sanskrit reader - forgotten books


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Tan results of comparative philology are now so general ly incorporated

into our modern cl assical grammars , lexicons , and text-books , that even a

slight knowledge of Sanskr it, if it be accurate so far as it goes , is of great

service to the classical teacher in making h is instruction interesting and

cfiective. As independent discipl ines, moreover , Sanskr it and comparative

philology, and the l iteratures and religions of India, are constantly gaining

in importance, so that, for example, Sanskr it is now taught at al l but one of

the twenty universities of the German Empire.

The design of this work, then , is twofold. In the first place, it is to

serve as an introduction to these subjects for the students of our colleges

and universities . The excellent Chrestomathy of Bonn '

rnmcx has no

vocabulary ; and few persons can be expected to buy the costly dictionary

of WILLIAMS or that of Bonnruncx AND Rom , at the outset, when they

are uncertain whether Sanskrit wil l be of sufficient interest or use to them

to warrant their continuing its study. What the beginner needs is an

elementary work comprehending both text and vocabulary in a s ingle

volume. And accordingly , th is Reader is meant to furnish ample material

for about fifty weeks’reading, in a course of three hours a week, and ,

with the text, the appropriate lexical apparatus . The Reader is made as

a companion-volume to Wa rn er

’s S anslm


t Grammar , and these two books

supply al l that is needed for the first year’

s study.

This Reader is designed, in the second place, to render a knowledge of

Sanskrit accessible to the classical teachers of h igh-school s , academ ics , and

colleges. These teachers , if they pursue this study at al l , usual ly do so

without the aid of an instructor . And it is especial ly the requirements ofuna ided p r ivate study that I have taken constant pains to meet. I state th is

fact thus expl icitly , because, both here at Cambridge , and during my con

nection with the Johns Hopkins U n iversity (where the plan for th is workwas formed) , numerous inquiries for such a book have been addressed to me

by persons very remote from any of the h igher institutions of learning.

I f , incidentally , th is work should help to correct some of the false

notions wh ich are prevalent respecting the relations of Sanskr it to other

languages of the Indo-European family , and to save the l iterature from


undue depreciation and from exaggerated praise , it wil l have served a

worthy object.

So cuinbrous or so meagre have been hitherto the appl iances for acquiring

even a moderate knowledge of Sanskr it, that classica l students , when seeking

such knowledge as an auxil iary to their special work, have found the labor

discouragingly great. These students unquestionably have a legitimate and


icient reason for undertaking Sanskr it, and I venture to hope that the

difficulties of the beginning ( see p. xv) have been so material ly lessened

that,they wil l now find even a modicum of Sanskr it well worth the trouble of


In making my selections ‘ from the var ious Sanskr it writings , I have had

two practical aims in view : first, to provide abundant mater ial for thorough

dr il l in the language of the class ical period ; and, secondly , to furnish a

br ief introduction to the works of the Vedic period, Mantra , Brahmana ,

and Sfitta. Accordingly I have not sought to give any th ing new, but

rather that wh ich is best suited for beginners . The easy Nala is the

Xenophon’s Anabasis of Sanskr it students , and quotations from it appear

very often in the grammars . And the first five chapters here given form a

complete story . For an elementary reader , the Hitopadeca is unrival led ,

and to leave it out would have been an inexcusable om iss ion , unl ess , indeed ,

its place were taken by the Panchatantra . From th is latter work I attempted

to prepare some selections ; but the text is in so unsatisfactory a condition,

that I rel inquished the plan . And so, although the Hitopadeca has been

printed very often , I have given a considerable part’of it here , choosing the

fables on the ground of their intrinsic excel lence and their interest as

original s of wel l-known occidental stories .3 For similar reasons the six

tales from the Katha-sarit-sagara were selected . On account of their easy

style and simple narrative , they furnish admirable matter for exercise in rapid

reading. The selections from Mann are so made as to il lustrate some of

the most important and interesting matters of Hinducustom and bel ief .‘

Among the Vedic hymns ( or Mantra-mater ial ) are , first, some of the

easiest“; then some taken on account of their poeticcor dramatic7 merit, or

1 These include 68 pages of classica l San wh ich was appealed to as scriptural author

skrit and 37 pages of Vedic Sanskr it. ity for the practice of widow-burning. Com

9 Nineteen fables : there are forty-three pare also the notes on 28 23, 573, and 65

° ff.,

in al l . with those on and respec

See the introductions to the fables in tively.

the Notes. Such are selections xxxi . (Rigveda i.l ) ,Compare the table of contents. The xxxi ii., xxxviii ., xxxix.

, x1i ., and lix.

text-selections are intended to be mutual ly5 Selection xxxii . is the best.

i l lustrative as far as may be. Thus the 7 Selections xxxv., xxxvi i., and lvi . are in

passage 643 5 . is given for its interesting dramatic form (see Wn rr nnr , page xviii ) ,

bearing on Rigveda th e verse and are among the most difiicul t.

their ethical interest“; and final ly some taken because of their historical im

portance .“ For the most part, a repetition of the hymns given by DELBRUECK

and by Bonm m cx in their Chrestomath ies has been avoided. The

Brahmana pieces are chosen in such a way as to show the relation of th is

kind of l iterature to the hymns or Mantras .“ The selections from the

Grihya-s iitras are the two most interesting chapters of Indian private

antiquities , the wedding and the burial service. These texts are , to a

certain extent, rubrics , and prescribe that numerous specified stanzas of

the Rigveda be repeated at these ceremonial s. Care has therefore been

taken that al l the stanzas here cited by their first words should be given

in full among the selections from the hymns .‘

Concerning the text, l ittle need be said. It would have been either

folly or idle pretense to make elaborate text-studies for the short extracts

of wh ich the Reader is composed.“ I have accordingly contented mysel f,

in the main , with reprinting the text of the best editions. M ispr ints have

of course been corrected, and I have endeavored to make the orthography

nformablc to the best standard“and consistent throughout.“ Of some

sl ight emendations , due mention wil l be made in the Notes . For the Nala,

I followed the edition of Bonan za in h is Th ird Book of S anskr it“; for

the Hitopadeca , the text of Bosm uncx in the second edition of h is

Chrestomathy ,“and MUELLER ; for the Katha-sarit-sz

igara , Bnocxn s ns ;

and for Mann ,”LOI SELEUR Dnsnoxecm ur s. I regret that the results

of the studies of BUEIILER, BURNELL, HOPKINS , and JOLLY on the text of

Mann are not yet avail able.

from Rigveda x. 9,14, 16, 17, 18 , 53, 154,

and 1 55 (selections and i. 97 (selection Th is last hymn is mere trash ,and would not have been included among

the texts, had not Aewa layana (at iv.6.1 8 )

prescribed that it be used as a bur ial-hymn ;

but I could not a l low room for the Sun

hymns (si uryi ni ) and the Blessings

(svasty-ayan i n i ) , wh ich are also mentioned

at iv.6.18.

See A.WEBER, I ndr'

sche S tadt'

en , n . 151 .

0Especial ly in the use of anusvdra and of

1 Such are the Van na-hymns, selections

xl ii i.- xlv.

2 Such are the hymns for the dead and

thewedding-hymn ; l ikewise se lection xxxvi i.,

and selection xxxv i. (wh ich contains the

Savitri ) . Selection lxi i. is the Maitreyani

version of the Hiranya-

garbha hymn,Rig

veda x. 121, and is given partly in order th at

those who possess copies of th e Rigveda

m y study th e two versions comparatively .

3 Thus the Brahmana selections lxvi.,

1xvi i ., lxviii., and lxxi i. stand in connection

I h avewith the Mantra selections lvi ., xlvii ., lxii .,

and xlvi . respectively .

4 Th e stanzas required for the wedding

ceremonia l are given in se lections l vii i., lvi i.,

and iv . From th is the student wi ll see why

there are some selections consisting of only

one or two stanzas. Th e bur ial-stanzas are

the nasal mutes, of b and of 9.

wr itten cch wh ere e ns r (see 227)wr ites ch.7 But some of the interesting orthograph

ical pecul iarities of the Maitri yani Sanh itfi

I have a l lowed to stand.

3 See the Brief List, page xvii .


It is a pleasant duty to acknowledge my thanks to Bonnn mox, who , in

a way no less generous than unexpected, volunteered to look over al l the

proofs of the class ical part of the text. For the wel l -establ ished and wel l

edited Vedic texts , such help was of course not nee ded.

For the Rigveda , Aurascnr’

s second edition was made the standard.

For the selections from the Maitrayani Sanh ita, I am indebted to the kind

ness of its editor ,l Dr . LEOPOLD vox Scunonns a , of Dorpat. The extracts

from the Brahmanas natural ly fol low the editions of Wanna and Aum cn'r .

The chapters from Aewalayana are a repr int from Sr anznnn’

s edition , with

some unimportant typograph ical l icenses.

The vocabulary , it is almost needless to say , is based on the great Lex

icon of Bonm uncx AND Rom . I should of course deviate from it only

with the utmost circumspection ; but I trust that I have not fol lowed it

slavish ly.

As for the extent of the vocabulary , it is designed to be complete for

the text given in the Reader , and also , it may be added, for the text in the

Appendix to the Grammar .

It is proper to mention here several matters touching the general plan of

the vocabulary. It is not a mere l ist of the actual ly occurr ing Sanskrit

words with their Engl ish equivalents . So far as possible , it aims to do with

thoroughness two things

First, as regards the forms , To enable the student to trace every word

back to its root, by giving references to Wn rrns r’

s chapters (xvi. and

xvii .) on word-formation , and by giving the root itsel f , and, in the case of

secondary and tertiary der ivatives , the intermediate forms , even when these

do not occur in the text at al l . Thus , for the complete explanation of

mithyopaci ra (p. are given , first, mithyi , then the older form thereof,

mi thuyi ,’ then the adjective mithu from wh ich the adverb is derive d, and

final ly the root m ith , although neither the adverbs nor the adjective nor

any verbal form of the root occurs in the text. In l ike manner , car upa

is given solely on account of upaci ra .

Secondly, as regards the meanings , To enable the student to trace everys ignification back to the radical idea , by giving not only the meaning

required for translating a particular passage , but also , if this is a secondary

or tertiary or later mean ing, the intermediate meanings , and in their logical

order of development. Thus the only meanings of the word pads , as it

1 He gave th em to me in manuscript, attention drawn to the pecul iar form and

before he h imself began pr inting. accent of the adverb and wil l find the ex

2 By looking out the reference to 1 1 12e planation thereof.

(under mithu) , the student wil l have his

[m ]

occurs in the text of this Reader , are foot’or

‘ leg,’in ten passages , and

verse of a three-versed stanza ,’

in one passage ( 60 The history and

uses of the word may be clearly understood f rom BOEBTLINGK AND Bor n .

The or iginal mean ing foot was extended to that of ‘ leg then special ized

to the mean ing‘ l imb of a quadruped

; then general ized to the meaning


(as , conversely, the English word qua rter is special ized to the

mean ing fourth part of a quadruped, including a leg,’

e.g., in quarter ofbeef ) once more it is special ized to the meaning quarter of a four-versed

stanza,’i .s . verse and then , at last, the use of the word is illogically

extended , and it is made to denote a verse of even a three-versed stanza.

To have given the meanings foot, leg, verse ,’in three words , and perhaps

in the order verse, leg, foot,’woul d have sufficed , it is true, for the purpose

of making a translation ; but such translation demands of the student onlythe most thoughtless and mechanical labor . On the other hand, by in

dicating br iefly the development and connection of meanings , the attention

of the student is directed to the processes wh ich are constantly going on

in the l ife and growth of language ; and thus , although Sanskrit is a dead

language, the study of Sanskrit may be made a study of life and growth .

The il lustration of the transitions of meaning by analogies from the

English and other famil iar tongues would, it seemed to me, greatly increase

the interest and usefulness of the vocabulary. And so , cons iderable space

has been devoted to th is matter . Thus under vyi ma (p. 254 , top) , a

stretch -out,’i .s . a fathom ,

are adduced the closely parall el Engl ish fathom ,

from Anglo-Saxon fw


lSm , the extended arms ,’and also dp



. and French

toise, both meaning fathom ,

’and of common origin respectively with «Spe



and Latin tenders , stretch .

In a book intended partly for persons whose chief interest in Sanskri t

is from the side of its relations to the classical languages and to our mother

tongue, etymological comparisons are plainly cal led for . Accordingly , the

kindred words from the Greek, Latin, Anglo-Saxon , and Engl ish have been

given ,’and always along with their mean ings . It is hoped that these com

parisons , presenting, as they do , many famil iar words with wh ich the learner

can as sociate what is new and strange, will prove a useful aid to the mem

ory. Etymology is a subject in wh ich there is large room for reasonable

1 For other paral lel s, compare, for exam to find how these words are paral lel in

pie, i bharana, barhis , bhavans , vanes , special ization and metaphor . On th is sub

varna . Sometimes th e understanding of ject in general , compare Cum-m s, Grund

the paral lel ism depends on a knowledge ziige5, pp. 1 1 1- 1 18 , and Bantam , Dis

of the etymology of an Engl ish word ; thus Metaphem , Bonn, 1 878.

under root nud + vi, are adduced the Eng9 To give them without their meanings

lish di-vert, dis-port, and s-port, and a refer and without showing the connection of

enee to a r’s dictionary or to Ws ssr s n

s ideas is, for an elementary book, a useless

may be necessary for the student, in order task.



erence of opin ion on matters of detail , and on such matters wel l-recognized

authorities often disagree . I have tried to use the standard works of refer

ence in the l ight of the best and latest etymological cr iticism at my command ,

and to distinguish with care between what is certain and wh at is mere conjee

ture. In the revision of the greater part of my manuscript for the press , I

had the benefit of KLUGE’

s valuable dictionary.l His acceptance of the cur

rent comparisons has often given me assurance , and h is sober judgment has

often confirmed me in scepticism or silence on doubtful points . In the

numerous cases where the undoubtedly al lied words are too many to be

given in ful l , I have usual ly selected those forms which were the simplest

or the most interesting, or those whose kinsh ip was clearest.“

These compar isons include only genuinely cognate words , as distinguished

from borrowed words ; the latter have as a rule been excluded, or , if given ,

have been characterized as borrowings .“ Thus Eros , Latin sen-ex, and

English sen-

green are given on page 266, all as genuine cognates of aana ;

the words senate, senator , senator ial , senescent, senile, sen il ity , senior , sire,

sir , seign iorage, etc., are not mentioned, because they are not genuine

Engl ish cognates , but only more or less ancient borrowings or more or less

direct derivatives from the Latin .“ So under the root arp ( p. 276) are given

Latin serp ens and r eptilie, and it would be superfluous to add the borrowed

Engl ish serp ent and reptile.

The accents of al l words have been regularly marked in the headings of

the articles , so far as the accents are known f rom the occurrence of th e

words in any accentuated texts of the l iterature.“ But in addition to these

words , the verb-forms immediately following the root have been uniformlyaccented, according to the rules , except in a few doubtful cases ; and a

number of compounds occurr ing on the pages of Nala have been accented ,

1 Entitled Etymologisches Warterbuch der

deutschen Sprache. Strassburg, Kar l J.

Tr iibner . 1883. Royal Price 10Mark


1‘ Thus under sana (p. 266 ) m igh t h ave

been given, in addition to Latin senex, the

words sen ior,senectus, seni lis, senesco, senator ,

sesame, etc. ; but these are readi ly suggested

by senez .

3 Thus th e interesting compound sene-schal

is added under sana,not as a genuine Eng

l ish cognate, but as a borrowing th rough

the French from Continental Germanic,

where its fir st member is indeed a genuine


4 Compare note 9, above.

5 For these accents I h ave rel ied on

Bonm nl NGK’

s S anskr i'

t-Wdrterbuch in Kurzqersr Fassung as far as it has appeared, i .e.

to the end of bh , and for the rest of the

alphabet, on th e great thesaurus of Boa-a r

LINGE AND Rom . There are many words

accented in more than one way r i jya,rajya, r i jya, deana, i sana, dar idra , dar

idra, di iva, di iva, bh iiti , bhati , vrsti ,

vtsti , vend, venu) such have genera l ly

been l eft unmarked ; but of a few common

words l ike mAnu, dviptd , paeti , papA, and

mati , the prevail ing accent is given , espe

cial ly , if (as in the case of bhrti or pi tri )the oth er accent is rare, or (as in the case

of quake.) not auth enticated.

[11 ]

according to the rules , in order to make more tangible the difference between

homonymous determ inatives and possess ives .l

What form should be given to the headings of articles is often a question .

For denominative verbs , I have chosen the stem-form mantraya rather

than mantray ) ; to th is is prefixed the root-sign ( V) , merely in order to

catch the eye ; the sign must not be understood as meaning that such stems

are in any wise cc-ordinate with roots . The stems of the perfect active

participle and of the pr imary comparatives are given as ending in vans and

yi ns, but without any impl ication that these are theoretical ly better than the

weaker forms . Roots with medial or final ar or r are given in the latter

form , and so are the stems in at or r.“

The synopses of conjugational forms wh ich fol low each verbal root are

based on the col lections , stil l in manuscript, made by Professor Wa r-m ar .

These were placed at my disposal by h im with the greatest kindness . They

include al l the verb-forms cited by the St. Petersburg Lexicon and Bonn-r


s Abridgment, as occurring in the actual l iterature , besides very

extensive gleanings made independently by Professor WH ITNEY from texts

represented in the Lexicon ,

‘and from others publ ished s ince its completion ,

or even not yet publ ished.“

,Ia the description and classification of the forms ,

I have fol lowed WHITNEY. I t often happens that there are severa l forms in

actual use for the same tense ; in such cas es , the commonest one has been

given , or else the one prescribed by the H induRoot-book (dhc

itu-pdtha ) or

sometimes more than one form . Although in the case of many roots the

aor ist is confined almost exclusively to the Vedic language , I have neverthe

less given the aor ist in such cases in order to fil l out the conjugational

scheme, since th is seemed desirable from a pedagogical point of view. For

pedagogical reasons , also , the secondary conjugations have been for the

most part om itted. M any roots wh ich are conjugated regularly in only one

voice show forms of the other voice in the Epos , especial ly where the metre

demands them . It is very difficult to say just how far such form s should

be included, and my course in accepting or rejecting them has been , I fear ,not whol ly consistent.

The Notes , wh ich form the th ird part of th is work , wil l be issued as soon

as is practicable . I t is des igned that they shal l be as brief as possible , but

shall render ample assistance in the interpretation of diflcult passages and

1 Compare bh i'

mapar i kr amaand bh imd For example, th e Catapatha and Aita

pat i h ran a , p. 206. reya Brahmanas.3 See e NEr

,107 and 108 , and com

5 Especia l ly GAnnE’

s edition of Apastam

pare 5 370. ba’s Crauta Sfitra, and 1701: Scanos DEn


3 See Proceedings of the Amer ican Orienta l Maitr i yani .

Society for May, 1882, p. xiii . The Jaim in'

iya Brahmana.


the explanation of allusions to the antiquities of India. The plan includes

also concise l iterary introductions to the various selections.

An open acknowledgment of my thanks is due to the printers of the

vocabulary, Messrs . J. S . CUSHING Co. They have performed their part

with such intell igence, accuracy , and sk ill as to merit most cordial

recognition .

In conclusion,I desire to make publ ic express ion of my gratitude to my

honored teacher , Professor WILLIAM DWI GHT WHITNEY , for h is constant

interest in this undertaking and for h is generous aid. I can only hope

that the book may do someth ing to further the cause in which he has labored

long and devotedly , and that it may help to enlarge the mom of classical

teach ing, to quicken the interest in the h istory of our mother-tongue , and to

make Sanskrit study among us increasingly fruitful .

C. R. L.



December, 1883.


n an

Introductory suggestions

Brief list of books for students of Sanskr it


A. From th e Mah i -bh i rata.

m ac-n on

I . The sto ry of Nale and Damayanti

B. Fr om th e Hitopadeca .

Pre face and introduction

The old tiger and the travel ler

Th e deer and the crow, and the jackalThe blind vulture, the birdl ings, and the cat

The ass, the dog, and the th ief

The l ion, the mouse, and the cat

The crows and the serpent

IX. The l ion , the old hare, and the well

The birds and the apes

The ass in the tiger-skin

The elephant, the hares, and the moon

The blue jackalThe two geese and the tortoise

XV. The three fishes

XVI . The herons, the serpent, and the ichneumons

The herm it, and the mouse th at was changed to a tiger

The heron , the fishes, and the crab

The Brahman and h is'

jar .

The Brahman with th e goat, and the th ree rogues

The Brahman and h is faithful ichneumon

C. From th e Kath i -sar it-si gara .

King Putraka and the seven-league boots

XXI II . Story of Mousey, the th r ifty merchant

King Cibi, the falcon, and the doveXXV. Story of Ah alyi

[I n]

XXVI . The king who didn’

t know h is Sanskr it grammar

XXVII . The pathetic h istory of the stor ies

D. From th e'

Mi nava-dharmaci str

a. The creation

b. The four ages of the wor ld

c. The Brahman’s life, etc.

d. The transm igration of souls

XXIX. Riddl e


E. From the Rigveda.

Hymn to Agn i, the Fire-god

Indra slays the dragon

To Surya, the Sun-


To Agn i .

Indra and the Maruts

To Savitar

Indra contests the supremacy of Varuna

To U shas, the Dawn-


To Agni .

Indra and Atr i, andthe Sun ecl ipsed by the demon

Magic spel ls to produce sleep .

To the Maruts or gods of the storm-winds

To Varuna

To Varuna

To Varuna

To Indra. Indra and Namuchi .

Indra and the Maruts, and Vr itra

To Agni .

To the Waters

Funeral -hymn



Funeral-hym n

The aged pr iest to the young prince


The gods instal l Agn i as oblation-bearer

Burial and wedding-stanzas

The wedding-hymn

Exci cism for a sick person

To Yarns . Funeral-hymn

Bur ials tanza .

For detailed synopsis, see Notes.


LXII . Hiranya-garbha The god Ka or WhoLXII I . Legend of Yama and Yami . The creation of night

LXIV. Legend of the winged mountains

LXV. The potency of the sacrifice

6 . Other Br i hmana-piecea.

Legend of Agni th e oblation-bearer , and of the fish

Legend of Indra and the Maruts, and Vr itra

Legend of Indra and the god Ka or WhoThe two kinds of deities, the gods and the BrahmansTruth, untruth , and silence

How the gods got immortality and how Death got hIsLegend of Indra and Namuch I

Nirukta on RV. i .32.10, selection xxxI I .

LXXIV. Wedding-customs and the wedding


LXXV. The customs and ritual of cremation and bur ial


VocabularyExplanations and abbreviationsList of abbreviations .

After these, selections xxxvi., xl ., xl ii., xl I ., xlviii ., liv., and lxii . may be rapidly

road. There wil l then remain the selections for the burial-service, xlix.—1ii i., lvii.,

1x., h i , and xxxiv.,f and those for the wedding, lvi ii., lvii ., and iv. These may

proper ly be read last, in order that they may be fresh in the mind when reading the

Siitras, where constant reference is made to them.

The Brahmana pieces may be read in the order in which they are printed ; but

selections lxvi ., lxvii., mm, and lxxii . ought not to be taken up, unless selections

lvi., x1vn., lxii ., and xlvi . have previously been studied.

It is very undesirable to attempt to read the Siitra chapters until one is familiar

with the bur ial and wedding stanzas just mentioned. It is advisable to wr ite out a

translation of these chapters, and to insert therein each mantr a in its proper place,

writing out the original of the mantra in ful l , and its translation , the latter also in

metre, if possible.

Since the synopses following each verbal root in the vocabulary represent the

great mass of al l the forms in actual use ( rather than those simply prescribed by the

grammarians) , and so correspond to the principal parts of the Latin and Greek

verbs, the student should make it h is duty to learn the synopsis for each root when

he first meets verbal forms of that root in the text.

Attention is cal led to th e explanations and abbreviations (pages sea

these should be looked over careful ly before using th e vocabulary.


Tm s l ist has a purely practical aim ,

1and is restricted to a few of the

more important and useful books and ’ to such as are neither rare nor

out of pr int. I t includes (a ) a grammar , (b) readers , (0) dictionaries ,

(d) classical works , books for the study (e) of the Rigveda and its l itera

ture , and (f) of the Atharvaveda , and last (9) some books on antiquities

and the h isto ry of the l iterature and the rel igions of India.

1 . W h itney , Wil l iam Dwigh t. A Sanskri t Grammar , including both the classical

language, and the older dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. Le ipzig, Breitkopf

and Harte] . London , Tr iibner Co . 1 879. Price (bound in cloth )12 sh il l ings .

Th is may be had in Boston of Ginn, Heath . and Co. The work exists also in a German

translation, wh ich may be had of the Leipzig publ ishers.

2. Bl ih l er. Georg. Th ird Book of Sanskrit. With a glossary by Vishnu P.

Shastr i Pandit. Second edition. Bombay. 1877. 128 pages of text

and 97 of glossary. Pr ice 9 annas .

Th is book can be rocured from Triibner dz Co . in London (pr ice 3“ high;It contains

the entire Story of s in (26 chapters) , Dacaratha


s Death (Ramayana, ii . and fourstories from the Panchatantra. or beginners, th e typogra hy proves troublesome and the

glossary too meagre ; but the l ittle volume is inexpensive and)

contains excel l ent material foreasy and rapid readin

figand so is h i h ly to be recommended to th ose who have finished the


sical rt of th is ad er and wis to continue their Sanskrit. For such students th e gloswo d be quite suflicient.

3. Bbh tl i ngk , Otto. Sanskr it-Ch restomath ie. Zweite, ganzlich umgearbeitete

Aufiage. St. Petersburg. 1 877. Large 372 pages. Pr ice 4 Mark

80Pfenn ige.

This work and the two fol lowing are publ ications of the Russ ian Im rial Academy , andshould be ordered through theAcademy

s agent, Leo ld Voss , of Lei zig. he volume containsselections from th e Veda (Mantra , Brahm sna , and I


itrai from th e hap bharata , RamayanaV ishnu-pur i ne, Katha-sarit-sagara , Hitopadeca , Mann ’

s Laws ,"and Panini


s Grammar , anfrom var ious other books ; a r ich col lection of roverbs ; the Vedanta-ears . a ph ilosophicaltreatise , in text and translation ; and the entire rama , Ratnaval i . The Vedic hymns are al ltranslated in the volume mentioned below , no. 15 ; and the notes sh ow where many of theother selections may be found translated . Like al l publ ications of th e Academy, th is is soldat an extremel y low pr ice. Since the book has no vocabul ary , the student wil l at this pointneed to get a dictionary.

1 Hence the prices are included. Both the Mark cent. The books wil l cost th e American purchaser

and the sh il ling may be reckoned as a quar ter of a somewhat more or less according to h is faci l ities for

dol lar . The prices given with th e titles are pub obtaining foreign hooks.

iishers 'prices. To these prices , except when given3With perhaps one 18, wh ich can,

in dol lars , should be added the duty , wh ich is 25 per had of second-hand dealers.


4. Bdh tl ingk. Otto. Sanskr it-Worterbuch in kurzerer Fassung. St. Petersburg.

1 879

To be ordered through Voss (see above) . Parts I. to IV. have appeared, and reach to the

end of bh ; they cover 1 167 pages, i .s . nigh two-th irds of th e whole, and cost 34 Mark 80

Pfennige. The rest may be expected in the course of 1885. The manuscr ipt is ready as

far as varna . Th e work is an abr idgment of th e foll owing.

5. Bbh tl ingk , Otto, dud Rudolph Roth . Sanskrit-Worterbuch . St. Petersburg.

1855—1875. Seven volumes. Pr ice 177 Mark 90Pfennige .

To be ordered th rough Voss (see above) . Th is work , which is often cal led the St. Peters

mLexicon ,

”is by far th e most important production of Sanskr it scholarship. To such as

to make any special study of the language and literature, it is absolutely indispensable.

6. W i l l iams , Monier . A Sanskrit-Engl ish Dictionary, etymologically and ph ilo

logical ly arranged, w ith special reference to Greek, Latin , Goth ic, German,

Anglo-Saxon , and other cognate Indo—European languages. London and

New York, Macm il lan and Co. 1872. 1 1 86 pages. Pr ice 94 shi l lings

6d. in England, or $24 in the U nited States.

This is th e onl dictions of Sanskr it into Engl ish wh ich approach es compl eteness. It isin one com act an handy vo ume and is very convenient for readin works of th e classical

per iod. nfortunately , the common mean ings of a word are not tinguished from thosewhich are seldom or never found. Al l Sanskr it words are given in translite ration, and the

ts and more immrtant words in migar i letters also.

7. W il l i ams , Monier . S'akuntala, a Sanskrit drama in seven acts, by Kal idasa.

Second edition . London and New York, Macm i ll an and Co. 1 876.

339 pages. Pr ice 21 sh illings in England, or in the U S .

Th is gives l iteral Engl ish translations of al l th e metr ical passages , exp lanatory notes , andthe Sausk ritization of th e Prakrit passages, and all on th e same page with the text of th is,the most famous of th e plays .

8. K iel h om . Franz, and Georg Bil h l er . Panchatantra. Edited with notes.

Bombay. 1 868.

The work constitutes numbersW ., UL, and I .of the“Bomba Sanskr it Series . Number

IV. (comgehending book I .) appeared in a second edition in 1 87 Th e book may be had of

Tr iibner Cc .,London. The pr ice of th e entire work is 8 shil l ings ; but th e first book may

be had separately for 3 sh il l ings. The Panchatantra is easy and entertain ing reading. It has

been admrrabl translated into German by Benfey : Pantsch atantra. Leipzig , F.A.Brockhaus .1859. 2 vols. 8 Pr ice 24 Mark . The translation is accompanied by a very valuable h istoryof fable-l iterature.

9. Del b r li ck , Berthold. Vedische Ch restomath ie. Mit Anmerkungen und Glos

sar . Hall s, Buchhandlung desWaisenh auses . 1874. Pr ice 3 Mark.

Th is contains 47 hymns from the Rigveda. Of these , onl y five are repeated in th is Reader .Both text and glossary are in trans l iteration. On account of th e smal l price of the book , its

mention ma prove useful to such as do not wish to buy the two complete editions fol lowing(numbers 1 and

10. W indisch , Ernst. Zwol f Hymnen des Rigveda. M it Sayana’

s Commentar.

Text. Warterbuch zuSayana. Appendices. Leipzig, S. Hirzel . 1883.

Price 5 Mark.

Thislgives th e text, and the comment of the great schol last, both in nd

gar i letters. The

is p ted with the genuine accentuation (as in this Reader ) . The book serves a useful

purpose as introduction to the native Hinduor traditional exegesis of the Veda. The vocabuary does not cover the hymns themselves ; but seven of the twelve hymns are translated inthe l ittle book mentioned below, no. 15.

1 1 . Aufrech t. Theodor. Die Hymnen des Rigveda. Herausgegeben . Zweite

Auflage. Bonn , Adolph Marcus. 1877 . 2 volumes. Price 20Mark.

The entire sanh ita text is ven in transl iteration , and extracts from the pada text at the

foot of each page. The exc gl y valuable a pendix conta ins l ists of the poe divin ities ,and metres , and a complete table of first l ines 0 every stanza, with references to concord

ant texts of other Vedas .

12. Mul l er , F. Max. The Hymns of the Rigveda, in the Samh ita and Pada texts,

reprinted from the editio princeps. Second edition. London, Tr iibner

Co. 1877. 2 volumes. Price 32 sh il l ings.

Th is edition gives th e two texts complete on paral lel pas“ and in migar i letters. Thenames of the poets, divini ties , and metres are given at the beginn ing of each hymn.

13. Grassm ann , Hermann. Worterbuch zum Rig-veda. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus.

1 873 Pr ice 30Mark .

Th is is not onl y a dictionary , but also a complete concordance to the Rigveda. It is a work

of wonderful industry , method , clearness , and accurac Aside from the t. Pete rsb Lexith is dictionary stands next in importance, for V c students , after the Vedic tasif .

14 . Gr assmann, Hermann. Rig-veda. U ebersetzt und m it kr itischen und erlau

ternden Anmerkungen versehen._Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus. 1876. 1877.

2 volumes . Price 24 Mark.

Th is translation is entirely in metre, except for a few corrupt or difi cul t hymns. Thestudent can almost invar ia


see just what word Grassmann intended as the render ing of anygiven word of the text. work is especially useful as giving a convenient general viewof th e contents of the Rigveda, and as enabl ing the student to p easily many matterstouch ing th e metres, the arrangement, and the textual condition 0 the or iginal .

15. Geidn er , Kar l, und Adol f K l gi. Siebenzig Lieder des Rigveda. Uebersetzt.

M it Beitr’


gen von R. Roth. Tiibingen. H. Laupp’

sche Buchhandlung.

1875. Pr ice 3 Mark .

Th irty-six of the seventy h of which th is book gives metricallater incorporated by Boh tl ingk to his Ch restomathy (no. 3, above) .

16. Aufr ech t.Theodor . Das Aitareya Brahmana. M it Ausziigen aus dem Com

mentare von Sayanacarya und anderen Bei lagen herausgegeben . Bonn,Adolph Marcus . 1879. Price 1 1 Mark.

This Brahmm a belon to the Rigveda. The text is in transl iteration. The translation ofHang (London, Trii bner Co. 1863) would be of help ; but it is inaccurate and hard to t.

A good man passages are transl ated in volumes I ., and V. of Muir (below, no. U s025these as an troduction, and the St. Petersburg l exicon for help in hard places , an advan

student can make good progress wi th th is text.

17. Btsnal er , Adolf Fr iedr ich . Indische Hausregeln . Sanskr it und deutsch heraus

gegeben . I . Acvalayana. Erstes Heft. Text. Le ipzig. 1 864. Pr ice

2Mark. Zweites Heft. Uebersetzung. 1 865. Price 3 Mark.

Publ ished by th e German Or iental Society , in volumes III . and IV. of the Abhandlungenfii r die Kunde des Morgenlandes. To be ordered th ro h the Society

’s agent, F.A.Brockhans,

in Leipzig. These are the Grihya-sutras belonging to e Rigveda.

18. Roth , R.,und W h itney .W. D. Atharva Veda Sanhita. Herausgegebeu.

Erster Band.Text. Ber lin , Ferd.Diimm ler. 1856. Royal Price 28 Mark

50Pfenn ige.

Th is is the most important and interesting of th e Vedas, after theRik. It is full of magicincantations and other products of curious superstitions.


19. Garbo, Richard. Vaitana Sfitra. The Ritual of the Atharvaveda. Edited with

critical notes and indices. London, Triibner 8:Co. 1878. Price 5 sh il l ings.

20. Garbo, Rich ard. Vaitana Sfitra. Das Ritual des Atharvaveda. Aus dem San

skr it iibersetzt und m it Anmerkungen versehen . London , Tr iibner 81: Co .

1878 . Pr ice 5 sh il lings.

Since this is th e only Grauta-s i’

i tra publ ished with translation , and since it is to be hadeasily and ch eaply , it is recommended as an introduction to the works of th is class .

21 . W eber , Albrecht. The history of Indian Literature . Translated from the

second German edition by John Mann and Theodor Zacharias . Second

edition. London , Tr iibner 8r 00. 1878. Pr ice 10 sh ill ings 6 pence.

Th is is a tematic treatise covering both th e Vedic and the class ical Sanskrit literature.It gives abun nt and practical bibliographical information. As a guide and as a work ofreference it is of th e utmost value.

22. Zimm er. Heinr ich . Altindisches Leben . Die Cultur der vedischen Ar ier .

Nach den Sa i'

n h ita dargestellt. Ber lin,Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1879.

Pr ice 10Mark.

U nder th e different categor ies geography , cl imate , minerals , plants , animal s , agricul

ture, commerce, dress , food, amusements , smil y relations , art. etc. the Vedic texts touch ingth ese subjects are discussed , and the resul ts deducible from th em are put togeth er in a veryreadable and pleasant way .

23. 8 351, Adol f. Der Rigveda. Die alteste Literatur der Inder . Zweite, umgear

beitete und erweiterte, m it vol lstandigem Sach undWortregister versehene

Aufiage . Le ipzig, Otto Schulze. 188 1 . Price 4 Mark.

This contains an account of th e Vedic writings in general , descr iptions of the gods inlanguage agreeing closely with the actual words of th e original as cited in th e notes , andsketches of some of th e more im rtant bases of Vedic l ife and though t. The numerous notesare h igh ly useful as a ide to e si rseg extensive l iterature of these subjects . and point outmany i nteresting els of custom , be ef , and expression to be found in biblical and classical antiquity.

24. Bar th , Auguste . The religions of Indi a. Authorized translation by Rev. J.

Wood. London , Tr iibner St Co . 1 882. Pr ice 16 sh il lings.

The subject is treated in five ch a ters corresponding to th e five grand phases of rel igiousdevelopment in India : the Vedic religion ; Brahmanism ( ritual . ph i l osoph i c speculation , decl ine) ; Buddh ism ; Jainism ; and duism ( the sects and th ei r t deities , Vishnuismand Oivaism reform in

glsects , cul tus) . The copious references to e l iterature of th e sub

jeeta in handadd grea y to the value of the work.

25. Ol denb erg.Hermann. Buddh a ; h is l ife, his doctr ine, his order . Translated

from the German by Will iam Hoey. London ,Wil l iam s and Norgate. 1 882.

Price 1 8 sh ill ings.

Oldenberg has recently finish ed editin ( in five volumes ) the Vinaya Pitakam , one of themost important among the Buddh ist sacredbooks. He has a wide and dee knowl edge of theor iginal Pall sources, and in h is use of th em h e is guided by rare cr iti acumen and goodcommon-sense. His account of Buddha ’

s l ife, doctr ine, and order contains th e best results ofh is studies and th ey are presented in an extremel y attractive form .

26. M ui r .John . Or iginal Sanskr it texts on the origin and h istory of the people

of India, their religions and institutions. Col lected, translated, and illus

trated. London, Tr iibner 8: Co. 1872- 1874. 5 volumes.

The first four volumes have appeared in a second edition , and th e second volume in a

third edition. The th ird volume costs 16 sh il l ings. The r ice of each of the oth ers is 21 shill ings. The first volume discusses the or igin of caste. e fifth is devoted to the cosmogony ,mythology , religious ideas, l ife, and manners of the Indians in the Vedic age.




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VEDA. 75


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76 VEDA.


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80 VEDA.


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90 VEDA.

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v m .


{fi fiq‘ i sfli efi fififififimm qfit

wan fii ssfifi m’

fim m l afitfifi

m aswfim ufi fi am m fimw srfi

i ts traw l


m ai n limfi a imzlm am m


,7, s.


sa fa m fim m fi sm i

5m{fir ifil wfiaflwufilflflm fizfi

m m s fism sa

{fa as :W m isfitmm


“ :imm l s luwfiw ri

m figh

SW : l i s t

3&1: l

102 SUTRA.

m m m fi a afiwmrfinm

m amfi fifimfi m lw mi i i im fiufim mwfi awfi awfifi fa

firfii fi alfalfa W sh

fiflrfimm I“!s i l l s : W61 1 M iugwafimw

afifii ifim fiifi mmfi‘

r its

mg: no:

al l: muwfimi

m nan

m m m ulfl iflzfim me

w sum m {Fa-

ii mi n i m-3 8Wnan firtfe mus-fitmm :m afie

[For Esplaaati ons and Abbreviations , see pages 2894 95]

1 a , pm». roof, see idam and 502.

2a , negative prefix, see an.

M i ca ,m. (that wh ich one gets, i.s.) one


portion ; and so, genera lized, portion, part.

[if1 as‘


]a li en,

m. juicy internodium or shoot of th e

Soma -plant and so, shooting ray (of

l igh t) .

a ficum i n t , a . rich in beams, radiant ; as

m. the sun,16 [angih i 235b.]

ans a , m. shoulder . [perhaps ,‘ the strong

(part ) , V am, 1 197a : cf . Sp o or , Lat.uni-eras ,

Goth . am,

a -k a sm at , adv.without any“wherefore

wi thout apparent cause ; unexpectedly

accidental ly .

a k a sm ad -ag a n ta , m. an accidental ar

rival , a chance comer .

a -k ar a , m. th e sound or letter a. [Whitney ,

a -k ar ana , a. lack of cause ; -am, adv.

ceaselessly .

a -k i r t i , j : non-fame, disgrace.

a k i r t i -k a r a ,a . causing disgrace, dis

graceful .a-k rta ,

a. not done uncooked.

a k t ii , m. — 1 . ointment ; —2. light, beam

of ligh t ; - 3. nigh t. [for 2, cf . tin ts,

a k r i y amana a .notbeing accomplished.

[il 1 kr, do,’770c.]

a -k r r'

i r a , a . not harsh .

1 a k sa, a . f or aksAn at end qf cpds [1315s].2 a k sa,

m. a die for playing. [named,

perhaps, from its eyes ( l akad) or

‘cpots f i

M us , m. axle. [cf. tige r , Lat. axis, AS.

sax, Eng. ar e ( i.s.‘axle and axle ]


a-k sa ta ,a .unhurt, uninjured ; unbroken ;

as m. pl . unbroken or unhusked grains,

esp. of bar ley .

a k sa t a -k e s a r a , a . having an uninjuredmane.

ak sa ta -d eh a , a. having an unhurt or

perfect body .

ak san n. eye. [cf . Jim 's -a,‘ have



; 5cm , cdx-j e,‘eyes

; Lat.

ao-ulus, ey


e the kinsh ip of AS. 2592,

Eng. eye, remains to be proved : cf . V iks.]a k sa - p r i y a , a . beloved of the dice, i.s .

lucky at gaming.

a -k sam a , a . not equal to a thing ; unable,w. in] :

a -k sa y a , a . immrishable.

a k sa y a tv a ,n . imperishabil ity . [aksaya ]

a -k sar a , a . imperishable ; as n. word

sy l lable ; the sacred sy l lable, cm,

sound, letter , 614.

a k sa r a - n y as a ,m. the comm itment to

letters, the writing.

a -k sar a , a . not pungent.

a k sar al a v ana , n. thatwh ich is not pun

gent and not suit. [alavana : i 253b.]a k sar al a v anaci n , a . eating thatwhich

is not pungent and not salt, abstaining

from seasoned and salted food. [Spin ]ak si n. eye ; see aksAn.

a k sauh i ni , j 2 a complete army .

ak sauh ini -pa t i , m. master of an army ;

general .

a -k h i l a , a . wi thout a gap, entire ; al l .

a g a da a .nothaving disease,wel l , healthy ,

whole ; wholesome ; as m.medicine.

a gar a , m. a. h ouse.

a g n f , is . fire ; esp. a sacred fire ; the god

of fire, Agni, mediator between men and

a nikundag( b ffi ’



gods, messengefi hc carr ies the sacr ifice

to them , protector from the terrors and

spir its of darkness, and keeper of h ouse

and hearth . [perhaps, the quick ly mov

ing or agile one,’wl aj , 1 158 : cf . Lat. ignis,

‘ fire,’ayil ia,


; akin, poss., is cxi-71 m,flashing

a gn i -kunda , n. round hole in the ground

for the sacred fire.‘

i gn i - v e l a, f . fire-hour, time for kindlingthe sacred fire ; afternoon.

a gn i -h o t r a, n. fire-sacrifice (a burnt

ofiering of fresh milk ).a gn i h ot r a -bav ani ,


a g n y -adh ey a , n. placing or setting upof the sacred fir e. [acct, 1272 ]

ag r a , n . — 1 . front ; agr e, in front, before,in presence of

,w. gen. — 2. b eginning ;

agre, in the beginning, in the first place,

first ; — 3. tip, end. (perhaps, th at

which goes before, leader ,’

iiaj : cf . b e ,

‘ lead,’" par -mils, army

a g r a tas , adv. in front [1098c3]; before

(one’s self ) ; w. kr, place in front, cause

to lead. [agra, 1098b.]a g r y a,

a . foremost, best. [agra, 1212c.]a g h a,

a . distressful , harmful ; as n. harm,

trouble, evil ; sin ; sorrow. [l ike anh ii ,


’and ash“, distress,

’ fromVoa i

igh or s ilk, straiten cf . axes, dis


; 57x22, Lat. ango, strangle AS.


’Ger . enge,


’ Angst,

distress for connection of mgs, cf .Eng.

stra iten, to narrow

’and ‘ to

ii n gh ay a (aghayati ). harm ; plan mis

chief. [agha , 1059b.]A- gh o r a ca k sus , a . not evi l-eyed.

A-gh n y a , m. bul l ( the animal that is

hard to overcome,’or more exactly ,


to be

ag h n y a, j : cow. [formed as a pendant

to agkuyu.]s f


i ka, m. 1 . the bend at the groin made

by taking a sitting position, lap ; - 2. the

bend just above the h ip (where babes, sitting astride, are carried by Hinduwomen— see i r oha ) ; —3. book ; —4 . ( l ike Eng.

pot-hook ) mark, sign. [iiafic : for 1 , cf .

may ,‘ bend in arm or wall or shore

; for

f . fire-sacr ifice

3, cf. 57x03, Lat. uncus, AS. angel ,‘ hook

cf.Eng. angle, not a borrowed word.]if a i


i k h a y a (ai'

ikhayati [1056,book on

, grapple. [from fi lm , hook,’

despite the aspiration ]pa r i , clasp, embrace.

il a fi g . move, in der iva.

a fi ga, asseverative particle. yad ai'

iga, justwhen ; té aiiga, they only.

i fi g a , n. l imb, member ; by synecdoche,

body , person, form . “Gi g : for mg, cf .afigmi.m ama/mp ,


a r'

i g a n a , n. court. [orig., perhaps,


way.’h i s-1

a r'

i g a na, j : a (fair ) form, i.s. a woman.

[fi es -1s i

rgar a , m. coal .


i g i r a s , m. 1 . or ig.,probably, messenger ;

esp.messenger between gods and men ; by

eminence, Agni ; —2. as pl . Angirases, a

nameappliedby theHindus to a certain race

among their forefathers (perhaps becausetheir intercourse with the gods was con

ceived as very intimate ), these forefath ersbeing regarded as hal f divine ; — 3 . as s.

the (myth ical ) ancestor of the Angirases.

afigd l i , f . finger . [il ai'

ig, 1 191 : for mg,

cf. ai ga ]a figdsth a , m. thumb. [for mg, cf . di gs ]4 a c or afic (acati , aficati ; aknL, aficita;4 cya ). bend. ( cf . afika and ybi ah a ]a, bend.

a -ca r a , a . not moving ; m. subst. plant (as

distinguished from anima l s ) .

a -ca l a , a . immovable ; as m.mountain.

a -c i t , a . not knowing ; unwise ; foolish .a- c i tt i , f . unwisdom ; fol ly .

a - c i tv a, grd. without pil ing. [V 1 ci.]a c i n ty a a . incompreh ensible.

Acch a , vbl prefix. to, unto ; h ither ; w.Wi2 nag, ya, vah , vrt ; ofien accha, 248a.

V a j (Ajati , -te) . drive. [orig.‘

put in

motion’: cf . Lat. ago,

‘ lcad, dr ive’

;‘ lead cf . a lso agra, aj ira, s ]+ nd , drive out.

aj s , m. he-goat. [prob.‘ the agile one,

V aj : cf . are,a -j ar a , a. not aging ; ageless.

a j a r am a r a v a t , adv. as if ageless and

immortal . [ajara-amara, 1 107,

fl. M G’

m b -r in

h t r i , m. Atri,name of a famous Rish i.

ath a (£th i , 248a ) , adv. expresses a sequence,

temporal or resultant : then ; so ; so then ;

accordingly ; thereupon ; — l . temporal drava, athi upshi , run past, andth en go unto in apodosis af ter

yadi , 845-5 7

,— 2. resultant : e.g. ma

rddbh ih sakhyam to utu, atha jayiisi,make fr iends with the Maruts, and then

( if thou dost) th oushal t conquer, 822m ;

- 3. very fiequent as a simple continua tive

now ; so ; then ; usua lly at beginning of sen

tence (e.g. 201 ) or cloka (e.g. sometimes

within the glolca (e.g. exceptiona lly at

the end, 139; at beginning of section or book,

now,98 16 here beginneth (cf : iti ) , 1


sometimes much attenuated in meaning ; of ten

almost equiva lent to a cap ita l letter , to mark

the beginning of a new clause,e.g. 94 1 8 con

necting pa rts of sentence,— 4 . p leonas

tica lly w. tats-s, 139; mere ver sezfiller ,

—5. atbo, i .e. atha u, and also, — 6.

serving as a point d’appui f or an encl itic


which may thus precede its word : e.g. devo,

tha vi yaksas , a god or a Yaksha , instead

viIf of devo, yakso in th is use



va zatha vi zzque atque ; cf . 27 21 ; cf.

14v i ; —7 . atha v i , or rather , 26

7 3 . [pron.

root a , 1 101 , 502 ; later form of t i

(wh ich is more common in the Veda ) cf .

Lat. at, then , further ,VI a d (atti ; atsyati ; attun ) . eat ; consume.

[cf. ( as , Lat. edo, AS. etan, Eng. eat : cf .

anna.]6 d , vbl . eating, consuming, in cpds.

ada ,a . eating, in cpds. [V all ]

a -da nstr i n , a . without tasks or large

teeth .

a- da tta ,a . not given.

a -dauta j i ta , a . not having teethed.

[‘not h aving grown teeth ,

’for a-jata

danta.]a d i a pron. yon, yonder , that, th at

there, in opposition to the one here or j ustmentioned : e.g. aai u, 227, that one (thetravel ler — last mentioned at so 31 1°



asi v amutr a, ayam asmin, that one in

that wor ld, this one in this, 1037; that one

(corr el. ya ) , 70, 37 11 as designation of persons not to be named, ao-and-ao, N. or M.


usi v aham, I am ao-and-ao, 61 60m

103 5 ; f ollows at a distance the word to

which it ref er s, thus emphasizing it, 231.

[see 501 and 503 ]ad i t i , a . with out bond or limit ; infinite ; as

f . infinity , the endless heaven, influ

ity , per sonified as a goddess, Aditi,

[apparently a d ifi, acct, l 3o4u“z diti,

‘ bond,’would be a reg. deriv. of 913 115,

‘ bind,’but does not occur as such ,

al though there is a word di ti , q.v., of

quite diflerent mg and origin.]a - d i n a ,

a . not depressed.

a d i n atm a n , a . with cheerful spirit, un

daunted. [i tmams dur m a i g a l a , f . -i, a . bringing no had

luck. [for declension , cf . sumafigfla ,

-gal i, and 355b.]a d i sta , a . unseen ,

unnoticed. [44115 ]a drsta k am a , m. love for one not yet

seen.fl;M W [ rah -

21 V

a d ev a, m. non-god,who i sno god.

a dbh i s , see 393.

h db h uta , a . wonderful ; as n. wonder .

[despite anatidbhuta, prob. from at(i)bhiita,

‘ transcending what has existed,’

l 3lOa : cf . ambara.]adbh ut a - rupa , a . having wonderfulbeauty .

a dya,adv. to-day ; adya nigi , in this night

(just past) , 51a; now ; adya yi vat, until

now ; adyavi rabhya, from now on. [per

haps from os -dyavi , on this day ,’l l 22f ,

see dyuz cf. Lat. Ito-die, to

a -d r a v y a , n. non-thing, unworthy object.

ad r i,m. rock ; stone ; esp . Some-stone (for

bruising the Soma ) ; missile stone.

a d r i v a n t , a . having or armed with the

hur l ing-stone.

h d h a (M ini , 248a ) , Vedic adv. expressing a

sequence then, so, so then, 89‘9;

adha yad, just then when, 76l 4; (then,

i .e. besides, i .a.) and, [ 1 104 '

cf . £tha .]a -d h a n y a , a. not rich ; poor .

a dh am a a . lowest ; worst. [cf .adhasand 474 : cf .Lat. infimus ,

adh a r a a . lower. [ci . adhas and

474 : cf .Lat. infirus ,‘ lower

; Eng.under .)6 -dh a r m a , m. unrigh teousness.

a dh a h -ei y i n , a . lying low,

i .s . sleeping

on the ground.

a dh as , adv. below ; down.

a dh as t i t , adv. below ; as prep., w. gen.

under . [adhas, l l OOb.]t dh i , adv. over , besides, in addition,

as prep . above, over, on ; w. instr . (of and

only ) , away over , w. abl . from, out

of , w. loc.: over , 907; on, 70

a dh i k a ,a . ( like Eng. over in adj . uses ) ad

ditional ; surpassing the usual measure,

superior , extraordinary ; as n. surplus.

[6dh i , l 222a.]a dh i k a - r ii p a v a n t , a . surpassingly or

most beautiful .a dh i k i nur i

i g a , m. superior affection or

most affection. [anur i gat ]a dh i k i r a ,

m. authority ; emee ; duties ofomce. [Vl kr + adh i,

put over or in

adh i j y a , a. h aving th e bow-string up or on,

strung. [zjyta dh i -pa ,

m. lord ; rul er .

l 289s : cf.

adh i -pa t i , m. over-lord ; sovereign.

[ l 289a.]a dh i - p i m. lord. over-keeper ,

1289a.]a d h i sth i n a , n. standing-place ; (of th e

soul ) a dwel l ing-place or manifestation.

[V sth i adhi .]a dhun i , adv. now.

a d h o -n i v i ta , a . having the sacred cord

(worn ) low. [adham]a dh y a y a n a ,

n. reading ; study , esp. of the

Veda. [Vi adh l , 1 150. l a.]a dh y i y a , m. reading ; study , esp. of the

Veda ; ( l ike Eng. lesson ) , lectio, ch apter ,

etc. [Vi adhi , 1 148.

a dh v a r a, m. rel igious or liturgical ser

vice ; sacr ifice, esp . Soma-sacr ifice.

91 a dh v a r y a (adhvaryati ). perform sac

rifice . [adhvara , 1059d.]a dh v a r yu,

m. pr iest, who did the actual

work of the sacr ifice, and appears in the

oldest per iod as companion of the hotr a n - i dh r sy a, a . nu-approachable.

see rtvij. [l adhvarym l 178h .]a n ,

bef ore consonants a , negative prefix.

[1 121a ; acct, 1288s , l 304s : cf . a» , d

Lat. in Eng. nu

[aném ayitnu

a n (auiti i nn ; finisus ; anisyati

ani ta; i nitum ; Anya ) . breathe, blow ;

l ive. [cf. anila, firmer, Lat. anima ,


rent of air’

; Goth . an-an,

p r a , breathe.

a n i , pron. stem, see idam.

a n - a gh a , a . faul tless.a n a dv ah m. bul l . [


anas vah.]a n - a dh i g a ta , a . un-studied.

a n - a nusth i n a , n. non-observance, neg


a n - a n ta r a, - 1 . a. having no interval

immediately adjoining ; -am, adv. imme

diately afterwards, afterwards ; thereupon ;—2. as n. non-interval , in sam

nu- a n i v a, a . without sickness or trouble,

well ; as n. weal . [hmi'

vfl l 8o4s .jnu- a r g h y a , a . not to be priced, priceless.

a n a r g h y a tv a , n. pricelessness. [1239 ]a n -a r th a , m. non-advantage ; disadvan

a n a l a , m. fire.

a n - a v ady a,a . not un-praiseworthy

blameless, faul tless.a n a v a dy i i g aJ i -i, a . having a faul tless

body. [afiga ]a n - a v ek sa ,

a . without any looking

around -am,adv.with out looking around.

[aveksi ]a n - a v ek sam fina , a . not looking around.

[l ike ava.]a n - a gru, a . without tears. [term 1304a.]a -n a sta , a. not lost. [H uang]an a sta -p aeu,

a . who loses noth ing fromhis herd. [prop. having a not lost

an a s , n. cart for heavy burden. [cf . Lat.onus,

an - i g a ta , a . not ar rived ; not (yet) come,impending, future. [Vgam i ]

an i g a ta v a n t , a . having to do with the

future. [1233]a n ag a ta - v i dh atr , m. ar ranger for the

futur e ; Forethought, name of a fish .

h n - i g a s , a . without sin. [acct,

[acct,l 285.]

nu-am a y h , a. without disease, heal thy ;

as n. h eal th .

a n - i m a y i tnu, a. not sickening ; heal ing.

8 ‘

anfiyudh a]

a n i y udh A a . weaponless defeneeless.

[ityudha , 1304a.]a n - i r uh y a , grd. without going into

(danger ) . [V ruh i ]a n i l a , m. wind. [V an ,

h - n i v i gam i n a , a . not going to rest.

[acct,a -n i v eea n a,

a . having no resting-


unsettled. [nivégana 1304a.]a n - i sta , a . undesired ; disagreeable ; un

approved, unl awful . [V 1 is.)a n i ata - c i n t a n a , n. the th inking about

something un lawful .a n i stv i grd. without sacrificing. [Vyaj .]an i k a , n. — 1 . face ; — 2.fig. appearance ;

3. of a hatchet (face, sh arp edge ;

4 . front, and so, by synecdoche, troop.

[so Lat. acies has mgs 3 and

a -n i t i j ii a ,a . not knowing discreet con


i n n prep. after,along, toward ; w. acc.

along or over after , i .e. according to.

a nug a t i , f . a going after . [Vgam anu.]a nuc a r a,

a . going after ; a s m. attendant ;

companion. [V car anu.]a nu-j i v i n ,

a . l iving upon, dependent ; as

m. a dependent. [Vj i'

v anu.]anu-tta , pp l . see Vl d5 + anlL

6. nut ta a . nu-moved, i.s. invincible.

[Vnud.]anuttam a , a . most h ighest ; best, most

excel lent ; supreme. [lit. most best,’

formal super ]. to anuttar a, which is itselflogical ly a super l .]

a n -utta r a , a . not having a super ior , i .v.

best. [for mg, cf . uihgr eyasaJan -ud i ta , a . not arisen. [Vi +ud.]nu-ud y og a ,

m. non-exer tion .

a nun a y a m. concil iation. [Vui'

anu.]a n -up a k i r i n ,

a . not doing or unable to

do a friendly service.

a n n p r v a a . fol lowing th e one preced

ing, one after another ; -um,adv. in regular

order . [1310a.]An nm a t i f . approbation favor (of godsto the pious ) per sonified, Grace. [Vmananu.]

a num an a , n. th e form ing of a conception.

[V 1 mi . anu,

a nur i ga , m. affection. [Vraj anu.]

a nur od h a , m. regard. [Vl rudh + anu.]a nur odh i n , a . having (some ) regard for.

[V 1 rudh anu.]a n -ul b a na, a . not lumpy ; smooth or per

feet (of a weft) . [ 1288aa n uv rt t i , j : sequence, and so

, continu

ance. [V vrt anu.]Anu- v r a ta , a . acting according to the

wi ll or command (of another ) , obedient ;devoted to ,

w. ace. 6 100 [ l 310acf . apavrata .]

a nuga y a ,m. repentance. [perhaps


which l ies down after one or fol lows oneto his bed

’: Vgi + anu.]

a nusth i n a , n. devotion to, observance.

[Vath i anu.]a nusth ey a , grdv. to be accomplished.

[see V stha anu, and 963a.]a nus a r a na , n. a going after , a searching.

[V sr anu.]a nus ta r a na , a . strewing over , covering

over ; f . anusthr ani (se. go) , a cow,

slaugh tered at the funeral ceremony , andthe pieces of wh ich are used for cover ing

over the corpse, limb by l imb. [Vstranu.]

a nfic i n t , see 807 and 784 .

a n - r ta ,a . untrue ; hurta, n. untruth

wrong. ms, 1288a.]a n - ek a , a . not one, i.e. more than one ;

many-1 {7

a n ek a d h i ,adv. many times. [1104 ]

a n ek a ea s , adv. in large numbers.

a- n ady a ,a . not to be blamed ; blame

less. [acct, 1285a.]a n - en h s ,

a . free from guil t.

l 304a.]a n omk rta , a. not having om uttered, i.e.

unaccompan ied by om. [see orhkrtaj

( 6118 8 .

hut a , m.— 1 . vicinity , proxim ity ;


border ; l imit ; end. [see anti : cf . Eng.

end.]a n t a h - pur a ,

n. inner stronghold or

citadel ; inner apartment of the royal

citadel , gynaeceum ,harem , [antar ,

1289a.]an t a k a , ender (death ) . [anta ,1222s .)

a n t a -k a r a , a. end-making ; as as. de



h p f . plurale tantum. water ; waters. a - p i r h ,a . boundless.

Goth . ap i , indecl . unto, close upon or on ; — 1 .[un related to Lat. aqua ,water ,


i p a , prep . away , forth , off ; opp . of tipa ,

see VVi, kr. [cf . Lat. ab,

‘ from ’


a p a kar a , m. injury . [V 1 kr spa.)a pa k i r i n ,

a. injur ing. [do .]a pa c i r a , us. going off ; absence.

apa.]a- p a t i g h n i


,a . f . not husband-slaying.

[402 : acct, 1288a.]ap a ty a ,

n. offspring ; ch ild ; young (of

animal s ) . [6pm‘ofi,


a -pad a . footless. [cf . h ob-sr ,

halt’: 1304a.]

a pa bh r a sta , a . fal len ofi ; deviating (from

good grammar ) ; provincial . [Vbhr angapa .]

ap a r t. pron. a . h inder,opp . of piirva ;

fol lowing a former one (pnrva ) , 86"

later ; wester ly , app . to piirva— cf . pr i fic

a fol lowing one,i.e. an oth er ; apararii ca ,

and another th ing, and further , see ca 3 ;— apar i [efi 355b], f . pl . the future

(days ) , the future. [lit.‘remoter ,

’fr . apa ,

474 ]a -p a r aiim nk h a ,

a .not having an averted

face, i .a. not turning the back,a-p a r i j i ta , a . unconquered ; w. dig, the

northeast quarter , 99” N. [VJ1 .]

a p a r adh a , m. sin.

a - p a r i j ata , a . not completely grown (of

an embryo ) , i . .e prematurely born, stil l

born w a s.

a - p a r i ni‘

ya , grd. without any leading

around. [Vni ]a- p a r i m i ta , a . unmeasured, unl imited.

[V 1 mi ]Apa - v r a ta ,

a . disobedient ; stubborn.

away from command,’13l 0s : cf . anu


I‘ d,

a pas ,see ap.

4 p a s [perh aps from V sap,‘reach ,

take hold of’

see Vi p : cf. Lat. opus,

a p ii y a ,m. a going away ; wh at takes one

from the mark (qf. upaya ) danger

disadvantage dim inution. [Vi apa,

1 148. 1a : for mg, cf. Eng. untoward ]


[parazacct, 1304a.]

prep . to, w. Vgen ; -2. adv. (thereto, be~

sides, i . .e ) further , al so ; connecting clauses

or words connecting sentences ,

api ca, and besides, see ca 3 ; api

api , both and, ca,api ,

and, ca capi , both and

al so, 121;

‘ capi ,°

ca , 31 1 16" capi,

° “a n “ ,

na , na., api neither


y nor

na na cap1, 22"

, na

ca, neither nor,nor also


v i , V i e api , either or, or even

- 3. also, too, immediately f ollowingthe emphasized word


mi n api , me too, — 4 . even, imme

diately f ol lowing the emphasized word, and

qfien marking a circumstance under which a

thing is true where this is not to be expected

e.g. 2 1 3,28 71 ‘3, tath i

vapi, so even, i.s .

nevertheless, 211 1; concessively, al th ough ,

51 w. na ,not even, 19

“ w.

indefinites, kadi cid api , 11a, not ever at

al l,

— 5.M immediately f ollowing a new subj ect af ter change of subj ect]

”;A— 6. at least,

28 ° 1 1 ; —7 . converts an interr . into an indefso km 1 7 1 1 , etc. kath am , 51

[cf . Is l,‘on, upon

; perhaps Lat. op ob‘ unto,

af- p i da y a n t , a . non-oppressing. [Vpid.]a - p ii r v a,

a . having no predecessor ; nu

precedented ; incomparable. [piir va z

acct, 1304a.]a p ek sa, f . regard ; expectation. [V iks +spa-l

A-p r a j a , a . having no ofispring, childless.

[pr aja, 367b.]a - p r a j fi ata , a . undistinguished or not

clear ly to be known. [Vj i i ]a - p r a t a r k y a , a . un-imaginable.

a - p r a t im a , a . with out match or equal ;

unequal led. [pratims’

u367b.]a-p r a t i ta ,

a . not gone against ; not wi th

stood ; invincible. [Vi pr ati .]a - p r a t ta ,

a . not given ( in marr iage ).

[V 1 di pra, 1087e.]a- p r a y n cch a n t , a . not heedless ; watch

ful . [V2ya pra, q .v.]

a hat h /a.

[ 1 1 9]

a-p r i y a ,a . not dear ; disliked ; disagree


a paa r fis , j 2 one of a class of semi-divine

beings, wives of th e Gandh arvas an Ap

saras, 6711 N.

a -bn ddh im a n t , a . unwise ; foolish .

fibd a ,m lit. water-giving ; (then, perhaps,

rainy season,and so) year . [up da , but

w . irreg. acct, 1269 : for mg, see varsa .]a -bh a k sy a ,

a . not to be eaten ; as n.

that which ough t not to be eaten.

a-b h a y a ,a . danger less ; as n. safety

feel ing of safety ; super l. greatest safety .

[bhayaz acct, 1304112]

a -bh av a , m. non-existence absence ; lack.

a -bh i v i n , a . not about to be, not destined

to be.

a b h i , adv. to, unto ; against ; f requent as

vbl prefix ; as prep . unto, w. ace. [cf . duel,‘around

, Lat. amb1‘

amb on both sides,


; AS. ymbe, Ger . um,





a b h i j fia ,a . knowing, acquainted with .

[V31111 abh i.333 ]abh f t a s , adv. on both sides ; on al l sides,

101 around ; near . [abbi .]a bh i d r oh a,

m. ofiense.

a bh i dh a , f name ; cf}

akhya. [V1 dh i +abh i , q.v. i n s


”ab h i dh a n a , n. name ; designation. [do .]a bh i d h y i n a , n. th e th ink ing upon.

[Vdhyi abhi ]ab h i n i v ega , m. inclination towards.

[Vvie+ abhi -ui.]ab h i bh asi n ,

a . addressing. [Vbh i sabh i,

abh i b h fit i , f . superior ity ; as a . [1 157.superior . [Vbhu abhi .]

ab h i bh n’

ty - oj a s , a . having super ior

migh t.

a bh im i t i , j : hostile plot ; concrete, plot

ter , foe. [Vman abh i, 1 157. 1d : a

M y ]A

a bh i m nk h a , a . having the face towards ;facing ; turned towards.

abh i v i da , m. salutation ; at signifi

cati on.

a bh i v i da n a , n. salutation. [do.]abh i v i di n ,

a . signifying. [do .]a bh i v i dy a , grdv. to be saluted. [do.]

[am imansya

a bh i -ei r a s ,a . having th e head towards,

w. acc. [ 1305 ]a -b h i ta , a . fear less ; -vat fearless ly .

a bh i ps n . a . desirous of obtaining, w. acc.

[V 5p 11t 1 178f , 1038 ]abh y - a d h i k a , a . additional ; more.

a bh y - a n t a r a , a . situated in th e inside

[1310s ]; as n. interior ; interval .

a bb y -atm a , a . directed towards one’


self [1310s ] ; -am, adv. towards one’


self [l 310d].a bh y i aa , m. study . [V2as + abh i, q .v.]a bh r a, n. rain-cloud. [cf . limepos.



Lat. imber ,‘rain

’: of. s.trit and ambu,

a bh r i v a k i ei k a ,a . (having, i.s.) afiord

ing an opportunity for the rain, exposing

one’s self to the rain. [abhra avaki ea,

V am ( i mi'

ti amé ; i mayati ). press

on violently ; harm ; caus. [104 1 harm ;

be sick. [cf . anu .]am a , pron. this ; be. cf . ami ]a -m a n tu, a . wi thout intention. [manta1304a.]

a -m ar a , a . death less ; immortal ; as m. an

immortal , a god ; -vat adv. l ike a

god. [mar i z 1304a'end.]

am a r o t tam a , a . ch ief of gods. [uttama ]am a r opam a , a . like a god. [npami367b.]

A-m a r ty a , a . immortal .

a -m a r sa , m. non-endurance ; impatience ;

anger .

a -m a h i tm a n , a. not high-minded.

am i ,adv. at home, chez sol ; ami kr, keep

by one. [£ma , 1 1 12a and e.]am isty a , m. inmate of the same house,

relative. [amfli 245h .]a -m i y a , j !no guil e ; sincerity .

am a-v as a ,m. a dwel l ing (of the moon )

at h ome ( i.e. with th e sun ) .

am av i sya, a . of amava'

sa f . 41,w. or

without r i tt i, th e nigh t of ami vi sa, i.s.

nigh t of new moon. [ 1212d

a -m i th un a , a . not forming pairs (of bothsexes ).

a -m i’

m ans y a ,


a . not to be ca l l ed in

am iva]

an i v a , ,n., but generafly -i , _fiplague, dis

tress ; as m. tormenting spir it. [V am .]a n i v a - c i t a n a , j : -i , a . dr iving away


m i v a - h an a . slayi ng the torment

ing spirits.

a n d , pron. root,see adas. [503

amflta s , adv. from there, opp. of itas ;mm [m ] gm m « c

amnt r a , adv. therei . in the other wor ld,

opp . of iha or aam in ( loke ). [anu.]n a y ai , adv. so. [amn, 1 1 12s , e end.]

a -m f t a , a . immortal ; as subst. an immor

tal ; as n. immortal ity ; th e dr ink of im

mortal ity , bq oa la. not dead,’


l 284s : cf . Lp o'ros,

am rta tv a, n. immorta l ity . [amrta ]i m b a r a , n. garment ; sky . [prob.


ing, envelope,’VI vr + anu, for an (n )

vara : cf . adbhnta.]am bn , 11 . water . [see abhra.]am bn - j a , a . water-born ; as n. lotus.

am b h a s , n. water. [see abhra ]ay a ,

a . subst. going , a going. [V i , 1 148 . l a h .]dy a n a , n. a going ; place of going, way ;

course ; esp. course (of the sun from one

solstice to the oth er ) , i .s . half-year . [V i ,1 150. l a.]

h y a s , n. metal ; iron. [cf . Ol d Lat. a is,

gen. a is-is, Lat. aes , metal , bronze’

; AS.


‘ bronze,’ Eng. ore ; perhaps AS. iseru,

iren, Eng. iron,‘ ferrum ,

a y a am ay a , a . iron . [see maya.]a -y ti j , a . not paired ; in uneven numbers.

[cf. -yuj a,

a . not paired, uneven. [cf .smog,

‘ unpaired’

; also cm 1) (ifs-ya, the gameeven or

6 -yudd h a ,11. no figh t. [1288a.]

a y odd h t m.non-figh ter , coward.

a r a,m. spoke. [Vr, cans .

‘ fit

dr a na , a . distant, strange.

a r 6n1 , j : piece of wood for kindl ing fire

by attrition.

Ar a ny a ,n. wilderness, forest.

land,’f r. arana .]

a r any a - r aj y a ,n. forest-sovereignty .

a r any a - v i s i n ,a . dwel l ing in the forest.

a r any i n i , j ! wilderness. [aranya , cf .


a - r a pas , a . without infirmity ; whole.

[rapas, 1304a.]Ar am , adv. so as to fit or suit, ready , at

hand, enough ; w. kr, make ready , serve,

w. gam , attend upon. [adv. ace. of

ara, Vr, 1 1 1 1d : cf . sl am ]j : non-favor ; mal ignity ; pers

fled, pi., malign hags. [acct, 1288a .]a r f [343d], a . — 1 . eager , esp . in one

s r e

lations to the gods , and so, pious ; — 2.

greedy ; — 3. hostile ; as m. enemy . [ Vr,‘

go for cf . i tya .]A- r i sta , a . unharmed. [Vr is zacct, 1284]a r i sth t i t i , f . unh armedness

, heal th .

(M ata.1238

a r nna,a . ruddy ; as m. Aruna

, name of a

teach er , [cf . arusa.]a - r n n dh a t i , f . Arundhati , name of the

faint star Al kor in U rsa Major , conceived

as consort of the Seven Rishis . [d h,

691 : acct, 1283a.]a r usa, f . arus


i, a . ruddy . [see 362b’: cf .

m a.)a r e ,

word of address. Ah !

1 135c : cf. re.)a - r og a , a . not having disease, diseaseless.

a r k a,m. the sun . [Vi


a r g h a, m. worth , pr ice . [V ath .]a r g h y a , a . of price or that may be priced.

[argha, 1212 ]V a r e , see Vrc.

a r c i s ,n. flame.

V a t j , see V211).a r j un a , n. acqui sition. [V2rj ,ar j i9a ,

a . si lver-white . [V3 rj , q.v .]ar th a , m. — 1 . aim , object, purpose, er

rand, sake ; ar tham and arth e [1302c 4],for the sake of , on account of, for , esp.

fiequent at end q/ cpds ;— 2. (object, i.s.)

thing, matter , afiair , cause , business ; — 3.

(object, i.e.) advantage, profit (w.

weal th , proper ty ; - 4 . aim , intent, mean

ing, that which one goes for ,’


1 163 ]a r th a - ta ttv a ,

n. true state of the mat

ter or case.

V a r th a y a (arthayate, -ti ). seek for an

object. [artha ,

a bh i , ask, entreat.

p r a , desire, sue for.

[voc. of ar i,

[Vrc, 1 153 ]

s vasth a]

a v a s th fi, f . state , condition.

ava : for mg, cf . Lat. status w. stare ]a -v a h a n t , a. not flowing, standing.

( 4-1a-v i cy a , a . not to be spoken to.

av i il o [409a], a . directed downwards ; acc.

s. n. avi k, adv. downwards, in depth.

fiv i , m. sheep ; as f . ewe. [cf . 51s. fi r st ,Lat. ovis , sheep Eng. ewe.]

a -v i cch i n d a n t , a . not severing. [Vehid ]a -v i cch i n n a , a . not severed, continuous.

[do.]a -v ij ni y a , grd. withoutdiscerning. [Vjfii ]a -v i j ne y a , a . unknowable. [do.]a -v i das i n ,

a. not drying up, perennial .

[M N -Ja-v i dv i ns , a.unwise ; as m. fool . [acct,1288a.]

a -v i dh a v l‘

t , f : not widow. [vidhavaacct,

a -v i dh an a ta a , adv. not according to


a - v i p l uta , a . not dishonored ; unsul l ied.

[Vpln + vi , q.v.]a -v i v ek a , a . without discr imination.

a v i v ek a t i , f . lack of judgment.a -v i qafik a, a . without hesitation, unhesi

tating. [vigafiki 1304a.]a -v i sa y a , m. a non-

province ; something

out of one’s l ine or that one h as no busi

ness to do ; un lawful th ing.

a -v rk a, a . not harmful ; -am , adv. harm

lessly , lovingly . [vtka z acct, 1288sa v ek si , j : a looking around. [Vmava,

a -v y ak ta , a . not manifest ; as m. The

Al l-soul , 6717

. [Vafij .]a -v y a y a ,

a . imperishable ; not subject tochange ; unbroken. [1288a.]V l a g, or ig. anq (aenbti, aqnuté ; i nflates ,

“ 96 fists ; aw» ; wit“ )reach ; attain ; obtain , get. [cf . r ob-nym

hs,‘reaching to the fect

flv-q x-a ,‘car

rled’: see also the closely related V2nae.]

11 pa , attain to.

V 20? (semi ; int ; W M ; asi

ta; heitum ; aeitvei ; partake of

taste ; eat. [a special ization of Vl aqcf. h -oltos,

‘ bit’: for mg, cf . bhaka]

+ p r a , partake of ; caus . feed.

a -qa r‘

rk a , a. without hesitation. [eucf. avieafika ]

a qa n a, a. food. [V2ae.]a -quc i , a. impure.

a-gubk a , a . disagreeable.

a-qev a , a. not dear ; hostile. £96"acct, 1288a.]

a -ge sa , a . wi thout remainder , entire ; -tas,adv. entirely , without exception.

Aqm a n , m. — 1 . stone ; — 2. thunderbolt— 3. vault of h eaven, 79

Agv a , m. horse ; tqva, f . mare, steed. [cf .In es, dialectic Intros, Lat. equus, Ol d Saxon


hu, AS. eh

, eoh ,

a gv a -k ov i da , a . wel l skil led in horses.

a gv a -m ed h a, m. horse-sacr ifice.

s ev i n , a . horsed ; as dual m. th e Aevins, {ingods of the morning ligh t, 85

m11 . [aqua]

i ev y a , a . consisting of horses ; of a horse.

[agn t of. lan es,‘of a

m s [483”Lnum. eigh t. [cf . bee-6, Lat.

octo, AS. eahta , Eng. eight ]a sta n a, a . eighth . [a ti , 487a sta -v i dh a , a . of eigh t sorts ; eigh t-fold.

[vidhi 1302c

a sti r‘

i g a , or. eigh t members.

a sti fig a -p i ta , m. a fal l on eigh t mem

bers, i.s. on hands, knees, feet, breast,and face, i.s. a most profound obeisance.

Asti , f . attainment. [Vl aqx]1 1“ ( 1 1111 as ) . - 1 . be, exist ; be

present or on h and ; take place, happen ;

asti , i sit, th ere is, there was , veryfiequent

at beg. of stor ies ; —2. be, w. predicate pos

sessive gen.,i.s . belong to ; asti mama,

I have ; observe that Skt. has no verb f or


; - 3. mostfi-equent as simple copula ;

further , w. ppls : e.g. pr i pto‘si , art thou

come, didst then come, 91; hantavyo smi ,

occidendus sum, espi no‘sm i , I have

sworn,97 7 ; redundantly [303b

‘end]: e.g.

tathU nnsthit-e sati, it being thus per

formed, so 39W” ; prahrstah

san, being pleased, 48" —4. w. advs

ti epin M t, kept silent ; evam natu, so

be it ; w. pradus , see s .v. ; — 5. become,

[w. 68 -111, S-anfi,

‘ is, are,’cf . ( am ,

‘ fs, exists,’s lat, Doric l vr l, s i n s, are,

Lat. es-t, s-unt, AS. is, s is-t, s-ind,‘ is, are,

Eng. is ; cognate are a-m, ar


2a s (asyati, -te ; flea ; asisyati ; asta

i eitam aaitvi -asya ) . th row, cast,

shoot ; throw aside. [cf . asf , the bran

dished’sword ; Lat. ensi ,

s sword ; iilea ,

saslea , die,’l ike Ger. Wurf el , die,

fr .

werf en,‘ th row

+ v y - a t i , throw over, cross.

+ a b h i , throw (one’s self ) upon, direct

(one’s attention ) to, study . [for mg, cf .

f poa ixew without r bv r oam]+ui , throw down ; deposit ; commit.

pa r i -ui , throw down over , stretch

over .

+ n i s , throw out ; root out ; destroy .

+ v i , — 1 . cast asunder ; cast or throw

away ;— 2. break in pieces, 70

s am , cast or put together .

a - s amh r ada y a n t , a . not causing to

rattle. [Vhr i d.]a - s a ty a s amdh a , a . unfaithful , trescherous .

h - s a n t , a . non-existing ; as n. non-exist


a - s a p i nda , a . related more distantly th an

in the sixth generation, see sapinda .

a - s am a r th a ,a . unable.

a - s am pa tt i , f . non-success.

a - aam b a ddh a , a .nu-connected, ln-cohen

ent, w. samefig mg as in Eng. [Vbandh .]a - s am ba n d h a , a . not h aving re lation

sh ip.

a - s am bh i v y a , a . unsupposable, impos


a - s a h a , a . impatient.

h su,m. vital spir it ; vigorous life. [V l aa ]

a - s n t f'

p , a . insatiable.

a su- t i'

p , a . l ife-robbing. [vbl of V2trp.]Asu-n i t i , f . the leading or continuing of

l ife ( in th e other wor ld) ; spirit-life ; spiri twor ld. [acct, l 274 .]

a - s n n v a, a . not pressing (Soma ) , i.e.

indifierent to the gods, godl ess. [see1 148.3b and

[ah ata

h aur a ,- l . a. spir itual (used of th e gods,

and designating esp. the difierence be

tween celestial and mundane existence ) ;—2. as m. a spir it of l ife, a god ; asnraadeva, spir it that is no god, demon,— 3. later , demon enemy of the

gods, an Asura, a not-god (as if the word

were a-sur a whence, by popular ety

mology , the pendant aur a , god [asut a , 1226 (cf . 1 188f ) , and as-u f r. V l as,1 178b.

a sur ya, a . godl ike ; as n. pl . godhead.

[asnra, 1212d4 .]V a sfiy a (asiiyati ). be impatient.

a s i'

i y a , f . impatience. [V as iiya,i n j n. blood, [cf . Cyprian tap,

a a i n, see 501 and adas.

data ,11 . home ; astan , w. i , garn, ya, go

home ; esp . of the sun [see 1092b], set.

