the harp of judah : a collection of sacred music, for choirs

«rt^^:^.^^jte5)^^(?s^ ®fe) >. & THE HARP OF JUDAH, BY L. O. EMERSON. ,'CV-o PtTBLISHED BY OLIVER DITSOIST & CO.

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The general favor with which the Editor's former works have

been received, has induced him to offer to the public another vol-

nme of Church Music. The Haup op Jddah has been prepared

with great care and labor. It is divided into five parts; Part

First is devoted to the Singing School, Theoretical and Practical.

The Principles of Musical Notation, it is thought, have been treated

in an unusually clear and comprehensive manner. It is believed

that the character of the Music, and the variety and progressive-

ness of the Exercises, will tend to keep up the interest of the pupils,

and render the Singing School both profitable tnd pleasant.

Part Second contains a choice selection of music designed for

the use of Choirs, Musical Conventions, Social gatherings, <fec.

In Part Third will be found a large number of tunes of every

variety of metre. Great care has been taken to select the best

Lyrical Hymns, and to adapt music of a corresponding character,

which is neither very simple nor elaborate, yet harmonized with

reference to true musical effect,—Music which appeals to the emo-

tions, and directs the mind upwards towards the object of iti


Part Fourth contains a large number and variety of Anthems,

Sentences, Choruses, Chants, &c., adapted to every occasion, where

such music is wanted. Many pieces will be found easy to learn

and comprehend, while others will require patient and persevering


In Part Fifth, the most familiar standard Church Tunes for

C "ngregational use have been inserted.

The object of the Editor has been to prepare a collection that

will prove interesting and attractive, and at the same time to

render it one that cannot fail to elevate the standard of Church

Music. He desires to express his obligations to those who hav»

kindly aided him by their contributions.


Boston, July 20th., 1863.

BbUiwI, kMordiac to Act of CoDgnm, In tb* jtmt 1808, by 0. DITSON ft Co., j^ th* Ctark'i Offlc* of Dm Diftriot Conrt fcr tlu DUlriet of >Uaneba

^ m. UMku'i wnio TrrooaATHT, bormi.

r»A.RT I.



§ 1. The prime elements of music, are Rhythm, Melody and Harmony.

Rhythm is the regular measurement of motion in the movements of music, or the

regular recurrence of accent, which gives character and expression to it. Melody

u a succession of pleasing Musical Sounds. Harmony comprehends all the

relations and combinations of Musical Sounds.

§ 2. Music is represented by certain characters called Notes, of which we

have the following variety


Ham*. Whole Not«, Half Not*, Qnu-tor NoU, lighth Not*, Slxtwnth Note, Tbirty-setond N*te,

•r SamlbrtT*. or Minim. or Orotchtt. or Qiurer. «r SemiqiuTW. or DcmiMmiqaaTcr.

IEvery note


5§ 3. Characters indicating silence are also used, called Rests.

has its corresponding rest.



Whol* R«gt. •IflUtt. QturWrScit. B^hth RMt. Sizt**iitb R«ft. Ttiirty-Mcond Rut.

^ r§ 4. A character written in this manner, \g>\ ia called a Dodble Notk, or

Breve. It is equal in value to two whole notes.

§ 5. Notes have no positive, only a relative length.


^ 6. Music is divided into equal portions of time, called measures.

^ 7. Measures are represented to the eye by inter-spaces, which are separated

(rem each other by perpendicular lines called Bars.


How many Measures? How many Bars?

§ 8. There are four kinds of measure used in music, each kind deriving its

name from the number of parts into which it is divided. Thus a measure having

two parts, accented on the first, is called Double Measure. It is indicated by

the figure 2,* and requires two motions of the hand, or beats, called beating time.

The first a downward beat, the second an upward beat.

On*, Tvro,



Down. Vp. | Dovrn, ITp.

One, Two.I

On*, Two. | On*, T'«r««

^ 9. There may be as many varieties in all the different kinds of measure

there are kinds of notes.


What kind of measure? Which v,ariety ? How many beats ? Which Is accenWd?

No. 1.

2 ? P (S* «S?I ;S> (C'l (C? nrnrnrrirnDown, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Inwn, Of.

0n», Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Tw*.

Double measure, sing with pleasure. Double measure, sing with pleasure.

No. 2. Which variety of measure?

^rrir rirrirrir rirnr rir nDown, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up.

One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One.Twa

Double measure, sing with pleasure, Double measure, stng with puasora.

* WUeb eorreijtoBdi to th* number of parte.


JIo. 8. Which Tarlety of mewure?

PC :\t:\tt\^'\':\:'\::\::\Down, tJp. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up. Down, Up.

One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two. One, Two.

Doable measure, sing with pleasure, Doable measure, sin^ with pleasure.

NOTB 1. The above exercises are all performed in the same manner; they differ only

with respect to the kind of notes with i hich they are represented.


L>, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La La, La, La, La,

Haste thee, Win-tor, haste a - way. Let me feel the Spring-tide ray.

Ii^ La, La, La,

Let the fields be

La, La, La,

green a - gain.

La, La, La, La,

Quickly end thy

La La, La.

dreary reign.

§ 10. A measure having three parts, accented on the first, is called Triple

Meaburi. It is indicated by the figure 3,* and requires three beats; the first

down, the second left, (to the left,) the third up.


EXAMPLE.Q Down, Left, Up. I Dowru, Iicft,

One, Two, Tbrec.|

One, Two,


i«r r nr r nr r nr r fDown, Left, Up.

Om, Two, Thr««.

La, La, La.


Down, Left, Up. Down, Left, Up. Down, Left, Up.

,:One, Two, Three. One, Two, Three. One, Two, Three.

La, La, La. La, La, La. La, La, La.

IV r r ir r r ir r rir r rDown, Left, Dp. Down, Left, Dp. Down, Left, Dp. Down, left. Dp.Om, two, Three. One Two, Three. One, Two, Three. One, Two, 'hree.

!<•» i^ i*. La, La. La. La, La. La. La, La, La.

VUeh ••rT«fp*a4« to the nomtwr or pane.

No. 7.

in C J IC p C IP p PIC C f I

Down, Left Dp. Down, Left, Up. Down, Lift, Dp. Down, I«ft, Up.One, Two, Three. One, Two, Three. One, Two, Three. One, Two, Three.

La, La, La. La, La, La. La, La, La. La, La, La.

Note 2. Triple Measure is the same in effect, whether it be represented with half, qoar*

ter, or eighth notes.


,« pp p; pp I r r r 1 pp pp pp i r r r i

La, La, La, La, La, La. La, lia. La. La, La, La, La, La, La. I*. La, I*

§ 11. A Dot ( • ) after a note or rest, adds one half to its valae ; thus ; •

dotted half note ( |* ) is equal to three quarters (j* j* ]•), a dotted quarter (i* *


is equal to three eighths I* ,* ,*, &c.

No. 9.

«rrrir-irprinrprir-irrrir-iLa, La, La, La, La, La, La, U La, La, La, lA,La, Ia, Ia.

§ 12. When two dots (• •) are placed after notes or rests, the second dot

adds one half the value of the first.

§ 13. A measure having four parts, accented on the first and third, is called

Quadruple Measure. It is indicated by the figure (4), and requires four

beats, the first down, second left, the third right, (to the right,) the fourth up.


j /|. Down, Left, Right.

IOne, Two, Three,

No. 10.


Down, Left, Right, UpiOne, Two, Three, Fonr.

r r^ iZ> ^ f»

La, La, La, La.Down, Left, &c. --

r T T r\La, La, La, La. La. La, L^ Ia


MMLa, La, La, La.

La, La, La, La.

Wo. 11.

I'-r : r rLa, La, La, La.

Down, Left, &c.

No. 12.

hJ c • cLa, La, La, La.

Note 3. The abore exercisei in Quadruple Measure, differ to the eye only.

§ 14. A measure having six parts, accented on the first and fourth, is called

SiiTCPLB Measure. It is indicated by the figure (6), and requires six beats;

the first and second, downward beats, the third, left, the fourth, right, the fiflh and

sixth upward beats, or there may be three downward, and three upward beats.

\r r ' ^La, La, La, La.


•c c

La, La, La, La.

r r r rLa, La, La, La,

La, La, La, La,


6DoTTB, Do-wn, Left, Right, Up, Vp.

Dovm, DoTvn, Down, Vp, Vp, TJp.

No. 13.

Do\ni, Doivn, licft. Right, Vp, Vp.or

Down, DoMrn, Do^vn, Vp, Vp, Vp,

1° r»



•1 1

P •1 •

L», La. L*. La, La, La. La, La, La, La, La, La

No. 14.

"C 5 t :•

: c•

:La, L». L*. I". La, La. La, La, La, La, La, La

NOTX 4. The abore exercises, in Sextuple Measure, differ only In representation.

§ 15. The full designation of the different kinds and varieties of measure in

which music is generally writtfiu, may be represented thus :

DoabU Umuui«> Tilple Measun.

3 3 38 4a

Qasdmple Mewuia.

4 4 42 4 8

Bcztapb ll«afu«.

6 e4 8

§ 16. The upper figure corresponds to the number of parts into which tl»

measure is divided, the lower one indicates the value of each part of the measure,

thus; § shows that two half notes, or their equivalent, fill a measure ; 9 that

two quarter notes ; 3 that three half notes ; 4 that four quarter notes, or tbor

equivalent, in each case fill a measure.



§ 17. The Scale is a series of eight tones in a particular order of succession.

These tones are named frop the names of numbers. One, Two, Thbkb, Fon»,

FivK, Six, Seven, Eight. The Italian Syllables, Do, Rk, Mi, Fa, Sol, La,

Si, Do, are also applied to the Scalk.

<§ 18. The difference of pitch between any two tones, is called an Intxbtal;

as from 1 to 2, from 4 to 6, &c.

^ 19. The distance from any tone, to that next above or below, is called ft

Second ; as from 1 to 2, from 3 to 4, from 4 to 5, &c.

§ 20. As the scale is composed of eight tones, there must necessarily be sevea

Seconds, of these, five are large, and are called Majok Seconds ; the remain«

ing two are small, and are called Minor Seconds.

The Minor Seconds occur between 3 and 4, and 7 and 8, or their eoir^

sponding Syllables, Mi, and Fa, and Si, and Do, all the others are Uajor.















THE SCALE ILLUSTRATED.. .^P Do Proooiniccd..Doo«


..^ SI P See.SM»Dd.

..10 I<a F Lrfih.

S«coud...^ Sol P Sole.

SceooiL..^ Vm P »Fah.

Seeond...0 Ml P Mee.

Saeead...© tu P R»y.

Sreond...0 Do «.P Dee.


§ 21. The Pitch of tones is represented npon the Staip, which consists of Itve

parallel lines, which, as also the spaces between them, are called Dkorjku, and

are reckoned from the lowest upwards.



1 ^=7=s: -T-l


§ 22. When more than nine degrees are wanted, short lines above and below

the Stapi are used, called added lint^.

EXAMPLE.opond a<1<1e<1 Une above. «..«..«.i ..... .iw.*.

First added H,e above. ^S^\X^\S^:.'"

Firit ipaea below^>Bd tpaea belww. -First adde<l line belovr,

-Second added line belo^r.

^ ftS. The first seven letters uf the alphabet are used in naming the Degrees

of tb« ScAtr ; tij mess letters the abstract pitch of tones ia det«rmined.

§ 24. The arrangement of the letters npon tne Staff is determined by eharao

ters called Clefs ; of which there are three, via: the G Clef, thus: ^ tlie F

Clef, thus; g and the C Clef, thus: rrn thus : r or thus; jR111

Note 5. The G and F Clefi are the onlj onei now in general a«e.

§ 25. The G Clef determines G to be upon the Second Une, from which tb«

other letters are reckoned in alphabetic order, upward ; and downward bj th«

inversion of that order, thus;

„ -A- B —-S. E-


§ 26. The F, or Bass Clef places F upon the fourth line, tbas




^ 27. The G Clef may be placed upon the first, third or fburth line, tbw:

^^a+—C g-^—



-A- -O-

thus : -ti^-c- rir—A--r—

or thus; ^^^ZTJCHI

E 1


KoTB 6. The G and F Cleft are alwa^rs placed npon the linei mentionad above; BotMafremovable like the C Oef. which U fast paNing oat of om.



^ 28. The ScALB, together with Numerals, Letters, and Syllables, is repre-

sented upon the Staff, with the G Clef, as follows : the first tone being by com-

mon consent, written upon the letter C ; It is therefore said to be in the key

of C.

-&- :gS--^ 'JSSL

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

'JISL-Z3L -^ 32:

7, 8. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

C. D E, F, G, A, B, C. C, B, A, G, F, E, D, C.

Do, He, Ml, Fa, Sol, La, 81, Do. Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.

% 29. The Scale applied to the Staff, with the F Clef, thu


t^ ^ '^' -^ «rn> r3 gy es ^ fD IVP- (-3 - '^ &« _.^ \V- ^O =*' ^ «r

. _...L], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. C, B, A, G, F, E, D, C.Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Be, Do.

KoTE 7. The teacher should here question the pnpils, in relation to the Intenrali of th4

Scale, as expiaiaed in section 17, pap;e 5.

§ 30. A Double Bar, q or Iq shows the end of a strain of mtisic, or a line of


^ 81. A Brace|

is used to connect the parts designed to moT« togetW.

§ 32. A Close F[ denotes the end of a piece of mtisic.

No. 15.


SCALE EXEBCISE.What kind of measure? Which variety ? How many beats ? Which U accented?

No. 16.

ZSI!--S) iz^:-s?-^^r^F^^ I

Tut—zfrc gj^ifcff" 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8, 7, 6, 5, ., „. -, ..

Do, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Ml, Re, Do.4, 3. 2, T.

-&- ^ -^S-,-^^SE I

It'i _•

1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. 3, 2, 1.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.

No. 17.

SCALE EXERCISE.What kind of measure ? Which rariety ?

S': -J^-=J£-

Do. Do, Re, Re. Mi, Mi, Fa, Fa, Sol, Sol, La, La, Si, Si, Do, Do.OosM, and ting this joy • fol nra-iio, la, U, la, te, la, la, U, la.

^^ :p=p: -#—•- itzxljtzMi jt-w- i

Do, Do, Si, Si, La, La, Sol, Sol, Fa, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Re, Do. w.Cooa, and aiag this joy-fid mu-en, Fa, Fa, Mi, M, R«, Be, Po, Do.



Mo. 18

t«^:M:^M: ^~W-



-^ ^:p=ic

?^ It—Wi:gJ-H

Do, Do, Re, Re, Mi, Mi, Fa, Fa, Sol, Sol, La, La, Si, Si, Do. Do, Do, Si, Si, La, La, Sol, Sol, Fa, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Re, Do.Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down. Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down.

Bounding bil-low«, cease your mo-tion, Bear me not so swift-ly o'er, Cease thy roaring, foam-j o-cean, I will tempt thy rage no more.

^ 33. Sometimes a group of three equal notes are performed in the same time that two of the same name would be. Such a group is called a Triplet, and

usually has the figure three over or under it. Thus the Triplet of (f f f \a equal in value to(| | ) the Triplet of (',J_J ) is equal to (^ ) (p ^ 5) to (^*) &.C.

No. 19.


^-4jl_^z^c:zf!5=f5: I^ itutzi^: :Mz=MzzMi


ii \f 'fL-

Do, Do, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Mi, Mi, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Sol, Sol, La, La, La, La, Si, Si, Do, Do, Do, Do.


zzizjit—iifeDo, Do, Do, Do, Do, Do, Si, Si, La, La, La, La, La, La, Sol, Sol, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Re, Re, Re, Re, Re, ^

No. 20.



^^^^^ |it^i*'- Do, Do, Re, Re, Mi, Mi, Fa, Fa, Sol, Sol, La, La, S, Si, Do, Do. Come and sing this pleas - ant ma - sic.

s • -0-0 M M-:^s:5:^=i5H

giUiiM . Cmm mmI

x=:;p;V-^ 1/ ^ :^=>-k1r


n -mi-Bing this Uv« mu •ic, oome: Do, Do, Si, Si, La, La, Sol, Sol, Fa, Fa, Mi, Mi, Ra. Re, Do^De

No. 21.


What kind of measure? Which varietv? Which nart is accented'

^f^ :1==^:Jiz=rjt—it. ^^

]To, Do, Do, Re, Re, Re, Mi, Mi, Mi, Fa,

C, C, C, D, D, D, E, E, E, F,

Fa, Fa,

F, F,

Sol. Sol, Sol,

G, G, G,

La, La, La,

A, A, A,







Do, Do, Do.

C, C, C.

Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up.

No. 22.

What kind of measure 7 Which variety ?


1. Let us sing mer-ri - ly. Lightly and cheer-i - ly. Let us be gay ; Throw away sorrow,Why should we borrow Tears for to-morrow,to darken to - day.

2. Oat In the breezy earth, Summer's sweet voice of mirth Echoes around,- Soft winds are blowing,Blossoms are glowing,Streamlets are flowing With fet-terless bound.3. Grateful and glad are we, Singing thus mer-ri - ly, Blithly and gay, Careless of sor-row. Lightly we'll borrow, Hopes from to-morrow, To gladden to - day.

No. 23.What kind of measure? How many beats? Which Clef.

- -iS- -# -0-

^ii=p=pz::l==tiz::d I

C, C, C, D, D, D, E, F, G, G, G, G, A, A, B, C.

1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8.

Do, Do, Do, Re, Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, La, La, SL Do.

No. 24. Be sure to beat the time.

1, Mi,


Do, Do, Si, La, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.

8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, LSing, sing, sing. La, La, Sol, sing, sing, smg. Do.


3|E3=S3=r*=^ 3 nJ: :it

£«<*<«•• r, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, T, f" t^ f^ ho, Mi, Do, Re, Fa, Re, Fa, Fa, Re, Fa, Re, Fa, Mi,

Do, Mi, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, Mi Do, Do, Do, Do. 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 3,

Fa, Fa, Re, Fa, Re, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Da

^^E^Ei =:X- :=l=q:j^zzMzzM:

tr. :t=


OHUitmm. 1, 1^ 2, 1, 8, 5^ 5^ 5^ 5^ 5, 3, 1, Do, Do, Do, Re, Fa, Re, Fa, Fa, Re, Fa, Re, Fa, Sol, Sol. Sol DaDown, Uft, Dp, Do, Ml, Sol, Down, Left, Up, Sol, Mi, Do, 1, 1 L 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2 4. 5 6, 8. L


No. 25.


i£-i*»«- Do, Mi, Sol, Do,

1, 3, 5, 8,

fel =1


t=*z:*: ItmDo, Sol, Mi, Do,

8, 5, 3 1,


Do, Fa, La, Do,

1, 4, 6, 8,

G»»«u«Mi». Do, Do, Do, Do, Mi, Sol, Do,

1, 1, 1. 1, 3 5, 8,

No. 26.

Do, Sol, Mi, Do,

8, 5, 3, 1,

Do, La, Fa, Do,

8, 6, 4, \.

-#- -#-

Do, Sol, Mi, Uo.

1, 5, 3, 1.

e;±eeeDo, Fa, La, Do,

1, 4, 6, 8,

Do, La, Fa, Do, Mi, Sol, Do.

8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 1.

HiWhat kind of meatar«7 Which rtriety?

i**"- Do, Do, Mi.Mi, Sol,Sol, Do,

La, la, la, la, la, la, la

#—#- -9—*- -0- -- -- -•»- -0-0-Do,Do, Fa,Fa, La,La, Do,

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Do, Mi, Sol, bo, Mi, Sol, Do, Fa, La, Do.Fa.La, Do.Do" Mi,Mi,Sol,Sol, Do.

1, 3, 5, Sing, sing, sing, 1 4, 6, Sing, sing, sing. La, la, la, la, la, la, Ii

gpg=|r^|g^^gg-g^i3|ggr-j£g^;7;g^£e«iiH.m.n. Do, Mi, Sol, Do, Mi, Sol, Do, Fa, La, Do, Fa, La, Do,Do,MiJVIi,Sol.Sol, Do,

Sing, ting, sing, 1, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, Sing,sing,sing,La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Do,Do.Fa,Fa,U,La, Do,

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Do,Do.Sol,Sol,Mi,Mi, Do.

La, la, la, la, la, U, U.

^ 34. A piece of mu.«<ic may commence with either part of the measure. When there is a deficiency in the first measure, it must be made up in the last

No. 27.

fczih^!^-h-^S : iJszUq:m

Do^ Mi, Mi, Mi, Fa, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, La, Sol, La, Sol, La, Si, Do, Sol, Da, Do, Do, Sol, La, La, La, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, La, Si, Da


La, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la la la. La, la, la, la. La, '> la, la, la, la.

:*zr:*zz»—^::i?=:iz: =U=:-r::

-+-, —1-7 ' • •-^.=^1=,- :?^a:s

Do, Do, Do. Do. Re, Mi, Mi, Mi. Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Re, Do, Sol, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Fa. Fa, Fa. Mi Sol, Sol, Sol. Fa, Mi, Re, Lte.

U,KU,U,KLa, U,U^ La,k,k la,la,la, La, la,Lft, la,U,U,La,U, k,U,Lik,k, U, la k, In, Ik.


§. 85. A Ti«, '"^ is used to connect two or more notes written upon the same degree of the Staff.

No. 28. What kind of measure? How manv beats in each? Wliich are accented?


:=1- :4—


—#-p#—#—» -Ft—-^*~T-i




Do, Ke, Mi, Sol,

Sing, sing, sing, sing,

Fa Mi, Sol,

Sing, la, la

Sol, La, Si, Do,la, la, la. La,

Sol, Do, Do, Si, La,la, La, la, la, la,

La, Sol, Fa,

6, 5, 4,

Mi, Sol, Fa, Re, ^3, 5, 4, 2, L


What kind of measure? Which rariety?

5, 6, 7, 8,

bells are ringing,

birds are singing,

8, 7, 6, 5,

ringing, ringing,

singing, singing,

g^3zzi^i£^^=gzf:g-gzzUzzfi3fzig--rT-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5. 8, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Hark ! the vil-lage bells are ringing, rinjr-ing round with mer-ry glee.

Hark ! the pret-ty birds are singing, sing-ing sweet on eve - ry tree.


1, 2,



3, 4,

1. Hark ! the yil - lago

2. Ilark ! the pret - ty

^ 30. The Slue,

No. 30.


~z=z=:Tizf?zz=:ih: :?—


W:4, 3, 2, Lringing, ringing,

singing, singing,

L 1. 3, 5, 8,

Hark! hark! hear them ring,

Hark! hark ! hear them sing.

6, 5, 1.

hear them ring,

hear them sing.

is made like the tie, but is placed over or under notes, on different degrees of the Staff, indicating that they are sung to one syllable

<7 -^-m9 N^ ^_J-Jjjj-g —«#--^

tt:t=;^±:^ -s^ ^m -&-&\::-j:^-=^ EThe flowe-ry Spring at God's command. Perfumes the air and paints the land, The Summer rays with vig- or shine, To raise the com and cheer the Tine.

^ 37. Dots across the Staff, thus : : indicate that the music is to be repeated.

No. 31.


Gctitkmm. Do,dawd«,de4o. do, do, do, to,,do. Fa.Re, Do, f

La. ia.fii.K ia, la, ta. la, ia,ta, •&,<&, iS, iS. la. i

Do, Si, Do3d, Mi, Sol, Do. S, S^ 3, 1, So!, Mi, Do, 1, 2, 3, 4. S> \ 7 6, 0, 3, 1, Sol, Sol. Dsl


Ko. 32.


• What kind of measure? Which yariety? How many beats in each measureT Which are accented?

T "1; "3~f, ","1. 2, 3, 4, La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4,Lodiu. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 'Z. 6, 4, i^a, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, x, i, o, i, u, u, x, -i, o, i, Si, Si, Si, Si, Si, Si, Do.

Do DoDo,Do,Do,Do Re, Re, Re, Re, Mi, Mi, Mi,Mi,Mi,Mi,Fa,Fa,Fa, Fa, Sol,Sol,Sol,Sol,Sol,Sol, La, La, La, La, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Do.

^3iOentltmin. Do,


i^-z: :pzzp:

4- :t=:^







Sol, Sol, Do. Do, La, La, La, Mi, Mi,

sing, sing. La, La, Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing,



Fa, Fa, Sol.

la, la, la.






What kind of measure ? Which Tariety ?




1. Morning shines with beams of splendor. Evening is more mild and ten - der ;Each hour full of deep and ho - ly joy,

2. Morning lights with joy the mountain. Evening veils the silver-y foun-tain : Each in its own heavenly beau - ty gleams;

m ?EEE^rzziiz- 535=: :*=*:

I5»:m :p=T=ttz=:=*zzi^



the morn our song is break - ing, In the night our hymn is wak - ing— Hail the morn-ing light and even-ing beams.

e mom we lift our voic - es, For the qui - ct night re - joic - es— Let us both in ho - ly thoughts em - ploy.

e ijzzi:

=1^ ^-- «


=t: -^• if^ lb* Bntop)* M«MBj* ii taof Ofidif, It ii b«tt«t to gir* trat two bMM to tb« mauare ; wbss tbt iMTSiaest Ji tl^w, beMtna n»j ba perfonne4 wttb thiM BoUoni ttgmimi.




§ 38. When tones higher than eight are sung, eight is to be regarded as one

of an upper scale.

§ 39. When tones lower than one are sung, one is to be regarded as eight

of a lower scale.

§ 40. The human voice is naturally divided into four classes : low male voices,

or Bass ; high male voices, or Tenor ; iow female voices, or Alto ; high female

voices, or Treble.

Note 9. Besides the above, there are also other distinctions, as Baritone, between the

Bass and Tenor. And the Mezzo Soprano, between the Alto and Treble. The Treble is fre-

quently called Soprano.

§ 41. The G Clef is used, not only for the Treble and Alto, but also for the

Tenor ; but when used for the Tenor, it denotes G an octave lower than when

used for the Treble and Alto. The following illustration shows the common use

of the Clefs ; and also the usual compass and relative position of the different




ililiiiiiliiiipil^iiiiiiigTENORE. _5





^^ :#=^ -i—Wm P=s:iz:

i^zz^: T=l=-s>- ifzzt

Do-0-3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 22, T.


3E=_ t: £ ^ -t- 1=:

=1:-0 0-

1, 1. 3, 3. 4, 2, 1.

No. 35.

7, 1, 2, 8, 5, 5, 8, 7, 1, 2, 2, ^What kind of measure ? How accented 7

IgZ11, 4, 3, 4, i, 4,


1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 8. 7,

• -0- -J- -0- '6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2, 8. 7, 6, 7, 8.

^ =q—



^ "•^—-JMiizBi


ji—±: ~p:;. 8, S 6, 8, 5, 6, 7, 1, 3, 4, 2,

le^ir^-r=z=—zpzzp: -•—


22:^E1. a, 3, 5. 6, 8, 8 8. 5, S, 3. 4, 6.


^ 42. When a series of notes are performed in a short, pointed, and very distinct manner, tbej are said to be Staccato, {Stae-kah-io ;) Staccato is indieatod

by point* thus : ( i f f f ).

^43. Half Staccato is indicated by Dots, thus : (• • • •).

No. 36.




What kind of meosnre T

• ••IfJL=zM-:^=z: irz^. ^^^^^^^^m^.

What a hap - py band are we, To laugh and sing thus mer - ri - ly : Ha ! ha ! ha ha! ha! ba! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha I

§ 44. D.C. the abbreviations of Da Capo mean begim again and end at the word Fine.

No. 37.

1^1What kind of measure? Which variety?


Mi^m^si^^^^^mBright - ly shine the gems of In dia, And the yel - low gold is bright ; But more precious, bright-er jew- els. Than in dis-tant climes we find.

Far more worthy of our keeping, Are the jew - els of the mind.


-•-••J ""W-

-jzrjrzjo:! ' i _^-__*qgT:g"p: m§ 45. A Hold, or pause, (^r^) placed over a note indicates a prolongation of

tone; if over a rest, a prolongation of silence.

§ 46. When a passage is to be performed in a smooth, gliding and connected

manner, the term Lkoatk, (^Le-ga-to or Le-gah-to, ) or Tie -"-^is u^^^-d.

§ 47. When a note embraces two pnrts of a measure, the first unaccented, and

the second accented, it is said to be Syncopated, e. g.

No. 38.

-^ -O--G »- ns?:


-#- -<5>-

^ 48. The performance of music lacks variety, and becomes tedious, if we al-

ways sing with the same degree of powi'r ; to give variety, we sometimes sing

ioodlj, softly, and at other times with a medium decree of force.

^ 49. Pi.\N0, means soft, abbreviated thus; P. Pianissimo, means very

soft, abbreviated thus: PP Mezzo, means medium, abbreviated thus: M.Mezzo Piano, means middling soft, abbreviated thus : MP. Mezzo Forte,

means niidiliinjr loud, abbreviated thus: MF. Forte, means Inud, abbreviated

thus: F. Fortissimo, means very loud, abbreviated thus: FF.

§ 50. A very sudden crescendo, is called a Presscre Tone, <. A very

sudden diminuendo is called an Explosive Tone, >.

§ 51. A tone begun softly and gradually increased in power, is called a

Oresckndo. marked Ckes. or —= . An inversion of the Crescendo is called a

Diminuendo, marked dim. or =- . .\ gradual inc-rease of tone, immediftioly UA

lowed bj a gradual dimiaiah, is called a Swku., —<=»-.


m mf f ff f rnf m p pp


:=1: ^1. Flow on, thou shin-ing riv - er, Flow gai - ly to the sea, Flow on in beauty ev - er, With all thy mel-o - dy, With all thy mel - o - dy.

2. Thro' meadows now me - an - der, With graceful, sweet delay.And now thro' green woods wander,Where scarcely peeps the day.Where scarcely peeps the day.

-•—.-#- -0- -m- -0- -&- -0- -#- -•--»- -S*- -G>- -0- -0- -0- -0- S^3. Its murmurs now in - creas-ing. On thy glad current goes. And now, with roar un -ceas-ing, The rap -id torreut Hows, The rap -id tor-rent flows.

lPii^^ili^iiSl^^lE^ii^3Piiil&^!E4. Flow on, thou shining riv - er, Thou soon shalt reach the sea ; Thus we are passing ev - er. And haste a-way like thee, And haste a - way like thee.


-«»-m^ t::iz:^=fz: 11


: :25i"±:s2±;#zaizz«iZ!-•—

p^ -0—0-



1. 'Tis ed - u - cation's potent arm. That shields us from opprei<sion's harm ; That guides our feet in freedom's way; And fabrics rear that ne'er de - cay.

2. One gem derived from Learning's store, Serves to cre-ato a thirst for more; And nev -er can rude hands be-reave, Man-kind of joys they thus re-ceive.



-0—0 l^ii3. Then let us all with one ac-cord, U - nite our hearts to shedaproad The precious gifts of men-tal lig!>t. That teach us all to think a - right

-<& ^e^^I^HSe^eeII^^P'-^s-^T


-^-^4 Un-chain the powers of the mind, And bid them seek to bless our kind With knowledje, that shall ev-er be



;3 -^—s*-Ixx^

A aafctruard to our lib - er - ty.








ISizzqizzpzxz^z; zzjuzz^f^zi = ::s?1 :p=3=«: #-=—#-

itc P1. Come let's make our voic - ea ling, Hur - rah, hur-rah, hur - rah, And sing the song we love to sing, Hur-rah, hur-rah, hur-rah,

>^t-d- -•—#—•- :1: ^E^^agy^E^P2. Come from many a dis - tant road, Hur-rah, hur-rah, hur- rah, And come from many a bright a -bode, Hur-rah, hur-rah, hur-rah,


•zziizESEEE #^=15:=:^I

3. Come, in spite of rain or snow, Hur - rah, hur-rah, hur - rah. In spite of all the winds that blow, Hur - rah, hur-rah, hur - rah,


-J— h -1-r=m:z=1: :p3z::p: mI -3t=lli~3iZZ4l

:=^jtZZJ^m *=s








53 l§For we love the sing-ing school. Our pleasant singing school, We'll Bing its praise in joy-ful lays, Hur - rah, hur - rah, hur-rah.

^5=ti ~^^^^^^^m_ 3—1L—Jt

:^SFor we love the sing-ing school, Our pleasant singing school. We'll sing its praise in joy-ful lays, Hur - rah, hur -rah, hur-rah


~ _^j

_ —W-T-is>


ai=;*~»=5:-K h ::?=:f=izr±

For we love the sing-ing school. Our pleasant singing school. We'll sing its praise in joy -fill lays, Hur - rah, hur -rah, kur - rah-»- -m- -»-


:—tzit .M—Jt. f ^^^ I-0 ' m



5=^I 1-^



t=l=t: -O-i

i. There's mu -sic in the midnight breeze, There's mpsic in the morn ; The day - beam and (^e gen - tie eve, Sweet sounds have ever bo

)4=H^ii^EpllEiiill^iJJ^Igl -»-:^- =1:

:^; »-^:.-^^

2. The winds that sweep the mountain top. Their joy - ous ech-oes bear ; Young zephyrs on the streamlet play, And make sweet music there

iii=^iil=l^glEii^§glS '^^=^.3. The heart, too, has its thrilling chords, A con- se -crat-ed fount, From which in- spir - ing mel - o - dies To heaven in gladness mount.







3:: :::^=^-


#v-»- -(S?V-

The val - ley hath its wel - come notes, The grove its tune-ful throng, And o - cean's mighty cav - ems teem With nature's end-less son".


*-*-# 0-^-o-ii|g:Si'^Eia^lEg=ifef^^i^Ei^i

With rust - ling sound the for - est leaves Bend to the pass-inf breeze, And pleas-ant is the 'bu- sy hum Of pleasure - seeking bees.

' iz^i^ ^^ w=ir~-»-w-

I I—>-=F=i= ^^^^^m^.

"Why na-ture's mu-sic.> lent, that man, May join the myriad throng, Of all her glorious works in one Ha? - monious burst of song.

- - m. ' jr ^

4 # 1 1

• • 1... '^~t

^- --x

:tz3t W^=]==^==|:-MziMzzjtL i^^ii^^Sfc:


M-VelyjiTeiy. 0—M. w—- — . |L , ^^^

1. Morning's rnd-dy beam, Tints the eastern sky, Up comracles.climb the mountains,high,Tra, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Tra, la, la, la, la, la.

3. Evening's gen-tle ray, Gilds the glowing west, Each hunter sig:hs for home and rest, Tra, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Tra, la, la^ la, la, la,

2. Let the sluggard sleep. We must slumber shun. Ere night falls, honor must be won, Cra, iSi, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, Tra, la, la, la, la, la,

:^=:?5=fcf^i^zji-^z ilziz|:->z:i^-:i=:i^z±^5tJ::^z^zi7:i

^ i5ji^i^iit5:|5:

:^izztzz:tz=teL-W_i_*fizi^ziztti^z*: lizz^ztz-



O 9—9-i^zzp:

tt=t=:wy--^i 2=z=f3izz*SzziEF5^z:*zz*z:rfzSzTP

=zzE4z=p3rzztz^--g-?-^^z5EgE±':la, la, la, Tra, la, la, la, la. Haste, haste, haste,

f I

Haste, haste, haste, The mer-ry, . mer-ry bu - gle oella.

MZn^—^—a-L-# K-i--*! r-9-^~-9 9 • 9 -=-^-^ -'-*-=—*—L-#

9—9—tf—* ' ^ G^-

la, la, la, Tra, la, la, la, la, Ilnste, haste,ha8te,Tho mer - ry, mer - ry, bu-gle calls; Haste,hasto,ha8te,The mei-ry, mer-ry bu-gle calls.


'F-rrt-:±E^:J^=5Z irzitzz^tti: fjizzgzizg^^r^-^^^ESzziSfE^EfEgE^^iSg-gz::^-* vTU-=Ela, la, la, Tra, la, la, la, la, Ha8te,haste,haste,The mer - ry, mer - ry, bu - gle calls ; Ha8te,haste,haste, The mer - ry, mer - ry bu-gle caQi.


1 I

rfzatipzzp: :^5z::if5:

M^zjtizti 'Miz!L mM=ztL-«=—»-


jf #_* «—#: *—m—J5^:ie33^5z;





^ 52. Between the tones of the scale which form the intei;val of a Ma'pt

Second, an intermediate tone may be introduced. This is sometimes called a

Chromatic Tone. Intermediate tones may therefore occur between 1 and 2, 2

and 3, 4 and 5, 5 and 6, 6 and 7.

^ 53. The Minor Second is an indivisible interval ; accordingly there are

twelve tones, which with the first one repeated, form a new scale of thirteen tones,

which is called the Chromatic Scale, and from which the eight tone Scale, to

di8tin>»uish it, is called the Diatonic Scale. .

§ 54. Instead of forming an additional number of degrees for the purpose of

representing the intermediate tones, it is customary to represent them on the i of the note


same degrees on which the Diatonic tones »re represented, by prefixing to tb«

letters or numerals a qualifying sign called a Sharp, ($) or a Flat, (|f). SeaScale below.

^ 55. In speaking of the numerals applied to the tones of the' ChromntloScale, we say. Sharp One, Flat Two, &.c. In speaking of the letters, we aaj,*

C Sharp, D Flat, &c.

^ 56. A Sharp, (^) is the sign of elevation.

^ 57. A Flat (I?) is the sign of depression.

§ 58. The sharped notes are said to lead to, or resolve into the next aboTO


and the flatted into the ^ext below.

^ 59. The influence of a;jj;

or b extends through the measure where it ap-

pears, unless counteracted by a Natural, (h) which restores the original gjtch


Do, Mi, Sol, Fi, Sol,.Fi, Sol, La, Sol, Fi, Sol, Fi, Sol, Do, Si, La, Sol, Do, M:, Re, Do, Sol, Fi, Sol, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Re, Do, Si, Do, Sol, Mi,

^ 60." A Sharp or Flat extends its influence through" more than one measure, when not intercepted by a note on another degree, e. g.

, Re,^!

No. 40.

:?iji^: :^i±<st'W- i

Do, Re Ml,- Fa, Sol, Fi, Fi, Sol, La, Sol", Do, ScJ, Mi, Sol, Do, La, Sol, Fi, Fi,

§ 61. A Natural, (tl) J3 used to oontradicl, or take away the power of a Flat or Sharp, e. g.

No. 41. . ^____

Sol, La, Si, Do, Mi, Re, Si, Do, La, Fa, Re, Do.

Do, Mi, Sol, Fi, Scl, Fi, Sol, Fa, m, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Se, La, Se, La, Se, La, Si, D(J, Sol, Fi, Sol. La, Fi, Sol, Fa. Mi, Sol, I^ Si. Il»« COROiuiia, {rom the Qraek werd signifjring eolor ; tl>« internudiat* or ChromatjQ tooa harins been tatJattij vriltaB «Uk ailand Ink

20No. 42.


1^ f^^m^^^^^^^^^^l"^Sol, Sol, La, Sol, Mi,"^Ri, Mi, Re, Do", Mi, La, Si, La,. Sol, Mi, Sol, Do, Se, La, Se, La; Si, Do, Sol, Mi, Ri.Mi, Do, La, Si, La, Si, La, Si, Do, Si, Do.

Note 9. Require the pupils to analyze, and give th« name*, place and number of S*c-

onds in botii forms of *,hc Minor Scale.CHAPTER IX.


S 62. Besides the Diatonic and Chromatic fc'cales, already introduced, there

Is another called the Minor Scale. Ilgicc there are three Scales, viz : the

Major, Chkomattc and Minor. There are but three Scales, although they

may be written in various Ifoys. ,

§ 63. There arc two forms of the IMinor Scale in general use ;they are di!?«.

tffiguii^hed from each other by the terms, First Form, and Second Form of the

Minor Scale., . .

§ 64. The principal difference between the Major and Minor Scales is the third;

that of the Major being conipo?eil of two Major Seconds, and the Minor, one Major

and one Minor Second,

§ 65. In the first form of the Jlinor Scale, the intervals are not the same in

descending, as in ascemiing.

S 66. The Minor Scale commences on the numeral 6, of the Major, t, (La,)

ef the Major is taken as 1 of the Minor.



=i-»=^*- Jtur. HeO1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,

A, B, C, D, E, F, GjJ, A, A, Gj([, F, E, D,

3. 2, 1.

C, B, A.

w fM1, 2, 8, 4. S,

A, B, C, D, K,tn, Si, Do, K«, Jli,

6, 7. 8,

F,^ G.J A,Fi, 8i, La,


7, 6, 5, 4, 8, 2, L«, F, E, D, 0, B, A.

Sol, ia, Mi, He, Do, Si, La.

La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, La, Si, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si, La.

§ 67. The interval formed by the Introduction of Gjl, is called an augmented

I or Sharp Second.

§ 68. When the Major and Minor Scales have the same signature, they are

said to be related. The Minor Scale in the key of A, is called the relative of

the JIajor Scale of.C. and it is said to be in the key of A Minor ; and the key

of C, is the relative Major of A Minor.

§ 69. The Relative Minor to any Major key^ is found a sixth above, or a third

below the iMajor key note.

§ 70. Every Major Scale, or key has its Relative Minor, and both baTe the

same Signature.

.11 P L-S>—#—^-L«-#-^^


What is the Sitfnature ? What key ? Why ?

3 ^:*$.iz*=|! -fS- ^ IfT—iZt^I^—t ^W^

Do, Si, L», Do, SI, La, Wi, Mi, Mi, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si, La, Ml, L«, Si, La, Do, SI, SI, SI. Dc, K«, Ml, Re, Do, SI, La. "1, La, Ml, R., Do, SI, . SI, La.

U, La, SI, Si, La, Do, Si, La,


-:^^iiS^?Eit=S3i-^W :^=*:


Si, Si, La, Do, Ml, Re, SI, Do, La, Si, Si, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Re, Do, Do, Re, Si, Do, La, Si, Mi, Re, SI, Do, La, Si, La.

^^^I*, U,•. »• w



U»U, Re. ^.:-+-



:^ (12. ^z#::« Sh

Ijd izz:

M], g^ U, Hi, Ml, Mi, U, 8«1, Do> bxl, U, Lft, 9», Mt, Ml ^



i1. The heart! the heart! Oh let it be,A true and beauteous thiug; As kindly nobly free.As eagle's nestling wing. Oh.keep it not like miser's gold,Shut in from all beside,

Jil'li^ltEt -0-C '^i='Ji=?^i-f • -^ ^W^0


m ;s?S§E :^=» =tP-»-J llJ 9 ~W~W-—s?-J^

2. The heart ! the brart : Oh let it spare A sigh for other's pain; The breath that soothes a brother's care, Is nerer spent in vain. And the' it throb at gentlest toueh,Of sorrow's Ibintest call,


^~Kg :p=Pt:



igiiiiii ^^c:przpz:gB-]-rj


p::pzpzpzp -+-!»- ^=#tzE*l^i*iEErt^E

But let its precious stoces unfold, In mercy far and wide. The heart ! the heart ! that's truly blest,Is never all its own ; No ray of glory lights the breast.That beats for self alone.

^z:^: az:jE34^i9^^0-9—9-0-^-9- E- 3^1;SE3E 9—0—9—

0-W-OA-0-- '^-^--0-9- '-'fi-^-f--^'- -^-^-0-0^ '^.


Pi^=E=S?fM -0-0


^•z^(^^'Twere better it ^>l}ttld ache too much,Than never ache at all. The heart ! the heart ! that's truly blest,ls never all its own, Noray of glory lights the brccst.That beats for selfalone.

lii^^^^feilSlMnatui Mz^rzjtiMvMzMz^. jtztt:p=]:^^S




^ 71. Ilorctoforc, C has always been taken as one, or as the basis of the Scale.

When any other letter than C, be taken as One, the Scale is said to be changed, or

Transposed. The Transposition of the Scale therefore, consists in changing the ^itcb,

or in taking some other pitch besides C, as One ; or as the foundation of the Scale.

^ 72. A Scale is in the key of the letter •which is taken as One. If C be taken as

One, or basis of a Sc^le, it is called the Scale, or key of C ; if D, key of D, &c.

^ 73. When C is taken as One, the Scale is said to be in its natural position, be-

cause the intervals are right without any alteration.

^ 74. In transposing the- Scale, we must preserve or retain the order of intervals,

as in the Scale of C ; i. e. from 3 to 4, and from 7 to 8, must be Minor Seconds ; all

the others. Major.

^ 75. To accomplish this, we must use some of the Chromatic or intermediate


^ 76. The intermediate tone required in transposition, is called the note of trans-

position. «•

^ 77. The first transposition of the Scale by fifths, is from C to G ; i. e. G is taken

as one, or as the basis of the Scale.


iW -,_^ m 3=|?=d!!:^1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do.

^ 78. In the above diagram, it will be observed that the tone F Sharp is usedinstead of the tone F, in oi-der to secure tBe proper form of the Scale ; as the interval

from six to seven, must be a Major Second, and fioni seven to eight, a Minor Second ;

hence. Sharp *fonr transposes a Fifth, and FJf is said to be the note of transpositiou

from C to G.

^ id. The same method ia followed in all the transpositions by Sharps.

^ 80. In every succeeding transposition, an additional Sharp will be required be-

tween the 6th and 7th, for the reason given in the transposition from C to G.

^ 81. The Sharps or Flats used in transposition, are written immediately after the

Cleft, at the commencement of a piece of musicf and aro called the Signalure, sign of the key.



• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,- 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,* 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 0, 5. 4, 3, 2, 1.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, SC La, . La, Si, Fa, :SIi, Re, Do, Si, La.

-(&- ~iZ—es-za-J^n:o-

--<3- aijSJJL^.-(c:

'-ez: -J^-ar 1^-f^^ -jzj-

_ffi.-€S-. VS?-,


1. 2, 3, 4, 5,' 6, 7, 8, 8, 7,"

6, 5, 4, 3 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, H, 7, 6, 5, 4,. 3, 2, LDo, Be, .Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, La, Si Fa, Mi, Re, Do. Si, Ia,

No. 46.


What'is the Signature? What key? Why? What kind of measare?


Ladie.. Do, Do," Re, Re, Do, Si, Do. Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi.

Gen«.«.n.X)o. Do, SI, Si, Do, Ro, Do, Do, Si, Si, . Do, Re, Mi, Re, Do.

g=£ii?;i;?=i:?=5l:^il^i^Mi, Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Mi, Re.

m. Do, Re, Do, Si, Do; Sol.

Re, Re, Mi, Re, Do, Si, Do

Sol, Soi, Do, Fa, Sol, Sol, Do.

:f:=[=::::u: lliiiiiiiizz-ir^zz^iix:*:

^^No. 4C.

7 7 87G51 1 2.23.454328Do, Si, Si, Do, Si, La, Sol, Do, Do, Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa. Mi, Re, Do, Si, La, Sol, La, Si, Do.

Sing, Sing, Sing. Bliss is hov'ring, Sing, Sing, Bliss is hov-'ring, smil-ing, smil-ing, smil-ing, smil-ing ev - 'ry - where.


Do, Re

Bliss is



-tq— [—f-i——1"*—*—-'1-1—--ft--

I T"i—rT"p—P'T''—!~"T— T ^—

r"''i *i



3 4 5 6' 7 78 *" 'g. ' 's 76 5 5 5 'l 2" 3 2 8 5 6 5 6 3

Mi, Fa, 'Sol. La, Si, Si, Do,

hov-'ring, smil-ing ev - 'ry-where



Do, Si, La, Sol, Sol, Sol, Do, Re, Mi. Re, Do. Sol, La, Sol, La, Mi, Fa. Sol, Do.

Bliss is hov'ring, blis.s is hov'ring, smil-ing, smiL-ing, smil-ing, smil-ing ev - 'ry-where.

What key? Wliat kind of measure? Which variety?

tl!E^z:zlE£E=E£?-^£^fEzEz-tizz*E«E?i^E?E?EEf^Cadie*. Do, Ke, Mi, Mi,

1. Pleasure echoes,

2. Up and weave us,

Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi.Sol, Fa. Mi, Be. Mi, '

Pleasure echoes.eclioes far and near.

Up and weave us nowaflow'ry crown;

Fa, Mi, Re, Re,

deck'd with flowers,

all unfoldinfr,

Pa, Mi, Re. Do. Do, Do,Do,Mi, Sol,*

and pleasant bowers,Pleasure echoes,

- 0U3 station holding;,Up and weave us,


\—\—•-:pztz±*zpztzlz± &-1

QtnOmtm. Do. Do, Do,D6,Mi, Re, Do, SoI.Do, Do, Si, La, Sol, .*

Sol, Si, Re,

Acboes Pleasure echoes.far and near,From the green bank Sunny hillg

weave u,. Weave ug now a flow'ry crown; See the blossoms. Each its beaato

Mi,Sol.Do,Mi,Sol,Fa, Mi. Re, Da.

echoes, Pleasure echoes far and near.,Weave us now a flow'ry crown.


Do, Do. Do, Do, f"a,Fa,Sol,Sol.0o.

echoes, Pleasure echoes far tsdaeai.

veave u«. Weave ai noW a flow'iy crowa>



xa:EI^.A.XJID o:f sf-rxi<tc^.

1. Cuc-koo! Cuc-koo!2. Cuc-koo! Cnc-koo!3. Cue - koo! Cue -^oo!4. Cue -koo! Cuc-koo!

-»- -•- -^Bra- vo! liow cloar!

lira -TO I sing on!iJra - vo! I say

Lit Bs be sing-ing,

We'll to the meadows,Tlio'4 hast fore - told it,


Bra-vo! 'how clear! Let us be sing-ing.

Ssiiig-ing and springing; Spring-time, spring-time, soon will , be here.

Chas-ing tlie shadows;" Spring-time, spring-time, com - eili a - non.Now we be - hold it; Win - ter, win - ter hast - ens a - way.Sine-ing and springing; Spring time, springtime now have we here.

What kev ? Why T ix/l:e:jr:eixil,-^, is/ljsxitixjl,-^^ siisTG-.

1_| 0^J ^ 1_- ,-



- -9- - -•- -^5r1. Im - prove the pass - ing hours, For time is on thu wiiig. Sip hon - ey from the flow - ers, And2. Re - pine not if from l a -. lior Your health and com - fort spring, Work hard, and help yaur neigh - bor, And raer - rl

zifziZiCi:— ^

-0—•-—I1 ^-


mer - ri - ly, mer - ri - iy

3;-0- -0- -0-mer - ri - iy

ly, mer - ri - ly



All fol - ly ends in sad - ness, For trou-ble it will bring; But wis - dom leads to glad - ness. So mer - ri - ly, mer - ri - Iv sing.

Store not vour mind with lol - ly, To truth j-our homage bring; Do all the good vou're a - ble. And mer - ri - Iv, raer - ri - Iv sing.


l^J^-^ IDOES E^VEI^^^ -FFLJ^O-T^J^-JsTG-JE: Bl^ZISrO-. (Round.M-ll



beau - ty rise, Dif • in^






^ZJ^IZ.&-j22- -S>' isz: -a


1 -Sr-S?- is:-s>-|szr_- -1^&-

Do, Re, ili, Fa, Sol. La, Si.-'Ho, lb, Si, La, Sol. Fa, Mi, Re, Do. La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, La, Si, Fa, Mi, Re. Do, Si, La.2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 6, <• 3,


^?$z^z-^:-&- 13? -o-

_ffi_: -s^

11-«=-fij. ;z22:-^-z^r


rz^TTi^zsz -o- :i?^^' isz:: -iS-:2sr

4, 6, 7, 7, «, 4, A 7, 6, 6, 4, 2. 1.2, I. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La. Si, ^b, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do. La, Si, ,Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, La, Si, Fa, Mi, Ke, Do, Si, La.

PRACTICAL EXERCISES.What is the siTjnature? What key? What kind of measure? Which variety?


Ladies. Do, Do, Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol,

m^E^^^^s^^^^^m1, 2, . 2.

Do, Si, La, Sol, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, f'a. Mi, Fa, Re, Do7 Do, 5?:Sol, Sol, La, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Si, La, Sol, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Re, Do, Do, Mi, Sol, Do, Sol

6, 5, .6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 6, 1





Gentlemen. Oo, Do, Si, Si, Do, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Re, Do, Do, Do, Sol, La, Mi, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, La, Sol, Sol, Sol, Do,6, 8, 7,. 7, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4. 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 3, 2, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 8,

No. 49. • What kind of' measure? Which variety? How many beats in each?

^-t-. ppDo, Mi, Sol, Do, Sol, Do.1, 3, 5, 8, 6 1.

Sl^ -"'-t=?=3^e|giiii: -f—-


Gentlfmen. Sing, snip, sincf,


What shall we- singV


ElgiJgil^a^il^iS^^Do, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, La, Sol, Mi, Do.^ L/\jj l>c, iui ! n, OL»i, ua^ ij\jiy i»ii, mj\i,

.zzU=±=5^==?^ -^z'^z=tz?^=+z =+zz±zzz=:—=i:==izzzziz=iz^z^z+n±sing. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Sol, Mi, Do, Down, Left, Up,


^.ff..r)O.La, Sol. Fa, ,\' ^e. Do

La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re„ Do, Re, Fa, La, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Rff,

" " " ""^a, M ^



Ke, Fa, La,i^~^&M^,


^gT't) TT—I—^rn n^^i—i—ri—i zzixzf-^zzr^^


Down, Left, Up, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, ^i, Do. Mi, Sol ver - ry well.


Do, Mi, Sol. Fi, Sol, Fi, Sol, Fa, Mi, Sol, La, Si, La, Si, La. Sol, Fa. Ml, Re, Be, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do. Si, Do, 3a, Do, 8V D



1. noTer despair at the troublet oriire,Aira right! In the midst of aDXiety,peril,aQd strife,AH> riitht! The cheerful philosophy never was vrODg,Tbat ever put this od the tip ofmy toague.And makes it my glorya7

;%^ »_!__* -eZJizl;^—t —f —»i^-




g^Sfe^EE MJtmjtjtJt:

2. The Pilot beside us is steering ui still, All's right ! The Champion abore us is guarding from iN, All's right ! I/tt others who know neither Father nor Friend,Qo trembling and doubting in fear to the end, For Bw,[on this motto I

ft#r^r! 7#^^^gpsgj •^?•!£ ^S^^S^

• t




strength, mdmy song. All's right I All's nfbt! The cheenful philosophy nerer was wrong,That ever put this on the tip of my tongue,And makes it my strength,and my song, All's right! All's right


^^•I^^fesigsliis^^i,,. 4jt^ji:±]ir±:^f±sb^^f±d~^ g^^-— diiT==

I M i I

'-A-^^V.»•*»-•-»h-^ #-^-^

I ! I I

j^aiii s» :i;:ffli ^glad ly dppend, All's rightf All's riRht! Let ethers who know ni'iihor Father nor Friend,Go trembling and dotibting in fear to the end.For roe on tbi.« motto I gladly depend, All's right! AU'sright!

(!i^ •_ - . -£2:! "



rc';»-(©--25,- -O1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6,

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La


'7, S.

Si. Do.(S3-

8, 7.

Do,* Sr,

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.

11 ^r^z?i3^5^ ^; 1*"

-<S>- i/g:i.j1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -8.

La, Si, Do, He, Mi, Fa, Si, La.8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

La, Si, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si, La.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, • 6, 7, 8. 8, 7. 6, 5, 4, 3. 2, 1. ,1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6,

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa. Mi, Re, Do. La, Si, Do, Re, Mi. -Fa,

No. 51. What is tho signature? What key? Why? What is its relative Minor?

7, 8.

Si, La.

r r

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

La, Si, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si, La.

f f f f r » » r f f f

gig^^ii^^iig^-^^i^.-3Mi,Re,Do, Re, Mi,Fa,Sol,Fa,Mi, Mi, Fa,Mi,Ro, Mi,Re,Do,Sol, La.Si, Do, Do,801,do,soI,do,do,clo, re,»ol,re,sol,Tni,soI,mi,!ioI,fa,sal,sol,sol,do.

'^^^EE^^^^ ipt^t^

Oentlemen. Do,Jio. 52.

J- '




Do,Re,Mi, Re, Do,Re,Mi,Re,I?o, Do, Re,Do,Sol, Do,Re,Mi,

f f » » • I ? r f r f » I

mmFa,Rc,Po,Sol,do, sol,d(i,soI,do,do,do, soj, si,sol,do,8ol,do,i ,re,80l,mi,8ol,do,



• r


1 f

^zit-ii:^: m


Sol, Do, Si, Do, La, Do, Sol, Do, Fa, Do, Mi, Do, R?, Do, Do, Do, Re, Do, Mi, Do, Fa, Do, Sol, Do, Fa, Do, Mi, Doy Re, Si, Do.•\ 8. 7, 8, 6, 8 5, 8, 4, 8, .3, 8, 2, . 8, 1. 8, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, ."J, 1. 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 7, 8.La, La, La, La, La, La,» La, La, L:i, La, La, La, La, La, La, Ls, La, La, La, La, La La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La.

sT-^nsriD :foi^ thee i^io-x^t. ^M^m^wim^'^^ m^^^mm -^- :=l==j:

1. Be firm," be bold, be stron", be true; And dare to stand a - lone; Strive for the right,wba^te'er ye do. Though helpers there are none

U.2. Stand for the right! tho*- falsehood tail, And proud lips coldly sneer, A poisoned ar-row cannot wound A conscience pure and cleEft".

Zi]=dzz::t.- ZB—«f—J

^t::1: Si 4 :1: H

S. Stand for the right ! proclaim it loud, Thou'lt find an answering tone In honest hearts, and thou'lt no more Be doomed to stand a - lone".

brte lilt:—pzip;1—i,r i

:ii:=:p~y~y i —^ y^ii^^^






Fourth Transposition by Sharps, from A to E. Signature,— (|} § jf if)RELATIVE myOR.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do. J^a, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, Si.Va. Mi, Re. Do Si, S'1, 3, 3, 4, o, C, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, H, '7. 8, 7, 6, 0, 4. 3, 2, 1.


Fifth Transposition-by Sharps, from E to B. Sianature.— ((j* if if i* if) Sixth Transposition by Sharps, from B to F^. Signature,—(ji i» it Ji i i.)

^ ^ SCALK IX Fs.

j— ^-

Du, Re, Mi, Fa,Sol-,La, Si, Do

^Do, Si, La,Sol,Fa,Mi, Re, Do Do, Re, Mi,Fa,Sol,La, Si, Do.

NoTB 9.—Any farther traasposition by Sharps is not needed ; as keys beyond six Sharps are seldom used.

Wha^is the Sif,Tiature? What key? Why?

- 1 ,T-

Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.

No 53.

Ladies. Do, Do, Re, Re, Do, Si, Do, Ri-, Mi, Mi, Mi, Fa, Mi, Re, Jtc, Mi, Fa, Sol, Sol, Sol, La, Sol, La, Si, Do, Sol, Do, Si, La, Sol, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.Both. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, lu, la, la, la, - la, la, la, la, la. In, la, la. U, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Geutlemen.Uo, Do, Si, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Re, Do, Do, Do, Re, Do, Sol, Sol, Do, Re, Mi, Mi, Mi, Fa, Mi, Fa, Re, Mi, Sol, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Do. Sol, Do

^ _ _ _^ :*'_«^

§ 82. A Double Sharp (x.) lias the same effect upon a note previously sharped, as a Sharp (ij) has in the first place, e. g

izjjizzz^z^z^-^ z^lb^l^zT---^Mt -S»-

9- .

z:]ji:-z^-iz--i:pz?z.5-z?4z=^ X

ip rz=r«z—I—z«zz-zt-

Do, Ke, Mi, Ki, Mi, Ki, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Do, Ms Sol. Do, Sol, Mi, Ri, Mi, Do, Sol,* Mi. Sol, Do, Do. Do. Do, Do, Sol, Do, Do.

1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4. 'S, 4, 3, 2, "1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 2, 3, I, 5, 3, T), 1, 8, 1,

No. o5.

f;P|-fc¥-i^^I=^=^}-=^—-F«~«-f=^=-f-»—=^f-«=i^t-«^i^^» \''^~a\-—V\---o-\11—^-4^-^

I Im\ 9-\- h-h •--t--^ ^4 T'Tf T^ ^+" ~^ "'T ^"T


1. 5, S

^i:ylilI>o, Do, Si, 8<)1, 8i, Sol, Do, Ro, Si, Soi; Ro, Sol, Re, Si, Do, Mi, Ri, Mi, Do, Fa, Do, Sol, Do, La, Do, Sol, IK), Ro, Sol. Uo.

IL t>«U. Mil. falU calL MU ail. ball. call, fall, call. faU, c«ll. fall, 'ball, at'm,>ali]t.ctilm,rarm. arm.balm, nrm.


PizS:iz=±rti=tz={iiriz-±±i=:r=:?-l=-====.zz±:ti—pzJz^zr1. Blow on, blow on. wild eales, Mv heart is bound-in^ too: Oh

-0-^'m7^ ~H-i^-P


fill our op-'ning sails, To dash thro' wa - ters blue.


J .._ -t -


a- -0.—'—•—*—•—^—d-+—'—-i-l •-+-J—d—^ _^—l-^-l f--f-*—q—•« --oT-^—^-f

2. Blow on, blow on, wild gales. My heart is bounding too


Oh fill our op-'ning sails. To dash thro' wa - ters blue.

-fi1&"*-i-p~*zzpzzpzf:^i3^=^zizzzzt•zrpzi:gzz3r3 r3-i:i


.^_i E3z?zfiizztz3=^]

f5ZqZ=Zf5l-I 1 iJj

1 1 1 1—U ^'-ft-' zr^~T~*—*—»—^

" t-|—!-Id:E



I've play d with the o - cean king, I've chas'd him from his lair; With ma - ny a shout did ring The sky, the wave, the air.

Our ship braves the tem-pest sound. Nor fears the mountain waves.


3- _. ^ , .—, ^.0— — — —0- .^==^— — —


i%te_E5^5H:^H^«f ^_zH-zz-^^^^

1. Pluck the rose while now it blooms,Now 'tis fresh and bright ; Wait not till the morrow comes,Time is swift in flight. Time is swift in flight,

y. Do thvdeeilsof kind-ness now, Ere to- morrow's light : What may chance thOu canst not know, Time is swift in flicrht. Time is swift in flight.J c ' •J ' O ' jj jfc ^ ^ o

^i:z-z_Iz:L:^JZZ-^=^f-zz^:^IJ^-_—|-=-=^:|;z^*:z-izzi^zz?z±:*z=l:*zz?z=2=;^zl;z=;z-^z:t i^zz#—?zz?zir3zz=i=zzz:f:zdbFSItf-

&.Wguid'stibou.traeen - jojmeut fiadYTheado jrhat is right; •Ev • er bear-iug in thy mind,Tim« is swift in fiight,Tiaie ia twift ia flight



^ 83. The first transposition of theigcale by fourths, is from C .to F, i. o. F is taken as one, or as the basis of the Hoalo


^^rr ?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8,

^ 84. In trinsposing from C to F,. (see Diagram above,) it is necessary to use Bb, (1^7.) instead of B for four ;« interral frotn toree to taof

ehoald be a Minor Second, and from four to five a Major Second, hence, flat seven transposes a fourth, and B|? is the not© of transposition from C to F,

^ 85. The tone of transposition between any key arid its fourth, is Flat Seven. ,

^ 86. In every succeeding transposition, an additional flat will be required between three and four, for the reasons gjven in the transposition from C to F.




-ts- sr.-^usizi

1S1 -^-JSL

ISl i^zi^-iz^n^z^ -es- 'JSL-&*^ -&- -&^



4, 5, 6, 8, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 8, T, 6, 4, 8, ^, 1.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Do, Si, La, Sol. Fa, Mi, Re, Do. La, Si, Do, Re, ^li. Fa, Si, Lo^ La, Si, Fa, Mi, Be, Do, Si, L».


Jfo. 56.What is the Signature?


-#-*: ^-^-K4H-=t ^^^•"•1, 1. \ I, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. .3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1.

Do, Do, Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Sol, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Mi, Re, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Do, JH, Sol, Mi, Da

=^F^=i^W g^jg^g^^E^^Egg^E^ ^i^ ^—^

o.n«.m«». 8, 8*. 7, 7, 1, 2. 3. 3, 4, 3, 2. 8, 8, 5, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 8, 5. 8, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1.

Do, Do, Si, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Mi, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Do Sol, Sol, Do, Re.Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Sol, Do, Do, Mi Sol, Mi. DaNo. 57. •


^— ^-

g-^-* ~^-9m^-»^^-iISl

bo. Si. Do,Bo. Ml, Do, Ite, Do, R*.Mi, Fa, Re, Ml, Re. Mil^^isoi, Mi, Fa.Ml, FaTsol, La.Fa, SoTLa.Sol^a, Ml, Sol. D», 8ol. ML Sol. La.»ol,H,ial,»ol, Ea, Mi. Be DaLf



'-—•--r—t.—Z^b—F—» ' r^' r f—«—•—^—f-r-V-*-^—J-V—W^—^i^^—i/—»^—/—*^—*—l-^—yj—^—/—0^—h—^—»—1. Gladness jjlays ar.d sparkles o - ver. nil, Plays up - on the far blue mountain, Sparkles in the glassy fountain, Gladness plays and sparkles o - ver ftll.

3. Mirth is singing, shoutine; far and near! On the grassy flow'ry meadows, Children chase the By - ing shadows. Mirth is singiugj shouting far and near.




gg^THE ci3:.A.a:TEi^ box:.



H—-I -H-


1. Some folks, do what - e'er you will, They•2. But the friends you live a - mong, Do3. When ad • vice you give or take, Think

wont let their tongues lie still, Click, clack, click, clack, click, click, click, clack,

•not tire them with your tongue ; Click, clack, click, clack, click, click, click, clack,

be - fore you si - lence break. Once, twice, once, twice, once, twice, once, twice.


~—tz i

lii^iiigThus they still keep on,

Soon they'll wisb you gone,' Think, and thee you'll speak,

Ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong, Both night and

Ding, dong, 4«ng, dong, ding, dong, ding, dong. Then take this

Twice, thrice, twice, thrico, twice, thrice, twice, thrice, Is thrice the

morn - ing.

warn - ing.

bet - ter.




Second Transposition by Flata, flrorn F to B^. feignature,— (?i>.)


mDo, Re. Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re,

1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa. Si. La, Si. Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si. La.

1, 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3. 2. 1.



-t >-^iS

-L:^: *:fs,^Tp^_^_^__g .__.„; p^:^_ *-#—^.-|-^t^_E':

No. 58.

* -#- -^- -#- • ^


What is the Sisniatnre? What key? Why?

=i=i:zi=*:f~=*: 'M^^mi^mmLadi». 8. 8, 7, 0, 5. 4, 3. 2, 1, 1, 3. 3. 5. 5, 8.

Do, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Do, Mi, Mi, Sol, Sol, Do,


^i-^—•f-^—^-+-1 + 1

^--' — •—• t -'-T —^—+-•—' ---^— I


8. 5. 8, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3. 2, 8. 7. 8.

Do, Sol, Do, Sol, La, Si, Do, Re. Mi, Fa, Mi, Re, Do; Si, Do.

^^jEEfE ^oenut,nen.i^ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 8, 5, 5, 3, 3. 1, 1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 5,- 6, 7, 1, 2, 8, 4. 5, 5, \.

• Do, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Do, Sol. Sol, Mi, Mi, Do, Do, Sol. Mi, Do, Fa, Sol, La. Si, Do, Re, Do, Fa, Sol, Sol, Do.

No. 59 Practice this Kxercisc slowly, and open the mouth wide enouRh to admit two fingers edgewise.

^ -—J- —^— _-_J_ --— L. 1. ^ ^ ~^~

Do, Re, Do, Mi, Do, Fa, Sol,All, bull, all, ball, call, fall, call, fall.

La, Si,

all, call, hall, call

Do,ball, all. ball.

Do, Si, La. ^ Sol, Fa, Mi, R«,

arm, balm, ami. calm, arm, farra,arm,cbarm,arm,larra, arm, arm, arm, arm, arm.

E^V'EzsrinsrGt- . stjist.y-^p;zij i =i^:^=i=:r:i]=jzz^zzqipq—:r:H-^ ^zzij:i=i1z=q-x:^=Jz=jzzzl:i=g=:r-Z=q—j^qif^g^FE

1. Gold-en sun of evening. In thy splen-did car; To the west re - treat - ing, .Rich thy glo - ries are, Rich thy glo-ries are..

2. Sun ! I love to view thee. Since I lisp'd thy name ; Since I learn 'd thy glo - ries From Jc - ho - vah came. From Je - ho - vah came.

3. Oft -en while I taw thee. Bright and cloudless shine. Ho -ly thoughts come o'er me. Thoughts of things di - vine. Thoughts of things di - vine.


3^TO STJI^I^E3Srr)EI^_


i. Et -er constant,^v - er true, Let the word be, No sur - reii-der! Bold-ly dare, and greatly do! This shall bring us bravely tiirough,No sur- rendpr, No Fur-

^-3. Constant and courage-ous still, Mind, the word is. No sur - ren-der! Bat-tie, though it be up hill; Staj-ger not at seeming ill,

sur-No sur - render. No sur-

:=^:] -#-»- -0-0-

^5= totttzz:^—^--N-




?E£E?E?=f :5Z=;5^



1. i^ ^ "^ '^ i '^


ren-der! And tho' Fu-ture's smiles be few, Hope is always^epringing new, Still in - spir - ing me and you With the mag - ic—No sur - ren - der


ren-der! Hope, and thus our hope ful - fill, There's a way where there's a will. And tho way all cares to kill, Is^ to give them no sur - ren - der!- ~ - - - - fl_fi^_«^,-- - -

W^'^^^^^^W '^^-^^^- :izzztz=^izz»z=.#zI:*=:a=:f±:pS35Ec

BE m^lvi:. Jlay bo used as a L. M.

iH^fe^ =qp1:-0-\-0-

1. Be firm ! whatev • er tempts thy soul To loi-ter ere it reach its goal ; Whatev - er syren voice would draw. Thy heart from duty and its law

-•—#- -#—#-itf=|5t:r==;:H::::T|^==4-~=tf

r2. O that dis trust ! go bravely on, Firm till the vic-tor crown be won. Firm when the conscience is assailed. Firm when the star of hope is veiled.

•zt- pfj ir£ Jt=?:

3. Firm in de - fy-ing wrong and sin,Firm in life's con-flict, toil and din. Firm in the path by martyr* trod, Be firm in love to man and God.


a££ i^



s —1—I «-"•'


RELATIVE MINOR.^ —l""^—r-| 1-— «*^ "^ -I f*^ 1^ = -j-T



Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Si, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Ke,

i, 2, 3, • 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,


iLa, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, Si, Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si,

I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3, 2,



0=ft £33eES :c ?2J


:i~^E?^S t->-- —aziz-*w- ^; P



^zzgz|^^=U=g4^t=g--:zg^^zzzgzz^gz^z^gE|z^zz:gzz;zzzgz::1. Soul, be strong, whate'er be- tide, God him - self is guard and guide ; With my Fa - ther at my side, Nev - er mind! Nev-er mind!

2. Stand in

-8—•- -^-'^ '^ '^ r y ? ^ ? " "

. ^ U I

pa-tient courage still, '\\oik-ing out thy Master's will ; Com-pass good, and con-quer ill, Xev - er mind! Nev-er mind!


—•—»-+-s?-:trrzS=z?=±t:il:m -#^

»—s^—m- -o-'W^ ;z=zsie±z^zz.-tz=tz='=t=::t5:-^


iClouds and darkness hov - er near, Men's hearts fail - ing them for few, But be thou of right good cheer, Nev - er mind! Nev-er mind!


^zkzzzt^zz^Tzzjz:-T—J- m

je thou tran-quil as a dove ; Thro' the thunder clouds a - hove, Shines a - far the heaven of love ; Nev - er mind ! Nev - er mind I






:*zit 4==t

Do, Re. Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do, Si, La, Sol. Fa, Mi, Re,I, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. 7, 6, 5, i, 3, 2,


La, Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Si, La, Si. Fa, Mi, Re, Do, Si,

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, C, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,



Fifth Transposition by Flats, from Alz to D^; Signature (Mjfc!?-)



Sixth Transposition by Flats, from Djz to Gjz ; Signature (l?}?!?,^}?!?. )


_-_«_^ ^.,

i|z=-^EEi^li"g§=E;Eii^^ i^E?^=^^'^fi^^E-^-^iz-E^pJife-E


Note. Further transpositions of Fourths will not be uccessaiy, as keys beyond six flats, {key of Gt),) are seldom used


L. BMERSONu. Jtr Snvrnne.

EEEuEtJ:;zz^:i; 4=: lizzf^zil

5^$^i3=^=^=Pz^z;^;z:]zz?s|-|—7-^•zzHzz=z^?ztdy=itzzEBeau - - ti-ful star, ••^\'ait - ing for thoe, •

1. Star of the twi - light,

2. Ea - - - ger-ly watuh - ing,

PZ *^ 1-^—?-Z« l-L H-«---* l-L 1-» • \-^ 19 ^-M 1-9 •

Glad - - ly I bail thee, Shin

Looks • • • • the lone ma>id - en O'er




ing a - far


the dark sea ;


mws^=*^^^^^K--MS- % -:^ 3;

zH—zzztz: ^_i^5g^i^il^ MT-* -- ,- --T ^


" ST-A.1^ OF THE T'^TT'IX.IO-IEIT." Conchided

Jj» ContrmlU).

d: ?^:qzrizir-=:. .^


Rest- • Ironij'our la

Soon • • as thou ehin




—^—i-~—'—I— ^7 1—I—r—-(—-f -T-a!-w-T~«f~«r

C'hil - - dren of toil.

Soft on the air,

Night • • closes o"er je.

Borne bv the light - breeze,



-3—^hJ^ "1

F3==^= "T--—«« #»-! 1-#——#—i-J 1-«—


ye a - while


eth her prayer



^Hl^iii^Eii^lii^ 3iiz:^ ^:*3:: 3^1a, > Uucll.



=^-=1^ 1==z:^5z5sz?5Tz:;=z=:4





jt AV'atch

18 thy greet - ing,

o'er him kind - ly.



:lzgz^-Fg£gz3- ti - ful star


- ti - ful itar ;

Sig - - nailed a - far;- • •

Home • - - • from a - far :

Star • - • of the twi - ll?ht,

Light - • • *hou his path - wav,BeauBeau

i^^^»-«-r±::T_j t_zz33:£z=az=F^3:=:^3:=zS==Fp—zHzzzzzzi lazL^S::Br--—-JT^—:i:izzzz^zz£pzz=:z=zzzE-^^—-f-^z=5^^

z*'^—f. .'

=:zz^=zz>nr:1I^^^±=^zzzzr^f=^^z=^I^:=:xzJ#^-_*:z^^-f^0. sil^_

Star of the twi - light,




5SJWith Spirit.

:[:=: 'E?Eis^t£^E!^;


, ,— ,I

.— , ., i^_j_ ,—I—L_,—^—,

1. A-gain we're met, all hail the meeting! From eye to eye flows mutual greet - ing; Let heart to heart its richest store Of joy's emotion free - ly pour:V . . . _ _ ___. . . __ . .

8. We're left our friends with hearts o'erflowing; We come with spirits ar-dent glow - inff, O'er many a dis - tant hill and plain, To eel - ebrate with joy-ous strain.i've

-=£-#-!--#-# 1— ' »* N —#-: J- -L-» :_«_^_,_:=li=j=:


3. Bright smiles of gladness lips are wreathing; Our hearts in har-mo - ny are breath - ing Thanksgiving to the King of haaTen.That former ties hare not been riren




b-^-4-*-^-i#-r-*-4zi=«=±:^^i: ^-it-^-p 5z?2:

E lis^zz.i

iillii^liif':p=zp: ^Tj!2i:ziri:



Free let our voices sound, And let the chorus ring;

*_^__, . . , ^____.^ :m.


PP Cre«. ///.0—0.—+-'S>-



oes, echoes, echoes far around, The joyous notes we sing.

,^zlz:#zz*zzi±£ziizj:I^Z^Zi •—#

—&tzjzvj^i3mzzn :q: qzq-^ilzzqinzizztcztiiliF-

Free let our voices sound, And lot the chorus ring ; Till echoes.

:?q=«: ?—^—^=


S> i-


echoes far around. The joyous notes we sing





Free lot our voices sound. And let the chorus ring


p Echoes, PP echoes, echoes far around. The joyous notes we sing.





=ti=tz=£zz1. The Sunbeams are glancing o'er for - est and mountain, The hill - tops are tinged with the last fee - ble ray : Let's

^fe ^ 3;

2, Let's go to the peak where the last sun- beam lin - gers ; And gaze on the day'- god as calm - ly he sinks; The

^^ppiq=pzzzg=—pzzipzzzp—D:=zp^=g=g g—^zzgzizzz =zizzzz=zzzz:=zzt=::



Cres.j^ «- res.

EEEE3-a- zzhzzzJv



dip in the stream of the bright fl iw - ing fount - ain, And steal its sweet vi - olet?, and lil

izizi^zi:^^>r ;—




t=?z==:?zzz?zzil==:=U: -^. :tzz:zzzi;iz=ztz:

itfzzzi^z: iz:-iJzz=1^=^z:zzz==Sz:^z:z:*=zriz-z:fzzi=?zzi?zi=i^=z^Szi^^z-_5=~F


:^- :e3^|5=zq: J

lau rel we'll wreathe with our own

Zip—rzpzri^ziz^z::fai ry fin - gers, And rob the night-shade of the dew that it drinks


:5c :izz=|z=: i=i^=^i^Eg^


TECS SXJlSrBE.A.3VIS -A^I^E a-21..A.3S^OIl^Ta-.

«=:= M=i1=zi?5=zif^:—=PW-:^:


The wild rose and rayr -tie their soft leaves are clos- ing, The cow - slip is catch - ing the dew in its bell;")

The rinc - dove and thrush in their nests are re - pes- ing, And young leaves are sigh - ing to day - light fare - well. )


:Bzzz«tzz?z=?T-- K



Let's go to the val - ley where dark - ness is wreathing, And mock the cool stream as it

"et's count the 'wild flow - ers whose o - dors are breathing, And make hill and val - ley re

murmursech - o

a - Ion

our so







To day - light fare - well, To day - light fare - well, And young leaves are sighing to daylight, to day - light fare - well.



zzzz^. 3E^^SE$F :^==|:-^='==^ ¥.s^^-


a "^

=451= •,—zN=i:J5iz:-z=zzKt:'M-^^^—f=zzr.z±z.^:t—z


^—tf=T-*—?—^—« • K II }—l-|-r

our song, re - eeh our song. And make hill and val- ley re - ech -o, re - ech - o our





lsr-A.TI02Sr-A.nL. :H.-^J^/Lisr. •" Ont Native Land.

