tais student handbook 學生手冊2020 ~ 2021 - 南投縣復臨

TAIS Student Handbook 學生手冊 2020 ~ 2021

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TAIS Student Handbook

學生手冊 2020 ~ 2021









Deposit 宿舍保證金 13 Dorm Fee 宿舍費用 14

STUDENT DORMITORY 學生宿舍 14 TAIS English Encouragement Plan TAIS 口說英文增進計畫 14

Why English 介紹與原由 14 TAIS Language Policy TAIS 言語相關政策 15

Help from the Family 家長端的協助 15 Use of Class Dojo 線上平台的使用 15

Point Awards 點數取得方法 16 Earn Merits 額外獎勵 17 Point infractions 扣點標準 16

Adjustments to TAIS routines could include 調整事項 18 ADMISSIONS 入學程序 18


Acceptance Criteria 入學標準 19 REGISTRATION 註冊 20


Transferring In 轉入 21 Transferring Out 轉出 22

ACADEMICS 教務規程 22 Language Arts Program 英文基礎應用課程 23

TAIS Competency Levels Chart 能力等級對照表 23 High School Language Arts Program 高中基礎英文課程 23 Junior High Support Program (JH Support) 國中基礎英文課程 24 Changes in Level Placement 換班晉級 24


Petitioning for ELL Level Advancement 課程晉級的條件 25 Understanding And Agreement 理解與同意 25



Records of Audits 旁聽記錄 29 Advanced Placement Courses 進階先修課程 28 INDEPENDENT STUDY POLICY 個別指導課程規章 29 TAIS Diploma Options TAIS畢業文憑課程 29

High School Track Information 高中畢業文憑選項相關資訊 30 TAIS Secondary Completion 復臨高中課程之完成 30 TAIS Secondary Standard 復臨高中文憑之標準 30 College Preparation 大學預備文憑 31


TAIS Griggs Standard and College Prep Chart 大學預備文憑課程要求對照表 36 TAIS Early Graduation Track Policy TAIS 提早畢業計畫相關規定 36 COURSE OVERLOAD POLICY 超修課程規章 37 ACADEMIC PROGRESS REPORTS 學業報告 37 CREDIT RECOVERY POLICY學分補修辦法 37 Honor Roll 榮譽榜 38 DFI List DFI名單 39 ACADEMIC PROBATION 學業觀察期 39 CRITICAL PROBATION TERMS FOR ATTENDANCE, CITIZENSHIP, GRADES 39 出席、操行與成績被列為「學習臨界觀察期」之學生 39 APPEALS PROCESS 申訴管道 40 COMMUNITY SERVICE 公益服務 40


Tardies 遲到 43 Attendance Grades 出缺席成績 44

Perfect Attendance 全勤出席率 44 Attendance Information 出缺席相關資訊 44

College Visit Policy 大學日(大學參觀)方針 44 RECORDS 檔案紀錄 45





CLOSED CAMPUS 校園管制 47 VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL 訪客 47 LEAVING CAMPUS 離校 48 Consequences 處置 48

Sign in/out process 離校/返校 48 Campus leave request 離校申請 49 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES 返校及離校時間 49 Home leave Transportation 週末假交通 49 Quiet Time 安靜時刻 49 Recycling 資源回收 49 Littering 亂丟垃圾 49 Staying in Proper Areas 不隨意進出場所 49 MODES OF TRANSPORTATION 交通工具 49 LOST AND FOUND 失物招領 51 8th GRADE & SENIOR CLASS TRIP 畢業旅行 51 EMERGENCY CLOSING緊急停課 51 MUSIC PERFORMANCE POLICY 音樂表演標準 51 STANDARDS FOR STUDENT PRODUCTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS 學生作品及出版品之標準 51


Strict Study Hall 強制性自修時間 54 Informal Study Hall非強制性自修時間 54


Violation of this policy results in the following 違反規定之處分 55 High Risk 高風險 55



SLEEPOVERS 過夜 56 KEYS 房間鑰匙管理 56 ROOM CHECKS 房間內務檢查 56 SELLING OR SOLICITING 買賣、招攬生意 56 LAUNDRY SERVICES 洗衣房 56 Food 食物 57

TAIS Bill of Rights TAIS權利相關規定 57 School Rights學校方權利 57 Student’s Rights學生方權利 57 STUDENT DISCIPLINE 學生紀律 59 ATTIRE & PERSONAL APPEARANCE STANDARDS 服裝儀容 60 SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY 制服規定 60

Uniform Schedule 服裝規定 60 Description each day 每日制服穿著說明 60


Full Dress Days 正式制服日 60 Combination Days 混搭日 60


BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS 行為規範 65 Level 1 Behavior Infractions: 第一級行為違規 66 Level 2 Behavior Infractions:第二級行為違規 66 After school work detention 課後愛校服務 67 Detention List 愛校服務或留校自修 67

Conference 會議 67 Loss of Privileges 失去特定權益 67 Campus Bound 只在校園內活動 68 Dorm Bound 只在宿舍內活動 68 Room Bound只在自己房間內活動 68 On-Campus Independent Study 在指定地區獨立自修 68 Homeschool短暫返家自學 68 Withdrawal輔導轉學他校 68 Fines 罰款 69

Student Relationships 學生交友須知 69 Romantic Relationships 戀愛交往 69

Appropriateness, Openness, & Parental Approval 得體、公開及家長同意 70 Relationship Behavior Discretion 戀愛交往之行為標準與規範 70

Keeping Priorities 優先順序 70 What actions would cause TAIS to disallow a romantic relationship? 70 什麼行為會導致戀愛交往不被允許? 70




Bullying: Discipline處理霸凌的準則 73 ROLE OF PARENTS 家長所扮演的角色 73

Advice for Parents 給家長的建議 74 SCHOOL SERVICES 學校服務 74





Authority 職權 76 Membership 會員 76 Organization 組織 76

President 會長 76 Vice President for Social Activities 康樂副會長 76 Pastor學生牧師 77 Treasurer 財務 77 Secretary 書記 77

Campaign 競選活動 77 Meetings 會議 78 Sponsor 指導 79 Student Leadership Qualifications 學生領袖資格 78 Eligibility候選資格 78


BORROWING POLICIES 借書規章 81 Return late policy 延遲還書規章 81





The purpose of this handbook is to set forth the objectives of Taiwan Adventist International School (TAIS). This is a guide to school policy as well as a source of information regarding school standards and other aspects of school life. The information provided will answer most of the questions you have relative to the operation of TAIS. If you have further questions, please call the school. 此學生手冊的目的為闡述南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構;其中包括章程、校規、校園生活須知。主要介紹南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構的宗旨,說明機構如何地運作。若想進一步瞭解,請跟TAIS聯絡。 Taiwan Adventist International School 南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構 No. 39 Chun-wen Lane, Yu-Chih, Nantou County, 55542, Taiwan 55542台灣南投縣魚池鄉瓊文巷39號

Tel 招生專線:+886-49-2899-778 Fax 傳真:+886-49-2898-349 Website 網址:www.tais.tw


Date 日期 Time 時間

Monday-Thursday 週一--週四 8:00 am--12:00 pm 1:30 pm--5:30 pm

Friday 週五 8:00 am--12:00 pm

**Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless special appointment** **週末為非辦公時間。或者除非有先預約。**


Job Title 職稱 Office Phone 辦公室電話 Email Address 電子信箱 Principal執行長室 (049) 2897-047 N/A Registrar 註冊室 (049) 2897047分機1905 [email protected] 學務處 (049) 2898681

Office 辦公室

(049) 2899-778 (049) 2897-309 Fax: (049) 2898-349 (049) 2897-342

[email protected]


ADVENTIST EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY 復臨教育理念 TAIS is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church. Founded in the 1870s and divided into regional divisions, the Seventh-day Adventist education network is the second-largest private education network in the world. The North American Division Office of Education alone oversees 1,049 schools with 65,000 students in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda. 南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構是由基督復臨安息日會所興辦。基督復臨安息日會的教育體系於1872年成立,為全世界私校之第二大教育體系。光是北美分會的教育機構下,就有1,049所學校,約有65,000個學生,分別分布於美國、加拿大,以及百慕達群島。

The Adventist education system operates a wide range of collegiate institutions in every region of the world that include: 復臨教育系統在全世界各個地區廣泛經營各種學院機構:

● language schools 語言學校

● Worker-training institutes (ministers, teachers, Bible workers) 在職訓練機構(服事工作、教師及聖經工作相關者)

● Junior Colleges (2-year programs) 兩年學院課程

● four-year liberal-arts colleges 四年制文科學院

● full universities offering education up to doctorate level 大學到博士班等教育

● healthcare-focused schools, often associated with Adventist hospitals 以醫療健康為主課程之學校(通常這樣的學校會與復臨教會醫院有所合作)

● medical schools 醫學院校

The Adventist education program is predicated on a belief in the uniqueness and worth of each student. Adventists believe in the importance of the systematic development of the whole person through wholistic education. Students are educated in the concept of service as a principle of life, to be sensitive to the needs of people, and to become contributing members in the home and society. Adventists advocate an independent love of learning with a collective understanding of service within the community resulting from that learning. Adventists believe young people should become well-rounded individuals prepared for service in this and the future life. Adventist educational facilities place special emphasis on the training of all the facets of one’s character as it trains the physical, mental, social and spiritual capabilities. 基督復臨安息會的教育課程注重每個學生的價值和獨特性,強調有系統的全人發展。教導學生以服務為生命的原則、意識到別人的需要、對家庭和社會要付出貢獻。復臨教育提倡透過獨立學習去理解服務社會的重要性。為了使青少年人能發展全人的教育,並在現在和將來去服務人群,基督復臨安息會的教育特別強調靈、智、體、群、品格的訓練。

TAIS PHILOSOPHY & OBJECTIVES 宗旨&目的 THE MISSION 使命 The Mission of TAIS is to empower and motivate its students to develop wisdom, live healthily, care for others, and know God. TAIS的使命是啟發學生,使他們獲得智慧、過健康生活、關心他人並且認識上帝。 STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY 宗旨 Central to the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of education is the belief in God as the creator and sustainer of the universe. This belief leads to the recognition that we are children of God and stewards of this world’s resources. The education process should promote the development of body, mind, and spirit,


so the divine purpose for our creation might be realized. That purpose is to love God and to love others expressed through service. 基督復臨安息日會的主要教育理念是相信上帝為宇宙的創造主,也是宇宙的支持者,透過這個概念也認知我們是上帝的兒女,也是世界資源的管家。此教育將促進學生身、心、靈的發展,實現上帝創造人類的目的、並藉著服務去愛上帝和愛人。 A private school is unworthy of existence unless it offers the student an additional educational dimension beyond what our excellent public school system provides. Believing that God is the source of all true knowledge and that learning to respect God is the beginning of wisdom, Taiwan Adventist International School emphasizes the need to see the hand of God in all areas of study. 私立學校若沒有比公立學校提供多元教育的面相,就沒有必要設校了。敬畏上帝、相信上帝是一切知識的來源,是智慧的開端。TAIS強調在一切的學習中,都能看到上帝的作為。 History is the story of how God has directed the course of humanity in spite of sin. Language study promotes communication, which God first modeled in Eden. Health instruction and physical education help the student recognize the body as His wonderful gift. Arts emphasize the creative beauty He first gave for our edification and enjoyment. Mathematics and science study the processes and natural laws He set in motion. Religion studies the process of the discovery of God and how He wants to guide our relationships. The work program helps us learn the dignity of labor and principles of stewardship that He ordained. 歷史說明了上帝如何在人類犯罪後引導世界,語言學習促進了最初在伊甸園中的溝通。健康知識和體育使學生瞭解身體是上帝奇妙的禮物,上帝藉著藝術來陶冶人,供他們欣賞。數學和科學是研究自然界中的定律。宗教使人認識上帝並知道祂是如何引導人與祂建立關係。工作教育讓我們學習到勞力的神聖,接受上帝指派人作管家的聖職。 Seventh-day Adventist education seeks a balanced development of the whole person with eternal results. Adventist education encourages homes, schools, and churches to cooperate together with divine agencies in preparing learners for citizenship here on this earth and in the New Earth to come. 基督復臨安息會的復臨教育尋求並教導平衡的全人發展和如何使人得著永生。基督復臨安息會的復臨教育鼓勵家庭、學校、教會要跟上帝合作,並培養學生成為好公民。


● Develop skills including the ability to speak clearly, read efficiently, and write effectively. 發展說、讀、寫的好技能。

● Encourage students’ ability to think analytically, independently, and creatively and to accept responsibility for their academic progress. 能有系統地獨立思考,有創意並且為自己的學習負責。

● Provide students with a working knowledge of Christian beliefs. 將基督教信仰生活化。

● Offer opportunities for creative exploration and an appreciation of the arts. 提供創意展現的機會,並且欣賞藝術。


● Develop a personal concern and an appreciation for the intrinsic value of each individual. 培養關懷的心,重視不同個體的自我價值。

● Encourage students to affirm one another and show respect for the rights of others. 互相肯定。尊重他人的權利。

● Provide opportunities for students to understand and demonstrate appreciation for all people and cultures without prejudice. 在沒有偏見下,賞識不同的族群及文化。

● Develop Christian social graces in dress, language, and behavior that promote Christ-like humility. 在服裝、言語、行為上表明基督的謙卑。

● Develop acceptable social behavior for interpersonal and societal relationships.


在社交互動上表現適宜。 ● Provide opportunities for the student to accept civic responsibility and understand environmental

responsibility and maintenance of peace. 學習公民責任,包括環保和維持和平。

● Create and reinforce an environment of inclusion where all students are regarded as equal contributors. 創造一個讓同學公平參與並且重視每個人的貢獻之環境。

● Prepare the student to participate actively in leadership positions. 預備學生積極參與幹部、領導之角色。


● Encourage students to develop good health habits in diet, sleep, exercise and self-discipline. 鼓勵學生在飲食、睡眠、運動、自律方面培養好習慣。

● Encourage students to adopt a temperate lifestyle and lead by example. 鼓勵學生過節制生活並成為好榜樣。

● Present facts and issues concerning health and disease with particular emphasis on health maintenance. 提供健康疾病的相關資訊,並強調健康的維持。

● Demonstrate the value of lifetime fitness. 說明終身保持良好身體體態的價值。


● Provide a Christ-centered education for all students. 提供基督化教育。

● Introduce students to the ideals, beliefs, principles, and values of Biblical scripture. 介紹聖經的理想、信仰、原則、價值。

● Provide an environment supportive of spiritual growth. 提供屬靈成長的環境。

● Promote a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 提倡個人與基督的關係。

● Give the student opportunities to participate in service activities. 提供學生服務他人的機會。


● Introduce the student to Jesus Christ as a personal Savior and lead the student to a life-long personal relationship with Him.

引導學生認識耶穌,視祂為個人救主,與祂建立終生的關係。 ● Lead the student to accept God as the Creator, Redeemer, and the Source of knowledge and

wisdom, and to surrender the whole life to God through conversion. 引導學生接受上帝為創造主、救贖主、知識的源頭、智慧的開端,並將自己的生命交給上帝得到改變。

● Encourage the student to grow in the knowledge and enjoyment of the study of God’s Word and to voluntarily maintain personal devotions.

鼓勵學生讀經和養成個人自發性的靈修。 ● Encourage the student to accept and apply the principles of God’s Word as the basis for making

decisions in questions of morality, integrity, and ethical behavior in all aspects of life. 鼓勵學生接受並在生活行事、為人道德的準則上活出上帝話語的教導。

● Teach the student the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church and help the student appreciate the rich heritage and providential development of the church. 教導學生關於基督復臨安息日會的道理,並認識到教會豐盛的資產以及教會如何在上帝的帶領下發展。



Logo Feature 校徽意義

Symbolism or Meaning 象徵或含意

Main color “Green” 主色"綠"

The color green is the color of life, renewal, and nature. It is associated with growth and harmony. 綠色代表生命、更新和自然之色;同時與成長以及和諧有關。

Secondary color “Yellow” 次色"黃"

The color yellow is the symbol of light and purity. It speaks of youth, happiness, the harvest, hospitality, love, and benevolence. 黃色代表光明和純潔;也表示青春、幸福、豐富、友好、愛心和善良。

Symbols of Alpha and Omega within a head book 頭像中的書本及符號阿爾法和奧米迦

The Alpha symbolizes the Beginning; the Omega is the end: we recognize God is our Creator and the one who will complete the good work He has called us to do. The image of the head represents our mental growth and maturity. The inclusion of the book symbolizes seeking after knowledge. 阿爾法代表起始、奧米迦代表終點:我們承認上帝是我們的創造者,也是呼召我們去成就祂所要我們做的美事的那一位神;頭像表示智力上的成長與成熟;書本則表示對於知識的追求。

Image of a “Vitruvian figure” 維特魯威人圖

This image indicates our commitment to developing and maintaining a healthy body so that the mind can reach its full potential. 此圖表示我們致力於身體健康的發展與維持,進而心智得以完全發揮其潛力。

Image of book, cross, & flames 書本、十字架及火焰圖像

The overall shape forms a flame symbolic of the Holy Spirit, who is our guide and provides strength to do God’s work. The book represents God’s Holy Word - the Bible. The cross represents the gospel of salvation and is positioned in the center of the design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, as the central theme of the Adventist faith. The “circling flame” is formed by three lines which represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling the globe, and our commission to take the gospel to the entire world. 火焰代表引導我們、給我們能力去完成上帝工作的聖靈;書本代表上帝的話語─聖經;位於圖中心的十字架代表救恩的福音,更強調了復臨信仰的中心─基督的犧牲。盤旋的火焰各由三條線組成,代表聖經啟示錄14章中的三天使信息,就是我們致力傳遍世界的福音。


GENERAL GUIDELINES 一般事務指南 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION POLICY 多元文化教學政策 Even though TAIS is located in Taiwan, its cultural policy will reflect that of the United States-based Adventist Education network. It is the policy of the Adventist Education Network of North America to utilize the resources of curriculum, instruction, teacher in-service, counseling, and guidance to reflect the racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural heritage of both historical and modern-day America by observing the following objectives. 雖然本校設在台灣,但是它的文化政策反映了北美基督復臨安息日會的教育體系。北美基督復臨安息日會教育體系奉行下列目標並遵照和利用其課程、教學、在職進修、輔導來反映早期和現代美國的種族、語言、文化。

● Select materials and methods that will eliminate bias and stereotype. 選擇使用的教材和教學方法會排除成見和刻板印象。

● Encourage all students to grow in self-esteem and to understand their academic and human potential. 鼓勵學生建立自我價值,並且瞭解自己在學習上和為人處事上的潛能。

● Guard against the grouping of students that reflects racial, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural bias. 防範因種族、語言、文化成見造成的小團體。

PARENT COMMUNICATION 家長溝通管道 Open communication and cooperative, supportive relationships will create the most positive and effective climate for learning. Parents are encouraged to establish open lines of communication with teachers. It is best to do this early in the school year rather than waiting until there is some concern or a problem that needs to be resolved. Parents are welcome to visit in the classrooms. We have two requests of parents. 開放式的溝通、合作、支持互惠性的關係,可以營造正面和有效的學習。家長與教師之間須建立開放式的溝通。入學時立即建立此關係是最為理想。不應等到問題產生時才解決。家長可以在課室中觀察。對此,對於家長有以下兩個要求:

● Please do not expect to have a conversation with a teacher during the school day when the teachers are responsible for caring for their classes. 上課期間避免與老師交談,以免影響學生學習。

● Please call in advance and make arrangements to visit the classroom or make an appointment to talk with the teacher. 請事先聯絡校方以便安排課室觀察或與老師交談。

If a difficult situation arises, please talk directly to the person involved. If it is a classroom situation, it would be necessary for parents and teachers to talk together first. The principal will be available to help open lines of communication, clear up a misunderstanding, and help to resolve problems. 若有狀況,請直接與當事人溝通。若為課堂上的狀況,家長和老師可私下先溝通。校長可以協助溝通、澄清誤會、解決問題。 The principal will assist in facilitating positive direct communication by listening, giving advice, or sitting down with all the concerned parties in the hope of discovering a win-win agreement. 校長會正面去溝通,藉著聆聽和給予意見達成雙贏。 Problems are not as effectively solved and solutions not found as quickly and easily when perceived problems are circulated before serious attempts are made to discover a mutually satisfying solution. Student’s observations should be considered and respected. However, teachers and parents should not assume they have all the relevant information for a decision until they all talk together in a direct and polite manner.解決方案尚未達成前,把問題傳播、流傳出去,只會影響解決問題的效果和滿意度。學生的觀察和看法要受到考慮和尊重。在針對問題進行理性溝通前,老師和家長不可以假設自己有全部相關的資訊。



STUDENT ACCOUNTS 學生費用相關 Every successful school must operate on a sound business practice. Prompt care of financial responsibility is not only appreciated, but also necessary if the school is to remain in operation. Before a student is enrolled in the school, a parent or guardian must accept financial responsibility for the student by signing an agreement stating that the account will be paid by the designated timetable. 辦校成功需要足夠的財力。妥善地運用財力,學校才能繼續運作。入學前,家長或監護人必須承擔孩子的學費。跟校方簽同意書,並在指定時間支付學費。 Accounts must be kept current. Any account, which becomes 30 days overdue, will necessitate the withdrawal of the student from TAIS. Communication will be open and frequent with the parents prior to a withdrawal requirement. Any student fee may be paid by cash, check, or wire transfer. No transcripts will be provided to students or other schools for those who have outstanding balances. In addition, term-end report cards to other schools will not be issued for students whose accounts are outstanding. Registration fees are outside of the term charge structure and will be due at registration. Miscellaneous charges such as additional ELL classes and library fines are considered cash and carry only. 學費必須付清。若學費過期30天仍未支付,則該學生需接受輔導轉學,在完成輔導轉學之安排以前,會與家長保持開放和頻繁的溝通。學生費用可用現金、支票、以及匯款方式支付。若有欠款之情況,校方則不寄發成績單與畢業證書給學生本人及其他學校。此外,也將不寄發期末成績單給本人與其他學校。註冊費必須於註冊日時付清。雜費,例如ELL課程和圖書館罰款則是須要另外以現金支付。 FAMILY MULTIPLE STUDENT TUITION DISCOUNT 第2子女學費減免 Families with multiple students attending TAIS are eligible for a discount. The oldest student pays full tuition; each additional family member will receive discounts on tuition. 若有多位子女就讀本校,則可享學費折扣。第一個子女付全額,其他的子女可享指定項目之學費折扣。 LATE PAYMENT PENALTY 延遲繳費之罰款 All accounts not paid by the first week of the term will be assessed a NT$1,500/per student late fee. Accounts 10 days in deficit will receive a reminder statement. Any account becoming 30 days overdue will incur a 4% finance charge stating the due date. This is in addition to the late fee. A transcript cannot be issued until all tuition and fees are paid. 學期開學一星期後,每位學生要繳新台幣1,500元延遲費。10天拖延時,家長會收到校方的催繳信。若賬單逾30天未付清,則需支付該學費4%的利息。在未繳清學費前,校方有保留不發成績單的權利。 SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 教科書 Textbooks are furnished to students. Students should write their names clearly in the space provided in front of the textbooks issued to them. Students are responsible to take care of the books by keeping them dry, clean, and in good condition; using book covers is recommended. There should not be any writing or loose papers in the textbooks when they are turned in. Fines will be assessed for abuse and damage to books. Replacement cost plus 30% shipping and processing will be charged for books that are lost or that are not in good enough condition to be reissued. If all textbooks are in good condition on the final checkout for the school year, the textbook deposit will be returned in its entirety. Books will be issued for all courses by paying a NT$10,000.00 deposit. If all books from Open High classes are returned without damage, and these are no library or locker fines, NT$10,000 will be returned. The book fee does NOT include the yearbook. Books are to be returned the date a student withdraws from classes or on the day of the last final exam. 學生將於每學期註冊時領到課本。學生必須在書的前頁寫上名字,並且負起保管課本之責任,維持課本乾淨整潔。還書時,請勿在課本留字條或在課本上書寫任何資料。若有損壞則須以損壞程度處以罰款;若遺失或損壞太嚴重而無法再使用時,除了要償還書價之外,還要付30%運費和處理費。學年結束時,課本若無損壞


,則保證金新台幣10,000元將全額退還。若高中的課本無損壞,也無圖書館的罰款,則退還新台幣10,000元。書費不包括年刊。學生於退課或期末考完成之後,必須還書。 TUITION AND FEES 學雜費 Please request Tuition and Fees Schedule documents from the TAIS office staff. 若有任何關於學費之疑問可直接向TAIS辦公室人員詢問。 TAIS TUITION REFUND POLICY 學費退費規章 Students may be withdrawn at any time following the completion of a withdrawal form available in the TAIS office. If voluntary, this is a parental responsibility. If it is advised by the TAIS administration, the office will assist in making the necessary transfer requests and arrangements. Regardless, all texts/workbooks, library books and materials, keys, dorm room checkout, and financial accounts must be settled. In order to obtain clearance of each of these items, the appropriate individual must initial the checkout form, which is to be turned in to the TAIS office on the student’s last day at school. The records of withdrawing students will be withheld until this completed form is received. School charges continue until the withdrawal form is completed and filed in the TAIS office. 任何學生可能會因故於中途轉學他校或休學等,離校時必須到TAIS行政辦公室完成相關表格。若此要求為自行提出者,父母須負責完成手續;若此建議為TAIS提出,辦公室將協助完成相關手續及安排。所有課本、作業本、圖書館書籍、鑰匙、宿舍退房手續、學生賬戶都要處理和結算完成。學生必須主動開始辦理各項手續,並且於最後一個上課天前,完成各項手續且繳回給辦公室人員。TAIS未收到學生必須填寫完成的表格前,將先保留學生的成績記錄。同時費用也會繼續計算,直到學生把所也需要完成之手續等表格,繳回辦公室作存檔為止。 Refunds on tuition, and select (not all) other fees for students withdrawing from the school will be calculated as follows 學費以及選項性(並非所有)其他費用退費計算方式如下:

Period 申請退費時間 Percentage % 百分比

Before school starts 開學前 90%

Up to 3 weeks 開學3週內 70%

From 3rd to 5th weeks 開學3週以上至5週內 50%

After 5th week 開學5週後

no refund 全額不退費

***The deposit is fully surrendered. ***保證金不予退費 ● All dormitory and cafeteria fees will be prorated. 宿費和餐費按比例退費。 ● Application and Registration Fees are non-refundable. 報名費以及註冊費不予退還。

Refunds of all dorm, textbook, and locker deposits (less applicable charges) will take place after the completion of the student checkout form. 離校手續完成後,學校會計室於收到申請,在核對相關費用後,退還住宿、教科書和書櫃等所有的保證金。 DORMITORY FEE AND SECURITY DEPOSIT 宿舍費用/宿舍管理保證金

Deposit 宿舍保證金 Each student is expected to pay a security deposit that can be refunded at the end of the school year if the student’s room is vacated without any damage beyond a normal year’s worth of wear and tear.