[prob. VI as : for mg, cf . bhavana ]a ct s -m an n a ,

a . h aving thrown aside or

abandoned sil ence. [V2as.]a at i , _fi being. [V l aa ]n ath an n. bone. [cf . bar l ey , Lat.stem ossi costi nom. os


a - s th i v a r a , a . not standing.

aeth i , see asthhn.

a - s prga n t , a . not touching. [Vsprgjpron. stem. we, us. [cf .mal t,

Lesbian dupes,a am fid , as stem in cpds our ; as pl .

a sm i k a ,a . of us ; our. [asma,

A- s v a pa n t , a . not sleeping. [V svap.]a - sv a s th a , a . not wel l , il l ; not self-contained, not m ater of one

’s self.

a - s v eda , a . free fr om sweat.

V a h (i ttha, i ha, 511411111 11, -tns , Ch ris

say ; cal l ; i hns , they say . [cf .

Lat. a io,‘say ,



‘saw, proverb,

nego, say

+ p r a , declare to be.

1 Ah a , assev. particle. certainly , of course ;namely. [pron. root a : cf . 1 104 ' end.]

2 h h a , f or than in cpds. [1209a, 1315a.]A- h a t a ,

a . — 1 . not beaten ; —2. (sinceHindu washermen wet the clothes and

pound them wi th stones) unwashed, of a

garment, i.s. new. [Vhan.]

[ 124]

t h a n , ahar , Alias [430a], 11. day (as Opp.

to nigh t) , e.g. day .

a h fim pron. I . [cf . £76 , Lat. ego,

AS . ic, Eng. I see 491 and ma etc.]ah a r , see ahan.

a h a r - n i qa , 11 . day and nigh t, w fiuepor ;-a1n, adv. constantly. [niqi z 1253h .]

a h a l y i , j :Ahalya, Gautama’s wife.

Ah a s , see than.

a -h a s ta, a . handl ess. [h i sta, 1304a.]a h a h a , excl . q oy or sor row. [1 135a.]a - h ar y a , a . not liable to be stolen.

a h ar y a tv a , n. non-liabili ty to be stolen.

£h i , m. serpent ; esp. the dragon of the sky ,

ofien identified w. the demon Vritra. [seeunder agha : cf . lx1s, Lat. anguis, ser

pent ( yxeh vs, Lat. anguilla , ee l .’

h - h i ns i , f . non-injuring (any creature ) .ah i -g op i a . having the dragon as

their keeper . [1302a h i v a t , adv. as a dragon.

a h i - h h ty a , n. the slaying of the dragon ;

the (victorious ) figh t with the dragon.

[acct, 1272s , 1213c.]a- h rnan a , a . not being angry. [V2 Inn]5 11 0 , excl . qf astonishment, pleasant or un

pleasant. [1 135a : euphony , 138f .]a h o - r i tr a, n. day and nigh t, rv mspor .

[Alias r i tr i, 1253b : see ratra.]

adv. - l . hith er , unto, as prefix w. verbs

of motion ; — 2. conjunctively, thereto, besides ; ca

' 5, both and, 855; - 3. as

severatively, (up to, i.s.) quite , entire ly ,— 4 . as prep.

,w. abL: hi ther from ,

al l the way from ; and then [293c], al l theway to , unti l , 49 103 105

as far as, 105 [cf .Lat. a,‘ from,


is not akin w. ab,

ak a r a, m. - 1 . accumulation, abundance ;— 2. m ine. [V3kr + i , q . .v ]V i k a r na y a (akarnayati ; akarnita ;

i karnya ) . listen give ear to ; hear .

[denom . fr. the possessive adj . A ltar-11a,

‘ having the ear to , i.s .

ak a t suk a , a . attractive ;

[1222d], Pleasanton, as name of a town .

Mau i ]

ak ar si k i kh y a , a . having the name

ak ar a , 111. make ; shape ; appearance.

[Vl kr -i- a : cf . i kr'ti ]

i k i r a v a n t , a . l ike the Eng. shapely.

i k i ga, in Veda , m. ; later , n. free or open

space ; sky . [prop.‘outlook, clearncss,

Vki q+ a.]i kul a , a . - 1 . bestrewn , covered, fil led ;

- 2.fig. confused ; agitated. [V3kr + 5.q .v.]V i kul a y a ( i kul ayati ). confuse ; Sku

l ita, at one’

s wit’

s end. [i kula.]i k fita , n. intention.

i k rt i , f . make ; shape ; appearance .

[Vl kr + 5, 1 157. 1d : cf. Shara ]i k hu, m. mold-warp ; mouse.

t i + i , 1 178a end.]ii k h y a, f . name ; at end of cpds, havingas name.

i k h y i n a , n. tale. [t yi-H


ag a n ta v y a , grdv. see Vgam + i .

i g a n tn , m. arrival ; and so, as in Eng.,

person arriving. [Vgun + 5 ,ag am a n a , n. a com ing hither ; w. punar ,a retum ing.

5g a s , n. sin. [orig., perhaps,

‘a sl ip,

Vaiij : cf. 11m ,

guil t’: difierent is h as.

see Vrai -li g h rni , a . glowing, beaming. [V2ghr,


’i ,

i fig i r a sa, a . descended from Augiras.

M ain s. l 208ai cam a n a , n. the rinsing of the mouth .

[Vcam -t t ]i cam a n i y a , m. dish for use in rinsing

the month. [i camanagac i r a , m.walk and conversation ; conduct ;usage ; observance.

i c i r ya, or. teacher , esp . of the Veda.

[perhaps, the man of obser vances,’fr.

i ci ra, l 2l 2d 4 .]aj a r a sam , adv. to old age.

phrase 3. jad e-m ]aj a r a ai y a , adv. to old age. [dat. ( 1 1 13)formed fr . the preceding, as if that were

[from the

-_fi an m of i jarua ]

aj i , m. race ; contest ; battle. [Vaj , 1 155cf .


a fr iend ; — ipsita, whom or what one

desires to obtain, sough t for , desired.

[prob. for a-ap, 108g, see spas : cf . tin-tor,

‘approachable, friendly Lat. ap


‘reach ,


-ere, seize , fasten’

; dar es (Viupfor

+ a b h i , reach to a th ing, attain ; des id.

str ive to win ; caus. cause to reach the

mark,i .e. carry out ful ly , 96

+ a v a , come upon , fal l in with ; obtain,acquire ; take upon one

s self ; incur .

p r a , reach ; arr ive ; come upon ; catch

win, obtain, get ineur ; prapta : reached,

found, caugh t, obta ined ; reached, arrived,having come ; — caus . cause to arrive at,

bring to, prapaniya, to be brough t

to, 53“

v i , reach through , pervade,

i p aua ,m. market. [VpaxH -S J

i p a d , f . misfortune. [l it.‘a getting into

( trouble ) , Vpad for specialization of

mg, cf .m i , and ng. ac-eident, lit.

‘a hap



i p a s, see 6p.

ap i , m. fr iend. [‘one who has reached or

stands near another’

(of. i pta ) , V i p : cf .flaws, s.v. ap.]

i pta -d a k si na , a. having or accompanied

by suitable presents . [daksinii bd i k a , a annual ; é bdika, -ennial ,

lasting years. [abda .]i b h a r ana , n. ornament (jewels,

what is worn,

Vbhr + i : for mg, cf .

capes, garment,’w.wipe , andGer . Tracbt,

‘ dress,’w. tragen,

i m d , a . raw. [cf . dads,‘raw

; Lat. am


i m ay a ,m. injury ; disease. [caus.of Vanu.]

i m a y i tnu, a. sickening. [caus . of Vam ,

1 196b.]i n i sa , n. fiesh . [cf . Ema and 3mm]i m i sagi n , a . flesh-eating. [i cim]i m i s , n. raw fiesh ; fiesh . [cf . i ma.]am bd a , a . gladdening ; as m. fragrance.

[Vmudi y fita n a , n. foot-hold ; resting-place ; esp.

place of the sacred fire, fire-place. [Vyat

a ]i y a ta - l oc a n a , a . having long eyes.


[ 1 26]

ay a s d , a . metal l ic, of iron ; as n. metal ,

iron. [Ayas, 1208a.]i y i m a , m. l ike Eng. extent, i.s. length .

[Vyam a,

ay d ,a . active, lively . [Vi, 1 178a : prob.

akin are Mr, s iu'

d-s, ids,‘active, dough ty ,

migh ty ,’

st» ,

‘strongly ,

eb, general ized,‘ wel l

: for mg of i yd, cf . the ph rase

ful l ofi yudh a , n . weapon.

i yusm a n t , a . having life or vital ity ;long-l ived ; old. [3m 1235a.]

dyus , n. (activity , l ivel iness , and so ) l ife ;vital ity ; personified as a genius,Ayus, 85m;

period or duration of l ife ; long life ; ( l ikeEng. l ife, i .s.) living creatures. [V i , 1 154,cf. i y-ti : cf . al -dv, Lat. ae-vu-m, AS . 5 10


5, l ife-time, time

; AS . dwa, 5, Eng. aye,


; AS. Ef -re, Eng. ev-er .]ar any a k a , a . pertaining to th e wi lder

ness ; as n. forest-treatise ( to be feed inthe so litude of the wilderness Whitney,p . xvi ) . [tr anya 1222e.]

ar adh a n a , n. the gratifying, propitiation,service. [V r i dh i , caus.]

i r og y a , n. lit. diseaseless-ness, i.s . heal th.

[arose-Ji r oh s , m. the swel l ing hips or buttocks of

a woman. [prop. the seat’on which a

chi ld is carried astr ide by its mother ,

Vruh i ,‘

get upon , take one’s seat

upon’: see s fika and cf . th e words of an

ogress, MBh ., i ruha mama cronim, nee

yi mi tvarh vihi yasi , get upon my hip,

I wil l carry th ee through the

dr ta . a . visited, esp. by trouble ; amicted ;stricken ; distressed. [Vr i , q.v . : for

mg, cf .American slang phrase gonef or .]dr t i , j : a visitation (of evil ) , i.e. trouble,m isfortune, see 93 15 11 . [Vt + 5 : for mg,cf. i rta and apad.]

i r d r a,a . wet.

ar d r a- v as a s , a . h aving wet garments.

i t y a , a . belonging to the fai thful , i.s .,as

m., man of one

s own tribe, an Aryan, as

designation of a man of th e Vedic Indian

tr ibes ; as adj . Aryan ; noble ; reverend

(used in respectful address ) . [ax-ya, l 2o8f :

cf .Avestan o irya ,‘Aryan

; New Persian,irda,

‘ Persia’

; Edt. vii. 62, at t45t lxs

fié c-c

Al on e “but “Aptot Kel tic nom. eriu, acc.

erinn, name of Ireland ; Eng. I r-islt cf.

art aryi -Ji l a sy a ,

n. sloth . [alasa.]i l a sy a -v a ca n s , n. sloth-dictum, as

designation for the ignava ratio or fatalist

’s argument.

El i up a,m. talk ; conversation.

i l ok a n a ,n. the beholding.

a v a, pron. stem,491 .

a v i s ,adv. forth to sigh t, in view ; w. kr,

make visible.

Sea ,111. food. [V2ac,

aqa y d , m. lying-

place ; abode.

5 96 8 , f . wish , h ope. [cans + 11 ]f . hope. [younger form of 5941 ]

395 , f . region ; quarter (of the sky ) . [special ized from ‘

place, objective point, that

which one reaches,’ V 1 ac,

i gi v a n t , a . hopeful .i ci n , a . eating, in cpds. [V2ag,i gi s j !wish or prayer , esp. for good.

[Vci s i , 639, cf . pragim]i ci r

- v i da ,or. expression of a (good)

wish , i .s. a benediction. of .

agi r v i d i bhidh i navant, a . containing a

designation of a benediction. [5911


new ]

i qd , a . swift. [cf. dub-r,‘swift ’ ;


o-ior ,

i cca r y a ,n . wonder ; prodigy.

i gr a n a , m.— 1 . (place of self-castigan

tion, i.e.) h ermitage — 2. stadium in a

Brahman’s religious l ife (of which there

are four : that of the student or brahma

ci r in , that of the h ouseholder or grha

stha , that of the hermit or vi naprastha,

and that of the beggar or bhikan ) , see

65 ’ N. [Verani qr a y a , m. that on which anyth ing leans

or rests ; support ; refuge ; protection ;authority . [Vgr i i ]

i gr a y a-b h fita , a . having become a pro

tection,i.s .

, as m., protector. [ l 273 c

.]a s , excl . oq r, or q/

displeasure. ah l

V a s (asts i s'

ina i sdxh oakre ;asista ; asisyate ; aaita; asitum asitva

-aaya ) . I . sit ; seat one’s self , settle

down, —2. abide ; dwel l , stay ;

a s a n a , n. si tting, seat.

( 41

remain ; continue,

continue (doing anyth ing) , keepon, 32

1‘ ‘3. [cf . i s

'-r at,

‘sits ; .Lat anus ,

ads-uw ,

‘seat, buttocks Old Lat. dsa ,

Lat. a'

ra,family-seat, hearth ,

a dh i , take one’s place in, i .e. visit, 49

get into (shoes ) , i.s. put on, 45

+ up a , sit by (in sign of readiness to

serve ) , wait upon (a command) , sit

by (expectantly ) , sit waiting for , 91

pa r y -up a , sit around, surround, 2"

[VSm]as i r a , m. ( like Eng. colloq. a pour , i.s.)

pouring rain . [Var i ,

asur d ,a . demonic ; as m. demon. [asur a,

l 208f .]i s é ca n a , n. cavity (into which one pours ) .

[V sici s eoa n a v a n t , a. having a cavity, hol low.

[asecana ]ah a t i , j 2blow. [Vhan + 5, 1 157

land 1d.)

{t h a n t s , a . swel l ing, fermenting, foaming.i h av a n a , n. oblation.

ah a v a n iy a ,a . of or for the oblation ; w.

agni, oblation-fire as m., without agni,

oblation-fire (the one that receives the

oblation ) , see 102’ N. [i havana ,

ah ar a ,m. the taking to one

’s self (of

food) , eating ; what one takes, i.e. food.

[V 111ah ar a - d t

i n a ,n. giving of food.

i h i r a - pa r i ty i g a , m. rel inquishment

of food.s h i r ad i , 11 . food and so forth . [i di ,1302cL]

i h i r i r th i n ,a . seeking food. [arthin.]

dh i t i g n i , a . having a set or establ ished

fire ; as m. one who is keeping al ive a

sacred fire. [i hita, Vl t -H'


1299a.]dh ut i , f . oblation, ofiering (used both of

th e act and of the th ing ofiered) ; cf. the

later word homa. [V hu+ 5 : w. -huti , cf .

xb-a t-r, a

i h v i n a , n. cal l ; invitation.

hy a

[Vh it or

i , pron . root, see idam and 502 ’.

V i (6ti iyaya , iyds esydti ;

ita ; etum ; itvi ; -itya ). — 1 . go ; go

- 3. w pp!Kct/m ?

to or towards ; come ; ente r ;— 2. move

on, pass ; — 3. go to, i.s. attain (a

thing or condition ) ; - iyase goest

hi ther and thither , 9013 — in ah o

( l ike Ger . an-gehen ) we approach with

prayers, beseech . [w. i -mas, cf .Lacy , Lat.


‘ we go Goth . i-ddj a , AS. code,‘ went

; radica l ly akin , perhaps, is AS.

gain (stem gif for aga-i, ga being the in

separable prefix), Eng. go, Ger.gehen see

al so i yd, dyna ]a t i , go beyond or past or over ; over

whelm transcend ; leave behind, get rid

of, escape.

a d h i , come upon, notice ; take notice,—middle adhité [612 note], go over

for one’

s self, repeat, learn , read ; ppl .

adhi ta : w. act. mg, learn-cd, w. pass .

mg, learnt, 21 m ; — caus . adhyi pdyati

[1042e], cause to learn, teach .up av

a dh i , in upadhyi ya.

+ a nu, go along or after ; accompany ;ppl . anvi ta, accompani ed by, endowed or

fill ed or connected with .

s am - a nu, the same .

a n ta r , go with in ; retire, withdraw.

a p a , go 03 ; slink away.

a bh i , go unto ; become embodied in.

a v a , approach .

i , come near or unto or hither ; w.

the adv. pnnar , go back.

a bh y - i , approach , go near.

upa vi , come unto.

+ s am -a, come near to together ; as


ud , go up, rise (of th e sun ) .

+ up a , go unto ; fal l to the lot of ;

ppl . upeta, gone unto, attended by, pro

vided wi th .

s am -up a ,come h ither.

+ ui , go into cr im e/1 nyi ya.

p a r a, go away or forth ; depart.a nu-p a r i , go forth al ong (a path ) .

v i - pa r a, go away separately.

+ p a r i , circumambulate ; walk round

(th e fire ).

+ p r a ,— 1 . go forward or onward,

esp. go forth out of this world, and so (l ike

Eng. depart ) , die ; pretya, after dying, i the other wor ld (opp . of iha ) ; preta ,

dead ; - 2. come out, stick out, be prom


+ p r a t i , go against, withstand ; go back

to ; recognize, pratita, recognized,


v i , go asunder ; separate ; disperse,spread one

s sel f over , i .s . pervade, 72°

vita, at beg. of cpds, having departed

i.s. free froms am , come together ; assemble.

i cch i , _fiwish ; desire ; incl ination. [Vl is,‘seek

’: cf. AS. fisce,


i j , ebl . sacrificing, in rt'

v-ij . [Vyaj , 252 ]i j y i , j 2 sacrifice. [Vyaj , 252 ]i ta r a pron. a . oth er the other ;

another ; other than, i.e. difierent from,

w.abl . [pron. root i, cf .Lat. iteram,


i t ‘ s , adv. - 1 . used l ike the abl . qf a pron.

—2. from this (place ) ,from here ; h ere ; from th is (wor ld) ,itas tatas, h ere and there ; 3. from this

(time ) , now, [pron. root i ,

i t i , adv. see 1 10211. — 1 . in th is way , thus ;so iti deva akur van , thus th e gods did,

— 2. used w. all kinds of quotations

made verbis ipsissimis : tathi vity uktvi ,

upon saying Yes,”4 ’ l a pretavi n ki n

yuvam iti , he asked, Who are ye,”45 °

evam astu iti ti n dh i vitau. with th e

words,“So be it,

”the two ran off


so RV .,

so MS ity dh arayn,

on hear ing (so, i.e.) the preceding clokas,1 7 cf. — 2a. des ignating someth ingas that which was

,or under the circumstances

might have been sa id or thought or intended

or known, sometimes preceding it, but

usual lyf ollowing it : mar tavyam iti, at th e

though t,“I must die,

gardabh o‘

yam iti j iii tva, recognizing ( th e fact ) ,“This is an ass,

— 2b. interr . in

place of the exact quotation kim iti , al l eging or intending what, under what pretext,

with what intention, —2c. used

in giving an author ity : iti dhi rani , so ( is )the rule, ity eke, so some folks

( say ) , —2d. used in citing a Vedic

ver se by its j irst word or words

— 2e. at the end qf a section or book

(qt?atha ) , here endeth , — 2f. 10. verbs


V 1 r a s y a ( irasydti ) . be evil disposed.

[1r as , 1058 ]1 r a s y 1

t , j : i ll -Wi l l , wrath . [Virasya,1 1496 cf . irgya ]

i r i na , n. a run or runlet ; gulch ; gul lied

and so desert land. [V r, 1 1 77b : for mg,cf . Provincial Eng. run,

i v a , encl . pcl . - 1 . as ; l ike ; — 2. used to

mod ify a strong expression, in a manner ;

so to speak, as it were, perhaps ;

almost, —3. sometimes ( l ike ova ) ,

just, quite nacir i d iva, righ t soon .

[pron. root 1 , 1 102b.]l i s ( icchhti iyésa. istia [783b] ;“sit ; W 4“; is“; Mun ;

seek ; desire ; esp. w. 1'

n pass. be

desired ; be approved or recognized, and

so pass for , is“, desired, i .s . desir

able , [radical mg,‘

go, go for ,’ V2 is

being merely a causative of Vl is : cf.

inept », aimsepor,‘ desire w. icch i ,

‘ desire,’

cf . AS. .a'

sce, petition,

’whence a



Ger . (h )eischen, Eng. ask : ioahati for s is

akati ,’

cf. Vv i flch .]a nu, seek after .a bh i , seek for ; ppl. abh ista, desired,


2 i s ( ishyati a lso isyati [76l o] ;irésa. 1m [783b] ; iuyitnm ;

-isya ). send ; set in swift motion ; im

pe l , 74 [caus. of V 1 is, q.v .]p r a ,

— 1 . preshyati : send forth ; send,e.g. —2. pr ésyati : dr ive forth , impel ;start up (e.g. game ) pr i isam [970a]i icehan , sough t to start up, and so

— 3. présyati : cal l upon or summon (tech

nical term used of the ch iqf pr iest’

s ca ll ing

upon another to begin a text or action ) ,

i s, j : refreshment ; strength ; vigor ; w. iirj,drink and food, l ike o


er. Kraft und Saft.i s‘ ,

— 1 . m. is —2. as a . vigorous,fruitful .

i su, m. j : arrow. [V2 is,‘send

’: cf. ids,

s leds,‘arrow.

1 i sth , see Vl is,‘ desire.

2 i sta,— l . offered ; - 2. as n. offering,

sacrifice, holy work. [Vyaj , 252 ]i sta k i , j : brick used in the sacred fire

pile 12m )

[ 130]

i sta - l i bh a , an. acquisition of a desirable

object. [1 istt ]i sti -p t

i r td ,n. what is offered (to the

gods ) and bestowed (upon them ) , i.s .whata man offers to the gods for his benefit

after death , and so, by metonymy, such fruitof these offerings as can come to him,

83 " 11 . [2 ist£, 247, 12b3b.]i sti , f . sacrifice (simple ofiering of but

ter, fruit, [Vyaj , 252,

1 157. l a.]i lth , adv. here, opp. of atr a and

amutr a hi ther , here on earth ,

0 ici bas, opp. of pretya (Vi ) ,in this book, 10. Ice. [c] : iha

aamaye, in this case, 41 [pron.

root 1, I IOOQ J$0 { IA

-f: 7" W “

4 Zr éJ/e f /WWQ .


new A: a t"

V i k s (iksate ; min cakre ; i iksista

M e at-e : meta ; im am ; mews-iksya ; iksyhto) . look ; look at ; see ;

behold. [desid. of V vac, see,’contained in

ak-s‘ n,‘eye,

’etc., 108g : see aks‘m]

a pa , look off to ( l ike Ger . es abseheu

auf ) ; regard ; expect.

a v a , look after ; look after one’s self,i.e. look behind or around.

upa ,w. two mgs, l ike Eng. overlook

- 1 . look over , i.s. inspect ; and - 2. (morecommonly ) look beyond, i.e. neglect.n i s , look out or after ; contemplate.

pa r i , look about one ; investigate

consider .

v i , look ; look on ; viksita, beheld.

s am , look upon ; behold ; perceive.

ik sak a , m. beholder ; spectator. [V ika

i k sana , n. s lock ; glance. [V iks.]V i fik h (ifikhati , -te ; iiikhhyati,

move unsteadily .

p r a , rock or pitch onward.

V i d (its. ilise MO (628. per}?i16 3flit-h ). supplicate cal l upon praise.

[Whitney,idya , grdo. to be praised. [Vid, 963° andd : pronounced ilia, Wh itney,

i dtqa , a . of th is sort ; such . [502 end,



[ 131]

i p s i td , a . desired to be obtained ; desired.

[desid. of V 5p, 1030]i m , encl. — 1 . as aw . s. of p ron. root 1, him,

her, it ; him , 797 - 2. indefi, yd im,

quicunque, RV. x.— 3. h i in , who

pray? — 4 . to avoid hiatus : between

atha and enam , [see l l l l a and

502 end.]V i r (ir te irnd ; ir hyati , -te ; ir ith ) .

set one’

s self in motion ; — caus. set in

motion ; cause to go forth , i.s. : 1 . bring

into existence ; —2. utter (a sound) , 14

[near akin w. Vr.]+ ud , rise up ; caus . rouse ; send out ;

utter ; announce,

s am -ud , caus . utter , declare.

p r a , caus. drive or steer onward (ship ) .

s am , caus.bring together , i.s . into shape

or being ; create , samar ite, estab

lished (as an ordinance ) , instituerunt, 885N.

i r syd, f . i l l -wil l ; envy ; jealousy . [con

tracted fr . irasyi , q.v. : cf . cits-an and

sire -1V i g (ice icisydti ) . own , be master

of , w. gen. [cf . AS. rig-an




possess (so Shakespere often ) ,‘

possess another’

s property , be in debt’


thence the participial adj . a'

gen, Eng. adj .

own, proprius thence the denom . iignian,

Eng. verb own ; further, to izh , preterito

present of dgan, is formed a secondary

past tense, dhte, possessed,’Eng. ought,

possessed (so Spenser ) , was under obli

i ch , m. master ; lord. [Vie]i gv a r d , m. master ; lord ; pri nce ; rich

man, [V is, 1 1 71a.]Vi s (isate ;

196 ; isith ) . hasten from , flee

before, w. abl . [if not desid. of Vi ( l 08g°

end) , perhaps akin w. V 1 is, orig.

11 , Vedic encl . copula .— l . and ; also ; fur

[unay ini

soon ; ragrhya [see 1 122s 138c]whencombine with dpa

83 ° and see notes ; — 3. in

classical Skt. only w. (atha, kin , and) 11a ,and not, 21 27

u-k ar a , m. the sound u. [Whitney ,uk ta, see t i , j : expression declaration ,

[V vac, 1 157. l a.]uk th h ,

n. utterance, esp. of devotion ;

praise hymn of praise invocation.

[Vvac, 1 163a.]a k th a - v h r dh a n a , a . strength ening, i.e.

refreshing or del igh ting one'

s self withhymns of praise. [acct,V uk s


[252] or vaks (uksdti , -te ; i dksi'

t ;

nksimti : nksité s 4mm») sprinkle :

besprinkle ; drop, intrans., [secondaryform ( l o8g end) of V suj or ag z cf . try-Mr,‘ wet

; Lat. iivens (mgvens ) caelum,

‘th e

dropping sky’

; w. uksu,

‘ besprinkler ,

impregnator , bul l ,’cf . Goth . auhsa ,

‘ bul l ,’

Eng. or , and for mg, Vm ]p r a , sprinkle before one by way of

consecration .

ug r d , a . mighty ; exceedingly strong ; ter

r ible. [Vvaj , 252, 1 188 see djan.]ug r h - gas a n a ,

a . h aving a terrible way

of rul ing ; as m. a strict ruler . [1298a.]V n o (neyati [only w. preps] ; uvoca [783b],ficivins w ith ) . be pleased ; be

wonted ; ucita : — 1 . with which one is

pleased proper sui table ; —2. accus


n e e d , a . lofty ; noci fs, adv. h igh ;

of sound, loud. [ir . 11003, adv. instr .

( 1 1 12s ) of udafia ]ucca y a , m. h eap, pile, col lection. [V l eiud, heap

n oo i t h , m. evacuation ; excrement. [Vcarud.]

ucc i v a cd ,a . h igh and low ; var ious ;

diverse. [ud ca w. ava ca ,1314b.]

ther ; used in one (oftenest the latter )'

qf two d cch i sta , ppl . left ; as n . leavings, esp.

clauses or sentences conta ining th ings al ike

or sl ightly contrasted (e.g. 78 79 esp.


anaphora (e.g. 795,

—2. now, straigh t

way , w. verbs present and past and w. im

peratives or imperative subjunctives,oflen f ollowed by an, righ t

of a sacrifice or of food. [V sis ud.]uoch ed i n ,

a . destroying.

uj j a y i n i , f . Oujein, name of a city ,

Ptolemy’s h am]. [fem . of ujj ayin, vic


Vj i + ud, of l ike mg are

bl ind-t oms and Ca iro.]

Vufich ]

V ui oh (dfichati , unchati ; di chi tum ) .

sweep togeth er , glean. [for .nnsk, evanak,orig.

‘ wipe, or whisk, i.e. sweep cf . AS .

wassan,‘wash ,

’Eng. wash and whisk ]

p r a , wash away ; wipe out,

d i ei sta , same as uochista.

utfi , conj . and ; also ; even ; connecting

words, clauses , and sentences ; repeated

(uta ) , both' °

and °

(and) ;at beg. qf verse, - uta vi : or even,

or, 84“ (ef. atha, apy uta, also.

a th a r ga , m. elevation.

uttam s , a . - 1 . up-most ; h ighest ; best,

esp. at end of cpds ; excellent ; chief ; —2.

(out-most, i.s .) ut-most ; extreme ; last (see

67 ‘ s ] , [dd,‘ up, out,

’473 ]

uttam a g a n dh i dh y a ,a . rich in ex

cel lent odors, [attan a-gandha

uttamadh am amadhyama, 0. highest

and lowest and midmost ; best and worst

and middling. [attan a adhama


dtta r a a .upper ; higher ; - 1 . being

above, (app. adhara ) 70m; h aving the

upper hand, victorious, 81n; - 2. north

ern (on account of the Himalayas, cj i

udafic ) ivuttarasmi t, as far as the

north (side ) , - 3. th e left (becausein prayer the face is turned eastward :

efidaksina ) , -4. ( l ike bar epos) the

latter (opp. pfirva ) later ; following,-am,

as adv. final ly , last, - 5.

as neuter subst. the final element of a

phrase of salutation, —6. answer ,

retort. Did. 473 : cf . bar epos,‘ latter


Eng. comp.ut-ter ,

utta r a taa , adv. northward ; to the north

of w. gen. 105 [nthutta r a -d i y a k a , a. giving answer ; con


utta r a -p a qc i m a , a . north -wester ly .

ut ta r a - pur a at i t , adv. north-east of ;

w.gen., 1 130.

d tt a r a - l om a n , a . having the hair above,

with the h airy side up.

utta r i , adv. norther ly . [tit-tan , 1 1 12e,

utta r i -pa th a ,n. the northerly way ;

the north country.

[ 132]

ti tta r sna , adv. northerly ; north of , w.

ace. 1025. [uttara, 1 1 12c.]ut ta r otta r a ,

- l . a . higher and h igher

-am, as adv. more and more,- 2. as n. answer to an answer

wordy talk, 249. [uttara uttara ]

utth i ,see 233a.

utpa l a , n. a Nymphaea, i .e. water-l ily er

lotus. [Vpat ud.]utp i da n a , n. procreation. [caus. of

Vpad ud.]utp hul l a ,

a . wide open. [Vphal +ud.

a t eav a, nu. - 1 . an undertaking, begin

ning ; —2. feast-day, festival , 25 49

[V2m +ud,‘set a-go ing

; but the devel

Opmeut of 2 from 1 is not clean ]li d , prefix. never used alone ; up, up forth ,out. [cf. AS. i t

, Eng. out : see uttara,attan a.]V ud or and (unatti ; unn‘ , utta ; d idya ) .

- 1 . spring ; boil or bubble up ; flow ; —2.

wet, bathe. [ci . Lat. und-a ,

‘ wave w.

l td-nu, water ,’

cf. 68 Eng. wat-er w.

ud-ra, otte r ,’of . 684m, water-snake}

Eng. otter .]s am , flow together ; wet.

ud a , n. water . [Vud.]ud a ka n. water . [Vud.]ud a -kumbh a, in. wate r-jar ; jar with


a d a g - ay a na, n. north -course (of the

sun ) , or the half-year from the winter to

th e summer solstice. [adah a ]dda gda qa , a . having the seams upward.

[ndah o dagi ,‘ fr inge, border ,

ud afi-muk h a , a . having the face to thenorth . ( ridd le, 124911 ,

ti d a ii c [409b], a . di rected upward ; directed

northward (on account of the Himalayas ),ej : uttara ) , norther ly in cpds, udak,1249s . [ud afic,

ud a ya,an. a going up ; rising (of th e sun ) .

[V i ( 1 148. 1a ) ud.]udar a , n. belly . [orig.

, perhaps,‘rising,

swel l ing,’ V : ud : for mg, of . the relation

of belly to AS. belgan,

ud i r a,a . ( l ike Eng. exalted, i.s .) noble,

excell ent. [Vr ud,ud i r a -oa r i ta , a . of noble behavior .

upékh yana]

upak h y i n a , n. subordinate tale ; episode,

[upa (mg 3 ) akhyanaJa padan a ,

n. the taking to one’s self ;

appropr iation. [V 1 di upa va,

n p i dh y i y a nn. teacher .

up i n i h , f l sandal ; shoe. [‘ under-bond,

Vnah +upa for mg, cf . -t

upan ta, n. proximity to the end ; edge ;

immediate neighborhood. [upa (mg 3)anta.]

up i y a , m. approach ; that by wh ich one

reaches an aim ; means ; expedient,

stratagem ; advantage, 39 [Vi upa,

l 148. 1a : for mg, cf . Eng. to-ward, as an

up a y a n a ,m

1 150. 1a.]up i r a, m. transgression.

up ek sa , f . over looking ; neglect. [V iks+upa.]

n p osi t a , ppl. having abstained ( i.s. fromfood) , having fasted ; as n. [1 176s ], fasting. [V3 vas npa, q .v.]

approach . [V i upa,

-dbhya ) . unite ; couple. [cf.ubhfi ]ap a ,

bind, fetter .nbh a, a . both . [cf .W » Lat. amb6, AS.

nom . fem . neut. bi , Goth . nom . neut. ba , i,w. dental extension, baj obs,

al l meaning‘ both ,

’Eng. bo-th : orig.

, per


’and akin w. Vubh .]

a b h ay a a . of both sorts ; both .

a b h ay a -k am a , a . desirous of both .

ubh a y at a s , adv. from both sides ; in

both cases. [abhaya , acct

ubh a y a ta h - e a s y s , n. having a crop

at both times, i .s. bearing two crops a

ur A-g a ,m. serpent. ura

for ur as : for mg, of . kh aga .]d r a s , n. breast. [perhaps, a cover ,

’ fromV1 vr, cover ,

’l 151 . 1b, w. a special ization

l ike that in Eng. chest,

ur n, f . ur vi, a . (prop. encompassing, and

so, l ike Eng. capacious ) extensive, wide,

great ; as n. ( like Ger . das Weite ) the dis

tance. [V l vr, encompass,’1 178a : cf .


V ur usy a (un syati ) .

[ 134]

ur n -v y dca s , a . having wide embrace,wide extending. [acct, 1298b.]

to distance, i.s.

escape ; put another in the distance, i.s.

save. [ax-ti, th e distance,


ur n-nan “a . having broad snouts . [11rd

(24 7 ) nu, 193, 13 l 5c : acct, 1293s]ul t

i k h a l a ,n. a mortar.

d l ba and dlva, n. enveloping membrane

of an embryo. [for .ur -va, V 1 vr, en

close,’1 190 cf. Lat. vol-cc , covering,

ul bana, a . lumpy, knotty , thick, massy.

[ulba, for surva, hence n,V us (beati ; uvbsa ; i nnit ; usta) . burn.

[for cognates, see the collateral formV l vas , ‘ ligh t up,

’also ness usra, etc. :

of . etc ,


; a lias,‘ kindle Lat. ai r-o,

‘ burn,’

and ustus ustS—s ; AS. ys-is ,


usas [4 l 5b], f . morning-red ; dawn ; Personified, Dawn. [V 1 vas, light up, dawn,

252 : cf. né s, Aeol ic a liens, Lat. auro'



s-a,dawn radical ly cognate also

is Eng. eas-t,the pointwhere day breaks


see us and usra .]detr a , m. camel .

usni , a . hot. [Vus, 1 1 77a.]us r a, a . brigh t ; of or pertaining to the

dawn ; as f ., nsri , dawn. [Vl vas,

‘ l ight

up,’252, 1 188, 181a : w. us-ra

t, cf . Old

GermanicAus-t-ro, a goddess of the (year

dawu, i .e.) spring-l igh t, and AS. Eos-t-ra ,

the name of whosef estival , caster , Easter

day ,’occurring in April , was transferred

to the Chr istian festival that replaced it ;for t between s and r

, see under svasr

see us andm a ]

i t i , j : furtherance, help, blessing ; refreshment, food. [V av ,

i dh a n , fidh ar , fidh as [43Oh ], n. udder.

[cf . cheap, Lat. fiber , AS. fider , Eng.

udder .]fin d , a . lacking. [cf . chm ,

‘ bereft ’ ; AS.


‘ lacking,’wanian, decrease,


wane.]fir n, m. thigh . [prob.

‘the thick

’of the

leg, from um.]

[135] [tea

drj , f . sap ; strength ; vigor ; nour ishment.

[s arj ,‘swell with be ful l of ’ : cf . dp‘ydsv,

‘swell with , abound Lat. virga,

‘swel l ing

fir na , n. and fi rni ,f .wool . cover ,’ V l vr,

‘cover (cf . cf . slpos, s l -Fp-os, Lat.

vellus, Goth . vul la , Eng. wool .] r

dr na -m r a d s a , a . having the softness ofwool , soft as wool.

d rui - s tuk a , j : braid or plait of wool .

V fir nu,see 712, and Vl vr.

fir dh v d , a . tending upwards ; upright ;

elevated ; -am , as ada , upwards ; over ;

beyond ; after , w. abl . ata firdh

vam, from now on. [cf. Lat. arduas

fir dh v a -dreti , a . having an upward

gaze. [1298 ]i rm i , m. wave. [li t.

‘rol ler, rol l ing bil


s r, roll , turn hither and thi ther’

cf . m u, s Ft-FA-w, Lat. volvo,‘rol l

; Ger

Wel ls ,

V 1 6 h ( 1‘

1hati ; am t ; 11 11113, 11 11114 ; t‘


tum ; remove.

2 i’

1 h (ohate 1‘

1h6 ; i nh it, i nhista ;iih itum ; notice.

ap i , grasp ; understand,

V r ( iyarti [643c] rnbti rechati [753end, 608] ara [783a

’] arat ; ar isyati ;

as ; m . a n . arpm fi [w eanmove, as trans. and as intrans. ; — 1 . r ise,

come upon or unto, reach , attain ;- 2. raise (e.g. dust) ; — caus. send ; put ;

fasten ; fit in. [w. r-no-ti, cf. bp-wm , V3 1 j in rj -r i ,‘ruddy,

’arj -una , silver

‘rouses ’

cf . Lat. or-ior ,‘rise,


,wh ite

, see also the root raj and root raj ,‘risen

; dp-r o,‘rose,

’n i t -ta, 3d sing. my 2. [cf . dry-Jr ,

‘ brigh t’

; Lat. argue,aor. mid. ; w. r-cchd-ti , cf . ( p-xc-r au,

‘ make clear’

; w. taj ata,‘sil ver ,

goes,’also l it-Ot is ,


; w. caus., cf . 15m m , Lat. argentum,

hp-aplomos,‘ fit,

’Lat. ar-tu-s ,

‘ wel l-fitted, rj i sa, a . ou-rushing. [V1 rj , 1 197b.]close, narrow

; see also ;a .] rj i si n , a . ou-rush ing. [rj isfi 1230a.]

cf .

+ 3 ,— 1 . get into (trouble) , 93 3 114 —2. rj ti , a . straight, r ight, opp. of vrin t ,

( like the Amer ican go for , treat harsh ly crooked, wrong.’

[V 1 rj , 1 178a ]by word or deed

) visit with trouble ; ppl. V rfij , see Vl rj .ss

'ta, vi sited by trouble, distressed. r na, a . (having gone against or trans

+ ud , rise ; raise. greased, and so) guilty ; as n. [1 17611 and+ upa , go against, transgress. [for mg, gui lt ; debt, [Vr z cf . Lat.

cf .md.] reus, gui lty’: for mg, of.apart ]

n i s , (go forth , i.s.) dissolve connectionwith .

s am , come together , meet ; go along

with , 73° — caus. send ; deliver to ; con

sign, entrust.

rk t i , f . praise, in su-v-rkti. [Vse.]rg - v eda, m. the Rigveda (each stanza of

which is cal led an rc in distinction froma yajus and a ai ms-n ) .

V xc (arcati ; i narca, auree arcis

arcayati ) . — 1 . beam ; - 2. praise ; sing

(praise ) ; sing (of th e winds ) ; honor ;— caus. salute. [cf . arka.]to , f . — 1 . hymn of praise ; esp . a stanza

that is spoken, as distinguished from one

that is sung (si man ) or from a sacrificial

formul a (yajus ) ; - 2. stanza or text to

which a certain rite or explanation has

reference, —3. the col lection of rc’s,

the Rigveda, 57 [Vrc.]r ca , f or rc, at end of cpds [1209a,1 or m (anti. -a ; mutt. .a ) .reach out, esp. in a strai gh t direction

(and so, the opp. of Vvrj ,‘ bend, turn,


and see rjfi) , stretch out, intrans . ; press

on ; with th is root, compa re the root raj ,

mg 1 . [cf . hpéy-a ,‘reach out ’ ; Lat.

reg-ere, direct Eng. r ight, straigh t, not

11 (firiati ; arifiyafi 1104 121: units).

reach , and so, get or obtain . [the same

as V l rj , but w. another conjugation and

w. trans . mg : for mg, cf . Eng. reach , in.

trans., w. reach, trans., and Ger. langen

m ]

rta,a . fit, right ; true ; as n. [1 176s ], — 1 .

establ ished order ; esp. eternal or divine

order ; — 2. order in sacred th ings, sacred

custom , pious work, 6915, 74 , rtasya

yoni or sadana, central place of sacred

work or bel ief : in th is wor ld, the altar ,

in the other wor ld, the holy of holies,- 3. truth , —

rtena, r ightly .

[prop.‘ fitted, made firm ,

Vr : for formand mg, of . Lat. ra-tw , settled

]rt a -ah p [387a], a . fol lowing after righ t,

righ teous.

rt t‘

tv a n , j : -var i, a . true to established

order (of regul arly recurring natural phe

nomens , e. .g dawn ) , 7 true to sacred

law, pious (Manes ) , 91 holy , sacred

(god) , [rta , 247 : for fem ., 435,

1 171

r ta-v f dh , a. rejoicing in right, holy

(Manes ) .

r td , m. - 1 . a fixed and settled time ; esp.

time for sacr ificing ; —2. time of year ,

i.s . season ; —3. the menses. [Vr, 1 161scf. sp as ,

‘ fit together, prepare’

; Lat.

a rtu-s ,

rte, prep.without ; except. [ 1 128 end, 1 129end.]

r tv - i j , a . ofiering at the appointed time ;

as m. priest ; in the r itua l , pl ., priests, of

whom there are four , hbtr, adhvaryd,

brahmhn, and udgi tf'

. [rtn ij .][Vrdh ,f ddh i , f . wel fare ; blessedness.

V rdh (rdhnbti ; i nfi dha , i nrdhéardhisyhte ; rddha ; rdhyate ) . th rive ;

succeed ; prosper , both as intrans. and as

trans. [cf . VVedh , r i dh : cf . 010011111 ,‘


s am , pass. be prospered, i.s. fulfil led.V l rs (hrsati ; i nh sa flow ; gl ide.

[cf . bp-oppos, flowing back,’f a ir -specs,

dar ting

V 2" (reati ; nth ). push ; thrust.

"i , m. - 1 . singer of sacred songs, poet ;

priestly singer ; regarded by later genera

tions as a patriarchal saint or sage of the

olden time and as occupying a position

given in other lands to the heroes and

patr ia rchs ; one of those inspired poets

who “saw

”the Vedas, which were


bkadaea , m m.

[ 136]

vealed to them ; —2. captaJ-sayas

the many Rishis ; later , the seven stars of

the Great Bear ; — 3. a Rish i, i.s . a person

renowned for piety and wisdom , l oon

see note to l

n th f Spear [42rdrev a, a . lofty .

ek a [482a], num. - 1 . one ; only ; alone

(by one’

s self ) ; alone (excluding every

one else ) ; sole ; single ; sol itary ; advly

in cpds, solely ;—2. one of two or more ) ;

the one, f ollowed by anya, dvitiya, para ;eke eke, some oth ers ; eke, some

folks, some ; — 3. later , a certain, guidantor almost as an indefiarticle a or

an, [pron. root e.]ek a -ta tpa r a , a . solely intent on,

ok s t r a , adv. in one place. [eka,ok ada,

adv. at one time, simultaneously ,

at elsewhere, at a cer tain time, i.s.

once upon a time . [eka,ek a -d eea , m. a certain place, and so, a

place or spot or part.

ek a - n ak sa t r a, n. lunar mansion con

sisting of a single star or one whose name

occur s but once, see 104°11 . [M ksatm

1312 ]ek a -pa tn i , j : wife of only one man,

faithful wife. [acct,ek a -pada , f . -i, a . having ( i.s . taking)one step.

ek a -bh ak sa , nu. sole food ; at end ofcpds having as sole food, eating


sk a -m a t i , a . having onemind,unanimous.

s k a -v a r na , a. having one color , not


ekak i n , a . sol itary. [eka.]ekafij a l i , 111 . one handful . [anjali ]

eleven . [éka dies ,


ek adaea, a. eleventh . [6ki daca,ek i n ta , m. an end ; a retired or secret

spot. [anu.]ek apay a , m. diminution by one. [api ya ]ek i r th a , 111 . one purpose, i.s. one and

the same purpose. [artha.]ek h h a, in. one day.


aitihasika] [133]

i i t i h as i k a , m. tel ler of old legends. [itih i sa, 1222e

i i n d r i bar h a sp a ty h , a . belonging to

Indra and Brihaspati. [indrabfhaspam

ok a s , n. wonted place ; home. [Vuc.]om-k rt a , a. having an uttered om , aecom

panied by om. [the natural order woul d

require krti um : order inverted to avoid

such an undeclinable stem .


a s , n . strength ; power . [Vvaj or uj , 252,cf ug-rhm bj -as, cf . Lat. augus-tus,‘ migh ty , i .s . august

]0j o - dfi. a . strength -giving.

oda n h , m. n . grain boiled with milk ; por

ridge . [Vud z for mg, cf .Eng. broth and

op aea, m. top -knot ; plume. [perhaps forsave-past ”pas-J

6m , a word of solemn asseveration and rev

ercut acknowledgment, somewhat l ike huhr ,‘

a sacred mystic syllable, uttered at the beg.

and end of Veda-reading ; efl pranava.

[or igin uncertain ]bsa dh i , later beadhi, f . herb ; plant ; a


( upam y a , n. simil itude ; l ikeness. [upami , 121 1 ]

i dp a v eci , m.patronymic of Aruna. [ti pavegi (or of.

Busa dh a, a . consisting of herbs ; as n.

herbs col lectively simples medicine.

toam 120m.)

1 k a pron.— 1 . interrogative. who,

what ; used as subst. or as adj .

607] ea, cans, cid, Spi ; - 2a. w. 1111‘

s : mi

liver us not over to any foe ;— 2b. ka ca,

some, any , adj . or subst. ; kim ca, any

th ing ; w. rela tive, yi g (ca ) ki g ca, (and)what soever ,

—2 c. w. ca us and

cana : ka ca na, al so or even not any ;

esp. afler a negat1 :ve na tam caknnvanti

vyahar tum aph kirh ca na, can not even

speak to him ,not even anyth ing, 1.e. can

not even speak anyth ing to him ,so

and so (the f eel ing f or the negation in

ca n in such collocations becoming lost) , ka

cana means any , anyth ing, ef. cana ; w.

relative, soever ; yat kirhcana,whatsoever,—2d. very of ten ka cid : any body or

th ing ; certain , qflen w. negative : e.g.

24“ (twice with, twice without ) ; kirhcit

kishcid, each a l ittle, w. rela tive, ya

ka cid, whosoever , whatsoever , any soever ,

21 kani kani cid, any soever ,

— 2e. ka api, someth ing, somebody, 1 7"

some, a or an, a certain, na ka api

nothing, no, no one,

— 3. derive af ka, see 505 ; — 4 . exclam

atary, at beg. of cpds : efi, e.g., ki —purusa,

kim -prabhu, ku-dreti, ko-vida , and see

506, 1 121e ; — 5. f or kim as adv., see kim.

[for the stem-forms ka, ki , kn, see 505 :cf . Ionic xo Attic no in x6 3, etc.


‘ wh ence, how’

; r l-s, f l, Lat. qui-s, qui


AS. hwd, hwa -t, Eng. who

,wha-t ; w. ka

tara, which of twain ,

’cf . xd-r epo-s, Lat.

uter , AS. hwas-‘Ber , Eng. whe-ther , which of


; w. ka as indef., of. 7 14 ,


2 k a , m.Who, as name of a god, 11 .

k anah , m. metal l ic vessel ; as collective,

metal l ic implements.

k a k sa, f . — 1 . region of the girth ; - 2.

kim w. instr . : eo h imyuddh em . girdle, cincture ; - 3. ( l ikeF rench ceinture)what ( is there) with figh ting, what

’s the

use of figh ting, so so ko‘rth as , 1 7

1° kim w. instr . and gen.: e.g.

nirujah kim i nsadh i is, what has a well

man ( to do ) wi th medicines, so

51 20; ka 10. particles : ko nama, who in

circular wal l ; and so the enclosed court.

[cf . kafikana : cf . Lat. cine-tus ,‘

;gi rded’

for 1 , cf . coxa,‘ h ip ; for 3, cf. cane-sr ,

fence.k ank ana , n. r ing

-sh aped ornament, brace

let. [cf. kaksi ]”til/t i M “W ?deed ; ko nu, who pray ; ko va, who pos k ank i l a m n skeleton.

fV "

sibly , k a cci d ,see h ad.

—2. indefinite, both adj . and subst., ch iefly k a cch a ,m. border ; shore ; marsh-land ;

in negative clauses and w. the pa rticles [see the district Cutch .

[ 139]

k acch a -pa , m. tortoise. keeping, i .s .

inhabiting the marsh ,’vbl 2pa.]

k a ta k a ,m. n. dal e.

k ana ,m. a smal l grain (as of dust or rice ) .

[ci . kan istha ]k anta k a ,

m. thorn.

k anta k i -k ei r i n , . them-plants and

mi lk-

plants .

k anta k i n , a . thorny ; as m. thorn-plant.

[m an ]k a th am , Vedic kathfb, interr . adv. how ?

in what way ? katham stat, how’s that ?

kathern nu, how indeed ? katharh cana ,

in any wise soever (emphasizing a preced

ing negation ) ; katham api, somehow. Bra,

Vk a th a y a (kathayati ). tell ; ta lk about ;

pass. be cal led, pass for . [l it. tel l the


’ ‘r b6m : Myew

’: denom . fr .katham ,

1058 ]1 k a th ii , see kathAm.

2 k a th ii , f . — 1 . story, tale, fable ; discussion — 2. personified, Story , [prop.

the how, vb 8w s,’1 kath i .)

k a th i - ch a l a , n. cover or guise of a

fable.k a th i -p

i th a , n. pedestal of Katha, nameof the first book of the Katha-sarit-sagara.

[2 kath i , mgk a th av a t ii r a ,

m. incarnation of Katha.

[2kath i (mg 2) avati raJk a th i - s a r i t - sag a r a , m. Story-stream

ocean, title of Soma-deva’

s col lection.

kad , interr . pcl. nonne, num ; w. cid, nonne,

num ; kaceid dreti , was she seen ? [crystall ized acc. s. n. of ka , l l l l a.]

k ad i , adv. when ? na kadii cana, not at

any time soever , never ; kadii cid, once on

a time, one day ; kada cid api na, never .

[ka ,kad r n ,

a . brown ; kadr ii [355c], f . brownSoma-vessel .

Vk a n or (oaké ; Aki nit). be glad. [cf.

Vkam and team]kan a k a , 11. gold.

k a n ak a - sfit r a , 11. gold cord or chain.

k an ak a - s t am bh a - t a c i t a , a . shining

with gold columns.

kan i sth am. smallest ; youngest. [cf . thefollowing words and kana and kanyfiJ


k a n i sth ak a , a. smal lest ; j : -ikit [1222d],se. afignl i, the l ittle finger . [kanistha j

k a n i sth a -p r a th a m a , a . having the

youngest as the first.

k an i y ans ,a . smal ler ; younger .

kanistha and 467

k a n da r a ,n. ca

've. [perh aps

great cleft,’

kani (see b ut) -I dara .]k a n d a r p a ,

m . the god of love. [perhaps‘of great wantonness,

kam (see ka 4 )dam n]

k a n y a k £ , f . gir l . [kanya, 1222h .]k a n y h , j : gir l ; maiden ; daugh ter .

[cf .

[ci .

k a n y S - r a tn a , n. girl-jewel , excel lent


k apa ta ,m. n. fraud.

k apa ta -p r a ba n dh a , m. continued se

ries of frauds ; machination , plot.

k a pa r d a , 111 . smal l shel l used as a coin,

80 1 pana ; -aka, m. the same.

k a p ti l a , n. - 1 . cup or dish,

- 2.

cover or l id, 104 3. cranium . [formg, cf . Lat. testa ,

‘earthen pot,



k a pota ,m. dove.

k am , pcl . 1 . emphasizing the precedingword

, 79" 2. interr . pcl ., [km

1 1 1 1s : cf. kdd, kin ]V k am (cakamé ; kamisyate ; kantaki mayate, -ti wish ; wil l ; do

sire ; love. [ci . Vkan and Vcan.]k am a nda lu, m. water-jar .

Vi k am p (h mpate ; cakampé ; kampita

kampitum tremble or shake.

k am ba l a, m. woolen cloth .

k am bu,m. shell .

k am bu-g r i v a , m. Shell -neck ( i.s. havingfolds in the neck l ike a spiral shel l ), name

of a tortoise. [gr iviu]1 k a r a,

- 1 . a . doing ; making or causing

or producing, at end of many cpds— 2. as

m. the h and ( l it. the busy one ) ; — 3. as m.

nomen actionis, the doing, performance, indaskar a, sukara. [dl kr z cf . Lat. cerus,

2 k a r a ,m. ray, beam. [prob. same as

1 kara 2 : the rays of th e heavenly bodies

are conceived as their hands and feet, of.

karavar i]

k a r a -v i r i , n. water from the hand.

k a runa ,a . mournful , pitiable ; -s, f . pity .

k a runa-p a r a , a . compassionate . [ l 302b.]k a r k a ta , m. crab ; -aka, the same.

kAr na , an. ear .

k a r ts , m. (ear th cut, ditch . [Vkrt see

em ]k a r tt , m. doer ; accompl isher ; omciatingpriest, 101 [V 1 kr.]

k a r ta v y a , grdv. to be done or made, w.

the va rious mgs of VI kr. [Vk a r t a v y a ta, f l the to-be-done-ness ; -ti m

br l'

ihi , tel l me what I must do.

k a r pfir a , m. n. camphor .

k a r pfir a - pa ta , m. Camphor-cloth , name

of a certa in washerman.

k a r pur a - v i l as a , m. Camphor-joy (l it.

having pleasure in camphor ) , name of a

washerman .

k a r m a , f or karman in cpds, 1249a’.

k a r m a - costi , f . deed-per formance ; setion.

k a r m a j a ,a . deed-born, resul ting from

the actions of a l ife.k a r m a -d o sa , m. deed-sin , sinful deed.

k ar m a n , n. deed, work, action ; sacred

work (as sacrifice, ablution ) ; r ite, 59

[V 1 1m]k ar h i , adv. when? karhi cid, at any time.

[ka , l l o3c.]V k a l (kEIAyati ) . drive. [cf .xiAevat,

‘ urges


; Bow-1161103,‘cattle driver

; Lat. celer ,

(l ike co ll oq .dr iving, i .s . hurrying swift ’

]a nu- s am , lead along after .

k a l a ,a . dumb ; indistinct ; -am ,

adv. gen

tly , and so pleasantly (of humming ) .

k a l a h a , m. strife , contention.

k a l i , j : a smal l par t, esp . a sixteenth .

kM p a , m. ordinance, precept manner ,

way ; stsna ka lpena, in th is way .

Ak a l m a sa , 11. spot, stain ; f ig.

,as in Eng.


sm .

k a l m a sa -dh v ans a -k ar i n , a . sin-de

structionc ausing, preventing the commis

sion of crime.

k a l y a ,a. wel l , heal thy. [cf. nests,

‘ fair ’:

prob. not akin are AS. ha'

l, Eng. hale


k a l y i na , 1: .ani [3bbb], a . fair , lovely .

[h a lve ]

[ 140]

k a l y ana -k ata k a , Fair-dale , name

of a place.

k av i , a . wise, possessed of insigh t (of gods,esp. Agni ) ; as m. wise man, seer , sage

poet ; pl . wise men of eld (whose spirits

hover about the sun ) , 91 [prop.‘seer ,

Vkfi, ‘see ,

’for sskfi : cf . avocados, o-attoFo-s,

inspecting the sacrifice Lat. cav-e‘


‘ look out, be cautious’

; Ger . schauen, AS.

scedwian,‘ look,

’Eng. show,

‘cause to look

k av i - k r a tu, a . having the power or in

sight (kratu) of a wise one ; intell igent.

[ 1296 ]V k a s (kasati ; kasta ; ki sayati ) . move.

v i , move asunder ; open ; bloom ; caus.

pass. be made to bloom .

k asm i t , adv. why ? wherefore ? [ka,l l l 4a.]

k i ns y a , a . brazen ; as n . brass. [knack ]k i k a ,

m. crow ; —j t ki ki , crow-hen ; cf.v i yasa ,


Vk ank s (ki nksati , -te ; cakfifiksa ;ki fiksith ) . desire, long for . [des id. of

Vkam, but redupl icated somewhat like an

intens. a -ka (m )-s.]k s ct , m. glass.

k i ca -m a ni , m. rock-crystal , quartz. [lit.


k anca n a ,a. gold.

k i nh ,a . one-eyed perforated (of the

eye ) , blind.

k i na -bh i t i , in. Kanabhfiti, name of a

Yaksha, see 53 ‘ s . [li t.‘ Bl ind

k i nda , m. n. section ; joint of a stalk

from one knot to another ; arrow.

k i n t i r a , m. n. great or primeval forest.k an t i , f . lovel iness. [Vkam, 1 157, cf .

955a.]ka-pn rusa , m. m iserable man, coward.

[see 1 1a.4, and

k i m a , m. wish , desire, longing ; love ; at

end of possessive cpds having desire

for desirous of ki mam, see s.v.

[Vkam.]k am a -ddh -dhak ,

-dnh am, d hugbhi s,

etc. — 1 . a . yielding wishes, grant

ing every wish ; - 2. as j I, se. dboua, th e

fabulous Wonder-cow. [for 2, cf . the

horn of Amal thea ]

[ 1 42]

p a r i , tel l around, announce.

s am , announce.

k i r t i , f . mention ; esp . good report, fame.

[V2kr.]ku, see and 504 .

kuk k n r a ,m. dog.

the onomatopoe tic knrknra.]

[younger form of k n l a -gi l a , n.

kul a , n.— l . herd or large number or

swarm (of quadrupeds , birds, insects ) ;- 2. race ; fam i ly ; and so

, as in

good fami ly , noble stock. [V3 kr, qcf . i kula.]

fami ly and character .

[ 1253b.]kutnm b a ,

n. household ; family ; -aka , kul al a ,m. potter .

the same.

k n tta n i , f 1 bawd.

ku- l i qa , m. axe. [perhaps cuttingwel l ,

’see and

kunda , n. round vessel ; round hole in kul i’

n a ,a . of good fami ly . [knla , 1223d.]

th e ground ( for water or sacred fire ) .

kunda l a ,n. ring, esp . ear-ring.

kunda and

kut a s , adv. from what place ? whence ?

wherefore ? why ? how? 19 ‘7. or


kut ii h a l a ,n.

— 1 . interest felt in some

thing extraordinary eagerness ; -i .t, as

adv. [1 1 14b], eager ly ; — 2. interest caused

by someth ing r emarkable , 56

kut r a ,adv. wh ere ? wh ith er ?

kn ,505 ]

k n - d reti , f . a bad or fal se view ; hete

rodox ph i losophy . [see 1 and

kun t i , f . Kunti , one of the two wives of


V k n p (kupyati ; cnkbpa ; kupita) . — 1 .

become moved or agitated ; boil ; and so

— 2.fig.,as in Eng.

, be angry ; boil with


p r a ,the same.

kum i r a,m. — 1 . new-born ch il d ; boy ;

youth ,— 2. The Youth , epithet of

Skanda, the eternal ly youth ful god of

war — see kar ttikeya ;—f . -ri, gir l . [cf .

snkum ar ajkum i r a - d a tt a , 171. name of a man .

given by th e god

kum b h a,m. jar ; pot ; urn.

kum b h a - k i r a ,m. pot-maker

, potter .

kum b h i k i , f 1 pitch er . [kumbha .]knr u,

m. as pl . th e Kurus, a people of

India ; as sing. Kuru, the ancestor of th at


kur u- gr av ana , m. name of a pr ince.

[ l it.‘

glory of the Kurus,’l ike l


l vOo-nA


[ l ka or

[cf . mi

a ,

k ii p a ,m. cave, hole ; wel l .


i r a ,m. crab.

[cf . kuga, m. grass ; esp. the sacred grass , Poa

kuga l a ,— 1 . a . in good condition ; equal

to or fit for a task ; able ; clever ,

— 2. as n. welfare, wel l-being ; 11 11911111111ts , hai l to thee.

kuga l i n ,a . wel l ; prosperous. [kuga la

kuga - h a s ta , a . h aving Kuca in the

h and. [1303 ]V k fi (kuvats ) . f ound only w. i , and per

haps meaning see, look. [prob. for sakfi,

see under kavi.]a, look forward to, i.s. intend. [see

k ii ta ,— 1 . n. born ; - 2. m. 11. peak. [ for

mg 2, cf . the Swiss peak-names, S chreck

horn, Wetter-horn, etc.]

[ci . mit -n,‘cave, hut,

’Lat. capo ,


’ ‘nich e for

the dead,’borrowed Eng. coop, vat,

whence cooper .]k ii r m a, m. tortoise.

V l h r ( Vedic, krnoti , mute later ,

kar éti , kurate caki ra , cakré ; V.

altar , am 834a] ; la ter , ak i rsit ;kar isyAti ; h rta; kartun ; krtvit ; -ki

'tya ;

kriyats ; cik i rsati ; karayati , -te ) . do,

make, in the var ious meanings and uses ofthese words thus


— 1 . perform , accompl ish ; cause ;

effect ; prepare, 8315; undertake, 52

comm it, 29 show : e.g. h onor , famil iar ity ,

compassion ,love,

favor , 5221 ; contempt, 54 attend to

an affair , engage in : trade, a

quarrel , 4219; — 2. do someth ing (good or

[1 43]

bad) for a person — 3.

make or procure for another, grant ;

—middle : get for one’s self ; assume

human voice, 3“ take on : form or shape,

— 4. execute ; follow : advice ,

- 5. work over, prepare : food,- 6. accompl ish ; be good for , 18

5; - 7 .

make : a sound,

utter : the sy l lable

om, 603-9;

- 8. ( like Eng. do in don, dofi) put in

or on ; w. [m ., 81

’set, 105

“ w.

adverbs . see agraas, ami , atria, tir as,

pnras, bahis ;- 9. make a person (acc )

to be someth ing (ace ) , transforminto, 40

'3fi. ; render , w. f actitive predica te

acc., w. the predicate in compos ition

e.g. sai ji -kr, make ready ,- 10. w. adv. in -dh i ,

divide in parts,

- 1 1 . do, go to work, proceed,

pass. impers., 30111 — 12. do, esp. sacred

work ; with karma, without karma

(l ike fii fstv see and facere ) , to sacr ifice,

93 1’ — see also krta.

—desid. desire to perform ; ppl.

cikirsita, thatwh ich is sought to be.done,


- caus. cause to do or make or be done

or made see to it that a th ing takes

place, pass. tsna na pr anamaxh

karitas , by h im he was caused to make

obeisance, 367; caus. equiv. to simple verb


[cf. abr o-npd-r ap, self-actor , indepen


; KpJ-vos, an old h arvest-god, Per

ficus, the Completer , Ripener’

; Lat. oer-as,creator

; spa lm , accompl ish Lat.

creare, create see kratu: orig. root

form, perhaps, akr, 1087d.]adh i , put over ; put in omce.

a p a , put ofl; injure, opp. of upakg.a r am or alum, see these words.

5 , bring hither , prepare, fashion,make.

v y - h , separate, analyse.

up a , bring someth ing to some one ; do

a service, not as an auxiliary , opp. ofapakr. [w. the use of cf. that of sub

in subvenire,

pa r i , (pose. sur round, deck, and so)make ready ; adorn.


p r a ,- I . carry forward, accompli sh ;

effectuate, cause ; — 2. mid. set before ;put before one, i.s. make the subject ofdiscussion or treatment ; w. 11a put

a plan before one’

s self, i.s. decide.

p r a t i , work against, counteract.

s am , 1 . put together ; conficere ,

prepare - 2. treat according to the

sacred usages, administer a sacrament

to, see sarhskara ; consecrate, 106'; — 3.


V 2k r (aki r it ; intens. carkarti ). mention

with pra ise .

3 k r (kirati cakii ra, cakré ;m m;karisyati ; kirna [957b] -kirya ) . pour

out or scatter abundantly (e.g. hail -stones )cast for th (missiles ) ; strew ; cover or fil l

wi th . [cf. knla,+ v y - a t i , pass. be scattered in various

directions ; be brough t to confusion . [cf .vyatikara,

a v a , strew ( loose earth ) ; throw in .

a., scatter abundantly ; cover over , fil l ;

i ki'

rna , bestrown , covered. [cf. i kara,‘abundance, mine,

’i kula,

s am - i , bestrew ; cover.

k r c ch r h ,a . distressful ; troublesome ; as

n. trouble.

k r cc h r a -k a r m a n , n. hard work ; drudg

ery .

V k rt (krntati, -ts cakarta ; Akrtat

kartisyAti, kartsyati ; krtta ; -ki'tya

krtyhts ) . cut ; cut off. [ci‘ kata ( forkarta,


, depression in th e head,

i.e.‘ temple,

’and Wdr -apes,


; Lat.


‘ docked, short.’

ud , cut out or off ; cut up, butch er .

1 k r t , vbl in cpds. making ; doing ; caus

ing ; as m. maker . [Vl kr, l l 47c.]2 k r t , a time, 1n sa-krt. [perhaps fr .V l ky,

‘a doing, a time

: cf. h it s ,‘a

k rta, a . — 1 . made ; done ; — 2. prepared ;

3. attained ,— 4. wel l done, and so


good ; — 5. as n. deed ; — 6. (perhapsmade, i.s . won) and so

, the side of the

die marked with four spots, the luckyor winning one ; — 7. the golden age,

name of the first yuga, see 58 ’ N.

[1 1 la .]


k r ta -k rty a ,11 . having one

’s duty done

or end attained.

k r ta k r ty a ta, f . condition of h aving

performed one’s duty.

h r ta -buddh i , a . having a made-up

mind, of resolute character.

k r ta -m aun a , 11 . having a kept silence,


k r ta - s amk s ta , a . h aving an agreement

made, agreed upon as a rendezvous.

k rt i fij a l i , a . h aving 3 made gesture of

reverence, with reverent gesture . [anjal i ]k rt i n n a, n. prepared or cooked food.

[anna.]k r t i v aj ii a , a . having contempt (done,i.s.) shown to one, disdained. [avaj h i ]

k i'ti , f . — 1 . the doing, the production ;—2. a production, li terary work . [VI ki n]

k f tu, a doing, a time ; only in ace. pl .

-krtvas, and that at the end of cpds.

[V1 kr,k r t s , as prep. on account of, for th e sake

of , for , w. gen. [1 130] or in composition.

[loc. of krta, lit.‘ in the matter of

(cf .

mg 1 1 1


s.]k i

'tt i , f . pel t, hide. [Vkrt z for mg, of .

[cf . krttidip/1 a,

‘ h ide,’and Gr ipes,

k f'tt i k i , j I pl . the Pleiads.

perhaps th e constell ation was conceived

as having the shape of a pe lt ]k r ty a , grdv. to be done ; as n. that which

ough t to be done or is to be done, and so,

duty , purpose, end ;—f . 411, action, deed.

[V 1 kr, 963b end.]k ttv a s , adv. times ; see h im.

k r t s na, a . whole ; entire.

V k rp (ki'

pate mourn, lament.

k rpa, j !pity , compassion. [Vkrp.]k i m i , m. worm .

vm (l iterati [7cul s can -res ; new)grow lean . [cf . coh ort-duos,

‘ long lank

person,’o ooro


tis, exciton-j ar,‘colossus

Old Lat. crac-entes,Lat. grac


‘ lean ,

k rga, a . lean , haggard. [VkrgV kn (“tes ti s krsfiti ; caktrsa ; “Irksat ; W 11 3 h aksyéti. -te ; krsti ;

+ 6 , dr aw on, attract ; draw from (a

source ) .

n d pul l up, elevate.

p r a , draw forward, place in front.k r sti , f . pl. people, folk. [Vkra mg 2

orig.‘til lages, ti l led lands,

’then ‘



k rsna, a . black, dark ; w. paksa, th e dark

h alf of the lunar month , from ful l to new

moon ; as m., se. paksa, th e dark lunar

fortnigh t.k tens , m. the black antelope.

k rsna - p a k sa , m. the dark lunar fortnigh t.

k rsna - s a r pa , m. a very poisonous black

Cobra, Coluber Naga.

k r sni j i n h ,n. skin of the black antelope.

[aj ina .]V k r sni yflkm i r mt blacken [h m1059b.]

V k l p (ki lpate ; ci klpé kalpsyfite

klpta ; kalpayati , -ts ) . be in order ; be

suitable or serviceable to ; help ; klptt,in order , fixed, settled ; caus. put in

order ; ordain ; arrange ; dispose ; fix ( inthe manifold applications of this word as

used colloquial ly ). [prob. not akin are

Goth . hilpan, Eng. help .]n pa ,

caus. prepare ; furnish ; provide.s am ,

caus . arrange together ; deter

mine ; wil l ; purpose.

k l p ta -ksganakhagmagrn, a . h aving hair

and nail s and beard in order , i.s . trimmed.

[ksga—nakha-gmagrn, 1252 ]k l pt i n ta , having its and prescr ibed ;

l imi ted. [anta.]k é ta , m. intention ; desire ; wil l . [Vcit.

‘ look, be intent

k etu, m. brigh tness ; pl. beams. [Vcit,‘ look, appear , shine

’cf . Goth . ha ida-s,

appearance, manner ,’i .s .) way ,

’ AS.

hi d,‘ way, manner , condition ,

’Eng. -hood,

-head (as in ma idenhood, godhead ) , Ger.

-heit cf . under maya .]k év a l a , 11 . exclusive ; excluding all else

alone ; -am ,adv. only.

k é qa , m. hair (of the head) ; mane.

ati : tug, draw, pul l ; — 2. m m: draw k s ga -p a k sa , m. da . the twb sides of

fur rows plough . the hair of the head ; the temples.

Vkrid] [ 146]

v k r i d (kr idati , -te ; ski cikr idé ;

play , sport.

k r i di , f . play , sport.

k r i t otp a n n a ,a . bough t or on hand (of

food ) . [utpanna , Vpad.)Vk r udh (krudhyati , -te cnkrbdha ;

akrudhat ; kruddha; kr bddhnm ; krud

dh vd) . be angry .

k rud h , f . anger .

k r ddh m i or krudhmin ,a . wrathful .

[Vkrndh : cf . 1 167 and 1231 : paroxytone.]V k r ug (krbgati ; cnkrbca ; akruksat ;

h rusta ; krbstnm ; -krugya ) . cry out ,

cal l ; h owl . [ci . xpavyfi,‘cry ,

’for expavx-n:

for 7 in place of x, cf . r lryay ov,‘crucible,

w. 141m»,‘ mel t.

k r ii r a,a . bloody ; raw ; fig. harsh . [see

under kravya.]k r oda,

m.— 1 . breast, bosom ; — 2. in

terior . [for mg 2, cf . garbhak r bdh a ,

m . anger . [VkrudlL]k r 69a , m . cal l ; cal l ing distance ; Anglo

I ndian a Kos. [Vh ug ]k r ogam i t r i vasthita ,

a . stationed at

th e distance of a Kos. [kr oga -mi tra

avasthita .]V k l i g (kl igyats , -ti ; cikléca ; k lista

kléstum ; -kl igya ) . be distressed.

k l s ga , m. pain ; trouble. [Vklig.]k v a,

V. kua, adv. - 1 . wh ere ? wh ither ?

m babhfivus , what has become of ? 2.

kva cid : anywhere ; in any case, ever , , never . [ 1 ka, 505 ]k sa ,

as collateral f orm of V 1 ksi in ksa-tra ,

and as vbl of the same, w. the mg abiding,

situate ,’in antar i -ksa.

k sana , m. instant ; moment ; -sna , i t,

as advs [1 1 12b, 1 1 14b], instantly . [prob.

‘ the time of a glance,’a sh ortened form

of iks-ana ,


: for mg, cf . Eng.

“in the twinkl ing of an eye,”

and Ger.

Augen-bl iclc


glance of an eye, i .s. mo

k sani k a , f . -i , a . momentary . [ksana.]k sa ta, ppl . qf



k sa t r h , n.— 1 . rule, dominion, power ,

— 2. later , th e tempora l power , im

perium (as di stinguish ed from the spirit

ual power , br éhman ,

‘sacerdotium ’

) th e

second or princely caste or a member of

it. [from ksa = V1 ksi 2 : cf . ksatr a -pa,

governor of a dominion, satrap,’

and the

borrowed tren d-m a ]k sa t r a - ban dh u,

111 . one who belongs to

the ksatt a or second caste.

k sa t r i y a , m. — 1 . ruler , — 2. one

who be longs to the ksatr a or pr incely

caste , a Kshatriya, 5 [ksatra , l 2l 4a.]V k sa n (ksanoti , ksanuté ; aksanista ;ksata) . harm ; hurt ; break. [closelyakin w. V2ksi, q.v.]

k sa n ta v y a , grdo. to be put up wi th or

pardoned. [Vksam,

k as p i , j I nigh t. [cf. exit s , cover ,’

(pipes, darkness’for it, cf. Vksar .]

k sa p i h a , n. a nigh t and day , r vxfihpepor .

[2aha , 1253h .]V k sam (ksamats, -ti ; cakaamé ; ksam ; w e 1955s ; kmtum ksamyats ). — 1 . be patient en

dure ; put up with ; ksanta, patient ; — 2.

forgive ; pardon.

k eam a,a . patient ; bearing or endur ing

and so, equal to a th ing, able. [Vksam .]k sam i , f . patience ; long-snfiering. [do.]1 k ah y a ,

m. dwel l ing-

place. [V l ksi ]2 k sa y a ,

m. destruction , decay . [V2ksi .]V k sa r (ksar ati, -te ; caksara aksi r

[890] ksar ita). — 1 . fiow ; — 2. l iquefy ;mel t away ; and so, perish . [for sskar :

cf . (telpu (m eipw) wet”, destroy,’

l - «pOdp-n, perished’: for (t, cf . hpapa,

ksiti : for M, cf . 2ksi .]k sa r a , a . perishable. [Vksan ]V k sa (ksi yati [761d 1 ] ; ksi nh ) . burn.

k si r a , a . pungent ; sal ine. [Vksh cf.

{api -s, dry’: for mg, cf. Eng. caustic, lit.

‘ burning,’fig.

l k si , with two meanings,‘ dwel l ,


rule,’attaching themselves to the stems ksi

and ksaya respectively ; thus,— 1 . ksé-ti, 3d pl . ksi -y-anti : abide or

wh ile or dwell , esp . in quiet and safety ,inh abit. [cf . kaiti , l kstya , ksétra,

kséma 1 , dwel l ing-


M aud -owes,

dwel l ing around,’xr l-m -s,

up a , rest on, be dependent on.

— 2. ksdya-ti : pos-sess be-sitzen ; be

master of ; rul e, 71 [cf . keema 2,‘


[ 147]


; xl -m -nai,‘am master of ,

’am i



l[cf . the col lateral form ksa : for con

nection of 1 and 2, cf . the relation of Lat.


re, sit,

’and pos


re, be master of ,’

and of Ger . sitzen,‘sit,

’and be-s itzen,

‘ be


V 2k 8 i (m i tt later ksinéti ; m eets ;ksité. Insist» ;

yati destroy ; make an end of

exhaust pass. wane ksina , ruined,

lost ; — caus . weaken. [cf . «palm , s pam ,

perish , wane,’

oat-“eyes,‘ dead

’: for M,

of . ksar : w. the secondary ksa-n, cf.

lard-acr es, slain,

« r ein s, sur est-j ar, slay.

a p a , pa ss. be afflicted, snfier loss.

kni t , vbl . inhabiter or ruler , at end of cpds.

[Vl ksi 1 and 2 : seek ai t i , j : dwel l ing, abode, piece of

ground or land ; th e earth , the ground.

[V l ksi 1 cf . xv i-oa r,

k sf t i , f . destruction. [V2ksi z cf . [pl-ea s

aotm ,decay for 1p, cf . ksar .)

V k si p (ksipéti , -te ciksépa. ciksipé ;

keepsyéti. 4 0 ; h ip“; kséptnm s h iptvfi; -ksipya ; ksepayati ) . dart ; cast ;

throw , caus. cause to fly or burst,

i ,— I . th row at ; — 2. fig. ( l ike Eng.

fling, make flings at) , deride, put to shame,

- 3. draw towards one’

s self , cal l out

(a person to vindicate himself) ,ui , th row down (one

’s self, one

's body ) .

v i -ui , lay down separately or order ly .

s am , dash together in a heap ; de

stroy .

k si pta- l a guda ,

a . having the cudgel


k si p r b ,a . darting ; quick ; -am, adv.

quickly. [Vksip.]ksi r h ,

n. mi lk . [prob. Vksan ]k si r i n ,

a . milky ; as m. mil k-plant.

k si r od a k a ,n. mil k and water . [ndaka

125sh .]V k en d (ksbdati , -te ; cuksbda ; ksnnna;

-kstidya ) . shatter stamp upon , grind

smal l .

k sud r a,a . smal l . [Vksud.]

k sud r a - budd h i , m. Small -wit, name of

a jackal .

[kh a la

k en d - v y ii d h i , m. hunger and di sease .

[ksudh z 1253a.]V k an dh (ksddhyati ; ksndhita) . be

hungry ; ksndhité.hungrrk sudh , f . hunger . [Vksudh , 383a.)k an d h i , f . hunger . [Vksudh .)k sud h ar ta , a . distressed with hunger .

-ksiya ; ksi'

yate ; ksapA k sét r a , n. dwel l ing-

place, 87‘7; piece of

ground ; field. [V l ksi 1 .]k as t r a - p a t i , m. master of a field ;

farmer .k sém a ,

m. - l . abode ; place of rest ;

secur ity ; wel l -being, — 2. possession ;

kssme yogs , in possession in acquisi

tion, i.s . in the enjoyment of what we

have got and in th e getting of more.

[Vl ksi l and 2 : for sake-ma, 1 166 : cf .

Goth . ha im-s,

‘vil lage

; A.S. hdm,Eng.

home, and Jam: in place names ; perhaps

also 11 1611 1) ( if for

k h a, n.— 1 . hole ; hol low ; — 2. opening ;

— 3. hole in th e hub of a wheel ;— 4 . void

space ; the sky . [Vkhan, cf.k h a - g a ,

— 1 . a . moving in th e sky , flying ;—2. as m. bird. [for mg 2, cf . antar iksa

ga and kha-gama , bird,’ur a-ga and

bhujam-gama, snake,’and tur am-ga,

k h a -g am a ,the same.

k h anda , a . broken ; as m. a break, sec

tion, piece ; khandaka, m. lump-sugar .

[hence, prob., th rough th e Persian ,Arabic,

Ital ian,and French , th e Eng. candy.)

V k h a nda y a (khandayati ) . break ;

khandita, broken (of a command) .

[khandaV k h a n or kha (khanati , -te ; oakhana,

cakhmi s ; akhan [890] khanisyati

kh i ta ; khani tnm ; khani tva, khatva

khany'ats , kh i yhts ; khanAyati )

dig ; caus. cause to be dug. [if for eskan,

cf . Lat. can-dl is,‘ ditch ,

5 , dig, bur row,in i khu.

k h ar a , a . harsh ; as m. ass (so cal led fromh is harsh bray ) , 67


k h al a , m. 1 . th reshing-floor — 2. a

mean , low-l ived fel low. [the tertium

kh alu] [ l 4e]

comparatiouis for 1 and 2 is perhaps k h y ii t i , f . the being wel l known ; fame ;

k h alu, pcl .— 1 . now (continuative ) ; atha

kh alu, now ; — 2. indeed (emphasizing the

khyatimgam, become famous. [Vkhyi .)

preceding word) , - 3. to be sure (con g a , vbl . going, in many cpds ; situate, e.g.

cess ive ) , 98

V k h i , see kh an.

