
.......... .



Insurance Notices. Aavertisements. ' l·;: H ARBOR ORAC E N URTBER.IV


CADIN£1-!JJAK E US, ~c.,



Thompsons . . . MEDICAL HALL.

Lat 3St War .News b ; · )ra,U. o llicers kil\oo, and 20 o$ccns and iOo men woun<lod.

..... x: . ~, CosRTASTISorL£, 22- Tbo R liSSinna EUROP)t fro•n M odji<lio nro IIHII..-ing t1.1rin:; n oco11·

noissanoos Ill! fa r as D.u:.1ujik n'ncl Sili.,. l.QNDOS, OcL 157 &u,manians Mlscrt trill. ,,

that descrl~nl f rom Plovnl\ I'O(lOrt t hnt 1'ho S tarldcm£1 COrTCSJlOndcnt in O!!Jnan'" ~army is · ·dll!tiluto of clothjng Pl~vua tcl1!

0'1't< phs thM tbo Turks nro, .u. U &\'J:XC!: vuo:u' J:'1ne:

E ~ 1' A B LISH}; D 185"' anll ammunition, Bnu ~tily p•,!)\•ision· ao~Yely const ~;ucting n 11ow interior line

IN T HAl\KfNG their many friend• in v ;) . I ed. . M en Md officers Bro~irod~C 6 ~- of •formidable ilt\fcoCCii. C.ISQ3 of s icl:· H ••bor Urnco and tho OutporLI --o-- in d IIi · d n ,u. t - z lUI au. enog, on u ,.. o nea aro comp:lnatil'cly .-arc. Pro .. i.sion~

ally for lho libc.rnl p4tronlll:o hcrutoforc IN th110king my mlly fricnda Cor thnir d 1 • fo '1- ·' b · · ·


P1aallU\tS ...... ........... £1SO,OOO A:••:s u.\L ll un~ . ..-c.: Fl!OlJ LH'K

rccc', .. cd. ltco.; rc•pcctfully to 3 nnounco surron cr. \ no,·er Ill ' '"• ut 1t 1:1 l!XiJ>os,iblo t.o pm .. l~:ll tbay bll•·u on hllud" ~ aupply of liooml p.'\lronagc during tho pMt CosRTANTili'OPLE, 15.l Telegrapbic vido fodder for tl.o thou!>:lods of oxen

l'llE111.D:Ull . .. ..... ...... . . .. £ll0,00l A:::nr.&L HEf"l:SUl: Yn{J-.: t sn: I:-

Est t:POs bn:sn:D l:'cxns,

e t twcn ly-ono yean, 1 be~ to cnll their communic:;.ticn with Ple\'M ~u.s· been JWd hoi'SOll.

F orni ore, c:~reful nttcnlion to the following list of ro-est.ablisbod. A COI'rCSJlOndent tcle~pbs f rom 110mo of tho priol"ip:tl itoms of my stock V .\RSIA, 15.-T ho C 1plli n of n ~blin, Sumby, thnt G,OOO J)rovi~ion

which will be oilorcd for t:\lo 11t a nry Of scvcml ol tho articles herein enumer· stcnmor which bus Arri• cd h~ro ropvrt.s c:\\1'1 nrc no w on tho road to P b \"ll:t. Nt:.I.Ul.1: .. .. ................ £-1:!,()()(, modernte price. 11tod, 1 nm by fur t.ho la.11:.'CSt importer in thnt the llnssinn floahng batteries nt 0 J ua:111 Pa>lm h'lq or.lor-N nil Cir·

n EA.D O J..'FIC E. The following compriac n portion of their H nrbor GniCC. M y en tiro stock which the month of D"nuoo l.u ~o hcen !tom· .-as:~i~<n irrcc;u1.1r.~, Bulgarinns nnd non ·

1 1 ~I St • ttock : is very large, Yaricd, unll complete, nnd bnrding Sulina for tllrcf' dayR. comhatmlt ~lolmmmc.1•11l:l (o quiL .0~ DON- ' oorgnle rcc,. CHALR,'l-Rocking, :s'unc Cnno-Doltolo , is ooin" eon!!tautly roplcnishoo, ill pur- Lo!'mos, iG- A.t Cettingc nil is quiet, Plonn.

ABt:RDEE 3 I\. in, :St eet. Common anJ Children's . <> , " • t k :-;- }'; r LF.~ F Cc d 0 . . ch11~ (or C~llm tho >est mar elll l.m t tho M on tcncsrin nrmy i:J di~milfs!ld J\ 81)Ceinl lh:,Jntch, 1Jatc<l ~.[OJ;•ln.f", --- TAB .:s- suey! nt ro an -:•mml!. nod oiT.:r it t.o tny clients nt con ·c:spond to I I

fti _, . , . SOF.\ S. LOO~GJ\:S, BED. fEAJ)S IIOW' crops. sars t 111t t1" ltu -..,ian1 ntmckccl tlaL

. n~Ur:lncc:' c cct.e u " 11 l'rupl rty I~ ' C~T I n ltEA l ' S. WASHSTt\ N D . ingly low r.ltCS ;- ST. J•~rr .. ll.'lnUIIO, 1 G--36 reserro T .. a,ki~l l L'O,iticm~ ·tt oolcnik t.o-d.ay, !Jut foun•1b.nd nt Current- Rnteeof 1 rcr~ ~ - ~ CH "-~lln;r. SUlTES, Dlly Rum. Uen:r.ino, Risin_g Sun IJincklCAd untlnlions of Guard!! and 103 of tho line tbe result i• unknown. um. . . 1 11,1""11 othor uliolcs neco!IAJ\ry to complete 1 Nixoya BlacldMd, lUnclau~ aro hcin~ formed. .. T he lln 11.~ians lm"'o conlnlct<-tl inr

P :-ospcct "'C!-l:'!~ rlllN of A pphcnllon ftJr 1 thu furnishing or dwcllinga. .U.OIW). O.Jid L oaf, Unan.ow1ck Dbck 'fiao Porto hM 1'(;-coi\·ed intclligcnco l.ui ldil.g 1 bC:ril's of nlill\'ll)'li iu Ut~ lgnri:\. Jo'iro aorl Li!~ ln, ura:lcu und .dl (I t her 1 All who n.• tuirc s·rod UuuachoiJ Forni- Lear' a F. Ia• tic l ndil\ Rub her thAt tho Rul1Sinn5 att.nclccd · SuliM nn•l \York c ,111111,.11ccd on s •tnnt.1y on the luf.Jr Ulnti •n .:tn btt obt:11uoJ r·t tho I 1urc, ~~~ " reMOnnblo price, ahouiJ givo Varnish ict llarn~~~.,! lll'lll!J Poliah d est royed p:trt of tt.o town, lout , wc ro m·Liu linr from ::ii~t.o •·n W C orn•· 'tuclen , U lii.-u vt Pnnou'3 Furuituro Duput a c.'lll. Ch,thcs !tru1hca, (l,u Llruahea u If. •

A. O. !lA \\\'ARD . - ALSO- Nail do f ooth _do cntcn ° · with t.r.lllchc:s ft'ol lll thuro to P lu•·M nut! •1

J oh~'a Ship'• Wht>ola. D!!lldoy.:a, D~lnying Pin, Shnl'in!l do. 8ro:L!lt. Ruho,.cra Loxooll", 17.-Titoto is repor!Jxl An 'firuo•·.a. 'l'hr Jllll~~!:;ll ol tho D .muoo i• A r \ . c J l • 'l Lu. !ted • 1\llll n\1 ouch requi3itca in tho Dreaat GIIUSc~. Caro.'Jnilo Flulf('l'S im[ll'O\'ement iu tbo WC-'\thcr on tho to he lli:\Utl oy f.:rr_v bO;.It:l Oll the

g ect or • cw oun DOU l ahippin:; lino 011\tlo IO on!er. Cl\8tor vii [Mlr gallon do. in bot~lcs Lorn, and n pr~pect or all cnga~oment Amclica n pl.lll of carryin:; 5e\"Cml rnil :-;. B.- .\ a th• U:>nJIIIT,\ KISn llt:"'ISI! . .'\.'1 Chnrnoia ~kina Chlorillo of Lima Camphor nc:ar KAtlilcoi. way carr i 'SI'll (•.u:h.

----- nl•o fvmts pans of their occupl\ti••n 11ll Coun Plaatcr, \.:old CreAm . H en,.y CJ\nnonrv.lo hill! ro-commcncc<l T he $ t.111 )ur,r 4 corre.~pr..nd~nt at DieJ11

Ju;r 1.

Jim, ''A~~-~·~ <orrl,rs in •'•nt t.l ~p:ltlrncnt will rec.::i,·o thu Coo ~il·cr 01l per _~:n\1~?11 tlo, m bolll~s i n bipk11 PI.ISS. rCt)()rt.~ tlmt tho l:z.lrowitei• is na~hin~> Jli~ , ~ i:IWI eAl/ 1 stnct..lbl 1\ll .·utiun. Drcuro" Coml>a. Fmc Comba.Can:>ry Sect! Lo .00 • 18 The It 10 PI . ~ J . 1 . o

[ v.;l'"''·'l c.1rc will he :;i•cn t :~ Outport Cuncenlratcd Lye, Uotllo Cork• . ~~n•·~~ hst 11 .a~u " I 11

C\lla , .or wnr ugnm,t I "l~_:.;r .• d . leann~ one File Assnrauce Comt•an v .. r.l.:r>. Crel\11\ nf Ttlnnr, Encmu, Olyccrino ~;) . g . corpl lo opcrnte nz.u :\llt Hu,t~huk.

r 1 nu~:m ... ·., Sanncl .-1~0~\\'nlcr ::trceL F 1n1iture Polish Glue. C:umnr .. l>ic. Honey I Tho Russum contractor h r.s lnrorml'd Lo~ D)X, 23-~,ll!<i<l h.\ 'I onlcrcd l iar

L cm:lard ., / rt'tl ~- (;fl,o iii 'J l .- u .:\ j ) 0 ~ .

C• · ''1'1-'· 1:•· the n11•rc:v•tllo estsl,li~hmon of I ,cl,md :\loae, I~rant..s Fwd in~.; u .. u!cs J tho ~mud Duko. Nach..Jns thnt thl• , mol..ili7_\tinn of r,ll tho C>!l<l;lCk:~ not y.·t ross .:1o;asr-. J ,.us ~l uss ~ \.:(). IJo,ucl Glue, Kny'aC,.:~gnlinu, L.em~>nl'<!c f mnterU\\ onlr1o I In E ng\nml for the 1 in :acli\'C sen ·iec nlllou ntinrr to nine~•··

A. & E. PA RSO:s'S. J.iruc Juice, Liquorice, blt~chi11c Oil con,tn tction of t 110 iron hut!! fc.r tho! 0110 l't'!!ilncnts. ' 0 •

i:\f ucilngc. :S_ipplcs for F~din;l llvtll: • troop, , hn., IJ 0 .1 ccn 'i'IC •l•'<i b~· the I It il' c1c>nicJ,r that Colonel '.'nlea~irw

q U E E N ~ cntafou~ Oil, 'R.....tnnd Yc! lu•" Ochru3 llritieh Oo\·cn.ment n> contrnb:uad of· D.!: " . J trfcr E .. r 1 u· I · . . ~ Dry alllldos. l>1po Clny . 1 1 C: ·Ill o cr "<:> 1!1 1 o IC~N Ill\ c

~ l'utl Boxes and l'uiTt, Pink HouL """r. . . . . ll.occn aunt ({I C<ln,t.mtm·lplc. TRTlSTEt::~ ,s· Dl REOTORS. P uwico S tono, R owin. Sal. Prunella Tl.lo P orto Lomg d~D:~liSfied With the Losoos, 2-1-A •lc l(l'ltch f•'flm Gnir·


Sir J . Lubhock , Uarl. ~1. '"'"""!:· Eor. Insurance Company. Salad Oil por ~allon, d<>. in .oo~tlea ovM1vu nn.swcr of ~~co ~cnt n sccon•l go •o rop!lat.., oponing of tl h.>t tll'l on the ,\t.l'., Jl lt.S.J . P<;:o·ul llanbu rr Eoq. E:niLeof Lomon, S.1ltpotrc, ~cnlhtz Powdol'll &harp note, p ,a gnUlst tho nun- Lom betwe<~n t bo (;.~.uowiteh unu Sulci

D~imuo llul'lon, &q. '\. . Jl. 11 '"1KirD Y.t q. ( ' £ 2 Ol>O 000 s I Gum Sheline, Snuff Deana, Outilo Sollp tJUnisliOIOIIt of t ho insurrocLionist.s in I nann 'r··lla. Tr•te•• Uuxton, K.q . .'r.o. u . M•l(eo· , FAq. AP lTAL- , , ter tng, Tb lllall Boa .• " ~ U oo. Jom"t Uyn~:, · llenj•min St n·,. , F.tq. -- ompao~·· ow P · 'l'hos.'Uily, anu propoain~ reduction of ,. The: P 11r lc through Vicnn11 it is ro

, , , • Drown W1ndao•r d o . Olyccrmcs rlo. tho Oreok Btmy ~ h., ' . . ' . J u lin l:luiiOI, 1-:··l · W.J. rhonlp•nn , l!•<t QUEe~ INSURANCE DUILDir-iG. Cl!.rbon:ito OJ Soda, Waabiog Cry• IAI - . . prO[>Osod un UrUll,tiCoJ to R m<SUl u E. Covlle, E·q II. II. Toulroin, F...... J,l v ERPOOL; I SpiriLI or Turpentine. Spaldull(l Olno ~I'VIIL IISSU~, th~ ·)~I.e of hQrl ' lll· un~c_r contlitions t'lCcllldinc; lloum~nu\, J, hn (;. lls1 •. E••t· (; , 1-:. Oootlh•art, l!•·t· - ASt>- S)'Ongcs, Table Sl\lt, JIJathor'a Plaat~r. tcnt1on. 1:0 etnct y ouaeno nout r:• tty, ::lcr••utl\nll :\(ontcnc:gro. (' . 1\ Fu:t ... E''l· /1. ( .nrdon Eto. Ql: EE:'>l 1 :"St.; llA )i CE n u rr.D- Aloocl<'a Porvua rJn~~lcr, TuiJ\ric Acid uut. tillS n duo tolc~y to tuo fact lhll t I Tho 'l'urks 1)\RCU!ltctl K~tJilkrr for Georgu \of. I.0\'4.'11, E~r; .• Secrd:zrv, 1~ us. GO, G ll:\C I'! C IIU ltt:ll ~nell , ,f ~Dl~? Tooth l'owdcr<~ PlUtO 8~11) hllll ~ot y_e: fiDIJo~C~ hor propa~.!- iour tho nussi:ans woulol bluck tiJ ;>ir J-.~Lu J . BrJt>:n liuld, . i .. Ji /tJJI/ J-erel at y STllfET L() ;\DO:\' Col"' I \ armah \ 1neg11r, Coppol'lla tlon.'l, nnd 1!1 w .. 1~1ng n litt111~ opportunity comu.uniro~ions witt: R ustcbnk aml

Th ... 1 1 , , JbArnlltv ' ' • • · l,;t>ehinCJ\ICudbear Alum to IIS•umo tho otronsi,·o agains~ Turkey, the: ' · hti\'O rctir<' 1 to J ' .r ,..,uJ' :['; .

e • rr.nta>l t nt e anu "· '·' ' -- ~ E ~tnu:L of Logwood Grnuntl do · . R · · , . • PI .. 1 ·' . · ~ou., · '' wi1h whi<h All c.a.u• ·a,.on t> '! ElOII1E£_\ Tn .4 N .\ [J~L Jl£ .. Adams lndi:m S;.h·o WnLrons ::lcholedion VIZ. Lon· u lA~ nc.~r) ~.. 0 \T' . R llliSI:lll c:1mlry fro 111 D.JI.mulsd J!\ ha •·o

PH n ,• \ ' ] \~ Ol•FJCE 1 PORT. Mn Allen' s Rcatoror I · 00~· • - ·' 0-- r ' ·

11':nu·- a::tO~rlh ndmno:cd to M\':trn'l. ·

u;.. • \. • ~ • -• tcle~>mru uau:u ct >uer I t th reCCI\"Cil 1 f110 R t'JlOrt nnd Account.~ 10r tha i Zyloblllsowum uo . .. ' I A !..Iter tl•lc~r.lm f rom<;.\U R:IV~ n h:t·~ h • n I ~~~• :.rc ... ~11 I.D<''IOI and lhl' ve;.•r 1 8i.'i,pn~·nttd l ol th•· Sharehololct'!l Ayent Ch_crrr. Poctonl, A~ora S;ars:\pullll\ I &L Bucharest, stnles t LI\t tuo homb:trd - duulduucnt ot the urml· h.l'lll!'ri"Ccl nt ""''"""·" I IICH:t~lll!; lou.,nrs. of Uto Cum- ·, tl \ '" ' \[,'t'tin" 011 'l'ul's liaw 30tl• do l:L.'\Jr \ ~gor Roactlcr 1 HAir Rcat.oror

1 ment of. Plcl'nll hu ~om"DenCf'd nlong , 1 t 1 .. , tl · . . "' I . 1 f . £).1 a . Ill ' 11111. . ... ,. n .. d R I t B ' t' t o·· I I 1·1 ' d tb" d . . . • ID I' le•· Ulh I ( ' Jl"-"ltiOIIat.,_, lllll-' l"""' ,.,,w ~ t:..I:<LY :>oi'ICTY l' r:AKII s •- ) I 1 -. L .1 ich B. rnlr 1 J.hli c.

1 , ..,. ways 1:110 •·an I r1 1s • 1. t ao w 10 <',..t.'Jlc:', an at 11. ecunvo acuon · ·' K-·• k' . . l ~ 1 Tl.~ c. '"""" thu tus h J'Oslll<>n 1t holds 111 · a;o_. '"•" " 1 . ' ' ' ' ' q., I do Rclldy Rc iof, Cnchous is immiM nt.' I Bnu .... ;1 '111 ret<.anc• 1 <>~ l ac pre~nt

ltub I C I •I!Jn"ltiUII prcsldt~l. showed , In thr Bro•ms Drcnchinl Trocho• Floridn Wntor I 0 • l . c c rt ll t I Ly t ho TurkJI. It 6Ct!IIIS cnucnt, how-. . FlliE B n"' i\·c·n . . .nlll!. \1111 n• \' IC ll r (10 1:1 1\11(\l A~tnun l Alt.! •hvr~ lllltC [oaur:u>ccs ll11l a.i . j llrowns Chlorodmo llurnctt•a Cocoamo he r T k d rt' r . . 'wcr, thnt 1\ n•tro.;•~•dc llle\·o:ucnt hns dT ·<-1~'<1 otn nl"""'t uH·rJ· loud uf l'"'fl\!rty That tho P remiums ror I i5, niter Childrun'11 TCK'Ihin~: Rings Ea Popt>ermint num •"S c ~r · s nr J et\C mg rom been cotnmencetl. in :\ctrluu.HJlnud ''" thil moat ftli'Ut ;&blc tletlucting H~>-insurnnCC!I, rmount.c<l to H onry·s Cal:ino<l ~b:;ncaia Plc\'1\:'- h ,, . st.~t.<.'<t _thnt u~mnn Los O.IS, 2G-Sulcim'\n r:L~h'\ t l'll' t arm• lr3-o 0115 l..•inP nn inercMC or ..C3:i 3-.. Elollowl\y's Ointment H oiiOWil}'l Pilla Pasha 8 COillTIIli'IICUtiOns With Sofia bn\'fl I . I . I l A r I) I •l- I . . I f r - I • • ""' ., • , , v ,. d .. _ . t. gnlp IR unul'r """" 0 CLO •cr _ .Jl '· as

Hulo• llltd J'llrl.lc_u ar' " nsnrnncc ml\y O\'er the Premium J ncomo of I ;' H · ruad Cockles 1 1111 Hunta. 0 ...-<'n c~ . . follo\\·s : T<Hiu Lw ·h· Jt · h· t J on ar l•hf:dllon '" I £..,, 1 Il l 1 · ~ "- ~ort.nn's do Panon'a do Sulo1mnn p,,~ha 1s con :cntmlmg nil . . Y c 11

• llll!l.\11 '1 W. ~~ G. R EI' DF.I, tho Lo!i.~CS 1.0 -~ '· , x:mg ·';- t G lyar'a do :\lcrrison'•.__ do hill forces nt K odJikoi.


tnlhln!l wath C!\\'~•.l ry ~nrl urL1llcry nl!acl~· ST J ous' • per cent. on tho Pren11nms of tho "Y onr. ,kad,..:t~··s do Wilaon do A n 1 f Co . e:l Rustchuk. I ho 'lurks m~<lo" ~ort au

· · "' 1 y T ilE Lll'E' DJ~'P ·' l lTJi ro \'T. · . ' n euter lc ~'"1'1\01 rom natnnh· . . . ---------- ---- . ' · ·" r. • . Unclo ohna Vcgot.'lltlo do 1 S 1 . " p bn 1' d 1 lln<l foro~.ld tho Ru.<~SI·IIlS to ret1re Into Th:~t~ow Polici08 h:ul been i.sllucd John~n·s Anodyne Li11.irnont nopdo llti)'B ~~ c~mon 11

•8 on ucs ~y their c:ntrc:nchmcnUI ut Pyr,.cs wi th thl'

~ £17 931 d b ,,_ L '.t t:• I K r c h Loz n ea mn 0 a I"CCCI100l!S511n(.'O m porson AI\ 1111' I r 0 k ' l I 0 ' 10r , ; an l nt ..... o 1 e ..,unc , ell mga ous ~e S 1" t 'k' A b&ttl ' th tl C . ,,_,~ o 45 · 1 let wountlc:l. J:o\ mr by U1o additions mado to it M t ho I'Cllul t do Worl4 Lo·rabii'\Ji ~ h1~ 0111 1' ta .1 e "'' ,_, 10 z.nro· l Russiun di.-i.~ions ntt •ckQ<l tt.e Turkish

F"J rt .. e d3 L1.:re f h , . Woodil'a I Z.OU"OI Wile IS OIO'U('n n y cxpcc........ I' I L f . G . . ' 0 t 0 ye:~.r 8 OJ>erntlona! now rcp~onts :\lol.elln'• Vcnni!u~o. 'ftt cdicumentum The m ow in Shipk Pan is ono .notre 100 or~ t ae 'lm r~m o~'lnCI~lrc.; ,

A s s u 1· a. n c e Com p a nv 0 1? LO~OO!Y.

65.2. per cent. oft he en_ lire_ not Prcm1um.s Steer'• Opudeldoc, lluslang Liuiment dee aml 0 emtion.~ thoro nro irn- t.Cllr Koso'·?· on th" n~h~ t.o :-;ol~mk ou received on C\'Cry Pohcy lO force. i'ltorohcMl'a Magnetic Plaator p I the left. 1 hl'y were repnl,w With tho

'- E S 1' A 8 L I S ll E D 182 L The surplus bnlnnco in tbc Firq A c· COtlnt WM &h0\\'11 t.o 00 £ 84,486, OUt of

S oDSCDIDE.P C.1r1Tu ... £2,000,000 S tg ~·bich £ .10,000 WIIS rp proprint.ctl to 'J'oT.u. lsn:an:n .Funs ., ... .. su~prnso Account, l'llilliug t.llllt Aclount

UI'\U.nua or ..... ··· ··· -·1 oJ~O 000 to .C~O 000 rmd making w.ith tbo .Re-.A!!ibO.AL ] !'/COllE, CP· • K<·rvo r'~nd .£!!20,000. A Dividend n.nd

'"'liDS or .. ....... ······ 3 •0~ " 1 U.mus nt tht' mto together ttf 15 per

Th "G U ·' RDIA-N" .. · ~l· cront. wns tlocl:uod. £16,4!11 ooing c.:nr-0 . 4 ~ uelliS " 1. 1 rit.'ll fur\\'ard

cl11111 Eng l1ab 1ueur:10co Compl\f, ofi ra FUNDS all thoKondrnnta~:e• mo•t de&irnblo l Ill· . . 1 . : £

· d ·' ... 1. f . (;npiL'\ ptu<lup........................ 180,300 I!UrOMI, VIZ .• u n oupleu etaul. ltJ. , n. r· l, ife Auunmce AccuwulationFnnd 22G,l9S 'lblo terms .nn:l p rompt aott.cmon~l Annuity Fnnd.. ...... ......... . ....... 7


cl:lima for l<'u. rvo Fund a1. 111pen.1o Ao· 'l ho uouerl!ij:ne d hning lioe eoun , ................... .. ....... 220,000

4\d As 1•r.t for Newfou ndland it pr,.pArcd Tho Incomo of lho ConlJ.muy is n ow t o .issue l'olicir• a~:~~inat lo•~ by Fire. £45!!,38·&.

J AM.E~ S. W 1 N1'ER,, The Compnny hu p~~id, in antift{.action

Fob. i,

SL J ohn •· of C1un.s, .~ 1 ,80•1 ,411. JOSRPIT OOIJDEN, 1 oBlUN DONOVAN

S ub·Agont, llarbo(Oracr. a~nernl 4!Je"t for .GerDfound/~nJ.


.r;;:,,). A,_-~. • A~ IJlfBW '1'. DRYSDALE,

llnrbor Grace. R. 0. SHEEI!AN & Co.,

1 St. Pierre

THR Lr.dia oonDected 11'llb the Method n t CbnTdl at Oarbcncar U.lend hold·

ing a Buau about ne.x~ ChritLmu1 the -."~,'·~!··J~JII8' obJect of ,.-hiclt i.e to raiao funrla to poar ., ........ c:haao a Bell and an Orgt\n for their n~nt . 0~!lbotioru in article. or monoy~t.o· I N D I.A N 8 A L '~ E • warda tb~ abc'l'o-named objoot will be -o-thankCuiB: ~ivod by aoy of the morubcra 'N o (amilgsllould l>l tll~tllout .thil 11f · th.o wbose n•mca aro u v;dl-knotDn Jkn.edy. ollowa :- · lira O~n lliil Rorke, It i& unequalled lor Oat., Duma, Sorea o

'· .1 Mactd~k " Pn:aJ all lr.inda and of old ataDdin.J, Froa~ Bhe, 1' W Gould ' 11 Ooold 1 Dry Benny ie the haa4t, l>rJ Pd-. md " n: J oyoo ' ,. Nlebo{l, }au torn, ~pti11oa, uloe:ra or d~ for

R . Madd~, •• Wl.Mor, wlueb a...linl OintmenU• requited. T 1b " R 'lrk•. " Blba l'ike, Sal•c i.e abo excelJaDUor Galla 011 ho.!'MI.

