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It LEGAL TRANSFERWas tlK Decdins of **Tlw Sted**

to tie Laad Company.

So HeM by Jadre Swan trolt on PiiSay.

at De-

itMMM of obtaiaiaa Mittateetioa of tivir own mnHtorionii flnHwi. andUhhiicIi bf may kw awan* of tin* iotaai of the dabtor to (kfMt tlw PoUwtion of tham. Fraud, in ita kwal mnmw. cannot be (irrdkiated of aueli a trunaaciMUi. Wherrrer thara ia a troa debt and a raal tranafarfor an ndai^uate I'onaidamtion, than> M no noHnaion.^'


Wbtre tbt riilnam Boob Com Was TrM ia tlw Uaitad Slalas Coart.


II Practlcalljr BtuMlsaes the ValMIty of the Ljuid ComiMay orfaaUstlon.

iieidc, ,ludir*‘ N«nin no iriiud hml

th** taua* of lh«* riiinti .Vatiotml Hank of ('hM‘a|Cu, wliicii waa (>r«>uKl>t >■> tb** I'nitid .Ntaten I’onrl, lit iMnal, to have the traiiMfer of the

|hot**l Steel |»n>|MTty,I by K. M. Sti^lto the St. .lohna launi i'oiii|Miiiy Hat decide*! Friday that •hown ami that the

rraiiafer woh a valitl one..\ttoriiey II. K. Walbriil**', of thin city,

n'lui ill iMniit Thuntday and Friday und annie*! f Ih-caa*> lor the Land <'oni|iany.

The claim eet up hy tlM> hank wae thnt the traiiHhf \va^ mmle with tin* intent to defraud rre*iitoi>. and actinir on that hy|Kttle*«in, the hank attache*! tlie hotel prot>*^iy to natiHty a |udKtiietit »i.**ure*l hy Huit oil ••ertaiii n«it**H to the amount III !*1‘» .'»iMi oiirnt-*! Iiy It. .\l. St****l.

'I'iiiNde< ii»i(iii iiy.ludic*.Swaii ih of Kr*<tit lailHirtam'*' ite it prartii'ally eettlee tie* • |U•attl||l of the valiihty of the .St .IoIiiim Liitid I ompaiiy.amlofallitHai’tNHiM^Mir-

It ia rather a Htranpe condition whan the leKialature (laaaeN a law and ioaorant partiea ro ahM*l ami ineor heavy lieoMN* by an attempt to carry it into ax* exentioa and than an* obii|^ to luiffar loM* by reaaon of the act lieiuK declared uncnjaatitutional. Hacb. howavar, ia t^ caae of thoae who have bean enRiiK«<d in carry inn *">t the pruviaiona of the Maph* lUver dmioaK** act. Tbeex|>enaeH of the nrcaanary work, liefon>.liid|p- Daboll ran- dare«l hie deciaioii, amounted to NevamI thouMiod liullarH, and it ia aaid, an at­tempt will be ina<le by i^tme of thoae in- termted to Hicun* |iay lor llieir Harvicaa. JiMl what iiiHuiier they will iieraue in not nettled, hut *»ii ita fai'e tliere wouhl naani to Im* no rimmI renaou why they Hb«>uld not receive |iay in full lor all avr^'icea |ier- f*>rnie<l Hi* iiiiM'h MH if the eiitin* work of ch'HninK and deafieiiiuK tb** (Siunnel hml hail been c«iin|»leie«l. Their work wan l•l•rformad in kimmI faith in lUi attempt to obey tiia law, and juet why a cititan obayiuK evimmand of the ntate nhouid In* made to auffer a tlnanrial Iium* by raa- Moii thereby in not ap|Mrent to any fair minded tieraon. The work aliould be



■rs. ■tiUM Reed's Hoese Romberded.

A WMow -S---- IRmm0MB MQ fVlfBaSlHKfc.



Ns Rouob St all is Appsreat ShsoKnil Work.

for the

< IM KO.\*K in .Maph* UapitJa ia laivinic th** way to icet into trfiuble of a moat ee- riouakinil. That vii- laRe waa th** acen** of a moat dtasrni'efiil liro«w«liDK Sunday eveniiiK, when the home of .Mra. .Martha i{ee«l and lier aK***! inofhar waa b«ini- Imrded and eiCitv«i.



IdtUe Kthel Hunt, the aeran year old dauirfatar of Frank Hunt, waaahotin the wriat .Monday by lioya wIni warealwMit- inn At u mark. Tlie child waa idayinn in bar in^ndniotliaFa door van! and the iNiyaidaini the laillat atnicK annieobha-t and alaiicad off from ila «'oarae. In any event the iMiilai chiaaiad «Hlt aome of the lame on tile «iutaide of the wriat ami made a rather |iainfiil tbouKli mit dan- Remaa wouml. it ia aahl tla* fpiti ia the itainaom* whirli waa iiaed niNint a year a|pi wlieti llerlawu liti|rlMM ^vaa ah«it in tlie knee. Thk .NKwa thinka it ia entirely 1 III lie* I wan ry that the |ieo|i)e of thia town Mliotihl la* e*»natniitlv ex|Miae«i tn the <laiiirer of l•ein|r aimt Fty imya with RiinM. Tlien* abouid In* all onlinanre |Miaae«iand ttf rift Iff rti/itrf'tfi fortdditiR tlie uae *»( tire urma or air RUiia by luiyone iiiaide tla* c«irponition liinita. Tin* <liinicer ia ttNiRTeat t4t toleniti* tlieriak. iloyawitli RUiiH miiy Im* Meeii out Hh<M»tinR aliiioat any *lay. It ia all wroiiR. Ita a dan|c**r- oUH imatiuH*, for tie* Imla tlieiimetveM and tla* alKKiiinic Hhoiiid all la* doti<* wlieiv tlien* will U* no iMtaaibk* chiiii(*i* of any inniN’eiit iM*rMoii lM*iii|{: m>«iiiH*<| for life, or woiwe. If fiitben* can* to alhiw their iMiya tla* iim* of Riina tlw.v Hlioiihl Im* li*d*i- iiiR for la*iivy flnea. wlien* the tin* anna iniiclit IM* uae*I ai|cninat iIm* pniviawiiie of an ordinaiM'e.

OEAB^HEARTMra. Wicket Umriile to Sorvive

Her HiMboad's Deotk.

Siie toe Died la Dearer Darlar tlie Week.

Wsll by a IjHee Ac*

Dovble Pvaersl Was Held fsr the Prtdsy.


iWidea Ibe tw*» iiientione*! Fharlea I _fThurrhill ami family live in tlie Ilee*l A.N I KIl 10 (lO |0liouac. They art* ail reapectable |ie«)ph*, -----------an*l 11*1 one haa the aiiicbteat i<len wh.v I ,%]i« the work waa d*im*,4ir by whom it *v)iil*l j

|Mii*l hir. anti Tut; NKwatiwlathat thtaie larfietrah'd. .Mra. Hee*l n* an•*nicnice<l III It will Im* iviinbunM-<l every ' . . . .farthiiiK, lUiit |mu(I pnifier reniuneralion f*)r th*‘ir lime M|H.nt.



.\lMiut t wimty rouplea*! t lie plena- un* of II (laiih'nR jiarty at the l.u*li«M** I.ihrnry riNOiia Fri*lay ev**niuK. laal. It waa H rommen ial (ranaarfion, fiun* ami aiiiifik*, mv»*ii (or the puriMaa* «•( raiaiUK

;ramxntioti. Tli**«'aa«- iiia.v la-Hp|H-Hie<i. . .but .Vttorn**y NVIndnu, wim ap|M*iirp*l dent , alaiul wlm-Ji the y«ninR liida*** are lor fh*- lliink, wa* <»l tin- opini<iii (lint I ••*»! v**iy lidkalive. It M.*nia that at a If Wiiultl mit Im-. iiltlioiiich lie lintl not ! hirim-r |»hi t,v th** pluR -oii'Ult*-*! will! tie- hank othciaU at tin* tiim-le-f\pr**aa«*4l tlii!» opinion. Tin-*1*

lindoatmua woman, and ia w*irkiOR hanl I to HiipiMirt her thm- chiMreii. She waa I divom**l from iier hiiHbaiid about a ,iear fi«o.

I lienrinir the mnae outanh- ahe \v<mt t*» i tin* win*iow to aee what til** tntubh* waa.I Slia*liiiR tier ••y*w with her liaml abe j |M>ere«l out int*i the darkiieaa. wli«*n an ' eRR <-4iine criiabiiiR throuRh th*-window an*I Hi ruck her. .She lH*at a liiiat.v n*.

I treat and m*m* i-RRa w**rr throw at the I Inaia**.

The family <*1111001 l•*lDceive why an.v- |one Hh*>uhi iiltark th<-iu. ami a Rreat d**iil of f**e(inR haa laM*ii w<irk*<<l Up ov<*r

III an ir»* **n-aiii I iiHcker *nim* «iut thiriiiR Ih** ev*miiiR ami I let th*’i*ontefita of Malt Water <ini«i th**

len*-* t** th*- nll*-Riitn»n of iraml. waa a ; l^*o>r. wh**re it tricki*-*! thnaiRh with a conipleTeileliml. .M||.pleincnle*| h.V t lie III**- ' miH* heV.-.lU*. »a*nl and ap.llllR a * .»upletorv *if the orRanuatnm of th*-•••inipany I •■X|*ent>iv*- caaketa in tfi**

ahiwly drip|H*l down on

fnnda I** .lefray the ex|M*n*-eH *»f an ••a*****- j, a|f„,r. Th*- *tCRa tlmiwerH w**n- not<’*iiit*’nt with their w*irk at the U«*e«| hf>iia«-. hut i*laat**n**l Mp«iile*| *-RRa on viir-

an<l of Mr. .St»<e|*. tr;in*>a<-tiiaii< conn*’ei*’<l th*-n-\vith. It waa ahown that th*- -lo<'k '>i*ne*i h>' F. I*. Wahiron. (**-<1. .\, ami h ti. Sti-**l waa acinali.v laiiiRht ami pa 1*1 Tor In Ml Wahlron'a (-aa*-he liiid«iRie-<l ii*»l**a t*i tie* aimiunt of ?-’*o.lMMi.whicfi Mr. St»-**l ciiiha-***’<l. n*a'l in riiiaii.R lumh iml 1*11 which le* naMuni*’*i pr»*- icrr*'<l atiM-k in lli*- St .hdiiia Mannta<'t- uriiiR • «aii|*nnv Thia waa iic«**>m- pauixlh.x a *-ontrii*-t t*» puirhna*-Iwe-k til* atock on dernaml. Tie- notea to tie- ainonnt ol tlft'-eii thonaniel dol-

ofaton- lM-n*-ath th«*ir Hoinhn-

trappiiiRa, reiideniiR them unattraeiiv*- hir pr«*a|MM-tive cuatoim-ra The mitiirnl oiitctiim* of thia miafortnii*- waa 11 hill to |Miy ami tie- |M*rty Friilay evemiiR waa m\**n in ho|M*athnt♦*n*»URh n*venu*-imRlit ta- rniH*<d t*i pay for f he iormerl**Hk. Tie* room waa ••taatilv" •le**<*nit*’«I in hla**k ami whit*-, hilt Im* it aael t*» tie- *T***lil of the chariniiiR •-ntertainer**. the ev**ninR waa p.*aa«*«| in aiiythiiiR hut n neairntiil niiiuner. .\ (airl,v r«»*mI auni waai-arrie*l t*i th*- pr*»rtt nc*n»uiit, hut not *-maiRh f*>

i«>ua other hiiihlinuH. ami on aiRHa. ami *»n th*-anh-walka on Main atreet.

Sone* *l«*t*-ctiv** w«»rk ia Im-iur *hin** *»n th<> «*nae and II *-ln** i* aael to la-inth*- poDMeaaioii of an ll-a'-x niHii which will liriiiR tie-Riiilty partv lopiaii*-**.

AI’STI.X IS IhiMi:.OVIll'M l lltsT \ OI.rNTLKIt il.\a IIV-

TI'ICNKII T*i llwri'KII \TK.



Thoinaa .lohniMiii. wh*i livea on lh«* aiMitli Hi*le of (Im* ciiiiiit.v, xx'aa tnk**li Im*- fore .liiHtiiv l.yoii Tii*<m<|ii.v imirniiiR, <-hiirR>'«i with ilnink**iiiH*Ha. II** tohl hi-, honor that In* t-niiH* over t«* town ami met an •d«l conineh* timl tlll**<l up on the tlnida that inloxn-ate WIm'Ii hia leuior j«M*tinRly aake*l tie* **hl Rt-ntleniaii wli«*n* li«- pr**f**rre«| RoiiiR. .Iie-ka«iii. Ionia or |t**troit. h** tiMik it •M*ri*niH|y 41111 aaiil. *‘\V**II leiw I don't want to ro to any of th*iM«* plHc*-**, lait I W ould lik*’ ten <lay** injfiiil.”

Thia f*M»k f h»* jii*‘tn-** <»ff hi** f****l. a>* le* had tnt*-mle«l to ini|H*>M* a HrIiI tiie-and let th** ohl man ro. iait .lolin**on t-v* |•lallM’<l that it wa- ratninu aiel <-ol*l ami ii** had nilh**r wiiit until i( * t**tir*-*l up iM-for** MiariiiiR for lioin*'. Hi-* honor

'‘^plit tie* diffenie-*-" 4in*l Riiv** him t1\** May** in jail. reniarkiiiR that le- would U- lilH-rat*-*l S nelax aiel :i« h•*^•*^nlll imi r*** anythiiiR lo drink th.ii 'lax xxiiiihl I**- -.110- f«i R*-l hone- III roimI ord*r.

(KmH) m I.IFT..«l*l‘«l|| I IlIN MI-.M TlilM F.ti.l. I.XIKi-




C. I*. WiekeaiHt I)«i- vwr, which oceurn**! Wedntwdoj*. *xaiiie the uwwN over the wir** that Mrw. VViekeH. too, had iMuweil to the Rreat hey*iiid. .Mr. hhI Mr*. Wicket* were 4d re*i(l*QtN *tf St.

John*, and ha*l a loTRe ttcq u ttiu taiireahi p

_ thmughout the *1000-ty. They left thiaclty where .Mr. Wickea had bt*en enRORMl in the Rrocery hiieine** in IHHr*. t>f the *luab!*dmth tlie Ihmver Tima* Noid.

.\fter terreatrial married hMpinew* for over tbirtv xwirt*, ('haa. I*. WtckcH uml I'nlmym Wi(*ken will Mad rrpoaatuRether to-da.v in tbaMtil from whence the}'mme. Their marrie«l Ilf** x»-n* not bhwaed hy children. TIiniURh wenrv* y**arM of ad- vrimity and MiKN'eMH they wntebedth*- «la.VH i-oiiie au*l RO. latat W*-dneiMlay Mr. Wirkee (tied of piieuimiiiia at hi* h*>ni*-, I Id \V**Mt .\hiiiie*lM avenm*. laiat er«*ii- iiiR hi** wif*-, who hail lieeii hi* huI**. (niii- Hiiiiii c4im|MtiiMiii f*ir niun.v year*, dn**! of h«*art (liNetiiM* i*ii|M-riiiduc«-«l bv Rri**f. T*e ■fay at 2:*'{U p. 111. ineiiilMTH of MiiMonir I.imIr*- .No. .'i XX ill liiir.v the t-ouiiie in Fair- niouiit «***nH*t**ry.

f'liarlee I*. \Viek*i» will Im- reniemliere<| aM prewith-nt oi th*- Minen*' Itun-nu «if In- formation, which wa** *<MlahliHhr*l her** iHiine nionlliH iiRo. Il«* tiii«i lM*en in <'«ilo- nulo for I-N y**Hr*«. iimi xvith hiM wife wiu* well known in lH*nx'er ami *-lMewhere. .Mr. WickcM XX an <W> .v*iirH ohl. Hi* wife win*

! *M*v**n year** .voiiiiRi-r. The lif*- of ih** jeoiipfe xviiH on** loiiR, happy hi*t<ir,x' of I iN-autifiil marrie«i life Mr. Wick*-* xva



Hpertal .VHHit Miller, of the (leaaion de­portment wa* in Ht. Jitha* dariuR the week and ref|nn*ted The Nkwn to|Nibliah the followiap aeetiou from the law |ier- tRlniiifi to affidavit*: “That every prr- aon who kmiwi^y or willfaiiy mmk** or aid*, or aa*i*t* in the inakiaR, or in an.v wine proenre* the makiaicorpr***nt«tion of nay fnlae or fmmlulMit ntttdnvit, dselanition, certlflente, rourlwr, or paper, or writiBR purnortinir to beanch, (■uaceraiaiK any idnini for pen*i«jn or pay- m«at theiwf, or pertoiaioR to any other matter within the jnriadk^on of the (’-omniiaitioaer of PenaiooM or of th** Hn*- retory of the Interior, or who knowiafcly or wiIHull.v maktM or cauae* to be .-nade. or aid* or iui*i*tH in the niakiOR, or pre- eent* or <’au*e* t4i he pn«wented at any penaion apeacy an.v |M>wer of attorney or otb*r |ia|ier re*]aired a* a v*ioclier in «lruwioR a penaion, which |ia|ier linarM a *lnte Hah*e«|iient to that u|m>ii which it WHM actiiaily MiRtie*! or ackn*ixvle*l|re«l hy the |ien«ioner. and **ver.v penwiii lie(or»* whom an.v derlamtion, ultt*iavir, vonch-

or *»lher |ia|ier or writiUR to Im* n*e«l in ui«l of th** priNwcalion of an.v <-laini for (leneiun or Iniunty lao*l or im.vment then**if (lurfiortH to hnv** lieen <*xecute«l xvb** Hhail knowinpl.v i-ertify thnt the (leciamiit. affiant, or witnew* numwl in

(leelamtioii, affidavit, voucher, nr other )Miper or writiuR |ier*onally up- |ieare*l befor** him and wa* wwom thereto or aeknowledRed the execution tb*rreol, when, in fact hucIi ileHnrant, affiant, or wit new* did n*it |w*monall.v appear be­fore him or wa* nut Hwoni thereto, or dkf not acknoxvledife the exer-ution tbemif, «hali be |>auiahe«i by a ttm* not **xceedinR five hundred dnIiHre. or by im- priNonmetit for a t**mi of not iiior** than five y«*Hr*.”

IL It. A|.|M.lMiM.etii..The annual neaeioii «i( MichiRiiu ('«>nfer-

WITRIN n AtESAn Electric Line Tknt Cloee to

St. JokM,

will Soon be Operattor Qetr to De­troit.

May Chnic Iks

Not s Loot Dtotsace to Bnlld a Coaacct-lor l*loc.

T bOM lieeo fnwf.v prediet*<d the |iaat few y«*nrN that It x»'aM onl.v n <|U««tion •if time, and not a louR time either, when M i c h i RII11 would be all *mt up with «*l<«tric rfiad* runniaR in eviwy di- rwiuin. That thaw-

com-InnunH wer** correct in beioR raptdly ■hown by th** nameniOM line* which are bMUR cunnlmcted at |ire*eat. It n*iw hmk* oa if Ht. .lohiiH would httr**a<9om- fietluR road to IVtroit, within, at leant, twenty inilee, a* the followinR Hpeciai from flwowMo w*>uld indk-at**;

•‘Til** Hi reel railway heioR projecteil l»etw**e« Pontiac and Ow<nw*i iMaiia*- Hunil thiiiR. It will Im* an **xteniHon 01 the HU bur ha 11 rood Iwtxx'eeii l>etr*>it and Poiitia*-. W. II. .\v**r>-, «if IWmit, i*

•iM-e «if the lliiite*! Ilr**thre<i ill Chrint xx-a* liUHtiinR the xvork ami uRrew* t*> hav*- liHil in tb** Finn idiurrh of (fraud llapid* J ('nn* ruunioR over the **otire lin** bv <k*tulier la. an*l Id. IHliH. Mi4ib«i|i I •Inuiiary I, islMi. TIm- ter...inal will bi- 1 AHtle pr«Nide«l with <liRiiit.v. IIi*« .Sah- nt the Mk-liiRaii I'entrnl <|efM>tin<>wo**o.

Alread.v fniiM-hiMeM hav** le-en Rrantedtb* cumimiiy iih far a* the i-ity limit* of f'oniiiiia. Very littk-, *if any*op|io«itfoo opIMMition xvill Im* met in thiMctty. The roH*I will not une flic (Ixx'omim*^ f'oronna Tractkiii <'*i,’h iractM. hut will **nt* r OwitMMo over another Htr*M-t.” Txximf.v mile*, in not a jrrent dietanc*- to *-on-

lari*. wer**. mil UaiR alfcrwanl, jmimI hv 1 hquidat** th«* Iohh ami it in n*it kimxxiiwhat the next iinix*** aiichuly miiti**r.

will Im* III thi** im-l-

1: TH urUN XI*»MT*. XOl-: *».N' Tin: MKTHIIUlwT

(•iiritr-ii.The cnmiliR .Sumliiy n* \niiivei>ary

Ihiv at the .M**th<Mlint church, and H|H-<*ial j**-rvii-e*. an- Im-iiir pn*|mn**| for th** *M-«-a **iitii. It xvill Im- thr*'- .xmn* xim-*- the ••hiircli wiiM d•■*l|cat**<i. an«l **»*rvi*N**. pr<»|*- ••rlx «-**l*'tiratiiiR thin ev*-ii( will (m* h**l«l. Il*-x I). II. Martin. **( Ihitlk* Creek, will

Mr .s**-.-!. k-aviiiR Mr. Wahiron h«»l*l- 11*.. »nr S:t."*,«HHi. T** make thin i»ay-inent t«i Mr. Wahtnui, .\lt*iriM*v xVal- '•riilu* **iiitxv*<*i that th** ntnek in the .St..lohn-* l.aml C*aiipHnx to theiimoiint of 1)21* <I*Ml otitl *tt(M*k in ill*' firatiot and IwiitM-iia I^tml Com|*ani**M to th«-amount of .*<).iHHi, XXa** aMf.iRn*-*l to Mr. M'aldron .imi the oriRinal |>ap*‘r, xvhicli had lM>en -iRti**«l liv Mr. .st*-*‘l XVIIH all tiik*-n up and aM*um*-*l «ir |•Ml<l h.x Mr. Wahiron at tliHf tim*', fh*-r*-lix n*ilu iiiR .Mr. .St*-**! ** imlelii*-<ln*-H*. that aiiKMint, ami miik- iiiR Mr. Waldron an hom-Mt, Itoni- *i*l< liithl*-r ol fh** *.i*M-k. luiviiiR jtanl liar vain-- l«»r !.am**.

It wai. flirth**r hIioxvii that Mr. Wal- -Iron had **iin-*- pai<l **v*-r ^Ifd.ooii on th*-*- >iol*-**, iroiii the -.ah-ot |»ro|i**rtvwill- li !•* oxvii*-*i prior to th*- oruiiiiiza- lion o' tie- l.aml < oiiipaii.v. ami from hi*.-aiar.v and **|Ii*t **0110 •-** *,f r**x** nii**.Till*- •■*»mpl*-t<-'> r»*niox**'*l in th«-**y*—*»i fh*- ••oiirf aiix c*illii-ion «»r •*x'i»h-n«‘*- **1 iraml -»n th*- t»ait *»f •-illa-r *»f tin-par ta—. tn tfii- trauMe'lioii It wa*. ^hoxx'ii that arraiiR*-m*‘nt- of «i ^iiiiilarc|iaracl*-r w**r**•-rit*p*<l iiit*i xvifli l5*-*i. .\. and It.• i. .StCl-!.

Th*-**!** k wfii*-h Mr. .Si*-**! h♦•hl in th**• •omvrii hiia»«*ll xx-a*. all a**<*iRn*’*l t*» th**11. M. .stc*-! Company l.til., ami xviih prm titallv all ph’<iR*-<l t«i varitai* <|i-hl orn **l It M, Sf*-*-!. Th** i«iiM-k xvliicli Nln* .Sfi-el li**ld, ami xx liK-li aimaini*'*l to about on*-tenth th** capital **10* k. xva*.Riv**n t'l li*-r ill |Mi.viii*-al of li**r d*»w**r in fcrt-*«i 'll th** Hiini*-.

Mr. Walbrnlir** niniiitiitned infhita*-- ti*»n that ••v**ry innn Ime alt*>oliilc ilo- itinion ov**r hi** pr*i|*erty and that h*-

may tnak*-any iliHtMM*ition *il it lie h.-.-* rtf ivhr-h *hM**. Hof inl**rl**re xvith tle-ex• HliiiR riRhti* of ofherH. II*- may m*»rt- RiiR*- It in r*mm1 fnith. II** iimx trad** it f«ir ••tie-r iir*>t***rtv. II** may -ell it in rimmI faiih for a viiliiahh- <NH*Hidemtion. lie iiiny *l*<e*f it to a *NirtMim(i*»n ami re- •-*tve it*, vmIim* III <w|iitiii -tiH-k. He ina.v inii.v *-.*ll tlieeapital ntiiek for thepiin «mm- **f iMiyiiiR hi** d**htH. He ina.v hyiaillie- ent** tla-Hi<M*k t** Ht-ciire the fMyiiient *>f hi*- *h-lil*. He inii.v •*xrhmiR*' n-nl ***itnte tor i-TiMiniil pr*»|w*rtv *»r tic* x‘*t»»h. Mr.WHihndRc inniatMiiH-«l thnt a debtor ha- a p*Tf*'ei nRht nt l*%xx to pc-fer *'ert«ln ere«litor** anil on tlii*. (Maiit la* cirt**l from the iuiXh*»ntiee amouR «ither thiiiRH the lollow iiiR fr-ini Hump on Framl:"\ pc*i«Tenc*miiv Im* Riv*aiamirc-**iv*‘<l

i*ir th*-expr*-HH pnriMMe of defeiiiiiiR an ex.^-tilIon, f<»r th«* nH*c* inl**nt l*i i|*-tt**il nil *’X*H nti*in <I*m*w not oi iteelt *’oii*-titiite imml Th*- |M*ym*mt *»( n jiiHt *|elit m wfiHt the law admilH t*» Im* ri|rhtfii|. iiu«l IH not fher«-foc*. fmmluleni, eith*T in Inw or in tart. Tb** fiiiSern *1 creditor ntnmit It*' afh<t*Hl ininnonwiv with mitic* of the iMitor’H intent .0 la^-fer, nml therehy •!#-. i«**it an **xeeution, WeaiMe the parp*NM* ui hoaewt an*l Hneh im* th** litw nonet ioiu*.Thm in mit iletavinR or himlerinR within Hh* metimuR nt the etatnte. It doc* ii«it •lepnve other ereditnrw ol any k*itnl npht Utr flH*v have m* riplit to n pnorlt.v. thn* • editor of a failin« «lebl*»r ih not, umler the Htatnte, iMNind to take ran* of ‘I*** h*»me of Y rnnk Swart*, in KImim, at th«*otlM*ri* In -ncti »w-e. if Ih*- iMMwtn'" o’doek .Monday momliiR. aped ‘Jff an* aot eufllrtetil to pav ail, nometwidv , The .lereawd la Marvlve*! hy ninnat nuffer. H kia nice in xvhich If U ' vdlaaad one atnall child. The fniwral impraatihle for ev,*ryoae to he fovetiMMit. 1 Naa tyafd ymterday aft44n.M>n atUo *Soak He who haa the odvantape whether he | *»* Mr. Haemey «iff|.Refa it by th** preference *»( the tlehUir *»r I *'*•**•* latai incut in Wixidlawn. Mr.

Harwiii .\iii*tiii, tla- tlmf voiunt**erfr«>ni Ovnl ami who v«*-nt xvitli th** <iwof*Ho Imivh, hue retiina-<i hoim*. He •ii«i III**

I iliity limx-ely III tla- eainiMORii and mit- , witliHtamliiiR the rtulit at .SaiifiHRo amt I tla* (ex'er in th*- honpital, in atik- to rem’li I Imiiii** to «*n|>>.v the eoiiinlimeiitH of n-ta- ltiv*a and fri**ml>*. Mr. .ViihIiii in not I liHikitiR IH* riiRR**<i a** when h** l**ft, i til*- l(«-RtHter riiioii. fait it i- ho|M*<i that

MicbiRHii air and htam* will *«ooii

Su|»*-rini*-ml**ni ol I'uhti*- l•l-lrla'l^<•ll .1. K. Hatniiioml ha- ju<l *-onipU-l*-*i Ifa- apiMirlioiiineni oi fta- primarx **cho«»l imim.v l<»r Nov* iii( .-r, l .w'.ia^ xx In* h aimiuiilH lo (.er ciifiitn. lh»- .Mnx ai*- lortionna-nt wa*. rtity ■-•-nt**, niakiiiR a total ai'tMi*iioiim**ul f**r th** y*-Mr |m1*n ol w| .'ill tor •-v**r,v |tui*il **f H<-h*>*»l au*-in

I the **tiil** of Michiuaii and tlie lHrire**t' L"'" ! ai*iNirtionim-nt in Ih*- hieUirv *»( the i-ffa*-**____I...... I .... ; ,1.

bath Hernion woe fr*>URht xvith iiian.v hriatliiiR, iirnctirtii truthe. .SiilNtcripiioDM to the aiiioiint of #4111.(Id wer*-*H-<-ured lor horn*- tniaeiona. The itp|Niinttii**titH xvere an fnllown: Hrand UapidH ilietrict.Pr**«i*liiitr Khicr W. 1), Stratton; finiiiit UiipidH Find ehiirch, ('. Corman: S*<<*oiid rhiirrh. Kli HimmI: F**mi*nit, d. .\. .Smith;.S«ilon. .V. .1. ItaumRiinlncr; lhH*rrt*-f*l, j ntmcl a nwil *>f thin chanicter, an*l *-ou- .\. Keiet-r. f’awNi, H. F. Hritikman. f mhco I -ith-niiR .St, .Itdinn Iihh hut *»n** raiimod, Mii*ei«in, W. .N. lirhlenetein, Ciiladttniii. I it xv*)iiki not In* a -urpriniiiR thiiiR at nii

.........<1. W. Hnvif*. HiiJiliuRe. .1. .V. Illicketi- if Hie line xvae extemie*! te thin city,faiin in .N**w Y..ik III 1m;P2, tan ill lHdd|’‘*«ff: |*‘»V‘" ••our***- thin i- m-r,- H(MTulati**nniiRratt*d to MH-hiRuii. He Im^iiii tla* I •*<•»'• •■*- Hnimlheml; laik** (hleHHii, .1. i hut it in in aec*>rd xvith the nutu- pm-kiiiR Ol applet-, laitter iiml laiii’trv. ' h k****. Wo.Mlhimi. H. Mi-Ninh. KvaiiRe-j ml *»ri|et «»f ev<*ntH. It xvill Im- urR»**| ami .•*.tal»liHli**l *piile a profllahle hiui-1 H. H. .Mow**f>, Polimkey .lietrirt. It j that Kid mil**-i*. t<M> Ioiir atriphiran iie**e. .siiorilx i,ll**r n-ni-hiiiR (her.- he | jj- •''"■‘••'C. ‘-ider. Kiiiim-t. .1. F.met tfi** woman wh«* a<*coiiitHiiii*-*l him F'lwartli* Pot*M*k«*,v. .M. L. (iarlM*r*»*»u,• III hie joiirmy throiiRh lif*- ami waer*-ad.v ' •Hiiiini, T. Swank; (inint, K. \ . Y*»*ler, lo i-ml h»-r ••art Illy HiriiuRl** xvhen tlieRriiii „!*^*|y'**" • • •*• * *»crant; ( >ak (imv*-, .1.iiM-MM.ii^er eail***! Ii<*r liu**hitml awiiy. Cur 1 ” • Miri>. \ anear. h. .M. KtHin**. Ilurii- *»*im<-.v*-iirH th** xvif*- **ufler»-*l from li***irt dtl**H. .1. ( «M»rt*r; hiireka, P. .M. HiiddI*-. lailure. Th** hll•l»aml enj*»X'**«l «*xc»4l**iit j 'k'liRiil. I. .1. Tripp; Oviil, Itolit. Iti-ley; health until f.air <lax- pm.r to hie death l !'‘heph* r.l. T. F. (Jarx ; narriiiRtou, F. aRRrax'at***! attack of i>neutii(»niHciiUH**.! ileath.

IhiritiR the illu****-of le-r hiiHhaml .Mr- WickiM* xviu* uii<-onH4‘i*iui* of ile **evertt.v. Kr. K. >1. U*ithw*-ll woe loth to apprarn*- her of llM*oute«ime H**r hmrl hml tieeii

Hall; Kx*anuli**t, I. .\ ShilliiiR.

*‘ie**tric lin*-, ami that iimy Im-|Hirtiiil|v Irm-. hut it would have Hm-eff*H-t of 0* duciiiR Ih*- railroad fare, ai« xxell oe fn*iRht mt**M.

Fl»-*-trie line- an- coniinR thitiRN an<l it IH a** xvell to R**t in on Ih.- Rrouml ftour. ami xvi*l<*oni*- them •-hi-erfiilly anil *•«- ••ouraR** th**ni. an otherwine.

mil (teiiliiB,Ha<l III** tale Hill N.v** «'*iiirtn**<l hi- -

RciiiUH lie a liiimoriet to iidvi'rtieiiiR writ- j IIIR he xx-oiild hnv** ihiiihtleee atlaim>*l ev**n Rr**al*-r HUiN-****- Ilian In- did in th*

.til kiiide of (i* > PilloWH

tne- F*-ath*‘rH and Down .tt .Noiii.k UnixicTT'H

differ*-nt rNaiiimii.v xxilh inan.v •ith**r -.M-k Hohln-rH h*- IctI 1 ulut ami u|miii In-arri­val at Montiiilk |miiiiI vxae plac*-«l in a

, . I 1 I ..i......,.:,...,..i h**Hpitnlaii*lreinaiii«**lthcr<-unlilli*-wa»(m-pr»-eent and iireH*h iMiih miirniriR ami ' ,- i- .. ai 1__ I. ,1... ______________7i.*»hle to return liollie. lo (1 xvill le*inuHter***! out Novemlier lih, Mr .tiie-x'eiiinR. It in the ex|>ertatii>n to burn

(he inortRaR** at the iniinniiR Hervh-e .Siinihi.v. hut that will «lep**n*l onlh*-c«»l- l***-tHiii (if c**rtHin ohiiuatiiaiH lH*txve**n miw and that tim*-. .t **miiniit(*e-ie at wiirk ami it 1- ho|H-*l that tliie evMh*nc*-*»l •lefii inax Im* «l**eiroy*-*l for all film- to ••otm*. dll Ftnlav altermam at lw*» o’clock lt*-v. tv. M. Puff.-r, fh*- l’r*-ei- iiiR 1-^1*^. will la*1*1 I he href *piiirt*-rl.v *-onf**n-m-*'in ih*-chnrr-h jwirhin*

TK.\CIII':i{ I»F SCIF.NCI-;.hT .IIIIIN** X|.\N now in TIIL I..%!*(•

mini nCIIIMII.**.

Th** apt*oinf iiieiif of Verma* .1 Willey, f«iran*H.x «•( St. .Itihne. I**rlhe jme* fexv ,v*iirM |i<iiH-i »hI of tte- Mi<'hiRan School i*ir th** Hhnd, an e*-i*-n*'<- t**arh«T in I In* l.aiieiiiR HirIi ScIkhiI to eiir*-*-*-! flux I. .S|*«xvart. wm« mmle Momhiv. Mr. Willey ie a Rrmluat*-*if tlie M, C ami le xv**|| *-*pll|(|*e<| to a**«»nme the •lutiee of hie |mi- eition. tVhil*- lhenew*f*-f» i- noiidvaiMN- nii*iit in II |e-**nniary xvn.v hie pn*ier**iMN* line (wH*n for work in inetitiitaine n«*t ofii H|NH-ial ohHmrt*T Hitch iih ii ScluMd for th** Hliml. .Mr. Willey in a (Miftiilnr vouhR mail ami xvill Im* xvell lik*-! hy th** f**m-her amlHiii*len|Mi>ftheHiRhS*-h«Mi|. Him eii**- **«-fwMir at th*-,Srh*Mil lor tb** Hlind ban not yet lieeii choie*n an«t it xvill Im* a month bef*>r»- hr **an Im* r*4ieve*l of hie <lnlk*e.

j tin luiye fit** t*-ai|e-ralnr*- in •oiiila-rn -Cuba ie x-**r.v iireuular. Tie* llier- ; rm»iii**t*'r *»ft**ii r*-*'Rief* ruiR l.'K* •l»-ar*'**e i uml h*- liae ee**ii He* t**1111 e-rat 11 r>* emhi<-ii

l.v fall l«» ."•d *leRr»e*e H*' t*M<l R-*He-re*| niaii.x' r«-li*N« xvlnl,- m • ulni, fait <liiriiiR

I hie illii»*ee Ml Ciiiaaii lioepitale Hi**y xv*>n* I all Hiok*n from him, toRetle-r xvith hie Itlankefe and ■'anl*‘**n.



