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TflVflhI Free y En SMwf-



ftUf I know woman tafferinCSI haTe found the cureI will mail free of any dutrtc ny horn tra-



with tall instruction to any sufferer tramwomans aiteieBta I want to tell aB women aboutI j m i this core you ray reader for jronr lf yourdaughter

f yoer mother or your slater 1 want to tell you howof i to core yourselves at home without the help rf a

1 1 2 doctor Men cmnet understand womens nffsrincs11 I What we women know from experience we know

better thaa any doctor I know that my home treaii meat b a Late and sure cure for Leucorrtoe orp Whitish discharges Iteration Oisplaceaent as6 1 1 rinnr of the Womb Proluse Scanty or Fateful

1 Ir 4 4 Periods Uterine cr Ovrlan Tumors or GrowtHiL < A alio pliii In the head back and bowels besrlnz

down feellnr nervcusaef creeping fetCrz upF


the spine melancholy desire to err hot fiuho-wearine1 kidney end bltidsr troubles where

4 ii caused by weaknesses peculiar our sex4 f I want to cnd you a complete ten days trect

r west entirely free to prov to you that you can cursc f yourself at home easily quickly and rarely Re-


that It will cost you nothing to rive the5 ta eotIits teW adIf ysu should wish continue it will cost you only about 12 cents a

rlsstk two cents a day It will sot interfere with your work cr occupation Jut send7 imit4 Mres > tell RM how you suffer If you wish and I will send you the treatment

free ta plain by return mail 1 will alo send you free of cost myJWOMANS OWN MEDICAL ADVISER with explanatory illustrations sbowics why== cIl1ew they cn esUy cure tbemselrn at home Every woman ithould hive it and

p Ismnto tfclsik fcr fcesM1 Then when the doctor syYou must have an operation H you canI isr loursmlf Thousand of women have cured thena lreg with my home remedy It cures aR-

TJ MUUKI of Daughters I win explain a nimplo home trcatssent whieh epedfl-yfU af cue Leneorrhoea Green SicVmsj and Painful or Irreztilar Menstruation in oun-

FtanBB w aad health alwaya results from its us-eWkpoive I eaa refer yoa to ladies of OUr own locality who know rnd will fflcdly trf-

atta this Haow Treatment really cures all W Trcns diseaeo ard makes women wellosr p1 tad rebast Just send me your Address and the frco ten days treatment is yocrs

r the Mk Write today as you may aot see this offer CKain Address

MRS M CUMMERS MxH South 61nd ind U s A

a TheFiskRemovableRim-



F1T ANY RIMS IdeaJTireEquipment












leailif CtMaierdal Motel Rates 12 Per Day Ocala Florida


a 4

4Made from distilled water and of the highest

J1 quality Regular city service fcy our Red-

Wagon Delivery Ordersfor distilled wateriof drinking purposes also taken by ourdrivers Ice is also for sale at our plant



Phone 5 Buy Ice From Red WagonsPhone 5




ADE IN 1903

Bottled in Bond

One Quart 1004 I Four Quarts 35


q RT KHG Delivered 375

This is a choice High Grade

Private Stock Rye Whiskey

and we Fully Guarantee it to

be as good as any bottled in-s



bond whiskey on the marketthat is sold for 150 a quart




r y i t F=


i dIarcdk-PcaEe

dnffcw Liniment-I

c J oL J

J Ll7 1UJ urc-I




J1 zraa Lame 4I

Back Old Soiei Tlosndo


Sprains 1 Brwises etc ttl

r Give it a Trial srd ba ConvincedThree Sizes Price 25 SOc and 100

c J 1



Sole and Rooomrwoncioc b-



i <




Continued from Second Page


barrier against toe AiacuJofs who I

would probably be daunted when theyfound thnt the vessels mobility wasrestored

This proposal was deemed so excel-lent


that they all dined in vastly bet-

ter¬ I

spirits than any of them anticipat-ed


Cbristobal puzzled out of his sci-


senses by Elsies change ofmanner kept a close eye on tier liewas amazed to see her cat a bettermeal tbansbe had eaten for days andshe was normally a quite healthyyoung person with a reasonably goodappetite

Boyle anti Gray took the first watchfrom S oclock to midnight Christobaland Walker shared the next one Hy 4oclock It would be daylight so thedoctor was retiring early to his cabinwhen he met Elsie by chance aS Itseemed She was self possessed evensmiling with a certain dour serenity

