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Here are your 20 DIY Plant Sprays For Indoor & Outdoor Pests: Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

- DIY Plant Sprays For Your Outdoor Garden Growing plants outdoors is growing in popularity. More and more people are growing vegetables, herbs, flowers, and even fruit trees these days.

Being outside in a natural environment improves your memory, concentration, and retention. It increases your ability to concentrate better on the task at hand.

If you are one of the many outdoor gardeners, pest control is one thing that is most certainly on your mind quite often. When it comes to keeping your plants, veggies, and herbs healthy, you want to keep all those plant eating pests away.

However, using chemical insecticides can be harmful to your plants, and are most certainly harmful to the environment. So instead, there are many natural home pesticides you can use instead.

These homemade plant sprays are not only easy to make, they are also cheaper and safer to use than the products you can buy in stores.

The best way to make these natural plant sprays is to use natural products that you might just have laying around your house. You will be surprised how garden pests will be repelled or killed by these safe and natural products.

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Garlic is known for its strong aroma which is delectable to some while repellent to others. It's scent comes into play when you use it as an insecticide. A single spray is good to knock out insects in the garden.

What You Need:

1 tablespoon dish soap

2 tablespoons vegetable or mineral oil

1 garlic head

2 cups water

What You Need To Do:

1. Peel the garlic cloves. Puree the cloves with oil and water. Allow the mixture to sit overnight.

2. Strain the mixture and add the soap. Mix thoroughly.

3. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Use it on pest-infected plants.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

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Soapy Water

Soap spray is a very quick and easy homemade plant spray. It is effective for controlling:

● aphids ● mites ● beetles ● other small insects.

What You Need:

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 teaspoon dish soap or Murphy oil

2 tablespoons baking soda

2 quarts water

What You Need To Do:

1. Combine all the ingredients together.

2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

3. Spray the mixture on the infected plants. Use it as long as you can see the pests in your plants.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

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Citrus Oil And Cayenne Pepper

This organic pesticide works best on ants. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which repels spider mites and other insects on plants.

What You Need:

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

10 drops citrus essential oil

1 cup warm water

What You Need To Do:

1. In a mixing bowl, mix everything together.

2. Transfer the mixture in a spray bottle. Before you use it, shake well and spray on the affected area.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.


If you want to treat plants infested with spider mites, spray it with salt water. Plus, the ingredients can easily be found in your kitchen.

What You Need:

2 tablespoons Himalayan Crystal salt

1 gallon warm water

What You Need To Do:

1. Mix salt and water. 2. Pour into a spray bottle. 3. Spray the mixture on the infected plants.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

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Tomato plants are part of the nightshade family which contain alkaloids or tomatine which is effective in controlling aphids and other insects.

Tomatine (sometimes called tomatin or lycopersicin ) is a glycoalkaloid , found in the stems and leaves of tomato plants, and in the fruits at much lower concentrations. It has fungicidal , antimicrobial , and insecticidal properties. [5]

Chemically pure tomatine is a white crystalline solid at standard temperature and pressure. [1] [6] Tomatine, as well as the closely related aglycon (or aglycone ) derivative tomatidine have been shown to have multiple health benefits. Wikipedia

What You Need:

2 cups fresh tomato leaves

1 quart water

What You Need To Do:

1. Chop the fresh tomato leaves into fine pieces.

2. Mix the chopped leaves with the water. Let it steep overnight.

3. Strain out the plant material and pour into a spray bottle.

4. Spray the mixture on the infected plants. Use it as long as you can see the pests in your plants. Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

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Orange Citrus Oil And Soap

This orange citrus oil and soap mixture is effective in treating your plants against slugs. You can also spray it directly on roaches and ants.

What You Need:

3 tablespoons liquid organic Castile oil

1 ounce Orange oil

1 gallon water

What You Need To Do:

1. In a mixing bowl, mix everything together.

2. Transfer the mixture in a spray bottle.

3. Before you use it, shake well and spray on the affected area.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

Onion And Garlic

Onion and garlic may not only be used when cooking — they are great for keeping insects away from your plants. This organic spray can also hold its potency for one week when stored in the refrigerator.

