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Hartwig Schafer, Vice-President Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) The World Bank Group

Hartwig Schafer took office as Vice President, Operations Policy and Country Services on December 1, 2014. In this position, he is responsible for the World Bank’s business policies, practices and procedures for lending products and knowledge services for client countries. Mr. Schafer leads a number of the World Bank’s key reforms, including the roll-out of the Bank’s new policies on procurement and environmental and social safeguards, implementation of the new country engagement model and innovation of the Bank’s lending and knowledge instruments. He is also responsible for monitoring and strengthening corporate risk management for operations and for performance and results measurement of Bank operations.

Mr. Schafer, a German national, has worked for over 27 years in technical and managerial positions in the World Bank, as well as the European Commission. He brings strong operational experience across several regions and sectors. His academic background is in Economics (PhD) and Agricultural Economics (MA and MSc).

Previously, Mr. Schafer served as the World Bank’s Country Director for Djibouti, Egypt and Yemen in the Middle East and North Africa Region. He also was Director for Strategy and Operations in the Sustainable Development Network, overseeing the World Bank’s engagement in the areas of climate change, sustainable infrastructure, and agriculture and food security. Mr. Schafer has also served as Director for Operations and Strategy in the Africa Region, Country Director for Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe and Chief Administrative Officer in the Africa Region.

Talib B. K. Esmail, Manager, World Bank Group Email: [email protected]

Mr. Esmail is the Manager of the Development Effectiveness unit in the East Asia Pacific region. This unit oversees all country business/partnership strategies, knowledge activities, and lending operations on behalf of the Regional Vice President. The unit also oversees EAP’s portfolio of Trust Funded grants from various donors. The unit covers all sectors from macro-economic policy-based budget support operations to urban, rural, transport, energy, infrastructure and human development investment operations. It is also responsible for risk management analytics and systems to provide early warning of emerging operational, political and reputational risks and to implement proactive mitigation measures. Prior to joining EAP, Talib worked in the Latin America and Caribbean region as an Operations Advisor, in the South Asia and Africa regions as a Senior Rural Development Officer. He joined the Bank in 1997 after a career working for the Aga Khan Foundation and the Commonwealth Secretariat. He hold a PhD in Agrarian Development from University of London, a Master’s degree from the University of East Anglia and a BSc (Hons) from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Lily L. Chu, Manager, World Bank Group Email: [email protected]

Ms. Chu is the Manager, Operations Policy and Quality in the Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) VPU at the World Bank. She has held previous positions at the WBG including Sector Manager for the Latin America and Caribbean Finance and Private Sector Department, and Adviser for the Finance and Markets Global Practice. Her previous experience includes work in investment banking, specializing in corporate and financial restructuring and consulting for Fortune 500 companies. She has taught at Harvard Business School and Georgetown University Law School. She has a BA from Yale University, and a PhD, MA, and MBA from Harvard University.

Junxue Chu, Division Manager, World Bank Group Email: [email protected]

Junxue Chu is the Manager of Loan Operations department for EAP, EAC and MNA regions and the loan accounting services. His team supports the WB project preparation and implementation with respect to loan origination, fund flow and disbursement, and debt services. Mr. Chu joined the World Bank in Beijing office as a Financial Management Specialist in early 1999, and then moved the Loan Operations (Department), Washington DC in 2001. He has been working on many country portfolios (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nepal, etc.) across the regions. Prior to joining the World Bank, Mr. Chu worked in the government of China, as a finance manager for many years.

Elmas Arisoy, Practice Manager, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Elmas Arisoy is the Practice Manager for Solutions and Innovations in Procurement in the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice. She currently oversees the operational procurement in East Asia and Pacific Region under the Bank financed projects and works closely with the client countries in supporting their public procurement reform activities. She has been with the World Bank for more than 17 years and has worked in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Regions. She has involved in every step of the project cycle of the Bank financed projects and also involved in public procurement work at the country level by leading Country Procurement Assessment Reviews, Use of Country Systems Assessments, etc. Ms. Arisoy, a Turkish national and engineer by training, prior to joining the Bank, worked for the Ministry of Tourism in Turkey for about 10 years as an engineer, procurement specialist and project manager in implementing the Government and World Bank financed infrastructure projects along Aegean and Mediterranean coastline. She has a Bachelor’s of Science and Master’s Degrees from Middle East Technical University in Environmental Engineering.

Susan Shen, Practice Manager, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Susan Shen is currently the Practice Manager responsible for Social Development in the East Asia and Pacific region of the World Bank Group. She was part of the World Bank team responsible for the development and roll-out of the Program-for-Results instrument. She has over twenty-five years of professional experience working at the nexus of environment, social development, and rural development. Ms. Shen has a Master Degree from Yale University and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Tufts University. Ian Porter, Previous Country Director, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Ian Porter spent most of his career at the World Bank where his last position was Country Director for Southeast Asia based in Bangkok. Since leaving the World Bank Ian has been working as an independent consultant with a range of development organizations and is currently the Country Director for Myanmar for the International Growth Centre as well as a consultant to the World Bank on the PforR instrument.

Imad Saleh, Operations Advisor, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Imad Saleh is currently Operations advisor in OPCS. He is currently the Program for Results team leader. He joined the Bank in 2000 and worked in Middle East and North Africa, East Asia, Latin America and is currently based In Washington. Prior to joining the Bank, he worked in the public and private sector in Lebanon. Imad has a BSc in Civil engineering and MSc in Business Administration. Yara Salem, Senior Operations Officer, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Yara is currently a Senior Operations Officer with OPCS at the World Bank. She joined the WBG in 2007 and worked in IFC as a Private Sector Specialist working on Doing Business reform and later with the trade team on trade facilitation reforms with focus on those related to WTO. Prior to joining the Bank, she was a Private sector Specialist with UNDP in Sudan and Somalia. Before that she was a diplomat for the Palestinian Authority responsible for development relations with UK and Sweden. Before that, she worked in the private sector and launched the first life insurance company in Palestine. Yara has BA in Business Administration and sociology from The Jordanian University, MA in International Relations from Bir Zeit University in Palestine and MA in International Trade from Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in the US.

Gandham Ramana, Program Leader, World Bank Group Email: [email protected] Ramana is a medical doctor with specialization in Public Health and has been with the Bank for nearly two decades. He has led design and implementation of complex projects in health including the first PforR operation in Ethiopia. He is currently working as one of the program Leaders for Kenya Country Management Unit. He has worked in Africa and South Asia regions of the Bank and also published extensively on health systems and maternal health.

