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Copyright © 2016 SuccessVantage Pte Ltd

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Published by Reed Wilson.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5

Causes Of Blood Sugar Upswings .............................................................................. 8

Chapter 1 – Caffeine ................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 2 – Sugar-Free Foods .................................................................................. 11

Chapter 3 – A High-Fat Meal .................................................................................... 13

Chapter 4 – Stress ....................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 5 – Bagels ..................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 6 – Sports Drinks ........................................................................................... 19

Chapter 7 – Dried Fruits ............................................................................................. 21

Chapter 8 – Steroids And Water Pills........................................................................ 23

Chapter 9 – Cold Medicines..................................................................................... 25

Chapter 10 – Skipping Breakfast .............................................................................. 27

Causes Of Blood Sugar Downswings ...................................................................... 29

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Chapter 11 – Household Chores .............................................................................. 30

Chapter 12 – Yogurt ................................................................................................... 32

Chapter 13 – Vegan Diet .......................................................................................... 34

Chapter 14 – Cinnamon ............................................................................................ 36

Causes Of Blood Sugar Fluctuations ....................................................................... 38

Chapter 15 – Birth Control Pills .................................................................................. 39

Chapter 16 – Sleep ..................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 17 – Exercise ................................................................................................ 43

Chapter 18 – Alcohol ................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 19 – Heat ...................................................................................................... 47

Chapter 20 – Premenstrual Cycle ............................................................................ 49

Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 51

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Sugar; we all loved it as kids. In fact, many of us still do as adults. Even now we can’t do

without a sugar rush every once in a while, whether it comes from a chocolate bar, a slice of

cake, or even a bottle of soda.

Humans have been having a sweet affair with sugar for a long time now. The origins of the

first sweets can be traced back to 2000 BCE in Egypt where they made confections by

combining fruits with honey. In the Middle Ages sugar candies became popular, but only for

those who could afford them.

By then sugar was still considered a luxury in Europe and was very expensive.

However, the first sugar harvest associated with modern times didn’t actually happen until

1501 in Hispaniola (the island shared by modern day Haiti and Dominican Republic). Over

the next thirty years many sugar mills would be constructed in Cuba and Jamaica.

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Over the next three centuries sugar would

gradually become more and more available in

Europe. By the 19th century it was practically

considered a necessity.

Today, sugar can be found in the many foods

we eat and beverages we drink. Do you think

there’s only sugar in that chocolate bar, pastry

or soda? Sugar can be found in low-fat yogurt,

barbecue sauce, ketchup, fruit juice, spaghetti

sauce, sports drinks, granola, flavored coffee,

iced tea, protein bars, vitamin water, canned

fruit, and breakfast cereal.

Why does sugar taste so good? It’s actually all in

our brain. Our brains have dopamine receptors

and whenever these are activated we feel

pleasure. When our tongue tastes sugar, the

dopamine receptors in our brain are triggered.

Sugar is said to be so effective that it’s only second to heroin when it comes to triggering the

dopamine receptors in our brain. Despite its bad reputation, sugar also has some good

effects on the body. It has been known to boost energy, improve the balance of the skin’s

oils, benefit the blood and insulin, and also provide minerals and nutrients to the body.

However, the older we get, sugar will have more and more adverse effects on our body.

Over time, sugar can cause cravings and increased tolerance to sweetness. In turn, that will

lead to weight gain and dependence.

Contrary to popular belief, by itself sugar does not cause diabetes. Science has proven that

Type 2 Diabetes is a genetic condition that certain people are already born with.

Uncontrolled consumption of sugar does, however, lead to weight gain and that can

increase a person’s risk for developing the disease.

Overconsumption of sugar can also lead to high blood sugar or glucose levels. Over time

high blood sugar can lead to damage in your blood vessels, nerves, and internal organs. In

people with Type 1 Diabetes, high blood sugar can also cause a buildup of acids in the blood.

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There are things that increase and decrease

your blood sugar level. Some are foods and

drinks you might have on a regular basis, some

are things you might do, others are things you

might experience and have no control over.

Take note of what is good and bad for you.

Even if you don’t suffer from diabetes, there is

still a good reason why you need to watch your

blood sugar. You may be hyperglycemic and not

know it.

Glucose is actually necessary for your body to

function, and your body produces some of it as

a natural process. Hyperglycemia is when you

produce more glucose than you normally

should. Add to that the sugar you unknowingly

intake, and this creates an imbalance in your


Persistent hyperglycemia can cause a wide

range of chronic complications that affect

almost every system in your body.

When large blood vessels are affected, it can

lead to circulation disorders, resulting in

possible amputation, heart disease, and even


When smaller blood vessels are affected, it can

lead to kidney disease, nerve damage, or

diabetic eye disease.

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Causes of Blood Sugar Upswings

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Considered the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug, caffeine is a central

nervous system stimulant belonging to the methylxanthine class. It is legal and unregulated

in all the countries of the world.

Where do we most commonly get our caffeine? That’s right, in a cup of coffee. Although it

should be mentioned that some manufacturers offer caffeine-free coffee.

The earliest recorded evidence of coffee drinking, or knowledge of the coffee tree, appears

in the middle of the fifteenth century in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in modern-day

southern Arabia.

From there coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa. By the 16th century it had already

reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia and Turkey. From the Middle East, the custom of

drinking coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe.

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After it had been established in Europe, coffee plants became common cargo transported

by Dutch ships to the East Indies and eventually to the Americas.

Who among us can live without coffee? It’s the first thing we want to have every morning to

help us stay awake. It’s also what we have at work to help us focus. Even after work hours

we still take it to relax and bond with friends.

Caffeine has been known to boost memory, relieve post-workout muscle pain, detoxify the

liver and even stimulate hair growth, it has also been said to reduce fatty liver, and help

ward off Alzheimer’s Disease.

However, too much can also be bad for you. Your blood sugar can rise after you have coffee

– even black coffee with no calories – because of the caffeine it has.

