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    (Bramley, 2003: 6). , . , . (Noy & Pivetau, 1999: 132). , , , , , , , , . , (, 2006: 277).

    , , . Bloom (1971) .

  • 8

    Bloom (1971):

    ) (...)) (...)) (...)1

    (, 2006: 278).

    2 , . Eseryel (2002: 94) 3 , .

    , , 4 , Kirk-patrick 1959, (Kirkpatrick, 1998: 19-24). , :

    1) (reaction) 2) (learning)3) (behavior) 4) (results)

    , (, 2006: 128).

    , .

    1 4.4 .2 [...] , , , 1999:135.3 : ) Kirkpatrick (1959), ) CIPP Model (1987), ) IPO Model (1990) ) TVS Model (1994).4 Kirkpatrick . : Silberman, M., 1998: 294, Eitington, J., E., 1996: 402, Armstrong, M., 1999: 531, , . & , ., 1999: 139, ..

  • 4 -



    2 Noy & Piv-

    etau , , (1999: 142). .


    (Thorne, Mackey, 2003: 99).

    . Rogers (1999: 294) .

    . , .

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    . , . .

    Noy & Pivetau (1999: 132) . , []. , : , . , . , .

  • 10


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    (Bramley, 2003: 10).

    ( ;) ( ;). , , (Bramley, 2003: 7). , . .

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    . , , , . , , . , , ; (Noy & Pivetau, 1999: 132).

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    ) , , , . .

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    ; (, 2006: 285).

    7 . .1. (3. 3.) ; 2. : ; . 3. 2 ;

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  • 16


    (2006: 288-299), , [...] / / / , :

    . . . . .


    Beardwell & Holden (1999: 351) .

    . . . . . .

    Noy & Pivetau (1999: 135-140), , :

    . . . . . . . . .

    ( )

  • 4 -


    . .


    . .

    [...] (, 2006: 291). Kirkpatrick (1998: 25) .

    4.2 , , . ( ) (, 2006: 291).


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  • 18

    . ( 1-4 4) .

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    9. ;






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    2. ,

    . . , (.. , , ) .

    Kirkpatrick, , (1998: 42-43).

    2 , . , . .

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    : ...........................................................................

    : .................................................................

    1. ;






    2. ; ;






    3. ( ) ;



    4. .







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    6. E. Berne ;







    7. 5 ; ( ) ;







    8. ;









    5 , , (Transac-tional Analysis), .

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    9. ;







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    11. ;






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    , , , , , , .. , , . , , . :

    ) ,


    ) (, 2006: 290).

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    , . , , , . , (.. ) , . , . , (, ) . , , . , .

    , .






  • 4 -



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    3. ) , ,




  • 30


    , , , , . .

    ( )

    . , . , . . , , (2 ).

    . . , , , (, 2006: 278).

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    ) (Eitington, 1996: 413).

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    ISBN: 978-960-98697-4-4

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