dolmen grove winter edition

Dolmen Grove Chronicles Winter edition

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Pagan/Heathen Online Magazine


Page 1: Dolmen grove winter edition

Dolmen Grove

Chronicles Winter edition

Page 2: Dolmen grove winter edition


1…Astrology – Alex Brocklehurst

2…Medieval Herbal Medicine – Glenys Armstrong

3…Ash to Ashes – Andrew Cowling

4…Animal Totems – The Spider – Cheryl Waldron

5…The Dolmen Grove – Embracing the Future –

Taloch Jameson/Diane Narraway

6…Talking Stones – Garry Andrews

7…Diary of the Hedgewitch & Sowing Charts –

Rachael Moss

8…The Dolmen -21 Years

9…Embrace the Chaos – Kevin Groves

10…Aromatherapy – Sandra Wiseman

11…Scrying – John Rivers

Photos in this issue – Scott Irvine, Rachael Moss, Joanna Caswell,

Jennie Jones, Garry Andrews, Therese Spooner.

Artwork – Sem Vine, Dark Magi, Sharmon. Unless otherwise stated all

other images are from the public domain.

Cover Image – Gill MacDonald.

Further information on the Dolmen Grove can be found at:

All information is accurate at the time of publication and all articles are

assumed to be the work of those being credited

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The Dolmen Grove is a pagan organisation of mixed spiritual paths established in the early 90s by

Taloch Jameson, which over the years has grown from one small circle in Weymouth Dorset, to several

clans not only across the UK but worldwide.

The Spiritual ethos of the Dolmen Grove has remained the same throughout and is based purely upon the

Freedom of the Individual.

It is the collective belief that in an age where technology can often dwarf our humanity, it is important that

we take control as individuals and embrace our own spirituality in order to maintain the equilibrium within

an ever changing world.

Although the Grove is not a political organisation preferring instead to focus upon the spiritual, this does not

prevent either individual members or the Grove as a collective from playing an active part in humanitarian

and environmental issues.

There are no hierarchy or titles within the Dolmen Grove as it is our aim to encourage each man and woman

to discover their own unique and authentic journey so that their spiritual connection is founded upon that

which works for them as an individual rather than a spiritual rule book set for the masses.

The key to our success is the Round Table which is made up of around twenty people from a variety of

spiritual paths who uphold the spiritual ethos of the Grove. They not only organise their respective moots

but also the festivals and events hosted by the Dolmen Grove.

Our Moots are regular meeting places which are held once a month in several areas. Although these are

organised by and largely attended by Grove members, non-members are always welcome to find out more

about the Grove and enjoy the company of other free thinking people as well as the activities organised by

the Moot.

There is a membership in place that enables those who wish to be part of this ever growing Clan to enjoy

reduced ticket prices for Dolmen Grove Events, festivals and where stated ‘member only’ Ceremonies and

Courses. Although we host many Ceremonies which are open to the general public, to avoid crowding and

to allow our members to celebrate free from pressure we also hold members only ceremonies.


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It´s good to ask questions like ¨Why does this


When it comes to divination, whether that involves

tea leaves, pendulum, the human palm or oracle

decks, the usual answers involve the laws of

attraction, ´As above, so below´ etc. Regardless of

how these laws are explained, we are always left

with debates about faith vs evidence. Just because a

numerologist suggests there to be an inherent logic

to the relationship between numbers and a

perceived reality, I still cannot prove why someone

who has a life path number seven will be an uber-

thinker. Humans like to see evidence and this is

why science has ruled the roost in our thinking for

centuries. It is also the reason why astrology, as

´queen of the sciences´, offers us scope to balance

faith with evidence.

Using planetary positions that are always uniquely

configured, as a representation of the realities that

lay beyond our immediate perception, is conducive

to our understanding. We can study these positions

accurately and map them to events on Earth.

Eclipses were always omens, often grave – likewise

comets. Venus and Jupiter were considered

benevolent forces, with Mars and Saturn

counterpart ´malefics´.

Stories have readily emerged about celestial

placements and phenomena, relative to the Earth´s

placement in the tropical zodiac. Planets,

constellations, ´houses´ and a set of glyphs to

represent them, can tell the story of your moment

you were born and your life path, as well as myriad

of mundane events on Earth which have and do

affect us all. Is this a secret language? The

discipline of astrology says a resounding No! We

can learn this language

however most do not. Often,

they will consult an

astrologer, as ´expert´.

Some (many) prefer to

consult their Sun sign

horoscope in papers and

magazines. On all these

levels, astrology seems to

work well; from the simple

through to the extremely

complex, while we seek to

understand better the

unfolding meaning of our

lives…Our stories.

Ultimately we seek guidance.

Perhaps astrology´s greatest contribution is in

helping us to frame an understanding of our lives.

It can help us to grasp facets of ourselves that may

otherwise remain out of reach. My natal moon

(where the moon was positioned at the time of my

birth) in Pisces, opposing Pluto, may tell me many

things about my emotional constitution,

interpersonal style and how this is connected to my

mother´s personality and the character of the


In this way a comprehensive picture can be built

and astrology can help supply outlets to

harness/shape energy dynamics too. These

planetary configurations show us not only how

human patterns can become entrenched, but also

the keys to shifting them - and as the planets are

continuing to dance in their cycles... so should we!

That is choreography for you. What astrology can

show us is an awareness of the bigger picture that

we sit within. The story of my life is not simply the

story written about me, it is the story currently

being written BY me.

All our stories overlap. When I tell my astrological

stories (primarily in the form of written

horoscopes) the idea is to connect people to the

story of their life (both historically and now), in

both broad brush strokes and specific detail.

Limitless possibilities where awareness must be

coupled with commitment to one´s own growth


In my own storytelling I also incorporate attention

to tarot cards and runes. The major arcana, in

particular, speak of the journey from inception

with The Fool to completion in with The World.

There is doubtless much that is unseen along that

path. We can speculate, we can have faith but most

excitingly, we can harness the power of astrology

and its attendant stories to paint a picture of where

we stand at the various crossroads we often

encounter in life; remembering that we are

simultaneously located within the much greater

cosmic story that is unfolding all around us - of

which we are both an integral and magical part.

Alex Brocklehurst

For further information:

Monthly horoscopes:


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Medieval Herbal Medicine

Medieval medical Herbals were all originally

derived from the “De Materia Medica”, a 1st

century AD Greek work by Dioscorides.

A 12th Century German Abbess, Hildegard of

Bingen was the first to write a treatise on the

symbolic and religious significance of the

ingredients of the cures she was employing. Many

Abbesses practised medicine, and in the mid-13th

century, records show that the Abbess Euphemia

of Wherwell Abbey in Hampshire was known as a

skilled physician.

Most women couldn’t read however. Their

healing knowledge was passed down from mother

to daughter, village wise woman to

foundling apprentice or was

developed as a personal way of

working over a lifetime of watch-

ing the animals, stars and landscape

and understanding how they


Every village would have had its

wise woman. Her role was to

confirm pregnancies, deliver

babies, dispense medicines,

perform minor surgery and

generally try to make everyday life a little easier.

Outside of medicine,

she might also be called

upon to predict the

weather, offer advice on

prices for trade or bar-

ter, bless the

Harvest, weave corn

dollies, choose the maiden to represent St. Brid-

get, and confirm sightings of comets, the shortest

and longest days and the turning of the seasons.

The medical and herbal knowledge at the time

was based on a few main principles, which would

have been fairly

universal, although there would

have been local variations. One of

the main ones would have been

The Doctrine of Signatures – that

the way a plant or animal looks,

smells or tastes reflects its ability to

heal or harm. Often these

characteristics have led to the

names we know plants by today –

so lungwort leaves (Pulmonaria

Officinalis) look like a lung with

their white spots signifying

infection. Used to treat coughs, wheezing and

other diseases of the lungs, it worked – lungwort

contains medicinal properties

useful in treating asthma.

The second principle is that of the part affects

the whole – magically known as thaumaturgy.

So to cure a cough, not only might the patient

be given an infusion of lungwort, but some of

their phlegm might be wrapped in a lungwort

leaf and placed inside a poppet, (person

shaped cloth bag, or wax figure) with some

goose fat or lanolin, also used to treat chest

infections, so that the cure would continue to

work and could be monitored by the healer

even when away from her patient.

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The 4 humours was another way of deciding on

treatment – illnesses were deemed to be hot or

cold, wet or dry; so a cure for a hot dry fever

caused by poisoning (an excess of yellow bile)

might include something like a toad which has a

cold wet poison, to counteract it. In the 1390

charges against Jehanne de Brigue who was

accused of witchcraft for curing Jehan de Ruilly

after doctors had only given him a week to live,

she made a waxen figurine of him, and cured it

using poison from her pet toad.

Some remedies appear to have no basis in

anything that makes sense to us now “for

nosebleed: take a cloth, soak it in cold vinegar and

wrap it about the privates”; or this for worms:

“take a piece of red leather, rub the wrong side of

it with wormwood, then spread it with honey and

dust with powdered aloes. Lay it across the


This makes thaumaturlogical but not medical

sense. Other remedies were just unhealthy and

unpleasant “for a woman struggling to birth a

child, give her a posset (a warm milk drink) with

horse dung strained in to strengthen her”; or

downright poisonous “for giddiness in the head

take leaves and stalks of mistletoe and boil them

up – drink a little at intervals throughout the day.”

Unless of course, you wanted giddiness in the

head – for which this would be perfect.

However, others might

have worked:

“Heartburning is

caused by a congestion

of choler in the

stomach, and is cured

by vomiting followed

by a drink of milk and

water. Lettuce is also

cooling and will cure

it, as will crabs eyes

ground up and a pinch

taken at hourly

intervals”. This sounds

odd – but “crabs eyes” were in fact the

exoskeletons of crayfish, and made of calcium

carbonate, an antacid.

Other remedies early healers used which are still

in use today include oil of willow – salicylin, oth-

erwise known as aspirin; foxglove, for chest pain

from which we get digitalis, a potent heart drug,

and the drinking of “earths blood” such as that

found at Glastonbury Well for those with pale

skin and fainting – who need the extra iron oxi-

dised into the water to treat their anaemia.

Glenys Armstrong


Smith and Randall (1987) Kill or Cure. The County Record

Office, Staffordshire

School of Natural Health Sciences (2004) Diploma in Herbal-

ism Study Notes (unpublished)

Leyser (1995): Medieval Women, A Social History of Women

in England 450 – 1500. Weidenfeld and Nicholson, Lon-


Laurence (1994): Women in England 1500-1760. Phoenix

Grant, London

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Due out early next year

Due out early next year

Women of Babalon - A soon to be published book from Black Moon Publishing Edited by

Mishlen Linden and featuring a diverse collection of women authors

and artists who offer their concepts of the modern day Babalon through rituals,

experiences, and artwork.

Page 8: Dolmen grove winter edition

Ash to Ashes…

The Ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior) is important to Yule because

of its use as the Yule Log (Oak and Beech are other favourites).

An herb of the Sun, it is used to celebrate the birth of the Sun

God and is associated with rebirth and new life.

At Yule, an ash log or faggot is gathered (never purchased),

decorated with evergreens, doused with cider or ale, brought

into the house and placed in the fireplace. It is lit with a

fragment of log kept from the previous year, left burning for 12 days, then ceremoniously extinguished. A

piece is kept to light the log the following year, another piece is hung in the house as protection against

lightning and fire, and an unburnt piece is attached to the plough to bless the earth.

Ashes are mixed with seed which spreads the sun’s power and radiance throughout the earth when the seed

is sown in spring and are mixed with the drinking water of farm stock to prevent disease.

Its association with both the sun and water explains why Ash features in so many festivals.

It is a versatile wood due to its strength, flexibility and fast growth rate and has many uses. Due to its

magickal properties it is used for making wands, forms the shaft of the witch’s broomstick and is commonly

used in divination. It can be used to remove unwanted energies such as spells and hexes and carrying a leaf

in your vehicle will bring you safely home.

Although no longer used by herbalists, it has healing properties. The reason for its disuse is probably

because there are many other herbs which have the same actions. The gifts offered us by Mother Earth are

more than adequate for our needs, if only we would see it.

The leaves were used to treat gout, rheumatism and sluggish kidneys as their diuretic action can aid uric acid

excretion. This action explains its reputation as an old remedy for dropsy (heart failure) and for weight loss;

although increasing fluid loss is not a healthy way to lose weight. They were also used to treat intermittent

fevers such as malaria as well as a laxative.

The bark is a bitter tonic and was used to remove obstructions of the liver and spleen. Bark ash was applied

to ‘scabby and leprous heads’.

Ancient physicians used Ash keys to treat flatulence; pickled they are a substitute for capers.

It is famous as a cure for snakebites and as a snake repellent. Pliny wrote ‘if a fire and a serpent be

encompassed within a circle of the boughs of an ash tree, it will sooner fly into the fire than into them’.

It was used to cure warts by pricking each wart with a new pin which had been inserted into the Ash; the pin

was then returned to the tree and a charm repeated.

Burying a live shrew in the tree was believed to confer the ability to heal paralysis and cramps. But that’s

another story…

NB …If you have health problems, self-medication is dangerous and you should always consult a qualified


Andrew Cowling

Andrew Cowling BSc(Hons),Dip.Phyt,D.Hyp,RCST,MNFSH,FNIMH.

Herbalist, Craniosacral Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Healer.

62 Grove Road


DT5 1DB.

Tel. 01305 860611.

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Animal Totems - The Spider

Animal totems are ‘guides or souls’ that walk through life with us, guiding, teaching and protecting us, showing and sharing with us their qualities so that we may learn from and work alongside them, using them and their qualities as spiritual tools on our own spiritual journey through life. “If anyone wanted ter find out some stuff, all they’d have ter do would be ter follow the spiders. That’d lead ‘em right! That’s all I’m sayin”. J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

An interesting quote from a very famous collection

of children’s books, but a quote that raises

questions, one that should make us stop and think,

even for just a moment; because spiders, to many

can be horrifying creatures, inspiring fear in the

biggest and bravest of us. But when we actually

look at them in a metaphysical sense, we discover

that they are in fact intelligent and fascinating


Spiders are the skilled weavers of beautiful and

intricately engineered webs; revered in many

cultures as feminine, patient creatures, they

symbolise the spirit of all creation and are

associated with the past, the present, the future,

birth and creation and all of which lies in-between.

A very common totem animal for Pagan people,

the spider warns us to be careful, wary and smart

about the life we weave for ourselves.

To watch a spider release her silken, sticky strand

of thread into the wind and allow it to be taken by

the breeze to its point of anchoring, where her

intricate creation of truly awe inspiring organic

engineering will begin; and then to watch her

skilfully weave her home, her snare of deception

and finally rest and wait, and wait…..patiently, until

her prey ultimately stumbles unknowingly to its

certain doom, teaches us not only that we could

perhaps show a little more patience in our way of

life, but how to weave our own mental and intuitive

thinking and flexibility into our daily routine.

“Spider awakens creative sensibilities. It weaves a web of intricate and subtle fabric, as if to remind us that the past always subtlety influences the present and the future….

The spider found within the web reminds us that we are the centre of our own world. We are the keepers and the writers of our own destiny, weaving it like a web by our own thoughts, feelings

and actions”. Ted Andrews, Animal Speak.

The spider is the delicate creature of receptivity,

the wise weaver of destiny and fate, it shows us our

shadow self and the dark and negative aspects of

our own personalities that need to come to fruition.

There are many legends concerning the spider, and

usually it is depicted as the totem spirit of the

Mother and Grandmother.

In one such legend, it is told that the Grandmother

spider carried the gift of fire in a basket she had

skilfully woven herself, upon her back and

presented it to the people of the Earth. In another

it is said that the Grandmother spider bound all

things together with her weaving and formed the

foundation of Mother Earth itself.

The spider is deceptively strong; after a heavy

rainfall and fierce winds, the spider still remains

upon her web. This we can reflect on within

ourselves, for we are often far stronger than we

believe ourselves to be. The presence of a spider

totem or spirit in your life should inspire you to

gain coherent perspective on current issues, it tells

us to explore all of our options, giving sufficient

time to discover the solution that we are searching


And to end, I shall leave you with another quote,

which I think may be appreciated by many


“I’ll stop eating steak when you stop killing

spiders”. Absurdity! Comparing cows to spiders.

Arachnids are pure evil. They’re like a cigarette

manufacturer or a terrorist. They’re organised

religion on eight legs”. Davey Havok, Pop Kids.

Cheryl Waldron

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All Dolmen Grove Moots hold regular meetings where people can find out more about

Dolmen Grove membership, ethos and upcoming events including camps, workshops and


Hampshire, Fareham, – The Heathfield Arms 116 Blackbrook

Road, Fareham po15 5bz Every first Monday of the month,

7:30pm onwards.

Essex - Scout Hut, Cromwell Road, Grays, RM17 5HT


Dorset, Weymouth – Old Town Hall High West Street DT4 8JH

Weymouth, Dorset (The Dolmen Grove’s oldest and most

established moot) Every second Wednesday of the month,

7:30pm onwards

Dorset, Portland - The George Inn 133 Reforne, Portland,

Dorset, DT5 2AP Every last Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm


Cornwall, St Austell - Polgooth Inn Ricketts Lane, Polgooth,

St.Austell, PL26 7DA Every first Wednesday of the month,

7:30pm onwards

Berkshire, Bracknell - The Boot Public House Park Road,

Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2LU Every 3 third Tuesday of the

month, 8:00pm onwards

Dorset, Poole - The Kings Head6 High Street, Poole, Dorset

BH15 1BD Every third Tuesday on the month 7:30pm onwards

All Dolmen Grove moots are advertised regularly on

with up-to-date information on individual moot facebook pages

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The Dolmen Grove – Embracing the elements…

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… and embracing the future

This winter solstice two children from the Dolmen Grove made history by being the first children ever to

perform a ritual in the centre circle at Stonehenge. In front of several thousand people they performed a

blessing on the children of the world. These children come from a Grove where spiritual freedom is

encouraged and where children have a voice.

Children that are brought up with the freedom to develop their own spirituality have an authentic and natural

view of the world around them- following a path that is uniquely their own. The greatest hope for

humankind is that their children will grow to rebel against the warring and predatory behaviour that is

present day normality.

Taking measures to promote individuality as a path that brings peace and spiritual fulfilment is a ceaseless

operation as spiritual reformation that encourages individuals to step free from the chains of dogmatic

religion is not always welcome to those who are too absorbed to change and evolve. However if children are

given the chance to grow free from the taboos and scare tactics endorsed by such religions they will have a

chance to percolate that freedom into the consciousness of humankind.

There should be no need for fanaticism or overzealous door banging for this to happen as the natural way of

life can be restored by freedom of choice.

Taloch Jameson & Diane Narraway

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Wheel of the year

February 7th – 8th inclusive ...Enchanted Market Garth Hill College, Bull Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 2LN

March 28th …Ostara psychic fayre and spring ball. Princess

Pavilions, 41 Melvill Road, Falmouth TR11 4AR

Beltane Spirits of Rebirth Camp - 25th 26th April inclusive.


Midsummer Nightmare

Tribal Dreams camp - 21st - 23rd August inclusive. Dorset

September (Mabon) – Local Ceremonies

October (Samhain) - Wytches ball

December – Yule Ball

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The Dolmen Grove offers a lifetime membership, which simply

means a one-off payment of £20 for those who wish to embrace and

enjoy the freedom, Clanship and the right to practice their own

spiritual path within the Grove family.

Full Members of the Grove will enjoy reduced rates for events such

as Gatherings like the Beltane Spirit of Rebirth and Tribal Dreams,

and to many other events when stated.

A Full member will receive a Membership Card and a unique Mem-

bership Number that identifies who they are when wishing to attend

Member only Ceremonies and other Dolmen Grove Events.

The Dolmen Grove does not have a hierarchy, as we do not believe

that people need titles or labels to follow a spiritual path; instead

the spiritual ethos of the Grove is facilitated by a Round Table, a

circle of people from all walks of life.