:»zz^=*zsz*;, .

trp: ;}

1. Our na - tive land ! our na - live land! For thee, thou lus - tro of the world, Still firm, u - ni - ted shall we stand ; With sa - bredrawn, an(i

j 1-

=zi^: M—M±il—d—^=:zMz±:J—-^i=:Mi^Zzzhlz:z*—M—z'zhl^

2. Our coun-try dear ! our coun-try dear ! Shall fac - tion spurn thy to- ly laws? Shall freedom's sword, and freedom's spear. Be wield-ed. in dis


±:SEEE-• 0- -•

0- ipzzi*=zir


3. Our flar-ry flag lour star-ry flag! Whose ea- gle sits en-thron'din light, Shalt thou not wave o'er hill and crag, Tri - umphant in the


0^-0-1'^^^^^,— H „ ~^f^ 1 » •—-f-#--#


—•-|-| 1 1—^-T'^—*— ^—^-

±—I -^-j-—i—I—I"-—I—I -T—**.—j—h-^—^J^—^—^-

0-i-0j^^-0-' r{-i-^-^-^-'--'~i *- 'z*E?E?^~T^- jtzzzzmzzzgzzji: f --0 0-^-0--\z—^—\z=zz]iizi

flag un-furl'd. The leg - a - cy our fa - thers left, By free-dom sanction'd, still is ours ; Nor shall our no - ble tree be reft. While


u-nion's cause ? Thy fai - ry fields, shall they be strew'd With brothers slain by broth-er's hand? Shall fa - thers raise their arms of blood A -

6zM=»=»S3i35r33=i=l"E^r^--dp^r&i—l- BIj



ti ii^i^3 :i1tz:z«ifzis'zz^^z^zzJ

hour of fi2:ht?Let him who swells re - bel - Hon 's cry In civ - il strife, once turn _ to thco ; A. pa - triot's tear wiU fiil his eye, His



OTJI^ I^J^TI^^E X.A.3Sr3D. Concluded.

zqziz—z=q:T: :i:dz


:t:=li: :t=:t:::^:=rpi=i




ev • 'ry branch is dress'd in flow'rs. Huz - zi ! Huz-za! Sons of the free! Strike, strike the bolt from trea- son's hand ! For God, for fame and

-•- -#gainst the en - sign of our land. Huz-za! Huz-za! Sons of the free! Strike, strike the bolt from trea - son's hand ! For God, for fame and

bright s«ord strike for lib - er - ty! Huz-za! Huz-za! Sons of the free! Strike, strike the bolt from trea - son's hand ! For God, for fame and^ 1 , 1

,__,, ^ _.« •• • _.• *JL_* ^.


r r -




lib - er - ty, For u - nion and our na - tive land ; For God ! for fame and lib - er - ty. For u - nioa and our na - tive land.




lib - er - ty, For u - nion and our na - tive land; For God! for fame and lib- er - ty. For u - nion and our na - tive land.

'&J=?1??d— . d:;:«—=r^-i]_-—^^^i:=j___ _ i-»_?_?n_^_i.^_ :_jt-^-m -^--^1^-^




lib - er - ty, lor u - nion and our na - tive land; For God! for ftfme and lib- er - ty. For u - nion and our na - tive land.



L. 0. EUEBaOK.

O -0 O—B- -»—m-

My heart is light,and free from- care,An J free my song shall flow; What bettcrspeech than song is found,Where hearts with pleasure glow; up

My heart is light, and free from care,And free my song shall flow; What better speech than songisfound,Where hearts with pleasure glow; Ourcouriego«»on,

\^^—it>if-0-\-m—m-9—9-±-9—0-9—0-\-* —-f-|——^~T'^




\-y- y 7 --^--


• hill and down,By desert, field, or flood.

<» f o

Now haid.and rough, But all in turn are good. But all in turn are good.

ir--— -5—^~

- ~i—1~ ^-^—^• *-»: iizElzJ^--I^^S3^liiEl3E«|^|giS|gE^5^My heart is light,aDd free from care,And

J^^'^- 0-0 ^-^-0-uz^i&zz^: zzzzg:i:zzgz^zz:f:=z:z:zzgzi-z^zpz;izzI±z:fgE±zzz^zzz^Tzz-z=zIzz:zz i:zzz=z=gz

By desert, field, or flood,Now smooth,and fair,


But all in turn arc good, But all in turn are good.





'"liyL-^^ HE-A^I^T IS Lia-XIT -A-lSriD P'PIEB.'" "Coucluded.

Rallentando e piano./


==ii=Ez:l====z=I^^=z=!?rf-_^-=*^=z:U=fc-t=?i±:t:--;z—=;zzfc^^When hearts with pleasure glow? Our cause goes on, up hill and down,By for -est, field, or flood;

free my song shall flow; What better speech than song is found,When hearts with pleasure glow? Our cause goes ou, up hill and down,By for- est, field, or flood;

J? 0'Z:^.T..0 0jL.0.^0-_0 3^ —0^^-0^T.0.- — '*^-f-]--F-xT-1^-^-* Kf-!^-'—•- \-r^- K ~l -*-f-a-ra-"#-^-^-^-l

\j--\--'-\—f-1— I—f-"-*— -


\— I—Tl—r-*—^-T-i-d— t *—:r-\ I^T-*^b— I—•—^—P-#-^i m-W~-\—

Whenhearts with pleasure glow? Our coarse goes on, up hill and down, By des-ert, field, or flood; Now


,^--?—j'-^—f-- --T—y-T—^-|-^- tf-g—^-|-»T»-^ :*z:*:

n—z-z: :zi—p -ziz].zz5


=z--|:^:z:^^z-z^;zqz^zzK:f:z]:zzfe;;r:-ZTz1zzfc±ziZTz:]:zz^5i^^ t-^^-

mimsS^and fair, But all in turn are good; Now smooth and fair,now hard and roush. But all in turn are goo'J, But all in turn are good.


now hard.

smooth, and rough,But all in turn are good; Now smooth and hard and rough, But all in turn are good. But all in turn are good.

1^jaj.»_« _,-«—1»-



With enthniiisnn.nPTE.

1. Hur - rah for the land we love! Hur - - rah forthelawswe keep! Our banner is nail'd a - bove, And our faith is amhor'd deep! Let the

Then, hur- rah for the land we love! Hur - - rah, &c. •55!—"-71



2. A leg - son to trai-tors teach, And a les-son to cowards give; 'Ti« ca-sy tl^e Rieht to preach, But 'tis harder the Right to live! W«Then hur - rah for the land we love, Hur - - rah forthelawswe keep! Our Banner is nail'd a- bove, And our faith is anchor'd deep!



trembling knave bc-tray. Let tue pal - try changling fly ! There will come an answer - ing day, For our cause can nev-er die, Onrcausecan nev - er die


laugh at the weak-kneed crew,Who shiver on Faction's shore. But with Broth - ers yet firm and true,'We"l! meet disunion's roar.We'U meet dis - u - nion's roar.


«*o, GIVE n^diE THE -^TV^insra-s oe .a. ido^ve.




ight land a - way, That is rul'd by the spirit of love,Where fountains of hap - pi - ness p!ay.

2. I'll f;o where the streams gently flow Thro' the ral-leys that er - er are green; On whose banks the fair li-ly doth grow.And the bright rose of Sha-ron is seen.

3. " No, wand'rer,"a sweet voice replies," ffere this hap- pi- ness ne'er can be thine; For tjie bliss which the heart craves with sighs.Is found in a sun - ni - er clime."

prFz§:zp=zI:pzpz» hiri^z:Mzl9z:w^zlM-^zimz\mz1^zi^^^^^5Azt=±X=^zh±Xz^z-izitzr^z^^^


1. O, give me the winRs of a dove, And I'll fly to some bright land a - way. That is rul'd by the spirit of love,Where fountains of hap - pi - ness play.



"zzzipzilizr^z: pztzz^^^~

f^53rI'll go where the bright, snn-ny skies Are nev-er obscur'd by a cloud. Where love-li - est prospects a - rise, And the heart ne'er by sor - row is bow'd.

But a voice of -*ten whis-pers in me," Can tnis happiness ev-er be

iz=:*zfzi*z:i^z:i^_iz::^:pz±tz5z^iEz*z^z±z?__z'" 'Tis beyond where the sun sinks to rest,Far beyond these pale shadows of


F?i-^=j*=:^i^-c=lz=tei&i5zi^:tfizzzz»zipzz::*zJ5jTz:^zipitzizj±:z*z*_ "!?z*z*'_" "?z?z?_ *z*zjz; :tzw?;?T?_i^f•ziE

3ud, Where love-li - est prospects a - rise, And the heart ne'er by sor - row is bow'd.


mine, To a bright fai-ry land can I flee, Un - touch'dby the fin - ger of time.


ev'n; 'Tis the love-Iy a - bode of the blest,And the home of the pure—'tis in heav'n!"


But a voiceof-'ten whis-pers in me," Can tnis happiness ev-er be mine. To a bright fai-ry land can I flee, Un - touch'dby the fin - ger of time.





O-IjEE. * Now tlie bright Morning Star."£7 L. 0. £M£R£OM.

Pj^lJ t:1=]—nizzSir^


Now the bright morn-ing star, day's har - bin - ger, Comes dancing,-

?=ICoraes danc-ing, Comes dancing from the

M.Now the bright morn - log star, day's bar - bin - ger. Comes danc ing, Comes danc


ing, Comes dancing from the

[-r-i-i Ht 1-) F—I-




ir^_.^_^zzj;:i ^ ^TT~1


east.Comes dancing from the east. Now the bright morn-ing star, day's har - - bin -ger. Comes danc-ing, Comes


• east,


Now the bright morn-ing star, day's har - bin - ger, Comes danc ing, Comes danc


____—i:z!—zls J_i: ^^_i-*^_ *_^:i: .^ zj.h-h-T^—f^^TP^-P-«-a •f^-:—i—»-?»-•-»-

s»»-*i-^jj,-Jf •-T»*i *-#-T-*-^—T—1——IH T-#-^-#-#-r-H ' T T T r'^^~Z 1 1

(JiMnes daao-ing from the east. Nov the bright morn-ing star, daj's hai^- bin • ger, Cornea danc-iog, OODM






And leads with her. And leads with her, withdanc-ing, Comes danp-ing from the east, Comes danc-ing from the east.


- - - ing, Comes danc-ing from the east

-»fi*-^-*-*-^-t-^T-l -7---^M J--! f—• ff '-^-^

•, And leads with her. And Ichls with her, And leads with

•1l=:*z=3z=i^=: :3ttz=tizt^=: ii^z-'zibl^-zzzzizi+iizi^: zjzf^z*zfi=?==*z: z*z?^zi^z: z^zz^z^z?-:rf





dancing, Comes danc-ing from the east.Comes dancing from the east,


And leads with her, And leads with her, with



'^ —T"' T"~1


zztzzztzzfrztzjzzi:5zzt=zz=±her, and leads the flow - 'ry May, And leads with

tx.- :tz


her the flow-'ry May, And leads with

zlzziiHz—z;zT:jz^:^zz|5rt=1z=zxzizqzr—-F-*^-! T-"--*-#--F---*—tf^f-F

the flow-'ry May,:t=;


gE^^^i=35^-zz^i5zq=Ji=^ZiZ^e35z^^7^"z^'- X—#^JL^^_«_X-«_L^ l-l—i»J X-s_£-^«_^_X--,-^ »-L.0^0

^-'•^n^ ^—^-0.0^0-^—'-^^*^0—^C-r0her the flow - 'rv May, And leads with her the flow- 'ry May, And leads with her the flow - ry Maj,the flow - 'ry May, And leads with her the flow- 'ry May, And leads with her the flow - ry May,




izzzz:j=z=|-pzz^zz|:pzz^zzzzjz^zzpzzz|:pzzpzzz:^:pzzgzzj",^izzpzzz|:pjz:gzzz=|:jrzjzzzfpT^z^tii:zztzz2^±:==zfzzzzftzz[zi=i:tz=tzzzzi:t=fi=:zi:tz=c=zzit=:iz=f4i=z=zt^her.... the flow-'ry May And leads with her the flow-'ry May

ad lib. <^ CHORfS.itjV^-^zzp-^^rjzpziipfzzzlzzpiiT^i^zpzszTXzziliJ^4Z=^=U4£j=E^:T£=:*==^:f:S£:tzz^f:-=JT

zqzi-przpj zl:



Who fir&m her creen lap throws the yel • • low cows-lip, the yel * - low cows-lip and the pale prim • loae. Who &om ber green kp


[:^^f=zzI^IqzI=^r:j=1zT-zI1ZI^T=j=Ihzqz=I^J::=l --^-H


^f:=l=:^jq-=z:IfiIZIpjgqzIJyI=]=^:r:^^Tz: =1

Who from her green lap throws the yol - low, yel - low cows - lip, and the pale prim -rose, the pale prim - rosfc, Who from her green lap

Who from her green lap throws the yel - low, yel - low cows • lip, and the pale prioj - rose, the pale prim - rose.




*> » I^I

n^ztm—w—w- :pzEi3Z3Ei:pzpzpzia=3zz=T:»7pz5i=3E3^E5:

, ^ . , ,:izilt:=rz±:zzzztzz±zfi=?zzz=±—tzfzt;fzz?zz?zz?z-

tljjQ^g the yel - low, yel - low cows-lip, and the pale prim • rose, the pale prim - rou. Who from her green lar

fe^^gjE^^lgEEJ '-?-T K-^

Jt 5L *zt5Zz=:^T:pzv


Cres. -


throws, Who from her green lap throws. W^ho from her green lap throws, and the pale prim

z=zzzi:—zf5ZZIZztsTz^zzz^zz=z|5tz^=zz|:z^^ zzi=i=iz-—=zzzt: N-J hjzn h izz- ^ J::zzz^ .K iz:!zz-.S-^ Hizn=zz|:z

zzzzzzzzzuzzzr : : ^ui -*-q—q_zq_i:"J—d—s— irr: ^-z:—:

\~ .:jzzz|—zi | . .zi^iz..^.^

—^—*—•-4*--^ J. -L

'.. .1 11 T ii-- 1 1 i;_ J »i 1- :_the yel - low cows-lip.yol - low cows-lip,


the yel - low cows-lip, and the pale prim

.^^fi FS; i^zzp:

:z±=fzf:tz=rUz=t.z=^tt:zzzz;-f^—Ezzziz; z5zziz=fzz^: i-'izz?

:pz:zp: -—r—y-|;^—y--;; :pz±:p::;zzlz::

ttmyva. Who bam b«r jtroea lap throws, Who from her grMa lap dtioviu and tbft pal* iciiB


"'J<T(D'^77' TI^E BI?.IC3-I3:T 1s/LO:R1<TX1^G- ST-A.1^." Continued.

1 •-—a


11— |-ri ^ 1 ^-,—^—



' + F--^—r—-- —


' «—;—^—¥


rose, the palis prim - rose. Now the bright morn - ing star, day's har bin - ger, Comes daric - ing,

rose, the pale prim - Now the bright morn - ing star, day's har - bin


ger, Comes danc ing, Comes




|-1 1?'5 Zl :•=;=]

rose, the pale prim - rose.


-f-:zzzz^zzzz: :ntiz*zz*i: rzBzziz*

Now the bright morn - ing star, day's


zf:*z=z=zz:f:tzzzzt:zzzzI:trzzzzf:Ezzzt==i=zzzz*=z=±» star, day's har - bin - gar. Comes dano - iner,


zli^^-zetjz^zlzfiz?--^- :=^z.: -•*"-


Comes danc -ing, Comes danc-ing from the east. Comes danc - ing from the east, And leads



[=:zzz=^i:p*zz1:-J:dzi]~:z|--zzq=i^r- Zft^ZcW-W


danc ing. Comes danc - ing from the east. And leads . .



^M :t*«::t:: iii^im

with her,





Canoe daiie-ing, Comes dano • iag firom the oas^ Comoe d&oO'ing&om the


MBk, Aad kadsvitii



her, And leads


Lnd leads .... with her, with her, and leads the flow - - 'ry May, And leads with her the flow - 'rvwith her, with her, and leads the flow

*-Jzf:BZ3*5z^fz3=i^ tst 3ZU5J

'ry May, And leads with her.... the flow 'ry




r: -T-^r-^-x—J-^—^-x—T-^-—^x 4: ; . ^ .—^1:

And leads with her, with her the flow • 'ry May,


> ^J Cres. - - - -

itfzzil: ifE

^f^May, And leads with her the flow 'ry May, with her .... the flow - 'ry May.

" _ —,-+-T=^^^-,-z::|:=:lzzzq!^z:^p:dzzzIr^IZ^:^::::^z=^rI:[::^:i-zz]^T1=T:J—hjzzz;^;., t "^TTT



May, And leads .... with her the flow


'ry May, And leads with her .... the flow

. •».. Ajt^ kad* with

m^ E2EEt£. ^.


ber tbe flow- 'ly M^, with her *^

1-— , ta^«*— tr Mat.




BOLD.1st Tenore.

Pf^^^=^ ^-W-SZTZ^

l»:tzr^±:ti:: :--tz-





£Ej^;^^=tEE5EgEEE?E5il:Szi:?:l'E?E^iE' '«—T-*—»—»—»—Ss^w-T-

1. We stand here u-ni - ted in cour-age and will. The cause of the right to main-tain ; With hearts true andconstant,what- ev-er may come,We


2. Nor fears nor doubting shall en - ter the E»and, No ques-tion of e - vil re - port ; The na-tions and peo - pie of ev - 'ry land, To1st Bass.

jL .^_^— /=i^_^ —T /:=i,_ 9 —0— ——.^ -0—#-i^^ar:E5=EE~E5f?SEE

8. We will each do his best, and be sure the re-sult Will en - no - bio the cotn-try we prize ; The cou^i try that shel-ters the poor of all lands, The»d Baa*.

[:z1=:ifcq^zil=z:^:i^j 1=^: :==^?q


f^_ > , ^ J _ _ .Bit. ^Tv

E!E=E^E^E?EsSz|3ife55:-E5E?3£E3E?ZEEiEESE|EEE5Ei£^;?3Et^^firm as a rock will re - main. For the right, for the right,Here determin'J we stand, So pledge we the word, So join we the hand, So pledge we the word, So join we the hand.


ns be u - ni - ted in heart. For the right.for the right,Here determin'd we stand, So pledge we the word, So join we the hand, So pledge we the word, So join we the hand.

r^:z.z.itzwzwz-z^zfi: :.-?2it*z2T: ::;?Ei*z*=prirriRji:*zpT^r.»f^i:ipz:#r*z:*z:z^MZ^zfniiffzJzE*zrzz-zgzpz*z«ztc

freest, the best 'neath the skies. For the right.for the right.Here determin'd we stand. So pledge we the word. So join we the hand. So pledge we the word. So join we th« hanA.




£S?E_xAllesro vivace. /

What melody, hark • 'Tis thou.merry lark.Thy carols so joy-ous outpouring; I join in thy song,By thee borne alonj^.Together we mount,upward sOQring,Toeether we mount.npward



K-^^mn=^ '-


)-z:zz:z±^i~~^z;^z^z-—ui';,'::^TU—zzzi¥zziz^zb~U-^^^Whatrnel-o-dy,hark! 'Tis thou,merry lark, *Thy car-ols so joyous out-pour - ing; I join in thy song,By thee borne along,Together we mount.npward soar-ing, To-



9-»—0-»-\ -0-0-9-0- -—


^^-1—P-T-S? ^m^m—'^--^-i--^f

...q 1—]^ 0-^\- »f W \

*-0-M--^ if--?z?E:5=E?zz=tf=?z?S=^z

To • geth-er. To 'geth - erWhat mel -o-dy, hark! 'Tis thou,merry lark, thy car- ola out -pour - ing; I joinin thy song. By thee borne a- long,


/What mel-o-dy, hark.' 'Tis thou,merry lark, so joy - ous! I Joinin thy song, By thee borne a - long. To - gcth-er. to - geth • • er


What iD»l-o dy, hark! 'TU thon.mcrry lark, Thr carols io Joy - out out pour - log; I Join ia thy iong. By theg borne »-tong, Togethor wt mount, apward oi r-i»<,T»


soisro- OF THE 3l.-a.:rk:. c.^iuded.

/ ^^^ -^--^-^-t-^-y-h— 1—T-~r:'!—g~T~ i^'i". 1nzztzzib=:^z;2zt:z?^±=zdt:?=t=:J


lark, joy - ous, I join in thy song, By thee borne a -long,pethcr we mount.upward soar • ing. What mel-o - dy, hark! 'Tis thou, mtrry

we mount upward, soar - in(,'.\Vbatmelo-dy, hark! 'Tis thou, merry lark, Thy car-ols so joyous out - pour - ing; I join lnthysong,By thee borne along, To-

^^"-^^~*7*-5 ;^p^*i -»—+—p-*-i—7- 1

\——»-^-\- -r-5zfe?ziz=E

getherwe mount, upward soar - ing. What mel-o -i

-' r—^-\ h?-h-+-(9 1 T 4-T y I i -l .-+-r ^-1 K-hT-+H

jzzIEz^r?dzz5=>zifi_^. :t:

:^izlzz:z-ziz:zzizzzzzizpz?x:iz: liziffzSzti::^z±zS=t=zJzz^t


What mel-o-dy, hark! 'Tis thou,merry lark, thy rar-ols out - pmir - tng! I join Inthysong.By thee borne a - long,

SE?E^E53 -T—tr- bU=t=i.2=iz=:


To be repeated Ad Lib,Tlien follows tbc ('o(!a

:/conA.^/ ^—f—

-j ^—


1 F F-9.— • -J? Bt~9 ^+F—^«—*—1-*—


-^ r-^- Hi rl / -^ T-^T 1

•-! 1


i— i ^T^'iT

To - gcth-er, To-geth we mount, upward soar - - ing, To-ceth-er, To-getli-er, To-geth-erwe mount, up - ward soar - ins.

,;ethcr jve mount,upward soaring, Together we mount.upward soar - ing, To-geth-er, To - geth-er,

?S:pzizpz-zz-^z1=q:z?fpzizpz-zzz;izd=3:=|t/j~^iS^^-To-geth-er we mount, up trard soar - mz-



getbprwemount.upward soar ing. Together we mount.upwardsoar-ing.



i-^: itfZazpizipztzz^I^:^


To-geth-er, To-geth-er, To-geth-er we mount,

y /?^>?^ -9-^up

/« ward soar - ing.

1» - setter. To - «etn - «r

-f=^^=»=g-Wr<^=j':;:^a:pi:^zZ7tizz:jiz|z—==zzi _- Tr=«:pz:»^jzzgigz:f^

we mount, upward soar ing, Togeth-er, To-gcth-er, we mount, upward MM • int.


Soprano SOLO. >

— -



We roam tnrough forest shades." From Ihc Warmaa.


1. We roam thro' for - est shades,

2. The rays of sun- set gild

3. On glanc-ing, qorgeous wings,

4. All day, up - on the hills,

=z3^fe3E:35z3=33-=]=:^^ :-JtjL3^iz: :r-*^zz=z?r; :zi^i£zJ±ii?5z3^±z^—«-i--#-—• «zi_j^_^_j.:q_^_^ 1 T z:?_^__^_t^_tWe clam - ber o'er the mount,We come thro' sum-mef glades.

The lake - let's glass-y breast. The pur - pie air is still'd,

The swallows sweep-ing glide ; Each bright bird «weetly sings,

We've chas'd the chamois far; But deep-er joy now thrills,

To rest be - side the fount.

All things in - vite to rest.

This gen - tie e - ven - tide.

Be - neath the ev'ning star.






-0- -0- -0- -•,-



t—*~-Sh —+-SI-


-9- -0'.-a- -0--9- -0- - -9- -0- -^

tzq^zztz3—zzzzzzzizs^ ztzs^nor

;z5|^=t=^t:t5J=f5=::^5=:>[zzf5izff\r^-m—^—^- ::*zz*=*zz*z: z»

0- -


_._^_-L.^ . *:i:2:2z:zszz^zz*:lT~"i~T'~^ H—NT-y—^—f^—


z^zzii:zteEfe]Bold-ly we roam, all day, the moun - tain. Fear-less we wan -der whore the gla-ciers shine ; Joy-ous, at eve. we seek the foun - tain.


zz:^ZI^5|z^zz^zz^zz4'53f5^|-5=3^|:35z4?3^|dE3^—^^—0-^-0—0— —^-^-0-^-^ 0-y-^'9—


0-^-0—0 0—0-^-0— ^^-:f^-l-0—0—0-^-^^^—0—0-^-0-^-^0'^-^<> <> <>


Bold - ly wo roam, all day, the moun - taio. Fearless we wan-der where the gla-ciers shine ; Joy-ous, at eve, we seen the foun - tain.

%-0— —0—'.-0— — —0-X-'5>—-s—;::t—L-




-s» -<s



Friends of the val - ley,There with you to re - cline. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,



Friends of the val - ley, There with you to re - cline. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,

izfj^—i^-i^rt:<j=g—i'zzi^it:i^zzfl^iz:i^zi:^f:l^=z:-U=£ zzzzz=f::^fLgzg.-^£-zzz=z=zzf=i=zi:zziii=:

> • > <^r^ _

la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.



la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.




' 1. Sweet and clear, Sweet and clear up - oa my ear, Pleasant sounds are ring - ing ; 'Tis Spring's voice,That doth re-joice All who hear its sing - ing.


^Ir^ ^ ,^\_^ i^—1_^

0-X-. m— I •—}--- ^^\-0 1^—^^

^\-0 1^—'-- •—•

'— I —rr rr—HT £—I

» y—p—

Seek the spot, Seek the spot, be - side the cot,Whei« the violets blooming Tell the rose That red - !y glows, How I hail her com - ing.

a-I.EE. "GaUant and Gaily." W. HORSI-EY.

^jL.Trty;__^_. J'0^^0_0_

.0rr I r^ v__

Gal - lant and gai - ly, • On the waves ri - ding, Spir-its of o - cean. Come to my call, call. Nightly and dai - ly.

Gal-lant and gai - ly, On the waves rid - ing, Spir-its of o - cean,

\ P'



Come to my

=^:E5z|rE?z|"*=5E*z|?=iSfezz2i^z^:|z^z-ldGal-lant and gai - ly, On the waves rid - ing. S])ir- its of o - cean. Come to

S ^_Z^X_-_ Z^XI::^i-p



call. call. Nightly and dai - ly,


call, call. Night - ly and dai - ly.



< 'res.

" Continued.


Thro' the deep gli - ding, Swift as in mo - tion, Ye cir-cle, Ye cir - cle this ball, ball.


^ SlotT, and -with exproMlon.

=?:t>==i^z=i^?*.__±z:==*zz:±L»:=*—zzt-zz===-f z=_=_irzzti:zt:fczz?±_z±:^t:S2izg=:Thro' the deep gli -ding. Swiftas in mo-tion, Swift as in mo-tion, Ye cir-cle this ball, ball. Warble a cho - rus Passing' be •

Cres. ^ 'II-

Tbro' the deep o'iidino'. Swift as in mo - tion. Swift as in mo tion, Ye cir - cle this ball, ball. War-ble a cho - rus Passing be

Swift as in mo - tion. Ye cir - cle,


PP Dim. /^z—iz:]z=zf?rTz^zzz]:Tzq:izq:p*-t-irzsz±;*zza^:t:zi:t2:^_[

ming, Skimming green,where the moon-beams sleep, where the moon-be^jns sleep, where the moon-beams sleep.



fore us. Skimming the green, the green, where the moon - beams sleep, where the moon-beams sleep, wnere the moon-beams sleep.

' > P> PP Dim.^jt—r- ^P-i

P-''^fr-r--f^---f-f^ 0-titr:


fore us. Skimming, Skimming the green, where the moon - beams sleep, where the moon-beams sleep, where the moon-beams sleep

r^ I *:z;ig--ffzz:zzzzizzi

Skimming the greea, where the moon - beanu


M ii, btkuctive and social pieces.

." Continaed


Hoi - low shells sound ing,

«z^r.f-^^ii2: r«:

Hoi low shells sound ing,


: z=3rpi=ia=:^=*:4:zi1:izi=^?zz;zzzfzzti--±3?—Ech-o re-bound-ing, Charms in - to


Hoi • low shells sound - ing, sound



.0 0_T0 J^xf.J^^0 -»J-;^- -———J-z;—



- ' «ng. Charms in - to pleas - ure. The tur - - bu - lent deep Hoi - low sheik sound

plea- sure, Charms in - t'l plea - sure, The tur • - bu-lent deep, The tu

-*-00^-&~bu-lent deep,

:f/r?5?|szfEt]Echo rebounding, re -



. z:i=—zz22-.=::i/i-i»z?z9zf,»i:^zi~zzz~—4-i!g—0~—o- :* —• ^^zzz i_z z'~ziz_'~zizz:zz

'ff^^- i^zfti:

Charms in -to pleas -ure, The fur- bu-lent,

Cre». Jtur - - bu-lent deep

,• r


o- •—«_-^».^^-?:*zfz«^^ _

1" ^ '

^~*ij^Zir~"— ]

— -

The tur - - bu-lent deep.

\^ z=^-h^—-—^^:0jt}f^-^f:^^=^2 —



^E^z^:•oond in£, Churma in - to plcaa • ure The tur bu-lent deep. Hoi - low Bhells Bouud


C3--A.3L.L-A.1^TT ^A.3SriD Q-J^XXj'^J' Continaed.

V f

T—&- ZSSl

p Cre».


izizj—— +-(©—


IDg, Charms in


sure The




3 :;:^E3^=1



• - ing. Ech-0 re-bound-ing, re - bound


to pleas - - - sure The tur - bu-lent deep

- ing. Charms in - to pleas - ure the tur - - bu - lent deep,Charms m - to pleas - ure the turCres. _

3Ech-o rebound-ing, re - bound

V /ing. Ech-0 rebound-ing, Charms in -to pleas - ure the tur - - bu - lent deep,

^-&- —(S-


-&- -•-&— .#*^*^-

mg. Charms to pleas ure The;s3Si j^^

tur - bu-lent deep,



' :t=zz:tiz±:s^zi=*:z:_zi=p-iz;:*z±=i1==1: q=^z==i S--1^

:tr:.... Charms in - to pleas - ure The tur - bu - lent deep.


The tur - bu - lent


deep Gal - lant and


bu - lentCharms in - to pleas - ure The tur - bu - lent deep,

X -^

~y~r'f ,„ :f..^a-fi^T —»-Zz:fi

j»,t .... -fvzztxzilz:: z|ziz ,q : iz^z^rzn»-,.j^—4._.j..42-jl—^—1-5


The tur


Gal - l^nt and


deep.a<l lib. Single voice.

Charms in - to pleas - uro The tur - bu - lent deep, The tur bu - lent deer Gal - lant and

^-<s- :?zz?z±ztzz:

-I— I

\ i?5l?2E?E?i^i5:^3^ia!

Charms in - to pleaa - ure The tur - bu - lent deep,



' 0--A.ILX..AJI>TT -A^ISriD G-J^XJL.-^Z'." Concluded.

gai - Ij, On the waves rid - ing, Spir-ita of o - cean, Come to mj call, call. Night-ly and dai - Ij, Thro' the deep gliding,

f m rr-p

gai-ly, On the waves rid - ing, Spir - its of o-cean, Come, Come to my call, call. Night-Iy and dai - ly. Thro' the deep gliding.

^T:iZZi=i^mm -0—•:::?E2^ -=Z*ZZ£Z zM—w:-LT^—fL.

C"r»i. ^ / ph f ^^=E=f^:;z;:£f:?=z?^Ei5^5=*=tfe=2EF*^f:?==f?£ET^

SwTt as in mo - tion. Ye cir • cle, Ye cir - cle this ball. Come, Come, Come to my call, Come, Come, Come to my call.

Swift as in motion, Swift as in mo - tion, Ye cir - cle, &c.


^~:5z: i:jzz.v==i ?-^zzz=i:?^zz?=^z± ?z=?=?^i--z=t:,WIEL^'. ::;rzz^?j

„#— «^—v-

ff *

;«z:*z I'ztS:

S Tift as ia motion, Swift as mo- tion, Ye cir - cle this ball, Come, Comr Come to my call. Come, Come, Come to my call

;7^.fi . ^*__^ m-^L- ^_'^___ _ ^ ^

Swift as in n»o • tion, Y« oir - cle. Ye oir - cle thia ball. Come, &o.



With tajMty uid d^nlty*



1. Oh, come, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our Al-migh-ty King! For we our voi- ces high shall raise.When our Sal- vation's Rock we praise.

'jSl. ^—9.—^_l^_^jX^-_/ J. B 1 X i i X i i-i^—^ X X_ Ci«?_X ^_l


2. In - to his pvcsonce let us haste, To thank him for his fa-vorspast; To him ad-dress, in joy-ful songs, The praise that to his name be - longs.



G2 lSj!ZJ^UG01L,:h/L. IL,. IS/C. u o. watxtuKm

with aaernr*

^-4: < ^-{Gi -0+0 + -I- ---^ + 1—j;--r—-f- ^j- T?:zwzw'-i:^

I. GiretoourGod im - mortal praise; Mer-cy and truth are all his ways; Wonders ofgrace to God be-long,Bepeathi» mercies in your song, Re-peat his mer-cieg in your song.

2. He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fix'd the star- ry lights on hijih; Wondersof grace to God belong.Repeat his mercies in your song, Be-peat his mer-cies inyoursong.3. He fills the sun with morning light. He bids the moon di - rect the night; His mercies ever shall endure.When suns and moons shall shine no more,When suns, &c.

4. He lent bis Son with pow'r to sa»e From guilt.and darkness,and the grave; Wonders of grace to God belong.Repeat his mercies in your song, Repeathis mercies in your song.


ia:A.i^3Vvfl:oisri.A.- l, i^jl.


I. So let our lips and lives ex- press The ho- ly gos - pel we pro • fess; So let our works and virtues shine. To prove the doc-trine all di • Tine.

^§:^tz:tzz*zi-.*z=:!^:^A'izl^^^^-0—^ •- '0~r

3. Thus shall wo best pro-claim a - broad, The hon-ors of our Saviour, God;Wbenhis sal - va - tion reigns with - in. And grace sub-dues the pow'r of tin.


3. Bo - li - gion bears our spirits up, While we ex- pect that bless-ed hope, The bright ap - pear-ance of the Lord, And faith stands leaning on hit word.

m:^z:pz:p :^-ftiz-z:^ZLZz\ t:?z^;z»zi:p—z|zzz^z:^ i:/iT~r:-z—I:fzziz=iz:i=I:dzI._^_^ -t:^^.^_P f"=PK

T^J^TJlsOiXu^El'^. L- 35wfl:_

Rmonthly.4. 0. UBUOlf. 65

^^HIH; -s? ^mm1. How vain is all beneath the skies ! How transient eve-ry earthly bliss ! How slender all the fondest ties, That bind us to a world like this !

^Wm- pi||ig^;i3^iE|^ildy

est ties, That

P-iTh-, f—^-

-(©—•-±^^i^2. The evening cloud, the morning dew.Tbe withering grass, the fading flower, Of earth-ly hopes are emblems true—The glo - ry of a passing hour!

3. But tho' earth's fairest blossoms die, And all be-neath the skies is vain, There is a land, whose confines lie Beyond the reach of care and pain.

4. Then let the hope of joys to come Dispel our cares, and chase our fears : If God be ours, we're travelling home,Tho' pa^^ng thro' a vale of tears.

m3^ :4122=*: 12^*: ^I^E*i^^^_f:^li fzzzt izif-

^=F=1^=S=^S| ^izift.--m ^-

B-AuTES01>T- L- IS/L,Allegretto.

PI -»v»-

^ f"*w


Izd. f^±f~ ~~-~~z: :~ -^-'

*-»* M '—^»^.J ' '—M •

1. Come, O my soul ! in sa - cred lays, Attempt thy great Creator's praise : But, oh, what tongue can speak bis fame ! What mortal verse can reach the theme!

i'S-sais ig^fiig^^PiiiiiSiiigiiiiiS2. Enthroned a -mid the ra-diant spheres, He , glory, like a garment, wears ; To form a robe of light di - vine, Ten thousand suns around him shine.



3 In all our Maker's grand designs, Al - mighty power, with wisdom shinesj His works,thro' all this wondrous frame, Declare the glo- ry of his name.

PPrpg^^^ip^in: :^=^

J^',,M^ •-«^

\- wm ^---^—-p-J-mm^^m

61 V^ YHi^^-AJIsr- Xi- Is/L, DouDie

with boldac



zz-h——h+1—&-+(&J 2^Z^ jsAgl^g^^g

1. Lift up your heads, ye gates I and wide Your ev-er - last - ing doors display ; Ye angel-guards, like flames divide. And give the King of glo • ry way.

^S^.^=^=^ GJ-GJ-^Jj-g^G-


is:.22: -(S>- 1 G>-

.•-^# i^f:?5=»=«: -&-•- ^^-Qmi :^=^ J_c^J::^P

2. Lift up your heads, ye gates ! and high Your ev-er - last • ing portals heave ; Welcome the King of glo-ry nigh ; Him must the heaven of heaven? receive.

Who is the King of glo-ry? He, The Lord, omnip-o - tent to save : Whose own right arm, in vie - to - ry Led captive Death, and spoiled the grave.

i^^^^mx^^-w im. -es--& -&- iiS: :s^:#:^^

F^ H -?2: mw\^^ ^^Who is the King of glo- ry—Who ? The Lord of hosts ; behold his name ; The kingdom, pow'r.and hon - our due, Yield saints.with glad acclaim '

^i -Q~


EC3-2^0ISrT. L. :b>/I- 65Flnalr*

1. High in the%eav'u5,e-ter-nal God.Thy ^ooJnesa in full glory sIiinesjThy trdth shall break thro' ev'ry cloud That veils and darkens thy designs.That veils and darkens thy de-«Ign8.

Forererfirm thy justice stands,Aa mountains their foundations keep iWise are the wondersof thy hands ;Thy judgments are a mighty deep,Thy judgments are a migb-ty deep.

3. Life,Uke a and ft-ee,Springa from the presence of my Lor4;And in thy lipht oursouh shall see The glories promis'd in thy word,Th^ glo ries prom-is'd in thy word.


±:ztz±qz:zt:dr;;^:?|S -o-mliO..



tip::i5^:tz:zt:t: :t=t=:

;—z::l:Tzqzzi:-[ -f-<!g-<g-

1. Now to the Lord a no-ble songl A - wake, my soul; a - wake, my tongue; Ho-san-na to th' E-ter - nal Name, And all his boundless love pro -claim.



2.^5 1-1 ^l.v^.^^J..^_l-^-J J. J J. ^ |X i.

z-zHz::^- :_-^zqizE:J3.-1



' '::^z^i:^ziz*:i:^z__:±:^za^:T::«z:::1:


2. See where it shinos on Je - sus' face, The bright-est im - age of bis grace; God, in the person of his

5. Grace! 'tisa sweet, a charming theme; My thoughts re-joice at Je - sus' name! Te an-gels dwell up - on the

Son, Has a., his mightiest works out

sound; Te heav'ns re - fleet it to the


ground I





6. Oh, may I reach the hap-py place,Wliere he un - veils his love - ly . face! Wh<#r€ all his beauties you be




hold; And sing his name to harps of




^UK^m^mim 5t3t1 Great God! let all my tuneful powers Awake, and sing tby migh - ty name: Thy hand revolves my circling bours.Thy band, from whence my being came.


2.' Seasons and moons, still rolling round In beauteous or - der, speak thy praise ; And years.with smiling mercy crowned, To thee successive honors raise.


:st=«^ ^•-ti

—r^zz—ZT^Zg^z—rz^z-ZTiiirr ^ i j-

3. My life, ray health, ray*friend.s I owe, All to thy vast, un - bound - ed love;Ten thousand precious gifts be - low, And hope of nobler joys a - bove.

4. Thus will I sing till nirfure cease. Till sense and Ian - guagc are no more ; -And, atVr death, thy boundless grace Thro' ever - lasting years a - doro.

I^^^S^ ^E^^ ZW^W-h^-^5^=5z:

-•—#-m-BJ^TJr>-^7TXl^. L. 1>j!L.


t: iiiiiliiii^-0—0-^


1. Oh, render thanks to God a - tove, The fountain of e - ternal lave ; Whose mercy firm, thro* ages past. Has stood ^nd s^all for-ev - er last.

^^f^^ H :?zit*: ;s -gi-# W m ~--m\-0~0—m'—»-^^-• d d -^?—

2. Who can his migh - ty deeds express—Noton-ly vast, but numberless I What mortal eloquence can raise His tribute of immortal praise?


iSz^=^2=#-*- -#--g M

—I i,^—«-:#=#=^ iS>^0-^-0-


fefg i3. Extend to me that fa - vor, Lord, Thou to thy chosen dost af - ford ; When thou return'st to set them free, Let thy sal - va - tioa vis-it me.


S^ -I—I

^^^:W=W isiiiw^ •—#-f?^ 'G—

^^=W=(f^ Z2j


^ ! ^

"BXJI^m^.A.TES. L. 3v^. Double* 67f«Balv*>

W^^^^^s^M s--'——{^^'

^^t-^ ^J|^tJ^^^3^^j^pii.* When we, our wearied limbs to rest, Sat down by prond En-phra - tes' stream. We wept with dole-ful tho'ts oppressed, And Zi - on wa* our mournful theme


•*i:?^i* *z^ s»- H^^ -"**!

3. How shall we tune our voic« to smg, Or touch our harps with skill - ful hands 1 Shall hymns of joy, to God our King Be sung by slaves in fcr - eign lands ?

-^- ^ ^^\9 &—0-=n

&-9i-0 2^Zlt -IS—•-

Or BiDgla, bj ending hci*.


jfc;?l5 ^Ife s*



H»-#- ^^K '

2. Our harps that, when with joy we sung,Were^ont their tune-ful parts to bear. With silent strings neglected hung On wil - low trees that withered there.

£Ei2l=iii^i^S'-(S-«- -;

^^#- '3,'&-o-


iS:; -•-«]isS^^ggte^sg*^* lE

'1.0, Sa - lem! our once hap - py seat,When T of thee for - get-ful prove, Let then my trembling hand forget The tuneful strings with art to move.



' -^6. ][f I

:*;: ili^TSSii^^S-s—•-- i[ to meatioa tDe« forbear, E-tsr-otl si • leao« seize my tongue, Or if I sinj^oao ^erful air, Till thy de'livaraaM Is mj eoB^

r>8 B"5mEnL.ID. I-.. li/L. Double.

nrm, and In itrtol Iti

?—f-^--- ^^S^^^zm1. Tho spa-cious fir - ma - ment on high, With all the blue e - the • real sky, And spangled heay'ns.ashining frame, Their great O-ng-i-nal pre-cldim.



3. Soon as the eve-ning ehadea pre - vail, The moon takes up the won-drous tale. And nightly, to the list'ning earth. Repeats the sto - ry of her birth.

5. What tho' in sol-emn si - lence, all Move round this dark tcr - res - tial ball? What though nor real voice, nor sound, A-mid their radiant orbs be found

^*g::^2:f-^z:pz:^zz zzi=zz|:=i:pr:iiz?2:z^:

i-S>-»-h-I ;4==ic 4:^ illH^iiili^'jiaiiilsill

rtt*- — T \iL-i:z=z=-t

2 Th' unwearied Bun, from day to day. Does his Cre • a-tor's pow'rdis-play. And pub- lish - es to ev-'ry land, The work of an Al-migh - ty hand.

I I ^f-»—.—I


-'f^—-—^-j.-t-^:~—?—^-j_^-^^_:::t^: 3

^—i^-f-gg—g-#-» j-gTh a<-a/--"-tE :±I^-^tr-t


;lll§4. While all the stars that round her burn. And all the plan - cts in their turn, Con-firm the ti - dings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole.

f -•

f—s-J—T-i»—, -f—r-F--^--»T—»-T-=;v M—0-^l^-l'-0- 0—0-1-0- »--r; f-"? ^|r

6. In reason's ear they all re • joice, And ut - ter forth a glorioxis voice ; For - ev • er sing-ing as they shine,The hand thafmade us is di -vine.


JDTJli^O'JSri:. Ij. ha:. Five jumes. C9PlalnHre.

1 Des- pis -eil is the man of grief, Rejected and denied belief By them whose sorrows he hath worn;For whom he bears the bitter scom.The shameful robe,the scourge.the thorn


^.^'^zziz/^ZT^iqi:@-4'2.^11 sheep.hare gone astray.And t^rn'd aside froib wisdom's way ;Bat he the path of death hath trod.And humbly kiss'd affliction's rod,To lead oar stricken s<

m3. Oh, let us cast each vicea-way,Beneath the crossoorpassion lay :With contrite hcerts and weeping-eycBe-hold the Saviour lift-ed high, And ev-'ry sin and sor-row fly.

:^.U:z5zzUfc: #^# iltzztid n--f illiiiilsliiliii^liiii^li^


i^ioi3:.A.i^iDSOisr. l. i^. GKBHAN.

1. O, ren-der thanks to God a - bove. The foun-tain of e - ter-nal love; Whose mercy firm, thro' a- ges past,_Has stood, and shall for - ev-er last.


?fc=: r;id=} fprj:;—i;i=ii=faza]#5~-=:^Ii=q^f=^J»i~t3=|:=ll=:=iT#:ir-p=q:i:ifiLiti;=rrii=r=i2:5:=rqia:f»W

2. Who <can his migh'ty deeds ejf-press, Not on - ly vast, but number-less? What mortal el - o - quence can raise His trib • nte of im - mor-tal praise?

'^* ^-1—+H^ pzz^zpzpzii^zip:


70 iTO"VaEnL.IjO. L. Ji/L. SMAX. BACV

^ I


I Ti


r. I

I1) —Lj—I—L#^_^X

1L_L 1

X -X..,^:=^X jJi^J—_X

i^] 1_|.

tgsrr* SI1. Oreot God of n«tloni, BOW to thee Our hjmD of gral • i • tude we raise ;' With hum-ble heart and bending knw, We of- fer thee onr song of pral»e, We of - fer thee our song of praise.


^1^2. Hen fhwdom eproads her banner wide,And easts her soft and hal-lowed raj; Here thoa our fa-tbera' steps did guide la safe ty thro' their dangerous way, lo safety thro', &c.

8. Great Ood, preserTe us In thy fear; In dangers still our gaar-dian be j* 0, spread thy truth's bright precepts here ; Let all the peo- pie worship thee, Let all the people, worship thee.

*S?T^2S2:^ :z^::2^




-^—»-f2IM.. ig§

1. Far from my thoughfs.vain world begone.Let my re - "li • gions hours a - lone ; Fain would my eyes my Sav - iour see: I wait a vis- it, Lord, from thee.

2. O, warm my heart with ho - ly fire. And kin - die th^re a pure de - sire ; Come, sacred Spir-it, from a - bove. And fill my soul with heaven - ly love.

d. Bfest Sav-iour, what de - libelous fare ! How sweet thy en- ter-tainments are ! Ne'er did the an -gels taste a - bove Re-deem - ing grace and dy -*ing love.

m^m '^^^T^. I 1 \\i^V WT«*- gippi^^ r-1—1~^s—I-

gj . #-t r+- Si


tl'X'Iwailsr OH-A-ISTT. "Before Jellovah's awful tlirone.* L-n. bouthard. 71

::=^z=^:: -&-\ —&-_

==±t \—I



1. Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations-bow with|

sa - cred|

joy ;*| Know ttat the Lord is God alone : he can ere-]ate, and | he de^ I troy.



2. His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of

clay, and


formed us men


-*=r-L O—•'^-J-s^^^llS

And when, lite wandering sheep we strayed, ) I I .1He brought us J |

to his | fold a -|gain.

-fi?- :2^z::zr::e2L


3. We are his people, we his care. Our souls, and all ourI

mor - tal | frame ; |What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty. .

|Ma - ker, \

to thy name

ilE; 'JSL.X---X::z2i


is^zl % -&'

x.'^s'iDij^nsr, L_ ivsj:.

Con gpirlto.

4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful song.IIighaslheheav'ns our voices raise ; And earth,with her ten thousand tongues,Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.



1 14—I—t—ei--^-f—I-I--J—f

-—1-4-——^^—-H— zjiE:^-3Hizi:5zE-5Jzjzf:zli=dzzJ:Hi::f-^rg-gi—g—g>-f-g>T-g—g—^ f'J^^ra^




jtiz^--^: !----—ST—-—4^—i-f-^—^—^-f-s* a- -*'--'

^—M^-(S-4—a-j-l--iW—a—*-!-,—- «—^—

)^2-»--- ' T g^" -.— -^ r—1i-'T-, g-P^-g»--^rf-^-g—,»-+-! g—^—--- *-g^=^

r':-^"^Sf3;|5. Wide as the world is fuy command ; Vast as e - ter-ni - ty thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand,When rolling years shall cease lo move-

pzi^ji^zjez:^ -^t:^-l-&- -*- -0

V^ %izz±zii:±t::z iPiiil^iSilgl :=1=1^



72With pirii.

-tz^zj^z^Z M^^EEkz--^.^3~: 11=—-


•. t I- L

-r=mi-.-~:Sx: V^-I'1. Now lor a tune of lof - tj praise, To great Je - hovah's e-qual Son ! A-wake, my voice, in beavenlj


Awake, my

-T-^ iziiTitzzfctzd

1. Now for a tune of lof- ty praise, To great Je-hovak's e - qual Soft I Awake, my

'o great Je - bovab's e ..I Q I 1 1.- • 1 1 i ^ ^ ~qual Son ! Awake, my voice, in heavenly layi,



ISHi.^.lays, • Tell the loud wonders he hath done. Tell the loud wonders he hath done.



voice, in heavenly lays.



SUggggJii^^^BiiiiSsiivoice, in heavenly lays, Tell tlie louJ wonders he hath done. Tell the loud wonders he hath done.

Sing, how he left the world of lieht,

And the bright robes he wore above;

How swift and joyful was the fl.ght,

Ou win;'s of everlasiin'^ lovfe.


Lift up your eyes, ye sons of Ijaht,

Up to his throne of shining grace;

See what immortal glories sit

Round the sweet beauties of his face,

4Amongst a thousand' harps and songs,'Jesus the Gqd exalted reigns


His sacred name fills all their tongueg, •

And echoes through the heavealv pUio^

C3-IiIlNr3SrEX.Ij. 3L.- ISO.. Aim>g*4 tnm TIOTTI 73

1. Come. my soul ! in sa - cred lays, Attempt thy great Cre. - a-tor's praise ! But,oh,what tongue cai^speak his fame ! What mortal verge can reach the theme !

2. Enthron'd a- micl the radiant spheres. He, glory, like a garment, wears ; To form a robe of Hght di-vine. Ten thousand suns a. - round him shine.

3 In all our Maker s grand de-signs, Almighty pow'r, with wisdom shines ; His works,thro' all this wondrous frame, Dr-clare the glo-ry of his name.



fSEs& +-i9-

;And let bis praise em-ploy thy tongue, TMl list'ning worlds shall join tl


4. Rais'd on de - votion'* lof- ty wing. Do thou, my soul, his glo - ries sing ; And let bis praise em-ploy thy tongue, TWl list'ning worlds shall join the song

oo3^TST-A.3s^ol^^ x.. isd:.

Oently, but with much feeline.

1. Je - sus. and shall it ev-er be, A mor-tal man a -sham'd of thee? Scorn'd be thetho't, by richer poor, O may I scorn it more and more.2. AtshiAn d of Jt^-sus ! soon-er far Let evening blush to "own a star; He sheds the beams of light di -vine O'er this be-ni^ht-ed soul of mine.

3. Asham'd of Je-sus ! that dear friend, On whom my hopes of heav'n depend! No ! when I blush, be this my shame,That I no more re - vere his name.


4. Ashatii'dof Je-8us!yes, I may. When T've no guilt to wash a - way ; No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fear to quell,

5. Till then, nor is my boasting vain. Till then I boast a Saviour slain 1 And, may this my glo - ry be, That Christ is not a"



no soul to save.

- sham'd of me.


-^XJSTIIT. 3L, li^.

A J> Ruibrr sloir.

22Z*z::2^#:z22r:i^zise: ^^*


— I


^ 3=?- E«^^

1. Je - gus, »niy All, to . htaven is gone— Ile^whoni 1 fixed my iiopes up-on" His truck I see, and I'll pursue The nar - row way, till him I view.

2. The way tl.e bo - ly pioph-ets went. The way that leads from bauish-meut, The King's highway of ho - li - ness, I'll go, for all his paths are petxe.

^.-h __,5_^_j.^^ -<s—•—s*—*-

TS?—»"n3. This is the way I long had sought, And mourned because I found it not ; Till late I heard my Saviour saf ,

" Come, hither, soul ; I am the way."4. Lo ! glad I coui'c ; and thou, blest Lamb I Wilt take me, guilty as I am : Koth-ing but sin I tbee can give ; I«oth-ing but love shall I re-ceive.


f »- '^—I—I—^•zffzi^d

s^-zit-. —I 1 1—




-s»-S[e5. Now will I tell to sin - ners round. How dear a Saviour I have found ; I'll point to thy re -deem-ing blood, And say, " Behold the ,way to God!"


js: H^S^^^ 7g~^~rsr-<r: 7g~7r

2ZiArraDged from EOSSINI.

i^ - 2^^; ^ pf.1. My God, hflw endless is thy love ! Thy gifts are eve-ry eve-ning new; And niorning mer-cies from a-bove, Gentcly dis-til like ear -ly dew.

E^32. Thou epread'.<t (he curtainB of the night,Great Guardian of my eleep-ing hours ; Thy sovereign word restores the light,And quickens all m^^ drowsy powers.

S. I yield mv powers to thv command, To thee I con-se

it?± S^^j ^S. I yield my powers to thy command, To thee I con-se - crate my days ; Per- petual'blessings from thine hand, Demand per-pet- ual songs ol' praise.

^;^ :, 1

:2=:«: i^isi^il^P^iS

AiT»oc<4 (Mm mCKOHM


1. O »weetly breathe the lyres a-bove. When an-sels touch the qaiv-'riDg string.And wake, to chant Imraanuel's love, Suc;h strains as an - gel lips can sing.


2. And sweet, on earth.the chord shall swell From mortal tongnes.of glad-some lays; When pardon'd souls their raptttres tell. And grate - ful Niymn Imi^anu - el's praise.

3. Je-sus, thy name onr souls a -dore; ^e own the bond that makes us thine: And car • nal joys, that charra'd before.Forthy dear sake we now re - sign.


^^^A-ITLE^Sr- L. 1^.


1. My op'ningeyes with rap-ture * see Thedawnofthy re - turning day; My tho'ts, O God, as-cend to thee. While thus my ear- ly vows I pay.




9 I Tield mv tieartto thee a • lone. Nor would re-ceive a - noth - er guest; E - ter-nal King! erect thy throne, And rei,i,Ti sole monarcn m ray oreasi.*


7C GA^LmASB-RXJ^ X.. It.£.


mm\^:^^^\M^mm^ms='m'^^-^\-i^^^^^ ^m1. ji'Pus ! and shall it ev - er be,

2. Ashamed of Jesus ! soon-er far

A niorlal niiiii a-slianied of thee ? Ashamed of thee, whom an-;rels praise, Who^e jrlorieH shine thro' endles^s days '

Let evening blush to own a star; He sheds the beams of light 'di - vino O'er this i)eni;rht-ed heart of mine.


3. Ashanled of Je - sus ! that dear Fnend On whom my hopes of heaven depend I No: when I blush, he this my shame, That I no more re - vere his name.

4. Ashamed of Je-suslyea, I may, When I've no guilt to wash a - way ; Mo tear to wipe, no good to crave, No fewrs to quell, no soul to ia^e.

SSil^iitliiiislilg^m-^lgliliS^^^gl^5. Till then, nor is my boast-ing vain— Till then I bo6st a Sav - iour slain ! And, oh, may this ray glo - ry be, That Christ is not a- shamed of me J.





V-gz{zj^^^j^^pr?^j^^^^^ --i-i-j i

j -


1. Rejoice, ye saints, re- joice and praise The blessings of re-deem - ing grace? Je-sus, your ev - er - last-ing tower. Stands firm a-gainst the tempest's power.

^^ ^^-^^ r r : r .r —TT T-^r ^y^-


2. IIo is a ref-uge ftv er nigh. His love en - durcs as mountains high ; His name's a rock, which winds above.And waves be- low, can nev-er move.

igA3_i-_ajt4-i-j-jF:?r3U—1-4—&^'na-•-•- i^S^-•; ^^t^ I^-jK ^Piii^=^§[f

4. Whih'ali thincs change, he cnan^es not; He ne'er for-gets, though of for- got ; His love will ev - er be the same ; His wont, en -dur-ins as his na<ne.

^^g^^S^ ?=tiiS-Z&i;

IjE I^O^S". IL.- ISK.I I

fm^^^^^^E^^mm^^m^m^^^^]i^r^^''^iii1. Now be ray heart inspir'd to sing The glories of my Saviour Kino: : Jesua, the heav'nij fair His form ! how bright his beauties am ' His form ! &c.

^^^^« *O'er all the sons of human race He shines with a superior grace ; Love from his lip« divinely flows, And blessings all his state compose,And blessings, &c

%%'«*ISI^iifefililaii^^^^iPi^sigfiS^^Thy throne, God, forever stands,Grace is the sceptre in thy hands ; Thy laws and Y'prks are just and right.Justice and grace are thy deiight.Justi'ce and grace are thy delii^ht.

W9 -MinAj^i m^^^i^^^^^m^'^m^^k^^m

?|As:::with Spirit.



1. How pleasant, how (li - vine- ly fair, Lord of hosts, thy dwellins^s are ! With long desire my ppir- it faints To meet th'assemblies of thy saints.

^m^^^^^^^^^^^^MM^mi^^2. My flesh woujd rest in thine a - bode ; My panting heart cries out for God ; My God, my Kins^, why should I be So fir from all my joys and thee.

-fi-r-0-!?=#: qazza iEHli^U #tf-^^

78 oi^iL^oisriD. X.. isjs:.

AM«vro Moderaln.

f^!^^^-^-I 1- i W:-j(!3Z^2Ll\lS.

V;ggs T=tp=^I^Jfffppg

1. Great God ! we siDg that mighty hand, By which sup-port-ed still we stand The op 'ning year thy mercy shows ; That mercy crowns it till it close.

istsi: Q y-j -^g^-2y i-IS^ -&- -^

2. By day, by night, at homo, a-broad, Still we arp guarded by our God; By his in- cessant bounty fed. By his un - err-ing coun-sel led.


:2^<2: a gg- «^I-fS^-MT-JEL

_cJ_<:J_ . Sf •±12^

3 With orateful hearts the past we own ; The future, all to us unknown. We to thy guardian care commit. And peaceful leave be- fore thy feet.

iitH-f^f?^Sggj^ ifz:*:ts»- i^zza


Tf^-^-|rj-+-Jf-4-|--j4-J^|:^J Jlp^fi

3iwa:.A.i^TZisri. L. 3iva:.

i^ is::pC=#*H—1*«—


-• •-^ii? «-=*t-h P

1. God IS the rtf-uge of his saitits, When storms of sharp distress in - vadc ; E;e we can of - fer our conplaints. Behold him present with his aid

H h i ^-1 r'^P^zidzi^ -o- s p

2 Loud may the troubled - cean roar ; In sacred peace our souls a - bide ; While every nation, every shore. Trembles «nd dreads the swelling tide.

b^i?^SiilSiJ^ StzS=«zi3:^

^^-0* —L-1-t-



\—- s3. Thi-re is a st.-cam.whose gt-nfle flow Sipplies the ci - ty of our God, Life, love, and joy, still gliding thro'. And watering our divine abode.

4. That sacred stream, thine ho-ly wnnl, Our grief al - lays, our fear controls ; Sweet peace thy promis-es afford, And give new strength to fainting souls.


-A-TJC3-xjSTinsrE- u, :m:. Amnjtd k«m BBCfHOTKH. 70

H^lgi^SigSilgiif^ ^-•iSzf^S^-Hf-

---^ fS •— -•^^1. There seems a voice in eve - ry gale, A tongue in every opening flow'r,Which tells,O Lord! the wondrous tale,Of thy in - dul-gence, love, and power.


^^^M.t^^*^* 1^ -<s>-


3555s^!!?*? :2^ i

2. The birds that rise ©n soaring , wing, Appear to hymn their Maker's praise,And all the mingling sounds of spring To thee a general piean raise




3. And shall my voice,great God, a - lone Be mute midst nature's loud acclaim ? No; let my heart with answering tone Breathe frirth in praise thy ho-ly name.4. And nature's debt is small to mine, Thou bad'st her being bounded be. But, matchlesa prooPof love di - vine,Thou gav'st im-mor - tal life to me.


i ^-»- -&- Xi^:

With iplrlt.

iiteii^^teiigi^l SI1. Arise 1 arise ! with joy sur - vey The glo-ry of the latter day : Already is the dawn begun Which marks at hand a rising sun ! Which marks at hand a rising son.

2. ' Behold the way ' ye heralds.cry: Spare not.but lift your voices his^h : Convey the sound from pole to pole.'Glad tidings,' to the captive sonl.'GIad tidings,' to the captive soul.

3. ' Behold the way to Zi-on's hill.Where Israel's God delights to dwell ! He fixes there his lofty throne,And calls the sacred place his own,And calls the sacred place his own.'

zt{<::^!^^=fs=^#-r#-#-#-iSi3^^si3^[^E^ «zp=::Pl=i

:U=± ^4. Auspicious dawn ! thy rising ray With joy we view, and hail the day: Great Sun of Righteousness! arise.And fill the world with glad surprise.And fill the world, &c.



Hl^i^ft.^=Z^AH (- ^

1. As when the wea-ry travler gains The height of some commanding hill, His heart revives, if o er the pluiu3 He sees liis home, tho' dis - tant still.

^^ ---^ -(-+1 —I w^-m—


35i33:fill*±:S=*t ipii^iii_^pm^^gE

2. So when the Christian pilgrim views, By faith, his mansion in the skies. The sight bis fainting strength renews, And wing* nis speed to reach the prize.

Sgl^ ^=^7=1:

•a-:^±t= ^^-4-

Ji\ i^Sp=» \9»W-^•^Mm :=t

3. 'Tis there, he says, I am to dwell With Jesus jn the realms of day ; Then shall I bid. my cares farewell, And he will wipe my tears away.

-A^XiBIOlSr- X.. 1^,


-»+- I^^i?i^?i^^^^L Vrith all mj pow'tf of hnrt»Ddtonga«, I'll pr&iMm; Maker Id mjrsong; AogeU aball bear the DoU I raise, Approre the aong, and join the praise, Approre the song, and join the prmbe.


2. I'Uiingthj trutk and mere;, Lord ; I'll sing the wonders of thy word ; Not all the works and names be - low, So muehthy pow'r and flory show, 8o much thy pow'r and glory show.


OTHO. L. 3^. 81With arni»e»».,^^.

i^^-m=i^^liSs^iSilr'i^^1. Great is the Lord '.what tongue can frame An honor equal to his name '.How aw - ful are his glo- rious ways! The Lord is dreadful in his praise.

^^^^l@3^35g^g^S=jiilgiSiiiiil3'^lii-&- -m- -^'

2. Vast are thy works, almighty Lord I All nature rests up - on thy word ; And clouds, and storms.and fire o - bey Thy wise and all con-trol - ling sway.


12^ iiis^^g^3. Thy glory, fearless of decline, Thy glory, Lord, shall ct cr shine ; Thy praise shall still our breath employ, Till we shall rise to end - less joy.



-A.E,I-A.:tT. Tu. -S^/L. ArraDgml from th« 0«mftn,By L. 0. EiLEHSON.

Glvn-Iac, and wiih fcrrar.

e^:r.^z^ iS»-^!S?- -o- - -:^-p -g^'g-


'^"f~^~^^'^'4- ^ 0-^- -s-P

1. I love the Lord who died for nie ; I love his grace di - vine and free ; I love his word, for there I read That he loved me, and for me bled

2. I love to hear that he was slain ; I love his eve - ry grief and pain ; I love to think on him by faith, And muse up - on his cru - el death.

m-Z2Z sJ g> ' sJ-z^Jy^ 25^S^ ^^-t22::^szz^^S3. I love his people and their ways ; I love with them to pray and praise : I love the Father and the Son ; I love the Spir - it he sent down.


^=22 -&-S>-





-ctShis:-: P

S5o i

4. I love to think the time will come When I shall be with him at home—When I shall love as he loves me, And praise him thro' e - ter - ni ty-


&-&'^ -J^€^


G-Gs >S-Q




1. ThlM earthly Stbbattu «Lord, we Ion,— But there's • nobler rest a-bo*e : To that oar longing tool! as - pire, With eheerfal hope, and strong derire, With cheerfal hope, and strong desire.

if5~±Moi=j^i3t±mp^^Si^^Spp^^S;«±2^± :st« I

-# gJ -•- 25^ *i^i

2. No more fa • tigue, no more di»-tre.H», Nor sin, nor death ehall reach the place ; No groans shall mingle with the songs, Which warble from immor-tal tongues. Which warbls from immor-tal tongue*.

w^ism^ m^Mmm^^^^^^m^mM3. No rnde a-larms of raging foes, No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade,no clouded sunJJnt sacred.high, e-ter-nal noon, But sacred,high, eternal nooa.



e^tru 22:



r^ -01m^s^^ m^^^imtIDE^SdlFSTER.. L. 1^.

Wllh TeTtrrner

221:25: :^:qe2::


s>- H s? :#t* ^^1. Lo, God is here ! let us a - dore, And own how dreadful is this place ! Let all with-in us feel his power, And si - lent bow be - fore his face.

2. Lo, God ii hew 1 him, day and night, U - nit - ed choirs of an-gels sing ; To Him, enthroned above all height, Let saints their humble wor-ship bring.

2=:p2:st -^



sawi ^ --&'

eg -1 1 t



:j^. as3. Lo, God of Hosts ! Oh, may our praise Thj courts with grateful incense fill ! Still may we stand before thy face, Still here and do thy sovereign wilL

-J—.-' l-r/?Vn^^l^i^S




^^iliig^gg Oj^l^f^^1. At anchor laid, remote from home, Toiling I cry, sweet spir-it come I Celestial breeze, no longer stay, But swell my sails,and speed my way.

;if5Ei3=5i3n^-^»'-*g^' ^ziit-0- -0- -est- —

z -•—•- - a.

2. Fain would I mount, fain would I glow ; And loose my ca - ble from below, But I can only spread my sail. Thou, thou must breathe th auspicious gale.

'^^lit -lS>-


W=0- :*: ^z ¥Wf^f^fm^^^^^

Alia Breve,f I I • ft -CV ft

Frem " American H»rp,"By pcnniuiOD.

I ! T

^[^IfZ^ztlfe—wz^^z 4- ^f^^insr^^^^s1. I will ex-tol thee, Lord.on high ; At thy command diseas-es fly: Who but a God can speak and save, From the dark borders of the grave?

t f I Iff O^ If f I f

il£?l^j^li^^Egi3.^ii;^liSi?^gE^-Z5'T-#- S^

i2. Sing to the saints of his, And tell bow large his goodness is ; Let all your pow'rs rejoice and bless, While you record his ho - li - ness.


St=tit^ ^Zj^^ZS^=1t:

1S?li :*z?: -^z« -&-G- *zit -S)-#- -(S»-

~MzMz^±zSi^^3. His anger but a moment stays ; His love is life and length of days : Tho' grief and tears the night employ, The morning star re - stares the joy.

Cnlson. Ill III /^V II III-gg. - 1

1 - I /-V ^-^-a 1 J"I

' 1 1 H- i H^^ga^i -«—^-3£


?2z^: (S-(S

h ,i77 | j^-;^aH^t


CTTI^TIS. Xj, IS^- No. 1. V o.

g^i1 God of my life ! thro' all my days, My grateful pow'rs shall sound thy praise; Tho song shall wake with op'ning light, And warble to the si - lent night.


ite :tec?-

I shall I rise To join the music4. But Oh! when that last conflict's o'er, And lam chaia«'d to flesh no more. With what glad accents shall I rise To join the music of the skies

-|^r-z^—r --»-#T ^^-»-r-7>:3ism^y


OXJI^TIS. IL,. Is/L. No. 2.


L. 0. xunaoN

r^^zzzp: g?" 1

a- -0- -&-

2. When anxious care would break my rest, And grief would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tune -ful prais - ea raised on high,

p^^gisii^gS^^^^Sa: h—h-^:ffizFirfz«zz*=H^2=3^



^^^S3. When death o'er na - ture shall pre - vail. And all my powers of language, fail, Joy through my swimming eyes shall bro.k,

f=m=m -(S>-


Ttf—i^ «» #-

OXJI^TIS- Concluded.

--«? •- -1±.


Shall check the mur - raur and the sigh, Shall check the mur mur and the sigh.

\V^ -^^-?-

-^W—•—•• ^ i-&-


And the thanks


I can not speak, And mean the thanks I can - not epeak.

-T-T^^1 ?g nt 1

.A."VEI^EE3Sr. L. 3S^C.

with expresnoB.

MTJtZ^ HL±iszp:fi—b-b=f^ T


»+^ ^SpLiwzwi 3^E

,r1 $$ lit^

1. Asleep in Je~us! blessed sleep ! From which none ever wake to weep : A calm and un -disturbed re- pose, Unbroken by the last of foes

itfzitl^^^p^ :iz^ w^:=l==^:^^^"H* ^ i3K

2. Asleep in Jesus ! Oh ! how sweet. To be for such a slumber meet ; With holy con - fi - dence to sing, That death has lost his venomed stiniy '





-^^r»:{zp:| jBbgbi^

2. Asleep in Jesus ! far from thee Thy kindred and tfaeir graves may be : But thine is still a blessed sleep, From which none ev-er wake to « weep.

C-«- i




lT—g-g :

:zs^.I itOic I -1^


-•—•- ir—



86 o-A.i^TTuA.i^'S'. L, :m:. No. 1.

Wllh reelins*

^0^=.SE^^E^i-.^^d^~~^\^p^*^^1 "-rm Mzz



ie i1. He dies ! the Friend of sin-ners dies! Lo ! Salem's daughters weep a - round ! A Bol-crnii darkness veils the skies ! A sud-den tremblin" xhakes the ground I



id; E2. Ye saints, approach !— the anguish riew Of him who groans beneath your load; He gives his precious life for yon, For you he sheds his pre-cioua blood.

ciAJLr^j^:E<.'^^. iL,. ]Nd:- No. 2.


&—o- rtsrzilzfz^^H 1-

II -•—s?-

1—I—t- - 1 1 .

2. Here*8 love and grief be - jond de - gree ? The Lord of glo - ry dies for noen !— But, lo ! what sudden joys we see ! Je - bus, the dead, re - vives a- gain !

"Cr -* m G> ^

A^'--iS^zsz. i^_g__^±


^=t-J2^ SI-«--•- 'Z^fS"



-I 1 " rI


S.fHere's love and grief be-yond de-gree? The Lord of glo • ry dies for men !— But, lo ! what sudden joys we see ! Je - sns, the dead, re -rives a-gain !

IfeiS aExg g> \r\xT"^ ^^=^ H 0- 1—^7g=^ -•—•-


CA.iL.^v-A.ii^x'. n,. nyc. no. 3. 87With •neror.


The rising God forsakes the tomb.Up to his Father's court he flies; Cherubic legionyguard him home,And shout him welcomo to the skies.Andshout him welcome to the ikiei.

5. Break off your 8aints,aDd tell How high our great Deliverer reigns ;Sing how he spoil'd the hosts ofhell,And led the tyrant death in cbains,And led the tyrant death, &c.

•n to redeem,and strong to savelThen ask,0 death,where is thy sting,And where thy rict'ry.boasting grave6. Say, live forever.glorious King,Born to redeem,and strong to save IThen ask,0 death,where is thy sting,And where thy vict'ry.boasting grave,And where thy viot'ry, &c.



'g-FEiSztizfi;^^zt£~E^^T^Sl :pzj--f-.


With dicrnlty.

si__^_—T4i_.^r,—:iz:i—^_i-,_iXii_ifii_:tfirZf__s^i*,;;_^T 1:—Ipziu:;!!.!-,—iti—^-ii


T^=N T


1. Oh, come, loud anthems let as sing, Loud thanks to onr Al - migh-ty King! For we our voi-ces high should raise.When our sal - ra-tion's Rock we praise.



^^-^ -J2xciz:z2.\


^^mmmmm-«-+SJ_-— :zi:j^_.EqrfE5 ^^35W--^t^=r-^-::±——r:tz:tI


12. In - to his pre-sencelet us haste, To thank him for his fa-vors past; To him ad - dress, in joy-ful songs, The praise that to his name be - iom^s.

,y^ -r ^..fG_-r^-,^-Ci,^__

^^iHEsfei&J^l^i i^^g4|»| |

iTi' IT F-


It m


1—mm tt«m BUlBUf'BL

g||Sli§S:eiiil^^lP -(S-0 G-I




1. O thou to whose all-searching sight, The dark-ness shin-eth as the-light.Search.provemy heart, it pants for thee; Oh, burst these bonds,and set it free,


—^-—I i-

•rffezt-jtES^l: --j-



2 Wash out its stains re - fine its dross; Nail my af - fections to the cross; Hal - low each thought; let all with • in Be clean as thou, my Lord^art clean.

3.While in this darksome world I stray,- Be thou my light, he thou my way: Ko foes, no danger will I fear. While thon, Al-migh-ty God, art near.

I^EPIO'2'- Xj. 1^.


Ti -1—rf^z£-t^M==t51. In - dul-^ent SoT'reign of the skies, And wilt thon bow thy gracious ear? While fec-ble mortals raise their cries. Wilt thou, the great Je - ho-vah. hear?

2. How shall thy servants give thee res^


Till Zion's moul'd'ring walls thon raise; Till thine own pow'r shall stand confess'd. And make Je - ru - sa - lem a praise.



:gzfzgil::zbEztzzif^^El:g^z^n^f:iz:z^irg^gi—HF'^L^iziztillili3. Look do^v^l God with pitying eye. And view the des - o - la-tion round; See what wide realms in darkness lie, And hurl iheir 1 - dols Ui tue ground.

C2_ _../2_^_ £=^-r -r , w 1 1 It-

^^^s^=:Emm^^i^^^s^s^ m^im^^s^?3m^i^^^^^

.A-IsTTOlSriO. L. Is/L. Double. 89Wtth koldn«M and eneiry.

^ «


=1—rgli -f-.^-^4-4-^ ,-i:—


,-^^ ! 4-j f •--^-4-

1. Triumphant Zi-on ! lift thy head From dust, and darkness and the dead ! Tho' humbled Iong,awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength.

)--2^ tC^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^m^bi=i=^=t:::

-#- i^a^:^—^—*-t




-•—»-m w=^-«-*« —•

0—0 M—


-L—««^ ^^_x«^ :: *-

3. No more shall foes unclean invade. And fill thy hallowed walls with dread ; No more shall hell's insulting host Their vict'ry and thy sor - rows boast.


»-*-^i —•- I^S

'- ' r—r—1^ -^ 1^ r^— -I 1 1 1 1 1— ' ^-F"—^-^ —

2. Put all thy beauteous garments on, And let thy ex - cellence be known, Decked in the robes of righteousness, The world thy glory shall confess.

5- L, .^--r 1 1

1 It- -r ,^i^T 1 *c: m- 1. -,- r-, .

r ^ • ^ ^-1^ -^w

M ?5I^

^:iz:i:st*=:^=» ^m. P *

-\ ±=1 mU —*—•—• ~^-\ 1


^ZJt. SI _ 1 11.--- ^-» BBUH -» W—






— " g>

4 God, from on high, has heard thy prayer ; His band thy ru - ins shall re-pair ; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To gaard thee in e - ter-nil peace.

0—^^ ^0-M mm.^-^ 1 B 1 K---.«—.--• -. ,-m , _—

W^ ± -I



zzt-t-^L-iXUl .• il l L^

;ZWI^f.Tf r i^h/





90 IKrC3-ETl,SOX.X.. 3^. L. •. DtBSOILFraa •• B»bUU Baimsa;," ky

With flraiMaM.



1. Thine earthly Sabbatbs,Lord,we lovc.But there's a no -bier rest above; To that our lon^ngsoulH aspire,With cheerful hope and strong desire,With cheerful hope, &c.

^. In thy blest kiagdom we shall be From ev-'ry mortftl trouble free; No sighs shall mingle with thcsongs, Resounding from im-raor-tal tongues.ResounJiag from, &c.

'-—^^-— i-^^—x|


1-xr:—x,,-^_i|—lO-x^j^t-x —x^^«x«::—.« ^_^i^.^ 335;:

3. Uo rude alarms of ra-ging foes, No cares to break the long repose; No midnight shade,no clouded sun. But sa-cred, high, e - ter-nal noon,But sacred,high,eternal noon.

^w^I3:itei3:-a.x.Ij. ns^c. *

1. Fromev-'ry stormy wind that blows. From er-'ry swelling tidethat flows. There is a calm,a sure re - treat; 'Tis found be-neath the mer-cy-»eat.

dzT^:::l-q: — i:q-Jzz]E2^t-5if:::^:3=ij:|r3ii-•-^-L-<S?-<S?--L-o- -^^-'0-j^-^-&- a_r^i _i..(si_^_^X-(S,_gp-X.^)_is;-j___x^_^_^x.^5_^_,x—)—^.i

2. There is a scene where »|)ir - its bleiul.WhiTe friend holds fellow-ship with friend; Tho' sunder'd far, by faith they meet Around one cora-moii mer - cy - seat.