V k h i d (khfidati ; cakh itda ; kh i disyats ;kh i dita ; kh idi tum ; kh i ditvi ; kh i d

yats ; kh i dhyati ) . chew ; bite ; eat, esp.

of animals ; feed on, devour ,

kh i dita , eaten , etc. [if for eskand

or sknd, cf . xvlfo , Vtm b, bite, sting,’

” ten, nettl e,’but not Eng. nettle.)

in madhyaga ; as m. nomen actionis , the

going, in durga , suga . [Vgam , cf .

g a g ana , n. sky .

gafig i , f . the Ganges. [fr. Vgam -s gi ,

w. intens. reduplication, 1002b.)

g a j a ,m. elephant.

g a j a -y fith a ,m. herd of elephants .

g a j e n d r a , m. a great el ephant. [see

indr a.]k h i d i ta v y a , grdv. edendus . [t i d ] g ana, m. — 1 . troop, (of Maruts )V k h i d (kh idati ; khinna ; -kh idya ) . de crowd, (of friends ) host (of stars )

press, but onlyfig. flock, (of birds ) — 2. pl . troop-dei ties,

ud pul l out. inferior deities which regular ly appear not

k h i l b , 1 . m. piece of waste land between singly , but in troops, 6713; esp . those that

cul tivated fields ; a bare spot ; — 2. a compose the retinuc of i a ; then, as s ing.,

gap. a single one of i a’

s attendants, a Gana,

k h u, a Prakr itf orm f or khalu.— 3. a number .

k h s - oa r a ,a . moving in the sky. [kha, g ana n i , f . a numbering, calculation, tak

l 25oc.) ing into account. [Vganaya .]k h s c a r a tv a , n. power of flying (by V g a na y a (ganayati ) . number , cal culate.

magic ) . [gana ,

k h ed a , m. depression, sorrow. [Vkh id.) g ani ta , ppl . calculated ; as n. [1 176s ],k h ed a -v a ga , a . having depression as calcul ation, arithmetic. [Vgm ya .)one

s control l ing influence, under th e do g a ta, ppl .— 1 . gone, departed ; w. in] :

minion of sorrow. an i tnm gata, gone to bathe, so

k h y i (khydti ; cakhyiu; Akhyatkhyi syati khyi th ; khyiitnm ; -khy5ya

simple verb only in pass. and caus. pass .

be wel l known be talked of — caus .

make known. [orig. mg, perhaps,‘sbine,

appear or look see

a b h i , look at ; behold, 78

+ 3 ,— 1 . show,

tel l ; narrate, — 2.

— 2. often at beg. of cpds, see these ; - 3.

gone to : w. acc. w. prati and

acc.,23 1° — 4 . (having arr ived at, i.s .)

situated in : w. acc.,

w. loc.,


cpd, e.g. svahasta-gata, situated on my

own hand ; — 5. gone to a condition ,see

n 4 ; attained to , ( fame ) -con

ditionsd, in durgata, sugata. [Vgam,

954d.)designate , name ; — caus. : act. tel l ; mid. g a t a - p r i na , a . whose breath is gone,

have to ld to one’

s self, 105 7. dead.

+ pr a ty - a , ( l it. show back,i .s.) turn g a ta - s amk a l p a ,

a . whose purpose or

away , repulse, reject, refuse. [theGer . zuriiclc-weisen has just the same

men-J+ v y - 5 , show to discrim inately, i .s. ex


s am , tel l together , i .s. reckon up.

p a r i - s am , reckon up completely ,

g a tdsu,a . whose l ife is gone.

wi l l for th e moment is gone, purposeless.

g a tanug a t i , f . the going after h im who

has gone (before ) , the fol lowing in the

old ruts. [anugati ]g a t i n n g a t i k a , a . addicted to fol lowingin th e old ruts. [gati nngati

[N ]

garbh avant) [1 50]

padmagarbha ; - 3. conceptum , frui t of g i r h a pa ty a ,— 1 . a . pertaining to the

the womb ; garbham dadh i ni s, conceiv househol der ; as m.,se. agni , the house

ing frui t, embryo, scion ; holder’

s fire, 102°x. ;

- 2. as n. th e being

and so — 4. a new-born ch il d. [Vgr it-bh , h ead of the h ouse,

the housekeeping,‘concipere

’with garbha in mg 1

, cf . [grh épath8¢A¢6s and 80A¢ds,

‘ womb,’lt-Bswds and g i r j i - 1 . invocation, praise,

5-8eA¢e-td-s ah-garbh -

ya-s ) , of the — 2. sing. and p l . speech , words , 87

same womb, i .s . broth er’

; in mg 3, cf . - 3. voice, [Vl gr, 2421.


’and Eng. ca lf in moon g i r l , m. mountain ,

calf : in mg 4 , cf . Goth . kalbo,Eng. ca lf.) V gu ( intens . j éguve [1007 cause to

g a r b h a v a n t , a .,in f em. only, pregnant. sound, proclaim . [ci . 7603 , M ,



[garbha 3 z see Lat. bovdre,

g a r bh a - s t h a ,a . being in the womb, un gunh ,

m.— 1 . a single thread of a cord ,

born . a str ing ; esp . bow-string ;— 2. Qua li ty ;

V g a r h (ghrhate j agarhé garh ita adscititious qual ity , as distinguished from

garh itum ; blame, reproach ; th e real nature (svabh i va ,‘ ingenium

garhita , despised.— 3. as philosophica l technica l term,

V g a l (galati ; gal i ta) . — 1 . drip ; —2. fal l ; one of the th ree pervading quali ties of al l

gal i ta, fal len out, gone (claws, teeth , nature, to wit, sattva , goodness ,

r ajas,eyes) . [hence j ala,

‘ water’: cf . VBait in ‘

passion,’and tamas,

‘ darkness,’66 ° ff. ;

intrans. mg, e.g. t y rants sis i n: ” M y ,— 4. as specia l ization qf mg 2, a good qual

‘river flowing in to the sea

; Ger . quellen, ity , vir tue, l‘o"

, ctc. ; excel lence. [for‘ fiow, spr ing,

Quelle, play on mgs 1 and 4,

g a v a , equiv. ,qf go,‘ bul l , cow

, beeve,’in [ J o - 31 .

cpds. [see 1209s .) guna - dev a , in. Gunadeva, a pupil of

g dv y ii t i , f . pasture-land ; general ized, ter Gunadhya. [l it.‘ having virtue as his

ritory , abiding-

place. [l it.‘ having food god,

for cattle,’

g6 + iiti , see go4 : the y is guna v a n t , a . virtuous, excel lent,

enphonic, cf. [1233 ]V g i (j igati Agat) . go ; come. [coll at guna gi l i n , a. possessing virtues, excel

eral form of gam, q.v. : w. j igati , cf . La lent. [see ci lia.)conic BiBi n ,

‘str ides

; w. Agat, cf . gunadh y a , m. Gunadhya, see 53°sr. [lit.

‘r ich in virtue,

i dhya.)a bh i , go unto ; w. gramam, become gunan v i ta , a . endowed with excell ence ;

weary . (of an asterism ) lucky . [anvita , Vi.)g i tu, m.

— 1 . motion, movement, course ; g nni n , a . vir tuous , excel lent. [gnna.)— 2. progress ; equiv. to the Eng.

-fare in V gup (jug6pa ; gopsydti ; gupita, guptawel -fare f or mg, of : verb fare, get on, gépitum, g6ptum ; gupyate ; j tignpsate,


) — see sugatuy i ; - 3. (place of re -ti ). keep ; guard ; desid. seek to keep

course, i .s .) refuge, abiding-place, one

s self from,i .s . shun, detest ; ppl.

[Vgi ,‘


jngnpsita , detested, inspir ing aversion,

g i t t a , n.— 1 . (means of moving, i .e.) a [prob. a secondary root, or iginating

l imb of th e body ; — 2. by synecdoche, the in the denom. verb-stem gopaya : see this

body . [Vgi ,‘ move,

1 185s.) and go-pa.]

g i m i n ,a . going, going upon, going to. guru, a .

— 1 . h eavy ; and so — 2. f ig. ( l ike

[Vgam , 1 183 Eng. weigh ty ) , important ; - 3. worthy of

g i r bh a ,a . relating to the embryo or to honor , - 4. as m. the one to be

pregnancy (of sacr ifices ) . [garbha l 2o8f .] h onored xa'r tgoxfiv, the teacher or Guru,

g i r bh i k a ,a . re lating to the womb, pre 60‘ ff. ; loc. garaa z in the house of the

natal . [garbha, 1222e Guru, in case of a Guru, 104 [ci .

[ 151 ]

the comp. gdr iyi its : cf .Baptis, Lat.gravis,


, Goth . kaurus, heavy .

V guh (gabati [745c] ; juguha [793i ],

insnh é ;giih itum ; -gtihya ) .

hidden ,76 15.

a p a ,h ide (trans .) away from ,

w. abl.,

85“ put away , get r id of , 77

g ti h , j : h iding-place ; instr . guh ii : used as

adv. gdh i [1 1 12e], in secret. [Vgab.)guh i , j : h iding-

place cavern. [do.]

g ti h y a , grdo. célandus ; secret, h idden .

[do.]guh y a k a , m. one of a class of demigods,

who,like the Yakshas , wait on Kubera,

god of weal th , and, dwel ling in mountain

caverns (gah it) , keep h is treasures. [so

named from their l iving in caverns or

hidden places :

V 1 8 : (m i tt gm'

i té ; j asi ra ; sarisyéti ;

girna [957b] ; -girya ). — 1 . invoke, cal l ;

- 2. sa lute, praise ; — 3. speak out, say .

[cf . gir ,‘speech , voice

; fi pvs, speech ,


; Dor ic ydpéev,‘speak

; Lat. garr ia,‘talk

; Eng. ca ll.)s am , ch ime in with , agree.

4 2 s r (siréti ; j asi ra ; flsi r it : sired

[957b] -

girya ). swal low. [cf . Bopd,‘ food,

Bt-Bpa'v-anw, eat,

’8mm-d -o-s,

‘ folk-devour ing’

; Lat. carni-vo‘raus


‘ flesh

eating,’ de-vor iire

, swal low down ,de

n i , swal low down ; devour (the sun in

an ecl ipse ) , — see Vgras .V 3g ; (aor . Aj igar intens. jagarti

caus. jagarbyati ) . — 1 . intens. be

awake ; wake, intrans. ; j i grh i be

thouwatch ful , have a care for , w. dat.,

89 wake up, intrans., — 2. cans.

wake, trans ., [for the hi story of the

word, see 1020: for 1 , cf . é-yph-yoa a ,‘am





2, cf . ty cipw,‘ wake

gtt s a ,a . clever ; wise.

V g rdh (gfdhyati ; jagttrdha ; agrdh at ;gardh isyati grddha grddhva ). 1 .

take long str ides ; — 2. be eager or greedy

for . [fo'

r sghrdh : cf . Eng. greedy.)gtdh r a ,

- 1 . a . greedy ; —2. m. vul ture.

[Vgrdh , 1 188a : the Ger . oiIers an exact

hi de ; gfil hfi.


paral lel : Geier ,‘vul ture ,

’is prop.


greedy from Gier,

g rd h r a -k fita ,m. Vul ture peak, a moun

aghukaat gfidha tain in Magadha.

g r h fi, in V.,m. ; later , m. in pi. ; otherwise


n. h ouse, 287,

w. mrnmaya, h ouse

of earth , the grave ; grhamgam , go home,

52 so 68" as p l . the house as con

sisting of various rooms and bui ldings,

89 mansions, 877. that which re

ceives one,’Vgrah : cf . geha.)

g rh a- pa t i , m. master of the house. [acct,1267s .)

g r h a-p a t n i , f . mistress of the house.

[do.]g rh a - s th a ,

a . abiding in a h ouse ; as m.

householder or Brahman in the second

stage of his rel igious l ife, sec agr ama.

g rh i gr am a ,m. h ouse-stage, second stage

in a Brahman’

s life, see i gran a.

g e h fi, n. house. [ident. w. grhh : cf . the

ident.VVrdh and edh .)g 6 [361 c], m.f . — 1 . a beef in its old sense

of bul l or cow ; pl. beeves, kine, cattle ;

the Vedic type or symbol of al l welf are

and blessing and riches (e.g. like

m il k and honey”wi th the Hebrews ; —2.M

mJ Abeef in the der ived and now usua l sense offlesh ; pl . pieces of flesh , — 3. (the

mi lch cow of kings, i .e.) the ear th,63 7 ;

— 4. observe that gav'

yiiti , gotra, gopa,

gopati , gomaya, and many other cpds of

go lose their special ref erence to cattle and

take a more general mg. [cf. Bails, stem

BoF,‘a beef, ox, cow

; Lat. bos, stem bav,

‘ox, cow

; AS. cfi,Eng. cow.)

g o - gb a a,a . kins-kil ling ; as m. cow


g btam a , m. Gotama, a Vedic seer of the

tr ibe of Augiras.

g ot t a, n.— 1 . cow-stal l , cattle-pen ; — 2.

perhaps, pen of cattle, and so — 3. group

in genera l (see go 4 ) ; - 4 . esp . fam i ly ,— 5. fami ly name, 103


see ni man 2.

[from go : mgs 2 and 3 are not authenti

os ted by the l iterature.)g ot r a -j a ,

a . born in th e fami ly ; as m. a


g o - p é , m. - 1 . cow-keeper , cow-herd - 2.

keeper in general (sea go [2px ]


g b- p a t i , m. — 1 . lord of kine ; — 2. lord

in genera l (see go 4 ) . [acct, 1267a.)V g Op a y a (gapayati , -te ). be keeper ,

keep. [gopa ,

g o- p i m. 1 . cow-keeper - 2.

keeper in genera l (see go4 ) , protec

tor , 69 [21111 ]V g op i y a (gopayati , -te) .keep, 91 [gopi ,

g om ay a ,— l . a . bovine ; as n. — 2. cow

dung, 103 2° 3. dung in genera l (see

go 4 ) w. anaduha , dung of a steer ,

[see maya .)go -yuk ta , a . yoked with cattle ; w. cakr a,

wagon drawn by cattle. [V yuj .)g o - r a k sa k a ,

m. cattle-keeper , cow-herd.

g b- sa k h i a . having cattle as com

panions, rich in cattle. [sAkhL

g o - sth a, m. cow-stall , byre. [stha,

gauni k a , f . -i , a . standing in relation to

the three guna’

s, see guna 3. [gnna ,1222e

g i n tam a, m. patronymic f rom Gatama ;

Gautama, name of various men . [gbtama ,

l 2o8f .]V g r a th or granth (grathni ti ; granthi

syhti ; grathitA; -gr6thya ) . — 1 . str ing

together , connect ; —2. put togeth er , i .e.


pose (a l iterary work ) . [for mgs, cf .Lat. com-

pancre, put together , compose

also serere, connect, entwine,

’w. sermo


g r a n th a ,m. — 1 . (a stri ng of words, i.s .)

4 05“ verse or couplet, etc ; — 2. a com-


tion,book, work, [Vgranth : for mgs,see under gr ath , and for 1 , cf . Lat. serere

w. ser ies,


g r a n t h i n , a . subst. having books, bookish ,

book-reader . [grantha.)V g r a bh , in Rigveda ; la ter , grab.

be keeper

j agri bha , jagrbhé ; Lgrabhi'

t, agras ta

sm ut.« gram » cranium.-e.;

— 1 . grasp ; seize with the hand ; hold

take ; w. h i stam or pi nim, take the h and

(of th e bride at the wedding) , take

[ 152]

hold on grh ita t egean , seized

by the hair ; used of a rabbit taking, i.s.

leading with h im a l ion, — 2. take

possession of , take, get, — 3.

receive, accept, — 4. of fluids,take in the ladle, - 5. of names, take

upon the l ips, mention, - 6.

fig.,as in Eng.

, grasp, i .s. perceive, know ;— 7. get, learn ; — caus. cause to learn.

[see under garbha : connection w. Eng.

gr ipe, Ger . greifin, exceedingly doubtful .)+ p a r i , — 1 . h old on both sides ; and so

- 2. become mas ter of master, overcome,


p r a t i , take hol d of , accept.

v i , 1 . ho ld asunder ; separate ; make

a division ; and so — 2. quarrel ; figh t.

s am , hold together , clasp.

up s - s am , clasp wi th the hands.

V s t “ (m usiasm sé ; i sm s“

its stu

iayfite ; gu sts ; sr anitvi ; sw arm ;

gr i séyati ) . — 1 . swal low ; devour ,

2. of the demon Rahu, who swal lows,

i .s. ecl ipses sun and moon , [perhapsakin w. V2gr,g r a h , see grabh .

g r ah a , m. seizure (with a claw, bite.

[Vstalk ]g r ah ana , n. the grasping, i.s. acquisition.

[Vgrah 6,g r abh é , a . subst. grasping,

[Vgr abh .)g r fim a ,

m. - l . inhabited place, hamlet,

vil lage, see 98 — 2. the inhabitants,


g r i m a -k am a , a . having desire for the

vil lage, fond of abiding in the v il lage.

g r i v a n , m. stone ; esp . stone for pressing

the Soma.

g r ah a, a . subst. grasping, grasper, in cpds.

Hersh-Jg r ah y h , grdo. to be grasped ; perceivable.

[do.]r i v i , j : nape of the neck ; neck. [forsga

°rvi t cf . Aeolic um , d epute, Epic

aetpfi,‘ th roat,

gr i sm h , m. summer .


g h a ,f orm q han, i.s.han, in cpds. [1 143c,


ca ii c a l a , a . moving to and fro ; trembling.

[VcaL w. intens . redupl ication, cf .

1002b : cf. ni‘r-xaA-os, wag-tail Lat.



, shaking with feverca ficu, f . beak, bil l .

c ana k a , m. ch ick-


c h nda , a . impetuous ; wrathful .c andi da , m. a Chandala or man of the

most despised class of society (born of

Gudra father and Brahman mother ) . [cf .

[ 154]

or at al l,

see esp. l k62c, a lso h at-ham,

kadi , and ki l n. [cf .Lat. -quam and « run

in quisq‘uam, quicunque,

‘any one

; Goth.-hun in ai hvas-hun,

‘not any

ca n d r i , a . shining, shimmering ; as m. the

moon ; the moon-

god. [for gcandra, q.v.]ca n d r hm a s , m. the moon ; the moon-god.

[orig. a descriptive cpd, stem candr a-mas

(383d6) , nom . candrapm i s, and so with

long 5 throughout, but transferred to thei s-declension (cf .

V ca t (ottant ; catth ; caus. ci thyati ) . get ca n dr a-v a r na , a . of sh ining hue.

ofi ; hide ; caus. dr ive away.

c a t a s r , f em. ta tur [482d], num. four . [w. catvi ras, cf .

v in -apes, Lat. qua ttuor , Goth . fidvor , AS.

f edwer , Eng.four .)ca tur - a k sa, a . four-eyed. [see 1300b.)ca tur th a, f . -i, a . four th ; -am ,

adv. the

fourth time. [catur ,ca tur - yug a , n. the four tur - v a r g a , m. group of four .catur - v i d h a , a . of four kinds ; four -fold.

[vidh i , 13020

cfitusta y a ,a. of four ; as n. a col lection

of four , 9. quaternion. [cattir , 1 78 :ca tus- pa th a, m. n. place where fourways meet, quadrivium. [catdr ,

ct tus-p a d ,a . quadruped ; as n. s. collec

tively, the four-footed beasts. [catur , 178

oa tus- pada , j Z-f, a. having (taken ) foursteps.

ca tv a r a , m. n. quadri vium. [sati n ]c a tv i r ,

strongf orm of catur , q.v.V ca n be glad in ; gladden. [collateral form of Vkan : cf. Vkan, ki ma,earn.)

;U .W “,p.ifLoa n fi , adv., immediately f ollowing the em

phasized word. - 1 . not even ; w hpnagcanh , not even sleep, 79 - 2. w. pre

ceding negation, even nfi devi ni m i ti

vr athm, cati tma cans, j ivati , not beyondthe decree of the gods, (not) even if hun

dred-l ived, does one l ive, hence, the

f eel ing f or the negation in cana in such col

locations becoming f a int, - 3. even , at al l ,

w. inter rogatives, emphasizing their indefinite

sense ; na kim cana, not any thing even

V cam , sip, only with 3 .

+ 5 ( i ci mati [74se] ; i caci ma ; toastsi ci mya ; i camayati ) . sip (water),

i.e. rinse the mouth .

cam a s h , m. beaker ; cup, made of wood,

square, and with handle. [Voam, cf

c am pa k a , m. Michelia Champaka , a tree

with strong-smel ling yel low blossom.

cam p a k a v a n t , a . abounding in Cham

palm trees ; as f . Champakavati , name ofa forest. [1283 ]ca r (chrati , -te ; caci ta , cards, ceré

tofu-it, hearista ; car isyhti ; carita; ctritum ; car itvi ; -carya ; caryate ; cara

yati , -te ). — 1 . move, 77 go ; wander ;

wander about ; used of men, beasts ,waters,heavenly bodies ; - 2. ( like Eng. proceed

—qf.Lat. pro-cédene,

go on act ; w.ppl.

[1075b], go on, is!keep on (doing a thing) ,- 3. (l ike Eng. go about, i.s .) under

take, set about ; bh i iksam car. go beg

ging, beg ; undergo ( troubles) , per

form (a vow,duty ) ; observe (silence) ;

comm it (ofiense or injustice ) ,sal yam car , feed on corn, carita,

see s.v. [cf. t epc-r sA-Aop im v lmaw iiv, as

year s go round,’and wept-wA-op t


vwv ( mav M'fl H'

7 6st,‘ us years went round,

with 7 beforea palatal and s before a non-palatal ; also

min-as, Milton’s turning sphere see

also oar ad, and the younger col lateral

form cal , and under cahoala : akin is also

Vkal .)a nu move along after, fol low.

a pa , go off, be absent.

a bh i , go against, trespass against ; esp.

be unfaithful (of a wife) .

71 .

[ 155]

i , 1 . move unto, approach , - 2.

go to (an undertaking) , set about ; and so,

do, practice (virtue ) ; perform (vow)

° fol low (rule ) ; - 3. proceed,

conduct one s self , cf. i cara , conduct !

ud - i ,rise up out of 77 of the


cam -a, proceed ; do ; perpetrate.

4» ud , go up, r ise, of th e sun ; caus . cause

to go out, evacuate, cf. nocara ,



[cf . sin-

yam uc-chrantam w. two:

hra-r iM ow a, the r ising sun .

+ up a ,— 1 . come to ; — 2. come to


in order to serve, and so, attend,wai tupon

pol itely ; — 3. proceed with , under take.

pa r a,move away from ,

v i , move in different di rections, spread

over ; of waters, overwhelm ; wander about;

caus. cause to go h ither and thither in

thought, balance, ponder .

s a m , go, walk ,wander .

ea r n , a . moving ; as subst. animal (as distingui sh ed from plant) . [V car .)

car ana ,- 1 . m. n. foot ; — 2. as n. a wan

dering. [V car : for 1 , cf. nayana .)oa r i ta, 1 . ppl . done ; 2. as n. sing.

[1 176a], ( l ike Ger .Wandel and Eng. walk )behavior ; proceedings ; deeds. [Vcar .)

c a r i ta - v r a ta ,a . having his (marital )

duty performed.

ca r ca, f . a going over , repetition (of a

word in a school-boy’s Veda-recitation )

a troubl ing one’

s self about. [perhaps fr.

Vcar .)e h r m a n , n . skin ; pel t.

ca r y a , yrda. to be accomplished ; f . -5 ,

(like Eng. walk ) way of life ; a performing, busying one

’s self with . [V car .)

V ca r v (carvith, cur-uh ; car vitum ) . chew,

crush with the teeth .

ca r sani , a . active, busy ; as f . pl . busy,morta ls, men , folk. [

'l car , 1 159b end.)V ca l (chlati ; cacéla, colds ; cal isyhti ;

cal ita chl i tum ). move star t off.

[younger form of V car , q .v. : cf. xiA-saOos,

Lat. cal-l is,

ca l a , a .moving. [Vcal .)oi ndi l h , m. a Chandala. [see sandalsand 1208f .]

ot ta n a ,a . driving away. [Vcat, caus.]

s atur m asy h , n. a sacrifice to be made

every four months, i.e. at the beginningof each of the three seasons. [caturmi ca, 121 1 ]

can d r ay ana , n. with or without vrata ,the Chandrayana observance or lunar

[lit.‘connected or ac

,fi# Wcording with the moon

’s course,

candr aV , a . ad v

-Q fla k

p i l l /M “,

penance, 65°n .

ayana.)c i r ana , m. wanderer ; esp .

player or singer . [carana ]car i n a .moving observing ; busying one


self wi th . [V car .)cai r n ,

a . gladsome ; dear ; pleasant ; fair .

[Vcan , q .v., 1 192 : cf . Lat. cii-rus,

ear n -bas i n ,a . sweetly laughing.

l c i (cinbti, cinuté ; cikyé float

cesyAti , -te ; cita; cétum ; ci tvi ; -citys


yate ) . — 1 . arrange in order ; pile up ;

bui ld ; construct, esp. the sacr ificial al tar ;

active,if the pr iest buildsf or others ; middle,

if the sacr ificer builds f or himself ; 2.

gather together, col lect ; get possession

of .

ud , heap up, col lect.

s am , gather together , col lect ; accumu


2c i (chysti, — I . hate ; - 2. avenge,

take vengeance on, punish . [cf .Arcadianhaw-r eins, Attic duo-r im ,

pay ofi,

’ham -ivo


get paid to myself, take vengeance,

punish ,’f owl) ,

3 c i (cikéti ; cikftya, cikyus beet ;

ocsyati ; ebtun ; -citya ; ci'

yhte ) . - 1 .

notice, observe ; - 2. look, investigate.

[cf . Vcit.)+ n i s , (search out, i.s .) ascertain ; determine ; consider as certain or settled.

+ v i - n i s , ( look out th is way and th at,

i .e.) ponder , consider , 13

p a r i , investigate thorough ly , find out.

o i k i td prob. f understanding. [Vcit,1 178c.)

c i k i tv i t adv. with understanding. [cikitu,V c i t (cétati , -te ; ciketa, cikité ; aci it ;

citta ; cetéyati, -te). 1 . look at, notice ;

observe ; consider ; — 2. be intent upon,

intend ; —3. understand, know ; perfect,cikéta, has understood, knows ; cikitvina.



[1 56]

wise caus. make to know , instruct.

[extension of V3 ei t the V ei l. shows an

intrans. aspect,‘ be noticeable or brigh t,

in ketu: cf . V cint.)p r a , know.

c i t , vbl . knowing. [V cit, 383a.)c i t i ,f . pile. [V1 ci.)c i tt h ,

n. notice th ough t ; mind. [l it.

noticed,’ V cit, see 1 1 76s .)

c i t t a - p r am i th i n , a . disturbing the

m ind.

c i t-t i , j ?understanding ; wisdom . [V cit.)c i t r a, a .

- 1 . noticeable, excel lent ; - 2.

clear ; br igh t ; brigh t-colored ; of sounds,

clear , i.e. loudI

3. variegated,

varied ; —4. as n. a brigh tecolored thing,

a picture. [V cit,c i t r h - qr a v a s , a . whose praise is loud or

whose fame is excel lent.c i tr a - s th a ,

a . being in a picture


c i tr ai g a , m. Dapple-coat, name of a deer .having a variegated or mottled body


c i d , encl . pcl. — l . emphasizes, sometimes

very gently, the preceding word even,

just, ya? cid, what

very ones, at least, —2. gen

era lizes a pron. : yé cid ti ng cid, what

soever unto al l those, 91 so f ar

Vedic ; - 3. in classica l Skt., very common

w. an inter r ., render ing it indefi: kag cid,

a certain ; na kii cid, not any ; see ka ,

pron. root ka , ki w. palatal ization

1 1 1 1 s .)V c i n t (cintdyati , -te ; cintayim asa ;

cintayisyhti ; cintith ; cintayi tvit ; -cint

ya ) . - 1 . think, reflect, have a certain

though t ; — 2. set one’s though ts upon,

think upon or of , consider , turn one’s at

tention to ; - 3. cal l attention to make

an observation , [younger form of

V eit z cf . 255 and

+ v i , reflect.s am , think to one

’s self .

c i n ta n a ,n. a th inking upon. [Veinh ]

c i n t i , f — I . though t ; —2. esp. ( like

p ipaur a ) , anxious or sad though t ; sorrow ;— 3. plans, [Vch i t.)

c i n t i -p a r a , a . having sad though t as

one’s chief thing, sunk in sad though t.

[1302b.)c i n tav i sa - g h n a , a . destroying the poi

son of sorrow .

c i n t i top a s th i ta , a . wh ich approached

as soon as thought of . [l it.‘though t of

and ( immediately ) at hand,’cintita

upasthita ,

c i n ty a , yrda. to be though t of , compre

hensible. [Voint.)c i r fi,

a . long, of time ; -am, i t, as adverbs

[1 1 1 1c, 1 1 14c], long, for a long time.c i r a -m i t r a , n. an old fri end.c i t - kar a , m. the sound cit, i .s. th e bray

ing of an ass. [cit, onomatopoetic.)c i r a , n. str ip of bark or cl oth ; rag.

V cud (codati , -te ; hoodit ; codayati ,-te ). dr ive on ; speed ; excite ; caus . the

+ p r a , caus. drive on ; further ; inspire.V cur (corayati ) . steal .

cur a , j . theft. [c r .]odda, f . tuft of hair left on the crown

of a chil d’s head afte r the ceremony of


o i di -k a rm a n , n. ceremony of tom ,

cfir na , m. n. meal , powder . [Vcarv t for pitta-JV c ii r na y a (ciirnayati ) . powder , crush

fine ; crush ; smash . [cfirngV cr t (crti ti ; w i t h ; crttfi ; emu).fasten together . to.

p r a , loosen, untie.

cete n a , a . noticing ; cabana/Zconscious

ness mind. [Vcit.)cet a s , n. consciousness ; mind ; heart.

[Vcit.]ebd , adv. never at beg. of sentence, clause,

or half -verse. if ; apodosis, if it f ollows,ma rked by tad tatas or not

marked or marked byana , if

negative na cod, if not, no cod,

f orms a shor tened but complete clause, and if

not, 27 [ca + id, see ca 7.)V c e rt (oéstati. 4 6 ; cicésta ; certifi

céstitum costitvi ). move the limbs

bestir one’s sel f ; be active ; act.

cesta , f . activity ; performance. [Vcost.)

[ 153]

a, caus. cause to be born for some one, V j a s (j éayati ; jaj i sa ; j i shyati ) . be ex

w. dat. hansted or tired to death ; caus. exhaust ;up a , mid. be born , arise. quench.

+ p r a , mid. be born ; caus. procreate. j a s r a , a. dying out. [Vjaa ]s am ,

mid. be produced ; satiriata, h av j i vbl . born, at end af cpds. [Vjan or

jaz cf . j h , later form of j ib.)j t n a ,

m. creature ; man ; person ; in pl. V j ag r , same as V3 gr, see 1020.

(e.g. and col lectively in sing. (e.g. j i ta, pl. born ; grown ; come into being,

folks ; a people or race or tr ibe ; present ; at beg. qf cpds : arisen, existing,

di ivya jana, heavenly race, the gods. manifest ; produced, aroused ; as n . a l iv

[Vjan z cf. 76 m ,Lat. genus, Eng. kin, ing being ; birth . [Vjan, 955b.)

j i ta 1: a r m a n n. birth -ceremony.

j a n a - p a dh , m. (tr ibe-place, i .s .) distr ict ; j Et a - r i pa ,a . having native beauty

community . splendid ; -pé., n. gold.

j an i [343c], f . woman ; wife. [Vjan z cf . j i ta -v i qvas a ,a . hav ing ar isen confl

wvfi, Eng. quean,‘ woman

’: for mg, cf . dence, inspired with confidence.

jayi .) j ata- v eda a , m. Jstavedas , epith et of

j a n i tr a , n. origin. [Vjan, 1 1 85d.) Agni . [perhaps,‘ h aving knowl edge of

j a n i tv a,n. wifehood. [jani .) al l beings, i .s. of gods and men ,

’or , better, fi


j h n i m a n , n. production, creation. [Vjan ,

‘ having al l beings or things as his pos

1 168.2a.)j an i , f . same as jani . j i ta - s amk a l p a , a. h aving a purpose or

j a nus n. origin ; ingenium, nature ; crea desire arisen, feeling a passion for another.tion. [Vj an, j i tam a r sa , a . having anger aroused,

j a n t ti , m. creature ; man. [Vjan .) vexed. [amarsa .]j anm a n , n. birth ; production ; creature, j atav am an a , a . having ar isen contempt,

[Vjan.) fil led with self-contempt. [avami na ]V j a p (j hpati ; jaj i pa ; éjapit ; japisyhti ; j i ti , j : birth ; position or rank. [Vjan,58 13114 , j aptA; j hpitum ; japitvi , j aptvfi) . 1 157

say in under-tone ; mutter . j i t i -m i tr a , n. mere rank. [see mi tr 52,

j am dd - a gn i , m. Jamadagni, a Rish i,

and 1302c

friend of Vicvamitra, and fee of Vasieh j fitu, adv. at al l , ever ; na j i tu, not at al l .th e . [j amaat, unclear : see 1309 [Vjan , 1 1 1 1d : developmentof mgunclear .)

j am buk a , m. jackal . j i te r sy a , a. having jealousy aroused,

j a r a ,a . growing old, aging. [e .) jealous. [irayi ]

j a r ad - a sti , a . long-lived. (j au nt, see j i n n , n. knee. [cf . 1 61m, Lat. genu, Eng.

1 299b end.] knee, whence kneel .)

j a r a d - g a v a , m. Old-bul l , name of a vul j am a da gn y a , a . of Jamadagni ; as subst.

ture . [j ar ant ] descendant of J. [jamhdagnh

j a r a d -das a , m. old slave or servant. wife. [Vj an z for mg, cf . jani .)j ar h , m. paramour .

j h r a n t , ppl . aging ; old. [e zcf .7&pow -a, j i l a , n. net.

‘old V l j i (j i yati , -te ; j igi ya, Jigyé [787]

j a r h a , j : the growing old ; old age. [e hj i isit, tij esta ; jayisyhti, -te ; j esyati , -te ,

cf .fi pas,‘old j ita; j étum ; j itvi ; -j itya ) . overpower ;

j a r i tt , m. invoker ; singer. conquer ; win (battles ) ; win by conquest.

j a l a,n. water . [see Vgal.) [cf . Bic,

‘ force,’

Baton, to force ’

; Lat. vi'


j a l a -dh a r a , m. rain-cloud. [li t.‘water sgvis,

‘ force ’: cf. i i .)

ud , conquer ; be victorious.

j a l aqa y a , m.water-abode ; lake. [aqaya n] pa r t , pass. be conquered.

v i , mid. be victor conquer (con

quests ) ; subdue.

V 2j i (j inbti ) . enl iven quicken hence

Vj inv. [for sgvi : cf . Bios,‘ life

see also Vj iv .)j i j fiasa, j : investigation. effort to find

out,’fr . desid. of Vjfii , 1 149

j i t i p s a r a s ,a . having the Apsarases

conquered, surpassing the Apsarases.

[apsaraa ]j i t en d r i y a , a . having the senses con

quered, having the passions subdued.

[indriya.]V j i n v (j invati ; j ij inva ; J1nvisyati ; Jmvita) . be lively , hasten ; trans . quicken ;

speed onwar d. [secondary root fr . V2j i,see

j i v r i , a . old. [for j irvi, e ,

j i h v 5 , f . tongue.

j i h v ag r a , n. tip of the tongue. [agra ]j im ii ta , m. thunder-cloud.

j i r fi, a . quick. [V2j i, 1 188 : of . i i .)j i r h -danu, a . having swift drops, swiftdripping, i.s. wel l watered.

V j i v (j ivati, -te ; j ij iva, j ij ivé ; sj i’


it ;

j ivisyati, -te ; j ivita j ivitum ; j ivitv i ;-j ivya ; j ivhyati ) . live ; be al ive ; caus .

make alive. [see V2J1 : cf . Lat. viw re,

l ive’

; AS. cwicu, al ive,’Eng. quick,


a nu, l ive after , be dependent on, liveupon.

j i v h , a . living ; as m. the principle of life,

the individua l soul , [Vj iv z cf . Lat.virus ,

j i v a n a ,n. existence. [Vj iv.]

j i v a n a - h e tu, m. cause of existence, i.s.

means of subsistence.

j i v a - p a t i or -patni , a . f . having one’


husband yet al ive.

j i v a - p r a j a , 0 . having one’

s children yet

al ive. [praj i ]j i v a - l oka, m. the wor ld of the l iving (asdistinguished from that of the Manes ) ,86 18, 23


j i v i ta, ppl . al ive ; as n. [1 1 76s ], life. [Vj i v.)j i v i ta v y a , grdv. vivendum ; as n. imper s.,

see 999. [Vj iv.)

j i v i taqa, f . the wish for life, hope to save

one’s l ife. [api ]

j i v i n , a . l iving. [VJ1v .]V h e (insists -ti ; iuj éea, 505096 ; fljoeista

junta) . taste , esp. with pleasure ; relish ;

take pleasure in or accept gracious ly . [cf .

y ebopat,‘ taste

; Lat. gas-tus, taste

; AS.

ce6san,Eng. choose.)

justa , a . acceptable. [ppl . of Vjus, w.

accent altered as in dh iuta .)j uh ii f . sacr ificial ladl e for pour ing

the melted butter into the fire, cf . sruc.

[V ha ,V j fi (junta jfijsva jfita) .speed, intrans. and trans. ; incite, inspire ;

furth er, assist to. [ci . V2j i.)V j r ( V. j hr ati ; later , j iryati , -te ; jaj iira ;fij i r i

t ; j irnfi decay ; grow frai lor worn out or old. [cf . jarant, old,


7 ipoy-r-a,

‘old man j arhs and fi pas,

loudly singing ; praising.

Vgu, 1 147b°, 1002a.)

j bsa a , a. pleasure. [a a]j i a , vbl . knowing, at end of cpds.

j as Gi nsu, j i nité jajnati , jajnéajfii sit Ajfli sta ; j iii syéti , -te

junta ; jfii tum ; jfii tvii ; -jfiii.ya jfii

r i te ; jflfipfiyati. -te. j i apflyati. -te

jfiapta). know ; have knowl

edge of a person or th ing ; recognize ; be

come aware of learn ; notice. [cf . Lyn n,Lat. cc-gné


vit,‘ knew

; AS. cann,

‘ have

learned, i.e. know, am able,’Eng. can ;, Eng. know.)

+ s am - a n u, whol ly acquiesce in ; ap

prove ; give leave dismiss.

a bh i , recognize ; know.

p r a ty - a b h i , recognize.

a v a , look down upon ; despise.

i , attend to, notice ; caus. command.

p a r i , careful ly observe ; find out.

+ p r a , know ; esp. know one’

s way or

bear ings or how to go to work ; prajfiata ,clear ly to be known, wel l known .

+ p r a t i , recognize, al low ; promi se ;

[Vj iifh

v i , distinguish ; understand ; know ;

recognize ; consider as ; observe ; find out ;

pass. vijfii yate, in sta ting a dogma , is

wel l known or recognized (by good auth or

”4 ,w



ti] [160]

ities ) ; - caus. make any one know or nu j h a l l a , m. a cudgel-figh ting ath lete (dederstand ; make a representation to, with scended from outcas t Kshatriyas ) .a request or question or proposal ; memo

r ia lize ; interrogate.

j s s t i , m. kinsman ; relative. [Vjan z of .“thi“

xaa l-w os, brother

j fi i n a ,n. knowledge ; wisdom ; esp . knowl 4 dh i uk (dhiukate ; dudhi uké ; dh i uk

edge oi the higher truths of religion and its ; dh i uki yati ) . approach ; caus. bringphil osophy. [Vjfii , near .

j fi i n i n ,a . wise ; possessing jfii na ; under upa , bring to ; provide.

standing (what one reads ) , 68‘5

. [j fii nan ]j fioy a , grdv. to be known or considered as

vm i i or 1 1 0mm ; mmAjyi sit ; jyi syfiti ; j ita). BG“; over

power. [cf . 1 jyi ,‘


and V l j i,

l j y i , j i superior power ; Bla ; force. [ i i

cf . Bla,

2 j y i , f . bow-str ing. [cf . Buds,

j y i y i ns ,a . stronger or super ior ; older .

[comp. of jyi ,‘ being strong or superior ,

th e vbl of i i ,

V j yut (jyotati -jy6tya ) . ligh t. [i r .

Vdynt.]j y ésth a , later jyestha, a . best ; principal ;

first ; oldest. [super l of jyi , the vbl of

i i , 470 see jyi yi na ]j y e sth a -p r a th a m a , a . having the old

est as the first.

j y o t i s-k tt , a . l igh t-making. [jyotis

j y ot i sm a n t , a . ful l of ligh t ; ligh t.

[jyotis z 184b.]j yot i s , a. l igh t (of sun, dawn , as pl .

the heavenly bodies ; stars. [i ut.]j y ot s n i , f . moonligh t. [jyotis zcf .

j r ay a s , n. stretch ; expanse. [e i.]V j r i (j rayati ) . perhaps, go, stride ; used

only an. apa , stretch out to.

V j v a l (j vélati , 4 6 ; j ajvfila ; Ajvi li t ;jva l isyAti ; jval itA; -jvalya ; jv i lfiyati ,

jvalayati , -te ). burn brigh t ; flame ; causkindle, make to flame.

p r a ,caus. kindle.

j h a t- i t i , adv.with a jhat, as quick as one

could say“boo.

Uhat, onomatopoeticsee 1 102a ’ mid.]

ta pron. he , she, it, th ey ; that, those ;both subst. and adj .

, I“,

— 1 . corr el .

of ya, which usual ly precedes

but sa

ya, otiose,—2. in connection is . a pron. of the 1st or 2d

pers. : e.g. tam tvi imah e, thee, who

ar t such a one (as aforesaid) , we beseech .i .e. therefore we beseech thee , cf .

tébhyo nas h i m, to us , who are

these (unsuccessful ones j ust descr ibed ) ,tel l thou, i .s. do thou tel l us then,

similar ly, to. a verb in the 1 st or 2d pers.,

whose subj ect is not expressed, 6917,

83 1, — 3. as. other

pronouns : tasya etasya, of th is,

yat tad tad, what (was ) that that,

57 7 ; ya ta, whoever , anybody, ya

ya' ta ta, whoever that, cf .

simple a rticle : to devi s, the gods ,

as bh imas, Bh ima, l“? sa, si , M flflfi



wcf. 4, a, 7 6, Goth . sat” , }ata , AS . so, sad, SM


s he, she, it; Eng. that ; cf . also Lat.


i n ; (tim e ; tataksa , tataksé ; ataka I"

it ; w ; hew ; work (wood) ;make (of wood or oth er material ) fashion.

[cf . ti lts-an and r im -w ,



b r at-ow,‘


; Lat. tignum,

‘ log’

cf.Vtvaks and toku]taj -j i v a n a , n. his subsistence. [tad.]V tad (tSdAyati ; ti dayim i sa ; ti ditfi


+ p a r i , strike ; pel t.

t a ta, m. father . [cf . r l-n a, Lat. tata,

papa’: Eng. dad, though of sim i lar

make, has of course no direct connection.]

tadvat] [ 162]

tad -v a t , adv. in this way, so ; l ikewise. tan tu, m. thread, 891; metaphor ical ly, of

[tad zta d - v i d , a . knowing that ; as m. connois

seur or judge .

tad - vr k sa ,m. that tree.

tad - v rdd h i , j . the interest of them.

V 1 ta n (tanbti, tanuté ; tati na , tené

[794e] ; ati ni t ; tansyflte ; tata; tantum ;tatvt

t ; -tatya ; tayato— 1 .

stretch , trans. and intrans. extend, reach ;

spread over ; —2. continue, endure,- 3. stretch (a weft or a l ine ) ; continue

the l ine of a fam ilYl ; — 4. metaphor ical ly,of sacrifice and suppl ication (which are

compared wi th a weft) , perform,make.

[cf. r dwuat,‘stretch

; Lat. tene'



; AS. benian, Ger . dehnen,

stretch see also tanu.]+ 6 , spread over ; overspread (esp . with

l ight) , besh ine stretch (a bow) .

+ p a r i , stretch around ; surround ; en


v i , stretch out ; spread out, cover ;

vitata, stretched, hung, dependent,

sam , hold together, intrans. ; bind to

geth er ; make continuous ; sarhtata , (j ustl ike La t. con-tineas) uninterrupted.

2ta n (tanyati ) . resound. [cf . r dvos,‘ tone

; Lat. tona re,‘ thunder

; AS. noun

bunor , thunder,’whence denom. verb

bunr ian, Eng. thunder ; AS. bunres dceg,

Eng. Thurs-day,‘ day sacred to the Old

Germanic god of the thunder-sto rm , bonar

or Thor see tanyatd,

ta nn, 1: [3442] tanu, tuna, tanvi


,a . th in,

tennis, slender ; — tanuor tanh [decl .as subst. f . body, 56 89 person ; one


own person, self, used like i tman [514] asreflexive pron., 73

‘3, 78 outward form

or manifestation, [prop.‘stretch ed

out, thin,’Vl tan : cf . r aw


long,’in cpds Lat. tenuis, Eng. thin

,Ger .

dunn,t a n n - tr i na ,

n. body-cover ,

t anu-m a dh y a , a . having a slender m id

dle, i .e. slender-waisted.

ta nfi- ty aj a . abandoning the body, risk

ing l ife, brave.ta n t i , f . cord ; esp. a long line to wh ich

cal ves are tethered by means of short

ropes ; tanti'

,the same. [V 1 tan.]

th e th read, i.s. course, of a sacr ifice.

[V 1 tan .]th n t r a ,

n. th read ; warp of a web ; j ig.

fundamental doctr ine ; division of a work.

[V1 tan.]V ta nd (Mndate ) . relax, grow weary .

ta n d r i , j 2 fatigue. [Vtand, 1 188c.]t a n d r i ta , a . wearied, only w. a [tandr i , 1 1 76b.]

ta n n im i ttam ,-ena , see nimitta. [tad ]

ta ny a tu, m. thunder . [V2tan.]V ta p (Mpati, -te tatitpa, tepé [794e] ;sti psit ; tapsydti ; tapta; taptum ; taptvi ; -tapya ; tapyate, tepyate- 1 . be warm ; bur n, intrans . ; — 2. h eat ;

make glowing ; burn, trans. ; — 3.fig. ( likeVguc) , distress, pain ; — 4. pass. snfier ;

suffer voluntar ily , castigate one’s self, do

penance. [cf . Lat. tepEre, AS. befian,‘ be

upa heat ; become sick ; sicken, used

impers., w. acc. of the person,s am , heat ; pain.

ta pa h -p r a b h av a , m. emcacy of devo


tap a s , n. - 1 . heat, fire ; - 2. voluntarysufiering (see tap 3, self -castigation,

self-torture mortification, asceti

cism , devotion. [Vtap.]tapa sv a n t , a . ful l of devotion ; pious.

[ l 233a.]ta pa s v i n , a. the same.

ta p o -j a, a . asceticism-bom , whose ele

ment is asceticism . [tapaa ]V tam (timyati , -te tatima ; stam

at ; ti nts become darkened, of

the eye ; become power less, deadened,

stupefied, numb, or inactive. [orig. mg,


‘ be dark,’see tamas : cf.“min-i .

darkness,’Lat. tenebrae, stemsrae,

‘ dark

ness,’ Old High Ger. dinsta r ,

‘ dark’

; Old

High Ger. de‘


‘ dusk,’Ger . ddmmern,

become twil igh t,’but not Eng. dim.]

t i m a s , n. — l . darkness ; — 2. spiritual

darkness, infatuation ; 3. darkness as

one of the three pervading quali ties of al l

existence, see gnna 3. [V tam ]tam o -n i sth a ,

a . resting or founded on


tam o -nn da ,a . darkness-dispel ling.

t am o - b h fit a ,a . dark, enveloped in dark

ness. [ lit.‘ become darkness,

tamas :

1273c.]tar a ,

m. crossing, passage. [V143]t a r am- g a ,

m. wave ; wave as subdivision

of a work entitled ocean,”

of. 451 N.

[l it.‘ wh ich goes crossing the water


taram , grd of Vtr, 995, cf . 1250a.]t a r ani , a . pressing onward. [V tr, 1 159b.]t a ru, m. tree. [prob. a modern form of

di m , q.v.]t a r u- k ota r a , n. tree-hol low.

taruna , a . young ; tender ; -ka, n. sprout.

[cf . r e'

pnv,‘tender ,

t a r u- ta l e , under the tree , see tala.

V ta r k (tarkfiyati tarkayim

ass ; tarkayisyfl i ; tarkita; tarkhyi tum ;tarkayitvd ; 1 . think over ,

reflect, — 2. form an idea of .

[orig. mg, turn,

’and so ( l ike Lat. volvere

animo) , turn over or revolve in one’


mind’: cf . tarku,

‘spindl e

; rpt’

tr -m, Lat.

torqueo,‘ tum Old High Ger . drdhsil,

turner ,’

Ger . drechseln,

p r a , form a conception of .

th r h i , adv. at th at time ; th en ; yadi

tarhi , if then. [pron . root ta, 497,

t a l a , m. n.- 1 . surface ; -tal e, at end of

cpd, equiv. s imply to on, 46" —2. the

surface or place under an object, e.g. a

tree ; -tal e, at end of cpd, equiv. s imply to

under , — 3. sometimes otiose in

cpds, e.g. nabhas-tala, sky-surface, i .

t i l p a , m. couch ; bed. [for sstar -pa , V str,1201 i end : for mg, see under str.]

ta l pa -

giv a n , f . -var i'

, a . lying on beds .

[ 1 169.ta v i sh , a . powerful . [Via], 1 197b.]t i sk a r a , m. robber .

th em at , adv. from this (cause ) , hence ;therefore ; yad tam i t, since there

fore. [pron. root ta , 1 1 14a.]t i t a , m. used in voc. s., to a f a ther , but genera lly to a j unior or an inf er ior , my dear

[cf . tata.)tad i tn i ,

adv. then. [perhaps instr . ( l 1 12d )'

of staditna , and this fr . stadi -tua,‘of that

time,’and this fr . stadi ( l 245e ), correl . of

M ]

{£ 8 1}n 7 fil t h -“ f

!fl ~ c


tad f g, a . such . [see 518 : for declension,see dtq.]

tad i'

ca , a . such . [seetap a sA, m. ascetic. [tépaa ]tam a s a ,

a . dark ; per taining to darkness

or the led tamas . [thmam]tay ri , m. thief. [cf. sté yu.]t i r i , f . star. [form of transition to the

a-declension (399 ) from tr, see under

Btt-Jt i v a c - ch a ta , f . -i , a . h aving or embrue

ing so many hundreds. [tavant ( 1249a )

caus.]t i v a t - k r tv a s , adv. so many times .

[tavant, l 249a.]tdv a n t - 1 . adj . so great ; so muchso many , extending so far , 101


lasting so long, correl . to. yi vant,— 2. ti vat, as adv. so much ;

so far ; to such an extent, so long ;

for a whil e, yavat ti vat : as long

as so long, 32 3, when th en,

just as then, 227; ti vat yi vat,

so long as,- 3. at once ; now,

24 53" - 3a. w. l st per s.pres. ind.,

first, before doing any thing el se, at once ,

38" 3b. to. imperative : at

once, ti vat tatas or paccat, first

th en or afterwards, 38 ‘ - 4 . con

cessively, iha samaye, ti vat, in th is case,

one must admit, 4 1lo; - 5. emphasizing,

l ike ova , what precedes , 25 7. [pron.

root ta,

t i g n a, a . sharp. [Vtij ,V t i j (tojéyati ; tejaydm i sa ; tents ) . be

sharp. [orig. s atig : cf . or lfw, prick,’

M ‘7 -pa, prick Lat. iv-stigii re, prick on

Eng. stick,‘to

t i th i , m.f . a lunar day (of wh ich there are

15 in a half-lunation ) .t i r ds ,

— 1 . prep. th rough ; across ; —2. as

adv. crossways, sideways ; aside ; w. hr

[171 put aside, treat disrespect

ful ly , sco ld. [V tr,‘cross

’: cf . Lat. trans,

ti r a s -k i r a ,m. a scolding. [Vkr + tir as


t i r y a k tv a , n. condition of a beast.

[tiryak, middle stem of tiryafic, 1249a

1 l

ti ryaiic]

t i r y afic [409d], - 1 . a. directed across ;

horizontal ; —2. as subst.m.n. beast (goinghorizonta l ly , as opposed to man ,

who walks

uprigh t— firdhva ) ; - 3. acc. s . n. tiryak,

as adv. across. [tir as or tir , w.afic, 409d :

tir , like tir as, is akin w. Vtr.]t i l a,

m. — l . the sesame plant, Sesamum

indicum ; —2. its seed, wh ich is eaten,

and furnishes good oil .t i er , f em. to tr i, see 4820.

t i r a , n. shore or bank. [prop.‘

place of

crossing or going into the water ,’Vtr.)

V tu (tavi'

ti tfiti va have

power ; be strong. [orig.‘swel l

, grow’:

cf . fi lo-An,‘swel l ing, lump,


r t‘

i-po-s,‘ mound

; AS. bitma , the big

Eng. thumb ; further , trim-r s,

‘ fat, strong’

; Lat. tum-ulus, mound,

tum-or ,

ts , pcl . never at beg. of sentence. - 1 . so.

imperative, pray ;— 2. in sooth , 78 - 3.

but, 8 26 34 etc. ; on the other hand,

tu ° ° tu, on the one hand ° °

on the

other, so tn,° tu, na tv

eva tn, but by no means, ki

kirh tu,

nevertheless, — 4 . used loosely as

equiv. to ca, gnen as a mere expletive

[1 122a e.g.

tn , pron. root qf 2nd pers , see tvad.

tuc , f . progeny . [cf . toka.)Vtud (tudhti ; tutbda ; tunna) . str ike ;

push . [ci . r oasts,‘The Hammer , Martel


Lat. tundo, tu-tud-i ,‘str ike, struck

; Goth .

stautan, Ger . stossen,

i , strike at, pick at.

V tur (tur hti, -te ) . press onward swiftly[subsidiary form of Vt; (242) and al l ied

w. V tvar .]l tur d , a . - l . swift, esp . of horses ; -am,

as adv. swiftly , in tur amga ; - 2. quick,

ready , wil l ing, 78 [Vtan ]2 tur d ,

a . strong, migh ty, [V tu,

tn r amg a , m. horse. swiftly going,’

tnr arn ga, see 1 tura : for mg, cf .

tur i y a , a. fourth . [for sh tar -ia : eater ,

V tul (tol i yati tolayfim i sa tolayisyati

tol itt ; -tolya ) . - I . raise up ; - 2. esp.

raise up a thing so as to find its weigh t

weigh - 3. counterpoise — 4 . equal .

[orig. mg, bear , i.s . hold up in the cog

nates, the rug‘ bear , i.s. endure appears

cf. Lat. tul-i, endured Goth . bid-an,Eng. thole



; Ger. Ge-dul-d,‘en


also l -r An-v,‘ bore,

’” All-TAILS ,

much enduring’

Lat. la'

tus, add-tits ,

tul i , f . balance ; weigh t ; equal ity . [Vtulcf. Anglo-Indian tola

, about 180 grains

troy : cf. r dl tar r ov,‘ balance, weight

]tul ya , a . keeping the balance wi th ; equal

to ; like. [tum 1212d 4 end.]tul y i k rt i , a . having like appearance ;

al ike ( th e )tuv i , a . in cpds. mighty ; much ; many.

[Vtu,tuv i -b i d h a, a . distressing many (onemics ) or besetting ( them ) sore.

tdv i sm a n t , a . mighty . [tuvis.]tuv i a , n. in der ivs. migh t. [Vtm 1 153 ]V tut (“t 4 0 : tntésa ; tutti ; tbs

tum ; -tusya ; tosdyati ). become quiet ;

be satisfied or pleased ; caus. satisfy ;gratify .

s am , caus. satisfy .

tusti , f . satisfaction. [Vtua]t i sai n , adv. si lently , in silence. [ an obsolete otuapa , si lent,


1 1 1 1d.]tr (tarati , -te ; tirati , -to ; tati ra, tea

-us[794e]; i tar i


t ; tar isydtd, -te ; tirna ; ti r

turn ; ti'

r tvd; -tirya ; tarayati ) . - 1 . cross

over (a water , the sky ) ; - 2. get across or

to the end ; get through , escape ; survive.

[ci . r ipp er , Lat. termtnus , boundary’

see Vtr i and tiras : for treatment of root

vowel , see 242 ]a v a , descend, esp. from heaven to

earth ; come down, esp . of divine beings

who become incarnate as men ; aligh t ; be

take one’

s self to ; caus . take down or 06 .

ud come up out of the water.

abby -ud , come out of the water unto,

cross the water unto, 89

+ p r a , take to the water ; start on.

v i , cross th rough ; traverse.

t i"

, m. star , see str.

tr ikal aj iia]

t r i k al a -j na , a . knowing present, past,

and future ; omniscient.

t r i - d a ga [decl ined l ike ki ma, m. pl .

the th ree times ten, the th ir ty , a name in

tv a d so-called stem [494] of 2d pers.

pron. thou; see tvat. [w. the real root tn,

cf . Doric r é, Lat. til, AS . 5172,Eng. thou,

Ger . du,

round numbers for the 33 deities ( 12Adi t V tv a r (tvarate ; tatvaré ti'

irna [cf.957b],

yas, 8 Vasus , 1 1 Rudras, 2Acvins ) , i.s . the tvaritb ; tvardyati ). hasten tvar ita,

gods. [tr i daga , 4770 : cf . tr inqatJ having hastened, in haste. [see VVtur , tr.]t r i da ge qv a r a ,

m. pl. lords of the gods, tv a r i , j 3 has te. [Vtvar .]i .s . the four chief gods , Indra, Agni , Vap tv é str , m.

— l . wr igh t, workman, 75° £1 444


runa, and Yama. [iqvara.] - 2. Twash tar , the artificer of the gods” 1 4 9W.

t r i - d i v a, n. the triple or th ird i.s . h ighest former of fruit of the womb, giverheaven . [div, 13150 : 1312 of growth and long l ife fath er of 17/ °

t r i - dh i tu,a . having th ree parts, tr i

-par Sarany t

i [V tvaks,tite, th reefold. [acct, l 300c.] tv i v a n t , a. l ike thee. [tva,

t r i -p ad a , f . -i, a . having ( taken ) three tv i str a, m. descendant of Twash tar.

steps .

t r i - r i t r i ,n. space of th ree nigh ts , tri

noctium . [t i ttL 1315b, cf. the

Eng. usage in sen-night,f ort-night]t r i - v i dy a,f . the three sciences, i .s.Vedas .

[ 1312t r i - v i d h a ,

a . of th ree sorts, threefold.

[vidh i , 1302c5 : acct, 1300c.]t r i - v rt , a . threefold, tri-par ti te . [


ing thr ice, with th ree

t r i - v ed a , in cpds and der ivs.

Vedas. [ 1312

t r i - sa v a na ,a . pertaining to the th ree

Soma-pressings ; -am , adv. at morning,

noon , and evening. [savana.]t r i s , adv. th rice. [see tri : cf . r pls, Lat. ter ,d ers


‘ th rice Eng. thr ice is a gen. form ,

cognate in root only.)t r i i v i dy a , n. study of the th ree Vedas.

the three

t r i i v ed i k a ,a . relating to the three

Vedas . [tr iveda , 1222et r y -a d h i sth ii n a ,

a . having three mani


bv i », pron. stem of 2d per s., see tvad.

V tv a k s, work, principa l ly in der ive., andident. w. tal ; .

tvac , f . skin .

tv aj -j Er a ,m. thy paramour . [tvad, 494 ]

tv h t , abl . qf tv‘

a, and used in place of tva

in cpds by H indus written tvad, q.v.

tv a t -k r te , for the sake of thee. [ 1314f ,1 130: tvat represents the stem tva, and

in gen. relation.]

dd , vbl . giving, in cpds.

V da ng or dag (dagati dadanga ;

dak si na , a .

[tvastp ]

[V 1 di , 333,

M iam i ; dam ; daflstvi :bite. [cf. bdrm ,

‘ bite’

; Goth . tchj an,‘rend,

da nqa , m.-fly. [Vdanc.]

danstr a , m. large tooth ; tusk ; fang.

[Vdafig, 1 185b.]da nstr i n , a . having tusks or large teeth .

[damn ]Vda k s (m ate ,

-ts ; sm i te; sm it

yate ). act. sui t ; mid. be able or dexterous

or strong. [ci . daksa and daksina ]dakaa , a . able, dexterous, strong ; as m.

abi l ity, facul ty , strength , power ; esp . spir

itual power , wil l ; daksa and kr atu, wil l

and understanding (as faculties of the

manas, [Vdaks: cf . Steals, clever ,

righ t,’and daksina.)

l . clever , able ; and so

- 2. (as opp. to awkward, gauche ) , right,of the hand, hasta , e.g. so pi ni,

foot, pi da, side, parqva,- 3. southern (because in prayer th e faceis turned eastward : cf . uttara 3 ) ,se. agni , southern fire, 102

°rt. ; — 4. as j ,

dakaini , se. go, the able, i .s . fruit cow,

milch cow ; milch cow as the customaryreward for conducting a sacrifice ; then,— 5. in general , any reward or present for

the sacr ificing priest, see so

— see also adv. daksini . [Vdaks z cf .

Steals, Lat. dexter , clever, righ t Goth .

[ 167]

taihsva ,‘right hand from daksina in d i n t m. tooth . [c


f . bal m-a, Lat.

mg 3, comes Deccan, name of the country dentem, Goth . tunhua, AS. to'

ii, Eng . tooth ,

south of Hindustan, l it. the Old High Ger . sand, Ger . Zahn,

da k si na -p a qc im a ,

a . southwester ly. dan ta , m. tooth . [dant,d ak si na -

pfir v a a . southeaster ly . V d a bh or dambh (dAbhati dadi bha ,

da k si nd,adv. souther ly toward the daddmbha , debhus ; adabhat dabdha

south . [dAksina z acct, 1 1 12e.] dabdhum ) . harm with guile ; hurt ; deceive.

da k si nag n i , m. the southern fire, dab h a , m. deception . [Vdabh ]cf . 102° x. V d am (di myati di n“ [955a]

d a k si ni p a r a a . southwester ly . dami tvi ; -dan ya ; damayati ) . - 1 . be

[M m apara .) tame ; - 2. tame ; conquer ; become mas

dak si na- p r a v ana ,a . sloping to the ter ; control . [cf. sands , Lat. domiire,

south . [daksinL adv .) tame’

; Eng. tame, Ger . zahm,

da k si ni bh imuk h am . facing south erly . dam , n. house. [cf . 86 ,‘ house

’: see

[daksini (adv .) abhimukha .] under dama ]da k si ni y a n a ,

n. south -course (of the dam s ,m. n. house, home. [cf . 86mg, Lat.

sun ) , or the half -year from the summer to domus, house, home’: it is not certain

the winter solstice. [daksina ayana .) whether dams. comes from Vdam and so

da k si ni r any a , n. the southern forest means l it. ‘ the place where one is mas

(a forest in the Deccan ) . [daksina ter , one’

s Gebiet,’or whether it is to be

connected w. Slaw,‘ build ’

: in th e latter

dAk si nav a n t , a . abounding in gifts to case, it would mean l it., l ike Ger . Bau,‘a

the priests, i.s. (from the point of view of buil ding,’and should be connected w.AS.

the pr iests ) pious. [di ksini t see dak timber , d eme a ,

‘ building-material , a build

ing,’Eng. timber


‘ bui lding-material ,’Ger .

da gdh a,a . - I . burned ; — 2. pained, tor Z immer ,

‘ building-material , a building, a

tared 3. wretched, good-for-nothing,

cursed, damned. [ppl . of Vdah : for mg 2, d am a,— l . a . conquering, at end qf cpds ;

cf .Vgue.) as m.— 2. Dams , i .s. Victor , name of a

da gd h od a r a ,n. one

’s cursed bel ly. son of Bh ima ; — 3. self-contro l . [Vdam :

[dagdha udara.] cf . fin d-M c, Horse-tamer ,’etc.)

danda,m stick ; staff (of Brahman ) , d am a n a ,

— 1 . a . conquering, at end ofmace , rod as symbol of dominion cpds

— m.Damana, i .e.Vincent, name

and punishment. [cf . strap ”, of a priestly sage, and of a son of Bh ima.

danda -b h a y a , m. fear of the rod. [Vdam : cf . Lat. dominus,

dandi n ,a . bearing a staff ; as m. warder. d am a y a n t i , f . Damayant

i , i.s . Victoria,

[danda .) name of Bh ima’s daugh ter . conquering

da t td ,a . given ; as m. (a son ) given (by fr . Vdam,

his parents to others for adoption ) ; com dhm - p a t i , m. master of the house ; as

man at end of proper names, esp. of Va iqyas. dual,master and mistress, man and wife ;

[ppl . of V l di , 955c.) pair . [acct, l 267a.)dadr h , a . firm ; dadh f

'k, acc. s. n.,as adv. dam bh a ,

m. deception. [Vdabh .]firmly . [Vdrh ] V da y (dayate ; dayim i sa ; dayita) .

dadh dn n. sour milk ; curds. [orig.,

- 1 . part ; al lot ; — 2. take part i n; sym

perhaps,‘ milk,

’fr . V2dh i .) pathize with ; have tender feeling for ;

d hdh i , supplementary stem to dadhan. love ; — dayita, loved, dear ; as f ., -ti ,

d adh i -k a r na , m. Curd-ear , name of a wife. [for 1, cf . xpéa bale're,


cat. [‘ having curd-ears, i.s. ears as whi te carved the meat

; for 2, cf . Bal t r at dr op,as

‘ heart is divided or takes part in i.s .

d adh fk , see dadrh .

daya] [ 168]

d a y i , j . sympathy ; compassion. dagdhvd ; -dahya ; dahyate ). - I . burn

da y al ti , a . compassionate. with fire ; ham ; — 2. pass. : be burned ;

d a y i v a n t , a. compassionate. [day i ] be pained or tortured ; -3. dagdha, see

d a y i ta , see Vday.

d a r a ,m. cleft, hole. [V1 dr.)

d a r i d r a , a . wander ing about ; mendicant ;

poor ; as m. poor man. [fr. intens . of

Vl dr i ,‘run about,

’1 147b ° : for mg, cf .

Eng. tramp , in its Ameri can sense of

vagrant beggar -3d a r p a , m. wil dness ; wantonness ; impu

dence pride. [Vdrp.]d a r bh a, m. grass

-tuf t ; grass used at sacr i

ficial ceremon ies, esp. Kuea-grass, Poacynosuroides. [Vdrbh .]

d a r ga ,m. sigh t ; the moon when just be

coming visible ; the new moon ; the day

or festival of new moon. [V tire.)d a r qa k a ,

a . - I . seeing ; —2. (fi .

showing, making clear . [drg ]d a r qa ta, a . to be seen ; vis ible.

1 176c.]dar ga n a , a . seeing ; as n. the beholding,

sigh t ; the becoming visible, ap

pearance, [Vdun]d a r qa -p t

i r na -m as d , dua l m. new and

ful l moon ; the days and the festivals ofnew and ful l moon .

d 698. num. ten. [cf . Gina, Lat. decem,

Goth . ta ihua, Eng. ten, Ger . zehn, ten

Eng.-teen in sir -teen, etc.)

d a qam fl, f . -i, a . ten th ; dagami, se. tithi ,tenth day of a lunar half-month . [daea ,

d a qa- qa ta , n. ten hundred ; a thousand.

daqa q i k h a , a . having ten branches, i.s .

fingers. [déqa qakh i z acct,d a qa, f . th e th reads projecting at the end

of a weft, fringe ; lamp-wick ; j ig. wick of

l ife, course of l ife ; time of life.

[di vad a qi h b , m. space of ten days.

2aha , 1312

V d a s (dasyati ; dadi sa ; adasat ; dasta ;dasayati ) . sufler lack. [cf . Vdi s, dasya :also bl oc,

v i , become exhausted.


dd, vbl. giving, in cpds.

d i ta v y a , grdv. dandus . [Vl di ]

s.v. [for sdhagh : cf .Goth dags, AS. dag,

Eng. day, Old High Ger . talc,

i , in i dahana.

v i , injure by burning,s am , consume.

I da (dhdi ti , dadati dadi d, M

“at, i di ta di syati , -te ; dattb

[955c], -tta [ 1087e] datum ; dattva ;-di ya ; diyate [77oh ] dftsati [1030]di payati ) . give ; bestow ; grant ; impart ;

to. ace. qf thing and dat. or gen., later also

loc., qf person, 1 varam d’g

grant a wish ; qi pam (13 , (give, i .s .) pro

nounce a curse ; si ubh i gyarii di , (give,i .e.) wish conjugal fel icity ; di , (give, i.s.)sel l , to. instr . of pr ice, uttararh dimake answer ; qr i ddh arh din perform a

qr i ddh a , punar dd, give back ;- destd. desire or be ready to give. [cf.

Lat. da-re,

a nu, ( l ike Ger . nach o



so) grant, admit ; ppl . anutta [1087e], adm itted.

i , take (opp. of give ) , grasp, 70°

i dt'

tya ,having taken , equiv. to with .

up ava, receive, appropriate.

p a r i , del iver over ; commit ; enu'ust.

+ p r a , give ; grant ; impart (sciences ) ;

p .pl f . pratta [1087e], given in marriage,married.

2di . (dyati [761d 3] ; dadé ; seat, flditadint [957a], -tts [1087e] d i ya ;

diyhte) . cut. [cf .Vday , days .)+ a v


a , cut ofi, esp . a part of the sacrio

ficial cake ; ppl . avatta [1087e], as subst.

th at which is cut off .

+ s am - a v a , cut in pieces and col lect

th em ; ppl . samavatta, as subst. gathered


ed s (dyati [761d3] cuts [954c] d ays ;diyAte ) . bind. [cf . 86m,

[Vl di'


das y a , m. demon, foe of gods and men. dfitr , m. giver ; as a . generous,

[cf .Vdas , asst ] 4s t. [V1 da.]Vs t ami n a -m assing.doh6 ; ‘dh i k d i n t , n. giving, imparting ; gift. m as,

si t ; dhaksyhti ; dagdhd ; dhgdhum ; 1 150: cf .Lat. donum,

I .

w a p a , sh ow to, teach , instruct ; give ad


gui lty ) , accused Ger . zeigen, sh ow’


also AS. tdh-te,wh-te, Eng. taught, showed,


; AS. tcicn,Eng. token .)

a p a , sh ow ; make a fal se show of .

v y- a p a , make a fal se sh ow of .

5 , point out to, give a direction to ,


sum - 5 , point out to, direct ; com


ud , point out ; aim towards ; uddiqya,

w. acc.,with an aiming towards, equiv. to

the prep . at, 26

vice to, advise.

p r a , point out, designate ; direct.

d i g, f . j ust l ike Eng. point, i.e. cardinal

point, quarter of the h eaven (N., E.

, S.,

sati n digas, eigh t regions (N.,E.


S .,W.

, and NE , SE., SW.

, 57


d i h (dégdh i ; didih é ; digdhA; -dikya ) .— 1 . stroke, touch l igh tly ;

— 2. smear ;

— 3. besmear , pol lute. [for adh igh : cf.

( an on,‘ touch ed

; Lat. fingo,‘ form , fash

ion ,esp . with the hand in soft material


Goth . do igs,‘ moulded mass of clay or

bread-paste Old Eng. dtig, Eng. dough.)s am , pass. (be plastered together , he

indistinct, and so) be uncertain , doubtful .d i (dideti [676] didi ya di



v isits ). shine, glance, gl eam .

d i k e (dikasts ; didiksa, didiksé ; hdikeista ; W r i te ; dfkaité ; dfkaitvi ;-dikaya ) . consecrate one

s self, esp. for

perform ing the Somasacrifice. [perhapsdesid. of Vdaks,

‘make one’

s self suitable

or ready’: 108g.)

d i t i , f . glance, flame, actual ly occurring onlyin su-diti . [Vdi , 1 157. 1a.)

d i d i v i , a . sh ining. [Vdi ,d i n h ,

a . scanty ; cast down , sad ; wretched.

d i n h t i , f . scantiness ; smal lness. [dina.)d i n ar a ,

m. denarius, name of a certain

gold coin. [borrowed fr . Lat. dé'

ndrius, a

silver coin worth ten asses.)V d i p (dipyate ; didipé ; dip“; 4 15mm ;

dédipti ; dipayati, -te) . blaze flame ; ; intens.blaze brigh tly ; j

radiant. [cf.Vdi .]ud , blaze up ; caus . cause to blaze up.

[ 1 70]

d i r g h a, a . long, in space and in time ;-am, as adv. — cofnp. drdgh iy i na, super l.

drdgh istha. [Vdr i gh : cf . toatxds,d i r g h a -k a r na , m. Long

-ear , name of a


d i r g h a - r av a , m. Long-yel l or Far-howl ,name of a jackal . (Their howl ing is bothlong

-continued and faro reaching.)d i r g h a - v a r na , m. a long vowel .

d i r g h a v a r nan ta , a . having a long

vowel as final . [anta .)V l d i v (divyati ; didéva adevit

devisyati dyiita dévitum -divya )dice ; play . [prop. di d, see 765 1 and

or ig., perhaps, throw,

cf. didyu.)i , in adevana .

V 2d i v (dévati dyiina [957a]dév itum devayati, -te) . lament. [prop.

di ii , see 7651and

p a r i , moan, bemoan ; caus. the same.

duhk h b ,a . miserable ; as n. misery , pain ,

sorrow. [ci . sukha.)duhk h i ta , a . pained. [dnhkha , 1 1 76b.]ducchun ii , j : calamity ; h arm. [dus

quna,‘ mis-fortune, il l-luck,

V ducc h un i y a (ducchuni yate) . seek to

harm. [ducchunt'


dur the f orm taken by dus bef ore sonants.dur - a t i k r am a , a . hard to overcome.

having a hard conquest,’

cf . 1304b.)dur - i tm a n , a . evil -minded ; bad.

dur -ga, a . whose going is hard, hard to

go through or to, impassable ; as n. dime

cul t place ; danger.

a r -j a n a , m. evil person ; scoundrel .

dur -dan ta , a . overcome with M obas m. Hard-to-tame (Avoslsnr os) , name of

a lion.

dur -n i v i r a , a .whose warding-OEis hard ;hard to get rid of .

dur -b a l a , a . of (poor , i .s .) l ittle strength ;feeble.

dur buddh i , a . of (bad, i.e.) smal l wit ;fool ish .

dur -b h dg a , a . il l-portioned, il l-favored ;4 , f . ugly woman. [acct, 1304b.)

dur -bh i k sa , a . ( time ) having its aims

getting hard, i.e. in which alms-getting is

hard ; as n. famine. [bhikst ]

dur -m afig a l a , a. of bad luck, bringingbad luck.

dur -m a t i , j 2 il l-wil l .

dur -m ad a ,a .badly intoxicated ; drunken .

[acct, 1304b.)dur - v i j ii ey a , a . hard to distinguish .

dur - v i pak a , m. evi l issue (of one’

s des

dur -v rtta , a . of evi l life, wicked.V dul (doldyati ; dol ith ) . heave upwards ;

swing. [cf . Vtul .)duv a s , n. gif t

[V 1 dr‘

i .)da v h s , n. perhaps same as duvas, but see74 10n.

V duv a s y a (duvasyati ) . reward with a

gift ; honor or worship (a god) with an

oflering. [duvaa ]i , perhaps bring or entice hither by

worsh ip, but see 74W N.

V dn s (“Wat-i ; M oat ; dusté ; dfiséyatl

[1042s spoil . [see titl e.)dug-k a r a ,

a . whose performance is hard,hard to be performed. [dus .)

dus-k r td , n. evil deed ; sin . [dus.)dusta , a . spoil ed ; bad, morally ; cross.

[ppl . of Vdus.)dus inseparable pref ix, characteri zing a thing

as evi l , bad, hard ; f orming an. action-nouns

cpds w. the same mg as if compounded w. a

fixture pass . ppl ., e.g. dus-kara , having its

doing hard, i .e. diflicul t to be done.

[cf .

Vdus : also 81m ,

‘ mis see 225

dus -ta r a , a . having its crossing hard,

hard to cross.

V duh (dbgdh i , dugdh é ; dudbha , duduhé ;hdhuksat, -ata dh oksy‘ te ; dug

oblation worship.

- 1 . m ilk ; then, general ized — 2. get the

good outof a thing ; — 3. extract ; - 4 . give

milk ; — 5. in general , give or yield any


V l d t'

i , subsidiary f orm q l di , in di vas,

duvasya. [cf. VVsthi and git w. their

equiv. col lateral forms athuand gii .)V 2d r


i , go to a distance, in diita and dfir h.

[cf. hcdenas,‘am at a distance from some

thing, fal l shortd i ddb h a , a . h ard to deceive. [

‘ whose

deceiving is hard’: for duzdabha , l .o.

dus dabha ,19911

dfita, m. messenger ; ambassador , envoy .

[V2dii, l l 76a.)d i r a, a . far ; as n. the distance ; — case

forms as adverbs : -am , to a distance , far

away ; -e, in the distance , afar ; at or froma distance ; i t, from afar . [V2dii ,

d ii r i -k r (diirikaroti ) . put far away ;

send off. [dfira,dfir v i , j : mi l let-grass, Panicum Dacty lon.

d t'

i l abh a , same as dudabha , Whitney 54.V l dr (drnati ; dada r a, dadre ; M i rsi


t ;

di rna ; -dirya ; diryi te ; dhrdar ti [l oo2b] ;darayati , di rdyati ). burst, trans. and

intrans . ; — caus . and intens . : spl it ; tear ,

w. gen. [cf . bipu, beipa ,‘flay

; AS. teran,

Eng. tear, Ger . zerren,

‘ tear , rend.

V 2dr (dr iyflte ; adrta ; drta ;used only to. a , see 773 [cf . V belt in so»SIAM ,

glance at’

; AS. til ian,‘ be intent

upon , attend to, esp. the earth , i .s . ti l l ( theEng. till ; Ger . zielen,

‘aim at

; AS.



‘earth til ler .

+ a , ( look at, 1 .e.) regard ; pass. be te

garded, i.s . respected.

drdh a, see Vdrh and 224a.

d i't i , m. bag of leather ; bel lows. [Vl drfor mg, cf . 84pm , skin bag or

V d t p (dtpyati ; M rpat ; darpisyéti.drapsyati drpth darpdyati ) . be crazed,

wi ld, proud, insolent, or arrogant.

V drb h (drbhati ; drbdhd) . make into


good— caus .

,l ike si ,

mple milk , V d r q (daddrga, dadrqé ; ddr i kai’

h ddrsta ;extract. [for mg 2, cf . dp l k yeo

'aal v iva,

‘ milk a person

n i r , mi lk out of extract from .

duh , ubl . yielding, in ki ma-duh . [Vduh .)dub i t i' j . daugh ter . [derivationuncertain , 1 182d : cf . Ou-ydrnp, Goth . dauh

tar, Eng. daughter , Ger . Tochter , daugh

dr aksyati , -tc ; drsth ; dréstum ; drstva

4 41m .dram didrksate.durum )see ; behold ; pass. be seen ; be or become

visible ; appear ;- caus . cause (a person ,

acc., to see (a thing, acc., 35 7,

show (w. gen. w. i tmi nam ,

show one’s self, appear , pretend to be (e.g.

frigh tened, [present forms suppl ied


ti re]

by l ac, q.v. : w. dadc a , cf. “Bop“ ,


’: cf .Goth . ga

-ta rh-j an,‘ make a show

+ p r a t i , pass. appear over against one

or before one’s eyes .

