domain modelling and implementation canonical modelling approach simon cox research scientist sydney...

Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

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Page 1: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach

Simon Cox

Research Scientist

Sydney - December, 3rd 2010

Page 2: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010


• UML, Modeling basics• Hollow-World: the ISO HM, SWE and O&M• Standard stereotypes• Tagged values• Modeling practices

Page 3: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Unified Modeling Language

Page 4: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Unified Modelling Language (UML)

• OMG’s ‘Platform Independent’ modelling environment• Object-oriented• 13 types of diagrams

• Structure• Package, class, object, component, deployment …

• Behaviour• Use-case, activity, state

• Interactions• Sequence, communication …

Page 5: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010


Page 6: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Class diagrams

• Show information objects, their properties and relationships

}Class attributes

}Class constraints

Not shown – class operations

Additional parent not shown



Class stereotype

Attribute stereotype

Association-end role name


Page 7: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010


Page 8: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

• Class attributes & navigable association-ends• Navigable end

owned by source class

• Composite association ≈ attribute


Page 9: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML Constraints

•Rules that can’t be captured in boxes and lines• Text, or OCL

Page 10: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Diagrams are selective

• The diagrams are not the model• Each diagram is a ’projection’ or ‘view’ of part of the model,

to communicate a key point• Fight the A0 plotter syndrome!

Page 11: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Lots of diagrams are a Good Thing

• Especially in packages containing many classes

Page 12: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Other diagrams used in data modeling

Page 13: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

pkg GeoSciML package dependencies

«Application Schema»GeoSciML-Core

«Application Schema»CGI_Utilities

«Application Schema»PhysicalProperties

«Application Schema»Borehole

«Application Schema»LaboratoryAnalysis-Specimen

«Application Schema»GeologicTimescale

«Application Schema»TemporalReferenceSystem

ISO 19108:2006 Temporal Schema

(from ISO 19108 Temporal schema)

ISO DIS 19156:2010 Observ ations and Measurements

(from ISO 19156 Observations and Measurements)

SensorML v 1.0

(from Sensor Web Enablement 1.0)

ISO 19107:2003 Spatial Schema

(from ISO 19107 Spatial Schema)

ISO 19115:2006 Metadata (Corrigendum)

(from ISO 19115-All Metadata)

ISO 19103:2005 Schema Language

(from ISO 19103 Conceptual Schema Language)

«Application Schema»EarthMaterial

Need to update to SWE v2 when available






«import» «import»






























GeoSciML package dependenciesGeoSciML3.0.0CGI Interoperability Working Group

Package diagrams

• Dependencies & maintenance arrangements

Page 14: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Object diagrams

• … can get busy very fast

“Accidents in Legoland”

Mostly useful in the analysis phase

Page 15: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Summary of UML structure diagrams

• Package • ownership (governance arrangements) • dependencies

• Class • the data model

• Objects • examples in action

Page 16: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010


Page 17: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Hollow World template

• A template for designing application schemas in UML

• Contains key standards components• ISO 19100 Harmonized Model• OGC SWE Model• ISO 19136 stereotypes and tagged values

• Optimized for Sparx Enterprise Architect …

Page 18: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

ISO Harmonized Model

• Key packages used for Application Schema design:

• 19103 – primitive types • 19107 – geometry • 19108 – temporal • 19111 – coords • 19115 – metadata • 19123 – coverages• 19136 – GML • 19156 – O&M

• (go to EA live to explore)

Page 19: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Standard components: OGC Sensor Web

• Key packages used for Application Schema design:

• SensorML• Observations & Measurements• SWE Common• SOS, SPS ...

• (go to EA live to explore)

Page 20: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Elements from external standards

• The standard components are loaded by EA from remote SVNs• They are locked against modification by unauthorized users

(i.e. mere application-schema designers!)• i.e. the tool enforces the governance arrangements

• Package domain model separately

Page 21: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Hollow World UI

Access to standard/utility componentsAccess to standard stereotypes

Page 22: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML extensibility points

Page 23: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML extensions

• Stereotypes• Extend the meta-model: • To create an additional class-of- [classes, associations, attributes]

Page 24: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML Stereotypes

«FeatureType» standard properties & behaviour

~multiple inheritance

Page 25: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

class Context Diagram : BoreholeDetails


+ coreCustodian: CI_ResponsibleParty+ coredInterval: GM_Envelope [1..*]+ dateOfDrill ing: TM_CalDate+ dril ler: CI_ResponsibleParty+ dril l ingMethod: BoreholeDrill ingMethodCode+ inclinationType: BoreholeInclinationCode+ nominalDiameter: Quantity+ operator: CI_ResponsibleParty+ startPoint: BoreholeStartPointCode


+ from pre-existing hole+ natural ground surface+ open pit floor or wall+ underground


+ horizontal+ inclined down+ inclined up+ vertical




Temporal Reference System::TM_CalDate

+ calDate: Sequence<Integer>+ calendarEraName: CharacterString

«datatype»Citation and responsible party information::


