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ABOUT CONTRIBUTE RESOURCES TERMSOF SERVICE PRIVACYPOLICY CONTACT Subscribe Your Name Your Email How To Track Your Lost Android Phone Without Installed Tracking App Ultimate Guide to Android Rooting, Custom ROMs & Apps How To Get Massive Traffic From Reddit To Your Website Home / Android / Ultimate Guide to Android Rooting, Custom ROMs & Apps By Phi lipp Greitsch on June 4, 2014 @phili ppgreitsch Ultimate Guide to Android Rooting, Custom ROMs & Apps 1 . Rooting Terms 2 . ROM Versions 3 . How to Root 4 . Custom Recovery Mode 5 . Custom ROMs 6 . Custom Kernels 7 . Root Apps 8 . FAQ Android Launchers and lock screen widgets are great tools to customize your Android experience without rooting your device. You are also able to root your device and customize it with a launcher and widgets afterwards. If your Android device is rooted but you don’t want flash a custom ROM, Xposed Framework might be the perfect solution for you. You are, however, also able to add new features to your custom ROM with Xposed. Android and iOS are the most popular mobile operating systems on the market. Both offer a variety of apps and settings but, eventually reach their limits at a certain point. Rooting or Jailbreaking your phone (or tablet) will offer you thousands of tweaks , skins and new apps that you should not miss out on. This guide will use the Google Nexus 4 as an example but most of the things also apply to other Android devices. Some might require more work while others can be rooted quite easily, but in the end it’s no rocket science. Before we get started, I would like to explain a few terms because the terminology can get complicated and confusing. This will help you to understand other device specific guides. I’ll try to keep it short and not go into (technical) details. The Bootloader is your phone’s software foundation. It’s basically what runs before your operating Quick Links Android Rooting Terms You Should Know Bootloader Sign up for our Newsletter 100% privacy. We never spam. trendblog.net 1,573 people like trendblog.net . Facebook social plugin Like trendblog + 2,879 Follow +1 POPULAR LATEST COMMENTS STAYUPDATED SOCIAL

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Home / Android / Ult imate Guide to Android Rooting, Custom ROMs & Apps

By Phi lipp Greitsch on June 4, 2014 @philippgreitsch

Ultimate Guide to Android Rooting, Custom ROMs & Apps

1. Rooting Terms2. ROM Versions3. How to Root4. Custom Recovery Mode5. Custom ROMs6. Custom Kernels7. Root Apps8. FAQ

Android Launchers and lock screen widgets aregreat tools to customize your Androidexperience without rooting your device. You arealso able to root your device and customize itwith a launcher and widgets afterwards. If yourAndroid device is rooted but you don’t want flasha custom ROM, Xposed Framework might be theperfect solution for you. You are, however, alsoable to add new features to your custom ROMwith Xposed.

Android and iOS are the most popular mobile operating systems on the market. Both offer avariety of apps and settings but, eventually reach their limits at a certain point. Rootingor Jailbreaking your phone (or tablet) will offer you thousands of tweaks, skins and new apps thatyou should not miss out on.

This guide will use the Google Nexus 4 as an example but most of the things also apply to otherAndroid devices. Some might require more work while others can be rooted quite easily, but in theend it’s no rocket science.

Before we get started, I would like to explain a few terms because the terminology can getcomplicated and confusing. This will help you to understand other device specific guides. I’ll try tokeep it short and not go into (technical) details.

The Bootloader is your phone’s software foundation. It’s basically what runs before your operating

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Android Rooting Terms You Should Know


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system starts (like a PC’s BIOS). As many manufactures don’t want you to modify your phone’sOS, it needs to be unlocked before you are able to root your phone or install custom ROMs(explained later).

