the'. westfield. leader olicw


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THE'. WESTFIELD. LEADER OlicW ...... paper Fer Towa



NOW IN WESTFIELD TO f AY FllST OF nooo uuu oAMcE m caoss nwr

TO BEHELD AT SHACl fEID IElCIES$178t; WESTFIELD IN LEAD Plans and specifications for the new post office to be built at the cor-

A dan� for the benelit of the QUAITEILY TAXES American Red Cross tlood relief f11nd --- ner of Central and Lenox avenues were received yesterday by Postlll&S· --- will be lleld at Shaekamaxon Coun·

Net Jump •' $666,520 le- ter Job.n H. Traynor, who announced Celeditaa 1 lelieYH lt lie try Club on February' 18. John I ported. fAcal Tttal Up I.that the1. may be �n in h'.$ offi�e. letter 1\ui AaJ Year White of Westfield. "Lonesoi:e Cow-

$825 117 !The otli<l1al advc�1$e�e�t for bids , boy" of radio fame, will give a pro-' I appears els�wh�re JD this 1Ssue. Siace 1930 f . Tug Banks and his --- An examination of the plans shows _.__

gram 0 songs , Union County showed a $666.520 that the government has not changed During th.e past .week Tax Col lect.. orchestra 11.I'e playing and are con-

j ump . "n t 1 t' t bl ,; f the appearance from the archi t ect's or Ad dison H. Clark a�d his aasist· 1 tributing part of their r<lcelpts to the in e . va ua ions axa e or, drawing made public several months ants havf! be�n kept busy handling ClllJ5f! and Sha.ckamaxon bas agreed 1937, according . to complete tabula-jago, The building will face on Cen· the first quarter'• payments of 1937 to donate the rent&! received to the t.on of tax duph;ates b7 �he. County• tral avenue with an entrance to the taxes. Each day acore.s of taxpayer& I' We11ttleld Chapter of the American Board of Taxa�1 on. This increase\ rear loadinr platform on Lenox ave- have visited the collector'• oftlce in Red Cross. Se.veral local merchan t s was show�, de�pite a �ecrease of fl,. I nue. person and each day has also brourht \ have donated prize1 which will be 881,641 m .Elizabeth s t:ax ratablea., The lobby will be nine and a half 8 volume of mail containin1 tax pa)'. raffled off. A group of young IM!O· County 1iffic1als were gratdied because \feet wide and approximately seventy men ts Firat qllarter tax payments pie are In charge of the arrange• a. m�nth ago th<!rc had been the "?re· feet long. 'l'o the left will be the were 'due Februacy 1, 1fter lNilcla ments and tickets m1y be had from diction that rat•?les would c?ntmue I otllces of· the poet11111ter, the assist· date an interest penalty is efl'ectlve. any of them, incluJlng Bob Thomas, the downward shde eharactemtle of ant �ostmu!:er and the 1�perinten- A stead)' line of taxpayers ind a Ted Case, Jim Johnston and the Miu­re.ce.nt years. to the tune of some four dent. On tile rllht end will be the deluge ot mail was reported on Mon· es Eleanor Garizel, Barbara Derge, million dollal's. . . financial olllee. TM window' will be d1y. Mr, Cl ark kald today that no Jo Ann Smith and Mrs. Thomas Jud· Westfield had an $825,717 increase, to the left ef the •ntrance and the estimate aa to the amount of taxes son.

Jiii£ IS IWD Glee Cl• C.C.. Mda $701

-Affeel .. c.-... c� Contribat'.un& to � Wotlleld. Red

Cl'llll Cnpt.r'a flood nlief filnd now total. fi, 701! accordlal to the latest rep1>rt of Gord11n T, Parey, the treas. urer. Freeh oldfl' Charl e1 E. Smith, chairman of the local chapter, ex­preued appreciation for the gener· ous Hsponee on the part of the towns­people and l ocal or11111iutions. H e sald there ls still an ur1ent need for funds with whlcb to earry on tbe work of rehabilitation which alw11a Is necet111U')' after a major dlaast!lr. The 111rrivor1 mllat be fed, clothed and housed until 1ueh tlD1e aa the,

• • • • 0 • GoaDON .I. ENDERS t�e highest of any community In the Jock boxe1 to th• rirht. received to date was available. In· '"' c unty. . . dicatlona are that the volume of pay. 10•1•5 CLDI TO Compilation of �he totals bad been JllWM &•f bll ments wlll be better than have been ftM delayed be�ause Lmden and Rah�ay 11ft experienced for any year since 1930.

can re1ain their former eelf·maill•

YICA �·,our rws tenance status, Mr. Smi t h aald. He U urged all who have not eontrlbuted

·•ruY DAI" " r1n"••• to do IJO. Coiltl'l.buUon• may be lef'

uaan in any of the three loc1l bank1 or ,. 1Ea·· OF nm toge t her with three wards In Ehn· •• IUI .... SITS . The tax bUls for the first and 119C• sent direct to Gordon T. Parry at tu the new hi1h 1c�ol, wMJ4 · beth, were unreported un .tll Monday n Id V ond quarters are computed at the .. w plan one small unst ef It as --- of last week., the deadlme set by rate for the precedlng year, because air school for the 701n1er :l'�.1..;:.;;, .. a\ .. 1'....1-.;; '. ., . • Chas. J, Eh!lllmt of Cranford, chair· 1 ___ 1 •--L"' •.___.

Tital of the tax rate for the current year Is of Westfield who are 1- 11t1ed uw- ·Do · _., · r• .... 1 man. of the tax board. MKU ...... � not known until late in March. Thia

· - • • d

Peoples Ban k and Truat Co. • i M•Nn ad T�tU' Fntn I The local fund waa glven lmpet111

t'itl81 cheerful, healthy atmol· Adwiar SdMichdetl s--L. Lmden came through with� net In. $12 ••• llS at End of make1 It neee-ry to adjuat the tu •-..:&.. te Autciatita during the past week throqh MVtral la•R beneftt affairs. More than '700 wu - "�ftt the buildlllj ., fl a·... . ' , . � crease. o; $432,338, representmr l�nd ' t bills for the third and fourth quar· I* ao e11-'f!ntial for 1 complet>e · · « • .... , . l valuations of $11,898,28', bulldm1 ._ Yw, I tel'I and entslls considerable compu- Alair T ... J realised from the apeelal concert pre.

1ented T11eaday nlrht by the w .. ., l\eld Glee Clu b . The We•thld Polo Club aided the fund with two IMM­ftt matches, $40 belng raised last .v .. nlnll' and '76 havlns been coatrlbo uted followlns the match Satllrd1f night. Sel'eral persona and organiu. tlons have aponsored card p1rti11 te aklithe fund. Mrs. E. Grace Greea ravt; il;eard pai-tt11l•t n lrht and twra­ed over •18.50 to the treaaurer thla morning. While no report of the Junior Red CroSB activltlea 11 avail• able, It Is u ndentood th1� each of the 'f'l!1iou1 school• .i. nilln1 a tidy

W.U-rounded life." · , aS&essments of $36,251,158 and per. - tatlon detail. A "Play Day" prorram, sponso1"Ed , f!i!ltli condition� amenr papll1 in The Woman's Club of Westfleld sonaJ property ap�ralsed at $18,8,27,. A marked increase in dc.posita is by the health education department jtfnt6eld pubhc scllo11-, are ;e•· will presen� Gordon ,B, Enders, for. ?12· Compared with 1936 valuation• reported b)' ti.. .thNe West.field banks WILLIAM LOWE SENIOR of the West.field YWCA will be held #1 according to ttie.l'l!pert"rJYell eip •dviur to the Grand Lama ot m Linden, the current figures show 8'I of Deee111bei- 31, 1986 over the Tuesday evening Februar)' 9 at 8 i,penlalng Prlncjpl! Ch�rle1 A. Tl"et at ita meetlnr in the Masonic a •165•126 decrease on land and In· precedlnr year, .·Thla. was revealed SCOUT VICE PRESIDENT o'clock In the association bulldlll.C · �er to the Board of Ed1c1tloll. Temple' Monday afternoon at 2:15. cr�sea of $278•667 and *2581797 for by comparilon �of stattments by the All women and girls, members of tlle ·�that during the past month Although born in America, :Mr. En- build!ngs and personal property, r• local banks for both years. Total de. Brooldrn Su-it anti Weit· a•sociation or of any afllllated clubs, tili!� case of scarlet fe\"81', two del'll hi• the nre distinction of beln1 spectively., , posits were flll,610,816.61 101• 1936 1 are urg<!d to attend and to bring Ing coug� a� one oJ chick· the 'fint·.and only foreigner to liold a- Rahway s net mcreasc was $164,· as eompaNJd with ,11,108,048.38 In field BoJa Have Annual thek friends. were reportf!d. A 'ftmpara· cabinet poat ill that country, he is 275• Land there ls valued at '5,· 1931. Meetin1 Here · The program will becln with an ex· ..WI numb�r ef ,dliUdren were ala& the first foreigner to be 1ive11 7�l,600, buildings at •120894.660 and T� Peoplea Dank and Trust Com· _ hlbltion of diving and swimming and ifW4 by colds and nly a few e11" the nn\ anti 'title of Tibetan nobility, pere.aonal "propert1' at f�,8�S,200. 7 A pany ieports depo1lt1 totaling f6,. At a meeting of more than 200 &. �onto cl)mical water games Jn th� pool. tljllffe were reported. · That mysterio11s forbidden land of year ago the tota s were •5•758•2 5• 203,422. 72 for 1936 as compared nlor Dcgl'ee Boy St;.outs from Brook- A badminton doubles !'Qatch will fol· : Jllo called attention to the ex· Tibet of iwhlch so J!ttle h�s been $li'.'l28180.° a�d '2•843•16:· b Eh wltll $5,660,7�1.64 In 1935. The Jyn Summit ind Westfield in the low In the 'rym, and tnen every1>ne tinter colora "llone b:v tl\e WP "known, but ·a great deal imagined, is s Jlrevious Y announce Y m· Westfield Trull: Co!"pany's 1936 Co�regatlonal parlsh house on Sat- will have a chance to get into actlon. and loaned b�'the Tniasury at last 'to be revealed through one ling,, Clark Township showa a $27o,. statement showa deposits t�tallng $4,- urda)', oftlcGl'll were elected as fol· There. will be potato races, three-leg. ....... nt. The, eXbililt Is ,.pen io highly conver11ant with ·Its lanru•ce 363 mc�ase, CJ10�0


7 �:J �,aoo de- 921,392:89 11 comp�red with ,4,lli7 ,. lows: Herbert Durkee• of Brooklyn, ged races, and many other events on

riew until Februaey 18, . Mr. ana customs as well as its hopes aird cGre�se, d,an�o�

1:0 d ' mHcrl��;• 296:84 m the preceding JUI". The pN!sldent; William Lowe of Weatlleld, the·program BO the guests aM a1ked r announced that the senior 1111pirationa for the future. · aiwoo a·� • • ecreaae, e Nat:onal Bank of Westfield rellOrts vice president• Edward Schenbers of to wear gym suits, 1horts, or 1port be �ven'Februar:v 12·1B in The enormous 'natu'ral w�alth df SS '218·&:o m�ease, . K�:Uwort�3 � depoalta totaling. $1,486,000 in 19.36 Hrooklyn, tre�sui-er: Mllton Burnett clothes and low heeled sboes. . r High School. The A�I· the country has for a centur7 · eit· 2

42 10

d48 1• rop,

N oun�.1n•.d e an B fo as compared with $1,390,000 for of Brookl7n, reeordlnr aecretary; A feature of the program wll! IMl h School Band concert will c"ltlid tlie lntereat of forefrn powers. O ec m�, ew ovi ence 0 1935. Paul Taub of Brooklyn, correspond- tho square dances in which everyone

February 12 in Elizabeth. Gold is found in every river and a $26•800 i ncrea .. , New Provldence The lncteased. �eposlt lo�d ln the ing 1ecretuy; K. C. Bates of Brook· will take part. Mias Blanc he A. Skin. are ten Weatlield Hirh School stream and geologists .believe that Township a '1•660 deereat11, Plala. Westfield banks is in step with flgUl'<!ij lyn degree 111t1ster genera l · Philip), ner dirccto1• of women's and glrh' Ill the band. , . , .. c • • Tibet is potenti'ally the greatest gold field an '$18,626 Increase, Ro11elle a from th� laflest .banks and trust com- Me�Plll� . .g, lll'.9.'!kWlJl�l!t Ch!!t!e• J;. ctl-.:l.tie� . ln.��!I .• .re�. • · td 1p�i:n-H: �attend· •elH t1'· •1irld. •Tu·G�11d·f:.sma· $.'90,SJ� drop, Roselle �ark • •59,- panles in t#le"Cdunt1·1 which are rli· B!n'llam of Wutdiill; depUUft;"!""' lliea� ejl' Plalnfleld, W!Jf •. Jlffet the �Kr. Phllhii'Wer' aiiil ii1111 JI.· Who/'!'on-.:Olt ltfii1' •.at\b, · pr6polff 596 !nereaie, Scotc� Plams an $SD,· ported by the Americ•n J;Janker �o .fiie officers were Installed and oth· d1nee1 and "call" the fliUres, She n, principal rof ,the Wufi. plans for its development which Mr. 998 mcrease� Snmmit a $324•219 In· carrying tbe &'N!&test dfposit loads m <JI' ceremonies of tho degree held in will have two asslst1nts who will Join .. and Linc oltH1cholil11t attlle Da· Entlers will elucidate In his lecture. crease, Springfield a $45•755 decrease history, a total of over $60,500,000,- the M11sonic Temple after din ner. In the dances and Instruct the no· tlii!:eonventlon of School Superln· Mr. Ender's duties as cabinet min· and Union a $GSB,S71i rise, ' OOO. Totals for the United States Among the 1ue.11t1 of honor were vices· in the steps. Music for .the fl� February "ll0-25 in New Or· ister have been concerned ·main!)' 10

The c�unty boar� �a• unt� t�arch now even exceed the peak figures set Judge William Crop1eyi Lindsay Kim. square dances will be by Miss Jose-•: with plans for opening the Mountain to ,correct or revtBe any 0 e as· In 1929 and 1936· . ball, chief sc1>ut executive of Brook· plilne L811tz and her brother, Barney

•Um. '\_.,· . Chlldr•n, reall1ln1 ih1 · l•portance of ai ding flood 1utfertr1, have con· trlbuted mone7 to tb• f!lnd.: One youngster bl'ourhl 11 handflll of ptll• nlea to Mr. Parry and.teYeral Su• d1y acho11l cW..ea have alat mlde 1 contrlbuttr.�.... ·

.· ·

. In reaponae to man)' lnq11lri•1 lb. Smlth said th1t a• yet the·l<ICll·elalP. ter. ha• ha� no .l!..ll!L�� (o�.,;, ,,, IUC .• all• QJliJ' fflMI · .

tional headquarten, It will be brOad• cast, he s1id,


· 4rfliur �· Hixson, instructor of Kingdom to western culture, civiliza. sessol'S computations. The largest bank m the� United Jyn; Mayor Roberi S. Maccormack of Liintz, Jr., of Mountaln•ide, both ac-••tles In the Roosevelt Junior tion and commerce, along original TELLS BUSINESS WOMEN

Statkes this yea

yr is

kth� Cha:ie .fatlon


I Westfield; Henry L. Roat, chairman cordlan players, accompanied by a Approximate!)' •700 was realised Hl&ltBchool, tender.ed his resirnation, lines laid down by the Grand Lama, Ban of New or City with dcpos ta of the Westfield district of the Wat· p!ano. from the spoolal benefit concert pre-�:ns acceptei -.with regret. :He "There is magic in the word Tibet," Of PEACE CONFERENCE of $2•286·209,092 as compared with ;hung Arca Council, Boy Scouts of The program Is .being a1·ran1ed un- aented T11esda7 nlirht b)' the Weai-wil!btemployed by the.V.:e�em Elec· says Bruce B'lrton, ."And Enders $2,07501211091 a year ago. America, and C. BeMOn Wigton of der dlreeUon of Mrs. St. Gemme Eb- field Glee Club In the Roosevelt audl· trif(lompany. builds it noblr,'' . ------ · Plalnlleld, chairman of the council . ert and Miss Katherine Leonard, torium. The entire proceeds were

�request of a group of teachers An interesting ummary of the TWO ARE INJURED f!ach spoke brleft7 and particularly health education directors. t11rned over to the Westfield Red fir 11,16 of the Lincoln School for EXECUTIVE COMMl1T££ peace confereace in Chicago which IN AUTO COLLISION commended the work of the Senior Cross •chapter's llood relief fund. trqt' evening, was granted, This · I she attended, waa given by Mrs, Don Division in continuing the Interest of COMMUNITY PLAYERS A larre audience attended and 911''1'1• of danclnr In conjunction . tional relations committee of the Mrs. James D. Salisbury of West. The chief buslnesa of the after- TO PRESENT L beat performances, During tho evo ·

1!4!1Pwlll receive Instruction In .Yad· ·WILL CONSIDER HOUSING Ivan Patch, chairman of the lnterna· l -- · young men lii the scout movement. HO IDAY beard the Glee Club In one of it�··

tltl! their work frc1m Mi11 Gertrude , �itte to ulde Westfield Business .t: Professional field road� Fanwood, and her slater- noon meethlr Jn the Congregational --- ning Mayor Robert S. Ma�Cormaek P, Swift An executJVe .cod

. . ft el'

gl Women's Club at itl meeting Tues· In-law, M1gg Margaret E. Sallsbur)', parish house was the adoption of The first reheursal of "Holiday " made an eloquent appeal m behalf Th ' the group intereste m n< mg owei· . · ! 637 St M k' · ' f th Red Crou e board voted to replace' the ear . · • or oun co le in day night in Southside Inn. Her topic I 0 • ar 8 avenue, were changes In the con stitution and by- which the Community Players will o � •

llled by the school nurse. 'llbere are priced housing !rmid at g

tJ! s�gges- was "Cause 8lld Cure of W1r." bruised and cu t Monday afternoon laws to make the group of more im· present as their spring publle per- Jane Howell Newbery, soprano, .ol pupils reee\vinr 'benefits Westfield, was f . t' mittee Announcement was made of a lead. :vben the ear In whlc� the)' w.ere rid· portance to the national program of formance next Aprll 1� and 17, was Phlladel�hla, w•s guest artist, with un� the National ·Youth Adminls· tlo� of the. n�mm: i;��lm , erahlp dinner !Int Tueaday at 0:45 mg t�mcd o�er after a colhslon at scouting for older boy s. held last Monday night. The cast �lice Wightman Grlaelle, !lCCompan· flit ft, each pupil reaei vlnr .f6 per Fr��y evemrt�e1: !o�prising. the fol- p. m. in the Plahi!elcl YWCA. Dr. th� �re�se;tio� of Dudley avenue A program of informal entertain. of characters and tho members who istd Sbe :n�i�s�:�lc�i;�':u�fv:�n:; monu. Mr. Philhower �panted .that . c comm

rs.' James E Bush Dr. Walker Van Kirk, director of the Na- an ar 5 ree • . ment was presented at the afternoon will play them arc as follows: Li nda an was :illud �·Paulin, �11pervisorc0f main. r�m� �e;;i::is 'Mrs. Alfr�d Sch:oed- tional Peace Qiuncll, will be the I M�s. �Hadys Salisbury 7as t� �Iv. 1euion, �fter which dinner Wall served Seton, Maud Burnes; Johnny Case, th�::��n�eClub under d.!Tectlon of llallce, IS recoverlllg from an Illness e an · ' A h R 1 Mrs speaker. er o t e car, gong eaa on 11 cy In the First M. E. Church under the F Edward Whitlock; Julia Seton, e h' d rieli has contlned him to his h::ime a' Gor�os:narr:�d ��s��. �.eCock� The club will sponsor a card party 1 bve�;c �ilc .th

e 0:;er �a:l�p�ra\e� directi�n of Mrs. E. A . . Gaubis. B�rbara Finken; Ned Seton, Revcrdy �;::11� ri!;e ��o::�� fu�j�d��� aeav� or IOme time. •

wnfloo�e th�ir own chairman. Mrs. February 24 at 8:30 p. m, in the c:or/�oad�rci;_,1t� :frs� Cutter a�:s During the. convocatio� c�remony Johnson; Susan Potter, Mary C0oa!e; era! numbers llllng at the December

S h d as designated temporary Southslde. Inn for the benefit of t.hc h d ht Ml H 1 C tte In the Masomc Temple citat ions for Nick Potter, Talbot 111. 1'.lalcolm , Ed- concert. Sylvanua W. Jenkins 'was !ECURITY PAYMENT


c !0e f!r w , scholarship loan fund. Further m. er aug er, Ila e en u, r, , outstanding service were awarded by ward Seton, H. Janney Nichols; Laura 1 t chairman. . formation may be had from the fol- Mrs. Salisbury and her sister-m· Degroo Masters Bingham and Bates . Crnm Dorothy O'Donnell· Seton accompan_s _· ------. Recomin�ndotion r!��ed

a�a:x=��: lowing members: Mrs. Frieda Brun- 1•� were taken to the office of Dr. Douglas Sampson -0f Westfield was Cram: Judson s. Bradley; Butler, Earl S ti�e committee be. . committee 11er, Mrs. Bernice Mueller, Mrs. Em· Al tce E. T7ndall b7 Patrolman Geo. one of eight Senior Scouts to receive Bclchel'; Maid, Yvonne Chandler, Ma. RED BANK RIDER (Speci!al 10 ii.. 1-ier� �1tt_; 1{0r �c {;��g abs ence of ilY Adams, Mrs. R11tb Valino qd Mrs. Mo�ton. Mrsh s;ll•bury

d 1felvcd the Roosevelt citation while second jor Herbert M. Dawley who has di- WIN .BENEFIT MATCH TRENTON, Feb. 3 _ Employers /d

a�{ d Th mpll n chairman Irene Wooley, brui ses 0: �u� th� h aro:n

1 t e �yes order ci tations went to John J, Brady, rcctcd a majority of the Community ol Well'. Jersey are delj\ying the .lJr· u ge . �y 0�rs� �ieetin last and on t e � t g an a er· George J. Koechlcin and Jircdcrick C. Players' Jlrevious successes, ls in f h tf He said smce the


?d shock. �liss Saiisbur:,: was injured Harwood, nlso of Westfield, as well charge of the production. ol!-he s�:� Jn:i::ii::��;��':n�t:n- week the comml:te e had b. who had m the re!l'1on of the .ribs and w as as to twelve others from Brooklyn. Among present-day writers of high "a hon Commis.'!ion b7 Jlooding the of- to secure o chairman. _All ex resscd PLANS FOR BANQUET I bad ly bruised'

on the hips and knees. The citations were bestowed upon the comedy Philip Barry stands prc·emi -tlceg here with re"Uesta for informa- been opproa�hed, h.e said, e:t but Mrs .. Cutter and her daughter .had scou ts who had given particulnrly ncnt. His special Hair for portray. on . " sympathy with the movem • --- only minor brul .. s and they decl ined meritorious service to scouting and · IJ I ed co I lnces 'him in a Ing .eon

hermng payments .and send- had not �he time .to devote to the .ge�- ,The W�stfield Board of Realtors medical attention at the time. to their communitl<!s, :i:."swcb ·Jrhim!:,1/ 6 ,rl'aris Bound," nou::eJ �ei�:�:a�:::::� it was an- era! chairmanship. Mr. J,ee .said. it j Will hold its 15th annual banquet on

' The Summit Senior Scout Chapter "JI t 1 YU , . ·c" "White Wings " �spit t . was the feeling of the nommatmg I Thursday evening, February 25 in Woodrow Wilson PTA reccnty 01·g11nizcd under direction . ; "T�n�orro:ive

,:�d Tomorrow" a�d lnthltial s�t�: r"e;���s ';!;y

hb!i�l:;��d commi�tec that �he appointm�n� of �n lhe �hnckamaxon Country Club, ac· Will Meet February 9 R. B. Frosch, was instituted. Presld· I "'.!'he Animal Kingdom," whlch the e tlin executi ve comm1tt<!e would �1v1de t e cordmg to announcement by James mg officer was Degree Master Gen- Community Players offered two y ears m d

.e When first payments may be heavy task of 11 general chairman. I�. Bush the president. Former Ma)'· --- . 1 D M '" G . I l • . d 1• e to the commission, the doily discussion followed. Th<! or Will i�m M. Bcnrd resident of the 1 The Woodrow Wilson PT� wll I irn was egrec . aswr cne1 11 ° ngo, .nre from his bnll,lant pe.n, 1m

The Red Bank Polo Club aeored a 1B 'h·9 d�cision over the Westfield Polo Club last night in a benefit match played in the Westfield Arm­ory. The totnl receipts of $40 was turned over to the Westfield Red Cross Chnptcr'� fiood, rellef fund. The gallery was much smalleT than us­ually atwnding matches here,


:u bag br.ings thousands of letters ex!:��lv�a�ommittee will m�t soon Westfield Trust c�!pnny; Collnty J iold Its regular month!?' ll1cetmg or th.e National Sc)\tor Degree C .. E. "ll�h<lay" rep1:cscnts hnn at h is moat

Gemandmg mformat!on, aecording to to name its chairman. No date was .Judge Lloyd Thompson and Sam D. 1 �uesday nt 8:16 p, m, m the audlto- Bingham, Messrs . . Bates .and Chaflm typically sclntillant a!:ld k�cn; The 1, orge Dye, ll<!cretary to the comml.s- . t f th next meeting of the gen- Wnlker president of the New Jer· ·mm of the school.. · ;ind the. Westfield. mduct�on team. , cnst sekcted for next springs pro· .on, ,e or \t Ass�ciat'on of .Real Esta� Boards Charles A. Philhower, sµpervlsing I A brier mcmonol service was hcl.c 'duction is excellently balanced, rn- Eight WClltfield residents are loThe initial status reports of em· �ral commi �---- ��e been i�vited to be tbe speaker&. 1rincipal of Westfield schools, wlll be ?or the lnte Frunk Gray o� Montclon I pnble of maintaining the gay note ,11mccl on the third panel of jurors j, Sers are not due until February Thrift Sh N--.1 W'll' B Elliott Jr has been be speaker. iA. musleal program wll, vho founded the organization und fo1 I which pervades so much of the ploy for tho January term of tho county

,10 •nd first payments to th� comml�· . Op ecol • •rnm:d ia�ncr�l chair�an �f tho com· >e glven. ' Jlhcr deceased members. i and yet of !acing boldly tho bns�c, _ourts, drawn Monday before Ju�ge

me� are not due until March 1. Pay. Wann .Clothmg mittee 1n charge of arrangements. , • , ·-- -- probl�ms which confront "Economic I .. loyd Thompson. The empanelling 1fer 11 to the federal government un- _ lie will be assisted by Herbert c. Mc- School Efecti'on Senior Auxalaary To · I Royalists" n• well as other folk. Na� conducted by Untler Sheriff Alex the Federal Social Securit Act · d h, B• G Oldf d H Cl Fi d G' A 'I C d p - .;, Campbel! nhd Jury Clerk Ben-: i;;tehc due until Aprll 1, ;ecre- a��e


tT�ru ���; 8�� Ralph �e'tz.' M��e �ha� Next Tuesday ave Pfl ar artylBOY SCOUT WEEK ,1· jamln Korb. '!'he panel Include� 100

D Y announced. , Th t k f e ' women "00 person nrc expected to attend -- I OPENS SUNDAY

nnmc�. W estfleldcrs nnmed arc' ml r ·1�0 announced that the ad· 1 1:P·hll

e ,8 o� t;l

m ; \1 orts �

s . T he annual Rchool meeting The regular meeting nf the Senim I I J, c. Wcil\'nndt, chief clerk, 714 ft n •trntive �tntr has been delayed in 1 c dren 8 e 0 �g 0 i: 8 ,,

B Ef b T b \uxiliary of the Children's Countr� • -·-- I \uslin street; William A. Wil lough-ti:udrgnnl7.ation program by the mul· •ry low. Thh S�rv �e /gu\�i1 County ar eels :i�� 9 �:��� o�as��::::� ��h��i lomc wns h ·1ld Tuesday afternoon at: Boy ScouL Week will be littingly 'iy, broker, 6·16 Washington street; wh _e of i·cquests for i�formatiol' I int anyo�e w

T� ·r�s Sh

ona �;18 We SneviJy to Office ,,. vo.er5 l"l'0.<11Dg m Ward• h� home of M rs. 0. A. Krieger, 60� I celcbrnted by Westfield Scouts Sun-, H11rold B. Scherrer, clerk, 521 Kim-c!a�'' th• Pnvments nro due. Ho de· em to t 0 rt op, Westfie ne and Two, and at the Lin· \Iden avenue. 1 1lny ev ening at 8 p. m. Reverend I rnll avenuu; Ernest W. Dnrrott, rnil-"� �� th•t the commfs•fnn has al•r ·oad street or telephone Robert S. Snevily C1f We•ttlel tin School for voters ras'ding Plans for the spring card party tr William Finch, 11ssist11nt p nator of · oad rnnn, 428 Mo1111tn'n nv<!nue; Ar. Pa�'•<I thoueands of dollars in ta� 2636· ns elected vice-president of tl , Wards Three nml Four, Th� ' given m we1e u.o.u .. o•u •th" Presbyterian Church, will <lellver lhur Zcit!!lhnck, pninu,r, 81'1 Tice ents that nre not yet due, Inion County Bar Association at I 1118 wlll be open from aevcn to rs. Cecil Ho�mnn, chairman, nfl• i u se rm o n ut the chnpel of tho 1'1·es· 11 place; C:rnrcst Alpern, puhlisher,

J 443

N - irst Ward Club nnunl dinner meeting Tuesday nlg! ne o'clo ck in the evening, hich Mrs. Wl lam H. Orr, from 11 1byterinn Church. llillnitfo nvenuo; ,J, Wnrrcn Wison, avy Ship Fl' Will Meet Monde 1 Elizabeth. Sigurd A. Emerson r A 1 h 1 111rd of managers, gave a very i: I On 'fhursdny evening, February 11. '•roker, 100 Elm street. and George tes lillside, wns eledcd president of H "cnW���e�;811 w:o�e�ab�t 01i��i resting talk about the home and ti

I 'he fnthl!r and son dinner will hr '1 W. I !iil , !orcmnn, 302 Hnrriaon ave·

Over We t6.ef .1 • Cl ti i 1 1 1ildrcn. t1cld at the FirHt M. E. Church, the , r.ue. , I ll The First. Wnrd Democratic 1 ·r��t;1 A. Merril l of W{!stlleld, wr irmanen Y reg stetcc mus Mrs. 0. A, Krieger wns as�lsted I 1rincipnl speaker o! tho evening he. J Mountainside, Jucob f.eelman, mnn-'l'h - · lll m eet Monday evening, Februn ppoi'nted to th• nomlnnti'n" comml ·gister at the Town Ilnll, 121 ·rs, Walter H. Rus h, Mrs. Alexa I "" H, D. Nicholls, hendmnster of St "wcr, New Providence road; Arthur U' Se Nnaon-rhiill alr•hi'p, G-1, of th· , I k · tl ffi C A1l1 " " •ospect st rc•t by S•turday � I "' 0 at 8 o c oc m 10 0 cc 0 , tor two years. · " • T Simpson and Mrs. M. H. Corn '1nrnnrd'e School, Gladstone. Mr .V. EdwnrdH, r.alesmnn, 650 Wood· at D·ts !Ivy fl

ew low over Westflel1' n C. Ely at 90 Elm otreet. 1' ion, February 6th in order to he president, Mrs. G. G. Browne! I \ficholls I• nn oubtandlng spenkcr or 'nnd 11venue, ancl J·ud�on Hinman, 'tral�in" 11" morning, cansfng n grea nmocrata in the Flrst Ward, whet "rl•nl• Totnrln1<-Hhth School "' •te nt the school election on id Mrs. J, Ashley Brown pour·ed. loy Scout top'cs. niintcr, C<1ntral aveuue. lrirt Thor 11•cks l·n the business di• · club members or not, are lnvlt• ·,��:� "i'.l�l•tl.'."'afs"'})��nTa1�'·��.�u: ext Tuesday. - - -·- --· Ot�er details of the program will ---------1rni�lng ft�gh�'.P waa apparently on a 1 attend . Pinna for future nctlvltit '•lneJd, N. J, Tolophone M313-J.- Live newa In the LEADER �e announced later. / 'l'he LEADER. Givea Yo11 NEWS 1ill be disc11S1ed. .dv.


. . la Joined ta an ill� � .

. ·. � .,. eet- mabl part of the rally , eoJD1DI ..-..., • . · · · · · I · ' . OUT W£WS explained to the troop that the 111 • Fos trol, aecond the Tiie eYtninl 4r .. tG a cloee · IOT .&au•• TOLD OF . .

l;,.htm.· r ayatema were bem. utlllzed SPECIAL PIOGIAll fOI IOJ � n ing would be taken up by a patrol first

wu •�d the �on and folU'th troop ulliied ill rell'&tina the •l[I . . , ,...,..... · to cteate beauty, and ahowed colored IVm .._ •y - Th 11 consisted o:f con- Beaver1 ....... • d la · .... - SCDl'lflCllAIV£LSls)ide11 of the lightinr eft'ecta at th. I IAJl'S ANN Aa BY THE 5CJU!IE rally. e ra

Y t b ' ct brourht the Wolf patrol. oath au w. . - r�nt Chicago World'a Fair t_o dem· -- A nicely uniformLTtroop ..iood at I tests in importan . au J� a • r . on Robert Hlll.IOD as a new

The lllark-ed pr.ogresa belng made onstra�e the �dva.ncerren� w��Jcl· i Exhibiti�m, demomtr

t atio.1:_8_ .�� attention at the meeting hall of Troop out by.s�outiq. Fll'st

hiaid, :: :; ::J:a;' of the troop the scoutl TM LIAJ)Q Gh"' You NEl9 � and lntricac'.es of electricity, during the past 40 years. i anniversary o! the eatabl!Jh1Uent of 72 Friday rught. Scoutmaste Y a •

· �- u u �� � * � � � ma e m e � c � � �u �� -� � � � · ���-��·:�::::r�H:���:o:t�t:re:�:an:d��==c���==�:m��=====�

·===�:::::7�===�t .., el.early demonatrated Tnesday be- Colot' Sire .. � I L. Bamberger I; �·· wh1cli atarted -----�-

Referring to the public school aya- Monday and continues for three tems, Mr. Cleaver predicted a new weeks. Most of the events will be trend in a.rch:tect.ure and interior de- changed weekly.

' " '• P: tJ

\•elopment, with the Introduction of I Among the exhibits today was a color to the school roolllS and the <lisplay of treasures from the old Rus­elimination of drab walls and inade· . sian Czarist court. quate lightin. facilitiea. j Continuing throughout the balance

Machine shops will utilize color in of the week a local trick dog, "Miss �heir. machiner� and in their build�ng Flulfy Rulf!�a," owned by G. C. Mel· 1ntenor&-11tud1ed color and studied Ion of Bloomfield will perform at ligh ting that produces contentment 2 ·30 3 :30 and 4 ;80 in the toy de· and ten� to lnc_tease eftlci�n�y ie "To- , p�rt:Uent. Mias Ruffles a�ds, aub­morrow s De1urn for Llving, Mr. tracts, multiplie1 and dlvidea �d Cleaver predicted. many other intelligenoe feats,. She will

• he asaillt&d by her side partner, NOTED PHILATEWT "Chubby," who Is billed as "the dog

WILL ADDRESS CLUB who talks." In the girls' clothing and acce�ry

, · - section on the fourth floor, cont1nu· A rare treat Is in store for New oos movies will be shown, includlns Jersey stamp collectors and others "Our Gang Comedy" and "Popeye, interested in color who plan to attend the Sailor." Other events to take the 111eetlng of the Union County place during the three weeks include I>bilatelic Society next Wednesday displays of rare old fountain pens, eveninar, February 10, at 8 :30 p. m. old-fashioned 1pectacle1, 1terll111 •ii· Jn the Elizabeth YMCA. William H. ver tea Mlts, hand-made Bloves, line OMer f', CleaHr · • Beck of Baltimore will be the guest binding and rare books, antique

fore the Weatfkld Rotary Club · by sp�ter • . Mr. Beck 11 a Jeadinr stu- watches, cand'd camera pictures, mod. Oeear p, Cleaver, enrineer a•d lltht. dent of color analy1i1 and haa de· el airplanes, the maklnr of coif clubs 1 .. expert the lamp divhloa of voted many years to lt1 application and skis, hand aewinar of shoes, mak· t\le Wut1111hou1e Electric � )It.Jiu· eommercially, as well as to the study Ing of 1ipper bars, women'.• lhl>N d1t.

· faetlll'il!I Company at Bloomlleld. ltr, of color varlatlon1 occurring on I ing back to 1893, old rldins and cow• Cleaver 11nfolded aome of t� dlscov· stamp• and the UM of complemen- boy boots, the making of lampshades, • erln which are belns perfected in tary colon which enhances the beau- radios datinr from the early ery1tal variou• laboratorlea thro11ah011t the ty of 1tamp hue1. sets, the evolution of rldlo tube1, a country Hit exhibit dlspl1ylnr stamp col- loom for rue makinr, • quiltins dem• Atte; Jlshtins electric llsht bulba ore at the International Exhibition in onatration, a table tennl1 exhibition, without the uM of wires, and chana· New York la1t May created a irreat demon1tratlon1 by the chefa from the mr r•• tampe to bl-sreea ?lthout deal of lntereet and he w11 kept bU1y Ro-velt Hotel, New York; the Berk-1rtlllee, )(r. Cleaver capped .• e�bliU an1wtrln, lnqulrle1 by prominent ley-Carteret Hotel, Aab11ry Park; the ., uldnr a plain ordinary li


r "


t .bulb


phllatelllta from · all over the world. 1 Robert Treat Hotel, Newark, and oth­IUuminate by p1ae1., it on Uie •ead St.amp collector1 and alao bualne11 en, and motion plcturea lillowlns of • anan•1 llOll. · '. men who are not philatelist.I but have "The Maldnr of Kentucky Whlak1,"

Mr. Cl11ver'1 i.eture topie ,.,.. prvbltima In color 1tandardlzation will "The Story of Cotton," 'L1np1ba411 ''Tenaorrow'i Dealrn for Llvlns," and have an unusual opportunity to learn j Bein& Made" a• well .. many depart. hfore ht flnlahed hi1 de1110111tritlon nH1•. facta about color, told moat In· mental and window dl1play1 1howlns tllt elab membera asreed . that ' tel· terelflnrly In non-technical Ianeuqe. the evolution of clothes and the Bam· ••tile. prorr11a will havt 1omethi., Admlulon la free, berrer store, Mw, IOffl and practical to oft'er the ------wort• In years to eonie tbrourh the FRIENDS PLAN DINNER REPUBUCANS VETERANS

· �"· i:.:� L111it ' , . TO HONOR HOFFMAN PLAN DINNEI DANCE Throurh aetual demonltratlo11,. Mr. et .. ver proved that It la poulble to A sroup ot penonal friend1 and More than (00 memb•n1 and ruesta Mt at leut liO per cent better by political leaders of Union County will of the Union County Republican Vet. artlfteill llsht If It 11 properly .utilised. attend the birthday dinner to be riv· eran1 Auoclatlon are expected to at-

Ht proved, thrOlllfh aclentlll� · ell· e11 Governor Harold G. Hoffman on ' tend the Lincoln birthday dinner eulatlon, that a .eo-watt lamp 1"•1• hi• forty-llrs€ birthday at .the Hotel ·1 den� to be held February 11 at 7 :80 prodaee the ume amount of llcht' for Penna1lvanla, Saturday evenlnr. p. m. in the Eli11beth Carteret Hotel, ,,,11' u oandlellsht eoatins .f'.1711. The Union County rroup eontem- Ell11btth. A1eemblyman Thomas If.