Xiaodong Wang, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank Email: [email protected] Xiaodong is a Senior Energy Specialist in the Energy Global Practice of the World Bank. Dr. Wang has more than 20 years of operational experience in designing, preparing, and implementing complex and innovative clean energy and climate change projects in more than 20 middle-income and low-income countries in East Asia and Pacific, Africa, South Asia, and Latin American regions through working at the World Bank, UNDP/GEF, and the UN Foundation. Xiaodong is now leading China energy efficiency and renewable energy policy dialogues, and flagship programs such as Program for Results: Innovative Financing for Air Pollution Control in Jing-Jin-Ji, China Renewable Energy Scale-Up Program (CRESP) and China Energy Efficiency Financing (CHEEF) program.

HAN Su, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, China Email: [email protected] Ms. Su is a Senior Advisor, Finance and Risk Management Division, Department of International Economic & Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, PRC since 2014. She is currently responsible for debt management and statistics for foreign loans financed by IFIs and foreign governments. She had 20-year experience on IFI’s lending portfolio management in her previous career.

Jiro Tominaga, Asian Development Bank Email: [email protected] Mr. Tominaga is a Principal Planning and Policy Specialist of the Strategy and Policy Department of the Asian Development Bank. Prior to the current position, he led the analyses and research for several evaluation reports on country programs and corporate programs of the ADB and the World Bank. He also worked on a wide range of activities in the World Bank related to innovative use of information and communications technology for development. His work focused primarily on using technologies to improve the effectiveness, accountability, and transparency of public sector institutions in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia regions. He holds MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Cao Manh Cuong, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam Email: [email protected] Mr. Cuong is the Deputy Director General of the Foreign Economic Relations Department(FERD) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) in charge of ODA strategies and policies, formulation of ODA institutional and legal framework, planning and budgeting, M&E, aid effectiveness and effective development cooperation, capacity development in ODA management. He holds a BA degree in Foreign Studies and has more than 14 years working on aid effectiveness agenda at global regional and local level. Tormarbulang Lumbantobing, Deputy Director for Planning and Data Management, Directorate Loans and Grants, Ministry of Finance, Indonesia Email: [email protected] Mr. Lumbantobing is the Deputy Director for Planning and Data Management, Directorate of Loans and Grants, Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance, responsible to contribute to the formulation of the country partnership strategies of the development partner such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and Islamic Development Bank. The contribution aims to harmonize the country partnership strategies with the development plan of the Government. As the Deputy Director, Mr Lumbantobing is also in charge to assess the new implementation modality offered by the development partners. The assessment will indicate whether the new modality can be implemented or may need new regulation for its implementation. In addition, it is his responsibility to prepare disbursement target for loans and grants as a part of resource envelope on the state budget.

Saroj Pradhan, Deputy Director General, Bridge Branch, Department of Roads, Nepal Email: [email protected] Mr. Pradhan is the Deputy Director General in charge of ‘Development, Operation and maintenance of bridges’ of the Department of Roads under the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport of Nepal. He has been working in this department for more than 26 years in various capacities. His major involvement is in project planning including pre-appraisal, appraisal, feasibility studies; Project Management for construction operation and maintenance. He is also involved in preparation of national planning documents; reviewing and providing comments on planning policy documents, development partners’ country assistance strategies; contemporary development issues like SDGs, 5FYP, Priority Investment Plan, Road Safety Action Plan; liaison with development partners including World Bank and others. He is currently leading World Bank supported Bridge Maintenance and Improvement Project (BIMP) under new lending instrument, Program for Result (PfR), and is going to be successfully completed shortly. ZHANG Yongmiao, Deputy General Director, Corporate Lending Department, Huaxia Ban, China Email: [email protected] Mr. Yongmiao is the Deputy Manager at Corporate Banking Department in Huaxia Bank since 2014. He is responsible for developing key clients and business, and managing government clients. Before this, he was the loan reviewer in Credit Approving Department since 2012. He held various positions in Huaxia Bank, such as Chief Credit Risk Officer, Manager for Foreign Exchange Department. Before joining Huaxia Bank, he was an Engineer in Planning Department of Ministry of Machine Building. Mr. Zhang holds a graduate degree in Finance Department of Central University of Finance and Economics, bachelor degree in Metallurgical Heat Treatment in Lanzhou University of Technology. He went to Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago as a visiting scholar on Financial Engineering and Management.

Vu Hai Tung, Deputy Director, Department of Road Construction and Management, Ministry of Transport, Vietnam Email: [email protected] Mr Tung is Deputy Director in the Directorate of Roads in the Road Construction Management Bureau of Vietnam. He holds a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Transport and communications in Hano Muhammad Ikhsan Asaad, Head of Division Regional Development Sunatera/Head of PMU for Power Distribution Development Program for Result, PLN, Indonesia Email : [email protected] Mr. Asaad is the Head of Development PLN Sumatera Regional Business. He has been General Manager of PLN Maluku and Maluku Utara Region, He holds a Master of Management degree from the Jakarta School of Management. Asheesh Joshi, Officer of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), India Email: [email protected] Mr. Joshi is an Officer of Indian Administrative Servic (IAS). He is Currently holding the post of Additional Secretary, Water & Sanitation, Project Director Swajal, Project Director, State Program Management Group, Joint Chief Executive Officer, State Water and Sanitation Mission

Ha Minh Tuan, Head of Bilateral Division- State Audit of Vietnam Email: [email protected] Mr. Tuan is the Head of the International Cooperation Division of the State Audit Department of Vietnam. He holds an MBA from the Economic University of Vietnam.

Naresh Man Shakya, Deputy Director General, Bridge Branch, Department of Roads, Nepal Email: [email protected] Mr. Shakya is a Senior Divisional Engineer posted currently in Bridge Branch under Department of Roads, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Nepal. He is serving in this department for more than 23 years in various capacities. He is currently taking responsibility of coordination of Bridge Building, maintenance, development and operation of various software such as Bridge Management System, Grievance Redress System, Bridge Site Monitoring system etc. that are being used as tools for Bridges Improvement and Maintenance Program (BIMP), funded by the World Bank under Program for Results (P4R) concept. His major involvement is in project planning including pre-appraisal, appraisal, feasibility studies; monitoring, coordinating with various field divisions and projects under Department of Roads; liaison with development partners including World Bank and others. He has sound and proven expertise in Geotechnical engineering, geo-hazards assessment particularly in the context of slope stability analysis, landslide treatment and design of slope strengthening structures in fragile mountain slopes.

Ali Jalal, Program Director, PRMP, Pakistan Email: [email protected] Mr Jalal is the Deputy Program Director in the Planning and Development Department in the Government of Punjab in Pakistan. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration – International Banking and Finance from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. As Deputy Program Director, Mr. Jalal’s responsibilities include liaising with the Finance, Planning and Development and other implementing departments to efficiently coordinate and administer program activities. He monitors daily the affairs related to accounts and maintains a strong liaison among the donor, executing agency and other stake holders involved in the implementation of the program.



