thailand - world bank documents & reports

Report No.60364-H Thailand: Growth With Stability A Challenge For The Sixth Plan Period A Country Economic Repot -In Three Volumes)- Volume ll Statistical Appendix June 5, 1986 Country Programs Department EastAsia and Pacific RegionalOffice FOROFFICIALUSEONLY: Document of the wbrld Bank This report has a restricted distribution and may beused byrecipients only in theperformance oftheir official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed i%thout WorW Bank authorization. Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Report No. 60364-H

Thailand: Growth With StabilityA Challenge For The Sixth Plan PeriodA Country Economic Repot-In Three Volumes)- Volume ll Statistical Appendix

June 5, 1986Country Programs DepartmentEast Asia and Pacific Regional Office


Document of the wbrld Bank

This report has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwisebe disclosed i%thout WorW Bank authorization.


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.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~o

1. ............ .. 1I 2 Em lo me t .. . ..... ,0* .. a ... . 2

1.3 E-stimates of Crude Birth Rates, 1920-1984 .... 3

1.4 Trend in Crude Death Rates, 1920-84,Selected Years ...... 4

2.1 Gross Domestic Product at Current MarketPrices by Industrial Origin o.*............ 5

2.2 Percentage Distribution of Gross DomesticProduct at Current Market Prices byIndustrial Origin . 6

2.3 Gross Dome:tic Product at Current Factor Costby Industrial Origin. 7

2.4 Gross Domestic Product at Constant MarketPrices by Industrial Origina 8

2.5 Growth of Gross Domestic Product at ConstantMarket Prices by Industrial Origin ......... 9

2.6 Implicit Price Deflators for GDP at MarketPrices by Industrial Origin 10

2.7 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product atCurrent Market Prices 11

2.8 Percentage Distribution of Expenditure on

Gross Domestic Product at Current MarketPrices 1....... 2

2.9 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product atConstant Prices .. ....... a a. . . . .. .. 13

2.10 Percentage Growth of Expenditure on GrossDomestic Product at 1972 Prices ..... 14

3.1 Summary Balance of Payments 15

3.2 Principal Merchandise Exports .... 16

3.3 Other Merchandise Exports ................. * 173.4 Merchandise Exports by Countries l............ 193.5 Principal Merchandise Exports by Countries ... 20

3.6 Merchandise Imports 243.7 Financing of Merchandise Imports ........... 26

3.8 Merchandise Imports oy Countries 273.9 Servioes ............. 28

3.10 Investment Income 29

3.11 Government, H.eI. . 30

Th document haa restictd ditibution and may be ued by oipents only in th peformeof their officil duties. Its contents may not othewiw be disebsd without Word Bank eutnrton.


-Paste -N -

TOble 3.12 Trsferf ........... i.... ...... - .- 0* 31

- 3.13 Capital Movements .i.......................... 32

3.14 Iaternational Reserves . ... *............. 33

- 3*15 Trade lndice* and Terms of Trade 34

3.16 Duties on Imports by Economic Classification . 35

3.17 lmports and Exports f Crude Oil and

Petroleum Produets .,37-

3.18 Composition of Oil Imports .... * 38

4.1 Ixternal Debet and DeLt Service Obligations .,. 39

4.2 External Public Debt Outstanding Including

-- udiabursed as of December 31, 1984 ........ 41

4.3 Projected Service Payments, Disbursements and

Outstanding Amounts of External Public Debt

as of December 31, 1984 43

5.1 Central Government Expenditure ............... 44

5.2 Central Government Capital Expenditure ....... 45

5.3 Revenue and Grants of Consolidated CentralGovernkment,o**o*oo4* 46

5.4 Financing by Type of-Debt Holder Consolidated

Central Government 47

5.5 Local Government Accounts .................... 48

5.6 State Bnterprises Gross Fixed CapitalExpenditures and Their Financing ... ,...... 49

5.7 Central Government Receipts, Budget FY8O-86 .. 50

5.8 Functional Classification of CentralGovernment Expenditure Budget, FY81-86 ..... 51

6.1 Evaluation of Monetary Situation ---

Calendar Years ... 526.2 Evaluation of Monetary Situation ---

Quarterly . 53

6.3 Selected Data of Commercial Banks .......... 55

6.4 Bills, Loans and Overdrafts of Commercial

Banks Classified by Purpose ... 56

7.1 Area Planted, Yield and Production of Major

Crops . 57

7.2 Proportion of Planted Area in Major Crops ... 59

7.3 Paddy and Rice Supply by Glutinous and

Nouglutinous Varieties .................... 60

7.3a Paddy Supply and Rice Utilizatior 61

7.4 Rice Export Premium s***O*U****e¢**@@U 627.5 Development of Producer Prices of fl&J>r

Commodities in Thailand 1968-198. 63

7.6 Export and Domestic Prices of Rice and Paddy . 64

7.7 Rice Reserve Requirement .......... 65


Page lo.

Table 7.8 Average Wholesale Prices (Bangkok) of SelectedAgricultural Commodities ................... 66

7.9 Psddy Production and Rice Exports * 677.10 Fertilizer Use and Supply ...- .........'........ 687.11 Pertilizer Vse by Crop and by Region .......... 69-7.12 Di7stribution of Farm Size by M*jor-.

Crops, 1978 , . , 70

8.1 Production and Capacity of SelectedNanufacturing Industries ................... 71

8.2 Gro"s Domestic-Product Originating fow-;Manufacturing at Current Market Prices ..... 73

8.J Gross Domestic Product Originating fromManufacturing at Constant Prices *.......... 74

8.4 Statistics of Promoted Investment 758.5 Mineral Production 768.6 Tourism --- Basic Data 778.7 Energy Consumption by Source 788.8 Refinery Balance .............. ........ * 798.9 Petroleum Products Consumption by Economic

Sectors .... * * 808.10 Petroleum Products' Retail Price 82

9.1 Consumer Price Index for Whole Kingdom byGroups 83

9.2 Consumer Price Index for Bangkok Metropolisby Groups .*...... ........ . .* 84

9.3 Consumer Price Index by Regions 85

R1.1 Regional Population 86

12.1 Gro8s Regional Product --- Bangkok (CurrentB8ht) 87

R2.2 Gross Regional Product --- Center (CurrentBsht) so. R8

R2.3 Gross Regional Product --- North (CurrentBaht) , ...... ,.89

R2.4 Gross Regional Product Northeast (CurrentBaht) .............. 90

R2.S Gross Regional Product --- South (CurrentBaht) . * e...*e.*.*eeee..e*# * 91

R2.6 Gross Regional Product --- Whole Kingdom(Current Baht) .................... 92

R2.7 Gross Regional Product --- Bangkok (ConstantB1ht) Gross 93

R2.8 Gross Regional Product --- Center (ConstantBaht) ,94

R2 .9 Gross Regional Product N- orth (ConstantBaht) e¢X@^*e*etX*95


Pare go,

Table R2.10 Gross Regional Product -- Northeast (Constant

R~.21 Gross Regional Product - S-.Poutb_(Constant- Bat) *.* ...... e*.*.4.*. 97

R2.12 Gross Regional Product --- Whole Kingdom..-.- -(Cons-taut laht) - 98R7.1 Area Planted, Yield and Production of Major.

Crops, Central Region .................... 99R7.2 Area Planted. Yield and Production of Major

Crops, Northern Region ..... 10017.3 Area Planted,_Yield and Production of-Major

Crops, Northeastern Region ........ ......... 101R7.4 Area Planted, Yield and Production of Major

Crops, Southern Region ..................... 102-

Table 1.1: POPULATION(miiiions)

Mid-year Growth rates (%) I Mid-year Growth rates .)Year Population for 5-year period I Year Population for 5-year period

e--------------------------------------------------- _------ _-_----------__---__----- -------------- - n---

1960 26.3 I 1981 47.7i 1982 48.7

1970 36.4 3.3/a 1 1983 49.71 1984 50.7

1971 37.4 I 1985 51.7 1.951972 38.41973 39.4 I 1986 52.71974 40.4 1 1987 53.61975 41.4 2.4/a/b 1 19C8 54.5

I 1989 55.41976 42.4 1 1990 56.3 1.691977 43.4 11978 44.5 1 1995 60.5 1.431979 45.5 1 2000 64.4 1.251980 46.7 1 2005 67.9 1.06

i 1 2010 70.9 0.84I g 2015 73.2 0.64

/a Growth over 10-year period.

/b Fertility decline which began in the late 19609 could not be documented until the mid-4970s whena number of fertility surveys were taken. Therefore, the rate of growth of the population between1970 and 1975 overestimates the real rate of growth and the whole amount of the fertility decline over the1970s is allocated to the 1975-80 period, probably understating the real rate of growth in this latter period.

Notes: The Population and Housing Census taken in April 1970 yielded a population estimate of34.4 million. Since the census is believed to be an underenumeration, the 1970 populwtionestimate was adjusted upwards to 36.1 million by the Working Group on the Population ProjectionSubcommittee of Population Policy.

Data for 1971-1979 are estimates; data for 1980-2015 are projections.

Source: Population and Manpower Planning Division, NM810 and Working Group on PopulationProjections for the Sixth Plan (preliminary results).

Table 1.2t ENPLOYBMUT jobs Compo*ition of

Employment ('000) added work force, 1980~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~aa---------------------…----------------- -1970/a 1980/a 1981/b 1982/b l9B3/b 1984 1985 (1970-1980) * fe ale I age 11-14

Agriculture 13,202 16,821 17,422 16,876 17,094 17,510 17,900 361.9 50.4 7.7Wining and quarrying 87 94 B8 82 51 70 70 0.7 30.9 4.3Manufacturing 683 1,308 1,752 2,010 1,839 2,270 2,260 62.5 46.8 3.1Construction 182 353 470 522 511 560 550 17.1 19.0 2.3Electricity, gas, waterand sanitary services 25 60 70 76 106 80 80 3.5 15.0 0.0

Commerce 876 1,595 2,014 2,299 2,169 2,430 2,520 71.9. 56.6 2.5

Transport, storage andconmunication 268 416 396 502 535 520 530 14.8 8.2 0.7

Services 1,184 1,081 2,069 2,379 2,529 2,560 2,690 69.7 41.2 1.3Unknown 146 645 - - - 49.9 35.8 0.5

Total 16,653 23,173 24,351 24,746 24,834 26,000 26,600 652.0 48.3 6.2------- _ ------------- :

/a Economically active population, age 11 years and older, employed in April.

/b These figures should be used with caution as the 1970 census, which was published in mid-1974, apparentlyunderestimated the population, and perhaps also the work force. The census figures differ signi-fcantlyfrom those given in the annual labor force surveys for 1969 and 1971. In addition, sectotal employmentreported in the 1969 and 1971 to 1973 surveys shows improbably large annual fluctuations.

Source: Census Reports, 1960, 1970, Labor Force Survey 1979 Round 1.

Table 1.3: ESTIMATES OF CRUDE BIRTH RATES, 1920-1984(per thousand)

Year Crude Birth Rate I Year Crude Bitth Rate

1920 48.8 1 1970 39.41930 49.6 I 1975 35461940 42.4 1 1978 30.41950 44.0 I 1979 30.71960 44.3

1980 30.11965 41.2 1 1981 29.1 -1966 39.5 1 1982 28.01967 40.0 1 1983 273-1968 42.5 ) 1984 26.61969 39.6

* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ' B

---------- __--- -- - -- ----------- ---- ------- -- -- ---

Source: 1920-67: United Nations. POPULATION OF THAILANDNSCAP. Country Monograph Serit.s No. 3. Bangkok.Thsiland. 1976, p. 219.

1968-81: Estimated using registration data oD birthsadjusted for 302 underregistration (based on the resultsof the Survey of Population Cbange, Round 2, 1974-76,estimates given by the Director of Round 2, 1974-76,and estimates given by the Director of the StatisticalDivision, KOI), and base populations (low fertilityvariant) obtained from POPULATION PROJECTIONS FORTHAILAND: WHOLE KINGDOM AND REGIONS 1970-2005. Working.Group on Population Projections. July 1961. The CIR-for 1980 is similar tO that estimated for Thailand by.the WORLD DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS, 1982.

1982-B4: Working Croup on Population Projection, NSUBD,POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR THAILAND, WHOLE KINGDOM ANDREGIONS, 1970-2005.

Table 1.4: TREND IN CRUDE DEATH RATE8 1920-84 SELECTED YEARS(per thousand)

------------------------------------------------------------ __}---_-------

Year Crude Death Rate I Year Crude Death Ratea.

1920 31.3 1 1975 8.51930 27.9 1 1978 8.11940 17.0 1 1979 8.01950 15.91960 12.2 1 1980 8.0

I 1981 7.6'1965 9.9 1 1982 7.81966 10.3 1 1983 7.91967 9.9 1 1984 7,61968 9.7 11969 9.9 11970 8.8 1

--------------------------------- _---_---------------------------_---_----4:

Sources: 1920-70s ESCAP. PopulatiOn of Thailand. Country MonographSeries No. 3. Bangkok, Thailand, 1976, Table 50.

1975-81: Estimated, using registration data on death adjustedfor 50% underregistration (the 1980 CDR is similar to that.estimated for Thailand by the WORLD DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS,1982) and base popalations (low variant) obtained from.POPULATION PROJECTIONS POR THAILAND: WHOLE KINGDOM ANDREGIONS, 1970-2005. Working Group on Population Projections,July 1981.

1982-84: Working Group on Population Projection, NESDBI,POPULATION PROJECITONS FOR THAILAND, WHOLE KINGDOM ANDREGIONS, 1970-2005.



1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 198) 1984 19851a

Agricultuare 38.5 94.1 110.9 129.1 147.1 173.0 187.9 188.7 204.4 19314 182.3

Crops 26.8 69.7 79.1 96.2 108.0 130.4 138.9 139.8 150.0 141.7 132.6

Livestock 4.8 11.5 14.4 13.5 17.0 21.7 24.7 23.6 286.8 26.3 23.9

Fiaberies 4.1 8.4 12.5 13.1 13.0 12.0 13.2 14.2 14.4 13.1 12.7

Tore.try 2.8 4.5 5.0 6.3 9.1 9.7 11.1 11.1- o 11,2 12.3 13.2

Ninins, quarrying 2.8 4.1 8.1 10.6 12.6 14.5 13.4 14.8 16.3 21.3 29.3

N"aufacturiuig 21.8 53.9 74.7 89.1 109.7 134.5 158.3 164.6 176.2 196.6 207.?

Conutruction 8.3 12.8 20.3 24.8 29.2 39.9 42.0 43.0 47.1 52.8 53.8

Ulectricity, vater supply 1.6 3.3 4.4 S.2 6.1 6.3 10.7 14.4 16.3 18.9 21.6

Tteasportatios, commusicatious 8.6 18.8 24.7 29.6 37.8 45.3 57.3 65.1 73.7 83.6 96.3

Trade 25.9 54.7 74.9 90.1 102.9 128.7 150.3 159.8 165.8 1$2.0 190.7

Wanking, insurasce., real estate 5.6 14.6 19.5 24.6 31.4 41.9 52.0 61.0 71.7 80.6 89.8 4n

Ownerabip of dwellings 2.9 4.4 5.3 5.8 6.3 7.4 8.4 9.9 11.2 12,3 13.7

Public administration, defense 6.1 12.3 14.8 17.9 21.6 28.3 30.7 87.3 42.6 43.2 47.1

Other services 13.9 25.9 35.4 43.1 51.5 64.4 75.2 89.2 98.7 106.7 115.S

Gross Do0egtic Product 136.1 298.8 393.0 470.0 556.2 684.9 786.7 146.1 924.2 991.6 1,047.6

______________________ __ _ _ __----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- _ _ -- -- - -

net factor iscoge from abroad 0.4 -0.2 -2.0 -5.4 -9.8 -12.5 -21.8 -26.4 -25.4 -31.8 -37.1

cross netional product 136.4 298.6 393.0 464.5 546.4 672.4 764.4 819.8 698.9 9S9.8 1,010.5

/e Preliminary.

Wote, Total* may not edd because of rounding.

Source: 1SD3.


1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1961 1962 19o3 1984 1985/.

Agriculture 28.3 31.5 28.2 27.5 26.4 25.4 23.9 22.3 22.0 19.5 17.4Crops 19.7 23.3 20.1 20.5 19.4 19.0 17.7 16.5 16.2 14.3 12.7Livestock. 3.6 3.8 3.7 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.1 2.8 3.0 2.7 2*3Jiaebries 3.0 2.8 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.21Forestry 2.0 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3

Mining, quarrying 2.0 1.4 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.1 2,8Manufaeturing 16.0 18.0 19.0 19.0 19.7 19.6 20.1 19,5 19.1 19.8 19.8Construction 6.1 4.3 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.8 5.3 5.1. 5.1 5.3 5.1P1ectricity. water supply 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.4 ,1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1,Trwnsportation, communications 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.8 6.6 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.4 9,2Trade 19.1 18.3 19.1 19.2 18.5 18.8 19.1 18.0 17.9 18.4 18.2 C'Ranking, insurance, real estate 4.1 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.6 6.1 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.1 8.6

Ownerabip of dwellings 2.2 1.5 1.3 3.2 1.1 3.1 1.1 1. 1*2 3.2 a.3Public aduieistratiou, esfense 4.5 4.1 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.1 3.9 4.- 4.6 4.4 4.5Otber services 10.2 8.7 9.0 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.6 10.5 10.7 10.8 11.0

Gctoss Domestic Product 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0_____________________- -- _--- ----- ----- - - - - - - - -

/a Preliminary.

Source: 168DB.

Table 2.3t GRoss DoNSnt1C P2ODUCS AT CUoRut VACORm co0I Tt IUODUSTOIAI 02ICli(31111.., of Debt)

1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 190 19811 1982 t903 -1984 19851t-_---_----_----------__----_ ------- _ ------ __ ---____---__----------- I--------------------------------- ------------- ------ '- .........

Agricalture 38.2 93.6 110.4 128.6 140.5 173.3 J875.5 1,.i 203.8 192.86 11.6

Crops 26.6 69.4 78.8 95.8 107.6 130.0 138.7 139.4 149.5 141.2 132.1

Liweetotk 4.8 11.5 14.4 13.5 17.0 21.7 24.7 23.6 28.8 26.3 23.9

7iebstiee 4.1 8.5 t2.5 13.1 13.0 12.0 I.2 14.1 14.5 13.1 12.6Porostry - 2.7 4.3 4.8 6.2 8.9 9.6 10.9 11.0 L1.O 12.1 13.0

Mining. qnorrying 2.4 3.5 6.5 8.1 9.2 10.4 10.1 12.1 14.3 IS.8 26.1NWennfctuties 16.7 41.5 57.4 70.2 S6.9 109.1 125.9 133.1 135.1 355.2 163.7Conetruction 8.1 12.6 19.9 24.4 28.7 36.9 40.6 41.0 45.5 51.9 52.9Ilactrictty. water supply 1.6 3.3 4.6 5.4 .6.3 0.8 11.1 14.t 16.3 t8.8 21.6

trsonporrotio . coumunications 6.3 18.2 24.1 28.9 37.1 45-0 56.8 62.5 72.7 82.9 95.5Trade 17.5 40.6 5S.0 66.0 75.6 95.9 115.8 124.2 124.7 127.2 136.4seeking. insurance, reesotatet. 5.3 13.5 38.2 22.7 2S.9 38.5 41.7 56.$ 63.3 72.1 $6.2

Oweerobip of dvellisef 2.7 4.0 4.6 5.1 5.5 6.8 8.1 8.7 9.5 10.6 11.8Public 0dmi4i#trotion. defep*s 6.1 12.3 14.8 17.9 21.6 26.3 30.6 3?.3 42.6 43.2 47.1Oteot *ervices 13.2 24.6 33.8 41.0 49.2 60.6 71.9 63.4 92.6 S1l.7 110.3

gross VUe*etic Froduct at Fceto': Cost 120.3 267.7 349.3 418.2 495.3 613.5 706.3 162.2 823.3 860.1 933.2.

tlue indiroct tctee less subsidiee IS.8 31.1 43.7 51.7 60.9 71.5 79.9 83.9 100.9 111.4 114.2

Gross Domestic Product at Nar*et Prices 136.1 298.6 393.0 469.9 556.2 684.9 781.2 S"4.1 924.2 991.5 t,047.4

Oreos Dooeatic Prodoet at Feeter Cost 120.3 267.7 349.3 418.2 495.3 613.5 700.3 762.2 823.3 4J0.1 933.2

Plue net factor income from rest of world 0.6 -0.2 -2.0 -5.4 -9.8 -12.5 -21.8 -26.4 -25.4 -31.8 -37.J

Looe provision for coeuaeption of fixed capital 10.3 21.0 28.0 34.4 41.9 50.6 59.3 6S06 73.4 -01.6 89.7

got motional leco- 110.4 246.5 33S.7 378.4 443.7 550.3 625.2 070.2 724.5 76605 006.4------------------- ----- ----- ----- ..... . ..... - -----.

Ia Prel*iminry.

ltoa; Tetolr may not odd beeaue of rounding.

Source: 3381.

Table 2.4: G6088 DONUSTIC PRODUCT AT CONSTANT #ARt6t PRICE8 BY InVO8tRIA-2 OR1101(hillions of 1972 babt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 )98 1983 19S4 1965/a

Agricoltute 46.3 62.1 6S.5 72.5 72.4 72.R 77.7 78.5 81.4 65.9 87.9

Crops 35.5 45.6 46.8 53.6 51.8 54.2 58.5 59.9 61.9 63.5 66.7Livectoch 5.0 7.4 8.1 8.5 8.9 9.0 9.5 9.9 10.3 10.8 11.1lisberiee 5.0 S.7 7.5 7.4 7.3 6.3 6.8 6.0 6.6 6.9 7.3Forestry 2.8 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.4 3.3 2.9 2.? 2.6 2.7 2.8

ouangricult*re 101.8 141.4 171.7 188.6 205.5 220.1 233.6 245.5 261.5 27$.3 290-9

Mining, qnarrying 2.6 2.5 3.S 4.1 4.5 4.8 4.6 4,4 4.4 5.4 6.0Wanufacturing 23.3 36.8 48.1 52.5 57.8 60.6 64.5 67.3 72.3 77.1 78.94o0atlactioc 8.7 8.5 12.0 13.6 14.5 16.6 15.5 15.1 15.9 17.7 17.6Ileotricity, w*ter supply 1.6 3.2 4.1 4.5 5,2 5.6 6.3 6.8 7,3 8.1 8.9Trausport,tion, qomzuatcation 9.2 13.4 14.5 16.2 17.7 18.8 20.2 21.7 23.3 24*6 26,2Trade 26.5 35.8 41.2 43.7 45.5 48.2 51.1 52.8 55.1 57.4 59,SBanking, inuureatu. real est4te 5.8 9.6 11.6 13.4 15.6 17.4 19.2 21.4 34.2 27.0 29.4Ow&atrbip of dwelling. 3.0 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.7 4,9 5.2 5.4 5.6Publie adsinietratioa, defease 6.5 8.4 9.6 10.2 11.6 12.4 13.2 13.8 14.5 14.1 14.9Otbet services 14.5 19.7 23.3 26.4 28.8 31.2 34.2 37.i 39.3 41.5 43.9

Gross Pomebric Product 150.1 203.5 237.2 261.1 276.9 292.9 311.3 324.0 A42.9 364.2 378.8-------- -------- ----- -- -- -----

Net factor income from abroad 0.3 -0.2 -1.6 -4.1 -7.0 -8.3 -13.0 -14.9 -14.1 "17.4 -17.7

GrosecC tional Prodvct 150.4 203.3 235.6 257.0 269.9 284.6 298.3 309.1 328.8 346.0 361.1

Ir Ptaliuinsry.-

Net*4 Totals way not add because of rounding.

8..*re*t NKCDD.


1975 1977 1978 1979 19aO 1981 1982 1983 1984 19865,*------_---_-_---------_---------------___.___________ ----_____________----_------------__I-------- --------

Asriculture 9.0 -0.5 10.6 -1.5 I. 6.8 1.0 3.B 5.5 2.3

Crops 9.3 -4.5 14.5 -3.3 4.6 0.0 2.4 3,4 5.8 1.8Livestock 10.1 6.3 5.1 4.9 1.1 5.4 4.2 4.4 4.9 2,8Fisheries 8.3 27.1 -1.1 -1.8 -13.8 0.0 -11.2 9.1 4.5 5.8Forestry 3.5 -6.6 -4.5 13.0 -2.2 -12.7 -7.4 -19 3.8 3.7

Nonagriculture 6.4 10.5 9.9 9.0 7.1 6.1- 5.l 6.5 6.4 4.5

Mining. quarrying -14.8 21.3 16.4 10.4 5.5 -3.3 -4.2 -0.4 22.7 11.1Manufacturing 6.9 13.0 9.3 10.1 4.8 6.4 444 7.3 6.6 2.3Construction 14.1 19.7 13.2 7.1 13.9 -6.5 -2.6 S.S 11.3 -0.6

Ulectricity, water supply 13.7 13.8 8.6 15.1 7.7 13.8 6.7 S.8 11.0 9.9Traasportation, couuunicationu 11.0 8.3 12.0 9.0 6.5 7.4 7.5 7.3 5.6 6.5Trade, wboleasae and retail 4.4 6.2 5.9 4.2 6.0 6.0 3.3 4.3 4.2 3.7Banking. insuracce, real estate 7.7 13.4 16.1 15.9 11.8 10.2 11.5 13.3 11.6 8.9Ownership of dwellipge 3.0 4.3 6.0 5.8 5.0 4.9 4.5 4.9 3,8 3.7Public admioistration, defense 6.3 7.4 6.4 14.0 7.2 6.2 4.9 4.8 -2.8 5.7Otber services 4.8 9.3 13.3 9.2 8.3 9.7 8.9 5.4 5.6 5.8

Gross Domestic Product 7.1 7.2 10.1 6.1 5.8 6.3 441 5.6 6,2 4.0

-- ~-~~---- -^--------------~---------------------_-----_____ --- --- _____ ... _____ --- _ ---

/a $ased on preliminary data.

Sources W3SDB..

table 2.6e INFLICIt PSICB D0F1AtO9O 080 AT NANUS? t7ICS6 ST IN1S6T31I4 021013(BIllto. of bebt)

1970 1972 1975 1977 1918 1979 1960 H 9I1 962 lie 19S4 1905t;

4sricatture 79.6 100 151.5 969.3 170.0 206.0 236.6 241.6 240.4 2S1.0 225.2 207.4______-- .. _ __ __ __ ___ --- _-_ --- __- __- ' --- --- ---- -----

Crops 75s. 300 352.6 369.0 79.5 206.4 240.6 237.5 2s.5. 242.2 2,6.) 196.6

Livestocbt 96.2 300 155.$ 377.6 15t.6 t16.6 241.0 240.3 236.5 279.3 410.7 215.3piaberi*e 82.1 3o0 147.4 366.1 176.5 179.6 191.0 194.5 235.1 220.2 £69.9 174.0

Fos.strp £00.3 100 134.2 159.0 210.8 269.0 293.3 3S2.9 415.1 424.5 455.6 212.1

0ooOSticalture 95.9 100 144.6 164.4 160.t 199.1 232.3 256.1 247.6 275.3 2*6.6 297.5 qoartylug 304s.0 £00 £63.5 230.6 56.6 2 302 269.3 314.2 i;i.4 394*.4 46.3Nenufaceq*rio; 93.5 °°00 146.5 155.3 169.6 1S9.J 12220 245.4 244.6 243.9 255.3 243 2

Coetriettlop 94.4 100 151.2 160.6 182.9 201.0 240.5 271J. 265.4 295.9 298.3 905.7

S1ectr1oitr. i.t.t *upp1s 99.2 100 103.4 10.6 114.6 117.3 113.0 169.7 214.0 222.1 253.3 742.7Trasoppttation, comtamicetio,. 93.4 100 139.6 170.7 15.:7 214.3 240.6 243.4 290.7 316.5 139 8 367.6

trade 97.7 100 152.9 183.6 206.7 226.1 266.9 294.t 302.4 301.1 317.1 320.5

seeking. isuerance. real *otte 96.9 300 151.2 166.8 163.2 201.5 240.5 271.0 245.2 295.9 2906.5 305.8

Owoerahip of duellintg 97.6 300 324.2 137.6 143.6 146.6 363.9 276.1 200.6 214.5 227.6 244.6Public *duinietration. aeft.0. 94.9 300 347.4 155.0 174.5 166.5 227.5 2)2.3 270.0 293.5' 106.4 313:.lothb. eTdiitre 95.7 300 133.3 157.2 163.5 1786.9 206.7 220.0 270.1 251.2 257.1 236,1

gross Dogestic Pro6wvt Ct Warbet PTice. 90.7 100 166.8 165.7 160.0 200.9 233.9 252.6 261.1 249.5 236.9 236.6

-- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---- …-- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - --. . .

Implicit terms of trade ---sericoltur* sad oomagricultpre 83.0 100 104.6 103.0 96.5 103.5 102.6 94.4 69.6 1.2 76.5 69.7

_______ ____________________ __ ____-___ _----_-----------. ------------------------------------------- ---------- ^------------!'---------'-----------

/. Preliginry-

loutcet PSSDS.

Table 2.7: Bxpopditure oa Gross Domeatio Ptoduct at Correat Matket Pricte (Billions of V We)

1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 1980 1961 19S2 98 1984 19 a516

Cousauption 108.0 229.5 302.2 354.1 420.2 570.0 607.2 665.6 739.3 t85.9 29.4Private 92.4 198.5 260.5 300.5 353.3 438.0 511.5 554.7 418.6 655.2 689.1

Duroble Seeds 4.4 9.8 15.3 16.9 20.4 25.0 30.0 30.1 32.6 36.7 37.2Woaduroble goods 69.8 152.7 197.1 227.6 266.2 329.7 3.2.2 413,4 462.2 483.6 495.3Services 16.2 36.0 46.1 55.8 66.7 83.2 99.3 111.2 123.6 134,9 156.6

General governeont 15.6 31.0 41.7 53.6 66.9 82.0 95.7 110.9 120.7 130.6 140.5

Gross investment 35.6 75.7 102.2 127.0 160.3 186.3, 194.5 177.8 212.3 236.4 237.6Privete fized capital lb 22.2 50.7 69.0 79.9 101.3 109.7 120.5 113.4 133.1 147.3 142.9Public fixed capital 10.5 15.4 29. 36.7 43.1 67.4 68.6 66.5 72.9 81.5 64.9Cboage in stocks 2.9 9.6 3.ea 10.3 15.9 9.2 5.4 -2.1 6.3 7.8 9.4

Pxports of goods and services 22.7 57.0 8S.2 101.0 131.8 167.7 195.8 210.8 207.0 242.0 275.2Goods 14.3 44.5 7,).6 82.3 106.9 132.0 150.2 157.2 145.1 173.5 49.0Nonfactor aervices 8.4 12.7 li.2 18.8 24.9 35.7 45.6 53.6 61.9 68.5 226.2

Imports of goods and services 29.3 70.8 103.4 119.9 165.8 204.6 233.8 211.8 254.1 262.6 287.6Goode 26.5 64.7 96.1 110.8 153.9 190.0 214.0 193.3 234.3 242.* 65.2Nonfactor cervices 2.8 6.1 7.3 9.1 11.9 14.6 I.8 t8.5 19.0 20.4 222.4

Rxpenditure on gross domestic 137.1 291.4 383.2 462.2 546.5 669.4 763.7 842.4 904.5 1,001.8 1,054.8product

Statistical discrepancy -1.0 7.4 9.8 7.8 9.7 15.5 22.5 3.7 19.8 -10.3 -7.3Gross domestic product 136.1 298.0 393.0 470.0 556.2 684.9 786.2 646.1 924.2 991.5 1,047.5

Net national savings 19.1 49.9 61.3 77.4 'F.4 106.6 102.6 93S9 93.0 97.2 97.5Privete 15.0 41.3 49.7 65.6 77.8 101.4 95.9 97.6 80.9 86.7 86.9Public 4.1 8.6 11.6 11.8 6.6 5.2 6.9 -3.7 12.1 10.5 8.6

Depreciation 10.3 21.0 28.6 34.4 41.9 50.6 59.3 65.6 73.* S1.8 89.7

Gross nationol savings 29.4 70.9 89.9 111.8 128.3 157.2 162.1 159.5 166.4 179.0 187.2

Leee: Net factot iacome from 0.4 -0.2 -2.0 -5.4 -9.8 -12.5 -21.6 -26.4 -25.4 -31.6 -37.1abroed

Lese: Wet current traeufera 1.0 1.6 0.8 0.8 1.2 4.4 7.7 4.2 4.4 5.7 6.9from abroad

Groca 4omestic savinge 28.0 69.5 91.1 116.4 136.9 165.3 180.2 181.7 185.4 205.1 217.4

/a Preliminary./b Excludes private on-form investment other than purebascc of agricaltural macbiqary.

Note: Totole may not edd beccuse of rounding.

Source: 33888.


1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1954 19s/.

Coneuptiou 79.4 76.8 76.9 75.3 75.6 75.9 77.2 7i.7 - 80.0 79.2 79.2

Ptivcte 67.9 66.4 66.3 63.9 63.5 63.9 65.0 65.6 66.9 64.1 6508

Cooerel govern-ent 1l.5 10.4 10.6 11.4 12.0 12.0 12.2 13.1 13.1 13.2 13.4

Gross investment 26.2 25.3 26.0 27.0 28.8 27.2 24.7 21.0 23.0 23.9 22.7

Private fixed capital 16.3 17.0 17.6 17.0 16.2 16.0 15.3 13.4 14.4 14.9 13.6

Public fixed capital 7.7 5.2 7.7 7.6 7.7 9.8 8.7 7.9 7.9 8.2 8.1

Cbenge in stocks 2.1 3.2 0.9 2.2 2.9 1.3 0.7 -0.3 0.7 0.48 0.9

lxports of goods *nd servicee 16.7 19.1 20.8 21.5 23.7 24.5 24.9 24.9 22.4 24.4 26.3

Coods 10.5 14.9 1I.0 27.5 19.2 19.3 19.1 18.6 15.7 17.5 0.5

Ponfector oervices 6.2 4.3 2.8 4.0 4.5 5.2 5.8 6.3 6 6.7. 6. 21.6

Imports of goods and services 21.5 23.7 26.3 25.5 29.8 29.9 29.7 25.0. 27.5 26.5 27.5

Goods 19.5 21.7 24.5 23.6 27.7 27.6 27.4 22.8 25.4 24.4 6.2nonfactor services 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 21.2

Sapenditute on gross domestic product 100.7 97.5 97.5 96.3 98.3 97.7 97.1 99.4 97.9 101.0 100.1

Statistical discrepancy /b -0.7 2.5 2.5 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.9 0.4 2.1 -1.0 -0.7 F4

Grors Domestic Product 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Yet natioual esvings 14.0 16.7 15.6 16.5 15.5 15.6 13.1 11.1 10.1 10.0 9.3

Priteat 11.0 13.8 12.6 14.0 14.0 14.8 12.2 11.5 8.8 -8.? 85Public 3.0 2.9 3.0 2.5 1.5 0.6 0.9 -0.4 1.3 0.1 0.8

Deprecietion 7.6 6.9 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.8 8.0 8.2 0.9

Gross notional sovings 21.6 23.7 22.9 23.8 23.1 23.0 20.6 16.9 18.0 18.1 17.9

Lass: Net faetor income from abroad 0.3 -0.1 -0.5 -1.2 -1.8 -1.6 -2.8 -3,1 -2.7. -3.2 -3.5

Loso: Not current transfer from abroad 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.7

Groess doestic savings 20.6 23.3 23.2 24.S 24.7 24.2 22.9 2i.5 20.0 20.7 20.7

e Probably untecorded private consumption.

Source: 33BD1.


1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1960 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985/a

ConguaPt{OO l114.4 155.3 815.7 198.7 214.1 223.0 232.2 236t2 255.4 270.0 277.4Private 96.0 134.4 158.5 166.9 177.2 185.6 191.6 196.4 212.6 225.2 231.2General sovernment 16.4 21.9 27.3 31.6 36.9 37.4 40.6 41.6 42.6 44.6 46.2

Gross inveetment 43.0 50.1 63.9 70.0 76.0 74.3 74.4 64.5 74.0 i0.0 76.5Privete fited cepital /b 27.9 32.9 43.2 44.9 S9.4 47.J 47.7 42.4 47.0 50.7 46.6Publit f1aed capital 12.1 9.5 16.7 19.3 19.6 23.7 24.8 22,4 23.8 26.2 26.3Cbange in stoek. 3.2 7.7 4.0 5.8 6.0 2.9 1.9 -0.3 21.2 2.9 3.6

exports of goode and ootfactor services /c 24.0 26.9 40.7 46.3 50.9 54.2 61.3 67.3 65.5 77.1 91.9.Goods 14.1 22.3 35.6 36.3 41.7 43.6 49.5 54.2 49.3 59.5 70.7Romtector aervicea 9.9 6.6 5.1 6.0 9.2 10.6 11.6 13.1 16.0 17.6 2t.2

Isport. of goode and oontactor services Ic 34.4 36.6 47.4 51.0 61.0' 60.6 60.5 51.8 65.6 67.6 73-1Goodc 31.1 33.7 44.1 4t.1 56.4 56.3 55.9 47.3 60.7 62.6 64.6Rooneetrt services 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.9 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.5 5.1 S.* S.5

Rapeaditur on gross domestic prodsct IC 147.0 197.5 242.9 264.0 260.0 290.9 307.4 316.2 52.1 359-S 372.7__.___,___________________ ___ ------- ------ ------ ------ ..... . . ----- ----- ----- __ *_____

Statiaticat discrepeany 3.1 6.0 -5.7 -2.9 -3.1 2.0 3.9 5.8 13.6 4.7 6.1

Gross Domeetie Product 150.1 203.5 237.2 261.1 276.9 292.9 311.3 324.0 342.9 3f4.2 S76.0

Jt xtclud<e private on-fcr- inveotment other than prucbeaee of agricalttral aebhiaery./c IS3D mission eetimetes. Detived freo table 2.7 *nd oait value indices. Table 3.15. Reports of oonfecter ser,ices

were deflated by import'nnit value index.

Notes: totale may out *dd because of ro"Udiog.


1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 196531

Consumption 6.4 8.5 7.0 7.7 4.2 4.1 2.6 7.2 5.7 2.7

private 6.5 6.4 5.3 6.2 4.8 3.2 2.5 8.3 5.9 2.7

Ceoeral @ov@tnment 10.6 9.2 16.7 15.9 1.3 S.7 3.1 2.2 4.7. 3.1

Gross investatet 4.8 29.1 9.6 8.6 -2.3 0.2 -13.3 14.7 8.1 -4.3

Private fixed capital -6.8 36.7 3.9 10.2 -8.1 0.0 -11.1 13.0 5.8 -8.1

Public flied capital 37.7 23.7 16.0 2.4 31.4 4.8 -9.7 6.3 10.1 -0.4

Lxpotts of go4os ond moafector services -3.7 11.8 13.8 9.9 6.5 13.1 9.8 ..2.7 17.7 1I.2

Goods -3.5 14.5 7.6 8.9 4.6 13.5 9.5 -9.0 20.7 13.8

Nomfactor services -5.7 -3.8 5.7 15.0 15.2 11.3 11.0 22.1 10.0 20.5

Isporta of goods and sonfactor services -2.4 20.9 7.6 19.6 -0.7 -0.2 -14.4 27.0 2.7 8.1'

Goodc -3.4 25.3 6.8 20.2 -0.5 -0.7 -15.4 28.3 3.1 3.2

Nonfactor services 14.3 -15.4 18.2 12.8 -2.3 7.0 -2.2 13.3 -2,0 70.0

Expenditure on gross domestic product 6.1 11.5 8.7 6.1 3.9 5.7 3.5 3.4 902 3.7

Gross Domestic Product 7.1 7.2 10.1 6.1 S.8 643 4.1 g.8 6.2 4.0

to Pre1iuinary.

Soorcest PRBDB and IBR mission estimates (see footnote c. Table 2.9).

TABLE 3.1s OflNAI? SBALAXCX Of PYTEBTS(Aillione of Debt)

1970 I975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 t963 1984 19651.

Nterchandise exports, f.o.b. 14,270 44,382 70,463 82.251 106,861 132,041 ISO,218 157,203 145.076 1?3.520 101.795Nergbandice itpottsc e.i.f. 26,407 64,527 96,005 109,956 153.464 190,025 216,000 193.320 234.276 243.214 2S4.295loo-onetery sold ioportc /b 108 0 57 835 471 0 0 21 3" 32 28

Trnde balance (12.245) (20,145) (25.599) (28,540) (47,053) (57,965) (65.762) (36.137) (60 237) (66,796) (62,526)(as I CDP) (9.0) (6.7) (6.5) (6.1) (8.5) (8.5) (6.4) (4.3) (9.7) (6.9). (6.0

Setvice recetipt. 10.095 16,552 14.,72 22,124 29,164 43.529 51.399 59,269 67.1)7 72,742 88,710Setvice paymento 4,059 10,391 12,337 17,845 25,926 32,384 45,357 50,474 50,562 St,5s2 72,310

Net service 6,036 6,161 2,405 4,279 3,238 11,145 6,042 6.795 .16,575 15,200 16,400

Transfer# (net) 1,012 1,632 602 816 1.224 4,431 3,690 4,204 6.377 4,123 4,500Priv*te 57 1.135 443 128 462 1.530 1,101 1,723 3,518 1,407 1,100Government 954 498 359 688 762 2,901 2,589 2.480 2,859 2,716 3.400

Cerrent secoust balance (5,197) (12.352) (22,392) (23,445) (42,591) (42.409) (56,049) (23,138) (66,265) (49,473) (41,626).( 2GP (3.8) (4.1) (5.7) (5.0) (7.7) (6.2) (7.1) (2.7) (7.2) (5.0M (4.0)

Capitol inflow (net) 2,479 7,755 13,967 14,858 33,767 50,777 55,130 30,345 34,661 56,365 Sl.296Pri'vte sector 2.326 5.696 8S361 3,595 13,075 25,565 21,060 17,271 16.267 42,152 19,466

Direct investnent 891 1,745 2,164 1,011 1,048 3,616 6,363 4.319 6;192 9,625 4.079Hqdiuu- 4 long-taro loans

*nd credits 1,006 1,317 667 689 6,315 13,749 16,948 9,067 4,957 14,947 2,981Other 428 2.635 5,330 1,895 5,713 7,999 (4,251) 3,865 5,1t 7l5as 12,406

Public oector 153 2,058 5,606 11,263 20,692 25,213 34,070 21,075 16,414 16.213 31,830Loans to the centralgoveroneot 445 (105) 771 6,058 8,691 6,064 7,906 8,298 7,538 7,3i2 25,059

Loans 4 credit, to Sttetenterprises 91 2,203 4,767 5,171 12,144 19,003 26,044 13,478 10,325 10,548 11,508

Other central and localgoverneent (383) (40) 68 34 (343) 146 .119 (702) (1,449) (1.663) (4,737)

Allocation of 80R - - - - 494 506 488 ^ _

Irror *4nd oniasiopa 66 1,739 a87 (4,711) 406 (3,695) 2,962 (12,693) 13,326 1,696 2,796

Cbenge in re.serve(increase * -)/c 2,652 2,858 7,538 13,298 7,925 (5,179) (2,531) (3,314) 18,07t (103,586) (12,464)

GOP at corrent market prices 136,060 298,616 393,030 469,952 SS6,240 684,930 786,166 646,136 924,254 99,559 1.047,564…-e--_ - ---- __ -_ _ ---_ -- -+ -_ _ ........ ----------------------------------------------- _-------------_I....................... ........_------------

to including tisies :djat-eento *nd official gold isport. for the niatiog of cowmemerotive coine./c Eacloding SDR allo ctions of 314.3 millios (1 298.2 million) in 1971 and 15.4 million (S 320.7 millieo)

iD 1972 *nd reserve walaotion sdjostaente for 1973, 1974 end 1975.

Soureet lsan of Tbhiland.

Table 3.2: Prlocipot M.rcbamdise Deports

1970 1975 19? 197* 1979 s t980 196? ?982 1986 194 I9SS.

1. lico (metric tons) 1,063,616 951,260 2,946,434 1,606,752 2,796,669 2,799.724 3.031,183 3,784*14) 3,476,460 4,615,503 4,062.062

(millions of Debt) 2,516 5,852 13.382 10.424 15,592 19.506 26,366 22,510 20,157 25,932 22,523

2. lubber (setric tons) 275.610 332,1S9 401.866 442,191 520,953 455,006 472,122 544,467 sss,060 591,919 669,994 f

(tillions of Debt) 2.232 3,474 6,164 6,030 12.351 12,351 10,641 9,490 11,7w7 13,004 i5,s67

3. Waite (Cetric tonx) 1,447,955 2,104,733 1,541.957 1,972,446 2,013,985 2,202.510 2,574,606 2.630,701 2,658,679 3,144,605 2,610,133

(millions of SONt) 1,'169 5,705 3,345 4.275 5,644 7,299 6,349 s .330 8486 10,147 7,700

4. Tapioca prodectt(metric tole) 1,326,645 2,365,443 3.954,366 6,2*7.96S 3,961,201 5,217,702 6,265,833 7,8 15,455 S,194.131 4,569,72s 7.092.126

(millioum of Debt) 1,223 4,597 7.720 10.692 9,91 2t4,8087 16,44, 159,752 715,36$ 1600 14,976

5. Prawae (Nettic tons) 4,421 13,541 13,661 15,376 16,626 17,915 18,761 20,136 I',15N 19,428 24,036

(millione of Debt) 224 S91 1,170 1,500 2,372 1,961 2,134 2,764 3,164 2,799 3,439

6. Tin (mettic tons) 22,246 16.663 21.437 28,943 31,308 33,955 30,074 24,869 r7,724 16,4ss 31,965

(liltions of Dsbt) 1,618 2,247 4,541 7,229 9,252 11,347 9.091 7.773 s,:a5 5,260 5,447

7. SOOt (tetric tons) 56,248 595,434 1,654,610 1,040.049 1,189,616 451.696 1,116,639 2,206.240 U ,536,69t 1,241,959 1,740,526

(mIllions of Debt) 94 5,696 7,445 3,970 4.797 2,975 9,572 12.932 6,336 s,222 .24,$

8. '-tegrated circuit,(tbovsend units) - 39.,87 171,137 254,690 314,063 621,156 599.100 448.005 453,679 747 902 575,937

(millions of eSbt) - 339 1,145 2.156 2,903 6,154 6,193 5,930 5,629 7.352 8,231

9. lestile Prodacts(uilli.On of Debt) 43 1,997 4,594 6,666 8,795 9.643 12.$70 14,005.' 14.351 39,355 23,575

10. ?vecions stones(millions of laht) 130 785 1,055 1,707 2,250 3,240 4,466 4,671 4.214 6.129 6,351

11. Total pri,eipbl exports(millions of Debt) 10,049 31,583 50,s61 57,051 73.647 89,367 100,050 108.1$7 96,978 111,620 112.254

12. Otbere (millios of Debt) 4,723 13,424 20,637 26,014 34,332 43,830 46,953 S1,571 49,494 64,617 s8,110

13. Total (miltione of Dabi) 14,772 45,007 71,198 63,065 108,179 133,197 153,001 159,728 146,472 175.237 193,364

1 Prsliainerl.

Soorte: Dank of Thsiloc4

tab). 3.3s OtIl U 9h8CUAUI'3R tRP08T0 (millions of eabt)

Tble 323 pa$* I

1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 1980 1981 1962 193$ * 1914 t1S9051

Tobacco 1.awes Metric tons 10.761 13,584 27.981 34,810 34,050 39,057 36,646 3S,260 3S5t60 35,M5I 32,923

Killion$ of BDst 197 549 924 1,161 1.243 1,371 1,7S9 2,$46 1,791 1,638 I,S60

fto$ be.en metric tons 69,816 83,222 107,776 160,60S 177,554 179,350 172,176 190,23 156,J59. 172,426 233,472

Milti*as of Sobt 255 465 1,057 1,161 1,375 1,448 1,693 1,9`1 1,552 1,778 2,264

proces fowl Metric tons - 373 *,254 9,287 14,15a 16,343 2690.5 33,217 .2,926 34.217 31.839

Killion* of 3mbt - 9 154 334 517 6S 1.167 1,310 946 1.420 1,467

Bovrh"m Metric tons 79,507 200,059 135,464 158,065 167.034 180,592 220,018 288,75$ 226,279 219,232 316.,92

Killion, of labt 103 462 300 372 495 661 904 926 790 09§ 1i048

'rocb fruits Wmtric tons 9,617 32,520 37,606 43,441 42,802 37,278 47,535 62,4631 51,104 45,673 57,220

Million. of Bebt 22 4S 158 100 215 275 426 .657 525 567 44

Mstotal orehidc metric tons S0 - 2,974 4,330 4.035 4,483 5,309 6,32S 7.944 7,461 7,744

Millions of Debt 4 - 131 17 373 422 402 334 354 391 4s6

Rew cottoo xetric ton 3,418 1,732 2,506 4,945 4.540 10,845 10,715 20,662 12.675 10,816 13,265

Millions of Babt 17 21 36 100 84 343 267 427 260 220 211

Vevorked featbhes metric tons 1,230 973 95 145 1,923 745 1,097 1724. 2,269 2.509 1,156

Million* of lobt IS 10 7 3 111 I3S 323 434. 364 257 384

Coffe* Mottit to,. 120 2 1,124 1,445 3,933 2,157 5,673 6,313 10.620 11,209 20,602

Millions of Sobt I - 79 63 127 173 231 352 452 512 663

Rapok fibre Metric tonc 16,472 14,770 15,442 16,826 18,720 14,771 12,447 10,123 11,556 9,427 9,175

Million, of oebt 134 169 244 237 264 2SS 285 229 250 220 230

Vr*sh tuttleficab etrio tons 2,905 16,0*7 25,739 34,011 39,357 38,641 39,804 42,656 39,323 42,823 46.290

Millions of Subt 38 513 664 1,022 1,471 1,301 1,336. 1,704 1.63t 1,693 2.120

Picb *eal . Mtric ton. 13.215 26,919 75,617 102,971 126,469 114,343 1l3,771 63,074 93.244 85,487 74,791

millions of Debt 35 136 535 727 064 972 1,014 70 , 765 74? 605

htrah fiab Ietric tone 15,070 28,S60 40,197 48,107 45,977 41,435 56,047 53,216 53.410 75,255 96,435

Million$ of Debt 35 122 234 316 399 381 761 669 666 1,013 1,376

Dried cuttistiub Netrie totn - 1,382 2,195 2,459 2,542 2,456 2,912 3,565 3,441 3,919 4,364

Willions of *ebt - 103 209 318 302 376 46 6*07 630 see 1,044

't*ogutNn Mettic tons l.151 3.362 3,971 5,774 3,609 3,637 1,993 1,412 1,209 1,685 1,2J6

Millions of UObt 63 379 799 1,020 620 647 379 200 , 132 220 "5°

*1uotito metric tons 349.257 211,699 241,459 205,497 219,390 226,305 221,836 102,304 165,002 230,137 399,640

Miltions of hcbt 222 204 230 206 252 314 332 320 289 564 343…__--------_-----_--_-_-_----------------_-_-------

7------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------- 7----------- -------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

fable 3.3 P.. 2

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 19*2 198) 198* 19851.

Cemned pineapple metric tons 13,640 36,942 88.061 113,859 117,304 127,008 161,391 l50o242 135,795 186,276 192.746Ilillione of Snht 55 346 898 1,201 1,244 1,432 2,039 1,9913 i871 2.846 3,293

Canoed tfieb uetti tow 7 1,291 4,798 9,833 10,553 14,159 28,371 43*706 49,94? $1,419 102,931Kh11ionc of Sebt 34 147 253 374 603 1,109 2,665 - 7116 3,898 S,203

Caened crseteceane Mettic tons 910 5.052 6,241 13,408 17,038 15,250 20,722 19,580 29,048 29,542ittioni of Sht - 40 257 363 844 987 1,009 11479 1,664 2,1* 2,t43

W6).elec Netric toae 111,528 500,027 953,176 742,030 533.033 245,846 443,325 927,422 726,830 .7744504 751,656Nilliona of 8ebt 45 478 746 507 528 364 696 8St 609 863 758

Iron or tte-l tubes, mettic toos 7,423 10,093 11,260 28,799 40,269 87,198 55,035 47,502 50,056 102,452 162,918and pipec MiltioDe of Debt 24 68 84 219 395 932 560 468 429 86J 1.448

Leetber Slove. Nettie tons 2.506 12,211 25.333 38,654 23,994 1$,340 16.867 14.922 23.530 21,460Nitliotic ,f Debt - 23 134 264 553 410 242 250. 223 355 347

Artificial flowers Metric tons 4 676 3,00# 3.283 5,178 4,795 S,793 5,110 4,430 4,617 4,121 IMillion. of Debt - 24 103 320 166 286 383 312 485 I5O 914 0

WaIl *ad floor Metric tone 47 2,020 17,719 28,915 21,732 19,985 20,351 21,414 25,611 23.477 20,929tile* millions of Debt - 12 98 199 177 218 227 217 302 311 296

Yood products Willionr of Snht 36 497 667 1,002 1,333 1,363 1,367 1,332 1,336 1,646 1.902.Jote productt Millions of Sebt 79 595 479 914 3,380 1,516 1,245 1,292 1.300 2,036 1.614Vootwer Millione of Debt - 15 25 92 181 358 936 1,340 1.74) 2.052 2,366purniturO *sd parts Millions of Dnbt - 13 109 200 378 576 707 793 981 2,017 1,318Plastic products miltions of DSbt 9 93 195 203 370 610 689 71a, 936 1,297 1,262Jewelry Millions of Snbt 16 63 154 352 502 533 526 578 1,028 5,254 2,166

Otherc Uilliopa of Debt 3.295 7,853 10,576 12,716 17,111 23,908 23,403 24,595 23,220 29,683 40,958

total Millions of Debt 4,723 13,424 20,637 26.014 34,332 43.830 46,951, 51,571 49,494 61,617 81,110

ts Prelininrly.


1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1i87 1983 1964 196---

Killiona of salt

Japan 3,770 12,420 14,029 16,866 22,901 20,098 21,704 21.947 2t,0J7 22,787 25.813Unitet States 1,985 4,96B 6,929 9,153 12,106 16.634 19,794 20.251 21,695 30,i0t 36,016

Netberlamds 1.2?6 4,547 9.564 12,165 12,260 17,639 18,674 21,013 15,063 17,47J 13,719

Singapore 1.018 4,068 4,505 6,723 9,222 10,292 11.991 11,654 11,913 14,722 15,365Vang tong- 1,113 2,716 3,342 4,436 5,260 6,754 7.350 7,93* 7,2*1 6,646 7.804

laT rioa 030 2,099 3,769 4,296 4,769 5,990 6,968 0.342 6,561 8$,27 9.,33Terawny, *ed. Rep. 533 1,116 2,491 3,441 4,391 5,516 4,934 5,35S 5,105 5,799 7,196Tait*a 720 1,070 $,.67 1,006 A.365 1,791 2,014 1,916 1,479 2,431 3,130Onited KiFgdon 305 529 1,017 1,283 1,989 2,493 2,464 3,642 2,990 3,916 4,701Otbor 3.222 11,474 22,373 23,594 33,916 45,790 57,108 58.260 51,265 63,082 67,947

Total Merchandise Exportg 14,772 45,007 71,188 63,065 108,179 133,197 IS3,001 159,728 146,479 175.231 193,3i4________________________- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ---- ------- ..... __ ... - - -- -- + -

?eaoentage of total ,

Japan 25.5 27.6 19.7 20.3 21.2 15.1 14.2 13.7 15.1 13.0 13.3United State. 13.4 11.0 9.6 11.0 11.2 12.6 12.9 12,7 14.9 It.2 19.7Petherlanda 8.6 10.1 18.4 14.7 11.3 13.2 12.2 13.2 10.6 10.0 7.1Singapore 6.9 9.0 6.3 8.1 8.5 7.7 7.8 7.3. 8,1 8.4 .9Rong to$n 7.5 6.1 4.7 5.3 4.9 5.1 4.8 S,0 5.0 3.4 4,0

ifalaysia 5.6 4.6 5.3 5.2 4,4 4.5 £.6 5.2 4.5 4.7 5.0

Gerrany, red. Rep. 3.6 2.5 3.5 6.1 4.1 4.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.3 3,1Taiwan 4.9 2.4 4,5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 ; 1.0 1.4 1.6

Unitod Kingdom 2.9 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4Othor 21.9 2s.5 31.4 28.5 31.4 34,5 37.3 36.4 35.3 36.0 35.1

/a Preliminary.

Scuw.e: !abn of Thailand.


1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1961 1982 1983 1984

…--------------------------------- …illions of B^bt -------------- …-…---- -----

Rice 2,516 5,852 13,382 10,425 15,592 19.877 26,353 22,510 20,157 25,932Hong Kong. 552 900 600 660 723 1,657 1,172 952 1,196 1.161Singapore 392 716 1,082 1,017 1,324 1,436 1,722 1431 1,325 1,438mNlaysia 300 121 881 891 667 1,169 2,i47 2777 1,595 2.182tIdooesie 277 74 3,683 813 3,056 3,627 1,719 1256 1,402 105Soudi Arabia 296 317 155 298 274 388 886 670 469 592india 54 679 - 2 - - 470 8 997 1,329Philippines - 405 61 - - 8 - 1 176Sri Lanka 50 615 529 - 2 - 74 5 S8 145Japan 66 45 147 134 69 71 t40 220 49 96Other 529 1,980 6,244 6,610 9,477 11,521 17,423 15162 13,066 18,748

Rubber 2,232 3,474 6,164 8,030 12,351 12,351 10,639 9,490 11,787 13,004Japan 1.153 1,923 3,271 4,391 7,220 8.109 7.650 5592 6,801 7,119United States 210 312 854 910 1,123 991 950 857 1,526 1,464Singapore 134 446 800 1.515 1,816 1.234 717 990 1,049 1,596Malaysia 140 296 423 501 622 585 354 295 366 308Italy 207 17 10 - - - - I 2 3Other 388 480 806 713 1,570 1,432 1,166 1755 2,043 2,514

Naise 1,969 5,705 3,345 4,275 5,638 7,299 8,326 8,330 8,486 10,147Japan 878 2,252 754 1,068 1,140 310 65 556 36 21Taivan 599 355 804 - 203 550 340 524 29 145Singspore 152 1,337 420 686 778 956 1,074 1296 1,176 1,279long go"g 160 355 382 411 666 501 431 746 845 140Malaysia 130 433 484 773 1,217 1,457 1,504 1732 1,746 2,105Otber 50 973 501 1,337 1,634 3.525 4,914 '3416 4,652 6,457

Tin (Metal) 1,618 2,247 4,541 7,229 9.253 11,347 9.099 -7,773 5,265 5,280United States 1,104 1,044 1,491 1,632 3,185 4,350 2,940 2904 2,171 1,933Yetherlands 445 330 1,760 3,857 4,341 5,018 4,471 3461 1,760 1,954Japan 69 780 1,290 1,530 1,727 1,979 1,361 1295 1,175 938Other - 93 0 10 - - 327 113 159 455

Tapioca Products 1,223 4,597 7,720 10,892 9,891 14,887 16,434 19,752 15,387 16,600Netberlands 723 3,664 6,216 7,053 6,464 9,767 12,222 15405 12,115 12,694Germany, led. Rep. 267 181 345 750 546 962 605 690 270 136United States 113 115 126 117 97 163 219 133 211 234Japan 78 256 313 267 243 313 354 401 323 590Otber 42 381 720 2,705 2,541 3,662 3,034 3123 2,466 2,746

---------- _-------- -------

Table 3.5 Pas. 2

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1901 1902 19- 3 1984.

----------------------- millions of Baht --------

Kenaf and Jute 719 643 418 448 391 154 78 36 28 480Japan 207 25 78 13 24 3 2 - 1 1

OelgLaum 71 34 5 a 3 - 1 - : 6France 56 50 1 - - - _ . - -

United Kingdom 54 9 6 - 4 - 1 - -

Germany, Fed. Rep. 23 13 6 5 7 - 6 - _ 1United States 21 34 23 40 29 _ 22 4 4 7Italy 36 8 1 2 1 - - -

Portugal 21 X - - -

Spain 42 2 14 13 9 2 - - - -

Folakd 20 33 19 20 9 - - - - -

Other 168 429 263 345 305 149 46 32 23 465

Sugar 94 5,696 7,445 3,969 4,797 2,975 9,571 12!932 6,338 5,222;Malaysia - 633 695 418 456 112 362 540 305 421Viet Na - - - - I - - - -

Japan 62 3,098 2,753 1,532 2,740 807 872 1997 2559 1826Vnited States 32 1,041 - 267 129 559 2,548 2039 186 334Hong.Rong - 1 1 - 38 - 12 20 16 17

Other - 923 3,996 1,752 1,433 1,497 5,777 8336 3272 2624…------------------_------------------------------------------.-.--------..--..------------_-------------______

'able 3.5 Ve4e 3

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 2982 1983 198

-------------------------------- Tbousands of uetric ton -- --------------

Rice 2-,063.3 951.3 2,946.4 1,606.7 2,796.9 2,799.7 3,027.8 3,784.1 3,476.5 4,621.$Ron$ tons 195.6 121.8 113.6 93.0 109.8 128.5 114.6. 121.5 149.3 1$9.4Singapore 139.4 103.6 220.3 141.4 192.9 182.2 157.4. 171.3 176.9 216.1Malaysia 127.9 18.0 204.6 160.3 103.7 152.8 235.7 407.5 254.1 35i,4Indonesia 144.0 11.$ 851.2 170.1 633.2 647.5 l9B.O 185.3 256.6 It9.Saudi Arabia 120.6 56.5 26.0 41.4 43.2 45.0 83.6 94.9 73.0 92.2India 33.5 142.6 - 0.3 - - 54.0 1.0 195.6 267.4Philippines 0.1 74.8 19.4 - - 1.0 - 0.2 - 34.4Sri Lanka 22.8 103.7 163.6 - 1.1 ^ 15.5 1.0 10.5 21.1Japan 31.5 8.4 42.0 19.0 14.5 13.3 80.9 35.2 8.3 18.3Other 248.1 310.4 1,305.7 981.2 1,698.5 1,629.4 2,088.1 2,760.2 2.347.6 3,432.4

Rubber - 275.6 332.2 401.9 442.2 521.0 455.0 472.1 544.S 555.1 593.9Japan 142.8 185.3 213.0 246.8 303.4 299.8 329.0 320.3 319.9 322.1United States 25.9 27.7 55.2 48.5 46.5 35.7 42.0 48.5 69.1 65.7Singapore 16.7 44.3 53.2 80.8 75.9 45.4 32.0 58.2 53.9 71.5Malaysia 17.9 29.8 28.2 28.0 27.3 22.7 16.5 17.9 17.1 1S.4Italy 24.3 1.7 0.6 - - - - 34.0 0.1 0.2Other 48.0 43.4 51.7 38.1 67.9 51.4 52.6 65.6 95,0 117.0

Maixe 1,448.0 2,104.7 1,542.0 1,972.4 2,014.0 2,202.5 2,574.6 2,30.7 2.638.I 3,144.6Japan 649.9 826.5 400.0 545.4 468.9 111.0 20.6 185.6 i0.6 5.9Taiwan 447.3 119.8 389.7 - 71.9 165.2 99.9 191.0' 713 50.7Singapore 109.7 516.4 176.6 314.8 269.3 289.9 365.1 465.0 832.5 406.Hong Kong 112.1 130.8 158.4 186.6 231.0 169,9 134.0 262.4 265.2- 4i.Malaysia 92.8 161.5 205.2 349.9 411.4 435.2 471.4 578.7 539.6 651.6Other 36.2 349.7 212.1 575.7 561.S 1,031.3 1,483.6 1,148.0 1,003.5 1,986.0

Tin (Netal) 22.2 16.7 21.5 28.9 31.2 33.9 30.1 24.9 17.7 18.5Vnited States 15.3 7.8 7.2 7.2 10.8 13.1 9.8 9.4 7.3 6.8Netberlands 6.0 2.4 8.2 15.6 14.6 14.9 14.7 10.4 5.9 6.8Japan 0.9 5.8 6.1 6.1 5.8 5.9 4.5 4.3 3.9 3.3Otber - 0.7 - - - - 1.1 044 0.6 I.6

Tapioca Products 1,326.9 2,385.4 3,954.4 6,288.0 3,961.2 5,217.7 6,265.8 7,815.$ 5,196.H 6,560.7Netberlands 845.9 1,968.8 3,299.6 4,208.7 2,404.1 3,666.3 4,907.3 6,379.6 4,562.4 5,393.9Germany, Fed. Rep. 308.8 101.3 186.6 435.9 223.9 339.4 243.6 279.7 97.7 53.1United States 76.7 35.5 33.6 33.0 20.8 27.3 40.6 25.2 S6.0 40.0Japan 57.0 100.5 97.0 94.3 54.9 56.7 78,5 79.S 60.3 14.5Otber 38.5 179.3 337.6 1,516.1 1,255.5 1,126.0 995.6 1,051.5 640.4 926.2

a------_ -_ --------------------------------- e----------------- _------ _ -------------- -…---,,_ __ - . __,......

Table 3.5 Page 4

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

-------------------------------- Thousands of netric tons -------…-----…---------…*-------

lenaf and Jute 247.7 157.5 81.2 91.1 79.0 30.4 19;.6 8.2 6.6 66.9 Japan 77.6 5.8 13.9 2.9 5.5 0.6 0.4 - 0.1 - 0.2Belgium 25.6 8.3 1.3 2.1 0.7 0.2 - 0.1 0.1 0.8France 7.3 12.3 0.2 - - - - -United Kingdom 18.2 3.2 1.2 0.4 1.1 - 0.3 - -Geruauy, Fed. Rep. 9.4 3.6 1.2 1.2 1.4 0.2 0.5- - 0.1United States 11.6 12.4 11.2 17.5 10.9 6.3 8.7 1.8 1.3 1.6Italy 12.4 2.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 - - - -Portugal 7.9 1.5 - - - - - -Spain 13.4 0.4 2.6 2.0 1.5 0.3 - 0,1.Poland 6.6 7.8 3.6 3.0 1.7 - - - - -Other 57.7 100.0 45.8 61.6 56.0 22.8 9.7 6.3 5.1 64.1i

Sugar 56.2 595.4 1,654.6 1,040.1 1,189.9 451.7 1,118.6 2,206.2 1,536.9 1,242.0Malaysia - 69.6 173.7 108.4 123.3 17.9 43.0 98.5 78.9 114.8'.Viet pam -- 0.2 0.2 - - - -Japan 36.0 318.4 627.1 411.4 657.9 123.8 104.5 40126 633.0 440.0United States 18.2 118.6 - 65.0 33.8 79.5 275.1 290.9 29.7 39.6Bong Kong - 0.5 0.7 0.1 9.2 .0 - 3.9 2.3 3.6Otber - 88.3 853.1 455.2 365.5 230.3 696.0 1,411.3 793.0 644.0

_______--- - - _ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -_ - - - - - - ---- _--_------------- ------- --- -- -- --

So Prel imiDarat

8ource: Department of Customs..

