Page 1: * Inventions that Shook the World
Page 2: * Inventions that Shook the World

“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”


Page 3: * Inventions that Shook the World

«То, что сегодня наука – завтра техника.»


Page 4: * Inventions that Shook the World

“Everything that can be invented, has been invented.”

Charles H.Duell, Head of US Patents Office, 1899

Page 5: * Inventions that Shook the World

achievebuildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent

[ ə 4t∫i:v ][ bild ]

[ kri 4eit ][ di 4zain ][ di 4veləp ][ dis 4kΛvə][ in 4vent ]

Page 6: * Inventions that Shook the World

Past Passive Simple

was/were + Ved ( 3rd form)

Page 7: * Inventions that Shook the World

1. Penicillin was discovered for curing people

2. Penicillin was discoveredin order to cure people

Page 8: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 9: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 10: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 11: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 12: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 13: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinventship

Page 14: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 15: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinventaqualung

Page 16: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 17: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 18: * Inventions that Shook the World

buildcreate designdevelopdiscoverinvent


Page 19: * Inventions that Shook the World

“Heavier-than-air flying machinesare impossible.”

Lord Kelvin of Royal Society

Page 20: * Inventions that Shook the World

“Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.”

M.P. Foch, Professor of Strategy,Ecole Superieure de Guerre

Page 21: * Inventions that Shook the World

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”

Ken Olson, President of DigitalEquipment Corporation

Page 22: * Inventions that Shook the World

“I think there is a world market for maybefive computers.”

Th. Watson, Chairmanof International Business Machines, 1943

Page 23: * Inventions that Shook the World

a couch potato

a mouse potato

Page 24: * Inventions that Shook the World

“Everything that can be invented, has been invented.”

Charles H.Duell, Head of US Patents Office, 1899

Page 25: * Inventions that Shook the World

28th February 2013



Things I Can’t Do without

Page 26: * Inventions that Shook the World

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