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Ho Chi Minh City, 18 April 2012


Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 4

E3035 v6

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC


TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... 3LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................... 4ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................... 6I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 7II. LEGAL FRAMEWORKS..................................................................................... 8 II.1. Vietnamese legislations....................................................................................8 II.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies........................................................................9III. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK................................ 9 III.1. Objectives of the subproject............................................................................9 III.2. Subproject location..........................................................................................9 III.3. Subproject management organizations............................................................9 III.4. Subproject description.....................................................................................9 III.4.1. Subproject location..................................................................................9 III.4.3. TL description........................................................................................11 III.4.4. Volume of main works of the subproject..............................................12 III.5. Main activities implemented in the stages of the subproject preparation and construction..................................................................................................................15 III.5.1. Activities implemented in the preparation stage of the subproject.......15 III.5.2. Activities implemented in the subproject construction stage................15 III.5.3. Methods for transporting materials, equipment, devices, accessories and machines to the subproject site.....................................................................................15 III.5.4. Equipment and machines serving the subproject construction..............16 III.6. Proposed schedule of the subproject implementation..............................16 III.7. Total investment capital of the subproject................................................17IV. BRIEF NATURAL CONDITIONS AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE SUBPROJECT AREA................................................................................................ 17V. POTENTIAL IMPACTS....................................................................................... 20VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMEMT PLAN (EMP)..................................... 34 VI.1. Mitigation measures...................................................................................34 VI.2. Environmental monitoring plan..................................................................50VII. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ORGANIZATION AND TRAINING.................. 56 VII.1. EMP implementation responsibility..........................................................56 VII.2. Capacity building for the EMP implementation.......................................58 VII.3. Report procedure.......................................................................................59 VII.4. Cost estimate.............................................................................................59VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE............. 60 VIII.1. Public consultation....................................................................................60 VIII.2 Information disclosure...............................................................................61APPENDICES.............................................................................................................66

Tables of contents 1

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC


Table 3.1: The subproject’s technical specification.....................................................10Table 3.2: Construction volume..................................................................................12Table 3.3: Volume of materials taken down, salvaged and upgraded.........................14Table 3.4: Proposed equipment and machines serving the subproject construction.. .16Table 5.1: Potential impacts of the subproject (environmental screening)..................20Table 6.1: Impact mitigation measures.........................................................................34Table 6.2: Environmental monitoring plan...................................................................50Table 7.1: Roles and responsibility of organizations during the EMP implementation......................................................................................................................................56Table 7.2: Cost estimate of capacity building for the EMP implementation...............58Table 7.3: Report procedure.........................................................................................59Table 7.4: Cost estimate of the EMP implementation..................................................59Table 8.1: Summary results of public consultation......................................................62

List of tables 2

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC


CPC : Communal People’s Committee

CSC : Construction Supervision Consultancy

DEP : Distribution efficiency Project

DPC : District People’s Committee

EMP : Environmental Management Plan

EMF : Electromagnetic Field

EVN : Vietnam Electricity

EVNHCMC : Ho Chi Minh Power Corporation

FS : Feasibility Study

GOV : Government of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

HCMC : Ho Chi Minh City

HPPMB : Ho Chi Minh City Power Project Management Board

HHs : Household(s)

ROW : Right of Way

O&M : Operation and Maintenance

PECC4 : Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 4

PC : People’s Committee

QCVN : National Technical Regulation

SS : Substation

T/L : Transmission Line

TCVN : Vietnam standard

VND : Vietnam Dong

WB : Word Bank

Abbreviations 3

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

I. INTRODUCTIONAt present, power source supplying Can Gio district is Nha Be 220kV Substation

(2x250 MVA) and one diesel generator with the capacity of 400 kW supplies power to Thanh An commune locating on one island (called Thanh An island commune).

The existing Nha Be – An Nghia – Can Gio 110kV single-circuit transmission line (TL) directly supplies power to An Nghia and Can Gio 110kV substations. In the future, this TL will supply power to Aquaculture Center 110kV SS (newly constructed) (1x40MVA) and ensure to supply power to An Nghia and Can Gio 110kV substations that will be enhanced their capacity to 2x16MVA/ SS.

Now, Nha Be - An Nghia - Can Gio 110kV TL hasn’t been closed loop, thus it does not ensure to supply stably and reliably Can Gio district with power. In the other hand, the existing TL’s some sections are still used AC120 conductor with the load capacity of 70MVA, thus it does not ensure power transmission for 110kV substations which will be enhanced capacity and constructed newly in the region in the future (104MVA).

“Stabilization and reliability enhancement of power source for supplying Can Gio district -HCMC” subproject is one of the subprojects, which will be implemented in stage I of Vietnam Distribution Efficiency Project (DEP) of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) loaned by the WB, and constructed in the area of Can Gio district - HCMC.

Activities of the subproject include:

(i) Upgrading (to keep tact the TL direction and its ROW, only change in tower foundation location, conductor pulling and scatter) the existing single-circuit 110kV TL to the double circuit TL for the TL section from tower No. 32 (T32) to tower No.53 (T53) with 4.06 km in length (hereafter called Section 1);

(ii) Taking down the existing single-circuit 110kV TL for the TL section from tower No.32 (T32) to tower No.53 (T53);

(iii) Newly constructing a double-circuit 110kV TL section from tower No.53 (T53) of the existing single-circuit 110kV TL to An Nghia SS with 9.915 km in length (hereafter called Section 2);

(iv) Taking down the existing single-circuit Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL section from the existing tower no.53 (T53) to the existing tower no.108 (T108) with 9.7km in length.

These activities can cause negative impacts on environment and local communities in the stages of pre-construction, construction and operation of the subproject.

To ensure that potential negative impacts are determined and mitigated during subproject implementation process and conformed to the WB’s environmental assessment policy (OP/BP 4.01), an environmental management plan (EMP) of the subproject has been prepared in accordance with the guidance of the DEP’s Environmental Management Frame (EMF). The EMP includes contents as description of the subproject, policy framework, applied national technical regulations on environment, potential negative impacts, proposed impacts mitigation measures which will be implemented in the stages of pre-construction, construction and operation, and implementation organization and arrangement.

According to new Vietnamese regulations, the subproject must establish a report on environmental impact assessment (EIA). Its EIA is being established to submit to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of HCMC for approval instead of the previously approved Environmental Protection Commitment (This commitment was

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

established by the PO and approved by Can Gio DPC at Letter No. 409/XN-UBND-TNMT dated October 19th, 2007).


II.1. Vietnamese legislations

The following Vietnamese legislations are applicable to the subproject:

- Law on environment protection No. 52/2005/QH11 of the 11 th National Assembly, the 8th Session, passed in November 29th, 2005 and entering into force from July 1st, 2006.

- Electricity Law in 2004;

- Cultural Heritage Law No. 28/2001/QH10

- Law on forest development and protection No. 29/2004/QH11;

- Water resource law passed on May 20th, 1998 by the 10th National Assembly, the 3rd

Session, entering into force from January 1st, 1999.

- Decree No. 80/2006/NĐ-CP, dated August 9th, 2006 by the GOV concerning instruction on the implementation of the environment protection law.

- Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP, dated February 28th, 2008 by the GOV concerning modification, supplementation on some articles of Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP, dated August 9th, 2006 by the GOV concerning instruction on the implementation of environment protection law.

- Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP, dated April 18th, 2011 by the GOV concerning regulation on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental protection commitment.

- Circular No. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT, dated July 18th, 2011 by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) concerning detailed regulation on some articles of Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP, dated April 18th, 2011 by the GOV concerning regulation on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, and environmental protection commitment.

- Circular No. 12/2001/TT-BTNMT, dated April 14th, 2011 on hazardous wastes management.

- Decree No. 106/2005/NĐ-CP, dated August 17th, 2005 by the GOV concerning detailed regulation and instruction on implementing some articles of electricity law relating to high voltage network safety protection.

- Decree No. 81/2009/NĐ-CP dated October 12th, 2009 by the GOV concerning amendment and supplement on some articles of Decree no.106/2005/NĐ-CP by the GOV, dated August 17th, 2005.

- Circular No. 03/2010/TT-BCT dated January 22nd, 2010 of Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) concerning regulation on some contents for high voltage network safety protection.

- National technical regulations: QCVN 01:2009/BYT – National technical regulation on the quality of drinking water; QCVN 02:2009/BYT - National technical regulation on the quality of domestic water; QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulation on surface water quality; QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulation on underground water quality; QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT - Air quality - National technical

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

regulation on ambient air quality; QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT - Air quality. Maximum permissible concentration of some harmful matters in ambient air environment

- Decree No. 328/2005/QĐ-TTg dated July 16th, 2005 by the Prime Minister concerning regulation on hazardous wastes management.

II.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies

The environmental screening according to criteria described in the EMF for DEP project has been carried out and the result shows that the WB policies on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) and Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) are triggered for this subproject. The subproject has also to comply with the Bank’s requirements on public consultation and Information Disclosure Policy. The implementation of policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) is addressed in a separate safeguard document.


III.1. Objectives of the subproject

* Subproject background

The existing Nha Be - An Nghia - Can Gio 110kV TL supplies electricity to An Nghia and Can Gio 110kV substations. This is a single-circuit TL unclosed loop, thus it does not ensure to supply electricity stably and reliably to this region.

* Objective of the subproject

The subproject “Stabilization and reliability enhancement of power source for supplying Can Gio district - HCMC” has a role to enhance transmission capacity, ensure stable and continuous power supply capacity for Can Gio district.

III.2.Subproject location

- Upgrading the existing single-circuit 110kV TL to the double circuit TL for the TL section from tower No. 32 (T32) to tower No.53 (T53) with 4.06 km in length in Binh Khanh commune, Can Gio district, HCMC;

- Newly constructing a double-circuit 110kV TL section from tower No.53 (T53) of the existing single-circuit 110kV TL to An Nghia SS with 9.915 km in length in Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong communes, Can Gio district, HCMC;

III.3. Subproject management organizations

- Project Onwer: Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC)

- Engineering consultancy: Power Engineering Consulting J.S Company 4 (PECC4) - Vietnam Electricity (EVN).

- Management organization: Ho Chi Minh City Power Project Management Board (HPPMB) - Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC).

III.4. Subproject description

III.4.1. Subproject location

* Section 1:

In the ROW of the existing 110kV TL, there are mainly shrimp farms, canals, ditches and little Nipa land of local people in Binh Khanh commune, Can Gio district.

* Section2:

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

From T53, the TL runs in the nipa and paddy land area of local people along the local road with the length of 0.488m. The remaining TL section to the existing An Nghia 110kV SS, it is mainly in the technical corridor along the existing Rung Sac road in Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong communes, Can Gio District. About 133m length of this TL section is in the air, crossing through forest land area managed by Can Gio protective forest management board.