Dorm Fee 宿舍費用 A student will pay a basic dormitory fee per semester for the use of a four-person room. The fee includes the room, bed, wardrobe, electricity use, internet, and bathroom facilities. 宿舍為四人一房,每學生每學期支付宿舍費用。其費用包含房間、床組、衣櫥、電源、網絡、衛浴。 STUDENT DORMITORY 學生宿舍 Please see the dormitory dean’s list of dorm policies for all boarding students. 請住宿生參考舍監提供的宿舍規則。

TAIS English Encouragement Plan TAIS 口說英文增進計畫

Why English 介紹與原由 English is the language of instruction at TAIS and therefore has priority in the school’s language program. Providing quality education in English for children from a variety of cultural backgrounds demands a commitment from the school to provide support for students weak in English. Within the TAIS community, many languages and cultures exist side by side and students are encouraged to appreciate and compare the languages and cultures that are associated with them. In order to enable all students in the school to access the curriculum in a manner that allows them to benefit fully from their education and to reach their full potential, TAIS provides an English Language Learner (ELL) program for students entering the school with limited proficiency. Students are encouraged to use their mother tongue to inquire and further access the curriculum, where appropriate and with teacher permission. 英文作為TAIS教學之語言,因此在學校課程中具有使用之優先權。為來自不同文化背景的學生提供優質的英文教育,學校致力為英文能力較弱的學生提供支持。在TAIS的環境中有許多語言和文化並存,學生被鼓勵欣賞和比較與他們相關的語言及文化。為了使所有學生從課程中充分受益並能發揮最大潛能,TAIS為英文能力有限的學生提供ELL的學習計畫。在適當並得到老師許可情況下,學生被鼓勵使用中文對於課程不明白的地方,做進一步的詢問及了解。 At TAIS we believe that language is fundamental to learning, thinking, and communication, and, to that end, we ensure that language skills are developed and used across the curriculum. It is necessary not only to learn the language but also to learn about language and through language. We believe that learning takes place best in authentic contexts. The strands of oral (speaking and listening), written, and visual communication are learned across the entire school curriculum. 在TAIS,我們相信語言是學習、思考和溝通的基礎;為此,在課程的教授中我們致力於語言技能的發展。不僅是學習語言,更是通過語言來學習。我們認為,最好的學習在真實的環境中進行。透過所有學校安排之課程,學習口語(說和聽)、寫作以及視覺溝通。 In TAIS, we consistently aim:

● to understand that students use language to clarify and extend their experiences. ● to understand that listening and speaking, reading and writing, viewing, and presenting are

interrelated and interdependent. ● to appreciate the richness and variety in language that changes according to context, style,

audience, and purpose. ● to share the responsibility for students’ language learning and evaluation. ● to have all students develop their linguistic and critical thinking tools so that they can become

independent, successful, and contributing members of society. 在TAIS,我們一直以來所致力於的目標為:

● 了解學生使用語言來闡明以及擴展他們的經驗 ● 了解聽、說、讀、寫、觀看以及演示彼此間為互相聯繫的關係 ● 欣賞言語中因內容、形式、聽者以及目的之不同所帶出的變化和豐富性 ● 共同承擔學生在語言上的學習和評估之責任


● 幫助所有學生發展語言和思辨能力,使他們能夠成為獨立、成功並對社會有所貢獻的人。 TAIS Language Policy TAIS 言語相關政策 We believe that students learn best when they:

● are exposed to high linguistic and academic expectations; ● have explicit language teaching; ● read, write and communicate orally in English, only referring to the mother tongue when deemed

appropriate by the teacher 我們相信學生在以下的情況中可以學得更好:

● 處於對於語言和學業表現上有高期待的環境之下 ● 得到精準明確的語言教學 ● 以英文去進行閱讀、書寫、口語溝通,只有在老師認為適當之情況下使用母語

As an American Adventist educational facility, TAIS hopes to foster not only a love of learning within its students but also a consistent habit of speaking English. In order to ensure this, TAIS will track language infractions separately from other citizenship infractions. “English only” is spoken during all instructional periods, with all teacher-sponsored class or club meetings, and it is highly encouraged at all school functions, unless the programming is based in Chinese. Additionally, “English Only” is mandated for usage within all TAIS buildings unless otherwise stated. Failure to comply will result in a language infraction by a documented infraction through the online platform “Class Dojo.” 作為美國基督復臨安息日會之教育機構,TAIS希望不僅培養學生對學習的熱愛,也希望養成他們持續說英文的習慣。為了確保達到此目標,對於英文使用上的語言違規,TAIS將此部分其他行為上的違規分開追蹤紀錄 。因此在所有教學課堂上、有老師負責(管理)之課堂、社團以及聚會/會議中,僅能使用英文,並在所有學校的活動中,若該活動非以中文為主,我們也強烈建議應使用英文。此外,除非另有說明,否則所有屬於TAIS之建築物內皆須使用英文。若不遵守以上內容,將導致在線上平台Class Dojo被扣分記點。 These language infractions will not impact the citizenship grade unless the student continues to speak their mother tongue or does so disrespectfully, then that student will be given a citizenship bearing infraction. 這些言語違規的紀錄不會對操行成績造成影響,除非學生不理會提醒甚至不尊重而繼續選擇不說英文,則該學生將會受到操性成績上的違規記點。 Help from the Family 家長端的協助 Parents will be given a Class Dojo account for their child to be given a direct daily record of performance. Parents are encouraged to give their children positive encouragement as students try and improve. 家長會得到線上平台"Class Dojo"之帳號以查詢學生每日紀錄和表現,並對於學生的進步給予鼓勵。 Use of Class Dojo 線上平台的使用 Positive school performances will give each student a +1 in their total Class Dojo score. A negative performance or decision will result in a -1 Class Dojo score. The goal is for the student, school, and family to receive a visual and continual report of that student’s performance. 正面積極的校內行為表現將會在總分得到分數+1,反之則得-1。使用Class Dojo的目標是為了給學生本身、學校及家長一個看得見並持續更新的學生表現紀錄。


Point Awards 積分取得方法 All students begin the semester from zero and as they conduct themselves may earn or lose points; points will be refreshed to zero at the beginning of each semester. Should a student lose points, students are able to earn back points through earning merit tickets. These items as listed below (though not limited to), must be documented via a yellow “merit ticket” and the infraction ticket must be attached to the merit ticket and turned in to the Dean of Students to cancel out the language infraction: 所有學生積分於學期開始從零分開始計算,根據自身表現而獲得加減分;積分每學期會重新計算。學生若失去分數,可透過獲得獎勵卡而得回積分。以下列出之事項(但不限於此),必須記錄於獎勵卡後並附上違規單,再交給學務長,以取消因語言違規的紀錄而得回積分:

● Helping a teacher or staff translate during homeroom, assembly, or school function may result in up to a +3. 協助老師或教職員於導師時間、週會或其他學校活動中幫忙翻譯者,最高+3分。

● Helping other students with their English efforts with sufficient teacher documentation for a +1 Class Dojo. 提供其他同學英文上的協助並得老師認同者,+1分。

● Proactively participating beyond teacher’s expectations in class +1 Class Dojo. 課堂上積極參與並超出老師之期待者,+1分。

● Students who choose to continue speaking English even during the passing periods and outside of class and club time may qualify for +1 on Class Dojo. 於課外、社團、或其他該使用英文的時間以外,仍持續說英文、使用英文者,+1分。

● Helping to set up, clean up, or otherwise being helpful at school sponsored events +2 Class Dojo. 幫忙預備、整理或於學校活動中主動提供協助者,+2分。

Point infractions 扣點標準 The situation in which a student continually receiving spoken language infractions will result in the following actions 若學生因違反語言規定而持續收到違規單者將會:

● The TAIS staff member will give an infraction ticket for each language violation. A language infraction ticket results in a -1 point on Class Dojo. 每一次的語言違規,TAIS教職員會給予一張違規單,而一張違規單將扣除線上平台Class Dojo積分1分。

● At the TAIS homeroom meetings, the class sponsors will discuss student performances on a regular basis to find ways to encourage their students to try their best. 在導師會議中,班導師將會針對學生表現討論出能鼓勵學生嘗試並全力以赴的方法。

● When a student reaches -5 points for language infractions in their Class Dojo accounts, that student will meet with their homeroom teacher to create a contract for improving their language acquisition (activities for contracts can be varied and it is encouraged that the student lead in the creation process with appropriate approval). The student must then meet the necessary requirements


through these agreed adjustments provided to recover points. As they accomplish the requirements they must obtain the necessary signatures from faculty/staff to prove fulfillment. The finished contract will then be turned in to the Dean of Student Affairs to have their points refreshed accordingly. A copy of this contract signed by the student and homeroom sponsor will be shared to the Dean of Student Affairs and will also be shared with the student’s parents. 若學生因語言違規在Class Dojo之積分為-5者,該學生將需與班導師討論並擬出計畫,以幫助學生得到英文上的進步(計畫內容因人而異並在適當的允許範圍下,鼓勵學生自主提出計畫內容)。接著學生必須履行並達到計畫內容的各項要求,以補回失去之積分。當學生完成各項要求時,需取得老師/職員之簽名,以證明完成。完成履行之計畫書會被轉移到學務長以重新調整積分(-5改為0)。學務長以及家長也將取得這份由學生、班導師簽署的計畫書副本。

● When a student reaches -10 language infractions in their Class Dojo accounts, that student will meet with the Dean of Student Affairs to go over their past contract (if applicable) and revise it to meet the new(er) needs of the student to improve language acquisition. Adjustments in their routines at TAIS may be needed (see below). The student must then meet the necessary requirements through these agreed adjustments provided to recover points. As they accomplish the requirements they must obtain the necessary signatures from faculty/staff to prove fulfillment. The finished contract will then be turned in to the Dean of Student Affairs to have their points refreshed accordingly. A copy of this contract signed by the student and homeroom sponsor will be shared to the Dean of Student Affairs and will also be shared with the student’s parents. 若學生因語言違規在Class Dojo之積分為-10者,該學生將與學務主任見面並討論,對於先前所擬定的計畫內容(若適用)是否需要修改調整,以幫助學生得到言語進步上的(新)需求。可能需要的調整請見下方說明。接下來學生必須履行並達到調整計畫內容的各項要求,以補回失去之積分。當學生完成各項要求時,需取得老師/職員之簽名,以證明完成。完成履行之計畫書會被轉移到學務主任以重新調整積分。學務主任以及家長也將取得這份由學生、班導師簽署的計畫書副本。

● When a student reaches -15 for language infractions in their Class Dojo accounts, that student will meet with the Student Affairs committee to review previous contracts and draft a new one and will communicate directly with the parent’s regarding this new(er) contract. The result will be an additional contract between the school and the student, signed by the student and members of the Student Affairs committee on a mutual understanding of how that student might better reach their goal of communicating well in English. Adjustments in their routines at TAIS may be needed (see below). The student must then meet the necessary requirements through these agreed adjustments provided to recover points. As they accomplish the requirements they must obtain the necessary signatures from faculty/staff to prove fulfillment. The finished contract will then be turned in to the Dean of Student Affairs to have their points refreshed accordingly. A copy of this contract signed by the student and homeroom sponsor will be shared to the Dean of Student Affairs and will also be shared with the student’s parents. 若學生因語言違規在Class Dojo之積分為-15者,該學生將與學生事務委員會談話並檢視先前所擬定的計畫內容後重新擬定,同時將直接與家長溝通該計畫內容。此計畫內容將由該學生與任一學生事務委員會成員,在互相理解並幫助該生能如何更好地實現使用英文溝通為目標的情況下簽署。可能需要的調整請見下方說明。接著學生必須履行並達到調整計畫內容的各項要求,以補回失去之積分。當學生完成各項要求時,需取得老師/職員之簽名,以證明完成。完成履行之計畫書會被轉移到學務主任以重新調整積分。學務主任以及家長也將取得這份由學生、班導師簽署的計畫書副本。

● Students who receive a -20 for language infractions in their Class Dojo accounts, that student’s parents will schedule a joint meeting between the student, Dean of Students, and administration to discuss ways for the student to receive better results. A contract for adjustments will be made and signed by parents, students, and administration. Adjustments in their routines at TAIS may be needed (see below). The student must then meet the necessary requirements through these agreed adjustments provided to recover points. As they accomplish the requirements they must obtain the necessary signatures from faculty/staff to prove fulfillment. The finished contract will then be turned in to the Dean of Student Affairs to have their points refreshed accordingly. A copy of this contract signed by the student and homeroom sponsor will be shared to the Dean of Student Affairs and will also be shared with the student’s parents.


若學生因語言違規在Class Dojo之積分為-20者,該生之家長將會被安排出席由學生本人、學務主任以及學校行政主管共同參與的聯合會議,以討論更好幫助學生的方法。討論出的內容將由家長、學生以及學校行政主管簽署。可能需要的調整請見下方說明。接著學生必須履行並達到以調整計畫內容的各項要求,以補回失去之積分。當學生完成各項要求時,需取得老師/職員之簽名,以證明完成。完成履行之計畫書會被轉移到學務主任以重新調整積分。學務主任以及家長也將取得這份由學生、班導師簽署的計畫書副本。

Adjustments to TAIS routines could include 調整事項

■ Reduction of time to be spent playing computer/cell phone games, watching videos viewed for entertainment, etc. 減少手機/電腦作為娛樂之使用。

■ Reducing non-required extracurricular activities (i.e. towntrips, night market, etc). 減少參與非規定需參與之課後活動的機會。(如外出、夜市等)

■ Providing specific opportunities to speak intentionally in English with a native English speaker. 提供額外讓學生能使用英文與母語為英文之人士說話溝通的機會。

Happy Bag 獎勵抽獎活動 If a student has 5+ points at the end of the first month, with an additional +5 for each successive month to qualify, this will earn the student a merit card to be used in the Happy Bag. Students at zero points or above may participate in Happy Bag. Chances for winning a prize from Happy Bag increases for those who regularly master tasks through Exact Path and those who earn 5+ or more merits in Class Dojo. 若學生在每月結束時積分累積超過5分者,以及連續每月都累積額外5分者,將獲得獎勵活動之獎勵卡乙張。積分非負分者方能以獎勵卡參與獎勵抽獎活動。對於定期完成Exact Path以及在Class Dojo積分超過5分者,從抽獎活動中獲得獎品的機會將會大大增加。


ADMISSIONS AND DISMISSAL POLICY 入學/輔導轉學標準 Adventist schools are open to youth, regardless of religion, race, color or national origin, who enroll with a sincere purpose to develop mentally, spiritually and physically, and who willingly support the principles of conduct upon which Christian education is based. TAIS歡迎真心想得到身、心、靈的發展並且願意支持基督教教育的原理之不同宗教、種族、膚色、國籍的年輕學子申請就讀。 It should be understood that every student who presents him or herself for admission to TAIS thereby pledges to observe all its regulations and to uphold the moral principles upon which the school is operated, and to perform all assigned school duties to the best of his/her ability. To break this pledge may forfeit the student’s right to attend, and if retained in school, it is only at the discretion of the faculty and of the school board. 凡入學的學生必須承諾遵行TAIS的規定維護道德標準,盡力學習。一旦違反TAIS規定最重將會需要輔導轉學。若沒被要求輔導轉學,則是因為經過了教職員和行政團隊謹慎的處理。 TAIS seeks to serve those who have a sincere desire to better their lives and to explore moral and social concepts and lifestyles. Parents and students are expected to support and uphold school standards. TAIS願意服務凡有心要改善生命、追求社會道德、改善生活方式的學生。家長和學生必須支持和維護TAIS的規範與標準。 Adventist schools do not knowingly admit students who violate its moral principles and the laws of the land. A student is liable to serious discipline or immediate dismissal from the school if s/he deviates from the citizenship standards as outlined in the discipline section of this handbook.


TAIS不會錄取違反倫理道德和不守國家法律的學生,凡違反了學生手冊裏的規範,將遭處嚴重的懲罰或即刻輔導轉學。 ACADEMIC PLACEMENT 入學考試及課程 TAIS administers both English placement tests and interviews. In addition, it reserves the right to set additional academic and behavioral benchmarks as deemed advisable. The results of such tests and interviews will be used in determining placement in a study program most suited for the student’s long-term development. TAIS舉行入學申請之面談與課程安排所需之英文程度測驗。必要的話,TAIS有權利要求提供額外的學業和品格成績作為入學參考。為了學生長程學習能得到適當發展,以上測驗、面談與相關行為表現,將作為學生在TAIS上課課程之安排準則。 ADMISSION OF NEW STUDENTS 新生入學 New students must make a formal application to enter the TAIS program by completing the appropriate application form and pay the application fee. The admissions committee will review the applications and the students will be notified of their acceptance in writing or by email. New applicants may be placed on probation. 新生申請入學必須填寫正式的申請表並繳付報名費。經入學委員會通過後,以書面或email通知該生。新生可能以試讀生身份就讀。 Acceptance Criteria 入學標準 ● Completion of English competency tests and interviews.

完成TAIS英語程度測驗與面談。 ● Verification of completion of 6th grade from the former school with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA (75%). 完成小六的課程,並且平均積點達2.5(相等於學業成績總平均75分)以上。

● Transcripts from former or current school. 前學校發給的正式成績單。

● Completion of two recommendation forms. 兩份推薦函。

● Payment of tuition and fees. (Immediately upon acceptance) 已支付就讀續需要的各項費用證明。

● Submission of current health records (grade 10-12 only). 近期健康檢查報告書(只需高中部學生繳交)。

● Signing of TAIS Student Handbook, Parent and Student Agreement indicating their compliance with behavioral standards. 簽署TAIS學生手冊中家長與學生的同意書,表明遵照行為準則。

Students will be placed in either the American curriculum high school, or the English Language Learners (ELL) program based on their English competency test scores, their previous schools’ GPA, and the number of transferable credits into the American system. 學生之英文程度測驗結果與其之前就讀學校之平均成績,以及之前學校修得之學分與本機構之學分系統對比轉換後,將作為該生就讀本機構之美國國高中正式課程或基礎英文課程之依據。 Students with cumulative GPA below 2.5 may be accepted on a case-by-case basis with the understanding that they must improve their GPA in order to be recommended to US-based high schools and universities. 平均成績低於2.5的學生,將按照個案安排就讀課程,但條件是學生必須提升平均成績才會被推薦給美式的中學和大學。 TAIS reserves the right to assign students to the level deemed most suited to their English needs. It also reserves the right to either promote or demote students based on their academic performance once they have enrolled.一旦學生進入TAIS就讀,TAIS有權利依照學生的英文程度作最佳的課程安排。並依學生在課 程中的表現情況,做最利於該生學習之課程轉換安排。


REGISTRATION 註冊 Registration for new students is two days before the first day of classes (one day before for returning students) and closes two weeks after the formal start of each semester. 學期開始前一個星期或學期開始後兩個星期內完成註冊程序。 Registration includes註冊程序:

➢ Signing all necessary forms 簽領文件 ➢ Sign up for classes and extracurricular activities 選課和課外活動 ➢ Receive locker assignments 登記置物櫃 ➢ Receive and register their textbooks 登記領取課本 ➢ Meet with counselors 會見輔導老師 ➢ Receive the uniforms (only for the new students) 領取制服(僅限新生) ➢ Sign up for School Bus (optional) 登記申請搭乘返家/返校專車(非必選) ➢ Receive a dorm room assignment at the dorm 登記宿舍房間 ➢ Attend orientation 出席新生訓練

Registration is completed when all fees are paid and permanent registration forms/submissions are approved. 費用繳齊後和註冊單核准後,就表示註冊完成。 GRADE-LEVEL CLASSIFICATION AND QUALIFICATION 各年級編班和資格 Incoming students in 7th-9th grades are placed in the grade level according to their age. However, if, due to age restrictions or other mitigating circumstances, parents need their children to complete a grade level in “advancement” they may take the Stanford test equivalent to a grade level. It is a requirement that 7th graders complete 6th grade, and further that 8th graders complete 7th grade, both receiving a certificate of completion, before advancement to the next grade level. Therefore, it is not possible to “skip” a grade. TAIS 8th graders in the pull-out program are able to graduate into the TAIS 9th grade ELL program. In addition, 9th graders must have completed 8th grade at TAIS and/or their previous school. Students in grades 10-12 will be placed into the grade level according to the number of accepted credits they have completed and documented on their transcript. 7-9年級的編排乃按照學生的年齡編排。然而,若由於年齡限制或其他因素,當家長有提前讓孩子完成學業的需要,則可以選擇讓孩子參加與孩子年級相符的跳級考試Stanford test。進入7年級前必須完成6年級課程,同樣進入8年級前必須完成7年級課程,且都需取得完成之證明,才得以進入下個年級。因此,「省略」任一年級是不可能的。在TAIS上基礎英文課程之8年級學生,英文能力未能進入正式高中課程前,仍得以進入TAIS的9年級基礎英文課程繼續學習。另外,9年級生必須完成TAIS 8年級課程或他校的國二課程,才得以繼續9年級課程。10~12年級的學生是按照成績單上所列成績與已修得的學分來認定編班。

0-6 Credits for placement in the 9th Grade--0-6學分,為9年級 7-12 Credits or placement in the 10th Grade--7-12學分,為10年級 13-18 Credits or placement in the 11th Grade—13-18學分,為11年級 19+ Credits or placement in the 12th Grade--19學分以上,為12年級

Exceptions to this guideline include students that have completed more credits than would typically correspond to their age. A student must complete the basic core classes of a grade level in grades 9-12 before they might be considered placement in the next grade level. 凡年齡和學分不相符時,亦即,若學生多修了超出年齡所需之學分課程時,則屬於例外情況,不同於上列學分與年紀之分級制度。每一個學生必須完成9-12各年級中基本的科目,才能考慮升級。 Taiwan high school students entering into the 11th grade must place in their TAIS entrance test and interview the ability to take a full load of American high school courses to be considered an 11th grader. These students must complete English I in their 11th grade, English II during the summer session, and then complete English III, and IV during their senior year. To be considered a senior, a student must have completed English II, American History, and Biology, to place in the 12th grade.


台灣一般學制高中生欲轉到TAIS的11年級時,必須通過TAIS的入學面談,以證明其有能力休習美國學制之11年級所有課程。11年級轉學生必須完成英文I。並利用暑假完成英文II。12年級時完成英文III和英文IV課程。另外,學生必須至少完成英文II、美國歷史和生物才能有資格被列為12年級的學生。 TRANSFERS 轉學 TAIS has a case-by-case transfer acceptance policy. The TAIS admissions council will meet and review the student’s application to transfer. TAIS接受個別轉學申請,入學委員會將開會審核轉學申請。 Transferring In 轉入 Students requesting transfer into the TAIS system will be evaluated with the same standards as students applying at the beginning of a school year. Transfer students can be accepted into an American high school class and qualify for credit during the first half of the beginning term of each semester (3½ weeks) under the conditions that they: 轉學生和新學年新生入學申請是一樣的。轉學生轉入須於每學期3½周前轉入並且完成且了解下列要求,始得接受為TAIS的學生:

➢ Pay full tuition for the semester付清學期的學費 ➢ Make up all homework and project assignments補齊所有的作業 ➢ Take make-up tests for missed classes補考未上的課 ➢ Understand they will need to take the midterm and finals 完成期中和期末考試 ➢ Understand they will receive a course grade based on their actual performance during the time

they were in class了解並接受所有成績皆根據課堂表現 Students can join an ELL program at any time. Additional fees will be charged and be pro-rated. Applications while school is in session must go through an application committee. 學生隨時可以修讀高中基礎英文課程,不過將有額外的收費。轉學生若於開學後申請則必須向入學委員會申請,得到核准才能轉入。 Transferring Out 轉出 Students may transfer out for one of four reasons 學生轉出有以下四個原因:

➢ Voluntary transfer: Students can transfer to another school at any time by making a formal request to the program coordinator. 自願轉出:向教務處註冊組提出申請,可隨時轉出。

➢ Academic Transfer: students who perform below TAIS minimum standards will be asked to transfer to a less-demanding school. 學業因素:學業成績始終未能進入TAIS美國課程基本要求,TAIS將輔導轉學他校就讀。

➢ Behavioral Transfer: A student whose behavior is deemed inappropriate for TAIS will be asked to transfer to a school more in line with his/her behavioral standards. 行為因素:行為規範上始終無法達到TAIS的要求,TAIS將輔導轉學他校就讀。

➢ Medical Transfer: A student whose medical or psychological conditions go beyond the ability of TAIS to give the special care required for that student will be asked to transfer to a school more in line with his/her specific needs. 健康因素:身心健康情況為TAIS無法給予特別的照顧之前提下,則須輔導轉出。


● If the transfer is made during the middle of a term it may result in loss of credit and/or a lower course grade. 若學生於學期中轉出將會導致該科學分或成績低於標準。

● If the student is requesting a transfer to another Adventist Education school, TAIS can facilitate a system internal-transfer, allowing for a smooth transition between schools. 若學生要求轉出到其他本會的學校,TAIS亦可協助辦理。


RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRANSFERS POLICY 轉學用推薦函 Recommendation forms and letters will only be given after a student has completed a full semester at TAIS. A basic report of student attendance and academic progress will be given for students applying for transfer before a full semester has been completed. 學生須完成一個學期,方能申請TAIS的推薦函。學生未能完成一個學期時,TAIS只能提供基本的出席和學業記錄。


Taiwan Adventist International school offers multiple levels of learner achievement, based on English achievement, future goals, and student academic history. Each student should be given the opportunity to plan, work, and achieve goals that provides them a future. Students each have academic and skill strengths and weaknesses. As students begin their academic careers at TAIS, they must have a plausible path to success, no matter their English level, or academic history. As TAIS receives interest from students with a wide range of academic, English, and skill levels, we will provide three completion levels, with opportunities for students with high academic and English abilities to progress further with online high school and university credit courses. 南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構會根據每位學生英語的程度來提供不同的學業規劃並協助規劃未來目標。每個學生都應該有機會去針對各自的未來做進修規劃,前置工作和實現未來的目標。每個學生都有學術和技能方面的優勢和劣勢。當學生在TAIS開始他們的課業生涯時,無論他們的英語能力或課業歷程如何,他們必須有一條似乎合理的成功之路。由於TAIS受到具有廣泛學業,英語能力和技能的學生的興趣,我們將提供三個完成能力,為具有高學業和足夠英語能力的學生提供線上美國高中和大學學分預修課程的機會。 Students are given multiple paths of academic success along with the opportunity to join a variety of “skill courses” which provide more hands on learning experiences to not only broaden their academic experiences, but to offer a physical release as they work with their hands. No matter the student’s entry level English, they will receive at least a math class that is scaffolded, and the opportunity to choose electives that match their interests. Students will complete at least a basic level of competency in math, social studies, science, and English prior to graduation. 學生將獲得多種學業成功途徑,並有機會參加各種“實作技能課程”,這些課程提供更多的學習經驗,不僅可以拓寬學習經驗,還可以提供實務操作經驗,因為他們可以用手去實際工作。無論學生入學的英語能力,他們至少會接受一個基礎的數學課,並有機會選擇符合他們有興趣的選修課。學生在畢業前將至少完成數學類,社會類,科學類和英語的基本能力。 All students must provide official English transcripts from their previous school. Transcripts must provide proof of completion of the grade level from the school year directly prior to the grade level the student is applying for at TAIS. For example, before a student may enter 7th grade at TAIS, that student must demonstrate official completion of 6th grade from their previous school. Students unable to provide such documentation must demonstrate their level by taking the Stanford Placement Tests. Students who meet the minimum American high school English standard will be accepted into the TAIS American open high school program at the appropriate scholastic level. Students who test-in at a lower English level will be placed in one of the three levels of the English Language Learner (ELL) pullout program depending on grade level. TAIS’s ELL program focuses on improving the English level of its students so they can be promoted to the regular American high school program (Open High). 所有申請入學之學生,必須提供前學校之英文版正式成績單。成績單必須包含學生欲申請就讀TAIS年級的前一年成績完成證明。舉例來說,在學生就讀TAIS 7年級以前,該學生必須提供前學校完成6年級之證明。若學生無法提供相關文件,則必須通過參加Stanford Placement Tests來證明學習能力。測驗結果若達到美國高中能力程度最低標準,即可錄取。 不過,測驗結果若程度較低的學生則將依其程度安排上分為三級的ELL基礎英文課程上課。TAIS的ELL基礎英文課程主要在提升學生英文程度,好讓學生能夠具備進入美國高中正規課程的英文解題能力。


Language Arts Program 英文基礎應用課程 TAIS operates an English Language Learner program for students who aim to study U.S. high school-leveled courses but do not have the requisite English language skills. Students applying to TAIS will be given an English competency test covering grammar, writing, reading comprehension and vocabulary. Students who meet the minimum US high school English standard will be accepted into the TAIS U.S. high school program. Students who test at a lower English level will be placed in the Language Arts Program (ELL) at their competency level. TAIS’s Language Arts program focuses on improving the English level of its students so they can be promoted to the regular U.S. high school program. The Language Arts program is divided into 3 skills components: Communication, Literature Study and Composition. Students will need to take and complete the Language Arts program as an academic requirement before moving into the open high classes. 針對英文能力未達修習美國國、高中學科英文能力的學生,TAIS針對國、高中學生另外規劃英文基礎應用課程,申請就讀的學生將必須進行包含文法、寫作、閱讀與字彙的英文能力測驗。測驗結果若達到美國國高中學科英文能力程度最低標準才可能晉級或修讀全學分正式課程。測驗結果英文程度較低的學生將依程度先安排上英文基礎應用課程。TAIS的英文基礎應用課程主要在提升學生英文程度,好讓他們能夠具備進入美國高中各類學科的能力,課程分3大類(如下頁),學生按學科規定將被要先修讀並完成英文基礎應用課程後才能進入全學分課程。

TAIS Competency Levels Chart 能力等級對照表

High School Language Arts Program 高中基礎英文應用課程 Students will take High School Language Arts classes that cover six main areas of the English language each semester: Grammar/Writing, Speaking/Listening, Reading/Vocabulary. In addition to these courses, students will also take electives such as Physical Education, Music, Chinese, and a Bible class. Ideally, a math class may also be introduced. This will be determined by the student’s abilities, schedule, and academic needs, and will be at the sole discretion of the School Administration. PE, Music, Chinese, and Bible may be the only credit classes taken while in the Language Arts Program I&II. Language Arts Program III students will be permitted more flexibility to take additional credit classes to those mentioned above. Examples include Algebra I or II, Geometry, Earth Science, MS Office, Photoshop and Health.