Tile llenii <'r-ep.Fr*>ni xvhatxv**can leum r«v»r<linR fhe

hemi cr*»ti XV** lianllv linik l*ir any im- in*-*liat*- advan*-*- in pm-ee, -.axe tie- .MichiRHii Farmer. tVe Hunk, h*»w* v**r, fnaii fh** r**|Hirte |•*■*•leT••d *ii tie* *-n>t*, that an a*lran*>*ie protw<hk-liii**r*Mi. Tie* xieki hue not lee-n rinhI in thin e|at**, ami the crtip imiOfiall.v *hiimiRi-*t hv met amt mihlew. It lookH ae if n-tilly clioi*-** tM*MU» xv*uikl Im- a -•-an*** artk-f** lM*(ore t he **11*1 of the Xear. .te x**f tiler** IH not imi*’h inovement of He* le-xv *-rop. He* )ieniNml Rrie-rnlly eetiiUR in lHt**r in theMeiieoii. It will pmlNihlv Im- xx-HI into N<»veinlM*r lief*in* the eituation ih xv«*I| iimh-rHtiNMl, ami xve arrinclined rolidicYe that xvh*ii it i*. lM*aiiH xvill In* hiRher.

«*n .S»-ptendM*r (llll | 1. I.lle. ,i,». 1 Ijiit *«• iil(«-tMl llie IcrliirelIm. irlvcti III Itic siirtliiy ......... I rtMOii ■•tile-XI. 1; rhurrli el J:K** l*. in. Tie-e^lnv le-r let liy XIre M«M»rr.

XI *• .X. 1;. ll.iU on XX eilii*e><liiV \,,ve*nlM-r Jn*l .0 •-';■**• 1, III. .Xlvr*l« * ntii|i No. *t'»J I:N . ol .X. will nol*l II* nrvi mrulnr iet-*-flnt:..X liirir** 4«ii**n<lion t-le ,|M»lr*el

Th*-^oimiitl ln*|N*rUoii of * hjirle* I. lirl*-i ,,,,11 < ore* ^o •“ 'xlllomir 1* ih*- nevi rva- nler in*e-*l»ii on Tie-e«iiiv rrrnlii*. Not«*inlM*r lei. ,XII ni«-nil*er* reipe-ele.1 l<i le. |,rt—•■nl.

Th*- henri ••M-lNlfhi*l wrnelo hnv*- le*,.ii hehl nl th*‘ lleiiiinl •irniiic*' llnll CrMnv ,\*iilnK. : « *rl.,le.-- -J I •! , line lee-li |n,*||i,,iie,t. ,,ii ni-i tiuil | ■ • ‘ I le-rMi*>. niiOl XXV-lii,-e*ln * evciitiiit, .NoV i cnile-r Jiel. Kx rrx lK*«iy lux H*-*l |

All nre roi-itinllx inxiletl lo n( trinl .in ovelrr | e*uiiM-r t** le* nlxelt hv Ihr Kenorih l,enaiie' .ti I Ih* reehl* nt-*-ol XIr mi*I Xlrx* J*>hii IlM-ke, XX oinreilnv evrnInR. Novrtulirr R Sii|»|n>r •Mrvrel from .*• to ** o'l liM-k .X |>ro|rr<im hn* In-ell |irrf>nre«l .tiel it ro*hI tlaie niil|i-l|iiile<i

.X tforni l<»ve tnh-enlcrtnlnmeni wlifi liter- .irv iiroirriini 'vlll In-Rlxtn lo I he tw-hiMil |.||. etitrx ***rlel r of flUirlel X*i, 1*1. Oreenhiieh, 'll I he erhiMil holiec lor the lM*lirfl* itf lie* eehiMil lllirnrv. Thiire*lHV eveiiln*. Noveliilnr .■|r»l. nl 7:.1** «»'rl**ek Every ••lie i-onie .X*f nilenioii I Or.

The itioiilixl rhleken ph- eiunirr In ettnner. Hon with Ihe lOiiifxiaeary everrlene ,,l ih*- .X|. i;. ehnrvh will lie alvrn I-'rhlnv ■>! I hi* wrek, ilrfohrr ‘RH. Hii|i|>er eerve«l fr**in to M o'rl*M-k nfierw hlrb a proarani will le* reti •lerrel In I he pnrhir* Hex. I*. I* Mnrfin an*l I‘reelilllilC Killer I'nWer wrlll le* preeenl. Mnp- |M*r ait*«*n rente.

Will Teel Free Kwml Uellverx. dwonno ami HiirroiimlinR *-ountrv will

Im- tnv«in**i by the nddilioii ol iiiHil <*iir- riern. .\ new I'arriiT in lo In* put on in

niiiR.iiitlly eiiikiiiR. H ml tome whk-h hniiiRht the h**iirt witliin hie i*«inirol. dn Fmla.v Mn*. Wirk**e wa- much worwe and yi-Htcnin.v laorniiiR ii could rendil.v lM*e*e*ti Himi tle'ilay wouhl rtml all **1111 lor fier Kx"**rythinR ponnthk* wan iloiie lijf ele'iiieii iHHt ev«>ninR jnnf lie Hm- .Manoiii* Iral'-mil.v had *-«»iiipk*i*x| aminRem*-iile lor Ih*-funeral of Hie hiie- liami. Thee**r*-moa.v lo-«la.v will tM*ma<i*‘ thiulik* ami .Mre. tVicktn* xvill m-compa'i.x her tiiiefiaml lo Hi**Rrav*-.

.\lihoa«ih -Mre. t\ H-k*w wae a eiifferer of iH-iirt dieeHH** fora Ioiir tin***,-he tniuhl hav** 'ivihI y**Hre loiiR*-r hut lor thenhtM*k of h**r liiielMiml'eileatli. The«-*»u|il**l*-ave one adopt***! cliihl, .Miir.v Wickim, who cnim* into the hoim- alMiiit I,'* *1**00* nRo. .Mre. Wicktv* xvan alxx'ave know ac a tiuNit rhatilahle xvoiiiuii, uml many ii |MMir faiiiil.v Mt hi*r nofti-niiiR and charitnhle liiftm-iie«*n. Her .MichiRnn irie.irtn and n*l- ativie hax*** iiIwh.vh exprcewHl a rimnI f*e*liiiR toxvaixl her iih an enrn**Hl w*irk*-r lor Ih** |MMir.

The douhk* liineral xvill h** he(d thie aft- *-rtlooil. H. P. .StinSi*. Senior Manler of l>eliVi*r FihIr** .No. ii. will «-<iii<lltCt llN*eer- vi*N*M at theRTavc. Ther**willlM*iiiii*M*ort of KuiRhtH Templar trom th*- Iiouh**. ParMtii Toni FuHl will prra<*li a Hcrmoii at the hoiiM*.

.Mm. Wicken hue often Mii*l to h«*r inti* mate frM*ndH that whcti her huchami <li**<i nh** would not cam hnxx h*m>ii nhe won

Allieon'e «lite-<|narter olTNalr.$*J.(Ki I’ickie CiiMtcr $1 ."*(1.$4 (K> Cake HaMkct $.*t INI.

Kerry Dieh91 IM) I'hihi'H Cufi Ti’m-.9.Y.(Hi Hake Dieh 9;i.7.Y.For thirty *1o.vh. ail of .Vov**mlM*r.

j Xexx- Hiicklcf* and ItihiHine f*ir lancx*I Helle ami all kin*ie of Hnii*l nml F'nrII aim ID IIIR* .tt .Noiii.i: Hi iiNtrrr'H

.loilN HK'K**’I • I . le not afnii*l of the *nre *»r aiivthiiiR *4h*-. i

' I She IH of umlaunt*-<i exmrtiR*- and rix-**h I Huy elouke atmilk fdepientl.x*. T«i a man who d(Mn* inot (•*Hr d*-(iHi inan.v form eii*> xvouhl In* I Llarwln liame for wwin.a Rretit Immmi. Sh<- ih v**r.v niiirhattHche*| Txvi*nt.v-ttv*- ht*a<| of thorouRhlm*d on*! to ner hoiiM** at (in-io-nt fix lh«- rn**anH «if i hiRh Rra*!**, uIik) a few ew«*M.

MnrkctH **n»t an* R**wrally *iuM*t. withjtlH* Hty next week, and within a Hhort j cnllc*! hv the .tImiRhty to join him. Sh* |irii-»v* nt**a«l.v.

Hemmea « llwUle f'reel* HaHNfartarerF. D. CiMxlwy, who Iiom rTwi*lr<l in dvi*l

for the |Mw*t flft**en .T*<am han Ir4t that rillaim for Hatilc Creek where h** exjireti* 1*1 make hw* fntiim h*MiM*. Mr. CiNiley line intermted himeelf in a manutnctiir- inR inHtitnthm of that rity known iw* the Hattie Creek Skirt MniinfartuniiR C«i., ami hai*«<«xntnillinR int«*mw(. Iliamnii.T

I (i icn*lM xvinh hi m nuceew*.The cornner'H jury, wh*i xver** nwoni t*> I

eniplire lllt*l (he caiiw* *»f Wni. SImSIi.t’m! ImmMi (»WI For Rork Twxe*i il**itfh. whidi *Menrc*l niid*|eni.v and inTc- "jq,,. .\ mlitor (Icnerwl haa in (imtianttioii 1 tcruiiiely laHt Thiirwilay inominu, ren- tb«>|iet «i( lan*lH to tie ho1*I at th*- annual derrii It rcfflict, after *^Tcml witiMM****** . at the Connt.v TrcaeliH*l lM***n ew*»m. thnt the man '^)**** to umr’Hitfftce on Ma.v If, Ih*,ih nnd all who htH death from natural cauHee. H** wm* have not itaiit lh**tr taxen l*tr IH1N» or any hurte*l Satimln.T altemiMin, at St. 4ohn« imoryearixhtHildpay them atonee.if tliey ecmetey. The dea«l man ha*l a hnitlier ' ,|j, t<i have their lamie iwlver-in iMroit, who *-nnN* ont rnday nipht. tiac«|.

time rural frm mail ilellvery will h** Riven I whh undtiuhtedly happy when ilenth It trial fr*im the dwoeM** offt(*e. One ciiih<i| her to join her haetmmlin th**pr**at mute will exleml 12 inilee H<aith ami |ia«*niity. and another xxcwt and Mouth Id inilee.Thei-arrier eerviee xvaeer**nr**i| a** it Irwl (or Hh* more than •(()() (nmiliee in t«iwii and many in tb*-c»»unlry am very thank- fni.

IIHol el RtMlre.W’illiam Snnderwm, who (nrmerty

live*! in 1 hie fit.V. where hehehia ptnatiiMi wiUi the St. Jtthae Manafarlnriaff Com* lianv in the ehipptnff itetiartinent. die«t at

They Am Vice l*TV»il>wt».I'M. Penaeil. Charlee drove, Frnak

Ihind. i^iren ('netlean«l Itiohard da.v am aitendinR Ihet'amival of Fnn at (iraa«l Kafiide thie week. The.r am Vice IVeei- *iente, hy reaenn of heiap (imeeat «)r |hm( ehertlh* or flepatien.

Awrllea.d.vrtie d. Pope, of lleopal, llviapooe

mPe etinth nad «wvea mihw wreat of Ht.Johae, havinR renteil hie farm wrill

iwipleaii Hte. horwee, coww, hton* and Iah- roln eheeft, Monday, detoher **11, iBbH.

hy hie own eapenor vipikiace, or hv both j Sanderenti had many fnende hem wh«t j aell at pabHc noctioa all kind* of farm ranaee rvimhinerl, ie entitled, aader dm *** “***"tRaUite, tn what hr wine, pmvhted he 'lUiee no mom than hia IwMiewt dne. lie IW a«it itWiped to hxvfc oat for iitherrTedi- tfww, or to coawider whether they will *»r wrill aot pet thetr dehta. He iloew not violate any priocipie of the atatate whan he tokaa ppyaiwH. or aaa«rity for hhi de-

■M Ma Aiprivad of oil

will team with woimw of lie won ill with rvmiwiaiptkNi for ahnat a year.

Now ia the time to hepin fltriatmaa worh. All the aeweat deeipmi inotampad IlMoa, wola ptIlowB etc., yama at ^vtrj ktod ood coloe. Prlaaa rii^t.

Mm. U. W. UoMwi.

Rhuiketa. l aderwear aod llnoiery At .V(Hi|.R nrRNPTT’ll,

rnn daoire pond wtyla low prime, e^l oa

Mai. U. W.Hi lailliaery

, Hultor.

et«,le m ReH#..YVavne CimiW who Hvee iiorthcoet of

Klete, xvHH armelcd Sainnla.v tiy Sheriff j Donn. eharpeii with etealinR a Railowa.v i mle* ImHou,..iiiR lo Fn-*l Ihtke*- o( dvi*i j townetiip. He xx'ae taken liefnm J net ire Sevemnee wher»- be iMtitl i-oete nn«1 a tine | itmoiiiiiiaR to 9Kl.2d. Mr. llMk**r ee- ciire*! hie mhe amt iirefrrm*! (hat a ffae tM*im|ioee*i rather than haviiiR thefellow I eeni lo jail amt in dHvrence to hie wiehew | the Jiietnv* t*N»k action aw aiMive etatrvl.

I'NwHalaa llte teaWitwMviM.Ill th** eomiap election the vntere of the

etale will le* aeke*t whether they want (he .Mhetpan conwtitation mriaed hy a <x*Mietitntional cx>aventi«Hi. If the pro|Ni. eitinn ie rarried, the next lepielatom will provide for tin* eeieetiow of each o enn- ventioa.

Mwvalwn* mm Walker Olreet.Ilarpiarw attempted to enter II. K.

Mnek'e tewidenm, comer of Walker nad Kwiptee etreet. wometime Toeeda.v aipht. Mr. Mock (onad the wim eereen in one of the cellar wiwhiwe eat, hat fortanatHv the window wow locked ami the thief have ap the job or wan friphtmeil away by the dnp.

Wtwer TMiee* NiWtee,Water Commiaaioaeni tMIce will be

open to reroive water mtaa aatil det. 3b.*18. If aot paM kp tbat M«e oMI h» (Mnt at. M. Town, •kfi't.

Mwrrtnoe >-••«•••••The ftillowinR iiiarriape liceneee hnre

been Rmnted ilorinR tb** jiant week hy Connt.v Clerk Wm. M. Smith:Uwir .Nemc 4ae(M-t. Hi—Auanet Moitwlw*. Wretphailw .......JA

.Kmmm M, Fnielrl. “

It Htity chain, hut eh*- xvill lN*Mol<i to aii.v-! one xvho xvill uRn-** to ue** her riRht. She lit on**-fiiurth ehort horn ami thr***- (ourtliH liyi-na. I will iiIh** thmw in a d<*ul*le l»Hrml**(| HhotRun which rimv* with h**r In May eh** Reni-rall.v rim-* away

fwu ami mtiiriiH with a with xvohhix l**RM. Hit

for a xv*>ek or tall, ml calf name n* Itow*.


lin* «tf rtml rmhn-HaH verx .\t .VoHLI. Hi UNKTT’e

Tiler are Ueaiitlre,TIioh.* hamiHoim* crcaiione in linl** am)

ImmiiicI** at the jMipular .xlillinery itor*- of HorniKii »V Pkt** 11.

(mmmI PrintM amt HatiiiiR for iiniltHaml I’omfortem chiup At Noiii.r Hi uxFTT’e

atrapper* Made l,, Orcirr

.iolIN lllrKlx'

> III llll xvidthn ami in .\t .NoIII.K HriIVKTT’H

FliMir OiiHotlil»att*-nM*.

Ttiai .Inyrwl FeellNs.With tin* ••xilamtiiiR •a*iiae of mnexv*-*!

health and Htmnpth and inienial cleaiili- neee, which followH th*- uee of Syrup of Fipe, ie unknown to the few whohiivenot I propr«eae*i t>eyond tlM*ol*l titnemeiiictnrw an*i the ch*<ap anliatitiitM* annietimeH ’ offer»>«l hut never itrcefit***i hv the wcIHii- j forfm**!. Ha.vtheR**nuine. Manaffirture*! by theCalHomm FiR .Sym|i Co.

Port A HiuFoan, dvi«l, Mi*^.

w44|* I In the Flan* H*»ad.Fineat aMeortiiient of l.a**- Curtaiaa

.Vt Noiii.i Hi uxkti’h

The FImmI Llnr In Taiwii.That ie xvhitf Homdicr A Pctech carry

in U|) t«i <lat** millinery. Have yon aeeti the nexv thiiiRM they hiivcon th*-i*r Hti«4vm thie fall? N*i--W*-ll don’t yon ro down tuxx ii Mtruin, xvithoiit riiiiuinR in to ma­th** clock. You xvill Im* welcoim* xvbrtber y*iu buy or not.

.\ll kimie III I.Hiii*e WrapjierMaml NiRht UoIm-** .VtNoHI.K Hl llXr.TT’H

LlRolewNi aw«i «>li < lath*at .loiix Hh-kh'.

Till- Faimaie .s,>xvinR Marhim* dll an xvell IIH all kimie of macliim* n**«<diea nod mjMiin* ina.v la* f«»uii*l at m.v nlom. S’oa xvill Im* Ih*- xvinn«*r hv hnyinR theeeRoode ae xx’ell iim SewinR Machima*, Cnrrtapvw, Wapoiie, etc., of H. Ham-om.

CliMlia ami Cape*.TIm* |tlH*a* to tiiiy them ia at

•loiiN Hitkh'.Kxira X'alam* Im Miteliintmlie*

.loll.V Hm-Kh'.

Oct. t A—dnmea Htinmea Hteptiene, Mt. Jiiha*.MlIHe K. Heaaal .

ilrl, in—XX'IIHam I'oaa. rnrtlaiMi............... -J*tTlirreala Martin. XTeatplialla...... *J1

*»rt. 14—Fewtet* T. Hlink. Ullrr....... ........ „;ilAide |•e*rTe, • Mire..............—.... Rft

lirt. Ift—4«»)iii (’. Hill. (Imtliil rf»nntjr..™.aal.nia ItnaaHI, diwnhwh.............. R«i

«*ri. 17—Hart P. t'nwlea, Kanes.....................jn.XetMe II, .Xn4em«tn. ** 24

iwt. 17—l*eter llafnaoel. Uallaa............... -J.tTkerwMn HrtinWr. R'eCiplinlla......21

itrt. 17—XVIINani H. Mwaaart. Bnawal .... ItiMary J. Hitrk. K„«elrr................ 22

Ort. IT—ilnwartl M. Fraarta Virinr......... .17Miaale VaaMriiy, Vkt«*r.................211

*irt. H* Hvrt RmwiMilier, Kamka.............2«<FIIm l*ra«l>a. Kitmkn..„_..^.„„.Hi

*»rt. 20—Was. *1 t'oi. Mt. Joliaa.... ....... -22Mary I.. NortiMi. Ml. Jnhmm.^.....20

urt. 20—John Mnmtmaaa. Kamka........... 24May Haaa, KUMtpnrt. 22

Urt. 21—Jolta Bwar. Wentphalla. ........... UAIlona MHtnr, Itllny.............. *22

ttrl. 22—Arthnr Tartar, iiMve,______ ....21l.nwaa ('amev, ONve.................... IN

Urt 2a-Jttlin wr H*mU. itrarakasli. 24llattte I.. MHimyrr. Raws ........ 20

(IfMidfltNNhi at htw primal am oom wio- nera. Yna will flad thian

At .Nnaidc RuamrrT’n.rail amt Wlatar WllHaary.

ia oil the iatoM okyien noa heomn at RorirmNiA Pmont'a.

DoaotlHur Uno* HooIb orMI yoaow k»R2w«nt At Nrrr

llewtiuMMirtinent of rn*ierw**nrnn<l HiMth- ierv At Noull Hi mmctt'h

Waatnrf .xan rniMmt,To wear our Titin’o Shantera. (loioR

nt i-iMt on Fridar and Saturday. (>ripi. nal priixm from .liV to ;Ji. Finmt line in Hm* market. Mw*. L. CA.ariRLn

Dondero’a Kxi*elaior I.iiiaim*nt will cum rheiiinaliani, jNiiii or hruiocn. iir mimey ' -^1

■ .nave Vaar Oaal ftrOrr*John ilieka* atom for the**elebrated

refunded by all ilruRipHta.

.HI kimU «if llefi Hlaiikefn at all prteee fmm I.“m- fo fr* ,\( .Noni.K Hi bxktt'b

tlyma Uaale*In hiH new (juartera, opfMMMte the old

Htand, Iwiyn litre jMinltry everx- week *ia.v in the year nnd the liiphent market j pnci*. I,et it b*’ known •*Terywhem that th** ohl rtmi of Foerch A Dnninv lion lotip niace (well dinnolxred and that f nm «|oinp laimnewn on the opfMwite lade of tiM*ntmet 1 from the ohl Htaml. ilvaox llxxi.FX. I

l.e(ii|rh Y'ailey Coal.Fwr (lallaratine

Thin neaaou. hay them Iw nt

'%m Kapalariwtpalar iiiao- to

.lonx lliTKi**.

' A rihnI plan* tohiiy lloaka, Chiww. ami I Film la at Nohlk HiTivtrrra.

Mantnry ami Fndrrxvrar.Kxndlent valnm at John IIitks.

t aM M|«Mn--IMaake«.(to well topether. Ho do Imai hlaaketa hiweal jirieea. Jorn IlMka.

('h» Caiw*w and t’ollnrette.\t Noni.t; Hi nxrTT’a,

W’ill make .von Knmial Prima on Pat* tem liata tbh* week Kriitay oa*! Sal nr- da.v. Heinp miw- airety located in oar afore, hmi«l of the a •cane, went *id**. next t«» ohl Incathwi, with intTea* * li advan- npw* for hnainra . My frintiner iximI my- aalf havinp jimt retnmed from annthW trip to the market of atylaa, hrinpnp fieoh atoak and UMant Ideaw W’e kecfi in mnnknnt toneh with the ndvnneiap atyha and in order to *to thia mnat heap tiHiwe on boad nMitlanolly poinp oat, no mailer at what pHae tb^ pu. Coaie early nad aecwm yoar cboiae from nmoap the atoat corraat aad banimiap hataaad bnaaati ta tketdij at^ka loweai prtan.

l*boto mtpfiiieM at .\i.iJaox’a.dar afteeiai lot of <diildmn*w nad hal^’e

hoanetwto hecifMwtl *Mit at ctMt on Pn. day an«1 .Satarday. Mnw. L. CARKiRLn.

I»wr Feltey ttwalRy.Prewent—poat *iad fntam.

JoaN lllTRM.

Take yoar woteb mpairitHt to_______ ALiABnv*a.

Wlha Are la ttemi immaaM Thia aeaeon. We am nbnxwiap vary pratty ntylea at attrortive' nrlaai.

Joan Hi

InYoa will


Sale of the

G0iyi8 & HtlTS

Oct. 27, 28, 29.mnfUM

tire stock of wHU I Hllwl^

60c on the Dollar.This means a discount of 40%, making

S5-50 Suits at only...............................................$3.306.50 •* “ “ .............................................. 3.Q07.00 “ “ 4.30Q.OO ** “ ** ............................................. 5*4011.00 *• ** “ .............................................. 6.6013.00 “ “ “ 7.3014.00 “ •* .............................................. 8.40

Now do not think these suits are some old stock run in here for the occasion. They arc not. They., are all up-to date goods, and all we ask is that you nvestigate. before you buy.

Thursday, Oct. 27th\Vc will have Sm'cials for the Ladies. We will ]>lacc on sale nil our Towels and Table Linen at ^^4 Also a few pair of double faced Bed Blankets to go at 47 cents n pair.

Friday, Oct. 28thWe will place our entire stock of Prints to go at SfA cents |R*r yard, also a few New Wool Shawls tone closed out at $1.40 each.

Saturday, Oct. 2QthWe will place our 6, 7. 8 and q cent Outing Flan­nels all to go at cents |kt yard: also 30 pieces of Factory to go at 3*^ cents per yard. No limit, all you want.

WV wilt tak«‘ thM opiNtrtooity to hhv that w<> aiv tbf oaly tlrtn io Michiican who hart* niaintaiiml a

5*/^ cent price on Granulated Sugarthin nniuMiii. anil all danoK thin nain we will nHI

20 lbs. for a $1.00, or 5c per lb.Package Coffee still remains at lo cents per lb. 12 Bars of Fairbank’s Arc Soap for 2S cents.Many more prices might be tpioted, but it is not

necessary. Kememl)cr the dates.

Oct. 27, 38 and 3q..Mso remember the s|)eciuls for each day.

Convis & Hayt,iVlaple Rapids, nich.

SOUTH RILEY.The liar (Ity "turar beet faetorr Iteiran 1 active ouertitioii Satanlay inomioK. |Thin in the fimt nuanr liee» fartnrr to be. ■ _ , __ _ , . .ini. o,wmtl«i. in Mirhiaan. IWtn -of«. i •"letil to iirtKlor** T.tHMt.tMHi |N)UO«ln of!'nuaar weri* <^mtmrteil thin rear. Tent* Ktiaeo^-Korlien in irtirlnit thin a«<ek imi of lieetn ha%'e lieeti made whirli nh«»w (*1**“ Tnckrr farm.alMire the areraa*' of 12 per eent in Perry Miller ami family riniteti at H. .uicar. It in I'liiepteil it will nio hiirl»'*r MilbT'n lant Siindar.

eolertaia«l .-ompaov fromand .-oat of l altivatioa in alioat $ao , Sondar.^---------- ------------ ' JohniiH- Smith han nohl hin farm and

I ii tendn moriair aaarrr St. Johan.Ilelie Snyder rMtml her niatem in

ntair inat .Sntarday and Sunday.John llliuard ban tW oarpenlem to

work buildiair him a aew tool nbed.ALIlMiFELTIANT

It la in nu. VletaNy at InMt.It in hanl to aiwajn be pinanant.()o<Ml*iiatare«l people am (Sten irrit-

aMe.ff yon knew tbe ranncin yon would

not be nurprined.Krer hare Itnhiair Pilen?Not niuk eaouilh to in> to bed or not

Well etMiaah to Iwmntent.Nothing will annoy you no.The rotinlaai ildNnc neanation.Ijanl to bear, harder to get relM.Keenn you awalie ninhia. Mr. Fred Myem ban mine Ui OaklandSpoiln jonr temper and anaHy drirea to nUead the Inneral of a rouain.

yoneraiT. Mm. J. W. Keeney, of St. Johnn. wanlan't relief aad cam a loaa felt want? t|i«> .fjrat g( Mm. Kd llaMwiu the tatter It m to In* had for ntretyuae ia iKiati'n ■ part g( iaet week.

fkntmeni ' muu., Harter Ml TueMiay for Oraadllnan'n fHbimeat nerer lattn to ram. Kapidn. areumpanied by hw brothar Jhr

llekiaa Pllee. k^ranma. or any Itchin* of Shi»«||Hton‘.

Henry llliuard lian a ninter rialtiafr him from Urn nontbem part of the ntate.

(’. II. Moliaeaui nod family and Arthur Milter and wPe rinited at John l>orie*ii in iiintcham iant Sunday.

FOWLER.Mm Fred Myem in on the nick lintUonei'iMirad and Kmma Hmlnr npeni

Monday in St. Johan.

tbenkin,Herr in a proof of It at the teatiuHiny

of an .tan .Arbor Htinew. Mr. C.r.iTinrrh of .’iSU South 7th ntrevt, .tan .Arbor, now retired from the aatire datian of life.

*’l knee nn hnnltaUoii la remninwwdlua lloaa'n tantweut. Ti> aarmw reun lina n knaMov mmI iww»tMna nrmnmikwi It win nrnve lavnlnnkW. I ■nmri it lor yeom flooi •tahtUB ki ■mrrkiiMi oari ikouak IitahtUB I everrtktieverytMan I rooM knar of no4 ownl moeWao new rtln iTky minrrm n$ IHenkn I wan nooBle to oktaln neramaMit reWet antll my nttew. ttoo wan rnMnU to liooii'n iHatment. I wan noawwkat ■arurtaatl nOer tkn nwiail anfSI- ration to noiler wkal a iMkreot raert It kod trow aaytMaa I kod katkerto aond JBaeoer- aaed I oiwd It ntrlakly aecordloa t*> dWer. ttnaa aod hi a ■arnemaalr nkort Inawtk o( thwn wkno you take lato oeniuat ike now- kar ol yearn I wan aMwud. tke lerttatloo manad aod tke tnhawwallaa woe aMayeH. Wkea lioaa'a iHalawat toeed we It wW rum •tthaee ”

Dnan'a i Itatmaat for nale Im all deal- afu. Pyfen AOr. Mailed hy Foakar- Mil- bam Do., Ilwflain. N. Y. S^aimatabrr the U. M. Himrmhrr the aaam Uoan'a and taha no anhaMtate

aad alao attend the Caraiyal.Mm. Jamen Hrimm mtnmed Monday

from l.ahe tkleana, ubarr ahe haa htuui nariaa for her mother the paai two waeka. n ho haa Iwen daaaeroaaly ill.

RILEY.Mm. J. Q. Ilrooha hi no better.Attnaat Srbrader. Jr., wan kinked by a

horaa and wme laid ap a few da* a.F. Portland in workbar In

tbie rtatnlty for the Modem Woodman.Mm. P. N. f'owbu ha* mturaad from

wham ahe haa been pnirhnalmc new imoda

H. y. fittmar A Sna ia the name of tarn naw law Arm. Mr. fHtmar, Jr., hi qalte yoann hi the bnaiaraa.

(I. H. WInalnw, formerly id St Johna, hat BOW of l.aaalM|. had hh* lhamb badly nmaihad at tha Laaalaa Wheal- barr^ Co. na the Slat.


laWeddinn balla will noon ba beard thin ririaity.

Mm. IMta Kayaa ia rialtiaa bar hoe- band at Laaainn.

Hoy IMI haa none to Oakland ouoaty Oil a vialHoff trip.

Kd. Schana riailtul hia parenta at St. Lonia dortua the paat week.

Martin Hh» ia now aole proprietor of the pool room on Main atmet.

Head ('oaria A Hayt'e adv.intbiaiaane. Thaie are aunie priem for ytm.

Juaepii I*arr wan ia town dohaic the paat weak iookina after inanrano* mat- tarn.

W’m. Moan, of Ann Arbor, wan the ipteat of hie pamnUt dnrinic the imat week.

Mr. aad Mm. Jarom Hird viaited relu- tirea at Ilmckenridfir doriBK the |iasi week.

Dorr Haatioffe. of (’lavelaad. (fhiu, in ridtinit bin mother, wh«i rewileN in South Fulton.

A number of the old huntem in thh* ricfnity am nettiaK ready for tbairnorth­ern trip.

Lulu lUhw, of Kalknaku. rinited her father. Dr. (laonie K. Hiiaa, durioK the paat week.

Mm. Sarah Hrown. of Itbnea, ioapact- ed Hilly ilaaole Helief ('orpe on Saturday* ereninic iwet.

Noble HaraaCt. of St. Johna, had a eiiecial t-lfjak eaie in thin riliaite durinK the |iaat weak.

-Mr. iumI Mm. tliiea T. Hrown wem the Kueate of .Mr. and Mm. Uobert .Andemtiu on Sunday laat.

Miee lJuie Newtou liae retamwl from an extended riait ^with relatirea and frietida in Detroit.

W’ilatHi A Son, of St. Johna um hoitl- inir II Hfierial HothinK aale at the Mtum of Howe A Co. thin week.

The ladhw' union of the Chriatian !**humh met at the home of .Mm. K. j Mudip* on Friday altem<M>ii laat.

S. L. Kilboum, «>f \Vauae«m, ttbio, viaiteil at the bum** of Mr. and Mm. perry S. P**rry <ionnK tlie |iaat week.

An eotertaiomeat for the Itenebt of the t'hriHlian rhumh buildioK *vaM|civeti at Perry'a hall on Tneaday ereniun laat.

Chariea tliddiitff*. nominee for .State Senator, anil .Mr. Doyle, nominee for |{e|irmeotatire. wem io town Saturday laat.

Vanderhtiof A Haker diirintt the iiaat feu wtwhe have fwrrhaaed a lance amouQt of atock in thia vicinity for ih*- eaaterti market.

Chaa. Hudaon ami Mm. Mary .A. Howe were in I..anviiu( durinK th«* iiaat week ae tieleicatwi to the Odd Fellow juitl l(e- bekah Krand lodicm.

Hon. D. D. Aitkin, of Flint, late mem­ber of Comcmaa. will be main afieaker at tin-Heftublican rally in thiH viIIimcc Sat- iirdav evaaiBK. f October *Jtl.

•Mm. Frank Oabome. olSt. J ohm*, tie- lirere<| a h'Ctum on Spintualiam at Perry'n hall ou Snndav aftenuMin laat to rather a amall aiiad audiem’**.

John fiardner haa Kone t«» .N’ew York City, whem be will a|iend a lew dayaafier which lie will gtt t«i .Sarannu, (ieonpa. whem he iatenda to apatid the winter.

On Wedneaday aretiiiiK ol I**" week week Her. .A. T. I.uther ami wife wem inren a mcaptioii by the memliem of tin* M. K. • humh al thiir home in thia rill- mo*.

Seveml of the old memliem of fVi. (J, rilli fteKiinent MirhiKan Cavalrx*. who re- aide in thia vieiBity, atfende«i the reunitin of the reKtment Md at Owowui laat wuek.

Miaa MaKipe Aiideraoii liaa mtumed to her home at Central City. .Netinudca. alter a aax weeka’ vMt amoBK fnenda ami ml- atirea in thU viciDify. She uae acrom- |ianie«| liy Aim. Frank UoKera aod •am, atao rmidenta of that city.

Mr. ami Mm. fliaidman Haneof lilmca. viailial reiatire in thia vicinity dunnK the |iaat wmk. Mr. Ham* haa rarently mtumetl from the Kiomiike K<*ld mKton. Hia mport of the i-oadition of thiiiKa in that far off ronntry* am not very Hatter- iuK.

On .Satord«y laat Kav. John floader- Ilian aad wile. John Handerman. Jr., and Hav. K. Mudite wem the Korwta of Mr. ami Mm. Oabriel .Andaraon.of Sontheaai Kaaax. Hav. flaodemMn, whoae home ia in the aonth part irf the atate waa th** fliaplain of the 5rh Mich. Cavalry, while hia aoo John, Jr., waa a memliri of the aame mKimant, aaalaodabriei .Andrraou. whoae (caaate they wem. A vary ea)oy- able tiam waa had ia IlirhtiaK over bv word of month the batthw of the civil war, ia which thair noteil maimant. the .’ith. wemi BKancd ia. Mr. (Iiiodermau, Sr., la now over Ml yeara of u|p>. and ia atill able to iwaneh la'canionally. On SnndayevaninK heiwrupietl thapnlpit of tlm M. K. ehorch, a laup* ••oasmBiition laUBK pmaunt to hear bbn.


(iwiVMc Harper ia uadar a doctor'a unra.

Mjrron HoUuy, who haa baua poorly aonw tiaw, ia ooaiaud to tha hcNMu.

Hnaday aahool oonvuatlua waa huid at North ONve Snadajr aftamooa aaM avun- iaic.

Mr. aad Mra. lawaord Wflkiaa hava ra- toraad from Mi. Plaaiaat, wham Umy viaitad mlativaa.

Arthar Taylor and Laoaa Caldrr w«m aai tad ia marriaKc laat Hatarday. Thay born tha baat wiahau of thair many friaada.

Mta. Bd. Wabh aad daashtar, of flwoaao, and Mm. Koine from omr Petoakay am riaitiaK miatimu ia thia vMalty.

Mr. aad Mm. John Wetbamil have ra- luraadfroai Hraddock. near PIttabnrK. Pena., wham thay viaitad miativm aad viawad tha uifchta. Tha lattaFu motaar. Mm. (lraKK> of Maaun, aooomtiaaiad Ibam.

l.rfMt Wadamday whila Mm. A. Ilamil- Ion wan hitchiac bar homa io front of Mm. Mary < laldar'a, the boma u feat ba. cania entiuiKlail in a wim. In tryiac to Kat fme the home overtortiad tha baipur and Mm. Hamilton wan utrnck in micha maanar aa to break bar arm oaar tha uhoulder.

RHEWBOTTOM.Mm. 8. A’. Saaford. ol Hincham. efient

tha imat waek with liar Miatar, Mm. Jae.MH'ow.«

f^orn buakioK iu beiaK ruehad while the wantbar iwrmitM. Aa a k*—ful rale the crop ia Kuod.

Will Keck Maiahad bia aammer'a work with I. Chaff*M laal Saturday. KivinK the ImwI of aatiatoction.

Mr. Saxton hai* sot f ba new addition to hia iionae nenHy Haiahad. It adde moch to the apiiearanre of the aaim*.

.An addition will ba bnilt on tha uehool houae thia fall io thaahape of a hail or atorm iMireh. John (Iramr will do the work.

TlieS. S. roovaotion, held at the .North tNivechurrb, waaaaoccHaa, manyatttuid- ioK from thiadiatrict. .MaovKooiithiiisa wem liataiied tx*. aod if the fieopte liee«l the advice, oar Sunday achoob* will be liettar attended. Tha di’layataa ami at raiiKem wem loyally ail tarinined nmood MiiionK the inenibem of the Forth Olive chiireh. Thenaxt •-oavenUon will Iwhaid at the Itbewlmttom aehool houae aooH* tinm iluriiiK theromiuK winter, notice of whicli will lieKtvao.

WACOUSTA.II Theeick am on the Knin. i Mm. Kiiima Hrom I'ailedouOvidfriaodM I laat week.I Air. ThoiiiHMllatmaii will (wll on friaada in tirand Ha|Mde thia week.

