does the watchtower deceive jehovah's witnesses

 DOES THE WATCHTOWER DECEIVE JEHOVAHS WITNESSES ? It has been my observation time and time again that the Watchtower will openly deceive their members, Jehovah‘s Witnesses, and the general public by appearing to align with viewpoints considered more mainstream or by rewriting their history, even though they know their statements are at best half-truths. EXAMPLE #1 Case in point is the Watchtower‘s July 2009 “Awake!” magazine , p. 29, in which they write: No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable  or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.For myself and the millions of ex-members who are being shunned by other Jehovah‘s Witnesses, I can as sure you that we find this statement not only hypocritical but appalling. What the Watchtower leadership really means, based on their actions, is, It‘s acceptable for you to  become one of us and forsake your current religion (i.e., leave Catholicism to become a Jehovah‘s Witnesses or leave your Jewish roots to become a Jehovah‘s Witness), but don‘t dare think for a minute that it‘s OK to leave us without retribution!As an active (current) Jehovah Witness elder wrote to me: …if I were to leave it would impact greatly on my relationship with my wife and many friends   walking away isn‘t always as trouble-free as it sounds. I left the group as a teena ger because I didn‘t want to  be forced to worship in a way that (I found) unacceptable and yet I lost my mother, brother, sister, four nephews and niece as a result. Contrary to what the July 2009 Awake!magazine says, I was forced by Jehovah‘s Witnesses to choose between (my) beliefs and family at the age of 18. As a result, my family has been forbidden to speak to me all this time   since 1981.  Now, consider this: In light of the fact that the shunning expectation has been in place for literally decades, does the aforementioned quote suggest premeditated deception or unanimous ignorance on the part of Watchtower leaders? I believe they know exactly what they are doing and because Jehovah‘ s Witnesses are coached to process information in only one direction (the direction adopted by the Watchtower leaders), most J ehovah‘s Witnesses will never even see the hypocrisy of this statement, even though they witness the hypocrisy every single day. EXAMPLE #2  Prior to October 15, 1975 , the masthead in Awake! Read:  Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promis e of a peaceful and  secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.

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It has been my observation time and time again that the Watchtower will openly deceive their

members, Jehovah‘s Witnesses, and the general public by appearing to align with viewpointsconsidered more mainstream or by rewriting their history, even though they know theirstatements are at best half-truths.


Case in point is the Watchtower‘s July 2009 “Awake!” magazine, p. 29, in which they write:

―No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made tochoose between his beliefs and his family.‖

For myself and the millions of ex-members who are being shunned by other Jehovah‘sWitnesses, I can assure you that we find this statement not only hypocritical but appalling. What

the Watchtower leadership really means, based on their actions, is, ―It‘s acceptable for you to

 become one of us and forsake your current religion (i.e., leave Catholicism to become a

Jehovah‘s Witnesses or leave your Jewish roots to become a Jehovah‘s Witness), but don‘t darethink for a minute that it‘s OK to leave us without retribution!‖ As an active (current) Jehovah

Witness elder wrote to me: ―…if I were to leave it would impact greatly on my relationship with

my wife and many friends –  walking away isn‘t always as trouble-free as it sounds.‖ 

I left the group as a teenager because I didn‘t want to ― be forced to worship in a way that (I

found) unacceptable‖ and yet I lost my mother, brother, sister, four nephews and niece as a

result. Contrary to what the July 2009 ―Awake!‖ magazine says, I was forced by Jehovah‘sWitnesses ―to choose between (my) beliefs and family‖ at the age of 18. As a result, my family

has been forbidden to speak to me all this time — since 1981.

 Now, consider this: In light of the fact that the shunning expectation has been in place for

literally decades, does the aforementioned quote suggest premeditated deception or unanimous

ignorance on the part of Watchtower leaders? I believe they know exactly what they are doingand because Jehovah‘s Witnesses are coached to process information in only one direction (the

direction adopted by the Watchtower leaders), most Jehovah‘s Witnesses will never even see the

hypocrisy of this statement, even though they witness the hypocrisy every single day.


 Prior to October 15, 1975, the masthead in Awake! Read:

 Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and

 secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.

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In the wake of the 1975 debacle, when Armageddon did not arrive, the masthead changed,

along with the understanding of the meaning of ―this generation.‖ The masthead had to change,

since the generation alive in 1914 was dying off. Did the Watchtower ever point out this changeto Jehovah‘s Witnesses or did they just quietly ―slip it in‖?