+ v i , pass. be seen far and wide.

s am , behold ; caus . show ; 10. i tm i nam,

show one’

s self , appear , pretend to be (e.g.

dead ).

d i g [218 drk, dream, drgbhyi m ], 1 . vbl .

seeing, looking 2. as f . the seeing

drcé, as in] : for beholding ; - 3. in

cpds look, appearance. [Vdre]drqa , m. the seeing ; in cpds look,

appearance. [do.]the seeing ; W ye. as inf [97W],

for beholding. [do.]d tgy a , grdv. to be seen ; worthy to be

seen, splendid. [Vdrg, 9d3d.]d r sAd , j : stone ; esp . nether mi l l-stone.

draa d -up a l i , dual ] . th e nether and the

upper m il l-stone. [1253a, 1258 ]d rawn.ppl Od rt.q~v~

dr sta -pfir v a , a . seen previously . [equiv.

to purvamda ta, seed f sti , f . - 1 . seeing ; - 2. sense of sigh t ;

- 3. glance, look ;— 4 . view. [Vdrcz cf .

bipets,‘sense of

Vdrh (dtnhati , -te [mg 1 , cf . df'hyati,

-te [mg2, see Adrnh i'

t ;m am a] ;drnhayati ). - 1 . act. make firm or steady

or enduring establ ish mid. be firm

drdha [l l 76a], firm ; - 2. be firm ; - 3.

caus. make stable. [cf . Old Lat.f orc-tis,Lat.f ortis,

dr lh i , same as (ltd-h i , t h.Wh itney 54.d éy a , grdo. to be given or granted. [Vdi ,983m]

d ev i l , f . devi, — 1 . a . heavenly , 74“

927 ; as subst. 2. god, goddess ; -

th e gods ( in later times reckoned as 33, cf .h 'idaca ) ; - 2b. vigve devi ls, al l the gods ;also al l-gods (a term comprehending into

a class al l the separate gods, cf :Al l-saints,and see vigvadeva ) ; 2c. devi, The God

dess , i.s . i a’

s wife, Durgi ; - 2d. -dova,

at end of Brahman-names, having as god,

so, e.g., gunadeva ; 3.m. manusya-deva ,

god among men, i .s . a Brahman , see

similar ly, - 4 . m. king, Bl fl o“;

[ 1 72]

so used of a l ion (32 15) or even of a jackal

j : queen. [perhaps fr . the noun

div ( l 2o9i ) z cf . Lat. dens ,‘

god’: the al

leged root div,‘shine,

’has no existence ]

d ev i -k i m a , a. having love for the gods.

[acct, 1293dav at i , f . got or divin ity , both as

abstract and as concrete devati , instr .,

with divinity (collective ) , i .e. among deities,73”

d ev a t ,n. divinity , abstract only.

dev a -d i ta, m.messenger of the gods.

dev a -d i i v a ty a , a . having the gods as

divinity , (of hymns ) addressed to the

d ev a -pa t i , m. lord of the gods , i.s . Indra.

dev a -p t‘

tn a , a . serving the gods for

drinking. [lit. god-drench ing, i.e. gott

tr iinkend acct, 1271 , 1251c.]dev a -y i n a , wr path

'of th e gods, on wh ich

the intercourse between gods and men

takes place. [acct, 1271 , 1251c.]dev a r a , m. husband

s brother .

1209a.]dev a - r i j s , m. king of the gods, i.e. Indra.

[r i jan, 131 5s .)dov a - l i ti g a , n. god

-characteristic, mark

by which a god may be distinguish ed froma man.

dev a -ga r m a n , m.Devacarrnan or God's

joy , name of a certain Brahman. [of l ikemg is Oed-xaptsJ

dev a - s amn i dh i , m. presence of the gods.

dov t -h ii t i , f . invocation of the gods.

[acct,d ev i , see deva.

dev i - k r ta , a . made by Durga.dov i -k otta , m. Goddess-fort, name of a


dev i -v i n i r m i ta , a . laid out by Durgi .

[V1 m i .]dev t in. husband

’s brother .

M p, Lat. le'

vir , husband’s

ds ga, m. 1 . (point, i.e.) place , 4 1 ‘3

- 2. country , see 98“ — 3 . place,

pregnantly, as in Eng., i .s. proper place,

225 ; — 4. as in Eng., place or region of

the body , see musk» , skandha [Vdig,‘


ldeea -bh asa, j : dialect of the country.



[ 1'

d r ut a , ppl . having hastened-am,

a s adv. hasti ly , rapidly ; quickly ; imme

diately . [Vdru.]dr um a , m. tree. [druzcf . 8p6p l s, ‘ aV d r um i y a hk nmi yate) . pass for a tree.

[drun a, 1058 , 1059b.]V d r uh (drdhyati ; dndrbha ; i druh at ;dhroksydti ; drugdha; drbgdhum ;


ya ) . hur t (by deceit, wile,magic ) ; strive

to h arm ; ppl . drugdha as m. one who

has striven to harm , hurtful foe ; as n.

m isdeed. [if for odhrugh , cf . Old High

Ger . tr iaban, Ger . be-tr iigen, deceive so as


a b h i , offend against.

dv a [482b], num. two. [cf. 860, Lat. duo,Eng. two.)

dv amdv A,n. pair ; quarrel. [dvam-dvam

is th e repeated nom . s.n. of dva cf .


dv a y a, a . twofold ; of two sorts ; as n.

couple, pair . [dva : cf . 8016s,d v i d a qa [483 cardina l . twel ve. [dva

daqa , 4763: cf . 81:68am , Lat. duddecim,

d v i da ca, f . -i, ordina l. twelfth ; dv idagi (se. tithi ) , twelfth day of a lunar

h a lf month , 59 [dv i,daQa , 487

d v i da qa- r i tr a ,

n . space of twel ve

nigh ts. [dvtdaga ratr i, 1315s, 13128 a]

dv ada qa- s a h a s r a , cardinal , n. twelve


dv ada ga s ah a s r am . consisting of twelve

th ousand. [dvadaca-sabaat a , 1204c.]d v dr f . door . [perhaps

‘the clos

ure,’fr . Vdvr,


’for sdhvr : cf .

‘ door’

; Lat. f or is, nom . a., door’

; Eng.

door .]dv i r a ,

n . door . [dv£r , q.v

d v ar a - p a k sa , m. side of th e door .

dv i , f orm of dva in composition and der iva

tion . [475

dv i j s , a . twice-born ; as m. member of

one of the th ree upper castes, re-born by

virtue of investiture (see Vui upa ) ,59 in a narr ower sense

,a Brah

man , 21 43

dv i -j anm a n , a . having double birth ; as

n . same as dvija ; man of one of the three

upper castes, 591. [acct,


dv i -j i t i , a . and as m. same as

man ; man of one of the three upper

castes, 59‘9

d v i j ot t am a ,m. the highest of the twice

born , i.s . a Brahman. [dv ij a uttama.]dv i td , a . second. [dvi .]dv i t i , adv. just so ; so also ; equal ly .

dv i t i y a , a . second. [am 487 1215d.]dv i dh i ,

adv. in two parts , in twain.

d v i - pad a . having two feet ; as m.

the two-footed one, man, as n . sing.

that wh ich is two-footed, collectively, men ,

[cf . 8lt o8a, Lat. bipedem,

‘ bi

dv i -p a da , f . -i, a. having (taken ) twosteps.

dv i -p r a v r aj i n , f . oni , a . in f . goingafter two (men ) , unchaste, 98“

V dv i s (dvesti, dvisté ; didvésa ; ddviksat,-ata ; em s ; dvéstum ). hate show

h atred ; be hosti le. [cf . b-8ba -an o, be

came wroth ,’w. proth etic e.]

dv i s , vbl . hating, in cpds ; as f . hate ; as an.concrete, hater , foe. [Vdvis.]

dv i s , adv. twice. [see dvi, dva : cf . 81s,

Lat. bis , sdvis,‘ twice

’: the radical ly cog

nate Eng. twice is a gen. form ]dv i pa, m. island.

dv i p i - ca r m a n , n. tiger-skin. [dvipin.]dv i p fn ,

a . having is lands or is land-l ike

spots ; as m. leopard ; tiger . [dv ipa.]V d v r , cover , close, in derms. [see dvi r .]dv edh i ,

adv. in two, in two kinds. [forsdvayadh i , fr . dvaya, 1 104

dv é sa ,m. hatred. [Vdvia]

dv é sa s , n. hatred ; concrete, hater , foe.


dh a , vbl . bestowing, granting, in vasu-dha.

[V l dhi , 333 ]V d h a n (dadhdnti ) . set in motion. [cf.

dh an a , n. - 1 . the prize of the contest

not only the reward put up for th e v ictor ,

but a lso the booty taken from the foe

Vedic ; so w. Vj i, win booty by conquest,then

,- 2. in genera l , wealth , riches,

property , money . [t i ,‘

put’: cf . Gina,

th ing put up as a prize,’

and for the mg

also Ger.Ein-sats ,

[ 1 75]

dh a n n , m. bow. [fr . dhanus, a transfer

dh a nus- k anda , n.

to th e u-declension.]bow and arrow.

[dhanus z see l 253b.jdh dnus , a. how. [t an,

dh an y a ,a . weal thy ; fortunate. [dh an ]

V d h a n v (dhAnvati ; dadhanvé ; adhan dh a r m a - v i d a . knowing the law

vit) . set in motion ; run. [secondaryform of Vdhan.)

d h an v a n , n. bow. [t an , 1 169. 1a.]d h a n v i n , a . subst. having a bow, bow

Vman . [dh anvan , 1230b.]dh am or dhma (dhamati [750] dadhmi d ;

ts ; -dhmi ya ). blow , breath e out ; blow

(pipe, shel l , bag-pipe, bel lows ) . [see 108gand

a, blow up ; i dhmi ta, fig. puffed up.

dh a r a , a . hol ding ; bearing ; keeping ;

f '

weari ng. [t r.]h ar m a , m. — 1 . custom , usage,

righ t ; duty , virtue, 217,

(virtue, i .e.) good works,

correct course of conduct, 1 13;

dharme, in a question of righ t,

— 1a. dharmena , adv. : as was r igh t,

dutiful ly ,16 5 ; — 2. law ; prescription ,

rule ; the law (as a system ) , 285,

—3. personified, Virtue, 67l",48

[a post-Vedic word, taking the place of

V . dhérman : dh arma is f r . t r ( 1 166b ) ,

perhaps in mg 6, and thus designating

ancien t custom or righ t as‘that wh ich

holds its own , wh ich persists or endures

but it may come fr. Vdhr in mg 1 , so thatdharma is ‘

that wh ich is establ ished or


; in the latter case , cf ., for the

mg, aims ,‘th at wh ich is establ ished as

custom or law,


‘set, establish ,

and Ger . Cc-setz,‘ law,

’w. setzen


dh a r m a -j i i a a . knowing the law or one’


duty or what is righ t.

dh a r m a -j i l i a n , n. knowledge of the


dh a r m a t a s , adv. in a way wh ich starts

from dh arma, i.s. in accordance Wi th good

usage , 59m; by righ ts, 61 [dharma ,

1098c K]dh ar m a n , n. establ ished ordinance ; stead

fast decree (e.g. of a god) , (mar

dh a v a l a , a . dazzlingly white.

[4 1 dh a

mani , according to the established order

of th ings, in a way that accords with

nature, [Vdhr, 1 168. 1c : see under

dharma.]dh a r m a -m l

i l a ,n. th e root or foundation

of the law.

or one’

s duty , 1u‘; acquainted with good

usage, 61

dh a r m a -gi s tr a , n . author ita tive or os

nonica l compend of dharmw ; law

book ; laws haster .

d h a rm i tm a n , a . having virtue or righ t

as one’s nature ; just. [atmam]

V dh a v (dhavate) . run. [see under“11 11 ,and cf. Ol a , VOeF,

[V2dh i v ,

‘r inse,

’1 189,

l d h i (dadhi ti , dh atté dadh i d,

-te ; V. -dh ita, later bita[954o]; dh i tum ;dhitvi -dh i ya dh iyAte dfdh isati ,

dhftsati ;- 1 . put, set ; lay ,

- 2. put

in a place, bring to, w. tatra, w. loc.,

w. dat., - 3. put upon, di

rect towards ; dharme dh i manna, set the

heart on virtue, 667; - 4 . put someth ing

for a person i.s . bestow upon h im ,

grant him , RV.x. - 5 . put in

a position , i .e. appoint, constitute, w. double

acc.,- 6. make, cause, produce ;

- 7 . hold, keep, - 8 . mid. take to

one’s se lf, receive, obtain, win ; esp. gar

bham dh i , conceive fruit in the womb,- 9. mid. assume, 19 7 ; maintain ;

— 10. bita , sse s.e. , — 1 1 . desid. act. desire

to grant ; mid. desire to win .

[The original meaning of the root is‘


; but, from the proethnic period, a

secondary development in th e line set,’

‘establ ish ,

’and so )

‘ make,’do,

’is clear .

The secondary mg has even won the more

prominent place in Germanic and S lavic.

For the primary mg, cf . put

( the paral lelism of its mgs is remarkable

— 0( o'

as Maw ,

‘they set a stone

; steam

y ids ,‘conceive a son ,


, Lat. ab


put off or away ,’and con-de-re



together , construct, establish’

; Eng. do,

Vl dh i ]

put,’in the contract forms dofi


,don, dup ;

Ger . weg-thun

,do away or put away .

For the secondary mg, cf . can !r wa Ba

s til l e,‘ make one a king

; AS . do'

n hine

t6 cyninge,‘ make h im a king

; Lat. f io,‘am made

; Eng. do, deed ; Ger . than,


; Slavic dé-Io,‘ deed observe that

f t-er i,‘ become,

’is to fl-c-ere


‘ make,’as

iare (Vj a ) ,‘


is to j d-c-ere,‘ make to


+ a n t a r ,- 1 . put into the interior of

a thing ; and so — 2. h ide, conceal .

a p i , put close upon ; cover (a jar with

its l id) ; apihita, closed up. [cf . ( in f low ,


ab h i , put on ; put a name upon,desig

nate ; address ; speak to, say ,

abhih itam, ( it was ) said,a v a , put down in ; esp . duck (trans .)

into the water ; dvahita , fa l len into the

water ; caus . cause to be laid in .

i ,— 1 . put or lay or set in or on ,

w. loc.,

77 1 , 905,

— 2. put on

(wood on the fire ) , - 3 . mid. set for


s self on ( the hear th a sacred fire ) ,- 4 . mid. put on one

’s self, take on,

— 5. take, i .e. take away , 87

+ v y- a, pass . be separated ; be uncom

fortable or sick .

+ s a m - a put upon ,w. manas, concen

trate the m ind upon one thing samahita ,

intent, eager , 1u


up a - s am - a , set together (wood ) unto

(an already burning fire ) , put (fuel ) on,


up a , put on (esp . a brick or stone

on the sacred fire-al tar or enclosure ) ,96 ° 6 .

+ n i , lay down , set down ( sacredfire ) , w. kr iyi m, put labor upon

take pains with , a lbi ta , put

down , lying low, 70

s am- n i , lay down together ; put to

gether pass. be near together ; san’


hita , near , impending, 25‘5


+ p a r i , put around ; esp. put (part of a

sacrificial fence ) around (an al tar ) , 10513;

put around one’s self, put on, (garments )

(shoes ) clothe.

pur a s , see s .v.

[ 1'


p r a , set forward. [cf.pradhana, pr adhana.]

v i , - 1 . part, mete out, distr ibute ;— 2. spread abroad,RV.x. 125.3 ; 3. ( likeLat. dispp6nere ) arrange, determine ; prescribe, 59

"vihita, orda ined, - 4 . lay

out, make, build , prepare, — 5. ac

complish , make, do ( in a gr eat

va r iety of appl ications ) , vadh am vidh i ,

do slaughter , slay , 32 iijam vidhi , do

or show honor , 2813; pr avrttim vidh i ,

make an advance into, as . loc., expose one


self to, npayam vidhi , employ an

expedient, 393; kim vidh eyam, what

s to

be done, tath i vidhi'

yati m , so let

it be done, yatha , tan may i vi

dh eyam,I must take such a cour se, that


gr a d , see gr ad.

s am , put together , unite ; embroil in,

w. loc., 73

dadban; i dh i t

dhasy‘ ti ; dh ita; dhatum ; -dhiya ; dh i

tva ) . suck ; drink , [cf.dadh i , dh snn

also Ohaar o, sucked yuan-onsets, mil k


; Opp-M) ,‘ breast

; Lat. fi -lare,‘suck

; Goth . dadd-j an,‘


1 d h i ,in cpds. as vbl . bestowing, grant

ing ; a s subst. place. [V1 d.h i ,‘

place ,

sm nt’

]2 d h i , in cpds. as subst. drink. [V2dh i ,

dh atn , m. layer , as part of a composite



dh i t f , m. establ isher ; creator ; Dhatar , as

name of a deity , 9o’s . [Vl dh i ]

dh an a ,a . holding, containing. [Vl dh i

dh an 5 , f .pl . corns, i.s. grain.

d h an ya,a . cereal as a. cereal

(noun ) , grain . [dh i ni ]dh ar ana , a . holding ; as n. a holding,

keeping ; wearing, 4 , f . establ ished

ordinance ; rule, [Vdhr.]d h fir i , f . stream , jet. [V1 dh i v ,

‘run ,

dh ar i s i r a ,111 . pl. stream-

pour ings, vio

lent pour ings. [i nfirm ]dk ar i n ,

a . holding ; possessing, re

tain ing, 68“. [t r.]

i dh rsl {1 783

‘ held or supported by (hence w. V dh v ans or dhvaa (dhvhnaati , -te ; da

rely ing on,’


‘ holder ,

+ a v a , caus. - 1 . set down , fix ; - 2. ( like

Eng. hold) assume as certain ,

dh r s (dhrsnéti ; dadhfim ; fidhm t ;

dhssiti . dhrsté z d htsya ; dh s rsdyati lbe bold or courageous ; dare ; venture ,

74 9 ; — caus . ventur e on some one or

something ; offend ; overpower ; dharsita,

overcome. [cf . Opes -61 ,‘ bold

; Lat.f a s



; Goth . ga-dars

,AS. dea rr


Eng. he dare (al l 3d persons sing. of a


present) AS. dors-te, Eng.

dare-L]i ,

venture against.

p r a t i , hold out against, withstand,

dh r snd , a . daring ; courageous , dough ty ,

78 7 ; bold, [Vdhra, 1 162 ]dh on d , f . milch cow ; cow. [V2dh i ,


’1 162 ]


dh ey a , n. the giving. [V1 dh i , mg 4,

‘ bestow, give’: 1213c.]

dh i i r y a ,n. firmness ; ear nest or resolute

bear ing. [2dhi'

r a,

V d h m i , see Vdham .

V dh y a (dhyi ti, dhyi yati [761d 1 ] ; dadhyi d adhy i si


t [91 1 ] dh yi syati

dhy i ta; dhyatvh ; d hyi ya ) think upon ;

meditate . [see t i'

and 108g.]+ a bh i , set th e mind on someth ing ;

sink one’s self in th ought, 57

dh y i n a , n. meditation. [t yi ,

dh y ii n a- p a r a ,

a . having meditation as

h ighest object, absorbed in contempla

tion. [l 3o2b.]V dh r a j (dh rdjati ; i dh r i j it) . dr aw on

ward, advance, intrans . [see Vdr i gh , ofwh ich this is pose. a col lateral form .]V db r n , collateral f orm of t vr.

dh rut i , f . a deceiving ; infatuation.

[Vdh ru.]dh r uva,

a . — 1 . holding or continuing,

i .s. remaining fixed in place ; as m.

th e pole-star , — 2. of abodes,‘

certain, safe, 79 ‘3. [t r in mg 6 : see

dh r uv i , f . sacrificial ladle, see

sr tic. [l it.‘ holder ,

’ Vdhr in mg 1 : see

dh vansa, dadhvasé ; adhvasat ; dh vasti ;— 1 . fal l to dust, per ish ;

dhvasta, exhausted, hurt, impaired ; — 2.

vanish , be ad ; - 3. only tn ppl . dh vaata,

bestrewn, covered over , esp . wi th dust.

[ci . Eng. dus-t ; prob. also AS. dwfis and

dysig,‘ fool ish ,

’Eng. dizzy, Old High Ger .


dh v a f ua, m. the perishing ; destruction.

[Vd t .]V 1 d h v a n ( i dhvanit ; dhvi nth ; dh vanayati ) . — 1 . cover one

s self ; dh v i nta,dark ; - 2. become extinguish ed ; — ca 11s.

— 1 . envelope, cover over ; - 2. blacken.

[perhaps akin w. Vdhvafia : see dhfima :

cf . AS. dunn, Eng. dun,

‘ dark, brownish

V 2dh v a n (dh vanati ; dadh v i na ; dhvanthsound, resound. [cf . Old Eng.

dune, Eng. din.]dh v a n i , m. sound. [V2dhvan.]V dh v r (dhvdrati ) . bend or make crooked ;

cause to fal l ; harm by deceit. [seedh i rta and dh ruti : cf . AS . dwel lan


‘ lead astray , cause to delay ,’ Eng. dwell


intrans .,delay , l inger , abide Eng.dwaal ,

‘ wander , rave,’dwa le, stupefying potion

Dutch dwaal -l icht,

‘ ignis fatuus’

; Goth.

deals,‘ foolish ’

; Eng. dul l, dol-t ; Ger.


n a end . pron . root of 1 st person, see

aham. [w. nas,‘us,

’cf . mt,

‘ we two,’

Lat. no'


n i ,adv. - 1 . not [1 122b], 3

’ - 1 a. in

connected sentences or clauses repea ted

simply 97 octies ; quinquies :

63“1 1, 71 ter ; bis ;

with ca : na"

, na"

ca , na ca"



, na with api : see

api 2 ; with u, 21 — 1b. not repea ted,

but replaced by api ea or vivapi (see these) ,

- l c. combina tions : na ca ,

m t ca ,ni iva , saunasm

na vi i, na vi , na tn ,

na tv eva tn , see tn ; na ha , naJ va,

not exactly ,- 1d. tantamount to a

ia negative cpds as nacira, ni


u'a, ni dhita, etc.

adversative clause : with adversa tive conj .,without, — 1 f. in em

phatic l itotes,— l g. substantive verb to

be suppl ied, 32°(anti ) ; — 1h . na pr ecedes

cod, tf it belongs to the protas is , tf it

immediatelyf ol lows cod, it must be j oined to

the apodos is,- 1 i. f or pr ohibttive nega

tive, see ma ,— 1j . na,


’coalesces met

r ical ly in Veda w. f ollowmg mitic i vowel,

e.g. 83 9 ;— 2. like [see 1 122d and in this sense

Vedic only, 70 ctc. ; né,‘ like,

does not coa lesce metr ica l ly in Veda w.f ol

lowing initial vowel .

[cf . n r , Lat. net, negative prefix in

m gain’

-less, néEfas,‘not r igh t,


; AS. and Old Eng. no,


; AS.

nii (ne ii ) ,‘not ever , never , no,

Eng. no ;

Eng. na in na thless,AS. 116 be



the less’

; Eng. n in n-ever , n-aught, etc.]

n h k i s , indecl . subst.pron .— 1 . no one, 78

—2. nothing, — 3. even as

adv. [see never , [uh kis ,

see 504 ° end.]n akul h , m. Viverra ichneumon, an animal

like the polecat, often domesticated, and

a bitter foe of serpents and mice.

nak ta , 11 . nigh t ; -am [l l l l b], by nigh t.

[ci . 1165, stem w ar , Lat. nor,stem nool i


Eng. night.]V n a k s (nhksati, -te ; nanhksa , nanaksb) .attain unto ; w. dyi m , mount up to

heaven. [col lateral form of V2naq,

nak sa t r a, n. — 1 . sidus, heavenly body ,

in Veda , of sun as wel l as of stars ; star ,

71 12 ; sing. collectively, conste l

lation ; —2. aster ism of the lunar zodiac,

[perhaps the stars are th ey that‘mount up

’to heaven, cf . V aska w.

dyam.]n a k h é ,

m. n. nail (on fingers or toes ) ;claw ; talon. [cf . drug, stem b-wx, Lat.

unguis,‘nai l , claw

; AS. nazgel, Eng. na il .]n ak h l a , a . having claws ; as m. beast with

claws. [nakha.]n h ga r a , n.

,and -r i , f . town , city .

n a g a r o pan ta , n. neighborhood of th e

town. [upi ntaJ

[Vm m

- 1 6. at beg. of n a - c i r a ,a . not long ; adv. [1 1 14c],

soon. [1 122b

n a ta , m. dancer , m ime, actor (these forma very despised caste ) . [Vurt.]

n ada or nul ls, m. reed. [Wh itney 54 : cf .2nadh and nala .]V n a d (nadati ; anni da , nods ; nudita;

-nhdya ) . sound roar bellow. [seeI uadh and nadi.]

1 n a da,m. the bel lower , i .s. bull . [Vnad ]

2 n a d i , m. reed, rush . [cf . nada ]n a d i , f . roar ing stream ; river . [Vnad : cf .Nita, Nibaw, names of streams ]

n an an dr f . husband’

s sister .

V n a n d (nandat1 , -te ; nananda ; nandis

yhte ; nandi ta; be glad.

a bh i , be glad in ; greet joyful ly .

nuuda n a ,a . gladdening ; causing joy ; as

m. son, as n. Nandana, or Elysium ,

the pleasure ground of the gods , esp . of

Indra, 49 [caus . of Vnand.]n a n d i , m. Th e Gladsome One, euphemia

tic epithet of the dreadful god, i a

Rudra. [Vnand : cf . giva.]n a n d i - d e v a , m. Nandideva, name of a

Brahman. h aving i a as his

h ap i t , napa m.— l . in Veda , de

scendant in genera l ; son ; grandson,

- 2. in Sht., grandson, [declension

in Veda, napi t, napatam , naptra, naptr

bhin, ctc. ; in Skt., napti , naptaram , nap

tr i , naptrbhis , etC. : see 1 182d : cf . r i t obsr,‘

young ones’

; Lat. nepo'

tem, grandson’


AS. nefa ,‘son

s son or broth er’s son

supplanted by Old French neveu (Eng.

nephew ) , which in Old Eng. meant ‘son


son’as wel l as ‘ brother


n a p t i j : daughter, grand

daugh ter . [j l to népi t : acct, 35bb.]V n a b h (nabhate) . bur st ; tear .

n ab h a s , n. — 1 . mist, clouds ; —2. atmos

ph ere, sky. [cf. wipes, ”than,‘clond,

m ist’

; Lat. ni bes ,‘cloud,

’nebula ,

‘ mi st’


AS. nifal ,‘ mi sty , gloomy

; Ger . Nebel,

‘mist’: for mg 2, cf . Ger . Wolken and AS.



’w. Eng. welkin


n a bb a s - ta l a ,n. sky

-surface, i.s. sky ,

nam es]

yati ). bow bend one’s self ; aim

at a person (gen.) with nata ,

bowed down, bending over, 681’1L ; caus .

cause to bow, subdue ; namyate, is sub

dued, 31

a v a , bow down, 34"

it , bow down to.

ud , raise one’s self up, arise.

s am -ud , rise.

n i s , bend out ; contort one’s self.

p r a ,make obeisance before

n am e s , n. bow, obeisance ; adoration (by

gesture or word) ; reverence ; used al so

l ike the Lat. gloria in the Glor ia patr i

[Vnam.]n am a s - k i r i , m. a making of namas ;

adoration .

n am a s -k r (see do homage,

[1713, 1092a.]

V n am a‘

s y a (namasyati ) . pay reverence

[namas, 1063,nam n oi , m. Namuch i, name of a demon ,

foe of Indra, 81 97

n a y a n a , n. eye. leader, organ of sense

that leads ,’

Vui, 1 150. 1a for mg, cf .

i nana , gi tt a, carana, netra.]n ar a , m. man, ctc. ; at 57

5, the primal

man or spir it. [transition-stem fr . nr,

l 2o9s .jn a r a - n i r i , man and woman. [ 1253a.]n a r a -p a t i , m. lord of men ; king

n a r a - v i h a n a ,a . subst. having men as

his team ,drawn by men ; epithet and

name of Kuvera, god of weal th ; name

of a king, successor of Cal ivah ana.

n a r a v i h a n a -datta, m. Naravahanadat

ta, name of a son of king Udayana.

n a r a v i h a n a da tta - car ita, n. adven

tures of N.

n a r a v i h a n a d a tta car itamaya, f . -i‘

, a .

containing the adventures of N. [1225see maya.]

n a r a - v y i g h r a , m. man-tiger , i .e. brave

andnoble man . [cf .naragi rdiil a : 1280b.]n a r a - gi r dfi l a , m. man-tiger , i .e. best

among m en. [cf. naravy i ghr a : 1280b.]n a r a -

gr e sth a , a . subst. best of men .

n a r a - s ii nu, j : daugh ter of the primal

man or spir it.

n a r i dh i p a , m. lord of men , i.s. king,

prince. [adhipa ]n a r eqv a r a , m. lord of men, i.e. king,

prince. [igvarm]n a r o t tam a , a . subst. best of men. [uttama.)

n a r m a d a , a. granting or causing fun ;making gladness ; j : -di , Narmada (calledal so Reva) , the modern Nerbudda r iver.

[narman da .

n a r m a n , n. fun. L nah


n a l a , m. reed ; Nal a, name of a prince of

Nishadha. [cf .m s, Vedic nali ]n a l op i k h y i n a ,

n. Kala-episode,

[npi khyi na.]1 nav a , a . new ; of an earthen dish , (fresh ,i .s.) unburned. [prob. fr . nu, ‘


q .v. :

cf. vi es, Lat. novus, Ger . neu, Eng. new.]2 nav a nuns. nine. [cf . b r ie, Lat.

novem, Ger . neun, Eng. nine.]n a v a t i f . ninety . [2nave. )nav a -n i ta ,

n. fresh butter . [perhapsfresh -brough t,

’as we say

‘ br ing the but

ter, i .e. make it come,’in churning.)

nav ed a s , a. perhaps wel l-knowing, cogui

zant of (gem ) . [apparently fr. auaflrmative par ticle na and vedas : see 1296 8

end.]1 n a q (n£qyati ; nanaga, needs ; enagatm fiksyati m tfi; M ys t». be

missing get lost vanish perish, be

ruined. [cf . vex-p63, dead’

; Lat. near,

‘ death’

; noc’



v i , ge t lost ; perish ; caus. cause to dis

appear ; br ing to nough t,

V 2n a g (nagati, -te ; nanaga ; anatattain ; reach , come up to, 74

1; w. accha ,

draw hither , 7 [see Vl ag,‘reach

’: cf.

Lat. nac-tus sum,

‘am h aving reach ed


AS. nedh, comp. neiir , super]. nea'

hst, Eng.

nigh, near (as comp., Macbeth ii.3.

next, AS. ge-neah ,

‘ it reaches, es reich t, it

suflces ge-no


h,Eng. e-nough.]

p r a , reach to, h it ; fal l upon,n as j : nose. [nom . dual

, ni si : cf.

Lat.nas-turcium,nose-teaser , nasturtium



; AS . nosu, Eng. nose ;

nos-tr il, nose-thri l l , nose

n a s encl . pron . f orm of 1 st pers. [ci .ml»,

‘ we two Lat. no'


n indaka]

n i n d a k a , a . subst. scofier . [Vnid.nind.]n i b a n dh a n a , n. a binding, l igation,

th at on which a thing is fastened or

rests or depends, condition, means, 467.

[Vbandh ui .]n i bh rt a , a . (hom e down, lowered, i.e.)hidden ; -um ,

adv. secretly . [Vbhp ni.jn i m aj j a n a , n. bathing. [Vmajj + ni.jn i m i t t a ,

n. mark (for shooting at) ; sign,token ; occasion or cause ; -am ,

-ena, ad

verbia lly, because of tann imittam,-ena,

because of th is, on account of this.

h im osa, m. closing or winking of the eyes.

[Vmis ni .jni y og a , m. a fastening on injunction ,

and so, commission ; business, [V yuj

+ ni z for mg, cf . a l icui inj ungere laborem,

fasten or impose a task on a

n i r , f or ni s bef ore sonants see ni s.

n i r - a n t a r a ,a . without interval or free

space ; completely fil led, continuous ;


n i r - a p i y a ,a . without failure or danger ;

infal lible or safe.

n i r - a p ek sa , a . without regard or expec

tation regardless, not expecting

anything from another , independent, 31

tapers-s, aw .)n i r -am i sagi n ,

a . not meat-eating. [seenis


n i r - l a k sy a , a. not to be perceived,

avoiding notice. [see ni s 3.]n i r - v anga , a . without family ; alone inth e wor ld.

n i r - v i ta , a . windless ; shel tered.

n i r - v i cosa , a. without distinction ; undis

tinguished a like ; l ike.

n i r v i ce si k rt i , a . having like appear

ance, looking just al ike. [akrti ]n i v i r a , m. the warding OE.

cover ,’

ni .jul v i ta , ppl. hung, i.e. draped, with h ang

ings , esp . with the sacred cord as n.

[1 1 76s ], th e wearing th e sacred cord about

the neck ; the sacred cord itself . [Vvy ini l

n i v rtta , ppl .— 1 . turned away ; esp. of

an action which is turned away ,i.e. not

di rected (to any ul terior purpose or ob

jcet) , free from h0pe of reward in th is

wor ld or th e next, disinterested, opp. of

pravrtta ,—2. having turned away

from , and so abstaining from,29 3. [e t

ni.jn i v é ga n a , n. a going in and settl ing down

to rest ; resting-

place ; sleeping-

place, bed,

dwell ing, [Vv ig ni : for mg,

cf . bhavm ]n i g f . night. [cf .m .ln i gi , f . nigh t. [cf . nfg, nakta.]

[Vl vn

n i r ah ar a a . without food, abstaining n i eca y a m. (ascertainment, determina

from food.

n i r -uk ta , a . spoken out ; loud ; clear ;

as n. explanation ; etymological interpre

tation of a word ; esp.Nirukta, title of a

commentary to the nighantavas or Vedic

Glossary . [Vvac ni s.]n i r - rt i , f . dissolution ; destructi on. [Vt -1

nis, l 157. 1d.]n i r - guna , a . without a string, void

of good qualities, 18° worth less, bad.

n i r -ni m a,m. contortion,

[Vnam nis.]n i r - dh a n a ,

a . wi thout money .

n i r -buddh i , a . without wit, stupid.

n i r -bh a r a ,a . 1 . without measure ,

tion , i.s .) a fixed opin ion or a firm resol ve.

[poss. fr . V Sci,‘notice, but

better , perhaps, fr . V 1 ci h is. and so,

an un-pil ing, i.e. discrimination, determi

n i cca l a ,a . notmoving. [nis + cala : see


n i gc i t a , ppl . determined, decided ; -am,

adv. decidedly, surely . [see under nig

sinuosity . n i hgr ey a s a a. without a superior , t.e.

best ; as n. final beatitude.

asa : acct,

[nis tr ey

n i hgv as a , m. breath ing out, expiration ;

sigh . [Vwas nis .]much ; -um , adv. very ; -am prasupta ,

n i h gv as a - parama , a . having sighs as

fast asleep ; —2. ful l of.n i r -m a l a , a . without impur ity ; pure ;clear.

chief thing, much addicted to sighing.

[ 1302b.]n i sa dh a , . the Nishadhans, name of

[1 83]

a people ; Nishadha, name of a country ,

1 1

n i sa dh i dh i p a ,m. ruler or king of the

Nishadhans. [adh ipa.]n i sfid a n a ,

m. finisher ( in its col loquial

sense) , one who makes an end of , de

stroyer . [V sfid ui .]n i es k a , m. an injecting, esp. of semen,

impregnation ; the ceremony per formedupon impregnation. [V sic ni.]

n i se v i n , a . devoting one’s self to ; co

h abiting with , 67 [V sev ni .]n i sk r am ana , n. the stepping out ; esp.

th e first going out with a child. [Vkr amni s.]

n i eth a , a. resting upon. [Vsth i + ni ,

n i sph a l a , a . fruitless, vain,

[nis pha la .]n i s , adv. prep .

— 1 . out, forth ; - 2. in

cpds [13052end], h aving away , with

out e.g. nirantara ; —3. in cpds, not,

e.g. nigcala.

V ni (nhyati , -te ; nini ya [800b], ninyb ;ani is

it, anesta nesyati ,-te ; ni ts ;

nétum ; ni tvi ; -niya ; niyate ; ni yi yati

lead, guide ; conduct,carry , ctc. ; carry off,

vy i ghr att‘

uii ui , br ing to tiger-ness,change into a tiger ; vagamui , bring intoone

s power.

+ a nu, (dr aw along toward one, i .s.)try to win or concil iate by friendly words.a bh i , bring hi ther to.

+ 5 , bring to, bring, bring

(one l iquid) into (anoth er , mix, 101

caus . cause to be fetched,+ ud , bring up ; rescue (as a drowningman from the water ) , 90

+ up a , take unto one’

s sel f, of th e

teacher who re ceives a youth of one of

the th ree free castes as pupi l , and at th e

same time invests him with the sacra

mental cord, thus conferring spir itual re

birth , and making h im a ful l member of

his caste see upani yana apanita, in

vested with the sacramental cord.

+ p a r i , lead around (a cow, steer ) , 91esp. lead a bride around the fire

(as wedding ceremony ), page 99.

[nil avarna

+ p r a ,- 1 . bring forward ; - 2. as l itur

gica l terminus technicus, convey the sacri

ficial fire and water to their places on and

near the altar ; pr aniti s (se. i pas ) , holywater ; - 3. bring forward (one

’s feelings ) ,

i.s. come out with or manifest one’s affection,

v i , lead ; guide ; train ; discipl ine.

n i vbl. bringing, in vagani . [Vni .]n i ca,

a . low, not h igh moral ly and

social ly low. [inorganic transfer-form

( 1209s ) fr. ni ts-s, q.v.]n i c t

t , adv. down, low. [adverbial ly ac

cented instr .— instead of nic-i , 1 1 12e

fr . ny-afia ]n i c i -v a y a s a . whose strength is

low ; exhausted. [1306 ]n i d‘ ,

Vedic nfla, m. n. — 1 . (place for

settl ing down , i .s.) resting-place — 2. esp.

bird’s nest. [for ui-zd-a, i.e. ui-s(a)d-a

198b V and m cf. Lat. nidus,

Ger . Nest, Eng. nest : for 1, see Whi tney

n i da - g a r b h a , m. nest-interior .

n i t i , j : — 1 . conduct, esp. righ t and saga

cious conduct ; th e knowledge of al l thatWOT

[I {m il/“wgoverns virtuous and discreet and states

man-l ike behavior ; pol itical and social

ethics ; —2. leading. [Vui ,n i t i -j ii a,

a . knowing how to conduct


s self discreetly .

n i t i - v i dy i , f . knowledge of ni'

ti or

pol itical and social eth ics, esp . as it con

cem s pri nces.

n i t i -cas t r a , n . doctrine or science of

pol itical and social eth ics.

n i tk a , m. a leading ; ni tha, n. (way , and

so, l ike the German Weiss ) a musical air ,song. [Vui

, 1 163a.]n i r a,

n. water.

n i r a s a ,a. sapless, dr ied up ; tasteless ;

insipid, [nis rasa, 174 ,

a f r a j , a. without disease ; heal thy ,

[ni s +n ij.1 74,n i l a , a . dark-colored, esp. dark blue ; as n.

indigo ; nil i'

, f . indigo. [hence, th rough

th e Arabic ou-nfl , for al-ntl , the indigo

plant,’come Eng. anil and anil ine.)

n i l a - p a ta , no. dark garment.

n i l a -v a r na , a. blue-colored.

n i l asar’

ndhfinabh anda] [184]

n i l a s amd h an a -bh i nda, n. vat for the n rmnh ,n. virtus , manl iness, courage ,

mixing, i.s . preparing of indigo. strength. [fr . n; ( l 224c ) , as virtus f r .

n i l i b h anda - sv i min, m. indigo-vat pro vin ]prietor. n r -

eans a , a. man-cursing ; mal icious.

n i v é r a ,m. wild rice ; sing. the plant ; pl . n e t a v y a , grdo. to be carr ied. [Vni ]

the grains. n e t r a , n. eye. leader ,’ V ni , 1 185s : for

n i l a,see nidfi. mg, cf . nayana.)

V nu (navate ; nuni va ; h aste ; nuth ;-ntitya ) . cry aloud ; shout ; exult ; praise .

+ p r a , murmur ; hum ; esp . utter th e

sacred sy l lable om.

m i , adv. — l a. now,at once, tempora l ;

— 1b.

now,continuative ; adh i nu, so now,

— 1 0. now, intr oductory,— 1d. so

then , in encouraging or summoning ;- l o.

now, pray , in questions, 51

— 2. asseverative : nakir nu, surely

no one or noth ing, m5.mi , i ts—order

«that surelyAnot,

— 3. w. rela tives :

ya nu, whatsoever , 74’yi n nu, i .e. yi t

nu, as long soever as, 79‘3

. [in V . oftennil : cf . mi, 7 1711, Lat. nun-c

,Ger . nu

, nun,

n ed ,adv. lest, in order th at not, w. accented

verb (595d) in the subj unctive (581c ) ,

[na + 111,n s dy a , grdv. to be blamed.

n em i , f . fel ly , rim . [nam,

n i i r uk t a , a . perta in ing to the Nirukta ;as m. an etymologist. [niruktg 1208f.]

n i i sa dh a ,a . pertaining to Nishadha ; as

m. prince of the Nishadhans, i.e. Nala.

[nisadhg 1208f .]n o,

adv. and not, no cod, and if not,

see cod. [at u.]n i u,

see 491 .

use [361a], f . boat ; sh ip. [cf . m ay, Lat. raw "!


; perhaps AS. naca ,‘skifi

5 fiv /AS. nu, nit

,Eng. now : see al so nava, perhaps

‘ the ” Incl-”Qua, cf , V ani t ] ( M

nii tana, mi ni m ] n y a g - r odh a , m. Ficus lndica, banyan em”

nud (nudati, -te ; nnnéda. nunudé tree. [‘ downwards -growing

’: 11c

h “m

w i th nob yéti. 4 6 ; nut“. nnn ( 1249a ) (1.M y : mm

ui ; -ntidya ) . push ; th rust.

+ p a r i , thrust away ; move from its

p lace.

p r a , push forward ; set in motion.

v i , drive asunder or away ; turn away ,

esp . from cares, l ike the Eng. di-vert ;

amuse. [for mg, cf . also dis-port and

s-port.]n n d a , a . dispel ling, in cpds. [Vnud.]nfita n a ,

a . of now ; recent ; young. [ati ,l 245e.)

n ii nam ,adv. now. [nti ,

n t [370, m. man ; h ero ; used

also of gods : of the Maruts,

[cf.M p, stem damp,‘ man

; Old Lat. nero,

stem nerdn, man ly , strong’

; Lat.New ]n r - cak sa s ,

a . men-beholding.

V urt (urtyati , -te ; annhrta ; i nartit ;


itvi ). dance.

n rt i , f . dance. [Vnrt,n r -pa m. protector of men, i .s.prince,king.

n r -pati , m. lord of men, i .s. prince, king.

[acct, 1267s .]

n yane [4o9h ], a . directeddownwards. [uis ite,

n y i y a, m. — 1 . (that to which a thing

goes back , i .s .) rule, norm ; - 2. (that in

wh ich a th ing goes, i.s .) way ; — 3. esp.

the righ t way, propriety. [Vi ui ,

n y i y y a , a . regul ar , normal , righ t ; -am,

adv. righ tly ; proper ly. [nyi yfln y i s a ,

m. a putting down , commitment.

[V2” ni,‘th row

1 p i , vbl . drinking, in cpds. [VI pl ,2 p t , vbl . keeping, keeper , in cpds. [V2pi ,

p ak sa,m. — 1 . wing, —2. side, of a

door or of the hair of the head ; — 3. half,esp. of a lunar month , 27

1, 57 qf.kranap ,

gun» ; - 4. side, i.s. party , 87“

pak sa -h a l a , a. strength of wing.

p ak si n ,a. winged, as 111. bird,


patigh ni ] [ 1 86]

master of’

; Goth .f ats in brat-j abs ,‘ br lde existence ; be produced ; utpannam s.n

nam, food (not cooked for the occasion,

pa t i g h ui , a . f . husband-s laying. [for but) al ready on hand, 104 ,l utpanne

mal ly a fem . to pati-han, ki rye, when the emergency has arisen,

p a t i tv a, n. condition of spouse ; wedlock. — caus. engender, produce ;

get, 42‘7


p a t i - l ok é , m. husband’s place, abode of + p r a ty -ud , in ppl . pratyutpanna,

the husband in the future life. ready or on hand to meet an emergency.

p a t i - s th an a , n. husband’

s place. + up a , fal l upon ; happen, take place,p a t i s t h i n i y a , a . belonging to or in 10010; come to, get at, reach ; upapanna ,th e husband

s place ; as m. husband’

s (having gotten at [952 i.s .) in posses

representative. [patisth i na , sion of , endowed with , 1 2

patt r a , n. - 1 . feather ; wing ; — 2. + p r a t i ,— 1 . step to ; enter upon, 66


(plumage of a tree, i .s.) leaf f or mg, of — 2. get into (a condi tion ) , get at,

parna ; — 3. a leaf for wr iting on ; a acquire, attain, 981°; get back again , 60


written leaf, DIP“: Of : - 3. go to meet, and so ( l ike the Lat.‘ wing

; Lat. Penna and old Lat. 1m m! ac-cédere ) , accede, yield ; say yes to ; con

(for spetna ) ,‘ wing

; Ger. Fed-sr , Eng. sent

f ea th-sr .) V I , fal l asunder , come to nough t,

p a tt r a -gak a , n. leaf-vegetable, a vegs~

get into trouble.

table consisting ch iefly of leaves. 4. s am ,turn out wel l , succeed,

p é ta i , f “ 1 m istress, lady 3 " 2 thenprosper ;

—2. become, 45 47 — 3. fal l( l ikeEns lady ).wife [fem o to pi ti.inst together , be united with ; sampanna, cuas c h ina,

‘ lady ,

’is to r ims.) flowed with , 2 10.

p a tw t ah -ei a . lying at the feet pad m. foot. [Vpadzcfi Lat.

p a t sut i s ,adv. at the feet. [i r. patn i, ”214 m,

Eng.f oot.)loc pl of paid.1098b-J p ads ,

11. - 1 . step, 1721,

- 2. footp a th same as panthan. step ; — 3. foot, —4. standing-


p a th a , f or path in cpds {13150} stead, place ; home, 56° station , position,

Pa th f same “8 Panthan 4 1 1 . [Vpl d t cf . n'bou, ground

; Lat.

p a th i - r é k si , 0 guarding the path s. op-

pedum, op-


‘ town , (on or over the

[113 1 11113 11 1 12493 !“Ct, 1276 peda ,‘ footprint

; AS. f a t,‘step

p a th y a , a . (per taining to the way , course, going, journey,’whencef etian,

go for ,or progress of a thing, and so) suitable, Eng f etch ]“711019 80109 ; pathyh f pathway . [path , p a dm a , m. n. lotus,Nelumbium speciosum121“1 1 (not the plant, but the flower, which closesV p a d (PM Y‘ t'O i papi da, P9“ at evening) .din t“ Patflyfi e i 4 1 ; panna p a dm a - g a r bh a , a . containing lotuses ;

[957d] ; pi ttum ; s tair s ; pi d‘ yati t Lotus-filled, name of a lake. [see garbha— 1 . go, step, tread, only w. prepositions 2.

and in der ivatives , —2. fal l , sink down p a m a - r i g a , a . having the color of a

(from fatigue ) , perish . [connection be lotus ; as m. ruby. [1296 ]tween 1 and 2 not clear : uncompounded p h n th a n m. road, path , way . [cf .

verb very rare see under pad and wdr os,‘


; Lat.pant-em,

path , bridge’

pada.) Eng. path and Ger . Pfixd, if they belong5 , come unto ; get into (a condition ) ; here at al l ,must be regarded as very ear ly

esp. get in trouble. borrowings, fr. the Greek w ir es, or poss.

v y - i ,fal l away, perish ; caus. destroy ; from the Scythian.)

p huth i same as panthan.

+ ud , go forth or out of ; come into pay a s, a. mi lk. [VpL]

[ 187]

pa y o -mukh a , a . having mi lk on the

face or surface. [payas ,

p t r a a . — 1 . far , distant, more dis

tant, further off, 86 4 ; 2. fol lowing,later , future ; — 3. being beyond, surpassing, summus ; ch ief, 68 7 ; best, 36 10 ut

most, greatest, highest,

at end of cpds [1302b], having as ch iefthing, given over to devoted to

—4. a . and subst. other , ska par a,

the one the other , 531" another ,

strange, hostile ; stranger, fee,

37 19. [V2pr,‘ bring across cf . wipd

beyond Lat. peren-die


‘the day after ,

i.e. ‘ day af ter to-morrow’

; Eng . f ar and

f ore-Jp a r a

- d i r a ,111 . pl. another

s wife.

pa r a - d r a v y a , . another’

s property.

p a r a - p a k sa , m. par ty of the foe.

pa r a - p a tn i , f . wife of a stranger.

pa r am , adv. beyond ; w. abl . [1 128 ] after ,6023. [phra, 1 1 1 1c.)

pa r am é a . 1 . farthest, extreme,last ; of h eaven,

high est, 8313; so

— 2. chiefest, 29 1 ; supreme ; most excel

lent, 1517; at end of cpds [1302b], having

as supreme object, devoted to — 3.

advlg in cpds , bef ore an adj . high ly ,

exceedingly . [para,

p a r am a -gobh a n a , a . exceedingly beau

pa r am afig a n a, f . most excel lentwoman.

[aw ]pa r am egv a r a , m. supreme lord.

vars .)pa r am e - sth i n , a . standing in the h igh

est place ; supreme, as epithet of i a

pati . [parame ( 1250c ) sthin,

pa r a - l ok a,m.

wor ld.

pa r as , adv. far ; in the distance ; beyond ; p a r i ty ag a ,m. rel inquishment.

10. adult] used instr . [1 127] end, beyond

here, i.e. beyond, RV .x. 125. 8.

Pi n -J

[pa r idh i

syntactical forms sometimes correspond tothe logica l relation of the two parts — so,

e.g., in par asparamnindanti ,

‘ th ey scold,

the one the oth er’

but have come to

be stereotyped and used often where thelogica l relation would requi re other case»

forms : cf . anyonya.)p a r a s p a r ad i n , a . devour ing one another .

par a,adv. to a distance, away , forth . [cf.

u pd, w. gen .,

‘away from ,

from beside’


Lat.per in per-ire andGer . ver in ver-gehen,‘

pass away , perish’

; Eng.f or in f or-bea r ,hold ofi

p a r ak r am a , m. s. and pl . bold advance ;

courage ; strength . [Vkram par i .)p a r ax

i -m nk h a , a . having the faceaverted ; turning the back upon, avoiding.

[par i ng 1249s , 217,

p h r anc [409a], j : pdr i ci , a . directed away ;

averted ; turning th e back. [para afic,

pa r i r th a , m. the sake of others ; -um,

-e, adv. for oth ers. [ar tha , 1302c

p a r sv st , j : the distance. [pat i . 383d 1 ,1245f .)

par i , adv. around ; prep. w. abl. : fromaround

, from , [cf . wept,

p a r i g h a , m. iron bar for locking a gate.

[Vhan par i, 1 1430, 333 : for mg, cf . Ger .

Schlag,‘coach -door ,

’and schiagen , strike

force of prep. unclear .)

[ig p a r i g h op am a , a . l ike iron bars. [apama,334

pa r i -j a n a , m. the sur rounding folk,“plum retinue. [1289a.]

p a r i - j i t s , a . completely grown . [1289a.]the other or future p a r i ney a , grdv. to be led around. [Vui

pat i.]

[Vtyajpatr i .)

[sec pa r i d ev i ta , n. lament. [V2div ,

‘ lament,’

pat i. 1 176s .)pa r d s t i t , adv. beyond ; afterwards, at p a r i dh f , m. (a put-around, i .s.) enclosure,the end. [par tis, 1 100s.)

pa r a s -p a r a , one anoth er ; parasparam

and parasparatas, adv.wi th one another ;

mutual ly . [an agglomeration ( 1314c ) of

paras (nom . s.m. of para ) and para : the

fence, protection ,in the language y

the sacr ifice, the three green sticks laid

about the al tar fire and supposed to hold

it togeth er , 105 130 [Vl dha,‘


pari, 1 155.2c.)

par ipanth in ) [ 188]

p a r i p a n t h i n ,a . besetting the path ; as par v a n , a. knot, joint. l r,

m. waylayer . [par i panthan , 13 10s

and c end.)

fil l ,’1 109. 1a : cf . perm .)

par gu, j i rib ; sickle.

p a r i b h fi a . being around, eneom V p a l i y (pi l i yate ; pa li yimcakr e ; apa

passing. [Vbh ii par i ,

p a r i -v a t s a r a, m. a fuil year .

p a r i v a r t i n , a . turning round,circ l ing ,

constantly return ing into itse lf. [Vvrt 4

part ]

Krista ; pa l i yisyéti.-te ; M i sf its ;

pali yi tum ; pa l i yya ). flee ; depar t, cease,

[quas i-root fr. Vi,‘


pat i .‘away ,

’see 10870 and o

ez quite different

is Vpalaya,

p a r i v i r a , m. th at wh ich sur rounds, i .e. p a l ay a n a ,a . fligh t. [Vpa l iiy .)

retinue. [V 1 vr, cover ,’

par i .)p a r i gr l t , f . (encloser , i .e.) one of the

l ittle stones by wh ich the sacrificial a l tar is

surrounded. [Vgr i par i ,‘enclose

: 383b.)

p a r i s amk h y i , j i complete ta lc or enu

meration ; sum. [Vkh y i par i-sam .)

p a r a sa,a . knotty , rough , harsh . [parus ,

l 2o9b.)

pAr us , a . knot ; join t, of a plant or of the

body . [perhaps a ful l ness,’ V 1 pr,

‘ fil l’:

cf. par van .)

p a r ok sa ,a . beyond the eye, out of sigh t,

inv isible -e, adv. beh ind one’


back. [for par e’ksa, i .a. paras aksA,


’: 1310a .)

p a r ok sar th a ,m.

invisible. [artha .]

pa t k a ti , j : waved-leaved fig-tree, Ficus

infector ia.

p a r na,n.

— 1 . wing plume, feath er- 2. leaf f or mg, cf . pattra. [ Jespr

( 1 1 77s ) , see under Vsphur : cf. Lithuan ianspdrna ,

‘ w ing’

; Ger . Fa ra Eng. f ern , so

ca l led ( l ike w‘rcpls,

‘ fern ,— Cf . ” 695V,

from its feath ery fronds.)p a r y i l o c a n a ,

n . del iberation ; -a, j i plan ,

consi l ium . [Vl oc pary-i , 1 150.

par v a t a ,— 1 . a . consisting of knots or

ragged masses, used of a mounta in, g ir i ;

as m.— 2. m ountain , 27

6,02 1° h il l ;

— 3 . cloud-mountain , 702 — 4 . rock or

bowlder , 80n; — 5. Parvata, name of a

Rish i, companion of Narada [fr.

parvan , cf . 12450 : cf .Hafifiao'la

sc. 1 6m ,i .e . Hi l

p a r v a t a -k a n d a r a ,n . mounta in-cave.

p a r v a t a - gi k h a r a , m. n. h il l-top.

p a r v a topa ty a k i , j 2moun tain-lowland,

lowland by a mountain range. [apat

N i ]

invisible th ing, the

pav a n a ,a. instrument for pur ifying ;

winnowing-fan. [t

Ll p a c, or ig. spa ; (pagyati , -te ; in Veda

pu paeé ; “pasta Span-4 ; later

dadfirga,— 1 . sec ; — 2. perceive ;

behold ; —3. look ; —4 . look on , 307;

gaze, 137; - 5. (see, i.e.) experience , 2015,

36 1 ; — 6. look upon ,21 254015 ; consider

as ; - 7 . see with the spir itua l eye (as

seers and poets ) , [for th e initial 8 ,see the perfect and vi -spasta : cf . a in



'r -op,a4,‘ look about Lat. specie ,

‘ behold

Ger . spa/1m ,

‘spy ,

’Old High Ger. spefién,

whence, th rough Old French esp ier , the

Eng. espy, and shortened spy.)+ a nu, look a long or spy out (e.g. a

path for some one,

disclose or show,

83 7.

v i , see in places apart, distinguish , see

clear ly ; v ispasta, clear .

2p a g, fasten, bind, in der iva, see pagti ,

pica . [cf. wdaaah os, s t ax-j aAos, peg’


Lat. pac-z



‘ bind myse lf, agree’

; pa:

agreement, peace’

; pang-er e,

‘ make fast,

poo-tum ,

‘agreed upon Goth .f all -cu, AS.

fi n,efi h-an,

‘ fasten on, take ho ld of’


Eng. verbf ang, seize,’noun f ang, se izing


; connection of f lag-sr (‘

grasper ,

doubtful : cf . also Goth . f agrs,fitting ,

’AS.fwgr , Eng.

f a ir AS . gef égan,Eng.f ag, Ger .fiigen, fit togeth er ,


and Eng. fudge,‘ fit together


or agree,

intrans .)p a ge, m. cattle, 90

9— a single h ead or a

h erd ; domestic animal (opp . to mrga,1!

wild 07 2 ; esp. beast for sacr ifice,

101 0. [prop.‘tethered V2pag,

‘ fasten cf . Lat.pee-u

, Ger . Vick,‘eattl e,

AS. f eoh,‘cattle, property ,

’ Eng. f ee,orig.


pi niya)

p i ui y a , grdv. to be drunk, for drinking ;

as n. drink ; water . [l i ,‘ drink ,


pr0p. fr . pi na, 1215b.)

p i n i y a- v a r sa , m. water-rain ,


pour of water .

pi n th a ,m. wayfarer ; vii tor . [pi ntham

1208s “end.)p i p i ,

a . bad ; evil ; as m. h ad

as n. trouble ; h arm , 203; evi l (deed) ,

27 2

p i p a- k a r m a n ,

a . of ev i l deeds ; as m.

vi l lain.

p i p a gi l a ,a . h aving evi l as one

’s nature,

prone to evil .

p i p i y i ns ,a . worse ; very bad. [pi pa ,

p i pm an ,m. evil ; sin ,

93 1 1 . [cf . pi pa.)

p i r i ,n. the further bank or bound. [V2pr,

br ing

p i r am egv a r a ,a . of the supreme lord

(Civa ) . [paramegv ar aJ

p i r n sy a , n. harshness , esp. of speech .

[parusi j ( f l'

p i r t h i v a ,a f of or baloaging to the earth ;

as m. king.

pi r t h i v a - sut i , f . king’

s daugh ter .

p i r t h i v en d r a ,m. most excel lent of

kings. [indr a .)

p i r gv i ,n. — 1 . side ; and so — 2. as in

Eng.,immediate neighborhood. [pi rgm

‘r ib,

’1208c : so French cafe


‘side or

r ibbed part,’ Medieval Lat. costatum

, fr .

Lat. costa ,

p i l a ,m. protector .

V p i l a y a (pi l i yati ) . be protector ; pro

teet ; keep. [pi la , l o42f acct, 1007 :

quite different is Vpal i y , go

p a r i , protect around.

p i v ak a,a . pure ; clear ; br igh t.

1 18 1b and a : cf . ev i pada .)

p i v a n a ,a . pur ify ing ; freeing from s in.

[Vpii , 1 15Gb.)

[V 2 pi , protect,’


p i gs ,m. bond ; snare ; trap. [V2pag,

Vp i , same as pi.

p i ii g a ,a . reddish brown .

p i i g a l a,a . reddish brown. (pings ,

p iflj t‘

i l a , n. tuft of sta lks ; grass.


p i nda , m. 1 . lump ; bal l ; lump (of

earth ) , — 2. esp . lump or cake of

meal offered to the Manes ;— 3 . mouth

ful,05 5 ; pindi


, f . meal-cake.

p i t i m a h i ,m. father ’s father , grand

father ; great father. [piti (nom . s. of

pitr) maha , 1314c and d.)p i t i

' m.— 1 . father ; - 2. pl . father

and h is brothers (cf:F rench parent,‘re la

- 3. pl . the fathers , spirits

of the forefathers, the Manes , 07

etc. [or igin unknown , see 1 1 8‘2d cf.

narf p, Lat. pa ter , Eng.f ather .)p i trt a s ,

adv. on the father ’s side.


p i tr-m i t r a , n. father ’s fr iend.

p i tr -y a j ii a,m. sacrifice to the Manes.

(yajfifiulp i t r v y a , m. fath er ’s broth er , patruus.

(pity, 12280 : cf . t drpws, Lat. pa truus , AS.

fwdera , father’s

p i t r y a , a . of one’s fath er of (our )

fathers , of or belonging to or sacred

to the Manes. [pith 1212b : cf . mfr pcos,

Lat. pa tr ias, of one’


V p i n v pinvati pipinva pinvita). cause

to swe l l or stream . [Vpi or pi : 749, 749b,

p i p i s i , f . desire to drink ,th irst. [fr .

desid. ( 1020) of VI pi , drink’:

p i p i l a, m. ant. [perhaps for epipida,‘

pressed in or constricted in the middle ,’


V p i e (Pfiefi. 4 0 pipésa» pipieé ;

pigti ). adorn . [cf . t ouch es, AS. fi ll,

many-colored Lat. pic


p i gas g a a . reddish brown. [V pig.)p i gi c i m. one of a class of demons (per haps

person iflcations of the ignis fatuus ) ; gob l in.

p i gun a , a . backbiting, slanderous. [cf .r cxpds,

‘ bitter .’

p i e (pinfls'ti ; pipésa. pipisé s i pisat ;

vel lum : vista; péstum ; pistvi ; -pis

ya ) . crush ; gr ind, 475; m il l . [cf . Lat.

p insere, pi sere,‘crush

’: of doubtful k in

sh ip is r r la rm , pound,

s am , crush together or to pieces.

p i sti , ppl. m il led ; as n. meal . [Vpis: forthe mgs, cf . pis, pista , and molere, mola ,

with mill , meal .)

[191 ]

p i sta -pa gu, m. eflgy of a sacrificial

beast made of meal .

V p i or py i (pyi yate [701d 1 ] ; pipi ya

pipyfls ; épyi ait ; pitfi. ph i )swel l ; overflow. [hence pi-van, art-a v,

p i th a , n. - 1 . seat ; —2. pedestal (of an

image of a god) .

p i th a - ca k r a , n. seat-wagon ; wagon with

s eest.

V p ie (pidfiyati pidayim i n ;

press ; Oppress, pain. [for epizd,

198b3 : cf. Vpis.] f .

+ 11 , press out,'e,

‘ f:


p idi , f . pain, ache. [Vpid, 1 149

p i n i , a . th ick, brawny. ppl .

of Vpi , 957a.)p iv a s , 11. fat. [Vpi z cf. c lap, i .e. r i-Fap,

pul h a , same as pfim i il s.

puta , m. n. fold ; cavity ; nose (of a has

ket). [for spits : cf . « l l amas, ot hrj os, indc-r admos or Gl-r aM -

os, Eng. two-f old.)puny a , a . prosperous ; happy ; lucky ,

faustus, auspicious, righ t,

good ; as n. good work ; sing. collectively,

good works, 28 17 mer it (from good

works ) . [perhaps fr . V pus.)puny a - g a n dh a , a . of good or pleasant

smel l .

puny a -p i p a , . good and bad deeds.

[1253a.]puny a -gl ok a , a . of good fame ; as m.

Punyacloka, epithet of Nala.

putt i k i , j : wh ite ant. the dol l-l ike

insect’: for putr ik i .)

pa tr i , m.— 1 . son ; chi ld, — 2.

whelp ; — 3 . shortened form for Putraka

as proper name.

pa t r i k a ,m. — 1 . l ittle son (as term of

endearment) , boy ; — 2. Putraka, other

wise Putra, name of the founder of Pi tal i

pu 45 9 ; —putr iki , f . [1222d],

daughter ; dol l (of wood or lac) . [putra.]putr a -d i r a , n. son and wife. [1253b.]pun a r , adv. — 1 . back ; home ; w. i -gam,

go back , so ivi , w. vac,

reply, 1919; - 2. again, anew ;

penal} punar , again and again, 2 17

punar , equiv. to punah punar , — 3.

continuative, again, further, 29 1 1 more

over , 57 21 ; besides or in turn ,

kim punas tu, but what besides, how

much more, a fortiori, longer ,— 4 . but, 40

3 19; on the other hand, 20

1 7.

[cf . the simi lar ly connected notions of

iteration and opposition shown by t v,

Eng. aga in and aga inst, Ger . wieder and

wider .)pun a r - g a r bh a v a t i , again preg


pun a r - j a nm a n , n. re-birth .

pun a h - s a r i , a . coming back (as a ghost

from the other wor ld— exactly l ike the

French revenan t) , and so ghostly , uncanny .

[punar ,

pum i ns m. man ; a male, 597; opp .

qf str i, e.g. 1049; pumi nsah putt i s , ma le

ch ildren,

1 pd r , f . ful lness. [V1 pr,2 par j : stronghold ; castle ; fortifled town . [cf . 1 61 m,

pur a , n. stronghold ; fortified town ; city .

[2pdr ,

pur amdh i , 1 . a . courageous , h igh

spir ited, exa lted ; - 2. as m. perhaps as

name qf a god, Purandh i ; — 3. as ] exal


pur i s , adv. in front, forward, before ; atfirst, 54

1 3; compounded [1078 5] esp. w. k;

and dh i : w. kr, put in front, appoint ; w.

dh i , put in front or in charge, esp . of the

pr iestly duties. [see pra : cf. 1 dpos,

pur a s - k i r y a , grdv. to be appointed or

commi ssioned, praeflciendus. [see puraskr : a lso 903b and

pur i s t i t , adv. — 1 . before ; in the front,— 2. previously , afore, 101 1 1-13 ;

— 3. before, i .s . (see pr i fic) eastward ;—4 . prep. w. gen. before, in the

presence of , 201. [pur as, 1 100b.)

pur a h - s a r a,a . going before ; as m . fore

runner ; at end qf cpds [13020 h aving

as forerunner , i .e. accompanied by-purahsaram, adv. with or after

pur i , adv. former ly , once upon

a time, 48 23 ; p. w. abl .

before, 95 17, [see pr i .)

pur i ne)

pur i ns ,a .

of old times, A61 0: and p 60” . [pur i ,l 245d.)

p ti r i sa , n. crumbling earth , as opp . to

fluids ; rubble loose earth .

heaps,’fr . l r, in the sense

‘ fil l , i .e.

h eap 1 197b.)

pfisp a , n. bloom ;

[ 192]

former , belonging to old pusti ii g a ,a . fat-limbed. [fi gm]

times ; as n. things of the past ; tale pusti , f . th r ifty growth prosperity.

[Vpus ]flower . [poss. for

epuska, q .v . : cf . 1 201 9 end.)fil l ings or pusp a - d a n t a , m. Pushpadanta or Flower

tooth , name of an attendant of Civa , see

53 N.

pur d ,a . much , many . q.v . : pusp i m od a ,

m. fragrance of flowers.

cf . m s, AS.f elo ,much ,

pur ut r i , adv. in many places.

pd rusa , m.— 1 . man ; —2. (as in Eng.


man,i .s.) servant ; —3. th e personal and

life-giving principle in man and oth er

beings, soul , spirit ; then - 4 . personified

as The Supreme Spir it, Soul of the U ni

verse, 57

pur usa - k i r a , m. deed of a man ,human

effort, as opp. to di iva ,

‘ fate.

pur usa s inh a m. man-l ion , stout-hearted


pur fi e i , a .j 1 many , abundant ; long. [for

ma l ly fem . to a stem spam -ac,‘ directed

or reach ing in many ways, abundant’: cf .

pur e - g am a , a . going before ; as m .

l eader ; at end of cpds having

as leader , accompanied by [pur as .)

p n r o- g a v i , m . fore-bul l , and so

, genera l

ized (see go leader pur ogavi,f . leader .

[pur eed

pur o- h i ta , ppl . set before or in charge

(esp. of priestly service ) as m. priest,

h ouse-priest of a pr ince . [see par as wi th

pul k a s a , 111 . one of a despised m ixed


V pus (pi n ata. -te ; pupésa ; 41mmpusti ). - 1 . th r ive ; bloom ; — 2. trans.

cause to th r ive ; develop ; unfold, di splay ,78 4.

p n sk a , bloom , a word assumed a s probable

on account of puspa , ‘ bloom ,

pash at a ,‘ lotus blossom ,

’and puskala. [Vpus,

pusk a l a,a . abundant. [prob. bloom ing,

f r . epuska ,

pusti , pl. h aving th rived ; strong ; fat.



[puru, pus t a k a ,m. n. manuscript ; book.

V P13 (puni ti. pnn‘

i té : pi n to : Pepi“ ;

api vi t ; pi ta;— 1 . make clear

or br ight ; pur ify ; a alpeer ; pfiti , pure ;— 2. mid. clear itself, flow clear . [cf . xii-p,Eng. firs ( r b r ip m eal a ) w. puti , cf .

Lat. pa'

tus, clear ,’

paras , MRI

s am , purify , clean .

p i ,vbl . purifying, in cpds.

pfig a ,m. betel-palm, Areca Catechu; as

n . betel nut.

V p fp’

(pfij éyati.-te ; pajam a“: vi i i“-

pujya ) . honor .

a b h i , do honor to.

p ii j a n i y a , grdo. to be honored. [Vpfii,

puj i , j l honor .

pfij y a , grdv. to be honored. [Vpfij ,903d.)

pfir ni , ppl. fll led ;_

ful l . [V1 pr,‘ fil l,

cf . Goth .f al ls , ll .)p ii r na-m i s a , m. ful l moon and the fullmoon sacr ifice.

p i r t i , ppl . fil led ; bestowed, fulfil l ed ; as

n. [1 1 70s ], fulfilment ; reward ; merit.

[V 1 pr,‘ fll l ,

pfir v a a . being before in place or

time : — 1 . east (of pr i iie ) ; — 2. prior ;

preceding, purva uttara, formerlatter , ancient, of old time,

09 8, first spoken,002 ; w. past pass.

ppl . drsta-pfir va, seen before ;purvan , adv. before ; beforehand,previous ly ,

al ready , 25 17 ; in formertimes. 48 1 ; long ago, first,

pii rvam uttaram , first las t,— 3. at end of cpds , (having as preced

ing thing, i .e.) accompanied by or

simply with [connected w. paras

and pra.)

xii“!o f t-J ‘ J fi n“

p é sa ,m. th r iving, development ; welfare.


p i dms y a ,n. man liness ;

[pums ,p i ur usi ,

n . man l iness ;

[purnea , 1 208f .]vpy i (pyi yate [761d apy i sit

py i ta) . swel l ; overflow. [a col lateral

form of Vpi, q .v .)i ,

becom e ful l of or rich in.

p r a, prep . forward,onward, forth , fore.

[cf . wpd, before ’Lat. pro, later pro,

‘ before ’

; Eng. f ore : see al so the fol lowing articles, and pur i s, pur i , and piirva.)

p r a k a r a na ,n . tr eatm ent ; discussion ;

subject of discussion,what

s being ta lked

about. [V l kr, do, put,’

pr a .)

p r a k a r sa , (preference, advantage,

i .e.) super iority . [Vkrs,‘ draw,

pr a :

for mg, cf . Eng. pref erence al so Ger .

Var -rug, preference, advantage,’with

var -ziehcn, draw forward,

p r a k i ga,a . shining out, clear ; open ;

-a.m ,adv. openly , a loud. [Vki g pr a .)

p r a k r t i , j : th at wh ich one pre-supposes

(voraus-setzt) , i .v. th e origina l or natural

form or condition ; nature. [V1 kr,‘ do,


pr a.)

p r i k op a ,m. a boi l ing with rage ; anger .

[Vkup pr a .)

p r a g e ,adv. ear ly in th e morn ing.

p r a c r t t a-

gi k h a ,a . with

braids or flowing h air . [gikh i u]

p r ac e t a s ,a . knowing,


pr a , cf . 1 1 51 . 2b.)V p r a ch (preehati , -te ; papraccha

apr i ksi t ; praksyéti ; meta; presen t :

prstv i ; ask ask after, in

quire about ; ask somc one (acc.) about

someth ing 01 7. [true roob form

prag (sec 220, 24 1 , and e cc ) , or ig.

eprk : cf . Oeo-npdw-os,‘asking the gods


Lat. prev-es


prayers ,’





Old High Ger .f rdh-én , Ger .fiag-en



prcch dti is a sk-formation (eprk-sketi ) ,cf . Lat. poscit, spore

-soft, Old High Ger .

f or slco'

t,ef or h-sledt,

‘asks for


’Ger . f orscht,

‘ inqui res

p a r i , ask .

v i , find out by inquiry .

manly deed.

man ly deed.


[V eit

s am ,mid. consult with , converse or

talk with .

p r a j i , f .— 1 . procreation ;

— 2. ofispr ing,

ch ildren, descendants 3 . crea tures,

57 1 ; esp .— 4 . folk , subjects, of a prince,

16 5. [Vjan or j i pra ,

p r a j i - k i m a, m . desire for offspring.

[praj i kima, 1204 : acct,

p r a j i - k i m a ,a . possessing pr aj i ki mi ,

i .e. desirous of ofispring, 1 12. [ 1296,

p r a j i - p a t i , m.— 1 . lord of creatures ;

2. genius presiding over procreation,

— 3. lord of creatures, i .e. creator

or Prajapati, see note. [acct,1267s .)

p r a j i r th e , adv. for the sake of offspring.

[artha ,1 1 10, ( U : f

p r a j fi i , f l understanding.

p r a j fi i ta , ppl . well -known . [Vjfii

pra-Jp r a na y a ,

m. manifestation of one’s af

fection . [Vni + pra : for u, see 192a .)p r a na y a n a ,

n .— 1 . a fetching ; — 2.

means for fetch ing, vessel . [do .]

p r ana v a , m . the sacred sy l lable om.

[Vnu pr a , q .v.)

p r ani m a , m. bow, reverent salutation.

[Vnam pr a .)

13 PLp r i ni’

ta , ppl.

holy water .

p r a ni t i - p r a ni y a n a , n. th e fetchingof the holy water . [ 1250e.)

p r a t a r am , adv. further , longer .473 2, 1 1 1 10 : cf . npd

‘r epov,

p r i t i , prep. in reversed direction , back to,

back against, against, in return ; - 1 . to,

towards, w. acc., 23 14 2. with

reference to, in respect to, w. acc.,4 7-17


— 3. over against, i.s . l ike ; — 4 . in

cpds [1313s ] : before ; on ,w. idea of con

stant repetition ; at ; (back i .e.) reflected ;see the f ollowing words. [cf . apar t,



Lat. por ( sport) in por—r igere,‘reach out


p r a t i - d i n a m ,adv. on (each ) day , dai ly.

[1313a, 1310s and (1 : cf . pratyah am.)

p r a ti p a tt i , j ! the acquiring. [Vpad +

pr ati .)

see Vni + pra ;

(an .


p r a t i -b i m ba , n. reflected disk (of sun

or moon in the water ) ; image.

pr a t i m i , j : match ; image ; l ikeness.

[Vl m i + prati,‘ make (so as to be a

match ) against’: for mg, cf . Eng. counter

f eit, im itated,’fr. French contref a it,

whose elements go back to Lat. contra

and f aeere.)p r a ti m i n a , n. that wh ich is made or

put over against, a match , equal . [V 1 mi


pr a t i sth i , j 2 stead ; standing-place ; then

( l ikeEng. standing ) , position,i.s . celebrity .

[V sth i prati .)p r a t i sth i n a , n. stead ; then ( like Ger .


place, town The Town , name of

a town on the Godi var i , the nawava of

the Greeks. [V sthi pr ati , 1 150 cf .


pr a t i h a s t a k a , m. proxy . person at


s h and,’

prati hasta , 1310a,

pr a t i k i r a , m. counter-action, remedy .

[V 1 h r, do, act,

pr ati , against

1087b.]p r a t i c i n a ,

a . backward ; being beh ind ;

fol lowing, i .e. future. [pratyafic, 1223d.)p r a t i t a , ppl . see Vi prati .

p r a t i pa,0 . (against the stream, i.s.) con

trary ; 4 m , adv. contrar i ly, frowardly.

[prati ap, 1310a, 13150,cf . samipa

for mgs, cf.Eng. contra ry.)pr i tta ,

see 10870.

p r a ty ak sa , a . before the eyes, plainly

visible ; -e, adv. before one’

s face. [pratiaksa, 1 310s .)

pr a ty a k sa - da r ga n a , n. a seeing be

fore one’s eyes ; the abi l ity to see any

one (e.g. a god) bodily ,

p r a ty a g - da k sini ,adv. (west-souther ly ,

i .s .) southwester ly . [pratyaiic, 1249s .)pr a ty a fi-muk h a , 0. having the facewestward, turned to th e west. [pratyaiic,1249s , 101 :

pr a ty i fi c j : [4 10] pratici, a . — 1 .

(directed back, i.e.) turned backwards ;

moving in reverse direction or away, 87n;

- 2. turned westward (see pr i fic) , westf

er ly— 3. (being to-ward

,i.e.) with the

face towards, w. acc.

, 71 [pr ati ai o,

407 : see afic.)

[pradh i na

p r a ty - a bh i v i da n a ,n. return-sa luta


gruss. [ 1289b.)p r a ty - a h am , adv. on (each ) day , daily .

[ 13 13a, 1310s and (1 : 1315s : cf. pra

p r a ty i k h y i n a ,‘

n. refusal . [t yi +

p r a tyut th i n a ,n. r ising up to meet (a

person ) , respectful reception . [V athi

pr aty-ud, 233a.)p r a tyutp a n n a -m a t i , a . having wi ts

ready to meet an emergency as m. Readywit, name of a fish . [Vpad praty-ud.]

p r a ty r c am , adv. at or with each stanza.

[prati rc, 1313s , 1310s and d :

V p r a th (pr i thate , -ti ; paprath é ; i praxprath iti ; pr athayati ; apapr*


th at) . broaden, intrans. caus. broaden ,

trans . ; spread out, 78 1 1 . [see under

prthu.)v i , caus. spread out wide,

p r a th am i , a . first ; pr imal ; -am , adv.

at first. [l it. fore-most,’for spr a-tama ,

super l . of pra, 4873,473

p r a th am a -j i a . first-born.

p r a da ,a . giving ; furnish ing. [Vl di

pr a ,

p r a - d a k si na ,-1 . a . moving to the

righ t ; —2. 4 m, adv. to the righ t, so th at

the righ t side is towards an object (a sign

of respect), 601 , 99 1 ; w. kr, put (an

object) to the righ t— 3. adj . standing

on the r igh t, 0219

. [perhaps the use as

adv. (mg 2) is the primary one, lit.‘ for

ward to the

p r a d i n a , n. a giving. [VI di pra.)p r a d i g, f . intermediate region (between

the cardinal points see dig). [pr adig, fore

p r a d e ga , 171. di rection ; and so, place.

[Vdis pra o]p r a d o sa , m. evening, nigh tfal l .dark,

pra dopa.)

p r a d h an a ,n. prize of the contest ; the

contest therefor ; battle. [V 1 dh i pr a :

cf . dhana.)p r a dh i n a ,

n. (that which is put forward )the important or chief th ing ; at end ofcpds having as ch ief thing, devoted to [V 1 dh i pm .)

1 3'



prapath a)

p r a- p a th a , m. (forth-path , i.e.) onward p r am i th i n , a .

way , journey in the distance or

distant journey ,802.

p r a b a n dh a ,m . uninterrupted connec

[ 196]

stir r ing

[Vmath pra, 1 183


p r am r sta - m a ni , m. po lished or brigh t

gem . [Vmrj pr a .)tion ; continued ser ies. p r a m r stam a ni - kunda l a ,

a . possess

p r a bh a v i , m . or igin ; at end of cpd

having as origin, originating with

[Vbh ii pra .)

p r a b h i , j : splendor ; radiant beauty .

[Vbh i pra .)

p r a bh i ta , ppl . begun to be l igh t ; as n.

[1 170a], day -break. [Vbh i pra .)

p r a bh i v a , m. super ior migh t, of gods,

of ascetics, of asceticism . [V bhfi


p r a bhu, a . being before or super ior to

oth ers ; as m. ruler ; master ; lord ; hus

band, 5214

. [later form (354 ) for Vedic

prabh ii : Vbhfi pra .)

p r a b h utv a , n . lordsh ip, power .

p r i bh r t i , j l — I . l it. a carry ing forwardor on ,

i .e. continuance ; used esp. a t end

of cpds hav ing continuance fromi.e. continuing from — 2. the n in

such cpds used in ace. s . n . adverbiul ly

continui ng from beginning

with from - 3 . then as an adv.

uncompounded, pr abhrti , w. abl .,from

on ; tatah prabhrti , from then on .

