double page spread analysis

Pug- the pug gives off the impression that it has been stuck on after the magazine has been produced. This connotes the feeling that the magazine have a lot to talk about that they had to keep sticking different bits on. It also makes a chance from having the text written normally because it gives it a more exciting feel to the magazine. The use of the buzz word in fancy writing in the pug makes it seem even more exciting. Main Image- All but one of the models are giving direct address to the audience. This connotes that they are looking directly at the audience and are inviting them in. All have different expressions on their face which gives it a more interesting feel to the image compared to have them all pulling the same pose. Their clothes denote their genre as they are wearing typical clothing of the genre rock. Rock fans will be immediately attracted to it as it is the style they like. Quote- The purpose of the quote is to give the reader a small insight in what the article is about. The quote has more than likely been taken from the text on the right hand side. The quote in itself shows that the bands are different and connotes that they look at things in a different perspective. This gives the audience a chance to get to know the band. All of the text is in capitals which connotes an exciting feel. Title- the title is at the top which is conventional for a double page spread. It is at the top because it is the first thing the reader notices as they read from top to bottom. The title is slanted which gives it a more unique style. This can represent the magazine and the genre. The text colour connotes power as the colour red is often associated as representing power. This makes the band and the magazine seem more powerful. Drop Cap- the first letter of the word being enlarged connotes excitement. It also tells the audience where to start reading. Having the drop cap in the colour red makes it seem more important and power as the colour red is often associated with this. Body Text- the interview is separated into question and answer. This has clearly been done by having the question and the answer different colours. The content of the text gives off a chatty and relaxing feel to it. This can make the audience feel more warming towards the member of the band being interviewed. Body Text- This piece of text are short interviews with members from different bands relating to the band being promoted in this band. All of these short interviews say positive things about the band which connotes a positive vibe for the audience one this band. It also makes them feel they are gaining exclusive content because have loads of bands quoting in a magazine is rare which also gives them a

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Page 1: Double page spread analysis

Pug- the pug gives off the impression that it has been stuck on after the magazine has been produced. This connotes the feeling that the magazine have a lot to talk about that they had to keep sticking different bits on. It also makes a chance from having the text written normally because it gives it a more exciting feel to the magazine. The use of the buzz word in fancy writing in the pug makes it seem even more exciting.

Main Image- All but one of the models are giving direct address to the audience. This connotes that they are looking directly at the audience and are inviting them in. All have different expressions on their face which gives it a more interesting feel to the image compared to have them all pulling the same pose. Their clothes denote their genre as they are wearing typical clothing of the genre rock. Rock fans will be immediately attracted to it as it is the style they like.

Quote- The purpose of the quote is to give the reader a small insight in what the article is about. The quote has more than likely been taken from the text on the right hand side. The quote in itself shows that the bands are different and connotes that they look at things in a different perspective. This gives the audience a chance to get to know the band. All of the text is in capitals which connotes an exciting feel.

Title- the title is at the top which is conventional for a double page spread. It is at the top because it is the first thing the reader notices as they read from top to bottom. The title is slanted which gives it a more unique style. This can represent the magazine and the genre. The text colour connotes power as the colour red is often associated as representing power. This makes the band and the magazine seem more powerful.

Drop Cap- the first letter of the word being enlarged connotes excitement. It also tells the audience where to start reading. Having the drop cap in the colour red makes it seem more important and power as the colour red is often associated with this.

Body Text- the interview is separated into question and answer. This has clearly been done by having the question and the answer different colours. The content of the text gives off a chatty and relaxing feel to it. This can make the audience feel more warming towards the member of the band being interviewed.

Body Text- This piece of text are short interviews with members from different bands relating to the band being promoted in this band. All of these short interviews say positive things about the band which connotes a positive vibe for the audience one this band. It also makes them feel they are gaining exclusive content because have loads of bands quoting in a magazine is rare which also gives them a sense of discovery.

Page 2: Double page spread analysis

Masthead- the title is big and bold so the reader can clear see it. It has also been placed at the top so they can see it as people tend to read a magazine from top to bottom. The word ‘Final’ has been made the biggest in the sentence emphasise that it is the last of the movies. This also connotes that it is the last time the reader can read about the movie which makes them want to read it. The title goes across both pages so the reader can see it clearly. The title has been very visible because the reader can flick through the magazine and see what each page is about just by looking at the title. The title has been underlined by a thin purple banner. This highlights it and makes it even more visible and makes it look more exciting. This also clearly separates the title and text for the reader.