N. StrooK. Sr., ia noam lietter at tinim. then worn*-. AA'e hope for him to Im* lietter aooii.

C«>nKr«w*fb*>>nl church inemliem am all ' miueated to lie at rhumh SHturday. Oc- | tolar 21t. Ui Henii. He on time. i

John t^. Heueilirt'a ilaOKhter of .New A'ork waa atiaent from her father'a fiinemi, aa ahe dio not mceive the tiewa of hia tIeHth in time.

Aliaa l.ionie Oall, ivho ia in I..jinainK leaminK millinarv. waa home over Sun- •lav and •witertained her frteoda. .Mr. A’oltE. ami Mr. and Mm. Fletriiar.

Thi’ Cbriatiao Kndenvor and lauiRUe had a union meetinK laat Sumlay even iiiK. A k«nnI proKrain waa heard and ail had a iciaal time. Several aoloa wem MU UK.

John (i. Ilenedict ilieil AA'e«ltteMlay of laat week, and th** fiinerMi waa heiil Saturday from hia late home. A lance huate ol frien<ia iiaid their laat rewfiertM. The HomI offeriiiK waa lieautifal. He lenvea a wife, thrmilHUKhtemunda iiuale of frtemlM to m«ium hia denth.


^HbSc SteteMRBIlt PpQHI

A hMc Mn

[, W. Va..Mar.h,ltM. Tf w4mm it tmmy tmetm :

•*ImoalliaMrtilymaoaMWdFB-Wi-Ba as of gtmk haMfIt la naaaa of oaterrh. It la aapaalaUy baauflrial whaiavar tha oiaBoau matiibraa— areaBaetad. Aaa toale it nartalnly haa ao aaparlor."

H.JLOmtMt, Bwi Hanrntaryoifltaia.

Hob. W. H. Oaunr.Fmia-aa baa oarad thoumanda of ob-

atiaata caaaa of aatarrh. aad Is perhapa the oaly eflfelant reaMdy ia existaaae for oatarrhal diaaaaca; bat tbere are eonatleee multitodee of people wbo are etlU BtrafgHaK witb catarrb and need belp. To each aa tbeee tbe naquallBed reeoaaaendatlon of Pe-m-aa by Ba* Saeretary Obioy ia direetad. Pe*ra-iia la aeicntiflo aad purely vaffatable. All dmKK^*lu>uU IL

AmA uey •IrwaalMt lor h Pe-ru-aa Alauoiac *or the yrur I HUH.

HalV§ PrictM Make it Expenaire to Trade El Mete here.


SIX months ago today we opened our doors to the public, and all can plainly see the change \ve have made in this time. Our stock was small at that time, but today

our store is packed from top to bottom with goods that arc to sell, and at prices in reach of all. We have received nearh' one car lot of goods this Aveek and still more coming. Wc reccivetl a line line of fancy China, very delicate and pretty; also a com­plete assortment of the beautiful Green and Gold Qlaaeware.

WELLSBoth Tubular and Tile made and re­paired by Kimball & Love, successor to F. C. Younjf.

Address C. L. Kimball,Riley. A4wt»


Northern Michigan, Ohio and all Southern Points.

Mrwi •'oauwtloM at • iwfMwti Jaartl«>n aaU I ParaaU with ll. U. II. a M. II y Trala*. |

T*lm« 'X'ablo. laMWrrt Sttrnaber Sitl. IHll.%.

UOIMxa Nf>RTH—Lv. Uarawd.>40 A. M....... ......... 4MMl ..............BiBO P. M

ter KMv. AahlMT. Ithacw. Mt. l.<>ala. AlaMi. at. l'N>aMaal, efarr, I'adlllar aad Kraakfnrt

UXIIMCI fMtVTM—Lv. Ilurawd.4iSa A. M............... wad.................aiAO F. Mror llf»wHI.Aan Arbor, llilaa. ToWdo iumI

all Houthem iNilatM,H.HK.M.NRTT. U. F. A. Tolado.Ohlo

H*iaw pretty 4 ptrrr alMaa arCa In armi tiKM* wr «»U at Mr Thr amm nail a<d<l hi a lOr iMMMtrtawnt.

Fiiaay <1llaM •'ap* na«l Mnocara At«> SOr.

• -Man Hrmd i*a<l MUk Sata afi to BOr. Individual Maaar atMli'raam lOtoAOr. Kralt Flataa All Htylw A tt» Mr.■ .nrar ('akr Flatw* vary pmtty 2A t«i

.Ulr.Ilrr**ralr<l l.j»aipa OW to H4r.KItrhrii Hldr l.«tmpa IPlr.Vrry pretty water Seta 2't to Tlir. HtnndanI 4'akr Flatr I fir.Orniia* IHmImu lOr.Kralt IHabee ‘d all «le«wHptl»»ii lOr.We rarry a tall liar <>( Br*l Mprrw«la.

Knary T«»*vehi. Towrilnae. I.are• urtnla*. Ilaby •lallts. Vrry Pretty liitmlkrrrhlah. Ibitb I..Mdlea* aail• ieata' •‘ollam iia<l ''ath*. Nrrktle« aad Hoelery.

Wr hiivr Moam •irat'n Fiiary Boeoni HMrta With or withoat mahHUto 4fir.

• IrntM* Cailrrvrrar. per wait an to 71*r l.adleM‘ Cuderwrar, per aalt MtolMIr.

Mefi*a u orklaa NBIrta Iti to iXr.Men'e • •vrralla. •lf*aMe fVoat 4Ht<i .Mr. Mmi’m or Boy'a •)l«>vaa or Mlttriw lo

to 4flrIHanrr Falla 4 lo 20r.• ialvaalaeil I'nlla Ifi. in ami ttlr.• iiilvnalaed Waah Tabe AT. .M, na<t

rtfir.Waah lloaivla IH to 22r.• iranllr Waah Botvis 11 to ITm-.• iraiilte Fnddiaa Fnaa A to IHr• iraaltr Mlru Krttlea ti to H5c.• iranllr lihdi I'aaa 30. .AS aa<l 4Ar.• iraaltr • 'haaibm* 3fir

W»* mwivrd, thia -waak, aomr Tinware fmm New Yurk ami wr •■an tnithlnliy aay w*- have the Best ami Cheapest Tinware in town.Wr iwll Till Fane, per <lot. 4ar. limvy rrtlaar*! Faua. pmloi iKlr llndae td all aler* 1 to .V,Itrraal Kaa* 4 to 7r.Tahr I’akr TtaM Hr.Saianrr f *nkr Tliii* fir.Tru Krtll • IO to 47r.I'ovrml Bread ltal«rri* H4 to 4<l«-.

.\nd others too numerous to incntion.

Call and see us and get our prices and match Its if you can.

Yours for Trade,

THE RACKET,W. H. HALL, Proprietor.

Fmit Klilndff*' ia toiudiitiK in the Dut­ton •liairiet.

r. Kiarh imivwl into Hurry Huwa«iira huuao loaf WitliHVMiay.

lawny l’op»* iMumn taaehioK in the Foilrtvu iliatrirt a weak UKo.

Hrnd ('onvia Jlc Hayt’a mlv.inthiaiaaiir. Thrrt* um aom** imora lor you.

The rrrant iniua hum madf mmlily romia uml hurt* Krratly bimirmi fartti w«irk.

liowunl .Al. AA’urrm waa uKUrat of .A. X. StrwunI nnil Mm. M. ,A. Truvia fmm Siitiinluy till Tiiaaduy aflrmiMiii.

Mm. .Mr.N'uuantoa. of St. Johna, luni Aliaa .Aiiou Johnaon, of Huatinaa. w«*r«* viaititiK ul .Mm. Strwunf'a tin* Mml thm** daya uf last weak. Miar .lohnsuii m- turnnl liom«‘ Thursday.

Sumli. iluuKhtfr ol Hrni. .Arkrr, wna ! iMim in liilfoni township, AI*Hliuu<*oantv, Ohio, .AuKtiar 1, IH*»U, iwim* with her INimntM to MkhiKun at the aim of tm yaam. Was marrirtl toThomaa liardarr Kuiirht, July 2H, 1H7H, dir«i Ortober 22, iHttM, in Flynn towaohip, Sanibn-riiuniy, at the an** of .Til yaam. 2<l 22 days, .sin* loavm a kind ami loviiat hiia- baad. Hvi* children, a lather, two aiairm, thm* bmthrm, and many friaoda to imium har Iona. Her rrqumt waa to be bnioKht bark ami laid Iwwidr her mother who iiraradad bar 22 yaam aRo. Her father w*aa with her wh^ aha died, and bmuaht her home Her hnabami and •diiidmn cam** alao. The ftinaral was held at the Heanal U. H. charefa. Rev. J. L. lakes ofllriatinK.



rai WHIT A mST cussr-f- HARD COAL STOVE, it so get a Garland. Happy indeed are

the homes which contain a Garland. Call and see our Garland Steel Ranges, the finest in the land. . . .

ELSIE.The tnrrrhaata report trade the baat

lor yearn.It. (i. Fearre ia baildiaK an addition to

hia btiaar.L. L. Ilardhrk baa the matarial on tbe

KrtHtad for a aew bam.Oaarterfy maetiawat the M. R charrh

SaiMlay laM.(ThaHaa (lamaat ia ia (irami Rapida thia j

waah vMliBK hia aoa Moat. {Wm. Kmm. T. P. Steadman aad M. H. |

Doyle wem ia Ithaau .Moaday. jThe Awn Artmr mad ia hwiMiait a new i

fmiaht hoaae. Andrew HtendaMM havinw I the loh. i

Joha Darla and family vWfed hia brother ia IlmHotte, Friday, mtwraiaK • home the Brat at the week.

Some 20 nr more mambara of Klaie j laidae. F. Jt A. M.. vMteil AatSev l^oilae | Mowdav evaaiUK. nmhrriaK the third «le.

Oaaiy oainartw. aarMaSi. ircaointi.< I ratal

**tmieaBiaWhnTlw-II •very am Mali haee H1 be eeeM* te •maftr Hw Maema lav elhV I

he«i - Teah, eat

WE wish to call your attention to CO LB’S HOT BLAST for coal, the heater that is revolutionizing the Soft Coal burning stoves of the country. Also 60LB’S ORIG­INAL AIR TIGHT HEATER FOR WOOD. Bven heat day and night is insured with these stoves, because of the absolutely air tight construction. The quick­ness with which a house can be heated, the great economy offuel,

which pay for the stove each season, and the medium price of the stoves, make them popular. . . .

Also Beckwith’s GENUINE Round Oak




RrsiNiiiw Dikkctokv.

ATTOHNKYf^ •apoF9 UfliMuTwr XattoMl Baak. i

HIBOBWA * WAlWAI.mUIB««. AttonMir,r >niK HCota.

WILL M. MKVKaOM .AttoravF at Law, Mt.Joka*. 194 I

H. M. PaaaiM. ■*. K. PaaaiK. A. J. Balowui

PKNRIMM A BALDWIN. Attura*7«acl Law aad Httttrtinra la (*lMiaMf7. mat aa- taf—ata.roavayaacarwaaU awaay toaaaw.

llttaa. pajr tajua. oxarala paaaloa pa^ara. aad laaka roMactkiaa. All iMMlaaaa prosatljr aa«l awaralalT aliaaAad tu, <lWaa ! ovar DatHwr'a Mliw •inra at Nu. 11 <^atoa | avaaaa, Nt. Johaa. MIrbliiaa.

RILBV j. WtMMlNtirr, Jaatw of tba Haar«>. ('arrfal altaalluB ctraa to all

uUacitoaa. «HBrr urar Alllaoa'a Jawataf7



Edwin m. Johaa

LVtlN. Atturaajr at Law, M.

('•tvurar llrilara' Hasaar.


MKh. DIt. IMltMlK. Taarhar i>f i*laao. Or* aaa. Vcwal Maatr aad llaraiuajr.

tluair rttoaia ovar HpaahUac'a llardwara.

PIIYHH’IA.NHU. MU I’hyatrlan and Bar*

lluat’a Drua Mtora,DK. H. U. imVAIK aat>a. ofllrrorar

St. Johoa, MIrb.

•TANoblr llaraall'a alura Ht. Jobaa. buura; U to 11 a. w. aad U to 5 p. m. 1

SM.POaTM.U. I’bjaleian.Harsatinaad a N«»tar» Hobllc. tllBrr o*ar Miw. H. IV. Ildlioa'a Mllllaar)' atura. No 14 t’llaloa Aaa-

aaa Kaabirara roraar Litaataa aa«l Uodsara Ht., Ht. Jobaa. Mkb.

I tiLLAM AMLKIliHT. PhjratriaaaaadHar- caoaa OM«^ aad raaldmrr wrat alda ol

< ourt iloaar aqnart’. ODrr bourn 1 to 5 arery aftemoou.

PtILLAIID. M. U._ «r<ovar Htata RaakDK. 4. , _

aad ^urcrou. Ht. Jobaa, MIrb.riiyatrlaa

m EICHXBKE OF snur OF FMSib dup not only tu the oHfinAlity bud bimpiicity uf the <simldnatiooi. btil albo to the onm and akUl with which it is mbanfbclurrtl by •■ciantillc pwni asam known to the CALiroitMiA Pio Nrnvr Co. only, and we wish tu itopreaa upon nil the inportAocp of parrhaainiF the true and orifrinnl remedy. As the gunuine Nyrup of Fi|fs is manafnetured by the Calikokxia Fio Hvrup Co. only, a knowledire of that fact will bbbiat one in aroidinir the wortlilem imitations manufactured by other fair- tiea. The hiffh stantiing of the Cali* FORXIA Fill SvHCP Co. with the wedi- onl profession, anti the satisfaction which the genuine .Srmp of Figs has gieen to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remetiy. It U far in adrance of all other laxatirea. as it acta on tlie kklneys, liver anti bowels witlioat irritating or weaken* ing them, aiitl it flues not gripe nor nauseate. In onlerttiget its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the < 'ompany —


El. Hl/Ll* Csdertaber. .So. 10 f'llalua • Are. Kiwldearr -.MHlHtate Ht. Waal.



Path ;i rKii ck.nt i.ntkhkht »»x dk



ALHKIIT J. IIAl.tlWIN. President.*1. PKNNKl.L. Vlre*Prestdetil,

V K. WAl.H\VtmTII. Tressiirer

SAN rnvseiaoo. omL LaristriLLi:. a*. nkw t« •a. N. T.




State Bank of SL Johns,of St. Johob. NicliiraD.


Capital paid in $50,000.00


PORTER K. PERRII1. President,0. W. MURGER, Vice President,

J. W. FHZGERALD, Cashier, R. A. BEEBE, Teller.



Tbr»*e |ier •■eul inlenwl |iumI fui certifl* c.iif^ of lieiHNtit and tin Haviiige ImhiIc ac- f’ountfi. limfte inaiiMi goful in liny |mrt of tbf I'liitfvl .Htntee or I'anufla and in tlif |MiiH‘i(>iil nliea tif Kuro|»e, .\erounta /if fanners, nierrhants and infchanies re-

conioiiation /•xtenili'il /miisistant with Thursday, November 3rd.i«uif Itaiikiiig. Suiierior facilitien lor



making collectiotis of all kind't.

Noiey Lotned on Approve SociiriUes.

ONE DAY EACH MONTH.Hours from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.

TItaIr BMaa* Paagblar, AMIa. Marrlad (• gaalaa P. Bn«a mm Wadnewlay laal*—■ Mmmf Mar Prasaal* Ftwat TUalr Krlaa4s

Oae of the largrat and moat charming weddingM in thia ridnity took filnee Wed* ueada.v, fletobar 10, IHOH, at the liannti fnl home of Mr. nod Mrs. Varney IVarre of Oil re, where neariy three huadred friends aaaaiiibieti tt> witaaas the marri- Mge of their fddast daughter .title, to Fenton P. Brink, two of Olira'aeatimable yonag |ie«iple, both haring rsaklefi in fNire ulneeehildhfMMl, ccNMHU|uently har*> many warm frianda. The boma wna lianutifnlly ilecorated tbroaghoat with pinnta and floivera. The imriora wtee triiiinied in flahliaa Mideoam«Mbl(MaMtms. The gueeta v»-ere rerrired by Mr. and .Mrs l>r Simmons. .%t <1 p. m. while tl^ banu tlful Ntraina of Mendelasoho’s wedding miireii waa laHug fdayed hy .Miaa I.neille Seott of l>e\Vitt.thf>brtdai|Nirty inarrhed into the north imrior luidfumiMihenenlh a lienutifal tioral horsealioe made of white lialias. where the beautiinl and very iiiipreesire marriage I'eremniiy was |wr(onned hy Uev. T. W. Illman. a riii* versaiiat diritie fd Itav (Ity. The bride anil grtMini trere ntfetideil by Varney Pennv Jr., brother of tht* bride, .\lise Mattie Kinney, Mark llrniee and J(Na>- phine I'enrre, aiater of tlM> bride. The bride was verj- prettily attimi in muiiii coiorefi fushinen* anti silk, trimine/i in ehiffoii, t«me<] m*om and white nisfw. .Miss Kinney was attirwl iq white (utssi* iiien< trirome<l in lace. .Misa Pearce was attirfui in cream eoion<«l cashmere and silk, trimineil in t'hiffon. The brides­maids (*arried lank and white carnations. The groom and his atteiidents wore tlie cimventionai Idaek. Tliey wore re«| roses and tile gr/Mtm vellow onas. .\fter tbe f'fdigratulations were renetve«l. the brifial iMirtr ami friends wen* fwcortnl into the two sfMinous dining nwiras where aneisbi>nile\ve<fdiuK supiwr, from tnbifw tastily ib'eoniled, servsii by eight young Imlim. the Mivses Ktta Welib, Itertha Kinney, Meueriere llrinkerhfKd, .Martike, .igm* Pike, Maud Itaiideil, Floy Whitaker aud lAittH* Itliuani, who were carh presMited witli a ilaint.v card tini with while ribbon. u|m)ii whicli was wnlten the Itill of fare. .\t tiie emis of eacli table w/Hv seated the Mrs. blstetla Mills, Millie Mills. .Sanili Norris and M. Kfs'kwell who pnwide«i fiver the coffee urns. The bill fd fare coastsled f»f coffee, biscuits, ra/Htts, |tickies. cabbage salad, fdives, if<«* cream, gold. tig. wateriueion, leinfiii. cheese aiifl fiiiget ffMMl cakes, ftniiigffs, Itaiuinas, fruit aiiti briileocakt's. Piaiifi laiistc was tiiriiiKiiefl by the Misst<s l.ueille .Seott. I-Maa Uaitfbll and .Mae I'lavey. Viftliii laiisic by Vict/ir I'larey. Mr. Jiml Mrs. Drink Ml f/ir the state /if New Yfirk and Niagani Falls with the' Issfi wislifw fif I heir many fnf'n/ts to a Ittiig Hiai happy lilt*. The guests from j abnatd wen* llcv, T, 'V. Illtiiaii td Day ' I'ity, Mr. ami Mrs. .Itiliii l'ar|smter fd DHrr.v couiit.v, Mr. ami Mrs. Mr..Siinmttus

{ ami tainily, Mrs. .lane N'/irthway td Dan*I croft, Mark limits* td dt, .Itthas, Mrs. S Castle .Mrs. Mawstiii, .Mrs. C. Dfsieli. ami' ■Mrs. K. Iledeil, the Miseest Die Detiefl, KHie

I Hyde. Faina anti lleiitrice Dliiiard t>f , l.ansiiig. Mr. ami .Mrs. Drink wen* the i nsHpients td many valuable ami lieauti* | ful ftreseiits id wliH'li tin* hdlowingisa list. I’ln<ck fd $fdMI, itiic set stdiil silver tensfMtfais and a whili* i*iiumt*hs| IssI* sit'ail intm the bmle's hither* Clns'k id firiii, one large mom furnishings i>oni*'

Office I P*’***'* l'*»*M>erlH*«l ami pillows, one walnut

aad family; $1, Harbert Hsed; laaay kaudkerrliiri, Mrs. II. R. Wilcos: laaey glaas watar sat, Mr. and Mrs. Tlievidors Htrioharvit; large paiatiag, l«athar Hfb* lay aad Robert Kflwanarr; cbaailla table sfirsad. Mr. and Mm. 1). IluflaMn: dar* oratad glaaa eelary diab. .%lbart Yaax; book. Oar Wedding IMIa. Hav. T. W. Illmaa: book. Hridal BaUa. W. II. II. Knapp, faaey haadkarehiaf, IMh* .Yah worth; bandkemblaf aad glove boxea. ralluloid, Mr. aad Mm. KoMry, Karl Km* ery; vbiaa lardinara, l>r. and Mm. Him- mona. Ita.r and Hoy riimmona; two In* diridaal salt and panprr aato, Mr. and Mm. Wm. Bliuard; sat silvar nut plcka and cmeker, Tbeo. Kohmr; allrar sugnr ahell, Frank Huffman; gokt lined aagar shall ami sUrer linttrr knife. Mm. Klla BrinkarhfNd aad Bert; uat china fruit idates. Mr. and Mm. Wm.Munbaui; ehiiut fruit lauket, .Mm. C. itedetl; hatter knifa and sugar sImB, Mr. and Mm. V. Clavey, Mae darey, glass cheese dioli, Fred O’Berry; china cream aad sngnr eet, Mr. and Mm. fSus Yarn: linen tablecloth, H. Tucker and wife: linen table doth, J. Tout and wile; linen talda cloth. A ugnet Watt and wHe, china pin tmy.Mm. Jane Northway; imient swing m^er, Mr, aud Mm. II. F’. Kinney, Dertha aad linttia Kinney; ilrcomted jurdinere, H. Cnallar and wile; china ten set from groom to bride; white enninefed paper bidder, K. VauF^leet and wife; one |wir bed blank* eta. Mm. Carrie Himniotie; true imir, wol* leti blankets. Win. Dills ami wife, two fancy tfiwels. lasth and Is*tali Wilcox; china fruit dish, .Mr. iiml Mm. F'ligur Hyde and Kttie; luiud •*tnbroidersii ean* ter fHece, (lenevieve DrinkerhtHd: f*hinn cream and sugar set, take plate, Mr. and •Mm. Istwis Keetii: gold linad sugar shell ami iMitter koift*. A. H. Hetae. glass harry sat, .Mm. .Vgnes !tudd: one isiir td glass trays, lAittie and Ninu Dliuard: one-half doien china fruit |»tates. Mr. ami .Mm. F*. Huott; one fancy rug. A. WotMlruff; two glass rose ImiwIs. Mrs. Hmith and f'aaper, nne-half doxen giaas fruit |dates, (Isurge VauDrke. .\eflie Kmaller; iiickle cmnib tmy and scraper, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. IHIIs; coaoter|Mine, .Yndrew Neilnr; china i*ake {date. Mr,and .Mrs. K. lA>tt; one iloim china fruit {dates, Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Dills, Oerry anti Helen Dills; silrer hand iiaintstl sugar shell, Mr. anti Mrs. T. Ilartoii; glass s(MMiii holder. Jay VanDyke; easy chair, leather cov'ereti. hritle to grtaim; tine doxen im{»kins, .Mr, ami Mrs. litsu-ge Simmtins; china clietss* ilish, Mrs. FI. D. Lott. O.m: Who Was Tiikiif:.



FREE!HcNally &


New Universal Atlas of the World.The Naps Alone Cost $50,000.00 and Three Years’ Time to Produce.This Atlas contains entirely new Maps of every State of the United

States and every country of the world.

The Complete Work Embraces:f>4 Pages of artistically colorctl diagrams relating to imports, exports, pop­

ulations, etc.loT Pages of colored ma{>s.98 Pfiges of illustrated history and biography.

125 Portraits and biographies of eminent statesmen, soldiers, and writers.\n Index naming and locating every city, village, post office, railway and

express station in the United States, besides giving the latest official census complete.

Total numljcr of pages, -156. Weighs eight pounds.Size of hook when closed, ll^x 14*^ inches.Elegantly hound in Half Morocco. Sold for $h.0D at retail.

OUR OFFER.We will give Atlas Checks at the rate of one with every as cent's

worth of go€Kls purchased. (Two for 50 cents, four for $1.00, etc.)When you have secured 300 of these bring them to TRAVIS A

BAKER*5 Drug Store and you will receive a copy of the Atlas from first lot sent in hy Rand, flcNally & Co.

St. Johns, ITichi^an.

- *-^ UMUlitiUtSliUUMUUtiUU • j Z MUliMtiUMUtili-liMlitili >J

uzc •--t liitciC*.; —*-i/i;yij*.-ii»—i» i * cc —*s*i-i»-—

^ :£ -til—..iiiZ-tZ»ZC*.***»^.* -5

H. L. KENDRICK, Dry Goods.CLARK a HUL3E. Clothing.CLARK 6t NULSE BR05, Bootsand Shoes.TRAVIS & BAKER, Drugx. Book.n and Wall

Paper.BOUCHER A PETSCM, milineiy.A. A. CHICK, Groceries'Sugar excepted.

L. VAUCONSANT, Grocerirs'Sugar excepted SPAULDING a CO., Hardware E. I. HULL. Furniture and Undertaking. PORTER a EHMONS, Jewelers.J. L. HAMILTON, Photographer.JOHN PFLEOHAR, Game and Poultry in

seaaon, Fresh, Salt and Smoked .Heats.- S'

Z Z' z

NOTE-----The 300 Coupons may be obtained at the above places anytime before Sept. 1, 1800. Ask for them at once.

Checks Only With Cash Purchases.Be sure to ask for Atlas Checks. Don't miss this great oppor­

tunity to get, without cost, the best Atlas ever published.

ItM vw w iw • ^- --.tX •* •* •• “*• *? “z z j>z zviixzL:

o- u: s:

DIRKCTORS:U. W. Monger, bco. F. Marvin,J. H. tiorblt,J. H. FeJewa.J. w. FItrgeralU,

Jesse Suillvan, James Richardson, C. S. Allison, Porter K. Perrin, nichtel Spltzley,


Dr. MrDtimiifl fur yttint mailf* ii t>tudy rbruiiH* iimi liiigrring |uin* Mkillful inttlit^l

Such hH(> hihI

fiml »u»H*iHDy of ftifWHawf thnt r tifulmrtit fur Ihrirfun' fnmily |>hyl•H*lflli^ mil to

Geo. W. Emmons.



10B walker ST. EAST.

Hi. .lf»hiM. Mieb

Florists...C F. KNAPP F. W. KNAPP ^



BxvMiaa {ibuita and hauaiag lluakata • afiariulty.

Ibwiana for fuurnUi uud wad* dinax famiabad nm abort no- tiea at rauaowubi** priaaa.

Cut Flowers Always on Hand.

C F. and F. W. KNAPP.

null iif't'int’uni bit* •irf>{>Hrtiriilarly fMiiicit**d |•a(M•l■lltl|y IhfHM* iivar-tluatti with atrung rmnrriil ilnigt* iinil {Miittumt. Dr. Mr Dumilfi only th«* {luraftt mitiiriiirartim till* Vfgftiiblf kiiiKiiuni. Ht* {tayt* nttentiuii to th** rniiiM* of tht* iliM*ii.f imil iiiatnirttf hit* {HitirntH tht* wity ttt haiilth iiiitl llll|l{•iltt•tMl. l*r. Mt-Doniild rnii mIiow liiiiidmit* ttf Tf*i*timoniiiitt in tin* hitnd* writing uf grttlHiil iwtiimtit who Imvt* ItMii ctirttl by him whan uthara fnihii. lit* la ao fiiimliMr with tti»* hiimnn ayaiam that ht* la iibti* t«i n*Hil till ilia**Hat«a i»f the mintl i>r iMttly rorn*rlly at a giaiir** with­out aakiiig any /(Maaiiona. Tiioiianiida uf invalida an* Iwiiig tn*Hla4l tlnily tur tii* •ftisaa that thaj* d<» nut havi*. whila a law ilntiai uf int’dinna ilirartitl tu tha ta*at uf tha iliaanat* Wftulfl A<ir*‘ a{>aat|y ra* llaf, anti |N*rmuiiant run* in a vary almrl tima. <itM»d lianith ia Uh* nawt {trariuua jawal in tharntwii ttf ha{»fatH*«ai. With it tlw wurid ia bright: wilhtait it mtaarr f’iuima iia fur liar uwii. If you an* a aof* farar ytai ahuuld waigh wall thaaa wurda; A {larauu whu nvgiarta hia haaltli ia guilty uf a graat wrong tu himaaif and a grava iii)ary to humanity. Tha nama of Dr. McDonald, tha wail-known apanalist in th«> cun* itf chntaic ami lingaring dia* •taant, baa liac«im«* a hoiiaahtthl wi»ni in thunaamia of homm whirli hia skill and wrtnidarful ramadHw hara niaila hapfiy by raatoring ilawr ttam to baalth altar all h«i(iaa waaa liMt. Tha f|fM*tf>r ia a gnuin* ata of tha liighaat and Iwwt madical c«)i* Icgaa, .ind hia mlranaa«i thaoriaa in tha traatmant of chronic diaaaaaa surpHaa tha moat skeptical. .HI chronic disaaam ot tha


.and DOWKIJAsriawtilically and sncmaaiully traatad.

Dr. McDfmald baamada a s{Mwial atudy of ail daiicnta aatl ohacura tllaaaaaa {larul* iar to woman.

j iRr. MclAoaaid'a Mfiarhil Ramadiaa an* I a {larmnaafit ran* for laan suffaring from i narvoua ai d aaxual debility and aariy j decay. Hhaumatir ami iiaralytic rrif>* I plaa made t(» walk; catarrbal daafaaas ! imaltivaly cured ami many iwnda to hear I a whiapor in a vary faw mlautaa. .Yll I axbaa aad {wuaa lada away undrr hia ! magical ra^dica. Dpilapay nr falling I aickncaa {wialtiraly mrsd through thin I aaw iwatiNwl of trsatmoat. Mpacial at* tautioD given to I'aUsrrh aad dlasaaew of tbc Mood.

Thnaa uaaMa to call write for tlMW* tkia Mank. Huadrada cured by corrvw poadewre. Medtrlwne aa«t avarywberu. f'omMiltathwi free aad atriaklj couBdmt* lal. Addreaa


WelHugtoa Flats, UrBBd Rspida Mtab.

iNtinMini suite, ilerunuttl chamla*r sat, fiiia (Niir liemstilchatl shtfiM iiuil (lilluw

I ca«sw, six iliiiiiig nstm chain*. iait*{anii* . man* staml. uat* tloian ira cmiai fuia*.

EXANINA- {lat*i* t'lirtaiiie,iar»*t*tiitatt*rtiatilaiitlshams,j t'alluuiti comil anil whisk firiHtm, silvt*r ihimblt*, out* china mitslachi* cu|i ami saut*ar fnim the itnila s mitlhar I lack ttf FD* ami china clts-k Inna th<* hrifta's brulliar, Vann-.v I’tjiici* Jr fancy Imck

» as i HM-kar ami um* set of silver lalih* s(MMms. {»ro-1 Mark linnet* ami .lusephim* I’ean'*. um*-

u»;*r.s--tCii* s.-liar z ;iM*-^a-ir‘.;oi r •£ i; a

hall tintaii silver tea .|Mion**, lieti Drink *.ilvcr ftarry s|hmiii, Mr ami Mr>. |{ •iils*n Ilrink. Mtfn*lary ami Itook cas.* com- biiietl, FI. LiM'tiar nml iiiiiiilx, U Dill* iiml family, .M. I’lk*' ami lamiiy, A. D t iMtk anti Itiiiiily. .'<|s*iicer .Norn, anti familv. Henry l(iihan*r anti Inmily.Mnt. Hiitiiiali DlixianI ami fiiiiiily. \, .\. Wi|. bur. Misses F’aiiiiie ami Miiimt* Nurris. lain-n Hill. l,ouis Yam, Mr. Daw.on ami wilt*, W. laiiiktoii ami wile. FI. FI. I.4iiik- Ion ami wih*. D S. I'ika ami wife .laniim* Dills ami wife, Mark Hill ami wile, silver ami cbiiia fruit diali, V. H. I’•‘an'• ami wifi*. I ia.v Van I Teat ami wife. f*. A, lith* ami wife, Majta l.ewis ami wife, Whit­aker ami wife. Miaa F'lov Whitaker; gt>ld liiieti silvar trait itish, FI. M. Webb and fHiiiily, Mrs Julia rictitt, A. 11. .\ lex antler; silvi*r knivt*s and it»rks. to the gnatni from Mary Drink, tiee«*ast*«l, gttlil liiiatl silver fruit Iwtsket, tltto, .\ll*art, Thao- ihin*. Martha. Mary ami .tana Mnrtiae. glaas t**a sat ami tloll Imby, <»ao. DliixanI ami wife, H. VanDyke ami wife, I liarias Dockwefl and wife. Ltraii Diiiila|i and wife; sat silver ktiirn* and forks. S. W. Nome and wife. Dart Nome and wifa, F'rnnk ami (iraca .Noma; silvar laittcr disli, Dao. Scott ami wife, Frank Scott ami wife; silver s{N)on tmy, S. FI. Sr««tt ami wife, Lucilh* Scott; silver ami giaas {wckle castor, I'baa. Ht*nBiag aad wife, FImnia flaming, silver meat fiwk, H. Dmsaa ami wife, silver harry s{MM)n, W. Drinkarhoof ami wife, china liarry sat, Mis. Ada lladaD, J. M. ami Dtia Dadcll; {larior l>un(i. Frank Yaatnmi wife, china cake {ilata, (irwee Hath. ftl. Th**»M|#»re .Naffer ami family: $1, Itax-. FI. D. Way

Imtiartlal.All F.ti|i1i*ti clerti.t^iuxu, n’cantly set­

tled ill a ’*iiiall town in IVrliislnn*, iin t a furiuer'a boy while vixiliiiK tin* tiicui- bars of bis t'ougregatioa. In tbe coitrss of ronvermtioo the bny said his parents bad on aunt ttnying with them Thu ponoD. not having much acquaiiitaiico with tbe Scottish laugnage. aud not quite comfircbeiiding what tint buy said axkctl:

”Theu, do 1 underetaml that runr aunt ia on your fatber’a side or tai your mothcr’a?”

To wbioh tbu young agrieultunat re­plied:

” Weei. whiles tbc aoc an whiles tbe Ithar, nxoep’ when feythcr leathern them baith. Duudse Hcoplc’a Jour- nal.

RVry PtMa R^alauiapliy.Tbe first amateur pictnrea on dry

platua were made aomeCbing after tbe laetbod employod by CTbariea Lamb'a oelebrateil CbiDaman in obtaining roast pig. Tbe Chinaman burned hia bouse to roast hia pig. Tbe amateur tom hia oamem to piecus to get bia pictum. Tbe Ant baofl camera waa a paatebnard box OQUtaining oue (ilate. A pinhole asrved as a leaa and after tbe axpnoure of tbe plate the box waa taken to tbe ilark room, nut npea, and tbe plate extracted , Tbia waa rather expeatitm pfetnm luak- iag. and it waa not loog bafom a inaga siae oamera waa Inveoled. aud audden- ly all tbe world began taking pioturas. I —Sliaabetb Flint WadoinHt. Nicbolaa I

Bew Rata MalUaly.

In this oily rata are found in conxid- vabln nnmbera, tbc brown rats predom­inating on tbc ships and wharfs, tbe black rata in tbe xtorea and warehuaaea, anti tbc Alexandrian rats being limiteii to the holds of tbc sbi{wtliatoanie from sontbeni ports. Weasels ami ferrets arc bred to keep down tbeir iinmliers. Tbe fecundity of tbc rata is an great that in a few yrars they would overwhelm a whole city if they wiurc not kept down by artificial im*aiia <ine fwir will rear lour or five faiiiillea of 10 to 16 to each litter in one year, and in six mnnths these young nocs arc reaily to rt*pn> duct*. Thus um* t*nuplc in the courm* uf three rears coiibl raise u {mpnlatinii uf aevcral butidreii tbuasaud if not re­strained by any ilestructiTemeaanres.*— New Y’ork Bon.

Hl« Mlatl still Claar.JJr. Ibieer bad been ran into by a

Street oar. He was taken to tbe ii(*amst drug store, and a surgeon waa hastily summoned.

"Tbe thigh Ume is dislocated,’’an- Dounced tbe stirgcoQ after a brief ex- aminatina.

"Here. Tout" he onutinned, taming i to a mnacular by^taDdcr oml grasping | tbe aatTcrer firmly aroond tbe Uxly. "Pull bis leg!"

"Wbatl Already?" groaued Mr. Pueer. opaniug bia eyce and placing Ills hand no his {mckakbook- *— Chicago Triboue.


Wctllnal has l*nHlacti,l ISMtl

a Cara at


PouHHtbIj rorad fe|F tiMBBUttk) PlIlB.

I TVyalmrrMme DhtUMikeai r>yipspiB, ! ladigfrifsa aad Too llsarty Eatlag. A per* jBct reawdy fsr Dftriasas, Nauosa, Drowd*

Bom, Bad Taala hi the Mouth, Coated Toagae I rahi la the BUe, TORND UVEB. They

eralasethe Bawds. Pusely VmeiaMe.

Itimg I'm getting too stoat for com­fort, Mit am unable to find a remedy.

Bbart—It iaeaid that nothing tedueae mrplas fleeh lika wntigr.

Long—But I have uothiag to worry

Short—WelL Jnet to balp you. I'm wllliag to lat you lewd me IIO.—OM- oago News.

It la amted that tba mereknadise ear- rted by rail ia the United Mtateo is dou­ble tbe aasouat of laud onrriage of all tka otkor naliowa of tkeenrihonmhtited This meuRM thut tbe 70,090.0011 prv>p|a of the United Htulm trnisaport twir- a* ■mch marehuudim ua Iks rmuaiuiu; 1,400.000.000 of rnuuklud.

