donating digital me

Donating digital me What can be learned from my digital footprint? Katie Hannan, #DHA2016 1415 HRS, 2016-06-22 -42.901552, 147.327449

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Page 1: Donating digital me

Donating digital meWhat can be learned from my digital

footprint?Katie Hannan, #DHA2016

1415 HRS, 2016-06-22-42.901552, 147.327449

Page 2: Donating digital me

Is death really the end?

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What is my data?

It’s the “raw stuff, [it is] what is collected by instrumentation or machinery”.

Pomerantz (2015, p.20)

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Data collection aims

understand the public’s relationship with the concept of digital legacy

identify attitudes towards personal data donation

determine necessity for an end of life data donation service

inform understanding of personal data ownership

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Personal metadata

"metadata is a statement about a potentially informative object" Pomerantz (2015)

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Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, 2016.

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End of Life Personal Metadata StoreService Inclusions

Create a data willIncluding nomination of data executor

Personal data auditList locations and access methods

Prepare EOL triggered freedom of information requests where necessary

Data harvest

De-identification of data

Release into EOL metadata commons

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Results about metadata preservation

68.8% likely16.9 % unlkely

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Results about metadata preservation

74.67% likely12 % unlkely

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Personal metadata custodians

Are these organisations ready?

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Test casesWhat do I buy?

Woolworths everyday rewards


Credit card statements…..

What does what I read say about me? Where could this information be?

Public Library

Book depository





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Questions?Contact me

[email protected] | twitter @katykat