What You Need:

1 garlic clove

1 medium-sized onion

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 tablespoon liquid soap

1 quart water

What You Need To Do:

1. Mince the garlic and onion. Add the mixture to the water.

2. Let the mixture steep for an hour then add the cayenne pepper and liquid soap.

3. Place the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray on the bug-infested area.

Always test any solution, homemade or store purchased before using it full on your plants. You don't want to have an adverse affect and hurt or the plant.

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Green is in!

People are growing their own veggies & herbs and also planting beautiful fragrant ornamental plants to draw bees in for pollinating outdoors. Which means finding a homemade bug spray for outdoor plants is essential to saving money.

Plants not only make your yard and home inside beautiful to look at, they're also good for our health. They absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They not only freshen the air, they eliminate harmful toxins.

In fact, according to research by NASA, plants can remove up to 87 percent of air toxins in just 24 hours!

Creating your own garden and harvesting your own herbs is a great start to beautifying your surroundings and helping the environment!

To create the perfect green haven in your home, you need to spend a little more of your time taking care of your plants. This doesn't only involve watering or fertilizing, you also need to make sure that they are free from pests and insects.

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Getting rid of those pesky insects can be a headache. However, the ready-to-use products available for purchase may be harmful not only to your plant’s health, but also to your family.

Insect Soap

Although insect soaps are available in the gardening aisle of your local store, you can make your own. Insect soap spray is effective against:

● caterpillars ● aphids ● mites.

Adding cooking oil to the mixture makes it cling to the leaves for more effectiveness.

What You Need:

3 drops of mild dishwashing liquid

1 quart water

1 tablespoon cooking oil

What You Need To Do:

1. Combine the liquid soap with the water.

2. Add the cooking oil and mix thoroughly until the liquid soap is fully dissolved.

3. Place in a spray bottle and spray on herbs or vegetables.

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Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol desiccates the bodies of:

● aphids ● thrips ● mealy bugs

What You Need:

1 cup rubbing alcohol

1 quart water

What You Need To Do:

1. Mix the rubbing alcohol and water together.

2. Place in a spray bottle and spray on your plants.

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Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can is especially effective on:

● beetles ● slugs

Spraying a mixture around the base of the plant every week will not only deter pests, it also adds magnesium to the soil and increases the absorption of nutrients for a healthier plant.

What You Need:

1 cup Epsom salt

5 gallons of water

What You Need To Do:

1. Dissolve the Epsom salt in water.

2. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle and apply to the pest-afflicted plant once a week.

Soap And Vegetable Oil

Another effective insecticidal spray is the combination of soap and vegetable oil. Oil works by coating and smothering soft-body pests like:

● aphids ● mites

What You Need:

1 cup vegetable oil

1 quart liquid soap

What You Need To Do:

1. Mix the vegetable oil with liquid soap and shake well.

2. To use, mix one tablespoon of the concentrated liquid with four cups of water and spray on the affected plants.

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Hot Pepper Bug Repellent

Placing a row of hot chili pepper plants in your garden can get rid of pests. However, it may be time-consuming. So instead of planting your own, you may create a simple hot pepper bug repellent spray to get rid of all the insects in your garden.

What You Need:

A handful of dried hot chili peppers

1 quart fine horticultural oil

What You Need To Do:

1. Place the hot chili peppers in a food processor and grind to dust.

2. You can just sprinkle it around your plants alone, or you may also add 1/2 cup of ground chili peppers to a quart of fine horticultural oil and spray on your plants.

Green Tea

Green tea is not only good for the body, it is also a good alternative to kill all the pests on your plants.

What You Need:

1 green tea bag

1 quart water

What You Need To Do:

1. Brew a green tea bag in a quart of water. Let sit until it's room temperature.

2. Use the mixture to water your plants.

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- DIY Bug Sprays For Indoor Plants We love having plants in our homes and offices. It's one of the simplest ways to bring nature inside. Whether you live in an apartment or you work in a high rise, you can grow your own little garden indoors in boxes, pots, or hanging planters. They help us relax and bring some of the outdoors inside.

Houseplants are the best natural air purifiers. They cleanse the air from toxic chemicals and raise the air’s humidity to protect us from dry coughs, sore throat, and respiratory problems.

