Number of the institutions which

use the stated documentation

10 9 13 14 12 3 4

The most frequent method of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other civil society organisations, in case of 13 from 17 institutions that replied to this question, presents the review of the final financial report; 12 institutions used the final narrative report, 10 institutions used the review of the periodical financial report for monitoring the results and 9 institutions used the periodical narrative report.

Monitoring visits to the associations and other civil society organisations during implementation of the programs/projects have been done by six institutions, whereas the beneficiaries’ satisfaction as the method for monitoring results of the financed programs/projects has been used by only two institutions (the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the Ministry of Youth and Sports).

Table 40 The methods of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects


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Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1 Review of the final financial report 48 13

2 Review of the final narrative report 46 12

3 Review of the periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) financial report 32 10

4 Review of the periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) narrative report 31 9

5 Monitoring visits to the associations during implementation of the programs/projects 18 6

6 Examination of the beneficiaries` satisfaction 7 2

7 No, we did not perform the monitoring  1 1

8 Other 8 4

Other methods of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects are the periodical meetings with the representatives of the associations (the Ministry of Education and Science), submitting the receipts on expenditures along with the narrative reports after the completed activities (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and participation of the Administration members at the sessions of the Steering Committee, the sessions of the Assembly and the associations meetings, as well as submitting the report to the Minister of Defence during the meeting with the representatives of the SORVSS42 (the Ministry of Defence).

42 Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia65

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Table 41 The institutions according to the method of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects


Review of the periodical (monthly, quarterly,

semi-annual) narrative


Review of the periodical (monthly, quarterly,

semi-annual) financial report

Review of the final narrative


Review of the final financial


Monitoring visits to the associations

during implementation of the project or

the program

Examination of the

beneficiaries` satisfaction

Representative of the state

institution is the member of

the Steering Committee of

the project

No, we did not perform

the monitoring

Some other method, please state which one


Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

• • • •


Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

• • •


Ministry of Economy and Regional development

• • •

4Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

• • • • • • •


Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

• • • Accompanying documentation

6 Environmental Protection Fund • • • •

7Ministry of Youth and Sports

• • • • • • •


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Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

• • • •

9 Anti-Corruption Agency • • • • •

10Ministry of Education and Science

• • • •Periodical meetings with the

representatives from the associations

11Ministry of Religion and Diaspora

• •

12 Directorate for Forests • • •

13 Directorate for Gender Equality • •


Serbian Environmental Protection Agency

• •

15Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija

16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Report (narrative and the receipt on expenditures –

catalogues, airplane tickets, etc.) upon the completed activity, which are submitted to the

Department for financial affairs of the Ministry

17 Ministry of Defence •

– participation of the Administration members at the

sessions of the Steering Committee, at the sessions of

the associations; – submitting the reports to the Minister of Defence upon the meeting of the representatives

of the SORVSS43.

43 Association of the Reserve Military Officers Organization of Serbia67

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The question who performs monitoring of the financed programs/projects realisation of the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted the financial support for the call for proposal/procedure was answered by 16 institutions and 12 institutions replied that the representatives for the cooperation with civil society had been selected; they were responsible for monitoring the realisation of the programs/projects granted with the financial support. Four institutions replied that the representatives of public administration institutions were delegated for monitoring the programs/projects and two institutions replied that monitoring of the financed programs/projects realisation was entrusted to the representatives of civil society organisations.

Four institutions have stated that other persons may be in charge of monitoring the financed programs/projects realisation, such as: the employees in the Department for planning and analysis of the institution (the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development), the certified auditor (Anti-Corruption Agency, except for the representative of the institution responsible for the cooperation with civil society), the Director of the institution (Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia) and the representative of the competent organisational unit in charge of the cooperation with the associations (the Ministry of Defence).

Table 42 The persons in charge of monitoring the financed programs/projects realisation


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1 The representatives of public administration body – responsible for the cooperation with civil society 29 12

2 The representative of public administration body – responsible for the project monitoring (if there is an organisational unit responsible for monitoring) 10 4

3 The representatives of civil society organisations 5 2

4 Independent experts 1 1

5 Other 7 4

Evaluating realisation of the financed program/projects of civil society organisations, in 10 of 16 institutions which replied to this question, has been done by the review of all final reports. Three institutions executed the additional analysis of the result at the project level using the evaluation report or additional research. Further, even five institutions did not perform evaluation of realisation of the financed programs and projects of the associations and other civil society organisations for eight calls for proposals.

Table 43 The methods for evaluating realisation of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted the financial support


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1 Review of all final reports 35 10

2 Additional analyses of the results at the level of particular projects – evaluation report, research 15 3

3 We did not perform evaluation of the financed programs/projects realisation of the associations and other civil society organisations 8 5

4 Reports after the monitoring visits to the associations and consultations with the beneficiaries 7 3

5 Additional and more complex analyses of the results at the level of more projects within the particular area of financing the complete call for proposal 5 2

6 Analysis of the financial indicators according to the program areas, taking into account the foreseen funds allocated and spent 4 1

7 Other 2 2


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Table 44 The institutions which did not perform evaluation of the financed programs/projects realisationInstitutions Name of the call for proposal

1 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development

The call for proposal for allocation of subsidies to the projects for tourism development in 2011

2 Anti-Corruption Agency The call for proposal for the support of CSO projects directed to the strengthening of society capacity in anti-corruption

3 Environmental Protection Fund

The public call for co-financing the projects of the educational feature in the area of environment protection whose Lead Beneficiaries are non-government organisations (the citizens` associations)

4 Ministry of Education and Science

The public call for 2011 for the program activities in development of the scientific staff

The Calendar of the competitions and shows of the primary school pupils The Calendar of the competitions and shows of the high school pupils The public call for allocation of subsidies to the students` associations for the

realization of the program, i.e. parts of the programs of the general interest

5Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

Request of the Eparchy

4.12. Use of information about the results of the financed programs/projects

Information about the achieved results of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other civil society organisations was used during the planning of new calls for proposals/procedures in case of 10 of 15 institutions which replied to this question. Eight institutions used information for the program development, proposal of the new regulation, improvement of the policies or strategic documents and in almost 14 out of 15 institutions the information was used upon presentation of the work of the institution and in communication with the public, in order to better inform the public and present the work of the institution. Three institutions reported that the results of the financed programs/projects were used upon planning of the projects financed from the EU sources. Only three institutions reported that they did not use the information about the results of the financed programs/projects.

Table 45 The use of information about the results of the financed programs/projects


Number of the

calls for proposal


Number of


1We use them during the public events, in communication with the public or for presentation of the work of our public administration body/republic institution/organizational unit/other legal entity

42 14

2 We use them during the planning of new calls for proposals/procedures for allocation of funds to civil society organisations 36 10

3 We use them during the program development, proposal of the new regulation, improvement of the policies and strategic documents 31 8

4 We use them for planning of the projects financed from the EU sources 10 3

5 We have not used them so far 7 3


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5. Data on supported programs/projects, as well as data about the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support

5.1. Name of the association or other civil society organisation, project name, the requested, granted and needed amount of the funds for the program/project realisation

According to data from the Questionnaire, the total of 1.428 different projects was supported out of 2.794 received applications about which the institutions reported in the Questionnaire. These projects were realised by 1.178 associations and other civil society organisations.

The total of 1.016 associations and other civil society organisations presented the Lead Beneficiaries of one program/project, 114 Lead Beneficiaries of two programs/projects, 28 associations and other civil society organisations were supported in three and 12 in four programs/projects, whereas three associations and other civil society organisations were supported in six, two in five and one association in seven, eight and nine projects/programs respectively.

Table 46 The number of associations according to the number of supported programs/projectsNumber of associations

Number of projects per association

Number of projects

1.016 1 1.016

114 2 228

28 3 84

12 4 48

3 6 18

2 5 10

1 7 7

1 8 8

1 9 9

1.178   1.428

Table 47 provides the comparative review of the associations and other civil society organisations who were the beneficiaries of the financial support, the name of the program/projects, the amount of the requested and granted funds, the ratio between the granted and requested funds, the total amount of the needed funds for realisation of the programs/projects, as well as the ratio between the granted and needed funds.

Although the data about requested amount of funds was not provided by all institutions, using the submitted data, the ratio of the granted and needed funds is 73.2%, which means that over two thirds of the requested funds were indeed granted at the project level44.

Also, the results show that the amount of needed funds entered for the total of 728 projects; to 376 projects (52% of projects), the whole amount of needed funds was granted for realisation of the project. On average, the ratio of the granted and needed funds is 72.7%45.

44 Data was obtained by calculation of the single ratio of the granted and requested funds at the level of each project and then by calculating the arithmetic mean for all projects for which the ratio of the granted and requested funds was available.45 Data was obtained by calculation of the single ratio of the granted and needed funds at the level of each project and then by calculating the arithmetic mean for all projects for which the ratio of the granted and needed funds was available.


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The Ministry of Youth and Sports financed 41 projects/programs of the total number of 56 projects/programs which were supported in the amount higher than ten million Dinars. Maximum amount – 284 million Dinars – The Olympic Committee of Serbia received for its annual program. According to the amount of allocated funds, the Serbian Sport Federation was granted 117 million Dinars for its annual program and the Volleyball Federation of Serbia with the amount of 88 million Dinars. The Serbian Tennis Federation was granted 75 million Dinars, the Basketball Federation of Serbia 69 million Dinars, the Water polo Federation of Serbia 60 million Dinars, whereas the Serbian Handball Federation was granted 59 million Dinars.


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Table 47 Name of the association or other civil society organisation which was granted the financial support, name of the program/project, the amount of requested and granted funds from the institutions, the total amount of funds needed for the project realisation

Name of the association or other civil society organisation Program/project nameRequested


Granted amount




Needed amount



0OFFICE OF THE COORDINATION BODY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA FOR THE MUNICIPALITIES OF PREŠEVO, BUJANOVAC AND MEDVEĐA1 You and I are We Everyone`s heart is of the same colour 1.734.000 1.640.000 95 2.035.000 812 International Human Centre The Serbian language course 368.400 301.800 82 301.800 1003 Cultural centre I love Medvedja, too 614.170 497.170 81 497.170 1004 Forum for ethnic relations Ready for future 705.000 443.000 63 443.000 1005 Prosperity of Preševo Only clean is healthy and beautiful 379.500 351.000 92 351.000 1006 Centre for Tolerance and Integration of Southern Serbia By education to integration 898.200 548.200 61 1.742.100 317 Future Youth in focus 479.980.000 370.000 0 370.000 1008 Windmill Journalist workshops for youth 614.395 409.895 67 872.410 479 Youth forum for education of Roma people Start 796.000 521.000 65 1.066.000 4910 Council for human rights Promotion of equal possibilities for employment at the regional level for women of the national

minority from the municipalities of Preševo and Bujanovac 680.500.000 495.500 0 495.500 100

11 Gornja Jablanica We all agree. What about you? 694.750 327.250 47 327.250 10012 Ecological Society “Bujanovac“ Eco-culture 150.000 144.000 96 144.000 10013 Civil resources centre – Bujanovac Promotion of non-violent communication among young people 999.700 639.400 64 1.209.700 5314 Ecological Society “Bujanovac” Waste is not garbage 2.490.000 1.386.000 56 3.020.000 4615 Citizen initiatives Application of the Youth Build model in Bujanovac with the aim to strengthen youth capacity for

getting employment and active life in local community 836.000 674.000 81 7.839.500 9

16 Future Bujanovac has good prospects 412.000 392.000 95 392.000 10017 Modern society My Member of Parliament 700.000 457.000 65 920.000 5018 Marching towards common future Clean and healthy environment – our future 530.841 475.380 90 576.532 8219 Non-government organisation Vision Be yourself – get a job 418.350 292.350 70 442.350 6620 Basketball club BSK Junior-Elite Summer league 800.000 800.000 100 800.000 100MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS21 Association of Classical Guitarist of Serbia Guitar Art Festival 140.500 22 Dance Council of Serbia – Belgrade Dance Festival Belgrade Dance Festival 239.000 23 Youth philharmonic orchestra NAISUS from Niš 13th Festival of Youth philharmonic orchestras in Florence 120.000 24 Association of Writers of Serbia 48th International Meeting of Writers 100.000 25 MIT Starčević Concert in Moscow 50.000 26 Centre for photography development Press Photo Serbia 2011 50.000 27 Documentation and Information centre “Veritas” 1.021.270

MINISTRY OF DEFENCE28 Association of Reserve Military Officers Organisation of

SerbiaCooperation program between the Ministry of Defence, the Armed Forces of Serbia and SORVSS 4.500.000 4.000.000 89 10.000.000 40

MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT        29 International Cycling Race “Tour of Serbia” 51st International Cycling Race “Tour of Serbia 2011” 6.000.000 6.000.000 100 27.556.200 2230 Centre for research and tourism study EIAT Conference 2011 2.684.000 2.200.000 82 5.784.000 3831 Serbian Spas and Resorts Association III Congress of the Spas with the international participation; education and professional gathering 1.200.000 500.000 42 2.500.000 2032 KUDES Preparation and holding the event “Nušic festival” 1.500.000 750.000 50 6.673.880 1133 Eco-centre “Vodomar 05” „BEAN FESTIVAL”, Temerin bean festival 2.800.000 1.000.000 36 6.672.686 1534 CRID – Centre for Development of the Inclusive Society Wine atlas of Serbia – preparation of the brochure “Wine routes of Serbia” 1.750.000 1.500.000 86 3.588.800 4235 AIESEC Career Days in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš 550.000 400.000 73 2.872.000 1436 Culinary Federation of Serbia Gastronomic challenge in Belgrade – The Second Balkan Culinary Cup 4.000.000 3.500.000 88 8.075.500 4337 Culture Centre of the Danube Swabians Karlowitz Festival of the national cake 380.000 300.000 79 769.500 3938 The Danube in the heart FISH FEST Belgrade 2011 – The Danube cultural, entertainment and tourist event 1.500.000 1.000.000 67 3.800.000 26


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Granted amount




Needed amount



039 Tourist society Grocka Founding of the magazine “Tourist signpost” 2.000.000 1.500.000 75 4.379.763 3440 Centre for Tolerance and Sustainable Development

CENTORTourist valorisation of the ethnic heritage, wine and brandy potential of Serbia 4.800.000 3.000.000 63 9.627.034 31

41 Be responsible Belgrade Beer Fest 2011 10.000.000 8.000.000 80 25.461.000 3142 National Association for old art crafts and home

manufactured crafts “Our hands”Project “The Danube arms” – creating data base of old art crafts and home manufactured crafts

along the river Danube 1.500.000 1.000.000 67 3.912.000 26

43 EXIT EXIT 11th Festival and the Festival camp 10.000.000 10.000.000 100 20.000.000 5044 Charity Fund Žiča Reconstruction of the sanitary block in the monastery complex Žiča on the square in front of the

monastery 717.795 700.000 98 1.435.590 49

45 Tourist Guides Association of Serbia Building quality of tourist guides in Novi Sad and organisation of the local guide service 980.000 900.000 92 1.960.000 4646 Association of the old crafts Summerhouse – alcove with the educational program 1.425.000 1.400.000 98 2.850.000 4947 Rafting on the Danube Recreational tourism - rowing 295.870 290.000 98 2.578.870 1148 Serbian Catering and Tourism Workers' Union Working and production competitions of catering and tourist workers of Serbia and students of

catering schools; improvement of tourist offer and intensifying the use of tourist offer 5.562.500 2.500.000 45 11.125.000 22

49 Association “Golden hands” Old fir tree of the village in Šumadija 240.000 240.000 100 480.000 5050 The Serbian Economic Journalists Club Skadarlija Fest 250.000 250.000 100 500.000 5051 Art Association INBOX Festival of street musicians 2.500.000 1.500.000 60 18.454.000 852 Friends of Pančevo Event “8th International Carnival of Pančevo 2011” 2.000.000 1.500.000 75 4.550.000 3353 Citizen association for development of the rural tourism

“Vuk Karadžić”Tourist newspapers 1.850.000 1.000.000 54 3.600.000 28

54 Citizens association “Creative crossroads” Sound lovers music festival 747.059 700.000 94 1.147.059 6155 Citizens association “Era” International Children Festival of Folk dances “A gingerbread heart” 1.000.000 200.000 20 3.533.000 656 Love Fest, the citizens association Love Fest 2011 500.000 400.000 80 2.510.600 1657 HORES Quality improvement of the hotel tourist offer as a basis for adequate promotion of Serbia on the

international tourism market 3.919.345 2.000.000 51 7.838.690 26

58 Centre for Professionalization of Media – Fund for improving professional standards in media and journalism

Promotion of Serbia on the portal 2.012.000 1.000.000 50 4.205.894 24

59 Centre for research and development projects “EcoDev” Seminar: Management in eco-tourism in accordance with the global criteria of sustainable tourism 759.408 750.000 99 1.519.408 4960 Mountaineering Association of Serbia European trekking routes through Serbia Е4 and Е7 (the second stage) 1.340.000 1.300.000 97 2.681.000 4861 Ecological society “The Pirates” Tourist event “Morava twilight” 200.000 200.000 100 570.000 3562 Association of Catering and Tourist Workers of Niš Affirmation of the tourist offer of the Southeast Serbia 531.165 500.000 94 1.062.330 4763 The Hotel Association of Kopaonik Improving the tourist offer and international competitiveness of the tourist destination of Kopaonik 15.330.500 7.000.000 46 88.972.500 864 Camping Association of Serbia Eco-camping guidelines of the sustainable development of the National park Fruška gora – Eco-

camp “Stražilovo” 1.445.000 1.000.000 69 8.808.300 11

65 Youth Club of Kraljevo Promotion of the tourist area of the river Ibar 248.000 200.000 81 497.000 4066 General association of the entrepreneurs of the Union of

bakers of SerbiaBurek days 100.000 100.000 100 935.900 11

67 SKUD “Železničar" 3rd Festival of the golden orchestras from Vojvodina 1.245.000 1.000.000 80 2.545.000 3968 Monastery Mala Remeta Conservation and Restoration works of the wall painting, wall decoration and repairing of the

capillary rising damp in the church of the Shroud of the Mother of God in the monastery Mala Remeta

2.000.000 1.500.000 75 4.320.334 35

69 Association for improvement of the cooperation and tourism development in Podunavlje “Istar 21”

Continuation of the project Diversity wealth in Podunavlje through Serbia, downstream from Belgrade 2.600.000 1.220.000 47 5.200.000 23

MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL POLICIES  70 Association of Paraplegics and Quadriplegics of Serbia Program activities of the SPIKS in 2011 from January to December 13.850.135 13.850.135 10071 Multiple sclerosis Society of Vojvodina We wish to include them, too 8.998.136 8.998.136 10072 Wheelchair Basketball Federation of Serbia Program activities of the SKKS in 2011 from January to December 4.205.211 1.910.270 45 1.910.270 10073 Republican Association of Serbia to Help People with Project activities 2011 10.057.002 6.792.275 68 6.792.275 100


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Granted amount




Needed amount




74 Serbian Diabetes Federation Activities in 2011 5.295.100 5.295.100 10075 League for people with disabilities Inclusion of the persons with disabilities 7.700.600 4.706.200 61 4.706.200 10076 Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Vojvodina Improving the position of deaf and hard of hearing in the AP of Vojvodina 16.519.724 10.911.524 66 10.911.524 10077 Association of Paraplegics and Quadriplegics of

VojvodinaAnnual activities of the association from January to December 2011 14.248.524 7.620.031 53 7.620.031 100

78 Citizens association of blind and visually impaired people “White cane“

Boldly with the cane 2.409.200 1.397.400 58 1.397.400 100

79 “Sunflower” – Association for Cerebral Paralysis and Polio of Vojvodina

Project activities of the Association for Cerebral Paralysis and Polio in AP Vojvodina for the period from January to December 2011 10.125.203 5.467.132 54 5.467.132 100

80 Centre for Independent Living of People with Disabilities - Serbia

Independent life as a choice for the persons with disabilities 1.956.314 1.956.314 100

81 Republican Association of Students with Disabilities Equal possibilities for university education through support services for youth and students with disabilities 3.998.460 1.597.500 40 1.597.500 100

82 Multiple sclerosis society of Serbia Improvement of life quality of the patients with multiple sclerosis and their families 23.053.031 14.047.128 61 14.047.128 10083 Diabetes Federation of Vojvodina Achieving goals together through education 26.099.005 7.458.850 29 7.458.850 10084 Federation of Cerebral Paralysis and Polio of Serbia “Toward the sun in 2011” 42.622.822 18.067.624 42 18.067.624 10085 Serbian Association of Work Invalids We wish to see it has started 27.465.502 11.707.496 43 11.707.496 10086 Federation of Associational of kidney patients and

disabled persons in home dialysis Republic of SerbiaLet`s learn about the problems of the persons with disabilities – kidney patients and kidney patients

in dialysis 1.740.660 1.740.660 100

87 Sports Federation of persons with disabilities of Serbia Plan and work program of the Sports Federation of persons with disabilities of Serbia and local organisations with the support of SSI Serbia 6.839.318 6.839.318 100

88 Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Serbia Inclusion and integration of deaf and hard of hearing persons in Serbia 35.265.337 23.077.457 65 23.077.457 10089 From the circle – organisation for protection and support

to women with disabilities in SerbiaServices of psychological and social and legal support for persons with disabilities 6.683.414 5.751.156 86 5.751.156 100

90 Sport Federation of the persons with disabilities of Vojvodina

Program activities of the Sport Federation of the persons with disabilities of Vojvodina for January to December 2011 7.923.191 4.789.791 60 4.789.791 100

91 Association of Blind and Visually Impaired People of Serbia

Welfare work for blind and visually impaired persons in Serbia – From day to day, 2011 36.426.565 9.965.711 27 9.965.711 100

92 Society for Persons with Down Syndrome Daily stay for persons with disabilities 1.897.000 1.897.000 10093 Forum of young people with disabilities Activism for better position of the persons with disabilities 6.008.000 6.008.000 100 6.008.000 10094 Association of Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation of

VojvodinaProgram activities of the Association for improvement of the position of kidney patients in 2011 5.084.454 2.329.004 46 2.329.004 100

95 Children rugby club “Singidunum” Belgrade International rugby tournament for children 350.000 200.000 57 1.000.000 2096 Association of Work Invalids of Vojvodina Improvement of the position of the work invalids, encouragement and promotion of participation in

cultural and sport and recreation activities 13.490.380 8.403.930 62 8.403.930 100

97 Disabled Shooting Association of Serbia Improvement and development of the sport and recreational shooting OSI of the Republic of Serbia 4.634.300 1.836.000 40 1.836.000 10098 Association of Blind and Visually Impaired People of

VojvodinaImprovement of the position of the blind and visually impaired persons in AP Vojvodina 10.087.864 5.864.344 58 5.864.344 100

99 Muscular Dystrophy Association of Serbia Keeping pace with the strategy 14.433.061 14.433.061 100100 Association of organisations for mentally disabled people

help in AP VojvodinaProgram activities of the Association for mentally disabled people help in AP Vojvodina from

January to December 2011 19.174.601 10.367.337 54 10.367.337 100

101 Association for mentally disabled people help in the Republic of Serbia

Support programs for mentally disabled people help 77.337.414 30.773.224 40 30.773.224 100

102 National organisation of the persons with disabilities Human rights of the persons with disabilities in Serbia – The ticket for future 1.787.000 1.519.500 85 1.519.500 100103 Sport Federation of the blind and visually impaired of

SerbiaSport for all 7.765.628 1.453.700 19 1.453.700 100

104 Muscular Dystrophy Association of Vojvodina We are waiting for some better days 9.665.522 5.564.539 58 5.564.539 100


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Granted amount




Needed amount



0105 Handy Centre Koloseum Fest supports Barefoot Fest 621.000 621.000 100 621.000 100106 Forum of young people with disabilities of Serbia Art and education for all 562.000 562.000 100 562.000 100107 Association for mentally disabled people help Vracar Support for vocational training 150.000 150.000 100 150.000 100108 Society for Assistance to Vulnerable Persons –

SolidarnostHumanitarian support for the persons with disabilities, Roma people and socially handicapped

citizens 1.260.000 1.260.000 100 1.260.000 100

109 Forum of young people with disabilities of Serbia Best chance for best employment 585.000 585.000 100 585.000 100110 Centre for support of socially excluded categories of

citizens “One step beyond”Training course: Public relations and public appearance for persons with disabilities 340.000 340.000 100 340.000 100

111 Centre for improvement of legal studies CUPS Comparative legal analysis of the harmonisation of the UN standards and the domestic legislation on the rights of the persons with disabilities 590.000 590.000 100 590.000 100

112 Hendi Centre Koloseum 8th March, celebration dedicated to women with disabilities 372.000 372.000 100 372.000 100113 League for the persons with disabilities Adaptation of the premises – access to the workshop for OSI 970.000 970.000 100 970.000 100114 Club of the sitting volleyball SERVA, Backa palanka We are volleyball players, too 482.244 482.244 100 482.244 100115 FC “Young eagles” Everybody play football 452.052 452.052 100 452.052 100116 Association of war and peace army invalids of Serbia Open telephone line for providing specific assistance to ear invalids and beneficiaries of the family

insurance for and their education on achieving the rights and protection as the most significant possibilities and contribution to improvement of their lives

760.563 760.563 100 760.563 100

117 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Available surroundings 692.000 692.000 100 692.000 100118 Association of the multiple sclerosis patients for Pcinj

regionOur second home 577.354 577.354 100 577.354 100

119 Centre for development of inclusive society, CRID Hard of Hearing youth of Serbia and Hard of Hearing youth of Europe 150.000 150.000 100 150.000 100120 Society for peace, development and ecology Humanitarian support for socially handicapped persons with disabilities 1.070.000 1.070.000 100 1.070.000 100121 Federation of Associations for providing help to persons

with mental disabilities of SerbiaDaily stay 395.000 395.000 100 395.000 100

122 Society for help to the socially handicapped persons – Solidarity

Building capacity organisations of the persons with disabilities at the local level 1.136.000 974.000 86 974.000 100

123 Association for education and support for women and children “Rainbow“

Movement for she smiles 405.000 405.000 100 405.000 100

124 National Council of Roma National Minority in Serbia Central event for the celebration of the 8th April – World Day of Roma people 1.500.000 1.500.000 100 1.500.000 100125 Society for cerebral and palsy of the municipality of

Svilajnac“Daily stay centre (adaptation of the gallery and storage room and the procured equipment)” 861.258 861.258 100 861.258 100

126 National organisation of the persons with disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS)

Step towards Europe – participation at the Assembly of EDF 238.000 238.000 100 238.000 100

127 Association of the multiple sclerosis patients of Belgrade New hope 97.000 97.000 100 97.000 100128 Municipal association of the deaf and hard of hearing of

Smederevska PalanakaLet`s defeat silence 469.316 469.316 100 469.316 100

129 Municipal organisation of the Association of the Blind of Serbia “Palilula”

Psychological and typholoogy first aid to the Blind people 1.184.700 330.292 28 330.292 100

130 Humanitarian organisation “Children heart” “Informing is the path towards available service” 2.960.000 1.099.180 37 1.099.180 100131 Hendy Centre Koloseum Training for initiating and development of the service-agency of personal assistants in the towns of 1.764.820 1.466.500 83 1.466.500 100132 League of the persons with disabilities Training for establishment of the info centre for the persons with disabilities in towns of Serbia 1.279.600 1.279.600 100 1.279.600 100133 Association of the work invalids of Serbia Building capacity of the members of the organisation of work invalids with the aim to develop the

services at the local level 1.559.000 1.151.000 74 1.151.000 100

134 City organisation of the deaf of Belgrade Translation service for the sign language 2.519.174 1.276.570 51 1.276.570 100135 City association of the cerebral disease and palsy of Nis I want to live without fear and prejudice 789.242 510.000 65 510.000 100136 Inter-municipal association of the deaf and hard of

hearing of ProkupljeWe have the same goal 935.445 481.500 51 481.500 100

137 Association for providing help to persons with mental disabilities of Serbia

Little school for parents 1.074.878 1.074.878 100 1.074.878 100


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Program/project nameRequested


Granted amount




Needed amount



0138 Society for help to the socially handicapped persons –

Solidarity Building capacity of the organisation of the persons with disabilities at the local level 1.284.000 1.284.000 100 1.284.000 100

139 Association of paraplegics and quadriplegics of Opovo With knowledge to unity 250.000 250.000 100 250.000 100140 Centre for development of human society Establishing the system of uniform records keeping of the persons with disabilities and their

companions 600.000 600.000 100 600.000 100

141 Association of muscular dystrophy patients of Serbia Sport. Recreation – promotion, integration 1.457.292 850.000 58 850.000 100142 Association of paraplegics and quadriplegics of Opovo Tolerance Cup – Baranda 2011 581.020 581.020 100 581.020 100143 Association of the deaf and the hard of hearing of Serbia Participation on the XVI World Congress of the Deaf 356.026 356.026 100 356.026 100144 Diving club “Big-Blue” Belgrade Diving training for the blind and the visually impaired children 250.000 200.000 80 200.000 100145 Association of the Blind of Serbia Counselling of the blind and visually blind women of Serbia – 2011 609.360 499.400 82 499.400 100146 Association of tenants of the Home for elderly persons

with disabilitiesTraditional12th Olympic Days 470.700 200.000 42 200.000 100

147 Association of muscular dystrophy patients of Serbia Serbia in Europe – participation on the 41st General Session of the EAMDA 193.000 158.000 82 158.000 100148 City organisation of the deaf of Belgrade Translation service for the sign language, Belgrade 329.190 329.190 100 329.190 100149 Centre for transition and human rights “Spektar” Training: Public relations and public appearance of the persons with disabilities 374.618 374.618 100 374.618 100150 Hendy centre Koloseum Barefoot Fest 2011 – look, movement, life 710.000 710.000 100 710.000 100151 Society of the multiple sclerosis of Serbia 7th Olympics Games for the multiple sclerosis patients – Zemplinska Sirava, Slovakia 94.510 94.510 100 94.510 100152 Sport and recreation association of the persons with

disabilities “Everything`s possible“Participation of the persons with disabilities on the Second International Drina Regatta 2011 775.500 308.000 40 308.000 100

153 Society for cerebral disease and palsy “The Sun” Vranje Building capacity of the Society for Cerebral disease and Palsy “The Sun” Vranje 53.000 53.000 100 53.000 100154 Municipal organisation of the blind of Bajina Basta With hands towards the light 252.048 252.048 100 252.048 100155 Humanitarian organisation of Stara Raska - Belgrade Improvement of the position of the persons with disabilities and leukaemia 8.350.000 300.000 4 300.000 100156 KMF Pioneer Belgrade children`s league 250.000 250.000 100 250.000 100157 Association of multiple sclerosis of Nis Our second home 192.000 192.000 100 192.000 100158 Association of paraplegics and quadriplegics of Serbia 19th Sport and recreation event of the persons with spinal cord disorders “19 RSI” 720.000 720.000 100 720.000 100159 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Action for all – removal of barriers 997.500 997.500 100 997.500 100160 National organisation of the persons with disabilities of

Serbia (NOOIS)From the strategic framework to the practice 1.842.000 1.842.000 100 1.842.000 100

161 Citizens association Skylight Humanitarian workshop “Good heart” 200.000 200.000 100 200.000 100162 Centre for family victims of war protection on Kosovo

and MetohijaMaterial help in goods for the war victims families and war invalids from Kosovo and Metohija 200.250 200.250 100 200.250 100

163 City organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing of Nis Our second home 618.000 618.000 100 618.000 100164 Society for help for the socially handicapped persons –

SolidarityHumanity in action 1.260.000 1.260.000 100 1.260.000 100

165 H.O. Children heart Transparency of my rights 500.000 500.000 100 500.000 100166 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia School for everybody – Removal of barriers 796.900 796.900 100 796.900 100167 Handycentre Koloseum Promotion of healthy life style OSI 514.400 514.400 100 514.400 100168 Society of multiple sclerosis of Vojvodina Monograph on the occasion of 20 anniversary of the Society for multiple sclerosis of Vojvodina 440.000 300.000 68 300.000 100169 Association for help for persons with mental and

development disorders in VranjeJubilee celebration – 40 work anniversary of the Association for help MNRO - Vranje 220.000 220.000 100 220.000 100

170 The club of the Association of pensioners in Arandjelovac Improvement of life quality of the persons with disabilities and socially handicapped members of the club of united pensioners of Arandjelovac 300.000 300.000 100 300.000 100

171 Municipal organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing of Velika Plana

CAMPAING: Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons to live with us without prejudice and shame of their families 467.000 467.000 100 467.000 100

172 National organisation of the persons with disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS)

Step towards Europe 2 – participation on the annual Session of the Steering Committee of the EDF 181.000 181.000 100 181.000 100

173 Belgrade centre for hypo rehabilitation Mini-seminar – term, name and benefits of the hypo rehabilitation 217.250 217.250 100 217.250 100174 Federation of associations for help for persons with Camp of Kosjeric 678.410 678.410 100 678.410 100


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0mental and development disorders of Serbia

175 Municipal organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing of Smederevska Palanka

Adaptation of the premises to better activities 500.482 383.642 77 383.642 100

176 Centre for transition and human rights “Spektar” Training: “Public relational and public appearances of the persons with disabilities” 384.247 384.247 100 384.247 100177 Youth creative centre “Bela Palanka” The new world 410.000 410.000 100 410.000 100178 Association of the multiple sclerosis patients “West

Backa” SomborEasier access to OSI 315.120 315.120 100 315.120 100

179 Inter-municipal organisation of the Federation of the blind of Serbia – Prijepolje

Technical platform for the successful work 297.792 297.792 100 297.792 100

180 Association of paraplegics and quadriplegics of Serbia (SPIKS)

Adaptation of the offices of the SPIKS 1.297.000 1.297.000 100 1.297.000 100

181 Olympic movement of the elderly people in Serbia Fourth Olympiad of sport, health and culture for the elderly people – Sokobanja 2011 300.000 200.000 67 200.000 100182 Society of multiple sclerosis of Vojvodina Improvement of the area of technical conditions of work for the Society of multiple sclerosis of

Vojvodina – improvement of the technical work conditions of the staff 230.000 230.000 100 230.000 100

183 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Open Banat 656.900 656.900 100 656.900 100184 Paralympics Committee of Serbia Equipment and sport equipment procurement for the Paralympics nation al team of Serbia 450.494 450.494 100 450.494 100185 Centre for improvement of law studies – CUPS The Law on prevention of discrimination of the persons with disabilities – 5 years later 458.000 458.000 100 458.000 100186 Society for providing help to the socially handicapped

persons – SolidarityHumanitarian support for the parsons with disabilities 1.600.000 1.600.000 100 1.600.000 100