Figure 1: Diagram of the subproject location

III.4.2. Technical specification

Table 3.1: The subproject’s technical specification

Item Section 1 Section 2

Voltage level 110kV

Number of circuits 2 circuits

Width of the ROW 16m

Starting point At tower No. 32 (T32) of the existing Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL

At tower No. 53 (T53) of the existing Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL

Ending point At tower No.53 (T53) of the existing Nha Be - An Nghia 110kV

At the 110kV busbar of the existing An Nghia 110kV SS.

Environmental management plan 7

Section 1

Section 2


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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

Item Section 1 Section 2


Length of the TL sections

4.06 km. 9.915 km.

Number of turning angles

20 52

Scope of work of the TL sections

- Taking down and salvaging the whole of the existing single-circuit 110kV TL.

- Newly constructing a double circuit 110kV TL with the same direction as the existing TL from tower No. 32 (T32) to tower No.53 (T53).

- Newly constructing a double circuit 110kV TL with the route direction mostly paralleling with Rung Sac road from tower No.53 (T53) to the existing An Nghia 110kV substation.

Conductor ACSR 795MCM/MZ (steel-cored aluminum conductor covered by neutral grease).

Anti-lightning wire TK70/MZ (galvanized steel cable covered by neutral grease) or equivalent

Anti-lightning wire in combination with optical cable

OPGW 70 with 24 optical cables according to standard ITU-T/G652

Insulator Using ceramic, glass insulators with the loading capacity of 70kN, 120kN, and the selected atmospheric contamination level of 25mm/kV.

Using ceramic, glass or polymer insulators with the loading capacity of 70kN, 160kN, and the selected atmospheric contamination level of 31mm/kV.

Tower Using double circuit shaped steel tower.

Using single steel tower and double circuit shaped steel tower (depending on every tower location).

Foundation Using in-site cast reinforced concrete

Earth wire Using galvanized steel cable with Ф12

III.4.3. TL description

a) TL section from T32 to T53 (section 1): with 4.06km in length

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Section 1: The direction of this TL section has been agreed by Can Gio DPC at Letter No. 202/UBND dated April 04th, 2006 by Can Gio DPC concerning agreement on the expansion of the ROW of Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL, Can Gio district;

The length of the existing TL section is 4,060m. It crosses over mainly shrimp farms of local people in Binh Khanh commune, Can Gio District.

The TL section inter-crosses Phu My – Nha Be 220kV TL once, Phu My – Nha Be 500kV TL once, 5m-width road three times, and canals having a width more than 50m (Rach Tra, Rach) twice. There is no house/structure under the ROW.

b) TL Section from T53 to An Nghia SS (section 2):

Section 2: The direction of this TL section has been agreed by Can Gio DPC at Letter No. 1314/UBND dated September 09th, 2011:

- The first part: has 0.488km in length, belongs to the territory of Binh Khanh commune, Can Gio district. It runs mainly in land of local people, parallels with the service road, crosses over 5m-width local road twice.

There are 01 house, 01 toilet, 01 bathroom, 01 husbandry stall (duck) of two households under the ROW.

- The following part: has 9.114km in lenght. it runs along the right of Rung Sac Road (in the direction from Binh Khanh ferry to Can Thanh town), it runs in the green belt between Rung Sac and Song Hanh roads. The centerline of the TL is 31m far from the road centerline. There is no house/structure under the ROW.

At the part crossing over Rach La canal, it runs parallel with Rach La bridge and 18m far from the margin of the brigde.

About 7.102km of this TL section belongs to Binh Khanh commune; and 2.012km belongs to An Thoi Dong commune.

The TL part: has 0.313km in length. It crosses over Tac Ong Nghia river to the existing T108 and connects to the ending tower (the ending point) at An Nghia 110kV SS. About 133m length of this TL section is in the air, crossing through forest land area managed by Can Gio protective forest management board.

This TL section belongs to the territory of An Thoi Dong commune, Can Gio district.

III.4.4. Volume of main works of the subproject

Table 3.2: Construction volume

No. Work contents Unit Volume/quantity Construction measure


1 Leveling the ground m2 23,374.75  



1 Soil excavation m³ 29,550.94 Manual performance

2 Soil filling m³ 25,360.44 Excavating machine

3 Tower foundation soil filling m³ 7,388.4  

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

No. Work contents Unit Volume/quantity Construction measure

4Piling to prevent from landslide

pile 7,388

Pile with Ф80, the density of 3 piles/m, the length of pile is 2m

5 Bamboo sheet piling to prevent from landslide m2 2,463 Height of 1m



1 Concrete M100 m³ 674.25manual and mechanical performance

2 Concrete M200 m³ 3,516.25manual and mechanical performance

3 Concrete M200 m³ 347.91 Pole concrete

4 Reinforced concrete pole 300 x 300 m 2,896

Pre-cast or in-place cast pole

(According to construction

drawing )




1 Processing and installing steel reinforcement with Ø ≤ 10 ton 36.21 Processing at


2 Processing and installing steel reinforcement with Ø ≤18

ton 182.81

3 Processing and installing steel reinforcement with Ø >18

ton 81.14

4 Processing anchored bolt ton 24.23 Processing at factory


1 Steel tower with the height of ≤ 50m ton 547.19 Manual

performanceV ELECTRICITY  

1 Scattering and pulling conductor km 60.68

manual and mechanical performance

2 Anti-lightning wire km 10.11

3 Optical cable km 10.32


1 Board of name of circuit piece 52

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

No. Work contents Unit Volume/quantity Construction measure

2 Warning board piece 52

3 Warning board of crossing over river position 4

Table 3.3: Volume of materials taken down, salvaged and upgraded

No. Salvaged item Unit Volume1 Steel tower + Reinforced concrete foundation position 10

2 Spun concrete tower + reinforced concrete foundation position 103

3 Bar 2m  Set 254

4 Bar 6m  set 11

5 Steel-cored aluminum conductor with code of ACKP-120 km 43.18

6 Galvanized stranded steel wire TK50 used as anti-lightning wire km 14.39

7 Insulator suspending conductor series 204

8 Accessory series bearing anti-lightning wire series 65

9 Accessory series anchoring anti-lightning wire series 26

10 Conductor anti-vibration Set 624

11 Anti-lightning wire anti-vibration Set 123

12 Anchor Set 61

15 Tower number board – danger warning board (suspended on steel tower) Board 10

16 Earth wire of metal sheet roofing for the existing metal sheet roofing houses/structures. Set 5

17 Supplementing metal sheet roofing for thatched-roofing houses/structures house/structure 2

18 Earth wire of metal sheet roofing for the supplemented metal sheet roofing houses/structures. Set 2

III.5. Main activities implemented in the stages of the subproject preparation and construction

III.5.1. Activities implemented in the preparation stage of the subproject

- Acquiring land for tower foundation construction (at locations where land have not been acquired), conducting compensation and allowances (for damages on land under the ROW which are not compensated) to serve site clearance.

- Disarming unexplored ordnance (UXO) after the wars in tower foundation locations.

- Constructing auxiliary facilities (worker camps, stockpiles, material storage yards, etc).

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Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio District–HCMC

III.5.2. Activities implemented in the subproject construction stage

From T32 to An Nghia 110kV SS of the existing An Nghia – Nha Be 110kV TL, the following activities will be conducted during construction stage:

- Cutting down trees at tower foundation construction locations.

- Transporting materials and equipment for constructing the subproject.

- Excavating and filling tower foundations; and installing and erecting towers

- Activities in auxiliary areas (stockpiles, construction material storage yards,…)

- Pulling and scattering conductors.

- Taking down, salvaging all materials, equipment, devices and accessories of the existing single circuit 110kV TL

III.5.3. Methods for transporting materials, equipment, devices, accessories and machines to the subproject site

- Sand, rocks, gravels, cement, falsework, bamboo wattles: bought in the locality, transported to the subproject site by road.

- Steel reinforcement for tower foundation, earth wire: bought in the locality, transported to the subproject site by road and processing in the subproject site.

- Steel tower, conductor, accessories, insulators, imported equipment and materials: transported from the stockpiles of the PMB to the subproject site by road.

III.5.4. Equipment and machines serving the subproject construction

Table 3.4: Proposed equipment and machines serving the subproject construction

No. Equipment, machines Unit Quantity

1 Truck for transporting steel tower piece 5

2 Truck piece 8

3 Dumper truck piece 12

4 Water + fuel tank truck piece 6

5 Crane piece 3

6 Bulldozer + Excavator piece 5

7 Worker bus piece 6

8 Concrete mixer piece 12

9 Penetrating vibrator piece 20

10 Plate vibrator piece 12

11 Welding machine piece 12

12 Bending machine to cut steel piece 12

13 Transformer for welding piece 12

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No. Equipment, machines Unit Quantity

14 Diesel electric generator piece 4

15 Water pump piece 18

16 Hydraulic wire compressor piece 12

17 Telephone piece 10

III.6. Proposed schedule of the subproject implementation

Approval of technical design - Total cost estimate April 2012;

Submitting to the WB for approving bidding plan March 2012;

Submitting to the WB for approving bidding document April 2012;

Bidding organization May - Nov. 2012;

Construction Dec. 2012 - Aug. 2013;

Acceptance, hand-over and switching on operation Sep. 2013

III.7. Total investment capital of the subproject

Total investment capital of the subproject is 216,217,906,000 VND.

Of which:

Section 1: Total investment capital is 50,537,200,000 VND.

Section 2: Total investment capital is 165,680,706,000 VND


* Location: The subproject is located in the territory of 2 communes as Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong where topography is relatively flat and hollow with many rivers, canals. The ground surface is separated by canal, ditch and artifical pond/reservoir system. It doesn’t have hills, mountain and island. Land affected by the subproject includes shrimp farm land (section 1), a small area of paddy land, nipa land and green belt land of Rung Sac road (section2). The subproject also has about 133m length of the TL to be in the air, cross through Can Gio forest land.

* Climate:

The subproject is located in the territory of HCMC. This area has hot and wet monsoon tropical climate which has feature of Southern climate:

The subproject area has an annual average temperature of 26 - 27oC, an annual average air humidity of 78% - 82%, an annual average precipitation of 1,800mm - 2,000mm (rainy season from May to October and dry season from November to April in the next year).

* Natural resources:

- Fauna and flora:

In general, flora in the subproject area is relatively monotonous. It only has nipa and paddy of local people. The TL section that is in the air, crosses over Can Gio protective forest, runs near to Rung Sac road has vegetation cover with main mangrove, date-palm,…These tree species needn’t be protected.

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There is no rare, specious and valuable animal speccies in the subproject, it only has some common species as frog, snack, mice,...