Jehovah doesn‘t change. His promises never failed. Did he ever promise anything to Moses thatdidn‘t occur? So why the change? Could it be that Jehovah never promised what the Awake

masthead claimed? Should we say that the Society received ―new light‖ or should we say, with

humility, that they were just plain wrong?

Why does the Society work so hard to hide its errors?


Why did the Watchtower in 1971 say that heart transplants will cause emotional

problems when there is absolutely no scientific basis for this?

1971 Love, hate, desire (good and bad)…all that serves to motivate us in relationship to our

affections and desires springs from the heart. … It is significant that heart-transplant patients,where the nerves connecting the heart and brain are severed, have serious emotional problems

after the operation…" (Watchtower, 3/1/1971 p.133-139)


Why did the Watchtower in 1969 say that higher education is the devil‟s propaganda 

when they have encouraged and supported the education of many of their Jehovah‘s Witness

legal team to represent them in a court of law? Could they be trying to keep the average

Jehovah‘s Witness undereducated? 

1969 "Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher

education... Do not let them brainwash you with the Devil‘s propaganda to get ahead, to make

something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left....make pioneer service,the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal."

(Watchtower, March 15, 1969, p. 171)


The following comes from the website 


―I‘ve been studying with Jehovah‘s Witnesses for a year and I am thinking about getting baptized, but I wanted to do some research into the history of the organization before I made my

decision. Recently, I ran across statements on the Internet that claim that Jehovah‟s Witnesses

taught that the world would end in 1975, so I asked my bible study teacher about that. She flat

out denied that the Watchtower ever taught that 1975 would be the end of the world. She said

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that a few individual Jehovah‘s Witnesses thought the end would happen in 1975, but she said

that the Watchtower Society never officially gave that date for the end of the world . I am

confused! If the Watchtower Society never gave the 1975 date for the end of the world, why doesAnne Marie on your website say that they did in their 1966 publication, Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God ? Is there any way I can get the documentation that Anne Marie talks

about in her story?‖ 


Dear friend,

Many Jehovah‘s Witnesses today deny that the 1975 false prophecy ever happened.  They do this

 because this is what they are being told by their leaders. If your bible study teacher was not in the

organization at the time that this prophecy was believed, 1. there is no way that she would know

what happened, or how ―swept up‖ into the belief of the 1975 prediction the Jehovah‘s Witnesseswere in those days. But I DO KNOW what happened, because I experienced it first-hand.

Watch real Audio/Video footage from The Watchtower proclaimingthe 1975 date will End the World!

Jehovah's Witnesses and 1975 End of the World Prophecy 

I was at the ―God‘s Sons of Liberty‖ District Convention of Jehovah‘s Witnesses in the summerof 1966 when there was a very powerful talk about ―the time of the end.‖  I remember well the

Saturday when they released their book, Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God . Therewas a great deal of excitement among the Jehovah‘s Witness conventioneers. The release of this

 book was a sensational crescendo to a life-stirring talk given just prior to its release that

 practically stated that we were ―at the door of the New World.‖ 

This talk spoke about the many prophecies the Society had given in the past regarding the

coming of God‘s battle of Armageddon that Jehovah‘s Witnesses believe will end worldgovernments and usher in God‘s 1,000-year Kingdom rule under Jesus Christ. They made a

 point of saying that the reason that all of their past dates had failed was because they had not

been properly based upon Bible chronology.

However, the speaker said that this new book showed beyond “any doubt” that Armageddon

was sure to come ―no later than the autumn of 1975‖; that they had been wrong in the past,

“but this time, there is no doubt, we got it right!” The speaker was emphatic about it! The talkexplained that the book would clearly show that the Watchtower Society‘s new claims were

verified by Bible chronology through the five-page chart laid out in the first chapter of the book.

When the speaker announced this, the atmosphere of Jehovah‘s Witnesses in the stands was

electric; everyone was so excited! At the break, the Jehovah‘s Witness brothers and sisters were

crammed like sardines in front of the distribution counters in their eagerness to purchase theircopies of the book‘ and as soon as they obtained them, they hurriedly formed into small groups

in excited anticipation of what the chronological chart would show.