Language Arts Program of Senior High Students高中基礎英文應用課程 Course課程 credit學分 Remarks

Communications I, II 溝通

0 Students are placed in these courses based on their abilities, schedule, and academic needs. 學生將依英文能力、課表與學程需要而被安排合適程度之的課程

Literature Study I, II 文學閱讀訓練


Composition I, II 寫作技法


Junior High Support Program (JH Support) 國中英文基礎應用課程 The Junior High English support program is designed to give extra language assistance to our students whose English levels aren’t at the place they need to be in order to enter full credit high school courses. Within the TAIS system, junior high courses are not credit bearing. Students are assessed for their English level and placed into the appropriate leveled course. TAIS provides English support for students who are identified as in need of language support (CEFR A1 - B2). Support teachers work in cooperation with content instructors to assist the student in scaffolding instructional materials. The TAIS junior high is not based simply on grade level, but English levels. Students are placed in either the beginning English program (gold), or advanced (platinum). Students are also provided math content in accordance to their math levels. All students in the support program are still working toward their U.S.-recognized 8th grade diploma, thereby qualifying them for enrollment in any accredited U.S. High School, including TAIS. Students in this program will be given more language-intensive attention in addition to the regular curriculum offered. In order to facilitate this extra attention, two homeroom teachers are assigned to the TAIS junior high students, in addition to specialists for Chinese, Cooking, Physical Education, Music and the Bible classes. 國中英文基礎應用課程是針對學生英文程度未達但未來將進入高中全學分課程的學生所設計的額外英文能力訓練課程。在TAIS系統內,國中課程並非採學分制,而是通過英文能力評估後,安排在適當能力等級的課程中。TAIS提供英文基礎應用課程給需要強化英文基礎能力的學生(測驗結果在CEFR A1-B2),透過課堂上支 援教學的老師與主要教學的老師相互合作,以幫助學生在課堂上能掌握教學內容。TAIS國中課程之安排,不單只基於年級,還基於英文能力。學生將被安排至初級課程(黃金班)或中高級課程(白金班)中,同時我們也根據學生的數學能力提供不同的數學課程。但是國中英文基礎應用課程的學生在課程設計上依然朝向美國國中學歷邁進,因此必須讓他們具備足夠的實力以進入任何一間美國高中,包含TAIS。在此課程中的學生除了正規課程外,將被安排修習英文基礎應用訓練課程。為了使課程進行,TAIS國中部將有二位導師,及其他中文,家政,體育,生命與人際關係教育課程的老師。 Changes in Level Placement 換班晉級 Students placed in the Language Art program will take a placement test at the end of each semester to determine eligibility to move to the next, appropriate level. Placement is based on language proficiency and academic performance. Students must have a GPA of 2.00 or higher to be considered for advancement. A student’s attendance record and his/her citizenship grade will also be taken into account in consideration for advancement. All standards and expectations for advancement shall be based on quantifiable evidence, not on any teacher or administrator’s personal opinion of a student. Qualified students will only be advanced at the beginning of a new semester. 需要上基礎英文課程的學生將會在每個學期末做一次測驗,以檢視並安排下階段合適的課程。能力測驗將依據學生的語言表現及學業成果而定,學生必須要達到成績GPA 2.00或更高才行,操行與出缺勤成績也將列入 評估,所有晉級的根據將以學生實際展現的學習事實為主,而非老師或任何教職員個人意見,並且在學期開


始時,始能進行換班晉級的安排。 Petitioning for ELL Level Advancement 課程晉級的條件 Students who score within 10% of the next level English level placement AND have an average of “B” in all his/her ELL classes (83+%) may petition with parental consent to be permitted to advance to the next level. It should be noted that the placement test accurately depicts a student’s current English proficiency level, and s/he goes to the next level with the expectations of everyone else in that level. Grading will not be lenient. 學生接受測驗後,且其成績得分介於晉級下一進階課程門檻要求的10%內,加上該生在上一階段ELL課程之學期平均分數均達B+(83%)以上時,得在取得學生家長與TAIS同意後,該生可以被安排挑戰更進階的基礎英文課程。然而要注意的是,線上英文能力測驗精準的測出了學生目前的英文能力表現,該生英文程度在未達到情況下,若晉級到下一階段課程上課,該生必須如同其他同班學生一樣,依循其課程老師所提出的成績標準與規定,老師們在給分上絕不會因此情況而放寬。 Understanding And Agreement 理解與同意 The ELL Program is designed to focus a student’s learning on the comprehension and proper use of the English language. TAIS promises to use all available and reasonable resources to that end. We cannot and do not, however, promise that every child will accelerate according to our desire. Ultimately the student is responsible for his/her learning. The amount of work, dedication, and effort put into the program by the student will determine his/her success rate. By enrolling in the ELL Program, both you, the parent(s), and student(s) acknowledge that graduation may be delayed by the amount of time spent in the ELL program. You also understand that TAIS hopes and expects students to be in the ELL Program no longer than three (3) semesters. Should a student be unable to succeed in completing the program to acceptable standards, TAIS will have to consider whether this is the right learning environment for said student. This may lead to removal of the student from this institution. In such cases, the parents will be consulted before a final decision is rendered. TAIS wishes to have parents’ involvement in their children’s education and thus welcomes input from all our students’ parents. 英文基礎課程是設計來是幫助學生理解並適切的使用英文,TAIS承諾將使用所有可用與合適的資源以達前項目標,然而我們不能,也無法承諾每位學生都能在我們的要求下快速完成該課程,學生將會是最終需要為他的學習成果負責的人,因學生自己本身的努力程度,將決定他進步的多寡。由於參加英文基礎課程的關係,家長和學生必需認知到,學生將可能會因停留在英文基礎課程過久,而延遲到其申請畢業的時間。同時希望家長與學生都理解,TAIS期望所有學生在基礎英文課程的上課時間不超過3個學期;若是學生不能夠通過課程達到該有的能力,TAIS將會評估此學習環境是否適合該學生繼續就讀,或應該協助輔導轉學;然而,像這種情況,家長會在TAIS最後決議確定之前就收到通知。TAIS希望家長能共同參與投入孩子的教育。



Junior High Gold TOEFL Primary

A1 TOEFL Primary STEP 1

A2 TOEFL Primary STEP 2

Junior High Platinum TOEFL Junior

B1 TOEFL Junior 745

B2 TOEFL Junior 850

C1 TOEFL Junior 900


High School Prep 1 TOEFL Primary / TOEFL Junior

A1 TOEFL Primary 204

A2 TOEFL 645


B1 Receive a 785 or TOEFL: 57 to 86

B2 Receive a 845 or TOEFL: 78

High School Prep 3 TOEFL SCORES

B2 Receive a TOEFL Score: 78

C1 Receive a TOEFL Score: 94

TAIWAN CREDIT TRANSFERS 台灣學校學分銜接轉換 Taiwanese transcripts must be translated and certified, listing the number of credits hours achieved by each student for their Taiwanese high school credits to be recognized by Griggs International Academy. English class credits received through the Taiwanese school system are not recognized as credits earned through Griggs International Academy. 台灣學校的成績單必須翻譯成英文並且要經過認證。須列出可以抵國際安格中學的學分。其中,台灣體制內中學的英文課學分,並無法抵國際安格中學的任一學分。 TESTS AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS OF LEARNING 測驗和學習評估 Throughout the school year, teachers assess students on what they have learned and what they can do. Assessment includes tests, oral and written reports, and standardized assessment tests. 學年中,老師會給考試和評估學生的學習。評估的方式包括考試、口頭和書面報告、標準化測驗。 TAIS is registered as a testing site for the ACT test. All juniors and seniors are highly encouraged/required to take this test in addition to the SAT in preparation for the college admission process. 除了參加美國學術能力測驗考試(SAT)以外,TAIS本身也是美國大學入學考試(ACT)認證單位之指定測試中心之一,我們會因著學生程度來鼓勵或要求11或12年級的學生,參加該考試,為未來申請大學做足準備。 In addition, all high school Juniors (11th grade) will be encouraged to take the PSAT during their first semester and the SAT during their second semester. 此外,校方鼓勵11年級學生於第一學期考PSAT考試(學習性向測驗預考)和第二學期考SAT考試(學習性向測驗)。 GRADE POINT AVERAGE學科成績總平均積點 A grade point average (GPA) is an accumulated average of a student’s grades. It is based on all A, B, C, D, and F grades recorded on a student’s transcript. A student’s grade point average is calculated by dividing all quality points by total letter grade credits earned (A, B, C, D, F). This is based on the value of A represented by 4 quality points, B by 3 quality points, C by 2 quality points, D by 1 quality point, and F represented by 0. 學生成績是以平均學分績點(GPA)作為學生成績記錄。學生成績單均以A、B、C、D、F來記錄平均績點。成績A者記錄為4點,成績B者記錄為3點,成績C者記錄為2點,成績D者為1點,成績F者則為0點。


INCOMPLETE AND OTHER GRADES未完成及其他成積 ● A grade of I (Incomplete) is given for work by a student that is incomplete for a given class. A

teacher will enter a default grade that the student will receive if incomplete work is not made up by the end of the next term, or the summer following spring semester. 成績 “I”(未完成)--表示學生某科目的學習未完成。若下一個期中或下學期暑假時依然未完成,則視同棄權。

● A grade of NC (No Credit) is given for classes that a student is enrolled in but has not participated enough in to receive credit. 成績 “NC”(無學分)--表示學生某科目的學習和參與性不足。

● A grade of AU (Audit) is given for classes a student voluntarily participates for no credit. 成績 “AU”(旁聽)--表示學生自願旁聽某科目而不得學分。

GRADING SYSTEM 成績統計系統 The grading system used is 成績系統標準如下:

● A-Excellent 優; ● B-Above Average 高於平均; ● C-Average 平均; ● D-Below Average 低於平均; ● F-Failure 不及格; ● I-Incomplete work 未完成, ● AU-Audit 旁聽。


數 Letter Grade字母 GPA平均基點

93-100% A 4.00

90-92% A- 3.67

88-89% B+ 3.33

83-87% B 3.00

80-82% B- 2.67

78-79% C+ 2.33

73-77% C 2.00

70-72% C- 1.67

68-69% D+ 1.33

63-67% D 1.00

60-62% D- 0.67

0-59% F 0 CLASS ADD/DROP POLICY 加/退課規章

● Students may submit an ADD/DROP request form on time within the established two-week ADD/DROP time frame at the beginning of the semester with no penalty for course changes. A second ADD/DROP change request within the established two weeks can be submitted by paying a 1,500NT fee. 於開學2週內,申請第一次辦理加/退課時免付申請費。第二次辦理時則需付新台幣1,500元相關申請費用。

● Schedule changes initiated by TAIS will NOT count against those allowed by students. 若校方有更改時間時,就視情況而定。


● Students enrolling later than the 1st day of class must make changes within the established 2-week policy. 學生在第一天上課後才決定加課時,必須在2週內完成辦理手續。

COURSE AUDIT POLICY 旁聽規章 Students may audit a class at TAIS by meeting the following criteria 旁聽生須知:

● Students interested must fill out an Audit Request Form. 填寫旁聽申請書

● Must have at least 1 Study Hall and Lunch in a 9 class period day (no study hall can be allowed for 9 class periods per day schedules). 一天最少須上9堂課,且至少出席一次自修課和吃午餐(自修時間不可排在9門科目的課表中)。

● Must recognize that audits are on a ‘space available’ basis. 必須確認有空缺時才可加入。

● Must follow the attendance and behavior policy as required for any other class. 必須遵守出席和課室管理的規定。

● Must sign and have parents sign a statement of understanding that an audited class receives no credit towards graduation. 學生和家長都必須簽名表示了解旁聽的科目無法當畢業學分計算。

● Must understand that audit requests will only be granted after the beginning of the semester ADD/DROP deadline. 必須待開學時的加/退科目期限之後,才能申請。

● Must understand that assignments are not required and it is up to the individual discretion if TEST TAKING is permissible. 必須了解無作業要求但是參與考試則視情況而定。

Records of Audits 旁聽記錄

● Audited Courses attendance will count towards the student attendance grade. 出席記錄會納入學生出席成績計算。

● A ‘successful’ audit will receive a course title listing and an AU grade on the TAIS generated course record. 凡「成功」的旁聽學生,成績單上將會以「AU」記錄。

● An ‘unsuccessful’ course audit will receive no record on the transcript. 凡「不成功」的旁聽,成績單上將不會有任何記錄。

Advanced Placement Courses 進階先修課程 Students may take Advanced Placement (AP) courses by approval of the administration starting at the sophomore level of high school and with the necessary prerequisite classes. AP courses are designed to introduce high school students to the rigor of collegiate studies while also offering them the opportunity to achieve college credit through the AP testing system. Standardized College Board AP tests are offered in the second semester but are not mandatory to all AP students; only those who desire to take advantage of the opportunity to receive college credit need take the College Board standardized AP exam. Those who wish to take this exam will be charged the additional registration and exam fees. AP courses that exceed the educationally acceptable limit of classes taken per semester (7 plus 1 study hall) will require a course overload request. 在進入11年級時且已完成必要課程的情況下,學生可在取得相關行政部門的批准後修習進階先修課程(簡稱AP課程)。AP課程旨在向高中生介紹較為挑戰的大學課程,同時也為他們提供通過AP測驗則可獲得大學學分的機會。AP測驗於第二學期由大學委員會提供,但並非所有AP課程學生必須參加;只有那些希望藉此機會獲得大學學分的人才需要參加。有意參加此考試的人,將另外酌收註冊和考試費用。若AP課程超出每學期所允許的堂數範圍(7堂正規課+1堂自習課),則需提出超修之要求。


INDEPENDENT STUDY POLICY 個別指導課程規章 Students may only take independent study courses by approval of the administration. There is an application process to engage in this. Independent study courses that exceed the educationally acceptable limit of classes taken per semester (7 plus 1 study hall) will require a course overload request. All independent study courses will be charged a tuition fee as they require professional supervision and are outside the agreement of TAIS providing traditional classroom instruction. This policy does not include independent study courses taken due to the school initiating the process for administrative purposes. 學生只有在獲得相關行政部門批准後,方能進行個別指導課程。若AP課程超出每學期所允許的堂數範圍(7堂正規課+1堂自習課),則需提出超修之要求。由於個別指導課程需在TAIS所提供一般傳統課堂的教學之外,另安排一位專業的監督老師,因此將另外收取費用。該政策不包含學校由於行政目的而另外發起的獨立學習課程。

TAIS Diploma Options TAIS畢業課程選項 Each student must reach the following requirements dependent on grade level, and academic achievement levels to be demonstrated through official accredited school transcripts and English CEFR placement English levels, as demonstrated via the appropriate test. 每個學生必須達到以下要求,基於年級和官方認可的學校成績單證明成績能力,以及通過英文能力分級CEFR之測驗。

Eligibility by Grade Level 年級

Non-School Certification (Track C) 復臨修業證明

Standard Diploma 基本文憑(Track B)

College Preparatory 大學預備文憑(Trak A)

7th Grade 7年級

Completion of the 6th grade and complete the English Placement Test. 完成6年級以及英文能力測驗

Completion of the 6th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of A2 in the CEFR. 完成6年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達A2。

Completion of the 6th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of B1 or higher. 完成6年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達B1或以上。

8th Grade 8年級

Completion of the 7th grade and complete the English Placement Test of a score of at least A1 完成7年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達A1。

Completion of the 7th grade and receives a score on the English placement Test of at least B1. 完成7年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達B1。

Completion of the 7th grade and receives a score on the English placement Test of at least B2 or higher 完成7年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達B2或以上。

9th Grade 9年級

Completion of the 8th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least A1 完成8年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達A1。

Completion of the 8th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B1 完成8年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力達B1。

Completion of the 8th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B2 完成8年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B2。

10th Grade 10年級

Completion of the 9th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least A2 完成9年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達A2。

Completion of the 9th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B1 and providing at least 4 high school credits via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成9年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B1,且提供前學校至少取得4門高中學分之成績單。

Completion of the 9th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B2 and providing at least 4 high school credits, including an English I equivalency, via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成9年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B2,且提供前學校至少取得4門高中學分、包括與English I等同之學分的成績單。


11th Grade 11年級

Completion of the 10th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B1. 完成10年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B1。

Completion of the 10th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B2 and providing at least 8 high school credits, including at least an English I equivalency, via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成10年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B2,且提供前學校至少取得8門高中學分、包括與English I等同之學分的成績單。

Completion of the 10th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least C1 and providing at least 8 high school credits, including an English I & II equivalency, via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成10年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達C1,且提供前學校至少取得8門高中學分、包括與English I和English II等同之學分的成績單。

12th Grade 12年級

Completion of the 11th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B2 完成11年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B2。

Completion of the 11th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least B2 and providing at least 14 high school credits, including at least an English I &II equivalency along with passing standard courses in science, math, and social studies, via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成11年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達B2,且提供前學校至少取得8門高中學分、包括與English I和English II等同之學分,以及通過科學、數學、社會科課程的成績單。

Completion of the 11th grade and complete the English Placement Test with a score of at least C1 and providing at least 8 high school credits, including an English I & II equivalency along with passing standard courses in science, math, and social studies, via an official transcript from the previous school. 完成11年級以及英文能力測驗,並英文能力至少達C1,且提供前學校至少取得8門高中學分、包括與English I和English II等同之學分,以及通過科學、數學、社會科課程的成績單。

High School Track Information 高中畢業文憑選項相關資訊

TAIS Secondary Completion 復臨高中課程之完成 ● Students who enter late into an English program or struggle to obtain the required English standards

to reach the TAIS Secondary Standard track by the end of their 12th grade school year will be given a comprehensive English curriculum which utilizes instructional content and assessments of TOEIC,TOEFL Junior, and TOEFL. Students will also be given a basic high school course offering which satisfies general studies in social studies, and science. The Secondary Completion Track (Track C) student will be provided with math courses and choices in arts and skill electives for each year of study at TAIS. Upon the completion of this track, students would complete the TOEFL to qualify for the basic college acceptance requirements. Following this track will grant a certificate of completion, not a graduating diploma. 比較晚進入英文系統課程或未在12年級結束前達到TAIS復臨高中文憑(Track A、B)而努力獲取所需英文能力的學生,將被安排結合教學內容和多益、中學托福測驗以及托福測驗之英文課程。學生也將被提供基礎高中課程,該課程可滿足社會科、自然科學方面的知識。復臨精選課程文憑(Track C)之學生,在TAIS的每一學年也將被提供數學課程,以及美術和技能選修課程的選擇。當完成復臨精選課程(Track C)後,學生將被授與[結業證明],而非[畢業證書],也須完成托福考試,以符合基本的大學入學原則。

TAIS Secondary Standard 復臨高中文憑之標準 ● Students who meet the TAIS Secondary Standard requirements will complete the standard

requirements of a U.S. high school graduate. Students will be given instruction in TOEFL and a


standard secondary course offering with the requirements of 21 secondary credits. Students must also complete internationally recognized course summative assessments to ensure that student achievement meet with U.S. high school course objectives. Upon completion of the track requirements, college enrollment testing (TOEFL, ACT, SAT, etc.), students are given a broader choice of university and colleges, limited by university department acceptances. 符合復臨中學課程要求的學生,同時也符合完成美國高中畢業生的基本要求。學生也將被提供托福考試的指導和復臨中學課程的21學分課程。學生也必須完成國際認可的學測,以確保學生的成績達到美國高中的課程目標。完成高中畢業課程以及大學入學考試(托福、ACT和SAT)後,學生將有眾多大學的選擇,但同時也需留意科系綠取的機會。

College Preparation 大學預備文憑(Track A): ● High school students entering into the TAIS secondary program with the required English level and

credit (depending upon grade level) are given the opportunity to achieve an internationally recognized secondary completion that would give the student increase opportunities for acceptance into even the highest international universities and colleges. Students qualifying into the College Preparation Track are not only able to take the highest levels of TAIS secondary courses, but upon entering into their 10th grade year are able to enroll in “Dual Credit Courses,” which not only satisfy TAIS secondary credits but also receive internationally recognized credits. College Prep students will also receive specialized university preparation courses and counseling to assist in their transition in becoming a successful international university or college student. Students will complete the full 25 credit TAIS secondary graduation program, including the receiving a 70% or higher of all international summative course completion assessments. Finally, the student will complete a choice driven “capstone project,” which will allow students to study in depth in a passion area, where the student is required to receive a “pass”. 擁有一定英文能力和學分數(取決於年級)且選擇復臨中學課程的高中生,被提供取得國際認可的高中文憑,這將使學生有更多的機會被排名較前的國際大學和學院錄取。符合大學預備文憑課程(Track A)要求的學生,不僅可以參加最高程度的TAIS高中課程,而且在進入10年級時還可以註冊"大學學分課程",該課程不僅可以滿足TAIS高中學分,還可以獲得國際大學認可的學分。大學預備文憑(Track A)的學生還會獲得專門的大學預備課程和輔導,以幫助他們順利轉換身分成為國際大學生。學生將完成完整的25個學分TAIS高中文憑課程,包括獲得70%或更高的國際認可之完成課程證明。最後,學生可以選擇完成"卓越計畫",這個計畫讓學生在有興趣的領域中更深入學習,且要求學生必須獲得"及格"成績。

SCHEDULE STUDENT COURSEWORK 學生課程安排 At the beginning of every semester, TAIS students participate in an academic track review with their assigned academic advisor. Students, parents, and the academic supervisor will review student progress and benchmark accomplishments in order to make informed decisions to the track that best suits their needs. A schedule of required courses will be provided for each semester correlated to the track each student is following. Within that schedule development, students in the high school are given flexibility to choose electives and skill courses that meet their interests and academic needs. 在每個學期開始時,TAIS的學生與指定的老師一同評估課程的安排。學生、家長和指定之老師將審查學生的進度和達到的成績,以便根據學生及家長所需,做出最合適的決策。我們也將根據學生所選擇的畢業文憑,提供包含必修課程的課表給學生。

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS TAIS operates as a branch campus of Griggs International Academy (GIA). Therefore, students attending TAIS must meet the graduation requirements of GIA in order to receive a diploma. Through GIA, TAIS offers two diplomas whose requirements are listed below.

Courses Standard Diploma College Preparatory Diploma English 4 2 credit : E1~E2 4 2 credit : E1~E2


2 credit : Literature ※HSP is not count

2 credit : Literature ※HSP is not count

Foreign Language 0 2 2 credit ※same language is required

Math 3

1 credit : Algebra I 1 credit : Algebra II 1 credit : Geometry


1 credit : Algebra I 1 credit : Algebra II 1 credit : Geometry 1 credit : Calculus with Precalculus

Science 3 1 credit : Biology 2 credit : Other science courses 4 1 credit : Biology

3 credit : Other science courses

Health 1.5 1 credit : PE 0.5 credit : Health


1 credit : PE 0.5 credit : Health

Applied Art 1 1 credit 1 1 credit

Social Study 3

1 credit : World History / Geography 1 credit : U.S History 0.5 credit : American Gov’t 0.5 credit : Economics


1 credit : World History / Geography 1 credit : U.S History 0.5 credit : American Gov’t 0.5 credit : Economics

Fine Art 1 1 credit 1 1 credit

Elective 4.5 0.5 Religion credit per semester ※Required & Elective should achieve 21 credits.


0.5 Religion credit per semester ※Required & Elective should achieve 25 credits.

Community Services Complete 20 hours during 1 year Complete 20 hours during 1 year

Total Credits 21 Total Credits 25

畢業要求 南投縣國際復臨實驗教育機構(簡稱TAIS)採用美國Griggs International Academy制度,要取得畢業資格,學 生必須達到以下畢業要求。依照Griggs International Academy制度,TAIS頒發兩種高中畢業證書,如下:

類別 基本文憑(Track B) 大學預備文憑(Track A)

英文類 English 4

2學分 : E1~E2 2 學分 : 文學 ※注意- 基礎英文課程(ELL)不算學分


2學分 : E1~E2 2 學分 : 文學 ※注意-基礎英文課程(ELL)不算學分

第二語言 Foreign Language 0 2 2 學分

※注意- 須為連續相同的語言

數學類 Math 3

1學分 : 代數 I 1學分 : 代數II 1學分 : 幾何


1學分 : 代數 I 1學分 : 代數II 1學分 : 幾何 1學分 : 數學領域課程

科學類 Science 3 1學分 : 生命科學

2學分 : 科學領域課程 4 1學分 : 生命科學 3學分 : 科學領域課程

健康類 Health 1.5 1學分 : 體育

0.5學分 : 健康教育 1.5

1學分 : 體育 0.5學分 : 健康教育

應用藝術類 Applied Art 1 1學分 1 1學分

社會類 3 1學分 : 世界歷史 / 地理 3 1學分 : 世界歷史 / 地理


Social Study 1學分 : 美國歷史 0.5學分 : 美國政府 0.5學分 : 經濟學

1學分 : 美國歷史 0.5學分 : 美國政府 0.5學分 : 經濟學

藝術類 Fine Art 1 1學分 1 1學分

選修 Elective 4.5

每學期需完成0.5學分宗教課 ※注意- 必修及選修總共需達21學分 4.


每學期需完成0.5學分宗教課 ※注意- 必修及選修總共需達25學 分

社區服務 Community Services 每一學年需完成 20 小時 每一學年需完成 20 小時

基本文憑共 21 學分 大學預備文憑共 25 學分

TRACK C or HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS 復臨精選課程(Track C)或完成國際實驗教育機構課程之要求 Grade 9 九年級 ❏ Spiritual Health 1 生命教育 1 ❏ General Math/Pre-Algebra/Algebra I 數學類/學前代數/代數I ❏ Skills Class/Arts Class (choice) 應用技能/美術 (選修) ❏ ELL/Test Prep Course II 英文基礎應用/備考應用課程II ❏ English Communications Course I 英文溝通I ❏ Physical Education 體育

Grade 10 十年級 ❏ Spiritual Health 2 生命教育 2 ❏ Social Studies I 社會科 I ❏ Math (to student level) 數學科 (依據學生程度) ❏ ELL/Test Prep Course II 英文基礎應用/備考應用課程II ❏ English Communications Course II 英文溝通II ❏ Skills Class/Arts Class (choice) 應用技能/美術 (選修) ❏ Physical Education 體育

Grade 11 十一年級 ❏ Spiritual Health 3 生命教育3 ❏ Basic English/Intermediate English I (English level dependent) 初級/中級英文 (依據學生英文程度) ❏ Physical Science 自然科學 ❏ Social Studies II 社會科 II ❏ Math (to student level) 數學科 (依據學生程度) ❏ Skills Class/Arts Class (choice) 應用技能/美術 (選修) ❏ Physical Health 體育

Grade 12 十二年級 ❏ Spiritual Health 4 生命教育4 ❏ English I/English II (English level dependent) 英文I/英文II (依據學生英文程度) ❏ LIfe Science ❏ Social Studies III 社會科III ❏ Math (to student level) 數學科 (依據學生程度) ❏ Skills Class/Arts Class (choice) 應用技能/美術 (選修) ❏ Elective Class 選修課程 ❏ International College Preparation 大學入學預備


SECONDARY STANDARD GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 復臨高中課程畢業要求 Standard Diploma(Track B). Provides a comprehensive curricular foundation for students seeking to prepare for higher education and achieve career goals requiring at least 21.0 units of credit in specific areas of study. At least 5.0 credits must be completed with GIA. 基本文憑(Track B)。為尋求更高教育而做準備,並實現職業目標的學生提供全面課程的基礎,在特定的學習領域中至少需要21學分,其中至少從GIA課程中修完5學分。 Requirements: 21 units 畢業要求:21學分

● 4 units of English (must include one unit of American Literature) 英文4學分 (其一學分必須包含美國文學)

● 3 units of math (must include Algebra 1; if Pre-Algebra is completed an additional math credit is required) 數學3學分 (必須包含代數1,若學前代數已修畢則須取得另一數學學分)

● 2 units of science (must include one life science) 自然科學2學分 (必須包含1門生命科學)

● 1⁄2 unit of health 健康教育0.5學分

● 1 unit of physical education 體育1學分

● 3 units of social studies (must include U.S. History and American Government) 社會科3學分 (必須包含美國歷史和美國政府)

● 1 unit of applied arts 應用藝術1學分

● 1 unit of fine arts 藝術類1學分

● 6 units of electives 選修類6學分 Minimum 20 hours per year of community service 每年至少完成20小時公益服務時數

COLLEGE PREPARATORY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 大學預備文憑(Track A)之畢業要求 College Preparatory Diploma(Track A). Provides the opportunity for students to broaden their educational foundation through the study of a foreign language—a requirement for most four-year degree colleges and increased academic rigor in Math and Science courses. This diploma requires at least 25.0 units of credit in specific areas of study. At least 6.0 credits must be completed with GIA. 大學預備文憑(Track A)。提供學生透過學習外語來擴大他們教育基礎的機會─同時為大多數四年制學位之大學的基本要求,並且對於數學和自然科學課程的學葉要求更嚴格。該文憑要求特定學習領域至少25學分,其中至少從GIA課程中修完6學分。 Requirements: 25 units 畢業要求:25學分

● 4 units of English (must include one unit of American Literature) 英文4學分 (其一學分必須包含美國文學)

● 4 units of math (must include Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 or higher level math course) 數學4學分 (必須包含代數1、幾何學、代數2或更高等級之數學學分)

● 4 units of science (must include one life science and one higher level science) 自然科學4學分 (必須包含1門生命科學以及/或更高等級之自然科學學分)

● 1⁄2 unit of health 健康教育0.5學分

● 1 unit of physical education 體育課1學分


● 3 units of social studies (must include U.S. History and American Government) 社會科3學分 (必須包含美國歷史和美國政府)

● 1 unit of applied arts 應用藝術1學分

● 1 unit of fine arts 藝術類1學分

● 2 units of modern languages (2 units of the same language) 現代語言2學分 (同一語言2學分)

● 5 units of electives 選修類5學分 Minimum 20 hours per year of community service 每年至少完成20小時公益服務時數 ACT/SAT test scores (required) ACT/SAT 測驗成績 (必要)

Grades Earned 成績取得 Receive a minimal cumulative GPA of 2.8 and pass all TAIS College Preparatory 25 credit with a minimal score of a 2.0. 取得最低平須分數2.8,並且通過大學預備文憑之課程25學分且平均分數不得低於2.0。 Complete a Capstone Project with a minimal score of a 2.0 完成"卓越計畫"且平均分數不得低於2.0 Successfully Complete the TAIS College Preparatory Program, by meeting all deadlines and completing the agreement with the TAIS college counselor 順利完成大學預備文憑課程,且完成所有與升學輔導老師合作的大學入學申請之程序。 College Enrollment Testing 大學入學測驗 Take at least three of the following 至少完成以下3項測驗