This is something you don’t want to happen to your Android device. Like the name already implies,a bricked phone (or tablet) can only be used as a paperweight or nice decoration for yourapartment. Bricked devices are irreversibly damaged and won’t work anymore. This can, forinstance, happen if damaged ROMs are installed or wrong firmwares are flashed. Always makesure to read instructions and verify checksums (a set of numbers that identify the file) to makesure nothing goes wrong. If you’re lucky and your device is only soft-bricked, meaning that it doesnot boot but still turns on, you might be able to get it back to life.

Android, being based on Linux/Unix, offers a limited amount of UNIX commands (which most userswon’t need anyways). BusyBox will implement more commands that are necessary for some rootapps to work properly.

A custom ROM is a modified version of the Android operating system. Tweaks, additional features,different themes or an enhanced performance are usually included. Custom ROMs also offer thepossibility to use a newer, unreleased, version of Android on your phone that might usually not beavailable for your device because of restrictions from manufacturer or providers.

Fastboot is a diagnostic- and engineering tool which offers you several features such as launchingin recovery mode or flashing image files.

The kernel is the brain of your phone that controls how the system and hardware interact. It’sbasically the lowest level of your operating system that manages memory and hardware.

NAND stands for “Negated AND” or “NOT AND” and describes the hard drive partition that storesall system relevant information like the bootloader, recovery mode or the kernel.

A NANDroid backup is a complete system backup of your Android device. This backup can berestored later and might save your phone after flashing a faulty ROM or theme.

The radio is responsible for sending and receiving voice and data. Using an optimized radio canimprove your phone’s reception or increase battery life.

Recovery mode offers you the possibility to perform system-level tasks (like formatting,defragmenting, etc.), backing-up your devices or install custom ROMs. Android offers a limitedstock recovery function. More sophisticated recoveries like ClockworkMod Recovery, 4EXTRecovery and TWRP Recovery offer additional features and are easier to use.

Rooting will give you full administrator access of your device. It might also void your warranty(depending on the device and your place of residence), so make sure to handle your device withcare after rooting it. You are always able to revert this process by simply flashing a stock-ROM(the original ROM installed by your phone’s manufacturer). Doing this will also “restore” yourwarranty.

S-OFF means that the NAND partition of your Android device is unlocked. This mostly applies to



Custom ROM



NAND partition

NANDroid backup


Recovery Mode




HTC phones.

Rooting your phone will create a new “account” with complete administrative permissions. Thissuperuser account is used by some apps and functions.

Xposed Framework is an app that can be installed on a rooted Android device which offers customROM like features on stock Android.

As Custom ROMs are constantly improved, they usually come in four different categories: Nightly,Milestone, Release Candidate and Stable. This is what you can expect in every stage:

Nightly versions are usually generated every 24 hours and can be highly experimental andunstable. Especially early versions of a new custom ROM can have many bugs and missingfeatures. If you want to have the latest features while risking instability – go for nightlies!

Milestone Snapshots are basically nightly versions that have reached a certain milestone. Theycan be regarded as being quite stable, but may include certain bugs and issues. Since they areonly created every few weeks (or months), they won’t have the latest features that might beincluded in the nightly versions. If you are looking for the latest features while having a ratherstable system, check out milestone snapshots.

Release candidates, as the name already implies, are one of the last builds before the stableversion of a custom ROM is released. RCs are mostly stable but might have a few minor issues. Ifyou’re looking for something stable and ready for daily use, I would recommend to go with releasecandidates!

Stable versions are (obviously) the most stable versions around, with all or nearly all problemsfixed. Some stable ROMs may still include some smaller issues or certain things not working.Stable versions are definitely the safest way to go, but it might take months before a new stablewith new features or fixes is released.

It is also important to say that custom ROMs are often available as official and unofficial releases.Later use the source code of the official release (if publicly available) and adapt it to devices notsupported by the main developers. Unfortunately, this often leads to a delay. In addition to that,many developers combine features of different custom ROMs.