- Quality of environment: Observvation, measurement and analysis in Lab to determine the quality of environemt in the subproject are carried out in Dec 19th, 2011 – Dec 24, 2011 by the Insitute of Nha Trang Technology application and research. Results are as follows:

+ Ambient air environment: the quality of air in the subproject area is relatively fresh. All parameters are lower than allowable limit in comparison with QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT (shown in table 4.1)

Table 4.1: Results of the analysis of ambient air environment quality in the subproject area

No. Parameter Unit Results of testQCVN

26:2010/BTNMT(from 6 – 21


QCVN 05:2009/BTNMT


1 Temperature 0C 28.5 28.0 - -2 Humidity % 78.0 78.6 - -3 Wind Velocity m/s 1.5 1.3 - -4 Total dust mg/m3 0.19 0.22 - 0.35 Level of noise

(medium)dBA 59.5 51.6 70 -

6 Carbon monoxide (CO)

mg/m3 1.32 1.55 - 30

7 Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

mg/m3 0.0028 0.0026 - 0.35

8 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

mg/m3 0.0030 0.0034 - 0.2

+ Water environment: Water quality of Rach Tra and Ong Nghia rivers is relatively fresh. All parameters are lower than allowable limit in comparison with QCVN 08:2008, column B (shown in table 4.2)

Table 4.2: Results of the analysis of water environment quality

in the subproject area

No. Parameter Unit Results of testQCVN

08:2008/BTNMT, column B

NM1 NM2 Column B1

1 Smell - No No2 Taste - No No3 pH - 5.34 6.68 5.5-94 Suspended

materials mg/l 17 16.2 50

5 DO mg/l 4.9 5.3 6 BOD5 200C mg/l 5.7 4.3 7 COD mg/l 12.7 15.5 8 Fe mg/l 0.336 0.424 1.59 Coliform MPN/100ml 326 580 7,500

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Table 5.1: Potential impacts of the subproject (environmental screening)

Screening questions Yes No Screening description

1. Subproject's sitting:

Is the subproject site adjacent to or within any of the following environmental sensitive areas?

- Cultural heritage site No

- Protected areas such as National Parks, Nature Reserves, Bio-conservation areas, bird yards, mangrove forest etc.


- Wetlands No

- Forests Yes - Section 1: It will not affect forest.

- Section 2: According to Letter No. 176/BQL dated September 28th, 2011 by Can Gio Protective Forest Management Board and Minutes of the meeting dated December 22nd, 2011 between the representatives of Can Gio Protective Forest Management Board and the representatives of PECC4, the TL crosses through plot No.5a which belongs to Can Gio Protective Forest with 200m in length. However, in real measurement process, this section’s length is only 133m, in which there is 100m under the ROW of the existing TL (from the existing tower No. 108 to the ending point). The 33m-length remaining section crosses over Ong Nghia river. Main trees include mangrove, date-palm,...

It should not design to put any tower foundation in the land of the existing

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Can Gio protective forest to mitigate impacts on vegetation cover of Can Gio Protective Forest (the 133m- length TL section crossing over the protective forest has one tower foundation to be newly constructed on the old An Nghia 110kV SS ground.

It should design the height of conductor higher than the highest tree (not cut down tree under the ROW).

During the process of the TL construction and conductor scatter and pulling through the protective forest, it should not cut down tree under the ROW. Erecting scaffolding to support conductor in accordance with Norms. The height of the scaffolding need be conformed to stipulation for every project it need overcome. The scaffolding will be firmly connected together to support many conductors at the same time. It will be ensured to resist wind pressure, vertical load and the other expected loads.

Therefore, the impacts on Can Gio Protective forest caused by the subproject are assessed as small.

- Estuaries No

- Buffer zone of protected areas No

- Rivers and reservoirs Yes - Don’t design tower in rivers, reservoirs.

- Section 1: The TL crosses over Rach La canal with the width of 155m once, and Rach canal with the width of 50m once. Now, boats still travel in these canal sections.

- Section 2: The TL crosses over Rach La canal with the width of 86 m once and Ong Nghia river with the width of 105 m once. Now, boats still travel in these canal sections.

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The subproject will not much affect the traveling activities of boats. The impacts are only temporary in the construction time (about one day).

- Canals, ditches and irrigation system Yes - There is no irrigation system in the subproject area.

- The subproject doesn’t design tower in rivers, reservoirs

- Canal/ditch system in the subproject area is relatively much, thus the TL crosses over some small canals/ ditches (their width is from several meters to several-ten meters). However, the TL won’t impact on this ditch/canal system, because it is in the air, and its tower foundations are not adjacent to canals, ditches.

- Agricultural land Yes - Section 1: acquiring 3,259m2 land for constructing tower foundation (20 tower foundations), in which there area 414 m2 paddy land, 585m2 other annual tree land (nipa), 2,260m2 aquaculture land (shrimp farms).

- Section 2: acquiring 188 m2 paddy land and 327m2 other annual tree land (nipa) for tower foundation construction.

2. Potential environmental impacts

Will the subproject cause:

2.1. Pre-construction stage

Permanent land acquisition Yes Total permanently acquired land area for tower foundation construction is as follows:

- Section 1: Total permanently acquired land area for tower foundation construction is 3,259 m2 (20 tower foundations). In which, there are 414 m2

rice land; 585m2 annual tree land (nipa); 2,260m2 aquaculture land (shrimp farms). The area of the smallest tower foundation is 124.32m2. The area of the

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largest tower foundation is 174.24m2.

- Section 2: Total permanently acquired land area for tower foundation construction is 6,904m2 (52 tower foundations), In which, there are 188m2 rice land; 327m2 annual tree land (nipa); 6,389m2 traffic land (green belt between Rung Sac and Song Hanh roads).

Temporary land acquisition Yes - Section 1: Total land area under the ROW is 64,960m2. Besides, the subproject will also acquire temporarily land without the ROW with the area of 1,037m2 for constructing the worker camps, stockpiles,…In which, there are 247.3m2 closed stockpile; 515.6m2 opened stockpile; and 274.1m2 construction material storage yard.

- Section 2: Total land area under the ROW is 158,640m2. Besides, the subproject will also acquire temporarily land without the ROW with the area of 1,064.73m2 for constructing the worker camps, stockpiles,…In which, there are 163.18m2 closed stockpile; 235.60m2 opened stockpile ; 665.95m2 construction material storage yard.

The subproject construction will be implemented in 9 months (from December 2012- August 2013) therefore the impacts caused by temporary land acquisition are insignificant. The subproject will return the ground after completing construction, acceptance and hand-over.

Resettlement of households? If yes, how many households?

No There are no resettled households

- Section 1: None of HHs has house/structure under the ROW.

- Section 2: From G1 - G3, there is 01 house, 03 auxiliary structures (bathroom, toilet and animal husbandry stall) of 2 HHs under the ROW, they are not compensated, but are allowed to keep under the ROW after their wall and roofing are upgraded and grounded.

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The TL section from G3 to the ending point, which runs in the green belt between Rung Sac and Song Hanh roads, there are 01 house, 10 other structures under the ROW. They were inventoried and compensated by the Project Owner of Rung Sac road in 2004 and 2005

For HHs whose houses/structures are under the ROW but not dislocated out of the ROW, the Project Owner will implement treatment measures as upgrading, grounding (to prevent from electromagnetic field) these houses/structures.

Would the resettlement site is environmentally and/or culturally sensitive

No There is no resettlement site

In the past, there was any accident incurred due to Unexplored ordnance after the war (due to landmines or explosive materials remaining from the war)?

No No

2.2 Construction stage

Encroachment on historical/cultural areas No

Encroachment on critical ecosystem (e.g. sensitive or protected areas, national park, nature reserve etc....)

No - The subproject won’t construct tower foundation in forest land.

- The subproject won’t use tower made of wood.(wood tower)

Disfiguration of landscape and increase in waste generation

Yes * It will cause the disfiguration landscape in permanently acquired land area, particularly as follows:

- Section 1: The area of permanently acquired land for tower foundation construction of the upgraded TL is 3,259 m2 (this area is for 20 tower foundations). In which, there are 414 m2 paddy land; 585m2 other annual tree

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land (nipa); 2,260m2 aquaculture land. The area of the smallest tower foundation is 124.32m2. The area of the largest tower foundation is 174.24m2.

- Section 2: Total area of acquired land for tower foundation construction is 6.904m2 (this area is for 52 tower foundations), including 188m2 paddy land; 327m2 other annual tree land (nipa) land; 6,389m2 traffic land (green belt between the roads of Rung Sac and Song Hanh).

- Wastes will include redundant soil and rock in construction process; rubbishes from workers’ activities; wastes generated by taking down and salvaging the existing TL unless they are collected and treated rationally.

Removal of vegetation cover or cut down of trees resulted from clearance along the ROW?

Yes * Number of trees affected by the subproject is as follows:

- Section 1

+ The area of the affected paddy field is 960 m2;

- Section 2:

+ The area of the affected paddy field is 1,744m2;

+ Number of nipa which will be cut down is 355 trees;

Change of surface water quality or water flows Yes - In the subproject area, the turbidity of surface water sources will be increased due to the impacts of tower foundation excavation activities and water pumped from foundation pit (if any) will run into the rivers/canals in the subproject area as Tra canal, La canal and Ong Nghia river.

- Increase in water turbidity due to run- off and erosion

Yes Tower foundation excavation and filling process will cause soil/rock to be loosen (especially tower foundations are located in complex locations) Therefore it will cause an increase in surface water source’s turbidity in rainy season. This impact is only temporarily in construction stage. Specifically, the TL crosses over the following large rivers/canals:

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- Section 1: Tra canal with the width of 155m; Rach canal with the width of 50m;

- Section 2: Rach La canal with the width of 86m and Ong Nghia river with the width of 105m.

However, topography of the subproject area is relatively flat, and height difference of two river bank sides (slope of two river banks) is small, therefore soil erosion will be low.

- Waste water from camping sites is directly discharged to the surface water resources or not?

Yes - Number of construction workers will be different at every construction time. Thus, the volume of waste water generated at each construction time will be different.

- The subproject surrounding area, the road and waterway system is relatively high developed, local people are living here thus, won’t build camps for worker, but hire local people’s house for worker to stay. For this reason, they won’t stay together in a place but stay dispersedly along the TL.

- Section 1: Total number of workers participating in the subproject construction will be 167 people, thus total volume of wastewater generated will be 13.3m3/day; this sewage won’t concentrate but distribute dispersedly at the residents’ houses hired for workers.

- Section 2: Total number of construction workers will be 130 people, including 02 independent teams, each team has 65 people (with 60 direct people, 03 indirect people and 02 managers). Waste water volume generated in one day will be about 10.4m3/day at the residents’ houses hired for workers.