Shyama Prosad Adhikari, Chief Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department Email: [email protected] Mr. Adhikari is the Chief Engineer of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives. Mr Adhikari graduated in Civil Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) in 1981 and obtained a Post Graduate Degree in Environmental Science and Graduate degree in Law. Mr. Adhikari began his career in 1981 by joining the Rural Works Program where he worked until 1990 as Assistant Engineer. He also worked successfully as Executive Engineer in Chandpur and Mymensingh districts.

Iftekhar Ahmed, Superintending Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department, Bangladesh Email: [email protected] Mr. Ahmed is the Additional Chief Engineer in charge of Planning and ICT of the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) under the Ministry of Local Government of Bangladesh. Is in the government both at local and national levels for more than 33 years in various capacities. His major involvement is in project planning, including pre-appraisal, appraisal, feasibility studies, participating in national level dialogues, contributing in preparing national planning documents; liaison with development partners including the World Bank; reviewing and providing comment son planning policy documents, development partners country assistance strategies. He is also involved in contemporary development issues like environment, climate change, SDGs, 7FYP and others. He is affiliated as a Member of Bangladesh Water Partnership, Bangladesh Society of Road Professionals and Bangladesh National Forum for Rural Transport.

Abdur Rouf, Deputy Project Director, VAT Improvement Program & Member Email: [email protected] Mr. Rouf is the Director General of the Customs, Excise and VAT Training Academy, Chittagong. He joined the Bangladesh Civil Service (Customs and Excise Cadre) in 1995 qualifying in the 15th B.C.S. examinations and since then he has been serving in and under various offices of NBR in different capacities mostly in VAT management.

MD Zakir Hossain, Additional Commissioner & Deputy Project Director, VAT Online Project Dhaka Email: [email protected] Mr. Hossain has over 18 years of solid work experience in the civil service. His specialty is in management, administration, modernization and reformation of government revenue collection system. In this regard, he has theoretical and practical knowledge in policy formulation and policy implication of Value Added Tax (VAT) system in Bangladesh. He has also worked extensively with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as well as managed a large number of national and international staff. He has authored several text books on VAT and Customs system in Bangladesh.


Hem Vanndy, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy and Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Vanndy is the under Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Kingdom of Cambodia. His portfolio includes public investment in infrastructure, development financing, coordination and management of foreign assistance, and support to policy undertaking for national development priorities. He provides managerial oversight and policy advice on the implementation of government’s development programs and projects. He is also a member of the Supreme National Economic Council, the policy think-tank for the Prime Minister. Over the last 15 years, his career spanned across private sector, the United Nations system, multilateral development bank, and government. Prior to his current position, he was Deputy Secretary General for Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority. He was tasked with strengthening institutional leadership and mobilizing external resources to help Cambodia get rid of its landmines.

Houl Bonnaroth, Deputy Director, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, General, Ministry of Economy and Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Bonnaroth is the Deputy Director, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, General Department of International Cooperation and Debt Management, in the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Socheata Soeur Unser Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Email: [email protected] Ms. Soeur is the Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in Cambodia. She has been promoted from Deputy Director General of Administration and Finance to Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport since October 2014. In her capacity of the current position, she provides her assistance to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport in enhancing good environment, green and clean policy; monitoring education performance; and preventing of human trafficking. She also serves as focal point for gender equity mainstreaming, drug preventions, women’s affairs and external relations. Nguon Sokcheng, Officer, Department of Finance, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Email: [email protected] Ms. Sokcheng is a chief officer at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in charge financial affairs for higher education. Ms. Sokcheng is also a professor and a member of Education Research Council of MoEYS with responsibility for reviewing educational policies and strategies and conducting comparative analysis of education framework. Her qualifications include a Master’s in Educational Development Studies and a PhD in Comparative and International Education from Hiroshima University, Japan. Her research interests focus on school-based management and good governance in higher education. Her research work relates mainly to empowerment of local stakeholders in school participation and school governance


Han Su, Director, Department of International Economic and Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Ms. Su is Senior Advisor, Finance and Risk Management Division, Department of International Economic & Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, PRC since 2014. She is currently responsible for debt management and statistics for foreign loans financed by IFIs and foreign governments. She had 20-year experience on IFI’s lending portfolio management in her previous career.

Zhang Lei, Section Chief, Department of International Economic & Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Lei started his career in August 2002 when he joined the Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance (MOF). He used to be section staff responsible for fiscal revenue and expenditure management, daily coordination with designated commercial banks. In 2008, he was assigned to Chinese Permanent Representation to the UN Food and Agricultural Agencies in Rome till 2010 when he joined International Department responsible for the cooperation between China and IFAD and GEF. Mr. Zhang is now the Section Chief of International Economic and Financial Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance. He is the focal point of IBRD’s pipeline and ongoing portfolio management and coordination in China.

Zhou Shaowen, Officer, Department of International Economic & Financial Cooperation, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Ms. Shaowen is graduated from the University of Birmingham with the degree of MSc. International Accounting & Finance. She started her career in June 2012 when she joined the Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., and served as an assistant of Worldwide Business Controls Manager for the Business Controls & Enterprise Risk Management Department. Ms. Zhou is now the Project Officer of International Economic and Financial Cooperation Department, Ministry of Finance. She is responsible for the daily management of IBRD projects, and coordination issues with the World Bank.

Deng Hailian, Project Officer, Guangxi Foreign Capital Poverty Reduction Project Management Center Email: [email protected] Ms. Deng has been working in Guangxi Foreign Capital Poverty Reduction Project Management Center as a project officer, engaged in the cooperation with international multilateral organizations (DFID), international financial organizations (World Bank), NGOs (World Vision, OXFAM, ActionAid) and relevant projects’ implementation and management From Sep 2007 till now. Ms. Deng also engaged in the international exchange and training. From 2003 to present, she has participated in the organization and preparation work of “China-ASEAN Forum on Social Development and Poverty Alleviation” for six times and the organization of poverty alleviation workshop for South Asia Countries, Southeast Asia and Africa Countries for five times.

Dong Hui, Deputy Director, International Financial Institutions Loan Project Management Division, State Forestry Administration of China Email:[email protected] Ms. Hui is now the Deputy Director of Division of International Financial Institution Loan Project Management of PMC, responsible for implementation and completion of Integrated Forestry Development Project financed by the World Bank. She is now involved in preparation and feasibility study of the Rear and Precious Species Forest Protection and Development Project in Yangtze River Economic Belt to be financed by the World Bank, for which the PforR could be used.

Guo Xin, Deputy Director, Guidance Division in Healthcare Reform Department, National Health and Family Planning Commission Email: [email protected] Ms. Xin is the Deputy Director of Guidance Division in Healthcare Reform Department of National Health and Family Planning Commission of China. She is responsible for coordination and guidance in major healthcare reform policies and measures of national wide, and direction and supervision of Provincial Comprehensive Healthcare Reform Pilot work.