If your Android device is not rooted yet, you won’t be able to perform NANDroid backups. I wouldn’tsuggest to root your tablet or phone without having a proper backup, because there is always achance of error and you don’t want to brick your device.

Simple ADB Backup let’s you create a full backup of your device without root access and is theperfect solution for users without root access. The free program also offers a restore function andruns on Windows and Linux.

If you’re already rooted, make sure to check out our guide on performing a NANDROID backup.

The rooting process differs from device to device which makes it impossible to give general


Xposed Framework

Understanding Custom ROM Versions


Milestone Snapshot

Release Candidate


Official, Unofficial & Combined Releases

How to Fully Backup Your Device Without Root

How to Root Your Android Device

instructions on rooting here. I’ve linked guides for some of the most popular devices below. Usingthe terms described earlier should make the rooting process easier for you. If your phone or tabletis not on the list, you most certainly can find a guide on the XDA-Developers forums.

Google Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10Samsung Galaxy S4Samsung Galaxy S5HTC OneLG G2Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Always make sure to perform NANDroid backups of your devices to be able to restore your phoneor tablet to a working state. I would also recommend to validate checksums and carefully readthrough the instructions to avoid bricking your device.

The standard Android recovery mode is very limited and does not offer many features. That’swhere replacement recovery modes like the Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) andClockworkMod Recovery (CWRM) come in place. They offer the possibility to flash custom ROMswhich is not possible with the stock recovery mode. Other features include a file browser forupdate.zips, adb shell and Nandroid backups.

It does not really matter which replacement recovery you install, just go with the one that suits youmost. In some rare cases the root script or custom ROM installation only works with either TWRPor CWM.

Team Win Recovery Project‘s custom recovery offers an easy and touch driven user interface. Itincludes all typical recovery features needed to install custom ROMs, kernels, other tweaks andmany more. You are also able to backup and restore your device using TWRP.

ClockworkMod Recovery is one of the most popular custom recovery modes. It also includes alladvanced recovery features like installing custom ROMs and other files, as well as a backup andrestore function. You can control the CWM UI via touch or key-input.

Custom Recovery Mode

TWRP Team Win Recovery Project

CWM Clockworkmod Recovery

Custom Roms offer you a variety of new features, tweaks and visual enhancements. The bestsource to find a working one for your device is the XDA-Developers forum. Many custom ROMsare based on the three big releases: CyanogenMod, AOKP and Paranoid Android. The easiestway to find the best custom ROM for you is to compare their features or simply test them for a fewdays. To make your start easier, I’ve written a few words about the major custom ROMs below.

CyanogenMod looks very similar to stock Android, but offers several enhancements and tweaks.Besides increased system performance and reliability, it includes many interface enhancementsand integrated features.

OpenVPN integrationLockscreen gesturesExpanded quick settingsDSP equalizerTheme supportWi-Fi, bluetooth, and USB tetheringCPU over- & underclocking

Currently there are five stable version and one version with snapshot status available:

1. CyanogenMod 7 – based on Android 2.3 Gingerbread2. CyanogenMod 9 – based on Androif 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwhich3. CyanogenMod 10 – based on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean4. CyanogenMod 10.1 – based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean5. CyanogenMod 10.2 – based on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean6. CyanogenMod 11 – based on Android 4.4.2 KitKat

At the moment, there is no stable 4.4.2 KitKat version of CyanogenMod. The snapshotreleases are pretty close to being stable so I would advise you to check them out. A quite uniquefeature of CyanogenMod is it’s installer which makes installing the custom ROM quite easy.Besides flashing the ROM it will also root your Android device and will guide you through the wholeprocess. Unfortunately, the installer is currently only available for Windows.

CyanogenMod is available for the majority of popular Android devices. You can find a list ofsupported devices on the CyanogenMod website.

Custom ROMs


CyanogenMod Features

Latest CyanogenMod Version

AOKP It describes itself as “Android infused with magical Unicorn bytes” – that should beawesome, right?