Characteristic of the transmission line is to carry out construction for every tower foundation. Construction workers will be divided into small groups, thus waste water will not gather in a place but distribute dispersedly in every tower foundation. At each tower foundation location, there are about 15-20 people, construction time of each tower foundation is about 11 days/foundation. Hence, waste water volume

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generated at each tower foundation location is about 1.2 – 1.6 m3 / This volume of waste water is small.

- Construction waste water is directly discharged to the surface water or not?

Yes Construction waste water is mainly generated from underground water of foundation pits, water for concrete maintenance.

Increase in the dust level? Yes - Dust is generated by ground leveling of the auxiliary area (stockpiles, workers camps…)

- Dust is generated by tower foundation excavation and filling.

- Dust is generated by materials and equipment transporting vehicles

Increase in noise and/or vibration? Yes - Dust is generated by ground leveling of the auxiliary area (stockpiles, workers camps)

- Dust is generated by tower foundation excavation and filling.

- Dust is generated by materials and equipment transporting vehicles.

- Number of machines participating in the subproject construction is as follows:

+ Section 1: Total time of tower foundation construction is short. Number of machines and equipment used in construction is not many, including 01 concrete mixer with 150 – 250 liters; 02 needle vibrators; 01 plate vibrator

+ Section 2: Total time of the subproject construction will be 9 months. Machines and equipment used in construction include 12 concrete mixers; 31 trucks transporting equipment and materials; 03 cranes; 05 bulldozers, excavator; 20 needle vibrators; 12 plate vibrators; 12 welding machines; 12 steel benders; 4 diesel generators; 18 water pumps; 12 hydraulic wire compressors. These machines and equipment won’t be operated at the same time, but dispersedly at each stage, work item, construction area. Therefore,

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noise won’t be concentrative but dispersedly on the whole TL.

The process of tower foundation excavation and filling, and ground leveling will be performed mostly by manual method. The construction activities will be carried out in the daytime, and the transportation of materials and equipment to the subproject site will be performed by manual and mechanical method. Therefore, the impacts caused by noise on people in the subproject area are very small.

Is there any risk of disease dissemination from construction workers to the local people (and vice versa)?

Yes Through information collection, the subproject area has had mumps. According to the collected information on Vietbao website, up to November 24th, 2011, in the territory of Can Gio district, there had been 160 people had mumps (including 151 pupils). Also in the same period, in the subproject area in Binh Khanh commune there was 01 case of mump catch. Therefore, concentration of workers in the subproject area will increase risks of spreading disease to workers and community.

Is there any potential for conflict between construction workers and local peoples (and vice versa)?

Yes Concentration of workers will cause disturbance daily life of local people. Construction workers are managed by the contractor and registered temporary residence registration to the local authority. However, conflicts between construction workers and local people may be happened due to objective reasons.

Are explosive and hazardous chemicals used within the subproject?


Will the subproject construction cause disturbance to the transportation in the subproject site?

Yes - Materials and equipment transportation for the subproject construction will affect traffic activities in the area:

+ The subproject construction will be implemented in a short period. According to the proposed construction schedule, the subproject will be

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implemented within 6 months for the TL section 1; and 9 months for the TL section 2 from the subproject preparation to the completion and acceptance.

+ Section 1: Minor impact: The subproject crosses over some roads. Especially, it crosses over the large earth road once, Tran Quang Quon road once, and Ha Quang Voc road once. The surface width of these roads is 5m with sand foundation, gravel pavement, and low vehicle density. Number of vehicles participating in material transportation activities of the subproject won’t be many, therefore this impact is assessed insignificantly.

+ Section 2: Medium impact: The subproject will cross over the inter-village and inter-commune roads 36 times. Of which, it crosses over the asphalted roads with the width of 5–11m 09 times, the earth roads with the width of 3-10m 27 times. On the earth roads, the density of vehicles isn’t high. Otherwise, on the asphalted/concreted inter-village/inter-commune roads with the quality of good road surface, the density of vehicles and people participating in transport activity is high such as the road accessing to Binh Khanh high school, Binh Phuoc high school.

Total number of material transportation vehicles for the subproject construction is 37 pieces including 05 trucks for transporting steel towers; 8 trucks; 12 dumper trucks, 06 water + fuel tank trucks; 06 worker buses.

Thus, vehicles serving material transportation for the subproject construction will cause disturbance the transportation in the area, however this impact will occur only in a short period (in the construction process) and only in the time of one tower foundation construction and the time of conductor pulling and scatter in one tower span.

- Conductors pulling and scatter activity: In the process of conductor pulling and scatter though roads, the subproject will affect traveling activity of local people and vehicles. However, this process will be performed only in a short period, and conductor pulling and scatter is implemented in the air. Therefore, it

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won’t affect much transportation activity.

Will the subproject construction damage to the existing local roads?

Yes According to the actual survey, topography in the subproject area is flat, low. Roads in the area are mainly earth ones, of which few roads the TL crosses over are asphalted ones/concreted ones. Almost roads have low vehicle and people density. They easily become muddy in rainy season. This causes difficulty in traveling of local people. On the other hand, the participation of vehicles for the subproject construction will increase degradation, damage of road’s pavement.

Will soil excavation during the subproject construction cause soil erosion?

Yes - It can cause soil erosion due to tower foundation excavation: The impact will be minor because the process of tower foundation excavation will be mainly by manual method with tools such as hack, scoop, crowbar, etc and combined with mechanical method.

- Section 1: Tower foundations of the subproject will be mainly located in shrimp farms, thus before constructing embankment that will prevent from water to pump water for tower foundation construction, carrying out careful excavation to prevent from landslide, erosion; and checking the depth of foundation pits as designed. Excavated soil volume will be 14,450.53m3, filled soil volume will be 9,763.94m3. These tower foundation locations is located in the hollow places therefore it won’t cause erosion.

+ For foundations in the embankments of shrimp farms, excavation can cause erosion and landslide

+ The subproject area’s topography is mainly low and hollow, and some foundations are in shrimp farms, thus erosion by excavation is insignificant,

- Section 2:

+ Volume of excavated soil is 29,550.94m3; volume of filled soil is

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+ The subproject area’s topography is mainly low and hollow, and some foundations are in the green belt of Rung Sac road, therefore erosion caused by excavation is very small.

Will the subproject need to open new access roads?


Will the subproject need to open temporary roads for construction

Yes - Section 1: The subproject will construct temporary roads (not cross through residential areas, schools, hospitals) to transport equipment as well as materials and prefabricated elements to each location.

Some tower foundations in this section are mainly located in shrimp farms, so access road will use its embankments.

- Section 2: Do not construct temporary roads.

Will the subproject cause fragmentation of habitat of flora and fauna?

Yes The impact is insignificant

- Section 1:

+ The TL’s length through shrimp farms is 3,575m;

+ The TL’s length through the nipa, paddy area is 150m.

+ The TL’s length through river, stream is 335m

Tower foundations located in shrimp farms will be constructed after harvesting. It should is embanked and constructed quickly and completely for every foundation.

- Section 2: The affected trees within the ROW are as follows:

+ The affected paddy area is 1,744m2;

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+ Number of Nipas which will be cut down is 355 trees; (in the scope of tower foundations)

- Cutting down trees within the ROW will cause some small species such as bird, insect, etc to lose their habitat.

The activities of the subproject construction and the appearance of workers will cause disturbances to the life of animal species (some animal species will leave their habitat) in the area.

Will the subproject cause impact on air quality? Yes - Increasing dust, exhausted gases, etc … due to activities of vehicles and equipment in the construction process (due to soil excavation and filling, transporting materials).

- Dust will be generated by the activities of tower foundations and auxiliary works excavation, filling and leveling.

- Dust, gases (SO2, NO2, CO, etc) will be emitted from vehicles that will be used to transport materials and equipment for construction; and from machines that are used in construction. In the materials transportation process on earth road will increase dust in the air.

- Section 1: equipment and machines directly participated in the subproject construction will include 01 concrete mixer with 150 – 250 liters; 02 needle vibrators; 01 platform vibrator;

- Section 2: equipment and machines directly participated in the subproject construction will not be concentrated. Therefore, gas emission will have a low concentrated level, and construction period of tower foundation will be short about 11 days/foundation. These impacts will be only temporary in construction phase.

Will the subproject cause risk to safety and Yes - In the subproject construction process, accidents can happen for workers and

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health of workers and communities in construction stage?

local people if safety regulations aren’t fully obeyed in construction. The accidents can happen such as traffic accidents, accidents due to touch with equipment and machines, and fall from high working places, etc.

- Accidents can happen inside or outside the subproject site (on the road used to transport materials and equipment, etc).

2.3. Operation stage

Will the subproject cause risk to safety and human health (electric and magnetic fields, electric shock etc.)?

Yes The subproject can cause accidents that will affect people in the process of construction and operation.

- Electric shocks and accidents will happen if safety measures aren’t fully obeyed.

- Fire, explosion incidents can happen due to short circuit, lightning or breaking conductors that cause danger to workers, people staying near the accident positions, etc.

- The distance from any components of houses/structures to the nearest conductor when it is in maximum sag status is not less than 4m. This distance can be encroached in operation process and cause accidents for people who encroach.

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VI.1. Mitigation measures

Table 6.1: Impact mitigation measures

(Environmental Codes of Practice)

Social – environmental issues Mitigation measures Vietnamese regulations Responsibilit


A. Pre-construction

1. Permanent, temporary acquisition of land for tower foundation construction (reducing land area of land owner, and impacting on trees, crops of local people)

- Preparing compensation and assistance plan as stipulated by the GOV and HCMC people’s committee.

- Performing compensation and assistance as required by the Resettlement Policy Framework of the Distribution Efficiency Project and in accordance with the subproject Resettlement Plan before the construction.

- Conducting land acquisition after harvest or negotiating land acquisition with the PAP according to construction schedule to avoid impact on local people’s cultivated/economic product.

- Returning space after finishing construction.

Decree No. 69/2008/NĐ-CP; Circular No.

14/2009/TT-BTNMT; Decision No.


- PO

2. UXO (bombs, and other mines) retaining after the war

- Contracting with Engineer Soldier Unit to disarm UXO (mines, bombs) retaining after the war under the ROW.

- Returning space after finishing mine clearance.

- PO

B. Construction

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1. Cutting down tree, site clearance at tower foundation

- Using manual method to cut down trees and vegetation cover in tower foundations, and don’t use herbicide during site clearance.

- Do not cut down trees out of the ROW (the ROW’s width is 16m).

- Do not cut down trees whose height is lower than allowable limit of high voltage power network (distance from the vertical highest point of tree to the lowest conductor in static condition is not lower than 3m).

- Performing construction as soon as possible after finishing site clearance, constructing embankment for tower foundations in shrimp farms, and completely constructing for every tower foundation.

- Don’t cut down forest trees, strictly conforming to construction measures as designed at the TL section crossing over Can Gio protective forest to minimize impacts on forest.