Teble 3.6: NE2CUAWDISS IMPORTS(willienae of Iebt)

teble 3.6 PAge l

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1960 198 1 IS2 1963 1914 9lSo,

Capital Coode 9.371 22.239 24,393 31,317 39,902 46.075 56,772 47.776 69,156 72,431 74,573_____________ ___ ___ ___ _,_ ___ __- ___--_ --- --- --- ---

Nachirery *ad pctt 6,142 14,703 16,147 21,730 26,003 31,603 36,709 32,160 46,977 51,901 49.600Uanelectricel 4,723 11,973 12,592 15,894 16,648 20,402 25,642 21,112 23,061 34.992 35,000Ilectrical t,419 2.730 3,555 5,836 7,355 11,206 10,867 11,008 15,916 16.909 14,600

Netal *enufacteree 1.047 1.544 1.887 2,272 2,987 3,142 5 147 2,986 4,046 3.952 4,976Fertilisero and pesticideo 582 1,933 2,736 2,937 3.972 4,225 5 160 4,723 6,2 6,162 5,737

Sclentilic nd otical inotroneenh 415 742 1,074 1,365 1,667 2,290 2,991 3,256 4,596 4,008 4,297Coneeruction materiel tb 185 144 196 587 1,732 1,612 412 242 292 298 317Otber 1,000 3.173 2,351 2.426 3,541 3.198 6,333 4,391 5,213 6.030 8.64

luteraediete Ptoducts and Raw materials 6,725 16,105 26,921 22,598 43,500 45,312 53,575 4S,596 59.539 61,542 66,160

Chiefly for gooda 4,239 10,31S 16.060 16,937 26,108 28,182 33,716 :30,427 37,187 39,016 41,398Chemicala 1,962 5,522 8.363 9,573 14,856 14,962 18.011 16,136 20,790 20,730 23,046Textile fibere 602 1,902 3,134 2,236 3,189 3,175 3,915 3,247 4,514 5,3S8 5,672PaPer and paperboer4 509 935 1,206 ',356 1,924 2,114 2,686 2,S36 3,109 2,§i4 ).656Tobecco 279 693 896 730 813 1,019 665 1,639 603 974 1,409Textile yarn and thread 435 393 366 441 704 786 1,276 t,094 1,399 1.513 1,445Other 352 673 2,095 2,601 4,624 6,126 6,791 5,774 6,770 7,499 6,170

Chiefly for capital $oode 2,566 5,787 10,661 12,661 17,392 37,130 19.859 18.169 22.352: 22,524 24,760Iron and steel 1,447 3,236 6.352 7,765 10,035 10.335 12 039 11.523 13,860 14,035 15,942Otber beae metels 613 2.131 3,454 3,842 6,110 5,900 6.76S 5,621 7,387 7,239 7,404

Other 126 420 1,OSS 1,054 1,247 695 1,053 1,035 1,105 3.150 1,414

Consu9er Goods 5,229 8.455 11,114 12,942 15,933 19.266 22,985 22,783 29,699 31,939 34,613

Nondurable goode 3,486 5,14S 6,346 7.544 9.343 12,257 13,616 12,991 16,045 17,663 19,953food end bevererea 1,114 2.005 2.644 3.104 4,263 6.182 6 447 5,636 7,041 6.072 30,219* C1oth±ng and footwear 1,427 1,585 1,658 2,122 2,245 3,037 3.730 3,600 4,966 S.,523 5.210Nedicinal and pharmaceutical produc 741 1,198 1,511 1,615 1,934 2.130 2 377 2,494 2,766 2.733 3,073Otber 204 360 533 703 901 906 1,062 1,057 1,250 1.335 1,551

Durable goodc 1,743 3.307 4,768 5,396 6,590 7.029 9,369 9,792 13,654 14,276 14,660Household goode 506 969 1,346 1,616 1,950 2,266 2,573 2,471 2,665 3,044 3,490Uleetric appliances 637 1.054 1,655 2,045 2,475 2,867 3,732 4,039 5.719 6.726 6,837Cyclee. mototcycles, crt. 305 610 1,257 1.037 919 931 1,225 1.024 1,310 1,264 950Other 295 474 508 700 1.2t 945 1,839 2.256 5,740 3,2J 3,563

.-------- _-- _----- _-- _ ___-__--___--------------_ __-_-_-----_ ,_____-----------__-___-_ __ ___f ___ _^_40 _ 3__ 2__ ___ __

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~table 3.6 Page, 2

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 19*1 1982 19*3 1904 1985Je

Otber imports 5,684 20,036 .31,749 35,042 46,026 78.013 83,414 72,459 78.011 79,243 76,462

Fuels ead lubricsnts 2,329 14,233 20,689 22,S51 32,647 56,733 65,100 40,765 57,065 57,3S 5-6,i;;Vehicles snd parts 2,204 4.542 7.958 7,SS0 7,126 6.912 9,566 :7,687 11,416 11.34 9,291Otber tc 1.151 1,261 2,902 4,641 7,053 12.360 8,746 9,007 9,532 10.0)6 10,*53

Total lports Id 27.099 66,835 94.177 108,899 146,161 168,686 216.746 196,616 236,609 245,155 252,006

Adjustment for B/PIle (494) (2,309) (1,094) (1,182) (l,679) (5,264) (2,699) (3,i76) (2,296) (2,.39) (2.707)Cold imports (10S) - (57) (834) (471) - - (20) (35) (312) (it)Thai milit.ry imports /f - - 416 1.691 5.625 3,973 Other imports If - - 2,563 1,362 3,827 2,630 2,153 - 5,050 NZ

M.rcbaodise loports. c.i.f. 26,407 64.526 96.005 109,956 153.463 190,025 216,000 193,320 234,276 242,284 254.321 I

Is Prelimiosry./b Including cement.Ic Including gold bullioe imports.Id Date for 1980 and 1961 exclude isports of aircraft vbicb bnve been accouoted.

for in the balance of payments statistics for the ectual sontb of imports.Jc Diploustic shipments, personal effectr, temporta, etc.It lot includeo ie custoes return, e.g., aircraft for thai laternational.

Source: lank of Thailand.

Table 3.7t PINANCIMOG O NBECSAIDISB iPpoSTS(Nillions of US dollore)

1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 1960 1961 1962 1983 1964 19651.

tuports under granae 33.3 17.7 11.4 22.9 20.0 27.0 32.9 25.0 41.2 44.9

US grent& 17.9 4.7 0.9 3.5 3.1 2.7 3.9 6.5 13.0 1.5go 4 otb., epecialired agencies 11.$ 9.3 4.7 8.5 6.3 10.0 6.1 5.7 8.1 0.0Colombo Plen 3.6 3.7 5.$ 10.9 10.6 14.3 22.9 12.6 20.1 I8.4

Imports under project loan. 42.4 147.3 322.2 661.0 1,075.9 1,253.6 1,392.2 1,145.1 1,143.5 Li37S.8

Officiel 42.1 110.7 305.9 565.5 1.05S.1 1,120.8 1,267.0 1.12S.? 1,097.0 1,306.5Private 0.3 16.6 16.3 75.5 20.S 133.0 125.2 16.3 46.5 70.S

Ilportr under eupplierc' credits 175.0 110.3 80.0 59.9 111.0 327.5 214.2 239.2 -222.9 172.3

Official lb 16.4 _ 1.7 _ 104.9 54.5 94.9 61.7 19.8 21.1Private: 156.6 110.3 78.3 59.9 111.0 222.7 159.6 144.3 161.2 152.5 160.3

Nacbinery & parts 6.S 68.3 468.2 35.3 93.1 160.3 110.5 95.2 t31.5 141.3 156.4(Of wbicl u wceviOg industry) (50.9) (57.4) (3.6) (2.4) (32.2) (7.1) (24.7) (t3.11 (26.3) (23.6) (9.3)

Cars. buses 4 trucks 4*.9 9.3 5.0 6.1 4.6 4.3 4.6 3.7 2.7 2.7 2.5Tractors. roller., groders 6.0 7.6 20.5 15.1 10.2 30.1 4.9 $.8 06 0.5 0.2 Otber 14.9 4.9 4.6 3.4 3.1 26.0 39.6 40.6 20.2 6.0 19.7

Imports under foreign inaeetment 0.5 - - - - - - - - -

Imports induced by uS militaryexpenditures 106.5 70.3 - 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.7

Direct 20.0 13.2 - - 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1Indirect 86.5 57.1 - 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.6

tuports not subjected to foreigSe:cb.nge paymenta 23.8 115.4 54.7 58.1 82.2 257.0 133.4 142.4 99.6 120.1

Oubtot4l 361.5 461.0 468.3 602.0 1.292.2 1,S65.S 1,773.2 1,552.4 1.508.4 4.714.6

I-portc financed by oun resoutces 917.0 2,s80.6 4,369.5 4,703.0 6,330.4 7,471.9 6,262.5 6,995.9 6,776.9 6,457.7

Total tIports 1,296.5 3.341.6 4,859.6 S,505.0 7,620.6 9,537.7 10,055.7 #,546.5 10,267.3 10.372.5

-------- …...

14 Preliminary./b locluding local *overeenrte.

Source: baok of Thailand.


1970 1975 1977 197S 1979 1980 1961 19S2 1983 1984 19851.

millions of Baht

Japcn 10,107 21,0B5 30,469 33,461 37,636 39,984 52,521 46,086 64,757 66,059 66,525aeited Stntee 4,011 9,566 11,570 14,831 22,754 27,208 /b 28,087 /b 26,220 29.708 32,679 31,537Geruany, Fed. Rep. 2,288 3,482 5,194 6,300 7,936 6,222 9,334 7,624 tl065 10,304 13,564gnited tingdom 2,014 3,032 3806 4,164 4,708 5,033 5,851 5,023 5,390 5,739 6,324Anutralia 852 1,536 1I882 2,457 3,268 3,549 4,223 4,339 4,219 4,621 4,154Soudi Arabia 536 6,012 7,789 6,076 9,404 19,103 29,395 29,819 24,431 .20,865 7,121Taiwan 603 1,608 2,336 3,690 4,028 3,955 4,589 5,501 6,762 6,797 7,793Italy 4S8 1,226 1,184 1,305 2,182 2,664 2,488 2,107 2,195 2,648 2,1929netberlandg 368 681 1,189 1,314 1,749 4,676 2,786 2,275 2,672 2,721 2,480

Robg Kong 374 640 1,086 1,230 1,546 1,792 1,942 2,059 2,704 3,050 2,915other 5,368 17,967 27,670 34.071 50,952 72,500 75,528 65,563 8l:,6'7. 69,472 106,666

Total Merchandise imports 27,009 66,835 94.177 108.899 146,163 215,894 lb 244,833 /b 196.616 236,610 245,155 . 252,008

Percentage of total

Japan 37.4 31.6 32.4 30.7 25.7 21.2 24.2 23.4 27.4 27.0 26.4 *United Stater 14.8 14.3 12.3 13.6 15.6 14.4 13.0 13.3 12.6 13.3 12.5,Germany, Fed. tap. 8.5 5.2 8.5 5.6 5.4 4.4 4.3 3.9 4.7 4.2 5.4gnited Kingdom. 7.5 4.5 4.0 3.8 3.2 2.7 2.1 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.5Ahutralia 3.2 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.9 1.6Soudi Arabia 2.0 9.0 8.3 5.6 6.4 10.1 13.6 15.2 10.3 S.J 2.8Taiwan 2.2 2.4 2.5 3.4 2.8 2.1 2.1 2.B 2.9 2.8 3.1Italy 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.4 1,1 I 1 1.4 1.2 1.2Netherlands 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0Boag Kong 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2Otber 19.8 26.9 29.4 31.3 34.9 38.4 34.9 33M3 34.4 36.5 42.3

_______-----_-___-----__--_--_---_-_-_--_-----------------------_--------------------------------_-__--- --------- ------------ __ ---------------

Ia Srcluding importt of aircraft which bave been accounted fot in

the balance of paSYs6n0 statistic. for the actual month of imports.

Boerce: Sank of Thailand.

Table 3.9: SXRVIChS

(millions of Debt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1910 1981 1982 1943 1964 19851.

Receipts tO,095 16,552 14,772 22.124 29,164 43,529 51,399 59,269 *7,37 72.742 68,710

Freigbt 6 insurance on werchandise 313 1,229 1,730 2,144 2,594 3,870 4,793 5,047 5,961 7,060 9,190Otber transportatioa 299 1.269 1.469 J,3B5 2,200 2,410 2,122 3,294 3,595 4,019 3,310Travel 2.170 4,482 4,607 8,895 11,232 17,765 21,456 23,879 25,050 27,317 34,300

R 4 lb 390 - - - - - - - - - -Other /c 1.780 4.482 4,607 8,895 11,232 17,765 21,4i6 23,879 25,050 27,317 34,300

investment incere 1.637 3.887 3.036 3,367 4,219 5,316 5,779 5,642 5,227 5,211 6,670Governmaent, n.i.e. 4,840 3,520 1,081 1,336 1,707 2,529 2,29S 2,300 2,596 2,532 3,760Other 836 2,164 2,849 4,998 7,213 11,639 14,954 19,108 24,706 26,603 31,460Workers' remittances 25 375 912 2,112 3,818 7,703 10,428 14,222 19,457 21,1S6 24,700.

Paymente 4,059 10,391 12,367 17,845 25,926 32,384 4S,357 50,474 50,378 57,542 72,310

Freight 4 incurence on mercbafdie 203 822 1,290 1,721 2,079 2.619 3,160 3,496 2,861 3,690 4,360Otber transportation 186 644 690 974 1,636 2.071 2,183 2,282 3,061 2. 747 3,700Travel 1,267 2 ,735 3,184 3,579 4,648 4,989 6,028 6,151 7,896 7,291 7,900 t4lnveatment income 1,257 3,776 4,514 8,178 13,324 17,002 26,506 30,624 26,976 35,430 47,000 c0Government. n.i.e. 395 304 448 523 564 734 1,609 1,569 1,401 1,230 850Other 749 2,110 2,234 2,869 3,675 4,970 5,872 6,352 6,10M 7,155 16,400

Net Services 6,036 6.161 2,405 4,279 3,238 11,145 6,042 8,795 16,258 15,199 16,400

Freight & insurance on mercheodise 111 407 441 423 515 1,251 1,632 1,S51 3,080 3,370 4,610Otber transportation 112 626 779 411 564 339 (61) 1,011 534 1,272 (390)Travel 903 1,747 1,423 5,316 6,584 12,777 15,428 17,728 17,154 20,027 26,400tnvestmeat income 379 III (1,479) (4,812) (9,105) (11,685) (20,727) (24,983) (23,750) (30,219) (40,330)Government, n.i.e. 4,445 3.216 633 813 1,143 1.795 689 732 1,135 1,302 2,910Other 87 54 609 2,128 3,537 6,669 9,082 12,7Sf 18,605 19,44U 15,080

/e Preliminary./b eatimeted erpenditures of US soldiers' on rest snd recreation leave./c xatimsted espenditures of other tourists made by the Tourist Orgeaisstion of Tbhiland,

Source: bonk of Thailand.

Table 3.10: IUVESTHENT INCOME(Millione of Iaht)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985/ae

Receipts 1,637 3,887 3,036 3,367 4,219 5,316 5,779 5,642 5,227 5,211 6,670

Privete sector 104 469 482 432 744 1,451 2,020 2,031 1,945 1,724 2,200Interest 63 286 194 166 336 1,058 1,641 1,513 1,464 1.549Profits of branches 39 182 286 261 403 80 371 496 366 114Otber 2 2 2 4 5 313 8 22 115 61

Public sector 1,532 3,418 2,554 2,935 3,475 3,865 3,759 3,1ll 3,282 3,487 4,470Interest 1,532 3,418 2,554 2,935 3,475 3,865 3,759 3,61J 3,282 3,487

Payment. 1,257 3,776 4,516 8,178 13,324 17,002 26,506 30,624 29,160 35,430 47,000____ _____ __-----_ ------ -- ------ ----- ------

Privste sector 963 3.045 3,199 5,933 9,832 10,775 15,730 15,961 14,760 19,225 27,660Interest lb 378 1,587 1,512 4,182 7,821 8,684 11,985 10,558 9,540 12,234Profits of branches 405 690 654 541 732 778 1,168 3,197 3,161 4,857-Dividends 171 720 984 1,120 1,240 1,271 2,495 2,128 2,010 2,065Otber 9 48 49 90 39 42 82 78 49 69,

Public sector 295 731 1,317 2,246 3,492 6,226 10,776 £4,663 14,400. 16,205 19,340Interest 295 731 1,317 2,246 3.492 6,226 10,537 14,335 13,978 1S.885

Central government 245 481 602 941 1,711 3,203 4,504 5,617 50642 6,819State enterprises 50 248 715 1,305 1,781 3,023 6,033 8,718 8,137 9,066Local goveroment - 2 - - - - - - -

not Investment Income 379 111 (1,479) (4,812) (9,105) (11.685) (20,727) (24,983) (23,933) (30,219) (40,330)_____________________ -___- ___-_______ _______-_______-________-________-________-_ -__-_ __ _____ -_____-

Private sector (859) (2,576) (2,717) (5,501) (9,089) (9,324) (13,710) (13,931) (12.615) (17, 50) (25,460)Public sector 1,238 2,688 1,237 689 (16) (2,361) (7,017) (11,052) (11.1l8) (12,710) (14,870)

/a Prelimi#ary./b Included interest on suppliers' credits since 1981.

Source: Bank o.f Thailand.

table 3.*311 s CV3331331ll, a .1t**.e(*:liion ot 3ebs}

1970 1975 1977 1978 1919 1980 I36t 1962 1983 1984 19651.

Receipts 4,840 3,520 1,081 1,336 1.707 2,529 2,298 2,300 2,596 2.532 1,7600 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~-- ----

Militarn 4 193 2,644 5 6 43 17 29 52 55 34US military personnel and *genciee 4.159 3,602 3 6 43 17 29 .52 55 36US contracrtor for *ilitary projects 5 41 1 - - - - - -Other uilit4ry 28 1 1 - - - -

Sonmilitery 640 1,645 1.077 1,331 1,664 2,513 2,269 2,246 2,541 2,494

Paymente 395 304 440 523 564 734 1,609 1:549 1,461 1,230 650

militery 15 0 29 95 162 262 251 336 372 233

Nonmilitary 360 304 420 428 362 472 1,356 1,233 1,069 S 997Services ander aid programs 193 25 19 20 14 23 73 1.5 94 152Other ito 278 401 406 368 449 1,285 ,158 995 84 O

Net Government, ni.e. 4,445 3.216 633 613 1,143 1,795 689 732 1,135 1,302 2.910

military 4,177 2,644 -24 -90 -139 -246 -222 -204 -317 -195Nonmilitery 267 573 657 903 1,202 2,041 911 1,015 1,451 1,49'

Ja Preliminary.

Source: lank of Thailand.

Tablte 3.12: TRAUSV3RS(millions of Debt)

1970 1973 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981' 1982 1983 1984 19851,

Private tranafere 57 1,135 443 128 462 1,530 1,201 1,723 3.516 1,407 1,100

Inflov 204 1,323 675 371 713 1,922 1,408 2,6$ S,958 1,856Outflow 146 189 232 243 251 392 307 340- 440 449

Government transfere 954 498 359 688 762 2,901 2,589 2,480 Z,859 2.716 3,400

us gront$ 613 166 54 107 94 93 176 232 423 52tOther grants lb 320 259 210 395 346 .497 627 427 648 623;Other (net) 21 73 95 186 323 2,311 1.787 1,822 1.787 1,511

Total Transfers (Oet) 1,012 1,632 802 816 1,224 4,431 3,690 4,204. 6,377 4,123 4,50*0

/. Preliminary./b Ireabdown by countries not *vcillble.

Source: Sank of Tbailead.


Table 3.13t CAPITAL N0V8Nt8TS(Millions of BDbt)

19S2 1983 1964 1945

Credit Debit Iet Credit Debit Net Credit Debit 13O5 Credit 8#Sit sat

A. Private Iedium- 6 Loeg-Tera 56,450 42,140 14,310 53,185 40,0B9 13,096 54.132 58.i3s 33,2C2 7.,137 S8,640 11,412

1. Direct inuveBtmet 9,597 5,258 4,339 13.941s 5,936 0,008 16,978 7.35a 9,625 9,737 5,341 3,8761.1 equity capitel 3.804 498 3,386 7,255 426 6,829 7,620 494 7 126 6,059 1.043 5.016

1.2 Loano 5.713 4.760 953 6,689 5,510 1i179 9.3SB 6.859 2,499 3.67B 4.81$ SP t140)2. Loans to private ente!prieea 42,624 34,198 8.426 34.827 30,626 4,201 70,438 45,672 24,564 50,965 48,819 2,166

3. Suppliers' credite to privateenterprisec 3.318 1.678 640 3,70? 2,951 756 3,577 3,196 362 4,e9s 3,737 I,tG0

4. Porttolio ioveetmnen 615 5 610 420 80 340 2,416 2,$03 (17) 4,07f 22C 3.,a5i

5. ofber 297 2 295 287 496 t210) 723 6 7!7 4'.1 i 43S

S. Public Medisu- & Long-Term. 31.408 8,332 23,076 29,589 11,128 18,461 34,904 17,57 17,3 3: 64,5764 20,79i: 35,772

1. Lomna to etate enterlpesep 17,533. 4,143 13,371 16.237 5,147 li,090 21,910 10,bl7 114S8 31,05C 17,42f, 13,6242. Suppliers' ctedits to stte1

enterprioee 2,183 75 2,10S 1,420 138 1.282 467 401 161 2 21J 39L 1,020 ,

3, Loans to the central governceet 11,380 3,081 8,298 11.869 4.330 7.53S 12,471 5.142 J,326 30,619 5.56e 25,059 q

4. Otber coetral goveracent 312 1.013 (702) 63 1,513 (1.4490 50 1.713 (1,663) 684 5,421 (4.737)

4.1 Import credits - - - - - - - - - -

4.2 Export credits 195 147 48 63 - 63 50 - 5t 5t - 59

5 Sppliero' credit to local go, t - - - - - - -

C. ntotl !leditt- 6 Long-Term 87,858 50,412 37,386 82,773 51.217 31,557 129,035 76.503 52.533 134,707 87,43 47,.249

0. Short-Term /b 73,075 72,116 959 14,566 71,646 2,941 70,0S4 65,022 5,832 71,868 67,574 4,274__ _ _ ____-- - - -- - -_____ _____ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- _ -_ __ ------ ------ ------ ------

1. Private 67,877 64,917 2.960 69,986 64,999 4,908 66,254 59,305 ei450 68,180 60,211 2.9691.1 Ttae, creditc 61.505 62,228 (723) 61,359 61.698 (339) 55,946 57,354 (1.408) S5,653 57,953 (2,300)

2. ?ubIic 5,198 7,199 (2,001) 4,600 6,647 (2,047) 4,600 5,718 (,.11) 3,289 7,231 (3.942)

E. Totu1 Capitl novements 1,160.933 122,58S 38.345 157.360 122,063 34.497 199,090 141,525 58,365 206,575 155,012 51,563-_________.____________ --------- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- ------ ------- ------

______________ -------_ ----------------------------------------------- ____-------___-------------------------------------- __--- _-- __-#-_---__-- ,--- _--------

Table 3.14: INTIERATIORAL tESOOYVS(Willions of V8 dollars)

Notetary Authorities Comsoreial saakp

ReservePouftioa Foreign Total

gad of period Gold BIUR in tbe In? exches;e Total A&*ets Llabilttitesa .et Noet Chaoge

1960 104.3 - 11.3 256.0 371.6 35.4 53.0 (11.4) 354.0 44.9

1961 104.2 - 11.3 338.9 454.4 45.5 67.3 (21.8) 432.6 78.6

1962 104.2 - 11.3 407.9 523.4 43.9 72.4 (28.5) 494.9 62.3

1963 104.2 - 11.3 460.6 576.1 57.4 93.0 (3S.4) 540.5 45.6

1964 104.2 - 11.3 544.8 660.3 66.3 117.0 (50.1) 609.6 69.1

1965il 96.4 - 19.0 623.9 739.3 82.9 117.2 (34.3) 705.0 95.4

i966 817 - 23.8 808.1 923.6 95.0 154.8 (59,7) 361.8 158.8

;.967 81.7 - 23.3 893.0 1,008.5 76.7 168.8 (92.1) 916.4 52.5tr {13 23.8 905.5 1,021.0 108.0 21.6

-1!69 9W,t 723.3 869.4 984.9 129.1 220.0 (90,9) J94.0 f44.0)

310 S2.0 - .3.5 790.2 905.7 126.0 265.2 (139.2) 766.5 (127.5)

1971/b 08.9 15.6 36.4 736.1 877.0 181.8 281.8 (100.3) 777.0 10.51972 88.9 31.0 36.4 896.2 1,052.5 218.2 301.9 (83.7) 966*. 191.8

'973(c 88.8 34.4 40.4 1,121.6 1,295.2 274.9 488.1 S213,2) 1.,082.0- fd 113.2

974re 1200.3 36,2 41.0 ',680.9 1,858.4 279.7 573.9 (294.2) 1,564.2 482.2'975 95.9 34.6 w9.2 i,605.4 1,775.1 257.9 664.2 (406.3) 1,308.8 (195.4)976 5.2 33.6 33.9 -,725.2 3,892.9 344.5 753.0 (40S.5) . 1,484.4 125.6

li ODl.9 37.1 4a.' 1,735.2 1,914.9 435.5 :,131.0 (495,5) 1,tl9.4 (265.0)

3/.8if 5348.3 3,.6 -,974.4 2,557.3 513.5 2,776.9 (1,263.4) 1,293.9 74.5

;,26-.2 )., - i 74.0 3,129.0 718.2 2,Q98.1 (1,379.9) 1,749.1 .455.2830( 1,466.0 3.2 -51.9 3,026.1 754.4 1,655.5 (901.1) 2,125.0 375.9

994.7 60.8 - ;670.6 2,726.1 1,060.2 ,629.6 (569.4) 2,154.7 31.7

.982 ;,114.0 24.5 _ 513.1 2,651.6 1,130.3 1,379.3 (249.0) 2,402.6 245.9'33 848.6 25.9 30.1 i,560.5 2,555,1 1,077.9 2,009.4 (931.5) 1623.6 (779.0) 3x4 768.^3 3.4 28.2 1,889.7 2,688.6 1,081.7 2,075.4 (993.7) 1,694.9 71.7

813,1 1 91.6 2,157.3 3,003.5 1,269.3 1,564.5 tb (295.2) .2,708.3 784.4

tC ,tctg io 1965, figureo for comuerci4l bauke' liabilities erclude the capital fonds of foreign bank bruachee.r/b Di g Oecember 1971, gold. ODRa and I1M gold tranche position are valued at 999 38 per fine ounce atd foreign crrencies

iTe converted to dollars at realigned rates./c wron February 1973, gold, 8DRe and In$ gold trancebe position are valued at 08$42.22 per fine ouce and fotetign currencies ari

converted to dollars at aewly realigned rates./d 0f the total net increase of 0SS113.2 million in 1973, 0UB76 millioa was due to revaluation of reserve assets after erchange

rete changes./a Beginning July 1974, gold, 8DRs and 1MF gold trenebe position are valued at tbe reapective 0801681 trasaection vatn.,;

as measured by the "basket"'vatlution of the 8DR. Foreigt currencies are valued at end-of-aonth market rates.

Jf for the period December 1978 - December 1979, gold boldings were revalned montbly on tbe bedst of the toon4n Mork*t geld priteon the last working day of eacb month. Beginning January 1980, this reveluation is made annually, at the end of eac4 year.

IS seginniag December 1980, a downward adjustment in reeervee is made as a result of deletion of DR'e subacription Paymentsto the IMF previously howb as "TIN Reserve Tranobe Position."

Jh Beginning August, 1985, escluding import bills not yet emtured.

Source: Bank of Thailad.-


Table 3.ISi tRAD INDICE LED tll"S 01 TinD

laporta I-orte

Perlo4 Volume On{t yale Value Volume Suit alue Valve Torus of trade

-1966 30.13 34.46 10.59 36.40 26.60 9.81 120.56

1967 31.13 34.18 10.64 44.04 26.70 11.76 128.01

1968 30.11 34.11 10.27 50.14 25.40 133.92

1969 31.30 35.30 11.05 35.12 24.96 13.76 141.43

1970 33.14 33.44 11.09 56.6S 25.26 14.31 232.35

1971 43.16 30.05 12.97 47.70 29.77 14.20 100.94

1972 S1.18 33.00 16.69 S5.21 29.63 16.36 111.37

1973 47.80 S0.61 24.19 68.32 32.73 22.36 154.63

1974 53.51 69.87 37.39 63.23 53.60 33.94 130.14

1975 51.26 65.92 33.79 62.19 56.95 35.42. 5is.75.

1976 71.19 64.11 45.64 64.30 60.06 38.62 106.74

1977 81.58 65.52 53.45 77.27 64.59 49.91 101.44

1978 68.08 70.80 62.36 62.86 S9.65 57.71 101.65

1979 96.00 84.60 81.22 96.19 80.53 77.46 IOS.4S

1980 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

1961 111.52 103.00 114.S7 97.22 116.15 114.67 87.10

1902 125.30 95.71 119.92 86.03 121.12 104.20 79.02

1983 113.27 97.09 109.97 109.66 114.35 12.40 14.91

1984 136.76 96.20 131.56 112.02 115.17 129.93 63.53

1985/a 155.40 69.57 139.19 101.80 116.57 118.76, 76.84

- -l---o- e-tI- -te. ;

Source: Osek of thaileed.

Table 3.14t DUTIUO 0 INFOMS 3T 3COE0U01 CLABS6fICMA210 4s.. . ~~~Sable 216 pae

1970 1975 1977 1978 . 1979 1980 19; 1 1962 it8s 1964

ftceipts is willioas of lab:

Cooetrut Goods

Nondurable 1,188 1,172 1,371 1,934 2,091 2,460 2,685 2.503 3.237 3,226Durable 476 962 1,471 1,602 1,714 1.691 2,425 2,214 2,952 2,981

Subtotal 1.664 2,134 3,042 3,536 3,805 4,351 5,110 4,719 6,189 6.207

Intermediate Goods and ' Materials

Cbiefty for consumer goods 967 1,710 2,639 2,794 4,002 3,833 4,664 5,034 6,196 6,221Cbiefly for capital goods 258 314 534 559 699 661 737 999 1,593 1.486

Subtotal 1,225 2,024 3,173 3,353 4,701 4.494 5,*01 6,033 7,791 7,109----- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ___ ---- ___. . ..... ~~ ~ ~

Capital Ooodo 1,175 1,893 3,179 4,009 4,721 5,052 5,735 5,238 8.434 6,597 S_________ -_-- ----- ----- ----- ----- S--w----- ----- ~~^4Otber Impotts -._____________

Vebicles aad part, 724 1,621 2,254 2,696 2,341 2,275 2,815 2.49 3.,83 3,40ZOf wbicb* FeasenSer care 302 227 332 200 62 37 44 61 81 182

-uses and trucks 234 974 1,169 1,721 1,456 1,376 1,550 1,457 1,525 1.660Chassis and bodies 148 394 697 731 775 812 1,154 969 1.488 1,473Tiree 40 26 S6 44 78 50 . 67 62 89 87

Fuels and lubricats 524 364 531 891 1,315 2,505 2.000 .1,132 1.111 1.974Miscellaueoua 33 77 37 51 55 68 so 62 135 Jo8

Subtotal 1,281 2,062 2,822 3,638 3,711 4,848 4,921 3,763 4,429 5.484

Total 5,345 8,114 12.216 t4,536 16,938 10,74S 21,161 19,753 26,843 27,991

.- …

----- ..... ----- ------ ------ ...... ...... ------- ...... ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Table 3.16 pge* 2

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1955 1954

Receipts as S of liports

Consumer Coods

Uoadurable 34.1 22.8 24.8 25.6 22.4 20.1 197 19.3 20.2 18.3Durable 27.3 26.1 30.9 29.7 26.0 26.9, 25.9 22.4 21.6 20.9

Subtotal 31.8 24.2 27.4 27.3 23.9 22.6 22.2 20.4 20.8 19.4---- --- ---- --- ----- - - -

Intermediate Goods and Pow Naterials

Chiefly for cOuauser goods 23.4 16.6 16.4 16.5 15.3 13.6 13.8 16.5 16.7 1J.9Cbiefly for capital good. 10.0 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.9 3.7 5.5 7.1 6.6

Subtotal 15.2 12.6 11.8 11.3 10.8 9.9 10.1 12.4 13.1 12.5

Capital Goods 125 8.5 13.0 12.8 11.8 11.0 10.1 11.0 12.2 11.9------------- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ~---C * --- ---- CC~

Other Imports

* Vehicles and parts 32.8 35.8 28.3 35.7 32.9 32.9 29.4 33.3 27.9 28.7Of which: Passenger cave n.e. 72.3 71.7 93.0 38.3 90.2 89.8 91.0 114.2 104.1

8ue. and trucks n.e. 40.6 43.1 53.6 54.5 62.8 60.4 59.6 44.8 45.0Cbassis and bodies n.e. 22.4 15.1 18.3 15.8 18.2 17.3 19.9 19.6 19.3Titae n.a. 28.9 34.1 33.9 26.8 21.6 22.4 22.7 27.1 25.8

Fuels and lubricants 22.5 16.9 12.0 14.1 14.3 12.9' 1.2 7.2. 6.3 8.8miscellaneous 2.9 8.9 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 }.1 0.9 1.4 1.1

Subtotal 22.5 27.3 15.4 19,7 15.9 12.5 13.6 11.7. 11.6 12.4-- - ---- ---- ----C --- ----- ---- C

Total 19.8 14.8 15.7 15.7 13.6 12.5 12.5 13.0. 13.6 13.3

/a Figures are on a calendar year basis.