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The chart was significant because it methodically outlined six thousand years of human history,

starting with the creation of Adam in 4026 B.C.E. The chart clearly stated that the end of this six

thousand year period of mankind‘s existence was to be completed in the fall of 1975 as thefollowing quote from the book illustrates:

―According to trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man‟s creation will endin 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of

1975 C.E.‖ —  Life Everlasting –  In Freedom of the Sons of God, 1966, p. 29 (View PDF of this

 page and the accompanied chart.)

Why was the completion of 6,000 years of human history significant to Jehovah‘s Witnesses? 

To understand why, you have to realize that the Bible chronology taught by the WatchtowerSociety at that time was that, ―one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years…‖ (2 Peter 3:8

 NWT). Jehovah‟s Witnesses believed that each 1,000-year time period of human history,

paralleled God‟s “creation week” of seven days. Thus, they reasoned that each one of the

―creative days‖ equaled 1,000-years to make a total of 7,000-years in length.

Since God completed the creation of man on the sixth day, and on the seventh day He “rested 

from all his work that he had made…‖ (Genesis 2:2-3), they thought Jehovah would likelyexecute His ―vengeance upon the wicked‖ (i.e., the Battle of Armageddon) shortly before or

immediately following the conclusion of His sixth 1,000-year time period, in the fall of 1975 .

Thus, they reasoned that God‘s final 1,000-year time period (i.e., God‘s 7th ―day of rest‖) would begin at that time with the destruction of the world‘s governments and the establishment of the

Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. In keeping with this understanding, the book explained:

―How appropriate it would be for Jehovah God to make of this coming seventh period of a

thousand years a sabbath period of rest and release, a great Jubilee sabbath for the

 proclaiming of liberty throughout the earth to all its inhabitants!… for, remember, mankind hasyet ahead of it what the last book of the Holy Bible speaks of as the reign of Jesus Christ over

earth for a thousand years, the millennial reign of Christ. Prophetically Jesus Christ… said

concerning himself: ‗For Lord of the sabbath is what the Son of man is.‘ (Matthew 12:8) It

would not be by mere chance or accident… for the reign of Jesus Christ, the „Lord of the

sabbath,‟ to run parallel with the seventh millennium of man‟s existence .‖ —  Life

 Everlasting –  In Freedom of the Sons of God, 1966, p. 30 (View PDF of this page and the

accompanied chart.)

Anyone who doubted this ―truth‖ was considered to be ―weak,‖ or ―unfaithful,‖ someone who

did not want to ―serve shoulder to shoulder‖ with the brothers and sisters in the organization, orworse yet, an ―apostate.‖  Older Jehovah‘s Witnesses (those that had been ―in the truth‖ during

the years of the Watchtower Society‘s other ―Armageddon prophecies‖) grabbed hold of this

1975 prediction in the hope that, at last, Jehovah God‘s promises were to be fulfilled. 

Article after article appeared from the Watchtower Society that raised the anticipation of the

Jehovah‘s Witnesses toward the 1975 date. Among them was this dogmatic statement found inthe 1969 Watchtower article entitled, ―The Approaching Peace of a Thousand Years:‖ 

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―…six millenniums of mankind‘s life on earth would end in the mid-seventies. Thus the

seventh millennium from man‘s creation by Jehovah God would begin within less than ten

years…. In order for the Lord Jesus Christ to be ‗Lord even of the sabbath day,‘ his thousand-year reign would have to be the seventh in a series of thousand-year periods or

millenniums…. Would not, then, the end of six millenniums of mankind‘s laborious

enslavement under Satan the Devil be the fitting time for Jehovah God to usher in a Sabbathmillennium for all his human creatures? Yes, indeed! And his King Jesus Christ will be

Lord of that Sabbath.” — The Watchtower, October 15, 1969, pp. 622-623 (View PDF of this


As expectations continued to increase over the 1975 date, the Watchtower Society published an

article entitled, ―Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?‖  While this article continued to

affirm that Armageddon was just around the corner, it was more cautious in its statementsregarding the 1975 date. It explained that the Watchtower Society‘s chronology ―was reasonably

accurate,‖ but admittedly ―not infallible.‖  They then suggested that their calculations might be in

error by a matter of ―weeks or months, not years.‖ 

―What about all this talk concerning the year 1975? …Their interest has been kindled by the

 belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam‟s creation…Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn

of 1975, and the long looked-for thousand-year reign of Chris will begin then? Possibly, but we

wait to see how closely the seventh thousand year period of man‟s existence coincides with

the sabbath-like thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each

other as to the calendar year, it will not be a mere chance or accident but will be according to