The days doings have tired meshe said 1 am off to bed Will you


rap on my door soon after dawnI Yes he replied secretly marvelingat her air-

I plead guilty to a slight feeling ofnervousness she went on Is your

i revolver loaded Would you mindI lending It to me I think I could sleepI more soundly if I had a reliable weap-

on tucked uuder my pillowA whiff of suspicion crossed Christo

bals mind hut he brushed it aside asunworthy At 5 oclock that day hecertainly would not have granted herrequest But now since the new hope

i iIi-

N4 V

L WiiI At



A riI t-

r4L 1 V-


t II

nut senoritahad sprung up that Courtenay wasalive It was absurd to doubt ber mo-


So It came to pass that Diego Suarezlying asleep in his bunk awoke with-a start to find a shrouded figure bend-

Ing over himIs that you Senor Suarez asked a

voice which he recosuized instantly nsbelonging to the Senorita Maxwell

Yes said he drowsilyHave you the witch doctors clothes

you wore when you came on board theshipYes

senoritaA hand slight but strong grasped-

him by the shoulder lie felt the rimof a revolver barrel pressed against hisforehead-

Get up then Dress quickly In thoseclothes and come out on deck By theside of your bunk you will find tins ofblack and white paint to smear yourface and hands At the slightest refusal on your part to do as I bid youIf you utter a cry or make a noise toattract attention shall kill you with ¬

out another wordThe soft voice had a steely ring in it

which persuaded the man from Argen-tina


that he had better obey In lessthan five minutes he emerged from thedoorway The corridor in which hiscabin was situated led Into the salonElsie awaited him A lamp dimly light¬

ing the gangway revealed her faceSuarez thought he had to deal with amad woman The dog standing by herside sniffed nt him gingerly but amuttered Be quiet Joey preventedany outburst every fox terrier being aborn conspirator

What do you wish me to do senorita 1 began Suarez thinking to pla-cate


her until he could obtain assist ¬

anceYou must obey me silence shewhispered tensely Yotrimist not evenspeak One syllable aloud on deck willmean loath Walk In front of me upthe main companion and go straight tothe ships side

But senoritaThe hammer of the revolver began-

to rise under the pressure of Elsieafinger on the trigger The mans hairrose even more rapidly His nervewas broken He turned along the cor ¬

I ridor in front of her not knowln theInstant a bullet might crash Into hishead The girl followed so closelythat she almost touched his heels Thedog would have trotted in front butshe recalled him

I When Suarez reached the port railof the promenade deck Elsie breathed

Climb quickly nnd go down intothe canoe by tlid rope ladder you willfind there I

The canoe gasped lieQuick One two

Up went Suarez over the rail Hefound the topmost rungs of the lad ¬

der As he descended the revolver fol-

lowed Ills eyes When his bend wasI level with the deck the dfyler carne

Take the dog and go downI cannot senoritaYou must try You are going down

dead or aliveHe did try loey scuffled a little

ROOMS FOR RENTElegant furnished rooms for rent at

the Wisteria Apply to Mrs H CJones-

A new line of popular priced booksJust In at the Ocala News Co-

w> >

The Knockout BlowThe blow which knocked out Corbrtt

was a revelation 1o the prize fightersFrom the earliest days of the ring theknockout blow was aimed for the jawthe Uirpic or the jugular vein Stomachpunches were thrown Into worry andweary the Pchter but If a scientific manhad old one of the old fighters that thomost vulnerable spot was the region ofthe stomach hed have laughed at himfor an ignoramus Dr Pierce is bringingbonM to the public a parallel fact thatth somacXJs the most vulnerable organout or he pr<e ring as well aa in it Wapro ct ur harfS5 throats feet and lungsbut theWwssS tNwe are utterly indiffer-ent


to until dse finds the solar plexusand knocks us outT Slake your stomac-


sound ajiq strong bvTHe1u <g o ctor-GoIG 1 Ica i Oc


KjourmotuJiirM-edicalie soot Golden Discovery1

cures weak stomach indigestion ordyspepsia torpid liver bad thin and Im-


blood and other diseases of the or-gans


of digestion and nutritionThe Golden Medical DIscovery has a

specific curative effect upon all mucoussurfaces and hence cures catarrh nomatter whero located or what stage itmay have reached In Nasal Catarrh itIs wrll to cleanse the passages with DrSages Catarrh Remedy fluid while usingthe n Discovery as a constitutional rem-edy


