prokaryote cell vs eukaryote cell how are these alike? how

Prokaryote Cell vs Eukaryote Cell How are these alike? How are they different? Karen Storey; Kernersville Middle School September 12, 2014 Cell Diagram: Mariana Ruiz, pub domain

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Prokaryote Cell vs Eukaryote Cell How are these alike? How are they different?

Karen Storey; Kernersville Middle School September 12, 2014

Cell Diagram: Mariana Ruiz, pub domain

What does a cell look like?

• The first person to come up with this word was Robert Hooke. In 1665 he used a very simple microscope to look at a piece of cork. Cork comes from a tree.

• What do you think he saw?

175 years later….

• Anton van Leeuwenhoek became the first person documented that saw living cells under the microscope. He called these cells “animalcules” (little animals)

• What do you think he saw?

By 1855, microscope were the “new way/cool” technology

• Rudolf Virchow actually saw cells reproducing!

The Cellular Level of Organization

Living things are constructed of cells. Living things may be unicellular or multicellular. Cell structure is diverse but all cells share common characteristics. Cells are small so they can exchange materials with their surroundings. Surface area relative to the volume decreases as size of cell increases. - limits the size of cells TEACHER HINT! KNOW THIS…. __________CELL THEORY_______ states: 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms. 3. All cells come only from other cells.

Tell me about Prokaryotes…


Prokaryotic Mariana Ruiz

Binary Fission, JW Schmidt

Prokaryotes are bacteria.

Unicellular with a cell wall.

Cell wall can be stained.

Why are these differences in cell wall structure so important?

Images: Sources unknown

We use the color of the stain to determine what type of antibiotic to use to eliminate the disease they cause.

Gram-positive (purple) Gram-negative (red)

Prokaryotes - Cell Wall

Images: PHIL Public Health Image Library

Ok…so what is Eukaryote Cell? • (eu-, “true”, karyon,

“nucleus”) • Genetic material

contained in a nuclear membrane.

• Membrane bound

organelles. • Evolved from

prokaryotic cells.

Image: Mariana Ruiz

Remember: Plants cells have cell walls. Think about their “box-like” shape. Animal cells do not! (Remember all the different shapes you saw??)


Animal and plant cells have organelles. Organelles compartmentalize functions within the cell.

Image: Mariana Ruiz

Now let’s talk about additional structures found in PLANT Cells!!


Nickname: Solar Panels Function: Captures Sunlight Energy & Makes ATP

Chlorophyll (a green pigment) absorbs solar energy for the process of photosynthesis.

Image: Ollin Wiki

So there are really two basic types of cells ______Prokaryote : (bacteria)_________ Almost always single-celled Reproduce by binary fission (another copy by dividing). No cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles. DNA

travels openly around the cell. _______Eukaryote : (plant or animal)_______ Most organisms that we can see, such as trees, grass, worms,

flies, mice, humans, mushrooms and yeast are eukaryotes. Can either be single-celled or multi-celled. Can reproduce in one of several ways (Ex. meiosis, mitosis). Have cell nucleus within containing its DNA. Nucleus most evident distinction between these cell types.

Images: Mariana Ruiz

Plant Cell (Eukaryote)

Image: Mariana Ruiz

Protist Cell (Eukaryote)

Image: Mariana Ruiz

So how are Eukaryotic (Protist, Animal, & Plant) and Prokaryotic Cells (Bacteria) alike and how are they different?


SUMMARY of North Carolina Essential Standard7.L.1.2

• All living things are composed of cells, from just one to many millions, whose details usually are visible only through a microscope.

• A cell is the smallest part of any living thing. There are many parts of a cell.

• Each part of a cell completes a certain function for the cell.

Organelles Found in All Eukaryotic Cells

• Cell Membrane - forms the outer boundary of the cell and allows only certain materials to move into or out of the cell

• Cytoplasm - a gel-like material inside the cell; it contains water and nutrients for the cell

• Nucleus - directs the activity of a cell; it contains chromosomes with the DNA

Common Eukaryotic Organelles Continued

• Nuclear Membrane - separates the

nucleus from the cytoplasm • Mitochondria - break down food and

release energy to the cell • Vacuoles - are storage areas for the cell

Organelles Only Found in Plant Cells

• Cell Wall - provides structure to the plant

cell • Chloroplasts - contain chlorophyll (a

green pigment) used to capture sunlight and make food for the plant cell

Cells Alive Demo