If you're feeling stressed at work, having plants in your office or home can lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. They help reduce your stress and anxiety.

However, one of the problems you can face when keeping plants indoors is bugs. These little insects live and feed on the leaves of your plants. They are not only annoying — they can do serious damage to your plants, too.

However there are different ways you can get rid of these aphids, mites, and other creepy, crawly creatures. You don't have to use chemical pesticides to kill them. They are not only dangerous for you, your family, and your pets, chemical pesticides are also very expensive and do not always work.

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But, we also want to be sure we use all natural pest control in the house as well as all natural garden pest control. So if you're looking for the best home insecticide, best indoor bug spray, best organic pest control, or just a great bug spray for the house for your plants we have you covered!

They're safer and more effective methods of getting rid of the pests your houseplants may encounter. Most of the items to make these you might find you already have at home!

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Soapy Water

Soap kills pests on contact. Treating your infested plants with soapy water is one of the best recipes to use. Soap will dehydrate the spider mites and aphids and it won't hurt your plants. However, always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

2 tablespoons mild liquid soap

1 gallon water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Mix 2 tablespoons mild liquid soap for every 1 gallon of water in spray bottle.

2. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Use it about every 7 days until the problem is resolved. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural and organic product which is effective in controlling and eliminating common houseplant pests. It works by messing with the brains of the pests so they stop eating, mating, reproducing, and they'll eventually die off.

Neem oil also has a residual effect so you don’t need to treat the plant every day. You also don't see them die right before your eyes, it takes some time. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

When purchasing Neem Oil to use on your plants be sure you are purchasing 100% Cold Pressed Neem Oil, not an extract or diluted version.

What You Need:

1/2 ounce high-quality pure neem oil

1/2 teaspoon mild liquid soap

2 quarts warm water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Place all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Stir slowly. Add the mixture to the spray bottle.

2. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Repeat the spray every few days or as long as you still see the pests on your plants.

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Garlic And Hot Pepper Spray

If you don’t mind the smell, a garlic and hot pepper spray is effective in getting rid of aphids on your plants. It stops them from eating the plants. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

2 to 3 garlic cloves

6 large chili peppers

Cheesecloth or coffee filter


Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Put the garlic cloves and chili peppers in a blender and puree them.

2. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a coffee filter.

3. Pour the mixture into the spray bottle.

4. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Repeat the spray every few days or as long as you can see the pests in your plants.

You might also be interested in: How To Grow An Herb Garden! Growing Fresh Herbs Is Simple And Healthy!

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An alcohol solution is effective in repelling insects from your houseplants. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

1 or 2 cups of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol

1 quart water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Place all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Stir slowly. Add the mixture in the spray bottle.

2. Spray the mixture on affected plants. Repeat the spray every few days or as long as you can see the pests in your plants.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil is a great natural pesticide for bees, wasps, and flies. It also leaves a minty smell that works as a natural deodorizer in your house or office. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

1/4 teaspoon Eucalyptus Oil

1 cup water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Mix the water and oil in a spray bottle.

2. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Use it every 7-14 days until you don't see them any more.

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Pepper Spray

Black pepper, chili pepper, ginger or paprika — pests hate those. All of them contain capsaicin which repels spider mites and other insects. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

2 tablespoons red pepper

1 teaspoon mild liquid soap

1 gallon water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Place all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Stir slowly. Add the mixture in the spray bottle.

2. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Repeat the spray every few days or as long as you can see the pests in your plants.

Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

Chrysanthemum holds a powerful plant chemical component called pyrethrum which invades the nervous system of insects and renders them immobile. You can add some organic essential oil for added scent. Always try a spot test to see how your plant responds.

What You Need:

100 grams of dried flowers

1 liter water

Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

1. Boil the dried flowers in a liter of water for twenty minutes.

2. Strain, cool, and pour into a spray bottle.

3. Spray the mixture on the affected plants. Repeat the spray every few days or as long as you can see the pests on your plants.

Stop insect invasions before they have a chance to multiply! Make your home an unwelcome place for these bugs by quickly spraying them with these homemade plant sprays.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this list of recipes, please feel free to check all the other gardening helps I have on the site, just click here to get started ←--

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