Jiang Yi, Section Chief, Department of Social Security, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Yi is Section Chief, Social Security Department, Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, China, and member of MOF, started his career in June 2011 with a doctorate in Economics. Now, He is primarily responsible for the following work: (i) taking part in the development of detailed policies and guidelines for implementation of health sector reform, including public health insurance, medical aid, basic medicine system, primary health care, public hospitals; (ii) monitoring and evaluating outputs and outcomes of the reforms; (iii) assessing performance of the financial inputs; (iv) participating in the preparatory arrangements of conference on the reform.

Wu Lin, Section Chief, International Division, Henan Provincial Department of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Wu is now the Section Chief of the International Division in Henan Provincial Department of Finance, in charge of all the loan projects financed by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank in Henan Province. He is responsible for application, review and assessment, implementation, loan repayment arrangement, evaluation of the projects. Meanwhile, Mr. Wu has been awarded as “Advanced Worker” for many times by the Department of Finance.

Zhou Jingjing, Deputy Section Chief, Human Resource Section of the Forestry Project Management Office Email: [email protected] Ms. Zhou Jingjing, member of the Communist Party of China, started her career in September 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree. She used to work in the Forestry Industry Section, during this tenure she took further educated in Department of Forestry of Henan Agricultural University and got a master’s degree. Ms. Zhou is now Deputy Section Chief of Human Resources Section of the Forestry Project Management Office of Henan Province, in charge of salary and wage, professional title and post Management.

Mo Lingcong, Deputy Section Chief, Division of Foreign Capital Utilization and Overseas Investment, Guangxi Development and Reform Commission Email: [email protected]. Ms. Mo is now the Deputy Section Chief of Division of Foreign Capital Utilization and Overseas Investment, Guangxi Development and Reform Commission. She is familiar with the poverty alleviation related projects and policies, participating, guiding and supervising the utilization of foreign loans for construction projects in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and responsible for operation management and implementation of two ADB loan projects, including Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development Project and Guangxi Southwestern Cities Development Project.

Wang Zhouxu, Director, International Financial Institutions Loan Project Management Division, State Forestry Administration of China Email: [email protected] Mr. Wang is now in charge of forestry projects supported by international financial institutions, responsible for procurement, implementation, and management and monitoring of Sustainable Forestry Development Project financed by the World Bank. Also, he is involved in preparation and feasibility study of the World Bank Loan Rear and Precious Species Forest Protection and Development Project in Yangtze River Economic Belt proposed by SFA in 2016, for which the PforR tool may be used in the project.

Zhang Yongmiao, Deputy General Director, Corporate Lending Department, Huaxia Ban Email: [email protected] Mr. Zhang Yongmiao is the Deputy Manager at Corporate Banking Department in Huaxia Bank since 2014. He is responsible for developing key clients and business, and managing government clients. Before this, he was the loan reviewer in Credit Approving Department since 2012. He held various positions in Huaxia Bank, such as Chief Credit Risk Officer, Manager for Foreign Exchange Department. Before joining Huaxia Bank, he was an Engineer in Planning Department of Ministry of Machine Building. Mr. Zhang holds a graduate degree in Finance Department of Central University of Finance and Economics, bachelor degree in Metallurgical Heat Treatment in Lanzhou University of Technology. He went to Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago as a visiting scholar on Financial Engineering and Management.

Wang Ligang, Deputy Director, Foreign Capital Utilization and Investment Abroad Division, Hebei Development and Reform Commission Email: [email protected] Mr. Wang Ligang has started his career since 2015 as Principal Staff Member of the Americas Division of the Foreign Affairs Office of Hebei. He holds a master degree of English Literature from Hebei Normal University. Mr. Wang was appointed the Deputy Director of the Foreign Capital Utilization and Investment Abroad Division of Hebei Development and Reform Commission in 2015, responsible for the international finance organization Loans. In Hebei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Program, he is the key coordinator to liaise with the World Bank and the Hebei Project Management Office (PMO) to ensure the program move forward smoothly.


Mihir Kumar Das, Higher Education Department, Secretariat, Government of Odisha Email: [email protected] Dr. Kumar Das joined as Assistant Professor in Botany on 03 July, 1990, served as Associate Professor in different parts of the State. He received the award “Scientist of the Year, 2004” by NESA, New Delhi and acted as “Facilitator-cum-Evaluator” by CAPART under the segis of Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. Mr. Das have published 40 research papers, 3 books and attended more than 30 National and International Seminars. Since July 2012, He is serving as Officer-in-Charge, State Performance Tracking Cell, Higher Education Department, Govt. of Odisha, looking after RUSA, World Bank Project along with all the e-Governance Projects and academic related activities of the Department.

Nandakumaran Pullare, Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board Email: [email protected] Dr. Pullare has a post-graduate degree in Geology from the University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and a Ph.D in Ground Water Management from the University of Madras, Chennai, and Tamil Nadu. He Joined Central Ground Water Board as a Scientist in 1986 and has served in various capacities in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu Regional Directorates as well as in the Central Headquarters of CGWB at Faridabad. He has undergone International trainings on ground water management in had rock areas and in climate change impacts. Currently, he is working as at CGWB, CHQ, Faridabad and the designated nodal officer of the NGMIP in CGWB.

Binod Kumar Srivastava: Assistant General Manager, Credit Policy and Procedures Department, State Bank of India Email: [email protected] Mr. Srivastava is the Assistant General Manager, Credit Policy and Procedures Department, State Bank of India. Mr. Srivastava is posted in Bank’s Green Banking and Sustainability Cell of the Bank. Mr Srivastava deals with Bank’s credit policies and multifarious initiatives in the Renewable Energy (RE) and Sustainability domain. He is also part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the World Bank program for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV projects. In a career spanning over 34 years at SBI, Mr. Srivastava has held various positions in functional areas like Stressed Assets Management, Business Process Re-engineering, and Commercial network. In addition, he has rich operational experience as Regional Manager during the course of which he was overseeing around 34 semi urban and rural branches/offices. He is a certified professional of CAIIB. Mr. Srivastava has been tasked with the successful implementation of World Bank GC-RSPV program.

Ravi Singh Rawat. Designation- Manager. Company- SBI Capital Market Limited Email: [email protected] Mr. Ravi Singh Rawat is a Chartered Accountant by profession. Post qualification experience of approximately four (4) years out of which three (3) years with Syndicate Bank and one (1) year with SBI Capital Market. Mr. Rawat has exposure of appraisal of credit proposals of various industries e.g. textile, real estate, tiles manufacturing and appraisal of credit proposals of infrastructure sector. At present, he is working on rooftop solar program of SBI and World Bank. The work includes assisting SBI for arranging line of credit from World Bank for funding grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic projects and providing advisory services to SBI for development of rooftop solar program.

Lalit Kumar Adlakha, Secretary Administration, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun Email: [email protected] Mr Lalit Kumar Adlakha is Secretary Administration/ Superintending Engineer, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Rural. He is responsible for Planning, Finance, Human Resource, Legal, Execution, Maintenance and Operation of Water supply, Sewage Schemes & River Bank Filtration R&D Works. Mr. Adlakha holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from the Guru Nanak Engineering College, Ludhiana.

Swapnadil Dey, Capacity Building Manager, ISGP Project of WBSRDA under P&RD Department Email: [email protected] Mr. Dey has been working as a development professional since 2011. He worked as District Coordinator in BITAN, a State level NGO, for Anaemia control programme supported by Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal and RGSEAG-SABLA supported by Directorate of Social Welfare. Later on he worked with Water For People and also with WASH Institute as Project Officer for School WASH & Community WASH projects both in rural & urban areas. At present, he is working as Capacity Building Manager in the World Bank supported Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Project of WBSRDA under P&RD Department. He is leading CB team and as a Capacity Building Manager and is responsible for designing & implementing annual capacity building programme mentoring support, GPMS development, governance, documentation & record keeping, procurement, rural engineering along with integrated planning by the Gram Panchayats.

Krishnan Singh Barguzar, Deputy General Manager, State Bank of India Credit Policy and Procedures Department Email: [email protected] Mr. Barguzar is the Deputy General Manager, Credit Policy and Procedures Department, State Bank of India. In his current role, Mr. Barguzar is part of Bank’s Green Banking and Sustainability Cell of the Bank. Mr. Barguzar deals with Bank’s credit policies and multifarious initiatives in the Renewable Energy (RE) and Sustainability domain. He is also part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the World Bank program for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV projects and is the project coordinator of the Bank for the program. In a career spanning over 32 years at SBI, he has held various positions in functional areas like International Banking, Loans and Advances in SME, Medium Corporate financing, Agriculture, Personal segments as Branch Head/ dealing official. In addition, he has core operational experience as Regional Manager at one of the Bank’s 14 domestic Circles where he was overseeing around 84 branches/offices. He is a certified professional of CAIIB. His immediate priority is the successful implementation of GCRSPV under the World Bank program.

Asheesh Joshi, Officer, Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Email: [email protected] Asheesh Joshi is an Officer of Indian Administrative Service (IAS). He Currently holds the post of Additional Secretary, Water & Sanitation, Project Director Swajal, Project Director, State Program Management Group, Joint Chief Executive Officer, State Water and Sanitation Mission.

Ramesh Babu, Deputy Director, Training under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India Email: [email protected] Mr. Babu is working for Directorate General of Training under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of India as a Deputy Director of Training. Having an engineering background, he is possessing a professional experience of 16 years in the field of Vocational Training since 2001 to till date. He also possesses 11 years of academic experience in technical education as a Polytechnic College Lecturer. Presently, his responsibilities include implementation and monitoring of a central scheme launched by Government of India for upgrading Government Industrial Training Institutes throughout the Indian sub- continent.

Parveen Jargar, Under Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Email: [email protected] Mr. Jargar have held various positions in Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Textiles dealing with IITs, IIMs, Technical Institutes, Textile exports and policy, skill development etc. Currently, he is the Under Secretary in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. His current charges include SANKALP (a World bank assisted project), Pradham Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (largest skill development scheme of Central Government), Skill Development policy, bilateral cooperation, National Skill Development Fund and National Skill development Cooperation. He holds a Commerce degree from Delhi University.

Manoj Pratim Mitra, Grant Manager, West Bengal State Rural Development Agency Email: [email protected] Shri Manoj Pratim Mitra is working in development sector since 1996. From December 2005, he has been working in West Bengal State Rural Development Agency (WBSRDA) under Panchayats and Rural Development (P&RD) Department of Government of West Bengal. He was involved in DFID assisted Post designing phase for Strengthening Rural Decentralization (SRD) Program and was team leader for designing Capacity Building component for PRIs functionaries. He was District coordinator during implementation of DFID assisted SRD program. At present, he is working in the capacity of Grant Manager in the World Bank supported Institutional Strengthening of Gram Panchayats (ISGP) Project of WBSRDA under P&RD Department. He is leading Grant team and as a Grant Manager and is responsible for timely preparation of Plan and Budget of ISGP Project for disbursement of Project grant to qualifying GPs each year, monitor and supervise the utilization of Project grant as well as grants from State and Central Finance Commissions, maintenance and analysis of database of grants disbursement and utilization and timely report return to the World Bank.


Tormarbulang Lumbantobing, Deputy Director for Planning and Data Management, Directorate Loans and Grants, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr Lumbantobing is the Deputy Director for Planning and Data Management, Directorate of Loans and Grants, Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance, responsible to contribute to the formulation of the country partnership strategies of the development partner such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and Islamic Development Bank. The contribution aims to harmonize the country partnership strategies with the development plan of the Government. As the Deputy Director, Mr Lumbantobing is also in charge to assess the new implementation modality offered by the development partners. The assessment will indicate whether the new modality can be implemented or may need new regulation for its implementation. In addition, it is his responsibility to prepare disbursement target for loans and grants as a part of resource envelope on the state budget.

Agus Hadian Rahim, Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Service Email: [email protected] Dr. Rahim is Secretary to the Directorate General of Health Efforts. Prior to serving as Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services, he served as Managing Director of Orthopedics Hospital Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta in 2013-2015. He holds Orthopedic Specialist from Padjadjaran University, Masters in Epidemiology from the University of Indonesia, and earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Indonesia. Last received awards: Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 Years.

Muhammad Ikhsan Asaad, Head of Division Regional Development Sunatera/Head of PMU for Power Distribution Development Program for Result, PLN Email : [email protected] Mr. Asaad is the Head of Development PLN Sumatera Regional Business. He has been General Manager of PLN Maluku and Maluku Utara Region, He holds a Master of Management degree from the Jakarta School of Management.

Harapan Lumban Gaol, Deputy Director on Resources Development, Conditional Cash Transfer Program, Ministry of Social Affairs Email: [email protected] Dr. Gaol is Deputy Director for Human Resources Development, Conditional Cash Transfer Program (PKH), and Ministry of Social Affairs Indonesia. PKH is a nationwide program on social protection in Indonesia, established in 2007. He joined PKH since 2008 after he finished his study on social protection in Germany. As an official responsible for resources development, he now works to build the capacity of experts and local facilitators of PKH both in central office and also in local areas, including initiating partnerships with international and national institutions. Now he leads a technical team of the so called Program for Result (P4R) Team under co-operation between Ministry of Social Affairs Indonesia and The World Bank.

Doddy Benyamin Pangaribuan, Dead of Division Corporate Planning, PLN Email: [email protected] Mr. Pangaribuan is the Head of Corporate Planning Division at the PLN Head office in Indonesia. He graduated from HEC, Montreal, Canada with an MBA in Energy Management in 2002. He has over 20 years’ experience in System Planning and Engineering.