Poor ~lnn'a Friend Rotb'a Rat Poiaon ~s e~ 20-A Jesn~te3 fro Co . ! 1068 or 800 k illoo ami aomil pri.iOilf'n4. Ruuill Sal\'0 Spirit Glaaaca t4 f . D ~· "t ' .• ~nn led ~ t un I The Turkish loss \\'US 134 kill~ tlUU Gl) Sheridan'• Cond.iwn Powder II n !nor o L'lfS ' l r -,r In ao ' wounded. Rii1Wlel'a L.imc J uice and Glvccrine nuwnns mAdo lln m Coroo 11[>011 I I _, t G I 0 k ' . · ~ • PI - •- '- . 1--·-' n rc"'• n~ o ilncm our o 11 \'let ,,.. A largo e..uortment .r nuumltll perfumca OVDI\ JC!!lcruuy, unt 1\CI"' repn ..,.,, Ch k '"p . . . -Singletona Golden Eyo Ointment. ST. PETEII!DUBO, 20- A Ukase WM • ov o.t •L,h.n s ofbcllll df:'.sp.ttch fro m Wilaon.' Cherry Blltaom. V.iolet ~owd~r ;>romulgute<l w d 1y ordering foot, Ani I On:luUliO cl:um1 tlmt the at~ck on

tlo Soothing Syrup, Pyroho S.'lhno ho rt'llo . of reserves ~ 00 piiiCO on : T<'lrcho wns repulse.!, hut nrlmlls tha~ W.inl!IOWII do, Citralc. MAgnesia 1"80 a f I r r). tho H·•ssinn CII \'Gh·y hns postoo i tself at Smoking Tobacco, Pipe$ )'en Xuivca n Q;' 00 10~· 2 1 A. I tel Dubuk: und UC!!t i'Oyoo tho tclr•rr.aph J>&por Enn leJ f'a Pena P oncila SSTA.'iTISOrL&, - 1 osp" I )' 0

Writing 1\n~ :\larking lnka anya thnt. Suloim11n Pasha tclo<frnphs mea. Tobacco Poucbc. C&lllol Hair P onclla th&t tho Rull.'lians brwo m corpornted 18 ,· A r.u'\.~inn offi cial cleAtntch dated Sellling Wu. C.igan 000 Bnlgarinns into their Brmr, an,l !to Tuu:kenitz.1, bcl".lru Plovnn, Oct. !!:.ith, Avery Drown & Co. a Anihno Dyes in Gd oxpcct1 to 00 attacked. snya: Y Clltordt~y nftor n clCRpenll o c:n·

pockagea A uos111\tcb from BotoYa snp Sulci· g.1gomont of ton hours vourk<>'!l Jottchccl

mao P lll!ha has entrenched himself so liS division, co-oJ>Cmting with n port ion of

G roeei•J•e6.: e to cover UuatC'buk. th'l Impcriul Ounrds, cnptured n strow• . ~ e Lo)(J)():f, 21.-A Conall\ntinoplo d es· Turkish po.\ition Letw011n Gnroyi

Jl.'\lcb 1111ya Ari!il Pasha, the nt'W 1'nr· nnd Tdicho. Oo,lrko then sL'ltiont:d him· Beat Gronnd Co!Tec, Calnncea Sago Irish ambualldor to Paris, is iM Lntolcd aolf on rbc 3oful 1'0!\d, atrengtl11'nin~ hi.1

Arrowroot. Pear Suloy to 11tat.o imrocdintcly on hill a rriml tho JIOSilion wi:.h now fortifiCAtions· 'fhi., Oandied Citron Peel, J.."lavorin~t Eaaeo~Ct'l. term" on which 'l\U'lcoy would m.llko cngt~gf'mcnt ala~ rcaultccl . in t!•e cap Lu re

.lv. LaDJOn do. pa•co if tho Powers wish to mediato. of Achmet Ernu Pllll!c',hiS ch1ol of !ltnll, do Orange do. J\ottlod Fruit. O:~ml\n Pn.aha telcgtll phs t.ha t tho anti m~ny ot.he~ TurkiSh O~C('J'S. . Auoat

rauna, Jelliaa, Marmalade, Canoed Oyat.era enemy uttnclcod his "'"'ition on tho ri.!ht 3000 foot. soldiers, nn cntu'tf rf!Jimc.nt of Oondenaed Millt, Pruened .Qecr r - . I l r fi d r .ProeuTod )Iutton, Soup and llouiil. winft on Friday. Tho tlttncking pnrty c:'"a ry,_ our cnn~~n nn a qnsnllty o Pott.od Tongue,~ttedlfaru. Pot ted Doer consisted of only ono l».ltalion r~nd aoruo r ii!Cfl And amll!unltlon were ulao c:lptni'­Oom Flour, Pe , Spice, Cinumon aappcn, rmtl ,.88 repulted. This afl~tir od. Oor !0118 111 nnknown but mtiS.~ hnvc 01UT0Wll'f &ed,· loves', Pickles. &nee• - 110011\11 or it.aelf to bave Leon nttcrly un· been OOliSidCnlblc. Currio Powder, Thyme, Sage, Pnt11ley ' important, bu~ 1t wu probably a •fdnt Lo~~. 26- Tho New1 Thtch11rC!!t MU"joram, Mace, Tal.lo Vinegar, N utmegw tQ drawOam11.n's a t tention Crom Orayit.m. corrt'!l;xmdont Ill\ .)"'I, I\ !'tor malnng a tour Ca.yonnePepper, Capen, Matohea Tho m.·-··· s:·•AvA letter of 17'11, f . t' r h c i b' . Notaon'a Gelatine and .nn...., "'"" ~ • o anspee 10n o l o .&:li"'W' to s post· Woodill'a Bilking Powder, Preparod Hopa oonfirma tho t ·re•ioua IICCI>Unts or the tion} h6 " ~nvinecd a \ttintc-r C.llDJl:lign Roltinaon'a l'atont Barley, Eppa Ooooa terrible oandition of ~e RUft.'lion cOOl· is •mpossiblc with oxi1Ling t rnnaport

• do d o Oroata munioat.iona, in consequence or nogleotod ~II'Ol'dy fodder sometimes fuila Nene'• Food for Infanu. ~I D!oo roadL (o~ days. Mnatud in paokapa and bO ties A R · • ..,_,_, d Tl " l'oek, J'ream & eo .• cele t.od Bi.Bpult.a Lo•oolf, 2!1-- uaan Owclru o- IU or Lho ~rn lind tht\

1.n 2 •b tina 1p1tch Friday'• at tack upon tho Mtolbliabment of • •tr·ong Rtmian force Praen-ed &.lmon, SarJinoa IM!CODd 0nl'l'ilal\ rodonbt 1&)'11 at the fil'llt w'Mt or Plomll loob like t~ heginoing

do. Lobetar. I' oman Sherbet. attack the .ttoumaniana wero r<'pu.Uuxi o! Servia'" Bltcmpt to shnt Gluua Oaman A. IUJCo ltnoll of K eroeene Oil and -()him- before they gained the works. At tho in laia lino nnd auLmit ~lema w a

niel, .eto., ~to .. alwaii oa ban1l . IIOCOnt.l attack tho t.hl'fM! forem011t lxltl.l\1· rogtlli~r'. Gm1rltn's movdmcnt lleCilf1

W. • TBO.HJ:>SON 1 iona lee~ inl.o tho t renches and •ainly to h B'I'Illlflcn JlC'r~ of• coneof1~l piAn.

got in c!lmmnnication ,,.ilh tho fore:~ coming from tuo North cmd m!lde a coml.oinod Attack. on tho Turks, "'bo

NU'rfl3ER 49.

"'ere coanmandcd by H if:ti p,ISIII~, t lao I A l'i':l!l.\~ 1~ Tue QtiJ:r.t~Y. !1.'\mo wl.o took tlao first c'I:H•oy i:1to -Plovnn. Sinllllt.nncously with tbis at-~ . Lack n hO:I\')' C.'\OUOnAd~ OJ~ ·I I " A nnw ll''\LI\ln or the causo or .... •..-nf" u ono I ,. . I r '[ J I s· ~ho l·utiro l ino on ~11e Ent of "I . tao 1 11n11~ v ·' . n . .JJ nnon on tho

~ " 0 ' nil, l G•l ' \l L . • · L nnd demon~tmtiOn'\ wcro mad . t:> rri•·o •·' O• ''Y, ~'\~ b n~w O!l;rcu. tu ')1\· .m impri\S~ion of an intcnliou of :t•~llt. ~o ' ••uti, l nriS, . i! true, udd~ Olmzi 0 nl'ln IS. on11dcn,. su- ,_ n ·r nno~laer cnLof u lmrpruung Jua.Netcr

.. • "" I 0 -~or ..... J:ll Zl I I . f b .,_. I . . Pa...ha, who is rep~rted to la:t\'C been ~ t 1 . lllitory .o t o "rene 1 crulJ. cnpturcd witb 11 J1r • ., Jr.lrt ot' hu com- .:\..ccorJm_s to tlus story, llll tho • o:u~o~s maud 0 Ji'lt furw:trJ by :llac.U3bon Bnd biS

·' · · ' I t . fri r nJ,- for tbo extra:>ruiMry Iotter of .... n 1mpro ~1nn JlrOI':tl s tao~t s1nc:- the J ' · 1 ·h· 1 M ·s· • ·ed

r.::>ecnt m in" the Hu"-lio~n, a l·o con•·ince<l J:SmiSSI " IC I • •mon rcc~!' , of the,· of .· t, · · wcro ft1be onos j the truo rc:tSOn bom;:; a

~ " 111 ~ nn; m . 1 · t 1 rcJ b • • Bui~J ria, n nJ will 1111k .: n tlc.~pcmlc :ca ousy nmounl.lng o •ut w 1c.1 clfutt to ctr~-ct n reduction ot' l 'le \·nn .lllud<~•Jnol ~f~~llubor,'t'lf~ltl Wuo~,rds ~~..1·

II ·' 1 ,,. \ ' ., 1 • p 1. • < l ffi C u US oiiUOn. 11:1 lalr.:u W•IS In · ,, u , • • .:. • "" l'lnun 1\Suas nnny · . .• ' · 1 f b l '- 1 hJf<>ro' r.:tir.•munt into Hounl:lllill he t<•n!n.ticu u'! t 10 11.:~ t ut u fl ut.tcr, llt .:onu•R nccl'~nrv nus.~ill would thus tuo h_n~t limMr wh:ch she n ttcmlc<l at >'.lil t! in 11 lt.•'.tc"r J)().'! iliOn should uipJo. tlal' J•,Jyseo \YtiS ~Ulll}' of thO n np-mlOU• 111 1cv intt·r~(·nu durin, tue CC3Sation of ultlil ~re.1ch of ot llJ~Illtn o f un tormg th,u

0 • . "' Jra\\'H•g·room le.\nlUg 011 hur lausiMntl :1

110moo1~~. . d f r 1 - • l.o:>llO:>' :! -- A Rus~inn official cle· nrm, 1nstn.1 ? precc an;.; 1~m, :1~ 1:1

I f ' p · 1. tlcm:m dcd by l •IO lllCl;\1'1 of pohlo soc:ety 911:1\C 1 10111 ore< ua s:l\'stl•c Gnmu Duke . p . Tl · 1 :11 1 . \{ :s'icllllln$- in~p<!Ctl'(l ~~~ ThuMI(lnr t h•· Ill 1\rl!l. liS c·w~c• . 'lr ,;wu : nc-1 ttl li I' t 0 D I . k. 'I ' Mnhoa to go nuout 4UIOUg hOI' utluJ m u· 1' '

1• n •OnlY . 11• •IR:I • • ,110 ' !U t.« rdalin thi-s nwful b~J.l~h of

t r•)()pq n•·o elutoJ by thc1r nctory. 'I 1.<' "' .03 l'- 1 d d ' t 1.: l~ulo~inn loJ, ~·n3 3 000 E i••Lt •· Oli'J 'lC "' . nnt om~a mg ~ · n?w T , . . . ' . 0 • wllf't ber 1t was )lO'I:IIUIO t.o hvo With

ua·..: aj\h ollr.:l'n woro Ltl:l'n priSoners 1 I ld 1 b th' tl t un<l ·' f1.1.; nnd f<>nr guns wcru c.•(Jtur- 1,1::

1"odp 0 "'Jw "

1'ou .. 4

•J HUC h .mH".~b!l 1il~l· 1 .. ,, 1m;, u e:J ::SI•OQn, " o ~& nc1, cr •

.:• ~ . . . . IJrcd, 111>r j •nor.llll u l r.<>eul castomi, ~nrk~): proluL1L~ tho_ 1mportallon . of Clroo in ns 5f10 cli<l h~LUJe 11ho 011

!,;mill. Ihl' P oJrtr' dcmc.i tho R<L'I.~mn . - f 1 · 1 1 •I J b.JoL:i All'l • ictory nl tl P.111' o '<' ~'/ 11$ I· II: " , •

'fl D · · 1 1 1 S p n .. t lnu.t h··r.clf o:a a poh~t.zu ac nll~ 1 nm >.'lSS.'\< or nt e. .:tors· . . . 'I' b ' b 1 1 J I I t I d fi . I !lo'lr Willi Jilt M11pj10rt. oiO IS . ICO e •.ur..: . '"\ cen on ere t~ con er "''.t ' boot.s t lu:r efor<', wcr.: t i•o lin.t c '" of the ~<lrtsch:1..:otf on tho qne~t1on of meJan. 1 Gt h ~.r ~r •Y· :\J.,uJ 1mo lt a~:l l:~hnn f:"I\'O u o;•·. , . the 1irot cull to h o1· I)',\' II K •~i1: :r, ·8J iu·

Tn<' ,_,r m, tructo<l flort~<c!ultorr to , I' ,_ ' -\··1 \1 1 ,,11,. J1 ' .. f . . . , ,. s 10 ""~" tJ u\" " "" ... , 1" • ~~ . l • lo o.!.J

pr<'JI.Irr •lral'cn,IOIIofthc Hu~tuuc.>n· , . · t t' • • 1 0"' tu t. ::) ' ct · stituti~u. ~II OJ:\ ,\., l tn ·tr~<"' u ~ . .; " '" .. 1 ~

ll l)n y J '· I r n •·J her nc"lc.-~ to the p m 1t \lf lc.1~.n; l:CIIo~.rt r.~-:- -"- <''Iter "Y n u ')( , . o ': I' 1 1 If · R · ! 1 1 1' • · b · ·. her t 1 nnrcn to l m1Wr ty "''"e , n J.•w

us~t;tn~ carne~ l•,e uUt3 flO..Ilna, from wiaida sh" w . L{ onh• 1<.1\'cJ hf" ' t!a .tL T('ll'!Cho. w.:10. o r l lc••nu. Ono P."hn, L . 1• r · "t J .11," \ .•,.

I 0. 1 · r < tnnf' po o nn '" '- \!· .:·"""'· ~), .... ~ , 'IO•·c•n o 1cors nn• s~> ,·cn coluap ""!!, o • , o 1 • 1 n· 1 1 -,. 11 ..• 1 1 , "' ._. 1 k · "• tno ,,, , 1!1001 •n , o ''"" 1 , 1 w • .ur.-1~ I troopi wore ta cu pn., JIIOrd. \ t I J \ s· I ' I ~ ' I' \ .,. • t t un<' u ~il • a•tl'm, nu: on , •~ 1 1 du-co c.muOII wo:o c.<pturcd. of nn niclr·<l(! clln' l t ho wifo of tho l'ri.:lu

A s r A • :U ini~:ur or 1-'r:ll tOO won~ out \ 0 dia a cr IA~DO:'f, Qct. !! 1- -TiatJ Duily ;\"eun in tho p:1l.1cJ which tho ltcpublic aup·

li<'aJr.ltch th tcd K nr.<jai,\ Vednesdny, K.IJII plit.S fur its P reJident. Gencrn l H t•ymCinn is nth·,,ncint:; on l~rzcronm. Knr3 i'l 5urNII"tl~l 111111 II!'~OI i •lion, t<>r it.." ~nrromlcr hwc he,•n opcne I. Thr P.uss.ian ho.ldoJ" " rtclu 01 c nnw nL v~~lnkoi. Gen. Lanrotr i.i m.1rching 11~in t [ .Jm ll'l PtiSim.

I n Ci>lllll'lliOnce or :ltukhtar P IL-'Ibl\ 111

disastrr, all troul"' in C.m•tnntinoplo nrc being s.:nt hMtily to Trcltinnd. Achm3t Eyoub P.~.~h'l will ;::o i.nmeJiatcly to taku comm md nt ~:1'1:or.lum.

ul<:imm P wll1n is nbnut t.o ~~n1l Vnlr ntinl) U1kr r nn I other Engli3h olli· C~l~ lr:~ck to C•lll,l1111tiao;•lt•.

I.·'Sll')Y, !!:!- A <lc.<p.1 ~c! a r .. om CoJn · Mlant inople Rt.'lt~'ll thn! Aoh1na~ E .• ·oub'~ nppoin;.n~cnt to tho eu>mm'\thl of J::rzor­oum has bcon c:onntornnndeJ.

An E rzuroun1 <11'1(l1loh 1111)"1 ~Iuk ht..ll' p ,ISh ' i.s IMf('. H o OCCIIpies n slr()n~ po it.ion at Yonikoi, wc:1t ol Loc;han!u D.a~h .

H ll!ui:tnll alL'\C:k<'tl J:o'ort Aherz before Kurs, t.ut were rcpn l, eJ.

I61111cl PM!l:l M rin'tl nl Z •i,lc:k.m on tho !!3ru, nnd to j oin Gh.ui :It P •ISIHl nt Zowin.

Gen.:r..1 l Tcq;uk:l,oll'is p ursuing brunet P.L~'"'·

'Whilo thi, wom'\11!.~ q u11rTCl w,,, ~)· in,. nn Pre.:ri,ll'n~ l[.lo:l[ ahon 'VI" kvlw..; 1\ ~ t•Jy C' 1r tO tJu~ rmt:;~'CStiO:H o r t'l•: 0 11c <lo Ur.)"!i 1 A;ttiu,t his P rime .ll m· i~'.er T i•c l'~~i·l.-;,~ h ,,1 UC'cn i .np.llil';:t of the c.1ntim:.1l c>lliii•m, 1-o~wc~t him­s •If and ~[ 'imon ,t.·1t the O.Jko cxhor~· cl him to !1'\tie:JcJ, e:~yin;; lh·•L in thr~ • or ft>nr JnO:tCt!t • th~ g:-~win~ J i\•Ct).:):l: • b ~­twc"n l!. Sim:>n n:1d \ Ill• I"':lft. W .,) 1:• l owtblc hiu. to 11.1y to tho c:>tnatr;; t!u. t ;111 '!rnon mini~try h \d no lo.1.;nr :• m:<joriw . AR l ' 11liCJi i.~m '"'lul l tho 1 b :I\'O u;,.,.,m to sl.o•\' i::~ ho.ul ho , ,. 111: I ,,(so l.o nl.olc l fJ 1niu~ t.o t\ p11rii't) A'd ·:~. amd iu oul~:· l '> 111\'0 ao.::ial~)'. i.ll l hac·, nn " m:.n-o on n C >o~on·ath·o mini~trr. di~toh·o the Ch:\mb~t· nnd npp :.1l tJ Franc to &:"tain him Ag .. in•L ti•O •J " 'ho mako w;tr on sociolv it11clf. T h·l p,.._osiJ cnt bt!;:;c:tllhn D11;c t\l pnt tlaCJil \' iew<t in writ in~. nnd t.o dr.1w up :1 lo:.­tor .>f .Ji~mii nl suitahlo to !)Q Eon~ to .\ l. Jules Sim >n wh!'n tho moment f,,n;.~".·a b\· the D .1ko sllouhl buo nrrh·c: I. Th:._ t bo D uke tlid, and thc l'rc~ i,lcnt, h '\1 ing shown it to soane of hi.i i11tiuut.• •. pul'tho d<lC:~m~nt uw;ty n!ll:IDZ his l'r: · \'lllD P''S.

T Lo D1ily .V; 1rJ sl.'\h'3 th-1t I S,OOO rnnn mul ll) c.111non Wt'rt' c apture,J t.y Dy lhi.• tim:-, tho nnim:nit7 \Yid, the Rns~i"n' in thei r 1 cc.~nt •·ictor\" o•·cr '~hich l\f;ubmn ?lr••c~[ 1hon J;Ur.tu •l Gh:~zi ~[ukhtar. Tho 1'urk i~h ro[>Ort l!! IUr·.mo Julo:~ Simon hnd rt'IC11C'd 110 thnl p.1rt of their Rl'my is . hold in)! out acute s t.t;;c:. Thr cri,is om;e with :1 •iin in the fortilic.l positions on ~ladjll D.a:;b ncr to Le si\'!m 11t ono of thn 1;0011t l.: •n is unfounded . b,,s,,ics. Fvr thi• dinner .\L"•l 11 ''

T ho Rn~i m 1oM in tho c:u·ryinJ: ol J ulc.~ Simon lu11l en usc,! to lr pn jllr" I Alr:ulj•1 0 .1:;h, on the 15th, i~ otti~i 1\ly 1\ ecrlllin lomon-coloul'cd dr.-,~ ofr~:11~1 ~: rtpo rtcd nt 1,41 1. Tho 101\J('S 011 o~hcr nblo Ul':lllty, 801lle rCJll>l't or whi.:h h I p~a rl.!l of t l10 lnltlt'·lic:lrl 11ro not.· s tn t<ltl. como to tho Mnl of llndtliM ~lnc;\Inlo,n.

Losoos , 2i- Er:tero11111 i' prl'p:lru1g I ts like coal~t l!o had.iu Pn1i•1, n:1 l for n sni,ttc. Tho inhnbit11nts nM nrmiug tl.c lntlc~, ' iuAtliil')!tl with jon\on~y, Mi<l nnrl rcinf•Jrcorucnt~ nrc hnstonjng frorn ono enming in presonce of thn )fl\1111111',, T1-chiz~nrl. Oh:ui l\l nkhtar, howo•·er, sccro:.nrr, M. d' linre.>u rt, of tho :Unr.p1i • I'CJ'Klr:~ thAt the Hn'>Sinns h:l\'e not Bd· d' Al>~llo'. , ·ud other i.nlinlllt.c! of th •·.1 :~cc 1 run hor thnn Mt:'lldo~z. on tl1o Eirwro, lhnt aho wonlll si\·~. 1\nyth:H·~ we.~ tern slnJIO of • .. hnuli D ,,.,h wh irh to p :-o•·on t M:tdaron J ul(•i S;m•>'l h " '' i'l moro croJil.h• tlnu~ tho f t':lt ~bt(>m~nt WC'Irin::t lh:1L dre;, nne! ~oin;; to th•t~ •I .,. D 1uh~ltsS a p~;1io 1.rov" ils at E.oo:croum: 1 ~c::- :1nd lt:tll n'l. wifo of l!:" P ri!no '! m· gi\'in" r iso to u!l aorl..3 of u nfu•·ornblol l"tor. 1

' . iutlun;: woul l l.o C.1nf'",~ r·· rumo~rs. • I mnrke<l on!l ol tho ho.'\rl'r>~. "'l'hrt• i;:

A spccilll dot ted I:t'%~rontn, S.atnrdny. Lh'IL l ... ~t"r tl1?'Vno d e D•-<v.:lie hM rl :~a l'llporta that t ho 11itn:.ltion i11 ' '<'t'Y cri~iq:~ l. Ill' ; l hil P~ttlcnt lu1.s only t.o & 1t ~,, A. g"C::.t tmttlo i8 immin~nl ~~~ Koprik<'i. I JIC J nlos Smton a~ OD«', :~ud tho tlimJ:: 1 1

A dt.""JI>\~h from Alt:':~:.mdropol, 2i th, I J ono." givo., no ht!lr info>rmt\tion nbout :K•n~ Tlto PI'C'5it\, nt Wl\1 ._urrouncl' i. t hn thl\n thut. tho is comp\Nelr iuf"Clt.- l<'t tcr WM proJuc:ed; loy nltnri ~t:t u pb1 .1 n ed. I hrro nnu t !.om, itc:ont.t bto m:~·lil to ,i, th ..

A de!!p~tch MJ"' Oeneml Tcrc;nlcnaotr prown~ lihu:~tion ; tho i\tinisiN· lu1d h,, cccnpied Jl:1ynzid. C:lm ll~ily q)Orll crl iOIIM ttl h in1 j \YIIJ

n illauon.ed thnt Oort~chnl;:nfl"s COlD• wai~ I Mao. fuhon, ~·'10~0 i:;numn~'f ur mnnic:ltion to tho Rll&!liCLn AtnLiii!Sftdor polittos ill n uarly tttrft<;t, 1m•l wh<> p:r horo etuph~ lho dotoru:iuntion of eonnlly (lcsirad noll! in~ :sa JllUCh 1\<i '" i•P ~bo Cur to continno tho wu until thn rid of a miniat.or who tc\~d loitn 1\Uollt condition or the Ohri11tiaM of Bosni11, pnblil! L1 ' n0o11:1 when he w.lll~" l t~ t .•

dolinitely imvrovl'd. • T~o 11lt ion• 'll'tlre DIPcl~, thl.' l.!tll'l" :: ~:-n 1r~ :: ~~~ Price-?5 cenwper box. • " Geo. Bkltotr, " .b.U. 'l'a:tlor, ... old by ~·· W. U. TI:OmpiOD, J . J • Cit h. Ta,.&or, 11 Oila, l>eano, "o" all dealer~ io ISocbdae ; Ju. F~.. " ~1 W'J.DICI;, turoatrhott Lhe PrOTIDCIOI. Cqbontar, May :OU., •877. M ~ 1e.

Dl&Dk Forma ! · l eodN.voz:ecll.o eany the redoubt. Tb"y A portion of tbc ;nfantry of tho l m·

For nle ·at the o.tfice of' tla \:::; r•per.