"Aad did he tell oa hlekaemwkeabe propooadr*

"No, bat ke was m rattled that bu ■rapped «a tkeeateadfielloakraBeete"—ladteaaaolto JoarRtal.

Th«* incrcaaiog {imvalencc «»f dyaficfMia liaa iwcti a matter of the gravest concern to the tnedicHl iirufeaeion, ami for y/wra leading srfmtiata bare Iweti experirneat* lag t«» {tniducp a remedy. I'tznataiit tJlitrt In this direetinn iiae latitMlnccd many {tretwrationa which barely affnrti lcni{tnrar>' relief t«i sufferers. It remain* eii for Prof. Drake, a efirmiat of many years eafteneme*, t » {woducr a trsai* meat whicfi has (imred tu he a {siaitire rare fur the disease ia all its manifnld fornsi. whirh ia kntiwn as lirake’e Dye- {lepaia t'ure and Nerre Heatorer. In or­der to ohviatr a comaHNi diaad van rage to saffercre that of baying medirinr which hae lain {swhapa for years in tlrng stores as moat ni riuaariiy he the ewe whem all flrtiggiats haodh- the same ar* tide the manufactavus am {daefag Drake’s Dyspepsia Cum aad Nerv»* rsa. torer with a limited nambar of ilrufotieta coaseqaentiy yoa are aam to always m- cefvethe trsatassut fieuh, althongh he- lag fwit u|t ia tablets aad tightly sealeil hnxsa. it will retain iia freahmss longer than in any uthar form.

ffytMi are tmuMeit aith iadigeefion, oner stomach, arid fermaatation. water brash, headarhs. afeapfenaaewi or nay form of nermaa dyspapnia call im Traria d linker leadiag druagiats of Hi. Johns aad ask for Drake's Dyapapafa I'wm awl IWre Hsatorer. A booh oa titowieeh aad Neree troahiea, tkefr aywtoaM aad ■um. givea free for tba aahteg at tka aboT# mentiawed atom.

Too Much Wind.

That is what it takes to run a fcreat many makes of Windmills, and that is why the

AermotorIs so popular wherever it is used. It is so i>crlectiy fuijusted, with itsmller henr-

iiipA anti other modern improve­ments thnt it just moves rij.jht aion^ at the “slijjhtest provo­cation.” There arc many points to Ik’ learned about windmills, and it is my business to cxplniti them to the farmers of Clinton and surrounding counties. I will not drive up to your front door pulling away at n 25 cent cijfnr, and with a silk tile and n “hoiletl” shirt <m insist thnt 1 know it nil, and thnt you arc

entirely ignorant of the mdimentnry laws of nnturni philosophy, hut I should like to sit down on the hack porch or the sent “down by the hen house” and ^o over the subject Avith you, point for point. You will Icnm something, I think, and I, well, I might show you the ndvisn- hility of having n windmill on the place.

Juot bear in mind if you please, that I will be just M3 happy and good natured If we don't deal as if I take your ordes for a car load. That's my nature. Try It and

(iiKi J. mil.


■ (

The St. Johns NewsM. M. KtTaUMAl.1*. PI'MLIMMKM.


PVM.M>Anoir OrrwB. Wmlkwr IN. Baat.


INI karri yllaw ky Mall.ONK YKAR. ------------------MX MUNTIIN__________ .....TUMBK MOIITHH ----------------------- *•

Taa .Nbw« wUI sraUlaMl rrmlrr aU aya« »Malralk»— ut ItMal or aaawal laiarMi wwa acroMpaalMl bjr Ikr wrliar'a aaaM.

TMs iMMirr N fkl'y »*• •»«» !•»*aoaianrHal pHatiaa. M* ^Irr^ ar» of tkr lataot •lyir. aad vorkaiaaaklp la aaar- aatMd oi tiM klalNot aaaMty.

A4rrHlami altaal »« tka rsrrilaat aarrlrr iiBiliri • by Taa .Natra. It« rirralatloa to kaaa Bar. aa4 ita aabarriptlua Hat to alaraya opaa to laaprriloa.


Thr AiiBual aattiata of tbr wotil oiip ol thr IJuitnl Htalaa forlHHH roadHbyHarrH- tary North ol tba Natioaal .\aaocialionol Wool Maoulaatoma. aad arhicb ia to ba pabliahatliii tba.Novaaibar IluHrtlu.ahowa the aoiouut to haT** baao JtMi,7!IO.OH4 INiuada. aicainat iioittida io18117. rtlora tbr tlafMrtiwant ol .Vgricol- tara --ar-« u> aabait iw annual fatinaU* ol tb«’ wool clip, that luailc by tba Wt»ol Mnnulai inrera' .laaoriatioaiarHiad u|N>n aa iciriofc tbcdaairad infomuttlon rafatlYi* to our ilomratk* wool Mopplv. •iraRon abowa, aceordinic lo Uh* atutiatira. th«* lanctat yield. ‘J1,29I.n72 (lounda ol waabatl and iinwaahatl wool, iiml neat lo WMbinatoil abowa the larwiwt |n^ •wnt ol ahnnkaip- in Hcounn«, or 71 pertwnt.Montanalollowawith*2i>.i>:i’i.lori ponndaaad <12 |aa- cent ahriiikafr-; <"0111011110. lll,lW2.01»«'l poumle and »MJ iwr •'cot abrinkaffe; Texoa. lii.:iH«i.W2 pounda and 7<» |wr cent. WyomiuK. l.’l.<l2<i,7<M poniida: New Mexico, 12,«*1*'18.120; Ohio, 12,1|Miuiide; t’olonMlo.ll,'J’»H,MtP,l |H>oadi>,and Michunui,H,HiH»,122 (Kiuutla. The atnoiiiit of pullet! wtMil la •wtimnted at 22,1 lf*.«*t71 iMHinda. makinK a total of 2<M»,72t*,<!>* I |Miunde woeheil anti un- waobeti or 11 .ddl ..’>Nl fMiunde oi erttuml wnt>l. TIm* iiicirrt*n<ile cli|> tif th» eix New KnalantietaieelealMiut 1,74.‘».<i2.’»|K»un«le of artturetl wtMtl, of which MaaaarliuaettM fumielitw 12a,M#pi (Niunde.


In the lletroit Tribaae ol tha 16th m an artiala beaded: **At the Birth,” whwh aoaerta that til all “the noted dttaaaa ol IlichiifM f'ho iiartMpated aritb Auataa

" iHBlraHh^coaveatioa in Jarkaun ia the oammer of IMfet, that marked the birth of the HepabHeau |NWty, oaiy ink* bad a aaat upon the platlomi doriacthe uov«4l- ioc of the lilair lacMuroMit at l.aaalaR; be waalleo. Iharlrn T, tiorhaoi ol Mar* ahall.” I rvoaMBiard aa iiaviaB aaen at the Jaekeon eoaeentioo in 1864 at leant the followioR: flea. WllliainH. WltbioR* too, Jaaiea O’lloaaell (tbonsb be waa not then aroter), Wro. L, Heaton, KoReae I'nn^le, IMter U. I.ooniia,uf Jaekeon; Dr. Il.C. Kedtie.of Laaaina, Albert Willlama. of loMhi; E. <1. flroareoor. ol Joaeaeille, Mnxaadrr f'ampbell, ol Woehteonw; Williaiit D. WilNaaie. ol .IHeffaii. Your refioHer aaye -there may hare tieeo aoine humble onea mixed with the (freat' crowd." There wae. .\t leant adoieii «il thane “humbler onee" wen* in the pro- nwMion mrryiuK thoae Kioriouaold Imttle HaRe, myaelf amonRtlienumber. TbouRh I ha4l an iiiritation to the platform, I coneidenNl it a Rreater honor to lie ia tb** ranka, itad carry one of thoee HaRe—the battle Hur of the let MiehiROii ahnne ehootere, under whieli we marched friim the llapidnii to I'etereburu under which I wae three tiiiww wounded—and whwh benre the leRetid, fieniied by (len. flmnt: “Thie wae the Hrwt Hor in I'etereburu,"

There are eome other \wy erroneone etat**niente in that article. The Jncke*»ii conrenlion wae held in a hnll wimI in a RTove. The ball where the prelimiuaiy nMwtinR wae Md (Hroneon ball) wae o|e poeite tb*-ohi .Vmericaii hotel. It had a etatinfc caimcity of abont <MN» firofile. There were Iwtweeii 4.<NNi and S.ihmi lieoide preweiit to attend the coiirentiou. .\e tHMiii oe the prelimioaiy omaiiigatioii woe mnile. an adjouriiineat woe token to a arore of white oake. on what i» now the ••omer ol \\ aeliinffton and Hret etreete. .\ etaml and iMime eenle were iniproviee«l. and the alkMMUoii mertiuR, when lb*- platform wae niDpte*!, the new {larty named, and the etata^Heket iiomi* nate<l, wiu* belli in thie RtorP.

In the ereniuR then* wen* meetinip* hell! in lour different holle and the thn*** hino-Ht chun*hee to ratify the dot nice of tl.e e.»nv»*ntion, lieeide which tiov. Hinii- ham 4Mldreeenl a lano* oimi-air ineetiuR

.\.N iiiveetiicntion made bv tin* liileir iMimtii at WoehiuRtoii hn« bmuRlit out eomefiirther-ehow'*«»l the(cn*at lieneflte that How from labiir eavinR machinery.Thecoet of prmlurtioii hue lieen in that way ••nomiouely «lerreaee»l. One man tin the public e«|UBr»*.with the aid of machinery,canofteiiiimee I The dtwcri|ttion of the n*t»t>rter and .Mr. do the the work which it re«|uireil ten I (iorlmm of the oriRin and iiit»*ntion «*f men to do without lb** machineiy. nmventioii are Jileti jcreatly at fault.That hae irrratly reduced the pricee of Jii,. tnn* oriiciii of the Jaekeon eoiiven- Mich artiHnt. iia« It iujuntl the work- j im,, never yet been made public. Tin* men? On tin*«?ootrary. the report naye. | moi-ement IwRan Mwin after the cniehiiiR “Then* hoe lieeii a lariter iiicreaee in the | ol the Whifce in 18r*2, by eornw-number oi |»enion» retiurntl lor the pn>-1 |Mmdein*e lietweeti tin* leadiiiK 'VhiK ••«1* doction ol the article- coneideretl, in 1 itore ol tin* N*»rtbern Htatee. I wae at order to meet preetmt deiiiainie, than I (hat time ••ditor ol the Jaekeon f'ltiieii. were nereeearv to meet the demanile, ; onti dielinctly retiiemlier the fircular let- under the hand-labtir eyetewi. Thie ie a j (•■re ol tb** National InteHiRrncer. ,\ll«any optoniietie view at leaet, ainl Till. .N'Kwe ] .|•,^^nll and other leadiuR 'Vhijc |»a|*ere truete It ie rorm*t, but hue eenoue oehiUK the expn’eeioii of all Whijr e«lit*»retioubte of ite H«t*unM*y.

l*i(.\l<iNA (IKA.N'CKl*KtMiK.%M TO IIK OIVr> AT -Ol'TII


t'linttm f'tiunty I'onnma flranice will me«*t with Htiulli Uiley (iranue. <K*lol»er 2t», IHPM.

.Hour, South Uiley lirniiRe.

.\ddreee of \V«*lctuin*, Mle. linttieJont-e.IU*n|H»inM*, Klla I’ike.Sour. < lani UeUeSine.UeeitHtioti. Karl i/ewie.S<»DR. DeWltt firauir**.Sr4e«*(ioii. Kett-llii Dili.Kte^tiy. I<la Welih.t|iientioii. What i- Krnteriiit\. ainl

how -hoilhl it Ite eXedlpIlHeil, ttj> ilppln-l t«i th«* onler of l‘Htronn <if liiieliaiidry'* .\nnwt*re«| hy I I* llicliiintnd.

Sonic. Sttiith Uiley iminue <linwtioii. How enn Karmere pr»n*-

•.*«iiioniy in h—liiiR etiM*k, horeee, •atlle -heefi jind eeiin ■’ .\newen**l liv D * I'lke

Sonu, I'Miiii ainl Miind Uamlall. i >,.Shoiihl Ih

I ae to the eitimtion, ami what tin* fntun*I iHilicy of the |Mrt\ ehtiuld l*e. Theeerir- eiilare •tnlutt*d ettnie til the leatliUR W hiR

I e«Utore III MichiRaii to hold u l•onlen*at•e | at .lat'kiMin in Kehruary, I8.i4,i»f which j

' Henry lliiniee, of In-troit, wne t’hnirman 1 and tin* wnier woe eccretary. '

! Tht* fne* eoil |Mirty hml cniletl a Matej i*oiivenlioii lor the 22d ol l*ebNiary Ittj nominate a etat" ticket. The Kauene-1 Netirnekn tiill, tin* re|ieHl of tin* .Mieetiuri j i*t)inprotnieeandtitherrailicalpnt-eliivery j leRinlnlnm woe itendniK in ctiiiRnwi. .\l-j ready the |iet>|ih* «if the .Ntirtheni .Htatee wif •* holdiuR inatMt m«*t*tinR-, ilentiuncinR j anil reiiniDetraliiiR iiRaiiiNt th** pn>|e»eeil i leRielation. Tln***tlllt»re adoptedn policy { ItMikiiiR tti tin* ft linn tiitia twill ol all their anti-einvery extiiieion elcfnenie into a | in*w (tarty, anil U KniRhl, til the l*on- linc (Jaxette. at that iin-etinR profMiMnllo call If I he Uepiililii*an (larty. Henry Itariiee. of fin* l»i*iroit Tnlniin*. iteti. .\. I’llch, of fin* KiilaniHiuei Ti*|eRriiph. and

. . Z 11. KllltChf, of fin* I’ollfliM* tiacetfe,Ipn—Initi .Hhoiihl ifn* < iifiane Ie* t*!!-i , ... .......1

ini.ieil with the Roverniiient of the!<11 him- Mt tin- pr*--**tif tiiin*’’ .\iiewereil by ' tin* fr»e*-«iii efjife •*onvenlion. ainleiilimit .1. It K|IH|I|i.

W«' fio|e* to ee»* a rikmI iitlefidain-f., .Datroii- pl*-»i.«- bnnR yonr liinch lioekete ' ae.Htnilii Uiley iirniii(e le rather wi-ak.

Mire l\ I,. I’tKKt 1.,


themplnn ol tbn uall rrtarwd to the coMMitUKe had uvnr U.tlOtt rotrvn* naaMw attaebnd whMi wan abundant eridanee tJMit tha OHiraawot wuald ha n ■aecrap. It will than ba aaaa that tha Jaekaon coavantioa OMt arlth a wall dahaad par- poae. Traa, aouMi who atlaadad wrara, aa Mr. tlonaan aajrn. ‘*aora". Ha had raa ap afpdant tha tmdtlira Matra laaa, baaaarraalad aad maletad ia a haawy Haa aad there wrara aararal othar elaiilar fxmaa. bat tha maan of thoaa pranaat warn aetaatad by a patrlotie motive aad had aalthara parnoaal gravlnaea nor aalBnh intrreat an thair moviaR laHaaaea.

"nwre wera aavaral (ilatlumM prafiared lor the ooavaation; thaaa 1 dintlactl.v mem bar, oaa by .kontin Blair wan in- tnanaly and haraaly ratUcnl. Otbara wan- by Mr. (hriaClaaay, Jabaa Fox. editor of tba Kraa Hoil Damorrat. and Wm. J. M Howard. Tba platform adopted waa a i-onceaaion or coaaoUdation of tba laat three, bat malalj Mr. Iloward’a. Ulair thouRht it tiMi tam** aatl made a minor­ity raport which waa not adopted, ex- tvpt a rmolation demandinR the |-aniB|r* of a Reaeral railroadtlaw by the etate.

.\a lor the atate ticket, the leadarw of the cnnrentlou liad detemaand u|Mia the diriaiun of that in adraatr. the freeaoil I'm to hare Roreraor ami etate traanarer, the WhiRw to have lieuteoant-Roremur, (Uiditor and attorney.RenemI, tb«* iiboli tioBiatathe land txiramiaaioaei, and the Democrate the eeeretary of etate anti •ui|ierintaadant of public iiietmetion. Tin* committee to praeeut tb** etate ticket un- deretiMid tbie, aa the matter wae all Hxetl ill aiivaore, tlie eoniiiiitte** plan wae ado|*ted eimpl.v to eave tliin*. The idea that Mr. UinRhani wae (lirkeil up on the etreet, and ncridentally made icovemor by Meaerw. fiorham and Kmmone, wan 11 (iiire fake, (lovenior liiuRbaiii wae a Rueef at my buuae danoR tb** ctmreii- tion, and wae not «>n the etreet at oil until after the ticket wae annouanel. .\n- other etatement ie et^ually noueeaeten)— that Mime deleRattr pro|Mi«e<l that Hor­ace <lr»e*ley iind William H. Htewiirt— (the t-e|Hirter •*videatly euletfitated tin* Ine* eilver eeiiator from .Nevitda for .S»*att* lor Hewanl of New York)—In* aekxl tti eiiRRent a name, et<. "Tin* committee of I ft hatl corree|Mindeil with both t litre iMO’Hoiie on tin* eab)ert; nobody could reatl tln'etcy’e letter, and we did not know- what )R* pro|MMeil. but Senator •Hew uni wanted it calleil t*ie .\merican union iMtrty. The honor ol iiitmiuR tin- (tarty belooRn to Ze|thaniah It. KiiiRtit, then editor of the Fontim* (inxette. lb* (iro{Mi«e«| it at the Kebniar>’ cooferentv. nnti adviM*ate«i it etendily. He wae oin* tif the eommitte** on (ilatfonii at tin* .Inckeon I'onventitta, ami movetlilendoit- tion by that •'ominittte*, and it wne d*-- cidetl favorably byiivtileoi 11 ftir U*-- (lubltcfin to Hve fur I’nion.

I dti not really like to MinaehaiiylNMly’M idole or funciew, Itut think it ie fully time tba* the facte lendinR u(i to the orRaui- zatioii of the UepuMiran (wirty ln*knowii. Muni of tlie men who diti tin* real work are and have Iteen the “humbler onee" of tin* (inrty for all tbee* yeiire. They did not work for Rain or notoriety, but with n eeiiee of conectentiue and (mtriolic duty, which lieiiiR well ainl MUi*«*eMefully doin*. wae all th** rewnril tliey have c*>v- ctetl. I'ii.iiii.»:e V. DkI.a.mi.

.Hiimiiiit. .Inckeon, t'o.. < tot. 21.




WORLDKnows duit the Pterlcsi Remedy

ior Diaceies of the Lhrcr* Kidneys end BUdder h



Ik bee Owed Thonmnds of Dm- pwtf Comb. Try ft.

mcB, rm bottu.

Kt)K balk IIT

E. VanSickle.

I tin* (>ro(Mn>iti«iii to tin* h’adere of tbiil A coolefeoce wne held on tin*;

I even I HR of lhe21el at theottlcetif \iietlii , ' Ulair, anil amoiiR the free ettil leadere j j (tree*lit, we remetiilirr Hov. IlinRlinm,Horey K. flarke, of Detroit, learn- I’.!

II "brietiancy and William T. Iltrwell. The! j free* Miilerw thouRht It Imet to Rti on owl' hold their •'on vent if Ml and to luiiiiioate it ^ ticket, but aareeil t*i nainenjointcom-- - inittte* with iiuthonty to call a moee; etate ronvenlioii later, ainl if a union of tb** kintl lirolMieeil woe feneibh*, to with- •Iraw their etiite ticket ami )>an tin* new orRiiniiatiiHi.

Thie (oint coinmlttie* did call a i*onven- tion on the 2let of Ma.v, Ih.VI, at Kala- miiNHi, which wne atten«le<l by abtiut : .’MHi (letiple. It wae iiremtled over by ■ Hon. M. .\. M« Nauahton of Jaekeon, whti ie etdl livioic. .V. U. Irwin «»f Ihej Hrami Ua|M*le KaRle, wne eeeretary, ainl ^ Hovey K. t’larke of Detroit, <*. V. DeiaiiMi of Jaekeon and fheeter llnniey of .Hf. i Joeeiih c<iunty. WfW •*oinmittee «hi meo- ■ liitioae Thie convention dhl not **on-, eider it w Me to laanch the new (airtv, but | it a|»pfdnted a mminitte** «>f eixtetn. (nnr from each coaRri eeiimal dietrirt, to ar-! raoRe for a maee <'«Miveatlofi not later {

tbaa the middle of July. Hon. lean*- I*, j f'brintiaaey wae the chairman of thie j committee and the writer wieechoeeo ite eeeretary.

A eab-eommittee wae appointiel to frame a call ffw the Jaekeon row vent low. the <4ialrmnn and eeeretary, .Inetin Bleir. and llovey K. ("Inrke nnd Jebea Fox of IhHrolt. "Dae rommtttee met andformn- la ted the call I prtated iMNitopawat tbetltlaen oflheaad maibd them Ui the promlneat eliiaeae in each coanty for atuMtarm aad hafuri Mm Hrat of Jnly,

now •Wh offer One Hiimiml Dollam Rewnni

for any caeee of Catairfi that *mn not I- curt-«l by Hall’e ('ntat^i f'ure.

F, J. <'bmey ft ("o. I’ro(ia., Toleilo <».Wc the underetRnrvl. have known I". J

rheney for the loet l.*» yearn, and liein-v. him (lerfectly hon«imbl*> in all hiiein**- tniiieactione nml ttnniKiallr abletoearrt oat uuy obtiRalume mail** bv th«‘ir ttnii Wt-et ft Tnmx, M'liotoealn DriiRRiete' T«tto«in O., WaldioR. Kiiiimu & .Marrtu Wlioirwale DruRRiete Tohein, Ohi >.

Halle ratnrrh f’nn* ii* fak*>n intcmnll.v actiiiR U|Miii the bltan) Hinl mui*«iiie e<li- fHc»*e of tkeeyetem. I*ri«***7rn*. (ler leit 11»* Sold by all DruRRiete. .T'*MtimuuialHfn<i-. I-r-'t

H.iire Famil.v l'illear»th>* lw*.t.

Nature inakee 11 etronR tiRht iirioiimI • llecaec, but ther* ar* tiniee when it in'ede neeielHiH*** l*> driv«*oiil tin* cneiii.v. Dr J. H..\lcl.«*«iii'eStrrnRtlietiiiiRt'ordialainl IIIimnI I*ni**Hrr Hil(i|»ln^ the iiemlcfl he|(( •mil will reeiom IhelMniv to a Inolthy, viRomue condition. It cxemeie neiim- ulnliiiR •*ffect over the orRiineof •iiReelion anil l•eelmilatinn, elretiatlieiie tin* ap(ie- titi*, briRhteae tin* eye, and iin|Mirte the roey bloom of liealtb to thct*he*4(. Pnei* ."•tto nnd 91 n Imttle. .\ek Tour dniRRiet for It.

Aertlan Oele.I will eell on the premieee of .Vlviii Win-

eRnr, eoatheaet comer of IteiiRaJ. four milee enutb nml two weet Ilf St. .loiltle, on 1V»<«|needay, Nov, 2. 1 H1»H,f*ominein*iBR at l<< o'clock a. m , the followioR |>n>|»- •Tiy: Thref* cinwtniit mame, two eeven year-old and one eiaht-yenr-old with a t'leveiiind lety colt by Iter md**, two monthe old: thoe- i*owe, two epnitR calvfw, one llerketiire Iniar, eix (ilRe. om* ItoeniMi laniler, one MH'ormick mower, one ten-fiMit t'ham)iion hay rake, om-fle- fmrne hay tnliler, om* Hinton (Hnw, one eprinR limth draR, onee|ake iimth draa. two caltiratnm. one Flint buRRy, one eiotfle hnrneee, one eet • oalde hnmeee. •me eet heavy Hv nete. one Jaekeon wiuron, iNM ba.v rake, one eet ol Imb ..irlRhe. (ttiene timlw arc nearlv new*), a qaantlty of bay. com and etalke nmt other artldee tint uumeriHte to mention. If liny ie etnrmv nale will he fiehl Hret (rfennant da.v foUowiWR. Temte of nale: .111 enine under 96.iNi, raeh. over that amoant, on avNid approved notee, will Rive <MM year’e time at <l per cent,

Wm HnnoYRa.I'roprintor.

“.k done ta time eavee liven." Dr. WfMNl'n Norway l*tae Hyrap; natnm'n reanety for coaRhe, colda. (laimuaarT itieeanwi of every eort.

Heahf head in an erxeaia of the nealp— ver» neve re eometitnew, hat It can he eaml. Doan'e fHntment iinlek and |im. maneet in ita meulte. At any draw •tore, fill cMite.

Dr. Walker'* next vhht in 81. Johne will he Matardny, Nov. 10. and In fWid at the Retail lloaoe Fridiiy Nov. IN.

Tha DaUk ■Mflmait of Zarart Kop ia Soath Alrim waa all in aatlr of axcitoaMBt; aad oa ovafy lida thaea was aothiat to bo hoaad bat "Do opook loeoa!" (tko fkaat*Uoa.)

Tlati it maat ka kflladoootpoao apmod. bat kow and by wham wanwat oo oaady mttiad.If it wm a fhail Bwi gMo mnalH ba mulmk, tiapa warn ORMUy atalam^ aad tlMraMHMdBoUdns that xoald ba dot to atop tka poat aatma it waa to friRktoa Itaway, aad howto do that was a qaaatioa aot oaaily aelvad.

It waa cortaialyfatbor bard oaitboworthy aMtIora that aftor tboy had, aa tboy thoasbt. kiilad or drivaa away all tbo in tko noifkborhood, aad mads tko pheo tiaito mft, thay akoald aaddonly bo pormeatod by a lioo werao than too ordmory boaota pot toROlbor.

No ooo eoold oay oxaotly wkat it waoUhr, for It ahmyo eanw at night, aad movadao goi^ly that it woold have ham bard to mS a fair aigbt of it evan ia broad ilayli^t, which wao what bad mrood it tbo naaao of tbo "gboat-lioa." Bat all agrood that it araot bo a boast of ewonuoas oae aad otroagth, and uacommoo farueity.

For mora than a yaar aot n lioo hod bom aom, bat provioaa to that tinw tboy hod bom qaito aumcroaa, aad it w-aa only by a roaemtratod effort oovoriag a potiod of many months that tbo toirttorr aronad Um Mttlameot bad bom cloarod of tbo vicioaa bmMo For a yaar tbo oottlora had Uvad with no foar of troabio from that source, aad ROW oaaM the gboat-lko.

Mlay of tbo oottlora raally thought that it was a shoot, aad oac or two who bad fired at it aad mimarl it loudly doclared that if it had boon a mortal rroaioro their baUctc mnol bavo brought it down. 80, wbcaovor people talkod of the largo roward offered for tko killing of this troablooome lion, tbooo fellowa would look kaowiagly at oach otkor, ami my:

"Wait a bit! Tbo maw who waati that to- arard has got to cam it first."

Whmover two or three farmers awt tborc waa aure to bo aoBM talk of the Boo and his nuaiModa. One man bad lost a fine ox, an other a valuable dog, a third bad alaMtt bom eatm ap hiiaoeif. And at laot, eoriy oao moraiag, a Hottentot herdsman came into tbo village with a story that laade every oa« look grave.

He aad another native bad been watehiag Bomo cattle not far from tko villase itadf; aad about midnight bo bad lain down to •loop. it being hia romrade'a turn to eUncl oo guard. Presently ho waa awakened by a strange nAse. He called out, bat tbo noim liad ceosed, and all waa ailmt. lie shouted to hia comrade, bat t here wras no answer.

Tbm a suddeo horror fell upon him. aad be ran away into the lotah a^ climbed a tree, where he renuineil all night. Whm be retttmed to the fatal spot, at daibreak, there was no trace of the loot man bat afrw shreds of hie eheepakin cloak and a pool of blood.

Whm this news got abroad every one bo- nan to look rather uncomfortable, and thorn who had cleckreil the lion to he a some­thing more than an ordinary wild boast were seen to nod tkoir headomeoningly.

"This won’t do," mod a iturdr farmer;"wo ahall bavo him coming ri^t into the vil­lage next, and eating us up oao by one."

“Well, if ho does." rejoiaad a hard-fared old Dutchman with iron-gray hair, taking a big silrer moutheil pipe oat of hia mouth as he spoke, “I only linpc he’ll begia with that J rhiirrh black biUl of nune.” j

.\t this there waa a general laugh; for Mynheer Van Ilipper'a bail waa well known | tbrooghout the eaiire settlement, and many j people were aloMOt aa much afraid of it as I the lioa hunsrlf.

It was a huge, black, savage brute, with ! boma long and sharp enough to have gored | a full-grown buffalo; and the story wont that 1 It bad once buatwl poor Myaboor Van Rip­per himself nght across hia own pasture . ■ . i. 1 lland, and tinaily driven him up a tree, where ' »*»«» he

Attomoy H.J. Pattemouapsattke past weak ia fklnagio whore ko atlmfieil tko I Wto Jakllaa. Mr. Pattomon ia a ooaaln uf the famooa Billy Maaoa. I'mtad Btolaa amator from lUlaoia, aad tollaa good Mtury ua the lattar. He oay* ko aaeoptod an iavitatiua to aecompaajr tka maafnr ia bln uarrIaRo ia the (iraad Keviow. *110100 wbo haveooea tbooartooao uatko Noaator will rewMiiibof that ha ia larRo aad portly. Two little raRBod, dirty Ramia* bad boaa ataadiaR ia the Rotter on Htate street oiaaoeaHy ia tkoBKimiaR ol tboRraat day. They warn ragvad aad dirty in tk** inaaaor of moat roadorn uf papera, bat they lauRbod aa load and cheered a* iMmrtily aa tko boat dr«*meii on tbestrMta. W ben the firat band marebed by tboy threw their aha|ieleiai oa|M into the air aoil ckaored loadly. Wbea Prswi- dent McKinley appeared they throw u(i their ca|w and ahoutad ae liofnre, bat to show tbeir Riwater catboataani. tboy (luaebod each other in the side with doubled Hata. Kiaaily the balky form ol tbeaeoator.HIliBRall inuat tbecatii* emt of a landau oame in view.

"O.MayJimmii*, laukatdat, woo’tya,? Dere’a hia nibs. (Imver I'lovHand!" toi- claiiiwd the larRtfuue cxciteilly.

.tt once tie* oa|M went nkyward. .VRain the two dauceil ii|i aud down in tlie water, shoutiuR over aud over: “Hooray for tirover neveland!" “Hooray ford rover Cleveland!" What’* di* mutter with tlevelaoil?"

“IVhat’s the" matter^wiih Cleveland? M'liat'* the matter with yoo. I’d ^like to know, that’* Hilly Moann." broke in a (Miliceniuii at hi* nidi*.

The t wo lotsked at each oilier donbt- fully for a minuti*, then cape and voireH w**nt up once more.

“Huomy for Hilly .Mawin * Tlirei*cheer* fur Hilly MaNon!"

There waa Nileoce for a fiil^minuteafter that, tlieii the Mmaller leamd ovit to the othiT. -8iiyJimmie." Iiewliis|iereil, "who i* liilly Mason, anyhow?"

• # •I lii*Hnl a Htory the other day of an in-

ciilent that happened iitalMiardinRliouae lotiR siiira* cioNcd up. The landlady'* maiiien aiiiit wtis Rencml lactotum alMiut the (ilan* and Iroubleii herselt a rimmI deal i*oiH*eminR th«* habit* and moral* of lie* youDR men in the house, it was lier custom to ba«*e the stone slefMi of tlie Imnt (Nirch scrublMil white for Hunday, aud in tin* summer the youoR men, niuch to her distress, (ire- fernd sittiuR upon them to RoinR to

< im* nunilay niomiOR she found them then*. smokiuR with mnrksolex- (lertoratioo on her cherished stefw For RettiiiR her audience nnd everythiUR but thi* nffnint to her spotle** ston**, slH*ex- elaim<*d m a tone of roinRieil disRuat and wonder. “Jest see them spit* ’’

A GO(X>ULSTEROf OHCftt mwin vjncnMit

Beew. Fifem or Illtwt8g>(IHKf flCImy IIRBOIx JlipOu^f


you need tlie stem aid cMb^ mids of %wnler. Button one of these wound you, turn up the (tep ool- hr, «d you cwi defy the deci and snow and be oonv tettek with the mercury away bdow ziero. Try one on hnc ai^ time, and sec how you Mac it The best hind carry thb trade-marks


uogyrialit. MW, by Hart. SebaSnor 4 Mats,


ebap; keep otie fur me. tbo oCbor tor yoaraelf. ”

Wbeti ammonitton waa an nearly ea- baoateil that no ordora were givao to fire until tbe enemy ooald be dlatioctly Men, a andden rattle of irreRnlar fire waa beard ou owe aide of tbe village, followed by aavaga yolla, bat no otbar ■oand. The few Buffs bolding a poet ia that diractioo atood with rifloa lovolod ready to fire vollaya diraotly a mab was attempted. Tba oomrootloo oame near­er, and jnst aa tba Doooommiaaioood of- lloor io charge of that poac bad tbe command to "preaont" oo bis lips tbe flame from a native gun flasbad oo bristling stasl. British bayoosts bad baeo doing tbsir grim work there in tba darkness ao ailsatiy that nobody thought frienda were ao osar. Tbe relief bad oame. Tbe saemy gave way, and a min- ate later Major Worlledge. with his companies of Sikhs and Rnidss. enlsrad tbe village.—Londou Newa

I am told that 11 |ir*wcher in a nearMr. Topnoody went to a minstrel

he had to «t quaking for more than an bimr.iw^^^ a family srandel »ri,ni IIm 'it lil^. **" **" " **»« •» b«*kfaat be bsRsu on Mrs

came to tbe resi oe. ■ .•Woll. Neighbor Han.," -aid one of his *-“«•••••«« tu the

friend*, "why don’t you ahoot that naeal of I x**^* *>"<1 •> '•< satisfaction on tli*a Inill of your,, ami bare done with it?" lacs* ol fb«* entir** I'oiiRnTration. Th**

Ah. It iaeaay toaay ‘ahoot! " replied Van f>hr>‘wil innster of th** flock f h*ni pn***-*dcilto diMcounwaii .tdaiii and Kvc.

FlgBUag tl»s MsSf sa*.Private Ijsver of tbe BafTs tells two


Tbeir aiiimuultinu was mnning Then Lever bean! one wnumled

have yon got in your revolver?" "ttuly two." "Then don’t waste them, old

Rj|>|iei. “Hut while the lieaat ia aJive, look you. he may always be worth soaBetbing. and when he i, dead be is worth nothing at all.Xo, 1 Will not ahoot him juat yet."

Now, there waa one man there who had laid carefully to heart the fate of tbe poor Hottentot killed by the lion, and that one was a lluahman, Hlack Klaa* by name, wbo i tbaracteristics of tbe fight in which be waa oae of Farmer Van RippeFs servanU. j bit when tieneral Jeffery, with It ha|>pened to lie hia tnm< to keep watch | tbe monntaiu battery and seoort. waa that night over the henl in which wa* the I herauieil in a village all nigbt by tbon- Mciou. IsUl. and thi* herd gra^ in a of Mobronuda. The wounded wereZ‘ ol'JT.JTi,.;;?!.', lion .'Ui,.'U i ““i? • 7" '"7’?expected to nuke ita appearance "b«were of atonea which

Hut. whether the lion came or not, Klaas ****’ ‘•***"»Y horleil down at them from wa* determined lo lie on the safe aide. Ae j ^oo***** near. It seemed impoeeible that soon a* It grew dark Isrrlimltwl a tree, and •••? relieving force could come to their Uxeil himself snugly in the fork, ao th^ he I aid before daybreak ox that tbe mere might not >h|> liown. evetiiif he happened to ' handful of Huffs could hold oot mnob fall asleep, which (here wa# not much chance of his doing.

•-•••her made her light little lietter than total I darknesB. At tint all waa deathly atill, bat presently the savage'* quick ear caught a rustle among the biuhes below, which was I quite rnougii for him.

True, it might be only a stray ox, but the Dusliman thought otherwise, and the next ! moment showed that he waa right. Tbe mooa broke through tbe clouds, sad revealed the long, gaunt Iwdy, tawny akin, aad huge, {-bsSS)' bead of the ghoat-lioDL i

Klaas instantly gave the alarm, with a '•creech loud ami ear-spiittiag enough to I awaken everylwdy withm half a mile. It waa •mawered liy a deep, hoarse bellow of rage from the black bull, which atood pawiagtbe ' earth in the open part of the maedow. i

A* tbe lion apnng at him, with a roar that - ako^ tke air, the moon plaaged Itehiad the | clouds oaee more, but t be growling, enortiag •**<1 saaping that rose up through the gloom showed tliat tbe tight was a fierce oae.

The herder’s i nm had aroused the people !10 the aattleownt. and the men roahed to tbe ; meadow, while the wonwn baddied together in Hm bouses. The hardy eet tiers were de- | lenaiaed to prove whetbw or not the beast j was rvelljr a ghost or aot, aad if aot were ; prepared to ru! t braMrlres of it if at all poe* aible.