[Vbhr pra, l 1 57. 1d.)

p r am a d a ,m. pleasure.

p r i m a da - v a n a ,n. pleasure-grove (of a

prince ) .

p r am a d i - v a n a , n. pleasure grove (of

the wives of a pr ince ) . [a quasi feminineto the preceding.)

p r i m i na , n. measure , extent

scale , standard ; someth ing by wh ich to

judge, norm, rule of action, 21

21 :

auth or ity , [V1 m i ,‘ measure,

+ pr a ,192a : hence , th rough the Persian

f a rmdn, the borrowed Eng. firman,


authority or decree,’esp. of the Subl ime

Forte .)V p r am i na y a (pr ami nayati ) . regard

as an auth ori ty ; take a person (acc.) asauth ority in a matter [prami na ,

p r am i ni bh i v a , m. lack of anything to

judge by . [abh i va.]

ing br igh t-gem ear-r ings .

p r a y a t n a ,m. effort, pains ; -ena ,

-i i..

adv. careful ly . [Vyat pr a , 1 1 77a.)

p r a y i na ,n. a going forth ( from h ome) ,

journey . [Vyi + pra, 1 150,

p r a y ot f , m. remover . [V2ya,‘ keep off,

pr a.)

p r a l a y a , m. dissolution ; esp. dissolution

of the universe . [V 11'

pra .)

p r a l i pa,m. unintel ligible or ch i ldish

or lamenting talk chatter . [V lappm ]

p r a v ani , a . prone ; sloping. [pra , 1 170

(cf . 383d 1 ) : cf . wpnv-iys, Doric wpi yds, L'


prénus , incl ined

p r a v i t , j : slope, of a mountain ; height,

83 7. [pr a, 383d

p r a- v a y a s , 0 . having (forward, i .e.) advanced age ; aged. [ 1 305


p r a v a r t a k a ,a . causing to rol l onward

(as a whee l ) , setting in motion , promoting ;

as m. promoter , prompter . [caus. of e t

pr a .)

p r a v i da , m. a saying or an on di t. [Vvad

+ pra.)

p r a v i b h i g a , m. division. [Vbhajpra-v i .)

p r a v i na , a . clever .

p r a v i na t i , f . cleverness. [pr avina ]p r a v r t ta , ppl .

— 1 . having turned for

ward ; di rected forward ( to a specific

object) , esp. of an act performed with a

view to th e attainment of some advantage,

i .e. interested, opp . of nivi'tta , q.v. ,

— 2.

engaged in. [e t pra.)p r a v r t t i , f . a moving forward or taking

an active step, advance into or ex

posure of one’s self to (danger , 2033.

p r a v gddh a , ppl . grown up, great.

p r a v e ga , m. entrance.

p r a v r i j i n ,a . going forth or after , in cpd

dvi [Vvraj pra ,for mg, cf.

(yuan) wepfdpopos,‘ lewd


p r i p ta v y a , grdo. to be obtained, about

to be got. [Vi p + pra,

p r i p t i , f l a reaching, arriving at. [Vi p

pra .)

p r i y a, m. — 1 . a going forth or out ;

— 2. th at wh ich sticks out or is prominent ;

the pr incipal par t of a th ing ; the most

part ; at end of cpds hav ing for

th e most part, having for its predomi

nant ch aracteristic, like [Vi

pra , 1 148 . 1 a.)

p r i y a ga s , ada

[pr i ya,

p r i y a s ,adv. for the m ost part, a lmost,

5022. [pr0p. sec. 3 . n . ( l l l l d) of a neuter

noun spr i yas ,‘ that wh ich is predom i


(see pr i ya ) , Vi pra, 1 151 . l .)

p r i v i , a . attentive, h eedful , zealous.

[V av pra, 1 1563, 355b end.)

p r i ga n a , n.— 1 . the eating; — 2. the

giving of food, feeding. [in mg 1 , f r .

V 2ac,‘eat,

+ pra ; in mg 2, fr . cans. of

the same.)

p r i gi t f , m. eater.

1 1 82s .)

p r i gi t r i , n. th e portion of ghee to be

eaten by a Brahman at a sacrifice .

that which belongs to the pr i gitr,’

1208b.)p r i ci t r a

- h i r a na , n. vessel for hold

ing the pr i gitr a. pr i gitr a-holding,

p r i s i da ,m. lofty seat ; bui lding on h igh

foundations, palace, 201 . [V aad pra ,

perhaps in the sense‘sit forward or in a

conspicuous place see 1087b.]

p r i y i ,a .

— 1 a . dear , be loved of ,

w. gen. (296b ) , — 1b. pr iy i , f : the

beloved, the wife , — 2a. desired,

pleasant ; agreeable , pr iyam kr ,

do a favor , — 2b. a s n that wh ich is

desired, one’s wish , 89


— 3. ( l ike Ho

mer ic plu s) to wh ich one is attached or

wonted, own ,wonted ;

— 4a . lov ing, devoted to ; — 4b. a s m.

friend. [Vpr i , q .v. cf . wpiios,‘


; Goth .fleas,ace. s. m . f r zj ana ,

AS.f r i , Ger .fiei,Eng.f ree a lthough the

modern mg‘ free is common al so to the

Goth . and AS. words, yet the or ig. mg

for the most part.

[V2ag, eat,’

pra ,

[ 198]

must have been ‘ loving or loved, kindly

treated, spared’

(and so as is

shown by the Goth. abstract f r zj a-bva ,

AS. f redd,‘ love

’: for mg 1h , cf . AS.

f i-eo


‘ woman’

: cf . also Old High Ger .

F r ia ,

‘ The Loving One,’in f rid tag, Eng.

F r i-dag, dies

p r i y a - v i d f n ,a . say ing pleasant things.

p r i y i p r i ya, n. comfort and discomfort.

[apr iya : 1253b.]V p r i (pfivi ism ; private ; pipr i ya»

pipr iyé ; i pr i isit ; pr i'

ti ; pr itvi ) 1a.

pr ini ti , gladden, show favor to, prepi

tlate ; — 1 b. pr ini ti, have pleasure in ;- 1 0. pr ini


té, be glad or content ; - 2.

priyate, be glad or content ; have pleasure

in ; love, be favorably incl ined to ; — 3.

pr i'

ti : glad, pleased, satisfied loved,

dear . [cf . Goth . f rzj on,‘ love

; f r ij onds,AS. f reo



‘ loving, i .e. friend,’


f r iend a lso AS. f ree-ba,‘a spar ing or

indulgence, favor , grace, peace,’Ger .

F r iede,‘


; Goth . Fr iba-reiks,Eng.

Freder ick, grace-ruler, gracious prince

see also under pr iya.)p r i t i , f i - 1 . pleasure ; prityi , with pleasure , gladly ; - 2. friendsh ip. [Vpr i .)

p r i‘

t i - v a e a s , n. fr iendsh ip-ta lk, fr iendlywords.

p r s fik h i , a . rocking, pitch ing ; as m. n.

unsteady boat, skid . [V ifikh pra .)

p r eta , ppl . gone onward, i .e. departed,

dead ; as m. — 1 . dead man ; — 2. ghost.

[V i + pra.)p r éty a , grd. after dying, i.e. in the oth er

wor ld (opp. to iha ) . [Vi pr a ,

p r é sth a ,a . very pleasant. [Vpr i



serves as super l . to priya .)p r e sy a , grdv. to be sent ; as m. servant.

[V2 is, send,

pra .)p r i i sy i , n. servitude . [presya, l 2o8f .]p r osth a , m. bench or couch .

p r o sth e -

ga y i ,a . ly ing on a couch .

[ 12500,

p l a v i ,a . swimming ; as m. swimmer ,

name of a kind of duck. [Vpluz cf .

wil der, w h ores, a sail ing.

V p l u (pl i vate, -ti ; pupl i va, pupluvé ;

éploeta : plosyéti. -te ; plnté ; whim-plf1ya ) . float th rough water or air :

[199] [bandh a

— 1 . swim ; — 2. baths ; - 3. sail ; — 4. ph i l a v a n t , a . fruitful ; yielding good

hover ; fly ; - 5. fly ofl ; hasten away ;

- 6. spring ; — pluta , floating, and so (see

Whi tney protracted, of a vowel .

[cf . f luids, “ M m , float, sai l’

; Lat.


: for mg of p luer e, cf. th e

Eng. intrans.float‘swim ,

’w. trans.floa t,

‘cover with water , and th e intrans. ba the

w. trans. bathe

close ly connected w. Vplu is the ex

tended form plud as seen in Lithuanian



‘swim , float

: w. this , cf . AS.



‘swim or float about,

Eng. verb

fleet,‘ float, sail

,hasten ,

Ger . fliessen,sometimes ‘

swim ,

vb a nh or bah (been [223 8]

resul ts. tphfiut l zaaulp h ul l a ,

a . burst open , expanded, bloom

ing. [see Vphal and

p h ul l o tp a l a , a . h aving blooming lo

tuses ; as n. Blooming-lotus , name of a

lake. [utpala .]ph eun , m. foam.


banhayate ) . be th ick, firm , strong ; caus.

make strong. [perhaps for ebhagh : see

bahuand bi h ti .)but usual ly

‘ flow’

; b a k a , m. heron , Arden nivea.

further , AS.fleo’


‘raft, sh ip, fleet,

Eng. ba k a -m fir k h a , m. heron-fool , fool of a


; a lso AS.flota ,



float,‘a th ing that swims on the surface b a dd h a -m a nda l a , a .

of a fluid, e.g. a raft ’ (verb float is a

denom . of th is ) , Ger . Floss ,‘raft ’ ; final ly

Eng.fleet, stream let or bay ,’whence The

F leet, as name of a smal l aflluent of the

Thames at London and of a famous prisonthereon ,

and Fleet S treet, wh ich crossed

The Fleet ]i , bathe, intrans.

cam - a ,l . bathe, intrans. ; — 2.

bathe, trans. ; inundate ; suffuse, 1019


ud,spr ing up.

up a ,hover unto.

+ v i , float asunder ; drift in diflerent

directions be dispersed be lost be

ruined or dishonored.

ph a l (phflafi ; paphala ; phaliti ;

phul la burst, spl it, intrans . [prob.

for uspal , of wh ich V sphat ( i.s . espha lt) ,‘split, break,

’is an extension : cf . Ger .

spa lten, Eng. spl it.]ud , bur st out or open ; utphul la

expanded, wide open.

V ph a l a (phalati ) . bear fruit ; fruit

phalitém, imper sona lly, it is fruited, fruitis borne (by a thing, 24 [denom .

of phala ,

ph i l a , n.— 1 . fruit ; — 2. then ( l ike Eng,

h eron. [ 1280b.]h aving eon

structed-circles, t.e. ranged in circles.

[Vbandh .]b a n dh (badhnati , badhnité

syéti ; baddha ; bhndh itum , banddhum ,

baddhum ; baddh va; -badhya ). 1 .

bind ; fasten ; catch ; esp . bind (a victim

for the gods, sacr ifice ; — baddh a :

bound ; caugh t ; fastened ; — 2. bind to

gether , join ; and then (w. a specia l iza tion

of mg l ike that seen in the Eng. joiner ) ,construct, e.g. a bridge ; compose (verses ,

qf. La t. serere ) . [for ebhandh : cf. n ew

epri s,

‘connection (by weicyc ,

n ew“,


; Lat. qf-f end-ir ,‘ knot


fld—es ,‘string

; f oed-as ,‘ lcaguo


bind,ba nd : for mgs , cf . Eng. connection

and league w. Lat. c

,’-neetere and l iga


r e,

bind togeth er .’

ui,— 1 . bind ; fasten ; - 2. (bind down

together , put down connectedly , i.e.) put

into wr itten form ,wr ite down ,

p r a ,bind on ; connect onward

, form

an advancing connection, form a continued

ser ies.

s am , bind together , con-neet ; sam

baddh a , con-nected, co

-herent (w. the same

fig. my as in

fruit) , the good or evil consequences of b a n dh a,m.— l . a binding ; esp. a binding

human deeds ; result ; reward or punish

[perhaps‘the ripe and burstingment.

truit,’fr . Vphal ]

to the sacrificial post (see bandh sac

rifice ; - 2. band, string. [Vbandh z cf.

Eng. band ]

bandh ana]

b i n dh a n a ,a . binding ; as n. bond or if so, cf .

, for the mg, cpdpos,‘ tr ibute ,

’w .

bonds. [Vbandh ] ¢épcs,‘ bear ,

b é n dh u, m.— 1 . connection or relation b a l i n , a. m igh ty , 1

3. [balm 1230a.]

sh ip ;— 2. (concrete, a s in Eng.) a connec bal i eth a ,

a . most migh ty ; very strong.

tion, re lative ; friend ; one who be longs [bahu, 468 2 ]to (a certain caste,f or example ) . [Vbandh , b a l on m a tta , a . frenzied or crazed with

power . [unmatta, Vmad +ud, ]b a r b a r a ,

a . stammer ing, balbutiens ; as V b a h ,see banh .

m. — 1 . p l . foreigners, oi d Bapox, name b a h i s- k ar y a , grdv. to be put outside,

appl ied by Aryans to non-Aryan fo lks to be banished. [ha-h is and kr , do,

(as Welsh and Wa l sch by Engl ish and put,’

Germans to f olks tha t speak a strange b a h i a- h r ta , ppl. put out, expel led.

tongue ) ; - 2. sing. a man of lowest or igin ; [bah is and kr,‘ do, put,


a wretched wigh t, wretch , [ci . b a h i h - pa r i dh i , adv. outside th e en

d flapos,‘ foreign , outlandish

; Lat. ba l closure (see par idhi ) . [ l 310a .]bus


‘stammer ing,

’whence Spanish bobo

, b a h i s ,adv. [l l l l d], outside ; as prep . out

blockhead,’Eng. boobg.] side of , w. abl .

b a r h a , m. n. tai l -feather . [prop. pluck b a hu,a . much , many ; bahuman , consider

ings ,’Vl brh ,

pluck’: cf . the no less as much

, think muchl

of , esteem . [Vbanharbitrary special ization of mg in Eng. or bah : cf. waxhs,

pluck,‘ that wh ich is plucked out after b a h udh a,

adv. many times. [bahu,ki l l ing a beast, its l iver , l igh ts, heart,

and, fig., b a kun i n s , m. esteem , respect. [Vman

b a r b i na , m. peacock,68 2. [transition bahu.]

stem f r . barhin ,1223f , 1200c.] ba h um an a - purahsaram, adv. with re

b a r h i n , m. (h av ing tail -feathers, i .e. the spect. [1302c2,tai l-feathered bird nar

taxing) the pea b a h ul a, a . — 1 . th ick — 2. abundant ;

cock. [barh a .] much . [in mg l, perh aps directly fr .

b a r h i s ,n. grass or straw of Kuca-grass, Vbah , 1 189, and in mg 2, f r . bahu,

spread over the sacr ificia l ground to serve b a h ul i usa d h i k a ,a . having abundant

as a place for th e oblations and as a seat herbs. [t i ,

for gods and ol'

ferers. [prop.‘that wh ich V badh (bi dhate ; babadh é ; Abi dh ista

is torn up, vulsum , pluckings,’ V l hrh ,

‘ tear , pluck for mg, cf . Eng. hag,

cuttings ,’ from hew


bal a ,n.— 1 . migh t, power , strength , force ;

ha l i t, forcibly ; — 2. then,as in Eng.


( for making war ) forces, tr oops , [forovala : cf. Lat. valére, be strong,

b a l a - d i a . strength-

giving. [ 1269 ]b al a v a n t , a. powerful . [ 1233a.]b a l i d h i k a ,

a . superior in strength .

[adh ika z l 265.]b a l i n v i ta ,

a . connected w ith power ;

suggestive of power . [auv -ita , Vi .]b a l i , m. - 1 . of-fer ing, tribute ; — 2. esp .

portion of a daily meal or sacrifice offered

as tr ibute to gods, sem i-divine beings,

men, animals, esp. birds, and even inani

mate objects, [perhaps fr . Vbhr :

press hard ; distress ; beset.

[see Vvadh : cf . Lat. def end-ere,‘


or ward off’

; of f end-er e,‘

press h ard


ui , press down heavi ly .

b i dh a, a . di stressing ; as m. distress.

[Vbi tban dh a v a , m. (h aving connection or

relationship, t.e.) a relative ; friend.

[bandhu, 1208c.]b i l a , a . young, not grown ; as subst. m.

and f . — 1 . ch ild (distinguished f rom

yuvan ,

young man,’

boy ; gi r l ;— 2. appl ied to a grown person (cf Eng.

chi ldish , puer ile ) , ch ild or booby , w. double

mg, 6121


bal ak a ,a. young ; as m. chil d. [balsa ]

brh atkath é ]

b rk a t- k a t h i , j : Great-Story ,

title of a

col lection of stories ascr ibed to Gunadh

ya (guni dh ya ) , and abr idged by Soma

deva under the name Kathasar itsagara .

[brhant, 1249s , 1279 ]b r h ad a gv a ,

a . possess ing great or

powerful h orses ; a s m . Brihadacva , name

of the sage who narr ates the story of Nala

to Yudh ish th ira. [brhént ( 1249a ) Agva ,

1298 : cf . eMe‘

ydA-tn os, wh ich is s im i lar ly

compounded and of l ike meaning ]b rh An t [450a], a . great ; m igh ty ; lofty .

[present ppl . of V2brh ,be

b f h a a - pat i , m. Brih aspati, name of a

divinity in wh ich the activ ity of the pious

in their re lations towards th e gods is per

sonified, the mediator between gods and

men , and the type of the priest and of

the priestly dign ity ; la ter , god of wisdom

and e loquence. lord of prayer ,’bfh

as + p6ti z for cpd, see 1250 and d, and

1267d ; for acct, Wh itney 94b ; for eu

phony ,1 71 1 ]

bai j i k a ,a . pertaining to the semen ; of

gui lt, inherited from one’

s father . [bus h

1222e and e 2.]b r a h m a - car y a ,

n. l ife of h ol iness

(brdhman ) , wa lk and conversation of a

Brahman student (brahman ) , esp. chas

tity ; rel igious studentsh ip, the first of

the four periods of a Brahman’

s l ife, see

i grama. [brahman ( 1249a2) or brahman

(probably both ) carya , equi v. of cal-yi t

acct, 1272, 12l 3e.]b r a h m a - car i n ,

a . (busy ing one’s self

with , i.s .) study ing sacred knowledge

as m. Brahman student, as adj . esp .

observing chastity , 6414, 100

91. [br i b

man , 1249s

b r a h m a ny a,a . pertaining or attached

to th e holy l ife and study (brahman ) , i .s .

pious ; attached or friendly to Brahmans

(brahman ) . [ 1212d 1 .]b r a h m a - day a ,

m. sacredoword h eritage ,

her itage consisting of the sacred word.

[brahmam l 249a

b r a h m a day a - har a , a .

sacred word as a her itage.

b r a h m a -dv i s, a . devotion-h ating, god

less. [brahmun 1249113 : acct,

receiving the


b r ah m a n , n. — l . devotion (conceived as

a swel l ing and fil l ing of the soul with

adoration for the gods ) , worship, in genera l

, any pious expression in the worsh ip

of the gods ; hymn of praise, praise , 73°

74 44 1; prayer , 76

16 - 2. sacred word,

word of God (opp. to the profane ) , 609 ;- 3. divine science, sacred learning,

theology , theosophy— 4. ho ly l ife, i .s .

chastity 5. the ( impersona l ) spir it

that pervades the universe. [V2brh,brhhman (n ) i s to brahmén (m .)

as pr ayer suppl ication is to pr ay-sr

(‘ w pplicant

b r a h m an , m.- l . pray-er , 76

13; wor

sh ipper ; priest, RV.x. 125.5 ; pray-er

by profession , Brahman ; — 2. the imper

sonal universe-pervading spir it (br éh man

personified as a god, i .s . Brahman, the

Supreme Al l -soul , in the theological

system, the Creator of the wor ld, 67


[V 2brh, see bréhman .]b r a h m a r si , m. pr iest

-sage , priestly sage,

see 1 “n. [brahman ( 1249a 2) 1» (pi , 127,1280b.]

b r a h m a v a r ca s a, n. pre em inence in

sacred learn ing or ho liness . [for brahmavar cas , wh ich occurs on ly in deriva .

brAhman vareas , 1315c.]b r a h m a v a r ca s v i n , a . eminent in

divine knowledge. possessing brahma


q.v. :

b r a h m a - v ed i n , a . knowing divine

knowledge. [brAhmam 1249a 9.]b r a h m a - h an a . Brahman-slaying ;

a s m. murderer of a Brahman. [brahmtn, 1249a


b r ah m a, j 2-i , a . — l . pertain ing to brah

man , divine ; bo ly ,59 6 ; spir itual ,

— 2. pertaining to brahmfln , in both its

senses, i.s . : —2a. of Brahmans ; — 2b. of

Brahman or (angl icized ) Brahma,


Creator , 5723

, [brdhman and brah

man , 1208s? end.]

b r ah m ana,m . (having to do with br i b

man ar prayer and praise and divine

science, i . .s pr iest, 84 15 theologian,

Brahman , 5716; - f br i hmani , woman

of the priestly caste, Brahmanee. [br i bman, w.usual shift of acct, 12080.]


b r ah m ana , n. (of a brahmhn,of a priest b h a k sy a , grdv.

or Brahman ,i. .a ) the dictum of a priest

to be eaten, ea tablo ;

as n. proper food. [Vbhaka, 063 ]on matters of faith and cul tus ; esp. a bh ag a , m.

— 1 . (h e wh o deal s out, i. .e )Brahmana, as designation of one of a

class of Vedic writings which conta in

these dicta . [brahmim w. usual shiftof acct, 1208a .]

b r ah m a na - v ada , m. a statement of

the Brahmanas . [br i hmana ]b r fi (bréwi


ti brfité : the second

clause of 632 should read “before the

initial consonant of an ending 1 . act.

say ; w. dat. of per son and ace. qf thing,w. ace. of per son and either

ora tio recta ( 125,6074 3, 98

1 1 ) or else ace.

of th ing speak to, w. ace. of per son ,speak of , w. ace. q er son


say , i.s . announce, tel l ; w. vacas, ( t o:

ch ain, w. punar , answer , 83; - 2.

middle,brfité (used esp. to introduce oratio

recta and without des igna tion of the person

addressed ), says, inquit, 2013, 28 1 , 305° 1 3° 13,35 19.

ap a , remove ( the though t or recol lec

tion of a thing or person, acc., from a

person, abl .) by speak ing, i .s. try to con

sole a person (abl .) for the loss of a thingor person [this location is

apparently l ike the Eng. col loq. phrase


l l ta lk it ( his opin ion ) out of+ p r a ,

te l l forth , proclaim , 7513; an

nounce, 887; then ( l ike the Eng. tel l of,

bad and colloquia l tell on ) , inform against,

betray , 931 7


p r a t i , speak back to answer.

V bh a k a (bhAksati , -te ; bhaksita; bhhk

situm ;-bhAksya ; bhaksAyati

(partake, enjoy , i.s.) eat consume ; de

vour . [old desid. of Vbhaj , 108g end : cf .bhiks, and for mg, V2ac,

bh a k aa, m. the enjoy ing, eating or drink

ing ; food ; at end of adj . cpds, havingas food, l iving on [Vbhaka]

bh a k sak a ,m. eater. [Vbhakszsee 1 181 s

end.]bh ak si ta v y a ,

[Vbhakgbh ak si n , a . eating. [Vbhakm

grdv. to be eaten.

dispenser ; r ich or kind master ; lord, f re

quent ep ithet of Savi tar — so - 2.

esp . Bhaga, name of an Adi tya, fromwhom welfare is expected and who brings

about love and institutes marr iage,— 3. portion ; lot (w. dur eu fortune ;esp . (as in good for tune , happy lot ;— 4 . lovel iness. [V bhaj , — 1 . cf .

Old Persian baga ,

‘ God’

; Bay ai‘

os' Zeb:

tbpi'ryios ; Slavonic bogii ,

‘ God’

; for mg,

cf . Eng. lord, AS. hla'

f -ord‘ loaf-ward, loaf -keeper

; — 3. for mg, cf .

the re lation of pdpos,‘ lot, fate,

to (“p op-e,‘

gat a

bh ag a v a n t , a .— 1 . fortunate, possessing

a happy lot, blessed ; then — 2. ( l ike Eng.

blessed) heaven ly , august, lordly , appl ied

to Indr a, Brahma , The Self-existent, theWood-deity , Sun , Moon ,

Earth , etc . used,

esp . in voc.,as a f orm of address

, so

26 4. [bhhgtn ]bh a g i n , a . fortunate ; happy ; splendid— bh agini


, j . sister ( the happy one

so f ar f orth as she has a brother ) .

[bhfigau]b h a g i r a th a ,

m. Bhagi rath a, name of an

ancient king, who brough t the Ganges

down from heaven. [perhaps f r . bhaginratha , having a splendid ch ariot

]bh a g n a ,

see 957e.

bh a g n a - bh i nda ,a . having broken pots

or [1308]who broke th e a g n aqa ,

a . having broken hopes, dis

appointed. [59a 334 1 ]bh a nga, m. a breaking. [Vbhafij , 216.V b h aj (bhnjati , -teAbhaksit, ébhakta [883J bh aj isyétLAte

bhaktva -bhajya ;caus. bh i j hyati ). 1 . deal out ; appor

tion ; divide ; then (as Eng. share means

both ‘

give a part of’and ‘ have a part of

)— 2. middle, have as one

’s part, receive ;

have or take part in ; — 3. give one’

s se lfup to ; - 4. (ch as one

’s part, i .s. ) de

clare one’s self or , prefer , 15 3 ; — 5. be

take one’s self to ; turn to ; go to,

— 6. belong to, be attached to ; revere ;

Vbh afij] [204]

love, - caus. cause to have a share, bh a ttar a k a - v ar a , m. lord’s day , Sun

w ace. of person and gen. of th ing, day.

[cf . oa r-sir ,‘

get one’

s portion , eat,’bh a d r a, a . - 1 . praiseworthy , pleasing ;

w. a special iza tion of mg l ike those seen gladsome, — 2. good, happy ,

in Eng pa rtake and take as used with the cos. j i, good lady , bhadran ,

impl ied object f ood or dr ink, in bhakta , adv ,w. kr or a-car , do wel l , 22


‘th ing divided, portion, food,

’and in —3. favorable, auspicious , — as n.


bhaka: akin are the names of th e two sing. and pl., welfare, prosperity , 2016 ;food-trees y ielding eatable nuts (acorns, w. kr, grant welfare to a person

buck-mast).oayds,m i c, oak ,

Lat figus , bless, 691 1

. [Vbhand, 1 188a.]‘ beech ,

’ AS b6c, Eng buck ‘ beech in bh ad r a - k f't , a . granting welfare ; blessbuck-mast, beech -nuts,

and buck-whea t ( so ing.

cal led from the l ikeness of th e kerne ls to V bh a n d (bhandate) . receive jubilantbeech -nuts ) ,AS . béce, Eng. beech : with Me, praise.

‘ beech ,’

is ident. bee,‘ book,


‘runes b h an d i sth a , a . most loudly or best

scratched on branches of a frui t-bearing praising.

tree ,’

see Tacitus, Germania , x. ; such a bh a y a, n. -1 . fear , anxiety ; in composi

branch was cal led by a name wh ich became tion w. the th ing fla red,

in Ol d High Ger . puaho stap or buoh-stab, fear of a th ing bhay i t, from

and meant or ig.‘ beech -staff

, but the fear , 36 4, 4 1

17; then, as conversely

word came to be used for the sign ificant in Eng., fear (or ig. danger ,’

so Job

th ing on the branch , the rune or letter ,’

has come to mean ‘anxiety ,

’ — 2. danger ,

AS bee-surf}Ger . Bach-sta le ) peril , 2519, [Vbh i


,l 148. 1a : for

5 ,act., sometimes mid.

,deal out to, give mg 2, cf . saxhdehaJ

a person (acc.) a share in a thing bh a y ar ta ,a . stricken with fear. [i rta ]

+ v i , par t asunder ; divide. bh é r a ,m. — 1 . a bear ing, carrying ; — 2.

+ p r a - v i , di vide. burden ; weigh t, 501; — 3. mass , quan

+ s am- v i , — 1 . di vide a thing (acc.) tity ; — 4 . (w. specia l iza tion as in La t.

w ith a person give a share pondus,‘ weigh t,

’then a lso ‘

pound a

- 2. present a person (acc.) with a th ing particular quanti ty or measure, in nir

[V bhr t cf . ¢v cr-¢6po-s, Lat. lucif eduas ) ,V b h aflj (bhanakti ; babhé iija ; abh i fik l igh t-bringing

; AS. horn-bora, hom

sit ; bhanksyati ; bhagna [957c]; bhank bearing, trumpeter’: for mgs 2- 4, cf.

tva; -bhajya ) . break. [opinions are Eng. weigh, orig.‘ bear up, l ift,

as in

divided as to wheth er VVbhafij , 2bhuj , weigh anchor , AS. wegan,‘carry , bear ,

and bham (see these ) or ig. began w. bhr and weight,‘ burden ,

then ‘ mass,’


cf gir i-bhr aj ,‘ breaking forth from the ‘ definite


if bhaflj does stand for bh a r a t h , a . to be supported or main

sbhr ai ij , th en Lat. f ranger e, break,’

tained ; esp. to be kept al ive by the care

nau-f rag-a , sh ip-breaking (tempestas ) , of men, as epithet of the god Agni ; as m.

and Ger brechen ,Eng. break are akin.) Bharata , name of a patr iarchal hero.

bh a ttar a ,m. lord. [a transition-stem [Vbhiu1 176c.]

(399 ) fr . bhartr : corresponding to the bh ar g a s , n. radiant l igh t ; glory . [Vbhrjstrong ace. s. form bharti r -am, taken as or bhraj , q.v., 216. cf. «pur se, n.


if it were bh ar ti ra-m , is made the nom .‘ flame ’

; Lat. fulgur ,s. bhartar a-s , ctc. ; both transition to bh a r tr , m. - 1 . bearer ; — 2. supporter,

th e a-declension, and assimi lation of rt maintainer ; lord ; husband, 10? [Vbhr,to tt are regular in Prakrit.] 1 182b : cf. Lat.f ertor ,

bh a ttar ak a , m. lord, appl ied to gods bh a v é ,m. the coming into existence.

and learned men. [bhatti ra, 1222e

bh év in]

dition ; - 3. (way of being, i.e.) nature ;— 4 . natura l disposition ; fee l ing ; - 5.

fee lings ; heart, — 6. the existent ;

existen t thing, [V bh i'

i , 1 148 .

bh av i n , a . becoming, com ing into exist

ence ; about to be, destined to be,

future, -ini , j : a beautiful woman.

[Vbh tl 1 133 s end.]V bh as (bh i sats ; babhasé ; abh i sista ;bh i sita; bh i situm ; bh i sitva; -bh i sya )speak ; ta lk ; say. [perhaps for .bh i sk,

a sk-formation fr . Vbh i : 182m]+ a bh i , speak unto, address, w. acc. ,

speak, without obj ect.

p r a t i , speak‘

back, answer .

b h asa, f . speech , language. [Vbh i a]bh asi t a , ppl . spoken ; as n. [1 176a], whatis spoken , the words. [Vbhas.]V bh as (bh ii sati, -te ; babhi sé ; bh i sith ) .

shine. [cf.Vbh i ]+ p r a t i , sh ine over against, make a

show, appear wel l .

bh i n, n. l igh t. [Vbh i az but cf . 1 151 .1c 9.]bh i s -k a r h ,

m . the sun.

v bh i k s (bh iksate ; bibh iksé ; bum”;bh iksitum ; bhiksitva) . desire to h ave

a share for one’s self, wish for ; then ( l ike

the Eng .desire,‘express a wish re

quest ; beg ; esp . go begging for food.

[old desid. of Vbhaj , 108g l end : cf .

bunks ]bh i k s$ , f . - 1 . the act of begging, beg

ging ; — 2. that wh ich is got by begging,

alms. [Vbh iks, w. the re lation of

1 to 2, cf . that of Eng. getting,‘act of

getting,’to getting, that wh ich is

bh i d (bhinhtti, bhintté ; bibhéda , bi

bhidé ‘ bh et [832] bh stsyéti , -te

bhianh [957d] bh éttum bhittvii.-bhidya ) . cleave, cut asunder ; break in

twain , 102 sm ite sore ( in battle ) , 81 5 ;pound, bruise, crush (as a reed) , 70


pierce. [orig.‘spl it, crush

’: cf . Lat.


perfectfldi ; Ger . beissen,Eng. bite ; al so bit,

‘ morsel ,’and bit


par t

of a bridle’

; bitter , used of a sword, w. a

trace of the orig. mg, Beowulf, 2705 ;caus. ba it, in ba it a bea r,

‘ make dogs bite

h im ,

’and ba it a hor se


‘ let him


p r a , split for th or open.

+ v i , spl it asunder ; break to pieces.

destroy .

bh i y as , as. fear . [Vbh i, 1 151 .2c.]V b h i sa j (bhishkti ) . heal .

bh i sé j a . heal ing ; as m. healer . [Vbh isaj ,

V bh i ( V. bhhyate ; V. and later , bibhéti

bhétum ; caus . bh i'

ahyate fear ;be afraid of bhi ta, having feared.frigh tened ; caus. sfir igh t. [w. bi-bhé-ti,

cf .Old High Ger . bi-bé-t, trembles,’whose

bi is sy l lable of reduplication, Ger . bebt,

AS. beof a'li, trembles the connection of

th ese words with aéB-opsu,‘am afeard,

flee in frigh t,’and games, fear ,

’is stil l a

moot-point ]b h i 1: fear . (th is,bh i ta, ppl. feared ; as n. [1 176a], fear .bh i

m a, a . fearful , terrible ; as m. Bh ima,

name of a Vidarbhan king. [V bh i,1 166b.]

b h i m a -p a r ak r am h , m. terrible

strength or courage. [1264,bh i m a-pa r ak r am a , a . possessing

bh ima-par i kramfl, 111

, 23. [ 1293 ]

bh i m a -

gas a n a , n. command or sum

mons of Bh ima. [1264 ,b h i ru, a . timid. [Vbh i , 1 192 ]V 1 b h uj (bhujati ; bhugna ; -bhdjya ).bend ; turn ; make crooked. [so far as

the meaning goes, the fol lowing words

may wel l be taken as cognate : ¢Ir7

Lat.j ug-ere,‘turn about, flee

; AS. big-cu,

‘ bend, turn about’


also ‘ flee,’Eng.verb bow (as in bow down ) ,

‘ bend’

; AS. boga , Eng. bow,

‘arcus ,


ra in-bow ; Ger . bieg-sam


pliable,’Old Eng.

bi l l -sum,

pliable, y ielding,’ Eng. buxom,

‘ li the, l ively ,vigorous

’: but the Ger

manic g raises phonetic difficul ties which

are not yet satisfactori ly cleared up.]2b h uj (bhunhkti , bhufikté ; bubhbja,bubhujé abhujat bhoksyi ti , -te

bhuktd ; bhbktum ; bhuktvfi). 1 . en

joy ; in Veda , (have use with , i .s .) havethe use of a th ing (and so w.

- 2. in later Sht. ( l ike Ger . genicssen ,cj i

also bhoga and bh ojana ), enjoy esp . food,


w. acc.; - 3. without obj ect, take one’s

meal ; then - 4 . enjoy (things that are

not food) , w. acc.,

- 5. reap the frui t

(of sin ) at the hands of a person

79 ‘7 ; — 6. caus. cause to take food, feed.

[ if for ebhruj (but th is is doubtful — see

Vbhaflj ), then cf . Lat. f rui, gfrugvi,‘ have

use with’

(a th ing, hence instr .


; f rug-es ,‘ fruit ’ ; AS. brfican



(food or dr ink ) ,‘ use,

’Eng. brook,

orig. use ,’now

put up

+ a nu, reap the fruit (of good or evil

deeds ) .

+ upa ,- I . enjoy , esp. (enjoy food, i .s .)

eat ; - 2. reap the fruit (of good or evil

deeds ).

bh uj a i ii - g am a , m. serpent. [‘


with bending or with crooking’bhajan ,

grd of V 1 bhuj , 995 : for mg, cf . khaga .]V bhur (bharati ) . make short and quick

motions, twitch , jerk, kick, struggle, stir .

[ci . ¢6pw, stir around, mingle’

; paw,

‘ bubble’

; Lat.fitr-ere‘ be agitated, rage



‘ boiled ofi Eng. brew,

‘ boil


bhur a na , a . ( like the Eng. stir ring, i.s.)both 1 . moving quickly and - 2. active,

busy . [Vbhur , l 150.2c.]V bh ur any a (bhuranyati ).busy . [bharana, 1059d.]

bhuv a n a ,n. - 1 . being, existence ; — 2.

wor ld ; — 3. with viqva : sing., tout le

monde ; pl ., al l beings. [Vbh t'

i , 1 150.

2c.]bh a v a n s -t r a y s , n. wor ld-tr iad, i.e.

heaven and atmosphere and earth .

bh flv a s , the second q/'

the so-ca lled “utter


(see vy i hrti ) , bhuvas i, interpreted

as air or atmosphere, on account of its

pos ition between bh iir and svar . [prob.

nothing more than th e voc. pl. of bh t‘


‘ 0 yo

V bh i'

i (bhavati , -to ; babh iiva [789a] ;Abhfit bhavisyéti , -te bh iith bhh

vitum ; bhfitvi ; caus . bhava

yati, -te ) . become, 67 21,

come into being, 9217; ar ise, h appen,

take place ; exist ; very often to be ren

dered simply by be, 7 1 ;—pfirvam abh i


i d r i ja, once there was a

be stirring,

king, 481; tath i bhavatu, so be it,

so pr i fljal ir bh t'

itva, (having become pr i fljal i , i .s.) assuming suppl iant

posture , - w. possessive gen., become

(the property ) of a person ; i dhipatyamtasya babh t


iva, lordsh ip became h is , he

attained lordship, 371; seldom w. da t.,

— imperative, bhavatu: (be it, i.e.)good ; enough ; what

s th e use of talking,

the th ing is clear , 237,

tad bhavatu, never mind that,— bhfita , see e.u. in self-expla iningper iphrases w. ppls, 52 ‘7,- des id. bubh iisati desire to be


[w. ‘ bh iit cf . ( cps,‘ became, grew


cf . Lat.fiH'


’Old Lat. f it-cl ,


; AS. beo'


‘am Eng. be.]

a rm ,— 1 . (perhaps be along after ,

and so) come up with , attain ; - 2. ex

perience ; enjoy , — 3. (experience,i.e.) make practica l acquaintance with ,

come to understand ; perceive ; hear , 431


a bh i , be against [1077 oppress,

and so overpower .

ud , arise up, make itself perceptible.

+ p a r i , - 1 . be around, surround, en

compass ; - 2. (l ike the Eng. colloq. get

around, i.e.) get the better of, prove

superior to ; be super ior to, and so - 3 .

treat with contempt, 37

+ p r a ,- 1 . come forth into being ;

arise ; - 2. be before (others ) , have‘


power ; have power, be strong.

+ v i , (become asunder , i.s.) expand, develop pervade ; — eaus . cause to expand

or open ; discover ; vibhavita , discovered,found out.

+ s am ,— 1 . (unite [intrans.] togeth er ,

and so take form , i.s .) be shapen in its

old sense, he created ; be born, come

into being ; become ; originate ; sam

bh t‘

ita, sprung from , 19 13 ; - 2. exist,

be, sambabh iiva, am, RV .

x.- 3. happen, occur ; pass

cur rent, 527; - caus. — 1 . (cause to be

together, bring into form , i .s .) make,accomplish ; —2. honor , 30

13; — 3. (bring

together , and so,l ike Eng. con-jecture )

suppose. [development of cans. mg 2

unclean ]

bh fi] [208]

ab h i - s am , ( l it. become unto, i .e.)attain (e.g. a condition ) by a process of

change, enter into (e.g. wifehood) , 86 19:

be born unto ( immortal ity ) , 973.

b h t‘

l [351 0. at end of cpds, becom ing,

being, existent ; as f .— 1 . a becom ing,

being ;— 2. the place f or mg, cf. bha

vana ) of being, the wor ld, space p l .

wor lds, spaces (of . bhuvas ) 3. the

earth , as distinguished from heaven and b hur i - k i l a , m. long time.

atmosphere ; bh avi, on earth ; — 4. the bh fir i - s th i t r a , a . having many sta

land, lands . [Vbhfi, tions, being in many places.

b huta, ppl .— 1 . become, been, i.s . past ; b h fir nim. stirring, and so v igi lant, jealous

real ; - 2. having become, being, used in (of a god) . [Vbhur , 245b.]composition as . its predicate as a grommati V b h i e (bh l

laati bhfiafiyati [IO-flan}cal device to give the predicate an adj . f orm 1 . bhfiaati , be busy for ; — 2. bh iiaayati,

w. number and gender 6 7, 19 29 (make ready for , i .s .) adorn .

— 3 . as n. ( that wh ich has become, bh fisa na , n. ornament. [Vbh iia mg 2

i .s .) a being, divine or human or

other ; creature in genera l , 2113:

created th ing, wor ld,— 4 . as m. n . uncanny being, ghost, gob

l in ,— 5. as n. element ; pafica

bhutani , five elements (ear th water , fire ,

air , ether , of wh ich the body 18 composed

and into which it is dissol ved) , 68 9 ;

so 66 1-3. [V bhfi : cf. cps-7 6 4 ,‘


b h r (bibharti bharati , -te V.

j abh i ra, jabhr é [789b] ; later , babhi ra ;abharsit ; bhar isyati ; bhrth ; bhattan ;o bhttya ) . bear (cf . the var ious senses ofbear m Eng.) thus , — 1 . hold, and so pos

seas ; - 2. bear ( in the womb ) ; abbat st,she bare, — 3. endure ; - 4 . carry ,

convey ; — 5. (bear , i.e., as in Latimer )win ; — 6. bring (as an offer ing, cf. of-fer ) ,

w fidhar , ofier th e breast,

suck le, 78° — 7 . (bear , i .s.) support

and so ( l ike Eng. support) , furnish sus

tenance to, 229; maintain, RV.x. 125. 1 ;

so al so, keep (on hire ) ; — 8 . wear (as Ger .

tragen means ‘ bear’and ‘ wear w.

nakh i ni, wear th e nail s, keep th em un

trimmed, 6419

. [ci . «pipes, Lat. f ero, Eng.

bea r,

‘ bear’in its various mgs, Ger . gs

b h i t a - g r am a , m. sing. and pl. commu

ni ty of creatures .

bhut a -b h i si , f . language of the gob

l ins or Pieachas.

b hu- t a l a , n. earth-surface, ground, ear th .

[cf . tala.)bh i t i , f . being, esp. wel l-being. [V bh ii :cf . onions, a being,

bh fi - p a , m. protector of the earth or land,

king, prince. bat-en, br ing forth AS. bear -n,Eng.

b h fi-p a t i , m. lord of the land, king, ba irn


‘ch i ld,

’is an old ppl ., l it.


prince. wh ich is hom e or born cf . a lsoMp, Lat.b h ii -bh i g a , m. spot of the earth , place.

b h fim a n , n. earth ; wor ld. [Vbh i 1 168.

1d : for mg, cf . bh ir.]b h fim i , _fi - l . ear th ,

57 1 1 ; ground, 43“;

— 2. land ; - 3. place , esp. fit place,

proper vessel (cfZ sthana , pi tt a ) ,

[Vbh ii, 1 167 : for mg, cf. bh ii .]bh i n i - p a t i , m. lord of the land, k ing,


bhum i -b h i g a , m. spot of ground.

f i r , carr ier off, th ief’: see also under

the derivs, bhara , bhartr, and bh rti ; cf .

bhara and the fol lowing ]a p a , carry ofi, take away ,

a v a , bear down (an assailing weapon ),ward off .

i , hear unto, bring to.

upa ,bring unto.

n i , only in ppl., nibhrta , (borne down,lowered, i.s.) h idden .

b hum i - sth a , a . standing on the ground.

[emb h fiy i ns , a . more ; greater. [

‘ becoming in

a h igher degree, increasing,’

Vbh ii, 4702]

bh l‘

l r , thefirst of the three“utterances

(seevy i hrti ) , bhfir l, O earth . [crystal l izedvoc. sing. of blui ]

bh ii r i , a . abundant ; much . [Vbh i , 1 191

bh r i trsth ana]


; Lat. fi é-ter ,‘ brother


Eng. brothen ]bh r i tr - s th an a , a . (having, i .e.) takingthe brother

’s place ; as m. representative

of a brother.

bh r uv a , f or bir d at end of cpds, 13150.

b h r il f . brow. [cf . b-¢p6-s,‘eye


; AS. br ii,


-l id Eng. brow.]

m a pron. root, see ahhm. [cf. p s



Lat. me, AS. me”

, Eng. me.]V m a nh (manhate ) . make great or abnudant a th ing (acc.) for a person

grant abundantly to. [for omagh , cf .

magha orig. be great,’

and trans.

‘ make great or h igh ,’and essential ly

ident. w. Vmah : see under Vmah : formg, cf . Lat. la rgas,

‘ large, liberal ,’w .

la rgi r i,‘

give l iberal ly ,’and Eng. la rge

with largess .]manh i sth a , a . granting most abundantly ,

most generous. [Vmanh ,m a - k i r a , m. the letter m. [Whi tneym a k h a, a . jocund. [cf. Vmah .]m a g h dh a , m. pl . Magadhans, name of a

people ; Magadha, name of their country,

Southern Behar .

m a g a dh a - dega , m. the land of Magadha.

V m a g h , see manh .

m a g h a, n. l iberal gif t ; boun ty . [Vmagh ,i .s . m ilk ]

m a g h é v a n a . — 1 . abounding in

liberal gifts , generous ; esp.,as m.

, gener

ous (patron ) , designation of the rich lord

who institutes a sacr ifice and pays the

priests, 881 — cf . siir i appl ied in pa rticula r

to Indra, as Rewarder (of pr iests and

singers ) , — 2. in the

Epos , Th e Generous One, standing epithet

of Indra, 511

. [magha,m a fig a l a, n .

— 1 . wel fare, luck ; — 2. any

th ing lucky , auspicious , ar of good omen ;— 3. old or traditional usage,

m a ii g a l y a , a . lucky , suspicious, of good

omen. [mafigala, 1212d

m a c - ch i sy a ,m. pupil of me, my pupil .

[mad gisya , 159,

V m a j j (mdjjati , -te ; mamajj a ; Amajj i t ;mai ksyhti,

-te majj isyMi magna

maul tum ; omajya ). sink under ;

dip one’

s self ; dive ; duck or sub-merge,

intrans. [perhaps or ig. smaagh, get

into’: cf . madga ,

‘ duck’

; Lat. ma g-ere


‘ duck’

; merg-as


‘ diver’bird : for the

ph onetic relations, cf . majj an , Avestan

mazga , Church S lavonic mozga, AS.

mearg, Eng. ma r row, Ger . Ma rk, al l mean

ing‘ marrow


’and, as meaning or igina l ly

the inmost part or pith ,’

prob. from this

root : see rajju.]ud , e


ui , sink down ; dip one’

s self, bathe.m a j j i o , Pralcr it f or marj i ra-s

and f or maj -jara-s (‘ my

m a th a r a , a . perhaps pers istent ; as n .

Mathara, name of a man .

m ani , m. - 1 . pear l ; jewel ; - 2. water

jar .

m ani k a , as. large water-jar . [maul ]m a nda p a ,

m. n. open hal l or pavil ion.

m anda p i k i , f . sma l l shed or shop.

[mandapa, 1222 and d.]m i nda l a ,

n. disk, circle, ring.

m andfik a ,m. frog ; f . mandfiki [355b],

female frog.

m a tf , f . - 1 . (thinking upon, i.s., like the

Ger .An-dach t, see dh i 2) devotion ; pioushymn or song of praise , — 2.

though t ; though ts , purpose,

mind ; intention ; - 3. opinion ; — 4. nu

derstanding, intel l igence. [Vman ,

q.v. : cf . Lat. mens , stem men-ti,‘ mind


AS. ge-myn


‘ mind,’Eng. mind.]

m a t i - p r a k a r sa , m. wi t-superiority, i.s.

a fine dodge.

m i t s y a , as. fish . the l ively one,’

Vmad ]V

_m a th or manth (mathni ti , mathnite ;manthati ; mathati mami tha , ma

mathus, mamanthds, methus ; an ath

it ; mathisyati. -to, manthisyati ; math

— 1 . stir or wh ir l ; w. aguim, produce fire

by wh ir ling the stick of attrition in a dry

piece of wood ; - 2. shake, agitate, dis


p r a , agitate.

V m a d (mfldati ; mfidyati ; man i da

ayati , -ts ) .

water , and as a type of joyousness ;spam iirmir madann iva stomas , praise

(joyous ) as a bubbling water-wave,

boil. be agitated ;- 2.fig. be (pleasantly

[m anna

- 1 . bubble, undul ate, of m a dh y am h ,- 1 . midmost, situated be

tween ; - 2. of middling qua lity , size, etc.

— 3. as m. n. the m iddle (of th e body ) ,waist ; - 4 . as n. the middle (of anything ) .

[madhya, 474 : cf . 525excited, i .s .) glad ; rejoice ; w. instr .

, V m a n (manyate ; mené [794e] ; 4mmbe exhi larated or intoxicated with joy ;— 3. esp .

, as describing the life of the

gods and the blessed, be in bl iss ; w. cog

nate acc.,— 4. trans . gladden ,

rejoice ,intoxicate ; matta, drunk ; — caus .

— 1 . act. gladden ;- 2. mid. take deligh t,

[the rather rare physical mg ( 1 ) is

prob. the orig. one, w. a transfer to fig.

use, as in Eng. bubble over with j oy or

mirth, be moist Lat. mad-Ere,

be soaked, ful l , drunk’

; mat-ta-s (mg 4 )and Lat. ma t-tu-s,

‘ drunk’: see the col la

teral form Vl mand, and Vn ud.]+ud , be out (of one

’s senses ) with ex

citement ; be frantic.

p r a , take pleasure.

m a d ,so-cal led stem of 1st pers. pron.


mAd a , m. excitement, inspiration, intoxi

cation, pl . intoxicating drinks,esp .

Soma-draugh ts, NM ]m a d i y a ,

a . mine. [mad, 1215d.]m a dg d , m. a water-fowl . diver ,

’ Vn aj j ,

q .v.]m adh u,

a . sweet ; as n . sweet food and

dr ink : esp. Soma ; m ilk and its products ;

qflenest honey , [cf. p ies,‘ wine


AS medu,Eng. mead.]

m a dh ur a ,a . sweet ; of speeches, h oneyed.

[mhdhu, 1226a.]madh y a ,

— 1 . as n. middle ; w. nabhasas

middle of h eaven , m id-heaven ; madhye

in the m iddle, w. gen. [1 130] or at

end of cpd, in the m idst of in 1 8 7,

- 2. m. n. ( the middle, i.s.) the waist ;

mansyate, -ti ; math ; maatam ; matvfi;-ms.nya, -m£tya ; desid. mimansate ) . ,be

minded : 1 . th ink, bel ieve, imagine, 34

conjectur e ; yadi nanyath i man

yase, if thouart not otherwise m inded, if

thou art agreed, manye, inserted

pa renthetica lly, methinks, 51 13 ; expect.

52u —2. consider someth ing (acc.) assomething 37 7


praptaki lam amanyata, considered (sc.

it) an arr ived time, though t that the time

had come, bahuman , consider as

much , esteem , h onor ; — 3. th ink fit or

righ t, 101° — 4 . th ink upon, set the heart

on , 34; — 5. have in mind or view,

— caus ., see mi naya ;

— desid. consider ,

examine, cal l in question . [cf . p i -pov-a,‘ mind i.s. fix the though ts on, wish ,

str ive (see man 4 ) ; Lat. me-min-i,‘ keep

in m ind’

; AS. preterito-present man,



’and the indirectly connected

mti'nan, Eng. mean,

‘ have in mind, ln

+ a nu, (be minded after anoth er,i .e.)

fol low another in opinion, assent, ap

prove ; consent ; give leave, w. ace. of

person ,49 4 ; permit,

+ a b h i , — 1 . put one’s mind upon, de

sire ; abbin ata , desired, agreeable ; - 2.

have intentions against [1077 plot


a v a , (mind, i .e. regard downwards, i.s .)re garder de haut en has, look down upon ,

l ike the La t. de-spicere, despise, treat wi th


- 3. as adj .,used l ike La t. medius : samu m an a s ,

n. mind, in its widest sense as

dr am madhyam , in medium mare. [cf .

p iaoos, sp ed-j o-s, Lat. medias, Goth .midj is,AS. mtd

,Eng. mid

m adh y a- g a ,

a . situated in th e middle

of , tarry ing among.

m adh y a - car i n , a . moving in the m id

dle of (w. gen.,

i .s. moving


appl ied to the powers of conception,wi ll ,

and emotion : thus,— 1 . th e intel lect ; the

though ts, 66 7 ; understanding,

mind, — 2. re

fiection ; excogitation ; perhaps the thing

excogitated, praise, or ( l ike dh i 2) devotion, 73

7; — 3. wish , inclination towards ;

— 4 . desire ; — 5. feel ings ; disposition ;14 ‘



heart, 787. [Vman cf. p ivot,

‘ mind,


; Lat.M iner -cc , the goddess‘


m a n i sfi, f .— 1 . though t ; understanding ;

instr . mani si , adv. wisely ;- 2. expression

of though t and wisdom in saw, prayer ,

and hymn (cf. dhi 2) . [Vman ,1 197b.]

m a n i s i n , a . 1 . having understanding,

wise ; — 2. prayerful , devout. [manisfl1230a.]

m h nu, m. — 1 . man ; collectively (as in

Eng.,and l ike Hebrew adam ) , man , man

kind, 731 9; — 2. ( like Hebrew Adam ) The

Man xar’

l foxfiv, Mann, father of man

kind ; Mann, as originator of prayer ,

praise, and sacr ifice, Mann, as type

of piety and majesty, Mann, sup

posititious author of the law-book of the

Manavas. [cf. Goth . manna , Ger . Mann,

AS. man,Eng. man : the noun is genera l

ized to a quasi pronoun in AS. man, Ger .

man,l ike Lat. home in French on

, but

reta ins a distinct form as noun in Ger .

Mann (as homo does in French homme) :

cf . al so Mannus, myth ical ancestor of the

West-Germans (Tacitus, Germ ania,

perhaps related are Miyu-s and M im s,

myth ica l Greek forefathers : the der iva

tion of m an fr . Vman, think,’is unobjec

tionable so far as the form goes ( 1 1 78b ) ,but the usual explanation of m an as

‘ the th inker’defies common sense ]

m a nu-j a ,m. man. [prop. adj .,

‘ Manu

born, sprung from Mann,’

m a nuj en dr a , m. (prince of men, i .s .)

pr ince, king, 15. [manoja + indra ,

m a n n ay a,— 1 . a. human ; — 2. as m. man.

[manus, l 212d 1 : cf . manusa : for mg 2,see manava .]

ma nusy a tv h , n. condition of being man .

[mannaya, 1239 ]m a n n ay a -d ev h , m. human god [1280

1 ]or man-

god [1280b] or god among men

i.s.Brahman, 951.

ma n n ay a - l ok h , m. world of men.

mAnus , m. man. [cf.mhnuand 1 154 ]

gua n o - r a th a , m. wish . [l it.‘ h eart


joy,’manas + 2 ratha.]


m an ta , m. counsel , i .s. del iberation ; then

( l ike Eng. counsel ) , resul t of deliberation,

plan, intent. [Vman , 1 161a.]m i n t r a , m.

— 1 . though t ; esp. though t as

uttered in formal address, in prayer or

song of praise (see dh i 2) , or in pious text ;- 2. usua l des igna tion of the hymns and

texts of th e Vedas ; — 3. la ter (when

these Vedic texts came to be used as

magic formulas ) , spel l , charm ; — 4 . l ike

mi ntu, deliberation, plan. [Vman, 1 185b :

for mg 3, cf. Lat. ca rmen,‘solemn utter


(see Vga ins ) , th en ‘ magic spel l ,’

whence Eng. cha rm ]m a n tr a -da ,

a . giving, i .e. impar ting the

sacred texts, t.e.,as m.

,Veda-teacher .

V m a n t r a y a (mantrayate - 1 .

speak with solemn or forma l utterance ;— 2. deliberate. [denom . of mantra

see its various mgs.]a nu, fol low with a mantra, accompany

with a sacred text, l ike La t. prosequi


+ abh i , address a spell unto ; charm or


+ 5 , speak unto ; esp. bid farewel l to,

ui , invite. [for mg, of. (under Vbudh )Eng. bid,

‘ make formal announcement

of,’and then

s am-ui, invite togeth er ,

m a n t r a v a n t , a . accompanied by sacred

texts. [mantr a, 1233 ]m a n tr a -v a r a , m. the wording of a

sacred text.

V l m a n d (mandati ; man anda ; amandit) . gladden, 74

4. [col lateral form of

Vmad.)V 2m a n d or mad (mamétti ; madati ).tarry, loiter. [ampl ification of aman,‘remain,

’the congener of p in-em, Lat.


m a n da ,a . — 1 . tarry ing, slow ; —2.

(sluggish , and so) weak ; insignificant ;

l ittle ; — 3. ( like Eng. col loq. slow) stupid.

[V2mand,m a n da -bh i gy a ,

a . having li ttle luck,

unlucky .

m a n o - h a r a ,a. (heart-taking, i.s.) cap m a n da r a , m. Mandara, a sacred moun


m asyabh a'


m a sy - s h kav a , m. lack of ink.

V m a h (mdhate ; n amabe mahita;

mahitvfi; caus . mahhyati , -te ) . or ig. he

great or high , and so — 1 . mid. be glad,

rejoice ; then (trans. make great or h igh ,

and so) - 2. act. elate ; gladden ; exal t

(mid ) , —3. esteem high ly , honor.

[for omagh, cf . magha, also Vmanh

for orig. mg, cf. participial adj . mahant,‘

great’: for mgs 1 and 2, cf . American

coll oq . use of high as‘ h igh in spirit,

elated, esp. intoxicated

— with orig. Vsmagh in the mgs‘ be

great, migh ty, i .s . powerful or able,’trans.

‘make able, help,’cf . pox

-Ads,‘ h elping

bar , lever’

; mix-ad )‘means

; Goth . mag,

AS. 11mg,‘am able, Eng. may

— with the col lateral form smag, whose

deaspiration is prob. Indo-European, cf .

picky-as, Lat. mag

-nus, AS. mic-cl , Eng .

mickle, great’

]mAh , f . mah i, a . great ; migh ty ,

strong ; —mahi, as subst. the great, i .s. the

earth ; f or mg, cf pr th iVi'

. [cf. Vmah :see 400

m a h d ,a . great. [Vmah ]

m a h h n t [45oh ], f . mahati, — 1 . a . great

( in space, time, quantity , or qual i ty , and

so) , large, long, migh ty , important ; sig

nificant, as m. great or noble man ,— 2. m. (se. i tman ), the inte l

lect, 67 17. [orig. ppl . of Vmah , q.v.]m a h a r si , m. great Rishi.

m ah a s , n. greatness ; migh t ; glory ; glad

ness ; mahobhis , adv.: with power ,

joyful ly , [Vmah, see its var ious mgs.]m a l l a, used as pr ior member of a cpd, instead

of mahant, 1249h , 355a. [Vmalt ]m a h a- k a th i , j : great tale.

m a h a- k a v i , m. great poet.

m a h a- kul a , n. (great, i.e.) noble family.

m a h a guru, a . exceedingly reverend

as m. per son worthy of unusual

h onor .

m a h a- t a p a s , a . (having, i .s.) practising

m a h a- dh a n a , 0. having great weal th ,very r ich .

m a h a-p a i k a , m. n. (great, i.s.) deep

m a h i - p andi ta ,a . exceedingly learned

[1279]m a h i p a r i dh a , m. great crime.

m a h a-p r aj na , a . very wise

m a h i - h i h u, a. great armed i.s.


m a h i -bh ii ta , n. grosser element, i.s.

earth , air , fire, water , or eth er (as distinguished from a subtile element or rudi

mentary atoms ) .

m a h i -m a n a s , a . great-minded.

m a h i -mun i , m. great sage.

m a h i -y a j iia, as. great sacrifice, 59° rt.

m a h a- y a ga s , a. having great glory ,


m a h a- r i j a, as. great prince.

1315a.]m a h i - r i v a , or. great howl .

m a h i - v i k r am a , a . having great m ight

or courage ; as m. Great-migh t, name of a

[r i isa

m a h i -v i r a, as. great hero.

m a h i -v r a tfi, n. great vow.

m a h i - v r a ta , a . having a mahavratt ,having undertaken a great vow.

m a h i - s i nh a , m. great lion.

m ah i , a . great. [Vmah .]m a h i tv a, n. greatness, migh t.

m a h im dn , m. migh t ; instr . mahi nii,425e. [Vmah , 1 168.2b.]

m a h i sa, a . mighty ; mahieo mrgas, the

powerful beast, i.s. bufial o, RV . ; as m

without mpgn, hufialo, - mh.h isi, f .

[acct, cj 1362h th e powerful one, as designation : of a woman of high rank ; of the

first wi fe of a king, I“; sometimes of any

queen of a king, 501. [Vmal l , 1 197h .]

m a h i , see under mi ll .

m a h i - k ei t , m. earth -rul er , king.

m a h i - p a t i , m. earth -lord, king.

great austerity ; as m.Great-penance, name m a h i p 5 1a m. earth -protector, king.

of a sage.

m a h atm a n , a . having s (great, i .s.) noblenature, noble ; magu-animus. [mah ii h naa ]

V m a h i y a (mahiyate ). be glad, happy,

blessed. [prep.‘ be great, high ,


of mah i with the modification of

mg mentioned under Vmah , q.v.]


m a h e n d r h , m.

great chief, 10“ (w. mg 1 a lso) . [mal lsindra ]

m a h en d r a tv a , n. the name or dignity

of Great-Indr a.

m a h egv a r a , m. great lord ; esp.,as pl .,

designation of the four l okapal i s , Indra,Yama, Agni , and Varuna. [maha

igvara Jm a h i uj a s , a . h aving great strength ,

migh ty . [mah i ojas.]V 1 m i (mimi


te [660 mamad, mamé ;

dmi sta ; mi td mistum ; mitvi ;-mi ya ) . — 1 . measur e ; — 2. measure

with , compare ;— 3. mete out ; — 4 . ar

range, form ; build ; make, [for 1 ,cf . pt-r pcr ,

‘ measure ’

; Lat. ni-mi-as ,‘not

to be measured, excessive’

; for 4 , cf.

p it-pa and Lat. md-nu-s,

‘ former , i .s. hand’


sit-M s,‘ handy , easy

’: see al so the col

later al form Vl mi,‘ buil d, set up,


under mi tt and miss.]a nu, (form after , i .s.) re-create in

imagination, conceive .

up a , measure with , compare.

n i s ,fash ion or make out of con


+ v i -n i s , lay out (garden ) .

p a r i , measure around, l imit.

p r a , m easure .

+ p r a t i , m ake (so as to he a match )against, cf . pr atima.

+ v i , measure out ; then ( l ike Eng. meas

ure ) , pass over , traverse ( the sky ) .

2m i . or mi (m lm i ti [660h mimdya ) .bel low.

v i , bel low or cry aloud.

m i , adv. and conj . not, mostly in prohibitions

[1 122b] : — I . regular ly w. subj unctive, i .s.

augmentless f orm of a past tense [579etc. ; in order that not, 53

7; — 2. w.

imperative,— 3. ra rely w.

optative, 7917; — 4 . w. evan , not so, 38


— 5. w. u, me, see u. [cf . pi), Elian pd,‘not, th at

m i s s and means n. meat, flesh ; usedalso in pl . [cf. Church Slavonic mesa,Pruss ian mensa ,

‘ flesh ’: cf. 64 7m]

m i ns a tv a , n. the being meat, the styme

logical meaning of mi nes .


— 1 . Great-Indra ; - 2. m i fis a - r uc i , a . having pleasure in meat,

greedy for meat.

m anna - l uh dh a , a. desirous of meat.

[V lubb ]m aI


) g a l y a a. bringing happiness, pleas

ant. [mangala]m i c i r am , adv. (not long, i .s.) shortly ,

straigh tway . [m i ciran ,1 122h

m i th a r a ,m. Mathara, name of a man.

[mathara, 1208f .]m i na v a , m. boy , youngster . [not akin

w. manu,‘ man

’: perhaps for smalnava :fi/

cf . Prussian malnyz,

m i na v a k a , m. manikin ,dwarf. [mi n

ava , 1222h .]m i ta r i gv a n , m. Matar icvan, mystic

name of Agni.

m i tul a m. mother’

s broth er . [mi try1227 2 : cf. pin


pans, Doric pd‘rpms,

‘ mother’


m i tt j : moth er ; applied also to th e

earth , the Dawn, th e sticks of attr ition

[perhaps‘ the one who metes

out’ food to the h ousehold, or e lse ‘ the


of the chi ld in th e womb,

V l mi , ‘ measure or mete ,

’ ‘ form ,

’1 1 82d

cf . pfimp, Doric pdr‘

np, Lat. mi ter,

AS. mo'

der,Eng. mother also pa



m atrta s , adv. from the mother , on the

m oth er’s side. [mam 1098b.]

m i trv a t , adv. as one’s moth er .

mat r i , f — 1 . measure ; at end of adj .

cpds [see 13020 having as its measure,

so and so long or h igh or large, etc

j i nn-matr a, knee-deep vyiima-m i tra , a

fathom bread ; — 2. the ful l measure,i.s . l im it ; at end of adj . cpds , having as

its l im it, not more th an and then , these

adj . cpds being used substantively ( 1247

merely , only , mere

such a cpd as first member of an

other cpd, hence - 3 . f rom

this fiequent use qf mi tr i at end ofcpds in the f orm mi tra the quas i

stem,mi tra, n. measure, i.s. h eight,

depth , length , breadth , distance

[Vl ms'

u ‘ measure,’1 1850 : cf . p i-r pov,

m i da , m. revelry. [Vmai ]


1 mans ]

1 m i n a , m. n. — 1 . Opinion ; —2. ( l ike the

Eng. opinion ) estimation, esp. good esteem ;

- 3. honor . [Vmam2 man s ,

m. l ike the Eng. building, and

so structure, castle. [V1 mi , make,

bui ld,’1 150. l a.]

3 m inus , m.— 1 . l ike the obs. Eng. maker ,

r oam-433, poet ;- 2. as name of Agas

tya’s father , Mi na. [do.]

m i n a - da , a . (giving, i .s.) showing honor

(to others ) ; as m. honor-giver , address qfa woman to her lover .

V m i n a y a (m i nhyati ) .of l mi na : cf .

m i n a v h ,— 1 . a . human ; descended from

m an or Manu (see m an ) —2. as m. one

of the sons of men, a man ; — 3. m.

Manava, name of a school of the Yajurveda. [mitnu, 12080 : for mgs 1 and 2


observe that Old High Ger . mennisch,

th ough prop. an adj . fr. man,‘ homo



meaning‘ humenne,

’is used al so as a

subst.meaning‘ man,

’and used 1n its Ger .

form Mensch,‘man,

’as subst. only : cf .

also nara , mannaya, mi nusaJm an a v a - dh a r m a gastra, n. law-book of

the Manavas or Manava—school .

m an n ed ,a . sprung from the mind ; of the

mind. [m6nas, 1208a.]m isnusa , f .

-i , a . perta ining to man , hu

man ; as m. man (cf. mi nava ). [mi nus ,1208s end : cf.manusyaJ

m i n usa - dai v i k a , a . of men and of


m i n d i r y a,a . descended from Mandara ;

a s m. descendant of M. [mandara ,m an y h , a . descended from a poet or fromMans as m. the poet

s son or Mana’

s son.

[3miina,m i m a ,

a . l it. of mine ; voc. s. m., as word

of address of a dog to an ass,uncle.

[mama l 2o8f.]m i y i , f . — 1 . (a working, and so) a

power ; esp.,in Veda , supernatural or

wonderful power ; wile ; —2. later , tr ick ;il lusion. [V1 m§,

‘ make, i.s. have efiect,

work,’1 140, cf . 258 ]

m i y i -k a p ot a , m. il lusion-pigeon.

m ay ak a p o ta -vapas a . having

the form of a phantom-


honor. [denom .

[21 s]

m i y fn , a. wily. [may i ]m i y oh h a v y a , n. gladness, happiness.

[mayobh in 121 1 , cf . 1208c.]m i r a , m. a kil l ing, murder.

m ar a k a ta , f . -i, a . smaragdine, emerald

[mar akata , 1208f .]m i r ana ,

n. a kil ling ; w. pravi p, incur

kil ling, get kill ed. [caus. of V 1 mp, die,’

1 150. l h .]m i r i tm a k a , a . having murder as one


nature, murderous. [mar s i tmaka,

m i r ga , a. of or pertaining to game or

deer ; as m. track of wild animals, slot ;

then, in general , track, way , path . [mrga,

1208f.]m i r j a ,

adj . subst. cleaning, a cleaner , in


m i r j i r a , m. cat. th e cleaner ,’


cal led from its habit of cleaning itselfoften : fr. marja : formed l ike karmara,1 .226h

m i l a v a ,m. Malwa, name of a country in

westrcentral India.

m i l a v a -v i sa y a , m. th e land of Malwa.

m i l i , f . crown , wreath , gar land.

m i l i n , a . crowned, wreathed. [mi l l ]m al y a , n. crown, wreath . [mala,m ite m. — 1 . moon

,see candr a-mi s ;

then (as in a moon , i.e. month .

the measurer ,’Vl mi , 1 151 . cf.

may", moon Lat.M'

Ena, menstruationis


; Goth . mena, AS. mo'

na,Eng. moon ;

AS. monan deg,‘ dies Lunae,

’Eng. Mon

day ; also pigs , stem p en , Lat. menso i-s,‘ month

; AS. mo‘


S, prop.

‘a lunation,

Eng. month.]m i s s , m.— 1 . moon, see puma-mi ss ; —2.

month . [transition-stem fr . mas ,

M m .

m as s - tr a y s , n. month-tr iad, th ree

month s.

111 i s a sat.k a month -hexade, six


111 dh i n a a . glad, bl ithe. [Vmah , 1 177b.]V 1 m i (min6ti, minuté ; mimi ya ; mi ta ;

-mitya ) . bui ld ; establ ish ; set up (a post,

pil lar ). [col latera l form (250a ) of Vl ma,‘ make, build,

q.v. : cf . m it and Lat.mE-ta,

post md-rus,

m ih ] [21 8]

m i h , j : m ist. [Vmih : cf . 6-p lx-An,‘ mist

; V mud (modats ; mnmudé ; modisyAte

AS. mist, swig

-st,Eng. mist.) mnditA) . be glad, rejoice ; mndita, glad,

m idh v i ns , a . bestowing r ich ly , bountiful . happy. [cf . Vmad and V 1 mand.][said to be perfect ppl . of Vmih , 2223, i

,in i moda.

790b, m dn i , m. — 1 . pressure, th e pressing on J

im i ns y a , grdv. to be cal led in question. ward, impetus , 787 — 2. a man driven on

[fr . desid. of Vman , 1028e, by inward pressure or impulse, person in

Mm i

l huse , see midhvans and Wh itney 54. a (religious ) ecstasy , enthus iast ; later

muk ta - gi p a , a . h aving a laid aside — 3. any distingui sh ed sage or seer or

curse, leaving h is cur se behind h im . ascetic, esp . one who has taken a vow of

[Vmuc.] silence (of:manna ) ; hermit, 409, etc.

muk h a ,n.— 1 . mouth , 89


51 12 ; mum fir su,a . wishing to die, about to die,

jaws, 18 23 ; — 2. visage, countenance, moribund. [i r. desid. of VI mr, l o28b,

face, 13 3 ; snout or face of an animal , l 178f .]44 12 ; at end of cpds, esp. w. an adj . a s (mnani ti ; mnmosa ; amosit ; mus

[1298a], or adj ectively used prep . ita; musitvfi; -m 1isya ) . rob ; stea l . [cf.

or adv. [1306] denoting direction : ndaii m il s, th e th ief, i.e. mouse’

; p63,‘ mouse,

mukh a , h aving a northward face, turning and from the shape,‘ muscle

; Lat. mils,

northward ; abhi -mukha , having th e face ‘ mouse,’whence dim inutive mus-culvs

towards ; — 3. ( l ike Eng. face ) surface, ‘ muscle’

; AS. mil s,

‘ mouse’and ‘ muscle


2521 ; — 4 . ( like Eng. h ead,and l ike ch ief Eng. mouse ; Ger .Ma ns,

‘ mouse’


fiom caput) the h ead, i .e. ch ief, best, denom . mausen,‘steal ,

’in wh ich we are

most excel lent, brough t back again to the orig. mg of

m ti k h y a , a . (at th e mouth or front, and the primitive ) , and a lso ‘ muscle of the

so) ch ief, m ost excel lent. [mdkhm cf . thumb’

; fur ther , pv‘


a , enema, Lat. mus-cc ,

mg 4 : 1212a.]‘ fiy

’: see a lso muskaJ

muc (mancati , -te mumoca , ma musk i , m. — 1 . testicle ; - 2. pudenda

mucé ; Amucat ; moksyi ti , -te ; makta; muliebria. [from noun mus, i .e. (383a‘

moh tam ; muktvai ; -n doya ; mocayati , miss,‘ mouse

’: for mgs, see under Vmus

4 0 release ; free ; let go ; let cf . [d c -xen" vbd pe'

iov teal ‘

yvvatxeiov pdptov

loose, lay aside ; release esp . from w. masks , cf. al so Persian mus/dc, Eng.

the bonds of sin (93 13 ) or existence ; ( let musk,‘

perfume got from a bag behind

go, i.s. em it or ) utter , e.g. sounds ; shed the navel of the musk

( tears ) ; discharge (phl egm , urine, ordure, musk a -d ega , m. region of the testes,

smel ls ) . [orig. mg,‘to free or clear

groin .

special ized in Greek and Latin ‘ to clear musti , m.f . fist.the nose, to snot

’: cf . dwe-pdo

aw, o-pvx-j a , mus a l a ,

m. n. pestle.

Lat. e-mung-o,


; pun-Mp,«snout, Vm n h (muhyati , -te ; mumoha, 111


; Lat. mi c-as,‘snot

’: for mg, cf . mngdha, nu


relation of snout to th e cognate verbs snot be confused ; err ; lose one’s senses ;

and snite.] mi dha, fool ish , and as subst., fool , simplen i s , l et out ; release. ton. [cf . Lat. mily-sr ,

‘ fal se+ p r a , let go forth from , release from, m dh us , adv. suddenly ; in a moment ;

10. abl . mnhur mnhns, at one moment— at

v i , loosen, e.g. a bond (acc.) from another , i.e. repeatedly. [‘ in a bewilder

untie ; free ; pass. be freed or sep ing way,’

a h , l l l l d.]arated from , be deprived of, w. abl.

,but muh fir th , m. n. - 1 . moment ; —2. thir

a lso w. instr . [for last mg, cf . tieth of a day , an hour (of 48 minutes ) ,Eng. loose with lose.] [muhus.] 4

mufij a , m. sedge ; esp. Saccharum Munja. mfidh a , see V inny2 ' L


) " 'w

mfit r a , n. urine.

m ii r k h a, a. stupid, foolish ; as m. fool .

[Vmfir ch , mgm fir k h a - ga ta ,

n. fool-hundred.

Vm ii r ch (mfirchati ; mumfircha ; mfir

chi tA, m i rth become rigid :

— 1 . coagulate, acqui re consistency ; and

so — 2. take shape, be formed ; — 3 . (be

come stiff, numb, torpid, and so) become

stupid, senseless. [for mg 3, cf . Eng.

torp id,‘numb,

’and then dul l , stupid

see mur ti and mfirkha.]m ii r t i , f . firm body ,

defin ite shape, em

bodiment. [Vmfirch , 220m t


i r t i m a n t , a . having bodily form , in

carnate. [murthm t


i r d h an ,m. forehead, skul l ; head ;

oflenest figuratively, highest par t ; miir

dh ni , at th e head.

mfil a ,n. root ; fig. ( like Eng. root) , that

from wh ich a th ing grows or proceeds,

root, bas is ; capital .

m i l y a ,11 . price, 47 3-1 1 ; capital ,

[proper ly , perh aps, adj .‘

pertaining to

the root, radica l , basal ,’

and then, as

subst.,‘ basis

’of a transaction : fr . m ii la,

q.v.]m il e, 171 . f . mouse. [

‘ th e th ief,’


q .v . : see 383a 3.]musa k a , m. thief ; mouse, Mousey ,

as name of a man ,47 21 . [Vmus, q.v.]

m i sa k ak h y i , f . the name Mousey .

[i khy i z 1280b.]m ii si k a , m. mouse, rat. [a s, q .v.]m ii si k a - n i r v i gesa , a . undistinguished

from a mouse.

V 1 111 ; (mr iyate mamara ; Ami-ta ;

mar isyati ; mrta ; mattam ; m rtva ) .die ; m s, dead. [w. mrta, cf . Bpor ds,

”spor es,‘ mor tal

, cf . ¢Ah£ l -pap-dv-Ou,‘ fiame died away

; Lat. mar -i,‘ die


mars, stem mor-ti ‘ death’

; Goth . maur

h r , AS. mor‘

lior, Eng. murther , murder .

see amrta.]+ a bh i , ( lit. die against, i.s .) affect nu

pleasantly by dying ; gnruni vabhimrta,

(afiected by a teach er by dying, i.s.)bereaved by the death of a teacher .

used of “bruisers, Odyssey min-n,‘ mi l l

; Lat. mol-a ,

‘ m i l l’

; Eng. mea l (formg, cf. piste ) ; AS. mol-de

,Eng. mol-d,

‘ fine earth’

( for mg, cf . mid) : of . al so

e d.]V 3 m r , exists perhaps in marut. [cf . pappa lpw, spap


pap—j w,

‘ fiss h’

; Lat. mar-mar ,

m rg a, m.— 1 . ( l ike AS . deor ) wild animal ,

beast of the forest, as opp . to pacu,‘cattle,

’07 2 ; then — 2. (w. the same spe

cia l ization of my as in Eng. deer ) animalof the genus Cervus, deer , gazel le. [perhaps

‘ the ranger , rover ,’

e j , q.v. : for

2, observe the use of deer in th e more

general sense in King Lear, iii . 4 . 128,

“rats and such smal l

V m rj (m i rati mamérja ; amarj it,fimfirksi t ; mi rkayéte meats ; m i r stnm ;

mrstvi a lso marj itum , mar

j itvzi , rub off ; wipe away ;

clean ; po l ish .

[original meaning‘ move h ith er and

th ith er over’

: then,on the one hand,

1 .

‘range, rove, streifen ,

as in Avestan

mér égh , and Skt. mrga ; and, on th e

oth er , —2.‘

go over with the hand, i .s .

rub, wipe, str ip (a tree , a cow ) , m ilk’

for 2, cf . d-


‘ Wipe off’

; d-

p tfp

y- (o,

‘str ip off, pluck

; h-p e’

Ay- em, Lat. mulg


‘ to mi lk’

; AS. noun meolc,Eng.

mil/e.]a p a , wipe away ; a lso j ig.

, of guil t.

[cf . dr opdpyvvp t, wipe away .

p r a ,wipe oil , pol ish .

V m rd (mrlati , mrlayati be

gracious ; forgive. [for 1, see Wh itney

m r l i ka,n. grace, mercy . [e d,

Whi tneym r ta, ppl. ,

dead ; as 11 . [1 1 76s ], death .

[V l mr,‘ die.

m r ta v a t ,adv. as if dead. [mg


m r tyu,m. death . [V1 mr,

‘ die,’1 16511

see 05

V m rd (mrdnfiti ; mArdati , -te ; mamfirda ;mardisyate ; mrditi ; mArditum ;

mrditvi ; -mtdya ) . press or rub hard,

squeeze, crush , smash , destroy.


[extension of V2mr,‘crush cf . d -


liven, destroy e.g. a wal l : w. mpdu, soft,weak ,

cf. Lat. moll ts , smo/vis, smoldv-iq s,‘soft, weak,

’and Bpahv


s, mpabv- s,


(for mg, cf . Ger . weich ,‘soft,

’w. Eng.

weak, and Lat. li n-is,‘soft,

’w. len-tus



)with Vmrd in hima -mardana,

‘ melting

of th e snow,

’we m igh t compare p e

aaw,‘ mel t,

Eng. melt , but the s of the col

lateral for m smelt makes this doubtfulsee also m adam]v i , destroy .

m td , j : ear th ; loam ; clay ; mound of

earth ,62 1 3. [prop.

‘crumbled ear th ,

e d : sim ilar specia l izations of mg are

frequent : thus AS. mol-de,

‘crumbl ing

earth , dust,’Eng. mol-d

, come f r . a Vma l ,

the cognate of V 2mr,‘crush , crumble


Ger . Grand,‘sand,

’is f r. the same root

as Eng. gr ind ; Ger . Scholle,‘clod,


ser-schel len,

‘ break to pieces,’

go back to

th e same root ; logs. and loath ,‘clod,

are derivs of V ruj ,m rdu, a . soft ; weak . [e d, q.v.]m rnm é y a , a . made of ear th ; w. grha,

h ouse of clay , the grave. [mi-d +maya :

see maya .]V m t g (mrgati , -te ; mamérgau mamrgé ;

m ks“; mmfi ; mflrstnm ; -mt§ya )5— 1 . touch


, stroke ; grasp, take

hold of ; — 2. take hold of menta l ly ,

consider . [ci . the Hesychi an flpaxeiv,

V supine,‘

grasp, understand’

; Lat. mulc


+ a bh i , touch .

