publications and periodicals of the iashe


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Strategy of the IASHE in the field of promulgation of the scientific creativity of scientists and popularization of scientific researches includes publication and distribution of a wide range of scientific literature, mostly international.

Main products of the IASHE publishing activities: 1) digests of scientific reports; 2) scientific journals; 3) scientific monographs; 4) presentational scientific publications.

All IASHE publications have a British identity and jurisdiction.

IASHE acts as a consistent supporter of the principle of reasonable liberalization of scientific creativity and maximum possible discharge studies from unneeded formalization and bureaucratic constraints. We believe that only unfettered development of scientific thought, based on the original researcher’s inspiration and improvisation is able to generate progressive intellectual innovations. Too strict standards of scientific activities and heavy formal requirements that do not ensure high quality of scientific studies, as a rule, wipe out the creativity, single-mindedness and courage of scientists. This is especially true for young researchers.

At the same time it is obvious that scientific studies have a specific nature, related to the special social significance of the scientific progress and massive demand for scientific data not only from the side of formal science, but also from the side of education, culture and business. Thus it is clear that all scientific works must meet the requirements of quality (narrative, grammatical, analytical quality and the reliability of facts mentioned in the study) for the presented scientific reports. Therefore, in our opinion, the mass publication of scientific studies should include a preliminary objective control of compliance of such studies to the generally accepted standards of quality.

In conditions of a modern democracy the role of civil society in the initiation, development and regulation of the majority of large-scale social processes is undisputedly dominant. Science as the most significant branch of human activity, should become the field of an increased interest from the side of professional institutions of civil society. It is an open collegial opinion of open-minded professionals that should be considered to be the most objective and substantial assessment of any scientific work.

That is why the IASHE in its projects aims to use mechanisms of collective discussions and mutual assessment of studies and scientific achievements of scientists.

Rules of publication of all kinds of literary production of the IASHE are quite simple and include the following requirements:

1)Undisputed authorship of the scientific study (manuscript);2)Independence and innovativeness of the study (the author must personally state and present points of the study and also provide their novelty - a contribution to science);3)Reliability of information and facts, referenced in the study (manuscript);4)Ensuring the grammatical and idiomatic compliance of the study with generally accepted standards;5)Guaranteed exclusion of immoral, offensive or other unlawful points from the scientific study (manuscript);6)Guaranteed substantive, methodological and analytical quality of the research from the point of view of common requirements, traditional for scientific works. In each case, taking the type of publication into account, this quality can be confirmed in the following ways: a) expert opinion;


b)the collective opinion of colleagues; c)official review by specialists; d)reviews; e)conclusions of opponents; f)the presumption quality of original research, based on the prominence and prestige of the relevant scientist in the scientific community. Taking the nature of its activities into account, the IASHE prefers international guarantees of the quality of scientific studies; 7) Compliance with the minimal formal requirements (requirements to the design of the study or manuscript); 8) Language efficiency. The IASHE does not consider a particular linguistic identity (identification) of studies (manuscripts) to be an advantage or disadvantage. Moreover, we believe that the language of the report cannot and should not be the limiting factor for free publication of studies and recognition of professional achievements of their authors. In this regard, in all its projects the IASHE aims to create conditions to ensure the multilingual nature of communications between representatives of different countries. At the same time, sometimes, in order to ensure efficient implementation of objectives of certain publications, they are to be published in one language or in a limited number of languages.

An issue of financing of a publication of one or another study (manuscript) in every particular case may be resolved in one of the following ways:1) Financing of publication by the author (customer). Any author of a study or an authorized person has a right to initiate the process of publication of reports (manuscripts).2) Financing by the IASHE. At the expense of its own or borrowed funds the Academy can carry out the publication of manuscripts, which have of obvious innovative and progressive nature; in recognition of special contribution of an author to science and to the IASHE itself; as a previously announced award for winners of the IASHE projects; in case if the publication brings obvious commercial benefits.3) Financing of publication by a sponsor, investor or another third party.

Matters of reviewing and editing of the report (manuscript), published by the IASHE, are resolved in every particular case depending on the type and aims of publication, its general quality and an agreement with the author.

Digests of scientific works - sectoral (devoted to the certain branch of science) of cross-sectoral collections of original reports presented for participation in research analytics championships or scientific-practical conferences of the GISAP project, carried out under the aegis of the IASHE.