"'tuined . ono hour in tho t renohee perial O oanla crouod botween Nilcopol~ ..taleb gave riae to • pre11111.ture mport a nd Plem11.1 ~:ut1ing aron.nd Oant.n's lor\ ol lm capture. Th~t Rt~t~tnaDiall:l then Gonrko'a e..valry ci"'OII'd tb• nppe.a: V"ul wiU.dr•.,, witla. lot!! or 200 mon IUid 2 Wen or Lout.-, SWl~ P~luino n»d,

llerz')govinia And Bnlguria iJ finAlly :rn~ off ehou~i g, wns eMily I" Mu.nk•l

huP,..,.,. ll:lyt Kara bns been bomlmnl· ~co · • sign~ by him nn•l !14't:t • tr 00, nQII tba~ 1\ lJ'ol't Of tbe cityi:s On fire. tlu•re then lJy II m~~.rr, wi h Vaa~~ 2~..._c;pecuu despatches to onll'ra tl1a~ it abonld IJC' d( li•eml in:u

Tho plaeo ill p rovisioned Cor Ct>ur ld. Jltl~ ShMn'11 o'.-u n:uul . And ¢ DaODthA. on the l Gtb of M .. ,. tho ~rile~ lhniloll·r


1'• auco, recoiTed hie cltetnittal, and a ~ n " ' ' inn wo• brou:;:bt to the :rerge

r!l-valntion in eonae.quence o£ the ~ " l rl"ill or tWO " ·omen OYI'r & pAir of

gh huel~4 ~oote aud a lemon col~reJ us~.-.St. .io/111 TJrgmph. · ---

( .Yeto Yo~k World, Oct. 10.)


Hewaa~tbe D~· ~i~,tbelirr,J ThellarborGra.p~Standard prand Division ,t tho Sona ofTpm·lablo peopleandplace,lL wonldintei'Mtllfea'grand wo~en, the Romow, theli~F' OICHRI~oflbePre. tbo aoul, tho tra lntelhl(eo,ce, tbo , peranoe of Newfouudlaod, to , vwt tho a grea~t many. Rev. Mr. Carling oauld Dorotheu, Gtrendolena of life, aro not f~a,., A..-.ue or•1- Gooracs·•, controlllnJ. puw. ~~~~ ~t~t, lmper-. ' • • -~o_- cllifert'Dt north·ou&em IUld south· perform that ~erviop 111~ Gdmirably. , bappy. I am afrai4 ~hat there is aome- l"etlf. Ne",.._.. .. ._.. aonal, tbiukJD!f, Bnd'beakiu~ organiem, '.OllCtl)tion Jan '!bbertlStrl em ae,tloments. ,Owing, however, to All wo 1m • es of Yiliting fish- t.hing in thil. But George Elliot bu ' - • wbtcb da1 nrter da,. ~1M$'tcd and con· • - .....t- • - tho want of tnl\·elling facilities, it eeems ormen ; na-.u -tbe1 care, fig ~~Ja two.,.Jepliea. Sbe may I.Dn'el' tha~ her f•DJP.aa tvr~to.u~. J trolled tho public opih1'on of Great SATIJRDA.Y. NOV.&ll.BER 10, 1877. -tl\o northward trip oooup!od so much of tbo flt erring ~ha~ nbonpd 'in lt. deep obj~on is not to' marriage, bot tD ibe ~ ' --. Suc:b power at waa hi• few - -- ---- ~ ~ lecturer'• time, thM wbhL rcmai•~ watol'll Something about every tribe sooiat code which auppoee$ that a '~riff' St. GeoFrge'ba, NcwfoulOnbdlan1~7• 6 men hue evt.r wielded, atiJ no wan Tn£ Chronic/~ has lntdy boon pro- will only· 11uflice for a visit . to.tlao towtu w 1dc the aun is oi interett to aonlible muat aubonlinate her lnlo eeli to her " ruary t ' <> • e•er wielded eucb power moro ek1l- mulgnting ~ aerie.'l of auggcst.ioru relativo of Heart's Oo!1tent, Glrbonenr, HarLor ·people. / buaband. Sbo may ~eflliC plea and

THE Dl$V I L-IISH . ful!.f. to tho practice of t>COnomy in tho ox- Gntoo ~Lnd Brtgus. ' T"JI OlrOROII OF ESOLAMD adopt ano*her. S.ho l!l an artist, aod &be To tire (Jenh'al CoiUI.CiJo/ tlvt Auocio.lion . . until. . · 1 k • 11 Hu hu voluntaril1 loid down hi a pcnditure of tho pul.olio monnya. Cor- Next week, then, the friends or lhl'l · • . , · . . JIClinte from life. Tho .ltomolas, Doro- f or tit~ p,opag.Uio,~ of tl14 Jt'ailll.

r1~\:/ll ~ ~r ct::~:al;;da/ m~;n~~g IC:<'I't~t-, and ~urrnndcrl'd hill IJO""r to lAin of t lul$0 oriniona of his temperance c:auao in tho Bay tuuy, wo have held ~bolr~rcat CuunciiJD Boeton thea~~, and GwentloleDI of the world do JI. 111 ca• · ( ll 1 tb th hi• aucceuor, but to tho t'nd o f bia liro with our own idel\8 of tho "fitness or IIUJlJIOSe, look for tllo flre~CUce of 1\lr. h ~~as wea_ghty 10 chllmcter, and m01t find their lives often cmmped by their

ad !.pre:~d out ~t u \~~l! .on h ~ tho Lontlon Tini.U will boM his too) . •thin!!ll." Wo sball only now refer to HUTOBt~os nmongr.t tbum; •hil,t tbe admtrnblo m tone. Next to f~ for the fi\te. George E lliot doea not mako I fear tb!e moty seem irboruo to tbe !::or o( tbekAquanum. d t' cob t :IO 03 I merk•, 'nd bo greater bocauao ho baa lonL..:nnmely, . thnt tho }luulic printing folk to the w~>Stward must bo contmt to bOdy, a~n~ll food for tho mmd . . The things IJO. Sbo only aaya -t.binga aro readt>r ult merely r,Cer~ to tho materiul · f l l:o taa was .rc Oiu\·e oo rmj ~nd colitod jt • • • \. nelv•papor hl& B cb:mtc·· ~tbonld be open to t enJer. do without tht'ir ahnre of 11 lcctttrur'" b~t in.stltuuon of man moat rcso~blo who ~ tbev tire. tecta. I mutlt now come to thor prosorratl•e . Bgente h cmp O) e to}· not imposuJ upon it, uul forcnod That lhL, is th11 proper conrso to htbosrt until a.ext summer. G od, m. t r o at~rabutes ~buy put mto Mr. Edward J cnkiru is writing an. , . T~£ R£8t7LT or .. J:~8!ill~h;bod~~i1l~tblt it:::r. h~d'"~:.n~ "E' hum!ldD eht~hractt'l ia, by alo~ pr~cc~,. !'unue, fe,v will deny. • In t?is sub- Tho antirc cost of tho Clllllp:lign, tho !JmCtlcc m [htbho and prav!Lto hfu-flud other novcl, odd is collaborating Hill the ml811onary 1 J.,bors 1u tho epmtu•l

· • 1 b •b r th won un e r I o moa~ aulucl'3tao c ttor· JCCL wo can &pt'.nk without beang con· Journal infonns us, i.~ over $400; ond uot whnL. thoy profess. Thtanssemblage fellow author is Mr. Wllliam Gilbert, , field. • ~~;o::.J.~·jt l~u~l . • ;h:x!:..:~r~ hll; ' ah •p ita c":u.,~tor and i:l' ooino?n af seious tb:t.t sell-interest b~~ spurr·ed us ll., it is ob,·iously unf.dr thu the Gmntl of men did not IIO(lflrut.o until t hey )IU~· not the dramntiae, bot tho father or tho In thl8 &j'of Islands no~ the'"? arc I :u~:~ltJd ih tnil a :non~ thq rocks whore ~~~~aen:£'~::1 !d~~~/xnffe ':o:~:~f.n ~~. to the tas.k. for, front Yllnous . I'Cllsons Division should bcnr rut tho. cost of a la~ly ltnn~uneed tbat ': pur~o. of then· dl':lmatist The conjunction aaould bo acme aovcn l•undrcd . OA~oh.:s, f~tltbful

1 t d t 1: d l•o ,,ns 1vo h&\•e ht~lo bopo of oft.en bemg suc work dosillnl'fl fer tho gt:neml .. ood, mml8tratlon ._;as to gave thear mfl.uenco. fruitful. Mr. J enkiDI :. too apt to •po.ll aod ateadCaat In thc1r C..1tll. Ot thcso ' ''ll~ C3Ul( •• llU I ' 0 y ~ . but hia control i• eior.:iecd uudor tht: f I I ts. Wh k: h ld , od k f tb b h ... ~ bs d l lecpl~· gruhed Several of .Ita lou:: couditiuna i•n•·oAM upon him by ita cas u O(lJIICiln . ~·we as ·, & 0\1 it is to bo hotled thllt tho ~'Yillfl llhizcr.~ to every go wo:- o o age~.'" IS his style by hystoriCI!. MI .. Oilbcrt is' many arc convor • an t ICSO 1\re, as

I I d b h ""d 1 Ito ' "", • the Go1 ~rnment Jl!"'?'·mg bo 'lccorded with the obiect in vio•:-tho .t1ssemint\· cn1.:uln. ted to b.ettor tho cond1ho. n or sometimes a little doll. ,. JcnLl·ns ueuaJ,. some of tho 0101t fl)f'venc. Two C'nl:!.c es 111 ron c op .. ~ 1 ' trl\d ltion•. · Uo r ulee it ae a mm later tl f 1 t 1 t t Th J J 'f ki .1 Th .I th h " '-- t ~ 1 b -•· h been •ft·' UlOro ieee• but nil tho parle haJ . . ns ao rrlco o po 1 •en suppor e t ion of nl.ostl.ncuoo V1ows-will mt~n nu. o luea at t ore 11 but nnd Gilbert" should keep ·ust the beet .,....u l II c Un;uM IH'O erec .... u, r P k ~ '·n tho c:ul!: anJ ~r-,~ r_ulea n .c•>untry, tQbJoet to a con 1111u- puhlic who fl'\Y for tho wot".c llolong to contril.ou t.c to tho F und. ono truo church on earth finds in tho mCiln J olio of which when complet~~ly finilsheJ

•ee~1. 1 pGct.:J to' eBch othe r Tho ere• lion wbocb he '"" b.:>und .to rNpoct und Loth pohtu:al pnrtie.~, and should instal We notice tLn~ tho lccturnr on his W l·ste-n Continent a aoil m1 adapt.old • will be second ~ to few bualdingt in unr ~a ~ ~ ~ b h d been dc~troyod i.ho obrr •. Tho ne:-ropnper u ,::rllaoer tbotn Wilt ll bo dooo 1¥' economically ns pos uorth•mrd tour Will an tho hBint of t.nk to much root fo r thnt sentiment. Tho THE DEATH OF T&llESA Tln£Ss of the surrounding c:olouiea '"' pom~ of

J 1110 s n ' 1 tho editor tit It " loottcr-hve.J 1 h:\n he s1ble W u consider tl nt tlus can hcsr E · .~r k t bl f, th is the sad nowa of tho day. For n~ftrl .. 20 orcbitccturul dest • 1 u uJ 6nisl bos1tl :art11u~uoua anckota nlono remaioin;:. and be m~lt r oa1-1ect it• cb:lmctur It~ 00 fi;, t d b tl 1


1 d mg up collections Bt tho ,·nrious puhhc •Pj00'd''~m ~poht 0• ou

11 no Y

1 od.r

1o ~ J tb f, 1s• 1

! 1•1

. b 08

1 it · tho intentaon of tbo'proprieto rs I f ' e t:C e Y 1° £1 :m Ullt er cons• ern nafiCtlngs bold to dofrny trn,·elhng cox :;••o.. nn t e r1g m B thu IUl t years 11ho baa boon, if I may so express roo or our IIC 100 DOUSI!3 w lit: ~Arc >U( 11

1~ ·u:n to repbcll lhcm With trac11t(ons, tU opm·on, ns 0 greator tion-thc ouo in vogue throughout tl::o nronscs ' In ou'r viow thllt J>lnn l!l cnl wo~ 1\11 hor>or to Boston tbnt they met it, t.boemprollll of the lyriestAgc. Queens be1ng prepared for )'.trochiaiiiChools. , •10 ,.qu::~r• worth than b1a o wn. Uut durm .. thu D · rc d ··- . ' 1 I bad L -1·d 1· hte k r :!ight·:.:t.:h eyes of gbiJI. Tbe bend had thtrt -so.-on '" :tra of Mr DelBno's ommron o .linn a. culatcd to opemto ngninst tbo SUC1:CSS ICI O. • . we !ave "!'. o ul lg r wor o a lN DONNE BAY, ~ eu entirl'ly •ererod f r•lm tho boJy . r h. b .ll h d .I . I . l or cnurst', It 1.8 useless to expect 111111 of tho enterprise For· e:umple h I OI>Served 10 the St.. J ohn's paper.! pt~rtloulor kand better thu.n lht!, bu~ another B:ly somo 60 miiOII North E:tst :u l t bo "Cii\llr.llus th'\urs hllYC no~ ebd•tor• !P o hills :\ o. ar~;do .s taro m ovon this "Ill to a cnmplete !check oto would t>robably interforo with Lhe l~rge tho nd,·ertiaoment of a gentleman's lnrm nono who did "'·e,.Ytbing so well . \Vtth of thts, thero is 8 mctl churaellll8t•uhunc-

u ... ' ·. t 0 ID'Iklllg o f c >nra,·tc r tra It lOU nod th . I • . d r d ., . ,. I ··--· ·- · of ha r M d T belt• b I t . ·cc:u ~0 closely JOined th:u tho aepara b r ' 1,. lb 0 011 :1 °0011>'11100 0 un er • •o pre nC$S of 1bo t~ltondBnco at tho mectmgs. crop •Or RD e-wv•u!J ...,,.., y, •PUr 8 amo re 1 M or a mos mscpnr· ing to completion. By the ~nt.ull of - . .. ,ll .13 uot np•·l\re~ oplokaohn fort lol ,~onolofn hr n • Tand h~t sent syst.em. Wben the politicHUls .\[oreo,·or thoro oro mnny who nhvi\VII tons of 0818, ~. On our ?tLt.ssnobu. ctts' ahle companion she!l beell the bri~bt 1H68 tho Catholics of t h;• B.a<- were put

>v r wor ere WI 1vo 11 tor 1m he 101 1 · 1 · d ,. ' · • ' b. · f · I · t) 6 f ~ J •\ s the mooeter :\\' on !be floor of . b h 1 d · WIS 1 to e1·mce t 101,. gmt1tu o .or -unrCll!IOnBI.oly onough-cxhibit n pro •. arms, t l!l q uiUltaty o bay nnd oots I pa rttcu a r atar 111 10 rmnmeut o her down nt six in nunlbct· lllj fil'!lt VIsit th~ .Aquarium ih propOrliOnB could I p ressiOn t at 0 n:u Ill~ · 0 . upon thhe fa\·ors reccr•etl, they can mllllllgO so n.' judice n •llinst J:nlherm!!3 whoso finale would bo generous in amoynt. It simply ?tiAjellly'a o;>crn, nntl in tho g · eater to tho place was IU May 1872 fou r '·•- ·ha firet timo be accurately mcasur- •l!brent newapapofr "'' nbut llll•nppOllb r " 11

11 to let contl"l!.cts f,.JI into tho bomd~ ot 18 11 colle~tion no mntte~ for what ·, , 1,1- shows tl1u~ tho soil on tho lahmd 0.1n bo dn1m111ic opcrn had r o r1val ond fow, yea- ftftor Dun·0 ., t l•"' ;,..n.od t'he s·llC

..... " •• ro••romtm t rooo t e 0 ~e ut WI h f .I nr 11 1 b • • . . .• . . . . F " •u M • , • lr . J lta tlvo Jon,. teotar lrernc:h atru•ch I I • ·.1 _, I ' t t'lr rrc nus. " u ' lit l em uo so tf ,bJo tmr•w•so tho proceeds are to Le m.luo JlroUUCtll o-protitauly so. lrultators. rom April, 18o8, untal tb& houl multiplied iuto IIOwelhan" hku laG ., • 10 p to g uauo 110" ccutrJ II• utterance~ 1 1 b t tb t . 1 ld r - · . · . \V t d • 1 b 1 t d . · - -1 ° ut more t h:.n twenty- four (tlot nnd 1 b · ~ 10Y c lOOSe • 11 0 coun rJ SIOU sn1- appropnllted Tbas IJemg the c.asr then o 11ntlc1pate prcscn llJ, 8 IO as Ill< un asruwu sonls or over th1rty fn uailiC! Smco

,'ho lc•l!;lh of tho body from h~J to •? nter tJmo•\ eeauao It IS ~d tmprc•· thllt Lhe friomtls do tho WOI k not only wo tako Lhu i iber ty to suggest th~t th~ A oooo nt:a'lt1so liARK£1' awny ns tho mterpretc r ot lyric tmgody. then 'thoy hn\10 l•ecn vistted l'ro~ty I'C"tt :~11 ts nino feet ~o thmt the to18l leoQ.I h 01011r updon a c al r.,~ctor, 00 11

frtouu t o " t:ll, butut the low est possible figuro. • nee;drul funtls Lo nused an some olh<'r 1

· · • H er hfu hns bct:n t\n iniAlnso ( ne. \ Vhen Jnrly sometimes tlli 1co or thrice in ~~~ ~ • . h h als uo nm r nt.n " '• a part, o 1ta cou· . tu~ "mtcr. Our fsh merebnnts ore I r1 t ale t~ E 1 d tb ld ' . of t ho cre:.turo ~~. rut rr moro I 3n •lllutlon -Toronto Globe. wny-su~h, for m~t.-mco, rt.S nn appeal ,.11 ICr, bus more 80 tlmn for mon 1 ~ 1 cniJle - ng nn. o wor yem. Tlus ht\:1 enaoun•:;ed thorn to erect t!IJ•lr threo feet. 1bo htrthost aprct1d lJI£ so:;ht of lmndrod~ of French :md through tho p ress to lhe fnonds of tho J'Tb yll, . Y used to tell of ber npp:1renll~ mexhaus- tho n~nt Chat)(ll l-.!fcrn..J to nooH' ' fi f '''h A · fi b. 1 n . 1; 1·cars. '3 ,\nk:s report m creased cnll t ·Lt d 1 · · · of 1. , lenllcleels nearly fLy oot. ._ c TAKfXG TEIE \TEIL morac.m IS m;:- \ CS:Sc s on on t· n :\u ·~ cause. f d 1 o energy nn 1cr ne1•er·Cf'nsm~ IIC· Tho llbcn~ of tho mWIOit:try In bro~J lh of tho body i~ nboort lour foet, 1~ 11 standi us rehukc to ~t:wfoundiRncl Sunl'nllrizing re~ults, n.s fllr lUI we /r

1~oney, 11~ tho R;ail'"?'w show more 1 t11at~·> wu.lo bre.'lthii!Sll wonder. ~he pnrts ma' bo exllmphfied by 11 fe w c•r· Jill it ia nearlv" foc> t in tb ickuess. Tho TmRTY su: Youxo L\011:3 J:n-csTF:D lnck of energy oml cnterpris~ In dny~ c:m gt~tbcr them from ~[r. RUTCua._-o~· /eag1a~ h1 "~· I ou t, With lmrroved .v..sscl l wouiJ go through 31\ exhausting pnrt nt. cumst.nnce! connecteJ with lu:s first '' lSI t " •··hL short ~~r"ma nry an leo, th from gone hy wo could oaffor<l to ue:;lnct lh ll! •1L'lr'·, (om it tin,. m!'ntwn of s~. John'"· 1f"1~ •t-w IC 1 w? ruuat t.ak:o 118 evtdence I tho theatre anrl then nppenr nt a bnll to this Jllaoo Bonne Boty

• • n WITii TU il u lDIT OF SUT£111 OF NOTIIE r fi l I .,, I t J " ... ancr~nscd bttstness MorchRIIUIU\ is tb f I t r th h d I .· ' . . Qer~u to nmo feet. D"-~lt. soui'C(l o s' IU£1Jl y WI ' >II comp:lra- ~>·hero BCI \ ea"lll Jnrso pnblio gatl•cr nt l<ow . . ' o res lell o o t rong, an • eMang The Catho!Jc mwlonnrv IS not lil:o

1: is impou1blo howofer, by thi' lively httlc loss; but no•v tlu1t tbr lnjlll were nddres1L.U, nmi ,vhra-e ~ 1 c~l. T1ho oxportllll?n of Amen· I last, l'ouiJ nppcar tbo least fatic;ur.d. tho An"JiC':ln Bishop of t hll DaOCCile poa-

,,,,~et::rnt of 10~381~romonts to ro nvuy TI.\LTl~on&, O, l. 1 G, 187:" ~bore ~slung ~o·mdR aro becoming ex 14 7 siC!":Illtures were ob!mned to the c:1·111

111 n cs toE t•

1o Ud' mruliLS l8 eno.rmou&- Sho wns fond d C\ cry J..;nd of dl88ipn- acsscd ~ 110 much of tho woriJ'" Kfll~ouco

r b d f f I A t St J11m ' Cl I o tb I I t b '·- 1 1· h d Y ur •e •w an hM now m tho J t • ·f I t rd to ·' ·be any 1Jo~ o t c I>IZO on o rm o t1o 08 lUre 1 1 1" ~~ Y 11111~ e Y ""10::: 110 muc 1 0101 18 e · tol•l l nbstmrnco pletlgc) wo hnd thnt k 0 • C h 0 • aon, 1 may \~ao. wo u.eserl as to cnabltt him to p rocure u Yucla t, or

.:rP3turc. Gndoubtcdlf it doea 11111 to·rl11y l h or1~·~1X young l.ad1cs woro in- or othm w~e depict< d, tho mcrc.~sins tho lccllii"Cr ,·i~ited tho set tle men ts of nonr Ol:l 0 1 0 world a compollllon t hnt I thu round of gttlehcs through wluch she • Clmrch Ship' (lUI IL 111 c:ullod here) to

!lp)'r,,ad1 in bulk or tro1gbt tho pro- \"Csted woth tho hrtl.ool u£ lbo Sostora ol 1 populnL1on musL turn thcu ntt cntion Butt.. 0,\"e, Tilt Cove, Ltltlo ony ~~- 15 su•-c to lVIII on all 1!14 atkmpu lo pMSed, when in tho -..cry bcight of h t>r onotblo him lo VISit tho V:tl"ious Bays ~nd •Jo rt!on• oi the hv1ng mooetor Tho N"otro l>11mo. Th1' w.1a !ho aecond I to otb~r ficld~-aml \\hero so natur:ally l:tnds, Exploil8, TwillingniAl, 11£oruton'ri Wo must .work well, m qnnhty and fo.uco. T horo as roo.son to fear t l.ot in harbor~ alon,., tins ux tensivo re·•ion c:t l.a.: i~ ' flab'!:oy snd shrunken and ceromony of th1~ t'h.arnclor einco t b11 nnd wath snch prosJ>ect of nltunal.(' l!a.rbor, and Foqo; iMll!ut()() or rr~u~· mOQ.~ure, af lvo want the e&SIC3t ~nd her desarc to miss no opportuuity of I Hence tl!l the~ was no pncket or ~tho ; ~hl lJJJ r h ..s a <"ollap!ed nppo.u :1nt"c conalllullon of t ho E3atrrn Province I success M to th::~t vnnt r esort of cod, etta ted three D ivi!liOIIs of tho Snn'l ,,1 shortc.~td trmmph. Q unl1ty DpCI\:1 qmcJ.-:.


enJoy men~ she lnid tho scods of her ·d irect ;nenns of cummunicullou thcro "as rh~·.: " ho hJI'O fr:lmed thctr f:utb oa I\ bout e•;..htcl.'n mont hs a::o: nnd wu known ns the B.nks 1 Tbo otrgumeutl' 1'~mpemnco ' orgnnizcd four ·• Bondi est tho oon of purchnsc nod sale II litho lllneliS. ller visit to America 61"1~ I no mcnns Of "cttin .. thoro so~mor. tllld t'Jc :nJt:s tcr deecnbod by \'actor llu~o. ox.:cooJmgly •u tcr..;;tlllg Botd ampreas1rr. nn old ono -an unnMWCIT.ulo one, in ,1 Hop~" (JnH•mle} , 111,1ncl'd 23 1 1'"'. ~·odd 01'.er. To cstnblisb c~lt~ lor mamfested her fall in;: powers. Sho WJ\.11 now it wns by mea::s of 11 JH::lll Jou: got

r \fhv r xprct to Pee aueh 1\ cr(•:lluro l'hu corr mony, wlu ch lru1ud f.:~ur bnurw, our opinton-nnd ono 1\S npplicnLio nnd ~ons to bccurne pled,;;oo nbsl.mlers , nnd, oOO< I1"·•rCS I'CIIIOnablo profits IS nn O\Jdontly weary 1111d judo,! at tho com, I up am:>ng tho mbllbllnnl!' th·•t the Gol-

3 t 10 fbbormcn of C'atalan11 11\Y l'n brgt~n wrlh ll morn10g mous ot IIX o' l nlmost ns needful to dn<- I1S when tin~t k d b uph•l cntcrpn~e, nnd when once obtnm· moncomcnt of tho nrcscnt scnson Just I t · • ced to' · · 1 k h h 1 b d b J :;&l!'ro.lly spc!l mg, W•lB no ou L Itt · J · 11•11 k 1. . ,. ernmen wero ~I Vol u~ a· · ::.11!l•·d 1u tho rockt, wa' l nlmo•l coc ·, wac was cee rille m to nscd,-tboorgnmenttlt.'\~ 1ftho Amer1 ~trauncntul 10 evoking o\ consldorul.ole 0 ,ll iSUJII wor l o..:eep 1~ "hen tlae" laolo world of London wu kettornnfortnv•llll.) 111 t.urnmer along

·· ·.,t nly•l'ypoonted !It first ~ •gh t chapel ndJOiotDI-: the churclo A pro· c::~n and French fisherm~n,whoso remote nmount of sentiment in fn,our of thl'l ,V. S. in the midst of ~lS most Lnlhnnt. g.tic~y, tho coast Jill for North ll'l B:mne 1311y. I • ,;:1•!0 a COd·fi:tb ton~uf', a~oiJen tn ~OS~IOO or ~O bposthulan~a an

1d B ISt~rs I ne..s from these fi•bing grounds places gre.n.t rf'forlu ,not c:\)lllble of hein~ wuigJa she bt1J 1\DWilJmgJy to confess her Ill· aVIll)cd ntnelf C.l"\! rJv of lhC fin~t trap of

v.llrmOU! a1zr, w1th long, trnaho:;. 10 In to t c u rc • w t'O. llO cnu •· 1 them nt snch n Jis!uh·:mL~ge, c.m ea:- odor measured. \ Vo ore 8t1uc!., bow. LO,..,O:¥ LETTEU, I nb1hty to minister to 1ts plc11Sut'Cll any thl8 packtt to wi.~t the plncE '"l" ums of 11 l ovo~ color ntt3~hed :~" 1 0' knelt m .?rayo•r. Attt:r th•• ~ha ~se in tho punmit Wi th grco1t profit, ever, with the grcnt clisp.'ln ty 111 resul ts -- longer. Dropsy bad ln1tl ber low. Only H :wing nrrivcd there uhou .j. p.m. 011 ·•~ · oot, aud this IS a ro :.a;:h we·· . Yom C:r(':\!Or "'"~ 6 uug by tho offi· why ennno~ we m:tko tho busin~~ pn.r 1 hetwecn tlto fruit of Mr. ll uTcntsos' A ROYAL 1!\'VALID. I m Juno IMt, ufter "'pry painful orern· tho 20th of May 1Si2 thCI'O was no

.. . , of tho aq uoJ l'he o r16on.d color c:lltmg priest nne. othu r r•·l•:t'"0'"~· wh\) lmvc tb~sc.r;r?nntls 11lmoot .nt ouo J,1:,011r.l nad tbBt of tbo HtsES tht1 A "rr:t t dl':al oC t\nxiely is feltnl comt tu n sbo O.XJII~S ted J\er boliel that abe cbunco of my d o1'n,. mu~h that C'\OIIIIl" . · . , fi 1 J to h:tro bcon 11us aorvtco heln" coacl u !col tho usul\l . d • Tl · h · · ~ • · ' ,... .. .1 · 1.1 d·l th 1 · r th ". , . tc ~ 1 "'3 8 ll\l n o • ; • ' Cr) oor.~ • acoo •~ no renson w ) DucnER:I, the ?tucK N"ztcs, of tloo 1\S to t .. o 1 lnes\ of the Dnko of Con · woun n " to e g onrs 0 e season, Jntlce<l townrds C\"l'mn~somc loRd coii~X:t-

• ! • reJ, but tt h:~• nnw bct·n blelc.- i ·l ""'emn vo w .,..J~~ t;akon by .ho c:wdl I we c.anno~, If wu bastow on tho enter· Unit()() States nnt.l Oanatb T ho chief II llllll" ht. H e hns been H""ndin,. SOIJU) , nnd M t-. .Muplrson with dillbulty per cd but 0011\" too exhausted nfter t ho h b tl f \I . .• 1 ' ' t .J..tco-•u~cco on •? .,~o,, ..- h •ho La1aoy of · d · 0 • ,.~ " ·· ·'ed 1 f f ' ,... .

