overcoming evil – the ultimate deliverance manual


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Overcoming Evil – The Ultimate Deliverance Manual

Overcoming Evil Series Volume 2

Copyright © 2015 by Global Business Ministries International All rights reserved 196 Rienert Avenue, Edleen Ext 3, Kempton Park 1619, South Africa

1st Printing October 2015

Published by Global Business Ministries International E-mail Address: [email protected] Web Address: www.gbm-bookshop.com

All rights reserved under International Copyright Law.

Contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Global Business Ministries (GBM) version of the Bible.

Available in other formats and on Amazon Kindle.

Table of Contents Chapter 01 - Your Spiritual War 6

Section 01 – Ministry of Angels 14

Chapter 02 - How Angels Manifest 14

Chapter 03 - The Angels of Heaven 19

Chapter 04 - Personal Guardian Angels 29

Section 02 – Dealing With Demons 38

Chapter 05 – Spiritual Forces of Darkness 38

Chapter 06 - Spiritual Wickedness 47

Chapter 07 - Prophetic Intercessors 59

Section 03 – Strategies of War 69

Chapter 08 – How Apollyon Attacks Us 69

Chapter 09 – Your Spiritual Armor 78

Chapter 10 – Using Prayer to Overcome Satan 89

Chapter 11 - A Look at Pharaoh and Lucifer 96

Chapter 12 – Attack from the World and Man 103

Chapter 13 - Overcome With Boldness 116

Section 04 - Bringing Deliverance to Others 124

Chapter 14 - Basics of Deliverance Ministry 124

Chapter 15 - How Believers and Unbelievers Differ 131

Chapter 16 - How to Deal with Demons 139

Chapter 17 - Do’s and Don’ts of Deliverance 147

Chapter 18 - Using Intercession in Deliverance 159

Chapter 19 - More Practical Tips 167

Section 05 - Dealing With Curses 177

Chapter 20 - Blessing Not Always Constant 177

Chapter 21 - Man's Power in the Earth 186

Chapter 22 - How to Deal With Curses 199



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Chapter 01 - Your Spiritual War

When you became a believer, you defected from the spiritual realm that was controlling you, and became a member of the Kingdom of God.

The moment you did this, you declared war on the Realm of Darkness, which is under control of the Prince of Darkness and his hordes of demons. And you came under spiritual attack from these demonic powers.

Many believers struggle for years before they realize that that are up against a spiritual enemy. And many never really learn how to deal with these enemy forces. They wait for God to do something to deliver them, and often the deliverance never comes.

The reason for this is that God has given us the responsibility to take care of the demon powers. He already won the victory for us on the Cross of Calvary, but now we must apply that victory to make it real in our lives.

The Authority of Man

When God made the earth He put it under the control of the man that He had made. Adam had full control over this world and even God stood back and left him to run things.

This situation has not changed, because God has not withdrawn the authority that He gave to Adam and to us, who are the descendants of Adam. But something went wrong, and now it looks like we have lost control of this world.

That is because someone came and usurped the authority that Adam had. And when Adam and Eve submitted to the temptations of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, they gave Satan the right to now take over their authority.

But that does not mean Satan and the demons can do whatever they please in the earth. It simply means that they now have a kind of control over mankind, which lets them use the authority that man still has.

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You see, demons need a human being to give them authority in the earth, or they would not have any power in the earth at all.

And if they can make you think that they have power over you, they have won. You will just let them have their way.

Concepts of Deliverance

You may have heard a lot of teaching on the subject of deliverance or spiritual warfare, and maybe even read some of the many books that are available on the subject.

So you are probably reading this book and expecting something similar to what you have been taught before.

If this is the case, then you are going to be either disappointed or happily surprised. Because the teaching in this book contains things you have never heard before. That is, unless you are already familiar with some of our other teachings on the subject.

So before you get into the many subjects that I teach in this book, let me give you a quick breakdown of what you are going to be learning. This is just a quick overview to whet your appetite, so you will want to keep reading.

1. You will learn about the role that angels play in your life, and how you can use them in your battle against the forces of darkness.

I have had extensive experience in working with angels, and I share a lot of this with you in addition to the clear teachings of the Word.

I think you will find the subject fascinating, and probably also a bit different from what you may have learned before about angels.

2. You will learn how the realm of darkness is set up, and the different kinds of demon powers that exist. This again will be a bit different to anything you have learned before.