The IASHE may publish digests of scientific works following the results of certain scientific events and upon requests of other organizations.

The IASHE digests of scientific works can be divided into: 1) professionally edited (in this case a qualified editorial executes a selection, quality assessment and correction of original materials); 2) based on open expert assessment and collegial discussion of the scientific research (in this case materials subject to publication under author’s responsibility for their quality and with open promulgation of results of expert an assessment).


Mechanism of publication and requirements to manuscripts.

A person interested in publication of a manuscript (author or a third party) may send an author’s material to the IASHE for the Academy to examine the possibilities of publication.

Before sending a text of a relevant manuscript itself an interested person must send the application for publication (in a free form) to the IASHE Secretariat. The following information must be stated in such application: 1) Title of the report; 2) Author and information about the author; 3) Language of the manuscript and the anticipated language of publication; 4) Aims of publication and the assumed area of distribution; 5) Information about reviews, comments, recommendations and opinions of opponents;

6) Assumed sources of financing; 7) Volume and format of the manuscript; 8) Expected number of printed copies; 9) Additional requests to the IASHE concerning the publication. In case if the IASHE makes a decision to publish a manuscript on the basis of the data, stated in the application, a relevant notification is sent to an interested person. Academy also provides this person with an official guarantee-letter to guarantee the inviolability of copyright and relevant rights for the manuscript sent.

Besides, information about manuscripts under selection by the Academy (concerning their possible publication) is presented in the website section «Manuscripts under study». This allows the interested person to acquire a documental affirmation of the fact that the manuscript had been sent to the IASHE.

Taking into account huge volumes of materials published in 2012 in digests of scientific works, Administration of the IASHE has come to a conclusion about the necessity to introduce 12 periodical scientific journals, devoted to various branches of science.

During 2012-2013 we have registered 12 British periodical scientific journals of various sectoral belonging.

Publication of scientific studies in journals will increase their citation levels and scientometric ranking. It will also promote wide distribution of original scientific information, easy searching for it and archiving of it.


The following specialized journals form the IASHE periodicals system:1) GISAP: Culturology, Sports and Art History (ISSN 2054-0809, ISSN Online 2054-0817)2) GISAP: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Sciences (ISSN 2054-1139, Online ISSN 2054-1147)3) GISAP: Medical Science, Pharmacology (ISSN 2053-7751, Online ISSN 2054-0795)4) GISAP: Earth and Space Sciences (ISSN 2052-3890, ISSN Online 2052-644X)5) GISAP: Economics, Jurisprudence and Management (ISSN 2053-6402, ISSN Online 2053-6410)6) GISAP: History and Philosophy (ISSN 2054-6467, ISSN Online 2054-6475)7) GISAP: Psychological Sciences (ISSN 2054-6505, ISSN Online 2054-6513)8) GISAP: Philological Sciences (ISSN 2053-1532, ISSN Online 2053-1540)9) GISAP: Educational Sciences (ISSN 2053-6429, ISSN Online 2053-6437)10) GISAP: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry (ISSN 2054-6483, ISSN Online 2054-6491)11) GISAP: Sociological, Political and Military Sciences (ISSN 2054-6440, ISSN Online 2054-6459)12) GISAP: Technical Sciences, Construction and Architecture (ISSN 2054-1155, ISSN Online 2054-1163)

One of the main goals of the IASHE is to promote the mass international propaganda of scientific studies and achievements of their authors and also to increase the prestige and significance of scientific activities. In this regard the IASHE will publish a whole range of presentational national and international issues:a) Information about the most active and progressive researchers (participants of the GISAP project) and world famous outstanding scientists;

b) Innovative studies – significant contributions to the development of science. The IASHE is planning to publish two types of presentational issues:1) «Golden Book of Scientific Elite» (together with National Research Analytics Federations);2) «Diamond Edges of the World Science» (together with the World Research Analytics Federation).

Present conception will regulate certain nuances and procedural peculiarities of publication of scientific studies, presented in certain projects of the IASHE, having various functional status and intended for publication in various editions of the IASHE.

Persons, claiming for publication of their studies in editions of the IASHE, are divided into the following categories of participants of the GISAP project and authors of scientific researches:a) participants of research analytics championships;b) participants of international scientific-practical conferences;c) authors of individually reviewed scientific studies;d) authors of scientific monographs.