Source: Sank of Tbhaland.


-~~------------~---r------------------------------------------------------ -------_-___________ _ ------------ I-------------------- --------1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 19S0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1965/a

Imports c.i.f.

Crude oilVolume (mjllion barrels) 27.8 52.6 61.0 61.2 64.4 62.0 60,4 54.1 55,0 50.O 50.3Average price (OS@/barrel) 2.1 11.5 13.2 13.2 17.8 31.0 35.8 36.2 31.6 29.6 28.1Value (USS million) 57.1 603.8 806.3 808.1 1,147.2 1,919.1 2,165.0 1.958.0 1,738.0 1,482.0 1.417.0

Petroleum productsVolume (cillion barrels) I0.5 5.5 11.0 17.7 16.6 23.8 18.8 15.9 19.6 2713 2D.0Average price (US$/berrel) 5.2 14.9 15.0 17.5 27.2 39.9 43.5 42.0 37.9 34.0 33.3Value (usS nillion) 54.2 81.9 164.8 309.2 451.6 948.7 818.5 694,? 743.0 949.0 665.0

Exports f.o.b.

Petroleum productsVolume (wil1ioo barrels) 0.3 0.7 - - 0.4 0.1 _ _ _4Average price (USI$/barel) 5.7 15.9 - - 23.3 34.0 - - -Value (US$ million) 1.7 11.1 - - 9.3 3.4

Met Import.

Petroleum productsVolume (milliop barrels) 10.2 4.8 11.0 17.7 16.2 23.7 18.8 J5.9 19.6 27.3 20.0Value (USS million) 52.5 70.8 164.8 309.2 442.3 945.3 818.5, 604. 743.0 969.0 665.0

/a Preliminary.

Source lSenk of Tboileo4.

Table 3.18: COMPOSITIOW Of OIL IMPORTS(Millions of Sobt)

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 t983 1984 19851*

Crude oil 12,076 13,857 16,448 1b,527 23,425 39,304 47,241 45,052 39,975 35,035 38,525

Gasioline 158 120 162 615 659 2,164 1,713 89 4 337 202

Keroseae 14 S 22 25 46 43 300 528 753 462 95

Diesel and special fuels 1,478 2,116 3,176 4,613 6,993 14,833 12,494 10,763 11,018 16.089 14,130

Lubricants. eaphalt, etc. 428 508 993 959 1,386 2,214 3,144 3,925 4;959 5,045 3,766

ODTotal 14,154 16,606 20,801 22,739 32,509 58,558 64.892 60,357 .56,709 56,968 56,718 -___ ___ ___ _,_ ___ ------ ------ _-____ --- r-- --- ------ -- ---

la Preliminary.

Soutce: Sank of Tbailand.

Tebl1 4.1: 21112NAL DS8S AND DDST 8SI9VICb OBLICA?T0IS I(tbou..od. of go Dollare) Yebl 4 p I

1970 M973 1977 1976 3979 1980 1gS93 1962 1953. 3984_ _ _ _-- -- -- -- - -- -- --- -- -- - -- -- -- ---- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- _ - --- -- --- - -- -- -- -- - -- _ -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --


Disburseaents 36.18$ 211.661 2e4,296 S22.170 702,267 874,000 653,S67 584,302 824,754 1.285,640Repaysont a 16,863 130,191 163,432 441.204 411,S32 477,000 315,163 .39.4,620 500.251 S9O,007lutereat payments 16,910 69,277 65,892 102.037 161.673 236,900 290,941 196,279 195,635 252,103Amount diabursed nd oautetndims 177.074 494,910 693,939 774.905 1.065,340 1,462,891 1,603,395 1,9971,13 2,295,181 2,989,814suppliers' CreditsDisbursements 131,116 92,328 64,603 50,659 96jB20 152,100 135,753 122,673 140,505. 131,233spaymnnta fb 90,544 B5.524 88,715 80,820 74,504 7S,900 76,375 94,057 106.029 112,926lutereat payments - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - 26,291. I',614Amount disbursed and o,tatandin5 224,159 241,329 185.883 155,722 178,03S 239,649 29s,027 325,607 360,083 378,390Loano and S,pplicra' CreditsR iabur ee e tnts 169,301 303s989 348,899 372,829 79g,087 1,026,700 7 620 706.975 o55.259 1,416,873Debt service paynant. 124,317- 284.992 320,039 624,061 648,011 789.800 Jo03.95 798,947 827,612 986.850Amount diabur.ed and outat4nding 401,233 736,239 879,822 930.627 1.243,378 1,702,540 2.098.622 2.316,920 2,613,264 3,368,204

P*iJLiC S50R10Centra1 Geovenment It /1

Di buerementa 31.i81 8.621 87,s99 400, s4 sso,349 419,865 473,887 471,562 512,887 523.833 1Repayable in foreign currencies 31,781 8.621 87,989 400,546 350,349 419,865 473.8e7 471,562 (512,887) (523.833) 4Repayable in babt - - - - - - - - -Repaymente 9,124 13,746 28,310 49,424 38,026 71,461 107,633 131,982 185.134 214,094In foreign currencies 9°018 13,354 28,063 49.124 57,732 71,143 107,267 133,612 (184.737) (215,668)To babt 106 203 241 270 294 318 344 31-0 (392) (426)Intereat paymenta 7,473 13,489 24,205 39,792 70.660 132,522 W7,744 177,305 183.684 204,750tn foreign currenciCa 7,243 13,285 24.016 39,612 70,490 132,362 175,556 177.169 (183,561) (204.641)In babt 230 204 189 180 170 160 148 116 (123) (109)

Amount diaborsad end outstsadin6 179,209 242,517 431,564 812,232 1,275,041 1,652,036 1,950.306 2,279.049 2,460,359 2,712,474Repayable in foreign cureneies 172,710 236.837 426 355 607,293 1,270,395 1,647,619 1.969,941 2.275.435 (2,457,382) (2,709,684)Repayable in baLl 6,499 5.680 53209 4,939 4,646 4.327 3,984 3,614 (3.216) (2,790)

State Rnterpriaes ICDisbureeaente 16.407 141.202 226,447 311.860 104,721 9376786 3,010,745 ; 48,433 767.701' 759,835

Repayable in foreign currencies 16,407 141.202 226,447 313,860 704,721. 937.786 1.030.745 948,433 (767.7033 (739,815)teopayble jD bbet - - - - - - -epayment a 33,630 24,935 36,303 46,634 97,854 953930 119.622 373,950 229,781 263,029tn fotelsn curreacti: 14,378 23,315 34,676 44,916 96.040 94,986 119,622 173,950 (229s,781) (263.029).In baht 1,252 1,620 1,627 1,718 1.814 944

Interest paymenta 9,671 21*,435 35 352 54,163 89 571 135,482 218,919 305.687 324,609 331,823In foreign currencies 8,793 20,944 3s5,39 33,940 89,444 133.457 218,919 W0a,67 (324,609) (3$1823)Ia babt 878 491 313 223 127 23*Amount dicbursed and ostotaudlin 162,716 3835980 696,982 1,014,701 1,337,686 2.473.502 3 0 3930,473 4,4049406 4,7325433Repayable in foreign Currencies 147,499 378,252 692,506 1,0111,943 1.336.7.42 2,473,502 ,1,03 3,930,473 (4,404,406) (4,712,.433)Repayable in babt 15,016 7,728 4,416 2,758 944

…----------------------------------------- …-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- ...... ------ ------….....

!e8le 4.3 9890 2 -

3970 1975 19t7 I91J 1979 1980 19B1 1B2 1943 3994

Locel Gowerhuent /eDisbursementa 2,551 - - - - -

epaymen.t - 1,131 - 296 - - - - - -lutereet pamen.t - B9 - 119 - - - -

Amount disbursed end autat4ading 3.662 1,030 293 - - - -

Totat Public 8ector tc

Oisbur.eeenst 50,139 149S823 314.436 712,408 1,255.070 1.357.65J 1.484,632 1.419.995 1,2806590 1.2S3.648Repayable in foteign currenctie 50.739 149.923 314,436 712,408 1.255.070 1,357,653 t,464,632 J,419,995 (3.299,590) (3.283,4U)Repayable in bobt - - - - - -

Repayente 24,754 39,814 64.613 96,354 155.8B0 167.391 227,253 305,93* 414,91S 479,123to foteign curreacie 23,396 37.991 62.739 94.366 153.772 166. 129 226,909 305.562 (414,516) (478,697)to bt13 1.358 ,623 1.674 1.9IS 2.108 1,262 344 320 (397) (426)

lutereat p1yena 37,144 35.013 60,057 94,074 160,231 268,004 394.623 462,992 s0o.293 S56.571In foreign cutreacle# 16,036 34.318 59,555 93.671 159,934 267,619 394,475 482.8S6 (50B.,70) (556,464)In baht B 100 4695 502 403 297 1 85 246 136 (121)) (09)

Amount dgsbutsed *m4 outatnding 345,585 629,527 1,12S8,39 1,826,933 2,832,127 4,127.448 5.190,955 6.709,522 6,6$, 004 1 424,907Repayable in fo eigo currencier 324,071 616,119 1,119,154 1,819.236 2.827,157 4.123,121 5,186,972 6,205,908 (6,863,799) 47,442,152)Repayable in babt 21.514 13,408, 9.6B5 7,697 5.500 4,327 3.903 3,614 1.216) (2,790)

TOTAL eXTERNAL DEBT AND VENt BERVICP ffAnount diabureed and outat.ndin5 725.304 1,352,358 1.998.976 2.749,863 4,070,515 S,B2S.661 7.265.594 8,522,8-7b 9.537.052 10,790.311 >Debt:aereie paymenta 164,749 3571,301 442,333 812,096 961,717 1,223,748 1,325,335 1.497,365 1.,750,300 2.022 0lt C

Private sector 124,317 294,992 320,039 624,061 644,011 789,800 703,951 799.418 (827,632) 4 966 .50)Public sector 39,432 12,309 122,294 198,031 313,706 433,948 621.364 109,947 (922M668) (1.035.161)

Debt service peyments am 1 of caport 14.0 12.0 10.6 15.6 14.4 14.3 14.4 16.3 70 20Priwvae sector 10,6 9.5 7.7 12.2 9.7 9.2 7.6 9.6, (9) 10Pvblic sector 3.4 2.5 2.9 3,7 4.7 5.1 6.7 7,7 (10) 10

------ _---.-----_--_-_-_-_--__------_--_ ---------- ----------------------- _____-_--_-------- --------------------------- r---_---- ----_-------------_--------------

ia Debt witb a natatity of over one year./b 1nClndian interest payeeets aotil 1980.fe LoCus and suppliers' tre4itr,Id Net of bank of Tbailand participation in 5B3D las.,/I SYPpp1 iera credit.if Repayable in foreignfp G*ods and nonfactor aserices.

Sourcee lonk of TbailsadJlfrld Baak.


(Thousaend of Us Oollst:)table 4.2 Pa;e i


------- Debt Ontstaida-g…-----Type of creditorleteditor country

Disbursed Undisbursed Total

Suppliers' Credits------------------

Delgiuu 785 0 785Germany. Fed. Rep. of 39.956 7 39,963Japan 181,853 23,357 207,210Norway 1173 66 1,239.

589 0 589

Total Suppliers' Credits 226.356 23,430 249,786------------------------ _---___- ------ ---- r-

Financial lastitstions

Austria 6,196 0 6,196Canada 485 0 485Froant 46,392 8,382 54 714Germany, red. Rep. of 59.113 0 59,113Hong tong 20,000 0 20.000Japan 376,010 97,836 473,646Netberlande 2,059 24,474 26,5338ingapore 80.235 0 80,235Sweden 5.513 0 *513Switzerland 10,049 7,193 17,242United Kingdom 137.077 0 137,077United States 156,759 1,180 157,939multiple lenders 1,336,822 0 1.336,822

Total Viaenciel Institutions 2,236.710 139,065 2,37$,7?5


Japa 271,341 0 2ti,341

ttoat gonds 271,341 0 271,341___________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -__ _ -_ ._ _ .. ..


Table 4.2 page 2

------ Debt Outstndiag ..Type of creditor/creditor country

Disbursed Undiebursed Total

Multilaterel Loans

Asian Developmeot Bank 524,563 544,969 1,069,552ITRD 1,653,519 1,235,053 2,886,572IDA 86,800 35,071 121,871IMF Trust Fund 133,173 0 133,173lnternational Fund ARC (IFAD) 8.391 44,109 52,500OPKC Special Fund 14.568 43,533. 58,101

Total Multilateral Loans 2.421.034 1,902,735 4,323,769

Bitateret Loans_______________

Auetralia 7,125 8,135 15,260Belgian 2,247 0 2,247Canada 75,807 22,543 98,350Denark 30,678 39,722 70,400France 15,054 5,403 20,457Germany, Ped. Rep. of 137,253 41.670' 178.923Japen 1,107,940 974,675 2,042,615Kuwait 40.261 45,363 85,624New Zealand 2,956 0 2,956Saudi Arabia 24,206 25,865 50,0718witeerlzad 3,349 2,404 5,753United Kingdow 55,059 36,550 91,609United State, 344,946 180.143 525,089.

Total Bilateral Loans 1,846,881 1,352,473 3,229,354

Total Erternal Public Debt 7,002,322 3,447,703 10,450,025

Note.: (1) Only debts witb an original or extended statrity ofovor ooe year ore ioaluded In tbis tablo.

(2) Debt outstanding iLuaodes prioaipat in *rreaet but*xcludee interest In *rrearo.

sources World abok.

Table 4.32 P8OJiCgND Sn RYICb PATWIUTI#, D180U8S8RUTS AID OtStLDtEOM£30t832 Of aZtX5UAL "UILPO Dit0 AS OF DSCXEIUb 31, 1984 to

(Tho1aamdo of U8 Rollee)

Debt outotaodiog atbsginnlng of pertiod Total tranoections during period Otbot cobteo

8ervice paj-eatfDisbursed locluding --------------------- IO........

tear only undleburoed co.mitmeent. Disburpeeate Principal lItereet Totcl CQ4alltationo. Adjnstueatlb.


1977 822,734 1,662,879 407,452 241,469 42,728 42,726 866,69 - 16.3121978 1,119,154 2,483,109 788,609 314,436 02,739' 59,555 I, 294 2,705 97.0651979 1,619,236 3,114,028 1,164,856 712,408 94,366 93,671 1I8037 13,008 .113,4371980 2,82J.136 5.163,864 1,603,238 1,255.069 153,772 159,934 313,706 4,869 (194,744)1981 4,099,519 7,103,790 1,920,357 1,334,050 166.129 267.819 43 ,946 ; 5,566 191,2671982 5,125,772 8.185,874 1,582,757 3,423,430 226,909 394,475 621.304 16,622 (25?,142)1983 6,133,771 9,730,267 2,142.867 1,437,114 308,132 476,498 784,630 *121,841 (168.501)3984 7,002.396 10,450,188 1,21S,556 1,317,075 417.530 521,544 939,082 29,550 (46,547)1985 7 S59,192 10,561,813 1,194.325 1,492,171 688,221 559,991 1,24e,212 43,013 . (351,466)


i986 7,767.407 9.995,487 - 774,541 566,323 610,631 1,176,9.54 - (3)1987 7,855,178 9,350,919 - 732,339 644,570 635,587 1,260,151 21988 7,741,065 8,630,776 - 606,033 720,135 602,702 1.322,837 - (8 t1989 7,349,194 7.835,553 _ 403,344 795,212 569,751 1,364,963 _ (111 t-3990 6,818,351 7,088,899 - 215.813 746,662 523,265 1,259,927 - 8 Q1991 6,272,550 6,410,424 - 132,685 678,487 474,333 1.152,820 - 121992 5,615,288 5,674,571 - 78,599 735,861 426,032 1,163,893 - a1993 5,058,711 5,075,378 - 42,632 599,206 371,713 970,919 - 131994 4,511,399 4,511.858 - 16,211 563,525 327,495 891,020 - 51995 3,914,109 3,914,568 - - 597.289 283,996 881,285 - (1)1996 3,441.602 3,442.061 - - 472,509 240,233 7'1, 742 - 21997 2,99$,887 2,999,246 - - 442,817 205,336 646,153 - 21998 2,587,662 2,588,121 - - 411,121 113,211 584,332 - (4)1999 2,195,632 2,196,091 - - 392,031 143,064 535,095 t _2000 1,657,124 1,857.580 - - 338,505 115,290 43,795 - (6)2001 3,471,998 1.472,452 - - 385,126 8t,501 472,627 - (2)2002 1,224,531 1,224,960 - - 247,501 62,826 31Q,327 - 92003 1,022,622 1,023,069 - - 201,886 46.249 248,135 - (5)2003 869,537 869,979 - - 153,089 34,411 187,500 - (1)2004 751,817 754,257 - - 1AS,720 26,819 142,539 - (2)

et Includes only debt committed Janucry 1. 1900 - December 31. 1984. Debt repayable inforeigo currency and good.

bI thie column obow. the a*ount ot aritbeetic Imbalneco 1n tbe a*ount out.tandin includiaguandiabreed from one year to the next. The most common canoes of Lmbalancea arecbcages in exch*nge. ratec and trasefer of debto from ose category to anotberin tbe table.

Soerce: Yorld Bena,

Table 5.1: CENITRAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE /a(Millions of Baht, year ending September 30)

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 198l 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986

Total Expenditures 44,244 55.236 64.136 80,099 95,R06 124,484 142,546 164,967 176,59t 190-i33 213,000 224,900

Capital Fxpenditure 9 27S 14,430 1I,001 20,556 21,219 2 32.364 38,336 36,035 33 17J 42,0 42,30tl

Currnt F-xpe dttures 34,9 40 806 47 135 59 541 74 587 95 618 110 182 126,631 10,556 116656 171.300 20ii puh1 c service M:3I1 7 73 537 W 51T W T5 0 .0

Defense 7,747 9,987 12,566 17,36J 22,978 27,019 29,143 31,6S2 34,944 37,B64 43,500 43,900

Education 7 275 8 668 9 890 11 220 14 356 18 431 21 128 25 861 29 293 32 763 34.000 316.000Sc hool WI ILT i _A, - _Itnlvergsttes and college 844 1,404 1,113 1,165 3,423 1,918 2,287 3,56R 3,003 1,461Other 1,383 1,668 1,648 2,140 2,646 2,910 3,200 2,933 4,468 4,557 -

Realth 1 457 1907 2,522 2 7O8 36485 4'071 4,798 6 219 7618 9 239 10.600 11,200Hospital and clintes 'It 5w 4 77 Y1w tiZ'13w 1,4TI - Tb9" 11T i'7Y 4, t _Indlvidtial heatth 221 515 834 365 8n8 1,050 1 402 1,640 2,148 2,624Other 745 834 926 1,399 3,121 1,550 1,7A1 1,588 1,891 2,309-

Social security & welfare 1,959 2033 2 350 2 290 3022 3,269 1 602 4,518 54_95 5,797 6,40 6,700Socinl security and assistance t7W T;IIZT T91W1Y T rT1T 31j19 IJ : 3 , bS Welfare 194 208 256 301 372 437 4R1 593 765 166

Rousing & comintty anenities 1 201 1,122 1 191 1 334 2 629 2 536 2 188 2 652 1 733 1,316 1 ,8tl 1,90S)* iouelng '30 '36 -~TL '-

tl 5.~77 '9Community development 1,147 1,099 1,109 1,280 2,516 2,127 t,772 1,774 t,1 1,179 -Sanitary services 24 23 14 51 63 78 87 126 118 118 -

Other cortmunity and social service 166 150 175 197 220 311 363 442 461 64S 600 800of which: Rxtrabudg. accts. - - -- 7 r 75 - --

Economic services 5 032 6186 S 312 6 712 6,557 11 337 13 457 11,407 14 665 16 306 16 100 16 700GCen. adw., regulation 6 research 3--7 -- -41 - T7 -RJ8 '-F 4r5 -- I 4i L1

of whtch: Extrabudg. acetA. - - - - - -661 586 686 704 721 - -Agrlct,lture, forestry, fishing 1,893 2,295 2,761 3,107 3,560 5,356 6,027 7,679 8,593 9,431 10,300 10,500of which: Extrabudg. Aects. - - - - 1,148 887 1,713 1,424 1,02R -

Mining, manuf, h construe. 128 Ih5 181 209 207 285 293 375 417 278 300 300FleCt., gao, steam 6 water 272 103 490 760 522 529 R38 582. 347 1,005 300 400Roads 1,152 1,121 1,168 1,351 1,583 1,49R 1,494 1,775 2,046 2,313 1,0o0 3,q00Inland & coastal waterways 36 47 51 64 61 11 171 191 101 170 200 200

Other transport & coam. 152 574 467 83R 380 582 888 909 1,024 459 480 500Otber economic services 1,342 1,838 144 789 130 2,874 3,569 1,731 1,952 2,399 2,500 2,600

of which: Pxtrabudg. acete. - - - - - - - - -Other purposes 5,113 5,379 7,859 11,548 12,009 19,743 23,865 26,474, 31,511 36*226 40,900 47,600

A4dustment to Totsl Expenditures 793 386 -122 -208 1,614 -556 808 62, -205 79 - -of which Extrabudgettng accounts 791 386 -122 -208 1,614 -556 80R 62 -205 79 _ _

/a Excludes lending dnus repayment and net acquisition of equities.

Source: 8ank of Thailand.

Table 5.2: CENTRAL GOVERNNMIT CAPITAL WEXNDITUIR /a(Mlllions of Baht, year ending September 30)

1975 1976 1972 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 298S 1986

Capital K.cpeadtturs 9 275 14,430 17 001 20 S56 21.2l9 2R.866 32 364 38 336 36 035 32 877 4 2 SW 42 300General public service 63;9 709 844fl~ 76i 978 1,230 641

Education 1,632 3,356 4.519 4 992 S.364 6,264 S 992 893 7266 6,71 7t500 7.°°°Schools 1,150 2,899 372 4,382 3, 4,33 - -Univetsittes and college 202 492 881 1,035 1.107 1,202 1,403 1,721 1,440 935 _Other 280 469 739 75t 86 879 1,0R3 1.13s 1,1817 963

Wealth 161 509 484 812 861 1,015 1 236 1,918 3.01 0 1137 1-0a 1ONoapttat and clitntcs TW Iii 370 m 17 f 'Ti h 731 ; 8R -1***2*-_Individual heatth - - - - 2 3 1 2 1t 19 - -Other 26 94 114 152 167 276 351 834 261 400

Social eacurity and welfare I7 21 38 47 4S 66 5O 4 52 26 10 1tSocial security A asststanca - 1 - 1 - -Welfare 17 20 34 45 44 64 47 48 48 15 -

Rousing & comunity aeattite 197 496 376 400 441 474 1 8O9 821 771 J.36! 1150 I200Rousing -37 Ins -I -W iT iT -1"' --T i48- 7 - a Communitty development 126 368 303 321 380 433 1,736 764 664 645 - -Sanitary servtcea 14 20 25 20 18 29 54 43 46 <42 - -

Other coimunity & social service 44 136 118 115 235 168 224 207 183 295 200 200of vhicbs Extrabds. aects. - - - - - 24 26 - 9 10 - -

Economic Servicecs 5948 8 798 10 173 12 876 12 S38 18.780 20 760 25 004 21 843 21 297 2.3.00 29,000Can. ade,, regulatton A researeh S o 2 513 I 10- 'T 11 3 15 -A rtculture, forestry, fishing 1,431 2,665 3,969 4,729 5,505 4,686 9,001 10,249 9,887 9,692 11,600 14,400of which3 Extrabudg. Acete. - - - - - 666 644 to0 736 738 - -intang, tianuC. 4 conetruc. 19 68 97 86 87 84 54 140 133 147 400 300

Elect., gas, steam & water 378 228 699 1,825 489 735 1,569 1,997 1,075 1,271 900 900Roads 2,720 3,768 5,181 5,313 5,632 9,673 9,073 9,59s 9,175 8,192 10,400 10,700Inland A coastal waterways 16 32 49 72 114 152 217 311 599 203 600 700

Other transport & comm. 158 127 184 114 274 571 829 . 1,301 i.151 302 20o 200Other economidc serviccs 1,214 1,904 168 714 472' 869 8 1,405 1,813 1,37$ 1,800 1,800

of whfcht Uxtrabadg. sects. - - - - - 95 15 145 IS? 243 - aOther purposes 577 406 249 545 712 869 975 841 1,0*8 1,794 ;,RD 1,500

_- Excludes lending minus repayment and net acquisition of equities.

Soutce: look of Thailnd.


-m rs vm m 76 -W FM m nornl rot pus~-n

feTol Seveune £ flr.ota M.331 42.0" 52.310? 61.20 74.683 0 I.7J 35.12 10MASS 1195,37 1J12M m.m 176

Total %mmoe /a 10.064 12.21 51471 12-101 15.216 94.,7S2 11114 llmm 19.1 .140 I"

Ourreot soe2 0 41 St$ j i ." 7152l id JI2 1.4. 116.ju 4 31.1 1321 140 171Tat on .le.., pofits, gap. gte 001 P4 11.6S. IP

T~~~~~~~~~~~1. OL .w x rr_ llff 1W ",I IRSM IR. MOtlffl14Individual 2,591 * 1.028 2.405 5,044 4.301 1.390 ,4t0 31.420 15,761 14,13 39,30 22,4904aer.rate 1,n59 1,70 ,.553 4,192 JS631 9S7 5? 31,017 31,l05 12.039 14.20 34,51 14,310

Tax as Property 412 40 GU *1a 1.041 1.171 1,124 13,11 196 2, 2,350 2*,sumattcta uo _ .oo. d er,ta 144n 19 4U 24211 2G2s 4 4 I a*1 450 10025 143f6 813 4595 n r 14wat , tix -4 R NT 1flI 1 W 1TTT 3ff,bW II 39.440 03.4ltecl t ga6 457 719 970 A 120 3401 t S 21. 05 0 2 k 32 . 39130lJqno (tax. stamps 4 fie"w) iTNUY ill91KW tff 13R5 '1-W G;l0 ,51511 1W04~1Mar 50" S_" 0 9t9 I."2 1,520 14 7 1,9 2.035 2,492 5 ,116 350slTobacco 2,385 2,744 1,079 1.149 1.342 4,545 6,202 7.S5 4,04l 9202 4.1 I0 ;0.140Ntrolc_ prduct 2,254 2,20 1,000 2,173 S.6"* 9113 9,7' .1,2" It17 n 2,21 15.16 3426t

ualclc bvram 20 "91 44? 502 *? 935 1,2°l ,11" 1 I,5 1.,62 3. 2.400Otat.. 306 It 3s 142 152 Is7 35, 35 5S" l0? Soo As0 920

Proftit of fiecal Pelis 74) 4t 1943 3,420 1, 3.241 1,22 3,171 293 1.e75 I.041 M3 5S0Tax a pectfIc. urvlca 191 267 32l 36 172 40t 399 232 4 11 60t Gbea-ua. tram., to a" *son4 450 564 40 * 42 544 922 1,1"0 4,210 110 3,40 13,40

Tax oan nterrnet onltnde traaacttion 10 435 10 0 12504 195 19 254 24.P29 27 10 21a322 29227 14671 2.9 5" 134 MOtIrt 4dtlea IW3M fiWiFr TFfU UfDrf #!r 1117 T1171 iim iM Y5 437T '5Report dtIes 2 14 290 , 1.6 I.M 2.754 5 I S 2 S0 i Ch

utse aoart pret_A `4 * .L. - - - 'f' LM 1-w . -?44*r naport pruot4 "1 9 - - - a 167 621 15 117 - -Other euport uties 86" t,219 I0 1,175 2,7S4 4,1S1 1,654 2,245 2.97 2,454 -

Other tax on tat. trade tmne. - - s - 0 - 1

Other Taxes 212 261 326 "44 513 574 617 124 920 IOA I5" 3.670poll -tail - -W _%T -w w -i -M "N -a ir 'w mStoa tea 104 210 26 13I 46S 5S5 Si? 639 S6 3,035 I,050 1,00

Inatew evenue 4012 6227 44 3? S 34 4091 7 42 11149 f1.61! 33am 13629 i1190 170amPr- rt toee. fr _ Ua^z *69 7 -4 7JUI T1w2N! lU.tE- rlnt ptner. * putb.

fin. toot. 2,607 3.019 2.10 2.259 2,s( 3,159 4,71* 4,45 S04 s,9 Al3 6*,96State lottero 420 101 744 3 a"6 1.252 3,177 ,235 ,1721 3,67 13940 2.100Ama* of ThaIlan 9?7 1,210 900 722 3.000 1,200 3,70 3,150 1," 700 ?,0 `,130 3,Coo tr.t fram the rmota. oerrp. 71* 7t1 566 45S 403 714 1.421 ,159 13.516 3605 5 ,l4 33,0Other. 264 264 29 244 151 171 224 326 13 25 s0 40

Other proeret t_ncom 196 224 410 440 425 .3t77 2,223 2,242 2.571 1." 5,600 S.50AM lttratlun aos.. clhrips 812 994 Im5 1,417 3.791 1,66* 2,050 2,190 2 S25 2,311 3.30 2 ,le and profit 259 46 453 s00 592 767 952 13028 3,t01 1.130 3,220 1,60

Other matax ro"mae 244 t4? 395 4*" 44 552 970 I31 1.762 1,411 2.2" 2, S"Adj. to ontear venu -40 -523 -tO3 Is 14 -21 14 25. 36r 220 - -

Capltel Is r M_ 52 0 t4 7 4 l a2 It 12 12 t0 la

Croate 002 7S1 634 3I80 .43? 3,949 3,1705 2,615 2,977 1,937 S 5,48-

/ Total me * Carnt anGM + capital " ..

loutrc b* ef mtailWtd"


ms7 116 mr7 ms7 ms7 1180 1181 1182 113 114 3 n8,6

Total Pinancitef 6,265 13.866 13.142 17.76? 20.485 32.266 25.390 46"7 38.0m9 A69,62 54M390

Dowmtlc Ftnanclon 6 317 12 407 i2 166 12 009 14 108 24 712 19 765 39U4t7 29 855 32 216 35 670 46 240From other general governoent *372 ",T iiiq3 -1,6 W -153 1 9 i2Tff. 1 47 TI T 0 -' Dof which: Extrsbudg. acets. - - - - - 431 457 342 1,w78 1,273 540 10i

Prom monetry authorities 2,240 6,298 4,126 6,356 9,69S 12,473 13,895 17,33 3,600 11,606 -7,060 23,200Prom deposit money banks 2,811 4,055 3,930 4,R71 2,251 10,962 2,804 17,479 164,14 20,44w 24.Ro0 T130nof wbicht FKxtrabudg. accounts - - - - 1,017 -1,527 54 562 -1,985 1,900 1,100

Other domestic 386 972 974 1,090 1,519 784 1,301 6,714 6,4"3 4,725 12,490 6,300Adj. to Domesttc Plsacngcl 1,420 1,454 1,538 -192 2,323 649 -350 219 4635 -417 480 -200of whicht txtrabud4. accounts 1,420 1,454 I.3R -192 2,223 649 -150 219 -635 -417 480 -200

FinancingAbroad * -S2 1459 976 4858 6,377 7,554 54625 9.5I4 4747 1208 .150Proo interne tlonal dev. mt oit. *'Wi '1INs fY 960 1,700 1.976 2182W 4j3 7,o00(1aiProm foreign goverr.sta -149 4 78 468 900 736 1,940 1,445 2,664 2,695Other foreign borrowl.g * 1,301 470 3,430 3,777 4,842 1,103 1,818 -1,542 -406

Source: Bask of Thailand.

