doubles scorecard breakdown


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Doubles Scorecard Breakdown


Precision (8 Points)

­ Cleanliness. Judges are to award points for clean movement and animation /

deduct points for awkward momentum.

­ “Defined as group movement whose main appeal is exactness of performance,

precision in dancing relies on accuracy because the emphasis is on the overall

geometric effect of the dancing rather than the individual dancer.”

­ Confidence and energy is key. Does it look like mush or does it appear


­ Direct contact employs the technical accuracy of both performers. If tracing, does

one partner trace all the way to the endpoint.

Unity (8 Points)

­ Harmony in each performers movements; the fusion of individual parts to

enhance overall effect. “Oneness” in the partners’ interpretation of the music.

­ Flow and communication between competitors is evident. Spatial awareness

between partners – management of the distance between glovers and utilizing that

distance to enhance the overall effect of the performance.

­ A sense of completeness. To receive full points, show will appear as if one person

with four arms is performing.

Complexity (4 Points)

­ Intricate and elaborate technique. Not easily repeatable by most performers. To

receive full 4 points, a pair must not only master coordination but contrast of

movements and energy.

­ The quality of difficulty. Not only are they performing more intricate moves, but

doing so flawlessly.

­ Varied use of power, speed, and acceleration between BOTH glovers. If one

glover is intricate and the other isn’t as versed, point deduction should occur in



Transitions (8 Points)

­ Points are awarded for flawless transitions. Transitions are the varied and

purposeful use of intricate handwork, positions, movements, and dimensions that

link all the elements.

­ Deduct points for resets or repeating. Glover demonstrates multiple concepts in

succession without stuttering or resetting.

­ Deduct points for combinations that are choppy or uncoordinated.

Use of Space (5 Points)

­ Multidimensional use of space and design of movements within that space. Use

all three dimensions between performer and viewer and the area exploration

within. Taking advantage of the field of depth.

Page 2: Doubles Scorecard Breakdown

Drop (2 Points)

­ When a tempo song occurs, the glovers change either speed, concept, or field of

depth. To earn both points, glovers must either hit all three or exceptional delivery

of two.


Variety (8 Points)

­ Glovers earn points for showing concept variety in their show. Glovers are to

showcase diversity in their talents, however all concepts must be tied well

together and create an overall presentation. (This will mostly be reflected in the

glover’s transitions.)

­ Deduct points for repetitive sequences.

Musicality/Timing (5 Points)

­ The ability of the partners to glove strictly in time with the music and to reflect

the rhythm patterns and prescribed beat values of the pattern dance.

­ The subjective interpretation of the music reflects in the partners’ movements.

­ “On beat”, apparent they are listening to the song played and not their own

rhythm within.

­ Physical, emotional, and intellectual involvement and projection.

Story (2 Points)

­ An introduction and conclusion.

­ I.e. Deduct points if they end abruptly with no indication of stopping.