For further information on the Dolmen Grove and becoming a

member please send an email to

[email protected]

Also find us on faceboook – thedolmengrove and thedolmen-


Page 16: Dolmen grove winter edition


I first came across mention of the talking stones in

the late seventies but actually saw images of them

for the first time in December of 1982 on the front

cover of Prediction magazine. Back then books

on the occult, witchcraft, Wicca, and other beliefs

and practices were very rare, those that were

available sold at a premium. At the time this

magazine was like water to a thirsty man, and to a

newly blossoming “poor” Witch, like me,

knowledge from the Gods themselves. I still have

that particular issue; I guess it had such a

profound effect on me that I have never been able

to throw it away. And so began my interest with

this rather over looked form of divination.

The official name for divination with stones is

lithomancy, in some cultures it was believed to be

a fairly common practice, not unlike reading your

daily horoscope in the local paper.

So what are the talking stones? Well there are

several variations I have come across over the


The Saxons appeared to have a set of stones not

unlike the talking stones of today which they used

alongside the more commonly known Saxon

Runes. I have found mention of some stones again

not unlike the talking stones which have recently

been unearthed in Scotland and appear to be

Celtic in design. I have also seen some stones

which are aboriginal in design and although very

different from our talking stones used in almost

identical ways.

However the version of the stones I am talking

about today are very obviously British in design

and old, how old no one knows. There are nine

stones generally in this system with a symbol

painted on one side of each stone. The talking

stones are known by several names to my

knowledge and probably several that I don’t know.

They are known as Witch stones, Witches rune

stones, Telling stones, talking stones of course,

and my personal favourite Mothers bones. I

strongly believe based on the names, that this

method of divination is very old and because of

the mention of the terms witch stones and mothers

bones I feel that it is highly likely that this method

is a traditional form of divination.

Mother’s bones are a way of describing rock or

stone from the earth, the symbolic bones of the

earth mother goddesses.

The nine general symbols are, the eye, the sun, the

moon, the rings, a wave, crossed arrows, a fence,

a bird in flight, and a flower or plant of some type.

Each stone has general meanings/concepts

attached to it. One method of divining with the

stones is to pick up all your stones, speak the/an

incantation of divination and cast the stones

downward onto the floor or table, although I feel

the ground is more appropriate for this form of

divination which ever you are comfortable with

would be fine. You would then locate the eye

stone, turn it over if it has landed face down; this

is the only stone you do this with. Now looking

down at your cast you interpret the stones, reading

only those that have the symbol face up as these

are said to be talking while any face down are in


For instance the sun stone evokes meanings and

concepts concerning male energy, power and

strength – A sense of going out into the world to


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The element of fire indicates promotion at work,

success or wealth. Generally this stone is

considered to be a positive stone if it appears in a

cast. However stones must be read in conjunction

with each other; a less positive stone lying near

the sun stone may very well modify its meaning

for instance if near the Fence stone which

represents restrictions and delays it may indicate

that although there is a positive energy around the

querent at the moment there may be some delay in

reaping any rewards at this time, success will

come but restrictions will have to be overcome


As you can see reading the stones together is

essential for gaining a clear interpretation of the

symbols. Equally these two stones could have

been read as “Any restriction will soon come to an

end with the influence of the sun stone which is

bringing new growth and expansion to the


How do you know which interpretation is correct?

Well that comes down to intuition and experience.

However the stones themselves will give you

some clues too. Stones nearest the eye stone are

most relevant to the situation or of a stronger


As I have said though the usual amount of stones

is nine, there is a commercially available system

which has 13 stones which seems to be someone’s

adaption of the original nine. Here they have

added stones with a planetary glyph painted on to

one side. This adds an astrological element to the

stones giving a wider depth of meaning to a

reading which of course gives the diviner and the

client more information.

On my course I teach several ways of divining

with this ancient tool, some much more elaborate

than others. These I have devised over the years as

my personal talking stone system has evolved. My

personal set now contains 30 symbols although

strangely none of the planetary glyphs. Some are

taken from the Saxon system, some have been

inspired through my own practice of natural magic

and others through my practice of Celtic Reiki.

One of the simplest way’s (and I still keep and use

a set gifted this way myself) is to take a walk in

nature perhaps along the beach and ask the Gods

to lead you to the right stones for you. Of course

using this method it could take you years to

assemble a small nine stone set, but it can be a

worthwhile experience.

For me, the talking stones system is forever

changing and evolving and like any useful tool

that man has ever invented, adaption is essential in

order for it to function more efficiently. This is a

genuine living system which grows with its

practitioners. My hope in writing this short piece

is that some of you will feel inspired to try it out,

taking and spreading this system out into the

world again. Who knows maybe one day

professional stone casters will be as common as

professional Tarot consultants.

Garry Andrews

To secure a place on the next Talking Stones

course please phone Garry on 01305 785353 or



The Dolmen Grove

T-Shirt, (also in a vest design) is

available in various sizes at £15

Page 18: Dolmen grove winter edition

Diary of the Hedgewitch

For we are just the shell and the leaf

The great death that is found in each

Is like the fruit centred in the light”

Rainer Maria Rilke

I love winter. The withdrawal, the seeming death

called out on the black wings of the winter crows,

as the world retreats into a world within our imag-

inings, ruminated, bubbling, conceived afresh, hu-

mus ripening from the decay. The starkness, na-

kedness and coldness instils silence where a gesta-

tion takes place upon the ashes.

The potency of summer with its dazzling colour

and motion has withered, and it is the winter with

its monochrome quietude that gathers it in, and

like the seed that falls to the earth and is fertilised

within its dark womb, winter impregnates us

within its tomb.

Winter contracts, seen in the icy feathery, spiky,

geometric patterns on the windows, an imprint of

the Cosmic dance flung from the greatest cold

heights of the brilliant blazing starry winter skies

to that crystal cavern vastness within where the

fire of our passion forever burns hot.

With the wintery wetness and the long Moonlit

nights we are submerged into a watery world, the

ocean the primal womb where lives form bearing

the patterns of its vortex spiral motion, contracted

within the amniotic fluid within the female mam-

mal. The vortex that spins, dances dizzyingly,

contracting, expanding, pulsing with its own

rhythms, but reflecting the great dizzying dance of

the Cosmos, its suction centre the Sun, filled with

Air, the first breath of creation, where it spins at

infinite speed, slowing further from the centre,

like the motion of the planets that seem to spin to

a slower tune further from the Sun. The great

vortex movements of the dance are imprinted

upon our own organs as solidified motion. Winter

is a seemingly resting state, forming from and

originating in motion, solidifying like the ice

crystals; summer a wild dance of movement. Rest

and motion the pulse that beats throughout.

