the ministries of the holy spirit - christ's bondservants

Page1 The Ministries of the Holy Spirit By Gordon Lindsay Chapter One Much of our knowledge concerning the Holy Spirit is found in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth chapters of the Book of John. Christ Himself, is speaking there. He reveals the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, which translators have rendered as “The Comforter.” The Greek is a very rich language and the word implies even more than “Comforter,” including advocate, governor, and caretaker. The Lord speaks of Him as the Spirit of Truth. This implies that there are other spirits that are not of truth, and that there is a sharp contrast between the two. The one is called the Holy Spirit, while others are “evil spirits”. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS DEITY The Holy Spirit (also called The Holy Ghost in the A.V. . .we use the terms interchangeably) being of the God- head, He possesses all the attributes of deity. As the Spirit of God, He brooded over creation and brought order out of the primeval chaos. He has the power to give life, and it was by Him that Christ was raised from the dead (Romans 8:11). He is the Spirit of Truth, and therefore never deceives in any way; nor is He ever the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33). HIS FORM AND PERSONALITY God the Father is also spoken of as “Spirit” (John 4:23), and so far as we know He does not have a physical form. We are told that His appearance is as a devouring fire (Exodus 24:17). The Holy Spirit has no for/shape and is not visible to the eye. Although the Greek word for “spirit” is a neuter word and therefore is neither male nor female, Jesus refers to the Spirit as “Him” and “He”. This shows that the Holy Spirit is more than an influence, but is a personality. Therefore, the apostles said, “It seemeth good unto the Holy Spirit and us.” (Acts 15:280 agabus said, “He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of Himself.” (John 16:13). HIS WORKS WITH THE SINNER In dealing with the Spirit’s ministry, we should consider first His work upon the sinner. There is no other agency of which we have any knowledge, that can produce that condition in the unsaved, known as conviction of sin. Neither men, angels, principalities nor powers can do it. Jesus refers to this work of the Spirit upon the sinner in John 16: 8-11): And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, and righteousness and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.” The phenomenon of the Spirit’s work on the sinner is a subject not well understood by a large part of the Church. Yet, it is one of the greatest of the Spirit’s manifestation. The Church’s recruits are from the unsaved, and before these can become true members of the Body of Christ, they must be converted, and this does not take place until the Spirit has given them a real conviction of sin. Due to the absence of the Holy Spirit in a large section of the nominal church, many of its members are persons who are unregenerated. Because of this lack of the Spirit’s presence, men have busied themselves by seeking substitutes that will attract people into their church. All such substitutes are worthless counterfeits. Individuals joining a church without a true conviction of sin, usually entertain a false hope that they are converted, but actually they are unsavedlost. There are many things that are mistaken for the Spirit’s presence. A widespread enthusiasm is not necessarily an indication of the Holy Spirit’s power. Because people sing fast and have many physical demonstrations, this is not necessarily an evidence of His power; nor is a preacher’s ability to make men laugh or weep and indication of the Spirit’s presence. Robert Ingersoll, the notorious infidel, could play on the emotions of people as few could, but who would say that the Spirit had anything to do with it? Nor are tears of sympathy shed because of some sad story that is told, necessarily an indication of Holy Spirit conviction. True conviction takes place when the person has sorrow of heart, because he has lied, stolen, mistreated his family, and rejected Christ. There must be godly sorrow for sin before there can be true salvation because of the Spirit’s work on the sinner’s heart. The Spirit takes the Word of God and lays it to the heart like a sword:

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The Ministries of the Holy Spirit By Gordon Lindsay

Chapter One

Much of our knowledge concerning the Holy Spirit is found in the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth chapters of

the Book of John. Christ Himself, is speaking there. He reveals the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, which translators

have rendered as “The Comforter.” The Greek is a very rich language and the word implies even more than

“Comforter,” including advocate, governor, and caretaker. The Lord speaks of Him as the Spirit of Truth. This

implies that there are other spirits that are not of truth, and that there is a sharp contrast between the two. The one

is called the Holy Spirit, while others are “evil spirits”.


The Holy Spirit (also called The Holy Ghost in the A.V. . .we use the terms interchangeably) being of the God-

head, He possesses all the attributes of deity. As the Spirit of God, He brooded over creation and brought order

out of the primeval chaos. He has the power to give life, and it was by Him that Christ was raised from the dead

(Romans 8:11). He is the Spirit of Truth, and therefore never deceives in any way; nor is He ever the author of

confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33).


God the Father is also spoken of as “Spirit” (John 4:23), and so far as we know He does not have a physical form.

We are told that His appearance is as a devouring fire (Exodus 24:17). The Holy Spirit has no for/shape and is not

visible to the eye. Although the Greek word for “spirit” is a neuter word and therefore is neither male nor female,

Jesus refers to the Spirit as “Him” and “He”. This shows that the Holy Spirit is more than an influence, but is a

personality. Therefore, the apostles said, “It seemeth good unto the Holy Spirit and us.” (Acts 15:280 agabus said,

“He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of Himself.” (John 16:13).


In dealing with the Spirit’s ministry, we should consider first His work upon the sinner. There is no other agency

of which we have any knowledge, that can produce that condition in the unsaved, known as conviction of sin.

Neither men, angels, principalities nor powers can do it. Jesus refers to this work of the Spirit upon the sinner in

John 16: 8-11):

“And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin,

and righteousness and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I

go to my Father, and ye see me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

The phenomenon of the Spirit’s work on the sinner is a subject not well understood by a large part of the Church.

Yet, it is one of the greatest of the Spirit’s manifestation. The Church’s recruits are from the unsaved, and before

these can become true members of the Body of Christ, they must be converted, and this does not take place until

the Spirit has given them a real conviction of sin. Due to the absence of the Holy Spirit in a large section of the

nominal church, many of its members are persons who are unregenerated.

Because of this lack of the Spirit’s presence, men have busied themselves by seeking substitutes that will attract

people into their church. All such substitutes are worthless counterfeits. Individuals joining a church without a

true conviction of sin, usually entertain a false hope that they are converted, but actually they are unsaved—lost.

There are many things that are mistaken for the Spirit’s presence. A widespread enthusiasm is not necessarily an

indication of the Holy Spirit’s power. Because people sing fast and have many physical demonstrations, this is not

necessarily an evidence of His power; nor is a preacher’s ability to make men laugh or weep and indication of the

Spirit’s presence. Robert Ingersoll, the notorious infidel, could play on the emotions of people as few could, but

who would say that the Spirit had anything to do with it? Nor are tears of sympathy shed because of some sad

story that is told, necessarily an indication of Holy Spirit conviction. True conviction takes place when the person

has sorrow of heart, because he has lied, stolen, mistreated his family, and rejected Christ. There must be godly

sorrow for sin before there can be true salvation because of the Spirit’s work on the sinner’s heart. The Spirit

takes the Word of God and lays it to the heart like a sword:



“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to

the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts

and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

The innermost thoughts of a person’s heart are revealed through the Word of God. Therefore, the preaching of the

Word is necessary in order to bring about the conviction of the Spirit.

The Spirit will use all means possible to reach a man’s heart; but eventually, there is a limit to these avenues, and

when the Spirit has tried them all and found the doors closed, there is nothing more he can do. The person then

becomes what is called, “gospel hardened.” It is a sad day indeed for that individual when the Spirit leaves him.


“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he

cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

This was something that Nicodemus could not understand. The natural man, however gifted, moral or refined, can

not see, understand, nor enter the kingdom of God. He must be born again—that is, regenerated. This is

something as vital as birth itself, and is called the new birth. It is an actual revolutionary work of the Spirit that

changes the very nature of man. Paul states it beautifully in 2 Corinthians 5:17:

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all

things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

When conviction of the Holy Spirit reaches a point where the man is willing to surrender to God, he repents of all

his sins in humility of Spirit, and accepts Christ as his personal Savior. The invisible work of the Spirit then

begins. The man is born again, in a moment of time. However, this does not mean that the Spirit’s work is all

completed in that instant. The Holy Spirit continues, as He is permitted, to work in a person’s life, bearing the

fruit of the Spirit and gradually changing the person’s life into the very image of Christ Jesus.

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same

image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (John 16: 13-14):

“Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of

himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He

shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”

The Holy Spirit’s first work with the believer is to reveal Christ as God’s great and unspeakable gift to His

people. Jesus said to His disciples, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” This

was to be the Spirit’s work to reveal Christ to the believer.

Upon conversion, the Spirit takes the believer and baptizes him into the Body of Christ (A related work, but not to

be confused with the baptism of the Holy Ghost).

“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be

bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13).

Here is something important. New converts are usually asked to join some church or a denomination, and of

course this is right; but joining a church must not be confused with being baptized by the Spirit into one body, the

Body of Christ. Men can profess faith in Christ, but if they isolate themselves and do not seek to work in harmony

with the other members of the Body, it is difficult to see how they can consider themselves of the true Church.

The Spirit of God takes the things of Christ and reveals them unto us. The importance of this is seen in the fact

that Jesus while on earth, could only minister to a limited number of persons at a time. But the Holy Spirit can

deal individually with every person living in the world at the same time and with the greatest of ease.

It should be understood that we do not use the Holy Spirit, rather the Holy Spirit uses us. There is a wide differ-

ence in the capacity of different individuals to be used by the Spirit. Great, natural ability without the Spirit’s



anointing is of less value than a lesser ability with a powerful, Holy Ghost anointing. However, where natural

ability is yielded to God, the greater the ability, the greater the results. The Apostle Paul with his education, his

religious training, his keen mind, and remarkable natural talents,, became a powerful tool in the Spirit’s hand to

launch the great missionary movement of the Church.

The Holy Spirit has no natural or spiritual body. Therefore, for Him to manifest Himself in the world, he must

have a body through whom he can work. The consecrated believer thereby becomes a channel by which the Spirit

of God flows. The Holy Spirit prays, preaches, prophesies, interprets, and heals the sick through yielded persons.

Another writer stated: “This is not other than the power of ‘god and the Holy Spirit. This great power

not only works in us and through us, but also for us. As children of God we are in the world but not a

part of the world, and against us are arrayed mighty and powerful spiritual hosts of wickedness in the

heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). These fight against us for the purpose of hindering us from obtaining

our inheritance, and stunting our growth as Christians, but most of all in order to make fruitless our

efforts toward furthering the cause of the kingdom of heaven. Against these, our comparatively puny,

physical and mental abilities and knowledge do not go very far; but the one who is in us, the Spirit of

Jehovah, is greater than the one who is in the world, and through Him we have the victory! He not only

blesses the physical and spiritual man to make him effective, but He also arranges the conditions and the

environment under which we labor. He goes before and opens the way for our efforts. He nullifies the

activities of others who as Satan’s direct tools and emissaries are trying to resist our endeavors. Through

His knowledge He knows, and by His great power He sets at nought the best, well-laid-out plans of the



There are many other things that need to be said about the work of the Spirit, and some of these will be dealt with

in the next chapter, in which we give the reasons for which the believer should receive the baptism of the Holy


There is, however, one more important matter that we should take note of here. There are other spirits beside the

Holy Spirit. Apostle John tells us to try the Spirits. We are living in a day when the world is in a state of

perplexity, religiously as well as politically. Great care is needed to avoid becoming ensnared in anything that is

demonic in origin. Caution, however, can go too far and cause one not only to refuse the false, but also the

genuine. With some people, everything supernatural is of Satan. With others, everything supernatural is of God.

Both of these extremes are to be avoided. If we follow carefully the instructions of the Scriptures, we will be able

to distinguish and differentiate between the two. John gives us instruction in this matter:

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: Because many false

prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesseth that

Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come

in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come;

and even now already is in the world” (1 John 4:1-3).

Here we are informed that false prophets are gone out into the world, and we may add that they are still going out.

Any spirit that denies or degrades, or annuls Christ is the spirit of the antichrist and of the devil. Spiritualism for

example, traffics in these false impersonating spirits. Swedenborg, Mohammed and other false propjets, testified

to meetings with spirit visitors. The nature and source of these are unknown by the fruits they produce.

On the other hand, some people attribute all supernatural phenomenon to the devil. Therein is a grave danger. The

Pharisees claimed the miracles that Christ performed were accomplished by the power of Beelzebub (Mat. 12:24).

Christ warned that in making this charge, they were in danger of committing the unpardonable sin. To give Satan

credit for the work of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy against the Spirit—a sin that cannot be forgiven. There is little

excuse for men to commit this sin, when they have the open Bible before them. The Word of God is clear on these

things, and there is no reason for making this mistake.



Jesus said of an unknown miracle worker, “Forbid him not: for there is no man who shall do a miracle in My

name, and can lightly speak evil of me” (Mk. 9:39); and this is still true for today.

A writer on the Holy Spirit sums up the matter in the following words:

“Any person who directly, or indirectly, willfully opposes the operations of the Holy Spirit puts himself

in a dangerous place and condition. First, there is the danger of committing the unpardonable sin for

which there is no forgiveness. Satan, of course, is very busy trying to get many to believe that they

already have done so when they are absolutely guiltless of any such thing. But nevertheless there are

those who have committed it, and it is from this class that the modern, Christless religions feed and find

so many recruits. The Holy Spirit also is easily grieved and once driven away is not quickly wooed back

again. This produces a hardness of heart that that is more or less untouched by anything. It also produces

a state of spiritual blindness that completely darkens the intellect. We read of how the God of this world

has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving. And many by resisting or opposing the Spirit of God have put

themselves where the god of this world, who is satan, has so blinded them that they have eyes and see

not, ears and hear not, and their heart is waxed gross, and their understanding completely darkened to

the deeper things of salvation and all the workings of the Holy Spirit. . . .It is better to be safe than to be

sorry, so the advisable thing is to remain silent on the things of this nature if not understood.”



Ten Reasons Every Christian

Should Receive The Holy Ghost Chapter Two

Christ’s great gift to His followers was the baptism in the Holy Ghost (Spirit): As He stood with His little band of

disciples on the Mount of Olives just prior to His departure for heaven, His words were, “Wait for the promise of

the Father which saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with

the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1:4-5). The element used in this baptism, was not water, as was the

case with John, but the mighty Holy Ghost. Upon speaking these words, the Lord ascended to heaven and the

disciples returned to Jerusalem where they passed the next ten days in prayer and worshipping God, after which

the Holy Ghost fell. It came as tongues of fire and a mighty rushing wind. It filled all the house where they were

sitting, and they all began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This wonderful gift they received,

revolutionized their lives, and set them afire for God. Though unlearned laymen (Acts 4:13), they went forth and

preached a message that changed the world.

What is the nature of this experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost? What are the reasons which would cause

one to desire to receive it? What will the blessing do for them? We propose in the following pages to answer some

of these questions by giving ten reasons why every Christian should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

1. Christ and His Apostles needed the Holy Spirit, so all Christians need The Holy Spirit. Christ, the Son of God, came down from heaven. Because He emptied Himself of His glory and became man, He

was subject to the infirmities of man (Heb. 5:7-9). And in this human role as the Son of man, he needed the Holy

Ghost baptism. And therefore, before the first act of His public ministry began, He received the Holy Spirit as He

was being baptized by John in the River Jordan!

“And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened

unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him” (Matthew 3:16)!

The 12 Apostles received the baptism in the Holy Ghost in the upper room!

The women who followed Jesus received the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14)!

Mary, the mother of Jesus, who by the Spirit conceived the Savior, received the Holy Ghost!

Christ’s brethren, in the flesh, received this glorious Baptism!

Every one of the 120 in the Upper Room received the Holy Spirit!

Every person of the 3,000 who heard Peter preach his sermon on the Say of Pentecost, was given the promise

of the gift of the Holy Spirit!

“Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the

apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every

one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy

Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the

Lord our God shall call (Acts 2: 37-39).

As this Scripture states, this mighty gift of the Holy Ghost is for all. It is for you and your children, for all those

that are afar off, even unto as many as the Lord our God shall call (Acts 2: 37-39).

2. The Holy Ghost gives us power to witness. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto

me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judeaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth”

(Acts 1:8).

The first thing one thinks of in attaining a victorious Christian life, is the need of power. We constantly meet the

forces of evil, and face continually, strong temptations that the human will cannot stand up against, successfully.

We need the power not only to defend ourselves against evil, but to take the offensive.

Also, we need power to be able to witness effectively to others and to influence others for Christ. The purpose of

the Baptism of the Holy Ghost is to give us this power.



The most amazing proof of the truth of Christianity is the fact that a band of lowly fishermen, who, according to

the standards of religious leaders of that day, were “ignorant and unlearned men” (Acts 4:13), were able to go

forth against the severest opposition, and under God, bring into existence the most powerful religious movement

in all history.

And this story is repeating itself in this latter day outpouring. A half century ago, Pentecost was preached in tents,

store buildings, and abandoned churches. Yet Pentecost today, has become a powerful movement and according

to a recent article in Life Magazine written by a leading churchman is now to be reckoned as the third force in

Christendom, along with Protestantism and Catholicism.

When the Lord spoke to Zerubbabel who helped rebuild the Temple after the return from Babylon, He said, “Not

by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain? Before

Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain. . .” (Zechariah 4:6-7). Here we see the feeble power of the human,

balanced against the mighty power of God. No human power could level the mountain before Zerubbabel. Yet by

the power of the Spirit, the mountain became a plain. So today, the believer meets mountains which he cannot

cross in his own strength, but they can be moved by the power of the Spirit. What greater proof than this do we

need that the baptism of the Spirit gives men power to witness?

3. The Holy Ghost Gives us Power to Live a Holy Life. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the

flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law

of sin and death: For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the

deeds of the body, ye shall live.” (Romans 8: 1, 2, 13).

Here we are told that the Holy Spirit frees us from the law of sin and death. Without the Spirit, man’s attempts to

live a holy life are futile and vain. He cannot in his own strength live an overcoming life. He will fail again and

again, as Paul describes in his autobiographical experience in Romans 7. Indeed, man’s self-righteousness is as

filthy rags in the sight of God.