Then he prod11ced 1urvey1 tCI 'ihow plate• havlni live tablea. Seatlnr ar· Muir of Plainfteld, dean of the New that ·llrht, In ltnlf, la, one. of �he ranpmenta have been ... irned to Jersey Auembly, will be to11tma1ter, sreatelt Inducement• to the purch••· Joseph G. Carty, penollil director of The .principal 1peaker1 will be er. Ell'hty-tevtn per cent of the par •. the Port of New York Authority. · Frank C. Ferru10n, chalnna11 of the ebue1 are . on •lsht, he . 111•, .. The birthday •Inner extended to 1 Port of New. York Authority, and 11wn per cent on 1ound, three and the Govel'l\or each 1ear la the lafl- I Conrrenman Carbon baa been • ••�half per. cent on smell, and one est political function or !ta kind and . cured throurh the efforts of Conrreu­and 0111-balf per cent on tolleh · and {t 11 expected that 11100 will be In I man Donald H. McLean. 1tlra. Will· one per cent on tute. BJ . lmproV•. ,attendance. I lam F. Little of Rahway, a member lq llrbt arranrement, he uld� bJ u._ An1one deairlns to Join the U11lon of the State Board of Education,' will i8'"")1roperly colored b1cqround1, County deleratlon c1n obtain· also speak. . 111d by taklns advantare of the thlnP vatlon through Joseph G. Carty, Pem· Reservations may be made thJU ll!lence haa to oft'er, the artlclea "on berton avenue, Plalnfteld, Michael H. Feldman, eecretary, 11'3 11sht" become more lntere1tlnr to a Amonr those who have already East Jersey street, Elisabeth. parchuer. • · ·. · made reaervatlona are: Sen. Charles

Fifty :vean from today, .he •Id, E • . Lolseaux, A111emblyman Thoma• . Only $2 a year brln111 you all the 11eW1papers will tak,e on a new form M, Muir and Wiiliam A. Ehmlini, lo· local news every Thurada:v-Sub-of publlc1tlon, and predicted that cal motor vehicle arent. scribe to the LEADER. televlalon. will ftrure in their produc-tlo11 and In the dls1emin1t1011 of the aew1. '

Giaat 8111.11111 Pict• .... The world of 60 years hence' will

bt a ditTerent world than that• of to· day, he , u!d, and diaplayed a 11erle1 of eoloNd alidea which coutalned . model, of the bulldlnra he anticipated for the future. Hoines of the future 11'ill be practically automatic throurh· out. wtlh a thousand electrlea) aer· 'Y&nta doliir our blddlnr at the' push -of a switch button, he said, and doors ·will open by themselves, Roe>m• will be heated with electrical wires em• bedded . In the walls and by air con· -dltionlnr. Colored lllum!natlon will produce "mood conditioning" to al· low u1 to control the atmosphere to ·the occllion. . ·

Entire cities housed in two 500• ·atory bulldinga, one for home life, the other for Industry, ·all window• les1, and depending upon artificial ll1ht and air cond.tioning for atmos· phere and comfort; transportation by air; vast open spaces replacing slum areas; and Increased life expectancy, theae were among the things' Mr. •Cle11vor �0011 assured can be antlci· ·pated In the world of tomorrow.

Colors to change the moo<ls of each individual ; soft music to lull one to aleep aRd specially prepared rayon pajamas which permit the absorption of artificial sun's rays, created by judiciously placed violet rll.Y lamps while OM sleeps. An electric Run to waken one' in the morning instund of 1 rasping nlarm clock, is anoth"1' ad· nntage to which the taxpayer of 11175 may look forward. ,



Should you not get yours now - at present low · price? Your Westfield broker will be glad to give

you full particuI.ars and you will have plenty of time to plan your house and have it built by the time your lease expires this spring or fall.

BRIGHTWOOD'S large wooded plots and high roll­ing ground gives you the ideal setting for your new home-let us help you choose your lot this week-. end.





Men have been working in window· 11111 offices at the W estinghouso lab· oratories for the puet few yenrs, Mr. Clc11ver said , conwnted in nrtiflcial weather, thriving on tho. artificial light, heat and sunshine, �=========�===========--He referred to Rockflfcller Center and the Empire State Building as two of the more modern buildings where

-T Y P E W R I T E Q. S At.L M A K F.8

OtTARA :W'l'F.F.ll R�mulf.'1'9 at O Rl•:A'l'l•Y Rlr.Dlll'l'lll l'RICllS 'l'l•:ltMB ANO '!'RA OF.R, 111{'1'1.U:B. RlilN'l'AL9, RIWAIR!l

THOMSON TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE n11 IC. l<'RONT s'I' .. rl.Al:Vl<'lltLll Tell l'trd. G·OGH


See Page

S E A T S N O W O N S A i. £ lor last two concerts by

The Philadelphia Orchestra I


Soloist, Feb. 25 Sololat, Mardi JO M O S Q U E TH E AT R E

, Sln�le ac�•• for cath concert, s3,50 • s;.oo • • • $2.00 , 1 Subscription 1u11 Eor both conceru, 96.00 • •4.60 • S3.60 • Sl.80 1 \ On Sal• M1ln lnf0<m11lon D11k, 8trttt flour


L BAMBERGER & CO. Newark - --· '

.L .

Men's Fleece OVERCOATS

. ... �-

' ( : ... � . ... ..... ........

... .,.,, ... ..... ... ..

...... ........ ,.,;.. ... ...... � ,,� . .,,.,..,.. '

...... , . ........ ...... . .... ' . , .. , ..... ...,, ., ....... ,. .. ....

It won't take any heavy tlebadn1 to 1adsfy � · this ia a perfect · buy • • • Thae coatl arc tint qu'alitt taken from our reaular stock. l°he California weather in New Jersey finds u• 11i1htly overstocked and we can afford to clea� a limited quantity of these auperb QV.crCQata. � a sacrifice durinr the annual sale&. · ·

rrtie purchalc of one of tlicse coats 1nea�s a say. ing of $6, or the price of a new hat . . . Don't'let this value ·get away • . . It means �uo� 9( � .fort tQ �me. IECOND PLOOll.

,. • ' .


.: . -� � •, I ·"


,.MEN' S j STORE ;,

Fireplace , I

Fixtures 111 Pain Andirons-iii Fire sets

A. l'e• 7flHI Reduetlo11ar Formcr)f Now

.15 Cast Iron Andirons. ____ 5.25_3.91 :12 Cast Iron Fire Sets, _____ 20 Cast Iron Andirons 5.95_3.91 .15 Cast Iron Fire Sets · to Solid Brass Andirons 7.5o_:;.se 7 Solid Brass Andirons 12 .50_1.75 8 Wrought ' Iron Fire Sets 1 1 .95_1.91 ·12 Wrought Iron Andirons 6.95_4.25 5 Wrought Iron Andirons t t .50_8.:il

5 Wrought I ron Fire Sets 9.50_1.lil 7 Wrought Iron Andirons. 17.50_ 12.915 , 3 Wrought I ron Fire Sets 17.95_ 12.Dl'i

�IANTE�S 0 Colonial Mantels, formerly 24.95 to 37.50

1 7.D5 to 20.50 6 Modern Mantels , formerly 24.95 to 39.50

1 7.95 to 29.50 8 French Mantels, formerly 29.50 nnd 39.50 I D.r.O nntl 211.50

HEAFl"rH SHOP • Bamberger's Seventh f'loor

� ' '

Bathroom ·Hamper

3�29 .......... u •. .

Its roomy depths accommodate a "family-size" laundry. For further ac· commodatlon use this hamper as a practical bench. Of woven flat reed with fine enameled finish. Solid pearl­oid top. Here's a good value. And a good time to brighten up your guest bath rootn as well. Black and white, ivory, green, orchid, blue, peach and white. 10 Inches wide, 17 inches long, 23 inches high.


Bamberger'• Seventh Floor

L : 'B A M B E R G E R & C O. f.£01 "One of.America's Great Stores'" . .. . ,L�.. L�J

THE WESTFIELD LEADER, . THUBSDA.Y, FEBRlJARY t, 1987 ,;.�� =- -- W&• Vu.J--·-�-- ••• ,..!&. ' CIUS&l\l:'Dfl scou whl Dll'U\1111" &Dll ll'l'V tory achoola coll&ider them tquippei\ 11.....&.-.l!....a. IL...&..;_ ... ll... ·: st:CUllTY rav- "� c.:; c:.,;;;_._ ovEi'Wffs COUITSTuS l\Eoftll.ft'T.mto CHILD i:ed�e����e!!rtth:1�1��c·!�d.11a!!'·:----O:�H11u·rt1 UP TO IATIOIS avn a -rs- been te.&ted by the s\lcce1JB of suclt SENDf.l lll'&'I 1 C GIOIJP Westfield H'-'- &hool'a basketball George Wa.lto�aster of the students •s college \lndergraduatea 11:.UM Ralph J. Vanderwerker of West- .,... and as college alumni, - --.- . . . flel<I was re•·'ned as superintendent &eam wu defeated 34.-l2 by the George School near Swarthmore, Pa., .,_,. B de natrat f "'· keen -B d B k H" h &h l I t t The addren waa followed by an in. tiollll c.-cil . .. ' y &

• mo ion o . - . of the Union County Mosquito Exter. oun roo ig oo qu �


�� llfdre ssing an aud�nce Fr!day eve- formal reception. Mrs. William Ifor 1atenta • ,.._ obaerv11tio11 11nd extraordinarily re- ·m1nation Commission at the annua; Tuesday af&ernoon on the mng at the St. Chr.stopher a School, J

The Rev. Ralph B. Urmy, putor ff the F� M. E. Church 11 nioowrilll in a Boston hospital from u o,.,.. tion for gall trt.onea at which time Ida appendix was also removed. The op­eration wae performed on Tuesda.1.

&o4ia• Asaialt •·� tentive �ry Cla111e B. StelliJls of !llfet:ng in Elizabeth Monday. Coun- court, The Crllsaders appeared to cited reading ability as the principal ones san_a_. -----I• Solutila au BaMI ••anu of tilt w...ra ty Engineer Roi c. Cornn. o! West. ·have things pretty mucch their own inherita11ce o� se�on�ary schools from

- · ·

· - ·- 1Jie14 was re.elected treasurer. way throurhout the game. homes and lllB.tttution� where st;u· ect' e security in tbe world eau·ji:lectrie Kearuy W1>tb ollce . to1'." · Dr. Henry p, Dengler o! Spring- Bound Brook's aim was particular. dents have received their early tram-Coll �� ab0>11t only by the band· won an unUS11aJ wager 'l'uesdaf from field again heads the commission. He ly bad in the opening quarter. Joe ing. Read'ng tests at his school, lw lie brougther of nations araiDJt any j hia collearue J, N. Petersen, Peter- hu been president of the board for Volpe put in a foul and then .Mount •aid showed the student with the illl toge which by aggression, makes sen boasted that by looking at a liat a number of years. Former Free- Howarth converted two free throws highes� rating to be eight years "old. country, rimh�al nation, Iii .. Ton7 of ten words three minutes he could holder William H. Randoloph of Rah.. into pointt that gave Westfield the er" than the one with the lowest rat­itaill a :,_iled member of tbe Ger- j name all of them from memory in the way was re-elected vice prealdent. lead. Walt Dalrymple sank a foul ing. An intelligent child will be a Sende�. bstag well known journal- order listed. Eva Hre.eo, his aecre- Other members of the board are for- and a long shot, provid:ng the Cru- poor student if he is a poor read.i!r, � d :uthorlty on intemat;on� af- tary, prepared a list of ten v.;or�s tak- mer Freeholder Charles H. Wilgus f f sa.dera with a 4 to 2 advantage at the Mr. �alton went on to say, addmg � P told the Westfield Intel'll.ational en at random trom the dictionary. Roselle, Dr. G, Ward Disbrow of Sum- end of the period. that, m general, was much u1r&,cU at its annual dlnner,meetlnr. P�tenen looked at th�. for thrN mit and H�alth Otllcer Andrew J. ·Coach Howie Bollerman's live ran better t�ught now than a generation ()o\l� night ha St.Paul 1 parllll m111utes. . . ' · . Krog of Plamf!eld. f!aures up to 9 to 2 before the mid- ago. High school students now read 'l'li• . John �ehrmr, actmr .' as referee, . �;The Mosquito Commisiaon has aak. way mark in the second quarter, and what college students of twenty years )lo; speaker pointed out that I� 1- held the list while Petersen attempted ed the Board of Freeholders for '70,. then the reserves came in. The sec- ago read. aol necessary for nationa actmr to repeat the ten in the order he had 000 for the 1937 pro&'ram. ond atringers set a faster pace and "To them, the sky is the limit," he ' one beyond pale to 11se force observe� them. He could only get l eft Westfield lagging at the half said. � war. Early and. firm app�ica. eeven. Clau1e Btellinc tlltn laid he ·

1 13 to 5. ' Facility W!th the mechanical . side �ell f economic, finandal, and d1plo- would show him h1>w to •o It. ·Not I. L ltly Wil .Aft the . t . . th D bl of mathematics, and general attitude tiOI, 0 reatrainl:.ll would be far more only could he N!peat in order the ten A __ .J C •

e.r m ermis8lon � ou e toward studies were also attributablf �. \e as a means of puniahinr a 1 word• they selected from tile diction- . · tt... •Yeatila B v�m� ��

owe.d noticeable im�roved to the students' early training accord. .,. 1 that moved in any manner ary but he could repeat 100. Miss -- ' men • -po.nt sp urge put oun ing to Mr. Walton. COU!1� the collective 19carit7 of the Hresco •elected 100 words, some four Ratus L. Kelly of 686 First street �ook /u�th�r ah�d, 27 to 11, t:t The George Scho91 is among the .,ains she i;aid and five 1yllable.11. llr. llehrinr held has been advised that he has quall- e en ° e sess:on, and then. e college preparatory institutions with •0� dealt at '1enrth lfit� conditlona a atop wateh. Mr. Stellinr atu�led fied to attend the ar,nu�l convention :serves. too� the floor to contmue which a number of the leading uni· • E opean countries wh1cll are un- the bst ' mlnutea 32 . aeeonds .and of the Pen!! Mutua1 Life l1'> 1trance e •cormr arrare. versit!es of the country are trying a 111 :fctatorship, part�11larly her na- then from memory called back ·every Company to be held from March 30 Walt _Dalrymple .pr.ced the Brown seven year plan. Graduates from , :: G rmany from which 1he WP one carefully. When the refe,_. and throurh April 8 in St. Petersburg, and White on its victory 'march with these chosen schools are admitted to ' ;.ile� beca�se of her oppoaitloa to hia defe�ted oppo'!ent ellp�tf�ir Fla. This i1 the fourth �oll88cutive 11 . points. Ho�arth led the van- college solely on a basis of individual 1 118 Nazi fonn of Faseilm. amazement at h11 ability, Btel!1nr year Mr. K:elly has quabfted to at- qu11hed fotce1 with five markers. development, wh'ch has been culti· 1 tll In discussing the Nail program, merely replied "Oh that'e nothing, tend the convention, Bound Brook's jllnior varsity over- vated and molded by the secondary . llW. Sender aaid th•t Hitler:1 aim la hold the 111¢ and l will repeat them Mr. Kelly hat resided in Weltfteld whelmed the Westfteld .reserve., 83 school. No set list of studies Is re·

Sc.tut Tr.ep £1eda ' Dr. Urmy'3 condition la nported •t. , isfaetory. Mrs, Urmy • with him.

Troop 15, Girl Scouts, hQ elected Tile Rev. William C. Flach, allill-the following officers : Patrol lead era, a�t pastor of the Preab�erian Churell Martha Shiley, Barbara Sherman, v.;u occupy the pulpit at , the 11 Mary Lou Griggs and Louise Gentiles ; o clock. aervlce Sunday morn1q. scribe, Betsy Ann Bowden and treas. urer, Betty Oaido. WANT ADS BRING RESOLD


, ... .....

50c DR. WEST IOe WATERPROOF 29 K°'1YNOS 23 TOOTH BRUSH .. . . . . C TOOTH PASTE . . . . . C Lar1e Sise MENTHOLATED TISSUES . . . . . . . . 19c 25c PHILLIPS 11 TOOTH PASTE . . . . . . C

Utilit,. Diab FREEi

lOe LIFEBUOY 3c SOAP . . . . . ,: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'���:: ���� 49c Guarant••· to unify all Gennall tpeak1•r JlllO· all backward without apln referrln1 since 1933 an4 has been a11oclated to H. quired. Candidates whose prepare. • lncludlnr those Ht euentlaUy to the 1!1t,'' and he did, evel'J word. with the eompan1 1lnce 1911. He 11

· · -----·-----�== - - - -- - ·--�-- -· · . ... . .. . . r'dnan and comprialnr a .mlnoritJ In Petersen wDllnrly played hut to the regarded by hi1 eompany u one of th� lllovak countriee, Poland, Switz- dinner at Schwarts' In Hoboken. its ou:standlftf pz,ducera, Sinee mak. erland Denmark and elaewhere. · She . . · . , · ' ' : • Ill&' his home he.,., he 'hu made a iJittrp:eted thia pollc7 II • move to The LEADER Givea You NEWS host of frien� · .

i�a:ir::��c��::�d:v:� ��'d� ii be- .. --. :ii; · · · . 1'"o ·:- �-,�oao · --- --;·:�-�' 1

The Spanish situation lw deeper

I � ilplfteance than merely a clvU war, . . . ·


Ae aaid The eonfllet i• a deaperate W£. GRANT F' ff. A 'MORTGAGE LOANS lland of a people araln1t oppre11, Iv. e . •· · • ·

dict.torsh'p, and she warned lhat.!.f ' ·

tle dictatorship of Fue!•m la vlct:@rt. .

I e1ua


in Spain, there will be 1er1ou1 On ·owaer·oocupitltl modern eolltlq\lencea In Europe, and demoe· ncy aU over the world will be threat-

I reaicl ... Cell or •on new can· tled. The fact that for months clv· Ult111 have been successfully oppoa- ltnlction. lnr a well orranlzed amiy, ie Indica-tive of the spirit of the people fight- " · 1!11 IO save the popular front &'Qvern- I hent. She felt certain that if It were Esittin1 11S10rts•1• refinanced not for the active aaldstance of Ger- o many and Italy, the governm�nt I under F. , H. A. plan. I forces would have been victorious . over the rebels by now.

Jn urging the United States to join ' ··

ao� &ort of community action to en- WESTFIELD BU-ILDING ud LOAN torce world peace, l\li11 Sender min· 0 . . , ., OD 1m11ed the 1asting importance or thi• a A SS' OCIA. TION country's avowed policy of ne11trality, 0 . 01 "Do you think if there wa1 a real � 1 • •

threat to the ldeal of llberty this coun· 251 Eut Broad Street, Weatfteld, N. J. try could keep out?" she aaked in con. Phone : Westfield 2-1842 dusfon. "If we disregard economic eon1;�erations entirely, do you thin� -o oao "1:10 oao-==: you could remain indifterent? I don t - .. think so." =,,,,.,,;====""'

About 126 ]Mlrsons attended the I 11!!!��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!����!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�)1 I diner; for which Malcolm B. Ayrea was toutmaster. Joseph Thomes was elecwd a director and Clinton T, Re­vere, recording secretary.

"21-30" Clalt Holda lleal Candy PaD

The kitchen ;tb;"First Meth�dist Epiacopal Church was transformed into a candy factory Thursday n!ght. when a host of "20·30" Club mcni· hers and their friends met there to pull home-made taffy In traditional I 1tyle.

While the sugar mixture boiled, the company played games aro\lnd the long tables in the kitchen until the

I time came to pull the cooling treacly mass until it crackled. I The next get-to-gether of the "ZO·

30" Club marks a return to serious business. On Sunday the members wm meet at the home of Betty Bade at 731 Hanford place to discuss the most r;?cent happenings here and ab!oad. The main topic will concern the floods now ragoing in the middle west end as a logical sequence, it is expected that the club will decide on I � amount it will contribute to the I Red Cross in its rescue work on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, I




Annetrong'a 1 937 Line.

Floor Craft 439 SOUTH AVENUE

Weatfield 2•.0899


See Page

, ·


Tuttle Bros. hirh : standards, prompt de­

liveries and i�1i1tence on full measure,

are u ri,idly; enforced in our sales of

hlel .oil u in everything else we 1eD.

Whatever your make

a grade of oil that of burner, we sell beat meets i its re·

quirements. Qur long experience in the

fuel oil business qualifies us to be of val­

uable service to you.

Order your next supply of fuel oil from

Tuttle Bros. and be fllIJy satisfied.

Once again we OH co·operoling with the La111b Gro'l'tl'I lrl a ca111paigft to lllOVt a 1ecord·llftakln11 1urpl111 ol la111b. Wt have pvrchaitel h1191 q11alltltlta ot ciucilltw ICllllb and Cllt olftrlno II at MOMY·MIVlno pricn. •



FOWL;:25t::27t Loin Lamb Chops 111. 35c Rib Lamb Chops .. 29• Lamb Chops......, .. 25c · Sllcecl lacon 1T',:W�:· 19c Fr .. h Fiiiet ::::: .. 19c Coclflsh Steaks .. ISc

Del Monte PEACHES Sliced or Halve• 2 '"''· 29c cans

Spaghetti C:A������s :=. 4pkgs.25c Cr.ISCO " ''' 19c 3 L•. 53c • e a , a e e e CAN CAN

Campbell 'S roMATO SOUP 3 cana 19c Bisquick For Mo1c1ng s1reu1r. Qu1c1i1, «>:;�:kg.25c Go.rton's ' FISH CAKES 2 25c Ready lo Fr1 • • can1

S It• BISCUITS Oil 2 1 7 a Ina GRAHAM CRACKERS N BC pkga. c Kieffer Pears '":;�y:: ::"D �:·n2 IOc ·Sardi·nes NORWEGIAN _ •LU• ,IT ..

Packed in Pure Olive Oil 2 can• I Sc l�ry 4 ca�11 I Sc Octagon Soap

EGG PRICES ARE DOWNI Why� Becovse mild winter weother has Increased production-and t o help the producers move thi1 surplus we have lowered our egg pric11 occordingly.


c.w "91111'... 1...., 10. .• , .. ,.,. ... .,....... .... .. ..... ! 011 ' l:ii 2Sc' :. 47• 111110 -... w.M.,,.. � '" Ch•PIO�� °""" tu &e.w � 21• ao1.I D91t �":::' � •• lllv9r Dult �t!":�.,,, 2.._21e. 1a1tWtt11 CIHnMr - • .-.0 ,., ,.....,.., IA. l'M•lfl .... ... � Htln1 Soups • • 2-21a ,_..., c...i.oe, Qkba a.... " C...., , · .

SA.LEI Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only



II 1 1b. 351 £ pkgs. Eight Q'Clock Coffee Is the fln11t, fre1h&1t coffee you can buy. Get two pound1 !!!!::'.! at this money­saving price.

SALE! Thurs., Fri., Sal., Only

ERAEHED WHEAT BREAD��g, BAKED BY A&P BA K E R S Chocklul . of eneroy·givlng vitamins oml health. Try a laAI today, • • . You'll love It.



, .Beaidenta of w eatfield will have an Construction loans grante4 by

opp0it11aity to obaerve pictul'l!ll of biiilding and loan ll8$0Ciatio111 lJI Un·

.U4 Jlfe 011 Frid•)' evening, March 6 ion County d11ring 1936 increased 212

_. die Jloolevelt lwiior High School per cent in volume over 1985; the

wllla Dr. Tholllll 'J'ravla prttenta hia aggregate of all mortgage loans roae

.,..Olla pictures under the heading, U per cent; and nearly $2,200,0QO

·41Jla.PPJ Hunting Grounds." The af. was distributed on maturities. These

fair la vnder the •uspices of the facts were revealed ill the fourth

'Weatl\eld Boy Scouts and i• .open to quarter summary of home-ftnancill&' *'19 "UbliC. · activities by the mutual aociet\1111 al

" eOlltpiled by the Union Cou11t1 Build· 'Tiie committee in charge of the inc and Loan League in co-operation

Protnm reveals that from a large w:ith the State League, lilt of 111bjeets, filina were choaen of The !igllrfi qu1>ted '" bued on the Cuiadia11 Jl.ockiea and New Brune. reports of actual trausactlon1 by ll5 � Dr. Travis, explorer, photoc· per cent of the e.asociatlons in the np}ler an4 lecturer will describe .the county. Although It has no infor·

. . . fie$11rea, tellinc ht1w it WM pouible matlon to the con�rary, the atati•tlcal to .Olm big and small eame. committee in charre of the compila· . "Happy Hunting Grounds" will in· tion make1 119 claim that the nearly · elude Northe,n Campfire trails amonr 100 ao�tlet 1n· tile INa .re doing ,tlie Canadian &oekiea, platlnc with four times thiiJ volume of J>u1lnea. lisar, b11il'l!lo, eJk, aheep and goat, The ac:.tlvlty in cpn1tnctio11 loans llbi11r for tr11ut ln opal Jakes, mar· la !Jldlcajlre of tbe part t)MI tlarlft er· 9llC 11110111' the hanrinr slaclere and gani111tlona are takinf In the expand· lower-1trewn valleys; fiy ftshing for iq bome-buildlnc field. :Kore than Doll7 Varden, cut-throat, steelhead• '612,000 was loaned in 1986 for new aad rainbows where the Northern dwi)llillfS by the i.portl� unite, 11 LtpU ·erackle over 1now-clapped compared to f196,000 in 1985. The

A program in co-operation with the American Socia! Hyeiene Association Rd · the New Jeraey Slate Board of Health waa presented Tuellday at the meeting of the w eattleld Leaf11e of Women Votera in the home of Mrs. R. N. llunter 11f 114 Ne1son pl•ce. Andrew J. Camey, secr�ary and .ex· tcutiv.e of the Westfield Bo11rd of Health, aa the speaker. A motion picture, "For All Our Sakes" wu st.own.

Officers of the newly-formed club, known aa the "Sophistice.tea" have

been elected as follows : President, Ann Martin Kovlc; vice president, Rose DeCarlo; secretary, Catherine Ortleb and treasurer, Catherine Fish· er. Rita Gottlick bas been named general chairman. The club will meet the second and fourth Fridays of each month in members' ltomea.

LEGAL NOTICU · flan&. 1111d "Salmon Flahin(' In the anrepte of all mortgage lending 1tr .. 1111 or New Brunnick will carry wu U,H9,700 a• against f884,000 l'HOCUREMEN�' n1v1s10N, Public

... wllda h each one BulldlnJ!• Branch, Wa•hln&ton, D, c,, JOll to WIGie W ere .n 1935. Jan, a�, 19a'1.-<1ealed vrovu•li•B J n dUP• will be te•tlnf bis skill with rod and More than 78 per cent <1f the ma· JJcat• wlll b• pub1lcly opened ln tbJI Jufl .. alrllt the can'1inr of the 11&1- tlll"ity di1Uibution was In cash, the �fr1��tl�� 10f\�;; t/."'ii. 2!>.uJ.7• a�0


aoa, remainder being repreaented by loan nel<l N J Attention J1 directed to the spcc'lal. condlllonl ot bld<llnr Bel tortb One of tbe mo1t remarkable lllOV• releues. In the aale of free or un· In the spocl ncnt•••· Upu11 11pp.1catwn,

l •• · ,··ver •-'-en of Dr. Travia ridl111 on pledred shares the auociatlons Is· one seL o! orawlngs and spec111oothm• •· ""' will bo supplied rree to each General the back of a wild moo1e, will be sued 9,790 during the year, another con tractor in<0rea100 In 1uomltt111i; a ... nd x· plain·• He accomplish "'iln over 1935. proposal. The above dr11wln1• anu ... own a e ""' • " 81,00111catlons MUb'l' be returno<i to thl• ed this feat the first time, but had no Illuatratlnr t� 1uooe11 the orran· ottlce. contractor• requlrong a<1dltlona1 �amera pia•urea 11 evidence. Tbe act lzatlona are experienci� In the man. ••L• may outaln them oy

/urch••• lrom � 11 this onlco ut a cost o flO per set,

wll reputed after many preparations ag�ment of depresalon·acqulred real wh ich wl!I not bo returned . unecl<• d r .. .. t Up to record '" TbA esta'·, was the announcement that onered "" payment for drawlnJ• an<l an tame .., . v ""

apeclllcattons must be made payable to fall 1tor, wW .be told liy Dr. 'lravili more than ·96.ll per cent Of their toe or<ler or th e Tre ... urer, U. ti., Vraw-a114 tht -...... , , , rental ul\lta ""1'8 occupHd as of De• lntr• and speolncatlons whl not l>o tur· __.,..,. nJsh&d to contrp.clors who have cvn·

Open � ·t.111 publ!e, but reatrle"4 Cember 31. 81steut1y tailed to 1ubma propoaaJ1.

MeauM . .t • ._,_. ... u .. capaekJ at, ��:r:t 1:Pt'h� f��e���tl• •o�0 th':.

n�r:��: the ftoo ..... :il!alor Blth Schoel au· Ltsillalst EIPICfa ment wlll be turnlOl�ed builders ex· 4ltorlum, lil�a �U be llt .ticket · ll'a..L. ;AJl:tnmeat �t:�h;.gi�1��t���� �ho ·�r�:ra�� •air.:.. N�:;,,�� •. �t!"111 ���-Tie� trollrlJ ., . �t°b.��1r,:��or1��mm:�:�l:f1:r�0)n��1. tt. w1Uc"'!t""·- •·.-or�••ll!' - 11.•�, _, eitod, 1<hd to quanti ty aurveyors, bUt ftw weekl an4"etll be obbdned from Early adjournment of the 19� thl• JJrlVlleg� wlll bo w1Lildra'6'" Ith the ! ••1 of the acoutii, or at an1, W•lt- lerlslat11re ia expected thl• rear be· !�&�:'triii.� rt},�f�•i:r�tg:e.1 •rw. ai'J'. leld bank or olllct of �t Leiail•r. cause of the laek of many Important. l\eynolda, A•slstant Director of [rO•

------·-·- ' problt11111 . and the desire of the law• cure,mont, Public Hulldlnga i;:�.\ •d"'-'Tc·::u · maken te llnlah ll1l bualne11 in prep- z..-ii · • J ' .._. _.,_. aratlon for the coming gubernatorial l'IOT&Clil QF MEETllWO OF TUE ;;, ""' ,.J..-2:_ � t• , , ,. . .... • 1 11« or .un:H11a11 campa,.u, To whom It may concern : · N1-1 . Dorothy Deal, ' �arpret . The. Senate has restricted the in· NOTlClll IS HERhlBf GIVEN tha� 19itret aJil �Jlt�J ))ayjl, ll!ld "°'"' �rodilclion of b!JIJ after the week of \�: Bo

�11t•�::rrs,�t rn: TC�u�C:h· A•deraon,..and Jlartln Sar1ent i:at11rn• FellrUal'J' t .IO t\lat the upper house Olla In tho .Municipal Building, ui

.. 8111dar tPlllni ;� ... CWllUal may w�ed �ut all. non-lmJl()rtant bills !�0• "��·�tvefi��.lle�4.;i,��:;./

emi: 11'hrt thQ •\"Pl 4e,leptea to tht,111lJI·. •rly ... ltlft ........ tlon of only 1&17, at eight o'clock, for the 9urpo1e

wl1tar eonUrtaee ·of· CoJlll'tfl\h

' 10111 new lawa deellled important. '::,.�:1•;1g1g .����:.:i�on�� ��!

r�'l}gut 1f0

t� )'OUllS 11!4Jtler,from Friday t roush , ·: · ·

' · inade tor bon•ftta th• P&Y•

land. ar '"O\hm front htrt ·'Wt!o •t.i · · "-..;, ..,........... ....... tnir of )!ldi;owood Aunue rrom curb to '

· ' •- ,._ •• .- c11rb with bltuinlnoue macadam· pav11· , telMle� � of.,the 1ea�lo111, Tht;ft'jndward .la,lan\11 lie. at the . 111ent and by the con1truot1on of con• lira. l>o

.11' ba·n

· ·.Pitel!; Mlue• Ch . .

a.· r�. eu·t. •.rn alcle of the Caribbean aea, creto cNrb1• a:'1b��h

t�i!'f.! '\:'t"�.;�t1�!�!

, Iott. Coaa,itl, ,ialne ThOin�n;' -..� . . •i!it'..'10!n Martlnlque. ·· They are f:;fu"c1:r�nlltreet to Hanlord Place tha Hibbert: · alid Bettt l>leree anti Orenada and the Grenadlnu, SI. under tho �rov111on1 of Bpeciau Oll<lln• lact Bay@a�d,. . ··· : · • :'V�,'tnd Ill. Lucia. anxf.�0i.8r 7i>enoflt• conrorroo by the "' ' connrucllon ol a Ban ttarf l:l,ew,r and

appurtenanoea In a section of Tice l'lpoe under the provl1lon1 · of Special Or1J��n��/g·.���'te conferred by the

· 1.1tC.\L •vu11£.r '�&Tice • .._ '-1 ..... t •I t•• ••H••• •f •-••••"*• tl"•lf er tralo•, tor ne

construction of a Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances In oocllon• of Kimball Avena and CanterborO Road under the ..... �:'1.r}�lf· . · ·,' � , ,: , ; ; , 1

•E IT UIOLYllb, t•at ... fellewl•s •t•teMeato ef rena•H a•• appro-· �tleM •Hll •••tlt•te t•e lonl lt••••t for tlte 7e•r lllT• ·

prx'i!�1·r�r otb�r.:�l�1 c�l���;J �� 7tl.7e construction ot a &nl tal'Y Sower an<I

• --�!ll!Wl'f�FllK�Ufl:K 8ElllL\'lll:D1 tut .... ....... ... ... ltllo••• 1• We1tlel• -· ' ..... .... ," .. ····-"' .. ......... .. , ., ........ , . .. ,,. !' ..... ; .. ...... , ..... tliat .... ...... ... ... ...... u .. .... eppr•••• t�m\:\��n·x�.��:ir:

t�• .��r���si���

direction tor a dl1tanco of 608 lineal

feet and providing ror the construction :: �.:i·.'£;�•ell •I t•e ·•er .. s• ef 'lleuulu,Ne, CoHIJ' ef Ualo1,

· A ....... H tlte llidpt Ilia• to re•ol•tle• .i11 .. •ell at Boro•s• Hall ��,�. dJror:�·�o::l����1t':.r�r.i:-J'��r�:r.; • """tr•ftlr• er "•••••11. · am. •• s1• P. 11. •'•'"•· at w•••• ti•• ••II. ta- �tlaao te .... ltllllnt' aa• 'to reeul•tlo• el tllt ••ro•slL of llloHl•I•• .... f.,, tN rear an· •if Ifill 11ra••••• •r .. ,. , .... ,,r •• •I• ••••••11•H•r· H . .. .. ..,.,. l!t!rtl•e• t••t tile lt1ol•et ••H••• ••rete ... ltere•r ••de • tut ._, la • nu .,.,.7,f Ille ...... , i11'11••n• llr re1ol•tloa 01 .-e ..,nra•

&ower under tho provisions of Special U�l��n�gr Ng·.�!�t• conferred by the construction of a Sanitary Sower and avpurtenamcea \n aectlona of \Vood .. mere Drive nnd Fair Hill Road uuder the provlalons of Bpoclnl Ordinance No •

... ..,,, •• ••• ,.,.,. .. .. , er F••r•arr. 11111t. · ·, . , ' · · • . R0BER.T 1.AING, Clerk. Clerttle• •r .. t•i. - ear er .......... ,., 1•ar, 70�110 tor benefits conferred by tbe construction ot n. Sanltary Sewer and

up-purtenan-ces ln sections of Sa.ll�r Place and Coolidge Street uuder the provl•loqs of Sp°i��rnrt�n��m'::oo,800.

, 8TATElllENT ( ......... ltf leetlea IQ)

. JD3f lt•te ...... Taa (l!lotlM1t1 fer ltlf)' f,Qo.t.Tll ..... ......... ..... ..... . ()9oi<.��";:J· <1: .. :.-::i ;�; 'inii · : : : : : 11,m:: lll•trlet le•Ml Tu: (lllatlMale for ltlfl llll.ll81.Tll 1-1 P•rr• .Taa , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . �

Tetal .� . .. .' . . . . , , , • • • • , . , . . . . . . . . . lflll,Ollll.T4 'I'll• a.te (IClllMat"" for Ullf) , • • ' f.fl8

Aet•ll llM , ....... ,fl

'31,143.48 ' a.oo AntlclJJ•ted Revenue•

�.�a�W1·J!·������. CaKh Appropriated 1937Antlolp11.tedl9l6 1. fa) Surplua Revenue Non·Cuh AP• 8����1:t·�, Jrit: A�Jlr�r ��·!����� . . . . . . . .