J • o noo nn ' our ' -"I ·• "' j h S " D I l•rasl\ tnn Sllmo enorgJ nn pcrsot"emnCf'. tO:ISOn we belinve iJ tho unprcp:treJ. \\IUU In Irol\nd and lS at present a snnu aer to rf' mm rom exertton, ' 'oyago I could do nothln,. tltPn T ho If •rhato. Tho boolv lo .~ks loko :a I o •h:>an tt wu auo!!l I unn~l t •o efm(t· \Yo c:\nnot e xpect at tlou outaot to find ucss ~£ tho 'fen'~, Non soil Thoro guest at Rossmor~ <Aatlo county U on· Her dentb is early censidcrmg Wtlh packet '11> 118 to be otT early ~ezt d~\' hut

•• . ,t pulp conteJ ,..,,,, :t lo u •h t•h •ra. •n:: I ev pro•ll".l iC• I ae mH' ves be oro • , II ootl t• " D t th . I H I I , . b t fl I . th H. ... • ' • • ' ' ~ ' 1 h 1 Tl 1 1 oJ b 1• ·' lim 1 11111 '"o· 11 " 8 0 nnm. cnn bo no qnr.s~ion bnt tba.t the qnestif)n ·"' mn. o H\11 t a ore> been 11tnckcn w a a no P ays1qno Q J oun.r; un· we manager was krnd enou3b t 1 JliO , ' • The back nuJ be ll) urc lo._:ht ·' r l l u a ~~ r I oo ~ "•E :u• • an J ~"' tt bor ~four ~nk·fieet increase~, tho risk hns tBkeu m:tch dMp~•· root Ill tbo.~c ' ,l~•wn hy wlont is Cftlled ll l.oilious att<tck. garian to us m 1858. Sbo Will misn me to wait llll I could g t tLroo""h . . lhlln lho Side~. IV ~llch Bro llll!_!Cd lVCrol ~~·o· . h'lll SO:tC roco• e ~um of f:u~uro Will surely ho loo.someJ. Tlw pl.tccs thotn iu thtH IShm,l h')IUO o! ours. ~uw, W<: know whllt, in tbo deeccntlllntl\ only 46. \Vith muuy ruolto, unpulsive I walh tho duties of tho OCCl&Sion. Tlao

• ' I l!ky )'111111 rho tcnt~rl '• ~,l otEur It co~) l:l. II IJOtiOr fioocra of Sllbjomed oxtr..lct ft-cman oxcdlenl lender of tho .l'ranco Consort t hea" blhOIIR nud 1 ~\Jl.!:IIOnntely fond of life, oud per- elMS or Gntbolics who ha.-o COUlO hero ' • ., •• -u '.\ n 1n part..!!, bu t t ho provnli ool!.! 1 •t' 'ut.Jro l

1 rovon cc, 1\ h~rur o d1 1\nd lnh· of thu N ~wfo•mdlo.n./er on th~ Bnnk fish 1 r on TIIC !lAnno n t: ll.\CI!: srA!iD.\ RD] nttncks arc hk.,Jy to beco~1e. 'l'hey nr, lt3ps too ro.\dy to mnkn moxpcdwnt ruuy be judroed of from tho fuct thnt tlt•at

• • d 1 1 1 'fl h _, dtructoons re atovo t <o t o o r er wh1c 1 1 t tl 1 h . . d 1 fi f, 1 1. f 1 1 ·"' · ~"·" , n •o • i'D "11 o 10 e rn• ~~~ 1 h 1 b Th h r 1

~>rv s 1ows tan •e resu t t l'l ,} lmt \\aS 11pL to ovu opo mtJ typhoid fc,·cr SJcra cos ·>r t 10 ~~:~•o o p Od.SIIrc, ~ oc Hry mornmg forti persons could h ll1.0 l~c'<c .• of tbc eyes •r:HCI'Iv protrude t r•oyh lo em , rnceo.

1° 11h1r 11 <'lie 1 I on tho " hole fuirly remunemtn-c-which DOS f. 0~ LE I'TEit. Tho tlocton s1utl the Prmco of 'V ales wnr uml·en~nlly likcJ. Nol.oody ~>ver been nre11nred f\) r 't.oly corumnnion Le-

·- . 1 b d . -• 1 t o to po&tu.nn~e wlls t lun a orn typo , h be ·d f h Sl . . ' h .. 1fT ·r · d 1 ,. · • ~.> to t':l , Il l \I t oNu IS no rnc<' 1

f b E h • ld !'more t an can Sill o t e aore or was " luhou~" when Ius illness Cblnu o 11u o ere11a lttl'ns on t~nco•mg t 10 s .des ull who cnanc to cenlosalon nnder 1 • • : tho tubo or funnel 011 tho ••Je c3 d

0 hl u~r bren~nl!~lll·~n ° t 0f ';,or · e\Cn T ... tbrudor c:\tch. Tho mcrclonnts (From our 7Jo.~to11 Corr,spo•.,lent J upon lum somo \ Ca rs· ""O. They 8:tad "''"Cess of tho IICtiSOn by tnk:int: ad,·nn· 11go nnd othorwiso not prep:1retl A

· • .. hcrtd tbrouah whtl!h the w:uor 'g' t 0 3 11 0 1/ ::;~i"18 ~ ' <lhtro w11l, we doubt npt, consent t.o gi1·o thl'l Bos 0

.,8 1 18

__ that the pnnco'a ·sun "'''~ b1hous 11l;e11 tngo <If tho 1111 f>resnrio'a cxlrcm tty. flo.. nub•l.ocr of chilciN'n were bnptizcd 11nu •! '~ ;>elled II& a( llv a. hyoJrnuhc en l•ne dwnb' as,hum o

1 dtcrl lt d15 1 uy fishery n four tnnl I d , k TOI :-.-, .ct. - 1 1' 1 1 Ill·, too, sutforcd ftom h ts l11thcr'~ tllnc.'l.'l hand her ""J>Crlotts mir n thr r J w1s :1. sovcrallliRrrioi"PS b lt'3.,Cd Sttllice'at to

~ l'h b, k 1 tl Aqotd ra•l'mblu• roco1'·e t 1.' \V oto vet no Kl • c ro,ll r~ \' ' .. 1 1 . b b. on t now ~ ;oro a< nur poetay 111 • 1 d 1 1 C I n • ··< o ca o 10 d h 1 ' •C ou•er~·o lHlt t 1ere tll n pro n I· · L 1 d · tbts aumuoer nml now the news th·at \l Oman~ oc.u ~ 1 nn t 10 oss o aer s:' y tbA.ltlw co nluctor 0 r tho p:Aflk:et wns •• \\ , [ A parrot. It ts of B d:ark bJny 110 w~:~o crownPU woth wr~atbe for ) hty of Y nnkeo d;~nn; displnyang it ~omg ~ 1 lr.~ 0{ !110<llry, yon ~~~0"i Prince Attbu~ Ill b1hous Iori\ uoad11 thosn splendid voioo, which could thrill with ottt of ra·1cnce nml tho: ;nls.\loamry"11 d11y ' ,:; •. -.nco, and ill pbced on tho und~r ro!O~t.h ccomplauya~~;l t ol oblahor ..:• ~~ self in still moro d istAnt field:~ A IS Mhn 'l'"ent- n It •fcro Ullu goo,• eu I who Jo-..o hun ~ory IIJ\xaous. Pllnco lol·c or \\ lth fury, is ono dt.fficult to be of futi;.:uo ''u~ or.o that co•ald not llll

, : the hoad t'']UI · dut:ant from the wa! o epon•n canu tt, w 11c I ey ro· k tl O<t A .A.J • on t o 101110 str~t<' 1 rom t mt 111 IOSJnt. A I . o. bl h renlnct.>d . • · " • t h ta le• Th~ bnnk of co.vl.'tl watb tbo praoady lld:nomtlon tv wn r Ill ~~ ~. 11n uer~·~or Bblc mil in. .No ouo that goes there is rt IUr l!l pro,·~ y t o clcvert!S: of hl8 ,. . . en:-l :y foattoll<>n, wen· it not Cor \hu COl •

' o .t o tcf. ~ k b t t h keop t ho li<>bt of char•ty constAntly ndvOC/\t.os tL~ oxtftnston of Amor•e~m Ulclmo•l to abnl.:o otr luR home und faDI- 1 brothers. He IS the only ono who has POPOI..AR b"TREl:T soso·. ~o Btlon ollordcd of IJ(!int: nLie to lullkl' " ·:>CCimen '!" ro on, u 1 38 burll'U 0 fulhea·y opcmtlons as far llS t he Capo of lv t I · th fi h r. !.() n nut uml nputudo for apoech·mllkang There aro ~igns not to ho mistaken of ~t1ch 11 good beg111 nin" and oo so m uch

':~e • • > replacrd t ll!l.t Ita or• ~: aolll pos•~ A g. . r Good H ope ljsbing gtonnda. Spe·..1k:ing 1 • on arc Y;- 18 •

8 mg or wm r 1 Hn i11 tho only ono who aeoms t~ lo11o tho ond of tho r<'ign of ,.\.o~oluto id1ocy for the bonc>r tt114 glo~y of Ood m n placo . n rt ld i lructuro Bro readily seen t tin Olplr:ttoon ° two yrors t hty appnrently from personal obsccvntion, SUPJ~lacs clJn t, ndoolt or monr thoug l.t.s Tn:lond. 'Vlth few of tho follies of his \0 at root sonmo. It is truo tbllt our nO\ er trod hcforo IJ. the feet of t lan" dl5-,.i ,. 1 - n ~uo ia hko that of 11 anaal pe r. will 8ssumo11 •ccond vow, ln~t111g auvon ho nsscrtH that tho fish :\re lnrgo ab In outstde of ones occa•palaon; but 1\ coar.· 1 I . I tl h D k ,~ f th J .



· . · •oar h 1 11 b d d b ....:.. , ' · 1 , .. 1 • d 1 t - ·1 •.• 11\CI\ te l8 more popn ar 1an t o u o city nna h L~ alwnys cry in~ out " W oa, ren.'ICr 1> o nJ) s tOnl)ll o "'01 '<t;oe ~lite& tucbes.,n length, aud coated •· w ac 1 WI 0 succoc c Y por• dant ond of excellent qnnhty · and !:o Jl e...:u ' oyago 110 8111 s ~•mm~.-":' "" fEd L b d I · hi . I Kmmn I" bu t lac s~.n~ .. J•o to h>l\·e Th Bo B· •·-·1 • 200 , ! r t tb Th t h b potu~al vo we.l\t tbe opt ron of tho noYoco . ' • . homowt\rd wmd! I fancy d oc.'l stir 1111 I 0 111 urg • an more 11g Y t'Cllpectet ~" " "a • Ill nno . ay IS 111\nuwu 110mo

'1 1 · ~0 eeb ·h 0 1 omac:h C:Jnl e Rov Pat her Thorral ue of ~ ow Y o k thmks th:\t n veS!Iel of d ouhlo lhe saze ol !"ttl t• ; :1 1 .1 • f than naauy other membcn of his faru1ly; bcStUn to benefit by hll Cl'm pu\:snry 0011. nules north of th'> princip.,J re~idoncu o£

,oe:J : :~ roug t o ,ents 10 t o ~ou py · • < r , tho ordinnl v baoli:ar coull pc fo tb n 1 e ucn 1rurn. nmoug • oo mnuo o o\ d d .1, uld k . H 1 . . 1 :;, ,. ".J;,h cor re it nnd a few bt•a of 11nd R.9'. l,<'uthor Lym11n, o.:ldres,erl tho . . ·. ' l . r r:u " Labrudor fislun<> crnft. Thoso ll'ft be- • nn n nngoron• I ; neas wo rua o tho eauon. o cnn approcu1t.o tendernc.-,s tao mulslonn•y, yet t1ero ut"f.' 101110 (Jf our ~h~ b:o!l'n bo:e, th'o rcmnnnte of the oovi• s, and tho. ceremony conduJod ::::tt~ :~~~~ot~~..:,~~ of SIX r:r 110\ 0n hmd in tho Sprl~!l months, gentler thnn I wllolo country anxtotta. • and truo fpeJing' wloicl• ts rooro liiDn o.~~holto'p •oplo,poor ~shcrn.en.' scat v·rc:J ~·•t6 c· n bo pulled out to Ylt'W bv W1tb the beoedoet;on anrl •·l'c Daum" S b. ' . ed . tl t good r"'·rt'd the a'Ourrh hands of book and hno lll\vo


KR.. OLADnosE'a VISIT TO lRELAND. Wll.ll pos!nble to say of him hitherto a:l ~lo~g Jho1t co •~t Ill tbr dn,.ouon of ;~ybod; who cares to lnlroJaco h•s folloiVaog. Tho ceremony attncteJ a nbo,:•o ~om l!l ,,. ex ruc:t re or to good m:morica nud a pcnetmtaon' quito An uttcm'lt is bein" mRde to reprr.8ont There arc three SOD!;'! vory popul~tr in ~~~ ..a ~ or. f ;~'bore are ~t l~el &umo !::and a:lio tho cavity of h ie be!ld. IBrge concourao of apectntors and was .-- tbe crttacnl, and draw much comfort in I Mr. Glad~t~no's vi.! it to Ireland as of London 6t :-oets just new-" Stiver •I mltC31 ol. ltsO coofet I ur~pler~ n"'"t lh

H is io hag hcst order or tho inter- of thu moat tmpreMivo c haracter. The "In lhollO C.'\JM whoro tb.o fishery wu antieipnting the return voyages, horul~ esl.lecial political significance I t is Tbro&da nmong tlae Gold," which "ims w;·. •;n IO una o t IO reu~c ure It hu "rudimontnr" bnlln oovioos retu rucd ~o tho Convent, wh,.ro proaocntod \Yoth daligonco and energy, tho ever for tLo best., and not tLo worat. snid fo r oxnmple that h6 res;nn· -1 the at ll.e pnthotic; "Sweet Bello Mnhone," wftllc,•: Olvaulc: tod tl!o ohvor srent 1\molnnt

- I 1 d fi ed · 1 ; they ~:rooted their el tifed 1 C • d proooeds have been fllir. Tho bdtt . ,, Mr. . . . ' . .' " 1.-u which is t.vrribly s entimcnt.ul · 11nJ o avur on ann 111 t e Vl\riOIIS p ~Ct'S / fl'•d c eu 1 " 0 lntoro:l Orj!ftllP . r II

801 riCO I, ~r:.d•h:lw'a Schooner Prank, Niokorsoo ThP pspors m~rn\ us an Bo!.tou, tbat loaderahtp or hl8 party l>ecauso tile T s ' bo. ed d 1 l

\\"hcllaer t~e Dab can " hBtl'" aR HU!!O artor trhlch they IYero tntroducod, for m:1•tor. which for a crew of ten men lAnd ' moderate Irish Liberals first dose ted " he ailor'J Wife," which is a renl ~ ' 0 e•.mme'"!lt 'nn mnny 01 aor par 8

woul.! bate us bel it-we. Cll~ herdly be lhe lirat timo into tho monae~ry in od 7W qumtala cured Aah, tho men malcing Tll.£ 0.\TCII ox- L: BRADOR him for Mr. Batt, and tba' bo now~ good old fa,bioned kind of aong. The ~othob ~uthen.:~ not ~po.ken ~f yet, a1-.lffirmf'd but "ben irritated or alt~rmed closure and IVelcometl by S1ator Clara, for hAlf their cat.clt ia four monlhs work is short A abort cnteh in strict philo· a wny to win bttck tho support or tbol e dsys of tho two pntbellc ones is nearly b 11S n:qnen .Y Y,ltatoc, nn owmg 111

"er r.ny '~eon tho CXDroa&ibo of tho mie'.l"CII of lhe no•1cee. £40 each,--whach m"•t bo coo.aidoN'd sopby I suf1P0Se is in&epnmblo ft'Om a who left him in 1873 In the ,..~ t ovor, but tho last n~~med, which re· t e second place to th~ w~nt of otny pro· hcfiO staring eye• is said · on ftOOd aat11factory, th\S voy11go paying all con- full ono. If we fool comfort.nblo over contusion of tho Horn~ Rulo camp the':.o counts t.he chilnnll ofNnncy Leo, has yr:~ ~~118 oLflcomtoml~!'!ct~~·oo, I ha,·~ Lno: :1 tho rity to be poeulinrly f~ious. rho tracliltonal hatred of Frenchmen, ~~~ ~~Y· ~~.~~ i:i·~·:~!;';~tllbc.u:J::I: stenerous b3uls in 0\·ery se:a, tho short is hnpo Cor the rc-formntion of 1111 lrlllh come in, and may bo bcard in &ny street I Ult "IJ<;Oea uia ot ·h \ ::' . IJn PpcGrR~n,, . uo

u Frenc.hmon, oy En~liabmeo is Cfi catch that is tlto opJibsite-unoomfort· L.bcrul • . 1n L : ndon whcno tho ~ys oro not too ' J 1 JSOn • e .. , o,. • · Ul 1\UIII ""• ~ b with the numbor of men had 650 1 .p:u-ty 1n aympathy w1th the d t · tl - 1 Tl to Vllit theao part:\ ~ G c. LO~ON Tl.V BS .L'Il l'S dently a t •ng of tho pall. No greater quiutela 1111d bor crew h.."\d corrospondmlt &I,Jo-is 1\11 cssentiAI )J.'lrt of tho ecou· front Libetal Lench. N o"•; notbmg prou o smg as 1ey ~o a ong. tl.'l .

EOlfQU. proof or it could bo J:iYon tht\n men- waget. Thia al•o mar. bo r~rdod 4 , omy of fishing, ond indeed of nil human that Mr. Glndstone tiOCOt can be without moveauont uplli~arqB ouscht ~ begin to (To ~ C011lmrld • ., Go& of the grut not en tales ~ u- uon of the hearty appll'uao beatowcd tolerably good worlc. b(r. Shw voesel enhrpri.sea. Tho bett getting-on h the lmportsnce. • If bo writ.oe a pn\·ato let- 1-cact upon Clmt>OSers nnlll England is

,. upon Mr. Gladatono at NuUtngham, ou l.ho McMillan blld MO qainlllt on world is something aftet tnbulation. to G It h E ablo w bo3St that at liiSt eho posscsacs Tn£ Loutaauno RuLlfA.T.-'"'- po :-.:-po bu laid down hi a •ecptre r. Sept, 29, wb~ho uttorod 1 he follow tbo ht Au~ruet; and the chances of aucOC$& A. II our g~t rich people, m erchnnt.s, IAlr a reo- 0 mny eet urope in a nah\'O gen11U1. "" Dclaue; who bu c:ealled to be +b~ e!!1tor ng kl udly ee en II .. " W e do not iu tbi• cue wore very choori"" had tb~ '-- k d • 1. •• ,. 1 flamo. But 1f aoybody hoJlOI thnt M•·. Bfeton 11 rejoicio.~r oYer lhd complnuou

f h d T ,. ..., .... n ers an capltR 18....., are ,,.r un ltlJ>· Gl d to ' . .• t h N b f I LADY s ov.tL " •nlTeft• of an l·mpe t I t• f ., b o t c Lon on arnu Wii"lfb"-..C.O . h . b b d not boon marred by intomper:moo, whi th a s no a VIHI• o t o ort o re· • " ""· r an 1110 o • ra1 way-t o anonlv reckot: am<on,: monarch• bat- Wll to quarr " 1t any 0 y , llnd, 11 ncceasitatod tho abandonment of the fieh· p ie•· thnn e li,ght-loadoo crnft or men lnnd will b;in.," about anv now do""r- It :. apro""-• oC latl.v no,·ell8. •·, 1·nter· roBd fro~e minea at SJdnoy to t bu

" ·-. far aa Franco it concernetl. ahe I• our nnd bo""' from •ba Nor'h-t\ d Tl o J ,... ..., r- '"" t f L · 0 : t 1\"0Uid t:iot u•r to B:~d l\ ,earer or • ory. In \111! other mnanoea, ono a voeool r- ~ u • ~ r · 1 111re ·~?ng tho H om!l .f.{ulo members, · d · !'Or o ou•• urg. ur deA~atc:h 1n· • cr.,..,n •bote power to inOuence Eu- frieod, our nei~;h bor. W e suffer io her owned by a loo...l company, llnd two TCI· WAnts of tho former&rc costly , while those I ~ only tay tbat I have jnat bceu esting an •. mstructive I.e read tho lisl3 iorma u• that trains aro now runmoq. rop•an aJrain ia gro•ter thao hie bato aulff'ringt. If "he pros:pcra: wo ahue •ela by .Moaars .. Job Bros. & Oo., -..·o of ~ho IMter are mexpensive. Another talking to ono of thc .most moderu.te of of new novels oommC'nded by ~o pnb· rhie l'Oad baa been built b! the Capo boca duriag tbe lad tbirtr·•.ev. eo ,.eArP. in her proaperit1 from the fr1e::~dhneu beliorc, i£ tho mero ri'k.s of the .,.oyAgo year may rodoo11. tho present on~, and them, and be laughs nt tha very i<i~ liahers.. Me.>~Srs. Bontll'y h!lvo JUst aont Bret~n Companr for the purpose of

J that u:1il61 the I wo countr10l!, nod 1 bad been alouo invnlvod, tho Nturn• would me11 and boy a 6no.l generous credits on Th c; tlt out the1r catalogue. Tbreo works out -<:11rrymg cOAl from tho miues ti t ::tJd ner " ~l11n m"y oon'le and men ~·1 "O aak you to l..aatolf woth me ono \I'Ord ol not ~••o daa:appomted the ownore." the morcbun•· ' Jod.,rs, uud" r the1· r ere JI\'U or 0 moment a ohanco th•' .1 • b b . • b , .. · D , r T • ' up • .. o- " the Homo ltule ru.rty would • t·· · •o of four 1\ro by Indy novnlia•~ "[r. an" ID t e IC.1Lt.t v to t o port of .uuu••· ~~~ go on forewer" IIDI!er6 &Od fenont admiration fur tbo r- up 1" In• WI. .1J J

b b • o. ' t • · d b F b Tn oxpir,· of the contrRct with tho namea. fragments, but llillO'l lft!lllrs. SullivRn, Oharlea Gibbon nnd tho H on. Lo"is burg,.wboro 1t 1t erpectad tho, coal CI\D :lug t o tile utterance of any groa preeon. athtu e ol t e rene nation. Alla.n Line for conveyance of our mails THE A.JURIOAN rtsrrEntES Mitcheii·Honry, and O'ShaughnCIIIIy do· wmgnaM '"" ,., _ _. •In .d h 1 be tblppod throu~thout tho wmacr. I t ne.opaper concemlny lteetr, for a lll't'nt We eeo I be french people enga:red in . . terrn.ined UJIOn a compromise there ia no crowd of thts women folko am~"t!a "'ho o ia to bo ho!Jed that tho now roatl "•II ncwtp~tpef ia • firing org;'nilm. lVbit'b tbe conduct or a gre!lt polillcnl wiedom a&.nd pusengors naturally leada one to thl8kyea

1r are p:>ac;__.11

11110• OCalenc Aand manner or -tonbt tba~ wl.&tts~ ur.beoomea h• .,.,_abroad bo cb~~·a lady' .. s :._r~. prove all that ita fricotla ho.ped it -.ou!.l

m:1ny moo eerve but wh1ch ex11t1 by aolonget t l'o French peon)o aioee thll tbe coo.aidoration u to how our want& mote ere -men aro ral ures. 11po nn I f M Y p 11