3. There,there,on ca • gle wings we soar. And sense and sin mo • lest no more; And heav'n comes down our souls to (;«*'. A.nd glory crowns the mer- cy - seat.

iiSlEiili[ZZiZZ^M^^S^^^^:3SqE==:5 :=i1=:

b ^—^^^zts^«'

!^c=^t:gi3:±.-S:4. Oh! let my hand for - get her skill; My tongue be si - lent, cold, and still; This throbbing heart for - get to beat; If I for - get the mer - cy - seat



M'gg^^^t t=t





t ^ si-

ts -0-0s—em—r


— -^i—

1. Sweet is the light of Sabbath eve, And soft the sunbeams ling'ring there ; For these blest hours the world I leave,Wafted on wings of faith and prayer.

2. Seas-on of rest ! the tranquil soul Feels the sweet,calm,and melts in love ; And while these sacred moments roll, Faith sees a smiling heaven above.

±5il^-^ -0 flg-


:=M: I iS>- -•

—& :*=«t3:2^iS ifi^fzz^:2^±^


3. Nor will our dafB of toil be long : Our pilgrimage, will soon be trod ; And we shall join the ceaseless song.The endless Sabbath of our God.

n-f~rs-^ # # ^T7g-•—•-

snip: gj-js^ lf-w-7S-7S- 2H1—


-SI- #—#-


Amngcd from ORSKUBlill.By L. 0. KUSRSON.

1 1-^-

25=p: i^i1. When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glo • ry died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.

SB-^h-0- -(S>-«-^5S -o-


-&SlSiii^^g2. See from his head, hisliands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet? Or thorns compose so rich a crown.

~mk^ -^^0- #fg-:f^



i^z*: ^m3. Were the whole realm ol nature mine,That were a present far too small ; Love so a - maz-ing, so divine, DeiDands my soul, my lite, my all.


nq:2i:i«: -(S^-# t=ttI


1=t:^=P»:a 2s:


-^-P#T-^:ii=2lis! —*

92 s:eeite. Xi. is/L.

1 A-.i,. u_.:. ... „ .. . .^—•- -'-—


~'i I1-— I!:



Aw>Ve. o,, to.,ue. th, trib - ute bring. To hio. who g..e thee power to sing : P.a.e hin>.who i, al,,e a - bove, The .ource of and of ,ov.

2. flow T&Jt htl knnK'I^HrrM I K^mv rxw^fm^nA I A ^an.*U »!..-» .tl* ^L .f.^ i .....^ IS^


.. How rut hi. knowledge!howgfonnd

1 A dep'.h ;^roi:^ tho'ts are drowned ! The star.^W., and their name, ^S^ire. to all ih^S^^

(•inntmn Hh ufk.f .«..,. T. i /^i_ _»... * ' ^ ' » —1—

^S^^'»u tiiu.c : tAQo: wisuom snines

^^^ ' x^——— *-'

-—I J

C w .1^^ m

J ^-«

I—*Tr^^J^^^Se^l^i^ ...r„-„,^,,.,.„„eflo„S„pp....beci..j „r .o„God;S:,o™.»„,,

Jo,, «„. gliains.b.oU, d .o«„..u,div

^ xzzt-^^

ivine abode.


" »^«'^.A;:^^ve.,.,„.„b.r.,.^„..U i V liTt ^^1—' ^^I ^^ ,

, _ * i^ r -- —v'.^A.ii.uu give uew Bl

3»y ^''^, -- , >—


'^^ ^ ^^i^^ H i^—i 1 J I m. . if]/il - on en - 10VH her Alnn*rA>i*o l/Mr« Q«^„. :-. * - xi .* • . --


L- iwt. Amsa«> froa MOUn. 93

1. Awake, my tongue, thf tri-butebring To him who gave thee pow'r to sing; £^-aise him.who has all praise a - bove. The Source of wis - dora and of lOTe.

3. How vast his knowledge! how pro-found! A deep where all our tho'ts are drown'd! The stars he numbers, and their names He gives to all those heav'niy flames.

S.Thro' each bright world a - bove, be - hold Ten thousand.thousand charms unfold; Earth, air, and migh-ty seas com-bine. To speak his wis - dom all di - vine.

4. Butin re -demp- tion, oh, whatgrace! Its wonders, oh,what thought can trace! Here wisdom shines for - ev - er bright ; Praise him, my so^l, with sweet de- light.

laZia-H STPtEET- X.. 3^.


1. Awake, my Bonl, to joy-ful lays, And sing the great Re - deemer's praise; He jnst-ly claims a song from me: His lov-ing kind-ness, oh, how free!

li^iils^P2. He saw me ra - in'd ia the ^, Yet lov'd me, not-with-stand-ing all;

3. Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale; Soon all my mor-tal pow'rs must fail


He sav'd me from my lost es - tate: His lov-ingkind-ness, oh, how great.

Oh, may my last ex - pir-ing breath His lov-ingkind-ness sing in deathi

E^Ssiliilliigi E^*zpzpl:^i=fft=tzzlzztil:zz Isl=t:^-V^-- ,=/^

^pg^glgEjifei^4. Then let me mount and soar a - way To the bright world of end - less day;

^""^-"y-^-r-i t: .,' F ,1-izdEz^zi^z^izzzgi


And sing,with rap - ture and sur - prise. His loving kindness In the ikleil

94 BE^yL.A.KrD- X.. -Jb^.

=^Ifsi^tzw-l^-zw-. eS^i^^SI

1. How Bweetlv flowed tne go* - pel sound From lips of gen - tle-ness and prace, When listening: thousands pathered ronnd,And joy and pladness filled the placel

2. Krom heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven lie ltd his followers' way ; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Un-veil-ing an im-mor-tal day.

Sii^^^Sipi^spili^ii3. " Come, wandereri, to my Fa-ther'g home > Come, all ye wea - ry ones, and rest :" Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, O - bey thee, love thee, and be ble«t.

"^m^g^gri-ii^ssi^*::»;2zr]G)- m-wS^f3^zW=¥ ^E4. Decay, then, ten - o - ments of dust ; Pil - lari of earth-ly pride, de - cay : A nobler mansion wait* the jnst, And Jesui hath prepared the way.

:iiig^ ^=^2-^ VJSt m -f^-^ ^s::^s:i§

iNwdissionsTj^i^"^ ci3:.A.3srT. i^. :m:. CH. ZEVNKB.From " Am. H«rp," bjr p«nnlMt«a


1. Te Christian heralds— go, pro-claim Sal - ya-tion in Im - manuers r*rae; To distant climei the tidings bear. And plant the rose of Sharon tlier«

I. I . ^ ^i

i^J-J=JEg^JS2_J-J_Ji^=^g'=:ia^Tg3yzgzg^^; iSSZ

2. He'll shield you with a wall of fire, With ho-Iy zeal you hearts in - spire, Bid raging winds their fury cease, ^jd calm the sarage breast to peace.


«. And when onr la • bors all are o'er. Then shall we meet to part no more— Meet, with the blood-bonght throng to fall. And crown the Saviour Lord of all.

i^^a^-g^^ eszjfSL

'MiEiLTrix.- Ij- zsra:.

tVIth boIdneM^'^srizsir:^. -(SS- -jsn\zjp3:^tzfk-:- -jstiw. ~fS~

-&-95 ^


1. Soon may the last glad song a • rise Thro' all the millions of the skies ; That song of triumph which records That all the earth is now the Lord's.

S^tSES -&- ^^§^^fe^^iE^^§ X-&z^-i:

2. Let thrones and and pow'rs and kingdoms be Obedient, mighty God, to thee ; And,over land and stream and main,Wave tbou the scepter of thy reign 1


i =?z^^:'JS31I &-9-m- -^zi .g5_

3. Oh, let that glorious anthem swell, Let host to host the triumph tell, That not one reb-el heart remains. But o-ver all the Saviour reigns!

& m p

Ea g zz -<s?-

lltJtlWits^#-s i

-•-#3?:t::^: S t:?:

ilfio-#- 1^-^J^-^-LJ^. L. 3VE_

L. 0. BHKRfiOH.



1. Lord, when my tho'ts de light - ed rove Amid the wonders of thy love, Sweet hope revives my drooping heart,And bids intruding fears depart.

~^^^^^m. ^ii i<s^—#- J^-^S^ —••Jl&-#' gg #'('^

For mortal crimes a^ss-




ri - fice. The Lord of life, the Sav-iour, dies ! What love! what mercy! how divine! Jesus,and can I call thee mine ?


3. Kepent-ant sor - row

4. Be all my heart and

^ii^^^^SBi W: SilSfills my heart. But mingling joy al - lays the smart; Oh, may my future life declare The sorrow and the joy sincere !

all my days De-vot-ed to my Saviour's praise ; And let my glad obedience prove How much I owe,how much I love.

-*- IF^^'^i^?Si-W- ^s^iip:^

T:ic ^S

96 i^-a.i?,beok:. j-.- :nj:. Aramf***m T. COOKX.

i^--^g^^^i^ig^l^iagig^|gggp^ggi^^^^1. How sweet - \y flowed the go« - pel sound From lips of gcn-tle-ness and grace,When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and rer' - rence filled the place !


i^i^i^p^^^»j3^Sip|§^Jp^i3iEiiigl2. From heaven he came, of heaven he spake, To heaven he led his followers' way ; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveil - ing an im - mor - tal day.

£^^^W>z^ r4s^-«J-«S)mWVf^-




£*±^=* -&:i^w ziTinife:


p^^^ tttsruiL

3 Come wauderers, to my Father's home : Come, all ye wea-ry ones, and rest ; Yes, sa • cred Teacher, we will come, • bey thee, love thee, and be blest.


'Wii^T- x^.'la:. D. TT. C. WHITCOMB.


1. Ob for a sweet, in - spir - ing ray, To an- i - mate oar fee-ble strain*,From the bright realm* of endless day—^Tbe blissful realms where Jesus reigns I



2. There, low b« - fbre his glo-rions throne, A - dor-ing saints and an - gels fall; And with delightful worship own His smile their bliss,their bearen.tlieir all

'^-fr^^^^ ^^^^^^ ftl^^^fp^^^^-^^^ m^3. Im-mor - tftl glo-ries crown hli bead, While taneful bal • le • la • jabs rise. And love and joy and triumph spread Tbrongh all tb' assemblies of the skiei.

BiLx.i3sra-TOisr- l. :ljs:. Amogad tna W. SBOftB. 97

,^4j33-*-*----^-*--<s'-^-+^3^F ff-w-r-ili: -*'" (S>-»--G>-x-l- 0-0 0-]r-G>-0 ±(S-0-±-^-r±.-0-»-^ fvs * --<sj-^-- ---+Jf-Ff

1. How sweet tbe hour of closing day. When all is peaceful and se - rene ; And when the sun,with cloudless ray. Sheds mellow Iub - tre o'er the scene.

—,-<=s- -zU:i=^:i-=:m2. Such is the Christian's parting hour ; So peaceful-lj he sinks to rest; When faith,endued, from heav'n,with pow'r.Sustains and cheers his languid breast.


K:Eiu-v^.A--3r- X.. iwd:.

with ipirit and power.


1 With rU my pow'rs of heart and tongue.l'll praise my Maker in my song; Angels shall hear the notes I raise.ApproTe the song.nnd join the praise.Approve the song, «»c.


Qd names below,So much thy pow'r and glory show,So much




2. I'll sing thy truth and mercy,Lord ; I'll sing the wonders of thy vord : Not all thy works and names below,So much thy pow'r and glory show,So much thy pow'r, &c

-0 f^-^ fa^

98 ESTE3L.L-A.- Ij. 2b^,Awnmat* tMm umnaLMMom

I. Come, O my soul.'in sa-cred lays, At - tempt thy great Cre - a-tor's praise: But, oh,'-hat tongue can gpeak his fame! What mor-tal verse can reach the theme/



2. Enthrou'da - mid the radiant spheres, He, glo -*ry, like a garment,wears ; To form a robe of light di - vine. Ten thousand suns a-round him shin*.

b===^:p:fEz£3z±zzz*±_^z#±r^=t?:fffcitzbE=tifi::flf:p=E;:Ez5=thou, my soul, his glo-ries sing;Andlet his praise em-ploy thy tongue. Till list'ning worlds shall join thesomg!

IZlZZlZZT T-=--T—^^-r-T ^T''=i--T-!~1—.T -r-^r t-O-^t-^^—3. Rais'd on de - votion's lof-ty wing. Do

lilglliSililsliiSiillgi^lSiiBiliiiiiiil.A.I^IL.E^S'- L. nvwfl:.

with creat povrer.

-p:^z=rzzzi~zzi~zzzi—Zrzzizf—iTzpiiz^z^iiz^zizli^izzrzz—z=iz-^T^'^""T^»1 M ~^ P I

'* r *-p4:g-^- :^-j^; z^z^fzz:^iz:±=zz:-=^^4-^^^—F'Ff i


1. Arm of the Lord, a • wake, a -wake! Put on thy strength, the na-tions shake! And let the world, a - dor - ing, see Triuraphaof mer-cy wrought by thee.

2. bay to the heathen,from thy throne, " I am Je • ho-vah !—God a - lone! "—Thy voice their i - dols shall con-found, And cast their al tars to the ground.

3. Let Zi-on's timeof fa - vor come; bring the tribes of Is - raelhome: And let our wond'ringeyes be - hold Gen-tiles and Jews in Christ's one fold.

s3^is.^lliElr^4. Al-mlghty God, thv grace proclaim, In er

tllE^ife'ry land of er-'ry name: Let adverse pow'rs be-fore thee fall, And crown the SaTionr—Lord of all!



Tiis^E. iL,. im:.0. u-wrmAM. 99

1." 'Tis finish 'd !" so the Saviour cried, Andmeeklybow'd his head,and died :" 'Tis finish'd !

" yes,the race is run, The battle fought, the vic-t'ry wou.

2." 'Tis finish'd! "all that heav'n foretold By prophets in the days of old ; And truths are open'd to our view That kings and prophets nev-er knew.

3." 'Tis finish'd !" Son of God.thy pow'r Hath triumph 'd in this aw-ful hour; And yet, our eyes with sorrow see That life to us was death to thee.

:SSE^_—iztzqziqz::»--|-^fz;^z: !;z]z'


--W- '-&-&X.--

#-^—_-r-« ^^-T

iPilis^llJiii^llll3^^IXi:FOmD. X.. 3i^.

1. Up to the bills I lift mine'eyes, Th' e-ter-nal hills beyond the skies ; Thence all her help my soul de -rives.There my al-migh-ty Re-fuge lives.

2. He lives, the ev - er-last ing God That built the world,that spread the flood : The heav'ns.with all their hosts he made,And the dark regions of the dead.

^A—li-zHzii-i: ztr

^l-f^:!!;±:z:^i:z»z:?i:t ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3. H« guides our feet.he guards our way ; His morning smiles bless all the day : He spreads*the ev'ning vail, and keeps The silent hours.while Israel sieeps.


fiU-#—•—•-+—^-|-F—F—F-f—4- -*—+-



1. A • wakeonrsouls, a- way ourjears Let ev' - ry trerabUog thought be gone; Awake and run the heaVnly Ace, And pat a cheer-ful coar-age on.

Ii3 cti'^Jtt

" From thee the o - verflowing sprin", Our bouU shall drink a full eupply ; WhiJe such aa trust their native strength, Shall melt a-way, and droop, and die.

H 1-



l^^^i^ig^l^iiiEEiE^igi^iii^3. Swift as an eagle cuta the air, We'll mount a loft to thine a-bodo ; On wings of lo^e our souls shall fly, Nor tire amidst the heav'nly road.


—T—r~^ I

I 1 i^'W-r.-m—f-Ti —w 1— --I- '-W=W^s^-V-m—'—




Il5 ^^1= -SIt-

^-^g:1—iS"-* i-

ipzizi^:iszzrz1 2z: ^ ^-Hs^


1. How Bweet to leave the world a-while, And seek the presence of our Lord ! Dear Saviour, on thy people snfile. And come, according to thy word


i '


2. From tusy scenes we now re - treat. That we may here con-verse with thee : Ah, Lord, behold us at thy feet! Let this the " gate of heav-en" bc^



:zt^]^'-^T:K=i:^t=:2?^ -<s^-

-H- ^8. " Chief of ten thousand !

" now appear, That we by faith may see thy face ; O.'speak, that we thy voice may hear, And let thy presence fill this place I

±1^--a'lis -G-



1. There is a God—all na-ture speaks, Thro' earlh.and air, and sea, and skies; See, from the clouds his glo • ry breaks,When the first beams of morning ri;^.

I y^K ^^ /^S ^^


2. The ri3 - ing sun, se • rene-ly bright, O'er the wide world's ex - tended frame, In-scribes in char-ac - ters of light. His migh-ty Ma-ker'g glo-rious name.


t_::*;_±-r_-[zr±z:^z±rzt;!i:ti=:t2zt?z:?zzT:z:lzltzz:=t—l^iE1. Wel-come to me the darkest ni^ht, If there the Saviour's presence bright Beam forth up -on the soul dismay'd. And say," Tis I! be not a-fraidl"

* :«: -ilZ'*—*--•--'-•-#—#—-•--L-«-# -: ^ • J- 0-9 i«-«_p—l.^_J.^jC «-! Xi,____^_e—«

2. Wei-come the fier-cest wares thftTroU Their deep'ning floods to whelm ray soul, If he re - bake the storm of ill, ' And bid the tem-pest, " Peace, be still '. "^

5^ iz=z1:zz]zz:f5i-z:ifcz!te::zzd;=


:^—0-i.^ iig a i^j—




1 X,—^1—




— -L J.—1^ ii

3. I will not ask what else is mine. If thou, O Lord, account me thine; For what but joy can be my lot, If God, my God, re ject menof?

102 ]m:oss hill, g- 35w(I.

^§ESiiii^iiilili|i^iS^EiE«zgi|E?ii^"=!=JiSE1. By cool Si - lo - ain's sha - dy rill How fair the li - ly grows ! Plow sweet the breath be - neath the hill Of Sharon's dew-y rose!

^^^^w^^s^i^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^2. Lo I such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose se - cret heart, with influence sweet. Is upward drawn to Gnd.

3. By cool Si- lo - am's sha -dy rill The li - ly must de - cay ; The rose that blooms be - neath the hill, Must shortly fade a - way?4. Depend - ent on thy bounteous breath We seek thy grace a - lone. In childhood, manhood, age, and death. To keep us still thine own.


5=^=E^ ^zztz»±ES:i^zi^2^H^±E

sinsroL-A.!!^. c. nvc.




+-==^^4^;=^ *=iJ:2s±===tr:z^ ^iiiifgEl^=e|f[E1. Sing to tbo Lord, ye dis - tant lands, Ye tribes of ev' - ry tongue ; His new dis - covered grace demands A new and nobler song.

s^^--p jtui:

2. Let heav'n proclaim the joy - ful day, Joy through the earth be seen ;* Let cities shine in bright ar - ray. And fields in cheerful green.

¥-'^-&—0—0-^3 Si^^ii=gig^^lgE^^^^lii-es—0^ igz^gipE

3. Behold, ho comes, he comes to bless The na - tions as their .God ; To show the world hw righteous - ness, And send his truth a • broad.

^^-Q^s^-^ m -<£?- 3=::j!g: |!ES=^^f;^ggg^sEg^^ig^fiFF


y:<m " The Chime," by permlaloB 10**

Snpplientorr. Gi^ntlc and snMn<Hl.

&Zgzf^.M—M—ii—9l['Ji—M—^p -0 -^^ \- q=^===1zz^p:t^z^

5e5e?^ :•=:«>E:zS=d:H^-: 1^-


1. Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The fall - ing of a tear; The upward glancing of aa eye, When none but God is near.

S^^SglS^i Az:3 ^-^ H :=1:



tth, T



2. Prayer is the Christian's vi-tal breath, The Christian's na - tive air; His watchword at the gates of death—He en - ters heaven by prayer,





#—•- t=i;-1^^: I

fts ::^zii^zW;::2?i^:::^:

-(S>- i

insrsi'iPt-A.Tionsr. a. n^^.


v^sz^-I—t- ± :^'.

1 4 '.Z?311--S>-S>--^ SE1. How prec-ious is the book di - vine, By in - spi - ra-tion given ! Bright as a lamp, its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven.

J?::i^ -A-t:iS±^—^- P!&-

2. It sweet - ly cheers our droop - ing hearts. In this dark valo of tears ; Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our ris - ing fears.

^usiiigirsiisiisi^iis^igiis^i^3. This lamp, through all the te - dious night Of life, shall guide our way ; Till we be - hold the clearer light Of an e- ter - lal day


104 ST. LEOISr. O. Is/L.Bolo. Soprano.


1. Tbou dear Re-deem -er, dy - ing Lamb, *

f- 1 »'I

1 L-_j,, L^ y L i.^

of thee; No music like thy charming name, Nor half bo sweet can be

4^H- ^==^ -G^- c^—i^ i^i^^SSfe -<s» •- iii^l§ig^St:2. Wtcn I »p-pearin yon-detcloud.WLth.llrte favored throng.Then mil I sing more sweet, nor. loud. And Chrisl shall be «; son,>

^^i^ a^E^ iSl'^ :s-zzw- 33=*^±^ TSr-ji:

H 1---o—•- 3[^ s-o-

_l L i :^zzji.

:szip:-.1^ IIP ^

\- :S=iT^

3S/EOXJITT :P3L.E.A^S.A.lSrT- c: ISdl.


, T^'


-—-, ±1^=t=±=:l:===—•:l:2fct=t=l:4iz±t=ti=t=^=1^:B

1. I'a-ther of mer-eies, m thy word What eud-less glo - ry shines ! For - ev - er be thv na



9 tr.r» ™„ P« J„ '''"i

"•' "^o

-"---»- 5-- .J ^u.uc,

. x.n - c, -c. ue luy name a - dored For these ce - les - tiai lines2. Here my Re-deem^e^a wel-come vmce Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life and ev - er - last - ing joys At -tend the blii- ful .ound-Q- u ^^:,^__2";^^^» ^^.j.^j^ .^. ^._au^; Ana iiie ana ev - er - last - ,ng joys At -tend the bliss- ful sound.

^ ^=FV-Vr^^-^-^^'^-f n'-^^-^-^^-^=?-^^-f-r-^^=p^-?'=/^=?^3. Oh. may these heavenly pag-es be My ever dear de-light ; And still new beau-ties may .1 see, And .till in - creas . iU li^ht


~p ^ 1 r^-B~fSIS^^^^Ii^S

o^^isrisoiE3sroE_ a. i^jo:. no. lwith rererejuoe. Smooth asil flewliiii.

r^'M^^^^^^^4^^^^ gm :72^zit:;?^=S^ -^^££'i::^:



w1. There is an eye that nev-er sleeps Beneath the wing of nighty There is an ear tha^,t never shuts,When sink the beams of li>^ht.

J^=T=q=l-#- -0*

^^^J-^-l—iyn^l—J-iiiiiii gj ^ ic^ J <g-^-J^-gy-^H^^-J-^g-^-L—-t^» -<s>-iip2. There is an arm that nev- er tires ; When human stiength gives way ; There is a love that never fails, When earth - ly loves de - eaj.

^S^ -*•-1^" ^S^iiii^ ^«a: rpzsr

:s^I •e=t Be3. That eje is fixed on seraph throngs ; That arm upholds the sky; That ear is filled with an -gel songs; That love is throned on high.

=^25t:i: j:^z:^ 32|3

:?2=» S I^SIIE m03>wfl:3SriSOIEITGE- O. livd:- No. 2.

with earnestness.W^a ¥^ >=P»- l-S3^i^ :»=P lS»-

I ^^=i=-I I

In ^ -L^i-x-i-^^ g:

1 ^^ L,—I— _l^ ^—

4. But there's a power which man can wield. When mortal aid is vain, That eye, that arm, that love to reach, That listening ear to gain.

|i^|i;S|^i=B|Pi^i| -^1


^^kW^^ :f*t=.l^liliSgi^ .72—^:p


:?^: iiS^SiEE5. That power is prayer,which soars on high.Through Jesus, to his throne; And moves the hand which moves the world. To bring sal - vation down.

A—g I.'^




106 si^A.3sriDE3sri5"CJPia-. c. LOSS McmKOreroK,

2—LI—I ,—T____—I-L—I--;—I J- z±[zzti:±:^ m^§Mim^imt^^\mi^^^1. As pants tb« hart for cool-ing streams, When heated in the chase, So longs my soul, God, for thee, And thy re - fresh-ing grace.

-Sl-(S>- -&-




y-, J^- __ -^^1



1 ^T*^^ "^^T 1 T '^^T 1 -r^^^ I^T T

2. Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Trust God,who will em - ploy His aid for thee, and change these sighs To thankful hymns of joy.

i^ooe::"\^7'ooid. c. i^.L. 0. XHKKSON.

1. In all my vast con • cems with thee. In vain my soul would try To shun thy pre-sence, Lord, or flee The no-tice of thine eve.

'^ .a-.==:iE=E31ES!ifE-j=3E5=::2.:2^;i-stj5-l3rSfj!i!

|E5Fr^m^. —rf—


:q: Ii


G-^-^-^'-^^'-t-JSZ^A-jr^—}^l-i::'zhj:;t±j^::1: f: :t-: -r-i-=^

2. Thy all sur-rounding sight sur - ve^s iMy ris-ing and my rest; My pub-)ic walks, my pri - vate ways. And se - crets of my breast.

3. My thoughts li« - pen to the Lord. Ue-fore they're formed with-in ; And ere my lips pro-nounce the word, He knows the sense I mean.. _^- ^ ^tv ^?v /^


EX>S03Sr. O. Is^.H. X. BOLT 107

?2z:p'^^SW^^^S1. Dear Fath-er, to thy mer - cy seat My soul for i-bel - ter flies ; "lis here I find a safe re - treat When storms and tempests rise.

2. My cheer -ful hope can nev - er die, If thou, my God, art near; Thy grace can raise my cora-forts high. And ban-ish eve - ry fear.

^*- ^=:t-fZ)—23 ®1t'M^^^^^^^^^^^ ej c; ^-^^ 1


^ili=i J2L

3. My great Pro - tec - tor, and my Lord, Thy con - stant aid irn-part ; Oh, let thy kind, thy gracious word Sus-tain my trembling heart 1

l^t=tt=l I \^ t wt.r^z

4. Oh, nev - er let my soul re - move From this di - vine re-treat ! Still let me trust thy power and love, And dwell be-neath thy feet.

:a=» -O ^ fsrw. -^:^zt^ -stii± I iiS iS-iSi-

.J^ -iS>-mC3-IjE3Sr"^^OOr). O. 3^.

1. Prayer is the soul's sin -cere de^^ire, Ut-teredor un-expressed ; The mo • tion of a hid-den fire That trembles in the breast.

2. Prayer is the con - trite sin- ner's voice, Re-turn-ing from his ways; While angels in their songs re-joice. And cry, "Behold, he pravs."




:3II ifzittif:

:1=izq::4 I-s»- ^^;^:^ z5^-ir -s^-i^


3. Prayer is the Christian's vi - tal breath, Tne Christian's native air. His watchword at the gates of death ; He en-ters heaven with prayer.

%a -?b- 3 ^»gg|pgpg^ .


1^^4. O thou by whom we come to God, The Life, the Truth, the Way ! The path of prayer thy - self has trod ; Lord ! teach us now to pray.

£4zit -i±=jt. 7^- t=t j;

-SI- 5f-1

1 rig=F^+d—FB=aj!£ji:ggz±^.•^za:


-"?g~g- Si

108 .A.scEasrsioi>T. 2^.

with teatlenew .

1. Fa- tJber.what-e'er of oarth - ly bliss Thy sov'reign will de - nies, Ac - cepfr-ed at thy throne of grace, Let this pe - ti - tion rise:

2. " Give me a calm, a thank -ful heart, Fromev-'ry mur-ipur free; The blessings of thy grace ira - part, And make me live to thee

3. "Let the sweet hope that I am thine, My life and death at - tend ; Thy presence fhro' my jour -ney shine. And crown my jour- ney's end."


^—m-^-f:i~Ki -&—s^~

(S>—(SJ-+ (S—(SI -|-(S» -^^i=Jli^M§

SIIDI^TE"^. O. 3iwa:.

-iS-Y-& i=d=q:ii::-2^z=itt:^:rg


cauae ; Main-tain the hon - or of his word. The glo - ry of his cross.1. I'm not a-sham'd to own my Lord, Nor to de - fend his cause ; Main-tain the hon -or of his word. The glo - ry of his cross

. 'If3==E5-iE5Eg=3'BztE^-S~iE=

2. Je - BUS, my God, I know his name,—His name is all my trust; Nor will he put my soul to shame, Nor let my hope be ^lost.

3. Firm as his throne his promise stands, And he can well se - cure What I've com-mTi- ted to his hands, 'Till the de - ci - sive hour


,__i_zc_ilz:zz^lj^zzgzrz^zr:gzzilz:JL"i- —^izzzziizzzt


V2^ '-4. Then will he o^n my worthless name, Be - fore bis Fa-ther's face; And in the New Je - ru - sa - lem Ap- point my soul a place

9—0—^ g T—zp=:i=z!z=i:izhZZ=ziiilsl:

Y^,m tzziiiz::::]

TOIllD-AJSl - O. 1^.


1. On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wish-ful eye To Canaans's fair and happy land, Where my posgessions lie,Where my pos - ses-sion» lie.

9. Oh the transporting;, rapturous scene. That ris - es to my sight? Sweet fields ar - rayed in liv-ing green. And riv-ers of delight ! And riv - ers of de - light


-^-&-€^-0h^» ^Z*M3. When shall I reach that happy place, And be for - er - er blest 1 When shall I gee my Father's face,And in his bosom rest 1 And in his bo - «om rest 1

4. Filled with delight, my raptured soul Can here no long-er stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll. Fearless I launch away, Fear - less I launch a - way.

^::^?i'^^ ^^^4:

gt -s^ im^^mw It ^m^erlfcttS:-J:t: I ^-Q- 1

OI^I-A^IST-A.. O- 1^/L.

tiffl^^± -j^:-.


-0—0 :^2ii^-

X=^=t:sz 'S'---#-#-# S^H^S?£FE!SEE



1. To our Re-deemcr's glorious name A -wake the sa - cred song ! Oh may his love—immortal flame ! Tune every heart and tongue,Tune every heart and tongue.

rt*z?z?:ggjt^z! 32. His love ! what mortal thought can reach ! What mortal tongue display ! Ira-ag -i - nation's utmost stretch In wonder dies a - way. In wonder dies a - way,

giii^Sife^iS^^sei gzt f-^-f-:^:^-^

^3. Oh may the sweet, the blissful theme, Fill every heart and tongue.TlU strangers love thy charming name,And join the sa - cred song. And join the la- cred song.

Qi-^ . ^ ^ 0, ^Q^- -&-V-

-I \-i^M-0—0-Z^2:Z€SL qntOM&4

-&- M^ s>-j=m i

110o-oor)^w^i3sr. o. i^




^ I i

1 1 1— ,—l-, ^—^—


1 '-1 '-' ""^^—"^i*—


v J—*—*

* -' ' —1 See Is-rael's cen-tle Shep - herd stand, With all- en - gaging charms ; Hark! bow he calls the tea - der lambs, And folds them in bis arms!

;ig^^]^^^ISis^i^E^lfeg -i—I-

zM rm 115:^-9--W- -W -9- "2?-

2. "Per-mit them to approach," he cries, " Nor scorn their humble name ; For 'twai to bless such souls as these. The Lord of an -gels cama."

3. We bring them. Lord, in thank-fiil hands, And yield them up to thee ; Joy-ful, that we ourselves are thine,—Thine let our offspring be.

I - \ —#—0- iK=S -• 0-—I-

-0—0- g


-(^ <S-

-I ( 1-^^^^^^^^^^1fS-

y7?-7g::r;^zi^z^:f=: -I—1—~—t-

^_4i_^:H i r-

1. And can mine eves with-oiit a tear A weeping Sav-iour see? Shall I not weep his groans to hear, Who groaned and died for me?

:i=i=^z=S- SS: i-«-^- -0—0- IffiZIS^—1-


&-»-'&I -#—#

&- -^h-»—i\J^.

^Clt^srL-S'—iS^:: -s? I (g :?:^=2^ -«?1

2. Blest Je-8us, let those tears of thine, Sub-due each stub-bom fae ; Come, fill my heart with love di - vine, Aad bid my eor - rows flow,

ll^i!it^'jsi :«~d:

r- * —


'\Kr<DOT>Xa.fiL.:^nD. C_ l^. peculiar. n. oofl ^ 111Frem " Saoieo MiNCTKiL, br ycnnlata*. 11.1


1. There is anhourof peaceful rest, To mourning wand'rersgiv'n; There is a joyforsoulsdistress'd.A balmforev'ry wounded breast, 'Tis found alone in hcav'n.

3. There faith lifts up the tearless eye, The heart no longer riv'n, And views the tempest passing by, Sees ev'ning shadows quickly fly, And all serene in heav'n.




4.There fragrant flow'rs immortal bloom,And joys supreme are giv"n ! There rays divine disperse the gloom.Beyond the dark and narrow tomb Appears the dawn of heav'n.


1 1 IltZI_tl_[ZZCI_,«_ll_IESEtE^£EKEsE£1:EtEEEEtEe^^ :fEgiilEE5i^l

00I^03Sr-A.- O. li/L. From " Morvmif IIarj,"By permissioD.

My Saviour,

I. My Sav - iour.




&c. Where will the growing numbers end,

my Al-migh-ty friend.When I t«-gin thy praise,Where will the grow - ing num - bars end, The num-bers of thy grace?

^EEpEipE|^iiS|5E5gp^i|ii^||pE"3ZpEE|^3|i|S*^ev - er-last - ing trust ; Thy goodness I a-dore ; And since I knew thy gra - ces first, I speak thy glo-riesmore.



2. Thou art.



3. How will .... my lips re-joice to tell The vict'ries of my King! My soul, re - deem'd from sin and hell. Shall thy sal va-tionsing.

:::^IZr ^t --^ --^-T'^=^--T-n-r-T t T-f^ ^t r«T-«'-

-#•f-^-- ll^i

112 B. t. tfXLLn>


1. My God, the spring of all my joys, The life of. my de - lights : The glo - ry of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights.


2. In dark-est shades, if he ap - pear, My dawn - ing is be - gun ; He is my soul's sweet morning star. And he my ris - ing sun.

^^^^^im^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^nos^A^isrisr^ft.. o. z^. Vmb the GcfTDSo.

iPj^^-i^is^iltgiiii^gif^iiiiiiPigi1. Oh, praise the Lord, for he is good; In him we rest ob - tain:- His mer-cy has through a - ges stood, And ev - er shall re -main.

2. Let all the pco pie of the Lord His prai-ses spread a - round ; Let them liis grace and love re -cord, Who have sal - va - tion found.

3. Now let the east in him re - joice. The west its tri - bute bring, The north and south lift up their voice In hon - or of their Kinj?.

stji^ist:ei:ei. o. :£>/!:.t. B. DlT«nK)JtT. 113

igiiiS^iSiiiiiiigig^i^iii^1. With sacred joy we lift our eyes To those bright realms above, That glorious temple in the skies. Where dwells e - ter - nal love.


2. While in the house of prayer we kneel, With trust and ho - ly fear : Thy mercy and thy truth re - veal. And lend a gracious ear.

m^^^M^fM^^^^^M^M -=i^+**»=fe|§ -0—0-ii



-(3-\-»5h -o—




1. As pants the hart for cooling streams,When heated in the chase : So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And thy refresh- ing grace

-&- \o-^-

5=#^- IfSiZ^ ii^EEp(©-"-fi?-

:1:--li=i^—<^ :*}-!S^+s^i :^:=*=s^ii: T^fE

2. For thee, my God, the liv - ing God, My thirsty soul doth pine ; Oh ! when shall I be - hold thy face. Thou Maj - es - ty di - vine ?

\md" r^-KJ-y-m ^^^

lU FlE"VEPtEl>TOE. C. IvI. No. 1.

with RaTvrMia^:=J5:lr^n?5l=:=^Iq:

1. Keep si-lcncc, all ere - a- ted things, Andwaityour Ma-ker'snod! Mjr soul stands trembliag while she sings The hon-ors of her God.

3. Be -fore his throne a vol-ume lies, With all the fates of men ;. With ev - 'ry an - gel's form and size, Drawn by th'e- ter - nal pen.



5. My God, 1 would not long to see My fate^ with cu - rious eyes ; What gloomy lines are writ for me, Or what bright scenes may rise.



•-^-es—9-^ - •— *- '- -•- •

nE^V'EI^EISrCE. O. 1^/L. No. 2.

with ReTtreaee.I t Cre*.


?-j^—^_^r.^_zdtI:-I 1 ^_T:;:_t^_^_iz_i l-1-I ri2. Life,death,and hell, and world.s un-known, Hang on his firm de - crec ; He sits on no pre - ca - rioua throne. Nor bor-rows leave to be.


^^E^Em--.-u-Ji'^zli^t:^.J::z?v=i^zz*5; :z_z^:]^=*z|*zf:?:zt:i^zri^—*z±iz*zitj

-^ jg—*II 'JCTJt —#Zl-(^ w 1 ,^g dI

4. His prov - i - dencc un - folds the book. And makes his coun-sels shine ; Each op - 'ning leaf, and 3v - 'ry stroke, Ful - fills some deep de - sign.

6. In thy fair book of life and grace, May I but find my name, Re - cord- ed in some hum-ble place, Be-neatb my Lord, the Lamb.



i--^z=:^^:q-»—l-f-^z=:zrq?zz;^^_^-|,.^_»_^_p::: gzzgzjzgz^JL-irpirpcziJgizz^TT? 1=^5

"X-OI^K: STIiEET. C. Is/L. Double.

Smooth and tlo^rtms.

^l.t^fi-=^ rd: :q=i-:^


IMzzezizai- zati'ztz^z; ::bzi*zzi^zz*:


The Lord himself, the mighty Lord, Vouchsafes to be my guide; The Shepherd, by whose constant care My wanta are all sup- plied.

^^^=|E^E^ :15:-1^—*—#-

:^=it5=r5z=t5r-^—^-^-zj: i^ Eft^^Ep^E^Ei^iEJ


-•—#- f5 I


:dv :*—i:

-•—(- P2. He does my wandering soul reclaim, And, to his end - less praise, Instruct with humble zeal to walk In his most righteous ways.



=«-* -# »-i^ni: tiS

In ten ' der grass he makes me feed, And gen-tly there re - pose; Then leads me to cool shades, and where Ro-fresh- ing wa - ter flows.

nl; f**-= ::4;:1:


5^ESfi5fl|iEeEg^iig;g^Ep^S^S3E$3^gEa^^S^Eg^ES^S^^EE3 :t^

:*zzit g^=^-I pass the gloomy vale of death, From fear and danger free ; For there his aid - ing rod and staff Defend and comfort me.


STEL.1L..A.- C- 3S^. Double

-:?2rZ^—-^ ^1. Hail, sweetest, dearest tie that binds Our glowing hearts in one; Hail, sa - cred hope, that tunes our minds To sing what God hath done.

^t^i§=i^zz^*y.^^BSzri "22;

2. From eastern shores, fro^i northern lands,From western hill and plain, From southern climes, the brother-bands May hope to meet a - gain;

^jJ^^^^ff^^^l^E^E^E^JlJ^EgE^gEEgSg^a^jg^3. No hope deferred, no part - ing sigh, That blessed meeting knows ; There friendship beams from every eye, And hope im-mor - tal grows.


:1=p: &—#-

p^ 1^#





- j


It is the hope, the blissful hope. Which gospel grace hath given ; The hope, when days and years are past. We alU shall meet in heaven.


It is the hope, the blissful hopa, Which love di - vine hath given : The hope, when life and time are o'er. We all shall meet in heaven.

'g^^^g^gjgl:r-'fS- q:

at 12^We^^^^i^^^^^^It is the bope, the precious hope,Whicb bonndless grace bath given : The hope, when time shall be no more,We all shall meet in heaven.

^-e^?:S ^^ -f-3>—•-


-ig'-^g^1 -iS #—(S--o-

fet th« •nnndathm b« dlitlnet •nd forefbl*. Crei.


.-±=-it± iv^:zszia:»-» ^^-(S


1. Whence these triumphant bursts of joy, Whose sounds thro' heaven ring "? They welcome Jesus to the sky, And crown him King of kings.And crown him King of kings.

i^an itt4=t^--

-r:i\^-S—r^-^ Ig^|-i-ri-:4^-#-^ *z=itz*±2^zl:^^z*tlit=ttt^::=t:


22: i





2. Look up, ye saints, and while you gaze,Forget all earth -ly things ; U-nite to sing the Saviour's praise,And crown him King of kings.And crown him King of kings

P P r-f^ , -T r~-^» 1 n-=TT-»-r»-r=^---——-H^-r--*-^S -o- lig X.-&-

-^lll^Z^Zfii::^zpi:^=p2Zi--i:ziTpz|:, gg g3 gg l#j -^r-«- -le-si-

IrS- S2I


3DE.A.2SrE_ O. Is-aZ-

Smootli and flo-wtng

•~i-»- ^pi-^ ^It^^T^^: ^±=H^^ -^h-»\- ^:^^

1. Re -turn, O -wanderer, now re - turn. And seek thy Father's face ; Those new de-sires which in thee burn. Were kindled by his grace.

fn=5: :^==]:: ^J=t±:z^=«t±*Z*zi^± b^^zn^Jn^l :i±:2^


li\—1—I- m -s^- =1:

-o- as2. Re -turn, wanderer, now re -turn. And wipe the fall - ing tear; Thy Fa-ther calls, no long - er mourn, 'Tis God in - vitcs thee near

-&—• -sn— »-I T'




118 BOISTEI^- O- 1^. Vron "iKbteth BtrtaamT," tor p<ra>li«*'a.

'^^l^zifze^zr:^'^^^^-^:^^^^^ -» v»ie—liz^fil^^li^^*=4:^T:=r:

=t:=:=t— E1. _0 for a thousand tongTjes to_«in{j My great Re- deemer's praise; The glo-ries of my God aod King.The triumphs of his j^race. The iriurapli'jcf his grace.

2 My gracious Master, and my Lord, As - sist me to pro-claim, To spread thro' all the earth a broad, The hon-ors of thy name, Tlie honors of thy name.3. Je - tual the name that calms our fearg,That bids our sor-rows cease ; 'Tis mu - sic in the sin-ner's ear, 'Tis life, and healtb,aDd peace,'Tis lire,andjiea]tli, &c.

4. He breaks the pow'r of reigning sin ; He sets the prisoner free: His blood can make the foul-est clean, Uis blood a - vail'd for me, His blood avail'd for me.

s|zgzizig.-y-p-.#ipz:p->-r-i:s=z=:zzlZ3::s|zgz#zigr-y--p-.#Jz:p-y-r-T:2giz=izilziz::--::izzzr=rizii:zzz=ipz:^=pzi:p:i^ =p:z/«i:zzf:zzipz:izi:z:x—zr-^^f^zt=|;iz.t:zUz:^z+^zi^E& :4zz==z*=:i^-^fezfeffzi^zi^if^zr^^


=fcz>[zzlzzzz:izz]zr=:zizzf5zzh:iz=:—Y- ^:izi=iz=:pzr^zf-ZTz:\zz:^zzizzzz:izz]zrz:ziz_4^_J\_3

1. See the kind Shep-herd, Je- sus, stands, And calls bis sheep by name ; Gatli - ers the fee - ble in bis arms. And feeds each ten - der lamb.

2. lie leads tnem to the gen - tie stream Where liv-ing wa - ter flows; And guides them to the ver-dant fields Where sweetest her-bage grows.

3.When,wand'ring from the peaceful fold, We leave the nar - row way. Our faithful Shep - herd still is near. To seek us when we stray.

|:g=:xz:^;z=t!^_^ ^zi , ,z:zi-H^-A_z1z=zzTzqzi:zz:;zz;zzz;z=zz=z.f?T ^zgzzzizz^sz-X z;zizzzr-

4. The weak -est lamb, a - mid the flock. Shall be its Shepherd's care ; While fold - ed in our Saviour's arms,We're safe from ev - 'ry snare.


-y^rXJ^ls/L&lL,0-^77'. O. Iswd:. Double. 119L Ton e«vre««)oiir.

||||-^^^gp||PJii||^ig=g:g^^E^§p|^^^^j^1. If hu-man kindness meets re - turn, And owns the grateful tie; If tender thoughts witbin us burn, To feel a friend is nigh;-


^m^-- m$mE£ £E^»= I]5ZI^

izziJzzzzizz*: llli^i^igi^t^lili^sigp^^^g^3. While yet in anguish be sur-veyed Those pangs he would not flee, What love his lat - est words displayed : "Meet and re-mem - ber me 1"

i^ s-0^-0- -0 M —•—L- :tz=z?=:ti:


-0 jl -=t5=jf: Ife^^SE




W=^ i2. Oh, shall not warmer accents tell The grat - i - tude we owe. To him who died our fears to quell— Our more than orphan's woe


J-c^i^^E^^fezfi^lizzfezz^^ziteLrDzfzq^^i--0^^-0—0 i^zr_^.i:^__j^__^_^_ij^-qzc^qziz^_^_i_^_#zi zt t_i.a^


4. Re - mem-ber thee—thy death, thy shame I Our sin- ful hearts to share ! memory ! leave no oth - cr name But bis re-cord -ed there.

gEg^^^iigiig li s—o- -O— i^zzs: g^ 5?rz2: ts-tzt!:P

120 PA-'v^iLioisr. c. isa:.U. M. WnCAA.

BOI.O. Soprano or BarltonAi ,-«^ ••*

1. The Lord of glo-ry is my light, And my sal - va-tion too ; God is my strength,nor will I fear What all my foes can do.

2. Now shall my head be lift - ed. high, A - bove my foes around ; And songs of joy and yic • to - ry Within thy tem • pie sound.

1. The Lord of glo-ry is nny light, And my sal - va-tion too ; God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can do.

\i :*


^-fii-'-^0-0-*-0''--e»-*— r , I ^^'i g-"—--•#—*—#—'--s

^0-0—m-^-i— —-^* *]


* III I ' I I






'1^1i III I II.' '. I V ' ^ '

2. Now shall my head be lift-ed high. Above my foes a-round ; And songs of joy and vic-to - ry With-in thy tera - pie sound.

^^ 4r^^r-r-r~^r"^V-^-^\^^r--^--t^-^ n .. \T-g'-F-Ti—r~i



-ir-P^* Use imall notes for first Suinca.

^li3Efe:l^^^fe£i —



I—I—Arranird b^ L. 0. EUSBSOy.

t^-J=C::±--t:zt:' zzztxr--Hzi|g^:g|^rP^-fgz^z^|:^^f:^-^

1. Great God, with won-dcr and with praise Oi^ all thy works I look; But still thy wisdom,pow'r.and grace Shine brightest in thy book.

2. Here are my choicest treasures hid ; Here my best com - fort lies ; Here my de - sires are sat-is - fied ; And here my hopes a - rise.

-SJ- -0-7; '.._. n 7''=^-—#-T-?5 T—


i-T - 'r^-^-»^j.-0--— -0.-0 -^-^ «2__f» :^Z :?: •a^_tf. js^,


3Sr.A.TJ3Sd:^A-3Sr- O. 3SA.kmiifii trom CmBUBIMI. 121



;p—•-S1. Up to tbe hills I lift mine eyes, There all my hope is laid; The Lord, who bu-lt the earth and skies, From him wiil t-oaic u^ir>j aid.

* 2. Thy foot unmoved he ev-er keeps. And all thy ways will guard ; He slumbers not, and nev - er sleeps— Thy keeper is wo Lord.

lii.^^ife=iiiig^igilli^=^^3. The Lord, thy keeper, shades thy way. Preserves thee in his sight : Nor shall the sun smite thee by day, Nor shall the moon by night.

-g) -




]—iT—:—1 r 1—~—i i r**1 .—^ i r*^

'"^t-i—H^r 1 z-i—i—^r'^-i

giP?=¥^ligEg^g^Bii^^|i4. The Lord pre-serves thy soul from sin. From e • vils great and sore ; Thy go-ing out and com - ing in, Now and for - ev - er - more.

-#—•- ^^^^^^^^^^m^^mms^sris^ip-AuTn^^r. o. 1^.

nna1. Be -hold, what pi - ty touched the heart Of God's e - ter- nal Son. De-seend - ing from the heav-enly court, He left his Fa-ther's throne.

0i 3 i^.•- i=*! ^ ^

:ta3^^^^mWfWlW^ i;s^F^ r-T-

fe: -& ^ iS^-m—i2. His liv - ing power and dy- ing love. Redeemed un-hap - py man, And raised the ru - ins of his race, To hie and God a -gam

:^z:ff:::z22•-A-t^ ^I l^-Tg:




122 .A^THEI^TOIT- O- IsAl. No. x.

^ iSSiti^^ifli;^-S)-i

h Mz -ij^—-^. zsA 1-t-t1^-i



-G- 22:

1. Sal - va-tioa ! Oh, tbo joy - ful sound! 'Tis pleasure to our ears ; A sovereign balm for eve - ry wound, A cordial for our fears


&1. Sal - va-tion ! Oh, the joy - ful sound! "lis pleasure to our ears ; A sovereign balm for eve- ry wound, A cordial for our fears.

=z£SSEt=zz: ggggli:^^^ -S*—(S-ez.B33 :^i=^ -(S- ii^y~P

~P~g ^^2=^«^

-A.TI^EIiT03Sr. O. 3i^. No. 2.

Eil2^=iiE§^ESi^^^l§^^^ 22iZit?2=S2: ?2^|::*


?2i=p:-«5»- 1

2. Buried in sor - row and in sin, At death's dark door we lay ; But we a - rise by grace di-vine, To see a heavenly day.


-O- -(S»- --«-i^zi?: i^pls^li

2. Buried in sor - row and in sin, At death's dark door we lay ; But we a -rise by grace di-vinc, To see a heavenly day

m-^-2?$!^S>—0—t il^^H i^^^^m^M^^s

-A-THEI^TOIN". No. 3. C. 1^/L.

3. Sal-va-tion!let the



e-chofly The spacious earth a • rounfi,While all the ar-miesof the sky Conspire to raise the sound. Conspire to raise the sound.



3. Sal-va-tlon ! let the




EEfefeEEtSae-chofly The spar-ious earth a - round,While all the ar-miesof the sky, Conspire to raise the sound.3. Sal-va-tlon I let the e-chofly The spar-ious earth a - round.While all the ar-miesof the sky. Conspire to raise the sound. Conspire to raise the sound.

3SJ:00I^S. G. 3iv^. W. T. DAVIS.

1. Fa-ther of light, con-duct my feet Thro' life's dark, dang'rous road ; Let each ad - vanc-ing step still bring Me near-er to my God.

2.Teachme in ev-'ry va-rious scene To keep my end in sight; And while I tread life's ma - zy track, Let wis - dom guide me right.

Foi3. Till it shall lead me to thy -self, Foun-tain of bliss and love! And all my dark-ness be dis-pers'd Tn end -less light a - bove.


^zqzizs^zr ttSZlZ^ZT^ZZpiZ

^-^—•;I:^=:*:±:tzziztz±ti=i::±"-2^ EiEg^ :t;±± ^ zz : #4'4s»—


124 OI-.irTOI>T. C. 1JL. IT- _

^^m^-^mwii^m^i \m:RIV

-<S- -(»-=^ -•—

nv:j2.g1. There is an eye that nev-er sleeps Be - neath the wing of night; There is an ear that nev - er shuts, When sink the beams of iigai.

^ -0- —^ -0- -«>-.- -#- • -e»- -0-\' • -Gr -*- ^-^ ^~>^ C^ C^ m m m .^_

2. There is an arm that nev - er tires, When human strength gives way ; There is a love that nev - er fails, When earth-ly loves de-caj.


^ ^

^^-^^ ±=ZA.



-G^-m-~"\^^'^~-'—'^~ '^

3. That eye is fii'd on ser-aph throngs ; That arm upholds the sky; That ear is fill 'd with an - gel songs; That love is thron'don high.

litZlt JS.m -iS--a^EiE

CILII^TOlSr, O. I^. No. 2.


i -•- -•-r -*- a—•-^s^ ^^

4. Butlhere'aapowr which man can wield,When mor-tal aid is vain ; That eye, that arm, that love to reach, That list- 'ning ear to gain.

T JyiT'T""—

~. Tzzzzzrzzz




fcgf--—=E|z-zz=r:zi;E|=tE5|==:1^^E ^^r4^M^m^\^-G—esr'

5. That pow'r is prayer.whinh soars on high,Through Je - bus, to the throne ; And moves the hand which moves the world,To bring sal - va • tion down !

^Iliil^^illSllllill-l^liii m: % " *"


M^-A.^STBIi- O. IsJL

1. Prayer is the soul's sin - cere de - sire, Uttered or un - expressed ; The motion of a hid - den fire That treiu

2. Praver is the bur-den of a sigh, The fall-ing of a tear. The upward glancing of an eye, When nonebles in ths breast

but God is near.

mm. ^it: 5||Eilp^iSiilii2S^|ig|EEiEi^|iE3. Prayer is the simplest form of speech That in-fant lips can try ; Prayer the sub-lim-est strains that reach The Maj - es - ty on high.

4. Prayer is the con-trite sin - ner's voice, Re - turning from his ways ; While angels in their songs re -joice, And cry, "Be - hold, he priys."

4^T=» '^-0


5. O thou by whom we come to God, The Life, the Truth, the Way ! The path of prayer thy-self hast trod ; Lord ! teach us how to pray.



'Z'lDOI-.EnS^. o, is/r.CH. ZKUNER.

Trom " Aocient Lyre," by pcraiuloo.

i#.Allpcra ViTac<*<

¥^^^-2:=^ :^zz?iis^—^—& :M—azz^I s»-

z^ziit—^. s0ih

1. Let eve- ry mor-tal ear at - tend. And eve - ry heart re -joice ! The trumpet of the gos-pel sounds, With an in - vit - ing voice.


G>—(&in: I5E:^-

-H- :3^ :stL--•—o- il^ :«:


& i^M^ -•5^-25^ 1«if

2. Ho! all ye hun - gry, starving souls, Who feed up- on the wind, And vain - ly strive, with earthly toys, To fill an emp-tymind:-

-G>- M^^^^l^^^^^^^ -^H'JM M^E^^.-tS-'-Si-

8. E - ter - tal wis-dom has prepar'd A soul - re - viv - ing feast; And bids your longiag ap - pe - tites The rich pro - vis - ion taste.

m '-'J^Ti


-is-t 15—?:

-g^-tiP :±z^ '-fs-fs-


126 -\^XlsrC3: C- li/L.w. R. tAWua

1. The Lord our God is full of might,The winds obey his will; He speaks.aDd, in his heav'nly height The rolling sun stands still, The roll - ing sun stands still.

i. Re - bol, ye waves,and o'er the land,With threat'ning aspect roar; The Lord up-lifts his aw - ful band, And chains you to the shore, And chains yon to the shore.

4. His voice sub-lime is heard a - far, In' distant peals it dies; He yokes the whirlwind to bis car. And sweeps the howl-ing skies, And sweeps the howling skies.

^MiM^M^^^mSk^S^^^^^Mi^^M^.EL-VsTOOID. a, H^.

Very toft and genVJo.

1. As o'er the past my mem'ry strays,Why heaves the se-cret sigh? 'Tis that I monrn de - part-ed days. Still un-pre - par'd to die. Still nn - pre-par'd to die.

2.The world, and worldly things be-lov'd. My anxious tho'ts employ 'd; And time unhallow'd, un-Im-prov - ed, Pro-sent* a fearful void. Pre sents a fear -ful void.

Pzz:^-^i±-e2zMi^zii-^zi±±zJH:^zMl^zMt^±fi±:z2zli^3. Yet, Ho - ly Father, wild de - spair Chase from my laboring breast; Thy grace it is which prompts the prayer.That grace can do the rest,That grace can do the rest


KCE.A.IDIL.E-'Z'. C J^. 127::herBl Stri«> 8tToii«. -^^

fc^- i#—•-^3e!^

'^—0^ ^=rti


jPJ^EgJgPJ^jgtg 1=Z

1. Tliou art uiy portion, my God ; Soon as T know thy way, My heart makes haste t' o - bey thy word, And suffers no de-lay

B f \IJ±=BEa=ig =t-*—1^ 1

^i-lii^^^^Ej^ll^S |E

iiPs t::t=


2. I choose the path of heavenly truth. And glo - ry in my choice ; Not all the rich - es of the earth Could make me so re - joice

i^iiiiiiiilIt ^jIeI :mzzm.SBO^^^HDOIZSr. o. l^.d:.


1. Let all the lands, with shouts of joy. To God their voi -ces raise ; Sing psalms in hon - or of his name, And spread his glo - riouspraise.

^^Egg^^^^^il^lMg sr& ^1^12^(S^ ig

2. And let them say, " How dreadful, Lord, In all thy works art thou ! To thy great power thy stubborn foes Shall all be ^forced to bow."

i^ft-. -«



128 TEST^^^ooiD. c. iv^a:.B. mssMK

^i^lli^teliiiiii^i^l&lli'^SliiSi'S1. 'Tis by thy strength the moun-tain3 stand, God of e - ter - nal pow'r! The sea grows calm at thy com-mand,And tem • Deeta cease to roai.

tzx.±^^ji±tzg: ^-25^"


2. Thy morning light, and eve - ning shade, Suc-cess-ive com-forts bring; Thy plenteous fruits make har- vest glad ; Thy flow'rs a - dorn the spring.


s>- iiilg3=^5]^^s^| :p:h25^zz*:is=*;±:z5^=t£±B^zSpzIiz?f:t::LtE

3. Seasons and times, and moons and hours, Heav', and air are thine ; When clouds dis- till in fruit-ful show'rs.The au - thor is di - vine !

i^^iii^Esii^es; -iS-

ffi^l^E=lilii^=^iES.A^XiljISOlSr. O. IL^E.

S^^l^^li^i t==ctteiE:t::f--t;ztz±4i:mzi:^zt.T:zi:ti:z^:z±r.=tizi,

^F^=;sii^li1. O God, ac - cept this sa-credhour Which we to thee have giv'n, And let this hal-low'd scene have pow'r To raise our souls to heav'n.

^fezq:|z-:4zzz-izqzq:i:^feMr=rfe :z^'zz^i2^: -G-"--^-'

2. Still let us hold, till lite de - parts. The pre-cepts of thy Son; Nor let our thoughtless, thankless hearts For - get what he has done.

#^zi^gs<:iz=z—i -sti-'^-^i f r—if^-n-f-gg-g4^-F-g<4 g-g^T-^ J-; r-hp|g|g^|S|sl^

3. His true dis - ci-plej" may we live, From all cor - rup-tion free; And hum-bly learn like him to give Our pow'rs, our wills to thee.



L. 0. BSTERSOW. lOQFrom " Sabbat b IlArmon;," by pannisitDB. 1^«7


^?1. O for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free; A heart that •!- ways feels thy blood So free-ly spilt for me.


2. A heart re-sign'd, sub - missive, meek ; My great Re-deemer's throne ; Where on - ly Christ is heard to speak,Where Je - sus reigns a - lone.



3. A fceart in ev - 'ry thought re-new'd, And full of love di - vine ; Per - feet and right, and pure and good, A cop - y. Lord, of thine.

is/rj^:RT^rTiJDOii^, o. is/l.

M zzt:iTzdz:jzTz:to:TZzj=f=zl:i—zz^nizz]

^t^I ~ ]-JstAzsAi^it^z^^z .J!:^z-^:±-^itj^±flziJ: ::ffi=:2^: z-^zt:


-.^-l. qiTzqzznrzz^ziitTzzlzzi

-es- -&- "g?~gtz:^zgg:zzzi'


^ i__^r^


*t1. Lord,when we bend be - fore thy throne, And oar con - fes - sions pour, Teach us to feel the sins we own. And shun what we de - plore.


::1 -q--jLt-&-^



2. Our cou-trite spir-its pitying see, And pen-i-tence im - part ; And let a heal-ing ray from thee Beam hope up -on the heart.

S#- r-^T-& -&-T~X\z-^:XX-^-^\-fSZ4si^^



130 -A.-voisri:>.A.x.E- c. ns/L. K. WHTTIKO

-*—»- ~Eg^- 1^E^E^E^I'^E^Eg t:^zzlz-n—


IsE^^i^^^1. Mor-tals. a-wake. with an - gels join, And chant the sol - emn lay; Joy, love, and grat - i - tudc com-bine To hail th' auspi - ciotis day".

t--:\'. -fSt-. -Z2—Zjdr =^-*—*—*-

2. In heaven the rapturous song be-gan. And sweet ser- aph - ic fire Through nil the shin-ing le-gions ran. And strung and tuned the lyre.


3^ With joy

a«—r—^ 1*-

joy the cho - rus we'll re - peat,— Glory to God on high ! Gwod will and

r412^ ^

d peace are now complete ; Je- sus was born to die!'

3-=:1: Ts?:•—•—*H- l^'\^\f—^—*'1i===zzr^Tzi1


-(S» «--^P

4. Hail, Prince of life ! for-ev • er hail, Re - deem-er, broth-er, friend ! Tho' earth, and time, and life, should fciil, Thy praise shall nev - er end

IvflZ^^nsrCHESTEI^- C. 3VC.Db. hatks.

r^T4^ '^^f^ '^^mmf m^^m^^mx^^mm'^V^

1. Thee will 1 , bless, Lord, my God, To thee my wice I'll raise. Forever spread thy fame abroad,Forever spread thy fame abroad, And daily sing thy praise.


^=^ -0—0-

2. My Boul shall glo-ry in the Lord, His wondrous acts proclaim ; Oh let us now his love record, Oh let us now his love record. And magni - fy his name.

Ef^^^=^rt^ s»-i\w=w=^w-- w=w=w

E^a -72:^m

OBO^^OE. 3VC. 0. 131


1. My God I the spring of all my joys, The life of my de -


J).—'^ -I--tr=l=::$:t:=5=:=]:iz^rF=^:f

2. la dark-est shades, if he ap - pear, My dawning is be

3. The opening heav'ns a - round me shine With beams of sa - cred


lights; The


gun ; Hebliss,WhiIe

-^::ti:zrzf4z=t:ziglo - ry of my brightest

is my soul's sweet morning

Je-sus his heart is



days, And corn-forts of my nights!^7v

1Btar, And he my ris - ing sun.

mine. And whispers I am his!


4. My soul would leave this hea - vy clay; At that trans-port-ing

'^ ~^l^f:^Ir^z^:fI-^E^:|-^4z^z|^zSz^±-:z^?bz:2trzf:tzi?zz±:p:=_i:t:T:=-=i:t:~ii:-i—~z±-z^: i

word, Run


up with joy the shin-ing way, T' em-brace my dear-est Lord.

gif=l^-jil^iilliEEi- T-^-7>rrT-fS

:zpzz-LZztz:r::tizztzt i.^.tl^




nxjiMiis^rEXj. a. 3vr, From " American Harp," by pccmlMioB.

Alleero assai.




1. A - wake, ye saints, to praise your King,Your sweetest passions raise; Your pi-ous pleasure, while you sing, In - creasing with the praise.

1 1 C._.I_ ^ L^.I.^_C-^.T^^-^.T-^_^T^_^.1.S,_:_IZ_1 «_^_^.T^ZZi:--tS-G-



,>5ze:5|:^z-2^_fe:z=?;|:^^zpzi ?zEtzirz?;z*z:it:i-J^tJiziz-^4iz3z:t :iit*z**l:2^:iiEx:f^?z*EJ|;^m

2. Great ia the Lord—and works un-known Are his di-vine em - ploy ; But still his saints are near his throne, His trea-sure and his joy.

s^-j-s/-— T

r-^' ,-^-*^^ -^^- — Si»-T-e>' B -


-t a x T T T 1 IZHl^^^-^\w\--::^JXzz\zzz=m-\z-^^^


132 TJ KT ID I isrE . C. ISA:.

^SiSiigliiii fZ^W-: mt I. nowa.

1. Je-su«. I love thy charming name; 'Tis mu - sic to iny ear; Fain would I sound it out »o loud That earth and heav'n might hear.



2. All that mj loftiest thoughta can wish In thee doth rich-ly meet ; Nor to my eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet.


—t^4:3r:i^1 0-0-'— il^Si^gi

COI^EnL.3L.I. C- ISAi.


:^ :^: -!S»- ni2_T=^;:^iz :::sr: 221 -s»- ZZZiZlTZZZZ-SJ-

Is?: -^r-fs- -H-

22: li1. How help-less gull- ty na - ture lies, Un-con-scious of her load! The heart unchanged can nev - er rise To hap-pi-ness and God.

5=E,|iif ±-^- ^#i:^=S^I:^ -s?- :st -s^-

^=l=]"-a gj -^ 12211 :s^: if^^Sl^

2. Can aught be - neaih a power di-vine The stub-born will sub-due ? 'Tis thine, al - migb-ty Sa-viour, thine, To form the heart a - new.

-&--Si-i r—


-O-T r- I2231::3 :^=^ :s:

is:Si:22^^;^:r T=t

::2:^=rz::^PI :^ -<si- s3. Oh, change these wretched hearts of our?, And give them life div - ine ! Then shall our pas-sions and our powers. Al - migh-ty Lord, be thine.

H gg I /^—^3-1—^-r h 1—.»^-r-S? —



ETEI^lSriT^ST. C- 1>/L. ca. zEunER. 1 Q^'ram " American llurp," by pcrmluioa. XOO

1. The time is short ! sin - ners, be - ware, Nor tri-fle time a -way; The word of great sal - va - tion hear, While yet 'tis call'd to day.

-0- -&-«-"t^js^-^


2. The time is short ! sin - ners now To Christ, the Lord, sub - mit


To mer - cy's gold - en seep - tre bow, And fall at Je - sus' feet.

3. The time is short! ye saints re - joice, The Lord will quick-ly come; Soon shall you hear the Sav-iour's voice, To call you to your home.



-&—m 12^];i;T^a-?=^:^?=g=F=g=^='''^'^^•:i-:=:rzq:i:^zzz:iz^z=q:


E:2:5:H;:p=:^zz^:::^^zz^ i:dzzzz=z4—


Arranfiwi from » SCOTTISH MKLOBT

1. E - ter - nal Spir-it, God of truth, Our con-trite hearts in - spire ; Ro - vive the flame of heav'niy love. And feed the pure de - sire.

--1- ::1=:ife=q=il-3i^:fezzi]=:43:iitizzzEz?i::4=^zz:"i1z=^i:^§:z5Szz3ii:^=2i±:i:=:i=^3E^i:a^ii:5=:s^=25'-f:^zt--^:f:^zzi' :d2::


t::=5=ZpS^.0 « o.Jl_ffi-I-»—^—25*-

iilr-&- -€^

l:tzz?=:^lz^±±:=ti=t:^P=±i==t-t: ^2. 'Tis thine to soothe the sorrowing mind,With guilt and fear op-press'd ; 'Tis thine to bid the dy - ing live. And give the wea - 17 rest.


-s/--- 3^e3^z^eeeE^^S --^:i=zqzr:^i:q=::^=z^=:zq:x-^=f^t=zz^^|Jz-gz=gzz2^|-jE

134 TTIOTOI^-X'. c 3vr

WitU boldne

l.Sing, all ye ransom 'd of the Lord,Your great De - liv-'rcr sing; Ye pil-grims, now for Zi - on bound, Be joy-ful in your King, Be joy-ful in yourKing.

2. His band di - vine shall lend you on Thro'allthe blissful road; Till to the sacred mount you rise, And see your gracious God,And see your gra-cious God.

3. March on in your Redeemer's strength,Pursue his footsteps still; With joy - ful hope still fix your eye On Zion's heav'nly hill. On Zi - on's heav'nly hill.

mm^E^^ ^m ^^Em^mm^^^ m^^^ms^^&^^^^msexjEOi^iste. o. 3vr.

-^1. Oh for a clo - ser walk with God, A calm and heav'nly frame; A light to shine up - on the road That leads me to tl>eLamb,That leads me to the Lamb!



2. Where is the blessed - ness I knew,When first I saw the Lord? Where is the soul -re - freshing view Of Jk-sus and his word.Of Je sas and hi* word.


3. What peaceful hours I once on - joy'd! How sweet their raera-'ry still! But they have left an aching void The world can never fill, J'^e world can never fill.

--j^^:g:^tzzb±:^-czzbh:z:g:tiiz±^:f:pzpz£::n—?-^ —F-l i-^F#-*-gig'-<gj 1

li^ESSI-A.13:. O- J>wd:. Double. 135

xSiwith irreat ipirjt.

ai5^^jgEggEgEgiP^E|E>:|g4^gi?JE3EEfE;EEEEPPi^E|^1. Mor-tals, a - wake, with an-gels join, And chant the sol - emn Jay; Joy, love, and grat - i - tude com bine To hail th' aus-pi - cious day.


2. The theme, the song, the joy was new To each an- gel - ic tongue ; Swift tbro' the realms of light it flew. And loud the e - cho rung.

H* . . ... ''^

3. Hark i the cher - u

7rv#-Ji:--«Y--— T z=—=-:

bic ar - mies shout, And Glo - ry leads the song ; Peace and sal - va - tion swell the note Of all the heav'nly throng.

.fa. -,~


j*4In heav'n the rapt'rous song be - gan, And sweet se - raph - ic fire Thro' all the shin -ing le-gions ran, And swept the sound-ing lyre.


»—O(-, 1-,—K —*


cfzf^*zE».: zfi- ^z-Jrz^lhzzz-Uz=t^^:i--:

aan.Down, thro' the por-talsof the sky, The pealing an - them ran ; And an-gels flew, with ca-ger joy. To bear news to man.

±:tzz;t-:i:;zz=:?zzpzztzz±;pil:-_tzz:^z:izzl::;zz+''z-*-^-+^-3^s^z;s^Z3^zJ:gi^ |--z:zititzM*~^~^^

With joy the cho - rus we re- peat," Glo -ry to God on high !" Good will and peace are now com-plete ; Je - sus

.*jfc-b—rj—,^-4--' 1—-*—fcr-+i F" ^—-7—


Biig_^SEg;f:^EE5E^pj:E :?=?^: -I—


-1— iszitizizf:^


born to die.


166 CL-A-^STTOISr. S. OVt, Double.*

with tpliit.

glsH^l^liP^iii;] :t=: t2^Z=i^

Sol-diorsof Christ a - rise, And put your ar - inor on; Strong in the strength which God sup - plies Thro' his e - ter - nal Son-

«3-S»—f:22 F-


3 Thro'

-?:^---2?-'-^—^^^-Is^-"-"-"-^—"—-"^—''-^-^—^-"-'S'-'2. Stand then, in his great might, With all his strength eu - dued ; But take, to arm you for the fight, The pan- o - ply of Goa



3. Stand then a - gainst your foes, In close and firm ar - ray ; Le-gions of m - ly fiends op - pose,Throughout the e - vil day


I-rFZ5^^==T^=MmM^E±^^i?S:4. Leave no un - guard - ed place, No weakness of the soul ; Take ev - 'ry ^ vir - tue, ev - 'ry grace, And for - ti - fy the whole.

[gSi^lliiEyi*0r Single, by ending here.


1 his migh - ty pow'r, Who in the strength of Je - sus trusts. Is more than con- quer-or.2. Strong in the Lord of hosts, And



-is-^-s,-. IS^ZZS^.I^^t^TI^ZZ^I.,

That, hav-ing all things done, And all your con - fliets past, Ye may o'er -come, thro' Christ a - lone, And stand en - tire at last.

Bat meet the sons of night, But mock their yain de - signs, Arm'd in the arms of heav'n-ly light. Of right-eous - ness di - vine.

\T^:2i=*zz*zf-_^zzE Ia-V €3


zzztziz^zii^zz*-'--^——^ ^-^^~^ ^ ^-T^- P^^— ^-\-&'\q - '-j^ ;—j^-f-S? '^--^-

In - dis - so - lu - bly join 'd. To bat - tie all pro-ceed; But arm your - selves with all the mind That was in Christ your head.

jp:jbil.:ej:j^-l/l. s, is^.Br pvrmisaioa.



-^—iz g^-rs—»'X^-

-G>- g§:^9—•—


i^z: ^5=^

&i^ 2^7.^1


1. 0, where shall rest be found ; Rest for the wea - ry soul ? 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound, Or pierce'to ei - ther pole.

T-%=^~B53; W^. ^=^"S?- isriiiii^

::^-:G. :z2i 3 221I

SJr "Z7 ^ TSr

2. The world can nev - er give Toe bliss for which we sigh; Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die.



J I ciZcSg He^s^^^^.^^—



=^= -& • 9- -&—9'—g)—f- jo:

3. There is a death, whose pang Out-lasts the fleet - ing breath ; 0, what ap - pall-ing hor - rors hang Around the "sec-ond death;"



?2=r^ —\-f2—w—w -<S— (!S>-

I 1— I—


^ZZJtfS»- <s>-

I<S |!S>- 1



P¥ :=1:-#=p:

1^1^:^^iij=M±L*—*- &'12^: :-=~ziz:


1. How ten- der is thy hand, thou most gracious Lord, Af-flict - ions come at thy com- mand, Andleaveus at thy wori

W^- ^ -c^"

:f^=i^=}: ^^i^^^^^^^pp^S^5^


-7^-li-• *-

33;is: ig| -»-•-

:J5=C^ Sf3Bzi=hi:=X=f5pSf•zirf-i±izz*=a!=tb3E

2. How gen - tie w;ij thy rod That chasten 'd us for sin I How soon we found a smil - in^ God. V here deep distress had been.

1^ B^ 9^i'81

zt-(9- -O-

138 s^A^BB^A^Tii E"VE3sri3sra-. s. :^^1^ o.


rj^zz^sr^L-H 1-

^^4^^- 3^-«=^='st5^p ^i1. Sweet Sabbalh of tlie year. While evening lights de - cay ; Thy parting steps methioks I hear, Steal from the world a - way, Steal from Uie world a - way

ass":^^-^ l§


^^«S§lP^^>^lg^g#g^l^^g^^=^g^^ii2. A - mid thy si - lent bowers 'Tis sad, but sweet to dwell Where falling leaves and drooping flow'rs, Arotind me breathe farewell, Around me breathe farewell.


'~~T~T ' — ^-^ 1(-







BEETPa:o"VEisr. s. 3^sj:.Arruiged from BKETHOTKf.


tti; H 1 1 1- 4—- ^-r





-0—9—M—MZ -*—#—#-^--p:-^- i^iipi^^

1. While my Redeemer's near, ^ly Shopherl ami my Guide, I bil firewell to eve-ry f-ar, My wants are all sup -plied

izzmuz:-9—0' Ei; zM—t: -«3i*-

-«>. -#--•—•- -*

9- P

^^§£^4zs: 3-•—*- ;lEi^='i^Ef; -.minU:

2. To ev - er fragrant meads. Where rich a - bundanee grows. His gracious hand in - dulgent lead-!. And juards my sweet re - pose.

5=t^jfHhtt JtzzM-

-c—•- -M—aI

J^UUf-\ ^



I 1=3-—# -; ^^mm ii

EXJI^OI'-A.. S. 1^.>IM»|i«.

e:^:1. "The Lord is risen in - deed :" Now is his work perfurm'd ; Now is the migh • ty Cap-tive freed, And death our foe disarmed.

*:*S»s:et -^ ^g^ i =1—4::-g^^^j_^_^iIP =t

iSdr-stig^ js^izi: zz-o-

igl-.22z:?i«±j:^: s3. Then take your gold - en lyres, And strike each cheer-ful chord ; Join all the bright ce - les - tial choirs, To sing our ris - en Lord.

?% o 1


g—I-II I

r :T12^1::^I


r4-^—&- =32T=p: :^=^ ^rrif^mg=^g

2. "The Lord is risen in - deed :" At -tend-ing an - gels, hear ; Up to the courts of heaven, with speed, The joy - ful tid - ings bear.

Si -J^ ^ -s?- :^=P2:±-.2^

-O- -o-&^—m-

-C^-'j^m s- :^

isi 1EIL.EK.T01^. S. nS/I.


i^zifeiji^zz*: liZZit li =«zi!



^tXzM^J^ZZL p=g-pggSg|^i!1. When o-verwhelmcd with grief. My heart with - in me dies. Help-less, and far from all re - lief. To heaven I lift mine eyes,

2. Oh lead me to the Rock Tbat's high a - bove my head! And make the cov-ert of thy wings My shel - ter and my .«harlo.



-(S>- -tf-^=^^^efe

'\. Within thy pres-ence. Lord, For - ev - er I'll a- bide: Thou art the tower of my de-fence, The ref-uge where I hide.

:ii^=^silSi§t=t=; -0—•- -&-m :f5z::i^-

\^m\^^^4. Thou giv- Cot me the lot Of those that fear thy name; If end-less life be their re-ward, I shall pos - sess the same.

|>^z^zz^—ezJTfz*::^^ZI|^S33S1^^S^-O—0- -o-

X--- "feg-i4-^J^i

140 k:ii^ s. ^s/l.B. r. MBKKOI..

1 O, where shall rest be found, Rest for the wea- ry soul? 'Twere vain the o- cean depths to sound, Or pierce to ei -

-•- -- -0- • -0-0—d- -•- -*- -•-ill

mther pole.

2. The world can nev - cr give The bliss for which we sigh ; 'Tia not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die.

W^—^ • 0--i~^-' 0^0-^*~0—



--^ ^-ifzz*:

± 1.-0 —^_J_«

3. Be-yond this vale of tears, There is a life a - oove, Unmeasured by the flight of years, And all that life is love.

i^:tzzi^z::^Mzzt: 'iiiiiiPi 122: ii

:^==Srz,MzzMz-ttz -0—•-

' # ' S #—•- 1_

SS:2:zz=z?=?- -s>- m=i^^:t-'


:: -z^—^ZL Tjrrw^W^m.tzz^zzt

22: Si1. Come, Ho- ly Spir - it, come, Let thy bright beams a - rise; Dispel the sor - row from our minds. The darkness from our eyes.

^t=^^—^ ;—^- liiSi^i^ESiSfiiiii MSzziziit -&—r^2. Convince us of our nin ; Then lead to Jc - sua' blood ; And to our wond'ring view re - veal The se- cret love of God.

rf=U=zt:fSI & §ji—M—9iz 3:'S>—^ -&-

3. Re-vlve our droop-ing faith; Our doubts and fears re-move : And kindle in our breasts the flame Of nev-er - dy - ing love.

