systematic theology ii


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• God: Creation and Redemption; “Our father Who Art in Heaven” 1

• Author: Linda Brown 2

• Table of Contents 3

• Abstract 4

• The Lord’s Prayer 5

• Creation Part 1 6

• Creation Part 2 7

The Torah. 7-8

ABSTRACTEphesians 6:18-20

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am

an ambassador in chains. Pray thatt I may declare it fearlessly as I should.”

How can we pray on all occasions? One way is to make quick, brief prayers a habit respnonse to every thing in your life that you encounter each day. “Another way is to order your life around God’s desires and teachings so that your very life becomes a prayer.” You don’t have to hide from everyone to

stay focused in prayer. You can do it while you do daily chores and spend time with others anywhere. It is possible to make prayer your life and your life a prayer while living in a world that needs God’s powerful influence. “Praying for all the Lord’s people” means praying for all believers in Christ: so pray

for the Chrisitans you already know and for the entire church on earth. This letter passage from Paul came from his stay in prison. He woanted the e[hesians to pray that he would continue to speak fearlessly for Christ even though he was in chains, not that he wanted them to pray that his chains be

removed, but that he would continue. This reminds me of another specail verse in:

Phillpians 4:10-13

“I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circimstances. I know wat it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all

this through him who gives me strength.”

Are you content in any situation you face in life? Paul knew how to be content whether he had plenty or whether he had need. He also knew that it was seeking Christ;s power for strength. Do you have great needs, or are you discontented because you don’t have what you want? Learn to rely on God’s

promises and Christ’s power to help you be content. Paul was content because he was able to see life from God’s point of view He had detatched himself from material wants and needs, and relied on God for everything which made it possible to do God’s work unhindered. He had his priorities straight and

he was grateful to God for everything in his life.

Are we content with what God has given us, in and through His creation? Are we grateful for the Redemption we have been given through Christ, and the forgiveness of all our sins due to His sacrifice for our sins? Can we see, and experience the power of God and providenc of faith working in our Spirits,

minds and hearts?

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens, and the earth.”

This is one of the most contraversial verses in the Bible for science and theologians to find any common ground. This vast galaxy we live in spins at an unimaginable speed of 490,000 miles per hour. Even with this speed it takes 200 million years for it to make one rotation And we are among over one billion galaxies in the known universe we live in Scientists have said that the number of stars are as the grains of sand on earth; the Bible says the number of people are as the number of stars in the heavens. Sciences minimize our Creator to evolution. It would require a lot of faith to believe that the universe “just happened” than to believe that God has created everything in this amazing universe. An important element of thought in those who study creation from either a theological or scientific perspsective “is not the process of creation,” but the origin of creation that is important. (LASB, 2005, p. 5) “The world we live in or the universe for that matter is not a product of blind chace and probability; God created it.” (LASB, 2005, p. 5)


Genesis 1:1-24 tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, animals, vegetation, and bodies of water. The first verse of Genesis sums up the first chapter of Genesis. The creation of the material world---the heavens and the earth; which mean “all of creation” or the “cosmos”. (Allen, 2004, p. 1) We can learn a great deal in the creation story about God and us.


1-He is creative.

2-As the Creator “He is distinct from His creation.”

3-He is eternal and in control of the world.



1- Since God chose to create us, we are valuble in His eyes.

2-We are more importantthan the animals.

Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said,” Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the seas and the birds of the sky, over the livestosck and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in His own image in the image of God he created them; male and gemale he crerated them.”

God created the earth and the universe out of love and giving all people a special place in it. The most wonderful part of the creation of the universe is; God chose to do it out of Hiis love for creation. “Love is best expressed toward something or someone else.”(LASB, 2005,p. 5) ---hence, His creation of people and our world is an espression of love. as is the whole creation of the universe. In Genesis 1:1-2 we are able to see God as ,a God who is so minful, and filled with so much love to His credit of every microscopic detail of every living thing or being; to bless man with all their needs and more. We know as He spoke the Word (Jesus), the Spirit was there as well during creation. Now, the most beautiful gift humans possess in the Old Testament is the image of God. This alone places a value, a worth, and dignity in man; given by God.