Added UI features and settingsLED notification light optionsPerformance tweaksCustom togglesVibration patternsFlip phone to silence ringtoneAOKP RibbonsSilent / Vibrate mode on face downNew lock screen features

If you’re into customization, AOKP offers tons of features. I especially like the custom vibrationpatterns: You can simply set a vibration pattern for, say, Emails, Hangouts and WhatsAppmessages and can “feel” which type of message you just received (if you carry your phone in yourpocket ).

There is currently one Milestone release available for 44 devices:

AOKP MR1 Milestone 2 – based on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean

The AOKP team is still working on an Android 4.4.2 version. Nightlies are available on the AOKPwebsite.

The AOKP custom ROM is currently available for 44 different devices. You can find a completelist on the AOKP website.

ParanoidAndroid is completely different to AOKP and CyanogenMod and one of the “newer”custom ROMs out there. It’s currently my favorite custom ROM as it’s fairly close to stock Androidwhile adding cool features like Peek and Hover.

Floating notifications & multitaskingHidden Navigation PIE modeUI customizationGesture controlsCyanogenMod themes support

I’ve been running PA for the past for months and really love it. It’s stable, fast and battery life isgreat. I can highly recommend this ROM.

There are no real stable ParanoidAndroid releases available. Beta versions are released on a


AOKP Features

Latest AOKP Version

AOKP Availability


ParanoidAndroid Features

Latest ParanoidAndroid Version

weekly basis and are really stable.

ParanoidAndroid is officially only available for Google Nexus and OPPO devices on the PAwebsite. Luckily, other devices are unofficially supported and can be found here.

SlimRoms focus on offering a clean and slim Android experience. When I first installed it on myNexus 4 I was surprised on how much screen space can be available on a 4 display.

Complete dark skin including black Google appsUpdated recent screen for improved multitaskingAccess most important apps from everywhere with new notification drawerUpdated camera features

The latest version is based on Android 4.4.2 KitKat.

SlimRoms is available for a variety of devices, focusing on Nexus, the Galaxy range and LGphones. You can find an overview here.

Kernels are the brain of your Android device and communicate between software and hardware.Therefore, they are responsible for managing things like CPU / GPU clocking speed, screensensitivity / colors or voltage. By using a custom kernel you can not only improve battery life, butalso increase system performance.

Many custom ROMs already come with their own kernels. This is done to implement softwarecommunication of the custom ROM with the hardware of the device and also to ensure a betterperformance. Nevertheless, you are often also able to flash custom kernels to custom ROMs. Ifyou decided to stick to a rooted version of stock Android, flashing a new kernel can offer youadditional performance with the convenience of a stock OS.

Always make sure to check compatibility of the kernel with your ROM and device, because flashinga wrong kernel can brick your phone!

There are different ways to flash a custom kernel to your device like flashing in recovery mode orusing an app. I personally use franco.Kernel in combination with CyanogenMod on my Nexus 4and couldn’t be happier. I’m able to check for kernel updates using an app. The same app alsooffers downloading and auto-flashing the latest version to my phone.

My experience with franco.Kernel so far is great: Heat-issues are fixed, the display colors lookmore like the AMOLED display of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and I have roughly 50% more batterylife.

Rooting your Android device will offer you many benefits. Besides the features mentioned above,you can also install great apps that require to go deep into the system. Using them with an un-rooted device is not possible. Below I’ve listed a few apps that I like and use on an everyday basis.Feel free to share other apps in the comments section below!

Titanium Backup is a great backup tool for Android devices that offers tons of features. It providesthe possibility to backup your data, settings and apps. Scheduled backups are also available. Thepaid pro version offers lots of great features like syncing backups with cloud-based storageproviders such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Box.