+ contactInfo: CI_Contact [0..1]+ individualName: CharacterString [0..1]+ organisationName: CharacterString [0..1]+ positionName: CharacterString [0..1]+ role: CI_RoleCode


+ air core+ auger+ cable tool+ diamond core+ direct push+ hand auger+ hydraulic rotary+ RAB+ RC+ unknown+ vibratory

Coordinate geometry::GM_Envelope


+ lowerCorner: DirectPosition+ upperCorner: DirectPosition



+ constraint: AllowedValues [0..1]+ quality: Quality [0..*]+ uom: UomIdentifier [0..1]+ value: double [0..1]




Context Diagram : BoreholeDetails«Application Schema» Borehole3.0.0CGI Interoperability Working Group

Class stereotypes

• «FeatureType»• Domain class,

instances have identity• «Type» or none

• Has identity, but not a feature; e.g. geometry, topology, temporal object, definition

• «DataType»• Just a data structure,

no external identity, always inline

• «Union»• Ad-hoc choice

• «Enumeration»• Closed enumeration

• «Codelist»• Extensible enumeration

Page 26: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Package stereotypes

• «Application Schema»• independently governed package,

separate XML namespace• «Leaf»

• Convenience package, no sub-packages, separate XSD document

Page 27: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML extensions

• Stereotypes• Tagged values

• Embed information for specific implementation platforms • Doesn’t relate to the conceptual level

Page 28: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML Tagged values

Page 29: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Tagged values for GML encoding

• Package• xsdDocument• xmlns• targetNamespace

• Class• noPropertyType• byValuePropertyType• asDictionary («codeList» only)• ownedBy (proposed)

• Attribute and association end• sequenceNumber• inlineOrByReference• estimatedProperty (proposed)

Page 30: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

High level usage guidelines

Page 31: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Use of UML

• Informative - sketch or illustrate ideas• Ambler (Agile methodologies …) uses it mostly this way

vs. • Formal & complete

• In order to feed a CASE tool

• For automatic implementation, the model must be complete• Everything required for implementation must be in either

• The model• The rule for converting from model to implementation

• UML == ‘graphical programming language’• Every comma counts, just like real programming

Page 32: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Be aware of the workflow

• Raw observations• E.g. temperature field, flow-rate history, density distribution, colour

distribution (image)• i.e. evidence

• Interpolated/modelled properties• Geophysics, MetOcean• Results of simulations and process models,

conditioned by observations• i.e. predictions, simulations, inversions

• ‘Real-world’ features• E.g. weather system, ore-body, forest, reef• i.e. result of interpretation

• Often useful to segregate these viewpoints into different packages

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CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Be consistent about the abstraction level

• Conceptual - Domain semantics• Terminology as used by practitioners in the discipline

• not an abstraction from data management • ‘Ore-body’, not ‘Table’ or ‘Polygon’ or ‘URI’

• Don’t show identifier, key/keyref in the class model • these are implicit in the relationships

• Implementation • Shows implementation artefacts like ‘string’, ‘id’, ‘index’

Page 34: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

More information

• For more detail:• •



Page 35: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Design strategy

Page 36: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Model is in the markup

• ‘striped’ syntax - UpperCamelCase objects, lowerCamelCase properties• Manually generate Instance examples - Don’t need XSD during design phase

<gsml:Borehole gml:id="gcDD0214"> <gml:name codeSpace="urn:cgi:authority:CGI:GSV“ >gcDD0214</gml:name> <sa:length uom="m">48.3</sa:length> <sa:shape> <gml:LineString gml:id="gcDD0214survey“ > ... </gml:LineString> </sa:shape> <gsml:collarLocation> <gsml:BoreholeCollar gml:id="gcDD0214c"> <gsml:location> <gml:Point gml:id="gcDD0214p"> <gml:pos srsName="urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326“ >-31.939 115.832</gml:pos> </gml:Point> </gsml:location> <gsml:elevation srsName=“urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::5711” >34.5</gsml:elevation> </gsml:BoreholeCollar> </gsml:collarLocation> <gsml:indexData> <gsml:BoreholeDetails> ... </gsml:BoreholeDetails> </gsml:indexData> ...</gsml:Borehole>

Page 37: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Design strategy – UML + XML instances

• Iterative design process• test the model with manually generated XML fragments

• Wait to generate an XML Schema until model is substantially complete

• E.g.

Page 38: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

Contact UsPhone: 1300 363 400 or +61 3 9545 2176

Email: [email protected] Web:

Thank you

Earth Science & Resource EngineeringSimon CoxResearch Scientist

Phone: 08 6436 8639Email: [email protected]:

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CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML vs. other formalizations

Page 40: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

• UML = objects, operations• Object associations - graph topology

• XML = elements, attributes – no ops• Element nesting = tree topology


A1 C






Page 41: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

• Use links used to build graphs in XML<document> <Circle id="A1"> <Circle id="C"> <Circle id="T"> <Circle id="H"> </Circle> <link href="#M"/> </Circle> <Circle id="M"> <link href="#T"/> <link href=""/> </Circle> </Circle> <Circle id="G"> <Circle id="A3"> <link href="#M"/> </Circle> <link href="#C"/> </Circle> </Circle></document>