- Strictly obeying regulations about fire prevention and fighting, especially as the TL section crossing over Can Gio protective forest

- Contractor ensures that there is no wild animal hunting and catching caused by construction workers.

- Strictly managing and supervising construction workers to avoid encroachment on Can Gio protective forest resources.

- Law on environmental protection No. 52/2005/QH11

- Contractor

2. Dust generation - Complying with relevant Vietnamese legislation with respect to ambient air quality.

- Ensuring that dust generation will be reduced to avoid un-comfortableness for local people, and dust control plan will be conducted to keep labor safety environment and reduce impacts and

- QCVN 05: 2009/BTNMT: National technical regulation on ambient air quality

- Contractor


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disturbance on surrounding residential area. The following measures should be applied:

+ Spraying water during the ground leveling and material transportation process, especially in sunny and windy days in the dry season; increasing water spraying for material transportation road sections being adjacent to or crossing over residential areas.

+ All material transportation trucks (sand, cement) will be covered the body to prevent from the scattering of soil, sand, materials or dust.

- Excavated soil from tower foundation shall be protected to prevent from wind erosion. Location of soil stockpiles around tower foundations shall be considered to prevent from prevailing wind directions and sensitive locations.

- Workers should use dust masks in where concentration of dust is excessive.

3. Air pollution - All vehicles, construction mechanical equipment must comply with Vietnamese regulations on controlling allowable emission limits of exhaust gases.

- Means of transportation must undergo a regular emission check and got a certificate named: “Certificate of conformity from inspection of quality, technical safety and environmental protection” following Decision No. 35/2005/QD-BGTVT.

- There should be no burning of waste or construction materials.

- Waste must be collected into the regulated area, especially organic wastes need to be rational collected and treated to avoid its bad smell.

- TCVN 6438-2005: Road vehicles. Maximum permitted emission limits of exhaust gases.

- No. 35/2005/QD-BGTVT on inspection of quality, technical safety and environmental protection;



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Contractor will cooperate with Urban Environment Company to transport and dump waste at the regulated area.

05:2009/BTNMT: National technical regulation on ambient air quality

4. Impacts caused by noise and vibration

- Complying with the relevant Vietnamese legislations with respect to noise and vibration.

- Construction means (truck, mechanical means…) must have an appropriate “Certificate of conformity from inspection of quality, technical safety and environmental protection” following Decision No. 35/2005/QD-BGTVT; to avoid exceeding the allowable noise emission from poorly maintained machines.

- During the material transportation process, driver does not misuse hooter to avoid impacting on surrounding objects and residential area

- All construction activities shall be carried out in the daytime. If construction activities are carried out in the evening, notification to local people and authorities must be made and get their agreement.

- QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT: National technical regulation on noise

- QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT: National technical regulation on vibration.

- Contractor


5. Water pollution

- Complying with the Vietnamese legislations relating to wastewater discharges into surface water sources.

- Dividing construction workers into small teams and hiring local people’s house for their staying purpose. Domestic sewage released by workers will be collected into septic tank of these houses.

- If there is access road to tower foundation, it should use mobile toilet during construction time (foundation construction, conductor pulling and scatter) instead of releasing domestic sewage directly into

QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT: National Technical Standard on underground water Quality

QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT:

- Contractor


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environment (in surrounding canals, ditches).

- Wastewater exceeding the allowable level set in the relevant Vietnam technical regulations/standards must be collected in conservancy tanks and removed from the subproject site by the licensed waste collection agency.

- Before construction, all necessary wastewater treatment permits/licenses and/or wastewater treatment contract must obtain.

national Technical Standard on surface water quality;

QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT: National technical regulation on domestic wastewater;

QCVN 24: 2009/BTNMT: National technical regulation on industrial wastewater;

6. Drainage system and sedimentation control

- Construction should be closely followed the detailed design and construction plan of drainage system around tower foundation to prevent from rainy water, water of the surrounding canal and ditch which can overflow into surrounding area to cause local flood or foundation erosion which will impact on surrounding canals, ditches.

- Ensuring that drainage system is always cleared mud and other obstructions.

- Arranging rational construction time, arranging piles or bamboo wattles to avoid tower foundation landslide; don’t construct tower foundations at place where it is easily to cause soil erosion during rainy days

- TCVN 4447:1987: Earth works-Codes for construction

Circular No. 22/2010/TT-BXD concerning regulation on construction safety

QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT – National technical

- Contractor


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- Soil excavation and filling, slope filling shall be properly maintained in accordance with the construction specifications, including measures such as appropriate installation of drains, use of vegetation cover…

- Leveling, compacting foundation after casting exactly according to design and technique to reduce landslide, especially in slope sites;

- Structure embankment for foundations that run-off can goes through, and putting ashlars to prevent landslide;

- Planting grasses, trees at soil dumping area, and filled soil area as soon as possible.

- To avoid sediment-laden runoff that could cause adverse impact on watercourses, installing sediment control structures where needed to slow or redirect runoff and trap sediment until vegetation cover is established.

- Site de-watering and water diversions during construction to mitigate sediment disorder of water flow.

- Redundant rocks and soil at tower foundation locations will be filled back at foundation bottom and tightly compacted. The remaining part will be leveled at low positions and compacted according to regulation standards.

- Arranging suitable rainy drainage works.

- Arranging water pond to deposit sediment before releasing around canals and ditches.

regulation on the quality of surface water

7. Management of stockpiles,

- Do not build camps for construction workers, arranging them into teams (10 people/team) to take board local people’s house.

- Contracto

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construction ranges - Stockpiles, construction ranges are determined from the approved report on Construction Organization.

- Arranging rainy water drainage system around stockpiles, construction ranges to prevent from overflow rainy water.

- During construction process, if the subproject need to have a new site for stockpiles/construction ranges/camps, it will be necessary to approve by civil engineer.

- Completely construct every tower foundation to minimize time of land acquisition for stockpiles and construction ranges.



8. Workforce, Camps and Site Management - Workers‘ camps will be located at least 200 m away from

schools and health care centres and not be located on steep slopes. The workforce shall be provided with safe, suitable and comfortable accommodations and safe portable water. They have to be maintained in clean and sanitary conditions.

- Site offices, camps, mixing stations, and workshops shall be located NOT within 100m from any water courses, 500 meters of existing residential area.

- Engineers and workers shall register their temporary residence with the local authority.

- Allocate officer to be the Contractor‘s Workplace Safety and Environment Officer responsible for environmental and safety issues including training for workers.

- Septic tank toilets must be provided at all construction camp areas where there will be concentration of labor.


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- First aid boxes shall be provided in each construction camp site.

- It is prohibited to poach, injure, trap, feed or harm any animals including birds, frogs, snake, etc.

9. Solid waste - Before construction, a solid waste control procedure (storage, provision of bins, site clean-up schedule, bin clean-out schedule, etc.) must be prepared by the contractors and it must be carefully followed during construction activities.

- Before construction, all necessary waste disposal permits or licenses must be obtained.

- Contractor carries out in-site soil excavation and filling measure. In case, soil and rocks are still redundant, carrying out compaction and strengthen in tower foundation pits.

- Contractor will supply rubbish bins, container and other means at essential area (tower foundation, conductor scattering and pulling area) to reduce uncontrolled disposal.

- Solid waste may be temporarily stored on site in a designated area approved by local authorities, Rung Sac road management board (Department of Transport of HCMC) prior to collection and disposal through a local environment sanitation unit. In the subproject area, if there is no environment sanitation unit, it is possible to bury non-hazardous solid wastes.

- Waste storage containers shall be covered, tip-proof, weatherproof and scavenger proof, do not burn wastes.

- Recyclable materials such as wooden plates for trench works, steel,

- Decree No. 59/2007/ND-CP on solid waste management

- Circular No. 12/2011/TT-BTNMT on hazardous waste management

- Contractor


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scaffolding material, site holding, packaging material, etc shall be collected and separated on-site from other waste sources for reuse, for use as fill, or for sale.

- If not removed off site, solid waste or construction debris shall be disposed at sites identified and approved by the CSC, Rung Sac road management board, Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong CPCs and included in the solid waste treatment plan. Contractor will treat all remained materials in construction site and tower foundation.

- The removal of asbestos-containing materials or other toxic substances shall be performed and disposed by specially trained and certified workers

- Used oil and grease shall be removed from site and sold to an approved used oil recycling company.

- Used oil, lubricants, cleaning materials, etc. from the maintenance of vehicles and machinery shall be collected in holding tanks and removed from the site by a specialized oil recycling company for disposal at an approved hazardous waste site.

10. Traffic management

- Main material transportation road is the existing Rung Sac road, and road, canal and ditch system. Material transportation doesn’t run through hospital, school, market, residential area because Rung Sac road has the green belt with the width of 23m locating between Rung Sac and Song Hanh roads.

- Before construction, carrying out consultation Rung Sac road management board, Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong CPCs, local community and traffic police about the density of vehicles, traffic

- Law on traffic and transportation No. 23/2008/QH12

- Law on construction No. 16/2003/QH11

- Decree No. 22/2010/TT-BXD on regulation of

- Contractor


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- Significant increases in number of vehicle trips, which transport materials, must be covered in a construction plan previously approved.

- Installation of lighting at night at tower foundation location must be done if this is necessary to ensure safe traffic circulation.

- Placing signs around the construction areas to facilitate traffic movement, providing directions to various components of the works and providing safety advices and warning.

- Using traffic safety control method, including warning signals such as bridge, barrier, signal light at road, canal to warn danger.

- To avoid material transportation in the rush hour, it should regulate vehicle density rational with traffic situation at the locality. Don’t arrange vehicles to run in a group at the same time to avoid dust, noise and traffic accidents.

- Avoiding to use the local roads to unload construction materials, if any and then roads must be made clear for vehicles to travel.

- Passageways for pedestrians and vehicles within and outside construction areas should be segregated and provided for easy, safe, and appropriate access. Signpost shall be installed appropriately in necessary places.

- Before pulling conductor through intersection points with roads, the Project Owner, contractor must contact, notice with the local authorities, Rung Sac road management board to cooperate traffic directional distribution and pay attention to warning works.

construction safety

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- Notifying to local habitants about construction time, intersection road to make clear to arrange their work.

- Ensuring safety for people and vehicles through the construction site.

- Material and equipment transportation means must not be overloaded transport and have to conform to traffic signals (load, height, allowable velocity…) during traveling.

- Oversized and overweight machines/equipment must be transported by specialized trucks.

- Repairing roads when there are any failure, degradation, depression of road pavement.

- Setting sign boards at points where the TL has road spans and river spans with canoe and boat traveling.

11. Restoration of the affected areas

- Time of temporary land acquisition for stockpiles, construction ranges… is not long. These temporarily acquired areas will be rehabilitated, drained water, and prevented from erosion.