We retreat and rest during the long nights whilst

the stars and the Moon ignite the dark in silver

and shifting greys. Wandering in the hush of a

quiet winter night the Moon flits slowly through

the naked shivering silhouetted trees, casting long

quivering washed-out shadows upon the spectral

earth, gushing her splendorous light, a soft, stark,

slicing, sweeping sliver, she illuminates, subtly,

reflectively, shimmering in the watery depths of


Page 19: Dolmen grove winter edition

The craving of wailing foxes, wild shrieks

of owls and shooting stars shatter the

stillness, stars falling, streaming, slashing

the sky with luminous smears, gone in a

second, leaving an invisible stain etched

eternally upon the forgotten fabric of


Under the fervent power and force of the

fecund Moon a trail of mysteries is

threaded and woven, lives begotten,

forever becoming, spilled and spent, and

fertilised anew, as she pulls and tugs at the

tides and limits of our imaginings. And we

stand there each alone, drowning in the

cold moistness of a night swooning in


Winter is not barren, but heaves with all

that has been, heavy with the longings and

strivings, all possibilities that lie within

the hard shell of the egg, sculpting from

the frenzied motion of Life, the simmering

of new beginnings; and we create anew

from the fire of our hearts made visible in

the flashing, dancing, flames in our hearth

fires, the eternal fire that dwells in Love

and creates and re-creates, each rebirth a

death and each death a new birth, as the

fruit within ripens.

And as spring approaches, the dance

whirls to bring forth innocence in the

whiteness of the lambs and of the snow-

drops breaking through the frozen earth,

hatching on the threshold of beginning.

Rachael Moss

Page 20: Dolmen grove winter edition

A Winter’s Night

Silence stalks, cast adrift upon the

shimmering waves of night

That quietly wash upon some secret


Sparkling pearls glisten submerged

in the black depths tangled in the

trailing tresses

Of dark trees plunged headfirst into

the indigo sea lit with jewels.

A shooting thought and a star blazes

in its slipstream shattering the sur-


And in the edge of sight half seen

shapes are tossed

In the spectral starlight that glistens

upon sodden grass

Stiffening under the paralysing bite

of Jack Frost.

An owl shrieks muffled cries and a

weird dull resounding tolling

Dimly rolls from somewhere strange

distant church bells call,

A slow lazy star streams a thread

through the stricken sky.

With each pealing discord the night


Suddenly, out of the blackness un-

seen thundering, thumping hooves


Pulverising beats pummelling cold-

blasted earth galloping,

Piercing panic-stricken stillness as

they thrust into the deepness of


And within its conception the mo-

ment is unbound.

Rachael Moss

Page 21: Dolmen grove winter edition

January Sowing Chart

February Sowing Chart

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5am A 6pm

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

4pm 10am 6am

19 20 21 22 23 24 25


1pm P 8pm 10am

26 27 28 29 30 31


5am 1am

Key to Astrological Symbols

Capricorn Cancer Dark Moon A Apogee Element Symbols

P Perigee Earth

Aquarius Leo 1st quarter North (ascending) node


Pisces Virgo Full Moon South (descending) node


Aries Libra 3rd quarter

x No sowing Water

Taurus Scorpio Highest Moon

Gemini Sagittarius Lowest Moon

Crops to Sow in Febuary

Root/Earth Flower/Air Leaf/Water Fruit/Fire

Garlic Broad Beans

Parsnip Salad leaves under glass Tomatoes in heated greenhouse

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Sun


2 3 4 5 6 7 8


11pm A 6am 5pm

9 10 11 12 13 14 15


4am 5pm

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

11pm P7am 4pm

23 24 25 26 27 28


5pm 7am

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Page 23: Dolmen grove winter edition

Ballad Of Cape Clear

The album opens with the traditional classic "Rocky Road to Dublin" dedicated with the

deepest of respect to the late Luke Kelly, (of The Dubliners) one of Ireland's greatest folk

musicians. The songs that follow are a tapestry of melodies giving new life to some old riffs

and immortalized as a Celtic production.

The Album reaches a sombre climax with the song "Sisters of the Earth" sung by Kayleigh,

over tribal drums and mournful fiddle in a rallying cry to the Daughters of Mother Earth.

The Banquet

The 14 Track album is a sincere blend of Medieval Celtic Rock,

unique to the Dolmen spirit drawing upon the atmospheric influence of the 2013 tours in

Europe, where the band spent much of their time gigging at Medieval and Celtic festivals

and composed as a forerunner to "Nuada", a second album due to be released next year.


This album is a celebration of the elemental forces of nature as it encapsulates all the

familiar elements from the natural, supernatural and ethereal realms with a raw tribalism

that is unique to the Dolmen. Wytchlord speaks the language of witches and mystics since

the dawn of time, as ritual chants are adeptly woven in amongst the polished music and


Spirits of the Sea

A Double Disc Pirate album that captures the raw pirate era of yester year with 13 full on

folk rock tracks (Disc 1) as well as short stories, born from a small port at the end of the UK

coast full of ragged Pirates in a tavern called the Pirates Keep.


From beginning to end this album captures the heathen spirit of the Pirate and the freedom

of those who answer to no man save Davy Jones. Storm speaks to that spark within all of us

that longs for adventure and romance, conjuring up the spiritual mystery and intrigue of the

high seas, where love and death are interchangeable, and the greatest prize of all is the


Crann Tara

This is a collaboration of two Celtic Bands, The Dolmen and Saor Patrol. When the Spirits

of such Celtic Bands as The Dolmen & Saor Patrol unite they produce an intense energy

that inspires and can be felt right through to the very soul as a result Crann Tara talks the

language of many cultures and the spirit of people throughout the earth.

Whispering Winds

A heartfelt mix of traditional and original folk rock songs composed as tributes to everyday

people and life experience. The many things all of us as individuals can relate to as a

collective and share as a community. It celebrates all those folk who like to lay aside the

pressures of the day to dance, sing have loads of fun and enjoy a good drink.

Page 24: Dolmen grove winter edition

Winter Gig Guide

Sat. 7th February Enchanted Market, Garth Hill

College, Bull Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 2LN

Fri. 20th February Badger Ball, Carnglaze Caverns,

St Neot, Liskeard Cornwall PL14 6HQ

Sat/ 28th February Crabchurch Conspiracy Weekend

The Ocean Room Weymouth pavillion

The Esplanade, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8ED

Sat. 28th March Dolmen Grove Ostara Spring Ball

Princess pavilion, 41 Melvill Road, Falmouth TR11 4AR

Page 25: Dolmen grove winter edition

To Celebrate 21 Years of Dolmen Music We are offering a Special Collection of 4 Re-mastered Vintage Dolmen Albums


Spirits of the Land,

Dolmen Folk,

Songs of the Cauldron

The Vintage Collection covers a wide range of The Dolmen's unique style of Piratical Celtic Folk Music.

From 1993 to 2007.

The Covers of the Four Albums placed together make a complete

picture of Portland stone Circle. Where the band have held many Ceremonies.

Page 26: Dolmen grove winter edition
Page 27: Dolmen grove winter edition


Chaos magic scares people. Is it because it's dark?

Maybe, but all paths have their dark corners.

Is it because it embraces change? Again maybe,

buy change can be good, in fact without change

how do we develop? How do we learn?