THiy the Golden Medical Discov-ery


cures catarrhal diseases as of thestomach bowels bladder and other pelvorgans will be plain to you if you willread a booklet of extracts from the writ-ings


of eminent medical authorities en-dorsing Ita ingredients find explainingtheir curative properties It is mailedfree on request Address Dr RV PierceliufTaln N Y This booklet gives all tieIngredients entering into Dr Piercesmedicines from which it will be seen thatthey contain not a drop of alcohol puretriplerefined glycerine being used instead

Dt Pierce great thousandpage illus-trated


Common Sens Medical Adviserwill be sent free paperbound for 21 onecent stamps or clothbound for 31 stampAddress Dr Pierce as above

but Snarez caught him by the neOkund made shifl lo ilnsiiml Elsie waaalready on the swaying ladder whenBoyles voice rung out sharply fromthe spar deik

Below there Who is therehI Mr Hoyio she answered

You Miss ElsieV Where arc youTHerenot so far away

She was descending all the timeShe had cast loose the cppe which fas-


the canoe alongside and her difficnliy was to hold the ladder mnl atthe same time by clinging to the mastto prevent the canoe from slippingaway with the tide The revolver shegripped between her teeth by the butt

Boyle puzlcd by the sound of hervoice ran from the side of the bridgedown the stairs and across the deckHe was a second too late to grasp thetop of the mast as it drifted out ofreach lIe heard Elsie utter a lowvoiced command Spanish and thedip of a paddle told him that the ca-

noe was in motionFor the Lords sake what are you

doing he roared-

I am going to save Captain Courtenay was the answer You cannotstop me now Please hoist plenty oflights If I succeed look out for mebefore daybreak If I fall goodby 1

Continued Next Saturday

SPECIAL EARLY BREAKFASTS-Those wishing extra early break ¬

fasts can get same at the Elk Cafe aseay as 430 if they desire-

F YOU KNEWthe merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-der


of rheumatic trouble i 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggists-or by mail Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo



970 Savannah Ga July 26th Limit-to leave Savannah July 29th

1525 Mobile Ala July 31st August1st and 2nd Limit Aug 15th ex-


to August 28th839Q10465Los Angeles and San

Francisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540 Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber


311870 Monteagle and SewanneeTenn July 1 10 17 23 24 30 Au ¬

gust 13 and 14 Limit Septemberi> Stopovers allowedFor further Information call on or

write F J Huber C P T A orJ K Kirkland D P A Tampa Fla

CASTORFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Hare Always Bought

Bears the n-



NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORI Tax Deed Under Section 8 Chapter4888 Laws of Florida

Notice is hereby given that E PThagard purchaser of tax certificatesNos 22 31 234 247 416 4S9 491 522523 52H 539 C36 dated the third dayof June A D 1907 has filed said cer-tificates


in my office and has madeapplication for tax deed to issue inaccordance with law Said certifi-cates


embrace the following describedproperty situated in Marion countyFlorida towit

ne i of se 4 section 32 township15 range 22

seJ of neU and net l of sei or sec-tion


1 40 chains o and w by 25 chainsn and s in se corner of section 18township 12 range 20

su of swic of section 35 township14 range 13-

e1 of neU of section 4 township15 tango 19

I n of mvJ4 of section 1 township13 range 22 and nw >4 and n ofsw 4 less 40 acre in section 2 s4 ofneU of swU and ne of neU of sxvyof section 26 township 15 range 22 v

sii of nwVl of seA of section 26township 13 range 22

ni of nw of se1 J ex 477 chs eand w by 742 chs n and s in sw cor-ner


of section 26 township 15 range-

sI If

of se1 of section 6 township16 range 19

The said lands being assessed atthe date of the issuance of such cer-tificates


in the name of unknownUnless said certificates shall be re-


according to law tax deed willissue thereon on the 12th day of July-A D 1909-

WitiTtss my official signature andseal this the Sth day of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla



Mrs KochShotrow Refused to Tes ¬

tify Against Them

St Louis July S Missouri lawsprovide that a woman cannot be re-quired


to testify against husbandFor that reason Mrs Annie KochShotrow would give no testimony-in the Dayton street police courtagainst either Charles F Koch or An ¬

tonic Shotrow charged with dis ¬

turbing each others peaceWhat did this man Koch say or

do to your husband Mrs Shotrowasked JudgePollard

Both these men are my husbandsjudge replied the woman >

Judge Pollards face assumed a su¬

perjudicial ilook as he commandedthe witness to explain

Mrs Shotrow said she was married-to Kpch twentyfive wears ago Sev-enteen

¬years later Koch she said as-

sent to the workhouse for two yearsWhile he was there she married Shotrow she said without having beendivorced

Koch and Shotrow both admittedhaving been married to her thoughthey said she had her dates mixedKoch said he married her fourteenyears ago and Shotrow admitted sev-enteen


years of the bondThe men were arrested the other

evening at the Shotrow home whereKoch had called They were engaged-In a quarrel when two policemen hap ¬

pened alongThe two husbands were fined 5 each

and were returned to the cell in theholdover where they spent the nighttogether Koch lives at 141 Buchananstreet The wife lives with ShotrowShe says bbth her weddings tookplace in the vicinity of Broadway andNorth Market streets justices of thepeace officiating

Mrs KochShotrow told the courtshe had only one child James 16years old and that Shotrow is hisfather Shotrow said that the boy isKochs son and was about a year oldwhen he took up with Mrs Koch

Koch looking through the bars withShotrow admitted the paternity ofJames and he said he and his wifehad three other children

My wife is 52 years old said Kochand I am 51

My wife said Shotrow Is 56 andI am 42-

ShotrowI says Mrs Koch proposedmarriage to him and he accepted but

I he was not aware at the time that shehad a husband living Koch says he

I called on his wife after he left theIworkhouse and discovered that shewas married again-

So I didnt care to livewith herhe said

The husbands talked goodnatured-ly


together They said they had noill feeling toward one another

Mrs KochShotrow was not molest-ed


by the police

STARVED TO DEATH-Is what could truthfully be said ofmany children who die They haveworms poor little thingsthey dontknow it and you dont realize it Ifyour child is cross fretful pastycomplexioned and loses weight forno apparent reason give It WhitesCream Vermifuge You will be sur ¬

prised at the results and how quicklyjt picks up Sold by all druggists

POSITION WANTEDA saw millwoods rider wants a position cangive best of references namely J DScruggs of the McGehee Lumber CoLeon Fla 630dwlm

NOTICE-Of Final Settlement and DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the

first day of Dec mber A D 1909 theumlwslgned as administrator of theestate of John Kinsler deceased willpresent my accounts and voucher toHon Joseph Bell judge probate athis office in Ocala Florida and willmake by final settlement as such ad-ministrator


and will apply for dis ¬

charge as administrator of said estateGeorge Giles

As Administrator of the Estate ifJohn KInsIcr

October 14th 1908

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4838 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that Lv OBoohor purchaser of tax certificateNo 537 dated the 3rd day of June AD 1907 has filed said certificate in my

has made application fortax deed to issue in accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-in Marion county Florida towitCorn 131 chs s of ne cor of SanchezGrant tp 15 s r 22 e thence w 25chs n 10 cbs e 25 chs s 10 chs25acres The said land being assessed-at the date of the issuance of suchcertificate in the name of A A VealUnless said certificate shall be re-deemed


according to law tax deed willissue thereon on the 18th day of JulyA D 190-

9Witness my official signature andseal this the 14th day of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that W OBrewer purchaser of tax certificateNo 402 dated the 3rd day of June AD 1907 has filed said certificate in myoffices and has made application fortax deed to issue in accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-in Marion county Florida towitwy of neU and n4 of sel4 sec 6 tp15 s r IS e The said land being as ¬

sessed at the date of the issuance ofsuch certificate in the name of Wekiwa Naval Stores Co Unless saidcertificate shall b j redeemed accord ¬

ing to law tax deed will issue there-on


on the 23rd day of July A D 1909Witness my official signature and

seal this the 19th days of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 cf Chap-ter