187 Federation of the kidney patients/invalids of Vojvodina Improvement of the area and technical work conditions of the Association of kidney patients/invalids of Vojvodina – improvement of the technical work conditions of the staff 194.700 194.700 100 194.700 100

188 Centre for education and economical development Actively to employment and self-employment 1.020.000 681.000 67 681.000 100189 National organisation of the persons with disabilities

(NOOIS)From the strategic framework to the practice 2 – preparation of the draft action plans for

implementation of the Strategy for the period 2012–2015 1.842.000 1.320.000 72 1.320.000 100

190 Initiative for professional efficiency of Belgrade (ISE) Strong will 651.950 651.950 100 651.950 100191 Network of researchers of the social circumstances –

network ISPOld age and disabilities – research on the needs of elderly people with disabilities for services which

support life quality in family 347.600 347.600 100 347.600 100

192 Association of the Blind of Serbia Improvement of common work of the Association of the Blind of Serbia and local organisations for welfare of the blind and visually impaired persons – Traditional annual counselling of the

representatives of the Association, local organisations and the institutions for the blind and visually impaired persons in 2011

793.030 140.360 18 140.360 100

193 Regional organisation of the blind, Leskovac Chess is more than a game 144.699 144.699 100 144.699 100194 Centre for transition and human rights “Spektar” Training: “Public relations and public appearance for the persons with disabilities II” 635.000 635.000 100 635.000 100195 Inter-municipal organisation of the Association of the

blind - PozarevacOverhaul of the business building 504.495 468.495 93 468.495 100

196 Association of the tenants of the Home for elderly persons with disabilities

Marking of the International Day of the persons with disabilities 440.400 206.400 47 206.400 100

197 Association of the deaf of Zabalj Adaptation of the business premises of the Association 353.820 353.820 100 353.820 100198 Inter-municipal organisation of the deaf and hard of

hearing of VrsacLearning the technique of the graphics work for the persons with disabilities 1.492.512 817.117 55 817.117 100

199 Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of Negotin Listen to silence 458.300 458.300 100 458.300 100200 NGO “Fram Zrenjanin” We are all athletes 450.040 450.040 100 450.040 100201 Association “Inclusion” You have the support 567.000 567.000 100 567.000 100202 Association of the amputees and born with malformations

in the North Backa region, SuboticaLearning the foreign language (English language) 303.000 303.000 100 303.000 100

203 Citizens Association “Ultra”, Valjevo Let`s work together 544.000 544.000 100 544.000 100204 City organisation of the blind of Belgrade By adaptation to more effective help – improvement of the work of the Salon for massage of the

Association of the Blind, Belgrade 538.668 538.668 100 538.668 100


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0205 Association of the Blind of Serbia Adaptation of the book “Tesla, movement among the masks” in audio techniques 414.400 414.400 100 414.400 100206 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Uniform parking sticking label 1.656.500 1.656.500 100 1.656.500 100207 Association for education and support Promotion of the inclusive cultural events of the persons with disabilities 1.603.645 1.603.645 100 1.603.645 100208 Handy Centre Koloseum “For life without barriers 2011”, Central celebration on the occasion of the 3rd December, the World

Day of OSI 677.500 677.500 100 677.500 100

209 National organisation of the persons with disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS)

Easier path towards rights 1.493.010 1.373.010 92 1.373.010 100

210 Municipal organisation of the Association of the blind of Serbia – Palilula

Technical platform for the successful work 107.823 107.823 100 107.823 100

211 Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of Novi Pazar for the municipalities of Novi Pazar, Sjenica, Raska and


By adaptation of premises to better activities773.075 773.075 100 773.075 100

212 Association of the cerebral disease and palsy of Serbia Ensure standards in terms of equipment 77.456 77.456 100 77.456 100213 Association for help for persons with mental and

development disorders of Novi PazarWood work installation in the regional centre for daily stay and work training of the persons with

mental disabilities in Novi Pazar 444.978 444.978 100 444.978 100

214 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Public campaign for development of DOP 930.000 930.000 100 930.000 100215 Society for the help of socially handicapped persons –

SolidarityBuilding capacity of the organisations of the persons with disabilities at the local level III 1.141.000 1.141.000 100 1.141.000 100

216 National Council of Roma national minority of Serbia Inclusion and monitoring – preparation of the affirmative actions 600.000 600.000 100 600.000 100217 Society for help of persons with mental and development

disorders of VracarDevelopment of the social skills for persons with mental disabilities 879.346 453.800 52 453.800 100

218 National organisation of the persons with disabilities (NOOIS)

From the model to the practice – development of the program activities 696.000 696.000 100 696.000 100

219 Centre for local activism – CELA Improvement of informing the persons with disabilities through innovative inter-municipal model in partnership with the local offices for youth 3.503.980 1.074.500 31 1.074.500 100

220 Centre for improvement of law studies of Belgrade Legal framework for improvement of the standard of rendered services of the association of the persons with disabilities 1.270.000 1.270.000 100 1.270.000 100

221 Society of multiple sclerosis of Serbia Development of the resiliency with the multiple sclerosis patients 693.630 676.580 98 676.580 100222 UG PONS Development of the local volunteer service for the assistance to OSI and OSI associations through

the work of volunteers from the local offices for youth (LOY) 3.553.500 1.182.600 33 1.182.600 100

223 People for people The same differently 1.010.300 700.300 69 700.300 100224 Association for education and support ACTIVE MIND – program of exercises for encouraging development potential of children and

youth with the developmental disabilities 1.755.270 1.096.140 62 1.096.140 100

225 Knowledge Committee of Serbia In unity together 1.182.300 738.100 62 738.100 100226 Association MNRO Psychological strengthening of the persons with disabilities – assertiveness training 1.375.738 803.000 58 803.000 100227 “...FROM THE CIRCLE – Belgrade“ “How to help in the best way possible“ 2.970.800 899.800 30 899.800 100228 Association of the multiple sclerosis patients of Raska

region - KraljevoTeach me how 147.043 147.043 100 147.043 100

229 Belgrade association for providing help to persons with autism

“Let`s meet” 727.483 316.600 44 316.600 100

230 Association of deaf and hard of hearing in Sumadija region, Kragujevac

“Hands talk, too” 548.642 542.642 99 542.642 100

231 Organisation of the deaf, Novi Sad Translation service for the sign language 1.312.346 1.107.846 84 1.107.846 100232 Association for cerebral disease and palsy of Belgrade Evaluation and planning of the services in the area of the social security of the persons with the

effects of the cerebral disease and palsy 1.627.774 786.000 48 786.000 100

233 Association of multiple sclerosis of the North Banat region, Novi Knezevac

Let`s get stronger together 776.262 668.940 86 668.940 100

234 Inter-municipal organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing of Vranje

Health listening booth 459.300 308.000 67 308.000 100


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0235 Association of students with disabilities Assistance service in university education – volunteer peer support for students with disabilities 1.681.500 718.500 43 718.500 100236 Association of deaf and hard of hearing of Vojvodina –

Audio logical centreCounselling and education services 48.234 42.734 89 42.734 100

237 Inter-municipal organisation of the blind, Krusevac To see each other better 556.819 491.319 88 491.319 100238 Citizens association “Red lilies” Support for OSI integration 1.836.000 1.308.000 71 1.308.000 100239 Association “Half-way” Infosit – internet portal with information on services on the territory of the city of Pancevo for the

persons with mental disabilities 625.578 554.028 89 554.028 100

240 Centre for development of inclusive society Obstacles for mobility = obstacles for inclusion 1.571.100 1.299.100 83 1.299.100 100241 Centre for independent life of the persons with disabilities

of SerbiaAdvocacy of the new service of the social security in the local community 1.912.421 1.228.536 64 1.228.536 100

242 Forum of youth with disabilities of Serbia Parking, the place for everybody 1.321.000 1.191.000 90 1.191.000 100243 The strength of friendship – Amity 360 Degree of inclusion – nothing on us without us 1.084.500 796.000 73 796.000 100244 Society of cerebral disease and palsy of Ivanjica Personal assistance and help in house for children with disabilities – The new support service 1.517.740 504.000 33 504.000 100245 Association of the persons with cerebral disease and palsy

“Will for life”Club for the persons with disabilities “Get involved and become visible” 850.914 677.574 80 677.574 100

246 Association of the single mothers, Nis Improvement program of the parental skills for the care of children with developmental disorders 1.088.662 592.935 54 592.935 100247 Association for help of the persons with mental and

development disorders, Novi PazarDaily stay and intensive daily activities “Open Days for children and parents” 1.873.000 1.203.000 64 1.203.000 100

248 Association for help of the persons with mental and development disorders, Pirot

Daily stay for children and youth with developmental disorders in Pirot 1.577.525 1.114.200 71 1.114.200 100

249 Association of the persons with special needs “Signpost” Give me your hand 398.340 265.290 67 265.290 100250 Society for cerebral diseases and palsy, Ivanjica Continuation of the program – Service of the daily activities for the persons with combined

disorders “The Sun” – inclusive type 1.533.060 1.067.500 70 1.067.500 100

251 Association for help of the persons with development disorders “Hope” Kladovo

Supportive hands 169.700 168.200 99 168.200 100

252 Centre for social integration of Roma people Help in house for elderly persons with disabilities 1.233.390 653.000 53 653.000 100253 Association for help of the persons with mental and

development disorders ZvezdaraDaily stay in Zvezdara – preparation for the independent life – dwelling with support 1.542.402 1.263.420 82 1.263.420 100

254 Association for help of the persons with mental and development disorders, Trstenik

Daily stay “Detection playground” 3.298.145 1.346.480 41 1.346.480 100

255 Association for promotion of the inclusion in Serbia – API Serbia

Dwelling with support for 23 persons with intellectual disabilities in Belgrade 1.424.000 942.950 66 942.950 100

256 Forum of women Prijepolje Education for better visibility of the persons with disabilities 990.000 765.000 77 765.000 100257 Society for help of the persons with mental and

development disorders BrusDaily stay “The house of joy and friendship” 2.803.069 1.338.661 48 1.338.661 100

258 Association for help of the persons with mental and development disorders Odzaci

Daily stay “Golden arc” 730.308 730.308 100 730.308 100

259 Municipal organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing Velika Plana

Let`s hear you better 593.602 375.106 63 375.106 100

260 Regional organisation of the Association of the blind of Serbia, Kragujevac

We are stronger together 341.221 341.221 100 341.221 100

261 Association of muscular dystrophy of Serbia Youth and creativity 1.360.797 400.000 29 400.000 100262 Open world Let`s meet 1.200.000 730.800 61 730.800 100263 People for people Together at the school desk 1.079.550 867.000 80 867.000 100264 Association for education and support of women and

children RainbowHealth above all 883.000 733.000 83 733.000 100

265 Society for cerebral disease and palsy of Jagodina Weekend-program 1.170.713 545.400 47 545.400 100266 Freedom movement of Serbia “To not forget” 2.751.400 1.200.000 44


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0267 Association of the multiple sclerosis patients of the Nis

regionFor life in family – help in house 2.449.360 622.340 25 622.340 100

268 Association for help of the persons with mental and development disorders Sombor

Connection for good voice 321.000 280.600 87 280.600 100

269 Association of war volunteers 1912–1918 “Magazine War Volunteer Gazette Nos. 37 and 38” and “Monograph or the war volunteer movement of the Serbian people, the first book Memorial – 2011” 4.343.000 3.100.000 71

270 City organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing of Nis Innovative services for deaf and hard of hearing persons of Nis 1.271.648 307.080 24 307.080 100271 Federation of war-disabled civilians “Psychological and social rehabilitation of war-disabled civilians” 2.239.000 50.000 2 272 Association MNRO Serbia Participative and strategic planning of the sustainable development of the Association MNRO

Serbia 1.794.188 1.233.508 69 1.233.508 100

273 Swimming club “Jagodina 2000” By swimming to friendship 741.880 459.240 62 459.240 100274 Society for help of the persons with mental and

development disorders Novi SadA chance for more diligent community 1.138.900 572.000 50 572.000 100

275 Society for help of the persons with mental and development disorders Aleksandrovac

Daily centre 2.091.413 1.298.352 62 1.298.352 100

276 Society of multiple sclerosis of Serbia Information as a condition and path for active social engagement of the persons who live with multiple sclerosis 655.080 596.760 91 596.760 100

277 Society for help of the persons with mental and development disorders Aleksinac

Daily stay for children with developmental disorders 1.426.020 1.323.100 93 1.323.100 100

278 Education forum centre We can do it, too 1.143.858 728.798 64 728.798 100279 Centre Live upright Peer counselling for children and youth with disabilities, their parents and foster parents 757.639 521.791 69 521.791 100280 Association providing help to persons with mental

disabilities “Embrace”, TopolaBreak – Embrace weekend 1.343.406 955.012 71 955.012 100

281 Association providing help to persons with mental and development disabilities Ivanjica

Daily centre “Open door” 1.453.673 1.453.673 100 1.453.673 100

282 Association for municipal development, Negotin Support for integration of the person with disabilities in the municipality of Negotin 755.600 644.100 85 644.100 100283 Association of children with special needs “Our dreams” Improvement of the daily stay services 1.014.500 1.014.500 100 1.014.500 100284 Municipal association for providing help to children with

development disabilitiesWe live together 2.654.156 1.274.788 48 1.274.788 100

285 Forum of youth with disabilities Persons with disabilities and social entrepreneurship 1.198.500 773.500 65 773.500 100286 Citizens Association The Sun for cerebral disease and

palsy of South Banat region, Novi SadTherapeutic horse riding 495.518 445.979 90 445.979 100

287 Association of descendants of soldiers of Serbia 1912–1920

Implementation of the program activities and the project of the Association magazine Zavet 3.730.000 1.200.000 32

288 Association of the deaf and hard of hearing of the Sumadija region, Kragujevac

Translation service – assistance to deaf and hard of hearing persons 1.061.240 1.061.240 100 1.061.240 100

289 From the Circle – Belgrade, organisation for protection of the rights and support for women with disabilities

In the same direction without violence 1.499.500 722.000 48 722.000 100

290 Federation of associations for providing help to persons with Down syndrome in Serbia

Raising awareness of the local communities and the societies for help to the persons with Down syndrome in Serbia for new social role of the persons with disabilities 1.082.664 660.700 61 660.700 100

291 Initiative for sustainable development – Bridges Daily centre Bridges 2.335.600 883.600 38 883.600 100292 Centre for development of inclusive society My rights in the Law on the social security 1.295.600 1.295.600 100 1.295.600 100293 Centre for independent life of the persons with disabilities More easily towards rights exercising 1.444.029 957.647 66 957.647 100294 Association of liberation wars of the Republic of Serbia International academic art colony 9.000.000 1.000.000 11 295 Association of the interpreter of the Serbian sign language Support for communication inclusion 582.100 582.100 100 582.100 100296 Association for cherishing tradition of JUVuO 1000 books dedicated to JUVuO for the Serbian libraries 5.945.000 1.200.000 20 297 Association for cerebral disease and palsy of Belgrade Daily stay for persons with multiple disabilities – the Sun 3.499.860 970.000 28 970.000 100298 Association of war participants 1991–1999, Kraljevo Rehabilitation of war invalids, members of the fallen combatants in the wars 1991–1999 of Raska 7.130.000 3.000.000 42


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0region and “Memorial monument for the fallen combatants 1991–1999 from the area of Usce –

Kraljevo”299 SUBNOR Republic Committee “Cherishing tradition of the liberation wars of Serbia in the international frames” and “Cherishing

tradition of the people`s liberation war 1941–1945 and all liberation wars of the Serbian people” 8.931.647 4.300.000 48

300 Association for providing help to persons with special needs, Vozdovac

Daily stay Together 1.535.661 761.796 50 761.796 100

301 Association of muscular dystrophy Belgrade Summer camp – Belgrade – Keep your head up, 2011 1.200.000 800.000 67 800.000 100302 Society for cherishing tradition of the liberation wars of

Serbia until 1918Memorial events in Serbia and abroad in 2011 4.906.950 1.800.000 37

303 Union of war veterans and invalids of Serbia “Equality with everybody and keeping memories” 7.720.000 3.800.000 49 304 Association of war and peace army invalids of Serbia Psychological and social rehabilitation and publishing of the magazine Army invalid 8.070.000 5.000.000 62 305 Association of combatants from 1990 Program of the assistance to the socially handicapped people, to municipal committees and the

Central archive of the wars in the Nineties 8.675.000 7.700.000 89

306 Association of war army invalids of Serbia in all wars Psychological and social rehabilitation 8.950.000 4.000.000 45 307 Association of war army invalids and the fallen

combatants familiesMarking important historical dates and psychological and social rehabilitation of war invalids and

families of the fallen combatants through work and recreation 6.509.731 3.500.000 54

308 Association of combatants from 1990 war, Valjevo Dr Predrag Canic 4.550.000 3.087.600 68 309 Organisation of the combatants war veterans of the war

1991–1999 of Republic of Serbia, LeskovacEducation and rehabilitation of the war participants in 1991–1999 and inclusion in normal social

life 2.969.744 1.700.000 57

310 Association of the fallen combatants families from 1990 war, Republic of Serbia

Preparation of data base for the fallen combatants from in armed conflicts as of 17 August 1990 and their families and cherishing tradition of 1990–1999 and the recovery of the fallen combatants

families3.924.568 3.500.000 89

311 Association of war veterans, war invalids of the wars in the Nineties of the Republic of Serbia

Improvement of the position of the members of the fallen combatants families 2.807.000 1.200.000 43

312 Federation of association of war veterans and war invalids of the wars from 1990 of Serbia

Resocialisation of war veterans and war invalids and their inclusion in social and economic life 8.445.000 1.500.000 18

313 Organisation War veterans of Serbia Liberation wars of Serbia – historical point of view 2.694.700 1.000.000 37 314 The Serbian Chetnik movement Olga Nikolic 6.000.000 1.800.000 30 315 The Serbian-Jewish singers` society To never forget, through music we write the memories. Holocaust, to never happen again

800.000 600.000 75

316 Republic association for cherishing tradition of the Ravna Gora movement

Exhibition on the occasion of 70 years since the uprising 1.150.000 1.000.000 87

317 Organisation of the war veterans of Serbia, Gadzin Han Providing direct help to war invalids and families of the fallen combatants from the area of social security, health and psychological rehabilitation 2.880.864 600.000 21

318 Association of muscular dystrophy of Soutn Banat, Novi Sad

Summer camp – Novi Sad – Keep your head up 2011 1.200.000 800.000 67 800.000 100

319 Handy Centre Koloseum Psychological and social support and personal assistance to the persons with disabilities in Belgrade 1.779.175 1.779.175 100 1.779.175 100320 Association for education and support For life in the community 1.485.000 1.017.800 69 1.017.800 100321 Youth club of Backa Palanka in cooperation with the

partner organisations“Rhythm painted by the soul”, socialisation and inclusion of children with autism through art and

music 405.526 405.526 100 405.526 100

322 Society for cerebral disease, Krusevac Rainbow for everybody 1.614.897 1.169.642 72 1.169.642 100323 Society for providing help to persons with mental and

development disabilities, municipality of VrbasStimulating and inclusion program for children with disabilities in the municipality of Vrbas 756.686 756.686 100 756.686 100

324Association of the multiple sclerosis patients “West

Backa” Sombor

Elevation without discrimination696.536 498.686 72 498.686 100

325 Association Per Art Art and inclusion – Centre for creativity, free time and inclusion of the persons with intellectual 1.017.740 435.660 43 435.660 100


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326 Centre for development and integration We are all together 697.300 697.300 100 697.300 100327 EDIT Centre (Ех Youth NGO) 9th International film event “Seize this day with me!”, dedicated to life, activities and achievements

of the persons with disabilities 305.560 305.560 100 305.560 100

328 World organisation of the mime artists The music of silence – to live a fairy tale 860.000 400.000 47 400.000 100329 Association of muscular dystrophy of Rasina region,

KruseevacCollection and recycling of PET 767.650 689.250 90 689.250 100

330 Association of muscular dystrophy of Zlatibor region, Uzice

Steps towards path of development 1.789.325 839.440 47 839.440 100

331 Association Viktorija, Kragujevac Development of the support service for OSI – in the region of Sumadija 1.464.000 1.095.000 75 1.095.000 100332 Inter-municipal organisation of the blind, Krusevac Educational and psychological support for blind and visually impaired children and their families 684.560 576.080 84 576.080 100333 Association for providing help to the persons with autism Autism in the heart 612.158 612.158 100 612.158 100334 Federation of muscular dystrophy, Vojvodina The strength in proactivism – strengthening of the membership for organisations management 995.428 600.535 60 600.535 100335 General organisation of the deaf and hard of hearing,

KrusevacParenthood in the world of silence 683.860 683.860 100 683.860 100

336 Society for providing help to the persons with mental and development disabilities of Kraljevo

All day stay “Our joy” 2.583.251 1.269.795 49 1.269.795 100

337 SUBNOR Republic Committee “Organising recovery of the combatants, war invalids and the continuing activity”, Organisation of SUBNOR for improvement of the social and health position of the combatants and war invalids 5.985.000 5.470.000 91

338 Association of the combatants of the war in 1990, city of Belgrade, municipality Zvezdara

Keeping record and analysis of the social and material conditions of the war veterans 2.580.000 1.000.000 39

339 Association of the persons treated for psychosis – ULOP Social integration and rehabilitation of the persons with psychosis 704.055 504.917 72 504.917 100340 Municipal organisation of the war-disabled civilians,

KrusevacWork program of the municipal organisation 106.000 100.000 94

341 Association of the combatants of the war in 1990 Novi Sad

Investigation of needs, education and training of the unemployed members for the professional direction 1.841.400 800.000 43

342 Citizens association Development centre Ophthalmological check up, education on glaucoma and cataract, preparation of apparatus for war veterans and their families 5.786.920 1.500.000 26

343 Committee for human rights, Leskovac Psychological and social rehabilitation of the war participants 3.448.063 1.000.000 29 344 Association of the participants in the wars 1991–1999,

KraljevoRehabilitation of the war invalids, members of the fallen combatants families and combatants in the

wars 1991–1999 of the Raska region 4.250.060 1.000.000 24

345 The veteran Counselling service SOS telephone 3.000.000 1.000.000 33 346 Union of war veterans and war invalids of Serbia Through support to psychological and social rehabilitation 5.498.000 600.000 11 347 Association of war and peace army invalids of Serbia Allowances and benefits for war and peace army invalids and beneficiaries of the family invalid

security allowance in the areas where they live and work as a contribution to strengthening their social position and education and training of the war invalids and beneficiaries of their family

allowances and the municipal associations of the war invalids for exercising leg\al rights as the most significant way of strengthening their social position.

4.993.121 4.700.000 94

348 Association of the combatants of the war in 1990 Preparation of the social card for the children of fallen combatants from the wars since 1990 on the whole territory of Serbia 2.715.000 2.000.000 74

349 Association of the war invalids of Serbian in all wars Spa and climate recovery of the serious war invalids and scholarships 5.960.000 4.800.000 81 350 Association of the combatants from 1990, Valjevo DR Predrag Canic – the continuation of the program 3.000.000 900.000 30 351 Association of the combatants from 1990, Prokuplje Improvement of the position of the combatants in Toplica. Participants of the wars 1990–1999 2.327.500 1.000.000 43 352 Association of the combatants in the war of 1999, city of

NisEco-patrol 365 days a year 2.974.600 250.000 8

353 Association of the veterans – war invalids in the wars from 1990, Republic of Serbia

Attention 3.000.000 800.000 27

354 Association of the war army invalids of Serbia Vranjska Banja 2011 4.580.000 1.000.000 22


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0355 Association of the War army invalids of the AP

Vojvodina, Novi SadA friend – to a friend 3.902.500 800.000 21

356 Organisation of the war veterans of Serbia, municipal committee of Gadzin Han

Providing direct help to war invalids and families of the fallen combatants from the areas of the social security health and psychological and social rehabilitation – continuation of the project 2.226.300 400.000 18

357 Association of war veterans 1999, Vlasotince Resocialisation and psychological and social rehabilitation as the necessary element for health and inclusion of war invalids and their families into social life 2.461.855 700.000 28

358 Association of the paraplegics and quadriplegics of Serbia Through knowledge to our rights 1.627.269 726.250 45 726.250 100359 Association of the blind of Vojvodina Through movement to the light – theatre workshops 700.580 596.680 85 596.680 100360 Novi Sad association of the students with disabilities High school pupils – actively against prejudice 274.504 274.504 100 274.504 100361 Association Centre for innovative activities We are stronger together 1.628.424 996.600 61 996.600 100362 Association of the persons with disabilities, Hippocrates Longer temporary stay – weekend-program for the persons with developmental and mental

disabilities from the territory of the municipality of Lazarevac 416.640 416.640 100 416.640 100

363 Association of the centre for education and rehabilitation, Belgrade

Daily stay for children with the risk of autism – prevention of institutionalisation 850.000 850.000 100 850.000 100

364 Society for providing help to the persons with mental and development disabilities of the city of Krusevac

Program of integral help for elderly and elderly people with mental disabilities on the territory of the city of Krusevac 1.137.070 829.676 73 829.676 100

365 Multis, association of the multiple sclerosis patients of the South Backa region in Novi Sad

Education and psychological and social help to patients with MS 338.000 338.000 100 338.000 100

366 Association of the paraplegics and quadriplegics Petar Kocic, Titel

The right view of the world 213.570 126.750 59 126.750 100

367 Association of the cerebral disease and palsy, Kursumlija Education workshops for children with special needs 896.800 320.800 36 320.800 100368 Association of the paraplegics and quadriplegics Sumadija Info centre and transport services of the persons with disabilities 1.411.000 868.000 62 868.000 100369 Centre for independent life of the persons with

disabilities, JagodinaJagodina, the town of tourism 523.924 463.924 89 463.924 100

370 Association Live upright Novi Pazar It is nicer when we are together 708.235 442.755 63 442.755 100371 Society for cerebral disease and palsy, Bajina Basta The path towards more beautiful footprint 702.035 400.135 57 400.135 100372 Citizens Association Self Family club – counselling and education program of support for the families of the persons with

intellectual disorders 678.600 781.800 115 781.800 100

373 Association of the paraplegics and quadriplegics of Nisava region – UPNO, Nis

“... And my city” 1.271.626 325.445 26 325.445 100

374 NGO Balanstra Improvement of the social security services through education of the staff 1.404.540 731.000 52 731.000 100375 Association for providing help to persons with mental and

development disabilities, CacakEthnic camp Sirogojno 180.320 180.320 100 180.320 100

376 Society providing help to persons with mental and development disabilities, Bor

Longer daily stay for the persons with mental disabilities 9.297.181 1.275.857 14 1.275.857 100

377 Organisation of the blind of the North Banat Educational centre 1.634.717 489.256 30 489.256 100378 Citizens association Rainbow Аda Get involved, become visible 952.500 562.500 59 562.500 100379 Association for providing help to persons with mental and

development disabilities, SmederevoDaily stay and the all-round activities for children and youth with intellectual disorders 2.567.214 1.115.514 43 1.115.514 100

380 "...from the circle" Nis It resembles playing, but it`s called life 873.214 569.520 65 569.520 100381 Roma women form Vojvodina, Novi Becej Do you believe I can do it, too? 389.634 303.134 78 303.134 100382 Regional initiative of Koceljevo Koceljeva includes everybody 1.055.565 1.055.565 100 1.055.565 100383 Association of the blind of Vojvodina You can do it, too – the strengthening of the blind women in families 378.340 378.340 100 378.340 100384 Association of multiple sclerosis, Knjazevac The hand is given 1.074.320 597.960 56 597.960 100385 Live together – association for providing help to persons

with development disabilities, Stari GradYou have the right on help, psychological and social support and personal assistance for the persons

with disabilities 1.563.834 498.042 32 498.042 100

386 Association of the persons with disabilities and socially handicapped citizens of the municipality of Gadzin Han

Let`s get on with life 1.872.608 854.304 46 854.304 100


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0387 Association I have the right, Aleksinac Program of early intervention – support for families with children with developmental disorders 1.497.724 1.268.756 85 1.268.756 100388 Association Fight the autism today Let`s fight the autism today – for better social inclusion 1.217.000 676.000 56 676.000 100389 Young researchers of Srrbia Volunteer and social service 1.224.040 599.040 49 599.040 100390 Group Let`s... Together! – inclusive theatre work with OSI, students of human sciences and theatre artists 853.320 459.280 54 459.280 100391 National organisation of the persons with disabilities of

Serbia (NOOIS)Strengthened into Europe 2.064.140 1.107.540 54 1.107.540 100

392 Society for cerebral disease and palsy of Leskovac Youth as a support 121.178 121.178 100 121.178 100393 Federation of the associations for providing help to the

persons with mental and development disabilities in AP Vojvodina

Parenthood with "non"normal children566.712 566.712 100 566.712 100

394 Association “Half way" There are more of us 1.289.186 696.085 54 696.085 100395 Federation of the association for providing help to the

persons with mental and development disabilities Service for family support 2.158.111 661.496 31 661.496 100

396 Novi Sad association of the students with disabilities Get trained and apply it 102.432 102.432 100 102.432 100397 Association of the persons with muscular dystrophy from

KosmetThrough knowledge to inclusion 493.000 214.000 43 214.000 100

398 Municipal organisation of work invalids You are not alone- help in house 621.000 492.000 79 492.000 100399 Society for diabetes, Novi Sad Education at the interactive workshops with the aim to integrate and socialise the diabetes patients

who use insulin and the persons with disabilities caused by the effects of diabetes 388.000 280.000 72 280.000 100

400 Citizens association Оpen world Study trips of the successful and impoverished high school pupils 200.000 200.000 100 333.333 60401 Association of the parents of children with cancer

TinkerbellPsychological and social help and support for children with cancer and their families 400.000 400.000 100 1.095.000 37

402 Association Human team Visits to persons with disabilities for their inclusion into humanitarian and sport activities 500.000 500.000 100 1.000.000 50403 Republic association of Serbia for providing help to the

persons with autismTravel everywhere, come back to Serbia 375.000 300.000 80 2.050.000 15

404 Association Healthy family Review of the general state of affairs, openness and needs of the children with special needs form the rural regions 600.000 300.000 50 780.000 38

405 Red Cross of Serbia Parcel for the newborn baby 500.000 500.000 100 1.000.000 50406 Association Ecological Healthy food for social and materially handicapped population 650.000 250.000 38 650.000 38407 Association Inclusion Education of children and the persons with disabilities 500.000 450.000 90 1.000.000 45408 Astronomers association of Serbia International astronomic Olympiad 945.000 300.000 32 950.000 32409 Centre for education and economic development Education of the persons who deal with children rights protection 750.000 450.000 60 1.500.000 30410 Association of the paraplegics and quadriplegics Petar

KocicVisits to marginalised families and children with the aim to provide help and their inclusion 500.000 350.000 70 700.000 50

411 Association of the Independent Journalists Due time and transparency in work, availability and individualisation of the social security 427.500 427.500 100 1.790.700 24412 Physical Society of Serbia International junior scientific Olympiad 200.000 200.000 100 1.437.624 14413 Centre for transition and human rights Spektar Conference on corporative volunteering 300.000 300.000 100 600.000 50414 Association for help and care of the children with specials

needs Our joyCounselling and therapeutic workshops for parents with children with disabilities 500.000 500.000 100 1.000.000 50

415 Centre for protection and support for the persons with disabilities

Organisation of volunteer work through socialising with the peers – persons with disabilities 500.000 500.000 100 1.000.000 50

416 Association of the families of the kidnapped and murdered on Kosovo and Metohija

Round table and the conference for journalists on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 105.000 60.000 57 235.000 26

417 Roma community centre 8th April Roma people spiritual and material culture 500.000 200.000 40 4.000.000 5418 Counselling against domestic violence Safe house 800.000 800.000 100 1.800.000 44419 Counselling against domestic violence Functioning of the Safe house 1.200.000 200.000 17 5.560.000 4420 Counselling against domestic violence Functioning of the 3 Safe houses in Belgrade 1.200.000 750.000 63 5.560.000 13421 Support for the persons with primary immune deficit We are children, we are not diagnoses 300.000 150.000 50 955.456 16


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0422 Archery club of the persons with disabilities Оlymp Education and inclusion in the sport and humanitarian organisations 400.000 400.000 100 800.000 50423 Children chess club Small castling Equipping the children chess club 200.000 100.000 50 400.000 25

DIRECTORATE FOR GENDER EQUALITY424 Group Bridge, Belgrade Gender equality in schools 499.045 499.045 100 527.045 95425 Forum of women, Prijepolje Media and gender equality 420.000 420.000 100 745.000 56426 Citizens association Romano Alav, Krusevac My path towards equality 499.252 499.252 100 499.252 100427 Citizens association Educational network, Kragujevac We play and live the gender equality 498.352 498.352 100 718.352 69

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, MINING AND SPATIAL PLANNING428 Society of engineers, plastic and rubber producers Ecologically sustainable PET packaging and waste – problems and possible solutions 168.000 168.000 100 520.000 32429 Association for solid waste management – SeSwa Conference Waste to Energy, PET packaging waste and waste management in the region of the

Southeast Europe, Middle East and the Mediterranean 500.000 350.000 70 1.000.000 35

430 Citizens association Know How Children in eco-action 451.100 200.000 44 545.100 37431 Sanitary ecological society Dream eco Initiating actions for cleaner Ibar regional road 499.000 300.000 60 1.503.000 20432 Citizens association PLANT, Nis Be OK! Dispose of EE waste correctly 228.000 200.000 88 333.000 60433 Association Eco-voice, Jagodina We recycle the collected PET packaging 500.000 450.000 90 600.000 75434 Club for underwater activities XV International festival of underwater films 450.000 200.000 44 2.100.000 10435 Citizens association Phralipe Informing in ht function of education the Roma NGOs for raising awareness on environment

protection 169.000 140.000 83 228.000 61

436 Resource centre Leskovac YEU ZERO – International youth convention on sustainable development and environment protection 493.637 300.000 61 4.404.401 7

437 Youth club of the municipality of Sid More rubbish bins – less garbage 300.000 250.000 83 370.000 68438 Mountaineering and ski club Old Vlah School for guides through countryside 395.000 300.000 76 560.000 54439 Association of the Spatial Planning engineers Introduction of interest groups and public in the process of evaluating upon preparation of the

strategic evaluations of the impacts on the environment 300.000 280.000 93 400.000 70