- qizzpzrp:->~~p~y" -&—f^ ^ jtz*: nt -(S

&- 14=t=t::^=2z: :^ 1^^^^

J^lDlDX&CDlsr. S- 3^wa:, 141irtth rMverenee.

1 Our heavenly Father, bear The prayer we of- fer now ; Thy name be hallowed far and near, To theoall nations bow. To thee all nations bow.

2. Thy kino-dom come ; thy will On earth be done in love', As.saints and ser - a- phiin ful-fil Thy perfect law a - bove, Thy perfect law a - bove.


n3. Our daily bread sup -ply, While by thy word we live; The guilt of our in - i-qui-ty Forgive, as we forgive. Forgive, as we forgive.

4 Thine then forev - er be Glo - ry and pow'r di -vine ; The sceptre, throne. and majesty Of heaven and earth are thine,Of heaven and earth are thine.

9-9~G>- iii klili^^^?i


2. I>


B.A.ISri2:SI3DE. S. liJL.



1. One sweetly sol - emn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er, Near - er my part - ing hour am I Than e'er I was be - fore.

2. Near-er my Father's house. Where many mansions be; Near - er the throne where Je - sus reigns. Near- er the crys - tal sea;


-^ -<s*-

3. Near - er my go -

m z± =1- I =1-


-j^—^zrrs^:'m3E-E3IIMfinw home. Lay - ing my bur - den down. Leaving my cross of heavy grief, Wearing my star - ry crown;


I^SgiSil^l^^i^:4. Near-er that hid - den stream,Winding thro' shades of night. Roll -ing its cold, dark waves between Me and the world of light.

5! Je - sus ! to thee I cling ; Strengthen my arm of faith ; Stay near me while my way-worn feet Press thro' the stream of death.

^^m^^^^^^^M :2^ Sl^ :^X 3i

142 ID.A.IR,I^IOOTT. S. IS^.OUwIa*

'—--•*! —^— '- 1 —-—-L—-t+ 11•=f=P:^


—• ^=tz=;2=5c I


iit' ^S—


SiI. How charming is the place Where my Ke-deem-er, God, Un - vails the beauties of his face, And bhcds his love a-broad !

§p^p[p|gi^^^gl3iil^ilg^^^feiilS3. Here on tho mer - cy - seat. With ra-diant glo - ry crowned, Our joy - ful eyes be-hold him sit, And smile on all a-round.

g^li=iS J=*zf: m i3. To him our prayers and cries Our bum-ble souls pre-sent ; He lis - tens to our brok-en sighs, And grants us eve - ry want.

?rk-3:=«=»i=S?:S3e V^^^I

:i=p: ^^lii t- iM^-lOL^

4. Give me, Lord, a place With-in thy blest a - bode, A - mong the chil-dren of thy grace, The ser - vants of my God.


@^i -0— —&—(&- I.J. 22::

-i1 h-

1. Come to the house of prayer, ye af- flict - ed, come: The Go'd of peace shall meet you there. He makes that house bis home.

m^ 3:-0 —e;^- ig^-zhs- ' gsi ' #

—^—5 I

g; *- es-^ —• e^-^-0— gj *-es ' #^^—gg g * es~^~2. Come to the house of praise. Ye who are hap - py now ; In sweet ac - cord your voic - es raise, In kin-dred horn - age bow.

Sfzgj^JzijE^Jzjii^r^J-^3. Ye a - ged, hith - er come, For ye have felt his love ; Soon shall your trembling tongues be dumb, Your lips for - get to move.

tiWE^^zitzbriHySr 1 L;—j:



^^E^ ii^z:::-

1 Ti

1—r^ s yg^E^^^gE

JL.XIST'VT'OOJD. S- ha:. Mm. . B. CLARK. 143. Mo^erato.



-0—0-\-iS» It:






1. The day is past and gone, The ev'ning shades ap - pear; Oh may I ev - er keep in mind The night of death draws near.

^-^-0=]=i|z±z:1:-f- -?^-i:zi=z]ziz=z==i1iIzi]ztzq=izq=:5zzdz=^=Izz=zj=f]z:Ezzzfa=zd:f;izfjzlz=H=fFzizi^zi3=jzz^zf_gJzt-_ggzfza'zi^-gz=.^zizj=^-^-EzJ-Jz^zzjzzg=ijzt— -&

2. Lord, keep me safe this night, Se - cure from all my fears; May an - gels guard me while I sleep, Till morn-ing light ap • pears

4zizfzizz*=*zz?zi3^ztzzzfzz=tzzzt==lzz±tzzt:t:z:tzEzzE=EzzEztztzz=rizz*zztz?ztz^=izz*zz^z±z^3. Lord,when my days are past, And I from time re- move, Oh may I in thy bo-somrest. The bo - som of .thy love.


I—f—T-s-FTg-T-»—« >-ff-FF-T-»—»—*—»-?-*—:—I


T^rA-L<3-HA.-VB. S. 3^.

kzyi^^Eiigyii1. Oh, bless the Lord,my soul! His grace to thee pro-claim;

-(3-+-0~-0-0—F—»—^Attzzi:tzvzlzz4z:ztz:5And all that is with-in me


join To bless his ho - ly name. To

:tz^^ Etz±:t:z:^ztziz:izzttizi^ztziz:

bless his ho - ly name.

:i5i*z3=ii2. Oh,bless the Lord,my soul! His mercies bear in mind; For -get not all bis ben -e


fits : The Lord to tJiee is kind, The Lord to thee is kind,

rise. And rea-dy to a - bate. And rea-dy to a - bate.3. He will not al - ways chide ; He will with pa-tience wait : His wrath is ev - er slow to


4. He pardons all thy sins, Pro-longs thy fee - ble breath; He heal-eththy in-firm - i- ties, And ransoms theefrom death,And ransoms theefromdeath.

rtizr. :gzi=fEifz1zz:t5ai=3izs^t-Mzji.-^-&\


lU l)^-A.IDISOISr- S. IwC

with boldne


:^ j;-o- -¥ sm -(S3

:—Z—^z±:z::zlirz7zizrz--es- im

1. Mw .«ou!!be on thj guard; Ten thousand foes a - rise; The hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the ski

} ^^ ^-\-0—#

^~ Si>-+-^-| 1--} ' aH 14-—

I-1-1 • ^+-1

:p:---iS?-ijE;-^zi -i&- ISCa

2. Oh,watch, and fight, and pray ! The bat - tie ne'er give o'er ; Re - new it bold - ly ev - 'ry day, And help di - Tine im - plore

3. Ne'er think the vie - t'ry won, Nor lay thine ar - mor down; Thy ar-duouswork will not be done Till thou ob - tain the crown.

z—;^_i—i-j, 1 1

—I j_i—i-i' -


»— -.-5'—!--#


m——I—^^?^ tis:

P4. Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God! He'll take thee at thy part-ing breath, Up to his

^-.,„ ^ ^ ._,_-^_^ _ ,_«—*—•--- (Z? • p—k—•__. _ —0_^



blest bode.




t_±T -, _v-_-J1

^J, X-

1. The Lord my Shepherd is;

I shall be well sup - plied :

fl^felsEgl^^lfiSince he is mine, and I am his, What can I want be - side ?

" -^ gs ^-&-0-m^ es -jg-i-yH-J-g^-J^-s>—o--t-o-#-«is»,«-C .,T.^_*s,i2ZZj:zi.^___i.^_cs2:i-^_p-«i:^zizzL-jsiZiz:

2. He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pas - turc grows;

3. If e'er I • go a - stray. He doth my soul re - claim


4. While he af - fords his aid, I can - not yield to fear;

Where liv - ing wa - ters gent-ly pass. And full sal - ya-tion flows

And guides me, in his own right way, For his most ho - ly name.

^35iZ ":t«t:®:

Though I should walk thro' death's dark shade.My Shepherd's with me there.

"VIE3Sr3Sr-A- s. n^. 145Ardent.

|E1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love: The fel - low - ship of kin - dred minds Is like to that a- bove.


3. Be - fore our Father's throne We pour our ar-dent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are* one. Our comforts and our cares.

3. We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And of - ten for each oth - er flows The sjm-jto - thiz-ing tear.

^^"^^^Ml^^^^^i^j^^^^ml^^i^^^^^M4. When we a - sun der part. It gives us in - ward pain ; But we shall still be join'd in heart, And hope to meet a - gain.

a :i1=il: -&-l-tJ=:^—^ztJzizzfez±zi^zfz[


:ziz=z^=ziZTzj=i^-zT-T-»=i^ii::j— I

! 1—H—^—^1—I— I—4—t


n: :ztztz*-*zzzi:

rzj :*!=*:Eliii

co3^!ri^TJ2srio3sr- s. i^.

zedz^ziztiz:1zzzt=z^:=:z]:iz=zi:i:d:i=:=zz——zzzzjzzzgEj:g:fzgzzg-g:z=^|-.gz|p-jgjz^zzfzz -zzpz|-^z -<s-\ -&

:2^": •--\-- I-IS -i-is-


G>- m^1. Here, in the bro - ken bread. Here, in the cup we take. His bo - dy and his blood be - hold. Who suffered for our sake.



:zz 2^±Z*—



:MS=^ -&-^ m2. Yes, that our souls might live, Those sa - ored limbs were torn ; That I2. Yes, that our souls might live. Those sa - ored limbs were torn ; That blood was spilt, and • pangs un - told Were by the Sav - iour borne.


H St-


fim -•t-

KiiisnDisrEss. s. is^- Imngci ti9m m QitOOKAM CBAWt.

~SL^z5i: ^Eiill^S^i^^lilill^^lisi^^liisl^^gili1. How gen -tie God's com-iuands! How kind his pre-cepts are ! Come, cast your bur-dens on the Lord, And trust his con-stant care.


2. Bo - neath his watt'h-fui ej-e, lIis saints se - cure - ly dwell ; That hand which bears all na - ture up, Shall guard his children well.

3. Why should this anx-ious load Press down your wea • ry mind ? Haste to your heav'nly Father's throne, And sweet re - trcEhment find.

4. His goodness stands ap - prov'd, Unchang'd from day to day: I'll drop my bur - den at his feet, And bear a song a - way.

EiL.-VE"y. s. i^a:.

^|E^E-E^|=; -&'

A 1—


1. The Lord my Shep-herd is;

I shall be well sup-plied : Since he is mine, and I am his, What can ^I want be - side ?

#-ItH aH-'^-fS-*- • ^--L-C*^ (^.1 _ ^-i-o-ei-l-^ (S»-« 0--o-^-s>h—



2. He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pas - ture grows ; Where liv - ing waters gent-ly pass, And full sal - va - tlon flows

3. If e'or I go a - stray. He doth my soul re - claim ; And guides me, in his own right way, For his most ho - ly name.

=x=.-. ^- =-irp:

4. While he af- fords his aid,




I can -not yieli to fear; Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark shade,My Shepherd's with me the



Zlj^ zszt*I ±3^z^


i3:ox.T. s. :h/L. U7, Alleerett*.


PSsI s*- '#-#-Tziirziz=l!fr^--s;=-iii:r=:i=—


nzm-^f1t ittzt

l-0-» '-f5i\» =2^»;PT^.

SEES*Let ere - ry creature join, To praise th' e - tcr - nal God; Ye heaven-ly hosts, the song be - gin. And sound his name a-broad.And sound his name abroad.

iisp^»pi3^:?g^ipgii|g^s^^s^Ji2. Thoa sun, with golden beanis,And moon.with pal -er rays, Ye star - ry lights, ye twink - ling flames. Shine to your Maker's praise.Shine to, &c.

rii^iigii^EiS^s^iiii -T=rn "^^1^=^

3. He built those worlds above.And fix'd their wondrous frame ; By his command they stand or move, And ev - er speak his name.And ever speak his name.

IHEES:'^^\,'m^ jL -G-

-s>- Sil :£ =f± 'mm ^ [ 2^-*- jSli

3fc4-z*i -Gi- 11 Ulii




E^ISL^^^I.1. When sor - rows round us fall. And com-forts we have none ; Dear Saviour say that thou art near, And all our griefs are gone.


-M -fiS--s?


9~ ^\^-4 -&-*"'Is- ^—? -9- ^ -•

2. Is there no friend to cheer, la times of deep dis-tress ; A smile from thee will help to bear," Or make the bur- den less,

:^z=J:::i5': 3^E* XIt?:

3. This is our ut - most wish O Lord, that thou would 'st be, For-ev - er, ev - er near to us, And keep us near to the

a:zzm-. 33^ -(!2irp:-& 9- m




i^§=^g4- .



Id:: IGf-y-es-

-V^XTuJLil^J^lsr. S. 1^. No. L

72::zz fz/


— IS? rSC s^i-<Si- ?irs^:


1 iTizi

3=2^a1. A charge to keep I have, A God to glo - ri - fy ; A nev - er - dy - ing soul to save, And fit it for the sky;

^*21T-22- Z^ZZi^'.s—&-- -

2. To serve the pres - ent age. My call - ing to ful - fill ; may it all my powers en - gage To do my Master's will.

•^^TIIjIjI^^A.IN". S- 2s^. No. 2.

^ ii-(S>-


:E3 J0-1 -(S—#-

fc::?± -"3L-

g! <aL -&-i3. Arm me with jeal - oua care, As in thy sight to live ; And thy ser - vant, Lord, pre - pare A strict ac-count to gi^

^EjEi|5E5|ifeZ3E^|E3 I^^Szz -c?zi!5[::

X-.s^. a gg-



PliS «—r^ -o-I

--^^- f!^ #


—--1-g »-4*--F^ g^+g I^—» »--{—g r-»-

4 Help me to watch and pray, And on thy - self re - ly ; Assured if I my trust be - tray, I shall for - ev - er di«



2srTSIZZMZ rj^~| 7g r~g^—


I g ^1 "^m.

SOLO, Sovrnno*




I#*!=« ^*fr*^-5r^-t



And is there Lord, a rest, For wea-ry souls designed ; Where not a care shall stir the breast,Or sor - row en-trance bria f

^^if^iigiiifg^g^^±igi^iPiiiiiii^^igEAnd is there Lord, a rest. For wea-ry souls designed, Where not a care shall stir the breast, Or sor- row entrance find?

^2^——i* ±0-0—f-^-g %-±-&~^-0»±0S—h-±-f^ t^^es-' ^-0~i9-0±0« ±0--0—0-J-is-^ m-h-^-f^ *-J-(S—•—L«X_•

'f"T' 'iI

1 'r*"n -»^ I II I I I I-*- I I I I M '

I r I r

And is there Lord, a rest, For wea-ry souls designed, Where not a care shall stir the breast, Ur sor - row en-trance find ?

-&—#- sn^m g2^1^



f . 8. DAVENPORT.'


i-»l»- -^' I A-




1. While my Re - deeiner's near, My shepherd and my guide, I bid fare - well to anx - ious fear, My wants are all syp-plied.


V? J' I -H e z?#'_b:^: l^^'^^^^^W

-0- — " -&- 1^^

-<L_ "i " -&-2. To ev - er fragrant meads, Where rich abundance grows, His gra-cious hand in- dul - gent leads, And guards my sweet re -pose.



i^qe: s--* ^s- p:jgPi4: ^g^^iisiii^s§

3. Dear Shep-hetd, if I stray, My wand'ring feet re - store, To thy fair pas - tares guide my way, And let me rovo no more.



-o--€^ Tf^-

-&-tut t

150 C^ri^BJ^lul^. fci. JVL.ATTMigea tram SOSffOn

?zz?=H:ffiiE:L::zl:r=rt:=rzf?z±:;=zE:-»+ #- li


1. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it, come! Let thj bright beams a - rise: Dis - pel the sor - row from our mimJs, The dark-ness from our eyes.


SP 1* -^-X-» ^_J_^_..«

1.0 0-i-^-A^-^i-B m J. 1..^._ I-0-—0 9. ^-*- •L-fS-r"


2. lie - vive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears re - move, And kin - die in our breasts the flame Of nev - er - dy - ing love.

3. 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sane - ti - fy the soul, To pour fresh life in ev - 'ry part. And new-cre - ate the whole.


£?5?±ftSzt?±-i*f:g=gztfz;zg7,*f:^zKzff/—*—zrzz-^zf-zr:—-zE^«gL-gzzgzz*zzgzfrg^4. Dwell, Spir - it, in our hearts; Our minds from bon-dage free; Then shall we know, and praise, and love. The Fa-ther, Son, and Thee.

i|!ltWXV- z^zzM-\-G>-.pEpggg|ip:|ESggEg=p|E=^J! *-E?=?^S


ciEiXJi^oiH:. s. ns^.


:^i ]_:_ii—i-jzz—I—ill—cz

g:|zgzzg—g--]ig:zztfi=<^zf:g:gzg:|:gip1. I love thy king-dom. Lord. The house of thine a - bode ; The church our blest Re- deem-er sav'd With b^ own pre - cious blood.

2. I love thy church, O God! Her walls be - fore thee stand ; Dear as the ap - pie of thine eye, And gra-ven on thy hand.

3. For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers as - cend ; To her my cares and toils be giv'n, 'Till toils and cares shall end.

4. lie -yotid my high - est joy, I prize her heav'n - ly ways ; Her sweet com-mu - nlon, sol • emc vows, Her hymns of love and praise.

^«^ tl^ZZ^'-^jz«zzg=:zrjzgEEi:1=zrf|zd=:^"f:ffl:

*OX.I"VES- S. JVL- Double. 151

'^^ -S" <5^ jS—.—»—W--; F— I 1— SES g^^iEglgiPggg^^^^"jliJi^^5^

1 Stand up, and bless


the Lord, Ye ^eo -pie of his choice ; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God,With heart.and soul,and voice.

e4 —I-


r- :z=]=|::zl::jzzliz:fcM=]-: =1.-^—^^—I



, Hi

\^- -m—(SJ--&—:E

:zz==^=iig -o- :s2=;^


-1—^—»—o-\- S3. God is our strength

:2=:^ i^ izz^

and song. And his


:t=i=t:zz; lil^

- va - tion ours ; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed With all our ransomed powera



-JtOOtlZJtlUtL I

*^ ; =^Z=i =i:I

F J ^ « f*-— CS—^-1—^-:zf5zq:


atzz^jz^—miit -JL—ji—^z -& |e

2. Though high a - bove all praise, A- bove all blessing high, Who would not fear his ho - ly name, And laud, and mag- ni - fy ?

,J—_j— W. aii 12^—-ji:




1^:S^E _^__._^- :^

zit:-s?-H =r=^-^=r






li^zz?: :t:-s»-i

4. Stand up, and bless the Lord ; The Lord your God a - dore ; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God,With heart.and soul, and voiee.

isi£:ES±3ZtEaSEEEtEE gzi^ig-ggilgigEgE^il

152 3SJ:TJIsriOII. S. lE^d.. Quintet.>OLO. Sopmno.

I 8 LAymrofn.

1. Oh cease my wand'ring soul, On restless wing to roam, All this wide world to ei - ther pole, Has not for thee a home.

2. Heboid the ark of God, lie - hold the o - pen door. Oh haste to gain tnat dear a - bode. And roam my soul no more._ Tenor.

mm :n:^-. "i^Si^^^iir^i-^^iigji^^^^f1. Oh cease my, wand'ring soul, On restless wing to roam, All this wide world to ei - ther pole. Has not for thee a home.Alio and Soprano.

2. Behold the art of God, Be • hold the o - pen door, Oh haste to gain that dear a - bode, And roam my soul oo more.Baie.

=^:^^- -&- X:.-,

I^±ZJtL -&-(SI-*-

£E-:^=FH ;e


iiii S[E



And must this bod-y die. This nior - tal frame de - cav ? And must these ac - tive limbs of mine. Lie mould'ring in the c'aj?


^ -w-

3izz/s;-^ 1

_,—-i^* -J


-• •-



.life #—•- :f= -•--•^

And must this bod-y die. This mor - tal frame de - cay ? And must these ac - tive limbs of mine. Lie mould'ring in the clay V

I^EITZ. s. nszt-B. R. DOWNJCS J«.



:p=:P= :p=F^:pgl•H-!&- :iiifli

1. The Lord my Shep - herd is ; I shall be well supplied : Since he is mine, and I am his, What caa I want hd - side ?

im^^^^m^^MmaE^5S-&—9- Z^ZZ^L ;^§^-^^^^

2. He leads me to the place Where heavea-ly pasture grows ; Where liv - ing wa - ters goa - tly pass, And full sal - va - tion flows

^53 ?r:?I^S^^ ^^Pflp^fif^:?2l^i i

3. If e'e go a - stray, He doth my soul reclaim ; And guides me, in his own ' right way, For his most ho - ly nam&

ifefcq=S 3=rr.-jc •fs-—


iiste :p=p:v=^-^ It




-0 9'EtE^iii^fe^E^^ES-^:p=*:

H 0—O-iS1. How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zi - on's hill I Who bring sal - va - tion on their tongue-!. And words of peace re - veal.

S^m—^—9—9^0—0-'-^—^-'^-^— -" —-i—^—,#

0-3.-^-1^0 —^__j_^_i

2. How charming is their voice ! How sweet the tidings are!— " Zi - on, be - hold thy. Saviour King ! He reigns and triumphs here."

^—^ P^^gEgEP%ji^EfE^EPig^3ggE^^E^^i3. How hap-py are our ears. That hear this joy -ful sound. Which kings and prophets waited for, And soiijht, but nev - er found!.4. How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light ! Prophets and kings de - sired it long, Bat died with-out the sight.



?^^ i £zr:«>:l^^^lili^^-0—0-

^—^- ^

154 C3-OOID TinDIKTOS- S. Ivfll. Doubla

N»t t4M> fait.

iiiMi?zEii^ip£Ef-z:?zlp;zjzzp:z;zzip=p=t;zzf ^z^ztzzii^

qzzTfqzizr^iziz^zsz.-—T^^ 1 i ;.zz:ri^z:*z*;z*zl»:ztzz-z:^z: :*zfzfc :zip. ^r -V-Jp-T-C—i ±

1. IIow beauteous are their feet,Who stand on Zion"s hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues,And words of peace reveal. 2. How charming is their voicc.How

)^J^:izis-3i;*:?=i--*;ts£52z:#zfi^;Ep±iz:3^3. How happy are our ears, That hear this joyful sound,Which kings and prophets waited for. And sought.but never found ! 4. How blessed are our eyes,That

5. The watchmen join their voice.And tuneful notes employ ; Je - rusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6. The Lord makes bare his arm




I5:?zi 1



»--•- - "-i-» —«—«-

rz;:z—izz=zzi:;;z2:zpzii^~g~-r~r=T-»^^^^^^*^^T^^^^^=~~ =4^^^=^—



sweet the ti - dings are !—" Zi - on, be - hold thy Sav-iour King! He reigns and triumphs here," " He reigns and tri - umphs here."



—Ki:i]z:3i=hj:zzzzqzT:^^_^ ^.izzzzzKzijzzz^izzi^-i^_^-tf_*-^— .zq_^Tz:!_^=z|_i._i_^..q_i

, ^ n^.oNl—^izzq—j-_^_.-ZZltZz_zz_z'—zz_zi '*"•"*J_?'ii?zT?zx^' *z?!zTZ?^~^<^zr '""^ia^"!"**—• — —*-f-#-


fl^t*—^-r-- :,i=zp_r/zl;i=pi^z::

;p^p=pz^i:i]=q^-zl:f£iz*EL^*g^3Efith - out the sight


see thisheav'nly lij;ht ! Prophets and kings do • sir'd it long, But died with-out the sight, But died with - out the sight

all the earth a - broad: Let cv-'ry na - tiou now be • hold Their Sav-iour and their God, Their Sav-iour and their God.

l^^iilHJ:si:i^||^||iii :zzz:p=|-zzzU: t:pzzzz=z:im«:t:=z—»^h—r-

OA.K,3L.OS. Xu. JE>, J^Al., or 3L.- Hs/L, 6 Unes. 155


J2Z ^^-5=^^E.^-]=^=^-^=|g.=22Z=:pd»=: -s*- :^zi: ^^

1. Though waves and storms go o'er my head, Though strength and health and friends be gone ; Though joys be with ftred all, and dead,

^ :d:

^^L-sit—M—ii 'JZt.


t2^:-<g—^ . 4

-iS- zmtuzMziMi :^=M:-25^—«^-^




£^2. Fixed on thb ground will I re - main. Though heart ;nay fail, and flesh de - cay ; This an-chor shall my soul ' sus - tain.

S3-O 9- -<S .O- 13- -^-

"izr1^1^ :^:

-^— :?2:






m ^|:gi^—^^^^^Ef^-^J^E^Tg-fESE^=*='*- -s>^=



-^—fZ. =??:

Though eve - ry com - fort be with-drawa ; On this my stead - fast, soul re - lies. Fa - ther, thy mer - cy nev - er d'es.


:s^—^-^-z^—e^- fsj-

=t:ZSiLZlMzZ.^ -& ^—r^ -tS^ -O- • (S-


s"- 3-s-

=1=1::(2-±r i^ «^ «(


:?2=i^ T=X:(^ 22Z:tZ

When earth's foun-da - tions melt 'a way ; Mer - cy's full power I then shall prove, Loved with an ev - er - last - ing love.

-jctzzMzzjiz- —Gir— \ eg ^ jSI1=^-^ "T^y

::f>*=i=; 3E3 „C^__<SL-JWi

156 ca-OOID SliEI^HEI^X?- X.. I'. 1^. or X.. 3b^. 6 lines. r B. woodbub:By p»r




g-12^ is >_-!-—


S ^-^=q^

ill^lThe Lord my pas - ture shall prepare. And feed me with a ehepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants sup - ply,

2. When in the 8ul - try gkbe I faint, Or on the thirst - y mountain pant, To fer - tile vales and dew - y meads

3. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gioomy hor - rors o - ver - spread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill,

4. Though in a bare and rugged way. Through devious lone - ly wilds I stray, Thy presence shall my pains be - guile.



1:^- < —0—s>-


:i=M'jtzzM^zsLi: i


I131 'Mizjii-t^-iS^- -^S-

irfZZISSi.s ^''JZfl -&—- ^

And guard me with a

My wea - ry, wandering

m% =1:

watchful eye: My noon -day walks he shall at - tend, Anc* all my mid- night hours de - fend,

steps he leads, Where peaceful riv - era, soft and slow, A - mid the ver - dant land - scape flow.


121 ^ zw: m 1"^ "crP

^i^Pi mA-* 1- If IZ^ I-!!3>-


For thou, Lord art with me still : Thy friendly crook shall give me aid. And gui(ft me through the dread - ful shade.

The bar - ren wil - der • ness shall smile. With sudden greens and herbage crowa'd. And streams shall mur - mur all a - round.

I i&- -<s>- -s>-'JSL


:^^I:I3L.T03^T- IJ> IP. I^/L. or l^. Is^C. e lines. HATDR. 157


-p [^-:A':^z^ifui:^ ^

4-#-^-(Si #--'

•1. There is a stream,whose gen - tie flow, Sur-rounds the ci - ty of our God; A ga - cred riv - er, from whose fount.



^fc*=r-: ]zi:zzc±z:1=zzl:

Jzzzi:to:z:zi^: mm-^-

The liv - ing wa - tess flow a - broad. A sa - cred riv - er, from whose fount, The liv - mg wa - ters flow a - broad.



-f^P-—*-T-g—^Jf-p-1^-T^—"4 -1—-|

i— -i-fi^K

158 •W^ISIDOIiwa:. L- T>. 1^. or Hi. Iwdl. 6 lines. L.e. amiMB.

l=qzz:^I=it:=T^==^"-=1=;i^--.s^izM—: ::2^=«:; ::s?z: ItZ-MZlM tzwt


::-;^«ri*n;::z^.;il.Whengath'ring clouds a - round I view, And days are dark, and friends are few. On him I lean, who not in vain, Ex - pe-rienced


2. Ifaught should tempt my soul to stray From heav'nly wis - dom's nar - row way, To fly the good I would pur- sue, Or do the

'^'4:' mt^^^^^^^^Mi—1-T—!—rzt ?=!:


nt d:

-ff £ I " 1 T—I—^—1='zjtz:M:::^zz£


ev - 'ry hu - man pain ; He sees my wants, al - lays my fears, And count8,and treasures up my tears.And counts.and treaijurea up my tean.


'i^mm^^m^^^^^m^^^mmill I would not do; Still he who felt temp • ta - tion's pow'r.Will guard me in that dangerous hour,Will guard me in that dangerous hour.

^^ :P^: izit iiz:^-


Id: Tzz;=zizq=5i^=E-


I>-A.L.ESTT3SrB- JL,. I=. ln^., or 6 lines. VABnraBX. 159

111^ 1

1. Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan Hath taught these ronks the note3 of woe ; Cease thy complaints, sup-press thj groan,

2. Come, free-ly come, by sin oppressed, Un - bur - then here thy weigh - ty load ; Here find thy ref - uge and thy rest,

*i^^-? ---r:f=^^- ^^ :^ 1^=?;^ES^ --—f=:t±-&l :^':z

l-i * * ' L






And let thy tears for - get to flow ; Be - hold the pre-cious balm is found, To lull thy pain, to heal thy wound.



And trust the mer - cy of thy God ; Thy God's thy Saviour, glorious word I For - ev - er love and praise the Lord

-T-^ =3=^ -r-»- -01—^-

IJZZ *• .^ ..* t:1

160 3s^ET^^lsJ:.A.3^T- a.. i»- 1^., or x.. i^. e lines. L 0. xioRfloai


- -H 1—j-+H 1—



i^^—— 1

< 1 m1. The Lord my pas- ture shall pre - pare, And feed nie with a shep-herd's care ; His pres-ence shall my wants sup - ply,

2. When in the sul - try glebe I faint. Or on the thirs - ty mountain pant, To fer - tile vales, and dew - y meads.

^if^^IE Hi i :^ m)-^ -^ itXJstit=at^--i.zoL-I—h-

3. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloom - y hor - rors o - ver-Bpread, 3Iy stead-fast heart shall fear no ill,



1 1- i4. Though ia a bare and rug - ged .way. Through de- vious, lone- ly wilds I stray. Thy pres-ence shall my pains be - guile

li#sm i u.i9 £?- -!&- Z2:

t-s^^inzizczzim i

^ '^f=0 :T-



:m^ ZZSZZZiXz m

And guard me with a watch-ful eye;

My noon - day walks he shall at - tend. And all . my mid r night hours de - fend.

My wea - ry, wandering steps he leads; .Where peace - ful riv -era, soft and slow, • A - mid the ver - dant land - scape flow.

^^SiSgS^SEsl^=i^lPi:^i^&^E&^i^For thou, Lord, art with me still; Thy friend - ly rod shall give me aid. And guide me through the dread - ful shade.



z*:^z*=itz=t -• -si-i-^E^3E5? =? --;=


i^Lij: ISgiThe bar - ren wil - der -ness shall smile. With snd - den greens and her - bage crowned ; And streams shall mur - mur all a - round.

m -JStlUSiL -j^zzji:i:. g^ rf^~0- -^-# \-&^-& (=2-



:zs: m



-1 r

*—.:: zi2=:«z i^zzrfzi: rs^izi

•ELX.^- X._ I-. 3N^., or Xu. IsK. 6 lines. ^ ^ ^„^,,, igj

-T gEiig^gfgg^lgtg^^^-gj^Ei^ggiWhen youtb - ful Spring a-round us breathes, Thy spir-it warms her fra - grant sigh ; And eve - ry flower tlat sum - mer wreathes,

When youth - ful Spring a-round us breathes, Thy spir-it warms her fra - grant sigh ; And eve - ry flower tl at sum -mer wreathes

V «"—


When youth- ful Spring a-round us breathes, Thy spir-it warms her fra - grant sigh; And eve - ry flower that sum - mer wreathes,




Is boin be - neath thy kind - ling eye ; Where'er we turn, thy glo - ries shine, And all things fair and bright, are thine.

Is born be -neath thy kind - ling ray; Where'er we turn, thy glo • ries shine. And ail things fair .and bright are th'me.

^S'^gLiSiip: zMzzM—mi 3ES-Si-.^zi^tz^zzii

t: IsiiPiliSIs born be - neath thy kind - ling eye ; Where'er we turn, thy glo - ries shine, And all things fair and bright are thine.

W^^i J^'- 15=?{21^

-I •-.f H



0- -&-


0- -&-:a—#:s

162 FI3DE1L.IT''2'. O. F. 1^

~^^^mi^^^^mmw$^w&^nmi\l.Whcn righteous JudKc.shalt come To take thy ransom'd peo-ple home, Shall I among them stand? Shall such a worthless worm as I, Who sometimes am afraid to

-• 0—0—0—0- "- J^ ^ -jg- —

J» _^.

2. I love to meet a-mon^ them now, Be - fore thy gracious feet to bow, Tho' vi - lest of tliem all; nut,can I bear the piercing tho't? What if my name should be left

3. Prevent,prevent it by thy grace; Be thou,dear hid-ing-place, In this th' accepted day: Thy pard'ning voicc.oh, let me hear. To still ray nn-be-liev-ing

4. Let me among thy saints be found,Whene'er tU' archangel's trump shall sound,To sec thy smiling face;Then loudest of the throng I'll sing, While heaven's resounding mansions


ST.A.isr^w^ooiD. o. :e*. is^.

die, Be found at thy right hand ?

^ 0^^-0-1.0 0^.^^^_x—i-jn

out, When thou for them shalt call!

fearj Nor let me full, I prav!

ring WitTi shouts of sor'rcign grace.



y^-9—{-G |—fp-#-p-}---#-»*-t-<g-g-#-j-#-r-#-#—#—•--#—|-<g-hl—|-~~b—^-

l.Oh, could I speak the matchless worth, Oh, could I sound the glo-ries forth Which in my Sav-iour

. ^-•- • -00- -^ TT. •- •-0-

2. I'd slug the pre-cious blood he spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of siii and wrath di

3. I'd sing the char - ac - ters he bears, And all the forms of love he wears, Ex - alt - ed on his

W-^1.01. ^-^^ ^- —•-'••^--0-'-^--#-« ^-^^,'-»-— -Li

vill bring me home, And I s




4. Well, the de - light-ful day will come When my dear Lord will bring me home. And I shall see his







4£itj:s^zz*i; zj^zzMz. 122.

r5*5! ! ^ ^

STJ^IST'^TTOOID. O. IP. Ivfl!. Concluded. 163

EK^:: Z!__x:itr;i=tzi:t::

I'd soar, and touch the heav'n - ly strings, And vie with Gabriel, while he sings, In notes al-mostdi - vine. In notes al - most di - vine.

I'd sing

In lof •

his glo - rious right - eous - ness,

tiest songs of sweet - est praise.

In which all perfect, heav'n-Iy dress, My soul shall ev - er shine, My soul shall ev - er shine.

I would to ev - er - last - ing days Make all his glo-ries known, Make all his glo - ries known.




Then with my Say - iour. Broth - er. Friend, A blest e - ter - ni - ty I'll spend, Tri - umphant in his grace, Tri - umphant in his grace.

:jJ3zr=qzTz5izz:1zi=3z=zzlziz:1=5zdzTz:1=-:i^z^:p-^z^:ijz:zrz=z:-T^ y-&-m-


m^.OILIR.O^S'- O. IP. 1^.

-—^-Si^^-W-9~ti-^-9^—*- ^ ^—^ ^ *--^ ^- ^ t:-_^X[Z.f_jLl-^J.K.-I_—1-H -L—t-^

1. U God,my inmost soul convert,And deeplyon my thoughtful heart E - ternal things impress! ( Give me to feel their sol-emn weight,j

I And trem-ble on the brink of fate, J And wake to right-eons-nesg.


"t^.2, Before me dread array,The pompoftlTatiTeniendous'day, When thou,with clouds,shalt come

JTo judge the na-tions at thy bar; )

I And tell me,Lord,shall I be there, > To meet a joy - ful doom?



—^-^i^-,-^-^-^-^isj-i:-s)r,_^_^_^_^_^xffi:c_s?ia_ii_^_^T^_ji^jj;rx«_^ni_«z3:: Ix^^-lc—i—zizix^^3. OSavioar,then my soul receive,Then bid me in yiy presence live,And reign with thee a-bove;

JWhere faith is swect-lv lost in sight,)

I And hope in full, sii prerae de- light, S And ev - er - last-iog love.

-S f=:fz:^iz|z:^r:]Ezlzz]zz]|^f:^Bi3=,/2Z^±2zui:tiSzt^zpzEis£t2dfi^z:iz*zMzi±:z±iz±?zt^ \ 3:^g;fel^N^g^

164 "W^o^SKcii^. c. i=. im:.

>-T^- r


^^ :?5=zzfc=:K^±zi«: i 4:1=^ I

1. The fes - tal morn, my God, is come, That calls me to thy sa - cred dome, Thy pres - ence to a - dore


2. With bo - ly joy, I hail the day. That warns my thirst - ing soul a - way, What trans - porta fill my breast 1

jK^W-L-M-—^-5^ —# •—1^-^—^2+-#-—^1—f—

*-—^ *i b -^

i 1 I J ^^ ^ #—4i-J——<S—


3. Hith - er, from earth's re -mot - est end, Lo ! the redeemed of God as - cend, Their trib - ute bith - er bring;

^ijz^=ti: -I——u—




\1— -jiLzn-i—



-0'— •-1 0-

:izr=U: m Tz—==X=i:^^-o- I




—0- -&—I—I

:^=:: HeMy feet the sum - moas shall at - tend, With will- ing steps thy courts as - cend. And tread the Lal-lowed floor.

b: 15=S^i^zizMznjzz::

o-=EE^E5=IZfcZZ^5ZzJ^Z^=lh|SE^Et^ z*: wFor lo ! my great Re - deem - er's power, Ua - folds the ev - er - last - ing door. And leads me to his rest.


Here crowned with ev - er - lost - ing joy, In hymns of praise their tongues em - ploy, And hail th' immor - tal King

^E^E;EE^Epz=»z4=z^=^^p3^=zfe=ifeE3^Eq!E$p5Ep^5Eiz^z=:^z:^zzti[z=^zFl Fr-+^-z^ig-:=g^=*--*--*H==r^z£t=

I^ZIlfcl^JLZI±L Hi




1. The Lord Je-ho - rah reigns, And roy - al state maintains, His head with aw-ful glories crowned; Arrayed In robes of light, Pe-girt with sovereign mijsht, And rays of maj-<>a - «y •» - rouna.

^^^m^^^^^^^^Mi^^m -#--f2^sr

2. Up - held by thy commands, Th* world se-cure-ly stands, And skies and stars o-bey thy word; Thy throne was fixed on high Be-fore the star-ry sKy

; E - tor - nal is thy kingdom Lord !

t5> i^m^m^^sCLEA^EKTT. S. I^. 1^.

isii^iiS^isgiiiisiE^^if^ig^^^gi1. How plewed and blest was I, To hear the peo-ple cry,'" Come, let us seek our God to - day !" Yes, with a cheer - ful zeal We haste to Zion'i hill, And thsre our tows and honors pay.


&^m^^^M&0^m^^^^mmMi^^m^^t. Zi - on, thrice happy place. Adorned with wondrous grace,And walls of strength embrao? thee round ! In thee our tribes appear To pray.and praise, and hear The sacred Gospel's Joyful .ound.


^-t-zrzr ^iS^iiili^Sigg

166 -A.1-.J-..A.. IH:. IsjU. Iraa , V« 0*noMl

1. Shall liymns of jjrateful love Thro' heaven's high arches ring,And all the hosts above Their songs of triumph sing;And shall not we take up the strain,And send the echo Lack again ?

*" ^ '0' ";^"r2. Shall they adore the Lord,Who bought them with his blood,And all the love record That led them home to God ; And shall not we take up the strain. And send the echo back again .'


3. Oh, spread the joyful sound! The Saviour's love proclaim; And publish all around Salvation thro' his name: Til! all the world take up the strain, And send the echo back again I


T-^I^OXi. H:. 1s/£.

Mark the soft falling snow,And the diffusive rain ! Tq heav'n,fiom whence it fell, It turns not back again, But waters earth,thro ev'ry pora.And calls forth all her secret store.

•%1^:i?=-.J:*-^_«_^_/ Ig^ 0L0^0 1 1.0i«j.^_B_«X 1—«_^.!^ffX^_i:^I

Z I?_.^_^__,^I—^_i J'»»-I ^ J^

Mark lUc soft falling snow. And the diffusive rain! To hcav'n.from whence it fell.It turns not back again-TJut waters earth.thro' ev'ry pore,And calls forth all her secret store.


IDEI^IO-XIT. KC. Iwi. 167

. Hark.liark.the notes ofjoy Roll o'er the heav'niy plains.And seraphs find employ For their Bublimest strains :Some new delight in heav'n is known.Loud sound the harps around the throne.



. Hark.hark,the sound draws nigh ,The joyful host descends; Jesus forsakes the sky.To earth his footsteps bend : lie comes to bless our fallen race; He comes wHh messages of grace.


3. Bear, bear the tidings round! Let ev'ry mortal know What love in God is found,What pity he can show: Ye winds that blow,ye wares that roll, Bear the glad news from pole to pole-

^^=^^j;ggag;EEg]-t^t-^-v: z^l-z-^zrzz^\-^z\^lftj£tzf:fj^z^zt^-Or

o-olidbeok:- H- im:.



:^zzfrfzii=^ gii;r3S3fir5H5Fiihf;iz-:^Ej=^a{aS^ri^3>^-9-- 'i*^: :jz;zziz: HP1. Jesus! harmonious name! It charms thq hosts above; They evermore proclaim,And wonderat his love: 'Tis all their happiness to gar.e.'Tis heav'n to see our Je-sus' face.

!iEff||pi;f3z|^^^E5p:^5fS32f;spsiip5ps'S ^z-^z\±tz:Xz-0- -^-m-ry-

2. Oh, unexampled love.' Oh, all-redeeming grace ! How swiftly didst thou move To save a fal-len race ! What shall I do to make it known.What thou for all man-kind hast done?

::gzqrq^z5z;zqr:ini]rir5is:-^i^. .aizj_zj5z|5z!^.

*±^zlziiz^zEzr:fzz:?ti^^i^zfi^z^;giSiiiiliis^^iPOh, for a trumpet voice, On all the world to call, To bid their haarts rejoice In him who died for all ! For all, my Lord was crucified ; For all, my Sav - iour bled and died.


168 KlELIuOO-O- IT- 1^.ju > Wllh spirit.

l.Ye boundless fcalmsofjoy.Exaltyoar Maker's name ;His praissyoarsongs employ Above the starry frame;Your voices raise.Techembim, And ser-aphiin, To sinfr bis praise.

2. Let all adore llie Lord,And praise his holy name,By whose Almi{;hty Word They all from nothing came;And all shall !ast,From changes free; His firm decree Stands ever fajt.

Ife:•y j^-jg- ^-^g g: ^fk?- 0^0-fs-s.> fGy&-

REED. H. 3i,^.

—^sTTgrz:Tgrz: r=anl—i=1tzj:zzt_^_-t ziptz^—'^3=zd:lTz=^

1. thou that hcaxe't prayer! At-t«Dd oar bumble cry; And let thj servant* share Thy blessings from on high ; We plead the promise of thy word, Grant us thy Ho - ly Spir - it, Lord.

itf^tzf^T:. .zz:i_q_z±:zj:-::r-^jzf-* f#.•-«&—*--«)f ^—i-z^—^—f—f(S +#.-»-s)-#f#.j—F—f

»t—i*-^- -^ I*'

2. If eaithly parent* hear Their children when they cry ; If they,with lore sin-core,Thrirchildr«n'sirantssupply,Muchmor« wilt thou thy lore display, And aoswerwhen thy child - ren pray.

^agt^-'^zjzj::d]:-t-h-^ti!iz:i:zzizz::es:^i:-j:z:i- '-

'^^^ :::^:^zzizrz*5:

^^i^ ^^ - , , _ , ^_ j^e^ljw- -r— ^-i—[f— [-— I[Z."~I'

—"^i T 1 1—


^ZT '-•^ T—T^—?"~


3. Oar Leav'niy ratbcr,thou ; We, ehildnn of thy grace : ''jh, let thy Spir-it now Descend and fill the place, That all may feel the hearenly flame, And all u - nite to praise thy name

1^^-^^ -»»—^-t—t—L-

:iE5lzVG- '-'0.0-G-a-m^^mm

une. And all u - nite to praise thy name

|zzz|,^|z^=;^^z£z:z|gE[g|E|iE£|EE^|^« L

STJT*:E>iL,XGJ^rrxoisr. o. n. isa:. 1G9

1. Come, let us pray ; Ms sweet to fe«l That God him-s«lf U near; That,whileweat his foot-stool kneel, His mere; deigns to hear. Tbo' sorrows cloud life's drear; waj,This is our wlaee—let us pray.

if-—^^-0-0-^^0- -^-0-*^0^^0* T_^T^^-C^Bi:r.i ±_^.l^i^_^.«_^i^l-^_^_«l^i_^« X0jt.0^^0l0^m-0^i.^J. _

2. Come, let us pray ; the burning brow, The heart oppress'd with care, And all the woef that throng us now,Will be relieT'd by prayer ; Our Qod will chase our grlefr away ; 0, glorious tho't ! eome,let tu pmj.


^^-0-0-0^0- -I-^-t^rl^^' T_^T^^-C^Bi:r.i ±_^.l^i^_^.«_^i^l-^_^_«l^i_^« X0jt.0^^0.

2. Come, let us pray ; the burning brow. The heart oppress'd with care, And all the woef that throng us now.Will be relieT'd by prayer ; Our Qod will chase our grlefr away ; 0, glorious t

3. Come, let us pray ; the mercy -seat In - vites the fer-Tent prayer; Our Heav'nly Father waits to greet The contrite splr-it there. 0, loi-ter not, nor longer stay From him wh<




FJ^ITH. S. H. Iwt.



'-—0-0 sm—I- —




1. Faith is the Christian's prop Whereon his sor-rows lean; It is the substance of his hope, His proof ofthings un-seen ; It is thean-chorof bis soul When tempests rage and billows roll.

•5^^i=ji=}5z1iziz:J-i—zz-zzLzz-ifz:4d-z^':drz]zdi3 hzzzzzqEJ:dfai>3:i)z=]z^^izT-:2^f3^jrjz-3±=:t2^i^*:i=i^z!z?l?


pilgrim home.



t^—:2:«i*&*:^?5't:zt?±zz^^j:^ts^3«(£»±*z!?£=*zz^^ £f*z*:st22J^-3:«i't^-:^^t:zl:r;tzzr-^j:^±^l:jt*±-z^^-zzzt=±z±t=:l^t=tiz4i:±-^2. Faith is the po-lar star That guides the Christian's way, Di-r«cts his wand'rings firom a - &r To realms of end-less day ; It points the course.where'er he roam, And safe-ly leads the pilgrim home.


170 D3EPlE-A.•VE3^^E3S^T. S. li. 2:^. u o.

with •oleamlUr*

^M3$E^ :*zl:i:2^i=::5?z; '.£31 z^—^—mi ^zzn^n L-igj-.-izF=^zzi^=^ i <&-;—-

1. Friend af - t«i" friend de - parts; Who has not lost a friend? There is no un here of hearts.

!iii_^3=*i^i5?^I lit ::1=^--4

-(©- -^5hmidLZzMzzMi z^z=2fc: :^ ist: -•-



£3 12^nz^

-iS- il2. Be - yond the flight of time, Be - yond this vale of death, There sure - ly is some bless - ed clime,

-(&- -G &-I



-(5>- =^=1:^—^IZMlZM


13111That finds not here an end. Were this vain world our on - ly rest, Liv - ing or dy - ino;, none were blest.

^ ^—f^—^

^ ' gg—©^-"---^r *—-& —0—0-^ &—^—m-i-f^

i^iiiiill3llilllg|iglWhere life is not a breath. Nor life's af - fee - tions but a fire. Whose sparks fly up - ward to ex - pire

-es- -Q- -&' -(&- ^^'^ =ij==:=t sE^E

C-A.m-iETOI?T. 7s. jJouDie. 171

^-p=:p:z=?iizp:±ztz=i:=Eztt=b: :iz=^Jz^=m :p=p:



±1 ^—^-1T-P— I—Hz:]

1. Thou, Christ, art all I want, More than all in thee I find ; Raise the fall - en, cheer the faint, 'Heal the sick, and lead the blind

2. Plen-teous grace with thee is found, Grace to cov-er all my sin; Let the heal-ing streams a - bound, Make and keep me pure with -in.



:t=: -#—#-q|zq=zi]:=z}=zizi; in: j^afgE^^^F=gi:gEg

:izE=:»—r—r-+1 F—^1 ITg^


—*-T-»=jv#-^-r—fzTpzz'EfzE^tizztizEJust and ho - ly is thy name ; I am all un - right-eous-ness ; False and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace.


Thou of life the foun-tain art, Free - ly let me take of thee ; Spring thou up with - in my heart ; Rise to all e - ter - ni - ty.


»- :^Tzq:yizlzz-l 1


^TZz^z:X--=^M t-ZZMlZMZ: ZtlZZJLZZL^izM^

-0—#- ^J

172 :FOTJ3Sri*.A.IlST. 7'i. MJCfDSL.


&-\-G)-&-- -Gt-'-~^—^' -


1. Christ, of all my hopes t]ie ground, Christ, the spring of all my joy ! Still in thee let me be found, Still for thee my pow'rs em - ploy.

—9-—^--&-&- -^-&-^^^-^-&-Q -o- L-^——r-L

2. Let thy love my heart in-flame ; Keep thy fear be - fore my sight ; Be thy praise my high - est aim ; Be thy smile my chief de - light.

3. Fountain of o'er - flow-ing grace, Free-ly from thy full-ness give; Till I close my earth-ly race, Be it "Christ for me to live."


1. Hark, my soul, it is the Lord! "Tis thy Sav-iour ; hear his wqid ; Jc- sus speaks,and speaks to thee; Say, poor sin - ner, lov'st thou me ?


2. Mine is an un-chang-ing love, High-er than the heights a - Love, Deeper than the depths be - neath. Free and faithful, strong as death.

3. Thou shalt see my glo - ry soon, When the work of grace is done ; Partner of my throne shalt be ; Say, poor sin-ner, lov'st thou me ?

4. Lord lit is my chief com plaint That my love is cold and faint; Yet I love thee, and a - dure; Oh for grace to love thee more


FOK.a-I^V-EKrESS- T's. Double. 173



i ilz^±:^r^::piz^o=pz±.-ti:zi?:: tprtizit

rzzz—izzX^T——'I—-(IS— (is»—»H-*^ L_L_rr —


1. Christ, of all my hopes the ground, Christ, the spring of all my joy, Still in thep let me be found, Still for thee my pow'rs employ.

%!=-m Ig-±ji-^ l



thee, my rav-ish'd soul.


2. When I touch the blessed shore. Back the closing waves shall roll ; Death's dark .stream shall never -more Part from

^^-?2z»-i:^z^:T:^zpzi=^fzilz:igi—z^T*^z^i^rfzi1=q^itztttzpzlitzz i:bp±pz:

Foun-tain of o'er -flowing grace, Free-ly from thy full - Bess give ; Till I close my earth-ly race. Be it Christ for me to live.

' ^ T T-^-^F ^T-.-n=lf-=l-inT=F :q:jzqz:z:^=z5fc^z^=^z|z^z5izjzz^|=zp,&=:==|zz=z|==z|zz3zqzz:3|z3z3:*|--^=33f=3zzzz::1-(S'-

S l^lilliiPilliiiilg^liiiilillgiilSilThus, oh thus, an en-trance give, To the land of cloudless sky I Hav - ing known it, " Christ to live," Let me know it gain to die.

> >-s>-ft.^mm^^^^m^^1-^r-^'


174 1^-A.^VElsr. 7s. Double.


-•-s>- ^T^—' 'r

1. Je - BUS. lov - er of my soul, Let me to thy bo - sera By ; While the wa - tern near me roll, While the tem - pest still in high:


^ *-? gg—•—O

0-^S> "--O

—(S 0-^-&—0—g-}T*-& 0—lS 0'^-& •-& —0—eS •-'- g;. g; . -^g?T^^


-i- -



2. Oth - er re-fugehave I none ; Hangs my help-less soul on thee : Leave, oh ! leave me not a - lone. Still sup-port and com • fort me:

-r-^9 •-'JSZ

-\— •*-

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=; H::gz=»L7g~l"g~7^-T i-

-<9- ill=31

i^i^t- gg .gy

Hide me, my Sav - ioar, hide, 'Till the storm of life is past; Safe in - to the ha - ven guide : Oh, re-ceive my soul at last!

Si^ «-i-&^ ^J.-^ ^ 0-^-& •—^3-«-^S^=i;z3g=zg4^=^^=^TF »—Ot-"-<S—0—G-

r^ -r:22: E|Siiz«z^£f:^==z^^:|z=z5E^zf


zz?TizaZZ?2_ g:=^z:^zzz;::znz=^

Jze: eg. ege2 I

»irr 1 ;.Cii-L

; 11-1 r—


All my trust on theo is stay'd, All my help from thee I bring ; Gov - er my de - fence-less head With the sha - dow of thy wing.



-g'-Ftr—r-rT^ f fgliza:

iJw^OIsrTPtOSE, Ts. Double. InmBfM froa C. WTLUAMB






^I1. Sin - ner ! rouse thee from thy sleep,Wake, and o'er thy fol - lies weep ; Raise thy spir - it, dark and dead, Je - sus waits his life to shed.



2. Leave thy fol - ly, cease from crime. From this hour re • deem thy time ; Life se - cure, with - out de - lay, E - vil is thy mor-tal day.


^=:^ :=!==?= zzizzzAz\zzzti:±:\z\zzz^iz±:lzz-r^

[^- ^-\

=^^i^z^|:^EE*=?ztr=iz:2^:tz=tz:±1z:zzzl::t :tizj

Wake from sleep, a - rise from death. See the bright and liv - ing path ; Watchful tread that path, be wise, Leave thy fol - ly, seek the skies.



Be not blind and fool - ish still, Call'd of Je - sus, learn his will ; Je - sus calls from death and night, Je - sus waita to shed his light.

^ « i ^^ ^^ ^^


L^I^-^=-—-{^g^ 1

I^EDPXJOE. 7S. 6 lines

J^fg£g^|z±fE|^y: =?; "Ifg^^^ilggigi^-Efi^gji^igi1 . Rock of Ages ! cleft for me,Let me hide myself in thee : Let the water and tho blood,From thy 8ide,a healing flood,Be of tin the doable cure,Save from wrath and make me pure.

2. Should my tears forerer flow, Should my zeal no languor know,This for sin could not atone ; Thou must save,and thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring,Simply to thy cross I cling.

. _ . . . _ . . . .... . . '. „,. -, . ... rt . M , T"^, . «....• . , , T ... .,


3. While I draw this fleeting breath,When mine eyelids close in death.When I rise to worlds unknown,See thee on thyjudgment throne.Rockof Ages, cleft forme. Let me hide myself in


igg5^s$3^fS '•-^

OIIDIDIIsrOS. 7s. 6 lines.

AI)«^rllo Meitrmio.m tf-^r^gg^^^gig •---&-

L. 0. ZMXBSOir.

^li^feil^1. Rock of Ages ! cleft for me, L<>t me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood.From thy side, a healing flood,Be of fear and sin the cure, Save from wrath,and make me pure.

2. Should my tears forever flow,Shoald my real no languor know,Thi8 for sin could not atone,Thou must gare,an<» thou alone : In my haijd no price I bring.Simply to thy cross I cling

H 1- -t—


^^f^H 1- -t—


ErfJtiBSS|i^-1—"t ^-

^9-^ DT^:^^3. While I draw this fleeting breath,When mine eyelids close in death,When I rise to worlds unknown,And behold thee on thy throne,Rock of i\^» ! cleft for me. Let me hide myself in


BTJI^ISTETT. 7aAJT&ogcd ttom the Oetman. 177



^=^:^=p=p2.T-f2iEEI1-1 h

:^—fM--f0 Tl^-f/=:^—1-4—1—l-«-f^=N-«-i-

1. Lord, be - fore thy pres-ence come, Bow we down with ho - ly fear; Call our er - ring foot - steps home, Let us feel, that thou art near.


:z2z:#: im^-«-



2. "Wandering thoughts and languid powers Come not where de - vo-tion kneels ; Let the soul ex - pand her stores, Glow-ing with the joy she feels.



I 12^-*: §^§§^=^^^1^-&—»- -&—»- 25zzp:si^sg^iy

ID-CTI3t,E~Z". 7s.

d 2E. LJ 1-^ ^—'— I "-^^


1^^»--•- 1^1. Morning breaks up -on the tomb; Je - sus scat-ters all its gloom : Day of triumph throuo;h the skies, Seethe glo - rious Saviour rise !


y;g5iiilgi|feE[:igg=l^^S'2. Christian ! dry your flow - ing tears ; Chase those un-be - liev-ing fears : Look on his de - sert - ed grave ; Doubt no more his power to save

R^-T—r ^5t 1 T»*-i-T-'^^^^r—-»-T»^-:r-T Tr

a3EEi£Ei|gEg|g;pE|pi^si:^j;^=i^E^Ei|^:z^it^igE^ 1Z^Zl-3. Ye who are of death a - fraid, Tri - amph in the scattered shade ; Drive your anxious cares a - way;. Seethe place wnere Je - sus lay!


IfTZW\^y- fiE I^Er^^B

Ca-I^EEHSr-^^OOID. 7s

^im^^^JE^^^^^m1. " Come up hither; come away :" Thus the ransomed spirits sing; Here is cloudless, endless day; Here is ev - erlasting spring.Here is ev-er-Jasiinor spring.

:3==-- iiiliES^^i^^ **-

2. Come up hither ; come and dwell With the living hosts above; Come,and let your bosoms swell VVith their burning songs of love, With their, &c.



9f love. With their, &c.


8. Come up hither ; hither speed : Rest is found in heaven alone; Here is all the wealth you need; Come and make this wealth your owu,Come, &c.

-*-r#—(•(-^-^-•-T B-^-a-T-^ r- rr-*^*—




hr-i r -• h

-%^¥^—- liiiliii^iil-SS-^ gH X^Slowly.

IDEFEnsr3DE3SrGE_ 7s.

Trio or Duett.


l^?^iii^^SL=iiS==ii^l^-^^?S its?

1. Lord, we come before thee now ; At thy feet we hum - bly bow; Oh! do notour suit dis - dain, Shall we seek thee. Lord, in vain.

S^:*5S2. Lord, on thee our souls de - pend, In com - passion now de-scend; Fill our hearts with thy rich graoe. Tune our lips to sing thy praise.

te-#—»- -#—#- -f^+

iEi-#—#- ipzizp:

2:^1 I^ZZt r^q:

ftmooniiy. tRlO.

S I. KDUAUDt. 179




1. Come, said Je - sus' sa - cred voice, Come,and make my paths your choice ; I will guide you to your home; Wea-ry wand'rer, hith-er come!

-0- " -SJ- • -S^-2. Thou who, homeless and for - lorn,Long hast borne the proud world's scorn,Long hast roam'd the bar-ren waste, Wea-ry wand'rer, hith-er haste.

3. Hit



:ti=*z±=*=:[i: ^zzptzz^=t::±:t=:3. Hith - er come ! for is found Balm that flows for ev-'ry wound ; Peace, that ev - er shall en - dure, Rest e - ter-nal, sa - cred, sure.

J—„0^ 1 ; J- « ^-i—

JzEi:p:*::t=; ::1


l——^zz—jiz-rzzwzziiiiJ H*-^



I^E3iva:BEI^T01>T_ 7s.

with firmnesi. '

fcfc^^-q=zi3zz:^==i^i:q=qzzq=z-jzii=z]=:1zz:1:T:iJz=f^z:5jiz]z-pzz]z-z^f.±z^.ilzzmzz^^f-\z^—iitzziES^:gz=g=:g=g!:|:gzgzfl^-g:j :i^ij!;-^za^zg^|--j^zgz3^zf=fzpgz:g--zg=Jipp^z^z^E

1. Glorious things of thee are spo-keu, Zi - on, ci - ty of our God; He, who.?e word can ne'er be bro-ken. Chose thee for his own a - bode

"" "" '""" '" "^ zz^uzzzzfa^

^^-0 —0-.-0-L.0 0-M-0 •—Hj^ 0-^-0—k0 Si-"-l ' -^-J =1—t-.

2. Lord, thy church is still thy dwelling, Still is precious in thy sight; Ju-dah's tem-ple far ex- cell- ing, Beaming with the gospel's light.





3. On the Rock of a - ges founded. What can shake her sure re - pose ? With sal - va tion's wall sur-round-ed, She can smile at all her foes.

^- :?z±:zz=i^:4 1. :j;


* _-^

180 OSO-OOID. 78. ^.^.^UK^

^zlzg4g-j:|:s^z*fe=:g4:g3:fgr:*:j-^z^z|^g:*jf1. Soft - ly now the lipht of day, Fades up - on our sight a - way; Free from care.frorn la - bor free. Lord, we would commune with thee.


__^._^ ., 1 .^i .,,-^ ^;^- m :

r- ir 0—Ci^ 1 1 1 w 'r- 1 ^^^r-^m ' w^^0w c^ ,

i. Soon, for us, the light of day, Shall for - ev - er pass a - way; Then, from sin and sor - row free, Take us, Lord, to dwell with thee.

—T— T—1 -^ ,f^-0


jtlSKI. 7s. 6 lines.

with nirzzzijz!:

1. Fromtba cross up • Ilft-«<1 high,W ken tLe Saviour deigns to die, What me • lodious sounds we hear, Bursting on the raTiah'd ear! " Love's re-dreming work is done, Come and welcone, sinner, come !

^z:;zizzz^z-zifzHf3"::^I-^:^Iz:zi:q:d-4= lijEz^q^q^t

2. BpriDkleDow,«ithblood,thethron*,Whrb«nmth tbjburdensgroan? Onmy pierced body laid, Jas-tie« owns the ran-som paid;Bow the knee, and kiss the Son, Come and welcome, sinner, come!

^f--g:g|^|zj^|gg|g^|gzjgg|-,g:g|gg|^8.Soontbe dajs of Uftshallend, Ix, I *ome, your Sarlonr, Friend! Safe your splr- Its to con-Tey To th«i«ahniof end-less day: Up to my* - toi-nai home. Come and welcome, (tnuar, eome! "


Andante r le«nio»

B. B. BALL. i81

£=^E!EgiEl;t=±-»—&- -0

1. Soft- ly uow the light of day , Fades up - on our sight a- way ; Free from care,from la - bor free, Lord, we would commune with thee.

iii^i^^l^.^l^i^ii :=1=1^ifzit i^^^ii§Ef^3£|Eg^Eg^

^fo*i&1^lillS^^IC^illi§^S^glii^^iS2. Soon for us the light of day, Shall for- ev - er pass a - way ; Then, from sin and sor - row free, Take us, Lord, to dwell with thee.


*?St3E^ fr=W^li: I

•=p: is^i^m^ WlSXJSIE. 7s.

W. H. PARLIir.In memory of Susii Paklik.




--0 i f1 4-*^»-T i^—^+^-t-»—?=F-»---«-T«-

Ti H^\. Sis - ter, though from yon-der sky, Com-eth nei - ther voice nor cry. Yet we know for thee this day. Eve - ry pain hath passed a - way.

2. Not for thee shall tears be given, Child of God, and heir of heaven; For he gave thee svireet re - lease : Thine the Christian's death of peace.

m ^—L* ,^-X^_a..^—t-A—o 0-1—0 ^- '&-'— 0-l-0r-0-^~0—^-M -j^"--

}-^- :i>^: m •©-»

3. Well we know thy liv - ing fj^th Had the power to con-quer death ; As a liv - ing rose may bloom, By the bor.- dcr of the tomb.



&-m -0-=i:

\^ -I- o


:*3fed[54. Sis -ter, in that sol-cmn trust. We commend thee, dust to dust; In that faith we wait, till risen, Thou shalt meet us all in heaven.

±Hr -I K-:^zz^: -0-

&-^ P—


^zrut—u- :::pzzp: ^^^l^^ggl

182 X,0I^:E3TT. 781 a. A Twwirw

?|^f=I=1: m—0 i-&mThough we here may meet no more, Yet there is a bright-er shore ; There re-leased from toil and pain, We that loved shall meet a- cain.


i^zzz^: isi^^i^^: Zi—0—0Z=»Z-f^«r


:;i3: 3i*i^Though we here, may meet no more. Yet there is a bright-er shore ; There re-leased from toil and pain, We that loved shall meet a - gain.

m gE=!gzEEgii=glE^i3E^ig^ligi t=:*zzzi!: o '

iMiEiR-a^sr. 7s. TH09. P. J. MAGOUN.

mE^^^^^^i^^^M^^^^^i^^t^^i^'^^.To thy tem-ple we re - pair, Lord, we love to worship there ; There with -in the vail we meet, Thee up - on the mer-cy seat.

ZZ^.-^^ -^-t-» :=t=:i•—1»


m^^^^^^^sm :=t-*—r :^-f: i^^mngi

To tby tem-ple we re -pair. Lord, we love to worship there ; There with- in the vail we meet, Thee up - on the mer-cy seat.


1:^^^^-^^- 4=:Jtz-Liit


l^^E zfi—m SE;:i^z:*: -0—0- ^Si m

Vsr:E3:jElA.TX^AJSriD. 7s.I. i. DITZNPOBT. 183

W—?2r\-w—mz.pi~w-ff—f-'^X^-It ?Eilgt

1. Slow - ly by God's hand un-furled, Down a-round the wea - ry world ; Falls the darkness, O, how still, At the work-ing of his will.

-•- -&-

tf^f—f^F— I—*—




S^ :=l=t::«=zi^: mzzj=ij:

i^zzi^zz*: iati^,2. Ho - ly Truth, E - ter - nal Right, Let them break up - on my sight; Let them shine se - rene and still. And with -light my be- Ing fill

• # « • • &-\—9 •

eee^Seeee&ee -»--I

:atgi*!—i^—i^ ^—




With much fecliiu;.

-x\--iSilimiiiPli -h-35: Ef^3g|a^;gg^|g^E^|^g^4^

1. Hark, my soul! it is tlie Lord ; 'Tis thy Sav-lour ; hear his word ; Je - bus speaks,and>p(!aks to thee; " Say, poor sinnur, lov'st thou mc ?"

2. " Mine is an un-chaiijing love, Hi2;her than the heights above. Deep - er than the depths be - neftth, Free and faithful, strong as death.->-

-US'—#- -S5-«>- -S>-3. " Thou Bhalt see my glo-ry soon, When the work of grace is done ; Part-ner of my throne ehalfc be ; Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?"


.^.#— -r^zititii^qzi);


-UL ?££iiM^SlPS=ilElE? ^iM^g^iz^is^Fz4. Lord I it is my chief complaint That my love is cold and faiut ; Yet I love thee, and a - dore ; Oh for grace to love thee more !

BE^ ^E^mm^m^^ -Si-


184 '•^T-A.ISriDEPlEI^. 7S. W n. TILDMII.



ius' sacred voice, Come,and make my paths your choice ; I will guide you to your home,

Wea-ry wanderer, hith - er come !

1 world's 8C0I2. Thoa who, homeless and forlorn,LoDg hast borne the proud world's scorn.Long hast roamed the barren waste, Wea-ry wanderer, hith - er baste

S. Hith-er come '. for here is found Bakn that flows for every wound ; Peace that ev - er shall en-dure, Eest e - ter - nal, sa cred, sure.

EE^E±=±^SaE^=&i3==3i=EEEf^Ei:ifetl2^—i^Z -&- mAllesre-

ISi fc:?5zz^-JEZUTJ-jt


en. ZEUNER.From ** Amehc&n Harp,*' bj p«nnijnoii.

:#"*:^r±:^_,^_^_^: ^^zzE^^EJEJzi^Yigjg^

1. Christ, the Lord, is risen to day. Our tri - umphant ho - ly day; He endured the cross and ^rave, Sinners to re-deem and save.


53^^=*-0-—0— —0-

:?5zii?zzS:i^- ->! •

-0-Z-0- 0-

ur, rise ; Claim with him the purchased skies.2. Sinners! see your ran -som paid. Peace with God for - ev - er made; With your risen Sav-iour, rise ; Claim with him the purchased skies.

w^m :*rt*:-'--0--0— —

3. Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day. Our tri-umph-ant ho- ly day; Loud the song of vio-tory rai>e ; Shout the ^eat Re doe-ier's praise.


Mzjrs: jtzra£zazt:^^«z:rz:?="snf~iiii:Hzt*z:#_-*_*;

— -0j—0 _^


T-^F^ign-^tr- ^P^

:m:-a.i^io3Si . 7s.

XTn pac0 Allecro.

:p=p: gSggfga:MILGROTK. ISO


1. Songs of praise the an - gels sang, Heaven with hal-le - lu - jahs rang, When Je - ho - vah's work be - gun, When he spake, and it -was done.

i^i^liiS^iliiiii^iiiiSiiiiiigSiliiiiii^2. Songs of praise a-woke the morn, When tue Prince of Peace was born : Songs of praise a - rose, when he Cap-tive led cap - tiv - i - ty


-IS-f?3i?iiiillSElig^^S^S3. Saints be - low, with heart and voice. Still in songs of praise re-joice; Learning here, by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing a - bove.

%it;^^£|^E»i§gE^|j^gE^=gkl :::t=U=:::^z|::=}jimfi 1


IjExjt:e3:-a.i^3D'S aii-A.3srT. 7s. Cir. ZEUNER.From ' Amtrican Harp," by p«rmiuloo.



?2: zzzfzpz:^: :,c=^=pz=ji:




=^=gjg1. Hark ! that sound of rapturous joy, Bursting forth from yonder cloud ; Je-sus comes, and thro' the sky. An -gels tell their joy a -loud.

:3m^Ep^^m^m^B^^mm^'^^^m^m^m^Hark! the trrimpet's aw-ful voice, Sounds a -broad o'er sea and land ; Let his peo-ple now re-joice ; Tbeir re-demp-tion is at hand.

?rfc^zi1==^r;zl5=zjSzzH:=hT—z|feizzizr:^TZ^=t: :i=^: m —zizzlzi^iTizlzrz

3. See, the Lord ap-pears in view; Heaven and earth be -fore him fly ; Rise, ye saints, he comes for you ; Rise to. meet him in the sky.

'9^~» #--#-


186 EIs^BI^SOlsr- 8s & 7s. Double. . K. aoL

f5 m^^mismm^1. Come, thou ev - er*- last-ing Spir - it, Bring to ev - 'ry thankful mind All the Saviour's dy - ing mer-it, All his suff-'rings for man - kind


_^_ ' -0—0- -•- -0- '-^

2. Come, thou Wit- ness of his dy-ing ; Come.lle-mem-bran-cer di - vine: Let us feel thy pow'r ap - ply - ing Christ to ev - 'ry soul, and mine


ZK^ 1 J- ^— # -L-V;;;^—- * -•- »--« -L-4 ^ j^ ¥—^-^-^

! True re - cord - er of his pas-sion, Now tlio liv-ing faith im - part; Now re - veal his great sal - va - tion Un - to ev -'ry faithful heart

*-0- *• -0- • -0- -0-0-i(r -#- * •

Let us groan thine in-ward groan-ing ; Look on Him we pierc'd.and grieve; All par - take the grace a - ton -ing,—All the sprinkled blood re - ceive.



— -1 ti


JL—t^iiM m *=zi: :gzzaz:^-Mz: z*zz*-f ^I z^zil^iMziiziJzt^z

* May T>e tun); at a Doett.


t^k^ t&

CE3L.IA.. 8S & 78.J.J. KIKBAU.. 18:

^i f^ZBZjjSZjt

1. Sav-iour, breathe an eve - ning blessing, Ere re - pose our spir-its seal ; Sin and want we come confessing.Thou canst save, and thou canst heal.


2. Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee ; Thou art he who, nev-er wea-ry.Watchest where thy peo-ple be.

~%^^^^^-^-^^^-lM^f==^^ ^4-==f—


zti±:F-r-F|—r4zizgfg^zj^fji:3^i^^^^,\4j__itzf:gJzz^Jlz:zztiEI±zzlzzE[-^-Ergz^ :t=P^

E'IXjGmil>wa:_ 8s, 7s & 7s, or 8s & 7s, 6 lines.


^±1 t:±:tz:

:wz:w47ia—^^-:fiZZf.+ ^t::±t=t: ±;t::


izz:-I 1- i

^ Thro' the day thy love has spar'd us. Now we lay us down to rest;)

Thro' the si - lent watches guard us. Let no foe our peace mo-lest : ) Je-sus, thou our guardian be ; Sweet it is to trust iu thee.

z:zqz:zqz z::1=iz:-JzztJz•: ^J:iz1z^=iz|zzb=htl:d=zzz:ftEiii^zzizzeizi2^t:i^E3-3E

»i z::?2:

^--^zzfii^zz^ztziFzizo Pil-grims here on earth, and stran-gers. Dwelling in the midst of foes, )

Us and ours pre-serve from dan - gers. In thine arms may we re - pose ; ) And,when life's short day is past, Rest with thee in heav'n at last.

^^T^^=g^l- ~i\


1^^—i:i-(Si-^|-:itzzi:izqzz:i]:z^—j:i;:^:;:|z;^zz^zZi^zzz::i "1 "^ri^z:4zz=p:jz«|3^zzPzzi^|=zJ£^-|^z=^p=z^-,=zz:JE^=qzzp==g:|-^-&—&-

188 FE-A.OE. 88 & 78

1. Cease.yemoumers.ceaae to languish O'er the grave of those yon lore; Pain,and death,and night,andangaish,En- tcr not the world above, En-ter not the world a-bore.

-0' -0" -0~ ^*—


~1M~ -0'

2. While our silent steps are straying Lonely,thro' night's deep'ning 8hade,Giory'8 brightest beams are playing Round th' immortal spirit's head,Ronnd th' immortal spir - it's head.

WM^M^^^M^M^^S^^Mf^if%fM^^^^^im^^3. Light and peace at once de - rir-ing From the hand of God most high. In his glorious presence liv- ing, They shall nev-er, nev-er die, They shall nev-er, nev - er die.

inPP:#^:,_^^^=ifeS!g^t^^i^^TI^XJST. 8s & 7*8.

Hi:-4 r-»^—



1. Sav-iour, source of ev - ry biess-ing. Tune ray heartto grate - ful lays; Streams of mercy, nev - er ceas - ing. Call for ceaseless songs of praise.


2. Teach me some me - lo-dions meastire Sung by rap-tur'd saints a - bove; Fill my soul with sa - cred plea-sure, While I sing re - deeming love.

3. Thou didst seelc me when a stran-ger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; Thou, to save my . ')ul from dan - ger, Didst re - deem me with thy blood.

4. By thy hand re-stor'd, de - fend - ed, Safe thro' life, thus far I'm come; Safe, O Lord,when life is end ed, Bring me to thy heay'nly home.




8s & 7s. Double. 189

-•- -0—0-&an^i ilEi ^

1. Tossed up - on life's rag- ing bil - low, Sweet it is, O Lord to know,

Thou didst press a eai - lor's pil-low, And canst feel a sai-lor's woe

Thou the faith - ful watch art keeping; All is well. Thy constant cheer. ' Nev-er Blumb'ring, nev-er sleeping. Though the night be dark and drearI ? I I D.t.

Si^Piig^p^iS^ii^^giiiSiil-\—zp: ::d—^- -#-*«^ ^:

i~iBft9m- 1—






-^H 0Y— -I

£:5Sf^Ei?2. And though loud the wind is howlin<r, Fierce tho' flash the lightning rod ; )

Dark-ly though the storm-cloud's scowliag O'er the sai-lor's anxious head, |Hush the tempest's wild com-mo-tion. At the bid - ding of thy will. Thou canst calm the rag - ing o-cean, And its noise and tu-mult still.

iigg^jgggi^j isg^^"V^Onsr "^TT'EBEI^. 8s & 7s.

AndnntcArranged from WEBBR.

ltk PS^^iiiilpE1. Part in peace! is day be - fore us? Praise his name for life and light; Are the shadows lengthening o'er us, Bless his care who guards the night.


WS^^^^^mm^jtZL0.0- ^-

2. Part in peace! with deep thanks-giv-infr, Rendering, as we homeward tread,Gracious ser-vice to the liv -ing, Tran-qnil mem - 'ry to the dear!



l^i^ 1^0^——^#-

Sg Jfzz^

rais - es, ]3. Part in peace ! such are the prais-e» God, our Mak-er, lov - eth best; Such the worship that up - rais - es, Hu - man hearts to heavenly rest.


190 n^OXJlSTT S^^ISTTIS. 8s & 7s. Double.


1. Hark ! what mean those ho-ly voi-ces, Sweetly sounding thro' the skies? Lo ! th' angelic host re - jolc - es;

Heavenly hal-le - lu - jahs rise.

S. Peace on earth, good will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeem'd, and sins for-giv- en;

Loud our golden harps shall sound.

5. Haste, ye mortals, to a - dore him ; Learn his name, and taste his joy ; Till in heaven ye sing be - fore him, Glo-ry be to God on high.

2. Hear them tell the wondrous story ; Hear them chant the hymns of joy ; Glo-ry in the highest, glory! Glo-ry be to God most high.



4. Christ is born. the great Anointed, HeaVn and earth

a ?-«-^^H 5z=;z=?=r

his praises sing : 0, receive whom God ap - pointed. For your ProphetjPriest, and KIdk.

22ZpT«^-m-m w m w \

— ^Hi^z-J^z^^^iz^X>0- \<i>

6. Haste, ye mor

p ..tu

tals to a - dore him. Learn his name,

-P • ^-T P-P^.0and taste his joy ; Till in heaven ye sing be - fore him ; Glo- ry be to God most hign.






O-EISTESEE. 8s & 7s, Double.? 191

1. Hear what God, the Lord, hath spoken : ray people, faint and few, Comfortless, af-flicted, broken, Fair abodes I build for you;


2. Ye no more your suns de - scendinj;, Waning moons no more shall see ; But your griefs forever ending, Find e - ter - nal noon in me.