Too much caffeine can lead to other problems not related to hyperglycemia or diabetes at

all. These include early death (for those who have more than 4 cups of coffee per day), high

blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack among young people, gout, breast cysts in

women, insomnia, and indigestion.

Ironically, there are other compounds in coffee that can help prevent Type 2 Diabetes in

healthy people.

What to do

As with everything it is always best not have too much. Coffee is good, but having too much

can lead to problems. Your body is designed to deal with high glucose content from a big

meal or a cup of coffee; it should be able to bring it back down to normal levels after a few

hours. However, if you keep having one cup of coffee after another, then your body might

have trouble keeping up.

It should also be mentioned that each person reacts to foods and drinks differently. Some

people may be able to take more coffee and caffeine while others won’t be able to do so.

This is why it's best to keep track of your blood sugar levels and how it reacts to the amount

of coffee you have.

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Going through the aisles of your local department store or grocery, you might have come

across foods labeled “sugar-free”.

Here are some of the most common ones available out there:

Raw fruits, frozen fruit without added sugar and some no-sugar-added canned fruit.

Fresh or plain frozen vegetables and most canned vegetables.

Animal protein like eggs, beef, pork, and unbreaded poultry and fish.

Vegetable proteins like legumes, nuts, seeds and most tofu.

Unflavored dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and butter.

Gluten-free grains like quinoa, rice, corn, tapioca, millet and gluten-free oats.

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Sugar-free does not necessarily mean carb-free or calorie-free. These will still raise your

blood sugar levels. Why? Because they can have still have plenty of carbs from starches. One

thing to remember is that it is the carb content that has the greatest effect on blood sugar.

A lot of these so-called "sugar-free" foods may have also just replaced sugar with sweet-

tasting substances like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, isomalt, and hydrogenated starch

hydrolysates. These are all "sugar alcohols," they aren’t technically "sugar" but have a high

carb content. As if that were not enough, foods containing these sugar alcohols can cause

stomach discomfort and diarrhea if you have too much of them.

Others sweeteners include fructose, polydextrose, and maltodextrin, which not only contain

carbs and calories, but also affect your blood sugar in the same way normal sugar would.

Are all artificial sweeteners loaded with carbs? Not all of them. Aspartame or other non-

caloric sweeteners like saccharin, acesulfame potassium, or sucralose have no carbs.

What to do

If you have diabetes, you can still eat sugar-free foods as part of your overall meal plan.

However, it’s important you account for the carbs and calories that those foods contain.

So how do you do that? Check the Nutrition Facts label before you consume these products.

You should also pay attention to sugar alcohols such as the artificial sweeteners mentioned


Remember there were carb-free sweeteners? You should also be careful in reading food

labels of products that contain them. They might still have carbs from other ingredients in

the product. For example, an aspartame-flavored yogurt will have no carbs from the

aspartame, but there is sure to be carbs from the milk content of that product.

If you are intent on figuring out how much calories and carbs you should consume, work

with your dietitian and healthcare team to learn how much of different types of foods you

can eat at each meal and snack. Such a team can help you use carb counting as a way to

plan your meals and manage your blood sugar.

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Nothing quite satisfies the appetite like a big, fatty meal. That double cheeseburger with

fries on the side, that fettuccini alfredo with the thick sauce, that pizza with everything on it.

Who can say no to having them every once in a while?

It doesn’t stop there; did you know popcorn with all that butter, potato chips, vanilla shake

and ice cream can also be considered fatty foods? The list can go on and on…we will run out

of space in this article and in our stomachs.

When we eat fatty food some of the fat is absorbed into our cells. There they are turned

into intramyocellular lipids (just another fancier term for fat). So why does our blood sugar

shoot up after this happens? According to studies done as early as in the 1930s, it’s because

all this fat is creating insulin resistance for our muscles.

What is insulin? It’s a hormone secreted by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar

from carbs in the food that you eat for energy, or to store sugar in our muscles for later use.

It’s also insulin that helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high or too low.

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Insulin resistance makes it hard for our muscles to access that important sugar.

People suffering from diabetes lack the ability to produce insulin or do not produce enough

of it. They have to get it from external administration. So insulin resistance makes it even

more difficult for them to process blood sugar.

How long does it usually take between the meal and the time blood sugar starts looking for

access to your muscles? Around three hours. As already mentioned, our bodies can bring

our blood sugar level back to normal in a few hours with no problems. However, people

with diabetes may not manage this so well after a good meal because of their problem with

insulin production.

What to do

The good news is that an occasional meal with a lot of fatty food should be fine. However

eating large amounts, for example, a meal containing 40 or more grams of fat, especially if

the fat is saturated (found in animal meats, etc.), can make it harder to control blood sugar


Getting some sugar into the muscles is a good thing. If you happen to be diabetic it should

also help to time the administration of your insulin if you eat high-fat meals. Remember that

it usually takes around three hours after the meal for the blood sugar to start looking for

ways into your muscles.

Light physical activity after a high-fat meal, like walking, can also help lower blood sugar.

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This is the modern world. Today there seems to be no shortage of things that can give us


There’s stress from work. There are deadlines to keep, people to shout at for not keeping

those deadlines, co-workers who are hard to deal with, and bosses who think they know

better, but actually don’t.

There’s also stress from family life. Families are supposed to be a source of strength and

love, but every once in a while you just want to get away from them too.

Then there’s stress from other sources. Driving can be a pain if you hit heavy traffic too

often and are surrounded by irritable drivers who think they own the road. Money matters

have a way of ruining even the best laid financial plans. Trolls on the Internet can make you

lose your faith in humanity. Even your most cherished relationships can be a cause for


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The list is almost endless.

So why does your blood sugar rise when you are under stress? This is because your body

releases hormones like epinephrine and cortisol that can make your blood sugar rise. Your

body interprets stress the same way it would a fight-or-flight situation and it does what it

thinks is best for you; give you blood sugar boost to be able to fend off or flee.