Agus Riyanto Kurniawan, Policy Planner, Directorate for System and Procedure of Development Funding, BAPPENAS

Email: [email protected] Mr. Kurniawan is a policy planner in the Ministry of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) since 2009. As a policy planner at Directorate for System and Procedure of Development Funding, he involved in formulating policy and regulations on national development funding, developing funding mechanism and modalities, and establishing the procedure on planning and budgeting system. He graduated from Gadjah Mada University Indonesia in 2007 and got Master of Development Economics degree from The University of Queensland in 2014. He has attended in many short courses related on the government financing issues such as government project financing and Public Private Financing.

Ade Kuswoyo, Acting Deputy Director, Directorate Multilateral Foreign Funding, BAPPENAS Email: [email protected] Mr. Ade Kuswoyo is Acting Deputy Director in the Directorate Multilateral Foreign Funding, Bappenassince 2012. He has fiveteen years experience in managing government foreign grant and loan, planning, monitoring and evaluation in National Development Planning Ministry/National Development Planning Agency. He is Specialized in development funding mechanism, and synchronizations the administration system between government and development partners. Additional skills include: team building, leadership, and working as part of multi-disciplinary teams.

Rezeki Peranginangin, Director for Strategic Area Development, RIDA - Ministry of Public Work and Housing Email: [email protected] Mr. Rezeki Peranginangin is the director for Strategic Area Development office, RIDA, Ministry of Public Workd and Housing.

Brawijaya, Deputy Director for Integrated Strategic Area Infrastructure Development, RIDA – Ministry of Public Works and Housing Email; [email protected] Mr. Brawijaya works as deputy director in Integrated Strategic Area Infrastructure Development, RIDA – Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

Ferryal Resque, Sub Directorate of Loan and Grant Cash Management, Directorate of State Cash Management, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected]

Mr. Resque is the head of section of loan and grant cash management. He is responsible for making policies related to the cash management of the World Bank’s project loans/grants, especially for projects that exercise the special account withdrawal mechanism i.e. suspension of project loan/grant disbursement, implementation of new loan/grant withdrawal mechanism. Moreover, analyzing, verifying and processing the special account withdrawal application from executing agencies of the project loan/grant and preparing the program loan withdrawal. In addition, monitoring and ensuring the balance of special account of loans/grants and processing refund of ineligible expenditures.


Tek Bahadur Khatri, Under Secretary, International Economic Cooperation Coordination Division (IECCD), Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Khatri holds a Bachelors and Master degree in economics and Public Administration and Management from Tribhuvan University of Nepal. He joined civil service in 1994. As a career bureaucrat he has a long working experience in Nepal’s civil service. He started his bureaucratic service working in Ministry of Finance mainly customs and Inland Revenue offices. Since 2006 he has been working in International Economic Cooperation and Coordination Division in Ministry of Finance. More often he has coordinated and facilitated the programs and projects supported by external development partners specially being in touch with World Bank and Asian Development Bank for long time. Now he is responsible for social sector –education and health in International Economic Cooperation and Coordination Division in Ministry of Finance. He has participated many international seminars, workshops and training programs in abroad in the capacity of section officer and undersecretary. He is a fellow of seventh cohort Voice Secondment program of World Bank.

Saroj Pradhan, Deputy Director General, Bridge Branch, Department of Roads Email: [email protected]) Mr. Pradhan is the Deputy Director General in charge of ‘Development, Operation and maintenance of bridges’ of the Department of Roads under the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport of Nepal. He has been working in this department for more than 26 years in various capacities. His major involvement is in project planning including pre-appraisal, appraisal, feasibility studies; Project Management for construction operation and maintenance. He is also involved in preparation of national planning documents; reviewing and providing comments on planning policy documents, development partners’ country assistance strategies; contemporary development issues like SDGs, 5FYP, Priority Investment Plan, Road Safety Action Plan; liaison with development partners including World Bank and others. He is currently leading World Bank supported Bridge Maintenance and Improvement Project (BIMP) under new lending instrument, Program for Result (PforR), and is going to be successfully completed shortly.

Naresh Man Shakya, Deputy Director General, Bridge Branch, Department of Roads, Nepal Email: [email protected] Mr. Shakya is a Senior Divisional Engineer posted currently in Bridge Branch under Department of Roads, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Government of Nepal. He is serving in this department for more than 23 years in various capacities. He is currently taking responsibility of coordination of Bridge Building, maintenance, development and operation of various software such as Bridge Management System, Grievance Redress System, Bridge Site Monitoring system etc. that are being used as tools for Bridges Improvement and Maintenance Program (BIMP), funded by the World Bank under Program for Results (P4R) concept. His major involvement is in project planning including pre-appraisal, appraisal, feasibility studies; monitoring, coordinating with various field divisions and projects under Department of Roads; liaison with development partners including World Bank and others. He has sound and proven expertise in Geotechnical engineering, geo-hazards assessment particularly in the context of slope stability analysis, landslide treatment and design of slope strengthening structures in fragile mountain slopes. He is fully familiar with the geotechnical environment of Nepal and Bhutan road network.

Bhogendra Raj Dotel, Chief, PPICD, Ministry of Health Email: [email protected] Mr. Dotel is the chief of Policy planning and International cooperation Division (PPICD) at Ministry of Health, Nepal. Mr. Dotel has more than 20 years of experience at different capacities in Health sector. Mr. Dotel has demonstrated his leadership with Innovation and problem solving approaches to meet the demand of the disadvantage community. Critical thinking and comments in programs are being taken as examples. A husband and father of two kids, Bhogendra loves swimming, trekking and sharing of experience and knowledge. His motivation in life is to see the people healthier and use the potentiality to change the situation and reach highest level in life. Mr Dotel is a public health leader and providing dynamic leadership as a president of Nepal Public Health Association.

Kiran Regmi Ghimire, Secretary, Ministry of Health Email: [email protected] Dr. Ghimire is the Chief Specialist Secretary in the Ministry of Health in Nepal. She holds a PhD in Public Health, from the New England University, Australia and a post Doctorate degree from the Centre for Population and Development Studies, Harvard School of Public Health. She is an expert trainer of various reproductive health programmes. She had represented in several important polices related workshops at international forum, and have received important scholarships and fellowships including Harvard fellowship and Distinguished Australian Alumni Award, 2014. Her research articles published in various international journals and also received the best article of the year award. Presently, she is involved in policy analysis in the ministry of health.


Altaf Bijarani. Secretary, Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh Email: [email protected] Mr. Bijarani is the Secretary of Planning, Planning & Dev. Department. He has more than 24 years’ experience working in the Government of Pakistan. Mr Bijarani holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Sindh University in Pakistan.

Iftikhar Ali Sahoo, Secretary, Planning & Development Department, Government of Punjab Email: [email protected] Mr. Sahoo is Secretary, Planning & Development Department, Government of the Punjab, Lahore. He has more than 16 years’ experience in the Government of Pakistan and holds a Master’s Degree in Social Policy from the University of Nottingham in the UK. Among his duties, he is responsible for discharging administrative responsibilities of the office of Secretary, P&D Department; as well as supervision of various attached departments, offices and autonomous bodies of the P&D Department.

