

() Wednesday Night Drill February 8

DialogueNarrative 1Narrative 2Listening Rejoinder

(20 minutes 6:30-6:50)2

Dialogue (Trancript)

Narrative 1 & 2 (Transcript)(

Listening Rejoinder[:,,!A. ,B. ,C. ,D. ]

The soft sleeper car is much cleaner than the hard sleeper car; however, Im afraid that someone sleeps and snores.We toured Lijiang, listened to the tour guide tell stories, and see with our own eyes very distinct teahouses. Yunnans customs and habits, and the beautiful scenery all made a deep impression on us. Signing up to join a tour group is cheaper. The fees include transportation, hotels, and admission tickets to scenic spots.

(15 minutes 6:50-7:05)6

(mdd, destination)


(10 minutes discuss 7:05-7:15+ 10 minutes share 7:15-7:25)7


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