* ll^lEScenes of heartfelt trib- - lation Shall no more perplex your ways ; You shall name your walls 'Salvation,' And your gates shall all bo 'Prnise,' And your gates, &c.

*-i^^^^l^^i^l^^i©^ :^z=;2: fe :;?=U:

:p^=ir i^z!

God shall rise, and, shinnig o'er you, Change to day the gloom of night ; He, the Lord, shall be your Glory, God your ev - er-lasting Light, God your ev - »r - lasting Light.

I S ^ -W=M

192 HEiElOLID- 8s & 78. Doublo. Amaged tl«m HKBOU>.

Urett or Trio.'^^^m^m^ -(£?- I-* f- i (S>-<&- 0\—4^^S3

1. Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish Oer the grave of those you love ; Pain and death and night and anguish Ea - ter not the world a - bove.

3:t: -H h


2. Light and peace at once de - riv - ing From the hand of God most high, In his glorious presence liv-ing. They shall nev - er, nev-er di

§^E^^i^[E£^ 1^^=^tz^z^tt.—&—v^f: ± ^A I^THW- :^=^H

2. "While our si - lent steps are straying Lonely thro' night's deep'ning shade, Glory's brightest beams are playing flound the happy Christian's head.

^iS ^^- ^i-^jt^.'#-# -s^-o-



4. Now, ye mourners, ce»je to languish O'er the grave of those you love; Far removed from paii^nd anguish, They are chanting hymns above.

1^ _

ISt—_j 1-*-—f-«

»^-S^ ssikzjs:.-& s>-

f i I ii i il I ii 1 li .1. itr-t±35n



f^^Mm^^ <9-0+-^S-» si-r

8s & 7s.


Airasfcd from ROSSntl. 193

1. God is love ; his mer - cy brightens All the path in which we rove; Blisshe wakes,and woe he light-ens; God is wis-dom, God is love.

»--1—i?T^^^ii^^t-e-^+—I—it^"^»- •ijzzifJ


2. Chance and change arobu-sy ev-er ; Man de-cays, and a - ges move: But his mer-cy wa - neth ncv-er; God is wisdom, God is lore.

3. Ev'n the hour that dark-est seemeth. Will his changeless goodness prove ; From the gloom his brightness streameth,God is wis-dom, God is love.

4. He with wrth-ly cares en-twineth Hope and comfort from a - bove : Ev-"ry where his glo - ry shin - eth ; God is wis-dom, (jod is lovu.

JlOI^-A.'\77TOE,r). 8s & 7s. Double.




Come, thou Fount of ev - 'ry bless-ing, Tune my heart to sing thy grace ; J

' Sweams of mer-cy nev - er eeae-ing. Call for songs of loud-est praise ) Teach me some me-lo-dious measure, Sung by flaming tongues a-bove;

^zzzi:iEiiE:z;~z|-: :zzj—i—j _zt f^zzX^ztq'«ite^§i^3hzz:2:._j ^.-^ 11 :z^z:zi^z=qz

Oh the vast, the boundless trea-sure Of thy free, un-chang-ing love !


to grace how great a debt -or Dai-ly I'mccnstrain'd to lie!2 Je - su3 sought me when a stran-ger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; )

He, to res - cue me from dan-ger, In - ter - pos'd his precious blood. ( Oh,


^'-J-M-t --j-^—*i-z3^zztzzzc:i:a:il::pzp±:;:—

1—r---p±:g^^:s^J^~i::i:;::^;ii=:^^:^-i=:^[2&] Let thy gooa-tyoaa, IdM • fet • tar, Bezid my waad'rioj; heart to tbfift.

194 IPI^OTECTIOlSr. 8s & 7s.

1. Saviour,who thy flock art feeding,With the Shepherd's kindest care, All tlfb feeble, gent-ly leading.While the lambs thy bosom share.While the lambs thy bosom ehare.

S?^:E:=E-i=-i-:=-|-^2. Now,the lit- tie ones re-ceiT-ing, Fold them m thy gracious arms; Thcre,woknow,thy word believing. On - ly there se-cure from harm,On-ly there secure from harm.

;i^i-'=B3^—t/=—y—]—r-—rt^T~—S"1" r ''^T—I


1--,t—'-^-^j 1 ?r3T«^''^T

^--^t— —^



3. Then, with-in thy fold e - ter-nal, Let them find a restinjj place; Feed in pastures ev - er ver-nal. Drink the riv - ers of thy grace.Drink the rlr-ers of thy grace.



i -s—i- F"-^1 8s & 7s.


?: -Jiz*:: z*z*z: z*z?ifzzzizz: :z=zz:;


|zzz:z:[:*ztf :|:*z*z: :iz?|J-



ArTang*d from M0T2LL0.



1. Saviour,breatbe an •vening blessing, Ere re- pose onr spir-its seal; Sin and want we come con - fess - iug. Thou canst save, and thoa canst heaj.

:!u_-^-_^ 1-

2-t-±i^j^i:^^Az:dz: '--r-] 1— —I-

2.Thongh des-traction walk a - round us, Though the ar -rows past us 'fly, An - gel guards from thee sur -round us. We are safe, if tfcCB art nieh.


past us 'fly, An - gel guards from thee sur -round us. We are safe, if tfcCB art nieh.

:iide from thee; Thou art He, who nev - er wea - ry, Watehest where thy peo - pie be.




zi^frrziiti^ipiEizzi^-F-i?.-^! ^-I^—^ ttzzg

^ 3 Though the nfght i» dark and drea-ry. Dark - ness can - not hide from thee; Thou art He, who nev - er wea - ry, Watehest where thy peo - pie be.



8s & 78.ln«Bp><l from PLETKL. 195

Ri!. ^_ ^^ Rlt.

1. Saviour,breathe an evening blessini;,Ere re - pose our spir-ita


seal; Sin and want we come confessing; TIjou canst save,and thou canst heal.Tlion canst save, &c.


2. The' destruction walk a-ronad us, Tho' the ar- row near us fl^'.Angel guards from thee surround us;We are safe, if thou art nigh, We are safe, if thou art

3. Tho' the night be dark and dreary,Darkness can-not hide from thee : Thou art he, who nev-er weary,Watcheth where thy people be, Watcheth where thy people

i^if^^Tii^ilr^l: Tt&^mm^^^^^^ tpt:it=:t:pi:ri=:t--Ki=;?jf*=rtipT:J-:^i??^T--;i:i^


4.Should swift death this night o'ertake us,And our couch become our tomb,May the morn in heav'n awake us.Clad in light and deathless bloom,Clad in light and deathless bloom


kz^<zt2^±iztist;iz\zz±[i:i iglil^iS^||E|i;iii|||E=;gilSiil^§

I^EIDEEDMIEIl,. 8s & 7s.

H:r^ir^^-jBt-.^-:. i^^z-z^itia^i:*:: :"2^zz*iI


i^z.ri_-^ f

::tzq=1:T=q=i:Hzrz^z:iti:zt=i^ ISitet

1. I would lov€ thee, God and Father! My Re-deem - er and my King! I would love thee ; for, with-out thee, Life is but a bit - ter thing.

2. I would love thee ; every blessing Flows to me from out thy throne : I would love thee, he who loves thee Nev-er feels him-self a - lone.

3=f zd;;::dziit5zq:^-^-i^ -^7-25111-^

3. I would love thee ; look up - ou nie, Ev - er guide me with thine eye : I would love thee ; if not nour-ish'd By thy love, my soul would die,

lite—JiEiizif=1:-Jzl^izsi-^zl -I



z:*z:#z:j2z: =15EgE^|-^|zttzz-^z!!z;^;±j^zz^:l::^z^:t:2i.

4. I would love thee ; may thy brightness Daz-zle my re - joic-ing eyes ! I would love thee; may thy goodness Watch from heav'n o'er all I prize.

5. I would love thee, I have vow'd it ; On thy love my heart is set : While I love thee, I will nev - er My Re-deemer's blood for - get.

±z^=M=z^-Ars -7zr. i^-#-f^-^-F-«-«-fr-^-*-n--^4 f-^^T-ipz—^ * JZ{L&--&-

19G JTJ^T^1L,J^J<T. 83 & 7s. Double, or 6 lines


ArTMi({«l from BC'HCILAJn*.

^r^-=^ ^_ ^ ^_, ) This is not my place of rcst-ing. Mine's a ci - ty yet to come ; )

''"'--yard to it I am hast'ninir. On to my e - tor -nal home. ) In it

( This i

( On-W2

\zsL±LZ^::i^ 119"^—'

j-'g p "T"r""—T~~

~r^ + ^i"— "


S-^S--fS-&S)'f^ +---^-j-~—~ A-=-^-+^'-I


€0-Si- -G^- -&-S^ \-Q-\


all is light and glo-ry, O'er it sbtnesa nightless day;

—1^ J 1

:±_s^:^^—&-\-&-tS-\-f^-G>-\frj\^_:^_^_^i.^_^-i^__g^. T^^qp^_t s,-CLT r

slt c—22.1 22.:

Ev-'ry trace of sin's sad sto - ry, All the curse hath pass'd a -way.jO, ^I^ _


't-<^~t'\— '

t— \-^'\"\~r\—t— !

t 1—

rT' 'TTT I'

' ' J'^—F^t^^

(^ { lie, the Lamb and Shepherd, leads us, By the streams of life a- long, )

( On the fresh-est pastures feeds us, Turns our sigh-ing in - to song. ) Soon we pafsthis des-ert dreary. Soon we bid fare -well to pain,


zzf—zz=T:^z:d:i==zz:—ix;;-tz- _,

Never - more are sad or wea - ry, Nev-er, nev-cr sin a - gain



IT7-ES. 83 & 7s.







^1. Glorious things of thee are spo-ken, Zi-on, ci - tj of our God; He, whose word can ne'er be bro- ken, Chose thee for his own a -bode.



:t:^|f^f:^f3iE^F?^3["Jrffe-:* :^22=1^^1^

2. On the Rock of A- ges founded, What can shake her sure re -pose? With sal - va-tion's wall sur-round-ed, She can smile at all her foea.

OLI"VEB,. 8s & 78. CLABX 197

x:=l^=;z=;c -h/-

jft—wirw-^h; >-7^-:S^=^ l?£?i3l5^=r:SE

1. Saviour, breathe an evening blessing, Ere re - pose our epir-its seal: Sin and want we come con - fess- ing,Thou canst save, and thou canst heal.

:^--itv =jz==^e:^z^mzjiztiiJizM—M:

:=f5ii^ :?5zzf5d^^ziMztiMzzMz^

2. Tho' de - struc-tion walk a - round us, Tho' the ar - row near us fly, An-gel guards from thee surround us. We are safe, if thou art nigh.

$^^^^^immmm^^m^^^=m:^m ^^ ^^3. Should swift death this night o'er - take us, xVnd our couch become our tomb, May the morn in heaven a - wake us. Clad in light and death - less bloom !

^^-jg^^E^'gg^g^iggi.^^j^gggg^^ESii:^^^^^KCTJnSJIILIT^S'. 8s & 7s. Arranged from BEETHOTEN.

1. Sweet the moments,rich in hlessinfr, Which before the cross I spend ; Tyife, and health, and peace possessintj.From the sinner's d^in;^ Friend,From the sinner's, &<

2. Truly blessed is this station. Low before his cross to lie ; AVhile I see di-vine com-passiou Beaming in his fcracious eye, Beaming in his gra-cious eye.

3. Love and grief my heart dividing,'With my tears his feet I'll bathe ; Constant still, in faith a-biding, Life de-riving from his death, Life de -riv-ing from his aeath.

4. Here in tender, gratel

-> ^^T

n^^ =t^e* —*-• •


i^^-Lg-g ^' ^J. 'zjr

--4 *Etathf-^'i^ 14. Here in tender, grateful sorrow With my Saviour will I stay ; Hpre new hope and strength will borrow ; Here will love my fears away, Here wrll love, &c.

^^^^m^^t=Fi^ ±^.S^.

198 C3-3L.EISj-"W^IOK:. 8s & 7s

:t^^z^ z^~t^:^_z^\^[£

1. Lo ! the Lord Je - ho-vah liv-eth ! He's my rock, I bless his name : He, mj God, sal - va - tion giv-;'th;All ye lands, ex - alt his fame.

z^=q:fzzai;q:7ztIqq33qiz:^z34=z,TEfc-lfe=::;:i=:^::;|-rtj:--f?—-^—i-it^-^t-^--^- -—I-zj:j_:z]:_:z;z :_:_^_:zlJ



2. God, Mes - si-ah's cause main-tain-ing. Shall hia righteous throne cx-tend : O'er the world the Sav-iour reigning. P^arththall at his foot-stool bend.


4. Je-bus, hail! cntbron'd in glo-ry, Therefor - ev - er to a- bide; All the hcav'nly host a- dore thee, Seat-ed at thy Fa-ther's side.

^ri:a:zzJz=ti3^-iJ:;^^J:tz:t=fc=SfzE=^izdzSfe^:=3=z-f=3^|-^»-g-(g-(g- --ta-ta-



I^OCSI'^IL.X.E- 8s & 7s.

With spirit.



1. Glo-rious things of thee are spo-ken, Zi - on, ci - ty of our God ; He, whose word can ne'er be bra - ken. Chose thee for his own a- bode.

2. Lord, tby church is etill thy dwell-ing. Still is pre-cious in thy sight; Judah's tem - pie far ex cell - ing, Beaming with the gospel's light.


3. On the Rock of a - ges found-ed,What can shake her sure re - pose ? With sal - vation's walls surround-ed. She can smile at all her foes.


s\ ,isto<BI^02^I^T0ZSr, 8s, 7s & 4s •

Afto ir. FosriR. 199Iientr>,

1^^^^^^=? -«- -•-t-:p=p=i

l=i^ii^fe?i!=iil=^i^ ^z^^ ^S^

1. Yes, my na - tive land! I love thee; All thy scenes I love them well; Home and friends that smile a • round me,2. Scenes of sa-cred peace and^ pleas -ure, Ho - ly days and Sab - bath bell, Rich-est, brightest, sweet - est treas-ure,


-^ —0-±^-s_m—I ^_i._^ 0^x—0—0_j_^ 0^ZL-0—^_iEz;j

3. Yes ! I has - ten from you glad - ly : To the strangers let tell

—#-iSz^s: -a-h-

~0^^ ^^";at=z?zzt^-

How he died—the bless - od Saviour

:3*=" ^4. Bear me on, thou rest - less


--—i--9 9-

cean ; Let the wiods ray can - vass swell ; Heaves my heart with warm e -mo - tiou,

~-^m 4-

^b: ipzzpm g


:i=s: mm^^^^^^^ -&~iCan I bid you all fare - well? Can I leave you, Can I leave you, Far in hea - then lands to dwell?Can I— can I say "Fare-well?"' Can I leave you. Can I leave you, Far in bea - then lands to dwell'

ikzzi^^zzqzTzq,|.iE^EE^|E^^=?j|^ -Mt^t-:^ ::3Ez5

—9 9—^—9 9—-L—

9-*—#- ^_1_^ ^_IZ_^_ iiTo re - deem a world from hell; Let me has -ten. Let me has - ten. Far in hea - then lands to dwell.


\-3Zlzp:— I


While I

i=E =^6=1

go far bencQ to dwell: Glad I bid thee, Glad I bid thee, Na - tive land, fare -well, fare- well!

-• 9I—9 4t-


i;:«: -Wfe^ X


rv «a % 7s, Double, by usioj the repaotir


s-j!fz4: _1


STu^I^ or I=EA.OE. 8s. 7s & 4. ,_ B.«TnoT«

:*zzb: ^SepS||pPp|p|||Ep§|||=^ipill^^

Star of peace, to wanJerers wea - ry. Bright the beams that smile oa me, Cheer the pi -lot's vis -ion dreary, Far, far at sea.

P^»^-4-^—y-H^—^—^—#T ^P=F— '—Lq:4=—?=F (Tr—Fr~i^*^^~'^T= »—f4=^



S.A.nL.-V.A.TI03Sr- 8s, 7s & 4. , ^. jo^,

L^-JT-fT-l—^-T—I—I I li I l r-T-!i I -t-i—


r—-I—1 i u

: r-i

^-t- i l i i N i

| Ii


I t l

-(S?-r#-W^^ <©--


1. O thou God of my sal - va-tion, My Redeemer from all sin;

Moved by thy divine compassion, Who hast died niy heart to win. I will praise thee. I will praise thee.Where shall I thy praise be?in ?

2. While the an - gel choirs are cryinj^, Glo-ry to the ^reat I AM,\

I with them will still be vieing, Glo-ry, Glo-ry to the Ijumb. \


how precious, how precious. Is the sound of Jesus' name.

Si^l^pSlli^l^ii33. Angels now are hov'ring round us, Unperceived they mix the throng,

^V.n "ring at the love that Town'd u9,Glad to join the ho - ly song. \ Hal-le - lu - jab ? Hal -le - lujah ! Love and praise to Christ belong


-gJ-TgMl::5z^: ;^s^i^^^^

JOISmnDElSTOE. 8s, 78 & 4. Amoc*4 irom CONOOnL 201

-&—o-liHisigEE -(S» (©- "Tg—zig: -(S>-=1 -|!S» * -S— (S>

t=t=±-«?*= t

I. Thou, Lord, wilt nev - er leave me, Tbou wilt nev - er mo for - sake; Thou wilt keep; and thou wilt save me,

:£S: s- •^^—^ ^ if^^^Zli^I I =1:

•O-"-^ (S> -«?—2:^ -O (S-


| TI



2. When my sky a - bove is glow - ing. And a - round me all is bright; Pleasure, like a riv - er flow - ing,

fn^-^-^-^ ::*-<si-



-f—0- -G-^^i :=]:



:S^ES :i^i=5zF^zz22z;:^ i?s: s?- IIP

3. When my fee - ble flame is dy - ing, And my soul a - bout to soar To that land where pain and sigh - ing


IS2=^ H^ili -es-

-G-, I¥=F^:^zz^: gg^^

Sfc=^ ^5—•- ^^i=ili^-i-^ tSI-.(S» iS>- -& (S>^^s -'g—s< -&t§


While thy word my guide I make: Save from e - vil. Save from e - vil. For "thy name and mer - cy's sake.

-& & -d ^ -G—#-~Z7-

—-^~ss^fs-^-€s—(g-L-gi— J[ I (g r^-

•Fills my soul with sweet de - light ; 'Thou wilt keep me. Thou wilt keep me, Thou wilt guide my steps a - right

a? Z 22 >-^S-Is»-


- .


-0-^ 1^5' S3=*=»^

22: :zj:


Shall be beard and known no more. Thou wilt fill me, Thou wilt fill me With thy pres - ence ev - er - more.

i*i§S -^> &-^iz^^=g :?2=:*=^

-&—o- :z22:


202 IIs/riS^.A.lSrXJEIj. 8s, 7s & d.

i^imip^^^s^f^iggE^i^ mMH^-+^=^=p:IS1. Hark ! the voice of love and luer - cy Sounds a - loud from Cal-va - ry ; See I it rends the rocks a - sund - er, Shakes the earth, and veils the sky


iasure Do these c

mm-S?—2^IjtzaL±:z2zzsl-—0r iizx

2. It is fin-ished ! Oh, what pleasure Do these charming words afford I Heavenly blessings, without measure, Flow to us from Christ the Lord;



E^^»=*:g ^T

TT-* g3. Tune your harps a - new, ye seraphs; Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All on earth and all in heav-en, Join to praise Immanuel'g name!

l^iggE^^^Egj:jt=^ :^^-"a:

-•—#--gs II

ifES^E^^Et y-r-^


! *—#-z1:

t=:=25t;:^-flr -^S3 OHI


It is fin - ished ! It is fin - if^lied I Hear the dy - ing Saviour cry.

W -m—r



It is fin - ished I It is fm - ished I Saints, the dy - ing words record.

sj—gj y ^"


-) F—<S>- :s^^Hal - le - lu - jah!Hal-le - lu - jah ! Gio-ry to the bleeding Lamb!

a. CJt-,

-Q t f -'-rrx^.

ST. lSriOIiOX..A.S. 8s, 7s & 4. 203«, JL With gnnt spirit, but de not hurry the time

m-0-^-0 -m--0—p—- ;t^^:^iE;^l1. Yes, we trust the day is breaking, Joy - ful times are near at hand; God, the mighty God, is speaking, By his word, in eve-ry land;

^M^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^^^^.2. While the foe becomes more dar-ing. While he en-ters like a flood, God, the Saviour is pre - par-ing Means to spread his truth a - broad ;th a - broad

3. Oh I 'tis pleasant, 'tis re - viv - ing To our hearts, to hear each day, Joy-ful news from far ar - riving. How the gos-pel wings its way;

^^^1 -iS^- ^t^'^^^^r^f^i^^


/ Cre«.

::;=z:;=^=fc^=.P: :^=^ ijr. Ril.

i^zzit:: in


When he chooses. Darkness flies at his command. When he chooses, Darkness flies at his command, Darkness flies at his command.> > >


Eve-ry language, Soon shall tell the love of God, Eve-ry language, Soon shall tell the love of God, Soon shall tell the love of God.

1-0— —P


0—•*--»——~f-»—*--#—•--*--#—F-f=2 1- T72j [.^^^-tf-X-Q

i—I- ,.r. r

There en - lightening, Who in death and dark-ness lay, There enlightenins;,Who in death and darkness lay, Who in death and dark - ness lay.

ip=pzzpzzp=ziFiz:»z: ip ^^^^fe. :?2=?4^ '--si—




^-s :p=P=

:PIjE.A.IDI3Sra-. Ss, 7b & 4.


1. Hear, sin-ner ! mer - cy hails you ; Now with sweetest voice she calls.

Bids you haste to seek the Saviour, Ere the hand of jus - tice falls


> >-

eSi^Ei^^ll^^=3 -<5^

1B. K. WEITni*.


Hear, sin - ner ! Hear, O sinner ! 'Tis the voice of mer - cv calls.

^3 =1:liZZit y

#^ * ** # ' # —(S^^^-

-#-+ Jt^^-irr2. Haste, O sin-ner, to the Sjlviour ! Seek his mer-cy while you may

; ^

Soon the day of grace ia o-ver; Soon your life will pass a - way ; ( Haste, sin-ner! Haste, sinner! You must perish if you stay.

m:#=:W3i=PI I 1 1 II -(S>-i


£ -•

0—h^W=^I N

BO^'T^TIDITOIi. 8s, 7s & 4.

-— ^i

' i— ili ^m..

1. Lo ! he Cometh, countless trum-pets Wake to life the slumberinsr dead; )

Midst ten thousand saints and an-f,'cls See their great, exalt-ed Head :JIlal-le - lu -jah! Welcome, welcome.Son of God.Halle - lu-jah ! Welcome,welcome,Son of God.

isiie=siii^ag at* iSS^g^E2. Fall of joy-ful ex -pec - ta - tion, Saints behold the Judge appear! /

Truth and justice go be - fore him ; Now the joy-ful sentence hear : ) Halle - In-jah ! Welcome.welcome, Judge divine,Halle- lu-jah ! Welcome,welcorac,Judge divine.^^^^



s^ n^zf^:p=p:

•-S 1 *z*: ^^H3. Come, ye blessed of my Fa-ther, En-ter in- to life and joy; \

Banish all your fears and sor-rows ; Endless praise be your employ; J Hal-Ie - lu -jah ! Welcome, welcome to the skies ! Hallelujah ! Welcome.welcome to the skies !



h^-» 0-11==;=:



ornE -A^isro-EXi's ca-ilx.. 7s & es.



-• (S—(S>- --&- -»—•- s—-^-zi^zF— I—Fj

-• (S-




1. I hear the an -gels call-ing, They're calling me a - way; I must be up and la- bor, Must work while it is day;

i2 -^ -=A-A'-it—ii

^mm -&—& -g= "«sr

tl. There are pains that I can soft - en, And burdens I may share, And hopes with which to brighten The shadows of de-spair;


-&-iSi^^llfpi^ 11:^—1^.ei^\-f^—\-o—I :p=^z=27^

3. Then when the day is clos-ing, The wea - ry will have rest, The mourners cease to languish, Peace reign in eve - ry breast:

W^ -& (S^ :p%lazzfizz:^:

-& -^-:?=::^


:t:-G—&- '-W—^^

1-3:1-1 -0—•




-&- -^X--- mS3- :p=»: (S» si-

No more I wait, but earn - est, Be - gin at ear - ly morn. For an - gels now are call - ing, And I shall soon be gone.

^-s»- -• 0- G S*- I&-\-G>- -0 • & \ :=1:

-^—^'a• G-i\-t -:X

-0—ii- a —No more I wait, but earn -est, Be - gin at ear - ly morn. For an - gels now are call-ing, And I shall soon be gone.

Jfe &--I

-s^- -&- ISl zzi^zz^zz:^-0^0-fSJ-


zz: gHiE5 mNo more I wait, but earn - est. Be - gin at ear - ly morn, For an - gels now are call-ing, And I shall soon be gone.

:pzza:z:rg ^^ ^^fn?- :p=:^. S^ -&--^—?sz\

1r-f-g^t-j^^-f-f -€»i



rCEJllB OOSI^EX. B-A-lSTHSTEPl. 7s & 63.


L. 0. UkBUKM.

Wllh spirit.

Si-^i^^ig?^gp-l-:^^iiii^is^=t^.—fi i


1. Now be the gos-pel ban-ner, In eve - ry land un-furled ; And be the shout ho - san-na, Re- ech - oed through the world;

I* i_ m ^i m m I 1 ' L-J—W-.m 1^=1^

2. What tho' th' embattled le - gions, Of earth and » hell com -bine, His arm throughout their re-gions, Shall soon in ter-ror shine;



3E=^ m3. Yes, thou shalt reign for - ev-er, O Je-sus, King of kings, Thy light, thy love, thy fa - vor. Each ransomed cap- live sings;


fiTill eve-ry isle and na-tion ; Till eve-ry tribe and tongue. Receive the great sal - va - tion. And join the bap py throng.

.^^i^^ga^^p^jipappgpfg tezS; ^SeGird on thy sword vie - to-riou3, Im - manuel, Prince of Peace ; Thy triumph shall be glo - rious, Ere yet the bat

t-^-m--i r- r 1 K T^^r 1 ^ Vt . m m-m #' # m^^tie cease.

^^S ^^hzz^ST—zizactip

i; isThe isles for thee are wait-ing. The des-erts learn thy praise ; The hills and val-lies greet - ing, The song re - spon Bive raise.


SBO'JLiXJSIOIQ*. 7s & 6s. 207




=F}:=f=i:=te:p=q= ! It—]—k|-X4-=

j \


1. Go, when the morning shin-eth, Go, when the noon is bright, Go, when the eve de - clin - eth, Go,2. Re - mem-ber all who love thee, All who are loved by thee ; Pray, too, for all who hate thee, If

in the hush of night;

a - ny such there be ,


IS^^* 2E:

z^znm: 1= m=^^M^^ffif—^^i


1=: 1 :*z=*: z^^i^J-*: if:"^


^- aGo, with pure mind and feel - ing. Put eartb-ly thoughts a - way. And, in God's presence kneel-ing. Do thou in se - cret pray.

Then for thy- self, in meek-ness, A bless-ing hum-bly claim. And blend with each pe - ti - tion Thy great- Re-deera -er's nameH I I I


r XI i ! I I ,







\ \ \

' h~122:

^AOHEEK.IIN'Ca- I^A-^IT- 7s & 6s. 4 lines.

i^t -jtlZZJt. MZ-ttZTS^ZtZi 33=i=J=*r± -Mzz^i :=*=?^;^gi^i^-:?«**.

1. O faint and fee - ble - heart - ed, Why thas cast down with fear? Fresh aid shall be ira-part-ed, Thy God un - seen is near.

2. His eye can nev - er slum-ber. He marks thy cru-el foes; Observes their strength, their number. And all thy weakness knows.



i^S-^ ""-J:

mi =fcl:3tat

-^-itzzip 11

:»=^:r 1~*^-*—•

1 1 1—I—HK


208 SEPlE3SriT"5r. 88 & 68. u o. aMZKSOir.

\Vllh ex»r(>a*»*«

•J' _. . _ . . . ._1 There is an hour of ocatcfal rest, To mourning wand'rers given ; There is a joy for souIb distressed, A balm for every wounded breast, 'Tis found a-lone in heav n.

^.•te?±^5l 0-^m—0-0 ^-0-w—t-' #','• ij: • c2. There is a home for wearv souIs,By sin and «orro%T driven ; When totsod on life's tempestuous shoals,Wliere storms arise and ocean rolls,And all is drear

—'tis heav'n.

^^^t^m^^^M3. There faith lifla up her cheerful eye. The heart no longer riven ; And views the tempest passing by, The evening shadows quickly fly. And all se-rene in heav.n.


-jzmzs^IsISeI^EST. 8s & 4s. Peculiar.


h. 0. KUXBSOK.


1. There is a calm for those who weep, A rest for wea - ry pil-grims found ; They soft- ly lie, and sweetly sleep, Low iu the ground.

^A:«3 -0-0- 3^^p^l[3Ej|aiSHS|f^ E

0- .0-^ - - '

.f'- -0-_^ — -0-0- ^ . ^ r^ ^,. * _^^

2. The storm that sweeps the win - try sky, No more dis - turbs their deep re - pose, Than summer evening's lat-est sigh, T&at shuts the rose.

0Z n +Z



ni^^-l-tfLXji-PZ^ZL^^^ 1_ i;>^ I

ZL Z^.0.i-0—.pL—I #-T-^ 1^_ .0—0-L^^M.^,^3

3. There, traveller in the vale of tears. To realms of ev - er - last - ing light. Thro' time's dark wilderness of years. Pursue thy flight.

BT.A.isriD xji^ fcd:r j-estjs. 7s & 6s.Hflth boldness.

'^ -0- -#—F-+-fi3- I:t:

—•-- o-:tz±ti::



1. Stand up Island up for Je - S'ls ! Ye sol-diersof the cross; Lift high his roy - al ban-ner. It must not suf-fer





2. Stand up Island up for Je - sus! The tium-pet c»ll o - bey; Forth to the migh-ty con-flict, la this his glo-rious day:


b±zpz:±ztz=zti=t:z=tz±ztz- :zt:From vie - t'ry un - to


:zzz=zzzz=zzziz=zi:zzzTzpzz*;—• 0—0—• S--I—•-+-1 f—:ztz=tzz=t:=tzzfztzzz^^^—+-'=—

f=- —1-1- S>-l

vie - t'ry His ar - my shall he lead, Till ev - 'ry foe is van-quish'd, And Christ is Lord in - deed.

rfezqrSxz^—r-*—^ziznj—zzrz;!?Tz^zzq=zgi=iizizs^-TrH'^Qzz3z=^: zJzTz^--^Z3znzizzi~mz:z:*zfz^--fzyi|iSzzi-,


I— I


Ye that are men, now serve him," A - gainst un - num-bcr"d foes; Your cour-age rise with dan- ger, And strength to strength op - pose.




PlE3^^^ElS/!lBI^.A.3SrOE. 7s & 6s.

zzzz^~z?:!^-zz±pztzazzfczrzpztz±zzzztzzzzzzzzl==z=ii==z=— ±zz_zztp.zt:zfz^ft:zpztz'^^.

JLambof God! wliose bleeilinR love We now recall to mind, f

I Send the answer from above, And let us mer-cy find: > Think on us, who think on thee; Ev-'ry burden'd soul re-lease; Oh, remember Calvarv, And bid ns go in peacel> > I >


i^qzqizizdzq3z:1pzdzzizzT:q:-:;rqiqzqz:1\ii^^"^::$Z3gzgzfi^pzd--;z:|:zzq--;zqiZ-izJldziz^z^izizi^^^^m-»J^0-0-0^-0i^m-l^-0-Zi&i-^^0-»-0^-^>-0~r- •—#-"h 1 —'»r-^^^-^lS-*^0-0-0-0^^ ^-*-f^#-«

I 1 I I r I I I I I* I I I 1 i*' v ^ > IJ I I I I I I I I -0-0-0-9zjzfz^

l^^zzfiZzmz^U-imzm^:4:^zz\'^z^i^f^zz^^^=.^^~t-fA-l—I—l---t:t;iz;zzp3zjfyzgzgzgftiz^— i J 1 J

— Fpz'zfz^fc^zfcifegzgzgiziJb!:£27]

210 HDuft^IjE- 8s & 4s.

.?fe?jE^5j=:]tdt:its=}5: m

1. Through the love of God, our Sa-viour, All will be well: Free and change-less is


fa - vor


his All, all is well


'J '; ^

"• "" f • f ""> I '^

f! > ? -;- > ^ r I V > I

2. Though we piss thro' trib-u - la - tion All will be well ; Ours is such a full Hal - va - tion. All, all is well


Pz^Eiz±^E*E?E*z&=^JE^*^?E*Ef-z^?EiE?E*E±3Precious is the blood that heal'd us ; Perfect is the grace that seal'd us; Strong the hand stretch'd^out to shield us; All must be well.

^ ^ ^ '^

? ^ '


1^ b ^ ^ I ? r '^ y '^ '^ r w '^ 'I ^ ^ I

^Hapj)y, still in God con - fid - ing, Fruitful, if in Christ a - bid-ing. Ho - ly, thro' the Spir-it's guid-ing, All must be well.




SF^iinsra- V-A.hl.e. ss & 4s


tip:w^^^^m^ < Hark! how the gos-pel trum-pet sounds ! Thro' all the earth the e - cho bounds!)

\ AndJe-sus, by re - deem-ing blood, Isbring-ing sin-ners back to God, | And guides them safely by his word To end -less day.

-Jstn T=NZZtSt3Z5E3;;3=

H J_^S_.S

T-rr^- #_Z»Z _a ^ if ^ '^ ^ ' Z \ \

, ^ —?^ ^rL_^__^_*_zfz^^_ >!_ it ^ ^ ^ ' k I I »^ ^ ^ '^ L .-^ ^

jL^_^_J_=:fszit^^ii=:ijir=J==l=T=i=l--^—^^=t^> >

8s & 4s.

-^^^^^^I^E^^^^^^^S1. My God ! is a - n)- hour bo sweet, From blush of morn to

2. Blest is the tranquil hour of morn, And blest that hour of

^ 211

eve-ning star. As that which calls ine to thy feet— The hour ot prayer?sol-emn eve, When, on the wings of prajer up-borne, The world I leave.


3=^'$ir -a»—o-


Then is my strength by thee re-newed ; Then are my sins by thee forgiven ; Then dost thou cheer my sol - i - tude With hopes of heaven.


thee forgiven ; Then dost thou cheer my sol - i - tude With hopes of heaven.



T03SriO-A„ 8s & 4s.


1 . Our blest Re - deem - t, ere

'i. He comes, his gra - r>;S to

3. He breathes that gen - tie voice

he breathed His

im - part, Ahear

last fare

will - ing

As breeze of


er, be-queathed W^ith us to dwell,

hum-ble heart Where - in to rest.

well, A guide, a Com - fort

guest. While he can find oneeven ; That checks each fault, that calms each fear. And speaks of heaven.


--^m'^- liiiil — JH?f




8s, 6s & 4s.





Our blest Re- deem -er 'ero he breathed, His ten - der, last fare-well, A guide, a Com -fort - er bequeathed.With U8 to dwell.

0-^ ^»- ^^-' :^_bJ -?' -«- -s»-

^-t5« -


Iz^ztztrnF^ P=r-t: 1

212 TI^E SI3Sri>TE:R'S FI^IElSriD. 8s & 6s.

1. O thou, the con-trite sinner's Friend ; Who,loving, lov'st them to the end,On this a - lone my hopes depend,That thou «iit olead for me,That thou wilt plead for me.2. When weary in the christian race. Far off appears my resting place, And, fainting, I mistrust thy grace.Then, Saviour, plead for me,Then,Saviour,plead for m«

COI^I^EILXjI. 6s, 8s & 4s.

?:=f=:l::tz=:U=fc-fl=i::2-::^-:I ; Stooping in love fiom lieaven to earth, Our curse to un-der - go, Our curse to un-der -go, I

rth, To cleanse away our guilt and stains, To give us Bccond birth, To give ub second bii^h,F

1. Father, thy Son hath (lied The eiiinor's death of woe ; Stooping in love fiom lieaven to earth. Our curse to un-der - go. Our curse to un-der - go. Up2. Father, thy Son hath poured His life-blood on this earth, To cleanse away our guilt and stains. To give us second birth. To give ub second bii^h.From


^s^^^^jM^ii^^k^^^^^i^'^^^-^^M^^^^-t-0^ « — • 0-+-^-i^4 -0— — —



on the hate - ful tree ; Give' glo - ry to thy Son, O Lord ! Put hon - or on that Naiuc of names, By bless - ing me !

sin to set us free: Give glo • ry to thy Son, Lord! Put hon -or on that Name of names, By cleans - ing me!

^'I 3:


l^XrrFOTllD. 08 & 4s.

%'^^H. M. DERBT.


Low-ly and iol - emn be Thy children's cry to thee, Father di -vine! A hymn of suppliant breath,Own-ing that life and death A

IDI^VI3SriT"'2'. 6s & 4s.

like are thine.


to;^-;0~»\0-» es-%& 0-0irtpiz^: I :t:rtzt:lizz?~t

. ,-^-J-.0J.0.

0-0 tSD

JEe|-'^Sk^L4^?ECEkf^Z^ll?3EteiE=?lilz;liSMy faith loolcs up to thee.Thou Lamb of Calvary, Sav-iour divine; Now hear me while I pray,—Tal^e all my sins away, O let me, from this day. Be whol-Iy thine!

.A.isri::ELOisr^£r. 6s & 4s.

^zfrfrtz.I I


I (1 I I I 1 I

j^-m^w. ^c^.s^. _c^.I


- i2^ <^-» rt £sl^-f^-^--f2 sf—f^- ^ f2i-:|:= 1 fi*-J s>-#-» Is? s--s'-^--^---Z*:2::t::zz='-i^^tel^t=i:z=t:f -=L:t^ tz:z±z:1I:±Qt^2zp :?t?2-^ti=i3 tzizzz^ fzzzztizzlzizz

T n-&-0 rl 0-^T^0-0

-_z:rzzzjs±:Glo-ry to God on high: Let heav'n and earth reply—Praise ye his name! His love and grace a^iore. Who all our sorrows bore; And sing forevermore Worthy the Lamb.

CXI-A-I^liw^- 6S & 5s. S. B. BALL.

I ^•• If life's plea-sures charm thee,

Give them not thy heart; Lest the gift en - snare thee From thy God to part.


. I 1 ; I I ,1 ir^ s ^ ' 1 -•- - -^_:_:^iz——zzzizzrzi^zz^ii—i^—?zzz!:_±zzz=z— -4zz_^z,_ji_p_i_=^

SIHSrO- OF J"ESXJS-" 8s & 55.

'-THZZflTZit- r =

^ r-|?=?'l?- imt^S-hk

1. Sing of Je - sus, sing for ev - er, Of the love that changeth nev-er: Who or what from him caji sev - er Those he makes his own?

Tr "4-



^\-'^—j-?-^ h-f-^ 1- f— -'^4^-^—^-f-J— 9:tM _^'_:|:i1—zSjin iTI— -V'm—^-^4#t5-# + Z r^-TM—'I—'

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I ,^ .-^T1 1^


'^*I I J I I I* I UJ ' ', ^ ^ ' ' ^ U. r 1 !

I'ith his blood the Lord hath bought them ; When they knew him not he sought them, And from all their wand'rings brought them : His the fraise alone.


-fjtz^y^EKf^^JS~3M^z¥^~f^i^zlE=U^±£i=ti:i:*=?;i:? zz^zt^ zz\zz±:z=zz±.z—'z:tzzz^zzt-—mzl:tzz:^-I-z:zVii


OTJ:r S^^"VIOXJn?l." 5s & 6s, or 10s & lis.A. B. UOAO.

1. Our Sariour » -lone,The Lord let u« blfss,Who reigns on bis tlirone,The Prince of our peace; Who eTfrmore saves us, By shedding his blood : All hail, ho - Ij Je-sus. Our Lord and our God'





*z^hz*^lz^^iM^z10 - Ij Je-sus. Our Lord and our God'


^t-'—^-^t: - r iT~C~


y ' '

Ir I I

' f I I I I I I

rI I ^ r '


I I.

' ' '

I o i

I I I i I 1 I I r I

3. Preserve US in love^While here we abide ;0 never remove Thy presence.nor hide Thy jrlorious salvation; Till each of ussee,\Vith joy^thebless'dvision.Completeain ihecl

:ir ——


^Vl^- '»4^-'" -*- :22:*i:^Tdiq;:^p- :z:zz:z; i^^sip; :«z?z»z; z=z5zf4-ti:irizrzp±t:zt±?z?z?f3d±-——fc-t=tZ-t::Ez±^

:zlzihd: diz]"-: idzdzd" :-=:i:^- laH^^zdid-^-itH:^:s-^g±zi^zzr^iz^h^hr:i£zzz?T«^=*z_i?:?:*i^zl:z

JXJST -A.S I ^^nS/^. 8s & 6s.

:zlzz±Tzd:kzziv:Mzz.Mzziz. zs^zzrzMZzMz z^ilMzMZJt. -.i^^z^^zzi^

zz:i]z:i]:x=d~d:=:j-i W'-- ?! * -

—i !-

itfzzi: -mIi^^z^zT^:i1. Just as I am, with-out one plea, But that thy blood was thed for me. And that thou bid'st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come!

•-1 ,* i^^-r,^ II II* -'^- O'

I r ;f^"' ^ '

I *5. Just as 1 am— thou wilt re-ceive, Wilt welcome, par-don, cleanse, re-licve ; Because thy promise I be-lieve, Lamb of (iod, 1 come!




--V=\^ :i=E

C^t^Z^ST.A.3L.. 7a dc 4s.CHORT'S


—I «?-:f^ -! 1-,


When the vale of death appears, Faint and cold this mor-tal clay ; )

Blest Re-deem - er, soothe my fears, Light me thro' the darksome way; \ Break the shadows, Break the shadows, Ush-cr in


Si^l^^^tor - nal day.


tt=: :t=1z:ztz--s^:

>iz:^zi::^z^z:pz:3z: i.-^szis


S.A.AT'IO-Cm, OOHNs/iTFOI^.T UN^E . 7s & 5s.


. .^U=izz±-ti:zt=z^?ztzrif

1. In the dark and cloudy day, When earth's riches tlee a - way, And the last hope will not stay,

2. When the secret i • dol's gone That my poor ^eart yearned upon ; Des-o - late, be - reft, a - lone.

^-^--jT-Z^Z^ZjZr Thou, who wast i

Lllz^zdzil'ZjjiZiiiZJlt I" 'he darkness c—t __*H IL— Bid me in thy lov



17=;^:i^z^z :«^:z«l;


so sorely tried,


thy loye confide


Saviour, comfort me ! Saviour, comfort me !

Sa-viour, comfort me ! 4—^''^j— Comfort me ; I am cast down ;

'Tis my heavenly Fattier's frown;

I deserve it all, I own :

Saviour, coratort me


5So it shall be good for me.Much afflicted now to be.

J*2IZZZ~tt If thou wilt but tenderly.

Saviour, comfort me !

Allctrro Mortrrnlo


ISTEJ^I^EI^ TO THEE. 6s & 4s.

i^zt^1. Ncar-er, my God, to thee, Neiircr to thee ! E'en tlio' it be a cross that rais - eth mo ; Still all my song shall be—Nearer,my God,to thee,Nearer to thee !

2. Tho' like the wan - der - er, Tlie sun gone down,Darkness be o-ver me. My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, ray God, to tliee.Nearer to thee !


ez:*zi_ (S»7



1 h

:<^z:»z:^:—h^-^W 1-



"tr T—^—I—i-r-^T-'^H-r—1


9-Ts .-tn—H=FJ-ZZ1?ZZ-.C^^_^.:tf\^^'t i I


: zijzzjzgf::^z:^zf^ z|:z4zz:fP::M:^=^o-


216 .A.I50^t-A.TI0JSr. 6s.

X 4^-f^^3 J—


Once more, be • fore we

(S -J~-0—F—




I 1



:*=*: '*---^zesr:


Bless the Re-deem er'a nameI

?^zT=^zr=j==}=:=ni::z3znzizinzz=zn=i3=i=n:z3z?2:zTz?zzd==r==rij fzfz?-i=i*zz*iLs» z1z=z|i_—;=*zz:i

1 I 1 I I I 111^I




onsroi^o. 6s.

X mev - 'ry tongue and


r I 111,* si-

heart Praise and a - doie the same.

I——•-T-sJ--|-g -r-»:*=p: ipTxz^::

J tzp:



The God who reigns a - bove. O'er earth, and sea, and sky. Let man with prai ses own, And sound his hon - ors high.


r l±zi=:—±^ztl^zh\izz=x:i~^=±-^dtz=izz:^ IzzzzzzzzzizEEnzii^gEztiigzz8s, 3s & 6s.



•rf3zi=3EizizEpziisziza: u

vor. This day show'd by

SsEElsii '-fS:


my God, II I I

do bless my

-a- -#



t:EE»z±z?E?z±z"EEZt:»E»z±z?E?z±-^=z:i~fEOOISTGiXJEST. 5s & 8s.



Be-hold how the Lord has girt on h is swor''.. r'rom conquest to conquest pro-ceeds ! How hap-py are they,Who live in this day, And wit-ness liis won-der-ful deeds.

.>l^zz4zzz?zfizi:zzi:^==r^fg^ty:=:zizzi:azpr^== ^zifc


ID-A.""^ IS BliE-AJKIIISrO. 8s, 7s & Cs. 217


Watchman ! on-ward to your stations. Blow the trumpet long and loud; \ See, the day

Break the gos - pel to the nations,Speak to ev-'ry gath'ring crowd.


breaking, Seethe saints a - wak-ini;, No more s sad-ness bow'd.

W-^^- zitztzi^zt:,^__j gii;i^i£rtg^g=: y=fe=l^£;^;SEglgl

Boldly.O-A^LIL. TO •VIOTOI^^Sr. 7s & 5s.


j1. Saints, for whom the Sav-iour bled, In your Captain's foot-steps tread ; Fol - low Je - sus, and be led On to vie- to- ry ! See your foe- men


\.-tf \. \ I I .' ._ ^1 I I. I ' ^'^ i I 1 11

en - e - niies must flee ; Your re - ward be - foi


2. Christian sol - dier, on with me ! Soon your en - e - mies must flee ; Your re - ward be - fore you see Spark-1'ng from on high! Boldly take tb^

-JtUXlZ^. EJEE :s2ztf::

3zz^z:^zf:iz=izpziZ=?zf*=»z=^3zaiz:p:=*zzrJ«=3=23i^=f=^i^EE|: 3

take the ground ; While the sig-nal trumpets sound, Hear his ac- cents pour a - round Cheering mel-o - dy. ^,

^^ By his triumph o er the grave,

Zq=qrf^Zr_^Z|::JzzJzSzJ—ifir:ZllZ:zlZZZTlZZZ=Z:iiiZq=ZpT::^ZZ;J=;d:3Z^ Trust his mighty power to save,

:i=^r*z^zf:izzi=zi=:^:::g-lblg-Sj-#=^:^=^4-^=*=SJ-^^^=*=;J^-P- ^'^^ ^^^ f^'^^^*^^ ''^ =

r* T r r*"" ^ ^^ ^p-^-&' - And when death's dark hour iaiugh,

glo - rious field : kou may fall—but must not yield ; You shall write up - on your shield Vic-t'ry, tho' you die ! ^ ^^^ ^''^ tear-drop dims the eye,

0_ft_'^^ _i r

I- I

I-You shall, in the partir^ sigh,'

~^JEJEgjS^£E^ij:pEF^j:^±^EgEg:"|^^ Grasp the vector,.Ezp:



z&:rj^:e:Xj^ 8s. Double.Fine.


_ _^______ _^___]Fiuc pLii

Thou Shepherd of Is - raol, and mine, The joy anu de - sire of rav Iicart, )

Fo:- clo8 - er com-mun-ion I oino, I long to re - side where thou art| ( The pas-ture I Jan-^uish to find, Where all, who tlieir Shepherd o - hey,

Are fed, on thy ho-som re-clined. And screen'd from the heat of the day.

'^^^^^^m^^ -ftii^-^:

-4--:t^JEI -.zfn^zqKL 'jt:l-jr j^

1"^XlSTJ^lL,. 8s.

-t -J-+-»

—B- -m—^—^^^(S>-f-#-:f::L-Ep=4i=ti±r-r-i--Il---[4-- i=t=4:

-0— —•-+(«»-1 :4=^ -•—•-

To Je-8us, the crovTo Je-8us, the crown of my hope, My soul is in haste to be gone ; Oh, bear me, ye cher-u-bim, up, And waft me a - way to his throne.

5-—--i^:^^-0-_~ r r r

^^1>TSEIL,. 8s Double, or 8s & 9s.

SS?^;lsi^1igi^?li'lfalg.^i^^iii^_ll_^p p p



From " White'i Melodist," by permiasioo.DC.

dte^^^=??I^E^^l^^§1 loni; t(> he - lioKl :iiin nr- rayed. With f;lo - ry and liuht from a - hove, I

The King in his beauty disphu-ud;

His t)C;iu-ty of ho- li - est love.J

I languish and sigh to be there, Where Je- sus has fixed his a- bode,

plfzjzrf-iti^ri^i*-? -:<t- :^z£z=z4^*=:*i- ::fE^^^ :^zl^ig-iS-^t i^zJzg: '^'4?fh'- 0-%^ =^*-^^,

O when sh.-r:! we meet in the air. And flv to the mountain of God

1 i 1 xzitzitEfy^zp-j^zqg:£f:«z:jfzpzfLj_J_4:[^

:r:bj^st the ^t^.a.-ve, oi3:iR,isTi.^isr." los. iis&i2s. 219

-est ; On - ward ana on1. Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongest ; Watch for day. Christian, when night is long-est; On -ward ana on - wara still be thine en - dcav-or


^pp:SziS=pEliziz?z=i:z:l=gzE:^^ig^zzJzzi±-^^2. Fight the fight, Christie, Je - sus is o'er thee; Run the race, Christian, heav'n is

3. Lift the eye. Christian, just as it closeth ; Raise the heart. Christian, ere it

^zi:!^=?zi:Szg!z^=tbe-fore thee ; He who hath pro- mis'd, fal - ter - eth nev-er;re - po-seth ; Noth-ing thy soul from the Sav - iour shall sev - er



The rest that re-main- eth, en - dur - eth for-ev- er.


Oh, trust in the love that en - dur - eth for-ev - er.

Soon shalt thou mount upward to praise him for-ev - er.


oo3Sd:3Sd:-A.iNrr>. 6s, 8s & 5s.

|f5ffij5|3g§=ES*iffi3EaZ^EI^^iEjiE^f1. The God of Abrah'm praise.Who reigns enthron'd above ; Ancient of ev - er - last-ing

I I I _I ( I I

^11 ,11 ^;-

'I I I

2. The God of Abrah'm praise.At whose supreme command From earth I rise, aud seek the

3. He by him-self hath sworn; I on his oath de-pend ; I shall on ea - gles' wings up-

Iizji:-SJ- p—


izi—P-i-tz—t 1 1—lziz3Z-i:f:._u-i-iz—t-tzzzti—|z.i3z._|z.i-t—t—i-i—tL_i5Z-_iz;i—c_: Je - ho-vah, great I am! By earth and heav'n confess 'd: I bow and bless the sa - ered name, For- ev - er blest.

a;iE^E5ir5E§iEi23Z3Zjl3EjB^pE3^i:FjE=i^-vEJ|SB;^dayj. And God of love





. !_r- (*'»«' t:^ 5#- ^-^

1 r I I I I I I I' s . i I I.

At his right hand : I all on earth for -sake, Its wisdom, fame, and pow'r; And him my on-ly por- tion make, My shield and tow'r.

To heav'n as-cend : I shall be -hold his face, I shall his pow'r a - dore. And sing the won-ders of his grace For-ev- er - more.



I»^i:iIj3L.E3SriSriwA.3L.. lOs, 58, 6s & 128.

-|#-#-^f—-»-#-- -#-#-•ts'-f»!#-#-•|g:*zJz{?zfzf|^i^^zt*z?i^J

r appear; His adorable will, let ns plad-ly fnl - fll,

—-—Ti#-#-+#-»—!+--•- '-+-t-*i-»t?r=(-laff«-S-»--ii5(-^-*-+*-^


1. Come, let ns a- new, our jonmey pursue; Roll round with the year,And never stand still till the Mas-ter appear; His

2. Ob ttiat rich, in the daj of bis coiningjinayuj," I'refougbtmj way tbro' ; I bave fio-isb'd the work tbou didst give me to do; '' Ob that each from his lord ma; re • eeiTe the glad word,

And our talents im-prove By the patience of hope, And the la-bor of love.



,—^—L-^ 0. .--^-^^1.0-0—J.-g_«_-^ ,^0-^L_^t*-^ * » -0- -,_,-^-^-

" Well and faith-ful-ly done! En-ter in -to my joy, and sit down on my throne!"


EX:TJI.T.A.TIOISr. 9s & 6s.Slow.


1. Oh,showraenot my Saviour dy-ing, As on the cross he bled; isot

jji :£2-0- 10-0-0 — i«_.«_»_^_«_j.^__i_^ i.0^.0-^^ -0- •-•- • * * -•-•- -0-

2.Weep not for him at Calvary's station,Weep on-ly for thy sins; View



in the tomb a captive Ivinir. For |ie has left the dead Tlien bid me not that form extended For ray Redeemer own,Who, to the highest heav'ns aseended.In glo-rv fills the throne.

}Efr^zi:i;;Spf-SzSz*zi^iziz^'ztfJt:'jzz^:ti*ziiz^z;iz}i^wherehe lav with ex-uitation: 'Tis there our hope begins.Yet stay not there thy sorrows feeding.Amid the scenes he trod: Look unand see him intercedinsr At theriRlii hand of God.


^77-XX^JB:H1R. lis & 12s. k 0. aso>m.

a=s;s - ! H-F 1 i I-K-^-K1


1v-j X-



^ 14 i: Lq—^1—f—l-I——^—W—


6 join ye the anthems of tri-umph that rise, From the throng of the blest, from the hosts of the skies, Hal-le - lu-jah they sing, in rapturous strains,



F.A.II^B-A.3SrK:S- 5s & 9s.

Hal - le - lu-jah ! the Lor<i,God,Omnip - o - tent reigns.

—Uz5=±t=ti9«==t±:, ! the Lord.G^




;i^gjg;Sg|JK. CLARK.



1. Midst sorrow and care, There's one that is near, And ev-er delights to re - lieve

2. 'Tis Je-sus our Friend, On whom we depend, For life, and for all its rich bless - ings.

BI^IOITTDNrESS. lis & 10s. ^ «. s,,RKWEATHKR.

1 Hail, to tli« brightness of Zi-od's glad morniDg, Joy to the laads that in darkueu bare laio, Hushed b« the acMots of torrow and mourniag, Zi-OD in triumph begins bermild reign.


2. Hail, to the brightness of Zi-on's glad morninj, Long by the prophets of Is-rafl foretold ; F Hail, to the millions from bondage re-lenting, Gentiles and Jews the blest Tislon behol*

ilfaZnrZII I

||—-irg-*-.#-r#-^"5.. -0-0-0. —I—I—


Pli^ii^^Si^^ls^Siilm-s^-w—m—rm—m —i —

222 JD^l-A.FEI^. 10s, Wram " WbiU't lt*le4M," 07 j

1. Again returns the day of ho - ly rest,Which.whennemade the world.Jehovahblest; When,like hisown,he badeourlaborcease,Andall bepi-e - ty, and all be peace.

[1 .I

.' I

' ^^ i'

I I ' II I I

.1 I I

,I . I I I I I II I I I I

'I 1

^! \ ,

_ .

2. Let us devote this con-se - cratfesl ca^ .^a '«ara his -ft-iU.andall we ieam o - bey; So shall he hear,when fervently we raise Our supplications, and oar sones of praise.

t=^:iL2: .L,— ;_

-&1,— I— 1


00 TO THE G-I^-A.'VE." lOs. T. B. WHITB.

t^iUzqzit^rMzMiM: 3

1. Go to the grave iu all thy glorlotts prime, In full ac - tiv - i - ty of zeal and pow'r; A Christian cannot die be-fore his time. The Lord's appointment is the serTant's hour.

2. Go to the grave,at noon,from labors cease;Best on thy sheaves.thy harvest task is done :Come from the heat of battle,and in peace,Soldier,go home; with thee the fight is won,I I

-<s- r -s-s-rill ?^ r I* I 1 I I I I I i I I I I I -^i I

-0-^ r I I I I

I 'I


I1 .11 I'll'

1 ' 'I

3. Go to the ff rave for there thy Saviour lay In death's embraces,ere he rose on high; And all the ransom' that narrow way, Pass to e - ter-nal life beyond the sky.

4. Goto the grave; now take thy seat above; Be thy pure spirit present with the Lord,Where thou for faith and hope hast perfect love,And open vision for the written word.

oo:M:i=»-A.]N'io3sr. lis & 9s. From the GERMAN.

1. Jome, let us ascend, my companion and friend.To a taste of the banquet a-bove; If thy heart be as mine, If for Jesus it pine, Come up in-to the charity of ioT«.

^^^^^•-0-f0-»-0ffS-0-0-i0~»-0 sTm-^-im^-m- 0'»-0+—I-? -—^- {^—^ -^-l-^^— -# #^ -U

I -V^OTJXulD ISTOT X.ITT'E -A.^.-^^TA-^Z'. Us.L. 0. KMBRSOIf. 223


would not live alway ; I

ifffczrp:^z±task not to stay,Where storm after storm ris -es dark o'er the way; The







0-0' !S-*lt=z{3fe-:3=83=gt-0—0- :*i?z:?:z?

few lu-rid mornings that dawn onus hero,

I— J-i 1-1^0-0-0^ i-7-^-+0-^-0f0-'^ *-+-(S>-f

2. I would not live alway; No, welcome the tomb! Since Je-sus has lain there, I dread not its gloom; There sweet be my rest, 'till he bid me a - rise,

3. Who, who would live alway, A - way from his God, Away from yon heaven, that bliss-ful a- bode.Whcre the riv - ers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plain*.

4.Where the saints of all a - ges In bar- mo-ny meet. Their Saviour and brethren transported to

_ z^zzzizlzzzi^l^vizin^zizzL-0-0 +:— i—t:?-^— •-d-*Ti— I—t?-^ r '^izztzzitz;2z^tz-T-~~i—^-—i2=i4=:i

greet; While the an - thems of rapture un - ceas - ing-ly roll,


H-A-Is^IDEnsr. lOs, 4s & 6s. L. B. MARSH.


^Are e • nough for life's woes, full e - nough for its cheer.

:-rzii:T:z:zD=q:T:it:=t=^=Nfq---=:=—J=:::rf~-_t—D-l—J—I— +-i-^-^-i-t—I—i—|-H—^-H-



m1. A - noth - er vcar is swallowed bv the

:^ j»- -•- _«.


:f:St:r:it:iz:z-+-^-^—^—^+To hail him in iri-uraph, de

And the noon-tide of glo-ry e




Of ruth - less waves;


scending the skies,

ter - nal - ly reigns.

^rv ^ '

ii^sizilef^izi+zztTZZ^ (^ f^_hizf^~~r^iz:zpzzizPf?-i]f^rH—^^i—


tWzzfcr=zzz:p^-p^zz=^zi:z]z:-z35T-zr- '^^f^h^ih^^

jLnd the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul.


noth-er year, thou past e - ter - ni tv. Hath roil'd o'er new made graves.


224 roTJ3srr>-A.Tio3sr. iis.Al1IB(«4 ft«B Uu Oanun

1. How firm ft fcun -da- tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his ei - :el - lent word I


zzirir::l^z± g^qz::z 3E~ -0-J


m-^S— —0-^-sh— —i^—i-^._-t2. " Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dis - may'd. For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid :

3. " When through the deep wa - ters I call thee to go, The riv - ers of sor - row shall not o - ver - flow;

& q=Tzz!=4*—•: ~:-rzz=f

4. " The soul, that on Je - sus hath lean'd for re

iQ5EEz±=ti= izziztizzztizztizfziz: 1 r

will not, I will not de - sert lo his foes




^m^z^E!=-ttizE*Zfil^z«;t Iztztzp:

=:z=z:^nz:izffiz=z*—pzizp=^z=z:'^^•—]z-: :ztzzm=:,-z±zt:=»^:»:-t-i h HAVhat morn can h« say


than to you he hath said. Who un - to the Sav - iour for re - fage have fled :—


I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Up - held by my right-eous, cm - nip - o - t<>»t hnnd.

For I will be with thee, thy trou - bles to bless, And sane • ti - fy to thee thy deep - est dw - tress.

^S^'JE^:=1: rzrp=zi=-=zizt|fc^z|zg=^z:r:=;=z|z^zzz*i»tfz*-4-S>- 1;

:ziz?2::=p=:z=-T -i >-— —

X1 k i=z±


That soul, tho' all hell should en - dea - vor to shake, I'll nev - er,— no, nev - er,—ii«, nev - er for - sake.

,-F :z^2cz=p=;iz: :-^ # I +-(!» • •- -

:t: 4zz;: i=£zEEt£E=-r t Izcsi J r-Izg-r -r* —-gzzizLiziiJ:^


g_i^z^z|zazzz*z=g=|ze^—i^=^z|zgzzz*=^=fiii=i<zzj:i^i|zj—zi^=jz|zg:i=zj^bzziz!1. When through the torn sail the wild tem - pest is stream-ing. When o'er the dark wave the red lightning is gleam-ing,

^ll^pillifJpfJpiipiliilpllEiiiiliilill^ll-•- -m- ' * -0- -&- -9- ^ • -#- • -0-

2. O, Je - BUS, once toss'd on the breast of the bil - low, A - rous'd by the shriek of des - pair from thy pil - low,

'^^^^^^^^^[^^^^^^^{^^^^^^f^^3. And ohl when the whirl- wind of pas - sion is ra - ging, When hell in our hearts its wild war -fare is wa-ging,

l:Ezfz:fc*z±ztzz*zzit:fzz:;^z=*zziz±z*z3i:ii=Szizzzzzz±3ziz±ztizz=tz: :tiztzr:zz=^zzUz±z|—|—zj^tz^^Z;!2:zzz«z:p[z: :zpzz«zzi»z: :ziizz»'



-G>- p

Nor hope lends a ray, the poor sea-man to cherish, We fly to our Ma -ker;—help, Lord, or we per-ish!11,



Now, seat - ed in glo - ry, the mar- i - ner cher-ish, Whc cries in his dan - ger,—help. Lord, or we per-ish!


I U=k::t^zzz^iz:«:zfzi' ^z'[zlzg-jzzJztzzfzEzzzz;iz=!!zizJgEz^-zz^zIzg:?zzM

A - rue in thy strength, thy re - deem-ed to cher-ish ! Re - buke the de - stroy - er,—help, Lord, or we per-ish I

:iat -0—0. lizlzpzz^rizziizfzijszztzzfa

226 :F>-A.I^3D02Sr. 10s & Us, or 5s & 68 ftool tb* 0«fVMk

Hi^illE^iiE1. Oh Je - BUS di - vine. My Lord and my God.— My bouI I re

m S^^Sign, The pur - chase of blood



iffI I ^ I I

'^I I

'^ i-^i ^ '^ ^ ^ I ? ? r^To thco will I look, To thee will I cry.— O lead to the rock That's high - er than I:2. To thee



?E±E?z±E^=^iite?z3:?Elz^E'=!Ei|5g-EJ|izfThy law, sin re - prov - ing, Brings death to the soul ; But mer - cy, self - uiov - ing, Can bid me be whole.

Ihy love in - tcr - ce - ding. Shall par - don se - cure; For while thou art plead - ing, Sal - va - tion is sure.


IDEI^B^y. lis & 8s.

iiiii^i§iiizgiiggg^|||^i^^gi^.iiiiig^]ball, In ho - \y 8ongi re-Joice aloud be-fore him, And shout his praise."ho made you all.l.The Lord is great! ye hosts of heav'n,adore him

;And ye,who tread this earthly

f r Mv^T>r3—I-


3. The Lord It great! his mercy, how a-bounding ! Te an - gels, strike yotirgoli-en chords; Oh.praise oar God.with voice and harp resounding.The King of Vings,and Lord of lordf.




SElSTTElSrOE. Teach me, O Lord.'



From " Whlte'i Melodist,"By permisaion.

zr-^-* ^-^—T-i—I—



Teach me, Lord, the way of thy statutes ; teach me, O Lordj the way of thy statutes ; Make me to walk in the way of thy com


,Si^3E34J_,—q—qi __j 1- -0—^-—:=|:

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0^ _^ U—0^ -0—^__1]~^-=F^



±:d: 1 :f5=^•zjtj^zrjL JtIZ*Z

Teach me, Lord, the way of thy statutes ; teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes ; Make me to walk in the way of thy com

ii^i^sa * r—1-1 1 M 1 V

-# •-3

-0—*--0^—0 0. ^ pp^\ //,r

228 •'a^.A.aiH: IvitE, O JLOI^ID-" Concluded.

j^ J» Cr^n. ^ _,



imandments; Makemeto walk— make me to walk, in the way— in the way, in the way of thy commandments, forer - er - more, for - ct - er - more;

^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M 11-

iiS^i^ililil!il=i-^IiHiESli-Sil^Si]^fiifmandments; Makemeto walk— make me to walk, in the way— in the way. In the way of thy commandment*, forcT - er - more, for - er - er - more;

^^zig^^ ^zz^tl




^iii^iSiglil^^^iiii^ -<S>T


±3;^:ii^Makemeto walk in the way of thy commandments forev-er - more, forev -er-more, for - ey - er - more. A - men, A

f3i --'—rzihntel-^?l^i^m^ zeiiJL ^^^^S^^^^^^m -T-- i-CT'



-fZt-T- -(S»- iMake me to walk in the way of thy commandments forev - er - more, forev - er-more, for - ev - er - more. A - men, - A

iSiE -O-: g^ff"^—f^^

.REOIT-A^TI^VE Sc 0P3"0"R.TJS. " When the Lord.- 229


'=S--^=p=^^-£=^:;^=;z: b—t^ Ei^fg: 1 ^—^.

Wbea the Lord shall build up Zi - on, He shall ap - pear, he shall »p - pear, in his glo - ry.

^ g i^ttSSS'^ ~1

\I y-=r^

-g '—0—0-0—0^0 -0^—"i-^-^

-ir—i^ s,ii^




-<&- 1 1=1:-s^-

t^=$E 321 -J^






?:fS»-^ -»—F-

:^z T r-


S::p: I

This shall be my rest. for - ev - er, saith the Lord


Here will I dwell, for I delight therein.

SESgI g 4 # J^—1- §

\-0—L —I*

-w -^ -^ -^ 3iE^i?=^iiiE^?- -0-0-0- -0-

'^21 St3=3 g j==r=i:-<© G-

-^ -c^- z4: zzt>2r -er




*• O pray for the peace of Jerusalem,"

:»4^=P^:J5pi=»=^=F^^^'==*='-i3:t=it= 1?=:;^-=^


O pray for the peace, for the peace of Je - ru - sa-Iem ; O pray for the peace, for the peace of Je - ru - sa-lem;


K-tf ^33E5 if=i-

1^=^?=t: i

pray for the


0—•- 7^±:*=*z=*: -•


O pray for the peace, for the peace of Je - ru - sa-lem ; pray for the peace, for the peace of Je - ru - sa-lem ; pray for the peace

H 1 1-

tZZ^ZZMZZMlZ^^ZlMT2:t5=^ ?=5 T=:^=t==|: :J5=iiST




mpeace, the peace of Je-ru- sa-lem; pray for the peace, the peace of Je - ru - sa-lem ; Tbey shall prosper, shall pros-per that love thee


It^-^ ^—«-

-\ -1Szir:»::=t: -^ ^—it :5•ir"


~&—•- -(S»- Z:Z222=|:

litzi—*::::2?z=ir'-^^^—•- mm^^^^

of Je-ru - sa - lem;

pray for the peace, the peace of Je - ru- sa-lem ; They shall prosper, shall pros-per that love thee :

-S^ -•

m- ipizpiZiB:



" O pray for the peace of Jerusalem." Concluded 231

-I* tf-

£3:'-^^ -&—-- ^-^-

They shall pros - per, they shall pros - per, shall prosper that love thee, that love thee. Pea<><» bo with - in thy



•—m- —m—•—•- -0-. -& ^. -&o- -^- -#- • -•-


atziza^0-p -W—Jfi :^=#=^

Pzid=ir=ij=jrr:=zr:=|: ^


They shall pros - per, they shall pros-per, shall pros-per that love thee, that love thee. Peace, peace be with -in thy

-&—»--»-* -#-•- -p ^ w^

^=t ^E '-^"EE S -fiS— 4:5:-o- -s>-

g gPeace be with - ia thy


walls, And pros-per - i - ty, proe-per - i - ty, pros - per - i - ty, pros - per - i - ty, with - in thy pal - a - ces. Pray, pray for the peace of Je - ru - salem.

3^ =|5=t^=t=tS:-fiS>-

^zt:^i:i^±i^idzgv-^-<>-fg: >_^. -0--9~0-fS- 3-^-41

I i J9- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-M

walls. And pros-per - i - ty, pros-per - i - ty, pros - per - i - ty, pros - per - 1 - ty, with - in thy pal - a - ces. Pray, pray for the peace of Je - ra - salem.

_ . _ "•". "1*—*~0^—0—0-?2: ss=

liZjtjtll ^±±:zs:«5:




Sing, O heavens.' L O. KMBKaoS.

-• •^^iiE^E^dd^ T=:iISing, heavens, and be joy - ful, earth,And break forth in - to singing, moun - tains. And break forth in - to singing, mountainr,


-^MW^=^^\^^ :ez' iu^=?if5=f^ i==fcm^- :p=i:


:ti^=t: ^1Sing, O heavens, and be joy -ful, earth,And break forth in - to singing, O moun- tains, And break forth in - to singing, O mountains;

Si^;-m—•— •^


z^ \—^=U:i=:Fi=^=^—I


0--/Q p-



— —#-

{z=p: ^lmp

-^H—!—r- ?4,^=iti:

::f=*ilIHe will have raer - cy On his af - flict-ed;

t<s^ -0 1-^- ^

-Jt—0.mzzp: ii^

For the Lord.... hath comfort -ed his peo-ple; He will have mer - cy. Ho will have mer - cy On his af - flict-ed;

-sinsro-, o iie-a^"veits." continued. 233

^ ?5=Z^l-^nzlzzM-d i^i^E^


mwHe will comfort all her waste pla - ces



mw -*ZM. ^ -O- -W=JL.-Ji-^-^

^fEEEf ::45: 1^*1



The Lord will com - fort Zi - on ; He will comfort all her waste pla - ces; He will make her wil - demess like E - den, And her

=^- P' P P 0- ±m^ ::=titzzztz

S; i

mm jsZ-h-.VL„h__*n[~^f=ir-0—•


:U=i^=U-k-42::*zzt: zMizM—M—^zzM—tt-

Joy and gladness shall be found therein, Joy and gladness shall be

junmzzMzzw- ndes - ert, her des - ert like the gar-dea of the LorJ. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, Joy and gladness snafl be

Wi -?-^- T giz^-^^E^zj^^:^^=^=g: -»^—


LWJ:^ U y Uirjrj

234 snro-, o KCEA-^VEisrs. CoBeludeJ.



found therein, Tbanksgiv - ing and the voice of mel - o - dy, Joy and gladness shall be found therein, Thanksgiving aud the voice of






#—#- -*—

1^ ^ L

found therein, Thanksgiv- ing and the voice of mel- o - dy, Joy and gladness shall be found therein, Thanksgiving and the voice of

life« ff C «-

1EJE3^ZZWZZWIZM'- -•—•-!—1-r 1 1


,- -0 •

/ -^,^,:;z=tz=U:




'>^ ^ ^ ^ ,

mmel - - dy. Joy and gladness shall be found therein, Thanksgiving and the voice of mel - o - dy. Thanksgiving and the voice of mpl - o - dy.


—JsJt,^1 '




-I 1 1-



f^r=:^=:i*5Zi]zr»zz#=: =f=:*:zir=«


\- 1:, t-

Crrs. -



^ -y-h:



lel - - dy, Joy and gladness shall be found therein. Thanksgiving and the voice of mel - o - dy. Thanksgiving and the voice of mel - o - dy.

S^ -K-.4:2=;c:grh ^—L=r::t:a=a=g~*~f=g:: ::£E=- T^->-^=:U-i—r+

^:Not too faat.

GiTJA-I^TETTE. "Oh! that I had wings. »*

This piice may be performed without the Tenor.

Br PwmlHto^ 235

:^=|Sii^|gsiigl3gi|i==E|P!Pi^^|^|E=iEEOh ! that I had wings, Oh! that I had wings, How


,itr:i?5:_^:i^T=]zilzq:iqr!n=r=zzn:^:;^-. —t—h-M—

*=*z:;±*zJ?zi^£j^:JJz*r^-*-l^fel^i^lOh! that I had wings,


Oh! that I had wings. Oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove ! How swiftly, then, I'd

3 :=f^q2:^^=1:


'>^^ Crei.

Oh! that I had wings,



Oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove


Cres. /^ - —=gii:!?±=grzjgzzp:£g2: g:IzE}=:=zij:Bz=gBi=:==qiz:Iz3zt:fgzi:jii£gz^rpzrazfqi^-— +4-^—g=F—r-fr-"-^>

-*4-g' #4-'^—^fg •—fg-F-p=g-Tr—-j^—p-t-r -T—T=

How Bwiftrly then I'd fly To my pal - ace in the sky. Far a - way, far a - way


swift -ly then, I'd fly. How swift- ly then I'd fly To my pal - ace in.. the sky. Far a - way, far a - way ! to the



E?EzE^z-How swift-lv then I'd fly,


=z=:riT^fzb-zzi:i:^z=^i^;p:^==pzix—zr:zKzz|^T:i] z^zzfei- —^—J3_^t

To. my pal - ace in .


the sky. Far a - way, far a - way I to the




"Oiil TKCA-T I li^AJD S^TXl^TGS." Concluded.



Oh ! oh ! that 1 hadrar a - way! far a - way! Uh ! oh! that 1 had wings,

re - gions of i)j« blest, Far a - way ! far a - way ! To the regions of the blest ! Oh ! oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove,

re - gions of the blest. Far a - way ! far a - way ! To the regions of the blest I Oh ! oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove,

ii^r: ^.9—m 1—5—'-•—Nif- -t:^^F*=SEFi=f

r-t—I—I—t-T-*- # -0 -#-^g>—#-T-# # T gg 5?



/-' Rallentando. PP Adagio.



=tTZ—g;i^:t1 ti] ii^fz_ztiztz-l—U-


Oh ! that I had wings, had wings like a dove. To be at rest. To be at rest, To be at rest, To be at rest

%Z^=^^=^Z:5lz^Z=^lz!^'^Zi^^hzg^^zz^zt-^zzg^tgggg ziig=gzf7^^-izE'!zi:g:=zgzizi!£z^—£-Jzzzjzfz^—-^zijzgzjziz^zg

Dim. ' P Rallentando. -_-_-- - PP -^_^^ Adagio.

^j ,-4^_z^:[:=g=z;^^zC-Jz^zzpz;:gzz^;zqzzqz:^:zq^=^:^^zj^-fZzj—zzj^fzjzz^^



-^*—#—*-f '^0^^—^


A^ \-

Oh ' that I had wings, had wings like a dove, To be at rest. To be at rest. To be at rest. To be at rest

J5Czf-ez^;=:1=txzd=zzzf5zz^xzz====Izzi=qzp^=iZI—=zz-^Mzz*zz«zzi^zt:2^=«z±--2^=:-«=*z; v^zzfL

.A.3>TTI3:e:M[- " Thou wilt keep him m perfect peaoe.' SOLON WILSZa. 237

^^ -• 0-=]:

-4:n* isiL-±:-Z:^=:p=i-J. ^ii=lfe-Siii=£^iEirs3

Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per-fect peace,Whoaa

Ei rz^.-&- -c^

-G- 3=3Es^iiiiThou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in por-fect peace.Whoso


^- -&— m: ^^j~s—

-ji--iS #-

Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Tkou wilt keep him in per-fect peace.Whose

« # # r-^:—-xz::p. 0—W :s~zw^

J^-h-X^'—J^i-J^-?—1^5 1


i1—1- — + "' *"+" ""'


:::3: :^zz»i:

mind is stayed on thee. Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee,Whose mind is stayed on


mind is stayed on thee, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace.

W^^^mm^"^"^^^^-^^.Whose mind is stayed on thee, Whose mind is stayed, is


-i -^ —•—• - -ts -5 ^—0 * •- •

mind is stayed on thee, Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace,Whose mind is stayed on thee, Whose mind is s tayed on

m^^^^^ 1=: ^zipc T==l'^=f5z=f!r2z=iiJiS=:«=i


SSf,^^2__3f:2=; :?=;z: ! ;; I U^ r ^iiMzut.y^-^

A Utile fatter.



thee, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee, Trust ye in the Lord, Trust ye in the

i^Ed.^i#s =1: 1:




thee. Thou wilt keep him in per - feet peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee.^ 22

Trust ye in the Lord,

mZ2.:Jc tzzWrzz^z :——Mzzz.:wL -0—0-


jzn^z:?:12^ ^-#-^


Trust ye in the Lord, Trust ye in the

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on thee, Trust ye in the Lord,

Trust ye in the Lord, Trust ye in the Lord, O trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord, For in the Lord Je - ho - vah is

^ -M2^-4- if=ir :j5:i^K 3-

0- Jizifi'J2L '^=0

n W~-0- 75*—


i^zazit 1=1Lord, Trust ye in the Lord, trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord, For in the Lord Je - ho-vah is

Trust ye in the Lord, Trust ye in the Lord.

m^Ei^^m^s=f^^i^ lS» 0- ^=0 7g—#- W=W-=t==t:^ ztzit




itzM. ^ it^





W^ ISIIW- '-a^^^P^^Hfrfyf 5=5^=^

' Ritard.