440 Novi Sad ecological centre – NEC Be efficient 288.000 230.000 80 660.000 35441 Association for development of the municipality of Bor Green zone of Bor 470.000 350.000 74 820.000 43442 Scouts` Federation of Serbia 100 years loyal to nature 475.500 300.000 63 951.000 32443 Association of education workers Logos The right to ... 492.650 400.000 81 567.650 70444 Teachers association Survival More knowledge – less waste 234.000 200.000 85 295.000 68445 Ecological citizens association Horizon Eco-pupil in defence of nature – puppet theatre TV series 500.000 400.000 80 675.000 59446 Society for protection and study of fish Creation of educational video game The Danube – the stage of life 369.500 280.000 76 608.700 46447 Ecological and tourist non-government organisation

EthnosЕco-rangers 446.000 330.000 74 605.000 55

448 Krusevac ecological centre Neighbour, use the bag, don`t grab the suspenders 500.000 400.000 80 648.578 62449 Ecological movement Castrum Brodare Green propaganda 259.000 250.000 97 307.000 81450 Ecological initiative Kraljevo Help the nature – compost waste 206.000 200.000 97 257.500 78451 Green movement Birch Еco-education 2011 299.300 250.000 84 623.190 40452 Centre for sustainable development Save –recycle – use again 498.000 380.000 76 2.331.000 16453 Ecological youth federation of Sabac – ECOS Young ecologists 163.600 150.000 92 973.600 15454 Association Green ozone Cleaner – it is more beautiful and healthier 200.000 190.000 95 240.000 79455 Club for strengthening youth 018 – КОМ 018 The face of our city – initiative of the youth in Nis for environment protection 345.000 280.000 81 385.000 73456 Ecological society Green planet Collection of electrical and electronic waste on the territory of the municipality Blace 287.610 250.000 87 330.510 76457 Youth umbrella – ОК Еco-caravan – Be OK for your environment! 497.000 430.000 87 1.197.000 36458 Timok youth centre – ТYC Let`s make internet green 495.000 400.000 81 525.000 76


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0459 Initiative for local development With Jupistars in action for the Earth protection 457.000 380.000 83 572.000 66460 Eco-movement Begej – Saint George Sustainable water management 469.500 300.000 64 516.000 58461 Ecological movement, Cuprija Еco-smarties 150.000 150.000 100 200.000 75462 Movement for the sustainable development, Reflection Together for our rivers 402.200 340.000 85 529.350 64463 Natural society Gea Protection of the natural values of the South Banat 350.000 320.000 91 500.000 64464 Association for local development Kamenica Recycling the landscape by cleaning the dumps in White land 484.950 350.000 72 684.000 51465 Forum of civil protection Forca My world is spic and span – put words into action 497.000 350.000 70 610.200 57466 Association School for survival Primary waste selection –road to more successful waste management 497.000 430.000 87 557.000 77467 UB youth club Ecological catalogue of Tamnava 495.000 350.000 71 540.000 65468 Association of fungi producers 11th exhibition of fungus in Serbia 500.000 350.000 70 1.250.000 28469 Association of the producers of strawberry-like fruit

Jastrebac pearl“Through education of the rural population, fruit pickers of wild blueberries and the visitors in the region of Kopaonik in application of the measures for sustainable preservation of habitation of the wild blueberries, with promotion of raising the cultivated blueberries, let`s preserve and protect the

autochthones wild flora and environment on Kopaonik and Serbia“

500.000 250.000 50 1.986.000 13

470 Association of the sport fishermen Fishing float “Education of young fishermen in the area of environment protection“ 115.000 100.000 87 168.000 60471 Citizens Association “Eco-centre Тara 2050” “Let`s save Tara and Drina – camping against use of plastic bags“ 280.070 250.000 89 323.070 77472 Network of the zero emission “Popularisation of the Network and concept of the zero emission in Serbia“ 500.000 350.000 70 665.000 53473 Camping association of Serbia “Creating and promotion of the eco-standards for camping facilities in protected farms and natural

surroundings in the Republic of Serbia“ 487.000 300.000 62 905.000 33

474 Ambassadors of the environment “Leaders of the sustainable development of Serbia“ 496.000 300.000 60 1.630.000 18475 Terras “Green buildings of Subotica“ 329.580 252.000 76 385.580 65476 Association “Regional UNECO West Pomoravlje, Union

of ecologists UNECO“, Kraljevo“Ibar – the river that connects“ 455.000 350.000 77 725.000 48

477 Association for municipality development, Malo Crnice “Branicevo ecological portal“ 300.500 200.000 67 424.000 47478 Help for children “Environment, let`s protect it and cherish it with the heart!“ 370.866 320.000 86 482.136 66479 Global thinking “The river Dicina – the ecological paradise“ 250.000 200.000 80 280.000 71480 Green circle “Eco-calendar as a present to all, for our planet it is very important thing“ 300.000 200.000 67 390.000 51481 AKUD Ivo Lola Ribar, Subotica 10th festival of love and wine 200.000 200.000 100    482 Bunjevac parent country Co-financing the magazine Word of Bunjevac parent country 200.000 200.000 100 618.000 32483 Association for water technology and sanitary engineering International conference “Waste water, communal solid waste and hazardous waste“ 349.000 120.000 34 1.869.000 6484 Club “Ars Nova“ Photo monograph “Mountains of Valjevo – Great and Small Povlen“ 1.500.000 500.000 33 2.500.000 20485 Supernatural Supernatural – the festival in the nature 1.815.000 600.000 33 10.406.000 6486 MIXER Event “MIXER 2011 – Green zone“ 2.100.000 700.000 33 5.047.000 14487 Society of the cycling fans “Yugocycling campaign” Event “European week of mobility“ 390.000 200.000 51 610.000 33488 Community of associations of the ecology and

environment students, Novi SadCo-financing the Collective works “8th International meeting of environment protection and ecology

students – Protectiade 2011“ 70.000 70.000 100    

489 “Non-smoking educational centre – RP“ Co-financing the ecological and electronically bulletin “ECO NEC“ 100.000 100.000 100 888.000 11490 Green circle Co-financing the magazine “Eco newspaper“ 1.500.000 400.000 27 5.244.000 8491 “Cooperative association – ASC“ Co-financing the festival Summer3p 600.000 370.000 62 3.380.000 11492 “Friends of the children form Zvezdara“ “Protect the Planet“ 500.000 300.000 60 1.470.000 20493 “Centre for development of children`s interests – Blue

planet”Children eco-camp 337.640 150.000 44 337.640 44

494 “Centre for thinking” Media camping “Stop for plastic bags“ 1.140.000 400.000 35 1.140.000 35495 Be responsible Campaign “I choose to recycle 3“, within Belgrade Beer Fest 2.680.000 550.000 21 2.680.000 21496 Gorani movement of Serbia The school for herbs –“Kopaonik 2011“ 450.000 400.000 89 852.000 47


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0497 Ecological movement Odzaka Preparation of the electronic data base of the ecological associations and other organisations in the

Republic of Serbia 40.000 40.000 100    

498 East Event Bornet 100.000 100.000 100 800.000 13499 Balkan development forum BaRAF “Public institutions – sustainable institutions“ 336.000 300.000 89 423.000 71500 Society for water sports “West Morava“ “Landscaping of the left West Morava river bank“ 500.000 300.000 60 1.400.000 21501 Chamber of Commerce Belgrade Monograph “Sava – the nautical and tourist guide” 200.000 200.000 100 960.000 21502 Serbian Geodesy Society 17th Congress of the association of the geodesy societies of Europe “Geology and digital era“ 800.000 500.000 63 2.700.000 19

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FUND503 Urban ecology Green snags – pilot-project on preparation of the labyrinth in the yard of the pre-school institution 698.000 400.000 57 1.776.000 23504 Ecological centre Zemun Bring the bag – The project of encouraging the replacement of plastic bags with the linen bags 673.000 351.900 52 1.704.000 21505 Plant, Nis Promotion of the rights on healthy environment in primary schools 500.000 391.500 78 810.000 48506 Eco Drina Mali Zvornik Let forest be green again 500.000 405.000 81 550.000 74507 Educational centre Light Smiling planet 500.000 425.000 85 800.000 53508 Association “For European Razanj“ For my cleaner town 300.000 238.000 79 600.000 40509 Sunny Sumadija For greener Raca 500.000 213.500 43 626.000 34510 Ozone Pirot Collection of electronic waste 300.000 138.600 46 725.000 19511 Forum of women Prijepolje For Prijepolje in flowers 38.000.000 226.800 1 920.000 25512 Krusevac ecological centre Let`s clean the Ribar river from the communal waste 500.000 225.000 45 1.400.000 16513 Centre for improvement of environment International; festival of ecological films “Green Screen Fest“ 500.000 411.950 82 11.420.000 4514 Belgrade flower festival Green transformation 460.000 413.641 90 826.000 50515 Movement “Eco Morava“ Promotion of the facilities and resisting awareness of the citizens in Branicevo region (municipality

Zabari) with the aim to building capacity for engagement in tourism 500.000 474.000 95 1.000.000 47

516 Ecological and tourist non-government organisation ETHNOS

“Eco-rangers“ 380.000 263.500 69 819.000 32

517 Recycle Green Help the planet by recycling 493.000 84.000 17 665.000 13518 Ecological centre BRANICEVO Recultivation by planting forest on the firedamp Petka in Kostolac 480.000 403.200 84 960.000 42519 “ECO-TEAM“ We defend from the wind 367.632 181.280 49 419.632 43520 JUNITIS “I carry eco-bag“ 255.000 100.800 40 300.000 34521 Bee keepers “Sivac“ “Sweet garden“ 25.000 24.600 98 38.600 64522 Gorani movement Mladenovac I protect the green areas, and you? 480.000 281.250 59 729.000 39523 “Regional initiative“ Koceljeva Through education to more effective waste selection 191.000 129.880 68 386.000 34524 Movement for the protection of civil society I make the town green, and you? 300.000 180.000 60 500.000 36425 European step “Paint it green“ 186.300 118.500 64 207.000 57526 GM Optimist Yet another couple of trees for us! 355.000 303.810 86 538.500 56527 Centre for protection of the owls in Serbia Active protection of the owls in Vojvodina 460.000 386.400 84 760.000 51528 Development centre “Roma“ – Obrenovac Let`s clean Serbia from garbage 480.000 337.536 70 528.000 64529 Homeland association of people from Zaovljane Make Lake Zaovina clean 500.000 210.000 42 850.000 25530 Ecoist, Belgrade Urban oasis of the towns in Serbia 500.000 404.757 81 2.970.635 14531 Ub youth club Green embrace 500.000 167.200 33 550.000 30532 UNEKOOP Technical strengthening of the centre for promotion of the renewable sources of energy (build the

summer ecological workshops) 450.000 318.750 71 535.000 60

533 OASIS Education and raising awareness of the public on environment and water resources management in the cross border region of the river basin of Drina in the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and

Herzegovina500.000 164.000 33 500.000 33

534 Тerra Amissa The pictures of nature 500.000 500.000 100 971.020 51


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0535 Ecological movement of Palanka Recycle today, enjoy tomorrow 407.273 236.218 58 552.893 43536 Association Greenscape Stop for plastic bags 294.000 226.560 77 420.000 54537 Youth club Novi Becej Green home 312.000 234.850 75 403.000 58538 Club Ars Nova, Valjevo Photo monograph Valjevo mountains 1.000.000 770.000 77 2.500.000 31539 Association of the national parks and protected areas in

SerbiaAerial photo session of the regions of natural parks in Serbia 33.650.000 33.650.000 100 37.150.000 91

540 Federation of Roma people of Serbia Economic networking of the Roma people in the recycling sector 4.072.199 4.072.199 100 4.524.665 90541 Ecological centre “Habitation“ The system of harmless waste disposal of the animal origin in 4 municipalities in Serbia 4.485.780 3.296.000 73 9.070.780 36542 Club Plus Blue economy 900.000 900.000 100 1.870.000 48543 Multidisciplinary association for menopause Impact of the environment factors on the people`s health 4.000.000 1.500.000 38 4.300.000 35544 Мixer, Belgrade Event Mixer 2011 – Green zone 2.100.000 1.055.000 50 5.047.000 21545 Gorani movement, Sremska Mitrovica Improving the management of the protected natural regions in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

in the cross border region 2.000.000 2.000.000 100 13.148.310 15

546 Scouts` Federation of Serbia Let`s clean Serbia through knowledge and youth activism 2.000.000 2.000.000 100 5.475.000 37547 Gorani movement of Vojvodina Construction of sustainable building of the Ecological centre 19.503.840 13.210.395 68 35.815.534 37548 Association ЕXIT ЕXIT 11th Festival – Eco-camp – ecological campaign of the festival 25.000.000 19.912.360 80 58.986.740 34549 Centre for ecology and sustainable development –

CEKORTowards communities which recycle in the region of North Backa and Osjecko-Baranjska

municipality, Co-financing for IPA program 1.040.000 1.040.000 100 12.065.768 9

550 Supernatural, Belgrade Supernatural Green Times 770.000 700.000 91 10.406.000 7551 Development centre Festival “Organic Live Fest" 728.000 700.000 96 11.013.600 6552 Citizens association Be Responsible Camping for “I choose to recycle 3“ 580.000 580.000 100 2.680.000 22553 Cooperative ASS, Subotica Festival Summer3p 450.000 430.000 96 3.380.000 13554 Centre for foreign languages and translation studio – NB

SchoolEco-terms 4.947.213 2.000.000 40 8.973.779 22

555 Creative M corner Ecological festival 100.000 100.000 100 150.000 67556 Initiative for sustainable urban mobility Promotion and collection of the critical mass for the project of recycling 899.114 899.114 100 2.237.944 40557 Fund for development and promotion of the cultural and

historical region in the area of sport and OlympicsEco-Olympics games 5.563.855 3.593.472 65 11.127.710 32

558 Ecological society, Gradac Sustainable management, monitoring and preservation of the autochthones fish types in the fish region; Landscape with exceptional features Gorge of the river Gradac 860.000 800.000 93 960.000 83

559 Centre for thinking Stop for the plastic bags 100.000 100.000 100 1.140.000 9560 Ecological centre Habitation Vrsac 6th youth volunteer camp   100.000      561 Natural society GEA, Vrsac Environment protection of Vrsac mountains   90.000      562 Vojvodina Green initiative, Novi Sad Festival “Youth, be healthy"   90.000      563 Citizens association “League for social equalities", Novi

SadBags in our hands   70.000      

564 Association of the weekend break lovers Nestin, Nestin Еco-boards throughout weekend places   70.000      565 Green network of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Improvement of the protection of the valley Tamis as the unique land through the application of the

model for multi-functional agriculture   200.000      

566 Microstructure, Backa Palanka Planting trees in the region of М 26, the road Karadjodjevо–Gornji Majur by planting honey trees evodia (Evodia Daniellii)   120.000      

567 Vrelo, the society for healthy food and environment protection, Novi Sad

Allergic plants   300.000      

568 Nature lovers, Riparina, Subotica Education eco-camp Ludas 2011   100.000      569 Eco movement Begej, Saint George, Zitiste Nature protectors   130.000      


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0570 Organisation Еcological, Novi Sad Phito-ecological herb protection without polluting the land and the surroundings   100.000      571 Association for development of the municipality of Irig Raising awareness of the citizens in the municipality of Irig on the significance of waste separation   120.000      572 Horizon B, Becej Say something on recycling   120.000      573 Green circle, Backi Petrovac Еco-newspaper – information newspaper from the area of ecology of environment and the

sustainable development   300.000      

574 Citizens association Local educative and ecological challenge, Zrenjanin

Management and protection of the key types of heath and water habitations in Vojvodina   170.000      

575 Citizens association Old Begej–Carska bara, Lukino Selo Ecological school – let`s meet the realm of birds   80.000      576 Association for environment protection of Tisa and

development of nautical tourism Gradiste, Novi BecejPromotion of eco-values of the salty diggings and recultivation of the river bank of Tisa near Novi

Sad   60.000      

577 Citizens association of the river Sava lovers Beli lokvanj, Donji Tovarnik

II regatta Mother Angelina, Kupinovo   80.000      

578 Group for development projects – GDP, Novi Sad Farmers and environment protection   200.000      579 Citizens association for sustainable development – action

xxi, Novi SadFungi of Vojvodina – educational program   110.000      

580 Engineers for environment protection. Novi Sad Implementation of the local plan for waste management is our mutual goal   100.000      581 Citizens association Youth fest, Novi Sad Be conscious ecologically   90.000      582 Association of journalists Еco-news, Novi Sad Ecological seminar for journalists Protected natural areas in Vojvodina   170.000      583 Foundation Carska bara, Belo Blato Promotion and improvement of environment in Belo Blato   300.000      584 Eco-camp, Morovic International volunteer camp – Morovic 2011   100.000      585 Ecological society Аrcus, Backa Topola International bilingual ecological camp – eco-camp 2011   70.000      586 Association of the nature lovers Laguna, Banatsko Veliko

SeloRecultivation and revitalisation of the landscaping the area of Laguna in local community Banatsko

Veliko Selo   100.000      

587 Serc – Serbian centre for ecological research, Kljajicevo Landscaping of the village waste dump in Kljajicevo, posting green protection band around the waste dump and fencing the area   100.000      

588 Gorani movement, Kula Project of planting trees and establishment of protective green bands around the cemetery in Kula   110.000      589 Gorani movement of Sremska Mitrovica, special nature

reservation ZasavicaRemoval of hawthorn forest as a preventive measure of revitalisation of the pastures of Valjevac

and equipping the professional and guards` service or the reservation Zasavica   2.000.000      

590 Association of the sport fishermen Old Tisa, Curug Project I preserve my Tisa – the educational project of the float facility Fishermen`s house in the natural park of Old Tisa   100.000      

591 Academic society for studying and protection of nature, Novi Sad

Protection and preservation of the biodiversity of small swamp waters of Vojvodina – ecological and documentary film   100.000      

592 Citizens association Kvantum, Novi Sad Education work with the inhabitants interested in waste and secondary raw materials management   100.000      593 Association Тerras, Subotica Regional archus centre of Subotina   90.000      594 Eco-gea, Novi Sad Promotion of biodiversity of the natural protected areas in Vojvodina   100.000      595 Citizens association Youth club of the municipality of Sid,

SidLet`s protect environment, the project for education of children and youth about the protection of

environment   110.000      

596 Group of nature photographers Еgretta, Novi Sad Photography exhibition Natura pannonica – 2011 and screening of the film Banat great sand – Deliblatska pescara   70.000      

597 Association of the farming producers Banatska lenija, Kikinda

Healthy field – healthy food   100.000      

598 Citizens association Voice of Opovo, Opovo Potamisje: improvement of the recognisability of the sustainable use of natural values of the valley of the Tamis   80.000      

599 Association Cenej grange, Cenej Granges, the traditional keepers of biodiversity of Vojvodina plains   230.000      600 Citizens association Еco-pont, Novi Sad Protection of underwater – the basis of the sustainable development   80.000      


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Needed amount



0601 Citizens association Neighbour–Petrovaradin,

PetrovaradinEcological workshop Form dump to the gallery   100.000      

602 Arc, the society for protection and welfare of animals, Novi Sad

Protection of brown bears and educative activities of the shelter for wild animals in Banostor   100.000      

603 Citizens association Inserb, Novi Sad Open air ecological film Green Danube   400.000      604 Gorani movement of the municipality of Vrbas Preservation of biodiversity in the protected natural area of Carnak   140.000      605 Green world, Kanjiza Revitalisation of the willows forest   120.000      606 Youth club of Kikinda – Оkok, Kikinda Okok eco-info   110.000      607 Citizens association for protection of environment and

knowledge about the homeland Iringo, HorgosLet`s save Kamaras together   70.000      

608 Citizens association Youth club of the municipality of Stara Pazova, Novi Banovic

For cleaner summer on the Venice   120.000      

609 Society for bird protection and study, Vojvodina Posting the platforms for nestling of prairie birds of preys in Vojvodina   170.000      610 Association for protection and development of

environment – Protego, SuboricaProtection of Vojvodina ponds   100.000      

611 Ecological movement Sid Save the fountain and block greenery in Sid   110.000      612 Novi Sad ecological centre – Nec, Novi Sad Ecological current news   90.000      613 Deliblatski pesak cattle raising, Kovin Protection of pastures on the locality of corn in the special reservation Deliblatska Pescara through

traditional cattle raising in the extensive way on the pastures   120.000      

614 Citizens association Phralipe – Novi Sad Information in function of the education of Roma NGOs for raising awareness on environment protection   100.000      

615 Gorani movement of Novi Sad Following the steps of true botanists   120.000      616 Association for development of the municipality of Irig Let`s keep our villages clean   120.000      617 Citizens association Active Fruska Gora, Stari Lednici Re-cycle   60.000      618 Society of nature lovers Falco, Temerin Education of youth on active protection and improvement of environment   130.000      619 Foundation Gift for children, Novi Sad Celebrating the Danube Day 2011   80.000      620 Gorani movement of Vojvodina Save energy – energy is life   120.000      621 Association Lingua, Novi Sad Another language for Europe   70.000      622 Citizens association Pajdas Recovery of wild waste dumps in Bogaras   100.000      623 Ozone, Belgrade Promotion of the action Let`s clean Serbia in 2011 17.000.000 17.000.000 100 18.000.000 94

MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS624 Citizens association Vision Pirot Stop the abuse of psychoactive substances 149.993 149.993 100 149.993 100625 Association Civilnet Economic education 149.968 149.968 100 249.968 60626 Association Women`s development centre In corpore sano mens sana 139.256 139.256 100 154.256 90627 Scouts “Mlava“ And now, action! 148.114 148.114 100 148.114 100628 Association for providing help to the persons with

disabilities EXISTENCEResearch of existence – improve the employment 147.655 147.655 100 147.655 100

629 Regional civil union We do not go to Europe, we became Europe 150.000 148.145 99 177.000 84630 Citizens association “My piece of Europe“ Development of volunteering in the municipality of Zitiste 148.835 148.835 100 148.835 100631 Youth ecological club Camps for cleaner future 149.968 149.968 100 149.968 100632 Association Refugium Ecological right – my right, strengthening and informing the youth ecology activists from Vojvodina

for participation in the process of decision maki9ng regarding environment 149.865 149.865 100 149.865 100

633 Youth club of the city Sremska Mitrovica My town through my lenses 149.968 149.968 100 166.968 90634 Diplomatic forum First step towards employment 149.659 149.659 100 149.659 100635 Association Еco-yard I must know 149.690 149.690 100 149.690 100


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Needed amount



0636 Becej youth association Vojvodina Olympics of old sports 149.144 149.144 100 149.144 100637 Centre for empirical research New chance for youth – examining the needs and problems regarding youth employment in Nis

region and encouraging the initiatives of youth for self-employment and starting their own business 149.814 149.814 100 149.814 100

638 Centre for democratic education – association of the Bundestag fellows scholarship – CDE

First step towards employment – development of capacities of the student from Novi Sad University with the aim to obtain successful employment 144.500 144.500 100 144.500 100

639 Citizens association Link Group Sport is my choice 149.968 149.968 100 149.968 100640 Citizens association Jump Manage! 149.875 149.875 100 149.875 100641 Youth Umbrella, Sabac Youth is OK 149.144 149.144 100 149.144 100642 JAZAS youth, Nis Nis without HIV 149.391 149.391 100 149.391 100643 Youth club Sremska Mitrovica I, WE, THEY – Affirmation of multiculturalism 149.505 149.505 100 149.505 100644 Association Youth centre Prokuplje Listen, learn and achieve 149.762 149.762 100 149.762 100645 Youth creative centre Drama, action, reaction 149.659 149.659 100 149.659 100646 Citizens association “INA“ Strengthening conscientiousness and defining the needs of youth on quality past time 149.453 149.453 100 149.453 100647 Foundation The State of Exit SHARE 2.013.984 2.013.984 100 2.213.984 91648 Association of the European students of Technology –

Belgrade29the European Conference of the Students of Technology 2.039.000 2.039.000 100 5.079.922 40

649 Citizens association BUM Youth international music festival and contest of the young talented persons in classic guitar – “Guitar Open Festival“, Subotica 2011 724.473 724.473 100 1.758.473 41

650 Euro<26 European youth payment card II 5.489.350 5.489.350 100 6.114.350 90651 Education centre Krusevac Active citizens for positive social changes 1.977.580 1.977.580 100 1.977.580 100652 Citizens association DEVELOPMENT AND

EDUCATION CENTREATraining and networking of the coordinators of the offices for youth with the partners for the

Republic of Slovakia 1.015.555 1.015.555 100 1.015.555 100

653 National association of the practical youth work, Effort “I want and I can!“ 1.499.847 1.499.847 100 1.757.876 85654 Timok youth centre Youth in risk 1.999.800 1.999.800 100 3.332.800 60655 European student forum – AEGEE, Nis Constantine the Great t– the name without borders – Summer university 998.638 998.638 100 1.228.138 81656 Everybody different, all equal Green plan for everyday 497.728 497.728 100 1.088.728 46657 Association Exit Volunteers of Еxit 2011 1.798.305 1.798.305 100 4.278.000 42658 Resource centre Leakovac YEU ZERO 399.998 399.998 100 4.914.123 8659 World youth wave International student week in Belgrade 847.996 847.996 100 4.922.721 17660 K town Mnemotechnics 806.182 806.182 100 1.206.182 67661 Youth of Palilula Peace conference – through cooperation to common future 710.030 710.030 100 839.030 85662 Students` association of University of Nis Forum of students and business people of Serbia 2011 998.973 450.000 45 2.305.673 20663 Citizens association “Libero“ Seminar and training: Getting socialized learn their language to get them involved Training and

seminar: “Mingle“ – let`s find the common language 199.980 200.000 100 1.983.280 10

664 JAZAS youth, Novi Sad Youth network days 685.285 685.285 100 844.285 81665 JAZAS youth, Pozarevac “Learn about life II“ 60.000 60.000 100 480.540 12666 Citizens association “New optimism!“ Marking the International Volunteers` Day and the European Volunteering Year 786.250 786.250 100 786.250 100667 Society for cerebral disease and palsy and plegias of the

municipality of PozegaPersons with disability are also young 415.380 341.382 82 433.980 79

668 Associationо“Good people“ “The school of life – strengthening of youth for active solving of problems and cherishing healthy life styles 494.567 479.952 97 554.567 87

669 Citizens association “Vision“, Pirot Through dialogue against violence 486.618 486.618 100 636.618 76670 Scouts “Petefi Sandor“ Through innovative approach to peer leaders for more attractive programs and higher inclusion of

youth 498.738 478.538 96 478.538 100

671 JAZAS youth, Nis Through sport and knowledge against the risks 499.068 499.068 100 599.068 83


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0672 Independent youth organisation “АCTIVE“ Youth activists ANTI-BOREDOM (ANTISMOR) 495.001 462.156 93 589.001 78673 Youth federation of Vranje Promotion of the reproductive health and responsibility of the 8t grade pupils in primary school on

the territory of Vranje and Vranjska Banja 417.657 400.051 96 434.657 92

674 Youth club of Kikinda, ОКОК Secure your knowledge, drive with ECDL 499.445 499.445 100 556.945 90675 Citizens association Cultural centre “Lift“ ЕКО – cultural volunteer camp 450.790 450.790 100 450.790 100676 Citizens association “My piece of Europe“ Make a step towards employment!!! 416.120 416.120 100 416.120 100677 Citizens association “Youth Association of Sombor –

Y.A.S“GET (VILLAGE) EMPLOYED 346.844 358.964 103 358.964 100

678 Centre for constructive solutions for conflicts in Serbia Training for successful employment 497.324 445.915 90 497.324 90679 Club of the treated addicts and prevention of the addiction

diseases “Bridge“, VranjeEducation – the road to healthy life 350.268 331.361 95 331.361 100

680 Association New Vision Let`s live in tolerance – without prejudice, hatred, violence! 498.839 498.780 100 498.780 100681 Citizens association Refreshment Decision for future 400.370 400.370 100 400.370 100682 Culturban Local ecological volunteer service 498.031 498.031 100 598.031 83683 Association 'IDEAL-CLUB'' Wake up nature – Refresh the Danube 497.526 361.176 73 588.526 61684 Association for development of the municipality of Backi

PetrovacYouth ideas 499.943 399.498 80 399.498 100

685 Youth creative centre Film and education collage of health 498.071 498.071 100 498.071 100686 Student Union of Doctors – SMUC Be cool and without alcohol! 355.687 355.687 100 394.495 90687 Association for cherishing and improvement of health

HEALTHYGet active, since being bored is dangerous – preventing of the abuse of psychoactive substances 497.736 470.711 95 566.736 83

688 Uzice centre for children`s rights Youth against violence and discrimination 924.655 924.655 100 924.655 100689 Youth club Novi Becej Very close to getting a job 2 1.249.481 1.215.941 97 1.432.981 85690 Centre for local activism Establishing and work of the Club`s info stand for improvement of youth employment and self-

employment 1.235.230 1.181.700 96 1.181.700 100

691 Centre for development of civil society Get involved in life – social activism and cooperation between young people 1.224.322 1.110.293 91 1.110.293 100692 Centre for youth and social development “RES POLIS“ Going towards employment 1.199.880 1.021.110 85 1.548.880 66693 Centre for improvement of youth entrepreneurship –

CUPM“Make the first step“ – Entrepreneurship as our own business and youth employment in the

municipalities with the high rate of unemployment 1.215.535 1.057.470 87 1.057.470 100

694 JAZAS youth, Zajecar Volunteer against drugs 1.248.360 1.248.360 100 1.248.360 100695 Association for united nations of Serbia For Tolerance and Non-Violence – peer education in schools 1.087.013 969.095 89 969.095 100696 Youth researchers of Serbia Be a hero! – Volunteer social service 1.245.946 1.218.414 98 1.603.666 76697 Sparkle I have a healthy attitude 1.249.673 1.245.128 100 1.459.673 85698 JAZAS youth of South West Serbia Through knowledge against drugs 1.187.912 1.149.410 97 1.227.912 94699 Club OPA Youth takes action Femisk – Network of women`s creativity 1.195.840 1.046.360 88 1.611.840 65700 Belgrade Open School Е-career 1.970.712 1.796.487 91 1.796.487 100701 Civil initiatives – Citizens association for democracy and

civil educationState employment? – No, thanks, I am an entrepreneur 1.997.352 1.918.572 96 3.185.352 60

702 Panacea Solution Development of volunteering for work with sensitive youth groups trough activities of the Club 1.980.610 1.895.770 96 1.895.770 100703 Smart Kolektiv Do something! – Youth Business Serbia 1.932.332 1.516.212 78 2.885.932 53704 National association of youth practical work – EFFORT “Building quality of youth work programs in relation to protection and security of young people“ 1.249.465 1.069.119 86 1.770.061 60705 Civil reading room “LIbergraph“ Green, I love you green 2.000.000 1.979.952 99 1.979.952 100706 Novi Sad humanitarian centre Step towards growing up: Support for youth in protection of their mental health 1.806.486 1.666.694 92 1.666.694 100707 Citizens association Group Process Be the guards of civil values 1.996.629 1.793.922 90 1.793.922 100708 Youth achievements in Serbia Entrepreneurial competition of the high school pupils “Business challenge – Skills in practice“ 1.989.700 1.097.365 55 3.094.100 35


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0709 Centre Е8 – Centre for promotion of healthy lifestyles Young men as initiators of energy against the gender based violence and conflicts in Serbia – Be a

man 1.994.750 1.507.678 76 2.244.750 67

710 Belgrade fund for political excellence The strengthening of youth for more active promotion and development of youth entrepreneurship 1.992.326 1.791.235 90 1.791.235 100711 Research station Petnica Step towards science – step towards future 2.000.000 1.893.142 95 1.893.142 100712 ELSA, European law students association, Local group

for BelgradeAS THE YOUNG LAWYERS – The strengthening of young lawyers, volunteers and trainees for

free of charge legal assistance to young people, independent doing business and employment in the justice sector

1.996.265 1.990.205 100 1.990.205 100

713 Fund Б92 “You`re right! Be your own boss!“ 1.924.128 1.842.399 96 1.842.399 100714 Citizens association Opportunity Info for career – Chance for the young 1.999.585 1.587.606 79 1.999.585 79715 Citizens association LIghthouse Look after yourself and others – say NO to violence 1.999.472 1.969.117 98 1.969.117 100716 Novi sad humanitarian centre Resource centre – North Banat region 1.499.850 1.494.800 100 1.494.800 100717 Civil initiatives Resource centre – Belgrade region 1.497.799 1.497.799 100 3.084.087 49718 PROACTIVE Resource centre – Nisava region 1.499.900 1.499.900 100 1.929.580 78719 Toplica centre for democracy and human rights Resource centre– Toplica region 1.495.810 1.464.753 98 1.495.810 98720 People`s Parliament Resource centre– Jablanica region 1.499.345 1.481.165 99 1.649.345 90721 Timok youth centre Resource centre– Zajecar region 1.499.850 1.467.530 98 1.467.530 100722 Humanitarian association Friends Resource centre– Srem region 1.499.175 1.492.105 100 1.492.105 100723 Citizens association Signpost Resource centre– Podunavlje region 1.460.460 1.394.810 96 1.394.810 100724 The Sun, citizens association for social development Resource centre– Sumadija region 1.499.781 1.405.415 94    725 Citizens association Pirgos Resource centre– Pirot region 1.482.176 1.467.126 99 1.467.126 100726 Urban-In Resource centre– Raska region 1.481.923 1.437.483 97 1.559.923 92727 Centre for youth work Resource centre– South Banat region 1.499.951 1.497.426 100 1.497.426 100728 Association Healthy for all Resource centre– Kolubare region 1.499.297 1.478.087 99 1.478.087 100729 Centre for social and economic development Resource centre– Pomoravlje region 1.499.002 1.486.882 99 1.486.882 100730 Local house for development, Brus Resource centre– Rasina region 1.494.500 1.497.325 100 1.497.325 100731 Association for development of the municipality Backa

TopolaResource centre– North Backa region 1.499.749 1.471.469 98 1.471.469 100

732 Civil reading room Libergraph Resource centre– Zlatibor region 1.499.800 1.479.000 99 1.479.000 100733 Citizens association Forum for civil actions FORCA Resource centre– Morava region 1.480.812 1.475.762 100 1.556.812 95734 Citizens association Lighthouse Resource centre– Macva region 1.498.638 1.490.356 99 1.490.356 100735 Centre for youth and social development Res polis Resource centre– North Banat region 1.496.315 1.497.830 100 1.646.315 91736 Generator Resource centre– Pcinj region 1.464.904 1.498.234 102 1.498.234 100737 Centre for civil society development Resource centre– Middle Banat region 1.494.194 1.484.094 99 1.484.094 100738 Civil network Resource centre– South Banat region 1.499.446 1.476.721 98 1.476.721 100739 JAZAS youth, Pozarevac Resource centre– Branicevo region 1.400.870 1.471.166 105 1.471.166 100740 Resource centre, Bor Resource centre – Bor region 1.496.335 1.489.099 100 2.359.335 63741 PANACEA SOLUTION Project of monitoring and promotion of the office for youth 11.301.900 11.301.900 100 11.301.900 100742 Belgrade Open School Project of the professional and technical support to career guidance and counselling of young

talented persons and implementation of the Strategy for career guidance and counselling 11.174.700 10.977.000 98 10.977.000 100

743 Citizens association Young Serbia Project of the administrative, technical and professional support 14.786.400 12.152.421 82 12.152.421 100744 Let`s Step forward in implementation of the Program – Youth in action in Serbia 3.287.045 3.200.000 97 3.307.045 97745 Umbrella organisation of the youth of Serbia Youth rules 3.000.000 3.000.000 100 3.000.000 100746 Resource centre for development “Alfa“ THROUGH KNOWLEDGE TO THE OPPORTUNITY – building capacity of youth for writing

projects and inclusion in the EU process through research of the needs, training and mentorship 2.999.018 2.999.018 100 2.999.018 100


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0747 Water polo club Partizan, Belgrade Euro league 2010/11, preparation with the foreign clubs for participation in the competition and

organisation of the quarter finals stage of the competitions Champions League 2010/11. 6.500.000 6.500.000 100    

748 Association of the physical education teachers and school sport, Lajkovac

Improvement of sports for children and youth 100.110 100.110 100    

749 Children sport fair-play association, Belgrade Organisation of the children fair-play league 661.536 660.000 100    750 Athletics Federation of Serbia Annual program   40.000.000      751 Handball Federation of Serbia Annual program   59.000.000      752 Archery Federation of Serbia Annual program   44.000.000      753 Basketball Association of Serbia Annual program   69.000.000      754 Volleyball Federation of Serbia Annual program   88.321.596      755 Water polo Federation of Serbia Annual program   60.000.000      756 Rowing Federation of Serbia Annual program   35.000.000      757 Swimming Federation of Serbia Annual program   35.000.000      758 Football Association of Serbia Annual program   40.000.000      759 Tennis Association of Serbia Annual program   75.000.000      760 Sport Federation of Serbia Annual program   117.253.100      761 Boxing federation of Serbia Annual program   15.000.000      762 Judo Federation of Serbia Annual program   21.000.000      763 Table tennis Federation of Serbia Annual program   12.000.000      764 Chess federation of Serbia Annual program   9.000.000      765 Wrestling Association of Serbia Annual program   22.000.000      766 Cycling Federation of Serbia Annual program   12.000.000      767 Gymnastics Association of Serbia Annual program   8.000.000      768 Kayak federation of Serbia Annual program   14.000.000      769 Karate Federation of Serbia Annual program   12.000.000      770 Bowling Federation of Serbia Annual program   10.000.000      771 Taekwondo Federation of Serbia Annual program   12.000.000      772 Kickboxing Association of Serbia Annual program   8.000.000      773 Mountaineering Association of Serbia Annual program   5.000.000      774 Sport Federation of the persons with disabilities of Serbia Annual program   4.500.000      775 Aeronautical Union of Serbia Annual program   9.000.000      776 Sailing Federation of Serbia Annual program   7.000.000      777 Federation of school sport and Olympics education of

SerbiaAnnual program   22.000.000      

778 Ski Association of Serbia Annual program   9.000.000      779 Kyokushinkai Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      780 Horse riding Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      781 Association of Fencing of Serbia Annual program   4.500.000      782 Paralympics Committee of Serbia Annual program   16.400.000      783 Ice Hockey Association of Serbia Annual program   5.000.000      784 Olympic Committee of Serbia Annual program   284.485.788      785 Rugby Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.500.000      786 Serbian Motor-Car Association Annual program   3.000.000      787 Serbian Triathlon Union Annual program   4.000.000      788 Bowls Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.500.000      


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Needed amount



0789 Jet ski association of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      790 Bodybuilding Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.250.000      791 Orienteering Association of Serbia Annual program   2.500.000      792 Weightlifting Association of Serbia Annual program   4.000.000      793 Water diving Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.500.000      794 Go Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      795 Synchronized Swimming Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      796 Aikido Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.500.000      797 Badminton Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.200.000      798 Baseball Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.500.000      799 Bob Sleigh Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      800 Ju jutsu Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      801 Kendo Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      802 Korfball Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      803 Paintball Federation of Serbia Annual program   800.000      804 Sambo Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.200.000      805 Savate Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      806 Federation of associations of underwater activities of

SerbiaAnnual program   1.000.000      

807 Sport Fishermen Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      808 Association of equestrian sport of Serbia for the Olympics

and FEI disciplines of equestrian sportAnnual program   2.500.000      

809 Association of recreational sport of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      810 Swash Association of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      811 SOKO Serbia Annual program   1.680.000      812 Softball federation of Serbia Annual program   3.100.000      813 Archery Federation of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      814 Sport associating of the deaf of Serbia Annual program   5.000.000      815 Sport shooting association of Serbia Annual program   3.500.000      816 Sport Dance Association of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      817 Association for sport medicine of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      818 Society of the physical education teachers of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      819 Association of sport journalists of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      820 Bridge Association of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      821 Sleigh Federation of Serbia Annual program   500.000      822 Sport-alpinist Association of Serbia Annual program   500.000      823 Centre for promotion of activism How to find a job 1.249.945 1.211.868 97 1.297.845 93824 Association of sport for all Serbia Annual program   5.200.000      825 Ruby 13 Federations of Serbia Annual program   1.500.000      826 Skyball Federation of Serbia Annual program   500.000      827 Svebor Federation of Serbia Annual program   500.000      828 Biathlon Federation of Serbia Annual program   3.000.000      829 Association of National Award Winners Association Annual program   2.000.000      830 Jet ski and wakeboard association of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      831 American football association of Serbia Annual program   3.500.000      


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0832 Special Olympic games Annual program   3.500.000      833 Skating association of Serbia Annual program   2.500.000      834 Motor-car association of Serbia Annual program   2.500.000      835 Snooker association of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      836 Golf Association of Serbia Annual program   700.000      837 National association for carling Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      838 Practical sport shooting Annual program   1.500.000      839 Rafting association of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      840 Field Hockey association of Serbia Annual program   2.000.000      841 Sport association of darts federation of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      842 Tug of war Federation of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      843 Sport association of speleologists of Serbia Annual program   150.000      844 Recreation and Fitness Association of Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      845 Association of National Award Winners Association of

Serbia Annual program   1.000.000      

846 National sport association of the blind and visually impaired persons of Serbia

Annual program   2.000.000      

847 Athletics Federation of Serbia perspective athletes` camps   2.793.770      848 Handball Federation of Serbia perspective athletes‘ camps   4.193.000      849 Sport shooting Federation of Serbia perspective athletes‘ camps   1.954.065      850 Basketball Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   3.349.440      851 Volleyball Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   3.744.460      852 Water polo Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   3.640.000      853 Rowing Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   3.500.000      854 Swimming Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   2.240.000      855 Football Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   2.800.000      856 Boxing Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.400.000      857 Gymnastics Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.300.400      858 Judo Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.870.960      859 Table Tennis Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.960.000      860 Chess Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   840.000      861 Wrestling Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.680.000      862 Kayak Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.680.000      863 Karate Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   2.099.259      864 Bowling Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   2.100.000      865 Taekwondo Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   2.100.000      866 Mountaineering Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.400.000      867 Aeronautical Union of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.900.065      868 Sailing Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.680.000      869 Weightlifting association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   805.125      870 Ice Hockey Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.260.000      871 Fencing Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   840.000      872 Orienteering Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   839.240      873 Jet ski Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.120.000      874 Kickboxing Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   832.380      


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0875 Bodybuilding Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   552.000      876 Ju jutsu Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      877 Kyokushinkai Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.120.000      878 Skating Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   420.000      879 Badminton Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   840.000      880 Kendo Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   696.960      881 Serbian Triathlon Union perspective athletes’ camps   1.120.000      882 Dance Sport Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   980.000      883 Savate federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.260.000      884 Synchronized Swimming Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.120.000      885 Skyball Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   558.750      886 Softball federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.957.200      887 Korfball Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   840.000      888 Rugby Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.260.000      889 Aikido Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      890 Field Hockey Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   557.900      891 Bowls Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      892 Sambo federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      893 Special Olympic Games perspective athletes’ camps   711.200      894 Sport association of deaf of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   840.000      895 Rugby 13 Federations of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   980.000      896 Snooker Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   274.400      897 Swash Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   417.960      898 Archery Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      899 Biathlon Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.400.000      900 Association of sport fishermen of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      901 Sport Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   1.796.060      902 Baseball Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   556.800      903 Rafting Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   560.000      904 Sport motor-car and carting Association of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   280.000      905 Tug of war Federation of Serbia perspective athletes’ camps   140.000      906 Athletics Federation of Serbia Team championship in Europe – II league   3.000.000      907 Athletics Federation of Serbia Balkan Cross running competition   2.000.000      908 Athletics Federation of Serbia Cross running RTS   1.000.000      909 Athletics Federation of Serbia White cross running   1.000.000      910 Athletics Federation of Serbia Belgrade marathon   5.000.000      911 Swimming Federation of Serbia European championship of juniors   6.000.000      912 Cycling Association of Serbia MTB – Serbia Open   1.000.000      913 International cycling race through Serbia International cycling race through Serbia   2.000.000      914 Judo Federation of Serbia Judo “Serbia open“   2.000.000      915 Judo Federation of Serbia Balkan championship   500.000      916 Sport motor-car and carting Association of Serbia European rally championship – 44. Serbia Relly   2.000.000      917 Sport motor-car and carting Association of Serbia Mountain motor-car race on Tara – Bajina Bastaа   500.000      918 Basketball Federation of Serbia European championship for juniors   15.000.000      919 Kickboxing Association of Serbia Serbia Open   1.000.000      


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0920 Kickboxing Association of Serbia Championship of Balkan   500.000      921 Synchronized Swimming Federation of Serbia European championship for juniors   3.000.000      922 Dance Sport Association of Serbia IDSF Fiesta Open   1.000.000      923 Dance Sport Association of Serbia IDSF International BEODANCE Open   1.000.000      924 Sport shooting Federation of Serbia European championship in sport shooting   6.000.000      925 Volleyball Association of Serbia European championship   15.000.000      926 Association of sport fishermen of Serbia World championship   3.000.000      927 Karate Federation of Serbia International tournament Cup of the Danube countries – Novi Sad   1.300.000      928 Karate Federation of Serbia International tournament Golden band of Cacak – Cacak   2.200.000      929 Weightlifting Association of Serbia International tournament “Vladan Mihajlovic”   1.000.000      930 Wrestling Association of Serbia European championship for juniors   9.000.000      931 Wrestling Association of Serbia World championship in grepling   2.000.000      932 Wrestling Association of Serbia International senior tournament “Ljubomir Ivanovic Gedza“   1.000.000      933 Sailing Association of Serbia International competition “Djerdap Cup“   500.000      934 Sailing Association of Serbia Championship of the Southeast Europe   500.000      935 Diving Federation of Serbia European championship for juniors   3.000.000      936 Kayak Federation of Serbia European championship in wild waters   6.000.000      937 Softball federation of Serbia European Cup   700.000      938 Rugby Federation of Serbia Balkan championship   400.000      939 Motor-car Association of Serbia East European championship   500.000      940 Squash Federation of Serbia Balkan Cup   400.000      941 Company “World karate championship – 2010“ Ltd,

BelgradeEuropean championship for juniors 2011   9.000.000      

942 Company “Rowing Ltd, Belgrade“ World Cup 2012   6.000.000      943 Company “Kayak Ltd, Belgrade“ European championship for seniors   15.000.000      944 Company “Handball Fantasy 2012“ European championship for seniors 2012   36.500.000      945 Rugby 13 Federations of Serbia, Belgrade Qualification for the World championship in rugby 13 600.000 600.000 100    946 Association Sport for all, Serbia Belgrade 19th International ski-festival of Serbia – Sport for all 1.500.000 1.500.000 100    947 Tennis Association of Serbia, Belgrade Nikola Milojevic tennis program for 2011 12.000.000 12.000.000 100    948 Swimming club “Partizan“, Belgrade Golden medal on the Summer Olympic Games in London 2012 8.925.000 8.000.000 90    949 Boxing club “CIP“, Belgrade Title defending of the intercontinental champion in IBF Nikola Stevanovic 3.500.000 1.500.000 43    950 Aeronautical Serbian Union, Belgrade 105th General Conference of the international air federation in Belgrade 3.150.000 1.000.000 32    951 Sport shooting federation of the flying targets, Belgrade World championship in discipline of flying targets in 2011, Belgrade 10.000.000 2.000.000 20    952 Kyokushinkai Federation of Serbia, Belgrade 10th jubilee evening of martial arts and international tournament 700.000 700.000 100    953 Handball club “Dubocica 54“, Leskovac Call for proposal for realisation of the program in the area of children and sport 500.000 250.000 50    954 Athletics club “Kosjeric“, Kosjeric Memorial athletics race “General Svetomir Djukic“ 950.000 500.000 53    955 Fencing Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Organisation of the international competition for the European and World Cup   1.500.000      956 Rugby Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Women rugby – for more numerous and stronger women rugby   1.000.000      957 Chess Association of Serbia, Belgrade 43rd international chess master tournament of female chess players 250.000 250.000 100    958 Football club “Dolap“, Prokupje Realisation of the regular training process and competition in the competition year 2010/2011 within

the Second futsal league, group East 300.000 300.000 100    

959 Sport association of Nis, Nis Education of 18th municipal sport associations of the region, clubs on the topic of procurement in sport and project preparation 300.000 300.000 100    

960 Motor-cross club “Saghmeister team“, Subotica Gabor Saghmeister Project – Serbia on Dakar Rally 3.500.000 1.000.000 29    961 Handball Federation of Belgrade, Belgrade International sport event “Play for 16“ 1.000.000 1.000.000 100    


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0962 Sport Federation of Belgrade, Belgrade Promotion of sport through mass media 9.287.750 2.000.000 22    963 Association of ski-sport lovers “Ski-maniacs“, Belgrade First encounter with the ski-snowboarding 500.000 500.000 100    964 Sport federation of Serbia, Belgrade “What do you train? “ 3.000.000 3.000.000 100    965 Club for practical shooting “Delta“, Belgrade Organisation of the 5the Delta Open Cup 1.000.000 1.000.000 100    966 Serbian Darts Union, Subotica Participation of the national team of Serbian on the16the World championship in Spain, Benidorm

21–29 May 2011 in electronic darts 1.200.000 500.000 42    

967 Municipal Sport Federation, Cicevac Stay healthy and do the sports! 821.000 200.000 24    968 Persons with disabilities sport shooting federation of

Serbia, BelgradeImprovement of sport of the persons with disabilities – sport shooting 2.885.956 1.000.000 35    

969 Volleyball Association of Serbia, Belgrade Television rights for participation in the World Volleyball League for seniors and FIBA Grand Prix for female volleyball seniors 23.601.500 23.601.500 100    

970 Judo club “LSK“, Lacarak 17the international judo tournament “Lacarak Open 2011“ 200.000 100.000 50    971 Baseball federation of Serbia, Belgrade European championship in baseball for cadets 2011 970.000 500.000 52    972 Organisation for the sport humanitarian cooperation and

development “Sky vision“VII children fair, 20–22 May 2011, Belgrade Fair 535.000 535.000 100    

973 Association of the athletes “Be in sport“, Subotica Exhibition of the sports photography “How did the Serbian tennis players win in the Davis Cup and become winners“ 500.000 500.000 100    

974 Foundation Football club “Red Star“, Belgrade Documentary film “O Gringo“ (film about the life and care of Dejan Petkovic) 2.000.000 2.000.000 100    975 Football Association of Serbia, Belgrade “Street football“, popularization of football with the population from 10 to 12 years of age which is

not included in activities of clubs and sport schools 4.300.000 2.500.000 58    

976 Volleyball club “Junior“, Bujanovac Volleyball camp Junior 590.200 200.000 34    977 Bodybuilding fitness club “Olympia“, Kragujevac Fitness for all, all for fitness – gain health by exercising 1.449.500 500.000 34    978 Sport and humanitarian organisation “Belgrade Road

Runners“The Towers of Belgrade 2011 – the race up the building Beogradjanka and the race up the Avala

Tower and 24th race of graduate students of high schools 40.000.000 300.000 1    

979 Association for the equestrian sport of Serbia and the Olympian and FEI discipline of the equestrian sport,


Balkan league in trained horse riding 23 and 24 July 20111.500.000 500.000 33    

980 Association of Serbia for bodybuilding, fitness, body fitness and aerobics, Belgrade

Organisation of the international competition CUP of Serbia in bodybuilding, body fitness and aerobics 870.000 870.000 100    

981 Sport shooting group “Novi Sad 1790“, Novi Sad International competition in sport shooting “Grand Prix Novi Sad“ 1.000.000 1.000.000 100    982 Sport Federation of the municipality of Grocka Organised competition of sport clubs on the territory of municipality Grocka 1.000.000 500.000 50    983 Cycling Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Organisation of the 5th international cycling race Banja Luka -Belgrade 1.000.000 500.000 50    984 Centre for youth initiatives, Pozarevac Gain health by recreation 2.976.000 500.000 17    985 Sport Federation of the municipality of Zitiste Recreational games of the citizens in local communities of the municipality of Zitiste – “RIO“ 200.000 200.000 100    986 Motor-car club “MiIos Petrovic“, Belgrade Support for Milos Pavlovic in participation in FIA GT1 World championship 2011 15.500.000 1.500.000 10    987 University judo club “Student“, Belgrade Participation in the competition at the international level in the category of judo masters (veterans) 545.000 400.000 73    988 Association of the breath-hold divers “Aida“, Belgrade National team of Serbia at the individual World championship in breath-hold diving, Kalamata,

Greece 2011 600.000 200.000 33    

989 Motor-car club “Brezik“, Obrenovac Organisation of the open championship of Serbia in motorcycle racing, Belgrade 2011 800.000 800.000 100    990 Football club “Obelix“, Zemun The most sport like town in Serbia 4.500.000 200.000 4    991 Futsal club “Konjarnik“, Belgrade Futsal camp “Rudnik 2011“ 799.000 200.000 25    992 Amateur basketball club “Professor Aleksandar Nikolic“,

BelgradeInternational basketball camp “Zlatibor“ 1.000.000 200.000 20    

993 Basketball club “Red Star“, Belgrade Participation in the international junior tournament of the Europe league in Barcelona 2011 1.629.055 1.629.055 100    994 Citizens Association “Sport in Podrinje“, Sabac Preparation, printing, distribution, education in the area of post in the sport weekly magazine “Sport

in Podrinje“ 396.000 200.000 51    


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0995 Women Boxing Federation of Serbia Development program and improvement of the women boxing among youth, female juniors and

seniors 5.000.000 1.500.000 30    

996 Sport society “Cukaricki“, Belgrade Celebration of the 85th years of the Sport society “Cukaricki“ 500.000 200.000 40    997 Rowing club “Palic“, Palic “Rowing world – Palic 2011“ 340.000 150.000 44    998 Women basketball club “Kovin“, Kovin Basketball camp “Cardak 2011“ – Deliblatska pescara 237.000 237.000 100    999 International cycling race “Tour de Serbia“, Belgrade 51st international cycling race through Serbia   2.000.000      1000 Sambo Federation of Serbia Program of improving the top sport organisation of the international tournament “Svetozar

Mihajlovic Draza“ 800.000 100.000 13    

1001 Snooker Federation of Serbia European championship for juniors 2011 500.000 100.000 20    1002 Football club “Napredak“, Drenovac Summer school of football “Grza 2011“ 400.000 100.000 25    1003 Sport society “Red Star“, Belgrade CUP of the European champions for male and female athletes, B group 2.000.000 500.000 25    1004 Athletics club “Peace Marathon–Vidovdan 99“, Belgrade “13the traditional international humanitarian and memorial marathon for peace – we run in the

Balkans, for schools of Kraljevo 900.000 150.000 17    

1005 Sport club “Bona Fides“, Belgrade Bona Fides summer school of table tennis 700.000 100.000 14    1006 Association of school sport and Olympian education of

Serbia, BelgradeImprovement of sport for children and youth – procurement of the sports equipment 53.054.000 53.054.000 100    

1007 Tennis club “Aleksandar“, Uzice “Can we train tennis, too?“ 335.900 335.900 100    1008 Handball club “Zajecar“, Zajecar Activities of the Handball club “Zajecar“ in the season 2011/2012 4.000.000 2.000.000 50    1009 Rafting Federation of Serbia Euro CUP in rafting, Nis 2011 970.500 150.000 15    1010 Handball club “Jugopetrol Radnicki“, Belgrade European road of Radnicki 40.000.000 2.000.000 5    1011 Handball club “Radnicki“, Kragujevac Primary school pupils and handball 1.500.000 1.000.000 67    1012 Basketball club “Borac“, Cacak Ensure the conditions for development of the top sport creativity 1.164.000 1.164.000 100    1013 Tennis club “Palic 1878“, Palic International tennis tournament for women Palic Open 2011 250.000 250.000 100    1014 Centre for true values, Belgrade Publication “With character against violence“, the manual 1.500.000 500.000 33    1015 Basketball club “OFY basket“, Belgrade Basketball tournament for boys age 14, “Belgrade basketball festival“ 1.000.000 500.000 50    1016 Belgrade international games– BIG, Belgrade Belgrade international games – BIG 1.300.000 300.000 23    1017 Children football association, Belgrade Children summer football mini-maxi camps 1.780.000 1.780.000 100    1018 Athletics club “Balkan–Dimitrovgrad“, Dimitrovgrad Balkan championship in mountain running – Dimitrovgrad 500.000 200.000 40    1019 Association Sport for all, Belgrade Ecological and recreation camp Tara 2011 757.000 200.000 26    1020 Football club “Prijevor“, Prijevor Play, sport, success 350.000 350.000 100    1021 OKK “Topolcanka“, Backa Topola Sport school 385.000 385.000 100    1022 Table tennis club “Smederevo“, Smederevo Organisation of the 19the Balkan championship 3.968.500 200.000 5    1023 Women handball club “Dinamo“, Pancevo Play handball and mini handball 800.000 800.000 100    1024 Sport club of the ice hockey “Red Star“, Belgrade Participation of the Red Star tem on the Open championship in Hungary 400.000 200.000 50    1025 ASK “Tosic racing“, Belgrade Participation on the European championship on circle tracks 850.000 500.000 59    1026 Youth handball club “Kljajicevo“, Kljajicevo Development and improvement of the anthropological features and capabilities of children within

one rural environment – handball school 450.000 200.000 44    

1027 Association “Centre for promotion and development of the municipality of Temerin“, Temerin

Small pitches great joy 400.000 200.000 50    

1028 Athletics Federation of Serbia “Women`s race 2011“ 1.500.000 1.500.000 100    1029 Association of the national team members of Serbia Work on preparation of the second book Amazing tales of the national team 635.000 350.000 55    1030 Association of school sport and Olympian education of

Novi Sad“Motives and identification of the different types of fans with the club in football“ 384.000 200.000 52    

1031 Badminton Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Balkan championship for player up to 13 years of age – Karatas 2011 750.000 250.000 33    1032 Mountaineering club “Balkan“, Belgrade Women in the Alps 250.000 250.000 100    


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01033 Karate club “Zrenjanin“, Zrenjanin Inclusive sport camp m“Cardak 2011“

920.000 335.000 36    

1034 Society of physical education teachers of the municipality of Obrenovac

Let`s exercise together – create a habit 1.700.000 1.000.000 59    

1035 Cycling Association of Belgrade 63rd international cycling race the Trophy of Belgrade and the Championship of Belgrade for cadets and juniors in the period from 6 to 7 August 2011 300.000 150.000 50    

1036 Citizens association for promotion of sport “Play“, Novi Sad

I came to play 1.622.280 500.000 31    

1037 Football club “2nd October“,Kumane Play and sport as the alternative 200.000 100.000 50    1038 Football club “Banja“, Belgrade Establishment of the younger categories in male and female selection and procurement of sport

equipment 470.000 250.000 53    

1039 Kickboxing club “Leskovac“, Leskovac Procurement of sport equipment for development of the younger categories within the club 350.000 200.000 57    1040 Sport shooting club “Grof“, Malo Crnice Preparation of the sport shooters for the World championship in aiming at the flying targets 355.000 200.000 56    1041 Handball club “Jastrebac“, Blace International handball TV tournament “Blace 2011“ 1.227.400 200.000 16    1042 University sport club “Educons“, Sremska Kamenica University sport games “ACEV 2011“ 1.500.000 200.000 13    1043 Skating club “Vojvodina“, Novi Sad Organisation of the competition in figure skating “Novi Sad on ice 2011“ 453.000 100.000 22    1044 Basketball club “Ikar“, Gornji Milanovac “Children with mental disabilities – work and joy in basketball“ 3.925.500 300.000 8    1045 Youth club of Kraljevo Sport program in local communities through organisation of sport affirmative event of mini football

country league of Kraljevo 321.000 300.000 93    

1046 Table tennis club “Senta“, Senta International tournament of Senta in 2011 190.000 190.000 100    1047 Bodybuilding, fitness and aerobics Federation of Novi

SadWorld championship for women in bodybuilding, body fitness and fitness and for men in fitness 4.000.000 2.000.000 50    

1048 Handball Federation of Serbia Program “CUP of Nations“ 7.000.000 5.000.000 71    1049 Ski association of Serbia Competitors preparations, the national team in 2011 15.494.845 2.000.000 13    1050 Kickboxing club “Red Star Delije“, Belgrade Sport beginning of the school year 250.000 250.000 100    1051 Citizens association “Belgrade rollerblading“, Belgrade 14the Belgrade rollerblading 2011 2.000.000 1.000.000 50    1052 Sport and recreation Association of the persons with

disabilities “Everything`s possible“, BelgradeProgram of participation in Malmo Open competitions in Sweden for the person with disabilities   700.000      

1053 Association “Sport for all“ Belgrade Twelfth international winter festival of children recreation Tara 2011   400.000      1054 Children football association, Belgrade Children mini-maxi football league   1.500.000      1055 Methodical centre for pre-school sport, Belgrade Sport and healthy gym   1.200.000      1056 Rafting Federation of Serbia Improvement of sport professional in rafting, candidacy for the World championship 2013   600.000      1057 Taekwondo club “Galeb“, Belgrade “Seagull Trophy of Belgrade – Serbia Open 2011”   2.000.000      1058 Sport club “Foka“, Kragujevac We create future   1.500.000      1059 Basketball club “Vracar“, Belgrade Basketball School for girls   200.000      1060 Basketball club “FMP“, Belgrade Qualification tournament for juniors   4.000.000      1061 Football club “Vojvodina“, Novi Sad 29th international and memorial football tournament – Stevan Nesticki   200.000      1062 Sport climbing club “Black Rock“, Belgrade Children league in sport climbing in seven towns in Serbia   500.000      1063 Ski club “Nis“, Nis International ski competition “7th FIS EUROBALKAN CUP 2011”   250.000      1064 Society of the underwater activities “Sombor“, Sombor Women in sport diving   63.000      1065 University sport federation of Serbia, Belgrade Program for going to the 26th University sport games   10.000.000      1066 Aeronautical Serbian Union, Belgrade FAI– European parachuting championship in classic disciplines for juniors and seniors   10.000.000      1067 Society of physical education teachers, Belgrade Anthropological and theo-anthropological view on the physical activities form Constantine the Great   350.000      1068 Rugby Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Rugby for school children   750.000      1069 Basketball club “Surcin“, Surcin Children to the sport yards'   442.558      


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01070 Kendo Federation of Serbia, Belgrade Samurai   200.000      1071 Sport association of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Be fair – start the game 2011   1.847.250      1072 Club of extreme sports “Nigresiv“, Nis Sport spring   260.000      1073 Sport association “Open fun schools of football“,

BelgradeSmall pitches – great joy   17.868.500      

1074 Association of school sport and Olympian eructation of Serbia, Belgrade

Children Olympic games of pupils of Serbia   1.519.500      

1075 Sport association “Victoria“ of the Law School, Belgrade Tournoi de cinq balloons 2011   200.000      1076 Rowing club “Danubius 1885“, Novi Sad Rowing in schools   500.000      1077 University sport association of Kragujevac, Kragujevac European championship in volleyball, Kragujevac 2011   1.000.000      1078 JSD “Partizan“, Belgrade Realisation of the program of the Sport society Partizan   7.000.000      1079 Regional handball association South Backa, Novi Sad Mini handball   400.000      1080 Association for providing help to the persons with autism

KragujevacRecreational activities of the persons with autism   300.000      

1081 Judo club “Ruma“, Ruma Ruma Open 2011   260.000      1082 Sport association of Novi Pazar Development program of the recreational and top sport in Novi Pazar   6.000.000      1083 Youth club “Novi Becej“, Novi Becej In the sport spirit   200.000      1084 Rugby 13 club “Radnicki“, Nova Pazova Let`s play rugby, all of us!   200.000      1085 Sport Association of Raskovica Fourth festival of women sport   200.000      1086 Motor-sport club “Sport car Vesnic“, Sevojno Participation in the CUP of Europe on the round and mountain tracks   1.000.000      1087 Rowing club “Belgrade University“, Belgrade Development Pilot project of the university rowing sport   200.000      1088 Association of women “Ethno forum“, Svrljig Healthy people–healthy thoughts   300.000      1089 Basketball club “Champion“, Uzice 2nd champion tournament, Uzice 2011   200.000      1090 Motor-car club “BAK – Pancevo“, Pancevo Participation of Dusan Borkovic on mountain tracks in the organisation of the World Automotive

Federation   1.000.000      

1091 Association of extreme sports of Serbia Organisation of the mountain bike tour of the seven highest peaks in Serbia   200.000      1092 Fund for development and promotion of the culture and

historical heritage in the area of sport and Olympics, Belgrade

International sport policy and sport heritage of the 20the century  200.000      

1093 Municipal organisation of the sport fishermen, Uzice School of sport fishing for children   288.000      1094 Aikido club “Centre“, Belgrade Aikido camp Bajina Basta 2011   100.000      1095 Citizen association “My piece of Europe“, Zitiste Sport caravan in the municipality of Zitiste   250.000      1096 Association for providing help to the persons with mental

and development disabilities “Sunflower“, ZrenjaninMini Olympics of the Association for providing help to the persons with mental and development

disabilities on the territory of Vojvodina – In spite of everything, seize life   200.000      

1097 Association of school sport of Srem, Indjija Evaluation of the concept of school sport and competition activities   250.000      1098 Citizens association Group “Akt“, Krusevac Centre for mountain cycling of Jastrebac region   2.000.000      1099 Sport association “Children sport games“, Kragujevac Sumadija Champions League   700.000      1100 Motor-car sport club “Vitro racing“, Belgrade Participation in the domestic and European rally competitions in the organisation of FIA   1.000.000      1101 Club of sitting volleyball “Feniks“, Kikinda Para games Breda 2011   100.000      1102 Football club “Radnicki“, Kovin Let`s play football, let`s grow up together   200.000      1103 Boxing Federation of Serbia Organisation of the traditional tournament Golden glove   1.500.000      1104 Rowing Federation of Serbia Program of identification of the young talents for the undeveloped regions not included in the sport

activities   1.350.000      

1105 Motor-car club “Kragujevac“, Kragujevac City of Kragujevac Award   250.000      1106 Youth football club “Sindjelic-Nis Product“, Nis Youth football school   600.000      


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01107 Taekwondo club “Academy of martial arts“, Nis Training of taekwondo competitors, judges and preparations for appearance on the international

championships, student championships and tournaments of A class with the new electronic system of competition


1108 Association of Roma of Branicevo region “Society of Roma, Branicevo region“, Pozarevac

Sport – healthy way of life for the young   1.199.308      

1109 Swimming club “Leskovac“, Leskovac Let`s swim together   100.000      1110 Society for recreational sport Palilula, Belgrade We are sportsmen, too   1.500.000      1111 Karate club “Nipon“, Belgrade Budo park – polygon of the martial arts   500.000      1112 Chess club “Banovci“, Banovci Vidovdan tournament – summer chess school   100.000      1113 Volleyball club “Mladost– ekspans“, Nova Pazova Memorial tournament – Milan Mitrovic   100.000      1114 Sport climbing Federation of Belgrade Through knowledge to success   100.000      1115 Water polo club “Parizan“, Belgrade Participation in the competition – Euro league 2011   20.000.000      1116 Sport association “Sport card“, Belgrade Everybody goes in for recreation   150.000      1117 Basketball club “Zvecan“, Zvecan JUBAK–ZVECAN   150.000      1118 Women handball club “Halas Jozef“, Ada Summer school of handball Ada 2011   350.000      1119 Fencing club “Red Star“, Belgrade Organisation of the summer preparations of the women cadets and junior teams of the fencing club

Red Star   200.000      

1120 Judo Federation of Serbia Effects of the different types of trainings on the haematological and biochemical parameters with judists   400.000      

1121 Tennis club “Nikita Ramazijanski“, Bela Palanka Development and improveme3nt of tennis in Bela Palanka   50.000      1122 Football club “Mladi orlovi“, Lukicevo Football for all   100.000      1123 Handball association of the city of Novi Sad International TV tournament of handball on sand – Novi Sad   250.000      1124 Athletics Federation of Serbia Development of the racing sport with children and youth   1.000.000      

1125 Chess club “Senta“, Senta 15th chess festival Sencan battle 1697   100.000      1126 Sport Federation Obrenovac A century of Obrenovac sport, a monograph   300.000      1127 Football club “Happy foot“, Lajkovac Improvement program of the sport for children and youth   100.000      1128 Women handball club “Zelja“, Zabalj School of women handball   100.000      1129 FC “Jedinstvo“, Bocar, Novi Becej Football school   100.000      1130 Cycling club “Jednota“, Sid Mountain cycling league of Vojvodina   400.000      1131 Kayak club “Vojvodina“, Novi Sad Kayak school   300.000      1132 BC “Basket“, Vrnjacka Banja Save the children – basketball for the youngest   100.000      1133 Table tennis Federation of Serbia Serbian Youth Open 2011   250.000      1134 Sport Federation of Serbia Informative system   1.000.000      1135 Academic sport association “DIF“, Belgrade International; University rowing regatta Captain Misa   103.500      1136 Jagodina sport association Jagodina Sport Summer   300.000      1137 Balloon club “Senta“, Srnta 8th international balloons competition   200.000      1138 Sport association of the city of Zrenjanin Basketball tournament 3 on 3 “4th July“   100.000      1139 Paralympics Committee of Serbia Qualification Paralympics Tournament in sport shooting   1.300.000      1140 Sport association of the city of Paracin Sport summer 2011   200.000      1141 Gymnastics association of Vojvodina, Novi Sad Development of gymnastics in primary schools pilot program   200.000      1142 Falcon society of Vojvodina, Novi Sad International DKMT CUP 2011   100.000      1143 Centre of martial arts “Zvonko Osmajlic“, Belgarde Twelfth Trophy of Zvonko Osmajlic   300.000      1144 Swimming and water polo club “Goc“, Vrnjacka banja Training of non-swimmers, swimming and water polo school   500.000      1145 Tennis club “Break“, Beocin Popularization and mass participation in tennis in Beocin   50.000      


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01146 Citizens association “Youth initiative“, Titel Primary school pupils Cup 2011   50.000      1147 Bodybuilding club “Big Joe“, Aleksandrovac Creation of conditions for proper development of youth through doing sports   50.000      1148 Railway water polo club “Senta“, Senta Procurement of the equipment   100.000      1149 Football club “Stari Grad“, Belgrade Establishment of the younger categories in male selection and procurement of the equipment   300.000      1150 Association of recreation and fitness of Serbia Organisation of the first international fitness and wellness Congress in Europe   150.000      1151 “Kynepractic“, club for recreation activities, Kragujevac Pilot research – Morphological and motorical features of children of school age and children with

special needs   100.000      

1152 Organisation for sport and humanitarian cooperation and development “Sky vision“

8th Belgrade children fair   300.000      

1153 Association sport for all, Serbia “Children sport from practice to academic areas“   500.000      1154 Society of cycling lovers “Yugo cycling campaign“,

Belgrade“Bike start“   100.000      

1155 Football club “Stepojevac Vaga“, Stepojevac Call for proposal for realisation of the programs in local communities   1.000.000      1156 Weightlifting club “Red Star“, Belgrade Impact of the anaerobic exercises on the functioning of the peripheral blood cells   500.000      1157 Basketball club “BSK“, Bujanovac Together towards basketball stars   350.000      1158 Association of experts for fitness and aerobics, Belgrade 2nd FAS Convention, the Greatest Workshop seminar in the South East Europe   50.000      1159 Citizens association “Element“, Belgrade Element–sport   200.000      1160 Kayak club “Pancevo“, Pancevo Come to the river – train mini-kayak   100.000      1161 ZBC “Proleter“, Novi Sad A small basketball girl   100.000      1162 Tennis association of Serbia Award for winning Davis Cup   15.385.110      1163 Sport association of the persons with disabilities of Serbia Award for winning the silver medal on the World Championship in table tennis for persons with

disabilities Zlatko Kesler and the coach   4.143.280      

1164 Sport association of the persons with disabilities of Serbia Award for winning the silver medal for the team participation in the World championship in table tennis for the persons with disabilities   10.074.280      

1165 Volleyball Association of Serbia Award for winning the bronze medal on the World Championship   28.386.372      1166 Sport shooting association of Serbia Award for winning the silver medal on the European Championship Andrija Zlatic and Pavle Zlatic   3.001.797      1167 Water polo Federation of Serbia Award for winning the silver medal on the World Championship   36.124.795      

ANTI-DOPING AGENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA   1168 Association of sport medicine of Serbia Hydration evaluation of basketball teams 1.100.000 1.100.000 100    1169 Association of sport medicine of Serbia Practical sport nutrition 1.200.000 1.200.000 100 1.200.000 1001170 Association of sport medicine of Serbia Preparation of the on-line course on sport nutrition 535.529 535.529 100 535.529 1001171 Association of sport medicine of Serbia Organisation of educational anti-doping seminars 2.000.000 2.000.000 100 2.000.000 1001172 Association of sport medicine of Serbia Assistance for implementation of the program activities – organisation of the congress on diet

supplements 200.000 200.000 100 200.000 100

MINISTRY FOR KOSOVO AND METOHIJA46          1173 United Serbia Strategy of the sustainable return and survival 32.121.683 32.121.683 100 32.121.683 1001174 Organisation of war veterans KandM1175 Association IRL “Homeland to return“1176 Association IRL “Saint rescue“1177 Association of Gnjilane “King Lazar“1178 Association ILR “Hvosno“1179 Women association “ZeKiM“1180 Association of the kidnapped and missing persons

families on KandM

1181 Association IRL “Forgotten 99“

46 The Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija submitted the names of the associations and other civil society organizations which they supported, but not certain requested and approved amounts , as eel as the needed funds for realisation of particular programs/projects. All 26 associations, for which the Ministry submitted the names, were treated as one project/program.