ParanoidAndroid Availability


SlimRoms Features

Latest SlimRoms Version

SlimRoms Availability

Flashing Custom Kernels


Titanium Backup

When you constantly switch between custom ROMs, ClockworkMod’s ROM Manager is one of theessential apps to get. Besides flashing ClockworkMod recovery, it will help you to organise andinstall your custom ROMs and backing-up your Android device. The paid premium version includesadditional features like automatic backups, web connect and incremental ROM downloads.

I struggled a little bit when deciding to either include AdAway or not, because it’s great for usersbut bad for app publishers and marketers. Google removed it from Google Play but you can stillget it on the AdAway website. Like AdBlock Plus on your computer, the app modifies your Androiddevices hosts file to prevent apps and browsers to display advertisements. This will not onlyimprove your app usage experience, but also increase battery life and decrease mobile traffic. Befair and purchase paid versions of apps or donate a small amount to developers to make surethey will keep on programming great apps!

Google has recently begun to remove certain apps that violate their distribution agreements fromGoogle Play. If you’re still interested in installing AdAway, please refer to the AdAway website.

ROM Manager


Cerberus anti theft is a great app that brings many security features to your phone. You can, forinstance, control your phone remotely from the Cerberus website, locate and track it as well asdisplay messages on the screen. Remote wiping and taking pictures of the thief are also on thehuge list of features.

This app will work on non-rooted devices, although the root version implements and essentialfeature: Cerberus can be installed wipe-proof which means that a thief won’t be able to simplyuninstall the app or notice that it’s running in the background.

I love my Nexus 4, but sometimes it’s really annoying that I have to hit the physical buttons tounlock the screen. Touch Control allows you to wake up and lock your device by using gestures:Simply double-tapping the display will wake up the display. A swipe from right to left will lock thescreen when the device is running. A great app that increased my Nexus 4 user experience bigtime.

Cerberus anti theft

Touch Control

Greenify is a great app to improve battery life and system performance because it puts selectedapps in hibernation mode. Not having tons of apps stored in RAM or running as system processeswill make your Android device faster and increase your user experience. Please refer to fullreview for more information.

To get back stock Android, simply flash a stock ROM suitable for your device. This way you’ll getan unrooted, stock Android version with restored warranty.

It’s always recommended to wipe your device before installing a custom ROM for the first time. Ifyour Google account is linked to your phone, contacts, emails and apps will automatically bedownloaded after launching the custom ROM and logging in to your Google account. You canbackup your settings with apps like XYZ.

Most custom ROMs offer a update function, some directly integrated to the OS, others using aspecific app. You can also use ROM Manager to update certain custom ROMs.

Yes, simply use a stock ROM and root it. If you update it, your root-access will be gone, though.


Frequently Asked Rooting Questions1. How can I restore stock Android?

2. What happens to my settings, contacts and apps when I install a customROM?

3. How can I upgrade a custom ROM?

4. Is it possible to just root a phone and not install a custom ROM?

5. Do I need to go step-by-step to upgrade my Android device or can I directly

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• •

Jason Jai Leong •

I have had a read, but I would like to know how you tell which customROMS you can useon what model etc. i.e I have a S4 LTE Telstra Australia i9505 XXUAMDE/JFLTEXX & the4.4.2 has been based on XXUFNA5. What is involved in checking this prior to justthrowing the ROM BRICKING or finding out you have no radios etc?

• •

Limane Boukar Limane •

hi everybody i flashed cyanogenmod 11 and gapps and after that i made a wipe data / factory reset. the rom is great but now i have only 2.75 Go free in internal storage . can you help me please.

robin •

Hi Phillip thankyou for the learning curve here but hopefully you can give me some advicemy Samsung S4 has been doing nothing but getting very hot. And not turning on.I was

You can usually simply flash the latest ROM and are good to go. Custom ROM updates usuallycome in a full package, meaning that you have to download the complete ROM to update it. Thedownloads are usually about 100-200 MB.

Do you have any questions about the rooting process, custom ROMs, tweaks or apps? Do youmaybe want to share other great apps that I might have forgotten? Feel free to do so in thecomments below!