Now every Christian has the Spirit of Christ to some degree—otherwise he is not a follower of the Lord. “Now if

any have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His.” (Romans 8:9) But the experience as received on the day of

Pentecost, represents a fuller measure of the Spirit. He was with the believer, but now He is in him.

It should be pointed out, however, that the baptism of the Holy Spirit does not automatically make a man holy nor

and ideal Christian. The saints in the Corinthian Church received the Holy Spirit, and “they came behind in no

gift.” Yet they were very carnal, and required stern disciplining and correction by the Apostle Paul. While the

infilling of the Spirit gives the believer power to live a holy life, nevertheless man is a free-moral agent and there-

fore it cannot be guaranteed that every believer will live up to that responsibility.

4. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter Who Will Abide Forever. “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever” (Jn. 14:16).

The Holy Ghost is the Comforter who is come to abide forever. What a thrilling thought that this glorious Holy

Spirit who moved on the darkness at the dawn of creation and caused the light to shine forth, comes to abide, not

for a day, a month, or a year, but forever! A million years from now He will still be with us to guide, comfort, and

give us eternal fellowship with God. Here, then we see the absolute need of the Holy Spirit beyond all else. He

identifies Himself with us. Through His indwelling presence, we become the Temple of God.

How all material blessings pale into utter insignificance beside this great Comforter! How the abiding presence of

the Spirit makes our worldly possessions as baubles in comparison! Solomon spoke the truth when he said, “All

things are full of labor; man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.”

The earthly pleasures of this world can satisfy for only a little while, and in time pall the appetite. How sad to see

great men as they near the end, suddenly realize that all the honors of this world that they have ever gained, lose

all value as they move into the land of shadow from whence none ever returns. Death rings down the curtain, and

hustles them out of his soliloquy in Ecclesiastes, drew the conclusion that he did.



“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw

nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

But he who has the mighty Comforter need never fear the evil days, for as the Scripture says, “At evening time it

shall be light.” (Zechariah 14:7)

The glorious Holy Spirit infilling is the only thing that can fully satisfy the human soul. Man is so made that he is

not complete in himself. In his soul there is a spiritual “vacuum.” If it is not occupied with God, it will eventually

be filled with that which is evil. (Luke 11: 24-26).

5. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is “The Refreshing” Spoken of in Prophecy. “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is

the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear”

(Isaiah 28: 11-12).

The Holy Ghost is not only the Comforter, but the speaking in tongues, which follows the infilling of the Holy

Ghost, is the “rest” and “the refreshing” for “the weary” which God has promised to the believer.

The human race in its wandering away from God finds itself in a state of unrest and unfulfillment. Their search

for happiness through trying to accumulate material possessions, always ends in disappointment and

disillusionment. Jesus sharply rebuked this philosophy of earthly riches.

“And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the

abundance of the things which he possesseth” (Luke 12:15).

But there is one satisfying experience that can never sate the soul. God has promised the Holy Spirit for whoso-

ever will. “I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh.” “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.” The

infilling of the Spirit with the speaking of the unknown tongue is as the prophecy declares, the “rest” and the

“refreshing.” And to this truth many thousands will testify.

6. The Holy Spirit Will Quicken Our Mortal Bodies. “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from

the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Romans 8:11).

We know that divine healing is accomplished by the power of the Spirit. “The power of the Lord was present to

heal.” But God’s purpose goes further than healing. It includes Divine health, as 3rd

John 2 declares:

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul


The supreme event of history, was the resurrection of Christ from the dead. This great miracle was wrought by the

Spirit of God. That is, the lifeless body of Jesus was raised from the greave through the power of the Holy Spirit.

But the Apostle adds that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead has been given to the believer to

quicken His mortal body. Notice that the Apostle is not at this point talking about the future resurrection, but he is

speaking of the quickening of this mortal body. As the context shows, he is referring to the life that we are living


The time of the resurrection has not yet come, but in the meantime the Spirit will quicken our physical bodies, so

that we may have the strength necessary to perform the work that God has called us to do.

Dr. A.B. Simpson, the famous preacher of a generation ago, who did much to restore Divine healing to the

Church, tells how that as a youth he was handicapped with a frail body. After the Sunday services, it took him



until the middle of the week,, before he had strength enough to begin preparation for the services of the following

Sunday. Because of his sickly condition, he became an object of pity—a circumstance that brought him almost to

the point of despair. However, it was while he was in that condition that God revealed Himself to him as His

Healer. But more than that, God showed him that He would be his health, if he would wholely depend upon Him.

And so it was that the Spirit of God came upon him and quickened his life to such a degree that within three years

after he was healed, he preached no less than a thousand sermons!

Any blessing bestowed by the Holy Spirit, must be appropriated by bold faith in the same way any other blessings

are obtained. Many have experienced this quickening, and it is one more of the great benefits which is given by

the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He came to give life, and life more abundantly.

7. To Guide The Believer Into all Truth. “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of

Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall

hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16: 12-13).

Some denominations, denying the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost have been drifting into rationalism

and unbelief, which denies the virgin birth, the miraculous, the born-again experience, and some have even been

ensnared in such Bible-dishonoring teachings as the theory that man is descended from the brute beast. These

errors have never troubled the Pentecostal movement. Anyone who has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost

intuitively knows that any teaching that claims man to have blood relation with animal kingdom, is false.

It is possible for a believer to receive the Holy Spirit and still be subject to mistakes. It is possible for him to

choose error, since God never takes away a man’s free will (1 Timothy 1:19-20; 2 Timothy 2:17-18). But if he is

obedient to the light he has, the Spirit of the Lord will keep him from serious error.

A Spirit-filled person usually becomes conscious that a Christian’s walk is a holy walk. Hundreds of persons

testify that without a sermon being preached on the subject, and without anyone saying a word on the matter, the

Spirit of the Lord caused them to drop such things as smoking, drinking, and the patronizing of worldly places of


Believers do have a measure of the Holy Spirit, even before they receive the full baptism. Jesus told the disciples

before Pentecost, “He dwelleth with you and shall be in you” (John 17:14). And Paul said, “Now if any man have

not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His” (Romans 8: 9). In fact, the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding people

into truth, begins before conversion (John 16:8).

However the Spirit is able to lead men into “all truth” more effectively after they receive the baptism of the Holy

Ghost. An illustration of this is the fact that the disciples, before the Day of Pentecost, could not understand why

Christ needed to go to the Cross (Matthew 16 21-23). But after Pentecost, all this became clear (Acts 2: 22-36).

8. Because The Holy Spirit Will Help Us to Pray Supernaturally. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:

but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26).

We do not have to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to pray. Because God is gracious, the Spirit of

God in his convicting power will help the sinner to pray the publican’s prayer. As we have seen, the new convert

has a measure of the Spirit and will be able to receive many answers to prayer.

But there is something more than this. When the full baptism of the Spirit comes, and we yield to Him, we will

find that the Spirit of God within us, will intercede and help us to pray and get answers to the difficult problems.

As the above verse indicates, none of us know how to pray as we ought, but if permitted, the Spirit of God will

make “Intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” The Apostle Paul tells us that he prayed both

with the Spirit, and also with the understanding.



“For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is it

then? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit,

and I will sing with the understanding also” (1 Corinthians 14:14-15).

9. Receive The Holy Spirit to Exercise Every Gift Fully. It appears that in some cases God bestows a gift upon a person, even before birth (Jeremiah 1:5). Even so, it is

necessary that the Spirit of God anoints the person at least in a measure, before the gift can properly operate.

Certain of the gifts were manifested in the ministry of the Apostles, even before they received the full baptism of

the Spirit. Jesus commanded them to heal the sick and cast out devils (Matthew 10:8).

Since it is clear that the disciples did not have the baptism at that time, we see that the gifts may operate in a

measure with a partial anointing of the Spirit. They are manifested in far greater power in those who have

received the baptism in full. The manifestation of certain gifts in the ministry of Peter became evident only after

he received the baptism of the Spirit.

For example, neither Peter nor any of the other disciples knew that Judas was intending to betray the Lord (Mk.

14: 17-21, John 13:21-30). And even when Jesus practically told them who it was, they still didn’t catch the

significance of His words. Yet, after Peter received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he instantly discerned the

hypocracy of Ananias and Sapphiras (Acts 5:1-11). As for the speaking in other tongues, none of the disciples

manifested the gift until after the day of Pentecost.

On the Sea of Galilee when the storm arose, the disciples showed only a human faith (Matthew 8:23-26). But after

they had received the Holy Spirit, they had faith for great miracles, even to the raising of the dead (Acts 5:12;


10. Receive The Holy Spirit to Produce the Fruits of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness,

Temperance: against such there is no law” (Acts 5: 22-23).

We have mentioned that the Holy Spirit gives power to live a holy life. But holiness set apart by itself in negative.

The Holy Spirit does more than this. He bears the fruits of the Spirit—resulting in a positive change of nature, and

even of personality. Here is a vast field for consideration of which we can merely take the briefest notice

1. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love: Love is the greatest thing on Earth. Jesus showed what the real proof

was that a man was a true follower of His, when He said, “By this shall all men know that ye are My

disciples, if ye have love one to another (John 13:35). Love worketh no ill to one’s brother. Love is the

fulfillment of the whole law.

2. The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy: Puritanical religion held the view that a Christian should always wear a

long face; but Christ strikes at this false deception that declaring that even when men are fasting and

denying the flesh, they are not to be “as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance” (Matthew 6:16). Many

think of Christ, when He walked the earth, as a sad, melancholy man. This picture is extremely

misleading. Although Christ was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, this refers to the sorrow He

bore for the world, not to His own. Sad people are usually that way because of their own troubles. Yet,

even as Christ went to Calvary, He could say: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my Joy might

remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:11).

3. The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace: The true evidence of conversion is the peace of God that comes within

the heart. The world is restless, frustrated, and disillusioned. “The eye is not satisfied with seeing, not the

ear filled with hearing” (Ecclesiastis 1:8). One of the greatest purposes of the indwelling Spirit is to

produce peace in the heart of the believer—the peace that passes all understanding.



4. The Fruit of the Spirit is Longsuffering: Who, but the Spirit of God, can give us understanding and

patience in our relation with the less spiritual saints. A person who claims to have great spiritual gifts and

loses his temper when things do not go his way, only betrays his own carnality and inconsistency.

5. The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness: A man does not show his greatness by his bombast nor by pushing

people around. Although the Holy Spirit, by His infinite power, brought creation into existence, He is

gentle as a dove and is easily grieved. God is not only all-powerful, He is gentle. The Psalmist said, “Thy

gentleness hate made me great” (Psalm 18:35).

6. The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness: What greater testimony could be given of a man than that of

Barnabas. “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy (Ghost) Spirit” (Acts 11:24).

7. The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith: Not all have the special gift of faith. But if one is full of the Spirit, his

faith will grow into supernatural faith. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds

were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do

appear.... (Hebrews 11—All)

8. The Fruit of the Spirit is Meekness: Now here’s something supernatural! The natural man seeks to

impress others. The natural man constantly seeks to compare himself with others, to his own advantage.

But the fruit of the Spirit causes a man to seek a lower place, to give honor to others. Humility is the true

path to exaltation before Jesus: “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up” (James


9. The Fruit of the Spirit is Temperance: Only the Spirit of God can give us balance. Man is naturally

given to extremes and excesses. Let God bless a man more than his brethren, and the possibility is strong

that he will be puffed up. But the Holy Spirit seeks to give us balance and temperance in all that we do.

The Fruit of the Spirit-(Brings Life) The Fruit of The Flesh (Brings Death)

Love Adultery

Joy Fornication

Peace Uncleanness

Longsuffering Lasciviousness

Gentleness Idolatry

Goodness Witchcraft

Faith Hatred

Meekness Variance

Temperance Emulations

Against such there is no Law Wrath







Revellings—and such like..

The fruits of the Spirit (Which bring Life—the righteous) are opposed to the fruits of the flesh, (which bring

death—the evil). Paul lists both in (Galatians 5: 19-21). The purpose of the baptism is that the Spirit may come

into our lives and “mortify” the deeds of the flesh, thus permitting the fruits of the spirit to grow and mature.

Eternal Life comes only by Jesus Christ Eternal Death comes by faulty life-styles!



The Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Foreshadowed in the Old Testament

Chapter 3

The Scriptures make it clear that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is distinctly a New Testament experience. It is

Something different from anything the prophets received in Old Testament days. Not-withstanding, in some

respects their experiences are analogous to the Holy Spirit baptism of the Christian dispensation, and in fact,

actually foreshadowed it. Three of these events, recorded in the Old Testament, are of special importance. They

are as follows:

1) The giving of the Spirit to the Seventy elders.

2) The receiving of the double portion by Elisha.

3) The dedication of Solomon’s Temple, and the coming of the Shekinah glory.

These incidents have certain remarkable circumstances associated with them, and a careful study of them is help-

ful in understanding certain things that we find in the Old Testament that add to our knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

As has been aptly said, “The Old Testament is the New concealed, and the New Testament is the Old revealed.” It

is in the comparison of the teachings of both Testaments, that certain truths are made to stand out very clearly.


The first these events occurred while the children of Israel in which he told the Lord that the burden of caring for

the spiritual problems of the people was more than he could bear; And God answered him by saying that He

would take of the Spirit that was upon him and put it on the Seventy Elders. These men would then share the

burden with him.

“And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and

will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not

thyself alone” (Numbers 11:17).

A question arises as to the time that Moses, himself, received the special measure of the Holy Spirit. For it is

obvious that the Lord could not have taken of the Spirit from Moses, unless previously, he had received the Spirit.

The time is not difficult to identify. Moses received his great experience while he was on Mr. Sinai, the prophet

communed with God in a pillar of cloud, and there God gave him the ten commandments and the Law. (Exo. 24:


But while Moses was on the Mount, the children of Israel sinned by worshipping the golden calf. It was a terrible

blow to Moses. Unwilling that the nation perish from their sin, he returned to the Mount for another forty days,

this time touching neither food nor drink, until his intercession for the guilty nation had been heard and accepted.

“And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water.

And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. And it came to pass,

when Moses came down from mount Sinai with two tables of testimony in Moses hand, when he came

down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him” (Exo.34:28-29).

It was while Moses was in the Mount this second time, that he received his great experience. It was toward the

end of those forty eventful day that God hid in the cleft of the rock and as He passed by, permitted him to witness

His glory (Exodus 33:18-23). The Lord put His hand over Moses so he would be able to see that glory and yet

live. During those brief moments, while his eyes beheld the Divine refulgence, the physical body of Moses

absorbed so much of it, that he afterwards had to put a veil over his face to keep from blinding the people when

they looked upon him (Exodus 34:29-35).

It is interesting to note that while Moses was in intercession on the Mount, the Lord promised to spare Israel, and

that He would send His angel to lead them into the land (exodus 34:29-35); Nevertheless, Moses was not satisfied



with this and said that he could not proceed with the task, unless the Lord’s presence went with him. And so it

was that God gave him his desire.

“and he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto him, If thy

presence go with me, carry us not up hence” Exodus 33:14-15).

Moses knew he could never accomplish the task set before him, unless the Spirit of God went with him.


To Understand Moses’ request for help, we must go back to a year to the time when the children of Israel had just

left Egypt. Moses had been met by his father-in-law, Jethro. This good man gave Moses some well-meant advice

concerning setting up an administration. He told him he should appoint able men “such as fear God, men of truth,

hating coveteousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties,

and rulers of tens. . And let them judge the people at all seasons…” (Exodus 18: 21-22). And Moses hearkened to

his father-in-law. But where could Moses obtain men with the qualifications who fitted this description?

Much has been said about Jethro, in the way of discrediting him and and his advice, but the real point is usually

missed. Basically, Jethro’s advice was good and in fact, God later had Moses institute a similar system. Where

Jethro’s plan failed, was that he and Moses did not take into consideration that Israel was now a theocracy, a

“Holy Nation, a kingdom of Priest’s,” living under Divine law, and that such a nation cannot be governed by

carnal men with any hope of success. For such a task, spiritual qualifications are required.

Those who are to be overseers in a theocracy, must have at least a measure of the Spirit of God and be led there-

by. But these men that Moses appointed were ex-slaves, who knew little or nothing about the Spirit, and were

therefore quite unfitted for the task. As a result, Israel became a camp of discontent, with some of those

appointed, actually defecting into the ranks of the malcontents. Thus, the top-heavy machinery set up on Jethro’s

advice soon broke down. God had to wait until Moses saw that this improvision had failed. Then the Lord showed

him how to set up an administration, which would be composed of men upon whom He would put His Spirit.

Moses request for help had been precipitated by a serious crisis in the camp. The mixed multitude that was among

them had fallen to lusting (after) the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic. . .of

Egypt. They were, in fact, ready to turn back to Egypt. As we have said, the Lord now responded to Moses’

request by asking him to gather together 70 of the elders of the children of Israel outside the camp, and there He

would put His Spirit upon them.

Here a point should be made. So far as we know, these 70 Elders were among those previously appointed by

Moses. Now, however, they were to be properly qualified for leadership by receiving the Spirit. But the number

was reduced to 70. The vast cumbersome machinery which included thousands of petty functionaries was to be

done away with.


Now we come to a startling fact. We might suppose that it would be a simple matter for God to put His Spirit

upon the 70 Elders. But apparently not. There are definite laws by which the Spirit is ministered to men. Most of

these 70 Elders never had experienced vital contact with God. They had never reached out into spiritual realms

where they could have access to the Spirit, as Moses had.

If 70 Elders were to receive the Holy Spirit, it would not be because of their own faith. Therefore, the Lord said to

Moses, “I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them” (Numbers 11:17).

Here we see the foundation of the doctrine of the laying on of hands for the receiving of the Holy Spirit. On the

day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came directly from heaven upon the one hundred and twenty, who had been

waiting before the Lord. But in most other cases in the New Testament, the Spirit was given through the laying on

of hands.