Vmu ( inmate. -ti ; m i tes . man teé ;

Amarsista ; -mtsya caus. marséyati ) .— 1 . forget, 92 15 ; — 2. ( l ike Eng. not

victim ; animal sacrifice.

under médas.][cf . Vmid

m edh a s ,w isdom , in su-medh as. [equiv.

of medh i ]m edh i , f . w isdom.

m e l a k a , m. assembly ; 10. kg, assemble.

[VmiLm od e k a ,

m. smal l round comfit, sweet

meat. [prop.‘

gladdener ,’

Vmud, 1 181 :

so Eng. cheer and ref reshment are appl ied

esp. to eatables.]m i ufij i , a. made of Munja-

grass ;—j Z

-i, sc. n ekhal i , girdle of Munja-grass.

[manjat l 208f .]m i a nj i - n i b a n d h a n a , n. ligation of

the Munjapgirdle.

m i un a,n. si lence. [m int l 208d.]

m n a , uncerta in verbal . m inded ; assumed

on account of alumni . [Vmui .]V m n i (mi nati ; amni sit ; mn i ta). col

latera l f orm of Vman ,

‘ be m inded,’108g.

[see V man cf. m-M -anu,

‘ keep in

V n y a k a (myi ksati ; mimyi ksaamyak ) . be fixed in or on ; be present.

s am , keep together ,

m r a da s , n . softness [e ad, col lateral

form of e d.q .v.]V m l a (mli yati ; maml i ii ; Aml i si


t ;

mlana) . wither . [col lateral form of

Vl mr,‘ die,

’and so

perish , decay ,

fadef ]n l i n a - s r a j , a . having a withered gar~


V m l uc (mlocati ;


+ a p a , go ofi,retire ; apamlukta, re

tired, h idden.

m l e cch h , m. barbar ian.

man loca mlukta) .

[l ech .]m ind ) disregard treat as of no conse V m l e ch (mléochati ). speak unintel l igibly

quence, bear patiently . or barbarously . [root .mlék : mlécchati

m ek a , a setting up, in su-méka. [V 1 mi, is for .ml ék-sketi , l ike prcchati , q .v., for

(l ' [41 1W

sprkaketi : cf . d -siv, Vp h at , ‘err ’ l

fi .


n ek h a l i , j : girdle, see 59 8 1s. m iss’

; Bade, Bun-61 ,

m ag h a, m. cloud. [Vm igh , see mih .]m éd a s , 11 . fat. [Vmi d or med (761a ) ,médyati,

‘ be

m edh a , m.— l . juice of meat

, broth ;- 2. sap and strength , essentia l par t, esp.

of the sacrificial victim ; — 3. sacrificial

y i relative pron .— 1 . wh o, which ;

sometimes f ollowing 1ts correlative :

29 5, 3015

, 527, 79 7 ;


y a j ur -v edh , m. the Veda of sacrificia l

texts , Yajurveda. [see yaj ns .]

yaj usm a n t , a . (possessing, i .s .) accompa

nied by sacrificial texts ; —j 2 -mati (se.

istaki ) , Yajushmati , name applied to

certain bricks used in building the sacred 1 yat i pron. as many , quot.

fire-pil e, and so cal l ed because each was


proverbs motivating a preceding sta tement

or action,e.g. 19 7 ; yatas tena , since


so yatas atas , 362;

yatas tad, qt: tats-s. [pron . root

ya, 510,


root ya, 510,

laid with the recitation of a special text 2 yat i m. ascetic, man wh o h as restrained

of its own. [yajus , 1235 ]

y h j us , n. — 1 . sacred awe ; worsh ip ; —2.

sacrificial text, as di stinguished fromstanza (re) and ch ant (si man ) ; — 3. the

col lection of such texts, th e Yajur-veda.

[Vyaj ,

y a j na,m. worsh ip, devotion (so in Veda ) ,

h is passions and abandoned t he wor ld ;

see i gr an a and 65 3 1s. striver , one who

takes pains, one who castigates h im se lf ,’

Vyat, 1 155 : its mg was perhaps shaded

towards that of restrainer’by a popular

connection of the word with V yam,

1 157 1 , of. 954d.]later , esp. act of worsh ip, sacrifice, offering y a tn a , m. a str iving after ; effort ; pains ;(these the preva il ing mgs ) . [Vyaj , 1 177a,201 ]

y a j i i a k r a 1511 m. sacrifice-ceremony ,

i .s. rite. [1280b.]

y a j ii a - cch ag a ,m . sacr ifice-goat. [ch i y at r a ,

adv. where, e.g.

ga ,

y aj i a - p i t t fi, n. sacr ificial utensil .

y a j fi ii r th am , adv. for a sacrifice.

than , 1302c4 .][ar

w. kr : take pains ; bestow effort upon


a th ing (loc.) at h eart,

yatne krte , pa ins having been taken.

[V yat,whi ther ;

— correl. w. tatra , 85 19 ; w. 01 13 ,

yatra yatra, wh ere soever ; catuspathe,

yatra vi , at a quadr ivium , or somewhere

(else ) , 10421

. [pron. root ya , 510,

y a j fi i y a ,a . — 1 . worthy of worsh ip or y dth i , rel . adv. and conj . — 1 . in wh ich

sacr ifice, reverend, h oly , divine 2.

active or ski l l ful in sacr ifice, pious ; as m.

ofierer . [yajfia,

y aj fiop a v i ta,a . the sacrifice-cord, sacred

cord worn over the left shoulder . [upa

y h j v a n ,m. worshipper , sacr ificer . [V yaj ,

1 160. l a.]V y a t (yatati, -te ; yeté ; ayatista ;

yatisyéti, -te ; yatita, yatta; yatitum ;

— 1 . act. join ,trans .

— 2.

mid. join , intrans. ; rangef

og e’s self in

order , proceed in rows,

$ Q — 3 . mid.

try to join , str ive after ; ta e pains ; — 4 .

cans . (cause to attain,i .s .) requite wi th

reward or pun ishm ent. [perhaps orig.

‘reach out after ’

and akin w. V yam ]a , reach to, atta in , get a foot-hold.

p r a , (reach out, i.s .) make effort, take

y h ta s ,adv. from what (time or place or

reason ) : — 1 . where, —2. because ,

for , 2823

, 386

esp. common as introducing

a pr ovcrb or the f rst (only ) qf a ser ies of

way , as ; sometimes f ol lowing its correlative :

tatha yathfi 43 23,44 23 ; evam

yathi ,— 2. but much oflener pr e

ceding its cor relative : tesim sam hanm0

of them we close the eyes, as (we cl ose)th is house, so , so 27 14,

etc. ; yath i evam, 1813, yath ii

eva ( Vedic ) , 86 13 1 3 ;— 3 . cor relative omitted : buddh im pra

kurnava , yath iLicchas i , decide ( so ) , as

thou wish est, etc. ; so with verbs

of saying, ctc. ; tad br iih i, yath i

upadadh i ma, th is tel l us (viz. th e way )in wh ich we are to put ou '


88 5 7 ;— 4 . without finite verb, as mere par ticle

of compar ison, as, l ike, e.g. so enclitic

at end qf a pads , 71 15, 87 1 1 , 1

5, 31 1


43 4 ; in solemn declarations : yath i

tens satyena , as surely as so, 12”fi.

— 5. combinations ( if ya 5 ) yath i

yath i tatha tathfi, according as so ,

the more the more, 4813; yath i tath i ,


in some way or other (of : ya b end) , atany rate, 62


6. in order that, so that, at, (so )that : in Veda, w. subjunctive,89mm“, 9019 ; later , to. opt., w.f ut.

so. pres. ind., yath i svi mi ja

gar ti, tath i mayi kartavyam, I must

act so, that the master wakes, 301° so

39 1 ; — 7 . that, w. verbs ofsaying, knowing, etc., 30

7; - f or influence

on accent of verb, see 595. [pron. root ya,

510, 1 101 : cf . article ya.]y a th i -k a r ta v y a ,

a. requiring to be

done under given circumstances ; as n.

the proper course of action, 4 11 1


y a th ak i mam , adv. according to wish ,

agreeably , 162 in an easy-going way ,

slowly , 4914

. [yAth i +kima, 1313b.]y a th i k i r y a ,

= -yath i kartavya.

y a th a k r am a m , adv. according to order ,

in regular series. [yatha krama,

1313b.]y a th i g a ta ,

a . on which one came ;-am , adv. by th e way by wh ich one came.

[yath i agata , V gam, 1313b.]y a th i i g hm , adv. l imb after l imb or

l imb on l imb ; membratim. [yath iai ga, 1313b.]

y a th i ta th am , adv. as it real ly is, ac

curately . [yath i tath l , 1313b, 1314a.]y a th abh im a ta , a . as desired, that one

likes. [yatha abbin ata, Vmam]y a th i bh im a ta - dega, m. desired place,

place th at one l ikes.

y a th ay og y am , adv. as is fit, accordingto propriety. [yath i yogya, 1313b.]

y a th i r th a ,a . according to the thing or

fact, true ; as n. the pure truth . [yath i+ artha.]

y a th ar h a , a . according to that which is

fit ; -am, adv. suitably , according to one’


dignity. [yath i arha, 1313b.]y a th i v a t , adv. according to Is comment,

comme il f aut, duly . [yathfl

y a th i v i dh i , adv. according to prescrip

tion or rul e. [yath i vidh i, l 313b.]y ath i -v rtta , a . as happened ; -a.m, w.

verb qf tell ing either the actua l occurrence

or circumstances (as nom. or ace. s.

or as it real ly happened (as adv., 1313b).

— 4 . temporal as , tad yad,

then when, 719; yad tatas , when

then, 9212; so yad ti dttna, 70


sorr el . oflen lacking : yad when

(se. then ) , 75 13 ; so 803, 81

17; whi le, 71


— hence, the temporal use pass ing insensibly

(cf . yad vaqi ma, when or if we wil l ,

and Eng. when w. Ger . wenn ) into the

conditiona l , — 5. if , 8o°1 l °o

; — yad placed

with in the dependent clause, 78 8 (quoted

under f or influence on acct

qf verb, see 595. [pron. root ya, 510,

l l l l a.]y a d i ,

adv. when ; yadi tadi or tatas.

when then ; yadi atha ,Vedic,

84 5 5-7 yada yada, quandocunque, see

tada. [pron. root ya, 1 103a.]

y ad i , adv. if ;- 1 . w.pres. ind. in protasis

apodosis has pres. ind., 37 13,

43 7,

has fut., 44 4 ; has ln

y a th i qr a ddh hm , adv. according to ln

clination, as youwill . [yatha eraddhi ,1313b,

y a th ep s i ta , a. as desired ; -am , adv.

according to one’s wi sh . [yatha ipsita,

Vap.]y a th ok ta , a. as (afore-)said ; -am, adv.

as aforesaid. [yath i -t-ukta.)y ad ,

— 1 . as nom. ace. s. n. to ya , see ya ;used in cpds and derive, see 510; — 2. as

conj unctive adv. that ; tan na bhadramkrtam, yad viqvi sah krtas, th ereforeit was not wel l done (herein ) , that trustwas reposed, 22

17; ninyi ciketa, prgnir

yad iidh o jabbara , he knoweth the

secret, that P. ofiered h er udder , 78 8

introducing oratio recta , 381; yad tad,

as for th e fact that therein, 361; so

yad v i i tad abravan, as for the

fact that they said that, indeed, 96m

— 3. in causal connections : l ike Eng. that

( i.s . on account of wh ich ) , yad

tad, since th erefore, yad

taemi t, inasmuch as therefore,since ( i.s. considering that) , 79 pur

pose : in order th at, 78 72 13 “ result

that, eti drgi dharmaj iia, yanmi m hantum udyati s, so understandingth e law, as to undertake to slay me,

28 "

yadbh avisya]

perotins, has nofinite verb, 18 17, 25 3,401 ; —2. w. fut. in protasis and apo

dos is, 993

, 1 13; — 3. w. pres . opt. in protas is

and apodosis ,—4 . to. no finite

verb in protas is : apodosis has imperative,

has no finite verb, 2713


— al ternative conditions v i ,

yadi v i v i , whether or

— apodos is introduced by tadi

(e.g. tad tarhi or

without adv. (e.g. [pron. root ya ,

l 103d.]

y a db h a v i sy a ,a . who says yad bhavis

yeti, (tad) bhav isyati or“What wil l be ,

wi ll be”; as m. fatal ist ; Yadbhavishya or

Whatwil lb’

, name of a fish . [ 13 14b.]y a m (yacchati , yayima,

yemé z flyi fi s‘

i t. draw n ; yafinsvfiti ;

yaté. yamitvs‘

i -yamya )hold hol d up, susta in, support hold

back,restrain hold out, ofier, grant,

furnish show (the teeth ) , 77 [cf .

(gala ,‘restraint, i .s .

i , ho ld out, i .s . extend, and so ( l ike

Eng. extend) , lengthen ; i yata, extended,long.

a d ,— 1 . raise ( th e arms, weapons ) ,

— 2. ( l ike Eng. take up, i .s.) under

take or set about (a thing ) ; udyata ,

having undertaken, w. inf ., 28 6.

s am -ud ,l ike ud-

yam [1077b] :raise ; - 2. set about ; samudyata, hav

ing set about, w. infi, 40

11 p a , hol d on to, take hold of esp .,

middle, take to wife, marry , 98


+ n i , ho ld, restrain ; niyata , having re

stricted one’

s self ( to a certain thing ) , al lintent upon one defini te object.

p r a , ho ld or reach out, offer , give ; give

in marriage (as a fath er his daughter ) ,98 7.

p r a t i - p r a , ofier in turn , pass (food) ,w. gen.

, 100

v i , hold asunder , stretch out.

s am , ho ld together , co-hibére, hold in

check ; samyata , resténed.y am a ,

—2. m.

(holder , i.s . bridle. [Vyam.]y ama,

- 1 . a . paired, twin , geminus ; as m.

a twin ; —2. The Twin, Yama, who, with


his sister Yam i , constituted the first

human pair , selection lxii i. ; honored as

father of mankind (qflflzl

aoj nanu) and

king of the spirits of t e eparted fathers

(pitaras ) , see 83 3m in later times,

garded as th e ‘ Restrainer’

Punisher ,’and ruler of death and of the


dead in the under-wor ld, -yami. f ” 47



Yam i , twin sister of Yams. [so Thomas,,11 /Hebrew t‘ om, means

y am h- r fij a n ,

a . h aving Yama as th eir

king ; as m. subject of Yama. [ l 302a.]y a y i t i , m. Yayati, a patriarch of the

olden time, son of Nahusha. [perhaps‘ Th e Striver ,

Vyat, cf. or fromVyi , 1 157.

y h v a ,m. or ig. prob. any grain or corn,

y ie lding fiour la ter , bar ley-com , bar ley.

[cf . ( std, s (aF-td,

y a v a-m a dh y am a ,

a . having a bar ley

corn middl e, i.s. big in the middle and

smal l at the ends, l ike a crescendo-dim in

uendo sign ; as n. the Yavamadhyama,

name of a ci ndr i yana or lunar penance.

[ 1297, 1280b.]

y h v i sth a ,a . youngest ; esp. of a fire just

born of th e sticks of attrition or just set

on the al tar . [super l . to yuvan , q.v., but

from the simpler syn ,

yav i sth y a , a . yavistha, but always at

the end qf a pads.and as diiambus .

y h v i y i ns , a . younger . [comp. to

yuvan, q.v.,but from the simpler syn,

y h ga s , n. fame, honor.

y a gas , a . honored, splendid.

y a sti , j : staff . [perhaps‘a support,


yucch , quasi-t of the present system

of yam : cf . 220,

V y a h , stir ,move quickly , inf erredfi . yaks,

q .v., and yahva,‘continual ly moving,


4 y a (yiiti ; yayi d ; eyelet m en

yi ta; yfitum ; yi tvi -

ytiya ). 1 . go ,

39 1 ; yi tas, avasitasya, of h im that

journeys (and ) of h im that rests, 10.

astam,62 see astam ; — 2. go to, w. acc.


w. dat. — 3. go to,i.s .

attain to (a condi tion ) : e.g. devatvamyi ,

attain to godhead, i.s . become divine ,

Wi] [2263

united with i.s . become possessed

of , 6015; yukta : possessed of

1 19 ; having at end qf cpd, 65 1 3 ;

— 5.pass . be joined or made ready , and so

be fitted,

suited ; yukta ,fit, suitable ,

r igh t, proper , yuktam ,adv. fitly ,

r igh tly , etc.,

- 6. yojayatiapply ; lay on

, [cf . ( eh -yum,Lat.

j ung-o,‘

yoke, harness , join’

; w. yuga,‘

yoke,’cf. ( 117 615 Lat. j ugum, Ger. Joch,

Eng. yoke for euph ony , sec 219 ]n d ,

mid. make one'

s self ready , set towork, exert one


s se lf.11 p a ,

mid. harness, put té , apply ,

+ n i , mid.— 1 . fasten to ; — 2. put (a

task ) upon, comm ission ; — caus.

set, lay , e.g. snares,24 17. [for mg 2,

cf . niyoga ; a lso Eng. en-j oin w. its Lat

predecessor in-j ungers.]

+ p r a ,apply , use ; w. namaski ram,

employ , i .e. do adoration .

s am , join togeth er , uni te ; sarhyukta ,

at end of cpd : joined with , i.s. endowed

with , connected with , i .s. having

reference to, 59 12

y dj [389, 219, 38Gb], — 1 . a . yoked to

gether ; as m. yoke-fel low,

and so com rade,

— 2. a . paired, even . [Vynj z see

y ti j y a ,a . un ited, combined. [V yuj ,


y udd h h , ppl . fough t ; as n . [l l 76a], figh t,battle, contest. [Vyudh , 1 176,

yuddh a- v a r na , m. a sort of battle ; a

battl e, so to speak .

V yudh (yudhyate ; yuyudh é ; ayuddha ;yotsydte yuddha ; y6ddhum ; -

yudhya ) .figh t. [ci . bank/n,8 ,

figh t against.

y fidh f . figh t. [Vyndh ]yudh l - ath i r a ,

m. Yudh ish thira,son of

Pandu and Kunti , to whom Brihadaeva

tel ls the story of Kal a ; see 1“N. firm

in battle,’

yudh-i ( 1250c ) athi r a.]

V yup (yuybpa ; yupita; yophyati [104 1 2D.

set up an obstacle , block or bar the way ;

h inder , thwar t, obstruct or clog, see

yuv d , pron. stem,2d pers. dual , 491 .

yuv a t f , serving as a f eminine to ydvan.

young woman ; mai den . end :

perhaps pres. ppl . of V 1 ya ,attract

]yuv a n a . young ; a s subst. young

man (distinguished f rom bi ds ,



youth (used even of youth ful

gods ) . [perhaps f r. V l yu,‘attract,

sufi‘lx an, not van, 1 160: see yaviyi fis ,

yavistha, ynvati : cf . Lat. j avea-ias,‘


; w. j avea-cu-s,‘


cf. Ger

manic syuvunga , yunga ,Eng. young ; also

Old Eng. yung-be, Spenser

’s youngth, Eng.

youth ]yusm h ,

see 491 .

y fith h , m. n. herd. [prop.‘a union ,

Vl yu,‘ unite, for mg, cf . al so Ger .


gang or set of men ,

’and Eng.



both indirectly fr . the

root of bh id.]

y fit h a - n i th a , m. protector or leader of

the herd.

y fith a - p a , m. keeper or protector of the

herd ; esp . the elephant that leads the


y t'

i th a -pa t i , m. lord of th e herd ; esp.

the elephant that leads the herd.

yfin a s ,see 427.

y fiy h m ,see 491 .

y e n a ,adv. - 1 . wherefore, 6 ° ; — 2. yana

tens , because therefore , — 3.

that, ut, introducing a result and cor re

spending to a‘such



’exp ressed

or implied [pron . root ya,

1 1 12a.]y ésth a , pronounced ya


istha , a . (best

going, i .e.) swif test. [Vyi , 468 ]y bg a ,

m.— 1 . a setting to work ; use ;

appl iance (act of applying ) ; — 2. appli

ance ( th ing appl ied ) , and so means ; esp.

supernatural means, magic, — 3. (the

apply ing one’

s self to a thing, and so)

pursuit or acquis ition (of a th ing ) , ifksema ; — 4 . connection ,

relation ; -yogat,

at end of epd, from connection with i.s.

in consequence of [Vyu] ,

y bg y a , a . of use , suited for use, fit, fit

y oddh r , m. figh ter . [Vyudh , 1 1 82,

y o d h i n ,a . at end qf cpds, fighting.


y 6n i , m.j : — 1 . lap ; womb or birth -place ;

- 2. place of origin ; origin,- 3 .

bir th-place, i.s . home ; place of abiding ;

place, RV . x. — 4. (l ike

Eng. origin or birth ) family, race ; formof existence (as man, Brahman, beast,

etc., in the system of transmigrations ) as

this form is determined by birth , 67

the ho lder’of the born or unborn babe,

V l yn, ‘ hol d,’

cf. the analogous

metaphors in Lat. con-cipere, take, hold


and in volva , cover , envelope,

and so‘ womb,

’fr . 9. root cognate with

l vr,

y on i ta s ,adv. from bir th , by blood. [yoni,

1098b.]y osi t , j Z young woman , maiden. [per

haps the attractive one,’f r. V l yu,

‘attrac t,

’l 2oos , 383. 3 ( through the inter

mediate form yo-sa, 1 197, of the same

mg ) : cf . yuvati .]

y i uv a na, n. youth , period between ch ild

hood and maturity , adolescence (of man

or maid) . [yavam 1208a.]

y i uv a n a - d a gi , f . time of youth .

V r anh (ranh ati , — 1 . make to run ;

has ten, trans . ; — 2. mid. run ; hasten, in

trans. [for d angh : cf . the form s lafigh

and ragh ti , and see under lagh i ]r a k ta, pl . colored ; esp . red ; as n. blood.

[V raiij , 054a.jV l r a k s (raksati , -te ; raraksa ; araksit ;

rah eita ; raksitum de-fend

protect ; keep, i.e. both retain and main

tain ; take care of (as a sovereign ) , i.e.

govern ; guard, ward ; save. [a desid.

extension of V orak or ark : cf . w as ,‘ ward ofi


’wh ich bears a simi lar relation

to Vm or épn in wx-a -e,‘ warded off,

ape-l a ,

‘ ward off , protect’

; cf. also Lat.


‘ ward ofi,

’a rr


‘stronghold of de

fence, citadel’

; AS. eaihsstede, defencestead, strong


ea lgianf‘


for the two chief mgs of V rake, cf.,

‘ ward ofi'


+ p a r i , protect around ; save.

2r a k s, harm ; in r aksas. [perhaps onlyanother aspect of 1 rake,

‘ ward ofi,’i.s.

‘ bcat

r a k sa k a , m. keeper ; warder ; protector.

[V l r aks,r ak sana , n. protection preservation.

[V 1 rake,r ak sa s , n. - l . harm — 2. concrete,

harmer , name of nocturnal demons whodisturb sacrifices and harm the pious .

[V2raks, l 151 .2a.]r a k si , f . protection ; watch . [V1 raks,

r a k si , a . guarding, at end of cpds.

[V 1 rake,r a ll si t t m. protector ; watcher . [V 1 rai n,l 182a.]

r a g h d ,— 1 . a . running, darting, swift ;

as m. runner ; - 2. m. Raghu (The Run

ner , Apop eés ) , name of an ancient king.

[V ranh , q.v.: older form of laghd, q.v.]r ang a ,

m. 1 . color ; — 2. th eatre, amphi

theatre. [V raj or ranj , 216. 1 : connection

of mg 2 unclean ]r aj or rafij (r i jyati. 4 0 ; rakta ; -rajya ;caus . ra i j éyati ). 1 . be co lored ; esp.

be red ; rakta : red ; dyed ; as n. blood ;— 2.fig. be affected with a strong feel ing(of. r aj vi ) ; esp. be del igh ted with ,

have pleasure in, be in love with ; — caus.

- 1 . color ; redden ; —2. del igh t, please,make happy.

[orig.‘ be brigh t or wh ite

(whencerajaka ) ; then ‘

glow, be red’

: see the

ident. V3 ri and its cognates W pos, etc.

and cf . Vpey in aor . pleat,‘ dye,


fie‘yeds,‘ dyer

’: w. thi s root may be con

nected the root r i j in its mgs given


+ a nu,— 1 . be colored after , take the

tinge of ; 2. feel afl'

ection towards.

+ v i , - I . lose color ; — 2. be cold or

indi fferent towards 45 3. [for mg

2, cf . the senses of the simple verb : the

metaphor may be either ‘not glowing,

and so, as in Eng., cold,

’or else color

less,’and so,

r a j a k a ,m. washerman

,who is al so a dyer

of clothes. [‘ whitener

’or else ‘ dyer ,

Vraj ,r aj a s , n.

- 1 . atmosphere, air, region of

clouds, vapors, and gloom , clear ly dis

tinguished from heaven (dyaus , 722) or

1 5'

rajin] [228]

the ethereal spaces of heaven (rocani V r a n (ranati ; ratana ; dr i nit) . be

divas , or svar ) ,“where the l ight pleased ; Vedic. [ident. w. V ram ]

dwel leth ,”these being beyond the rajas , r ap a s ,

n. bodily injury ; di sease.

just as the is beyond the dim; V r a bh (rAbhate ; r ebbé ; ar abdha ; rapsused loosely in pl ., the skies, 71

7; the

sky conceived as divided into an upper

and a lower stratum ,and so dua l

, rajasi ,75 5-1 3 ; so f a r Vedic ;— 2. post

-Vedic : l ike the Greek dfip, the

thick air , mist, gloom , darkness ; — 3.

dust, e.g. 1 4 13 ; — 4 . in the philosophica l

system,darkness (cf . the second of the

thr ee qual ities (see guns ) , soul-darkening

passion (popular ly connected with r ings ,

66 ’

[since the orig. mg, as indicated by

usage, is‘ the cloudy (region ) , region of

gloom and dark’as distinguished from

the ever lasting l igh t beyond, the word is

prob. to be derived f r. Vraj in the sense

‘ be (colored, i.e.) not clear’: cognate are

t-peBos,‘ darkness, Erebus ,

’and Goth .

r iqis, neut., darkness’: for connection of

mgs 2 and 3, cf . Ger .Dunst, vapor ,’and

Eng. dust.]r aj j a , f . cord ; rope. [Verazg,


: cf.

Lithuanian rezgis, plaited work, basket

Lat. restis,.resctis, erezg

-ti-s, rope

’: see

i j .] M 'm. 5M“

V r a ii j , see raj .

r ana , m. pleasure , gladness. [V ram ]r anv a,

a. pleasant, lovely . [V ran,r at i , j i — I . rest, quiet ; — 2. comfort,pleasure . [V ram , 1 1 57, cf . 954d.]

r atn a ,n. — 1 . gift ; blessing, riches,

treasure , as someth ing bestowed or given

(qr: rai ns -dh i ) ; so f ar Vedic ; — 2. post

Vedic : precious stone, jewel , pear l ; fig.,

as in Eng., jewel , i .s. the most excel lent of

its kind. [V1 r i ,

r a tn a - d h i a . bestowing bless

1 r fith a ,m. wagon , esp . the two-wheeled

battle-wagon ( ligh ter and swifter than theanas ,

‘ dray car or chariot of gods

(72 4-0, as wel l as of men

[V r, move,’1 163 : for mg, cf . Lat. currus,

ch ar iot,’

and cur r ere,

2 r a th a , m. pleasure, joy . [V ram, 1 163

cf . 954d.]

grasp ; take hold of . [prob. a col lateral

form of Vgrabh , and ident. w. labh, see

these : cf. 7 a Amp-spa, spoils, booty’


eI-Aqr a,‘took Lat. lab-ar ,

‘ undertaking,


; perhaps {Mp-cv, gat,

+ 6 ,— 1 . take hold upon ; touch , RV.

x. — 2. take hold of,i .s . under

take, 140 w. yatnam, undertake an effort,

i .s . exert one’s self, 1 1 9 ; — 3 . ( l ike Ger .

an-fangen and Lat. ia-cipere ) begin ;i rabhya : w. abl .

, beginning from or

s imply from 39 13 ; w. adya , from to

day on, 3619


+ auv - i , take hold of from behind,hol d on to.

+ s am - a n v - i , h old on to each oth er

(said of several ) sam-auv-i rabdha.


s am - i , under take (see i -rabb ) to


+ s am , take hold of each other (for

dance, battle, h old together ; take

hold (of a th ing ) together .

r am (rAmati , -te ; t ar ima. r emé

ar amsi t, Ar amata ; ramsyate ; rats

rathtum ; r arhtvi ; -ramya ; r i mayati ) .— 1 . act. stop, trans.

— 2. mid. stop, ia

trans. ; rest ; abide ; stay gladly with ;— 3. mid. ( rest, take one

’s case or com

fort, and so) find pleasure in ; rata, w. loc.,or at end of cpds, taking pleasure in, de

voted to ; — 4 . ca ns. bring to a stand-stil l ,

stay , 737. [cf. fi-




; Goth .

r tmts, quiet’

; (papal , ( par as, Ofig o

pat ,

Ohm-r at,‘ love, loves

; l -pafl i-s,‘ lovely ,

formal ly ident. w. rata: for mgs 2 and 3,

cf. V2gam.]a bh i , mid. — 1 . stop, intrans. ;

— 2. find

pleasure ; please, intrans ., 1061.

+ 5 , act. stop, trans.

+ up a , stop ; uparata, ceased, (ofsounds ) hushed.

v i , act. stop, intrans. pause.

t am a ni y a , grdo. enjoyable, pleasant.

[V ram, 965,

r i j y a , n. kingsh ip.

r i t i , a . ready to give or bless ; gracious ;

as f . grace. [tu-a,

r i t r a ,n. f or r i tr i at end qf cpds. [ 131 5b.]

r i t r i , later r i tr i , f . nigh t. [perhaps fr .

V ram.V r ad h (radh néti ; radhyate [761a], -ti ;

rar itdha i r i tsit r i tsyati raddha

raddhv i ; -r$dhya ; radhayati ) . 1 . be

successful ; prosper, have luck ; be happy ,

103 7 ; - 2. trans. make successful or

happy ; gratify ; — caus. accomplish ; make

happy , satisfy . [akin w. V rdh .]+ a p a ,

- 1 . h it away ( from the mark ) ,miss ( the mark ) , fail ; - 2. be at fault,be to blame ; ofl


end, sin ; aparaddha,

gui lty , to blame, 331. [for 1 , cf. the

simple verb,‘succeed,

’i .e. ‘ make a h it

for 2, cf . th e relation of Eng. f a il and

i i ,caus. make happy , satisfy .

r i dh a s ,n. gracious gift, blessing. [V radii,

gratify’: for mg, cf . French gratifica tion,

r i m a,a . dark ; as m. Rama, h ero of the

epos Ramayana ; c raghava .

r i y a s- p o sa , m. development, i .e. ln

crease of weal th . [gcn. s. of rai , 1250d

1 71 1 ]r av a , m. cry ; yel l ; howl . [Vra,r agi , m. troop, h ost h eap. [perhaps

akin w. ragm i , q .v. : for connection of

mg, cf. Eng. l ine and French cordon, as

appl ied to soldiers]r i str a,

n. kingdom ; sovereignty . [Vraj 1 :

see 219 5, 1 1 85a.]r i att i , f . directr ix, sovereign. [V raj 1see 219 5, 1 182

r i str i y a ,a . be longing to the sovereignty ;

as m. sovereign ,ruler . [rastrm

r i h ti , m. Th e Seizer , Rahu, who is sup

posed to seize and swal low sun and moon,

and thus cause ecl ipses. [prob. fr . V r abh ,

1 178

V r i or r i (r ini ti ; riyate - 1 . act.

cause to run or stream , let loose ; - 2. mid.

fiow run ; disso lve. [cf . Lat. r‘

i-vus ,‘stream , brook

; prov incial Eng. run ,

‘ brook,’as in Bul l Run ; Ger . r innen, Eng.

run see al so Vl i pra .]

r i e (r indkti ; ricyate [761b] ; l'iréea,

r ir icé ; araiksit, Ar ikta ; reksyAti ; r ik

tA; pa ss. r icyate ; caus. reci yati ) . — I .

leave ; — 2. let go, let free ; — 3. veryrarely (l ike Eng. colloq. part with ) , se l l .

[w. r indkti cf . Lat. l inquit,‘ leaves

of . Lats -e,‘ left ’ ; Lat. l ie-ct, ‘ it is left, i.s .

permi tted’

(Eng. leave means ‘


sion AS. leiin, elih-an, Ger . leih-en ,

‘ leave

a thing to a person for a time, einem

etwas iiber lassen, i.e. lend’

; AS. ll n,

gift, loan,’Eng.noun loan, whence denom.

verb loan ; fr . lEn comes L‘Enan,


loan ,

’Old Eng. li n-en, preterit li n-dc


whose d has become par t of the root in

Eng. lend ( though good usage has not

sanctioned the precisely similar blunder

in drownd

+ a t i , mid. ( through pass. sense be leftover ) surpass ; predominate ; caus. cause

to be in surplus ; overdo, 9612

r i p (rir épa ; r ipta). — 1 . smear ; stick

smear , and so — 2. as in Eng., defile ;

— 3 . (with the same metaphor as in the

Ger . an-schmieren ) ch eat, impose upon.

[the old form of V l ip : see under Vlip.]r i pu, m. impostor , cheat ; later foe. [V r ip,1 1 78b.]

r i p r a,n. defilement ; impur ity. [V r ip,

1 188e.]t i p r a - v ah a,

a . carrying ofi or removing

impurity . [acct,V r i g (r ight-i. -te ; was ). — 1 . pull ; — 2.

pul l or bite ofi, crop. [ol der form of

Vl ig.]V r i s (resati ; r isyati , -te [761a] ; r ista;

caus. resayati ; ar ir isat) . be hur t ; te

ceive harm ; caus . harm .

V r i , see ri .

V r u (rauti ruvhti ; rurava ; Lravit ;ruta ; r6tum ) . cry ; yel l ; h owl ; hum,

[cf . d-

pd-oy at,‘ howl

; Lat. raucus ,‘screaming, hoarse

; AS. ry'


‘a roar

r uk m a,.m. ornament of gold ; as n. gol d.

[V rue, 1 166,V r ue (r écate, -ti ; rurueé, ruroca ; aruoat,hrocista ; rocisyate ; t acita; recitum ).— 1 . shine ; be brigh t or resplendent ; — 2.

appear in splendor ; 3. appear beautiful

or good, please. [cf . claw-Adm , twi

ligh t’

; Acme-6s,‘ brigh t

; Lat. lai r ,l i men,

for d i e-s , duc—men,‘ l igh t

; Irina , due-nu,‘ moon

; AS . leo'

h-t,Eng. l ight; cf . a lso

Lat. l i e-41s (a lucendo, after a l l‘a clear

ing (Eng. of U .S .) or Lich tung (Ger . ) or

glade or grove AS. ledh,Eng. lea



; -ley in Brom-ley,‘ broom-field,

p r a t i , appear good unto, please, 740.

r dc i , f . pleasure. [V rac,r uc i r a ,

a . splendid ; beautiful .r uc i r an a n a , a. fair-faced. [i naua1298 ]V r uj (rujati ; tur6ja ; rugna ; ruktvfi;

- 1 . break, break to pieces ;— 2. injure, pain. [cf. Airy-pets,


; Lat. l ily-eo


r dj , f . pain , disease. [Vruj z for mg, cf .

Ger . Cc-brechen,‘ infirm ity ,

’w. brechen ,

‘ break’

; also t oga .)r a j fin a , f . perhaps breach , cleft, rift

(of the clouds ) . [V ruj .]V rud (roditi rudhnti ; ruroda ; r od

isyati radita rodi tum ruditvfi;-rtidya ) . — I . cry , weep ;

— 2. weep for ,

lament. [cf . Lat. rud-ere,‘roar

; AS.


r ud r h , a . connected by Hindus w. Vrud,‘cry ,

and so howling, roaring, terr ible,

appl ied to Agni and other gods ; true

meaning uncer ta in ; as m.— 1 a. s ing. in

the Veda : Rudra, leader of the Maruts or


gods , RV.x.- 1b. in

pl . The Rudras, a class of storm-gods,

EV.x. — 2. sing. Rudra, received

into the H induTr inity in the later mythol

ogy, and known by the name Civa, q.v.

V l r ndh (runAddhi , runddhé ; rurodha ,rurudhé i r i utsit, druddha rotsya

ti , -te ; ruddha ; roddhum ; ruddhvi ;-rtidhya ) . - 1 . hold back ; obstruct ;

hold ; — 2. keep off ; h inder ; suppress ;— 3. shut up ; close.

a nu, as pa ss., or mid. intrans., i .e. as ofthe ya or ya-class, anurudhyate , also -ti ,

be held to, keep one’s self to be devoted

to, practice, 1013 have regard for .

+ a v a ,- 1 . hold 011 ; — 2. mid. (hol d

apart for one’

s self, lay up, and so)

[V tupaya

— desid. mid. desire to obtain,obtain ;

+ n i , hold ; stop ; shut up.

v i , h inder or disturb.

V 2r ud h ( rodhati ) . grow. [coll ateral formof Vruh , q .v. : cf . Lat. rud-is, fem .





: for mg, cf . w. V rudh and Ger.



the nouns vi -rudh and

Cc-wiiehs, a growth , i .s. plant

: kinsh ip of

Eng. rod, a growing shoot, rod, measure

of length ,’older road


‘ measure of length

or surface,’is improbable on account of

the 6 of AS. r6d.]V r ue (résati ; rdsyati ; mate. m ath ) .be cross or angry. [cf . Adaou, eAuo-j a,srage


]rue [rut, rudbhyam], j anger . [V r aa ]V r n h (rehati , -te ruroha, tar abe

Arabat, hruksat ; roksyati, -te ; rudharodh am ; rfidhv i ; -rubys ; ruruksatir ohhyati , later r ophyati 1 .

rise, mount up, cl imb - 2. spring up,

grow up ; — 3. grow, develop, th r ive ;— caus. — 1 . raise ; - 2. place upon. [seeV2m db : for euphony , see 222+ a d h i , caus. cause (e.g. one

s body ,

acc.) to rise to (e.g. the balance, i.e.

put (one’

s body ) upon ( the balance ) ,

a, mount or get upon (a stone ) ; seatone

s self upon ; cl imb (tree ) ; ascend to

(the head, h il l-top, l ife, place ) ; embarkupon (boat, sh ip ) ; fig. get into (danger ) ;— caus. cause to get upon ( stone, pel t) or

into (wagon, boat) , w. ace. of per son and

ace. or loc. ( 1051 1 ) qf th ing ; des id.

desire to cl imb up to.

r fipa,n.— 1 . outward look or appearance,

as well color as form or shape ; La t.

forms ; form , 48‘7, 77

9, rfipam kr,

assume a form ,14 3

, (reflected) image,—2. (l ike La t. forms , and Eng.

shape in shape-ly ) good form ,

i .e. beauty,

24, ctc. ;— 3. appearance, characteristic

mark, pecul iar ity . [ci . varpas : see also

vareas .]V r t


i pa y a (t i psyati [q]:1056, used

esp . in theatr ica l language (to have the

look or appearance of, i.s.) act. [rfiph,1058 ]

rfipap tapsaras]

+ ui , — 1 . l ike Eng. look into — tenta r i ukm a ,a . golden, adorned with gold.

tively, i.s . : investigate , seek, 2917; [rukmL l 2o8f .]

search , 3312; — 2. look into — successful ly,

i .e.: find out, 441 7; discover , - 3 .

act, see simple verb. l a k sa,n.

— 1 . rarely, mark, token ; — 2.

r fip a -j i tap s a r a s , a . surpassing th e a hundred thousand, an Anglo-Indian

Apsarases in beauty . lac ; — 3. ( like Eng. mark ) mark wh ich

r t'

i p a v a n t , a . l ike Eng. shape-ly and is aimed at. [Vlag,‘ be fastened to,

’ 751 : A

La t. formosus ; beautiful , handsome, 1 197s : for mg 1 , cf. connection of Eng.

“54“ 5

[rfipa 1238 ] verb tag,‘ fasten ,

’w. noun tag,

‘attach fin s -


r ii p a - s am p a d , j ? beauty of form , i.s. ment, appendage,’and so, esp. as used

A, a“.

beauty . in modern shops,‘a mark or label-tag

w ,..r

r fip a - s am p a n n a ,a . endowed with for 2, cf . the special ization of Eng. ma rd



beauty , beautiful. [Vpad ] or ma rk as‘a weigh t

(of gold or silver )r e , word of:address. 0 ; he. [cf . ar e.] and as

‘a money of account

; also that

V r oj (réj ati, -te) . — 1 . act. shake, trans. ; of Eng. taken as‘a coin

’and as


- 2. mid. shake, intrans . ; tremble. [per quires printed on both

haps akin w. V iti-y in b at-Acts,‘caused to l a k sanh , n.

- 1 . mark, token ; ch arac

tremble, ter istic ; attribute , character , 10113;

r end ,m. dust. [perhaps connected w. V r i , essential characteristic, 4 1 14 special

dissolve, go to pieces,’

just as Ger . S taub, mark ; esp. lucky mark, mark of excel‘ dust,

w. stieben,

‘ fiy asunder’

: lence , 627,

mark in the sense ofr ev a, j : Revi , a river , the same as the determ inant at — 2. ( like Eng.

Narmada, q.v. designation ) name, 57u ; — 3. form,

r at [361b], m.,rarely j : possessions ; weal th ; kind, 65

13. [i r . the denom . laksaya

prosperity . [stem strictly rd: prop.‘ be ( 1 150.2a ) , or rather fr . the simpler

stowal ,’Vl ra, see 361b and rayi w. ace. but very rare form of the same denom.

r i -m, cf. Lat. nom . ré-s , V laksa.]r ok a, m. brigh tness , l igh t. [V ruc.] V l a k sa y a ( lakshyati mark,

r bg a , m. infirm ity , disease. [V raj , note, notice. [laksa, 1053 : so Lat.

for mg, see noun r tij .] notare fr . nota .]r ooa n h ,

a . shining, l igh t ; as n. l igh t ; + up a , mark, notice ; see ; pass . appear.

the place of the l igh t, ethereal space or l a k sa s amk h y a ,a . having lacs (see

spaces, 81 4-9 ; see rajas f or further lakes ) as th eir number , numbered by

descr iption. [V rue, hundred-th ousands. [laksa sarhkhyi ]r oc i snd ,

a . sh ining, brigh t ; fig. bloom ing. l a k sm i j : — 1 . mark, sign ;—2.

[V rac, 1 194s : or rath er perhaps fr . roots, with or without papi , bad sign or omen,

l l 94c.] someth ing om inous , bad luck ; — 3. ofienest

r o of s , n. brigh tness. [Vm e, 1 153 ] a good sign , in the older language usua lly

r bda s i , dua l f . the two wor l ds, i .e. heaven with punya good luck ; prosperity ,

and earth . weal th , 469; ( royal ) splendor , 51

19. [fr.

r odh a , a . growing. [V2rudh , laks the quasi-root of lak asa,

r 0p a y a , see 1042e end. wh ich is a deriv. of V ing : for connection

r om a n ,n. hair on the body of men and of mg 1 w. Vlag, see laksa : as for 2

beasts (usua l ly excluding that of the and 3, observe that Eng. luck sometimes

head and heard and that of the mane and means bad luck,’but oftener good

tai l ) later loman , q.v.

r em i n t s , m. loc. -e, in h air-vicinity , i.e. l a k sy a , grdv. to be noticed or seen ; to

on the hairy side (of the hand) . [roman be looked upon or considered as, 4 1‘4


1249a ’) anta.] [der ivation l ike that of laksana.]

form of Vr ikh : cf . l -peix-w,

‘ furrow

(x06va , i -pix-Oa ,

‘tear , rend


Lat. r ima ,t r io-ma ,

‘sl it, crack

’: for mgs ,

observe that Eng. wr ite is fr . the same

root as Ger . r itzen,

l i fig a ,n . mark (by wh ich one knows or

recognizes a th ing ) , Kenn-zeichen , char

acter isti c. [connected w. V lag in th e

same way as laksa , q .v.]l i ng a - d h ar a na , n . the wearing of one


ch aracter istic m arks.

l i p ( limpati , -te li lépa ; alipat,

dl ipta ; l ipta; -l ipya ) . — 1 . besmear or

rub over a thing (acc.) with a thing- 2. smear a th ing (acc.) over

or on a th ing stick (trans.) on to ,

pass. stick or stick to, intrans.

[younger form of Vr ip : orig. mg‘smear , stick

’: cf . 7 b Alt os,



d-Aeip-v ,


; Lat. l ippus,‘ blear

eyed Ait apds, greasy , sh iny

furth er akin are the fo l lowing words,

but with cur ious divarication of mg

M s aplw, l ike Eng. stick to, i .e.



AS. be-l'

if -an , Goth . bi-leib—an,Ger . bJec



( li t.‘stick,

i.e. )‘remain

; AS. l ibban,

Eng. l ive, Ger . leben,

‘ be remain ing or

surviving, superstitem esse’

; AS . l if ,Eng. l ife ; fina l ly AS. lt


éf -a n, Eng. leave,‘cause to

a nu, smear over , cover with .

+ v i , besmear .

l i p i , j 1 — 1 . a rubbing over ; — 2. wr iting.


V l i g ( l ights ; l i l igé ; filegista ; lista) .

tear , break. [younger form of V rig ]l i ga , tear ing, breaking, and so cutting, in

ku-l iga . [V l ig.]V l i (Myate ; liyate ; l ilyé ; fi esta ; l ina;

-liya ) . — 1 . cl ing to ; — 2. stick ; — 3.

( stay ,i.s.) of birds and insects, l igh t upon ,

sit upon ; - 4 . sl ip into ; disappear .

+ n i , - 1 . cl ing to ; - 2. ligh t upon (of

birds ) ; — 3 . sl ip into ; disappear ; h ide.

p r a , go to disso lution . [cf . V r i .]l i l i , f .

— 1 . play ; - 2. ( l ike Eng. ch ild’


play ) action that can be done without

ser ious effort ; l il ayi , without any


V l a th ( luthati ; lalotha ; luthita) . rol l .

V lup ( lampati lalopa ; lupta

lbptum ; luptvii ; -11ipya ) . 1 . break

harm ; — 2. attack ; pounce upon ; — 3 .

rob, plunder . [younger form of V rup

cf. Lat. rumpere, AS. reo'

f -an,‘ break

; res]:‘spoil of battle, booty ,

armor , etc.,esp . clothing, garments,

Ger .

Raub,‘robbery , booty

; AS. retifian,‘ despoil , rob,

’whence Eng. reave

, ppl .

rel/I, and be-reave : fr . Old High Ger .




’through Old French rober



’comes French def-rober , Eng. rob


and fr . Old High Ger . roub,

‘robbery ,

booty, esp. pi l laged garment,’in l ike

manner, French robe,

garment,’ Eng.

robe.]l ub dh a k a ,

m. hunter . [lubdha , Vlubh .]V i n b h ( lubhyati ; lul bbha, lulubh é

lubdha ; lbbdhum ) . — 1 . go astray ;— 2.

be lustful ; have strong desire ; lubdha ,

longing for . [cf. 1) AM, caup-s,

‘ longing’


Alt r ‘r r opa t,‘ long for

; Lat. lub-cl , l ib-ct,‘ is desired or agreeable

; l ibens,‘wil ling,


; l ibido,‘ desire

; AS . leéf,‘ dear ,

Eng. l ief ,‘ dear , gladly

; Ger . l ieb, dear’


also Eng. lose.]V i n ] ( lblati ; lul itd) . move hi th er and

th ith er .

V i n ( lunfiti lul i va ; hi nd) . cut

(e.g. grass, hair ) cut off ; gnaw off. [ci .Air-w,

‘separate, i .s. loose

; Lat. so-l it-tus ,

l ek h a ,m. a wr iting ; letter . [Vlil ]

1 0k ( l bkate ; lul oké ; lbkitum ; caus .

l okayati lokith ; -lbkya ; onlycaus . f orms a re in common use, and these

only with ava, 5, and vi ) . get a look at ;

behold ; — caus . [104 1 2] — 1 . look, look

on ; — 2. get a look at, behold. [onaccount of the guttural k, prob. a sec

ondary root fr . roka (V rac, for

connection of mg, cf. Acute-6s,‘ br igh t,

and Ad am , sh am-j ar,‘see

; Lat. lumen ,

‘ l ight,’then ‘


(see under V rac) ;also locana no connection w. Eng .

look.]+ a v a , caus. - 1 . look ; — 2. look at or

upon ; - 3. behold, see, perceive.

+ 5 , caus. —1 . look at ; - 2. see, per


+ v i , cans. — 1 . look ;

spect,— 3. behold.

l okfi, perhaps a younger f orm of nl oka

(which appears regula r ly in the oldes t texts,

but divided as u lokfi, m.— 1 . open

space ; free room ; place, 8315; - 2a. the

vast space ; the wor ld, 1033; any imagin

ary wor ld or wor lds, 151°

, cf . antar iksaindr a j iva pati para manusya

svarga-loka — 2b. used of heaven avar

go lokas, the wor ld situate in the l igh t,

103 5: 1‘ 10; so sukrti m ulokas, the wor ld

of the r igh teous, 841 1; later , sukrtasya

lokas, wor ld of vir tue, so 5 27 ; — 2c.

0?ea rth : lokem e, in the whole earth ,

6 15 ; m in loke, in this wor ld (cf .

iha ) , 6612; in same sense

, loke, 679, 63


— 2d. with senses merging imperceptibly into

those given under 3, e.g., in the wor ld or

among men, 262, 36

3, 47

91; — 3. ( like

Eng. wor ld and French monde ) people ;folks ; men or mankind ; sing. 6 7,

pl . 25: 1‘ 39 19

, 5715

. [etymology uncer

tain : no connection with Lat. locus, Old

Lat. stlocus,‘


l ok a - k tt , a . wor ld-mak ing, wor ld-creat


l ok a - p i l a, m. pl. wor l d-protectors, either

four in number ( regents of the four

quarters of the wor ld) , or eigh t (regents

of the cardinal points and four pointsmid-way between ) .

l ok a -

p r a v i da ,m. wor ld-saying, com

mon saying. , 4 “ 4

l ok am p rua, a . wor ld-fil l ing ; f . -a (se.

istaki ) , Lokamprina, name applied to the

common bricks used in buil ding the sacred

fire-pile, and so call ed because al l laid

with th e recitation of th e one general

formula, lokan prna ,‘ fil l thou the

[1314b : for pm , V l pr, see

l oga, m. clod (of earth ) . [Vruj ,‘ break,

216. 1 : for mg, see under mid.]V l oc ( locayati ; locita; 4 603's ) . used onlywith 5. [derived fr. V rue ; just how, is

unclear : see V lok.]+ 5 ,

— I . rarely, cause to appear or be

seen ; - 2. usua lly, bring to one’s own

sight or mind, consider, reflect ; m ay“:

2. look at, in


Slocitam (impers., th e fishes reflected ;ity i l ocya, thus reflecting.

p a r y - i , see 100 6 ;

st ate .

s am - i ,see loo 5 ; reflect.

l o c a n a ,— 1 . a . enl igh tening ;

- 2. as n.

eye, usua l mg. [V 100: for mg, cf. lumen,under Vl ok.]

l obh a ,m. strong desire greed, avar ice.

[V lubh .]l oh b a - v i r a h a , m. freedom from avarice.

l om a n , n. hair on the body of men and

beasts (usua l ly excluding that of the

head and heard and that of mane and

tail ). [prop.‘clippings, shearings,


’1 168 . l a : cf . roman.]

l o l a ,a . — 1 . moving h ither and th ither ,

uneasy ; and so - 2. anxious for , desirous

of ; greedy . [VluL]l ostd , m. n. clod (of earth ) . [Vruj , cf .

for mg, see under mid.]1011 6 , a . reddish ; coppery ; as m. n. red

dish metal , copper . [cf . l éh ita, roh ita ,

and rudhira, al l meaning‘red

’: wi th the

last, cf. l -v -

pds, Lat. ruber,rdfus , Eng.

ruddy, red.]l oh i y a sa, n. coppery metal , any metal

al loyed with copper . [i yasfi ]l i n l y a , n. greediness. [l ola,l i uh i y a s a ,

a . meta ll ic ; as n. metal lic

ware. [1011 i 1208f .]

reflect, del ib

v a ngd , m. - 1 . cane or stock or stem , esp .

of the bamboo ; —2. ( l ike Eng. stock,and

stem [ra rely], and Ger . Stamm ) l ineage,family , race.

v a nca- v i gud dh a , a . — 1 . made of pers

fectly clear or unblemished bamboo

- 2. of pure l ineage. [l it.‘vanga

-pur e,

pure in its or h is vanga ,’ 1265 : Vgudh ]

V v ak (vi vakr é [786, rol l . [akin

w. Vvane, q .v.]v a k ta v y a, grdo. to be said or spoken ;

see 999 end. [Vvac,v ak r a, a . - 1 . crooked ; —2. fig. (near lylike Eng. crooked) disingenuous , ambig

uous . [Vvak,v ak sdni , j :pl. bel ly ; bel lies (of cloud



v a c ( vAkti ; uvi ca, [784, 800c] ; v ixca s ,n. — l . speech , ctc. ; words

Avocat [847 end, vaksyati , -te

ukti , ; v itktum ; uktvfi ; -ucya ; ucydte ;v i cayati ) . say or speak (w. ace. of per

son, 1023; or w. acc. of per son and ace. of

th ing, announce or tel l ,

name or cal l , 587; punar uv i ca, repl ied,

ity uktvi , with saying so, i .s. with

the words saying 4 9 ;

so saying, 1923

, etc. ;

- ukta, — l . spoken ,sa id ; impers.pass.

[999 m id.] ki kenavuktam , th e crow said,

24 13, ctc. ; uktam , introducing a pr overb,’t is said, 19

9,2015, etc. ; — 2. spoken

unto ; evam ukta, thus addressed, 35,


— caus . - 1 . mid. cause or ask (e.g. the

Brahmans ) to pronounce for one’s self

(e.g. a benediction ) , 101 2, — 2. cause

(a written leaf ) to speak, i .e. read,

[cf . Jana, s rox-j a ,‘voice , rumor

; Lat.

ode-i re,‘cal l

; Ger . er-wiih-nen,‘ mention


W. vac-as,‘ word,

’cf. ( was, stem er st -ea ,


’w. labialization w. Avocam,

.a-va-no-am, cf. l ett er , c l -Fs-m -ar ,‘said


w. nom . v i k, sv i k-s, stem v i e,‘voice,

cf . Lat. vox, svdc-s ,‘voice,

’and 5th, for

M , i .e. ra t -s,

+ a nu,— 1 . repeat or say (sacr ificial

prayers , etc.) for some one — 2.

mid. say after (the teacher ) , i.s. learn,study ; anfici na, per/Z mid. ppl ., who

studies, studied, learn-cd.

+ a b b y - a nu, say wi th regard to or

with reference to someth ing ; describe

(an occurrence ) in (metrical and Vedic)words.

n i s , speak out or clear ly ; explain.

+ p r a ,— 1 . te l l forth , proclaim ; tel l ,

announce , mention ; and so — 2. (as con

versely laudare ,‘


comes to mean

‘ mention’

) praise ; — 3 . tel l of,colloq. tel l

on,i .s. betray ,

93 13 ; — 4 . say , —5.

declare to be ; name, 575.

p r a t i , say in retur n, answer.

s am , say together .

v a ca n s ,n. - 1 . speech ; words, etc. ;

dictum ; - 2. ( l ike Lat. e-dictum and Eng.

edict and word) command ; injunction,


V v aj (V i jayati ) .

word ; counse l ; — 2. languagc, 541 1; — 3.

( l ike Eng. word ) order ; request, 53 3.

[ l vac, 1 151 . 1a : cf. ( was,

p robable root,with the

meaning be strong or l ively , inferr ed f romugra, ojaa, vaj ra, vitja ; see these words

v i j hyant, has tening, q/Z VV i jaya.

[ci . dr ahs,‘strong, heal thy

; AS. wac-ol,


; Eng. wake,‘not to sleep


perhaps Lat. b ig-i re,

‘ be l ively or strong,’


, W I

4.f “

v dj r a , m. I ndra’s thunderbol t, 70

3, 88


[orig., perhaps, a mere epithet,‘ The

Migh ty’

(was). l ike M io'


r, Th e

Crusher ,’name of Th or ’s hammer .]

v aj r a - b i hu, a . having the thunderbol t

on his arm (of Indra ) , ligh tning-armed.

v aj r i n , a . having th e thunderbol t (of

Indra ). [vaj ra,V v a ne (vaflcati ; vaiicayati ; vancita).

totter ; go crookedly ; caus . (cause to go

astray , i.s.) mislead, deceive ; cheat. [ci .Lat. vacilla re,

‘ totter , be unsteady’

; AS.

woh,‘crooked wrong,

’whence Eng. woo,

incline to one s self,+up a , totter unto.

v a noa k a , m. deceiver . [Vvafla caus .]v aflca y i ta v y a , grdo. to be deceived

as n. a to-be-practised deceit, w. obj ective

gen. (29Gb 262. [Vvano.]v a ta , m. Ficus indica ; cf nyag-rodha.

v ani k - put r a , m. merchant’

s son.

[vanij -Jv ani j , m. merchant. [Vpan,V v a t (vatati ; vfitéyati ) . only with api.

understand ; caus . cause to understand or

know, reveal , inspire (devotion ) . [cf.Lat. edt-es ,

‘ wise seer’: see under v i ta ]

v a tsa, m. young ; esp . young of a cow,

calf. [pr0p.‘

year l ing,’ from a not quot

able ovatas,‘


with ovatas , cf.

Fi r es, year ,’Lat. vetus in vetus -tu-s,

‘ bejah rt, in years, old’

: akin are Lat.


year l ing, i.s. calf,

’and Eng.

weth-er : for mg, cf. xlpapos,‘



‘winter-l ing’

(see hima ) : see vatsara.]v a t s a r fi, m. year ; personified, 67 1

5. [ci .

vat-a ; also pari and safi -vatsara ]

vapa s] [238]

v ap a s ,a . - 1 . wondrous , admirabil is

— 2. ( l ike Eng. adm irable ) exciting wonder

mixed with approbation, esp . wondrous

fair— as n.

— 1 . a wonder ; wonderful ap

pearance ; vapur drgaye, a wonder to see,


ipa isl eOa i ,— 2. beautiful appear

ance ; beauty , 83; - 3. appearance ; form ,

48 3-4 . [for 2 and 3, cf . the converse

transition of mg in rfipa, l ,

v a y am ,we, see 491 . [cf . Ger. wi-r , Eng.

me.]1 v ay a s ,

n.— 1 . fowl , collective ; — 2. bird.

[see v i ,2 v 6y a s , n . food, meal . [prop.



Vl vi ,‘enjoy

’: for analogies, sec

V2bhuj ,‘enjoy ,

’and V l vi .]

3 v ay a s , n. — 1 . strength , of body and of

mind ; health ; - 2. the time of strength ,

youth ; marr iageable age, 25; — 3. gen

era l ized, any age or period of l ife ; years

(of l ife ) . [akin w. vi -t a, q.v.]v a y i , f . strengthening.

1 v ar a ,m. ch oice ; wish ; a th ing to be

chosen as gift or reward, and so gift, reward ; vararh vr, wish a wish

,make a

condition, 941; varam di , give a choice,

grant a wish , I"; prati vdram or va

ram 5, according to one’

s wish . [V2vr,‘choose

’: cf . Eng. well , li t.

‘according to


2 v a r a ,a . ( like Eng. choice or select) most

excel lent or fair , best, w. gen. or loc., 16


3 21 ; w. abl ., most excel lent as distin

guished from i .s. better th an

varam '

, na oa°

, th e best thing is

and not i .s . is better than

[V2vr ,‘choose

’: for mg, cf. AS. cyst,


choice,’and then ‘ th e best,

’with cedsan,

v a r ana ,n. a ch oosing. [V2vr,

v a r a -v a r na ,m. most fair complexion.

v a r a v a r ni n , a . hav ing a fair com

plexion -ini , j : fair-faced woman. [va

ravarna ,

v a r as g a n a, j I most excel lent woman.

[saga s ]v a r i r o h a , a. h aving fair hips or but

tocks ; xaAAlr v-yos. [i rohaJ

v a r ah h , m. boar.

v ar i v a s , n. breadth ; fig. freedom fromconstraint, ease, gladness, w. kr. [belonging to urn,

‘ broad’: see 407

v h r i y ans ,a . very broad, wide extended.

[V l vr,‘cover , extend over

’see 467 9


v ar una , m. The Encompasser (of th e

U niverse ), Varuna, name of an Adi tya ;

or ig. the supreme god of the Veda (see

selection xxxvii . and notes ) , and so ca ll ed

king as wel l as god, 8319; omniscient

judge who punish es sin and sends sick

ness and death , selections xl iii., xl iv., xl v. ;

la ter , god of the waters, [a personi

fication of the ‘al l -embracing


Vl vr, cover , encompass ,’1 1 77c : cf .

oirpavdr ,‘ heaven,

’and Obpamls, Heaven ,

personified as a god ]v ar fith a , n. cover ; and so

,as in Eng.,

protection. [V l vg,‘cover ,

’1 163c.]

va r ii th y a,a . protecting. [varfitha ,


vAr eny a , grdv. to be desired ; and so,

longed for , excel lent. [V2vr,‘choosc,

121 7 1-2 3, 966b.]v a r g a ,

m. group. [V vrj , separate,’

216. 1 : for mg, cf . Eng. division,

‘a separ

rating into par ts,’

and th en ‘the part


v ar e a s , n. v ita lity , v igor ; the il luminat

ing power in fire and the sun ; and so,

splendor ; j ig. glory . [perhaps akin with

m a : cf . varpas with rfipa.]v 6 r na , m. - 1 . outside ; external appear

ance ; color , 370, etc. complexion ;

— 2. (color , and so, as in Eng.) kind,

species, sort, 989; — 3. (sort of men , i .s .)

caste, 2813; - 4 . letter ; sound ; vowel ,

59 16 ; sy l lable ; word, 983. [V 1 vr,


1 1 77a : for mg 1 , cf . Eng. coating, and

coa t (of paint) , and Lat. color , prop.

‘cover or coating,

’cognate w. oc-cul-ere,


V v a r na y a (varnayati ) . — 1 . color ,

paint ;- ( l ike Eng. paint) , depict,

describe ; tel l about ; pass. 123. [varng

v a r t a n a , n. prop. an existing, and so

( like Eng. l iving ), means of subsistence

[e t, mgs 8, 5 : cf . vrtti .]


v a r tt, m. restrainer, stayer .

‘cover ,

’ mg 3,‘restrain


v h r tm a n ,s . wheel-track ; path ,

vartmani , at end of cpds : by way of ,

or simply through ; i k i ga-vart

mani , through th e air, 39 1 . [e t,

1 168. l a.]v t r t r a ,

a . warding off, h olding back ;

as n. a water-stop, dam , weir. [V l vr,‘cover ,

q .v .]l var dh a n a ,

a . - 1 . increasing, trans. ;

as m. increaser ; 2. deligh ting in.

[V1 vrdh ,‘ increase,

q.v.]2 v a r dh a n a , n. the cutting. [V2vrdh ,

v dr p a s , n. assumed appearance ; image,

form . [akin with rfipa: cf . var eas.]v dr m a n , n. envelope ; coat of armor ;

protection ; at end of Kshatr iyamames,

59 13 s . [V l vr,‘envelop,

’1 168 . l a.]

v a r sa, n. - 1 . rain ; —2. (rainy-season,i.s .) year ; j : pl . —1 . the rains,

i.e. the rainy season ; - 2. very ra rely,

rain-water , [e s : of . l -spoau,‘rain-drops

’: for mg 2 of varsa, cf . Eng.

“gir l of sixteen summers ,

“man of

seventy winters,”abda and car

v a r sa -k a r m a n ,n. the action f rain

v a r sa - sa tk a ,n. year

-hexade, period of

six years.

v a r sm h n , m. h eigh t ; top ; crown of the

head. [see 1 168. 1c2 and 2b.)

v a l a,m. prop. an encloser , and so — 1 .

(enclosure, i.s.) cave ; — 2. personified,Vala, name of a demon who shuts up

the heavenly waters to withhold them

from man and is slain by Indra,

[V l vr,

[V3 vas

[v1 vr. v" 9 (me. ne w nv-‘sa (7841)- 1 . wil l , —2. desire, long for ;

ppls, pres. ugént, perf . v i vagi na [786]wi l l ing or (when qual ifying subj ect of verb)gladly , longing,

- 3. ( l ike

Eng. will in its rare or obsolete sense


) order, command. [cf . l ads ,

stem ePex-or r ,

v 69a ,a . wil l ing, submissive ; as m. - 1 .

wil l ; —2. command ; and so control ling

power or influence. [Vvag.]v a ca

-ui a . bringing into one’s

power ; as m. control ler .

v a gi , f . - 1 . cow, esp. farrow cow ; - 2.

female elephant, Elephanten-kuh . [per

haps‘ the lowing

beast, fr . Vv i g: cf.

Lat. vacca ,‘cow

’: usua l name for ‘


is g6.]v acf n , a. having command or control ;

as subst. m. or f . master , mistress. [vaga ]v a gi

-k r , make submissive, enth ra l l , en

snare. [vaqa and Vl kr,‘ make,

v a gy a , grdo. to be commanded or ordered,

and so obedient, submissive, yielding.

[vac, 9683 e.]

v a s , encl. pron. you, 491 .‘

ye, yom’

]1 v a s (ucchhti [753, uvfisa

vatsyati [167] usta). grow bright ;

l igh t up (of the breaking day ) , dawn .

[for cognates, Lat. as-tuqs, burned,’east,

Easter, etc .

, see the col latera l form us,‘ burn


’and the derivs usas, usra , va

santa, vasu, v i car-a : cf. also hm .sesa

pap,‘ day

; l ap, eFea -ap, Lat. vEr , eve-er ,

sees-er , dawn of the year-l igh t, i .e.

spr ing’

; Ves-nu-ius , the burning’moun

tain.]v i , shine abroad, l igh t up, 97


[cf . Lat. vo'


v a l a -v r t r a , m. Vala and Vritra. [1252 ] V 2 v a s (vasto vavasé ; hvasista

v a l a v rt r a - nisfidana , m. destroyer of

Vel a and Vritra, i.s. Indra.

v a l a v rt r a - h a n a . slay ing Vel a

and Vritra ; as m. slayer of Vala and

Vritra, i.s . Indra.

v a l m ik a ,m. ant-hil l .

v a v r i , m. pr op. cover , and so — 1 . place

of hiding or refuge ; — 2. corporeal tegument (of the soul ) i.s. body . [V1 vr,‘cover ,

’1 155.2c.]

vatsyati ; vasita ; vi situm ; vasitvit ;-vasya ) . put on (as a garment) , clothe


s self in . [cf. i nvent, cr ed -nun ,

put on’

; i -so-r o,‘ had on

; Jpn,‘



Lat. ces-tis,‘


; Goth .

ga-vas-j an,


; AS. wer-ian, Eng.

wea r .)3 v a s (vacati ; uvi as Av i tsit

vatsyati ; usita ; v6stum ; usitv t‘


d isya ; vi si yati ) . stay in a place ; esp .

V 4 vas]

stay over nigh t, 1008 (with r i tr im )dwel l , abide ; l ive. [cf . dar n, s eas -w ,

dwel ling-

place, town’

; Lat. ver -na , one

who l ives in the h ouse, i .e. slave’


‘one who dwel ls in the land, i.e. native ,

l ike Eng. domestic,‘servant,

and domestic,‘not foreign

; AS. wes-an,‘ be

; Eng .


+ 5 , take up one’

s abode in (a place ) ,occupy ; enter upon, 62

ud ,caus. (cause to abide out, i.e.)

remove from its place, 9714 ‘

l .

+ up a ,— I . stay with ; wait ; - 2. (with

a specia l ization of mg l ike that in Eng.

abs-tain,‘ hold ofi, esp . from food or

dr ink’

) wait, and so stop (eating ) , fast.ui , dwel l (of men and of beasts ) .

p r a t i , have one’

s dwel ling.

4 v a s (vi sayati ; v i sita) . cut. [ci .Lat.vo

mis, eves-mic, vdmer , plow-share,

ud ,cut away or off, 97


v a s a n ta, m. spring. [‘the dawning or

l igh ting-up

year-time, Vl vas ,

see 1 vas : Cf . l ap, eFea -ap, Lat. si r , eve-er


eves-er ,

v as i sth a , a . most excel lent, best ; — as m.

Vas ish tha, name of one of the most

famous Vedic seers, 7819 N. [formed as

super l . to vasu, fr . V l vas as a verbal

the verba l having the same trans

ferred sense as the adj . y asu, q .v.]v asu,

a . exce l lent, good ; — 1 . as m. good

(of gods ) , 76 1 1 ; — 2. as m. pl . The Good

Ones , the Vaana, a class of gods, RV .x.

— 3. as n. sing. and pl . good,

goods, weal th . [pr0p.‘sh ining, i.e. splen


VI vas,‘shine,

’but w. a transfer of

mg l ike that in th e Eng. splendid as used

by the vul gar for‘excel lent

’: connection

w. Ms, £63,‘

good,’and sh,

‘ wel l ,’is im

probable, see i yu.]v a su- dh ii a . yi elding good ; val u

dh i f . the earth ; the land.

v a sud h i dh i p a ,m. ( lord of the earth ,

i .e.) king, prince. [adhipa.]v a sum-d h a r a , a . holding good or

treasures ; -t'

i , f . the earth . [vasumdha ra , 1250s : we should expect vasu

(ace. s. neuter , or stem ) , not vasu-m

(mascul ine l ) ,


v asu-cr a v a s , a . perhaps [1298s ] hav

ing good fame, or else [1297 and 1280b]having weal th-fame, i.s . famed for weal th .

v a su- s a m pur na , a . treasur e-fil led.

[V1 pr,Vv a s ii y a (vasfiy5ti ) . crave good. [donom. of vasu, 1058 1 ,

v a sfiy i , f . desire for good ; longing.

[V vasiiya ,v a l tr , m. i l luminer ; or , as adj ., l igh tingup. [V 1 v a s , shine,

1 182,

v as t r a , n. garm ent, piece of cloth ing ;

cloth . [V2vas, clothe ,’

1 185a.]v a s t r a - v e sti ta , a . covered with clothes,

wel l dressed.

v a s t r i n ta , m. border of a garment.

[ante ]v a h (vahati , -te ; uvi ha, iih é ; dvi ksi

t ;

vaksyati subs vodhum ; aehvt ;d ikya ; uhy‘ te ) . — 1 . conduct, 84 1 1 ;

carry , esp. the oblation , 851,

bring with team , 73n, 81

14, or car , 72


87 14 ; draw (wagon ) , guide (horses ) ; — 2.intr ans. travel ; proceed ( in a wagon ) ;— 3. pass . be borne a long ;

— 4. flow,

carry with itself (of water ) ; — 5. (likeGer . h eimf iihren ) br ing home to the

groom’s house, wed ; — 6. carry , 43

1 1°

bear , 264 carry far and wide, i.e.

spread (a poem , fragrance ) , 54 3.

[for svagh : cf. 5x” , el-‘

oxos,‘ wagon


bxlopai ,‘r ide

; Lat. veh-ere,‘carry

; vehi


‘ wagon’

; AS. weg-cu, carry , bear,

whence Eng. weigh,‘ lift ’ (as in weigh

anchor ) ,‘ flnd weigh t of by lifting


bhara ) ; AS. weyn or wwn, Eng. wa in,

Dutch wagen (whence the borrowed Eng.

wagon ) , th at wh ich is drawn, i .s . wagon’


further , Lat. vi-a , ve-a , eveh-ia , that which

is to he travel led over , way’

; AS . weg,

Eng. way,‘that which carries one to a

place ]it , bring h ith er or to.

+ ud ,— I . hear or bring up ; -2. esp.

lead out (a bride from h er father's house ) ,


+ p a r i ,— 1 . lead about ; — 2. esp . lead

about ( the bride or the wedding proces

sion ) , wed.

p r a , carry onward.

Vvi fich ]

Vv i nch (vi nchati ; vi tich iti ). wish . [for

evi nsk, orig. inchoative (cf. Vl is) to

Vvan , q.v.: cf . Ger. Wunsch, ‘a wish


AS. wiisc,‘a wish ,

’whence verb wyscan,

wish ,’whence Eng. verb wish , whence

noun wish .]v i ni j y a , n. merchant

’s business, trade.

[vanij ,v i ta , m. — 1 . wind ; air ; — 2. Vi ta , god

of the wind. [Vl v i ,‘ blow


1 176c : cf. Icelandic 08-inn, AS. Wad-en,Old High Ger . Wuot-ou, names of the

highest Germanic god, Odin : the name

stil l lives in the Eng. Wednes-day, AS.

d n-es dwg some connect Wi den w.

Vvat,‘ inspire,

v i ta - s v a n a s , a . having the roar of the

wind, i .e. blustering, exhibiting noisy

violence, tumul tuous.

v i t i i k a b h a k sa , a . having wind as sole

food, i .e. fasting. [v i ta ekabhaksajv i d a , m. speech , expression, statement.

[Vvad.]v i da -yuddh a , n. speech

-figh t, i .s. con

troversy .

v i da yuddh a -pradh i na , a . devoted to

controversy ; as m. eminent controver

sialist.]v i d i n , a . speaking. [Vvad,v i n ap r a s th a , m. a Brahman of the

third order , who has passed th rough the

stages of student and householder ( see

i crama ) and dwel ls in the woods , 65 3m ;

h ermit. [vanaprasthrn for mg, cf.

lpnplvns, Eng. hermit, and l pnp la,



v i n a r a , m. monkey , ape.

v i p i , f . oblong pond ; lake. [V2vap,h eap up, dam up,

’and so, perhaps, orig.

‘a dam

(cf . xo'

iua,‘ dam ,

’ from xdw,

‘ th row or heap and then, by metonymy , the pond made by the

v i p i -j a l a , n. lake-water . [perh aps thefirst element is here to be taken in its or ig.

sense of ‘ dam ,

’so that the whole means

pr0p. dam-water ,’and so pond

v i m , see 491 .

v i m i , a . lovely , pleasant ; as n. a lovely

thing, a joy. [Vvan : cf . dh i ma and

V 1 dhvam]


v i y a s i , m. - 1 . bird ; - 2. esp. crow ;-si , j : crow-hen. [1 v i yas,

‘ bird,


v i yu, m. wind. [V1 vi ,‘ blow,

v i r , n. water. [cf. abp-o-r , or ig.‘ water ,

and so, as in Eng.,

‘ urine’

; Lat. i r iniir i,‘stay under water

; i r -ina , ur ine’

; U r-ia ,

Water-town} a port in Apul ia ; prob.

akin is AS. wa r ,

1 v i r a , m. tail -hair , esp. of a horse.

[prob. akin w. obph,2 v i r a , m. — 1 . choice treasure ; — 2.

moment chosen or determined for any

th ing, appointed time, turn - 3. time

(as used with numerals ) ; v i rarii vi ram ,

time and again ;— 4. the time or turn

(of one of the planets which rule in suc

cession the days of the week ), and so,

day of the week, day . [V2vr,‘choose


identified by some w. Spa, time, season,’

see under Vy i ]v i r ani , a . warding 03 ( those that attackit) , and so strong or ungovernable (ofwi ld beasts ) ; as m. elephant. [Vl vr,cover , ward ofi,

’1 150. 1h .]

v i r i na s i , f . Varanas i , the modern

Benares .

v i r i , n. water . [see vi n ]v i r i - s th a , a . situated in the water , i.s.

(of the sun’

s disk ) reflected in the water .v i v i , pa rticle, emphas izing the word which

it f ollows. surely , just. [for doubleacct

, seeWhi tneyV v i g (vicyate [761c] ; vavi gé ; i vi



vaeat [861 ] v i citi ; vi gitvi ) . bleat

low ; cry (of birds ) . [see vagi , Lat.




’and vi grt ]

v i gr i , a . lowing (of kine) . [Vvi g1 188a.]

v i ed , m. — 1 . prop. a staying over nigh t

— 2. an abiding, 325 - 3. abiding-place,

[V 3vas,‘ dwel l

’: for mg, cf.

v i s a - b h ii m i , j : dwell ing-place.v i s i t i ,

— l . in Veda , as adj . of the

dawn ; hiptos — 2. in class ical Skt.,neuter , used as subst., a lso mascul ine, (prop.

time o f dawn, as distinguish ed fromnigh t, and so) day in general . [prop. a

secondary deriv. ( 1 1 88d) fr. an obsolete

svas-ar ,‘ dawn,

’Vl vas,

‘ dawn’: see

[243] [Vl vid

l vas : and for the form vas-at , cf . (up v i c a k sani , a . appear ing far and wide,

and vEr , there given, and ah -ar , i dh -ar ,

v i s a - v ecm a n , n. chamber for spending

the nigh t, sleeping-room.

v i s a s , n. garment. [V2vas ,v i s i n ,

a. dwelling. [V3 vas,‘ dwel l ,

v i s ta v y a, a . belonging to an abode ;

as m. inh abitant. [vi stu, 1212dv i s tu,

m. n. dwel ling. [V3 vas,‘ dwel l ,

1 161a.]v i s t o s- p i t i , m. lord or Genius of the

dwel l ing, 772m [v i stos, gen . of v i stu

( 1250d) pi ti : acct, 1267s and d.]v i h i ,

a . carry ing ; car rying 03 . [VvalL]v i h a n a , a . carrying off ; as n.

— l . beast

of burden, 563; beast for riding ; team ;

vehicle ; — 2. th e car ry ing, [Vvah ,1 150. 1b.]

1 v i [343c], m. bird. [cf. olewds, ebl-‘ t

a rcs, Lat. avi-s,

2 v i , prepos ition. apar t, asunder , away ,

out ; denoting intens ity in descr iptive cpds

cf : vi citra, vibudha ; denotingsepa ration or non-agreement in possessive

cpds cf . vimanas , etc. similar ly

in the prepositiona l cpd ( 1310a ) , vipr iya.

v i nga ti j : twenty . [cf . einem ,

Boeotian Fixa‘

fl , Lat. viginti ,

v i k a ta , a .— 1 . exceeding the usua l meas

ure ; and so — 2. ( l ike Eng. enormous )monstrous, h ideous ; — as m. Hideous,

name of a gander . [cf . 1245g.]v i k r am i , m. a stepping out, appearance ;

esp . bo ld or courageous advance , courage,m igh t. [Vkram -t-ViJ

v i g a t a - s amk a l p a ,a . with vanished

purpose, purposeless. [V gam vi

1299 ]v i gul p h a , a . abundant. [origin nu

clean ]v i g r a h a , m.

— l . separation ; and so - 2.

division ; and so — 3 . discord, quarrel ,war . [Vgrab. + vi.]

Vv i c (vin i kti ; vih ti ; véktum ; -vi cya ).separate, esp . grain from chafi by O


nowing ; separate, in general .

+ v i , separate out or apart ; vivikta ,

isolated, and so lonely .

conspicuous or, far-see ing. [Voaks vi.]

v i - c i t r a , a . — 1 . very var iegated ; — 2.

differently colored, varied ; — 3. (ful l ofvariety and surpr ises, and so ) entertain

ing, beautiful . [in mg 1 , vi has perhapsin tens ive force ; in 2, perhaps variative.]V v i j (vij i te ; v ivijé ; i vikta vij ia

yi ti ; vigni ) . move with a quick dartingmotion, dloa ew ; ( l ike Eng. star t) move

suddenly from fear . [cf . AS. wic-an,‘

give way’

; Eng. weak,‘

y ielding, soft,

ud , start up ; be affr igh ted ; udvigna,terr ified.

v iJa y i , m. victory ; personified, Victory ,name of a rabbit. [Vj i vi .]

v i j i t i , j i conquest.v i j i te n d r i y a ,

a . having the organs of

sense subdued. [vij ita indr iya.)v i j fiéy a , grdo. to be known or considered

as. [Vjfli V i, 9633 a.]

v i n-mfitr a ,n. faeces and ur ine.

226b, 161 : for cpd, 1253b.]v i ta th a , a. fal se. [

‘ difiering from the

so,’vi tath i , 1314a.]

v i ta th i bh i n i v ega , m. incl ination to

wards that wh ich is false. [abhinivegm]v i t a s t i , f . a span, about nine inches or

twelve fingers. [prob. fr . V tan vi , and

so‘a stretch

’ from the tip of th e thumb

to th at of l ittl e finger : for mg, cf . Eng.

noun span and verb span,‘extend over ,

and see vy i ma.)v i t i n a , m. n.

- 1 . spreading out, exten

sion ; — 2. canopy . [Vtan + vi : for mg

2, cf. Eng. expanse (of heaven ) and e:

pand.]v i tt i , ppl . gotten ; as n. ( l ike Lat. quaes

tus ) gettings, that wh ich is got, property .

[V2vid,V l v i d (vétti ; véda [790a] ; i vedit


vedisyi ti, -te ; vetsyi ti, -te ; viditi

véditum, véttum ; viditvi ; -vidya ; vo

di yati ) . -1 . know ; understand ; per

ce ive ; ya ovumveda ,who knoweth thus,

who hath th is knowledge, f requent f ormula

in theBrdhmanas , 973; vidyi t, one should

know, it should be known or understood ;

v2vid] [244]

recognize me as N., know that I am N. ; [vidarbha does not stand in the rela

- 3 . notice ; be m indful of, 75 bethink tion of a gen. of appel lation : see 295

one’s self, - 4. bel ieve ; assume ; v i da r bh a -p a t i , m. lord or king of

cons ider a person (acc.) to be Vidarbha.

-ppl . vidvi ns, see s.v. v i da r bh a - r i j a n , m. king of Vidarbha.

[with veda. vidmi , cf . area, finer , AS. v i d i s i n , a. becoming exhausted, dryingic wdt, we

i witon, I know, we know’ Eng. up. [Vdu Vi , 1 183

I wot, gerund to wit, noun wit, under v i dy i , f . - 1 . knowledge ; a discipl ine or

standing’: cf. also «no», sta tor ,


; science ; esp. trayi vidyi , the tr iple

Lat. vide‘

re, see

; AS. witan, see’

; science or knowledge of the holy word, as

whence wit-go, seer, soothsayer , wizard hymn, sacrificial formula, and chant, or

( Ice landic vii-ki ,‘ wizard wicca ,

‘ wizard,’

the Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samavedawiece, witch ,

’Eng. witch, masc. and fem . : - 2. esp. the science xar


isoxhv, i .e.magic ;veda. is an old preter ito-present,

‘ have a magic formula, spel l . [V1 vid. 1213dseen or perceived,

’and so,

‘ know’— see for mg 2, observe the equa l ly arbitrary

V2vid : the forms of the other tense special ization in Eng. spell , wh ich in AS.

systems are comparatively modern.] meant a

a nu, know along, i.s . from one end to v i dy i -dh a r a ,a . keeping or possessed of

the other , know thorough ly . knowledge or the m agic art ; as m. a Vid

+ n i , caus . cause to know ; do to wit ; yi dhara, one of a class of genii , who are

announce ; communicate. attendants on i a, and reputed to be

2v i d (vindi ti, -to vivéda, vividé magicians.

v i d y i m a da m. knowledge intoxication,

véttum vittvi -vidya ) . — 1 . find, i.s . infatuated pr ide in one’

s learning.

etc. ; get, obtain (ch ildren ) , v i dy i v a y o -v rdd h a , a . grown old in

—2. get hold of, 807; - 3 . pass. knowledge and years, distinguished for

vidyi te : is found ; later , equiv. to there is, l earning and age. [vidyi 3 vayas ,

there exists ppl . vidi na [619 found,-ppl . vitta , see e.u. v i dy ti t ,

- l . a . lightening ; and so, as in

[orig. ident. w. Vl vid, of wh ich th is is Eng.,

27‘ligh tning. [ Vdynt vi.

only another aspect, namely that of see

ing esp. an object looked for , i .s. of v i dv aj -j a n a , m. wise man. [vidv i nafinding

’see 1 vid.] 1249s ,

+ a nu, find. v i dv i ns ppl. knowing ; wise,

v i d , vbl . knowing, at end of cpds. [Vl vid.] ctc. ; learned ; tvasti v idv i n , a cunning

v i da ,a . knowing, at end of cpds. [do.] workman (cf .Eng. cunning and Old Eng.

v i d a t r a , a. noticing, in cpds. [V1 vid, cunucu, [V1 vid,‘ know,

1 185d.] 79os , 803 1 ]v i d i th a , n. directions, orders. [prop. V 1 v i dh (vidh i ti ) . worsh ip a god (dat.)

knowledge given, i.e. instructions,’

with honor (acc.) with

V 1 vid, 1 163b [cf. vedh as.]v i da r bh a ,

— 1 . m. pl. the V idarbhans, V 2v i dh (vindhi te ). lack or be without s

V idarbha , name of a people, and of their th ing vidui ri ; be bereft or alone.

country , wh ich was south of the Vindhya

mountains , and is now cal led Berar ; - 2. V 3v i dh , see Vvyadh.m. sing.Vidarbha, i .s. a king of V idarbha, v i dh , vbl . boring th rough , wounding, at

4 3. [for mg 2, cf.“Norway, uncle of end qf cpds. [V3vidh or vyadh , 252, of.

young Fortinbras ,” Ham let, i .2.

v i da r bh a -n a g a r i , f . city or capital v i d h i v i , j :widow. [V2vidh ,‘ be bereft,

of Vidarbha, i.s. Randias (kundina ) . 1 190: cf. h- lfisos,‘

youth without a wife.

v ibhu]

vi : if so, we must suppose that the

name was first given to the die as die,

and applied secondari ly to nut and

tree .]v i b hu, a . — l . pervading, far-reach ing ;

unl im ited, — 2. powerful , m igh ty ,of Indra, 5

13 15; as subst. lord or ruler .

[Vbh ii vi , 354 : for 2, cf. vibhava 1

and 2, and vibhfiti .]v i bh fit i , f . — 1 . development or growth

- 2. ( the resul t of growth , i.e.) power ,esp . of a lord or ruler . [Vbhfi vi , l l 57d

cf . vibhava and vibhu.]v i -m a n a a , a . (hav ing an away


mind or h eart, i.s.) out of one’

s senses or

dishear tened. [ 1305 ]v im a r da , m. destruction ; (of sleep ) dis

turbance. [Vmrd +vi.]v im i n a , a . traversing, esp. the sky ;

as m. n. a palatial car of the gods that

moves th rough the air, sky


[VI mi vi,‘ measure,

q.v. :

v i -muk h a , a . having the face away ;

vimukh i yi nti, they go (with averted

faces, i.s .) h omewards. [ 1305 ]v i - r a j a s , a . having dust away , dustless,

pure. [1305 ]v i r a h a , m. — 1 . abandonment, separation

from ; - 2. absence, freedom.from . [V rah

+ v i .]v i r i m a , at. stop, end, pause. [V r am +vi .]v i r odh i n , a . h indering, disturbing.

[Vrudh vi, 1 183

v i l i an , m. joy .

v i v a r a, m. n. open ing ; hole (of creatures

that l ive in the ground) . [V l vr + vi,‘ uncover,

v i - v a r na ,a . having the color away ,

color less, pale. [1305 ]v i v a r na - v a da n a , a .pale

-faced. [1298a.]v i v as v a n , a . l igh ting up ; vivi svabhis ,

as adv. so that it l igh ts up ; as n.,

perhaps, flash , spark. [V l vas +vi ,‘ l ight

up,’1 1695 ]

v i v a l v a n t , a . ligh ting up ; as m. Vivas

vant, name of a god of the dawning day

ligh t or morning-sun, father of the twins

Yams and Yam i and of the Acvins,

85 13-14. [Vl val vi.‘ ligh t up,




v i v i h a, nu. fetching home of the br ide,wedding, marr iage. [Vvah vi .]

v i v i h a - ca tusta y a , n. marriage-qua

ternion, i.s . the marrying of four wives.v i v i h ag n i , m. wedding

-fire. [agnL]v i v i dh a ,

a . having difierent kinds , i.s .

of difierent sorts , various. [2vi vidh i ,

334 9, 1305 ]v i v rddh i , f . growth ; increase in size ;

increase. [Vvrdh -i-vi , 1 157. 1d.]v i v ek a , m. - 1 . a separating apart ; — 2.

discr imination, discernment, good judgment [Vvic + vi , for mg 2, cf .

discr imination w. Lat. discr imina'

re, sepa

rate,’fr . discr imen of the same root as


; cf . also discernment

with discernere.]v i e (vigati , -te ; viveca, viv icé ; Aviksat ;veksyi ti. -te ; vim ; véstnm ; M ays ;

veqayati ). settl e down ; go in ; go into ,

enter. [with veca,‘ house,

’cf. olxos ,

‘ h ouse’

(analogous to entry from enter ) ,Lat. vicus,

‘settlement, vi l lage,


the borrowed AS. wic,

‘vi l lage

; Goth .

veins ,‘vi l lage Lat. 40a , ovic(u)la , smal l

settlement, farm’: see furth er vie and

vega.]i , go into, enter ; pervade, RV .x. 125 6

i vista : actively, having entered ; passively ,

entered by , fil led with ; -caus . cause to

go into, put into, communicate.

+ up a , settle down upon ; sit down ;

upavista , seated.

+ ui , mid. go in ; go home (to house or

nest) ; settle down to rest.

+ a b h i -ui , settle down to ; be incl ined

towards, fig.,as in Eng. ; be bent upon.

+ p r a , enter , get in to ; an. acc., 85 3 ;

w. loc.,

without exp ressed obj ect

enter , go in, go h ome,

penetrate, pierce ;— caus . cause to enter .

s am - p r a , go iu; m. grham, go home ;

w. niveqanam , go to bed ; enter , an. loc.

+ s am , enter together , i.s. make their

appearance together or come hi ther to

gether,— caus. cause to enter upon,

put or set upon.

v i e (v s.vi9am.vmbh 1 - 1 .

settlement, i .e. dwel ling-place and so

house ; —2. a settlement, i.s . the com

munity , clan , folk ; vigan patis, lord of

peoples, i.s . simply prince ; tr ibe or host


r bway , 9213 - 2. sometimes, entire, whole ;

so 71 17.

(of gods ) , 711 3,78 4 ; — 3 . the folk , as v i ev a

- c a k sa s , a . al l-beholding. [see

distinguished from the Brahmans and 1296 8 : acct, 1298c.]Kshatr iyas, the th ird caste, later cal led v i gv ata s , adv. from or on al l sides,

v i igya ; a man of the th ird caste,

[Vv ie, q.v. : cf . Awpcées r pcxd-m-s r, th ree

tribed Dor ians ’

; also Kel tic vic in Ordo

vIc-se, people of North Wales, and Lemo

vicues , people of modern Limoges.]v i ga ii k i , j : hesitation. [a fik vi,

v i qi k h a , a. having spread-asunder

branch es, i .s . forked ; -e, dual j :Vicakhe,name of an aster ism . [2 vi gi kh i ,

1305, 334 1 ]v i ei k h i l a , m. Vicakh il a, name of a mer

chant. [vigi khm 1227 : perhaps named

after the asterism because various green


s commodities belonged to it.]v i gi l a, a . capacious, spreading, broad.

v i g i sta t i , j ?condition of being distin

guished, distinction , superiority . [viciate ,

1237 : see gig v i .]v i gesa , m.

— 1 . that wh ich separates or

distinguishes one thing fr om anoth er ,

distinction or difference ; and so — 2. ( l ikeEng. di stinction ) eminence, excel lence

viceaena, as adv. [1 1 12b], to an eminent

degree, i .s . very much , especial ly ,l ike

French par excel lence. [Vcis 4» vi .]v i ge ea t a s , adv.

— 1 . at end of a cpd,

according to th e difference of

- 2. ( l ike vigesena ,see above ) especial ly .

[vigesa , 1098b.]v i g- pat i , m. master of the h ouse.

[euph ony , 218 5 : acct, 1267s : cf . Old

Prussian wa is-pa tti-n, house-m istress

Lithuanian v‘

e’sz-pa t


v i qr a bdh am , see Vgr ambh.

v i gr a m b h a , m. confidence.

vi .]v i gr am bh al ap a , m. confidence-talk,

fam il iar conversation . [i lapa n]v i gv a pr on. adj . 1 a. al l , every

every one ; common in Veda, but replaced

in the Breihmana and la

1h . vigve devi s : al l


everywhere. [vigva , 1098b : acct, 1298c.]v i cv dto

-muk h a ,a . having a face on

a l l sides, whose face is turned every

wh ither. [1305 ]v i qv a

- d a r ga ta ,a . to be seen by all ,

al l-conspicuous. [acct, 1273, 12985 ]v i ev a

- d ev a ,m. pl . the Al l-gods (see

deva 2b) , RV. x. 125 1 . [vigva deva:

acct, 1280a, 1298c.]v i ev a

- b h e sa j a , a . al l-healing. [vigvabh esaja: acct, 1280a, 1298c.]

v i ev a-gca n d r a , a . al l-sparkl ing. [v ieva

qcandra: acct, 1280a, l 298c.]v i gv a

- arj , a . a l l-creating ; as m. pl. Al l

creators, name of certain creative beings.

v i gv i d , a. al l-consuming. [vigva + sa jv i gvfiy n , assumed as stem of vigv i yoe,75 1 , prop . a f orm of trans ition to the n

declens ion of the stem vigvityus, and mean

ing either friendly to al l , al l -fr iendly ( iftaken with mama , i.s. varunasya ) , or else

a l l l iving cre


p turgs (if taken with rastram ,

lordsh ip over see v igvi yus 1 and 2.

v i gv i yus , 1 . a . be longing to or appear

ing to al l l ife or living creatures, i .s.

either friendly to al l or al l-known (appl ied

to gods ) , or else dwel l ing in al l (of the

Genius of Life ) , —2. as n. al l-l ife,i .e. al l l iving creatures, men and beasts .

[vigva i yus , acct, 1280a, 12980 : for

mg 1 , see 1294

v i gv i s a , m. confidence.

v i gv i s a- k i r a na ,



v i gv as a- bh fim i , f . pr0pcr vessel for

confidence, one who may safely be


[Veves vi .]reason for con

v i gv i h i ,adv. always, for evermore.

[vigva ,see 1 100a and cf . acct,

cf . 12985 ]V v i s (vivesti ; vivésa ; veksyati,


vista; -visya ) . work, be active, accom

pl ish .

v i e (vi t, visam, vidbh is ), f . excrement,


v isa] [248]

i sa, n. poison. [prop.‘ the potent or

overpower ing,’ VVie: no less arbitrary is

the specia l ization in Eng. poison, fr . Lat.


‘ draugh t’: cf . leis, r is es, Lat

vi rus ,

v i sa - kum b h a , m. jar of poison .

v i sa y a ,m. — 1 . prop . working, and so

sphere of activity or influence ; - 2. one’


department or l ine or pecul iar province ;and so

, general ized — 3. province, field,

domain, empire, country ; — 4 . fie ld of

activity of one of the sense-o rgans

sound is the visaya of the ear ) , a mere

specia l iza tion of mg 1 ; object of sense,

pleasure of sense ; — 5. object in general .

[Vv is : but the formation of the stem is

not clear .)v i si da , m. despondency , dejection. [Vand+ vi .]

v i su,adv. on both sides.

v i suv a t samkr i nti , j : equinox-passage

(of the sun from one zodiaca l sign to the

next) ; the time of equinox-

passage, the

equinox. [visuvantn]v i auv an t , — 1 . a . having or taking part

on both sides, i .s. keeping or being in the

m iddle ; — 2. m. m iddle day (e.g. of a

long sacr ifice ) ; — 3 . m. n. esp . m iddle

day between the solstices, the verna l or

autumnal equinox. [visu, l 233o and

b end.]V v i st (vestate ; vistita; -véstya ; vesti

yati ) . wind one’

s self about ; caus . windaround, envelope , wrap up, dress.

v i snu,m. V ishnu, name of a god, wh ose

chief work in the Veda is the measur ing

of the sky in th ree paces, andwho became

one of the Hindu Tr inity , and extremely

important in the later sectar ian devel

opment of India ; cf. brahm‘u 2 and

giva. [prob. the migh ty worker ,’ V vie,

v i snu-

ga r m a n , m. Vishnucarman,

name of a sage. having V . as h is

protection’or el se ‘

the de l igh t of V .

the mg of the cpd depends on its accent

(see 1302 1 and and this is not

known .] to M S“;v i snuga r m a - naman , a. possessing vis

nagatman as name, namedV. [ l 249a9.]

v i sv a fio a . directed in both ways or

parted asunder. [visa afic,

v i sar j a n a ,n. the letting go ; evacuation.


vi -Iv i ap a sta ,

see l ag + Vi.

v i s p a sti r th a ,a . having clear or inte l

l igible meaning. [artha.]v i sm a y a , m. astonishment.

v i sm a y i n v i ta , a . fil led with astonish

ment. [anvita, Viv i -h a s ta , a . - 1 . having the hands away,

handless ; and so 2. ( l ike Eng. un

handy ) awkward ; and so - 3. perplexed,

confounded. [1305 ]v i h i r i n ,

a. wandering about. [Vl hr -t


l v i'

(veti ; vivi ya , vivyé ; vi ti ) . — 1 .

seek eager ly ;— 2. accept gladly ; enjoy ;

-3 . strive to get ; — 4 . fal l upon.

[cf. Lat. véna'

r i,

‘ hunt,’a denom . of

mé-na ,‘ hunt ’ ; AS. tad-6


‘ hunt’

; Old

High Ger. weida ,‘ 1 . the seeking, esp . of

food, i .e. hunting, fish ing, and then 2. place

for getting food, pasture, and 3. food,fodder ’

; weida appears w. mg 1 in Ger.

Wa id-mann, hunter’

(also as fam ilyname, Weidmann

, and w. mgs

2 and 3 in Weide,‘

pasture, food’: per

h aps 2 vayas ,‘ food,

q .v ., comes fr. Vvi


in mg 1 , seek for, hunt,’and in th is case

the development of mg is like that of

weida 3 and l ike that of Lat. vi na'



hunting, game,’whence Eng. venison.]

+up a , seek after.V 2v i , see vyi .

v ini , f . lute.

v i ta ,see V i + vi ; also ref erable to roots vi

and vy i .

v i t a - da r p a ,a . having one

’s pride de

parted ; humbled. [Vi + v i.]v i ta - r ag a , a . having one

s passions de

parted, i.e. having conquered one’s pas

sions. [do.]v i t a, m.

- 1 . man ; esp . man of m ight,

hero ; in pl . Miinner ; — 2. hero, appl ied

to gods ;— 3 . pl. ( l ike Eng. men ) re

tainers, Mannen, 86 5. [cognate with

3 vayas,‘strength cf . Lat. sir , AS. wer ,

‘ manly or h eroic man’

; Eng. were-wolf ,‘ man

M i] [250]

Vv rj (vrnékti , vriikté ; vavérja ; fivarkvarkeyéti. 4 0 ; vrkté ; "fir st ;

varjdyati ) . — 1 . turn ; twist off ; — 2.

turn or set aside ; — 3. ( turn aside, i .s.)di-vert or keep away or al ienate something

from some one

— caus. [104 19] — 1 . (set aside, i .s.)

abandon, shun ; avoid, 2591,104“ 2.

(set aside, take out, and so,l ike ex-e ipere )

except ; varj ayitv i , with an excepting ,

i.s. with exception of, leave out,

exclude, separate.

[or ig. br ing out of its original direction

or position , by bending or diverting or

keeping in ( in th is last sense, cf. vrjAna,‘enclosure,

’and l -(p



‘shut and

so the opposite of V1 rj , stretch or reach

straigh t out,’

q .v. : cf . also Lat. verger e,‘ bend, turn

; Eng. wr ick,‘to twist,


wr iggle ; prob. cognate is wr ing,‘twist


also Eng. wrong,‘twisted, crooked (as in

wrong-nosed, Wycl if ) ,

‘ bad,’wh ich shows

the same metaphor as vrj ina and French

Eng. tort,from Lat. torquére,

v rj an a ,n. enclosure, esp . enclosed settle

ment, and so,either dwel ling


place ( 7413 )

or the dwel lers. [Vvrj , q .v. : 1 150.

v rj i n a , a . crooked, wrong, opp . of rju,‘straigh t, righ t.

[e j , 1 1 77b : for the

mg, see e j .]v r t (vArtate, -ti ; vavérta , v i vrté [786]avrtat vartisyati , -te ; vartsyhti,


vrtta; v i rtitum ; -v i'tya vartayati,

-te ) . 1 . turn or ro l l or move as does a

wh eel ; .in genera l , move or come from

-2. ( l ike Eng. take its

course ) go on, take place ; happen ; ski

pi yena vrt, go with a diminution-by-one,

i .s. decrease by one, 585; - 3. (move

one’s self about in a place, and so) abide,

exist, be, be present ; mfirdhni vrt, stand

at the h ead, he chief in importance, 2221 ;- 4 . be in a certain condition, case, occu

petion ; be concerned with 105 ;- 5. l ive ; l ive by i.s. l ive upon ,

104 2 ; — 6. proceed, behave ; - 7 . atten

acted in mg f rom sense 3 to that of a simple

copula , be, 51— vrtt5, see s.v.

[cf. Lat. cert-ere,‘ turn ’

; AS. weor'

8an,‘ become,

’ Eng. worth,

‘ become, be to’


wo wor th the day ) , Ger . werden ,

‘ become

for transition of mg in Eng. and Gen, cf .

Eng. turn, wh ich al so means become (asin turn tra itor ) : — cf. also Eng.

-wa rd, as

in go south-wa rd

, i.e. turned to the south ,’

fly up-wa rd, i.s .‘ directed up,

etc . (seeafic) also Ger . Wirt-el , ‘

spindle-r ingChurch S lavonic vret-eno

, spindle

further akin is, prob., AS . wr i i


‘ twist,’whence come : Eng. wr ithe ; AS.

wr i ts,

‘a twisted band,

Eng.wrea th ; wr ist,

ear lier hand-wr ist, s

-wr i S-st, hand-turner

— with vrttfi, cf. Lat. ver sus, turned


whence ver sa'

re, turn much

’: for mgs

3—6 of vrt, cf . Lat. verso'

r i, wh ose senses

are qui te paral lel , and the Eng. phrase“ in wh om we l ive and more and have our


a n u, rol l after ; fol low ; and so, con

tinus .

5 , act. turn h ith er so at

74 1 1 (se. r i tharh vas,‘

your mid.

turn rol l back,

up aj , turn h ith er unto, 93 19

a bh i - p a r y - i , turn around unto.

v y - i , turn away , intrans. separate

from or part with 86 3, 96


+ aam - i , turn back to meet ; go h ome,

used esp . of a rel igious preeeptor’s pupil

who has finished his studies.

a d , turn out (centrifugal ly ) , intrans .,

fly asunder ; caus. burst asunder or open

+ n i , - 1 . turn back ; — 2. flee ;

turn away ;— 4. turn from

, abstain ;

vri ta , see s.v.

p r a t i -n i , turn back fromn i l , rol l out, intrans ., and so (with a

metaphor like that in the Eng. e-vol ve itselfand Ger . sieh ent—wickeln ) develop, comeinto being, caus. e-volve from ,

i .s .

create from 57 1°

p a r i , turn around ; move in a circle.

+ p r a ,- 1 . turn or move forward ; — 2.

set out ; — 3 . begin, set about ; - 4. en

gage in ;-pr avrtta, see s.v.,

— caus. set

in motion.

+ v i , turn away ; part with

caus. whir l about, trans .

s am , unite, intrans., and so take shape,

form itself , come into being.

[251 ]

v i't , vbl . turning, in cpds. [e h ]

v rtt h , ppl .— I . happened (e t tad

vrttam , that took place ; — 2. existing

(vrt — as n.— 1 . th ing happened,

occurrence (vrt — 2. life, behavior

(Vrt 5.6 )v r tt i n t a , an. occurrence, adventures,

story . [anta : force of anta not clean ]v r tt i , f . prop. an existing, and so ( l ike

Eng. l iving ) means of subsistence, sup

port. [e t 3, 5 : cf. var tana.Jv ytt i - n i b a n dh a n a , n. means of sup


v r tt i .uj a a a . possessing existing strength ,

i.s . m igh ty . [oju ]v rt r a,

- 1 . n. th at which wards ofl or

h ol ds in cheek, i.s. the enemy , 75l ‘; — 2.

m. coverer , encloser ; personified, Vritra,demon of drough t and darkness, principal

personification of the malign power that

covers or darkens the sky and encom

passes or withholds the heavenly

waters , selections xxxii. and lxvii . ; slain

by Indra , 7313; see 82

1 and 97 19. [V 1 vr,‘cover ,

’l 185b.]

v r t r a tar a , compa rative to vrtr a (see

the areh -withholder. [acct irregular , 471 , l 242a

v r t r h -put r a , a . having Vritra as son ;

-5, j : th e mother of V . [1302 ]v i

'th i , adv. at wil l , at pleasure ; for

pleasure, i .s. not for the sake of the gods.

[V2vr,‘choose, wil l ,

v r tba- p a cug h n a , a. slaying cattle for

pleasure ; as m. one who slays cattle for

pleasure, i.s . not for sacri fice. [1279 ]v rddh a, ppl . — 1 . grown , become great ;

increased (of weal th ) , — 2. as adj .

grown up, opp . of young ; old, aged ; a s

subst. old man, 2812; — 3. (grown great,

and so, l ike Lat. altus ) em inent, distin

guished. [Vvrdh ,

v rddh a tv a , n. condition of being old,

old age.

v f'ddh i , f . — 1 . growth , increase ; - 2.

interest (on money lent) , - 3. the

(second) increment of a vowel , see 235-6.

[wt-ah ,

V v rdh (vardhati, -te ; vavtrdha , va

vrdbe; avrdhat, Avardhista ; vartsyati ;

[v rsan

vrddha ; vArdhitum ; vardhhyati ,-te) .

act. trans -1 . elevate , make to grow,

make greater, strengthen ;- 2. f ig. ele

vate inwardly , excite pleasantly , ch eer ,

inspire (cf . the metaphor in slang Eng. high ,‘s ligh tly used of the effects

which the homage and sacrifices of men

are supposed to have on the gods

- mid. intrans — 3. grow, th rive,

vardhate, he thr ives, i.s. it goes

wel l with him, 653; grow strong or greater

or m igh ty , 813, 82

3; increase, 601°

— 4. f ig. be pleasantl y excited, take dc»

l igh t in ; be inspired ;- caus. -1 . make to grow make

strong ; bring up (a child ) , 46 ° increase,

trans., 6431; -2. fig. excite pleasantly ,

cheer , inspire ; distinction between the

phys ica l andfig. mgs not a lways to be made,

so 8019.

[cf . BMW -q, wh oa-m , growth , a shoot,

fih aa 'rdsm, grow bpads, sPopOOS, up

righ t’

; Lat. verb-er ,‘a shoot, rod

; verb

Ena, (sacred )+ p r a , grow on, grow up ; pravrddha ,

( l ike La t. al tus ) exal ted.

v i , grow, increase, 219


+ s am , grow ; caus. make to grow ; bring

up ; nour ish , feed.v tdh , vbl. being pleased,

[e tV v rs (v i-rmi. -te ; vavérsa. vm '

sé ;

i n n it ; varsisyflti.-te ; VIM ; vérsi

tum vrstvi , -vtsya ) . rain ; varas ti

[303b], bon es, wh il e it is raining. [or ig.

perhaps, more general , to pour down ,

esp . either the fructify ing water of heaven

(masc.) upon th e earth or semen

of the bul l or male animal upon the

female : with var sa,‘rain ,

’cf . l -epoau,

rain-drops with vrsan and vrsabha ,

‘ bul l ,’cf . Lat. verres , suers-se,

‘ boar ,’


named from h is great generative power ,

just as the sow (see air) from her fe

cundi ty .]v r sa ,

used only at end of cpds [1315a] inVeda , but later independently, instead of


v f'

sa n [42Gb], adj . and subst. descr ibing

or denoting al l that was distinguished for

vrsabh a]

its strength and viril ity

opposed to a castrated person ,- 2.

— 1 . man, as 2 v éda s , n. ( l ike Lat. quaestus ) gettings ,

property , cf . vitta. [V2vid,of animals : stal l ion ; bul l ; boar ; — 3. of v ed i d h y a y a n a , n. Veda-study , scr ip


gods : manly , m igh ty , great ; of Indra , tare-reading. [adhyayana .]74 5 ; of the Maruts, of the Sun or v ed i , f . sacrificial bed, i.e. a spotof ground

Sun-horse, 797. [e s, q .v.

,1 160c : cf .

5pm”, stem sFapoer ,

v rea b h a, essentially the same as vrsan,

q.v. : esp. - 1 . hul l ; with sabaata-griiga ,

the thousand-horned steer , i .s. the sun or

the m oon ;— 2. bul l , as type of

greatness and m igh t ; most m igh ty one,

of Indra, 7313

. [Vvra, 1 198 ]v ysn l a, m. prop . man ikin,

i.e. l ittle man ,

and so,as term of contempt, a low person,

esp . a Cadre. [vrsa ,

V v rsa s y a (vrsasydti ). desire the male,

be lustful . [vrsa, l o59e, 1058 ]V v r si y a (vrsayti te) . act as a vrea, i.s

show one’s manly strength or courage ;

be lustful ; or simply, be eager . [vi-pa,

1059b, 1058 ]v rsti , j i rain . [e s,

V v r h or bph (n hati ; vavérha ; avrksat ;vrdhfi [224a] ; -vthya ) . pluck, tear .

v enu, m. reed, esp. bamboo-reed.

v ed a., m.- 1 . understanding, knowledge ;

— 2. esp. the sacred knowledge, handed

down in triple form of re, yajus , and

si man ,see these, and cf (tr ayi


) vidy i ;- la ter

, the wel l-known col lections cal led

Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samaveda

(63 5 the holy scr iptures, h eld to be a

revelation and so ca l led gruti,

[Vl vid.]v eda, m. tuf t of strong grass (kuca or

mufija ) tied so as to form a broom , 6213


v ed a - t r a y a , n. the th ree Vedas .

v eda - n i n da k a , m. one who scoffs at

the Veda, infidel .

v eda - puny a ,n. Veda-merit,

acqui red by Veda-study .

v eda -b i h y a , a . being outside of th e

Veda, i .s. extra-Vedic, differ ing from or

conflicting with the Veda. [ 1265 veda

being in an abl . relation.]v ed a - v i d a .Veda-knowing.

1 v éd a s , n . knowledge ; possibly adj .,knowing, cf . na-vedas. [ V l vid,

‘ know

cf .

sancti ty

excavated two or th ree inches and covered

with straw and serv ing as a kind of al tar .

v ed i n ,a . knowing. [Vl vid,

v e d i -p a r i sa , n. loose earth of the vedi .

v odk ‘ a ,subst. adj . 1 . worsh ipper of the

gods, worsh ipping, pious, devoted ; — 2.

general ized, faithful , true, used of Indra,

75 ‘3. [V1 vidh ,‘ worship a god,

1 151 .

2b.]v é l i , f - 1 . end-point l im it ; — 2. esp.

l imit of time, point of time, hour .

v eca, m. — 1 . settler ; neighbor .— 2. (set

tlement, i.s.) dwe l l ing, house. [Vvig : cf .olxos,

‘ house,’

Old Lat. r eicus, Lat. vicus


houses, quarter of a town ,vi l lage hence

the borrowed AS. wic,

‘town ,

’as in q ort

wic, Eng. York, pr0p. Eber-stadt or

Boar-town ,

’and perhaps in Nor-wich ,

‘ Nor

v égm a n , n. (settlement, i.s.) dwel l ing,house, abode, chamber . [Vvig, 1 l 68.1a.]

v i i , postpositive pa rticle, emphasizing the

preceding word,e.g. 3 17, 96

13; ra re in

the ( in a quoted man

tra ) excessively common in the br i hmana

93 s 90 3 15 ) and EP“

etc. in h rahmana qflen marking

the preceding word as the first qf its clause

(cg/I atha , near end of mg 3 ) so 95 13,

96 12, and in the examples j ust given ; qfienused, esp. in Epos, as a mere expletive

[see so at end gt”

a pi da ,

v i i c i t r y a, n. variety , diversity . [vicitra,

v i i na v d , f . -i, a . of reed, esp. of bamboo.

[vana ,1208c.]

v i i d a r bh mf . -i'

,a . belonging to Vidar

bha ; as m. the Vidarbhan, i .s. king of

V . ; as j : the pr incess of V.,i.e. Dama

yanti , 87, etc. [vidarbha, l 2o8f .]

v i i d i k a , a . Vedic, prescribed by or con

formable to the Vedas. [veda , 1222ev i i dy a , 1 . a . having to do with science,

learned ; and so - 2. as m. (with a tran

vyém a]

v y i m h , m.

.Z/ a'



. o

a fit? "I f

5 5 57 4

v y i m a -m i t r a , a .

prop. a stretch -out; the dis

tance covered by the stretched-out arms,

a fathom , about s ix feet. [for vi-ys'

ima ,

V yam + vi : for mg, cf . the precise ly

paral lel Eng. f athom w. AS. f z‘Em,


extended arms’

; sm ut,‘ fathom ,


bplyw, stretch French toise , Medieva l

Lat. tesa ,‘ fathom ,

’ from Lat. tensa , ppl .

of tenders ,

h av ing a fathomas its measure, see mi tr i . [m i trsy

v y ish r t i , f . - 1 . utterance ; — 2. esp .

fit s/aw f

‘d r


U s )?M( 7M


b L“,

one of the three sacred and mystical

exclamations , bhfir , bhuvas, and avar ,

which see. [V 1 hr vy-i .]v yom a n , n . h eaven, sky .

V v r a j (vraj ati ; vavr i ja ; hvr i j it ; vraj is

yati vr aj ita ; vr hj itum vr aj itvz‘


-i a ) . march , proceed, go.

5 , come h ither , go unto.

p r a ty-a, march or go back.

p a r i , march round about ; wander


+ p r a , march forth ; go unto ; wander ;esp . leave one

’s house to wander about as

an ascetic, 652.

v r a ta,n.— 1 . wil l ; devi niim ati vratam ,

beyond the wi l l of th e gods , 882—


(n ip A lb: c lear ; decree , command or

Gebot, statute ; a nd so — 2. (as Eng.

V ca ns (gam e ,-te ; M use.


present of VVprach and ml ech , which see

sec 221 9 and cf . 228 ]v i , cut asunder or to pieces.

w e“scann t ; cansisyati ; easta ; gastv i ,

or ig. say in a loud and solemn

way , and so : 1 . recite, esp . a sacred hymn

or text to a god by way of praise ; and

so — 2. general ized, praise ; gasta, see s.r .;

— 3. rarely, make a so lemn wish , whether

blessing or curse (see gansa ) , l ike impre

ci ri ; — 4 . announce ; communicate, 5213


[cf. Lat. ca rmen , seas-men, an utterance

in solemn, measured, or melodious way ,

i.s . song, oracle, magic charm C’



ucasmenj a , name of the goddess of song ;

cens-ére, declare, pass judgment on AS.

heri an,

+ 5 ,— I . wish , esp. in the noun or

‘ wish ,’

q.v. ; and so — 2. h ope in , put


s trust in — 3. pronounce a

b lessing upon, wish good to 101 4.

[mg 1 may be a mere special ization of

the mg‘speak so lemnly unto (cf . Vei n

i ) , and mg 2 a furth er development of

mg 1 ; for mg 3, cf. the simple verb,


+ p r a , tel l forth ; praise,

simple verb.]command is applied to the f orces under gi ns a , m. - 1 . solemn utterance ; — 2. im

one’s command ) th at over wh ich one

exercises command, domain , Gebiet

further , directly f rom the root aga in— 3.

choice, determ ination ; firm resolution ,

14 0 ; — 4 . esp . resolve ( to keep a rel igious

or ascetic observance ) ; vow or holy work

(e.g. of ch astity , fasting, 59 5,

6 1‘33

,04 9, 65

3; — 5. religious duty , duty

in general . [J2vr,‘ wil l


’: for

mg 2, observe that Ger . Gebiet former lymeant


and now means ‘ do

v r s ce (vrecéti ; vrkna [957c] ; vrstvi ;-vtqcya ) . hew off ; fel l (a tree ) ; cut to

pieces. [or ig. form is vrh , as in vi'k-a ,


na, vrk-sa, which see : vrgc is prop.

only a quasi-root of the present stem

vrgca ,for .vrk-ska , formed l ike the

precatio, blessing or curse ; as adj . 3.

cursing. [Vcan ]V ga k (A. caknbti ; caeika, eekds [794e] ;ésa-h t ; m m -to ; el i te

sakyfite.—B. desid. qiksate [1030, 108g l end] ;

caus . of desid. giksayati ; pa ss . of desid.

and qf caus. qf desid. giksyate , giksiti ).—A.. simp le verb: — 1 . be strong ; be

able, in pass. impersona lly, it is

possible ; with infin. be able , by the

instrumental ity of some person or thing

to become the object of an

action ; mayi nitixh gr i hayitum gak

yante, they are able to be caused by me

to get hold of nit-i, — 2. ra rely (be

strong for a person, i.s .) be serviceable or

helpful , h elp, w. dat.,

—p088 .


—B. desiderative — 1 . desid. to A. l , 9a th a ,~a . false.

(str ive to be able, i .s .) practice ; learn ; V 9s t (ei tAyati ; gi tith ) . cut in pieces ;caus . cause a person (acc.) to learn a make to fal l ofi.

th ing 52° pass. of caus . : pa th n. hundred ; also as erpression

ciksita, caused to learn or taugh t a thing of a large number ; f or construction,see

without noun, taugh t, 525; 486b. [ci . G-xar dr ,

‘oue hundred


ciksyami na, instructed, 5117; — 2. des id. centum, AS . hund, neut.,

‘ hundred’

; Eng.

to A. 2, be wil l ing to help ; aid ; (of hand-red ]gods ) bestow blessing upon 8013 ; ga t i tm a n

, a . having a hundred lives.

grant, give. [goth -rm : acct, 1300a.][cf . Lat. cac-ula ,


( like help as gat t a , m. — 1 . (victor , i .s .) victorious

sometimes used in America for ‘ser opponent ; — 2. foe, enemy , in general .

w. angina, .gak-ma ,

‘ hel pful , [if mg 1 is the or ig. mg, we may take

friendly ,

’cf . Lat. co


mis,scoc-mi-s ,

‘ friend the word fr . Vgod and as standing for

ly’: prob. akin is Ger . be-hag

-en, AS. ou teat-tru, 1 185e, 232



‘suit, please

(cf . cak, A. if mg 2 is the orig. mg, we may analyse

up a , (br ing unto one’

s self by giving, thus, cat-m and compare Church

i.s .) attr act, [for mg, see th e nu Slavonic kot-ora , Ir ish cath,

‘ battle’

; AS.

compounded verb, B. hec tic in cpds, as hea'


‘ battle

gak a l a ,— 1 . m. n. ch ip ; piece ; work


’Old High Ger. had-u in names,

half (of an egg-shel l ) . as Hadu-brant


‘Battle-flame,’ Hadu-wich ,

ga kun a, m. bird.‘ Battle-strife,

’Ger . Hedwig ; Ger . Hader ,

gak t i , j : abil ity , power .‘str ife ’

; cf . also the Kel tic proper name

ga k y a ,a .

- 1 . possible, practicable, 331° Ca tu-r ig

-es ( r ig under r i jan ),‘ The Battle

common with the infinitive : qakya being

used — 2. impersonally ; or — 3. in agree ga t r u-n a n da n a ,

a . causing joy to one’


ment with the subj ect, in which case the in] : enem ies.

[988] is to be translated a s a pass ive, ca t r u s amk a ta , m. danger from the foe.

Weak , 1218 ] V qa d (ci cada , ci cade distinguish

ga k r a,— 1 . a . powerful , migh ty , standing one

’s sel f ; get the upper hand, prevai l ;

epithet of Indra ;— 2. as m. The Migh ty Vedic only. [cf . xsxaop l ros, Doric res-s al

One, i .e. Indra (j ust as we use The Al p in s,

mighty as a name f or [Veal qa n a k ai s , adv. quietly ; gently ; slowly .

1 188a .] [instr. ( 1 1 120) of an unused stem ega

Vqa fi k (gé i kate ; agafikista ; ganh ta ; naka , diminutive to oqana , see qani is.]

cai kitum ;-qai kya ) . — 1 . be anxious ga n ai s , adv. quietly ; gently ; slowly

or suspicious ; — 2. hesitate . gradual ly . [instr . ( 1 1 120) of an unused

v i , hesitate. stem ceann, wh ich is prob. connected w.

ga fik i , j : hesitation. [Vcafih V2gam ,

‘ be

gh o i , f :— 1 . m igh t or help (esp. of the gamt i t i , j 2 benefit. 1238 ]

helping deeds of Indra ) ; — 2. Qach i or V ga p (qtpati, -to ; gagi pa , gepe; capleMigh t, as wife of Indra (der ived f rom the

misunderstood p oi -path 27. [V 900, curse, usua lly act.,— 2. mid. (curse

col lateral form of calm] one’s self , i.s .) assert with an oath , swear ,

gac i-pat i , m. — 1 . Vedic, lord of might vow,

w. dot. qr“

person, 977.

or of hel p, epith et of Indra, — 2. ga p h th a , m. curse ; oath . [Vcap, 1 1635 ]later (pi ti , q.v.

,being misunderstood as ga b h l a ,

a . brinded.

husband of Migh t or Cach i , gab da , m.— 1 . sound ; cry ; noise ; cab

name of Indra, 1514

, [acct, l 267s dam kr, make a noise, raise one’s voice ;

and d, Whitney 945 ] —2. word, 61 1 .

qabdaqastra] [256]

ca bd a-

ci s t r e , n. word-theory , word [caranh presupposes a root og or 43,compendium, i .s. grammar .

‘cover, protect

; w. such a root agree

V 1 9am (eamyati ; esgan e ; 49m m ; wel l in form and mg as derivs, cflr ira,

cami th ) . get weary by working, work. ear-man , and ci l i , see these

[cf . sdp -se ,

get weary by working. fur ther agree as cognates KM ,

‘ hut,

V 29am (cimyati cagi n a, genus ; barn’

; AS. hea l , Eng. hall ; k i lt-of,‘ husk,

6eama ; ci nth [955a] ; camhyati ) . be pod’

; Ger. H i l ls,‘covering

; Eng. hull,

quiet or stil l or content ; stop ; for these ‘covering

of grain ; AS. hel -m,


senses, ej i V ram ; gi nta, see s.v. ; caus . tor’

(used of God and Ch r ist) , head

quiet, stil l ; euphemistica lly, kil l . protector , helmet,’

Ger . Helm, Eng helm

upa ,be quiet ; stop. Lat. ao-cul-ere,


; color ,‘color


+ p r a , come to rest ; stop ; , go out ; varna ) ; ce'

l-ére, Ger . hehl-en Chaucer’


praei nta , extinguished. hel-en, later hele,

‘concea l fur ther,

V 3 9am (gamnité) . harm . xah t

'm -r -w,

‘cover ,

and th e ident. xpirr -r -os,

V 4 9am (ei nta ; -gamya ; gamhyati, 95mi

yati ) . used only with ui . observe ; per ga r ani g a ta , a . come for refuge, seekingceive ; bear. 5 -6 ) o6 b ~

7 z for “

, protection with any one. [i gatan

chm [384 n. welfare ; happiness ; bless qa r h d , f . autumn ; pl . poetic f or yearsi118

cam a ,a word of doubtful mg at gar a v a , m. n. flat earthen dish .

perhaps tame (of . V29am, caus.) or indus gar i t a , n. the body , as distinguished fromtr ious (q/ZV i cam ) . the vita l breath or from the immor tal

ca m a y i tr , m. slayer . [V2gam, caus.] soul (so and from the soft

cam i , f . a fabaceous plant, either l’rosbpis viscera and inward fluid secretions, of

spicigera or M imées Sums ; a tree from which things the body , or the firm red

which th e sticks of attr ition (arani ) were flesh with the bones, forms as it were

taken. the hol low cover tegument, or

gam i m h y a , j i -i , a . of or made of Qami Hii l le ; used al so in pl ., body in

wood. [see maya.] genera l ; mrtam gar ir am , corpse, 6317;

gam i-

ci k h i , j : Cam i-branch. so [prop.‘ the corporeal tegumen t

’ Cfgam i

- sum a n a s , j ?Cam i-flower . of the soul , Vacr,‘cover


cam i sum a n o -m i l a, j : gar land of under garana : for mg, cf . the cognate

Cami -flowers. Ger . Hel ls (under gar ana ) in sterbl iche

ghmy i , j l staff , envelope, i.s . body’

: cf .

ga y s , a . lying, sleeping, at end qf cpds.

[Vgi , 1 148. l a.]en y a n a , n. a lying, sleeping. [Vgi by the body.

l 150. 1a.] ga r i r i n ta k a r a , m. destroyer of the

ca y a n i y a ,— 1 . a . serving for lying ; bodies. [anta-kara.]

2. n. bed, couch . [gayana, 1215 ] gar u, f . missi le, either spear or arrow. [cf.

9a y y i , j 2— 1 . bed ; — 2. a lying, sleep garm ]ing. [Vgi 1213d, cf . 963

3 5 ] ca r k a t a ,m. brown sugar . [fr . the Pra

ga r a, m.-l . reed, esp. of the Saccharum krit form sakkara comes on the one

Sara, used for arrows ; - 2. arrow. [oh hand, through Arabic sokkar and Medic.

serve that Lat. arundo means ‘reed and val Lat. zuca ra , the Eng. suga r , and on

the other ocixxapov, Lat. saccha rum, al l

ga r a na,— 1 . a . protecting, affording borrowed words : cf. khanda ]

refuge, 87 7 ; a s n.— 2. shed, that gives V ca r d h (gardhati ) . be strong or defiant.

cover from the rain ; KM hut ; — 3. gar dh a ,m. troop, host. [cf . Ger . Herds,

protection refuge, 5017.

qi sana]

[perhaps reduplicated form of cans, 675 :

for the weak form qis, cf . 638 ]+ 5 , mid. wish or pray for , q]: i ci: and

Vgafm i . make suppl ication, 73n


pr a , instruct ; direct ; command, q]?

simple verb, and pragis.

qi s a n a ,n.— 1 . government, way of rul

ing ; — 2. command. [V955 ]

gi s i tr , m. teacher. [V

qi str h , n.— 1 . instruction ; - 2. rule ;

theory compendium (of an art or

science ) ; a scientific or canonica l work ;

science, 1713

. [V955 ]V gi k a, see 1030and Vgak.

qi k h a r a ,-I . a . peaked ; — 2.m. n. peak.

[gikh i 1228 ]

gi k h i , f .— 1 . tuft or braid of hair ;

—2. ( l ike Eng. crest) top in genera l ,


qi th i r a, a . loose ; flaccid ; unsteady , 93 2

opp. qf drdha , flrm, hard.

[perhapsfr . Vqrath , 1 1880 : for loss of r , cf .

gi b i , m. Cibi , name of a r a s , n. head. [ci . xdpa,

‘ head’

; Lat.


‘ brain’w. the col

lateral form qirshn, q .v., cf . Ger . H im


Old High Ger . hirni, nh irsni, brain akin

is also xpavlov,

qi r i’

sa , m. the tree Acacia Siri ssa ; a s n.

the blossom .

qi r o-muk h a , n. head and face. [ 1253b.]

qi l i , j l stone ; crag.

qi l i-bh i v a , m. condition of being stone ;

-am i p, turn into stone.

qi l i , f . the beam under a door.

qi l i-muk h a , m. Block-snout, name of a


qi l o cca y a , m. crag-pile, i.s . craggy h i l l .

gi v a,— 1 . a . kind

, 90°; friendly ; gracious ;

agreeable, lovely ; opp. qf ghora ; — 2. m.

The E 'iendly One, name euphem istical lyappl ied to the horrible god Rudra, who

under th is name (i a ) becomes the th ird

person of th e HinduTrinity . [for mg 2,cf . Eimevlbss,

‘Th e Gracious Ones, i.s . th e

Fur ies,’and nandi .]

gi ga , m. young ; chil d. [see V911 , and

1 147b and


V l ei s (tint-t i ; vivid ; dries t : 901mm.

4 0 ; gista; gistvi ; W u). leave, leave


ud , leave remaining.

v i , ( leave apart or by itself, i.e.) separate, distinguish ; vigiata, ( separated, andso

,l ike Eng. distinguished) eminent, ex

cel lent.

V 2gi s , subsidia ry f orm to Vgi s, q.v.

gi ey a , grdv. to be taught ; as m. pupil .

[V 95s , weak form gig ]V l si (séte [see 628—915sisyé ; tw ists :

yitan ; qayitvi ; -g6yya ) . — 1 . l ie sti l l ;

l ie —2. sleep. [w. gé-te, cf. xs


i-flu,‘ l ies cf. al so sol-m ,

a dh i , lie in or on ; dwel l in.

a nu, l ie down after another.i , l ie in.

up a , l ie by .

s am , be undecided or in doubt. [lit.‘ l ie together

’: metaphor unclean ]

V 2ci , simpler f orm of Vgyi , q.v.

gi , vbl. lying. [Vgi ]

qi ta, a . cold ; as n. cold. [ppl . of n ior 295]

gi ta k a , f . gitiki , a . cool . [qi'

ta z cf.

l 222d.]

gi ta l a , a . cool . [qitm

qi t i r ta , a . distressed with the cold.

[m ]

gi t i k i v a n t , a . cool .

of gitaka : 1233, cf . b.]

qipal a , m. n. Blyxa octandra, a common


gi r gan ,n. head. [qirs-dn is to giras

as ire-yd is to iras-yi , see


qi l a , n. — 1 . natura l or acquired way of

being ; character , 23m; habit or habits,

in compos ition [1302] with that to

which one is incl ined or accustomed, 21

601 8 ; — 2. (character, i.s., as in Eng.)

good character , 987.

ci v a n , a . lying. 1 169. 1a.]

quk a ,m. parrot. [prop.

‘the bright one,

on account of its gaudy colors, u0

cf . 216. 1 , 1

[sshguk a v a t , adv. like a parrot.

[as if from fem .


ga k r a,a. clan , bright,

1 188 1 ,

quk l a,— 1 . a . clear ; brigh t ; white ; with

paksa , the brigh t lunar half-month , fromnew to ful l moon ; — 2. as m. (se. paksa ) ,the br igh t lunar for tnigh t, 65 5. [see1 189 and

quk l a- p a k sa , m. fortnigh t of the wax

ing moon.

quk l a p a k si d i , a . having the brigh t

lunar fortnigh t first, beginning with the

br igh t lunar fortnigh t. [i dh

quk l i m b a r a ,a . having a wh ite garment.

[ambar a .]V quc (qocati , -te ; quqbca ; aqoci


t ; gocis

yati ; qbcitum ; gocitv i ) . I . flame ,

l igh t, beam ; glow,burn ; — 2. f ig. suffer

burn ing pain ; gr ieve ; gr ieve at

— intens. flame brigh tly . [for mg 2,cf . Vtap, dagdh a and Vdah .]a p a , intens. [1002a], dr ive away by

flam ing brigh tly , 723.

a bh i , burn ,trans.

5 , bring h ither by flaming, 72°

quc i , a . — 1 . flaming, beam ing ; j ig. beam

ing (of a smi le ) ; l igh t, br igh t ; — 2. f ig.

clear , pure ; h oly (of a god) , 805 ; honor

able ( in business ) , pure ( in a r i tual

sense ) , 62 10. [V Que, 1 155. 2a, 216.

guc i- sm i t a , a . h aving a beaming smile,

brigh t-sm iling.

quddh a,a . pure . [ppl . ofudh ,

qudd h a-m a t i , a . pure-m inded.

ga dh or gandh (qundhati, -te ; gtidhyati ;

quddh é ) .— 1 . gundhati, -te : act. pur ify ;

mid. become pure ; — 2. qtidhyati, become

pure. [or ig., perhaps, to clear ,


akin w. Vgcand, q .v .]v i , viqudhyati, become entirely pure ;

viquddha, perfectly clear .

qun a, a . grown , prosperous, fortunate ; asn. [cf . 1 176s ], growth , prosperity ; luck .

[perhaps fr . Vgii , 1 177a.]V gundh ,

see gadh .

qun d h y d , f . -yfi a . pure ; un

blemished ; fair . [Vqundh ,1 1655 ]

V I qubh or qambh (qfimbhate ) .

along l igh tly ; move onward,

haps akin w. r eaper ,‘ l igh t,

V 2qubh or qambh (gbbhate ; qdmbhate ;




qumbhati ; gugubhé ; gobh isyhti ) act.

adorn ; mid. adorn one’s self, 73 19 ; look

beautiful , appear to advantage, sh ine

I qfibh , j : a gliding onward, esp. th rough

the sky ; onward progress ; so, perhaps,

course, 73 4 ; dat., infinitival ly [see],so as to gl ide onward, 79

1 1. [V 1 qubh .]

2 qubb , f . beauty ; so, perhaps,

[V2qubh .] A

qubh a , a . — 1 . fair, beautiful , agreeable to the eyes, 45 19, 62

13; — 2.

agreeable ( to other senses th an the eyes )

gubbi n gandh i n , perfumes ; — 3. agree

able ia general , 2013; — 4 . of good qual ity ,

- 5. fortunate, auspicious, 12 13.


gub h i n a n a ,a . fair-faced. [ananaJ

qubh i gubh a , a . agreeable and disagree

able,agreeable or disagreeable ; good and

had, good or bad, in eth ica l sense,

[aqubha ,

qubh i qub h a-p h a l a , a . h aving agree

able or disagreeable frui t, resul ting in

wea l or woe.

gubh r a, a . beautiful ; clear (of sounds ) .

[V2 qubh , adorn ,

’1 188a.]

V qua (q yati ; Quays ) . be dry , dry up.

[for .sus ( see gags ) , as shown by Avestan

t sh ,‘ dry

’: cf . atlas,

‘ dry’

; Syracusan

oau-xds, dry’

; AS. sedr ian,‘ dry up,

denom . of seiir , Eng. scan ]

guek a ,a . dry . see

qusm a , m.— 1 . wh istl ing, 73

5,78 7 ; — 2.

exha lation ,i .s. (fragrant ) odor (of the

Soma ) , - 3 . (exha lation , breath ,

and so,l ike Eng. spir it) courage , impetu

osity , 824. [V gvas, 252, 1 168 ]

V 95 or gva or qvi (qvayati ; qfici va

giinh [957a] ; gvhyitum ) . swel l ;

be greater or superior or victorious.

[orig. sense of root,‘swell ,

’but with

two diverse ram ifications

— 1 . negatively ,‘ be swol len ,

i.s . hol

low, empty’

; cf. gr‘

ma ,


; uni-up,‘ hole

; Lat. cavus,‘ hol low

; caelum,


’s holl ow vaul t

; sow s,

‘ hol low’


— 2. positively ,‘ be swol len , i .s . ful l ,


; with special reference : (a ) to

1 7‘


the womb and its fruit ; cf. qi-qu and

gi va,‘

young ; s he ,

‘ bc pregnant’

; Lat.

ia-cions ,‘


(b) to strength and

growth in genera l ; cf. qiir a ,‘ man of

migh t’

; gavas, gav istha , quna ; xiipos,‘ m igh t


‘swel l ,

qfid r a, m. a man of the fourth caste, a


qun a ,n. emptiness. [V911 1 177a.]

gur a ,a . m 1gh ty , bold a s m. man of m igh t,

hero. [V911 1 1880 : qfira is paral lel w.

sxv-po-s ,

‘ migh ty ,’

whence r b kup-as,‘ migh t

(cf . olax-

pd-s w. vb olax

q ii r p a ,n. a plaited basket for winnowing

V 1 9; (qrni ti ; gaqr é ; hqar it ; gar isyAti ,40 ; git

-uh [957b] ; -

girya ; qi ryate ) .

crush ; break ; tear. [ci . Eng. har-m,

whi ch answers to a Skt. «gar-man ]

+ v i , pass. be broken to pieces ; per ish ,

+ s am , break (a bow) ; like zusammen

brechen .

V 2g ,see gr i ,

‘ boil.’

qtii g a ,n. h orn.

qr fig i n , a . horned ; as m. horned beast.

qr ta, see Vgra.

qév a , a . kind ; dear . [cf. giva.]

gesa ,— 1 . m. n. rest, remainder ,

goes , l ike Ger . im U ebrigen , for the rest,

— 2. a . remaining, [V1 gin,‘ leave!]

qésa s , n. ofl'

spr ing. those whom one

leaves beh ind him , one’

s relicts,’

q is,

qbk a , m. pain, grief. [Vqua, 216.

gok a-j a ,

a . grief-born ; cokajam v i r i ,

grief-born water , i.s. tears ,

qok i r ta , a . sorrow-stricken. [i rtah ]

qo c i s-k ega ,

a . h av ing flame-locks, with

locks of flame. [qocis , 187 : 1297, cf .


qbo i sth a , a . most or br igh t flaming.

[Vgas , 468 ]goa l s ,

n. flame ; beam ; heat. [Vgu0,1 158 ]

qéna ,— 1 . a . red, deep-red ; — 2. m. Sone

or Red River , afiluent of the Ganges.

[prop. flame-colored cf.‘ burned,


Luau-ca ,

goni ta , n. blood ; also pl. [961m l 176d.]

qo bh a n h ,a . beautiful . [V2qubh ,


1 150.2a.]qbbh i sth a , a. most swiftly moving on

ward or most beautiful , 78 5, according as

the word is ref er red to V l qubh or to

V2guhh — see these. [468 ]V goa n d ( intens. ppl . caniccadatshine, glance. [for oakandh : cf. carats,


yel low’

a apds, Dor ic nod-apds,‘elear , clean, pure

; eb b-apes,‘coal

Lat. sand-Ere,

gen a d r a, a . shining. [Vgcand, 1 188s : cf .viqva

-qcandra, and candr5 ]

c ut (qcbtati ; cuwéta ; hcuqcutat ;

gout , vbl . dr ipping. [VM t-J

qm a qi n a,n. the place for burning the

corpses and for burying the bones,

cemetery .

t qru, n. beard.

vsy i e mi rati. 4 . some ; as .

gina, gym ; qi'

yhte ) . freeze ; coagulate.

qy ena, m. eagle ; falcon ; hawk. [cf .l-xr


V gr a th (qr athni'

té ; qaqrathé ; Aqicrathat ;

qrth ith ) . become loose.

gr ad , i .ndecl meaning perhaps or ig. heart

used w. dh i (‘

grant, give,’see V1 dh i 4 )

and dot. qf'

per son, thus, gr i d al mi i

dhatta, (your ) heart to h im give ye, i .s .

trust ye him , have faith 1n him , RV. 1i.

12.5 ; ppl. grad-dadhat, trusting, trustful ,

qf. 1079 9.

[cf. xapbla , reap, s impb, Lat. cor , gen.

cord-is, Lithuanian szirdl s, Ger . Hers , Eng.

hea rt : further , w. grad-dhi , cf . Lat.


de're, sored-dem ,

‘ trust’: the regular

Skt. word for heart’is bid, and th 1s can

not be connected w. the above words,

since they require in th e Skt. an initial 9,

oqrd or gr ad ]

qr a ddh i , j : trust, faith ; desire.

grad :[see

qr a ddh i v a, a . [qr-addh i ,

1228a.]V gr am (gr imyati caqr ima ; i qra



t ; gr i nta be weary ;

take pains ; esp. castigate one’

s self,96 1°


+ v i , pass. be heard of far and wide, be

famous ; vigruta, known as, named,

s am ,— I . hear ; - 2. l ike Eng. hear ,

accede to the request of, make a promise

to [cf. eru-b-prati J

gr uta, ppl . heard ; heard of ; as n. that

wh ich is heard from the teacher, that

wh ich is learned ; learning. [Vcr ib ]

qr ut a v a n t , a. possessing learning,

learn-cd. [grates ]

gr at i , j :- 1 . a hearing ; - 2. ear ; - 3.

the th ing heard ; sound ; — 4. report,

hearsay ;— 5. utterance ; esp. a sacred

utterance handed down by tradition , a

rel igious prescription, a sacred text, the

Veda , 581° N. — 6. learning ; prob. in

correct f or qruta . [Vcm , 1 157. l a.]

gr a t im a n t , a . possessing learning ; prob.

incorrect f or grutavant, q.v. [crutt ]

qr d ty a ,a . worthy to be heard (of a

hymn ) , goodly. [Vera, 1213c.]

gr ey a s a , f or grey“ (greyans ) in cpds,


gr éy i ns , a. fairer ; more beautiful orexcel lent ; better ; as n. ( the better , i .e.)welfare , prosperity , 35

1. [from an na

used root gr i corresponding to the noun

cr i, 4704 : cf . xpelaw , superior,

gr é sth a ,a. fairest ; most excell ent ;

best : w. gen.,

w. loc., at end

of cpd, best as distinguished fromequiv. to better than , [see

s wi m -J

gr ai sth y a , n. supremacy, precedence.

wreaths , 121 19 end.]

gr ot r a , 11 . car ; hearing. “911 1 , 1 185a .]

cr ot r i y a ,a. studied, learned ( in sacred

tradition ) ; as m. a Brahman versed in

sacred lore. [grotra, 1214c : for mg, cf .

Vern, mg 1 , and gruta, s.v.]

cl ak sna,a. sl ippery ; smooth .

1 195 ]V gl i gh (gl i ghats ; cacl i gbé ; gli ghita) .

1 . have confidence in ; —2. talk con



brag, praise one’s self ; 3.

ql i g h y a , grdo. to be praised, praise

worthy ; honorable. [V gl i gh ]gl ok a ,

m. — 1 . (th ing heard, i .s .) sound ;- 2. fame, f or mg, cf .Vgru; - 3. strophe ;


later , esp . the anustubh-strophe, the epic

cloka, in wh ich , for example, the story

of Nala is composed. [Vem , 1 186

V qv anc (M eats ) . open itself ; receivein open arms (as a maid her lover ).ud , Open itself cut, open, 87 4.

gvan m. dog. [cf. minor , Lat. can-i-s ,AS. [tun-d

,Eng. hound,

gvagur a , m. father-ia-law. [for m s

cura : cf . éxvpds, Lat. soeer , socerus, Church

Slavonic swell—rs, AS. swear , csweohor , Ger .


lcer ,‘ father-ia-law

’: for g in place

of s, cf . gags. and V9 19.)qv agr t

i [355c], j : mother-ia-law. [eva

gura, 8550 : cf. (mod, Lat. fem. seem s,

AS. sweger , Ger. Schwieger ,‘ mother-ia

V cv a s (gvi s iti qvasati ; gagvi sa

qvasisyati ; cvasita, cvasta; gvasitnm

-gvasya ; gvasayati ) . — 1 . blow, blus

ter, wh istle, snort ; - 2. breathe ; - 3 .

sigh . [cf.AS. kweb'

e, preterit to Jud son,

Eng. wheeze ]-l i , get one

’s breath , become quiet ;

caus . quiet, comfort.n i s , breathe out, sigh .

pr a , blow forth .

+ abh i - p r a , blow forth upon, acc.,

94 7.

v i , have confidence, be unsuspecting ;

caus. inspire confidence.

cv as , adv. tom orrow, on the next day ;

cvah cvas from day to day.

qv a sath a , m. a snorting. [n1 163b.]

gvas ta n a , a . of the morrow ; as n. the

morrow, 92 [y as, l 245e.jgv i p a da , m. a beast of prey , [tobe pronounced cvapada (cf. pi vahn,

1 181s ) : prop., perhaps,

‘ having the feetof a dog,

gvan pi da ]

evav i dh [nom. w it], m. porcupine. [granvidh, dog

sa tk a ,- l . a . consisting of six ; - 2. as n.

a whole consisting of six, a hexade. [yas,l 222a, 22Gb.)

sat- t r i nqa t f . six and thirty .

[m ]


sh t-p a d a , j 2 -i, a. having ( taken ) six

steps. [eas t 1300a.]can-m i ca , a. semester , six months.

[sasz pr0p.‘that which has six months,


gas num. six. [see 182b 3, 14dil

cf . 35, Lat. sex, Eng. sin ]sa sti , j 2 sixty. [yas,Qa ath a, a . sixth . [sag cf . ‘n-r os,

Lat. sex-tits , AS. six-ta , Eng. six-th.]


1 s h , pron. see to.and 495.

2 ea , inseparable prefix denoting simil ar ity ,

commun ity , or connection — numerous ex

amples on the pages f ollowing ; esp. common

w. an adj . value in possess ive cpds [see1304c], having an accompanying

with [ l l 21b : prob. ident. ul timatelyw. 3 sa.]

8 us., one, in as -lq't, as -hasra . [ for em

(vocal ic m ) , root seem : cf . sis, s e ep -s,

pic, s op-1a, one i -nar dr ,‘one-hundred


herni as,‘one-fold ’

; Lat. sem-el ,‘once


sun-plat ,‘one-fold ’

; Lamas,‘ having one

( i.e. one and the same ) bed, spouse’


6-1rar pos,‘ having one ( i.s. one and the

same ) father’

; Lorna‘s, see under gar

bha.]s hmy a t en d r i y a , a . having restramed

senses, self-control led, [sanityata

(Vyam , 1085a ) + indr iya, 1208 ]s a rh y am a , m. restraint, control ,

s amv a t s a r a, m. year . [sam + vatsara,

q.v.]s amga y a , m. - 1 . doubt ; as.saxhqayas,

(there is ) no doubt ; - 2. danger ,

[V gi sam.]s ams h d , j : like Lat. consessus, a sitting

together and those who sit together , i .s .

assembly . [V sad sam.]s a rh s a r g a , m. m ixture , union ; contact.

[V arj sam, 216. l .]s ams i r a ,

m. the wandering of the soul

from one existence to another , metem

psychosis ; transmigration, the cycle

or round of existence, 181. [Var sam .]

s a rh sk i r a , m.- 1 . a working over, a

preparing or pur ification ; esp. a technical

[sakh igana

proceeding with a th ing ; an adorning or

adornment, — 2. a domestic rel igious

r ite to be performed upon or observed by

every member of the th ree upper castes,

prop . h is preparation or pur ification ; sac

rament, consecration,

592 11 . — 3 . im

pression ; an impress ion produced on the

m ind or a disposition formed in the mind

by someth ing past (e.g. deeds of a formerexistence, it past conversation , but

wh ich has ceased to work on th e mind,

404. [V 1 hr, do,’

sam , 1087d.]s am s k r ta , ppl . 1 . prepared ; adorned,

fine, cultivated ; as n . the cul tivated lan

guage, as opposed to the low vernaculars,Sanskrit, [V 1 hr, do ,

sam , 1087d.]samh i ta , ppl . put together ; 4 1 , f . a

puttmg together ; a text whose sounds

and words are put together according to

grammatical rules. [V 1 dh i sam , 954c.]s a -k a och a p a , a . having tortoises along

with them, i.s . along with tortoises.

[1304c.]s a k a l a , a . having its parts together , i .s.

al l , entire ; as n. every th ing, one’

s entire

property, [as ka li , 13040, 334 1 ]s ak i qa , m. presence ; tasya saki gam

gam, go to the presence of h im , i .e. go to

him ; « aki ce, at end of cpd, in the pres

ence of before [sa + ki ga

or ig., perhaps, having visibil ity , present,

and then

s a k i t , adv. for one time, a single time,

once. [3 8a 2krt.]s a -k op a ,

a . angry ; -am , angr i ly . [2sa,1304c.]

s h k tu, m. coarsely ground parched grains,

gr its , esp. bar ley gr its .

s a k h a , f or sakh i a t end of cpds

having as attendant, accompanied by

[ l 315b.]sak h i [343a], m. attendant, companion,

82 1 ; comrade ; friend, ctc. ; in con

nection with a j i nn , [V sacfor mg, cf . {r im s and soc-ins

, under

s ak h i j : female companion, friend

(of a woman ) . [sakh i z cf . 362b

s ak h i - g a na , m. (friend-crowd,fr iends.


sakh iiana]

s a k h i - j a n a , in. (friend-persons, collec

tively, i .s.) friends.s a k h y a, a . friendsh ip. [sam ,


g a na ,a . with ( their ) troops (of at

tendants ) . [2sa .]s h g a r a , m.

— 1 . the atmosph ere, Luftmeer ; — 2. Sagara, name of a myth ical


s amk a ta ,— 1 . a . narrow,

strait ; — 2. m.

Slender , name of a gander,- 3 . n.

narrow passage, a strait ; — 4. fig., l ike

Eng. strai t, a difi cul ty , 52 danger,

[cf. 1245g .]s amk a l p h , m. a decision of the m ind ;

the wil l or wish or purpose proceeding

from such decision, a defin ite intention.

[Vkip sam ,236 ]

s a rh k e ta , m. agreement ; esp . a meeting

agreed upon with a lover, a rendezvous.



’mm keta.]

s amk r an t i , f . an entering, esp . entering

of th e sun upon a new zodiacal sign .

[Vkram sam ,cf. w. 955a.]

s a xh k h ya, j : the tale or number . [t yi

sam .]s a ii g a , m.

— 1 . a sticking to or hanging

upon ; — 2. j ig. an attachment (of th e

mind) to anything, desire for a thing ;

saiige, in case of desire, 642; pl . lusts .

[Vsafij ,aamg am a, m. a coming together , union .

[Vgum sam .]s amgam a n a , f . a . subst. causing to

assemble, gatherer . [caus. of Vgainsam .]

s amg a r a, m. agreement, promise. [Vl grsam ,

‘chime in

s amg h a ,m. (a combination, i .s .) com

pany , crowd. [Vhan sam, 333, cf .


V s a c (sisakti ; sacate ; sac s , sagcir é

— 1 . be with , be united with ;

be together , have intercourse together ,

79 14 — 2. accompany a person (acc.) to

a th ing i.e. help him to it,—3. be attach ed to ; fig. fol low (a com

mandment) , fol low up, i.s. attend to,82 1 7.

[orig.‘accompany ,

’i.e. 1 . go at the

side of, with help or favor,’and 2. ‘



after, seek, fol low’: cf . Gar-open,


pany,’é-fl r

‘ fol lowed ’

; Lat. sequ—ar ,‘ fol low ’

sec-undas ,‘ fol lowing, second

also is '- (m s,‘attendant,

’Lat. soc-ius ,


’: further , AS. sedu

, sseh (w)on,Eng. see, Ger. seh -en

, (seek, look for ,

fol low with the eyes, i .e.)s a c i v a , m. attendant, supporter .

1 190, with union-vowel i .]s a -j osa s , a . (of l ike pleasure , i.s.) unanimous, harmonious ; kindly disposed,

s aj j a , a.— 1 . a s used of a bow, having its

string on, strung, ready for use (the str ingbeing wound around the how when this

is not in use) ; — 2. general ized, ready , asused of persons and th ings . [for sajya,q.v.

,with assimil ation as in sajyate ,

sajjate — see Vsafij .]s a j j i - k r -karoti ) . - 1 . make strung,

string (a how) ; —2. make ready, 3417


[sajja ,s aj y a , a . having its str ing on


[283 2jyi ,‘ bow

s amca y a , m. a pil ing together , accumu

lation, esp. of weal th ; supply (of food) .

[VI ci ,‘

pile up,’

sam .]s amca y a n a , n. the gather ing (of the

bones of the dead) . [do.]s amc a y a v a n t , a . possessing an accu

mulation (of weal th ) , rich ; with ar thi ia,

rich with money, i .e. having capital .

[saxhcaya .]s amc i r i n , a. wandering. [V ent + ean ,

1 183

s ame i t i , f . a pil ing ; pile. [V l ci,‘



sam.]V s a fij or saj (shjati ; sashfija ; hai fiksi


t ;

saktA; si ktum ; -s£jya ; pass . sajyhteor sajjate ) . stick to, be attach ed to ;

sakté, attached (of a glance ) , immovable. [cf. Lat. seg-nis, stick ing, i.s. slow,

p r a , be attached to ; prasakta, cd

dicted to.

s a ta ta , only in acc. s. neut., -am, as adv.

continuously, constantly , always. [forsaxhtata, see Vtan + sam z for mg, cf .

Lat. con-tineas, con

aa t-k r , see aant 6.

[Va -c.


s a d a s a d - atm a k a , a . h aving existence

and non-existence as its nature, whose

nature it is to exist and also not to exist

at th e same time. [sadasat.]s h d i ,

adv. always. [cf .

s a d - acar a , m. the conduct or practices

of the good. [sant.]s a -d f


ga , a . of l ike appearance ; equa l ,

used (29Gb ) w. gen.

s a dy as , ads . on the same day ; imme

diately . [see l i 22f.]aa dh a , adv. equi v. of 1 sahh, see

s a dk a -m i d a ,m. co-revel ry , avp t da



common feast ; sadh ami dam mad, revel

in bl iss with , w. instr .

s a d h a- s th a , n. (or ig., perhaps, cc


i .e. place of union,but genera l ized to the

simple mg of ) place.

san a ,a . old. [orig.

‘of long standing,

long continued’

: cf . fro-s,‘old

; Lat.


‘o ld man Goth . s in-ista ,

o ldest’


AS. sin-cea ld,

perpetua l ly or extreme ly


; AS. and Old Eng. sin-gre’ne,


green ,

’ Eng. sen-green,‘

(extremely green ,

i.e.) house-leek’

: from a not quotable

Goth . asina-skalks, Medieval Lat. sini

scalcus,‘oldest house-servant,

th rough

intermediate Romance forms , comes Eng.

senescha l ; Ger . S ilndj lut,‘sin-flood,

’is a

popular interpretation of Old High Ger .

sin-vluot,‘the long-continued flood, th e

Noach ian

san a ,adv. of old, always. [instr . of sdna ,

1 1 120, not a.]s a n i t , adv. from of old, always, forever .

[shna , acct l 1 14d.]s a n i th n a ,

a . everlas ting, eterna l . [sana,1245e.]

sa- n i l a , a . having a common nest or

origin , afil iated, un ited.

ah n em i , adv. always. [perhaps fromsam .]

s h n t , 1 . ppl . being otiose, see

V 1 as ; existing ; —2. a . real , genuine ;

true , good ; — 3. of people, good, noble,

[present ppl . of V l as, ‘ be,’

q.v. : cf .

M y , stem to" ,

‘ being’

; Lat. absens , stem


‘ being off’

; sons, stem sont



real doer ,’the gui lty one

; Danish sand,

AS. « 318,

‘ true,’ Eng. sooth


‘true, truth

for mg 2, cf . the mg of satya , of 7 57

Myr a A61 0»,‘the true story ,

and of

Eng. sooth .)s dmta t i , f .

— 1 . continuation ; — 2. esp.

continuation of one’

s race or fam ily , i .s .offspring. E W i

s amtapa, m. pain, sor

row. [V tap + aam .]s amtap a v a n t , a . sorrowful . [1233 ]s amd tg , f . a beho lding ; sigh t. [Vdr§+sam.]

s amd e h a, m.— 1 . doubt ; i t, from (by

reason of ) uncerta inty — 2. dan

ger , [Vdih -i- sam : for mg 2,cf .

bhaya.]aamd h ft , f : - 1 . covenant, agreement

- 2. promise. [V 1 dhi ,‘


am : for

mg 1 , cf. ow es“,


’and m

r lfimu, the counterpart of sarhdadh i mi ]s amdh i n a , n. a putting togeth er , ourGem s, mixing. [Vl dhfl

paroxytone, 1 150.

s amdh i , m.- 1 . a putting together , aim

Oem r ;— 2. l ike samdh i , compact, al l iance ,peace, 1 7

7; — 3. the putting together

of sounds in word and sentence (see

Wh itney euphonic combination ,

-4 . junction (of day and nigh t) , i .e .

morning or evening twi l igh t. [V1 dh i ,


sam , 1 155.2e.]samdh y a ,

a . pertaining to sarhdhi or

junction ; samdhyi , j : — 1 . time of junc

tion (of day and nigh t) , morning or even

ing twi ligh t ; da. morning and evening

twil igh t ; —2. morning twiligh t (of a

yuga ) , [sa rhdhLcf . 1212b.]s amd h y anga , m. ( l it. twi l igh t


portion )evening twi l igh t of a yuga. [afiga ]

s amdh y a- aam a y a , m. twil igh t-time,


excel lent, 28 1 1 ; - 4 . sati, j : a s amn i dh i n a , n. (a putting down to

true, good, virtuous wife (hence Anglo

Indian Suttee ) ; - 5. n. the existent ;

existence ; 6. sat-ks, make good, treat

wel l , receive kindly.

gether , juxta-position, approximation, and

so) a being near ; contiguity ; presence ;

neighborhood, [V1 dhi ,‘


saxh -ni , 1 150: cf . samnidh i ]

s amn i dh i , m. presence. [Vl dhi‘


+ sa1i1 -ui , for mg, cf . samnidhana .]V s a p (shpati , -te ; septis ) . fol low after ;be attached or devoted to. [identified bysome with Vsac.]

asp vbl . fol lowing after , in cpds. [Vup.]s a patn i , a . f . h aving a common hus

band ; as subst. one of two or more wives

of the same man , co-wife , fellow-wife,

concubine. [sa + pati, but in the fem.

form , since the masc. would not be used

13040 : cf. supatni .]V s a p a r y a (saparytti ) . pay devotion to,

worsh ip. [denom . of a not quotable

asapar ,‘ devotion,

’ from Vsap.]as - p i nda , a . subst. having the pinda

in common, said of persons who

h ave a common ancestor not more than

six generations back to whom th ey offer

a pinda together , persons related in the

sixth generation.

s a ptf num. seven, also,

as a favorite sacred number , the expr ession

of an indefin ite plurality , e.g.

[ci . i r rd, Lat. septem,AS. seof on, Eng.

seven.]aa p t a k a th i m a y a , j : -i

, a . consisting

of seven narrations. [sapta-katha : see

s a p ta- t a n tu a . having seven courses.

s a p th-p a d a , f . -i


, a . 1 . being for

seven , i .e. many or al l , steps (see 1294i.s . being at every step, constant ; 2.

having ( taken ) seven steps see 1004 N.

[1300a.]s a - p r a gr a y a , a . with respectful de

meanor ; -am, adv. respectful ly.

as -ph a l a ,a . fruitful , fruit-bear ing.

s d -b a n dh u, a . h aving a friend.

l a -basp a , a . tearful .a s - b r a h m a car i n ,

m. fel low-student.

a s - bh a y a , a . fearful ; -am,adv. in

terror .

s a bh i , j : house or hal l for public meet

ings, esp . gambl ing-house assembly,

society , 19 1 . [orig., perhaps, familycf . Goth . sibj a , relationsh ip,

’AS. sibb,

relationship, related Old Eng. god-sib

related in God,’i .e. a sponsor in baptism ,

[sam arth a

Eng. gossip , sponsor , fami liar friend,tattler Ger . S ipp , masc.


‘re lative,

S ippe, fem., re lationship,

s a bh ar y a , a . having hi s wife with him ,

i .s . w ith h is wife, [2 sa + bh i ry i ,13040,

sam , prep . along, with , together . [cf . 2sa .]1 s am a encl . pr on. any ; every ,

cf. samaha . [cf . hid -Ger ,‘ from

some place or other’

; ass-ants,‘not any

ebb-mas,‘ in not any wise

; AS. sum,

some one,’Eng. some.]

2 s am a, a .— 1 . even ; — 2. l ike,

equal , w. gen. (296b ) , -am, adv.

equa l ly with, along with , with , w. instr .


— 3. l ike or equa l ( to th e usual ) ,i .s . not distinguished, common, mediocre,

[cf . apa, Doric spa,‘at the same


; buds,‘one and the same, common



s, even, equa l Lat. simi-l is,

‘ l ike’

; AS . same,

‘ in l ike manner’

; Eng.

same ]s a m at i , j : equal ity ; mediocrity ,

[2sama,s am h d , j : figh t, contest. [sam , 383d °

cf . lines-ow,

‘confused voices of men, din

of battle,

s am - a d h i k a ,a . hav ing a surplus wi th

it ; mi satr ayam samadhikam, three

months and more. [ 1305 ]s am - a n a n ta r a , a . with a non-interval ,

immediately adjoining ; -am , adv. im

mediate ly thereupon . [1305 ]s am a y a, m.

— 1 . (a com ing together , i.s .,

l ike Eng. con-vention ) agreement ; — 2.

( like Eng. juncture ) a point of tim e ; and

so time or season, occasion ; — 3. a

con-currence (of circumstances ) , i.s . a

case —see iha . [Vi sam.]s a m a y o c i ta ,

a . suitab le to the occasion ;

-am ,adv. as th e occasion demands.