"This way!" ahoated Mynkerr Van Ilip- prFs well-known roscr. ae ke aad a doatn of ' hia men caam up. with gaaa aa*i torckea. t "Ha, what’a thier* i

The red terrhlight fell upon a vast, eea- I farrd ntaaa of bleek aad yellow, lying quite etili. Tke death-grapple wae ended. Tke' kea’a powerful jaws broken tke hoU’e neek, bat, as ke sprang, tke terrible kora bad plrrecd through hm aide to tke very heart.

"DU 1 wet do well net toi^oot tkat ball?** I cried Van Rifiper, rrltk a fat ckaeklr. "Now wa are rU of both lioa aad baU, aad. aa it 1 was my bmll tkat killed tke lieu. I oagkt ta i gH tke reward.”

Aad be did gH it tae very aaat day—Draid Ker, ia Qeldaa Days. |

Topnoody. She was fretful and not very mneb in the hamor for pleasantry, but Topnoody slasheil away.

"I any, Mra. Topnoody. oan yon spell money with foar letters?"

"No. I can’t," she said."Ha, ba, that’* good. A woman

never can Ret at this sort of thing in tbe same clear beaded way a man can. Well, tbe way to spell it ia o-a-s-b. Isn’t tbat money?"

Mrs. T. tailed to smile, and Topnoody started out with another.

"Wait a minnte," she tntemipced. "I’ve got one. Let’s see if you can get It. Hpell Topnoody with five letters."

Topnomly pnokerad bis brows awhile and gave It np.

"Ha. ha," laughed Mrs. T., "that’s good. A man can never get at this sort of tbiuR in the aanii* clear beadeil way a Woman can. Well, tbe way to spell It IS i-d-i-o-t. Isn’t that Topnoody?"

Bat Topnoody never smileil. and tbe breakfast was finisbnl in silrnn*, ex­cept an unwsiooal cbnckle from Mrs. Topnoody'a end of tbetabla—Pearson’s Weakly.

Why NotLook St those Opal Rlhffs far........9 1.S6Solid (sold Opal Stick Fla'for......... 1.00Hhc Nickel Aracrtcan Watch....... 3.06Solid Sliver Tea Spoons, per set .. 3.06Solid (sold Diamond Rlnrs for....... 1.261947 Roffers’ Trtpple Teas per set i.7S9 day halfhoor strike, Seth Thanub

(Jock.......................................... J.00(sold filled, 10 year tiding bow

Glasses....................................... i.SOWm. Rogers nipple plate Knives

and Forks per set...................... 2.2S1947 Roffcrs Bros.* Knives and

Porks per Mt.............................. 2.7SLadles’ 14k. 20 year filled case

with Elgtn works.................... it.onLadles* I4k, 2S year filled case

with Elgin works .................. 12.90Ladles’ 14k, 21 year case with l s

jeweled Elgin works............... u.ooSolid Gold Ladles’ ease with is

jeweled Elgin works................. la.ooFine 14k (sold filled Ladles’ heavy

Quin........................................... 2.10Fine 14k Gold fllled Ladles* heavy

(Juln. with (iold Opal Slide...... l.oo(scnts* 20 year fllled cam Elgin

works....................................... 10.50Gents’ 20 rear filled* screw cam 17

jeweled Elgin adjusted works 13.90

Porter & EmmonsThe Artistic



Isotter from Mm. Onrrio F. Trempar that ttU Sufforlnir Women BhoaldRand.

nvstwtir Is isiMsa naea.ririu biiiod means a dean skin. No

hMsit (viilioui It. (‘ssrarvte, (Jaady Ceihor- ttr r.i-sii *. xur bmoH east kevfi it deaa, te -•tirroi^ up tbv ssv livvi end drtvtna elf im •Ml I . ill Ml * l\ Itogin todey to*«•* - •<>u4«^ l•l•ekkeads,•s* -np exwa bv lekiag

•• tvni* All draaSi» 'vd. I0e.»e,aie.

Ovnritloor inflammatioa of the ovaries may result from andden stoppinfr ofthe monthly flow, from inflammation of the

womb, and many other oau^ slightest indication of tmuble with the

ovaries should claim j’our instant atU-ntioo. it will notcureiteelf.iuiil a hospital operation with all its ter­ror* may esslly result from neglect.

Till* fullest coiin*«*l tm this sul»- jeet can Iw *ecun*il without cost by writing to Mrs. I'tnkhsm. at l.vnn. Ma*v. and asking for her sdruv.

Vour letter will Is* I'oiitidcntial ami seen by women only.

Mr*.<'ariur F. THRurRH. I.ake. Ind.. whose letter we firint. is only otic of many tbat have Is-en ctiml of oviirian trouble* by Lydia K I*inkba6i'* Vege­

table 1‘ompottnd.“D».»r Mhs. l*iNan\M:—I was

suffering from congestion of tbe ovaries, misplaeement of the womb, irregnlar. scanty, and painful menstmatioa. also kidney trouble.I bail let It go on nntil I could not

alt np. and ronbl not straighten my left lair. My physician gave me relief, hut failetl to eare nsr. Ht-aillag the testl- ■MMtlalaof different wmtnen. telling what

Lydia R. I*1akhani‘s Vegetable I'ompoand hatl done for them. I .IreWdl to give it a trial. 1 had alnMWt given np hopes, a* I had saffered

vntold agrarr. The ffratdnae helpml n»e. And now, after using eight bottles of Vegetable ('ompnaml. owe bottle of Bland l*nTlfler, one boa of Liver IMIla. 1 am proud to aay I am aa welt aa 1 aver was. I might have saved a large «loeinr*a MU aad maeh suffering, bad I tried your preeioaa medleine in the bagianing of my aMmes*. AH in the vlHagr know I was not expected to live, when 1 had the first ami aamad attacks. In fact. I bad no hopaonUl 1 began taking yowr Vagatable Compoand. it baa aaved my life.'*

A WWm Winliif limltBrnfffrtty

Tliete nn* many thing* tiweseniy |o make II (letfect iihotogratili. but notliiuK enusew the intelligetiee of the letlllire* to stand out *0 w*4l and give* tlie|i**tiire *•» niiii'h iif -likeexprvssioa as the niii>li se (lilt U|Miii it. Tkeri* is a bringing oii< stroke which we np|ily that ltlal■•*« the photograph almost a breHtbiiig i*oiinter- (lart ol theindividnal.



COMINGFlorida on Wheels !\ WsrtrHMis HevelMtsM sf TragSrel

sry.sM OOlrlsI S InHOs *ls*r Vmr Is a MmIMmu Psisre Irwm IBs (tl n«w-

(ionpiills ivllh Riildeti ileecnitioii* StMl trt>(»M*iil M'*l|»*l\. ftlle«| wifli H tro|»iewl exhibit. oeMeiitg in noillltiiilrw, wiMwIer Ini III r>iiliii«M, iiiHivt4oii* in vmiety nnd nml splettilel siih h th«>»*and IrupM'Oi wonder*, illiislrating lo i<»aM*is in vslid* hihI pro*)«ei*tive **-tt|eri. the nt traetioii*. ailVHiitiiRtw amt rwMiuiera oi the sanny land. TrnfisenI frnite. Floriha wineM.exquisil foantain*etc.,etr. ‘*/trnr in miwi thf uUigniftrm art eArrrarci."

This enaservatory on wh*»*k». a trnpi- cnl woniferinsil. was bwdt of hlorwla W'immI* nt a tidal nwr of 92ti.iNMi. It i* tke moMt reniarkahte ear oa eriher ersatl- treat; has town vrstMl by mim- |s*rp4e og the inside aiol gaanl nt by imrrs (wople IHI the oatssrfr than aov ear erer built in the hiatoev itf railroadlnR. I'enpk- floek to i* night and day nod pufierw hwrr des- crlleil It troMi <w<*wti to iwmaii a* the first of ife kiitd the worhl has erer sm n.

To defray the tne»i 1 s<iry irnidewtal ei- p*n*ra a nominal (rrira of 111 rawt*. HmI- dfew 11 and under •*1 rents, will be charged Will he at 8t. John* Ta*e«tav Nnremher 8, at the <) T. depot Irnai O a. m. to 0 p. m. At tivhf MiHKdk.v Nov­ember 7. Wanton H Wgaa.Dfrctal promoter of tbe Florida pakIMty




WANT COLUMN.WA.NTKIi—4>trl tor ■Mam

Km|«^ a* XmraI hniMa work.

||oim«T4» KK.VTHi KaaoMTlIlr. Kaqatrrt y wrtib CiMwall.HOTICK—('rMItoraol 4

JokM. arr rrtimatad U> •tataMMta to W. ti «’—<la

W. Hllithar la Ht. pararnl llrailar<l

NwflHUHM (?ALLjt promptly aaawrrrtl. Qatak

aaU raltabi* ■arrWr. Oa« or two iirrMtaa r. laar AVr u> or troa trala* Ktrrilaat

draj aarrim ma^r at all tIaMi. Trlaakoar TkaiMaai. BaaAanUAT.

*.klaa plK". Kiiaalra Jokas, yirkktna.

ol ULiocb 1>. IV. H ublMtnl, Mt

lAtHT—**n (lintoa AA'mar or Akla atraat la«lla«' Mt baiMl Mark khl icl«'rr 1‘lanw* ra* tarn t«> .NKwa oMr<- ur Mr*. IMIm Hkaw. Kurakn.

MTtiVKH KIIK HAl.i:.—Two wood baatlaa •tovaM. KiMialrr nt Tmc Nawn otkrr.

WANTKU. at 4>ac«- Wat. t'rirk paya ra>k fur »rroa«l.kaad atoraa aad waata aoaia at oarr. .\lao buya raaa. roppar, clar. trad aad mbbar. Kaaoa A Ktcknaad block.

KtIK HAl.Kat a baricata. howar aatl l«t. blork Itfo. !4t. Jokaa. Kur partlmlara rail oa J. W. Kitaarrald at tka lkiat«- llaak ufHt.Jokaa.

KOK HA I.Kur atrbaacr for larm aaar Ht. Jukaa. tkr prupartY roraar f>f lllirkant aad Hprtaa atiraia. runatatlaa of luta M aad 12 block 7. barlna a froataar of KMti^ frat on lll«ka lu Btrcai. ruaalaa Itack HA Irat to IA fart allav. TbU U ralaaMc proparty fur baalaca* purfa^aM. I.rt raa baar fmai anaN> <jar. Aildraaa J. M, iHiiair:. yoatpaiirr, lad.

W. H..UniaauD waa in Hamayw Moa*

* J.i. UJMrar la IB (Iraad llapida thia waak.

1 ia < iTid oa baaiaaM

ia I.Toaaand Mair

54 Per Day Sure Halar.r ur ailaabia

Waat hftaorabb*. atcady caipioxarmt tka vaar rttund. at ao<td wnara, at .rttwr own boatr «ir to travH? It mi ■aa<i f<ir <'iur waulc- ■alc prtrr lUi anti |>arttculara. Wc furniati beat t»f ttank rrfrrcato Aiaartran Tea t’ti.. Ilctrolt, yicb. <4Mni7)

■Haaaia Taar Haw ala With l-’aaaaralaCaadjr Catkartir, care rnaailpatioti forarar.

Me.Sr If C. C. C tali, dmaaiaik refunil moaar.

What Shall Be Done


You hjiTc tried iron and other tonics. But the keeps pak and thin. Her saliow complexion worries you. Per* haps she has a little hacking cough also. Her head aches} and she cannot study. Ghre her

SCirsEMSiMThe oil will feed her wasting body; the glycerine will soothe her cough, and the hypophos- phites will give new power and vioor to h^ nerves and brain.

Never say you ** cannot take cod-liver oil ** until you have tried Scott's Emulsion. You will be obliged to change your opinion at once. Children especially become very fond of it; and infants do not know when it is added to their food.


•II dnuglrt*. .IhwMM, New York.


Th.. iwt Wmamw, Itrvvtt'll;tw» • TMr arr Bwcrcti'lo^rl. •! wow«i»>..m4. •i.tiak' <1. *vl-| •( .•nr«n. a.Ml l~ni« W.. fca«»a r-w—dr f#r w.*a..a Mf.t.l. • •.at i'aaiMK 4m llarwi -tifr ba mmmr a alaa.a'r SI ucr Im*b by w.-il HuM by tlrwOTlMa.■fTY OBSWirAT 00 .••a^taaa.u

Dr. WlUluBa* ladlan Pllt lOiBUMbt will cure IlllPd UtcrdiB# and lt«bin»

Pile*. U aiworiia iiM tontors llM itcbiuir at once, act*

A. W. tlvHuw t Moadaj.

V. K. Mardoektw buMBMa TBMdaji.

.tiidivw Pullaw WBM ill ItofliUu th* Hnit uf tko wivk OB bydoMk.

W. A. NortoB wBB iB iHaaiBaw oa iKMi- uMbi tbk flnrt of tb** wMk.

Mf«. II. 1). Hwitb Ik iB (Jnuul ItapMa thik w«vk TikitiBK ratetiTM.

RMut f'oBYik ft llajt'k adv.iathiH ikBoe. Tbwk Bik koiuB prioM lor jou.

Mikk KtbH Kllb i* lyaadimc tb«* wiwft with rrlatirm in (Irantl llapida.

Mm. I'. C. Kucivk, of Powamu, viaitinl friMdk in Mt. .fohnu iast weak.UikM idbbie Fikk l«4t for Morria lam mrew- ioK to H|iMd a faw dajTM with IhMida.

Mm. W. (>BMtaroat of Hrfttoii wa* tlia KUMt of Mm. <». L. Ynviaad laat wmk.

II. \. llrowDt4l. of Fliat. wan tb** miaat of (’baa. ('artw tba lattfv iiart of tb** weak.

Mm. (i. \y. Wllka. of OwNikni. Tbitwl rviatirmia Mt. Johna oatl viciaity lam wtwk.

Don’t forgrt tbfcbiekaa (lia i«upp»*r tii tkr CoaafaaatkNial ckurcb roouia to- itiorrow.

Harry WiUdrou. of Dumiid, atiwidad It ilaariair fiarty ia Ht. Juhaa Friday avi*BiuK.

To maki room lor (’hriatmaa Kiaala Alliaoii will adl nt off all ailvrr laatial IhiIIow warp

Mra. XpIIIHT«*uiaon. ol Detroit, arrirptl Satanla.v to afiend Uip winter with rein- tivm iu Mt. Juhna.

Mr. iiiiil Mm. Wm. Martin, of Ionia, iiti you I apent Sunday with Ipt fiurpnta. Mr. uml

j Mm. U I.. Vrppfantl.I Mm. K. KIlia wna t’aliial tnfimnil il4i|>- I ilia .Matuniuy by tin* aprioui* illiHWM uf her I nipm, .Miaa Kenjainin.

M. D. MInrani, of (Sriinil lUi|iidn. wita thi* inipkt of hia nippi*, Mra. Dr. Ilitrrna anti family inat Wf**k.

.Mr. uiid Mm. .Vllh* Itirhartikon, of Mt. ('hnripa, wen* Kumta in the tioin«* of .\. K. Kirbanlaon Inat week.

.Mr. and .Mm. J. II. Kildew and .Mr. luid Mra. K. II. l.yon attetided a wud- dioK in Fowler Tiifmlay.

Mr. and .Mra. It. Dmiintt. of (Ink* land I'onnty an* viaitinjc their dauahlrr, ,Mra. ('. F. h'linn. ihia week.

J. M. Dewitt ami wife an* afiendiBK tin* wi*ek in (Snuid ItaiMila viailioK old frienda and takioK in tlp*<-nmivitl.

.Miaam Nelib* and lUwaii* DiMOrett. left for Pontiat’ TiMaday, where tliey will viait ralntitm two or Ihrm wmka.

.Mra. M. F. Ilailitrd and Miaa Kthel ^ llullartl Mt for .MMitiuaw yawterdny when* tliey will Tiait rpintiraa for Ihrar wiwka.

Mm. .\. Mt iitt, who liaa lawn a|ipnilinK th«- |Miat fp\t wet*ka willi lit* Mill (*haa. hritteii.jrptumad to tier honit* in llritton .Matiininy.

Mm. .\. T. Wolrott retumctl the laltar |atrt of the wtwk Ironi a Ihnt* wtwk’a viait wHIi Uev. (i. .Norlhrnp and fnmilt ol Mt. .Morria.

Mra (ifo. ltola*rta la a|N'ndinK the wt<t*k in I^nnainir witli her mother, Mra. IMhiv. who Ml and broke iii*r riaht ann the

j latlPT |»art of the wiwk.Itev. 4. (Suiiilerroan and wife, of.I nek-

, Min. viaitial Iheir •luuiihter. Mra. .V. D.I MH'.ilie and Inmiiy the latter |atrt tif the ' week, relurniiiK home Tneatliiy niorniiiK.

.Mnater l^tiHumett.aonof Mr.and .Mra., .Noble Diirni tf. eniertiiiiieil Iwenty-lfveof I hialitllelaiy friendanl ten Kridny ereniiiK,

IH-. J. It. Moaatain ia in Howrefl to-dujr.IUt. Q. C. IxNigWMB wua fa fNIvaS

Tnaaday.Judpe Daboil wwa In Itaj t'fty oa bani*

aeak Umb waak.Mm. Jnhu dawiuBa rHnraeil Haturday

from bar areatem trip.Mm. J. Hfiard ia Bpandiag a eoapla of

waaka with relativaa in Drid.Wm. n. Koae, al Lainipiharx, waa ia

Ht. Jobaa ow haaiaam yiwUrday.Mr. and Mm. I. Joaan an* apeadinx tlw

wrewk aritli ralaHaaa iw^araoa (Ity.Mm. J. ft. Wbltaaida ia ridUax rela*

tivm in Uraad Ila|ihlk for a few day#..Miae KHaa Fwrriw ia Hpeadlas • ouuple

of weeka with friauda in (iraud itapifla.Mm. O. M. Itefaad ia viaitinx her aiater

Mm. K. iiardaer. of I'oHbuMl. tbia week.Mm. Kli Fielda ia t iaitiax ber daavbter

MiaaMtelItt Fielda, of Datmit, tbia wmk.Miaa Hattie ('ww aad Harry Mnotaey

are viaitinx refatiraa in Ovid thia wrek.Mika Anna Troodei viailad reiativea in

Wratphalia the latter part of the week.Mika Viola (lilberl. of ( birairo. iaapeod

iax a few weeka with Mm. \. Merri- tteld.

Miaa Luathi Davia went to Aoii .\rlior Matnrday lo apend the wialer with her aikter.

Don't forxet (lie ehieken |iie anp|a*r at tbe (’ofixrexationni churrh moma tie morrtiw.

Mm. K. K. Wliippie relumed to Detniit Monday, after a two weeka* viait wiliiMt. Johaa fnenilit.

Mr. and Mm. Henr>- (’lark, of Aunim. low'll, viaileti hie iMtitlier, Itolit. ( lark iiiid family laat week.

Mra. W. F. (Jiinliier baa retnmeil from a few weeka viml with reiativea in Owoaao and Mnakt-xon.

Mm. it. (’. Karrlier and ilauMlilrr an* viaitinx tier M»n .\rtbiir and wile in (imnd ltu|iida thia w**ek.

Mra. H. l.yon and Mra. (Jeo. Seott n*- tunietl Satiinlay Irom a viait with re­iativea in Mt. (iilead, Ohio.

Mra. Cliaa. Martin, ol llallle (’reek, ia viaitinx iirr mother, Mra. Hunt and other reiativea in Mt. Johna.

Mm. V. Hoaxfand. of Hrilten reiomeil home Mat unlay alter afiendiuK two weeka with frienda in Mt. Johna.

Don’t (nil Ui aee I’ncie Tom’a t’abin at the Opera Houae Oetober 2Mth nod littth, with malint*e Saturday, nt p. m.

■Mm. Harriet «». l’op|i of FUie. baa i-on* tribiitnl n eollertion of ronbalernti* money to tin* .Stnle war mu*enm.

Thebirydemfee, prevMiiialy announre«|, will orrur at tbe fairxround Matnnliiy, pmvidiux the wfatber will |a*rniit.

Mra. M. (I, Ifradfey ami **t>aa. (lien and and Holiert .Miinwy, of INirtland, were Xneala in the home of F. Iwske (•tat week.

Derillo Wllaim. who bae Iwen attend* inx arluHil at Mix llapida. n*turnet| home tbia niomiux- Ht* ia ill. Ihrenteieal w ith a lever.

Mr. anti Mr-. J. II. .tblnitt atlendetl tin* weiltliiix td Miaa Miirtbii llitfenimr and Dr. Tnlair at llnblmnlaitm Tu*a»tlav oveninx-

Mim Miible \Viilbriilx»* b'ft b»r Detn»it


Orrxvc o* THE Mm-axTABt o» Mtatk. | I.AMtMO, Aax IfT, IHfIM.

To Tax Hmkbifk or -rax f’orjm or (.‘ua- Tox:

Hia:—Y«Mi are hereby mtUfted (kal at tbe xnuvral liiNiaa lo be held in tbia aixte. oa Tawidxf iaisundiax ilietmt Mxaday of JitwreadSar xasl,.||M xiUowiac nMMevirweaSobaiSeeSad, (Ms.;

Axomwaor. IbMUamuii xnveraor, eae-’ mSavy of avase. atuSa traaeomr. aaditor xeMBBl, aStomey aauarfatead-eat of pablic ineirwetbia and oommia* aiimar uf tbe alale laad «»Mep, alao a member of tbe elate hoard of letaeatioa ia plaee of Hux*** A. Wileon, wboeetarm of offtm will expire Darembm i’ll, 1H8M: alao ■ member of tbe atat«’ board uf wdaeatiiNi in plan* of Kllaa F. Jokaena, appuiated to All vamumy; alao a ia|M«e akwtative in uuaxv— f«»f eixlDiieoa* Xrwaaioaal diatriet <if tblw atate, to wbirh yoar ooaaty haftmipi; alao a aaaator ((»r tbe Uiaeteaath iwaatorial diatrict of tbia Htate; alao a refimaeatativa intbeatate lexi^aiure for tlw repmaeatative diatriet rompriaiox .voar coant.v.

You are alao hereby noliAed that at wUd rlert ion than* will be nabmitted to tbe iNxiph* the «|aaatioii of tbe xeaeral m- viaiun of ihetwmatilatkNi of tbia atate in aertirdaare with Meetioo two of Artida twreaty fhereof, aail Art So. 7 of tbe I'nblir .\cla Fstra MaaaMni of iMttM.

In tmtim«»ny wbernM. I have bereunto aet my huntl aad altls«*d tbe XDmt aeni <>f the State of Miebixau, at lAinaiax. tbe day and year llmt ab«»ve written.

Waxminotox (iABnxxa.Meeretary of State.

.StATKOI MX'MMlA.X.i• »r tlTE or THK Mx< MXTAHY or MTATX. |

l*A.NklX<i, Sefitemliep 18, IMItM. To the Mlieriff «»f Ihet’ounty «»f (lintoa:

.Six: You an* ben by nulitled that at tb** xm«*ml •*ieetiuii to be held in tbie atate (HI Tueaday, November M. IMPM, Ihert- will be eierUtl a member of tbe Ibianl of lUxmia of the I'uiveraity in idaeeuf tiwrxe A. Farr, who waa ap- |M»iiited to fill a varanrv cHaanl by the n*aixtialiou of t'liariea 11. Horkley, wboee term of oftin* would have exfiiml Ihreni* lier.’ll, I'.NKl.

Alao then* will lie fleeted a member of tbe Duanl of llex<*iila ol the L'nivemity in idan* of Henry M. Dean, who won a{*- puiiitnl to till a vacancy •■aumal by the death of Henry Howard, whoa** term of ottfn* woubl Imvi* ex|iirrd Dreemtier 81, iHUb.

in teatimnny wl»ere*d. I have liefwunt«» art my Iminl and altixcd tht*XTeat aeal of the .Slate (»f MirhiKau, at l.aneiux. th** day and vtar Hral abtive writt**n.

>Y.\aHINOTO.N (iAHIi.VKU..Secretary of Slat**.

tba xtvwwry atoraa

WOMEN IN DOUBTThv* *»yrrr-ml«riis siHMs.Nisrryr sHfur ) , . .• c s - ^ .^ai s• m Wnuii -,hom> mt ■un.ima it (letUK I Ilf ocenaioii o( bia*rvfntb birth*


Mr. iiimI Mra l. F. t’n»key, iil.lknin, t Ihio, who bnve |N<**n \iailiaK Mra. I’eter t’lnvty and oIIm t St. .lobm* n*iHtivea (or the |N»«>t two wta-ka lelnmed home Mon- - day.

\y. H. Irnwrenre. ol < oiiilMtny It. .'•Ill '- »«itn|>maknt>rer P.».kkaiu; Hh* I

_ lk« ftf the primie Kvery boi u tbn<t* weeka with hi-xnindmother,w»rrMt«Nl. M» 4nwwt<ta. by matl on re i ' .7 . ,•Tjg ’( i»r»«*e A* ceew kail ♦l.wa. tnil jflill Mra t IVkennx, anil other reinlivea,

CO.. wH„mr,l t*. hi- home l., Oveland. Sat*(-. F \ nil Sickle. St. J oh ne, Mich aciin. j .i iirday.

HBm-i kjpoulttaa, ai«r« Inkiant re lial l>r. WUiUau'lkHikkPileu.Bi-


Child’s Calfskin Shoe, JSoft ami riexilde, ami Touxh ne Sted, will wear l.tlNOFIt ami keep the teat DllYFH and W.MIMFH than anv olln-r .Shoe made, hna II STI(ONt) .ST.W over tmek aenm nmi StM.F I.F.\THFIl tifia, ('oim« in ( (Hn nr IVbb* toe, lied or .Sprinx Hfd, Hutton or Imn*.

Size 6 to 8 $1.00 Size 0 to 13 $1.35 Size 13 to 3 $1.50

And every pair Wnrrnntctl to jfive Antinfaction.We have the exclusive sale of these ex­

cellent ShoeA in this locality.

Woodruff & TrompTHE SHOE DEALERS.

tbia morninu. vvii**n* ale-will-tmly ateme 1 al-t* nxrnphy. Sh** inlemi- tieinx X*’*'*' alaiut aiiiie lex'elninn*, ai\ month-.

Mamtal. it*liMler ‘J7!ml. bv Willanl t’ l.yon, Fa(| . .\rtbiir rmlor ami Mia»».Ittainn t’altlfr. ImiiIi of iibvt* Towndiip,(lintoa foiiniN, .\lii'bixMii.

,1. S. t’ollin-. tt' l^a*aiitib>i, waa tbeXueat of Key. \V. F. .\llen over .>und4iy.He a|Mikt* on mia«iioua nt Hh* llapti.l rhiin*li .Siindiiy eveninx.

Mm \Y. if. Ilurk nnd little dauxhter, who have la*en viaitinx rdiitiviw m .S|.John- for tie* |iaat few weeka. Mt for tbeir liomt* III l.t*mi\, Monday.

Mr. Mild .Mm F. I.. Itoolinx xnve ntpiail aup|ier at t heir biMiit* on Sprinx at rret Inat Thiiratbiy fveniox ton few frienda VVliwt wiia pniviileil for tlie erenitix a entertain* ment.

On another foinmn will la* found tbe fvinniitntiou table. Tber«* wen* errom in it Ma it Hpiawml in the pnM><e«linKaof tin* lioMnl laat week, and therorrect form ia Xiveti.

If you want a rhicki*n |i*e aa|i|MTtliat wrill ilo you xoo*l. you can x^t it at Hie

> I’onxreKntioiitilrhnrrb riNima tomorrow.The moBi*y nueml will xo into Hit* build*

; inx fnmiMm I.. I'aulMd la now niedy ba*aleil

in her new -tore on** tliMir wiulh of the , obi l«Nittbin. She now baa a (Iih* a*Hith ahnw window in nddlHon to th** fnint wimloww.

Mm. Mary llolbmhrek, of Avon, X. V., aiid ilauxblrr, .Mm linitie MHidlan, ami Mm. Samh Slevena, of t'hiraxo.

jafient WialiHwilny With the family of H.H, Slf*flliena«HI.

Flection day thia year will (all im the etahth day of Sovemher. tbe lattwl |MMf elide liate uiiiler the law nxinx the annual alrctbHi for the firet Tueaday alter the Srwt Monday in the mimth.

Mrw. .N. M. Motm-, of Detroit, will xive a frm* ilinatratad iectwrw to ladim ow health and raw of the body, la tbe Man day opImmiI room of the Methodhitcbareh

Taakday Now mhai 1, at p. m.Hahleet, ’Me wtimaa iwaa’a e(|aai.” .All ladien are r«>rdially invite*!.

.\aMmx Hhmc who waat to Detroit im the excwrwMMi Taoadoy were Mr. aad Mra. K. Ntebohi« Mbw Anna Dnoliax,Mrw. R. U Ibwdiax. Mina Myrtle Riebard- aon. Mtm Mabd Maboftrld. Mrw. M. K.Hibba, Mra. A. M. Drwlie, Mr. aad Mrw,I. D. fSebmoad aad Marry WIIHama.


Mt. JoiiXk. Mich., tb-t. IU, 1HUU. To THX Fl MTOM** OFt’U.VToN t'OF.VTY:

You an* hereby notilied. in occordanet* wHi Hh* atatute in aocli twee maile and bnivide«l. that at tbe (ianenil Flection to |a* lM*ld III thia etnte. im tbe Tueet^ny NOC-ifediox the Mret Monday of .NnvembiT next, Hia follow inx olftcere an* to bi* deeti<«l, viir \ Hovemor, Ideutenaat Hovernor, Mtcretary ol Mtaie, State Treanurer, Auditor tieaeml, Attoroev (lenemi, .Sniihrintfiidant of I'nbiic In* atmetione. and t'omroiaMoner of tbe HUite louid Htttce. hImi a member of tlie Ktatf lloani ol E^tucation in fdaif of Fuxen** WiliMiu, whnoe term of ottke will •*xpire Dwionber 81at, iHftW; atiMi a inemlMT of the State licmnl of Ftioca- (ion in|diireo( K^iaa F. JnhniKHi.aiifMiint* twl to nil viicaocy: aloom member id tbe fRiard 01 Ilex* lira of tbe (Jaiterwity in |dacc of (ieorpe .A. Farr, who waa n|e IMiinteil to till n VM«**uicy enaaial by nw»- iXUHtion «d t’bariea H. Ilackley, whoae term of ottlf** would nave expiml Dei*- einlier 81. IfMW. al-o a nnanber of the IliNird (d llexenta ol thi* l’nivemity in )dai*i*tH Henry S. Itmn.who waa n|i|aiiiil* tal to till u vacancy cauaed by the deatli of Henry Howanl. whoae term of ottiri*

I would have ex|»in*il l>eeember 81. iiImi a i'eprea**ntalive In (*onxn tht*eixhtti I'oiixntaiMonal diatliet id tbia atiitt*. to wlii(*ii Ibiacoanty lieionxe; al«o H aeiiator tor the neiH*ti*enth aemitoriMl fiiainet of tbia atate. to wbicb Ihiwcoiiiit.v

After Novwmbar let will rioaa at M o’elokk.

L. 1«. f^tiMi, of Dwraad, waa ia Ht. Jobaa tba Irat of tba waak.

Mr. aad lira. li. K. Walhridpr wrara i iVirolt tbe latter ball

The HcNitbam fUatoa cautkia will nmat at HxtblhiUmlay, Nor* axiSarStb.

Mia. L. Pika laft tbia aooa for tiaiaaa wbam abe will rlait bar molbar a weak, after wbiab aba will xu to l.aaaiax. brr fatnre koiaa.

Miaa C. A. Mlmver ood Mra. Frank Hyatavwla Mania tee tbia weak attaod* iax • mvatiax "f Ikv Htota Fadaration of Womaa'a Clafaa.

Mvw. S. Laa mtarwad Hatovdo^ from ■ two nKMtba viait wltb ralaitlvaa aad frienda in Jaobaoa aad Itextar and otbor poiata in tba auatbam port id tbe otofe.

You nan halp aloax tba oaw t’oaxrnxn* tioaal eburob bniidiax aad eajoy yimr* relf at the oami* Hma by baylnxa ebiekao |iiaaa|iper tomorrow araaiox at tba Con* xrexatioaal chareh nioma.

Tbe ixdore«l iadivklaal, wbo atole a grip baiiHigiax to F. V. Mardoek from thi* Hrand Tmah atatiiNi laat week, idead xnilty aad waa taken to tba Datroit lloore of C/orrwetiou by Mbiwiff Daan, ioat Wed* matlay.

MW newBii* Holyoaka died Saturday Hetober ‘IU, at lier home in Karrka of roaanmptiim, axed 2:1 yeorw. Tbafanaml waa rondocted at tbe booae Tueaday aftemiMMi by liar. Warner, and advent miaiater from Ixinainx-

Willani Lyon, who ia tm tbe Hnlaay farm lempomrilj, near Hral. waa in town yeat«vday. He mya that botb hima*4f iumI wife ea)oy farm IMe, aad it makaa them bomeaick to even think of rominx to town.

Fioeabarlb ft Hemlewon I’uHe Tom Cabin Co., traveiinx in tbeir own private ram with t wen ty*ltvf* people. Ilranatiand and ouparh orcbeatrn at Hpem iloaoe Fridiiv and Saturday nixhta, Hetober 2Ntb andSUtli. .Idmiaoion IfW* and ‘J6c. Ueaervtal aeata Itk* extra

Till* anowatomi ywatenlny morninx. wbieii enjoyeit the diatinrtion id lowax thefirat of the oeaaoo, not orly cauiwd overronta to he lixhtly buttoa***! up Imt it mode tbe yoiinx man who hml eaioyeil too freely thefmita id hia labor wonder "juat where that nummer oalury hadXOIH*.”

If you n<«ul an odvertiaement to Hm* effect Hint a i***rtain Hrtii in oome diataiit I Ity will -end you an **l**xaat tinted eoxrnvinx of Hh* Irnttleahip Miuaeforom* dollar—oaid «*axrN%'iaxto beappmveil bv the Cnitaii Mtatea x^Temnaaot—don’t bite. The>- will oend you a two-cant reveaue atainp and .vou won’t have luiy iHM* but yoiimelf to Idame (nr ynar atu* INility.

Frank II. Itnoe wi*nt to Alnrohall thia week to oiwuine tht* manaxemeut ol the Mamball Stnteaman, on** of th** leadinx Kefiubliean pa|a*rH of Calfaonii county. Mr. Ilnoe ia a < a|iabie, nil nmnod iiewa- |ia|ier man with lonx and vnluahlt* e.\* (lerienn* aa it local writer of ability. He haa many (rnaida in thia city, wliere he

BTVIUIRTM!till!: (,.*1 Good U oi Countless Ameijcans Due to Paine's

' CeleiK Conpind. ~'

ConntiwM hnmea in arery city in < nnd xradoated in maicini* at Y’ale..Atn-rtca have bran oavel from HM*aud looa of aome deafiairiiiz membar by l‘aint*'a ce)ar>' comfioaod.

The atorjr of (he life-work of th«*«liacov* erer id thia world-famed remedy ia famil­iar to moat roadera. Tbe likeneoa of Dartmoath’a xreatrat pmfeoaor, I'rof.

j hldu'iinl F. I*hel|ia. M. 1).. 1.1.. I).. xItcii I above, ia Uh* beat [lurtrait td him yet ! firinted.I

*‘Fxc*>f)tinx it- handful of inaxniHeent Mtateameti nnd ite military, heroea,” naya Hh* moat reneiit writer UfMin luid

. ___ ... ... . I critic id .Amivica. “the ia*oiite owi* morehua rreently held tbi* fNioitinn of city 1 ' 'talitnr of the Intnainx Tribune.—I.anainx ■*'* ^^**^*”*****^ ** phteician teacher than Journal. ; to any otlH*r one man.

Mm. Ilmdley, id Cortland. Miebixan ; “I"''••’f.v walk of tile, nmonx the bixh*waa in town laat week Saturday upti i “•f'**^*’-'*'**hler*» at the nHliomil (*npltal,

'"'"''Ipliiceil lier order with F. F. Munb- k f„r the' H fl’J.N mtiBument to he erect. tl at .mce | the erery-day folk-

in tbe i»-meiery at I'ortiantI, at Hiei*’^***** '’^••'•try, famiiiea in comfortable xrnvt* (d Iht late buaiiand, Sini**itn |jJ‘'ireiiniatiMicra. famiiiea that ■|lTt*from

rettr»<Meatutive in Hie liir tbe retireai*iilHtive

li-tnet ciiiMpnaiux >tiia <*oonty , nlait tin* fiilliiwinx •'onnty ottiiera. vis: .1-lieriff, I'liunlv clerk. rexi-*»a* of dee«lk. cimiitv trt*a«>urer. |irtia*-‘ntiiix attomi*.v, two cin'uii ci.iirt cttiiiiui—lonem, twociiroii- era unit h ci.iint v -iirveyiir. You nreiilatt hcreliy niititieii that iit -aid deetion tliere will la* ntibmiHetl lo the |ie«l|de tile i|uea- tiiiii of Hicireneral revioion id thecoiiali* tiition of thia atate. m accordance with aectitm two of article tw*Hity tlien*«d, iiimI \ct No. 7 of Hh* I'libliv .Acta (d the cxtni ia<aaion id IHUh.

.\. F. DiSheriff of Hinton County, Mn-b.