- Soil disposal area will be planted grass to prevent from erosion, landslide.

- Soil contaminated with chemicals or hazardous substances shall be removed and transported and buried in waste disposal areas.

- Restoring all damaged roads and bridges caused by the subproject activities.

* Section 1: At shrimp farms where to put tower foundation:

+ Temporary access roads (the boundary of these farms) will be kept if

Law on Environment protection No. 52/2005/QH11

- Contractor


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local people want to keep these roads to make boundary for the farms, dismantled if they require.

+ The remaining area of the farm: after construction, it should build embankment, stable foundation to prevent from landslide down the farms.

* Section 2:

- At tower foundations in the green belt of Rung Sac road:

+ After constructing tower foundation, cleaning up the remaining materials around tower foundations to return space for planting tree.

- At conductor pulling sections crossing over Can Gio protective forest:

+ Supervising conductor scattering and pulling in the TL section belonging to Can Gio protective forest.

+ After finishing conductor pulling, check if there are fallen trees, uprooted trees under the ROW, it will be necessary to assess the effect and implement compensation, and replant these trees with the same tree species.

12. Working and public safety

- Complying with all Vietnamese regulations regarding working safety.

- Preparing and performing action plan to respond risk and emergency.

- Preparing emergency aid service at the construction site.

- Training for workers in occupational safety regulations.

- Decree No. 22/2010/TT-BXD concerning regulation on construction safety

- Instruction No. 02/2008/CT-BXD on safety and sanitation

- Contractor


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- Ensuring that ear cover pieces are provided to and used by workers who must use noisy machines such as piling, explosion, mixing, etc., for noise control and workers protection

- Installing fences, barriers, dangerous warning/prohibition site around the construction area which showing potential danger to local people

- Contractor shall provide safety measures as installation of fences, barriers, warning signs, lighting system against traffic accidents as well as other risks to people and sensitive areas.

- Registering temporary residence for workers in the locality.

- Do not build camps for workers, arranging them into teams (10 people/team) to take board local people’s house.

issues in construction agencies

- TCVN 5308-91: Technical regulation on safety in construction

13. Communication with local communities

- Maintaining open communications: the contractor shall coordinate with Binh Khanh, An Thoi Dong CPCs (chairman of the CPC, village chief), Can Gio protective forest management board, Rung Sac road management board, and relevant communities for agreeing schedules of construction activities at areas nearby sensitive places or at sensitive times (e.g., religious festival days).

- Copies in Vietnamese of the EMP and of other relevant environmental safeguard documents shall be prepared availably and provide to local communities and workers at the construction site.

- Disseminating the subproject information to the affected parties (for example the local authority, the enterprises and the affected households, etc) through community meetings before the subproject

Decree No. 73/2010/ND-CP on administrative penalization security

and society issues

- Contractor


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construction commencement;

- Providing a community relations contact from whom interested parties can receive information of activities in the subproject site, the subproject status and the subproject implementation results;

- Providing all information, especially technical findings, in a language that is understandable to the general public and in a form of useful to interested citizens and elected officials through the preparation of fact sheets and news release, when major findings become available during the subproject stage;

- Monitoring community concerns and information requirements as the subproject progresses;

- Responding to telephone inquiries and written letter in a timely and accurate manner;

- Informing local residents about construction and work schedules, interruption of services, and traffic detour routes;

- Providing technical documents and drawings to the PC’s community, especially a sketch of the construction area and the EMP of the construction site;

- Notification boards shall be erected at all construction sites providing information about the subproject, as well as contact information about the site managers, environmental staff, health and safety staff, telephone numbers and other contact information so that any affected people can have the channel to voice their concerns and suggestions;

- PO, contractor will register temporary residence for workers at local

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authority and cooperate with local authority to manage workers in order to ensure public order, prevent from social evils, etc.

14. Chance find procedures

- If the contractor discovers archeological sites, historical sites, remains and objects, including graveyards and/or individual graves during the construction process, the contractor shall:

+ Stopping the construction activities in the area of the chance find;

+ Delineating the discovered site or area;

+ Securing the site to prevent from any damage or loss of removable objects. In cases of removable antiquities or sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until the responsible local authorities or the Department of Culture and Information takes over;

+ Notifying the CSC who in turn will notify the responsible local or national authorities in charge of the Cultural Property of Viet Nam (within 24 hours or less);

+ Relevant local or national authorities would be in charge of protecting and preserving the site before deciding on subsequent appropriate procedures. This would require a preliminary evaluation of the findings to be performed;

+ Decisions on how to handle the finding shall be taken by the responsible authorities. This could include changes in the layout (such as when finding an irremovable remain of cultural or archeological importance) conservation, preservation, restoration and salvage;

+ If the cultural sites and/or relics have a high value and site

- Law on Cultural Heritage (2002)

- Law on Cultural Heritage (2009) for supplementation and reformation

- Decree No. 98/2010/ND-CP for supplementation and reformation

- Contractor


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preservation is recommended by the professionals and required by the cultural relics authority, the Project Owner will need to make necessary design changes to accommodate the request and preserve the site;

+ Decisions concerning the management of the finding shall be communicated in writing by the relevant authorities;

+ Construction works could resume only after permission is granted from the responsible local authorities concerning safeguard of the heritage.

C. Operation phase

1. Electromagnetic field

- Establishing and carrying out safety program about electromagnetic field such as:

+ Testing electromagnetic field density in the ROW.

+ Training operational staffs in defining various levels of electromagnetic field and dangerous level.

Establishing and defining safety areas in order to distinguish among working areas with the proposed areas with level of electromagnetic field higher than comparing to acceptable level for community, restricting access with high hazardous areas.

+ People contacting with observation equipment must be warned about level under allowable professional contamination level. Action plan to solve problem of professional contamination could include: restricting contact time (works could be circulated), increasing the distance between the source and staffs, or using masking materials.

- No.1559 EVN/KTAT by EVN dated October 21, 1999 on “permitted level of electromagnetic field in industry frequency according to time of working, traveling in the affected area”;

- QCVN 01:2008/BTC “National technical regulation on Electric safety”.

- Decree No.

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network company

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- For the connection line: it should hang warning boards of danger at high voltage positions (suspended on tower) to warn operators and local people.

- During the operation and management process, operation staffs must strictly comply with current regulations on management, operation and maintenance of high voltage transmission lines

- Carrying out safety measures while contacting electric equipment.

- Periodically checking the earthed positions of houses, structures under the ROW.

106/2005/NĐ-CP, dated August 17th , 2005 by the GOV

- Decree No. 81/2009/NĐ-CP dated October 12th , 2009 by the GOV

2. Danger of voltage - For the connection line: it should hang warning boards of danger at high voltage positions (suspended on tower) to warn operators and local people.

- Protecting all bearing structures and connection points in order to restrict destruction, or prevent from climbing of animals and people.

HCMC high voltage power network company

3. Conflicting with birds

In periodic check of operation process, if there is discovery of direction of bird’s fly, equipment will be installed on the TL or tower to sack birds.

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VI.2. Environmental monitoring plan

Table 6.2: Environmental monitoring plan

Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision


1. Impacts due to trees and vegetation cover cleared or cut down.

(1) Clearance technique

(2) Trees handling measure after cut down.

(3) Complying with construction measures exactly as designed for the TL section crossing through Can Gio protective forest

(1) Along the ROW

(2) Positions on the TL where trees gather

(3) The TL section crossing through Can Gio protective forest

Observed by eyes (1); (2); (3);

- Every week in the first month and every month thereafter

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


2. Impacts on roads in the locality.

(4) Road surface situation, damage level and density of vehicles and people participating in traveling activities

(5) Number and load of means of transportation and construction

- Along material transportation roads

- Observed by eyes

- Consulting with local people

- In and after being heavy rain

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


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Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision


3. Impacts on quality of surface water, sedimentation and erosion.

(6) Water drainage system, and construction and domestic sewage collection system

(7) Shrimp farm system near to tower foundations

(8) Climate condition (rainy season, dry season)

- Along the ROW

- Water drainage area in the worker’s camping site, stockpiles...

- Surface water source near to the construction area

Observed by eyes In and after heavy rain Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


4. Impacts due to dust and air pollution

(9) Checking the efficiency of the operation permission and its deadline date of construction equipment and machines

(10) Checking the spraying measure (reducing dust) at the material transportation roads

(11) Monitoring

- Along transportation roads

- Soil & rock stockpiles after excavating tower foundation

- 01 position of typical tower foundation

(9,10,11,12) Observed by eyes

(13) Observation equipment

Before material transportation trucks start in hot, dry and windy days

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


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Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision

coverage of truck body during transportation of incoherent materials

(12) Checking worker’s domestic waste collection

(13) Concentration of air pollutants: total dust, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, Pb, noise

5. Noise (14) Checking the efficiency of the operation permission and its deadline date of construction equipment and machines

(15) Checking level of noise emitted by machines, equipment and construction activities, and materials and equipment load.

(19) Response to surrounding communities’ noise

- Residential areas surrounding the subproject area

(17) Observed by eyes

(18) Noise observation equipment

(19) Talking, interviewing and public consultation surrounding the subproject area

- While conducting activities which generate high noise level.

- When there are some complaints of local people.

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


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Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision

emitted from construction activities of the subproject.

6. Soil environment

(17) The land area around tower foundations

(18) The process of soil excavation and filling, and conductor scatter and pulling

(19) The process of compaction according to specification requirement

- Tower foundation locations

- In the ROW

- Observed by eyes

- Every month from the commencement to the completion of the subproject construction

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


7. Sanitation at the construction site

(20) Sewage at the construction site and at the workers’ camp areas

(21) Collection of solid wastes at the construction site and at the workers’ camp areas

(22) Disposal method

- At the construction location of tower foundation

- The ROW and the adjacent area during conductor scatter and pulling process

Observed by eyes - Every week

- Before acceptance

Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor


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Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision

8. Safety of workers and local people

(23) Minutes (documents) about training in labors safety for workers

(24) Conditions of living activities of workers

(25) Labor protection equipment, warning signs and compliance with regulations on labor safety of workers

(26) Medicine cabinet at the workers’ camps

(27) Temporary residence permits of workers

- At the construction site of tower foundation

- The ROW and its adjacent area during conductor scatter and pulling process

- At the worker’s camps

- Observed by eyes

- Checking the construction diary of the contractor

- Every week Included in the cost of the contractor

- Contractor



1. Electrical field and magnetic field

(28) Electrical field intensity, magnetic field intensity

- At the local people’s houses near to the ROW.

- In the ROW

Electrical field & magnetic field measuring equipment (magnetometer)

- Every year

- When there are some complaints of local people

Operation and management cost.

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Impact Monitoring parameter

Monitoring location

Monitoring method

/equipmentMonitoring time/ frequency Cost

Responsibility of supervision

2. Risks of voltage

(29) Frequency of the TL inspection and maintenance

(30) Labor safety equipment providing for workers

(31) Ground connection, warning board at tower foundation location

- The ROW, tower foundation locations during maintenance process

- Observed by eyes

- Every 6 months or every year

Operation and management cost.

HCMC high voltage power network company.

Collision of birds

(32) Birds are wounded or dead.

- The ROW or its surrounding area

Observed by eye - Every year according to observed case

Operation and management cost.

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VII.1. EMP implementation responsibility

a) During the process of the detailed design and bidding document preparation

- During the process of the detailed design of technical specifications and preparation of bidding documents for each contract, the technical design consultancy and HCMC Power Project Management Board will state the parts of the specific ECOPs in the bidding documents for each contract, as well as the specific measures identified in the EMP.

- During the preparation of the bidding and contract documents, HCMC makes an effort to ensure that contractors are aware of the safeguard obligation and commit to comply.

b) During construction stage

HCMC Power Project Management Board assigns the CSC and/or field engineer to be responsible for daily supervision of safeguard performance of the contractor. Term of reference (TOR) for the CSC is shown in appendix 1. CSC and/or field engineer will conduct the following main tasks:

- Before construction commencement, confirming that compensation for land and other assets on land is provided, and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation as well as mines and bombs clearance have been completed.

- During construction process, closely supervising mitigation measure implementation throughout construction stage

- Confirming the compliance with the agreed EMP and inspecting any damage caused by the contractor. If necessary, preparing an order to require contractors for compensation/restoration the construction sites as specified in the contracts. Contractor safety measures performance will be included in the subproject progress report.

Roles, responsibilities of relevant organizations in the EMP implementation are described in the following table:

Table 7.1: Roles and responsibility of organizations during the EMP implementation


Project Owner Being mainly responsible for overall subproject management including environmental management.

HCMC Power Corporation


Environment staff

Being responsible for implementation of the specific activities on environment problems of the subproject.

HCMC Power Project Management Board.


Project implementation & management unit

Being responsible for cooperation and overall project implementation management, including guideline and supervision of the EMP implementation.

- Planning and implementing environmental


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management activities during construction process.

- Cooperating with other agencies relating to environmental management activities.

- Carrying out internal and independent monitoring.

- Supervising and providing budget for monitoring activities.

- Reporting environmental information to relevant agencies.

Project operation unit

Being responsible for the subproject operation including environmental management and monitoring activities in the subproject operation stage

HCMC High Voltage Power Network


Environmental consultancy

Being responsible for the EMP preparation PECC4

Construction Supervision Consultancy

Being responsible for supervising construction contractors during construction stage, including environmental management activities implementation mentioned in the EMP

Supervisor of HPPMB

Construction contractor

Being responsible for construction, compliance with the technical requests as specified in the EMP, include:

- Applying potential impacts mitigation measures in accordance with objectives mentioned in table 5.1.

- Actively notifying to local people and acting to prevent disorder during construction stage.

- To ensure that there is at least one supervisor complies with the EMP before and during construction

- To ensure that all construction activities have enough documents from relevant organizations.

- To ensure that all workers and staffs master their process and tasks as well.

- Reporting HPPMB about difficult and measures

- Reporting local authorities and HPPMB in case occurring environmental risks and accidents and cooperating with relevant agencies and stakeholders to

Contractor selected by HCMC Power

Project Management Board.

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handle them

VII.2. Capacity building for the EMP implementation

1. Training/seminar

* Training for staffs of HPPMB (representing the project owner in the subproject construction stage): Content of training is instruction on environmental monitoring implementation methods according to the EMP and reporting method of the performed results according to a quarter report or regular report. The training course also instructs action plan adjustment alternatives in case of some activities in the EMP could be not carried out.

* Training for the contractor’s workers on safety and impacts mitigation measures: Contents of this training are safety issues and mitigation measures agaist negative

impacts on environment during construction process.

* Training in community monitoring for local people’s representatives: the training course focuses on representatives of Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong CPCs. The course will instruct local authority’s representatives about role and activities of local authority to participate in the EMP implementation process. The course will also instruct method of environmental quality monitoring at the subproject site and filling monitoring report form.

* Training HCM high voltage power network company’s staves (the subproject operation unit): The training course will instruct environmental management and monitoring method, and methods of filling in the monitoring report form during operation period. The training course will be organized for staves of units being responsible for the subproject operation.

* Training for HCMC High Voltage Power Network Company’s staffs (the subproject operation unit): The training course will instruct environmental management and monitoring method, and method of filling in monitoring report form during operation stage. The training course will be organized for staves of units being responsible for the subproject operation.

Table 7.2: Cost estimate of capacity building for the EMP implementation

No. Training ExplanationUnit price




1. To train contractor’s workers on safety and mitigation measures against impacts

20 participants × 2 days

200,000 8,000,000

2. To train HPPMB’s staffs on the EMP management and monitoring

4 participants × 3 days

200,000 2,400,000

3. To train local people’s representatives 3 200,000 2,400,000

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No. Training ExplanationUnit price




on community monitoring people/commune × 2 days x 2 communes

4. To train HCMC High Voltage Power Network Company’s staffs (project operation unit) on environmental management and monitoring

4 people × 3 days 200,000 2,400,000

Total 15,200,000

VII.3. Report procedure

Responsibility and frequency of report on the EMP implementation is shown in below table

Table 7.3: Report procedure

No. Established by Submitted to Report frequency

1 Contractors HPPMB Once before the commencement of the subproject construction and monthly thereafter

2 Construction supervisor of HPPMB

HPPMB Monthly

3 Community monitoring (if any) HPPMB If any complaint

4 HCM Power Corporation (EVNHCMC)

EVN Every 6 months

5 EVN WB Every 6 months

VII.4. Cost estimate

Table 7.4: Cost estimate of the EMP implementation

No. Activities Cost in Construction phase (VND)

Cost in operation phase (VND)

1 Mitigation measures* Cost is covered in the contract with the construction contractor

Cost is covered in the operation cost of HCMC

high voltage power

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network Company

2 Environmental monitoring during construction stage (conducted by the CSC)

1 person/month × 5,000,000 VND/person × 12 months = 60,000,000 VND

3 Contractor’s supervisor Cost is covered in the contract with the construction contractor

4 Capacity building (training)

12,800,000 VND 2,400,000 VND

Total 72,800,000 2,400,000

Total (temporarily calculated)



VIII.1. Public consultation

Public consultation includes the following activities:

Activity 1: During survey and consultation of the TL direction, the subproject’s engineering consultancy will notify the TL direction (scale, location, objectives and signification of the subproject) to local authorities at levels and Department of Transport of Ho Chi Minh city.

Activity 2: Surveying, investigating field, establishing environmental impact assessment (ongoing) and the EMP of the subproject.

Activity 3: Holding public consultation.

- After surveying and investigating, and having enough data on the subproject’s damages. Engineering consultancy (on behalf of the PO) will hold meeting with local authorities in Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong communes and the PAPs for consultation about the draft EMP of subproject “Stabilization and reliability enhancement of power source for supplying Can Gio district – HCMC”. The PO and the consultancy will present the following issues:

+ Subproject description: the TL alternatives, and the necessary of the subproject construction;

+ Potential impacts on environment caused by the subproject;

+ Mitigation measures against negative impacts

- Comments, feedbacks in the public consultation meeting are shown in table 8.1.

- Public consultation method: holding direct meeting between the PO, engineering consultancy, and local authorities, land management unit and PAPs.

Particularly Can Gio Protective Forest Management Board, the Project Onwer sent Letter No. 5550/ALDTP-CBDT dated December 26th, 2011 by HPPMB concerning public

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consultation on subproject “Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district - HCMC”. The Project Onwer has received a response Letter No. 199/BQL dated December 27th, 2011 of Can Gio Protective Forest Management Board concerning public consultation on subproject “Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district - HCMC”.

Minutes of the public consultation meeting are enclosed in appendix 4

Activity 4: Checking, adjusting the EMP according to comments and feedbacks

VIII.2 Information disclosure

Disclosure of safeguard documents is required throughout the subproject implementation process. The EMP in Vietnamese language will be disclosed at Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong CPCs, Can Gio district, HCMC at least 60 days before the commencement of the subproject construction

Activity 5: EMP disclosure+ The Vietnamese EMP version will be disclosed in Binh Khanh and An Thoi Dong

CPCs, Can Gio district, HCMC.

+ The Vietnamese and English EMP will be sent to Vietnam Development Information Center at No. 63, Ly Thai To St, Hanoi City for information disclosure.

+ The English EMP version will be sent to the WB’s InfoShop in Washington DC to be disclosed.

Activity 6: Public consultation during the subproject construction process

+ During the subproject construction stage, the Construction Supervision Consultancy (CSC) will be hired to supervise engineering, simultaneously supervise the EMP implementation as well as cooperate with the PO to hold consultation with local authority, NGOs, the PAHs about the EMP implementation. The collected comments (if any) will be sent to the PO, then the PO will cooperate with contractors to better implement the EMP or update the EMP (if necessary)

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Table 8.1: Summary results of public consultation

No. Project

Place where the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Time when the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Number of people who participated in the meeting

of public consultationLocal authority who

participated in the meeting of public consultation

Summarizing anxious problems which were discussed in the meeting of public


1 Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district -HCMC (upgrading Nha be – An Nghia 110kV transmission line)

An Thoi Dong communal people’s committee

December 26th, 2011

1. The representatives of communal people’s committee include

- Mrs. Doan Thi Ngoc Cam

- Mr. Tran Van Loi

- Mr. Nguyen Van Men

2. The representatives of PECC 4 include

- Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh

3. The representatives of the affected people:

- Mrs. Bui Thi Dien

- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hang

There are 03 women participating in the meeting of public consultation

1. The representatives of the communal people’s committee include

- Mrs. Doan Thi Ngoc Cam - Chairwoman of the CPC

- Mr. Tran Van Loi – Deputy chairwoman of the CPC

- Mr. Nguyen Van Mien – Construction staff

* Participants’ suggestions, comments and feedbacks in the meeting

- The subproject will be constructed near to Rung Sac road. Requesting the PO and the construction units inform before construction implementation, and put warning boards to avoid occurring unfortunate accidents

- Rubbishes and construction wastes must be collected and transported to the dumping area of the locality.

- It should coordinate closely with local authorities in worker management. Workers must be registered temporary residence with local authorities to avoid conflicts between workers and local people.

* Conclusion of the meeting

- The subproject is allowed to cross through the commune.

- Ensuring strict implementation of environmental commitments.

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No. Project

Place where the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Time when the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Number of people who participated in the meeting

of public consultationLocal authority who

participated in the meeting of public consultation

Summarizing anxious problems which were discussed in the meeting of public


- Minimizing adverse impacts on environment.