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I have had much experience with each of these different kinds of demon, and I also see them in the Spirit. So you will be getting a unique look into this hidden realm.

3. You will learn about spiritual warfare and how this takes place at the higher levels of the spiritual realm.

This is especially important to someone called to a prophetic ministry who engages in intercession. You will learn how to use prayer and spiritual weapons to do battle with the demon powers in the heavenly realm.

You will also learn how to bring this spiritual warfare down into this physical realm in which we live.

We are not only fighting spiritual powers, but also those humans who are giving license to the demons. There is a world system that Satan works through that we must also overcome.

4. You will learn how to set people free who are under the control of demon forces. This is one of the most dangerous areas of ministry, because it is not done correctly by most of those who claim to have a ‘deliverance ministry’.

In this section I will show you how to deal with demons in people without struggling and coming under attack yourself. I have been doing this for many years, and the Lord taught me how to do this the right way. This was needed after I saw so many preachers doing it all wrong.

I learned from their mistakes and my own also. And when the Lord showed me how to do it right, there were no more problems in setting people free. I would love you to know how to do this right, so do not skip this section as you read the book.

5. You will learn how to identify and deal with curses both in your own life and in the life of others.

This is a vital subject that is either unknown or totally misunderstood by most believers. Yet it lies at the heart of

By Les D. Crause

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overcoming evil, and is probably one of the most important subjects covered in this series.

Are You Ready to Do This?

I hope that I have aroused your interest enough to keep you reading. And I am sure that if you really want to break free yourself, or set others free, you will find everything that you need in the rest of this book.

I suggest you read it through from the beginning right through to the end. Then go back and read again the parts that you did not fully understand. After that go and read again the parts that really hit you when you read the first time.

But reading this book will not be enough to help you break free yourself, and it will not qualify you to carry out a deliverance ministry.

You must put the principles into practice right away. Start by doing this in your own life, and then get ready to help others who come to you for help.

Do NOT Do This!

Before I unleash you to get going, I want to just give you an important warning.

1. This subject is not very popular with most preachers, and in some Christian circles may be considered heresy. So use wisdom before you share these things with others.

2. Do not assume that everyone out there who is having problems is just waiting for you to come and bring them deliverance.

Never offer this ministry to anyone who does not ask for or desire it. If you do, you may find yourself coming under a very strong spiritual attack which we call a lash back.

That means you are not only being attacked by demons, but the demons that are in others will use their own

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human spiritual power against you. Never see someone as being a victim of demon powers, or think that you are to be their savior. I will explain this in more detail in the section on how to bring deliverance to others.

3. Do not think that this is your unique ministry or your calling in life. Bringing deliverance to others is part of our calling as believers and ministers, and anyone can carry out these principles.

A good rule to use is to not go looking for demons to deal with. But when you come across them in people, or are confronted with someone who needs deliverance, then you have all the tools to do what needs to be done.

If You Need Extra Help

This book is only one of many that we have made available to the Body of Christ. To fully understand and use everything taught here, you should seriously consider reading some of our other books also.

To read some of our materials freely online, why not visit my main resource site at http://www.lescrause.com, which contains all my teachings in one place.

If you are reading this book in electronic form, and wish to buy a printed copy, you can find it on amazon.com or buy it directly from our bookshop in South Africa. You can also buy a copy of the Kindle version on Amazon.

I would love to hear from you when you have finished reading this book. You are free to give both positive or negative feedback.

And if you have any suggestions for extra teaching that could be added, I am more than willing to look at this, and perhaps add it to future editions of this book.

By Les D. Crause

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May the Lord bless you and help you to Overcome Evil, both in your own life, and also in the lives of others.

Les D. CrauseApostle and Servant of Jesus

By Les D. Crause




Chapter 02 How Angels Manifest Page !14

Section 01 – Ministry of Angels

Chapter 02 - How Angels Manifest

Matthew 18:18 to 20 says:

Truly I say to you, Whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.Again I say to you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by my Father who is in Heaven.For where two or three have been gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.

In my book The New Way of Blessing, from which this teaching is taken, I shared how God’s power is released into the earth through human vessels.

I taught that the power and the forces of the spirit are released through words that are spoken into the earth. But once that word has been sent out and a creation is taking place, there are other forces that come into play.

If God’s power is to manifest in the earth, there has to be a physical manifestation of that power. When God first spoke a Word of creation into the earth, the Scripture says He did it by His Word.