What to do

The good news is that in the modern world there are also many things you can do to relieve

stress, and some of them involve things you might actually like to do.

Take a break in the middle of work, listen to music, or have an extra-long lunch hour. On

days away from work why not go on a short vacation, go to the spa, or get a massage. Your

time away from the usual setting doesn’t have to be that long, just enough to invigorate


If you can’t get away from work there are simple things you can do like breathing exercises,

delegating duties to other employees, or avoiding unnecessary confrontations.

If you want take on-site relaxation even further there are also stress-relief classes offered by

hospitals, YMCAs, and adult-education programs.

However, before all that there is something you should do if you suffer from diabetes; be

sure to tell your doctor you are starting a stress-reduction program. He or she can adjust

your insulin dose so that you don't end up with dangerously low blood sugar levels.

Activities involving removing stress have a tendency to lower blood sugar levels among

diabetes sufferers.

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Also spelled beigel, the bagel originated from the Jewish communities of Poland. It is

traditionally shaped by hand into the form of a ring from yeasted wheat dough, roughly the

size of a hand. It is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked. It looks like a bigger

version of the doughnut, only that is has the consistency and toughness of normal bread.

Bagels became famous as a food breakfast, but reached the height of its popularity after

former president Bill Clinton said he often ate bagels and asked for them to be served for

breakfast even when he was abroad on state visits. For a time after that the world fell in

love with the bagel and it became all the rage as the ultimate “health” food.

It’s no longer as popular as it used to be, but it’s still around.

One good thing about the bagel is that there are many kinds. You can have plain, cinnamon

raisin, sesame, poppy, onion, honey grain, everything, or French toast just to name a few.

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Another good thing about the bagel is that you can put anything in it, just slice it

horizontally (some people can find this very challenging at first) and stuff anything you

want; lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, tuna, chocolate, jam, etc.

The kind of bagel you want and what you want to stuff it with makes the blend of flavors

delightful. As long as you have the imagination you can make whatever kind of bagel you


Now for the not so good thing about bagel; bagels are packed with carbs. They have more

calories too; a plain, average-size bagel is the equivalent in calories and sugar of five slices of

white bread.

Pair that with whatever the bagel has in it and you have a very filling meal that causes your

blood sugar to rise.

What to do

The good news now that is that there is a mini version of the bagel. One complaint about

the original bagel was that it was so huge. Now bakers have scaled it down, the mini version

has less sugar and carbs than the original version.

There is also now a sugar-free and low carb bagel. The only drawback is that it doesn’t taste

quite like the wheat bagel we are all used to having. However, as you get no sugar and low

carbs, many consider the tradeoff worth it.

Experts also recommended eating bagels as they are; no stuffing, unless it happens to be

vegetables like lettuce and tomato.

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We see it all the time on TV; some superstar athlete plays hard and sweats a lot, yet for

some reason he/she still looks fabulous. He/she is tired. He/she reaches for a sports drink.

He/she drinks in slow motion. He/she feels invigorated enough to keep playing. He/she

inspires an entire nation to try the product. Sold!

Drinks that help boost energy have actually been around for a long time. As early as in 1929

a manufacturer in the UK introduced Lucozade Energy, a drink to “aid in recovery”.

Eventually a version for athletes was developed. When sports became more and more

popular in the next decades (made possible by sponsorship deals that make millionaires of

athletes) so did the drinks they took to help them stay in the game.

Sports drinks claim to work by altering blood sugar levels with the purpose of increasing

endurance, energy and performance. However, studies also found these drinks may actually

interfere with normal body signals that are supposed to tell you when your body has been

taxed to the limit.

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Sports drinks are also made to help you replenish fluids quickly, but some of them have as

much sugar as soda. They may also contain glucose syrup, sucrose, fructose, maltodextrin,

and polyactate which stand in for sugars.

These drinks can also lead to weight gain. Drinking sports drinks with carbs without

prolonged exercise can result in weight gain. A study presented in 2012 showed that people

in their teens gained 3.5 pounds over two years for every bottle of sports drink consumed

per day. The leading author of the study concluded sports drinks have an even stronger

relationship with weight gain than sugared sodas.

What to do

Sports drinks by themselves are not harmful as long as they are used properly. Try to avoid

sports drinks if your workout is a moderate one that should be finished in less than an hour;

plain water is all you need. A sports drink may be okay for longer, more intense exercise.

If you suffer from diabetes sports drinks can also be useful for long periods of exercise or if

the exercise is unplanned.

It’s important for people with diabetes to regularly check blood sugar before, during, and

after exercising.

Sports drinks may be needed if blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL before exercise. Research

suggests people with diabetes should keep blood sugar between 180 and 180mg/dL for the

best performance.

Sports drinks may also not be as necessary for someone with type 2 diabetes if they are not

at risk for hypoglycemia. This is because such drinks may only prolong increased levels of

blood sugar.

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Fruits were among the first foods of the first humans. It was readily available for those who

knew where to look. Unlike wild game, fruit did not have to be pursued and caught. Fruit did

not put up a fight when captured and it was also very easy to prepare.

Even the ancients realized how nutritious and healthy fruits were, that’s why it made up an

important part of their diet. The problem in the ancient world was that they did not have

refrigeration or proper storage facilities to make sure fruit they gathered would stay fresh

for a long time.

However, the ancients also came up with a solution to this problem. They dried fruit to be

able to store them longer and also to make them ready sources of nourishment during long


Mesopotamian tablets dating back to as early as 1700 BCE mention dried fruit, but it is

probably be safe to assume preserving fruit goes even further back than that.

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Raisins are the most common fruit to be dried, followed by dates, prunes, figs and apricots.

Other fruits can also be dried like mangoes, pineapples, cranberries, bananas and apples,

although more often in candied form.

Fast forward to today; drying fruit is still a good way to extend its shelf life and preserve the

nutrients within them.