Do not we have a hint here that those who lay hands on individuals for the receiving of the baptism, must be

Spirit-filled themselves? Moses had sufficient of the Spirit that he could share with the 70. When the Holy Ghost

is given through the laying on of hands, the results will depend on 2 factors—the degree of anointing that is upon

the one who ministers. And second, upon the reception of the candidate.


One of the traditions of the nominal church has been that people receive the Holy Spirit by faith (true), but that

they will not feel anything, not have any evidence that they have received (Not true).

The Spirit of God manifests His presence when He comes upon a person. In the case of the 70 Elders, when the

Spirit of the Lord came upon them, they prophesied:

“And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake to him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and

gave it unto the 70 Elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied,

and did not cease” (Numbers 11:25).

Here is a foreshadowing of the New Testament experience, as shown in Acts 19:6. (There was, of course, no

speaking in other tongues in Old Testament times, but they did prophecy.)

“And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came on them: and they spake with

tongues, and prophesied.”

These men that Paul laid his hands on prophesied, and in addition they spoke with tongues. This is the normal

pattern in the New Testament baptism—the speaking in other tongues, following the reception of the Holy Ghost.


There is an interesting sequel to this event. Two of the 70 who had been set apart were Eldad and Medad. They

did not go out to the tabernacle where the other elders were, but remained in camp. We do not know why they did

not go. Maybe they were still in prayer, waiting upon the Lord. For the Lord had told the people to sanctify

themselves (Numbers 11:18). When the 68 received the infilling, these two who were still in camp, also received.

This indicates God will pour out His Spirit any place, at any time, when there are hungry hearts ready to receive.

The Prophesying of Eldad and Medad caused quite a commotion in the camp. Joshua, who was jealous for Moses,

suggested that Moses command them to cease prophesying; but Moses’ gracious reply was that he wished that the

Lord would put His Spirit upon all His people. Moses’ words were prophetic, for when Christ fulfilled redemption

by His death on the Cross, God then began to pour out of His “Spirit upon all flesh” (Acts 2:17).


It is remarkable that the phrase, “Spirit of the Lord,” is mentioned only twice in connection with the ministry of

Elijah. Not-withstanding, there is no doubt but that the Spirit of the Lord upon Elijah was responsible for the

mighty works performed at his hand. Certainly Obediah and the sons of the prophets knew the source of his

mighty power. Twice there is a reference to his being transported supernaturally, by the Spirit of God (1Ki. 18:12;

and 2Ki 2:16).

Elijah is an Old Testament character who immediately attracts attention of all who read the story, as one standing

apart. A man who lives as Elijah, in the spiritual realms, is to be distinguished from other men. Certainly, he who

could cause the oil and meal to multiply, who could make fire to come down from heaven, and cause brassy skies

to give forth rain, is a man quite out of the ordinary. Yet Elijah was very much human, as James points out in his


“Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and

it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months” (James 5:17).



Even after he had the signal victory of which James speaks, Elijah on the following day, in a moment of

weakness, fled from Jezebel into the wilderness, and there under a juniper tree, prayed that he might die.

But God had yet a ministry for Elijah. The Lord would take him through the same school as Moses. Forty days

would he be without food as he journeyed to the same mount as Moses did, there to see the fire and the shaking

mount that Moses saw (Exodus 19:17; IKings 19:11-12), and there to hear the same voice of God. (Vs. 19). At

Sinai, the Lord revealed himself to Elijah through that still small voice, and there he received his new work which

included the commissioning and anointing of his famous disciple, Elisha.


The time came when God was to take the whirlwind prophet up to heaven. Elijah knew, Elisha knew, and the sons

of the prophets knew what was going to take place as these two prophets journeyed together beyond Jordan. On

the other side of the river, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee”

(2Kings 2:9). The quick response was, “I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.”

Now the Common Version uses a small “s” for Spirit. But obviously, the text does not mean that Elijah’s human

spirit was going to come upon Elijah. It meant that a double portion of the Holy Spirit that rested on Elijah would

come upon Elisha.

From this we see that there is a difference in degree, of the Spirit that tests upon one person and that which is

upon another. The spirit of God came upon the prophets and the sons of the prophets (2 Chron. 15:1), but not in

the degree that He came upon Elijah and Elisha. Likewise, we shall see that in the receiving of the Spirit in the

present, New Testament Dispensation, there are also differences of degree.

In the case of Moses, it was his mighty anointing that made possible the ministering of the Spirit to the 70 Elders.

In the case of Elisha, the anointing that he received, depended not only upon Elijah’s anointing, but upon his own

intense desire and spiritual outreach.

“And he said, thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it

shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so” (2Kings 2:10).

What did Elisha mean by these words? Well, he meant that Elisha must desire this double portion more than

anything else in the world. He must be able to press through into the spiritual world, where the double portion

could be obtained. But it was in Elisha’s soul to receive that for which he had asked. When the chariot of fire

came sweeping low to pick up Elijah, Elisha was alert and seeing all, cried out, “My father, my father, the chariot

of Israel and the horsemen thereof” (2Kings 2:12).

This remarkable event teaches us that there is such a thing as a double portion experience. Not all baptisms are the

same. Some persons have not prepared their hearts as others have. The have not exercised their faith to the same

degree. They receive their portion, but not the double portion. God grant that there will be many, who as Elisha,

will reach out and take the double portion.


“Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter

will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you” (John 16:7).

There is one more important truth taught in this event of Elijah’s translation. The story is a beautiful type of

Christ’s ascension to heaven. The Holy Spirit could not be poured out until Christ was glorified and had returned

to heaven. In the case of Elijah, the Spirit of God that was upon him would come upon Elisha in double power,

only upon his translation. So while Christ was on earth, the Holy Spirit was not given. But upon His ascent to

heaven, He received the promise of the Father and bestowed it as a fift upon His disciples. As Elisha saw Elijah

when he was caught away, so if by faith we see Christ as ascended to heaven, we too can have the Spirit: yea,

verily, a double portion. Let’s receive all that we can from our precious Holy Spirit!




But Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the mopst High dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

as saith the prophet” (Acts 7:47-48).

“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of

God, and ye are not your own?” (1 Corinthians 6:19).

These Scriptures show us that in New Testament times, God’s prople became the Temple of the Holy Ghost. The

veil of Herod’s temple was rent in twain and the Shekinah glory departed. On the day of Pentecost, as the one

hundred and twenty (the 120!) waited in the upper room, the Holy Spirit came and entered into temples not made

with hands.

The dedication of Solomon’s Temple (Herod’s Temple was built a few years before the birth of Christ) was a

wonderful type of the coming of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost. It will help us to understand certain

things about the baptism of the Spirit, by noting the remarkable analogy between the two events.


The dedication did not take place until the temple was finished and ready for the Ark of the Covenant (2 Chron. 5:1).

So also there was a period of preparation by Christ’s disciples, as they awaited the coming of the Comforter, or

the Promise of the Father. (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4).

On the day of dedication, the glory of the Lord came suddenly and filled the temple. So, there need be no long

period of waiting, once the heart is prepared and purified by faith.


We are told that the Levites were arrayed in “White Linen.” This is very suggestive. For the Scriptures infor us

that “white linen” is the “righteousness of the saints.”

“And to her were granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is

the righteousness of the saints” (Revelation 19:8).

White linen is to be given to the Bride of Christ and is not her own righteousness, but the “righteousness of God.”

Those who would receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit must depend entirely upon the righteousness imputed

through Christ. The Spirit of God is not given as the result of human goodness nor good works. To try to make

one’s self good enough to receive the Holy Spirit is a snare and a delusion, and is absolutely futile!


“Also the Levites which were singers, all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons

and their brethren, being arrayed in white linen, having cymbals and psalteries and harps, stood at the

east end of the altar, and with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets” (2 Chron.


The number of Priests, 120, is striking and significant—this is the exact number of those who received the Holy

Ghost on the day of Pentecost!

One hundred and twenty, in Scriptual symbology, is also the number of a new era. A period of 120 years elapsed

until the antediluvian era ended with the flood (Genesis 6:3). When the dove, a type of the Holy Spirit, was sent

out by Noah from the Ark, it found only judgment, so returned. This typified the Dispensation of the Father (Gen.

8:9). Later, Noah sent forth the dove again, and she lit upon an olive branch, plucking it and returning. (Verse 10).

This was a type of the dispensation of the Son, at which time the Holy Spirit came on Christ, the anointed One.

Finally, the dove went forth again, not to return. (vs. 12). This last was a type of the Dispensation of the Holy

Ghost, in which th e Holy Spirit came from heaven to abide with the believer.



Moses, Israel’s leader, was 120 years of age when he died. God took of his Spirit and put it upon Joshua, who was

to lead he children of Israel into Canaan (Deut. 34:6-8). The period of undivided Israel, which includes the

combined reigns of Israel’s first three kings Saul, David and Solomon, was one hundred and twenty years. It was

during the reign of the last King, Solomon, that the temple was dedicated and the Shekinah Glory came into the


It is therefore significant, that as there were one hundred and twenty priests employed in the dedication of the

Temple, in which the Shekinah glory came and inaugurated a new era, so there were one hundred and twenty

disciples in the upper room when the Holy Ghost fell. The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost

marked the beginning of a new era—the era of the Church, which belongs solely to Jesus Christ forever.


It has always been a difficult matter to get God’s people into unity. There appears to be something perverse in

fallen man, which seems to desire to accentuate division rather than harmony—and that weakness too often is

projected over into the Christian life. But the people that day were in gladness of heart, because the great Temple

was finished and ready for dedication, and the worshippers had become ONE.

We see this beautiful unity of the people of God on the Day of Pentecost. “And when the Day of Pentecost was

fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). Here is an essential element in the outpouring

of the Spirit—that God’s people be one in spirit and heart. Discord and contention is an element that seriously

interferes with the moving of the Holy Spirit.


“The Lord dwelleth in the praises of his people.” Worship is indeed the divine method of producing an atmos-

phere conducive for the outpouring of the Spirit. So it was during worship and praise that the Spirit came and

filled the temple:

“It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in

praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and

instruments of musick, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth forever:

that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; So that the priests could not

stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God” (2

Chron. 5:13-14).

As the one hundred and twenty waited in the Upper Room, they “were continually in the temple praising and

blessing God” (Luke 24:53), so they who would receive the baptism of the Spirit should learn to worship the Lord

in song and praise.


While the priests were worshipping the Lord, a wonderful event took place. “The house was filled with a cloud,

even the house of the Lord” (Verse 13). The glory came down and was so great, that priests could not minister by

reason of the glory of the cloud that filled the house.

Thus, likewise it came on the Day of Pentecost. As they worshipped the Lord, and were in one accord, “there

came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” (Acts

2:2). But in addition to filling the house as occurred in the days of Solomon, the Holy Spirit also filled the people.

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance

(Acts 2:4).


These three remarkable Old Testament types of the pouring out of the Spirit baptism, especially emphasize and

portray the following 7 cardinal truths:

1. That those who minister in God’s work need the power of the Spirit upon them.

2. That the Spirit is given not on the basis of human merit, but upon God’s imputed righteousness.



3. That an atmosphere of praise and worship is favorable for the manifestation of the Spirit. “The Lord

dwelleth in the praises of His people.

4. That the Holy Spirit can be imparted through intermediacy of another person who is anointed by the


5. That there is a difference in the degree of the Holy Ghost anointing as concerning different persons.

6. That there is such a thing as a double portion of the Spirit given to those who greatly desire it.

7. That the receiving of the Spirit is indicated by the recipients speaking under anointing of the Spirit.

Having considered the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the types and shadows of the Old Testament, we now come to

the question as to whether the baptism of the Holy Spirit takes place at the time of conversion or is a subsequent

experience. We shall deal with this subject in the following chapter.

—Please page down—



Is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost an Experience

that takes Place at Conversion or After? Chapter 4

The above is a question that is answered clearly by the Scriptures. Notwithstanding, it is strange the number of

people who suppose that when one is converted to Christ, they have received all the fullness of the Spirit that God

has for them, when the Word of God makes it so clear that there is a subsequent experience. In answering this

question, I refer to a letter that I received from a gentleman in Michigan. He had read my book, “Bible Days Are

Here Again,” in which I had said that the baptism of the Holy Ghost was an experience subsequent to salvation.

He took issue with this, and gave his reasons for believing that the new birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost

were one and the same thing. I answered his letter in the Voice of Healing magazine, and, as I believe the article

covers this subject, I am including it in this chapter:

Answer: The letter which Mr. L.A.R. writes, is written in a Christian spirit, and we have no doubt that he is a

godly man. However, we must declare that the Scriptures show overwhelming proof that the baptism of the Holy

Ghost ordinarily is a subsequent experience to salvation.

We gladly agree to this: The baptism of the Holy Ghost may follow conversion almost immediately, where faith is

present and those who possess a ministry of the Spirit are ministering. The account of the receiving of the Holy

Spirit in the house of Cornelius is an excellent example of this (Acts10:44-48). But much spiritual preparation in

his case had taken place beforehand. Cornelius was in fasting and prayer until the middle of the afternoon, when

the account of the incident opens. His household were devout and eager seekers after the truth. Their hearts were

hungry for God, and He filled them with the Spirit even while Peter was preaching. Normally, there is an interval,

however brief, between the work of the Spirit’s producing salvation in the life of the individual, and the full infill-

ing of the Spirit, which we will show:

1. Jesus Taught that the Children of God Should Ask for the Spirit.

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly

Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him” (Luke 11: 13).

In this first mention of the giving of the Holy Spirit, Jesus reveals the principle which runs through the whole

superstructure of redemption. That is, although God has purchased complete salvation for whosoever will, yet it is

necessary that the individual ASK for these blessings. It is important to notice that Christ is not speaking to

sinners nor rebels which are outside of the pale of the kingdom, but of children—His children. The Christian does

receive some measure of the Spirit’s presence at the time of his conversion, but it is evident from this Scripture

that he does not automatically receive the fullness that is divinely intended until he has asked for it.

Many attempts have been made to emasculate the words of Jesus. Some claim that the words of the Sermon on the

Mount are now out of date, and do not belong to this modern day dispensation. Many believe healing and other

supernatural ministries are completely dead; and even the Lord’s prayer is being condemned for this generation!

So there are many cancellations of ministries in this generation. The reasoning? These cancellations and many

more were intended to defy and produce a weak form of Christianity. THE WORDS OF JESUS ARE ETERNAL

IN APPLICATION! The beautiful gospels were not given to mankind to be effective only during the three short

years of Jesus’ ministry, but they were to be solemnly accepted and practiced by all His followers. We shall be

judged by these words which He spoke (John 12:48).

2. Christ, in His Farewell Address, Told the Disciples to “Wait” for the Promise of the Father:

If there were to be any change in the significance of the words of Christ concerning the receiving of the Holy

Spirit, He certainly would have made it known after His Resurrection, at the time that He gave the great com

Mission. At this time He indeed spoke to His disciples and breathed upon them, saying, “Receive ye the Holy

Ghost” (John 20:22). But this is not the baptism of the Spirit, for He afterwards said, as recorded in Acts 1:4-5,

“WAIT for the promise of the Father, which, said He, ye have heard of me; for John truly baptized with water; but

ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” This great event did take place of the Day of



Pentecost as is recorded in the second chapter of Acts. It is important to note that the apostles were save before

Pentecost. The fact that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is a subsequent experience is revealed again in Luke 24:49.

3. After Pentecost, Scripture shows The Baptism of the Holy Ghost follows conversion.

Philip, the evangelist, went down to Samaria and preached Christ unto them. Then he had a great healing service.

It was because of the miracles that “the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake.”

Please make notes of the order of events, which follow:

1. Philip preached Christ Jesus.

2. Miracles of healing strengthened their faith and confirmed the message.

3. There was great joy in the city.

4. They all believed in Jesus and His ministry to mankind.

5. Both men and women were baptized.

The evidence shows the order of events that produces salvation in the hearts of men and women. The Great

Commission declares that “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.”

But notice: The Samaritans had not yet received the holy ghost: This is so plainly declared that there can be no

further doubt but that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is normally an experience that follows conversion (Acts

8:14-17). In other words, the Spirit baptism does not ordinarily take place at conversion.

4. Apostle Paul received the Holy Ghost subsequent to Salvation:

The experience of Paul is significant. The apostle specifically states that God’s great purpose in him was that he

should be “for a PATTERN to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting” (1 Timothy 1:16).

How then, did Paul receive the Holy Ghost—at the time of his conversion on the Damascus road, or later? The

answer is that the Apostle received the Holy Ghost THREE DAYS LATER! During a period of time while in con-

tinued prayer and fasting (Acts 9”8-17). Ananias came to him, prayed for his healing and that he might receive the

Holy Ghost—Verse 17.

5. Paul Taught That Receiving the Holy Ghost Follows “Believing in Jesus.

Paul taught the Reception of the Holy Ghost Follows Belief in Jesus. So when Paul came to Ephesus, he met

certain disciples. His first question was, “Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed?” The revised

Version reads, “When ye believed”. Either translation indicates that Paul knew that the Holy Spirit did not

automatically fall on a person at the time he first believed in Jesus. If it were automatic, then he would never have

asked such a question. No instructed person will ever ask a new convert if he received pardon when he repented

and believed in Jesus. Such always takes place. Not so the infilling of the Holy Spirit. There is ordinarily an

interval, during which time the person is instructed in the need and purpose of the Holy Spirit baptism. However,

it is true that the Divine plan envisages the immediate receiving of this second experience as soon as possible.

6. Common Experience Substantiates This Truth.

The baptism of the Holy Ghost is an experience of such a nature, that everyone knows when it takes place. A

careful reading of the passages and Scripture in Acts 2, 8, 9 10, and 19, indicates that certain manifestations attend

the receiving of the Holy Ghost. God’s Word has never changed. All of those who hunger for the Holy Spirit, will

find that God will give to them all that He has promised. Millions have proved this to be true even in these days.