Are you interested in more Android related guides?Have a look at our Android knowledge database.



go to the latest version available?

Final Words

142 57 17 10


Philipp Greitsch is a mobile enthusiast with great interest in the latest trends anddevelopments in mobile, technology and things that make our everyday life awesome.You can find him on Google+ and Twitter.


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just trying to put some life into the battery a last attempt before taking it back to coastlineto put it in for repair on the warranty when an Android Green graphic Man came up andAndroid OS was displayed and started downloading saying Do not turn off target this hasnow been running for an hour but the phone is not getting hot, I am scared though aboutforfiting my warranty, As in the top left corner.is oddin , product name GT-19505,currentbinary Samsung official System status:official, Knox kernel lock 0x knox Warranty Void:0x0, CSB-CONFIG-LSB: 0X30, WHITE PROTECTION:Enable, eMMC BURST MODEenabled.I don't know what to do shall I turn it off and takebit back to Vodafone and say nothingabout it or let it run.? [email protected]

• •

robinrobin929 •

Hi once again Philipp I hope the other message with my username you somehow managed to connect up the dots to, and that there connected, It's just I waspresuming an answer would have been found underneath my first message of 7minutes ago but it isn't would it be somewhere else as at first if sent to my email Iaccidently forgot to add 929 on the address.

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burhan •

I'm completely new to Android world. I want to update my HTC Desire HD to ICS, I don'twant it bricked. That's why I need step by step information.and does it need to be rooted for ICS update, if yes then how can I root it?Please aslo tell me " will the ICS update make my Desire HD better or worse.

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aamir •

can i flash new rom on my phone without rooting

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Philipp Greitsch • Mod

Yes, but you need to have an unlocked bootloader and a custom recoveryinstalled.

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Forgetfull •

While downloading photos to my pc from my Moto x, I accidentally deleted or corruptedmy "camera" folder, and lost all of my camera photos and videos. I've tried a couple ofrecovery and undelete apps on my pc, but they can't even see the phone, which doesn'thave USB mass memory mode & has no separate USB card. Will rooting allow meaccess to find deleted files, and what apps will I need on my phone or pc? Or is theresome way to recover files without rooting this phone?

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mandy •

Is it possible to install ios on my android phone rooting it ?

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Riki Brown •

Any info on custom ROM for star n3+

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sai krishna bollapragada •

please help me for kitkat rom on karbonn titanium s5 plus?

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Freax187 •

i forgot to enable developer debug settings before i started with the rooting process usingOdin 3.07 icw TWRP 2.7 recovery, now my Galaxy Tab 3 (210) doesnt want to start upanymore, it IS still able to get to download mode, is there anything i can do to get thisworking again?

Hannes Holmquist •

I've spent three days now trying to activate xposedinstaller unsuccesfully on my LG-D280 My version seems to not be available anywhereI know the root has been successful because when I try to re-do the process I get a

• •

message saying it's done alreadyYet xposed installer claims it fails to get root access'Makesure you device is rooted properly and you have not blocked shell commands'

I've installed software after software that is supposed to help thisBusybox,busyboxinstaller, app ops, superuser, SU update fixer and freegeeand my phone is STILL not letting me install xposed frameworkHelp me please someone

• •

karan kumar •

I had a unique question! Is it possible to flash any custom rom on any device? Eg -Custom rom designed for s4 working on s3? Is this possible! plus i've heard of the term'cook your rom' What is it about?

• •

Keshava Murthy •

Hi. I am using Galaxy S2 (I9100) with CM 11 version.. I frequesntly using google now.. If Iconnect my bluetooth headset (Samsung HM1000) to my phone and open Google now..It freeze the sreen (hangs) i can not do anything further for 1 min.. what should i do to fixthis.. please help me..

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Julian Teng •

What if i boot my phone and i installed the Kernel, after i installed then i lock the bootback, does the software still functional ?

