dolibarr - suppliers management

1.1 Suppliers Managemen t 1.1.1 How to create a new Supplier We can create a new supplier on the Third Parties module. On the right bar choose the option New Supplier. Such as the Costumer creation, a blank page appears where we can insert the data of the new entity to be created. However, unlike customers who may be individuals or a company, to create a new supplier choose the option “Company/Foundation” and on the “Supplier” box it should be chosen “Yes” to indicate that the new entity is a supplier and not a costumer. Like before, after insert the data of the new supplier, his card is created.

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Creating Suppliers at Dolibarr ERP System


  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    1.1 Suppliers Management1.1.1 How to create a new SupplierWe can create a new supplier on the Third Parties module. On the right bar choose the option

    New Supplier.

    Such as the Costumer creation, a blank page appears where we can insert the data of the new

    entity to be created.

    However, unlike customers who may be individuals or a company, to create a new supplier

    choose the option Company/Foundation and on the Supplier box it should be chosen Yes

    to indicate that the new entity is a supplier and not a costumer.

    Like before, after insert the data of the new supplier, his card is created.

  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    1.1.2 Supplier OrderDolibarr allows make orders to existing suppliers. For that, is necessary go to Commercial

    Module and, on the right bar, choose the topic New Order on the Suppliers order box. There,

    is possible to choose a supplier from the base of contacts created earlier. On the supplier card,

    choose the option Supplier on the top.

    It is also possible to access the supplier base through the module Third Parties, choosing theoptions List of Suppliers on the right bar.

  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    After choose the supplier, bellow the card there is the option Add Order where is possible to

    make an order to the chosen supplier.

    Now, its possible to choose the product to order and the quantity required.

    To proceed with the operation, its necessary to validate the order and then choose decide

    accept, refuse or delete it.

  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    1.1.3 Process suppliers orders and create invoicesAfter validate the order its possible choose the order method (by mail, fax, Phone) and get

    corresponding PDF document ordering.

    Its possible to create an invoice, choosing the corresponding date.

    After pressing the button Create draft appears a menu where the validate option allows finish

    the process of creating invoice in order to create the final document. The invoices documents

    are named by CF+reference.

  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    To proceed, its needed to press the Do payment button and choose Payment type and the

    account where the money are from.

    On the down right side, on Receive box, its possible to choose the delivery date and method.

    After clicking the Receive button, the order is complete.

    1.1.4 Process shipments and manage stocksThen, still on the card supplier, choose the supplier option on the top of the card and view the

    latest order.

    Choose the Stock Dispatching option. Insert the warehouse and the amount to send.

  • 5/23/2018 Dolibarr - Suppliers Management


    Then, click on the warehouse name and there, its possible see the last products transactions.