God’s Word was a whole lot more than just a voice going out into the earth. His Word was a tangible manifestation of the presence of God in the earth and the presence of God in the Word.

In John 1:1 to 3 we read,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.The same was in the beginning with God.All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

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In the beginning was the Word; the logos. If you read through the rest of this chapter in John, you see that the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us. This is speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ.

When God manifested Himself originally in creation, He created through the Lord Jesus Christ. He created through the Word or the logos. Logos was a manifestation of God in the earth.

The Angel of the Lord

As we look back at the Old Testament, we see that when God revealed and manifested Himself to man He did so by a manifestation or presence.

When God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai there was thunder and lightning. Moses and Joshua and the elders of Israel walked up into the mountain, and the Bible says,

And they saw the God of Israel.

But the Bible also says,

No man has seen God at any time.

There seems to be a contradiction here. How could they have seen the God of Israel if God cannot be seen?

As we read the New Testament, we see that God gave the law through the mediation of angels. There is also a term that occurs throughout the Old Testament. It is The Angel of the Lord.

God manifested His presence in the earth through what is known as a theophany, which means a manifestation of God; an appearance of God in some form. The Angel of the Lord was that form.

The Angel of the Lord appeared to all the patriarchs of old. And whenever God appeared to man in the Old Testament it was in the form of the Angel of the Lord.

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The Scriptures tell us that Jacob wrestled with a man. When he asked Him His name He said,

Do not ask me, because it is Wonderful.

The prophecy concerning Jesus says,

And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God.

Who do you suppose Jacob wrestled with? Later as Jacob laid his hands on Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, he said,

The Angel that redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads.

What was he referring to? He was speaking about the Angel of the Lord. Whatever God does in the earth, He does by means of His special messengers or His angels.

However when He acts directly upon the creation, He does it by that special manifestation known as the Angel of the Lord.

Seen in Both Testaments

You can see in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that there was a manifestation of the Angel of the Lord when God came to do something tangible in the earth. In Acts 12:7 we read,

And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon [him], and a light shone in the prison: and he struck Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Get up quickly. And his chains fell off from [his] hands.

Peter was in prison and was scheduled to be killed the very next day. The Scripture says that the Angel of the Lord appeared in that prison and loosed his chains, took him out of prison and brought him right out into the open.

It was a miraculous physical intervention in the earth by the power of God, and it was carried out by the Angel of the Lord.

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In Revelation 1:1 when John writes concerning the revelation that was given to him he says,

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show to his servants things that must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel to his servant John:

He sent it by His angel. What did John see? Revelation 1:16 to 18 says,

And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his face [was] as the sun shines in its strength.And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand on me, saying to me, Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last: I [am] he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of Hades and of death.

It was Jesus speaking, but John says it was the Angel of the Lord. Jesus was manifesting His presence to John in a theophany, or a physical manifestation of the presence of God.

The Angel of the Lord is a very special angel. When God acts in our situation, He acts upon the creation to supersede the natural laws and actually cause a physical change to take place.

If it is a creative act or something miraculous in the sense of superseding the law of nature, God will intervene directly by that manifestation of the Angel of the Lord.

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Chapter 03 The Angels of Heaven Page !19

Chapter 03 - The Angels of Heaven

God also works through the angels of Heaven. I want to look at that in this chapter.

In recent years there has been a lot of preaching and teaching on angels. There is a resurgence of interest in them, and in some quarters people are being caught up in the worship of angels.

They are often more preoccupied with what angels are doing than what God is doing.

We need to be very careful. We need to understand how angels work, what they are supposed to do, and how they operate and function. That is some of what I want to cover here. I want to show you how the angelic system is set up.

We will consider how the angels work, what they look like and what groups they fall into. We will see the kind of work they do, how we are to respond to them, and how they will respond to us.

We will see how they function with us in the earth to cause the blessings that we speak forth to actually manifest in the earth.

The Scripture speaks of several different groups of angels. There is so much in the Bible on angels, that it is very difficult at times to put it all together and come to a full understanding on the subject.

It is as though a curtain has been placed over the subject. The only look we get at angels is with the odd angelic appearance in the course of the Bible.

In the Old and New Testaments we read about angels appearing. We can learn a little about them from how they appeared and the kinds of things they said.

To understand the angelic realm we have to look at what the Scriptures teach. We also need to look at what we have experienced with regard to angels.

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I will therefore be sharing some of my own personal experiences with angels and what God has shown me in the Spirit.