., d B. the . v o-·- ..._... ~v "' bo u a 111... f d 1 '- 1 ' d f ,. · th· ..Lot t '-· ·.1 •.• fi .1 0 Cod beh. d h d b o -ra. arne an a~r ID· Ia fi""l·on tl1en fior the futo1 ..... to be . -o• o oYe op1~ • ft 004

its own power of II Yin'" tiO ia depeo "ar o 1870 wnich tho whole world 10 11 rea.,.,., are o...., proV!u.,.. or_ m anu apo aro Ill • •n -an ot er te •t..,_f •1. • bod h' ,, 1

. 1 "'" ' ' . .., mtQM of C n --qc¥!{1\e CA ... · f t U · l •~t· '-- · gn Y o ... e mam .,. o t e nil co~·•derod "woman's k:ngdom 1" _._,_ . ape ,.._. ron· rlcnt upon co man for ita lifo· and eo minht en• y, Ill)~ which we mu•L admire. u ure. Dlversa '""" 1mooy can oo words, ore'll'll' oarmngs aro IC£a than r t ....,. ·(t be od """ ~· ....... - _ ....,_ the orgnl.litU: known u tho' Loqdon &IC~mmanJ, moderation, fi rmoe11 of bome to the ellicieooy with whicb the Lhoir outgoes. ~ B::' b' !jr.,d wl. .6!J~r; ~ _ ".. Tim<!J "'ai tMtfqre Hr: .I)eJRIJO .-111 ~orn PUfRO•o1 rc!.~ot (or law, determined proaent oonLraotol"l have performed tho I am not auro that mankind co11ld be ~· ":' rea .Y lljpU d 11 ~ A. cable deapatcb eay•llfi,1'HI.u baa A Pall Mall Ga.utu Berlin Tt~lea~ nod "ill be ll~ter he ehall ha•e d••d: ottMhmtnt to fr•e jtOVornment-tbeae eerriee. The invidious diatincUOWI oom· happy in a moderato degree even, execpt qu~noe, lD .. cobcmJ.lromPIIOI,. an • ta.s b 0 ~n editorial on Loril Dalffria'• apeeebea uye-The ll~ .. ino GOYPrnment hu de\ but it wu 4arif\g hi• ,ditorabip thai ore tbo qu~liti01 which are tranquilly plained of by certain or our oontem- tboy und•rgo eerio111 burden1. Great caDftJ a ways . 10

• •: tamen • u in Manirnba, It pjliU.OMS Dufferill ia terminod to roorgania& ill~tillery, be· the foroaao,i' J!eW•J?Aper. jn tbe- .,orld but iodohblf impr011ed upqn tire ber~rt porariea Jane O'lliJ~ we truat, to be point- aohievomenta and unboard-or diautora- conee~~ ~ ~a:m~t ~~ ~teatonant4 to " trno t'oamopolitan. ancl t,horongbly ing coorincrd or 'be auporioritr. of tbQt madq 1b r-test ld,aneo• tqward thllt. of tbe nat1on. duch, ~\ leut, ie &be ed Qat by the <Jo•e~ment to cnanre the 6m and preparatory to tho• exerc ea .e~ 1P tn 1 1 acncc. underatande ooc of tbe moat e.:~mpro-· of tbo 1'urlts compnrod with 1h own, atllttl of ideal ~etlleoee and undiaputed imp;011ion made on me aa a ·~a tor their abolition. Whits\ owning tb.t.t. it fonuett-mak:e interesting Pftg08 in men'a George Elliot is getting it hot.. Mr. booeive t'OIIlmunitiea. that pbilo1opby 1'hirb placet the .Rusaicm nrmy 11t A

poWler -~ieh the nenpaper ar~m .. to by tb" conduo(of the people or .rr;9CI i would be dilficult to obtolln more gcner· livca. A rebuil~ city, npon tbe a.sboa Swinburne baa preached her euch &•ler- pyer lmagioed 01' c:baoce 4\fOr 'brew •eriou• dieadnnln~(.l. With tbl8 ub)O~t be au tined fo bold mall froe countrie1. and let Lhe cheeit of tbie meeting aa•are ally..,.,iJ[~tory worlt"'ttiin hu bean a f . or a sweeping con!Jag1ation, oxcola tho mon ~hut bet- sine in art ~bat 11he is to~:,tbor; a comm1\nit1 -..nting acarce-" it bu givu Moure. K rupp GD or•l.•r Xoroorcr

1 tile achanee made .U lar11e. t~ent that the.z II& yo tbe aym~tlly &t forded by 'be 4tlan !Au. we nevnrthO: doftni.l~ oco, both in eoovenienee and not likelyaool' to forget it. But a muob ly any element tbnt a true-hearted, for 700 ca•tatod aiojl~t, Oohl, Bn{l fll(JUW 'I th«< work Ol "· .:f't!J4, fttr '!~ ~ditor ~be pe~ple ~t ~'l~nd.'' I IIIII &Jrt;l& wit.h our contemporary tbe adornment. ~tit is bard, I know, to more serious cb~rge ill la_ld aJ(Ilina• her IOUnnmindtd Engli•hml\n n.!ght dealre. tai4UOI, to bu l.ldtrt!IJ•\.'<1 by At'r··

wae e~ IIJOre abfQJqfe an hit control C4rorticJ4 in bla opinion, that the next behave the ph1loeopher under the load by an anonymoa~ an thor 1n the Church In• a , rouiew or Sandford }'leming'• ncoJt..~bo Ru.tail\t\ O<lYernbc-nt. 1:11' o f'hi' new.paper tbll' b«>f end po man -War[~ f'OGnd betweea the Britieb' ahould be thrown open to teD·· which broken voyagea irnp010; but one QaarW!rly R eview. H o calls ba.nicl book on tho Canadiso PaeJI:, t~e~imu aaroed o Pllf bBIC tho amonntdu1: f•r •~tor e:s:er(ieed bi• ~r uf ron~rol 'ith •nd tbe AmHr'o'l AfiJ!ao:,tan aad the der: tb~ is a1 anre aa the lltln-f"lmbling Deronda tho romanoo oa' modem IJCO{l- teoommende tbe holden or O.nadisn thi• 3 r in tuh. moro abtl'llate in~ciODee of jod~t· ~han of ~elaL TJt-:.XhJil and .haiOr and grow lin' never meod the m.auer. ~icism. Re denounoel mildly bu~ ull· Railway aeeuritlc!l to relld it, ,nd ear• --- • meot. What ho willr.d '~' Lbe eooatrue the Britijh f.n&t a& QueU•, Ta• lad f'"ff[Wf11li'la Jou.mtlll OOD• I ,u inte!'Mted in U.e aoooan' lately miltabblylho book itaelf ... irrdi!Jiou• Mr • .Flflming'• report, liiiPL c:hart. and } - reo A.meri(an ~thor~ M:::-. \Vtn dOI'I 'f~ •bo~ld u1 i* •ld1 ey~"ri dar !a BeTotOe~IC.!J. ~ a pe.rmaneor occu.

1 tainaJtot., by Ur, HUTOsnroe, leotorer

1 gi.,.en. by Uuf OMbolic •i-....17 or in , wadeD~. Be 101'!8 C~rtb•, ~ appeadl..'ft wlll eoa\(e · Ute rMder to Callen Bryant. Hr. Lon~futlo,.., ~tntl

.danae; .,. tba, a JeneNlfllll· Tta }lltion foJrte, Mat. at6w.tlt .. &D ""I oca bill Yiait to ~bl)lttorul~ud aetU&: Bay of St. Oeorae, Bey allllud.a aDd ebar1e111ll Geot)e Blllot'a ~lea u boipg obtaib an. idea of tb& l,naaenfe co•' LH Hr. ~yar4 Taylor. ba•e J't!Cenlly bee11

wJitera ...... - or UDOiuaf .,,~. oort ~ l~· BrUilb ,..fd' ... , ... D.. Tbo .IIUIIJ&II lQ &be iqte,e~t ol tbe t.emperanoe Bonn& &r. If uy one t&«oaply enbYerll•e of th& Jlrinciplel oliOOioty. hno •ill invol•.. It i•. bopeleae to t•ledell bOftor&rJ ..... ""'of tho Li:et· but tbt ir .trmc1Ja wu esereW ~ A-., ~r Mslwdlt&Q ie aaro&latiol' movell)eA,. Mr. ltl1rcnn•oe. u eocne t mOlar wUb Ute habita ud ~ They ¥8 .,., he deci,.noa, di~ ma.ko i' a p~yioj( epecnlati&D Jl'ilbha a Uf A.aneaar ef Alben .. wbiob ie undo(er worlr 1)f _,;,., fombl7 thu whit flit ~ tile Kflat a ad 8elooMe Cbie& for I or oar readera a),..~f bow, hu ~ of the l*'t'le of &y or Ialada woald againe~ In"" aage. nee ruindlell' woman rHaocable 11yeenJatloq wit~a ~ ft&IOft· th& tpeeia'l · patrnap of t.bQ Queen · ~eteraai~ed ·~ ~ ... ,OU'!fl!~ ~~!~ .. , . . ~~pal~i~ of~~ ""tilth! ~CON~.o! ~ ~~brl~Jt ~up • bri!f ~t ot that remark· m•r ma~ an~ ~ ~~'P.,!· But tho ~e reriod: ./ . . . t G~o. • • •


::~==:=~====~:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~========~==~'===-~'~====~~~:=::::::::::~======~==~~~====~~~::::::::::::::::~ ~------

Local and other Items. l -Tho town. ol Po~Uand, near St. __ _ Jobn, N.D., wns \'is itcd o'n tho 20th

_,\ fe<J.dullOSll of lifo Wl\!1 occuton«l. u l t. , with . tbnt dre.~~~u1 aoourg0'-6ro, btcly by a• colliery explosion u Hi~b 451) f.ulllhcs, wrupmiDg 2?~0 ~rsona Blantyre, near OIMgow, Seotlund. 2:i0 were t)Nndcr~ !•onaolea.s. lt II eatiua..ted l'enwns ,ro Mid to bn,·e l>OLillbed. that -30 llu1ldinb'1 were ~estroyed,

-Mesar& llul~binson and "Broo:Jc.. [Tbo Harbor 0t'llcc StaruUud has been wbo luwo for 110\'erol weeks p.'\at lice~ coming to us rcgulari,Y for 10mo time, holding e\·angelU.lie son ·icea in tl1o capi- omd wo only gins tho conductort of that tal Rro lll\ bore, We nl'O told, 00 J ourn11J f,.ir crodit iu 11:1ying that tbe Tuesday. next. • I Standard ill oue of tho beet Newfound-

-Pnt lios wishing to obl.ltin likenesses '"'II vle410 t't'collcct t lutL )} iss Arl<tm' purposes lo.L\'i lliJ town within tbroo or 1'1lur weeks N <>w then is the timo to llt'CUt'\l " photo or tinL~)'O nt 11 trifliu.: cost. Soc ~&dwrtiacmeot elsewhere.

-Tm: F ISHER\' ColllUS&IO!(.-The c'l'id~:ucu 011 bclt .. Jf ol tho Aut~>rit.'l<n w •e rnment bef<>rc the F ishery C<lmmill·

" &ton siu in:; 11a Jlulif.1x w M couclude-1 on w ... .,lu,.duuy. thu 24th October. Pro· fCliiOr :31•~ucur D oird !I'I''O hils ovidouco un ti.J•• !JN'Iious 1'hul'ild.&y.

land pnpers wo bnvo. \Vo are glad to aoe it amongst our E~~:cbnogce, for it ill -out11ido tho Cuno:HCL& iuuca of cm.c,.M - worthy in an omioent degroo or tho attention of ontport I'Olldora. North and W l'St. Tho .Sta1dard is I'C:llly ahout tho lxl~t d'uti'IOrt fllmily Newspaper "''0 bnv~, aotl wo bcnrtily rocon1mend it to our Outi)Qrt ro.' dc"" Its ruattor i.a good, t.ho p.tpcr is well printed, on..l tho ptioo i.a u I'CIISOOIIIJIC lAS 1\ S()()(l paper can be gi\•on for. W o 11~1.: onr OuLport frionds, NCirth .. nd ". e11t., to increaso t heir aubacripLiona to Jbu C uaostCLE. It thoy don't liko th~ CunoNtCLE, which does not do much oo.u:ing in tho way of trado, let thom take ou r Rd'l'ico, anti ,vjlh it.-l.llke tho Standa,.d.j-Chroniclc.

ocnt bottle lot\, and 11 00 would ~ buy it if 1 oo~d got no more." ·

Rufu .Robiiu.on,· or Nunda,. N. Y., .write : " .One llllltll botUe ot your Oil reetored , .oleo • where the pcr.on • bad not · epoken aLove a wbiallOr in lo'ive Years." Rev. J . ' Mal· lrry, ofWyowing, N.Y., writes:" Your Eclectrio Oil oared me or Bronohiti.a in une wook:"

It i.a compoeod of Six of Ulo beat Oi!A thAt ll'O lmt>wn. llu good for intmual 111 well uao, and i.a believe<hlo bo immeuurably snpcrior t.i nor made. Will aavo you much auf· fering an-I many dollart of exporuo.

BEWARE or l:IHTATtOSI!.-Askfor Dr. Tbomaa' Eclectrio Oil. Soe t.bu tho lltgnaturc or s. N. ThoTWM ill on tho wrnppcr, llllld tho names of Northrotl ~ Lyma.n aro blown in tho botUo, IUld TnJ:. 110 otMr-. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 rta. NORTHROP & LYAlAN, To&'Onto, Oat., Proprietor11 for the Uominion.

Non-Ecl«tn'c-Seloeted and Elec· ~. n.lO.

Fy Telegraph· I .

New AdvettiJemente.


LO C AL Stoves

C::\N.lD UI'f

Of tbe beat quality and coottruclion, 'rO Jilt R£D AT TDC •



180 WATER ST.REET 1'60 (Opptmt• tM .Men;a,u&1• J>rcmi.u of

JIU.,.,. Joh" M·uan 4: (]Q).

JJ STRATniE t.hankful for palt f11vors, ~ to inform tho public o f Harbor G~ IUld tho ou.tporta gcnerolly, tbut ho b~ jwlt. ro­OCl\'(.od n large and Yuriod nasortment of


FRANKLIN, not.l otbor

STOVES -lli.'ll..onlship. Si r Dryan Robinson

nnd funnly tool.: l'"!llll'S"' in thll IIUit •\ ll.m a.I.A':l:ner for En~lund, wheN, we underst.'\ml, he intc ohl:s epe nrlinu tho re­tnaimlct ot his do\\'a. Prtor to hill ,lo· l'"''' '" e loo "'"s pn•:rnwJ by some of the lc:tJin;; citlU'n~ of Sl.,.Jilhn's wiLh n

- 'V'e thnnk our contemporary m~t cotdi:tlly for tho al)Q\'C vory &ttering oo tico of tbe ST..t.'iDARD, and arc plt!e~ to lJo alJlo with jnslicu to return the- com· plimcnt. W u M O guilty of no fllttcry, bu t merely give WtpNIIIIi~.on to tho opinion of the geJlcrnl rc11ding public, as f&r u wo htL\'e the m & ls olleamiog it, when we ny that tho Chro'llt~cle is of all our X ewfcuud!and journals the most popu. u r.


• which will bo sold nt the moat rcasonnblo J..osoo:o;, Nov. 3-~ Turlciah attaok I rata. •

on Tclicbo ~n.s repulaod. J. S. baa also on lonnd a J~rgc and Tho RuiSlBoa aro l'eported to be form· I mricd stock of TIN WAR.•, LAMPS,

ing a Bo&lkau au my of 70,000 men, who &c. &c. VblcJu:lur)' ,.J,J, I:S5. '- are to march upon Adrianoplo, leo&ving 1 Uutport orde111 p romptly ntteodcd to.

Plevna •urroundcd. . • ! EQT' Stovo l inins- IUld otltor C:J.Stings Thoro ha •·ll IJet.'o heat'y ratnl ID Bel~, always on hllild.

gnria, Froventio; oporations on tho i Nov. 10. -By tho arrt\'31 of the G'l•arlc' W. Oulton, C11ptain Ilenn("ffSc~·. fro•n Li~or· pool, .,ith 1\ j:tlnt.•ml Clli);O, th<' congrl.'~ll· t ion of !:it. l'"•tl's Church (Epi>cop.•l) loa•·o brt•n pn~ 11110 tJO~'IeS.Sion of tho n l'"' or.;rm o"tt ... recl some l imo bncl.:. Thtl in~lrnmcnl, jn lb-ing from 114 nppcnr· a nco iJs a nry tiou one.

Lom. --------N ono of the local press can at all oom

pnre with it in the richnC811 of its ncwe columns; tho numl,cr :>f its corrospohd· cot.8, nod tho 1\mounL oftt.s lld\' erti.sing .

. '!bo. nuuia.n.a aro about to bosiogo 4iogusHolloway'sMedicines S1hat11a. ---

K ars bombnrdod, but refuiiCS to aur- OA. UT.J:ON remler. •

Wi th respect to the STA!fD..lRD, we nbly ~<Ceond tho sug~stion ot our friootl t he Clarvuiclc. Sen•! in your namo, thoo,

All'•ira in Shipka Pa~>~J remain un· I BEG most respectfully to 1\Cfjllniot changed. t ho Public o f Nowlountllnnd, that

0 . ' tl rd t t'· we S.l\' to nil non-subBCribers wbcim tbeao H , p ,.,. It s·- h - U'l' cnqllll')' '<I .' regft 0 uO lille, ~Ill' rCIICio lind M a amaJI induco- OLLOWAY 8 ILLS- •TCI\ wmac . a

cnnsc 11nd curo of the dtSI!lL~u "mons t he · ft • 1 · · h t l S -Tho wiae.t cannot «!numerate ooo . f 1 . d 1 . . ·' f meut we o er tollupv y you wt. 111 T .. l.!r· . h f b d' t . 1 •

l"o'll o. lllll u•tnct, _ 1"~ c llc1teu ro~ " n nn fro m thill dnto till the encl of Do- lit o o t o LS rcutng symp om11 n'I'LS· Hear~ s Content m end tlu.t followan~. ~ be

1 •8

~ tb . f , io~t fro" r nfi'Cbled digcatton, all of \rhich ousht to httl e been puLt.,.h.,J two Icc~ : • .' 1

' or 0 pnco 0 one yellr 1 which mny bo readily dispolled b'y tbeso wed:" n0v : su cr•pttoo. admimble P ills. They remove .UI un-

" Re, pig Jistu.'\0 J c.<;erihNI in yo:~ t· . --.-- plensi\Dt tastes from tho noutb, to -p3JX'1·: it "J'JlC'ltrS l<> ' "'he;.: cholern. A n l - Stnco t ho Cr1rue~n wnr En~:lnnd gethcr wi~b fln.tuloncy, and constipation. .:\ oucric.m pqwr ~:i\'t•s 1lus ns hu rt.'dU~~J hor _nlltlc>nal l_Jollowl\y a P1ll11 rouso the IS~.Orull~h, uofotilin:,: : • f••eol lbc IH:.,"S on nolhitl;; hu~ £!)0(),()()\),l'i()() tO £ 112,000,000: • h ver, lll•d every OI'Sfl~ or dlge&hOn t.moips ull Wl'll n:.::ur.-s !p t ratin~ t ho I to lhat bOl\lthy tonc.wb:ch fully unalllca IJc.tltlly 011 ; 103)9 l~utn tl.c unhcahh;·,' ' the stomach to c:_onvert 1\ll food nn~ . I - Tho J!\p,ncao hnvo constructed I drink to tho DOUn!lr::nt o r thu loody.

---- bnlloon~ l'"hich 1 b~>y i~tend to e mploy H cnco all theao P Is are tho au _rest -Tioo f·•ll•1wia:: (•'\I roc: frn!'l t :1o ll•l 1:1 the l\4r ngnullt the msurgoutr. &trcugtheners, and t1 safest restorall\'1!11

Mr. DuDEK. Chemist., uf Twillin~,'llt.c:o,l dOO! not Hell my grnuinr lllcdicincs lout Pills 1\nd OinttUcnt emonotint:t from New York, and a.:~IJ n.s llolluwnv·~ Pills und Ointment. •

W it.h great respect, I remain,

Y our oiiCdient Sen·nnt, 'l'HOM.AS H OLLOWAY.

533 Oxford S treet, Londun, W.C.,} Ocwber Gtl1, 18i7.

N o". 3. 12i.

The Subscribers bn\'o 1\ lot of Rl!::\lN A'NTS which "'ill be _sold n ry cheup. A Ill(), a greut ml\uy pu1rs of MEN'S F.LASTIC SIDE

Adver tisements.

FANCY FAIR • --:o:- -

TB'E FANOY FAlR for t.he puf'JlOIO or li~llidating tho- de lit on OuRtrr

Ouuaau, H "''ill bo h~d on Wodoea.Ja , tho Hth No,·ember J;\ellt. P ersons o butt kindly Fromised and otbera w· ing to render IWiatao~ will confer a favor by scnding contributiona to nay of tbo L ns early Ill poaiblo. .

Oct. 27.

8. S. ANDREWS, Clwrd Warden.

1-Aavortisc~~· __ N_E_W_G-00-0-.S.- BRIDPDRT .£iOODSj Advertisements.

r~EW G000SI Wholesale & Retail.

J 'I LT... A R I> ll R 0 T JI E US 1

THANKFUL for paat fuora, ~Hog to iut.imate to tlu•lr oumerou• rus•

towe111 in l lnrbo r Orare, Carbonra r, BaJ Robnu, Dris:ua. •••d nrighborinr:: I lor•litiea tbat tt.cir foil •urs-ly of G oode hna now orriY~d nodi~ rcndy for ioapcc-tion. ·

THE &ibccribera hAve 1 r~h·od frotn. Briilp.:rt. 1 eT late 1.1 i1 l-tc-.uutors •

lurther aul'ply of

H erring Nets tnil.aulo for &y of IaliUlda nnd Donne DAy liMhcry.

Durl:cd Kcning N et Re11d Bopea Seul Twine, ScaJ Tt11wl

Cbcop Pic tures 1 (lletap .. lc:ts.,r~• 1 Harioc purcbued our Stork nt.lo1!'tlt poeaiblc prtcet, wo aro prcpued to gi•c OUr Clll tOLDCI I' tho benefi:.

2 & 3 thi'C4d Gtpliu T"•ino Salmon TnLwl, & !moo Twino Stt.lmou Nc-t.e, 4(\ Rttd 50 fr.thorns Lines, T..,;nAA, }t cllin:;, &c., &c.


'l'I NTI'P E.'!I J j 3 EACD .

roor oGa•&PDS 12 jO ~r doz.


ALL who wish t<J nvnil;•.hcmtclvCII or thill. rcduc~ion in pri~-11 will plcnso

call 1111 soon as possiLie, All ' tho Phol.(). graj·hie Studic. will poaiLi\'cly u11 closed 11t tho o:tpimtion of tho time spcciticu .

Al-'0-just. rcceh •cd nn I\SaOrtmr.nt of Walnu t, R ustic llhd Silk V .. h ·et }'a \ll l'.ll, illnminntcd Mot toeb not! OhromGB.

A MAGIC LA '•TER.'i '"i tb Rbo'llt &C\'cnty slides :Jf intc ruu iug sul ~ecls for Sllle.

Photogrnph io ~h1dio- o pposito the me rcnntile prcmist.'S of blciiSrs. J o!Jn Munn & Co.

O ct.. 27.

-Lumber, Shingles.

A cbo;co loL of the lalut style

DRESS MATEHI:\LS, Ladiea' J•ckcte :Shn\YIP, Mant-illra, T"1' n' ito W hite nnd coloured Dimli,Y l\l ufi~. Fur 'l'it•• nud Coll:tr~. W uul rlqunree, 'l':pprte nnd Pcomenndo

l:;:n rr~ • Wnto•r(•d Morecn-blnclc and rolored Ylour Oil Clotb-be~t qo nl ity Hinck nud coloured Friogl't, ~ilk Tire !itbbons- iu ail tho n11w shnde~. Llll'U Linen t)t!le-plnin aud fancy .l:'ur nod Swnu·dowo Trimming-in greAt

Oct. 13. W o.ler Slr·eet, 6!. J o)u}L


FOR SALE hy tho Su~ibcn,tho c:J'(:O of C. Graham from Bny ur lelau1da1 cona11ting of :

50.000 P.Hmc Pine 60AHU. 20,000 do Spt ucc Scantliu;,

(MSorted alzea.) 4,000 do Spruce l'LANK,

llM,OOO do. Snwed SmNGL£1!.

All of which .. ill be aold " t loweal price.. J1LLAUD BROTHERS.

vnr•cty a nd very rlu~np Olnck 11nd r olort'd Y e ln•tccn \\'hitu nnd !.>lack ~ilk Lnco Cluny !Aro 4tld ln•ert ion t:rfX'Iwt Ed~,; in,::•, acwed M uel ins lllack nod color('cl lJrl'u S1lka Boot~es, l ufantCl'P, num~ •• &c. r lJ E Suloscl'i\Jcra oro now landing tho G

CUf)::O of tloo Cornea, from .Drit.lgl'- House Furnishlng oods. water, N.~ whici.J they respectfully oll'cr Quilte, Count • rp~ntt, Sboo1ius: for sale, COil!listing of- 1'.tblo LinPc, W iLdow Mualio nod N e t

GO :'11 feet llrmlock llO ARD, lJaaill~k~, 'fowol~, & ... 16 do. :Pine ditto. Our Grey nnd 'Vhitc c; vllons 20 :u P ino SlllNOL~ (61\wn) will be found unsurpassed for

As o os nAs o make, quality nnd price. ~00 1\l Cedu Shingle!!. 'N c cn\1 csprcinl attention tp

O&o. C. R uTn r.n r oRo .1: Co our OcL 27. ~L




W aterside Premises silunte nt the foo~ .. f Nontl S tr!'l'l,-com­prisinr:: A DWELLI~G UOU::>E um! SI!OP, with 1\ commodious STORE nnd W 11 A HF attached.

F ur further [lllrtic .. lnl'l! npply lo Mns. D . FITZOSRALD, ' N o.ld Street.

Oct. 13 tf.