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01182 Association of the kidnapped and missing persons

families on KandM “Crveni bozur“1183 Association of the kidnapped and missing persons

families on KandM 1184 Pec Patriarchy1185 Circle of Serbian Sisters, Prizren1186 Association IRL “Rodna gruda“1187 Monastery Visoki Decani1188 Association IRL “Happy family“1189 HO “Mother Tatjana“1190 Circle of Serbian Sisters, Pec1191 Circle of Serbian Sisters, Pristina1192 Public enterprise “Stari Kolasin“, Zubin Potok1193 Centre for research of migration, Kosovska Mitrovica1194 Citizens association KandM “King Lazar“1195 Society “Studenica circle“1196 Society of friends of the monastery Saint Archangel1197 Citizens association KandM “Emperor Dusan“1198 Federation of associations “UNION“

ANTI-CORRUPTION AGENCY 1199 Belgrade centre for security policy Map of corruption risks in the security sector 1.999.390 1.999.390 100 1.999.390 100

MINISTRY OF HEALTH 1200 Serbian Doctors Society Stomatologists magazine of Serbia 300.000 30.000 10    1201 Serbian Doctors Society Magazine Serbian archive for complete medicine 300.000 30.000 10    1202 Association of neurophysiology clinic of Serbia and

MontenegroSymposium on clinic neurophysiology with the international participants 100.000 60.000 60    

1203 Community of clubs of the treated alcoholics Plenum session of the members of treated alcoholics 100.000 20.000 20    1204 Community of clubs of the treated alcoholics Symposium of the therapeutics for addiction diseases with the international participants 300.000 30.000 10    1205 Association of nurses, technicians and nurse-midwives of

the Republic of SerbiaThe Third Association Congress 200.000 60.000 30    

1206 Serbian association of the work therapy technicians “Course brachytherapy – approaches and modalities” 75.000 20.000 27    1207 Association of nurses CCS Sestrinstvo The Fifth International Conference on development of career for lecturing, practice and research in

the nurse association 5.570.000 40.000 1    

1208 Centre for integration of Roma population in the region Young Roma people – reproductive health in Barajevo – container settlement 232.750 232.750 100    1209 Citizens association Young Romas, Bogojevo Health care of Roma people in the municipality of Odzaci 296.000 296.000 100    1210 Association Our Umka Improvement of school children mental health 387.000 300.000 78    1211 Centre Paralel Active again 296.200 296.200 100    1212 Teledom, Novi Becej Tyranny of “cyber” culture 250.000 215.500 86    1213 Association Always with children Poll for parents/foster parents whose children are being treated on the hemato-oncological

departments of hospitals in Serbia 300.000 200.000 67    

1214 Association POSPID Summer camp: We are children, we are not diagnoses 955.456 220.456 23    1215 Association Herc Strengthening of beneficiaries through expansion of the capacity groups for self-help and personal

work 297.320 246.400 83    

1216 Association of diabetes of the city of Novi Sad Through physical activity and healthy nutrition to win diabetes 300.000 300.000 100    1217 Humanitarian organisation Saint Princess Helen of Anzuj,

KragujevacPsychological counselling for young people with the accent on drug addiction 295.000 219.000 74    

1218 Serbian Defectology Society Support for the National program of the preventive health care of children with psychological and physical disorders and speech pathology 320.000 300.000 94    


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01219 Citizens association Group 272 Educational and preventive work with younger and older population of Roma in the municipality of

Prijepolje 300.000 300.000 100    

1220 Organisation for rights protection and support to the persons with disabilities From the circle, Nis

If you are a woman – don`t be submissive 299.800 128.200 43    

1221 Association for providing support to the persons with Down syndrome, Novi Sad

Through learning to healthier future 236.700 236.700 100    

1222 JAZAS youth, Pozarevac I know what I want, drugs NO 233.978 217.578 93    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE

1223 Society for Serbian language and literature of Serbia Competition of the high school pupils in Serbian language   200.000      1224 Amateurs association of Serbia Show of the reciters of Serbia   30.000      1225 Society for foreign languages and literature Competition in foreign languages   100.000      1226 National council for Slovakian national minority Competition of the pupils in Slovakian language   15.000      1227 Society of Historians of Serbia Stojan Novakovic Competition of history   90.000      1228 Mathematical Society of Serbia Competition in mathematics   80.000      1229 Mathematical Society Archimedes Mathematics tournament   50.000      1230 Mathematical Society of Serbia Competition – computers and informatics       50.000  1231 Physical Society of Serbia Competition – physics   100.000      1232 Serbian Chemical Society Competition – Astronomy   30.000      1233 Serbian Chemical Society Competition е – Chemistry   100.000      1234 Serbian Biological Society Competition – Biology   130.000      1235 Society of art teachers of Serbia Competition – Art   20.000      1236 Association for school sport and Olympian education Competition – Physical Education   150.000      1237 Community of electrical technicians` schools Competition– Electronics   130.000      1238 Community of mechanical engineers` school of Serbia Competition – Mechanical engineering and metal processing   120.000      1239 Fund for additional education of the young farmers Borka

VucicCompetition – Agriculture   30.000      

1240 Association of music and ballet teachers of Serbia Competition – Choirs   50.000      1241 Association of music and ballet teachers of Serbia Competition – solfeggio   50.000      1242 Community of music and ballet schools Competition – Instruments   50.000      1243 Association of the pupils cooperatives of Serbia Show of the pupils cooperatives of Serbia   30.000      1244 Sport Association of the pupils with disabilities of Serbia Sport competition for the visually impaired pupils   25.000      1245 Sport Association of the pupils with disabilities of Serbia Sport competition for the pupils with slight mental retardation       50.000  1246 Community of heads, teachers and schools for children

with special needsCompetition– graphic design, machine engineering, textile, personal services, food processing and

catering   65.000      

1247 Regional centre for talents Show of the scientific and art creativity of the young talents   50.000      1248 Mathematical Society of Serbia International mathematics Olympiad   450.000      1249 Physical Society of Serbia International Olympiad in Physics   250.000      1250 Mathematical Society of Serbia International informatics Olympiad   100.000      1251 Association of music and ballet teachers International competition Petar Konjovic   100.000      1252 Centre for education policies, Belgrade Serbia as a host for the initiative for the reform of education in the South East Europe   2.944.759      1253 Teachers` Association of the Republic of Serbia Training of the education staff in the Republic of Serbia   2.828.477      1254 Centre for interactive teaching Monitoring and evaluation of the grant line “Ensuring healthy and secure surroundings for children

and youth in Serbia“ 1.282.380 1.282.380 100 1.282.380 100

1255 Belgrade fund for political excellence Training of the inter-line municipal commissions for evaluation of the needs for providing additional educational, health and social support to a child/pupil 3.471.244 3.471.244 100 3.471.244 100

1256 Group Bridge Evaluation of the project proposal in the program Strengthening schools for inclusive education 3.543.646 3.543.646 100 3.543.646 1001257 Society of Serbian language and literature Competition in Serbian language and literature   312.715      1258 Amateurs Association of Serbia Show of the reciters for Serbia “The poet of my people”   18.500      


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01259 Society of Serbian language and literature Competition of the literature clubs and groups   18.500      1260 Branch of the Vuk Foundation Cyrillic Days   37.478      1261 Society of Serbian language and literature Competition of the linguistic groups   18.500      1262 Society for Rysin language, literature and culture Competition in the knowledge of the Rysin language and language culture   55.500      1263 Society for foreign languages Competition in foreign languages   101.750      1264 Society of Historians of Serbia Stojan Novakovic Competition in showing the knowledge of general and national history   64.750      1265 Serbian Geography Society Competition in the knowledge of the general and national geography   111.000      1266 Mathematical Society of Serbia Republic competition of the primary school pupils in Mathematics   166.500      1267 Mathematical Society Archimedes “Mathematics tournament”– Mathematics Olympiad of the primary schools   49.417      1268 Mathematical Society of Serbia Republic competition of the primary school pupils in computers   74.000      1269 Physical Society of Serbia Competition in Physics   92.500      1270 Chemical Society of Serbia Competition in Chemistry   116.500      1271 Serbian Biological Society Competition in Biology   138.750      1272 Society of technical culture teachers` of Serbia Competition in technical and information education   74.000      1273 Association of art teachers and artists of Serbia Show of art creativity   37.000      1274 Association of music and ballet teachers of Serbia Show of the choirs and orchestras   55.500      1275 Association of music and ballet teachers of Serbia Competition of the young musicians Petar Konjovic   64.750      1276 Community of music and ballet schools Republic competition of the pupils of music and ballet schools of Serbia   55.500      1277 Association for sport school and Olympic education Competition of the primary school pupils in individual sport branches   138.750      1278 National sport association of the blind and visually

impaired25th championship of the blind and visually impaired in swimming   48.750      

1279 National sport association of the blind and visually impaired

38th Republic championship in goal ball   48.750      

1280 Association of the pupils cooperatives of Serbia Show of the pupils cooperatives for primary and high school education of the children with special needs; 35th Republic competition of the young cooperative ploughmen of the primary schools; 7th

Republic competition of the pupils cooperatives of the Republic of Serbia  83.250      

1281 Association of the teachers from Vojvodina 17the festival of puppet shows of the primary schools – FLUOS Republic level   18.500      1282 Association of the teachers from Vojvodina 17th festival of the puppet shows of the primary schools – FLUOS international level   37.500      1283 Constructive civilian engagement Monitoring projects of the schools in the program Strengthening of schools for inclusive education 649.164 649.164 100 649.164 1001284 Several associations Development of the science and research staff 3.200.000 3.200.000 100    1285 AKUD Branko Krsmanovic, Belgrade Concerts intended for the student population 4.000.000 3.000.000 75    1286 AKUD Zikica Jovanovic Spanac, Belgrade Program for students 4.000.000 2.500.000 63    1287 AKUD Ivo Lola Ribar, Belgrade Concerts and monographs 5.000.000 2.500.000 50    1288 AKUD Mika Mitrovic Jarac, Belgrade Concert activities 3.109.000 1.100.000 35    1289 Academic Choir Collegium Musicum, Belgrade Concert activities 3.025.720 1.700.000 56    1290 AKUD Sonja Marinkovic, Novi Sad Concert activities and participation on the festivals 4.285.000 1.421.000 33    1291 AKUD Ivo Lola Ribar, Subotica Drama and music festivals and art colony 1.407.000 1.407.000 100    1292 Academic society for cherishing music Gusle, Kikinda Concept activities 3.320.000 1.430.000 43    1293 Students` association of Belgrade Monitoring and improvement of the student standard, national student conference, guide for

freshmen, the magazine Student 10.558.286 4.100.000 39    

1294 Students` association of University of Nis Protection and improvement of the rights and students interest, psychological counselling 1.150.000 1.150.000 100    1295 Students` association of University of Kragujevac Magazine Student grades booklet, student radio program, guide for the high school graduates 3.256.000 2.481.000 76    1296 Students` association of University of Novi Sad Student view on the reforms and the road to Europe 1.389.280 1.054.280 76    1297 Student informative and publishing centre, Nis Student magazine Pressing, radio program Grade 10 2.400.000 2.100.000 881298 Student informative and publishing centre, Novi Sad Student magazine Student grade booklet 1.000.000 1.000.000 100    1299 University sport association of Belgrade Students team sport competitions 2.664.000 2.664.000 100    1300 University sport association of Nis University sport competitions 1.000.000 900.000 90    1301 University sport association of Kragujevac University leagues 923.500 870.000 94    


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01302 University sport association of Novi Sad University sport competitions 875.500 870.000 99    1303 University sport association of state university in Novi

PazarUniversity sport league 780.000 300.000 38    

1304 University sport association of Pristina, Kosovka Mitrovica

University sport league 1.000.000 300.000 30    

1305 Sport club of the Art University, Belgrade Championships and cups of art university and April tournament 300.000 300.000 100    1306 Sport society of the Students` Town, New Belgrade Organisation of the international tournament of the karate club, tournament and competition 3.200.000 1.000.000 31    1307 Students` association of University in Novi Pazar Student website and guide 3.379.113 1.100.000 33    1308 Students` association of the House 1 of the Students`

Town, New BelgradeEurope Student Conference, action: initiate – change 2.595.300 1.700.000 66    

1309 Students` technical competition Formula student 2011 7.154.103 997.700 14    1310 Students` association of electrical and technology students

of Europe – Local Committee BelgradeSeminar of the personal and professional skills 231.500 231.500 100    

1311 Students` association of Philosophy faculty, Novi sad Philosophical and cultural symposium 186.836 180.000 96    1312 Students` association of Philosophy of Serbia Symposium of the international character 472.030 250.000 53    1313 Students` association of Europe – Best, Belgrade European conference of the technology students 1.000.000 1.000.000 100    1314 World youth wave, Belgrade International student week in Belgrade 764.500 764.500 100    1315 Student Union of University of Kragujevac Internet portal, seminar – disability is not the obstacle for studying 462.000 350.000 76    1316 Students` with disabilities association, Belgrade Inclusiad – generation 2011 1.779.000 1.000.000 56    1317 Photo-club of the Students` Town, New Belgrade International salon of the art photography – miniatures 100.000 100.000 100    1318 Students` association of Stomatology faculty, Belgrade Improvement of the students health – bite knowledge with healthy teeth 905.000 600.000 66    1319 Health and support association of students, Belgrade Rest and recovery of the students, subsidised winter and summer holidays 5.099.262 3.137.600 62    1320 Health and support association of students, University of

NisRest and recovery of the students, subsidised summer holiday 1.421.830 774.050 54    

1321 Health and support association of students, University of Kragujevac

Subsidised summer and winter holidays and students recovery 1.481.300 735.500 50    

1322 Health and support association of students, University of Novi Sad

Rest and recovery of the students, financing the accommodation of the students with disabilities 2.941.760 1.165.000 40    

MINISTRY OF RELIGION AND DIASPORA1323 Serbian association Saint Sava (The Czech Republic) Fifth days of the Serbian culture in Prague 1.000.000 300.000 30 2.600.000 121324 Assembly of Serbian Diaspora in France Days of Serbia and Serbian culture in Paris 1.000.000 500.000 50 2.500.000 201325 Assembly of Serbian Diaspora in France Days of Saint Sava in Paris – January 2011 900.000 300.000 33 2.400.000 131326 Association of Serbs Kosovo and Metohiја, Norway Recovery of the children from Kosovo and Metohija in the families of their fellowmen in Norway 400.000 200.000 50 1.065.000 191327 Sabac Eparchy Communal work 2011 2.800.000 500.000 18 4.575.000 111328 Association of the Serbian folk dancing, Switzerland XVI European show of the Serbian folk dancing of the Diaspora and Serbs in the region 500.000 500.000 100 3.500.000 141329 Serbian Orthodox Church and School Municipality of

Saint Sava, JohannesburgSerbian school Saint Sava, Johannesburg, the only Serbian school in the sub-Saharan Africa 750.000 200.000 27 750.000 27

1330 Writers` association Sedmica, Frankfurt, Germany Stand of the writers from Diaspora 350.000 200.000 57 700.000 291331 Serbian Orthodox Church and School Municipality of

Saint Sava, JohannesburgSaint Sava hearth, the only magazine in Africa on the Serbian language and in Cyrillic letters 650.000 100.000 15 650.000 15

1332 Serbian Centre Bonnyrigg, Australia 25th festival of the Serbian folk dancing 1.500.000 450.000 30 15.000.000 31333 Association of the Serbian and Montenegro national

minority in Albania, Moraca–RozafaSerbian language courses in Skadar, Tirana and Fiera for the members of the Serbian and

Montenegro minority in Albania 1.800.000 1.500.000 83 2.300.000 65

1334 Association of the Serbian and Montenegro national minority in Albania, Moraca–Rozafa

Days of the Serbian culture in Albania 837.000 350.000 42 1.017.000 34

1335 Monastery Rmanj Traditional autumn gatherings in the monastery of Rmanj in Martin Brod 600.000 300.000 50 850.000 351336 Chess club Drvar Chess school in Drvar 400.000 200.000 50 500.000 401337 Association of the descendants and admirers of the victim The first international conference on Jadovno 1941 1.400.000 500.000 36 2.059.000 24


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0complex of the Ustashe concentration camps Jadovno

19411338 Association of citizens for humour, satire and laughter

Whirligig – Republika SrpskaHumoristic and satirical radio program whirligig 1.700.000 400.000 24 2.800.000 14

1339 Serbian educational and culture society Prosvjeta,, municipal committee Pale

11the festival of the fife 450.000 80.000 18 1.750.000 5

1340 Self-government of the Serbs in Hungary The Serbian Calendar 2011 195.000 190.000 97 676.400 281341 Pecuj and Baranja Serbian association Days of the Serbian culture in Pecuj, Sava Tekalija, the great Serbian philanthropist 200.000 500.000 250 450.000 1111342 Culture and information centre of Serbs in the Republic of

Macedonia SponaOptional free lectures in Serbian language intended for the children of school age in the village of

Volkovo, Ognjanci, Jurumleri, Recica and Kumanovo town 262.080 260.000 99 470.080 55

1343 Culture and information centre Vuk Karadzic, Kuceviste Additional lessons of the standard Serbian language, culture and history of Serbs, with the special accent on the region of Skopska Crna Gora 899.100 800.000 89 1.191.000 67

1344 Football club Recica, Kumanovo Financial support for functioning of the Football club Recica, Kuamnovo 540.000 540.000 100 540.000 1001345 Association of Serbs in Romania Days of transformation of Serbs in Romania and literature and art colony 416.259 250.000 60 1.025.038 241346 Association of Serbs in Romania Letters under the same roof – 100 Serbian poets form the region 484.942 280.000 58 1.009.429 281347 Association Tommyland Moldova Noua Romania Camp for leaning the Serbian language and folk dancing 416.259 80.000 19 551.543 151348 Serbian culture centre Danilo Kis, Ljubljana The school of Serbian language and culture: classroom and camp 2 1.000.000 800.000 80 1.670.000 481349 Academic culture and art society Kolo Creative and educational spring workshops for children 165.000 165.000 100 215.000 771350 Association of the Serbian societies of Slovenia The Serbian newspapers Bridges, the magazine Association of the Serbian societies of Slovenia 1.064.900 400.000 38 1.349.900 301351 Serbian culture society Sloga from Nova Gorica The school of Serbian language and culture in Nova Gorica 403.000 400.000 99 483.680 831352 Society of Serbian writers of Montenegro and

HerzegovinaPreparation, printing and distributing of the six issues of the literature magazine The Serbian South, the anthology God of Justice and annual literature award for the complete works The Serbian mirror 1.068.366 700.000 66 1.388.876 50

1353 NGO Matica Boke Media coverage and popularization of the activities and creativity of the Serbian people in Montenegro 660.000 660.000 100 860.000 77

1354 Serbian singers` society Jedinstvo, Kotor Implementation of the plan Unity for 2011 1.050.000 700.000 67 2.252.250 311355 Matica srpska – Society of members in Montenegro In Serbian. For the Serbian language!, publishing activities of the Matica Srpska 4.016.000 2.000.000 50 4.226.000 471356 Matica srpska – Society of members in Montenegro Work of the office of the Matica Srpska, the Society of the members in Montenegro 5.790.000 2.000.000 35 5.790.000 351357 Non-government association IN4S (INFORS) Editorship of the portal IN4S 4.150.000 1.000.000 24 4.870.000 211358 The Council of the Serbian minority of the town Pula 3rd Days of the Serbian culture in Istria – For the glory of Andric 730.000 700.000 96 2.500.000 281359 Serbian democratic club, Zagreb Improvement of the position of Serbs in the republic of Croatia 2.077.058 275.000 13 4.760.968 61360 The Council of the Serbian minority of the town Split Cultural week of meetings of Serbs from Split and friends 2011 1.000.000 350.000 35 1.600.000 221361 Serbian cultural society Prosvjeta, sub-committee Ogulin Procurement of 12 complete Sumadija folk costumes 500.000 300.000 60 600.000 501362 Radio Banska Kosa, Beli Manastir Number of Serbs in Croatia – reality or illusion? 700.000 400.000 57 865.000 461363 Common council of the municipalities Festival of children creativity 500.000 600.000 120 844.100 711364 Serbian cultural society Prosvjeta, Zagreb The school of Serbian language and culture Peron 2011 470.000 400.000 85 900.000 441365 Serbian cultural society Prosvjeta,, sub-committee

VrhovinaThe school of Serbian language and youth camp of the Serbian young people 522.000 200.000 38 700.000 29

1366 Homeland association of the Serbs from Lika Matica licka

10th Lika all-around competition 350.000 250.000 71 1.132.000 22

1367 Association of the people from Herzegovina and friends Herzegovina, Zrenjanin

Gatherings of people from Herzegovina in Banat 150.000 150.000 100 810.000 19

1368 Cultural and educational community of Serbia Acknowledgement Golden badge of the Culture and Education community of Serbia 270.000 270.000 100 370.000 731369 European movement of friendship Counselling of the representatives of the association s of Serbs in the region; The census in the

neighbouring countries – proudly being the Serb 600.000 550.000 92 850.000 65

1370 Academic culture and art society Ivo Lola Ribar Summer school of art management and choreography 750.000 300.000 40 965.000 311371 Centre for history, democracy and reconciliation Serbian and Croatian relations in the 20th century – twenty years from the beginning of the war, the

Third traditional gathering 200.000 200.000 100 1.200.000 17

1372 Creative club EDUCO Summer educational camp in Sremski Karlovci 2011 550.000 300.000 55 1.289.110 23


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Program/project nameRequested


Granted amount




Needed amount



01373 Association of the Serbs in Slovakia Serb Conference 826.000 300.000 36 976.000 311374 Association Danica Salzburg Music competition Tradition on tradition 346.500 100.000 29 613.800 161375 Centre for cultural and social development Lira Summer camp Studenica 2011 95.000 50.000 53 747.500 71376 Serbian cultural community Arzignano The Serbian culture centre Arzignano 700.000 200.000 29 1.000.000 201377 Organisation Enter.Culture The Serbian to take away, creative school of the Serbian culture and language for the children of

pre-school age 490.000 200.000 41 710.000 28

1378 Serbian school for additional learning in Lucerne Additional lessons in the Serbian language for the second semester of the school year 2010/2011 300.000 200.000 67 400.000 501379 Community of Serbian clubs in Vienna The National theatre form Belgrade performance 500.000 300.000 60 1.896.000 161380 Community of Serbian clubs in Vienna Presentation of the tourist offer of Serbia in Austria 600.000 500.000 83 2.140.000 231381 Serbian Orthodox Church Municipality Saint Sava in

ViennaMarking 150 years of the Serbian Orthodox Church Municipality of Saint Sava in Vienna 500.000 500.000 100 3.600.000 14

1382 Association of parents of the pupils form the Serbian school in Romansh Switzerland

Guardians of the language and tradition, additional lessons in the Serbian language for the second semester in 2011 380.000 300.000 79 760.000 39

1383 Central council of Serbs in Hessen Jubilee year celebration of 40 years of the social organisation of our citizens in Hessen, Rhineland Pfalz and Saarland 400.000 300.000 75 1.831.000 16

1384 Serbian cultural forum Concerts of the Serbian music, spring autumn 2011 520.000 200.000 38 670.000 301385 Citizens association International business network International conference of youth leaders from Diaspora 2011 674.675 200.000 30 7.246.877 31386 Associations of journalists of Serbia 4th conference of Diaspora media and Serbs in the region 552.045 450.000 82 636.995 711387 Belgrade Aphorisms circle Satire Fest 11 300.000 200.000 67 530.000 381388 Association Topola film Documentary film: Serbia 1918 – liberation and unity 400.000 200.000 50 1.020.000 201389 Centre for the Scattered Serbs Saint Sava Summer school Saint Sava – the school of Serbian language and culture for the children from

Diaspora and Serbia 1.247.230 300.000 24 2.057.230 15

1390 Association of the Serbs in Spain The Serbian Days in Barcelona 446.566 350.000 78 897.658 391391 The Serbian society Marking 45 years of the Serbian community and church in Yorkshire, North England 291.500 200.000 69 401.500 501392 The Serbian society The Serbian week in Great Britain 275.000 200.000 73 550.000 361393 Eparchy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for Australia

and New ZealandLearn about our religion, language, history and tradition 1.000.000 400.000 40 1.176.000 34

1394 Congress of the Serbian unity, Serbia The role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in preserving the identity of the Serbian Diaspora 995.000 300.000 30 3.245.000 91395 Association ARTE REALE Milan The Serbian Culture Days in Milan, November 2011 600.000 350.000 58 600.000 581396 Christian cultural centre Belgrade, Zemun Milan edict and the modern comprehension of freedom and tolerance, conference and exhibition of

icons and religious painting Saint Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen   850.000      

1397 Association Multi-religious and inter-cultural centre, Subotica

The lecture: Multi-religious dialogue – contribution to the general culture of discussions   100.000      

1398 CEIR – Centre for the empirical investigation of religion, Novi Sad

Religion and tolerance, the magazine 450.000 300.000 67    

1399 Congress of the Serbian unity, Belgrade The role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in preserving the identity of the Serbian Diaspora 955.000 300.000 31    1400 Society Istocnik, Belgrade Istocnik, the magazine for religion and culture 400.000 400.000 100    1401 Centre for creative growing up and multi-cultural

cooperation CEKOM, ZrenjaninThe Serbian churches and monasteries in Romania 350.000 300.000 86    

1402 Saint Sava, Belgrade 15th issue of the magazine Brotherhood 400.000 200.000 50    1403 Saint Sava, Belgrade Marking of 125 years of the society Saint Sava   150.000   400.000 381404 Saint Sava, Belgrade Traditional Saint Sava literature and art call for proposals for the pupils of the primary and high

schools of Serbia and the Republika Srpska 400.000 350.000 88    

1405 Centre for cultural and social development Lira, Belgrade Children summer camp Studenica 2011 226.000 226.000 100    1406 Association of the spiritual music Choirs among the

frescoes, BelgradeFestival of the spiritual music Choirs among the frescoes 300.000 200.000 67    

1407 Serbian philosophical society, Belgrade Philosophical and theological discussions 550.000 350.000 64    1408 Serbian philosophical society, Belgrade History of the Serbian philosophical society 960.000 500.000 52    


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Program/project nameRequested


Granted amount




Needed amount



01409 Theological society Otacnik, Belgrade Otacnik, the magazine for the Saint Fathers practice and theory, the topic of Saint John of the

Golden Mouth (Chrysostom) 290.000 250.000 86    

1410 Theological society Оtacnik, Belgrade Printing of the publication Saint Theophilus of Antioch, Avtolik 150.000 100.000 67    1411 Centre for studying religion and religious tolerance,

BelgradePoliticology of religion, the magazine 500.000 300.000 60    

1412 JUNIR, Yugoslav association of scientific research of the religion, Nis

Orthodox Christianity in empirical perspective 600.000 300.000 50    

1413 The Serbian school, Manasija, Iceland Icon the window to the realm of heaven 150.000 150.000 100    1414 NALED, National Alliance for Local Economic

DevelopmentGet to know the country of Serbia   200.000   500.000 40

1415 COMET, non-profit organisation with the head office in Boston, USA

COMET, the educational and cultural program in Serbian language for children from Boston and surroundings in 2011/2012 250.000 150.000 60 1.032.500 15


Association for protection of customers in Vojvodina (UZPV) from Novi Sad and the Organisation of Customers of Serbia (OCS) from Jagodina

Consumers` centre of Serbia, the project: Consumers counselling, region of Belgrade; Association for protection of customers in Vojvodina the project: Support for the work of customers counselling for the region of Vojvodina; the Organisation of Customers of Serbia (OCS) from Jagodina, project:

Regional counselling of customers for the region of Sumadija, West, South and East Serbia

7.499.932 7.499.932 100 7.499.932 100

1417 Eparchy of Raska, Prizren and Kosovo and Metohija 0 0 0 DIRECTOREATE FOR FORESTS          

1418 Association of forestry engineers and technicians Help Serbia to breath easily 840.000 300.000 36 1.000.000 301419 Gorani movement of Serbia Multiuse of forests wealth 1.610.039 800.000 50 1.610.039 501420 Regional centre for talented persons, Bor Protection and improvement of forests through education 198.300 100.000 50 198.300 501421 Association ЕCO ART Belgrade I care about my planet, too! Little newspapers, the ticket 2.332.000 600.000 26 2.332.000 261422 Gorani movement of Serbia Eco-camp Tara 2011 1.117.820 550.000 49 1.117.820 491423 Ecological forest centre Sylva, Novi Pazar Save our forests 100.000 100.000 100    1424 Centre for development of Resava`s private woods Melioration of the degraded private woods and new planting of trees on private estates on the

territory of Svilajnac and a part of the territory of Despotovac 854.987 550.000 64 854.987 64

1425 Chambers of Hunting Establishment of the Chambers of Hunting 5.000.000 2.000.000 40 5.000.000 401426 Association of the forest owners Podgorac, Zlot Construction of forest road 1.714.900 857.450 50 1.714.900 501427 Municipal organisations Gorani movement of Serbia Planting trees on the forest lands owned by the natural persons by free of charge distribution of new

seedlings. 5.888.555 2.699.613 46 6.000.000 45


1428 Association Milutin Milankovic TV series about the life of Milutin Milankovic From the reinforced concrete to the Canon of the Earth`s Insolation 50.000 50.000 100 800.000 6

Total 3.052.736.664


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5.2. Associations and other civil society organisations supported by the same institution for more than one project

Ten institutions supported one association or other civil society organisation with more than one program/project. Total of 148 associations and other civil society organisations were supported with more than one project by the same institution. The Athletics Federation of Serbia was supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in nine different programs/projects. Forum of Young People with Disabilities was supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies eight times, whereas the National organisation of the persons with disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS) was supported seven times through different programs/projects by the same institution during 2011. There is the greatest number of those associations and other civil society organisations that were supported twice by the same institution, the total of 104; 24 associations were supported three times and 12 associations were supported four times.