Mumtaz Hussain Shah, Deputy Secretary, Economic Affairs Division (EAD), Government of Pakistan Email: [email protected] Mr. Shah is the Deputy Secretary, responsible for World Bank/Islamic Development Bank, International Fund for Agriculture Development, in Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan. He played a lead role in designing, preparation, negotiations of program/projects with Multilaterals/Bilateral Institutions (World Bank -IDA, IBRD, IFC, Islamic Development, IFAD and OFID, DIFID, GAVI Alliance, DIFID and on behalf of the Federal Government, Provincial Governments, Federal Ministries/Divisions/Organizations.

Agha Waqar Javed, Member PPP, Planning and Development Department, Government of Punjab. Email: [email protected]

Mr. Javed is a senior executive having over 18 years of domestic and international experience in Management, Banking & Finance, Privatization and Public Private Partnerships. He holds Post Graduate Degrees in Business Administration and Finance. He has a proven track record of accomplishments in Financial Management, Privatization and Public Private Partnerships. His articles on Privatization and Public Private Partnerships have been published in leading local and international dailies/journals. He has been instrumental in making the Punjab PPP initiatives a success in his capacity as Member Planning & Development and Head of PPP Cell, Government of the Punjab. Mr. Javed has extensive experience of coordination with developmental partners. He has negotiated various programs with WB, ADB and DFID. Mr. Javed is Government of the Punjab’s focal person for the proposed agricultural and rural transformation PforR program. Mr. Javed also delivers lectures on Public Policy at various distinguished academic and training institutions of Pakistan

Aslam Javaid, Senior Chief, Urban Development, Planning and Development Board, Government of Punjab Email: [email protected] Mr. Javaid has 24 years of diversified experience working in Development Planning and Development Financing in Public and Private sector. From 2006 to date he has been working in Planning & Development Department Government of the Punjab Lahore Pakistan as Senior Chief (Senior Management Position).

Kamran Farooq Ansari, Director/Project Manager BISP Email: [email protected] Mr. Ansari joined the civil service of Pakistan in the year 1999 and has to his credit 16 years of work experience in the public sector. Mr. Ansari has worked in various organizations of the federal and the provincial governments including Ministry of Water & Power, Economic Affairs Division, Punjab labour Department and Prime Minister’s Office. Mr. Ansari is currently posted in Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), the largest social safety net of the country. Mr. Ansari has worked in BISP as Director Donor Coordination for about 6 months and presently working as Project Manager for the World Bank’s Pakistan Social Safety Net Project.

Muhammad Mahmood Rai, Secretary Agriculture, Government of Punjab. Email: [email protected] Mr. Rai is Secretary Agriculture, Government of Punjab, Lahore. He holds a Master of Public Policy Analysis, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Ali Jalal, JnC Program Director, PRMP Email: [email protected] Mr Jalal is the Deputy Program Director in the Planning and Development Department in the Government of Punjab in Pakistan. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration – International Banking and Finance from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. As Deputy Program Director, Mr. Jalal’s responsibilities include liaising with the Finance, Planning and Development and other implementing departments to efficiently coordinate and administer program activities. He monitors daily the affairs related to accounts and maintains a strong liaison among the donor, executing agency and other stake holders involved in the implementation of the program.


Jonathan L. Uy, Director, Public Investment Staff, National Economic Development Agency Email: [email protected] Mr. Uy has been the director of the NEDA-Public Investment Staff (NEDA-PIS) since July 4, 2005. The NEDA-PIS coordinates and conducts the evaluation and monitoring of policies, programs, projects and proposals for funding by the bilateral/multilateral development partners or through public private partnership and local funding, and coordinates and facilitates development cooperation between GPH and bilateral/multilateral development partners. Director Uy received his Master in Economics of Development from the Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands and his bachelor’s degree in Economics (cum laude) from the University of the Philippines. He recently attended a Workshop on the Program for Results (PforR) at the World Bank Country Office in Manila where the instrument's applicability in the new project ideas in the Philippines was discussed, and experiences of other countries in using said instrument were shared.

Angel R. Ojastro III. Secretary General, Housing and urban Development, Coordinating Council Email: [email protected] Mr. Ojastro III is the Secretary General, Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) since September 2016, with the rank of Undersecretary. Assists the Chairperson of HUDCC in the day to day operations of the agency, and responsible for the execution and administration of its approved policies and measures. Prior to this appointment he has been in Private Law Practitioner beginning in 1997 for a period of 19 years practicing in the fields of Criminal Law, Family Law, Environmental Law, Administrative Law, Torts and Damages, Land Law.

Nikka Nea Loreto, Economic Development Specialist at the NEDA-Public Investment Staff - Multilaterals Division Email: rosales,[email protected] Ms. Loreto has been an Economic Development Specialist at the NEDA-Public Investment Staff - Multilaterals Division since September 18, 2014. She is currently taking up her Master’s in Business Administration at the Ateneo de Manila University where she also took up her bachelor's degree in Economics. As part of the Multilaterals division, she handles projects, programs and technical assistance proposed for WB, UNDP, and FAO financing.

Annalyn M. Sevilla, Undersecretary for Budget Division and Program Monitoring and Delivery Unit, Department of Education Email: [email protected] Ms. Sevilla is currently the Undersecretary for Finance (Budget and Performance Monitoring) of the Department of Education (DepEd). She is tasked to advise and assist the Secretary in the formulation and implementation of budget preparation and execution policies, plans and programs for the Department. Prior to this assignment, she worked for the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) for 10 years. She was also a Public Sector Specialist consultant for 6 years in the World Bank office of Manila. As a public financial management, governance and change management consultant, she has done numerous consultancy projects with government agencies such as the DBM, DepEd, Commission on Audit, Bureau of the Treasury, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Department of Agriculture, Department of Public Works and Highways and Department of Health.


Russel Aponsu, Director, Strategic Planning and Policy, Ministry of Higher Education Email: [email protected] Mr. Aponsu is the Director of Planning in the Ministry of Higher Education. He holds a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Madura Mangalika Wehella, Director Planning, Ministry of Education Email: [email protected] Ms. Wehella works as a Director Planning in Ministry of Education. His responsibilities as the Director/Policy and Planning includes analyses, study and make recommendations for improvement of national education policies, Preparation of medium-term (MT) education sector rolling plans and annual implementation plans (AIPs) action plans in collaboration with national and provincial education Authorities, identification of MT education investment budget requirements, define policies for equitable and efficient allocation and distribution, identification of sources, policies and strategic plans and coordinate all foreign funded programs within sector-wide approach an ensure incorporation of such foreign assistance in national/provincial education plans.