Dried fruits contain little to no fat. The calories they have per serving makes them a natural

source of energy for athletes. They are also a good food for people who want to gain weight

in a healthy way.

Dried fruit is good overall, but should it be recommended for people who have problems

with their blood sugar?

The answer is no – if you have too much of it. All fruits can elevate your blood sugar levels.

Although dried fruits pack a lot of healthy water, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,

they also contain carbs.

Some manufacturers also coated fruit with sugar or syrup before they dry it. This means

additional sugar for those who really don’t need it.

What to do

Eating dried food is actually good for you as long as you take just what you need. Dried fruits

have been linked to an increased intake of nutrients and reduced risk of obesity.

Knowing how much is enough and having just enough is important. To compare; just 2

tablespoons of raisins, dried cranberries, or dried cherries have the carbs of a small piece of

fruit, while 3 dates give you 15 grams of them.

Before you buy dried fruit always read the nutrient label on the package. You should avoid

brands that contain added sugar so you won’t be raising your blood sugar even more.

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What are steroids? People today are most familiar with are the ones that make it to the

headlines, along with the athletes who have been accused of taking them to enhance

performance. However, there are actually different kinds of steroids and they have different


Corticosteroids are naturally produced by the body, specifically in the adrenal cortex, which

is located just above the kidney. The corticosteroids are divided into two classes; the

glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids can control fat, protein and carbs. These steroids also have anti-

inflammatory properties as they prevent release of phospholipids.

Mineralocorticoids can balance the sodium levels in the body. Aldosterone is the key

chemical in mineralocorticoids.

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Anabolic steroids are the kind you usually hear about on TV involving athletes and sports

scandals. These are mostly synthesized versions of testosterone.

People take corticosteroids, such as prednisone, to treat rashes, arthritis, asthma, and other

conditions; while other people take anabolic steroids to build up their muscles or improve


However, steroids can boost blood sugar, and may even trigger diabetes in some people.

How do steroids do this? They also work in the same way as sports drinks; they promote

insulin resistance and make it hard for your muscles to be able to absorb sugar.

On the other hands, water pills, also known in the medical profession as diuretics, are pills

designed to flush out water from your body. They have substances that put pressure on

your kidneys, forcing them into flushing out excess water and salt through your urine.

Doctors usually prescribe them to people whose bodies have difficulty in regulating fluid

intake and who have become swollen and bloated as a result. Patients with health issues

like hypertension, heart failure, and idiopathic edema are usually prescribed diuretics to

reduce their blood pressure, prevent fluid buildup, and reduce swelling.

These pills are never prescribed for weight loss, but this hasn’t stopped those looking to lose

weight and keep it off from taking them anyway.

What to do

There are times when you may have to use steroids; aside from steroids for conditions

mentioned, some doctors prescribe them to patients who need to build up their bodies and

immune systems after certain illnesses.

However, this doesn’t mean you can self-medicate with them. Considering what they can do

and the ill effects they can have on your body, these products should not be used without

your doctor’s approval and constant supervision.

The same goes for diuretics. However, you should also consider using natural diuretics such

as dandelion (yes, the weed), hawthorn, horsetail, juniper, green and black tea, parsley and

hibiscus if you want to flush excess water from your body.

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Did you know that the annual cost of lost productivity in the entire US every year due to the

common cold can hit billions of dollars? That’s just something to make you think next time

you think a cold is just something to sniff (or sniffle) at.

What they have been teaching us since we were still kids still holds true until now; there is

still actually no cure for the common cold.

There are actually two reasons for this. First, studies have showed that there are actually

many different types of viruses working together to cause a cold and not just one. Even the

most common of these, rhinovirus, has more than a hundred different strains.

Curing a cold would actually mean eradicating a long list of viruses that happen to cause the

same symptoms. Also, those symptoms happen to be your immune system kicking into high

gear to fight off an infection, something that can manifest as inflammation in the throat and

congestion in the nose. So you really can’t be fighting your body in this case.

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Second, the common cold doesn’t really rank high on the list of ailments that need curing.

True, it can be a cause for concern among infants, the elderly, or those with pre-existing

respiratory conditions, but efforts are all out into curing diseases like cancer, AIDS, etc.

People and scientists treat a cold more like an annoyance than a threatening illness.

So what are these things they sell in the pharmacies and drug stores? They actually just

relieve the symptoms of common cold like watery eyes, sore throat, cough, and a blocked or

runny nose, sneezing, mild headache, and mild fever. For now that’s really the best we can


However, decongestants and other cold remedies may raise blood sugar because of their

pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine content. Other cold medicines also have a little sugar or

alcohol in them, making them less than ideal for those with blood sugar problems.

What to do

When looking for a cold remedy check the ingredients, if you see anything that is bad for the

blood sugar levels in your body move on to the next drug.

When suffering from a really bad cold you can also go for antihistamines. Antihistamines

don't cause a problem with blood sugars. However, it’s also advisable to ask your

pharmacist about possible side effects before you buy them.

You can also go for natural cold relief solutions like gurgling, drinking hot liquids, applying

cold packs around your sinuses, among others.

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We’ve all done it at some point or another. In our rush to get to work or take our children to

school, we sacrifice the most important meal of the day.

It’s called that for a reason; eating a nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the day and

promotes weight maintenance and weight loss by maintaining your metabolism.

Another reason why it’s important is that what you have for breakfast will also likely carry

you through the day. Research shows whatever important nutrients you missed having at

breakfast are less likely to be had with the other meals or snacks you will have later in the


However, skipping out on breakfast will also have other consequences; it can raise your

blood sugar level.

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During a study involving two groups, researchers found that the blood sugar of one group

spiked up to an average of 268 mg/dl after lunch and 298 mg/dl after dinner on days they

skipped breakfast. On days they had breakfast their numbers were at an average of 192

mg/dl and 215 mg/dl, respectively.

What was the reason for this? Researchers theorized that the cells in our bodies responsible

for producing insulin “forget” their functions during the extended period of fasting, causing

a delay in insulin response. This leads to elevated blood sugar levels.