;.2:::?: iev-erlasting strength, For in the Lord Je - hovah is ev-erlasting strength, Is everlasting strength, Is everlasting strength. Is everlasting strength.



iti^zilz^-1ev-erlasting strength. For in the Lord Je - hovah is ev-erlasting strength, Is everlasting strength. Is everlasting strength, Is everlasting strength.




42=^2: i«=^1^—ar—«r—w y-a—a"-r~JB r"^ '^

r" —I—1-



;*=i^z*zsaev-erlasting strength, For in the Lord Je - hovah is ev-erlasting strength. Is everlasting strength, Is everlasting strength. Is ev-erlasting strength.

SOLO. Soprano.



SEHSTTElsrCE. "Come unto me."



:**: -S>- -S>

» #Itzzzf::

-s-Il^ZZlt 1

Come un - toTenor.


me. all ye that k - bor, Come un - to me and I will give you rest. Take my yoke up



-(&-- -fi?


Come un - to meSoprano.

all ye that la - bor, Come un - to me and I will give you rest. Take my yoke up

Come un - to meBai«.

4t 1-

all ye



^. . . that la - bor. Come un • to me

Zg^-• #-

^and I will give you rest, Take my yoke up

-t^it -^; m



C03^E TJISTTO liw^E.'


:r=ip=ir=*.^rnjuriq: -t-T-


-U :t=t: It:IS?:

-•—#-- --(-»-


on yon and loarn .... of me, For I am meek and lovr - ly of heart ; . . , . Aad ye shall find rest nnRitard. Cre«. Kitard

^ -H—


H \^

-& •=ztd=zt=:z=:

3^ -S—•


on you and learn

T=t=:•#^- -s P- :^—•—---^

-) i-

:*zz*z=*=E 3tof me, For I am meek and low - ly of heart;.... And ye shall find rest un

itf- =l=t

r r r 1

on you and learn of me,Ritard.

For I


P ,.

^,, ,

I t^ 1

heart ; And ye shall find rest uaam meek and low - ly ofC'rcs. Ritard.

±-«> # 0-


is^: :#^Ei li=fr.~JSL

-•'—m—#- g? .-

.-?2zz;^z;:p=r^:t=h -o- -(I5>-

-br-» Ui

M-0-J-0-^i—h S^

to your* Bouls, For my yoke is ea - sy, and my bur - den is light. My yoke is ea-sy, and my bur den is light.

:P2: '-^- M—m—tz -0—0-itzit:

--SLM- -&—0-

l—-—-I 1^-


0-S |i

to your souls, For my yoke is ea - sy, and my bar • den is light, My yoke is ea-sy, and my bur - den is light.

SSi=PS3EeEi::25'z*^ z^—S^=L zA—-^—^-M--zZ—t—t~tr toizzinf::q==1:

to you souls,




For my yoke is ea - sy, and my bur - den is light, My yoke is ea-sy, and my bur den is light.

±=zt—tL #—i—


^=-#-#^-«>-4^=P=P=FEi ;=t==i}: -#

0—0—0-3z: :*=r s

J3-A.STEPI -A^lSTTIiEl^. " Christ, the Lord, is risen to day.** 241

^ =

JlUccto Modersto.

f^~^:-0 •-T--(S—



:*z|i^—2:5z: i^Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, Hal - le - lu - jah. Praise the Lord.

mm:^EE: :t:


Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise ye the Xord. Praise the Lord, Hal - le - lu - jah, Praise the Lord.

:iz=±::=Hz=zEi==t:=Iz«?:zz3:t=t:==CdWi^E^ ::=t: --T-^zzzizzztztizzz:^

-W^ :wziz^z-:^-zzzX:FEt£^E£Efe i



- -I F

—F- --I F-l 1

(^-I£—\z—t:zz.^i^zz^zzz^-Wzzi^wX-t--^-t^-^XT, -0- ;pz:



Sons of men and an - gels say ; Raise your joys and tri - umphs high, Sing, yeheav'ns, andearthre - ply.

/Ts /^. -^ze:

\---X :i?5zz|:z=i1^f:1=:^:zz:^^-: izzzziVzi^zz::^zzz4zT7j^zhMzzzz<izzzi^szEizi'zz:Mzz±zzz

5z=.=UEf=E:E; -i

:?;|i^'= :zzzt:::-t: -s---

Christ, the Lord, is ris'n to - day. Sons of men and an - gels say ; Raise your joys and tri-umphs high, Sing, ye hear'us, and earth re - ply.

M ^-0 0-<S j0. —#.1-,—r_^_4—I—:|^ 0.-0—f—f-J— I——-I—i-



i—+ '— zXzL


2*2 EA-STEI^ -A-HSTTKCEIN^- Continued-

SOI/O. Sopranoi »d li>>

*33Love's re -deem- ing work is done, Love's redeeming work is done; Fought the fight, the vic-t'ry won, Fought the

^ « .5 5-5- * * * '0-0-0- -0- -0-0-


"ZX""s?" «5r


_i _ 1 -_1 ,


izlzzmrz zlizz—^_.::^zz—^ _zizz_: :_siiz:z:zz^:^ gji-^-^ -^: -^-q_ -^--

--(Sl- -<s-

^^:5^^zzfzp^E^E3z=^zzJ^SJ=3^^z=z^z=S^|^^^E:^^—?zz:z=?=*z±-^zzzz=izi^zi>*i«zi^zz=zziz:*z*zi:itzzzjz5z=|,g=:t2_zzzzz=zzz^-zzii^f3^.^ ^tr-Jtz

fight, the vie fry won, Je-sus' ag-o-ny, Je-sus' ag - o-ny is o'er


\—\—|Z±rz|:z—z|_z^_z^—I—I—|_±-Zl_^. '"" '

Dark-ness veils the earth no

^ %lt %^hu gi^SiSS ^^2f JS-J-gg SSJjz*-' I SlzgzSzj^Silz^zl: ilTlil 5*-0 0-0-0 -0-4-0-0-

W^'^^~'=^^^==^—-\'^—'^^ izz=zzzzz:=z:


-• Jz^zzigEzzzzg^zzzzzizzljgzz—:^ :=zl-25^

;r -r-T- i-z»4^-z^zzz'zzz=zp:iz3zzzr3^z]=z:Jzi^=ii:^^=z^zi:^-3z*zjiZiz^5=z=S4:5=^4zEzz:i=zzzE==z;irfzz=zggz^z^-5zijz:z===z f:t=z=z5zL;^z*zfl:r^ '-liz


Darkness veils, dark - nesa veils the earth no more. Love's re -deem -ing work is done,

—lzS^z*-»zJz^-^%^zjz^*-^z^z^^—^:^—'>^-*5Igz*-* *-^r*:^*_,_^_*_,T^zq_^_,_^^_#z^'0'0'






z;::^ -o-


11 -^

E-A.STEI^ .A^JSTTIiEl^- Continued. 243

^P= ill :»: -—i>-'

Fought the fight, the vie - t'ry won,

iTkz |^=far=f5^:^::=;^:3=i=En"^"

S=ii:=*z?=iztf:zz*=?;*zzzz±i?ziT-» --zt:zzzC5zzt==:tz3

work is done, Fought the fight, the vie - t'ryLove's re - deem - ing


w^-=^_^^^zq.—s^ -25^-

—P7-—l^-j—«^-^—I— 4-—I—-I—I—





\—+-7-—Z|ZZ)—1 . J—^y—^i

* ^ '-

JZ^Z=i»5ZZSZZZ=^z?z^ziz1z±z==±-|z-i==:^-^=:=-fz3-(S»- fSJ-




:;=—iz:3z^=zzf5zz]z=—zz=f5TzzJ:z=zzjz«:zzz*z=it:i?i=i^zi "


Cre«. - - %,

-—t- iCrc«.

Vain the Btone,

>-r^ -o* /TV I


the watch, the seal,

I f

Christ hath burst the

:3^;;z5zz?=:^z^=z z^z=*-zfzzzzi^:

tron. Fought the fight.


0- -^

the vie - t'ry won.

—-iz^zi-—i--i-^—ifF—z^9 9 "^ ^ ^^

-^1- —'- __zz^zizz:zzzzz izti—zp

l ^Vain the stone, the watch, the seal,


Christ has burst the

/^ « . ^ ' ' ' 0—^zt5z=zX-3Zizz^rzzrz—zz^:zzzzxzqz==zizpzzzL;z=izz:izzzizizpz=zz=pz=zz==K-P—•-—t •-jz^=gz^z=fzgzzzzyzz=g==|j^j=EEE^=j=z:T:=z5zPz=yzz^:^^---—

^-i- ^^ E£^ ^^

W*' -.i-A

244 E-A.STEI^ -A^nSTTIiEiR^. Concluded.


wji—a: VM^WrimMMl i-

bars of hell, Christ hath burst the.... bars of hell. Death, in vain, for - bids him rise, Christ hath o- pen'dPar-a- dise,




bars of_ hell, Christ hath burst the.... bars of hell, Christ hath o - pen'd Par - a - dise.


: —nrzrxzijz—-.S__:_z^i^T~::—^~T~~1—I—i—^~"t^T T~1

t—f—t—trnjrirz^zz*zz*zzf-±j?zrz*rz?zz*zr?fIz*:z:£ir^; —^—^—*

9.-0^ »— —<3>— -0 ^ 0- ?- '--^—#—


nu..;c4 1.„>1, « ',1 r>._ - jf__ TT 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 TT 1 1 1 . 1 . . .Christ hath 0- pen'd Par - a - dise ; Hal - le - lu - jab, A - men, A - men.


, Hal - le - lu - jah, A - men, A -men, A - men, A - men.

— - T'^—'^ \ ' "^ ^^ "

:*=g~f'z^i:pzz:r*:z»i:gz:zzgztfzzzztizzr-.^ir! ^ iipzzzrzt!:

ir^ +--—^^~i»:^^—•zJz?zz*^:P:fz*zzaizz?zz*zz*zizg:zz*", ^ ^_ —




Christ hath - pen'd Par - a - dise; Hal - le - lu-jah, A - men, A-men, Hal-le - lu - jah, A - men, A - meu, A • men, A - men.

gE -0—* ^



-0—^-0 -5 -0 *-

122:: :z:|--p=t;:z^=-^=^^±=±=^f-0 • z^zimzxzmzzM-i i-



^ *__-i Sf ^'—5t-<S '


C»u splrlto.

13r^J^A:i<T.* *• Onward speed thy conq[uerihg flight "


1. On-ward speed thy con-qu 'ring flight, An - gel, on -ward speed; Cast a -broad thy ra - diant light, Bid the shades re - cede;

hz4:zizzi—i—iziz'l=zt=e^tziz$t=i»zrAziz'^:^=dtzi-4=»=Mziz'^±zt—0_^.h*=-^=t^2. Oa-ward speed thy cou-qu'ring flight, An - gel, . on - ward haste; Quick-Iy, on each moun-tain's height. Be thy stand-ard plac'd;


F-'^4: ,_::r^: t::

Vc"i":^"5a-r= —0-ztizzt:=t=t;

-0—-0—s,-zt_«_s_s_^:U-=5i=t=ti; tz±





:z|z: tzp:

3. On-ward speed thy con-qu'ring flight, An -gel, on-ward speed; Morn-ing bursts up - on our sight, 'Tis the time de - creed:

m=j: 2=Sz^rzzzhzz+ztz?; d^lztzs^z:-#—


m^^qzzqzizzzzz^zz^i^iz*zfz«z=zt:=tz—I_[Z ^— 1

^ £e*e;;^EgETread the i - dols in the dust, Hea-then fanes de - stroy, Spread the gos-pel's ho - ly trust. Spread the gos -pel's joy.

' :a^=j^zzz)z±zjzzzi^zz:j:ztzgzz^=:^zz3ztzg±z±zt7a^:zz^:—^zz^zfzgzzzgzzgiztz^—^-zzgz=zgzizg:zzidE':

Let thy bliss-ful ti - dings float Far o'er vale and hill


Till the sweet-ly echo - ing note Ev - 'ry bo - som thrill.

=1:5ZTL_n:—z)—zl—z|—z| m.—1—f-#—^—1—^-M 9.— —^—:^x_^ ZH__zi._i::z^


Je - sus now hia king - dom taKes,Thrones and em-pires fall






And the joy-ous song a- wakes, God is all in all.

^^m^^^^. tS-^% -0 0-

I^ZZZ^ -0—


1:; :_^.:_Ti

* May b« UMd a« a 78 & fis

246FIrtt time. lond.

"EISTTEI^ ISrOT inSTTO J~Cr3Da-Is/rE3SrT_"* P Ml



En - ter not in - to judg-ment with thy ser-vant, O Lord, For in thy sight shall no man liv-ing be jus - tifieJ.

%•^^ ~:^-=1 :=1r;:1:=::1 iirr^r^ 3^f_5zs^ifez^:±z2z:^-i^t:a:±2^z:J:z;t:^J:^±ffzg:t^z^.±2:^-^

Eu-ter not in - to judg-ment with thy ser-vant, Lord, P'or in thy sight shall no man liv-ing be jus - t:-fied.

^-:±^E—I:zz:±^-:rI^ ::^:z*z:^fs^z^L-t;z^f ; zjszzjzfe^::-^z±zi-^zmE^^__az^_X-^-^x_^.^-i^j^_^_s2-T 1—


*.f_r 1 r.^.ziz^r—.c?_i_^i^_,_^r 1^^

I u, I


En -ter not in - to judg-ment with thy ser-vant, O Lord, For in thy sight shall no man liv-ing be jus - ti-fied.

^--'l-.J_« 7) : •__4i_-*-._i« « gs^-lStF|z^^fe:gz:i||^iji^Tg:izPzzz=Tzzz=zzi=iz^=fz:?T:l?zz*z-i:^^

--»-a-;—Pi[g'-fgf-r-^+—H^n—r-?^—i—rt-^t' 1 —t-—^-T-g'-^-^—— J^ +

^-mi-^-^^—.-itzl.ts^^i* Sing the first twelve measures in Unison, all singing the Treble; then repeat with the parts.

2fii=PE:=tm zzTzqizzzjz:::^: :-^zf:gE^i:

S> & £3 S>— -




tc _^ -i-^_ —izq ,_]

zfeE?E?:t=E*=^f]^t=E?^lS=-?:f:?E=zf?dFor in thy sight, For in thy sight shall no man liv - ing bo jus - ti fied. Shall no man be

fcZj-I i^_#t^_^_-~^T-zHzzz-zzzqzzzijzzzi^zz:-^_x.^ Si-"-^


iti^fJztf-dzqz-^--,:^:::=:1: —^— x___i.c _j_r. _j—^_,,T__j—-^—__

For in thy sight, For in thy sight shall no man liv - ing be jus - ti - ficd.

-25/- •* '<^ ^-'--TZ^ * 9-

Shall no man be

0^-—. T i—=H-trT~*::;^^"^—gii-i^<?-^:+r-5—*—#-T-^=^-T-vF ^t^-yz'gj^gzgzz^zi_uitizpz:;z5ij^zzi?2zi*z^zz^ii;zrzz^zzr:i:

For in thy sight shall no man liv - ing be jus - ti - fied. Shall no. man be

t^zzzxz:For IB Uur wshk.

^#i:==:^.t:^=-El|iE|illl^^|ZS^i| pzzii:±^:^:2^z±zzzl:==[ii:i:;::=;^±ehall no man liy • ing be jus • ti • fied. Shall ««

-o- m

'^EISTTEIt 3^TOT TUTTQ JXTIDO-niw^EDtTa?-" Concluded

—<g--;—^-f^^—?^+^— g'-i-^-






jus - ti - fied, For in thy sighl shall no man be jus - ti - fied, shall no man be jus - ti - fied, be jus - ti - fied.


-si-ti - fied, For in thy sight shall no man be jus - ti - fied, shall no man be jus - ti - fied, be jus - ti - fiedjus

fe :=t

-s>-E^Efei:^^^ -s» /z=^±:s^:


jus - ti - fied. For in thy sight shall no man be jus - ti - fied, shall no man be jus ti - fied.

m?-- --JSJ—s)— :-,s>—^-»- --S—*

0-t-<s>—e-- -


::^=i]:-0 ^_L_e>_. Eg^iz^zizSzzlzzzziS^


be jus - ti - fied.


a«l lib.


2z±^z±=z£Ezt:z^z^-iziUi—fl'^s^i?z:zzs^z:ifit^izz:±zzzz=zzzlzz—z=izz=±z?zztz?zThe Lord is merciful and gracious, and plen-te -ous in mer - cy. So the Lord pi - ti - eth them that fear him, A - men.

M #40 •-*+ ;^;3E3Zi:Hriqt:---^fi?-«-»-c«r-«-*—^'^i^-*-*—J^^-^-o-*-*^— »-«-;pi*-«-»zz|..5_i!_ig5.^iH--H-Zi:^_#x..

The Lord is mcr-ci - ful and gracious, and plente-ous in mercy. Like as a father pi - tieth his children, So the Lord pi-ti -eth them that fear him, A- men.

tJ2:5z=T?z.!^-iit:i^q=:^=zx—--z-xzz:;^j:zzp:qz:izi—)—^^rt^-r-fr— '^ f^-r-f-i—g-*-a^f-^-o—t^-i^-»-g-*-|-^ igz^gj-gzgzpzjigg^z


xnr Lurd is merciful and gracious, and plenteous in mer-cy.

feiz:^-y-f:^-^|pz)jzpz^z^zpfz1^434ijz3^3=:4==j^-¥f==^^f^l^^^K -

izzzri£zt:-U-y-U=^ig''-<^t^«:g^::^:^=gtzgztzzf zzzE

So the Lord pi-ti - eth them that fear him, A - men.



248 CEI^dl. •• The earth shall be full of the knowledge ot the Lord.' AjnoffA fa BMtVioiu TmiQaiMi.

B1«M and very distinct.


The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the the waters coTer the sea, And his name shall be known from the rising of the sun, un-to the going down of the same.

V-^ -y-iy-p-^-g-a~#-J^» '-0-0 -L «-«-#-t2, -»- «_jp_«_x 1/. 3. TZ_^_«_^_^_1^._C

The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea; And his name shall be known from the rising of the to the going down of the same.

The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea; And his name shall be known from the rising of the snn, un-to the going down of the same.-*-*- _ 3

1^ fr^ ^J^^,aiz^izzl;zzgzi;Lzizz^zgzgzir=t:5z^;=tz:^z±:fizjzgzz^^^ ^-^-^tzd=ifV?zlg=E


A - men


A - men


4 • men;


B!ess-ed is the people that know the joy - ful sound; Bless-ed is the people that know the joy • ful sound; They shall er • er

H?-*r-J--^-^- --^-H^-- '—\—i-Zzl:zzlt:il:z;'»:iziiz-_,S_iz:z'izzizz|zir.t:zz:ZjZ._,—iiizz:^: izzzzjrzqzr

A - men.

^"^^—-t-sr-f-: -



Bless-ed is the peo-ple that know the joy -ful sound; Bless-ed is the people that know the joy - ful sound; They shall ct - er


A - men. Bless-ed is de peo-ple that know the joy -ful sound; Bless-ed is the peo-plethat know the joy- ful sound; They shall er - er.a^.0.

I i|i


It—Hi==z£:zzi—r^El^ rT-i^:^t=±:-^^—



"TKEE E-A-I^TXi SK-AJLIL. BE FTJLXi." Concluded.



walk in the light of his coun-tenancc, and in his name shall they re-joice: Their glo-ry, their glo-rv, their glo-ry, their glo - ry and their strength.

- _r'^ -W^ ~^~ ^'*-. "S^" -^'

walk In the lij^ht of his conn-tenance, and in his name shall they re-joice: Their glo-ry, their glo-ry, their glo-ry, their glo - ryCres.

and their strength.

p7^ Kif~T—T-S S>-




walk in the light of his "v Sn-tenance, and in his name shall they rejoice; He f« their glo

—-f-l 1 H-l-»-d ^—J-l-i hi-l h-+' 1—1-1 1—fi '--4-1

»—» T--e* X"^

ry and their streng;th,He is their glory and their strength——


/«">,g-- - - - - " - ->_^_^_^^-<^_

zE: m.J'

-0- -¥-^Mf'h-S

l^^^zl^ljit^^Bless -ed is the peo - pie that know the joy- ful sound, Bless-ed is the peo - pie that know the joy - ful sound. men. A - men.


^^.^ -0- -0-,

Bless - ed is the peo - pie that know the joy - ful sound, Bless-ed is the peo -pie that know the joy • ful sound. A • ijien, A- men. i

-lE—Uz^:^: :3=:zz*z:*:: z^iztfizjz-z::zz^ :zfzz^z:»;itz;: zs^ztzf:?i±3=#=:^=3:±:::tzzzzfi:^4:it:!!Lz: z^z :3E^ff

Bless - ed is the peo - pie that Vnow the Joy • ful sound, Dles«-ed is the peo - pie that know the joy - ful sound. A - men, A - men.


250 3VrOT?,3SriITa- DEi^X^ns^nsr.* •* Our t athor, we thank tnee for sleeu."

with f««Uncwiiu r«eiifi<.. ^- _^ ,

^- -^^r^

1. Our Father, we thaak thee for sleep, For qui - et and peace -a - ble rest ; We thank thee fur stooping to keep Thy children from

=::j^:=r fciK

2. Our voices would ut - ter thy praise, Our hearts would o'erflow with thy love ;teach us to walk in thy ways, And fit us to

:=^±:i^=i?zzzz±4==:i ^zzf; -J—t-

3. So long as thou deemest it right, That here on the earth we should stay,We pray thee to guard us by night, And help us to

:^^=t•—9—^ 1liv - inn; dis - tressed, how in their weakness can creatures re - pay Tbj Father - ly kindness by night and by day?

meet thee a - Love; The huari'sriuro af - feclion is all we can give. In love's pure do - vo-tion, help us to live.


serve thee by day ; And when all the days of our earth life is past, He - ceive ua in heaven to praise thee at last I

-9—9—O 9 —9 — t



^-=^1—9—9—#- '9^=n^

:U=:;2 iH' Mat b* aMd M la 81. lOi. ft llj. aU Ubm

OELESTIA-L TI^E-A.STJI^B. 251tM>L6. Sop^reno.






lipz:lesce tial trea - sure. Here betrea stow


tby smlTes a £aiij

^w- mi



:§=: *L*r-* i^ ;*fi^'" ^o''^ 2^ -^ ^' ^rr^n'j'



252 CELESTI-A.X. TI^i:-A.SXJPlE. Condnoed.

^r.^ nir:

^^zzl^fZ^l^2—r-|z^Z=p-r* t-E=^-'Z::^"::^

Sa - cred peace, ce - Ics - tial treas-ure, Here be - stow thy smiles a - gain, Here be - stow thy


hzz^^^^lz^. z=zr^Lzz\—h^-^r^i-^izq-—xz—z—qzTi-rrJzjzzzizi—^zzzpiznii=i<zg|:gzi:i^zi!z*|:^zzj.z--i:fzzjzj=jz|jizgz^—zr:

-^-^-»=^ ^^-^^gE3:|5^pgigEgi|:g^Egzgj

Sa - cred peace, ce - lea tial treas-ure,

-• ^Izn

Here be - stow

-! ^-+ ' H

thy smiles a - gain.


Here be stow thy

'z|:^ZZZJz|E-gEEjE|^=^EgEg^z^fzg^EpZ±Z——ZZ ZI ZZIZ— i I —^—^ ^ZIIZ

imiu^M^^^M^^^^^^^i^^i^^^^f^^^M^w^smiles a - gain ; Care and grief haye made us wea - ry. Come, O oome and soothe our pain, and soothe our pain.



smiles a - gain; Care and grief have made us wea-ry, Come, come and soothe our pain, and soothe our pain.


''-'^^'-\4= :*zli


\ ^—4-—i—»—#—^"F—'—


1 T—-^





Sa - cred peace, ce - les - tial treas - ure, Here be - stow thy smiles a - gam

^ j=it5Li^^z:::ts:.^z^z.-JS_Kl=:j:


- - cred


Sa -

Sa - cred


se - les • tial treaa - ure,

[-m-P-0 • •-

S E?E=^t£Here be • stow thy smiles a - gaiD,

peace, ce - les - tial treas-ure, Here be - stow thy smiles a - gain, thy smiles a - gain, Here be -stow thy smiles a - gain.

^- :;E3iE5^E5^^g!=35irEi-iEE=|==qEEizi:^J=^=E§=3^^

:ii:dzz:m ;-T-0~sz^=zhzpc:»z=gz±zpz=-;=5=±zzj^J^zzp=f=z5z±z[fzz|^lrp5^3Ei^big:si^;gz=EEge^-F=*--^tzgzz!!!zz;;zzz^=zU=^fz^z!gzfzE=g=gzi^

peace, ce - les - tial treasure, Here be - stow thy smiles a - gain, thy smiles a - gain, Here be - stow thy smiles a - gam.


z=izz^z=zi1zt:^:>s—# -- —fj ^"fi

=i=r»s=iS;ifcJLm: ^1

254 -A^lSTTHEl^wfl:. •• Daughter of Zion.


L. 0.

izztzit ^^ -1—•—•-^n r

:7i=p: ^ ^ # i

Daughter of Zi - on, daughter of Zi - on

fmwMdaughter of Zi - on, a - wake from thy sad-ness, daughter of Zi - on,






^=<-• •- :*=p; pcfci: -#-x F====^-•—


Daughter of Zi - on, daughter of Zi - on, daughter of Zi-on, a • wake from thy sad-ness, daughter of Zi - on,


-•-^- -•


A—^^—•^ 4==tC=

-•—•- -•—•-

•—•-'^ ^ §


'^ :p=p:Cref.

£3Et -•

m- if—*: 5 ifci^4=1=i2^=*=iy:*z=*i:J i^z:^:


wake from thy sad-ness, A-wake, for thy foes shall op-press thee no more, shall op- press thee uo more.





^ =1:


--•^ -I—






Bright o'er the hills, dawns the


^I g r

wake from thy sad - ness, A-wake, for thy foes shall op-press thee no more, shall op - press thee no more.

dt «—# ,^-tf-:f-—-gV=-H' », ^^M r-. 1 ^ »^-»r, .

;**-H—=r* ^^M 3SL


4i=t=t: ai 1 —Tzi:

•«ID^A.XJa-I3:TEI^ OF ZIOKT-" Continued. 255


-Mp^^^^^ m-z^zzM—^z


day - star of glad-neas. A - rise I

sgl^s^^^i^i^i**=« ^ ±=M=l^ ±zrA

a - rise ! for the n'ght of thy por - row, the night of thy sor-row is o'er;



-^M—fumz ^^Eiife^=S^^



#-•^—•— #-




iniiifz:-•—»-±#*z?zi^; ,_^_^_^_::-S>—(9 »-




Daughter of Zi - on, daughter of Zi - on, A-wake from thy sad-nesa, A - wake, a - wake, for thy foes shall op-press thee no


liZZltZit=^:^—^ jizz^zzMz ^E^^E^=l^=si3^EiiiiS^^i?ii


£ i^zi:




;EE£ZfiZZf. -0—•-

£eE;Daughter of Zi-on, daughter of Zi -on, A-wake from thy sad-ness, A-wake, a-wake, for thy foes shall op-press thee no

*^^^ #- -^- - - - _ _ - -Q-

mi -0^—0—-l-T->y-r

0-0-^ -0.:—0 0- '•-^=^ -f^' ^T-^ -^M.^=w=w^ -0—


25G Continued.



more, shall op - press thee no more. Strong were thy foes, but the arm that subdued them,And scatter'd their legionB, were mightier fai ; TViy fled like the


^z=Z2Z:jizztz: zsizJ^'^—t


^ ^ T w--^;i=^

:^ -^i-m S> ^-^-^-m—0I

more, shall op - preM thee no more.

*^3E5± ^-^ m^ ^^___,

ES-:;?-:li^^ i^=i=

They fled like the


iS^Strong were thy foes, but the arm that subdued them,And scatter'd their le^gions, were mightier far


^:*zzrl-:: EJ3E^E3EE =?=-\ r

chaff, from the scourge that pursued them ; Vain were their steeds and their chariota of war ; Daughter of Zi-on, *- wake from thy sad-ness, a

-4 —4—4 ^=^:-T-

• ^ jtlZJt. :#Jt5?;


I«Zi 1if; 1^:^@^g^^l0§ESis^iES^3= :?=t -%'—-s#

chaff, from the scourge th»t pursued them ; Vain were their steeds and their ohariots of war ; Daughter of Zi - on, a - wake from thy sad -ness, » -

-^ ^ efe -*


-^1 -•—•- =i?=?i:*zpr^:;»


-s*- ±=ei^^ H 1- ^==^:^ 1—I—rt

**3D-A.XJC3-IiTE.El OF ZIOnST." Continued 257

:?=?: gggJE^iwake, for thy foes shall op - press thee no more





^f**==jzidtzz -i 1- ^=f=^ -0—0-


S^^ : ifn*:

fo--*' fzzartz-iz: ife

Daughter of Zi - on, the power that hath sav'd thee,Extoll'd with the harp, and the timbrel should

S^^ :p?=i:

wake, for thy foes shall op - press thee no more.





?lfe: iif^^Cre*.


:#=«-*! z^ztzi^iz :#~*z:^z=i'3=^


-#— I**- -s-

Shout, for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee,Th'oppre8-sor is vanquished, and

4j^-M-r. -.kiz^-tf:

-I—I—ipi^: 3tz:i^z3l: JtzMiiM:

%*be, Ex-toUM -.Tith the harp and the timbrel should be.

*=^=i|g?^_g^ :P^#-i->--•w-


if11: :?s.^| zfzz^-^-P'ziii!; zM~^zjit: z^-fz:^ tzzt?r:iil:

t-I ! M I 4j-


Shout, for the foe is destroyed that enslaved thee, Th'oppres«eor is vanquished, and


^ m^^ r'^ 0—r-0—•



258 ••ID-A^XJOXITEI^ O-F ZIOIST," Concluded


s^mw ^W^W-:t=t:

?2z:p: :^=P~»T #=P=^1 -^~P=«:i4^=1—rti


^^=^ -•-=—•—#-



TA - on is tree, Zi - on is free, Th' oppressor is vanquished, and Zi - on is free, Zi - on is free. Daughter of Zi - on.






:i=:^: I^ZZil



Zi - on is free. Zi - on is free, Tb' oppressor is vanquished,and Zi - on is free, Zi - on is free. Daughter of Zi - on

-fS r-»—^—I—ri iF—*-!-•

e^^^gX z^—p—w--+--


• *-Tl^ Tiipzrp:

:t=: -ist


-I u-t r-*<- m


itzur-it¥53-0—0-±1^:: gip^Siiii^lS

daughter of Zi-on, a - wake from thy eadnees, a-wake, a-wake, a- wake, for thy foes shall oppress thee no more, shall op-presa thee no more.

'|^=^=f^—tzzMzjL JtH^.




^izifc =tfzt ~jr=^*^^t•!


(S- :2^-



^—# T P* •ieg •

I -g3v|<g'-4-r

daughter of. Zi-on, a - wake from thy sadnass, a-wake, awake, a- wake, for thy foes shall oppress thee no more, shall oppress thee no more.

'>-#-=——•- -0—0—0- iiqi:

-I- ii^^^^i^SI

SEOSTTEISTGE. " The Lora is in His lioly temple."• r MKEaiuL 259


•- -#-r*-*-»- ^&^^- ^^The Lord is in his ho - ly temple, Let all the earth keep silence before him. Let the words of my mouth,and the meditations of . . . . my heart,And tha



W5it5: gg^^^The Lord is in his ho - ly temple, Let all the earth keep silence before him. Let the words of my mouth,and the meditations of . . . . my heart. And the

^lF=tF4=^ t=1=:*z*:it

&S'itut± ill T"

z^zari^zp: --o- 0-0-9 -•-^ ?2=*^ ^zz^: simeditations of my heart, Be always ac - ceptabla in thy sight, O Lord, my streiii^th and my Releeraer, Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

4liziL iJ-T-^ y=i^s

'mU-g-V i^-g-tc-e-

§S:-i$|g|3i3liS^ii@ -^^. i2Z Sfl^-»&-0- :^E

meditations of my heart, Be always ac - ceptable in thy sight, Lord, my strength and my Redeemer, Lord, my strength and my Redaamer.

^==f5rH:>c:f5i>vzM:^z-T=4=4=q:45=te^ ^iMZ*-

J^ -* ^ U


s =F=?=*: J *

260 HE^A.^VEisriL.'^s' FJ^rrj^±iTi. rMm FAUlKRt MASS IK B WlAt.

UPRANO SOLO.Allegro Mudrrato.


^ZJI •-#-1—




%Tg-:gIleaven-ly Fa-ther, sore - reign Lord, Ke tby glo-rious name a - dored, Heavenly Father, sovereicn Lord, Bo tby glorious name adored,


I S 1*




JEHeavenly Father, sovereign Lord, Be thy glorious name adored,

P^T—•^'^-T—^*^T—••-T— P^^





Lord, thy nier-cies never fail, Lord, thy mer-ciea nev - er fail. Hail, ce-les-tial good-ness, Hail, ce-les-tial goodness, hail





2d: SElH^flgEEfgElS^ ::^: m2?-tff



i^E=i^ *^: r-

-St: —C3»-;=^

Lord, tbj mer CM4 nev • «r-^-fi*-


thy mer - cies nev - cr fail, Hail, ce-les-tial good-ness, Hail, ce-les-tial gooaness. bail




B ma«T-Ar ftil.

• I3:E-A."V"E3SrX."'Sr r-A-THEI?,. Continoed. 261


Vfzpzzz'zp:* fi^EE^^£S ^.



Though un - wor - thy of thine ear, Deign our hum - ble songs to hear, Pur - er praise we hope to

^\} ,

4»^#^V-#-# • • •- -#-#-•-•- -9-0~m-€h- ^0-0-9- -0-0-0- -0-9-0- -#-#^e-^*^* *

1 1 1 r


^ _lL I 1 1

-0-0-0 11^^^&- ^r-r-r-r10L P 0.

!* ;:*EE^1^^^^-- :tT^


TENOR. ^VTiile on earth or-dain'd to stay.




bring, When




thy throne




itfzziz^f==^zz± •^^y—-g

While on earth or - dain'd to stay,

:^S:^-?fSaW^ -•—^




0 W]^==?s



^^f H 1 h i—


•-•-•-9—0- ^-g0f»g»- -0-

7-T.—r-»—•—»—wt« r r; 1

:|*: ^3g!gzzi§E


—' tsJ ?^

262 HE.A.'VEISrij^X' r-A.TKCEK,. Continued.

!i?feJ TtTTl.


Guide our foot-steps in thy way,



^^ I

:?=*: iflZK —I——^^Guide our foot - steps in thy way,

>• S: • v-^3l=

Till we come to dwell with thee, Till we all thy glo - ry see.



:gij=ES:^gz;;=gEilzz§g=zf4i=g:=='5:E-;?Hr-r'g :^ (^y

Sp^pE--=^P^^;i^g^§Till we come to dwell with thee, TiH we all thy glo - ry see. Heav'n-ly


-•—•-^^- -^-

1 'i _ _I


/*fe^^TV f


Fa -"ther. sov' - reign Lord,... Be thy glo - rious name a - dor - ed ; Fa - ther, heav'nly


Fa - ther, sov' - reign Lord,.. . lie thy

' -0-glo - rious name a

i=P =r^

t V--f-i-w

1^Fa - ther, sov*


dor - ed ; Fa - ther,


m^ Eat:to-heav'nly

reign Lord, ... Bo

M^^-^ ±zsi


thy glo - rious name

^S^^ -T-^: 1^!!*=?

U^ ^iiilg^iilii

a - dor - ed ; Fa - ther,


lie thj £lo • rious


heav'nly Father,

name a dor - ed :

'^ «p=

E3:E-A-"VE3Srij"2" F-A-TXIEI^. Concluded. 263

ilUgliiii E mBe thy name a - dor'd. Then with an - ge' harps a - gain.... We will wake a no - bier, no -bier strain, There

SEEiEEi-^- :=^=

im: :1z=t=::zr:«^=:*:


1=1; :d=^::^z=i^:


,Rltard.,------ TL'TTI. *-#—



i^zi^: :1=:4•—






Be thy name a - dor'd. Then with an - gel -harps a

igi^==2=tgain, We will wake a no - bier, no - bier strain, There in









joy - ful songs of praise, We our glad tri -umphant vol -ces raise, Joy-ful songs of praise, our glad vol - ces raise, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.

J!=1=*f=t=EEiE: i=liii^^ii^L^



n^^izj*; "- 9-0^zzi^Tz^irrt:itfzza':


n: ^ ^ 1^IP0-0-

eS§||S;»^0~0 i^?—T=J:

4i=t,U^ :fL~r:?z^ zz5±^£Es;lz5=£±E5±^t5: It

•-^- :»-^

-^joy- ful songs of praise, We our glad tri -umphant voi- ces raise, Joy-ful songs of praise, our glad voi- ces raise, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.

F=i=t==i3^:=t:-7 0—0


-#^#- "T^—1



AIlecTOllo. P

S£IsrTE3SrCE. "And yo shall seek me.

^S Crei.

rrom " fruiu'i IModwt,*B 7 periiUMi«a.


i l-r-r

^^^^ii?li^'iiiilii^4-\\ ..




1 r-t-

fS>-»-;i -^-0

And ye shall seek me, and find me,When ye shall search for me with all your shall Seek me and find me,When ye shall search foi me with

^* . ^ . r r T 1 T^r^-

'-=^^-f--i^~"^=3^zar^"- -^-^=J=z





—»—1—— '—r~


J)-J^^^ -*-And ve shall seek toe and find me, Wlien ve shall search forme with tB your heart, ve shall seek rae and find me, When ye shall search fqr me with

W^^Z^^T -r

5»_-. -.1 ^ ^-^— -L. 0-0^ ^^0 &-0. -S>-0—m- -0- m




::^z*^::aH ^-^

:*-^; I __ 1 I i •



all roar heart, Ye shall seek rae and find me, When ye shall search for me with all your heart. When ye shall search for me with all your heart, Saith the Lord.


^5^ ip^iil=l^liC'res.

^*=:o rJ---'^^

:z?zt-?:^<& ' «^ » ^ -

ad yomr heart, Te thai] seek me and find me. When ye shal

1 Fcarch for me, wi h all


your heart,


AVlien ve shall search for me with all Tour Beart, Saith the Lord.

C^ _i « 1


\— -^ i \-^ -;--^t—


-?^ z:^ -h—-+-l^




L. 0. mCSBSO*.





^:=z=: :=^t=i::^zt:izzL i^-^z: Ilii5


:tz=T:: :U:E?:Ew=-n

the day of rest de - cli neth. Gath - er fast the shades of



'-^m^. =|3£^=^=^i%35^:^^^^=^^^^

m -S)-zqr



ii -s»-~Ei^=

:^:- --^ci-=1:-/5^



EE^^|gEE£;p;^|jfei3=a;|gEgi^EigEMay the sun, that ev - er shin - eth, Fill our souls withheav'nly light,

^ ^;:q=zf5qzzq:=z:|::q=—zz^=:z:i=^-^zz:in^.:^q^z--^zi^igz5z^:4te5*=l5*=i:J;^S33=3=z&=zz^zirq!^

rzzirz:i:i]:zz=i?vdzzzz^zfer•zzz* z^zzzz*z*ziii*zzi_:


Fill our souls with heav'n - ly




._ ^^ ^_— :fi_« .,B_z^--fij-




134] --- p r* B# parmbsion of 0. SITSOR k Co., of whom thb pUee ma/ bo obUlned. with Piauo oi Orean i


266 "LO, TKCE IDJ^-^^ OF PIEST 1DE03L.I3>TETI3:." Continued.

/ijz :L=szisi:-.:n=:

Soft - ly uow the dew is fall - ing, Peace o'er all the scene is spread; On his chil - drcn meek-ly call - ing, Purer


light. Soft - ly now the dew ia fall - ing. Peace o'er all the scene is spread ; On his chil - dren meek-Iy call - ing, Purer

zE^^E^tzttzLiza^zitzLzzfzi:^ ^-^zz;hlz:z=zz=*=zz'^f:Hzzi=zg^zz-z^-z=zi^ ^-^J

s^—^-; •—»


Jttz=:i:T==^fz^T^-T:i^z:zh=zzz:-:izq:;-Si—m-z^>zJ^zi-^iz=?:Lliz^z:fc:tjf^=^^^J ^zzz=zizz=f^-.hi=


:-.^-J ^^*yi

in - fluence God will shed, Pur - er influence God will shed. While thine ear of love ad -dress - ing, Thus our part - ing hymn -we


dzzLZZ*zz«=zi=-:x= _ jzz3z:-=:z3:t sz 4-4-

«-•-•-4 i—

in - flupnce God will shed, Pur - er influence God will shed.ig i •-^*=^—j-^=3f=rszsEi:

h\t-g— ^ #-|^:i:a—P-^-Jgp-i-»--—p—


zzpzzr -,*t—



-r-?2aILI ^

XjO, the ID-A.^Z' OJP IREST 3DECLI3SrETE£. Concluded. 267

---i£-i-:^=z:—^=;t:=1: :S- z^ :==?::1:



Fa - ther, give thine even-ing bless-ing ; Fold us safe be - neath thy wing, Fold us safe be - neath thy wing.

RIU (^»»-l' '

-#-1 (i ''

^ ~^~^^*i^j^ ^ '-^'-i^^-^zzl^^i^mjp::=|

T-S- -S- --S^-o- -s»-

:J^-^SsS='^^\;;^J^^^ 'n /^-^z:::^


-fg T :s'4 —-a-g? ^f^ > -g:



;^^ ^zKizlZ^^Jji:zzzzit=zit54:-I—^_—



_ ^Dim. ^ /^ ^ <C^


Fold us safe, Fold us safe. Fold us safe be - neath thy wing, Fold us safe beneath thy wing, Fold us safe beneath thy wing.





^ Crcs. Dim. f Dim. ad lib. s . ^T^ ^T^

Fa- ther, Fold us safe be - neath thy wing, Fold us safe beneath thy wing; Father.Fold us safe beneaiJi thy wing.

33=:i}zi;:.--cs- giimili^iliiillSiP

I'olduA safe, Fold us safe,

268 -A.isrr) BE "X'E iKiisrEr.

^wrtTt aiKl wliB exprewlaa.^ ^I^TTTiy 4 ^On TTItH *;»VB ^v^a ^^^^^^ —I====I^==:Z=ZSZZiZT=Z2=ipZIZ«=32




And be ye kind one to an - oth - er, Ef'n as God for Chnst'« sake, hath for

^^1= "^'

I?-^ -J- ;^-^ 1^:T^-

-11•*• "-

Tender hearted, for- giv - ing one an - oth-er, Ev'n as God for Chri«t's sake, hath for •

'=^^=^ - -G-- -

-gg #t=T


^iAnd be ye kind one to an - oth - er, Tender heart-ed, for - giv - ing one an - oth - er, Ev'n as God for Christ's sake. hath for-

m ft—M--


-\ u




giv - en 'you ; And bo ye kind, ten-der heart-ed, for - giv- ing, Ev'n as God for Christ's sake hath for - gjv - en you.

-2^—*- "SJ Sf ^^-1—


^-^-2rw'^-w 1^5=15-pi- S' -•-


giv -en you; And be ye kind, tender hearted, for - giv - ing, Ev'n as God for Christ's sake, hath for - giv - en you.

Z^—^—W-'^-l i

giv -en you; And be ye kind, tender hearted, for - giv - ing, Ev'n as God for Christ's sake, hath for - giv - en you.

' V-— t ' g 0-^—G • L





^: i=»zzz]=rci^-jt—^—wtz:-zS.

.A-lSTTHElSra:- " u De joyful in the Lord.


., y Allearo Mixlerato.


O be joy -fill in the Lord,

O be joy - ful in the Lord,

be joy - ful in the Lord, all ye lands ; Serve the Lord with gladness, Serve the Lord with gladness, An<1

O be joy - fal in the Lord, all ye lands ; Serve the Lord with gladness. Serve the Lord with gladness. An!

1-n- « --—a-T-S


be joy -ful in the Lord,

r-(S-—» 1—g-S-jr-t?:

O be joy -ful in the Lord, all ye lands ; Serve the Lord with gladness, Serve the Lord with gladness, And



come be-fore his pre - sence with a song. And not we our-selves;



come be-fore his pre - sence with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God ; It is he that hath made us, And not we our-selves


;z$;Ef?: —I—i—ZZ—z]—^^—I—I—,-.



com'e be - fore his pre - sence with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God ; It is he that hath made us. And not we our-selves


iE^- f=q=T'4J.

;_. ;_.,._^4:^zz=z:»z±:?2Z2z:±zzlzJ:p ^nzfiztz^

-X- 1-^

270 o BE jo^stfxjij iisr tk:e x^ojeiid." confer-


We arc hU pco-ple, Wo are bis people, and the sheep of his pasture, and the sheep of his pas-ture. O go your waj in - to his gates with thank*-

f W^ 9 W 9 m 9 W 9 9 _^ -9-r-9- ' ' -^- -#" -•- -9--0- ••-#-•*Wo are his peo-ple, We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture, and the sheep of his pas-ture. go your way in - to his gates with thanks-

X=XWcjfe his peo-ple, We are his peo-ple, and the sheep of hie pasture, and the sheep of his pas-t^re. go your way in - to his gates with thanks



giv- ing, And in - to his courts with praise ; Be thankful un- to him, Be thankful un • to him. Be thankful un - to him. And speak good of his name,

^iv - ing. And iu - to his courts with praise ; Be thankful un - to him. Be thankful un - to him, Be thankful un - to him. And speak good of his name.



giT - ing. And in - to his courts with praise ; Be thankful un-to him, Be thankful un - to him. Be thankful un - to him. And speak good of his name,

"=0 BE JO^X'I^XJIj I3Sr THE ILiOI^ID." Conoludod.



For the Lord is gracious, his mer-cy is ev-er - last -ing, And his truth en - dur-eth from gen - e - ra - tlon to gen - e - ra-tion,


from gen - e - ra - tion to gen-e - ra-tion,And his truth en - dur eth


For the Lord is gracious, his mer-cy isev-cr - last ing,And his truth.. en - dur-eth from gen - e • ration to gen - e - ra-tion, And his

m^i ^-^«-T-»--,-zgz»r^zfeia:*r^|±E5E|E;^|ESEE|EE|E±pEgJEEEfr"r--!rifj

TtTTI. J -^ Cres.

*^=l==l^ ^z=z|z=|r^*i|Ez^z£||»zJ:z^|^;z^|zz£z^^

And his truth en - dur-eth from gen-e - ra - tion to gen-e - ra - tion. A - men.

!#zz=: =t;::fci:


And his truth en - dur-eth from gen-e - ra - tion to gen-e -ra-tion. A - men.TUTTI. .^_^ /T^

±=z=zzfzzrJ i=zz-Ii==zizzzfzg^^Ezgf±z:£zaEzti£z£z±fizzFfe^truth en - du-reth from gen - - e - ra-tion to gen - e - ra - tion, And his truth en - dur-eth from gen-e -ra-tion to gen-e -ra-tion. A - men.

272 -A-3>TTI3:eis^. "Awake! put on thy strengin. •


-tS—•-- O—•-nt

•tJz?::5EJ: £^§

A -wake! a -wake! put on thj strength, Zi-on, Put on thy beauti - ful garments, Je-ru-salem, O Je - rusalem, Put

A - wake ! a -wake! put ou thy strength, Zi-on, Put on thy beauti - ful garments, Je-ru-salera, Je - rusalem.


+3^^z<»z* itfcf:^Zi: »=*=?

?=;c ^*%rNA - wake ! a - wake ! put on thy strength, O Zi-on, Put on thy beauti - ful garments, O Je - ru - salem, O Je - rusalem, Put

illlE^i^EE-lg^g^^Ega^ pzpz^^l^- ^^-^Ttfl- =i:=ttr# # ^ I

'^B^m^mQ r •7-#- -«?-#- -fi>-T

on thy strength, O Zi - on, O Je - ru-salem, .0 Je - ru-aalam, A - rise, a - rise,

-^-•5 —'^<s/ ^ • —

lz± :3?SE.^sti^rMiml-iztri ^zjL o-

*^Put on thy beautiful, thy beautiful garments, O Je - rusalem, O Je - ru-salem, A • rise, a - rise,

-f-T-»-fg* ^ Tfsr.

iilon thy strength, Zi - on, Put on thy beautiful, thy beautiful garments, O Je - rusalem, O Jo - ru-salem, A - rise, a - rise,

^^^^^^^^^ <S>-#-m.:ipz»qi=^fS~»-


22: ^==f

-A-'^^T^-AJKE 1 :E>TJT OlST •rii""^ STI^EHSrO-THC-^' Concluded 273





H ^—H—I—




for thy light is come, And the glo-ry of the Lord, And the g!o - ry of the Lord is risen upon thee, is risen up-on thee, Je

m^^^^^^^^^^^M-G>—9- -(&-«-,

-, ,



for thy light is come, And the gio-ry of the Lord, And the glo-ry of the Lord is risen upon thee, is risen up-onthee, O Je

22z,«:x:^z^ELe T^:?ig^lfor thy light is come. And the glo-ry of the Lord, And the glo-ry of the Lord is risf^n upon thee, is risen up-on thee, Jo


g:z±iz-^ttzzztzJzz::==izfE:zgz;^^zzz=T' ^z^^ty-gzzizzzztizt-tr-z:^^^=^V^L-^


f ff—qeT*ZMzpz#T*ZT:^2zzzzz:+^zUrg ^z^z^z^zftiiz^zgz:

J/ Cpcs. -----*z^5Z^z#ZT:^z^»zpz:»:i^z^c:zT:!fftzzi:^--

ru-salem. And the glory of the Lord, And the glory of the Lord is risen, is risen up-on thee.


ru-salem, A - rise and shine, far thy light is come. And the glory of the Lord, And the glory of the Lord is risen, is risen up-on thee.



liz^z»z#: <s-»- «"imiiSEra-salem, A - rise and shine, for thy light is come. And the glory of the Lord, And the glory of the Lord is ri^en, is risen up-on thee.





-0—0—0-0- ^^M -»-»-dzznzrzfcTz^iTtzztzz:


izz;2z;tz: i^l^^^


." Moderato. ^_

-# (S»-

-4 4-

-& &-I p—^



\ T—i !—i- I \ '^^

Our Fa - ther who art ia heaven, hal - low - ed be thy name, thy king-dom come, thy will be done on

-0- -13- -^- -9-

Our Fa - ther who art in heaven, hal - low - ed be thy name, thy kingdom fome, thy will be done on


-SiI±ljiZ=lVL—^^ i^esIee^^

^m -9 9--G- ^e^;e :=^:




(Jur Fa - ther who art in heaven, hal - low - ed be thy name, thy king-dom come, thy will be done on


:»—»: ---X-9^r-9 •—•-zzizisz: zM—m—j^ii


earth as it is in heaven ; Give us this day our dai - ly bread, and for -give us our tres-pass - as as we for -give

If*w H i-+ '

9-^-& -^-:^—

H '

-I i j»H-9- -0- '^ -^T-w—r -^—w-

earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our dai - ly bread, and for -give us our tres-pass- es as we for - give

^ T(S—•—


-&- "ST



&- =1: —I- ::X-

lizzit -0—0- -s^ -0— —0-^=A-

ztzizM:mearth u it is in heaven; Give us this day our dai - ly bread, and for -give us our tres-pass -es as we for-gire

P59 <g W—W. £/ rJ \

--«- H (-

ng<7-r—S> « &—9 •- :»=«: -s>-|-^—*—^—


-T—I r^—I >



M"TZZHZ X^OlEtlD'S :£'JEIJ^'^^:E1T<^ Concluded.



5$Efeg -&— —•-



I^JI^srE^ -<5>-

: n^mzti"^ ,


:4r—M-»zzfi4i=t=: E


H—m—M—tz: -a—zd^-'.

those that ti-es - pass a - gainst us ; And lead us not in - to temp - ta - tion, but de - liv - er us from e - vil, For


'-%' :j:^-i -o- ^: -&-:st. :*=:22:


those that tres - pass a - gainst us; And lead us not in - to temp- ta- tion, but de - liv - er us from e - vil, For


S> 0- :r-:i;^rt~—:=qzT-r—^zzii=q:T—z=:


t:~tz::*=*=«=p: -• )S?—P-

Ithose that tres - pass a - gainst us ; And lead us not in - to temp - ta - tion, but de - liv - er us from e - vil, For

mitt=:t:(S> &-


r~~P=4: -s^-

-s>- -jSZ.-&- :,—"•=gf=P=J=*=p:

1:: ^ :^tz=Mzzm—^ -0 (S-

^ /P=jb:


0--0 0-


-• (S-Si

—— :=1~-Tzisr. z^Lzzir. :

Dim. Ritard.

thine is the kingdom, and the pow - er and the glo - ry, For - ev - er and ev - er, A - men, for - ev - er and ev- er, A - men.

^'^^^^'^^^'m^M'^^i^^^M'^^S'^^^^^^.thine is the kingdom, and the pow-er and the glo - ry. For - ev - er and ev - er, A - men, for - ev - er and ev - er, A - men.

P5 im—wzzMziW-V—\

SI—P- T-S"-^'I:*


| '^~"tT~~i'IE :s^—^-wt:

thine is the kingdom, and the pow-er and the glo - ry. For - ev - er and ev-er, A- men, for - ev - er and ev-er, A -men.

-m #-r-!« P r-^ #"— ^-r-* f^ •-ri m arT^ • <&-

3$ itzzfiiz:*:

4i=t =Eti=p:g -^ - -•- -s?—#—•-

:sz: fe

27<) 3^"5riv5:2Sr. "Jesus, lover of my sod.. OOHAJn.

^^.^Z»z-^:Z~l'^^t:IL^l'^E^:^^^1. Jo- Eus, lov - er of my soul, Let me to thy bo-som fly, While the bil-lows o'er me roll, And the tem - pest still is high;

gJF====^2. 0th - or re- fuge have I none; Hangs my help-less soul on thee : Leavc.ah ! leave me not a - lone, Still sup-port and com - fort me:

Sisi^ --p:

:;^^^pE?3 :s?:zg2:r:::^; m.

sVj> S>—«3—(S»^—•4-^—-J- J--=^—•-+»-^ ^^^—^-•f-<^T-i-—


G>-\-&—& S»4h ^

fzgzzz:i[zzrzlz:r:i^T--—^y—'^ t-j ,

-f-i '

TzHzitiX:ps;z_r-^-^zt:gz*zi^z^ i

Hide me, my Sav - iour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; Safe in - to thy ha - ven guide, re - ceive my soul at last.

ttzrzzzrzH:-#--- m-^-es—^— ^--'--,»3—("5



fe^i^sggili&-\s ?z^±ii:I-^ZT;-^z:^|z5^^^=:,

-&- ^iili£E?iEEil3EilAll ray trust on thee is stay 'd. All my help from thee I bring; Gov -er my de - fence-less head With the sha - dow of tby wing.

Ll^i 1 -r- £1^o

23:z-s?z:i2=- ;»t^-=zzzzg:i:;z:=;:z-r—'=^-1- --

f" '.^-4--g £»;

r>XJir>E 3^^E, O THOTJ O-I^E^^T JEHO^V-A-IH:." »1..'0. EMERSOJf. 277

Guide me, Guide

-^_~ :pr^—d- -_-=d=;:d:=*:n|=p^=jg=3=^j

Guide me, Oh! Thou groat Je-ho-vah! Pifme, grim

through this bar - reu land


I.... ara weak, but thou art mighty Hold with thy pow'r - ful hand.

— -^- il*-


PeJ.Y Ped.I

-is>- -S?- :S>-

*^ -.^Zy ^'-^— ^—^—*^-^-^^, -'•-- N^-*-!

^--^-^ ^'»^T—


1. 1

x.^^z-^—5 i_.,__.z:^yr^Bread of heav'n. Bread of heav'n, P'eed me till I want no more, Feed me till I want no more.

1. Dim.

^-^^r_,^_z^,^_(S- -&-•


,-^_z^z,.^_.-&-- -(S-




-•-+ I-

-»-»-0- -0


^-^ ^^' 'r- ^^ ^'^^ -^-^ '(^* Sr yarmiMlon of OTpIXSOM fc C«., of whom tbif pitqt taaj U obUUud, with Piaoo or Ots«o aeeomranlnMBt.

=:=:z^=i^^ iizj::


278 •'O-TJIIDE l^E, CD THOXJ. C3-IR,E^^T J^EmO^^^A.!!." Ctntmuea

pen DOW


the crys - tal fouD-tain, Whence the heal - ing streams do flow





Let the fi - 'ry, cloud - y


m^^^^^^^^^:^^m^^^^m^^m:mO - pen now the crys - tal fountain, Whence the heal - ing streams, do flow


Let the fi - 'ry, cloud - y> . ^ ^ ^^

^5-s» m^ -ts^ :^::--^.-- —I—t-


-L-t Ht:--

f=»r:::izzp^zpi;:z4=^4— gz-^S: ElSZSlj^EEg^]

iz=iz=i:i3;z:tptz:jzzt;:^;=^• "f[^2Etz?zf|:!?z3:Jz^=z- "zzzzz -^


pll - lar, Lead mo all my jour - ney through, Strong Do - liv-'rer.


^^^§i|gifgiililll-l|ri-i|i|l|i|il^ifi|^|E^||i|pil - lai, ^ Lead me all my jour - ney through. Strong De-liv-'rer, Strong De - liv - 'rer. Be thou still my strength and shield.

-#* T-(S»—•-T-*—

ad lib. •

••a-UinDE 3S^B, O THOXJ a-PlE.^T JEHO'VA.H." Continued.

• rati

279SOrO. Soprano or Tenor.



n~l Dim. '^v

Be thou still my strengtli and shield. When I tread the verge of Jor-dan, Bid my anx - ioua fears sub -side;



—t —f f + 1


. «^ *-r -1-^ -•- -•- 1-^- —1^ fid' "#~#fejr '^Be thou still my strength and shield.


(S—r—l^-O—r (S>-- 4- (S i-4-St 1—|-j-—I,


^—±-—^zi ^zit ^Hz ^Z4. *-^z4-—-ili?^-*- -=r^^yr. -eJ- -^ ^ -1^-^ •-


;EtEE^eBear me thro' the swell - ing current, Land me safe ou Ca - naan's side, Bear me thro' the swell - ing cur - rent,

?-J2:^ :zEEE=izz==S=;^zf^=^f^z?Z?fidz3i/ Cres.

- -f3-


!— i5-


:J-«f|;^:t£^:K: EpSf^pii

/Bear me thro' the swell - ing cur - rent.

^H^f— ziz_|zzzzT.-22z:zzz:iz:^z=:iz:izn:zzzzzzzz=zi:^zr:3:—ii^zz?



ip -^^—J:zzl:zz:^t:g^-v :zz=zf::^zzrJ:f2i=igtzij



S)IZI±2^Z -»—i-sk-L ^H-"--

& #-+-1!^-

280 "O-XJIIDE IS^iEL, O THOTJ O-PtE^A^T J-EIiOV-A.Ii." Concluded

1^aSOI.O. floprano or Tenor. — _

J Cret. ItIL

Land me safe on Ca - naan's side ; Songs of prai - ses, Songs of prai - seo. I will ev - er give to thea

ilJ^gr^tgg:Ig:lEg:z=Jzzr:g£±f=^=it—zz==zzi==—====! =Jz£zz^:I:z^-iJiggz*igJE

-^^.-Cres. Kit.

Laud ino safe on Ca naan's side; sBs^Ma^ I will ev - er give to thee.

-. ^ ^J['.ov.:.i^. ^v.




SElSTTEIsrOE. " The Sacrifices of God are a broken spirit."


The sac - ri - fi - ces rf God are a broken spirit ; A broken and a contrite heart, God, thou wilt not des-pise, God,thou wilt not despise.




The sac - ri - fi - ces of God are a bro-ken spirit ; A bro-kenanda contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not des-pise God, thou wilt not despise


^ Sloiiv Mnd vrltli cffproslvM

IISTTI^OIT. " We come befbre thee, O Lord.' H. HAKDIKO. 281


We come be-fore thee, Oh Lord our God, We worship thee, we glo-ri-fy thy ho - ly name, We mag - ni - fy and praise thee, ev - er-more.

m4=i :t::=t=:is^—i^-"-i^ -&- .^.-^

:j5=^=t^:=^T^—#-#- -•—•—•- :t=:=t



Jizjinit. m^=|:T=1:^izfz*:

-0—^ «*—*-litiz^

45=^ifZIit E^3ifeSi=g^^ilg:fegE

We come be-fore thee, Oh Lord our God, We worship thee, we glo-ri-fy thy ho - ly name, We mag-ni -fy and praise thee, ev -er-more.


^- ^Z^^ '0--»—P-f-0- i^ziil: -^-t±=]~::1:


'ir^ sS .2^:

H 9- -0—0—0-

H iSi- -es--es- 2^z


We wor - ship thee, we glo - ri - fy thee, We mag - ni - fy and praise thy ho - ly name, for-ev - er and ev - er-more, A - men, A - men.



Ay-^^ -i^—•—y-h-g—*-





-(S»-? Ei^=1:


Wo wor- ship thee, weglo-ri - fy thee, We mag-ni -fy and praise thy ho - ly name, for-ev- er and ev - er-more. A - men, A - men

feiE-i ^fm 'W=r^-g? 0-

:^=ff-czq=p] -•-g#—-^ is:::=!_: .^-j*.


282 'BLESSEID -AJRE TUB I^EOFX.E.> finth splnb1, .Z' "1

r^ 'T ^

l^b^ |^_irzzJz*zjJ-?z::?J_g_J: i5z2rp-^lil'l=ll^55i=i§^^

Blessed are^he people, Blessed are the peo-ple, Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound.



-m- -0-0- a ^0- m » . m .^.They shall walk, O Lord, in the

k* izi-z^:^i^:^pqzz:^z:zizz=q=iz_z-.^"5zr-izi;zH iiijzi^z?!^ -^:-! ^. V--*z:i: zf ; :b:—t==z#ig:=: i^ii:z—Lzqzzr^z

Blessed are the people. Blessed are the people, Blessed are the people,who know the jojftil sound.-•-•-•-


;r^zi1z:3S=3fez»z^i-pz:«z*-«izz^:iZii:iiz:«zpz:ptiti=J 5:^__l4-^=^i^=!=4;:^zg^-^-»-*f-r-r—±1;=^:;^—£rg-ii;ii-z:;zzr:z:ptg^

\ 4^—|^^-yzi^-i^-#


light of thrcoun-tenance, And in thy righteousness shall they be exalt - ed, And in thy name shall they re-joice,shallthoy re -joice, re - joice, all theday.

> jj:* •

.! ! 1 ^_.

^*^^>s :sr:i:"s-""-^'r"-""'''•

'"-^3r;:-J»"*-'2=f;j5r^^I I I





And in thy righteousness,and in thy righteousness shall they rejoice,shall they rejoice.rejoice all the day, and in thy name shall they be ex - alt-ea,

'ii^df^. gggJ^gE^gEgggl^E^IS:^^^

%*;z*zgf:-; :ztzg|zjzi0^z5±=^3: :*z:3zi^z*±*ziz*za±*ziizt43E*z*z±3;:l:i^zqgz^^zjzHzz^lqzqi:^—zjiz^ip:



And in thy right ;ou8nes8,and in thy rishteoasness shall they rejoice,shall they rejoice,rejoice all the day, and in thy name shall they be ex - alt - ed,

_^9-0-0 rg-^T* *

-^-0~0T ^^0-0-0-0^^-0-0-:=1=?2i5±=*±t sz»::z^z;

pztiiz^-^_-»i:::^zpipz::^:^z=:tzEpf4=it:=tziSE*=^^ :z±2^.Si

SEISTTEITOE. " Bless the Lord, O my Soul."

fa^--^T-^=izfsz?^:zzzzfsT._,^,_^.i>?:z!=^i::jzr^-_^ TZ^=r__^=:z=T=zIi^:^^^z::^-I^zz:]:IZ^z^-Lm

Bless the Lord, my soul, And all that is with-ia me bless his ho - ly name. Bless the Lord.O my soul,And forget not all his ben - e-fits.

fe=E=fq=::K:^-zts::.-*~^- ^.¥f^l3i^-ii^*P«^g3iSlSI^


Bless the Lord, my seal, And all that is with-in me bless his ho - ly name. Bless the Lord,O my soul,And for-get not all his ben-efi>

ix^-d^^f;^::;S^^i^^ -0--0-

£££5-5:;?-J—L.ii-zz:t-W—W^IS T^zzt^iz^nrr

-0—0- nis^irE

284 •v;mo -A-i^E THESE i3sr feRia-HT j^tije<.j^-^ j»»L. 0. KMSHSOR.

•OLO. Boprmaa. Cre«.

Who are these in bright ar - ray ?


Who are these in bright ar - ray ? in bright ar - ray ? in bright ar


Sopmno Ic Alto Chorui.Who are these, Who are these,

X ^ 0-X.^, X X 0^±.0l-•-: -- IS- -#- -#- --•

Who are these,




Who are these, Who are these.


— - rr-jf^t rr- t



Who are these,

iSi :^zz: i^E?E*z±^E=Ezi= -=E==ffi=——I^^E=^==ffi^^zfe=z^


y Tenor. CHORUS,


ray? in bright ar - ray? Theseare they who've wash'd their robes in the blood of the Lamb.These are they who've wash'd their robes in the

^g?eEi^z=zzI?gg3^z:^i:z=^:z=z^i;zzzz=^t3Z=aEJfz=^E:t^=gzgzf:gzzzz===&jE:^:gzfzgzi:gEjz:j;=j^zfc;=jEjifjzzzgzzgzl:g^Who are these.

ySoprano. CIIORl'S,

Who are these,

These are they who've wash'd their robes in the blood of the Lamb,These are they who've wash'd lUcu robes in the

IITZI^I^I-*r-7 ?- m i?5T:ztzzf?z


:*zz*zziz±.iizzt::^1-0— — —*-i:i1=:zl_z*r


• from " Golden Harp," by permission of O. DiUon h Co.

^j^XIO -A.K,E TliESE I3Sr BI^ICa-HT JiLR:RJ\r^^' Contlnueti 285CHORUS, lempo.


throne of God, and serve him ( day and night in his temple.

blood of thJ Lamb. Therefore are they before the )

lira ) day For the

:i^±a=3=\-#• -fz^T -&-

:s 3;=-&- -o--' ^3

^^^^-^ .._^.

SOLO, ad lib.

neither thirst a - ny more.



blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the \throne of God, and serve him j day and night in his temple. Th'ey shall hun - ger no more.

^ I m—m—L-i,^

J.— .22:«—#--t- v^.' X X.^ ff ^-X J^* X :i=^ i=3Efz=:

For the


^—j— +1

\-\t-h—9^-9~\o—9-9^^-\\—^4-^4-^-4-—I T 1 ;-F -F——=t=:z=l:

I^mb up - on the throne shall feed them,For the Lamb up - on the throne shall feed them,•T*^ SOLO. Alto./^ SOLO. Alto. Rlt. ^>

And lead them to liv - ing fountains, to liv - ing fountains.


ILamb up - on the throne shall feed them,For the Lamb up - on the throne shall feed them,


Sod, mnd qaltr ilrf^

""N^HO uA-I^E THESE IIST BPtlO-IiT -A^I^IiA.^X'?" Concluded.

rre». ----------- Dim. P

And God shall wipe a - way all tears from their eyes, And God shall wipe a - way all tears from their eyes, all tears from their eyes.

-^ .0-' 9 » - • ' .0.»- ^ .0.

^ -m-And God shall wipe a - iraj all tears from their eyes, And God shall wipe a - way all tfiars from their eyes, all tears from their eyes.

SElSTTElsrOE. " ffide thy face from my sins."



Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine in - i - qui-ties ; Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine in - i - qui-ties, A - men.

,^ ^^ ___^\ !


^iis^lpg-liii^^i^^ls^J^-lSlii^il^^liS?ftiie thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine in - i - qui-ties ; Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine in - i - qui-ties, A - men.


ssIV =i±=l^•0-r-0-

rXTTSTEI^A-Ij SEnsrT;p2SrCE- •' I heard a voice from heaven." 287

tt:U=tn H 4-+;ic:y=^=




^f-"^ r-Bz:^: 2E^



r heard a Toioe from heaven, say-ing un-to me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, which die in the Lord ; Blessed are the dead which





--zt^?H^^I heard a voice from heaven, say-ing un-to me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, which die in the Lord ; Blessed are the dead which

r t>4- —F-I P-* - 0^- ^

- r-\-j—9-o—0—«-•--#-

:?zfz?z*z O

0-05=H^:l^="S^:^!=«:|firi22:_-^I:3iz3=5^illI heard a voice from heaven, say-ing un-to me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, which die in the Lord ; Blessed are the dead vrhich





Cres. Dim.

:tzz^±tz:tz5-fc=i ^S7=^ -•-•^

die in the Lord, from henceforth,from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spir-it, That they may rest from their labors, that they may rest from their labors.



&--0 i?-^i?feigE=liE^^Ss^il^^izl-^' -s^-*.«! ^

die in the Lord.from henceforth,from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spir-it, That they may rest from their labors, that they may rest from their labors.

1;I I


^ t^ 0-0zfsz^


V^^g> 0- ^z5:

die in the Lord, from henceforth,from henceforth ; Yea, gaith the Spir-it,


•^ ^sz^czpzlzt -•-=-#-#


^-0That they may rest from their labors, that they may rest from their l-bor».


-i^r-0:«c *z^

0-0 s^ '^

288 :£*j^Tirrxi<TC3- :E3:^isjiisr.nm «.~CMXK80If.



zt . ::^r:«_-_*-1331_ 1 1 ^-.—I i-



It zi - -m— rj., _:*— gzij^zzg^—«-BCome, Chriitian brethren, ere we part. Join eve - rjr voice and eve - ry heart ; One solemn hymn to God we raise, On? clot -ing song of grate -ful

'^ 3EiZ3Egs»-


,|^5 ^=i::q:

:^zr*:-I ^-

'~ '~f^~~F ^ ^ 14;

-^JZtZjf- -J^l l^IZl.1^~ t=5;:^::==^=i==r4



Come, Chrietian brethren, ere we part, Join ere - ry voice and eve - ry heart ; One solemn hymn to God we raise, One clos - ing song of grate - ful^^ :p=p:izi


t=P==^I I I




^li^;afz i^ -.zjszja -es- SHiJ

praise, One closing song of grata - ful praise. And there re-leased from toil and


l=-— <i #

m- Z2: -^Christians, we here may meet no more, But ther« is yet a hap-pier shore


praise, One cluing song of grate - ful praise.

&^?$ 72^=rf<!ilt-~^^:;. :!

And there re-leased from toil and


I>.A.E,TI3SrC3# TJr^H/Ll^. Concluded. 289Ore*.





pain, Dear brathren we shall meet z • gain, Dear brethren wo shall meet a - gain. Shall meet a - gain, shall meet a - gain, shall meet a - gain.


-s^- S S ^ -0—•—#- :isz -^tei#^^^§P^^^^=3S^%


&—,^- -e "23 "^-.22:

pain, Dear brethren we shall meet a- gain, Dear brethren we shall meet a- gain, Shall meet a - gain, shall meet a- gain, shall meet a- gaia

_fS^ S2I'

±i:±;.-pz^ tat-*- -<lSi»— (S>-

^' ^ : -^-^^2;;

'-+-^?z:p=^=:*.-+H h


-iS- :s:^iill


-# e ^- -#-; 1 ^ «

Whatsoever ye would."

: i^_^_^' : :£3_. zzf-m-r-o


zz=:22:i^=fSiliiii^&EWhatio - ev - er ye would that men should do un-to you, Do ye e - ven so to them, For this is the *law and the propheta.

^^lE^^^ii^^^ig^ip^"^ -& •^ ~-^§Ei^^i:S- - z» S

lA--ci--ci- -#-#

l^lZ^S^^Z^ i^jzpzii:g_'/-4- i:^: -«—•-

112: -0-r-0- bli?:l-si=3iiii =1"IS2:; ilE

Whatso - er - er ye would that men should do un - to you, Do ye e-ven so to them, For this is the law and the prophets.





^-^=q1^—^ :_:: -rrr-^jL-^^iiz^ : 172iuiz:^Tl—-

:?2: 3^i -s»-I j- I


290 SEISTTEZSrCE. " I love them that love me." rr«n "Ooldra Buy,"*By permijtlob.

# 0-^h^E^^izm~> iE3!!E-:

I love them that love me, And thej that seek me ear - ly shall find me, And they that seek me ear - ly shall find me. I love

-•- -0- -0- -0~ ' . -0- -0- -0- -0 -W -W- -0- -0- -• • ^^p.ZJ—3--f-r—-d—*-+-• -9-\-0— —*—•-+-•--#

0-^-0 0-:\-: :q=:i>5z


-_^_zzzz^; :_z^^— _^: i-i;— zjz: .S z^X0—0—0-^-' 1 •—



I love them that love me, And they that seek me ear- ly shall find me, And they that seek me ear-ly shall find me. I love

^S^fgjggt :«zz«zz*: :M—»::=Mtz

1—S—> Hi—K—


-0 0-^-0 #--



z^z^fHrfzzJzIEjzz^^ipzz:»: i^t m -&- --&

&-- ithem that love me, And they that seek me ear - ly shall find me. Riches and honor are with me, yea, durable riches, and righteousneaa


)—i J—


^ . zi ^—^

JZ-^ ^—Z^I

,, 1—J.1-0—


0-1-0 0-i--0 —*—1-# *—_-I -(-X—I—J-^ -0- -0- -ts-

j^szz^T-- ^.L-,—h_^Szz^



x:t rr?5 W^

.them that love me, And they that seek me ear - ly shall find me. Riches and honor are with me, yea, durable riches, and righteousnesi.

• SabtMh Scbool Son< Book. PuttlUbad )v O. Diaoa * 0*.

M~I X.O"VE TI5:E3S^ TKC-A^T X.O'VE OS^CE." Concluded.

P Slovr anfl soft


The path of the just is as the shin-ing light, That shia-eth more and more un - to the per -feet day, Un - to the per- feet do^

,0-9 -0. 9 9 .0. .^ ,0.

The path of the just is as the shin-ing light. That shin eth more and more un - to theThe path of the just is as the shin-ing light. That shin eth more and more un - to the per -feet day, Un - to the per -feet day.


t: #-i- z_ziziz—{^ :&Ei3E

lESrsrisJLIfT. " Thy will be done."

APPROPRIATK FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS OF AFFLICTION.Slovrly, and vrith expression. Rail, e Dim. PP ^ ^


\t ^1^-0—0—^_l-4,.' X X _^/_V-X-- XJ^_L.r_I T I^C_^_ -^_X1. Tby will be done ; in devious ways The hurrying stream of life may run ; Yet still our grateful hearts shall say Thy will be done, Thy will be done.

2. Thy will be done; if o'er us shine A gladd'ning and a prosp'rous sun, This prayer shall make it more divine,Thy will be done. Thy will be done.

xjt:iz:*zx.^3. Thy will be done ; tho' shrouded o'er Our path with gloom,One comfort, t;ae is ours, to breathe while we a - dore,Thy will be done. Thy will be dona.


292 SEKTTEIsrCE. "Salvation belongeth unto the Lord-'1» 0.

j^ Allegretto M«<irrHl«>



Sal - va - tion. sal • va - tion, sal - va tion bfl - longeth un - to the Lo-d And thy

—*r-^^ n 1———r

; - •> \— '—r

i • T~a^—af

w—1 ' '—


'" iiHZifs:

221 #Z3^z]E:?z:*z:fZ^^?z*±*Zit£Ei*zazJAnd thy blessing is a-mong the peo - pie;

'jQ.^ 1—f^^—I ^ ,.

Sal- va - tion, sal - va-iion, sal -va-tion be- longeth un - to the Lord, And thy



; =:iz:;=^:^zSig^g -0—0.




—#—•z:*zz*~*z' -* # -f—ig— c? « •—



,S-^^ 1 f\_-^MJZJ^-jt.


bl(»8sing, thy blessing is a - uiong the peo - pie, is a - mong the people; Sal - va-tion be-long-eth, be - long-eth nn - to the

-Q—g^-I 1



zi^: EZ-.zKzZ>r i r





blo«sing, thy blessing is a-mong the peo - pie, is a-mong the people; Sal - va-tion be-long -etb, be-long-eth un - to the

—0—0—- »i? ^- ^-y

1^ J i«»

\ <s> T-•f=i=:r is: -!-^-• #-

S.-0- -^_#-#— U—U--b ^


;2=;z: i


SAX.T^-A.TI03^T BELOlSra-ETIEI XJISTTO TKCE XjGTIID." Concluded. 293J ff r.m. Slowlv. r

t^L. J M *'••'••• Slowlv. /'


Lord, Sal - va-tion, sal- va - tion be - long-eth, be-long eth un - to the Lord, And thy blessing is a-mong the peo - pie.


iZiizzMz -0—0--O-L±2^:=


:?^r:t^z3 •-^-^ "23"

:»*;-,'S»-=- jczp:

t=t ^rt-/S2—#-




isfc?: :s

Lord, Sal - va-tion, sal - va - tion be-long-eth, be-longeth un - to the Lord, And thy blessing is among the peo - pie.

;# (^ f \ f I

* .'*"1


f^ .*~ffT"^

' m "i*

—W I*

j-g' -T


t- ^l^l5JiEEl|^gES^|EE^g=&-|i^^gEi -(&- -^- iSE3^TTE3S^OE.



" The peace of God be upon us." E.


_(Sj liFrom this time forth, from this time forth,And e'en for-ev - or - morfc.

rsj^E ^j- '^^^^M. ;**--

The peace of God be up - on us, From this time forth, from this time forth, And e'en for-ev - er- more. A - men.

&lSiii§iiSiiii^s^iii: '^§^m.The peace of God be up - on u8,The peace of God be up- on us,From this time forth,from this time forth.And e'en for-ev - er-more. A - mea.