Statuses of scientific studies, subject to publication in editions of the IASHE:a) report or an article, presented in the research analytics championship;b) report or an article presented in the international scientific-practical conference;c) report or an article presented in the status of the reviewed publication in scientific periodicals of the IASHE;d) author’s monograph, presented for publication with the assistance and under the auspices of the IASHE within the series of publications “Edges of scientific thought”.


Printed publications of the IASHE, where original scientific studies may be published:a) digests of scientific works of the GISAP project, published following the results of every stage of research analytics championships and international scientific-practical conferences (British International Standard Book Number (ISBN));b) scientific periodicals (12 journals) (British International Standard Serial Number (ISSN;c) monographic publications of the series “Edges of scientific thought”.

Scientific studies, published in digests of scientific works of the GISAP project: original scientific studies, presented in English or Russian, meeting the requirements of the project, presented for participation and publication in research analytics championships or international scientific-practical conferences, held under the auspices of the IASHE.

Scientific studies, published in appropriate sectoral scientific periodicals:a) original scientific studies, presented in English (as an exception - in Russian), meeting the requirements of the GISAP project, presented for participation and publication in research analytics championships, held under the auspices of the IASHE. High quality of reports must be confirmed by the ranking assessment of the expert council of the appropriate championship and joint professional assessment of the international team of participants of such championship;b) original scientific studies of high-quality, presented in English and prepared in accordance with technical requirements of the IASHE, purposefully presented for publication in the scientific periodical of the appropriate branch. Professional level of studies must be confirmed by positive reviews of not less than three international experts of the IASHE.

Scientific studies, published in monographic publications of the series “Edges of scientific thought”: high-quality scientific studies of separate authors and teams of authors, professional level of which is confirmed by petitions of relevant educational institutions, positive reviews of not less than two authoritative scientific experts over the country of the author (authors) and positive reviews of not less than three international experts of the IASHE.

Basic conditions for publication of scientific studies in the IASHE publications:a) original nature of scientific studies with no plagiarism elements;b) high qualitative level and professional reasonableness of contents of scientific studies, meeting the requirements, officially declared by the IASHE;c) technical characteristics of designing and the way of presentation of the scientific study, as well as materials enclosed must correspond to requirements of the IASHE;d) size of the scientific study, corresponding to the requirements of the IASHE;e) timeliness of presentation of the scientific study for preparation of its publication and inclusion into the list of materials of the relevant issue;f) existence of necessary information concerning authors of scientific studies, accompanying the materials, intended for publication;g) presentation of the scientific study in grammatically correct English, Russian or other widespread national languages (in certain cases);h) compliance with the generally accepted standards of ethics and tolerance in the presentation of original ideas by authors;i) existence of brief abstract of the article contents in English, explaining main characteristics of the study;j) existence of the innovative abstract of the article contents, presented in parameters stated by the IASHE, describing authors innovations presented in the text and intended for the mass distribution through informational channels;k) payment for the necessary number of copies of the published edition (including compensation of administrative, organizational and expert expenses of the IASHE, actual production costs and shipping (if necessary)) by the author or any other interested person.


Special conditions of publication of scientific studies in digests of scientific works of the GISAP project, published following the results of every stage of research analytics championships and international scientific-practical conferences:

a) clear indication of the format of participation in the GISAP project by the author (research analytics championship or international scientific-practical conference);b) indication of questionnaire data in English or enclosure of the English translation;c) possibility of publication of scientific studies on the website any language of the world («presentation language») with obligatory duplication of contents of the article in English or Russian, intended for printing («publication languages»);d) obligatory existence of abstracts in English;e) obligatory existence of innovation abstracts in the required format;f) obligatory objective and reasonable assessment and commenting of scientific works of opponents (competitors) within the appropriate problematic section of the championship (on stages where participants of research analytics championships present their own scientific studies).