Those are small points. I think the reasons it

scares people are, firstly, it recognises that any

system imposes limits on what can be worked

with in it. It is the opposite of tradition, if there is

such a thing. It invites you to rebel against the

rules that say bad things will happen if you go

outside them. Whether bad things actually happen

or not is another thing, but there is nothing wrong

with trying.

Although rules are useful, providing points of

reference to aid in many things, however, as we

know from life, rules can be broken and

boundaries pushed. When they said if you sail far

enough you will fall off the edge of the world;

someone tried and found that in fact the world is

round and you can't fall off. When people said you

can't fly to the moon or more recently it’s mad to

try and land a probe on a comet someone proves


Breaking the rules are a call to challenge, with the

acceptance that failure and success occurs in

varying degrees. There is a saying in chaos magic

that I fully adhere to:

There is only one truth in that there are no truths,

everything is permissible.

This is where I find the joy in chaos magic. It

appeals to my scientific curiosity-driven mind. My

engineering O.C.D. brain says why do I need all

of these bits around my craft, what happens if I

don't create a circle, what if say different words or

none at all. It is that freedom to experiment and

make things up, and that I feel is what brings


The second point I feel concerns the answer to the

question how do I know if my magic works?

Many say chaos magic is results driven, it’s all

very clinical and again, I think this scares some, it

removes the 'magic', or at least the mystery and

the tradition and moves magic to a cold science

where everything is measured, documented and

evaluated in a systematic way.

Yes I love ritual, yes I love the mystery and the

joy of stumbling through, but on the other hand I

need my magic to work reliably, and I want to

know when I do something I can do it consistently

with results as near identical as possible (event

probabilities all being equal – which often they

are not).

I can do that because I have deconstructed and

stripped away bits that proved to be of no use, at

least to me, and in doing so my magic is more

functional than it is art. There is no poetry, no

elaborate actions, flourishes, chanting, dancing or

a heap of items needed every time I do my magic.

I just need my head (often attached) and finger (if

it’s available). It will appear cold and lifeless and

luckily I am solitary, so I don't have to entertain a

group of people while I practice it.

With such a simple approach to very simple

methods I feel that I can reproduce without doubt

the effectiveness of my magic in a variety of

situations. For example I know if I use weather

magic (though always used with extreme caution),

assuming its short term, close by and soon, it will

be very near perfect. Further away, longer

duration and sometime later it will be a disaster

and so I avoid wasting my time.

I know if my sigil and symbolic work will

likewise be spot on because it has been tried and

tested like science – and like scientists I forever

try and push the boundaries of what I can do.

Along with mind and finger, I make use of other

tools, for example I love technology, and any use I

can see of technology in magic I will use it - a

washing machine, tuned out TV or radio, or a desk

fan for scrying, my Wi-Fi signal for sending

protective waves over the house, crafted email

containing what looks like gibberish or typos but

are in fact intent coded sigil style. And of course

performing simple magic over the net via

video/audio conferencing with those at the

receiving end.

Yes I may confuse, amuse, or scare but do I care?

No. I follow what I have always been taught - use

the right tool for the job.

Page 28: Dolmen grove winter edition

It has taken a long time to pick my way through

my craft. A good grounding in physics, chemistry,

metaphysics and a general love of science has

certainly helped. Being in wonder of what the

mind can do has helped too. Never being satisfied

because although something works, there are

always tweaks that can be made.

Another impact has been the mundane world, it

has taught me some useful things such as how

people and objects work, more specifically as a

business systems analyst I have applied a variety

of corporate skills into my craft, the most marked

of which that causes some light bulbs to come on

is when I mention using project management tools

for spell craft. Sounds crazy! And it quite possibly

is, though it doesn't mean I'm way too organised

for casting from the hip and will always dig out

my project management software, or a large sheet

of paper and start drawing gantt charts or mind

maps – Well ok, maybe a little.

What I will do however is consider the objective

of the spell and instead of focus all the intent on

that objective and let 'nature' take its course, I will

instead identify – within reason the discrete steps

or events that should bring about that objective. It

will be those that I focus on, for a couple of


The first is that allowing events to occur on their

own is risky and so if I focus on those events then

I can be sure I'm crossing every‘t’ and dotting

every ‘i’. And secondly, smaller steps means I can

measure and identify what is working or not as

opposed to wondering why the final objective

worked or not and if not what went wrong. Each

step, one at a time, success or failure and if it all

works then we should, or better still, will, arrive at

our objective.

It’s a dull method, it’s a cold one, but why leave

things to 'chance'?

As PsyberMagick (Peter J Carroll, New Falcon

Publications, 2000) says if a fifth of your spells

have success then you have true power. To me that

is a call to challenge.

By no means do I say this is the only way to

practice as it does not suit everyone. What I can

say though is embrace a small (or large) bit of

chaos, stick your hand down the throat of your

magic, rip bits out and see what works or not. You

may be really surprised.

Kevin Groves

Kevin Groves is a solitary

practitioner who from a

young age began to, and

still works, almost

exclusively with the

Egyptian goddess Selket.

A regular contributor to

Children of Artemis

events and teacher on

Second Life. His first

book 'A Path Laid Bare' is

available from

The Wolfenhowle Press.

Our spiritual path, no

matter which path that

happens to be, changes throughout our lives with ups,

downs and stages in between as our journey with the

divine develops. In this book, the well-known spiritual

teacher Kevin Groves shares his spiritual journey in a

frank and honest way. By telling the story of how he

found his path, he shows that even though our paths

may differ, the gods are with us all the way. A simple

premise, but a powerful story, told in Kevin’s own,

inimitable way. The light at the end of the tunnel is not

an oncoming train!’

May I recommend “A Path Laid Bare” by Kevin Groves?

Kevin describes his way to find his path, his struggles (as

modern people who hold a job often do). Then family

“takes” over (as for good parents it happens!) Kevin’s

journey exposes similar thoughts, self-doubts etc. as I have

come across while trying to “juggle the above mentioned”-

so it helps to hear/read about it! The preparations for the

workshops at Witchfest CoA …. Yes I did feel very similar

if not the same, (about preparation, the demonstration, the

(???) time keeping, the response of those attending!) … so

a book that will encourage you to pursue your path! It will

give you faith to continue your journey and believe in

yourself Heike Kolwe

I didn’t know what to expect with this book, other than it

was written by Kevin and that it would most certainly be

about his beliefs. What I found was in no way a ‘how to

book’, yet very much a reassurance to anyone on the

pagan path about listening to the voices in your head

(Kevin is very much not alone in that) and exploring the

path that opens up before you. A beautifully written (and

edited by Tylluan Penry) biography that maps a life and a

spiritual journey as one and the same thing. Kevin Groves

doesn’t teach a spiritual path, he shares it just by being


Shodie Wilson

Available to purchase from bare/

email [email protected]


Page 29: Dolmen grove winter edition


If you are new to Aromatherapy or have not read previous articles on this then here is a brief insight into it: -

Aromatherapy is the use of organic essences extracted from aromatic plants for healing and maintenance of

vitality. It may help minor ailments, keep us fit, whilst still enabling us to be relaxed and at ease with


The oils work by entering the blood stream via the skin, smells evoke memories and the brain registers the

scent via the neurological and the endocrine system.

The therapeutic potential of essential oils, like other plant derived remedies, has yet to be fully realized.

Although numerous medicinal herbs have been utilized since antiquity, many of which have become modern

drugs (such as Quinine and cocaine)

In order to use an essential oil apart from Lavender and Tea Tree they MUST be blended with carrier


This time I am writing about a less well known oil that can be a super food and has so many health benefits

…Sea Buckthorn Oil

With the name ‘sea’ in it, you would think it

comes from there but it doesn’t. It’s actually

derived from sea buckthorn, a shrub that belongs

to the Elaeagnaceae family and grows in the

mountainous and coastal areas of Asia and

Europe. Its botanical name, Hippophae

rhamnoides means “tree that makes the horse

shine, It is believed to improve horses health and

make their coats shinny and smooth and used to

cure blindness in horses so image what it can do

for us

It originates from the Himalayan regions but it

mainly comes from Siberian Russia and is of the

highest quality. There are two kinds of sea

buckthorn oil: seed oil and fruit oil. They both

have a strong musky smell, are small about a third

of a size of a a blueberry, yellow orange in colour

The seed oil is extracted from the small dark

seeds, while the fruit oil comes from the fleshy


This oil is mostly extracted by cold compress and

the shelf life is 2 - 3 years. There is a lot of

history surrounding this oil as it was used in folk

medicine. It was used in the Tang dynasty for

various problems and is widely used in Ayurvedic

medicine going back to 5000BC.

It is known to have more Vitamin A than carrots

Vitamin E, as much as Wheat Germ and 22

Essential Fatty Acids and is the only plant that

contains omega 3, 6, 9, and 7, has 42 kinds of

lipids and 36 kinds of flavanoids.

This oil has lots of benefits to the skin, it slows

down aging by nourishing the tissues in the body

and skin, it is a natural cleanser helps with

sunburn skin damage and rashes, cuts and heals

burns. This oil can be taken orally for other health

issues and must not be used in high doses. When

used tropically it is best diluted with other oils as

it is rich in colour so can discolour the skin and is

best blended with

coconut as its lightness

blends well.

Page 30: Dolmen grove winter edition

For the Essential oils this time I thought that as we have Yuletide soon upon us I have selected two ingredients that as herbs you

can sometimes find in Mulled wine.

NB Do not use Essential oils in mulled wine!!

Clove bud Essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum)

You might have heard of this oil, as a lot of

dentists use it because its principal constituent is

eugenol which numbs the gums, although I must

admit I can’t stand either cloves or their smell. It

is a slender evergreen tree with a smooth grey

trunk up to 12 metres high and although native to

Indonesia is now also cultivated in the Morroccan

Islands and the Philippines.

There are different types of clove oil but for

aromatherapy only clove bud is used. It is a

warming spicy oil that is extracted by steam

distillation from the bud and stems of plants.

Clove is the highest-scoring single ingredient ever

tested for its antioxidant capacity on the ORAC

scale (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

It helps treat Acne, Athlete’s foot, bruises,

toothache, mouth ulcers and wounds as well being

beneficial as an insect repellent.

At this time of year it is good for colds and flu,

asthma and bronchitis nausea and arthritis.

Safety Data

This oil must be used with Caution as it can cause

skin and mucus membrane irritation. Use in

moderation. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated

Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA:

Element Books, 1995),

Sandra Wiseman is available

for Aromatherapy workshops

Therapies 4 you

www.therapies4you .com

07804 138585

Anise Star Essential oil (Illicium Verum )

Anise Star is Native to South east China, Japan

India and also Vietnam but is mainly produced in


The Consistency is thin, and is a pale yellow

liquid with a warm sweet, strong, Liquorice like

scent. It is produced by steam distillation from the

fruits, fresh or partially dried, but a small

quantities are from the leaves.

This oil can be used to ease muscular aches and

pains, Rheumatism, Colic, cramp, flatulence and

indigestion as well as Colds, Bronchitis and

coughs. As a digestive aid it can be used to quell

hiccups by putting 2-3 drop and boiling water and

inhaling it.

The Pharmaceutical industry use it in Cough

mixtures to mask disgusting odours and other

flavours. For the mind it helps concentration and

can have a positive effect on the libido and relieve

stress related fatigue

This oil blends well with Cedarwood, Lime and


Sandra Wiseman

Safety Data

Although this is not a dermal irritant, in large doses it

is a narcotic and slows down the circulation and can

lead to cerebral disorders. . [Julia Lawless, The

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport,

MA: Element Books, 1995), 152.] There is a slight risk

of sensitization. Do not use if Pregnant or have endo-

metriosis or estrogen- dependent cancers. Tisserand

cautions are to avoid Star Anise Oil in cases of

alcoholism, liver disease, and paracetamol . [Robert

Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety (United Kingdom:

Churchill Livingstone, 1995) so use in moderation


Page 31: Dolmen grove winter edition


I have been scrying for as long as I can remember,

so here are a few of my thoughts plus a bit about

how I came into scrying.

I had two grandmothers who both influenced my

life enormously. Granny Jones and Granny

Rivers. Granny Jones, my maternal grandmother,

was an army widow who lived on her own, who

although I never heard her use the title was

definitely a witch. She was the local wise woman,

healer, midwife and she sat with many as they

passed over.

I spent much of my childhood

with Granny Jones and it was

through her that I was first

introduced to scrying. She

had a large glass sweet jar,

the kind that used to be on

shelves of sweet shops back

in the day.

One side was black, turned

that way by holding it over a

candle flame, whenever she

did this she would write on

the candle before lighting it, the jar was then filled

with water and that became her dark scrying mir-

ror, looking through the water and into the dark

black soot on the other side, she called it her see-

ing jar, which would be washed clean and put

carefully away after each use. She helped me

make my first scrying mirror, a small square of

glass with black paper glued to one side.

Granny Rivers was Romany Gypsy through and

through, she met my grandfather because he built

Romany Caravans. He was a strict Baptist and

Granny Rivers embraced the Baptist traditions but

still held onto her Romany roots and could often

be found at the same church fete in a little tent

reading palms, tea leaves or scying with a crystal

ball, she did not approve of Granny Jones because

she “dabbled in the occult”

The word Scry literally means to see, Scrying is

also sometimes called seeing or peeping and

appears to be as old as time itself. The earliest

reference I know of comes from

“The Shahnameh - a historical epic work written

in the late 10th century, gives a description of

what was called the Cup of Jamshid or

Jaam-e Jam, used in pre-Islamic Persia, which

was used by wizards and practitioners of the

esoteric sciences for observing all of the seven

layers of the universe. The cup contained an elixir

of immortality.” (ref: wikipedia)

Scrying has been used for centuries and across

very many cultures. The Druids, I am told used

the crystal beryl for scrying. It is also said that

women are said to be better scryers than men - yet

the historically famous scryers

are men. One of the most famous

scryers in history, lived in the 16th

century, Nostradamus who used a

bowl of water or a "magic mirror" to

"see", Queen Elizabeth 1st con-

sulted the famous seventeenth cen-

tury scryer, Dr John Dee, on matters

of state.