Jehovah‘s loving and timely purposes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate

(but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000

years of Jehovah‘s seventh creative ‗day.‘ Why not? Because after his creation Adam lived some

time during the ‗sixth day,‘ which unknown amount of time would need to be subtracted from

Adam‘s 930 years, to determine when the sixth seven-thousand –year period or ‗day‘ ended, and

how long Adam lived into the ‗seventh day.‟ And yet the end of that sixth creative ‗day‘ couldend within the same Gregorian calendar year of Adam‘s creation. It may involve only a

difference of weeks or months, not years.‖— The Watchtower, August 15, 1968, pp 494, 499

(View PDF of this page.)

In spite of the cautious statements made by the Watchtower Society in this article, its concluding

statement that the possible error in calculation would only amount to a ―difference‖ of ―weeks ormonths, not years,‖ again affirmed the anxious expectations of Jehovah‘s Witnesses.  Talks from

the podium at Kingdom Hall meetings and especially at Jehovah‟s Witness Conventions were

continually emphatic about the urgency to ―be ready‖ for  Armageddon and to ―keep on the


As the following years progressed, the urgency to do even more Kingdom ―preaching work‖

was continually stressed by the Watchtower organization. We were told that the salvation ofmankind was ―our responsibility,‖ and this was not to be taken lightly! The pressure was ever

increasing to ―do more!‖ to prove our loyalty and faithfulness. 

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As 1975 drew near, many Jehovah‘s Witnesses began to quit their jobs (and gave up their

 pensions) in order to devote more time to the door-to-door ministry. Many sold their homes and

 businesses, cashed in life insurance policies, rejected college education for themselves and theirchildren, and even put off non-emergency medical or dental treatment in expectation of ―the

end.‖  All of these actions were commended by the Watchtower Society and hailed by the

organization to the rank-and-file as ―good examples‖ of what ―faithful‖ Jehovah‘s Witnesseswere to be.

―Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education

after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced

by them. Do not let them ‗brainwash‘ you with the Devil‟s propaganda to get ahead… This

world has very little time left!… Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the

 possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal.‖ — The Watchtower, March 15, 1969, p.171

―Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you

are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps evensix or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of

things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!‖ — 

 Awake!, May 22, 1969, p. 15

―Yes, the end of this system is so very near! Is that no reason to increase our activity?…

Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the

rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend

the short time remaining before the wicked world‟s end.‖—  Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p.3 (View PDF of the three quotes above.)

The belief of 1975 was so ingrained into our thinking; it was continually referred to and talkedabout, so much so, that it was almost a part of our daily conversation. We were excited, but yet,we were apprehensive. Although no one would admit it, we were scared! You cannot imagine

how many times a talk from the platform would begin with, ―Well, Brothers! It‘s just… months 

till 1975!‖ Then, when the time got closer, it became, ―Well, Brothers! It‘s just… weeks until1975!‖ And when 1975 actually came, you just couldn‘t imagine the ―buzz‖ of excitement that

was going around!

By 1976, it became obvious to everyone that the Watchtower Society‘s ―Armageddon prophecy‖

had again failed to come. Many began to ―murmur‖ and ―complain‖ to the point that the

Watchtower Society was forced to address this issue. When they finally did, we were stunnedand shocked at what they said. The rank-and-file Jehovah‘s Witnesses were practically yelled

at! We were accused of it being our fault that Armageddon didn‘t come! I remember

Watchtower President Fred Franz yelling at the audience of Jehovah‘s Witnesses saying, ―You

know why Armageddon didn‘t come? Because you WANTED IT TO COME!‖ 

Then, in talks and in the literature, the Watchtower Society began putting the blame for theirfalse prediction on the rank-and-file Jehovah‘s Witnesses by saying that we read more into the

1975 date than what the Society had stated, and that this was the reason we were disappointed.