Another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who regularly

skipped breakfast had a 21 percent higher chance of developing diabetes than those who

ate breakfast.

What to do

The solution to this is simple; do not skip breakfast.

A good breakfast should have the essential nutrients, calcium, iron and B vitamins, and

fiber. However, protein is also very important when it comes to keeping down the blood


Researchers said a high-protein breakfast can lower blood sugar levels after both breakfast

and lunch. Although a lot of protein during breakfast is helpful for managing after-meal

blood sugar, researchers said you need not consume excessive amounts of it. They

recommend eating just 25 to 30 grams of protein, well within the FDA’s recommended

range of 50 grams of protein daily for those on a 2,000-calorie diet.

But what about the morning rush? If you are really pressed for time, a bowl of cereal and

milk, eggs and cheese on a roll, butter or jelly on toast, oatmeal, yogurt or yogurt smoothie,

muffins, even a banana can provide you with a lot of protein.

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Causes of Blood Sugar


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Today’s technology takes a lot of work away from us. We have washing machines that do

most of the dirty work when it comes to laundry, we have dishwashers that make sure we

have clean dishes after meals, and vacuum cleaners that make getting rid of dirt in the

house faster and easier.

Despite all that there are still chores to do around the house. You have to make the bed and

clean the furniture. That vacuum cleaner won’t clean rooms by itself, grass needs to be

trimmed, and weeds uprooted. The dog still needs to be walked and bathed, dirty carpets

beaten and aired, and trash has to be taken out.

There’s good news for those who want to lower their blood sugar. Doing chores like these

can help bring it down.

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Chores actually count as moderate physical activity, and it has many other health benefits

aside from lowering your blood sugar. Such activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular

disease and metabolic syndrome. It also strengthens bones and muscles through everyday


It also develops a good attitude; you were raised by a generations that grew up doing their

chores, they are active and achievers.

It doesn’t really have to be chores all the way. Other forms of moderate physical activity will

also do wonders when it comes to lowering blood sugar. Try walking around your

neighborhood more often, use only the stairs the next time you go to a mall (no escalators

or elevators). Small amounts of exercise matter when it comes to lowering blood sugar.

Now for the downside. Those suffering from hypoglycemia have to take the necessary

precautions when engaging in chores or moderate physical activity because of the drop it

causes in blood sugar level.

Take note: this may qualify as a reason not to chores or moderate physical activity

sometimes, but it shouldn’t be a reason not to do both all of the time!

What to do

If you are looking to lower blood sugar then by all means do your chores, it’s good for you.

Aside from lowering your blood sugar there are other benefits as well; chores and moderate

physical activity can lessen chances of you developing cardiovascular disease, certain types

of cancer, kidney problems, metabolic syndrome, and certain degenerative diseases.

Chores and moderate physical activity will also help you keep your weight down.

If you are hypoglycemic but have to do chores, you should monitor your blood sugar before,

during and after. Make sure you don’t overdo anything. If your blood sugar drops to

dangerous levels then take medication or anything that can help stabilize your blood sugar


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If you are a health buff, or at least have been paying attention to ads, you may have been

told yogurt is one of the best health foods out there. For once, a lot of that advertising is

actually true.

Believe it or not, there are living organisms inside you that you actually need to function

properly. These are what we call “good bacteria” and a number of them live in your

digestive tract where they help break down anything you ingest.

Not sure what type of yogurt to look for in the grocery shelves? Foods that have healthy

bacteria, such as many types of yogurt, are called probiotic foods.

Many yogurts are made using active, good bacteria. Yogurt also has animal protein plus

several other nutrients found in dairy foods, like calcium, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12,

potassium, and magnesium, among other nutrients.

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Yogurt is also credited with helping prevent osteoporosis, reducing risk of high blood

pressure, discouraging vaginal infections, and encouraging weight loss.

If you think yogurt is a modern food you are wrong. Historians have traced its origins to

Mesopotamia to as far back as 5000 BCE.

It’s also been consumed in other parts of the ancient world. Indians referred to yogurt as

the “food of the gods” while Persians credit the food giving longevity to the biblical figure

Abraham. In Ancient Greece people regularly ate what they called oxygala which was

believed to have been a form of yogurt.

Another good thing about modern yogurt is that now there are so many flavors available.

Would you care to try the dulce de leche, key lime? Or would the Bartlett pear or the

strawberry guava and pineapple coconut yogurt be more to your liking?

What to do

If you are looking to bring down high blood sugar, having yogurt is a good idea, but you

should be careful what brands you consume. Some yogurts have added sugar and fruit, so

make sure to check the label and to also count the carbs.

In this case the best choice is plain or light yogurt without extra sugar.

If you have low blood sugar it’s still a good idea to have yogurt if you want get a lot of

nutrients and keep off weight. However, since it does nothing for your blood sugar you

should still take your medication.

Another good thing about yogurt is that you can also make it at home. Yogurt is made by

simply heating milk to a temperature that denaturates its proteins. There are a lot of

instructions available online if you want to try this.

What’s another advantage to making your own yogurt? You can hold off the sugar, or add it

if you need it.

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Go green. Spare the cows. Don’t eat other animals. For sure you’ve heard this all. You might

have heard about a lot of celebrities and fitness experts promoting the benefits of the vegan

diet. How is it different from a vegetarian diet?

They are similar in the way that both diets avoid meat, but a vegetarian diet can still include

dairy products and eggs (lacto-ovo vegetarianism). It can also include only dairy products,

but avoid eggs altogether (lacto vegetarianism). There is also one where fish is allowed

(pesco vegetarianism).

A vegan diet avoids meat and animal products altogether and only focuses on plant and

vegetable products.

Apart from lowering blood sugar a vegan diet also has other benefits; vegans and

vegetarians were found to have a longer lifespan than those who frequently ate meat.