Table 5.5: IOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS(Millions of Baht)

mY7 F76 FY77 Fp78 Y79 FY80 F81 m Y2 -4 HsiWr

Revenue and OrantsTotal Revenue and Granta 11.017 14.457 12 341 15 346 17.426 23.967 13 084 14 386 15 153 16 208 17.227Total Revenue 2 ihT7 . 4 3Li| -7T 67 70S265 1-2S 2#5I2 1CCurrent Revenue TIM3172 J.86 4,S 4 9 5.47S M

Tax Reveune 27534 2,653 3 142 3 594 3,896 4 298 5 539 6 334 6 883 7 95 8,292Taxes on Property 5q5 #W 559 6 '7W 793 R40 T4l£F 1,19 T,i 1,500Domestic taxes op good & services 1,940 2,0R3 2,515 2,845 3,0R2 3,378 4,489 5,109 5.484 6,3h6 6,586Other taxes 9 11 i8 20 21 30 20 30 30 39 42

Nontax Revenue 402 519 664 955 1 139 1 177 1 154 1 192 1 369 1 l6I 1.847Prop. Inc 4 op. our. of dept. ent. Tm1R 3W 429 501


5'siT 'i4 -'iT 957 1,142Fees, sales, fines 11 119 146 168 198 210 211 239 255 290 3I3

Other nontax revenue 111 150 213 3s8 440 417 346 259 302 314 392

Grants 8,081 11,285 8s53s 1o,797 12,392 18,492 6,397 46,860 6,901 6,743 7,088Froa other level of National GOv't 8,081 11,285 8,53s 10,797 12,392 18,492 6,387 6,R60 6,901 6,743 7,088

Expenditure and Lendin% ?l4iusRepante:s yEcoomic tipeI

Total Pgp. 6 Lend. - Repayent 10,731 14 114 12jQ31 J146863 I69R 23,291 12.737 13,631 456-

Total Expwidtture 10.t731 14 119 12 031 14 .63 16 988 23 291 12.737 13.631 34.563 35 621 16 268Current Exp enditure 2719 8 5 10 85 8h 4 622 1423

Pip, on Rood5 & eet -ces , - - -

Snhsadfes & other current tranatera - 495

Capital Expenditure 3.536 4.,ss 3.445 4A708 4,242 7.404 4,432 56 5s743 6.06 5,845Stocka land, cap saset - - - - - - - ,1Capital transfer - - - - - - 40 - - -

DefticittSurplue 286 338 310 483 439 676 347 755 8ss 588 959

Finansing br Type of Debt HblderTotal Financing -286 -338 -310 -483 -439 -676 -347 45 -56588 -58 -959Domestic Financing - - -310 -483 -439 -676 -347 -755 - .588 -959

Prom Ranks (nl. mon. sutho.) - - -362 -546 -483 -709 -411 -84 .489 -625 -979Other dowestte - - 52 63 44 33 64 79 3lo 3t 20

Finanintg by Type of Debt InstrumentTotal filancin, -286 -338 -310 -483 -434 -676 -347 -755 -58 -5"8 -959

Domestte financing - - -310 -483 -439 -676 -347 -755 -588 -588 -950Other domestic ltiabillttes - - 52 63 44 33 64 79 101 37 20Changes In cab, 6eponie, etc. - - -362 -546 -483 -709 -411 -834 '-69 -625 -979

Sourees Bank of Thailand.


"Itrttal(taft attee.ttRty d.ttt 21 240 mII 20o 1n6 M4 440 13S 169 756 Iqt1 Iso 109 73. 717 5n P21 1.110Prowt,I.iat P3e,trel,tp A.tho.317 I" 3ts 61 I" 311 400 It9 902 1,021 1,120 1,127 2,452 1,4" 1.032 1."* 6,t3 1,629Vetrol... Authortty of Thatto.d j! 6/ a 41 59 19 344 6.161 5.216 612 I'73m 4* 4,649 1.492

Tr raorft and CoinNMiattton 1.116 '960 S47 710 1J20 1.1102 1.60 2m 7.041 2 9 2 92Atreopt fti,r3t7of Thailand to - T 'V,V* 6

T1ai Mrutya tato-rmatfot ro.. Ltdo. r - - - 421 t,400 11tO 1,664 S.01 *276 1,4% ,31 1,21 . 7,A1* S,0tTheI Air"a eCn.. Ltd. 34 1 164 56 71 401 272 itS 1*0 i3, 42 3,962$tat* 0a6lvao of IhOland, 276 223 129 202 473 433 221 132 III a0 40S 4*2 is" t.1A 674 It?24 2.17Rapranawy and Rapi4d Talt At ty - e - 110 28 15 21 34) 390 722 2t 26 9

tW 811 6ransit Authority - - 6 - 602 752 I to I 2 4 2 - . 6

port Authority of f"Wtlamd 12l 13 79 373 392 21 31 602 so 126 4 2 297 232 3 7 221 2-_lftlaeopho Ai,thntt of Thailtan 106 A7 26 214 491 14 30 7t2 1,162 8,421 1.09 331 6,49 t .l 0 10,422 6,0r 7.6910Caneaztton Ant ty of T a 134 60 --- ; 1 72 1w6 2" 3 62 .S V6o 3,677 .12Other 332 42 46 91 t6 74 10 47 1S 72 660 40 122 61

lh.fnatfla.t 3(31 73 31 336 lei 231 263 537 1212 239 1223 6* 309 32 2001 9WA1`6-FT-Ow-co tumola trt9 wv -w -2 w -3r i n -w -W -w -w -M -M TN

That Ply.wn Cro.. IA. b7 9 19 6 7 ; 2 is 24 26 2 391 f? 30 4 27 6 6

offshorev NInlgpm flv3aalation /a so - - - 2 72 75 234 2 * t9 it 3ladvatrIal Wow2 Aptor3n Is 2 n6 - - -* 6.l 3,N 27 26 9 15 II 604 14 10 6 30 A 6 120 SOother? 4 16 465 44 3 301 21 . 30 $6 79 as 0 lot 94 Ift 1U9

nerleltttnr _1 17 Is 21 20 32 16 44 ,96 SIR 442 142 336 _ 9 300 329Ferrot l.3.atupor3nltatlnno 1 ll I 7 F II 14 1W 1W l lIT TNInN

Cold ftotape and Is acatory *- - -$- 3 7 132 721 222 1 2 3 3 a 6Wnbher *tatel)rn_tat _ lt - U1 445 4 141 1946 40 44 11 26 20 5 2UOthaer 1 I 20 2 It 21is 7 to IIs 2 9t1lC 7 59 20 7t 17

OthaOW 95 315 263 317 242 24 62631924 2663 2379 2152 V,0 14 239 16 I*47 27m1lint tonal On.ntg Aathetttp - - - - 1I~~ *~IT 117 i~~TIF T~11T ~'iIT ~IWI- 1TI -W 1.3

entrol.ntitan Vatewutsth 3nthnv3ty 12" 227 1$34 27 3 20 132 669 2,627 1.69 3,361 3,213 a,271 610413 591 do2 3,40Ptotctlt llmt*qth to A u thorit - - 232 292 1 t10 "*1I 1,t06 11,4 i U50th.. 91 7 -6 ii 39 14 92 3 210 1 32 364 27 . 2 . 6

Toal 2.2*9 2to96 M2.32 1er20, ' 6.063 twtt t196 35.479 29.362 10.336 tto nt_ to b9e491 r3.2-6

im -renource* 1,641 3,429 3.022 'A" 3,667 1,361 3,639 1,430 64246 6,247 4,193 S.Iol %6,6 9.279 11,419 32,960 16.310(2v5, 17t arot aendW loans t. h11 74A 444 472 610 600 1,79 709 I,.67 2.00) 1,9n,3t,6 6.90 2,2o4 6,117 $,641

6ph Inc/ulttog esndi/ - 6w 271 1121 292 44111 66 6 76341 0 3 231 310 tdllo 4 e18 2 116 2it 71 132Cowar.~~~~~~ntaavin3a t.nnha /4 ~~~~~~~~~- -I 1 T - 'IW 4L7 -- - -. . .

Cf4 rclat Make - - 10 t1n 221 442 3.%4 3,42 1 2,2*92 6 9 302 332 244 270 S4 1t 7Otetr Is 4 2l1 31e1 7 20 214 d32 236 148 9e 24 "0 67: 39.92 2to2t

llotrt srantn n.3 mann .1 401 3,0`1 3,641.296 2,141 3,671,210 6,629 3,646 6161 20.92 33,4667 It,10 34,80 lo.622 34.2

la vanS... Rleetrirfty A,thorigy, 11"tho,at StAotnSlatp Aut-ortty wn.r anr*9d ltab the RUctrictly Authmority of Toalanmd (StAT) an Way A. 3969. 013. Feel Or3taptlooosa Nand turalCan 0rganniz:ttoo owpol to fttrolawn Aotboritp of Ithilad an fteewher 20, 1979. %mea and ?.3earpI' h*d c3.and tta no to ha CANt.at3on Awiloortip of Thattand on. viurvary2%. 3977 Pr-Malctal WAtamwork Au.thority was established on De.cmbr 26, 3979. 0*31(3o1w Wio*tna

43r*iantaon was ava0bliahnd an July 26. 1977.

lb Iilnc4udit e, on the Cantrot co,eamanqta* iratmation proje4ct ad4mtftatarad lp SCAT: 3 191 tlitton, 9 366 millio, 6 1701 .l334, 3t4"3 atlIlon and 3 127 million itn

P774-3D.~~ . 39

It lminading dtnhnvn.,omt fe. 6yadiCAtad toma 3 3,306 sItltion 3 116 atItto., 39421, muttlon. 2 562 sUttAn no6 2,173 gIttto, tsk 1`1764- of vttcli the Govaronot rapold 3I"nt2.tnon, 3 373 a3l3too, 3 791 atllijo, 3 106 wtllion, and 3 ,1.131 atlIla on In116'0.

/d llnda lanoe Say FrA? for a320 spilion in P172, a 216 million gn Ff72, 6 246 million in l'04, 6 262 .l1106 to "Y72, 3 34 aWiM= in, 91, 4an &Y 111tt-oAIll"109o inthoftty for600 .6still" too P76 and * SW0 millton to ff77 and hI Th1l(oko. orwianattn. of ThatIand for 3 Is million to P176, 3 214 williou n 1617, 3 236 million he Ff73, A 0.011; oil-lon In V179, and a 200 nillIon la FY00.

so.,,e., Rant of Thailanod.

Table 5.7: CBUTfL GOVUMOI RBCUEPTS, BUDGET FY8046(millions of Uaht)

2 2 2~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 2 254L /a 2dump. 5989 IL S 0aau 59621a 2 Qmans 553 Im a 2 m Slasa 9.A. I 40,aw 1WSp I s" it 3U~ 2 ms

taem 92.89. 6P 23 113.47640 65 19 55L654.1 61 317.450.9 70 23 156.60.0 63 13 162.flS.l 11 4 1*35 .02w a! 14

Tons and dutles 62,337.9 74 n nn7. 77 -41 100,291.2 72 5 120,3.9 49 20 137,225.4 7t3 4 4 117,05O.t 77 IS

Sol". of maeodOm sotwelces 7,514.5 2 t9 2,942.5 2 17 1,272.7 2 it 4.242.7 2 4,421.4 2 4 4,743.4 2 6 S5WI.7 2 I5

Tacoma trom Stateenterprise 4,796.1 4 23 6,221.0 5 30 4,895.3 * -21 6,065.9 1 24 6,49.& 3 7 377S0.9 1 -to 4,528.0 3 13

Otbara 1,041.1 3 38 5,404.3 4 76 S,92.9 4 -6 64,02.4 4 34 7,65.8 4 14. .S5.4 3 -24 6,048.1 3

LO 1745M.60 14 30 14.4112.4 12 -16 26.421.9 19 0o 37.6*2.1 22 43 301000.0 16 -20 35j100.0 16 7 V 3.009, 15 -6

eask of Thailand - - - - - - - - - - - 50,500.0 6 _ 30,74.0 5 2 , 700.0 4 -19

Cotn nt Savinga-d L - - - - - - -t- - 7,0000. 4 - ,00.0 4 14 10,nn.0 5 25

ComAsretal boaks,founattoma, com-pentee, pIat., 02Inetttutin - -- - - - - - - - - - 12,50.0 7 A5,10.0 P 1 . 6 U 1

Treaute -teagrsa - _ _ -_ 2,000.0 1 _ , -_ -

Total 110, 1138. 3100 24 125.16R.4 500 14 140,076.0 In0 12 175.513.0 IlO 25 518.0m.00 1tO 7 197..0 54 216.00,0m 100 la

/a Paged on actual bo4dpt.

hb 11aped an revtsed asttateo.

La fae*s on budW"t *stimates.

Ratest lare" of the hdWpt.

Table .5.8: F1UICTICUAL CLASSIFICATIOG OP CO iRMUL QOVU T UxPImmI l Now. T(illiom of Debt)

3963 3982 3961 3964 196 5 3406CaWptU CWr t lW'iMtacl Mrrent Totel Capitol Curreat S=talSPIpR al Current f.tol Cpito ket Toal CCar Wal Mpt

Itonoost. ge twiea 21,146.5 *,94.q 31,943.1 21,06.1 9,%47.9 32,657.0 21,140.6 10,119.3 31,64.4 22,701.0 11,263.4 34,139.3 27,132.1 11,670.3 '1243.* 21116,4 09,1.1. 34,a*7.7

U,iucatta 6,779.0 23.332.7 27,'12.1 7,117,3 24,427.1 32,164.6 7.792.? 29,740.2 17,341,9 7,044.? 33,623.9 16,7U4.6 6,331,4s 1S,4i. ¶9,191.4 t6,364, 71,9117.6 19,928.4

"wbito boalth 1.111.4 4,t36.2 5,266.4 43,9.? 4,9.97 ,39S.2 1,421.2 6,250.6 7,73.6 1,429.4 7,4. 9,046.9 3,433.4 ,tol.l 34.112,7

on* iofer. 2.204.1 2.722.6 1.70..3 2,14,110.1 l,.o4.? 9,3.0 33, 11153.2 2,1.4 4,73,712.1 12,061.3 2.,7 10,73 7 37,4433 (1,973.41 (1*9,43.4) (21,79,4

l30fon.e - 21,122.6 2t1722.6 - 31,617.6 31,617.6 - 35,211.4 15,231.4 - 37,987.3 37,968.. I3.9 43,24 41,414,3 1.6 41,255.? 41,757.3

tntofeal atrit, 639.7 6,461.6 7.124t.1 679.1 1,12. 6.211.1 947.1 64.i 9,611- 902.1 3 ,304.1 10.40.0 3,193.6 40e4.2 34,962.11, 1,14S.6 4*6.2 10,7.3

coner*1 .d,dee-tIatlon 276.7 4,473.6 4,748.1 146.0 1,942.2 4,V.30 420.1 *,794.1 5,214.4 548.6 4,73,1 S,7"4. 5311.51 340.0 5,941.3 132.4 5,1304 3,623.0

tooht aoryfca 17 ,534.9 37,310.9 - 2,1.O. 21,0436.1 _ 27,330.l 27,10.3 - 33,444.7 31,4.7 7 - 44,00, 44,700.0 - S0,719,3) 30,739.1 t

Niatel loneona - 7,628.3 7,523.1 - 13,044.3 11,.1114 9.949.1 9,904.3 -I3,364.1 30,61.2 11921.1 11.921., 40.0 11,471.1 33,331.5

Total 1Z4,91.6 10iJ0644 14430.0 136.130.4 124.379,4 161.00M.0 33.14.9 141.I0*1 317.000.0 14.12.2 156.11".6 l92.4.0 7.639.2 177t4m 2131.1m.6 34.927,2 S,? 236,00.0

9uoeel Onoa of tI, 8.40.1


Seble 6AS 1s An TIOtl 01 U6I1A4T SITOATION - CALIUIAlU T34U I(iIl lion ef abts)

1976 1977 1978 39t9 3980 196S 1o2 1983 1904 1909

Uon.t*ty position at learve 1nd______________________ ____.___

clAim. on Control Government 40,641 48.699 59,818 60,211 89,117 110,1*6 141,821 153,301 126,585 184.675l,os: Deposits of Central G*voromeot 9,905 9,398 11,370 13,271 14,391 17,721 16,323 16.952 20,801 26,195

Not Claims on Ceotral Government 30,733 39.301 48,448 54,940 74,726 92,465 125,49$ 136U.49 355,784 155,479

Claims on private sector 99.144 127,151 165,084 202,709 231,144 264,4i4 312,981 414.390 409,494 462,000

Domestic credit 129,877 366,452 213,532 257,649 305;,70 56,6$9 43;,479 5i1.239 645,27i 725,145met foreign cscets 32,434 26,939 27,418 33,066 42,406 34,329 36,553 16,534 28,286 40,655

Honey 41.572 45,652 54.676 63,548 71.401 75,333 75.965 f 3,756 53,342 90,096Quasi-soney 64,345 105,419 125,740 142,129 180,340 219,144 285,635 366,997 .450,540 509.176

olnetery weaonrc*e 125,917 151,071 10,410 205,677 253,821 292,477 364.000 452,753 54).863 599,272Capital occounts 33,949 40,516 58,672 81,946 91,934 96.441 104,225 109.644 129.441 145,347

of .bichu Seat of Tbailcad lb 23,763 26,396 43,627 63.721 72,451 74.989 79.629 11,590 933S50 103.302sOtf0winu fi-om otber Financial ltstitution IC 636 350 205 828 1,075 1.597 1,469 2,664 2.144 4,765Otber ite- (not) If 1,809 3,454 1,655 2,264 3.444 6*3 5,323 2,710 (2, 107) (9,711)

Chonge Daris$ Tear

not Cl5ime an Central Coveromeet 9,408 8.568 9.147 6,492 19,706 17,739 33.033 11,351 15,93S 2,695Claim* of private sector 16,803 28,007 37.933 37,625 23,435 35.200 48,55? l01,409 75,104 (7494)

Domestic credit 26,213 36,575 47,080 44,;17 46,221 51,019 ;1,590 551,760 94,019 80,$36not foreign assets 527 (5,495) 479 5,645 9,342 (8,019) 4,224 (22,019) 1I1,42 12.349

Nosey 5,957 4,080 9,026 *,570 7,933 1,8$2 S,632 4,791 9,S6 (3,244)Qoasi-money 15,868 21,074 20.321 16,3$9 38,211 38,504 66.691 63,162 61,543 58,636

nonetsry resources 21.845 25,154 29.347 25,259 46,144 40,656 72,323 67,953 91,129 55,390Capital accounts 4,146 6,567 18,156 23.274 9,992 4,523 7,764 5,421 19,995 16,106

of wbhic: JaWk of Tbailand 2,956 4,613 45,231 20,094 8,730 2,538 4.640 .1.961 13,740 9.952Otber (net) 747 (641) - 56 1,232 3,427 (2,239) 5.727 (2.63S) (5,313)

I gulletin figrtes and excluding Government asving. ansk (U.. eteie.)../b lIcluding 31r (Bxcbhage Iquallsation lund/C From the WelanCe sheet of ComerCIeIl BDk.Id InclCdiaO Adjustment for 4dfference betwees bav*c soo*t of Soak of Th&ilan4 and Commrc{ial lanks.

Sourc: Sank Of Tailand.

Table 6.2: uVALUAATION 01 OFOUSTART SITUATION - QUAS2RTRlT 14(hlillionn Qt Sbetl

able 6.2 pan. I

1981 1982 1983

Mar Jun Sep Dec Nat Jon Sep Doc Nor Just Sep DPce,

Nom.tars position at tnd of Querter

Claidum on Central Government 95,410 93,319 103,441 110,186 122,113 121,260 134,978 141.821 15l,303. 144,963 153,005 1536.01Less: Depositc of Centtal Covernuent 16.297 16.557 21,600 17.721 19.366 21.519 22.177 16,323 19,089 20.045 26.841 16,932

Net Claims on Central Covernuent 79,113 76.762 81,841 92.465 102.747 99.761 112.601 125,498 132,294 126,3139 126,164 136,649

Claim, on private sector 248.597 258.339 259,319 264,434 287,339 293.741 295,588 312.981 334,087 352,8i 375,090 414,390

Dodestic credit 327,710 335,101 341,160 356,089 390,086 393,502 408,309 416,479 466,381. 479,10$ 501,254 551,239Set forti5n assets 3P8051 29,713 35.048 34,329 25.469 32.664 31,267 38,553 39,126 41,274 31.073 16,534

money 76.441 69,433 66,492 73.333 70.202 71,499 72,305 76,965 86.643 78,922 76,682 63.756Quasi-*oney 188,303 199.896 205,094 219.144 233,248 249.895 261,$09 285,635 304,616 326,643 341.215 368.997

olonetaryresourcec 264,744 269,329 271,586 292,477 311,450 321,394 333,614 364.800 391,461 405,565 4117.97 452,753Capital accounts 93.719 89,694 101,181 96,461 94,820 96,969 97,019 104,225 106,867 109,922 110.024 109.646

of which: Bank of Thailand lb 73,807 69,337 80.447 74.989 72.912 73,430 72.958 79,629 8J,700. 3,723 82,943 Sl,590 ,Soyrowing from other Firnacial Institution 1.418 2,287 2,164 1,597 1,976 3,338 2,466 2.679 1,695 608 1,237 2,664 6Othet item (net) 5.880 3,504 1,277 683 7.309 4.465 6,557 5,328 5,4S4 4,204 3,169 2,710

Cbange Curiag Qusrter

Claims on Central Gcvernment 6,793 (2,091) 10,122 6.745 li,927 (833) 13,698 6,643 9,562 (4,420) 6,042 796Leac: Deposits of Central Covernmeot 1.906 260 5,043 (3.879) 1,645 2,153 658 (5$854) 2,766 1,556 6,196 (9,809)

Net Claims oa Central Gov,rnmeot 4.387 (7.351) 5,079 10,624 10.262 C ,9S6) 13,040 12,09. 0,796 (5,974) (154) 10,685

Claims on private sector 17,453 9.742 980 5.105 22,915 4.402 1,847 17,393 2i,106 18,700 22,303 39,300

Domestic credit 21,840 7,391 6,059 15,729 33,197 3,416 14,8S7 30,090 27,902 12.724 22.149 4S,965Oft foreign assets (4,357) (8,338) 5.335 (719) (8,860> 7,195 (1,397) 7 286- 573 2,148 100,2013 (14,539)

Money 4,960 (7,008) (2,941) 6,841 4,869 (6,703) 806 6,660 7,678 (7,?21) (2,240) 7,014quasi-money 7,963 31.593 5,198 14,050 14,104 16,647 11,414 24,526 t8,983 21,825 14,S72 27,102

Nloactary recources 12,923 4,585 2,257 20,891 18,973 9,944 12,220 31,186 26,661 14.104 12.332 346,56Capital sccounts 1,781 (4,025) 11,487 -4720 -1641 2,149 50 7,206 2,642. 3,055 102 (c76)

of wbicb: Blnk of Thailand 1,356 (4,470) 11,110 (5,458) (2,077) 518 (472) 6,671 2,071 2.023 (780) (1,353)Other (set) 2,779 (1,507) (2,350) (1,161) (7,005) (1,482) 1.220 (1,016) (828) (i.287) (406) 966

… _-_ - _ -_-__ - _ _ -__-_-_ -_ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _---_-_--…------------.____-_--

table 4.2 *.s. 2__________________________.___________________________________________________________________________________,________._

Ne: Joe Ser Dee not d*e Out Doe

*emater Stitio t 4 of Q*s,teW

Clei0 em Coetral Coversteau 15U1 45 155I,n4 114.597 176,5M5 131.644 177.149: 364,413 Mo4f41

t ccs pepealts of* Ccetrol Co.e.snet 20*258 20311 25.445 20,201 25.069 26.515 1*.Oss 26M15

*et Ctelam em Ceittal oe.or?<,opem 336,695 135.453 349,032 355.731 152,735 150.S447 151.2,7 tS 3540

C gom e private &*$*or 411,64? 447.093 462.024 89494 509,64 534.540 441.264 462.064

Domestic red4it 514.102 5;2544 U 1,15t 6455217 441.j21 417,544 1709,1' 125,113

JeJ foweiz. *aset. 10,267 30,19U 22,152 20.200 24.,016- $2,02 27,506 40.455

mosey 89.434 604.21 63.354 93,342 920176 82.154 $5.56 90o09"

Quefi-voogy M3. 46,514 420.441 450.52 41,943 44.253 6 494.50 509.176

NeOStsWiy w*400urco 409,361 491,503 503,197 543,642 555,13t 56 961 579.410 S9,2J2Capital acceonts 136.701 11 2 117,921 120,SS 129,642 I3S,494 222,496 I334S26 347.I

of wbiebt lk e9t Tof lttead lb 55.314 03.963 05,612 9356 9,9S. 93,25, 94,250 150,302

osreIma tiwes ethbot tiesaocil lntitoltiee 2,952 2.23 23 ,269 j" S,O2 2.911 2,24t 4,175 6

Otheg item (mat) 940 2.004 40465 (2.101) ( .120) (4,!00) (6,.e6) (9,11)

Cbeg- serieg Qarte-r

ais Os Central *.e.ver.amet .244 (1,31) IM."32 194*$ 219 (63s) 7 444 62.esos Deeoesit of C-mc:aI Ceovmwu.t 2.296 61 5,154 (4,6644 4,240 1,456 1J,U,0 (7.190)

--- _ _____ ______ ____ ; - ----.- ---- r-----~~~get Cloi-c oe Ceatr e.e?ern t IG tl (.2 319 4,452 (S.049) (2.093 (4) 1.452

Claims on privte, cectew 23.477 9.224 14,935 27,446 I9.62 7,$14 (49,528) (MISS0)

Dmesmti, credit 2;3523 7,702 26,144 34,120 124.64 5,423 41,434 4,4S5

Ott fessig. soasts 1,733 33.929 (6,044) 4.134 (2.310) 0 6U 4,424 S,3341

Nosep $5.40 (4709) (1.571) 9.964 (144) (o,420) 2*,04 4.6Mquaai-_ s'o 10,734 26,64S 932865 20., 1,422 24,26 1619 35.l24

Nosets.y rcoe?eeee 16.614 22.13 122294 4 ",*2' It I25? 1.648 1.422 39,4f2

capital aceoenta 9.315 (640) 2.436 9.282 4.052 (1.196) 4.391 Os$5of ihlcbs saak of ThalOaUd 3,742 133 31625 1:724 3.4U (3.1$) 2,645 4 :*.S2

ther "(snt) (412) ( 1565) 5.5s (9 113) (737) (342) (2.632) (2,445)…-- - - - - - - -- - - - - --… --- --- -- -- --- -- -…

table 5.3: *3LSCtI3 64* 00U333 84066a gt ("Illl. .t Wbeb)

1t11 l9ll 391t It" 31 292 2963 1964 1965

*etel *ecetc * total liabiliti.esh 174,.61 221,524 264,260 305,294 35.309 431.405 471,401 540.046 596,670 549.359 SS1.72 113,626totl depoeCta lb 131,000 15 .534 175.*25 237,115 260,136 324.303 347,502 408.SO4 452,15 500.6984 332.51 M5o.71

Time deposit. 91,272 117,770 129,364 351,572 16U.612 231.409 257,356 262,679 320.153 156.433 395§990 409,U402As 2 ot total deposie. 75.7 74.3 13.5 72.4 72.5 71.4 70.0 69.3 70.2 71.4 74.2 13.2

*oitowing twos Dal 5,952 6,141 16.733 13,711 20.157 20,950 21,446 23,367 25.661 24.276 24,601 25,103As I at total lelbillti.. 3.4 3.7 6.3 S.5 5.6 4.1 4.5 4.3 44 3.1 4.6 4.2

souro.img from abroad 14.103 24,803 3S,422 25.654 30,054 25,3s5 2$4691 $6,%39 39.250 46.5U0 42,477 39.71$As I of total lIsbilltia. 4.4 11.2 13.4 6.4 8.4 6.0 5.2 r.3 4.1 1.2 6.0 1.1

Cash ond baleecec wI5b 20T 7,093 6.594 7,694 10,664 12,099 13.090 13,520 15.173 13,332 13.021 20.223 21.644As 2 of total dapovit# 5.4 5.4 4.5 4.9 4.5 4.3 3.7 3. 3. 3.0 3.6 3.9 "

Goweroment acearitlea 22,263 24,439 23,8U4 26.918 36.334 53.522 56,562 52.111 54,466 79 ,l9 60,464 ?6,982AO I of totcl deposits 17.C 15.4 13.6 4 3.3 14.7 16.5 15.4 12.9 14.) 15.9 I.1 133.

Liquid *ceetc It 32,044 36,283 39,012 45.700 65,955 65.425 65,105 84,303 104,654 109,554 114,8:5 119.224Ia of total dapoasta 24.5 22.9 22.2 21.5 25.4 26.3 23.4 20. .23.2 21.9 21.4 21.3

Losom. overdrafts sod discosata 2315769 156,00 195,022 216.931 254,450 299.760 342.147. 401,48 432,395 474 993 49,02 522.261Be 2 of total deposits 92.9 3I0.I 111.1 190.6 97.6 92.4 93.1 96.4 95.6 4. 92.5 93.3

Capital *ceooctc 12,052 134.99 16,125 19.352 21,356 24, U4 25,052 27,9S0 *3,642 55,125 M3M923 42,252*A X oft ri ai.t. 10.1 10.4 10.1 10.7 10.2 9.9 9.3 6.5 .. 9.31 9.2 9.4

/a ogclodie3 interboea twaeeoetious boo *azeludig cocb itse. is pioceas of eellectiueelb aselld¢e i.tabAgb Coapuiaga cosb in bha4. balcaco at 1OT, balac.a aet other [email protected]*eriSl boeok I. thaileed. baleecee St bteak abtoad.

sold eod sov*reaset *c*,ritiee otber tbha tbeco ple4ged of dapoaitod as gareatese witb tho S=u *f lbeilsed

logic.: Saab ef Tbhilaet.


teble 6.4: 61LL., .08 £0 noYEDRbAf8 at COUlCu.L 3688 n c8Aw lgD gy "91o3 1/(hilthloe ot bsbt)

3983 1982 19o3 19*4 39651977 1978 1979 1900 ------------ ................ -------- - --------Dec. not. Dee, Dee. Jiet Dee. Jose pDc. *sea ee. Joe, Doc. Jee. not.

Asrcultutre 6,541 8,657 10.775 12.568 I3,344 16,042 17,443 22,140 24.73S 39,451 30,974 37,409 36,439 39,3M 666 1,079 1.252 1,702 1.375 1,607 1,832 1,895 2,035 2,439 2,66 2.844 3.326 3,361

Uenafseturlng 23.846 29,576 36.331 41.161 59,041 58,29 67,385 64,893 80,367 8,713 130D.676 106,049 136.310 122.577

Coasttsctiop 6,004 8,419 10,147 11,879 12,SIS 13,033 14,327 16.073 18.209 21,774 23.963 26,143 28,454 29,428

2eel eetate beolmeo* 3,842 4,397 6,003 4,756 6,722 0,973 7,624 8.471 9.784 t2,218 13,S75 16,782 18,0t6 19447

luports 135585 18.319 26,426 29,693 27,570 25,110 24,533 23,988 23,968 34,566 33,76 36,048 31,500 34,188

uports 13.119 17,854 25,556 24,874 25,115 26,077 26,337 28,992 31,154 327,22 18,S47 39,733 42,S54 45,020 j

lbolelc. & tetell trade 28.130 36.498 44.384 49,466 5S.356 56,817 67.808 76,530 68.159 101.271 102,111 113.012 117,641 122,25 1

Vublic e litle. 2,631 3,959 6,503 6,760 6,139 5,964 6,55 5,649 6.043 6.553 6.$82 7,47? 8.tS2 9,548

bcsaWing * otbar tiaescialbsitelse 7,017 9,591 12,475 14,460 13,3597 12,748 14,G86 16,649 20,286 25,?14 24,346 30,302 32,106 33,067

Services 5,426 6.312 6.945 8,272 10,910 12,032 14.991 16,009 18.932 19,703 21,271 24,252 25,709 26,926

Personal ceooeutt(on 10.156 14,191 15,408 16,593 20,172 21,185 22,773 23,299 29.,76 39,537 34,549 41,*00. 44,221 45,556

Otber 45 26 159 103 202 ^ - - - -

total 122.810 160,879 198,363 224,313 250,051 2S8,117 285,796 306,708 351,546 411,903 4306.934 481,852 506.455 530,PS0'

…------- _-_-_-- .-- ___---------,-_-_-_-__ __----_ _ _________________________________________ -----------___ __ __ __ __

Table 7?1t ARA PLAUUTID, 1131.9 AND *UODUCTIOU Of NAJOR CROPS; ~~~~~table r,l page I

1959/60 1964165 1969170 1974175 1976/77 1977/78 1976/79 1979100 1900/81 9011/62 1962/6) 1961,64 190O4IS

Area Plented ( 000 bI)

Paddy 6,065 6,540 7,564 7,9S2 8,515 9,031 9,998 9,435 90614 i,595 9,621 10,015 9,913Robber 935 1,244 1,406 1,460 1,484 1,419 1,449 1,46$ 1.379 1,600 1,023 1,641Haite 200 552 680 1,240 1,285 1,205 1,366 1,525 1,434 1,360 1,679 1,668 1I,lt

- Serbhum - - 35 202 143 170 176 189 247 260 246 265 294Renfa 44 218 377 404 161 250 320 227 170 167 217 21S 164Cassava 62 1OS 191 480 692 847 1,165 846 11"0 1,,271 1,230 1,36S 1,47?Sgarceane 146 162 118 310 499 567 510 4)7 468 617 583 57J 54UTobacco (Virginia) 18 17 22 46 46 44 47 50 35 49 45 39 31Coconut 134 224 297 321 327 439 373 2)1 233 275 210 329 402Cotton 46 67 93 52 25 84 68 120 152 133 115 102 72Grou"dants 100 67 103 130 121 103 106 97 t0S MIt 122 125 133Soy beans 22 34 48 132 102 153 150 100 126 125 101 161 200loang bena 46 101 208 207 223 435 422 424 44? 466 465 4U4 525Castor beans 28 3S 37 32 45 39 43 SO 42 44 44 43 43 JSeamce 21 16 26 26 28 35 35 36 39 41 .39 31 30-

Yield (kgsba) to

Peddy 1,394 1,737 1,768 1,677 1,756 1,537 1,750 1,668 1,606 1.852z 1,754 1,952 1,996tobber - 226 227 272 269 260 379 39S 365 322 300 366 176"ltis 1.565 12694 2,500 21016 2,062 1,393 2.012 1,615 2,094 2,201 ',7668 2,104 2,326Sorgbon - - 2,000 1,236 1,035 737 1,231 1,050 1.019 ; 979 959 1,234 1,272Kenaf 1,136 1,390 989 950 1,137 956 1,050 975 1,237 1,037 922 1,093 968Cessarv 17,468 14,629 16,120 13,000 14.775 13,981 14,037 13,125 14,256 13,961 14,392 l13i66@ 13,531Sugarcane 33.703 31,321 43.237 47,071 52.29) 33,406 40.201 28,737 42,393 48.946 416864, 41,367 45,721Tobacco (Virgiftia) 444 765 909 604 935 936 936 940 105t I.061 1,044 1,026 1,2S8Coconut 6,754 4,241 2,428 2,131 4,150 4,156 3,400 3,398 2,680 3,225 3,6?1 3 .5 J 2,806Cotton 276 731 473 1,077 1,060 1,003 1,343 1,192 1,263 1,150 1,061 1,167 1,097Groundont. 1,240 1.379 1,204 1,238 1,244 1,029 1,206 1.t19 1,215 ,205 1,19 1,176 1,313Soy beans 1.000 912 1,000 633 1,118 631 981 937 794 1.056 1,119 1,141 1,230Hung beans 1,000 1,089 817 908 561 416 612 594 So1 564 579 595 674Ceetor beans 1,214 1.000 604 1,009 956 962 856 712 419 8J8 173 614 7167Sesame 810 722 731 1,192 737 602 650 593 694 707 667 516 722

…__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _…_ -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- - ----- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -,… .. .. . .. ..- -- -- -

I.bI 7.3 Page 2

1959160 1964165 1969170 197417S 1976/77 1977/76 1915179 1979,50 19808St 1901162 1962/63 196)184 10*6415

'yodoctio, ( 000 a tons)_____________________._.

