dogs vs cgats

Jeff Wieczorek Period 9 10/2/14 Persuasive Essay Dogs are so helpful to humans. They can assists the blind, attack an intruder, help support the law and are great companions. Dogs are so much more playful and useful then cats are. What do cats do? They lie around all day and just eat food and a few mice. Dogs are a better animal to have as a pet then cats are. Dogs have many jobs around the world that help humans, not only are they willing to do it but they enjoy doing it. Dogs rescue lives weather it’s in the fire department, police department or in the military. Dogs play with children help the blind and can protect a house from intruders. Cats do not do any of that all they do is play with their string and sit around all day. They are expensive if all you want them to do is catch mice and rodents. Dogs might be a bit of work, but once they get older they are just average maintenance. If I wanted an animal to protect my house I would want a big German shepherd not a fluffy little cat. Of course cats are always fun to play with. They can easily get any unwanted critters out of the house and that is great. But they don’t do anything else besides get lost for a few days then wonder back. Dogs are always loyal and have a great companionship with its master. Cats scratch people and make them pay for expensive procedures just so they can lay around all day just like usual or the cats will tear up new furniture. Cats do nothing to benefit people’s life or keep your home safe. If people don’t realize how much money cats are wasting and still think cats are better than dogs they will be missing out. Missing out on the fun playful dog as a puppy and watching it

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Page 1: Dogs vs Cgats

Jeff WieczorekPeriod 910/2/14

Persuasive Essay

Dogs are so helpful to humans. They can assists the blind, attack an intruder, help support the law and are great companions. Dogs are so much more playful and useful then cats are. What do cats do? They lie around all day and just eat food and a few mice. Dogs are a better animal to have as a pet then cats are.

Dogs have many jobs around the world that help humans, not only are they willing to do it but they enjoy doing it. Dogs rescue lives weather it’s in the fire department, police department or in the military. Dogs play with children help the blind and can protect a house from intruders. Cats do not do any of that all they do is play with their string and sit around all day. They are expensive if all you want them to do is catch mice and rodents. Dogs might be a bit of work, but once they get older they are just average maintenance. If I wanted an animal to protect my house I would want a big German shepherd not a fluffy little cat.

Of course cats are always fun to play with. They can easily get any unwanted critters out of the house and that is great. But they don’t do anything else besides get lost for a few days then wonder back. Dogs are always loyal and have a great companionship with its master. Cats scratch people and make them pay for expensive procedures just so they can lay around all day just like usual or the cats will tear up new furniture. Cats do nothing to benefit people’s life or keep your home safe.

If people don’t realize how much money cats are wasting and still think cats are better than dogs they will be missing out. Missing out on the fun playful dog as a puppy and watching it grow up to be a supportive relaxed dog. They won’t have a loving companion that always loves them and won’t have protection at night. Their dog could go out on a run with him or her and help keep you in shape. A cat can on the other hand cannot and will not.

Dogs are one of the best animals to have around as a pet or as a co-worker. Dogs are always happy to see humans and ready to run up to anyone and give them a nice big lick. Dogs are ready to work and do there community good. Some dogs are even ready to serve their country, by sniffing out for bad guys and bombs. Over all dogs are more hard working and show more compassion and love then cats will ever show