Pilot Clot l1s Drn \·cn, " 'itnt>yB, r L'oe•kic,, IJr,,ncJ Cloths

E ngliah , St.'Otch ~ Cnnndimn

T vveeds ~o. Blankcll, ShcN~, B1•rltick T l p I' ' f tl lll J 1 Cnnvn.~. Molu!<in, F a ncr Shi rl Cotlonlr .10 ll.I.S ur

1• Y I 1.0 0

5°' • coral"t'c t1~. ·1

\\' h' j > d d 1' 1.'1 1 dt»orolot'!l of t 10 , ,,·ct·, tomtlC ' • ~ 11 Ill', "' on ·nnrr • annes 1 d · 1 ' ·I • ..., ' · 1~ · d \\. . • nors Rn•l J3o,..·c s, 1111 nrc m v'l u ,\u B :srr~,;c •, .,wnn'"'"• ~·:-~eye an mrcya · . • . . 'd 1 "' 1 • 1 , • b L' n '-1 II d tn oil complam!Ji m et cnt:~ to "omn t ll n pacU, vO Urj:o!, I Cit•, c 0 DD 8

Conrt t, "'· lo ito nnt.i !!roy Y nrua T !:oOisntc:o;T in tl1o oniy rcliniJlc re·ui!Jy Lomb~ Wootp, ltri!P uriety o£ ltoeiory fur ll.ul I.A'b"· Old \Vounds, Sore~t, nntl Cloth ond Jo'ur Cnps Ulccf'!l, of how..,\·cr long stnnding. Fo1•

t~: of" :'ll~nt rl.'.l! ll'il •:·•·' corn'SJ~n oh 1.•• ; in ~ervousnca, washng and chronic dc-all,,r.l~ •n tuolt.·x lo th•• Mlllllllll•m 111 1 bthly. wluclo D r. J:o.l.lick. S · lll of tho luto ' - Tho Cs lruttll famine wi' l t o·l tb'J l'nn.:i1"l nf the ll.uhnr l;,. ,,... t.:r:~mt:l~ 1 1 I 11Ji:u 1 O o\'cr nmeo l &15,000,000, bo· ~houl, i:. Jtd,l l•y tloc .\lontr.., . .l pul,hc : "'·"··• II"·. lou of rofcoue nnd cthu· ia · 1

BOOTS, slightly soiled, will Lo solt1 nt Flowers for Christm as. 9/G per p3ir.

• JILLARD BROTllE RS. J UST RECtmo per /libtrniau nn

L at.lice' a.nd Gcntlt'men'e ITnls Rronclai t is, Diphtherin, Coughs, Colo!~, A lnr::c !IGSO'I' trucnt of Engliah 1: Cnn:ul i1111 Gout, H hclllnotism,llntl cll Skin D isa:x:c,. Lea:tb.el:."'VV'A."re it hn:t no CQU.\1.

N o v. 3. f · --------- -------! ns.~oruucnt o \' cry supenor • • • ' · :o ~>•·'<·ct hut onl' :: IIIII• I tlorC<'I d},·c ta. '

l\l.lrtir~. Llt.l leo', Ocntlc:nen'a, ~ltue•, 11nd ChtiJ· D !=lC.fARE .Q1! r<·n·,. u .. ots ~or Fnll nod \\' iutcr U-l'i f' wen r, o f C\'l'rr dl'scripliou ond in New York J ounterfeits

• • I ' 1 k · ,.. • • tca1deoco of tho brtde • fa thor by the R ev. n1'-=!.1 , v r. .. "'J' a-: , ' ' },., ~r ,,•ol "1Lh • '\.r H J 'd · · fr..lll 3\11011'! tl.c nl.J,·r of t lo·· , ......... ,., I I ~t s~ .. John., ~n ~~~Sial ult., nt tho

. . I F h r . ., ..u.o•ca ttorYoy, amcoL ec:con aUM'l•&ng

GOLD. ~r:!k~h~::~ HYACINTH RULSS, cy, H you single ,uaJ d ouble, for growing in gln1>5h

tho LD OMt ra. hiOU3!J Jo IIIJ'IC~. --:o:- -Lldica' F nn.y Ooorb ,in peat nric: y, purious i roi tnliors of " flollo1\'ny's

h•·O•or at Coil··:;•·. M.,.,., • .( II '' " ,l'l.'~rs 10 tlw · c. r t o purpo~o o eneur~ag .uuuor· eon of tho lllte Rev J ohn StolL Fyvio l)o,ptt:d ~' ith •· r~dot 10 ll lln.,•ll """ mi1y of p rac t it'o it hnt been d,.cidoJ. by Abcrdoonahiro, Sootl~od, to Agnoa'Don~;l~ h.•oll'ti t I•) Ill" lnSlttlllt•>ll, "" I lm!i lntcl,\' 1 the Oo•ernrutlhl or Indoa that tho lnt 1 youngo!t dau~;htor of Thomas MCMurdo, "l"'"t m·wy 1110n 1h~ in tin: En:;'•• !• un,l t•c·r~! Mdc :md t it le is henceforth to bo I Esq. , of St.. .John',

can't ,;ot gold you c11o get greonbnck1. -AU.O-Wo need a porto o in ovorr town to An nsso..trncnt for l.kt.h l ins purposes, take aubscmptaoo•lnr tho lnrge•t, cheap- 'nowdrops-singlo nnd doublu

crubracin~: J cwellcn· , Cboico l'cr. Pills 111111 Ointmcr;: " n>"e m:mnfnctuto•al fuulc~. PutntldN & T(,lct rcq ui•itcs tmcl bOld lmdcr tho nnuu .. or .. Jlollo··:t>y

Lnrrs, T rim m in~:~. D rl'J' Bull~>~u , & C:o.," b,· J . F. H enry l!urmn & Co., Co rti and l'n••~' 11, .f!1o w!1rll :u ~u F..,!lth~r• .!>nt~t:ist": nutl 11 t50 hy tJ1e llctropoliL'\n

I l'luolf'l nud :' .cbUICU t t·lel' IIOn or .K•J :,.ldll'im· t'otn·e p:my of Xcw C Jutincnt..d b~plt:l l~ " .• (~IICCD J::mprcss or loJin... At St. J oba'a, on Thurtday, Nov. ·h~. ' 1 by tho Rn•. M. H4n'ry , Alexander David ·

eat nud br8t lllu•tn~tcd fam ily publici\· D~ublc J onquils. nnd t ioo in t~o world. A nv ooo can bocom e llyotciut!J Glu.sscs-wilh !uprort.,, a tuccoulul IIJ!.ont. Tho moat olcr::nnt llus tic P otll untl Ou lt. Kl !lllcl,.

1 OloVl'S, mall the llil iV color~. Yol'k, \\ith nn ., unwd t rnrlo - - I son Hankin, Eaq., to Cathorino lallliclln, Pn•~l·n;:cor<& prr ·• Lrul )' Gltt\' rr .. -Qun•lruplex tclt>grnphy is tho lnt t& l W.u;:htur of 'rhos. McConnl\n E.q .. · I donlopmcol. aud is oo1\' in operat ion At AucklAnd, Now Zenland, on the 9th

w,orkt ~f a_rt ClfCD freo to auhacr•bcr•·T T . :'ll cCossAs. 1 hr p rh:o 111 a.~> low t hat 1\lmolt every .. I St. J ohn's Sc t. 18.

Ready-Made., CJothing mnl'k t hn·- i i -·l~'"'i~ . ~·nc "tho t:IO•tla.thbnahlo~· v!l'll. J o· l'ph ll ay· ,Joe: 1

' .\ l\o'. Fno~ I ':H'I: - . ot·.";Jay-:\ l~~rs. IJ.JW·. bct•rct!u London nnd L i.,er pool. At S~t. by tbo Re•. Yi~imu• Luab, lit the

man , ~l c'_ .u·do~· . Ul . mdy, \\Jute; nntl j o• thcrond or t !!o wire four. opl'rll lore r61donc:c of tho bndo: . ~bry St~cot, body aubAcrtbc~. Ono n~cn t rop<>rt' ' p makior:: oYer $ 150 in a 'l'l'l'o·k. A lnC:y -----

Totbi~depllti C!cntwoiuto•nd lopi,•o Y ork. likewi.iC' pll sscs oO couutcrf~:it { h 's own m.tkc undt'r till'

1 j "' 'l<'l'r.t"<'. , k 1 d d Thtunot, CAnt. Geo'llo Wtlhaon, ol I et•y , , :1ro a . wor • wo eeo ord ar two ro. H bo ..J r ·'I d t El' be 1 Tut'~ la1· -· I·•·•·. ~lr. She 1n . L'llptain . . . Lo d d b ar r, •• OW nuoa. lln , o tzn t. 1

• . ' I • cou ora m D on, a.o t o enmo ID Thorou Jared only dtu~htcr of Oeol'l:o l <o o.! l. ·otl,·ll , ·' •·..s o ~. ll ";.:•t.n, l.r~ o·o , L1rernuol. J - -" ~>-~ fL' I En I d P ... r· 1• •· aNU ~ • •• o •vorp.:10 • 8 AD .

,· r~n··~·. ,-.tnt, ocrc• . · J 111 ~t··"r·•~··· , On Oct. 20th, by tho Rev . Josso H oy .. 1 hn o,Jay- H•· •· .. \l r. ll ur lun, p .. , 1 fiold, Mothodia~ ~liniator , Trinity, ~l in

f,-.:wr (;lr:Ln.l, Wtf•·, :Uld ,,,:1 , .\J r-. 11 ··1' s· Ed .• w ._. k ' Amelill King, to l\lr. Henry Ki~, both of k ' ) I p 'l- - . or 'uru att<lll, ~pen 10~ a t N Do T . 'ty B . ' ""• ·~ ILltOtiO • •• Ill "'<'" r 1(!•'. r lk to 0 d ' t r I ~ ~ ow D&fOUture, nDl ay.

Tv l'vl'f:-:\lonolo< - )1". t ;o-• hHon. ·• o.• nr~ 1111 1 wa~ a. W:Je u •net "I 1 J 1• · 1• th:1t 10 thtt country tboro w•ro two _, L.·~ (oorkt•. . " ' ' k~. '•"l·• )I I I .\ . .11. ( od • h ;\l I ' , .. 1 I ' mt auo! o uo mnrr1 womoa lflt y 1ry .I t -'i' l 'l. lHI;.!~ I , vJI tn"', ICI'C(!, 11.·~~ .... I d b r I . d ~icb, lluplun~, ., 10 \tt-er.•:.:". 1•rec11r1uus ?r o.u t u occupat io~•· "".

1'1 I . ' 1 "' I 1 'I F I . I It WAS :l la..,on;.nblo fact t but ID t hit At tho Sonth-S'do D--L- G on IUJ'>Io a) -·• "'· ·' 1c 10 " · , rs. .1n 1, 1 b f d h 1 , .uaru<>r race, ' 1 · . . 'l \\' J 'I . 1' · b' · couotry peop 0 wero 10 e oun " 0 Saturday the 27th nit.. after a nainful .lJ 1'!1 ,1\ a.,c .. 1M '" , ·' IAII .no Itt., , . . , d b b b' b I • • ..... l . ThllJbitt.s, K"'" !11.11..\ ., )khrs. T. F. t'OII>Iullre ot 1\ ar aro~~ . t ~~g t nt illn~u, 'Which a~a ~ro witb O:EeUltJI~ry '" L.l 11 1 E:s 1 W II · wom en 1hould I!Ot tbo:r hvtng LD oow . p~tlenoo aod reatgMhun to tho Dtvmo

1 b ~: un,l<ll,

11 r r , lltcroe,:j .an· petition with men. Will, Melvenia, only daughter of tho late

.m, JtcvD~.~. ~.rW.l)', Clllan, .Mr. bfoaoe Paraoos, aaod :JOI ll.Jwllllln, ~ 1cholo ; I:. an stccrngc. yurs.

On Sunday, tho 4th inat., at S~. Jotepb'a Convent, Balifu, Altllu, (in Religion Su~r M. Oregnry) younge•t daogbtcr o f tho late Mr. Patriclr. Mullownoy, o r St. J ohn'•·

W o have to report that tbo prico.'l of The gbd no ... ·a reached town oo 1\lo n. BnE.AD-STI1PI'S continuo easy, with a full

day lan tha t l'uptuin 1&Mc O.lrtlctt nnd anJiply or the bet ter amdea, and leu do· b'!"' hoat'tl CI'OW "''CN LIIO n:-td in ik mand than usonl lit thi~ l ea!IOU. Tho J ohn't. Such u length of tionA elapse.l tltrco grades of C~toada flour u~ offor . kfo1e any intclli:;ence with respect to M 37 jG, 36J6 o&od 35j6 I'Oipect ivol;. and t he1r eaftty Cl\mo to I.Ja od thtlt most El'tl'l\ Stllt.u ml\y be quoted 11t Mmo pct'IOnl entertained the gl~JY idtl\ pricos,-for c()()(l to choice. T bc ch~:n~p­thl\t tho worso had buppeo u. Tlu~ir er lt"Jes contiuuo ICai'CO in thi11 markot, wclco01e return, t hen, IJ'" Cio 5forth in con.scqueneo of .ecan:ity and roiAt.iv., all tho more li\·cly uprcssions o t t nk- high OO!It io New York : we quot4 ! ul ft..-cnog. Supers 33s. @ 36s. and N umber Twos

F <>r tho: following pnrticulurs or ' cir ~96.@ 3 l a. ltOCOrding to qnalit.y. Con.'f narrow e.otpe we aro mdcbtcd to\ tbo MEli in fair rcqueat @ 20s. @} 21a. Cloronicle : -~ PoRK oontinnee in good supply at 60s.

After •ainly atru~lio~:, for ~"' to ~G2j6 for roiiJMle E~:tra Prime, and Wtndll'ard and oven getting WI jn-1(' t/6 @. 8?J6 • tho better &l'lldflS. male of Isle dt•·boiA on ~be L 1brad:>r B~ER LS 1? ·t••r aupply. esCI\p~ n:.ll! abort', C..vt. .B.rtlett detlorruined 0 0 (IUt· ch<>tcc q~hty, w~tcb, in COlll!Cquon~ t inu arouud, and running for tho New· of Ita ha~tb coat, II almost out of Ul11 fouodlnnd shorn. Thl' wind w11~ blow- m11rlcot. I t may be qaoted all the way ing f rom N .N. E., 11nli " hel\vy \vtnd lop fro?' Gd. to l j )lOr lb. Other at.sple h<~d been Niscd; yet tho litllo beat. ~rLLclos unalterod-Tem}'llraTte<~ Jour!lal. weathered tboatorm b~vily. A strong current. was llbo acti\'O at tho -time, canying lbo boat fat up 11bovo .Anchor Pvi ut. At leo~trh, thwarda 1un10t on t be e•cmng l\fter tbo fonocferin~t of t.heir v- 1, tbe woll·•orn o~rtmen got a..~felJ into Now Porro!, •hero they were

• fortunate in Jlnding aomo roaideotL .• •


Xlomcu' E~ Oil/ Wort.\ Ten IJ'irnu iu W'eig.U in OoU. Do you i11010

onyt.\Utg of u 1 If 11M, u v



No•. 5-S. 8. Commodore, Whalen , Montreal, proviaiona, general cargo­;r, Muon & ~.

G- Charloa W . Oultnn, H eno0811y, LiY· erpool , G. "B., gcoen&l au go-do,

B\&hflyer, llutcbioga, & rbadoea, molu· Be& ant.l aupr--do.

'Boscul", J)awe, Montrct.l, provi.aiona and general c:arsro-do.

8.-B•tan, Hopn, Sydoey, coai.-D. Green.

9-Esoort, Poot, New Yorlc, proviaioM, and geooral e&rgo-J . Muon & Co.£D. No.,; '1-Laura Belle, K ennedy, Sydooy,

baUut.--0. W. Rou & Oo.

ngcnl ropo~rle t akon:.: over 400 •ub•crib­er• il. ton dnJ'•· All 1.\' ho croRn~u mllke money fntt. You t.'lln den,tu a ll your limo to tbo busiue&•, ur only you r PJI:HO

t iwo. ou nOP.d not bo n1rnv f rom homo o•cr ni;::ht. Y ou rnn do it ~~~ \Yell u others. Pull Jl llrlil'ularJ, di · l'Octi~.on• nod t erms fret'. El~'ll"Dl nnd e:rpenaiYe. Outfit froe. If yo.J wAnt pro'itnblo work wood ua your n<!drcu et onl'o. It co•t• notbin~ to trv lh<' bu•inl'n. No ono who eo~lll:l'll f11il• to maktt gr011t pa!'· Atlolrets "Tho Pco• plo'a J our&u l," Portlnod, ~•iuo.

Nov. 3. 12m.



GRACE'S CELEBRATED ~LV£ I a n Velf!tnble P rep arauon .

Invented iu the 17th oentury by Dr. WilliAm On~c!, Surgoon in King Jame.' army. Through its agency be cnrot.l thou· or tho moat serious sore! and wounds that baffiod' tho skill of tho most eminent pbysici.ana of bill t.lny, and WII<J regnrdcd by all who know him as a polo· lie bonef.lctor.


Grace's Celebtated Salve O U R ES


•onE LU.'s, Ellrtll'&L..l.l, B.l1fG­woa:~~a, 0 .1. LLUa&a, lOA to

U'UD,CIIAJ'l'll> JLUII>I JI'OR!fa O.ui'CIIll .,JtW!II

A 'ler a bri~r stay 11t 'ho place, Clpt. &rt.le"' hulng mado 80,.,0 impt"'vemon& in hill boat, am.l having pr()I)Qrod a ~Ail­wen~ do•n to French Jia•aod Haroor: whnr<- he wu amply pro•ided w ith TniWUI to t I'UI.l•l"' him~lf nnd hill men to ttd•oe. t o l;riquot. Afl.or four day11 or ht\rd \l:'llYII)I, tbronyh dt.'ep • oow, Griquor ..m:s l'('ftclted, and th&IICC tb11 11bipwrcok ~ men were oonve7ed. br o,pt.. Croc4-cr 1 "'~el to St~ Jobn'... n i>th Oo&pt.. &art~ )ott and h is mon are well, and ahow liUio ol tho wear-and· tc&r incident to 80

nde ao experi.oooo. Thor look bftck whh t.olmp of pUtode to . tbe kind .. ._ aad aeneroaity eyorywhen ahown tl&e• by Ulelnhabituta along U.o oou'

. tirrw you dicl.£NGEIU. 80.Ut>l IOUI 'OLo·ua

~.Un e&nnot alny -~~ro . it i.a uaetl .Per Pfowr !or the N~Mra. Stow , WI>VJrns ITf!IOS a~OLitl,

. ~tr traT~IW.

U 11 the eboapcat M:edtCtUO o•er made. Mra. Luby Mn. Wihbire, Hra..Bryanf, I'II'BU waara 1'1'111 Ono doso ouroe oommon Sore !l'hroac. )h., St.u·t-. MiM · Walth. &Y, Mr :rn.a AIIOUI J'uana Ono ~le baa cured Brooohitia. .PM'ty "'ruiabhaaJc.; Rn. Mr. )lillipn. RtiY. JIUIUO!fa al'I..Ulfl liOTIA oeut.t' worth hu curer* an Old Stauding Mr. · ·DfJ&D~ Jkv. llr. Pilot, Mrtara. lUna O'G'n wl.uTi.oW'! Oougb. One (Y( two bottloa eor.ta bad Pika; Hamlin1 lterbtri, rtia, Dalton, W\aTII DUITD.I S'Alf oasns of Pile~ and Kidner Trouliloa Doherty, Sclltc, ~olotoall. i'tehanJ Ryan PIMPLes coa..u I OOil'{T S o tA

0 ht 1'-0' (t)l20inalterqe, LX .., etg. a pp ·~ton• cure aay ouaJ. P•• NoN Booelu frena lblilu-lh,. nott, tlf'oaow•"o lf&tt.a, 10\'M'li£

or EtteGI'&&a.,i Rtppl• 01' I .nhmeJ Wbi&.tray, ia!aal and ....... "••., .. J'. autt, )lOIIQ'OlTO .t....'CD 'ILEA. breut. . ODe bo\Ue haa OGled IAplt J'itapatriok. B . a. l'itoomb, I • .o. Oaloa. • • •n••· IPJD&aiTLYOS Back ot eigbti JOIUI' etandlag. Daniel 1 Ia~~'-, fl io a .... : And all cutlloeoua dfteaaoa and erup-Plank, f1t Brookllold, Tiofa Ooi&Dty, l?L, .ee~ If-&oM- for Lrv"e~l -.Sir B.' tiona generaliJ. •11 : "I wen~ i!Urty.J~~~U• tOt' & boWe Rl~l~u, aw:r; ~b~ (7). ,.n.·J'. 0. Por'~ale bJ all d;qaitt•, groeen, and or yoor Oil. whicb ~ a .woilderfal 0 Je .:~,:;.:~~;c· 0 Oo•· al all coanLrJ etorea throaaboa~ tho ~ro o~a 6rooket.l Limb7 liy aut a~pliea· aa &64 wife. Ura. Col8eo"' lire. i;~~ ud Ubit.d 8Wn aod Bri\iab Protia~ tlotu.' Anot.bPr who~ lrad Atthooa 2iafaaf•, Hamre Aid~ Oowao. (2), ~r .. 'rrlee by maU80 ct'DlL for 11Anr N!ll: "1 han halCoC a 50 BrUUe 1 ia a:.o.m~o. _ • , ' _ Nor. 8, 12111 i

parttt'UI3r otto•n t ion, a nd will mcl;o it Co · ~ scrund to none in to wn. name of llollowny & ., hunng or a

'm ,do u1:u·k n C"·..ccnt nnd Serpent ; ~[c. At,so, K ... ~m .t; Hol•hins of New Y vrk nro

Gcntl~mcn's Funlisl1i11!J Goods llf'~>nts for the &:ImP.. All t he lutc• l in Sc•• :~. Tit''• C~llnra " 'I'ILl'MO l"'l'l!•liiS, tho boLter to dl'el'i\'1•

Hrnct·~ . .. G!nv~'· \\ hil l' nnd h•ncy ,.0 11, unl.tusltiu;;ly C11ulion the P nlolic in ~h1r1 s. ~ u1t ~~~~td, nnd ~ant~. ~c. ~mull book'(,or t.fircct ions 'lfii xct.l to tbt.'i r

RNp~.:tuijy Nht.'tllnj:: t.ho tosucc!IOD )l l'dicine. , \\ hich nrc n:rlly the s purioua or our boo•l~ by nil our f rh'nd •. n!trl ('U+ imilnlionR, to ll< wu1v o( Connterfciuo.

, tome•,, If•• f~cl confident of ll'f.IOI: cu-~ Ll n~crupnlous Dcnll'l'll obt:tin them nt


t iro enll•f~tc• ton to 11!1, nnJ .IHO\'In f.> be· \'CrY low pri\:C.'I not.! w !l thorn to tho Pulo· yond nil rloubt th4t nt tlot• PIJ:Il o f tho 1. ' C d ft. my !!Cllllino P ills nud

GOLDEVLIOV 1~ 111 "nan .~ o · • - Oantmcnt.

i• tho right placo to mnke your pur· \ I mo..l o.1m rslly nnd rcspcctfnllr np· d iO.SCI . pen! to tho Clcn•v, to :\lothCI'l'l or l•'nmi·

JJLLARD DROTn E RS , lie:~ nnd other J~lies, oud to tho I>ublio , . g~.l<'mlly of :Brili!II.J North Amorica, tlant wE b•·J:: ntso to cnll ycur att.uotton to thel' mny bo plc:ucd. to denonnco un~~par-

ou r iw•iy these fnmd~~. !l.\1180U GlUG ~ ~l J f& ll£POT • a•rovl,ion , Groce ry & n :ar•lwnrc 1-un:ht\SCr.! should look to tho T.:tbcl

S T ~ Jlt E I on t lto l'ots nnt.l Doxes. If the Addre&~ ~ Jl, ~ ~ not :;3~\, Oxford Strcot, London, they

nrc the Counterfeits. . GL&'JS nnd Tl~"\\' AilE

ESTABL I SHMENT . """'" m~v bo .round Ol tbo lol\'e't j•l)·l . !::neiL r ot nnd Box or lhc Genuino muucrntln(; p rtro: :\fcdieines, he:1rt1 the- Rriti:tli Cocernmn•t P HOYJ::, l O~S of tho br1t qu"lity Stamp with tl1B ~vords " IloLJ.Ol\',\\'·.~

(Oppo•if tt thtJ J.[11rcantile prt'miut oj choice und •reJI.,clcrt crl O UO CI·: ni, Pn.t.s ~~D OI :>Tll£~l', Losoos,"en~(A\'e. l . Mcur1 • Jo!tn Munn ~· Oo.) "" 11<'1'1' nntJ of t his Fnllw I mportation. thereon. On tho label ia tho ruldre.<t.· ,

W o would particult~rly c•ll your 1\ttcn• 533 O:u·ono STnr.£T, I.oxno~, wf1cr., t ion to ou r aclcction of Nt-w Scuon nlo~c t hey Mnnufa<.'\nret.l. O.L . KENNEDY

bfoga lo thanlt tho inhabi11nta of Harbor Graro and o utporta for t ho l i her:~l patronage hithorto o:rtt nded to bim, and desire• to in t imato that be hna recontly N.'CCif orl a Jargl'l 1\UOrtmt.'Dt Of tho laleat imprt.Yod aod T'Cry beet qu11lity of

STOVES~ com. pru iog Cooking, FanoJ1 Fr01nklin nnd Hall SIDvca, as woll aa Grat.callnd Pit~IDI:ll of all aiua. -

Eogliab and .\merican 0 0 T Ill C G RAT £5.

TEAS which is huin~: II J!r~at r un in @'P11rlics \\hO may ba d l'fmudl.'d bj· connection with our lJoublo Superior Vondon1 selling IIJlUrious " Uollowny'~J Ext I'll Pills nnd Ointment," M of my g"nuino

F L 0 U R., sbnll on tho pnr· nnd best ticulol"l t o me, be amply remunol':\tcd,

CANA DIAN BUTrER. und tltcjrnRm~nover d ivulged Si~'i'ted.,.