J, Mlacellaneous Revenues �al Llcenu1 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , f 6,oo�.oo b Fin•• and PenaltlH . . . . . , •• . . �oo.uo (� r�::r:.�d .. ��·g>���. · : : : : : : : : : : : : 1J88:8& le) Franchi .. Tax . . . . . • •• , • • , • • •• 1,080.00 t) Uross Receipt& Tax . , . , . , , . . . . libV,t.tO

Kl Bua Gross Hecel pt• Tu . . • • . . • 486.00 S"l �x Search Feea . . . . . . . . . . .. . , 96.0, (I) Interest on Asaesarnenta • • ; • • • , 800.00

si�e1�i"eU���·�l���;�:1 En!;.�'g · · · · · · , · Antlolpated With Prior Written Con1ent or Stale Auditor ltl rto1��"\.�':,11i't�1�':i';f� . : : : : : : : : : : mm . . Total Mlacellaneous Revenues • . �

·s. Amount to bo llnlsod by T•xatlon -Loc11.l Purpoaea • • , , , • , • • • , • • • , 12,376.00 Total of Ocnerol Dudgot Rovonues� .I!. Dedicated Revenues Dedicated Rovenuen From

In> A•••••m•nt Cash . . . , . . . . . . . . $ s,000.00 Total nedlcat&d Revenues For

' 2,600.00 4,100.00 900.00 160.00 i:�i& .. �% 700. 0 600,00 uo.oo 1,600.00 123,39

'12,iD8.3D ll,024.26

$26,512.85 ' 3,000.00

3,000.00 A11ea1ment Debt : • . . • • • . . • . . . • • MOO.DO Grand Total of all Total ---ll. Ornnu°f�\'i.'it�� ,S1ovonuea : . . . . . . . ·� � Antlelpnted Uevonues • . , , • . , , . , $16,090 00 $16 998 39 .ll'PROl'RIA t'JONB FOR Approprlat.;;\ ·

'ia�·g����tlona !or 1037 for 1m Admlnlstrntlvo and Exocuuvo . , . . $ l,950,00 s 1,060,00 Ord inance, lfoRctmont & Hev lBlon • . 1,000.00 ABS•••ment nod Col lection of Taxes 1,650,00 Planning Bonrd . . . . . . . . . . . • • , . . . . . 100,00 J?lscount on Prepayment of Taxo• , 60,00 �;!��;�, · :;.;,i��· w;;ri< . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5·1grn ir�·�10 . • ??�.t:?! . . �1�.��1 .

•• . : : : : : : : : : : : �mg

ri�:11/.'Y�.'.".1'.� .������� . : : : : : : : : : : : : '. ··:mg Llbrarv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , 1 00.00 ����.n�i��r:sf;�:r:• . : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.:�rn �:;;�t0�1'i:liiirii" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : d�rn ��·r��:':h'"niiii 'i1'01iit".;,·.;,;��. :: :: : : : : m:ii Attorney 11,eea and Co1t1-W \Vntts Caile · · · · · · · · · · · · • • • • • • • • • , , . , , , , , (b) • I', A. Projects . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .

<c> S�tt1i���f • .; · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

· . . . . . . . 34rn

r.::����t g1 -¥;��� ,;.,- ii�nd. . . . . .. . . 100.00 Antic, Notee , • , , , • . . . , • , • • , • • • • , . . ,, . , • •

Ernertnmcy Nola! tlnd Dand1 • • • , , , 'l1 :\6 ��:���=� g� :�l��fl . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : �i&:�g lnteruf't on Currnnl l...ollllR • • • • • • • • 'lOO 00 ��r��:i�r! 'bt���h� �11!!��?i1!·�: �����irt��YJ ·

II) li•••rvo• ' •1 1 U5

ncsurvo tor Tnx nomlBBlon1 • , , • ... 11000.00 9. Totnl Appropr!Rtlo .1n-Otnoral . . . . $26,066 00 Al'!'ROPRIATIONB F'Oll '

.Ae11e1111menl Deht Rervlce l'arment or Douds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3,000.00

Tot•t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lii:OoO:OO U. orand Total of all ----Dt'<llcatoo l\•venuo Approprlatlon1 ' �.000,00 13, Grand T'll&l of all APP(oprlnttons� l·t·lt

. . • 6'0'0'00 4,156,00 60,00 • • 'o'is".Oii 2,260,00 136.00 1,300.00 835,00 700.00

220,00 810,00 330,00 200,00

2,000,00 · · 7ii».oo 266.00 900,00

1,071.65 1,000,00

U6,6tU6 ' 3,000.00 $ �.000.00 ' 3,000,00

Ao .. al 111311 • 11.Nll.t8

l'Gl,llMl.1:1 • 3.7� Realized In Cl\Bh In !DSG

Clerk of the Board of Aa•essors ol the Town or Westfield, N. J, Daloo l•'cbruary 4th, 1ua1. 2·4·lt Fees $7.08

RAHWAY \'ALLEY JOINT M�l&TING \Ve•tlleld, New Jermey . OARAOE CntNet lo NoUeo lo Jtlddo,. for �rnern1 �lll••traetlott

' !l,GOO.OO m�t�·11��s. "1��0°r8���<l t�fip��f�1!:���� �! quired fol' Oenaral conu tructlon to erect n Onrago at Sowaga Treatment PILmt In Woo{lbrtdgo 'rownshh11 N. J,, will be recei ved by tho Rahway Valley J oint Meeting at Its cl!lco 37 Elm St., Westncld, N. J, at 8 p, M, J,;natern Stnnd1lrd 1.'hne, on February 18, 1113'1, and nt thnt time will be )lUbllcly 01-1eu .. 00 nnd read.

5,407,00 1,01 a.DO 07.00 1,86 1.17 a,ono.79 360.04 487,93 DS,00 1,024.78 123.39 lnstl'Uctlons to Dldders, Form at Pro .. posnJ, Construction Hoguln.tlous, Pinna and t'511ec1ncullona nnd other contract <101.;umc11u1 may bu exnmlnod at the

· ' Wi.Di ¥�1&�;t1h '11J�1,��� 1l,:,��.·���·rtr�1�hi!f.•��:

n.hd mnr ho socn ut tho otllco of the '13,966.62 '].t,!9.'. t,i,�·��:·c:Jr 1�6�re�t··m��

ot�n�1g: rn�·���.t"'i"o� �1i\1�r

D"JWi'r�01'r'h"�t d�'. 1•oslt will be refunded to tho bidder upon tho roturn ot tho documents l n good condition within thlrtX lBO) dnye

' 3. ooo.oo �·���r ;hfo�1�il1��0��.i:1e h�s "b�;gv��� 3,000.00 $ 3,000,00 s1a,nr,a.o�

Expended and Reservr'(l for 1930 $ 1,032,23 ' i,'io'o·

.97 l5,60 le.Bl l,705,93

. • . Hi.2o 1 ,145,00 38.10

220.00 600,00 263.92 200,00

ml\1"11 bv tho bidder. Pro11osl\ls shall be encloaod In opaque sealed envelope, addresaed to the Rah· ���k�sll;� mnto�l:l'J�"\l:p�g�of�f1n� Oonc1:.Ul Construction for Oarage'1• l'nch bid must be nccompanllld by a corl tf\od check for �"'lve Hundroll ($500.00) Dollnra drawn upon nn In• cor1iorl\.lOO bank or trust ccmpn.ny, pnynblc to tho Rnhwny Valley Joint Meeting na u gunrn11too thnt In cnHc the ls t\WlltdOO \o the btd�er1 ho w i ll, wlthlli ton days (Sundnyo ex· ce1,ted) ther(lntttlr, execute euch con• tract nnd turntsh satlafl\clory portortn • �?:�Ji ���{�It �b�" d��l��l�e n�0 tf�u{�°"t� dumngcn nnd tho n.cctltitance of thG bld. will he cont ln�ent upon the lu lnllmont or ! hi• requ lroment by the blddor. The l'lrncltH of nll cx.rcrptlni:t the three low· ••t bidders will be roturnod within nt­term days after the 011cnln� of bids, nnd the raml\lnlng checks w i l l be ro• turn1'd wl1on tlw Stnto Di rector, P.W.A. hn� UllJ)rovcd the executoo contract. No lnter98t sh1Lll bo nllowod upon any tiuch certlflC'd checl<.

Tho profoot I • n nanco<l In whole or

��1 1\'i�l�a�f o�h�l'��:�fi� �1Q��':n�hl�; lHlhjcct to nll of Its ret1ulremon ts. !,000.00 All contrncts nnd eub·conlrnctlll nre

, • • 7.2,r,',OO �ri���r�1�,��lfi�:r�P1,rova1 or tho Oo-Yern· ?r.1 0• 'rho •uccesslul bidder wlll · bo ro· 65D.87 t1nlr�<l to futnlnli R- tiorformnnce bond

l.011,65 �r�tl:���tl���ll loor":·no

an<kn'h�:� in-tf::.':; .J olnt 1'�ect\ng nnd n(lprovetf by the

1,000.00 •t11te !llrcctor, I'. W. A,, wlilch bond !!hnll !Jo In the nmount of the contract. fit,a31.03 Atle.ntlon ot proa1u:n•tlve b\ddcra Is furt11M d l l'l'ctcd to 1mrngr11 ph No. 3·1l nt Constnll'tlon Uegu1ntlomt lncludctd $ S,00\1.01) 1 1 \ t\\0 a\H��\f\cat\one. 't'hn ott\co of the Snttorml Hu�cmploytnunt �crVlro whlt•h

i ��f ,�:T���c�,, \rito�9,o� P.���-�f)�1r ���:!'

t� $ 3,000.00 Port h A mboy, N. J, <Mr. Chari�• A. ---- I Un\•ln, lllRtrll't Buporlntenden t), ui,m'.�3• • to Trhol•'��1::�YM��t�lr b�3�·��-:i·1 ��· .. ����l



PAD Wl .. ·'C.1'4 A:

l•llHr Ce•er


BEDSmE TRAY Folds com­

pletely. s,..1a1

98c ,.. 7Sc BELLANS . 4Sc soc BARBASOL BIOMO 1-----------------

.. -1.���.� . . �2.98

29c JLASoL • sE;:� 1_1.s __

. o _AG_..AR_OL_! __ 8...._et_,�5c Z B. T� TALC

-7-ac-• 1•25 PERUNA · · 79c IOc LUX SOAP DOAN'S ----------·• .

17.; 19:" Sc ..... �-SOc ·'··

PILLS 1.2� ABSORBINE.Jr. 77c soc IODENT PASTE 45c •-1.2-s -SARAU----7-9c soc . FROSTILLA

29c 34c


29c SOc MENNEN · 10o DR WEIT ANJ1J[Pt1c 1_1 ...... 00


S_O_L_· _· __ .6_...9c 35c M!NICARE. 24C , TOOTH "

28c &Oc DANDERINE 3� �,,c ANGELUS ROUGE 39c 129: -1 'c-to

. PD.;.;uLR�1EvT-EERs-T11::&0:--:c A':":LK::".A:--.S::E=L=1z=ER=" �. �49=--. c MODF.SS 3&'1 • . 47 c'--50c-·•• · PACKER'S OIL .1 lh.. LACTOGEN ·-$«: lSc DIAMOND DYES . 1 lc SHAMPOO 79c •-------------::...;.:,.;.;.. 34c -40c--•A. B. D. CAPS , 25'1 89� •.@c NEET 37c1---

i.:�r� •-i.-oo-N-OR_F_O_R_M_S_1_2··-· --69...,;;.c 25c LAVOLON RINSE 17c Llf!ot 27c 75c BAUME BENGUE 43c soc AQUA VELVA 29c Sc


.... OIL COVERED 59c CHERRIES · 1 lb. CHERRY DROPS l 9c 71c 1 lb. · 29c I lb. Horehound Drops · 19c

Family Size


cAsroRIA · s c. c. VIOSTEROL 43c 1 lb. COLD CREAM

23c 1.00 .


--•4 01· GLYCERIN 14c 12 01· BAY RUM so

39c 21c 67c

·----··· �:S'tJJJL 1 1•· BORIC ACID 19c SPARKLET BULBS 5'• 3 . 2��N�� 69c 75c ANACIN TAB. 49c Gardenia Body Powder 39c CREAM ·

1 PNEEJro.\"s 25c "666'' TONIC 19c FOUNTAIN PENS 39c·-·-1�-c -1 PH�t29ES soc KALAK WATER 29c 60c · F ASTEETH 37 c P���{·

SPE�IAL 35c ZEMO LIQUID 24c &oc ODORONO 37c 98c 4-9c-PU-RET-Es-1 1

ZSc Q-TIPS 17c 75c MAYBELLINE 47c1-S.-PE_C_IA..-J ASf J:,�NS ,_10_c _sc_o_T_T_Is_s_u-:'E -�

S�c �P�OW_D_ER�PU_F_F __ s _....;;.S..;.c, soii;rtoN:pt 50c PURiTEST 1 00 LAVORIS 59c l COLLEGE INN 1 75c VINCE .a ge 29c RE�ALL RUBBING . TOMA TO JUICE ---·..;..· .;..;' ·;...;.·....;;,..;;..;; · MILK OF ALCOHOL-pt. 50c MlDOL 28c COCKTAIL 25c BISODOL • • • • l 7c MAGNESIA-pt Both for 59c 65c MISTOL 39c lOc

8 oz. 81rf:r 25c LOO ZONITE • • • • 57c Both for 59c N O S U B T I T U T I O N WE RESERVE 1'HE RIG.HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES


Emanon Club Wm )Aicl'Re&ef Fund

The fourth &ession In ·the fifth ser­ies of games sponeored by. the Weet­�eld Contract Club was held Tuesday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stewart on Carleton road. A ,llowell movement, . with 84 match Points possible, was played. ,,_At the end of play, W. P. Taylor­'"'ston Bender were tied at 46 'h with Mrs. E. M. Clarke-Mrs. K. W. Thompson. The Taylor-Bender team Won the top by board -0f,match scor­ing, 1 3-10, 4 E. G, Clark-A. M. Cartter with 5% also tled . . with Mr. and Mrs. tdo!ph Ulbrich . O. M. Tremaine-ff.

· Davis scored 46 points. . Mrs. II. L. Blodgett of 916 Cnrle­ton road will be hostess at luncheon nnd bridge tomorrow for twelve guests. Tho affair la the first of two luncheon-br'.d;· es which she will give.

Helena Rubinstein COSMETICS At J�RVIS

See Page 9

Women to Observe World Day oi Prayer

Bread Thief Fined Joseph mil, colored, of 612 Ripley

place, was fined $Hi by Recorder A.

C. Nash in a special police court ses­sion Monday afternoon for the theft of two loaves of bread. Hill was brought in by Patrolman Harry Johnson who said he cnught

the color(!d man tnking bread fror;i outside an A. & P. store before it opened in the morning. Hill snid he

intended to ctll at the store later and pay for tho bread. The manager of

the store has reported frequent thefts

of bread left outside by early morn­ing dellv!lry service. IJR 8VltFl It I• 'rh• W�•tll•ld 1 ... ndPT

who.n placing your ndverth1ement hr tenDwlng the advertJ!lement p�blls .. ed In n previous Issue. " e arc ple1uod to •Hist you In wrllln1< th• o<1vort1.,n10nt hut bLe�A"o"f,"1, 1�,�� THEl W ESTP'lfill,[) "' � •

whom 1011 1>.re t&lkln•·

Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lloyd and daughber have moved to 750 Central avenue "from Cleveland.

Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Pratt and ion are makinc their resick!nce at 7 5' Crescent Parkway, movlmr recently from Glen Falls, N. Y. Mr. Pratt 11 a research chemist wtlh Color and Dye Company, Newark.

fte Patti& Ill 1qraue-. ln1ratltude ia one ol thP COtnlftOfl.·

est faults and one ol the cr1*ett.

Beauty Shoppe Try a Finrer Wave at Marie'•

-those who have say they last longer.



Famous Make Piano at Griffitha '295

In Mahogany

Only 34 inches high, less than a yard from floor to top. Requires less floor space than a 2' :x: 51 rug. Remarkable

colorful tone through new RESOTONIC

11C11le construction making possible a marvellous tone in a piano of these

dimensions. Full 88 • no•e keyboard. Beautiful easeworJ, with exquisite lines and finishing. Terms arranged to suiL

,,The ltlrlsic Ce11tcr of Neiv Jeuey" GRIFFITll PIANO CO.

Steinway RcJ>rcscntatives , 238 WEST FRONT STREET

PLAINFIELD, N. J.· Open Evenings

Pe()ple Appreciate · Thjs I�formatio� Since we started thia eeriea of announcements otrer. ing facta about funeral service and costs many peo­ple have congratulated us upon the public spirited manner in which this information is offered. And we mean it . . . You incur no obligation lly asking.

. .

111 1:. a....i IL. w .......

..... ... , .... ... , ..

Pork Loins ��-----���-----..,-....-Leg 1 Genuine Spring Lamb

Prime .Chuck · P�t R�alt .

�'&,Gd Spaghetti · or · Macaroni 8 oz. pkg. 5;

Madi with toP·IJl'ade wheat Semolina

•. 14t

llD PURE FRUIT FLAVORS Gelatine Desserts CherrJ Lemon Lime

3 pkgs.11 ; �!:::"' . StrawbtrrJ Apricots Calif. whoi. 11Hcan101

NOW - Com at. iu Best - And Speci:dly Priced

llSCJJ C Fancy Maine 2 2 5 ,,/ orn Crushed No. 2 cans 'f Tender, aweet, augar com-tht fiM9t grown. ASCO Com Is packed 11 soon 11 picked, wltb all Its original freshness and flavor. Take advantage of thl1 outstanding valuo-plan for future u11.

llSllJ Extra Quality N. B. C. -Plain or Salted

· No. 2 can 101 Uneeda Biscuit 3 i*11•. 13; Tomatoes Tomato Juice ,STOKE'S , 26-oz. cans 25c Peanut Sprlnkle1 N. .. c. lb. _,.__���������-.,-�����-:-���---: Quality Breads-Rich in Food·Energy For Fresher Coffee-'heat·flo' Roasted

SUPREME Bread large 8

wrapped ; loaf

Vidor Sliced iread wo 10.i 61 Cracked Wheat BrHd wra� IOlll f/

Win-Crest Coffee lb. 16,-south American Coffee with 1111ootll fla,or,

11saJ Coffee lb. J.1' This superb coffee has rich, full flavor and aroma. ACME Coffee lb. t1n 27 (

Jncludea G111ulne Arabian lloclll and Jan.

Mother'• Joy Coffee lb. t1n 25! A tanl)' fla•or that adda 1111 to an1 meal.

Sardines CALIFORNIA - LARGI {In Tomato Sauc11) 2 Large 1 5"'

15-oz. cans 1'

Ivory Soap 2�:J11 2=��.191 BAB-0 Brightens Bathrooms can 11/

I Soap 2m1d. 19"' lga. 21" vory flakes pkg1. r pkg. ,. Cemay Toilet Soap J cak1117 I Lyklt Dog Food can 51

Week-End Values in Garden·Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES ----------------------- - · ------

Florida Strawberries Fancy, Frash lp1. boxeslS1 Grapefruit LARGE FtORIDA 4 1or 19¢ I Texas Carrots t..mch 61 U S. No. 1 - MAINE WHITE 1 0 lbs. 3 s F Potatoes 100.1b. bag $3.4o

Slayman Winesap •(3 inch size) App;es 1b. 51

Every Customer &ithficd-Where Qu:llity Counts & Your Money Goe., Furthest Meat Seafood, Produce Prices Effective until Sat. Night, Other Prlcea to Wed., Feb. 10th.

-� • THE WESTFIELD_LEADER, TH�DAY, FEB�Uil�- 4�1:EIS -�lw. E. Bull, w. L. no111piion ud L ;:. c ,. •••• • ' :1 OCEAN PAil smEll SPRUCE TWIG I JARVIS OPENS NEW l DOii.AH RO LD

DINNER E. Brace.

lln. D. L. Darb7 of Ocean c-unuNT• •.U SIDE �- ," . , ·rs urmo•Eo AG a nr .AIDING HOSPITAL KODA.I DEPARTMENT I TO HO i Advertisers-Buy Paid Circula�n. formerly of Westfield, is serio!W--mu IUn I lllE. " All1

--- I -- . . I Then you know people are reading µ,. the .Homeopathic Ho�p;t.nJ. 'u �-. · --d D · R ad Assoc1at1on, ne., - .,.,. '-•==========::!< Le-l-I tun � To "Do Spruce Twig held its monthly meet. A new kodak department, un er The

;7;n .1� bold its seventh an- your meSSll�-· ange. A •-• · ing on Monday at the home of Mrs. the supervision of Walter F · Hartt has I of West e w� da evening Feb- I �;:::;;:::;;::;;::;::;::;:;:::;::;�::;:;:::;=:;::;;:::;::;=:;:;:;:::;::� :..'eo.operattvenes&1" was the topic Somethias'" · Allout Freder:ek Walker on Prospect street. been opened by Jarvis Drug Store. nual dinner

t, thT urHsaJ

fway Hou�e, on !; 4111cr�ped at the meeting of the Moun-C

P.'--b • t' f 11 . th ' ruary 11 a e UICI{ taimi4e PTA stady group Tuei;day oaat , ,_ At � usmesa mee Ing o owing e i . fi Id road Mountainside. UNION COUNTY B "O ili,it· in the home of Mrs. John M.

. lunc?eon a report waa made by t!'e • I Sp��! :nnual dinn<Jr marks the con- ! \.c • · Ffeud'er on Central avenue. The New Jersey Le . . gislature has president, M;rs. John O. Gage, �� ltfl clusion of another y<Jar's work on the I been called upon to "l!-o something"

I first ."xecut1ve board and �uxihary

art of this active co=unity asso· 4ZI North A.-en• E. W--.1--- U-1.1 about ereating an ocea

. n park system I meeting of Muhlenberg Hospital held 'I �iation. The dinner is noted for tlw Gaae uucm 119111 along the coast before the four or und�� the new organization._ T�e new

' absence on the program of length� I WESTFIELD, N. J, fint AuuJ l)iMer five sites now anilable are developed auxil�ry makes membership m the / after d:nner speaches and the substi-

iby municipalities and restricted. j aux1hary compu�sory for e�cb m�m-I . f well planned avd execu�

- . . ber of each Twig, each Twig havmg tution ° 11 f . al ent.ertam-About 200 members and guests of The Sandy, H�ok State. Park Legis- one member on the ex:eeutive board. I program of pro ession tile Union County Deputy Game War- lative Comm11ss1on au.blll!ttad an an· Mra, Gage represent. Spruce Tw�. I rnent. mittee are R. 4em�' Auociati1>n att.Ended the firll' nual '.eport to the,1tc1'1ature reeom- A radio bearing a plate I Members of .the com R Niblo, E. unUJ llinner Thursday evening at mendmg the leaam1 . of an unused containing the name -Of Spruce Twig I B. Beatty, chamnan, G R E Loesges

I � ���� � D� k� : � � �k� od

n �� �� � a � - � p�� � � �� i���H�

a�J��=�=·�B=: =p�·�����=�·�i:ra:�:

k:�:b:o:d:'!=====�===============:;;=� ef Union, prellident, presided, and ' public par an pieasure groun or ta! to be used in the ehildren'a ward. C. ):I. Sim.Jl.'l00• , . • '

� William Simmons of Rahway, waa lthe people of the country. United In reaponse to a request made by j ------- � --�--

ioutmaater. Guests induded Game States s:na.tor A. �.rry Moor� and the superintendent of · the hospital ·--•••••••••·······


Warden Andrew Shraw of Spring.�tatiye Sutp\lin . have int��- that all private rooms be equ.pped teld and several membera of the Un• duced bills m Congress for acqum• with suitable lamps and bed tablea ion County Board of Freeholders. tion of Sandy Hook land not used for Spruce Twl1 1111Sumed the furnishini Pieturea of wild life were exhibited. military purl)O&ea by the state, the .of these articles for the two rooms ----. --- report atatetl. furnished by the Twig four or five llel.iltJ ,. ..... ill The eifht mile 1tretch of aeae�ast years ago. . . at Long Beach, and. two beach sites Mn. Claude Leaman, Mrs. Dunham leroqb C..t of favorable porport1ona located fur- Ludlow and Mrs. O. A. Krieger pre·

_ . ther south, were recommended aa �ub. sented a table and two of the lamps · l'rank Noll of Allentown, Pa., lie seashore parka by the comml11Sion. needed in the name of Spruce Tw� •

.iwwed by a Dunellen motorist with Proper development aho.ul� make �he The Reader• Di1eat asked for the JHldeaa drlvinr forfeited a · deposit parks aelf-supportlng wtthm a period adult wards will also be riven by this ef '11 when be' failed to appear on of ten year1, the eommilaion said. Twig. .

WALTER F. H.UTT Monday nlSht before lle1or Rebert The Sandy Hook park iite ia clo1er Mrs. Frank Stemple wu ma� W Davld1on In Mount.ainaide 'police to Manhattan than Jonea Beach, the cuirman of a committee to aponsor Mr. Hartt was formerly with Photo. •

"'* municipal beach on Lons bland, the a dessert bridre to be held early In gram Laboratories in Newark and h�s "ra�I HcDermott of 867 E&1t Kain eommlHion pointed out, and would at.. I March, The funds thus received will had more than twenty years ex�er1· .treat Somerville • William Kinna• tract millions of ptople from Brook· be used to aid in the much-needed ence In the amateur and pro!es111onal 111an 1Wa1hington ' D. c:, and Ber. Ip, w!Ueh It by lteamer only fifte�n Improvements for comfort and emcl· photographic field. He began his ..,J Samuels, Newark, were ••ell mile• away. The atate ahould haaten ency that are now being planned fbr tra!ning as a plant photographer with I bed flO for 1peedlnr on Route, 19. aU pClllihle plane to iecurl Its shar• the ho1pltal. the Du •Pont Powder Co. in H.askell. J>urelle Olen oi Brookly:-, N. \';;·had of th� viiitora whq :will attend the The ne:itt meetlnr of the Twill' will There he became experienced m stu- 1 . tlae deposit of S

.8. forfeited on a !Ike .W:orltl 1 Fair of

t l989 In New York be on Karch first with iMrs. Ethan dlo and outdoor photography a�d In etrenu. Charrea were made br eith. City, the comm •ion aid. Allen on Clark atreet. developing, printing and enlargmg. er Police Chief Cliarlea Honecker or He later became Kodak department Lieut, Fred Roeder, GllL SCOUTS WILL WllL DISTRllUTE NEW manager In what was considered at

· · that time as one of the larg<Jst drug

• . . • < •.· ' • HONOR JUUEM LOW TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES stores in the world. For the past HI• Y CLUI HEAU . ; . ; '. · '. · . -+.' ·

-- , nine years be has been in charge of · ·y u •· I" W C """"' . When the Gh•J Seoiitl throurhout The latest. edition of the telephone the art and a<lvertlsing department of ' ft!liA. 'I • •. I'.� die United State• celab,!lte the 25th directory, biller by more than 10,000 Photogram Laboratories, Inc., .photo .·· ' --:- . . : : : '. ;; a11'nlvere1ar7 of theh' or1anlzatl1>n In lkitlnga than the book which it re· finiahers for the atore. In o�ening

William C. r111ch, wl1tant. 11&1•11-. )larch they will be hon'orlns Juliette places, is bellllJ dlltrlbuted through· this new department the store is now ter of tile Pre1byterlan Church, 1poke Gordon Low, who founded the move. out thl! area. The new directory la well equipped to handle all problems •n "Three Level• of Lit•" at the ment In Savannah, Ga,, a quarter of dated Februaey, 1987. · of amateur photographers.

: tlleetlnc of the \Veatlltlcl Hl·Y Q!11b a ce1'tliry aro. In every community, In addition to !ta ll'l'eater alze, the lloncla' nlaht. Hl1 talk dealh•ltla Qirl Scoutin1 11 org11nlsed, old·tlm· directory' has a new cover that re­the animal level, the human 19'•1 .in� eri,; "ho knew Mn.' "'°"' will tell talni the 1impllclty of former jackets tilt cllvbte lent. A 1eneral illmeulio' young members of the organization ·but baa been re-de1lgned to 1lve It a 1lon followed.· " , , ,

· some of the countless lntereatlnr and more attractive appearance. A fl'Oup of l9 .member1 and two amu1h11 1torl11 about their versatile Dl1trlbutlon of more than 100,000 advt"'' will attend the Toronto '4a· and '.'brilliantly ececr)tric" founder. copies of the new directory starts to-111• Leaf•·New York American• 'llp�.· Hn. Warren Hastings of Corey morrow throughout Union Morris er 1•1111• lame In New York darhlr · .plaee, who repreaentl the D. A. R. on Somerset and Middlesex eo�nties. ' the week of February 21. the Westfield Council Girl Scouts, has

Busie-Drum Corp• Elects New Officers

' Office1·s of Cl11rk-Hyslip Post, 645,

VFW Bugle and Drum Corps, have be�n el�ted as follows: President, John Fitzgerald : vice president, A. Baustch; secretary.treasurer, H. L. Taylor; supply sergeant, George Stef·


' ' :Extra . E x t r a !

E x t r a !

SOUTH? Then you'll want Mn. G. 0. Kel,

ier, ·Inc., to put your wardrobe Jn .

sbai>f-:- ,llJht suits, flannel coats!

sweaters, etc. New low prices now

in elfect. Telephone today.


;MRS • . G. 0. KELLER, Inc. lC,.:; South and Leland Aye1, 127 Park A.,.. . : , " PLAINFIELD, N. J.

· Th• elub. hll contributed a portion made an Intensive study of the life -•f• prcicetda re1u)tinr fro111. !t• and activities of Juliette Low and wil! '1Pap•r Day" to the Hl·Y endo•ttit visit the various troop meetlnrs In fund.'. A letter of lippreciatioil,1l'Olii 'tlle ·course of the ·mtJnth to familia1·· tb1 bO,rd of.dlrtcton wu read. lie every scout with the founder ot

Home From Conference -Mrs. Don Ivan Patch of 580 St.

hru; h��rla� L & Ffu��d; bm� �������������������������������-::����-�������-�--�-��= ness manager, George V. Keppler, "' ----- +=-- -

The• . 1ubject for dlacu .. lon next the Girl Scout movement In America, week·•la .1'Collep." ·. Ju1t " Karch will be known as an. ;• ' . . �lv�rsary month, Februij-7 !!, termed

Marks avonue has returned from Evanston, DI., where ahe was a repre. sentatlve of the Middle Atlantic Con­ference of the Congregational Church at the mid-winter meetings of the Council of Ml1$!0111.

and trustees, Ray Mosher, J. Left'ler and C. H. Taubert.

A newspaper for the home In a home community-The WESTFIELD rOUCE COURT NO'fES. :·: fn�l'l!iitlonal month and lj tlie aitonth.

, .. . . · • . . ly Leaders' meeting, which wa1 held ___ - - ---------· ----· · -·----···- · -·--·- -----·- · · . · �- . '. . . -';'<'.\, · last evening at Girl Scout Little Rlml••••••••••Em&&iiiEEi!ii!il&;;;;;;;!iiiii!iEEru LEADER.

Fln11totalllnr t29 were lmp�il 117 House, the activities of the various Reeorcler A. 0.' Naah In pollee·



. _

urt troops were dlscu11Bed. I Tuellday. ColU'&d T, JJ, · Bel!fd�•t, Mrs, Harold Townley,,,and Mn. G; , Watfteld ro\f!d, Scotch Plal111, ,,.a'lld c. Mathia were In cbartf!; of the eve. Re.en M. �urphy of Roselle, CM!f•ll. nlng's prorram wblcM ,,.. pre1ented with 1pe�� nr, were each ll�cl •11 by George H. Denney, of;'.the Roo1e­Wllllam S1nt11, 618 El111 at.reet, ��·t. velt Junior Rlgh School. "His subject , Aeld, wq flned $6 for caret� driv. was "Stara.•· A social hour and re-ins. ' · ' · ' , ' · ' fre1hments, in charge of Miss Alice Other llne1 were impolltd a1 ,tot. Ro�rs and Mrs. E. N. Poole con. Iowa: Pa11b11. atop'•ill), Eurene W, eluded the evening's •p ... gram • . Taraltano, Paterson, $3; lmDJ'OPfr · . :•1 parkln1, Ellen M. Deeny, Allen '(ond, Liberty Corner, and MathJlda'•Darkf, Ro1elle, U each : one headhght. no tall l'rht; lio extra bu)Jls, Georre A. Wendell, Elizabeth, •t : p-arklnr with­out llrhts, Richard W. ' Tobin, Cran-ford, Sl.


Cl• JWorocco to "" · Stare Red Crou Benefit

.. ___ · 1�.

The Club Morocco on, Routo 29, Mountainside, will hold a "Benefit Night" tonight for the benefit of the Red Cross fiood relief fund. Tho nian. &lfement announces that .60 per cent

. --·- of the gross receipts will bo turned Westfield Lodce, 1685, BPO Elks, 1 over to the Westfield ·Red.C.-0118 Chap­wlll have a supp�r and card p_arty on tor's fund for flood relief. February 11 In its clubrooms 11n Elm An attractive floor show 1by out­lltreet. Supper will be served from standing talent will .feature the pro-6 :30 to 8 :80 p. m. and card playing gram and music will be by Bert Car. will b�n at 9 P· m, Awards will be Jin's orchcstm. Rcscrvntions may be mag�· February 17 In Elizabeth, tho mnde by telephoning thC ciub.

general district will pay honor to =---------­Grand Exalted Ruler Sholtz. Officers and a large dclegatlon from WesUleld Lodge will attend this meeting,

Masona See Films'

A special program consisting of several reels of motion pictures was given Jllonday n'ght following the meeting of Atlas Lodge, 1 25 F. & :A. M., in the Masonic Temple. The pro. gram was directed by Wiiiiam F. Wil. lie, amateur jibotoll'!'npher, who took the pictures. A social hour followed.

Atlns Lodge Is arranging for a ta. union dinner dance and entertain· rnent for members and tho'r wives on March 5 in the Mnson!c Temple.

On Mondny evening, March 15, At­las Lod"?e w!JI confer the Mast.Er Mn. eon degree. M, W, B. Francis T. Morton, a pnst grand master ot tho state, will deliver the lecture. Lodgo will open at 7:30. All MnRons whcth. <>r or not they nrc members of Atlas Lodge, are cordially invited.

------- 1 R. Mannino & Son

CONTRACTOR Specialiain11 In Gradin11

and Seedinra. Conc...,te Work and Driveway•. Wood & Cow Manure For Sale. 564 Downer St. WE. 2.11121.M


See Page

by Harry J. Miller ONE.SIDED VICTORY

The pre1ent • aYal.ancho of llrike1 and strike threata throu1hout the country 1lve1 auurance that the country ha1 returned to normalcy. Al· thou1h evuyone welcomeo the evident return of 1ood time1, there are few who can , really enthu1e onr a 1trike, Re1ard· le11 of who emerre• trium· phant, uothinr un make up for the inconYeniencea and priva· lion that the families of the worker1 mu1t experience:.

It I• 1uaranteed that In nary bu1ina11 transaction between )'OU and Miller-Ryan Motors, Inc., of 301 South Ave.1 you

will emerge triumphant. At 1111 time• you will receive • reall:r good buy. Their uaed can ue completelr reconditioned ha· fore bein11 offered for ule1 the 1olection I• uoually lar1101 !ho prlcea are thooe you can eaaily afford to pay.



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DEL CREST STORES DAIHY PHODUCTR - IC l·l 1 ' 11 1� .. IM -· DAIHY l,UNCHElB S'l'Oll ES l,OCATim IN WESTFll':LD-143 Eut Broad St. li:AS'l, Oll:\ N f� F--Al.!5 f'l"nfl'nl A\·r

11J,AtN1r1 1a.1J-!.t::11 \\11·H .... t'Ollt St 1JL0011F'U"l,U-rnf'IH\'uot1' 11·:i 1 n� ft tel A Stl!\IPll l'l'--,:1"�• �nrl111:.'n�111 ��� e . Te•.

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'l'he majority "TRO'-POISE" and "STYL-EEZ".Shoes with eomlort footwm. · - Other groupa ranging from fUG to $8.45 --

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Socks � .·gular 50c . . . 2 pni� 7l!e ��gubr 3!'ir. . .4 pnirs $1.00 : 1•gnla1· $1.00 . . . . pnir 760

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PLEASF. NOT�Ill'oken line�, not all �im In all style9• All Snles Fl_nnl-No Chargcs-C. 0. D. 's-Re!unds or Exc1ranges.

VAN ARSDALE'S "Tl.. ,. __ J ll.., ......... C-W" 1 27 EAST FRONT ST:Et::T l'LA INF'fl!:LD, N. J, -

THE Wil;TFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 .... ...... \ � 5El.VICE even 88• by the Spirit. of the Lord." l able to attend the aupper at 6·SO the I I · • ·. . · . . ..

If"""":.� arl'l l , --..lllft&'n (ll Cormthl.aiul �:18). . lecture �� at 7 :26 p. m . • ' I . ....... a.di ... CHrdl te llaYt : r ... 1......,., �· � '1A AmYIJIU ' IS " """ Al • ...,.,...., Amolll the c1tationa which com- The Junior choir under the direc- IL.. ._____ • ......_ fj ' · :: DIJllllC _._"Alf - prlae the Lesaon-Sennon ia the fol- j tion of Mrs. A. T. Bogp ia making 1 Redeeiner . Lutber� <lhurc� W'¥1 -•• • ... ,_ "1!!.:: • �· . . _........., .

• �..M attendance at tM ae� lowinr from the Bible• "Th' 1 fine progress. There will be a re- conduet .ai>'Clll devotional aemcea m -. F b · · -

.,_...._ . therinJ of tM Bap. . . • l8 say ffatsaJ tomorrow at 3 :3o. All ou observance of Lententide, beeinnilll' On Thu.rsda71 eveJillll, e ruaey The report of Treasurer Deunis N, t'he ;follo'lrilil actJYitia9 f• tllf

4a1 falllwahiP P ttonal churcbea then, Walk m the Spirit, and ye ahall children are invited to attend Y Ill with a a!!lemn Ash· w edne&day serv· the 'th at 8 o clock in All . Sain ta Lever was as t.llon : Balance, IQ.· current month have been i-.. 11r q.

ill aai eongr� • tereat- not fulfill t.he lust ot the :fleeh. For The young people's chorus wfil have ice Febrll&rY 10 at 8 p, m. The ser- Cb11�ch, Fan�ood-Scotch Plallll, G. uuy 11, J171,lli8.22; receipt&, JH,- rioua local PTA vnlt:a:

-'vtf t'fidl!llCe o�cbth�,}_ery

r� pro- the :flesh 1-eth againat the Spirit lta first practice this evenini at 8 mon topic for this first aervice in Darlin«ton Ricbardg, F. A. SQ. 01., or- 828.18; total, ,,19'f,286.85 ; diabune- Ills• ..._.