We would add, however, that everyone who has been converted has received the Spirit in a certain measure (1

Corinthians 12:3; Romans 8:9). And as one stated, “You have the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit doesn’t have

you.” The Lord defined the difference between the Holy Spirit’s presence in salvation, such as the disciples had

received before Pentecost, and what they experienced afterward, by saying “HE DWELLETH WITH YOU AND

SHALL BE IN YOU” (John 14:17). This is the rivers of living water spoken of by Jesus in John 7:37-38, which

everyone who will be a true Bible believer should earnestly desire and receive. Peace.

Since it is the quickening power of the Holy Spirit within the believer, which will quicken his mortal body and

give him Divine health and dominion over sin (Romans 8:11-13), it is of extreme importance that he desires and

receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit immediately following conversion. Be blessed.



Is The Initial Physical Evidence of the

Baptism of the Holy Spirit the

Speaking in Other Tongues

Chapter 5

Elsewhere, we have referred to the baptism of the Holy Ghost being associated with the initial evidence of the

Speaking in other tongues. We now consider the Bible evidence which clearly substantiates this:

1. All of the original 120 disciples who were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, spoke with other

tongues. The charter members of the Early Church were those 120 who obeyed the Lord’s command to “Tarry

in Jerusalem” until they were “endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). These 120 believers included

the apostles, perhaps the Seventy, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and certain others. “These all continued in prayer

and supplication with the women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, with his brethren” (Acts 1:14).

Then came the Day of Pentecost. That little group we have mentioned was in the upper room in glorious worship.

Suddenly the Holy Ghost fell upon them and at the same moment each person began to speak in other tongues!

Let us read the Scripture that speaks of this huge event!

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And

suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the house where

they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of

them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit

gave them utterance” (Acts 2:1-4.

Notice the Apostles, as they were filled with the Holy Ghost, spoke in other tongues, Mary, the mother of Jesus,

spoke in other tongues. Besides these, more than a hundred others spoke in other tongues. Here is the original

pattern of receiving of the Holy Ghost—with the infilling—each person speaks in other tongues as the Spirit gives


The result of this supernatural visitation in Jerusalem was to draw a multitude of people together. Their wonder

was turned to sheer amazement as they heard their own native languages. This phenomenon caused them to give

serious attention to the sermon preached by Peter, who explained the meaning of what had happened. A revival

broke out that day and before night 3,000 souls accepted Christ. Concerning this epochal event, many things

could be said. But the point to be made in connection with our study is, that each of these original believers spoke

in other tongues, as he received the Holy Spirit.

2. The first Gentiles to be saved received the holy ghost and spoke in other tongues The story of Cornelius, of how his household was saved, and how they received the Holy Ghost, holds a

prominent place in the Book of Acts. It had been God’s intended plan, although even the Apostles did not so

understand it, that not only Jews but Gentiles, should share in the blessings of the New Testament dispensation,

obtained through Christ’s death and resurrection. In accordance with this purpose, an angel of God appeared to

Cornelius and said to him, “Thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before God. And now send

men to Joppa and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter” (Acts 10: 4-5).

God had to do some persuading to get Peter to go to this Gentile home, and preach the gospel to them, but he

succeeded, and Peter and his friends made their way to the house of Cornelius. But even while the Apostle was

preaching to them, the Holy Ghost fell on all who heard the Word.

While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of

the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the

Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and

magnify God” (Acts 10:44-46).



Here we see that the Gentiles received the baptism of the Holy Spirit as well as the Jews. How did Peter and

His brethren know that these Gentiles had received the Holy Ghost? The answer is, “For they heard them speak

with tongues and magnify God.” This opening of the kingdom of God to the gentiles and their receiving the

Holy Ghost with speaking in other tongues, thus became a pattern for other Gentiles. Moreover, we see that this

occurrence was exactly the same as that which had happened to the Jews at Pentecost. Peter, reporting back to

the other apostles said, “And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning” (Acts

11:15). Both Jews and Gentiles had now received the Holy Ghost. And both groups spoke in tongues when they


3. The Apostle Paul Spoke in Other tongues The outstanding figure of the Early Church was the Apostle Paul. His conversion was perhaps the most unique

to be recorded in the New Testament. Brought up a strict Pharisee at the feet of Gamaliel, his intellectual

powers augured a brilliant future in the Jewish religion. Zealous above his compatriots, he not only participated

in the stoning of the first martyr, Stephen, but was active in a persecution calculated to wipe out Christianity,

altogether. But all this was before his notable experience on the Damascus road. There, in a blinding light

outshining the midday sun, the Lord Jesus appeared to Him. It was at that moment that his whole life was

changed. Henceforth, he would prove to be the Lord’s most devoted follower.

Arising from the ground where he had fallen, Paul was told by the Lord to go into Damascus. Being blinded by

the vision, he prayed, taking neither food nor drink. The a man to whom the Lord had spoken, whose name was

Ananias came in and laid hands upon him, wherewith he received the Holy Ghost and was also delivered from


Now in this account in the 9th chapter of Acts, there is nothing said about Paul’s speaking in other tongues.

Does that mean that he did not? Not at all. Paul, himself, tells us that he spoke in other tongues. In writing to

the Corinthian Church, he said, “I thank my God, that I speak with tongues more than ye all” (1 Cor. 14:18).

What significance has Paul’s experience to us? The Apostle said that he was to be a pattern for all Christians

who would afterward believe in Jesus Christ.

“Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all

longsuffering, for a pattern to then which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting” (1

Timothy 1:16).

That Paul, whose life was to be a pattern to all believers, spoke in tongues, is one more reason why all

Christians should speak in tongues..


Over 25 years had passed since the day of Pentecost. Paul had come to Ephesus on one of his many missionary

journeys. Upon meeting some disciples of that city, he asked them a question, “Have ye received the Holy

Ghost since ye believed” Perhaps their lack of spiritual power prompted this question; at any rate, their answer

showed that they knew nothing about the experience. They replied, “We have not as much as heard whether

there be any Holy Ghost.” Upon further inquiry, Paul found that they knew only about John’s baptism.

This reply moved Paul to preach a sermon on the Holy Ghost. He pointed out that John preached only the

baptism of repentance, but that he spoke of One Who would come after him who would “baptize with the Holy

Ghost, and with fire” (Matthew 3:11). These disciples, upon accepting Paul’s report, were baptized in water.

Then the apostle laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost and spake with other tongues!

“And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with

tongues, and prophesied” (Acts 19:6).

We have now noted 4 instances, and in each case those who received the Holy Ghost spoke in other

tongues. Is it not apparent that a pattern is truly emerging?



The 120 received the Holy Ghost—and all spoke with other tongues.

The Gentiles received the Holy Ghost at the house of Cornelius—they spoke with other tongues.

Paul received the Holy Ghost—and he spoke with other tongues.

The men at Ephesus were filled with the Holy Ghost—they spoke with other tongues.

In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established. Here are four witnesses in which

people received the Holy Ghost, and in each instance the recipients spoke with other tongues.


THE HOLY GHOST SPEAK IN OTHER TONGUES? . . .There is only one other instance in the New Test-

ament in which it is recorded that people received the Holy Ghost. That was at the city of Samaria. Did these

people, who received the Spirit, also speak in other tongues at the time? Let us examine the facts: Philip, the

evangelist, went down to Samaria and conducted a revival of healing.

“And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing

the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many that were

possessed with them: and many taken with palsy, and that were lame, were healed” (Acts 8:6-7).

News of the arrival reached the ears of the Apostles at Jerusalem. They were, of course, pleased to hear of the

revival, but they were a little disturbed because no one had received the Holy Ghost. Then Peter and John, who

had a special ministry in this respect, came down to Samaria and “laid their hands on them, and they received

the Holy Ghost” (Acts 8:17).

Nothing is directly said here about speaking in other tongues, but notice what happened. A sorcerer, by the name

of Simon, had attended the revival and had become interested—though apparently, he supposed the whole thing

to be just another Kind of sorcery, perhaps something like his own. The healings and miracles impressed him,

yet not to the point that he would part with his money, but when he saw Peter and John lay hands on the people,

so that they received the Holy Ghost, he considered this such great “magic,” that he was willing to give money

for it. Peter gave him the scathing rebuke that he deserved, for this gross impiety as to supp as to suppose he

could secure the gift of God through payment of money.

But what was it that Simon saw that so impressed him that he was willing to part with his money? Neither the

miracles nor the healings had moved him to make such an offer. What could it have been? The only possible

answer is that when the people were filled with the Holy Ghost, they spoke in other tongues as had occurred at

Pentecost. It was this phenomenon that astonished Simon just as it had amazed the people in Jerusalem.

In view of these five instances, we are justified in concluding that the evidence is overwhelming that the

speaking in other tongues accompanies the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

If this was the experience of those who received the Holy Ghost in New Testament days, may we ask what has

been the experience of those who lived in other periods of the Church Age? In the next chapter we shall give

evidence that shows that ever since the days of the Apostles, there have been some who have received the Holy

Ghost according to the Biblical pattern.



Experiences of Those Who Received the Baptism

Of the Holy Ghost During the Church Age Chapter Six

Irenaeus was the first theologian of distinction in the history of the Early Church. He was brought up in Smyrna

where he cam under the ministry of Polycarp, who in turn sat under the ministry of the Apostle John. Thus, there

was only one link between this champion of Christianity and the Apostles. His great work was to defend Christi-

anity against error. He also began the compilation of the New Testament Canon. He wrote the great work

Against Heresies, which effectively demolished the position of the heretical sect, Gnostics. What did this great

theologian have to say about the gifts of the Spirit and the speaking in other tongues? Irenaeus in his books V-VI


“For this reason does the apostle declare, ‘We speak wisdom among them that are perfect’ (1 Cor.

2:6), terming those persons ‘perfect’ who have received the Spirit of God, and who through the Spirit

of God do speak in all languages, as he used himself also to speak. In like manner we do also hear

many brethren in the church, who possess prophetic gifts, and who through the Spirit speak all kinds

of languages, and bring to light for the general benefit the hidden things of men, and declare the

mysteries of God.”

We may quote from the writings of a few other of the Early Church Fathers:

“For the prophetical gifts remain with us, even to the present time; and hence you ought to understand

that (the gifts) formerly among your nation have been transferred to us.”—Justin, Ante-Nicene

Fathers, Vol 1. P.240.

“For Apostles have the Holy Spirit properly, who have Him fully, in the operations of prophecy, and

the efficacy of (healing) virtues, and the evidences of tongues: not partially as all others have.”—

Tertullian, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IV, p. 52.

“This is He who places prophet in the church, gives powers and healings, does wonderful works,

offers discriminations of spirits, affords powers of government, suggests counsels, and orders and

arranges whatever other gifts there are of Charismata; and thus makes the Lord’s Church everywhere,

and in all, per-fected and completed.”—Origen, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. IV, p. 254.

“For the Holy Spirit is not only given by the laying on of hands amid the testimony of temporal,

sensible miracles, as He was given in former days to be the credentials of a rudimentary faith, and for

the extension of the first beginnings of the church. For who expects in these days that those on whom

hands are laid that they may receive the Holy Ghost should forthwith begin to speak with tongues?”—

On Baptism, against Donatists, p. 443, Augustine, Vol. IV.

Many more quotations might be made to show that down through the Church Age, various groups within and

without the Church received the baptism and spoke with other tongues. Probably one of the best known

testimonies is that of the great evangelist, Charles G. Finney, who in his mimoirs tells the story of his baptism of

the Spirit:

“As I turned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost.

With-out any expectation of it, without ever having the thought in my mind that there was any such

thing for me, without any recollection that I had ever heard the thing mentioned by any person in the

world, the Holy Spirit descended on me in a manner that seemed to go through me, body and soul. I

could feel the impression like a wave of electricity, going through an through me. Indeed it seemed to

come in waves and waves of liquid love, for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the

very breath of God. I can recollect distinctly it seemed to fan me like immense wings.



“No words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with love and

joy; and I do not know but I should say I literally bellowed out the unutterable gushings of my heart. These

waves came over me, and over me, and over me, one after the other, until I recollect I cried out, ‘I shall die

if these waves continue to pass over me.’ I said, “Lord, I cannot bear any more,’ yet I had no fear of death.

“How long I continued in this state, with this baptism continuing to roll over me and go through me, I do

not know.

In the “unutterable gushings” of his heart it seems obvious that the Spirit was speaking through him in other

tongues. D.L. Moody’s testimony of receiving the Holy Ghost is striking:

“At the close f a service two women whom he frequently noticed in attendance came forward and said to

him they were praying for him, as they felt he needed ‘the power of the Spirit’ ‘I need power! I had the

largest congregations in Chicago, and there were many conversions. I was, in a sense, satisfied. But right

along these two godly women kept praying for me, and their earnest talk about ‘anointing for special

service’ set me to thinking. I asked them to come and talk with me, and they poured out their hearts in

prayer that I might receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. There came a great hunger into my soul. I did not

know what it was. I began to cry out as I never did before. I really felt that I did not want to live if I could

not have this power of service.

“I was crying all the time that God would fill me with His Spirit. Well, one day in the City of New York—

oh, what a day—I cannot describe it. I seldom refer to it; it is almost too sacred an experience to name. Paul

had an experience of which he never spoke for 14 years. I can only say that God revealed Himself to me,

and I had such an experience of His love that I had to ask Him to stay His hand. I went to preaching again.

The sermons were not different; I did not present any new truths; and yet hundreds were converted. I would

not now be placed back where I was before that blessed experience if you should give me all the world!”

These experiences, however, were not universal. It was not until the first day of the 20th century on New Years

day, that an event took place that marks the beginning of the latter-day Pentecostal movement. A large building

had been rented in Topeka, Kansas, by some individuals for the purpose of studying the Word of God, and for

ascertaining what the Scriptural baptism of the Holy Ghost was the speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives


The first person to receive the Holy Ghost in the group was Miss Agnes Ozman. Her personal story is quoted in

Stanley Frodsham’s book, “With Signs Following”:

“It was in October, 1900, that I went to this school, which was known as Bethel College. We studied

the Bible by day and did much work downtown at night. Much time was spent in prayer every day and

all the time. Prayer was offered night and day continually, in a special upper room set apart as a prayer

tower. I had many blessed hours of prayer in this upper room during the night watches. As we spent

much time in the presence of God, He caused our hearts to be opened for all that is written.

I had had some experience with the Lord and had tasted the joy of leading some souls to Christ. I had had

some marvelous answers to prayer for guidance and in having my needs supplied. I was blessed with the

presence of the Lord, Who, in response to my prayer, healed some who were sick. Like some others, I

thought I had received the Baptism with the Holy Ghost at a time of consecration, but when I learned that

the Holy Spirit was yet to be poured in greater fullness, my heart became hungry for the promised

Comforter and I began to cry out for the enduement with power from on High. At times I longed more for

the Holy Spirit to come in than for my necessary food. At night I had a greater desire for Him than sleep.

“We were admonished to honor the blood of Jesus Christ to do His work in our hearts, and this

brought great peace and victory . . .

“As the end of the year drew near, some friends came from Kansas City to spend the Holidays with

us. On Watch Night, we had a blessed service, praying that God’s blessing might rest upon us as the



new Year came in. During the first day of 1901, the presence of the Lord was with us in a marked

way, stilling our hearts to wait upon Him for greater things. The Spirit of prayer was upon us in the

evening. It was nearly eleven o’clock on the first day of January that it came into my heart to ask that

hands be laid upon me that I might receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was as hands were laid upon

my head that the Holy Ghost fell on me and I began to speak in tongues, glorifying God. I talked

several languages, and it was clearly manifest when a new dialect was spoken. I had the added joy and

glory my heart longed for, and a depth of the presence of the Lord within that I had never known

before. It was as of rivers of living water were proceeding from my innermost being.

“The following morning I was accosted with questions about my experience of the night before. As I

tried to answer, I was so full of glory that I talked in tongues. Others were made hungry to receive the

Holy Spirit, and I pointed out to them the Bible references, showing that I had received the Baptism

according to

Acts 2:4, and 19:1-6.

Following the experience of Miss Ozman, many others of the school received the baptism with the speaking in

other tongues.

Soon the work spread to Texas, where remarkable manifestations of the Spirit occurred. Then in 1906, was the

famous outpouring of the Spirit in the Azusa Street Mission where thousands received the baptism of the Holy

Spirit. Workers went out from there all over the world. Today it has been estimated by Pentecostal authorities that

in all, some ten million people have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.



On What Basis Do We

Receive The Holy Ghost? Chapter 7

In preparing this chapter, we wish to mention the Late J.E. Stiles, who in his excellent book, “The Gift of The

Holy Spirit,” has admirably stated some of the truths brought out in this chapter. Some years ago, Brother Stiles

held a campaign for us while we were a pastor. His teaching, while not adapted in the same degree to the new

convert, was tremendously effective in helping those who has sought for some time and failed to receive. Almost

all the so-called “chronics” in that part of the country received the Holy Spirit during the time he was there. Some

persons accused him of introducing a “new method” to receive the Holy Ghost, thus inferring that they received a

“different kind” of baptism. Observation showed that the overall results afterward, from the meeting were as great

or greater than by the old method of tarrying hour after hour and week after week and sometimes years, for the


Now there are two schools of thought regarding the basis for receiving the Holy Ghost. One school particularly

emphasizes the need of holiness in order to receive. The other school declares that the baptism is not given on the

basis of personal holiness, but on the basis of Grace. What is the truth regarding this matter? Is the Holy Ghost

given on the basis of a person’s holiness; and must he have a certain number of merits, before he can receive?

We must get the matter straight. Many people suppose that holiness is conformity to a set of standards that have

been arbitrarily set up. One may outwardly conform to these things and still have sin in his heart. He may have

pride, self-will and self-righteousness.

The facts simply are that one doesn’t receive the Holy Ghost, because he has great spiritual attainments nor

developed a strong Christian character. To tell a person that he must come up to a certain standard before he can

receive the Holy Ghost, may shut him off from the very source by which he can live a victorious life. And another

thing, we must be very careful in judging others, for they may not have the same light as we.

We should bear in mind that there is a difference between our standing before God and our actual state. Our state

may be quite different from our standing. A young convert can stand before God absolutely justified. Yet, there

may be many things that have to be worked out in his life. Many earnest Christians are sorely vexed because they

find that they have a carnal nature that dominates them. They are anxious to live a victorious life. But struggling

in one’s own strength can be very disappointing and usually unfruitful.

The fact is, we need the Holy Spirit in order to bear the fruit of the Spirit. J.E. Stiles in his splendid book, “The

Gift of the Holy Spirit” makes an excellent comment on this subject.

“Sad to say, God has many children who have never gone very far forward in developing into the likeness

of Christ. If they could only realize that they can do nothing by struggling against their natural evil

tendencies, to make themselves more holy or good, then they might throw themselves unreservedly upon

the Lord, and trust Him to do in them, and for them, by His Spirit, that which they never could do in and for

themselves. The universal testimony of all great Christians of the past or present is that the fullness of

blessing and spiritual development comes only to those who will make a complete consecration to God,

putting themselves entirely in His hands, and then trusting Him recklessly, to receive what they have

committed to Him, and to shape them into the likeness of Christ. Oh! that we might learn to trust Him for

righteousness instead of trying to produce it by the efforts of the natural man. All our efforts will produce

are the works of the flesh. (See Galatians 5:19-21).

Failure to understand this, has caused thousands of people, who have earnestly sought the HOLY Spirit to fail to

receive. They feel that they have not attained to a high enough degree of holiness nor spirituality in order to

receive the baptism. Yet they cannot bear the fruits of the ‘spirit until they have the Spirit. And so it becomes a

vicious cycle. Of this J.e. Stiles further says:



“We all admit that any saved person would go to be with the Lord if he should die, and yet multitudes of

saved people have been told that they were not spiritually prepared to receive the Holy Spirit. How utterly

inconsistent is such teaching. Which is the greater experience; standing uncondemned in the presence of

God and the glories of Heaven, or receiving the Holy Spirit here on earth? Certainly to enter the glories of

Heaven, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, is an incomparably greater experience than to receive the

Holy Spirit here, which is one of the means God has given to fully prepare us for heaven. To put the means

above the end is contrary to all logic and sense. Any saved person is ready to receive the Holy Spirit if he

knows what the Word teaches.”

We must understand that the Holy Spirit is a gift. (Acts 2:38-39) If we earned it, or deserved it, it would not be a

gift. Christ, in Luke 11:13, makes this clear. He says, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your

children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”

Paul, in Galatians, emphasizes that the Holy Ghost is not given by the works of the law, or by the

hearing of faith” (Galatians 3:2).

He then shows that it is ministered by faith. That was what Ananias did for Paul at Damascus. And Peter and John

did for believers at Samaria. The Holy Ghost is ministered as a gift, by faith, and not when the person believes he

has become holy enough, nor reached enough, nor reached a certain spiritual attainment.

Moreover, the average person who has earnestly tried to receive the Holy Spirit and has failed is at a huge loss as

to what he should do next. He has tried everything that has been suggested to him, and all to no avail.

Actually, the Scriptures indicate that God is almost over-eager for people to receive His Spirit. The proper order is

to “repent and be baptized.” But in two cases in the ‘book of Acts, the people received the Holy Ghost before

they were baptized in water!”

It seems that the very conscientiousness of some individuals, hinders them from receiving. They want to be abso-

lutely sure that they are holy enough, and this feeling serves serves to hinder their faith. But God said He would

pour out his “Spirit upon all flesh.” The result is that the unstable and erratic type of person will often push

forward and receive before the solid Christian does. Frequently, the latter becomes the “chronic seeker” in the


There is another serious result that has come about because the teaching that the giving of the Holy Ghost is based

on attainment. The superficial person who speaks in tongues, may arrive at the conclusion that he is especially

holy. This may make him proud, and that type of individual becomes most unteachable. Of this J. E. Stiles says:

“Another tragedy which has resulted from this unscriptural teaching is that when the seeker for the Holy

Spirit does receive Him, and speaks with tongues supernaturally, he very often assumes that his character is

fully pleasing to God. His reasoning is as follows; ‘If the Holy Spirit is given on the basis of my having

arrived at a high degree of consecration and holiness, the, I must have arrived at that level of spirituality

which is fully pleasing to God.’ He is very often proud, arrogant and unteachable, because he feels that he

has arrived at the pinnacle of Christian experience. Now where is he to go? Many times he becomes slack

and careless in his Christian life and is less useful after he received the Holy Spirit than he was before. He

must look behind him to see the apex of his Christian experience, and that is tragic in any ones. Surely, our

Christian life should be a steady growth, ever ascending to greater heights of faith, holiness and

Christlikeness as the years go by. The person who feels he has passed the greatest experience of his

Christian life, cannot possibly have the correct viewpoint. He does not realize that the receiving of the Holy

Spirit is on the basis of grace, and therefore no credit is due to him whatsoever…The actual fact is that the

individual has no more character immediately after he has received the Holy Spirit than he had before, but

he has a source of help and power to build Christian character which cannot be over estimated.”

The idea that persons receive the baptism because of their own holiness, has further consequences. When certain

members of the Church do not receive, they may come under suspicion. Although they are ideal Christians, and

busy in every good work, the thought is that there must be some hidden sin in that person’s life, or they would



receive. When such word is whispered around, it can only cause heart-break in the individual in question,

especially since they know that it isn’t true.

This unscriptural teaching can have still another serious result. Sooner or later, a truth which is presented in an

unbal-anced way invites a reaction in the Church. People may come to think that the speaking in tongues is not

genuine, but a spurious experience. Since if has not produced genuine Christian character, there must be

something wrong with it. Or It may be be concluded that these people did not receive a genuine experience.

Certainly this view of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is completely out of line with the teaching of the Scriptures.

Balaam had a beautiful gift of prophecy and died under the judgment of God. Saul received the Holy Spirit, but

because of self-will and disobedience, an evil spirit came into his life (1 Sam. 16:14). Samson was mightily

anointed of God, but let fleshly lusts dominate him. Even David, who was so used in writing the Psalms, fell into

adultery and was even guilty of murder!

The possession of the Holy Spirit and His gifts gives us a much increased responsibility to live a godly life, but is

not proof that we are meeting the responsibility.

The Lord felt that this was a matter of such importance, that He gave a special warning to His disciples. He said

that there would be those who would come to Him on the Day of Judgment. And would put forth claims that they

had healed the sick, cast out devils and performed great miracles. But the Lord would tell them He never them.

The real proof of holiness is not the gifts, but the fruits. “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:15-23).

Still one more unfortunate thing about the teaching that the giving of the Holy Ghost is based on personal

holiness, is that the attention of the inquirer is fixed on the poorest and most unworthy examples in the Church,

and this may cause him to conclude that all are hypocrites. He doesn’t understand that God, in His graciousness

and love for mankind, has made His Holy Spirit available to all, even though He knows that unstable and erratic

persons who receive the Spirit, will perhaps bring reproach on the message. Jesus said, “For it must needs be that

offenses will come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh” (Matthew 18:7).

There is, of course no excuse for those who live a shallow, Christian life. Yet all men are free moral agents and

they are at liberty to use, or fail to use, the means that God has put at their disposal to build their Christian

character. .

Failure to understand the basis upon which the Holy Ghost is given, ahs caused some ministers to become

discouraged and even to retreat from preaching the message of the baptism. They have been led to believe that

those who receive the baptism would live a high type of Christian life and when they have seen many who did

not, they have become confused. If these ministers had only realized that the Holy Spirit was given on the basis of

grace alone, they would not have been taken by surprise when they saw certain Christians, who had received the

Holy Ghost, fail. Their mistake was that instead of talking about the high state of holiness, persons must attain to

receive the baptism,, they should have taught the way of holy living, afterward. It was not the Holy Ghost that

caused these individuals to fail, but it was the result of other factors, in the teaching they received. A vital factor

in their failure was the mistaken belief that because they received the baptism, they had a character that was fully

pleasing to God…but it wasn’t.

God gave the Holy Spirit to His people on the day of Pentecost. His part in the matter is finished. The Holy Spirit

is ready to come into any life that will receive Him. He does not come in because we have reached a high state of

attainment, but because He wants to provide the means by which we can reach that goal.



Preparation to Receive the Holy Ghost

Chapter 8

Having seen in Chapter 7 that the Holy Ghost is given without merit, as a free gift, and not on the basis of

spiritual attainment, we ask, “Is there then no need for any preparation, whatever, in receiving the Holy Spirit?”

To assume that there is none, is just as serious a mistake as the other. Such a position is also contrary to Bible

teaching. There are conditions to receiving salvation; there are conditions to receiving Divine healing (although

both are received through grace), and there are certain conditions to receiving the Holy Spirit.

One of the great fundamental truths of the Scripture is that Divine healing is a gift of God to his people. “By his

stripes ye were healed” Not on the basis of merit, but solely because Christ took our sickness upon Himself, have

we the right healing and health (Matthew 8: 14-17. But to say that because healing is given through grace, there

are no conditions attached, is a serious error. That there are definite conditions to the receiving of healing, all of

us know, and there are also conditions involved in the receiving of the Holy Ghost. Since a special state of

spiritual attainment is not the condition for receiving the Holy Ghost, and indeed could not be, as such attainment

is impossible without the Holy Spirit, What then are those conditions?

There is a basic principle involved in receiving any of God’s blessings. We are never to take God in a casual way..

There must be a deep desire in our hearts to live wholly for Him The Holy Ghost is given to those who will obey

Him, according to the light that has been received (Acts 5:32). A person in a state of conscious disobedience to

the Lord, is not a fit candidate to receive the Holy Spirit. We must “walk in the light as He is in the Light.”

It is important that the candidate receive some instruction about the purpose of the Holy Ghost in his life. New

converts always need instruction. If we find it essential for the best results to give instruction to persons who

come to receive healing, then certainly those who are to receive the Holy Ghost need instruction.

Bring Forth Fruits of Repentance: Those who desire to receive the Holy Ghost should fully repent of their sins. Peter told the people this in his

sermon preached on the Day of Pentecost.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for

the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38).

A man may not have victory over all bad habits, but he can give up loving them. In his heart he can turn from

what he knows to be evil. Anyone who still loves his sins is not ready to receive the Holy Ghost; instead, he

should be a candidate for repentance.

John the Baptist preached the baptism of repentance and told people to prepare for the One Who was to come,

Who would baptize them in the Holy Ghost and fire.

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I

am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire” (Luke 3:16).

When the Pharisees came to John, he said, “Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance” (Verse 8). Those

who are true candidates even for baptism in water, must bring forth works meet for repentance. How much more,

those who come to receive the Holy Spirit!

John went on giving the people instructions, in proving their repentance. He told them to share their material

blessings with the poor (Luke 3:11). He required the publicans to cease their crooked dealings and “exact no more

than that which is appointed you” (Verse 13). He commanded the soldiers to “do violence to no man, neither to

accuse any falsely, and be content with your wages” (Verse 14).




But John went further than this. He said, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Luke 3:4).

There is such a thing as preparing the way of the Lore. Christ cannot walk with those who follow crooked paths.

God commended Jehoshaphat saying, “Nevertheless there good things found in thee, in that thou. . .hast prepared

thine heart to seek God” (2 Chron. 19:3). But the Lord did not so speak of the people, who had permitted the

“High places” to remain.

“Howbeit the high places were not taken away: for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts unto the God of

their fathers” (2 Chron. 20:33).

“So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lore his God” (2 Chron.27:6).

It is significant that John the Baptist, who was the first preacher of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, should

emphasize so strongly that people should prepare their ways before the Lord. Men cannot change their nature of

themselves, but they can repent of their sins.


It is instructive to observe what happened at the first, recorded Holy Ghost service conducted by the apostles,

which is obviously a pattern for such services in the future. Philip, the evangelist, had had a great revival in

Samaria. He most certainly preached to the people about the Holy Ghost, yet so far none had received. Then Peter

and John came down and prayed with them. These apostles doubtless gave them instruction, although what they

told the people is not recorded. Finally, they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost (Acts 8: 14-17).

At this time there came to Peter a man by the name of Simon Magus. He intimated that he would like to have this

power. He intimated that he would like to have this power of laying on of hands for the impartation of the Holy

Ghost, and offered them money. This was enough to alert Peter to the fact that here was a man that was in not

state to even receive the Holy Ghost, let alone lay hands on others. The Apostle rebuked him in no uncertain

terms, charging him that his heart was not right with God, and that only true repentance could save him from the

consequences of his evil ways.

The first work of the Spirit is not to baptize candidates, but to bring forth upon them conviction of sin. As Jesus

said, “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8).


We believe and teach that men can and should receive the Holy Spirit instantly. Nevertheless, we believe that

there is a time to wait on God to prepare the heart. When hearts are ready, the blessing can come without delay.

Such was the case in the great revival that occurred in the days of Hezekiah.

“And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done

suddenly” (2 Chron 29:36).

There is no need to tarry long weeks for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is God’s plan, if the heart has been pre-

pared, to receive immediately and at once.

Before the Day of Pentecost, the 120 in the Upper Room gave themselves to prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14).

It has been said that the Holy Ghost could not be given until the Day of Pentecost, that the type might be fulfilled.

True enough, but had there been no purpose in those days of prayer and waiting before the Lord, the disciples

could have spent their time to better advantage going about their own business, and then have come to the Upper

Room on the Day of Pentecost. But the Lord had said to them, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be

endued with power from on high” (Luke24:49). And so they tarried in prayer and waiting before the Lord.

When Paul was converted on the Damascus road, he was permitted to spend three days and nights in prayer. It

was a time of heart-searching and getting his bearings for the new life that was before him. When the Lord told



Ananias to go and lay hands on him that he might receive the Holy Ghost, the Lord gave as a reason, “For behold

he prayeth.” And when hands were laid on Paul, he received the Holy Ghost instantly.

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Cornelius to give him instructions on the way to God, he said, “Thy

prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial to God, he said, “Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a

Memorial to God” (Acts 10:4). Cornelius had already prepared his heart, and when the word was preached, the

Holy Ghost fell upon the whole household. It is important that a man’s soul is opened up to receiving the Holy

Spirit before his attention is focused on the speaking in other tongues

For those who have prepared their hearts to receive the Holy Ghost, what can we give them to help them receive?

J.E. Stiles, whom we have mentioned a number of times, was a help to many who were “chronic” seekers.

I take the liberty to quote a few paragraphs from His excellent book, “The Gift of the Holy Ghost.” Which

includes certain instructions to be given the candidate. If a person’s heart has been prepared to receive the Holy

Ghost, we believe that these instructions will be of great help to him to receive the full baptism of the Holy Ghost:

1. Help him see that God has already given the Spirit and that it is up to him to receive the Gift now, and

above everything his is not to beg God to fill him with the Holy Spirit. Beg = unbelief.

2. Tell him that when hands are laid on him, he is to receive the Holy Spirit. A little explanation is needed

here. It is quite evident from the Scriptures and from our experience, that all do not have a ministry along

this line, as God gives various ministries to his various servants. At Samaria (Acts 8:5-17) none received

the Holy Spirit under Philips ministry. But when Peter and John came down and laid hands on them, they

all received Him. Today some have this ministry and others do not, but we believe many more would

have it if they asked God for it and believed. If you have no one at hand who has this ministry, call in

someone to help you who has. (Acts 10:5).

3. Tell the candidate tha he is to expect the Spirit to move his vocal organs, and put supernatural words on

his lips which he is to speak out in co-operation with the Spirit. Remember, the man speaks (lifts his

voice) by an act of the will.

4. Tell him to throw away all fears, which he has gotten from foolish teachers, that he may get something

false and spurious. Point out to him (Luke 11:11-13), and help him to see that God promises he will not

receive a substitute for the Holy Spirit, whom he has come to receive.

5. Tell the candidate to open his mouth wide and breateh in as deeply as possible, at the same time telling

God in his heart, “I am receiving the Spirit right now by faith.” Absolutely insist that he shall not speak a

single word of his natural language. Then, when you see the Spirit moving on His lips and tongue, after

he has taken several deep breaths, tell him to just begin recklessly speaking whatever sounds seem easy to

speak, utterly indifferent as to what they are . That is faith in speech. As the person is lifting his voice,

and trusting God for His guidance. When he begins speaking, tell him to go right on doing it, praising

God with those supernatural words until a free clear language comes, and he has confidence/assurance

that he ahs received the Holy Spirit. Some may say, it is foolish to tell the candidate to open his mouth. If

you feel this way, then read Psalms 119:131; 81:10;and Job 29:23)—Where there is a statement directly

applying to the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

6. No crowd! That’s confusion for the candidate. Those present should be praying in the Spirit (1 Cor.14:14-

15). Others pray quietly to give confidence to candidate. It’s easy to see that with a dozen men all praying

aloud in their natural language, ad once, the candidate hears a lot of things which he understands, and

often it is not productive of unity. On the other hand, if the same 12 men are all praying aloud in other

tongues, the praying is absolutely in unity. Candidate feels comfortable when others around are praising

in tongues. Either pray in the Spirit…or keep still. We tell folks to forget all the instructions. Pray without

ceasing…in tongues…makes candidate more comfortable…till he/she begins to praise with others w/o

worry. Important that candidate cast aside all thought of speaking his OWN language—the product of his



own mind. Because of deep rooted tradition, many will talk/pray in own language—as soon as candidate

he feels the moving of the Spirit on them, even after they have been shown that this is not the position of

faith. Never pray in your own language while guiding others.