Specific conditions for publication of scientific studies in scientific sectoral periodicals (journals) of the IASHE:


a) the average ranking mark, given to the scientific study by participants of the research analytics championship (scientific community) and professional scientific council acts as the peer review expertise of the scientific report;b) scientific studies with the average ranking mark not less than 7.5 are accepted for publication;c) works in high-quality English have the priority in the admission to publication. At the same time scientific works presented in Russian with high average marks achieved in research analytics championships are also accepted for publication. General number of scientific reports in Russian must not exceed 25% of reports in the every issue of the IASHE journal. This means that scientific researches in Russian are to be published in issues of the journal within the stated quote and in the order of subsequent following - in accordance with their assessment ranking. In case if certain report in Russian, meeting the above-mentioned requirements is not included in the

following issue of the scientific sectoral journal, such report will be obligatorily published in the next issue of such journal;d) scientific reports presented for participation in research analytics championships and meeting the requirements for publication in scientific periodicals of the IASHE (journals) are also obligatorily published in relevant digests of scientific works of the GISAP project on a regular basis;e) In case if the person whose scientific study was published in the digest of scientific works of the GISAP project and in the scientific periodical (journal) of the IASHE at the same time, wishes to buy a copy of such a journal, such person will have to compensate organizational and administrative expenses of the IASHE and the cost of shipping in the amount, stated regarding the defined scientific works digest.


a) reviewed publications can only be presented in high quality English in the format, meeting the requirements of the IASHE, with abstract, innovation abstract and the author’s questionnaire in English;b) in order to be accepted for publication in the relevant issue of the sectoral scientific journal original scientific studies, presented for publication without participation in research analytics championships must pass the procedure of scientific reviewing in the following regime: 1) the research must be reviewed by three scientists - international experts of the IASHE in the relevant branch of science; 2) experts formulate their conclusions in the written form; 3) scientific study may be accepted for publication only upon condition of unanimous positive mark of all three experts; 4) if at least one expert objects the publication of the study in the current form, scientific work will be sent back to the author for additional revision; 5) term of the improvement of the research sent back to the author for independent revision cannot exceed three calendar months; 6) scientific work, revised in accordance with the expert conclusions, is presented for the second reviewing to the same list of experts; 7) if all experts (or the majority of experts) make positive conclusions concerning the research during the second reviewing, such material will be accepted for publication in the relevant (next) issue of the sectoral journal of the IASHE; 8) term of the primary and secondary expert


reviewing cannot exceed 10 calendar days in any case; 9) in case if all or the majority of experts make negative conclusion concerning the research during the secondary reviewing, the article will be sent back to the author for the additional revision in accordance with the above-mentioned rules again; 10) the third expert reviewing of that same scientific article is final. This means that the next negative conclusion concerning the research will bring the impossibility of publication of the report. The relevant agreement between the author and the IASHE is considered to be non-valid from this moment. All the amount of pre-payment for the publication excluding cost of expert services and administrational-organizational expenses of the Academy will be sent back to the author or the other interested person.c) Reviewed scientific reports must meet high generally accepted requirements of authorship (exclusion of plagiarism), innovativeness (novelty), scientific quality, reasonableness, ethics and tolerance of presentation, stated by the present Conception and other documents of the IASHE; d) Reviewed scientific studies are to be published in the next nearest issue of the scientific sectoral periodical (journal) of the IASHE, published after the admission of such report to publication; e) Scientific reports are published in scientific sectoral periodicals (journals) of the IASHE with mandatory listing of all the reviewers of such reports;f) Reviewed scientific studies are accepted for publication on condition of full preliminary payment for organizational, administrative and expert services as well as compensation of expenses of the IASHE and costs of the necessary number of copies and their shipping, made by the author or any person concerned;g) Cost of realization of all the original researches publication procedure in scientific sectoral periodicals (journals) is defined by the IASHE during the first month of every reporting year and can only be changed once a year by objective economic reasons. This cost includes actual expenses of the IASHE for realization of this procedure and awards to the invited experts (reviewers).

Certain peculiarities of the expert reviewing of scientific studies, subject to publication in the IASHE issues.