Paddy 8,454 tl,362 13,410 13,364 15,068 13,920 17,470 15,758 17,546 17,174 16,619 19,549 1i,905Rubber - 211 262 382 393 431 467 534 499 506 576 594 611lais 317 935 1.700 2,300 2,675 1,477 2,790 2,603 2,998 $,449 3,002 3,552 4,226SQggba - 70 250 14 124 215 199 237 274 236 327 3747eoct so 303 373 364 163 246 336 222 211 194 200 235 12Cassava 1,083 I57 3,079 6,240 10,230 11,840 16.358 11,101 16,540 17,144. 17.766 16,96$ it9.$8sugarcoat 4,986 5,074 5,102 14,592 26,094 16,941 20,560 12,626 19.854 30,200 24,407 23,869 25.05Tobacco (Virginia) - 13 20 37 44 47 37 47 37 52 47 40 3SCoconut lb 905 950 121 684 670 901 843 785 471 687 1.076 1.102 1.128Cotton 37 49 44 56 27 91 74 143 t92 176 122 119 79Grcouodute 124 120 124 141 152 106 126 109 29- 147 145 147 172 ISoy beaon 23 31 46 110 114 96 159 102 106 132 113 179 246 X"ung beans 2 110 170 118 125 207 259 251 261 264 261 .268 3S3Castor beanc 34 39 37 32 4 37 37 36 35 $6 34 35 33BSecce 17 13 19 31 21 23 30 22 27 29 26 14 to

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -

table 7.2: PROPORTION Of PLAWTPD AREA IN MAJOR CROPS(to percestages)

1969/70 1974175 1976177 1977178 197?179 1979/80 19S0/18 1961182 1982183 1983/$* 39I J185

Paddy 68.6 61.5 62.4 60.5 63.0 63.0 62.0 58.S 58.7 58.9 57.5

Rubber 11.2 10.8 10.6 9.9 8.9 9.7 9.4 9.6 9.7 9.5 9.S

waise 6.2 9.6 9.4 8.1 8.7 10.2 9.3 9.5 10.2 9.9 10.5

goenet 3.4 3.1 1.2 1.7 2.0 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 0.9

Casaa '*1.7 3.7 S.1 6.4 ?.3 5.6 7.S 7.8 I7.5 8.6 6.5 sSu;erCaue 1.1 2.4 3.6 3.8 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.B 3.6 3.4 3.2

Other major cropc 7.8 8.9 7.7 9.6 6.9 7.1 7.7 9.6 9.0 9.0 10.1

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0- --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ------ --- ------ ---

Source: Teble 7.1.

*~Vm *motuauaol 103A1So IetwS Jo OtA1IB pus $ seuoIlhdo Soua;opS *as1.0

d040 Oall J0uj40o- te * g@ * t_u 0 SO*" 5 t t0z aIll0 61005 1S9r0lo 1159 13004 S1 0 a au - -* .aj45"u 9 /diPudo*" a so-*0 95 631 Oa 901*05003 $*30 q

'It 0Saw Opu0 PM I Hltds 00160q 800 40*3 V/

_~~~~~ ___ -__ -__ t______-__------- -- ----------- ------------------------ -- -- _----- - - ------ __ _ ______ _ _ ____ _ ________________ ______________________________.___

a t tt tttt os's ug U1 *ttt, C0ol s t§ t tt 0 le 9oI eti, s'si- i15tscolt tsot:t st t t/ test,

Sao* dol sI t X Oslso ss'o 4"i 65t 0. - ss ot ce: s., "lot 60 -s tl4t SLS'it to/tent

Oc to' n -lt to-, sW0 solo see n t il e O so O sl es s- to Itt St's WIT Le o*%£'03 eC/oet

t t Os' V; 1(0 * 5tss eeS Sttt I "It 0o' led 9SS 50Z 6 Slt 0 o t e*t t ol@e st sr/u.' "s,I WC wet i' s sost 91'S 00'? "I? t "S co lt @eOP sEt 559 004st S 05 s ot t 50'S; 41/654?

gE **. ,- sts s-t s' ei 0' ls w lc sts 0' 3 4 P Pt 015 406

Ut So't wso c soe 0.Io Os's e e ett 01-0 se' 00C ettU- SrCe oU-S *ss 0t' 505s SeLP1 01/6t5

tot W. S tilt WIN o*t O"e O' 0 5,' OtO e- sO's It, O O St SO' S SO$ 00P Slot @05 *011 4/SULitt WCt 0U s t a es S6 se o et 'n es c ss o e O'.- 06.9 t:' Oslo wo-s sC's oto'cT w

:51 oSt U-t 5-t' . ts e'S W. t, tS-U OIt Ot-'t 0t10 6S- t et-e Sot t S'S oe6 e t C 's I Oct S c/St6u091 tt n' stw a's Wt solo g 0t Os °t 5°t "lo W c5P t *el e' go'1 S ilt "t 0 S t Ott /S sst

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AB Iw _ $ I --- - - ---- ' --------- - - ----- '---------- ....-------------------- -- --- - - -------

Zta °1|_ J33 $~" *4bre t" S" 06441010 tsi so to"t P1 t 04366 wotr &Ti t lld

. _._._.___ ..... . .. .... . ._ . .fb.. _ _------5----1---------------- - ------ @------ ---------------£-U--------U- - ------- .- --- - - -- --- ------------- --------

a>si"$ttio)oSltatooa $ u tt MO S314 an AMi st-s et

Table 7.3as PADDWY 8UPPY AND RICE UTlLI3ATIOU(Million tons)

Killedrice/a Consumptio0 ReOldual/StocksPaddy (after Sed _- -Crop year Production and waste) Eaports Population lb /c lb /c

1972/73 12.41 6.06 0.65 39.70 S.76 6.35 0.23 -0.341973/74 14.90 8.23 1.03 40.60 5.94 6.53 1.26 0.671974/75 13.39 7.40 0.95 41.90 6.10 6.70 0.35 -0.251975/76 15.30 0.45 1.97 43.00 6.26 6.00 0.22 -0.401976/77 15.07 8.33 2.95 44.00 6.41 7.04 -1.03 -1.66

1977/70 14.01 7.74 1.61 45.10 6.58 7.22 -0.45 -1.091978/79 17.47 9.65 2.80 46.10 6.73 7.36 0.12 -0.531979/80 15.76 8.71 2.8Q 47.00 6.65 7.2S -0.94 -I.6C1980/01 17.37 9.59 3.04 47.90 6.98 7.66 -0.43 -1.11 1901/82 17.77 9.81 3.70 48.80 7.11 7.60 -1008 -1.771982/83 16.86 9.32 3.48 49.50 7.22 7.92 -1.30 -2.001963/84 19.55 10.60 4.62 50.60 7.38 8.09 -1.20 -1.911984/85 /d 19.94 11.16 4.06 51.50 - ; - -

Total (12 years) - - - - - -4.33 -12.0

/a Paddy converted into rice by multiplying by 0.6S, 15t doducted (fort eed and loases)./b Using the Bank of Thailand assumption of 145.9 kg per person and year./c Assuming 160 kg (as suggested by small-scale surveys) average annual consumption rate./d Preliminary

notes Table 7.3 ehons that stock changes and production data result In ertatic eotilatesof consumption rates. This table Illustrates the potential underestimationof paddy production given alternative assumptions for conhumption.

Sourcess Office of Agricultural 8conomics and Agriculture Operation$ Center. MOAC.

*il 1> J4. max =P "MOM"flabt per metrti too$

3/2/7 6/m2/74 10/30/76 12S/2/74 6/03/75 12/04/75 1/22/76 12/14/77 20/15/0S 3W/e/l 10/S02to to to to to to * to to, to to I to6/2S/74 10/29/74 12/22/74 V/O2/75 12/03/a75 1/21/76 / 125/M 10/34/00 10/20/61 it/Om" 1018Wbite tice. 1f 5,10 45S00o 1750 2,30 oo 1 .ne 1.000 I00 00. 76 4". "White tice. 5g 500 4.500 3e 75so 2.100 1.700 000 700 0 7" 4" 2"white les. 105 44000 A.000 3S250 1.700 1.200 7o seo *10 S 350 177White rice. 15S $4,00 4000 32s0 1,700 10300 7o s00 7;0 50e 250 *tSWhite rIcet 200 4,40 4.000 3.5so I 700 1.20 700 500 700 I50 n5 15Whlte rice. loer tba 20e 41011 3,50 2.750 1.100 900 S00 400 700 S00 no 2nWhite broken ricea, aU pw special 3.400 2,0oo 2.050 900 500 s50 4 "a 4e0 o 32white broken rice As swer On$ spil 2350 2.000 1.250 600 200 200 200 500 3" lot soWhite broken lce orU indtr 2.150 2,000 1.250 600 200 200 200 500 0O0 100 50white broken rice. Cl 200pe0

epeciel and "rdiny soo 1oe 100 so So NO inwhite brokn Mc. C3 2,050 1,700 1000 s5o too 100 0004 50 30 IO0Whi te troken rit", othes- --- Glutina trices. long grain 104 4.100 3.500 MM000 1.600 1.200 700 40e me 60 25Glutinous tice* long grain 15 - - - - - 90 6" 250Glutinove rice. ebort grain 304 4,100 3,500 I.000 1.600 1,200 700 400 *00 590 250Broken glutinoom rice. Al sp*ecil 2,550 2.200 1.700 750 350 200 20d 50 3100 10i -Iroken lutinoos tice. Cl special 2,550 2,200 1.700 70 350 200 200 500 300 1lo wCargo r c, I300 4,100 3.500 2.750 1.300 "0 700 450 tO0 500 250 122 0Carge rice., S' 4.300 3.500 2,750 1300 SoO 700 450 70 es 250 32 1cargo riceX,lot, 154 ad 250 3A00 J 3,200 2.450 I.O0 250 500 400 70 5so 2" 145 ICargo rice, lower than 20- - - - - - 700 5eo 250 12#Broken cargo Cice of *aI orfes 2.050 O.700 Io000 500 100 100 1O "5 s00 ISO 50Parboiled rice. 300t and 5S 3,600 31000 2.2W 1.050 450 600 400 790 S" 25 IUSPairboiled rice., 1t aOd 1 3.400 2.000 2.050 3O050 450 200 200 IO 500 250 31SParboiled tice. 25 3.400 2.000 2,050 I,05 450 200 200 700 5w 250 12SParboiled tict. low. thln 259- - - - - - 700 S 250 125proken parboiled rice of all gtadee 2.050 1,tO0 I,000 SO 100 S00 106 506 300 10 SoWhite rtic floor 1.150 SOO 600 500 100 100 100 200 200 SO asGlutinous rice floor

Fin. 1,50 no0 600 S00 100 100 Sam 200 200 50 25Ordiner7 1150 S000 600 so lo0 100 lot 200 200 So 25Vemlcellil Nea from rie. 6a0 400 300 200 _- t 00 100 -'…------ ------ … ------------ -- -------------- ------- ------------------…-…--…-C-

… - …- ... - - --

Nots gince Ja nry 22. 1076 the premium on exports of glottinm tice to Loe MM hs be teet s- te.Sottrce Deportmnt ot Foretgn *rede. MC.


Producec prices. I/kg

Year Rice Sugarcane Rtubber Tobacco Casseva aise sorghum lunbnb senet Cotton

1968 0.97 0.11 S.49 13.46 0.33 0.71 0.75 '2.73 1.89 3.75.

1969 0.86 0.11 C.94 15.27 0.54 0.76 0.79 1.01 1.31 3.64

1970 0.63 0.11 5.72 15.18 0.47 0.84 0.64 2.30 I.68 3.85

1971 0.80 0.11 4.74 15.09 0.52 0.70 0.75 2.244 2.24 3.87

1972 1.31 0.11 4.77 15.74 0.47 0.66 0.91 257 283 4.45

1973 1.96 0.13 6.86 21.69 0.34 1.35 1.16 2.68 2.64 5.44

1974 2.23 0.18 7.38 21.74 0.30 2.06 18S ;1.54 2.35 6.75

1975 1.98 0.2S 6.42 23.50 0.4l 1.65 1.69 3.74 2.65 6.39

1976 1.87 . 0.28 9.15 24.14 0.46 1.67 1.49 4.98 2.99 6.07

1977 2.12 0.27 9.49 29.98 0.46 1.61 1.51 6.99 2.63 .57

1978 2.53 0.27 10.74 30.24 0.36 1.64 1.53 5.64 2.91 -

1979 2.40 0.30 14.55 36.38 0.74 2.04 1.93 5.69 3.13 9.10

1980 3.75 0.43 16.12 44.79 0.76 2.40 2.28 5.52 3.85 6.83

1981 3.43 0.61 14.49 36.20 0.54 2.23 2.65 5.59 3.57 8.62

1982 2.94 0.45 13.12 38.04 0.58 2.09 2.24 5.09 4.14 8.32

1983 3.00 0.32 16.73 46.89 0.77 2.37 2.54 6.63 3.69 10.99

_____________------ -- - ---- ------ ---- - ------ --

Notet Rice a Paddy grade 1 (W# Nungbean a Nungbean, miasdt faise m Naixe dry:Cassava * Cassawa-root (for factory)t Cotton * Cotton sixeds Tobacco Virginia. drysRubbec a Rubber-sheet, gSrde 1 6enaf * Ret 9esaf, mixed.

Soutce: Various Issues of Agricultural Products Price Statiaticos Office ofAgricultural Sconomica. NOAC.


Wholeale Nogllutiaou RiceBangkok Wholesale POB Ratios

Paddy Banrok Bangkok ---------------year 1}()3 1/2 2/3

1962 1,172 1,893 2,549 0.62 0.741963 1,031 1,632 2,415 0.61 0.701964 874 1,544 2,315 0.57 0.67

1965 912 1,536 2,267 0.59 0.471966 1,202 2,086 2,654 0.61 0.791967 2,343 2,398 3,139 0.56 0.761968 2,349 2,001 3,534 0.62 0.571969 1,211 2,205 2,879 0.5S 0.77

1970 1,1S7 1,905 2,366 0.61 0.811971 950 1,578 1,646 0.60 0.851972 1,170 1,822 2,101 0.64 0.871973 1,690 2,86S 4,235 0.59 0.681974 2,426 3,773 9,500 0.64 0.40

1975 2,530 3,723 6,152 0.60 O.611976 2,380 3,822 4,359 0.62 0.881977 2,414 3,866 4,542 0.62 0.851978 2,605 4,250 6,486 0.61 0.661979 2,706 4,522 S,575 0.60 0.61

1980 3,260 S,671 6,968 0.51 0.811981 3,746 6,500 6,897 0.58 0.7S1982 3,137 S,452 5,949 0.50 0.921903 3,228 5,488 S,799 0.59 0.951984 2,993 4,859 5,618 0.02 0.861985 2,759 4,610 5,545 0.60 0.83

Notes (1) * No. I gradet (23 St white rices (3) * average.

soutces Bank of Thailand.

Scble 7.7* R1CS US8URV! UUQUIRUUUT (Metric toe.)

. ~~~~~ ~~e , e.

02/27151 06/01/11 07101/J1 10/29161 12/0S/S 01/07182 02102/12 01/01/05 05/01105

051311$1 06130161 10/28/81 12107181 011061S2 02101/62 @5122/*2 0413/405 12131/85

---- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----- --_------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------

- bite Rice1002 1.943 2,124 2,184 2,000 1,000 750 350 2,000 1,0005x 1,943 2,124 2,184 2,000 1,000 750 J50 2.000. 2,000105 1.943 2,124 2.1*4 1,750 875 438 215 2,000 1.00015S 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 675 430 215 2,000 1,000202 1,943 2.124 2,i04 1,750 875 438 215 2,000 1,000252 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 875 436 - 2,000 1,000Lower tbe. 25X 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 675 438 - 2,000 1,000Broken,. Al super

special 1,943 2,124 2.184 1,750 675 436 21S 2,000 1,000Broken, Al all 324 353 364 300 1SO 430 2,000 1,000Other broken 324 353 364 300 ISO - - 2,000 1,000

tarboiled lice1002 1,943 1,124 2,164 1 750 $75 436 215 2,000 1,0005S 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 675 436 215 2,000 1,000102 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 875 436 225 2,000 1,000152 1,943 2,124 2,104 1,750 675 436 215 2,000 1.000 .'201 1,943 2,124 2.184 1,750 875 438 215 2,000 1.000 0'

25X 1.943 2,124 2,164 1,750 875 434 - 2,000 1,000Broken 324 353 364 300 150 ^ - 2,000 1.000

Cargo Rice1002 1,943 2,124 2.164 1,750 675 436 215 2,000 1,00052 1,943 2.124 2,164 1,750 675 438 215 2.000 1,000102 1.943 2,124 2,184 1,750 67S 430 215 2,000 1,000152 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,750 875 436 215 2,000 1,000202 1,943 2,124 2,184 1,760 75 - 438 215 2,000 1,0008rolen 324 3S3 364 300 150 - - 2,000 1,000

Glutinour Rice1O0 1,943 2,124 2,184 1.750 875 438 215 2,000 1,000202 1,943 2,124 2.164 1.750 875 436 215 2,000 1.000Broken 324 353 364 300 ISO1 - 2,000 1,000

/a Ric6 reserve requirement eliiseted at of Ney 12, 1982 end reimposed agsin beginsing jeno*ry 1905.

Source: Department of Yoruign Tret, Stoistry of Conterce.

Table 7.8s AVBRAGS VIOLb8ALU PRIC3S (3A430K) 0 *3L8CT3D AOUICDL.UVAtL COWMODITIR-(bSbt per setric teo)

1970 197S 1977 197, 1979 1960 1921 1982 1983 1*84 19$5

Woagultinoua. paddy, go. 2 /e 1,011 2.310 2,261 2,469 2.584 3,159 3.585 2,917 3,122 2,79? 2,731Uongltino@s, rice (52) / 1,905 3,723 3,666 4,250 4,522 5,671 6,500 5,452 5,408 4,859 4,5$2*oaglutiuou*, rice (202) /a 1,614 3,520 3,610 3,849 4,263 S,155 5.935 4,821 -

Al broken (super) la 1,197 2,682 2,733 2.842 3,026 3,928 3,682 3,024 4,009 4.15* 3,661Glutinoua, rtie (102) /a 1,172 3,540 3.737 .5,068 4.016 - - - -Maise /a 1,230 2,482 2.091 2,165 2,651 3,050 2,909 2.837 3,154 3,001 2,961muaghenam large lb 2,650 7,240 - -- 11,029 10.750 10,450 - -

CGaoTes (tapioca floor), bi$b grode 1,813 3,506 3,685 3,217 5.864 5,770 4,423 4,999 5,641 4,253 4,000Casseva, pellets /a 762 1.571 1.543 1,450 2.493 2,524 1,907 2,106 2.511 I.O0 1,201 tSesame (block), good /b 4,940 10,450 _ _ _ _ 11,070 11.270 16.050Groundnut. (sbelled), good lb 4,010 9,130 - - - - - - -

Cotton, large lb 4,020 7,340 10,133 9,270 12,470 - - 10,440 12,690 -

Kapok (ginned), good lb 7,770 10,490 - - - 23,530 21,530 20,640tenef, higb grade /a 2,967 3,981 5,838 5,148 5,784 6,362 6,366 6,383 6,466 6.083 -Sugateane lb 145 300 300 297 323 _ _ _9ubber, 1o. I /a 6,740 8.510 11.870 14,100 17,570 18,950 15,100 13.690 18,370 17.14? 16,907Rubber. No. 3 /a 6.560 8,310 11,756 13,870 17,340 18,730 14,880 1$,430 17,750 16.447 16,207

…*.--- -. ________t____-- -------- _------ ----- _I--------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ----- ----- _--------- --------------

sourcest la Datb of Tbailand. Monthly Bulletin, vttrO" iossues.

lb Ministry of Commerce, Department of Becieosa eosomics, end NOACOffice of Lgricultmral economiec.

Table 7.98 1A8W PUOSUCmtON AMS RIC6 WPORYSMKllion* of ettrlo tons)

_~~~~~- -- -_- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -_-- -- - --- -- - -- - _-- -- -- -- -- -- - - - _-- -_____

Pedy Production Rice RXpOrt8__--------------------- - -_--- ---- ---------

C rop yeat Glutnous uon-glutinous total G-0 Private tradefr Total

1967/68 2.00 6.02 9.62 0.35 0.72 1.07

1966/69 3.SS 6.88 10.43 0.32 0.70- 1.02

1969/70 4.B5 6.56 13.41 0.33 0.73 1.06.

1970/71 S.1s 8.42 13.57 0.61 0.97 1.59

1971/72 4.8S 8.69 13.74 0.54 1.57 2.11X

19X2/73 4.05 8.36 12.41 0.31 0.54 0.85

1973/74 4.60 10.10 14.90 0.30 0.73 1.03

1974/75 4.40 8.99 13.39 0.37 0.58 0.9S

1975/76 5.20 10.10 15.30 - - 1.97

1976/77 4.60 10.27 15.07 - - 2.95

1977/78 3.90 10.11 14.01 0.48 1.13 1.61

1978/79 5.60 11.87 17.47 1.19 1.61 2.00

1979/60 S.70 10.06 15.76 1.03 1.77 2.80

1980/61 S.50 11.86 17.36 1.12 1.92 3.04

1961/82 4.97 12.80 17.77 1.34 2.29 3.63

1982/63 4.65 12.22 16.68 1.30 2.32 3.70

* - 1933/84 6.43 13.11 19.55 1.13 3.41 4.54

rci O __iA-- i--_ _------------ - -------- - ----------------- -- -- -- ,

80"ccot Office of Agricultutal so¢on*ea ."IOA.

Table 7.10: FERTILIZER USE AND SMPPLY, 1969-84('000 metric tons)

…- n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Domestic Agricultursl !ndustrialYear- Ioports Production use use

…-------------------------------- ---------

1969 260.80 18.40 273.70 5.00

1970 245.90 40.70 280.30 5.901971 229.90 40.60 261.50 8.501972 383.30 34.80 408.00 9.401973 399.40 30.40 418.40 10.301974 364.10 39.90 390.30 12.10

1975 453.90 117.40 506.40 12.301976 683.60 159.70 664.40 10.701977 918.20 162.20 792.00 11.401978 754.00 327.60 785.40 1;.501979 683.70 263.40 827.20 13.00

1980 734.20 260.00 786.30 14.001981 831.20 359.20 S91.90 19.301982 813.60 276.80 840.10 20.001983 1,510.70 286.75 1,272.04 21.001984 1,275.53 285.80 1,246.69 22.47

Xote: Because of double-counting between "Imports" and "Dowest'ic Prodiertion"data and because of iocouplete data on stocks, a belance sheet forfertiliser cannot be constructed and the accuvacy of agricultural usedata caonot be assessed.

Source: Office of Agricultural Eeonomies, MOAC.

table 7.11s KBEILIXlE US1, ST CROP AND ST 130103( 000 METRIC TONS)

-Cestrel 2ofCrop; year worth xortheeat YleioJa Soethb Kingdom total

Rice: 1971 4.1 80,6 61.6 16.3 180.3 69.01975 6.9 66.8 136.9 12.2 *42.6 51.01980 13.8 147.4 242.$ 16.9 420.9 53.01981 16.0 170.2 280.50 14.6 486.2 5.0'1982 14.7 157.3 259*3 18.1 449.5 57.0

Growtb rate 1971-75 (2) 13.6 1.9 22.1 -7.0 7.7Cro-tb rate 1975-80 (S) 15.0 11.2 12.1 6. 11.6.

Field crops/b: 1971 7.2 7.1 29.6 2.1 51.3 20.0-------------- 1975 27.7 15.6 73.5 2 . 118.9 25.0

1960 20.2 17.7 106.6 1.5 146.0 23.0.1981 22.4 19.6 118.3 1.6 161.90 19.01982 16.6 14.5 87.7 1.20 120.00 15.0

Growth rate 1971-75 (S) 39.9 21.8 25.6 (0.2) 23.4Growtb rate 1975-00 (2) (6.1) 2.5 7.7 (6.7) 4.2

Otber/c: 1971 2.8 0.9 10.0 16.3 29.0 1i1.1975 1.9 3.6 56.9 54.0 116.4 24.01980 7.1 7.3 97.7 37.6 150.0 24.01961 8.0 8.3 108.7 61.0 15S.90 22.0 '1982 8.5 8.8 117.7 75.5 210.5 27.0

Growtb rate 1971-75 (1) (9.1) 41.5 54.3 34.9 41.5Crowth tste 1975-80 (8) 29.6 15.5 11.4 (6.9) 5.2

Total: 1971 14.20 88.6 123.20 34.6 260.6 100.0- 1975 36.5 106.0 267.3 60.2 476.0 100.0

1980 41.1 172.4 447.2 56.2 716.90 100.01981 46.3 198.0 507.4 82.2 S34POO 100.01982 39.9 180.6 464.6 94.9 760.00 100.0

Growtb rate 1971-t5 (2) 26.6 4.6 21.4 16.5 16.4Growth rate 1975-60 (2) 2.4 10.2 10.8 (3.6) $.4

Percent of Kingdom: 1971 5.4 34.0 47.3 13.3 100.0_______ __a_____ __ 1975 7.6 22.2 55.9 14.3 100.0

1960 6.1 22.4 63.1 8.4 100.01981 5.6 23.7 60.8 9.9 100.01982 5.1 23.2 59.6 12.2 100.0

la Includes Lover Maine, sorghum. augarcsene cassava, keesf, cotton. tobaccoo euosgbeena

soybeans. peanuts, watermelon, pineapple. ya-, sweet potato# potato.IC Coconut. rubber. oil palm, fruit treeo and flowering plants.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture. Office of Agricultural Wconoaics.

Table 7.12t DI8TRIS10U OF VAti SIZ8 ST NAJOR CROP. 197S(ferc*aza4e)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......................................................................................... .................... _r----.

0110 10-20 20-40 40r-60 60-140 Over 140 Total teotl Average

~--------- I--- ~ ----------- ~- ~ ------------- ~------------ ------------ ............ 'AV Numbers IoldIo.Area RNlH Area we Area . an Ates an Area on Area nH I00O rvi) (<000 U) (faille)

Rice In 6.4 24.0 16.5 27.7 36.0 31.2 20.6 10.7 t0.5 6.2 2.0 .0.3 60.519 3,242 18.7

Corn 3.1 35.8 10.6 24.7 30.9 33.9 21.5 14.1 26.6 10.4 7.3 2.1 4.902 ISO 18.2

Cassava 3.7 12.3 12.0 23.1 31.7 37.1 20.5 15.0 23.7 10.8 6.3 1.0 5,669 450 13.0

sugar Cone 3.0 1S.3 8.5 23.9 20.1 29.3 14.5 13.1 24.0 12.1 29.9 3.3 2.S60 10? 24.1

I/ Mouaebolds or fare boldlig*.

Oouree: Cenaue of Agriculture.


1965 1970 1975 197? 19?7 1979 1960 19S1 196t 19ss 1964 195

Peducctionsangs (2000 settie too.) 320.0 406.0 1,105.0 2,360.7 1,664.2 1,041.7 855.0 1,06654 2100.1 2,035.3' 2,4)3.2 2,010.2

*eor (million liters) 144 36.3 61.3 203.0 106.4 150.2 124.1 105.4 l21.7 1 3543.4. 1 t.1 44.0Tobocco (1000 setric tono) 10.1 15.3 22 6 23.5 23.9 27.2 30.8 32.0 26.* 29.1 . t9.2 9.1

aoo-made fabrics. wovse (millIsm sq gd) 2.7 77.4 337.5 462.6 620.5 692.6 672.3 739.4 o.s. *.c a... .Cotton fAbrite (tillion eq la) 227.9 365.5 574.4 7BS.S 839.0 341.5 904.9 02.2 10651.4 1739iS 1,025.2 s.CooIng b*Ae (mltion egait#) 40.4 52.7 107.4 111.0 144.9 140.3 178.5 .175.) o o. e.i. *.c- .M.Knittiug (million q 74) /a - 53.0 237.0 242.3 259.2 285.2 287.5 399.6 431.4 407.0 S01.2 m.^.Plywood (millios *beets) n.e. 3.0 3.0 4.3 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.2 , o.c. o c. o.c. e.g.Paper (100 oettic tans) .4e. 31.7 25.1 30.9 65.0 70.0 74.0 71IJ n64. .c a. 6e.

Celset (million oetric toll) 1.2 2.6 4.0 5.1 5.1 S.3 5.4 4.3 6.7 7.3 0.3 t.6Gslten,led iron beete (1000 setric tons) 65.5 85.5 83.1 129.6 106.9 127.9 124.9 ;151 . 156.9 149.3 153.8 * .e .

Detergente (1000 Netric tone) s.c. 27.1 44.4 59.0 60.9 75.2 $4.6 70.3 04.3 04.0 9t.5 2t.6Cbhem fartil. (2000 metric tgon) U.S. 39.0 253.3 144.5 522.5 n.e. r.e. o.e. D.O. s. e. *.e.Acetylene (metric tons) D.C. 79.0 80.0 230.0 169.0 178.0 190.7 e.e. e.c. o.. *n.. n.o.Snlpbutic acid (1000 metric tone) U.S. 15.0 37.8 40.2 60.2 48.1 Ml.1 s.c. n.e. *.O- n.e. M.A.

Petcoleum ptoducta (billios ittere) n.S. 3.9 7.6 0.0 4.9 9,4 0.4 6.9 0.0 0.1 t.9 19,4

motor tebictle aoeembl (1000 eoite) 10.1 10.6 31.0 65.2 66.1 66.7 74.0 0)1 71.3 1099. tli.0 O.*.Notomcycle abeembly (1000 nite) - - 03.9 140.6 190.0 244.2 204.0 300.0 292.? 315.3 520.5 54.1

Production Capacity

Ssor (100i0o litetr) B8.6 0 C. C. 165.0 105.05 .05.0 195.0 91;.0 1;S.0Tobacco (1000 mettie toos) o.e. a.m. U.S. U.*. a.0. n.O. B. e. 0.0. *.0.

Non-made fabr;ce, woven (uittios *1 4) 1,210.0 1,343.0 U.o. .. 1,000.0 i,.80t0 2.004.0 t,ooo.o 2,000 ..-Cotton fabric. (illion eq 4d) M .S. n.&. n... ... V.. O.e. I.S.d. 1.04. a.d. 0.Canny b6ac (millioe ad, U .e. n.m. .e. 260.0 260.0 260.0 260.0 260.' 2$000 *0.gnitting (illion eq yd) lo 500.0 550.0 578.0 700.0 700.0 740.0 750.0 750.0 750.0 o.

Plywood (stittlin beets) n.e. o.a. s.c. s.c. .1 0.4 4.. O.S. a.*. s.c.PepOt (100 NettiC ton.) 39.0 40.5 s .e. *.c. 93.0 95.0 n.o. *.o. - .o. 5.9.

Cement (mtilion mettie tons) 4.2 5.2 5.4 S.4 5.7 B.; n-e. S.C. *e. .*..6o1VlUired Iroo cheste (200 Settlc to.e) 212.7 213.7 213.7 213.1 213.7 21O.7' s.C. n.e. e a.