Our atork of IlA.RDWARF. ia full THOMAS H OLLO\,AY and complete whrro ma~ bo obtai n,.d I -----------..-:---11ny lhlng in th11t lino, tho e~•ortwcnt JUS r RE CEIVE'D br iug too largo to 'p11tticulnrzio. EngU~h nnd Cnnndian

Our J owollor,Y, Watch nnd Cl!lck 0 :EJ: E El S ~ dop:artmenL rcry nicely nuortrd inclod· of best quulity. an~: Crosh(l(lllnt.l Light DM"'ll

Gold Wed din~ lUngs S U G- .A. S:Fl. • : In adJition to tho above, tba, aobaeribcr 1\t urious prit'<'tl. A new Rtock of cur hu alway• on hand-A;merican A'd&ea And f EYory purchnscr who d~airc1 to jtl!t C H 0 I G E T E AS Hntoholl, llnm eas Rtng'4 '!ld 8uol.:t.... tho br't pouible Yllluo for bla moDO! Shoa~ Knivca.and 8 olt• •• Colrn11go Vormth ab.:~uld ,;,it our E .. lnbli,hmrnr11• • • -h!Jlo--cbolco qoahty , Tr:unka, Wub b~. JILt,ARD BROTH ERS. OrnUemen'a Call' 11nd Kid Upl>f'"' ancr Broom•, Olotbe. LtnL'I, Water' I :tal•. lln:II'IOrtment of\"ellow S titchingl'hroad Matohoa, KorwenoOil-bett 'l11"1it~·· Kcro- ~pt. 8·- -----....... ----- 11nti S ilk 101' hocmal:er& aeno Lamps, Humor& •nd. ChimntH, Tu r· pnctlclal JI LLA.RlJ DROT.RR.E~ peotine, s~vo, Shoo, P ruot a11CI. ' Cloth~.. c: KNOW =11=tRtlu-Orothea, Pnltot'l'cd Fruita, Condonllcd Milk to lba llMC ...uc.l • Crt~~lbed Sut.'lll'1 CoU'~c, Suftpa and a goo oral ~~ aetltlo4

~~-ot or THYSELF~-~".,~:.t! GroeeriMio nnrdW11rP, t-~~~--~

Gln••wur ... , , T tnwnrC!, ete. k-_.~ .. , ~_ll>e...._ • e••••l- IDa uri wllblld -.wnftlt IT Amori~ C~;~L Nllila-allaizs- by the ===:-.:::=.:~~

lb. or klli• , ~~Mllook. TMo...a ... wttaeelwdM-a. ........... _..... ... _tkWiil~

N.B.-lnapection is .. pecially iaYitcd taA--.iow...awu•\'1~~~~ to h.le ~· <liiiUit•uen\ (/'1 Sto .. t~e,· both o! ~_...~r.::::ra~-...;; r.:t ~~·."t';,...:;=:r..:::,'Cr.::: ~ H .. W:._, :~;~orerfd~~·allNEDY. fliax:. HYIELF

I l

J~y 14. ______________ _

.A. C.A.:Fl.D -o--

GF.o~G~ " · E~u:mPo:oi, Jrt . · ter, Attorncv n.~d

Solicito1·, JO N'S. I\IFLD·

0 -Du~wurth f. tice!, op-posite Dr. ~ea·s,



[illllll!! ~cnbin_g.


»Y U.• W. LO!IOnLt.O\\'.

.,Beaulilnl lily, awel!ing by s till riven~ Or •ulitary mere, · .

·~ro tho a·u~h 1ueadow brook 1\o· ~ ,av-on

· ' · lle nt.era to tho "eir !


w ... lfny llllrprised lhat the following ,,l\llido evetylbing elee, ..ud anawer mo I What is it, )'lnpn-wllat ~~~~ h~ppon. l CtLIIa na:ain i And, if rou abould &appall 1lny brought Edw11rd Alston to l:Iaawick tbie: 'Shall you be afnud to trust mo ed 1' abo tromblingly demRude-<.1. to encoudte~ h1m ia your walke, di.,. S t reed Ml'l!. Grnndiaou, cheered by wi~b your nhi!d·a bappi.nea 1'' coara~e bia iPOientfamlliarlty.' the 110eicty of her daughter, was fl'cling She could not look an bia frank, feor- Oil AFTER Xl V. Oamberly leaned bile It · in bia cbair, n lilLie betl~r, and had bocn , Jlllr&.Uaded ll'lll f11ce and anawor "No!' 10 abo con· and amilad' pl .... nt11. to eom11 downstllirs rnlber earlier than LA!oted boi'IK'If wi~h entreating th~>m not • ., a 1 1: lf D 0 11 7 0 z 1 1 I tbiak I han a iled aport ror oar U6nal. Mr. Grandison wu out, and to entor upon any I'Nih engugement, nor aailor laddie,' im.Hif. • Tbat tbore w~ noao of tha~ rostmin~ in bcr to broach tho aubjPct of their att.Bch· For ooco )fr. Graodiaon'a pompoeity Yory puga ou: young ~tentleuun \will manner which his pi'OIIenco im~ mouL to Mr. Gnmdieon until Edward hlld deaerted bin., and ho wu ec.arcoly. not have aay opportonitiea for proao-wheiT" Edward waa u'ebered into tho returned from bia noxt voyage,· and •- able to flod Yoico to roply to bs .. dauch· , . b ' 1 ·• •

Thou Inn, hN~ ;r.L tho mlll, tho \forry

h "'h · .., tor'• 11nxloaa :nquirlee. 'Porha'"'t, in cu.m~ 1 oYe-enl• now. 1

l e roou1. d e was really glod to sec thll request, IICCilro in each other's con· h • " 1 Pnpa, a11d May~ tremblinll a liUio whirr :r.nd him, nnd .,!!Rvo h i1n her hand cordi&Jiy, st&ncy, the.~ conaentOO. · .t 0 pure atmosphere of her pr~aon.:e, 1 b b d • · 1 d 11-.1 •··

ho folt .ho\v epecioua were tho oxcueoe or 8 0 11 noter pc.attiY0)1 e "" usm ns she lll!keJ.jf hu had come Lo &•y faro· ' h ~ouiJ bo G delicious BOCtot to to which be laa<l bcon londiu" o~r, and bel oro, ' Edward Ale~o aad ·I were

Cf , ?indlo and o( loom, • ADcl tho g r.:"\ "h~lliUIL Loila amid tho

burry I. r.d. ruohing of tho flume.

Dom 10 thu p:~rple, born Lo joy and plena· Anc::e,

well. ' keep,' May told bt\r&elf, 11s abo~~~~ beaido h " · dour frieade wbea wo were obildron, He nn!lwerell in the n~tivo. hor mo~her, seltlom joiuing in tbo· con· ow poor a part bo WN playiog in and I am too proud of tbe .re.poct and ''l'ho Sw. Bird will not '--· -n. -'v to v·•-" li'on willa wlal"ciJ .EdwRrd ~ntr•' ved giYing them crodonco. "' .., h 'II h • b f I I

"" " u, ~·- - I My dear.' be lllirl nt laat, bit oyoa ~~~~c .. on e Ill o erll " ot me lo IIIli for ano~ •er sill: week~; neither couhJ Lo Jhert M.ra. Grand.iaon'a thongbts. r 1 d ' trea~ him rudely or unkindiJ.' l•·resot.o lfvo to lta~.o tRr~laud in my p•uen· Suo deboulbd n

1.efivor bo aa

1 d nowd-nevcr ~fr~e~ a~tc;:~ ~:~h:~. hiy~c~~~=~~ Such a a~ob from SJe lipe of hi•

a... o •Ulcor~m )'. · . . . won er ,.,. y 1 o wu so on~r no w~:~~~ry. dosened it for I !.no doae &hia en· obedient daa~hter f'irly robbed ?rlr. Mp. Gmml1>1on looked at lnm 1nqmtt Prt)l>\'8 ci'OS8CIIt apecehC'J would ce.tllll to, tleman eom'e ·n'· . H g Grnndison of hie breath, and tbi:a guo


do know that yo~ are fined fi,o dollar• I( for C:ieturbing tho poace, nud if tbo • • other mao tiad beeo arreetod, ha'd baYe Flowers lor Chd tm:4~ rot tbe aame dOlO from tbe' aamo bot- • . -th~' I . • . JUST nEO.EIVED per Hi&lrni4" an

Tho prtaoneo~ eonldo. t play agasn1t usortment ol ,..,.., enperior

~t:~a, band, aod bo paid up and ~e- HYACINTH BULBS, ' Eb, moo,' uid one Scotchman to

another,' ,J'm thinking 'be Rooali· iwe .bee dooo a · ROid tbiag wh11n tbey aet.yoo mon Todlobea to tak PleYn&. He'• tbo moo can do it, gin it. tao be cione a_ya.' 1 Hoot, hoot; wha'a he 1nair Lhan anither? 'rb,e • l'urka' ll ,;ar him toddle btn 1uoe enough.' ('li~Jddle boo ia ijcoteb ia • equivalent to tbe ph !'liSe "tako a b11ck ... t" in tho Ameri· cao laoguagr.] •

lingle IUI.d double, lor growing ill glauea ' -At.IO-

A.n usortment for Bedding' pu.rpoees, Snowdrotx-aingle and double Double Jonquils, and Hya.cintb GlaliSCII-Witb ropports, Rustic P ota nnd Bulb etandf.

• T. :UcCoYNA..~. 8t. J obn'a, Sept. 18. ·

. 1'0 BR LE'r. Thou doot not toil or vpin,

But millie.~ g llld.nud r:aliant ~ilh · pro~nco

l'ho roe:tdoW' and Lbo lin.

tb . I " t I I d t -·• I b . h I L II f I d h I ~ ueuco. owovcr, 11'0 C b I . . I Y •ng y, uu 10 1u urn.... rom er to atm~ t o 1eart ao~n o ovo an Oflf'. have a~t•ood 10 1 t b 08 bd b :uu or y tnne to 1ater ere, abotko b11nds with ?!fRy, ... ·hose little llut: 'rhon thoro would bo lctw111 to look f'lr.. v

0 rc

0 b .ob. Y~~a p I_Y.i:O~~s. ' Suppoee we talk of eomothing plao. A female at eivbteen, the Detroit

· 6 h •- ' A.. h' J · rd d d ' II'·- ~ u m m l't lm, w.Ay • 11 w.r. W d b' d h' l F "-·-- d ed 6 ter•n~ ngcrs c rnwulh'u, w 1 e, m truo wn to, an to wswcr; an , st1 uut~r, ,L'amberly . RiYe h' ou hllnd, heo 0011 t 11 ear c 1 d propoao r&- r~ ~ nM bae lacoYer , waote •e The Store and Wharf

a~ tho roar of thc'Wn:t~l' Str~' premiseS of tho Subscribers. For particulare npply to

Tho wind blowa, and uplift• tho drooping sailor .fashion, ho promptly Lold bill there wollld be., t~o bliasful unLicipation Weak- ~ioded, 'me!•il;·deluje;J old turning to her · poe~ 1 To- moiTflw ? trnnb when abo trcnele. At fifty abe b:mnor, crmncJ. of Lor bra.-o 81\l.or a return. N o wuJJen· mo~.u 1 A ·few c:•il 1 cochc• two N o, not 10 1oon u that. I ·altould like J can get along whb a bOttle of cold \ocr.·

And round thee thzong nml nm •1 Wllrned y_on. d ror 1\I•~y. that I ball ing tbougbt..~ nl ~~~micano ~r 1Lipwrcek lllroo woll· wordcd 0 .trerioa, 'and hl~ ~o drcyo .papa· ~Richmond, wbero wo Tho nabcs, tho 11reen y..:omen uf thy Another q~est1on to Jlll'l. lo ~·o11 . Yonr cc'OSSed l\lny 1 V1Sions tbat tught; they jult wrath wae diMrmed ! , CIUilborly c:1n diM tog11tbor, aad bi1 little daugb. WOltD:!I OF·WbDOll.

mnnor, uutfl,or w1ll, pcrhnp:t, My llmt. 1 nm wero n_ll couku.r cl~ rwe. Tho hero of linda that bo cannot do without mo.' tor ehnll RO Wll~ biru.'

E . W. QUINTIN &: SON Oct. 6.

The oullnwa o( tho ann. I ?'·er-bo!.-t ~nd too hnsly, lmL my hcul her cb1hlbood, handsomer nod more lov· he oxultin~:ly told himaulf. ' ·HQ is l\[av looked it her father. Would • • • • IS ou my hps, ond I ruuxt spt.onk. Ilovo .. ble than e•·er, bnd como buck to her, obPgcd to tio homn 0 to m •bilitiea ho not promptly dec!ine the IDYitation?

Tho burnished dr 3£on·dy IS tluno nltcnd~ I you-ny, . as dcnl'ly ns .. ·hen vro wuro n~J b~onght. auch a l.111rst .of sun, lune ae 8 rnon of bu•mcas~ Pcrltn~a h.l will Alu I be wu actually plOded with it. lliJt, d . .

1 6 ld hnppy cln lclren.. I m11y not ~U<k you to w.tb lnm tbnt sho felt tUI 1f t~bo cuuld 118Jc mo to lllke a ehBro io hi

8 now W 1tb tho iaconaietoncy that eo o£ten

A.n hiLa ngamaL t ltl c , I •·- , · r . , • I t · h 1 , k , I · . '- d hi ct' b .,A d .And down tho li.wJ aunbU3m ri,lcs ro-1"" Ill) WhO l c. . tuu no u c enong 1. no\Cr now nuy N il. sorrow n~m. finn, m order that llo mny reap tho m11r .. o 1 a . 1001, e wu qu•.., reA 1

aplt~odcn~ I . know th"t. l sl~nll never be nl~lo tn . rrtlfenL,ly, ot a lunt fr-.~m .Mra. Cmn. advonhgt~s my namo will &i"o l>lm ;' to ait at tho tablo of the arohA•illain With alcel· bluo mAil aud ohicld.,l:l"e yo•~ tho lnxnnes you once cnjoyc~, di.'IOn, l~ward ro~e. H o s1w tunt s~c 1\Dd thus bas fnuciod importnnco ron whoso aupercilioua manner and b:~.roly-

. l.11~t I \\'111 work lor_ you Lluy-1 w:ll w,IH nnx•?us for lnm to go; but ho d1tl dered him os ploatic as clay IU tbo'hBud• conrcnled d iedaio ~orv e:uaperating bia Thou art tho Iria, nmons: tno fairett, to1l as mM nc\'Cr Lo1led for woruan !Je • not surmtso how norvomiJ sbo shmnk of n morlollor. keonOf'otigbtod daugbtor.

. Who,.anned with l!"ldcn rod I fo~, nnd think all . l(tlJ<lll r swoot ~f ~on from t~10 scenes thM must ensue, if Mr. I Mr. Oamberly, with the ens} manner ·You will oot go to Richmond, papa!' ADd •m~ted w1tb tho cJ>le•tJ~I uuro, be:r.r· l w1ll but ble&S me w11h,. hope of wmmn;:: UmndlSOn 0\'Cr learned •.bat Lhcso fooJ .. ' or 11 pcr~o.n wbo is on 1110 of abc OJclaimed. 'M11ko Mr. Caroberlv

oat '" od I t hi.• d~r little hnnd. S peak, Muy ! ish young creatures wero fancy in;; tb" m· torms 1\ ith ~imaolf, camo toward!! May underttand tho~ yuu are too proud to Tho ruoesago of some S · ; '1'~11 me 1f I mny n•·~· hol_ltl Lo ca:J yon sci• ca in lovo. Sho hnster!cd Ed~1·nrd's u •ho etood by her fnther, traoafixcc! o~copt fAvour.,, or cxpoae yourself t o

Th t tb . ..., b f , _ -·d~t • mmc. M111. GrandiSon, m mercy to 1111 dcp.~rturo ns much aa pos,1blc, w 1tbout with 0 ,.toni.hment impertinence from anyooo.' ou nr o .uuso, w o .u- uvm era" ~· , bo I 1 I rd. . . . . B t bor ba ty pecc:b had tb c citic• I t•, et !cr anawer me ncco •n;; to t1)JJX':mng rudo; hnt sho couiJ noL pro • 1 put in 11 to bo remembered u • • e on·

Bnuntral the syh:m 1trcrun•, I her own WlllhCII !' . ,·on ~ thn~ 'good-bye st tho door,' whicl. ns an admirer a3 well ns a friou!!.' ho trory effect to wh:~.t aho hojJed und P11lying on pip41• of rood 1ho u t i«W dittie• . l\Jny hnd covered her fac" with her t hu lu1ppy lo~·cr dari1!gly c1mcteJ. Sb' t!aily l!:aiJ. • Shnll I do homage t o ma expected. Mr. Grnu_diwo, ike all

Tlat oomo to ua u dreams. d_tsel~!r-l;:<;<l hn!l~, bnt the olh~r l:~_v p:ui· cou_ld o!dy ho. countm;; tho moment~; IM:k r.rrill~<J on bondt>d knee, or, in Wt•nk.mioded mon, bad alwnyaJbeen HI"C Ill Edward ~. Greatly ng1tnt.c<l by wlulo t:~ey lollcr<:d together, fol)totfnl right ol our lon!! el·qunintanco, tako my ter ribly otroid of bciog go•crord, ond

ONLY A HE ARTl this llnl'xpr ctcd n,·owul, and yet more of tbQ...Iapso of ti:no; or listen, fcurfully. wrlcomo I rom her chf.ok ?' . 10 resealed lliy'e Attempt to snfluenco by tho appeal to hcl'l:ICif, surpr i:Jo kept to nve1y footstop thnt c:uno G!ong tlw Hol bent forwurd us if ro u.luto ber his decielon. ill rs. Gr.uulis~n Rilcnt for nwhill', bu~ nt sti"C('t, lest j, shotlld be Gn1n Ju1>n's. but Ma"·a H :uhm~:: eyu wnrncd h•m {IO; ' You aro inaufT~rahle, child I Wbot




lost. abo cxchumed : Illy ll!ny, bnvo I been too hnsty. sf· to go t oo fRr mnd he comontr d himwelf d o you metLD by dictating tc. me whet I . • ~ d~ not wish to ~•ins my d:augbtcr'a tor nllt' asked Edwnrd. • h it riJ,:ht with prouin~ hor band, ll' i!h such 11 11 • n•n to du! Go to your mother. Cam· mchncUJons, but she IS 110 youn~. nnd I fo•· mo to let rou pli~:ht yomself w lUI', nece,ary wormtb, that abo drow it borly abowa a proper apirit- a vory fed 110 sm'U t~'"t. her f:•thcr w.lll n~'·er who cn , 110t g.vo you tho yon nn)!rily away. prop6r apirit-in olferiog mo theeo at· conscn~, thnt It IS my uuperullva duty ought Lo'{Javo 1 'l'hl'ro lire RO mnny bet· Why w:~s hll hcrt.' ? Thnt ho came teotione. Ho know• tbot h is obliga·· to forb1d--' nnd wealthier men thnn I , who would from anr good motive, or fro m rcl\1 tioua to me buo ~'OD iwmenso, " 0;1 I

BuL ~hy s uddenly throw herself on bo proud to win :IY11y Cn111d i110n. regret for b .s trl'ntmont o f hur fa! her, 11111 glad to flod tbd ho rornombiU'B Couio p!'l'ped over the blind ns he her motho:r'd bOl!OIU. • Shnlllnnswer yon in the snmu sh-:~in. abo did not belio, c, Somo J eciJ··Inid thew, nnd ia llnxioue to testify bi~ srali·

'1\'ent. 4way, and relio•·cd herself Lv mnlc· • No-no, 11111mma !' nnd remind you thut I nm so lXIOr-ao ~chemo muat bo on Fuot in whil·h Mr. tude.' ing grimt~ces nt his receding fo;n •• t•ll ':'.ty deur, J eur chiJ,I t• criell lho d is- very (lOur, tl lllt --' Grnod ison cuuld . be tn3dO u•cful t o • Ah, yes"!' drnwled Cambcrly wilh II l\lny C><mc in, wl,tn sho turuui L(' lnllf trCSiocd mothur. • Do you know wbnt • !l ush, lo•·o! Y our innoco:nt allcction him; nml i ~Ptinctivoly ahp put her curl of b:a hp tbnt botrn;od bis words. swother her friend with kisscs. you 1u e saying 1' wns frc;ol!' given when I was the hum· nrnu around her fnthcr, wit h " p ro· • I am eo u;uui!ld!J rrntcful l' and then

''Wi1o wnR wit h your uskcd ~fny, her llut no ono rlOswcreJ, for l!Alwnrcl had blest clo·rk in your faLhcr·s employ, nnd toct iu~ ge:st uru, n• if to shield bitn from h~ gu~ lbc lou_d tnlker •n. ugly look . l'Oico flullcring " httlc. drown tho hlu$hing sirl from :'.lr.s. Gnm · hisscrvan l.s scnrccly deigned to be oi'••l to the a n ilintr. nrt ful sc:ouud rcl who had D id thl~ old lda? t re:r.lly th~ok t.hnt ho

' Only that ill-lcmpc rod Mr · Lnnncr. lilson·s cmbnco to J.i.q own. ruo. Do you think I forgeL tlwt t• loo oftcq du ped him. ::ilronl!cr thnn ol'fecl hi~ anythmg.? It Vine ~~~ 0"'0

lie that ie enrywbero is nowhere. Con6deuc:o generall1 inspire• confi·

dence. Tho groot.est echolara ~tO not tho

wiant mon. N ot.hing ia eo uocort.aio Ill! tbo minds

,o f tho multitude.

.A.O~D --o--

GEORGE It EMER!IO!Y, Ja. .Barrister, Attornev and

.Solicitor, · No excellent soul } • oxompt from a ,

mixture of folly. · O S T. JOHN'S, NFLD.

To what uee aonos Jonfoiag ir tho FFJCE-Duckwort.h Street, underst11nding bo nway. rositc Dr. Sllcn's,


If indiYidu11l1 hnvo no Tirtuos tboir July i. vice~ moy be of uso to ue. --------·--·--- -

Ago mnkes u. not chi ldi~h. M men JUS r RECEIVfD aay; i( fioda us atilt true children. English nnd Onnndinn

Two tninsa the most opposito blind 0 :E:J: E E i=:t El us equally--custom and no•olty. ( b

F1ahca lire in tho •e" aa mea do on ° est qnnlity. loud ; tho gr&.'lt oous oat up tbo little CniAhe<l nnd Li"ht B rown ' ODC!o. B u Q. A SR. •

A kias ought to bo o mark of hou· A n e w stock of our ~~;,y~troctioo, oot n weapon of b!poi C H 0 I C E T £A Se

Pro•pority ci.Je.! bost diec:oYer rice, but adrertity doo& ba4t diacofor Tir tuc.

-AI.SO-Ccn~Jcmcn's Cull' nnd Kid U ppcn nn~t nnussortruenL of Y ellow Stitchiw•Thrcnd <1nt.i Silk to .. Shoemnkc1"!1.


J ILLA.RD BROTRHES Rouob c01nnot eh.>w it~clf moro rcu·

on~&bly thnn to c~ao reuo ning oo thing• mborcron•on. July 14.

It ifl not onough to h3TO gro1t quali. ------r:t- ·--. -----bee ; "o ebould al$o bnve tho waua~>o.. The i.>Ub:cr1bers mont of tht!m. o I I1:\\'0 just rcco·i \·(•1 nn nssortm,.nt of

Let no man truat tho first step of Hoofi•1g1 Cnrpetnnd Dry FELT cuilt; it hang" upon n p ree1pico, \vbose · A LSO

•tcop dc1ccnt in lost pordit ion onds. An nssortmcnt of Choice Fnncy Dl S­

F.\81110~ GO~IP. C~JIT::i :md COX FEl TIOXA t: Y, which will be sold ci'I'IIJl, wholesuh• IIIHI R<·l•ul

H e nlwr~~·s •uakes rn~ halo myMII, nod Sho wnll Lis l H t>ncP.forth lifo beca me • lline wl\ll but the unrca snnin;; nff<:C· ~lay's long-~horisbcd a vcr:siou to this l ready Wit nod p:r.tton~ burrOI'I'lOJt nnd l suppow liHit'~ tho rcll.son 1 liku hiw n rocrl't.i trr~tauro Lo him, lor :Un~· ·s hnp- lion oft\ child, ' u id May, 'hnit~hl)(l up· o nn "'n.s her cou~cwuanru of her tact th~t had placed him wbrro how~ Squnro or..rolopcs aro prcforrod· t o 110 wl'll. H o's n rom••kably n<;ly wan, pinets wns bound up in it . It would be on you, bcc:un;e, of all the pcoplo I kne"'· fnther's wca1mct~. llo would bo like -not 110Y 0.nco~;rn:;:t>m<nt or help from Jon,:: ones.

Jl LL_\HD DROTHER::! . . A UJ.:. 3.