'& Kt- T •-T—i

-0-r-0 1=*: :£dtS i

294 SEISTTElsrCE. " Seek ye the Lord.

Tanor. P

»--#-| q-t4^--!--»—•"lig'-T: •—I—»--#"|-ig~i^-gp-^-<'-P|-g5'^?-- :zfzz'z;^z±zp

2 the Lon

^l-»-»- #- »i^^^y- :zzz=i=|

Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found ; Call ye up - on him while he is near. Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found


Seek ye the Lord, whdehemaybe found; Call ye up - on him while he is near. Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found ; Call ye up


-^^-^-Gi—0-0—i-S>^^^-0---0—0—0-±-^—-i-G>- 0-0-f-\ ; f ZZIZZ^I "^ I * ^T»-f-^"^^i •—•—•—•t ^


: :z?±i:i==^=z|z=|:gii!?z:?z: :-»-«^_z|-^=*—*z: .-.^tui^^z-^zi

while he is near. Seek ye the Lord,I >

Call ye up - on him while he is near. Seek ye the Lord



on him.

i5Zt5ES=lt:i=l:=^1while he is near. Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found. Call ye up - on him while he is near. Seek ye the Lord,


J_ Dim.:!-__ _zi:;^zi~pi::^2vizzzi~

LH 1—H-L-C.-w T Zfl_/_IP-while he may be found, Call ye up-on him while he



* —•zizdzsi::^?z;*i:'*zf::^zeirE5z±:^zz±l:=E5zi:^==f

=tt:=u=U=i4=:=fc=::==C=rfcz=±--?2Zi^ziz±?z^-z*f:22g^;fet!:is near. Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found. Call ye up - on him while he is near.


>Ss-S-'while he may be found, Call ye up-on him while he IB near. Seek ye the Lord, while ho may be found. Call ye up - on him while he is near.

i^-^Tl— '~~rT-! \—"—'—t- r"^—*-)- 'm^'3—T-j^—ai ^-d-\-^^^\0-^~0—0\&—-\-&-0-0-\0-&~0\-&-<


S^nsrOTXJS- " Holy, Lord God of Hosts." wn«^ rr«n voaunt 295



Ho - ly.Ho - ly! Ho - ly! Ho - ly Lord God of Hosts ! God Al - migh-ty, who wast, and art, and art to come.

S-0- * -»- -#- H y -&- -^- -^- -—


lz:rz^?zi-t=E' iztitu:




Ho - ly! and art to come.Ho - ly


Ho - ly Lord God of Hosts ! God Al - migh-ty, who wast, and art,


Ho - ly,

tezJzzi^zzqzTzlzit?±z:*=#zzi: -^z^—^zt--UCLzt:-z:t::

ziz±z=txrz=zz=zizizqz^izi|zz=:i _i.^z=i:^zii:^2z—i::i=z:\ f


Lord God of Hosts ! God Al - migh - ty ! Who wast, and art, and art to come. Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God of Hosts.

t I t

z:1=-Tz:;=;=-_^_L_l Ji J \_


[osts.Lord God of Hosts ! God Al - migh - ty! Who wast, and art, and art to come. Ho - ly. Lord God of Hosts.( r t

296 li'^X'nSdlKr. •• Through every age."


CB. tMUKKK" Amerieui Harp," bj f»r

Lllrcr*. J f mp


zi- X-0 •- 3= ^^^^ &- 0 ^- I

i -^i t -^



Through eve - ry age, e - ter-nal God, Tbou art our rest, our safa a- bode; High was tbj throne, ere heaven was made, Or

Hi^lfUl 1=+Bl-0 —0—0-

-tf^ -^- -SI- -0- -0-^- ^—^' -&—0-^$^5^—1 I


rz^ ---&-H T^

L*niaou>-• 0-^0 -& 0- -f-*-

-• •- ^m. 3^EaThrough eve - ry age, e - ter - nal God, Thou art our rest, our safe a - bode

;Higb was thy throne, ere heaven was made. Or

=T:4-iiqzzqzzirr— ry-^^zziii


X:.-^—0- zgSL—W-'-



:^z^iZi -0—0-

-&-^E?E 13^

-G & • S^-t )—+ H

-o— e^' —



earth, thy hum-blo foot - stool laid. Long hast thou reign'd, ere time be - gun, Or dust was fash - ion'd in - to man


Hi i

^l-^^te^iii=E^iiillii^rZ2ZZ*Z] -0—0-



-(= -•-z^:

earth, thy hum-blo foot - stool laid. Long hast thou reign'd, ere time be -gun. Or ^dust was fash - ion'd in - to man;




-Gf 0-

J u

-«l—•- ^

** THIiOTJa-H E'VEI^'X' -A.Q-B." Concluded.TtTTTI.

SOLO. Tenor or 2d Treble. Dim.



I ft

^ ^Tenor. WiyD.C297


And long thy king - dom shall en - dure, When earth and time shall l>e no more.

..jf_^ £B^ :q:

-j^ziiMz -& 1-¥=^ —


L I^^T—


^ . ^\—J—tf - z^zzjczl-s lii^:-(S-

And long thy king - dom shall en - dure, When earth and time shall be no more.


-I—• '^V^^^-




W,And long thy king - dom sfaail en - dure

AII«cr«tto. P /C

SElSTTEHSrOE- " The grace of our Lord."'^. Crcs. .^v P Crei.


P-^ ^4^31

The grace of our Lord Je - sus Christ, And the love of God, and the fel-lowship of the Ho - ly Ghost, Be with us all, ever, ev - er-more.

^; III:::;






^:6::*::2^it*:3, -#-• r^iz^=i;:i-^z5rj:^2z^ lEThe grace of our Lord Je - sus Christ, And the love of God, and the fellow-ship of the Ho - ly Ghost, Be with us all, ev-er, ev - er - more.

mm 9-9-^jSL

^5;--S»- -#—»-






Jti^ -•-»JSZ/^L ^"nm

A - men.

2i)8 li^S'ls^nsr. • Hail, happy day.

mf P ^^ m.i-

1. Uail happr d»y ! thou day of ho ly rjjt ! What hearenly peace and tranaport flU my brput,When Chri»t,the God of ffrace,ia lore dmcend.",And kind-ly holdi com-munlon with hk

igiiii^3Eg3^Eiii?1. Uail, bap-py day! thou day of ho - ly reat ' What hdavenly p«ace and transport fill my breant, VCh«a Chri.^t, the (iod of grace, in lore descends,And kindly holds eommucion with hb



=ttit n-F-rfcz :s2:





friends. 2. Let earth and all Its Tan-I - ties be gone, More from my sight, and leave my soul alone, Its flattering, fading glories I de • spise, And to tm - mor - tal beauties turn my ry««.


-m~0-0-0-0- »-#-C3^<^ m'0 i^^i^^rE^Sgigi^i^^^i

^Sii^lSiaiiiiiiaii? Z^-^Ta^'li^tf^Jt-f^-;i.i 1

1^ cqzinz?-

•-# 1^friends 2. l<«t earth and all iis van-t - ties be gone. More from my sight, and leare my soul alone, Its flattering, fading glories I de - spise, And to Im • mor - tal beauties turn my








-, 1 L-

_5?. MZ^-0-0-

Ki~X. :^-Lw. 'jS-

3. Fain -woald I mount and pen-etrate the skies. And on my Saviour's glories fix my eyes ; Oh meet my ris-ing soul, thou God of love. And waft it

i1^31^^^^^^ -s>- is»—^2^;^;

fe ZSIIgiL is: -<s>-

&—& MizJi-iiMzMi^=X

22z:i: -g^-f^^—o-

ZZ^ ^—•A-

And on my Savionr's glories fix my eyes ; Oh meet my ris-ing soul, thou God of love. And waft



-«-#-^^^p: ^ :p=P= litit ^^:^ ?2^=¥= =^=?=F-#-#- z^tatzf: 3i

3. Fain would I mount and pen-e-trate the skies.

to the blissful realms above.And waft it to the blissful realms above. And waft it to the blissful realms a-bove, the realms a-bove.

+ -y^y—^ I^:fci^z*; :^s^


And waft.

^r=!^r=rt •at^z^-(S-

?^ie9-^-» ^jn

t?d=i: -^-s^ :^:r£:sy

o^- \JSf_Le

to the bliss-fnl realms above,And waft it lo the bliss-fnl realms above, And waft it to the blissful realms a-bove. the realms a bove.

^*#=^ ^^—»- -&^


SEE£ m^»- *=a::--^Z22




300 SA-IsrOTTJS. No. 2. "Holy, Lord God of Sabaotn." .jmnati from BTfOTIBA

Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord, God of Sab-a-oth, Hear'n and earth are full of the majes-ty of thy glo - rj.

z^isS^^fe^tzsi ^-^T^lZt



:s^*:=z^ S^H^i^g^^Heav'n and earth, heav'n and earth,

^^-& -S»-'

T 1 1 1 L| Lji

Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord, God of Sabaoth,

f* if^f f \


-<s»- iS----&- ^»

'^ -•-#

J L.x#-(S>--n-^ te



Hear'n and earth are full of the majes-ty, of thy glo - ry.

p ^ m<s--«-•




gg g>I

S^f^:^ -f t* "-- r^r~9 azr -fi»- :^::fe—SI- "-





Glo - ry bo to thee, Glo - ry be to thee, Glo - ry be to thes, O Lord, most high. A - men.

iy- —25?"="*— —* ' # ;

1}=:^tJt: ^^i^E^^E^^ :1:

22:-dl?*: o-


"Z?" -o^—'-s?nn

Glo - ry be to thee, Glo - ry be to thee.




Glo - ry be to thee, Lord, most high. A - men.

-«S--<!S^-- p: 2^ FF—h- -s»-


^f**:m^mSElSTTElsrOE- *' Blessed is ne that considereth the poor."

-0-0-O-0 ^^mM. M. SIRBT. OOI


Blessed is he that con - sid - er-«th the poor. The Lord will de-lir- er him in time of trouble,


Blessed is he that con - sid - er - eth the poor.


^tz=J^: w.Blessed is he that con - sid - er - eth the poor, The Lord will de - lir - er him in time of trouble.

£ 1^^ 5^ WZ^l-^T-JZ^E^t^4?=:;^ 21^- mfe*m :t=:

'4^-•4t^-«- m^mi S^ -^zjL &-,gThe Lord will preserve him and keep him a - live, And he shall be bless-ed up - on the earth, And he shall be bless-ed up - on the earth.



A —^- -J i !-•+#-^_^-J_JJ^--.-^J

Ifti:=?: ^^^S§l^^i ifnal: it*: IeI^^^^^I

The Lord will preserve him and keep him a - live, And he shall be bless-ed up - on the earth, And he shall be blessed up - on the earth.

„ JL . ^—


--T , ^^-•—•- g ITZW—W- azzr

302 SE2>TTE3srCE_ " Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up mysoul.* LrSKKCH.




Un-to thee, Lord, un - to thee do I lift up, lift up mj bouI. Lead me, lead me, lead me in thy txuth, and teach me thj


Un-to thee, Lord, un - to thee do I lift up, lift up my soul. Lead me, lead me, lead me in thy truth, and teach me thy

(^:£—4r •- 1 -\——--—

0-M r—t-^— ' ^b:zfA.izzrp—f-t^^i ^z









-iZ ^^ ^ ^-, u,_.



%=1=3=r4==^iz=|z=zzz=T >=^;=l=t: a^paths,Teach me thy paths. Lead me, lead me, lead me in thy truth, lead mo in thy truth, and teach me, teach me thy paths.

^zfqzz2=q^zqz=zzzzz|E}zzf3=^:1^3?czrtlzip^^2___:qzzi_^^,.i_^izg jzt.,_^_^cr^^::^t,_z3-_^^

?l'^, tz^=zzzq:zit=dzzf?rr-zz—i-.zzz-t35i:«zzlz=tTqgz^

—0—9—?-i •—t^_^z;z_-^ ^?zl.,_^ ^-^=^ ±--=1- 1

paths, Teach me thy paths. Lead me, lead me, lea*! me in thy truth, lead me in thy truth, and teach me, teach me thy paths-

-gfz^=p^^E=z^zf:gTip .1 . i^:frr

'STJISTTO THEE, O HLiOl^ID-" Concluded. 303

flL.^ 0-0 I^I W-a-0-\''-\ m-0 »-V-- ^^^—^—»—=-\---a&-» m-\ »—0—O h—^4^—1—•—SJ-ri^Z3p.r_ r-^

^-\-0— — I—•-] ^—^a-F-i 1— —H—^—H—f-+ » -F-i— ^-|-t— ,— I—^—l-t-^--i—^- -Ja4




Uu-to thee, O Lord.un- to thee do I lift up, lift up my soul. Lead me iu thy truth, and teach me thy paths, A- men, A men.


J' prYVw"*' / p<^


Un-to thee, Lord, un - to thee do I lift up, lift up my soul. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me thy paths, A -men, A - men.


i 1 0- -#-+—I—h-i

\--\n h—^—I


—I—— 1— I

1^--r-|-»— ^-r-^—A—^j'^'r

Iv^E:Fmi3V^.A.lSr. 6s & 4s. L. fRSNCH.

fejr^- &-0-0-\^0--0-&A^^^^^^^^^^t^^^^^^^^^^1. My faith looks up to thee.Thou Lamb of Cal-va-ry ! Saviour di-vine ! Now hearme while I pray : Take all my sins a • way; O let me, from this day, Be wholly thine.

2. May.thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart,My soul inspire; As thou hast died for me, Oh! may my love to thee, Pure,warm,and changeless be,A liv-ing fire.

rizrs=nzqzqTzjz_h :.j_ijzqi-T—ifcLX^

3. While life's dark maze 1 tread,And griefs around me spread,Be thou my gaide;Bid darkness turn to day,Wipe sorrow's tears a-way. Nor let me ever stray From thee a side.

nnt S£lIsrTEZsrCE_ " So teach us to number our dafs." pmii>«>:m*


--^l—-' f^^l'^~''^~ -^^


That W8 may ap - ply our hearts, our hearts unto wisdom,

± Solo. Alto.m ^-^ -#- -#g^i^^il^^Hi^^iS^

So teach u» to num^r our days, So teach us to number our days, That we may ap - ply onr hearts, our hearts unto witdom.

iSiiSH-^iiiiS^fei -t-f

-^ 1-

i^^ggr-^ls^gg^^^fSo teach us to number our days, That we may ap - ply our hearts, our hearts unto wisdom, So teach us to

i:=:zf=;:s^=»,^^ -0-0-


^^^nm^^; =^-•-• :2izzrg=F

That we may ap - ply our hearts un - to wisdom. A - men.


11That we may ap - ply our hoarU un-to wisdom, That we may ap - ply our hearts un - to wisdom. A - men.-



tiziAr^ ^—



^i^^B^zt:H- -^zzit iSP

num-b«r our days,

SThat we may ap - ply our hearts un - to wisdom. A - men.

3rz^=p: lilTjC&—0- rj- it 1!:

XM th4 first eight ratMans be rang In Uniaon, all ainging the Trebin, then repeated with the parti, -= />305

i?5~ :*z«z :s2z:::s:


God of Is-iael, We a - dore thee, Keep us safe - ly thro' the day, Safely keep us through the night, Guard us till the

feS ^ O SJ ^3= a. -m &-•- ^T-a- -j::L G-^-tf- -O-





-js^zzizr :ict:•-•- =F=^lE^i^f

-(S^ -

2^ztz:::!!t*z^::e5:es o iS-




God of Is-rael, We a - dore thee, Keep us safe-ly through the day. Safe - ly keep us through the night, Gimrd us till the






-Q~S>- :^z=4:


c a








Safely keep us thro' the night,

morn-ing light, Nor for-eake us.


till thou take us Far from earth to dwell -with thee. Through a bright e - ter - ni - ty.



W^=p^^morn-ing light. Nor for


us, till thou take us Far from earth to dwell with thee. Through a bright e - ter - ni - ty.



Nor for-aake u»,

:p=is: ^S; -fS h^-^^ -&- t=:^db2rzi=r2:^z:itE 2:fejttill thou ta,ke ut Fax from earth to dwell with thee, Through & bright e - ter • si •



v^.a.i5:e. the sonsro of jt:jbiil.:e£]_ . '^"^^t%^^^6y^^with (r«*t tplHt. Alltgre Mcxieraw.

i^^l£^S^=«: :«z^ iz^iiwzfz:^-^—I-


1. Wake, wake the song of ju - hi - lee, Let it ech - o o'er the sea! Wake ! wake the song of ju - bi - lee, Let it ech-o o'er the sea ;


1 ^ 1 :1 n 1 1 1 1 1

1 1—^ 1 1 1 1—




^ piiqpzi::»:5: -0-m^W^—»

±T^ •=P^- •-rt^-^^T^-s-r-*-^



-1 1 r

2. Wake, wake the song of ju - bi - lee, Let it ech - o o'er the gea ! Wake ! wake the song of ju - bi - lee, Let it ech - o o'er the eca ;

^^^^ =1:



-1 1^




1 1 L^^-^ -*-#-j-» -—^-{*-&-


Wake, wake the song of ju - bi - lee ; Let it ech - © o'er the sea ; Wake the

:Bziq^r^z^f3gzg:^ TT ^z=i=:a=z=:2^zr5E3E^3—^_J I,jI^zztJ-"r?



Wake,wake the song of ju - bi - lee,?

Let it ech-o o'er the sea; Wake th«

13^ :*5=ir-.4-j^±Mzj^



1^ -wzmwizw^^'---tzr^

Sov la •om« the pnnuiaed hour ; J« - Bu* reigns with sorereign power.-€9-

:S^Wake.wake the


9 --»-+-'--•-:=-« -. -^^25!-f


solig, wake the song of ju - bi - lee ; Let it ech-o,

-^zjiil±zjizzz^zLet it echo o'er the sea


m^Bi^^^^z^^-Esiu^^^-^f-T-T- --gt=l

Let it


song, Wake the song of ju - bi - lee, Let it ech-o o'er the sea Let it


-9-m-& -&-0- ^i^-J^±z=i^z&-Pi:z^:=^:5=^t:^*:t^z*=z==zzt——^'^z.wiiJz^jiz^|-h:zgg|:a^zjZ:g^z:g:|E:zlziJzgz=zpj:Tzlz;zz:^4E^^z^^z:gz|g,

The song of ju-bi-lee, Let it ech-o; Let it ech-o.


ech-o o'er the «ea, Let it ech-o



o'er the sea.S "^LO, for Soprano or Tenor.

^^ ^^ Moderuto. ^-^

\ g-^4:^z*z=:zgz:g-ir^l:z^g:gz^:gz*fg^zhF-g-;i:-fF—^1^—^41^—gjzijici-^-g^S^j


Now is come the prom - is'd hour, Je - sus reigns with sov - 'reign pow'r, Let it

echo o'er tlie sea, Let-# -(S -0-


-0- -0- -0-&' -0- -0- -S-S- -S-S- -•-•- -0-0- -0- -0-Letit ech-o o>the sea. 0-0' ' "i^-^" -^- "*- -5-5- -9%' '^r 'WS' -0-^


'-^l;-"--(S I-fil •-—I J-fiil '•-ol ' »•




308> Cm.

:?=:±:- :-z±_=?=?z_:sound from shore to shore, let it sound from shore to shore, Jo

jEr.?^aEEF?: ,=i^--.

8113 reigns for - ev - er - more, Je-sus reigns for-ev-er >

?3^zzz?f-ji^^Ei!p^:iiz?:J^jai:i]3:d4!lTd :!a^z23; :£z.-:^z2^E^p3iSzzE3^: ^^--^^^=3:^




-!—#-#-ttzz=ztzz?z*z: ::r_i==zz

:32=::?zz=zzz;zz;iz±z-z=z'tr^zfzzJmore, Jesus reigns forev-er - more,

-«5>- -Gi- -0-

fres. Ji 0™"^Tzq—~zrpzziZj_zzzpZ|_z]

'X^-:z?_r:=t—Je - BUS


reigns for ev - er

^5^-^i-"-ztT^r-^f-T=n:i-H*^i^qT^n^Tltld--^ wi—r '

—'--< -^——'—^1



—\—^+—•-•-•-^ -;^-

Z'Z'Z: €1 -••-•- 5" -*•-*-«»-#- -»00oy -90-0- -*-•-•-«- ^ -0-0 O- -0- -0 0-0-0-0- -0 0^^- -9-


z^F^"—^zd-——F-*zz|: ^-zd:

•'* -- -fi>- -O- -fS-


Si?E?E|iE5|Let it sound from shore to shore,



Je_- BUS reigns fur - ev - er - more, Je - sus reigns for-ev-er more, Je-sus reigns. er - more.Je - sus rei^us for - ev


•-t^,ajk:e the soisro- o:r" uontmuej. 309Moderatn. With ftrmness and power.



11Nowthe des-ert lands re - joice ; And the is- lands jorn their voice ; Yea, the whole ere - a - tion sings,— Je - sus is the King of kings.

'Sz3~S=3^Si3^i3=f3:3|S:3BSSi=iGj[fr^\^&-&'-'-tS-G)-'-o'- 4^-J—(S»-+-iSi-^-t-tf~'-o— f±t:^z:2^;±:s-^

^z:r^zj^t: :z^zf:izz::^;itz;z^;:.-S2_^4-^^-^_^_ ---i3- ^z^iJ^E^f^j^E^

p:zt: :EE=l£E^ttEEEl-«s4W-(22:z^ "-SSZJ

Now the des-ert lands re - joice ; And the is - lands join their voice; Yea, the trhole ere - a - tion sings,— Je - sus is the King of kings.

^:§:^^x^:z:^:r-gq=2:T:^z=rr:z^zT:^=^Tr^z i^z?z:|zp!Z(2-q:~:z—q::sz:=::|Z^zr^.^ ,__^_i^=^izqz^i—=i^z^zi:^Zf2;i^:z—i:s^=P -Efzte

'?^ ~Tgn


. Then wake the song of ja - hi - lee ; then wake, then wake the song of ju - bi - lee, then wake the song of ju - bi - lee, Let it

^;^2Z]zgigzT:[z:zzzzg:ii:gzzyzz*' —f-z:*



—*—*-|-g .—»

9—g-—#.-«—g—g 4-^—•—e-^m .—»-j

Then wake the song.



Then wake the song





-9 9 9-_?zi:fizzazz25E5=^=;zz|^=^-;^zz;^zz;z-g^z:-=^z|:^=pz:p:i:^=g4

of ju - bi - lee, then wake, fuen wake the song of ju - bi - lee, then wake the song of ju - bi - lee. Let it

-•- -•- -»— -0- -9- -0- -0- -0- -0^ -0- -0- -0-


eu vake the soog, &o.


/ ,I Cr«. ff JJf

ech - o o'er the sea, That Jc - sus reigns for - ev - er - more, That Je - sus reigns for - ev - er - more, Je - sus reigns for - ev - er - more

,_^Izo:E==|qfi=:=i=5—3==:if5i:q—qzz^rff^-\-&—^—T-| ^^T-:^ •—•—'v—1-+—I1 ^—p-


ech - o'er the sea, That Je - sus reigns for - ev - er - more, That Je sus reigns for - ev er - more, Je - sus reigns for - ev - er - more.


r±Lz.—t.z\"i:i-X =*z:z*—i^zzsizttIt

SEI>TTEnsrOE.Andante RcIIkIosO'


Have mercy upon us, O Lord." p«. u i

——T~~K—' 1^—St—I—i-T—I

1 l-T 1 T—t 1—-———-—

.9. 9 JT. 1 L _ 1 B 1 J0-Q- f^jt:z:?;Szi5LF

Have iner-cy up - oa us, O Lord, up -on us, O ixjid, According to thy loviug kindness, According to the multitude ^

of tliv tender < mercies, blot out our trans^egsions.

' '^—^—a- 9'^— m—0'-v-'^J-9~'c? —P^|:q:zi^^•:zl:z:^55|5z1^|E5:=uZzq|:^t}-^9-^-^-9-9-9~9=^7^-KJ -9-^-^^-^ ^^^--^ ^-* --"—


I Havemer-cy up - on us, O Lord, up - on us, O Lord, A

;^-4:^:i--^-gz:i^zgzt^z!EF:gzJ?z:^:i^::^Jzz^ fjgz_^zzJ-g2:zzzz3:-=|gzg:zl:gz:gz:i^:z^±jzg:Eg

Have mer-cy up- on us, O Lord, up - on us, O Lord, According to thy loving kindness, According to the multitude )

of thy tender | mercies, blot out our transgressions.

Have mer-cy up -on ns, O Lord, up - on us, O Lord, According to thy loving kindness, According to the multitude,

of thy tender S mercies, blot out our transgressions.

S^_4Z_-I ^_I-qj:.4»:I-S^_ "ZZE 1 -•—(S»^^- -, \

—L* \r- \ -€S~ f^^zEgz^zz^zv^rr .^

FTJ3SrEI^.A.Ij SEIsrTE3>TOE. " Mark the perrect man,- 311

Ma^ik^^ the per -feet man, and be - hold the up - right, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is peace.

Mark the per- feet man, and be - hold the up - right, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is peace.

> mp' p?riz_Q_it5zzKzi^i:ijSi.itzizNzztl-a—*—?—i-=1—f^__f^i-iKzi5S-J-iq^-«»-j_l 0^0-T —--+-«—,-+—1



Mark the per -feet man, and be- hold the up - right, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is peace.>

pzz:i^z:^8^z«rtzz:zz:zztsz;«ii^?rizz:zz:zzl;2z:pztlzz*Mark the perfect man,and be - hold the up - right, for the end of that man

V—«—«'-,-«? - 1 J,- -e r-9-^*- 0-9-0 • gi

—»--»- Iff•^fe— i-fri

Dim. rail.— z-zTz:ii:=::i=Tqz:^T::]z:if^id:ziM^xzz=i=Tzm-:0—^--n—\-0—»—1»—f|j—•,- -0—0—0^+0—0-0—[0—0— -s^-l-

is peace, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is peace.


Mark the perfect man,and be - hold the up - right, for the end of that man


Mark the perfect man,and be - hold the up - right, for the end of that man

tq^-::i1-z^^:d§i--zz:;; ::=^~z—i^z—I3&~-0

is peace, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is^ peace.

Dim. Rnll.

-#T-» - 0-0-i0—0T-0-i0r-0-0—t*:zz±gzTzz:'^zEfztzfi:


is peace, for the end of that man is peace, for the end of that man is peace.

312 J=:"VE3SriIsra- li^S'lS/^Isr. " God tnat madest earth and Heaven."

God that madest earth and hcav'n, Dark - ness and light! Who the day for toil hast giv'n, For rest.. . the night!



God that madest earth and heav'n, Dark - ness and light! Who the day for toil hast giv'n, For rest.... the night!


p— 4 • .-#->gi^—


—*=g-T-^g—Ti^^j K?z!!zi?:'zzli^frzif:^=?z^=;2zi?=^±z^&*z*;t:2fcz=z*zi!?zz

God that madest earth and heav'n, Dark - ness and light


Who the day for toil hast giv'n, For rest

; '..^ ^ •—+1—



the night!


1^ -Li

z:j:z§z*rzz»z=p3:«z: :zjizgii=izz»:. zwiZB—m—mz: :zr^*=:(;?~

l—r=iz?izf^pzz^i:z[z:=izziz :;?=::

:z_ izzzizi—pzza=,»z

3Iay thine an - gel guards de - fend U9. Slumber sweet thy mer-cy eend us ; Ho - ly dreams and hopes at - tend us, This live - long night.


---+-=^—^ ^_«—i-+^-^-«!—•-

May thine an - gel guards do - fend us, Slum-ber sweet thy mer-cy send us ; Ho - ly dreams and hopes at - tend us. This live - long night.



-n ^--J^^—•=2rpq=g5zq=:zzT -^jm^zp::—^^_^—^zi:*^ ,E__f. *zizizzz;2zzziz;z:izyr~*— —





p—^-j -^-




May thine an - gel guards de - fend us, fSlum-ber sweet thy mer-cy send us; Ho - ly dreams and hopes at - tend us, This live - long night.

^z}zzE=z=::;=if^=ftp^-J^iP'-=>-=^=F^=*=*=H:izJzz :Ll=4zi=1zii?izi

:*=#z|-*£Zir gzzgzf-^zzj-^rzt: ^i=zM—m--±^—^—^—t s^a^bb-a^tkc is/ioi^isriisro. 313


" ^ ^'

' ^ *I

:*: t=cz::t=[:=:^=U=:^=t=t=tz


1. This is the Sab-bath morn! This is the Sab-bath morn ! I am a - lone, with-in the dell. Yet one faint sound, the Sab - bath

i?JZ_.vl—x_± 5iq:

2. Kneeling, I pray to thee 1 Kneel-ing, I pray to



thee ! Soft breez-es breathe a hal-low'd sound ; I feel as though all na - tare

' ' * ; T A r i\. pp

3. A - bove, what glo - ries play! A- bove, what glo - ries play! Seeming as though the fields of light Were o - pen'd to my wand-'ring

^-1 I

"i zfziZfZrzgiii:^

\fzr^zzzz^TZ-^-riz.^zz'iz.r^z^ —Ki^^t^-^-*^ ^----^—-^—


Y' ^—*—P—* ^—^f—^ ^_^_Z;5_^_^ •—r-# —H—-1-4--^y^^-t—t-i—^zzz^-^^-Tf—i^-f-j—^—^—^-t-^-—————f :\ '—^ -f—z:^--—•—•-£

a? s>-zizdzzzzzzizi^ziqtq^izKTzzl—:i=zzz^zz=:r:——qzzi:z=zzf5zzpszzKz|i:^zzzz=|z^zzg=gzzjzf:g^i=f:|zzzzz===:f:zzizfl!zz|:^zzg=i^Ejzf-_sJ:zz

Rail, o Oil


bell! Now» still. is wood and lawn, This is the Sab - bath day.


round Were bound in prayer with nie This is the Sab - bath day, This is the Sab-bath day.

^^|£=|-|i^==|3«zz^§§z|;^=?;^sight, Were o pen'd to my sight. This is the Sab-bath day.


This is the Sab-bath day, This is the Sab-bath day.

3H I3:""Snvi:isr. • To Prayer, To Prayer.'

I 1. To prayer, to prayer ! for the inora-ing braaka.And earth, with her Ma - ker'a smiles, a- wakes;

1. To prayer, to prayer I for the morn-ing breaks, And earth,with her Ma - ker's smiles, a - wakes ; His light is on all be - low and a •

1. To prayer, to prayer ! for tlie morn-ing breaks.And earth, with her Ma - ker's smiles, a- wakes;

»^ ->S T—i^— T-^'S'—f'T'i^—#—»-T—3r~x—— T—




II II:^~zzi—-[-—T~y — —T * TY J J

w—0, then, on the breath of this ear - ly air. Send upward thj in - censa»)f grate-ful prayer.

bave.The light of gladness, and life, and love. O, then, on the breath of this ear- ly air, Send upward the in - cense of grate-ful prayer.

W 4=—r-i=?-t-i-<— .--ij_i^r;z_tt.|—t:^_±^i^z:#zT^i_zzzizz-zz:i:;;:z!::[:n-_zz:z;;iizirr^z;z=:;zzi_z:?:i_zl±

O, then, on the breath of this ear - ly air. Send upward the in - cense of grate-ful prayer.

* Thl« Duett may be sang by the 8opr*ao aad Alto. Of Tenor and BaM<

••TO jp:RAr2':E:iR, to t>tij^-^:e:eij' Concluded. 315

l-Jiz^-M-: ::*ztiziiefis^zzitf-^izj:: ::«(z£zi^r;iz; rj^ztzztr.: z^zz^tiiz z^zzMz. -.z^zz^zj^^^zzMz: z^z:^:±^zz»±

2. To prayer! for the glo - rious sun is gone, And the gath-er - ing darkness of night comes on ; Like a cur -tain from God's kind hand it

2. To prayer! for the glo - rious sun is gone, And the gath - er - ing darkness of night comes on; Like a cur- tain from God's kind hand it

T 1-13:

::E^—atzz -V,--IZlIpZI^Z^fZt Ifi^zitt^^z:33

i-zzzz^z^^it.^,^—^ ±^_^-±^_^—± ;;z_.tz_±-p._t_4i:±.p ^j

,2. To prayer ! for the glo - rioua sun is gone, And the gath-er -ing darkness of night comes on ; Like a cur-tain from God's kind hand it


PP1 , /^\ /-'/ t ? f f f rail, e Dim. r^rk^z^zz=^zpqzzq:i:z]z—:t5:=^iqzz—zqiT-qzz^zTzqzzi^z^

flows, To shade the couch where his children repose. Then kneel,while the watching stars are bright, And give your last thoughts to the guardian of night.

¥ 1—!-••'--«.-/—^--L—I a—s- t-

-<S-0-^-^~^-'--^j—9—&- -A——I Ui. 1—#-J-


flows, To shade the couch where his children repose.Then kneel,while the watching stars are bright.And give your last thoughts to the guardian of night-^ ----- ^>.

-V—0-^-O— —*

flows, To shade the couch where his children repose.Then kneel,while the watching stars are bright, And give your last thoughts to the guardian of night.

f r I

zigjzz3:^zzgz±2gzjdzgzz:^Kz:^f:giz:»3:^4ri--*4 ^^ -t-g- -r—r+-«^-?zqaz:p:i-^z=«z:«zi:«Z3iz:»:tz



A> SOLO. Sapraaa.

IT'^Z'lS^Isr. '• The Saviour lives." (Solo & Chorus.)

Th* Mdodj and namionj srleeted from the Air, " I know that mj Redeemer liTttb," in H&ndel't Heaslah.

TfCVOR. Chorum. SOLO. Soprano.

Arraacwl bj B. W. tJtUAXVk.

I »r—f-i 1 —I t^^T



1 Th« Sav - iour lives ! no more to die ; He lives ! the Lord en-throned on high ; He lives ! the Sav



r^—T.3^±iM^-^t H ^ipli^

nHe lives ! the Lord en-throned on hij^h


He lives to wipe a - way their tears


•— J—


-* 4-

m^^. ±=zi -I

h122: ^ ::^_:


;iii2. He lives ! to still bis servants' fears ; He lives to wipe a - way their tears ; He lives I the Sav - - - iour





TEN'OR. Chorus.

o'er the grave; Ho lives e - ter - nal - ly to save;

L ^^^i.^ ,UL0_^_jM^


pre-pare ; Hti lives to bring them safe - ly there;

^- 3e5 :^=f5lit:


He lives, e - ter - nal - ly to save, E - ter nal - ly to

He lives, to brins; them sate - ly there, To bring them safely4:


-<s^ ±

THE S.A.^V'IOXJI^ XiI^VES. Conclu(Wl 317

^^^. :W^W—0tE^£

^•q: as:*=?:


:*zf:^c^ 5e;^p^i


^zfz*: :S=^ins—iZ -s •— -

E - ter - nal -ly to save; He lives, o - ter - - nal - ly to save. 3. Ye mourning souls, dry up your tears, Dis

To bring them safe-ly there ; He live?, to bring. . . . them safe • ly there.



a^jtzfz .0 \-0—•



o-gg J—

»-c^ m?I*S

E - ter - nal - ly to save ; He lives,-

To bring them safe - ly there, He lives, • to

ter - - nal - ly to save,

bring them safe - ly there.

p S— &-Z^^* -m-'W-y^^-h-+-


save ; He lives,

there ; He lives. •

e - ter - - nal - ly to save. 3. Ye mourning souls, dry up your tears, Dit-to bring them safe - ly there.


.--—^- ^Tf^i-^

^-:=t5=^ g^felg


0- s- z^—w--.

Idmf fZ<Sdi m—G—9.%^~ ^^W-

±M.-<s- -ts- --^^- J-^--0—^- -f-i^r m

«Amiss your gloom-y doubts and fears ; With cheer-ful hope your hearts re - vive,


For Christ, the Lord, is vet a - live.

> > > >

^-^=0=;a ' ji

.#- -frs-



ite -"^=h-^-



> >

^' :f-^ 1=1:---X i

mis« your gloom-y doubts and fears ; With cheer-ful hope your hearts re - vive,

S^is^22. -<S •-/S2


For Christ, the Lord, is yet



-^-^• Bm »ertlOB Mt to (Im tiilrd lUiua, wUl b« feond OMfU u a s«p*nt« Fttlm Tana, u>d kppropriaU to msnr I<OBa Matra Hjnuu.

irist, the Lord, is yet a - live.

518 SE2SrTE3SrCE_ "Blessed are the pure in heart.'

-^-4-:#z:g:z^il:r:zt:f:ti:-fz=zz=:zziz=zz=:_=:i=:= fzizpi:^z:^rr:i?i:zi[i-:p--^zi-3::fzzt:

Blessed are the pure ia heart,



for they shall see God, Blessed are the pure


in heart, fot

^^m'i^^MM^^^^^&^mmui^^mi^Blessed are the pure in heart, Bless-ed, Bless-ed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, Blessed are the pure in heart,

Blessed are the pure in heart, Bless-ed, Bless-ed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,


Blessed are the pure in heart,

fii:z«q:*i:^zt i ?(=i5{g -•

Cre». -Dim.

they shall see God Blessed are the pure in heart.

— —f —^-ti—*—[—


''^ T "T'^'^l

for they shall see God, for they shall sete God. A - men.

'^^^-—Ezzpi^zhiz—sizz—z:?5^rfn-:^fzzz^|iE^^^ .zz:

for they shall see God, Blessed are the pure in heart, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, for they shall see God. A - men.

for they shall see God, Blessed are the pure in heart. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, for they shall see God. A • men.

f-Jtzizzzz^ifzfz'.fzii^i^zlzrztzzgzEti^i:; :^fj?z£:*:i22Z|irLz1iz43:ii^zSFz^zJ^£

SEISTTEISTOE. " If ye love me, keep my commandmentR." 319

If ye love me, keep my commandments, And I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Father,And

9'—^' -rij^d-^-i^::q;:

-0—0- G-G- f-s^v^HzfzftAnd I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Father,And


If ye love me, keep my commandments, And I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Fa-ther, And I will pray the Father,And

F|^zz=:zz:[:_-^_ :[:= :t:z—==p=q::g2ZZ2:q::g2z:p:^:zf——•zjiggr


Cres.a, ^»- res.



#^-»-I-^.l_,^:3:~' Q-\-&—»-I


— -Q—»^—»-A

he shall give you. And he shall give you a - noth - er Com - fort - er ; That he may a - bide with you for ^ ev - er. That he may a


he shall give you, And he shall give you a - noth - er Com - fort - er ; That he may a - bide with you for - ev - er. That he may a -

zzt-izzHz:^] -^-T-^-*>^iF-is7^T-^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^, liz^±?za^z?zz*z;--(S--1 1¥—^

he shall give you.And he shall give you a - noth-er Com-fort-er; That he may a - bide with you for - ev - er. That he may a


- 1 I -I22~^—



0- :^;^=^f-^i:r,-: Q—»- m

320 "^^ -'-^ ZjO'VE nS/TE, K:EEF I^TST COIS^Ad:-A.ZSriDls^BITTS." Concluded.

.>«. - ^ P ^ P?tr^^#-J-^;^i!s?-+

'-'0-^ -4- ^-^ ' -^ 1 <-T ' I-T---1 T^-J—i—-f-!© '—--F-7;3-?-=] ^'T ^ M^

_ — - ^ - -*^

sr -^—9bide with you for - ev - er, Ev'n the spir - it of truth, The spir - it of truth, the spir - it of truth, For - ev - er and ev - er.

bide with jou for - ev - cr, Ev'n the spir - it of truth, The spir - it of truth, the spir- it of truth. For- ev - er and ev - er.


i_tzz:zr:zzT -*—T."g£ZJ?-T:g~ ij^ "T~ p t-;\

- -j -;--

r—p-1 m-fs-f-ts—yyj-ig>—#—^p-

^ bide with you for - ev - er, Ev'n the spir - it of truth, The spir - it of truth, the spir - it of truth, For - ev - er and ev - er.

"^—pEElf^'^'.:^--m:i :i]=:itiz:

::s: :::^Eip:::=;d=iz^;:::2^: ziiZi^^zaz::


&-&—m *—

Irir^li/LlfT * •* From the table now retiring." W. T. SATIS.

^^^^s^^^^^^A^^^^^^^^^^^^^\1. From the ta-ble now re - tir - ing.Which for us the Lord hath spread, May our souls, re - fresh-ment find-ing, Grow in all things like our Head.

^^zit=tt5^z-zz^E^^^E3z:iz:tz^|:1.-z:zrfzi:z=fz^iz^z25'zs2;&!z^22^zz^iE3zdzt:^z»:f:s^z?^ti':-:2:^zf2^z[-j:^z-&-^-l^-7^ -Js2±^z '-«< -<^-' -C^-?5^-'-C^T»-

fz:1z:i|z::^z^z:qEz^" "z^z^z;zzz3£-3E-S»-(^- -&-

2. His ex - am-ple, by bc-hold-ing. May our lives his itn - age bear; Him, our Lord and Mas-ter call-ing. His commands may we re - vere.

z:^--^-T4:pzgigz*^ft.gzg<zE:tz:zri—zizztEpv^i^ztipzE-ing, Peace from God thro' end-less day.3. Love to God and man dis - play-ing. Walking steadfast in his way, Joy at - tend us in be - lier-ing. Peace from God thro' end-less day.

-— '

1—f^--»^—l-r -

I- 7^-\ -Gi-(3'\

zrr^az:I Z^g|zcz|^i|i^^^ — 1__


\ sit^ttftfX«ued 4t ult 41*


SEIsTTEITOE. *• Cast tny buraen on the Lord."»W Ores.

B. CLARK. *>2 1


K Pzz^zziTzJz:*-*:ituzzp

jSj::^IL^_ -0 0-

-^ W —g3-


Cast thy bur-den on the Lord, Cast thy burden on the Lord, And he will sus-tain thee, and strengthen thee,and comfort thee ;

fc^s :=r^

-^-A-0—0- _^_^3:

-SJ--&-Z-0—9— — —0-fS ZZ22:

=1: 3E^: -A--

-0—9-0- t*=*: 'mCast thy burden on the Lord, on the Lord,


:?2ZZi: pi-)»



-0— —^_^~.f=r^±

Cast thy burden on the Lord, on the Lord, Cast thy burdan on the Lord, And he will sua - tain thee, and strengthen thee, and comfort thee ;





-9 •=rfpzt:=tz:ti=i

m'^ ;=*


-S't-S^-- --^

9- i=3=5:^=* i^: -ts



:^zzi*zz«;z»:-•-•- ^^E

Cast thy bur-den on the Lord, and he will bus- tain thee, and com -fort thee, He will bus - tain thee, and com - fort tbee.


'^-:=P-0—0- \s>-. -fiS

zzilziz j-__J=I


W-& :=li_ «—^—I-——f_ :£2Z '^—^—LEEiz^—f-f-^-^—^-z=ti:

:22: zm-.^-0 nnr-zipi^zipizzrz

Cast thj bur-den on tha Lord, and he will sus - tain thee, and com - fort thee, He will sus - tain thee, and com - fort the*.

^ =l=i]=l=zd=J:-<^' ^' -^—•-

zz:=1=1- Is,—1»—pz r:^ g?-



-?s--f- r

AmuiKcd from ruumt MASS tt 0t>.

_3i ^ .—-H^ r—'

• -I—


*^ r—I 1—

-1'— T—'—I—T—^ '--^T—I IT 1—'T—^* 'T-^x—r i'"™'"-r« 1—•» r—"

H -i i »




1^ ^-#

Q—m-;:gig;p^f;;=|E;^i|i^£g?;j§g|gfpPraise the Lord, for he* is gra-cious ; Our God is mer-ci-fiil, and

__£! fz===i=i=:=±i==z&zg:I=gzi*:fezzijLL:|^i=±i==:tzzzzzi=±— ^F^—^-^tr^zgL^^z^ '

SOLO, V>pmno.

Praise the Lord, for he is gra-cious ;


Our God is mer-ci-fiil, and

z_»> -^-# J- .^ztzTltj-^-tfrlf-#_»- i2:_!Li-2z:ziizi:^jLr-^_i^_zxzzri:_*—^_irC_^—*^—# ^--^—---- •-^-#- -•-#^J-«- -

—rt—,_»— i-,-^_r^i.,p^-_^—I,—. i X -I,—^ X. -'-;=?'— ^ * ^<—


L • *' ^•'^^ 1—*•

Praise the Lord, for he is gracious. Praise the Lord, for he is gracious; Our God is merciful, and of great kindness. Our Grod is mercifid, and

m ' •

• • i

:e>i^-a.ise ti^e x.onr)-" ConciudoA.

of great kind-ness, Glo - ri - fy his ho - ly name.

fi-t ^ L-+^0.^ J J X L J. X J [iHHiil^Sof great kind-ness, Glo - ri - fy his ho - ly name.

u, > 80L0



of great kindnes^ Glo-ri - fy his ho - ly name. Our God is merci-ful, is gracious and merciful, Glo - ri - fy

^zjtijszz:m ztizztz,^-

him ev - er-more !

-^^—]^-h- Tf-^7——f^---iS- ::^


Our God is mer-ci-ful, is gracious and merciful, Glo - ri • fy him ev - er-more, A



men, men, A - men.




*^ -0~«| • -g;—i--^-gg .-^-g—r^g—^-(g3=ii.-

n, A - men.

Our God is mer-ci-ful, is gracious and merciful, Glo - ri - fy him ev- er-more. A - men, A - men, A - men,

PP^*Jt _. ^^ Jl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ PP

Our God is mer-ci'fiil, is graciou3>and merciful, Glo - ri - fy him ev - er-more. Praise" ye his name, A - men, A


msD, A • tDfi]i,.Praiw ye hit naotet

324/ AUecretto con iplrlte.

-A^lSTTPTEli^. "It is a good ttdng to give thanks."

l^ll^i^^t^^i^lM^M^imt'^i^im BZJ^zi

It is a good thing to give thanks un - to the Lord, And to sing praises un - to thy name, O Most highest i

It is a good thing to give thanks un - to the Lord, And to sing praises un - to thy name, Most high-est


To tell of thy loving


It is a good thing to give thanks un- to the Lord, And to sing praises un - to thy name, Most high-est


To tell of thy lov - ing


And of thy truth in the night • sea-son, in the


kindness, ear-ly in the morning. To tell of thy lov ing kindness, ear-ly in the morning. And of thy truth in the night-sea-son, in the


——:—1 J I I


kind-nesa, ear-ly in the morning, To tell of thy lov-ing kindness, ear - ly in the morn-ing, And of thy truth in tli« night - sea-son, in the

iPEa£ *:SrSi


IT IS -A. Ca-OOXJ TKCinsrca- to i3-I"VE TH^A^ISTICS-" continued.


:±q=izqz^di=|iq=i:=rr:^z^z;;i:=f5:ife;dz:i1:i:ijZ--:1zizf5:zKTr=z —x=z:'

night - season : Up-on an in-stru-ment of ten strings, and up - on


the lute;


.Up - on a loud instrument, and up -


-G-r -G-. -0-0- •• ~

night season


Up-on an in-stru-ment of ten strings, and up - on . . . . the lute ; Up-on a loud instrument, and up -

—T--:i-<-:^^^T!Tiv^*-;i-^-7.- s-T.tfi?v^:iiz:i:i:pz:pz:^i:iz:iz:iz:^:iZj


uigbc - - season; Up-on an in-stru-ment of ten strings, and up - on . .


the lute


Up - on a loud instrument, and up -


ri?-ii:-izd-:::=]:i==T(^- -s—^ + e^-^-- 0'—0—0—0




EE£E3£E?3E^lEES3i5z^EEE|l ion the harp, for Thou, Lord, hast made rae glad, glad, thro' thy works,And I will re -joice in giv-ing praise for the op- e - ra-tions of thy hands.And



on the harp, for Thou, Lord, hast made me glad, glad, thro' thy works,

irir <^t-^ t-4:—t--t—r—^


i--^^-f^-~pii'^zs|^zz*z:*z:*zi'^^-Ijz"zI"t='^'i—i:^IE:]^zz:I_z__'g_z~zz|zzz!?'-':zzIzz:_?f_ :: zzr


on the harp, for Thou, Lord, hast made me glad, glad, thro' thy works, And I will re-joice in giv-ing praise for the op- e - ra-tions of thy hands,And


m^^E?03^^^^=f^^f^^^^^^IE^^^^^^M^^^ m

326 "IT IS -A- GOOID THIinsra- to <3-I"VE TI^-A.3SrE:S-'" Conhnu^L

Cres. - - - - - r " -,. : J2 _.?;jE-?i=ei=^.i;!?±z?z:?=:*ziJ?=z—

I will re - joice in giv-ing praise for the op - e - ra tions of thy hands ; Glo - ry be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son,


I will re - joice in giv-ing praise for the op - e - ra tions of thy hands ; Glo - ry be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son,

'^^^^^^^MS^tSMw^^mMW^^i^^^^I will re - joice in giv-ing praise for the op - e - ra

-«?:?*-#. :f:i=5: -•--r-S)-

tions of thy hands; Glo-ry be to the Fa -ther, and to the Son,

:?5— i:^ggg|fegi^5!g5^gg^gEf^g|gz^|5±t:g^gHgEg^iEMig^gfg^_•

:— •.- -^5^—-







And to the Ho - ly Ghost. As it . was in jho be - gin-ning. As it was in the be - gin-ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, is noii, and ev - er

And to the IIo - ly Ghost. As it was in the be - gin-ning. As it was in the be - gin-ning, is now, and ev- er shall be, is now, and ev - er

And to the llo - ly Ghost. As it was in the be - gin-ning, As it was in the be - gin-ning, is now, andev-er shall be, is now. andev-er

.«-_« 0j^m--m—m *^0-


-XT IS -A. O-OOID THIITGJ- TO p-I"VE THCA^HSTITR ." Ooncluded. 327



id-i'm-^)?=:r:=t=:r^=^f==^^-?—i-i— I——X zt^:—I tr:zp;l:pzz±:pzzti

-»«- tgit-^•H

shall be, is now, and ev - er shall be, World with-out end, A -men, A -men, World with-out "ud, A - men, A




shall be, b now, and ev - er shall be, World with-out end. World without end, A -men, A - men, World with-out end, A men, A - men.




irf~— f-*^-'—X—K--j--|----i--j--%i—1-1—»-}-g— I


^^jfk—w—wh gzlgzfe

shall be, is now, and ev - er shall be. World with-out end, World without end, A • men, A - men. World with-out end, A - men, A - men.





--&-'- -0 i<^XJA.I^TETTE ' a>:R CliOI^XJS- "Evening, Morning, and at Noon."

7) t t Crci.


zjzlg:|jzialf:"g—^|JEJzjzp:iJ":|Jz3j^Evening, morning, and at noon,will I cry and pray a - loud! And he shall hear my v(<ice, And he will hearmyvojce.



And he will hear my voice.Evening:, morning, and at noon.will I cry and pray a - loud! And he shall hear my voice,

. will hear my voice.Evening, n»orninp, and at noon,wilI I cry and pray a - loud! And he shall hear my voice, And he shall hear my voice.

fQ:izgz^;.,rJ:t-^-^±zzBr-^£tiztezEJ4=:^^^AAd k« wili &e«r lojr toim.

328 SEISTTEISTOE. " O Lord, our Helper." wnioB



!Z4 ^m^=m|ii=^^e?lpi33 i!EEE»ES3

C5f-G- :^r j^

J^hjMz iii^iSpJ^iiigO Lord, our help-er, our pre - serv-er, Give us this day thy Ho - ly Splr - it, That we may vror-ahip thee ac - cept - a - biy.


! F- ISZZjr eS^BSES.t; sLord, our belp-er, our pre - aerv-cr, Give us this day thy Ho - ly Spir-it, That we may wor-ship thee ac • cept - a - biy.

m^r^--?^ ^• ^:~<3i—0---

^=*=^0—• 0-

:s=«: frV-r-"-*T-fg- ^=r=^^t:^ v^=rJ

5^: -•—•— r- Z^ZM- -a—w-:-^zzit i^SOLO.

Lord, our strength and our Re - deem-er, O Lord, our strength and our Ee -^eem-er.

nz'izit ' G•tr*-

1=11: 343: • <s- iSHEjIii^Eii^^E^^Lord, our strength and our Re - deem-er,


z»—mi i^Ffi^^*L^zzH3=^[t

i=£^^^^=Ep=-JsLord, our strength and our Re - deem-er, O Lord, our strength and our Re -deem-er


^ ... . . ^

1—r-::?2zzpr:;^ •—•- -s


ilndonfe.!»OLO. Soprano.



In thy ho - ly tem - pie, Lord, While we wait on thee,


CHORUS., Let thy Spir - it preach thy word, Help us worship,

f^^m^^m^^^s^^^^ Z^

~^=^EEit^eE*:?£?=:?z± -•-#—•

In thy ho - ly temple, Lord, While we wait on thee to - day, Let thy Sfir - it preach the word. Help us wor-ship,


W W 1 I

In thy ho - ly temple, Lord, While we wait on thee to - day,

-»-b-h- _

Let thy Spir - it preach the word, Help us wor-ship.

7i?--=*: 0-0— 0-1. 0-0 J- 0-0— — —J- -L 0-4^—0 0-1. 0-0— L — 0-1.

oon espre*sione.Cres.

Rit. Dim. PP

^^:!^^-:^-.^:^-t,zlz\zz=^^\z\z=^^^sing and pray; Ho - ly Spir - it, Heav'nJy Dove, Melt thesin-ner's heart with love. A - - - - men

sing and pray ; Ho - ly Spir - it, Heav'nly Dove, Melt the sin-ner's heart with love. A - - - - men, A - men.

A - men.

PP ,

smg and pray; Ho-ly Spir -it, Heav'nly Dove. Melt the sin - ner's heart with love.* A*

_ Rit.


.• KZ—t 1_« C ' *-L —0~

men, A men.



.1^ -j^ L.



330 •^^Oi^TI^^Sr IS TPiE T. ATVTR


Wor-thv is the Lamb that was slain, And hath re - deeni-ed us to God by his blood, To receive power, and riches, and wisdom, And strei-gth, ani

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. And hath ro - deemed us to, God by his blood, To receive "power, and riches, and wisdom, And «trength, and

J^?^^^^^f-#3Z^z:zl:i~X+c ^-^-? -4- _-j—


Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, And hath re - decra-ed us to God by his blood. To re-ceive power, and riches, and wis-dora. And strength, and-eu



:tz"i-^ L~

.#_«.-•-#- --


2fez^zf5—z^z^zSzz:?^T—=z-=rhzf:#z«=?z*z?z?zrz*z: :-*—z?—^- -


i=P—=t=—=i===:±zz-;izzzfzzzzz:zz:ziz=i:|»zz,izfcz:Uz=z=;E:i:fz5zz!z=;;zf:pz£zEhon-or, and glo-r_y, and bless - inp. Wor-thy is the Lamb that whs stain, And hath re -deemed us to God, to God by his blood.

r^'?^^^^=x^r"=^f- H3:zDzz:zi^L^-^-zii:|i|-:.:j

^^f|?E=l~El^|fhon-or, and g'o-ry, and bless - in}:.


Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, And hath re - deemed us to God, to God -by his blood,

hon-or, and glory, end bless - isi^;. Wor-thy is the Lamb that was slain, k

(^•^=i^==#f*=»=^=*-TZ?zz=zzzzz—T—^-t*-ri—i-^'r-*-* t—


Wor-thy is the Lamb that was slain, And hath re - decra-ed us to God, to God by his blood.

:zdz:z^J«_r:z z

zzzzzl=z^ii=*; 1

*• •VT'OI^TK!:"^' IS TKCE Xu-A.3VLB_" Concluded.

• _ Adagio^

331tAadanto. " m ^ " ^ -..-, Adagio. 1 II |


^To re-ceive pow-er, and wis-dom, and rich-es, And strength, and hon-or, and glo-ry, and blessing, for - ev - er - more, A -men, A - men


To re-ceive pow-er, and wis-dom, and rich-es, And strength, and hon-or, and glo-ry, and blessing, for - ev - er - more, A -men, A - men.



ESEB^ESE^^ES: iizl^z:;/:=?:—*-Tz^z: :rz:LZ^z:*z:i^z&z; izzi^ziz^: :zz:^: :r-^i:p:ip-p:^pt-^

To re-ceive pow-er, and wis-dom, and rich-es, And strength, and honor, and glo-ry, and blessing, for - ev - er - more, A -men, A - men.


W. W. P.

rg^3zzz]:i:4zzztpdz=-p:1z=Tz^zzzj:izq=z-:T^Z5izz]zzi1:pz]zznzTzi^^ r=3=±

Ho- ly Fa - ther, God of Love,' Send thy Spir - it from a-bove;0 bless thy word, our prayer in- dite, ac - cept our praise, And

Ho- ly Fa - ther, God 'of Love, Send thy Spir - it from a - bove ; O bless thy word, our prayer in - dite, ac - cept our praise, And

% feE?:Ho- ly Fa -ther, God of Love, Send thy Spir -it from a- bove ; bless thy word, our prayer in - dite, ac - cept our praise. And


!:i:.^zzu-i:Sz=i:iz:zl:_^T.^—^4 ' ^Lg'-g-^j

.32 ••KOL."^" FA-TISEK., OtOJD OF X.O"VE." Cmio1iii1«I.

Cres. - -.



guide our thoughts, Our hearts in true do - vo - tion raise, Our hearts in true de - vo - tion raise;

Ho - Jj Fa - ther, Ho - ly

guide our thoughts, Our hearts in true de - vo - tion raise, Our hearts in .true do - vo - tion raise; Ho - ly Fa - ther, Ho - ly

guide our thoughts. Our hearts in true de - vo - tion raise, Our hearts in true de - vo - tion raise ; # Ho - ly Fa - ther, Ho - ly

, T 0—T-»—. S T-iS T- '^ ^' r-»- ^ K_-.-P-« —^ -s ^^ . -0 ^. -^ _

^g=5;|g^|SEE|J^3^|gig|!gs^iSp|g|Fa - ther, bow thine ear, bow thine ear


!=:^i=i1:zXX--f.--A--.:-3si—u :#?*J


Make us ho - ly, make us ho - ly, hear



12^ gi^hear.

-•- -^s- -<s?- -•• -G- -^ -4- -e^ -*55 ^-^- ?-^ • -rv#Jf--z5^Make us ho - ly, make us ho - ly, hear us,Fa - ther, bow thine ear, bow thine ear


-Gh_ , -G-hear

Fa - ther, bow thine ear, bow tnine ear


Make us ho - ly, make us ho - ly, hear us, hear

— *

T^IE LOI^D XS l^XJSTJDFTJJL, OF XIIS O^W^IST." 333Tht; first four meiuiurM may be iang u a %>lo. Dnett, or Trio.

;jPztqF^=i^z:^i^z=^z^^«i sMi^M—^—M—m—fz

-^^- —I 1 ^ . ^



Tha Lord is mindful of bis own, He re - mem-bers his chil-dren, The Lord ia mindful of his own, The Lord re-mem- bers his>

-• 9- -fh Z -9- ...

:T^: =^-9 (S>-

The Lord ia mindful of his own, He re - mem-bers his chil-drcn. The Lord is mindful of his own, re - members his


The Lord is mind-ful of his own, He re - mem-bers his chil-dren, The Lord is mindful of his own. The Lord re - members his


^- t-=^-=? ^=£i=t^E^ JiZZM—MZIttZZ

children, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own ; Bow down before Him,Bow down before Him, Bow down before Him ye migh-ty. For the Lord is







z;z:zzt:itzzztzz ^zrzzzzzzzz-zzz^zi:zzzz==zzzzzz=z=r> =:zrzzrzr_r r

:g^;^^3: _^_4^_4,_it: zzpz^t^^^^ zzl=zKzzKz4:zjH sTuq—^s^_h:—=zt:


children, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own; Bow down before Him,Bow down before Him,Bow down before Him ye migh-ty. For the Lord ia

> >fcfeziHT:^^=».-3?zz:«E=fz:^^3

.2=^ ,s.i

:?^=|:--JfZli^JCJt -9-r-9—m—^-

:rj=it5=ztj:ifczjv i^^zrz^zz^:-(Sh

children, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own; Bow down before Him, Bow down before Him,Bow down before Him ye migh-ty, For the Lord ia

> ^



zzitiz It:



T 1 ^Sinear xis, For the Lord is near us, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own. He re mem - bera hifl chil-dren.

Cr 9 JT •• "^ ^' .0. -0. -0-



z:=^=s==tii4Mzii^; 4jJi-*ii

=3—^J—•--^-t«=^i -2;^ 30. -4


- 0- -w- -w- -^near us. For the Lord in near us, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own, He re - mem - bers his children

^^^'- ^^E^i=r=q"HE!} -I** •-•.—





dd.iJfi ^I

near us, For the Lord is near us. He re - mem-ljera his chil-dren, Yea, the Lord is mindful of his own. He re -mem -bers his children-


1=4-&- -JZZJ^ -JSIm

'Hr^:s>A:i<r. " watchman ! tell us of the night !"

^^^-^-=-=ep^e^e:-R =TP^^ V-T ^ :;4::

1 Watchman! tell us of the ni^ht, What its signs of promise are. Traveller ! o'er yon mountain height, See that glo - ry beaming .tar


m2. Watchman ! tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dl^ ; Traveller ! darkness takes its flight, Doubt and ter - ror are with-drawn.


3. Watclynan 1 tell us "tf the night. High - er yet that star as - cends ; Traveller 1 bless-edness and light, Peace and truth its course por-tenda I

\m^^^^^ '?-—T;=?^Tr-H 1- :^E^^E^^^^^^^^fm

"'••VT'-A.TaHCZivfll-A.nSrt tell XJS of the nSriO-IIT." Concluded. 35o

5^^ lEEEfe^Sl^^JJlEi-^il^"Watchman 1 does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy fore - tell ? Traveller ! yes ; it brings the day, Promised day of Is - ra • cl




-\—^- ES i^Watchman !

-will its beams a - lon& Gild the spot that gave them birth? Traveller! a - are its own, See, it bursts o'er all the earth


-•-#- iliiiiWatchman ! let thy wanderings cease ; Hie thee to thy qui - et home,— Traveller ! lo ! the Prince of Peace! Lo ! the Son of God is come.

^'1=^ t^»-^

iiZ i^zir:zu=1t=p: :i=i


Chorns to the 1st ao9 2d rerres.

E ^^=eS:

Chorus to the 3d Terse.


1. Traveller! yes; it brings the day, Promised day of Is - ra - el! 3. Traveller! lo! the Prince of Peace, Lol the Son ofGod is come! ^o! the Son of God is come.

3. Traveller! lo! the Prince of Peace, Lo! the Son of God is come ! Lo! the Son of God is come.^^FT«^?^T^5g^

i^:=iz ^ii:^^4Sigiisi2. Traveller ! a - ges are it» own. See, it bursts o'er all the earth. 3. Traveller! lo! the Prince of Peace, Lo! the Son of God is come! Lo I the Son of God is come



336 SEl^TTEl^TOE- " Hear our Prayer.' r. . DATTTPOKt.

'f^E^:|^=Ef;=;5i^|gESp:£E^i;sEJ^E|^EE|E^pg^li^ii^^Hear our prayer, Ilear our prayer, God^ in - cline thine ear


Hear our prayer. Hear our

;sp ^-:E*E5=^fI3^| i--f^^


y^^ E^l^^E^'^=.c^^^tEfz\'^E^zl^^ -.'.izzzm

-1 'l-

Hear our prayer, Hear our prayer, Gtjd, in - cline thine ear


Hear... our prayer, Hear .... our

S^E^il^==|2 zscznaz:~^—y i n. :




z:»ziJi2z:zz=»z: Izacz l_Z_-s)

^-\-»- :Eiz:z:gz ^H^^I^gpHlg^prayer, O God, in - cline thine ear. Hide not thy - self from our pe - ti - tion. Hide not thy - self from

T V-

ESEi?EE?E:EE-#--f^ ,-T—O


-f eg ^-4--#—


— tq:z:1-:

S^^|^«£=tE^iE5Et]prayer, God, in - cline thine ear.

^ »^ fS-



Hide not thy - self from our pe - ti - tion. Hide not thy - self from

=3iz::z22=z:iz:z-;;^::i 1 i t

-is—#-I I


--^\^-\f-s>—•- -13—#-+ r-

•'liE-A^K. OTJI^ IPI^-A^'^TEIi-" Concluded.



:iz: ijo:J. — m—±—^




my pe - ti - tion. Un - to us. Un - to us, Un - to us, God, in - clin'6 thine ear,

fe ^_B_I ^_I X L C 1.-0 I.Q,_J^^ 1_J«_

Un - to us, Un - to us, Un - to us,

z±z:^.:zs:—izt h'—Jz :3e^



my pe ti - tion. Un - to us.




Un - to us,


Un to us. O Lord, in - cline thine ear.


ESE^t^^^-^^:±-es- I

^r>—^.zzpziz^jz=i^.zzpzT-^ TZfg:—


ztztz=;tzfzizz=:iz+z[zz=t:1 J ^



Eim ^F^^^'-—G-z^l


Hear our prayer, Hear our prayer, O God, in — cline thine ear, O God, in - cline thine ear. A - men.


x=zlzTz:o- Iztztzz:


I _ _ ^7*v __C__

F-^-3--—^-f-^—-'-—t-»fs^---*^r-®'--—-^^ "iijzzzzli: :zq3:qz: :zzZ|Zzaziz3i:



Hear our prayer, Hear our prayer, God, in cline thine ear, in cline thine ear, men.

^^-r.—rzi-1 -i-{ r?-^ R-:gt:zi-tzgr;r^iI::tz:r;;:rf-r h ^zXz^z^::pzz::z»zzfzz^


338 TMI-A.lsrirsa-ITT'IKrO -A.IsrTIiEIS^_ •' The eyes of all wait upon thee. O Lord.** ,, ^ imdm*.

. PModeraTo.~*^~---— '''*'


. /-'ModeraTo. ^ — — _ . ,•


The eyes *of all wait up -on thee, O Lord, The eyes of all wait upon tliee. O Lord,

The eyes of all wait up -on thee, Lord,


The eyes of all wait up-on thee, O Lord, And

The eyes of all wait up-on thee, Lord,^

The eyes of all wait up-on thee, Lord,And

And thou giv-est them their meat in due sea-son;

?iSOLO. Tenor or Baritone

*: |EE]EEfEE5:s^5EEE5EEEfl^^7fiE$3?;iZ5pEE:E^|i^ifThou 0- pen-est thy hand, and fill - - est all things liv-ing, and fill -est all things liv - ing with

^ -dfczHZ

m—0-••-•- -#- ^ "

thou giv - est them their meat in due sea-son

if;, I ^*L



- Nt—^^


'0 F—f-H— 1 \-^-\ —





p-0-0- -0- 0*-J^tm^Jf' ' ^ ^"^

m T 1-



_. SI (S & s-nzzz

-B^ -rJ- "B^ T^ -^^-gri33p itt


TX3:.A.ISTK:SC3-I^^I3SrC3- .A-HSTTIiE^S^. Continued.

plen - teous-nesa. And

Thou o-pen-est thy hand, and fill -est all things liv - ing, And fill -est all things liv ing with plenteousness, And


>5^-P-F-l—1—I 1—j*-4-irr—I—I—I




^---\— h—r*-^-'t-'—li^»*— f

-^ 1-'^»- -0-r -d-


Crrs. -

Thou - pen-est thy hand, and fill - est all things liv • ing. And fill - est all things liv


ing with plenteousness, And

:p=t:EE=E:SS^:fill - est all things liv - in* with plenteousness. Thou vis - it - est the earth, and bless-est it, Thou vis - it - est the earth, and bless-est it, Thou

fill - est all things liv - ing with plenteousness.


5^fe^5'-^=4^335E3=a:i3r:^3|3^^53z=30-0- -0- 9

Thou vis - it - eat the earth, and bless-est it, Thou vis - it - est the earth, and bless-est it, Thou



fill - est all things hv - ing with plenteousness. Thou vis - it - est the earth, and bless-estfill - est all things hv^- ing with plenteousness. Thoa vis - it - est the earth, and bless-est it, Thou via - it - est the earth, and bless-est it, Thou



=1y^lIe^TO tplritnfMo.

crownest tbe jcar, thou crownest the year with thy good-ness, with thy gool-ness, with thy good ness. We will re - jolce, we will re - joice,

^— • -•- -#- •

crownest the year, thou crownest the year with thy good-ness, with thy good-ness, with thy goodness. We will re - joice, we will re - joice,

^ i

"" Tiz:—zzT ' '"~-:^Z-Li ——i.z 1—lz_-^:i:pzz:i:

tzziiz[z;t: \mr.^—^ th-i-—^i_-_x±:

crownest the year, thou crownest the year with thy goodness, with thy good-ness, with thy good-ness.

iz^-;;-V-^fz:zr-i-.zz.-^--;;;iifz:—^.izzzfizzzzzztizzziiztz: F-r=z:l--«^zzi^—3^:i=;?—*^ztziiinzzgzgzf:pz

We will re - joice, wo will le - joice,


rz5Ezz?z^zfz:zzi/z_^ z :~zz?z.^z: zzzii|;*=*z:*zf^zf: :;zz:?z:^E|^=^r^j^z^i^:i^^

We will re -joice, will re - joice in the Lord, We will re - joice, we will re - joice, re - joice in the Lord.

ir±M—9~gz: z«zzir:>:4::z]zzz^z:^fz^.^zMZZWfZZMZ±^:h^zz:MzzMzt^Mt—lzzzzi^^^^ilzi^^-^h^zz^^

We will re -joice, will re - joice in the Lord, We will re - joice, we will re - joice, re - joice in the Lord, And glo - ri - fj his name, and

f^^E^^^'^'E^^-HElzTA'^ilm'Eli^zY^^hz^=z;Lz:iizi:;zzr.;iz-^z±:z^-/z^hzzz±—z=^z:^±zizht=i^^^^ :*zifiz?zz±:^zS

We will re - joice, will re - joice in the Lord, We will re • joice, we will re - joice, re - joice in the Lord, And glo - ri - fy hia name, and

t:.zi^izzU^±_±_^_>-.. iifiMiiM^^il^il^is^i^is

Ti5:-A.zsrK:sa-i"vi3sr(3- -A.3>TTia:uj.vL. ooutmued. 341J ^--v nim. -^s J


And glo - ri - fy his name, Ms name fcr - ov - er - more. We will re

glo - ri -fy his name, his name for - ev er more, And glo - ri -

fy his name, his name for - ev - er - more.

glo-ri - fy his name, his name for - ev - er - more, And glo - ri - fy his name, his name for- ev-er - more. We will re

-iit-IIi X:±X»—-Si-\-»—t—tl \J-\^ \\-Gi-\-Gh\ b-b—



joice, re - joicein the Lord, And glo-ri-fy his name, his name for -ev-er - morel. We will re - joice, re - joice in the Lord, Wo will re - joice, ro -

re - joicein the Lord, his name for -ev-er - more. We will re - joice, re -joice in the Lord, We will re- joice, re -

*:|r^rf: :1i^fznz: ::?zz^; ~zz^zzz±:^!:^^zi:rz:;z:*z:pz: ::^J; -•izi^zi^z :zpzr^i: t^zwrw. ::g:tz^=^:^j::fz:^

joice, re - joiceinthe Lord, And glo - ri - fy his name, his name for -ev-er - moae. We will re - joice, re- joice in the Lord, We will re - joice, re


.0i—C 1


312 TH-A^isTKisa-i^srinsrcj- .A^isrTHEnv-^, conciujed.


?^?: ^f^lili :±^:tZ2;;::*i


ri - fy his name for - ev - er • more, A - men.joice in the Lord, And glo - ri - fy his name for - ev - er - more, And glo -

i_i_l c.—r-j—U ^-+i 1—+ ' r—\-f V-\A—ti—+- i^+-i—l-'.j—1^^- -•^—



-—f f^-t-s*—o ---^HPjoice in the Lord, And glo - ri - fy his name for - ev - er - more, And glo ri - fy hLs name for - ev - er - more, A - men.

SiiEl^^iiii^ligSS^^iiiillllililiiliiBE.A.TZTXJIDE- " Blessed are they ttiat mourn."

Blessed arc they that mourn. Blessed are they that mourn, I-'or they shall be comforted, For they j^hall be comforted.

' 2? r-^ST—^ "S?-;J^ ^-5-15 ^e- -^-^2^-

Blessedare they that mourn, Blessed are they that mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that mourn. For they shall be comforted.

Alleers HpirilnoM.


OliOi^XJS. " Glory be to God on high.- , g^^. ,,„„ ^ozarts mu jh-. 343

:z2=i=:'^: i^tzi: ^i==li^=llgi"Eifl^i=^l


Glo - ry, glo - ry, glo


ry be to God on high,


Glo - ry be to God, Glo -jy be to

»-»*&»-»-i_d u i_c u Lidi_a u

Sym. y . » -p- -*^ ^'. S I K I g^j^*- J. h J. 1^

1*^ 12^ --f2Z

-^ -&--I—s^

t -^-*^^i-,^- If;


-.-.^ --f- -f- -•-. -•^tA^!?=£r^f, -h^


=p-T V—L4


-<»—^- .iSf_




ipzz^: :#*"'•

Glo- ry be to God on high, Glo - ry be to God on high, Glo - ry





3 „.-sj_-+-

-^o- :^-#—•-

9r- r. r*4±=^:<^:

God, Glo-ry be to God, Glo - ry be to God on high,


t±i:Sz-+:!-v-:r-._-f<— « -p— yl—[-->-


_C2_ =. n'f_^ sjS2_.JJ :-i-^- rs i°_

——izizzJi— T !^—


—\-f-^—(3 •—




• ^«-ffl.M '



III' I ^ lAn - rv.glo - rj. glory, glo-ry, glory,

344" a-I-.OI^"'2" BE TO OOID Ol^T HIO-I^." Continued.

:p=p: :w=i—-»^^^^—0^=^ ^=^=W=4tiiz:-^Tsr


be to God on high,

feiilgggglg^^^^^^^lon high, Glo - ry bo to God, to God on high, And on earth peace, peace on

1=:—piv-/—«-i'--f-«-—-»—-. g-=p»— f—»— f -fe-T--^


Pin. ? f fjuH -I ? I I n,N,-1 ^'-l


acx^-^ '^ ry ::=^t=:^

-&-, t


to God on high,

( ,.-']


L > ' » L_u:a-.»-es=aa-^-«—^ ••-* j*-* ^



J- J-— ri 0-


-\ #-


3^: -«>- iz^zzs^-: :*

w ZMZUC^mf^

earth, and on earth peace,

For. Pin.

'A-- :e33- 1:



peace' on earth.

-9- -m- -f^-

peace on earth,

-# r

I •-

"2^" -c^.

:^=t:: :::rz^!^

Isinffiit^ji^tz-.: =^:


-9- -9- -^peace on earth.


i.&Q1^ 11225;1 * —r-;»-i—F 1 P *-ltP 1—:;;»a :; • '.sp 1

^^ ^—E

y-fs—Gs ^

3^a :a:»^-

a-LOK.-^ BE TO GhOr> 02JT KCIOKC' Coutinacd 315


-& (S»— - -(S>-

:&:•: -SIlliili i .^_jf_^.-^

iGlo - ry, glo - ry be to God on high,


a gg.--#-

-«- -•- -25hpeace on earth,


Glo - ry,

if ;^-J Swell.

jGlo - ry be to God on high, Glo - ry, glo - ry, glo - ry be to God on high,


?=^=r: f—^


- - f^rf

:i- i--'-

For. ->&-

I^SZ ^lE^a?^^=rf?=ir^ ^H?^

r f


r^=^Si? -(S>—s? ^-zfEpfc^



-T-G-m- -G-r-9-



W- -&—(S- 3r~y ^—




±z p^glo - ry be to God on high,Crec For.

:=]: 3 mzzn -<5*-: ^-r-9--M^

-jtL -Gi :|«:itfzztfzztt:^-


glo - ry be to God on high, Glo - ry, glo - ry, glo - ry be to God on high,

H 1 r


:^peace on earth, good will towards men,

A- ?


Crei.For. tS?-

^?^^=ip^; —, 1--




r*^ f

< L tfe^



^'^g^ -s>—


-^? ^-•- -•- -#-—f» fl-— fe fe-

=J ^Sz=C: _ ,



346 " G-JL.OJR-^Z' BE TO C3-OID OlST HZIO-Ii." Continued

;::S=sri-: ---•- -•—•- -#—•- eI^EllJiggi£gg:iEiiE=i XI*: 3

-•—#- -•—•-

-H-n -


peace on earth, good will towards men.

Krm. Pla.

We praise thee, We bless thee,

Hia. -f-

We worship thee,


-•L_V _-J-_-/ -^±_.


15: -^---<(—«- ij-i:









fcrf zf::a

1 I



E£ ^ :^=z^


W-f-M—fzzM: -0—0- ---&-

:4-=—L-* 1- i V

A^-- ig?'

cf-. -&-

We glo - ri - fy thee;


III 1 Isym.

, ^1 ;


We give thanks to thee, give thanks to thee for thy great glo - rj, for thy great

.^-nj U^^——3l=:1:T=^=:iq:zq^Tzq=u—I—qq:=1 \

-\—i T






^21^—0 -^zzfSir.:,

:J=t: i^ -o—s>--fg—<g—


"O-Lon'sr BE TO o-oiD o3sr mo-ii." continued. 347


m- ^—



:s:~: ^^=


-gj—gbi^: -s>- 3—J-J?3^=^'—


-•-^-0--0 #-li:-#—#- -•—


glo - ry, for thy great glo - ry, for thy great glo - ry, for thy great glo - ry, We give thanks to thee for thy great

K_J—«i « 1 ? f S «-4— el • *-l 1 1 P p —r— P—R-g t)P * P-—» —J —-e J » 4^—


-f- • [-—»* * -{-—}» ^—-j— !»-!—^>-L?j° J '^r f p_

=fc -•—#-



i[>^ ^—^--J.4===4:

^ ^::z«-:

'-SMzzmi '^-n

glo - ry, for thy great glo - ry, for thy great glo



-o--iS— -L


-&—^1 <s-

O Lord God,

T> 4—• 4-

#—J-T^—* tKo •—#-tW—j--^-^ -

1_=3 UtH^?:^]

348 OLOI^^S" BE TO O-OID OIT HlO-Ii. Gontinaed.

:r25r: ;iE.^Ei--:t


-I—f- -t-^znipz:


:2:E=iE?^p=.: ~iza:

Ijord Ood, Heav'nly King, Fa - ther Al - migh - ty


H 1

—0—r-m—• .0-^ +

Glo - ry be to God,





^—r- -s»-—.JtlZ-

^^ T—O- tSizEz=gz^zi|^zxz^:p;,-gejj^|=zg=7gpzz^


'±U "'"tirjZtlZ^-fc^aZZyJJ ..iZEIZr^J ZZl-i-l_ZI. {j_jj~ [j_^rT-





zi:pzz^: liziipzzp:



0- -0—0~-r-0-\-0'~=^zzi:f:?zz?zz^=*zt:*=?=izz«:f.-?='Glo - ry bo to God, Glo - ry be to God ; Hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah !

•, . . . J


s, j«':_i :*^

^.-Rt I J ' n-:=T:?£p£t3E;Ei;?E5E?Eg5E=E?5s:-|:WE5E?Ei:«ESESBS^-!» o p W—+ * • » V-P 0-p ccJ • P +-# 9* +-• ^-*-3-*^ <1 1 -"--f 1


-•-* ( '4i

-L =-••

J- • -^EE?^E^^»rf=:-?F^;f^KEEE^^^r=:^^^;|^E^E^fc^-LsLLi-—f—


lJJ—LcJJ_i-^-Zf i'7|zzzzz!z::z.-iii-:^i zzzi. : :^~t .

Ca-LOIi"'^' BE TO GhOID OlST XIIOKC. Concluded. 349








-f-*-^^ —t—





f-0 —0—#-#-f-#-#




hal - le - lu - jah 1 A - men. hal - le - lu - jah, A - men. hal - le - !u-jah ! hal-le - lu-jah ! hal - le - lu -Kh'l^ n hh'l^ nijlhjllllllli

-*-^ -^-'0^ J J^=izz:izziz=i=izp2=i===i]3'r--^r-tzriz=iziiiz:i:i22





zf!.tif~:zM—iM—, -»=¥=^=^



^— ^r-0-i-0—*—*-#f-#—^ f

jah! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu-jah ! A

J3-J-J-T-^i^mmI - lu-jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu - jah ! hal - le - lu-jah ! A - men.

— J- i—i 11—|_i._|



—.—x_] j 1— t--"— )»

4—4—4 '-*—1—1



,:f -s»-

^ ^


^-&- --^ -&r

^=0 = .—- Cd-

1.0, come, let us sing

3. For the Lord is a

5. The sea is his,

7 . For he i3 the

10. Glory bo to the Father, and.














God;made it




Son ;

2. Let us eome before Lis presence

4. In his hands are all the corners

6. O, come, let us worship

8. worship the Lord in the

9. For he coraeth, for he cometh to

1 1 . As it was in the beginning, is now, and

with thanks-

of the

and fall

beauty of

judge the

ev - er










shall be



Ip^f^PSA A


let us heartily rejoice in the .


and a great ,

and his hand pre - - -

and we are the people of his


strength of

King a -

par - ed

pasture, and the

to the



our sal-

bove all

the dry

sheep of his

Ho ly








and show ourselves

and the strength of the

and kneel be

let the whole

and with righteousness to judge the world,and the










Stand in


- out

him with


Lord our

awe of

with his

end. A •




%hNo. 1.


z^ 3z|z5 "^zzEigzzzzMzzgzf 1

(Afker the Gospel is named.)

No. 2.

Glo - ry be to the<to




:sz: -&-

:g_± Y3- iLord.


CrCTBUj-A-TE IDEO. Ps. 100. (After the Second Leflwjo.) 351DOVBLC CHAirr

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iE 2211

-•f- -o- -s»-T—I l-*-*-T (TS T -^ -. T T. .^_^_^_f_-X

a. —c^—1 sf -. .


1. be joyful in the Lord

3. go your way into his gates with )

thanksgiving, and into his \

5. Glory be to the Father, and

all ye lands


courts with

to the



serve tTie Lord with gladness, and come before his

be thankfiil unto him, and



pre - sence

speak good

to the








::^; -o- _CiL JE^:-tS'

Ef^2. Be ye su#e that the Lord •. ...

4. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is.

6. As it was in the beginning, is now, and


ev - er-

ev - er




shall bo.


it is he that hath made us, and noV we our-

selves ; we are his )

And his truth endureth from gene - - . -


people, and the

ration to

with - out

sheep of his

gen - e -

end, A -



No. 3.


Glo - ry be to thee, OJ I !

' I




GI-IjOI^I.A-S_ (After the Gospel is named.)


t'-Ei=£ -&- i

No. 4.


1. Blessed be the Lord

3. As he spake by the moijth of his

5. Glory be to the Father, and . ..

.*- ^









For he hath visited.

Which have





re -

since the


deemed his

world be

Ho - ly




2. And hath raised up a mighty sal -

4. That we should be saved

6. As it was in the beginning, is now, and










shall be,

In the

And from the




with -




ser - vant

all that

end, A -


hate Of





§111r-s^- :^


T -f-s»-


1. It is a good thing to give thjinks .....

2. To tell of thy loving kindness

3. Upon an instrument of ten strings.and up-

4. For thou. Lord, hast made me. ....

5. Glory be to the Father, and

6. • it v«i in tho btfiAoiDjc, is bow, and

unto the

early in the

on the

glad thro' thy

to the

•T • «








-o— Z22ZZ:

And to sing praises unto thy

And of thy

Upon a loud instrument,

And I will rejoice in giving praises for

And [the ope-a, I ana. .

bo if World


-I :—












in the

up -



O Most

night -

on the

of thy

Ho ly

ead A •






BEE 32:

CA.3SrT-A.TE iDOiiwaiiisro,L. 0. mBKson. 353


X-'- % -is- :zz—=— -25^. -G>- -iS— :?2:

:g:zzzzzz===:=:r^-^; Izz

ZCJt:s?: -&-

f-^^--felS- "^

:s£. iS^i?!^13?: -^-

1. () sing unto the Lord a

3. The Lord declared

5. Show yourselves joyful unto the Lord,

7. With trumpets,

5 9. Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hilU bo joyful

( together, be - - - - - -

11. Glory be to the Father, and ••'••»

newhis sal -

all yealso, and






vat ion,





For he hath

His righteousness hath he openlySing, re - - - -

show yourselves joyful, be -

For he

And •

done • • • • •

show'd in the








7^- isiiiht



llous things.'

f the heathengive thanka.

the King.

the earth.

Ij Ghost

g—gg- -^:^E

IIS?:-^— - =iEP -——(S»-^-^A- T—=:^_-T=^

::=^ -G^- HSl



-o- 'z:si




1221i2. With his own right hand, and with his

4. He hath remembered bis meroy and truth )

toward theJ

b. Praise the Lord up . . .

8. Let the sea make a noise, and all that

10. With righteousness shall he

1& iks it ves in the begiuiuog, la now, and- • • -


ho - ly

house of

on the

there - in

judge the




is ;


ib&ll be,

Hath he gotten him - - .

And all the ends of the world have seen the

Sing to the harp, with aThe roi.nd world, andAnd the »

World • (aifi- «- ...•••••• •


self the

va - tion

psaimthey that

pco - pie

with • oul

VIC - to -

of ourof thanks-

dwell there


end, A>

- in.






r -e^

1. God be merciful unto

3. Let the people

6. Let the people

8. Glorj be to the Father, and


i ^:

» -s>-

—+ (S>— 1—-






us, and bless us,

praise thee, Opraise thee, O

to the




J2. AU-i^—e^And show us the light of his countenance, and be

Yea, let all the

Yea, let all the


tSSIKmmmer - ci -

peo - pic

peo - pie

to the

ful unto

praise . .


praise. . .








^^^2. That thy m«rcy may be I known upon4. O let the nations re joice, and be

6. Then shall the earth bring

7. God9. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

forth her


ev - er





bless us,

shall be,

a~ m_A.A^^.,

Thy saving healtii a -

For thou shalt judge the folk righteously, )

and govern the ( • na - tions

And God, even our own God, shall

And all the ends of the world shall

World [ with - out

mong all

up - on

give us his


end, A -











WTVT^.-•__CL -C- :^:.(

-^-I I

! I

^^ nr:i-±.-S>-


^ i-#-•-



\ 1=^

.^—'-J-=r^:S^L^rd, have mer - oy tip on ... . us, And in - eline cox heart*, And in - eline ov hearts to keep tiiif Uv.




:BE3srEiDio -Ajsriivd:-^ n^^diEA.

T 1 l-T'


1 . Praise the Lor(f,

3. Who forgiveth

5. praise the Lord, ye angels of his, ye that ex-

8. Glory be to the Father, and


O myall thy

ccl in

to the













And all that is within me,

AndYe that fulfil his commandments, and

hearken imAnd



' •—r—




" •


'.} Word.Ghost.


^ -t&-

T-o- s>--


:i: g-(©-


• -(S——-+


2. Praise the Lord4. Who saveth thy life

6. praise the Lord, all

7. O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his, in all places of

9. As it was in the beginniug, is now, and


myfrom de-

ye his

his do-





shall be,

jQ. ^-SL <^IS?:

And for

And crowneth thee with.

Ye servants of

Praise thou the


.._k1221 -^ ._-^:

get not

mercj^ . and

his, that


with - out


^ fS.















{-A-FTER TliE TB3^TTH OOivd::^J:-AJ^^ID:I^^El^TT.) a PINSKTT

Loid, have mer • ej up OS, And writ« these, thy laws, in our hearts, we be • ceeeh

.^56OLOI^I-A. IIT EXICEIjSIS- (After th« oortion of pMtmn

1. Glory be to

3. O Loni God9. For thou onlv

rh= m 'jO--^ -&- 'gy






2. VTe praise ihec, we bless thee, we-

4. () Loni, the only hogotten Son,- • •

10. Thou oulv, O Christ, with the • • •

wor - ship

Je - 8U3

Holy •••

thee ; I VVe glorify thee, we give thanks to-

Christ ; }O i.orri (Jod, Lamb ot God,

Ghost I Art most high in the

thee for

Son of the

glory of

thy great

Fa - -

God the





5. That takerit away the.

C. Thou that takpst awity the

7- Thou that takt'St away the

t. Tliou that Bittetk at tfa« right band of <

sins of the

sins of the

sins of tlio

God tha

world, rworld,






—gHave mercyflave mercyRe - - -

Uara mero^

22: --s>-

iup - on m.up - on uaceive our pray

P - OQ B*.

nri'S'iv^nsr ci^-A-isrT. Searcher of Hearts." 8s & 6s. E)WAB.D A. PERKINS. 357


Searcber of hearts, from mine era^e All thoughts that.

Hearer of prayer ! guide aright Each word andGiver of all ! for every good In the Re -

Father and Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou glorious ....



snould not

deed of

deem- er

Three in

ibe; 1



came;One ;

And in its deep recesses

Life's battle teach me how to. .

For raiment, shelter and for. . .

Thou knowest best what I need

trace ]\Iy

fight. Andfood, I


-sL J~jzr


> -^- -.*- -*

ijrat - i - tude to

be the victory

thank thee in his

let, thy will be







H^S-nivflllT OI3:.A-I>TT. Almighty One '* lis & 6s.

11. Almightv Onel I bend in dust before thee : Even so veiled2. Thou Power sublime! whose throne is firmly seated On stars and3. Eternity! Eternity! how solemn, How terri - - - -





che - rubsglow - ingble the







In calm and still devotion I adore thee, All-wise, all -

O, could I praise thee, could my soul, elated, Waft thee se -

Here, leaning on thy promises,'—a column Of Sirenfrth, may



. ^

Thou to tlie"earth its emerald robes hast ftiven, or curtainedHad I the lyres of aneels, could I bring thee An offerina:...

O, l«t my heart be ever thine while beating, As when t' will

it withworthvcease to





.V.nd the bright sun,and the soft moon in heav'n,Before thvIn what brijiht notes of srlorv would I sing thee, BlestBe thou my portion, till that awful meeting. When I my

presencenotes ofGod shall |



greet ! | A -Imen!

358No. 3.

Come unto me an ye that labor.

'III ^"jWT- ^J

A - men.

^^ -si- V I

1. C!ome unto mo all ye that labor and are| heavy | laden,

2. Come unto me all ye that lal>3r and aw b«avy laden.And

II will


give you|rest.

3. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of ma


For I am meek and|lowly.. in | heart


4. And ye shall find|rest un-

|to your


5. For my yoke is easy, and my|burden- -if

| light.

6. For my yoke is|easy, and my

|burden is—

| light.

7. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.And let him that



8. And let him that is athirst, come :

And whosoever will, let him take the I water of I life— 1 freely.

Holy, Holy, Lord, God Almighty.

Rev. IV : 8.

1. Holy, holy, holy,|Lord • • God Al-


Which was, and|

is, and|

is to|come.

2. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and|honor- -and



For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they|arc and| were cre-| ated.

3. Worthy is the|Lamb- -that was


To receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and [ honor, and]glory,.,



4. Bleaeing, and honor, and I glory- -and|power,

Aa onto him that sltteth upon the throno.and nnto the[Lamb for- 1 erer^and

| erer.

No. 4.

Thus saith the Lord

-iS>- -S--fi3)- I

^^ -t^ .<^ ^ _rw _

\. Thus saith the Lord unto them that| keep my |

Sabbath ;

Q And choose the things that please me,And take

|hold of

| my— |covenant


8. Even unto them will I give in mine house,And with-

|in my


4. A place and a name better than of sons and of daughters :

I will give them an everla-sting|name- -that shall

|not be- -cut

5. Also the sons of the stranger that join thenr^lves to the Lord,To serve him and the name of the Lord,To


be his|servants,

6. Every one that keepeth the Sabbatli from polluting it.

And taketh|hold of




7. Even them will I bring to my|ho-ly

| mountain.And make them

|joyful in my

|house of

|prayer :


O Lord our God, how excellent.


1. O Lord our Gofl, how excellent is thy name in|all the

|earth I

^Vho hast set thy|

glory a-|bove the


2. When I consider thy heavens, the|work of tliy



The moon and|stars, which

|thou hast or-

|dained ;

3. What is man, that thou art|mindful of


And the son. of|man, that thou


|him ?

4. For thou hast made him a little|lower than the


And hast crowned|him with

|glory and


5. Thou madest him to have dominion over thejworks of thy

| handi;Thou hast put

|all things

|under his

| feet.

6. O Lord our God, how excellent is thy name in| all the

j earth 1

Who hast set thy|glory a-

] bove the | heavens. A-men.

Mo. 5.

Seek ye the Lord.^o. 6.

Comfort ye my People 359

-<§- mf^gr-*^^


1. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found,

Call ye upon him|while- -he is


2. L«}t the wicked forsake his way,And the unrighteous man his thoufrhts


And let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him :

And to our God ; For]he- -will a-



3. For my thoughts are not tyour thoujjhti,

Neither are your ways my ways,|saith the


4. For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are my ways higher than, your ways,And

Imy- -thoughts than



I was glad when they said unto me,PSALM cxxn.

1. I was glad when they said unto me.Let us go into the

|house..of the


2. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem,Jerusalem is builded as a city that

|is com-


pact to-|gether.

3. Whither the tribes go up ; the tribes of the Lord,•Unto the testimony of Israel,

To give thanks unto the|name- -of the


4. For there are set thrones ofjudgment,The

jthrones- -of the

|house of

| David.5. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,

TheT shall|

prosper- -that|love thee.

6. Peace be within thy walls;

And pros-|

peri- -ty with-|in thy I palaces.

7. For my brethren and companions' sakes,

I will now say,|Peace- -be with-

|in thee.

Because of the house of the Lord our God,I will 1 seek, will

\ seek thy|good.




Comfort ye, comfort ye my people,[saith your


2. Comfort ye, comfort ye my|people,

|saith your


3. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her.

That her warfare is accomplished, that her in- I iqui-ty is|pardoned-

4. For she hath received of the Lord's hand|double, .for

|all her |


5. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness.

Prepare ye the|way. .of the


6. Make straight in the desert a|highway .for | our—


7. Every valley shall be exalted,

And every mountain and hill shall be|made—

|low ;

8. And the crooked shall be made straight, »And the





9. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,

And all flesh shall|see it. .to-



10. For the|mouth, .of the

|Lord hath | spoken it.

Arise, O Lord, into thy rest.

1. Arise, O Lord,|into-- thy



Thou, and the|ark—

|of thy


2. Let thy priests be clothed with| righteous- | new


And let thy|saints

|shout for



3. For thy servant|David's


Turn not away the|face of

|thine a-


4. For the Lord hath|chosen



He hath desired it|for his



5. This is my I rest for I ever :

Here will I | dwell : lor | I have de-|sired it

6. I will abundantly bless|her pro- [ vision


I will satisfy her I poor—|'with—


7. I will also clothe her priests|with sal-


And her saints shall | shout a-|loud for


KC^^nsdinsr CH.A.I>TT. From the recesses of a lowly spint.

Krora tUe recesses of a lowlv spirit. Our hum-ble praver ascend*, ( J . . .


3. We know—we feel how nn'an, aiKl how unwor-thy The lowlv Siicriftce we...

3. Lord, in thy sicht, who every bo«oin viiwest

Cold in our warmest vows, nnd---4. We see thy hand— it Icail< us— it supports us:

we hear thy voice—ii....

5. Who can resist thy Rentle rail,— iippealinjf Toevery penerou;) thought, and....

6. Kind Benefactor!—plant wiihin this bosom The7. Then place Ihem in those everUstin'? trardens

Where angels walk,—and ....

Fa - ther,

pour., be -

counsels and it




seraphs are the

hear it;.

fore thee:


conrts ns


Borne on the trembling wings of

What can we offer thee,—O ....•

TbonghtB of a hurrying hour, oar

And then we turn away!—yet..

fei'line?—! O, who can hear the accents....holiuess— I And let them blossom in fra


Igrance,—and in beanty-...Where every flower, brought safe

through ....



and meekness; For-

thou. most holy !— But

lips re - peat thetn ; our

still.. thy kindness For-

of thy mercy And

bright. . and vernal,— And

death's. .dark portal Be -

give. Its


hearts for -

gives., our





get them,


love thee?




g^l^ izzzz—==:-iS^^-& r-

1. When marshalled on the nijrhtly plain. The plitterin? ho>t be

3. Once on the rasing seas I rode; The storm was loud. the....

5. It was my guide, my light, ray all: it made my dark fore - -




2 Man t hark I to God the choros breaks, From every host from4. ueep norror then my vitals froze. Death-struck, I ceas'd the

• Now Mfdy moor'd, my perils o'er, I'll tiug,

^^^One star alone, of all the tmin, Can fix the. .


The ocean yawn'd and rudely blow'd The wind that. . .


And through the storm, and danger's thrall, It


gem:stem;diadem, I

But one alone the Savionr speaks,—It is the.

When suddenly a star arose,— It was theFor ever and for evermore. The


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills.

J^o. 9.




1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills.

From whence|cometh my I help;

2 My help cometh from thelLord, which madefbeayen and|earth.

8 He will not snffer thy foot to be rnoved


He that keepeth thee|will not


4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall | neither|

Slumber nor|sleep.

i The Lord is thv keeper; the Lord is thy Shade uponThy


| hand;

• Tho sun shall not smite thee by day,|

Nor the | moon by | u.ght.

7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil


He shall pre- | serve thy | soul.

8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in,

From this time forth, and j even for- ) ever | more.

The Lord is my Shepherd.PSALM xxin.

1 The Lord is my shepherd; 1 1 shall not [ want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;

He leadeth me be-|side the



S He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the pathsof righteousness for his 1 name's | sake.

4 Yea, though I walk thro' the valley of the shadow of death,I Will fear no evil ; for thou art with me;Thy


rod and thy | staff they | comfort me.

( Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of mineenemies,

Thou anomtest my head with oil; my | cup runneth |over.

• Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days ofmylife ; and I.will dwell in the

Ihouse of the

JLord for- 1 ever.

Hear! Father, hear our prayer.No. 10.

If I were a Toice.No. 11


H h

1 Hear! Father, hear our prayer.

Thou who art Pity where |sorrow pre- [ vaileth,

Thou who art safety when mortal help faileth,

Strength to the feeble, and|hope.. to do- |


. Hear! Father,|hear our



2 Hear! Father, hear our prayer!

Wandering unknown in the 1land.. of the


Be with all travellers in sickness or danger,

Guard thou their path, guide their | feet; .from the |snare.

Hear! Father, |hear our


3 Hear! Father, hear our prayer!

Still thou the tempest, night's|terrors.. re- |


In lightning flashing, in thy thunders pealing,

Sare thou the shipwrecked, the|voyager | spare.

Hear! Father, | hear our|prayer.

4 Hear thou the poor that cry!

Feed thou the hungry, and|lighten. -their


Grant them the sunshine of hope for the morrow;

They are thy children, their |trust, .is on |


Hear thou the]poor that 1



.1 Dry thou the mourner's tear!

Heal thou the wounds of time |hallowed af


Grant to the widow and orphan protection,

Be in their trouble a |friend.. ever


Dry thou the |mourner's |


6 Hear! Father, hear our prayer!

Long hath thy goodness our|footsteps.. at- | tended;

Be with the Pilgrim whose journey is ended;

Wlien at thy summons for |death..we pre-


ilear! Father, | hear our|prayei I

1 If I were a voice, a persuasive voice.

That could travel the|wide world | through,

I would fly on the beams of the morning light,

And speak to men with a gentle might.

Anditell them | to be | true.

2 I would fly, I would fly over land and sea,

Wherever a human|heart might | be,

Telling a tale or singing a song,

In praise of the | right—in | blame.. of the | wrong

3 If I were a voice, a consoling voice,

I'd fly on the | wings, .of the | air;

The homes of sorrow and guilt I'd seek,

And ca'-n and truthful words I'd speak.


save them 1 from de- 1 spair.

4 I would fly, I would fly o'er the crowded town.

And drop like the happy |sunlight j down.

Into the hearts of suffering men,

And teach them | to look | up a-1gain.

5. If I were a voice, an immortal voice,

I would fly the | earth a- (round


Au4 wherever man unto error bow'd,

I'd publish in notes both long and loud.

TheITruth's most

|joyful | sound.

6 I would fly, I would fly on the wings of day

Proclaiming pea#e on my | world-wide |*^'

Bidding the saddened ones rejoice^

If I were a | voice—an im- 1 mortal | Toia«

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord.

^^ISEEiZElEl^E1. Blessed are the poor in spirit


For tlieirs is the|iciii^duin of


2. Bleared are they that mourn : for|they shall be


3. Bk'fi.<ed are tlie meek : for they shall in- \ herit the|earth.

4. Blessed are thev which do hunger and thirst after righteousnesB



they shall be|filled.

5. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall ob-|tain I mercy.

^ Blesse<j are the pure in heart : for they shall|see


/. Blessed are the peace-makers :

For they shall be called the|children of


8. Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake ;

For theirs is the I kingdom of I heaven.

9. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you,And shall say all manner of evil against you

|falsely, for

|my sake.

10. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven;

For so persecuted they the prophets which|were be- | fore you.

Thou Maker of my vital frame.1. Thou Maker ot my vital frame,

Unveil thy face, pro- I nouncc thy|name ;

Shine to my sight, ana let the ear

Which thou hast|for a'd, thy


|hear •

Divide, ye clouds, and|let me


The Power thatJgives me

|leave to


2. Where is thy residence? Oh! whyDost thou avoid my




Mysterious being ! (ireat Unknown,Say, do the

|clouds con-

|ceal thy


Or art thou all dif-|fus'd a-


Through boundless I space, a|


3. Is there not some delightful art

To feel thy|presence -at my

Iheart ?

To hear tliy whispers, soft and kind.



silence- -of the|niindV


Then rest my thoughts ; no|longer I roam

(ft quest ofIjoy—for | heaven's at [ nomc I



:^m ;=?:^-JCL

r- -f^ -n-<s>-


tzp-^-^ -s»-


-^--- -^ -^J

iffl- :^ -iS- -^«=K:1

1. Holy, holy, holy,|Lord- -God Al-

|mighty !

Karly in the morning shall our|song a-

|rise to

|thee ;

Holy, holy, holy!|merci-- -ful and

|mighty !


hovah !|Father- -of e-

jtemity !

2. Holy, holy, holy !|all the- -saints a-

|dore thee,

Casting down their golden|crowns a-

|round the. .glassy

|ma ;

Cherubim and seraphim, falling| down be-

|fore thee,

Who wast, and art, and|ever-

|more shalt | be


3. Holy, holy, holy! though the|darkness

]hide thee,

Though the eyes of sinful man thy|

glory |may not


Only thou art holy, there is|none be-- -side |


Perfect in|

power,, .in|love, and



4. Holy, holy, holy,| Lord. .God Al-

|mighty I

All thy works shall praise thy name, in|earth, and |

sky, and ] tUk

Holy, holy, holy!|merci-. .ful and |


Je- I hoTah I | Father, .of e- | temi^j

No. 14. I3:0"W BE-A-TTTlFTJUi TJ:E>01<T TKCB 3VEOXJlSrT-A.I3SrS.

::ziS2::—>9- s-

* --g:-


-(&- 1 -(S?--


-,-—t^ (-- -,


:zz2^1^- ^eE

-(©- -^ -st

t: :s2:: Ii^

How beautiful up - -

Thy watchman shall lift-


on theup the

forth into


mountains, f Are the feet of him that bringeth goodvoice ; S With the voice to -------joy, I Sing together, ve waste places

tidings. Thatgeth - er

of Je -






\ -JSL-o-


Shall they

ru - sa -




T--&- -iS—



%lEE^T-Sl- -&-






^~^" -«?-

-s» w^^^Z£SL i

2. That bringeth good tidings of good, that publish - -

4. For they shall see • • • •

6. For the Lord hath

7. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of

eth gal -

eye to

comforted bis

all ihe







That saith untoWhen the Lord shall

He hath re- -------And all Ui« enda of the earth shall 8e« the sal

Zion, Thybring a -

deemed Je-

va - tion


ru - sa-

of oui

reignetli 1


No. 15. The Lord's Prayer.

Our Father who|art in









Thy will be done on earthjas it

|is in


Give us this day our I daily|bread


And forgive us our deots, as|we for-


give our|debtors


And lead U8 not|into—temp-


But de-Iliv-er

|us from

| evil


For thine is the Kingdom, and the|power, and the


For- ] ever. | A- ]

The mercy of the Lord.

Baptismal IIvmn.

1 The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting

to everlasting upon|them that

|fear him,

And his righteousness|unto



2 To such as|keep his



And to those that remember his com-|

mandments to|do—


Mark x, 14.

Suffer little children to come unto me, and

for-Ibid them \


For ofIsuch—is the |

kingdom—of | heaTC^



^--<g-^gg g> ^S>^fi




:^z& ^=^ 1©H ^T^4-JSL




:^=?=:-f^^-y -(»1

Be thou, O God! ex-alt - ed high ; And as thy g'o - ry fills the sky, So let it be on earth displayed.Till thou art here aa there obeyed.

^^ "^ "^ /'TK

4 1 1 I 1 1 -j=:^rnT-m=:-r-r1—

PPipiP :e^I ^p*^z^::^



pf¥^¥^Be thou, O God ! ei-alt - ed high ; And as thy glo - ry fills the sky. So let it be on earth displayed, Till thou art here as there o - beyed.

€3i^Si :22=^-s»-^ ^^^ ^1^ T

s^--&- -JSL^ -^-joL •—1 ^1 1—^>-»—

ii-A^i^diBTmo. i^. nsdi. GREOORIAK.

=!^l^^= -ggjS>-0-0


•^: s1. Kingdonas and thrones to God belong : Crown him,ye nations in your song ; His wondrous name and pow'r rehearse ; His honors shall enrich your verse.


2. God is our shield—our joy.our rest ; God is our King.proclaim him blest : When terrors rise, when nations faint, He is the strength of every saint.

1=T| I

I Til CT^i , T°f—:!::*ISI^^ i isi^ g

KCEBI^Onsr. 3L.. liJL-

.Slow •d mm,

DR. LOWELL MASOIT.Bt [wnuljaiOD. 365


:^ii^ m( r


giiiii^iii^ili^ji^SiS+-&- -


Thiu far tbs Locd bu l.d m* on ', Tbui for bii pov«r prolouji my day. ; And, ..« - ry •TtoJDg .ball icalie kuoiin 8om< fmb m. - mo • rM o( bl* grac*'

SESSIOISrS- Ij_ nVE. l. o. kmerson.Affetnoso. ^—


I I 'T^ I ~-I


Con* hither, kU 7* wes-ry


Ye heavy lad - en sinners, come ! I'll give you rest from »11 your toils, And r»i3« you to my hearnnly home.




Broul i( the road that leads to death, And thousands walk to - g«th • er there ; But wisduin shows a nar-rovr path, With bert and there a trar - tl - ler.

Con Spirito.


.TT ^r '^r r rf /^'^'^t r f



WalMiOmfsonl and kail lb* som, lor oate a* a Sar • iow'i bom;SM,how tb* ans*U wing th*ir wajr, To uher In the gl«tio«i 4iv! Tc aihir la tlH Blortaai 4i« I

366 XJ3LBI^I3DC3-E. Ij. IsAi. Dft. fcOWBLL lUaOK.B7 pennialoa.


^JL^-#—•- =st::;^


-#—•-g^nf 2?iiiiii.^ii



The huTena do - el»r« thy glo - ry, Lord, In tfe - ry Btar thy wis - dom shjaes ;But when oar eyes be - hold thy word, W« read thy nune In &ir - ac linet

IDTJKIE STI^EET. L. 1>/L. 3. hatton.B«l<l.

I II II s*-'


\-m—^=^- -> :-M-P-

4Z=^ ja



Lord, when then didst u - cend on high, Ten thousand an - gels filled the sky ; Those hearenly guards a - round thee wait. Like charioU that at-tend thy stat*.

^^TEIjI-iS. Ij- li^. HOLDRAD.Slow.





ISTZ mwmmm^^m -fS--r-^-fsH h ^7m

Lib Is the time to lerre the Lord, The time t' in-sure the great re - ward ; And while the lamp holds oat to bom, The Til - est sin . ner may le-tora.

SE-A.soisrs. PLETEL.


ii^iii^-F-'-H—^ -fi»-l—= ^=^- ^ I • —•- -*-*-^ • W1 il^^ 1


Tk* lowtiT 8(ria«, at Qod't Manmaad, far • fnatw the aii tad yatali «h* laa4 ; Th« af« with Tif To alM the MTB kD4 •Wr Ik* tto

V7 j^:rjd. IL,. 1^.,Mow aaJ toft.

From " Carmioa S»ct«," bj permlMton

^^f'f^^f^ p-I* -G-tSh

There is & gtream, whose gentle flow, Sup-plies the ci - ty of our God! Life, love and joy still gliding through,And watering our di - vine a • bod«.


-(S>- -iS- ?2:-Sf- 7S-^

-&- I«"- ^'=^- gsiz^iz^-\-s>--s~^-I 1-

^3=?m^-^iil^siiyO God, our help in a - ges past, Our Lope for years to como ; Our shel - ter from the etorm-y blast, And our e - ter - nal home.



iP\ * II

li^isiHi23 23"I I p~r

is: 221 -fS^ s -(S- I«»- ^^ g> . .ggj-



-^- \--^^^^

~JSi:72L 11I I I


-iS !&- s-I ^—



3^s/^E.A.I?,. O. Iv^.

i^zzsi <Sl—f&--o iS^;


-o- 2^IZ^P^^^gggSi H r


m iOh, 'twas a joy- ful sound to hear, Our tribes de - Tout - ly say, "Up Is - rael, to the tern - pie haate, And keep your fes - tal day."

.fii=rfZL £S ;^ s»- isi m^nzEia

:?2: 1^m \^--s^-g» -^2"^


:^=l: zz:-*Q- ^^ •-

r^ijS C-A.2^BIlI3Z>OE. C, 1^.Dr. RAHDALL.


I1^ ^ ^ I

I I 111 J^?>.*'rf?v^-

=ESE?E?f^=iE{^^f^ FfSSi^it^ijjE^s^

Sing to the Lord anew-made song,Who wondroui things has done; With his right hand.and holy arm.The conquest he has won.The conquest he has won.Theconquest hehas won.

B-A.XiEI^l!b<i:.AL.- O. Is/L. SCOTCH.



f \ I (^ I ^ r ^ I I II I I II I f^ I p^ -J- -<&- I I I i u I ^

hap- py 1» the man who hears lu - struc tion's warn - in<^ voice; And who ce - les - tial wif - dom makes Hia ear- ly, on - ly choica.

f; --g^F-^4-| T *"T—11"


• -(«?-I I ; I

rI I I -if^r-' I I I I ; 1 1 I ,

• I 1 I III -^-



[Hz^z^fifiizitz;-^ '

Sweet was the time.when first I


felt The Say-iour's pard-'ning blood, Ap - plied to cleanse my ioul from guilt, And bring me home to God

ST- nS^.A.I^TI3SrS. O. 3^, TANsuR 1775.



IT—1—ir^^'— )

^T—I: ^T—^-•——^r^3—a<T-r-^—I—r=Hr—i—i

li *—iT^r^i—





' («*^ III ^.^ I

^^ I ^-^ ' 1 — ^ I

^^ ^ ^^ '^

ttMM. t» vbom tvu boWfWlib-ia tiii* evtb kow gre*t art tbeo, B»ir glo -^^i^ai tt to/ B*a*.

BT^-A-TTLE STI^EET. O. Is/H. 8 lines.

\^^-i^^-0-\-0-r-0-+.f~-O S-5*1-*-|-^—»-+--1 m--0-i 0f0 ^-l-0-+-0--0-f-0-.-<9~}~%-%9+-^-V--Z-f00-*'-*+-0 m-f—i-f^ r k' I J n I I I J I I I I \

*j *^ ' ^1 ' 7 I M I


I I NiI r I






, . n




seek, pro - tect - ing Pow'r ! Bez±:f-a:l:»ztz:^zfr~^z;f~zz?;frz



my vain wish - es stilled ; And may this con - se - era - ted hour With bet - ter hopes be filled.


tzz=tz:f;tzzUz±rzlL-l?z&?.?zJzz=tztztzz.tiz7±:p=^zl:t:=lzt:z=?zL*zF?;t:^2. Thy love the pow'r of tho't be - stow'd ; To thee my tho'ts would soar ; Thy mer-cy o'er my life has flow d,That mer - cy


III I III 11 I—r-


g^:^i;.^zz?^^£a£EtEE^E£ -I

0. A. A.--zz^-

r.,#ZZ*-^f2- 3Z25::]



^- -<2. I J I 1

Eizzzci^w: i:^zi,^^:;C^ z:-

t:£zfe^EE---s» :Z£... ^-








Let all the lands with shouts of joy, To God their voi - ces raise ; Sing psalms of hon - or

Slow. ^-v ^.-^


— I


[—z""^i^~3~'~' i—Furl I'd]

^1 II -^- f^ -s»-i I




0-0 « •i-^V^-f^zzzt::

his name, And spread his glo - rious praiae





[47] Why do vemoornds-ffttt - ed friends, Or shake at death's a-lams? 'Tis bat the voioe that J« • sos aeada. To call them to his armik

70 p>ete:rboi^oxjc3-x3:. a. is/r

fe e^Ea:e=s iJ^^«^Jjd=#tg^W^i^'j^x#i^


:2 ;^?i -I H-Once more, tny ioul, the ris - ing day

1^ I ' —pz=>r

I I^' _^ jS2_

SH-lntcs my wak- ing eyes; Once more, my voice, thy trib - uie pay, To Him

fe :f5=]:


,_g ^^



who rules the skiea.



-^-J^- i.<2_ -ff- l-d. -^ .#'.


,^ -si- ' *

— b 1

——SS 4-^—^

f^^y S>-\-\ 11

1 tS \-~<S-\r I 17—^——


h-f-—b\ V-^^f-


-i^ V :?: .<^


This Is the dav the Lord hath made, He <n!ls the lioiirs liis own; Let heaven re-joice, let earth be glad, And joy sur-round his throne.

IDXJnsriDEE- o_ 1^.Moderate-

;-^ -^d::

I I rl III 1 I(2? i2? :g- .,g^

I I ^ I I ,


-& ^^.'^ .^ -sl-


—^^-i-^j 1 -<gj—1—^^ 1 —5^-1

?=: ^±2^

ltl£^Ji^SBg^=I-^ -S»- -(S- -c?-

1^^=^ ^ELet not dc» - pair nor fell re-venge, Be to my bo - som known; Oh give me tears for oth - ers' woes. And pa - tience for my own.

^i.iiiiii' ' (I'r n^ ^ I I I i ! ' !^I


^,^JiM=i^^i^^;^T^?=;=t^fe^4s;^:^^f^^^d: I t^

.a, ,_ Ail kili lb*(MM ImcouHMl'i DU2M I Let ftog^ pioitraM.M UU ) BilAg foitb tb* royal di • a-<l«m, Aad «iown Um Lord of aU, Brine forth tbs roy«l 41 • » - (bm, Ijid smirD Um Irorl af .Biln« foitb tiM royal di • a-<l«m, Aad «iown Um Lord of aU, Brine forth tbs roy*! 41 • » dm, Ijid asama him X^rl af


zfz53:t--^^^: ::^Zi/z^fz3-f3:|--2^zd=i^: ii^z^zflisEf^:: z^zfz^Mzi^i?: :-^zi^z3z3zt:5i:?^ziz^; ::^zz'E*±^£BE

-©l-Hi , , , ^ .


t^:i^:±i:^zzii±q^—i^z±--szl:n^:t22zi»zttzzz:zzi:-_2^=r:z;±zzzt^zi:p:1. Did Christ o'er sin - ners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of pen

Moderate Cantando.

i^zft:zii: :z:^z|::it; :z:1zzqz: ::f2=^:li^rdzs^iBzi^itifflzzi'ziitiizztfdl

i ten - tial grief Burst forth from ev - 'ry eye.

L. MASON.By permission.


Our days are aa the grass, Or


like the morn-ing flow'r! When blast-ing winds sweep o'er the field, It with-ers in hour.


^fzl5i«?_*zzi^.: :rjz=3f==1=F^--:—^•=-i--^z:s^:; ::^zF:s^iz«^zz^:: rs^i^-i':: :^^z^z: :3zF5:Sz3z3±z3zzz1±=:tEI I I I (^ I I

i I

.I f2? Ill jilt! '^ r I

"p^ '^"^~ "^"

I J -«- ^ I I


1^ <s>

^iE.=^z'f^~^zY-^_:I -<

Liiaizz^' :^_zqz::= -|:^i:-:^zz:z:t-^" "^

My gra-cious God, how plain Are thy di - rec-tions giv'n ! may I nev - er

ST. THTOaVC^f^S. S. 3i^-% Jf Allegretto. ^~s ^-^

I —






zg^zti^itzztTz:in vain, But find

J I. _ . _

?^;ttlz^-±=:tthe p-ith to heav'n.

tez~pqzi:q:i:3=dzq:pz:lztJz^i-j:^.:iz^rz^z:;^:TzjzrstJ:g=q:i:bfzij:: zs^zi?:!-;:^z*z^tigzf^fez^zllzzz:^: z^zl-l^zz^Jti

-s^ I


.-^- r#-^;"3:





Alj sool,' 18 • peat his praise.Whose mer-cies are so great ; Whose an - ger



-:F^:||^|£^z|gltll3^^^ia BO slow to rise, Bo tea- d^ to a • bate.

S72 ojLjis/LTjrrz. s. :h^. COBOOUAf.



J I U|-

r_^_^_^ J -#'- >- ^ W-

-Gi f—-\-


g^P J —^—*—»—L—




:i!:t ^I

e I—f ,


:-"a: -<s-

-(S» r 11^=^Tour harps, yc trembling saims, Down from the wil - lows take; Loud to the praise of love di - vine, Bid eve - ry string a - wake.

LiiSBOisr. s. ns^- read.

—'t~1' '


~, I

1 —T";




I I I**!








-^o+— ^eI^^^^S^

AVclcbii.e, aweet day of rest, That law the Lord a - rise ;Wel-come to thin re - xiring breast. Acd thete rcjoic - ing eyea, W9I - come to this reTiring breast, And these n-joic • iag »y«i.


/^ 1

.^^^I .* cS' S> .* 1 III ! 1 ^—^

> V • s..^-p-f



-S! aH--sI I

^.dL -si


—^ I I



-(S- V.£i-.'ZZ^-Z.^-fS


^^^isf-E^-EEE^Be - hold! the mora - ing sun Be - gins his glo - riom way; H s beams throua;h all the na - tiont ran. And life and light con - rey.



Tniio.i ^ r

- •--<S»—t-


&—(^ '^-m-0^ fs-V-*^ (S> 4— -—•-+4^-% -•+!!_L —L^ r—i-S> ri-f'-'-o - -(S-L-S)— I ±-s)-:-#- l-«-i «- -1,- -s»-

:^: -fij-

- -s-»-^ - -





— I.;—^—L-^—— I—•--

1—^H 1—-^^---t-



:::32zai:^S,' r-—f-^*z«:


O^ict, lotutd hia ^aiM a • broad Aod hTHUU of glo rj ting; Je - bo - rah U th« (or« - rei^ God. Th« «lli^lni - T«r • lal Kia^

IvrE'^:VCOXJPlT- 3L._ IP. 1sj!L.H. BOin>. 373




1. Let all the earth their voi - ces raise, To sing a lof - ty psalm of praise, And bless the great Je - ho - vah's name;

2. Hefram'dthe globe, he spread the sky, And all the shin- ing worlds on high; Ho reigns com - plete in glo - ry there:

^EE-pzzg=5zzEz-i£zzzzzlz=JzM r~i—:^-±-i:z=zzz=fzzJz;zlztz:=t:-^—^-^-+-P:^=?: .^3-4^.-J' ,_^__fi_-J_,_^

His glo -

His beams


lip: :zz?^.;1then know, His won-ders to the na - tions show. And all his works of grace pro-claim,

and light. His glo-ries how di - vine- ly bright, His tern -pie how di - vine-ly fair.

LEiDTOx:. li. liva:. EDSON.



izzJ^X^\&-—zz\_ _.i i_i _. I ._ i_iLYe tribesof Adam join,With heav'n.and earth,and seas,And offer notes divine To your Cre-a-tor> praise.




Ye holy throngs of aogels bright,In worlds of light be - gin the song.

ii3i:^^;«±-3:3 1 #:•-«'

r light be -I

Ye holy throng of angels brigUt.In worlds of light begin the song.

pzz:z;±z=:*:?±s=^^^fz:z^-cizzl:p:fz3z:fcrz:fzl::z£fjdEz±==:*tz _ z:*f?-?L-* ziz c:z:zizz:zal?:f:*zitz_±Z-t-Ye holy thrnnj; of angels bright. In norlih of light begin the song.In worlds of light begin the song.Ye tribes of Adam join, With heaT'n,> ' seas,And offer notes divine To your Cre-a-tor's praise.

A T« bol7 UuoDC ofu>««U bright,Yc hoi/ throns «f angels brightja vorldi of light tai^ Um mdc-

374 Jr^s».lLSTOI^T_ s. I'. i^yT


a, > Allctro.'

I I I | IS

,zl£fzqfi^r^rjii: ^l^V^lz-* i^pbr^zfz'Js?^.-^: :s^ F^ Uz*:.*_*; :^f5; :^z*z^?^: :^£:s:|*zfz#z^&^|^:FE

III 1' '


I I"




L^X^,i I I I



~i^z^z*z?i;iz^fa:f:ijf *t±^t:±t:zzzzzzfr=:t::±stl:^t?z

A. WlLUAjtfB.


(21 :z:|

:ztz±s2:lllow plciis'd and blest was I,To hear the people cry," Come let us seek our God to-day !

" Yes,with a cheerful W'e haste to Zi-on's hill,And there our vows and honors pay.

i^IjE^z'eij's :E3:"2':]s<!risr- 7s. PLEYEL.



A A--S

J- A J.—I

J .-- izjzz'-_e._ zz_..J ^l.-^.J: J._;_j: zz_~ zz^i: zzz:i^_..

i-JL-±:2^z=:±.-^zCzd--^:i==:*:i--^==i-"^-Ezi=^J±:t-<?;fr=2^fcfvF -(S-+T

U) thy pas-tures, fair and large, Heav'nly Shepherd, K-ad thy charge; And my couch, with ten-d'rest care,

BEHSrS^V^EnSTTO. 7s. Doiible.

-L k


Midst the spring-ing grass pre - pare.


z;=zzfsz:ziz\z^z:zz\=:^-ztl^gT=3^^i=^-^-^?zz*^— =3z5=gzz|=gzI:Iz=|-^zJzSi=Szz|=|:t:i=^zzizE4=^zf:/?z=|=S=l%-JzE


-f— X — ?"'^"

.^ r-•-



I I I—





I II«jL_^ (S goz=z==:lr^=^ezz^zz^zlzcziz

While with cease-less colirse the sun, Hast-ed round the for - mer year,' Ma -ny souls their race have run, Nev-er - more to meet us here:

-I—zzif-^zzj*\zz:tzf --I—|3i_,zzz:i:ijzzzKzii|Zr-Zzzz!

z, rxziizzilzzzz|z _

* .* * * ,

—r—a I I 1 * I* .* r ^

-Gi.-\-A:dz=zziz:^z^^::*: izzzq—






-•—?»-••1-2- »«--* h iSI I H^v

Z^ii5Ei=?=?Z^&Fix'd in an e • ter - nal state, They have done with all be - low ; We a lit - tie loDg-«r w&it^ Yet bow lit • tie none can know-

IBI^srnvcnsr.* " watchman, teU us of the Night.' U iUAOV. 376

1. Watchman! tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are.—Trav-'ler! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glo - ry - beam-ing star!

2. Watchman ! tell us of the night, High - er yet that star as-cends.—Trav-'ler ! bless-ed - ncss and light, Peace and truth its course por - tends


3. Watchman! tell us of the night. For the morn-ing seems to dawn.—Trav-'ler I darkness takes its flight, Doubt and ter-ror are with - drawn.

-i^ -^::zp: ::ip: If:


^- mWatchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy fore - tell ?—Trav-'ler I yes ; it brings the day, Promis'd day of Is - ra - el.

Watchman! will its beams a - lone Gild the spot that gave them birth ?—Trav-'ler! a - ges are its own,. See, it bursts o'er all the earth.

Watchman! let thy wand 'rings cease; Hie thee to thy qui-et home.—Trav-'ler! lo ! thePrinceof Peace! Lo! the Son of God is come.

i|=f=:^i-'-^ illi: 2: z£-=|rj:=M - —



t ::=fr i

u. Chorus for 1st & 2<I verses. Chorns tor 3<l Terse.


Trav'ler ! yes ; it brings the day, Promis'd day of Ls - ra - el






Trav'ler! a -ges are its own, See, it bursts o'er all the earth. Trai

^ zz±-z: t-i—^->^+—1^—i^Ta^^t-^—i 4- 4-j—^yj^-l-4—>^-i^-V- -




^r~^Trav'ler! a -ges are its own, See, it bursts o'er all the earth. Trav'ler ! lo ! the Prince of Peace,Lo! the Son ofGod is como!Lo!the Son of God is come.


* By permisgioo.

376 sioiL^sr.Mo<lerai*>

8s & 7b.

^^ ^^ —^-—


1 1

r^m—^T—!1—^*—hr—I • '-"^•T"irf ' ^-r";—i^—^



-^*— I 1-^1 •-J--11 u-^ ^—-#—i

1— I J- '

[ ^-(g ' --#-«-# -»-i i—

T 1^^ i^ 1 l-M-#J» 1—1 W I-^

r^¥=^=i?=iH f-

:i=;K=pZ^=Zp^ZZ=:Z-.£2zfTZ*=Z*--i-j 1 ^: 1 ^_-; iJ

-I (_




Lord, dU - mUs us with ihy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; (Let us each thy love pos - sess-ing, Triumph in re - deem-inp ^race.

j -Oh re - fresh us, Oh re-fresh us, Trav'ling through this wil-der-ne«».

Modrmio-a-I^EE3Sr"VI3L.L.E. 8s, 7s & 4, or 8s & 7s. Double.


0- -0- -0- -0- r I r ' *«.' I'0- -0- -0- -&-

. \^


'I** r ~ ' ' f^" I

r -^ I U-" 'I**

ffli^^^g^i=E^i^"5Far from mor - tal cares re - treat - Ing, Sor - did hopes and vain de - sires, J

Here our will-ing foot-steps mcet-ing, Eve - ry heart to heaven as - pires. ) From the fount of glo - ry beam-ing, Light ce • le« - tial cheers our eyes.

Mer - Cy from a - bove pro - claira-ing, Peace and par -don from the skies.

JXJIDCS-^S^EIsrT H'ynVElsr. Ss & 7s. Peculiar.*


' '


-rr" -9-

The Judgv of man I s«e ap-pear, On clouda of glo - ry wat - eil : ^ The trumpet founds ; The grares restore Th$ dpad whjch they contained b«fore ; Pr<ip&i«,m7 miuI, to meet him<^s /T^ '^ /"^ /^

Or«at Ood, what do I »«e and hear ? The end of thin^ ere - a - tel : I



i^E^ *zp

* MkT be tuaf u a Lone Metre, bj omitting the atun.

mmmmm- m


-^;V'EBB- 7s &6. J. WJtBt. 377


The morning liRbc is breaking, The darkneas dis - appears : The goni of earth are waking To pen - i - ten tlal tears : Each breeze that sweeos the o - coan Brinzs tidinira from » . farbe morning liRht is breaking, The darkness dis - appears j The sons of earth are waking To pen - i - ten tlal tears : Each breeze that sweeps the o - coan Brings tidings from a - far

iiil^silsEi*i-- :^=# lig^fei -+--s»-


Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zi - on's war.

-A.3S/CERIO-^. 6s & 4s.& 4s. nn

-*-tz*ziinazjr* *=f^:


My country 1 'tis of thee, Sweet land of Ub-er-ty! Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died; Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From «Te - ry mountain side, Let freedom ring

L."S"03^T». 10s & lis. HAYDN.Allegro. l^-^ \^—.>

^fegI I


^ I I+

„ M ^ -^ ^ ,' '/r3_' . -si-J I I I 1^ s?- I III /d^U 1 U o ' -Si'iJ 1 J J

praise ye the Lord, prepare a new song, And let all his saints in full chorus join ; With Toices u - nit-ed, the anthem prolong, And show forth his praises in mu - sic di - Tin*.

COl^aiE, "^a^E I5ISOOISrSOIL..A.TE_ lis & 10s. a. webbe.First time DUET, second time CUOKUS.

_J !'»


1. Come, ye discon-so - late.


zizl?'? 'X zlzrr z


.I I I ^

s*^ -'-^

where'er yt languish : th* mercy-soaC fer - vently kneel ; Here bring your wounded hearts,hpre tell your anguish, K^irth has no sorrow that hearen cannot hoaL

^i j=ija*-.

378 j^:M:s'r:E:RjDj^is/L. 7s & 6a.

?|^:zi:===::==1=T=it=1==zSzz;?zp*zz^=:^=1zT=i:z=rzz=z==i:zi^Tzqizz^ d

—-Tt T




-«. •- ji.

-T^ —+-fi?-M3MW^^-0..

V -i-

iHRise, mj soul, stretch out thy wings, Thy bet-ter per -lion trace; Rise from tran - si - to - ry things, To heav'n, thy iia - live place :


Sun and moon and stars de - cay, Time shall soon this earth re - move ; Rise my soul, and haate a - way To seats pre - par'd a - bov«.

3S/3:issioisr.A.i^-^ n^s'nis/tnsr. 7s & 6s.Bfoderato.




-0—^ —0--*- -0-



dzzzfcqp — T 11 1 l-T

-I 1 J—^ m—


4—t:i-T 1-


L. MASOX.By pcrmiuion.

^'4 r

•(»-+-• • »— - SJ 0--O-


I t

_0 -0- -0- -0- -s>- .


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—0-\-e^—0-\—s-4--#— ^ «—-r—f F

From Greenland's i - cy mountains, From In - dia'sco - ral strand,—Where Afric's suu-ny foun- tains Roll down their gold-en sand;

^ ^ Z*- •- -«- -*- C^ -f- -«- -•- -»- -•- -0- -Gi- . 1 ^p- II J 1 V -•- J -*- -#- J '

From many an an-cient riv - er. From many a palm - y plain. They call us to de - liv - er Their land from er - ror's ohain* By tinjciBg the imall ootei in this meatore, the metre will l>e 7f. 6e & &

m^I'OI^TTJOTJESE XI-^TilS^Ensr- lis.

3--Q 1-3-


The Lord is our shepherd, our guar-dian and guide, What - er - er we want, he will kind -1/ pro -vide; To sheep of his


^1^pas-ture his mer - cies a - bound, His care and pro - tection. His care and pro - tection. His care and pro - tec - tion his flock will surround.

SCOTX,^^3Sr3D. 12s. bb. john clarke.a, Jr Sloirly anil len<l«-rly< . S S N . . K 1^

ij:-^ 1-'J

-g- -r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L^ l^ ? J

-J-i. ^ I ^ ^ b ^ '^ U

^ K5 ^ I •§ bI J^ ^ ss s ^ -**^

-f"^ is^ ^ ^ ^ T' ^ ^-^^ ^ n ^ s ^ ^ h-*^ |S

zJ=^z:i^i^J^>_-^z:iH::yz:^zzgJ_'/^4^J-j:^=z':tzr:^H--'^z:^z^Thou art gone to the grave, bat we will not de - plore thee; Though sorrow and dark-ness en • com-pass the tomb, The Saviour has passed thro' the




zr-z: 53=j: :5z=:5z=7 ziilzii^z&zzES =5i=*l=zz;/=^gES5E3li^ZZit ;=?=^=;z:

^ IMM t«l« b« fore tbMi, And the lAmp of his love is thy guide thro' the gloom— And the lamp of his love is tby' guide thrOBgb the Kloam.

380 kxi^l^ist^^lTton of ]VCUSIC^X. termpA—eignifiM in, for, with, at, &c.

Accelerando—nioviiic; faster and faster.

Adagio—a slow inoveinent.

Ad libitum, or ad /i6.— at pleasure.

Afftluoso—in a style of execution adapted to express

affection, tenderness, supplication, or deep emotion.

Air—the heading part, or meloily.

AUtfrro—a brisk and spriglitlv movement.AllegrtUo—less quick than Allegro. •Andante—with distinctness. As a mark of time, it implies

a medium hetwcen Adagio and Allegro movements.Andantino—quicker than Andante.Animaio or con Anima—with animation.

A tempo—in time. [tenor.

Bnntone—a voice whose register is between the base andBrillianle.—.sparkling glittering.

Brio—hfe, vivacity ; e. g. Cnn Brio, with animation.

Uia.—denotes a repetition of a passage in music.

Calando—a diminution of time and sound.

Canlabile—a term applied to such movements as require

an elegant, graceful style of performance.

Con Spirito—with spirit.

Chorals—old melodies in notes chiefly of equal length.

Chromatic—a term given to accidental semitones.

Coda—the close of a composition, or an additional close.

Contralto—the lowest female voice.

Crescendo, or Cres., or ^^C) '^•'b an increasing volumeof sound.

Da Capo, or D. C—close with the first strain.^Dal Signo—from the sign, -S.


Diatonic—through the tones, or from tone to tone.

Dolce—sweet, tender, delicate.

Diminuendo, or Dim., or ^^.^—with a decreasing vol-

ume of sound.

Divoto— in a solemn and devout manner.Erpressivo—with expression.

Forte, or For., or F., or/.—strong and full.

Fortissimo, or FF., or Jf.—very 1<)U<1.

Forzaruio, or fz.—the notes over which this term is placed,

are to be boldly struck, and continued.

Fugue, or Fuge.—a y)iece in which one of the parts

ica<l, and the rest follow in different intervals of time,

and in (be same or similar melody.

Grave or Gravemente—slow and solemn.

Grazioso—graceful ; a smooth and gentle style of exe-

cution, aj)proaching to Piano.

Giusto—in equal, steady, just time.

Harmonv—an agreeable combination of musical sounds,

or difterent melodies, performed at the same time.

Interlude—an instrumental passage introduced betweentwo voeal passages.

Interval—a musical sound. Also the distance betweenany two sounds, either in harmony or melody.

Introit—a short set piece, to be sung at the opening ofpulilic worship.

Largo—a slow movement. A quaver in Largo equals

a minim in Presto.

LargMlo—quicker than Largo.

Legato—signifies that the notes of the passage are to beperformed in a elose, smooth, and gliding manner.

Lentando, or Lent.—gradually retarding the time.

Lento—slow, smooth and gliding.

Maestoso—with grandeur of expression.


Mclodtf—an agreeable succession of sounds.

Mezza voce—with a medium fullness of tone.

Mez^o— half, middle, mean.Moderato—between Andante and Allegro.

Morendo—fainting, sinking, dying away.,\''on—not.

Oratorio—a species ofMusical Drama, consisting of airs,

recitatives, ducts, trios, choruses,. &c. [mance.Orchestra— tlio place or band of seciUar musical perfor-

Ovcrturc—in dramatic music, is an instrumental strain.

which serves as an introduction.


Pianissimo, or PP., or pp.—very soft.

Pizzicato—snapping the violin strings, instead of em-[iloying the how.

Poco— little, somewhat.Pomposo—grand and dignified.


Prtstissimo—very quick.

Primo—the first, or leading part.

Q^iuirletto—a composition consisting of four parts, eachof which occasionally takes the leading melody.

Quasi—nearly, in some measure, like, Acliecitative—a Kort of style resembling speaking.

Ralknlando—growing slower and slower.


Risoluto—resolute, determined.

Kitornello—a short intermediate symphony.iS«gue, or Simile—in like manner.Secondo—the second part.

Semi-Chorus—half the choir of voices.

Sempre— throughout ; as Sempre Piano, fofl througlont

Semjdice—cha^rte and simple.

Senza—without ; as Senza Organo, without the Organ.Soave—agreeable, pleasing.

Soli—pi'ural o^Solo—but denoting only one voice to each

of the several parts.

Solo—a composition designed for a single voice or in-

strument Vocal solos, duets, &c., in modern mu^io,

are usually accompanied with instruments.

Sostenuto—sustaining the sounds to the utmost of their

nominal value in tima.

Spirituoso—with spirit.

Staccato—the opposite to Legato ; requiring s short, ar-

ticulate, and distinct style of performance. Seo J^lnrkt

of Distinction in the rudiments,


Si/mphoni), or Sym.—a passage to be executed by instru-

ments, while the vocal performers are silent Also aspecies of musical composition.

Tasto Solo, or T. S.—denotes that the passage should

be performed with no other chords than unisons 8ndTacit—he silent. [octaves.

Teji., Tenuto—sustained after the style of Legato.

Tenor—a high male voice.

Treble—the female voice.

Trio—a composition for three voicea.

Tutti—all toLiether.


Verse—one voice to a part.

Vigoroso—with energv.

Vivnce—in a brisk and lively mannerVolti—turn ovei.

Voce di Testa—<1ie head voice.

Vou di Petto—the cheat voic&


AdditonAdoration • • • •



America.Ambrose. • • • •

Amsterdam..- •


AntonioAnthony.. • • • •

ArleyArionArlington. • • • •

Ascension. • • • •

AghlonAtherton. 1 & 2.

Atherton. Nf.3.Augustine • • •


AvereenAvondaleBaldwin.Baldwin Place.

Balerma.BanksideBannister. • • • •

Bateson. ....

Beethoven • —Bereavement- •

BeylandBenevento- • • •

Billington • • • •

Brattle Street-

Breast the wave.

Bonner. •


Bowdoin..Boylston •

Boyce • • • •














Bromley 79Burnett. 177Byfield 68Calabria 76Cambridge- • - • 368Calvary. 1 & 2. 86Calvary.. No. 3. 87

Call to victory. 217Carrol. 80Carleton. 171Carlos. 155Cathedral Chant. 83

Celia 187Cheering Ray- 207Church Street. 133Charm 213China. 369Clayton. 136Clement. 165CliftonJSro.l & 2.124

Come ye discon. 377Comfort 112Command — • 219Communion.- • 145Companion- • - -222Conquest 216Constancy • • - - 73Confidence..- - • 201Covedale. 76Corelli 132Cranford 72Crawford 193Corona. IllCoronation. - . - 370Croyland 75Crosdill 165Curtis. No. 1&2. 84Crystal. 215Cornelli 212Cymball 150Church 150Dale. 210Dalston 374JParrieott 142

Day is breaking.217













Derby . •




DulcimerDundee •

Dumont.,Duke Street

Divinity.- -

Draper . - -

Edson.- • - -

Egmont • • •

Elerton. • • •



ElveyElwood* - --


Ethel •-•Eternity.- •

E'er I sleep,

EuphratesEuropa. •

Eutie- • • •



FairbanksFenwick -

FideUty- -



Genesee • • •


Giddi»§«- -

IGilroy. 163Greenville 376Grinnell .73

Glenwood. 107Glenwick 198Good Shepherd. 156Goodwin. • • • - 110Good tidings- - 154Grassy Creek.. 113Greenwood - • - 178

Go to the grave. 222Goldbeck. • • - - 167

Hamburg. - — 364Hamden. 223Harmonia • • - • 62Harlan. 196Ilartland. • - - - 371Haven. 174Headly. 127Hebron 365Herold 192Hertfort 93High Street. - - 93Holt 147Hooper. 149Hosanna 112Hullah. 149Humility 197Hummel. 131

Immanuel 202Ingersoll. • — 90Inspiration.- - • 103

Israel 218Ives, 1961 would not live. 223

Jesus our. • • - - 225Jordan 109

Just as I am.- - 214Judgment hymn.376

Keene. 92Kelway 97

Kellogg. 168

Kimball 140Kindness. - - 146Kirkwood.- • - • 144

Leonard 142Lenox. 373Leroy. 77Life. 99Linley. 77Linwood.- • • 143Lovett. 182Lisbon. 372Leuthard's chantl85Lydian. 71

Lyons. 377

Madison. . - • • - 144

Malcolm.. • • • • 62Manchester..- - 130Marbeck... 96Martini. 78Mariner's song. 189Martyrdom..-- 129Marion. 185Marlow. 369Meade. 61

Mear. 3C7Melodia. 92

Melody. 70Melvill. 95Messiah 135Mercy... 182Merriman. - 303Milton.. 157Millennial 220Milford." 99Mitford. 213Missionary chant 94

Missionary Hy. 378Montrose. • — 175Moors 123Mornington. - - 371Mount Santis... 190Moss Hill. • - 102Mount Plea8antl04

Moretto •




Nauman •


Nearer to thee,



Newman. •

Newcourt.Novello. -

Old HundredOliver.

Olives. - -


Ormond-Oriana. - •

Orono. .- •

Osgood.Ottavio. -,•

Otho. -•-

Our Saviour,


Pardon. -

Park Street.

PaviaPavilion. ..

Peace- -. - -

Percy • - - •

Pelhara. • • -

Pemberton.PeterborougPilgrim. • • -

PortuguesePlayford. - •


Plumley. -

Pleading. -

Protection •

Pleyel's Hymn,Purcell.- - -

Prayer - • -













ReedReflection • - •



RemembranceReverence. 1.&

Richardson - •

Rockwood • • -

^lockville • - -


Sabbath EvenSalvation • •

Saviour comfort

School Street

Scotland. - -

Selborne • • •

Seclusion • •





Shirland. --Shepherd •

Silver Street


Sing of Jesus •


Star of peaceStanwood •


Stand up foF'

St. LeonSt. Martins.

St. Nicholas. -

Summer -



Spring grove-


Sympathy • • -

St Thomas. -

Spring vale. •

Teetwood - - -











Teleman'g chant.184The angels' call.205

The goBpel ban. 206Tonica 211Trust 188The Sinner's Fr.212Tyrol 165

Undine 132Uxbridgo • - - • 866

Victory 134Vinal 218Vienna 145Von \yeber - - 189

Ward 367Walgrave - - 143Wanderer - - • 184Wanley 75Watchman tell. 375Webb. 377Wells. 366Westfield - - • 65Wheatland. . • 183Wheeler. 117Whitehall- --• 90Wilmslow 119Willman. 1 & 2.148Wilber 221Windham 365Wing 126Wirt 96Wisdom 158Windsor. 367Woodside 129Woodville - - - 101Woodland--. IllWool worth • - 6GWonder 120Worship 164Wyman ^ 64Ydolem 125York Street • 115

Zarliro 74

382 JNIETIilC-A.!!, IJSTDEX.L. If.

Albian 8JAaibroee.' ••• 88Arian 81Arley 98Augustine 79Austin.. 74Avereen 85Baldwin. 60Bannbter. •

83Bateson. 63Beyland 94Billington 97Bromley 7yByfifld 68Calabria 76Calvarv.No«.l&2.86Calvary.. No. 3. 87Carrol. 80Cathedral Chant. 83

Constancy • • • • 73Coveilale. 76Cranford 72Croyland 75Curtis. N09.I&2. 84Dempster. • • • 82Devotion.. • • • • 100Duke Street..


366Egmont 65Estella 98Ethel 100Evensong • 91Grinnell 73Harmonia • • • 62Hertfort 93High Street. • • 93Ingersoll. 90Keene. 92Kelvray. 97l>eroy. 77Linlev. 77Life. ' 99Lydian. 71lUljolm.. ••.. 62




Meade. 61• 92


Melodia. • •


Melody. • •

Melvill. 95 Palestine

16I(Jood Shepherd. 156Milton.. 157Newcourt. • • . 373

701 Newman. 100

Milford. 99Missionary Cbaat94


Old Hundred.. 364Ormond 78Otho.

Park StreetPavia 95Playford. 87Plumley. 63PercyRedemption.-Richardson •


School Street





159Wisdom 158

L. M. 5 lines.

7lf Dumont.,. 69

CM.Allison. 128Arlington. ••• • 370Ascension. — 108Avondalc 130Atherton. 1 & 2. 122Atherton. No. 3. 123Bonner. 118

69 Bowdoin..-: • 127lOllBalerma. 368

•• 366 Boyce

Sessions 805} Brandenburg.Silver Street • • 372| Brattle StreetUxbridge 300! Bradbury. •• •

Wiinley 75 ChinaWard 367Westfield ... 65Windham • • • 305Whitehall 90Wirt . 96Wool worth • 66Woodville • • • 101Wells. 360Zarlino 74

L. M. Double.Antonio 89Byfield. 68 Elwood 126Euphrates • 67|Eternity. 133Wyman 64 Glen wood. 107L. ^I. 6 lines, or Goodwin. •• • . 110

L. P. M. Mirassy Creek.. 113C*rl«8. ISSIHamburg. 364


Comfort 112Clifton.No.lA 2.124

Cambridge- - • 308Corona. IllCoronation. - - . 370Corelli 132Church Street. 133Dedham. 368Deane 117Dundee 370Edson. 107Elton. 103

llleadiy. 127Hebron 365llosanna 112Hummel. 131Inspiration.- • - 103Jordan 109Marlow. 309Manchester..- - 130Mear. 307Moss Hill. • • - 102Mount Pleasant. 104Moors 123Martyrdom..-. 129Nauman 121Omni3ciencal.2.105Oriana. 109Pavilion. .. 120Peterborough. 370Prayer 125Rev»ence.l.& 2.114

Rockwood 100Selborne 134Shepherd •• 118Sidney. 108Sinclair 102St. Leon 104St. Martins. • • 368Sympathy 121Sumner. 113Testwood 128Undine 132Victory 134Wheeler 117Wing 126Woodside •--*• 129Woodland-.- IllWonder 120Windsor. 367Ydolem 125

C. M. Double.Messiah 135Stella 110WiltoBlow ... 119

York Street • . 115]

Good tidings- . 154

^~wjOlives. 151

Addison 141

Bankside 141

Beethoven- - - • 138Boylston 371Church 150Communion.- 145Cymball 150Darricott 142Elerton. 139Europa. 139Elvey 146Fenwick 153Gentleness. - - • 137Hartland. 371Holt 147

Hooper. 149HuUah. 149Kimball 140Kindness. • • - - 146Kirkwood.- - • • 144Leonard 142Linwood. • - •

- 143-

Lisbon. 372-

Madison. 144Mornington. • - 371Munich. 152Newbern..- - . . 147

Ottavio. 140Olmutz. 372Pel ham. 137Reflection 162Reitz 153Sabbath Even. 138Silver Street.. 372Shirland. 372St. Thomas. • • 371Vienna 145Walgrave • • 143Willman. 1 <k 2.148

S. M. Double.

Clajton. 136

C. P. M.Fidelity ^16?Gilroy. 103Stanwood - • 102Worship. 164

S. P. M.Clement. 165Crosdill 105Dalston 374

U. M.Alia 166Delight. 167(ioldbeck. 167Kellogg. 108Lenox. 373Reed 108Tyrol 106

C. H. M.Supplication- - 169

S. H. M.Bereavement- • 170Faith.. 169


Baldwin Place. 179Burnett. 177Dependance. • • 178Dudley. 177Dulcimer 183Fountain 172Greenwood • • • 178Lovett. 182Leuthard's chant185Marion. 185Mercy... 182Nashville. ••• . 181

Osgood. 180Pemberton.- - - 179Pleyel's Uvmn. 374Purcell. --'.... 172Susie 181Teleman's chant. 184Wanderer • -• 184Wheatland. • . 183

7a Double.Benevento- - • • 374Carleton. •-.- 171Forgiveness..-- 173Haven. 174Montrose. 175Watchman tell. 375

7s. 6 lines.

Fisk 180Giddings 170Refuge 170

8s <fc 7s.

Ashton 194Celia 187Glenwick 198Humility 197Ives, 190Judgment hymn.376Oliver. 197Rockville 198Redeemer. • • - • 195Rossini 193Sicily 376Peace-.. 188Trust 188Protection 194Plevel. 195Von Weber • • 189

8s & 78. Doable-Crawford 193Emerson. 186G«IMS»9 191

Ilerold mHarlan. 196Mariner's song. 189Mount Santis... 190

83 & 7s. 6 lines.

Harlan 195Pilgrim. 187

88, 78 & 6s.

Pilgrim. 187

83, 7c & 48.

BowditcL.. 204Brompton - - • 199Confidence..- . • 201Immanuel • - -


202Pleading. -.. 204Greenville- - • - 376Salvation • - - • 200Star of peace - • 200St Nicholas. •



7b & 6s.

Amsterdam..- • 378Cheering Ray. 207Missionary Hy. 378Remembrance • 209Seclusion • - . 207Stand up for- - 209The angels' call. 205The Gospel ban.2n6Webb. 377

88 & 6s.

Just as I am. - • 214Serenity 208The Sinner's Fr.212

8s&48.Dale. 210Rest. 208Spring grove- - 211Spring vftla. • • 210


Tonica 211

8s & 5s.

Sin(5 of Jesus • • 214

8s, 6s & 48.

Eutie 211

6s, 88 & 4s.

Comelli 212

6s & 4s.

America. • •

Anthony.. •

Divinity. • •


Nearer to thee,


6s & 58.

Charm 213

5e & 63.

Our Saviour. • • 214

7s & 53.

Call to victory. 217Baviour comfort.215

7s & 48.

Crystal. 215


Adoration- •• • 216Orono. 216

58 & 83.

Conquest- - •• 216

58 & 9s.

"airbanks 221

81. 38 & 61.I

Ferlsieq)..-- 216j

8s, 78 & 6s.

Day is breaking. 217


Ansel. -Doubl, or

8s&98..... 218Israel 218Vinal 218

6s, 83 & 53.

Command • • • • 219

98 & 68.

Exultation 220

lis & 8s.

Derby. 226'lis & 98.

Companion • • • 222lis & lOs.

Come ve discon. 37710». 58, 68 & 128.

Millennial 22010b, 48 & 6s.

Hamden. 223lOs.

Draper 222Go to the grave. 222

10s, lis & 12s.

Breast the wave.21910s & lis.

Brightness 221Lyons. 377Our Saviour- • 214Pardon. 226

lis & 128.

Wilber 221lis.

Foundation..- • 2241 would not live. 223Portuguese Hy. 379


Jesus our. 225SootUnd. .•• 379

Agnin wo'vo motAll's right

Be firm

Bliss is hovering

Blow on wild gales

Bright shine the gems of India

Come let's make our voices ring

Evening sun

Flight of time

Flow on thou Shining River ...

Gallant and gaily

Gladness sparkles over all


Hark the village bells

Herald of Spring

Hurrah for the land we love Patriotic.

Let us sing merrily

May does every fragrance yield Hound.Merrily, merrily sing

Morning shines

Morning's rudy beamMy heart is light and free

Never mindNo surrender

Now the bright morning star

0, give me the wings of a dove

Our native land Patriotic.

Pleasure echoes

Song of the lark •

Stand for the right

Star of the twilight Duett.

The chatter boxThe heart, the heart

There's music in the midnight breeze ,


The sunbeams are glancing.

'Tis education's patent armWe stand here united. Glee for Male voices...Pcrfno/ic,

We roam through forest's shades

The object of this Index is to deslpnnte snch tunes as may be used to

advantage during the first oxercises of a class of learners. They wearranged accordinp; to the keys.

Key of C.

Flow on tliou shining Kiver 1-5

'Tis Education's potent arm 15

Arley 98

Carleton 171

Call to victory 217

VVyman 6t

Westlield 6.0

Malcomb 62

Key of G.Jordan 109

Manchester 130

Bonner 118

Byfield OS

Marriner's Song 189

Delight 167

Key of D.Ascension ] 08

Sidney 108

Europa 139

Anthony 213

Divinity 213

Trust 188

Crosdill 165

Key of A.A/, 74

Kellogg 168

Stand for the right 27

Key of E.Covedale 76

Linley. 77

Selbome 134

Vinal 218

Cbarch ISO

Key of P.Command 219

Stella llfl

Albion 80

Key of B 7.Bromley 79

Iinmunuel 202

Be firm 33

Glenwick 19S

Key of E 7.

Mount^Ple.isant 1 04

Haven I74

Evensong 91

Kelway 97

Madison 144

Bowditch 204

Key of A 7.

Sabbath Evening 138

Beethoven 138

Bankside 141

Melville S.'i

Seclusion 207

Go to the grave 224

Key of D (>.

Addison 141

Bereavement 179

Celia Igl

Minor Keys.Theheart A. Mrisk A. isa

Wilman. N0.3 C AiPnrcell K. l***


And be yo kind

Awake, put on tliy strength Anthem.

And ye shall seek me Sentence.

Bleesed is he that consiilereth the poor. Sentence.

Bless the Lord, O my soul Sentence.

Blessed are they that mourn Sentence.

Blessed are the pure in heart Sentence.

Blessed are the people Anthem.

Cast thy burden on the Lord Sentence.

Celestial treasure

Christ the Lord is risen to-day . .&M<er Anthem..

Come unto me Quartett.

Daughter of Zion Anthem.

Enter not into judgment

Evening, morning, and at noon

From the table now retiring Hymn.

Glory be to God on high For Christmas.

God of Israel .

God that madest earth and heaven Hymn.

Guide me, O thou great Jehovah. 5o/o 4" Chonis.

Hail! happy day Hymn Anthem.

Have mercy upon us, O Lord Sentence.

Hear our prayer

Heavenly Father Anthem.

Hide thy face from my sins Sentence.

Holy Father. God of love

Holy, Lord God of Hosts Smictus.

Holy, Lord God of Sabbaoth Sanctus.

If ye love me keep my commandments. Sentence.

I love them that love me Sentence.

I heard a voice from heaven. Funeral Sentence.

\fjthy holy temple. Lord

It is a good thing to give thanks Anthem.

Jesus, lover of my soul Hymn.

Lo ! the day of rest declineth. . Solo if Quartett.

Mark the perfect man Funeral Sentence.

O be joyful in the Lord. . . Anthem.











Lord our helper

Oh that I had wings Quartett or Chorus.

Onward speed thy conquering flight. J/f'ssion Hy.

Our Father,we thank thee for sleep. ^/brnin^' Hy.

O pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Parting HymnPraise the Lord Solo fy


Sabbath morning Quartett.

Salvation belongeth unto the Lord. . . .Anthem.

Seek yc the Lord Sentence.

Sing, O Heavens Anthem.

StJ teach us to number our days Sentence.

Teach me, O Lord Sentence.

The earth shall be full of the knowledge

of the Lord ... Anthem.

The eyes of all wait upon thee, Lord . Thanks-

giving Anthem.

The grace of our Lord Sentence.

The Lord is in his holy temple Sentence.

The Lord is mindful of bis ownThe Lord is merciful Sentence.

The Lord's Prayer ,

Through every age Hymn.The peace of God be upon us Sentence.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, ^en^ence.

The Saviour lives Solo Sf Chorus.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. .Sentence.

Thy will be done Hymn.To prayer Hymn.

Unto thee, O Lord ... Sentence.

Wake the song of Jubilee Anthem.

Watchman, tell us of the night Hymn.We come before thee, Lord

When the Lord Recitative 4" Chorus.

Who are these in bright array

Whatsoever ye would Sentence.

Wortbj is th« Larab Ohonu.












HYMN CHANTS, &c.Almighty One 3ftT

Arise, O Lord into thy rest 359

Blessed are the poor in spirit 362

Come unto me all ye that labor 358

Comfort ye my people 359

From the recesses of a lowly spirit 360

Hear, Father, hear our prayer 301

Holy, holy Lord, God Almighty. 358

Holy, holy Lord - 362

How beautiful upon the mountain 363

If I were a voice 361

I was glad when they said unto me 359

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hilli 861

O Lord, how excellent 858

Searcher of heart* 857

Seek ye the Lord 359

Star of Bethlehem 360

Suffer little children 363

The Lord is my Shepherd • • • • 361

The Lord's Prayer 363

The mercy of th« Lord 363

Thou Maker o/ my vital frame 362

Thus saith the Lord 358

CHANTS.Benedictus 35J

Benedic Anima Mea 355

Bonum Est Confiteri 352.

Cantate Domino 353

Deus Misereatur 354

Gloria In Excelsis.

Jubilate Deo. ....Venite Exultemns.


Gloria, Nos. 1 & 2.

Gloria, Nob. 3 &. 4.






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