● TOEFL ● SAT ● ACT ● PSAT ● SAT Subject Tests ● IELTS


TAIS Griggs Standard and College Prep Chart 大學預備文憑課程要求對照表

TAIS Early Graduation Track Policy TAIS 提早畢業計畫相關規定 TAIS rarely recommends students to graduate early hoping to attend a higher educational institution at a younger age because colleges and universities are developed for age-related maturity levels. Completing a basic course of study does not signify a student’s readiness for higher education. The idea of fast-tracking high school will either provide a student with inadvisable course loads or the message that high school success is based on grades rather than mastery of content areas. TAIS很少建議學生為了能盡早進入下一階段的教育而提早畢業,因為學院或大學之設立是和年齡成熟度有所關聯的。完成基礎課程並不表示學生已經準備好接受高等教育。提早完成高中學業的想法將會對學生造成課程安排上不平衡的負荷,或者會產生高中學習的成功取決於成績而非對於學習內容的掌握度之不正確觀念。 Under special circumstances, TAIS will support early graduation with an understanding of each of the following requirements. 在某些特殊情況下以及明白以下要求時,TAIS將支持提早畢業的計畫:

1. The student in question must enter (fall semester) 9th grade with a B2 English proficiency. 學生9年級入學時(秋季班)必須具有B2英文能力。


2. The student must reach the C1 English proficiency by the beginning of the 10th grade (fall semester). 學生進入10年級前(秋季班),須達到C1英文能力。

3. By the end of 10th grade, the student must have at least 18 credits for required core courses. 10年級結束以前,學生必須至少擁有18個必修核心課程的學分。

4. Unless the family is under extenuating circumstances (extended financial hardship, family relocation to global regions without compatible education opportunity, etc.), MAP test scores well above grade levels in all subject areas are required. 除非家庭處於某些困難中(經濟困境、家庭遷移到其他地區而學生沒有相應教育機會等),否則MAP測驗之成績都必須高於年級平均值。

5. The request for early graduation must come from the parents with the submission of a signed letter of request, including the special circumstances and reason for early graduation request. 提早畢業計畫的請求必須由父母提出,並繳交包含簽名的申請書信,以及特殊情況和請求提早畢業之原因。

6. This policy does not impact students who entered TAIS at a lower grade level than their actual age group, due to the English level or credits. They would still have the option to attempt to graduate on a fast track with the same age group. 這項規定不會影響當初由於英文能力或學分關係而就讀年級低於實際年齡之學生。他們仍然可以選擇嘗試提早畢業的計畫而和同年紀的學生同期畢業。

COURSE OVERLOAD POLICY 超修課程規章 Students are required to have a lunch period and a study hall built into their academic day. Eliminating the study hall to take an extra class is considered a course overload. Course overloads must be requested and will only be granted by administrative AND parent approval. A student’s needs and academic, attendance, and citizenship record will be taken into consideration by the administration when making the decision for the overload. 學生一天的學習中是需要午餐和自修時間的安排。若使用自修的時間來上額外的科目則視為超修。超修課程必須事先提出申請,得到學校行政會和家長的同意。校方會依學生的需求、學業、出席、操行作為,決定是否同意該生超修課程。 ACADEMIC PROGRESS REPORTS 學業報告 The academic year consists of two eighteen-week semesters. Mid-term grades are issued two times during each semester. Final grades are issued one week after the end of the semester. Final semester grades are the only grades that appear on the student’s permanent record (transcript). 一學年包括2個學期,每學期為期18週。每學期發兩次的期中考試成績。每一學期結束一週後,將發期末成績。只有期末總成績會列為永久記錄。 The grades on the midterm grade report are not recorded in the permanent record nor do they affect the grade point average. Rather, they indicate the current level of academic performance and may guide the student in completing the course requirements. 期中考試成績不列為永久記錄,也不影響平均積分。主要期中考試之成績是作為提醒和引導學生如何去完成一個課程的要求。 CREDIT RECOVERY POLICY學分補修辦法 Credit Recovery is available to students who have failed a class during their high school career. Credit Recovery allows a student to retake the portion of the class where they failed to master the learning objective or objectives required in the class. Taiwan Adventist International School uses several approved methods to complete this credit. 學生在高中學習階段,若有學科不及格的狀況,可申請學分補修。學分補修允許學生重修該學科未達到之課程目標或要求的部分。TAIS將提供各種被允許之方法來幫助學生完成未完成學分。


Upon completion and passing of any credit recovery course work, the grade of C- will be recorded on the transcript with the course name and the indication that this was a ‘credit recovery’. The original class remains on the transcript, but the F will no longer affect the GPA. 若順利通過並完成課程要求,學生能取得之成績最大值為C-,該成績及學科名稱將會紀錄在成績單上,並會註記為補修學分;雖然該學科原始成績F仍然會紀錄在成績單上,但並不影醒GPA。

*There is a tuition fee for credit recovery. 學分補修將另額外收費 Honor Roll 榮譽榜 TAIS’s Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance Roll was developed to give outstanding students the recognition they deserve. TAIS applauds the efforts of our outstanding students by displaying their achievements on the Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. TAIS發展榮譽榜及全勤獎是為了給優秀學生應有的認可。我們相信積極正面的鼓勵,會激發優秀學生更加努力,爭取更多的實現。TAIS透過榮譽榜以及全勤展示優秀學生的成就,也藉由榮譽榜及全勤表示TAIS讚賞本機構優秀學生的努力。 Being named to the Honor Roll indicates the achievement of high academic standards and citizenship. It also indicates a commitment to high moral and ethical behavior reflective of respect and understanding towards oneself and others. 榮譽榜表示學生在學業成績和操行表現上達到優良的標準,在道德倫理中也實行對自己和他人的尊重和瞭解。 The Honor Roll is determined at the end of each semester. 學期結束時才開始選榮譽生。 The following guidelines are used to determine Honor Roll eligibility 以下是登上榮譽榜的條件:

● The student must have a G.P.A 3.9-4.0 for High Honors With Distinction, 3.5-3.89 for High Honors (no grade lower than a B) and a 3.3- 3.49 for Honors (no grade lower than a C). 優秀榮譽生的平均積點(GPA)達3.9-4.0。高榮譽生的平均積點(GPA)達3.5-3.89(無成績低於B)。一般 榮譽生的平均積點(GPA)達3.3-3.49(無成績低於C)。

● The student must not have failing grades (F/WF). 無不及格成績 (不及格/退課前成績不及格)。

● The student must not have any citizenship grades of C, D or F. 無C、D或F的操行成績。

DFI List DFI名單 Every two weeks the TAIS registrar will publish what is called the “DFI” list; the first “DFI” list will be published after the first four weeks of school. This list of names includes all students who have received at least one D, F, or I in their grades. These students must work directly with their teachers to make up missing work and recover their grade; they will utilize the Individual Academic Improvement Plan (IAIP) until their grade is recovered. Until the teacher informs the registrar of the credit recovery through the IAIP, the student will be restricted in the following areas: TAIS註冊室每兩周發布一次所謂的DFI名單;第一次的DFI名單將於開學後四周後發布。這些名單上的學生,因成績中有D、F、或I,所以必須透過“個人學業提升計畫”(IAIP)與老師合作及補上缺交的功課,使成績得以恢復。直到老師通知註冊室該學生成績恢復以前,他將受到以下限制:

● The student will not be eligible to participate in any non-school extracurricular activities outside of clubs until s/he is off the DFI list. 直到學生從DFI名單上解除前,除社團活動之外,學生將失去參與任何課外活動的資格。

● If a student is on the DFI list and they still want to go to nightmarket or town trip they then have to pay extra dorm money in order to qualify for this privilege. 若學生仍在DFI名單上但仍想外出(至夜市/魚池街上),則他們必須付出額外的宿舍點數,才有資格享有此福利。

● The student will lose all technology privileges outside the necessary usage for school work.



ACADEMIC PROBATION 學業觀察期 Academics and learning are part of the major purpose for TAIS. When a student is struggling academically, the school has a responsibility to help that student refocus his/her attention. Academic probation is designed to help the student prioritize his/her time. Students will be placed on Academic Probation after reaching at least 2 F’s and/or 3 D’s in their classes after four weeks. They will then enter into the Individual Academic Improvement Plan (IAIP) with the teacher of the class(es) they are struggling in. TAIS很重視課業和學習。對於課業上有困難的學生校方有責任來協助、重新調整學生的學習。學業觀察期的設置是要幫助學生在時間的利用上有優先順序。開學4週後學生若有2科成績為“F”或是3科以上成績為“D”時,該學生將被列入學術觀察期,接著必須和任科老師合作制定“個人學業提升計畫”。 The following actions will be taken when a student is placed on academic probation 當一位學生被列入學業觀察期,則需要了解下列:

● The school will call a parent/student/teacher conference to discuss alternatives, including possible need for personalized tutorial help at additional cost. The student will remain on academic probation until s/he receives a term grade above the limit for academic probation. 校方會召集家長/學生/教師一同召開會議,討論的選項包括另外付費請家教等。學生將持續被列入學業觀察期,直到該學生成績在最近一次更新中有所提升並超過學術觀察期之標準。

● The student will not be eligible to participate in any non-school extracurricular activities outside of clubs until s/he is off academic probation. 在學生從學業觀察期中解除前,除社團活動之外,學生將失去參與任何課外活動的資格。

● The student will lose all technology privileges outside the necessary usage for school work. 若非課業所需,學生將失去所有電子產品的使用權。

● The student will meet with their homeroom sponsor bi-weekly to discuss their progress until they are off Academic Probation. 學生每兩週將與班導師見面一次,討論學生的學習進度,直到學生從學業觀察期中解除。

CRITICAL PROBATION TERMS FOR ATTENDANCE, CITIZENSHIP, GRADES 出席、操行與成績被列為「學習臨界觀察期」之學生 Critical probation exists for those students who through a combination of attendance, citizenship, or grades have created a situation that is volatile and not conducive to healthy learning. If a student has entered into Academic Probation and through poor-decision making and non-compliance is unable to recover after two weeks, they will then enter into what is called Critical Probation. 學習臨界觀察期的存在是因為學生在出缺席、操行和學業成績整體不穩定的表現,以致在學習上產生負面的影響而產生學習臨界觀察期的狀況。若已列入學業觀察期的學生,並且由於錯誤的選擇或無法配合相關規定,導致兩週後仍無法恢復成績,則將被列入學習臨界觀察期名單。 The same stipulations for Academic Probation apply to Critical Probation and a student may move from Critical Probation when certain additional requirements are met. The decision to move from Critical Probation back to Academic Probation will be based on the following: 學業觀察期的相關規定同樣適用於學習臨界觀察期,並在學生達到其他附加要求後解除。可從學習臨界觀察期中解除為學業觀察期的身份將基於以下內容:

● All homework assignments are turned in on time and the teacher reports through the IAIP a successful recovery. 準時繳交功課,且需老師透過IAIP通知成績恢復與否。

● The student maintained a C average (75%) on all assignments and tests. 學生在作業和考試成績表現上達 C (75%) 。

● The student was present and on time for all classes and appointments. 上課和聚會都準時出席。

● The student maintained a positive and respectful attitude toward staff and school rules. 對教職員和校規保持正面和尊敬的態度。


● The student meet weekly with the guidance counselor at a time mutually scheduled. 跟輔導員每週定期見面。

● The student did not exert a negative influence on other students. 不負面帶動其他同學或造成負面影響。

Critical Probation will be reviewed at every DFI list publication every two weeks. Should all of the above stipulations be met, the student will be removed from Critical Probation and returned to Academic Probation, and then for each successive DFI list is published be moved to regular standing. The parent(s) must attend the parent-teacher conference after four weeks should the student be unable or unwilling to recover off of Critical Probation. 列為學習臨界觀察期的學生,學習表現將於每兩個星期發布的DFI名單同步審視。當滿足以上所有規定,該學生得以從學習臨界觀察期返回至學業觀察期,若成功地不被列入接下來發布的DFI名單中便可返回至一般生狀態。學生進入此觀察期四週後仍無法順利從中解除,則家長將被邀請到校出席會議,並對於後續事務進行溝通。 However, should the student not meet these stipulations through non-compliance, the administrative committee will encourage the parents and student to work with the office to expedite a speedy withdrawal transfer. 然而,若學生因不願意配合而導致無法符合和滿足以上要求,則TAIS將慎重地鼓勵家長和該生,透過與相關處室的協助及合作,儘速完成輔導轉學等事宜。 APPEALS PROCESS 申訴管道 If a student and the parent/guardian disagree with the enrollment status or withdrawal transfer, they may appeal the decision to the TAIS Administration. 若學生、家長、監護人對學生入學情況或學校對學生之處置有不同意見時,可以向學校行政會提出申訴。

COMMUNITY SERVICE 公益服務 Griggs Requirement 國際安格中學之要求 Students are nurtured to be individuals engaged in a life of service whether it is toward their peers, in their local community or for a global cause. GIA views service as an integral part of its high school diploma program, requiring 20 hours of community service per year of participation in the program valued and understand that they are part of a team by providing opportunities for constructive interaction and sharing of experiences. (grades 9-12) 學生被培養為終身服務的個體,不論是對於同儕、當地社區或國際上。國際安格中學視服務為高中文憑課程中不可或缺的一部份,因此每學年需要完成20小時的志工服務,並透過正面的互動和經驗的分享得到服務對象的認可。(9-12年級)

● TAIS offers one-two community service trips per school year that students may volunteer for TAIS每學年提供兩次公益服務旅行的機會,學生可自由參加。

● TAIS students are responsible for maintaining and finishing their own hours 學生需負起確認和完成服務時數之責任。

● Griggs will ultimately approve all community service hours. 所有公益服務時數最終將由國際安格中學同意批准。

Griggs requires the following 要求如下

● Grigg’s form to be fully completed. 志工服務表單須確實填畢。

● Description of project including duties performed 敘述服務內容以及完成之工作。

● An official organizational supervise to verify the services rendered 由正式的機構監督、並證實服務內容。


● Dates and hours to be documented. 確實的服務日期和時數。

TAIS Additional policies 其他相關規定

● All hours MUST be performed outside of the school day (hours). In other words, a student cannot take days off from classes to complete community service hours. 所有服務時數需在上課以外之時間進行。換句話說,學生不得以完成服務時數為由而要求於正規的上課時間請假。

○ Lunchtime or class time activities are considered part of the school day and are, therefore, not acceptable. 午餐時間或課堂活動仍視為上課時間,因此於這段時間內的服務時數將不被採認。

● Community service must be optional and not a school required activity. 公益服務的參與須為選擇性質,而非學校要求之活動。

● Helping a TAIS faculty member will be capped at 10 hours per school year. 每學年為TAIS教職員提供幫助的服務時數上限為10小時。

○ Cleaning student’s personal areas and classroom or TAIS shared spaces does not count as service, it's part of the program of the school. 清潔學生個人區域和教室或TAIS公共區域不納入服務範圍,這是學校生活的一部份。

● Deans will set up a criteria for the resident assistant community service hours and student selections to be fair across the board. 擔任宿舍值星可納入服務時數,舍監將公平公開制定入選擔任宿舍值星之標準。

● The Dean of Students and Office Manager will be responsible for the bus monitor selection and will arrange bus monitor hours fairly (i.e. make sure all students are on, collect yellow cards, upload luggages, make sure no trash left behind). 學務主任和庶務組將負責校車學生車長的選擇,並公平安排車長的服務時數(點名、收集學生假卡、協助上下行李、學生下車後檢查是否遺留物品或垃圾)。

● Does not include tutoring another classmate or schoolmate. 協助、指導其他同學課業上的需求不納入在服務範圍內。

● Does not include an activity where a student is required to work an event (school registration, Campus Anniversary Food Fair, etc.) 學生被要求協助之活動不納入在服務範圍內(如開學註冊、校慶活動等)。

● Rehearsal and practice time may never be counted for volunteer service hours. 彩排或練習時間不納入服務時數範圍內。

● Service performed as a result of disciplinary action cannot be counted. 因違反校規而受到之勞動服務處置不納入服務範圍內。

● Volunteer work done to promote a particular religious point of view cannot be counted as volunteer hours in the program. 若服務內容為促進特定的宗教之觀點/價值,則不納入服務時數內。

● Activities occurring on weekends or school vacations will count for a maximum of 8 hours per day (i.e. community service trips, etc). 周末或學校於假期所進行的服務活動,每日最多以8小時計算(如公益服務旅行)。

● Students cannot receive academic credit, salary, or any other money for services rendered. 學生無法透過服務工作獲得課程學分、薪水、或其他金錢為回報。

● Students may not receive community service hours for donations, participation in club activities, games, practice, rehearsals, competitions, or performances in school-related events. 學生可能不會因捐贈、參與社團、活動、練習、排演、比賽或參加學校相關等活動而獲得志工服務時數。

● Community service hours MAY NOT be performed for a student’s family member or a for-profit organization, except for hospitals and/or veterinary clinics. 除醫院和/或獸醫診所以外,不得為學生家人或營利性組織進行志工服務。


ATTENDANCE 出/缺席相關 ATTENDANCE PHILOSOPHY 出/缺席原則 Students can only benefit and learn when they are in class. In order for the TAIS staff to do the best possible job of educating the students entrusted to them, the students must be in regular attendance. A successful educational program requires the cooperation of the parent, the student, and the school staff at all points in the process. One of the most vital points is that of student attendance. We cannot teach a student who is not present. 唯有出席上課,學生才能有好學習。學生正常上課時,老師才能盡最其所能教導學生。成功的教育有賴於家長、學生、教職員各方面的合作。其中的一個要點就是學生出席上課。老師無法教導不去上課的學生。


● All attendance records are permanent and are recorded on a student’s transcript. 出席記錄是永久性的,並且會登記在成績單上。

● Attendance records are per grading period (one term) and are not cumulative. 出席記錄只包含一學期的分數,不是累計性。

● An absence count will start upon a student’s first registered day in a term. 學期註冊完畢時,即開始登記出席記錄。

● If a student is 10 or more minutes late for a class, he/she will be marked absent. The student is still expected to attend class. 遲到超過10分鐘為缺課。但是學生依然要上課。

● The school is not required to help a student makeup work due to unexcused absence. 校方無責任協助缺課學生補課。

● An absence from any class will affect a student’s Attendance Grade, and may result in the student’s removal from campus activities. 任何缺課都會影響出席成績,也可能導致無法參加校園活動。

● Any student with 12 unexcused absences for the semester will receive a grade of “NC” (”No Credit”) if the student otherwise earned a passing grade. If the student has not earned a passing grade, he or she will receive an “F”. 學期無故缺課12堂時,該科則轉變成「無學分」即使考試成績及格。若成績是不及格,則以「不及格」論。

EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES 理由充分和理由不足的缺課 When a student is absent from school they must obtain an excuse form from the office, fill it out, obtain the correct signatures, and return it to the office within 5 days of the absence. The same form is used when an absence needs to be arranged in advance. 學生缺課時,必須到辦公室領請假單填寫並取得相關人事的簽名。在缺課後5天內將請假手續完成並交請假單回辦公室。事先請假時,也是用同樣的請假單進行請假手續。 Students will be given the opportunity to make up work for excused absences. Excused absences may include 學生因故缺課時可以補交作業。理由充分的缺課含:

● An illness or injury that prevents the student from attending school. The illness or injury must be verified by a health care provider in writing. 因疾病或傷害無法上課。必須出示書面的醫療證明。

● A death in the immediate family (parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin) or other significant personal or family crisis. 直系親屬死亡(家長、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、舅舅、叔叔、嬸嬸、阿姨、堂(或表)兄弟、堂(或表)姐妹)或者個人或家庭的重大危機。

● Court appearances. 出庭。

● Medical or psychological tests during the school day. The parent must show evidence (such as a note from the health center) that the tests could not be scheduled after school.


醫療或心理測驗。家長必須出示書面的醫療證明,說明這些測驗無法安排在放假時間。 ● Religious holy days. 宗教節日。

● Other extraordinary situations approved by the school Administrative Council. 其他經學校行政會認可之情形。

After a student has been late or absent for an excusable reason, that student has 5 school days in which to obtain an excuse form, fill it out, and get appropriate signatures. 因故缺席或遲到必須在5天內銷假。要領表格,填寫,取相關的簽名。 IMPORTANT: The idea that any absence will be excused as long as a parent or guardian sends a note is not true. 注意:有些家長認為只要出示家長信函就可以銷假。這是不正確的。 Following are examples of unexcused absences – even when the parent sends a note 無故缺課的界定,即使家長出示家長信函請假:

● Repetitive and chronic absence due to illness or injury. In these cases, the parent must submit a letter from a health care provider verifying that the student was too sick or injured to go to school. 疾病或受傷引起不斷的缺課。此時,家長必須出示醫療證明書。

● Cutting classes. 翹課。

● Family vacation. 家庭旅遊。

● Overseas trip. 海外旅遊。

● Extension of a religious or cultural holiday beyond the designated day or days on the school calendar. 超過校行事曆上假期安排的宗教文化假日。

ATTENDANCE POLICY 出席規則 Regular and punctual attendance at all school appointments is expected at TAIS. Each class that a student is late or absent to could have a negative effect upon their performance in that class. In addition to academic consequences, those who exhibit poor attendance will be subject to progressive levels of discipline and counseling. Those who persist in poor attendance, after these intervention steps have failed, may be asked to transfer from TAIS. TAIS重視學生守時出席所有學校活動。遲到或缺課會影響該科的成績。當出席率不佳時,不但功課受到影響,而且須接受訓誡和輔導。若經上述的訓誡與輔導後仍不見改善,則可能受到輔導轉學之安排。 Tardies 遲到 Teachers have been instructed to take attendance as soon as the bell rings at the beginning of each class period. A student missing up to the first 10 minutes of class or work is considered tardy. A student missing more than 10 minutes of an assigned class is considered absent for the entire class. Students missing more than 10 minutes are still encouraged to attend the class, because being in class is still important for the student in pertaining to their grade. 上課鐘一響老師即開始進行點名。學生逾時10分鐘內未到視為遲到。遲到超過10分鐘視為缺席。學生依然要上課,雖已超過10分鐘但學生仍須要去上課,否則將會影響課業進度與成績表現。 Attendance Grades 出缺席成績 Taiwan Adventist International School follows a point system for daily attendance with applicable letter grades. Under this system an unexcused absence will be recorded as 3 points and an unexcused tardy as 1 point. 本校採用點數方式計算出席成績,並以英文字母呈現。無故缺席為3點,無故遲到為1點。



席點數 Grade 成績 Consequence 後果

0-5 A No consequence 無。

6-12 B

Notification may be sent to parents. 通知家長。 Lowering of grade on transcript. 成績扣分。

13-20 C

Notification to student and parents along with counseling session between student and a TAIS teacher or admin. 進行輔導並根據學生和輔導老師洽談結果通知家長與學生。

21-24 D

Loss of extracurricular privileges and a scheduled meeting with parents, students, and school administration. 不得 參與課外活動。與家長、學生、校方人員進行定時協談。

25+ F Possible academic probation. 可能遭處進入學術觀察期之處分,也可能要求該生輔導轉學他校。

Note注意:Students must remain at a C grade or above in attendance to 學生必須在出缺席的成績上,必須維持於C或C以上之成績才能:

● Play Varsity sports. 參加校隊。 ● Hold a class or SA office. 擔任班級或學生會的職務。 ● Participate in some extracurricular activities throughout the year. 參加整學年的課外活動。

If a student misses 15% of the classes for a class in any given semester for ANY REASON, excused or unexcused, that student may be ineligible to receive credit. 無論任何正當或不正當因素之缺席情形下,每位學生在學期中的任何一門課缺課,超過該學期總堂數之15%時,該生都將得不到該科的學分(此乃依照本機構國際安格認證學校之要求)。 Perfect Attendance 全勤出席率 Students who have no absences or tardies, other than administratively excused, for the 18 week grading period will be eligible for an award. Students who have less than one excused absence will be awarded a lesser prize. The prizes will vary, depending on the number of students receiving that award each term. 於18週內全勤出席的學生,不包含校方同意的缺課和遲到,校方將予以獎勵。若僅一次有因故的缺課,校方則予以較小的獎勵。獎勵的大小,視每學期中得到獎勵的人數而定。 Attendance Information 出缺席相關資訊 Students need not wait until the end of the quarter to discover their attendance. Attendance is updated daily by the teachers and is accessible online via RenWeb. 學生不必等到學期結束,才能知道自己的出席記錄。任課老師每天都會更新最新的出缺席記錄。學生可自行上網至「RenWeb線上成績系統」查詢。 College Visit Policy 大學日(大學參觀)方針 Seniors are granted college visits with the understanding that應屆高中畢業生大學日須知:

● Trips are encouraged to be scheduled over school holidays;


鼓勵將日期訂在周末假日; ● Proposals must be submitted justifying the plans for days being absent; 提出申請參觀大學之日期及計劃說明;

● Plans must be outlined prior to departure for making up the missed academic work; 出發前須事先擬定補課計畫;

● College acceptance letters are to be provided; “verification of college visits” letter from the institutions visited must be provided upon return. 須出示該大學的邀請函。回校時,繳交到訪該校的證明書給學校。

When the criteria have been met the school will record “SA” for school activity for the days absent. 當活動申請符合以上條件時,校方將予以「學校活動」記錄於缺席記錄中。

RECORDS 檔案紀錄 CUMULATIVE RECORDS 累積檔案紀錄 Cumulative records will be sent to another high school upon written request from a parent or legal guardian. Students who are 18 years of age and above must sign this written request. Release of records requests will be stored in the temporary file. 經過家長或監護人的書面申請後,校方會把累積檔案紀錄寄到其指定的中學。滿18歲或以上的學生,必須在申請書上簽名。累積檔案紀錄申請的副本,會存在暫時的資料紀錄中。 PERMANENT RECORDS 永久檔案紀錄 Permanent student records contain the following items: Basic identifying information, academic transcript, college entrance exam scores, attendance record, accident reports, and health record. 永久檔案紀錄包括基本資料、成績單、考試成績、出席記錄、意外和體檢報告。 TEMPORARY STUDENTS RECORDS 暫時學生檔案紀錄 Temporary student records include all information not required to be in the student permanent record, and will include a release of temporary record information. 暫時學生檔案紀錄包括凡不須要在永久檔案紀錄留下的資訊。 ACCESS TO RECORDS AND INSPECTION RIGHTS 如何取得檔案和檢閱檔案的權利 Parents or their designate may access a child’s record. A student assumes all rights and privileges accorded to parents upon turning 18. A student has the right to access, inspect, and copy permanent records and access temporary records. 家長或家長指派的人可以取得孩子的檔案記錄。滿18歲的學生和家長一樣可以享同樣的權利。學生有權利取得和檢閱永久檔案紀錄和暫時檔案紀錄。 MAINTENANCE AND DESTRUCTION SCHEDULE 保留和銷毀的期限 Records will be reviewed on a regular basis or upon a change in a student’s attendance, to verify entries and to eliminate or correct all out-of-date, inaccurate, unnecessary, or irrelevant information. Temporary records may not be kept any longer than five months after graduation or withdrawal. They will be destroyed at that time. Permanent records of students will be maintained for no less than six years after student transfer, withdrawal or graduation. 檔案記錄會作定期的檢視,也會因為學生在校期間的表現而做更動。要核對和刪除一些過時、不正確、不需要、不相關的資料。學生畢業或休學五個月後,暫時檔案記錄將不予保留並且銷毀。學生畢業或休學超過六年,永久檔案記錄將不予保留並且銷毀。


TRANSCRIPTS 成績單 All current students may apply for up to 2 copies of their transcripts free of charge. TAIS graduating students may apply for 8 additional free copies of their official transcript for college/University applications purpose only. Each additional transcript will cost NT 200. 在校生每學期可以申請2份免費的成績單。畢業生可以另外申請8份免費的成績單作為申請大學之用途。8份以上,每一份成績單將酌收工本費200元。 For any students who have any outstanding fees, the transcript request will not be processed until all the outstanding dues are paid in full. 學生若有未付清之款項,必須先付清欠款才能申請成績單。 All transcript requests must be submitted in writing by filling out the transcript application form. The payment must be made along with the application when the paid transcript is requested. 若要申請成績單,學生必須填寫成績單申請表格。若必須要付費,費用請於繳交申請表格時付清。 All official transcripts are produced by Griggs International Academy and will only be sent directly to the school/college/university. An unofficial copy may be issued to students for reference only. When a transcript is requested to be sent outside of the continental United States, extra charges may apply. Expedited service may also be available at extra cost. Please check with the school registrar for the shipping costs. 所有正式的成績單是由國際安格中學頒發,並且直接寄到指定的學校/學院/大學。學生可以申請非正式的成績單作為參考。凡寄到美國地區以外的成績單,必須額外收費。若是要求急件處理,也須額外收費。相關的運費請聯絡註冊室。