Table 48 The list of associations and other civil society organisations supported with more than one projects by the same institution

Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects

1 Association of Sport Medicine of Serbia Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 5

2 Saint Sava Belgrade

Ministry of Religion and Diaspora


3 Theological Society “Otačnik” Belgrade 2

4 Community of Serbian Clubs in Vienna 2

5 Union of Serbs of Romania 2

6 Assembly of Diaspora and Serbs in France 2

7 Serbian Society 2

8 Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade 2

9 Green circle Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 2

10 Community of Clubs of Treated Alcoholics of SerbiaMinistry of Health


11 Serbian Medical Society 2

12 Ju jutsu Federation of Serbia Ministry of Youth and Sports 2

13 Skyball Federation of Serbia 2

14 Softball Federation of Serbia 2

15 Tug of war Federation of Serbia 2

16 Aikido Federation of Serbia 2

17 Athletics Federation of Serbia 9

18 Badminton Federation of Serbia 2

19 Baseball Federation of Serbia 2

20 Belgrade Open School 2


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects

21 Biathlon Union Serbia 2

22 Snooker Association of Serbia 3

23 Cycling Federation of Serbia 2

24 Boxing Federation of Serbia 3

25 Bowls Federation of Serbia 2

26 Aviation Association of Serbia 2

27 Aviation Association of Serbia, Belgrade 2

28 Serbian Water polo Federation 3

29 Serbian Rowing Federation 3

30 Serbian Gymnastics Federation 2

31 Serbian Sailing Association 4

32 Kayak Federation of Serbia 3

33 Karate Federation of Serbia 4

34 Kendo Federation of Serbia 2

35 Kickboxing Federation of Serbia 4

36 Kyokushinkai Federation of Serbia 2

37 Serbian Skating Association 2

38 Korfball Federation of Serbia 2

39 Basketball Federation of Serbia 3

40 Bowling Federation of Serbia 2

41 Fencing Federation of Serbia 2

42 Serbian Motor-Car Association 2

43 Humanitarian centre Novi sad 2

44 Volleyball Federation of Serbia 4

45 JAZAS Youth, Niš 2

46 JAZAS Youth, Požarevac 2

47 Youth Creative Centre 2

48 Organisation for sport and humanitarian cooperation and development “Sky vision“ 2

49 Serbian Orienteering Federation 2

50 Panacea Solution 2

51 Paralympics Committee of Serbia 2

52 Mountaineering Association of Serbia 2


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects

53 Dance Sport Federation of Serbia 4

54 Serbian Swimming Federation 3

55 Serbian Rugby League 2

56 Serbian Rugby Union 3

57 Belgrade Rugby League Federation 2

58 Rafting Association of Serbia 4

59 Wrestling Federation of Serbia 5

60 Serbian Handball Federation 3

61 Savate Association of Serbia 2

62 Association for Recreation and Fitness of Serbia 2

63 Synchronized Swimming Federation of Serbia 3

64 Diving Federation of Serbia 2

65 Association for School Sport and Olympic Education of Serbia, Belgrade 2

66 Association of Sports Fishing of Serbia 3

67 Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation of Serbia 2

68 Serbian Weightlifting Federation 3

69 Serbian Ice Hockey Association 2

70 Field Hockey Federation of Serbia 2

71 Sambo Federation of Serbia 3

72 Squash Association of Serbia 2

73 Serbian Ski Association 2

74 Special Olympics 2

75 Sports Car Go-Kart Association of Serbia 3

76 Serbian Sports Association of Deaf 2

77 Serbian Sports Association of persons with disabilities 2

78 Sports Federation of Serbia 2

79 Serbian Triathlon Union 2

80 Table Tennis Association of Serbia 3

81 Archery Association of Serbia 2

82 Serbian Shooting Sport Federation 4

83 Taekwondo Association of Serbia 2

84 Serbian Tennis Federation 2


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects

85 Timok Youth Centre 2

86 Citizens Association “My piece of Europe“ 2

87 Association of National Award Winners Association of Serbia 2

88 Football Association of Serbia 2

89 Centre for development of civil society 2

90 Jet Ski Association of Serbia 2

91 Serbian Judo Federation 5

92 Serbia Chess Federation 2

93 Association for Serbian language and literature

Ministry of Education and Science


94 Mathematical Society of Serbia 6

95 Serbian Physical Society 2

96 Association of Music and Ballet Schools of Serbia 2

97 National Sports Federation of Blind and Visually Impaired 2

98 Association of Amateurs of Serbia 2

99 Serbian Biological Society 2

100 Serbian Chemical Society 2

101 Teachers` Association of Vojvodina 2


Sport Association for Children and Youth with Disabilities 2

103 Associations of Music and Ballet Educators of Serbia 2

104 Associations of Music and Ballet Educators of Serbia 3


The Belgrade City Organisation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 2


The Niš City Organisation of the Deaf and hard of hearing 2


Society for helping socially handicapped persons Solidarnost (Solidarity) 4

108 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Vojvodina 3

109 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Serbia 4

11 League for persons with disabilities 3


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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects


111 People for people 2


National organisation of persons with disabilities of Serbia (NOOIS) 7

113 National Council of the Roma National Minority 2

114 Association of students with disabilities of Novi Sad 2

115 Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Serbia 2

116 Muscular Dystrophy Association of Vojvodina 2

117 Muscular Dystrophy Association of Serbia 4

118 Association for Cerebral and Children's Palsy of Serbia 2

119 Association of Work Invalids 2

120 Association of Paraplegics and Quadriplegics of Serbia 3

121 Association of the Blind of Vojvodina 3

122 Association of the Blind of Serbia 4

123 Association for mentally disabled people help of Serbia 2

124 Counselling Against Domestic Violence 2

125 SUBNOR Republic Committee 2

126 Association Inclusion 2

127 Association Half-way 2

128 Association of War Veterans from 1990, Valjevo 2

129 Association of War Veterans from 1990 2


Association of Veterans, War Invalids since 1990 of the Republic of Serbia



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Name of the association or other civil society organisation Institutions

Number of supported projects

131 Association for education and support 3


Association of multiple sclerosis patients West Bačka Sombor 2

133 Association of Paraplegics and Quadriplegics, Opovo 2


Association of veterans and war invalids of the liberation wars of Serbia


135 Association of war and peace invalids of Serbia 3


Association of the tenants from the Home for adult persons with disabilities 2

137 Association of war participants 1991–1999, Kraljevo 2

138 Association of war veterans and invalids of Serbia 2

139 Forum of Young People with disabilities 2

140 Forum of Young People with disabilities of Serbia 8

141 Hendi Centre Кoloseum 6

142 Centre for education and economic development 2

143 Centre for transition and human rights Spektra 4

144 Future Office of the Coordination body of

the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa


145 Ecological Society Bujanovac 2

146 The Gorani Movement of Serbia Directorate for Forests 2

147 Association foe development of the municipality Irig

Environmental Protection Fund2

148 The Gorani Movement Vojvodina 2

5.3. Associations and other civil society organizations supported by several institutions

Two different institutions supported the total of 19 associations and other civil society organisations. Fourteen associations and other civil society organisations were supported in one


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project/program by both institutions, with the exception of the Sport Medicine Association of Serbia which was supported in even six programs/projects by the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, as well as the Physical Society of Serbia, Paralympics Committee of Serbia, the Mountaineering Association of Serbia and the Sport Federation of the persons with disabilities, which were supported by two institutions in three programs/projects.

Table 49 The associations and other civil society organisations supported by several public administration bodies

Name of the association and other civil society


Number of supported projects

1 Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Education and Science 2

2 Citizens initiatives Ministry of Youth and Sports Office of the Coordination body of the Government of the Republic

of Serbia for the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja2

3 Society of Astronomers of Serbia

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Ministry of Education and Science 2

4 Diabetes Association of the city of Novi Sad

Ministry of Health Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 2

5 Physical Society of Serbia

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Ministry of Education and Science 3

6 Camping Association of Serbia

Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 2

7 Ecological Centre of Kruševac

Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning Environmental Protection Fund 2

8 Young Researchers of Serbia

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of \labour and Social Policies 2

9 Youth Club of Novi Bečej

Ministry of Youth and Sport Environmental Protection Fund 2


Paralympics Committee of Serbia

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Ministry of Youth and Sports 3


Mountaineering Association of Serbia

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 3


Resource Centre Leskovac

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 2


School Sports and Olympics education of Serbia

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Education and Science 2


Scout Association of Serbia

Environmental Protection Fund Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 2


University of Niš Students` Federation

Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Youth and Sports 2


Sport Federation of the persons with disabilities

Ministry of Youth and Sports Ministry of Labour and Social Policies



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Name of the association and other civil society


Number of supported projects

of Serbia

17 Youth Club of Ub Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Environmental Protection Fund 2


Association of Sports Medicine of Serbia

Anti-doping Agency of the republic of Serbia Ministry of Youth and Sports 6


Forum of women from Prijepolje

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Environmental Protection Fund 2

5.4. Legal status of the program/project Lead Beneficiaries

The Lead Beneficiaries of the financed programs/projects were the associations in 97%. The total of nine foundations were the beneficiaries of the granted programs/projects, 4 were companies and one legacy foundation.

Table 50 Legal status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

Answers Number of projects

Number of projects in percentage

1 Association 1.387 97,8

2 Foundation 9 0,6

3 Company 4 0,3

4 Legacy foundation 1 0,1

5 Other 27 1,9

  Total 1.428

The Lead Beneficiaries of 27 granted programs/projects were stated under the category “Other“. Non-government organisations, non-profit organisations, public enterprises, the Council of the National Minorities, as well as the Church and political bodies were stated in this category. The greatest number of answers – 17 was provided in this category by the Ministry of Religion and Diaspora, among which there were almost eight programs/projects for which the legal status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project was not stated.

Table 51 Answers to the question on the status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project provided under the category “Other“ in Table 50

Answers Name of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

Number of projects

Name of the institutional body which supported the

Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

1 Australian public company The Serbian Centre Boniring, Australia 1

Ministry of Religion and Diaspora

2 The Council for the National Minorities

The Council of the Serbian National Minority in the city of Split

The Council of the Serbian National Minority of the city of Pula


3 Umbrella organisation Union of Serbs in Romania 1


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Answers Name of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

Number of projects

Name of the institutional body which supported the

Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

of the Serbs in Romania

4Umbrella organisation of the Serbian minority

in RomaniaUnion of Serbs in Romania 1

5 Organisation of Diaspora

Parents association of the students from the Serbian school in the Romansh Switzerland 1

6 Organisation of Serbs in the region

Serbian cultural society Sloga from Nova Gorica Serbian cultural society Prosvjeta, Zagreb Cultural and information centre of Serbs in

the Republic of Macedonia Spona3


Political (minority) institutional body

recorded by the State Electoral Commission

in Hungary

Self-Government of the Serbs in Hungary 1


Serbian non-government

organisation in Macedonia

Football club Rečica, Kumanovo 1

9 The Church

Šabac Eparchy Serbian orthodox municipality of Saint Sava

in Vienna Serbian orthodox Church and School

municipality of Saint Sava in Johannesburg Serbian Orthodox Church and School

municipality of Saint Sava in Johannesburg Eparchy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for

Australia and New Zealand Monastery Rmanj



Non-government, non-profit organisation Documentation and information centre Veritas 1

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11 Sport organisation Association for water sports “West Morava“ 1 Ministry of Environment, Mining

and Spatial Planning12

Answer was not entered

Chamber of Commerce, Belgrade Dance Council of Serbia, Belgrade Dance

Festival Youth philharmonic orchestra NAISUS from

Niš MIT Starčević Eparchy of Raška and Prizren and Kosovo

and Metohija, Centre for photography development

Christian cultural centre of Belgrade, Zemun Association Multi-religion and intercultural

8 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Agriculture,

Trade, Forestry and Water Management

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Religion and



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Answers Name of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

Number of projects

Name of the institutional body which supported the

Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

centre, Subotica

Total 27

5.5. Timeframe of the financial support for the programs/projects

Observing the structure of the granted programs/projects according to timeframe, participation of the programs/projects lasting up to three months, from three to six months and from six months to one year has been almost the same. Their participation has been approximately 20% in the total number of projects. Significantly lesser participation has been of the programs/projects that have lasted over one year and it has been about 4% in the total amount of the supported projects.

Nevertheless, if we observe the participation of projects according to timeframe and their value, it may be concluded that projects/programs lasting up to three months, as well as those lasting from three to six months, have participated in the structure of the granted funds with only 5%, i.e. 6% respectively, which shows that on average these projects/programs have been of less value. The projects lasting over one year have been, as expected, the projects/programs with the highest average value. However, it is important to note that for 37% programs/projects the timeframe of the project was not entered in the Questionnaire.

Table 52 Timeframe of the financial support for programs/projects


of projects

Number of projects in percentage

Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentage

1 Up to 3 months 282 19,7 12 66,7 153.706.708 5,0

2 3–6 months 277 19,4 12 66,7 182.358.868 6,0

3 6–12 months 291 20,4 13 72,2 455.360.470 14,9

4 12 and more months 59 4,1 7 38,9 350.682.496 11,5

5 No answer 519 36,3 9 50,01.910.628.11

5 62,6

Total 1.428   183.052.736.65


5.6. Areas of the calls for proposals

Most funds – 63.4% of the total granted funds and most programs/projects (455) were financed through the calls for proposals in which sport and recreation was stated as the area of the call for proposal. The next area according to the granted amount and the number of projects has been the area of service of social security for which 17.2% of the total funds allocated and 323 projects. As per the granted funds, the area concerning youth and students and the area of environment protection stand out with 6.4%, i.e. 6.3% of the total financial funds respectively.


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Table 53 Areas of the calls for proposals47


Number of


Number of

projects in


Number of


Number of

institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


1 Sport and recreation 455 32,4 8 44,41.935.796.50

6 63,4

2 Services of the social security 323 23,0 1 5,6 524.020.588 17,2

3 Youth and students 169 12,1 8 44,4 193.844.668 6,4

4 Environment 192 13,7 7 38,9 192.091.605 6,3

5 Event, promotion* 50 3,6 2 11,1 99.520.000 3,3

6 Art and culture 154 11,0 9 50,0 88.661.036 2,9

7 Education and research 139 9,9 13 72,2 82.339.536 2,7

8 International cooperation 36 2,6 6 33,3 44.563.011 1,5

9 Survival and return* 1 0,1 1 5,6 32.121.683 1,1

10 Development of civil society 31 2,2 2 11,1 26.463.550 0,9

11 Media 37 2,6 9 50,0 24.221.916 0,8

12 Sustainable development 19 1,4 4 22,2 22.890.605 0,8

13 Spreading culture, peace and non-violence 29 2,1 6 33,3 21.098.970 0,7

14 Health care 33 2,4 4 22,2 13.236.384 0,4

15 Human and minority rights 24 1,7 3 16,7 11.849.945 0,4

16 Consumer protection 1 0,1 1 5,6 7.499.932 0,2

17 Construction and development of local community 10 0,7 5 27,8 7.361.150 0,2

18 Redecoration of the associations` premises* 12 0,9 1 5,6 6.284.424 0,2

19 Rural development 10 0,7 2 11,1 6.061.863 0,2

20 Publication* 3 0,2 1 5,6 4.500.000 0,1

21 Vocational activity of the Association* 1 0,1 1 5,6 4.000.000 0,1

22 Occupational health and safety 1 0,1 1 5,6 4.000.000 0,1

23 Removing the architecture barriers* 7 0,5 1 5,6 3.864.035 0,1


Cherishing the tradition of the liberation wars of Serbia and printing the magazine of the Federation Zavet* 2 0,1 1 5,6 2.400.000 0,1

25 Legislation, public advocacy and public policy 3 0,2 1 5,6 2.368.000 0,1

47 Note: When interpreting this Table, one should bear in mind that the multiple marking of answers was allowed, so that a certain number of the institutional bodies marked two or several areas of the call for proposals for particular projects.


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Number of


Number of

projects in


Number of


Number of

institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


26 Humanitarian help 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.270.000 0,1

27 Anti-corruption 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.999.390 0,1

28 Standard of living, economy 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.805.450 0,1

29 Unemployment 4 0,3 3 16,7 1.800.000 0,1


Improvement of the position of combatants, war invalids, war-disabled civilians and the members of their families in the Republic of Serbia* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.200.000 0,0

31 Science and history* 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.000.000 0,0

32Philanthropic and mediators and promotion of volunteering activities 3 0,2 1 5,6 921.178 0,0

33 One time support* 1 0,1 1 5,6 800.000 0,0

34 Agriculture 1 0,1 1 5,6 700.000 0,0Note: Areas marked with asterisk * represent the areas which were entered by the institution in the blank space, since the offered answers did not suit the area of the specific call for proposal. The review sequence of the calls for proposals` areas has been determined according to the amount of the granted funds.

5.7. Direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects

With a view to direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects, the athletes present direct beneficiaries with almost 60% of granted funds, i.e. in 320 program/projects. The person with disabilities follow as direct beneficiaries in 272 program/projects in the amount of 14.3% of the total funds allocated. The general community – citizens, as direct beneficiaries, were allocated 225 program/projects, i.e. 8.7% of funds and then youth – the general population with the participation of 11.4% in the total number of approved programs/projects and 7.1% of the total amount of the financial funds.

Only 14 groups of direct beneficiaries from the total number of recognised direct beneficiaries (83 categories) have had higher share than 1% of the total funds allocated, and even 589 groups of direct beneficiaries have had one digit number of approved projects.

Table 54 Direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects48


of projects

Number of projects in percentage

Number of institutions

Number of institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentage

1 Athletes 320 22,8 3 16,7 1.747.894.653 57,3

2 Persons with disabilities 272 19,4 4 22,2 436.358.327 14,3

3 General community - citizens 225 16,0 13 72,2 265.298.448 8,7

4 Youth – general population 160 11,4 6 33,3 215.919.674 7,1

48 Note: When interpreting this Table, one should bear in mind that multiple marking of answers was allowed, so that a certain number of the institutional bodies marked two or more direct beneficiaries for particular projects.


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of projects

Number of projects in percentage

Number of institutions

Number of institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentage

5 Vocational associations 95 6,8 6 33,3 151.380.500 5,0


Combatants, war invalids, war-disabled civilians, families of the fallen combatants 34 2,4 1 5,6 69.657.600 2,3

7 Students 51 3,6 8 44,4 67.876.821 2,2

8 Children with disabilities 83 5,9 4 22,2 57.756.120 1,9

9 Educational institutions 30 2,1 5 27,8 56.904.780 1,9

10 Academic community 31 2,2 9 50,0 51.858.349 1,7

11 Children – general population 114 8,1 10 55,6 42.687.185 1,4

12 Children and youth – general population 62 4,4 8 44,4 35.007.491 1,1

13 Return and readmission 1 0,1 1 5,6 32.121.683 1,1

14 Regional or local self-government 23 1,6 3 16,7 31.851.024 1,0

15 Adults with disabilities 32 2,3 2 11,1 27.803.729 0,9

16 Parents of the children with disabilities 28 2,0 1 5,6 20.543.323 0,7

17 *Diaspora 38 2,7 2 11,1 19.250.000 0,6

18 Talented children and youth 17 1,2 7 38,9 14.866.500 0,5

19 Unemployed 12 0,9 4 22,2 13.376.912 0,4

20 Youth with developmental disorders 12 0,9 3 16,7 12.791.684 0,4

21 Health institutions 23 1,6 2 11,1 12.133.032 0,4

22 Government institutions 9 0,6 3 16,7 11.863.689 0,4

23 Migrants 34 2,4 1 5,6 11.520.000 0,4

24*Teachers and the staff of educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia 4 0,3 1 5,6 11.313.907 0,4

25 Roma people – general population 14 1,0 4 22,2 10.668.405 0,3

26Institutions, service providers of the social security 9 0,6 1 5,6 8.832.492 0,3

27 General population of the citizens 15 1,1 5 27,8 8.735.200 0,3

28 Centres for social security 9 0,6 1 5,6 8.171.660 0,3

29 Children – members of the Roma national minority 7 0,5 5 27,8 8.166.472 0,3

30 Youth with behavioural disorders 3 0,2 1 5,6 7.582.101 0,2

31 Consumers 1 0,1 1 5,6 7.499.932 0,2

32 Impoverished persons 9 0,6 2 11,1 7.130.250 0,2

33 Children without parental care 4 0,3 3 16,7 6.998.789 0,2


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of projects

Number of projects in percentage

Number of institutions

Number of institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentage

34 Children from socially handicapped families 3 0,2 2 11,1 6.634.720 0,2

35 Rural population 7 0,5 1 5,6 5.778.400 0,2

36*Local companies and the representatives of the business sector 7 0,5 3 16,7 5.250.600 0,2

37 *Reserve Military Officers – professional associations 1 0,1 1 5,6 4.000.000 0,1

38 Volunteers 5 0,4 3 16,7 3.818.770 0,1

39 Families 11 0,8 2 11,1 3.811.400 0,1

40 Tourist workers 4 0,3 1 5,6 3.718.000 0,1

41 National minorities 7 0,5 3 16,7 3.029.250 0,1

42 Red Cross 4 0,3 1 5,6 2.675.760 0,1

43 Hunters and sport fishermen 2 0,1 2 11,1 2.386.400 0,1


*Employees in the Army, Police and Security Agencies, persons in charge of alarming and the independent state bodies 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.999.390 0,1

45 Parents 5 0,4 3 16,7 1.889.256 0,1

46 Victims of domestic violence 3 0,2 1 5,6 1.750.000 0,1

47 Forest rangers 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.543.850 0,1

48 Employers 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.504.300 0,0

49 Farmers 6 0,4 1 5,6 1.324.200 0,0

50 Tourists 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.233.924 0,0

51 *Local companies 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.191.000 0,0

52 *Secretariat for Traffic 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.191.000 0,0

53*Companies which deal with collection of electronic waste 7 0,5 1 5,6 970.200 0,0

54 *High school pupils from Preševo and Bujanovac 2 0,1 1 5,6 886.000 0,0

55 Women with disabilities 2 0,1 2 11,1 850.200 0,0

56 Women – members of the Roma national minority 3 0,2 1 5,6 828.750 0,0

57 *French public 2 0,1 1 5,6 800.000 0,0

58*Writers, students of literature, literature critics, publishers and readers 1 0,1 1 5,6 700.000 0,0

59 Drug Addicts 3 0,2 1 5,6 682.978 0,0

60 *Local associations of the citizens 1 0,1 1 5,6 674.000 0,0

61 Elderly people 3 0,2 2 11,1 668.200 0,0

62 Pensioners 2 0,1 2 11,1 596.200 0,0

63 Persons with chronic 3 0,2 2 11,1 570.456 0,0


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of projects

Number of projects in percentage

Number of institutions

Number of institutions in


Granted amount

Granted amount in percentage


64 Persons with mental disabilities 2 0,1 1 5,6 536.700 0,0

65 *Cultural and art societies 1 0,1 1 5,6 500.000 0,0

66 *Tourist organisations in Austria 1 0,1 1 5,6 500.000 0,0

67 Newborn children 1 0,1 1 5,6 500.000 0,0

68*Employees in public institutions of the municipality of Prokuplje 1 0,1 1 5,6 481.500 0,0


*Roma and Albanian population, as well as the Member of the local Parliament

1 0,1 1 5,6 457.000 0,0

70 General population of the patients 1 0,1 1 5,6 400.000 0,0

71 Small entrepreneurs and craftsmen 1 0,1 1 5,6 358.964 0,0

72 Officers of the Ministry of Interior Affairs 1 0,1 1 5,6 307.080 0,0

73 *Public institutions in Niš 1 0,1 1 5,6 300.000 0,0

74 Alcohol addicts 3 0,2 1 5,6 296.400 0,0

75 Women – general population 1 0,1 1 5,6 296.200 0,0

76 Women who live in the countryside 1 0,1 1 5,6 296.200 0,0

77 Displaced persons and refugees 2 0,1 2 11,1 292.750 0,0


*Concerned public and interest groups relative to the strategic evaluation of the impact on the environment 1 0,1 1 5,6 280.000 0,0

79 Pregnant women 1 0,1 1 5,6 232.750 0,0

80 Persons who live with HIV/AIDS 1 0,1 1 5,6 217.578 0,0

81 *Children from Kosovo and Metohija 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0

82 *Ecological NGOs in Novi Sad 2 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0


*Primarily the associations which deal with environment protection, but also with other topics and other institutional bodies 1 0,1 1 5,6 40.000 0,0

Note: Direct beneficiaries program/projects marked with asterisk * entered by the institutions in the blank space, since the offered answers did not suit direct beneficiaries of the specific program/project. The review sequence of direct beneficiaries in this Table has been determined according to the amount of the granted funds.


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5.8 . Type of activity

In view of the type of financed activities, data indicates that the highest number of projects in 2011 – 385 (27.4% of the total number of supported programs/projects) was dedicated to building life quality of the persons with disabilities. For these activities 556.7 million Dinars were provided. The following activities, according to the proportion representation, were the activities of public informing (forum, conferences, public appearances, campaigns, etc.) in 183 programs/projects approved by 12 institutions in 2011. As per the number of programs/projects, educational activities (in 143 projects) and activities regarding the environment protection (in 146 approved programs/projects) stand out.

Table 55 Type of activity49


of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


1 Activities directed to building the level of life quality of the persons with disabilities 385 27,4 4 22,2 556.715.583 18,2

2 Informing the public (forums, conferences, public appearances, campaigns, etc.) 183 13,0 12 66,7 205.944.540 6,7

3 Improvement of the tourist offer 92 6,6 3 16,7 149.488.400 4,9

4 Activities regarding the environment protection 143 10,2 6 33,3 148.977.319 4,9

5 Training and advancement* 36 2,6 1 5,6 101.825.165 3,3

6Education (among other things, education beyond schools and institutions, professional training and education for life) 146 10,4 12 66,7 66.526.338 2,2

7 Research 22 1,6 10 55,6 53.329.519 1,7

8Organisation of free time (socialising, clubs, short trips, recreation, creative and fun activities...) 46 3,3 8 44,4 48.544.433 1,6

9 Cultural creativity 73 5,2 9 50,0 45.572.074 1,5


Trainings for volunteers, mediation in volunteer activities, volunteer service, volunteer development 31 2,2 2 11,1 41.646.169 1,4


Building capacity of civil society organisations 25 1,8 4 22,2 40.802.166 1,3

12 Media production and publishing 51 3,6 7 38,9 32.865.000 1,1

13 Inciting employment 30 2,1 3 16,7 32.715.891 1,1

14 Rehabilitation and therapeutic intervention 17 1,2 1 5,6 29.570.000 1,0


Building capacity of the public and local administration 6 0,4 4 22,2 23.309.437 0,8


Health care (among other things, preventive health check-ups and counselling) 50 3,6 6 33,3 20.955.823 0,7


Public advocacy (lobbying, campaigns, independent monitoring and proposals of

28 2,0 6 33,3 18.976.181 0,6

49 Note: When interpreting this Table, one should bear in mind that the multiple choice answers was allowed, so that a certain smaller number of institutional bodies marked two or more types of activities.


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


the public policies...)

18 Recreational and sport activities 22 1,6 7 38,9 18.235.032 0,6


Counselling and psychological and social support 22 1,6 3 16,7 18.137.092 0,6

20 Security 14 1,0 3 16,7 17.777.679 0,6


Building capacity of the public institutions support providers 16 1,1 4 22,2 17.481.993 0,6

22 Cooperation with the local institutions 10 0,7 3 16,7 14.497.540 0,5

23 Free of charge legal assistance 11 0,8 2 11,1 13.299.123 0,4


Humanitarian help for impoverished citizens (distribution of coupons for purchasing food, help in material goods, co-financing a part of expenditures...) 13 0,9 3 16,7 12.692.400 0,4


Support in realisation and monitoring of the associations ` projects* 1 0,1 1 5,6 12.152.421 0,4

26 Care for the elderly people 3 0,2 2 11,1 10.466.200 0,3

27 Consumer protection 1 0,1 1 5,6 7.499.932 0,2

28 Rural development 13 0,9 2 11,1 7.399.863 0,2

29 Sport* 1 0,1 1 5,6 6.500.000 0,2

30 Democracy development 2 0,1 1 5,6 5.154.280 0,2


Cherishing the tradition of the liberation wars of Serbia* 3 0,2 1 5,6 4.200.000 0,1

32 International cooperation* 2 0,1 1 5,6 2.993.135 0,1


Promotion of hunting and increase in the original hunting funds 1 0,1 1 5,6 2.000.000 0,1

34 Anti-corruption 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.999.390 0,1

35 Work and therapeutic activities 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.950.456 0,1

36 Entrepreneurial and production activities 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.878.560 0,1

37 Educational activities* 4 0,3 1 5,6 1.600.000 0,1


Work with children with behavioural disorders 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.582.380 0,1


Purchase of the containers for disposal of waste* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.386.000 0,0


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


40 Mediation 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.348.285 0,0


Services of the temporary accommodation (shelters for homeless, safe houses for the victims of violence) 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.000.000 0,0


Participation of the club in the summer basketball league* 1 0,1 1 5,6 800.000 0,0

43 Agriculture 1 0,1 1 5,6 700.000 0,0


Intervention in social surroundings through previously recognised identification of the problems which need to be solved (e.g. posting ramps for persons with disabilities, cleaning of the city waste depots and the like)* 1 0,1 1 5,6 674.000 0,0

45 Animal protection 1 0,1 1 5,6 386.400 0,0

46 Environment protection* 1 0,1 1 5,6 351.000 0,0


Recovery of the children from Kosovo and Metohija* 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0

48 Work with juvenile offenders 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0


Encouragement of the active participation of youth in society* 1 0,1 1 5,6 149.968 0,0

50 Active participation of youth in society* 1 0,1 1 5,6 148.114 0,0

Note: The type of activity marked with asterisk * was entered by the institution in the blank space, since the offered answers did not suit the type of activity of the specific program/project. The review sequence of the activities in this Table has been determined by the amount of the granted funds.

5.9. Territorial mapping of the programs/projects and the granted amount of funds

In this Section the Table review of territorial mapping of the approved projects shall be presented. When interpreting the Table, it is vital to bear in mind the fact that it was possible to mark several territorial units, if realisation of the program/projects included more municipalities, i.e. towns, and it was also possible to freely enter the data on territorial aspect of the programs/projects, if the offered options did not suit the stated programs/projects. The institutions entered on average two territorial units for one projects and this should be taken this into consideration for further use of data.

Most marked answers referred to the projects which covered complete territory of Serbia – 362, whereas the significant number of the projects was implemented abroad – 216. The projects which have covered the complete territory of the Republic of Serbia refer to the projects/programs of the highest value – 60.2% of the total funds allocated and to the projects regarding some foreign state, 47.8% of the total funds allocated.

If the narrower territorial units are observed, such as towns and municipalities, Belgrade has had the most answers marked (567 programs/projects) with the total value of projects amounting to 676 million of Dinars; Novi Sad (104 programs/projects) in which 181 million Dinars were invested.


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Subsequently, Niš (99 programs/projects and 154 million Dinars) and Kragujevac with 50 programs/projects and 55 million Dinars follow.