• In general, link targets are identified by URI• N.B. URI open-world



A1 C






Page 42: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML Profile for XML

• XML is not as expressive as UML• restricted profile of UML must be used,

to enable XML serialization following these patterns

Page 43: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

UML Structure models vs. RDF/OWL

• Both are based on graphs of resources + relationships• Largely transformable

• Key relationships have special symbols in UML• E.g. subClassOf == Generalization

• RDF one diagram type, two meta-levels: class and individual• Description Logic is based on set-theory, i.e sets and members

• UML many diagram types, separate diagrams for class and object; but UML includes an arbitrary number of meta-levels

• «metaclass» stereotype, --«implements»- relationship• UML does not support “complement” or “not”• UML closed-world

• Strictly cardinality rules, complete model, validity checking• RDF open-world

• Anyone can say anything, never see complete model, inferencing

Page 44: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

The model-based method

Page 45: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Information modeling

• [ISO 19103] The following modeling phases are recommended: • Phase 0: Identify scope and context. • Phase 1: Identify basic classes. • Phase 2: Specify relationships, attributes and operations. • Phase 3: Completion of constraints using text/OCL. • Phase 4: Model definition harmonization – with sub-models and

other work items.

Page 46: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Model based design

• Premise: • domain analysis captured in a formal model should precede, and if

possible drive, implementations• Argument:

• Analysis can be done at the right level of abstraction• Applications derived from a conceptual view are more robust

than software developed directly on a specific technology• Platform independent representation supports multiple platforms • Types can be reliably traced between platforms• Revisions flow through automatically to all platforms

• Goal• One normative artefact – the UML model• Software and documentation generated automatically

• Origins in ‘CASE’ tools

Page 47: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Object diagrams

Page 48: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Standard components: GML extensions to HM

• Key elements used in Application Schema design:

• AbstractFeature• Definition, Dictionary• LineString, Polygon

• (go to EA live to explore)

Page 49: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Using HollowWorld

Page 50: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Software and configuration

1. Checkout HollowWorld SVN

2. Make a copy of the HollowWorld template model

3. Checkout any other models that will be used as dependencies of your model

4. Install Enterprise Architect

5. Run EA, load the template, fix the Version Control Settings, load the GML profile

• Create «Application Schema» package• Start modelling …

Page 51: Domain Modelling and Implementation Canonical modelling approach Simon Cox Research Scientist Sydney - December, 3 rd 2010

CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010




+ comment: CharacterString

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = false


+ unit: GeologicUnit+ structure: GeologicStructure+ material: EarthMaterial

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = false



Package: Sample«Leaf» Sample1.0Simon Cox

Test model 08 Test model 19


+ comment: CharacterString+ preparationTime: TM_Primitive

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = false

«type»Geometry root::


shape 0..1


Sample«Leaf» Sample1.0Simon Cox

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Example project

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Example project: GGIC Earth Resource model

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Main dependencies

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CSIRO. Masterclass: Domain Modelling and Implementation - Sydney 03/12/2010

Class diagrams


+ sourceReference: CI_Citation [0..*]

«estimatedProperty»+ dimension: EarthResourceDimension [0..1]+ expression: CGI_TermValue [0..*]+ form: CGI_TermValue [0..*]+ l inearOrientation: CGI_LinearOrientation [0..*]+ planarOrientation: CGI_PlanarOrientation [0..*]+ shape: CGI_TermValue [0..*]


+ observationMethod: CGI_TermValue [1..*]+ purpose: DescriptionPurpose = instance

constraints{self.metadata.hierarchyLevel=(feature or dataset or series)}


+ associationType: CGI_TermValue


«estimatedProperty»+ type: MineralOccurrenceTypeCode


+ calculationMethod: CharacterString+ date: TM_GeometricPrimitive+ dimension: EarthResourceDimension [0..1]+ proposedExtractionMethod: CGI_TermValue [0..1]+ sourceReference: CI_Citation [1..*]

«estimatedProperty»+ ore: CGI_Numeric


+ earthResourceMaterialRole: ERMaterialRoleCode+ material: EarthMaterial+ proportion: CGI_Value [0..1]



+ depth: CGI_Numeric [0..1]+ material: EarthMaterial [0..*]+ type: CGI_TermValue [0..1]


+ commodityGroup: ScopedName [0..*]+ commodityName: ScopedName

«estimatedProperty»+ commodityImportance: ImportanceCode [0..1]+ commodityRank: Integer [0..1]


«estimatedProperty»+ mineralDepositGroup: ScopedName [1..*]+ mineralDepositType: ScopedName [0..*]


«FeatureType»Mine::MiningActiv ity

+ activityDuration: TM_Period+ activityType: MiningActivityTypeCode+ oreProcessed: CGI_Numeric [0..1]

child 0..*

parent 0..1


geneticDescription 0..1


oreAmount 0..*


composition 0..*









resourceExtraction 0..*

deposit 1


Context: EarthResource«Leaf» MineralOccurrence1.0Simon Cox