
نواقض الإسلام

ه الله(لشيخ الإسلام محمد بن عبدالوهاب )رحم

Nullifiers of IslamThe By Shiekhul-Islam Muhammed bin Abdulwahab (d.1206)

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The Ten Nullifiers of Islām

Introductions Page

1. Shirk Page 18

2. Intermediary Page 19

3. Declaring the disbelieve of the disbelievers Page 20

4. Whoever believes there is better guidance or legislation then that of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم Page 21

5. Hate for the religion Page 22

6. Mocking the religion Page 23

7. Magic Page 24

8. Supporting the Disbelievers over the Muslims Page 25

9. Whoever believes that some are not bound by the religion Page 26

10. Whoever turns away from the religion Page 27

❖ The One who is excused after falling into one of the nullifiers above Page 28


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:نواقض الإسلام

:اعلم أن نواقض الإسلام عشرة

اء إن :الأول: الشرك في عبادة الله تعالى، قال الله تعالىن يش

لك ل


فر ما دون

رك به ويغ

ن يش

فر أ



ه الل

م :[. وقال48النساء:] د حر ق ف

هرك بالل

ه من يش

من إن

ين ال

ار وما للظ

واه الن


ة جن

يه ال


هنصار الل

[. 72الائدة:] أ

.ير الله، كمن يذبح للجن أو للقبرومنه الذبح لغ

The Nullifiers of Islam

Know, verily the nullifiers of Islam are ten:

1. Shirk in the worship of Allaah. Allaah, the Most High, said:

“Verily, Allaah does not forgive that partners be set up with Him in His worship, but other than that

He forgives (all sins) to whom He pleases.” [an-Nisaa’ (4):48, 116]

The Most High, said:

“Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise for

him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are

no helpers.” [al-Maa‘idah (5):72]

And it includes sacrificing to other than Allaah such as tombs and jinn.

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الشفاعة ويتوكل عليهم، كفر ويسألهمالثاني: من جعل بينه وبين الله وسائط يدعوهم .إجماعا

2. Setting up intermediaries between the creation and Allaah, supplicating to them, asking them for

intercession and trusting upon them. A person who does this is regarded as a kaafir by consensus.

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.الثالث: من لم يكفر الشركين أو شك في كفرهم أو صحح مذهبهم

3. Not declaring the mushrikeen to be kuffaar and doubting their disbelief or declaring their madhab to be

correct, then this is kufr.

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حكم كالذي يفضل -أكمل من هديه، أو أن حكم غيره أحسن من حكمه صلى الله عليه وسلم الرابع: من اعتقد أن غير هدي النبي

.فهو كافر -الطواغيت على حكمه

To believe that any guidance other than that of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is more complete

or that any ruling other than his (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is better. Such as those who prefer the ruling

of the tawaagheet over and above the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and they prefer the ruling of

man-made laws to Islaam.

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مما جاء به الرسول .ولو عمل به، كفر صلى الله عليه وسلم الخامس: من أبغض شيئا

5. Hating something that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) came with even if one is

doing it, then this is kufr.

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ئن :أو ثوابه أو عقابه، والدليل قوله تعالى صلى الله عليه وسلم السادس: من استهزأ بش يء من دين الرسول ما ول

ن إن



تهم ل



باللل أ

عب ق

لوض ون

خا ن

ن ) ك



م ت


د 65وآياته ورسوله ك



تم ( لا


م بعد


ف .[66،65التوبة:] ك

Mocking something from the deen of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) or its rewards or its

punishments. And the proof for this is the saying of the Most High

“Say: “Was it at Allaah and His ayaat and His Messenger that you were mocking? Make no excuse;

you have disbelieved after you had believed.”” [at-Tawbah (9):65-66]

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حد :السابع: السحر، ومنه الصرف والعطف، فمن فعله او رض ي به كفر، والدليل قوله تعلىين به من أ

آرهوما هم بض


ن الل بإذ

عهم إلا


هم ولا ما يضر



.[102البقرة:] ويت

7. Magic and amongst its types is causing unity and disunity between people (especially husband and wife),

so whoever practices it or is pleased with it has committed kufr and the proof is the saying of the Most High:

“But neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, “We are only for

trial, so disbelieve not” (by learning this magic from us).” [al-Baqarah (2):102]

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:الثامن: مظاهرة الشركين ومعاونتهم على السلمين، والدليل قوله تعالى لا

هه منهم إن الل

إنم ف


هم مه ول

ومن يت

وم يهديق ال

ين ال

.[51الائدة:] الظ

8. Aiding and supporting the mushrikeen against the Muslims. The proof for this is the saying of the Most


“And if any amongst you takes them as helpers, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allaah does

not guide those who are the dhalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).” [al-Maa ‘idah


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، كما وسع الخضرالخروج عن شريعة صلى الله عليه وسلم من اعتقد أن بعض الناس يسعه الخروج عن شريعة محمدالتاسع:

.موس ى عليه السلام، فهو كافر

9. The belief that some people are exempt from the shari‘ah of Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) like

Khidr was exempted from the shari‘ah of Musaa (‘alaihi salaam). Then whoever believes this, is a kaafir.

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ه :الإعراض عن دين الله تعالى، لا يتعلمه ولا يعمل به، والدليل قوله تعالىالعاشر: ر بآيات ربه

هكن ذ م مم

لظومن أ

عرض م أ





ا من ال

.[22السجدة:] عنها إن

10. Turning away from the deen of Allaah, not learning it and not acting upon it. The proof for this is the

saying of the Most High:

“And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the ayaat of his Lord, then he turns aside

therefrom? Verily, We shall exact retribution from the wrong-doers.” [as-Sajdah (33):22]

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، يكون ولا فرق في جميع هذه بين الهازل والجاد والخائف إلا الكره، وكلها من أعظم ما وأكثر ما يكون وقوعا


.نعوذ بالله من موجبات غضبه وأليم عقابه فينبغي للمسلم أن يحذرها ويخاف منها على نفسه،

There is no difference in all of these nullifiers between the one who is joking or serious or frightened

except for a degree of disgust. All of them are from the greatest of those things which are dangerous and

the most likely to happen. So it is obligatory for a Muslim to beware of them and fear them for himself.

And we seek shelter with Allaah from that which leads to His Anger and severe punishment.

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