Drop Cap- the drop cap is used in the first letter of the first word which makes it stand out. This makes it more likely for the reader to start reading this page. Also, it tells the reader where to start on the magazine when reading it. The colour of the drop cap matches the rest of the magazine which denotes that it is part of the page.

Main Image- the facial expression of the character Harry Potter denotes despair in a dark location which represents the genre of the movie which is action. The image has been centred so the reader can clearly see it. It is the most important thing on the page because it is centred and large. The clothes he is wearing denotes the genre of the film as they are dark and dirty which is associated with action films as the main character has to go through ordeals that require a lot of hard work. It is an action shot taken from the film which denotes genre of action.

Pug- a pug has been added to the top of the magazine which tells you what film the page is talking about. This gives the audience a quick overall look on what the page is about if they have not immediately recognised this by the main image. This is a consistent feature throughout this issue of the magazine.

Sub Heading- this sub heading is used for the audience so they can quickly read it and decided whether they want to read the page or not. The text has been centred which makes it look professional and neat. A rhetorical question has been used to engage the audience.

Body Text- the text has clearly been separated into two sections. The person who is talking and what they are saying. They have clearly separated the two sections by using different colours for each. The person who is talking has been made purple and also have a colon afterwards to denote that is them speaking in the text next to their name. By separating the text it makes it easier for the reader to read through the text as it is not a long column of text which is boring. The page has been split into 3 columns which is a typical convention of a magazine.Colour Scheme- the colour scheme uses dark

colours which denote the genre of the film and magazine as having a spooky side. The dark colour scheme also represents their audience of thrill seekers who have a dark side.

Date- the date has been fitted neatly into the magazine next to the page numbers. It is in italic writing which makes it different from the rest of the text so it stands out. Having different types of text in page is far more interesting than having the same type throughout. The date, number and the magazine name are symmetrical to each other on both pages which connotes that the magazine is neat.

Page Numbers- the numbers have been put at the bottom of the page in the corner so people can clearly see it when flicking through the pages. People can then look for the page number they got from the contents page so they can read the desired story. The colour of the page numbers is white which makes it stand out against the background because of the contrast between the two colours.

Page 3: Double page spread analysis

Masthead- the text has been enlarged so the reader can clearly see it. The word ‘Loud’ has been made bigger out of all the text which denotes the genre music as the genre they belong to of rock can be described as loud. This also represents their target audience because they can be described as being heard and the word being enlarged connotes this. The text is also a quote that has been taken from the article. The reader can they read this and know what to expect from the article. It has been moved to the top as people read magazines from to top to bottom so the title will be seen first. This indicates its importance of the double page spread as it has been moved to the top to be seen first. Each buzz word has been separated by a full stop so it is read separately. Making it short and sweet connotes excitement as each makes a statement to the magazine.

Main Image- all models have different expressions on their face which makes the image more interesting. The clothes that they are wearing clearly represent the genre they belong to of rock. You can clearly see this because of the dark clothing they are wearing which is normally associated with rock. The denotation is that they are wearing dark clothes and the connotation is that it represents aggressiveness which is associated with rock. Most of the models are giving direct address to the audience which indicates that they are looking directly at their audience.

Body Text- the band’s name has been highlighted in red so it is easily seen. The colour red connotes power as it is associated with it. Power represents the genre of rock because the music can be associated with it being powerful. The text on the background is clearly seen because it is white and it contrasts with the red background. Highlighting this represents them as being important.

Colour Scheme- the colour scheme is a simple one because a complex one is not needed seeing as indie rock is all about the music.

Page 4: Double page spread analysis

Masthead- having the title at the top is conventional for a double page spread. It is put at the top so the reader can clearly see it. Putting this priority of the double page spread connotes its importance. The text is all in capitals so it can clearly be seen and also connotes that it is important. The word ‘different’ has been made a different colour to the rest of the title because having it a different colour to the rest makes it different. Being different denotes the genre the band belong to which is indie rock. Indie meaning different. This represents the audience as well because they can also be associated as being different. The word ‘rock’ clearly denotes the genre of rock.

Body Text- the language code used in the body text denotes its genre as word likes ‘bullshit’ and ‘fuck off’ connotes aggressiveness which is often used to represent the genre or rock. The shock of having these words may be attractive to the audience because it is something different and like the audience and the rock genre people do what they like and say what they like.

The double page spread has been used to introduce the article and the band. The small amount of text is to attract the audience and make them want to read on.

Main Image- all models are giving direct address to the audience which connotes that are looking directly at their audience and inviting them in. The clothes they are wearing denote their genre of indie rock as these types of clothes are associated with the genre.