SPIRITUAL LIFE 屬靈生活 By design and practice, TAIS is a Christian school and has for its definite purpose, the development of spiritual ideals. All students are welcome provided they show due respect for the Bible and maintain a reverent attitude during spiritual activities. 本校是一所基督化學校,辦校的理念是屬靈生命發展。凡敬畏聖經與相關宗教活動的學生,一律歡迎來就讀。 Dormitory students are required to regularly attend dorm worships, vespers, Sabbath school, church services, and other spiritual activities. Village or community students are required to attend worship and chapels that occur during normal school hours, and are encouraged and invited to attend other religious activities and programs. 住宿生一律出席宿舍靈修、夕陽會、安息日學、崇拜聚會、其他相關的宗教活動和週會等。上課天通勤學生一律出席安息日學、崇拜聚會和週會,並鼓勵通勤學生參加其他的宗教節目。 Involvement in spiritual activities is encouraged of all of our students. A variety of opportunities for involvement are provided, such as 鼓勵學生參加宗教屬靈活動包括:

● Outreach activities. 佈道。 ● Mission trips – domestic and out of the country. 短期宣教活動--國內和國外。 ● Student-led ministry and service projects. 由學生帶動的服事。 ● Leading out in Sabbath services and programming of religious activities. 主持安息日崇拜和宗教節目。

WEEKEND PROGRAMS 周末活動 Weekend services are required for all students on campus. You are not to go back to the dorm between Sabbath School and Church unless given permission by the Dean. Do not get up in the middle of a service


unless it is absolutely necessary. Gum, candy, drinks; food, hats, etc. are not to be in the dorm chapel or the sanctuary. 在校學生須出席所有留校週末的活動。若無舍監的許可,不可在安息日學(小組時間)和崇拜聚會期間返回宿舍。若非必要,請勿在聚會中隨意起身走動。禮堂或教堂中禁止食用口香糖、糖果、飲料、食物、戴帽子等。 While the weekend schedule is subject to change, the following is a basic structure for your information: 每次留校周末作息時間可能會有些微更動,以下為基本周末作息表

WEEKEND SCHEDULE 週末作息表 Date 日期 Time 時間 Program 節目內容

Friday 星期五 07:00-9:00 pm Small Groups Vespers 小組活動

Saturday 星期六

08:30-10:15 am Breakfast and Small Groups Sabbath School 安息日學

10:30 am -12:00pm Church 崇拜聚會

02:00 pm Afternoon Activity 下午活動

05:00 pm Vespers 夕陽會

06:00 pm Dinner 晚餐

07:00-9:00 pm Evening Activity 晚間活動

Sunday 星期日

08:30 am Study Hall 自修時間

11:00 am Cleaning Up 宿舍打掃時間

12:00pm Lunch 午餐

12:30 pm Free Time 自由活動

07:30 pm Study Hall 自修時間


CLOSED CAMPUS 校園管制 TAIS is a closed campus. Once students arrive at school, they are not to leave campus until school is dismissed at the end of the day and never without explicit permission. Non-students will only be allowed into the reception area during school hours. Entrance into school premises will only be permitted if escorted by school staff. Parents are requested to call in advance for access to classrooms during school hours. TAIS管制學生進出校門,直到放學以及得到許可前學生禁止離校。上課期間,TAIS學生以外的人士只允許進入到會客室。在教職員的陪同下才能進入TAIS上課場所。上課期間家長必須事先通知才能到課室找尋學生。

VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL 訪客 Parents and school board members are welcome to visit the school at any time. A phone call to the school a day ahead of time would be advisable. All visitors must check in at the office when they arrive at the school during school hours. Visitors must sign in and out of the logbook. 家長和學校董事會的委員可於任何時間探訪學校,且於探訪前一天通知校方。到校後,訪客必須在辦公時間進行探訪。訪客到達和離開時,皆必須在大門警衛室之探訪日誌上登記簽名並且領取探訪證。 Teachers are not available to visit with parents during school hours. If a parent needs to visit with the teacher, he/she should schedule time outside of school hours so teachers can concentrate on their


students and classes. When possible, please make appointments to meet with the principal, vice principal or program director. 教職員無法於上課時間做家庭訪問。若家長需要老師的到訪,必須安排在上課天以外的時間,並以不影響學生的課業為考量。盡可能先跟校長、副校長、以及課程負責人預約安排時間。 LEAVING CAMPUS 離校 Students will not be permitted to leave campus without their parent’s and the dean’s permission. Parents are asked to telephone the Dean if a student’s return is delayed. 未經家長的同意,學生不得離校。學生若遲遲未回到家時,家長必須與舍監聯絡。 Each student will be given an off-campus permission card, with their student photo on it. To obtain permission to leave campus, the student must first obtain the dean’s or an administrator’s signature. The student is to present this card to the guard at the front gate, and leave it with him. The student may collect the card upon returning to campus. Any student seen leaving campus without the proper authorization will be subject to the consequences outlined below. 校方會發給學生有相片的假卡。離校前,學生必須得到舍監或行政人員的簽名。學生在校門口時,把假卡給警衛檢查,並且將假卡留在警衛室。回校時,要向警衛領回假卡。不假外出的學生,會遭受以下處置。 Consequences 處置 Any deviation from these procedures will result in on-campus after school work detention and possible homeschool or withdrawal transfer if the problem continues. 違者將會受到課後校園勞動服務的處置。累犯者也可能會被要求短暫返家自學或輔導轉學。 Sign in/out process 離校/返校 Students must sign out with the dormitory dean each time they leave campus and sign back in when they return. Students failing to sign back in results in discipline, and repeated offenses result in heavier consequences. The person taking students off campus must also come to the desk to sign them out. 學生出入校園必須向舍監登記。違者將遭處置,累犯者遭更嚴重的處置。帶學生離校的人士,也須向舍監登記。 Campus leave request 離校申請 Whenever a student plans to leave campus and may miss any required appointments* or is leaving campus with a student driving, he/she must accurately fill out a campus leave request form (exception—school sponsored trip). This form must be filled out, with all permissions received, no later than Friday noon. 凡計劃離校,並且無法出席任何規定的聚會*或另有他人開車接送之學生時,必須在星期五之前,填妥離校手續的表格和得相關部門的簽名。學校的節目不受此規定。 *Required appointments include classes, work, dorm chapel, dorm study hall, vespers, church, eventide, overnight, week of prayer meetings, school assembly, etc. 規定的聚會包括上課、工作、宿舍靈修、宿舍自修、夕陽會、上教堂、福音週,週會等。 Town Trips 外出逛街 The purpose of town trips is to take time off campus to enjoy friendships and have a variety in living environment. Town trips are available most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays per dorm money expenditure. Sundays and Fridays are free of “charge” during the school year. In addition, Tuesdays feature the Yuchih night market and applicable students may sign up for this outing as well. 外出逛街的目的主要是讓學生得以在校園以外的環境彼此交流培養情誼。學生可於周一、周三和周四使用宿舍點數外出,周五和周日下午則免使用宿舍點數外出。此外周二魚池夜市的時間,符合條件的學生也得以申請外出。 TAIS does not encourage but also does not ban relationships of a romantic nature and to aid students in finding appropriate ways and times to express these relationships, the boys and girls dorms will stagger


their schedules: Monday, Wednesday, Friday for girls, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday for boys one week, to switch the following week, and etc. A sign-up sheet will be available for every town trip opportunity. 對於學生戀愛交往關係TAIS持不鼓勵但不禁止態度,對於交往中的學生,TAIS幫助他們在合適的時間和方式來表達這種關係。因此將安排錯開男女宿舍外出的時間:周一、周三、周五為女生申請外出時間;周二、周四、周日為男生申請外出時間,一周後對換,以此類推。每次外出都需填妥外出假卡。 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES 返校及離校時間 All dormitory students need to arrive on campus no later than 7:30pm from their weekend leaves. Students are still expected to have a study hall so that they will have enough time to prepare for the week of classes. On weekend leaves, students are allowed to leave campus on Friday as soon as they have completed the requirements of assembly and obtained permission from their dormitory dean and the principal. 週末假返校時,住宿生必須於晚上7:30前返回學校,學生必須於宿舍自修並預備功課。遇返家週時,週會完畢後經校長以及舍監許可後,始可離校回家。 Home leave Transportation 週末假交通 Students have three different options for weekend transportation. All students must leave campus on home leave weekends or holidays. The TAIS bus must be reserved in advance at the beginning of each semester. 學生有三種周末假交通之選擇。週末假或假期學生一律回家。開學時就要預先申請返家專車的登記。

● Sign up for the Taiwan Adventist International School bus that goes to either Taichung HSR Station or Taichung Train Station. 申請返家/返校專車往台中高鐵或台中火車站。

● Use the public transportation system. 大眾交通運輸。 ● Parents pick up the students. 家長自行接送。

Quiet Time 安靜時刻 This campus has a quiet time from 10pm to 7am whether students are in their dorms or on the grounds; all efforts must be put into keeping the noise level down. 從晚上10點起到早上7點是安靜時刻,無論學生是在宿舍或在校園,請儘量保持安靜。 Recycling 資源回收 Students are required to know the recycling procedures. All trash must be separated properly and put in the proper bins. Recycling orientation will be provided at the beginning of the year. If students have any questions, they should never hesitate to ask. 學生要懂得如何作資源回收 。垃圾要分類並丟入正確的回收桶。學年開始時,會教導學生如何作資源回收。若學生又問題可隨時求問。 Littering 亂丟垃圾 Please do not leave any litter around the grounds or buildings. Make sure all trash is thrown away in the proper trash can or recycle bin. 不在地上或建築物內亂丟垃圾。請把垃圾正確地丟在垃圾桶或回收桶裡。

Staying in Proper Areas 不隨意進出場所 If a student wishes to enter other buildings on campus (i.e. not the classroom building or TAIS dormitories), the student must first receive permission from a TAIS staff member. 若想去除了課室和宿舍以外的場所,必須先得到教職員的許可。 MODES OF TRANSPORTATION 交通工具 All bicycles must be parked in designated areas. Failure to do so will result in seizure of the bicycle, and a fine will be charged to the student before they are allowed to have the bicycle again. All bicycles should be locked up when not in use. Students are asked to not ride on the grass when riding their bicycles around campus. Helmets are to be worn by students whilst riding their bicycles off campus.


腳踏車須停放在指定停放區。違者將沒收其腳踏車,並於罰錢後才可領回。腳踏車不使用時請上鎖。TAIS禁止學生在草地上行駛腳踏車。學生行駛腳踏車至校外時應配戴安全帽。 Other wheeled forms of transportation, including skateboards, must abide by the following stipulations 其他設有輪子之裝置,包括滑板,必須遵守以下使用規定:

1. When riding skateboards or other such alternate forms of wheeled transportation, riders must ride in a safe and courteous manner which does not put others at risk. 使用者須以安全、禮貌和不造成他人危險之方式使用滑板或其他設有輪子之裝置。

2. TAIS is not responsible for the loss nor damage of an individual’s property. Please protect your property to avoid theft. TAIS不負保護及賠償之責任,請將個人的裝置放置於安全之處以免失竊。 ※If an individual’s property is damaged or lost, TAIS will facilitate follow-up investigation but is not responsible for any damage or loss. ※若個人裝置有破損或遺失,學校將盡全力查明事實處理,但不負保護及賠賞之責。

3. Anyone who damages or steals someone’s property will not only receive proper discipline according to the TAIS policy but is also fully responsible for any necessary compensation. Serious issues will be reported to the police and related institutions for further processes. 凡破壞或偷竊他人所有物者,除依校規記過處分,並須負完全賠償責任,行為嚴重者將依法送交警察單位處理。

4. Skateboards and other wheeled devices are not allowed to be ridden inside any building on campus. 校園之建築物內禁止使用滑板和其他設有輪子之裝置。

5. Students who rides skateboard must follow these rules that also apply to all wheeled devices 學生使用滑板和其他設有輪子之裝置應遵守校園安全交通規則,包含:

a. No excessive or dangerous speeds 速度不宜過快造成危險

b. Stay at right side of the road and pay attention to vehicles especially at a turn and the opposite lane 靠右行駛並特別留意轉彎處及對向車道是否有來車

c. Yield the right of way to pedestrians and other vehicles 禮讓行人及其他交通工具

d. Dangerous riding behavior is not allowed such as chasing, carrying a passenger, riding side by side or in the opposite lane, zigzagging, etc. 禁止雙載、併排、追逐、逆向、蛇行等危險騎乘行為

e. All wheels must remain in contact with the ground. Any jumps, tricks, stunts, etc. are prohibited without proper permission/supervision from the faculty members. 使用裝置時輪子必須與地面保持接觸,任何跳躍、特技、等雜技在沒有允許或老師監督下是被禁止的。

f. Riding down steep hills is prohibited. 禁止使用於下坡路段。

g. Appropriate protective gear is required while riding skateboards and other wheeled devices when going off campus. 使用滑板者和其他設有輪子的裝置時必須穿戴合適之防護裝備。

6. In order to ensure a safe environment for riding skateboards, it requires all students to follow each regulation above. Each violation will be issued one infraction ticket, a student will lose the right of riding a skateboard on campus for one month after accumulating three violations during a semester. 為了確保使用滑板等裝置的安全環境,每位學生皆必須遵守上述規定。每次違規將開立違規單一張,每學期違規超過三次將取消使用滑板等裝置之福利。


LOST AND FOUND 失物招領 Any items left in the classrooms for an extended period of time will be taken to the Lost and Found at the TAIS administrative office. Students are encouraged to check it for any items that are missing with possible consequences for repeated misplacement. 學生若有長期留在課室的東西或隨便放的課本,都會被收到辦公室視為失物招領。遺失物品時,學生可以向TAIS辦公室查詢,並於失物招領處領回物品,但可能會因經常性遺漏個人物品而受到相關懲處。 8th GRADE & SENIOR CLASS TRIP 畢業旅行 TAIS 8TH graders and seniors are encouraged to organize their own class trip. The funds must be raised by the class, or receive support for their families. 鼓勵高中畢業生舉辦畢業旅行,活動費用需經由班級自行籌錢或由家人贊助。

EMERGENCY CLOSING緊急停課 TAIS generally follows the Nantou Department of Education guidelines for senior high school emergency school closings due to inclement weather and national health concerns. Special consideration is given to the fact that TAIS is a closed, campus boarding school. Closings will also be posted on the school website, emailed to the faculty and staff, and communicated to the community families by various means. 遇到天氣惡劣或國家衛生/健康問題時,本校將按照南投縣教育局的規定停課。除了特殊因素,或因本住宿學校的考量,將於校方網站上發佈停課等相關消息,或經由辦公室人員直接告知通學生家長。 MUSIC PERFORMANCE POLICY 音樂表演標準 The following are music performance guidelines for talent shows. 音樂才藝表演指南:

● Each participant is encouraged to choose songs sung in the English language. However, school appropriate songs sung in the mother tongue are also acceptable. 鼓勵每位表演者選擇用英文演唱歌曲。但是,使用母語演唱符合學校標準的歌曲也是可以的。

● Avoid songs with inappropriate sexual language or implication including songs that require or promote sexually driven dances. 避免有性暗示和有色情的歌詞和舞蹈。

● Avoid songs with aggressive “angry” lyrics or beats. 避免演唱使用含有激進"憤怒"歌詞或節拍的歌曲。

Choose music with lyrics that 歌詞內容必須反映: ● Inspires people to be better. 能激勵人心。 ● Encourages people who are sad or lonely with a positive message. 以正面信息鼓勵傷心寂寞的人。 ● Talks about problems and provides a positive solution. 積極的解決問題。 ● Focuses on pure love, not from a sexual point of view. 著重純潔的愛而非情慾。 ● Teaches a lesson about true friendship. 教導真友誼。 ● Promotes an attitude of unselfish love for others. 提倡無私的愛。 ● Helps people see how beautiful life is or can be. 讓人看到美滿的生活。 ● Sets a good example for others to follow. 立好榜樣。 ● Respects the moral values of our Christian school (as reflected in the Ten Commandments: Exodus

20). 尊重基督教的道德觀(十條誡命,出埃及記20章)。 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 「弟兄們,我還有未盡的話:凡是真實的、可敬的、公義的、清潔的、可愛的、有美名的,若有什麼德行,若有什麼稱讚,這些是你們都要思念。」腓力比書 4:8

STANDARDS FOR STUDENT PRODUCTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS 學生作品及出版品之標準 TAIS seeks to maintain standards for student productions and publications that will provide for freedom in creative expression while not being unduly offensive to those in our community from diverse, ethnic,


theological, and lifestyle backgrounds. The keynote of any production or publication must be wholesomeness. Therefore, the following should be omitted: TAIS要維持學生寫作和出版的標準。在維持學生應有的創意外,同時也要避免學生對社會上不同文化、道德、神學、生活背景,表達不適當的言論。引此學生所出版之文字必須是有益身心健康。因此必須避免:

● All references to speech or materials that encourage immoral conduct. 不道德的言語或文宣。

● Blasphemy, profanity, vulgarity, or any misuse of God’s name. 褻瀆、不敬的言語、不尊敬的話、或濫用上帝的名字。

● Any material that might be contrary to upholding a Biblical position. 違背聖經的立場。

● Anything that focuses on or encourages practices of a questionable nature, such as smoking, drinking, drunkenness, drug abuse, etc. 鼓勵不良行為,例如抽煙、喝酒、吸毒等。

● Anything that would be offensive to the Taiwanese community. 冒犯台灣社會與族群的言語。

● Articles and editorials that may be sensitive for political or public relations reasons. 政治或社會敏感議題。

● Anything that can be construed as ethnocentricity or is of a xenophobic nature. 任何可能被解釋為民族優越或排外性質的內容。

All productions or publications are subject to prior administrative review according to established regulations. The publication or distribution of unauthorized materials on campus is prohibited. 所有的寫作和出版,必須通過TAIS的檢查。禁止發行未授權的資料。


● Do not damage public property and please keep all areas (bathroom, hallways, and dorm rooms)

clean. 不得破壞公物並且維持浴室、走廊、寢室乾淨。

● TURN OFF all lights and the Air Conditioner when you leave the room. 離開房間時,請隨手關燈和冷氣機,以達到能源節約。

● Curfew is 9:50 pm—The doors will be locked. 門禁是晚上9:50--宿舍鎖門。

● Please do not sleep with your Air Conditioner on. 為避免容易生病,睡覺時鼓勵不開冷氣。

● Big Lights-out is at 10:00 pm. All lights out at 10:30 pm. 晚上10:00關大燈。晚上10:30以後不准開任何桌燈。

● No gambling, smoking, chewing betel nut, drinking alcohol, or taking illegal drugs. 禁止賭博、抽煙、嚼檳榔、喝酒、吸毒。

● Do not use coarse language (no swearing in English or Chinese). 禁止講粗話(禁止用英文或中文咒駡)。

● Please wear the school uniforms as prescribed by the Administration, modest makeup, and modest nail polish (girls). 請按照規定穿著校服。穿戴端莊。用淡妝。用淺色指甲油(女生)。

● Please practice your musical instruments at the IEC; no practicing is allowed in the dorm without specific permission. 若有需要可以到IEC進行樂器練習;若未得到特別許可,宿舍內禁止樂器練習。

● If you want to put something on your walls or mirrors, go for it! Just make sure it doesn’t harm the walls or mirror and that it is school appropriate. 於宿舍牆壁和鏡子上貼東西時,請避免造成任何的損壞,且張貼內容須符合學校標準。

● No meat or seafood allowed in the dormitory area. (NO MEAT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS) 宿舍內禁止食用肉類和海鮮等食物。(校園中禁止食用肉類)


● No candles, incense or other incendiary (burnable) items are allowed. 禁止使用蠟燭、香或其他易燃物品。

● Remember to recycle your garbage. 作垃圾分類以及資源回收。

● Take your key and lock the door when you leave: your belongings are your responsibility. 離開房間時要鎖門並且保管好私人的物品。

● Students of the opposite sex, whether they live in the dorms or not, are NOT permitted in each other’s dorm rooms or hallways. 異性同學(不論住宿生或非住宿生)禁止進出男女房間和走廊。

● Fighting will not be tolerated. If there is a serious disagreement that you cannot settle, bring the issue to the dean. That’s what the dean is for. They will help you settle the disagreement in a fair and discrete manner. 禁止打架。意見不合時,請由舍監協助公平解決紛爭。

● All students whether same-or-opposite gender need to refrain from intimate touching including kissing and close cuddling while on campus and in the dorms. Students may not lie down together on the lounge couches or in the dorm beds. If you have a boy/girlfriend, the staff will closely monitor the situation and if relationships lead to problems with grades or attendance, your parents will be notified. 避免與同性異性間過度親密。避免在校園和宿舍範圍接吻擁抱。也不宜一起在交誼聽的沙發或房間床上躺下。教職員會隨時注意談戀愛的同學。若交往影響功課或出席,校方會通知家長。

● No pornography of any kind at any time. 禁止在任何時間看任何色情讀物。

● You must keep your room clean and orderly. Throw out your trash and recyclables daily. 內務要整潔。每天清理垃圾並且資源回收。

● No stealing. If you borrow something from your roommate, classmate, friend, or fellow student, make sure you have that person’s permission before taking it. Even if a theft cannot be proven, a bad reputation as a thief will follow you for years. 禁止偷竊。未取得室友、同學、朋友的許可下,不可使用他人的東西。雖然無法證明偷竊,但是若有任何的嫌疑將會隨其一生。

● You may NOT order food of any kind from off-campus without written permission from the dean. 無舍監的書面許可,不可以向校外訂購任何食物。

● You are responsible for your own dorm key. If you lose your room key, you will lose your deposit and have to pay additional money for a new key. 保管房間鑰匙。遺失鑰匙時保證金將被沒收。且得另外再支付新鑰匙的費用。

DORMITORY ROOMS 宿舍房間 The student will share their room with up to 3 other students. Each student has the responsibility of keeping their part of the room clean and in good order. Students failing to keep their area clean will be required to perform extra cleaning around the dormitory. 房間是四人一房。每一個學生有責任維持房間乾淨整潔。違者罰清潔宿舍。 Students are responsible for taking out their trash from their rooms every day. Please make sure your trash is properly sorted in the recycle bins. 學生每天要負責倒垃圾並且作垃圾分類。 If you would like to make a room or roommate change, you first must consult the dean prior to any move. Only after receiving permission will any change take place. 必須先取得舍監的許可,才可以換房間或室友。 CHECK-IN/CHECKOUT PROCEDURES 住宿/退房程序 Your room will be inspected as to the condition of the room and noted in the Check In/Out form. There is a $2000NT room deposit. When moving out of the room, each resident is to check out with the Dean. You will need to sign the Check In/Out form. Failure to check out properly will result in fines for checking out without the Dean’s approval, for cleaning, painting, packing, and moving belongings left in the room.


Additional charges may be added for any damage done to the room. Fines will be assessed on a case by case basis. 學生還未住進房間時,舍監會先檢查房間的情況並且在住宿表格上作記錄。宿舍保證金為新台幣2,000元。舍監會負責學生退房。學生搬入/搬離宿舍須在住宿表格上簽名。未按照程序辦理,會導致罰款。住宿生必須把房間打掃乾淨和搬走私人東西。若有損壞的設備則須賠償,按照不同的情況定罰款。 DORM WORSHIP 宿舍靈修 Every evening, the dormitory dean or assistants will hold a dorm worship and meeting to go over any announcements or dormitory information that the students might need to know. All students are required to attend each meeting unless given prior permission from the head dean. 每天晚上,舍監或舍監助理會主持短靈修並報告學生需要知道的訊息。除非事先得到舍監的同意,所有住宿學生一律要出席以上聚會。 EVENING STUDY HALL 夜間自修時間 Every evening dormitory students are expected to spend quality time (Sunday-Thursday) with their studies. It is imperative that students not only get their homework completed, but to preview and review for each class. For any study hall, students must get specific permission for technology usage from their teachers. Students will use this technology permission card to obtain their computers for study halls. 住宿生每晚(星期日到星期四)要自修。除了完成作業外,也要溫習和預習每一個科目。任何自修的時間,學生必須在電子產品使用卡得到老師的簽名許可,方能使用電腦。 Strict Study Hall 強制性自修時間 During the strict study hall, students are expected to stay in their rooms (living/study room with dean permission) with no bathroom breaks (aside from ‘emergencies’). The dormitory is expected to be silent to provide the best studying environment possible. 在強制性自修時間當中,禁止使用電腦。除了上洗手間之外,必須留在房間自修。為了營造一個適合讀書的環境,學生必須儘量保持安靜。

Informal Study Hall非強制性自修時間 During the informal study hall, students are allowed to study together if needed. Students who have a computer may use them solely for school work if given permission by their teacher for their respective classes. 在非強制性自修時間內,若必要時,學生可以一起討論研究功課。只有老師交代可以使用電腦作功課。 SICK LIST PROCEDURES 病假流程 An illness should be reported to the dean by 7:00 am. If a student becomes ill during the course of the day, s/he is to contact the dean immediately. If the dean is not available, contact the TAIS office immediately. If a student is placed on sick list, s/he must remain in his/her dorm room for the rest of the day, is not allowed any visitors, and will not be permitted to attend recreation and other evening activities. A sick tray may be provided at mealtimes, as ordered by the dean. Absences will not be excused for students on sick list who leave their rooms (except for the restroom and shower), or have visitors. 生病時,必須於早上7點前通知舍監。若學生在課堂上生病,必須馬上聯絡舍監。若聯絡不到舍監,請馬上與辦公室聯絡。生病的學生必須整天留在宿舍房間,拒絕訪客,並且不允許參加康樂和晚上節目。舍監會安排食物。除了使用衛浴設備和見訪客之外,離開房間就不以病假論。 PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY DEVICES 個人3C設備使用 Cell Phones, computers, or any other personal electronic device must be registered with the dormitory dean. Each evening these items must be returned to the dean’s office for safekeeping. If a student has a second computer or cell phone, they are required to register that device when they bring it to school. Failure to do will result in seizure of that item for a period of at least one week. The device will be returned to the parents and not allowed back.