4883 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given than AHuhWood purchaser of tax certificate No734 dated the 1st day of July A D1901 has filed said certificate In myoffice and has made application fortax deed to issue In accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-in Marion county Florida towit 8chs n and s on s side of nw >4 of nwUsee IS tp 14 s r 21 e The said landbeing assessed at the date of the Is ¬

suance of such certificate in the nameof unknown Unless said certificate-shall be redeemed according to lawtax deed will issue thereon on the23rd day of July A D 190S

Witness my official signature andseal this the 19th day of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla-


I =r >


Nursing Mothers and-


J t 1> r f


Women J v fla tl statioas e Efcj whose vigor aad italy sy I i f-kaire been asderauaed ad brokeardowa byeyr r r eiwork cxactiag social duties tac too frequent bee e-


oi children or other casses will 4ad i Dfr Iti f

Pierces FIITOIitePrescri ti a the most pote Itvigoratiag restorative stren tb iver erer ded ed-for


Jtheir special bcaeit NiraiatXOthetS wiM ad j 1


it especially vafeaMe a aastaiaiag their I aa4-proaotiag

> p l

aa abttadaat aottrisksaeat for the cfcfio-VExpcctaat

1 f t-r


mothers too will iae it a priceless booto 1

< i i

prepare the system for babys coming rid read nnj JaVi <

flively pumlcM It caa do ao ana m aay state or OUadiCiOiOitbSkSjS 1

aysteauI Cr 11

Delicate JMJTM NI wwz wk wetter fj-



backache afcajjfagjfawx afarM 1 PI iI t-1r1JnoejlarltleJdlrd1stJii1I1adeMIa 1

attxar w faa apZls Imtfimmrr aecka rp-freere

spts JPI-g

rl reyes> have fsafreea I cmtMrrMml 4rim pti t J

tererslretlflvusl > mtltcf aeylmctmtmt t-eriamsfrem


aNy wttkxtsm fII farts will witer fJrdf-perlcmce

e< Ii fmy or emir a few f tike asVere srmftomg Hint z 1frelief aad a permaaemt cere Mr xsI4 fafOtfrnliy aa-

perslsteaLyst fttlrly-

ThlsworJ6fiuBedDrlIlnee Farrfte pisieiijtA 1 J L

spcciSo for womaaa weakae Ma sad peculiar Is t kpure ilycerie extract of the choicest native aedteuwl oeiwithbga f 1of alcohol ita makeup AU its isgredieBts pdatediipIsM EaUshaitsb-ottlewrapper

f7and attested under oath Dr Pierce tfces a ites the fit =

inrestilation of hia for uda knowing that it will be ieftsd to ooataim only tM I

best agents kaowa to the most advanced medlcal acm6e eI aU tile dtferaat J <

schools of practice for the care of womans pecHKarWe kae i d 4-J

If you want to know sore about the corapositioa aad PtISSIO1 ia 4 c jdorsement of the Favorite Prescriptioa sCad postal card reqesttDc <R V Pierce Buffalo N Y for his fre bo klettreatiag of X f r r 7 istill send 31 onecent stamps for clothbound copy of Dr PierceCii s j

Sense Medical Adviser new revised uptodate Edttioe 4W8 paeu r <You cant afford to accept as a substitute for this remedy ci MM-

Pition9 i

a secret nostrum Cf tmkxsvx 00w es tfMi DOt do it It is at iIib 1foolish bat often ttamgeroiu to dp soJl 4 a


< Ip1 t

Better Not Get <





f j

Dyspepsia t

If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspeptia beffectually helping Nature to Relieve Inditfertioa 1But dont trifle with Indigestion 1

JiA great many people who have a partial digester and pbyslca art

trifled with indigestion have been not digesters at allony for itwhen nervous or Kodol Is a perfect digester If IJIchronic dyspepsia resulted and you could seo Kodoldlgestlng very ithey have jot been able to cure it particle of food ot all kinds In the c

Use Kodol And prevent having glass tcsttubca In our laboratoriesDyspepsia you would Know this just aa well

Everyone Is subject to Indiges-tion

¬ as we do xStomach derangement follows Nature and Kodol will always L

stomach abuse just as naturally cure a sick stomach bat In orderand just as surely as a sound and to bo cured the stomach mustrest > w

healthy stomach results upon tho That la what Kodol does rests thetaking of Kodol stomach while the stomach gets