They also have lower chances of developing cancer compared to those who ate meat;

particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

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A no-meat diet was also found to have a lot of cardiovascular benefits and also lowers

cholesterol and blood pressure, and relieve migraines.

A vegan diet also helps people lose weight and maintain the right Body Mass Index, get

healthy skin, better hair and nails, and reduce body odor and bad breath.

Among women, many also reported that PMS symptoms became less or disappeared

altogether after they started the vegan diet.

But on to its effects on blood sugar; one study found that people with type 2 diabetes who

switched to a vegan diet had better blood sugar control and needed less insulin.

A boost in fiber from whole grains and beans was credited in slowing down the digestion of

carbs. Aside from that, the low fat resulting from the vegetarian diet also does wonders with

how the body utilizes its own insulin.

What to do

Going vegan will have a lot of advantages for you. It’s also something you should consider if

you want to lower your blood sugar.

It should be mentioned that a notable downside to this kind of diet is that you will lack

vitamin B12 and amino acid supplements, sometimes other dietary supplements such as

iron or vitamin D, that cannot be found in plant and vegetable products. So if you want to

switch to the kind of diet for the sake of your blood sugar, be sure you also have a ready

source of those nutrients for the sake of your overall health.

As with any major changes, make sure you consult your doctor before committing to the

vegan diet.

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You don’t know how lucky you are you can just get cinnamon in the spice shelf of any

grocery store these days. Once upon a time cinnamon was so rare it had to be imported

from another part of the world, and it cost quite a fortune as well.

Mankind has been using cinnamon as a flavoring (as well as for other uses) from as far back

as 2000 BCE. The earliest records show it was imported to Egypt from locations then kept

secret. It was so prized it was considered a gift fit for rulers and gods, in fact the temple of

Apollo on Miletus was once given a gift of cinnamon.

For centuries the middlemen who handled the cinnamon trade kept its source secret so as

to maintain a monopoly on the product, however, we now know that cinnamon is obtained

from the inner bark of several trees belonging to the Cinnamomum genus of the Lauraceae


Trees belonging to this family are native to Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Malabar

Coast of India.

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Nowadays cinnamon is used to flavor coffee, cakes, and those buns and rolls you can find in

the local bakeries. It can also be used to flavor dishes, ciders, oatmeal, and strudels.

The best thing about cinnamon if you have blood sugar problems is that it can add the flavor

you want without adding salt, calories, and carbs.

Several small studies concluded that cinnamon may also help those with type 2 diabetes use

insulin better by removing insulin resistance. In one study, volunteers ate from 1 to 6 grams

of cinnamon (one gram of ground cinnamon is about half a teaspoon) for 40 days. The

researchers found that cinnamon cut cholesterol by about 18 percent and blood sugar levels

by 24 percent.

However, cinnamon’s other benefits for those with diabetes still require more study.

The other benefits of cinnamon include boosting brain power, improving circulation,

reducing cholesterol, and relieving pain. Some women have even reported it helps with

menstrual bleeding.

What to do

More research is needed to determine if cinnamon is really good for those with diabetes,

and if so, if there are any side effects. In the meantime, using cinnamon and consuming

cinnamon products is good for those who want to lower their blood sugar levels and still

have sweets.

However, it’s important to check the label and make sure that those cinnamon products do

not have added sugar syrup or sugar substitutes.

You should also be aware that cinnamon may also cause allergies in some people. It doesn’t

even have to be ingested; just breathing it is enough. Symptoms can be as mild as tingling

and itching, to severe reactions like swelling of the lips and face, abdominal pain, diarrhea,

dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

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Causes of Blood Sugar


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Birth control pills were initially formulated with a lot of hormones. This was why doctors

didn’t usually recommend them for women with diabetes. High doses of hormones can have

a dramatic effect on blood sugar levels, making the disease even harder to control.

The good news is that there are now better formulations of birth control pills available

today, these new formulations use different or lighter combinations of hormones. As a

result the newer pills are now safer for many women in general, not just those suffering

from diabetes.

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What to do

Talk to your doctor before taking birth control pills if you have problems with your blood

sugar level.

One thing women taking birth control pills should remember is that there is still an

increased risk for heart attack or stroke among women who use them. Since diabetes has

been linked to the increased risk of heart disease, using contraceptives might not be


Women with type 2 diabetes who still want to use birth control pills should take the lowest

possible dose that is still effective in order to help limit the effects the medication has on

diabetes. The American Diabetes Association suggests a combination pill with norgestimate

and synthetic estrogen would be best.

Birth control pills aren’t the only way you can use hormones to prevent pregnancy. There

are also injections, implants, vaginal rings, and patches.

Injections involve one shot of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate which can prevent

pregnancy for three months. However, because the injection uses the hormone progestin,

there can be side effects like weight gain, unwanted hair growth, dizziness, headaches, and


The implant is a small plastic matchstick-sized rod that’s inserted under the skin of the

upper arm. While the implant is in place, it releases the same hormone as the injection to

also prevent pregnancies.

Good for only 21 days, the vaginal ring is placed in the upper vaginal area (where it can’t be

felt or interfere in the body’s natural functions). The ring provides not only progestin, but

also estrogen as well, which means that those who use it may experience side effects much

like those from birth control pills.

The patch works just the same way a nicotine patch does; once applied to your skin it will

release chemicals into your body. In this case the birth control patch

releases estrogen and progestin for one week before it should be replaced with a new one.

This should only be done for three weeks in a row; the patch should not be worn when

women have their period.

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Sleep; we all need it. It’s important for growth, wellness and healing. Even something as

small as a nap can make us refreshed, rejuvenated, and suddenly full of brilliant ideas.

Imagine what the full 8 hours can do for your body?

Sleep is good for you, but did you know sleep can also cause havoc on our blood sugar,

causing it to rise or fall?

For those who wake up with high blood sugar this is usually what happens; during the day,

the carbs we eat are digested into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream. Some of this

goes into the liver, where it is stored for later use.