Two Ways in Which the Holy Spirit is imparted Chapter 9

It is a matter of practical interest to determine not only how the Holy Spirit is received, but how it is imparted.

Some say it is received by tarrying without the laying on of hands. Others declare that the only Scriptural way to

receive the Holy Spirit is through the laying on of hands. Actually, the Holy Ghost may be received either way,

although the laying on of hands is the more general method of the New Testament Church. At the risk of some

repetition from chapter VIII, we shall show that God has not restricted Himself to any one record.


Obviously, the apostles had to receive the Holy Spirit directly, since there was no one that possessed the Holy

Ghost to lay hands on them. From this it is deducted by some that except on this one occasion, the Holy Spirit fell

upon the household of Cornelius without anyone laying hands on them (Acts 10:44). Moreover, had this method

been the one that God regarded as altogether superior., He would have baptized the Twelve Apostles and let them

lay hands on the other hundred and eight. That God did not, indicates that He has not restricted Himself to any

one method.

In Luke 24:49, the disciples were told not to depart from Jerusalem, but to “tarry until they were endued with

power from on high.” In Acts 1:4, the same command is repeated—“to wait for the promise of the Father.”

It is explained by some that there was no purpose in the disciples’ waiting during this period, except that the Day

of Pentecost had not come and that God had to wait for the calendar to roll around, so He could send the Spirit on

this day, to fulfill Old Testament type., but we should remember that God usually arranges things so that more

than one purpose may be fulfilled. The waiting for ten days in the Upper Room in worship and prayer, served an

important purpose. Time was thus given for the disciples to search their hearts, and to prepare themselves for the

tremendous responsibilities that would soon be thrust upon them.

There must be this time of waiting upon God if our baptism is to be really effective. If not before, then certainly

afterward. If one receives the Holy Spirit immediately following conversion, it is of the greatest importance that

he should afterward set aside a time for waiting upon God. “Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you”

(James 4:8), is the law of the spiritual world. It will be noted that many men of God both in the Old and New

Testaments, gave themselves to special seasons of waiting upon God. This is sorely needed today, if we are to

have more than superficial experiences.

The Apostle Paul received the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands by the disciple Ananias. But the Lord,

in commanding Ananias to go and do this, gave a significant reason for the command, “for, behold, he prayeth”

(Acts 9:11). The Lord permitted Paul to pray and fast for three days and nights, before He sent Ananias on this


It is true that the Holy Ghost may be, and should be, received instantly. We do not receive this experience by

merit, by long prayers, nor, because we have fasted. The Holy Ghost is a gift and cannot be earned. Nevertheless,

there is a preparatory work that is needed to be accomplished in our hearts.

We are told that the disciples were in the Temple during the waiting days, praising and blessing God. They were

not on their knees praying, at the time the Holy Ghost came. Apparently, they were relaxed and sitting in an

attitude of expectation when the hour had come for God to meet them. Certainly, there whould be no need for

long weeks of agonizing before one can receive the Holy Ghost.




Peter began his sermon at the house of Cornelius by saying, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of

persons. But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted of him” (Acts10:34-35).

Why did God choose to pour out His Spirit on the household of Cornelius and not on some other household?

Though he was a Roman officer and a Gentile, he was obedient to the light that he had received. The Scriptures

describe him as, “A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people,

and prayed to God Alway” (Acts 10:2).

While we do not receive the gift of God by reason of or works, nevertheless, obedience to God is important. 1)

Cornelius was devout. 2) He feared God. 3) He gave much alms. 4) He prayed to God always.

When the angel appeared to Cornelius, he told him, “Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial be-

fore God” (Verse 4). Is it not clear that God regarded his praying and devotion as opening the way for him to

become a candidate for the baptism of the Holy Ghost? In other words, we are practically told that it was because

of these things that God chose to reveal Himself as He did.

Nevertheless, it was necessary for Peter to preach the Word and to make known the fact that God’s gift is given

not through good works, but solely through the merits of Jesus Christ. Cornelius must know that he had received

remission of sins through the Name of Jesus, and so even as Peter spoke these words, “The Holy Ghost fell on all

them which heard the word.”

Thus, we see that in two instances the Holy Ghost fell without the intermediacy of the laying on of hands. Having

taken note of this, we nevertheless must declare that the laying on of hands was the common method of impar-

tation of the Holy Ghost in the New Testament Church.


Hebrews 6:2 informs us that the laying on of hands is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christ, and is associated

with such important doctrines as faith, repentance, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. We may,

therefore, infer that the laying on of hands is a doctrine of unusual importance (Hebrews 6:1-3).

For although the Holy Ghost was given at Pentecost and at the house of Cornelius directly, and not as the result of

the imterposition of the laying on of hands, the latter is actually the more common method recorded in the


This was the case in the first evangelistic campaign held outside of Jerusalem, in the city of Samaria. Philip

preached Christ to them and demonstrated the power of the gospel through an unusual healing ministry (Acts 2:7).

There is no record that any of the Samaritans received the Holy Ghost through Philip’s ministry. Perhaps he did

not especially have this type of ministry. God does not give all His gifts to one man. At any rate, when the

apostles heard about the stirring revival in Samaria, they sent Peter and John down, and through their ministry

they received the Holy Ghost.

“Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For

as yet he was fallen on none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Then

laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost” (Acts 8: 15-17).

Now notice, that we are told that the Holy Ghost had not yet fallen upon any of the Samaritans. It would seem

from the choice of these words, that there had been an expectation that the Holy Ghost would have fallen on at

least some of them. Since this had not yet occurred, they did two things:

1) They first prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost.

2) Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.

Now notice, there was prayer by the Apostles, before the laying on of hands. The laying on of hand is valid only if

God lays hands on the candidate also. We shall say more about this directly.



Second, a spirit of discernment is necessary in the effective operation of this ministry. Paul gives warning to “lay

hands suddenly on no man.” In other words, there needs be a preparation in the heart’s of those who are to

receive, before hands are laid on them..

Simon the sorcerer had seen what had happened, and he too wanted the power to lay hands on individuals that

they might receive the Holy Ghost. He offered the disciples money, doubtless mentally calculating how much he

would charge those who came to him to receive the Holy Ghost. Certainly, Simon intended to get his money


It is not necessary to assume that Simon was so bold as to come right out and bargain with Peter in the matter of

buying this power. He may have thought that it was the psychological time to give Peter a substantial offering.

Some people hand the preacher an offering when they are about to ask for a special favor.

However, it was the insinuation that the Holy Ghost could be Purchased with money that shocked Peter and drew

forth a scathing rebuke that made this pseudo-religionist tremble. The incident is a warning that money cannot

enter into any transaction in which the Holy Ghost is concerned. As Peter said to Simon, “Thy money perish with

thee” (Acts 8:20).

The chief lessons taught in this incident are: 1) The Holy Ghost is given through the laying on of hands. 2)

Certain ones have the ministry of laying on of hands. 3) Third, there must be some preparation in the hearts of the

candidates before hands are laid on them to receive the Holy Ghost. 4) Ministers should exercise discernment as

to those that they lay hands upon.


The story of how Paul was converted and received the Holy Ghost is an instructive one. He had been a dangerous

enemy of Christianity. Nevertheless, on the Damascus road, as he was on the way to that city to carry out his

persecution against the Christians, he was suddenly arrested by a blinding light from heaven. Christ appeared to

him in a vision, and at that precise moment, Paul was converted.

Paul was led into the city to a house where lived a man by the name of Judas. Now began three days of prayer and

waiting on the Lord, during which time Paul took no food nor drink.

Two things are notable in this incident. God permitted Paul to spend 72 hours in prayer.. He could have sent

Ananias the next day, but God waited 3 days, obviously because Paul needed the time for a real soul searching.

Second, the Lord could have baptized Paul with the Holy Ghost without calling Ananias to perform the act of

laying on of hands, but He chose to do it this way. Thus, we see that God, Himself, endorsed the laying on of

hands for the giving of the Holy Ghost. And so Ananias, after being so commanded of the lord, went to the house

of Judas and laid hands on Paul, that he might receive his sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.

“And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother

Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou

mightiest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 9:17).


Since Paul received the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands, it is not surprising that he should employ this

same method in his own ministry. We have a glimpse in the 19th chapter of Acts, of his manner in doing this.

In Paul’s travels, he met a group of disciples at Ephesus. Perhaps discerning that something was lacking in their

experience, he asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit. Their answer was that they had “not so much as

heard whether there be any Holy Spirit” (Acts 19: 2). This led Paul to preach a sermon to them, explaining that

John had baptized with the water of repentance, but that Christ, Who came after him, baptized in the Holy Ghost.

These disciples then submitted to Christian Baptism.



After that, “when Paul laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues and

prophesied” (Acts 19:6).

SUMMING UP: We may say that the Holy Ghost may fall directly on the candidate, or may be imparted through

the laying on of hands. The following facts seem to be clearly taught:

1) God is not restricted as to time and place, nor method, by which He pours out His Spirit. The laying on of

hands apparently was the most common way in apostolic times. Likewise in Old Testament days, this

same method was used. Moses laid hands on Joshua that he might receive the Holy Spirit (Deut. 34:9).

2) Prayer and heart-searching seem to be indicated as important before the receiving of the Holy Ghost. The

120, “all continued in prayer and supplication” before the Holy Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost” (Acts

1:14). The Apostles prayed for the Samaritans before they laid hands on them (Acts 8:15). Cornelius’

prayers and fasting came up as a memorial to God before the angel was dispatched to give instructions,

whereby the Holy Ghost fell upon his household (Acts 10:2-4). Paul was permitted to spend three days in

prayer and fasting before hands were laid upon him, to receive the Holy Ghost.

3) It would appear that some spiritual preparation is therefore in order, before candidates may receive the

Holy Ghost to the best advantage. We do not overlook the fact that some receive with very little

instruction. Yet we are told to “Lay hands suddenly on no man.” Hypocrites such as Simon the sorcerer,

should be detected and eliminated, or else brought to repentance, before hands are laid upon them.

4) When the simple, Scriptural conditions are met, hands may be laid on the candidates and they should

receive instantly.



Why Different Persons Receive Different

Measures of The Holy Spirit: Chapter 10

“For he whom God hath sent the Spirit by measure unto him” (John 3:34).

The above Scripture is the key to the subject which we shall consider in this chapter. Do all people receive the

same measure of the Spirit? Here we are told that Christ received the Spirit of God without measure: That is, He

received an inexhaustible supply of the Spirit. In this we are reminded of Moses (A type of Christ), who was so

mightily anointed that God took of the Spirit that was upon him and gave to the 70 Elders, without apparently

diminishing the supply.

When John 3:34, declares that the Holy Spirit was given to Christ without measure, there is an implication that it

is given in a lesser measure to some. In other words, some receive a larger measure than others. Indeed all

evidence goes to show that this is true with most believers—they have a measure of faith, a measure of the Spirit,

and a “measure of the gift of Christ” (Romans12:3; Eph. 4:7). This circumstance is important facts about the

baptism of the Holy Spirit. There are varying “measures of the Spirit” given to different individuals.


There is first of all as we have seen, a measure of the Spirit that moves upon the hearts of the unconverted, to

bring them to repentance. It is to be noted, however, that when the Spirit strives with men to forsake their sins, He

does this only for a limited time. For if a man resists the Spirit, his heart gets harder and harder until finally it

becomes impervious to His influence. “And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he

also is flesh…” (Genesis 6:3).


To all practical purpose Moses, that great type of Christ, received the Spirit without measure. The Spirit of God

came upon that prophet in such power, that his face shown with a transfiguring light. He had such an abundant

measure of the Spirit., that the Lord could take of that which was upon him and put it upon the 70 Elders, and

there was no apparent diminution of the supply. This event in Moses’ life foreshadowed the Christian

dispensation, when God-anointed men would so overflow with the Spirit that they could minister it to others. The

reason that some have an almost infinite supply of the Spirit, is because the Spirit comes as “rivers of living

water”—a river flows continually.

In this connection it may be noted that the measure of the Spirit that was upon the 70 Elders was in a considerably

lesser degree than it was upon Moses. In fact, we are told that the Holy Ghost was grieved with that generation in

the wilderness and did not suffer them to enter into His rest (Hebrews 3: 7-11). This included 68 of the 70 Elders.

Only 2 Joshua and Caleb entered into Canaan—the latter being generally considered a type of the full baptism of

the Holy Ghost.

Others of the children of Israel beside the 70 Elders received the Spirit—undoubtedly in the same manner as they.

In Exodus 28:3, God declared to Moses that He had given the “Spirit of Wisdom” to the “wisehearted.” One

Craftsman, by the name of Bezaleel was singled out in particular to build the tabernacle. God said, “And I have

filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner ow work-

manship” (Exodus 31:3).


“And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the

Camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol” (Judges 13:25).

The above verse portrays typically the working of the Spirit as He moved upon the prophets in Old Testament

days. Of Sampson, we are told that the Spirit of God “moved him at times.” On such occasions Samson had

superhuman strength. He had received a measure of the Spirit, but it was not the full New Testament experience.



We might add that Samson’s erratic conduct eventually crossed over the line of God’s forebearance. When Sam-

son divulged the secret of his strength to Delilah and permitted his locks to be shorn, the Spirit altogether,

departed from him. He arose and said to himself, “I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he

wist not that the Lord was departed from him (Judges 16:20).

There is a similarity of circumstances between Samson and King Saul:

“And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou shalt

prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man” (1 Samuel 10:6).

God’s purpose in giving the Spirit to Saul, was to change him and make him “another man,” but alas, the Spirit’s

work was abortive with him, even as it is with many today. Although Saul exercised the gift of prophecy, his diso-

bedience resulted in the Spirit of God leaving him and an evil spirit taking His place. Saul was delivered for a

season through the faith of David, but in time he fell back again into his stubborn ways (1 Samuel 16: 14-16, 23).


“And Elisha said, “I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me” (2 Kings 2:9).Elisha recognized that

there was also such a thing as having a double portion of the Spirit. This point has extreme significance in our

consideration of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There are differences of degrees as to the measure of the Spirit

received by different persons.

The difference depends on two main factors. The first is related to the degree of faith and anointing, of the one

who does the ministering Elisha received the double portion, partly because of the great anointing upon Elijah.

Some ministers are especially anointed for the ministering of the Spirit. Paul speaks of those who minister the

Holy Spirit by faith (Gal.3:5). Not everyone possesses this special gift. Apparently Philip, with all his remarkable

healings and power over demons, did not have the special ministry of laying on of hands for the impartation of the

Spirit. But Peter and John did (Acts 8:14-17). So also did the Apostle Paul (Acts 19:6). Likewise did Ananias

(Acts 9: 12, 17). A man specially anointed with the ministry of the laying on of hands will have greater results

than one who does not.

The other factor and a very important one, which determines the measure of the Spirit that one receives, lies in the

person, himself. This circumstance is obvious to those who watch the results of the ministration of the Spirit in a

Holy Ghost service. There is a great difference in the way people react. Although the same person may be

ministering, some seekers will remain impassive, while others will be strongly anointed by the Spirit and will

come through to a satisfying baptism. There may be one or two who will receive a “double portion.” A powerful

baptism of the Spirit often foreshadows a special ministry for that individual. Yet, this does not always tell the

story. Some seem to stumble along, gaining a little ground at a time, but by dint of persistence and prayer,

overcome all hindrances, and finally pass up others who seem to have made a much better beginning.

Elisha received the double portion because there was within him a great hunger for God. He would not leave

Elijah but pressed on, determined that he would not leave Elijah but pressed on, determined that he would attain

the desire of his heart. And he did. The words of Jesus in Matthew 5:6, can well apply to those who receive the

double portion. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

RIVERS OF LIVING WATER: In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me,

and drink.He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But

this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given;

because that Jesus was not yet glorified)—(John 7: 39-39).

The double portion that Elisha received, is actually a type of the full baptism of the Holy Ghost, that God intends

New Testament believers to have. Because of various hindrances in individual’s lives, some will have a mere

trickle of the Spirit. With others, His indwelling will be as a great river of living water, freely flowing out to bless

others. The experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit can be like that of Moses and Elisha—a mighty



anointing, an infinitude of the Spirit’s power, or it can be like that of the 70 Elders, who had to depend entirely on

their blessing on someone else’s faith.


Now, we are ready to consider the 2 main differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament exper-

ience of the receiving of the Holy Ghost. The first is that spoken by Christ, in John 14: 16-17).

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you

forever; Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither

knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in youl”

From this we see that the disciples before Pentecost, had the Spirit (John 20:22) declares that Jesus “breathed on

them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” There is no doubt but what they had the Holy Spirit in a

measure. Nevertheless, it was not the full measure. The Holy Ghost was with them, but on the Day of Pentecost,

He came and dwelt in them. And when He came, it was not temporarily, as in Old Testament days, nor until death,

but it was forever!


The other important difference between the receiving of the Holy Ghost in Old Testament times and in the New,

is the speaking in other tongues. This latter experience was exclusively for New Testament saints. Isaiah saw it

and declared it to be something wonderful.

“For with stammering lip and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the

rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear” (Isaiah


Here, the prophet foresees the speaking in other tongues that would accompany the baptism, and which would be

the “refreshing” that would cause “the weary to rest.” This language shows us that this was to be something

important. The speaking in other tongues is not just a sign, nor something added on to the baptism; it is an

essential part of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. One may receive the Spirit as in O.T. times without the speaking

in other tongues, but he does not have the full baptism, for the speaking in tongues is an integral part of the New

Testament baptism. This brings us to the fact that there are two important phases of the baptism of the Holy


How else can man rule over his own tongue!



The Two Phases of The Baptism

Of the Holy Ghost Chapter 11

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak

With other tongues, as the Spirit Gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).

In the familiar Scripture quoted above, we see the two phases of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. These are: 1) The

Power and the anointing of the Spirit as He takes possession of the person. 2) The other is the physical evidence

of the Spirit of God speaking through Him in other tongues. Unfortunately, one part of the experience is often

over-emphasized at the expense of the other.