When you experience sourness well Just as simple aa A B Cof stomach belching of gas and Our Guaranteenauseating fluid bloated sensationgnawing pain in the of tho Go to rourdrnifrlsttodand get a o-

Sarstomach heart burn Isocalled butt c after you have used theentire contents of the bottle If you caadiarrhoea headaches dullness or hotiestly say that it haa not done yoa anyT

chronic tired feelingyou need Ko Rood return the bottle to the druggist an Jhe wilt refund your money without ques-tiondoL And thenJthe quicker you take or delay we will then pay the J

Kodol the better Eat what you elst for the bottle Dolt hesitate alldruggtata know that our gunrantct Is goodwant let Kodol digest It This offer applies to tho law bottle only

Ordinary pepsin dyspepsia tab-lets

¬ and to but ono In a family The large bov Jtie contains Sft tim a as muca aa t e fiftfphysics etc are not likely cent bottle I-

to be of much benefit to you in Kodol is prepared at the labora-toriesdigestive ailments Pepsin Is only of EL C DoWltt Ca Chlcagfv




SCRAP METAL AND JUNKwill buy all kinds or JunkIron Steel Brass Copper Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather Etcold EnginesBoilers Rails Etc whether as secondhand or scrap and pay thehighest price in cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and wuere it Is located m


IIf JIf1 rni

SEABOARDAI-R LINESHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINSYear Round Limited Nos 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos 66 and 43


66 84 81 431030 am 900 pm Lv Tampa Arl C 30amlCO pm1115 am 1000 pm Lv Turkey Creek Lv 530 am 508 pm-

pm1130 am 1020 pm Lv Plant City Lv 515 am i581220 am 1118 pm Lv Dade City Lv 515 amj 458 pm148 pm 110 am Lv Wildwood Lv 255 am 235 pm246 pm 210 am Lv Ocala Lv 135 am 137 pm440 pm 430 am Lv Waldo d Lv 1140 pm 1137 ant600 pm C15 am Lv Baldwin Lv 1017 pin 1015 am <640 inn 700 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 920 pm 930 am r

750 pm 905 am Lv Jacksonville Ar 500 pm 715 am11 40 pm 124iS pm Ar Savannah Ar 110 pm 245 nmi420 am 450 pm Ar Columbia h Ar 1025 am 1140 pm

1156 am 1225 am Ar-Ar

Raleigh Ar 345 am 510 pm542 pm 750 am Portsmouth Arj 900 pm 025 am

pm 530 am Ar Rlchmond Ar 1040 pm 1225 pm rit p

835 pin 850 Washington Lv 120pm 905 am952 pm 1002 am Ar Baltimore Lv 605 pm-

pm6OC am

1151 pm 1223 pm Ar Philadelphia 35i 335 am353 am 245 pmAr NcwYork i

Lvi 125 pm 1210 am fC

Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a r-nt

rSARASOTA BRANCH j i410 pm 730 am Lv Tampa Ar am rff510 pm 820 amlLv Turkey Creek Ar1535pm 20 am740 pm 1040 am ArPalmetto Lv25D pm 649 am I

755 pm 1055 am Ar Manatee Lv235 pm C35 am800 pm 1100 am Ar Bradcntown Lv231pm C3l am 1835 pm 1145 am Ar Sarasota Lv200 pm-


600 am v r

QUICKEST SERVICE TO AND FROM NEW YORKThese arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with

other companies are given as information and are not guaranteedJ Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York

on trains Nos 84 and 81 Dining Car ServiceParlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains Nos C6

and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville andNew York and Dining Car Service on trains ICoa 66 and 43 v

For full information and sleeper reservations cal on any agent Sea ¬

board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson-ville Fla or call on H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla

A M DICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa Piet




II Florida and West Indian Limitedand New York and Florida Express <<


oJto the East < l1

1 To the West <




c 4 4I C Dixie


Flyer T Montgomery Rqe rr

F Ii JI 1


Centap fRoute U South Atlantic Route >

Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Gin innati ChIcagG t t j<0 Atlanta Intermediate Points >


J 1For tickets reservatIon or information call nearest Coast Line ifO it a

j a KIRKLAND D P A Tampa Flarida v-


C WHITE Go gton N C W JCRAIGPrri 2 LWX i > 7





< j td

< > 1 > dr J 7 jt to-


Av 4

I a itfJ

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