Consequences (factors) and criteria of expert reviewing of scientific studies:a) scientific novelty of the scientific problem resolution method;

b) scientific novelty of the scientific problem statement;c) degree of reasonableness of statements and conclusions;d) compliance of goals stated for the scientific report with results presented in it;e) scientific and practical usefulness and applicability of results of the study;f) characteristics of general logic of research and the degree of compliance of questions (hypotheses) formulated in the report with answers (conclusions);g) scale and adequacy of use of special logic-definitive and terminological apparatus in the report;h) characteristics of structure of the report;i) science linkage of the research and references studied by the author;j) qualitative comparison of the report with other scientific works of similar direction;k) characteristics of the language of presentation (style, orthography, punctuation);l) other objective criteria of assessment;m) sincere confidence of the expert concerning understanding of certain scientific factors;

While studying and assessing the scientific report the expert must:a) express maximum objectivity, impartiality and honesty;b) be absolutely independent in the decision-making process;c) exclude any direct contacts with authors of scientific studies;d) hold the scientific discussion with authors of scientific works only through the IASHE;e) not to allow offensive, inappropriate, arrogant or too moralizing commentaries to scientific works in own expert conclusions;f) timely correct mistakenly formulated conclusions, if such mistakes are revealed during the term of realization of the expert reviewing of scientific studies;g) exclude dominance of personal sympathy or discrimination of any kind in the process of making expert conclusions.

By any objectively available and legal means the IASHE ensures independence, impartiality and objectivity of experts as well as the impossibility of their direct contacts with other experts and authors of scientific reports regarding their expert functions during the period of the expert reviewing and reasonable period of time after it.


Appeal of expert reviews on scientific studies:a) The author of scientific research unsatisfied with the expert opinion regarding his research and convinced of bias or insufficient professionalism of the appropriate expert, has the right to address the IASHE with the well-reasoned petition for changing the expert at any stage of implementation of expert reviewing of the specified research;b) after receiving the well-reasoned expert changing petition of the author, the IASHE is obliged to make the relevant decision within 10 calendar days;c) if the IASHE refuses to satisfy the expert changing petition of the author of research, the author will have a right to break off the agreement with the IASHE concerning the publication unilaterally and to get back the amount of an advance payment excluding the cost of already given expert services and administrative-organizational expenses of the IASHE;

Documental legalization of publication in the scientific sectoral periodical (journal) of the IASHE:a) procedure of publication of author’s research in the scientific sectoral periodical (journal) of the IASHE is fixed in the special agreement between the author and the IASHE or its official representatives in relevant countries and regions;b) payment of publication cost is made by the author or others persons concerned according to an invoice given by the IASHE;c) the legal fact and characteristics of publication of the original scientific research in the scientific sectoral periodical (journal) of the IASHE is legalized by the International authoring certificate.

Periodicity of publication of sectoral periodicals (journals) of the IASHE:Issues of sectoral periodicals (journals) of the IASHE are published 3-4 times a year. Specific periods of publication of issues of journals depend on the extent of fullness with high-quality scientific material; therefore they are adjusted and announced by the IASHE. As the scale and geography of activities of the IASHE widens, the annual number of sectoral periodicals (journals) of the IASHE can be increased in future.

Specific conditions of publication of scientific studies in monographic publications of the series “Edges of scientific thought”:a)original monographic scientific studies are accepted for publication in high-quality English together with the official petition of the relevant University (faculty or chair) or positive conclusions of not less than two authoritative experts from the country of residence of the author (team of authors) of the monograph in English;

b)subsequent expert reviewing of the monographic research presented for publication is carried out in accordance with the order stated in the par. 10 of this conception but with the establishment of the increased term of primary and secondary expert reviewing in every case up to 30 calendar days;c)the author must submit the questionnaire, abstract, innovative abstract of the monograph in English;d)in case of particular scientific significance of the scientific study, approved by expert conclusions (as a result of positive passing of the expert reviewing of scientific significance), the relevant monographic work may be subject to publication in any officially acknowledged and widespread national language (the report must meet the established requirements to quality of the language of presentation);e)publication of the monograph under the auspices of the IASHE is carried out on terms of full advance payment by the author (authors) or other persons concerned for relevant services and compensation of the related expenses of the IASHE. In every particular case the cost of publication of the monograph is defined taking the specific circumstances into account. It is approved by the agreement between the parties concerned;f)procedure of publication of the author’s monograph is to be documentarily legalized;g) in certain cases, on the basis of the decision of the IASHE Presidium, publication of the most innovative and high quality monographic researches is paid by the IASHE;h)in accordance with the wish of the author of the monographic study and other persons concerned, the issue published may be subject to subsequent distribution in accordance with the agreement, concluded between such persons and the IASHE;i)technical characteristics, format, volume, design and other nuances of publication of the monographic issue are coordinated by persons concerned and the IASHE on the stage of its before-printing preparation.