Table 56 Territory mapping of the projects and granted amounts of funds


of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


1 Whole territory of Serbia 362 25,8 13 72,21.839.090.18

1 60,2

2 Foreign countries 216 15,4 4 22,21.459.665.82

1 47,8

3 Belgrade* 92 6,6 2 11,1 225.518.243 7,4

4 Novi Sad, the city 104 7,4 7 38,9 180.867.292 5,9

5 Niš, the city 64 4,6 8 44,4 98.817.356 3,2

6 Belgrade, Stari grad 77 5,5 7 38,9 77.396.786 2,5

7 Kragujevac, the city 50 3,6 7 38,9 55.087.116 1,8

8 Belgrade, Palilula 52 3,7 4 22,2 46.045.558 1,5

9 Belgrade, New Belgrade 54 3,9 6 33,3 45.680.212 1,5

10 Vršac 9 0,6 4 22,2 44.512.903 1,5

11 Belgrade, Savski venac 44 3,1 4 22,2 40.582.876 1,3

12 Prijepolje 34 2,4 5 27,8 39.370.916 1,3

13 Belgrade, Vračar 43 3,1 3 16,7 38.881.618 1,3

14 Zrenjanin 25 1,8 6 33,3 37.232.963 1,2

15 Belgrade, Čukarica 26 1,9 4 22,2 35.406.294 1,2

16 Užce 27 1,9 5 27,8 34.516.067 1,1

17 Pirot 29 2,1 4 22,2 34.017.993 1,1

18 Ivanjica 24 1,7 4 22,2 30.563.645 1,0

19 Pančevo 27 1,9 4 22,2 28.154.762 0,9

20 Novi Pazar 23 1,6 5 27,8 27.676.664 0,9

21 Nova Varoš 17 1,2 2 11,1 27.377.915 0,9

22 Belgrade, Obrenovac 24 1,7 3 16,7 27.220.178 0,9

23 Jagodina 27 1,9 3 16,7 26.834.196 0,9

24 Kikinda 22 1,6 5 27,8 26.421.090 0,9

25 Belgrade, Zvezdara 30 2,1 3 16,7 26.073.415 0,9

26 Belgrade, Zemun 27 1,9 3 16,7 24.062.334 0,8

27 Sabac 22 1,6 3 16,7 24.053.457 0,8

28 Belgrade, Voždovac 25 1,8 2 11,1 23.538.119 0,8

29 Subotica 24 1,7 6 33,3 23.371.334 0,8

30 Kruševac 22 1,6 5 27,8 22.816.103 0,7

31 Sombor 19 1,4 3 16,7 22.652.287 0,7

32 Kraljevo 21 1,5 4 22,2 21.148.413 0,7

33 Veliko Gradište 14 1,0 2 11,1 20.250.406 0,7


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


34 Smederevo 11 0,8 3 16,7 19.584.007 0,6

35 Belgrade, Rakovica 20 1,4 4 22,2 19.323.833 0,6

36 Zaječar 15 1,1 4 22,2 18.875.677 0,6

37 Valjevo 17 1,2 4 22,2 18.668.376 0,6

38 Bečej 13 0,9 2 11,1 18.323.397 0,6

39 Prokuplje 18 1,3 2 11,1 17.953.816 0,6

40 Sremski Karlovci 8 0,6 5 27,8 17.537.091 0,6

41 Ruma 13 0,9 3 16,7 17.067.261 0,6

42 Aleksinac 10 0,7 2 11,1 16.917.590 0,6

43 Vranje 19 1,4 3 16,7 16.477.123 0,5

44 Kopaonik* 5 0,4 2 11,1 16.257.200 0,5

45 Pozarevac 14 1,0 4 22,2 16.104.040 0,5

46 Priboj 12 0,9 2 11,1 16.082.080 0,5

47 Niš, Palilula 14 1,0 2 11,1 15.779.949 0,5

48 Doljevac 11 0,8 2 11,1 15.604.200 0,5

49 Ćuprija 14 1,0 3 16,7 14.869.973 0,5

50 Leskovac 18 1,3 3 16,7 14.843.520 0,5

51 Bujanovac 23 1,6 4 22,2 14.106.324 0,5

52 Požega 11 0,8 2 11,1 13.383.884 0,4

53 Majdanpek 9 0,6 2 11,1 13.170.970 0,4

54 Paraćin 13 0,9 3 16,7 12.424.478 0,4

55 Arilje 10 0,7 2 11,1 12.020.729 0,4

56 Sremska Mitrovica 10 0,7 2 11,1 11.834.553 0,4

57 Loznica 9 0,6 2 11,1 11.814.339 0,4

58 Đerdap* 11 0,8 1 5,6 11.810.000 0,4

59 Čačak 12 0,9 3 16,7 11.502.668 0,4

60 Krupanj 6 0,4 1 5,6 11.245.279 0,4

61 Knjaževac 8 0,6 2 11,1 11.076.716 0,4

62 Beograd, Mladenovac 13 0,9 3 16,7 10.694.708 0,4

63 Blace 11 0,8 3 16,7 10.667.281 0,3

64 Bor 11 0,8 4 22,2 9.856.410 0,3

65 North Bačka Region* 9 0,6 1 5,6 9.360.000 0,3

66 Topola 8 0,6 2 11,1 9.275.880 0,3

67 Kladovo 8 0,6 2 11,1 9.183.808 0,3

68 Svilajnac 8 0,6 3 16,7 8.882.466 0,3

69 Belgrade, Grocka 10 0,7 4 22,2 8.781.928 0,3

70 Bajina Bašta 13 0,9 5 27,8 8.751.779 0,3

71 Velika Plana 10 0,7 3 16,7 8.700.111 0,3


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


72 Europe* 3 0,2 2 11,1 8.700.000 0,3

73 Kanjiža 9 0,6 3 16,7 8.134.640 0,3

74 Stara Pazova 5 0,4 1 5,6 8.081.728 0,3

75 Novi Kneževac 7 0,5 4 22,2 7.669.590 0,3

76 Belgrade, Surčin 9 0,6 3 16,7 7.583.928 0,2

77 Belgrade, Lazarevac 9 0,6 3 16,7 7.464.338 0,2

78 Kosjerić 9 0,6 3 16,7 7.443.592 0,2

79 Trstenik 6 0,4 3 16,7 7.368.204 0,2

80 Aleksandrovac 5 0,4 3 16,7 7.061.502 0,2

81 Rača 7 0,5 3 16,7 6.913.536 0,2

82 Negotin 6 0,4 3 16,7 6.748.049 0,2

83 Novi Bečej 11 0,8 4 22,2 6.379.872 0,2

84 Smederevska Palanka 10 0,7 3 16,7 6.301.729 0,2

85 Žitište 9 0,6 3 16,7 6.274.542 0,2

86 Apatin 6 0,4 2 11,1 6.270.701 0,2

87 Brus 5 0,4 4 22,2 6.185.599 0,2

88 Lapovo 6 0,4 2 11,1 6.184.159 0,2

89 Osečina 5 0,4 1 5,6 6.156.407 0,2

90 Surdulica 3 0,2 2 11,1 6.040.246 0,2

91 Krčedin* 2 0,1 1 5,6 6.000.000 0,2

92 Bela Palanka 6 0,4 3 16,7 5.966.012 0,2

93 Bački Petrovac 6 0,4 2 11,1 5.753.384 0,2

94 Gornji Milanovac 11 0,8 5 27,8 5.686.376 0,2

95 Medveđa 7 0,5 2 11,1 5.655.845 0,2

96 Dimitrovgrad 7 0,5 3 16,7 5.580.884 0,2

97 Nova Crnja 5 0,4 2 11,1 5.375.707 0,2

98 Ada 8 0,6 4 22,2 5.125.236 0,2

99 Belgrade, Sopot 6 0,4 2 11,1 4.851.928 0,2

100 Kuršumlija 4 0,3 2 11,1 4.702.762 0,2

101 Golubac 2 0,1 1 5,6 4.680.000 0,2

102 Niš, Mediana 9 0,6 2 11,1 4.477.429 0,1

103 Vrnjačka Banja 8 0,6 2 11,1 4.457.483 0,1

104 Sečanj 4 0,3 2 11,1 4.265.414 0,1


Đerdap, Belgrade, Likovska banja, Goč* 1 0,1 1 5,6 4.193.000 0,1


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


106 Preševo 8 0,6 1 5,6 4.166.695 0,1

107 Žabari 4 0,3 3 16,7 4.147.613 0,1

108 Niš, Pantelaj 6 0,4 2 11,1 4.038.968 0,1

109 Inđija 3 0,2 1 5,6 4.008.317 0,1


Whole territory of the Republic of Serbia, except for Kosovo* 1 0,1 1 5,6 4.000.000 0,1

111 Senta 8 0,6 2 11,1 3.847.351 0,1

112 Ub 4 0,3 3 16,7 3.835.764 0,1

113 Rekovac 3 0,2 1 5,6 3.827.352 0,1

114 Alibunar 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.625.721 0,1

115 Bela Crkva 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.625.721 0,1

116 Plandište 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.625.721 0,1

117 Temerin 5 0,4 2 11,1 3.620.608 0,1

118 Boljevac 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.573.340 0,1

119 Despotovac 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.544.559 0,1

120 Sjenica 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.526.863 0,1

121 Gadžin Han 4 0,3 2 11,1 3.354.204 0,1

122 Trgovište 2 0,1 1 5,6 3.289.469 0,1

123 Aranđelovac 6 0,4 1 5,6 3.281.087 0,1

124 Vlasotince 3 0,2 2 11,1 3.278.530 0,1

125 Čoka 4 0,3 2 11,1 3.257.351 0,1

126 Gamzigradska banja* 3 0,2 1 5,6 3.072.750 0,1

127 Petrovac 4 0,3 3 16,7 3.064.632 0,1

128 Batočina 4 0,3 2 11,1 3.033.342 0,1

12 Mala Remeta* 2 0,1 1 5,6 3.000.000 0,1


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag



130 Region* 2 0,1 2 11,1 2.994.759 0,1

131 Belgrade, Barajevo 5 0,4 4 22,2 2.975.678 0,1

132 Odžaci 5 0,4 4 22,2 2.920.072 0,1

133 Vrbas 2 0,1 2 11,1 2.856.686 0,1

134 Varvarin 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.781.355 0,1

135 Ćićevac 3 0,2 1 5,6 2.754.795 0,1

136 Šid 3 0,2 3 16,7 2.742.105 0,1

137 Lučani 3 0,2 1 5,6 2.732.733 0,1

138 Sokobanja 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.667.530 0,1

139 Žitorađa 2 0,1 1 5,6 2.522.223 0,1

140 Opovo 4 0,3 3 16,7 2.447.741 0,1

141 Lajkovac 5 0,4 3 16,7 2.428.197 0,1

142 Svrljig 4 0,3 3 16,7 2.393.400 0,1

143 Babušnica 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.353.744 0,1

144 Bačka Topola 3 0,2 1 5,6 2.335.007 0,1

145 Tutin 2 0,1 2 11,1 2.210.558 0,1

146 Knić 4 0,3 2 11,1 2.187.927 0,1

147 Niš, Niška Banja 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.118.968 0,1

148 Malo Zvornik 3 0,2 2 11,1 2.059.356 0,1

149 Tršić* 2 0,1 1 5,6 2.000.000 0,1

150 Tara* 4 0,3 1 5,6 1.984.380 0,1

151 Jagodina, Đerdap* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.954.065 0,1

152 Mali Iđoš 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.950.007 0,1


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


153 Kula 5 0,4 2 11,1 1.927.564 0,1

154 Kovin 3 0,2 1 5,6 1.913.721 0,1

155 Mataruška banja, Kopaonik* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.900.065 0,1

156 Vlsina, Banja Kanjiža* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.870.960 0,1

157 Niš, Red Cross 3 0,2 1 5,6 1.799.105 0,1

158 Ljig 5 0,4 3 16,7 1.780.000 0,1

159 Čajetina 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.779.000 0,1

160 Ražanj 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.737.900 0,1

161 Vladimirci 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.516.212 0,1

162 Merosina 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.499.900 0,0

163 Bosilegrad 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.498.234 0,0

164 Vladičin Han 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.498.234 0,0

165 Bojnik 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.481.165 0,0

166 Crna trava 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.481.165 0,0

167 Lebane 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.481.165 0,0

168 Kovačica 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.476.721 0,0

169 Ljubovija 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.409.128 0,0

170 Žiča* 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.400.000 0,0

171 Resavica* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.400.000 0,0

172 Malo Crniće 4 0,3 3 16,7 1.370.711 0,0

173 Zlatibor* 2 0,1 1 5,6 1.320.000 0,0


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


174 Koceljeva 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.315.325 0,0

175 Đerdap, Karatas* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.260.000 0,0

176 Bačka Palanka 3 0,2 2 11,1 1.037.738 0,0

177 Stepojevac* 1 0,1 1 5,6 1.000.000 0,0

178 Mionica 2 0,1 2 11,1 1.000.000 0,0

179 Donji Milanovac* 1 0,1 1 5,6 840.000 0,0

180 Irig 1 0,1 1 5,6 805.125 0,0

181 Niš, rural areas of the Niš region* 2 0,1 1 5,6 783.000 0,0

182 Raška 1 0,1 1 5,6 773.075 0,0

183 Brzeće* 1 0,1 1 5,6 711.200 0,0

184 Gračanica* 2 0,1 1 5,6 706.000 0,0

185 Vojvodina* 2 0,1 1 5,6 600.000 0,0

186 Žabaljk 3 0,2 3 16,7 593.820 0,0

187 Bogatić 1 0,1 1 5,6 430.000 0,0


Media space of the Southwest Serbia* 1 0,1 1 5,6 420.000 0,0

189 Rtanj, Kopaonik* 1 0,1 1 5,6 420.000 0,0

190 Palić* 2 0,1 1 5,6 400.000 0,0

191 Territory of the AP Vojvodina* 1 0,1 1 5,6 386.400 0,0

192 Prijevor* 1 0,1 1 5,6 350.000 0,0

193 Titel 3 0,2 3 16,7 316.750 0,0

194 Kosovska Mitrovica 1 0,1 1 5,6 300.000 0,0


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of projects

Number of

projects in


Number of institutions

Number of institutions

in percentage

Granted amount

Granted amount in percentag


195 Divčibare* 1 0,1 1 5,6 280.000 0,0

196 Lake Zaovine* 1 0,1 1 5,6 210.000 0,0

197 Kljajićevo* 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0


Monograph is the result of the research of the river Sava along its whole current, i.e. through all four states: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia* 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0

199 Rudnik* 1 0,1 1 5,6 200.000 0,0

200 Zvećan 1 0,1 1 5,6 150.000 0,0

201 Štrpce 1 0,1 1 5,6 149.968 0,0

202 Kostolac* 1 0,1 1 5,6 148.145 0,0

203 Petrovac na Mlavi* 1 0,1 1 5,6 148.114 0,0

204 Rtanj 1 0,1 1 5,6 140.000 0,0

205 Banovci* 1 0,1 1 5,6 100.000 0,0

206 Kumane* 1 0,1 1 5,6 100.000 0,0

207 Laćarak* 1 0,1 1 5,6 100.000 0,0

208 Lukicevo* 1 0,1 1 5,6 100.000 0,0

209 Nova Pazova* 1 0,1 1 5,6 100.000 0,0

210 Studenica* 1 0,1 1 5,6 50.000 0,0

211 Beočin* 1 0,1 1 5,6 50.000 0,0

212 Territory of Kosovo and Metohija50 1 0,1 1 5,6 0 0,0

Note: Territorial mapping marked with asterisk * was entered by the institution in the blank space, since the offered answers did not suit the specific mapping of the program/project. The review sequence of the programs/projects in this Table has been determined by the amount of the granted funds.

50 Note: This project/program presented in the Items 2.2. and 2.3. is the only non-financial project approved during 2011 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management – donation in goods for the socially handicapped population in Kosovo and Metohija. The Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija states the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia when defining the territorial mapping of their programs/projects.


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From the total number of programs/projects having been implemented abroad (216 programs/projects), the Ministry of Youth and Sports approved the highest number of the programs/projects (140 programs/projects) through four calls for proposals/other procedures. The Ministry of Religion and Diaspora supported 66 programs/projects in two calls for proposals. The Ministry of Education and Science supported eight projects through two calls for proposals and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported two projects realised abroad through one call for proposal.

Table 57 Institutions and the calls for proposals for programs/projects implemented abroad

Institutions Call for proposal

Number of projects

implemented abroad

Total number of projects

implemented abroad per institutions

1 Ministry of Youth and Sports

Call for realisation of the international cooperation in the area of youth policy 4


Call for proposal for the programs in the area of sport directed to realisation of the aims set by the strategy for sport development of the Republic of Serbia, which have been financed from the budget fund of the games of chance 25

Call for financing and co-financing the programs directed to realisation of the programs and activities envisaged by the action plan and the goals of the national strategy for sport development of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2009–2013 15

Financing the regular program activities of the branch sport associations/federations 96

2Ministry of Religion and Diaspora

Call for co-financing the projects which through their quality contribute to keeping and strengthening links with the parent state and Serbs in the region 37

66Call for co-financing the projects which though their quality contribute to keeping and strengthening the links of the parent state and the Diaspora 29

3Ministry of Education and Science

Public call for allocation of subsidies to students` associations for realisation of the programs, i.e. parts of the programs of the general interest for the students 7 8

Calendar of the competitions and shows of the primary school pupils 1

4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in realisation of the activities in the area of culture, education and science 2 2

Total 216 216


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6. Analysis and comparison of budget expenditures according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law with data obtained from the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations

In order to compare the data obtained for the Questionnaire, i.e. the amounts of funds, of which the institutions reported, the deducted data were compared with planned funds for support of the associations and other civil society organisations expressed in the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law51, as well as the funds that were in fact intended for that purpose and expressed in the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011.

51 Note: During 2011 there was the reconstruction of the Government of the Republic of Serbia that led to changes in the composition of certain state institution bodies. Bearing in mind these changes, the analysis was done according to the structure of the Government of the Republic of Serbia after its reconstruction.


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Comparative review of the appropriations according to the obtained data from the Questionnaire, the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law52 and the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 is shown in the Table 58 (see the text below). It is important to emphasize that only expenditures on the economic classification 481 – subsidies to non-government organisations were shown and other economic classifications were not analysed, since the only appropriation of this economic classification was possible to be completely “ascribed“ to the expenditures of the associations and other civil society organisations.

Two institutions which participated in completion of the Questionnaire reported that during 2011 they allocated the funds for the associations and other civil society organisations, but according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, they did not have any appropriation of the budget line 481 and therefore they were not shown in the Table 58. The institutions in question are as follows: the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (the support was granted only through the budget line 424 – specialised services) and the Directorate for Forests (the support was granted only through the budget line 451 – subsidies to public non-financial companies and organisations).

There are also three institutional bodies which did not complete the Questionnaire entirely (see ANNEX 3 of this Report for the review of these institutions), since they had appropriations on the budget line 481.

The enquiry about completion of the Questionnaire was sent to the central address of the Courts of Appeals, which are regionally mapped on the territory of the whole Serbia, thus they did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire. Since the funds arising from the budget line 481 were intended for these institutions, they were included in the Table 58.

The Ministry of Finance did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire, although they had the appropriation 481 and the following was stated in the Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011: “This appropriation shall be intended for financing the regular work of the political parties, whose candidates were elected to be the members of the Parliament in the National Assembly, in compliance with the provisions of the Law on Financing of Political Parties (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 72/03, 75/03-amend. and 97/08)“. However, detailed information which would be rather important for more complete review of the methods of financing political parties in the total amount of 542 million Dinars is missing.

The Ministry of Health took part in completion of the Questionnaire and thus it is formally present in the group of 18 institutions which filled in the Questionnaire, but the amount of the funds they entered in the Questionnaire was insignificant, as observed in percentage. Namely, this Ministry expressed in the Questionnaire only 0.7% of the total funds available to this Ministry according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law in the amount of over 610 million Dinars. This Ministry supported in 2011 the associations and other civil society organisations with 468 million Dinars, by which they achieved the execution rate of 77% in relation to the available funds.

The similar discrepancy was recorded with the Ministry of Religion and Diaspora which, as in the case of the Ministry of Health, participated in completion of the Questionnaire and reported on the expenditure of 4.8% of the total planned funds on the appropriation 481. According to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, this Ministry had 743 million Dinars available, whereas they reported about the expenditure of 35.5 million Dinars in the Questionnaire.

Incomplete reporting of these three Ministries, as large support providers, crucially influenced the review of funds in the Questionnaire in relation to the total executed expenditures.

52 Note: During 2011 there was the reconstruction of the Government of the Republic of Serbia that led to changes in the composition of certain state bodies. Bearing in mind these changes, the analysis was done according to the structure of the Government of the Republic of Serbia after its reconstruction.


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Namely, in relation to the funds planned in the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, the Questionnaire has covered only 49.2% of the total planned appropriations, and when the planned funds are compared to the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia, the ratio is more favourable and the execution of the budget amounts to 85.6% in relation to the planned funds. Apart from the incomplete completion of the Questionnaire, the reason for this discrepancy lies in non-allocation of all planned funds to the associations and other civil society organisations according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law. Only three institutional bodies, which participated in completion of the Questionnaire, completely allocated the planned funds on the appropriation 481, but the allocated funds of these three institutional bodies were of smaller volume and could not impact the change of ratio.

As per the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, the total planned appropriations on the budget line 481 – subsidies to non-government organisations amount to 5.8 billion Dinars. The funds obtained by processing the answers from the Questionnaire about the expenditure of the budget funds intended for the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011 from the budget line 481 amount to 2.8 billion dinars. The detailed review of the funds stated by the institutional bodies that took part in completion of the Questionnaire and which were intended for the associations and other civil society organisations arising from other economic classifications may be found in the Section 2.6 of this Report53.

Chart 5 shows the amount of funds in percentage, of which the institutions reported in the Questionnaire in relation to the funds allocated according to the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia. This Chart also shows that certain institutions reported about higher amounts of funds allocated through the economic classification 481.

53 While analyzing the data below, it is very important to bear in mind that there are projects which were approved in 2011 and paid for at the beginning of 2012, and that installments may be paid after submitting the report on implementation of the program/project; to that effect, it is possible that a part of funds was paid for in 2012.


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Table 58 Comparative review of appropriation on the economic classification budget line 481 according to the data obtained from the Questionnaire on the budget expenditures, the Law amending and modifying the Budget Law for 2011 (in the Table as “Budget“) and the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget for 2011 (in the Table as “Execution“)

Name of the institution


Allocated funds Total funds Total funds

Execution in relation

to the Budget

Questionnaire in relation to the Budget

1 Ministry of Youth and Sport* 1.956.486.025 1.971.609.000 1.899.683.222 96,4 99,21а Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia* 200.000

2 Ministry of Work and Social Policies 526.917.324 832.860.000 480.503.685 57,7 63,1

2а Directorate for Gender Equality 1.916.649 2.000.000 0 0,0 95,83 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 35.526.000 742.578.963 688.592.008 92,7 4,84 Ministry of Health 3.998.784 610.308.000 468.156.370 76,7 0,75 Ministry of Finance Status: Did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire 542.401.000 542.401.000 100,0 /

6 Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government54

Status: Stated that they did not appropriate any funds as support for civil society organisation in 2011 295.167.824 255.257.171 86,5

7 Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Status: Replied incompletely and in inadequate manner about the support in the amount of 194.389.500 Dinars 240.901.000 231.740.937 96,2

8 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning* 21.400.000 25.000.000 20.587.900 82,4 85,6

8а Environmental Protection Fund 129.440.522 185.000.000 96.939.328 52,4 70,09 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 32.121.683 102.000.000 32.120.682 31,5 31,510 Ministry of Education and Science* 42.420.980 78.297.000 101.009.958 129,0 54,211 Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 70.000.000 70.500.000 64.690.000 91,8 99,312 Ministry of Foreign Affairs* 0 28.300.000 28.299.999 100,0 0,0

13 Commissariat for RefugeesStatus: Replied incompletely and without finalising the Questionnaire about the support in the amount of 15.815.584 Dinars

16.500.000 13.581.438 82,3

14 Office of the Coordination body of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa* 11.164.945 15.000.000 10.501.587 70,0 74,4

15 Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management 7.499.932 11.480.000 10.258.619 89,4 65,3

16 Courts (Courts of Appeals) Status: The Questionnaire was not sent to them due to the regional distribution of Courts 6.400.000 0 0,0

17 Ministry of Defence 4.000.000 4.000.000 4.000.000 100,0 100,018 Anti-Corruption Agency 1.999.390 2.000.000 1.999.390 100,0 100,019 Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy Status: Replied in written form that they did not allocate funds 1.000 0 0,0

TOTAL 2.845.092.234 5.782.303.787 4.950.323.294 85,6 49,2

54 In the structure of this Ministry, there is the Directorate for Human and Minority Rights which had appropriation of 293.167.824 Dinars (of which the executed amount was 255.257.171 Dinars) and the Budget Fund for the National Minorities, which had two million Dinars of funds available from the Budget, but which were not spent. * Institutions which allocated the funds through other economic classifications according to the given answers in the Questionnaire – for more information see Item 2.6 of this Report


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On the basis of the analysis of the budget line 481, according to the Law amending and modifying the Republic of Serbia 2011 Budget Law, which may be understood as the expenditures plan of the line for subsidies to non-government organisations, it may be concluded that eight Ministries, together with public administration bodies and budget funds in their composition, have financed almost 95% of support for the associations and other civil society organisations.

The institution with the highest amount of funds allocated is the Ministry for Youth and Sports, which together with the budget fund for financing sport in its composition, have participated with over one third (34.1%) in the annual funds allocated for financing the associations and other civil society organisations. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, together with two funds in its composition – the Budget fund for the programs of protection and improvement of the position of the persons with disabilities and the Budget fund for the programs of social and humanitarian organisations and the Directorate for Gender Equality have participated with 15% in the total funds allocated on the budget line 481. The Ministry of Religion and Diaspora, together with the Budget fund for Diaspora and Serbs in the region with the participation of 13% of the total funds allocated has acquired the position next to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. The Ministry of Health, together with the Budget fund for financing the Red Cross, with the participation of 11% is positioned at the fourth place as per the amount of funds planned in the budget line 481. Through the Ministry of Finance, the funds were directed for the regular work of political parties, in compliance with the Law on Financing of Political Parties. The total participation for this purpose amounts to 9% of the funds appropriated on the budget line 481. The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government, together with the Budget fund for the National Minorities and the Directorate for Human and Minority Rights have participated with 5% in the total intended funds for the associations and other civil society organisations. The Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society, together with the Cultural Centres have participated with 4% in the total amount of funds on the budget line 481 of the Republic of Serbia for 2011. The same share of 4% in 2011 had the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning and the Environmental Protection Fund.

The collective share of 6% refers to the remained 11 institutional bodies: the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commissariat for Refugees, Office of the Coordination body of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa, Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management, Courts (Courts of Appeals), Ministry of Defence, Anti-Corruption Agency and Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.


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Chart 3 The share of funds that institutions appropriated from the budget line 481 of the Republic Of Serbia

Roughly observing the state institutional bodies and the funds they directed from the aspect of more broadly defined work areas, the above shown Table could be presented in the following manner – the greatest part of funds (34%) has been directed for the sports activities and the activities for youth, then the range of activities from the social security (14%), whereas on the Diaspora and religious activities 13% have been directed. Services in the area of health have participated with 11%, political life with 9%, 5% for the activities directed to protection and promotion of human and minority rights and 4% for culture and information and activities from the area of environment protection, respectively.

Chart 4 The areas appropriated from the budget line 481 according to the Law amending and modifying the Budget Law of the Republic of Serbia


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Chart 5 Comparative review of the percentage of funds allocated on the basis of the answers obtained from the Questionnaire and the amount not included in the Questionnaire higher than the data obtained by the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the RS and the amount on which the institutions

did not report


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RecommendationsIn accordance with the results of analysing data collected through the Questionnaire on the

budget expenditures of the funds intended for the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011, in order to improve the criterion, the procedure and above all the allocation priority of the financial and non-financial support, we hereby highlight the following recommendations:

For all institutions at the republic level, it is necessary to harmonise and observe the procedures

and criteria for financing the associations and other civil society organisations in relation to those defined in the Law on Associations and especially in the Decree on Incitement funds for programs or shortage of funds for financing programs of public interest realised by associations (“Official Gazette of the RS“, No. 8/12);

Since the Questionnaire has recorded a certain number of procedures for funds allocation outside the call for proposal, it is proposed that such method of support allocation is avoided in future. In cases when it is not possible, the following solutions are proposed:o to solve in this manner only the requests for extraordinary support, which could not have been

planned in advance,o to allocate funds through the “Call for one time support“ with clear criteria and dynamics of

announcing, which could be at monthly or quarterly level for the requests with funds allocated by the procedures outside the calls for proposals. Information on funds allocated should certainly be announced publicly (on the internet web page of the institution, i.e. by any other available method of informing the public),

o to envisage in the financial plan the funds for allocation (in the specific percentage – e.g. 2-5% of the total planned funds and upon the set criteria) to the associations and other civil society organisations on the basis of the decision made by the Minister/Leader/Director/Head of the state institution;

As for the easier monitoring of appropriation for the associations, legacy foundations and foundations, it is necessary to reclassify the budget line – 481, so as to separate the subsidies to the associations, political parties, religious communities, ethnical communities and all others whose financing has been regulated by the special regulations;

Expand the list of the financing areas of public interest defined by the Law on Associations (Article 38), so as to conform them with the priority areas for further reform and development defined in the EC Progress Report on Serbia for 2012: rule of law, judicial reform, anti-corruption, human and minority rights, freedom and security, agriculture and rural development, environment protection and climate changes, as well as the strengthening of the bilateral relations with the neighbouring countries;

Improve the coordination of appropriation and planning of the funds from the national and donation sources, including the sources from the EU funds intended for financing the associations and other civil society organisations;

It is essential to encourage the budget co-financing of the associations and other civil society organisations for more successful use of the pre-accession funds and within the EU program;

It is necessary that all institutions which provide support to the associations and other civil society organisations prepare the annual calendar of the calls for proposals for funds allocation, which will be posted on their internet web presentation, as well as to submit it in due time to the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society;


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Organise at the beginning of each year the Info Days for the associations and other civil society organisations, where all support providers shall present the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation to the potential beneficiaries at the national level;

Upon selection of the professional bodies for evaluation of the received applications for the calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation, one should take into account their expertise, knowledge about civil society organisations activities, impartiality and readiness for expert and unbiased evaluation. When it is possible, ensure participation of the representatives of the associations and other civil society organisations in this professional body for evaluation of the received applications and for providing proposed decision on the funds allocation;

Develop the methodology on monitoring realisation of the approved programs/projects, especially for monitoring their realisation in the field, as well as to unify monitoring of the expenditures in order to prevent the unintended expenditures;

Develop the methodology for monitoring the accomplished results of the approved projects/programs, establish implementation of the effect analysis of the invested funds in relation to the accomplished results, in order to more effectively use the results of the calls for proposals in further support planning;

Organise the training for civil servants in the significant area and for the cooperation mechanism with civil society organisations, in view of development of the calls for proposals procedures, calls for proposals documentation and evaluation of the supported programs/projects and use of the results for further planning of support for the associations and other civil society organisations;

Improve the exchange of information with the other public administration institutions regarding the support planning, especially in view of the exchange of information on associations which have had several unintended usage of the granted funds, i.e. which have not observed the contractual obligations in any other manner;

Abandon the dominant practice of allocating the financial support to a greater number of projects with extremely small and insufficient amounts of funds, achievement and impact, thus decreasing the possibility of regular monitoring and, above all, validation of realisation of the approved programs/projects, as well as the possibility of strategically valuable projects realisation;

It is necessary to use the information and communication technologies in the procedures of submitting the calls for proposals documentation with the aim to accelerate the reception procedure and processing of the received applications, in accordance with the observation of the e-administration principle;

Each time, when it is possible, include the criteria on applying for the calls for proposals of the associations and other civil society organisations in partnership, so as to encourage their mutual networking, especially of those associations which operate within the same area, thus ensuring the greater impact of the realised programs/projects and more reasonable expenditures spending;

It is necessary to further improve the capacity of the associations and other civil society organisations for more successful planning and preparation of the projects` proposals, their realisation and the financial management of the programs/projects; also, it is necessary to further improve the capacity of the associations and other civil society organisations upon the issue of the relevant European legislations and policies, as well as the process of accession to the EU;

With the aim to enhance the transparency of the work of the associations and other civil society organisations, increased visibility and greater public trust, it is vital to publish the final reports after realisation of the programs/projects supported from the government budget.


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ANNEX 1 Review of the institutions to which the Questionnaire was sent

Table А1 - 1 The list of institutions to which the Questionnaire was sent

Name of the institution

1 Accreditation Institution

2 Administration for Agriculture Payments

3 Administration for Common Affairs

4 Administration for Free Zones

5 Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering

6 Administration of the Execution of the Criminal Sanctions

7 Administrative Court

8 Agricultural Land Administration

9 Air-service of the Government

10 Anit-Corruption Agency

11 Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia

12 Biomedicine Administration

13 Commercial Court of Appeal

14 Commesariat for the refugees

15 Commissioner for equality protection

16 Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Perosnal data Protection

17 Constitutional Court

18 Council for Anti-Corruption

19 Court of Cassation

20 Customs Administration

21 Defence Inspectorate of Serbia

22 Digital Agenda Administration

23 Directorate for Forests

24 Directorate for Gender Equaality

25 Directorate for Inland Waterways

26 Directorate for National Reference Laboratory

27 Directorate for Railways

28 Directorate for Restitution

29 Directorate for Ship`s Abilituy for Navigation

30 Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals

31 Energy Efficiency Agency

32 Environmental Protection Fund

33 European Integration Office

34 Fiscal Council


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Name of the institution

35 Foreign Exchange Inspectorate

36 Games of Chance Administration

37 General Secretariat of the Government

38 High Court Council

39 Human and Minority Rights Administration

40 Human Resources Management Service

41 Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation

42 Institute for Improvement of Education

43 Institute for Social Insurance

44 Institute for Standardisation

45 Institution for registration of the mandatory social security insurance and employees` exercising rights arising from the labour relationship

46 Intellectual Property Office

47 Judicial Academy

48 Military Security Agency

49 Mine Action Centre

50 Minister without portfolio

51 Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning

52 Ministry for Human Rights and Minorioty Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government

53 Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija

54 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

55 Ministry of Agrivulture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management

56 Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society

57 Ministry of Defence

58 Ministry of Economy and Regional Develoipment

59 Ministry of Education and Science

60 Ministry of Finance

61 Ministry of Health

61 Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy

63 Ministry of Interior Affairs

64 Ministry of Justice

65 Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

66 Ministry of Religion and Diaspora

67 Ministry of Youth and Sports

68 Occupational Health and Safety of Serbia

69 Office for Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment

70 Office for the Cooperation with Media

71 Office for the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia fotthe municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja

72 Office for the professional and operative affairs in the negotiation process

73 Office for the Sustainable Development of the insufficiently developed regions

74 Office of the Council for the National Security and Protection of Secret Data


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Name of the institution

75 Office of the National Council for Cooperation with the International Tribunal for the prosecution of the persons responsible for severe violation of the internationl humanitarian law committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991

76 Office of the National Council for Decentralisation of the Republic of Serbia

77 Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia

78 Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor

79 Plant Protection Directorate

80 Prosecutor`s Office for Organised Crime

81 Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia (Ombudsman)

82 Public Debt Administration

83 Public Procurement Administration

84 Regional Court

85 Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes

86 Republic Commission for protection of rights in the public procurement procedures

87 Republic Directorate for Water

88 Republic Geodesy Authority of Serbia

89 Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

90 Republic Juristicial Defence

91 Republic Legislation Secretariat

92 Republic of Sebia Property Directorate

93 Security Information Agency

94 Security Information Agency

95 Seismological Insitute of Serbia

96 Seized Property Management Directorate

97 Serbian Academy of Science and Art

98 Serbian Environment Protection Agency

99 State Audit Institution

100 State Prosecutorial Council

101 Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

102 Tax Administration

103 Tobacco Administration

104 Veterinary Directorate


ANNEX 2 Review of the institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire, as well as the institutions which replied that during 2011 they did not provide support to the associations and other civil society organisations


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The number of institutions to which the Questionnaire was sent to complete is 14 55 and they did not participate in completion of the said Questionnaire (the Office for the Cooperation with Civil Society did not receive any on-line completed Questionnaires, nor the letter on non-granting the support).

Table А2 - 1 The number and names of the institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire

Name of institution

The Questionnair

e was completed

1 Higher Petty Offence Court No2 Military Security Agency No3 Court of Cassation No4 Directorate for Restitution No5 Office for the Sustainable Development of the insufficiently developed regions No6 Ministry of Finance No7 Judicial Academy No8 Republic Directorate for Water No9 Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor No10 Digital Agenda Administration No11 Administrative Court No12 Accreditation Institution No13 Institute for Standardisation No14 Institution for registration of the mandatory social security insurance and employees` exercising rights No  Total: 14

Sixty eight institutions participated in completion of the Questionnaire, but to the question whether their public administration body provided support in 2011 to the associations and other civil society organisations, they answered negatively.

The reasons for non-allocation of the funds were various; the most often mentioned reason was that in the Law on the Budget System for 2011 there were no funds intended for such purpose, as well as that said institution did not have authority to provide financial support to the associations and other civil society organisations. It is interesting that some institutions stated as a reason that not a single association or other civil society organisation approached them with the request or project to be financed.