Dotergente (1000 metrie tons) 06.0 66.0 72.0 M.c. a.o. *.o. a.o. o.o. *.c. *.Cbeoicel fertillleer (1000 setrtc tons) 170 200.0 410.0 ... a.. o.o. n..e. a.*. a.m.Acetylene (metric tone) a.m. *.S. S.d. a.m. S.C. 3.0. S. a.*.. .. *.m.

…_______-,___ --- _ -- _-_ -------------------- -___________ ….....................

Table .1 eSo, 2

1975 1973 li9 1t79 1960 M9U1 192 t} 1903 1904 9

Product 100 CactcS^itpmlpbo.ric acid t(000 metric tons) 70.3 1i9.Is 127,6 o.e. e..e .*.a. m.a8 m.o. *.*

Petrolevs products (billion liAers) 9.6 9.0 10.2 10.2 10.2 1'0.2 n.. S.C. S.C. S.C

Notor webiel. *..eeblp (1000 n.itc) 93.0 114.0 127.2 131.0 131.0 131.0 154.0 9e0.0Motorcycle acee-bly 1000 "Site) 111.0 240.2 293.7 113.8 s3s.0 396.1 421.5, 436.5 4!0.0 0.e

Capacity utilization (S)S.c., (1000 *etric tons) - - - - - - -leer (million liter) 75.0 - - 95.0 75I. 64.0 U.c. *. e.g. *S.Tobecco (1000 metric tone) - - - _ - - . _ - -

WMn-*ad. fabrits. 'owev (million eq yd) 75.0 93.0 - _ 0O.0 84.0 in... o.e. n,o. *.8.Cotton fabrice (Sillion eq 74) ---.- -- O. f * M.S.GOnOy boge (million Suite) - - - 1S.0 62.0 60.0 0 .a n.e. no o. n.oK tnitting (millio, eq p4) Ita 0.0 44.0 45.0 41.0 41.0 547.9 a.e ne. n.e. a..

Plywood (million ebeeto) - - - - 72 0 66 -Paper (t00 *etrie toea) 64.0 66.0 - - so.0 ?$: -

Cement (million metric t0e;) 95.0 100.0 94.0 980. 95.0 72.0 n.a. n.e. o.S. c.e.Caluoniued Iron eabte. (1000 netric tole) 39.0 61.0 50.0 60.0 58.0 71.0 .e n.e n.e. o.e.

Detergente (1000 metric tons) 68.0 09.0 85.0 - - - - - - -Chemical fertilizers (1000 *etric tone) 90.0 - - - - - - - - -Acetylene (metric tone) - - - _Sulphbric acid (3000 metric tome) 40.0 40.0 47.0 -

Petroleum product. (billion liters) 79.0 92.0 07.0 92.0 02.0 84.0 - - - -

voto vbil assoebly (1000 unite) 33.0 57.0 54.0 51.0 s6.0 66.0 - - -

Motorcycle aoeebly (1000 unite) 76.0 0.0 65.0 76.0 04.0 7.0 - -

.e.e * not Available.

is Total mao-mad, and cotton tabreSo.

source: minietry of Knidetry and leok et th.ileod.

Teble *.2a VSD"ll **0 W CSmn 4PtoIoc t *i,N4i PROW WAWP?4CSU9tJ0 4? 01W! 834311 U|-1110 -(UIllitee of Sabtt

1970 1975 19t6 I977 1976 5979 l980 I Pl96 1 96 82s 1964 t ff A

food 5.0 £2.5 14.1 15.0 15.4 16.1 It.5 24.5 23.1 22,6 24.7 26.0leverages 2.2 4.3 5.3 6.4 7.6 9.3 10.9 10.7 13.4 12. I7.5 20.0tobacco 6 aunff 2.0 4.1 4.6 5.7 6.0 7.0 0.0 10.6 10.2 11.1 11.9 12.tTextiles .. 7 4.? 5.3 6.5 7.7 9.? 11.6 13.0 12.6 11.1 12.0 13,5Weries a*pporet A gode-4p textile goods 1.1 4.2 5.1 6.0 4.2 1t.0 14.2 17.5 19.7 2$.I 27.4 12.1Wood 6 cork 0.6 1.4 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.7 3.2. 3.5 2.9 $.1 2.2 3.6Furuiture & fixtures 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.4- 2.. 2.0 1.9P,per 6 peper producto 6.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.S 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2 .Priutins. pub1isbing 4 allied industries 0.6 1.5 1.6 1.' 1.9 2.5 2.0 3. 4.0 3.t g.9 A.1Leather 6 leather product. (6 foetwert) 0.t 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 6.5 0.6 0.7 #.! 0.9 1.0Rubber 6 robber products 0.4 1.1 1.5 t.9 2.2 2.6 5.8 3.8 3.0 3.J 3.4 2.0Chemicols S hebeteal prodecte 1.5 2.9 3.3 4.3 5.1 6.9 9.I 11.0 12.1 13.2 14.4 15.9Petroleum refilelg 6 eoal 1.6 4.9 5.3 6.1 7.5 11.5 84.5 17.5 IS. 15.6 16.6 16.3Noumetalli. *inerel predoete 1.4 2.8 3.4 4.7 5.8 7.0 6.7 10.0 .11.3 12.2 13.4 1 4.1Basic eetals 0.2 1.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 2.7 1.9 2.4 2.3 2.£ 2.2 2.5Hotel products (terl. "aChiner76 transport equipment) 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.0 2.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.9 3.4 4.2

Uoeelectrieel meehioeri 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.4 3.1 2.eBlectrical maeblaor 6 aeppl1es 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.5 2.1 2.5 3.1 3.7 3.2 S.# 4.5 4.4Teauspore *quipment 1.1 3.7 4.4 5.6 .1. 9.2 11.4 14.2 14.9 19.1 20.1 19.1Niaelleouoae. D.e.e. 0.5 1.2 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.5 5.4 4.7. 6.0 7.2 7.1 7.1

Total Value Added 21.8 53.9 62.0 74.7 69.1 109.7 134.5 158.3 164.7 176. 1046.9 207.2

Je Prelimiuary.

Mote: Totals so! not a44 because of ereudieg.

Bource ; SDS.

Teble 6.3: C2088 "SNITIC .tlOlPCt OtlIZOIUAI3 1603 NAUU4C?WSIUO A? comsT*pT ouics's

(sSllAloea e 19J2 labS)

-970 1975 1976 1917 19716 1919 1960 ost1 .1962. 19a$ 1964 1985/.

Wood 4.6 8.) 7.3 8.4 $.4 8.9 8.6 9.2 10.9 10,4 11.6 15.9

Deweras.. 3.0 3.3 4.0 5.0 5.6 6.8 5.9 5.4 5.6 6.3 7.3 1.0

Tobacco 6 snuff 2.4 3.4 3.7 3.3 3.6 4.1 4,6 4.9 4.1 4.5 3.C 4.4

Te:tileu 2.2 5.1 5.7 6.3 7.2 7.7 8.6 9.2 9.7 10.4 10.9 12.0

Weariug apparel A made-up testile sood4 1.1 2.7 3.3 3.6 4.6 5.0 5.6 6.4 7.2 7,? 0.4 9.1

Wod & cortk 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.G 0.9 1.0 1.0

Fufriture & firtueee 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 O.S 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 O.S 0.5

Plper 6 paper producto 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2

Printiog, publisbias & *llied industries 0.5 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.9 I.6 S .0 1.9

Leatber * leotber products (6 lootwver) 0.2 0.3 t .3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5

Rubber & rubber productc 0.4 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.6 1,6 1.6 1.4 2.6 1.6 1.4

Chemlcals 4 chemsicl prodt ctc 135 2.0 2.3 3.1 3.5 4.2 5.0 5.3 S.7 6.2 6.6 7.0

patroleum refinleg 6 coal 1.4 2. 2.1 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.1 2.2 t.2 3.3 3.1 3.1

2oauetOllic mioeral prodete 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.1 5.6 4.1 4.6 4.7

Basic moetel 0.4 0.4 0.S 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0G.S 0.5 0.6 4.7

Wetal productc (orel. *ecbiev n& trauepott e4-ip-ent) 0.4 0.S 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 7 0.6 0.0

Kouclectrical * Icbiuagp 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.0 3.1 1.2 141 1.4 1.1 1.6

Ulectricat m.ccinery * aUppiLca 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 2.1 3.2 1.3, 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.5

Traesport equtpset 1.2 2.4 3.0 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.8 S. 5.5 6.9 6.9 6.2

miscellaneous. e.e.$. 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.4

Total Volue Added 23.3 36.8 42.3 48.1 52.5 S7.6 60W6 64.5 *?.5 72.2 77.2 70.9

/a Prelimicary.

note; -otale aY net ad4 beceeae of rC064ies.

90ouree: 8010S.

?.bte 9.4: 3747353129 0D necTU 3PnYntiUP /e------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,,,_, ,_,,,,___,,, ......................... , __,,_,,,_,,,,,,.,_,,_ ...................................... ............................................... t*

,a*tatl *1 peemRotdRushes et tusr (.1131.. haht). *,e *t gabe .1

mueber 01 Number of preeol e ................... lptjaete me, tIsepPligtileai epplieatione c.rtktteetee insvetlent Id thai *er*reh *tottte tttip4

Wear r-ecevd4 approved Leeu*e (.1lile- baht) e*vSd euSt totes 0epelUme. etstetOie

0et. 1390 to Dot. 1947 e e.e.e 340 12,444 2.427 S.t41 J 771 - *e. 0.e.

1999 215 149 10 2.542 $91 9 41 42 1899 t *,15r241 3 4t3t 001 W4 Go 445 8.414.

3910 II? 94 93 8.405 S"0 24$ - $ -? 54t971 lo0 52 74 1.494 410 I17i 94S 41$1974 ISO 116 1Q 4,079 *71e 23 10.o0 47 391973 $52 325,F II4 t717 98 96 S 2|4 S . *0srX4 220 914 ts5 14,021 2,904 9,140 39' 94

8I 14 4,6S t0o? 31i 1.21w 9 521946 li9 61 66 1.99 tt1 352 *170 134 038911 246 102 69 1.642 542 136 *S. ASo976 342 102 129 15.919 2.20? 377 $.$& i*n 54I979 ISO 211 354 24.346 ,31S2 t,150 t.4T1 4,

3990 245 160 143 20.415 3.5)2 699 &,399 46 75l98t 265 370 1* 96,009 4.593 3,147 4.9004 6S 398t 200 It0 li2 316.63 2.25t 13215 9.49) so4 b VI199$1 361 140 toll 30,39) 2.681 6)1 s.sss1 W3 919s4 316 266 t64 29.05 O.52 etl)3 6459 9) 15 *

1985 211 t1? 98 9.073 1.692 044 2,494 Si *S

___ __ ,,_,_______,------_------------------ ........... --- -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- --- -- -- -. .................... ___ ... _._----.............. ---

n.e. * Dot available.

/e lncladne botelr *a4 #ervice lidaetrtee out, so cold etofaje, And to recet years. oera1t e*ploretio,.Over the ePet to Jweerv. eo.euatct1 ioev*eente bve ,ceouted for 0.71 Of totel tIn.0t.ootin proeeted Inde.twice.ib for iw *applicetie Son or leet.ent pron olee bas been pprovedi. tee appliceet is entitied io orltingof tbe privelegee dnd conditlene under wbich prenotlon Ie grened. The letter of notilleationwIl umuaelly epecify a esa-nontb tiee timit for tbe epplie e et teettety theq,eillieg eonditioan (incerPoratS of the coopiop. ce .r8efeI rIgs tretoIe. ett.). two *o-tbaate 9ennrsl3t re.quto. *tefo: obiseesio of tbe eptieetieoe to be sotilied of the oerd'e decielos.

Jc Tbe P-rootion Certificate. wbichb ie Jo effect, the coetrect fer Loveetment pro.ottee betwuee the leveetowsnd the eopel Tbed Coveroeet. loe isued* to the investor one he bas tomplied with *11 the ter-e Jed -oaditigoC*pacified im tbe a,tifcetias of approval. A twe-eoer peuind ae to el 1 ellowed to tert.peretloes. It operetione o Dot ecert durieg thi perid, the ceItifc ate *e he vitdfmua.

Id ftier to projects epprovrd eod srected e proeotion certiflcete; figures for loveetaeot pvjeltte*etuenl o ieplo-ente, are sot .vaiehle.

onrc.;t soerd of lneetaeot.

TSble 8.5S MINBRAL PRODUCTION(Thousand* of metric tons)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 198J 1983 1964 196s5..

Tip concentratee 29.7 22.4 33.0 41.2 46.4 46.0 43.0 35.6 27.2 30.0 16.7

wolfram ore.(tne.gtea) 1.4 3.5 4.3 6.2 3.5 3.2 2.3 3.7 1.1 1.4 0.9

Iron ore 22.5 32.5 63.S 68.1 103.1 85.0 62.5 26.8 40.3 60.7 77,2

Lead are 3.0 3.6 1.3 3.9 20.5 24.8 * 40.7 43.t 49.4 39.2 34.0

Antimony S.J 7.7 6.1 6.8 6.9 5.9 2.8 I.5 2.8 5.2 2.5

manganese ore 23.9 25.2 77.0 67.2 35.3 54,3 10.9 i.8 6.7 8.7 3.2

Gypsum 144.2 255,2 380.1 280.9 352.4 412.0 540.4 753.4 760.4 1,110.7 957.3

Lignite 399.9 462.3 438.6 638.9 1,356.5 1,487.2 1.686.0 1,963.8 866.1 2.337.2 3,626.2

Fluorite ore 317.8 286.2 239.8 259.8 259.9 304.3 276.0 251.1 237.7 295.2 194.5

Karl 622.8 467.5 584.7 1.459.7 2,261.7 1,938.6 1,786.7 457.5 - - -

/a Janwary - September.

Source: Bank of Tbeiland.

- Se~~~~~~Tble 8.6: TOUSISU - RASIC DATA

19J0 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 3981 k62 998s'

ForeLgn visitors (in tboUesade) 629 1,180 1,221 1,454 1,592 1,859 2,-016 2,218 2191.0--tiom-lity

Ugited States 159 116 124 131 115 115 120 131 140Of wbib: 464 (44) - _ _ Japan 47 147 174 194 200 225 21S 22S 224* Malaysia 105 228 217 243 255 403, 47 5s8 28 70 79 92 98 96 69 $5.0 8JUrited Kingdo 37 76 72 99 128 139 160 153 143F Prunce 21 47 S1 64 73 12. 71 65 51.0Austrelia 28 79 70 68 62 64 68 72 7)Otber 203 409 434 564 662 745 847 897 896Average leatb of stay (days) 5 5 5 S S 5 S SHotel capacity it Iseghok (room.) 8,763 10,331 11,104 11,286 11,326 11,927 13,824 14,?74 16,006Forei8s ereboage alralnus

(millions RE babt) 21?75 4,530 4,607 8,894 11,232 17,765 21.456 23.679 25,050Of wbicb: 361 of us troop. (390) - - - - - - - -

Source: Tourist Orgsiuisstiom of tbei3add.

teble .7-t 3335T COSIUl"TIOS U St 1010- (UIIII liters ot *redo oil *lqewoloot)

1910 1975 1977 1976 1979 1960 1981 1962 loss 1964

Petrole., 5,290 S,489 10,661 11,582 12,193 12,713 12,018 10,872 12,161 12,150

Hydroelectric 603 I'llS 1,074 704 998 432 911 1.356 1,100 1,221

Lignite 171 167 163 * 206 455 469 513 754 741 B52

U$gase 307 640 903 1,136 70$ 616 902 1,438 1,244 1,228

Fu#lwood 57 42 14$ 116 1,400 1,942 2,000 2,04* 2.0S3 20,75

Cboreoel . 66 14 29 28 1,621 2,223 2,543 2,570 2,64.6 2,636 ..

P4ddy busk 46 48 42 46 SI SO 123 142 192 201 .I

teural s 254 1,02 1,529 2,264

Total 6,542 10,53S 12,021 13,817 17.626 11,445 19,264 20.265 23,442 23,249

Sourcet Statisties and Imformation Division. Office NAoooeicaIcome.ic, 334.

Table 8.8s 157I1331 RAL.ACR(Khl ion liters)

Itee jises1 oil gasoline joel Oil Rereee Jet tool E ftatl Jc___--------- _-- -- _------_ -------- _ _ ----_ -------- __ --- _--------------_ _ _-^- _*-- ........-- _------_-- ^_'

-ef -a--y P-od-et-o

1976 2,547 1,903 2,586 293 640 229 8,3419t7 2,799 2,118 2,839 281 752 210 91.0311978 2,576 2,058 3,125 262 tS 9 8,9951979 2,772 2,117 3,488 319 782 i51 9,7A9

1980 2,794 1,828 2,514 293 777 222 $,*3S1981 2,751 1,822 2,626 353 25 244 8,7221982 2,845 1,982 2,369 361 949 194 0,6961983 3,052 2,063 2,161 433 1,060 228 0,9971984 2,768 2,007 2,463 24S 1,029 290 8,796

1976 610 60 336 2 15 1,2221977 854 64 690 4 Ii 4 1,6261978 1,350 249 853 4 31 S9 2,54-1979 1,639 207 484 5 103 76 2,516

1980 1,560 462 2.200 8 112 135 4,5671981 1,176 279 1,313 38 83 231 5120-1982 1,165 5 632 67 120 426 2,4151983 1,251 - 1,240 1lt 89 603 3,3001984 2,551 66 705 52 199 721 4,294

Coousnpt ioa_______,_,_

1976 3,357 1,963 2,924 295 55 223 9,6161977 3,654 2,183 3,529 285 763 244 10,6571978 3,926 2,307 3 266 766 277 11,5391979 4,411 2,325 3,972 324 85 329 12,245

1980 4,110 2,249 4,006 lb 290 945 ;354 12,6691981 4,030 2,091 3,602 lb 389 927 450 12.0291982 3,931 2,015 2,997 388 101 61 So 11,0131983 4,402 2,067 2,364. 530 ,142 831 12,3451984 5.259 2,145 3,125 290 1,206 962 12,9*7

____- ---_- -_- _- ____ _ -----,--------------- -- -- ------- ------b------------ - -------- --- ---

le 3*nludcsg Szolud4ing Obegli otude oil is 19*0 * 489.7 .1111. liters and 1981 * 499.6 *m'l1i* ltors.

Bourcee: IRA; Wisletry of tinsaee.


Tsble .9 pas 1

Type of Ilectricity Traneportaioe Coim*vo. #qr*L*e'petroleu- Manufacturing and water and *od otber

product Agticaulture Construetion industry supply co0mmunieotion setiwtiea Total---- _-_------_------------__-------------_-_--_---------_-_-----------_--___-___---__-_-----__---_------


1975 0.3 2.3 19.8 26.6 . 1,641 73 1,763

1976 3.0 3.5 25.5 7.6 1,831 93 1,963

1971 3.3 3.9 28.4 6.4 2,036 103 2.1$3

1978 3.5 3.6 36.0 6.5 2,140 115 2.307

1979 3.5 3.6 36.2 8.6 2.156 116 2 325

1980 54.9 7.8 53.9 7.2 2,008 117 2.249

1981 55.6 2.3 46.1 6.6 1,864 1,23 2,091

1982 56.6 0.9 50.6 - 1,79t 11O 2,015

1983 57.6 0.8 12,8 - 1,892 104 2,067

1984 56.0 0.9 12.2 - 1,96. 107 2,145

Diesel Oil

1975 961 38 353 66 1,246 201 2,867

1976 1.041 90 317 75 1.599 236 3,351

1977 1,133 97 345 82 1,740 257 3,654 0

1978 1,144 107 375 154 1,870 276 3,926

1979 1,273 118 416 193 2,101 310 4i4I1

1980 1,255 132 283 183 1,943 314 4,110

1981 1,108 131 209 99 2,227 255 4,030

1982 1,235 116 232 26 2,088 .232 3,931

1983 1,144 61 257 41 2,793 83 4,402

1984 1,153 102 238 26 3,585 IS5 5.259

fuel Oil

197S 7.8 1.1 1.187 1,171 69 213 2,648

1976 0.3 3.6 1,362 1,462 24 71 2,924

1977 0.3 4.2 1,500 1,920 27 78 3,529

1978 0.3 4.7 1,330 2,524 30 88 3,977

1979 0.3 4.7 1,618 2,231 30 88 3.972

1980 4.0 7.6 1,487 3,000 160 63 4,121

1981 2.1 10.0 1,466 2.457 157 51 4,143

1982 0.8 9.6 1,236 1,523 184 43 2,997

1983 3.7 9.4 1,188 1,832 259 73 3,564

1964 2.1 10.8 . 1,160 1,612 272 68 3,12S

…--,--_--_-__-------------------- _-- _---------------- _-------------------_ _--__----------_----_

Table 4.9 p*g. 2

type of xlectrieity Tranportsi;ou Coaqw0ce. Service

petteleo- Hanufecturiog end vator *nd *d4 otborp-o*4%ct AsticOltS v* Coeettetioen *odu*trj supply Gcoueuniatloo actvit,eo Total


1975 0.01 .0 22.1 0.01 35.3 149 2061976 0.02 1.4 13.1 0.02 27.8 252 295

1977 0.02 1.1 11.2 0.01 19.8 25S 2651978 0.02 1.0 10.4 0.01 18S5 234 266

1979 0.02 1.2 12.7 0.01 22.5 261 3241960 0.20 0.6 61.8 0.02 2.6 225 2901981 1.10 0.9 47.6 0.03 3.6 335 3S91962 1.30 1.1 49.2 - 5.2 331 366

1963 2.00 0.2 31.3 - 7.7 497 5301984 3.20 1.6 44.6 - 10.3 230 290

Jet Fuet

1975 - - - - 35 - $351976 - - - - 855 - 055 1

1977 - - - - 763 7 763 cc1978 - - - - 766 - 706 1979 - - - - 665 - 0011980 to9 9901981 - - - - 916 - 916

1982 941 9421983 - - - - 956 - 91964 - - - - 969 - 969


1974 - -_ _ 161 161197S - 1951976 ----


1977 0.03 0.04 26.5 0.01 .00 217 2441978 0.01 0.04 33.4 0.01 0.03 244 2771979 0.01 0.05 39.6 0.01 0.04 240 3291960 12.02 0.02 64.2 - 32.70 245 3541961 11.60 0.01 81.9 - 81.50 275 4501962 1:.00 - 72.6 - 205.00 311 6013983 12.20 - 109.7 - 372.50 336 8311984 16.70 - 114.2 - 413.00 416 90*

--- rce: -EA.

Table 8.10: PtTtOLILN PFOD¢CTS' *LT11L PSICS(IabtJlitre)

EGxcise sexDoeentic structure eod minimum Uarbetiug - etal(As of Joe. 2. 1985) Es-refioer Capitcal to x montle Wet price oil tfud trice

Premius gesolel. 6.1607 4.9631 0.5693 11.6931 0.00069 11.70Re4ulcr gceolile 5.6304 4.5814 0.5252 10.1370 0.0630 10.60Ier.a... 5.9624 0.9272 0.3964 7.304 -1.1860 6.12sigb-apeed diesel 5.7819 1.0151 0.4394 7.2364 -0.5364 6.70Low-speed diesel 5.6930 0.9848 0.2440 6.9618 -0.4618 6.50uel oil/600 3.0S 8 4.9299 0.0010 0.1435 5.0744 -0.7544 4.32Fuel oil/2500 4.7649 0.0010 0.1474 4.9418 -0,9233 3.99LPG (lts.) I/k 9.1892 0.4860 3.8266 11.5018 -2.0418 9.40LPG (small) 3/kg 9.1892 0.4060 2.3566 12.0314 -2.0418 9.99

ftsinessImport structure I-port lport & municipal werketins Retail(As of Feb. 18, 1985) price duty tax . argim Wet price 01iund- priee 0

Presium gasoline 6.2166 0.010 4.9631 0.5693 11.7590 -0.0590 11.70Regular gesoline 5.6803 0.010 4.5814 0.52S2 10.7969 0.0031 10.80Kerosene 6.0451 0.010 0.9272 0.3964 7.3747 -1.2587 6.12Higb-speed diesel 5.7816 0.010 1.0151 0.4394 7.2463 -0.5463 6.70Low-speed dies*l 5.6425 0.010 0.9848 0.2840 6.9213 -0.4213 6.50Fuel oill600 3.01 S 4.931J 0.001 0.0010 0.1435 5.0772 -0.7572 4.32Fuel oil/2500 4.7791 0.001 0.0010 0.1474 4.9205 -0.9365 3.g9LPG0 (lrge) 3/kg 0.1619 0.001 0.4899 1.0266 10.4?94 -1.0194 9.46LPG (stall) P/kg 6.1619 0.001 0.4899 2.3566 11.0094 -1.0194 9.93

Source: risacl end TJs Policy Divisioo. Office of Fiscal Policy.

table 9.1 0 ?O5101 5494 101 330193FOOL 39003 IT Ga13 10tO

(5974~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 3005

Uaighte t975 1977 1976 1979 1950 1901 1962 1l9s 1904 waw r ;;c ;pt

A11 ite.c 100.0 9°.0 107.6 1e 4.1 127.6 152.7 172.1 l01.3 187.9 l09.5 192.5 194.4 195.0

food 40.3 95.7 109.4 119.1 '29.9 155.4 171.1 176.4 16s.5 13.4 17.0 176.5 179.t

pontood 59.7 94.2 104.9 112.0 123.6 140.4 149.5 101.0 30.7 Its.1 199.0 203.1 204.0

Clotblng 4.7 96.9 104.3 109.4 124.4 149.9 164.9 I73.9 sOOtS 104.5 190.5 19.4* 192.7

ooelog 24.1 97.0 105.5 311.2 122.1 145.7 145.) 177.0 144.7 191.9 200.8 205.2 200.7

Frersoel sed ** ccre 5.5 90.0 105.5 115.1 125.0 140.4 163.5 174.1 179.4 Is.4 191.4 A92.5 19f.0 jtwanepooreatior 9.5 91.3 103.1 115.4 136.2 171.7 220.6 231.2 1J2.5 212.9 !o0O 251.3 252.3 09

*ae.o.t1on. resdlag A *docetleo 10.3 95.4 102.9 109.5 120.9 144.4 159.0 172.1 175.5 170.1 101.9 Id2.5 102.5

tobecco *ne acicholic bevesagee 3.e 95.2 107.1 110.0 111.0 125.3 139.4 164.4 IS. 159.4 140.' I$5.4 1s5.4,

It Weigbts end selected items ore d.#i,.d twe. a *oci-eeooOIc arveu-condented *ely in orwb. astse is 1901 mesg familes of to of worepersos.. but not ov9w 10. *and solbly ime.w resmsig bn tooo. tabe 31,500*ed 53t1 9.000+

S1*vc, Deportee1 of 3oa1aes. teooelaes. U1g1etrn of Comr,cv.

table 9.2: Co0S31u3 P3IC2 1333D VON 30 :00 N3IOOtIO 01 C03001 ro(1974 - 100)

v.isbte 1915 1917 19t5 191t l398 1391 1962 10 3904 Ware Jue O;pt

All ites 100.0 95.3 103.4 117.9 1S0.0 155.9 176.0 300.5 392.0 194.0 194.1 200.1 201.9

road 41.6 94.8 111.5 120.9 1$2.0 156.6 1713.3 179.4 100.7 1IU.6 164.0 jS2.1 162.7

Souaood 56.4 9U.0 104.0 112.6 125.6 151.8 175.5 187.5 191.3 195.4 205.5 210.2 211.8

Clatbina 6.6 90.1 102.5 19.1 12S2.5 153.9 l63.9 169.2 175.9 178.7. IU.6 167.7 IU3.6

Slousia 24.2 95.3 104.8 111.0 122.0 146.0 169.2 101.6 307.5 394.4. 204.5 209.9 213.4

pereo"a sead medical cere 5.5 96.4 107.5 116.4 125.2 160.2 177.4 185.9 109.3 195.0 202.) 202.4 202.6

trg*eportttion 6.3 91.2 102.2 122.7 141. 17S.5 241.4 251.2 250.1 243.37 2t0.6 261.2 231.2

Secrectiom, reading *Dd *ducation 10.I 99.5 100.3 109.4 123.4 145.0 161.S 176.2 300.6 38I4.0 156.6 l60.7 136.9

Tobacco and alcobolic beverages 3.8 96.9 107.1 110.7 t14.0 125.7 4O.0 105.7 160.4 160.5 161.6 107.6 137.6

_____________ .________________ ---------------------------- __----- --- _----------------------------------------w-- --- ~----- ----- ~~--w-~---------------------I. Peisbte ced *eleeted ite-e ere derived Ltre a eeCio-eceaoaic evrvey

coadacted ia 1931 *-D06 fe-tlie ot two or gore ternese. b tt mattoa. witb moatbly iacome rcoios bet.een Sabe 3,500 *ad bebt 9.000.

SoO:CO, Depcrt-eat of Seei-eec BCOD -1ice. NiGietr Of Ce_*rce.

- T~~~~~~abia 9.3: C0385323P1C 53203 2383 S8 01038 le (1976 * 100)


Ve.gbte 1975 1977 1976 1979 1980 I981 1982 1963 1984 'No June S;pt

Who)e kin8dom 100.0 96.0 107.6 116.1 127.6 152.7 172.1 161.1 167t. 1S9S5 192.5 194.4 195.6

3.ugboh utiropolie 61.0 95.3 106.4 117.9 130.0 155.9 176.6 166.3 192.6 194.0 196.7 200.7 201.9

Central 6 fcst region 6.0 95-.6 107.0 113.4 12S.0 150.2 167.2 175.2 181.6 18S.0 184.5 186.3 187.9

north region 11.0 96.1 106.7 135.0 124.1 145.5 162.8 171.5 160.0 1181S 182.5 184.1 31S.0

Northeast region 10.0 97.7 105.7 114.0 123.3 149.9 169.1 178.2 386.2 188.4 187.2 189.7 192.4 C

South region 10.0 94.2 106.0 113.6 125.2 148.7 164.4 173.0 176.4 162.9 163.7 185.4 186.5

/a Derived from a $eciO-.coDo6ic survey conducted only in urban areasin 1981. Sub-indlcee *re compiled for eah region aeparsetly endore rweigbhted by municipal populetiee to srrive *t tbe overallindex for the Kingdow.

Source: Department of Suaiue.. Ministry of Co-uerce.


Anauwal G?ovth (X)------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ -------- - - --- --- a - .

1960 1970 1975 1980 1960-70 1970-75 197S-80----------------------- -w-----------------------------a----------- --------------- ----

Bangkok 2,136 3,437 4,237 5,152 4.9 4.3 4

Center 6,135 7,774 8.610 9,449 2,4 2.1 1.9

North 5,723 7,894 8,795 9,667 .3.3 2.2 1.9

Northeast 8,992 12,755 14.606 16,433 .3.6 2.7 2.4

South 3.272 4,510 5,140 5,754 3.3 2.6 2.3.

Whole Kingdou 26,258 36,370 41,388 46,455 3.3 2.6 2.3

Source: 1960 and 1970 Census, 118DB.

Table 32.Ii GR305 100t31L PRODUCT SAX3OK-Caillioes of current babt)

* 1970 1975 1977 1976 1979 1900 1961 1962 1983,.

Agriculture 412 629 972 796 1,122 1,504 13722 1,640 1,950

Crops -392 603 878 731 1.019 1,39,1 1,554 1.411 1,726Livestock 20 26 27 24 35 29 39 41 44Fisberie, 0 0 67 41 60 85 129 188 178Forestry . 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0Ronagroculture a 42,510 67,585 117,653 136,298 173,005 211,2t5 243,437 263.318 292,966

Mining A quarrying 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0Wauufactgring 12,066 29,377 30,374 45.504 56,273 64,911 75,630 79.602 85,015Conetructiou 3,277 4,793 7,380 0,951 15,047 20,714 21,666. 19,958 23.769Slectricity 6 water sopply 243 564 836 1,039 1,071 1,247 1,738 2.116 1,677Transportation & co-ugnicatios 5,450 11,524 15,198 18,551 23,920 26,658 26,833 29.174 34,063Uboleatse A retail trede 5,372 10,243 13S3 9 A 17,056 21,938 26,480 32,32. -35,269 39,210Denting. neaurance A real estate 4.489 10,879 14,070 17,302 22,745 30,333 3.6,657 41,867 48,156Ownership of dwellingg 1,600 2,376 2,682 3,170 3,369 4,040 4,562 5,305 5,760Public administration 6 defense 3.334 5,844 7,256 6,079 7,057 9,114 9,537 11s393 lI,d75Services 6,600 11,965 16,264 18,646 21,565 27,579 32,465 33,632 42,442

Gross Regional Product 42,923 68,214 118,625 137,094 174,127 212.779 4.5,1S9 264,958 294,916

Ia Preliminar.

Vote: Totals may not add becoaose of rowndiag.

Source: WRSDI.