Hemantha Pubudusiri Director (acting), World Bank and IMF Division, Department of External Resources Email: [email protected] Ms. Pubudusiri is the Director, Department of External Resources, Ministry of National Polices and Economic Affairs, Sri Lanka. She holds Master of Arts in Policy Economics, Williams College, USA (2011) and has more than eight years’ experience working in the Sri Lankan Government.

Talagala Arachchige Don Dammika Premarathna, Director, Department of National Planning, Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs Email: [email protected] Mr. Premarathna is a development planner belongs to Sri Lanka Planning Service. He has being working in deferent Government agencies holding deferent positions since January 2002. He is the Director for the Human Development Cluster of the Department of National Planning of the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs, Sri Lanka. Mr. Premarathna has completed his first degree Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka in 1998. Then he has completed his first Master’s degree in Economics at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in 2005. He obtained his second Master’s degree in Regional Development for Poverty Reduction from the Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan in 2010. At present, Mr. Premarathna closely works with several ongoing World Bank Projects, Transforming the School Education Project, Higher Education for Twenty First Century, Skills Sector development Programme 2014-2020 and Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Programme going to be started from 2017.


Mr. Rom Aroonvisoot, Economist, Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance Email: [email protected] Mr. Aroonvisoot is economist at Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance. He is responsible for overlooking at matters related to the World Bank, involving WB-IMF Annual Meeting and Thailand’s contribution to International Development Association. He is involved in the preparation of Systematic Country Diagnostic and he is a part of the working group for policy implementation of Thailand policies related to Doing Business Report. Mr. Aroonvisoot graduated MSc. Economics from University College London. In the past, he was responsible for matters related to APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting.

Mr. Ekaraj Khuankhunsathid, Executive Director of Debt Management Bureau, Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance Emal: [email protected] Mr. Khuankhunsathid is the Executive Director of Debt Management Bureau 1, public Debt Management Office (PDMO), Ministry of Finance. His main responsibilities include supervising government borrowing in both local and foreign currencies, and handling government bonds and treasury bills issuance to support PDMO’s missions in domestic bond market development and cash management. He has strong backgrounds in pro-active debt management and debt payment management. In addition, he is an expert in cash management and active in risks management. Before joining PDMO, he was a Fiscal Analyst at the Comptroller General's Department, Ministry of Finance where he began his specialization in cash management, government’s procurement processes and guidelines, and treasury reserve rules and regulations. Ekaraj holds a MBA (International Business) from University of Bridgeport, USA


Trinh Mai Lan, Officer, Department of Debt Management and external Finance, MOF Email: [email protected]

Ms. Lan is the officer in Department of Debt Management and External Finance, MOF

Le Trung Hieu, Director, Foreign Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment Email: [email protected] Mr. Hieu is an Expert, in the International Financial Institution Division, Foreign Economic Relation Department in the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI). Since 2007 he has been the MPI Focal point of Vietnam’s WB portfolio management: Consolidating, monitoring and evaluating the WB’s portfolio in Vietnam, coordinate WB – Vietnam (MPI) cooperation; and directly manage WB projects in the following sectors: Finance and Banking, policy reform, urban development, sanitation, water resource, social and welfare, energy.

Cao Manh Cuong, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Planning and Investment Email: [email protected] Mr. Cuong is the Deputy Director General of the Foreign Economic Relations Department(FERD) of the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) in charge of ODA strategies and policies, formulation of ODA institutional and legal framework, planning and budgeting, M&E, aid effectiveness and effective development cooperation, capacity development in ODA management. He holds a BA degree in Foreign Studies and has more than 14 years working on aid effectiveness agenda at global regional and local level.

Nguyen Minh Tien, Director, General, National Coordination Office for NTP-New Rural Area, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) Email: [email protected] Mr Tien is the Director General, Chief of the National Coordination Office NTP on New Rural Development Program. He holds Master’s Degree in International Economics from Chaminade University, USA and a Bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering from Hanoi University of Technology. Hanoi, Vietnam.

Ha Minh Tuan, Head of Bilateral Division- State Audit of Vietnam Email: [email protected] Mr Tuan is the Head of the International Cooperation Division of the State Audit Department of Vietnam. He holds an MBA from the Economic University of Vietnam.

Tran Thi Lam Ha, Officer, Project Management Unit of RB UNDP Ministry of Construction Email: [email protected] Ms. Ha is currently the Vice Head of Project Management Division, Management of Urban Development Projects, Urban Development Agency, Ministry of Construction, S.R.Viet Nam Project Coordinator of Results-Based National Urban Development Program – Northern Mountains (The Northern Mountains Urban Program). The RBNUDP-NM is a performance based grant program targeting seven cities in the Northern Mountains region including of Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Dien Bien Phu, Hoa Binh, Thai Nguyen, Tuyen Quang and Yen Bai. The Program is being supported with ODA financing from the World Bank through the Program-for-Results (PforR) financing instrument and GOV funding.

Ms. Chi Linh Le, Project Officer, Health Environment Management Agency, Ministry of Health Email: [email protected]

Ms. Le holds a Master of Public Health Degree from flinders University, South Australia, in the Faculty of Nursing and Health Services. She is the Health Project Officer, specializing in Rural Sanitation and Water Supply Program in the Health Environment Management Agency in the Ministry of Health.

Vu Hai Tung, Deputy Director, Department of Road Construction and Management, Ministry of Transport Email: [email protected] Mr. Tung is Deputy Director in the Directorate of Roads in the Road Construction Management Bureau of Vietnam. He holds a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Transport and communications in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Nguyen Thu Ha, Senior Expert, Department of Planning and Finance, ETEP PMU Financial Management Email: [email protected] Ms. Ha is Deputy Manager in the Ministry of education and training, Planning and Finance Department, ODA management division. She holds Master’s degree in Accounting and Economic Activities Analysis from the National Economic University in Vietnam

Ngo Thi Khanh Hoa, Officer, State Bank of Vietnam Email: [email protected] Ms. Hoa is an Officer in the State Bank of Vietnam since April 2014. She holds a Master’s Degree in Global Financial Management.

Dang Quang Dinh, Deputy Head of Policy Development Division - Department of Planning and Finance Email: [email protected] Mr Dinh is the Deputy Head of Policy Development Division, Department of Planning and Finance He recently works on “The National Health Insurance for Universal Health Coverage Meeting in Philippines”, Funded by the ADB. He also works on Study on Human Resources Development and Training in China”, Funded by the Vietnam Government, the “Consultation on Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Moving Towards Better Health in the Western Pacific Region”, conducted by WHO in Manila, Philippines.

Vu Viet Ha, Deputy Head of Communication & International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development. Email: [email protected] Mr. Ha is the Deputy Head of Communication & International Cooperation Division of the National Coordination Office for New rural development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development. He recently works on supporting implementation of the National Targeted programs on New rural development and Sustainable poverty reduction” of the World Bank.