[neita , Vuc.]s am ar ana ,

n. battle ; Treffen. [prop.‘a

com ing together ,’

Vr sam,1 150. 1a : just

so, Eng. verb meet sometimes means‘come

together with hosti le purpose,’and Eng.

noun encounter is used mostly of a hosti le

aam - a r t h a , a . (having an agreeing or

accordant object i.s .) suiting its

sam a l ar’

n krta] [268]

object, and so sui table ; capable ; able, s am pad , j : — 1 . success ; — 2. (a fal l ingw. together, co—inciding, and so a fitting of

cam - a l amk r t a ,a . wel l adorned. [see the parts to each other , i .s .) correct pro

alam : sam intensive, 1077b end.] portion, beauty . [Vpad sam .]aam a v a tt a - d h ii n a , a . containing aam puta ,

m. hemispher ical bowl or dish ;

gath ered pieces. [see 1087e .] round casket for jewels ) ; sampute l ikh ,

s am a h a ,accentless adv. somehow, write a th ing (acc.) in the strong

-box of a

[ 1 sama : cf . 1 l 00a and 1 104 person (gem ) , i .e. credit it to h im . [aam

s am ag am a , m.— 1 . a com ing together , puta ,

‘a together



meeting ;— 2. meeting with , i.s . inter s a m p r a t i , adv. — 1 . just opposite ; and

course. [V gam + sam -a.] so — 2. (to the same lim it) even, exactly ;s am an a, j : -i, a .

— 1 . l ike ; one and the — 3 . ( like Eng. even ) at th e very time ;

same , 7815; -am ,

adv. in the same way , and so just now. [am ( intensive, 1077b

103 13 ; — 2. common (to different persons end ) prati, l 314a.]or coun tr ies ) , 98 17 ; un ited, s hm - p r i y a ,

a . mutual ly dear . [pr iya,

[2 sama, l 245d.] 1289a .]s a m an a - g r i m a , m. the same vil lage. s am b a n dh a ,

m. con-nection ; and so,a s

s am an a g r i m i y a ,a . be longing to the in Eng.

, relationsh ip.

same vil lage. [sam i na-grama, s am b h a v a ,m or igin ,

at end of adj .

s am i aa ,m.

— 1 . a putting together ; and cpds, having as its or igin,originating

so (c La t. con-trah ere,‘ draw together ,

in bh ii + sam .]th en ‘

abr idge’

) — 2. a condensation ; s am bh a v y a , grdo. to be supposed, sup

abr idgment ; -ena and samasatas , suc posable. [caus. of Vbhu sam .]cinctly . [V2as, th row,

sam .] s am bh r am a , m. extreme agi tation , haste

s a m i dh , j : ( l ike Eng. kindl ings ) fuel . ar ising from excitement. [V bh r am

[V idh a n , sam.]s am i


p a ,— 1 . a . near ; - 2. as n. near sam -m i gl a , a . com-mixed, m ixed with ,

ness, neighborhood, presence ; used l ike un ited with . [1289a .]antika , q.v. ; — 2a. samipam,

w. gen . or in s am - r i j fi i , j : complete, i .e. sovereign

cpd, (to th e presence of , t.e., simp ly ) to , ruler ; m istress. [for sam , see 1289b

w. verbs of going, 44 1 1 ; end, and 1077b end : for m instead of in,

— 2b. san i'

po, w. gen. or in.

cpd ( in the see

presence or neighborhood of, i .e., simply ) : aa - y a tua ,a . (having, i .e. taking pains

before, near, h ard by , 34 1 1

; to, i .e.) try ing to, w. inf . engaged in ,

by ,403. [cf. pratipfl] w. 1


aam i p a - s th a ,

a . in cpd, situated in th e s a r a,a. runn ing, moving, going, in cpds.

neighborhood of , near . [V sr.]s amut s a r g a ,

m. an ejecting, discharge. s a r ana ,a . running ; as n. a running.

[ Jsrj sam-ud, 216. [Vsr, 1 150. l a.]s am ud r a,

m. a gathering of waters, a sea, V s a r a ny a (m anyati ) . run, hasten.

an ocean . [‘a con-fluence,

’Vud sam , [sax

-aria , l o59d.]

1 188b.] s a r anyu, a . hastening, swift ; -y1'


aamun n a t i , f . a rising ; elevation,i.e.

, f . Saranyu, daugh ter of Twash tar , and

fig.,d1stinction . [Vuan sam -ud, 1 157 spouse of V ivaswaut, to whom she bare

and d.] Yama and Yam‘

i, 85

15 11. [V saranya,sam r t i , j : (a coming together , and so) l 178 l 1 : cf . s pam,

‘ the swift ’ goddess ofcol -l ision , shock. [Vr sam , 1 157d : cf . vengeance ]samarana .] s a r am a , f . the bitch of Indra or of the

s am p a tt i , f . success ; prosper ity ; abund gods ; cf: 8317 11. the runner


‘ mes

ance, 1 7 [Vpad sam, 1 157d.] senger ,’ V ar, cf .


s h - v a r na , a. — 1 . having the same ex

ternal appearance, exactly simi lar ,

2. of the same caste, 627. [for mgs,

see varna .]as - v i tan a , a . having a canopy , with a


aa v i t f'

, m. — l . (with the two mgs ofEng. quickener ) impel ler , en livener ; - 2.

Th e Enl ivener , Savita r , name of a god,

selection xxxvi. ; — 3 . th e sun,

[V2 su,na - v i n a y a , a . with pol iteness ; -am , adv.

pol itely .

as - v i ge sa , a . possessing distinction,dis

tinguish ed ; -am ,adv. in a distinguished

way , especial ly .

s a v y h , a . left, 101 as m.

the left h and or foot, [prob. for

asyavya (as woul d appear fr . the Church

Slavon ic form iuj , sinister and so per.

h aps akin with attends, t axaFw-S, Lat.

scaevus ,

aa v y a t h a ,a . with sorrow or trouble.

[ass a v y i v rt , a . with a turn to the left, i.e.turn ing to the l eft. [i vrth ]

s a -

gi ey a , a . with h is pupil s.

V s a s (sas ti ) . sleep, slumber.

s a s a, m . or n. herbs ; grass.

s a s amd h y a ,a . with the morning twi

l igh t. [saxhdhyi h ]s a - s a rh d h y i figs ,

0 . with th e evening

tw il igh t.

as - s am bh r am a , a . with excited haste.

a s - s a r p a , a . with a serpent.

s a s y a,n. standing crop ; produce of the

field, grain. [cf . anu .]s a s y a

-k as t r a ,n . field of grain.

s a s y a - r a k sa k a , m. keeper or watch er

of the standing crop.

V aa h (sahate ; sasi h a , sasabe; hsah ista ;sahisyate; sodh h shhitum , sé

dhum ; 1 . overpower , 99°

be victorious, 78° — 2. hol d out against,

withstand ; and so bear ; endure patiently ,

32 7.

[orig.‘ be powerful , with stand, hold

back , h old cf . the col lateral Vsagh ,‘ take on one

’s self, bear

’: cf . toxi n, M l


‘ hold back’

; (xiv, Lax-or ,‘ hold or


have, had’

w. sahas , ssagh -as , cf. the

Germanic stem seg-os

, as it appears in

Goth . neut. sigis, AS . sigor , prob. neuter ,

al l meaning‘victory

; the stem appears

also in S eges-tes, name of a Cheruscan

pr ince (Tacitus , Annal s ) , and in S igis

mund cf . al so AS. sige, Ger . S ieg,

a d ,— 1 . hold out, endure ; — 2. be

able, w. inf . ; h tha l il w i r tham ntanbe,

how can I (se. do, prosecute ) my own


1 s a h h ,— 1 . adv. together ; saha na etad,

in common ours ( is ) that, i.e. we’l l own

that together , 971 ° — 2. prep . with , a long

with , w. instr ., [cf . 2as , and

2 s a h a, a . — l . powerful ; — 2. endurmg,

patiently bear ing. [V sah .]s a h a - c i r i n ,

— 1 . a . going together , se

companying ;— 2. as m. com rade. [for

2, cf . sahi yaJ

s a h a - j a,a . born together , con-nate , in

born , natural .

s a h a - b h a sm a n , a . with the ashes.

s a h h - v a t s a , a . with the calf.s a h a - v ah a n a , 0 . h aving their teams

along, with their teams. [1304c.]sah a s , n. superior power ; m igh t, 75

1 1;

victory sahasii , adv. (with violence,

i .e.) suddenly , straigh tway . [see under

V sah.]s a - h a s ta , 11 . having hands .

s a h n ay a, a . powerful . [ahbas , 1212d 1 .]s a baat a , n. a thousand ; esp. a thousand

kine ; a thousand, in the sense of a great

many , 87° f or constructions

,see 486.

[prop. one-thousand,’3 sa hasr a : with

ha sra, cf. -xiAo sxesAo, exeah o (in Bend

xih oi ) , and xih tot,s a baat a -ni th a ,

a . having a thousand

songs , r ich in songs. [nitha, 193, 1300a.]s a h as r a d a k si na , a . having a thousand

kine as his gift or as its reward as m., se.

yajna , a sacrifice at wh ich such reward is

given, 871° of persons who ofier such

gi fts , 91 [daksini , 1300a.]s a h h s r a - dv ar [388c], a . thousand


s a h h ar a -

gr i g a , a . thousand-horned.

s ah a s r i ngu, a. thousand-rayed ; as m

th e sun. [afigm ]s a h a s r i nQu

- s am a , a. sun-like.

s abas s i -m a g h a , a. having th ousand

gif ts.

ah h a s v a n t , a . migh ty. [sal ine ]s a h i y a , m. companion, attendant. [ lit.

going toge ther or with ,’

saha aya : for

mg, cf . Lat. comes , stem com-i-t, Vi, lit.

going with , i.s. companion,

’and al so

s a h i y a t a n a , a . along with the fire-place.

[i yatana .]s a h i ta , a . united ; pl . in company , al l to

gether . [perhaps sah (a ) its , Vi , gone

together ,

aa h e l a , a . with lev ity ; -am , adv. play

ful ly. [2as hel i ]s a or si (ayati [761d3] ; cini ti ; sisi ya ;“i t ; aisyhti ; sits ; situm ;

ai ydyati ) . bind ; used almost exclus ivelywith ava and vi. [cf . lads, stem s on-pan ,

‘strap, thong

; AS. si -ma ,

‘ bond’

; Church

Slavonic se'


i,Li thuanian sé-tas , AS. sii-da


Ger . Sa i-te,‘string

; Church S lavonic

si-lo, AS. sci-l, Ger . Sci-l ,


: see also

V siv and sni yu.]+ a v a ,

— 1 . unbind or unharness (a

team ) ; and so turn in ; go to rest ; go

home, hvasita, having turned in ,

at rest ; — 2. come to a stop at, i.s. decide

upon (e.g. a dwel ling-

place ).

+ a dh y - a v a , caus. br ing one’

s self to

a stop at, i.s. decide upon, undertake,

ud - a v a , set out, esp. from the place

of sacr ifice, of . ai ava, 1 ; betake one’s

self , w. loc.,

+ v y - a v a , decide, determine, cf . 85 +ava, 2.

p r a , in praaiti ,‘continuation .

s i kfita , a . having a (definite ) intention ;-u.m , adv. significantly , impressively .

ai k sa , 11 . having or with the eyes ;— used

only in abl . si kai t, as adv. - 1 . wi th the

eyes ;— 2. plainly , actual ly , 51 exactly ,— 3. ( in reali ty , i.e.) in propria

persona, embodied, in person,

[akaa z 1 1 14c.]

[si m an


s i g a r a , m. ocean. [cf . sagara : accord

ing to the legend, a basin hol lowed out

by the sons of Sagara , and fil led by

Bhagi ratha with the water of the Ganges.]nag a i k a ,

a . having Agni with them ,with

Agni . [aa + agni , 13040 : for see

1222c 2° and

s i fig n sth a , a . with th e thumb.

snubs ]s at a , m. Sata, name of a Yaksha.s i t a - v i h a n a , a . having Sata ( in the

form of a l ion ) as h is beast of burden,

riding on Si ts ; as m. Satavahana,name

of a king,

s i tt v i k a , f . -i'

,a .

— 1 . (real ly existent,

i.e.) real , — 2. standing in relation

to the qual i ty sattva proceeding

from aattva, governed by sattva, good.

[satt 12220

s i d a n a , a. dwel l ing. [V sad : for mg, cf .

sadana.]s ad a r a , a . with respect ;

-um, adv. re

spectful ly . [i dara.]V sadh (si dhati , -te ; si dh itum ; si dha

yati ) . — 1 . come straigh t to one’s aim,

attain one’s object ; — 2. bring straigh t to

one’s object ; — caus . — 1 . bring to its

object or end ; accompl ish ;— 2. attain ,

win . [cf . V2 sidh ,s i d h ti , j 2 si dhvi, a . — 1 . leading strai gh t

to th e goal ; straigh t (path ) , - 2.

good or noble (of people ) ; fai tt (wife ),as m. noble man , as j : excel

lent woman , 467 — 3 . as adv. righ t ;

regular ly , wel l ; as excl . bravo !14 8 ,

[V i dh , 1 1 78a ]s i d h fiy i ,

adv. straigh t, directly. [011t1 1 120 end.]

s i d h y a, grdo. to be won ; as m. pl .

Sadhyas, a class of deities![V si dh .]

s i nu, n. m. top ; sur face ; ridge ; back.

[ci . anu.]s anuqa y a ,

a . ful l of repentance.

says -Js i m a -dh v a n i , as. sound of th e si man.

s am a n , 11 . song ; as technical term, esp . a

Vedic stanza as arranged for chanting, a

si man ; the col lection of si man’s, the


sam arth ya]

sam a r th y a , n. abil ity ; 4 111 kr, do one’s

utmost strength , [sm ar tha

a i m a - v ed h , m. the Veda of siman or


s i m p r a t a , a . of now, present ;-am , adv.

at present, new. [aamprati , 1208d.]s i m y a , n. equa l ity . [2samh ,a i m y a t i , f . condition of equal ity

or l ike

ness. [si myaJs i y a,

n.— 1 . a turn ing in, going to rest ;

— 2. evening ; sayhm , adv. at evening.

a i y a k a , a . suitable for hur ling, m issil e.

[V2 si ,‘ hur l ,

’1 1 81a.]

s i r a fig a , a. dappled ; as m. antelope .

sar am ey a, m. descendant of the bitch

Sarama, name of certain dogs,

[sarhmi 1216a.]s i r d h a , a . with a h alf ; dve gate ai rdh e,two hundred and fifty ; Bi rdhfim ,


general ized, together ; a s p rep . a long with ,

w. instr . [ardha z the general ization of

mg is paral leled by that seen in

s i v i t r a, f . -i, a . be longing to Savitar ;

with or without re, a verse to Savitar , esp .

Rigveda m 62. 10 74 1° regarded as

the most sacred in the Veda, and cal led

also gi yatri , [savitfg 1208b.]s i gr u,

a . tearful ; si gru, adv.

tearful ly , with tears in (their ) eyes, 541°

[am -Ja i sti fig a p i ta ,

0. h aving or with an

asti figapi ta , q.v. ; -a.m, adv. with pro

foundest obeisance.

s i s ii y a , a . wi th impatience ; -am ,adv

impatiently. [asiiyi ]s ah a s r h , a. consisting of a thousand,

mi l liar ius. [sahasr au]s i h i y y a ,

11. office of attendant, and so

( l ike Eng. attendance ) service, aid.

[sah i ya,V 1 8 1 , bind, see Vsi .V 2 s i , hur l , in pra

-sita ,‘ darting along,

aftyaka,‘ missil e,

’and sén i ,

‘ weapon.

s i nh a, m. lion ; at end oj'

cpds, the best of

noble or brave qfivyagh ra. [‘th e

powerful beast, V sah .]V s i e (sifiehti , -te siséca , sisice ;

asieat, -ata ; seksyflti, -te ; siktA; sék

tum siktvi -sieys ; sieyhte ) . — 1 .

pour out ; sprinkle, 4920; — 2. esp. semen

infundere feminae ; - 3. ( l ikeEng. found)cast, e.g. molten metal ; ph enam vajram

asifiean, they cast the foam into ( th e

shape of ) a thunderbolt, [cf.


pds, moisture’

; AS. seo'

n, asih-an,

‘ fil ter , fiow,

Ger . seih-en, strain Church

Slavonic sic-a ti, Ger . seich-en,‘ mingere

cf. also Swedish sila , asih-la , strain ,’

whence Eng. sile,‘ drain

,strain ,



+ a b h i , — 1 . pour upon, sprinkle ; — 2.

sprinkle in token of consecration ,and so

( l ike Eng. anoint) consecrate.

a v a , pour upon.

a, pour into.

+ ui , pour down or in ; semen infundere


s i c , f . hem of a garment or robe.

s i dd h a ,a . perfected ; as m. pl . the Sid

dhas, a class of dem i-gods, with super

natur al powers, esp. that of fly ing throughth e air . [see V2 sidh ,

s i dd h i , f . - 1 . success, accompl ish

ment (of a wish ) , 24 21 ; successful performance, attainment of an object,

— 2. (perfection, i.s .) magic power .

[prop.‘ the reach ing an aim ,

V2 sidh ,

hit the mark,’1 157. 1a.]

s i dd h im a n t , a . possessing magic power .

[1235 ]V l a i d h (sédhati ; aisédha ; setsyati

siddh h ; séddhum ; -aidhya ) . drive ofi ;

sca re away .

V 2s i d h (sidhyati , -te ; sisédha ; setsyati,-te ; siddhh ) . — 1 . reach an aim , h it the

mark ; — 2. succeed, 18 17 ; be aecom

pl ished, become rea l ized, be

of advantage, boot, avai l ,— siddha ,

h aving reach ed one

s (highest) aim,hav

ing attained perfection ; esp . perfect inthe sense of having attained supernatural

or magic powers ; a s m. a Siddha, q.v.

[cf. V si dh .]+ p r a ,

succeed ; prasiddha , known , if .

prasiddh i aham prasiddh o musakikhyayi , I go by th e name of M .

, 4721

s i n d h u,- 1 . in V.

, m. stream ; — 2. in V.

and later, f Th e Stream ,

i .e. th e Indus

( ineol is Sindus appel latus— PIiDY) ; — 3 .

Vi to lvi ./i.2 5 ,

2 suta]

2 s n t a ,m. son ; anti , f . daugh ter . [prop.

generated, born ,

ppl . of V San , see V sitfor mg, cf . mi nd, and Eng. ba irn (under

[vbl . fr .eu- trp ,a . easily satisfied.

VI trp.]s n - d a r ga n a , a . having a beautiful ap

pearance, handsome, ( ft-M s ; as m. Su

darcana, name of a king, Baptism.

ou- d i m a n , a . h av ing good gif ts , bestow

ing blessings ; as m. cloud, as source of

rain and therewith connected blessings,

blessed ra in-cloud.

s n - d i n a , a . very br igh t or clear ; as n.

( l ike Lat. serenam ) c lear weather.

s n d i n a t v é ,n . ( l ike La t. sereni tas ) clear

weath er ; fig. auspicious or blessed time,

always in the phrase -tv6 i hni m,in der

Gl iickszeit der Tage, in the happy days.

s n - d i t i , f . beautiful fiam ing or fiame.

eu- dus t a r a ,a . very hard

-to-cross, hard

to get over ; (of a promise ) hard to per

form .

1 sudh i , f . (good place or position , i .s.)wel l-being. [as 1 dhi ]

2 sudh a, f . (good drink, i.e.) drink of the

gods, nectar . [en 2dh i ]ou- n as ak si b h r n v a , a . having beauti

ful noses-and-eyes—and-brows. [for ui


s n - ba dd h a, a .

[ 1288b and 1284a.]su-buddh i , a . having good wits ; as in.

Brigh tewits , Good-wits, name of a crow.

s n -b h ag a ,a . h aving a goodly portion,

fortunate, happy ; esp . loved (by one’s

husband ) , 89 10 charming ; amiable, 6113


[bhAga, 1304b.]sum a k h a , a . jocund.

makha.]s n -m a ngua , j ?-gali [355b], a . having

or br inging good luck. [mafigalaz acctirregular , cf . 1304b

9 end.]s n -m a dh y am a ,

a . fair-waisted.

s n -m h n a s ,a .

— 1 . good-hear ted, wel l

disposed, 902; kind ; — 2. (having good,

i .s . happy feelings, i .e.) cheerful ; glad,78 13 ; — 3. as f . pl. ( the cheerful ones,i.e.) the flowers ; in cpd, [cf . th esecond part of eb—p evtps, stem s ir-pen s,

wel l

V sum a n a s y a , only in ppl . snmanas

yami na , being cheerful ; joyous . [snmanas,

eu-m a h a n t [450b], a . very great or

important. [1288b.]s nm a h i k a k sa , a . having very



(enclosures, i .s.) hal ls or rooms . [snmaha kaksi , 1298s ,

s n -m ék a ,a . (having a good

wel l or fast bound.

[perhaps 06

4 4

i .s.) firm ly stabl ished.{mul l Wu

“eu- n edbas , a . having good insigh t or /WWisdom ,

Wise / s

saksibhrfi ( 1315c) , i .s. 11535 aksi bh rfi,

su- n i gca y a , a . h aving a very firm re

solve, very resolute.

sun da r a , j f -i , a . beautiful .sun v a , a . Soma-pressing. [V 1 sn,


see 1 148.3b and

s n patn i , a . f . having a good husband.

sum n h ,n. favor , grace ; welfare. [per

haps neuter of an adj . eu-mna ,

‘ kindly

minded’ — see mna : but of . l 224 o.]

aur a , m. a god. [a pendant to asura,

formed by popul ar etymology from

[su+ pati , but in the fem . form , since4;fi.

the masc. would not be used : l 3o4h z cf .

sapatni .]eu- p a r na,

a . with good wings ; as m. bird

of prey ; eagle, vul ture ; my th ica l bird.

asn-t a, as if thi s were a-snra,‘non-


— see naura.]s n - r a k si t a , a . wel l -guarded.

eu- r atn a , a . h aving goodly treasures . fi lf "

[ratna , 1304b.] W‘

[w .1304b sur a bh l a . sweet-smel ling, put r a,

a . having good sons. [pntr6, sur a b h i s r a g - dh a r a ,a . wearing fra

1304b.] grant gar lands. [snrahhi -srajeu- p r a t i sth i t a ,

a . proper ly set up.

ou- p r av i [355b], a . very zealous. [ 1288b.]su- p r i ta ,

a . wel l pleased. [1288b and

sur a - s a tt am a , . the best of the gods .

s ti r i f . spirituous, and esp . distil led,

liquor ; brandy ; l iquor. [V 1 an ,


cf . 1 suta and son ]


cu- r i dh a s , a . having goodly blessings,


sur o t tam a , a . subst. ch ief of gods. [ut

cu- l a l i ta , a. very lovely ; (of meat)delicious .

eu- l o ca n a ,a. fair-eyed.

s n v ar ca s , a . having good vareas, i .s. :

ful l of life, blooming, 909; fiery ,

23 ; glor ious ,

s n - v h r na , a . having a beautiful color ;

as n. gold.

sn v a r na - k ank ana , n. gold-bracelet.

[ 1280b.]sn - v i dat r a , a . kindly noticing, i .e.

taking kind notice, kindly. [ 1288b.]s n v i d a t r i y a , a . kindly. [snvidatr a,l 214a.]

s n v i r a ,a . having good h eroes ; rich in

retainers, 87 ,1 heroic, 78 ,

4 88 14. [vi razacct, 13O4b

2 end ]f . excel lent praise, goodly

hymn. [511 rkti , with euphonic v .]su-

Qév a ,a . very kindly . [geva, 1288b.]

su-ql a k sna , a . very smooth .

s n - s amc i ta ,a . wel l-gathered ;

-am ,

adv. snsaxhcitam saxhcitya, having gath

ered ( in a wel l-gath ered way , i.s.)careful ly .

eu s am a h i t a , a . very intent, entire ly

concentrated upon one thing. [V 1 dh ii,‘

put’: acct, 1284

sn - s th a , a . (wel l situated, i .s .) safe and

well .

s n - h rd , m. friend. [prop. adj .,‘ having

a good hear t, kindly

suh rd - b h ed a ,m. a creating of divisions

among friends, separation of friends.suh rd - v ak y a ,

n. (speech , i.e.) words of

a friend.

V s ii or an (si te snsi va, snsnvé ;

daosta ; savisyati, -te sosyati, -te

si te, snta ; sfitvi ; generate

bring forth ; bear so perhaps at RV.x.

125. 7. [ci . 2suta ,

‘ bairn’

vitis, sav-so-s,‘son for pronunciation as trisyl lable,

64 -63, cf . Boeotian 015163 :

anand sand.)+ p r a , bring forth ; prasfita, born of

see also under

sfi vbl. bearing, in virasfi ; f .

mother . [V8fi, q.v . : with sit-s, cf . v ii-s,

B-s , Lat. sii-s, AS. si, Eng. sow (qua pecada

nih il genuit natura fecundius Cicero,cf . ver res under V vrs) ; al so AS. swin


ssu-ina , Eng. swine, prop. a diminutive of

ni .]sfik a r a, m. swine, boar . [origin uncer

s fik sm a , a . fine, smal l ; subtil e, intangi

ble, atomic, 56l”


V s ii c a y a (sficayati ) . indicate sficita ,

made recognizable. [suci , mg 3 : 1061suc i and add , f - 1 . needle ; — 2. general

ised, a pointed object ; and so — 3. (l il eEng. pointer ) indicator ; index. [prob. fr.


v , sin, q .v .]ant r a ,

n.— 1 . th read ; cord ; —2. br ief

rule or book of such rules (so cal led, per

h aps, because each rule was a short ‘ l ine

or because the col lection was a string of

rules ) , cf . Whi tney xvii . [V siv, q.v.]V sfid (sfidayati ) . — 1 . lead straigh t on


keep a-

going — 2. bring about, finish ;— 3. finish ( in its colloquia l sense) , put an

end to ,destroy.

ui , destroy , see simple verb.

s fin h r a , f . -i, a . gladsome, joyous. [cf .

sfin d , m. son ; once (at 57 as ] . daugh ter .

[Vni : cf . Church S lavonic sgm‘

t, AS.

sunu, Eng. son : for mg, cf . 2snta .]s ti n t-ta , f . joyousness, joy . [sunérm see

1237 8 ] v

sfin rt i v a n , f . -var i'

, a . joyous. [sti nt-ti ,

1234 and s : for fem ., 1 169.

sfip a , m. soup. [despite the identity of

mg, no etymological connection has as

yet been discovered.

sup a - k a r a , m. soup-maker , cook.

sfip a v a fica n a,a . (having an easy

fa l tering-approach , i.s .) to which one

easily or gladly totters (of the grave ) , i .e.

easy of approach or not repul sive. [upavai

‘icana , l 3o4b

s ii p i y a n a,a . (of easy approach , i .s.)

easy of access. [npi yansn 1304b

sfir a ,m. the sun. [cf . svkr , gen . sti r -as,

sun’: perhaps a transfer to the a-deelen



sur f , m. (prop. impel ler , inciter , i.s .) h e

who engages pr iests to perform a sacrifice

for h is own benefit and pays them for it,

a sacr ifice-mas ter ; the same as maghavan

and th e later yajami na. [V2 sn ,

‘ impel ,’

s ii r y a , m. the sun ,selection xl . ; the Sun ,

personified, selection xxxiii. ; sii ryi , f . 1 .

the Sun, personified as afizma le — 2. the

hymn of Surya’

s wedding, RV.x. 85,selec

tion lviii. [fr . svar ( siir ) , 1212a.]s l


i r y i - v i d , a . knowing the Suryfi-hymn ,

RV.x. 85.

V or (sisarti ; sasi ra , sasré ; asarat ; as

r isyéti ; at“; M um : urtvi ; a stral ;si rayati, -te ) . run sw iftly , gl ide, flow ;caus. act. set in motion. [cf . tip-p ip,



onset, spring ,

’whence bpm ,

‘rush on


ta pe ,‘spr ing

; W anna ,‘spring

; alt-s o,‘ leaped Lat. sa l ire, spring

; cf . sar as ,‘

pool ,’

sar it,‘stream ,

’and, for the root

with l , sal -ila ,‘ fiowing

and ‘ fiuid, i.s .

a n n , run or go after.a p a , go off caus. remove ; take out.

a v a , go down,in avasara.

a , run unto ; run.

upa , go unto, approach .

n i s , go out ; caus . drive out or away .

p r a go forth ; caus. stretch for th or out.

+ud ,- 1 . cast ; hur l (a bolt) ; — 2. pour


- 3. cast ofi ; lay down (acorpse ) — 4 . let go, 3


s am -ud , let go, discharge.

+ n p a , (hur l at, and so) plague, dis

tress, vex ; i ditya upasrstas , se. r i huni ,the sun vexed by Ri hu, i.e. ecl ipsed.

+ v i , - 1 . th row away ,— 2. dis

charge ; ( let go from the hand,i .s .) lay


mid.,w. v i cam, let go the

voice, i .s . break silence by saying

1003 ; — 3. create , 573, qf. s imple verb.

s am , ( let go together ) m ix, uni te.

arj , vbl . creating. [V an ]V (06mm ,

-te ; m ime ; flaw“sarpsyati , sr apsyati ; srptA; shrpitnm

srptvi ; -stpya ; sisrpsati ) . creep, crawl ;

gl ide ; used of gentle and cautious motion.

[cf . Spa-w,

‘creep, go

; Lat. serp-ere,

creep r ipen , ssrep-ere, creep,


-ti-l is,


; AS. scalf , Eng. salve, so

named from its slipper iness, l ike sarpis

and srpra , see these ; cf . a lso épw- e‘ rdv and

Lat. serpens , snake no connection w.

Eng. sl ip .]+ ud , creep out or up ; rise ; desid. wish

to rise.

n p a , go gently unto, approach gently .

+ v i , — 1 . move asunder,disperse ; - 2.

move about.

+ aam ,- 1 . flow together ;

— 2. go s rp r h ,a . sl ippery , fatty ; smooth . [V an) ,

wander , sam intens ive, 1077b end ;about

esp . wander from one existence to another 1 s én i , f . a missile ; weapon.

(of the soul ) .

ask s , us. perhaps missile, lance.

ar g i l a,m. jackal .

V s r j (atjati, -te ; sasdrja , sasrjé ; harak

; sraksyati , -te ; are“; srastnm ;

l 188a.][V2Bi.

‘ hur l ,’l 177a.]

2 s én i , f . l ine of battl e ; acies ; army .

[akin with sita, fur row,



mén ,

par ting

of the hair from these a root ssi , draw

a straigh t l ine,’may perhaps be inferred ]

sratva ; -arjya ; sisrksati ). - 1 . let loose s e r ay a ,a . with jealousy ; -am ,

adv. with

( from the hand ) , dart, hur l ; th row ; — 2. jea lousy . [u irsy i Jlet go, pour out ( streams, rain ) , discharge ; V s e v ( sévate ; siséva, sissvé ; sevisyéti

- 3. let loose (herds ) ; — 4 . spin or twist

(cord or gar land ) ; - 5. (discharge fromone

’s self, cf . 57 1 , and so) procreate , eu

gender ; create.

a v a ,— 1 . shoot off (arrows ) ; th row or

put in , 579; — 2. let loose (streams ) ;

loose ( from a bond) , del iver over ,

84 13 ; — 3. ( l ike Eng. colloq. let slide ) let

pass unnoticed, forgive, 78 13.

sevita; sévitnm ; sevitv i ; -s6vya ) .

stay by the app . of tyaj — 2. stay

by , and so ( l ike Eng. wait upon ) serve or

reverence, 3017; 3. devote one

s sel fto ; practice, 21 66 9, 68

9. [no connec

tion w. aéflopa t, reverence ,’see Vtyaj .]

up a , reverence be devoted to.

ui be devoted to, i.s. cohabit wi th.

s am , practice.

stigend,‘rising or sty,

Eng. stg,‘swel ling

(on eye for change of gh to i in

present, cf . 1611 and t ]

+ p r a , get ahead in attacking, succeed

in one’

s attacks,

v s tn (swan stute tust‘isva, tusthuvé h ti nsi


t, Astosta astavi t

stavisyati , -te ; stosyati, -te atutA

stotum ; stntvti ; -stutya , -sti1ya ; stu

yate ). praise ; extol (a god) ; stnvant,

(praising, as subst.) worsh ipper .

+ p r a ,— 1 . praise ; — 2. bring forward

as object of mention or subject of con

versation (qfi La t. laudare, prop.‘


but a lso ‘ mention and so — 3 . general

ized, introduce, begin.

s tuk a , j : lock or tuft (of wool or hair )[see stoka.]s tr (strni ti, Btrnité, in mg 1 in Veda ;

strnbti , strnuté, in mg 2 ; tasti ra, ta

ataré ; astar i'

t starisyate ; strta,

stirna [957b] ; strtva, stirtvi '; -stf'tya,

-stirya ) . 1 . strew,esp . the sacrificial

straw, spread out — 2. (l ike La t.stem ere ) overth row (an enemy ) .

[cf . avdp-w -pt, Lat. ster -n-ere, strew,

spread out’

; “pa ge , ( l ike Eng. spread )‘ bedding,

a ‘rpat-M ,

‘ bed,’

Lat. strd-men,‘straw,


, straw mat,’torus, stator -us ,

‘ bed AS. strea-w,streo-w-ian, Eng. straw,

strew ; “pm-7 63 , Lat. strd-tus, bespread’

(via ) strata , (way ) bespread with stones,

i .s. ‘

paved,’whence borrowed AS. strfit


Eng. street Old Lat. stld-tus,Lat. li tus,

‘spread out, spreading, and so broad,


; see also under noun

a n n , cover over .

i , spread out.

n p a , spread upon, spread as a cover ;

as techni ca l term of the r itua l,with or with

out i jya, pour the sacrificial butter over

(e.g. the hand) so as to make a coating,

p r a , spread out.

s t f'

[371 13, ti n s, stf'bhis ], m.

, plural only.

th e stars. [if fr . Vstr, we may interpretthe name as mean ing either (a )

‘ the

ligh t-str ewers,’or (b) the scattered


th ose that are spread out over the vault

of heaven ; but the connection w. Vstr is

very uncertain : cf . M p, stem d-o'rsp,

Avestan star , Lat. stel la,

ester -la, Ger .

S tem , AS. steor ra,Eng. sta r : see also

a . deligh ting in

s ten a, m. th ief. [V ati ]s tok a,

- l . m. drop ; - 2. as adj . smal l ,insignificant. [akin with stuk i , ‘

tuft ’

from these, a root sstn,‘ dr op, dribble ,

run togeth er, be compacted into a round

mass,’may perhaps be inferred : for mg

2, cf. Eng. dr ibble w. driblet.]

s tot t, m. praiser (of a god) , worshipper ,singer. [V stu, 1 182a.]

s tbm a , m. praise, song of praise. [Vstm1 166a.]

s tom a - v h r dh a n a ,


at r i j : woman , female individual,

wife, opp. of pumans, e. .g [prob.

for asiitr i,‘


’ V 8 11 , 1 1822 ]s t r i - k am a , a . having desire for femal e

(ch ildren ) . [ 1296 ]s th a,

— 1 . cbl in cpds. standing ; and so,

general ized ( like Eng. stand, be

situated, staying, being ;— 2. sometimes,

perhaps, substantively, place ( l ike Eng. noun

stand, in go-stha , sadh a-stha .

[V sth i , 333 : sometim es -sth a,ath al a , n. dry land (a s opp . to water ) ,terra firma, Fest-land ; sthal i , J

‘I place .

[prob. akin w. V ath i , ‘that wh ich stands

s th av i r a , a . — 1 . firm , th ick, massy ,

sturdy - 2. ful l -grown, old ; as 771 . old

man. [from athu, col lateral form of

Vstha, 1 188e : for mg 1 , cf . Eng. steady,

cognate w. stand, and cf . sth ira ; for 2,

cf . Eng. of long standing.]V s th a (tisthati , -te [671 , 749a] ; tasthad,tasthé ; asth i t, asth ita [884 ] sth i syati ,-te ; sthi ta; sth fttum ; sth itva; -atk$ya ;sthiyate ; sth i payati ,


— 1 . stand, 807,

stand stil l , 70191 31

; remain stand

ing ;— 2. stand by (a fr iend) ; hold out

faith ful ly , 63 1° - 3. remain ,

wait, abide, poss., imper s

sarv iiih sth i’

yati m, let al l remain,

atra sth i'

yati m, stay h ere, 3921; — 4 .

remain or be in a condi tion, continue in


r an action [l o75c] : w. adj . or .ppl.,

vy i pi ditas tisthati , l ies dead, 44“

w. gerund, 26 w. i nstr .,

— 5. exist ; be present,- 6.

be situated, be , 15, 26

13,33 4 ; — 7. (remain

standing, i.s . unmoved or untouched, and

so,l ike Ger . dahingestel l t b leiben ) remain

unconsidered or unmentioned ; thus , diire

tisthatu tadvrddhis , ( let the interest of

i t stand afar off, i.s .) to say nothing of

the interest of it, — 8 . sthi ta, see s .v.,—9. caus . cause to stand, set ; put,

[for sati : cf . Dor ic in f. ova-p ee , Epic

n ij-vac, Church Slavonic sta-ti , Lat. std-re,

Old High Ger . std-n,Ger . steh-en,


thi s old form of the root appears also in

Ger . S tatt, AS. stede, Eng. stead,‘


the prevai l ing form of the root in Ger

manic is stand ; cf . AS. stand-ou,Eng.

stand Ger . preterit stand,‘stood

’ — w ith

‘ r-Sth i -t, cf . K-o'

r n, stood w. ti -qth i -mi ,cf . l-m -m, set,

’Lat. si-sti-t, sets — for

mgs of V ath i , cf . in general those of

Eng. stand.]a dh i , stand upon .

+ a n u,— 1 . (stand along by , t.e.) take


s place along by , and so support,

help ; — 2. devote one’s self to a th ing,

e g. virtue, devote one’

s self to (an

undertaking ) , and so carry out (a plan ) ,accompl ish ; pass. imper s evam

anusth eyam , it must be done so,

so 38 ‘5 tath i w anusthite, it having been

thus accompl ished, th is being done,

see 3o3h ‘ and cf . 89 15-23

+ ab h i , set the foot upon ,vanquish ;

with stand.

+ a v a ,— 1 . stand ofi

,— 2.

stand ; — 3. remain ,abide ; — avasth.ita

standing ; posted, situated ; abiding,

dwe l l ing ; - caus. (cause to stand apart,

i.s .) leave beh ind,i , take one

s place at ; resort to, 101.

ud , stand up ; r ise up (from sleep or

inactivity ) , 3020; spring up, 2617; get out

of caus. cause or bid to r ise,

102 7 ; pul l out (of a m ire, a vat) ,

[a lost, 233a.]+ p r a t y

- n d , rise up to meet (in token

of respect).

s th i t r a,n. station , place.

[sth avara

s am - n d ,r ise up, spring up.

+ up a ,— 1 . stand by , set one


sel f near ; stand opposite, — 2. ap

proach , esp. with reverence or supplica

tion — upasthi ta : (having) approachedor appeared ; near at hand, 4 1


+ a n nv up a ,mid. approach one after

anoth er ; 10. 1 115 (the pronoun ) , come to myside,

s am -up a , approach ; fal l to one’


lot ; samupasthi ta , on hand.

ui , stand in, rest on.

p a r i , stand round about, encompass ;


+ p r a , mid. arise, and so set out to go ;

go ofi prasth ito‘bhavat, profectus est ;

caus. send away , dism iss,

+ p r a t i , stand ; be establ ish ed ; get a

place or foot-ho ld, pr atisthi ta : os

tablished, resting upon ; set up ; — caus.


+ v i , mid. (stand asunder , i .e.) spread

itself .

a n n - v i , spread one’s self over , per

vade RV .x. l 25.7.

s am ,mid.

— 1 . remain with ; — 2. in the

r itua l , come to a stand-stil l (sam, intsu

sive ) , i .s. get th rough , finish ; samsthi te,loc. absolute, if h e (end, i.s .) die,

[V stha, 1 185for mg, cf . Eng. stead w. root sta under

ath i n a , n. - 1 . a standing ; — 2. a {e

maining, abiding ; - 3. standing, i:e., as

in Eng., rank ; — 4. an abode (see bha

vana ) ; place, ctc. ; — 5. pregnantly

(qf. pi tra ) , a proper place ; — 6. a proper

occasion ; concrete, a proper object for

giving occasion to anyth ing ; tatki vya

syavarpana-sth i nam ekah s of this

poem 8 . is the sole consignment-occa

sioner , i .s. the only one wor thy of having

this poem entrusted to him , 541. [Vsth i ,

1 150.

ath i n a -b h r anga ,m. abode-ruin , loss

of abode.

s th av a r a, a . standing ; not endowed with

the power of locomotion ,and so, as col

lective n. sing.,the plants , as 171 . pl .

plants, 671. [Vathi , 1 1 71a.]

sth avarata]

s th i v a r a t i , j : condition of being a

phun; [1237]s th i ta,

a. — l . standing (as opp. to going,

ly ing) , — 2. (of animate and inani

mate beings ) standing in a place ; abid

ing ; sth itas (supply, as is oflen necessa ry,

some f orm q as, was abiding, i. .s

abode, 2913; situated ; bh ii ta l e sth itam,

being on the ear th , i . .s ,s imply , on the

earth , sthi tam, it was

waited by i .s. (he ) waited, 34 1°

— 3. existing ; present, 613;

- 4 . being or remaining in a situation

or condition (cf. V ath i which is ex

pressed . by an adj . in the same case, 1

by an adv.° tath i , kah sthito ‘tr a,

wh o ( is ) being here, i .s . who is here , 497;

by a gerund i tm i nam i cch i dya sth itas ,

after conceal ing h imself (was) remaining,

i .s. kept h idden ,so

upavigya sthiti s, waited sitting,


vyi pya.

bhav i nl sar vi n dflfito

mahan ,with wh ich th e intel lect, pervad

ing al l be ings, stands, i .s. with wh ich it

constantly pervades al l beings,

[ppl . of V ath i , 954c : cf . or a-r d-s, Lat.


‘standing, set

’: for mgs above,

c£. Vsuni ]s th i t i , f . - 1 . a standing ; — 2. a rcmain

ing by a th ing ; and so - 3. devotion to

15 17 ; — 4 . (l ike Lat. status ) con

dition ; and so — 5. way , method of pro

,cedure, 26

7. [V ath i , 1 1 57. 1a, cf . 954c.]

ath i n , vbl . standing, in cpds. [V sthi

s th 1 r 6 a . steady ; steadfast, firm ;

a lso of per sons, 997; enduring (of migh t ) ,

[V ath i , cf . 954c : for mg, cf

swhavhnu]V athu, as sumed as colla ter a l f orm of sth i ,

(fl sthavir a, and see under V ani .s th fini , f . post, pil lar . [for satul -na, fr .

V estul or estal , an extended form of

V esta , Skt. sth i : cf . Ger . S tolle (n ) , OldHigh Ger . stollo



prop, post’


w ait-as,‘

post, pil lar’

; these words , l ike

urban, Doric m m ,

prop, post,’


pose th e root in causal mgs ,‘cause to

stand,’i .e. (a )

‘ keep from fal l ing, propup,

’and (11 )

‘set up,

’as a pil lar : the root

opponent foe.

appears. also in Ger . S tall , Eng. stall ,‘stand, t.e. standing-place ,

and in Ger.

stil l,Eng. still

,standing, not

V s n i . (m i ti ; sasni ti ; sni syati , -te ;

snata; sni tum ; sni tv i ; bathe ;

perform a rel igious ablation, esp . at the

end of religions studentsh ip or of a

vow. [orig. anti or and (so ath i , athu)cf . Vm in ( n eon, s l -ovsF-ov,


; Lat.


‘swim see also under mi d.]

s n i ta k a , a. who has performed the

ablution customary at the end of religious

pupil age. [sni tL 1222 ]s n i n a , n. a bathing, religious ablution.

[V sni ,s n an a -

ci l a , a . (having bathing as a

habit, i.s .) practicing religious ablutions.

[1302 ]s n i y i n , a . perform ing rel igious ablutions.

[Vw i , 1 183 3,s n i yu, f n.

— 1 . sinew,25 7. [perhaps

‘ l igament,’ from Vai or si , bind, ligi re ,

q.v. . if so, it is formed from the present

stem sin'


. (see 1 148. 3b and cf . sunva ) ,abbrev iated to and, with sufix n ( 1 178b )and interposed y cf . Old High

Ger . sé’

nawa , Ger . Sehne, AS. sinu, Eng.

sinew,wh ich point to a Goth . asinava :

that sni -Jn and its older equiv. uni -van

are abbreviated form s (for sina would

appear from the Germanic cognates.]s n i yu-b a n dh a , m. sinew-band, 1 .e. bow

str ing.

stha , V an i h (snihyati ; snigdha) . - 1 . be Al‘ i ctoyz .supple, greasy , moist ; and so — 2. stick



,as in Eng.

,.be attached to, be

fond of.

an d ,n . col la tera l f orm of si nu. surface.

s n eh a ,m.

— 1 . sticki ness ; — 2. viscid and

smooth stufi ; oil ; fat ; - 3. attachm ent,

love, friendsh ip. [V sni h : for connection

of 1 and 3, see m ih .]V s p a g, older f orm q l pag, q.v.

V s p rdh (spArdh ate ; pasprdhé ; spar

dhita; spardh itum ). contest th e pre

cedence among one anoth er ; emulate ;

str ive.

ap t-db . J:

[Vaprdh -lV 8 pm (sprsfiti. -te ; pupi l


s». pumvé ;

sruc] [282]

Ger. S tro-m, Eng. stream , with t between s v a -dh a r m a , m. own duty .

s and r (see under usra and svasr) : 1 s v a dh i , f . — I . wont, habit, custom,

fur ther pea-pa,‘stream Lat. Rii-mo,

‘ The River ,’old name of the Tiber : w.

fi-srav -a—t, cf . lppee, s l -o'


s ru'

c , j ? one of the large sacrificial ladies

(as long as th e arm ) , of which there are

three, jnh ii , upabhrt, and dhruva, see

102 1 1 1c ; used for pouring ghee in th e

fire. [akin w. Vsru.]s ruv h , m. a smal l sacrificial ladle (a cubit

long ).used for dipping from the pot and

pour ing into the sruc. [akin w.Vsr n.]s r bt a s ,

n. stream . [Vsru, 1 1 52a.]sv a — l . pron. adj . own ; my own,

thy own ,h is

own or his, ctc. ; her , their

own or (each ) h is own, indef , one’


own, very often at the beginning

of cpds : my , h is, ctc. ;

their, our, etc., seef ollowing words ;—2. m. kinsman, fr iend ; — 3. ( l ike

i tman ) one’s se lf, see one

’s natural

sel f or condi tion ; — 4 . n. ( like Goth. sves )

possessions, property . [cf. i6s, w eed-s,

and 8s, h, by , and cards,‘own

; Old Lat.

sovo-s, Lat. suu-s, own’

; Goth . sveas, AS.


; also 8, vol , Lat. sci , Goth .

si-k, Ger . si-eh,

s v a k a ,a . own ; his own, etc. , equiv. to

sva. [sva, 1222a.]av e-k sa t r a , a .

free.s v a - cch a n d a , m. own wil l . [ohanda,

s v a cch a n da -vanajata, a . (by its own

wi l l , i .e.) spontaneously wood-grown, i.s.

growing wild in the wood.

V av a j (svajate ; sasvajé ; svaj isyate ;

(having self-rule, i.s.)


+ p a r i , embrace.

V av a d (svadati, -te ; sasvadé ; svatta;svadAyati, svadayati ) . 1 . act. make

savory , season ; fig. make agreeable ;- 2. mid. be savory , rel ish , intrans .; - 3.

mid. relish , trans.; take pleasure in. [cf .dub-dam


please,’aorist ( babe, s l -oFab-e,

pleased 580m , rejoice see al so

under sviidn.]

76 7 ; rule ; (Gas ; — 2. accustomed place,home, Mos ; — 3 . (wonted condition, i.s .)comfort ; joy ; bliss, pleasure,

svadh itm i nn nas, according to our

pleasure, i.e. exactly to our wish ,

wise ; with pleasure, gladly ; (gladly , i .s .)wil lingly , freely , 84 13. [cf . (Gas, custom ,

fleas,‘ wonted p lace, haunt,

’si -wO-a ,

‘am se

customed AS. sidu,Ger .S itte,

2 s v a dh fi, j : sweet drink ; esp. a libation

of gh ee to the Manes. [perhaps for2 sndh i : for the etymology , cf . sva

dh t‘

t adhayat, he drank the‘


dr inks,’RV.]

s v adh i v a n t , a .— 1 . (having h is wont,

i.e.) keeping to h is custom , faithful , constant ; - 2. (having bl iss, i .e.) blessed,

[ 1 svadh i , 1233 : see mgs 1and

s v i dh i t i , m.

s a n (“v i nit ; m uita) . sound, resound, roar .

[cf . Lat. sonus,


; Old Lat. son-it,‘sounds

; AS. swinsian,‘sound ’

; Eng.

swan, so named from its song ; sim il ar ly

in Ger. the cock is ca l led Hahn,a name

akin w. Lat. can-ere,‘sing

’— ci . Ham let

i. 1 . 160, the bird of dawning

s v ana, m. sound ; roar (of wind) .

[V svan .]av a n a s , n. roar . [do.]V ev a p (svapiti susvi pa


it svapsyati sapti. [954b]svaptum ; suptvi ; sv i péyati ). sleep ;

fal l asleep ; snpté , sleeping ; caus. put

to sleep. [cf . Lat. sop-or ,

‘sleep w .

caus., cf . Lat. sbp ire,‘

put to sleep’

; see

also under svapna.]ui , go to sleep ; caus. put to sleep.

p r a , fal l asleep ; prasupta, fall enasleep, asleep, sunk in sleep.

sv ap a s , a . having goodworks, i.e.wonder

working. [sd apas , 1304b.]perhaps besom . [perhaps

for ou-pt‘

t,‘cleaning wel l

’: for va in

place of n, cf. 2svadh5 : for mg, cf .

svapn a , m. - 1 . sleep ; - 2. dream.

[s ap, q.v. : cf. bs -vo-s, Lat. som-nu-s,‘sleep

; AS. swe -n,‘sleep, dream


Chaucerian swe/31, dream Lat. samnium,

‘ dream’: for connection of 1 and 2, cf .

51 wh ere either sense flts .]s v a p n a

-m i na v a k a , m. the Dream

manikin, name of a certain magic whose

performance brings dreams that become

real ized,

s v a - b h i v a , m own way of being, in

h erent nature, ingenium , as distinguished

from acquired quali ties , see guna 2, and

2231 ; svabh i v i t, by nature

natural ly .

s v a bh i v a - dv s sa , as. natural hatred.

[ l 280b.]s v a y am-v a r a , m. self-choice ; esp . freechoice of a husband

,wh ich was al lowed

to gir ls of the warrior (ksatr iya ) caste, aSwayamvara.

s v a y hm pron. own self, self ; h imself, etc. ref err ing to subj ect, etc. ; al l

by itself, of its own accord, referr ingto predicate, 1

10. [from sva with nom .

case ending -a.m (cf. tv-um , a-y

-am ), andinterposed y , cf . 258 ]

s v ay am-bh it a . self-existent ; as m.

epithet of Brahma.

sv a y a m-m rta , a. dead of himself.

sv a-yuk t i , j 2pl. own team . [acct, 1274 :

for mg, cf . the Dutch and the American

Eng. span (of horses ) w. AS. spannan,

V s v a r (svar ati ; fisvi rsit ; asvi r it) .sound. [cf esp


pipe, flute’

; Lat.


‘a humming

; Eng swar-m.]av b r [388d], pronounced sdar in the Veda


n. — 1 . the sun, 71 1s; - 2. sun l igh t, sun

shine ; ligh t, - 3. ( the place of the

l igh t, c rajas ) heaven, - 4 .

one of the three utterances,”


[cf. S crip-tor, sun, dog-star


G i lt-as, l igh t’

; a sh -hm, moon’

; Lat.

ser-énus ,‘ brigh t

; s6l , AS. sol,

‘sun ’


AS swel-a n , Eng.swea l ,‘ burn, glow, waste

away by heat and the kindred swelter ,‘ be overcome by heat,

’whence sweltry or

sultry : if the forms with r and l are fr .


extended forms of a root can, to ligh t,’

and if svhr is a direct deriv. of the same

V can (nu-ar ) , we may compare Ger. Sauna,AS. su-nne, Eng. sun

,AS. sunnan dag,

Eng. Sun-day ]s v a - rupa , n. own form or shape ; true

nature, 40

s v a rup a -b h i v a , m. the becom ing or

being the true form (of names ) , i.s. the

use of the true form (of a person’

s name) .

[ l 280b : svarfipa is used predicatively.]sv a r - gA,

— 1 . a . going or leading to the

ligh t or to heaven ; situate in the heaven ly

l igh t, heavenly ; esp. w. loka, svargo lo

kas, the heavenly wor ld, heaven, 1035 "3

also as one word, see svargaloka ; — 2.

m. without loka, heaven,

sv a r g a-g i m i n , a . going to or attaining


s v a r g a - l ok a , m. the heavenly wor ld,

heaven, 1037.

s v ar -bh anu, m. Suarbhanu, name of a

demon causing the eclipse of the sun,

cf. the later r i hu. [poss. having, i.s .

withholding the sun’s

s v a r y a, pronounced w astes, a . soundingof a thunderbol t, wh izzing. [V svar ,1213 ]

s v a l amk r ta , a . wel l adorned. [sn +alamkrta : see alam .]

s v h gv a , a . with goodly horses. [ad -t

agva, 1304b.]s v h s r f . sister. [cf. Lat. sam ,

AS. sweoster , swuster , Eng. sister . cf .

369° and 1 182f : for t between s and r,

cf . Easter , under nara , and stream under

Vsru.]av a nt i , pronounced suasti in Veda, - 1 .

j : ( l ike the Eng. wel l-being, i.s.) welfare ;blessing ; - 2. svasti , instr . [336° end],with luck, happily ; hence - 3. the inde

cl inable nom.-ace. neut. svasti, luck, hap

pincas, 841; n asty astu to, a blessing on

th ee. [ati an unused asti ,‘ be-ing,


V l as , ‘ be ,’1 157 1a . acct, 1288b.]

s v a s t i -d i a . bestowing welfare.

s v a s ty ti y a n a ,n. sing. and pl. ( luck

progress, i.s .) wel-fare , prosperity ; blessing ; and so benediction ,

pl. the blessings, i.s. Vedic hymns eon

svasth a]

taining the word avasti , 106 [avantidyana : acct, 1271 : with -ayana , cf . f arein wel f are ]

sv a - s th a , a . being in one’

s natural con

di tion, self-contained, healthy , wel l .av i d a s , n. agreeableness, in pré -sv i das .

[s ad, 1 151 . 1b : cf . Mos (sic ) , DoricR os,

sv i dd , a . tasting good, savory ; sweet.

[284] 3°w l i s l l ?“

noting that the author gflees with the

or method mentioned,- v?r°y common at end of half -plaka,esp a 3d n


ns perf 9 ‘

so iti ha. 12° — combinations iti

hov i ca , h e said, so kov i ca,

hocns, 95‘3, 96

13. [this word appears

also as gha in the Veda : cf . 7 s, Doric 7a ,encli tic asseveratives.]

[V avad, q.v., 1 178a : cf . Doric £1863 , h a nsa, m. goose, gander ; perhaps appl ied

sc ri be-s, Lat. svdvis, cavado-i-s, AS. swéte,

Eng. swash ]s v i dh y i y a, m. the reading or repeat

ing to one’s self, study (of the Veda ) .

[adhyiiym]s v i m i -k i r y a , n. master

s business.

av@n i -kum i r a , m. the Lord Kum‘


name of Skanda , god of war , see ki rtti

kcya and knm i ra.

s v am i - guna , m. rul er-virtue.

s v am i n ,

a lso to the swan and l ike water-fowl .

[prob. a consonantal stem , transferred

(399 ) to the ar-declens ion, and so orig.

tghana : cf . xi v, Lat. ans-sr,Li thuanian

2983-3 , Ir ish goss, Ger . Guns, AS . gds,

Eng. goose : even the s of sghans may be

derivational ; cf . AS. gan-d-ra

, sgan-ra


Eng. gander ; Old High Ger . gan-azzo



; AS.gan-et, Eng. gannet,


m. owner , proprietor , master , h a th ,see 954d.

lord ; opp. qf servant, subject, wife . [sva , h a ty a , n. slay ing. [Vhan , 12130 and it

‘own ,

’1231 ] (middle ) , cf . 954d.]

av i m i - s ev a, f . th e serving one’

s mas V h a n (hhuti jagh i an [794d]te r .

s v i m i -h i ta , n. master’

s welfare.

s v i r th a ,m. own affair or cause. [artha .]

s v i h i , excl . used when making oblations,

hail , w. dat., at the end of an invoca

tion, l ike Amen,

V av i d (svédate ; svidyati , -te ; sisvidé ;

svinna) . sweat. [svidyi mi - laiw,‘sweat


cf . lbos, iB-pé s,‘sweat,

lapl a ,


Lat. siidd-re,


’denom. of osuda-s,


; s lid-ar,

‘sweat Lettish swidrs,


; AS. noun swat,Eng. swea t

observe that though there is a word for‘sweat

’common to most Indo-European

tongues, there is no such common word

for ‘ be

s v e c ch a , fi own wil l ; svecchayi , accord

ing to one’

s incl ination, at wil l . [icchs'

m]s v 6da , m. sweat. [s id ]

h a , encl itic and sl ightly asseverative particle,

in the Veda , 92 13 ; in the

Br i hmanas,

and very often (so pages95 103 1° (quotation f rom a Brdhmana ) ;in the Sutras

,to be sure, of course, desig

hanisyati ha ta [954d] hantum ; hatv i.M tya ; banyata ; j igh i nsati- 1 . str ike ; strike down ; sm ite or slay ,

702, etc. ki l l , etc. overcome ;

- 2. destroy , br ing to nough t ; (of

darkness ) dispe l , - desid. wish to

smite or afilict, 781°

- hata, 1 . smi tten, slain, 984 kil led,

- 2. destroyed, ruined ; lost,

42 1 ; — 3. pounded.

[with bi n-mi , cf . Oelmv, easy‘smite

w. ja-ghu-ti s, cf . -t e-¢r-ov, slew

; w.

hath , eghata , cf. par tly, slain’

; w. ghan‘ ,

q.v., a slaying,

’cf. ipdvos,

‘slaugh ter

; w.

ha-ti,‘a smi ting, slaying,

’cf . Old High

Ger . gun-d, AS. gii

‘li, sgun



‘ battle AS.

glib-fund , Old High Ger .gundf ano,

‘ battle

flag’fr . th e last form (not fr . the

th rough the French , comes Eng. gonf anon ,

gonf a lon ; for 111g of grid, cf. Ger . schlagen,‘sm ite , slay ,

’wi th Schlacht,

‘ battle’: for

senses under 1, observe that AS. sieifa

(whence Eng. slay ) means‘smite


then also

a v a , str ike down ; bring to nough t.

i , strike upon ; hur l (a bol t) upon ( lac.

vs ha]

V2 h i em u jah i d ; th i sith i syati ; h int [95711] hatum h itva

-haya h iyhte, h iyate) . I . leave, i.s

quit , leave in the lurch , 821; desert,

leave beh ind, abandon, cast

ofi ; lay aside, 83“ rel inquish ; - 2.

h iyate, be forsaken or left beh ind ; fal lshort or be deficient ; become deficient,

decrease ; deteriorate, be lowered,— h in6 : — 1 . forsaken ; —2. ( l ike Eng.

abandoned) vicious, low, low-lived,- 3. at end of cpds, abandoned by

i .s . destitute of free from [cf .

xii-poo r, (forsaken ) destitute,’

xfi-pa,‘ widow

; Lat.f ez-mes, lack,+ p a r i , - l . forsake ; - 2. pass. be

lacking, decrease ; come to an end, see

simple verb.

v i , leave ; vih i ya, passing over.


tary ; - 3. as n. wel fare, safety. [V 1 dhi ,‘


954c : -dhita in Veda : cf. Ow l s,

h i ta -k i m a , a . wishing one’s welfare,

well -wishing. [see h i m ]h i te cch a, f l desire for the welfare (ofanother ) . [icch i ]

h i top a dega , m. salutary instruction ;Hitopadeca, name of a col lection of

fables. [upadeca .]h im ‘ , m. the cold , winter .

sxma,‘ Winter,

’appears in xlpa-po-s, l it.

winter-l ing, i. .e a one-winter-old or year

ling goat,’named xlptapos precisely as is

the dialecticGer .Ein-winter, a one-winter

old goat’

; cf .xlpm pa,‘she-goat, chimera


see similar names under vatsa : cf. further-x1po in bba -xipo-s,

‘very wintry

; Lat.


mu m bimas,obi-himu-s,

‘of two winters

[the stem $6

7h i , excl . of pa in or astonishment. [ l 135s ]h i r y a , grdv. to be taken away or stolen.

[V l hr,‘seize,


h i s i n , a . laugh ing. “has ,

or years’

; also xcé s , snow,

xeapé s ,‘ winter

; Lat. hiems,‘ winter .

h i r any a , 11. gold. [akin w. har i , q.v.] ..Z’

b i t any a g a r b h a, m. fruit or scion or

h i s y a , grdv. to he laughed at ; as n.

laugh ter ; ridicule. [Vhas, 963 3 0]Vh i (hinbti, hinuté ; j igh i ya ; ah i isit ;hesyati ; bith ). set in motion, dr ive,

impel .

p r a send 03 or away ; del iver over .

h i , pa rticle. 1 . asseverative surely ,

verily , indeed, 183 -93

,23 21 , 28


35 21 , 83 1 , ctc. ; —2. giving a

because ; for , etc., 53

3, 70

1 1; 3. w.

inter rogatives, pray , l l1, 13 finite verb

accented w. h i [595d], 72 1s h i never a t beg.

of sentence

V h i ns (binasti j ihinsa ; ahinsi'

t ;

hinsisyati ; hih sita; hinsitum ; h ih s itva ;

”h insya ) hurt, harm , slay . [perhaps,orig., desid. of Vhan, see

h i ns ii , f . a harming, injur ing. Wh ite,

h i ns r a, a . harming ; as m. a savage or

cruel man. [Vh im, 1 188a.]h i t ‘ , ppl ., adj . 1 . put, set ; placed ; and

so - 2. pregnantly ( l ike Eng. in place, i .s.‘ in the r igh t place,

’and Ger . gelegen ,

‘ lying ar igh t, i .s . fit, con

venient, agreeable ; yadi tatra to hitam,

if it suits thee there ; advantageous, salu

child oi the gold ( i.s. of the golden

egg, 57 Hiranyagarbha or Gold-scion,

name of a cosmogonic power , the personal


V h id ( Vedic f orms [Wh itney 54,

ham . hélsmi na ; j ihfla. j ihné : hints :Ep ic, hélami na ). be angry ; be incoa

siderate or careless.

h iuh , see V2hi .V h u (juhbti , juhuté ; juhava, juhvé ;ahanait ; hosyati ; huta; h btum ; hutv i )pour into the fire, cast into the fire ; and

so offer ; make oblation even of things

not cast into the fire ; huta: offered ; as

n. oblation.

[orig. .ghu: cf . xiv , exsF-a ,



xv-Ado s,‘ liquid, jnice

’w. l in-ti , cf.

xv- ‘rdo s,‘


; w. i -hn-ti , cf . xh-a to s,

a pouring,’Lat. fi -ti-s



further , f ans , stem f ont, Jos-ont, pour

ing,’i.s . ‘ fountain ’


with the extended form oghud, cf.Lat.

Vf ed in fund-ere,‘

pour ,’AS. geo

t-a n, Ger.

giessen, pour’

; provincia l Eng. gut,‘ water-course

; and Eng. gut, w. like

sense, in Gut of C'anso.]

+ 5 , offer in ( loc.) i huta : ofiered ; laid


in the fire (of a corpse ) , 84 19 ; as n. obla


h ut a -h om a ,a . having ofiered oblation.

b a t i ga , m. fire ; the fire-god, Agn i. [prop.

‘ having th e oblation as his food,’59a :

h utaga n a , m. fire ; the fire-god, Agni.

[pr0p.‘ having the oblation as his food,

agana :

V h fi or hvi (hsvato and hnvste, Vedic ;

class ical , hvayati , -te [761d juhava ,

juhuvé ; dhv i sit hvayisyati , -te

[935c] hfita; hvittum , hvéyitum ; hfitvfi;-hfiya ) . cal l ; cal l upon ; invoke, esp. a

god [orig. sghfi: w. h it-ta,‘ca l led upon ,


some identify the Goth . stem

gu-ba , gu

-da , God,’AS. and Eng. God.]

a,— 1 . cal l to or h ither ; summon, ih

vi te ; - 2. mid. cha l lenge.

+up a ,mid. — 1 . cal l or summon to

one’s se lf ; - 2. ca l l encouragingly unto.

hut i , j : invocation . [Vh ii .]V l h r (har ati , -te ; jah i ra, j ah re; Ah i rsit,fi lms : har isyfiti. 4 0 ; hr“; M rtnm ;

hrtvi ; -hf'tya ; h r iyate ; I .

carry , 1025, hol d ; — 2. carry unto,

bring ; offer , — 3. carry away ,

remove, - 4. esp . take away by

violence or un lawful ly , 46 4 , 53 7 ; stea l ,302, 68 4, 97

5-9; seize ; - 5 . take

lawful ly , receive (a gift) ; come into

possession of (as h eir ) , 4591 15

; — 6. get

hold of , 9622; become master of ; - 7 .

( l ike Eng. take ) charm , captivate ;

(carry ofi, i .e. remove, and so) destroy .

[cf . xeip, dialectic xe'


‘ hand’

; s io-xep

he,‘easy to h andle

; Lat. lair ,‘ h and



s,‘ heir ,

’see root, mg

a v a , (carry down ,1 e.) move down.

+ v y - a v a , move h ither and thither , go

to work, proceed, act.+ 5 ,

- 1 . bring h ither , 843; fetch ; fetch

or get back, 97 - 2. receive, 4712;

accept ; - 3. used ( like Eng. take ) esp .

of food, take, eat ; - desid. be will ing to

get back, 97

ud - a, bring out, and so utter , say , tel l .

+ p r a ty -a, get back again ; at in

correct reading f or pra-vy-i

+ v y- a, br ing out, and so utter ;

[t h i s

with vacam , speak words to a per

son 3 1 ; similar ly,

+ p r a -v y -a , utter ; speak.

ud , take out.

p a r i , carry around.

+ p r a ,— 1 . (br ing forward, i.s. reach

out, e.g. feet, fists, and so) strike, attack,dea l blows ; — 2. throw,

esp. into the fire.

a nu- p r a , throw into the fire or on a


-1 . take apart, divide ; - 2. pass

(part of one’s life ) , 04 23 ; - 3. pass one


time, esp. pleasantly ; wander about for

pleasure , enjoy one’s self, 109: 13, 49 18 ; —4.

wander about.

s am bring or draw together , contract ;


+ up a - aam , bring or draw together to


s self, mid. ; withdr aw.

V 2 h r (hrnité) . be angry .

h roch a y d ,a . lying or abiding in the

heart as m. love, [hr

qaya , 159, 203 : acct,

h r cch a y a -p idi ta ,a . love-pained, love


h rc ch a y a -v a r d h a n a , a. increasing or

arousing love.

h rcch a y i v i sta , a . entered by or fil led

wi th love. [i vistg Vvig, 1085a : acct of


h r cch a y ft v i sta cetana , a. possessing a

love-fil led m ind. [hrcchayi vista 06

tani , l 298a, 334 1 ]brd n. heart ; esp. as seat of th e

emotions and of menta l activity in gen

eral ; also, proper ly, region of the h eart.

[see under grad.)h td a y a , n. h eart ; - 1 . prop. heart, as an

organ of the body ,— 2.fig . h eart,

as seat of th e feel ings. [see hrd and

V h r s ( literati.4 0 ish im ».jahrsé ;11t hmé ; -ktsyn ; W yattbe excited, esp . with pleasure or fear ; (ofthe hair ) br istle or stand on end by rea

son of frigh t or pleasure ; be impatient ;- hrsta , del igh ted ; - hrsith : (of th e

ha ir ) standing on end ; (of flowers ) notdrooping, unwithered, fresh ; - intens . be

very impatient, 8417 - caus. exci te pleas

h rsitasragrajoh ina] [288]

antly, gladden. [for ghrs : cf . Lat. horr sacr ifice ; observe that the older word is

Ere, shore-ere,‘ br istle, shudder

; hirsi tus, i hati . [V hn,‘ bristly , rough

; hor-deum, Ger . Ger s-te, h r a da, m. pool , lake. [cf . Vhl i tl ]‘ bar ley ,

’so cal l ed from its bristly ears ] h r a a (hr i sati, -te ; h r aaita, hr ast‘ ;

p r a , give one’s self up to joy , exul t ; h r i shyati ) . become less ; caus . dimin

prahrsta, deligh ted, glad. ish . [w. bras-iyans,‘ less,

cf . xelpo r ,

h rsi t a s r a g r ajohina , a . having unwith sxlpaj w ,

‘ worse,’

and for the mg,

ered gar lands and free from dust. [hrsita cf . Lat. de'

tero, lessen,’w. déter ior


sraj rajo-h ina,h e tu, m. - 1 . prop . an impel ler, and so V h r i d (hr i date h ri dita ; h r i dhyati ) .

occasioner, causer , occasion, cause ; hetos, sound (of drums ) ; rattle (of stones or

( l ike La t. causa) on accoun t of ; tr i sa dry bones ) . [for aghr ad : cf. “Xmas ,hetos, from fear ; 2. reason, argument, m a-XMB-j w,

‘sound (of liquids, breakers ,

proof ; - 3. means, [ V h i , 1 161a.] rain ) , xc-xm -é s,‘resounding

( song of

h e tu-

gaett a , n. reason-book, rational victory ) ; AS. gra-an, obsolete Eng. greet,

istic work ; dialectics.‘cry , lament

; xapdb-pa, noisy moun tain

h em a or h eman, n. gold. torrent’: see hr i duni ]

h em a n ta, m. winter . [ci . hima : s am , strike ( intrans.) together so as to

h e l i , j : carelessness ; levity . [for h eli , rattle ; caus . cause to rattle.

from Vh id, q .v.] h r addn i , f . hail-stones, h ai l . [so cal led

h a i m a , a . go lden. [h ema, 1208f .] from its rattl ing sound, V hr i d : cf .xm ca ,h btr , m. 1 . priest, chief priest, whose axaAaB

-j a, Church Slavonic grads, Lat.

assistant in ol dest times was the adhvar gr ando, stem grand-in,

Y“; Agni, 3 8 the chiefest kotr, V h l i d (hladate ; hl iidhyati , -te ). cool

in the h ighly developed r itua l, the first off, intrans., refresh one

s self ; caus. cool

of the four chief priests, see rtvij . [prop. or refresh , trans.‘offerer ,

’ from t ,


’: but the sense h l ad a k a , f . -iki , a . cool ing, refreshing.

of ‘ invoker ,’natural ly suggested by h is [V hlad, 1 181 and

function in the r itual , was popularly asso h l ad i k av a n t , a . r ich in cooling. [from

ciated with it and the word thus connected fem . of h ladaka , substantively jwith Vhfi, vb v g (ma ma,

-te ; shv i rsit ; hvrti :

k ot r a, n. ofier ing, sacrifice, both the action hvarayati ) . go crookedly ; bend over,

and the thing offered. [Vhu, 1 185a.] fal l .h bm a ,

m. a pouring into the fire ; ablation ; v i , fall ; caus. overturn.


An “etc. fol lowing a reference that stands after a certain definition signifies that

th e word is of common occurrence in that mean ing.

The abbreviation [do .] is used to avoid repetition of identica l items in the square

brackets at the end of articles ; for examples, see the three words fol lowing abhi vi da,

p. 1 19.

The etymologica l cognates are usual ly introduced by the conventiona l “cf . this

impl ies that the words wh ich the reader is h idden to“compare are akin . The fact

that two rel ated words are compared impl ies as a rul e only that they are radical ly akin,

and not that their formative sufiixes are identical . Thus with anta is compared English

end, al though th is corresponds strictly only to the Sanskr it secondary derivative antya.

So asthan , 6m m ,and as are radical ly identical , though not of entirely para l lel formation .

On th e other h and, where it is desired to cal l attention, not to radical ly kindred

words, but to words analogous on ly in metaphor or in transfer of meaning, the brief

ph rase,“for mg, is used ; and th is is to be understood as standing for the ph rase,

for a paral lel ism in the development of meaning, compare,”

or,“ for an analogous

instance of transition of meaning, compare.

Special ly impor tant references to the Grammar are marked by the word “see

thus under n i r i yana (p. special attention is cal led to 5 1219, which sh ows that

th is word is a simple patronymic of nara, and is not what the text (at says it is, a

compound of ni ts ayana .


The order of the articles is str ictly and solely alph abetical (see below ) . Respecting

words wh ose alphabetic p lace changes with th eir inflection, the fol lowing remarks may be

made for beginner s.

Al l nouns, wheth er th ey be substantives or adjectives, are given under the stem . In

order to know the stem ,a pre l im inary study of the m ore important paradigms and rules

of euphonic combination is necessary . Thus the nom . sing. raj i . must be looked for

under rajan , and the ace. sing. ni ma under n i man (Whitney , 424 ) but nalo, as standing

for na l a -s ( 175a, must be looked for under nala . The stems in r or ar are entered

in th e form r. The stem s of the perf. act. ppl . and of the primary comparatives are

given as ending in vans and y i ns. The stem s in at or ant are given in the ful ler form ,

ant, and sim i lar ly those in mant and vant ; and the fem inines of these and of the in-stemsare not given, since they are always made in anti or ati , mati , vati , ini .

Al l verb-forms must be sough t under th e root. Thus i sit wi l l be defined on ly underthe root l as and not in th e a lphabetic place wh ich th e augment gives it, under

long 5 . Likewise prepositional compounds of verbs wi l l be found under th e roots (see

and not in the alphabetic place under the preposition. Th e beginner is advised

to make h im self thorough ly fam il ia r with the l ist of prepositions ( 1077 ) at the outset.

Of the verbal adjectives and nouns (W hitney , chapter xiii , p. 307 on ly the

gerundives ( in ya , tavya , and aniya ) h ave been given regular ly in alphabetic place.

The participles in ta and us.are usual ly given under the roots ; but in some cases, wh ere

they have assumed a distinctly adjectival or substantival coloring or h ave an incoa

veniently large var iety of meanings and uses , they are treated at length in a lphabetic

place ; such , for example , are rta , krta , gata , jata, nivrtta , bhfita , sthi ta , hita , etc.

Gerunds with a or su (e.g. a-citva) are of course treated in alphabetic place.

Such adverbs as are merely case-form s of substantive or adjecti ve stems, are

general ly to be sough t for under those stems. Those from pronomina l stem s (e.g. kim,

tad, yad ) receive separate treatment.

[291 ]

The pronouns of th e first and second person would require a dozen different arti

cles apiece if al l their forms were given alph abetical ly . The same is true to a greater

or less extent of the other pronouns. Th e student should therefore learn, as ear ly as

possible, the forms given at 491 , 495, 4995, 501 (especial ly ayam : asi uis less impor tant) ,504

,and 509. The uses of sa-s, etc.

, as“ , etc., and ayam, etc., are given under ta , stad.

and idam respective ly .

As for compounds, th ey are given with completeness for the Vedic selections,and

with great freedom for the remaining texts, especial ly for the Nala . The mean ing of

such as are lacking can be easily learned by looking out their component parts .


The order of the letters is given by Wh itney at 5 5 (compare 5 but several

matters wh ich are frequent occasions of stumbl ing, may be noticed here.

The visa rga has the first place after the vowels. Thus antah-pura (for antar

pure.) stands next after anta , p. 1 16, and not after antardh i na . But the visa rga

which is regarded as equivalent to a sibilant and exchangeable with it (Wh itney ,stands in the a lphabetic place of the sibilant Thus the visa rga of

equivalent to g brings this word just betlore adhas (p. 1 15

,top ) , and not between

adh a and adhanya.

The sign in, as representing“the anusvc


ira of more independent, origin (Whitney ,has its place before al l th e mutes etc . (Whi tney , Thus in ang

-a , the a repre

sents a nasal ization of the radical vowel , and the word comes immediately after a. So

bati sa comes jus t after ha , p. 284 ; dang and danstr in , at the beginning of the letter (1.

Th e sign m, as representing an assim i lated m,is differently placed, according to its

phonetic value. On the one hand, if m, as product of a m ass imi lated to a sem ivowel ,

sibilant, or h ( see 2130, d) , represent a nasal sem ivowel or anusvc'

ira,then its place is like

that of it. Thus saxhyatendr iya fo l lows as , and samhita comes just before sakacchapa

(p. and paths before puta (p.

On the other hand,if , for instance, as product of a m assimilated to a guttura l , the

sign m represent guttura l ii , then its place is that of ii ; and a simi lar rule appl ies

to a l l the other cases under 2l 3b. Thus samkata and samkalpa fol low sagara , an d

samgama fol lows saiiga, p. 264 ; so sarhcaya (whosem: it) foll ows sajya ; and saxhtati

(whose m n ) fol lows sant, p . 266.

Vedic l is placed after d, and 111 after dh .


Homonyms, unless difierentiated by accent, are distinguish ed by a prefixed number

(cf . afiga, v ayas ) sim ilar ly homonymous roots (cf . kr ) .References to the Grammar in square brackets immediately af ter a decl inable stem

refer to some pecul iar ity of declens ion. Occasiona l ly , typical cases of stems are given.

Thus under dig are given the nom. and sec. sing. and instr . dua l ; from these, the oth er

cases (drk-sn, drg- i , etc.

, drg-bhi s , etc.) are easi ly known.

Each root is fol lowed by a synopsis of its conjugational form s, so far as they actual lyoccur in the l iterature. The finite forms are given in the th ird person singular of the

indicative, and in th e order in wh ich they are treated in the Grammar , namely , present,

perfect, aorist, and future ; then fol low the past participle, the infinitive, and the two

gerunds (e.g. i p“, fiptam aptva, -apya : observe the al ternation of the accents ) ; then

fol low in order the th ird sing. present indicative of the passive, intensive, desiderative,

and causative, so far as they seemed of importance for the users of th is Reader.

1 9'


Meaning which are synonymous or near ly so, are separated by commas ; those

which differ considerably from each oth er, are separated by semi colons or by ful l-faceddashes and figur es The colon is often used to show that several meanings

which fol low it and are separated by semicolons are co-ordinate wi th each other . Thuson p. 268

,under samipa 2b.

, the meanings before,” “

near ,”

hard by,”and by are

co-ordinate, and are equivalent to in the presence or neighborhood of cf . suvarcas.

The arrangement for matter in heavy brackets at the end of articles is : in the case

of primary deri vatives, first, the root from which the word comes, with reference, ifnecessary , to the section giving the sufiix of derivation ; second, cognate words fromal l ied languages ; and third, words showing a development of meaning ana logous to that

shown by the Sanskrit word or i l lustrati ve of it. If the der ivation of a simple word is

not given, it is because it is unknown or too uncertain to be worth mentioning. In the

case of secondary derivati ves, the primary is given, with a reference to the section showingits treatment. Th e ana lysis of compounds is often indicated by a hyphen ; but if one

member ends and the next begins with a vowel or diph thong, the latter member is given

in square brackets at the end of the article ; cf. naIOpi khyi na.

Where words of different languages are given together, separated only by commas ,

the definition given after the last appl ies to them al l ; or , if no definition is given, the

English word in i ta l ics at the end is both a cognate and a defin ition of al l at the same

time ; for examples, see Aksa asta, firna .

The references to the Grammar may seem too numerous ; but they are real ly a

device for avoiding the frequent repetition of explanations which would otherwise have

to be given in ful l . I t woul d take h alf a dozen lines to exp lain the etymology of

manmatha , for instance ; but the references to and 1002b make this needless ;

cf . th e references under daridra , qiqu, sanva.I t often happens that th e statement in the section referred to does not directly cover

the point aimed at in citing it ; but a moment’

s though t wil l show what is meant. Thus

under sarhkranti , the two references to be compared mean that the derivative suflx is

ti , and that before it the root-vowel suffers th e same pecul iar change th at is seen in the

pas t participle. Under samyatendr iya reference is made to 1298, wh ich states that

possessive descriptives“are very much more common than [simple] descriptives of the

same form.

”The real point of the reference is plainly , not to bring out this fact, but to

show th e beginner in what category of compounds this word belongs. So 1290 states

that “other compounds with adverbia l prior members are quite irregular ly accented

but the section is cited, e.g., under sadha-mi da , to indicate that this is a descriptive

compound (see the h eading of the preceding right-hand page, 441 ) in wh ich the first

member is an adverbial element wi th the function (cf . 1289) of an adjective. Many roots

form verb-stems in aya, but without causative signification ; this is br iefly indicated byth e reference 1041 3. In th e case of secondary derivatives in vant, mant, ti , and tva, a

simple ref erence to one of the sections treating of these endings ( 1233, 1235, 1237, 1239)is put instead of a repetition of the prim itive.