!fa« Pmmr.A little girl waa one day running W

down a atreet when elie accidentally fell, cutting her hand on u atone. A benevolent old lady went up to her i ^ and naaisted her to nae, at the name time excluiming:

”My poor we»i laoaie! My poor wee laoaie! Are you much hiirtt” |^|L

The little piece of buuiunity wt|ie*l away her team and exclaimed indig* itV uantly:

’’I’m 110’ u puir laaaie. Aty father Imh uiuiiey in the bank!”—London Tit-Bitw.

Gland Trunk Railway System 2Arrlvnl aad driMirtare aftralka at Ht. ,

JtiMa-. la -Xi'ct May 16. Ihvh. wkjiTk*irait l.aave. Aniva mS

• M. liaTae A Maakr-xon tl<i47ain IA 17pii tn ■’t'Zpki HR .14 pw

'(•1. HavraA latoniHallatat? * H |Na IMRAa** j *(>1. Iiari*«i A Ma-a-uoa *n AM aoi-l | 4akk>

,1.--- till ar. kOi. f4 Jlo p »

Ilmdley. Mr. Murdock ia full ol work, havinx cx|H-rimredtlielN4i| -rttaoii’atrade aince

I.iat oi lettim iwirertiaed no* ae fid* Iowa' Miaa ItertliH Ibiyd, Mm. J. D. Crip|ien, E'. \y Ddlon, Mra. D tiardner. M. .A. Hai|a’r, Mm. Mary Michell. Mm. MeJeffriea. Harry MHpiiaton, \Y. H. Hih , D. Hire, (i. .Sexton, Jny Smith. Mm. H. Sherman, Fn*«| .Stneker, Eklwin C. Smith, C L. ShuHey. Mm. A. Sani|iter. .Achillea Tall, Mre. Mnivnndn AA’attrra, Mm.IMiii AYilliam-.

luiad tn mouth.’ and ixiold nol, if they wiahiai. affoni the aorvicaa of any but an onlinary pbyainnn—erer>'wlM*rt* I have met |M*opie to whom I*aiiM*'a c*4rry com- |Minnd baa liorn a Meoaiiix.”

It iaa worid-lamed dlaroviT.v by I'rof, I'bolpa of an infallible cure for tboae feartnl iMa %bat reault from an im|iHin*il nervnna -yatewi and impure biiMMi which baa andiNirad tie* xreal doctor to the world, nnd mailc hia lih* nn ern in tin* practHv* id iiitdiciiie.

I'lol. l'be(|Ni waa l-ini in (’tHinri*i rn

Hia iinnaual talaat a«MMi bmoght him refHitHtion aad iimniinewei* aroonx hi- pndfwaioiial brathron. F’trat be waa elected to the prolwkaorahip of anatomy ami ourxery in the Yermont L'nivemity. Next lie waa appointed terturwr on lun- t«wta nnlica aad nedtral botany in Ibirt- mouth Collext*. Tbe next year be waa ciiooen profeaeor of Hh* chair then ra- catiai by i'lid. Hobby, aiwi ocriipieil tbi* chair, the oioat important (nw in tbe country, nt Hh* time when b« (irat formu­lated hia moat reoiarkuble perorription. I’rof. INielpa hoa xfrm to hia proteiaion in I’aiiH*’a rriary com|Hiund a poailive cun* for aieifiliwaneoa, waatinx atrenffth. dya|M*|Nuu. Iiiliouaneaa, liver comfiiaint, iieunilxia. rheumatiom, all nervoua di- a**aam and kidnoA' tmubloa. It ia the only aiaa-iffc reroxoiird and praocrlbeil tmlii.v by tilt* lieat phyaieiana tor dNwiiaea ana- inx from a debliitat«'ii nervooa ayatem. For aiicb complaint- I’aine’a f*elery rom- IHiiiml ancr«w<da ngaiii nod oxaiii when* ererytbinx i*!-- fail-.

No n medy waa ever oo highly reetjm- mended, lieraiiae none eviT accomplialiea ao iiiurii.

I’aine’a r**l<*r.r corofinuud -tand-with­out rom|>etiHon for feedinx •*xhauateil iH*rx'ea and buildiux U|i the at reox th of tin* ImnIv. It rare- radically luid {mt* nmneiiHy. .A hmithy iiH’Peaoi* in apio*- tife and li corrm|Mindinx xain in wi-ixlit and xiHitl apirita follow tiieuat* uf I’aine’a «***|ery coniiMMinil. It ia the nmat remark* Mbit* iiHtiii'iil iicliievcment ol Hin* Inat (half of the nineteenth crntnrv.

PeopI Cause.

HI RA AM 17 AH padlxeit lit l|i|, li|Nla

-•aTOtilxHDo* , (’kitiMta A *-■! _Del.. fTlIrawti via iMiraail H R 04 piw HI ARp«k He*., I'lMiattw a mat (A I 7 pm flu 47 miOM., <'aaitt4*i A ewaf *11 40 pie *A .AMMlieit III llwttwMt t4NOpinf|nRA

(Kimpt N«k«laY. •Dalljr, ‘^trrplax i,,_ parlnrrar aervire.

waoraoi 47-M trnla have parlor ear to Qraa#

nap4«l<i,extra rharoe 'J.t eeuia.7 AH p. M. irolk haa Parlor HoXot ear ah-

lorhe*! Iietroll to Uraad Mavra. Ratra I oharwv *3Ar

-••raorwa. |a RA a. ki. trata arwi partor ear to Detratt

Kxtra rPaiwr RAe. I'aMaMMi partae ear lt» tmtt to Toeoato i naarrtlax with alaeaar bw the Xaat aad New York.

A 17 u. a*, trala haa aarlorear to Detroit. Katraebarwe RAr. Pnlliaaa oWepar (letrat* lo Toroato. *«aia*a*lna Hrtdwa, llaXalc PhUadetpBta aadS^ York.

II 4*1 p ki. train haa tBroagh day paHar ear* aad aleeper Wladaar to Waxpeaxtai HHdpr, naSiUti. Now Yorh aad ll«M«oa.

M RA a. BI. aad IR o4 a. ai. tnuaa maarn at Daraad ivtth * U. T. invhdoa tar CM

That Great Exponent of the Com- mon People's Rin^hts,


NGREEJwill Deliver a Speech at ^


St. Johns, Tuesday j Evening:, Nov. i. t

M RA a. ai. aad B 17 p. ai.tralaarnaaaet at I Daraad with I . B. A M.IPr Bawtaavr aad Hay i nty aad vrttht' A u. T. DtvtXaa far Port i yiaroa aod Rattle f>eeA.K. H.Hroiliai, BBN. PLKTmXII, I

A. II P. A Tvtav. Paaa, Aar«ii |

Equal Taxation and • Other Im-t t t

portant Questions.No one shouM misR henrinff Michiygnn’R governor, who has cndcnird himnelt'

to the hearts of all dunn;; the nnst few monthn, hv hig kitiHIv care nnd snlicitiidr|Or the soldiers, on the Held nnd in sonthrm cumps.

ITHOMaRI LBT.Awaai.nt.Ji




Bo-cal)«d chlckM cholera. Inveatlca- tlon will often prore, U but an extan* alee development of vermin. The healthy ben Is free from vermin. Al* most invariably other ailments, except of course, colds and cnees of roup, are mainly due to vermin. The bens that are infested with vermin are so debili* uted that they readily succumb to dis­eases, and are also more apt to get colds and roup than bens not Infest­ed. It Is duriux warm weather that eternal vigilance liecomes necessary to keep down Insect peats that abound where neglect allows them to once get a foothold. Kvery known device must be utilised during summer to keep the vermin pests of the poultry yard in check. The first and most Important consideration will always be (leanli* ness of the most thorough nature. Wild fowls rarely ever l*ecome Invested with vermin to any great degree, because they are not confined to restricted quarters In large colonies, like domes- tl< fowls. Under conditions such as Is necessary to resort to In keeping do­mestic fowls, the vermin pest takes advantage of everj- neglect. When the summer season arrives, which Is so propitious for the increase of vermin in the poultry yards and bouses, extra exenlons and all known methods roust become the order of the day. Finely pulverlxe<l soil kept under cover will afford the fowls a chance to In­dulge In dust baths -nature’s plan for ridding birds of vermin. If some to­bacco dust. Insect powder, and once in a while powdered sulphur Is added to the dust bath, either will hasten the extermination of the pests.

All the material used in the nests of the layers should be taken out and burned every three weeks. The nest boxes should then be thoroughly swabbed out with coal oil. Use a wide brush, such as painters use for varnish­ing, and see that the coal oil gets in all the crevices of the nest. This treat­ment will kill the nocturnal mites and nits that find snug hiding places alH>ut the nest boxes. The same treatment, and as often, should Iw given to the rousts. These accessories should be taken out on a sunny day and ('oal oiled and left in the sun to dry. While they are out it will lie a good plan to whitewash the interior of the hen­house.

As soon as a hen hatches out a brcwd burn the nesting material, and t-ual oil the nest l>ox. When the «.hick>. are three days old ever> chick's head


TImx Mwm U» ITMa rwmm Uss mmd

Of one thing tbsra must be a car- Ulnty. and that Is. that they are kept free from lice and mltas. Then It Is equally certain that If not careful la the use of remedies for tbsos the poults msy be killed. A little pure lard on the head, around vent, and on the wings where the (light feathers come out. may be used to advantage, but too much Is abaolutely fatal.

Kee«l nothing for twenty-four hours. When you take them off the nest Lake all the pip off the bill, and give a grain of black i>epper, cracked with the teeth. Now this may not do one particle of good, but from childhood 1 have seen it practiced, and so do It. If poasible, put them out where there Is short grass, for there is nothing a poult likes better than grass. Milk curd Is tbs lisst food I ever used for young turkeys. Where this is scarce, table scraps sre very fine. 1 know a Isdy who batched and raised twenty-five turkeys without the loss of one until they were grown, and she simply supplied their food from the ubie. giving lettuce and on­ions as green food, snd auttermilk or sweet milk was use<l in mixing feed.

It is very hard to get a young tur­key to change its habits of eating. If you <'oromenre feeding them In a plate. It is hard to change to s pan or on the ground. The same holds true of the diet. Whatever they learn to est at first la what they want until they are grown. I see cracked corn fe<l raw Is highly recommendeil for young tur­keys after they are a few weeks old. I he great trouble is In feetling too much. If they are fe«l only a little while when very young, still not al- loweil to get hungry it will save much trouble. If the fe***! rould l»e scattere*! and the turkeys allowed to hunt for it. It would be much Iwtter for them.

!V> not let the poults get wet. I am trying to plan a way to have the roost on a dirt floor, yet not on damp earth. I think the dampness of the ground gives them'rheumstlsm. or makes them delicate, but the hen mashes the imults on a plank rto<ir. i think If the dirt can be thrown up around the t-oop. so ss to keep the ground dry. It will be l»etter.

I Fowls .-an be prevenie<l from roosl- itng on the e<lge of their nest boxes I by placing a two-inch roller at the I front of the boxes as shown in the ii-

VIST WITH KoLLSa.lustration. The roller revolves easily upon a wo€>den pin at each end. The .-.ides of the lioxes are made slanting

should be greased. This should l>e done Ifg,. ume reason, late in the evening just at dark. Heal ( lltMate lor I’wNlleT.

What kind of u climate Is best suited hick s head sore, as then appears to poultry? The answer lissed on the

rluh reimrls alone would be: A cold climate, the colder liie l>etter. It is notshie as one looks over these reports

•ume brands of iard will make the

be •<»me strong chemical subst.inre in the lard It is safest and i»esi to use sweet oil. init enough oil on the endof the finger to completely anoint the comparatively few poor ones cometo|i of the head of eat h chick If .vou havt .ard that you know Is pure It can be used. (Iresse the mother hen under the wings and over the vent The warmth of the hen's body diffuses the grease, which Is lb*- main reason of tb< m.fflsity for doing the work In ihc ev.'^ning. If done in the morning dirt .vdh'T*.- to tile lard and It doe=. not ge an opportunity to liecome so effee- tive Coal ull the tos de of the iirooder tiM ijn« i it, w» eK ai.d turn them up Mt lb< un 'an shine in them for half u u.i\ Move the : to new ground aliej?, twl*-e a week,

l,ei the hens aiul .hick.: have a chance to chcr-.^-' between siin^ihlne and »had«. Hare .vnrds, those w her< no veg-

fmni Maine and New Hampshire, the —.t represented of the far northern

I states. Taking other northern states, as New York. .Michigan, and .Mlnne-

ila. It is round that a large proiMiriton of the re|»orts from each stale are of

• flock- doing remarkably good work. i.Monuna and Wa..hingtnn may Ih- omit-

■ d from this category of northern uatea, liecatise at the points in th«*se

• 'ate' from whlcli reports come, the i weather for this past wtni.. at least

eems to have l*ccn very mild. Indeeil .Sav.iiinah (fJa.f menil»er re|>ort' some

older '.ve«liter than any of the mem* .era from Montana and M’ashiiigton.

j It would he natural to exiiect that in t distrlft having u mRd winter rll*

elation exists, aeti many fowls are jiuate hens would lay l»etter during the kept should be .spaded up every tec sinter (ban in a region where the win* da)>. and during ihs Inierv-^ning time . ters ara severe. Hiich a conclusion Is ocrssionully give iht yard a dressing of | logical, if it is true, that to make hens air flaked lime. Do it in the evening ;i.»y in winter we must reproduce sum- after the fowlc hare gone to roost. j mer or spring conditions: hut, here are

seen hens in our coldest districts lay­ing generslty, bettsr than hens in the warmsat areas; .tntf at the same time the t»eat layers In all sections laying .ilmut alike

_ _ _ ll»e »er«n-hle« IVw.\5^en one hat buV a i principles we think It Isa

mistake to have the scratching room under tbe floor of the pen, and think the scratching shed next the pen offers very decided advantages, llavlag the scratching room beneath the pen llfta

flew IteaixFowls are more prolific than rattle,

and reach maturity in a year, an ad­vantage that should be appreciated, which enables tbe poultry man to arrive at a paying basis sooner than by any other method.small capital, therefore, the desire to make a profit from poultry In a year should not be entertained. A small In­vestment will lead to the establishmentof an industry that wlH give satltfac- , . . .w . ... ..tory r. ,uiu in a few years If the poul- ***' “J* “inrmsn has the patience to wait until he can get estSblisbe<l by tbe increaoe of bis flock rather than by capiul. Kvery additional fowl to tbe flock gsined by Increase is so much gain of rspilai: sad what cannot be arcom- p“-^ed at once may be done In a loag- er lime The heginaer who desires to enter tbe poultry btialness must, there fore itsfi at it with a view of tnillding himself up. aad he asast not expert any returns until he has reached a point at wbirh he can derive sulllrlent profit to afford him a comfortable living.

much colder; then. too. the scratching hMtement Is lower, gets lass saoshlne, and Is apt to be damp. Home of tbe hens are alrooet certain to lay there, neceealtating going In after the egga. aad in cold weather crawling In two or three times a day to get them before they freete. The scratching room iindei the lloor of the pen Is certainly better than no ecralchlng room at all, but the open front scratching shed as shown In the last number Is much su­perior to this plan.

Hmm Wo* I nrMl.Two or three years ago I had a penMsov who have gohe into tbe poultry ■ . .... _ .w ... . tw.. e.. |of l^horns that l>egan eatlag theirhuslneas aad msda no profit tbe first ' ^ . _ ___ _ , . .... __ ______ _ ___ - . I eggs and becaaie so persistent In Ibis


year ceased operaUeas. when In fact they bad undergone a year's experl- earr and should have continited. The ob)e.^t should be to take plenty of time get ready, and incranes only to tbe ex­tent of the flopttal.

ivke that I noticed one day two or three bene standing armind a neat on which a hen was sitting, and so eager were they for the new laid egg that one of them repeetedly thrust her head under the body of tbe one on the neat,

Mkieetwg rewiirv j hunting for the new-laid egg. Imme-In dlstoare of shipping poultry aad idlately I placed In the nosi a half doaen


eggs It all depends upon the time of year In the winter, during cold gMPtha. poultry sad ttm can ha shippod alOMOt spy dislanee which will arrive la iho tlam of a weak or tea days, la warm waaikor In refrigera­tor cars, effv will carry jimt as loag. Poultry, If parked rlgkt. will stead from two to tkree lars aa tke road.


me«h<Hl •« CoHop tor M^s »• M«* Wselher ^

WtUsMt Aaasysass.awine tkrlva mack better out of I

doors during warm, sumamr weather, j But a paaturp lot la not always avail- | able, while hogs at large alMMit the premiees are unmitigated nulsaneea. It is poasible. however, to provide sum­mer quarters for swlae out of doors after tbe fashion shown In the accom­panying Illustration, aad that, too, eas­ily and cheaply. Five pens are here grouped under one shed roof, that Is battened, not ahlngled. Yards in tha


glass eggs and one on the lloor. This cooled the ardor of the epterprlslng blddtee, and they gave up the haMt la disgust. Afier about ten days I re­moved all the glaae egge but one. I have not bod a rerurrenee of this trou- ide until about a month ago, when I again tried the s.vmp remedy with com­plete succeea.

utrraotta riorax.rear give acceaa to tbe ground, while the front Is sufficiently open to give pure sir sU the time. A hinged iMuird gives access to the trough, that pro­jects slightly beyond tbe front. Such a structure can be made longer or short­er. to ar«-omm(Mlste any number of hogs, while tbe pens may l>e made without fiourlngs. if preferred, thus lessening the satpensc.

TiM Hmt mmISee if the sow has any milk and

whether the bag is caked. If caked, grcaitc well with equal parts lard and coal oil, aa warm aa can lie applied. I wring a flannel cloth out of hot water as hot as I •an bear it. and lay on the l>ag of the sow. You will be surprisedto see how the cake will yield to theapplication. One application la nearly always sufficient and as soon ss the sow gets up give her a warm, weak gruel, or dish water snd keep that up at each feeding time until the sow Isfree from fever. She will then have agCMid appetite; tbeh i>egin to increase the slop in riebneas and quantity and you can then begin to feed whole com. soaked is belter than dr>'; then you can see the pigs grow, and be sure to add all the milk you ran get to your slop. .As soon as tke little pigs begin to turn around, place a shallow trough outside of the sow's pen and pour a little milk In it for the pigs, and they will soon begin to drink with relish. Then feed a little soaked corn aa soon as they can begin to crack it. they en­joy it. I like to feed the pigs away from their dam. and at ten weeks old they are ready to wean. I aim to give the pigs at this age such feed as comes nearest milk. This Is the time to lay the foundation for a profitable hog. which consists largely of bone and muscle. Nature is our best example, and milk is the food nature provided, and wc should feed such food as comes nearest fulfllling that want to lie suc- • eaafiii as breeders and feeders. The size of the litter at this time should be largely bone and muscle, and not fat; and to produce this result requires a bulky and not a concentrated food. A range of blue gram, alfalfa or i-Iorer aids in giving a good iaine and cap«c. ity for rounding up and putting bn the flesh when tbe time comes, with a richer and more concentrated food. A profitable hog must have a well-devel- opeii abdomen, and we should respond to the demands of the pig at the dif­ferent slagas of its life to at-romplish this. The pig should never be allowe<l to stop in growth until he Is ready for the market.

\n4^.The Rural Canadian says that fifteen

Hrrc^ of rai»e will fatten .IfH* sheep, or twenty sheep to the acre, if corn and iiais are given with the rape. It Is be­ing uae«| os a aiimnier food when the -caiuin is too dry for a full crop of uranr. and If cut four Inches from the griiunil when two fret high, it will Nproiit and grow out again, and several succcsstve crops may thus lie grown ■ind rut. It is, however, more use<l as pasture Ilian for mowing.

The crop raaihes its full growth In two months, but the sheep may be turned upon It or it may t>e rut when but partly grown. If It Is needed. A gCKKl way to use It is In cut and feed It lightly to tbe aheep at first, and then turn them In for an hour a day until they l>ecome accustomed to it, as there la a liability of bioatlog If allowed to eat ton heartily of It at first. Pmlia- bly rotting la the laoet economical way of using It where the field is near by and labor le not tor> expensive, Imt pasturing involves but little labor, sod is better adapted to large floeka. In fattening sheep It is a very good food, but ground grain should be fed In ad­dition every night, and oata are thought tke best grain for this purpooe by tbe Caaadlaas. It may be sown In May or Juae, using three or four pounds of seed to the acre. Home sow it among <-orn at the last time of cul­tivating. and let the lambe Into tbe corn field when the rape la about one foot high. The iambs do not hart the com any.

One of tbe beet devices for feeding loose oats and hay to sheep la to place the feed just outatde the sheep lot fence guide of palings placed such a distance apart than the sheep can reach through to eat.

TIte *mm at r'wrc<mHm.Never feed Inside of tarelve hours of

the time of farmwing; then give warm 1 slop made of one gallon of milk or wa­

ter. oae quart bran and oae-half pint ! of oil cake or two tableepooas of raw

llneeed. Next time Increase a little with shorts or oat chop Urn no laxa­tive, After the third day she nmy be riven ea marh three tiines dally m she win take.

■mt TMoswOpM sed Ombs teer MA Awef. Ts qell tebasee easlty aad terever. ba omx

Bests, tall ef llto. serve aed vtaav. tabe Ne-Tw ■ae. Uto aaator wwrbsr, tbas aebea wees mtm esraeg- All dregxtese, (to or N. revegeerea

' seed Reebles sad aaam*s Rea Addeees ■lerttag Rseaedr Oa. Obtoam er Nea Yerk.

A Watrv Vato AlMal Aweerteaw lo WMeb Kagitob lapev Olve Ctredoao*.

Here la oae of the fairy talm about American ruatoma that And rredenea in Knglaod. It is from one of the lead­ing ooetety weekilea: "The profas-alonal bridesmaid Is one of the latest transatlantic Institutions. Whether from unwillingness to Incur expense or to receive the coat of a dress fiom the bride's lamlly, the young ladle* who belong to the creme de la creme of New York society are no longer available for this purpose. Borne aay they are not Invariably up to the xrcepted stan­dard of lieauty. Bo It cornea about that a good-looking, graceful girl may earn $Su and all expenses for appearing at one of the fasulonable maliiroonlal <eremonles of 6th avenue. The other day a fair bride was followed to church by no fewer than fifteen hired virgins to bear her company. An exception­ally charming young lady can com­mand even a bigger remuneration, and one of the most sucreoafiii of these feminine acniytea la said to expect at leaa* IHtO. .She has officiated on COO occasions and saved |20.00(i, wi that her own turn may mmc very simn."

tto*llns Ittu •! Slle* wimI ixiniion women have discovered a

very agreeable way of ridding their homes of flies and mosiiuliues. They burn oandai wood in the house. This ia an Oriental ides. In Ix>ndon It is possible to get the wood prepared for this purp<HM>. but here it Is not ao easy, as American women have not yet taken to the practice. Now that the festive fly and the mrrr>' mosquito arc aliout to make their appearance, al least the Jerseyites might do well to give the sandal wood a trial. Bandal wood .-*an be Itought at almost any Turkish or Japanese importing house. It Is pre- {•ared for burning t-> being first cut Into small pltnes a half an Inch thick and three Inches long. Then U is baked nr dried out in a slow oven for twenty-four hours. ,A piece of the WfMxl is put Into a metal urn. lighted an<l all<iwe<| to burn iwiM! well aflame, when the flame Is extlnguishcil and the red-hot emiwr left to smulder until the wood is (onsiimed and nothing is left but a heap of fine Kra> ashe.s During the smoidcriUK pr«K'es« the wtsui -ends out a sweet anil aromatii smoke.

riwvM Tlta« karmtog la Naw Xagtaad Cwa ■a HaAa I* Vhg.

The Dobisnt but notable acklevemaat of a Connecticut widow on a farm puta to shame the i-omplainlng farmers who ibsart that farming In New Kngland la profltlass and who, falling to sell tbe fkrms which they have srorn out, abandon them snd nnter into the llerc- er competition for a livelihood in tbe eltiea. Twelve yeoia since this widow

I Inherited a farm of Itt acrea, oae cow. a heifer, two horaas and a mortgage of 11,760. Bhe now has a herd of costs and three horaea, and has paid $1,600 on the mortgage. In other words, upon a 166-acrc f*Tm the woman seema to have made a living and saved about $160 a year, beaidas current Interest on tbe mortgage, and all this has been accomplished by a woman of 60. In addition, It must be Inferred that tbe Industry and business sense which achieved this much also Improved the farm, and thus Increased Its rash value. Few women of 60 years could do more In the average occupation. Indeed, the majority of men do leoa.

TMlcHlerl tirewlThe Princess of tVales la an artist

In wsterrolors whose works are very Interesting, apart from the fan that she is who she ia A traveler says: "1 saw two of them at the amateur art exhibition, held In Mr. Iteul>en Bas­soon's house In Belgrave square. Both looked as if they might have l>een done on the coast of Norfolk. They were exquisitely fresh In color, liold in treatment, and yet welt flnisbed, and with none of the uncertainty that oo often mars tbe work of an amateur. I am sure if the Princess of Wales wanted to earn her living she would only hsvc in set up a studio as a water- color artist. Other great ladies who could easily make a good Income are I-ady (iranby, who Is fond of taking portraits of her friends in pencil and very delicate and beautiful ones they are too and loidy Cnttenham, who does exquisitely line work like ancient missal (laintlng for the covers of hooka.**

for • Itaitv.The pillow should he fourteen hy six­

teen Inches In six*-, the ruffle four In­ches deep and hemstitched to rorrss- pond with the sheet-sham. The cover is made as a slip, with br'.tons snd


No uae lor a duster — there's no dust on

k sells too ba’* I

PLUGEvery dealer has handled Battle Ax knows tdus to be a fact. There is no old stock of Batde Ax any­where:—nothing but fresh goods, as Battle Ax xclk times more tfiaa any omer brand in the world.

All udio chew it never change.

PeRiember tfie name when/OB Di^ ^gaiR.

OGctors B. S. & Co.Tts*- IVIeHnUrsI .X(srt l«sU»l« af Its** YAistvrlr«ii Wetlle-Ml MW«t XtsmlrMl IlsalliMtr nf

MM»brKssii. Mlrli. SVIll Im- Nt thr


A Knttry llissssll-rre-hts-r.If you want to lie quite-up-to-date In

the matter of carrying the proper mirt of handkerchief, you should have It cmiirnidcricd to match the flowers you wear in your hat

For Instani-e, If you have forget-mc- Dots there, the handkerchief you carry when you gn nut should have these flowers embroidered on it. and the same with lUisieN, roseti, or any other flower. .A very pretty combination was seen the other day. which looked so spring-like and fresh. A young girl wore u white chip hat. i-overed with mignonette Peeping nut from the ptH ket of her coal wae neenthe daintily cnihto!*leresl edge of her fine camlirlc handkerchief with a wealth of mig- uuneite ornamenting it .ind forming a lovely tiorder. In the Mme way hand- kerrhlefu enihrnideresl with flowers to corresimnd with those worn on even­ing gowns are going to l»e very much the fashion .do far, while enihrniderisa for evening wear are di rl^iieur.

i/•— gf /.T•rf STEEL HOTEL, St Jolms Blich.,

Friday, November 4, 1898.

To l*re|,sir*- for Iflooor.To prepare for dlaner after a husry

day lake off she stre*t gown, take ov.t the hairpine .and take off the ;^hoes. Bros! 'he hair ; few mlnt.iee and pin It lot 'ely up Imi* not in the xaine place where if I* tntially worn. Have ready a inswl of hot water \Vhs|i the fate and ne«-k in it. Pr*-- the wash cloth, .ia hot as it ran Im' tMirne, at the Inii k of the neek and over the eyes. When the hot water has relaxe<l the tense, tired miisclri somewhat, dash cold water with toilet vinegar or oolugne in it over the fate and neck. I.le down for 16 miniitew. Keep the eyew dosed and the mind as far aa pnwslbie a blank.

Then drink a cup of hut water or hot, weak lea. I*ui on a fresh gown, and, unless the wesrlnes* has been un­usually severe, the blithest and most rested sensations follow, and dinner is a pleasure and n«>i another duty in the day's dull miitine.


button-holes under the ruffle at one side so that It may be easily reinovctl. A pretty Idea is to hav.* he h.iliy'a monogram cmi»roldcrc»| w<)hin ihe wreath on >>oth pillow-case and ^heet- sham.

KaalttafMThe faney velvet and metal orna­

ment iielts arc very much used and • very on foulard gowns.

Silk !<hirr waists arc completed with a sifH-k and long tie of the same silk.

The dntibic skirt, inirodoring dra­pery. comes more and more Into vogue.

Parasols are tucked, rti(Tle«l and trimmed with narrow frills of satin rihlton to mutch the gowns.

Sleeve differing In maieiial from Ihe I rest of the bodice are one of the changes of fashion now exciting inter­est.

When a man wear-* hl.s hat |*erfect|y straight and toi«-ly adjusted on his hMd you af- s.ife in heItc\ii)K ih.M he has a nirrespondlng straight forward- nevs of character. He is a to Its relied Tipon biisinest-like. and with a well-iMlance<i temperament


MaSv- m %«• mf if,A perwoi erliig lllile woiuaii. who Is

oiipiNirlliig lierscif. u><r oiil) makes unibrellas. hut makes a siicf'etMi of it Wlien ask«*«| Ihiw sIi«> came to go int«> the iHlstiiess oIm* said li was all cliaDf'f SIm* was eiiiployefl by an urn- hrella tminufm tnrer f«* take charge of his workrisoiis aiid till«*«| aiicb a place till be fnile«l Blie I lien eon- i-civesl the hlea of enrrylng on tlw i»iislnes*> hersHf. fth*- -“sui f'liiiMl out Ih»w ami where to »my material, which was her only slumhllng ld*M-k. .\fter this tlie iimhrelias must Im> wdd, ami she eonstlinn-il iierself Hm* sales UMti. Hhe went to all tin* largo stores ami tontliiUfsl to tn* itnill sin g«i| an amllenfo with om- •»( tin* maiia ger* ami wln-t'et er sin* •m-»fs*«le*| thus far she idtiali'etl «»nlers alMi. ami thus s|h* hnllt up a gissl hus|iit*iui.

Hlie is miw dfdiis a large Imsliteas In .\ew Yi>rk. ami siipiiiles tiiuny stores Hhe attrthiiles liet su»-»t*ss en llrely to imliisirr ami imrseverainv.

"We wanted to call the balll* off. but tksrs waaa't a while flag In tbs army.**

*'Wbal did ymi do****'0«t a piers of wedding drsoa frosB

a bride who was visiting sad waved that.**

"Regular flag n* trousssau **

A flrPs fast urea, rosy he staospad rm a young roan's haart. bat It's always her complexion that loooss up or hM coat collar.

\ \\ eIrttMtt- sHnde.

A lamp >hndc that may look very plain and rather tininlcresilng, hut Is of the greatest comfort to the eyes. Is one made of silk of a soft ruby tint, or one of the night greens, drawn al the top and eilged with a deep fringe of thick silk with a knotted heading. This Is a shape that the l>est makers are rec- ommcitdiug at present after a period devoted to the most extravagant eccen­tricities in straw and paper. The light shining through the silk Is not more subdue<| thsn If the shade be one of the other kind, hut it is very aoD and well diffused. As a reading shade there la nothing Itetter than this, wbirh must, of course, he mounted upon a wire fraase like any other shade.

Tn Make IK* Naraerx Allrarllva.Ittmms mM>«| for a nursery tcinpnr-

srily, can I**- inaile very attractive hy taking a long strip of Turkey red mitoii. lacking It lirmly inio ilie enr-

I ner*. tarrying tbe wUUli abmg Hkr a I ilado. all alwaiit tke four w:all«. this will |»n»ieet deli<ate walls fcimi de

I fneeiiieiit. alul serv<> to giv<* I lie Ut­ile |M*op|e Hii aiimctlve Imekgroiiml

I iifion which pl«-lnre« can Is- |Msied. j The [wnMiildlltlex of Turkey r*i| cut- I loti. |Miste iiml pictures lor cliil-lren’a ; ideasure eittinut Is* lirserilieil, for , everyone <an Is* sulte«|;tlie ivisl Is a trifle, and wllh gowl eeleeilon of pic-

' tttrew. many hours of a ilay ran lie pmvkhsl for In n pleasant, itaefnl

i faalilon.Kwr lUsrek awd Lsiwa Vmmtmri,

1 The latest quaint aad arttatlc addi­tion to porch or lawn furnlstalaga Is a

' large wicker chair In foraat greea, ‘roodelsd along the llaee of ths oM Re­dan chairs without the polos. Wlthla

j its capartams hooded rleptba. a woroaa nroy stow beraslf ertth hooks or fancy

' work aad be as ss.-luded froai obaer- jvatloa as though In a teat. Utile j wladowa oa eHber side give opRortua- I Ity for ahasrrattoa if dealrad. Theac 'Chairs are so light that thoy may he lifted froBi oae portion of the lawa to oaolber wtthaut tareavenleaea.

Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly ConfldentialOne I>ay Only Each Nflonth. Office HouraQ a. m. to 7:30 p. m.

K GRE: IFTER OTNEIB FMLrhe MtMt Sacceastul aad Aclenllllc Treatmeat of All Maoaaaa and Waffk^

aesses of Alaakiod Poaaiblo to Ohtaln.The most widely Mid to vrmbtr known HpsetolM In the ITnltsd toatos HU ioag ■vaatt Be.remMaahlesst’1 r.nd nntvorsnl snrrwasln tlw larrcrt bosmtnU to the wrwMenoMee n to trwUalt r'llIlo.VIOl NKIlV'^'m mitim im. ••«««• tsse wrinciptoa nisi enttiue him tom. OTTMAPf fora

*aee.remuaa(>lesst’t r.nd owlverant sqrrsaa In ttw torrert bosmtnU to tbe w«wM(■dm to trauaHr'Ilitri.VIOl NKIlVtiUM. HKIN and Ol^siD iwrmaM opon tbs toieet tfie principtoa wist enttiUe him to Um roll r-oondeuas of tlv* atfltetsd ovsrrwtwrc.

has Tto oapcrKtc in dtasaMsanit aad trenttiMi dusaase snd Oe- foraitttss. Mcdteal and Hatgtest INaeaaes. .teats aad rjiroulr

"atarrh. Maassc« u( ibf Kysv Kar. Nesc, Ttaror.t and hunes, luepepsui. Sirteht*a DUsase>, Cbforilc Kstfii J* aad Hezoai Ptasnec* sprsdiry cored byTU-hetes, Kidney. lAcrr. Hislider

ire.Mtiwnt ttvvt tmr orcet tolled in tbut»*au»Cs •>! rtMws that ho-*e. Mfttiy pntpic raeri riciuh ever* yr^iC wan migat have

* UMtr

bsvti pn>noua«wd heytmd mtoroa to pertoet health

b*!;. :bey plivc^ tbstr oasM- u the immU vt eaperta.IMFOMTAIVT TO X^ASlSa.-'bit. OTTMAN,after ;—etT rf esperteofe.lmidlTn--rsi

the graaiesi cere baswa ter all dlsesii sjacntlat to tbs an.. f emsH. SUsasss rsiaHIvsty rersd by tbe esw remedy, OWM RIpORROal. Tto cere Uegectru kemetcMimest. CTsilrely barmles* asd easily applied Ceawaltatloc. Vne aad atrictly Coaddrrtlai.

na. OTTXiAM Operaus esccrealsllv ss*: 1 SSAFKSaa. 1 evre Vi rwc irct. «f all paielessly (*r seslat eyss. peerTpism. irslec- I case*. Vast rssc« rerrd Is « cr irratKcst. tssir. tsrsisf Is or sat s( eye tosbss at lids, I OiaCMaaOlMO WAi^p cared Ir every ctosereaf tear dsci asd all other eye opera-< case

. cATAann oFTint woaH.birrchituCHtoOM 1C ROSB MWS aad grass and lasetrosMee caassd from catarrh, psm- totod tide asickir carr>i. lively esred.A CMMTAIM ANO yoamws ctm* _

ter Ike awtel egecis o| early vrre sod tke TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLE-aasierfsis cviu tkai follow la its iraia.MrYATR Bbooo Alto asiiv AGED MEN.

mniAaaa ■aeesny. computaly aad per- . _auacRilr cared! fi CflDC FIIDC The swfaletfertsof mrty

miMYoiTa SMatx.rrT Ain> an- ** ouriL UUHL* vic«, which briass or-VAl StaONOMBa ymM raprdly to hrs tkilllel rreaimeat

vfx,Ha, FiartTXsA Ain> bbctai,tv^esna sssrasicod eared withoat pam oc 4eMa**’vn f* •* *»u- —

ffTTNibia, ooHOBamiA. oi^Bvr,ssermatorrHos. Sesiifial Uesasess, f,oa« Alaahaad. Niekt Rmtsvios*. Uecaved rscal- -ties romale Weshaeee aad all dePcsia die- orders pecalier to either sea. posttiwly cared, as well ae (erKtkmal dtsorders that rosoli tram yosthtsl lolUos st tha sscsss of raatars , ysars

affBCXAIrTIMRr CasarrtoaMa IMeoasea, Sores, Pisiptes Hcrofala. Blood Taiais, here ms. Caaoer, Pileaaad luesaaeoof Wooma^a*«ktf ass Pe<

arrakerss. drsiroylag hath m«sd asd Its ••Isl ills. I ■tly

frssu aIh*^ with all lu 4i

OR. OTTMANpatrad themaelwa hy lars asd soliury hsMis. wh*c asd hodr, ssitiiss.»«»*iy or marriage.

MARRlkn MF.N. or those rsrertsr ss ihst hsppy life, aware phyaicat dsWItty, saicklv assisted.