PRICING POLICY:a)establishing of cost of publication in issues of the IASHE, the Academy holds on to the principle of maximum possible ensuring of availability of such publications for the international scientific community;b)cost of publication of scientific studies in issues of the Academy is predefined by objective economical prerequisites and current necessity to ensure the self-sufficiency mode of the expert, publishing and typographic activity;c)the Academy directs the major part of its profits as well as possible sponsor and investment contributions to the compensation of expenses, connected with the publication of scientific studies. Therefore cost of such publication is decreased.


Starting from 2010 the IASHE regularly publishes international digests of scientific works in various branches of science. We have already published about 60 British digests having the status of peer-reviewed materials collections of works of relevant international scientific-practical conferences and research analytics championships in various branches of science. Every issue has a format of a collective monograph.

Materials for publication in digests of scientific works of the IASHE are selected from among works of participants of the Global International Scientific-Analytical project (GISAP).

Special feature of our linguistic policy: we define two status categories of languages of international communication used in international scientific and practical conferences or research analytics championships.

Scientific works are presented at championships of any type in two types of languages: publication language and presentation language. Every participant may choose one of languages of international communication (English or Russian) as a publication language.

If a participant of a national championship deems it necessary to present his/her scientific work in two languages, the presentation language will be the official language of the country this participant represents.

The publication language is needed for publishing a scientific work on the website and in a relevant collection of scientific works.

The presentation language is needed for accompanying a published scientific work on the website Publishing a scientific work on the website in a presentation language is free of charge.

Our linguistic policy is based on the necessity to ensure full access to works of our authors (for professional expert assessment or simple reading) from the side of the international scientific community.


As it was noted before, we publish 12 scientific periodicals in various branches of science. All our journals are formed and developed as self-sufficient professional projects with own scientific specialization, experts, editorial and authors.

At the same time all our publications are connected with common ideology and editorial policy in matters of selection of materials, their publication and distribution.

General ideological approach to publication of periodicals and formation of our editorial policy will be demonstrated on the example of main characteristics of one of our journals – «GISAP: Philological Sciences».

«GISAP: Philological Sciences» - periodical scientific journal of the International Academy of Science and Higher Education, devoted to matters of philology and linguistics. New issues of the journal are published three times a year.

The journal was registered in 2013. Functioning of Editorial and the publishing process assume the qualification analysis and quality-based selection of materials, carried out by the international Expert Board and the Editorial.

The journal has British jurisdiction and ISSN:ISSN 2053-1532 (Print)ISSN 2053-1540 (Online).

Nominal circulation of each issue of the journal: not less than 1000 copies.

Original scientific studies presented by best authors - participants of the International Scientific and Analytical Project, and also by independent authors of high professional qualification are accepted and published in the journal after preliminary expert reviewing.

After publication of every issue of “GISAP: Philological Sciences”, articles presented in the journal become available for everyone interested on our website in PDF. Such policy is based on our will to promote values and standards of linguistics, increase interest of the general public to matters of philology and international attention to works of our authors.

Materials of the journal cover the following topics:

• world literature• theory of literature• textual criticism• study of folklore • journalism • general linguistics• Slavic, German and Romanic

languages • classical, Byzantine and modern

Greek philology• language theory • comparative linguistics• applied and mathematical

linguistics• languages of Europe, Asia, Africa,

natives of America and Australia• other connected or inter-sectoral

thematic directions of studies with an obvious philological dominant


1. Global International Scientific Analytical Project«GISAP»

2. Hypothetics: everlasting stories

3. Social Network for Intellectuals PlatoNick

4. Partnership program Inter-Intel Collegium and the Partner University project

5. Research Analytics Federations

6. International Scientific Congresses Of The IASHE

7. Publications And Periodicals Of The IASHE

8. Status-qualification projects: Academic, Doctoral, Attestation, Certifica-tion and Accreditation programs and Rankings of the IASHE

9. International scientometric database Socrates-Impulse

10. Educational Project International University of Scientific and Innovative An-alytics

International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK)Address and contacts: 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 1PQ, UK WWW: [email protected]: +44(20)32899949

GISAP website: