Page 1: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

Music: The Earliest Times

Page 2: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.

The earliest instrument in existence from this period is the Gold Lyre of Ur, 2650 B.C.

Earliest Examples

Page 3: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

One of the oldest instruments in existence is a flute made of bear bone, dating from 4100 B.C.

The oldest instrument that can still be played is a flute made from crane bones that dates back to around 9000 B.C.

Earliest Examples

Page 4: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

Music was used in African and Native-American tribes to appeal to spirits for success in hunting, battle, and to honor ancestors.

Animism- animals and inanimate objects in nature have souls and spirits

Groups who have beliefs based on animism had music that imitate sounds in nature, (animal and bird calls, wind, running water, and weather sounds).

Ritual Music and Worship

Page 5: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

Parts of The Book of The Dead are hymns that were performed for the Egyptian gods.

Ancient horns, harps, cymbals, and drums have all been discovered at burial sites.

Music played a part in festivals, religious rituals, and war rallies.

The Christian Coptic church, had many of their hymns influenced by early Egyptian hymns, these later influenced medieval chants.

Music in Egypt

Page 6: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

The five books of the Old Testament make up the Torah.

These were performed in chants by priests in rituals of sacrifice at the temple.

Kings David and Soloman wrote poetry that was accompanied by music (with harp or lyre).

This poetry makes up the books of Psalms and Song of Soloman

There are specific references to instruments in the Bible documenting their importance to praising God.

Music of the Hebrews

Page 7: Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) mention 9 kinds of musical strings and 23 types of music and instruments.  The earliest instrument

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