WB OOABAimni TO CtTBSHeresas TtoMliiy, rallisg Msshssd. nvpMIte, Varies- cris, airictsre, <'-leer, tlsaaiarat lUsrharassWeah Pam and all KMsey aud Uladder

sper tsdsigesee rsla hmb mi^

Isr tiaelsasa, etsdy.

t«st peressal < •Itatios peeferrsA. sMytsgfsr smdical tr 1 Srst Is the mersisg •

kssatly Cared by tbe latsat •t aa paraood by leadisr

apectalisi*-tf Aamrics tod P.srope.FRSn BXAMIlfATTOIf OF TBB PBIMB.-kseh peraas m

amai aksatd aess >r krtsy from Z is 4 essces td orrse <1041 psi lerrad*. wktrh will receive scaretsi rbemteal sod mrcrseossmsl a*vrrfltet< sssivsrs will hs gtevs. Persess raised to health to sslesi seep trtiisg with them isssth after smsih. gtetsg pamaaaus sod tajarto oa^ Isisiegiamly. frnsyeare dasowmse.MiSm CUBB IVcf.m-.sokl cm. wbtohhse.

rosaarvas, ha« rebiu fwaaiste, , _____________“al. Trssamsat mm C. O. O. to sup pan of O. B

d .s oM cases wbfck ksee keas sepUcted or ssskllHoUy Nseapeermesis or fsilaras. Pantaa timred hy mai

lisssoonaiiw ts pestorrad. —*-*-----n jum—*

(Jat rrf 110 qeestliisa I





WWnttealh hM laid ita cold aad ir- lentir** hand

^ Hpan a kiad * " and luvins

bnaband. the wifr cannol be bUnMd foe aak' ins krrarif if all bar yaata of d»- \tAiam aad work aad brlpfttlnraa ware worth tbr wbllc, when it

cornea an anna to tbi* trasic cad.If Man wonld ualy taka tbr nMat pom

mob aaaar pTreanttuna rplinot tba an- cmailnBrni* of ill bealtb. tbara wonld be ftrwar bonoa* of nMomins. and frwar waawn left alone almoat balplara bafbra tba bnttla of life ta half oaar. A man'a liaer aad ntnnrarh are twin maebinaa that work toerther, ritbar to nwka or unmake. If tbay work wruns, tbay daplata aad poMott hir blood. iMpnrc aad impoirar- iabc<i bbaid m-.*an aicknaM aad daatn. If tbry work risbt, tbay pnrtfy aad anriab tbr Itltiud. A man wboaa blood ia rich and

«rr. ami wboaa liver la active cannot wall unbaallhy. llaadarbaa. Mlionrara*. in-

diircatbm and coativanaaa. which man i^n- rrally diarcipitd, arc Natura'a wamins* that tba twin machaniam. atomarh a^ liver, ia workins osoinat. inataad of for bim. Dr. Piarcc'a tloldrn Medical Diacov- ary ia tbc beat tm-dicim to uaa under tbaar circoMatancc^. It errataa appetite, cor- recta all dianrdara of the difcation, invigor- ataa the liver and filla tba artrria* witb rich, rad. healthy blood. A* an invi|p>ntt- inn. reatorativa tunic, it i* far auperior to all tba malt rxtrncta. It ia tbc srrat blood- maker and flrab-hnildar. It doaa not Itnild aicklj^. flabby Cat aa cod liver oil iloc->, bnl tba hrm. muacular tiaauo of health

" Hor tbr laat niac year*.'* write* Willwm Miller. Koq.. of Oyi Maihrrrv mrrrt. knMHna. Pa.. "I have baari vary {luor In health. I miI- Irrrtl with a maniac aoer !«• I tried many ktnda of diflbrmt medicine*, awl doctor* with out retirf. Tben I iiap<l three buttle* ul * 1 •uideti Medieni Diacovrry ‘ aad tan any that I oai ra­ti rely mml I can MOW duo* pwd a day'* work a* tbc next man "

Uniailabla—Dr. Piarrr’a Pleaoant Pallcla for constipation and biliouanaaa


OalmtM pvovnd (o bn m wa bad es> | psetod, abcMt six miltw in dfointat. lu OMau dnokity is uoc vsty fp«nt, so that tba aoralonilioa of gniyily did not nz- onod nor two thouMudtli cf tba •■nrth's. CaDaa«|neatly tbe wrisbt nf a muu tnrti- ittfl tbe neniaa at IM) pnnnds at home was iiarti (Nily abont an ounce.

The rt-ruil wua thi-t wo ttiald move about wiiii even sn-aiar tuae than i-n tile Koliian aait ioid. and •moi.i* i t tite aricntitlr no n lauft-rir n-KUiuatl tbrir iu- Irmipiid ax|n-niiM nl*.

liut tba allratTiin i t liiia little ratel- lile wan ou aliMiit tUnt we bad Ui be


MttKTO.ttlK .SAI.K.—Itefiinll bnviaic bean Im mnalr In tbr romlllioaa of a mort

‘ aai(a. aaariitni b.v 4 oraHlw* II. Ilraaett <in«l •tiler llaanctt to «'itlhrrlae .\rl*on. dale*! ttr- tnbar In, IntiT. aad raaonle<l iirfoliar IN. IH1I7. In the ofttra of the ICrirl*trr id l•enl•. for * Union •onnty. Ill MIebbrun. In l.lbrr '.ni ol Morticaica*. on paitr :lt4. wbirh murtzusr WM* duly ivabcaail llrloliar .1. I NUN by I 'Mlbaiinr I hMlham. Inlr * .iI bar!Be .Nrloou. lo John ItInMi. by n niiltan iiaalanment. m hteh WN> m-ordnl Oetobar.'i. |NUN,lii onld offirr. In IJIar ti.'i of MortKite**. on tmicr riNii. on n hirb iworte'ivr Ibara U rliiiinnl to lie ilnr iil tbr date id IhU nolirr. twrnly>oar iliilhir*. >iaaldf*i an nllornay fmd enrani|ii'laf*.»ilp- uiatnl In nald mortziier to In- |»aid ■hoiliil nn.v iiroranltna* I*** tnkan lo forrrliMM- «nld iniirtsmcr. unit no null or iirurmllna it lim • •r In niully lotvlna iiaan Inallluini to rmirrr any |M«rt id tbe drlit orrnml hr miIiI mort- iCnicr. IhrrHofv. by virtttr >•! Ihr |MiMi-r id *alr In oald mortznar rontiiinni. ;ind id iIh- alillUIr In BUrh rn*r mmlr iiud lirotlilnl. nolirr i« brrrhv Klvm Ibiil uii Jaiiunry Jt, I NtHI. Ill I o’rlork In Ibr .iflrmiMiu, ill Ibr n eat front diMir id Ihrlourt Honor (or I till, foil <'onnty. Ill tlirhliCHIi. In tbr vlllnar of HI. Johaa. in ibihl rountv. Ihrrr n III Im-oohl nl liuldir vrailur lo lltr hilthral lildtl-r.lliriirrni- ioao flearilllnl In oMid morlKiiUi'. t It Tin- Wral iwo-thinl* of Ibr north-rn-f aiuitrlrr of Ifir uorth-nr*l rmrllobiil i|Uiirlrr id Brrtloli thirty. In ton ii«bl|i rlahi north of rnnariMo Wfoil.ili Xllrhlanii. Hahl onlr will in- mioir ailli^t .11 Ihr iiitviiirnl of thr rrniiiiiidrr of ■iilil morlsniri- not vri ilur. iiimI lirtnK 'hrer hundml and flfl.t didhir*. ilur ik-toiirr Is.

w nil Inirrral iininlilr aiiniiiillt <it elc lirr rrni i-omiintnl from l•.■lo^^r^ Is. I**i»*.— l•.•^lr^l, IVIolirr «•* , I siloJllll.N IlL.ts.s, .^oaljfBr,-.

rrnaix- A in.•tItornry* lor A»»Isnrr Iii>w lU

WOUTlIAtlK N.t I.K.—iNdaull batlua lirm inailr In Ihr rondllioiia olnrrriMln iMort-

irairr ma«lr bv larkoon t 1‘mlrw and Ann .t. I•mlrn. hi* wllr. lo John II r<tllrn. dniad iNs-rmlirr :to. |sn.',, anil monlnl •laanary 4, I ssii. In Ibr oflire of tie- ltrn**irr of liml* id I'llnioii rouniy, .tlleh.. In lllirr iiri of mortaavra. on imer lil. ut*on whlehmort* aaar Ihrrr U now rlalmni to Iwdnr bv t iriiirid Ihr Irrmo Ihrmd. at lliediilr ol tbia nolirr. lor prtnrllHlI and Inlrraal. Ibr auni ol $11.lINi.rtti, and no anil or finM-rrdlna at law harlaa liaati Inallliilrd to rmiirr lln-itrol ■ernml by ■ahl moriaaar, or nnr |uiri Ibrrr of. ainl tlir |Miwrr ol oalr In raid mortvaar roalainni harina lirroiur o|>rralivr. Ibrrr- forr. by N Irtnr of Ihr oald iNiwrr of oalr ami Ihr •laliitr in ■urii raor inadr and iirorhlnl. notter I* lirratiT Ktvrn that on Hat uniat. January 7lb. A. I* iNtm. at oar o'l-liek In Ibr alfrmooii, at Ihr weal fmni d<Mtt of Ihr roan lioHor. Ill Ihr vlllaer of Hi. John*I Union ronnty, tHrhlaau. oahl rourt houar tirinir Ihr filarr (or hoNllna Ihr rlrrnlt eourt for oald ronnty. tbr undrra4tnr<l will aril at (luldlr anrtlon or vrndnr to thrhlllhral bill- drr. thr iimaiora deornlaHl In raid niortaavr or oo inurh Ihrmd aa may Iw mnaiaary lo INt.v thr amount dur on mid iiiortaaa* for |i lnri|>al ami latrrrat ami thr Irnal nwlaati'l rhr ritra t>r oabl aair. vli.: Thr north iiart id tbrrnaf ty of Ibr nort 10-0*1 I,. of arriion JO •trine that iMinbiu lyine mtrih of i hr tirami Itirrr lurnidkr. alao thr raal >y of thr aoiith eaal t« ol prriliin 17. a«rrt>l alMtnl I writ r• I J 1 arrra of lanti l.t'ae lirlwrrm fhrtirand lllvrr Miehway ami Ihr llrtntll. Uanalnv A Northrm liallfttatl hrrriidttrr rrleaoeii. all iii (<iwnahl|i north, Ilf ranirr 4 wrai. iSinion r lunly. \llrhiaan.Ualnl. Nrftirmlirr SOIh I hjih

JOII.V II, I’ATTKN. IlKsnv J I'crTt itaoN. Monaaari

HI. Johna, MIrh7win Allornry (or .Xlortencrr

PItniiATK MMliKIt —Hiair of MIrhbr-n I'ouiiiy of I Union. ** .Al a «m<|on ol

f hr l‘rolialr I oiiri lor Ihr • •inniy of I'llfiion heldm at thr l-roliair iiihre in Ihr tlllaar o| HI Johna. on Thurailay. thr lUlhdat ol llrtiihrr. In Ihr trnr one Ihiiuoandriebi lixii ilml anil idnri y-Hnhl.

I'n-ornl. Hon. <'harl > .\| Mrrrtll. Jiidc ol I'riitmtr

In Ihr matirr id Ihr eaialr of Irlla I nilrr- hill ilrrraai'il I In rradine ami nilaa Ihr |i niton ilnlr rrtittril. id hairlla <larfthrr prat tae that ikr Inal wilt and Iralamrnl of owbl ilrrrwerd may lir iirotnl and admlllnt lo lirohair anil that ilohrri .\nilrraon or oomr oihrr awltaldr (irraoa. may lo- a|i|Mdatrfl ail mtatairalor of oahl raiair

Thrrm|Hiu II la oritaml, lhal Thumilay. thr Hith day of .Novrmbrr A. H I ntis, al oar o'rlnrk In thr aftraniMin In* arataanl for I hr hrarlae of oald ii^llllon aad that thr hrtia al law aad truairra of aald lirrrami aad all other iirrtMiaa lairrvlril In oahl will, arc rr- •lairrtl III apfrar al a orooloa of aahl roart f hm to hr hoi Ira al • br I'mhatr nMrr In tbr villasr id HI Johna. and ahow raaor. M any Ihrrr tir. wht thr will ohoMld mil lir a|»- peovrd Ami I h* rarihrr ordrmd. that mi- Itrr hr altro lo |Ne yrrmtum latrrvalril la oahl ratatr • f ihr |ien«trnry of Ihr nrartaa thrmd lit raaotae n ro|iv id Ihi onlrr to Iw fiali llahril In Thi ht Joana Nt w a, n nrw afiaprr iwtalrd ami rtiralatval la oald rviaaty of 4*Mal n, *iir Ihrer aa-rroaltr wrrlia lirrtloar to oahl itay of hrartau

rilAHI.KN H MK' llll.l..I A Trar t'opv. I lader of I'rtit atr

ItIHATK liMllKH.—Htair id iHiaaiy offltntoa, At

MIrhtacan. in IIIa rtianiy on union, At n umainn oi

tbr Hnihair i oari for thr I'oahiv of • tlhioa hobtaii at thr I'rohair iilbrr lu ih vtllaar of Ml. Johaa. on U r tnradn) . Ihr Alh day oflN-* tohrr. la Ibr traroartmiaaamirbrbi baadmd

w < nm liw i>W^F mmdthmtIp* aMw wihI IF ^ Mae tm w

aad alartt-riebi.I'rtawel. I'haa M, Mrnill. Jadorof 1*1 oliatr la Ibr maltrr id thrratatrof Kaatrr K Hay-

Ha. dii i’a*"d, I la rradlaa ami Sllae Ihr fm tlHoa, dal* teHUrd. ol Jranir M Hatlla aad Willtard r Hatihi prat Inn lhal Wilhar W I'ftph or ooiar oihrr raltatdr lirrana. may Iw appfdalrd admIaWimior ilr hoata m>a <d ■aid rrtatr

Tbrrmiwia II !• ordtrvd. Tbat Tbamday. tbr »7lh day -d ftrtobaa. A. !».. Inun al iNW o'rhwb la Ibr anraaona. ar an*himd fur tbr hruHae nf oald iwtillna. at Ibr Hnn- hatr tiMrr la tbr vMlae <d Ht . Jnbaa. Aad It In fbrtbmirdrvrd, that miHrr hr eftm to tba peranaa lataeaatad la aald ratala, id tbr tHaaaad |4aar nt aald hearlae by raaMae a ropy of tMa nrdaa to tw pabllabwl ta Tar. HT. Joan* Xaw*. a ar wparrr priatad aad rlrtalaiHnt In aaM rttaaiy of < llatna. fnr tbraa aarrroalva waaba paavloea lo aoM day ef baorlau wdl

rllAHI.MHM MKRRII.L. lA Tmafttpr.l ladeanf Probata.

PtUIRATK XtlTH**.—l•Tt»ba^a^•^»art.r••B»y affWatoa. aa Rntlrr la barrht sftvw

Um< aR atalma aad dataaada a—iaat tbr eeaolanf Aam* W Rawdnipb daaaaand. will hr baerd br tbr Jadpa .if PmaatanfaoMmottt.r at tba probatrnMrrIalbatNIoeanfHt. Jobaa. mi tba IHih day af Pi braary. A. b.. I him. awd tbol tbr ratdltora of ootd daraoond ora aMowed ala mootba troet tba data nf tbta no-

Dnied Aneont IRtk. A. t« IHtm 4arfl PHARI.BHM. MRRRII.L

Jade* e* Pro beet

A Uinje ntimher of (tfniAipa miiiJc iHfir iipptunihcr.

Terr oerafnl uot to move too awiftlr io IfoiDK abont laat we nboulil iuvoliuitari- Ij leave the groood anti leiil unt iuto spbce, M, it will be rainetnberafi, bad bappruad to tbe foKitivee dariuR tbe tlKiit ii*** estaroid.

Not obljr would aueb au mlventure have Ijaati so unrotnforttible ezperteore, but it iniKbt have endbuitcrtHl tbe our- oeea of our srbrtne. (>ar pmwot tiiatauce frotii tbi* * aurface of Mara did uot exraatl l^.riOli niilea. and we luid reeaoii to be­lieve tbat tbe Martiaua fKiaei itd tele- aropea |iowerfal euouRb lo enable tbeni uot uierelr to nee tbe elertrioal abipa at auch u dirtbUi'e, but ulmi to ratrb MRbt of un iutlividiuillv. Altboutfti the cloud curtuiu mill reatetl ou the planet it wan probable that tbe Martiaur would M-iid aom<* of tiieir atrahipe up to ita nurtace lu order to deit rmiue what our fate bad beau. Krotu that fKiiiit of vaulaffe, with their exceediuKly jMiwerful Hiseeea, we feared that ther luisht he able to delect auvtbiuK uuoaoal u|inii or iu tbe ueiith- borhuod of Ueimon.

AucordiURly atrict unlers were not oulvthal tbe abipa abould be luourad ou that aide of the Mtelllte which is perpetually tumtil away from Mam. but tbat without urdera do oue abould venture arouud ou the other aide of tbe little iclobe or even ou tbe edge of it, when* be luipht be reeti iu pri.flle attaiuat tbe akv.

Htill, of roume, it v.aa eaeeutMl that we lat our jau’t ahuuld keep a cIom- watch, and wi u uuiitbcr of aenliurla were aeiected, wboae duty it wum tn place theinselvea at tiie edse of Drimoa. where they could |ieepover the horisoo, so to apeak, and catch aiKhtof tbe Riobe of our eaemiea.

Tbe diBlauce of Mura from ua waa ouly alaiul three timea ita own diame­ter; <'onae<|nently it abut off a large part ut tbe aky, an vieweil from our poaitiou.

Dut IU order to nee ita whole aurface it waa ueoeesary to go a little beyood tbe edge of the Mtellile «» tbat aiiie which faced Mara At the Baggealiaii of Colonel Mmitb, who bad mi frequently stalktAl ludiaiiatbat deviceaof tbia kind readily occurred to bia uiiml, ibe oruli- Bela all wor^i gartiienia eorreapoudiug lu color to that of tbe aoil of tbe aalerold, wbicb waa of a dark, midiah brown hue. rhia would leud to conceal them froji tbe prying eyea of the Martiaua

Tbe oomiiiaiider hiiuaelf frequently weal aroaipi tbe edge nf tbe plauet lu unler to take a look at Mam. and 1 ofteu accompanied him.

1 aiudl never fnrget tate ocrasiou, wbeu. lying flat on tbe ground and cautiuosly worming our way amuiid oo tbe aide towani Mam. we bad just bb- gvu to obssrve it with our taieecnpco, when 1 poroeivad. againat tbe vaat evr- tatn of moke, a mall, glinting object, which I luaiaoily Murpected to bv au airabtp.

I tailed Mr. Kdioon’s attention toll, and we both agreed tiMt It waa uo- doabtedly cMe nf tke Martlana* aerial ▼eesela. probably no the lookout for oa

A abaft time afterward a large num­ber of airships mode ibetr sppeareooe at tbe upper aurface of thecioada mov­ing to and fro. anti altboogb with our fllaeaea we conld noly make oat tbe gaoeral form of tbeabipe, without being able to disarm the Marlianaupou tbaai, yet we bad not tbe least tioobt but they were aweaping tbe sky in every direo- tion in otvier lo daiermine wlieibar we bad bean coiapietrly drsimyed nr bad tatrealad lo a diaianoe from tbe plaaai.

Kveo when that aide nf Mam oa which we wars looking bod pamed into nigbt we coaid still sse the gnamlabips oir- cliog above tba cloods, Ibair prfsaacB baiag betrayed by Ibe faint twinkling at tbe electric lights tbat tbay bore.

Piaally, after aboat a weak bad pnas- fd, tba Martiao* evldeatly laada ap Ibair miada tbat they bod aaaibilalad aa and tbol tbara was no inagsr danger so be faarai. Convinaing avidsnee tbat tbay baliavad wa sbcmld not bs hannl froni again wna fnmisbad when tba wilbdinwnl at tba great onrtain of einnd

Thie pbanonmnoo Aval aMMlisaiad it- aalf by a gtadoal tbinoiag of tbe vapor- ona abtaM oatil at length we bagnn to partaiva tba rad snrfara at tba pianst dimly sbiaing Ibmogb it. Tbianor and varar it baeanm, and after tba lapas of abont If bnwa it bnd eontplsuiy dia-

agaln, rafleetlng tba light at tba snn freun Its continanta and orenna with a brlgbtnaH that, in oontrast with the all anvaloping nigbt to which wa hnd so long been sobjeotad, assnied nnbanrabla to oor eyaa.

Indeed, so brilliant was tbe illnmina- tioo which fell upon tbe sarface of Deimoa that tbe numberof persona who bad been permitted to passaroond upon tbe ezpoasd stiie of tbe ealellite was (•refully restricted. In tbe blaze of light wiiiab bad beau aoddsuly poured upon oa we fait minawbat like malrfac- tora oucxpaetadly enveloped iu tba il- lominattun of a policeman's dark lan­tern.

Meanwhile tbe object which wo had in view in retreating to tbe aatellile was not lost sight at, and tbe iwrviosa of tbe chief linguists of tbe expedition wan* again called into nae tor tbe pnr- poee of aoqniritig a new language The expenmant was condnetad in tbe flag­ship. Tbe fact tbat this time it waa not a monster belonging to au utterly alien race upon whom we weratoesperiment, bat a beautiful daughter of oor oommon Mother Kve. added zest and interest aa well aa the most oonfldent hopes of sac- cem to tbe efforts of those who were strivittg to undentaiid the accenta of bar toagoc.

Htlll the difficulty was very great, notwiibatanding tbe cbavicliou of tbe pmfeosom that ber language Avould turn uat to tw a form of tbe groat ludo-Eu­ropean apaach from which tbe many tongnea of civiliaed men upiai tbe earth bad been derived.

Tbe learned men, to tell the truth, gave tbe poor girl no rest. For boors at a time they would ply ber with loter- ragationa by voice ami by gesture, until at length, weaned beyond endurance, aba would fall asleep before tbeir faces.

Then she would be left uudistorbe«i for a little while, but the uumieut her eyea tipeued again tbe tnercileoa profess- ora flocketl aboat her onou more and re­sumed tbc tedious iteration of tbeir ex­pert men ta.

Dor Heidelberg profeoaor waa tbe chief inquisitor, aud ba revealed him­self to os in a new and entirely nnex- pected light. No one could have autici- patc<l tbe depth and vanety of bis rc- lources. Ho placed himself in front of tbe girl ami gestured ami gesticulated, boweil, uuiidcd, kbruggwl bis kbuulders, screwetl bu fao** lubi ..u lutluite variety of expresaloUk. i>u.llcd, laUkbed, acowleii ami aocutupauied ull tbeae dumb nbows with puaturiugk, (’xclamuiimik. i|nerips only half expreaaed in Words, a:id ta- dences which by MJiae iiigcuiuus luojiip- ulatioii of tile tunes of hi* voice lie man­aged to make marviloukly • xpteaaive of bis desires.

He waa a uuivcraal actor—corned is u. tragidiau, buttoou—all in laie. There waa no shade ut iiumaii emotusi which be did uot Mem tapable of giving ex­pression to.

Hla every attitude waa a symbol, aud all bia features became in quick anceee- ston types ol tbouabt ami txpoiieuts of bidden liwliugs, v.liile bia luiiuuitlve nooe sl«Mai forth lii the laiidsl of tbeir oeaaeleea play like u petpi-iuul luti rro- gatloo point that would buve electriCeil tbe sphinx into life ami s« t it* sit ue lips gabbling answers and explaiiaiitais

Tbe girl loukiii («i. (i;irily asii tii*ii*Hi, partly aiiiUMHl mid lutrily i*oni|.i« Ijemi- lug. SoUK'lliiie* shr Miilliii. and Hun tbe beauty i f iter Isi e Is lutne most lap livsliug. I^ctusieually sin- bnr>i luit ,* cheery langli \>bni tbe irrf^s or w;i> exec-oting some of bis < xira it4iin«rv gyrations before ber.

It was a marvelous exhibition of wbal Um* human intellect, wbeu all its pow- era arc concentrated upon u single ob ject, is tapable of achieving. It oeemtsl to me. aa 1 loukeii at tbe performance, that if all iIm rat'es of men who haii been stricken asunder at tbe foot of the tower of IJabel by tbe miracle wbicb made tbe tongues of each lo apnik u language unknown to lb*' oltiera ixmld b*> brought together again at tbe footnf tbe oanie tower, with all tbe advantages wbicb tiionaauds of years of education bad in Ibe meantime imparted to them, they would ba able, without any mtra- cis, to make tbamselvas mutually on* derstood.

And it was evidsot tbat an under­standing Was actually growing between tbe girl and the profeseur. Tbeir minds were plainly ineeting, and when botii bad beooMe foonaeil npuii tbe saute puint it waa perfretly certain ibat tbe object of tbe experiment woald be attained.

Whenever tbe pmfesanr got fron tbe girl au intelligent reply to bis panto Mimic inquirlaa or whenever be bellevail tbat be got aacb a reply it waa immedi­ately jotted down in tbe ever open note­book wbicb be earned in bis btUMl.

Aud then be woald tom tn os. staml- ing by, and, with one baiMl an bis heart and tbe niber aweeping gramlly Ibroagb tbe sir, would maJu* a profoaad bow and say:

**Tbe ynong lady and 1 grant progreas make already. 1 bave ber wor^ ixmi- prabsuded. We sbell wondmas myele- rtae aolm Jawnbll Wuaderlieb! Make yoareelvao, gantlenMn, aaey, t)f tbe bumen raaa tbe encsetral stem bave 1 bere diaeoverad. ”

Uore 1 gleaeed over a page at bia boUbouk, and there 1 rand ibisi


"1 ■bty* Amontba.“I cat otf a bead Ksat **1 slsap Ztoba.••1 leva—Isevoa.”When 1 mw tbM laet entry, I looked

saapfoiaaaly al Urn profamer.Waa ba trying to mabe love wiiboot

nnr knbTriag II lo Ike banailfal captiva I from Macel

If Ml I Ml esnnin tknt hbvrenM fM

bimeelf into difllenlty. Ska kad amd» a deep imiiressioo open ovary man ia tbe flagship, and I knew tkat tkare VNW mote tbon one of the younger men wko wonld bare promptly oallad bim to M- cuant if they bad aospeeted him of try­ing to leom from tboas baaatifal lipR tba words. “1 lore."

1 ptctnixxJ to luyaaJf tba Mate of mind ef Colcael Alcnao Jefferaon Hmllk if in luy place be bad glanord ovar tka aola- book aad read wbat 1 bad read.

And tben I Iboogbt of another band- same yuoag fallow in tbe flegebip Hyd- ney Phlllliia—wbu, if mere aetiona and lo^s ooaid make him so. bad bscoMs excaadingly devotad to this long ioM oml happily rvoovrred lUiagblor at Kve.

In fact, I bad alrsady quoMioaed within my own mind whether tbe peace would bo strictly kept between Colonel Hmitb and Mr. Pbillips, for tbe former bad, to my knowledge, uottoad tbe young fellow's adoring glan«'«*a aiHl Imil begun to regard bim oat of tbe comers of bis eym as if be txiasidertxi bim no better than on Apaobe or a Mexican Ureaarr.

"But wbat," 1 aokeil myself, "would be tbe veageonoe that Colonel Hroilb woolil take upon this skinny profeasur from Heidelberg if be thought tbat be, taking advantage of his liugnistin pow­ers, bad stepped in between bim and tbe domael whom be bad reecoed?"

However, when I took a second look at tbe profeoaor 1 beenme oonviuoeil that be was innocent of any aacb amor­ous iuteutions. and tbat be Imd leame<l, or believed be bad learned, the word for "love" simply in parsoonce of tbe method by wbicb he meant to acquire tbe longnage of tbe girl.

There waa one thing wbicb gave some of us considerable miagiving, and tbat waa tbe queMion wbetbar after all tbe language tbe profeoaor waa acquiring was really tbe girl’s own tongue or one that abe bad learned from tbe Martians.

Bot tbe profsosor bade us rest easy on tbat point. He aasared ns, in tbe first place, tbat this girl cnald not be tbe only human being living upon Mara, bat tbat sbe moat bare friends aud rela­tives there. Tbat being au, tbay uuqnes- tiunably bad a language of tbeir own. wbicli they spoke wbeu they were amtoig themselves. Here, tindingbcraelf iuuoug beings lieloogiug to her own race. Nbe wonld naturally apeok ber own ifingne and not tbat wbicb sbe bod acquired from tbe Martiaua

"Mtvfxiver, gentlemen," be added, "1 bave in ber speech many roota of the great Aryan tongue alnxulv recognized."

We were greatly relieved by tbia ex­planation, which zasmed to ^1 of us perfectly satisfactory.

Yet, really, there was no reason why one language should be any better than tbe other for our present purpose. In fact, it might be more oscfol to oa to know tbe langnagc of tbe Martians themselves. BtlH. we all felt tbat we should prefer to know ber lauguage rather than tbat of tbe monstera among whom she bad lived.

Colonel hmitli eipremed wbat was iu ull our minds wbtn, after listening to tbe ruuouiug of tbe profeai.or, be blurted out:

"Tbauk Cod, abe don’t apeak any of lb«.ir blamed lingo! By Jove, it would soil ber pretty lipal"

"But also Ibat she speaks, too," mid tile man from Heidelberg, turning to Colon* 1 .Smith with u grin. "We shall both of them eventually learn."

Tbre*’ entire weeks were paas*xl iu this manner. After tbe first week the girl herself materially assisted tbu lin­guists iu tbeir t-fioi-ls to acquire ber apeeob.

At length tbe took was so far advanc­ed tbat We could, iu u certain aeiise, re- gonl It os practically complete*!. The Heideltierg prufesMir declared tbat be bad iiiaalered the lougue of tbe ancient Aryans. His deligi:t waa unbouudixl. With prodigiooa ii.dnstry lie s*t to work, scarcely sioi.piuir to eat or *leep, to fortii u graiuiitar of tbe laugnaue.

"You sliull see.' be mid. "It will the sueculallixts of iiiy cuODtrynien vin­dicate. "

No doubt tbe profesoor bad au exug- g« ruled opinion at Hm* extent of his ac quiri'tueiits, but Ibe tact reiuaiUeti Ibat tuougii lioti heeii learned of tbe girl's lauguage to enable bim aud oeveral olb- era to cuaverse with her quite aa readily oa a parson of good capacity who baa atuflied under the inatroctioua of a na­tive teacher during a period of aiz muutba can converse iu a foreign tongue.

Immediately aliuiMt every man in tbe squadron set vigorously al work to learn tbe lauguage cf tbia fair cnalure for bimself. Colonel Smith and Sidney Phillips were neck and neck in the lln- guiailc race.

One of tbe first bits of infnnnatiaa which tbe professor had given out waa the name of tbe girl.

It was Alim (pronooBceft Ab-ee-na).Thisuewa waa flaabei) tbroaghoat tb*

aqaadron, and tbe name of oar beautiful captive waa on the lips of all.

After tbat caoM* hm story. It was a marvelous narrative. Translated into uar inogne, it ran as follows:

"Tbe tradilioas of my fatbera, tiand ed down for gsaeraliana on many iba> no one (xui number them, dix'larc ibal tbe planet nf Mara was not tbe place o! oar origin.

"Ages and ogaa ago our rorrfalbirr dwelt on anotber and di-* o world ibst was nearer to tbe sou i t; is i ne i* and eojny«xl brighter dM.tii„lit than w-bave bere.

"They dwell—as 1 bave often hiai<i tke slorv-from my father, wbu bad It ,.iu- sd it heart from bia father, and he front bis—in a Iwaatifnl vall«*y that ws- sarronufied by enormcMa monalains tow­ering ink) tke cloods aad white abont tbeir tope vritb mow tbat nevor tnellsd. In tbe valley wave lofcaa, amoad wkieh eloatersd tka dwellings of oar raae.

"It waa. tka tradltloas My, a land axoMlerfal fM ita fertility, flllad with all tbiags tbRt tbe heart could daotre. apleadid fowuM aad riok with laaviiiaa fraita.

"It WM a load of laasie, aad tka pao- pin who dwelt la It wev« roey bappy."

Whiia tba girl warn telliag tkie port of her story tka Heidelberg prnfSMor bsaame viMbly awire end more eaelted. l^reasaily be could beep quiet no laager 1^ saddMly exclaiiaed, tamlog to ae who wars ItaMniag m tba words of tbe girl were laterpreted for m tfy omi of tbe other llagairtr

Adrian*- m dariaradt Bm ka not said tkat tba valley at fTaabaiMi wm tke cradle at tke hamsii nme alrsedyr*

"From tke valley of Cashmere to the pleotit Motel Wbat a rooMMoel" m- claimad ome of the byetaaderm.

Coloaal Smith appaarsd to bo partlca- larly moved, aad I beard bim bamming under bis breath, greatly to my aMoa- iskmeal, for this ixMgb aoldlar was not moeb given to poetry or mneic:**Whn has am hasrd at tb** vale at tlsabmsra.

With Its roam tba bngbtasl tbat aartb evar esva.

Its isaplaa, its grattaao, tin foonlataa an aloar Aa tba lava Ugbtaii ofmi Ibat baag over tba

toavaf*’Mr. Sydney Pbilllpa, ataading by and

also oatebiag tbe mormar at Colonel Smith’s words, akovred ia bis basdaome ODontenoBea some indications of dlMroM. as if be wiMmd be bad tkoogkt of those lines bimself.

’CiMtlemM,ret UMget

It Is tke rale of

CHAPTBB XX.Tbe girl reeomed ber uarratlv*-:"Soddenly them dropped down oat

of tbe sky Mzonge gigantic eoemiao. armed with mysterions weapons, ami lH*gao lo slay and bom and midte deso­late. Oar forefathers oould not wilb- siand them. *rbey seemed like demons wbu batl been sent from tbe abudM of evil to destroy oor race.

"Some of tbe wise men Mid tbat this thing bad come npou oor people Iwoense they bad baso very wicked and tbe gods in heaven were angry. Hoont said they came from tbe moon, and some from tbe faraway stara But of these things my forefalbera knew nothing for a certainty.

"Tbe destroyers sbowad no mercy to tbe iubabiuuits of tbe baaotltol valley. Not (-(intent with making it a desert, they swept overutber ports of'the earth.

"Tbe tradition says tbat they (virried off from tbe valley which was oor na­tive land a large uombar of onr people, taking them first into a strange coun­try, where there were oceans of sand, bnt where a great river, flowing tbmogii tbe midst of tbe sands, created a narrow land of fertility. Here, after having ■lain and driven oat tbe native inhab­itants, they remained for many years, keeping onr people, whom they bad car­ried into captivity, ae slavee.

"Ami in this land of aoml, it ia said, they did many wooderfnl worka

"Tliey bad been ostoaisbed at tbe sight of tbe great moontaius wbicb sormonded onr valley, for on Mars there are no moontains, and after they came into tbe land of sand they built then* with huge blocks of atone moun­tains iu imitation of wbat they bad oeeu and naed them for purposes that unr people did not nuderatand.

"Tben, too, it is said they left there at tbu foot of tbeau luountains that tliey bad made a gigantic image of tbe great chief who led them iu tbeir conquest of oor world."

At tbia point iu tbe Mory tbe Heidel­berg professor again broke iu, fairly trembling with excitement:

"Uentlemeo, gentlemen," b« cric*!, "is it tbat you do uot uuueratand^ Tbia laud of sand and of a wonderful ferti­lizing river—wbat can it be? i.'entle- meii, it is Egypt! Tbeee niouniuiiis of rock tbat tbe Martians have erected, what are they? (*eulleiueu, lh*y an* the great mystery of the laud of the Nile, the pyramida Tbe gigaiilio atatue of tbeir leader that they at the fisu of tbeir artificial inountaina have art up— gentlemen, vrhat is tbat? It is tbe sphinx!"

Tbu profi-ssor's agilalio:i was so I’leat tbat he could go no further. And lu- duid there waa uot one of us who did uot fully share bis excitement. To think tbat we ebould bave ixime to tbe plauet Mars to Bolve one nf Ibe atauding iiiys- terie* of tbe «eirtb, wbicb bad puz.iled luaukiud and detiid all tbeir ulTorts ut solution for HI luany centuries! Here, tben. was the uxplauatiou of how tliisw gigantic blocks tbat (xjualltule the great pyramid of triieeiw had been swung to tbeir lofty elevation. It wa* not tbe Work of pnny man, as uiaiiy an uiigiueer bad d«-claretl that it could uot lo*. but tbe work of iImh** giants of Mars.

Aina reauiued her story."At length, our traditions mv, a

grt-at peetilence broke out in the bind of Baud, and a jiartlal veugtxiure was granted to oa iu the deetrartiuu of tbe large uomber of oor enemies. At laat tbe giants who rumainixl, fleeing liefore this scourge of the gods, uaMl tbe niy*- lerinua means at tbeir cumiiiami. and. carrying (jur amx-atcra with them, re- toriicd lo tbeir own world, in which we have ever since lived. "

"Then there are mtnr of yoar fieoplu in Mara?" said one of the prnfuasnra

"Alas, no!" replied Aina, her eyea filling with teors. "1 alone am left."