At night, while we are asleep, the liver releases glucose into the bloodstream because that’s

one of its roles. The liver acts as a glucose warehouse and keeps our bodies supplied with

sugar until we eat breakfast.

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The amount of glucose the liver releases is equivalent to the amount our bodies use on a

normal basis so blood sugar levels should remain constant.

On the flipside there are those who are actually awakened because their blood sugar levels

have dropped too low and their body is telling them to do something about it.

This usually happens for a number of different reasons, including exercising too close to

bedtime and drinking alcohol in the evening. Skipping dinner or having only a light supper

can also be a cause why your blood sugar level dips at night.

What to do

To avoid waking up with high blood sugar you should have the timing of your meals,

medications, or insulin injections right.

You can also talk to your doctor about taking longer-acting medicine. One reason why

people with blood sugar problems wake up with high levels is because their medication has

worn off during the night.

If your blood sugar drops low and you are suddenly awake at 3 a.m. you can solve this

problem by simply having a spoonful of nut butter, a few pieces of meat, or a hard-boiled

egg. This usually stabilizes blood sugar levels enough so you can fall back to sleep.

To stop waking up early, try sticking to low-carb meals. You can also eat a little protein and

fat every few hours to keep blood sugar levels stable. You should also ditch the low-fat diets

and go for one that has ample natural fats (no processed vegetable oils or hydrogenated

fats). These should be enough to keep you asleep through the night.

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"Stop being a couch potato,” they say. “Get out and move your body,” they say. There is no

shortage of ads on TV, or advice from doctors about engaging in regular physical activity. If

just listening to everything promoting exercise was a form of exercise in itself, we would all

be physical fit.

You can think of a hundred excuses not to do exercises, but there’s no denying the benefits

it can give you. Exercise helps us control our weight and keep it off, it builds up our immune

system to protect us from diseases and infections, it improves our mood and relieves stress,

it also boosts our energy, and helps improve our sleeping patterns.

Exercise is also a great way to socialize, meet people, and strengthen bonds between

friends. You will also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise

regularly, which does wonders when it comes to boosting your confidence and improving

your self-esteem. What’s not to like about all that?

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As good as exercise is, it can cause a blood sugar level roller coaster for those with

problems. Your blood sugar level can go up or down depending on how much you exercise,

if you are taking medication, how often you exercise, among other factors.

Why does exercise sometimes raise blood sugar? This is because exercise and strenuous

activity, especially competitive sports, can signal the body to release stress hormones, like

adrenaline which stimulates the liver to release glucose or cortisol which give your body

insulin resistance. Of course, this increase is only temporary.

However, if you exercise too much your blood sugar can also drop. If an exercise session was

particularly intense sometimes blood sugar may remain low for up to the next 24 hours

following the activity. This post-exercise hypoglycemia is often referred to as the "lag effect"

of exercise.

What to do

Exercise just the right amount. People with blood sugar issues should adjust to how much

they need to work out and not overdo it. When you work out hard enough to sweat and

raise your heartbeat, your blood sugar may spike up then drop.

A snack before you begin should help. You should also check your blood sugar before,

during, and after you exercise just to be safe.

What qualifies as sufficient exercise? Moderate exercises, 45 minutes, 3-5 times a week is

considered adequate enough to keep you fit and let you reap the other benefits of exercise

without putting your blood sugar levels at risk.

What qualifies as mild exercises? Walking, jogging, swimming, and slow cycling, among


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Chapter 18 – Alcohol

Do you enjoy beer or hard drinks every now and then? No one can blame you. We, or at

least our earliest ancestors, have actually been enjoying alcoholic drinks (in their case

intentionally fermented beverages) since 10,000 BCE.

All the ancient civilizations would eventually have their own version of alcohol. The

Babylonians and Egyptians brewed their own beer. The Chinese made their alcohol with

rice, honey, and fruit. India also made their alcohol from rice, wheat, sugarcane, and grapes.

Greece had its mead fermented from honey and water.

The ancients also had a reputation for drinking. Xenophon, Plato, and even Alexander the

Great were known to be frequent drinkers to the point of drunkenness.

Also known to enjoy more than a few were Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Allan

Poe, Nikola Tesla, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, and Benjamin Franklin.

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Alcohol has been vilified a lot, but the truth is that alcohol is only bad when abused or taken

in excess.

Contrary to popular belief, having a drink every now and then is actually good for you.

Consider its benefits: It’s a good way to socialize and meet people. It can lower your risk of

cardiovascular disease, it can lengthen your life, and can also improve your libido.

It can also help prevent getting the common cold, decrease chances of developing

dementia, and reduce the risk of gallstones

A Dutch study also claimed drinking alcohol lowers the chances developing type 2 diabetes,

so there!

That last part is good news for some. However, if you are suffering from diabetes or have

problems with your blood sugar levels you should be more wary than others when it comes

to alcohol; it can also cause a blood sugar level rollercoaster.

Alcoholic drinks have plenty of carbs, so at first they'll raise your blood sugar. However, your

blood sugar levels may drop for as long as 12 hours after drinking.

What to do

Drink up, but do it moderately like the ads say. As with everything that causes your blood

sugar to rise, fall or fluctuate, having just enough is always the solution.

For those with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association advises no more than one drink

a day for a woman and two drinks for a man. Consider is 5 ounces of wine as one drink, the

same with 12 ounces of beer, or 1 ½ ounces of liquor like vodka or whiskey.

Considering that your blood sugar level will rise and fall during and after drinking, it's best to

have food with your drinks. It also helps check your blood sugar just after, so you can take

the necessary precautions.

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Many people look forward to the change in seasons, particularly if they’ve had a very cold

winter. People can do more things in the heat than in the cold, and it’s also easier to


However, people with blood sugar problems should be careful with the heat.

The extreme heat of summer affects blood sugar levels. How the heat affects your levels,

whether they rise or fall, depends on your condition, what you’ve eaten, whether you’re

well-hydrated, and also your activity level.

If the heat and your activity make you sweat profusely, you may become dehydrated,

leading to a rise in blood sugar. This can lead to frequent urination, which then leads to

further dehydration and even higher blood sugar levels, so it becomes a vicious cycle.

Heat can cause more problems for people taking insulin. Dehydration reduces blood supply

to the skin, as a result there will be less absorption of insulin.

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On the flipside, high temperatures can also cause blood vessels to dilate, which can enhance

insulin absorption in the body, potentially leading to low blood sugar.

What to do

Your first instinct will be to avoid the heat at all costs, shut yourself indoors and put the AC

on full-blast. However, experts actually say this is counter-productive and you should never

let the heat hold you hostage. The resulting inactivity will also likely lead to another host of


What they recommend instead was to go about your own business, but always take the

necessary precautions.

Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is important for all people during physical activity,

but it’s especially critical for people with diabetes or blood sugar problems. You can carry

small bottles of water or electrolyte replenishing sports drinks in a backpack or on your belt

while engaging in outdoor activities or exercising.

You should also keep items to treat low blood sugar with you including glucose tabs or

glucose gel.

Test your blood sugars levels frequently. Since heat can cause blood sugar level fluctuations,

it’s a good idea to test more frequently than usual. Also remember that heat can also affect

your medications, glucose meter, and test strips, so you have to keep them safe.

Make insulin adjustments as needed. Ask your doctor how you should adjust insulin before


Even as you engage in outdoor activity, use sunscreen to avoid sunburn. Sunburn doesn’t

just happen in the beach, you can also get it while skiing or even hiking. It stresses your

body and can raise blood sugar levels.

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The monthly ordeal women go through can complicate things more for those suffering from

diabetes or blood sugar problems.

As if the cramping, bloating, and mood swings weren't bad enough, hormonal changes

during a woman's premenstrual period can cause her blood sugar level to fluctuate. The

effect varies from person to person.

There are few studies into the relation between the premenstrual cycle and diabetes, but

the few that were conducted that show that women with diabetes become less sensitive to

insulin during the week or so leading up to their period, which can translate into above-

normal and sometimes below-normal sugar levels.

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During menstruation, estrogen and progesterone are at their lower levels, however they

peak during the menstrual cycle itself.

Estrogen and progesterone are produced by the ovaries in reaction to stimulation of Follicle-

Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone, all needed in the menstruation cycle. In the

premenstrual phase, it’s actually both hormones that stimulate the endometrium to

prepare a thick layer of blood vessels that will support a fertilized egg should pregnancy


Progesterone was initially thought to be behind the decreased insulin sensitivity during this

time, but other experts do not disagree, owing to the number of women whose blood sugar

levels also drop during this period.

As already mentioned there have been very few studies into this field (the first such study

was made in 1942), and it is also very difficult to verify the role of progesterone in altering

blood sugar balance, as there are other factors affecting insulin sensitivity in the body

around this time that are also difficult to isolate.

What to do

Given that not much has been established when it comes to the relation between

progesterone and insulin, experts say that prevention may prove more effective. It may help

for women to trim back on the amount of carbs they are eating during that time. It is also

advisable to get some extra exercise.

Women taking insulin should speak with their doctors about adjusting their medication to

compensate for hormonal changes. It is advised for women to test and record blood sugar

levels four or more times a day the week before, during and after their period for at least 2

or 3 months to establish a pattern. From there they should be able to adjust their insulin

doses and carb intake to better control their blood sugar.

There is another benefit to constant monitoring of blood sugar levels during this time, the

necessary action can be immediately taken to correct blood sugar imbalance.

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Type 2 diabetes is inherited by people through their genes. However, even people who

don’t have this particular gene can still acquire diabetes if their blood sugar becomes high

enough; this is why people should always monitor their blood sugar levels.

The danger is not only for them. People with low blood sugar should also beware of what

can bring it down even more.

In many cases most of us are not aware of the sugar content some foods and beverages

actually have.

Some food and drinks many of us take every day like caffeine, fatty foods, foods that are

reportedly free from sugars, bagels, sports drinks, dried fruits, steroids, cold medication,

even birth control pills can cause upswings in our blood sugar level.

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Without their realizing it, many people also do or experience things that can increase their

blood sugar level.

These things can be as common as a menstrual cycle (only for women, obviously), stress,

lack of sleep, heat, and things we do like skipping breakfast and even exercising excessively.

On the other hand doing things like getting enough sleep, exercising just the right amount,

and eating certain foods will do wonders for the blood sugar level of healthy people, but

have dire consequences for those with hypoglycemia.

With the many things they have to do many people don’t really bother to determine if what

they eat or what they do affects their blood sugar. Now that you know what brings your

blood sugar up and down, you know what you have to do, what not to do and avoid.

And this is where it gets tough for many of us.

We need have to have that coffee. We can’t do without that bagel. What are we going to do

about that cold if you don’t get medication? What if someone serves you a high fat content

meal and you just can’t say no? Also, there’s nothing you can do about the weather at all.

It’s understandable why many of us wage

a losing “battle” against sugar and the

things that bring our sugar levels up and

down; we love these things too much,

these things have become part of our

daily routine, or sometimes we just can’t

avoid these things altogether.

If you love sweets and the high sugar

gives you, don't despair. You don't have

to give them up forever.

As with all things moderation is the key.

Rest is good for the body, but if you have

too much rest it will be bad for you.

Alcohol will not harm your body if you

have just enough of it. Exercise will not

harm your body as long as you do enough.

It’s the same with sugar; just have


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While it’s true that sugar does raise your blood sugar levels more quickly than other carbs,

diabetes experts now say the total amount of carbs is more important to consider. So keep

your serving sizes small and take into account the total carbs and calories.

Remember, it’s not just the people who suffer from diabetes who have to monitor and do

something about their blood sugar levels. Even those who don’t suffer have to, taking into

consideration how much sugar they consume without really knowing.

The earlier people start doing so in life, the better it will be for them later.

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