2 Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district -HCMC (upgrading Nha Be - An Nghia 110kV transmission line)

Binh Khanh communal people’s committee

December 28th, 2011

1. The representatives of the CPC include

- Mrs. Bui Thi Xuong

- Mr. Huynh Van Thanh

2. The representatives of PECC4 include

-Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh

3. Affected people representatives includes

- Mr. Le Ngoc Tinh

- Mr. Nguyen Van Tu

- Mr. Vo Van Lien

- Mr. Nguyen Van Minh Em

- Mr. Nguyen Van Ut

- Mr. Nguyen Huu

- Mr. Dang Van Van

1. The representatives of the CPC include

- Mrs. Bui Thi Xuong – President of CPC

- Mr. Huynh Van Thanh – Land survey staff of the commune

* Participants’ suggestions, comments and feedbacks in the meeting

- During construction process, requesting the Project Owner to carry out strictly environmental commitments and management as regulated.

- Returning the current status for infrastructures after construction

- For rubbishes and construction wastes, the contractor should collect neatly to avoid causing environmental pollution.

* Conclusion of the meeting

- The subproject is allowed to cross through the commune.

- For the TL section running along Rung Sac road, the TL is within the compensated area of Rung Sac road (its technical corridor is 60m from the road centerline to each side. The remaining part isn’t constructed in phase II, requesting the Project Owner,

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No. Project

Place where the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Time when the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Number of people who participated in the meeting

of public consultationLocal authority who

participated in the meeting of public consultation

Summarizing anxious problems which were discussed in the meeting of public


- Mr. Dang Van Thang

- Mr. Nguyen Van Bang

- Mrs. Dang Thi Xiu

- Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngan

- Mrs. Duong Thi Muoi

- Mrs.Nguyen Thi Hai

- Mrs. Le Thi Nghiep

- Mrs. Duong Thi Nghiem Hoang

There are 07 women participating in the meeting of public consultation

consultancy to contact with the specialized departments/offices of the district (the urban management department, the project management board) to update design document of Rung Sac road in phase II. Based on this basic, it should arrange appropriate towers.

3 Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district -

Letter No. 199/BQL by Can Gio protective forest management board

December 27th, 2011

- Mr. Cat Van Thanh * Suggestion of impacts caused by the subproject on socio-economic and natural environment

- Agreeing with environmental impacts caused by the subproject as mentioned in the summary documents enclosed to the Letter.

* Suggestion of impacts mitigation measures of the subproject on socio-

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No. Project

Place where the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Time when the meeting

of public consultation

was held

Number of people who participated in the meeting

of public consultationLocal authority who

participated in the meeting of public consultation

Summarizing anxious problems which were discussed in the meeting of public


HCMC (upgrading Nha be – An Nghia 110kV transmission line)

economic and natural environment

- Basically agreeing with environmental impact mitigation measures and solutions of the subproject as subproject as mentioned in the summary documents enclosed to the Letter.

* Requests for the Project Owner

- During construction process, requesting the Project Owner in cooperation with construction units and local authorities in construction worker management, forest fire prevention and fighting, and strict management and monitoring of the encroachment on forest resources.

- It should make clear about impacts caused by the subproject on Can Gio protective forest.

- If forest land is acquired to construct new towers, requesting the Project Owner to carry out change forest land use objective to the subproject land as stipulated in Law on forest development and protection and the relevant decrees, circulars and regulations.

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Appendix 1: TOR for construction supervision consultancy

Appendix 2: Overall layout of the subproject area

Appendix 3: Environmental protection commitment certificate issued by local environment agency

Appendix 4: Minutes of the meeting of public consultation

Appendix 5: Some photos of the subproject area

Appendix 6: Legal documents of the subproject

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Appendix 1 - TOR for Construction Supervision Consultancy (CSC)


The Construction Supervision Consultancy is to provide professional technical services (“the Services”) to help ensure effective implementation of the subproject EMP.

Scope of Services:

The general services to be provided by the CSC are to inspect, monitor the construction activities to ensure that mitigation measures adopted in the ECOPs/EMP are properly implemented, and that the negative environmental impacts of the subproject are minimized.

On behalf of the PMB, the CSC will conduct the following tasks:

- Conduct regular site inspections;

- Review the status of implementation of environmental protection measures against the EMP and contract documents;

- Review the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures and subproject environmental performance;

- As needed, review the environmental acceptability of the construction methodology (both temporary and permanent works), relevant design plans and submissions. Where necessary, the CSC shall seek and recommend the least environmental impact alternative in consultation with the designer, the Contractor(s), and HCMC Power Project Management Board;

- Verifying the investigation results of any non-compliance of the environmental quality performance and the effectiveness of corrective measures; and

- Providing regular feedback audit results to the contractor’s Chief Engineer according to the procedures of non-compliance in the EMP;

- Instructing the Contractor(s) to take remedial actions within a specified timeframe, and carry out additional monitoring, if required, according to the contractual requirements and procedures in the event of non-compliances or complaints;

- Instructing the Contractor(s) to take actions to reduce impacts and follow the required EMP procedures in case of non-compliance / discrepancies identified;

- Instructing the Contractor(s) to stop activities which generate adverse impacts, and/or when the Contractor(s) fails to implement the EMP requirements / remedial actions.

- For contracts that Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) are required, the CSC shall provide the final review and recommend clearance of all Site Environmental plans which may affect the environment. These include, but are not limited to: dredging areas, borrow pits and disposal sites, worker’s camp plans. The CSC will review and approve the SEMP presented by the Contractors. Where these plans are found not to comply with the EMP, EIA or RAP, the CSC shall work with the HCMC Power Project Management Board and Contractor to establish a suitable solution.

- Addressing Complaints: Complaints will be received by the Contractor’s Site Office from local residents with regard to environmental infractions such as noise, dust, traffic safety, etc. The Contractor’s Chief Engineer or his deputy, and the CSC shall be responsible for processing, addressing or reaching solutions for complaints brought to them. The CSC shall be provided with a copy of these complaints and shall confirm that they are properly

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addressed by the Contractors in the same manner as incidents identified during site inspections.

- Certification for Monthly Payments: The CSC shall confirm the monthly payments for environmentally related activities implemented by the Contractor.

- Reporting: the CSC shall prepare the following written reports:

o Bi-weekly report of non-compliance issues

o Summary monthly report covering key issues and findings from reviewing and supervision activities

o At the end of the subproject the CSC shall prepare a final report summarizing the key findings from their work, the number of infringements, resolutions, etc. as well as advice and guidance for how such assignments should be conducted in the future.

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Appendix 1.1: Illustration of report form of the EMP implementation monitoring

(Applying for monthly report of the Construction Supervision Consultancy submitting to the Project Management Board)

Project’s name: Location Province:



Name of supervisor: ……..………………


Type of report:……………………………

No. Item

Assessment on communities’

suggestions and complaints

Remark/ proposal

Construction stage1 Cutting down tree in the ROW and

tower foundation 2 Dust, exhausts released from

machines, machines, and construction activities on material transportation roads and the project site.

3 Noise level surrounding the construction site

4 Worker’s rubbishes and construction solid wastes

5 Surface water quality surrounding the project site

6 Soil erosion, landslide due to soil excavation & filling

7 Soil pollution due to leaking oil during machine maintenance process

8 Construction and domestic sewage 9 Damage level of the existing road

system10 Traffic safety and road quality11 Worker’s health and occupational

safety12 Other environmental issues (If any)

Prepared by: Job title:

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Appendix 1.2: Report form on environmental management monitoring

for the contractor

Project’s name:

Project location:

Contractor’s name:

Report at the commencement of the project or monthly report:

Date of report:

No. Impact

Applied mitigation measures


Construction stage

1 Cutting down tree in the ROW and tower foundation

2 Dust, exhausts released from machines, machines, and construction activities on material transportation roads and the project site.

3 Noise level surrounding the construction site

4 Worker’s rubbishes and construction solid wastes

5 Surface water quality surrounding the project site

6 Soil erosion, landslide due to soil excavation & filling

7 Soil pollution due to leaking oil during machine maintenance process

8 Construction and domestic sewage

9 Damage level of the existing road system

10 Traffic safety and road quality

11 Worker’s health and occupational safety

12 Other environmental issues (If any)

Prepared by:

Job title:


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Appendix 1.3: Report form on environmental implementation monitoring

(This form is used for environmental monitoring report by the project operation unit)

Project’s name: Location Province:



Type of report:

Quarter report submitted to EVNHCM (yes/no):


No. Item

Assessment on consultancy’s/communities’ suggestions and


Remark/ Recommendation

1 Cutting down tree in the ROW during the TL maintenance

2 Impacts of electromagnetic field on operator’s health

3 Electric shock, fire, explosion due to high voltage power

4 ………………..

Prepared by: Job title:

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Environmental protection commitment certificate issued by local environment agency

1. Certificate No. 409/XN-UBND-TNMT dated October 19th, 2007 issued by Can Gio District People’s Committee on confirming the registration of environmental protection commitment of “Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district, Ho Chi Minh city in the period of 2007-2009” subproject.

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Figure 1: Vegetation situation of Can Gio protective forest area

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Figure 2: Vegetation situation in the subproject area

Figure 3: Situation of one road section accessing to the subproject area

Figure 4: Proposed double-circuit transmission line is located between the existing Rung Sac and the planned Song Hanh roads

Appendices 82

Proposed green belt is located between the existing Rung Sac road

and the planned Song Hanh road


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Letter No. 1314/UBND dated September 09th, 2011 issued by the People Committee of Can Gio District regarding agreement on the TL direction of the rehabilitation project for Nha Be - An Nghia 110kV TL to double circuits (the TL section from tower No. 53 to An Nghia 110kV substation);


Letter No. 1989/SGTCC-GT dated August 17th, 2007 by the Department of Transport of HCMC regarding agreement on the TL direction of “Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district – HCMC” Project in the period of 2009 – 2011;

3Letter No. 202/UBND dated April 04, 2006 issued by the People’s Committee of Can Gio District regarding agreement on the expansion of the ROW of Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL in Can Gio district;

4Letter No. 3287/SQHKT-QHC&HT dated November 10th, 2006 by the Department of Architecture Master Plan of HCMC regarding comments on the master plan of the TL direction of the rehabilitation project for Nha Be - An Nghia 110kV TL to double circuits (the TL section from tower No. 53 to An Nghia 110kV substation).


Minute dated Dec 22nd, 2011 between the representatives of Can Gio Protective Forest Board – HCMC and the representatives of PECC4 concerning impacts on Can Gio protective forest in the scope of “Stabilization and enhancement of reliability of power supplying source for Can Gio district –HCM (upgrading Nha Be – An Nghia 110kV TL)”.

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