., ..-rjlll whi ......, le • and tli.e S irit . ' P m Every youn f 15 Lent will be "A Few Hours to Live " , ranlat and cbolrmuter of t. amea ments, •1s,s•t.06; balance, J188,· A round table dlaeu81lon ill _...

� '"W.ordina to the eommittee. p ap1n1t the fteah : and y:.i.r� of age an ol�e�e:�nln��:d to The choir will sine "0 Saviour SweeV' Ch�rch, New York City, will Jive a 956.29. T� . Collector Addiaon H. faculty members and pateata will ,.... ...., oups who ajoyed the theae are contrary the one to the oth- come by J. "S. Bach. The Sunday morninir recital on the new organ. The fol- Clark repbr.i.t tax collectiona last ticipate will future the meetht,r el

,..nJ lfl'at 6 :30 o'clock l• eve- er: JIO that ye cannot do the things ' services during thia sacred season will lowini program will be heard : Fan· month were ·�$,161.13, together the High $chool l'T4 on F.,.,, t

dl1'1 hou� in the three croup JDeet. that ye _would. But if ye be Jed of p • also take on a Lenten character no- tasis in A Minor, Richter; Pastorale, .ntereat and i!Ofta of $891.07, while at s p. m. lll � ;,c ailllr =� followed. Thou of �eu tne Sp�r1t, ye are not under the law." real.Jtenaa Gr.., tably in the sermon topica, hymn� and Bach; Canzone !� F Jlinor, Kins Hall ; !aft year total tax eolleetions were Gr at Jiii' ears of age are enjoying ( Gat.tians 6 : 16-18). II f•L-·- antbema bJ the choir. Holy Com- Second Sonata 111 tour movements, $1,338,686.01; and '48,8U.87 in in- Th

G t PTA � b "F 1id 11�k!play study of "We SiDf j The Lesson-Sermon alao include& eeb __ , 11 munion will be celebrated on the fu-at Greve; Adagio, Allerro, Kaeatuso e terest and costs. d , � r;,n

F b 0 ::l'ff 7 olla-

il �r. Jed b" Mra. 4-eollfrd Stein,. the followinr pusare from the Chris- -- · .Sunday ja Lent, February 14 at Vivace, Fuga, Alletro M:oderato, Men- The treaa11rer'1 aupplellMJntal debt c;rs •. on e ruary at P. � ·- ' th Th · I S Th regul thl ·

f d I h ft C,._,_. I To statement for tlle Je&r waa a.nnounced with a dmner dance. Thill alfair wil ,..-_r1rs. Mabel SnJ • e .111- t an cience textbook, "Scienee and e . . ar mon Y meeting o 1 0 :'6 a. JD, Aceordillf to custom in I e s� n; ve .....,.,maa caro s, ur· !I& G.SO per teat. be h.

eld in the Woodrow Wileoll aa4J.. ·.'· -JI& te young people are_ learninc Health with Key to the Scriptures'' the m1Ss1�nary depa�tment o� 1:he the. church, L�tllerans will register ne!lllre' . Scherzo, Macfarlane, lie- --.- ding nerro .Amenean. un- bJ .Mary Baker Eddy: "Emerge gent- �esbytiman W omen s Aasociat1on their namea with the pastor in ad· de Mar1age. 1 , Entree du Cortege, w .......... wn.-11, �n dership of J(ra. Chn.tine ly from matter into Spirit. Think �Vill be hel� at 3 o'clock February 11 vance of partakinc of the sacrament. 2 Bened :�tion Nupttal, 8 Offe�ire, Maa IMet Lkemt SupervWnr Principal Cbarlea A.

c;erllll deMrs. Jt, w. Bum1tead, Gor. not to thwart the spiritual ultimate m the par:sh house. At this time An ever wider int.erest, among ( Invocation, 5 La1l.ll Deo, DuB0111. .lker II-a- Crula Philhower will be t!M speaker at tM

--�arry opened the ad!Ut se11ion of all things, but come naturally in- they have s�cured as speaker Mrs. W. Lutheran people and other faiths ss ftll � meeting ot the Woodrow Wil.on PTA jlllJ. brief devotional service which to Spirit through better health and L. Imes, wife of D�. W. L. Imes of well, h11 been aroused by the Luth- T • ....... L- " on February 9 at 3 :16 p. 111• la * ... in wed by an addre11 on "Rad· m orals and as the result o.f spiritual I St. James Presbytenan Church, Har- eran Radio Hour, featuring the ad· ea U •J loeeph Cunlillll'ham, 66 yeara old, schoo), ,.. :tt�udea in Europe •nd "'"111er- growth" p. 485 ) , lem, N . Y: Thia Is th� largest negro dresaea of Dr. Walter A . Maier, This Pr ... Jterila W•ea of 1 49 East J3road street, was fined Waoliillfl•• 1111• Mies Tbyra Edwarda. Sha Presbyter1�n church m t�e United nation-wide chain broadcast of the __ $200 and $15 costs in Hillside police )flss Grace Jollnv, children'• l!bra-111 �!'Gm her experience as a 1ocial •

States havmg a membership of 16,- Luth�ran Church, Con- , The third tea of the Woman's As- court Sunday and hia license was re· rlan' at the Westfield Public LibraJT !°!. in Cook County, Dlinol8, and laptill Cllurc• Netet 0'!7· Dr. Imes preaches Sunday eve- cord1a Se".nary, St. Louis, is to be sociation for the women of the Pres- voked for two �ars, when he plead- will be the speaker at the meet1nr of .... - an of the Woman's Commit- - mngs. t� thousands of people. The heard evety Sunday st 1 p. m. The byter:an Church, K throurh R, will ed guilty to drunken driving u the the Washington PTA on FebrUll'J tt 11�8 National Ne&'l'O Congreaa, The Comm union of the Lord's Sup- �ssoc1ation feels very fo�unate in be- eastern 011t!et for the chain broad· � held at the home of Mn. llurr A. reault of an accident In HU!aide when at 3 :1 5 p. m. Mrs. H. A. Kirn will lef .!ult from many montha of atudy per will be observed at the u o'clock mg able to secure a� eminent an au- cast In Station WINS, .New York, of Tow!, 318 South Euclid avenue on his car hit a youns woman, be hosteu, II of European movement. service on Sunday. thorlty on the American negro. Aft- the Mutual Broadcasting Company. Wednesday February 10 from 3 to The v:ctim, Miu Iaabelle Kashula, It-It

ia E11l'OPj.ednesday evenlnr, Febru- The Yo11ng People's Society will er the ta�k, Mrs. Imes ":'ill answer Dr. Maier, who has come to repre- 5 o'clock. ' Mra. William H. Orr ie 23, of Hillside, waa taken to Beth A discussion and explanation ., � ·Kiss Louise Thompson la meet at 8 p. m. Instead oi 7 p. m. a�y queat1ons on the su�;ect 11 ti:• sent the Lutheran Chur,ih on the air, chairman of the day, astlsted by Mra. Israel Hospital, aald to be auft'erlnr the program of •tudlei of the Senior . 111 ;i� to speak to the adult divi· on Sunday, �l� be Ml'Yed. Anyone mtereatN Ml is pro�e.111or of Old Testament Inl.t!r- w, B. Chapin, Mrs. D. c. Colesworthy from concussion of the brain and con- Hlrh Sehool, for ninth rrtde p&r••W. �a "The Economic Roote of Race Lloyd Hickman, baritone soloist for mv1ted to attend. pretat1on at Concordia �e.mlnar7. and Mrs. A. H. Hastorf, Jr, •Mr•. tusiom. She waa 1tandln1 on the will be given b7 Dr. Frank ·N. Neu· ilo di " Mills Thompson waa at t�e play, "Green Pastures," will give - All services and activities for the William K McKinney and Mra John, accordin,g to police reports, bauer, principal of the Senior Hip PftiUi:'on the !acuity of Hampton a recital in the church on Sunday Jane M GliW L.u�h�ran realdenta of Westfleld and P. Rinckhotf will pour atid Jira. Harry when Cunninl'ham'a car awerved, School, at the mettlq of tllf Ro--f:a111e ha• served with the Educa- night at 8 p. m, He will sing classic orr•! are conducted at the YMCA, Copeland, Mn. T. A. Sperry, M:ra. C. mo1111ted the curb and struck her. velt PTA on Februar, 17 at 8:11 �OD l!Jety of the Concre111tlonal .selectlona as well as some µegro splr- Mtetiat ..... , Nit•t re!'f11 plaoo end Clark atreet. The H. Stubler and Mn. H. I(, Hardrrove p • •• In the 1ehool, Ch� .. and now la connected with ituala. The public ia cordially in- _ Y will ,...._ tM t.•porar1 h�d- will the hostess in receiving the 9'eaa War• la 1771 a larl' ••iiness or&'aniutlon. vited to attend, The Young People The Nftdar monthly meetlnr of ,uarters of Uie cnurch �ntil the build· I ruesta A clwriay 1team waron for haul·

of the church are sponsoring the pro- the Jane Morrow Guild will be held mr. of the churc� edince, a project There •ill. be Incidental m111lc. lnl funa waa eonstructed bJ Nlch� Finl Qare• •' c......, ....... cram. ·

on Monday evening in the home of which the organization la actively lat oseph Curnot In l'l7l, but waa Malle, ... laa Naltla

The name Idaho la derived fl'M th• Indian "J!:d•h hoe," mNIWta "U1ht on the mountalna,•• - The speaker for the adult group of Mrs. Karl Yltzelman, 284 Seotch promotlnr at the preaent time, LOCAL NEWS ON EVERY PAGE never put '° practical UM.

� � � � �� � · · �� � ��ij � �� �M �� � h� d � � CHUICH GUILD �===========��==========��==��====�� 1A9011-lermon h1 all Ch1&tchea of 10 will be Miss Louise Thompson, view the atudy of Africa, dlacuuln1 nu:.


· =-=���=====::;� CUl.t. Scientist, on Suncl•f· ' She 11 the secretary of the Interna- primarily ita geographical 11ttlnr. WILL llEET fEI. 11 Tiit Goldin Text ia : "W1 all, with tional Workers' Order, and was for- Miss Mildred Fink will be In charse ope• flee lleboldinr .. ln 1 rlus the merly a teacher In the Hampton fn. of devotlon1. Mn. Llttelman trill be dOIJ or the Lord, are cluinstd into •tltute and 1111atant In the Congre- assl.\ted by Mn. Warburton and Mn. it .. , iln•ie from •lor, to •lorr, gatlonal Education Society. If un- Sturgis.

"Conro CroBBea," a ltudy of Con• ro womanhood, haa been adapted b1 Mn. Frank L. Beatty• and Mn. L. 8.

;:a:-::=;::-:·-�-;.;::--;--::-::--:-;:· �;;;�;���-�--�-����-;-��;··;--;-;·-�-;·�;�-�-�-���-;-�-�·-;-"�-·;-·-;-·�·-�- -�-�---�·r:;;-:-1 ! �=:�h!ow��-:�:1�::;�s����:nF:t "80UT t40'till onert CINL'I °'4c.& Methodist Church, Thursday 1ft11r· Oo f'roP� Dte BRo,...eR' noon, February 11, at 1 :30 o'clock. OF PHlr�� OtlL"'t °"'E Five dramatic epieodea will be fea·

• tured ; "The Crosa In the Sky," "The CNlu on the Land," "The Cro.u on the Back and in the Heart," "The Crosa A!onr the Road," "The Croll of Calvary," by the following caat, membera of the Guild: Mra, V. D. Barker, Mrs. Frank L, Beattya, Jira. H. W. Buckley, Mra. A. E. Calklna, Mrs. Milton Horn, Mr1. II. R, Johna, Mrs. C, A. Lanner, Mrs. Robert Pal· mer, Mrs. L. S. Smart, Mra. Merle Smith and Mrs. T. O. Young, Prop­erties w!ll be in charge of Mrs. D. P. Woodson, Jr. Mn. Franklin F. Reed will have the devotional hour and ape. cial musical numbers wlll be aung by Mrs. I. S. Yarnall and Mias Mary Corbett.

· Oalr ..... .... r•• wiiilt tJ.11 <lra1 9lore to •pp...,late·ti.. paril.r ud acc!lracr of Dllr preocrlptloaa, •n ••fallla1

p•lilH••• ia Ml'l'lce, ·aatl 1atllf1l•1 price•. A otoMilr

lacreaila1 patro••1• ii tile al1a of pvltllc appreclatleL


Tel. Woot&eld 1·1481 Jo;;;;�;;;;::;=;;;;;;;;; ;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;:;;;�;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The morning business mootllir will l-�· ----�--· - -··-- begin at 10 :30 o'clock. At Its close ·.-----------------------•••mu-------••ll'ft an •.ddreSB on tho work of the Metho·

LIBERTY FOOD STORES 522 Central Ave. • Free Deli111ry t eJ. West. 2-1294-5

'XJrlli:I; � "#llM. ... . . . ' 1':1 [f\'.'J � 3 :1 3 : I ·13 4 ?3 , .. , su

Thur1day • Friday • Saturday



2 Iba. 17c "'· 3c 2 n,,. 19c Strawbenies Frem 2 �or 2Sc

GRAPEFRUIT ..... 3 for 14c

. PEAS Freah •


LETTUCE .�berg . 2 for ISc



Hot Shots large 17c

in Groceries RINSO pkg. Pancake Flour �=ma 1 Oc Pancake Syrup �bei0�:z.l Oc FLOUR Preato 1i:;t;. 2Jc TISSUE Scot 4 for 25c PRUNES Hyalt Freah 12c Oregon No.2 % SOUP Philli1>11 Tomato • • • 4c or Vegetable WAX PAPER Ki��::.n · 4c MUSTARD Gulden's • 4 picnic aize C

SOAP P. & c. 4c POTTED MEAT ul�;.�·· 4c ov AL TINE small 29c ov ALTINE large 5Sc GINGER SNAPS Bu:. I Oc TOWELS Scot • • 2 for 19c TOWEL HOLDERS�:�t19c p APER Waldorf 5 for 2Jc BAB-0 2 f

or Zic

diat Church In Africa will b e given by Mrs. Charles Hardie, associate corresponding secrcta11y of New York Branch, Women's Foreign Mlss!onary Society. •

Members of circle number ten, Mrs. Howard Condit, chairman, are hos­tesses this month for the luncheon at 12 :30 •

To all women lnterestod, a cordial invitation to attend is extended. Pre.byterian Nole1

At the morning hour· on Sunday, a memorial service will be held for D. L'.�oody. Mr. Moody, the great American evangelist and founder of Christian Rcbools, was born on Feb· ruary 6, 1811'7. At th!s service a spe. ciaJ program will be printed contain­ing slx of the hymns sung at the Moody and Sankey meetings of sixty years ago. Four of these will bo sung as solos and anthems by the quartet, the other three wlll � sung by th(! congregation. Among these will be, ''The Ninety and Nino" by Mrs. Donald M. Pearsall ; "In the Se­cret of His Presence" by Mrs. Will· iam H. Orr. The congregation will sing "There Sha11 be Showers of lllessing" and "Bringing In the Sheaves." Dr. McKinney will speak on the life and work of D. L. Moody, looking at Moody not only as a great

\ evangelist but as the founder o! the I East Northfield and Mount Hennon 1 schools.

At the evening service the Boy Scout$ of Westfield will attend ln a body and William C. F:nch, assistant minister, will bring the messag-0 to these young men,


Chester West & Son 77 Z Pro•pect Street

CARPENTERS It: BUILDERS Geaernl Home Modernl•la1 In all lta pha•••·

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Through our direct·from·factory·to­you sales you can buy wperior clothing and save as much as 25 to 303.

The selection is unlimited and the styles range from the most conservative to the most fashionable English drape models.

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,oUoseph Hilton & Sons and other prominent retlfllert. 35 EAST E L I ZA BETH A VENUE

LINDEN, N ilW J E R S ii.Y

K A 1 E S : One-Cent·A - Word

M1111mu111 Charge 25c "Ads'' Accepted bv Phone

...... w_, _,...... An 11.Jdltlonal charge of tnree anu wtll be made for advertJae­ments that ue cliarced and

amount to leas than U OG

ll£AL ESTATE FOR SALE T 8. A 111 II' &ElNOLU• IUano Tlooalre lhulollaa

w ... ITUl!.LU .... uu1 A 64>atle_..• • Co••trr num:e buUt with 1>rec11ion and cra.ttsman1i1blp ou a .latte 'llQt wlt-n •Ute y uee-B ln a bljl"h y r�•Ltlcte<l development. 4 boo J'ovma � U ed. ba.tna aerva.nt • qua.r !T��. ��:pe:t1��u"t�vJt:d

urc��ai c�i�IJ

alder �.xchai ge Broke1 & I rotacted 2 4 4t •to:W KOtJH: l'•' lale, flt 600 143

lirad!urd Ave I bll<l1vom1, dreHlnit roum 8 baLhroom• a room aull tft:be�'�"�o���:! 41��



e:. _,.... \ 1 lf

H 111- 11 11 Tile WNC•el• LeQer Whon e.Ja.cln• )'OUr adverlisement ()r �"·1; 1: �:v�:�:r�::�ent ev

u:u:�. llle&Hd to a111ot you In writing the adverU•ement bu.t be au e lt 1• Tff lll Wi;;l!l Ji'Jj,;l...D !.EAUlill\ wllh wnom rou are l&Jklng

GI E�1 HOUIE - IArse 8unnr 11.eom with bay wJndow ¥ clothes closets &UIULble for couple 3 minutes to sta tfor G'arage11 also &vaUabJe Tel 2 OOQl W

Jl'Oll RF N1'-ff.eU• Near ltaU•M Busl !es: m,;!\ o

�e�f111!!rdn 2 �tl:ge avan

CfUtFOllT.-.BLF. F•nl1•e• ....... cen ii� °Ja!�wBnro�19�te Jl"e�iA�td. Inqulre

aoo1u 'Ill llENT-Fuai.t1e• or un luri lehed with or without cooking fa.clJltlea Five blocka to at11tton I ess than a block !1 om Grant School ���&�g1J

nf!1ude<I Mro Wheeler UO

l L,\llGl!l Attnett..,.ly P•r•i.11 .. room tor a bu1ine11 woman who would like a. home atmo1phere Breakfast �.l:J


j•ll Mr1 W l'oot Weet

0��mMr..t� ·r�n��:a •·�11 r��:!I V�1��tt�

hb°.!r� 1'i0�:.:J�':!:iuy ��;r-;:�s

E:rsi: z%�rerre<1 Telephone Weit

I HA\'E llCVICllAL llnu1ual building liilot1 100 x 110 ft beautiful view liigh ground, paved street�' re•\rl�t.;;f toQUon l'llQne Westftel<> &•1911 ft 2 • ft " RIDA1J'l'lJ'lll• WOOIJtlb t.1)11 on lllgh f round, UOx1601 sl tU�led In a ne igh prhooo bf ftne nomee Ll•too at 1,too Coo1 er &< Stile• In• Tel U22

a111 llJR& It t1 TM W•tll•I• te •• ;; when pleclna .voui- adverU•ement ar re•dn•1w01n!I' lphreeva10d11v1ert1t1o1e11n.,.ent p_µ0b1ta1lr'o Y01Jll'O I ADY Wloll" ow"'* ii •• ..., In - W, JJrr�te homo In Westflald 'l:clepho1 e

�ev"i"rt'/.�:i,atel•�lto\�" :'u"�!lnft 11\: l'!,:d��gt"rrice \ddreu Bolt 7V core THE WESTl'lELO LlllAU.liR wlllt wltonl you are t&lklDll' W ANTED-41-RoO• 1lou1e 160 Stea�

"9 - ._...,. H••oe, maid e room" �g\'"Jh G•rnll'• l:ftll WE 2 0367 Ran bttaktaet nook oll ourner wa.ra•• ..,.,,,;;,;,,,;�==�· ====-=,,,,;,� Orallt ljobool Hotlon T D tl N F - = 7 ::sue: Ro11yl4!; n• llill•t Uroi\d 11\ I Weot• W'"N"'-D TO BUY ?:.!l�ld 1-lUlO _.- =

n I C:.

PERSONAL Gfi NI Ll<.:JIA.N \\ llo Saw A�cideat in

\\ oolwor h s o & lOc Store Newark N J Apr I 27 ha5 Vl•play sign tell on w Qffia Ue Llc::ma s mu e pou1lJ1) Fu crto age about 46 1 Jea.tse commun1 ato w Ith SchneJd:e1 & S hneider attorneys NE:wa.rk N J ToL .Marht 2 0461

CLEAll.lNC:E IALE, ... _ .. " ii and U 95 .tormerJy six lo ten doJlar•


an:bo;�SJ0\1,!YPS� next to Jarvi• 1 7 tf

llONOGRUllNG el All Klali• specialty of men e shirts and linens Hand croch�ted hals to rnatch dresi or 19ult R(tasonable Tel 2 OU 4 M:

ru•�· flJIUC ......... ... .......... DY u:pertl Ha .. tb .. • l ittle Job• at tended lo no• W•tllold I 1U7 Cbarl11 Lecb1r 111 Weit Brood St Blip co'•H upboloi.rlnr mattr .. ••• etc l·f·U


We1tft11d I 0111

llF.�EN • PAlllCllGER PACKARD chaurreur driven tor all special oc ��r<lo�• 0316

r1ceo reaeonable f.�"lt PUNO TIJNING-\\arrta W Gn•, for

25 yearo Weatfteld 1 torernoat re1rl•· tered tuner rnernher of N J AHO• elation of Plano Tuner• 'Phone Weatfteld 2 232& If no anawer call Wutfteld 2 1121 663 We1tfteld Ave I 11 It

RA.010 ••••• a•• l!lrrYll'• Expert work ����g�\� z'Ymneld Radio La\ T't1

r EXl'f:RT R.lnlll IER\'ICID on all model• Pro111pt work Fatr �rlcu VRn Brn":.i II Elm St Toi Weit Held : !Tl• 1 1 tr

NF.W8PAPER DF.l IVl!:RY SF.l\VICF.­Mornlng evening &unday paper• dcJlvered to your home O.'hywhere Prompt Delivery Mal!'ll•lne sub scrip lions at office rate" Meisel 1 33 Elm St Westflold 2 0583 T• RMITES 1uul ll"h lnJC .\nt• ro no , act\\• 1tgaln I 1 this vlclnlt) Home

\\ O�I \!II Wllllh \I'll)"• \\ •rk pnrl Um� 'i h�i:,� �he�fl•;1�1n:f..o\o7 ta�o hol'l\o

��1J cr.�,��::,nn��n

lnth����h101e�r�1{i� C 1 trol Bureau Ell•nbeth 2 191� l 4t

uom1,; 1• \l'I ltlm com�let• $0 os (12x


ORIW"fl .... nv A111 l'rh Cini&' ou may 11eod tor your ll'all nnd \\ In tor bu•I ti••• Th• We1Weld Lender 60 Elm flt ti

l'LfllA!IAN'T I ar.rr Room fnr rlf'flt 1ult ��iQ:or fhvr°re1 �1�1�tel

t�a'rk h��t .. ��t <-===============

t nn & I t II ••1neld Ave Toler hnn• We1lneld I 2ftH t 7 u

i.Allnl'l not m l'l 11nnw, '" tn .... �., ��\'�!r. �:�L ��:'.. �;:� .. ::10.X1.n"'.'l\!. •I• rnom A4111' family 170 R Im :rnlt A v o 1 !.JI

1\-;-�� D I \Ill'., •.a:perle•f1,d "Ith cl !dren will look niter \hem dny or n ight ht lour home ot hCrA \ ery reflHol able }.•rs 'Vhcetur 130 Arch bold I 1

���ut�u'o':i 1�1·:�11;' �rua�:.�t��1P �r;ir

zc 1 08 Wnlchur p; \Vo I lnlnflcltl ofsr

slto Post OIT!co Tel Ptf214


ITllllE Phone 2 • ft

ll'Rl�<I HATM-ln llero-Miss Wilkes has H�lcctt!<I the no\'1 es� models ftom New Yor)t-.1wma ire felts others soft <)ra11e<I hat• of strllW Edith Hata-Wralg Its 68 Elm St

Blli'li'f:T, '8 llll \\ aJnut dlnot buffet 13 00 Odd table• and chairs Glass ware and dishes la.rt lle seen at the

�����d A��

an�\ 0:;'1{�1�tu/1u�hop, 20$

1JSEll WA8HIN(J llACHINf l·lllllTORI -Very reaaonab e I 6 to I t hotBe �owcr All makes We alao re� Ir I "";i1��r. i�"J0:? i:::J;• fi�rr/Y. Taylor Easv �Vasher Distributor WEBlfteld 2 1600

FOR 8 \I E-l••ae 8118 Tnlla1 ft!�lr���fA�

n8t very reasonable 632

11��c1r��cc l�t�to��i:�·�r�:S�i�o ':;�1

ccllent co llt lon Sullnble for plan lMt scho 1 01 lneUtutlon Very rea ��l�blc 632 E alrrnont Ave West

l.ADIES Mil K Dftl!l88E8 •lze 1 4 up chlJ.drer s dresses and suite 'V men e

��'ii"t�lnf�c .;\��tfl�l�

elf�BB�hop 613

11.l' •1 Ylll Sometlllna' For Saler Ad vertleo on this I age L. I Phlllp I 0 nox 37 wtll receive two Cour leB!i tlckelH to 8ee Cnllt>.go Holt l�ren v��dJ �l�eBW:ft nl� I Bcf; 1�v!�i � oung 11 tn nt the Rialto Mot day Feb !lh b) en I ling personally or by �'j,�'"£����r

T(j(ffc:' ldcntlftcatlon at

��----����"""""'� INSTRUCTION

ll�le':i�i:: .;::;, �����:E agae.r�:�a at reaaor abte ratea Af1 loads ln

1urM! 8argent 11 Expreaa WestnPM 2 3033 1 Mt Ill' MOVlNi lo dletnnt polnle 1uch ••

B�r��r n�t;


We ���ii f ntel"Btate Commerce CommlHlon �erm1t to operate In thlrt� twu sl��tn. i·�b1�· l�;th .. r:r�8�1�blllt)

I 1 t!

NOT! The term current expense• lnclud•s principal• leacherR janitor• n I n e<llral lnspectoro salaries fuel IEIXtb oks srhoot supplies trans �t[;, �\�� 0icifo�Y!1' lntu��g�r 0�1�t�f�l:

llh the conoent of the Boar<l of Edu o�ll'h" rf1��rt':!t H/:ir'li'1�r t'ii0.m�ii�:!l:�� nr set oo l mane�• and of truant o!Tfcer• tr l\nt �chtJi.:>h� insurance nn<I the tn l I I lrtl oft�l et see of the scbooh

I ltt•lrlber of the Board of Education �rti!.�n\ e1t1nJ �en:!el��nl

e'6�8 t�� ���ooi Bea- rlrt n id Ahn.11 been such a ltlz and rC!sldent tor nt Jen..'lt thrCI) e M I n1 �dlateh preceding hie or her (I-Co.ming a member of such Board a ' 1

Al 11 le able to read and write Petition• leirnll� nominating enndl

lntes to le voted on at Raid meeting " l st l o ftled with tho District Clerk nt twenty da.YB before the date

f the nieetlns:t in order to httve th., rhl��ilc��l h1:t�fot;



n��tn°: r t cnlculntlnJt the a.hove mentlone<l

twenH dn� a either the tlltn� tiny or the �lectton Cay b 1t not both mo.Y be m !)n t

�b� ����t.!dr"f�o�r l�!s r:,t::rM��

IHk Persons who may vote In addition to

hnMe registered tor ti e lnJ!t prcc,.dlng J(enero.l election nnd thor:ie whosl'! nnmes nppPn.r on the permanent rev: l•t � list of the munlclpnlltv are thr •� ' ho rAtrlst(!r at the polJfnJr nloce r>n the Rn.tur lay eve I tt precOO lnit thl.' elf'rtlon 1 r-t ,,: eon the hnure of 7 o clnrk n 1 9 o clock P M Anv persnn mnv r�gl�tPr 1 o Is qu tllfled to voto In 1 o t l lstr ' t tor a member or the legts nt rP

1 '8 'l Fees ll8 62 NOTJl'F. OF 8l<:TTI F.MF.N I NOTICJll IS HF:REBY OJVF.N That the account of the aubAcrlben Execu Inn or the ln•t will nnd teolarnent of FTIANK E tnSCH deconsed will be nudlted nnd •lnted bv the !lurrognto nod reported tor eettlPment to the Orphans Court of the County of Union �� .. [�l��y�0 t�•

"':6th day or February


natt'd JantlllrV 16th 1937 WU ITAM H ORR, Proctor

Weatfteld N J l 21 6t Fees U 20 NOTI! Fl 011' 8F.TTI F.\IF.NT

NOTICE ts HERP.BY GlVF.N Thal the nna1 nccnunt of the aubArrftieir l'!xecutnr nl the last " Ill and T••ta rnent of !RV'ING M FF.RTIJB decen••d will be nudl t•d and •lnt•d by the Sur rnat� nnct reported fnr eetll &menl to the OrphnnA Court of the Countv or llnton on Frldl\v the 2Bth day of Feb rua.ri no�t •t g io A M nos" F.1 1 s NICHOLS JR. �xe�utor n.nd proctor

pro file 1 W'� Janu11ry 13th

1 11-j •111.:a1rr I IALS- -

In l:bancery uf Ht• ler1ey 8 Home Owner• Loan l:ur •I•._ body corporate gf the U P•rauu11, a having It• principal olfloe �!l�v 8t11t1; ton IJ C compJalmrnt ••b1i., Be&trlc1 Harvey and Jame:� liLllllrtt her huoband detendu t• FL at•ii •ale or mur1ga1rod pr1ni1181 la. Ii By virtue of th• above 1 of fterl factao to me dlroc�.':/ed1 •1tt upoH for oale 11.v pubU 11tcll the Pl1trlct t.:ourt Room �n v[�0ut. la Houae In the city of llllltabelb• C1101111 on

J. WEDNESDAY THE 17TH DAI OF Fi!:BHUARr A V ��:wo o clock la tbe afterno�:3!f 11111

fA111 that certeln lot, traot vr p o and and premlM1 her I 1"'1

tlcularly 4e1crlbed, altuat� "�1)" lllr. beln• In the Town of w .. tnefu"f ""' 'J:��'f of Unloa anol tbe l!t&le uf"J:: hBEGINNIHG at a eorner form .. "' t a lntorHctlon of Ille "" ., 1ld1 of Park 8troet with t�:u�h••:ltr '

rJy •Ide of Summit Annue 1';:'1 11•� :r t!,kl!l .��:t \�·.:0�!:�·s��;�·�iA zt• U E at rl&'ht an&'leo t�-OI f. Street Ut fettl thence II fl, 11�1�1 parallel with ark Btreet U 67 l to llummft Avenue thence N 37, 4 f fJ'��'J'3��11 Aven¥• 111 71 feet to , ..

Belnr 4lomrnonlr ka•wn and dHI Nnated

1 ao ua .l'al'k 11.r .. c w ••tn•': ew 1r1ey to, There 11 due appro•ltna11tr II Ill.If :Jab

c!��:,r11t !rom Dec1111ber I lllf, BARAJI 0 y1\:,t!;NRJ���il.h:�r

P1u ftl llF.:1JJAWJ,...CX Ill

Pl 8LIO WO'l'IOIC PUJIUO NOTIClll la bereb I that Ordlnance1 of which the f�llo'w!:!• Qoptea were Introduced read an Pll""ed on ftrat rea<llll&' by the Coune of the Town of WesUleld at a m .. Ing held January 27 1937 and that th sat<l Council wfll further oonalder 11: imme tor final pa1sag6' on the 8 h da ot February 1937 at eight 0 clock p :T In the Council Chamber Muni<IPil Bulldlnlf 121 Pro1pect Street Weot field New Jeraey at Which time and plaC'e any person who may be Inter ••Ce<I therein wlll be 1r1ven an oppor ���:ii�n�� be hear-cl concernl'"'I 1Ueh

CHARLES CLARK, January 28 1937 Town Clerk,

IPIWUL �AWCS Ne. ,\N ORDIN.tNCl!l UR.\NTINU 1 J<R•I .. 81UN ro THE " YCHWllOD tu .. POIUTION TO 001h'l'lllJ()1 A VEI• TER !irRtr lllAC.\DA• PAVElllEftt ��R

�l!l�::i;!'T:LACID ron ITS Jill BE IT ORDAINED by the Council ti ��·u�?.�n ot W11tn11d; 1n th• co•ttlf

(1) Subject lo the con<llllons herel'!­after set forth permlaalon Is gr&nt ed lo the \Vychwood Corporallon l• construct an 18 fl center etr p ma cadam pavement In Bonnett Pl&ce tor ts el lh c length (2) The work sl all he done In ac­cor<lancc \\I th plans nropRred by tbt Town J na-Jneer and In strict accord ance with tho Town of \Voatnel<o standard •r,•clticntlon1 and under the superv •Ion or the Town En glneer (3) Before placing nn) aurtaclng au tho lzed by this Ordlno.r.ce all atomt drainage a l<i under drainage shall bt constructed as shown on said p anL r 0 Before the work ohall be coll! monco<I the Wychwood (;orporalloa •hall deposit a sum of 1!00 00 I• cover charges tor englneerlng work. Inspection and a<lv<rtlolng thl!Eo!a1n��r��lf �)!�A.We�?;:� �uly publlahed as required by law after Hnat p&BMJ?e PaHtd and adoptecl 1111 1 28.2t Fees 11111

Other Lepls on Page 4


- . JIOJ scouts of Amenea, m�re

De Jlillion strong, are celebratiq .-• 1 to 13 as their 27th an·

�y 'th un�sual activity, In community in the na­

.ud councils have reco�­

jlll.� the year of greatest gama d !P�...bip 88 well as advanc:u in . _.... - of the move111ent.

'1� l937 is scheduled to be

!it ":us one in scoutinr. � 1 �sevelt honorary preSldent

*" . oveme�t and hilllSelf an ac­

i'';;.r will address the ecouta by

. . · Jro� the White House on Kun. ,,P Nat June 30 to July 9, more

M· 11 OOO scouts from "every nook

.., -y every section of the na­'6' '° �.. Prelldent lt00tevelt'a 1i09·".o,.. will gather at Wuhiq­

fll [), c., 'w1tere .they will live, work ""pllJ torether in a great national

... .,_ camping on 3$0 f,eHI loan-: bJ eo:i.reSB. f&l!OwiBJ this COll'lH the Fifth

f rld Scout Jamboree at Voplea· ' BJoemenda! H o!land where

.., • tial 80 ooo Boy Scouta 'Will ..,. · ,_ all over the world in a � _, of world-wide friendship• .- 11111 29 to August 18, Tiie ""i. jtaboree oflleials have aet aaide

fl! tM United States reservation• for

WO .couts and leaden. 'A fealllre of the Boy Scout Week

eelliratlon 11 the awardinr of the

·� Walter W. Head Aeorn.

...,. to Boy Scout troops, Cllb fllb •9d Sea Scout Ship• "ho made

II ,.-1e tor boys to ret into the .-tf 1eouting tbrourh new troops, liib aid ships. These awards will ie ,,....ted at courts of honor, mer­

� ..... lllo"s, ral!ies, scout circuses -4 other pubilee events throurbout

tie nation during tlwl ennlversary

'11111 iong·established troops are 11!P1inf troop 1·eunlon1, and "old­

tillrt' k!kes" which will enable for­

., tcouts now grown to manhood, to ielin their early days In the or· pnizat!on. "Scout Sunday" will be

oblerVtd In nearly all churcbils of l!lr)' faith on Sunday, with scout lrlfpl attending special services in ui!o111. ·

... Glean 'Y IDS ldeu' MAKING A HALFTONE engraving proce�es. First of all an I face of the ,plate, spread evenly ,by oring matter methyl violet. The al·

F- .R ... •en D--dc-..a. FOR A NEWSPAPER enlargement of the actual means of a device called a whirler coho! d!asolves the portion. ohf the ,_ ... DnNI _. .s made. The� a .half tone negative and dried' by' means of heat. The coating not affected by the hg t and

lnformation that will help the �ride-lo·be plan "The Home Beauti· hi' la featured in the Homemakers FM broadcasts presented over �n WOR this month, according � lie program announced. The -� •. a . presentation of . the BOlllt ·Economics Extension Service of latcn• University, are heard at 3:15 p. m. Wednesdays. They are a conlinuatlon of the special three, monlU urles of programs for brides i11111111rated by the Extension Serv·

• __ is made . on str1ppmg film. The fl!m coating or light sensitive solution is the expose<! parts are dyed purple. This half tone illustration o! a aftei· berng exposed, developed:, was�; made by dissolving shellac in am. The plate is

. then drled, etched by

scene in Mindowaskin Park was made ed nn.d fixed by. means of � hypo monia or borax solution, to which Is means of nitric acid and then �fter from 8 photograph taken by Henry L. bath 18 then stripped fr�m its piper added a solution of ammonium bichro. beveling the edges ls made ' type Rost, president of the Peoples Bank base and spr.ead �n a piece 0! P ate mate-the sensitizing agent. This s<>. h'.gh" by blocking. & Trust Co. Th� picture commends �1

.a�s and drtcci. . The . metal ts then lution was developed and patented by Ordinarily the half tOM plaU! is

itself for it.s general excellen-0y in ri: cpared �r �as)l�� Wl�h al��hol f � John Helfrich of this town during the made of zlne or copper but !n tbh in. composition. It is reproduced with en a 8•8 n. ms . ts given e P � years he was aBSoclated with the stance the plate is made of a marne· hi

· · Th thod b which by rubbt?g its pohshed surface wit.h Hearst newspapers as director of re- slum alloy. Magnesh(m alloys arc s permission. e me Y • fine pumice powder and water. It is · this half tone plate was made ts a th h d 1 d th I' ht . search. bcmg developed by the graphic arts

combination of cbemlcal and photo 't�n war

t� c. e�� an ,. c 1�h

se�- After the plate has been coated it by Mr. Helfrich for the American s1 ve so u on 15 own over e sui . is placed in contact with the negative Magl'lesium Corporation of Cleveland. ============' J and both placed In a vacuum frame, Th's is the first Instance where a mag. F. Wallace's home on Tremont ave· They are then subjected to the actinic nes!um alloy plate was used as a di· ice !n January. · YWCA NOTES nue. Specialists of the Extension Serv· -- .

tee ltaf and other members of the A�1out 200 .�oys and g1�ls attend�d Ve1per Service

Un!Yenity faculty will furnish the the cut-rate da!lce wh1c� the Girl Many members of the YWCA are information included in the broad· Reserves gave �riday evening at the planning to attend the inter-racial wta The b 1 f th lie am l'Y." The aft'a1r was a success both vesper service at the Baptist Church wh�h 11 b . a ance 0 t de p�ogr th ' socially and financially, for those who on Sunday, February 14, at 4 p, m. dlmt!On ;1: pr

Mese� e


Me� 8 attended had a lot of fun and the Elmer Carter, editor of the negro

ell exteft•� rs • .




0.w· Girl Reserves raised the money they magazine, "Opportunity" ls to be the , ·�ion specta 1s in c ram· h • · kc m, and parent education, follows: needed to carry on t e1r sel'Vlce pro- spea r.

February 10-"And How About jectg. ------lruuranceT" The bride and groom Friendt, Cluh

. · Former Re1ident .

con1ider its .place in their budget and The party that the Friendly Club ( B • d H t ita advisability from the standpoint had last Tuesday. evening at the home I Fl ge 01 ell

of 1&vlnr a8 well as protection. of Mrs. A. H. Richardson tur�ed out . . February 17-"The Home Beauti- to be a shower for Helen Bahnt, �he Mrs. August Meyer of Pittstown, lul" The bride talks with an interl· .club's president. Helen was mame

1d formerly of Westfield, . entertai�ed I or decorator. yesterday afternoon In St. Anne .s me�b.ers of .the Amer1�nn �eg1on

February 24 "S · d S d Church in Garwood to Charles Galt- Aux1hary, umt 3, at bridge m her Shining " The

-. . PIC an f I i:n an

d szewski The couple will reside In home, Wednesday of last week. Mrs. , th! mi:ximum ��m

1:s�l� �h:1'n

anit Gal'woo0d, Meyer: who recent!� moved to P1ltts-1 1

Cllit!I to scrubb · ts d HappJ Hearta town, is a past president of the oca plliilh:ng fur

.;ng po dll,Jl pa


, The Happy Hearts Club will have auxiliary and for several years di· I foo11, m ure an waxmg a party next Tuesday evening in the reeled in n most able manner the re-basement playroom of Mrs. Charles habi!itntion program.

Put your advertising money in =======================::==: IOl!lething you know all about--THE ;;;;:;:;:;::::;:::;;;::;;:: _________________ ...., LEADER. DON'T BE NAIL· CONSCIOUS � USE




11TANT to give a delight· ff ful aurpriae I Juat aend one of our greetinga to Your Valentine. le to $l�






rays of a strong carbon arc lamp. rcct printing medium in this country. After printing In the vacuum It Is anticipated that magnesium al·

frame, the plate is developed by Joy plates will find an application in means -0f immersion in a l>ath of al- the print!ng of magazines aa well as coho! to which baa been added a col- newspapers.


Exclusively a! Rosenbaum � '

The COAT of the Month

It's of feather ftee� In Eright Bew Spring Colon

!-Cf"""" !�j!��-cmo companion to warmer days and -' freshening breezes . . • the coat of the

month is of Pacalaine Feather Fleece . . . light yet warm . • It's a new boxy swagger vith tucked epaulette shoulders for dash· .ng width . , ., stitched collar, double cuffs . . . and a new panel front. Lined with ·11dnner's Barrister. In colors of Icy Orange Navy Pumpkin 29 Royal Blue . Tam .SQ Windsor Blue Grey



,. BS. IEIASTEGIJI TO �111 �-� and Jin. L. I. 'f'• W. HE.AD AD£lllll AWllOI ... »ow:-· ,

- FrdlnlllJ w .. , ' Mrs. Henry Beraategui of Fcreat · • · 1 · ·

a.venue was temporary chair· llaal f1• err Dar man of a New Jersey Chapter of the Adelphi Alumnae Assocla.tion for Mias P,eanor Dilwol'th of &IJ!,­which plans were m.ade at a llleetlnr More was the guest .t a. Fou• of alumnae at her home o.n Saturday, deJ'll' Day luncheon of Kapp .. .Alpha llra. F. A. Williamson, also of West- Theta Alumnae Club of Wtittltld at lleld, was chosen temporarf secretary. the South S'.de Inn on Saturda7. Miu Application for a charter for the Dorothy Galloway wt.a ehairman of chapter was signed at the me�tlng. the committee and �esta were prea-Jlisa Edwiene Schmitt, Brooklyn ent from nearby commulties. attomey, who is president of the Na- The luncheon waa one of eeveral tional Adelphi Alumnae Association ; umilar e'rellts held throuahout th• Mre. Mar:on Denton, dir�tor of pub· country to honor the founders of the licity for many women's club•, editor oldest national Greek letter 'Irater· of the Bul!etin, quarterly publication nity for women. Plans for the dl1-of the nat10.nal association, �nd K�a. trict convention to be held the lust Poster, national membership chair- of tbis month in Atlantic City were man, were present to assist with the d.seussed . organization meet:nf.

Westfield alumnae of Adelphi Col­lege Include Mrs. Charles Bingham, Mrs. Margaret Py, Mrs. L. B. Van �uven, Mrs. Matthew H. Wood, Mrs. Frederick A. Williamson, Mrs. Lyman L. Parks, M iss Edith Maccormack, Mn. Albert Clementa, Mrs. Warren Peters, MiSB Gertrude )(, Hale, Mrs. C. Allen Manchester, )(ra, Henry Berasteg11! and Mrs. C. F. Pester.

PuLlic Senice WiD SpeM Ower SZl,000,0M

Others �re present from other New Jersey communities.

Expenditure of upwards of •2s,. 000,000 for replacements, new equip. ment and improvements has been &11• ,horized by the approva.J of the 193'7 !On•truetion budget• by the boarcb lf d:rectors of Public Service Corpor. 1tion of New Jersey and subaid!ar:r lperatlng companiea. Of thla aum • pproxlmatel;v $18,000,000 wllJ b• ·pent by the electric and pa depart• nent.I and ,5,000,000 by Co-ordinated rransport. This is the largeat Pub­ic Service 'budget since 1929.

A 1tate-wide meeting w'll be held soon, probably ln April at Ridgewood, at which permanent officers will be choaen and othEr deta!ls of the or­ganization will be perlec\ed.

Mre. Berast�i entertained the --;;;; r-:-------- =

J A R V IS D R U G S T O R E . .

SAVE with SHOP at


. . . 27c

2·25 Dorothy Gray . Special · Dry Skin Mixture

(Tiuue Cream) Special 1.00

75 c

-� GLOVESKIN � .....

Those red-looking hands turn white and velvety with , , an overnight application.


Grea1ele11 - no gloves nec­essary.




By Helena Rubinstein,

Mary Dunhill, Tussy, Max Factor, Coty,

or Elizabeth Arden



• , Z5c Sise Caahm•n Bouauet SOAP


lUc ::!cot TISSUES

3 for. ] 3c

SOc Woodbury'•




OIL 39c


THE WESTFIELD LEADER democracv and then return home to do a .bet- I------------. and who hu spent any time in the " I am sure all will agree that

ter job as citizens. To ,help such things is LETTER.'1 the east has progressed just as fast,

"The overthro• and destruction of �·s. c_oa�a of all craft this govimunent," the pamphlet eon- un10u mto •!e units of " tinuea, "is bein6 atte111pt.ed on a more �thin � �tlltey known 811 •

gipntic scale than at aDy time in the trial uruons witll co-qrdinatioa

- ..... worthy of our very best men I , TO 1 HE EDITOR and as much u the west baa. If 11ot

... Ila • more so and their highway& and cit-"-------------- ies as well as bi&' stores, are by far

history of this nation." der a su.per-Soviet Union ow·

Caritta ...... 1 Editor Leader equal to &Dything to be found in 1,1-•-tered at the PA_. 0 ... ce a• Wa•••eJd, N. • •• aa "While public health officials naturally I Dear Sir: linois, or any pl.ace else. I am •0


- ,,_ •• • _.., • • · · d j tl letter dering just what small space of t e leeoad Clau Matter. emphasize the personal measures aga11u1t pre- Having :ea


ribr-ece� Y !'-tte by e••t this gentleman has seen. If I

···I- It enumerates the "major points" Jegiance to, and accepting thellf in the "revolutionary program of the dates of, t!ie Communist Inte . Communists.'' These include : and itl subsidiary, the Red Trade

"Overthrow and destruction of the ion International at Moacow." .. _... Id N • · · • h in the "Chicago une, wn n - .

Published Tburaday1 at we ... ne , ew �•l'MJ', ventable dISease, an mspection of any os- a gentleman from Westfield, N. J., were the breadwinner �f our. famil.Y federal, state and provincial govern- ...,.... ments, with the elimination of exist- To cap the elimax Lewis ing Constitutional forms and founds. first otlleial announce:nent · thll&� - Tile Weatfield Leader Printlnir and Com· pita! will reveal that many of the beds are under date of December 19, 1936, in I would gladly c�ange Jobs with till$

fUJ01r!:'a1ln�=�:�:! �:;•::e1:foWD of w�eW, occupied by patients whose sole reason for be- which he so unduly criticised the peo- g�ntleman, but


d I am o�ly


.... ,..,.. · · • , pie of the east, for no evi�nt reason, wife I am duty oun to remam . ere t.

. m 11 10�s · · • . · . gram was made by William z J?estruct10n . o_f a� s�c�, eco- I ter, several times Communist ' elteniate yean. Ulg there 18 due to the

.1r own or some one else s 'claiming that the people of the east my husband . However, since

81101ttlptlon rates ,2.00 a :rtar in advuoe. carelessness," accordmg to the State Depart- are as a whole a very cold, indiffer- this gentleman seems to be the. bread.

OFFICE•. E. 0 ELE!tas

b!riseheetd. 11:!: 2 •• 07_2_.408 ment of Health. Communicable diseases and ent' class,• not ;ociable or neighborly, V.:in!1er, I would suggest t�at smce hh

" • .... • • • I bringing in and for themselves, and d1shkes the eastern peop e so muc

nom1c, and poht1cal 1nst1tutions as da.te for the Presidency d b • t th" .... " • an t ey exist a . is ... ime • . · for "the format'on of a �w

- • . nent to supplant Ht.ting craft Most everyone knows those are ions with 'industrial unions' or NlltiHal Advertll!ng RepreMntatlv•, New ,_., the deter1oratmg processes of old age thus Ith t false fronts are all the go, that hat he give up that job of bis, no

Wewepapen, lne., New Yorlt. have a powerful ally not only in keeping hos- a �ellow could get sick, die and be doubt �heir. are many fine men, born

pi!Jlls well filled but in maintaining the high buried, before any one would even and raised Ill � i;ast, who would be

A • h ks notice him at all. He also makes fur- happy to have his JOb; he "11'.ould then

death rate. t this season of the year, t an th 't' 'sm of th "hrass bands " be at liberty to retnrn to his beloved

Communistic aims. But what bothers big union.' " Washington students now are these Lewis, of course, is seeking � two last poiate wlllc1a Lewis' article just exactly tha!;.-.1!eeking to re says also are "major" objectives of trade unions with industrial u . the Communists: and to make his CIO (Committee


b 'd . . . er en tei e • "b 1 d 1 d " t o carelessness, car on monox1 e po1somng m · and publicity hounds becoming busy west, with the uffa oes an n !·

variably plays an entirely preventable part in when the state builds a three lane a�s" ; he would probably never be

'd d I h • highway and that New York is the missed back there. I too hope that ai:c1 ental eaths. An� us?a Iy t ere IS no city of bent fenders and bruised e�- this gentleman will get his one cher-

"7. Seizure of the .American Fed- Industrial Organization) suprem ! eration of Labor, with the ouster of Lewis' plan would, according� · its officials, and through such seizure own belief, put a ready-made w , ga�ning control "'· all dt15 aftiliated into the han�e of the Commu · umts and trade unions. students of his article believe. midway stop at the hospital m such cases. bows and looking for 8 friendly face ished hope, that of w:hen he co!lles to

In spite of repeated warnings there is al- is l ike old "Diogenes" in his endless die, that the Lord Wlll see to 1t that

ways a small number of persons' each winter search for the honest man. he.

ls buried �n Il�inoi.s, otherwise he "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,...,,.,;.; • . The letter containing much fur- might be buried in the spot allotted 11

who thoughtlessly or Ignorantly run th�1r mo- ther criticism of the eastern people, for me, and as I have told my bu� tor in a closed garage and pay for their folly 1 feel justified in calJlng the attention band so ofren, I .. wo�ld n�ver rest if PERSONAL PONDERINGS

., ... J . •. with their life. of this gentleman to my experience I were to be buried m Dhno!s.

V..aa _. &L- l!-L--1 1!'1-..a!-- f r . .

Ch' f th last ten JENNY S. HAWKINS. •- • 19 ..... r.IK1l9ll Unfortunately there is nothing connected 0 !Vlng ID icago or . e Ch" Ill Th h h • te t i . . ' , years. The gentleman claims to have icago, • I ere U never been enour in res n with thlS deadly poison to put one on guard. been born in the State of lllinoia and =======..,..--=� Our srandmothers used to ask Ing out paragraphs which he no

, the annual 1ehool election, when member• of Carbon monoxide has no odor, no taste, and Jived in Chicago and subu11ban towns .-'!!!!=====�=..,.===� I "What ever are we comilli' to" when cannot-support b;y act11el researek

'"h t I h h 1 u h �r ' new and startling inventions became dence, will never accomplish a • e Board O Educat on are chosen and t e is invisible. Expelled by the machine through of Illinois all is ife, unt t e com- � fact•, or when utter chanl!'l's in moral This is evident bJ the thou11 ... b .a. t •· ted b th Id ts f thla . • pan)' for whom he works, transferred ( S T ff A T 5 O! ""'

u,..e • vo on y e res en o the exhaust, It is breathed unnotlceably mto him to their eastern plant eleven standards took place. "quack" remedies on the market J,o,rn, Thia, .nevertheleN, 11 one of the most the lungs by the victim. In a little while, �ears ago and he has been making his 81 ll. w. DAWSON-· _ _ I thoucht of this the other day, every !II, to say nothing of all

)Jnportant phuea of our civic life. The 1ehool unconsciousness suddenly arrives and shortly hvelihood in the east sin�e then. , He when aitting In a readinir room watch. of cosmetics, hair "rinses,"

,,. d t II t tot l f ,620 187 II • 11ys he feels that he is ID a position John Lewis has a sit-down of hia lnir men and boys reaching for the beautifiers, and a multitude of c .,u P Cl I or I a 0 ' ' no ama thereafter life becomes extinct. It thus be- to make the comparison between the own, and atrangely enouih it'• in

.• popular magazines and as I looked "quack" stulr, which the public

;IUm·fC!r a town of thi1 1lze, b11t evidence that comes plain that a warm garage and a run- people of the east and those of the Cadillac-made by those economic them over various titles attracted me, sc�ibes �or each •ther, without � ·Weltft.ld la provldinf lta children with an ning motor represent a lethal combination. west, an� that the pe�ple of the east royalists, General :Motors. , for instance one: "Are We a Nation going near a phy1ician who

",:lducatton that ta aecond to none for similar .. . are as different as night from day, - of Prudes.'' From the title I thought save them many dollars, and of ,,, , · It follows that, before starting the motor from the people he Jived around in Newsllne: Steal GOO-pound safe that it might be one more cute little their health, for • very moderat d z;p1de1. for any reason, either in cold or warm wea- Chicago. containing $25 • • • lt'a that tort of article bent on showing that men and Another enllghtening head 1111 f' ' At the , election thll year on February 9, tht!r, the first step is to open the iarage door. .1 was born and raised in the east thing that foments labor trouble. Ap.. women bathln1 to1ether •• they are "States Vie for Divorce Clie

htllen II no competition for membership on the If one does otherwise the fil'lt step 'in _ all and Jived there until my husband's parently the owners acted In bad supposed to do jn lapan, would be which tells us that various statee

; �}'ool1 bo1rdh.

1There f11, ho


e1v��· the qu

ies- probability will be th� last one," says the �:�ne;b:r

eeq�:'ia�1::" :!��1�fv1i:. cf�� ::�th�J


v�:d·�:,� !i:i:11t���'! 1: ;::!e!°::t �:r b�hl!n

c��i��!· o�u;d�� �!

e�!�!s�::1���;::.� ��:�n!�s�at.i

t, O pure U DI two ama o ... aa an m- • state department. ten yeara. From the first week here, strike In the steal lndll.Stry. torial on a nasty disease which thou- ida for instance sranted 4800 od4 , .provement of the Lincoln School playground, ... • • my hope and prayer has been that my - sands of people in this country are 1935 and about 6,000 In 1936. ••

;t-d Recreation Field. oftlll!'lll , .... ERS SA husband would again be sent back Another strike prospect is the supposed to have, without knowing upon a time" (1ounds like I ! '' The queatlon of a alte for 8 new high l lKd\ Ill" Y : east to work •

. After ten y�an of �lfe tired busine81 men arrivlnir home anything about it, a contagious di- story) continues the paragrapk •

.. ,, _; . , here in Jll!nms, I am still Jookmg ahead of bis ! mate, know. sease so they say, and so they must vorce was considered an unple "¥01 Wilt not be up for votln1 at thl! elec- R-'-i for Pede.&.:--- , ahead to the day when we can return Ing from delicatessen experience that let every man, womlln and child (chi!- matter between husbands and

u,Ja. The absence of . truly important ques- me ... _ east to live. I never :would have rid!. the wurst ls yet to come. dren can read too) in the United Today in a world pierced by co ·

ti....., other than the budget, however is no The death of a woman along Route 29 this culed the city in which, my husband -o- States know about it. ing social standards, divorce bu -r · ' � ' week the sixth automobile fat Uty i S has been making our J!vmg, and have But on the 1>ther hand, there's the It recalled to my inlnd that some come community b111iness in �n for the usual �ight vote. There should ' ·

a n om- it printed in one of our leading pa- unsung heroine who does a. hocus po. time back I remember seeing (or hav. places.'' ' bt' a laqer vote at 1chool elections. enet County since the first of the year, is a pers,, but since reading this gentle- cus with left-overs, givinir the aoup Ing seen, if you will) a new para- All thia is absolute and com


.. · .. • reminder that there are no traftlc regulations man's letter in the "Chicago Tri· a water transfusion and innoculating graph telling that Doctor Whosis was bunk, it all bolla down to whe in effect for pedestrians. Not only are they bune," I certainly am not goinir to the waning desert with whipper cream going to lecture to high school stu- people shall become animals or

AW C.... R.W. "; W'eati�ld'• reii.,o...- to the Red Cross ap­

.,_.l for funda t() J>e pied in flood relief work hu, been ouqt'andln11 individually and thr0uili orriilliatio"8. As always, in emer-1enelea1 Weltfteld has come to the front nobly . . · ' '

... ; It l!bould be clearly understood that the ••errency la no� over in the ftooded areas. Al, a matter of (act It ha� just begun, and m�ch of the work that will be done by the R.a Cro111 will not be done until after the flood witera have receded. The job of rehabllita­tlon la so large it taxes the imagination, and no one, not actually' on the scene, can under­lt&nd what a 1�1e task it will be. Westfteld relldenta who have not yet con­tributed, •hQuld do so to the best of their abil· lty,, and others wbo already have given and who now realize that the demands are far greater than were at first estimated, might add to their donation if it is possible to do so. There has been JJOthing but praise for the 1plendld work that the Red Cross is doing in the flood area. To have a part in it is very much worthwhile.

.. .. • 7 ,000,000 Boy Scouts

In hi� last annual report, Dr. James E. West records that over 6,000,000 boys have been Scouts in the United States during the first twenty-six years of the movement in this country.

The servfoe these young citizens have ren­dered to America in flood and storm and emer-gency is truly impressive. .

However; it ls probable that a yet more astounding record would result if we had any way of recording the millions of "dally good turns"-Iarge and small bits of helpfulness which are a central feature of the boy's ex­pressing his citizenship through helping others.

But such things do not just happen-they are caused-Dr. West points out in word of appreciation to more than n million men who have served as leaders-volunteer leaders giv­ing of themselves nnd their time without pay.

Of course our own experience tells us that the appreciation and friendship of these Scouts is something of greatest worth and which money alone cannot buy. Dr. West points out that .samplings prove that millions of boys want to be Scouts but no leaders.

Here Is something to challenge the serious thought and conscience of the best men in this c ommunity. Here's a boy-centered movement that builds good citizenship. America needs such unselfish citizenship. Boys want it. The one missing link is a man to lead. February is the birthday month of Scouting. It is fit­ting that our men should look this need for l eaders squarely in the eye.

Next June 25,000 Scouts will make a jam· boree pilgrimage to Washington to camp with their leaders for n week amid tho shrines of

t i d t b t allow my people of the east be cr!tl- and a trick cherry-when hubby dents about narcotics, it may have humans created by a divinity no requ re 0 0 serve a se of laws com- eJsed so u njustly after having the op. brings home a· friend unannounced to been In this very town. I could not "The Current Fad for · Pi parable to those which a motorist is expected portunity of knowing the ways of dinner. u�derstand how schooJ. • authorities Mags" was another title : "Say1 0 to observe, they are not even properly in- western people as I do. --o- with no power over the lecturer aft- newsdealer the country's gone •nu structed as to what is expected of them. I fully agree -with this gentleman The names of the principals in last er he got started, could give pennis- over these 'picture mags." Sa)'I

Th • I that there is a vast difference between week's ·bout at the garden, Louis-Pas. slon for such a !•c.ture, and so I other bewildered purveyor, "Whal e1r pena ty for not observing proper pre- folks of the east and those of Illinois, tor, suggested that of the scientist, wrote to the assoc1abo n under whose come over the people? in the

cautions when they are compelled to · walk I hnve worked among the public here, Louis Paswur • • • ilncidentally .the auspices the lecturer was to appear, coupla months, you can't get enou

along, or cross, highways is serious injury or having done church work, worked in fight needed pasteurizing, as it ap- and asked Just .how clean cut, God pitchers for 'em.'' I call this death, a beauty shoppe, managed a residence parently .went sour. fearing (I hope) school children in gentlemen a "purveyor" beca

hotel, and for a Jong time I was em- --o- the free fresh air of New Jersey though be uses "coupla" and pi Every motorist knows that there are times ployed in the office of one of the lead- And, in labor parlance, a strike ·by could gain ,anything by hearing a tslk ers" he senses a dementia In his hll1

when he cannot see unlighted objects which departmen t store here. I have work- Louis and a sit-down by Pastor fail- on the �ab1ts of poor gutter derelicts ing public. To examine the deme are not far in front of him , Thi's i's most fre-

ed among all classes of people and I ed to materialize. of the srnks of the world. tia: The outside cover of one of tlie11 wish to tell this gentleman, If he is -o- In reply I got s letter which did "Pitcher Mags" has the usual rill

quently the case when the headlights from trying to get along w ith eastern peo· Seen In a want ad: Junior Mcount. not answer my question, and a book showing the usual legs and the pear. another car are blinding him. Not seeing pie by displaying the disposition of ant, collegu grad. Will work for no copio�s!y filled with statistics, none ly teeth, and another has on the fronl llglita, he usually assumes that there i's noth-

Illinois people, I can readlly under- salary • . • That's one way <Jf beating of which I remember remotely refer- cover In marginal pictures, a crlm� stand what his trouble is. The east- the Security tax. red to New Jersey. nal, a movie actress and a pair ti

ing on the highway, a common assumption. ern folk.s believe in living and let -o- ·Co.ming back to this di�ease arti- women's legs, while ' sandwicMd bt-

Only the most cautious drivers slow down or live, they are real , In your lotter Here's another: Young man with cle, it was no doubt Inspired by a tween these br!lliant "studies," a • come t o a complete stop.

'you have described the people of IJ. Wall street experience desires legit!- broadcast let loose by the U. S. picture of the President of tli!ll lino!s perfectly. You just got the mate position . . . No c omment. Health Department recently, followed United States as· a sort of extra at.

A motorist knows this, but pedestrians wh o directions mixed. I would be happy -o- by a�vertising by one of the prom!- traction. The' "high spot" on the COio have not operated automobiles sometimes do to find some of these fine old neigh- Personal relations: Seeking fr�- nent msurnn�e companies. er shows one of the "strong mt/ not. They assume that all motorists will see

bors having their chats over the back dom ? I make divorce knots hold, un- 'Yh?t puzzl�s m.e is, whence the (God save the mark) of Germll/,

h fence, which you speak of, I have rnv<il union suits and turn tough cnaes s�at1etics, and if t�1� Is a n�w condi- dressed like a clown, feeding a !Ml

t em and that they are safe while walking on tried m y best to locate such a neigh- into legal tender <>nes; Let me patch t1on, or any :ond1tton, which needs club with a baby's milk bottle. Shidtl the edge of the pavement. borly place, I have lived on the Gold up your domestic: troubles without to �e coped �1th, why not notify the of the declaration of lndependene1,

This ;_11 not a discussion of whether the Coast in the city and ·ln tho suburbs the aid of Court plaster : Frame-ups various, medical a�soc!at!ons In this and its magniftcient s!gners, a Jot o!

i and I have not found that place yet. arranged to order-a snitch In time countr� by bulletm, and tell them present tendencies· seem to me 1111

motor Si Ill' the pedestrian is con-ect in his When I first came to Illinois I went saves n ine' . A ddress B. V. Dee, Un- when and how to help get the situa- the gentle slow poison of degradi-assumptlon, it is only a plea that some effort to work at a department store. I was ion Spec!ahst, We<!hauken, N. J. tion .under control. Certainly balJy. tion. be made to reduce automobile fatalities. One amazed at the attitude of some of the -u- h�o in newspapers, and every Tom, Perhaps there is something mill'

Id b t f employees, After working a few G one with the winter-Junior's Dick and Harry editorial writer blast. with me . way wou e o en orce on pedestrians a set days one of tho elder employees in- Christmas sled.

of regulations designed to preserve their formed mo that if I was going to -- .. ·- -�----- -�--·---�-� �------ - -- -

safety.--Somerville Messenger-Gazette. make Chicago my home I wouhl have .. • '11111 to forget my eastern ways and be­

come hard and be ready to strike Snow Strike back at the least provocation, saying

One of the largest headaches for the cur- she too had come from tho east five years previous and she soon found rent year is not the automobile strike, but the that people hero lived for themselves

snow strike. A great many skiers were made and regarded the other fellow always in the last two winters of generous skiing ns dishonest, they did not live and Jct

live as the eastern people did. I lat. snow. It seemed to many local sports enthus- er talked to one of the store man-iasts that new Opportunities were at hand for agers, who told me a like story. Ho enjoyment of the winter season. New Jersey too having been born and raised in

the enst. enthusiasts were no less excited than others One can not hclp but wonder just and henvy plans were laid for becoming pro- what caused a man to write such a ficient in a new art. lett<ir knocking the east when he ad­

So much for the skiers. They are suffer-mits that for eleven yon;s he been making his bread and butter therc ing, but they are not suffering as much as a and at Christmas time, whon wo ar�

smaller, but more articulate, group which had nll expected to show at least some o f hopes o f making a lot of money from the 1936- th� ."!?ve thy neighbor as thy self sp;rit. I am sure this gentleman '37 season. Many of them have made their will agree that a Indy is safe back money as the result of enthusiasm carried over cast, in getting on a street en� with. from l ast season to the 1986 Christmas season out �he risk of being thrown down

M f t f . · and rnjured by some man rushing by nnu nc urers o equipment have sold 11 and pushing her aside so that he can heavy output already this year, but they rea- I secure n scat just mnd'e empty, before lize that little of it is being worn out. And tho Indy can NJach it, and this is a th h h d kl 'I d . . common occurrence on tho surface osc w o a s tra1 s ma e ID regions where lines hero in Chi·a�o •r• t th · d • • b • 11c ens ern

ere IS sel om any good skiing snow (and folks Hs n whole, still remember and quite a fow trails were made right here in live the Golden Rulo; something a!J-

Ncw Jersey) are just looking silly. ;v���tly long forgotten here in the All hope for tha winter is not lost yet, but Very characteristic: of tho western

things have been a little bleak 80 far.--Som- born people, which ls seldom found erville Messenger-Gazette

a1mong tho folks back cast, is their

• r 11111.:cable way of greeting a person, ==============-,"'-""-"'-�"'-""-------

- I hnvo heard it remarked about time m:-:S1 :•: 5a :·: � :-: ;sa :·: E!§!a:·: s :·: � :-: ;;;;;; :.: §§ :·: nnd agin. One time they nre the most plcnsnnt crontures ono would o.ver wish to me�t nnd tho very next time you ln<'et them they look nt you llnd pass yon up na one nornr hnvini:

been fioen or licnrd of before. Their Is nothiug •inccrc nboot tho western born peoplo, and I cnn rcndily under. Rtund why one would bo looked ul In pity when boosting tho weRt, to n


Pbone Westfield 2-4407-2-44C8 ll!ll :O: lii;iii\l X l!iS :·: 1m1 :-: Bll :< � >: tm; :•: m :•:Ei :·: =:·: person born and rnleod In the east,

NEWS FROM TRENTON J TRENTON, Feb. 3-Factory em- l4 to $25.31, or 9.4 per cent.

p!oyment in New Jersey increased 1.6 During December last 777 identiei per cent and total weekly payrolls establishments in 56 of tlli! pr!Jicipi 5.6 per cent during December, while manufacturing industries of the 111� average weekly earnings increased employed an average of 2 50 364 'lflll 4.0 per ce.nt, according to a report earners with total weekly c�rninp d Communism and John L. Lewis made pubhc .by John J. Toohey, Jr,, 1 $6,308,332, according to the repoil may sound as far apart as the poles State Commissioner of Labor. This is an increase of 3 927 emplo�

to some people, but Washington stu- Compared with December, 1935, e-es and $334,084 in ag�rcgate earl' dents arc .beginning to wonder, the number of employees in 702 iden. ings compared with November. Lewis and William Green, presi- t' I J ts · dent of the American Federation of ica p an m�reased from 222,230 to --o--

Lnbor, are in a "fight to the death" 24l,332, a gam of 19,102, or 8.6 per Twelve-year-old Eleanor A#,

over what kind of a union employees cent for tho year, according to the gate of Pennington, today is chuit

h 1 1 b I report. During tho same. period total on speller of the rural scctio111 I • ou c c ong to. Green says trade kl 11 I • . 1 . h wee Y payro s Increased from $5 - New Jersey having spelled dolfll unions, rn w nc machinists and fire- 142,64 1 to $6, 107,329, an advance df other contestantR from all parti' men and :bi·ieklnycrs n·nd so -Oil band �984,888, or i8. 7 per cent, while av- .e state Jut -'" to wi'n the e� together ln unions composed exclu- k w-•

sively of men in their trade. ernge wee ly earnings rose from $23- (Continueo on pugo 15)

Lewis insists that the old trade un- 1 '-;::-:-:-::-��;:::·���-�-=::::-:-;:::-'.:-':-':�-:-:�:::·-::::;:::;::::��:-:-::=-::-!!ii ion is out-moded ; that employees I i should. a l l be !�embers of unions rep­rcsentrng the industry in which they work-"industrial" unions.


·:· Co m i n g Even ts -:· be nv��!:i�11" 4g� tW:,f���J"'L.ar3 lnvltod, 10 that conftlotlng dates �r' service. There la no charge f0r8}11ctl���Jcta thla column aa a pub •

Washington students now have �ound s.onie. thing that is extremely February t t I 5 w F'ebruar1 m eres mg in v cw of the Green-Lew. - estfield Forum. 1 7-YWCA Board Comml�

ls scrnp. It is 11n official Sena te docu- 8--Jun!or Program "Cinder. t · 11 " R tee Meeting. men , a roprmt of a series of articles e a, oosevelt Auditorium at 22-S. A. R. Dinner at I101110-prcpnrcd in 1 924 by the United Mine 2 :15 P. M, stead. Workers of Amorica-of which Lew. 1 9-School Elections. Jl.'"rch ;s tlwn ne now was president-for ! 1 0 - Grant PTA Dinner 5-Public Court of Honor, publicntion In newspapers. j Dance, Wilson Auditorium. 7 � Westfield Boy Scouts. Roose-

Tho document is ontltled "At- P. M. volt School. 8 P . M. tcmpt..s by Commun ists to Seize the ! 1,1-Boy Scouts 'Father-Son' 9 _ Spruce Twig Dcsserl Amemnn Labor Movement." It dis- Dinner M. E. Church Sorin! Bridge, Shackarnnxon Count!)' �usses just exnctly that subject, and Hall. 7 P. M. Cl b it• first sentence, after 11n lntrllduc. I 12-World Day of Prayer

u · l :ao P. M. lory pnrngrnph, i., tlJls : I Firs t M . E. Church, 2 :SO P . M . •

1 2-W estfteld Forum. _, "I 1 30-Atlas Past Mntron:-mported rcvolulion Is knocking , 2-Senlor Play, Club Dessert Bridge, Mason1e

nt the door of tho Un'.ted Mine Work- 1 1 �-Intcr-racinl Vesper Serv- Temiilc. 1 :SO P. M. l'rs of Amcricn and tho American 1 Ice m Baptist Churrh nt 4 P. M. People.'' I 1 5 - Rotary Club Ladlns•

April N" ht Sh " 2-We�tftcld Forum.

'rh --<>- ig · ucknmaxon, 3-Glrl Reserves' "Vocnti�nl

o pmnphlct then na1orts that thn i 7, 1 8, 1 9 , 20-D. A. R. Stu. D , 1 111•h C · 1 u I t L ny' at Roosevelt Ji.n or • ommun1st ntornntion�I at Moscow 1 en onn Benefit Movie, Rini· School, mnkes Ile first stop In the " conqu<ist" lo Theatre. D-Symphony Concert, RoO-of America sciiure of labor unions. 1 22-Slgmn Delta Pl Dance, sovelt Auditorium.

,____ ________ __;_ __ :..:,::::.:.:::�-

1 LIONS WW. SPOllSOI .k(JCAL NEWS IN BRIEF ..... =:��aw: ' :Jne EEKLY (

'. . Couneu will 111eet Kon- Teachers of the church aehool of County AuociaU- T ,,._f�. ill the Municipal build- St • • Paul's Episcopal Church will meet F ter W k 0 (ONSTITUTI ON«\L L.trllliilL...:..:..: .,MAl BUNS ------

' �ti· tolllght at 8 o'�ock in t)le parish 0• or

Le ion AuxiliarJ house. There will be a discussion on ---tllt ,Uttrlcan

T g sd&J night i� "Projeet and Activity Curricula in Plane for the poss\ble formatio11 of a, � J!ie�t ue Modern Education." an association for the blind in Union

Approval of Treaties J.tlioll 1'1Jild1Ilg. . Westfield 1:he Emanon Club of the Con • Coun.ty w:re diseuss�d week at a ·!-'� wa; he� �nbeaeiit of g11ti11ul Church will give a party�. �.eetmg 01 represe�tat1ves of various Wl!e> •u power to make ant ar.

1'St iugbt or e morrow night in the parish hou io�s Clubs of Umon County m the Jl'OH U'<111ll11aT

Lutheran Church. Proceeds will go to the Red Cr!se;

Parish h�ll of St. Mark's Episcopal Our Oo11nltutloa provides that

......., d of trustees of the Prea- ftood relief fund. Tickets � ·

b Church 1n Garwood. The meeting Ult &s.euth• "thall but power, bJ

... }!OJI' • ht t -Y e was call d b D' t · G aud wltb the advice and conaent of l": Church will meet tolll&" 1 had from any member of the clt1b. I w e y is rict overi;or War- Ille Senate, to make treatle1, profld·

• ... arish houae. lren · Halsey, a past president of w""'1 Ill t""' P • • Dr. J •. A. Kenney, bead of Booker the Garwood Lions' Club. ad two-tblrda or tbe Senator• pre• � .. aeit In the senes of pmg po�g 'P. Washington Memorial Hospital in j A id to the blind is one of the 111a. llllt concllr." r

' ... ntt oJ the Westfield Tenn11 �ewark, is the speaker at the meet- jor activities of th., New Jersey Lion.s. Tb• power to make treatlea la Im· �be held on Februal'J 17. mg o� �he Congre. gational Woman's ! Clarence Seele of New Brunswick, portant becau1t It relatea to war, ..., wil Ass�1at tod th h ta h peace fDd commerce and therefor• •tJ•• Pa•t "atrona' Club 1 � ion ay m e ome of Mrs. secre ry of t e state committee for ,. - 0 "" Charle F W- 'l f T k f h should Dot be st veo except lo aucb a ·

_ d··•ert bridge "arch SI) at 8 • "' ace o remont avto· wor or t e blind, and Frank Dunn · ..,., ,.. 'd • war and Wltll eucb pnr.autlon1 aa • in the Jllasonic Temple. nue, pres1 .en� of the Middlesex County •Ill uror4 iecurttr and protect tb• P· 111' L Mrs. Walter Schneider of 417 Pros- Association of the Blind, who is him· lle•t lnte,..ta of the whole couotrr. i .... E. JI, Meyer of awrence ave- pest street will be hostess to the self blind, told of the work be :ng ac- l'or tbll rea100, our Con1tttut10D :i fll iostess to the Poplar Twlr, teachers of the Benjamin Franklin complished in Middlesex County 1iv11 �Ill power to the llaecuthe, J:fi' JfiaJilenberg Hospital, Konday. School u1d their escorts at a Monte which is said to have a model a.tsoei: aad protldea further that tbl1 Im·

; .... oeorce Weston of 64.0 Hilb· Carlo party Monday evening. The ation formed for that J>Urpose. portau' "°"er he baleoced, DOI bJ . ' "'�venue will entertain the music party is sponsored by the executive d Mr. Seele said the association en- lar'' popular a11embl1 like th• fl!'• ent of the Woman'• Club at ?oard of the PTA and Mn. L. c. Dan. eavors to enable thto blind to lead a 1lou1e wllo1e memben bold ontct

,.� .. p. 111. next Tuesday, 1elson is general cnairman. more interesting life, and it trys to tor • 1bort t•rA>, but b1 the Senate

,.. h better the mental outlook of those 11 1 llod1 1m1ll anourb and boldlnc

2" Spruce Twig, a unit of t 8 • Thto second ,In a series of teas being who are withoµt eyesight. olllce 1oa1 enou1b to become tbor· enberl Hospital, will b11ld • de,1- given for women membera of the con- Mr. Dunn related his experience in ourblr "'ualot1d w1tll loter11AllOD· #I ;ri4rt )(arch 9 at 1 :30 P· m. 10 gregation of the Presbyterian Church I the association and told of the opti· 11 allaln and &bl• to form 1 coatloa-jieUIJIXon Countr� Club'. was hel� y


esterday at the home of

I the associa.tion has been. able to La1 1r1t•111 for m.1on._in1 tbem. � .... rteently organiaed .nuulonary the president ot the Woman's Assoc!. brrng about among his fellow-mem· To pl1 the n1pec1 and oo•I·

;. '"" �f Grace Presbyterian Church ation, Mrs. Burr A. Towl, on Euclid bers. He said meetings are held once jence of rorel1n 11atlon1 and to r.�and•Y sf�rnoon with Mrs, U. av�nue. Mrs. William K. McKinney a month, the Lions' Club being re- malntal• tllectlY• t>Ollllcal relation•

8114 Ill t1111Jhtenei an4 C0111t&111 poller. ·

To clleck tb• lliecutlvt ID th1I lmportaat power, Dor CoueUtutlo1 re,ulre11 approval llr• Seaate ai ,. 1 1 \, I ., _.,• ff l \ '\ f : , �\'I . .. �.

i \ : •• t . . 1 � - 1 , · . ' � . '':'':· . . _ ,

I '-·--I ··

-- 1 , .1'1111\ . &Q 111tmbl1 !letter ltted for tlll1 purpoaa than tb1 Hou•e. bperlence 1bow1 that lenatorlal control bu dlacouraced tbe ta1tr tor fortl1n tll· terprlaet and bu therebr uoldtll 811tans1tn1 alllanr.ea aptnat wbltb Pre1ldent Wa1hln1to11 10 nrD11tlr cautioned ua. ,-.

DECLWS Tlll£E "£'•" :::._� ��.=:,:0 ''1 WIU AID II SAFETY JIJl'i&pru� .

. - · .. · ··•.; ..

JUNIOI raoGIAJI.· ; . Sa1ety on the lllchwat• of New Jersey can be materWly aided by mellllll of tile tliree "E's" via: engi·

WJLi. llGll .. At neering, education aucl enforcement, Tho School We.ltare C.1H1eil will Willi&IJI S, Dearcleu, d.eputf motor pnaeat the fint in a aeriet of jaior ·

vehicle eo111mi81loner, told the Weit- progr111111 oil Jfonday af 3 :2i 1· -. field Rotary Club recently. Hiih· � tile Ruo&e�,el� &\lditorF� 41; t1lll way safety also has economic and BO· tUlle a play! Cinderella will N pre­ciaJ aspects he said th lirst b illJ sented. Tu:keta at llo nomln&l C'1U represented' by prop�rt/ loaa du! to

are now 011 sale and may be � f�oa ace.dents which last year totalled �embers of the 'W!lfare Council �­

$1,000,000. The social phaae of the 1or I>rogram c�mm1ttee.

question is reftected in the lar1e num- Tile play will b.e presented by " ber of deaths and injuries resulting cast :from � Juruor JAacue {If :the from accidents, he aaid. Speed is the

O�angea 1111� membera of the J3enj� largest contributing factor In fatal mm Franklin and ColumhuB PTA. •

accidents, he declared, will �ct as u&hera aad otherwise 112-Deputy Commissioner Dearden pervue the seat!nt' {If t.h• 7ounf peo.

urged that every citizen, service club, pie. The p�ograma are Intended t!I and civic group get bi!hind the move- lntereat .pupila from third grade thn

ment to eliminate the practice of Junior hi1h_ achool. Kn. T. R. Craw· "squashing" tickets given out :for in- ford is chall'man of the •eneral com­fra.ctions of the motor vehicle and mittee. traffic regulaUona. Be said In exam­in'ng a large number of cases of vio­lations reviewed by hbn recently be foand the majority of them occurred

D. 'A. R. t• S.-.r lneit M•Tiea

In this vicinity, particularly on Route 29. In cases that come before the Westfield Chapter, l>. A. R., will motor vehicle department, If ·the per- sponsol' .beMllt perfonnHCP of son accused is found guilty, the pro• "Born to Dance" atarrln1 lllleanor• cedure is to revoke his drlvlns licen&e Powell and "Girl on $/le ·Front Par•" for five years, the speaker a111d. with Gloria Stuart and Edmund Lowt

.... ..i!lllon of Trinity place. and Mrs. Robert C. Taylor poured. sponsible for auanging the meeting l'ILll tll• requtna illicernment, ,... Mrs, B. L. Slack was chainnan for place and providing transportation. 1tablll1J, Ctllbtratt laH•ll&atloa OoDJrllbt UH bJ Ku Beru ; ' !\I J(ountainaide Garden Club the day. Through co-operation of officials of ------·----�----·-·-:fill ield ita next meetin1 February the public schools and the WPA, VARIED PROGRAM FOR



Mr. Dearden aald that his depart- on February 17, 18, 19 In the Rialto ment is asklnr leglalatlon for the ere- Theatre. Proceed1 will ro to th• atlon of a "ftylnr p11trol" to be main. chapter's 1tudent Joan fond. At pre1-tained at a coat of •eo,ooo a year. ent there a� four Weatfteld •tudentl He said approximately '40,000 for r.iceivllll' llenellt from tbla fund allfl this purpose could be raleed throuirh ane>ther etudent ha.. reque1ted a11ll'­llne1 imposed for motor vehicle viola. anee.

11 M the home of M�•· H�ie E. HELD FOR TRIAL IN · memb�ra of the association now are

·� of Mountalnview Circle. attendmg classes four days a week, ; 'Ille arts and er11.fts. department of nPEWRITER THEFT �r • .

Du�n said: ad�ing that the assO· : ... Woman's Club will meet at the ciation 1s makmg 1t possible for the l".'... •f )Ira A. w. Donald.Ion of bllnd to take eare of themselves. - • · tr t t Wednesday fawood ""· IJonovan, alleged to be At the close of the talks, the rep· .,i CkMtnut s ee nex ' a fugitive from the Auburn Prison resentatives voted to carry the mes-

Revue And Dance Scheduled For Wedneaclay Ni1ht

In Maaonic Temple Central Council, 1�1, Ir. OUAM, Farm at Bennet�, .N. Y., was remand- sage to their respeetive clubs, If the 'Will 111eet tomorrow mght ln the Le- i!d to county 3a1l by Judge Lloyd club.s feel it is desirable to form an ··Jiii building on Prospect street. The Thompson in Special Sessions court association in Union County d�flnlte ·Plans fo r the mid-winter musical iillllcll held a card party Friday eve. Frlday, to await trial March 9 on steps toward that end will be taken. revue and dance sponsored by Mar­,lhc. charges of stealing typewriters from A meeting to receive the report of tin Wallberg Post, �. American Le-'. Jin, Charles A. Philhower spoke the Westfield High School on Novem- the representatives was set tentative- gion which will be held Wedncsdav ber 5. No bail was granted, Dono- ly for Monday in the Winfield Scott '. ' • "ll7Re!atlon to the Whole World"

van Is said to have escaped from Au- Hotel, Elizabeth. ev�nrng, February 10 at 8 :1 5 o'clock 't1 lht mid·week service of the Prea- burn on October 10. Present at the session were: G. K. in the Masonic TeJ?1ple are p.rogrcss-tiftriaa Church last night in the par. With Donovan ln the alleged West- Warner, Cranford; Dr. J. W. Wirth Ing rapidly, according to the commit-li�ouae. field crime was Harry Doremus, Ise- of Elizab:etb ; Nathan Gil dear and tee. ·· Tile next regular meeting of the Jin, who, although in the prisoners' Sam Manasse of the Roselles and The program will include an hour's 'llrh School PTA will be held FebrU· dock, had bis ease laid over until Feb- Keni!wiorth Club; Harold C. Townley entertainment by amateurs from 111 9 at 8 o'clock. The meeting will ruary 5. The men, both of whom are of W e.stfield ; and aeven members of Westfield and nearby communlt:es

:!Insist of a round table discu111ion ;by in the twenties, are 8aid to have dis- the Garwood Club, including District who will offer vocal, instrumental flcllily and parents. ' posed of the typewriters in New York Deputy Governor Halsey, who pre- and dance numbers and In addition

·; State and Pennsylvania. Donovan sided. there will be an act of magic. Cash '; Tile Westfield Socialist Local will was sent to Auburn Prison for five awards will be made to the three ama-iiaeet February 11 with Miss Marion years, January 2', 1933, on a larceny Band Members teurs receiving the greatest amount :!111111Iu of Lawrence avenue. There count. He was represented Friday of applause. .Ill! be discussions on "Sociali1m and J • G A dd d f t th N k ' ""·'·'1'•m," also "Unemployment." by former Assemblyman Kenneth c. om State roup Hi 1 s �n a e ea Ure, e ewar

....... 0 Hand Roselle l Billies, a group of talented pro-.· In. Olav Berg will speak on ' ' - , fessionals, will present an hour and ,'Wre1 of the Great Composers" at a Ten members of thl! Westfield High a half program of songs, dances and

,1,051, 178.69 was set as the trroBll borrowln1 power of Union County in respect to tax anticipated note, of the fiscal rear be1lnnlng January 1, by County Treasurer Arthur N. Pier• son at the semi-monthly meeting o! the Board of Freeholder11.

This is 30 per cent of the tax levy of the preceding f111eal yEar ending December 31, for county purposes, plus 80 per oont of the ,amount of miscellaneous revenues realized In euh during the preooding year.

The amount of notes of the countr. outstanding In anticipation of the co •

lectlon of taxes this year, Except such notes as will be renewed by or paid from the proceeds of nqtEs to be is­sued, ls nothln1 Pierson reported.

I Earlier the National State Bank, Elizabeth, purchased an illluance of $400,000 county tax anticipation notes of 1937,

• Moose Entertain '



Your chain of ftnancial se­

curity ts only as strong a. ih

weakest link:


:t.t1n1 of the Junior Woman's Club French Club Meets School Band were accepted as mem- monologue - ·Ill! Tuesday evening at the )V>me of __ be1:s of �he a.JI-state 8ymphonic b�nd Followln.g the program there will Westfield Lodge, Loyal Orde1• of ,k R. A. Dodd of 402 Mountain The "Les Francals Modernes" of which Will give n concert in Eliza- be dancing until 1 a. m, The door ;:roose e�hlbited a motto�, p\cture,

"-ue. Holy Trinity High School held a so· beth, February 12, aa a part of the awnrd will be an attrnotlve snack Fratermty Marches On, Friday I

A successful buslne88, a sub­

stantial income, a valuable

home-all these aseets maJ

be part of your chain of tin- · ·

ancial security. cinl meeting Inst week In the school New Jerser State Secondary Tench- server of well known make. night at. 8 o'clock in Lincoln School ,

Lloyd Hickman, baritone &oloist, auditorium. The program was pre· crs of , ��us1� annual meeting and mu- Further information may .be )ind Garwood. There was an explanatory with "Green Pastures" will give a sented by the sophomore class nnd slc clm:c. The group o� accepted at the Mayfair Tailors at East Broad le�ture describing the work accom­!ldtal Sunday at 8 p. m, in the First those taking part were : Miss Kathleen players represents approximately 1 1 street and Central avenue, Gartlnn<l 'r phshed for orphans at Mooschart, Ill., B&ptiJt Church. His program will in. Mccarren, Miss Ida Mae Blois and per cent of the total membership of Men's Shop on East Broad street anil an for aged couples at Mooseh'aven, du�e classical selections and negro Miss Rita Snyder. A sextette of girls the band which g:ive its annual, �on- Ingram's Service Station on North Fin. 1pirituals. lso cert under the direction of W1l lmm avenue where tickets may be obtnin-

ltev, Don Ivan Patch o:f the Con-a sang. H. Warner, a week ago. ed. . FILES TR.ADE NAME .

The members selected at the try- -·------1\'eptlonal Church will preach on."Is Studebaker Sales Up outs, last week, are : Patricia Powell , _. u Christian Brotherhood a Practical .,.ade Ji'lnt Pla1tet Faee1 nlon County Dog and Cat Hos. Goal for th<! Churches?" at the 1 1

Will iam Ahrendt, William Best, Clin- Lyslstratus, a Greek ot the pita!, 208 North avenue, has flied a . S An increase of 45 % in sales com· ton Gaggion, Marian Lackas, Robert Fourth century, B. C., 111 said to trade namo certificate with County t m. 1emce unday in observance pared with 1936 is reported by Paul Hofstetter, HBTry .Mnssingham, Jack have been the f.rst sculptor to take Clerk Henry G. Nulton In Elizabeth. d "lll'ttlierhoo-0 Sunday." G. Hoffman, president of the Studc- Haviland, James Savage, Laura Da- Impressions o.f human faces in The business is managed by Benjamin j

Kl'I, Simon Klosky and Mrs. R. baker Corporation. In the first 20 val and Thomas Boggs, alternate. Plaster. Clapham, 225 Florence avenue. B. To111Jlns are the official delegates days of January 4,555 passenger cars ==========,,,..,,=="=========================== al the local Woman's Club to the and trucks were sold compared with kaderahip Institute being conducted 3,147 in the corresponding period of by Mrs, Vera Beggs at the Plain- last year, according to Mr. Hoffman. leld YWCA, February 8, 9, 10. Mrs. Dallaa Jennings and Mrs, C, H. Long- Newspaper advertising ts the most

I !!!!!!!�I lilore are alternates. eeonomlcal kind. j �

Son, select your . investment as you would a friend

• . J . ,

"'LooK for quality backgro�-�d, a strong personality, a spirit . of plain, unaffected friendliness of. the institution behind it-and above all honor, truth, and sincerity." This association regards its investors as its best friends and recog­nizes the high degree of trusteeship these friends place in its management. That's why so many people are making financial progress with our sav­ing� and investment plans-confidently, profitably •.


1 12 Elm Street Westfield, N. J,

�14� /ml .. ,,. frl W<' Telephone

WeaUield 2-1419


826 Richrno11d St, PHONE 6-081 1. Plai111ield, N. J,

Heat and

Health Co n n e ct io n

, ..

for underheatinr or overheating ia likely to cauae 1icknen.


makes Winter safe for you and your loved ones-:­

by providing heat that keeps every room in the

home warm and comfortable. It also possesses a

remarkable draft-obedience which assures instant

response to every fluctuation of the thermomcter­

furniahing cosy comfort always,

Call 2 -3030 J. S. li-ving Company

Westfield, N. J. Five 111ek7 pt!rN11n111 are wlunfns a ton of h&JI AnCluarUe ... h .,..,k • , , Ll•t•n In 8nodn11 ll to �181>-NllO Reel Not-work.

If your weakest link ie d�e

need of adequate insurance protectioµ, your chain ot fin·

ancial security Is dangerous­

ly impaired.

. Why not Jet us check your

insurance protection for any

weak links? / ,

22J fast 8roatl.St. •

�========-=-��-=-=-�-=--�-�-=""'-=-======� �



Westfield 2·201 0

New Pictures R1icent Arrivals :

Mancell1 Floral PJate11 ( 1880)

Goulda Birch, Hunting and Coaching


ficture Framing F i n e w orkmanship, taste and the right ma· terinl will mnke what you want for your par­ticular pictures,

BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES Lacat•tl "n Front Sine• 1868


Tel, Plfd. S-1 707

Poings .. = ... =�7�•�A:••:::::============:::::c::::=========::;i==============�T�H�E�W�iS�1�T�J����D�LE�A�D�ER�,�TH�UBS��D�A�Y,�FE;;;;B;B�U:AB�Y�4�,�1;93=7:..;:� ::::::::===:::=====��====:==:====���=:::::::�

D rama tic an d Social Circles I n Loca l Musical,


: Thell made VALENTINE


He kn�w how women

•••e l h e l i t t l e trlbutee or affection th•I kf!flp Romance

..,low ! On SI. \'alentlne'1 Day,

February 14th-he will re­member, llO don't you foritetl

i ,. l«lf it 111itlt V. :� ENTINE


CONSERVATORIES Tel. 2-2400 167 Elm St.


Experienced opern tors u�lng nationally recognized mothoda give Silhouette pntroTIS tho best of permanents-the kind that blend best with your particular typo. Phone for nn nppoint­ment.

Jl!ise Doris Roberh is now with the Silhouette Shop.


4 ELM ST. Toi. 2-2970

L. �--'''---'c:::. �r-ir-:: �

SEND H ER FLOWERS SHE'LL expect them - "'

don't forg"t to order them trorn u1 for St. Valentine'• day. Corea1e1, cut nowers, luukela or plan ta-all fresh and b"autlfol.

Helena Rubinstein WestfieldFlowerGrowers SPRINGFIELD AVENUE

COSMETICS At JARVIS 9 j near Nomahe11an Park See Page I JOllN <�. H'rmrn1tNM1 rnr,

.............. ..,.............. l•;T;






e;1 1;r.;ol;d;





S C H OO L ·:·: of ·


613 NORTH CllESTNtJT 8Tl\::'lllT I 'l'el. \Ve•tneld .:-lOID-.J

Nat11re's greateJt gift to mankind must be preser­ved!

Ali the treasures of tho worl• are ours been use we can see I Our knowledge--()ur livelihood -yes, everything worth while -comes to us through the medium of our eyes I It is, however, ""tremel1 co1tlr to neglect them. Eyestrain causes nervouanosa sickness, dhsipntlon of vital energy-early aging. Defec­tive vision causes lnel\'lcient work, error• in judgment, loss of opportunities, only too often -fntnl Mcirlcnts.



SHE'LL be pleased if they are from here .

Fresh cut, beautifully ar­ranged and specially box­ed for Valentine . Order today.

321 SOUTH A VENUE, Opp, Railroad Station

We1tfield, N. J. 'Phonea Wealfi"ld 2-2526.2526

It's good economy to care for your eyes. It costs less to pre­serve good eyesight than It · docs to regain it once It Is lost.

! -�-·-·- -·-· - --� - -- · __ ,....._ --- --- --- i WE. ·2.0210

Dr. L. Sheppard Optometri1t

and Optician E;roa E,.amined Glauea Made llroLen Lonooa Duplicated

8 :30 to 6 P. M. �iv�nln�· by Appointment.

43 Elm Street We1Uield




Next to Post Otl'lco Tel. WeRlfield 2-0028

ff'1to Gets It 'J

Says this newepaper item:

"1'ha Ulllof OliWT W. Blfd Ullll

lllicl toda1. Draw. '" 1389, U umed cu esicutora. his wife. Ma lwother-i"·law, atad hil flerlOIMll attom&J • .AU thrt.e are cWMI."

. Tlie neglect to keep a will up-tO­date may defeat a man's positive wishes! It may throw the settle-. ment of his estate into alien bands!

This can be avoided by naming a trust institution, like oun. u executor.

We Spec:ialiae in Tnaat. and EltatM.


Westfield, New Jersey




, SUKUP RAP_ID DRYING ENAMEL Tbi1 Demo111tr•tio11 wm ... Conducted •:r MIH Lolyatt,

l11terior Decor•tor of the Keratone Vunlih Companr.

Visit our store and learn how easily you can

bring new -charm and beauty to your rooms with Keystona for ceilings and · walls: Sllkup Rapid

Drying Ena�J for kitchens, bathrooms and woodwork.


Telephone WE. 2-300o Mies Lovatt will answer all questions on .interior

decoration or visit your home by appointment.


Your favorite dining place will reopen tonight

to serve you with deliciou.� food-nicely served

and moclerntely priced.



�::.:==============:7=:;=:::::�TH�E�W�ES�T�F�1E�LU�1 LEADER, THUBSDAY, FEBB.UABY 4, U187 .... ......... - -: • /a /a C lJ •

P�eton Ice Urnival I Studyina at Newark Wychwood School Notes waa attended h1 lllu �eta Gill last FriUJ of Mill ... � - fllit t e 0 ··oiana Will be F'�Lruary 20 Engineer1111· College and the Mi- l'raie.. O'RelllJ, at a 'da gupper ill lloao.

r Of •.--. fJ 4 !llii'O CJ ., .., • ..,. .,.., . F Ful'- cl T . • Th &.l1d Jl1I. George Waitoa of tile Geo. . •i D. I'. _ __ By B. » . ..,.......,.. ranees ... r an .,,..lllll8 !'mpson. Sehool near Pllil&delpbla.


• 'l'he fifth annual Princeton Nursery ' Two fOUlll' men from Weetfield are Miu Millard Browne .of the faculty Miss Tony Bender was the speaker. · ,School Ice Carnival will be held in amol!J the students at the Newark piSHd last week-�nd With Jin. JI. V. A tour of the "!'ew York Time&" ..... be a Jaw to protect puai� the sophomore com rebensive Baker Rink on Satnrd&y eveniq, Fe� Cojlege of EngineerillJ this year. Carroll of B1:°nxville, N. Y. was l�t week' a. vi�t to New Yor�. Tiie inv�� ..!'� # ._ _ ..,.Uiii&t that pluncinir �rom examinations. p r�ary 20, the opeving day of the mid- They ar>e: Robert Horrocks or 8'0 L. � We_il of New Orle_ana, La., As this is eummation week ,no trip 111111 of the a\Olt �en*-1 _,

• .... int.o >examinations. --o- winter alumni week-end at Prin�eton 1 Shackamaxon Drive, and Anthony A. wu with hlll daughter, 11188 Betty will be taken. important a.111 In tbt ·� 11 J;;;1 provide for aeveral Berenice .Miller .8 aasist' th Univ:rsity, .the eventa of which will Hopfel of 19 Everetti avenue. · Weil, Sunday. Miu Elizabeth Gill was the pest propeu. · • i:-. ...:A. study without aelled- receptiPn for the 1women1;1



e cPru�nunate ;_� .the meetill&' of the

H Horrocks sr�11ated frolll Boeota Mias Mary Rafferty, four_ mon


' __ _ _ ____ _ . .!.. • ...:...-�---,--"'-- f .. . -L-fll'";s ·ust before tJie ex· Sym sium on " . s a,.�e . mceton .. at1onal Alumni A.ssocia- ich School with the cla.ea of 1936. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ph 1p ,_ ______________________ .;;,;;;;....;;;;, �od lbeings. Lafayette tiomfFields " wh�o�e: .m i?cupa- tion on Washington's birthday. He played football and was • mem· Rail'erty and prospective student of 1

' ' ,...- 0 so far u to seek the Woman'� L IC 18 ei!IK .eld by . As in past years, performers in the her of the dramatics aud Hi-Y cluba. Wychwood, visited the school SatW'- •1 . '!!,i:al relaxation. 'fbey lege Februar ��gue

do�30berhn Col- 1ee carnival will be selected from the He is now a m�mber of the aopho· day from her home in Summit.

"";tten law which pl'Ov:dea ' Y an · best figure skaters of the Atlantic more clue in the department of chem. Miss Margery Gordon wae the

• c •tJW?ll>e permitted to aprin,r -<>- , sea.�oa;d; Solo and group numb<1rs i<;al enaineeri�g. He hu contin�ed lif\lest of Mrs. Charles Blnirham for I � duriDI exams. Serious- Among the undergra.duates •ho at. by 1Dd1V1duals from the Figure Skat- his sports while in coll�ge by being dinner last Sunday. . , ti r exllDlinationa should be tende� Dr. Henr.r M. Wriston's in- ing Cl�bs of Boa�on, New York, Phil. � member of the wrestling tea�. He .Miss Helen Crouse was 111 New ,,duall to serve their par- stallation as p:estdent of Brown yes- adelphia and Princeton are already is a .memb�r of Al�ha �ppa. Pi fra· York for the week-end where she .aw , . the knowledge of the terdat was D.ek Barker '37. Dick on the program and the world famous termty which he jomed 1D 1936. her si•ter Miss Catherine Crouse and � business of holclilw a graduate o� Deerfield Academy: professional skaters, Ev.elyn Chand- Hopfel rraduate� �th t�e clasa of her grandmother, Mrs. D. N. cr:iu11e, to the zero hour for the rep�sent�d Phi Kappa. Psi fraternity, le'r and Bruce Mapea, will appear in 1936 from Holy Trinity H1�h School. j as they sailed for South America on 080 or cramming a few During his four years at Browp he several nu�bers. . He was a member of the hirh s�hool 'the s. s. "Santa Barbara." .- �to sonwbody's head, de- has been a member of the varsity Baker Rmk will again be loaned ·basketball team and has contmued The International Council of p-

tlett ill dB Student. should track team and was elected to mem- for the carnival by the Princeton the sport while at collere. He is a ill 01111 en ;al days to pursue bership in Owl and Ring honorary University Athletic Association and member of the sophomore class in the """'""""""""""""...,"""""""""""".._......,,,.. . stu;ev:nd review. If the society. ' all proceeds, as usual, will be devoted department ot Chemical engineerins.

al n�illJl'tions is not trick- -.o- � the Princeton Nursery School. ol • minatlon of knowledce Ru th Feely &P\lnt a day between Tickets may be otbained In advance

)ll U =ute classes should b� aemesters in Westfield returning to from Miss Katherine !'£itchell, 102 1#1 By the time a stlident Swarthmore last week-end to attend North M·�ore street, Pnnceton.

Receives certificate From Rutsers University

.'..u·�e, he should be capable the college house party at Skytop In , G . w .. I d 'd d b th P M S V u___ __ Charlea Jlannino of Westfield ha• �DI know e . re unai e Y e oconos. rs. . , an l1Uelell received a certificate from Rut1er1 lill•le helpful hmts. --<>-

Ga de CJ b S University and College of Arricu.lture _.(I.- Katherine Bredo':", a fr.eshman at r n U peaker for completins and passing the short .• Holclllllb was home f?r .. few Wheaton College, . IS passing a few - course in nursery practice. Mr. Man. . - lleiwtfn terms from Dickenson days with her family. The Garden Club of Westfield will nino will asslet hla father In the land. _..... she is a freshman. meet at 2 :30 p, m. in the home of scaping busine88• .htlMr coUegian who had a lhort

· n attar exams wu Dorothy IN J, a freshman at Swarth.

Observes Birt�day Mrs. Charles F. Wallace of 629 Tre· ------mont avenue, Instead of with Mrii. C. Read Every Page, Somethlnr of C. Gordon as originally scheduled. Interest on every one. Mrs. Charles B. Maloney of 115 Mrs. Stephen G. Van Hoe1en of

-,-s ... Detta Pi sorority 11e1d a

inf jut night at the home of Denning. Plans were di1eu111-

for lie tea dance which ia to be

Eaglecroft road was hostess W ednee. Fanwood, who 11 prominent in New day afternoon of last week at a par- 1 J Ersey garden circles, will speak on ty in oblervance of the tenth birth- "Your Garden and Mine." Mrs. C. , day of her · daughter, Miss Barbara I M, F. Egel will be hosteu, anlsted Maloney. Guests included : Jane Dan. by Mrs, John T. Hopkins, lllrs. Wal· lelson, Patricia and Pamela Watts, : ter L. Day, Sr., and Mrs. K. Allan I Marjorie Lake, Joy Hoe, !Peggy Taylor. ' at Shackamaxon on the 22nd. - the JJew membera of the so­

i!IJ lkll )"!&r are Ruth Ann War­. lalllila McLaughlin, Mollie Whit­

'· 1 111d Dorothy Dunbar.

Baughman, Gwen We1tra, Jeanne -------Passavant, Jean Leonard, Elizabeth Read Every Page. Something of Coftln and Barbara Maloney. interest on every one .

;;; - Births if� Bell has returned to the Unl-#illr of Pennsylvania after a short The following births are reported �n between terms. He 11 a se- by the Muhlenberg Hosopltal, Plain· .�II the Den�llege., field, during January : I ':111111 IDIMron was .� guest at West A son, · Francis Lewis, was born iPt Military Academy last week- January 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis " where 1he attended the hop. , Sorrentino of 605 Lenox avenue. j_ - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allegre Epps lftll Cartter, 1 junior at Denison, of 287 Grove street are parents of a

a week·end away from the cam- daughter, Sandra Joy, born January recently. She was the sueat of 18. · · · Richards, 1 student at An- A son, Gerald, was born to Mr. and

Collere. While she was there, Mrs. Christopher James Devine, Jr., :lell allended one of the Antioch of 11 Kimball Circle on January 11. 'tin. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Whitcomb

� �t FORMAL or INFORMAL Whatever type you desire you will find us capable of fulfilling expertly. Sug­gestions if you wish, from our long experience.

,'f - or 566 w estfield ayenue are parents NANCY JO'S BEAUD SALON :fclNeria Tanner will participate In of a daughter, Gad Elizabeth, born NANCY VELTRE ; ... llmlra Glee Club concert which January 3. 'iii It held jt>lntly with the Union A daughter, Sarah Jean, was born 518 WESTFIELD AVE. '.Ciihp Glee Club on the 19th. It is January 3 to Mr. and Mra. JOlleph Tel. We•tl•l• 2·031l·W fbt lleld at the Waldorf-Astoria in T •;h:om:a:s�o�f�7�6:6�0�a:k�av:e:n�u:e·�

==�������:;:=-��;:;:;;�;:' I Hew York on t� Star-Light t'errace. ,,, --------.A danet will follow the concert. On the litb, the Elmira Glee Club will W E D Q , irotdwt from Radlo City. Bobble � �annlnr to come home after the Tire Rerroo•inr and Tare Recappinr.

.ctn�, bringing with her as her Front End Alisnin1. llillta, three other Elmira girla. She Brake, Batte.., and Electrical Work. - a aophomor-o ::_:.ear. Lubrication-Quaker State, Kendall, Veedol,

Bob Reed, a freshman. at Purdue Pennzoil, Mobiloil.


A WHOLE new 1 t o c k o f

beautifully pat· terned, durable wall papen, in· cladin1 paran• teed, waahaltle typea. See them - con1ult o u r d ecoratins e•·



Tebphone 2:0108

Ronl. BLUB lo Baltimore and

ff' ahin1to11 YGIU' r-eta Seat i. ,_... lw r_ou when r,ou lNYel - "The ..,., Blue. ' You C' onlr the law-w•1-h are. lndlticl· -1 Seate have adju1table bub, arm ,..,. .. and llPen bMd ...,. ...

1WomeP e1peclall1 eajo)' tlae -•1 aomrora.. You ••• time , • • It'• - -· "almt, tooiuwhea JOU a-nl ''The Ro7•l ue" at Ellaalleth or PlalPlield-reaular ....... ror aU B A O 1N1n8 te the W•t ud Southweet. LY. Ellubeth • , , , , • 10111 A.M, J.y, Plalnlleld . , • , , . 10125 A.M, Ar. lllllttm- . • • • • , ldO P.M. Ar. Wuhlaston • • , . 1151 P.M. Ket. L•· Wulahastoa , 1161 P.M •.

, .. �-..... T...,._New ... , M..U1 a..-. ........ ...... ,. ..., ..... ......


Univeraity, couldn"t get home be- Auto Repairins and Ti1hteninr. tween semesters, but spent a few d• Fl -L • da)'l lillting 8 classmate at the lat- Ra aator u11111n1. CHANTICLER PRESENTS ler'a home In Huntington, Indiana. Wa1hinr and Simonizinr.

-o- Tire Repair• and Sale1. Evelyn L'Heureux, formerly of R d Se • Wbeaton College '38, Is now a stu· 0• nice. dent at the New York School of In- Westfa'eld Storage Battery &: Supply Co. terior O.Coration.

- 443 NORTH AVE. WESTFIELD, N. J. Donna Butcher, freshman at Hood 1020 Th S i e We Grow College, atten<led the President's Tel. West. 2- ru erv c birthday ball in Washington Satur- 1'1RES ON TIME �- She and her roommate, Doris I :;::;::�;::;:::::;:::::::;:;::-;::--�-:-:::;:--:,:-;:-�--;:-:;�::;::;-��--;:::;-:-:;-;:;:;:-:-1 1 ,_ilfy, also of Westfield, will be I : "'me this week-end after exams. .� wlll have as her guest Martha .�.Ile of Parkersburg, West Vir· lblia, The thrc-e of them will return �Frederick, Maryland, Monday for e aecond semester.

-d Robert Williams, WHS '34, a Brothers College of Drew Uni..

'ln:ty at Madison has been ad­'llnced to uppcrclas's standing after

Deli ci ous oughnuts '1'?J Crunch Do�1hnuta • • a delicious delicacy, On sale Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Always some j u s t made, Buy t h e m fresh.

. OO�NE���


Westfield, N. J, I

�-.. . _---_-__ ...! , ..., .


Elizabeth Arden COSMETICS At JARVIS 9 , See Page ...._

News For The Gard ener Again this year The Leader will publilh

ita weekly 1erie1 of �clea by A. C. McLean 'of the New Jeney Agricultural Extenaion SerY•

ice, under the heading "Your Garden Thia 'week.''

Mr. McLean'• timely hinta are of irnat value to eVery gardener, experienced or aina•


Follow. them weekly in

THE WESTFIELD LEADER Westfield's Leading Newspaper

Evei:'Y Thursday


0 ·luncheon ii soncd dally fro111 aoon until three P.M. otsevcnty.ftvo cents per pcl'90ll

0 Coeflloil Hoar mry a�ornoH fnm four un61 111 o'clock. Lee Ro&crs and his Guitar

0 0 Caclltail Dancing �my Sunday denoon, lour lo 111 P. M. Clwnticler Swing Se:ttlllle

0 0 Dinner at One-llftr and up aemd ll&hll1 rrom six lo tell o'clock and GD SundaJs r11111 IOllD 1o IQ P. M. willl uncin& alter el&ht o'clock 0 0 Supper Dancing nlgbll7. Mllilc •1 Cbwlcler Ortbestra under direction af Erwin llelll

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CONE-CLEANING has removed all impurities from D&H Cone·Oleaned ANTHRACITE leaving it all good bumable fuel. That is why D&H gives more heat. Unusual draft0obedi· ence enables you to regulate the £ire for economy and comfort.

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We have PROFITABLE employ­ment for them with the' ftneat eeeur­ity known. · The complete detalla of savings plans gladly given.


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The older woman ot IX· perle�Oll k11owa how much better It l• to let the Mn. ll'aucetta' l&un· dry do Ill the washing and atop drudtrel')'I We do your laundry upert,. ly-lnexpenalvely,

DE LUXE SERVICE A prel!JI flnlohed starched eervlco rt1ady 1 to wear, G shim Included. Blouses starched and nntahed, no charge, socks $ 50 darned, missing buttons replaced and • minor repairs at no nddlllonat charge. Minimum ch11rgo . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I Save 25% On 1I; J fJ J:J1 1 f j f1 :J u;.0��1fg!��1 10 Pounds 49 Sc for each carry System.

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I '-----��-t/-n1_•_r_t_h•�m_n_na�g�:_m_•n._1_o_r_M�r._1_{.•K•a•y-----



Princeton 34-24 In c Blue & Lose Fast Gam to

Naborhoocl T -Sc 5-- w· -I-SWEEP WINS FUTURE II STRIUS AND SPAKES l lwo:rs AND BL£ACHW WHS Ba1keteer1 Are Unalale ' . ellU ore weep ms llECliATION LOOP PLll11 Br co•CH H.t.RltY w. SIMESTU T 0 " y· G •t H It d 8 H t I ll ., ALI ousT ·�h .... co11e�· .. u.u ..... it, o Yercome 11er

ram es a e y 0 e men er�i:e:r :�r�: ... v.:;;:,e��:e�r: I Many subs on various teams wm OFFENSIVE PLA y

W hite Cagers

S�s by the Deals, Cartera and I The Plaza Hotel combine halted and runners-up, respectively, of the given an opportunity to show their A dependable scoring punch--t� I Princeton High School cagers

Grideis featured the weekly session I-the progress of the Plainfield Gran-'j Westfield Recreation Bowling League, stuff Friday night as quite a number answer to every coach's prayer-ts BLOOllflELD M£1MEI ed back the Weetfi.eld High

••. · Naborhood Bowling League on ite.s, leaders of the Induatria.l Bowl- I featured the weekly session Friday of the regulars were absent. So�e 1, possible without a vast assortment of NOSE OUT. WESTFIELD basketeel'll Bl-2' in a Pme pla Monda)' night on Health Center Janes. ing League, by nicking them for two night on Health Center lanes. The of these subs rolled fair scores while plays. .As a matter of fact! the team Frida)' in Princeton. Westfield,

The Deals took all three games from games Tueaday night on Health Cen- 1 Tavernites turned back the Park Ga- others didn't do so good. Among the with a few simple plays skillfully se- ---. ored to win, failed to get Started � Pottera, while the Carters and I ter lanes. The Plainfield Recreation ,, ragemen. Pensa posted scores of i absentees were "Pro" Bra.cuto, Bob 1 lected and executed is more elfecti!e The Bloomfield High School swim the first half and Princeton

the Griders swept the Lemms and quintet took two l'ames from Kissams 1 79, 203 and 22 5 for the Garagemen. ,· Blyth, Charlie Blyth, "Al" Sensbach I than one with a complicated. array in . team scored a 3 8-37 decision over the a comfortable lead. The Blue La11ne ... , respectively. The Kraft& and the Friendly Dlner took a pair of The Veterans disposed of Bob and Oscar Williams. These boys have I which quality has been sacr,ficed for , Westfield. High School mermen in a White quintet staged rallies in ·al.eked the Pedens for two games in games from Novak's Tavern outfit. I Blyth's Leader combine, with :Mui- / been most faithful and wh':n we do . quantity. A team thoroughly ground- 11 meet Saturday aftej'noon in

. the Mont- second half but these were not en

the remaining inateh: Jarvis posted Dealman and Carrol each with 256 1 ford's 236 as high score. not see them around we mJ.Ss. them. ed in the fundamentals, that knows a clair YMCA pool. A dead heat fin- to overcome tbe Ti&'Ers' big ma ,

Hli for 1i4tb 8cou of the aesaien. topped the field of double century 11 The North Stars, by taking two / We hope these bo)'s are not ill and few goo d set-plays, needs just two vi- I ish in the 200-yard free · style relay Princeton pil�d 11p a 23-6 score ia Seorea and stan4i11e: markt. games from the Barbers, moved into . that we will see their smilin

.g faces ta! watch-words to govern their by Gibby Schelfer &11d Smiley, which first two periocfa and inserted

Lan 1 Peit•'1'47 169 178 Score.ii and standing: j third place. The J. S. Irvings seo�ed 11 around the alleys tomorrow night. decision and precision. concluded the . events, enabled the tutes frequently thereaft.Er.

B1111t "!':.:::: : : : : : ; ; 140 164 H9 K hl r P .... 11��'!1 203 176 a two-game victory over the Married However there were plenty of/

Decision : selecting the right play Bloomtleld combine to win the meet The game wa1 somewhat

£':ii\';. '. '. : '. '. : '. '. ; '. '. '. '. m m Ml Lg:ar:1 ; ; .' : .' .' :: .' : ; ; 20f 208 186 i Men. . thrills as the league leading TonJ'.'s the moment it is. needed. The piny- by a single point. . . and the referee infticted 80 #lall&el . . . . . . . . . . . . 1fij 198 m N"�lr<IQ . . . . . . . . . . . . m m m I Scores and standing: Tavern swept the Park Garage and er who calls the signals must be train- ' Although firsts were evenly d1V1ded ties against Westlield and 11 • Handicap . . . . . . . . . 21 28 28 K�n'V �. : : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; : m 166 � Ketsz . . . . . . . . . . 1:4'.�'ho 160 us

r' the Veterans gave the Leader lads a e d to size u p instantly his opponents' in the ind�vidual events, Westfi�ld Princeton. He ousted four Blue

Total• • • • • • • • • • • au 894 • su Total• . . . , . . . . . , 9 15 961 966 , J. ll(annln� . • . . . . . . UI 179 g� like 'beating although the newspaper weakness, But he must be clever trailed considerably until the combine White players from the game

.Elwood • • • • • • • • �201 180 163 Pl•l .. el• Groalte ��hi(:i��?�ir .'.'. '.'.'.'.'. ��: }�8 173 boys failed to have a repreaentative enough to �lnr tbrou�b that weakness of George Skrba, Paul Fitzeeral d and personal fouls.

'i�" . . . . . . . . . . . . . •15 m m 'Jtt1:'J�1 · : : ; ; ; .' ; ; ; ; ; .' .' m jU m Kraemer . . . . . . . . . . U1 196 167 of the Leader in the line-up. only when 1t ts essential to score, and Dick Boettger won the 150-yard med· Line-ups:

!l�.�l>,Jlon' ��.�.� .. • : .: _: .: .: .: .:.:.: ll7�,: 208 116 ¥ralaman . . . . . . . . . m m f6: Total• . . . . . . . . . . 895 880 80:i The biggest kick we got out of the I not so freq�ntly as to point out the ley relay by a comfortable margin. W-lellll HI V•rolty

.. _ 203 181!!':.�erti' ', ', ', ', ', '. ',', 1ur f�� 1�1 veter••• For•l1<• War• 157 evening, was the performance of gap to the opponents. The fie!d gen. The victoey still left the count, 82- Howarth, t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G1�· ri;.

T t I 07 9U m Mulford . . · " " " ' " m m W Louie Starr in the •econd game which eral must also be able to discover 81, favorlnr Bloomfield. Bob Camp- Ma ti no, f • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • • o 1 0 a . . . . . . . . . . . Totals . . . . . . . . . 1083 931 912 sa"a'r'ga"ra".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. JU 178 135 � h ta' t I f 'I d t w ft Id

k Pushman, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I

lfaroh . . . . . . . . . �Bl Lawaon ... . . . . . . . . . . 160 -Averare · · • · · • • • • • • UI :Tucker . . . . . . . .. . . . . t•s .lil'll<la . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uf·

'l'otalll . . . . . . . . . . TU

!Bl 178 18' 171 UI au

188 166 168 171 164 711

Kl--'• flchmltt . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Chapman . . . . , . . . . . 118 Sblnc�l . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Tota1" . . , , , . . . . . 888

187 179 168 179 198 894

57 175 166 bears out what we have been saying w Y a cer m se -p ay Ill s, an o bell and Bob Currier est e tan • DeFranclaco, f • • , • • • • , •• , 0 1

�=���� ','.'.'.'.' .'.'.' .'.'.'.' lu 192 199 right along, that over half the game correct the fault before it doea ers, led the 'lield at the outset ?f the Anderacn, c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1

190 918 973 816 is luck. Louie had plenty of misses parable. dama�e. If the cor�ct1on final f.ree style relay, but Moms·lost r����affees: · g-· ; ; : : : : : ; : : : : � !

m f Total• ' " . . _ . . _._ . . _ and a few splits and when the game proves lmposs1ble, he must avoid that ground. However, Scheller closed t1'e Wanca, g • · • • · • • • • • • • · • · · 2 I

167 1 1 H t dil: t h' to I Wanca., • " " " " . . • " . . • 0 0 202 Parlr. �f9 227 111 was over he had a grand total of 99. p ��· e mu� dc IS. men

t c�p. gap and was heading for a victory Crichton, g .. . . . . . , . , • , . , , 0 1

� j g1:J:��leai · '. : ; ; : : : : m m m The Married Men who were the 1ta l��eod\e a�h

a\ ev:1!t oppor Un ty when Sm�e)' ssur�d f?r th

fe d��d T<>tale . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . s I

euten .Carter . . . . , . . . . " . . 169 Atlardlco . . . . • . . • . . IH 18' 118 177 179 111

m D. Lawto�1��.��·.� .�•m•tlo

�99 IU I A Lampert! , , . . . , . . 190 181 171 {,';,I��: ,'.',',', ',', ','.'.'.',', ', m u: 226 opponents of the J, S. ll"Ving Co., pr�1 . i

Y e � �o / • s. b

heat finis , an t e pomts , or e l'llaeetea HI v .. a1t,.

ioa Flood . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 146 119 193 managed to take one game despite rec1s on : per ec 1mm.g )' evecy race were divided, thus aa.vmg the Sweeney, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �131. l'lt

170 the fact that a 1ubstitute w11 used member of the team. T1p-otr pla1s win for Blopmlield. Swan&"lee, t , . . . . • • , , , . . . . 1 1 t if Totals . . . . . . . . . . 857 919 897 in their line-up. Thl8' boy didn't do are useless without control of the tap Summaries : McAdams, t · · · · · · · . . . . . . • 2 1 �.:;u·�� . . : : : :: : : : m llf Cooley . . . . . . . . . . . , 168 199

173 Townley . . . . . . . . . . . 211 2U !U Teaf'a Tavera f b th t t d h ld b II d Tim ball, f " " " . . " • . . " . 0 t f\!':� ·. : : : : : : : : : : : : : l�: ug 19 so good, as he also rolled a 99. 0 a cen er an on e II a, an 60-yard tree •tr.;le-Won bK JeHnek. Servis, c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I Voorheea . . • . . . . . . • 167

· iHandlcap . . . . . • . . . I 0 10 10 F. Lawton , . . . . , , . , ·..!!! 147 909 118 H& We understand that after the when the guards and forwards do not BrlHers, ; \Vll• •08°.n

d.1.1mPr9 •• cei7 B•HSec. ; 1 lrd, Cur- Lloyd, II" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1

Hann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 80 k h t t d t i .,. Moore, g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 1

Total• H L • ·· · • • • fll IU TU Totals , . . . . . . . . . 960 911 llfo'f'•k'a TaYera

Frlcklll<ln . , . . . , . . • , 196 159 I league games tomorrow night there now ow o conver an a van age n- 100-i•ard breast•troke-Won by Flt•- J. Friel! g . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 0 1

.. _. l>effo•en . . . . . . . , . . 171 ·J�fni· : : : : : : : : : : : : : m

155 111 167 174 111 u

m g�rd��a .. . ::::::::::. m 177 E811f. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 2 2!

181 187 m 161 111

m Stllea " · " " · . . . . " llO !H 19' will be a special match between the to a s.core., First of all, be 1ure no f�f�.d'Bo�HJl�ih!:i:,d·w��chTl:.,�si A. Frie • • • . . • . . . . " • . . . . o I H� Totals . . . , . . . . . . &18 961 9U teams of Ack Pensa-"Bus" :Manrilng, one will pomt the plays; make all the m�n20�6a2r.l'°�ree style-Won b Dono· Total• . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . iO ii 189 Oscar WD1iams-"B11n" Brady and Bob set-ups appear similar at the start. van, ifm· second, Smiley, BR�; third, w��ri\'!1l1HG°�1�:3 8 11 �uner . . . . . . . . ; .. • l"

· ai:":.iic.:.; · : : : : : : : : : U m �mlt:b:":" . . '. '. '. '. '. '. : : : : m U6 Gibson . . . . . . �.��'� .·���· 187 141 Blyth-Tim Kelly. This seems to be Then be certain every player knows GralT, wits. 2 min. 37.3 sec, Princeton us 10 18 4

938 McLaughlin . . . . . . . • 171 m m a fair match to us and we hope It every position of every play, down to Sc��<:;,i�:j.e�ac:H��r�!�ond, :.c:innlnbi. Referee: Kleiritelter, 1 H -

111 Total• . .. ,;,;i; :f.!..r m

m I ����I� :::::::::::. m 166 176 comes off as we have been hearing the ground. .�or ou�of-bounds aet- n1:s.:.Jhlrd, Bkrba, WHJ3. Time: 1 min. 1ii ,- .·:,.lall � ' " "afw.i.H ... H t • n • • • n• • 119

< ... I • • • • • • • • I • • • , I'° r.i�gpp:. .. : : : : : : : : : : m m n: Heckeroth . . , . . . . . . 198 SU 1H Cullen . . . . . . . . • . . . . 191 121

IT& I'a1>andreu. · · · • • · · · · 191 169 141 about it now for some time and we plays the ability of every man to ioo-yar<l tree style-Won b Schet-

H� Totals . , , . . , . , . . 966 868 77f would like to aee it finished. Jump into any of the live positions is fer! WHS: second, Prlo.e, BIJ�; third,

m Gaito . . . . . • . . . ���·i"7o 168 136 The Barbers lost two so they didn't particularly es11entia1. · Each man, for Jei,r�1�·/�8·w��mg� 6�a��'bell wus "Y'' VARSITY CAGERS

J.QSE TO EU . .r.A11r.1• . IHI • • • • • • • • Tt

'., : :: ;: :: ::: 11: ail Krauea . . . . , . . . . ; . . 190 194 Totals . . . . . : . . . . "'iii 916 Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID7 183 170 gain anything Cin the Married Men lmtance, should be able to fake a cut 65.31 poin ts : second, Rich, WHSo, 51.63

A Iola . . " · " .. " " • 138 l62 179 their closeat rivals for the cellar posi'. for a pass, thereby drawing an oppo. 1 1,:�l�1!; th ird, Andereon, BHB, '9·34 The El�beth YMCA b••ke .. . J::�� . . ;.'�.'.'.;�:: � �� _ , .. . ..... . . . . . . . . 117 ).ltro111 '; "·" . . . . . , '·, IOI ,Wal111re11 . . . . . .. . . 1n :Bubbal'll . . . . . . , • . . , Ht · 1. 'T•lal• . . . . . . . . . � rn i. · · . · ....... ii:•tl<lll .. .. . . . . . .. .. . m

i,ta:;. · : : : : : : : : : : : : ·: m ;.111J�RC1•l•r . • . . . . . . • . . • 112 . rndon · . . . . . . . . . . . 111 � alldicap , • • • • • • • • • 1 · 'l'�ia .. . . . . . . . . . . 719


160 163 !JI 201 lit 1 121



188 116 117 145 ioi IU

. Ill

' � Collegian• took two ra111ea . frelil ·the Senators and the Keystone1 : nicked the Woodchoppers for two ' 11111es. in the weekly 1e11ion of the ' "Y" Bowline Learue Monday nlrht ' on the "Y" · lanes. Townie)" a 267 · waa h.iah score for the night.

Scotti and 1tandinr : c.u ...... �m:14" : : : : : : : : : : : m

. tri-:.r·�. :::::::::::. in llol! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 To1a1a . . . . . . . . . . m

le•atorw rg�w: ::::: : : : : : : m Hor.kine , . . . . . . . , ; , 118 »"Ji:C•rir".;:t:.·:::. m ,., .,

ToUal• . , : . . . . . . . 927

WoOd • , . . . . . . �.���1•0�� t.ir1i:..I'& . . : : : : : : : : : : : m I��,i·•. :::::::::::: m Walworth . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total• . . . . . . . . . , 896 Bcott . . . . . . ����.·.�0•1�•,r ����i�n ".":::::::::. m �:�;�ner' ·::::::::::. m Halln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Totals . . , . . . . , . . 721

zu 178 152 226 15' U8 176 199 177 146 196 893

IH i67 188 170 168 867 187 117 128 163 i23 748

8taatlla .. or tile Tuma Won

:;io11eKl11n1 , . , , . . . . . . . . . . 37 onntors . • , . . • . . • • . • , . • • 32 \\-0.r�g�:ip.;.:.; · : : : : : : : : : : il

UI 171 171 198 185 811 170 176 U2 160 162 799

169 m 191 164 183 849 143 170 178 168 i36 796

Lo•t 17 22 30 40

WESTFIELD. BADMINTON .. TE� DEFEATS ORANGE Another victory In the New Jersey

Badminton League was chalked up last week by the local tPnm when it scored a clean sweep of ail five match· ea with players representing the Or­ange Indoor Tennis Club. All match. es were decided in straight sets. All the Westfield plnyers acquitted thom­seives in creditable style, with prob­ably the outstanding performance he· Ing the strong showing of Steve Stockslager in his singles win over Hawkins, the tennis pro at tbo Maple­wood Country Club.


•dnoJl! llft(l 10 1•a1dJ:i 11.111 l)ltmll.rna pue l•JOl:J ·1u1l!s adulf •Ill wo11 J:iu1vm pa;1pap s0Ju111sqns UJUUlll 10 aouop;lJd 04� ,(q paitJa1a11 ..iuq;:, q:>/t/M s.>u1.11 pi>J -<nonsn •Ja seul'1\ 1u0Bu1.r1se Jo 4llnou s�Uli\\ q.lnou

t61 ., ...... . , ... ...... ..

Pl!Llnfteld Granite . . , . . . . Vs' Piasa Hotel • . • • • . . . . • . • • �.:, · KlaRamje • • • , • , , , • • • . • • , 28

Bonnett! . . . . . . . . . . . 166 189 164 I · t t f It! d k' 5 · 1

-J. Logest . . . . . . . . . . 174 156 179 t on. Carmen Gaito is just another lnen ou o pos on an sna mg a l O-yard med "(c rolay-Won by WHB chalked u a 3 7.35 decision

fs Totala . . , . . , , . , • 836 818 828 strike bowler and oh what scores Fri· te�m mate into the open. To begin ���rb3iI&111'��!': d1 -:;;:;,83i��t�:�> ; sec- Coach Ken len'a Westfield "Y" 17 day night. · with, walk your men through the va- 200·yar<l free •\)'le-Dea<! heat llnlah, sity cagers In a Union County YI U Starr . . . . . �:. �'. .'.'.�1·�66ce. I

rious set-plays, until understanding �;:;::t• :i.1���1;d-;�iIB c���!M';1· �m Basketball League game played l'lalnfteld Recreation • • , • J7 Friendly Diner , . . . . . . . . . 18 Novak's Tavern • • • • • • • • , 10 � Morrettl . . • . . . . • • . • 164 • �� m PRESBYS AND LAPOX and �onfi

wden� gradually incr


Be the ��n��rrn��e'i1m

�e�.:'�or.ierovan and urday night on the county seat co

��r:�"�. ::::::::::. m 118 201 . SCORE s EE WINS spee • or it up to .a w ulwind . . Westtleld's Jeiqrue record is now t


Holy Trinity High Scbool baa­keteers, after dropping four rames in a row, finally broke into the win col­umn on Tueaday by defeating St. Mary's High of Elizabeth, 14-12, on the local court.

The upset of the County Seat corn. blne, heretofore undefeated leaders of the Clasa B Secondary Catholic Basketball League of Northern New Jersey, was 1lm!lar to that handed .by the Trlnltyana last year to Holy Fam. ily of Union City, which had also been undefeated until they elaahed with the WeJtfieldera. St, Mary's trounced Holy Trinity rather deci­sively earlier in the season.

Sonny Degnan ovened the scoring for Trinity but the veteran St. Mary's Jada soon went into the lead. How­ever, the smoothness of the Westfield­era' concentrated shooting demon. strated Itself in the second sesaion and they ·held a 7-5 advantare at half time. Scoring was again on a more even basis during the third · period with the visitors picking up a point'. The count was knotted 9-all at the outset of the final session, but with Durkin and Degnan continuing their superb offensive tactics the Trinity­ans broke the tie and went into the lead whne the Elizabethans, shooting cnrelessly under the opening, trailed the balance of the game.

Durkin and Degnan shared scor­ing honors for Westfield, while ""'o. Ortleb played best ddensively · ,

though Scala assisted by holding ca'p... Sacks of St. Mary's in check. Cur­tin was high scorer for the visitors.

Line-ups: Holy Trl•ltJ' JU BM!n t GI•. Flo, PU.

I ' " " " ' " " " " " ' 1 0 2 �1 rnone, t , , , . , , , • . • , • • • . . o o o

�g�, •• · · ::::::::::: .z. ?� m m _w p I attack : but don't let It get careless ! HAMPSON·COURTNEY defeats and two victories, the I over Elizabeth and Rahway.

931 The Presbys and Lapox scored ' COMMITTEES NAMED TOP CHICKADEE PLAY Elizabeth jumped into a 10-0 I Totals . . . . . . . . . . 873 727

M•rrt•• »ea Lantz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Cardillo , . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 13' U2 1 11 193 201

sweep wins in Tuesnite Bowling in the first three or four minutet m League matches rolled on the "Y" FOR ECHO LAKE CLUB Gene Hamp� R. v. (D.ick) �itelli and Mulke�n doin� the mai,,

1 �� lanes. The Preabya turned back the Courtney were the low net winners 1ty of �he scoring. Mc�11lan was Argon . . . . . . . . . . . . , 136 Bowden . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Ricardo . . . . . . . . . . . 193 230 Metz, while the Lapox whltewlahed Winfield c. Brower, president of in the lSth Chickadee winter golf �erted m the Westfield !me-up, rep

796 the Arcanums. Tichenor's 204 was the Echo Lake Country Club, bas an- competition at the Shackamaxon 1�g John Behrens,

and Scotty l Totals . . . . . , . . . . 792 811 . ---

8tan41•• of tle T .. •• Tony's Tuvern . . , \�· f5' lJ4g• Veterans For. W. 30 18 978 North StaN< . . , . 27 2 1 002 J. S. Irving Co. , . 28 22 976 Park Garage . • . , 25 23 982 il�r� ·i.i�• · : : : : n n m Barbers . . . . . . . . . H U 190


H3G 2914 2742 2797 2832 2720 2717 2762 2760

IN WE PIN LEAGUE The Lamps, pacemakers of the

Westfield division of the WE Kearny Equipment Engineering Bowling League by scoring a sweep win ove1· the Lugs, Thursday night on Health Center lanes, took a firmer grip on the top rung of tho loop. In other matches tho Keys nicked the J acics for two and the Plugs won a pair from the Cords, Cisar topped at 222.

!ltandln1r or tile Tf'aa• r .. nmps • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • Jacks , , , , • • , , , , , , • • , • ���: ·.:.:.: .. :·.:.:_: ,: � ;·,:.: .:.:.:.:

w. L. GI 20 28 23 21 24 23 28 23 28 II 30

Pct. .608 ,54D .629 .4 fi l . 4 6 1 . 4 1 :?


Defending the laurels which it won by one point over Long Branch High School, the W estfleld High School in­door track team will enter the New· ntk Sunday Call interscholastic Indoor track meet next Saturday night at 7 :30 o'clock at Newark.

hig;c���:� for the night. nouneed appointment of twelve stand- Country Club over the week-end,�ly set to. wo�k to b�eak up

.beaau•• Ing committees for the ensuing year. Hampson carding 80-8-72 while scoring combmati?n• which he 8U

DCr1.t'ci1;h�r . . : : : : ::: m m 108 They are : Courtney tallied 81-8-78. Play. cessfully accomp!1shed. The I

Torborg . . . . . . . . . , . . 137 H: {:f House-Harry A. Crichton; chair- ing conditions and weather were ex- then starte d to pile up the coun Budde . . . , . . , . . . . . • 164 160 1, 6, 7• man; Rob ert S. Snevily, J, Blaine cellent on Saturday but the Sunday and by half time were trailing by b {.�.\":.�•[

,', ', '.

'.'.'. '. '. '.'. '. ��� m 132 Walker, Miss Emma Peirce, Mrs, B. players ran into torrents of rain. 1 918

• rted 11 1 h h'rd - M. Snevily, Mrs. Roy R. Russ. Fi- Scores:

conee ra '/ · n t e t i Totala . . . . . . . . . . 723 776 739 nance-W. H. T, Camp, chairman; Gene 1�1tmpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80• 8_72 sion put We1tflekl fal' in the 11

Davis . . . . . . .' . . . ���0�21 110 197 Frank J, Petura, Walter E. Seibert, 1�.�;hc��r�i"��. :: : : : : : : : : : : : :hi=�� 29-21, as the new aetup clicked

�Jl�:�c� , : ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; : m m m A. V. Havens, Lonsdale Green, Jr. J,oseph Young . , . . . . . . , , , . . , 03-18-7� perfection, '!hile Elisabeth held to gborsola . . . . . . . . . . . 1•64 111 154 1 Insurance-Austen B. Crehore, chair- i�i1J· 1?:�;�n. :: :::: ::: :: :: ; : : It :=a lone two-pointer. However, El'

Tichenor . . . . . . · . . . · 2oa · 202 � man; W. F ,Kem ball, George w. Wil. Chn;le� Snit ta , . . . . . . . . . . . . , 96.18_77 beth forged along succeasfully In

Total• . . . . . . . . . . 768 819 861 \ cox, Eyare M. Hutson, Clancy D. Con. �n.,�· 1�?i\f�:;,� · : ; ; : : : : : : : : ; : ; �t2�=H fourth quarter until Urevitvi'

nell. Groons-Percival G. Cruden I� A. Davie , , . . , . , , . . , . , . , , 87· 8-'79 lengthy heave knotted the count

RI h rd Meta 1 9 6 1 ,9 chairman ; David W. Aljoe, Henry' lr�b'e

ar�dJ1�e��� : ·. ·. : ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. · . .

109s0:z1T0=7890 35-all and with, seconds to go, P I.6�p;nett8 , .· •

• ,· •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 11°589 • C Cl D \ er al h t f I

1111 l it }g� zernl'., ancy • Connell, William Vllll11m nurrny . . . . . . . , . . . . 93·

13-80 s, so s oo mg rom ong ran

�,!.�::;:,• . '. '. '. '. '. '. : '. '. : m m m M. Br1Stol, Jr. Membership-How. ff'�;·�r�01111•r . . . . . . . . . . . 10f·26-BI gave Elizabeth the victory. Average . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 5 115 116 nrd M. Park, chairman ;

·Robert s. " " . . . . . . · " " " lO ·19-86 Line-ups:

Toll\IB . . . . . . . . . . rn 68f 686 Droescher, Herbert G, Merrill, w. INTER-CLUB MATCHES -Y VARS ii!:�:.�n:lfcl.t" Martin . . . . . . . . �·.·���1·rH 160 HO �i°�ty

d Campbell, Harry. R. ' Heins,

FEATURE PO' '0 PLAY Soltis, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ml' "l Tlmb•rl'nk• . . . , . , . . 166 138 124 c , ar C. Doerrer. Mechnnical 10 rr��rn?:n,f t ' '. •• •

• •••• '.

•••••• •••• ·.


� � ��;��·: . .' : ; : ; ; : : : : : : m m m eqmpment-James H. Bell, chair- L I •

Brunne 107 1•0 156 mun ; Frank J, Petura, Ralph B. Fer- Inter-club matches featured thn lnco n, 0 " · " " " " " · " 2 O r ' . . . . . . " . . ' r' w·u· W L � nr��· g . . ' . . " " · " " · " 2 o

1'otals . . . . . . . . . . m 828 71! 18• I lam . owe. Entertain- play in the Westfield Armory Satur- Pecfn��og � . : : : : : : : : : : : : " : � I ment-Roy H. Russ, · chairman ; day night. The Westfield Polo Club Leonard, g . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , o t


Ft·anklin Windfeldt, Wallaee J, Law, decided to stage this type of program Mrs. J. N. Crichton, Mrs. E. W. Fow- rather than bring in an outside team

Totals 'Ji:iia'a.eiii 'y'JicF 6 u

BY GIRLS HOCKEY GROUP !er, A. Dike Faxon, Donald Donald- as the entire p1oceeds were to go to Gia. Flt. P

Miss Jane Trainer has beon clect­<id president of the newly formed Field Hockey Club of Westfield, com­posed of girls formerly prominent in W cstficld High School sports, Other officers are : Secretary, lllss Ella Chattin ; treasurer, llliss Eleanore Ro­Jofl'. Miss Roloff was named chair­man of the ways and means commit­tc.o nnd M iss Irene Nelson chairman of the program committee.

son, Ernest W. Fowler. Men's tour- the Westfield Red Cross Chapter's �lcclleUI, t · " · . . . . · . . . . · 3 1 nnment-S. Joseph Swainson, chair- flood relief fund. �l�l�e�n'. � : : : : : '. '. '. : '. : : : : : � I man ; Bruce Heatley, Roswell S. Nlch- As a result $76 was turned over to J:���;,, fc ·:::::::::::::::. � � ols, Jr., Dr. W. L, Patterson, W. E. the local chapter. The large gallery p1ttrnan, c . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . o o Selbert, Edward R. Valentine. Worn- was kept on edge by the fast play of Jl·ll��· g " · "" . . · " · " 6 � en's. haniiiclp-Mrs. Howard M. Park, the various teams. c�f1�n:.· : : : : : ,' : : : : : ,' : : : : fi _o �hu1rman ; Mrs. Roy H. Russ, Mrs, A. The Yellows, led by Stan Snyder Total• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i6 5 II

· Faxon, Mrs. Ernest W. Fowler, at No. 1, with 5 goals and assisted Score by period•: �rs. G . Ward �an�all . Publicity- J by Newt Brown and Bin Shivas, tri- �f:��:ii iUg1 : : · 1f 1� 1i 1::Jl J hn K. Clo�d! chmrman; Barry A. mpphed over the Reds, 9-3-the lat- Referee: Flninmla. Crichton, Wiiham R. Robinson, llf. ter team being made up of Bill Thorn �onty Campbell. Tree and club- Dutch Slocum and Lieut. Jack Lee'.

Hlur�ln, t " " " " • . . . . " . 2 l 6 ll >Ce ian1 c , . . . , , • , • • • • , , • o 2 2 Coach R ichard ,E. Goodrich states that Union and Long Branch high schools should give the Blue and

H White a good run ofr the team tro· phy.

J elf.,tl!\11,b g • . • • ' ' • ' ' ' • • ' ' • :l 1 5 o Jl f ii g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 0 0 . rt o ' g • , • , • ' . . • , • • . 0 o O

Totals . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . '& St, Jlnrr'• us

Sncks t Glo, Fls. Pts.

lnnsmuch as the hockey season is n_ot until nex.t fall, the group will ac­t1v?lY pnrtlctpato in basketball and sw1mm1ng at tho local YWCA gym, nnd use the "Y" Innes for bowling. It �s proposed to purchase hockey equipment for competition with oth­er teams in northern New Jersey next fall .

ou�e grounds-Winfield C. Brower, In the preliminary, the Blues, made chnirma? ; �aro�d C. Gr1;en, Harry V. up of Lieut. Bob Scott, Corp. John Ott?· No�mat1ons-Joscph W. Val- TDrbyn and Frank Gademnn nosed f:tme, chairman; C. E, Heald, Will- o�t the Greens, 7 *'-6, comp�sed of m Nagle, Jr. Lieut, H. W. Ros�ra11.11, O. B. Reid

Troop K Riflemen and Emmet Flynn.


With Gibby Scheffer a double ·

ner, claim:ng both the 40-yard pi 1 00-yard free-style events, the Weti­field YMCA Varsity swimmers ift. feated the Jersey City Associailol lads, 4 0 % -34 1,i, , Saturday evenlnsil the YMCA pool here.

' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 2 4 c'IZ?i'onc, ! " " " " " " " 0 I I Il

ur u, [ . • , . . • . • , ' • , • , . . 2 1 5 nrtrnan, f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 B 1 er, c • • , , • . , • , • , • , • , , 0 0 0 \\��·1v�un, o . . . . . • • . . . . • • • o o o Flood 1 '!' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • • ' • • O O 0 Shunrlo�. g · : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : � 8 g


The W cstflcld-Crnnford team con­clmled its first rountl in th� New Jer. Rey Stuto Women's Badminton League Monday at tho Crnnfortl Casino by frouncin� Short Hills, 0-0. The Jocal team lends the loop with a record of 5 successive wins and n slng�c loss to Pln lnflcld in the season opener. Al­though the Wcstfleiders expected still' competition from the Bs.•cx Cuunty team, they lost only 12 -0f tho 102 games ployed.

Summaries : Mn. nolH.•rt Mlltnr nnd Mrs Pnu1 Nkl<<1r1rn11t \\'f'Hllleltl·Crnnford, i°Jof�ut .. rJ .. f.I��.::· 'l oDlo nnd Mre, N. 'l'ny!i1r, Mn. A. A. llaMen•loln nod Mrs Kon­ncth Sn v1lor, WC!•tnnld ·Crnnf1ir<i. tfow {f1���. lJ!-r; 1t3.Emcry nnd ?tire. Jl .

M Arre. ClrnrfC!s K I P.Ill nml Mr.e llnhort l lchul l. \'i'uatna'od ·Cranrot"(f ·(lt.trentecJ t��;', A. Roae and Mrs. J, lllmery, 16-4,

Those who nre expected to com­pete arc: 70 yard dash, Tew and Mnc. Michael ; 880 yard run, Al Ciraldo nnd Bill llronson ; 220 yard dash, Dnve Spaulding, Jack Donahue and Jnck H cckcncnmp ; mile relay, 'Pump' Vella, Bill Sims, Bernie Jones and Bob McCoy.i mile run, Ed Sigcty, Walt Horner and Geno Folkman ; high jump, Bill Blount. ·


The second meeting of the club was hold Sunday in the YMCA. A bene­fit movie "Love on tho Run" with Jonn Crnwford nnd "Charge of the Light Brigude" with Errol Flynn will be sponsored l'cbrnary 1 1 , 12 and 13,


The Amblcrs�rs of the "Y" Tho Moderns or W<>stfield, lenders Membership Bowling Lenguo halwd

In the second hnlf of the Intertown I the ailvunco of the K ing's Men by Bnsketbnll Lengue, added another to taking two gnmcs of n match roll d their unbroken string of victories by 1'h�rsdny night on the "Y" Innes. T�e turning back tho fighting Corsairs of Cl11 Beta Phi surprised the Commut­Rosclle, 2:5-l!J in a gnmu played Snt- ers by nicki11g them for a pni r urdny evening on the "Y" court. i:nmes, r 0

�he Phoenl� .Five of Union , ,re. ,, Nigr�·en nntl Shaheen ench posted turned to the win column by no•mg .) .I wh ile Walworth rolled 2 1 3 out tho Plnyhind FivQ, 29;27, in n

' th!·llllng Inst-m inute rnlly; The Una. , '.rhrrc is no chenper form of advcr. nn AC of Garwood, cns1ly trouncetl l 1.1n1g than thnt oll'ered by th I n 1 the Gnlloplng Gaels of Westfield, 30.

0 ,e ' er. 17 for the lnlter comblne's 11th con. --------------secutive loss. 1

Htnndlnll' of th,. Te11ht11


The newly organized rifle team of '

Troop K, 1 02nd Cavalry, Westfield, Westfield H igh School's var•ity defeated the Company A, 1 1 4th In- swimming team scored its most deci­�antry riflemen of Elizabeth by a 048- sive victory of the current season Fri. e37 score Friday night on tho Eliza- day afternoon by turning back West beth Armory range. Harry Daniels Side High School of Newark 54-20 in led the Westfield markgmcn with a a meet staged in the local YMCA ninrk of 140, while Joe Romnno paced pool. The Blue nnd White mermen Compnny A with 1 34, claimed first places in every event Other scores were : Westfield-Tor- includ ·ng both rclnys. ' byn, 1 38 ; P. O'Dea, 1 35 ; Walh 1 24 · Summaries : C. O'Den, 1 1 1. Eliznbcth-Fnl�ticck' 40-�·ord lreo •tylc-Won by Gibson 1 1 9 ; Clouter, 1 1 7 ; Dowd, 1 3 1 ; Law: SehelTer, WllS; accon<l Fox WSll 'l · czak, l 2B. ���'.'1· Dick lloetlger, whs. 'r'1mc: 20.:i


The BDV's of the Westfield YM CA chalked up their seventh consec­utive bn�ketbnll victory Friday night by defcntlng tho Flying Eagles or Plninficld 30-20 on the latter's court The BDV's and the JV's were defeat: cd Saturday morning by Jersey City

1DO��·nrd bri'net AtrnRc _ \Von b Pnut l"ltz_i;tcruld, \VHR; second, T1li•k� Ti�r.: 'Y�1111�: 1��61��r. Johnson, ws�1&.

220·v�rd free .styl� __ 'Von bv Al rt!'1lfT, \\ HS; second, Bob Currlor 1\rns· �7.

'r1�1.1��onnelJy, WSllB. Time: 12 m1n: too.yard strolrn-Wo b 0 Al��hn, \VHS; seeontl nave "Minn co,

�.��.s;1 4�i1l��·c. Keeluu, ' \VsnB. '.rltn�:igi cnt��.if�Hu {�·rfs ·atylo - \Von hy Bob \VJJH: i11lrd 1.-·;x ,Vffif)18°d, T�d MnrrJA, 0.2 lH!r.. ' • · • Time: 1 min. ool�lvJng-\�on by WOOfly Rich! 'VHR, .49} 111�7�1:�� · seco1u.l, l{{�Olnn, \VSllS,

t20·�·nrd mrd lev T{llny ,V b

Points In the 1 20-yard medley ii' lay were divided. Although :"! field won the race, Paul Fitzr­"jumped the stick" as he swam ft ond for the hornesters.

Summaries: 40-ynrd free style-Won liy GI�

Scherrer, Westfield: second , noug �tr­rny, WestHold ; third, Boyd, JerseY TIJii:Y;

1r.l'0finck stroke-Won bY rail Ftttgernld, Westfield ; eeconll, Ennnc•i� Jer!ey C i t y ; third. Hunge, Jersey ·

T120Q:y�r�I1Vre�6 s�;Ye-won by Murr11: We•tneld: second, Scullv, J erseY C�''i thlr<l, Morris, Jersey City. Tim•· min. 18.5 eec. B 101 100- :i:ttrd back etrok l}-·won bv r1(,_ 'i''lnehlp.1. We•tHeld: second , ll •IW,11. • ersoy t.:lty; third, Geo. Skrbn, Oelcl. Time: l min. 16 acc. �ti• I O O · vnr<J freo style-Won by Sc '" fer, Wcstfteld;_ 9econd, B"·d, ·1'c1u City; third, l:'jtrut'hers, Je.rse)' ' Time: 59,3 acc. Cll' Diving-Won by Runge, .lprFleY'\\' si: 76 .01 po1nta ; aecond, ,loo· Bnrtl.'le, J,,. Oolcl, 70.69 1rnlntR; third, Heinrich,

serzi81!�j.J9��li1��n�.�·ln.y-PolntB (lit� Nl-Westneld 1 1V-1n1hlp Jl'l t,ger�ld \a Murray) : .lersov City lsruth'. 111HI Sch u tt ) . Time: 1 min. 1 1 ·�c. 'f 16C 8ynrd fr<'e style relay - \\onrtt .Torsov Cltv ( Boyd, StruthMS, Sp�c. and Schuclder), Thne : l min. U 1

MoclernA, WeAtOcltl , , '¥· � Phoenix, l'nlon , • • • , • 3 1 MARY DUNHILL "Y" lcums in that c ·ty,

Pei. The Jersey City "Y" junior scored

l;�P,� COSMETICS At JARVIS nv1! <>asy 0 1 -23 decision over tho llD .7Ro 9 ·'· The Jersey City "Y" JV's turn.

�Vc�trl('M fRkrbn, .li'ftzg-<Jrn1d° nnd ono t 1�ci�,�L�. Reconlt, \Vest Side. Time: 1 m�n: I R O -y n rd free R!Vlo I Order of Eastern star wat

w ... rn(·1<1 (Cnmpbo·l l J� •r-wnn by T!ie Order ot the Eastern Stor ;;;1'1 . i;chcfTorl : •ocon<1, r\v�st lllsr:ih" orlginnt�d by the poet, Robert Mo� 1m:o,'l'inficF1'v.i · : : : : : : : � �

TI01rnt10 Corsntrs , • , • 1 3 Onllopln11 Gaol• , , . , , 0 4 :m See Page , 0d back the Westfield JV's by a 22.14 .ooo ,. _____________

,,• score. Return games with Both Jer-sey City teams aro being arranged.