Table R2.2: 63N8S RBOIORAL PROODUT - CbbTXR(Millions of curraent babt)

-------------------------- __----------_-_-_--------_--_--------_----------__--__--------------_------_------------___-_---------_

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1960 1961 19*2 1983/a------------------------------------- ____--------------------------- __ __--_------_____------------------------_ --------- _

Agrieoltere 12,045 31,6B8 39,306 44,268 47,303 56,423 67,080 67,546 67,038

Crop$ 7,307 23,335 26,979 31,001 31,496 40,955 50,360 52,127 49,492Livestock 1,776 3,313 4,837 4.637 5,677 6,806 7,600 6,801 8.408Fisberies 2,133 4,175 6,563 7,247 6,874 6,425 6,817 6.684 7,329Forestry 628 865 927 1,383 3,256 2,235 2,404 -1,733 1,610

wouagriculture 23,347 52,332 77,693 93,470 109,095 142,447 170,570 198,79B 216,301

Mining 4 qusrrpito 896 1,284 2,358 2,895 4,006 4j961 5,671 7,929 9,330Manufaeturing 6,132 16,646 27,821 32,455 40,483 53,447 65,281 69,015 71J707Construction 1,667 249 3,771 5,016 3,836 5,361 5,S41 6,018 6,455Ilectricity 6 water aupply 174 969 1,371 2.086 2,516 1,994 3,938 5,660 7.364Transportation & communicatioa 1,306 2,485 3,169 3,560 4,480 6,479 11,113 13,405 15,230 oUbolesale 6 retail trade 8,810 19,113 26,443 31,796 34,775 45,790 51,768 62,727 66.764 00

bonking, insurance 6 real estate 495 1,558 2,356 3,176 3.716 4,977 6,648 8,169 10,119Ownersbip of dwellingS 440 695 813 904 1,083 1,221 1,449 1,765 2,132Publiv administration & defenae 1,172 2,719 3,127 3,786 4,563 5,948 6,526 7,935 9,2188ervices 2,253 4,377 6,464 7,794 9,618 12,270 14,416 16,15S 17,983

Cross Regional Product 35,393 84,020 116,999 137,738 156,398 198,869 245,650 266,344 283.339

/a Preliwinary.

note: Totals nay not add beeuse of rounding.

Source: MESD.

Tabl. 32.3t GROS8 RECIONAL PRODUCt 3037.(Million. of current Iabt)

19to 1975 1977 1970 1979 198o 19$1 1982 19031.

Agriculture 8,701 23,963 25,678 31,650 35,813 42.444 47,019 44,330 48,102

Crops 6.876 19,433 20,433 26.531 29,115 34,358 37,759 34,826 37,651Livestock 845 2,693 3,778 3,271 4,132 5,871 6,950 6.577 7,729Fiaberies 126 315 398 482 384 446 609 644 605*Poresery 054 1,522 1,069 1,366 2,182 1,769 1,702 2,287 2,117

Nonogriculture 12,311 24,440 29.880 38,539 42.936 52.934 .63,926 69,938 78,424

mining 6 quarrying 337 520 680 1,127 1,180 1,238 1,332 1.370 2,554manufacturing 1,506 3,218 3,074 3.814 4,379 5,344 6,086 5,581 5,S45 1Construction 1,036 1,834 2,826 4,053 3,451 4,653 5,Ol 5,668 6,021 a0* lectricity 6 water supply 1,060 1,441 1,754 1.550 1,875 2,272 3,786 5,246 4,568 %0Transportation & cownunicetiou 701 1,847 2,448 2,850 3,594 4,083 6,356 7,849 9,096 IWbolesete & retail trade 4,478 9,600 11,322 14,625 15,788 19,554 22,755 22,262 25,335Banking, inour,sae & real estate 286 833 1,215 1,624 1,698 2,513 3,423 4,258 5,266Ovoerubip of dwellings 2SS 391 448 518 540 633 692 802 936Public administration & defense 544 1,224 1,482 2.632 3.259 4,291 4,738 5,807 6,752Services 2,109 3,454 4,439 5,796 6,973 68373 9.748 11,096 12,360

Gross Regional Product 21,012 48,404 55,566 70,189 70,749 95,377 110,945 114,268 126,S26_____________________ ------ ------ ------_ ------ __ __ ___ _-----_ __

/a Preliminary.

Note: Totals say Dot add becuce of ro,di,5.s

Source: 3ESDB.

Table 12.4: CltO88 CZQOIOAL PRODUCt - OBThBAIIT(ill{one of currert Babe)

1970 1915 1977 1978 1979 3,00 1941 1982 1983/a

4griculture 10.021 21.863 24,269 29.091 36,147 43,193 41,060 42,434 47,173

Crop. 7,183 15,942 16,190 23,603 28,743 34,i26 31,649 32,"04 37,058Livestock 1,740 4.086 4,148 3,871 5,082 7,050 7.337 7,077 7,945Fisberies 173 702 568 642 920 1,112 1,125 1,577 1,492Forestcy 926 1.133 1,363 775 1,402 905 970 876 677

Nonegriculture 10.957 22,316 28.677 36.548 42,590 55,617 01.686 70,092 77,816

mining 6 quarrying 302 355 5S6 S34 568 657 706 1.034 091Manufacturing 1.285 2,816 3,088 4,056 4,736 6,427 6,864 6,199 6,240Construction 1,602 2,544 3,828 3,993 3.8060 5,749 .6,05 6 5911 69334Etectricity & wvter swQppI 60 10 247- 328 365 479 716 65 944Trsesportation & communication 507 1,260 1,966 2,443 3.126 4.496 6,606 7.576 8.809 *Wbolsaate & retail trade 4,279 8,729 10,700 13,535 15,850 20,044 20,335 21,562 24,484Booking. inautance 6 reat estate 146 660 996 1,318 1.525 1,985 2.728 3,559 4,617Ownerobip of Ovellings 375 561 664 71S 738 550 943 1,096 1,234Public *duinistration A detense 717 1.664 1,902 3,528 4,363 5,520 6,442 8,029 9.4198ervices 1,684 3.547 4,730 6,096 7,460 9C1li 10,342 13,302 14,845

Gross Region.l Product 20.978 44,179 52.946 65,639 78,737 98,610 102,766 112,526 124,990_____________________- ------ ------ ------ -- --_ _ ------ ----- --- -----_ -- -------Wa.~~~~~~~~~

J Preliuinery.

Note: total* may not add because of rounding.

Soutce: ES8DB

table 32.5s 8S063 RBI0lAL PRODUCT - SORITE(lMillions of curtret lakb)

1970 1975 1977 1975 1979 1950 19I1 1O2J 1P31a.

Agriculture 7,313 15,920 20,704 23,2e9 28,076 30,240 30,984 32,793 30.535_______ ____ _____ ____- ------ _ . ..... 1--- ------

Crops S,018 10,353 12.589 14,314 17.607 19,541 17,564 18,585 2f,055Liwestock ~~~~ ~~~~~460 1.355 1.619 1,700 2,1028 1.959 2, 902 1,112 3:794

Fihberies 1,643 3,263 4.860 4.474 4,771 3.Oil 4 503 4.860 5.394Forestry 192 950 1,636 2,801 3.670 4,824 6.015 6.237 0,292

Ponagticulture 8,442 18,080 28,190 35,930 41,539 48,851 50,463 55,246 60,244

Mining 6 quarrying 1,223 1,904 4,345 6.055 6,860 7,636 5,465 4.473 3,537llenufacturing 525 1.853 2,319 3.256 3.870 4,38?7 4411 *4262 4,025Conatruction 678 1,215 2,446 2,831 3,046 3.3" 3,785 4,426 6,302electricity 8 water supply 88 117 174 215 248 291 566 745 637Transportation a communicatioa 624 1,648 1.925 2,202 2,724 3,345 4,373 5,127 5.844 _Ibolveale b retail trade 2,966 6,916 11.075 13.040 14,502 16.164 17,0686 16,029 20,784Piniking, insuwanco A real estate 209 630. 900 1,204 1,512 2,083 2,569 3,170 3,833Ovwnership of dwellimga 264 392 465 519 567 654 765 924 1 076Public administration 6 defense 379 869 1.043 1,917 2,362 3,090 3,402 4,186 4,999Sertices 1,185 2,535 3.498 4,764 5,648 7,11S 6,239 9,905 11,001

Gross tegioDal Product 15,755 34,000 46,894 59,21§ 69,615 ?9,091 61,647 86,041 98.779

It Preli.ioary.

Votet Total* may oot add because of rouedion.

Source: RESOS.

thblo P2.6: seoss RUGIOWAL PRQ5PUC? - WROS KIUCDOO(miltions of currant

1970 3975 1977 1976 1919 1980 t981 19b2 196S!-

Agrtcta1tur, 36,493 94,063 110,92t 129,094 147,076 173.804 187,886 188,43 202,791

OSopo 26,776 69.666 79,069 96,160 107,980 130,370 13s,086 i30,653 148.9817i4ewtock 4,843 11,413 14,409 13,503 16,954 21,718 24.727 2$,608 21.923FieberieO 4,074 8,454 12,456 13,086 13,017 11,984 13,183 14,10 14,998V-%restry 2.800 4,470 4,95S 6,3.S 9,125 9r732 11,090 12.132 10,896

mohF8v;ricture 97,567 204,753 282,101 344,857 409,166 $11,123 598.201 6$7.395 72S,752

Kiahu.g a qUa?r:duX 2,759 4,062 8,139 10,610 12,*,4 14.,492 ! 3,3173 14.807 16,30*M"DUafaCtor1ng 21,814 53,910 74,676 89,086 109.741 434,515 158,272 164,659 172,532

CO SttUCx1.n 8,261 12,873 20,251 24,844 29,240 39,.865 42,008 40,041 46,881Electricity 6 vvtc t spply 1,625 3,290 4,384 5,168 6,075 6,284 10,744 14,453 16.390Transportation 6 co'ua1icotion 8.588 18,764 24,706 29,606 37,844 45,261 57,261 63,133 73,044Vboleeale a retail trade 25.903 54.681 74,931 90,053 102,853 128.732 150,293 1$9.a49 176,577 t4Sonking inournutee 6 real estete S.626 14,559 19,537 24,624 34.396 41,891 52,0*5 61,021 71,991Ovuership of dveltin8 e 2,934 4,415 5,272 5,826 6,297 7,378 8,411 9,912 11,138Public s4.inotr4tiou & defense 6,146 12,321 14,810 17.943 21.623 248263 30.645 37,349. 42,262Ser¢ACO ~' i13,911 25,878 35.395 43,095 51,483 64,44) .75,230 89,169 98,636

Gross Regiooa: Product 136,060 296,816 393.030 469.951 S56,242 634J927 728,167 846,137 928.549

a/ rlt isesry

Note: Totals say oet uid beosuse of rosmdisg.

Soarce: 1189D.


Table R2.7: 0R088 RECIOIAL PRODUCT - $ANRGOW(Nillions of 1972 babt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 .19*1 19*2 19831.

Agriculture 671 547 .563 443 553 636 723 608 757

Cropc 651 531 513 413 509 592 657 611 679Livestock 20 17 18 13 17 14 20 22 23Fisheries 0 0 32 17 27 3. 45 5 55Forestry °0 0 °

Uonagriculture 43.6274 ..,61.282 74,376 78,783 89,580 95.6-0 98,9S5 103,717 111,478

mining 6 quarrying 0 > 0 ° 0 0Manufacturing 11,954 19.015 24.957 27,956 30.718 31,223 33,149 33,516 35,873Construction 3,301 3,199 4.372 4,996 7.486 8,615 7,994 7, 01 8,033Electricity & water supply 235 494 634 702 751 659 902 927 999Transportation A communication 6.106 8,258 8,63t 9,839 11,013 10.822 9.511 iO.613 11,724Vbolesale & retail trade 5,690 7,450 9,298 8,269 9,705 11,107 11,805 12,0L 12,949 $Banking, insurance 6 real estate 4.713 7,525 8,613 9,760 11,571 12.880 13,908 15.222 16,837Ownership of dwellings 1,591 1,916 2.116 2,270 2,389 2,540 2.65$ 2,758 2.80SPublic administration 6 defense 3,450 4,106 4,799 3,444 3,764 4.006 4.106 4,220 4.046Services 6,588 9,309 10,145 11,547 12,164 13,589 14,.423 17,440 18.413

cross Regional Product 44,298 61,829 74,939 79,226 90,133 96,-?6 99,676 104,405 112,435

Ia Preliminary.-.-

Note: Totals msy not add because of rounding.

Sources SESD8.

Table R2.8- GRO88 REGIONAL PRODUCT - CUITIN(Nilliont of 1972 Bebt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 19,4: 1981 1982 1983/1

Agriculture 15,042 21,830 24,236 26,568 23,054 24,109 26,582 26,767 27.101

Crops 10,015 15,798 16.467 18,537 15,319 17,219 20,136 21,236 21,358

Livestock 1,698 2,189 2,577 2,937 2,837 2.773 2.716 .2,789 2,874

Fisberies 2,410 3,077 4,479 4,376 4,124 3,14B 2,944 2,278 2,449

Forestry 920 766 713 718 774 969 786 464 420

Wonagriculture 25.061 37,487 47,429 51,473 53,789 58,550 65,428 69,263 75,106______________ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - ----- ------ ___.___--

Mining a quarrying 765 765 1,240 1,389 1,749 1,971 2,027 1,931 2,072

snaufscturing 7,858 13.285 17,868 18,969 20,619 21,960 .24,366 26,619 28,695

Construction 1,767 1,663 2,233 2,712 1,908 2,228 2,046 2,111 2,181

Electricity 6 water supply 190 1,047 1,334 1,855 2,159 1,799 2,443 2.778 3,47I

Transportation 6 ommwunication 1,210 1,651 1,731 1,80 1,90S 2,473 3,607 3. 963 4,2S: ,

Vbolesle 6 rettail trade 8.838 12,539 14,985 1wwww293 16,817 18,463 19,435 20,457 '

banking. insurance 6 reol estate 449 885 1,251 1,581 1,708 : 1,928 2,244 2,566 3,091

Ownership of dwellings 439 517 534 564 661 67? 135 799 883

Public administration & defesse 1,182 1,773 1,970 2,067 2,184 2,615 2,610 2,939 3,141

services 2,363 3,363 4,283 4,844 5,518 6,083 6,687 6,482 6,892

Gross Regional Product 40,104 59,316 71,665 78.041 76,843 82,660 92,010 96.390 102,207

./a Prelluinary.

Note: Total* may not add because of rounding.

Source: NPSDB.

Table R2.9: GROSS REGIONAL PRODUCT - 01OTH(Millions of 1972 babt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 197$ 1960' 1981 1962 1983fa------ _--_------_--_--- -- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------- ..... --------- ---- --------------

Agriculture 12,494 14,383 14,285 16,635 16,747 16,710 18,479 18,4l8 18,9S8___________--_- _---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ .______ -- ---

Crops 10,584 11,515 11,340 13,618 13.635 13,693 15,185 14,925 15,470Livestock 902 1,605 2.159 2,066 2,191- 2,359 2,704 2,802 2,870Fisheries 159 210 192 194 150 .161 213 186 187Forestry 849 1,054 594 557 771 498 377 soa 430

nonagrictlture 13,029 15,929 17,840 21,135 21,988 22,994 24,782 25,593 26,854

Kining & quarrying 409 365 493 616 653 634 660 687 $65Waoufecturing 1,308 1,520 1,778 1,931 2,241 2,297 2.227 2,321 2,377Construction 1,246 1,215 1.674 2.193 1,719 1,93S 1,848 l.9S8 2,035Electricity and water suppil 1,054 1,344 1,768 1,482 1,732 2,168 ; 2,057 . 2,155 1,914Transportation & coemunicatior 742 1,322 1,456 1,635 1,721 1,601 2,401 2,641 2,829Vbolesale & retail trade 4,670 5,764 5,807 7,090 6,984 6,848 7,451 7,528 7,B48Bauking, insurance 6 real esta&e 312 495 681 843 905 1,022 1,231 1,430 1,729 ,Ownersbip of dwellings 275 304 308 324 330 345 355 . .341 388Publit administration & defense . 633 805 921 1,491 1,747 1,886 2,039 2.151 2,300services 2,381 2,775 2,954 3,528 3,926 4,058 4,503 4,332 4.,568

Gross Regional Product 25,523 30,312 32,125 37,770 38,735 39.704 43,261 44,011 45,812

Is Preliminary.

Note: Totals may not add because of rounding.

source: RRSDB.

table B2.10: GROSS REGIONAL PRODUCT - NORTHIAST(Nillion. of 1972 bcbt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983/a

Agriculture 12,351 15,502 15,017 17,OS? 18,660 19,361 19,247 19,788 20,525…_________. ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

Crops 9.620 11,662 11,468 13,963 15,017 15,612 15,680 16,071 16,786Livestock 1,714 2,575 2,457 2,416 2,779 3,078 2,941 3,079 3,138Fisheries 184 450 273 340 360 402 394 458 461Forestry 834 815 819 338 S04 269 231 180 137

honagriculture l1,9C8 15,656 17,691 20,158 21,726 24,542 25,320 27,138 28,313

Wining a quarrying 312 256 334 293 297 289 296 389 317Wanufacturing 1,423 1,946 2,258 2,554 2,988 3,339 3,068 3,170 3,294Construction 1,654 1,662 2,266 2,152 1,919 2,389 2,215 2,445 2,141Electricity 4 voter supply 59 170 239 280 315 458 950 457 551Transportation 6 communication 567 1.110 1,327 1,595 1,668 t,084 2,757 2,577 2,778Wbolesale & retail trade 4,514 6,031 6,194 6,562 7,011 8,011 7,680 8,203 8,532Banking, insurance & real estate 130 369 534 649 684 75s 923 1,140 1,461Ownership of dwellings 417 501 536 $47 550 566 S61 602 634Public adainietration 4 defense S14 1,125 1,222 1,999 2,339 2,558 2,773 2,974 3,209services 2,017 2,487 2,979 3,527 3,954 3,991 4,323 5162 5,396

Grocs Regional Product 24.260 31,158 32,908 37,215 40,386- 43,903 44,567 46,926 48'838

a/ Preliminery

Note: Totals say not add because of rounding.

Source: 1ESDB.

Table R2.11: 03088 REGIONAL PRODUCT -OUTH(Millions of 1972 babt)

1970 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 19831/a------------------- ------------ __----------_-------_-------- --------~----- --------------- --- ~~---------- ------------------------Agriculture 7,774 9,820 11,436 11,610 12,394 11,969 12,671 12,840 13.600

Crops 4,675 6.134 7,006 6,052 7.324 7.064 6,870 7.062 7.530Livestock 698 992 891 1.083 1,107 766 1,120 1,206 1,240,Tia'ieries 2,210 1,997 2,523 2.487 2,620 2,535 3,181 3,042 3.3S0Forestry 190 697 1,016 1,388 1.343 1,583 1,591 1.530 1,480

Mocagriculture 8,134 11,080 14,100 17,452 18,362 .18,542 19,086 19,458 19,987______________ ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ..... __...___ ______

Mining & quarrying 1,068 1,079 1,459 1,804 1,802 1,886 1,632 1,424 1,113Nanufacturing 777 1.011 1,210 1,410 1,497 1.779 1.680 1,689 1,709Construction 737 776 1,449 1,530 1,515 1,409 1,397 1.552 1,454Electricity 6 water 'spply 100 126 169 181 221 276 424 438 472Traosportatioa 6 communication 570 1,105 1,123 1,256 1,356 1,531 1,933 1,920 2,039 NUbolesale & retail trade 2,811 3,990 4,929 6,322 6,415 5,445 5,504 5,605 5,005Banking. ionurance 6 real 203 355 490 610 714 831 891 1.039 1,212Ownership of dwellings 279 318 329 347 3S59 174 394 416 442Public administration 6 defense 397 550 643 1.087 1,267 1,358 1.465 1,551 1,703Services 1,192 1,770 2,299 2.906 3,216 3,4%3 3,766 3,824 4,038

Groas Regional Product 15,908 20,900 25,536 29,262 30,756 30,31i 31,757 32,298 33,587

_------_ ------------------_----__ _-*-_ ---__-- --------- u_----------_-------------------------------- -------- O--- ------ ------ _----

.1a Preliminary

Rote: Totals may not add because of roonding.

Source: t3SDB

Table R2.12: GROSS REGIONAL PRODUCT - WHOLE EINCDOM(Millione of 1972 baht)

1970 1975 1977 1918 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983/.

Agriculture 48,332 62,081 65,537 72,513 71,408 72,785 77,702 78,50i 80,940

Crops 35,544 45,639 46,794 53.583 51,804 54,180 58,528 59,902 61,826Livestock 5,032 7,377 8,102 8,515 8,931 9,010 9,501 9,498 10,146Fisheries 4,963 5,734 7,499 7,414 7,281 6,277 6,777 6,019 6,502Forestry 2,793 3,331 3,142 3,001 3,392 3,318 2,i95 2,682 2,467

Nonagriculture 101,760 109,233 171,636 188,585 205,498 220,068 233,571 245,530 261,939

Mining 6 quarrying 2,555 2,485 3,526 4,104 4,531 4,780: 4.624 4.431 4,367Manufacturing 23,320 36,787 48,071 52,521 57,840 60,597 64,491 67,317 71,948Construction 8,705 8,514 11,996 13,583 14,547 16,576 15,500 15,097 15,843Electricity & water supply 1,638 3,181 4,144 4,500 5,178 5.560 6,330 6,75S 7,393Transportation b communication 9,195 13,445 14,474 16,205 17,663 18,811 20,209 21,714 23,608Wholesale 6 retail trade 26,524 3,574 41,213 43.658 45,497 48,227 51.,103 52,789. 55,592Banking, insurance & real 5,806 9,629 11,574 13,443 15,582 '17,419 19,197 21,396 24,330Ownership of dwellings 3,000 3,555 3,823 4,052 4,289 4,502 4,723 4,936 5,152Public admisietration & defense 6,476 8,359 9,555 10,16e 11,594 12,423 13,192 13,834 14,399Services 14,541 19,704 23,260 26,353 28,777 31,173 34,202 37,261 39,306

Gross Regional Product: 150,092 171,314 237,173 261,098 276,906 292,0S3 311,272 324,030 342,679

a/ Preliminary

Note: Totals may not add because of rounding.

Source: N81DB.


1959/60 1964/65 1969/70 1974/75 1979/80 1980/81 1961/82 1982/83 1983/84Area Planted ('000 rai)

…_____ ______ ______ __ i Paddy 12,588 13,477 13,410 14,980 13.689 15,695 14,687 15,444 14,849Rubber n.a. n.s. n.a. n.S. n.a. - _ _ _Maize 412 1,545 n.S. 7,011 2.055 2,016 2,233 2.594 2,571sorghum - 9 119 550 565 796 845 797 886Kenaf - 2 n.s. 36 17 13 - - 11Cassava 342 525 n.S. 1,627 1,170 2,908 2,908 3,168 3,276Sugarcane 376 552 n.e. 1,568 2,061 2,367 2,995 2,436 2,460Tobacco (Virginia) - - - -

Coconut n.s. D.S. n.S. n.s. n.U. - - - -Cotton 33 45 U.S. 32 248 343 364 2J2 224Groundnuts 209 97 n.s. 142 7 104 88 101 110Soybeans 11 25 U.S. 118 84 69 77 123 71Hung beans 74 77 220 227 447 463 633 509 496Yield (kg/rai)

Paddy 226 308 299 322 337 353 392 379 392Rubbet n.a. v.a. n.s. n.s. n,a. - - - -Maize 257 296 n.e. 334 311 305i 386 324 339Sorghum - 5'80 287 256 147 179, 174 172 192Renaf 183 200 n.e. 148 176 224 - - 182Cassava 2,971 2,511 n.ea 2,165 2,190 2,404 2,366 2,291 2,417Sugarcane 6,816 5,762 n.e. 7,711 4.393 6,659 7,820 6,645 6,510Tobacco (Virginia) - - - - -Coconut n.s. n.e. n.s. n.a. n.a. Cotton 118 169 V.s. 202 181 218 170 173 183Groundnuts 216 215 n.a. 211 172 202 193 198 182Soybeans 126 165 n.e. 107 134 132. i56 154 169Mung beens 159 155 129 163 84 68 82 79 85Production ('000 tono)

Paddy 2,845 4,145 4,010 4,829 4,617 5,543 5,760 5,847 5,828Rubber n.B. n.s. n.s. n.a. n.S. - - - -Maize 106 457 n.e. 671 639 615 863 841 871Sorghum - 5 34 141 84 142 147 137 . .170Kenaf - - n.a. 5 3 3 - - 2Cassava 1,016 1,317 n.e. 3,522 3,876 6,990 6,881 7,259 7,919Sugarcane 2,565 3,178 n.s. 12,094 9,053 15,095 23,421 16,188 16,14tTobacco (Virginia) - - -- - - -Coconut n.e. n.s. n.e. r.s. .a. eCotton 4 8 n.a. 6 45 75 62 47 41Groundnuts 44 21 n.s. 30 17 21 17 20 20Soybeans 1 4 n.s. 13 11 9 12 19 12Mung beans 12 12 28 37 38 31 52 40 42…________________________________ _______________________________________________


Source: Office of Agricultural Ecouomics, MOAC.



1959/60 1964/65 1969/70 1974/73 1979/80 1980181 1991182 19821J3 1983/84

Area Planted ('000 rai)_______________________

Paddy 7,050 8,775 10,030 10,390 12,485 12,901 13,020 13,615 L',429Rubber - - - -

Maize 308 1,616 n.s. 3,624 5,008 4,658 4,510 4,768 5,150

Sorghum - 4 90 701 596 719 838 696 709

Renaf 5 26 n.a. I - - - - I

Cassava 3 19 n.a. 92 118 294 279. 304 400

Sugarcane 233 151 n.a. 225 369 _66 442 562 619

Tobacco (Virginia) n.e. n.a. n.e. n.a. n.a. S - - -

Coconut n.a. U.S. n.s. n.s. n.a. - - - -

Cotton 106 251 n.a. 205 297 441 397 284 267

Groundnuts 220 282 n.a. 369 360 369 494 466 480

Soybeans 117 186 n.s. 687 567 683 674 607 857Kung beans 163 503 992 866 2,106 2,217 2,283 2,400 2,366

Yield (kg/rai)

Paddy 323 252 383 373 351 376 419 351 386Rubber - - - - -

Maize 253 251 n.s. 333 308 354 357 292 339

Sorghum - 500 267 153 189 124 138 132 205

Kenas 200 192 ii... 152 - -200

Cassava 1,333 1,632 o.a. 2,428 2.270 2,408 2,534 2,450 2,465

Sugarcene 4.657 4,305 n.e. 7,128 6,247 7,027 6,204, 6,393 7,451

Tobacco (Virginia) n.a. n.8. n.e. n.a. n.a. - - -

Coconst U.S. n.s. U.S. n.e. B.S. - - - -

Cotton 123 104 n.s. 171 180 177 176. 163 187

Groundnuts 195 223 n.S. 213 184 206 202 202 200

Soybeans 222 145 a.a. 139 )51 126 168 143 180

Nung 160 181 130 146 96 98 96 95 99

Production ('000 toon)

Paddy 2,280 2,213 3,840 3,872 4,385 4,860 5,449 4,780 5,190Rubbet - - - - - - - -

maize 78 406 n.a. 1,207 1,541 1,648 1,615 1,393 1,745

Sorghum - 2 24 107 113 89 116 92 145Renaf 1 5 B.S. - - - - 0.2

Cassava 4 31 n.e. 224 267 708 707 745 986

Sugarceane 1,085 650 o.a. 1,604 2,302 2,572 3,626 3,593 4.612

Tobacco (Virginia) n.S. n.e. n.a. n.e. n.S. - - - -

Coconut n.e. n.S. n.a. n.a. o.e. - ,

Cottoo 13 26 n.S. 35 54 78 70 47 SO

Groundquts 43 63 n.a. 79 66 76 10t 94 96

Soybeans 26 27 n.a. 95 86 86 113 87 154

Nung bean. 26 91 129 126 203 218 220. 229 233Source:___ Offic--e--- o ------------ Ag-ricultural__--__------------_-Econ--omic-------------,--_--------C.---

Source: Office of Agricultural Economics, MOAC.


1959/60 1964/65 1969/70 1974/75 1979/80 19801SI 1981182 1982/83 1983/84

Area Planted ('000 rai)

Paddy 15,419 15,471 20,240 20.633 29,159 28.372 28,097 26,826 30,508Rubber n.a. n.a. n.e. n1.a. P.O. - - -Raize 440 253 n.a. 1,874 2,437 2,267 3,044 3,132 2,831Sorghum - - 13 8 21 30 66 41 62gsnaf 273 1,337 n,a. 2,486 1,401 1,055 1,166 1,357 1,331Cassava 26 51 105 1.185 3,396 4,738 4,539 5,079 5,104Sugercare 275 296 176 142 301 294 420 647 507Tobacco (Virginia) n.a. no.s. n.a. n.S. n.s. - -Coconut n.a. n.e. n.a. n.s. n.a. -Cotton 161 122 n.a. 86 206 1.65 205 159 147Groundnut. 179 142 n.s. 259 125 151 173 177 170Soybeans 9 2 n.$. 17 28 36 46 48 80Nung beans 51 24 30 22 75 88 107 113 152

Yield (kg(rai)

Paddy 163 152 226 184. 194 205 193 168 248Rubber . n.a. U.S. n.s. n.s. n.a. - - - -Maize 255 251 n.a. 295 276 322 319 - 245 331Sorghum - - 266 265 143 169 152 I71 194Reosf 180 222 n.a. 152 156 197 166 147 175Cassava 1,537 1,953 2,438 1,970 2,047 2,120 2,247 2,163 2.171Sugarcane 4,405 4,054 n.s. 6,307 4,894 7,439 7,507 7,150 6,136 ITobacco (Virginia) n.e n.S. n.a. n.a. n.a. -Coconut n.a . o... P.O. U.S. U.S. - - - -Cotton 129 127 n.a. 174 215 242 210 182 197Groundaute 189 226 n.a. 165 166 166 168 158 165Soybeans 178 164 n.a. 143 180 139 152 167 163Nung beans 154 149 146 142 106 113 103 . 79

Production ('000 tons)

Paddy 2,521 3,302 4,580 3,795 5,661 5,811 ;5,424 5,049 7,556Rubber -kn.a. P.a. n.s. n.a. n.a. -Maize 112 63 n.a. 553 674 730 971 768 936Sorghum - - 3 2 3 5 10 7 1iJenaf 49 297 n.a. 379 219 208 194 200 233Cassava 40 100 256 2,335 6,952 10,046 10,200. 10,984 11,080Sugarcane 1,211 1,201 n.a. 894 1,471 2,187 3,153 4,626 3,111Tobacco (Virginia) Itn.a. n.s. n.a. n.a. n.a. - - - -Coconut n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.e. - -_Cotton 21 15 n.a. 15 44 40 43 29 29Groundauts 32 32 n.a. 43 21 25 29: 28 28Soybeans 2 -n.a. 2 5 5 7 8 13Hung 8 4 4 3 8 10 11 11 12

…--------------------------------------------- _---- _----- _--------- _----- __-- __--- ----------------- ------

Source: Office of Agricultural Economics, MOAC.


___________________________________________-- -- _ _ _.-- -- - - -- - -- - --- -- --

1959/60 1964165 1969/70, 1974/75 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982183 b83/84…-----------_ -__ ---------------- _------_-_-------_--_ -___ -- _ --- __ ------- __ -- ____--------------- ___________

Area Planted ('OO0 rsi)

Paddy 2,850 3,149 3,720 3,836 3,638 4,150 4,166 4,249. 3,810

Rubber n.a. n.a. n.s. n.a. n,a. - - -

Maize - - - - 30 19 - - -

Sorghum - - 4 3 n.a. - - - -

Renaf a.a. - - -

Cassava 20 61 n.a. 96 3 _ _

Sugarcane 41 16 n.s. - n.a. - - - -

Tobacco (Virginia) - - - - t... - - - -

Coconut n.s. n.a. n.a. n.U. - -.- -

Cotton - - - n.a. - - -

Groundnuts 17 24 n.s. 44 26 34 9 17 23

Soybeans - - - 1 o.a. - - - -

Mung beans - 27 55 178 24 28 16 12 7

Yield (kg/rai)

Paddy , 284 223 263 232 301 278 274 283 256

Rubber n.s. n.a. n.a. n.S. U.a.

maize - - - - 300 260' - -

Sorghum - - 214 151 n.e. - - - -

Renaf - - - - n.e. - - - I.

Cassava 1,192 1,778 n.s. 1,660 2,097 - -

Sugarcane 3,629 2,856 n.a. - D.e. - - -

Tobacco (Virginia) - - - - n.a. - - - .

Coconut D.f. n.a. n... B.. n.s. - . - -

Cotton - - - - n.a. - - -

Groundnuto 189 172 U.a. 219 205 206 III 176 130

Soybeans 156 141 n.a. 110 a.a. - - - -

Mung beans 149 147 151 120 94 71. 63 83 57

Production ('000 tons)

Paddy 808 702 980 890 1,095 1,154 1,142 1,202 975

Rubber n.a. n.a. n.s. U.S. n.a. - - - -

Maize - - - - 9 5.

Sorghum - - 1 - n.a. - - . -

Renaf n.a. - - - -

Cassava .24 109 n.a. 159 6 - - - -

Sugarcane 149 45 n.a. - a.S. - -

Tobacco (Virginia) - - - - .a. -

Coeonut na.. n.s. n.a. n.a. B.a. - - - -

Cotton - - - - n.a. - - -

Groundnuts 3 4 n.s. 10 5 7. I 3 3

Soybeans - - - - n.a. - - -

Mung beano - 4 8 21 2 2 1 1 0.4

Source: Office of Agricultural Bcoocuice, MOAC.