  • I.

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  • I.

  • I. , - "" ,

  • I. 2. 100%

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  • I. 4. ( PR-)

  • I. 5. ,

  • I. 6.

  • I. 7.

  • I. 8. , (, )

  • I. 9.

  • I. 10. PR- ///

  • IV. ONLINE , , ,

  • IV. ONLINE : : : : : : : : - : , - : , : :

  • : , , . , , Rose Creative Strategies: [email protected]

  • PR

    [email protected]+ 7 (495) 783 73 03, . 135

    * .


    , , .

    1 1,

    *** , / .

    . .- 3 Ps positive, presentable, professional

    . , 2. .

    3. ,

    4. , , ** -- ,

    Use "off the record" as a device to allow a reporter to get his story together in advance. Another way to do this is to issue a release with an embargo which prevents the publication from publishing it before a certain date.

    *"I will get back to you with an answer.

    Be 100% . By being 100 percent accurate+ If you discover information relayed to a reporter is outdated, call back the reporter with correct facts. He or she will appreciate your concern for accuracy. .






    , , = . .



    Learn to "bridge over" to a positive statement after responding to a negative question:


    *Be Patient and generous with your time.

    turn the media over to someone to the agency to provide further details.

    There is no reason to waste time doing work that could be more efficiently be done by others -- the media will appreciate this.

    Return all calls. Or have all calls returned. If you are busy when a reporter phones, offer to return the call that same day at a more convenient time. Then do it.

    *If a reporter has written a negative story about your company, then calls on another story, don't hold back. And never seek retribution.

    Achieve a professional relationship.

    Our experience is that previously unfavorable journalists can become strong allies whos columns have more credibility because they appear less biased.

    *Be available to comment on general industry trends.

    Journalists appreciate the assistance of corporate executives with knowledge of a subject. .

    *It is vital that all communication with the media are logged to improve the efficiency of your companys pr program and for your own protection.By communicating with colleagues and your agency immediately following the contact, better follow-up and tracking of stories can be effected.

    *Tips for Dealing with Online NegativityAnyone who embarks upon a social media campaign risks opening him- or herself to attack. Even the most noble causes can run afoul of extremists. In the vast majority of cases, these problems can be contained with sufficient planning. The trick is not to get caught flat-footed by criticism you didnt expect. In fact, when managed professionally, negativity can actually enhance your image by demonstrating that youve thought through the issues in detail.Also, if you manage to resolve a problem for a customer they are often become even more loyal and outspoken advocates.Negativity can usually be anticipated and blunted if you deploy a few basic tactics:*DO Prepare & Anticipate. , .

    , , DO: Emphasize the positive , DO: Keep calm.

    , , .

    ; 100 , . , . Dont get personal. , . . -

    - DuPont did this a few years ago when rumors popped up that Teflon caused cancer. DuPont didnt address its critics directly but instead set up a website to tell the truth about Teflon. By refuting the rumors with scientific evidence, the company quickly put the issue to bed.

    Bloggers helped out by linking to DuPonts informational website. The company never got down in the muck with its detractors, but effectively dispatched the rumors with facts.DO: Acknowledge Concerns, , .

    ( , ) - : . , .

    Dont censor. If negative comments have been left on a company site or social media page, NEVER delete them. Censorship wont silence your critics; it will only send them to other forums you dont control. Its okay to edit obscene or inappropriate remarks, but dont delete them just because you dont like what they say. Once you have created a public forum, you must live with the consequences.A little criticism actually isnt a bad thing. It makes you look more credible. Respond to adversaries using the tactics outlined here, but dont use your power to silence them. It will backfire on you.DO: Go privateAfter you respond to a misguided or unhappy customer get the conversation out of the public domain. For example: send them a friend request or follow the person making a comment on Twitter and send them an @reply asking them to DM you with a way for them to contact them. Get to the root of their issue and most of all follow through.DO: Solve the problem One negative comment is likely to be followed by many more if the root problem is not rectified.Maybe: Wait & see. An immediate reaction might not be called for, especially when there is a risk of getting things out of hand. Its always possible members of the community will come to your defense.


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