The first phase of the baptism is receiving of the Holy Spirit. The other is the articulate expression of the Holy

Spirit through the lips of the person filled, in the speaking in other tongues. Some have stressed the anointing and

the infilling of the Spirit, and have disregarded altogether the speaking in tongues. Likewise, t is true that others

have focused such attention on the speaking in tongues, that they have failed to emphasize that the infilling must

come first!

In a normal baptism, the Holy Ghost comes on the person in surging waves of power, varying in intensity and

different individuals. It is a thrilling and distinctive experience, that one can never forget. Indeed, because it is so

wonderful, some who have received it, disregard the speaking in other tongues which is also wonderful, and is an

important part of the baptism. In doing so, they make a great mistake.


As most of us know, the tongue is the most difficult member of the body to control. It is usually the last member

for the Holy Spirit to conquer. Even when the person begins to speak in other tongues, he may unconsciously

resist the Holy Spirit and revert back to speaking in his familiar vernacular. But if the person is reassured and

encouraged to yield his tongue to these unfamiliar sounds, there will come forth, at the first, perhaps, a few

inarticulate words, and finally sentences. Invariably, these words are languages unknown to the person. When

heard by one who knows the language, or has the gift of interpretation, they are found to be words of praise and

adoration to God. Sometimes a person, newly baptized, will preach a short sermon or give an exhortation in the

unknown tongue. He may have a vision of the Lord, although very seldom is consciousness lost.

In the following chapter, we will show reasons why it is so essential for the believer to speak in an unknown

tongue. But we will now say, that it is indeed important. Jesus said, “These signs shall follow them that believe. .

they shall speak with new tongues” (Mark 16:17). It is a supernatural experience. In a sense, it is a continuous

miracle that the Christian can take with him all his life!

It is entirely in order to instruct candidates, that when the anointing of the Holy Ghost comes upon them, to yield

their tongue to the Spirit. Human nature is stubborn. It requires every gift of persuasion that a minister has, to get

some people to yield their lives to God. It is not surprising that we have to encourage, and even persuade people

to yield their tongue to Him. Although the Spirit of God has all power, He is mild, gentle and compels none. The

Spirit leads men and never drives. He guides into truth, but never forces.


Now we come to a crucial point. Many individuals have received wonderful anointing of the Spirit and all they

lack, to enjoy the full baptism, is some instruction on yielding their tongue. Often such persons when properly in-

structed, will suddenly, within a few minutes, burst forth in a clear language, although they may have been

seeking the Baptism for years.

However, the same instruction to a young convert who has a very limited understanding of God’s will for his life,

may be getting the go-cart before the horse. It is important that spiritual things be made real to the new convert.



He should know something about the meaning about the baptism, and have developed a definite hunger in his

heart for it, before he is pushed along too far. When we, like Paul, catch a glimpse of the heavenly vision, then as

the poet says, “The things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” We will then be

Ready for the baptism. It is true when we are ready there is no need to tarry for the Holy Ghost. But there may be

a need to tarry for the vision. (Hebrews 2:3). As with all spiritual blessings, it is important that our heart be

prepared to receive the Holy Ghost.

At this point, I take the liberty to speak of my own experience in receiving the Holy Ghost, for I find that it is

similar to the experience if many others, and is illustrative of what we are talking about in this chapter.

One night, only a week or two after the campaign in which I was saved, had ended, I was at the altar, asking God

to give me the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Suddenly, while I was praying, a mighty wave of power began to

sweep over me. As I continued, that vibrating, surging force began to permeate every part of my body. Each

moment it went deeper and deeper, until this mighty power, like pulsating electricity, only something more

wonderfully pleasant, had taken control of every part of my being. How long the continued I cannot say, but I

knew I had received something out of this world, something intensely real. It was a heavenly It was a heavenly

experience beyond human ability to describe, which brought me into such a close relation with God that I could

think of nothing else at the moment, then to devote my whole life to His service. Several other times the Spirit

would come upon me, and each time this occurred, I was more convinced that God had something special in store

for my life.

I had received a wonderful anointing of the Spirit, and it was glorious. Nevertheless, I had not spoken in other

tongues as I had seen others doing, who had received the Holy Ghost. This was a disappointment to me. And

although I continued to seek God earnestly from night to night, and received many wonderful and repeated

anointings of the Spirit,did not speak in tongues.

Then one Saturday afternoon while I was waiting before the Lord, a lady came and knelt nearby. While I was

praying, my tongue seemed to get a little thick. I began to speak a few words (hat were not clear English. I

quickly recovered myself, however, and began again to pray in English, thinking that I had gotten my tongue

twisted. Is it not strange that many of us are so obsessed with the idea that God is going to use brute force to make

us speak in tongues, that we fail to see that He is trying all the time; to use our tongue? Fortunately the lady

kneeling nearby, recognized what I did not, that the Spirit was attempting to speak through me. She told me to let

the words come out any way that they would, for it was the Spirit of God. May that lady's memory be blessed!

Rather timidly I did as she said-the words, however, sounding very strange to me. But lo! in a very few minutes 1

was speaking clearly, and powerfully in the unknown tongue! I did not stop but continued for some two hours.

And what a blessing the speaking in tongues has been in the vbmany years that have elapsed since. My own

experience makes it clear to me that many people who have received the anointing of the Spirit, need only a little

instruction to cause them to yield their tongue to God.

And thus, we see that the baptism of the Holy Ghost has two distinct phases. First, the anointing and presence of

the Spirit that comes upon us, to dwell with us forever. Hallelujah! How could death, or the grave, cause us to

fear, when the Spirit of Life dwells within us! The other part of the baptism is the speaking in other tongues by the

Spirit. This is important too, for we must have this to receive the full baptism. But why is it so important? We

shall answer this question in the next chapter.


I t is often said that while the speaking in other tongues is Scriptural, it is not really important. We say that if the

speaking in other tongues is all that the person has received, the experience would be valueless. As Paul says,

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a

tinkling cymbal." (I Cor. 13: 1)



Nevertheless, if the speaking in other tongues is preceded or accompanied by the anointing of the Spirit, then it is

of tremendous importance. For it is the infilling of the Spirit, plus the speaking in other tongues that comprises the

baptism of the Holy Spirit. The speaking in tongues, far from being an insignificant matter, is a glorious and

satisfying experience that can edify and enrieh the believer all through his life.

In this chapter, we shall take note of some of the purposes of the believer's speaking in other tongues. We can

only touch on these briefly. (For a more complete study secure the author's book, "Twenty-One Reasons Why

Christians Should Speak In Other Tongues.")

1. The speaking in other tongues is the "rest" and the "refreshing" promised from the Lord. "For with

stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest

wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear." (Isa.

28: 11-12)

The Spirit of the Lord must have been speaking of something of great importance when He said, "This is the rest

wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing." It is evident that this is a reference to the

verse before. Is therefore not that "rest" and "refreshing" the "speaking in other tongues"?

Let us explain. Speaking in other tongues alone could not be that "rest" and "refreshing." It is rather the f'act that

the Holy Ghost Who comes and gives the utterance is the "rest" and the "refreshing." The Holy Ghost is a person.

When He comes He speaks. This manifestation and presence of the Holy Ghost thus becomes the great blessing,

the great "rest," the great "refreshing." And this is another proof that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is

accompanied with the speaking in other tongues. For the latter could not be the "refreshing" unless it were

accompanied by the presence of the Spirit.

Thus it was that Peter, immediately after the Day of Pentecost when the Early Church was in the flush of its great

Pentecostal experience, called the Jews to repent and receive the blessing in "the times of refreshing ... from the

presence of the Lord."

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come

from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3: 19)

Let no one sell short the experience of speaking in other tongues. For it indicates the presence of the Holy Ghost,

Who has come to make His abode in the believer's life.

2. Christ said, in the Great Commission, that believers should speak in other tongues.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that

believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall

follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues."

(Mk. 16: 15-17)

One of the most important passages in the whole Bible are the words of Jesus in Mark 16, where He gave the

Great Commission to the Church. These were the last words of our Lord before He went back to heaven. Their

tremendous importance has been universally recognized by the Church down through the centuries.

Let us briefly note the various particulars of the Great Commission. First, the Church was to go into all the world

and to preach the gospel to every creature. Though the Church has lagged behind, sadly in carrying out this

command, it nevertheless does generally recognize the importance and urgency of fulfilling it as soon as possible.

Next, Jesus in His Great Commission commanded the Church to make disciples of all nations. That those who

believed the gospel would be saved and those who rejected it would be lost.



So far, the evangelical church is in agreement. But observe, that is not all of the Great Commission. Christ, at the

same time, spoke of certain signs that would identify true believers. Among these signs are those mentioned in the

17th verse, "In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues."

The healing of the sick and the casting out of devils are signs that were to follow believers. But included also is

the one, "They shall speak with new tongues." That Christ should have included the speaking of other tongues” In

His Great Commission, emphatically calls attention to the great importance of the sign.

3. He that speaketh in other tongues "speaketh unto God."

"For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God; for no man understandeth him;

howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries." (I Cor. 14: 2) Here, Paul declares that a man who speaks in the un-

known tongue speaketh unto God!

Many persons wonder about God's purpose in the speaking in other tongues. Here is one reason, sufficient, if it

were the only one. He who speaks in the unknown tongue speaketh unto God! At the time of conversion, God

speaks to us in our language and says, "Son, you are now a member of My family." But when we are baptized in

the Holy Spirit, we are able to speak as it were, to God in His language-a language that no man understands

except God.

Incidentally, it would not be amiss to say that if God chooses, He can give us a language that not even the devil

can understand. Here is a means of communion with God that neither man nor devils can intercept. In time of war,

nations have codes for secret communication. Sometimes the enemy is able to break that code, but we may be

sure that not even the devil can break God's code!

4. The believer who speaks in tongues edifies himself.

"He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church." (I Cor.


Here is something that the man on the outside usually does not understand. He hears someone speak in tongues

and he cannot see any blessing in it. This is not surprising, for the Apostle Paul declares that the speaking in other

tongues is not for the purpose of edifying the listener. For this reason Paul taught that speaking in tongues in the

assembly unless accompanied by interpretation, was to be discouraged. (l Cor. 14: 6)

The fact is that speaking in other tongues, except in special instances, is not designed to edify the listener. The

speaking in other tongues is a spiritual exercise designed to edify the speaker. Paul said. "He that speaketh in an

unknown tongue edifieth him- self." (Verse 4) That the apostle was sincere in this statement is reflected in the fact

that he said, "I thank my God I speak with tongues more than ye all."

Naturally, until a person speaks in tongues he cannot understand how it can be a blessing to him, nor how he is

edified by it. But once he receives the Holy Spirit, he finds that the experience carries with it a rich spiritual

blessing. It is a supernatural experience that he never forgets.

5. One may pray in the Spirit through the Unknown Tongue.

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:

but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that

searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the

saints according to the will of God." (Rom. 8:26-27)

In the above Scripture, the apostle teIls us that none of us know how to pray as we ought. But we have a powerful

ally in the Spirit of God, Who will, if permitted, make intercession "for us with groanings that cannot be uttered."



Moreover since the Spirit of God always knows the mind of God, He will always pray according to the will of


But how does the Spirit pray through us? We may be sure that the Spirit seeks to help us, whatever is the manner

in which we pray. This, however, is not what the apostle here is speaking about. It is evident that he is referring to

prayer in the Spirit, through the unknown tongue. In such case, the Holy Ghost prays through the believer. Now,

Paul says he will pray with the Spirit and with the understanding-both ways. It is good to pray with the under-BN

standing. But it also is good to pray with the spirit. When we are at loss for words to express ourselves in prayer,

the Spirit will, in the unknown tongue, take the need and lift it up to God.

It is not an accident that the great promise of Romans 8: 28 follows that of Romans 8:26, which speaks of the

Holy Spirit as the intercessor within us. With the Holy Ghost praying through us, all '"things are bound to work

for our good.

"And we k now that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called

according to his purpose." (Rom. 8: 28)

6. Speaking in tongues is a gift to the Church.

Apart from the private. use of the gift, is the fact that it has a purpose in the assembly, although not all believers

will manifest the gift in public. But before it can be used in public, it must first be used in private. The gifts of the

Spirit are sorely needed, and we must not allow this gift to cease in the Church, although of course, it must

operate in accordance with the instructions laid down in I Cor. 14. The speaking in other tongues affords a

ministry of usefulness for certain members of the Church, who might not have any other public ministry. The

person's usefulness increases, if he receives the complementary or corresponding gift of interpretation of tongues.

The manifestation of these gifts helps confirm the people of God and assists in preparing them for the Coming of


7. The contrast between the Tower of Babel and Pentecost.

At the Tower of Babel, God sent judgment on the builders by confusing their tongues (Gen. 11:5-9); and for their

impiety they were scattered over the face of the earth.

On the Day of Pentecost, God set in the Church the speaking in other tongues, so that the peoples from the nations

that had been scattered, might hear and understand the wonderful works of God. Among these people were

"dwellers in Mesopotamia" the very land where the Tower of Babel was built! (Acts 2: 9)

At Babel the builders were confounded and forced to leave off building their pagan temple. At Pentecost, God

began building a new structure, the Church of the living God, Christ Jesus being the chief cornerstone.

The temple of Babel was left unfinished. Stones prepared for it were never set in place, and today that once

vaunted tower lies in total ruin on the desert of Babylon, a monument to the folly and presumption of man.

The edifice which was built upon what happened at Pentecost is still building today. And the stone (Christ) that

would have been set aside "is become the head of the corner." (Acts 4:11)

On the wall of the palace of Babylon, the handwriting. written in another tongue, spelled Babylon's doom, "Thou

are weighed in the balances, and art found wanting." (Dan. 5:27) The handwriting on the wall today is the

speaking in other tongues, again pronouncing the doom of religious Babylon.

Thank God for this gift. It has become one of the great channels by which rnan is united to his God. "He that

speaketh in the unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God.”

In dosing this chapter, we may add that we have mentioned only some of the great blessings that come with the

speaking in other tongues. There are others also, which the recipient will enjoy as he manifests this gift in his

private devotions. Once one speaks and prays in the unknown tongue, he realizes the great benefit and value of

the experience, and the reason for which God made it a part of this glorious baptism.



How to Receive the Holy Spirit Baptism

By Mrs. Gordon Lindsay

Chapter 13

Life is filled with complex problems. That is a statement of fact that no one would challenge. What is the answer?

Has God created man upon this earth to be continually molested and buffeted by the enemy? No, my friends. God

has given us an appropriate weapon. What is this weapon? It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. With this, you can

become the ANSWER, in your home, your church, your community. Without it, you will be a part of the


Who is to receive the Holy Spirit? Paul says in Eph. 5: 18, "Be filled with the Spirit." This includes every boy and

girl, every man and woman. The Lord told us in Joel 2:28, 29, that in the last days, "I will pour out my spirit upon

all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men

shall see visions; And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." It

sounds from this, as if God didn't leave out anybody. And we have been witnesses to that fact. God's Spirit is

being poured out, around the world, on men-great men, and also upon the servants. We have seen the Lord baptize

children at three years of age and we have witnessed Him fill the centenarian. We have seen Him fill the

Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Assembly of God, Moslem, Hindu, Mormon, Indian, and Catholic. God is no

respecter of age, denomination, nor race. God said, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your

children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" (Luke 11: 13)

When is a good time to receive the Baptism? The same day you are saved. And many do! Not that conversion and

the Baptism are a synonymous experience, for the scriptures plainly teach that the infilling of the Holy Spirit is an

experience subsequent to salvation. It is a distinct and separate gift, as shown in Acts 19: 1- 7. Here Paul met a

number of disciples of whom he asked this question: "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?

And they said unto Him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost ... " Paul acknowledged

that they had experienced the baptism of repentance, and were now ready for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Saul

of Tarsus was converted on the road to Damascus. Three days later, Ananias said to him, "Brother Saul, be filled

with the Holy Ghost." (Acts 9:17) Whether it is one, two or three days after your conversion, the important thing

is to be filled with the Spirit now.

What is the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit? Let me give you five instances from the book of Acts:

1. Acts 2: 4 says that "they (the 120 Christians including Christ's own mother and His brethren, Acts 1: 14) were

all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave utterance."

2. Acts 8: 17-18 points out the fact that Simon "saw" that they received the Holy Spirit. Comparing other

Scriptures, the only logical conclusion is that he saw that the people began to speak in tongues when hands were

laid upon them.

3. Acts 9: 17 tells us that hands were laid on Paul to receive the Holy Ghost. We know that he spoke in tongues

for he, himself, said, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all." (I Cor. 14:5)

4. Acts 10:46 declares of the Gentiles that Peter "heard them speak with tongues."

5. Acts 19:6 shows us that when Paul laid his hands on the Ephesians, "they spake with tongues and prophesied."

Nor have tongues been done away with, as some teach, from I Cor. 13:8, for when tongues cease, then knowledge

shall vanish away, and we know that there has never been a time when there has been as much knowledge as


What' is the purpose of the Holy Spirit?

1. Acts 1: 8 informs us that we shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon us. Power to live an

overcoming life. Power to pray for the sick. Power for service for our Master.



2. Acts 1:8 also tells us that the Holy Spirit will make us a witness. The Holy Ghost will be a flame within us that

will drive us to witness to the lost, of this glorious gospel.

3. I Cor. 14:4 shows us that when we pray in tongues we are "edified -- "built up, benefited or charged up like a

car battery.

4. I Cor. 14:2 points out the fact that "in the spirit he speaketh mysteries." In other words, we have a secret code,

between us and God, which the devil has never nor shall ever be able to crack! While the devil can even intercept

our very thoughts and inject his own diabolical doubts, he never knows what we are saying when we pray in

tongues! Praise God!