For a few minutes oke was unable to speak. Then she continued:

"Wbat fnry possessed tbem I do not know. iMt not long sgi> an expedition dsparted from tbe planet, tke parpoee of wbicb. as It was noiosd aboat over Mars, was tke oonqaest of a distant world. After a time a few Mrvivors of tbat expedition retnrmd. Tbe story they told ennasri great excitement among onr mastsra 'Ibey bnd been sne- (casfal in tbeir battles with tbe inbab- Itants of the world tl ey bad Invaded, bat oa in tke days of oar forefathers iu tbe land of aaml a pestilence smote them, and but few Mrvivors escaped.

"Not long after tbat, yoa, with yoor myaterioaa shipe. appeareii in the oky at Mara. Oar masters studied you with tbeir teleeeopas, aad tkoee wh*i bad ra- tnrnad from tbe aafortaimte exjiedilioa declared that roe were inkabitauta of tbe world which they bad invaded, tmae. doabllaas, to lake vengeance upon them.

"Home of my people who were per­mitted to look tbrtMgh tke teleeeopea at Ibe Maitlaae eew yon aleo amt recog- niaadyooM mem bare of tbetrown race. Tbere were eevetal tboaaand of oa, al- togatbar, and wa ware kept hy tbe Mar- tiane to earva them on alavM and par- tfoalarly to delight tbeir eare with mn- Mo, for onr paopis have always bean aa- pMlallj sklllfal in tka pkiying at ma- Meal iaatramanta and In aonga, and while tka Martlana have bat little mn- aieal afcill tkanwalvM tbay are* anoaad- Ingly fond at them tblana

"Altkoagk Mara bM complatad not laaa than S.OOO clrealta aboat tba saa ainea onr anaaMnta were broagkt m priaanera to Ha sarfaM. yat tka asaaaary at oar dlalaat koma Ima never perlakad flam tka kearta of oar lam, and when wa racognlaod yon, m wa baliavad oar

long Imprfoonment tbara wm giMt m- jokdag Tka navra spread froM nmatb to iBootfa wkaravar wa vrora In tba hoaaas and famillaa of onr naaotara Wa saanMd to be powsrIsM to aid yon or to oommnnlMta with yoa in any mannar. Yat onr baarta want oat to yon m in yoar oklpa yarn baag above tka pJanat and preparations were aaetacly made by ■11 tke membora of oor mm for yoor ra- oapUon whan, m we bsllaved woald oaonx, yon skoald effoot a landtag npon tka planet aad daattoy oar anemias.

"Bnt in soma taannar tka feet tkat wa bad raoogniaad yoa and ware prepar­ing to welooma yon onma to tba aon of tke Martlana."

At tbia point tba girl aaddanly oov- ered bar ayM with brr bands, skoddor- iag ami falling tanek in bar nmt.

**Ob. yon do not know tbamasldol" at length aka exclaimed. ’"Tbe moo- otersl Tbeir vongeanoa wm too trrribia. instantly tba order vrent forth tbat wo ■boold all be halobered, ami tbat awfal command waa exeootad."

"How, tbon, did you escaper’ asked tbe Heidelberg professor.

Aina seemed unable to speak for awhile. Finally mastering ber emotion, abe replied:

"(Jne of tbe chief nflloera of tbe Mar- tiana wiobed me to remain alive. He. with bia aids, carried me to one of tbe military depots of aupplieo. wben* I was found and rsaeued." Andos sbe said this abe torned toward Colonel Hmitb with a smile tbat reflected cm bia mddy face and made it glow like m Cbiaeao Inntem.

"By——!" muttered Colonel Hmitb. "Tbat was tbe fellow we blew into noth­ing. Blast bim, be got off too laiay!"

Tbe remainder of Aina's story may be briefly told.

Wbeu Coloml Hmitb and 1 entered tbe mystenooa hailding wbicb, m it now proved, was not a atoreboaaa be­longing to a village, aswe bad Mppooed, bnt one of tbe military depota of tbe Mnrtiano, tbe girl, ou catching sight of ns. immediately reeognized oa as be­longing to tbe atrango ninadroa in tbe sky. As sneb she felt that we most be her friends and aaw in na Iter noly pos­sible hope of eooape. For tbat reason abe bad instantly thrown bereulf under onr protaetioii. This occoontevl for tbe aingolar oooUdenru wbicb she bad man­ifested in us from tbu beginning.

Her wonderful story had so captivated our imaginations tbat for a long time after it was finiahtxl we could not re­cover from the spell. It waa told over and over again from luuotli tn month and repeated from ship to ship, overy- where excUiug tbe utmuat astonishment.

Destiny seemed to have sent na ou this expedition into space for tbe por- poeo of clearing off myalerias (bat bad

Doctors Can't Cure It!

Ooklagloaa bWMi pokm is ataolitlalY bayood the skill of tbe doeiora. Tbay may doM a patieni for yearn am (hair aaraurial and potash lamodiM, bat bn will navar be rid of the dioeeM; am thn other bend, bis eondition will grow ■teadlly worm. 8. 8. H. ia tke only cam tor this terrible aflietion, hanaoM it In the only remedy wfaieh gam diront to tke oauM of the dlnnaM and totem Id from tke system.

storiHi vttb Blaod inisae. aad tkaoSsm did sM BO naad, ilMieali 1 taoh

tOrlr tfsauaaui talth- fBl!r. la fael, 1 ossmsi to gat aotaa all llta wblls. I io*d[ alMOSl •very ou-callad blood raaHidy. but tbay didaM oaew lu roaab tbs dla> aaaa. aad bad mo ogtet whatever. I was die besfteasd.torn sssMad that I would aavvr ba aurad. Al tbe advise at a frtsod I tbea laek ■.a. n..aad betati tola- peova. I soatiaued tba

Madtataa, aad It eara*l ow sootpleieij. bulM- tagupair bealtb and laaraaalng my appaUla. AIUm^ii Ibis waa lea Tsors aeo. I bava usoM yat baa a atnnof tba iIimbm loratum.

W. R. Nbwuas, atsuBloa. Vs.

It is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury; broidee totally destroying tbe digestion, they dry up the marrow in tbe booM, pro­ducing a stiflneM and swelling of tkr Joints, causing tbe liair to fall oott and oontpletely wrecking tbe system.

%Blo<din gonrnnteeii purely V(>getnhle, nnd ia the ugly blood remroy free from (IMM dangerous minetals.

Bmk on self-treatment sent flee by Sirift Hpeeifio Gompeoy. Atlante, Un.


laasi raoM 00 tba oases after ar tabtar too CAUt 'AHBTS Tbia 1 aui aars ba» eaaaad 1 bad hsatth for tbs past tbrvs jrnara 11 tabina (^aacarsta. tbs oalr eatbartic worihv of aotics by saosible faxipls **

UUu W Btiwms. Baird. Misa


n«Muaat. Palatabia. enisai Taai* Ossd Da Uooa. .XsTsr wsasa. WaaSsn or Orlta. ISr. Oc Ms

... GURC OONSTIPATIOM. ... ai»Hi** a.—s* l■■al^|.rvu^^l. M—wi. a** t«»a. aa



I "lioir, (Aril, illit |/(o< itritpcF’ tiakcd (Ac ItcUUlbfTfi profroHO'.

long pnzxled tbe minds at men. When on tbe mo(M. we had unexpectedly to

' ourselves ssttlud the queatiou that had j been (lelmled from the beginning of os- ; tronomical history of tbe former habita- ! bility of that globe.

Now, on Mara, we had put to rvat no I lem mysterious (|a*-stiona relating to tbe . past biacory of oor own planet. Ade- i long, as the Ileidellierg prnfeaanr assert­ed, had iianttxl tbe vale of (!ashmer« aa

I the prohablo aituof tbe garden of Kdeu,I ami the placi* of origin of the human j met*, but later inveatigalora had taken . isoau with this opiiiinu, and the (|iiaa- lion where tbu Aryans originated upon tbu lartli hod long been ism of the mtal puzzling that scienc** presauied.

This qoeMloti seamed now to have been settled.

Aina bad mid that Mara had com­pleted 5.000 circuits shout tbe sail since her people were brought tn it as oep- tivee. Una circalt of Mars oronpias 0R7 daya Mure than 0,000 yoors had tbare- forr elapsed ofnee tba first iovoaian at tbe earth bjHtbe Martlana.

Another great mysl*iry. that of tkat^rigin at Iboae gigantic aad inazplieabla fnaanmenta, tba great pyramids and tba «pkinx, on tka banka of tka Nile, bad •Ihi apparently bean solved hy us, al- tlMMgb tkaw Egyptian wnodera bad bean tbe fnrtbast things from onr tboagbta wbao we sat nut for tbe planet of Mars.

bad traveled more than flO.OOU,- j 000 of mllea In order Ht get aaawara to qaeatioos wbicb ooaid not be solvad al hoaaa.

Bat from tbase apsealatinna and retro- spects wa ware rrxalled by tbe com- mandar of tba axfwdltloii.

"This isallvary iateresting ami vary ; rooMnlic, gentlaotsa." be said, "but ' BOW lat os gat at tbe prartieal siifo nf it. We have laaraad Ataa’s laagaage aad have baoid ber story. Lat os aazt , asrertsln wbatker aka oaaiiot place in : oor hands oaow bay wbicb will put 1 Mars at oar usarcy. Ramambar wbat we flame bare for, aoid ramambar that tbe earth sspaoM ovary omw at aa to do his doty."

Tbia Nalaonllks anmMons again Iokaagrd tka uatiaat at oor thnagkto, I and wa iasMnily oat lo work to laarn ' from Aina If Mnrs. Ilka Aohlllaa. had not naaaa vnlastmbli potat wkore a Mow j woald ba nwirtol.

■o-TOMC sisiva''xs.‘&sr

GEO. H. JUDD,Merchant Tailor,

Opposite “The Steel”.All the

Latest Novelties.Receiver’s

Cash is whnt creditors want, nut Jcwelery or Silverware.

.\nil fur this reason I am Mdling tlN* giittds. nut lit u (irutit, hut to ri'Hlita

simply th** munuv invusted that I mnv settle ^oii may WHnt

whiit I Imvu to sell, if s4i s«iim- in I nm sure we

ixin d*xil.



I'nlllfari hvr aiillrv Tracber*' Kiamlaallon w'll Im* hsfil as folliiws:

IHab M-ioMii nioai Hi. Jiikas, iblnl Tbar*- da.v sail KHda.r ol Aaaual

tXiart tMiasu. H,. Jnbas. Iblnl Tbar*<lay aad Kiida,T ofOeiobvr.

Ht. Jobas last THV'sday l•fllarrb.('oart b«>aar Ht. Jobs*. I bird Tbaradai aad

Fidday of Jaa**.All ussMlaalloaa will iK'aIn at m ti'rloeb


I'ooiMlasloaer i>t HtIhmiI*.


CHCAPC8T AND BEST lYrr CstSloaue. AllaNaa.


PATENTS*xn r*TsxT i.*w

-EXCLDSIVILT.-H«M«k III valaaMs later.

aaiMNi aad fall pantralara <vut ffve

.TauNau A Plaudara.Hna**wum Rib., (InuHl

Raidda. UIrb. Rraaeb oMra Wasblaglea. I>. f'


TTRO/T,0£‘7TtO/T,Tba ba*4 Ha— *■ Aawrioa

vMBoa Is Msaw a a**i*ui 1t*»«Maa*al Ivaelto at maw*si sis _____SI*” JTW»agBJ!:T.L5B3C. J?.

i:H>M<a»*>^ sat*a* Tbi laasa I


a*r**a*a*(««aa*. aaaatai HvaSaiN^^B

.ea araasu* f*raa T«k* It'

ISai** StH. *faaa Hsa»y MH,asaV«*i.

(Tn haroatiaaeil )

tar gtftr


..irmnsiI fl«* WayiH

H W («•-


liii sum Maftiii.Rev. P. L. Ryker,

Union Silver Nominee for Senator,Will adcirciw Union Silver Mcetinjjs an folluwM:

.\lonilay Evening Oct. .'11, Woodman’s Hall, Riley. Tuesday Evening Nov. 1, Grange Hall, Riley. Wednesday Evening .Nov. 2nd Town Hall, Olive. Thursday Evening Nov. 3, Masonic Hall, DeWitt. Friday Evening Nov. -I, Village Hall Fowler. Saturday Evening Nov. .1, Perry’s Hall Maple Rap­


Senator Elisha Mudge,Will address Union Silver Meetings as follows:

Fridaj' Evening Oct. 2H, Union Home School House Saturday Eve. Oct. 29, Prairie School House Essex. .Monday Eve. Oct. 31, Island School House, Leba­

non.Tueschn* Eve. Nov. 1, luircka.Wednesday Eve. Nov. 2. Shurbum School Htaise,

(>vid.Thursday Eve. .Nov. 3, Shepardsville.Friday Eve. Nov. 4-, Price School House, Victor. Saturdxiy Eve. .Nov. o. Perry’s Hall, Mxiple Rapids.

Seymour D. Watson,Will address Union Silver meetings us follows:

Friday Eve. Oct. 2H, I*artlow School House Eagle. Saturday Eve. Oct. 29. Kincaid School House. Rilev .Monday Eve. Oct. 31. School House District .No. 1

Bxith.Tuesdxiy Eve. .Nov. 1, School House District No. 3

Hath.Wednesdxiy Eve. .Nov. 2. School District No.

7 Hath.Thursday Eve. .Nov. .'I, (lunnisonville School House

DeWitt.l-riilxiy Eve. N ov. 4-, Hurd School House, DeWitt. Saturday Eve. .Nov. o, Haker Scluxil House Ovid.


Waitvr tvtariMd froin<HiioUMit|«Mk.

Ilr. JaaMM Uwlpy. of Ht. Joka*. waa a oaltor IB Kurnka TuMday.

Mr. aad Mm. Wayaa HaMitkvni m friNB tkrir vMt io (Muo, Moadajr.

lUr. T. M. Haddk. will praiHi at tk» i;. II. oknirh ant Haaday at I0:m> a. ra.

Mm L. .%. JHfrryn riaitMl brr 4*trr, Mm. Ktia Higkbw. ia PawaoM). last wmmk.

Burl Kirby, wk<> wrat to .tnn .trbor laat wmk to tom kia ry oprratMi on, rvCaraiMl Moatojr.

Mto KlUa llrmoo ratamad laat waak from a two waaka' riait at I.oraBtu Kait- dolpira ia Ihiraad.

Marriad, Oetobar :i(), at tka boinaof tke brtda'a fatbar, Mr. Ilnirfa Pmdati. by John lj. Kaaia, Kai|., Mr. iWt Itrabakar aa.l MtoKliaal*nidaa,bolliof(lrHaoboaii.

Chriatiao cuafataare hara tkia waak. Harricaa aarh avaniaff at 7 o’rlork. Sat­urday at *J p. III. tbafw will ba davolinnal axarriaaa autl m4>uk aarrka, aamioii by H. W. Ilannatt, aad Kraaralruafarant’o maat- ioff lura faaat. Hundav taoraitiK at l<i:3t» publir raiifpoua aarriea aad communniii aarrioa. Sunday SrhtMil rally at p. m. and Narrie** in tha araniaic.


IIEPIIIIHI NEITII(S.|® Wm. M. Smith, County Clerk, S

tFnd.'iy Oct. 2S, Grange Hall, Riley. ^Saturdxiy Oct. 29, Price School House, Victor. ®

^ .Mondxiy Oct. .'n. Hath. WTuestlxiy .Nov. 1. Town Ilxill, Olive. ^

0 Wednesday, .November 2, (iunnisoiiville. $Tliurs<lny. .November 3, Eurekxi. ^

^ Mr, Smith inxikes one ot the best political• speeches of any man in Clinton county.

(| Governor H. S. Pingree,• The Champion of equal taxation and the • rights of the people.* Tuesday Eve. .Nov. 1. St.Johns.

f Hon. Horace M. Oren,^ Repubican Candidate for Attorney (jeneral.S' Wednesthiy .Nov. 2n(l, Elsie.

^ Hon. D. D. Aitken, |^ Ex-Congressman of Flint.

Satunlay Oet. 29, .Maple Rxipids. ^— ^ - (•)

Subscribe for the

5t. Johns News.

K. H. ViMtrlwm wa* in lb*troitTu*-«day nn buMiiMMi

Mm. II. L. Tulibn ia nii tit** aick liat.Itav. <i. I*. Mitrbail ia in llliiioia on a

buainma trip-Miaa llarthu Mbarar ia riaitiuK frnaida

ill l^anaiiiK and t'hiraKii.\. Ilahrandt ia I'loaiiitf nut Ilia atoek td

liiSHar irrxMl^ mid will dianuitina*' bia buainaaa in < trid.

Till* W. C. T. r. haid an ufiaa inaatiuK HI tin* hall Sunday iiftamo«>n mid u rar:\' intarmtiuK pr<iinwiii waa raudarNl.

L. n. (lootry baa laMy liaronif a ttin- troliiiK inaiiibar of tb<‘ llatth* t'raak Skirt Mmiulactiirinir I'o., mid ax|NVta to tniiki* llattia I'mak Ilia fnturv homf

A iiaw rbtiroa baa lataly la^i oncnii- i»*«i at til'* Itaptiat rhun*h whiHi will fur- iiiaii inuak' fur tb** reinilar aarrioaa tiitdar tin* din^lioii of Mm. C. I). Snovar.

Mm. NHIh* I’ark .SniiiMlara. raiidar, itivm Hii >-ntartainin»*nt in tha K. o. T. .M. Iiiill \V«-du»aMlHy avaninK Ortoliar :1E». tiiidar tha miapN'm of tlia L. O. T. M. Mm. Snuiidam <*oniaa liiitbly n<roni- niaiidad.


It. A. .Monrt* ia attaiidiiiK tlia E 'ariiivaJ nt ESriiiid Itapida.

.\ ni*'** liii*' of ntiitionary mid nciiool xuppli**** will lia foiiiiil at tli«‘ llaiirh.

Mina l'il\ Uaoil. of l.4inainK, IllO-ndad tlia piirty laat Kiidiiy availing at tlia ItaMt’li.

Mra. .\l. llol|anl>«^k mid .Mm. IS. U . .MH Mian •<iiaiit tli**ila.\ at Mra. I .''•avaiiaoti*a. W."dn**»Mlay.

Tha fH-|ia<lala of arrival and dapartur** of mail to and from .Mi^rMawcIi liiu* lia«*n cliaiitfad to tha foliowins l.*'«iva Maria- lianrii 1:1.1. amva at St. .lohna I.*‘ava .S|. .loliiia 4:lo. arrira at Marlt«- l»aia h d:l.l.

A araial daiH'iUK |Hirty will la- ;rivan at tlia llatu'li Friday avanine. .N'ovatniiar 1. MaMtra. Itaumiciirilaii, Kiiiitial and IMow- iiiaii will liimiftli th*- iiiiiair. Hill for dmira, aara of homaw mid nuppar without nUpfiar .l<Nv

Mr. anil Mm. I’hiirlaa Walkar iiiiil two rhildn-ii oi I'liarlotti-. S. Y.. who hava la-aii ;rii«-«tii at th«* Ilona- ol thair n-la- tiv*-**. |». Mrl'oiikay. tlia |MiMt two w«-»-lii». raiiirn«il to thair Iiodh* on Wtiln'-wilay of IhhI waak. .Mr. and Mra. MH'onkay nr.

I ro til I Ml 11 Ml tliam to I.miitinK.

SHEPARDSVILLE.! .lolin Workman wiiMinHurton Monday

I nn himini^..laka Hutton. .Ir.. in viniiiiiir bin iinah-.

j Ilr. Hutton. Ill (iniiiil llapidn.I W. (iat'-H in viniliiiu III. brothai. E'hnn. I Hiifton. Ill M«-Hrn. thm waak.: .lax'oint Mt Satunlar •■vainiiu fora |aa wf*-ki« xiMf in tha niataui >«i-x\

[ York.Mm. Fiiiiiiat IxiuifCaor and non. of

WlaM.'i. an-vinitinif irH-iiil'»ainl rx-iiitivan I han-j Hra-idiiiK KWar I’ufTar unw a nliort I iiddrann at f In-«|uartarlx i-oiiian-iH-a .Mon- I day aftarni MillI H. Hamhardt, n Uorh»-«tar, N. Y.. who 1 ban Imni ••iM'iidiiiK th** p*Mt nix aa*-knh»-n*. I ratiirnail honia Satnnlay ax-amnif.I Mm. (i. H. Mmidnm and littia nou. of tiMonno. nfiafit Fndav anil Satnnlay with bar(larantH, Mr.aitn Mm. H.vnm \ iih-ntina.

No oaa would avi-r lia iMitharad xvitli roiintl|MltifHI if avarv'ona kiiaw kow lint iiniHy and ipiiakly Hiintork HI«mmI Hit- tar«. n*u:ulat«M tha ntwnHtrh and Imxvaln.

t'liran rnoi|i. nom throat, patmonary tnoiblaM,—Moiiarrh ovar (laiti of avary n<irt. Hr. Tlioniaa’ KaM-trir <HI.


Mto Afla Hnawiiet waa oallad boaiv Iroai kar aekoed daUaa by tka dvatb of bar tat bar.

Nubia Law Ml froai a ladtirr wkUr dimbiag to tl» b«y aK>«. TtorMalUka badly kralaad aukla.

Mlaa IJnak* Hall, wbo ia darkiag ia Mr. Poaaanntu»*at4m» at kaaalag, apaat Haa- day with krr paraata. Mr. aad Mia. Ilao flail.

Mm. N*4aoB Hoat aad gmad daughter. Mm. f ttia I'oat, vnll viait at tke koaw of W. J. fiartoek. wkam Mm. Hnat willafmid tke wiuter.

Juba f|. Ileaediet waa bom July 31, 1H41, ia .New York, roatiag to fSlatou «*«>aBty wbila a youag luaa. wbaw be IMMoed away fletober lU. IHOH. Thrae yaam ago helenruail ttot he waa a vieiiai of ttot ilraaded dmaaar, taberruloaia. Siaeattottiiae tke dediue haw liaaagrad- uai. Wbeaall nature waalayiagaaidetke aembleaoe of metirilj, preparitory to tke long mat wkidi ineaan reoewaJ of life, oorfriead and ueigbbur laid ooidr the |iain-racked bodr, to eater into the new- BMMt of eteroal life. .Vltkoogb Mr. Heoe- dict knew ttot the life-1 bread xvoa only a goNnanwr. be retained hie iat<-rval in tke humble, everyday datiea. Not many montbe ago hia tom. by a etroke of lightning, wae reduced to itehee. With liM itaanl •-nergy he reftiaretl it, hie evi-rv thought eeemiiig to beewatered upon hi« family, that he might tear*- tiiem alltto* would contribute totbeiroomfort and con veniemv. .ill that luring haudn could do to brighten the laat day e of ourfrieotl waa uladly fierformetl. The Iwautiful Howem llpit wereta-tit'erc^toiiandalMtut tie* caa- ket attmted the kindly feeliuge lairne the deaetieed by hie maiir friende. The text waeedectedfroni l-^cimiaetee 12. 1: lie- member now I by (’naitor in t heduye of t liy yontli, while the eril daye i-«Mne not, nor tlie yearn draw nigh, when tkcu ebalt wiy, I tore no pleiuntrt* in them.



DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY DEFT’S,WE are sure If you will take the palas ta eoHie !■ aad seeoureomplete

meat of Ladles* and Children’s wear jon will be repaid.

Women’s SmartOuter Qarmeiits..


THE MIG STOKB ana akow Mie repreaaakitire liar in Mi. Johaa. All ttot is aiyllob. now, dadrmble and pracMal will ba found ham.

Ladles* Jackets.

Tan Keraey Jackaia. round uomara, dart aiaerao, a i 1 k lioad through­out, 1 a p p a d aaama mod baau • tifully made

.\bora in blue ^ and black at

aame price.

Dress Skirts.Tlie .M. K. imrennoge ie rect-iving e«ime

imfinixemente by wa.x' of a kitrbea and WiMid houee.

The .Van .\rlinr U. It. f'o. ie Iniildiug a new fo-ight houee at thie etation.

Ib-v. Hrvant, Mm. II. Setti-nngton. .Mm. Hr. TrariM mid F. Hraee are at- tmding the etiite .VuMoeiatioii of the Free llaptiel eiiurrh lield nt ililledale thie we»4k.

The jiTfiph-id the .\l. K. i-hiirrh gave u ov-i-ption for thnr {tuHtor and wife. Ilex*, atifl Mm. II. H. Skinner, laet WiiineHilay enaiing. It xvae held nt the eNiirrh, a; giNMl iinigmin xvuk lemh-nil and all ■ Meenieii to i-npiy it. I

.Mr. Hriii-, who ha» lieen (piitenH-k fori the (Miet two weeke Ie n-|M»rliil te-tter.


Mr. and .Mm. Wm. I'ennington vinted their ilAughli-r, .Mm. Southworth. oi t'haHotte lant ei^k.

Hr. II. X, Swanex wiie a deh-gate troiii ■ tin-Kagle loilg*- I, 11. <1. F. at the eon-; vi-iition held III I-mieiiig laet week. j

.Mi.t» Uoim- I'alriek xvho hue lie*-n very dang*-nnii*lv hick with ««iirler fever le

I iiiiH'h iietler at thie wrilinu-Mf. and .Mre ll<-nr\ Neweoin, oi (iranii

l.e«lge. wrty pree»-nt at tin- aid Me-i<-fy at Mre. .Siiyiler’H laet Friday. j

Hon't fail to hear Mine IllHiH-hnni nt i Ihi riiiverwalMt church .Saturday ex-en [ iog t >ctole-r Kntertiiinnient xvill In gin at o'Hock, .Idniineion In «-,-m>. j


Kllgelle UollHOII liaMlMMIghl the Kellogg farm.

Mm. .iamt^ Ibetl. itf Kagh-. i. viNitiug ' friende III Hih-y. |

HhH.V Ifeeil, of Lllieing. Tlnlteil her! ItareiiiN .Sunday.

Johiiey .Smith Iihn miIiI hie farm and intend, to move mto M. S. Wnre’ehouee.

.\ iiiimiH-r of iieopit-attenihii tb«* dance at .Mi-rh-te-arh, given lor the lienetlt of ■ Mr. Ile.^1.

< Ire,III Cnairl .Illltar*.Tin- lolloxxitiK an- thi* iiann-e oi Ibe

men drawn for .lary »e-ix'ie»- at tie-Nov-- ember term of circuit court.


All wool ooveltioe. heavy weight, for winter wear..............................t2 2n

CrefMMi Skirtn...Latent etylee and lieautiful ef­fect*. up to each.

Fur Collerettes.Klcctrie Heal lined with heavy ■ateen. number to chooe fromeach.................................................. ftMA lieautiful line of .\*trachan. Chinchilla, MontHon and Krini mer.

Mominj?: Jackets..Made of Cotton Kiderdnwn. fancy tiguree and plain i»iora. each

!|il.2‘) t(i

Dress Ooods....Black aad oolorn, 38 lack braod- cloib. Every piac* daairabla.P«r yard......................................... $1.00

Plaids...m piacea in aaige, camala hair, fioplin aad Ottoamn affaot. uoala to tLOn per yard.

Crepon.lairgaat aonortmaot in town TTi uaota to ISJWI par yard.

Silks and Satin.37 Inch black all ailk MllnDuebeea, par yard.....................$1.0033 inch oil boiled TalTetaa |ieryard............................................75 oeota.Vaaorfmeot of plaid aiik*. beau­tiful effect* fHi cent* to $1.00 par yard.

Laces and Trinimmg:s.i

Atteotioo ia called to new ar- rix-al* embracing new idoaa in lateot featuree in Faraiao faab- looa. tempting and excluoive noveltia*.

Juba Trimmins^s.Extra value* in black and all evening ahaden at. per yard SOc.

Special Lace Sale.One lot former 10, IS and

2S cent laces to close at per yard Qc

UmbrellaTwilled covered and brace*, arc iH]ual to thooe in umbrellaN of twice their value, 3il inch size .'iii eta

T.'i cent* to IXL'ili iiuy* lieatiful and de- ■irable umbrella* ben-.

Ladies’ Walk­ing Hats.

Here's where we save you money, is per cent, at -

8S cents buys plain walk­ing hats, good quality, felt.

$1 for Blackfelt walking hat. trimmediwith',quills and Gros- grain ribbon.

SAIbORS, Black with colored band, each 7S cents.

BeautifullyTrimm^ Hats.

Made to suit you. We are sure you will buy here if you first look around. $1.S0 to $15.00 is our range.Tips

for 45 cents, we can show you a bargain. Others for 65c, 75c to $2.50 each.

Children’s Tams..A large and varied assort­

ment.25, 50 !iiEd 75 cents.



One Int .Mger Hjits, Kegnliir -$1.25 kind to close at

A . A. a-A - A . ^ a - A •A.


They will Talk for Themselves.

th*- lall trrtii

to ntm irly


Is Growing More Popular Each Week


The St Johns News

MiMNl'Iam liHrv«>y rioi of M-|i«N>l thi*

.^imI Ntill H rontiiiiim fvi-ry ilMy iu tlw- w«wk.

Ml. and Mm t*. T < arntm uimI tln-ir <lHUghl«-r. Mm. Kittle Kuhiw x*»wwgxH*"lix lit MrMaiitem’ Twmda.v. They xvill vieit among their awtay tneaik* in thie viniiify until the lattxw part of tue week.

Havim A .^liame are toring n eetlar <iog *<0*! of the l(pr hoaee mid when ttn- wall M) rom|4e|ed will innv»- the bowee now lorated near the I'vawtwry <mi tle- IH’W foundniKxu. Mr. Hfaektiam bae ha* rented the farm and will move hie tnmilv wInwi IIh- boaee le in rendtnem*.

..WrelfaNUni 1............. Kiuftr =

lletll :........ VIrtrtr ,

OiM ;......... Iluplewt j

lirf-enbeab I....... Ilinghnia I.......... OllVN !............iMXVEff !.XVNIertoe m................. ICUrx



.... IMIIimi -X\ t-«l|ilieile :

... Knab- , ..Hellil

........ \ lrt«.r......... o»|i|..........Iieplalii I, Orrenbu.h ..... Illiiahem j................OUvrI

Kbiyd Hb-hmoetl ....................................... l*eXXItt|• 'he* Kerri. __ ... VV«irrt«iwn 'Jitbii liuab-............................ .... lUtey ■Kre«|i '. Krnei ...... ..................... ............ . Ib-N**! ; ,• 'hae II. Itb-e .................................................. KMes

Rttaeale Voar Wewela With f'aeewrele. Oaatlf r'eihartu-. rare raaettfMxtMMi toreter

tac.lkr. ir('~C <' lau. dmaawu rrtuad iwoeT .

Ml. johaa.UIrfe.. <»rt. .-7 tape.

Ilevbt .\. lUkrr ......liMxbl WetllMK• it.1. XVnwrr.............• l*N». I* W ere.......JatM-fW, Weill Einvlil M Oil.iin .... J miaou If. Ibi||,,i, l-eMiH. XI ilre.v .. Wtlllem .Mwrrf .......• 'Ieil>lr Miller......Ilolw-rt I’.elNMlx If Err lllll ......... ........

I Hlrj,lH-li X. |i»,vb- Jobn ilenl.f- Xlorrta II llexm ... Ilenlel XleunlNtf... .• 1. I. l-UPl.x .. . ..Krr,| Me.i...................KutM. N •'era-N It. .'«|>tnl, ............. .Ilrerjr Mi-nt-xMxVm. II M««rrlw-u.., Jetnr. \. K»-»-ih-x• ir«ir»-r II I’roH..

iUkiiAUkiMk ki A. diUhihiMk

Felts and RubbersA re what you Prices knowih

will have to have soon. We quote the Lowest

*1en’a luimbertvillc 2 Buckle Snax Proof Rub­

bers with Good Duality Felt only

A.«.y.yx/xj(x...............: 8a.7S. ;

.- .• f j • • • • 'X • X • • •

Tlie b*-Nl l(lll•ll»•r iiimb- in tin- xv(*ri«l. ( •nib- in miil liHik Ml lht*ni.

rien’s Lamhertvillc 1 Buckle Snag Proof Rub* her^ with Good Quality Felt only

- . . x> . - yv . . XAXjr.. . y . ,

; 88.90. ;

• • TX>.X.-Tii«-r*-'N iMi Hung I'nnif |{iihlH-m hn giuNl aa th«-

i.miilH-rtvill< Th*-.x xx'ill iiiifxx*-ar txxo pair nf <-oniin«»n UiibiH-m.

nen’s Goad Duality Rubbers with Good .Hen’s First Quality Rubber with nishawakaquality Felt only Knit Felt Boots only

vry> * -Yypjot • . vv* . . .^

: 81.7S. ^ : »8.9C>. I

............ ' . . . 7.................. ... . . - • • V • • XXajC- -............ ...\N*-lmve ltMU«iir,| lliew* u»r v^-nm iiinl xvi- kmixx' \V«- kmiw tlifw- xvill giv- Natiainrtion fur liundn-de

th»-y II xv»-«*r gtHul. t.f men hax**- ll•w-«l tln-iii.


You Can Reach15*000PeopleWeekly.

it Coats But

FaM in Hood’sTka Oraat Ouraa by Hood's ••raa-

psrtfta Ara Indaad WarvalOMa." My hwahaad eaflerad wttb atooMch

traabl**o kad attiowwiiecoaldnoc work. He ha* talon flood'. Maraapartlla oari tat* balpiag him wixnderfuily. II* *l*o hod a ■arotalooa hamor bat Hoad'* tiaraaparlll* eared tbt* aad ha hoe had no troaM* wUhlietace. My little hay, too, ha* bean taktag llutid** HaraapaHlla and It to* gtvan him a good appetite. We have great faith ia Hoad** Mereaparflla." Mae- J. II. ■bWAgoa, to Mdlntiarg At., HoatHOtar. Now York. Be ear* to gat HoBd** haaaaa*

Wheel ml.........XX'heel white, ('or*............ .(let* ....._____(*loTer H>wd. TiMolhv iwinO.Av* ...........—Hark wkrwt.....

__ ________ *14..............................4...IU..... .................. .‘laanb............... —............. 'jr,.............. pn .to«*a4 .v« ■............. ri *b»;'................ ................. -............. **• I'



Qalling Qards,(With Envelopes and Boxes, i in t. Johns Can be Found at

('ow.. mdrh..................... .. SfO mi u fO.* (mi('ow. fMliMt iwr rwl. ...............JA 'r PM ••(•Mtrer* (alletl. rw I................ ....*'( r,(» M f4 )m» ;l|o*ii |ier rwo............. ............ ».Pn mwtP'l •(•» '

. .................... I'J «H*«4#4 ‘H*........ ..................... a4<NM^#A|(l


WNol.Mevi,» i-MOIM.IC .Mb » *« IT MVHkKT

CENTS-- ♦ Hood*for Each Inwrtton. 'vtlMiiw*t - la tact Ike (ta* Tra* I

taMIryaddfUMtita. $li*txtar

n*l(er .. ................. ...(trerer ............... . ..........,10:......:;::::;."-:::::Oha** per -a................He*ii. It*** (erhr-l H(iti.«0der per ft,'l........... ............... ....r>rte<l I m.0*nlol«MW.._.... .... .n< one It MW per hM..........HiUhMi* «M»«ot tier lihl... pnrttMwrlatan-f* oar MM ...............H «T tlMHtt hy........................liar Mlsr*! .... .............■Mraw hahwl....„........ .

...... tlWlta

............ .10 '

.. ItwIA.

... .'trteaaf..... 7A*ri«.* ,.. .. MAMtm:............ «.......... ne*n!.....AoiaTA I

■—Si.... .ii 10!

..eaiMi;------- J a* i

k mmSA (Ml .. . $4 00...... to m-


Bean Hairestcr.Ttieualy ■atir—mi BK.VP IIAUX KSTKK

ATTA('llgRVm»r • KMIa* < vlllva. tor Kalve* Inehed la *«r powOthiM.

HoM will, nr wlihnai the noMlar MKW AUKKI('Jt.X<M'l.TIVATtlR.

Amolcta Btrrow Co.. Detroit.* MMaataclarvre of aprtaa Tnnth. Mhovet I HMIaa aad Wathlaa ('anivMtor*. INah | llarmwe, flaatrv* Aaaa llsrveater*. 1 Maaave apfeadera, e«r. “Uvnar aiMraat itsalar la Ml aMe to eapplT y<*M.writeoa.*'

MIM-KI.(.**•!*>< a.(XMrheaadfMaaad per It.....................('MehmaHva^....._____________ .....Tarheva lOrmaeri |wr Ih. (live A^SiBaaawax fwr At..................................Talb.w per lb ................................ ..nalt ahta* gravM ...... ..................

aheeii ahtaa...............peaewa ahlaa.....Hse# draaa* 1 rwt ......Pnrh draaod ewt.......Wnwd hard aad •try-Uklva* (live I...............OPiva (dvMoadl......

.T»n The Largmt Display ofGranite and MarbleJHonnmcnts, Tablets, Markers, Etc-|

Ma.v be eaoa at MFRtNU'K'H arrr hroagkt m At- Jnkae. flat tke otkar Haafrr’a j primal tbrn •■nai* (Mid oar tow Biarh you eaa oav** by toyiaa of aw. Prlarn aad j Wdfkiaaaahip OaoMantoad.

FRED F. MURD(X:K. St. Johna. Michigan.Oi-ramTB Tmk F-oeruri-iue. I

Hurrah!!Here we are Again

H. A, S. 5 c Cigar

Th* Bast Ciaar Erar Mad*rm wh hr a " —