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Sahil bahri •

which is the best custom rom for galaxy s duos my friend suggested me pmp ultra rom v8.5.1 being the latest version of it, SHOULD i install it plzzzz suggest

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Shekhar Adhikary •

How can I update my CWM Recovery? I have cwm running in my HTC Desire.Please, can you explain me step by step. Thanks a lot & sorry for trouble.

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Robby Nightmare •

Thanks Philipp for the wonderful article. I unlocked my bootloader, installed a customrecovery, but my SuperSU would not flash, I tried many times, to no avail, I even wentonto XDA and tried a different way, and it would not work either. My Nexus 5 wasshowing as unlocked, the whole time. I have the Google Play store edition, in Canada. Iused TWRP. I finally gave up, and flashed my phone with the Paranoid Android 4.4-BETA1, and Gapps. It worked like a charm! I love this ROM. I don't know why it wouldn'tshow my SuperSU before, but no matter, all is well now. Thank you so much for yourtime, to research all this, and share it with us all. You are awesome!!


• •

Jonathan Fernandes •

iv backed up my lg p700 using cwm. its was running android 4.1.2 and iv flashed it with acustom rom 4.4... im planning to restore back to the 4.1.2 and install 4.2 or 4.3 would ibrick my phone by doing so??

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shaan •

hi all,i recently rooted my Galaxy S2 and installed whizcat rom. I am trying to restore my datafrom kies however, its not recognizing my device. Wud highly appreciate if some1 plzhelp me in that. i am not a tech savvy chap like you all. Hence request u to update in alayman term. Regards

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ayush •

I want a custom kernel for my rooted gingerbread(2.3.6) which can support swap andoc...but I was failed..to flash another one..if u could help me...then plz email-me([email protected])...plzzzzzz

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Mr. Mischief •

Hi Phil, i have a samsung galaxy s2 skyrocket rooted, running jellybean 4.1.2. Since iupgraded from gingerbread it ahs been running laggy and i read if i backup my data anddo a factory reset, this should quicken up the phone a bit. If i do a factory reset will i lose the rooting? I'm using a locked-rooted phone so if i losethe rooting, i dont want to end up with a locked phone.

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Shiv kumar Basail •

can i flash a new custom kernel without flashing a new rom

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John •

hii, can i straight install rom after flashing a kernel?

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lawrence •

i change my custom rom? if i update my android version ..my custom rom will be gone??

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jonny2 •

Is there an app to tell me if i am being followed or stalked

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Mark •

Can I update/add only certain parts of the android and keep the existing apps as theyare?

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Anderson •

How do I know if my android is already custom-flashed?

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shirish nagansurkar •

i am using i ball mobile which is not listed in any device lists out there for ROMs, can istill go for a rom?

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Duuuuuk •

Hi.I rooted my phone using permaroot and when i check it in root checker it said that mydevice is now rooted.But my question is What is the next steps so i can change my rominto some custom roms.My android version is 4.1.1 and im seeing custom roms withandroid 4.1.2 and 4.0.1 Does it need to be the same so that i can use that custom roms? I really need some help so i can change the rom on my phone.Please I will be thankfulif u can help me.Thanks in these very informative post in your blog.

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Bekci M Daarud •

hoping this link is still up and running...two quwstions: first, I have a DROID3 2.3.4 thathas superuser and root checker says im rooted yet still unable to allow TB superuserpermissions...what am i missing and where? Second, which ROM would best help meget most out of battery life? Currently, I can plug it in until it claims to be full, unplug it andleave it sitting on table, screen off, yet within 90 minutes its down to 5% and shuttingitself off.....its going to meet an untimely death if i cant fix it.