Scrying seems to have become more

mainstream today although if you

asked the average person in the street

what scrying is they probably

wouldn’t be able to tell you. Yet

there is loads of it in The Lord of the Rings, Harry

Potter and similar films and stories, and of course

the most famous fairytale scrying incantation

“Mirror mirror on the wall” from Snow White.

Although these days scrying has largely become

associated with witchcraft but many other faiths

and religions have used it. The latter day saints

movement was founded by Joseph Smith after

revelations he had got from the Seer Stones.

So how do we do it and where do the images

come from?

“Depending on the culture and practice, the

visions that come when one stares into the media

are thought to come from God, spirits, the psychic

mind, the devil, or the subconscious.” (Wikipedia)

“I once read in C.G Jung that the elemental forces

in the souls of people the world over can be

accessed through the collective unconscious. In

the case of a vision, of healing for example, a

Page 32: Dolmen grove winter edition

person shaped by the

Christian tradition is most

likely to see a saint or even

Christ himself, whilst a

Buddhist is most likely to

have a vision of Buddha or

Bodhisttva. This is the soul’s

way of making sure that our

experience of higher worlds

comes in a way that the

personality can accept and

integrate. It also means that

there is more than one

truth.” (Quotation from

Fred Hageneder in his Tree

Angel Oracle Cards book)

The most common media used are reflective,

translucent, or luminescent substances such as

crystals, stones, glass, mirrors, water, fire, or

smoke but stones, shells, bark from trees and

many other things can be used

In my opinion in some ways scrying is harder to

do than other methods of divination like Tarot,

runes or perhaps reading tea leaves or the palms of

hands as you have to see the images yourself, they

are not already there laid out in front of you for

you to interpret. Yet in other ways it is perhaps

easier. There are not 78 cards to learn and

remember, there is no right or wrong way to do it,

what you see is what you see; it is your

interpretation and meanings behind the images.

All that is required is practice and your

interpretation of the images will get better and

more precise the more you practice.

I don’t believe for one minute that I am any kind

of expert on scrying but this is some of my

thoughts about it. We have all started to do it at

one time or another, laying on our backs gazing

into the sky watching the clouds, got drawn into a

trance as we look into a flickering flame or just

staring into space perhaps. So think what a

profound effect doing that and seeing those

images would have had on our earliest ancestors

sitting around a fire in the darkness of their cave

in mid-winter or gazing into pools of water with

the sunlight dancing on the surface.

Keeping a journal just for your scrying is not only

helpful but I would say essential. It is all too easy

to forget what one saw or thought, what feelings

were evoked, how things fitted or didn’t fit

together. By keeping a journal this gives you the

opportunity to see yourself develop as well as

being able to link past sessions or individual

images to current ones

Before beginning scrying you should remember it

is hard to receive any messages or images unless

you have a good connection with your

subconscious mind. Some people like to meditate

prior to scrying to help still their mind and set

their intention. This can be done using meditation

CDs others prefer silence. But these things are all

individual and by experimentation you will find

the right way for you.

There are those who just do it and see what

happens although personally I believe you need an

intention, a question or problem you are

contemplating, for me it seems to be a helpful

thing to do before spell or ritual writing and I have

written several of the poems I am most proud of

after spending some time scrying.


I think it is interesting how some books will tell

you that you need to perform activation rituals on

your mirror or ball or other scrying device, but

what if the medium is flame or water, how do you

wash your flame in blessed water? Another thing

books will tell you is that mirrors and the like

need to be covered with black velvet when you’re

not using them, the trouble is I like them, I want

them out on display and to me I don’t think I get

any more or less from them for not having them

covered. Again I think it is individual choice.

I have done all sorts of different experiments

using a variety of different objects and mediums,

Black mirrors seem to be my thing which

incorporates any black reflective surface. I also

find that bathing my mirror in the light of a full

moon does seem to make it, or me, more

receptive. Equally it does not seem to matter what

time of day you scry. Although most folk prefer a

dark or dimly lit room perhaps with just candle

light. A good friend of mine in Devon likes to scry

in rock pools lit by sunlight.

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It is probably worth

mentioning the

Mocking hour when

it is thought the

spirits are closest

and more prevalent

is 3.00 to 3.59 am,

so unless you are

well practiced and

understand how to

protect yourself

(according to your

beliefs) this may not

be the best time to

be experimenting.

I always scry in a circle I have cast and because I

have done it so often I can now do it in my mind’s

eye in a few moments, but you need to do

whatever your spirituality/faith/religion/calling

describes or just do whatever is right for you?

Begin practicing scrying in a dimly lit and quiet

room as you want to make sure that, while in this

meditative state, you are not going to be disturbed

so phones off!

Take some slow, deep breaths and release all

tension from your body. When you feel calm and

centred, focus on the mirror, crystal ball, container

of water or whatever you are using. Don't try to

rush the process, stay very relaxed and keep your

eyes slightly out of focus. A bit like those old

magic eye pictures is a near as I can get to

describe it. Don't strain or try to force it. Let your

thoughts flow where they will

When you look into your medium try to look past

the surface into the centre of it. Try to keep your

eyes fixed on one spot. Don’t worry about


Set yourself a limit, no more than say 15 minutes

to start with, this may feel like a long time at first,

but there is also the danger that you can become

so engrossed that the time disappears. If you think

you may be susceptible to getting caught up in the

process, maybe set a timer or ask someone just too

gently bring you out of your trance.

At first it might all seem a little random but do not

concentrate on the images just let them flow.

These may come as pictures, colours, words,

images or symbols.

Eventually with practice the images will come

through clearer and not so randomly.

These images are like puzzle pieces so never

assume anything is a separate image. This is when

it can prove helpful to have written things down,

maybe the next session will give you pieces to

complete the puzzle.

Scott Cunningham’s book “Earth Air Fire and

Water, More techniques of natural Magic” is full

of little hints and tips for all sorts of different

scrying/divination techniques.

John Rivers

Yuletide Blessings


Irvine Photography Pagan photographer

[email protected]

Page 34: Dolmen grove winter edition

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Portland Moot


Poole Moot


Weymouth Moot


Berkshire/Bracknell Moot


Cornwall Moot


Essex Moot


Hampshire Moot


Dolmen Grove Chronicles


Dolmen Grove


For submissions, feedback and general enquiries regarding either the magazinr or the Dolmen Grove

Email Diane Narraway

(chairman Dolmen Grove/Editor Dolmen Grove Chronicles) [email protected]