學生必須向舍監登記私人的手機、電腦和其他電子產品。睡覺前這些電子產品必須交到舍監辦公室保管。若學生持有第二支手機或電腦到學校時,也必須向舍監登記。違者至少被沒收一星期,並交回給家長保管,且不准許再將手機帶回。 Earpods and headphones MUST be taken out and put away as soon as a student enters school buildings. The use of these items is restricted to permission-based only. If a student uses these listening devices without permission, they will be confiscated. 學生進入學校大樓後,必須立即將有線/無線耳機取下並收起來。該物品的使用是有限制、需取得許可的。若學生未經許可使用,這類裝置將被沒收。 Student cell phones, and other communication devices cannot be seen, heard or used in the Administration Building, classrooms, or during any religious service, performances, or assemblies. 在行政樓、教室、任何宗教聚會、節目場地或週會地點,手機和其他通訊產品禁止被看見、聽見或是使用。

Violation of this policy results in the following 違反規定之處分: 1st Offense 初次違規:

● Complete cell phone or device will be confiscated, given to the Principal and not returned to the student for 7 days. 沒收手機和其他通訊產品,放在校長室7天後歸還。

2nd Offense 2次違規: ● Cell phone/device will be confiscated, given to the Principal and not returned to the student for 14

days, parents will be notified. 沒收手機和其他通訊產品,放在校長室14天後歸還。並通知家長。 3rd Offense 3次違規:

● Cell phone/device will be confiscated, given to the Principal and not returned to the student for 21 days. Parents will be notified. Students will meet with the Administrative Council to determine further action. 沒收手機和其他通訊產品,放在校長室21天並通知家長。行政會約談學生作進一步的處理。

High Risk 高風險: High risk is deemed for students who have reached the third offense more than once in a semester. Students may lose their privileges with these devices until the end of the semester and must utilize the office phone to call their family during the appropriate time. 對於在一學期中達到3次違規紀錄的學生被認為是高風險的。在學期結束以前,學生可能失去手機或其他通訊產品之使用權,且只能在每天指定的時間內使宿舍辦公室電話和家長聯絡。 THEFT 偷竊 Please keep all of your personal items in order; TAIS will not be responsible for items left around campus. If a student finds that an item has been stolen, please notify the dormitory dean immediately. Any TAIS student that is caught stealing will be dealt with strictly. Replacement of the item will be required along with additional community service. Continued theft infractions may result in homeschool and then withdrawal transfer. 請保管好私人物品。隨意亂放於校園的東西,校方一律不負保管責任。若有學生東西遭偷竊時,請立刻通知舍監。凡TAIS之學生若發生偷竊行為將會遭受嚴厲的懲處。除了賠償之外,還要到學校餐廳做勞動服務。累犯者則可能處以短暫返家自學,也可能輔導該生轉學他校。 DORM BULLETIN BOARD 宿舍公佈欄 The dean must approve all material that is placed on the dorm bulletin boards. Also, please do not remove anything from the boards. 經舍監同意後,才可以在公佈欄張貼東西。也不可以隨意把張貼出來的東西拿掉。


ROOM DECORATIONS 房間佈置 All decorations that promote values and ideas that are contrary to SDA beliefs are not allowed. Posters, snapshots or pictures of men/women unclothed or partially clothed are not allowed. Also R-rated movie posters, posters with beer or cigarette ads are not allowed. Students will be asked to remove such decorations. If the dean sees it again, it will be confiscated. Please use poster putty for hanging posters and other items–please do not use tape or stickers. 禁止凡是抵觸本會信仰和價值的佈置。禁止張貼男女穿著曝露清涼的海報和相片。禁止張貼限制級電影海報、啤酒香煙廣告海報。若有以上行為,學生必須拿掉這些佈置。若再次張貼則會遭到沒收。經許可的佈置請使用海報專用黏土張貼或其他不破壞牆面等用具,請勿使用膠帶和貼紙。

FURNITURE 房間家具 Dormitory furniture is not to be removed from your room. Lobby furniture is also not to be removed from the lobbies for any reason. Please make every attempt to keep your furniture in good condition. Remember you will be charged for any other act that damages the furniture or walls. 禁止移動房間內的傢具。禁止移動客廳的傢具。請愛惜你在宿舍所使用所有的傢具,任何傢具和牆壁的破損需要罰款。 DORMITORY GUESTS 宿舍訪客 Guests (mothers and fathers excluded) are not allowed in the resident’s rooms at any time without a dean’s permission. Parents, please be sensitive to the privacy of dorm residents when visiting your son or daughter. Students are not to visit the dorm of the opposite sex unless both deans have approved it. Offenders are subject to pertinent disciplinary measures. 未經舍監的同意,任何訪客(非家長)任何時間不可以出現在宿舍房間內。家長探訪子女時,要尊重其他住宿生的隱私。未經男女宿舍舍監的同意,禁止男女生到異性的宿舍。違者將受到相關懲處。 SLEEPOVERS 過夜 On weekends, students can have same-gender friends who are currently enrolled at TAIS stay in their rooms for a night. The dean must give permission before the sleepover night. Special consideration may be given to alumni in good standing. 週末時,在校生可在宿舍內其他房間過夜,但是必須先得到舍監同意,如遇校友返校過夜等特殊情形,將視情況安排住宿。 KEYS 房間鑰匙管理 There is a NT$100 room/key deposit paid through the Business Office. Your deposit will be returned to you when the year is over, your key has been returned, and your room has passed inspection. (Note: no copies are to be made and only originals will be accepted.) If you lose your key, there will be a NT$150 rekeying fee, which the student must pay prior to receiving the new key. 會計室收取100元鑰匙保證金。學年結束時,宿舍通過檢查將鑰匙歸還後,校方會退還保證金。(注意:只許歸還原本的鑰匙,不許歸還另外打製的鑰匙)。若遺失鑰匙,罰金為150元,作為換鎖的費用。費用須在領新的鑰匙前付清。 ROOM CHECKS 房間內務檢查 The dean or assistant dean will perform random room checks at any time. 舍監或舍監助理會不定時查房。 SELLING OR SOLICITING 買賣、招攬生意 These activities are prohibited. Exceptions are made through the dean. 除非得到舍監的許可,禁止買賣、招攬生意或其他相關行為。

LAUNDRY SERVICES 洗衣房 Washers and dryers are provided for residence hall use at a cost of 50NT per load (both washer & dryer). Please keep a supply of 10 NT coins, as the deans may not have change available. We do ask that you do your part in keeping the machines/dryers in good working order and that you pick up after yourself when


using the laundry room. Report any problems with the machines to the appropriate dean as soon as possible. Please do not leave your laundry unattended. Also, please remove your laundry from the machines promptly. If you choose to hang up your clothing outside to dry, please remove it immediately after it is dry. Any clothing that falls to the ground and is not retrieved within three days will be removed to the trash bin by TAC maintenance workers. 住宿生可使用洗衣機和乾衣機,每次使用需各付50元。該設備只接受10元硬幣,請自備零錢,因舍監可兌換的零錢有限。使用時,請愛惜洗衣機和乾衣機並且維持乾淨及維護設備狀態的良好。若洗衣機或乾衣機有損壞時,請馬上通知舍監。請務必看好自己的衣服,使用完畢時,請立即將洗衣機和乾衣機裏的衣服取出。若你選擇在室外晾衣服,請在晾乾後立即取回。任和晾曬在室外的衣物,若掉落在地上超過3天仍未取回,大學部校園服務組的工作人員將丟棄處理。 Food 食物 Any food in a student’s room should be kept in a sealed container at all times so as not to attract insects or rodents. Flesh foods are not to be brought onto campus or into the dorms. If found these items will be disposed of immediately. Students are not to bring food or drinks into the dorm for the purpose of selling them. 任何放在房間的食物要放在罐子裏蓋好,以免引來蟑螂和老鼠等。禁止將肉類帶入宿舍和校園。發現時將會被丟掉。也禁止學生從校外攜帶食物和飲料在宿舍販賣。

TAIS Bill of Rights TAIS權利相關規定

School Rights學校方權利 In order for the school to obtain needed information and maintain the balance between the students’ right to privacy and the school’s obligation for safety, administration reserves the right to: 為了得以讓校方取得需要的資訊,也期望在學生隱私權及校園安全義務責任之間維持一個平衡,TAIS行政方保有下方權利:

● question a student about their behaviour or program at any time without parental consent 學生在校期間無須取得父母同意下,得以詢問學生關於他們的行為與事件發生過程

● search a student’s room, locker or automobile or anything under the control of a student with or without their consent 在合理懷疑形況下,搜索學生宿舍房間、置物櫃、交通工具或其他屬於該生之物品

● require drug testing when substance abuse is suspected 在合理懷疑情況下,要求學生做毒品反應測試等。

Student’s Rights學生方權利 All students have the right to所有學生有權:

● be treated fairly, consistently and with respect by other students and staff 受到公平對待,得到同學和老師一致的尊重。

● be safe from verbal and physical abuse, or any other actions and behaviours which are detrimental to a positive learning environment 避免受到言語和身體上的傷害,或其他對於促進完整的學習環境有害的行為

● expect that their property will be respected 期待個人物品受到保護

● expect that their feelings and opinions will be respected 期待個人感受和意見受到重視

● expect that others will exercise self-control 期待他人會行使自制權,不傷害他人。

TAIS adopts four basic rules of behaviour for all its members. (For more specific information, please refer to the Discipline section of this handbook). TAIS對於行為的要求及規定設立4大原則 (詳細資訊和內容,請參照本手冊懲處之部分)


Respect for God 敬畏上帝: Students who respect God will:敬畏上帝的學生表示他/她:

● not use God’s name in vain 不褻瀆上帝之名

● be reverent and respectful in God’s house which includes the Chapel and Church 在上帝的家中,禮堂和教堂中,行為端莊虔敬

● actively seek ways to be of service to others 積極地尋找幫助服務他人的機會

● be considerate of individuals sharing the message during programs 為在節目中分享信息的人著想

● respect the nature that He has given us to enjoy 對於上帝所賜予我們的一切事物尊重、珍惜

Respect for Self 自我尊重: Students who respect themselves will:自我尊重的學生會:

● maintain healthful living physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually 在身體上、知識上、社交群體中、以及屬靈生命中,保持一個健康的生活模式。

● not use or have illegal drugs, narcotics, alcohol, or tobacco, or supply them to others. Prescription drugs must be under the care and supervision of the dormitory dean 不使用或擁有非法藥物、毒品、酒精飲料、菸草製品等,處方藥物須在舍監知情並監督下使用。

● stay away from harmful forms of media 遠離以任何形式呈現不良內容之媒體

Respect for Others尊重他人: Students who respect others and their property will:尊重他人及他人之物品的學生會:

● avoid swearing, indecent language, and obscene conduct and literature 避免使用咒罵、不雅言語,和任何猥褻行為或文字

● not go to the residence hall room of a student of the opposite sex 不進入異性宿舍

● be honest in class work and life, refusing plagiarism, cheating, or wilful deception 在功課和生活中落實誠實的原則,拒絕抄襲、作弊或欺騙行為

● avoid improper sexual conduct 避免不當的肢體接觸或任何不當之與性有關之行為

● not participate in harassing or initiations or any other act or degrades a fellow student, faculty member, or the school 不參與任何形式的擾亂、或引起任何有損學生、老師、教職員、學校名譽之行為

● avoid the possession or use of weapons (including look-a-likes) such as guns, knives, explosives, or firecrackers 避免擁有或使用任何武器(包含看起來貌似之物品),例如槍、刀、爆炸物或煙火等

● not be insubordinate to any faculty member or tamper with his/her personal property 尊重所有老師及教職員,不隨意使用或竄改他/她的個人財產與文件

● refuse to cover for or help any student involved in breaking rules 拒絕幫助或掩飾違反校規之學生

Respect for the School 尊重學校: Students who respect the school and school property will:尊重學校的學生會:

● refuse to promote ideas or display attitudes that undermine the philosophy, ideals, and objectives of the school 拒絕提倡或標榜任何對學校理念、標準和願景有錯誤誤解的想法

● avoid the wearing or display of anything or anyone that promotes violence or a philosophy contrary to Christian principles 避免穿著任何提倡暴力或違反基督教原理之服裝

● not damage or destroy school property


不損毀或破壞學校財產 ● refuse to tamper with building wiring, fire alarms or fire fighting equipment 不竄改或玩弄學校建築之管線或消防設備等

● not possess, sell, use, or duplicate unauthorized keys 不持有、不販賣、不使用擅自複製的鑰匙

● enter and leave buildings through doors and not through windows or in any other manner 進出場所使用門,而不是攀爬窗戶或以其他方式進入

Criminal offences may be handed over to the appropriate legal authorities. 任何構成刑事犯罪之事件,將交由相關執法機關處理

STUDENT DISCIPLINE 學生紀律 It is our goal at TAIS to run a quality school program where discipline is not an issue. To that end, our behavior goals are based on the following beliefs” 本校的宗旨是興辦優質而有紀律的學校。爲了此目的,我們的行為目標是基於以下的信念:

● We believe that learning increases when there is good behavior. 良好行為促進學習。

● We believe that no student has a right to interfere with another student’s learning. 無權干涉他人的學習。

● We believe that every student can behave well. 人人能有好行為。

● We believe that our success is measured by how well we teach students to be self-managers. 學生自我管理是本校成功教育的指標。

● We believe that our standards for behavior should be those taught in the Bible. Jesus emphasized that we "should love one another," and that we should even "love our enemies." Our behavior should be gracious, kind, patient, and respectful. 以聖經教導作為行為標準。耶穌強調「彼此相愛」和「愛仇敵」。行為上有仁慈、親切、忍耐、尊敬。

● We believe that when students misbehave, they should be given a chance to "fix" the effects of their misbehavior. 讓犯錯學生有機會改過自新。

The procedures the administration and faculty follow to encourage the student who chooses not to fulfill the school standards are listed below. Understand that the teacher reserves the right to modify the application of each step as his/her creativity and the character of the student indicates. 行政人員和教職員遵照以下程序來處理學生的違法事項。教職員有權利按自己的判斷能力和學生的特質修改處理的程序。 All teachers and staff members of TAIS are part of the discipline team. Respect must be shown to them at all times. Teachers have the right to use their judgment on issues of classroom management. 本校教職員都是紀律團隊的成員。他們必須受到尊重。教職員有權利在課堂管理上作判斷。 ATTIRE & PERSONAL APPEARANCE STANDARDS 服裝儀容 We recognize that dress is a very personal and individual matter; however, in a collective situation such as at TAIS, some people may have to yield individual tastes in order to honor the policies of the school. Please give careful consideration to the dress code and make a decision to cooperate cheerfully before you arrive on campus rather than to be unhappy after you arrive. 我們了解服裝是個人的興趣和選擇。然而,在本校的團體生活中,學生可能為了必須配合和尊重校規,而妥協自己的個人穿著喜好。學生決定就讀TAIS前,請先仔細瞭解服裝的規定,並且樂意配合,而不是入學後,才感到適應上的困難。


Participating in a school function is an important experience demanding an atmosphere and spirit of thoughtfulness and respect that begins with how an individual prepares his or her personal appearance at the beginning of the day. This means the clothes they wear, the way they style their hair, accessories they choose, and makeup they apply. Students are to comply with both the letter and the intent of the following appearance standards at all school functions on and off campus, and may be asked to leave school or the particular activity until they comply. 融入學校活動是一個重要的經驗。要得到一個有意義且彼此尊重的學校經驗,必須從每天一早的儀容打扮講究起。這意味著學生們必須穿著合適的衣服、整理頭髮、選擇正確的配飾和妝容。學生需要遵守以下的服裝儀容之規定。違規者可能無法參與活動直到改善,一直無法配合學校規定者,最終很可能必須被輔導轉學。 SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY 制服規定 The TAIS School Uniform Policy has been developed to minimize distractions to academic achievement and improve our ability to create an orderly learning environment. There is solid evidence showing that there are fewer discipline problems, referrals, and higher attendance rates, as well as, an increase in academic achievement with the implementation of a uniform policy. TAIS’s goal is neither to dictate fashion nor limit individual freedom of expression. Our goal is to establish a school climate that focuses on motivating our students to develop wisdom, live healthfully, care for others and to know God. 穿著制服可減少學習上的干擾,並且促進有秩序的學習環境。有證據顯示穿著制服可減少紀律問題,同時提升出席率和成績。校方的目標不是要規定時裝,也不是要限定個人表達的自由,而是建立一個校風,使學生能得智慧、過健康生活、關懷別人、認識上帝。 TAIS encourages its employees and students to maintain their natural hair color to minimize distractions to academic achievement and improve our ability to create an orderly learning environment. TAIS鼓勵教職員和學生維持頭髮原色,以減少可能對於學習表現的干擾,並提高建立有序的學習環境的能力。 Students are expected to follow the TAIS uniform schedule at all times unless announced otherwise by the administration. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to cooperate with the school faculty and administration in enforcing the uniform policy. 除非另有報告,學生一律穿制服。家長/監護人有責任和校方合作來實施制服的規定。 Uniform Schedule 服裝規定

● Monday星期一: Full Dress Day 正式制服 ● Tuesday ~ Thursday星期二 ~ 星期四: Combination Days ● Friday 星期五: Casual 便服 ● Saturday Church 星期六教會禮拜: Church Attire or Full Dress 正式服裝或正式制服

Description each day 每日制服穿著說明:

Full Dress Days 正式制服日 Students must wear their entire dress uniform, including dress shirt, tie, and uniform pants for boys and skirt or uniform pants for the girls. No black pants – they’re not part of the full dress uniform. Boys must tuck their shirts in and use a black belt. All students will wear a uniform jacket or uniform sweater during cooler months. Black dress shoes must be worn on dress days; no tennis shoes, Vans, etc. 學生必須穿著整套制服,包含襯衫,領帶,長褲(男、女),裙子(女)。請勿穿著黑色長褲,因為這不是學校制服。男生必須紮襯衫並繫黑皮帶。天冷時,所有學生必須穿制服的外套或毛衣。正式制服日必須穿黑色正式皮鞋,不能穿球鞋,休閒鞋…等非正式鞋款。

Combination Days 混搭日 Students must wear the TAIS-provided polo shirt, and/or hoody Tuesday ~ Thursday. On these days, TAIS students are to wear either the TAIS-approved (solid) polo shirt or hoodie with the student’s choice of (khaki, navy blue or black) pants, or the full dress uniform. Should the student decide to wear the full dress


uniform Monday through Thursday, it must be worn with proper respect, but the tie will not be required. When wearing the hoodie, students are required to wear a TAIS-approved polo shirt beneath it. Solid-colored shorts may be worn. Ladies may wear the uniform skirts that are in good condition and well kept. Shorts and skirts must reach no higher than 2 inches / 4 cm above the knee while standing properly. Jeans are not allowed except for Casual Friday, and they may not have holes or tears in them. TAIS holds the right to disallow any item of clothing if they are not appropriate for school wear. 星期二到星期四,學生必須穿著校方發給的Polo衫、制服襯衫或帽T。在混搭日期間,學生可選擇穿著校方發給的Polo衫或帽T,搭配長褲(卡其色藍色或黑色),或可選擇穿著正式制服。若學生在星期二到星期四之間穿著制服,穿著規定比照星期一正式制服日,但可選擇不打領帶。穿著帽T時,帽T內必須穿著符合TAIS標準之Polo衫。可穿著單色短褲,女生可選擇穿著維持良好品質之校裙。短褲和裙子的長度不超過膝蓋以上2吋/4公分(站立時)。除星期五便服日外,請勿穿著牛仔褲,且牛仔褲上不得有破損。校方有權利要求立即更換不合適之穿著。。 All clothing worn on the TAC campus must be appropriate. Students are not allowed to show large amounts of skin, have shirts with lettering or graphics that are offensive or non-Christian in subject. Shorts and pants must not be torn, or have graphics or lettering. TAIS holds the right to disallow clothing that is seen as not appropriate. 在校園內的穿著必須謹慎和適宜。禁止過於暴露。禁止襯衫上有褻瀆基督教的內容或圖樣。禁止穿有破洞和不雅文字或圖樣的服裝。TAIS有權利禁止任何不得體的穿著。 Clear earring studs are allowed to prevent re-sealing of those students who have previously chosen to receive ear piercings. No other earrings may be worn during school hours. Tasteful necklaces worn for religious purposes must be tucked beneath clothing at all times. If a student insists on wearing unapproved earrings, necklaces, or other jewelry, those items will be taken from that student and returned at the next home leave weekend. 對於來到TAIS之前已穿耳洞的學生,可使用透明耳針以防止耳洞閉合,其他形式的耳飾禁止在學校任何場合配戴。因宗教目的而配戴的項鍊需保持配戴於衣服內不外露。若學生堅持配戴未經許可之耳環、項鍊或其他首飾,則這些物品將從該生身上取下並暫時由TAIS保管,且於下一個返家周末歸還學生。 Sandals (flip-flops) are never permitted during school except in the dorms and during heavy rain while walking between the dorm and school. The proper shoes are to be carried in your backpack and worn during school. 拖鞋(夾腳拖)從不允許穿到學校來上課,只能在宿舍或下大雨時必須往返宿舍與學校時穿,合宜的鞋子仍須帶在書包裡並且在抵達學校教室後進行替換。 Enforcement will be as follows PLEASE refer to “BEHAVIOR” 相關規定之執行方式:請參照”操行”之相關規定。 CITIZENSHIP STANDARDS 操行標準 TAIS supports and maintains the ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist church in matters of morals, dress, and conduct. The standards for conduct are intended to improve the student’s standing in society, elevate their character, ennoble their minds, and increase their happiness. 在道德、服裝、品行上,TAIS支持和維護基督復臨安息日會的教育理念。品行標準的用意是改善學生的社會名望、提升品格、使思想高尚、過更快樂生活。 The following guidelines govern the entire curricular and extracurricular program of the school. These guidelines are simple and straightforward, but are not meant to be all-inclusive. It should be the student’s purpose to abide by the regulations of TAIS as a matter of honor and respect. 以下須知說明本校的課程與課外活動,這些指南既簡單又易懂,但非全部。學生應該秉持著榮譽和尊敬的態度來遵守。

● Respect is to be shown at all times to God as our Creator and Redeemer


尊重創造和救贖的上帝。 ● Respect is also to be shown and to teachers, staff, volunteers, and fellow students. 尊重老師、教職員、志工、同學。

● The laws of the Republic of China government are to be respected and obeyed. 尊重並遵守國家法律。

● Considerable emphasis is placed on intangibles such as attitude, spirit, cooperation, and positive contribution to the spiritual, social and academic atmosphere of TAIS. 重視精神層面的東西,例如態度、精神、合作,使校方的靈、智、體、群有正面提升。

● To develop a strong moral character, TAIS will not permit dishonesty, theft, foul language, or other misconduct at school or school related functions. 培養良好品格,不認同不誠實、偷竊、粗話、不良行為。

● Each student is to behave in a courteous and cooperative manner at all times. Any behavior that could result in physical harm to another will not be tolerated at TAIS. The standard of good conduct is expected at school and at all school-sponsored functions. 有禮貌,肯合作,在任何時候或活動不得傷害他人,保持良好行為。

● All students are expected to meet their scheduled appointments and should never be in an unsupervised area. (See the attendance policy in this handbook). 按時完成規定的事務,不逗留在無人監督的地方。

● All items that are brought to school should be in harmony with Christian values and standards. Inappropriate items such as, but not limited to, offensive printed materials are not allowed and will be confiscated. 隨身物品必須符合基督教的價值和標準。禁止不良刊物等。發現的話,將被沒收。

● The school is not responsible for personal possessions. Students are advised to keep their lockers locked and not bring valuable possessions to school or take them on school outings. 校方不負責看管私人物品。置物櫃請務必上鎖。並且請勿攜帶貴重物品到校或於校外活動時使用。

● Hand-held electronics (iPods/MPx players, etc.) are not permitted in the classroom and are limited in the dorms. If these items are visible or in use in the classroom they will be confiscated. Confiscated electronics may be picked up from the office after 5:00pm after the designated holding time. Repeat offenses may incur more serious penalties. 禁止使用手持式電動遊戲、收音機、iPod/MPx。若出現於教室中,將被沒收3天,並於3天後,下午2點以後方可從辦公室領回。再犯者,會有更嚴厲的處罰。

● When accidental damage to school property occurs and is reported immediately there will be no penalty other than restitution. Willful damage or destruction of school property will call for restitution and additional discipline. 意外破壞公物,須立刻通知校方,便可免罰,但必須賠償。若故意破壞公物,除賠償外,還須要接受懲處。

● Expression of romantic love and affection is a sacred, personal matter, and it is considered in poor taste if displayed publicly. There is a time and place for everything, and the public display of romantic affection between students on campus is considered out of place. 個人的情感表達是被尊重的。但是必須在合適的時間和地點,不應在公共場所作出親密的行為。

● Inappropriate sexual behavior or language will not be tolerated. TAIS禁止不當的兩性行為和言語。

● Possession of weapons, dangerous objects, or explosive devices is not permitted and will result in immediate homeschool and possible withdrawal transfer. 擁有武器、危險東西、爆裂物將遭立即處以短暫返家自學甚至輔導轉學之可能。

● The use, possession, or distribution of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, non-prescribed drugs, narcotics, and controlled dangerous substances by TAIS students is prohibited and is cause for immediate homeschool and possible withdrawal transfer. Suspected students will be asked to take a drug test. 禁止使用,擁有,或分享香煙、酒、毒品、違禁品。懲處是即刻短暫返家自學或輔導轉學。可疑的學生必須接受驗尿。


● Since TAIS is an American high school, it is expected that all students will endeavor to speak English while on campus or attending school activities. Students disregarding this policy may be subject to disciplinary measures. 既然TAIS使用美國高中教學系統,在校園或參加活動時,都隨時說英語。學生必須依照相關規定,才不致導致違規受罰。

● Students must realize the existence of additional classroom rules and will be held accountable for the individual rules as outlined by the teacher in addition to those outlined in this policy. 除了這些規則外,老師可能另外定其他屬於課堂上的或屬於個別學生的規則。


● You must have teacher approval to be in the hallway during class time. 除非有老師的許可,上課時間不得在走廊上逗留。

● Walk in the hallway. 不可在走廊跑步。

● Talk in a low tone of voice. Remember that other programs than TAIS have classes in Daniels Hall. Students need to be mindful of their class times. 輕聲細語。勿打擾其他在但以理樓上課學生的品質。學生需要留意上課時間。

● Eating and drinking (other than water) without permission are not permitted in the school buildings. 勿在建築內飲食。

● Keep your belongings off the floor and in your lockers. Items left on the floor or on top of lockers at the end of the day may be removed and thrown away. Please do not leave your belongings on the school benches. 請將私人物品放置於個人置物櫃,不可以放在地上和椅子上。放在地上或置物櫃上的物品,將於放學後被收走或丟掉。

● Items left behind in classrooms or hallways will be turning into Lost and Found. Students will then be required to pay fees in order to retrieve these items. 任何放置教室內或走廊上的個人書籍或物品,將被移交給TAIS失物管理辦公室,一但被移交辦公室後,則學生必須付罰金才得以將物品取回。

MOBILE PHONE USAGE 手機使用 Use of mobile phones (smart phones or otherwise), or smart devices (Apple Watch, etc), is not permitted during school hours; if a teacher or staff sees or hears these devices being used without specific approval, they will confiscate that device, and turn it over to administration or the dormitory dean. Smart devices and cellphone usage is also not permitted when walking. 上課期間禁止使用手機(智慧型或一般的手機皆算),或其他智慧型裝置(智慧型手錶等)。若老師或職員在學校建築內,發現學生在沒有事先取得許可之情況下使用裝置或聽到裝置聲響,則有權利將裝置沒收,並交由學校行政人員或舍監保管。在校園行走時也不允許使用智慧型裝置和手機,以避免危險。 Violations will be dealt with as follows 違反規定者相關規定如下:

● First Offense: Loss of phone for seven (7) school days. Infraction issued. 初犯者:沒收7天(上課天)不能使用手機,並且發給違規單。

● Second Offense: Loss of phone for fourteen (14) school days. Infraction issued. 第二次再犯者:沒收14天(上課天)不能使用手機,並且發給違規單。

● Third Offense: Loss of phone for twenty-one (21) school days. Infraction issued. Letter sent home to parents. 第三次再犯者:沒收21天(上課天)不能使用手機,並且發給違規單及同時發信函通知家長。

● Fourth Offense: Permanent loss of phone privileges for the remainder of the semester. The dorm dean will keep the phone and allow monitored calls to parents in the evenings. The issue will be brought up to administration for further disciplinary action. 第四次再犯者:在校期間皆不能使用手機,舍監將保管該生手機,該生如有需要使用手機聯絡家長時,必須在舍監或行政同工面前使用,同時,第四次再犯者將提交學校行政會討論相關處罰細節。


Note: Should a student bring a second phone and not declare it or turn it in as required, both it and the primary phone will be confiscated. The unregistered phone is to be returned to the parents immediately and the registered phone will remain in the dean's office for the remainder of the semester. The student may use this cell phone during the specific cellphone times, though they may not keep it. 注意:若學生擁有第二支手機且沒有告知或繳交者,則兩支手機都將被沒收。未向舍監登記使用之手機將立即歸還給家長,原先使用之手機則將會保留在舍監辦公室至學期結束。學生雖然失去擁有手機之權利,但仍可在特定之時間內使用手機。 All devices with SIM card/E-SIM compatibility are to be turned in to the deans every evening. Should students be caught violating this policy this device will be confiscated and will also remain in the dean’s office for the remainder of the semester, available for use only during the specific times indicated by the dean. 每晚就寢前,所有具有SIM卡/E-SIM等電子設備都必須繳交給舍監。若學生違反此規定,則該設備將被沒收至學期結束,且只有在特定之時間並得到舍監許可下使用。

INTERNET USAGE 網路使用 TAIS provides its students with access to computer labs linked to the internet Additionally, all school buildings have secure internet connections. These connections to the internet are designed as a learning tool by which teachers and students can access global educational resources to supplement the library and their in-class learning. 本校提供學生網路,協助老師與學生在課堂上以及在圖書館裏作教學輔助。 It is the policy of TAIS that all technology used to access the Internet is to be used in a responsible, legal and ethical manner. Failure to do so will result in the termination of the network and email privileges of the user. 網路使用者必須盡責、守法、遵守道德倫理。違規者禁止上網及收發電子郵件。 Individual users -student and adult- are responsible for their use of the network. The Internet and the technology used to access and utilize its resources are for educational use only. 使用者(學生和成人)須為網路的使用負責任。網路只供課業上的學習。 A responsible network user will 一個負責任的網路使用者,應該:

● Use language that is considered appropriate. 使用合宜的語言。 ● Be polite. 有禮貌。 ● Send information that other users will not find offensive. 訊息不涉及冒犯他人。 ● Conform with copyright laws and always give credit to the author of the material used. 注意版權和註明應用資料的來源。

● Refrain from tampering with the system or altering, deleting or destroying anyone’s files or data. 避免竄改系統,修改、刪除、及破壞他人的檔案。

● Not use the system for any illegal or commercial activity. 非法使用系統和從事商業行為。 A responsible network user must understand 網路使用須知:

● Use of the network and email is a PRIVILEGE and not a RIGHT. 網路和電子郵件的使用是特殊福利不是權利。

● The TAIS network is to be used only for educational purposes. 僅供上課使用。

● Any material downloaded on a terminal is not guaranteed to be private. 下載到電腦端之資料不作私人用途為主。

● It is important to log off the computer at the end of each session so another user cannot use your password or account information. 用完電腦須登出,以避免下一位同學使用上一位使用者之帳號和密碼。

● Identifying photos of students with their first or last names may not be posted on a website or distributed over the internet by any student. 勿將相片姓名張貼於網頁或網路上。


● Violation of this policy will result in possible loss of internet privileges and/or disciplinary action. 違反使用規則者,將失去網路使用的特殊福利並或接受校方處罰。

● Persons issued an account are responsible for its use at all times. 任何時候要善用個人帳號。

● Never reveal personal information about any user, such as passwords, address, telephone number, credit card numbers, national identity number, etc. 不洩露他人資料。例如地址、電話、卡號、身份證等。

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY 學術欺詐行為 Academic dishonesty can take many forms, including, but not limited to, copying assignments, conferring with other students, stealing assessment answers, taking answers into an assessment, plagiarism, and other forms of falsification. Academic dishonesty will result in a range of consequences from loss of credit for the specific assignment to withdraw failing grade in the class. Students are encouraged to work together when studying or working on projects, but must be careful in actually copying each other’s work. The student that allows another student to copy their answers are just as liable as the student that does the copying. Both are subject to discipline. 學業上的不誠實行為包括但不限於抄同學功課、商議功課、剽竊作業答案、攜帶作業小抄、抄襲等其他形式。學業上不誠實可能導致下列後果如:包括喪失該作業的學分或喪失該課的成績。學生可以互相討論功課,但是要小心,不可以直接抄襲。把功課借給別人去抄襲的學生,也會受同樣的處罰。 SEARCH AND SEIZURE POLICY 違禁品搜查及沒收規程 TAIS administration and faculty are authorized to conduct search and seizure proceedings. Dormitory rooms, school lockers, student book bags, and personal belongings are subject to these procedures. If necessary, school security personnel and/or local law enforcement might be called to provide assistance to school administration. 行政人員和教職員有權利進行搜查和沒收。其範圍包括宿舍、置物櫃、個人書包、私人物品。必要的話,校園警衛或警察可協助校方處理。 DUE PROCESS 合法申訴程序 When an alleged offense occurs, the procedure below will be followed 處理過失的程序:

1. The student will be informed of the conduct involved and the nature of the charge and will be given the opportunity to present his/her view of the occurrence. 校方通知學生違規的行為及處置。學生可以作說明。

2. If discipline is to follow, the student will be informed of the immediate action, reasons for its administration, and subsequent procedures to be followed. 接受處置時,校方會讓學生知道遭處置的原因和處置的方式。

3. When a student is homeschooled or when stronger discipline is contemplated, the student’s parents will be notified as soon as possible. 當有遭短暫返家自學或更嚴重的違法行為經確認後,校方會在第一時間通知家長。

4. Parents are allowed to register an appeal through TAIS Administration. 家長可以向本校行政會提出申訴。


TAIS places a high priority on students assuming responsibility for their behavior. In an effort to teach and train, discipline will be administered when necessary. You are responsible for the choices you make, and part of the staff’s commitment is to hold the student accountable. Consequences for misbehavior depend on the seriousness of the offense, the conditions under which it occurred, and the record of past behavior. If an irresponsible choice is made, you may face one or more of the following consequences TAIS認為所有學生必須將自己在校的行為,列為自我管理之優先考量責任。在幫助學生行為規範形成與訓練的過程中,有必要時TAIS必須執行一些相關規定。學生們必須對自己下的任何決定負責,然而確保學生們是


否有承擔自己的責任,也是TAIS所有老師的任務。學生犯錯當下的嚴重性、錯誤發生時的各種情況,以及學生過去的行為,都是學校處罰輕重的考量。一個錯誤的決定可能帶來一個到多個下面所列出的後果。 Infraction Slip (each lowers the citizenship grade by違規單(每張違規單將導致品行成績降低) Level 1 Behavior Infractions: 第一級行為違規: Tardy, Unprepared for Class, Missed Teacher Meeting, Missing Homework, Dress Code Violation, Hallway Misbehavior, Swearing, Misuse of Elevator, Disruptive Class Behavior, Electronic Device Violation, Going to Location that is Off Limits for that Student etc. This list is not limited to these terms. 遲到、上課前沒有預備欲上課之課程、未準時赴約、未寫功課、服裝不符規定、走廊上行為表現不得體、罵髒話、濫用電梯、在教室具破壞性的行為、不當使用電子產品、去了不該去的場所等。備註:以上只是舉例說明一些違規行為;凡類似程度的違規行為,都將會被歸於此類。

Consequences 違規後果可能如下:

Actions taken 校方所採取之行動如下:

Teacher Redirection 老師從新協助引導

Teacher redirects students to desired behavior 老師們重新協助引導學生到應該有的正確行為。

Infraction 違規報告

Teacher issues a formal written warning; shared with parents, tracked in discipline database 老師給予正式書面的警告,並分享給家長一樣的訊息,另記錄在學生紀律的資料庫中,以便隨時追蹤。

Detention 愛校服務或留校自修

3 accumulated infractions is a detention; Level 2 Behavior Infraction (depends on severity) 凡累積三個「違規」時,將產生「愛校服務或留校自修」時間;並且依照違規的嚴重性來看,是否要列入第二級的行為違規。

Referral to Administration 提交行政主管處理

3 detentions in a semester requires a meeting with administration; possible Level 2 consequences 一個學期中若累積三個「愛校服務或留校自修」者,將被提交行政主管處理,也可能被列入第二級違規後果中處理。

Level 2 Behavior Infractions:第二級行為違規 Begin with a referral to administration and a parent contact and includes restitution when appropriate. The table below is provided to indicate the usual degree of consequences for specific infractions. Consequences may vary depending on the circumstances of the infraction. 到了這個階段表示,事件當事人必須被提交行政主管處理、通知家長以及賠償或歸還遭到破壞的事物。以下表格提供一個不同違規程度的指標,學生得到的後果與處罰,則將視其違規狀況之嚴重性來定。 Level 2 Behavior Infractions Behavior that is harmful to self, others, and property. 第二級之行為違規:此類的違規是指已經危及到自己、他人,以及他人財產之權益。 Examples: Repeated Level 1 Infractions, Harassment (verbal, physical, sexual), bullying, abuse of school property, fighting, skipping school/class, defamatory notes/messages, defiance, stealing, possession of contraband, academic integrity, etc. List not limited to these terms. 舉例:重複犯第一級所列情況、騷擾他人(言語上、身體上及性方面等)、霸凌、濫用學校物品、打架、翹課或無故離校、使用毀謗性字眼或訊息、挑釁、偷竊、持有禁品以及學術誠信問題。相關列表如下: (備註:列表只是舉例說明一些違規行為;凡類似程度的違規行為,都將會被歸於此類。)

Behavior Infractions: 違規情況如下:

Actions taken 校方所採取之行動如下:

Academic Integrity Violation 學術誠信之違規

Half day in-school detention or in-school detention 半天或全天愛校服務或留校自修


Vandalism 破壞公物 1-5 after school work detentions 1-5次課後愛校服務

Bullying 霸凌 In-school detention or homeschool全天或短暫返家自學

Defamatory notes/messages 使用毀謗性字眼或訊息

In-school detention or homeschool 全天愛校服務或留校自修,或短暫返家自學

Defiance 挑釁 1-3 after school work detentions 1-3次課後愛校服務

Fighting/Threat 打架或威脅他人

1-5 after school work detentions or possible homeschool 1-5次課後愛校服或短暫返家自學

Harassment (verbal, physical, sexual) 騷擾他人 (言語上、身體上及性方面等)

1-5 after school work detentions or possible homeschool 1-5次課後愛校服務或短暫返家自學

Skipping school/class 翹課或無故離校

1-3 after school work detentions 1-3次課後愛校服務

Stealing 偷竊

Reparations賠償+ 1-5 after school work detentions 1-5次課後愛校服務

Possession of contraband 持有禁品

1-5 work detentions, with possible ½ day to a week homeschool 1-5次課後愛校服務、也可能同時必須做半天到一星期的短暫返家自學

Being placed on Social 社交限制觀察期

The terms of the Social + 1-5 after school work detentions. 進入社交限制觀察期以及1-5次課後愛校服務

After school work detention 課後愛校服務 Depending on the infraction, a student will serve in a variety of student acceptable tasks, supervised by the Dean of Student Affairs. Once a student has been assigned a work detention that is appropriate for the infraction they received, they first must make a schedule of serving those hours with the Dean of Student Affairs. These detention hours will never compete with curriculum hours. 根據不同的違規行為,在學生事務負責人的監督輔導下,違規學生會被要求完成一些學生可以勝任的任務及工作。當學生因違規行為接收到愛校服務的安排時,必須先與學生事務負責人制定服務時間表。愛校服務的時間不與課程時間相衝突。 Detention List 愛校服務或留校自修 This is something that may be assigned to the student for a minor discipline issue, or in addition to other actions taken. The work detention may be performed in the dormitory, cafeteria, grounds, or other campus areas as assigned by the Dean or the Student Affairs Committee. Once placed on the detention list, a student must fulfill the requirements before they return to regular status. While on the detention list, students are not allowed access to their cell phones, clubs, after school activities, or campus leaves. 跟一些後果處罰來比,被要求執行「愛校服務」或「留校自修」的學生表示其違規程度相對比較輕;課後愛校服務地點包括:宿舍、餐廳、庭院或校園其他地區,端看舍監或學生事務委員會的指派。學生一但被要求執行「愛校服務」或「留校自修」者,必須完成所有其被要求的工作,才能回到其一般正軌上課生活。凡是在這個名單的學生,期間不能使用手機、不能參加社團或課後學校活動,也不能任意離校。 Conference 會議 Invitation to meet with the Student Affairs Committee or a parent conference. 跟學生事務委員會見面,或者家長會。 Loss of Privileges 失去特定權益 Students with citizenship grades lower than a C will be subject to loss of privileges, eligibility for extracurricular activities, and student offices.


品行成績在C以下的學生將會尚失特定權益,例如參加課外活動跟學生會等。 Campus Bound 只在校園內活動 When you are placed on a campus bound restriction; you are not to leave campus without the Dean or Administrator giving special permission. Students who abuse the privilege of leaving campus will be campus bound, and will not be allowed to leave campus for a specific period of time. 被學校限制離開校園的學生,表示該生必須得到行政人員或舍監的同意才能離開校園。任何學生濫用其可離校時間的權益,將不被允許在特定時間任意離開校園。 Dorm Bound 只在宿舍內活動 When you are placed on a dorm bound restriction, you are to leave the dorm for classes and work only. During recreation time, meal times, and all other free time, the student is to be in the dorm and must get permission from the dean to leave the dorm for any reason. Meals will be brought to you. 被學校要求只能留在宿舍的學生,表示該生只能去上課或課後工作,在其他非課程時間裡,該生除非得到舍監的同意離開宿舍,否則必須留在宿舍裡,至於餐點部分,則會有人協助送上。 Room Bound只在自己房間內活動 If you are placed on room bound restriction; you are allowed to attend work and classes only. During recreation time, mealtime and all other free time, you are to be in your room. You are not allowed to have visitors, use the phone. Your meals will be brought to you. The only time you may leave your room is with the Dean’s permission. This policy will not extend beyond two class periods worth of time. 被學校要求只能留在宿舍房間的學生,表示該生只能去上課或課後工作,在其他非課程時間裡,必須留在宿舍房間裡,並且不能有訪客、不能使用手機電話。至於餐點部分,則會有人協助送餐。且必須得到舍監的同意才得以離開宿舍。此規定之安排將不超過兩節課程的時間。 On-Campus Independent Study 在指定地區獨立自修 If you are placed on campus independent study restriction you will communicate with the teacher and “attend” classes via the internet; during recreation time, mealtime and all other free time, you are to be in the room you are asked to be. You do not have the freedom to go to class buildings or work. You are completely room bound. This policy will not extend beyond two class periods worth of time. 被要求在指定地區獨立自修學生,必須留在指定地方且透過網路"出席"課堂、與老師溝通;運動時間、用餐時間和其他自由時間必須留在指定地方。學生不能去上課或做課後工作,只能在特定特定地方自修,至於餐點部分,則會有人協助送餐。該政策之執行不超過兩節上課時間為限。 Homeschool短暫返家自學 The student is asked to leave campus with their parent/guardian for an agreed upon designated period of time. Teachers will relay applicable work to the student via the internet. Other stipulations may apply as outlined by Student Affairs Committee. 在取得家長/監護人同意下,學生在家長或監護人的陪同下暫時返家自學一段時間。期間老師將透過網路傳送學生須完成的功課外,其他相關規定將依循學生事務委員會之要求辦理。 Withdrawal輔導轉學他校 TAIS will inform parents of behavioral situations as they occur and hopes to maintain an environment under which the student may thrive. However, under certain repeated behavior or major disciplinary circumstances (i.e., hazing, drug or alcohol use, theft, having a person of the opposite sex in your room, etc.) a student may be asked to withdraw after continued communication with the parents regarding these events. 當學生有行為上的狀況時TAIS將會通知家長,並希望能夠維持一個讓學生能持續成長發展的環境。然而,當某些反覆的行為狀況或重大違規之情結下(如欺凌同學、吸毒或酗酒、偷竊、進入異性宿舍房間等),在與家長就相關事件溝通後,可能會要求學生輔導轉學。


The TAIS administration and administrative staff will work with associate schools to present possible alternative locations for the student to finish their education as, because of these behaviors, it has become clear they are not thriving in the TAIS environment. Should the parents and student agree to one of these proposed locations, TAIS will then work with the associate school to ensure a speedy and efficient transfer for the student. Students and parents may appeal to remain at TAIS as outlined in the 「APPEALS PROCESS」of this student handbook. TAIS行政人員將與相關的學校合作,為學生提供可能持續完成學業的替代地點,因由於學生的這些行為,很顯然地在TAIS的環境下學生得到的幫助和成長不大。若家長和學生同意所提出的建議,TAIS將與相關學校合作,以確保為學生提供快速有效的轉學手續。同樣地,若學生和家長認為懲處有不公,可根據本手冊之「申述管道」辦法來上訴。 Fines 罰款 When school property is damaged or broken by a student, the student will be assessed the actual cost of the repair plus the fine. It may be necessary, due to time and available manpower, to use the services of a commercial business to make the needed repairs. A listing of the fines assessed for the following infractions may be obtained in the school’s office. This list is not limited to these terms. 當學生損壞學校財產時,除了必須付維修費用外,還得付罰款,原因是校方必須耗費人力,尋找能勝任該項產品之維修人員到場維修。以下列出會造成額外罰款的違規行為。備註:以下只是舉例說明一些違規行為;不過,其他類似程度的違規行為,都將會被歸於此類。:

● Painting graffiti or the school year on school property.在學校財產上塗鴉破壞 ● Exiting by unauthorized means.擅自進出學校或宿舍空間等 ● Open flames.意圖放火 ● Removal or damage of window screens.破壞或任意移動紗窗 ● Destruction or defacing of school property. 破壞或污損學校財產。 ● Breaking and entering.破壞進入校園內不應進入之場所 ● Tampering with electrical network or phone wiring.竄改電子網絡或電話線路 ● Possession of an unauthorized key.持有不應有的任何鑰匙 ● Possession or use of firecrackers.持有或燃放煙火 ● Unauthorized use of fire escape.擅自使用逃生梯 ● Sounding a false fire alarm.發出錯誤煙火警鈴 ● Fire extinguisher misuse.濫用滅火器

When fines are assessed, they must be paid by the end of the semester. Refusal to pay a fine will jeopardize a student’s enrollment. 一旦罰款認定後,違規學生必須在學期結束前付清款項,否則將影響其入學資格。

Student Relationships 學生交友須知 Romantic Relationships 戀愛交往 TAIS realizes that during the teenage years, many students will look to make girlfriend or boyfriend relationships, often amongst their classmates. We believe that appropriate friendships with the opposite gender are best developed in groups. Junior high and high school students are not physically, mentally, or emotionally developed to make appropriate decisions within a romantic relationship. Students at TAIS are advised to forego relationships that will often alienate them from their friends and distract them from the educational and future goals required to be successful at TAIS. If students choose to ignore this advice, the following procedures will be followed. TAIS明白正於青春期的男女會追求所謂男女朋友之戀愛關係,我們相信合適的異性友誼關係是以良好的團體互動為基礎。國中及高中生由於在身體、心智或情感上尚未發展成熟,因此往往無法在戀愛交往中做出正確適當的決定。於TAIS就學的學生是不被建議發展任何戀愛交往關係,由於這樣的關係不僅會導致戀愛交往中的男女與各自原本的朋友疏遠之外,甚至在學習及目標上會造成影響。若學生選擇忽視此建議則以下程序將會展開。


Appropriateness, Openness, & Parental Approval 得體、公開及家長同意

● It is not appropriate for students in the junior high to develop romantic relationships. These relationships will be disallowed. 國中生任何戀愛交往被視為不適當的,此關係是不被允許的。

● Any student romantic relationship must be public, concealing a romantic relationship will be grounds for discipline. 任何戀愛交往必須公開,不公開或隱瞞的戀愛交往將受到處分。

● If any romantic relationship develops, both parents will be informed of such a relationship. If either sets of parents do not approve of such a relationship, that relationship will be disallowed. 任何戀愛交往,男女雙方家長將被告知;若有一方家長不同意,此關係將不被允許。

● If both parents accept the relationship, TAIS highly encourages parents to arrange personal transportation for these students to avoid unnecessary exposure to excessive time alone without supervision. 若家長接受孩子的戀愛關係,TAIS強烈建議家長為孩子安排個人的交通,以避免孩子可能過多與異性獨處的時間和機會。

Relationship Behavior Discretion 戀愛交往之行為標準與規範

● Any student in a romantic relationship must adhere to the TAIS “Public Display of Affection” policy. Parents are requested to assist the school in supporting this policy with their children. 任何在戀愛交往中之學生,彼此間的互動行為必須遵照並符合TAIS「公共場合親密行為」之規範。TAIS也請求家長協助並支持此標準規範。

● Students in romantic relationships must refrain from placing themselves in situations that might pressure the couple into making inappropriate decisions/actions. Student couples must not associate together by themselves. Also, it is not appropriate to sit together on long bus rides. TAIS encourages parents to pick up/drop off their students personally should they be accepting of a romantic relationship. 任何在戀愛交往中的學生,必須致力避免讓彼此處於可能促使男女雙方做出錯誤決定/行為之狀況或環境當中。戀愛交往中的學生除不允許與對方獨處之外,在校車巴士上坐一起也被視為不適當的。因此TAIS建議家長親自接送在戀愛關係中孩子,以避免其他問題或狀況的產生。

Keeping Priorities 優先順序

● Students do not attend TAIS to focus on romantic relationships. If a couple allows their relationship to interfere with the academic, spiritual, physical, and social goals, the romantic relationship will be disallowed. 學生來到TAIS的首要目的絕對不是追求戀愛交往關係。若發現學生因為戀愛交往的關係而影響/干擾彼此在學業、精神、身體及社交上的表現,此關係將不被允許。

What actions would cause TAIS to disallow a romantic relationship? 什麼行為會導致戀愛交往不被允許?

● Grades, attendance, or focus on future goals are negatively impacted due to the relationship. 因為戀愛交往導致學業成績、出缺席及一般表現受到嚴重的負面影響。

● TAIS faculty and staff are treated disrespectfully when they attempt to assist the students involved in the relationship to maintain appropriate behavior. 若TAIS任一老師或職員為要引導/糾正戀愛交往中學生之行為表現而受到學生不尊重對待時。

● Performance in any TAIS program or initiative is negatively impacted due to this relationship. 因為戀愛交往導致在TAIS的活動中表現不良或不積極參與。

PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PDA) 公共場合親密行為 Social interaction requires students to be discreet and display Christian restraint and propriety in their public expression of affection. Relationships at school or school-related functions shall not include excessive or inappropriate displays of affection or other physical interaction. Such interaction would include, among other things, holding hands, kissing, excessive hugging, full body hugs, sitting or laying on laps, back rubs,


picking up students of the opposite sex, piggy-back rides, lying against each other on a bench, on the ground, or on the floor, etc. If the display is not overt, a faculty member will simply give a gentle reminder. Any student observed or engaged in overt behavior for the first time will receive a verbal warning. Any student observed or engaged the second time in this behavior will receive infractions and also be placed on Social Restriction. Any student observed or engaged the third time in this behavior will be placed on Social Restriction and will be subject to further discipline. 公開場合之社交上的互動要求學生以慎重、自制的態度,並在公開表達彼此的欣賞和情感時,應符合基督教禮儀之標準。就讀期間或TAIS相關活動中,學生不應表現過多情感上的表現或不適當的親密行為、肢體接觸等,包含(但不限於)牽手、親吻、擁抱、緊抱、坐或躺大腿、背部按摩、揹負異性、在椅子上、草地上以及地上彼此依偎等。若發現學生違反肢體接觸之規定,程度較輕者,老師或教職員會先給予提醒;若發現學生違反肢體接觸之規定,且表現明顯或清楚違規者,第一次將給予口頭警告;若發現學生第二次違反肢體接觸之規定者,除違規記點外,將被列入「社交限制觀察期」;若發現學生第三次違反肢體接觸之規定者,除被列入「社交限制觀察期」,同時也受到其他處份。 TAIS has an appropriate social conduct policy. This includes refraining from prolonged hugging, kissing, or inappropriate touching or being alone together without supervision. However, an appropriate hug (A-frame or side-hug style) to cheer up a discouraged person or when parting for a longer length of time is not forbidden. Hugging with bodies pressed together is not appropriate. Students who display inappropriate social conduct may be placed on Social Restriction by any TAIS faculty. The time of Social Restriction begins immediately and remains until the following conditions are met. TAIS制定適合的社交行為規範,來避免同學間擁抱、親吻、不適當的肢體接觸,或在沒有老師、教職員陪同下獨處之情況等。然而在某些狀況下合適的擁抱是不被禁止的,如離別前或鼓勵打氣之擁抱。緊抱是不適當的。若發現學生有任何違反社交行為、肢體接觸之規範,TAIS任一老師、教職員有權立即將該學生列入「社交限制觀察期」,請見以下說明。

● Students meet with the School Counselor who documents to the Student Affairs Committee that the meeting has occurred. 學生們將與輔導老師面談,輔導老師進而將面談內容呈報給學生事務委員會,委員則開會進行討論。

● The length and terms of the “social” will be decided by the Student Affairs Committee 學生事務委員會將決定其「社交限制觀察期」之期限長度

● The school will inform each student’s parents that the situation has occurred and that they are being placed on Social Restriction. 校方將通知雙方家長有關違反事件與學生進入「社交限制觀察期」一事

● Cell phones are given to the Deans and will remain in the school’s possession until the conclusion of the social term. Phone calls may be made and/or received from home from the Dean’s/school’s office. 學生手機將放置舍監辦公室保管至「社交限制觀察期」結束,若學生有需要連繫家長,可使用辦公室或舍監辦公室電話。

● If the social goes over a weekend off or a vacation, the phones will be returned until the students return. 若「社交限制觀察期」跨越回家週末,手機將歸還給學生,返校時須再交還至舍監辦公室。


● Enriching lives and learning through collaborative work 透過團隊良性的互動提升生活和學習。

● Developing an atmosphere in which individual and cooperative endeavors are acknowledged and valued. 重視個人的努力和團隊的合作。

● Recognizing and respecting individual differences and valuing opinions of others. 了解並尊重個體間的差異且重視他人意見。


● Providing a safe and supportive environment in which students develop positive self-esteem, pride in themselves, integrity and self-discipline. 提供一個安全和提供協助的環境,使學生得以發展正面的自尊心、自我認同、正直和自律。

● Providing opportunities for students to demonstrate compassion for and understanding of others in the school and wider community. 提供學生表現出對學校以及社區其他人同情和理解的機會。

● Developing a positive, harmonious and rewarding learning environment which challenges and extends our students and the wider community. 建立正面、和諧、有益的學習環境來挑戰、擴展學生和社區。

STATEMENT OF INTENT 學校意向聲明 At TAIS we recognize that bullying can thrive in the closed world of children and therefore all schools need to create an atmosphere of openness and reporting. We also recognize the role of parents and the community in influencing how we deal with bullying in the community. 內向的學生容易遭受霸凌,因此學校必須建立學生願意舉發的機制,家長和社會的角色也同時影響校方如何處理霸凌。 The stress created within the targets of bullying will have far reaching effects on their personal and social development as well as a considerable impact on their educational achievements and the educational achievements of their peers. 遭受霸凌將影響到學生個人和社交的發展,也多少會影響到他們和同儕的學業。 Total elimination of bullying will be a difficult, if not impossible, task. It is, however, the duty of all staff, students, and parents to pursue this ideal with determination and vigor. Students are entitled to enjoy their educational experience without fear of harassment from any sector of the school community. 完全消除霸凌是不容易的,因此教職員、學生、家長有責任共同努力決心防制霸凌,而學生有權利在校園內且不受騷擾之下受教育。 The aim of this policy is to empower the whole school community to recognize and respond appropriately to bullying and harassment and to contribute to the general health and well-being of all students. 這政策的目的是讓校方適當的處理霸凌和騷擾,讓學生享有健康和安寧。 DEFINITION OF BULLYING 校園霸凌定義 Bullying is not the same thing as a disagreement between two people. Bullying is the misuse of power, position or privilege. It is done to intimidate, coerce, create fear, control, embarrass, exclude, or cause pain or discomfort.霸凌不同於兩人意見不合。 霸凌是濫用權力、地位、權利,其目的是威嚇、強迫、製造害怕、控制、羞辱、排擠、或造成傷害、或使感覺不舒服。

● Physical bullying: being hit, tripped, kicked, punched etc. 肢體霸凌:攻擊、絆倒、踢、拳打等。 ● Verbal bullying: being called names, teased, put down etc. 言語霸凌:辱駡、取笑、羞辱等。 ● Psychological bullying: being threatened, stalked, gestures etc. 精神霸凌:威脅、盯(圖謀不軌)、惡意姿勢等。

● Social bullying: being ignored, having rumors spread about you, excluding someone etc. 社交霸凌:忽視、謠言、排擠等。

● Sexual bullying: unwanted touching or brushing against someone, picking on someone because of their sexual orientation etc. 性霸凌:不舒服的觸摸或輕輕相碰、指責某人的性傾向等。

● Cyber-bullying: insulting someone online including via chat rooms, sending cruel or threatening emails/text/posts. 網路霸凌:聊天室侮辱人、電子郵件寄/簡訊/部落格或臉書貼文傳惡言。

● Messaging; using the web, chat rooms or mobile phones to spread rumors –true or not - or other information about someone etc. 訊息霸凌:網絡、聊天室、手機傳謠言和其他訊息等等。


● Bullying interferes with learning and will not be tolerated at TAIS. It is not an acceptable part of growing up. 霸凌會阻礙學習,它不允許出現在成長過程中,校方不贊成任何形式的霸凌。


● Every student has the right to enjoy learning and leisure free from intimidation. 每一個學生有權利在學習和自由時間中免受威脅。

● Students should support each other by reporting all instances of bullying. Saying nothing implicates a bystander as condoning or being complicit in the bullying. 學生要互相支持舉發霸凌,旁觀者若是不作舉發,就意味著包庇或是共謀。

● Bullying is too important not to report. 霸凌的嚴重性是非舉發不可的。 ● Reports of bullying will be taken seriously and appropriate action will be taken. 舉發會受到重視,並且會有適當的處理。


● To provide a safe, secure learning environment for all. 提供安全學習環境。 ● To create a supportive environment and break the code of unhealthy secrecy. 給予幫助,並且鼓勵揭發。

● To ensure that the needs of both targets and bullies are addressed. 確保被害者和加害者的需要都被關心到。

● To impart information, skills, and strategies to students, staff and parents. 把反霸凌之資訊、技巧、策略告訴學生、教職員、家長。


● Students can report bullying to any member of staff or to a peer support leader. 學生可以向任何教職員或學生領袖舉發。

● Pupils seeing others being bullied should be encouraged to report it. 學生要有勇氣舉發霸凌。 ● When bullying is reported, the classroom teacher will deal with it immediately. Further appropriate

action and follow up will then take place on that day or the next school day. Teachers should reassure the target student, allowing for some consultation and keeping them informed of the processes by which the bully will be dealt with. 一旦舉發,老師會立刻處理,當天或隔天會進一步地追蹤,並且作適當的處理。老師會向受害的學生保證、給予諮詢和告知處理加害者的過程和進度。

Bullying: Discipline處理霸凌的準則 Every incident of bullying is unique. Bullying varies in its severity and consequent impact on those involved. Staff should follow the existing school discipline procedures when dealing with bullying. 霸凌事件百百種,不同的地方是它的嚴重性和對加害者和受害者帶來的後果和衝擊。教職員處理霸凌時,必須遵照校方的準則。 All incidents of bullying need to be documented using the student incident form and given to the dean of students. 霸凌事件必須以文件作證明,填寫學生事件表格後,交給學務長:

● Within the school, it is made clear that bullying will not be tolerated. 校園內不容許霸凌。

● Sanctions used take into account the severity and frequency of the bullying. 霸凌的處罰要視嚴重性和次數而定。

● Bullying behavior is confronted clearly and pursued beyond the mere application of sanctions. 要明確地處理霸凌事件,並且不只是光處理而已。

● Students who persist in bullying, despite counseling and support, may receive homeschool and ultimately be asked to withdraw and transfer from school. 履勸不聽的學生,將遭停學甚至退學之懲處。

ROLE OF PARENTS 家長所扮演的角色 If you believe your child is involved in bullying, either as a target or as an aggressor, it is appropriate to communicate this information to the school by contacting the TAIS office as soon as possible. 如果孩子是霸凌的加害者或受害者,請立即通知本校辦公室。


Advice for Parents 給家長的建議 ● If you suspect that your child is involved in bullying at school, either as a target or as an aggressor;

encourage them to talk to you about it. 如果懷疑孩子是霸凌的加害者或受害者,鼓勵他講出來。 ● Never dismiss the matter by saying it is the child’s responsibility to deal with it, either by standing up

to the bully or ignoring it. 不可認為孩子要自行去解決,支持霸凌或無視它的發生。 ● Don’t be too over-protective either. Your child should be encouraged to come to school after the

school is made aware of the situation. 不可過度保護。事發後,鼓勵孩子繼續上學。 ● Listen carefully and sympathetically. Try to get the relevant facts without interrogation. 用同理心和仔細聆聽。收集相關資料但是不審問。

● Encourage your child to tell someone at school about it. 鼓勵孩子告訴學校其他的人。 ● Describe accurately what has been happening to your child to your contact at the school. 確實告訴校方發生在孩子身上的事。