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Superuser ANDROIDANA •

it sounds like you need a new battery. charge the new one fully and drain itcompletely on the first two or three uses. as for the root, i had to reflash with odinand update supersu in the google play store and then all was well.

robinrobin929 •

Hi Philip this is robinrobin back I posted the message 20 mins back about the SamsungS4 bieng bricked where it is downloading the OSAndroid by its self but I hadnt joined yourcommunity and forgot to add 929 on the end of my user nameStill nothing had changed itstill says downloading do not turn off target but I have an hour still to make it down to

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still says downloading do not turn off target but I have an hour still to make it down toVodafone. What would you do after reading my other post. Am I still in my warranty as Inever even turned this on. But apart from the phone showing an empty battery symboleven when full and telling me is a Samsung Galaxy S4 and getting extant got when thatwas on or attaching it to charger it is the only thing that's happend without it overheatingwill I void the warranty, shall I then it off, just take it back where is covered in a 5dtar redband plan. I'm grateful for a advice here as am at a real n lose

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dev •

hey man what happens to the built in apps in my pre-root phone??what if i want to keep them too

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Brett V •

Hi Philip, this a great read and has help me understand the whole 'customizing' thing somuch more. I have a question regarding the 'baseband' modems. I recently upgraded toCM11 (4.4.2) but my baseband is still the original one that came with my phone over ayear ago. Does the baseband not get upgraded along with a ROM install? Am I safe to goahead and upgrade the baseband to the latest supported baseband for my carrier formyself? Or does something have to match up?

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terryevans11 •

And I there a custom rom for this model?

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anish •

I'm using nexus 4 4.4.2 version..I want to flash pacman ROM 4.3..do I have todowngrade?

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Philipp Greitsch • Mod

You'll have to wipe / factory reset your Nexus, but downgrading shouldn't benecessary. Just make sure to perform a NANDROID backup before you start!

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Suyash Salunkhe •

thanks for a great info help, was looking for it. i have Sony Xperia s LT26i, Would you tellme a good trusted Rom and kernel for me, that will give me a good performance andfeatures? How can I check if the Rom is matching the Kernel?

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Justin Taylor •

Hi Philip, Can I root Samsung galaxy s2 plus and flash CyanogenMod 10.1? Could you guide me, Idon't want to brick my phone - [email protected]

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rapooty •

My tablet don't boot, it stop in the Windows android, I do hard reset, 'have got the androidwith exclamation. will you help me ?

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Pritish S Nair •

Hi Philip, its not about rooting or ROM but my default equaliser is not working now.Showing that "musicsfx is not responding". Please help...

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JW •

I'm locked out of my tablet, it is not accepting the password I entered, tried everypossible combination I could have made by mistake. Would installing a custom romallow me to keep all of my files on it?I use it for school and nothing is synced to my google drive... Please help!

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Max Harper •

hi everyone. went everywhere looking for help to re root my D4. the recent jan updateremoved it. i read elsewhere that the original method that worked(razr_blade) would stillwork. no success after several tries. curiously, i only get to phase 4 during an attempt ifim in usb mass storage mode, which of course the instructions say not to be in . Icleared the cache on everything, including the smart action. tried different USB portsetc,.any suggestions?

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Philipp Greitsch • Mod

I assume that you're talking about the Motorola Droid 4?

According to this (http://forum.xda-developers.co... thread on XDA, this method(http://forum.xda-developers.co... works for Motorola Droid 4 phones thataccepted the January OTA update.

Maybe this can help? (Try at your own risk ;) )

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Pritish S Nair •

Can i change themes and UI in my stock rooted ROM using any app??

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Philipp Greitsch • Mod

Xposed Framework might be what you're looking for!


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chris •

Do you know of any Roms for the hisence sero 7 pro? Since it is almost a nexus 7 can Iuse a nexus 7 ROM ?

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Philipp Greitsch • Mod

I wouldn't use a Nexus 7 ROM as something will most certainly break your tablet.It looks like this forum has tons of custom ROMs, maybe you'll find somethingthere? http://sero7forum.com/sero-7-r...

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