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They went on to say that those who had built their lives around the anticipated fulfillment of a

―specific date‖ had not followed the counsel of Jesus:  

―…some who had been service God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of

 just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year. They may have, for this reason,

 put off or neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed thepoint of the Bible‟s warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible

chronology reveals the specific date… Did Jesus mean that we should adjust our financial and

secular affairs so that our resources would just carry us to a certain date that we might thinkmarks the end?… This is not the kind of thinking that Jesus advised.‖ — The Watchtower,

July 15, 1976, p. 440 (View PDF of this page.)

What? Had not the Watchtower Society commended the brothers and sisters who had sold their

homes and businesses in order to put more time into the Watchtower‘s preaching work?  Had not

the Society said, ―Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the

wicked world‘s end!‖ ( Kingdom Ministry , May 1974, p. 3) And now they were telling us that

our ―disappointment‖ was our own fault for not heeding the words of Jesus?!!  

This kind of revisionist history was slowly ―fed‖ to the masses so that what they had drummedinto our heads about 1975, was somehow turned around, and they managed to convince the

remaining Jehovah‘s Witnesses that the belief that Armageddon would come in 1975 had really

 been our own idea in the first place  —  that it had never been taught to us by the Watchtower

Society. I heard stories of pioneers who had faithfully put in thousands of hours preaching the

Watchtower message, throwing down their Watchtower book bags, saying, ―I‘ve had it!‖ and

walking away from the Watchtower Organization. 2. 

When so many left and said that they didn‘t believe anything the Society taught anymore, the

Watchtower organization turned around and used their example of leaving as an excuse to showwhy Armageddon hadn‘t come. They said that the prediction had been some type of ―test ofloyalty,‖ and that Jehovah had been ―cleaning house‖ to get rid of all those who He knew were

not ―truly‖ His  people, even though they had ―looked good‖ to the rest of us.  This ploy worked

quite well to keep the rest of us in! It even worked on me! It made us even more diligent to―prove our loyalty‖ to Jehovah. 

―But some of their time calculations and the expectations that they associated with these gave

rise to serious disappointments. Following 1925, meeting attendance dropped dramatically….

Again, in 1975, there was disappointment when expectations regarding the start of the

Millennium failed to materialize. As a result, some withdrew from the organization…. Although

these tests resulted in a sifting… others remained firm. Why?… ‗Those who had set their

confidence in Jehovah remained steadfast and continued their preaching activity.‘‖—  Jehovah’s

Witnesses —   Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 1993, p. 633

(View PDF of this page.)

As has happened with many of the Watchtower‘s failed predictions and doctrinal changes thatthe average Jehovah‘s Witness has no knowledge of, the truth of what really happened has been

twisted to mean something else and Watchtower history has been rewritten. Those who know

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the real truth and have left, have been effectively silenced by being ―marked‖ as ―wicked, evil,

apostates‖ by the Watchtower authorities, so that the ones who are too young to know any better

are kept from the truth.


1.Many Jehovah‘s Witnesses came into the organization after the height of the hype of the 1975

 belief; and some after it was over.

2. Fall out from this type of revisionist history eventually pressured the Watchtower Society into printing an apology in which they took partial blame for their 1975 prophetic failure. In a 1980

Watchtower article, the Society stated: ―With the appearance of the book  Life Everlasting –  in

 Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for themillennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man‘s existence, considerable

expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and

thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such

cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization

of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted thatthese latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to the

 buildup of the expectation already initiated. In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower,commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: ‗If anyone has

 been disappointed …his own understanding was based on wrong premises.‘ In saying ‗anyone,‘

The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah‘s Witnesses, hence including persons

having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopescentered on that date.‖ — The Watchtower, March 15, 1980, pp. 17-18 (emphasis in the original)

If the Watchtower leaders are not responsible for overseeing their own literature and the contents

that go into each and every page, who is responsible? Are they suggesting that millions of average

Jehovah Witness families somehow miraculously inserted this 1975-related information into their

own literature?

How do they explain away the following Watchtower and Awake magazines… 

Oct. 8, 1966, p. 19

Oct. 15, 1966, p. 629

May 1, 1967 p. 262

Oct. 8, 1968, p. 14-15

May 1, 1968, p. 271

Aug. 15, 1968 p. 494, 499-501

Oct. 15, 1969, p 622-623

Oct. 15, 1974, p. 635Nov. 8, 1974, p. 11

May 1, 1975, p. 285

Oct. 1, 1975, p 579

….if the 1975 prophesy was based on the members’ “own understanding”? 