● Be prepared to work with the school to resolve the issues. 和校方一起解決問

SCHOOL SERVICES 學校服務 ACCIDENT INSURANCE 學生平安險 A student accident insurance policy is carried by the school on each student and is included in the insurance fee. The school will fill out the appropriate information on the insurance form. Parents are responsible to see that the form is completed by the appropriate personnel and filed with both school and personal insurance companies. A copy of the policy is available in the school office. 由校方代表學生填表投保意外平安險。保費經由學校通知學費繳費時由學生方給付。其保單則由校方和保險公司各留一份存檔。 COUNSELING SERVICES 輔導諮商 It is the mission of the TAIS Counseling Department to care for the emotional, social, academic, and spiritual well-being of TAIS students while preparing them for college application, entrance and success. TAIS的輔導室任務包括指導學生的情感、社交、學業,以及心靈健康。以預備他們將來成功地就讀大學。

● Students at TAIS have daily access to a school counselor who can provide limited personal counseling. 只要事先約定,TAIS的學生皆能每天跟輔導室人員談話。

● Additionally, academic advice and career counseling are offered from our counseling department. 此外,TAIS也提供學術領域和職涯規劃上的輔導諮詢。

● Students may be referred out for more involved testing of academic achievement, learning differences, ADD, or assessment for mental health conditions, medication, and any other psychological or academic needs that the TAIS counselors are unable to provide. 學生若有必要做一些深入測驗,例如學業成就、另類學習、注意力缺失、身心健康問題時,若TAIS無法提供相關測試時,則必須由校外之專家協助進行。

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES 親師座談會 Regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences will be held once a semester. Parents of students receiving a D or F in a class are required to meet with the teacher(s) involved and the Principal. The office will arrange these appointments in advance. These conferences are crucial for teachers to share any news about student progress and work in class. It is also most helpful for parents to share their perspective to assist the teachers. 每學期定期召開一次親師座談會。學生成績得D或F時,家長必須見老師和校長。辦公室會事先做安排。老師可以利用這時間談學生的學習情況和進度。家長也可以表達意見,並協助老師做教導。 LOCKERS 置物櫃 Hall lockers are available for student use. The lockers are property of the school. Students may not put stickers or write on or in them. TAIS also reserves the right to inspect any locker without prior notice when


deemed necessary. The school will not be liable for any items lost, stolen, or damaged. Students are encouraged to keep their personal belongings and school materials locked for protection. Locker keys are provided at registration. Losing the key or damaging the locker will result in the loss of the key deposit paid at registration. 學生可以使用置物櫃。置物櫃是校方的財產,禁止於置物櫃上寫名字或張貼東西。必要的話,校方有權利突檢。TAIS不負責置物櫃內東西的遺失、被偷竊、損壞。置物櫃請務必上鎖以確保物品安全。置物櫃的鑰匙於註冊時領取,遺失鑰匙或損壞置物櫃時,將扣留保證金。

STUDENT HEALTH 學生健康 MEDICATIONS 藥物 Each dorm is equipped with a basic first-aid kit for simple ailments. Prescriptive and non-prescriptive medications (including vitamins) are not allowed in student rooms without a doctor’s note, and must be registered with the dean. All medications must be labeled in English and not be expired. Please advise the deans of any changes in medications or conditions that occur after registration. New medications are to be reported upon return from home leaves. Prescriptive medications will be sent home on home leaves with the student unless otherwise instructed by the parent/guardian. 宿舍有急救箱供一般的使用。因管理上的需求,若非經由醫生所開之處方和非處方的藥(包括維他命),禁止在宿舍服用。此外若需服用其他藥物,必須事先讓舍監知道。 藥品必須有英文說明和無過期。註冊後,任何用藥的變動,必須通知校護和舍監。校方接受非處方的藥的捐贈。若你的孩子平日服用某一類非處方的藥,請於註冊時,提供一學年的分量使用。校方會監督處方的藥並且作記錄。宿舍也保存學年服用非處方藥的記錄冊。校方辦旅遊時,都帶著處方的藥。收假回校時,必須把新藥交出給舍監。放假回家時,處方的藥由學生帶回家,除非家長或監護人有特別的吩咐。校方會定期教導舍監如何使用處方和非處方的藥。 MEDICAL CONDITIONS 醫療條件 All medical forms are reviewed at registration. Please inform the school of any changes that may occur throughout the year. All specific medical conditions are reviewed with staff in regards to specific accommodations that may be required including in the P.E. class. Parents/guardians will be notified immediately of any serious injuries or illnesses that may occur. In the case of a medical situation that cannot be handled on-campus, the student will be driven to the nearest doctor or hospital as required. 註冊時會複查體檢報告。若學年間有任何的變動請告知校方。教職員會複查體檢報告,以便作必要的安排,包括體育課。第一時間會通知家長或監護人孩子受到的任何的傷害或得的疾病。若醫療的情況非校方可處理的話,學生可經過同意得到附近診所或醫院就醫。非急性的疾病,必須在放假回家時治療。 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE 傳染性疾病 Parents are asked to notify the school office for communicable illnesses and conditions including but not limited to COVID-19, chicken pox, SARS, encephalitis, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, measles, mumps, meningitis and other like diseases, which may present potentially serious health problems for those who come in contact with the disease and/or disease carrier. 傳染性疾病會對自己或他人造成嚴重的健康問題。孩子得到傳染性疾病時,家長必須通知校方。傳染性疾病包括但不限於嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(武漢肺炎)、水痘、SARS、腦炎、傳染性單核白血球增多症、麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、腦膜炎等。

STUDENT ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION 學生會組織 Purpose 宗旨目的 The purpose of this association is to develop attitudes of and practice in good citizenship; promote harmonious relations throughout the school; improve school morale; assist in the management of the school; provide a forum for student expression; provide orderly direction of school activities; and promote the general welfare of the school. 學生會的目的是培養優良品格、建立和諧的關係、學習道德、處理校務、聽取學生意見、決定學校節目的方向、提升全校整體的發展。


Authority 職權 All powers of the Student Association are delegated to it by the school administration. The principal has the right to veto any act of the Association. 校方授權學生會。校長有權利否決學生會任何的決定。 Membership 會員 All students in good standing in the academy student body, and all faculty members, are members of the Student Association. 所有表現優良的學生和全體教職員。 Organization 組織 The Student Association shall be led by student representatives that may be elected from students enrolled in the 10th-12th grades. 凡10年級到12年級的學生,均可透過投票的方式代表來組織學生會。 The positions, responsibilities, and requirements are as follows 職務、責任及要求如下: President 會長

● Preside over meetings of the Student Association. 主持學生會會議。

● Delegate duties to other SA members and be a team member. 委派其他幹部職責並協助。

● Plan meeting Agenda items. 計畫開會議程。

● Are the first to come and the last to leave any SA meeting or function. 所有學生會會議,應是最早抵達和最晚離開的那位。

● Act as representative to school administration. 代表學生出席學校行政會。

● Must be moving into Grades 11 or 12 for the coming school year. 必須為新學年11或12年級學生

● Must have maintained 3.0 GPA for current semester with no core class below 2.0. 該學期之GPA需維持3.0,且核心課程之GPA不得低於2.0。

● Maintain good conduct and attendance in school. 在學校保持良好的行為和出席紀錄。

● Can hold only one major office (cannot be one of the major class officers). 同時只能擔任一份要職(不能同時擔任班級重要幹部)。

Vice President for Social Activities 康樂副會長 ● Perform the duties of the President during any absence of the President and be a team player. 若會長缺席需代理會長職務。

● Organize TAIS Social Events. 安排康樂活動節目。

● Communicate SA decisions to the student body. 將學生會決策傳達給學生。

● Be willing to put in extra time outside of school for meetings. 願意在課外之餘抽出時間開會。

● Must have maintained 3.0 GPA for current semester with no core class below 2.0. 該學期之GPA需維持3.0,且核心課程之GPA不得低於2.0。

● Maintain good conduct and attendance in school. 在學校保持良好的行為和出席紀錄。


● Can hold only one major office (cannot be one of the major class officers). 同時只能擔任一份要職(不能同時擔任班級重要幹部)。

Pastor學生牧師 ● Help organize student participation in religious activities. 安排和協助學生宗教節目。

● Organize and help run community service activities. 安排和協助社區服務事項。

● Collaborate with the Spiritual Committee and lead in religious affairs. 與學校靈育委員合作,負責宗教活動節目。

● Must be a Christian and willing to uphold SDA values. 必須是基督徒,且支持基督復臨安息日會之教義。

● Must have maintained 2.5 GPA for current semester with no core class below 1.5. 該學期之GPA需維持2.5,且核心課程之GPA不得低於1.5。

● Maintain good conduct and attendance in school. 在學校保持良好的行為和出席紀錄。

Treasurer 財務 ● Organize fundraising events. 策畫募款活動。

● Make a monthly financial report to the SA meeting. 記錄每月財務報告。

● Help plan the best use of SA funds. 善用經費來策畫節目。

● Collaborate with TAIS finance department. 與學校財務部門合作。

● Must have maintained 2.5 GPA for current semester with no core class below 1.5. 該學期之GPA需維持2.5,且核心課程之GPA不得低於1.5

● Maintain good conduct and attendance in school. 在學校保持良好的行為和出席紀錄。

● Should be proficient with finance and math. 對於財務和數學應有一定程度的掌握度。

Secretary 書記 ● Take minutes of all meetings of the Student Association, and keep a written record. 負責會議記錄及存檔。

● Assist in any public or school communication needs work with the advisor in maintaining records of receipts and expenditures of the Association. 協助校內外之溝通,保管收據,報告開銷。

● Be willing to put in extra time outside of school for meetings. 願意在課外之餘抽出時間開會。

● Must have maintained 2.5 GPA for current semester with no core class below 1.5. 該學期之GPA需維持2.5,且核心課程之GPA不得低於1.5

● Maintain good conduct and attendance in school. 在學校保持良好的行為和出席紀錄。

● Must be proficient in computer skills. ● 需熟悉電腦應用技巧

Campaign 競選活動 All students who seek to run for a student association position must comply with the campaign requirements 所有有意參選學生會幹部職位之學生,應遵守下競選要求:


● They will interview current SA members in the position they seek to hold and obtain signatures from SA sponsors and administration on the relevant campaign sign-up sheet 按照欲參選的幹部職位,學生將可以與目前擔任該職位的同學訪談,並在競選報名表上得到學生會指導老師和行政部門的簽名。

● They will create campaign posters to place inside applicable school buildings and both sets of dorms. 學生可製作競選海報,並張貼在學校內適當地點以及男女宿舍。

○ Campaigners are responsible for removing these posters after the election and will receive a red tick per day for every day the poster is not removed. 選舉結束後,參選人有責任移除競選海報,否則將每天開立一張違規單給參選人。

● They cannot give or receive any favors during their campaigning. 競選期間,參選人不得給予他人或從他人得到任何好處(賄賂)。

● Candidates must visit each homeroom during their campaign to introduce their platform and make themselves available for questions. 參選人必須於競選期間走訪每個年級,介紹自己也接受提問。

● The campaign platform from which they run MUST be positive; the platform cannot be a way to criticize or bring down opponents, the school, or the campus; it is not a gripping session. 參選人所做的任何競選活動必須是正面的,而非批評或扳倒其他參選人、學校,甚至整個校園。這是競選活動,不該用來做抱怨或批評。

● No forms of profanity or school prohibited content may be used in the campaign. 競選活動中,不得出現任何褻瀆學校或學校禁止之內容。

● Those running for office must be willing to accept the responsibility of being a positive contribution to the school learning and community environment; they must maintain positivity towards Christian values in their planning and executing of events. 參選人必須願意負起對學校的學習和社區的環境作出正面貢獻的責任,在計畫和執行活動時,必須對於基督教價值觀保持尊重的態度。

● All campaign speeches will be checked before election day by the SA sponsors and, if need be, the administration. 所有競選演說必須在選舉日前經由學生會指導老師審核,若有需要也會經由行政人員審核。

● If an elected officer becomes overtly negative and combative towards Christian values, the school, learning community, and the campus, they can be removed from office. 若參選人當選後對於基督教價值觀、學校、學習、社區和校園所表現出的態度變得消極負面甚至公然不服者,該生將被免職。

Meetings 會議 A meeting of the Student Association shall take place at least once per week. This meeting’s minutes must be typed up by the secretary, shared with the SA sponsors, and on a monthly basis emailed to the TAIS office. 每一個月至少有一次學生會會議。並由書記將開會內容以文字記錄,再用電子郵件寄給委員。 Sponsor 指導 The principal shall appoint one or more faculty members to serve as sponsors to the Student Association. 校長指派一位或多位教職員擔任指導。 Student Leadership Qualifications 學生領袖資格 Many organizations function on campus with student leadership and faculty sponsorship. Students are encouraged to become involved in these organizations and broaden their experiences. 許多組織在校園運作是由老師指導而學生領導的。學生儘可能參與學校活動來擴增經驗。 Eligibility候選資格 Please refer to the individual campaign sign-up sheets for more details. 請參閱個人競選報名表取得更多詳細資訊。




● Candles, fireworks, or any other dangerous items are not allowed. 禁止使用蠟燭、煙火、其他危險物品。

● No food or drink allowed, unless specifically arranged and given permission by a teacher or staff member. 禁止攜帶任何食物以及飲料入內,除非得到老師或教職員的特別安排或許可。

● Posters, signs, or stickers, or writing is not allowed on any wall or surface without specific approval from staff or faculty. 未取得許可前,禁止在牆壁上貼海報或字報。

● Wear proper shoes and clothing in the school buildings. 禁入學校建築物內須穿著鞋子、服儀整潔。

● No running or roughhousing in the hallways. 走廊上禁止奔跑嬉戲。

ARTS CENTER USE POLICY 藝文中心使用規章 ● Loud noises are not allowed within the building. 禁止喧嘩。

● While a program or performance is in session, do not go in and out of the performance hall, or walk around the performance hall. 節目進行時,勿隨意在廳內走動或進出場所。

● No food or drink allowed. 禁止攜帶任何食物以及飲料入內。

● Do not bring umbrellas inside the performance hall or foyer; umbrellas must be left at entrances. 請勿攜帶雨傘至藝文中心,雨傘須放置在廳外入口。

● Candles, fireworks, or any other dangerous items are not allowed. 禁止使用蠟燭、煙火、易燃物。

● Students are not allowed to use or operate the lights, electronic devices, or sound system without permission. 未經許可不得使用燈、電子設備、音響設備。

● Posters, signs, or stickers, or writing is not allowed on any wall or surface. 禁止在牆壁上貼海報或字報。

● The teacher reserving the Arts Center must be present during the scheduled supervision of students. 申請使用藝文中心的老師,必須在現場監督學生的行為。

● The Art Center must be reserved a week in advance. 預約使用時間為一個星期前。

CAFETERIA USE POLICIES 餐廳使用規章 ● Non-kitchen workers are not allowed in the kitchen portion of the cafeteria or they must pay a

100NT$ fine. 非廚房員工,不得進入廚房。違者罰100元。

● Any sign or poster must be tacked to the bulletin board. The windows, doors, or walls are not usable for any announcements. 海報及報告僅限貼在公佈欄。禁止貼在窗口、門上、牆面。

● Wear proper clothing in the cafeteria. 在餐廳用餐要服裝整潔。

● Do not bring outside food into the cafeteria, including all meats, including dry meat found in instant noodles.


非餐廳食物,請勿在餐廳內食用,包括肉類和泡麵的乾肉。 ● Students are to bring their own bowls/trays/plates, chopsticks, and spoon or fork due to Taiwan’s

national recycling law. 爲了環保,學生請自行帶碗、盤、筷子、湯匙、叉子。

● If a guest would like to eat in the cafeteria, please use a meal card that can be purchased in the TAC accountant office. A discounted meal card is available for long-time guests. 來賓用餐可向院方會計室購餐票。

CAFETERIA HOURS 開放時間 School Weekdays 週一--週五

Breakfast 早餐 7:15-7:30 am

Lunch 午餐 12:00-13:00 pm

Supper 晚餐 5:00-6:45 pm

Saturday 週六 Breakfast 早餐 7:30-8:30 am

Lunch 午餐 12:00-13:00 pm

Supper 晚餐 After Sunset 日落後

Sunday or Holidays 周日或假日 Breakfast 早餐 7:00-8:00 am

Lunch 午餐 12:00-13:00 pm

Supper 晚餐 5:00-6:30 pm

● After eating, please throw leftover food in the correct bin. Also recycle all trash correctly. 用餐完畢,請把剩菜丟到廚餘桶,也將垃圾作回收

● Do not drop gum on the floor or stick it on the table or chairs. 禁止丟口香糖在地上或黏在桌子和椅子上。

● The cafeteria is not to be used for personal parties. 禁止在餐廳舉辦個人宴會。

● Keep the noise levels down. 放低聲量。

● Students cannot get extra food for classmates unless they have special permission from the dean. 除非有舍監的許可,禁止代其他同學領取食物。


● When entering the library: please wear proper dress, be quiet, don’t use cell phones, and keep all areas clean. 進入圖書館時,服裝要整潔、保持肅靜、禁止使用手機並維持館內乾淨。

● The library is open to TAC campus teachers, staff, contract workers, and students. 校園的老師、職員、合約工、學生可使用圖書館。

OPERATING HOURS 開放時間 Date 日期 Time 時間

Monday-Thursday 週一--週 四

8:00 am-12:00 pm 1:30-5:30 pm 7:00-8:50 pm


Friday 週五 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Weekend Stay 留校周末 1:30-5:30 pm

Summer & Winter Vacation 寒暑假 only open in the morning 僅上午時間開放

● Visitors are free to browse through the library but must check out all materials they wish to borrow from the desk. 訪客可進入參觀。若要借書,必須向櫃檯登記。


● Borrow only 5 books at one time. 每人每次限借5本。 ● 2 weeks. 借期2週。 ● Can extend another two weeks. 可申請續借2週。 ● Magazines can only be borrowed for one day. 雜誌借閱限1天。 ● At the end of semester, all books need to be returned before they can leave the school campus. 學期結束時,須將書歸還後,才能離校。

● Cooperation from other libraries; Books can be borrowed over the internet, with the same policy on borrowing. 館際合作:可透過館際合作取得資料。按一般程序借閱

● If a book is removed from the library without borrowing correctly, the offender will be held liable by the school. If done by an off campus individual, they will report it to the police. 未經辦理借書手續,擅自帶圖書館資料離館者,校內讀者依校規處置,校外讀者一律移送法辦。

● DVD’s and VCD’s can be viewed in the library. 館內有DVD和VCD可以觀賞。

Return late policy 延遲還書規章 ● 1 day = 3 NT. 每逾期1天,罰新台幣3元。 ● If lost, you need to pay the replacement of that book or item. 若書籍遺失,則依規定賠償。


● Only ten people are allowed to use a device at one time, unless used by a teacher. 設備一次限10個學生使用,除非有老師在場。

● All equipment or materials need to be checked out by the librarian. 所有儀器資料須向館員登記借出。

● Headphones are provided. 有耳機可用。 ● Equipment can only be used for 2 hours per time. 每次限用2小時。 ● Only one audio material or video can be borrowed at a time. 每次限借1套視聽設備。 ● If the movie is over 2 hours, the borrower can extend the time. 2小時以上的影片可延長使用時間。 ● If a user of audio or video equipment leaves their seat for over 15 minutes, other people will be

allowed to use the device. 使用者若離座超過15分鐘,則他人有權借用。 ● Teachers are allowed to use DVD or VCD for 3 days, and are able to extend for another 3 days. 老師借DVD或VCD每次限3天,若有需要可延長3天。

● Students or people from outside can only use audio and video materials inside the library. 非本校學生和校外人士只能在館內使用。

● DVDs, CDs, or VCD that have copyrights are not allowed to be copied. 有版權的DVDs,CDs,或VCD,不得拷貝。

● Before using any equipment, read all instructions, or ask the librarian for assistance. 使用前請看說明須知或請館員協助。

● If a device is broken, the user must pay for repairs or replacement. 若設備遭到破壞則須賠償或更換。

● Before using any device, check to see if anything is not working correctly, otherwise the borrower will be held responsible for any repair. 使用前請檢查設備是否無問題,否則事後要付賠償責任。

● If a device or material is broken or lost, the item must be replaced as well as a $100NT fine will be added. 破壞或遺失零件須賠償,加上100元罰錢。


● If the device is no longer manufactured, the borrower must pay back 10 times the original cost of that item, if it’s a whole set, one item missing, then the whole set must be replaced. 市場買不到設備時,借者須付原價的10倍。若遺失零件,則須賠償整套設備的費用


● Students will respect the school property and all persons in the student recreational area. 在學生休憩區時,要愛惜公物和尊敬他人。

● All equipment will be used safely and for its intended purpose. 小心使用設備,並且按照其功能來使用。

● The gymnasium should only be used during PE class, recreation, official school events. 學生活動中心僅提供體育課、康樂節目、學校節目使用。

● Any recreational item borrowed by a student must be returned by that student. If any sports item is broken or lost, the student who borrowed/signed-out that item will be held liable and may be required to replace it. 活動用道具必須由借出的同學負責歸還。若有損壞或遺失,由借出的同學負責賠償。

TAIS QUICK LIST OF RULES 重點校規 To have the best experience at TAIS. 在TAIS體驗最好的經驗:

● Learning should be the primary focus for TAIS students. 學習的意義對TAIS的學生是首要重要的。

● Students are accountable for their decisions, actions, and educational success. 學生必須為自己的決定、行為和學業成就負責。

● Respect your teachers, fellow students, other teachers and staff on the TAC campus. 尊重老師、同學、以及校園內其他的教職員。

● Careful attention to the directions from a teacher in the classroom must be followed; student behavior must not disrupt the learning that takes place during class time. 學生上課要仔細聽講,並且遵守老師在課堂上給的指示。學生的個人行為不得影響其他同學上課或中斷老師講課。

● Student accounts that have not been paid in full will not receive credit until the accounts are compensated. Students who have outstanding debts will not be allowed to attend class in the following semester until it has been paid. 學生必須付清欠款。未付清者,將無法取得該得的學分,且在付清欠款前,將無法修讀下一學期的課程。

● Students are responsible for writing down their daily assignments in class. 學生必須負責記下每天要完成的功課。

● Students need to make sure all homework and projects are turned into their teachers on time. 學生必須準時繳交各科作業。

● Cheating in class on homework, tests, projects, or quizzes will result in an immediate F, and the parents will be informed. If cheating happens a second time, that student will be placed on academic probation. 考試,作業,等發生作弊行為者,成績將立刻記錄為”F”。校方也會立即通知家長。若作弊行為發生第二次,該生將被列入試讀生。

● Students on academic probation will lose normal student status and may not participate in all extracurricular events. 試讀生不得參加其他學校課外活動。

● Students will be placed on Academic Probation after reaching at least 2 F’s and/or 3 D’s in their classes after six weeks。 六週後學生成績若達到兩科F和/或3科D,則將被列入學業觀察期

● If a student misses 15% of the class periods, they will not receive credit for that class. 缺席時數佔該課程15%者,將無法拿到該課程之學分。


● Students who have problems with citizenship or attendance may be requested to fulfill on campus community service. 學生若有操行和上課出席的問題,則會被安排做校園勞動服務。

● Receiving an “F” in attendance will go on a student’s permanent records and the student will go before the administration committee. 若出席成績拿到”F”時,則將成為永久成績記錄。並且需要到行政會中進行說明。

● When you miss a class that can be excused, you need to fill out an excuse form before 5 days of that absence or tardy (5 days after returning to school). 有正當的理由被記缺課時,請5天內填寫銷假單並繳回辦公室(從回來上課那一天起計算5天內)。

● When you are sick, you need to inform your dean or the TAIS office before you miss any class. 生病無法上課之同學必須事先通知舍監或辦公室。

● If a student is late to class 3 times, it counts as one absence. 上課遲到三次者算一次缺課。

● You must get to class on time; all students will be counted late after the teacher begins the class and will be counted absent 10 minutes after the class started. 請準時進入教室上課。老師開始上課後才進教室者算遲到。上課10分鐘後算缺課。

● Use English in the classrooms, with teachers, and around others who do not speak your mother tongue. 課堂上須用英文和老師溝通,和其他不會使用你的母語的人也一樣用英文溝通。

● TAIS is a Christian school, students are required to respect the beliefs of the school as well as other students. Attendance is required for TAIS worship, church, and other religious events. TAIS是一所基督教教會學校。學生必須尊重學校的宗教以及其他學生的信仰。學生也必須出席靈修、安息天必須上教會和參加其他宗教活動。

● All TAC, TAA, or TAIS property must be cared for appropriately, if property is damaged, the student inflicting the damage may be required to cover the cost of repair or replacement. 所有TAC,TAA,或TAIS的設備財產必須得到適當維護。如果財產受損,造成其損害的學生,必須要支付修理或更換的費用。

● Follow the TAIS policies for campus safety. 請遵守校園安全政策。

● Students are discouraged from having “special” boyfriends or girlfriends. If couples do develop, TAIS asks for appropriate behavior from the couple and that the parents must be aware of that relationship. 學校不鼓勵同學談戀愛。如果談戀愛者,校方會要求學生遵守男女間該有的正當行為舉止。學生的家長也必須關心孩子之間的異性交往。

● In respect for the beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, students must refrain from competitive sports, playing music loudly, and other activities that would disrupt the peace on campus from sunset on Friday until after sunset on Saturday. 為尊重基督復臨安息日會之信仰,從星期五日落至星期六日落為安息日時間。同學必須配合保持校園平靜,不從事運動、大聲播放音樂、玩遊戲等。

● Do not leave your books, bags, or other personal property lying around the school or campus. 請不要把書本和書包等個人物品任意放置於校園內。

● Dormitory rules are just as important as rules for school; students are expected to follow the TAIS dormitory policies. 宿舍相關規定與學校規定一樣重要,所以同學也必須嚴格遵守。

● Clear earring studs are the only earrings deemed appropriate for school hours and school functions. Necklaces worn for religious purposes are to be tucked under clothing at all times. All other forms of jewelry are not allowed. 透明耳針為唯一在學校和學校活動時被視為合適穿戴之首飾,出於宗教目的配戴之項鍊必須保持於衣服內不外露,其他形式之首飾禁止配戴。

● No flip-flops or slippers at school or in the cafeteria. 上課或在餐廳時,皆不得穿夾腳涼鞋或拖鞋。

● Shirts with obscene or disrespectful graphics or words are not allowed.



禁止服裝上有不文雅的字句。 ● Shorts, skirts, and tops must be appropriate for school. If clothing worn by students is too short or

revealing, they will be asked to change before they are allowed to attend class or a special program. 請穿著適當的短褲、裙子、上衣。若穿著的服裝過短時,必須馬上更換。

● Continued abuse of the dress policy will result in an appearance before the administration committee. 持續違反服裝規定者,須到行政會提出說明。

● Wear Uniforms on the correct Days 按照規定穿著制服: 1. Monday: Full Dress Uniform 正式制服日 2. Tuesday~Thursday Combination Days. 星期二到四:混搭日 3. Casual Friday. 星期五:便服 4. Saturday Dress Uniform:學校制服。

● Do not bring food or sweetened drinks into the school (finish meals in the cafeteria or dormitory). 不要攜帶食物或有糖分的飲料到學校(在餐廳或宿舍把食物吃完)。

● Food containing meat is not allowed on campus. 禁止在校園內吃肉類食物。

● If a student wants to leave campus, they need to sign-out with the dormitory dean. 離校必須經舍監同意和簽名。

● Throw all trash into the correct trash bin. Do not leave trash anywhere else! 正確分類垃圾並嚴禁四處丟垃圾。

● Students must remain within designated areas and must inform the staff on duty if they plan to be anywhere other than approved locations. 學生必須留在指定地區,如果需要去其他的地方,則必須通知老師,並且得到許可。

● The only drugs on campus that are allowed are those prescribed by a doctor or other over the counter medicines. All others are not allowed and if a student is in possession of tobacco, alcohol, or other illegal substances, this may be grounds for withdrawal transfer from school. 經由醫生處方所開的藥、止痛藥、退燒藥才能在校園服用。若擁有香煙、酒、其他非法物品經查獲,最終將可能予以輔導轉學他校處理。

● Any inappropriate sexual behavior will be informed to the parents immediately, and the students may be advised to withdraw transfer from school. 任何不當的兩性行為,校方會立即通知家長,該生也將立即受到輔導轉學之安排。

● Stealing of another student’s or TAIS property may be grounds for immediate withdrawal transfer. 偷竊同學或學校的東西將處以輔導轉學之安排。

● Do not use cellphones in school buildings unless otherwise instructed by faculty or staff. 禁止在教室內上課期間使用手機

● Computers or other personal electronic devices need to be registered with the dormitory deans. 電腦、其他相關電子用品等必須跟舍監登記。

● Use the internet for appropriate purposes, otherwise internet privileges may be taken away. 請正當使用網路,否則將失去使用之權利。

● Use your personal computer in class only with teacher’s permission. 在該科任課老師的同意下,才能在上課時間使用個人電腦。

Taiwan Adventist International School

南投縣復臨國際實驗教育機構 No. 39 Chun-wen Lane, Yu-chih, Nantou County 55542 Taiwan

55542 南投縣魚池鄉瓊文巷39號

** This is your home. Take care of it. 將這裏當作你的家,珍惜並且愛護它。** Make friends and have an enjoyable school year. 廣交朋友!祝學年愉快!

Thank you! 謝謝!