Table А2 - 2 Names of the institutions and reasons for not granting support to the associations and other civil society organizations in 2011

Name of the institution Reason

1 High Court Council It was not stated

2 Institute for Improvement of Education It was not stated

3 Office for the Cooperation with Media It was not stated

4 Commercial Court of Appeals It was not stated

5 Games of Chance Administration It was not stated

6Administration of the Execution of the Criminal Sanctions

It was not stated

7 Air-service of the Air-service of the Government performs duties regarding service of air transport for the official

55 From all stated 14 institutions, the Ministry of Finance did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire, although they had appropriated funds. Other institutions did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire and they did not have any funds appropriated on the budget line 481 – subsidies to non-government organisation.


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Name of the institution Reason


needs of the National Assembly, the President of the Republic and the Government. The service of air transport is done by the Air-service and two planes which are over 20 years old, i.e. 30 years, which means that their maintenance is very expensive, and as being limited by the budget funds, the Air-service of the Government uses the greatest part of the funds for expenses which refer to the technical maintenance of the planes, as well as the overhaul and procurement of the spare parts, in order to increase security and reliability of planes, as well as in compliance with the prescribed standards.

8 Energy Efficiency Agency The funds were not appropriated in the budget for 2011

9 Security Information Agency

As per the Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 there were no planned funds in the financial plan of the Security Information Agency for financing the associations and other civil society organisations.

10 Military Security AgencyMilitary Security Agency did not allocate any support to the associations and other civil society organisations, since by the Decision on financing for 2011 there were no funds allocated for that purpose.

11 General Secretariat of the Government We do not have the legal authority.

12 Foreign Exchange Inspectorate

As per the Law on the Budget System for 2011, the budget funds were not intended for the stated purpose in the Foreign Exchange Directorate.

13 Directorate for Inland Waterways

Not a single association of any other civil society organisation have addressed us for support, and our competencies are such that we do not have direct contact with such organisations.

14 Directorate for Railways Directorate for Railways is the specific professional public administration body and as such it did not provide any support to program activities from the budget funds of the Republic of Serbia to the associations and other civil society organisations last year.

15 Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals Funds were not intended by the Financial plan for 2011.

16 Directorate for National Reference Laboratory

As per the Law on the Budget System for 2011 (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 101/10), the Directorate for National Reference Laboratory, as a direct budget beneficiary, did not appropriate any funds for this purpose.

17 State Audit Institution It is not in compliance with the Law on State Audit Institution and other laws and by-laws.

18 State Prosecutorial Council State Prosecutorial Council started operating on 6th of April 2009 and it does not have required financial capacity to provide support to the associations and other civil society organisations.

19 Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation

The activity of the institution is to realize project activities which are financed from the financing sources 01-Budget of the RS. The funds calculated in the financial plan by the Institute upon each project, as well as the funds appropriated by the budget for their realisation, are of strictly intended features and it was not projected in the structure of the planned funds to provide financial support of the associations and other civil society organisations. When the financial source 04 – own funds is in question, the Institute may obtain them directly from the beneficiary by selling products and services on the market, which is prescribed by the Article 6 of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on establishing the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation0 (“Official Gazette of the RS“, No.73/04). However, due to activities in difficult economic crisis, in the previous budget year there was no realization and payment of the planned activities on the market, so the institution could not provide any financial support or donation to the associations and other civil society organisation.

20 Intellectual Property Office As per the Law on Ministries, the Law on Intellectual Property Office does not have the authority/competency to allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations.

21 Institute for social security The Institute does not have the legal authority.

22Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia (Ombudsman)

There is no legal basis for such payments.

23 European Integration Office It was not projected by the budget and the work plan of the European Integration Office for 2011

24Office for Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment

Office for Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment does not have the appropriation projected in the budget.

25Office of the National Council for Decentralisation of the Republic of Serbia

There are no budget funds.

26 Office of the National Council for Cooperation with the International

On the basis of the financial funds allocated by the budget for 2011, we did not have planned funds and payments for the associations and other civil society organisations.


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Name of the institution Reason

Tribunal for the prosecution of the persons responsible for severe violation of the internationl humanitarian law committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991

27Office of the Council for the National Security and Protection of Secret Data

Office of the Council for the National Security and Protection of Secret Data in 2011 was still in the development phase and forming its capacities, and due to limited funds, it could not plan the expenditures upon the support for the associations and other civil society organizations.

28 Minister without portfolio The Office did not receive any request of such contents on the part of the associations and other civil society organisations.


Ministry for Human Rights and Minorioty Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government Ministry

Ministry for Human Rights and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government did not have any appropriated funds for support to civil society organisations in 2011.

30 Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice in the scope of its competencies has not provided support to civil society organisations.

31 Ministry of Interior AffairsAs per the Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 101/10, as of 29 December 2010), by which the budget for 2011 for the Ministry of Interior Affairs was approved and the funds for donations were not appropriated.

32 Commissioner for equality protection We did not have any projected budget funds.


Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Perosnal data Protection

In accordance with your letter of 022 No. 401-01-06/2012-04 as of 12 March 2012, and pursuant to the Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Decree on the Office for the Cooperation with Civil Society (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 26/2010), the Article 38, paragraph 1 of the Law on Associations (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 51/09) and the Article 3 of the Decree on the funds for inciting programs or shortage of funds for financing programs of public interest realised by the associations (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 8/2012), we hereby inform you that as per the Law on the Budget System of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 (Official Gazette of the RS, Nos. 101/2010, 78/2011) the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Perosnal data Protection was not provided, nor paid the funds for support of the activities of the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011. Namely, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Perosnal data Protection continued to develop previously established good cooperation with civil society organisations during 2011. The cooperation included primarily organising various professional meetings for training and affirmation of the rights of public importance and perosnal data protection. To that effect, it is significant to mention cooperation with the organisation Partners for democratic changes of Serbia and training of the representatives of civil society organisations in the area of personal data protection with the aim to strengthen non-government sector, bearing in mind that the activities of the organization in the area of free access to information are more comprehensive than in the area of data protection. The Commissioner continued the cooperation with the associations, such as: Civil initiatives, Transparency of Serbia, Belgrade centre for human rights, Fund for political excellence, European movement in Serbia, Fund for open society, Committee of the lawyers for human rights, Bank Association, Centre for security studies, Standing Conference of towns and municipalities of Serbia, Belgrade centre for security policy, Autonomous women`s centre and others. Taking into account the abovementioned and the significance of training of the people employed in application of the Law on the Information Access and the Law on Personal data Protection, but also the citizens who should know how to use the right for access to information of public interest and personal data protection. The Commissioner shall continue to actively participate in the forums, round tables and similar gatherings, on the topic of civil control of the authority and anti-corruption, freedom of media, citizens informing, availability of information of public interest and classification of information, personal data protection, internet and web presentations, archive materials, all with the aim to affirm this right.

34 Tax Administration As per the Law on the Budget System for 2011, funds for this purpose were not intended.

35 Republic of Sebia Property Directorate There were no submitted requests for support on the part of civil society.


Republic Commission for protection of rights in the public procurement procedures

Republic Commission for protection of rights in the public procurement procedures is the independent state body of the Republic of Serbia, i.e. secondary body which provides the protection of the rights of the bidders and public interest in the procedures of public procurement and enables the control of the irregularities in the system of public procurement, so the competencies of the Republic Commission for protection of rights in the public procurement procedures are not directed to support for the associations and other civil society organisations.


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Name of the institution Reason

37 Republic Geodesy Authority of Serbia Activity of the Authority is such that we do not have common activities.

38 Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

In 2011, we did not have requests on the part of the associations and other civil society organisations for the funds in terms of support.

39 Seismological Insitute of Serbia The Institute does not have any appropriated funds in the budget for this purpose.

40 Republic Legislation Secretariat

Republic Legislation Secretariat performs professional activities which refer to: building, monitoring and improvement of the legal system; ensuring harmonisation of the regulations and general acts in the legal system, in the procedure of their enforcement and their normative, technical and language accuracy; supervision of publishing regulations and other acts of the Government, Ministries and other bodies and organizations set forth by the law, as well as other activities set by the law. Also, this Secretariat prepares the regulations which refer to: state symbols; official use of the language and the letters; organisation and work manner of the Government and other regulations which fall under the scope of work of the Ministries.

41Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

As per the Law on the Budget System (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 101/10) we do not have appropriated funds for such purpose.

42 Republic Juristicial Defence Republic Juristicial Defence is the state body which in its description of work does not have such types of programs or projects.

43 Council for Anti-Corruption

Council for Anti-Corruption is the professional advisory body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia with the task to propose measures for anti-corruption. The Council cooperates with numerous organisations of civil society and has consultations with broad circle of groups and individuals when taking into consideration the actual problem of corruption. However, the Council does not have in its budget the funds for providing support to particular organisations, nor such activity would be in the scope of our work activities.

44 Office for Human Resource Management

Office for Human Resource Management does not have competency nor appropriated funds for providing support to the associations and other civil society organisations.

45 Serbian Academy of Science and Arts

Serbian Academy of Science and Arts is the highest scientific and cultural institution in the Republic of Serbia. It is not public administration body, but it performs the scientific, research and art activities.

46 Prosecutor`s Office for Organised Crime

Prosecutor`s Office for Organised Crime did not project in its budget the funds for providing support to the associations and other civil society organisations. To that effect, it is necessary to point out the specific type of competency of the Prosecutor`s Office – prosecuting those who committed crimes and other acts and taking measures for protection of the constitutionality and legislation.

47 Administration for Agriculture Payments

Administration for Agriculture Payments is primarily based on realisation of the Program of measures for payments of the subsidies to the registered farming estates.

48 Biomedicine Administration

Biomedicine Administration participates in promotion of transplantation of organs and within those promotions it cooperates with civil society organisations in such a manner that they participate together with us in the procedure of promoting the transplantation of organs, primarily signing the donors` cards. We do not provide financial nor non-financial support to civil society organisations, since the funds for this purpose have not been appropriated to us. We emphasize that the Biomedicine Administration was established in 2010, it is still under development and it does not have enough personnel, premises or technical capacities.

49 Veterinary Directorate We do not have budget funds projected for this purpose.

50 Tobacco Administration Tobacco Administration, as the administration body in the structure of the Ministry of Finance, does not have the appropriation approved by the budget for this purpose.

51 Administration for Common Affairs

Administration for Common Affairs did not plan such funds, nor they were approved by the Law on the Budget System for 2011, thus the Administration could not support civil society organisations.

52 Plant Protection Directorate Plant Protection Directorate projected by the Law on the Budget System for 2011 only the payment of the international membership and it was realised from the economic classification 462 financed from the source 04 – own proceeds as it was projected by the Budget for 2011.

53 Public Procurement Administration

Shortage of funds in the budget of the Public Procurement Administration for 2011 that were intended for the assistance of civil society organisations.

54 Public Debt Administration

Public Debt Administration was established as the administration body in the structure of the Ministry of Finance. As per the Law on Public Debt, the Administration performs activities which refer to: running into debt on the financial market with the aim to finance the budget deficit of the Republic and projects of the public significance, management of the inflows upon


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Name of the institution Reason

public debt, effecting obligations upon public debt, keeping records and reporting, as well as other obligations on the basis of public debt in compliance with the law. Public Debt Administration may run into debt in favour of the Republic, and may issue warranties in favour of the public enterprises, local government and other institutions established by the Republic. Public Debt Administration, as the public administration body did not provide support to civil society organisations during 2011.

55 Agricultural Land Administration

Agricultural Land Administration did not effect during 2011 the payments to the associations or other civil society organisations from the budget of the RS.

56 Administration for Free Zones

Bearing in mind that our Administration does not have enough funds, we could not provide financial support to the associations or other civil society organisations.

57 Directorate for Ship`s Abilituy for Navigation We do not have funds.

58 Customs Administration In the scope of our work activities, funds intended for the associations and other civil society organisations were not appropriated from the budget.

59 Fiscal Council We do not have appropriated funds for this purpose.

60 Mine Action Centre

Mine Action Centre is the budget beneficiary to whom the funds are exclusively intended for the salaries of the employees and current material expenditures. Activities of the humanitarian mine action in the Republic of Serbia are performed with the international donations, where donors implement the international calls for proposals and choose the work performers, whereas the Centre prepares the projects upon which the mine action is done, then monitors realisation and controls the quality of the performed action.

 61 Ministry for infrastructure and Energy

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

62 Defence Inspectorate of Serbia

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

63Office for the professional and operative affairs in the negotiation process

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

64Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

65Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

66 Occupational Health and Safety of Serbia

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

67Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering

Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

68 Constitutional Court Replied by a letter that they did not allocate support to the associations and other civil society organisations during 2011.

  Total: 68

ANNEX 3 Review of the institutions which did not reply completely to the questions from the Questionnaire and the amounts of funds stated by those institutions

Table А3 - 1 The list of institutions which did not completely reply to the questions from the Questionnaire and the amounts of funds stated by those institutions


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Name of the institutionAmounts of funds stated in the

Questionnaire not completed entirely (in Dinars)

1 Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society 194.389.500

2 Commissariat for the refugees 15.815.584

3 Human and Minority Rights Administration 13.285.769

4 Seized Property Management Directorate 500.000

 Total: 223.990.853

ANNEX 4 Review of the Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations


Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations

NOTE: Please complete the Questionnaire exclusively in the Cyrillic letters (except for e-mail)


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I General data1. Name of the public administration institution:______________________________

Name of the persons responsible forcompletion and sending of the Questionnaire: _______________________________________Contact e-mail: ___________________________ Telephone: ___________________________

Did your institution provide support to the associations and other civil society organization in 2011 (hereinafter referred to as: CSO)?Yes No

II Data on the provided support to the associations and other CSOs2. Form of the support provided:

- financial support- non-financial support (equipment, premises, i.e. other types of non-financing support)

2a The method of granting the financial supportChoose one or more answers and state the amount of fundsfor each selected answer: Type of support Amount (RSD)

- support was granted throughpublic call- support was granted throughprocurement procedure-support was granted outsidethe call for proposal, by the decision ofthe leader/director of the public administration institution/republic institution/ organizational unit/other legal entity- support was granted on the basis of….

2b The method of granting the non-financial supportChoose one or more answers and state the amount of fundsfor each selected answer: Type of support Amount (RSD)

- support was granted throughpublic call- support was granted throughprocurement procedure-support was granted outsidethe call for proposal, by the decision ofthe leader/director of the public administration institution/republic institution/ organizational unit/other legal entity- support was granted on the basis of….

3. What is the fund source for financing the associations and other CSOs?

Choose one or more answers and state the amount of fundsfor each selected answer: Fund sources Amount


- budget revenue- earmarked budget proceeds according to the Law on Games of Chance- other earmarked proceeds, name which ones?- own revenue


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- unallocated surplus from the previous year

3a Which economic classification was used for financing the programs/projects of the associations and other CSOs?Choose one or more answers and state the amount of fundsfor each selected answer: Type of support Amount (RSD)

- 481 – Subsidies to non-government organizations- 462 – Subsidies to the international organizations- 424 – Specialised services- 423 - Service agreements- other, please enter/write down

3b Were there co-financing programs/projects granted within the donation assistance in 2011 and if the answer is YES, please enter/write down the amount which was co-financed, as well as the total value of the program/project?


4. Were there refunding in 2011 on the part of the associations and other CSOs for the programs/projects approved during 2011?

Reasons for refunding:- refunding of the complete project or program, since the project or the program was not started- refunding of the unintended expenditures (e.g. higher expenditure upon certain budget lines without previous consent and the like)- organisation successfully realised the project with fewer amount than the granted one- unilateral termination of the contract on the part of either partyReason for refunding In 2011 for the projects/ In 2011 for the projects/

programs approved programs approvedduring 2011 in previous years

Number of refunding Number of refundingTotal amount (RSD Total amount (RSD)

Note: reasons for not entering certain answers (optional field):

III Calls for proposals/other procedures for funds allocation:Write down data on each particular call for proposal or other procedure for funds allocation:

If you have entered data for all calls for proposals/procedures and supported programs/projects, by pressing the button below you may send all these data to the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society and thus finish completion of the Questionnaire.

Please check the accuracy and completeness of all data entered before sending.


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Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations

NOTE: Please complete the Questionnaire exclusively in the Cyrillic letters (except for e-mail)

IV General data on the calls for proposals/procedures


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5. State the name of the call for proposal or other procedure for funds allocation to the associations and other CSOs, the total amount of granted funds and the legal framework for funds allocation.

- Name of the call for proposal/ procedure for funds allocation to the associations and other CSOs:- Name of the public administration institution/republic institution/organizational unit (sectors)/other legal entity which announced the call for proposal for funds allocation-The total amount of received applications to the call of proposal or other procedure for funds allocation to the association and other CSOs:- The total amount of approved funds upon the call for proposal or other procedure in 2011 in RSD- Title of the law or other regulation which was the basis for granting financial support to the association and other CSO through the stated call for proposal/procedure in 2011Title of the strategic or program document which was the basis for the financial support to the association or other CSO in 2011What is the strategic goal of this call for proposal/procedure?

V Other data on the call for proposal/procedure6. How many times did you announce the stated call for proposal/initiate the other

procedure for the financial support to the associations and other CSOs?

- Choose the appropriate answer and then enter the dynamics of announcing the call for proposal/procedure initiative:

Dynamics: Per monthsin the year:

- once a year- twice a year- more than twice a year- open all year round- something else, state what?

7. Where was the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation to the associations and other CSOs announced?

- in Mass Media communication- on the internet web page- announcement in the daily newspapers and the complete text of the call for proposal/other procedure on the internet web page- in the Official Gazette- other

8. How long was the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation opened for the application of the associations and other CSOs?

9. What is the method of submitting the applications of the associations and other CSOs for the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation?

- application is submitted exclusively by mail- application is submitted by mail and/or e-mail- applications are received through internet (electronic form) and the original is sent by mail- applications are received only via internet (electronic form)


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- some other method

10. Who opens the received applications for the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation to the associations and other CSOs?

Choose one or more options:- the person in charge of the cooperation with CSOs- professional body for evaluation of the received projects proposals/Commission or Sub-Commission- Commission- Sub-Commission- person delegated to receive/open the applications- Writing Room

11. Who performs the evaluation of the received programs and projects of the CSOs?

Choose one or more options:- Commission- Sub-Commission- Leader/Director/Head of the public administration body- person(s) in the public administration body/institution responsible for cooperation with CSOs- The Steering Committee of the institution- somebody else

11a Are there any written criteria for funds allocation?YES NO

12a Who determines the structure and appoint the professional body for evaluation of the received projects proposals, the Commission or the Sub-Commission?Choose one or more options:- the Minister- the State Secretary- the Assistant Minister- the Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit- somebody else

12b. Structure of the professional body, Commission or the Sub-commission for evaluation of the programs and projects of CSOs:Choose one or more options and enter the number of members:

Composition Number of members

- representatives of the public administration body- representatives of the scientific and professional institutions- independent experts- representatives of CSOs- representatives of the local self-government unit

13 Who makes decision on granting support to CSOs?

Choose one or more options:- the Minister


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- the State Secretary- the Assistant Minister- the Minister upon the proposal of the body which considered the projects and programs- Leader/Director/Head of the internal unit upon the proposal of the body which considered the projects and programs- person in the public administration body/republic institution responsible for cooperation with CSOs

14 What method is used for informing CSOs about the granted financial support?Choose one or more options

- written form (mail, e-mail)- orally, by telephone- announcement on the internet web page- in other Mass Media communication (press, radio and television stations, information agencies)- in the Official Gazette- on the information board of the public administration body

15 What method is used for informing CSOs about non-granted financial support?Choose one or more options?

- written form (mail, e-mail)- orally, by telephone- announcement on the internet web page- in other mass media communication (press, radio and television stations, information agencies)- in the Official Gazette- on the information board of the public administration body

16 How is the broader public informed about the results of the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation?Choose one or more options:

- Mass Media communication- on the internet web page- publishing the special publication- in the Official Gazette- results are not published publicly- other

17 What is the deadline for conclusion of the contracts with CSOs / other entities which were granted support?Choose one or more options:

- 30 days at the latest as of the conclusion of the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation- 60 days at the latest as of the conclusion of the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation- more than 60 days as of the conclusion of the call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation- contract is not concluded- other

18 Are there any procedures for receiving complaints?YES NO

19 State what documentation CSOs were obliged to submit for purpose of monitoring implementation of the financed programs/projects in this call for proposal


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Choose one or more options:

- periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) financial report on implementation- periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) narrative report in implementation- final narrative report- final financial report- attachments and products along with the reports arising from the activities of the financed project and program (publications, photo documentation, etc.)

20 How did you monitor the results of the financed programs/projects of CSOs which were granted the financial support through this call for proposal/procedure?Choose one or more options and state the reasons for the selected method of monitoring:

The method Explanation(optional)

- by reviewing the periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) narrative report- by reviewing the periodical (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual) financial report- by reviewing the final narrative report- by reviewing the final financial report

21 Who performs monitoring of the realisation of the financed programs/projects of CSOs to which you allocated the financial support for this call for proposal/procedure?Choose one or more options:

- representatives of the public administration body – responsible for cooperation with CSOs- representatives of the public administration body – responsible for monitoring the projects (if there is the organizational unit responsible for monitoring)- representatives of the scientific and professional institutions- independent experts- representatives of CSOs

22 How did you evaluate realisation of the financed programs/projects of CSOs to which you allocated the financial support for this call for proposal/procedure?Choose one or more options:

The method Explanation(optional)

- we did not evaluate realisation of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other CSOs- by reviewing all final reports- through reports after the monitoring visits to the associations and consultations with the beneficiaries- additional result analysis at the level of certain project

23 Did you use the information on results of the financed projects/programs in competency of your public administration institution/republic institution/organisation unit/other legal entity?Choose one or more options:

- we have not used them so far- we use them during public events, communication with the public or for presentations of the work of our public administration institution/republic institution//organizational unit/other legal entity- we use them for planning new calls for proposals/other procedure for funds allocation to CSOs


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- we use them for planning projects funded from the EU sources- we use them for program development, etc.

Note: reasons for not entering certain answers (optional field):

VI Approved projects/programs:

Enter the data on all approved projects/programs within this call for proposal/procedure for funds allocation


Questionnaire on budget expenditures intended for the associations and other civil society organisations

NOTE: Please complete the Questionnaire exclusively in the Cyrillic letters (except for e-mail)


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VII Data on the association or other CSO, the receiver of the financial support, as well as data on the program/project

24 Name of the association or other CSO being the beneficiary of the financial support

25 What is the legal status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project?

26 Name of the project/program

26a State the general goals of the project/program

27 The amount of the requested funds from the public administration body/republic institution/organizational unit/other legal entity in Dinars:


28 The amount of the granted funds from the public administration body/republic institution/organizational unit/other legal entity in Dinars:


28a Enter the total amount of the needed funds for realisation of the project, including the funds of other donators:


29 Duration of the program/project, i.e. duration of the financial support

30 State the general area of the call for proposal:Choose one or more option:

- Art and culture- Media- Sport and recreation- Education and research- Social services- Environment, etc.

31 State direct beneficiaries of the project/program:Choose one or more option:

- general community – citizens- academic community- persons seeking asylum- migrants- return and readmission- homeless, etc.

32 State the activity type or services renderedChoose one or more option:


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- activities directed to building the level of life quality of the persons with disabilities- free of charge legal assistance- elderly people care- humanitarian help for the impoverished people (distribution of coupons for purchasing food, help in material goods, co-financing part of expenditures…)- public informing (forums, conferences, public appearances, campaigns…)

33 State the territorial mapping of the project/program:Choose one or more option:

- the whole territory of Serbia- Ada- Aleksandrovac- Aleksinac- Alibunar- Apatin, etc.

Note: reasons for not entering certain answers (optional field):


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ANNEX 5 List of direct beneficiaries offered as the answer to the 31st question of the Questionnaire (State direct beneficiaries of the program/project)

Table А5 - 1 The list of direct beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects

academic communityadults with disabilitiesalcohol addictsathletescentres for social workchildren – general populationchildren – members of the Roma national minoritychildren and youth – general populationchildren from the socially handicapped familieschildren with the disabilitieschildren without parental careclusterscombatants, was invalids, war-disabled civilians, families of the fallen combatantsconsumersdisplaced persons and refugeesdrug addictseducational institutionselderly personsemployersfamiliesfamilies and children of the combatantsfamilies with many membersFan groupsfarmersfiremenforest rangersgeneral community – citizensgeneral population of citizensgeneral population of patientsgovernment institutionshealth institutionshomelesshunters and fishermenimpoverished personsinstitutions, service provider of the social securityinventorsmigrantsnational minoritiesnewborn babiesofficers for the Ministry of Interior Affairsofficers in justiceotherparentsparents of the children with disabilitiespensionersperson seeking asylum


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persons who live with HIV/AIDSpersons with disabilitiespersons with mental disorderspersons with the chronic diseasespregnant womenprisonersprofessional associationsRed Crossregional or local self-governmentreturn and readmissionRoma people – general populationrural populationsexual minoritiessexual workerssingle parents and children of the single parentssmall entrepreneurs and craftsmenstudentstalented children and youthtobacco addictstourist workerstouriststrade unionsunemployedvictim of the trafficking of people victims of mobbing at work or violation of the workers` rightsvictims of the domestic violencevolunteerswomen – general populationwomen – members of the Roma national minoritywomen who live in the countrywomen with disabilitiesyouth – general populationyouth with behavioural disordersyouth with development disorders


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ANNEX 6 Review of the activity types or services offered as the answer to the 32nd question of the Questionnaire (State the type of activity or rendered services).

Table А6 - 1 The list of the activity type

Type of the activity or the services rendered

activities directed to building life quality of the persons with disabilitiesactivities regarding environment protectionagricultureanimal protectionanti-corruptionbuilding capacity of civil society organisationsbuilding capacity of public and local administrationbuilding capacity of public institutions service providersconsumer protectioncooperation with local institutionscounselling and psychological and social supportcultural creativitydemocracy developmenteducation (among other things, education beyond schools and institutions, professional training and education for life)elderly persons careentrepreneurial and production activitiesfoster familiesfree of charge legal assistancehealth care (among other things, preventive health check-ups and counselling)humanitarian help for the impoverished citizens (distribution of coupons for purchasing food, help in material goods, co-financing parts of the expenses...)improvement of tourist offerinciting employmentlong-term care and palliative caremedia production and publishingmediationorganisation of free time (socializing, clubs, short trips, recreation, creative and fun activities...)otherphilanthropic mediatorspromotion of hunting and increase of the original hunting fundsprovide help in housepublic advocacy (lobbying, direct actions, independent monitoring and proposals of public policies...)public informing (forums, conferences, public appearances, campaigns...)recreation and sports activitiesrehabilitation and therapeutic interventionresearchrural developmentsecurityservices in development of the non-profit entrepreneurshipservices of the daily and half-daily stay (elderly persons, children and adult persons with disabilities)services of the temporary accommodation (shelters for the homeless, safe houses for the victims of violence)training of volunteers, mediation in volunteering, volunteer service, volunteer developmentwork and therapeutic activitieswork with children with behavioural disorderswork with juvenile offenders


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ANNEX 7 Summary review of the number of institutional bodies which replied per questions, number of the calls for proposals per institutional bodies and number of the projects per institutional

Тable А7 – 1 Statistics of the number of institutions which replied per questions

Question reference number

Number of the institutions which replied to the question

2a 182b 13 183a 183b 184 165 186 127 158 159 1610 1611 1611a 1712a 1412b 1313 1614 1715 1716 1517 1518 1518a 318b 019 1719b 020 1721 1622 1623 1524 1825 1826 1826a 1827 1728 1828a 1629 1830 1831 1832 1733 18

Table А7 – 2 Number of the calls for proposals per institutions


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Name of the institution

Number of the calls for proposals

Anti-Corruption Agency 1Serbian Environment Protection Agency 1Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 4Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 4Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 1Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning


Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 1Ministry of Health 1Ministry of Defence 1Ministry of Youth and Sports 17Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management


Ministry of Education and Science 10Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 7Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa


Directorate for Gender Equality 1Directorate for Forests 1Environmental Protection Fund 3Total 62

Table А7 – 3 Number of the projects per institutions

Name of the institutionNumber of the projects

Ministry of Economy and Regional Development 41Anti-Corruption Agency 1Serbian Environment Protection Agency 1Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia 5Ministry of Religion and Diaspora 93Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning 75Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija 26Ministry of Health 23Ministry of Defence 1Ministry of Youth and Sports 544Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management


Ministry of Education and Science 100Ministry of Labour and Social Policies 354Ministry of Foreign Affairs 7Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the municipalities of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa


Directorate for Gender Equality 4Directorate for Forests 10Environmental Protection Fund 121Total 1.428


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ANNEX 8 List of TablesNumber of the Table Title of the Table

Table 1 Review of the institutions and the amounts of granted funds

Table 2 Number of the institutions according to the type of support

Table 3 The amount of funds allocated through financial and non-financial support

Table 4Number of the institutions and the amounts of funds according to the procedures of granting financial support

Table 5 Names of the institutions which used other procedures for granting financial support

Table 6 The sources of financing associations and other civil society organisations

Table 7 Dedicated income budget used for financing of the associations and other civil society organisations

Table 8 Economic classification through which the funds were allocated

Table 9 List of the institutions and review of the economic classifications from which the funds were allocated to the associations and civil society other organisations

Table 10 List of the institutions which co-financed the projects/programs approved in the scope of donation support, the number of projects and the amount of co-financing

Table 11 Number and the amount of refunds in relation to the reasons for refunding

Table 12 Number and the amount of refunding during 2011 according to the institutions which reported on refunding

Table 13 Review of the calls of proposals and other procedures for allocation of funds within institutions, review of the number of received applications, the number of approved projects, review of legal/strategic basis for allocation of funds for the call for proposal, as well as the goal of the stated calls for proposals

Table 14The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for the financial support allocation

Table 15 The dynamics of announcing the calls for proposals/other procedures for the financial support allocation stated under the category “Other“ in the Table 14

Table 16 Media communication used for the announcement of the calls for proposals for funds allocation

Table 17 Media communication used for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation stated under the category “Other“ in Table 16

Table 18 Duration of the call for proposal/other procedure for funds allocation

Table 19 Method of submitting applications for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation

Table 20 The institutional bodies in charge of opening the submitted applications for the calls for proposals/procedures for funds allocation

Table 21 The institutional bodies in charge of the assessment of the received programs/projects

Table 22 Available criteria for funds allocation


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Number of the Table Title of the Table

Table 23 Persons responsible for the composition and appointment of the professional body for the evaluation of the received project proposals

Table 24 The institutions in relation to the persons responsible for the composition and appointment of the professional body for evaluation of the received project proposals

Table 25 The composition of the professional body, the Commission or the Sub-Commission for evaluation of the programs/projects

Table 26 The person responsible for the decision making on granting support

Table 27 The institutions according to the person responsible for the decision making on granting support

Table 28 Other persons responsible for decision making on granting support

Table 29 The method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations on the granted financial support

Table 30 Review of the institutions according to the method of informing on the granted financial support

Table 31 The method of informing the associations and other civil society organisations about non-granting support

Table 32 Review of the institutions according to the method of informing about non-granted funds

Table 33 The method of informing the broader public about the results of the calls for proposals/procedures on the granted funds

Table 34 The deadline for the conclusion of contracts with the associations and other civil society organisations

Table 35 Other deadlines for contract conclusion with the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted support

Table 36 Available procedures for receiving complaints

Table 37 Complaint contents on the results of the granted support

Table 38 The documentation used for monitoring the implementation of the financed programs/projects

Table 39. The institutions according to the documentation used for monitoring the implementation of the financed programs/projects

Table 40 The methods of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects

Table 41 The institutions according to the method of monitoring the results of the financed programs/projects

Table 42 The persons in charge of monitoring the financed programs/projects realisation

Table 43 The methods of evaluating the realisation of the financed programs/projects of the associations and other civil society organisations which were granted the financial support

Table 44 The institutions which did not perform evaluation of the financed programs/projects realisation

Table 45 The use of information about the results of the financed programs/projects

Table 46 The number of associations according to the number of supported programs/projects

Table 47 Name of the association or other civil society organisation which was granted


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Number of the Table Title of the Table

financial support, name of the program/project, the amount of the requested and granted funds by the institutions, the total amount of the funds needed for the project realisation

Table 48 The list of associations and other civil society organisations supported with more than one projects by the same institution

Table 49 The associations and other civil society organisations supported by several public administration bodies

Table 50 Legal status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project

Table 51 Answers to the question on the status of the Lead Beneficiary of the program/project provided under the category “Other“ in Table 50

Table 52 Duration of the financial support for programs/projects

Table 53 Areas of the calls for proposals

Table 54 Direct beneficiaries of the programs/projects

Table 55 Type of activity

Table 56 Territory mapping of the projects and granted amounts of funds

Table 57 Institutions and the calls for proposals for programs/projects implemented abroad

Table 58 Comparative review of the appropriation on the economic classification budget line 481 according to the data obtained from the Questionnaire on the budget expenditures, the Law amending and modifying the Budget Law for 2011 (in Table as “Budget“) and the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2011 (in Table as “Execution“)

Table А1 - 1 The list of institutions to which the Questionnaire was sent

Table А2 - 1 The number and names of the institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire

Table А2 - 2 Names of the institutions and reasons for not granting support to the associations and other civil society organisations in 2011

Table А3 - 1 The list of institutions which did not completely reply to the questions from the Questionnaire and the amounts of funds stated by those institutions

Table А5 - 1 The list of direct beneficiaries

Table А6 - 1 The list of the activity type

Table А7 - 1 Statistics of the number of institutions which replied per questions

Table А7 - 2 Number of the calls for proposals per institutions

Table А7 - 3 Number of the projects per institutions


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ANNEX 9 List of Charts

Number of the Chart Title of the Chart

Chart 1Number of institutions which provided, i.e. did not provide financial support to the associations or other civil society organisations, and number of institutions which did not participate in completion of the Questionnaire

Chart 2The structure of the announced calls for proposals per months(the calls for proposals announced once a year)

Chart 3 The share of funds the institutions appropriated from the budget line 481of the Republic of Serbia

Chart 4 The areas appropriated from the budget line 481 according to the Law amending and modifying the Budget Law of the Republic of Serbia

Chart 5 Comparative review of the percentage of funds allocated on the basis of the answers obtained from the Questionnaire, the amount not included in the Questionnaire and higher than the data obtained by the Draft Law on the Annual Financial Statement of the Budget of the RS and the amount on which the institutions did not report


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