Mny.' dovolt-d lo hor uud to hill mother. \Yith you were tho t ruest anll kiudcsl ; bns a toul in tho hnuds ot th;, unscrupulous I :u .r. Graf•hsnn. lie had boweJ. nod Japancao Atationery ie popular. "Palo • 1£1-. L:umcr i:~ not ::;oo<l-looking. their pmycrs Rrec<lin;:: h im on hiM voy· you R.'lcn6co so much in lov1n~ 11111. If Cnmbcrly, who would wor k upon hid .:ringed, and ~ly end~rcd for yea':8 tints are useJ. - l!islterles!

c~tninly. ' n;:cs-with t l ... i• ~miles grrcting l1im on I wcro bu t nn heiress s till !' vno1ty or av:til himscll o r his prejudices 1 lho nrrog~nco ond p~tly maulta of his Concbmrn'e eolian, e1llcd · carricks, 'Don't you Ue so retuly to r,t..u~c h11n, hi• rcturn-~nroly h i>< would Lon destiny 1 Then should I hl\'"0 been t.;)() !'!<>Ud till lho pu ,10"0 for which ho aou;;bt I Olll~loyer t And wns •t for thcso ho 1\':t..s worn by ladict. . . . . .

dcnr; ho WOI"llhil <~ yo11 ! H .. ~i.J •.•. l1 u thnt kings mit;ht envy ! to n&k r ou Lobo mino. o;,, :\fay ! wh1 t him n-:n 1\'rou:;ht ou t, whon tho un·· c xpocto!d 10 be gr.ntcful? . · ·•Nomo .:Hd8," used at dinners, nro THE unden•t:ntd JllVesp~•ala.ttenh_on cnnnot. hl'lp j h1s 1.10ks, poor !t• lf.,w : ! Mrs. U1nndison knew not" hut to do en r happens, l e truo to mo! N uy, I bappy old m:m rrouloJ bo rutblesaly I ,He rose, end J:ICII:Cd up hJS hnt. . yory ornamentAl. .to the Ncwfouu~land f~al.umee, ft llb N ow, . It t me s o nnd ~1'0 '"~' tlcoa r ~I ns. or !l:ly . As she S'IW tho >~lender torm of J o not say this because I douh' yo••, thru4t ~~~id~. And no.• tho.t ITO hBYO ~ad th•s Uoetloa. bu.:a. lituds, anc! aerpcah tho•r :)tand.trd LIDOJ, ~ou, Suioca G rand1son i nod wLrlo 1 tell her nil tl.c her chil<l fold<'d in the urms of 1ho Lr:t\'0 Lut Lcc:m ao Lho buppincss of call in;: you 1. AnJ how id lh. c world u1ing my ng~ablo httlo e;~plonatlon. Will you aro favorite design• iu j o,.elrv. Trilpe, etc. 0 0 " ""• you get • e.ldy ro t.1Yc " dr·i ' o: " ith stron;; nl' n, who IJCnt o •·cr hor HO ten- u. i10o !I('CIUS too great to be tnaliscd.' prctt y Iilli;, C riond ? H ." ~he r••coTOr· c~OCI~o ot what ~mo I shall aond Lbc 13ucklce of em nil autumn 'leuos aru b AlLEBIC.I..."'i NET & Twr~E Co. m~.' dody, lwr he:. r t ycarn<'<l towards them, Then llt:ty grew Loarfu! ogrun. ed tho 1180 of her nrm ?' aakcd C.lro· l co'MagG(or a~u? a novelty for bot orn:r.meutatiot'. Botton

· I cnnnot so: s.'litl :llay , liRikR.,Iy ; nncl she longl·tl to b.,•athP u LII'3Siu;; on '1 c.m IIO\'CI'lcnvo mummn EJw<1rd brrly, 111 bo r~~catcc! himsrlf. ':u~ r. raa liOn gla.nco;J at. M.:~y! .but Now frioJ:OI imitate flowers , such os • I am not in xpirits thi~ cnuin<;.' t~l<·i r afl ... -clil•ll, l;nt she dllro not S:IOO· ei'Cn fo•· you.' . ' • dea r :l[r. GrJ ndidOn. you really nrc teo •h? would DO~ help him ID hiS deCIIIOQ. liliea-of .th&-va llciy, fuchia,, tul ip~. ole. s·r. JOHN')

' But :\l r. l ..anncr ~~ .. 1 I """~ to tak.• I ton 1t. S lw k new tha t Mr. Crundi,on · 1 would not ask it lo•·e Ai lS I T jlood·Dtlturcd ll'hou ron let your dau'lh· I Alter bussoou hours, of courao. Moonlight j ot luu it~ rivnl In suo· MA ft B L£ wo 0 KS you, and W(l hl\ve 'lll•:r'"""" so •!reaJ·I' woul,f M l I IC:l l of May formin~ frush ~ til'(\ tlutL )'Cl\l'll must i~tcr\'e;IO ~fo~ 1 ter wander a bout ' tbo str l!Cid, r ·"king Sb,nl~ .-0 ' 11Y. fl'o.o'clock ?' . li~:bt bundd tbat ahow o•ory 0.10 of tho . . n a ~nlly thn~ t o" Jon''''. d" nnyrlung to lie~ ; ho "'"" too thorou;;h ly R•, lfi~h to put ' ~hall Lu all to to claim you. Y our mot!Jn bor lit'u to pick a:> fool i•h old IVOuJ on, Ftvo let It ~o, ~nmborly_ 3.equtosce~. rainbo•Y. --:o: - · m !crft-ro With the m.dons· up. ll··~Hks . hi~ child'~ Wishes hcfutb hi:. own rl'<J'Iire- i w~ IJUito r ight. I must not fet ter you who throw thom~ol•c .. undor hor.os' Uo had DO O~JOC~Ion tO gmo;; Mny 8 Tho Creedmoor pnloMiso wmlking THE sun~CR I BER l'e.<I)>C<:tfully 1 want you l.adly, _oJ.,ar )! tty. 1 h ·• ~o n1e.nt.s ; he•· s.·n ·ict"s nn(l hor et~rnin;;>~ w1th nny en~sement. You ab111l be feot on purposo to g4tbor n t"rowd and f~thllr.o deat IU hll h~nd~omo now C:l.r· auit is nn oscallunt of a custu DJt! t hanks h i!! fri c•nds nud t lw smhlfc It :!.<I nn otler of 111r1rnn!)U f• on• n Ltu e nct, werr uL•ol utely nectl!!la1y to bib comfor ' • l free, dearest..' " aub•c~ipti1•u.' r•agto, AO a reclv:rcM dmnor for. oncl", tbnt :a n ll t c.oly StJilsb but ai 111p lo in g')ncr.1lly for t ho lK1troMgu bo ~nd l've refu»Cd it, ~<n<l bu'11 gono off und he·ly con~iclcrcd nnythi•.g el:l(•, • II ow cun I be, when I am voul"!! 1' • Wbnt'• t hi1 May 1-what'~ this?' If anyoob~ com mooted upoa thtl c• rcum· ita conatruction. sto"·ed nvon him for m:my )'C'Ill'll Jl.UI,

b tr d ··' 1 Sl • d 1. 1tAnce 11 aua..-er would be rendy h11 nnJ l..c0' !S t.o infol'ln them th11t ho )1,18 In a u an propoit-u to scu1c ooo t: sc, '10 mntlc Bn effort to n."~:~ert her uu· abo whispered. ask" ..,cr father, aogrily. 1 Y o n re · 11

' ld . - h has nll"nya bern a waste or t imo nod I m11st ~ave your ndvico a !.out it. ' J thority. • It is g rowing late, MRy !' spoko tho preeonto<ltho 111 nn nccideut !' . ret\ Y cou not ~0 unclYJI to tho poor fo r women to m11lte up 110 mu<:h u otlor now on h:tnd tl•e la.J1;Cllt stOI!k of Is nlinn

' My ndVJco I Of w!u1 ~ usc would iL ' May - F..dwnrd-this iR •·cry nbsurd !' wnrnin~> voico of her mother from tho 'And"6o t beliofed it to bo. p1pa' old fell~!• ~~peccally "' he euch 4 clothing. Thoy wero out of (.J-biOn 0 ' ·r.r imported into thi.~ hlnnd be now I' ' h it, mamm1 f qucriad )[11y, with- p:ulour~ ' ll:~.y quietly r~plied. · • :Nor do T th nk pr~tity aug. t1 r. 'buroro they IYOro h11lt 1voru. fro•n "·hich ho ill prcpan:d to furni.~h

1 \~ell , but you C.'\:t tell me wLethor I out miainc: bet· l•cau from its resting· Eel ward took another alep tow11nta snyone wns to blamo but tho por. on I aup~OJO .I am oot to ~&YO tho \Vomon h:ave lutbortoruro wo rn mort' :ltnntunr·nt~. ·romtJ•stonc;~, Ta:.a .. -was r1ght or wrong, nnd lhnt will com· place. tho door but d rew tho unresisting g irl whoao rtcl.:ll'n driving ocCllaioned it.' P.~~~~~ h e~omg M~. 0 .rand•aon to- rlothiug •bout thuir w:~iats t han ""Y 'J'os•~· ltlanrc-l•Plrccs, &c., nxccuwd fort me nod do j ust as well, I duro ' You nro nclin;; like lwo foolish with tu m'. 1.Rec:kleu dri~ing! ''fho drofo re~k· 01g til 0 0 •;r,od. M_lu May mutt oslter pnrt of tboir bodies ; bcnc ... fo rth in " superior ma nner. aay. dron .' • And you go back to Tclograpl1 Str'CC'I lc. aly ?' Mr. llroandidon dt~mandut'. :r 11 •~rta 0 pretty t !ungaco uer on ~bia mil not bo rho cast'. 'l'crru:~ mudemtl'.

So May- u11;cd by her mother to 'Tl.en, ple~o let 1\SIJO child ren n lit-· to-morrow 1 I shall be thoro to wnlk 'l:le ou~;ht to bo puoir~he:i for it.' d '! part' and ao,~ro:jkn?ht, llnd ewoot Some of tho woddintr carJa aPut out AI.EXAN'DER S.lll TU accept the offer--suffered herself to be tlo k ngor,' she IIIIJ"'cred huli tonrful, homo with you. May 1 tell mother lhllt Mr. Camberly emiloJ, nod euded roam• to r~u, ;:a . d) tbi8 .b',dl buo oo~rnvoJ upon thom, St. John's. Fob. 10 . persuaded, and atro\'O Lo nppenr inter·· I )"Cl d impling iuto emiles nnd blusheH, a.~ a?mo d11y I ahnll have n dear JitLic any direct reply to t hie.

0 COnllllu~ • " No proaunh.'' This ia no t a rule. TilE llE')T OF ALL! eeted in Cos.~ie's .GOIII!ipiog dc~nils, nal sho Rhyly looked up nod met tue oyt::~ of dnogbtcr for her 1' G ive me a token ' D id not lliu Gr11ndllo? toll J:OU only cxcop<ionll caso1. t-boy d rove nlong m Lbo luxunous rnr· her love~>. from your own lips that this u, true 01. th:lt I \Tal proront at tho m tc re1 lmg A ~UIET GAME OF "DB.\ W.' Tho "D:1vcoporC' atylo of d ress ie riage, kept .for tho y_ounJ l~rly'a nso by I t mig ht bo very silly to IJO eo nbsurd· abo will scwccly IJOliove me.' ' little aceae? Kno1viu~; how muc:b it very hand•ome, and ie qu1~ a fnYorito A fh~ mucb-tr1ed guan hnn, who bad per- ~ ly hRppy, Lnt ahe could not help iL ' Tho token for which ho naked WM would Ye:t you for hor to bo tl>oo rentro C!::Arloa Rich wanted to explain how m odel "ish eocist.r Indict . Thia modo m1tte-d himself to be nppointcd in tho Sho wou!d no longer be a lit d o lonely snatched from M .. y ·s rosy mouth oro she of a cro wd, s l4r:!ll mt by oYoty gapiust it wu, and wben be got tho word "go" ts " ory l•ko tho when firdt in I~O W Rate pl~<ee o ( M,r. Grandison, otnd repented it thing borne down wit? e»re, b1.1t a brnve, b:lShfully rniCllsod hen~~ II Logo back to fool, I beggorl por!Diasio~ to driYe her be bestt'o : · troduccd. A , eYer eince. I hopeful womnn, look111g forward t.o 111, her l"'othcr and kneol in .. beside her 1111 homo; but tho 1mpert :oent young 'Well, I 'nolhor feller eat dowo to Sil,er fllilllTCO necklncee aro p~etty

_• Whcro nro wo going T asked 1\Iay, hou•· when wndoed Lli>s would reword aho lny, an~iouaiy .. : 0 sc:amp w~o. wu Wttb b l"r interf~:rcd to play a quiet ~ame of "draw"--- o'roamef\ta for fuJI .dron Wllllr. A •oty (wnOL'f LIP& II.AT£)

tuddenly. I hor fo r ~~oil tho trials on< I orJools sho woe · Hnrc I been too ~lywon 1 .A.Iu! preYent 1t. 1 ' A. .:omo 11£ ~that, air P' a1ltod hia fino qlllllity can bo h~d (or $10. ~:t.r.. R E 'To M111. A.laton's-d•d I no~ tell you! now compel ted to endure. n1nmmn, I could no. l:elp it 1 Ho w1111 80

1 I don'~ underatand-I ·dcn't under- Honor. ril~x• of th •• • tylo aro 1clliog at $1 per ~serve ndowment ?olicy Sl.o 1ua tho only good·n~tured person • Do be renaouublc, May I' pl.dcd frnn k and prornpt • ilmllll that 1 could 1tond I ' eriod Mr. Grnndiaon. irri14blr.

1 A ~ramo o£" drow poker," air, patr, up to $G.

IN TUE I co111d think of, wbo would bo likely Mns. Granllison. not bido roy hcnrt ltom him • ·May tolla mo nothing-nothin~ !' 1

Ah !-proceed, air.' 1'he ma•culine c!ement predominate• to t..k~ this troublesome Bij\off tuy 'I w!ll, ronmmn- ns reosonol.lons you , s .. y no moro abont it, · pray 1, her 'Desrl pap11, there w~ noL a o.Jthing Well, as I wae uyin', I 'nother fol· io the fubioa" for ladiea' a~reet coa· ntJ: 't handa I can dealro i and 10 shall EJwnrd. Dow th " tf u roo· I Tl k H to tell. l proforrcod Wlllkmg home, aod lor aat down to piny" gemo or .. draw" tume!. Ladioa now wear white vosta e ropo 11 'tS.J:;l.·

Ma:r did not anawer, for 66; had oro we to begin 1' mo ehr .rc ~ 1 rep 1 •

1 11~0 •

11 0..': EJward A.leLon walked with me ; tbot for the boor. I ebuffied aod bo cut. ' and fbt-folded preciaely like tho10

caught aigbt~f Edwurd, who blldl d.iked H ow could Ml"'l. Grandison hop~ to ;:~~th: ':_'::o1\0 w"{ 11000

if :.,:1• d •u all.' 'Cut you with a knife, eb ?' aakei worn by geotlemeo. L(£E USURA ~OK f,OUPAif

homo ill s ~b, and now 11tood a t tb., w influence her while abo porsiwt.ed In I t 1 th t .0

re ~~t t' r' •':'11 It coet May a alruaglo to say tbi1 h~ H onor. Antique !Bcoa palo before the n o w 01•' NEW YORK. of h is nJotber'e cott.a10e, rendy to lat etandintr therl', never att.ompting to with· ~tlus :pe 1

11 ~ 4 ~ ~~· ~ml~ yon.;l CtLimly i but abo d11d~ined to le~ the 'No air; he cut tbo cardt. Then I importali .. na o ( mod<ro laces anc! tho H O ME OFFICE, 319 .BROADWAy the bdi~:~~ ill alighting. , draw hci'IClf from Edward's clnap. 1 1

1 toub~O: 0 IS

0 Y· ow .mnlicious Camborly eeo tbl\t bia ro· dealt.' fan.oJ :kloda auc~ aa point Ragooac, Jo~EPU ~'.ICN.&.PI', l'relidt!nl.

Couie, after indulging in a !on • Yon n111at belp me to 111alco :llr. AI&- •e P mo . · marka were annoying hor. 'You dcolt him a blow?' wh1ch" a comh1 natiuo of eorornl Yll ·

at Mra. Alaton'a e 110n, l"'ln 1nto to undcn.tand lW impossible it is that h Bu_;k cor:sclilenoo sdmJ oteedhcr,~ al_lo1011;1'wJ Ito turood to Mr. Grnadiaoo, with ' Oh, ao; I d03lt out tho card a. T hen riotiea of etitcbet. Torcboo nud Irish ~OUI( R. H.:oolu.l(, l'icc Jo.

the houte, but Edward dre....-?.la ' lUI onr father c•n .,r be pen1unded to ow :ony 11 aoo '?- . en . · • 118 II n• feignod aurpriao. we began to play. llo throw dow a a poiut. ouT. t\~ Gu.J.SI8S, S t1cretary. tbroush h1a arm. sanction aoob a marriage.' Lo blip;b\ her fehclly .with a~ch cruol 'Thea, you woro Awore tb11t this king.' A decided increaao in trimming ia \ Vll. P. ~~ART • .Actuary.

1 I am not going to d~t.ain you for • But Mr. A laton might reply thnt bo words? Wns loYo a 810• thllt 1~ must he young follow WnJ in attendance upon • 'Vbat King Jid he throw down- ecen on .new c~a~umoe of the princonlt Srs.:wAnT -- ~VOODPORD, Coun,cl. m ore than H•o minutes,' bo said, as be baa no fni~h in smpoeaibilitiea,' E<lwnrd <:_hooked and crushed 01~t thus bnrsbly 1 your daughter; and par haps, you koow what is Mr. K inu·• nome ?' orrler tb11 tal~ ; 1n fact aa extrangant !IAN A.GERS FOR OAN L\.DA, led her up tho garden. • I only Weant gaily retorted, 'eaveci&lly now hO IUUI Sh~ took. hor dnugb~r ID ? 1\r nrms. th~t be knocked mo down ll"bco, fcoling • Ho threw down tho king or lpadoa II mo unt o r tnmmmg ' ch&rnctorizes all to aak you two quutiona. You ret.nin Alay and '1\lny'a mother on bis aide.' Fo'l:l'fC mo, do.'lr. 1f at woro.oot lor 911110 11ure that you "'ould ~c.t consider sir, and I took it.' • ' etyloe of dresees and •wraps. (t is not y~ur old truthful d iapoaition ; and you Mrs. Grondillon abook her head nod your fnther, I would. not eay tbss ; but It eoem)y for llsu Grand1!on to b~ in 'Yo>u &ook it, eh? Did you tllko 1~ ao much tho color, tho ahapo or the will answer 1ne frnnkly, l know.' l11y b.'lrk on her-pillows., either exhaus~d our li.l'llt July ia to b1ru. tbo IOcte.ty of a common l&llor, I w1ab· kindly, ai aa insult, or how ? Or did m<ltcr!o l o~ tho qunuti ty nod qlltllity ot

'.If I can,' abe tAILored, in 110mo con .• with so much tAlking, or beoau1o Rho ~by'a an:ilea returned ; and as she o~ to br1~g her homo. ~f you unc· you take it and put it in your pocket?' tho tnmmmg.

Tu os . .A. T ;us:rLl!, ~l(lri~imo P ro: in 8t. J ohn, N. B.

N. A Moo nr., P rovinces Ont.1rio nnJ Quebec, ToronLo, Ont.

las1on. saw iau•.ihty of fu rLher remonatmnce. hoverod nbout bel' mother, waiting upon tJonod tb11, of c:ourte my 10te rf0t'8nce ·•. \Veil, J~dgo, if you eari' draw WEDD~o DRF.SS£& 'The llnst i• Lhil! : waa it by your She foresa w sLorma and d iffi culties Lo her with ~bo tenderest &~~~idUJty, her mue$ appeor uncollec! for. aud I owe poker, I c:anlt go into particulara. It Tho ncrniog and bridal drt>eaot for D-::RECTORS FOR CANADa,

deeire blra. Gn10diaon forbaue my which tb('l!O h}ll'rY young creaturCII weroltbon~;hta were bnay with tltat futoro you an .opolog!.' wu all in fun, you •eo. 'Ve had A die· the forth·comio~t wedding of Mi .. 'flln· Hon L Wr Frede . Tiaita1' ob~tinately blind. but if t.hoy succeeded which hnd suddenly grown 10 !all of airy

1 No. you do not, Oomberly. You pu~a about the lait tr1clt. and be called d<trbiltaro deeerib«td 11 being vo.ry ole •. JBo S ·AlA L~~n, neton, N .D.

1 !!amma tbongbt it. would be best,' in o. •·orcoming thCl!t~ oltAt.:lclt11 in their ca.atlu. Paptl would regain 10me of h ilr woro r1gbt. May ought to ~II YO bad me a liat aad ran Oil& doora. 1 waa gent. ·Fol"'tbe bridal dn~~~a tbe l'llodi•te ~ 8 ··ot'a {i 1~/,'lf, Proet, B~&nk of No\'& .. jd lfay, with a aigb. path, why, eo mucJo t ho better. property, or something 'IIIlO equally un~ more aelf- reapeot, mo~o co!'e1deration tryiar · tO' eetch; him •boo •be officer drew. lulr own doaigo for theo brocatkod T R 'Joa • 1 "~

• And you wiAht.d 1t 1 You prompted .dy, but if "'lot, and 114r child brok3 !.er likely would hnppen, and !hen bo would f8or me, lhon to ACt 10 th11 lJ!lDnor. here caugbb-mo. I'm Yery aorry, air, ~nt1a,an4 ~king it to A Lyoae m~nu• · • Wl!r, ;~ y;~~M"PSON

ber1' luartin the •tntggld be too plfliUICd to frown upon EJward'11 eeauao I am. unfortunate, 11 my and 1 hopo · tbia will be a greot moral fact.,ry had iL woven ia the looma ac• • · • 'Ob, no I' • . Sho uttered 'uch a monm!ul cry, tbot woo!ng. ~aaa~ter ~ lo!'er beraol~ to · aa I.-on· to ' mo DIJYDr to-to--' cord in~ to her fancy. · l'ben eoleotjote Tne J:Iarbor 1ra"" ~tanttard &Jward'alhongbtful!Aoe began to loeo 'May: fi01" to b~r t<ide. w~ it patn' or She went dancing doWDI!t.airs when 8<1U~~1 W~Witb ,tbll canaille r . To ~hat P' ' the. t hionc.t gauze r.,r lbe brideemait!'• -.uru- ~

ita aoaioca look. · ., arioC that ailed hcr1 abe beard Ellie admit Mr Grsndieoo. ' !" d iaon • beauLy and her 'To let~man dlltrun mo after eafllag dreeeee, abe ,directed that eilcb ahould """ltCtnt',. e&l C3l )o.b t ' • And IIOW for my ~nd qneation- ~· • ~hmma-dearest m~UJUD~~,· be COlD· The eoft flullh tbat the :llciaa hail rath~r ~ name, •ill alwa~· IIOCUI'fl ber me IUC:h a J\I.IM .. tba' I' · - , -be difFerently· oroamenced, ' ha~so.. IIW ... lull C!l'a.r c;JU cr tscr

bat no; it CliO ·wait. 1 wilf n.dt it in forted I' aile vrbiej)Ored "1. will net<er bron,.ht into her obeek ... ill Up<m it, a~momobe r the bon IOOlety,' murmur- , Char lee 'Ricb; I know uotblrig a boat- wrouth~ ou C'IDO aprige of eleaaalia, 00 Is printed aud eve't. S....TIJRDJ.T

t he prttence of your mother.' leav!lyou; only dnn't aak me to 1110 up and her eyee "en brigh · bope and l! , am r 1· . . . ·• •. t!Mpaap o.f d~! polt'er,' •ld tbecour; another n11ebude,.a U!ird eapoja•miae la ~oJiu" LJal~btbe tate of tho .lie 1elepo.d her, ana *be !ollowed the awf'Olf'l\ hope of my liCe I' " jo1 aa ebo 1'1\ll into tho parlor. • 9c ~urae It will, .•1r-o.C c~une 1t, a~~. cl .. rtag h11 tl!roat.. 'If a Oon· and 10 oa, for eacb of tbe aiJ: · ahen' M.~N~'{, at ,b! S·u.JO).u.~~ffi~ ~Va~~

llt'l' friend, who ...... beiriesiug Mrr I 'l'hi• &ltachment ia 10 1!14clfn ' Hrs Bat her father wai no~ al b ~IIJ,. eaicl Mr. GrandtiOo Wl&b !DeN&a-J g.te:Mmaa ahoold not to rit down witb daau. .EYen the bridal bUiiery ie madq Street XMI, tiarbor- G~e, Ntld. Alttc;n •i•b qatdiona noepeet•ng t~ GnDd~ Objected. , .' • waa hutily r(trstlng whelf~ ~ kDI( i:f'rtud 1 tn~ yoong Alaton me to wllilo t~~ time aw~&J, I ·trould b& to order, and in tbe gaoaieet white aills! TKallli-~B~l'Y SlULLING~·pcr an-~a.ndolome •iklr lhe ha4aeen. At ~r ' • No~ !ID' I1Iddesl u .- imatine,' aid and cfre• her loi"W&I'Il. ' Bla hande • !'00 JO~ on ouahould baYO ·a m~re toJin nu band• • I can't tell a atockinga are introduc:ecl long medal· nnm pa le hall ·ycuu ty.

· ' nq .. eo;t an •ntroduotlon too~ jJiace and Edward. comina to be'! .p. , 1 hllft 1 OQ!d ~d' ~maloaa, and be wa'a em-::. fi:!Jrbim 111 eb'!'P· He int7.d~ jaclt from~ ~N~_ba~fl, n,or ;an aoo• from '!ion• o! uloacieauea lace eovcriacr · tb~ !Jo?IC .t.N.> l 11 P.arN''l'lllo, ~'f ovory detcrip· tta. youug hodJ-•Lo cleaarl1 lu~e(l a diltiaaL.re0611ectiOD or ~little alrl nlled' ~ IUc:b Ill unuaal d.,._, Ul & ld tl np;n me ;'t~,. w~n.~f coo- le~~lld. , I~ t" Jldt,"';;ap' to carom snetep Ia patloro• to match &be brocadQ T llon ox ted '" aeu~l!l()f manner. Ji.&cle llartatioa-'would haft alll'ed lew ,....., ...... ,.t, ... ~tm. me Ill oAr ""'Tier in .. ..;n.. -· Ll- ah.l • ..&..: ........... ~r •.. ~ Ol"lli or, my eo tO~ •a. "'" I have Of! .uo red ~1 u to 'nllfl ibtouglt tho ot tho dre... Tbe bridal bonoo~ -a ~·v,tt 1\ o~ar.nn:to :-~mt in..artion

bon L .. -·, ... - 7'1' ' ~ - .. -.... - - _... -·01 _._ Qon .... er orrottea n pr :orgJYeD l!'d middle areb. I don'C kD wh t"b I f th . d . I F - <'~ roe lmc. (bo\lrpow ljpv) JA '( ;,n.. ,r ~ t~J: ~ ":u ••.;~•In:- lwidln11011111h 1MdrttL~(OrL 'fla611

loT_! ~' d~ba' ne• Wclabfo mo:mO(I(~ them, llhe the rutnre, I .eh:tll u POJ DIJii'lf t~ hiaa.' ic'a whi&o to play and. !"to ~ine tw"~ ft~:y ~hfte ~~:;: :icb b~~~j; lor ~Y addldonalli~tt 3d. l?or ~h ' a1 e aux~t- 1 ra r 1:1 cr •u I e btl ..... uU paa .... w1th 1d no~ porco1vo tbe au~\la ntare of D o you !)ear May? Recollect $u ~ll mont or to wb ~ :'g t • b ~ , • " oooUilu:r.Uon ozae third of lbe lra~c!wx-e.

,.._ ~ oom..,elled ~ r.o de('l'f- oar &1'01"th.~ l>~r Mn. Gra1!4~,."t hiJ comJl<Ulion. l<!Jiia tbi&t 1 ' 11m 1 not 1 t bum•,' i( he kiag·r~w on-::'. Ru~ c'i..rie. 'il~!h~ i :~~.-==~ !t;d •th:;ri':ui: ~~~he onlr j '~'i:r":tr t~~' =~ ~~'~:blcrtf>9 ~

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