1110• min, 26 ••c. · ris, about 18501 and In !868 It WI - I revised to approximately !ts laid The LEADER Gives You NEWS form by Robert Macoy.


cl -0- • r' prage and a runmnc mo-. -nl a lethal combination for � tJie State Deparbnent of

_. in a drive to prevent

" •onotide poisoning from

. aecidelltal deaths. 't.e of repeated warninp, the

111 at declared, there is alw�ys Ja•ber of persou eacl\ 1J1n­

. • 11ioughtleBBly or lporantly . .. aotor in a closed raraa;e

"1 for their folly with their

Glamorous blonde Marlene Dietrich an� dark, romantic Charles Boyer brlllg one of the most exciting Jove

In Vogue Today Br DEi L.l 118Jll£a

If the prop-0rti4>n of the family's cl1>thi11g budget allotted to buy� shoes seems exorbitant, perhap11 it ia because the sboea have been poorly .;elected and even more poorly eared for.

The Bureau of Home Economies of the U. S. Department of Agricul­ture offers some good suggestiolll which may help cut down on the item of shoe cost. The bureau points out .bat if the right kind of shoes' for the service expected i.s bought the shoe 1ill will be lower. Shoes for school, office ud housework should be of a stur<ly leather and well built, with heels that are almost as broad thru­ou t as the heel seat of the shoe. Fine, hand-turn<id soles are good only for Jress wear since they are not de­signed to withstand a great deal of hard wear. It is poor economy to attempt to wear out high-heeled dress shoes at work, for the strain on the body and the resulting fatigue are inore costly than a new pair of shoes; , The way shoes fit has much to do with the way they will wear. The foot has three anchor�e points-the

The .PrOducer• who gave you "Broadway llelody of 1936" and "The Great Ziegfeld" come through with another smash musical suceeu in "Born to Dance;'' which opened yesterday at the Cranford ThEatre with Eleanor Powell, "Queen of


- � - � � � � � � !llf lt!111 represent.tin• In Con- t'h1lse give the elfeet of a three-leg- avenues.

illM aotUied Governor HoffJl!an ged stool. To 00 well fitted, the shoe Rose Steiner, widow, to Mr. and

Glen Improvement Company to Kr. and Mrs. G. Ives McCreedle, property at the corner of Channlll&' and Gle n

lleJ will tight �or •II eittenuon H•ilo 'Harltart ia "SI .. Me • must support the foot at these three Mr1. Neal .V. Firth, property ln Win-.. tlltllral Houslll&' Aet in order

LaYe 111 • .,.. points, m�t fit closely at the back of 1. 1 yah avenue, east, 56•.86 .feet from fllllil'l4 the rehabllltatitn of real the heel and must provide ample 1.1 I Canterbury ro1d.

teams in film history to the screen of space for the ball of the foot as well Mr. and Mrs. F. Wal lace Doyins to 1111 a requeat of the Govn. the Ritz Theatre Friday as stars of the to11. Te sin muimum wear, Anald Realty Company, property In ' ftr Ill extension •I the act, Davld 0. Selznick's t.echnlcolor pro· shoes should be repaired as soon as Summit avenue, 166.60 1'et from • ' ... S.•W . A. B&l'l'J ductlon of "The Garden of Allah." the need ii apparent. lla11y hom11 I Waite place. ·

�d co-operaU,11 aa well Ilasll Rathbone, C. Aubery Smith, have shoe repair klts .that enable th-em ! .. J•_..._ _ _ .. Vl-i-a. n.... .• _ Leland-Netherwood Corporation to �all Charlt1 A.. Woolver. Tilly .Loach, the interna.tlonally fa- to do simple repairs at a minimum -""""In ,........_""� ..,.:��� UfUtOC . Mr, and MrL Gerald R. Brophy, prop·

,._.- Serer, Fred lllrtl•J, lr., mous dancer, and Joseph Schlldkraut cost, ...,.... - ..-- erty at the corner of Scotch Plaine -·· • P -'-" Th -·· t t ed I th ti t avenue and Shadowlawn Drive. T, To'll'J', .r., ar- o-, are ea ur . . n e suppor ng �as The leather specialist of the Bu- Taps," danclnr her way to freth hi-1'11 Powers, Richard A. Kenny which also rncludes John Carradine, l'eau of Chemistry and Soils of the umpha to the scintillating song hits Marrie E. Meyer, widow, to Gor-••-"" I H rt Al M h l L ill W ts d don R. Hahn, property In East Broad Ji ..-, , a • an ars a , uc e a on an U. S. Department of Agriculture says, of Cole Porter who here top. <1ven street, 517.91 feet from Woodland , - Henry Brandon. "Shoe trees help to keep shoes in bis famed "You're the Top." i ne Nft' Jeuey Salee Tu: Repeal Lilting music, rollicking laughter their original shape. Perspiration Is Then! Is so much talent in the eup-avenue.

• tlttl h11 l18ued 1 warnlnf that and l!'lowing romance combine to very hard on shoe lea.ther, 80 It Is a porting cast that it is dlfllcult to iln- Morgan Seeurltlea Company to Ada 111 ...... k "S' M L s " c L. Plllatt, lot 7, map of Indian For-lllillatare w paa a MW _ .. ma e mg e a .ove ong, a os- good plan to alternate · two pairs of gle any one artist for 1peelal pralae. est, se<:tlon A. i.Ula prorrlllll of mon titan '30,. mopo!ltan prod11ction released thru shoes for daily wear permltti·lll!' each Mention mu1t be made, however, of· 'ltlff bJ the end of Kar If elfortl First National, which is scheduled as pair to dry out. M�d, water or ex- the excellent performances of James .. ====="""'-"'-"'-"'-'"'· """-""-"'-,,.,..- ---=� ,. '• rtcloubled to force the Dem· the co-feature at the Ritz Theatre on cessive dryness also ruins leather. Oil Stewart as the hero, Virginia Bruce · · Allembly to produce an econ- Friday, one of the_ipost entertaining and grease preserve It. Shoes worn as the temperamental 1tage star, Una 4lver1lon profl'lllll to ftnance musieal comedies of the year. for farm or other heavy outdoor work Merkel and Sid Slivers furnishing the - There is an all star cast headed by need greasing. Thoae for street wear laughs, Frances Lanirford of the Jove. �an aroused. public teelln&' can James Melton, th. radio singer, Pa- are preserved by frequent polishing ly voice, Raymond Walburn, Alan ""

. at new heavy tax burdena with. trlcia Ellis, Hugh Herbert, Zasu Pitts, with pl ia.ble wax polishes to keep the Dinehart and Buddy Ebaen, eccentric ·1i ta nut four months, James V. Allen Jenkins and Nat Pendleton. leather soft and pliable and give it hoofer. !

..... , p!'l!Bident of the &1sociatlon, Others in the cast include Ann a somewhat water-resietant finish that The co-feature, "All American � lforau 1tated the atate is Sheridan, Charles Hal ton, Charles also prevents dust and dirt from stick· Chump," demonstrates in 1111Irthful � to new taxation today than lit Richman, Dennis Moore, Granville Ing. A little castor oil applied once manner what can happen to a brl� )r U.1 since the be&'lnnlnr of the Bates, George Guhl, Adrian Bosley, or twice a month ls good for the up. player in this country today. irilt in 1935. George Sorrel, Linda Perry, Robert pers. 1 . The story presents a small town •. Emmet O'Connor and Harry Hollings- "W<it shoes must •be dried slowly bank clerk who ls a l lghtnlng calcu-:.· " ESTATE TRANSFERS worth. and very carefully. After you have lator, the character being portrayed "' And hit number 3 introduces the washed otr all mud and grit with tepid by Stuart Erwin In the title role, He t - film cartoon of the future, 20 minutes water, oil or grease work shoes with encounters a carnival manager who itllllcrt•t Development Company to in length, featur

.lng "Pop-Eye," In an a petrolatum mixture or tallow. Oil recognfzcs the mon1ly value of his P F. Budell, property In Hill- altogether new type of phC>tography. street shoea with castor oll, but not talent with the show . . ��Jenae, 473.o7 feet from Chest-

Using miniature sets instead of llat too much of It or they cannot again lletty Furness has the feminine �-- · . backgrounds, to give the film third di- be brightly polished. Rub it In. well lead and does excellent work. Robt. �--tf Louis A. Budell to Hill- menslon, and photographing in tech- with a soft cheesecloth. Straighten Armstrong playa a carnival barker ,4"1\ lle�elopment Company, prop- nicolor, Max Fliechers story of the the wet shoes Into shape, stulf with and Edmund Gwenn, who is George ·.i1 m Hillcrest avenue, 720.07 feet meeting of the world's two most fa- paper and dry slowly. Polish once or Bernard Shaw's favorite comedian, irom Chestnut street. mous sailors, "Pop-eye and Sinbad" twice after they are thoroughly dry." portrays the show manager to per-,\' Jlr. and Mrs. Leroy A. Mershon to and their subsequent battle will be fectlon.

lll�·E. Musson, the cor- the topic of the day, ·

CU'ITING YOUR 'JlrOfElm street and Sylvania place. FOOD co'sTS Continue Play in .� Jlr, and Mrs. William R. McNeeley

• CJ b B • .l-:io Ham Keedwell Fowler, property Intersected by South avenue, and one · Tennu u n..,e In South avenue, 630 fet from div!- tract in Cumberland street, 178.48 With the Union County Extension

lion line of lands of Martha Harris feet !r-0m So!!th »Venue. Service fB.50-$9.50 a week menus, and Jonathan Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Winter to Prepared by Mary W. Armstrong, Cl111 E. Carter and Frank E., her Sidney C. Hayward, lot 20, map of home demonstration agent, for a fam-�and, to Mr. and Mra. 1ohn Brook, Nelson Estates. Hy of three children of four, seven lllOperlJ In Maye .street, 496.88 feet Edgewood Park Development Cor- and nine years. Iron!' Ral'rison avenue. poration to Central Construction Ce., Sunday Helen J. Bailey, executrix, etc., to properly at the corner of Channing Breakfast: Sliced ora.nges, wheat ce-ll'r, and Mrs. John A. Sl111, property an d Glen avenues. real, toast, butter, milk, coffee. In Lawrence avenue, 175 feet from 1 Florence Construction & Realty Dinner: Stuffed shoulder of pork, Dudle7 avenue, \Company to Andrew Koller, Jot 85, br6wned potato es, gravy, baked . Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Miller to map of Tuxedo Park. diced carrots, bread, .buter, deep Peter Broderseon, lots 118 and 120, Mr and Mrs. William L. Hanson to dish ruby pie, milk, coffee. • nup of Short Hllls of Westfield and A. F;·ederick Tyneman, property in Supper: Cheese rolls on lettuce, apri-Scotc� Plains. Midwo od place, adjoining lands now cot bread and butter aandwiches, luha Byrne and othera to Emma C. or formerly of F. Edward Brunner. cocoa. llcGal!, one tract in Johnson street, Mr and Mrs. Louis W. Crosby to

151.06 feet from Scotch Plains ave- Joseph Villa, lot 136, map of the lie and one tract In Johnson street, w estfield addition to the Garwood liZ.06 feet from Scotch Plains ave- Land and Improvement Company's _llUe, supplementary map of said company. Florence M. Black and Clarence T. Westfield Land and Improvement

Monday Breakfast : Applesauce, cornmeal

mush, toast, butter, milk, coffee.

Tho following were above average in the seventh session of tM aecond quarter of duplicate contract played at tho Tennis Club Thursday night.

C. A. Searle-A. Schroeder, 671,I ; A. A. Williams-W. D. Phelan, 661,I ; Miss N. Cummins-T. Porter, 56; Mrs, J, O. Enright-T.' H. Taylor, 5 5 ; Miss D. Atwater,-T. Woddrop, 54.

.... ......

charre of a fascinating romance, 1 ::::::;:;::;:::::::::::::::= faces danrer In glittering Shanirhal, I i performs In a Chinese Theatre and, RIALTO I n short, plays the moat unusual role

-. . she's ever had, In her new and most

�hrill-tliled picture, "8towawa1,'' / WU1'PID.D -TODAY RIDAY IAT.

t'l'Sfi�� lllll'l'l•lol WICSll ITA•n•a �il\\l:�g�'"ir�f�.l'.f�:in,t

� DI ETR.ICff 8-0m

with B.uu, R.tTHBOllflll, ______ v_.


3 DU'I lftaril111r wev::-r11:n:10tii CPRll:VUllJ TUESDAY Nl'l'F:\ "SINu ME A LOVE SONG"

wH• JAMEi llELTON l'atrl�la M.Lll! Allea JlllNKINI










Bltck to Margaret M. Rlchvalaky, un- Company to Mai-ion Woodruff Will­llllrried, property in Hlg-hland aw- ituns and Helen Faitoute Williams, Due, ,733 feet from Dudley ayenue. Jots 29 to 44, W esttleld map of Man-

Dinner: Mustard eggs, hashed brown potatoes, cabbage and onion salad, ,bread, butter, chocolate pudding, milk, tea.

Supper; Vegetable supper, bread, but ter, deep dish ruby pie, mUk, tea. •

Tqe1day I. Heated and operated by eloo-

Ahce W. F. Hay and Arthur H., or Park Annex. W husband, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Vic- Elda L. Hathaway and William, he.r l!a Stevenson, property In Lenox ave- husband to Westfield Realty Assoc1-nue, 846 feet from Euclid avenue . ates In�. property in Euclid avenue , Ure S. Rigby, sheriff, to Fidelity 015.'54 f�et from Enst Broad street. n on Trus� Company, trustee, etc., rperty In Central avenue, 301 feet rom Park street. CDA Card Party Held

For Flood Fund Fran�mes M. Squier, unmarried, to j 1 • m A. Park, Jr., porperty ad-l��'�ia;ds of Franklin A. Park, Jr., Court TrinitY,3a7,Catholic Daugh-E

rom Nottingham place. ters of America, held a card party toA & !'-· Holding Company, Inc., Thursday at Z:lo P· m. in its club In tlanhc Pants Manufa.cturing Co., house at 617 Rahway avenue. Pro­c., one tract in Cumberland street, ceeds from this party were turn.Cd �-=""':::------;:.:;:.::;_;;;.;::, over to the Red Cross Hood reh_ef

DANCE SMARTLY fUnd. Mrs. Grace Green was cha1r-

l'tttat•l1 ••r ti•• ll•eat man in charge of arrangements.

's"'' .. " .... h..... 8 -r. 1.50 i.!�":0• $ The LEADER Gives 1'ou NEWS W':it:h�"•l C"nUr•• nnw Peabodox Trot, Swing, 1 1,n�a,:tn��raa .. 21 Hildegarde Burdick l111fnr1l Avp,,. Pl,.\ll'fJ'JELD T.\'?:\r�r:�:-r.=o. �

· - ----- ---��---�-·- -'l'hone Weatfte!d 2-10RO DR. M. P. BABBITI'

SURGEON CHIROPODIST 227 £AST BROAD STREET W111dr•hlt Uulhltns Weall'ield, N. J. ===-

666 ebeek• COLDS



See Page

USIC FINE nAnMONIC.\8 • • In• J•up ut,All '" UIHU • • ' . , :l<\O M l'SIC S'r A l'I OS . . . . . . , ll�a VIOLll'I DOWM • • • • • · • ;11�0 F I N E O l ' l'rAIU . . . . . .. 1.�n N E W TRl•�n·wrs . ,, ..... o NEW CLADl � l�T� • . • l ll.M PIANO ACCORlllON f lot.7G


New Jeney'i Largo1t and Moat Complote Mu1ic Shop. Gregory'• Music Shop

JlJXrJlJRT nErAI RINO 892 \V, lt'rnnt Be .. 1•1.A. I N ftl�•�D

011•• £yen'••• Tel, l'ttd. l-!SG41

Breakfast : Oranges, oatmeal, toast, butter, milk, coffee.

Dinner: Shepherd's pie with vegeta­bles, bread, butter, applesauce cake, milk, tea.

Supper: Quick celery. roup, bread,

butter, banana salad, oatmeal cook­ies, m ilk, tea. . Wedne1day

Breakfast : Stewed aprlcots, wheat ce­real, toast, butter, milk, coffee.

Dinner: Cheese bean roast, tomato 811uce, buttered spinach, biscuits, butter, rice pudding, milk, tea.

Supper: Savory potatoes, coleslaw, bread, butter, applesauce cake, tea, milk. Thuraday

Breakfast: Oranges, cornmeal mush, toast butter, m ilk, coffee.

Dinner ; Liver with noodles, broccoli

wit.Ii mock hollandaise sauc<i, bread, butter oatmeal cook ies, milk, tea.

Supper; Jlashed potatoes in milk, raw vegetable snlnd, bread, butler, rice pudding, milk, ten.

Friday Brcnk!nst : Sliced bananas, oatmeal,

toast butter, milk, coffee. Dinner; Mock scnllop.•, spiced boob!

and celery, shredded lettuce salad,

brend, butter, Norwegian pruno

pudd ing, milk, ten, Suppe r : Cream of spinach aoup,

�hecse tonst, oatmeal cookies, milk, ten. Saturday

Brcnk!ast : St.<lwed apricots, whe11t ce­real , toast, butter, mlik, co!Ycc.

Dinner: D�kcd limn beans, ecalloped tomatoes, cornbrcnd, butter, oat­meal cookies, m ilk, tea,

Supper: Codtlsh hnuh, raw carrot cal. nd, bread, butter, Norwegian prune pudding, milk, ten.

tricity. 2. Baa its own cabinet. 3. May he lowered easily.

4. ·You sit down -wbile you work.

5. You can do all your ironintl witlt it.

6. Work\ng time is cut in half.

•& Buy1 1ho . Thor electric

Foldaway ironer. You may purchase it on tho divitlod payment plnn at a email in· creaBO over tho cueh price,

An elcclrio ironer l!QOn paya for it.11clf in lnhor saved ae well as in cxpcmc ro­ducod. Tho Thor Foldaway will last a lifetime and i t coata little to oporat.e. Sec it at any Public Service 1tore.

Tl'lll 111"-ALY In



d the Su ervlwr of ROM!a ; continue In <ill'tce and does not require 1

( Wil Sltow E•-L!-- fo'4•1��r�h.!"'••aar/ &ppllcatlona a.nd 11 further appolntrJlj.::f by tb!s Board,

� � '�• a.greemen ta with the Stale Highway j was received a.n4 ·

" 1 •wooo NEWS • F a�: .... De a.rtment and the Township of blew CommunJcatlon from the Township 1.IAI\ J ..... ftJUK Pr�vidence for State Aid Maintenance I of Union, expresalng i·eg-rel t,hat thot on Plainfield Avenue Jn the Boro ct j work on th• a hou1der1 on Chestnu • New l'rovi-Oence, was .adopted. Stre�t as agre&d upon ha.a bet:ln de ..

An exhibit of the war drawings Resu!utlon granting \V, s Stephen .. , Ja; ed to the poJnt whefe !tur'irl l�n �i� The Garwood PT� will a card and etchings by Kerr Eby will be =��� .

. ��h L���a.f��ntb�eel���ti::,'. ;-!; , �'.;;'��a��;i':,�," ..:�. 6r':t';rr�d

e to the Ro .. d ,_.ty K�day evenlllg at 8·.16 P· m. shown under auspices of the West- a.<loptc<l. I C-Ommittee. I ill the Lincoln School. .Ml.Be .Mus- Resolution <leslgllatlng the Organ- 1 Communication from Otis Elevator .....,..,e Is ln charge of tickets field International Council, February lza.tlon m.ctlng o! the Board to be held C<>.. a.<lvising tbl)}llt1n8e11· ha�':i ma.l.i;�� ••n • 18 16 . th II f th W tfi Id h • C rt House Elizabeth, N. J., , ed ma,hlne No. •• • o ca e Oll o

F klin w·.t,.. me her of Lin- - Ill e ga ery 0 e es e at 1 e .)" . J • 2nd 1987 a.l lZ bHeot was referre<l to Public Proper• 1 ra

Schn o! f 1�"'"'ult a h

m u ed h' Art Assoc'.ation, 7 Elm street. Thia ��,,����. a;dovt::.J'.ary ' ' I ty, Grounds �nd Bulldlngs com


;ttee. : ® n 0 ac y as res m 1S ' l . f M Eb ' k h b I . I Resolution fixing the salary 0 oun-.. __ h d t" f 11 . a week' ' co lection 0 r. y s wor as een On motion of Freehol�er McM&ne " ty Treasuror was w:loptod. I -...e .ng U ies 0 owing 8 i :;hown in many cities of the country I rerosH was declared tor ten minutes. I l<csCJ!ution' apporn L.1ng Arthur N. '

flllde teacher is confined t-O her home . . eight members present and one, Fr••· j ; e�r•, wao adopted. t illaeu. Mrs. Margaret Bahr, second I under auspices of vurious peace or- 1 ·1-10n reconvening roll calJ showed Plerson a13 county Treasurer, for thr�e I with tonsiHtis: ga111zat1ons. hoft"�1;,1!����1g:PnPr�1�c;\he temporary I Col����lut��l�e�:l:fr t�� ��la,o ��=

.,_ d "' B d' W T I ---- I upp0Jt1tmcnt of Roy E. Kitchell, as ! a-<1opl.OO • ...,v an .

... rs. ene 1ct • ann ,er Supreme Court Veto Power .\ctlng county Clerk In the County 1 Th• following reaolutlon1 by the had II their guests last Wfl<'k-end Miss I The convention that framed the I C'IHk'R Oft Ice, fll a salary of $3.$00.00 . Com.mitt"" ot the Whole, were adopt· I ,.A..._ d StrJ d .M n Jfowells k nl per annum elrectlve lJecembe r 31, 1936, I ..i · V""!" e ne an �rwy \ Constitution, at .olle. �ime, �. Y was a.dopt�d. Fixing aalary ot County Engine�; : of T&lor, Pa. debated the adv1sab1hty of giving The Clerk read the minutes of ldhl• 1 appointing Roi c. Collin•, County l>:n· ·

d • h t ml!eting which was adopted as rea · gl neer· a.ppo1nUng Ja.mes R. May1 a1 A , rge numher of Garwoo feSI· t e Supreme cour Veto power over There being no further buslneso an d I consut'tant on Ho•pltals and lnatltu· 4ent, attended the President's birth- the laws with the President. uvon mot ion of FreehoJ<ler Dudley, · Uono at one .dollar a year'b appointing

�- L-11 · th L" I S h ol S t <J ul y seconded and carried, the Director Arthur A. Baol<ey, mem er of the .,..7 � in e tnco n C O a Ur· -· �--�---�---- ___ ___ _ _ _ _ declared the Board adJourne<1 sine die. Sinking F'und t..:orumlssJon, for a term day evening from which a substantial CHM!. M. AFFLJ�1

Kk of three years; appointing Oeorg-e w. I Ii d • th f d f · S • f U!.... le f C er Bauer. member of the Sinking Fund nm was rea � ,or e un or m. )'Hpill e .auaU I I -- commission, !or three years: appolnt- 1

fantlle paralys;s sufferers. •---d of Freeholder• Orpnlsatlon 11t ... t1n11 of tho Undlon Ing Director Mel••' by virtue of bl• i .,..,. counly Board of Chosen Freehol en i off Jee, as a member of the Sinking I was held at t h e Court Houf.le, Ell�-

, Fund Comml•slon; Arthur N. Pleraon

beth, N . . J., <Jn Saturday, January �. by virtue of hla otrJce, as a member of Allla•r•�• Meetl•S o! the Union 1937, at twelve o'clock noon. the Sinking Fund Commis11011; ap- 1 County Boar<! of Cboson Freobolden Charles M. Affleck, Clerk of the I· pointing- H. Donald Holm•• ot summit, · waa held at the Court House, Eliza .. Boar<l, called the meeting to order. as a member of the Board ot .Managers , The Allied Italian .. American Citi- beth, N. J,, on Thunday, December n. The Clerk read the following cehrtlh .. ; or Bonnie Burn Sanatorium ; Freehold-

' C b h I d L. f II · . 1936, at ten A. M. ficate from the County Clerk, w le er Harrlg-an a• a member of the Board .-na lu as e ecte tu., o owmg I Roll eall showed eight members was flied with the papers of the BoarEd. , of Gover.iora of Muhlenberg Hospi tal . 41fticers: President, Carmine Guer- present and one, Freeholder Hari l;ian, Supreme Court Jusllce Clarence · Freeholder Richard J. }larrlg-a.n u a ., '· I aboont Case a<lmlnlstered the oatha of ol'llce t Voting- Member of th!• Board i n the '1ero; vice president, John .111an.,,ca " I cominunlca:tlon was received from to Freeholders Meloel and Bauer: f state Asaoclatlon: appoln.1111r the Eliz. co; treasurer Carmine Marinelli; sec- . t he RepubJ loan VeLerans' A11aocJullon I<�reeholder Harrigan being a l.Jsent due abeth Dally Journal ae the otflclra.l A T '

M I t t extending the season's compllmenta, to Ulneu. I newspaper tor the County of Union ; retary, • . osca; ass s an secre- j was or<lered fllod. The Clerk then called the roll which resolution Instructing the Clerk to pre­tary, Fred Falzone, and sergeant-at- Communication from the Civil Serv· showed eight membeu present and pare a 1ynopsls of each meeting held Job D I C Th b d f tee Commtaslon approving the tern· one, Fre�hold<'r H arrigan, absent. by the Board to.r publlcatlon In

anaa, n e onte. e .oar 0 porary appointment of John Krlney as The Cl•rlt then stated that the ftrat I eighteen weeklr, newspapers of the Alireetora include.: W, Bongiovanni, Night Watchman, was received and busin ess to come bet:ore the n;eetlhg ! Co unty{· author aJns the Director to v Allmonte E Del Conte L, Ro- or<lerod flied. was the electlop of a Director or t e I algn al cllecke and drafts tor the pay. J"I.- ' ' ' 4 I Communlcatton from Kate Sha piro, ensuing )·ear. ment ot money agatn•t the funds tJf •allo, 8. Nucifora and F. Tricarico. ' favoring the ealabllahment of a Voca- Freeholder Bauer n ominated Free· the co unty when the county Treaa­llayor Louis J. Fontenelll has been tlonal School, w•s received and order· holder Meisel tor tho Director. whlcd

h I urer la d isabled, or ahaent temporar· . T 1 ed filed. was duly seconded by Freehol<ler Du • Hy- appolntlns Benjamin E Korb of •ade ltono�ary prea1dent. he c ub Comm u nication was received from Jey. sc.>tch l'la.lns 11.1 Clerk to the Commls. 11af donated ,11 for flood relief, Henry G. Nulton, County Clerk. adv'•· There being no other nomlnL1tlonds slonei ot ,J urlea; appointing J. w. Oak· Jng thn.t he has appoJnted temporarily t he nomination was declared c ose I WoO<I as member ot the Shade Tree Roy E. Kitchell as Acting Chief Clerk and the Clerk called the roll of m•m· commission; d esltrnatlng County De· In hla olTlce at a salary of '3,800 per op t he nomination of Freeholder 1>osltorlea wherein ahal! be kept all annum, effective December 31st, 1938, Meisel "rho received the una



I pubtlc monlee· ot the County; appolnt­waa referred .to the Committee of the vote ot the Board, The Cler t e1n tng Freeholder• Charles E. Smith and Whole, declared Freeholder Meisel· elected D • J. H. M. Dudley 81 lilx·Ol'llclo mem-The Garwood Parent-Teacher As­

-iatlon 1ui1 donated •10 to Cran­ford Chapter of the Ainerl�an Red Croll for flood relief. Garwood la a part of Cranford Chapter.

Do111tlon1 allO are be!ng made by other Garwood rroups, Including the Teaellers' A.11oelatlon, and the Lions Club I• aulstlnr Mayor Louis J, Fon. te11elll'1 committee In canvassing for funda.. ' Co11trlbut!on1 can be riven dltlctly to Charlea Schoenwisner, ;Jr., at. Borourh Rall, or to John Rlchard-110l11 calhler of the Fliat National .....



The tollowlng monthly report• were rector tor the year 1937. bera of the Union County Welfare recelvod and ordered filed: County 'fhe Clerk appointed Freeholder• Board ; appointing Wright, Long ,.nd Exten1lon A !Centt Third Judlclal DI•· Brokaw and Brooks to escort the DI· company to a.udlt the accounts of the trlct Court; Purcna1tng Agen t : Super- rector to t h e chair. five Judicial District courts tor the lntendent of Weight& and Measures, The Oath was admin istered byC 8u- year 1937 : appointing \Vrlrht, Loni' and County Phy1lclan. vreme Court Justice Clarence E. 888• and Company to audit the books 01 The following annual reports were The Director then del ivered hla An· the County for the year 1937 · author· received and ordered ftled: County nun.I Met1snge to the Board. !zing the county •rreaaurer tO advance Supervlaor of Road1, Purchaolng Com· Resolution !Mt the By Laws. Rules to the Chief Probation Ol'llcer the sum mlttee; Leglolatlon and Public AITalrs and Hell'UloUons of the ·Board for the lilxchangs Fund· superintendent or Committee : County Attorney; PuhlJc YE>Ur 1936, b11 Adopted for the yee.r of f2a.76 for pett'y castt and '2o.v0 !or Property, Grounds and BuUdlnP"e Com· 1937, with amendments, was adopted. Bonnie Burn sanatorium the eum of mlttee; Purchasing Agent: Bt:ldges, Communication from HermRn Kl ing, t 1178.89 for Entertainment accounli tha 1' · Drainage and Flood Control Commit· oalllnll' attention to Chapte1 230, IALWS ' &um of '600.00 tor freight account and · tee; Com·mlttee on !loads; Insurance nf 191 9, to the end that he remnln In I the sum of Uf9.8f for petty cash ac· , Cornmlttec: Jail Wardon: Superlnten - , th e oft'lco of Supervh1or of Roads for count· Gounty .supervisor of Roads the dent ot Weight• and Measures : Spe� Union County duri ng good behavior aum De UOO 00 'for petty cash purpoaol!• clal Commltteej' Law Librarian : Publfc nnd to be removed only for cause, was tho Prosecu'tor at Union County fl 250 Welfare Comm ttoe ; Superintendent of reforred to the Coun ty Attorney, , tor !•�tty cash • to the S'herllT of 'the s. & s. Headstonea ; County Ph yelcl•n ; Commurilcatlon from Clarence A. 1 county of Union the sum of l•,IOl.a6 County Engineer. and Jail Physician. Ward, County Attorney, Advising- that tor Jurors per diem fees · a. budget of Reaotullon authorlltng the Dlreclor )"Herman Kllng, under the law. la to temporary appropriations' tor the year

If (It ;1 tj j UW \IJ m SPAGHETI'l --MACARONI

1D37, as provided by Section 110 of the Looal Budget Act, was adopted ; ap­i>olntment by Alfred C. Brooks, Chari•• I .lt1c�:;'J"• J�r'id:'r'l's�n °"asBr����ln��: Board for the Non·Competlttve posi­tion ot Cleaners an<l Helpers tn the Court House and Ol'llce Building-a. lJJreclor Meisel then named the fol­lowing standlnll' committees tor the _ year 1937:

a�t?h�l����uer, Gehring, Harrigan,

Br';'k�';'.'ARlil:-Dudley, Smith, Bauer,

mJ;1i,���is ��g����!;Y Ba��r�Ufr��a:, Harrigan . . BIUDHIDS :-Jlrokaw, lllcMane, Gehr· lnic, Dudley,

ln�'!�l�.��:�;:smlth, Mcld:ane, Gehr·

M�J.<;;1:.LATlON: - Harrigan, Brooks, l'UHCllASING: - l!c1dane, Smith, Dudley, Brook1. lNSUHANCl!l: - Gehring, Brokaw, Bauer, Dudley,

THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. or NOODLES-Mueller'a . 3 pkr•· 25c

SALMON-Red Alaaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I·"· can 23c

There being no further business to bo considered, the Director declared the lloni"<l adjourned to Thunday, Jan. uary 14th, 1D37, at two l', M.


" .



HAMS 29�


SAUSAGE . . c 33,.,, Scrapple 2-�ickz9




33� ·Freah BEEF . 19

c Chopped

· lb

TOMATO SOUP-Campbell11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 can1 20c ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES-Henh Beat . . lie. can 2Sc BAKED BEANS-Frienda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .family 1i1e 17c BORA�-Twentr Mule Tealn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-ltt . . pkr. 15c

CAKE FLOUR-Preato . "!::: 25c

OXYDOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lure pk1. 21c, email 9c KEN L RATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 can1 25c PUDDING-Butter Scotch

or Cboeolate-Gumpert'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHOLE RICE-Ehler' a Grade A . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . pkr. 10c . . 3 pkga. 25c

3!>.; 59c

-Green'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1". pkr.

19c CHICKEN BROTH-Premier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cana 25c SWEET POTATOES-Herah Beat,

In Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 large cana 25c

COFFEE Mocha and 1 " · 25c Java Blend LIMA BEANS (Dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amall, 2 11>1. t9c LIMA BEANS ( Dry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .large, 2 11>1. 23c FLOOR WAX-Johnaon'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-U,, can 59e GRAHAM CRACKERS-lvin'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1·"· pkg. 1 7c ASPARAGUS TIPS-Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can 23c

TOMATOES-P;::;;r · 2 1::�� 33r. TUNA FISH-Premier White Meat . . 1/rltt . aize can 20c KIRKMAN'S SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 cakea .25c PRUNES-Large California, 40/50 aize . . . . . . . . 3 11>1. 25c

BAKED APPL'CL'.1-4 Applea in Can 19 DD Ready to Serve can C FURNITURE POLISH-Liquid Veneer .. l ge. bottle 45c FURNITURE POLISH-Liquid Veneer . . : aml. bot. 23c OVALTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . large 56c, imall 31c TOMATO JUICE-Welch. . . No. 5 can 25c




EFFECTIVE FROM FEB. 4th to FEB. 10th, 1087

K L I · NfC E �i ' S ' • ·'!.......,.-....: . .. . . " MEET ME AT IC.UNGER'S "

70 ELM STREET Tel. 2-2640

CHAS. Al. AFFLEJCK, I -- Clerk. r a..salar MHUns ot the Union Coun- I ty Board of Chosen Freoholdors was · held, at lhe Com:t House, Ellza.b&th, j · N. J., on Thursday, January 14th, 1937, at two P. M. ·

Director Meisel presiding. Roll call showed alb n10mber11 present. MJnute• of the Organization meeting­were approved lUI per prJnted copies on the members' desks. Hesalutlon that all bills aj>proved bec�fn����1�1c1!�1�n!."8r�o�0fi�°:10n County g;.�c1A:."C°of ot cr���he��r:l8����1n:r ! I �i1l1��v�:l�g J:rt:�����lo�i�0��h�'OiTWe��


r�rerroo to Committee of the Whole. Jtealgnntlon of \VUllam C. Hope, Member of Slnklng Jc .. und Commlaslon, was referred to 1'..,lnn.nco Committee, Ucque11t tor extension of leave ot �

b;:";:cof�� 1i�8o8in �\��01'ke�fet;r

ap��� rcterred to b..,lnanco CQmmlllee, Dlds tor new cn.r, tor tho Bherltr wore received from the Purcha.s\ng Ag"nl �:e� referred �o Purchasing Commit ..

Communication from Police Depart• mcnt of Mountainside requeallng Jn. •tnlh1llon of a trnl'llc light at noute �oic;;e311t� �r�dP�oov��rt1:e�oad, wa•

Annual report of free day treatment furnlahcd by eounty llo1pltals was re. ceivcd tram \Vrlght, Long and Com­pany (Auditors), and referrOO to Fi­nn.nee Commltt.eo. Notice of tho appointment or Anton C. Swenson as n.BBlatant to Clerk ct Juvenile Court and Herbert W. Baxo n.s Court Clerk wna l'Etce\ved from the County Clerk nnd referred to Commit· toe of the Whole, ·

Nollcs or appointment of Wnltor W. Wilson ns AAalstonl Superintendent of \Voights n.nd Measures was received from Superl11 tendont ot \\'eights I �frt��,�� th"ed ,�g����oo to tho Com-Il'ollowlng reports were received and fll!Xl: County Treasurer: Sinking If'und

��!''Fl1t�hotb1s\lr���e c!��i�.nelon Agent: Report nnd Resolution by PurchnB· Ing Comm ittee, advising of bids re­ceived for new cnr for Sherlft' nnd ���m�13����J.g award to low bidder, Ha1rnrt a1ul RC!solutton by FlnancP Commlt t<'o authorizing County Treas­urer to l>RY Urn County for troo day trcatmrnt, waa adoptttd. , Heport nnd HCJ�olutlon by Comtl} l ltN'! nuthorltlng Director and Clerk lo onlcr Into ngrPement wllh I Lehigh Vallo,\' ftn.ll rond rclntlvt to ob· ; lhrntlon of Hn llrond Compnny townN.1 I neccsAAr:1 repnlr worl< nt Contrl\l Ave. nun Crne!'llng wns ndopted. l"ollnwlng reaolutlons wero nd optctl

A?����1l1��. flnlnry ut Aeslstn.nt Count:r AM101J�tment of .Tohn M. I<erner1 As. alstnnt County Attorney. I Ornntln� Lnnnte .ht. Cnprla three I montha lcn\•c or nbRence without pny, A J11rnlnt m(•nt ot \V11 J tor M. \Vllson.



ortntendont of \Voights

I A111•olntrnon t of Anton C S\\•enson Aa1'11Rtnnt to Clerk ot Juvenile Court. ' ; c

o'��t'0�J:;1��n t of l l orhcrt \V, Saxe ns

tlrnn t l n � Gror,.�o •r. Cnrrolt lrnve of ��;� nee on nccouut of slcknesB, with At��/;:�1hJ���'n1�11��a���;1�1crlno V. Dentty,

1 Appolntm�nt of Frnn k H. Smith ne: �11��1�1�l.

1cr ot th!) Sinking l"Und Com-l'rnpn!'1N1 TtwlR�l ror 1937 and henr .. 1 Ing ndvt>rt!ROO, I '1'hcr€' h('lng no turthr.r huelnoss O h<l �r.1�1 e���1d�d :�d 1����111e0J<l��e ?1�����1:r drclrtrf'd Ilnnr(1 ndJourned Uhtll "'J'llura­day, Jnnuary 2M. 1937.._,!lt two fl. M, Ill=========================================;;;..) I 'd CHAil . ... AFFLECIC, .- -� v. Clerk.










, ..




I l




For Head Colda


35c SMITH .





l' l . '


1 .00 , R E M


1 .00 CREO












'soc rrophylactic




SOc / Williams .


ZJc ...

.. �'

75c. PAZO


1 .25 Waterburv.s


S9c �. 25c I



SOc GROVES Epsotabs .



�6c \ Noxzemct NoSE DROPS

\ Z4c