5. John 14:26 reveals another attribute of the Holy Ghost. It reads: "The comforter, which is the Holy Ghost." In

this world of death and sorrow, what a joy to possess this wonderful Comforter.

6. The above verse likewise tells us that the Holy Ghost will "bring all things to your remembrance." That is to

say, will quicken our minds for the particular work the Lord has called us to eta, be it secular or spiritual. We have

seen this happen many, many times. God has taken someone without seemingly the qual- ifications for a

particular work and has greatly multiplied their abilities and talents. And those who were already leaders in their

field before their infilling, He has advanced to even higher heights. Our God-given, natural abilities find their

highest expression and greatest reward as we yield our lives completely to the Holy Spirit.

7. The infilling of the Holy Spirit will broaden our world in prayer. When we pray with our understanding, we

pray only for such things of which we have knowledge. But when we pray in the Spirit, God is able to lay upon

our hearts, burdens of individuals the world around. Persons we have never met, nor known, will benefit by our

ministry of intercession. Paul admonishes us to pray both with our understanding and in the Spirit. (l Cor. 14: 13-

15) Praying then, becomes more pleasurable. A new joy wells within us.

8. Another tremendous asset in being filled with the Spirit is the "rest" and "refreshing" it brings. (Isa. 28: 12)

How much better to possess the Holy Ghost than to have to rely on tranquillizers to relax us. God has made every

provision for us for body, soul, and spirit.

9. The Holy Spirit is a divinely appointed guide. (In. 16:13) Life need not be hit and miss, a comedy of errors.

How much better to commit our lives daily to the Master in prayer, and let the Holy Spirit guide us. Natural

wisdom is not enough. It may lead us up blind alleys and some dead-end streets, but never so the Holy Ghost.

As a young woman of nearly nineteen, though raised in a Christian home, I had wandered away from God and

was attempting to find satisfaction in the pleasures of the world, such as dancing, shows, parties, etc. But even at

that early age, I was already tired of the paths of sin. Hearing that a brother of my long-time friend,

Helen, was in town, preaching, I decided to go hear him. I did, and that night surrendered my life to the Lord. The

young evangelist's name, happened to be Gordon Lindsay. The amazing thing was, the Holy Ghost spoke to my

heart that night telling me that this evangelist would be my husband if I remained true to the Lord.

Now that I was a Christian, life took on a new meaning. I became a regular attendant at church, sang in the choir,

taught Sunday School, and later was appointed president of two hundred young people in my church, besides'

attending Bible School at night. Each Saturday night found me testifying with a fine group of young people on the

street located directly opposite from the large store in which I was employed. I always looked forward to

Monday night, for then it was that wc visited the jail and ministered to the men and women there.

But being a normal, young woman, I naturally desired the company of the opposite sex. To be sure, there were

suitors available some even from my earlier days, when I wasn't serving the Lord. But I knew the Bible warned,

"Not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." (II Cor. 6: 14) So I came to the conclusion that the safest

way to assure myself of never marrying a sinner nor unconverted person, was never to date one. That decision

kept me from making the sad mistake so many young Christians make in life -- of marrying a sinner. This is the

Number One tool of the devil to ensnare young Christians.



One, two, three, nearly four years had passed since my conversion. Gordon Lindsay was evangelizing in

California, Arizona, Texas, and the Deep South. About once a year, he would return to Portland, Oregon, to see

his parents. I might see him once or twice, in a church service during his time at home. If we spoke, it was only to

exchange greetings, and then he was gone again. Never did I telephone him nor attempt to write him. If the matter

was ordained of God, He would have to work it out, for I was too independent to help Him out. But each day in

prayer, I reminded the Lord of this promise.

Then one day I heard Gordon Lindsay was back in town. This time, instead of waiting a year, he returned home in

six months. Something told me the Lord was working. Surely enough, that night as I was singing in the choir, in

he walked. Several young ladies went to him and greeted him at the close of the service, while I left through a

back entrance, caught a bus and returned home. But the next day, at my place of employment, I heard someone

say, "Hello, Freda." There stood Gordon Lindsay! He had found me among 2,000 employees. I knew it was no

accident. He invited me to his home the next evening, to join several other young people, for refreshments.

Endeavoring to conceal my excitement, I casually accepted. That was the beginning of our romance. Sometime

later, he told me that as he was contemplating marriage he sought God in prayer. He had met many hundreds of

eligible girls through his years on the evangelistic field. But now, as he prayed in Mississippi, he said the Spirit

brought me to his attention. A year later we were married. God has blessed our home with three children. There

have been real problems along life's way, but praise God, there have been many victories! Recently, we celebrated

our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The Holy Spirit had made a wise choice, you see!

The benefits that an individual can accrue as a result of the Holy Spirit are greatly multiplied when all the

members of the church are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Some years ago, Brother Lindsay and I accepted a pastorate in Ashland, a lovely resort town in southern Oregon,

right in the Siskiyou Mountains. Though the church had been in existence many years, it had become stagnant--

only fifty in Sunday School. The faithful members had prayed for 20 years that their attendance might reach one

hundred, but somehow, it just never did. We knew when we took it, it was a life and death struggle. What we

needed was a Holy Ghost revival! But what evangelist could we get for such a dire set of circumstances? We

began to pray. Shortly after, a middle-aged, nice-appearing evangelist called on us as he was passing through the

city. After talking and praying with him, Brother Lindsay felt he was the man. They set tentative dates. Later on,

we received a postal card from the evangelist, confirming the campaign. But when we read the card, we were

horrified! It seemed that every second or third word was misspelled. The grammar was terrible. We had noticed in

speaking to him that his education was somewhat limited, but his correspondence was a complete betrayal of just

how little learning he really had. How could we use this man when we had several school teachers and college

graduate business people in our small congregation? Wouldn't they all leave us? How could the Holy Ghost have

been so wrong? But the more we prayed, the more certain we were that he was chosen of the Holy Spirit.

Before the evangelist arrived, Brother Lindsay "warned" the people that he would "murder the king's English,"

and probably break every rule in the grammar book, but that we must overlook all of that and work with him. He

did come, and in his simple way, brought revival to that church. Numbers were saved and filled with the Holy

Spirit. It was the first real breakthrough in that church in many years. We pastored there for three years, and the

Sunday school approached the three hundred mark. The church was never tl1e same. It has been a substantial

work ever since of the strongest in Southern Oregon.

Not long after we arrived in the city, a young lady by the name of Jane returned to her hometown of Ashland. She

was well-educated and a spiritual girl. We felt it was God's will to employ her to work with the youth in the

church. Whereupon, several in the church opposed, because she had not received the Holy Spirit. We felt led to

approach her about the matter, and told her we would believe God with her for the infilling. To this she replied,

"I'm a hopeless case. I've sought for twelve years. I've attended Dr. Charles Price's meeting, Smith Wiggles-

worth's, every camp meeting arid wherever I heard God was moving. Folk would receive to my left, to my right,

in front of me and in back of me, but there I sit, as dry as an old stick. I've tried everything and there's no use."

We encouraged her and told her we'd make it a matter of special prayer for the next few days. At the close of the

next prayer meeting, I walked over to where she was kneeling and told her this was "her night." She laughed



softly. Several of we ladies prayed around her. We prayed until ten, then eleven, then midnight. It was winter, and

getting cold in the church. We took her into a small side room where we still had some heat. One o'clock came

and she suggested I go home, as I would have to get up early with two small children. But I told her if she felt

sorry for me to get down to business, and let the Lord fill her so we could all go home, for I wasn't about to leave.

At 2:00 a. m. she urged everyone to "call it quits." But we kept right on encouraging her. Shortly after, she began

to yawn and she said she was tired. I pointed to a couch, told her to lie down and relax as if she were going on a

million-year vacation, to keep her mind on the Lord, and worship Him in her soul. A few minutes later she began

to speak softly in an unknown tongue. She only spoke a few words, jumped to her feet, thanked the ladies for

staying with her, said goodnight and out the door she went.

A number of times the next day, Satan would suggest to me that her time of speaking in tongues was too "short"

and too "mild," and that Jane would probably doubt that she had received. The next night in church, however.

Jane gave a brief testimony, thanking the Lord for filling her, and when we all prayed around the altar at the close

of the service, I got the surprise of my life! I heard Jane pray in a torrent of tongues. The fact of the matter is: to

speak two or three words in the unknown tongue is just as supernatural as to speak a million words in tongues.

Jane had acted scripturally. She praised God for what He had given her the night before, nothing doubting, and

that made her a candidate to receive more from God. Jane at once became our assistant. and worked tirelessly and

faithfully for souls. I always enjoyed praying with her after that first night, for she had a most uplifting ministry of

intercession as she prayed by the hour in tongues.

After some time, we resigned from the church and began travelling in the deliverance campaigns. On a missionary

tour through South America, we had a short lay-over at the airport in Mexico City. As we were milling around,

through the large crowds, whom should we run into but Jane! She was all aglow as she told us that the Lord had

called her to do missionary work in Mexico. As she was waiting to meet other friends at the airport, she told us

how God had blessed her efforts there. Praise God for His goodness!

How can one be filled with the Holy Ghost? Let's begin with the most quoted Pentecostal Scripture, Acts 2:4,

"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them

utterance." Who began to speak? Some answer, "The Holy Ghost." But that is not what the Scrip- ture says. Read

the verse again. It says, they (understood) "began to speak:' One man replied, "Why if I do the speaking, it will be

the flesh speaking." That's right. Until you have an immortal body, it will be the flesh speaking. Once you are

taken to heaven, you won't need to speak with tongues. But this is where the super- natural comes in. "As the

Spirit gave them utterance." If you had to think up the words you are going to say, then there would be

nothing supernatural about it, but the Spirit gives you the words to say. In other words, after you have shut all

thought out of your mind, and have centered them on the Lord in worship, you begin, in faith, to speak out the

words that are in your heart. You won't understand them, but that won't matter. Don't be afraid of your voice, for

the words will sound strange. They may at first sound like a child trying to learn to speak, for lsa. 28: I I says,

"With stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people." But don't hesitate. Speak out the words

distinctly. Express what God has put in your heart. Take a deep breath and begin to speak in tongues. For

remember, if you are saved, you have Christ, and Col. 2:9 says, "In him (In Christ) dwelleth all the fulness of the

Godhead bodily." Believe that you have the Holy Ghost in you. You're not waiting on God to do something for

you. He is waiting for you to do something for Him.

When I speak in English, I use my tongue, my teeth, and my voice. You must do exactly the same when you speak

with tongues-use your lips, your teeth, your tongue, your voice. Yet I have seen many who are expecting to be

filled with the Spirit, become very tense. Their upper lip will become rigid. They couldn't speak their own

language in this fashion. Rest in the Lord. Relax and watch the beautiful Holy Spirit move in your life.

Another thing, if you are capable of conversing in English, French, Spanish, and German, you could only speak in

one language at a time. Right? If you insist in continuing to speak in your native tongue, you can pray until the

crack of doom and never speak in tongues. So praise the Lord for a few minutes until you feel the Holy Spirit

moving in your soul. Then stop speaking in your native tongue, and begin, in faith, to speak in the unknown

tongue. As you become obedient to the moving of the Holy Spirit, great joy will flood your soul, for the Bible

says, that "the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost." (Acts 13:52) That joy may come the day



you receive the Baptism. Again, it may not come until a day or a few days later, as you learn to submit

yourself to the sweet Spirit.

Where can one best receive the Holy Spirit? Most individuals receive in the church, because the presence of the

Lord there is conducive to bringing a worshipful attitude of praise in one's heart, which is a requirement for

receiving. On the other hand, one truck driver testified, that he was baptized with the Holy Spirit while driving

down the highway. He said he got so happy, that he pulled his truck off the road, and just jumped up and down

beside it, for sheer joy. Another man told us he received while shaving.

Another, while lying in bed. Some have written us to say that they were baptized while serving sentences in

prison. A lady told us she received while washing her dishes. The one hundred and twenty in the upper room were

apparently sitting. (Acts 2:2) God is no respecter of posture nor place.

When we first took the pastorate in Ashland, one of the finest men we have ever met, a railroad-man by the name

of Ben Pederson, was on the church board. One family in particular felt that he was not qualified to serve unless

he had the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When we approached Brother Pedersen, he said he had been "seeking" for

many years, but to no avail. So we gave him the instructions. He listened intently. And in half an hour or so, he

was gloriously speaking in a language he hadn't learned. I shall never forget his sweet testimony for the next three

years, that we pastored there. His lovely spirit and words of wisdom were appreciated by all.

My own wonderful mother had "tarried" for perhaps twenty-five years. She begged and plead with God to fill her.

Tears streamed down her face, as she prayed by the hour. After twenty-five years, she was no doubt further from

receiving than she was the day she first believed in the Acts 2:4, experience. It so happened that a rugged

evangelist held a series of meetings in the church she faithfully attended. Scores received the Holy Spirit each

night, but my mother was not among them. Night after night, the evangelist watched her praying in desperation.

One evening, after she had again "given up," the evangelist came to her. "How long have you been seeking the

Holy Spirit?" he asked. "Twenty-five years," she replied. "Sister, you can pray another twenty-five years, just as

you have, and you'll get nowhere," he told her. She was really jarred! This minister was insulting her! But you

know, the only way to help some folk, is to insult them.

He continued, "You're begging and trying to coax God into giving you something He has already given you. Acts

2:38 tells us that the Holy Ghost is a gift. God is extending the gift to you. Now if I were offering you a gift in my

hand, and you refused to take it, but kept right on pleading for me to give it to you, you'd insult my integrity. I'd

feel that you didn't trust me. So God. He gave you the Holy Ghost two thousand years ago. Quit your beg-

ging, my sister and accept."

All the next day my mother pondered these words-torn at times between a wounded pride on one hand, and a deep

hunger to humbly accept the rebuke and be filled, on the other. Needless to say,' before the campaign came to a

conclusion, she was one of the two hundred that was filled.

My dear father-in-law, for years a school teacher, and later a high school principal, would always answer, when

anyone asked him if he had received the Baptism, "Do all speak with tongues?" Usually those who take this

attitude, don't believe that it is necessary to speak in tongues in order to receive. Actually this verse in I Cor. 12:

30, refers to one of the nine gifts, as the context clearly shows. True, not all have the gift of tongues. But this

certainly does not refer to the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost. Finally, after reaching the ripe age of

seventy, he accepted Acts 2:4, and was himself baptized by the Spirit. He lived another twenty years and what

ajoy it was to hear him pray in the unknown tongue in our daily devotions.

And that brings up another thought. I'm a firm believer that if I Cor. 14:4, is true, that "he that speaketh in an

unknown tongue edifieth himself," then every Spirit-filled believer ought to pray in tongues every day. Praying in

tongues will build us up in things of God. Each morning, before I leave my bed, I raise my hands in

thanks to God. And during the day, as I go about my work, I pray in tongues-sometimes audibly, but many times,

to myself. I would be utterly lost without the presence of this wonderful person.



While it is Scriptural to lay hands on individuals to receive the Holy Ghost as Paul did in Acts 19:6, it is not

always necessary. We have seen thousands receive by the laying on of hands, but also many who have not had

hands laid on them.

How long should it take you to receive the Baptism? As long as it takes you to touch God. With some it's five

minutes, with others a half hour, an hour, and others still longer.

I remember vividly a tent campaign we were jointly holding with the Osborns in Athens, Tennessee. I had been

announced to speak at the following afternoon service to help those who wanted to receive the Holy Ghost. When

Brother Osborn gave his call for those who wanted to accept the Lord as Savior, I went to the rear of the tent to

pray with some of the candidates. After the last convert had left, and Brother Osborn had begun to pray for the

sick, a fine looking young man approached me. He said, "I'm a student from Cleveland, studying for the ministry.

I have been in Bible school for a couple of years, but have never received the Baptism. I'm in school, so I won't be

able to come tomorrow afternoon. Can you help me now?"

I sat down with him on a bench, and gave him the simple instructions. When I finished, he turned to me with the

following question, "Do you mind if I receive tonight?" I told him, "Not in the least." He knelt on the sawdust

while I walked to the end of the bench to' put on my coat, for it was getting cool. I returned to where he was

kneeling, so I could pray for him to receive. But I was too late! By the time I got back to where he was, he had his

hands in the air, and was already speaking in tongues. He didn't need my mighty prayer! In fact, in a matter of

minutes, he got so loud, that a number of the boys with whom he attended Bible school, came running in from the

main tent, as they recognized the voice of their "chronic" speaking in tongues. To say that they all had a "camp

meeting" is putting it mildly! How wonderful to see young people, and those of every age and stratum yield

to the mighty moving of the Holy Spirit. To God be the praise! You can have your portion today!


1. Is the Holy Ghost an influence or a personality? (Chapter 1)

2. What is the Spirit’s work as far as the sinner is concerned? (Chapter 1)

3. What 1s the Spirit’s work in the conversion of the penitent sinner? (Chapter 1)

4. Five reasons why a believer should receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. (Chapter 2)

5. Why did the Lord take the Spirit from Moses and give it to 70 Elders? (Chapter 3)

6. 3 proofs why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent Experience to salvation. (Chapter 4).

7. Do we receive the Holy Ghost on the basis of our spiritual attainments? (Chapter 8).

8. Scriptural proofs that speaking in tongues accompanied the B.H.G. in the early Church (Ch. 5).

9. Is any preparation required to receive the Holy Spirit? (Chapter 8).

10. Is the Holy Ghost imparted only through the laying on of hands? (Chapter 9).

11. Are all baptisms O.H.S. of the same intensity? What determines the power of the anointing the person

experiences, when he receives the Holy Ghost? (Chapter 9).

12. Why is it that some who have received powerful anointing, do not speak in tongues? (Ch. 10).

13. Four reasons why it is important for believers to speak in other tongues? (Chapter 12).

14. How can the Holy Spirit help us in our prayer life? (Chapter 12).

15. Compare the speaking in other languages at Babel, and on the Day of Pentecost. (Chapter 13).