Some of these I cannot necessarily give you chapter and verse for, but there is plenty of evidence in the Scriptures to support what I will share.

Messenger Angels

The Scriptures show us that there are several different types of angels and I believe that there are three main groups.

The first of these main groups is what I would call the messenger angels. The leader of this group of angels is the Archangel Gabriel.

We have all heard of Gabriel because the Scripture speaks about him many times. He appeared in the Old Testament to some of the prophets and various other people.

Gabriel is also recorded as having appeared in the New Testament. He is the same Angel Gabriel mentioned in the Old Testament.

I have personally also seen him in the Spirit on two different occasions. He is often sent by God to announce new plans and purposes of God that involve the Body of Christ and God’s purposes in these end times.

What do messenger angels look like? They look pretty ordinary, and when Gabriel appeared he was sometimes referred to as ‘the man Gabriel’.

He looks like a normal person. When he appeared in the past it was not immediately obvious that he was an angel, except perhaps by the way he was dressed.

The Scriptures do not describe the Angel Gabriel. But from both the descriptions of the events of Scripture and my own experience of him, it seems that he appears very plain and unassuming.

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When he appeared to Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, Zachariah even argued with him. So it appears that he did not carry a sense of awe. He looks like an ordinary person, but he wields great authority as a messenger of God.

I know from my own personal experiences and having seen messenger angels, they are generally pretty ordinary looking.

They are mostly average height, average build, average sort of people, and I have always seen them dressed in clothing slightly different to what we wear today.

There are however some of them that are huge. These are usually the ones that have been assigned to men as guardian angels. Guardian angels are a special type of messenger which we will consider shortly.

The Scripture speaks about angels having appeared to people. When the angels appeared to Abraham, those three angels looked like normal men because he immediately said,

"Let’s get a meal ready and entertain these people. They are strangers and they must be entertained."

When the angels arrived at the house of Lot he did the same thing. He said,

"Come into our home and we will entertain you. We will care for you and feed you."

They looked like normal visitors and normal people.

Bringing Messages from God

What do messenger angels do? They bring messages from God. The angel appears and brings a message from God.

The Angel Gabriel was always sent to bring a special message from the Lord. He appeared to Daniel. And he appeared to young Mary to tell her that the Holy Spirit was going to come upon her, that she was going to conceive, and that she was going to become the mother of the Savior of the world.

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They were very normal looking angels. We also read about an angel appearing to Cornelius as he was praying.

We are not told that it was the Angel Gabriel, so it was likely another messenger angel, or perhaps it was Gabriel and Cornelius did not know it.

There was also the angel that appeared to Joshua as he was about to conquer Jericho. He identified himself as the Captain of the Lord’s Host.

Perhaps he was the Angel of the Lord or perhaps he was simply an angel that was in charge of the armies of God. Joshua thought he was a soldier, because he was ready to attack and kill him if he was one of the enemy.

Messenger angels bring messages, decrees and guidance. When we see them in the Spirit, they will often appear with a scroll in their hands. It is a message from Almighty God, or a decree that needs to be issued in the earth.

Those who by the gift of discerning of spirits are able to look into the spiritual realm are able to see angels and to identify them.

Most people do not see angels and are not even aware that an angel is there, but yet the messenger angels still operate. They come at times to impart thoughts into the mind. Or they bring a spiritual influence without you even being aware of it.

When God wants to send a decree or a message into the earth, He often does it by the mediation of angels, just as He did on Mount Sinai and as He has done throughout history.

Whenever God has wanted to send something into the earth, He has brought it to man.

You may ask, "Why must the messenger angel bring it to man?"

It is because man must issue the decree. Man must open his mouth. He must speak out and send the Word of God into the earth. It is man that has the authority in the earth to speak out God’s Word and His message.

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I used to wait for God to send His decree. I used to wait for the angels.

I can remember the very first time I saw an angel appear to me with a scroll in his hand. He held it up and there was something written on it, and I thought,

"The angel is going to speak it to me."

The angel did not speak though and I wondered,

"How am I supposed to know what the angel has said?"

Then the Spirit of God moved upon me and I found myself bringing an utterance. In that utterance came a prophetic word that issued the words of the decree that he brought to me.

You may ask, "But why does God need an angel to do that? Why doesn’t He just inspire you by the Holy Spirit to do that? Why couldn’t God just reveal it to the prophets and to Daniel when he was praying? Why did He have to send an angel?

When Zacharias was praying at the time of the offering, why didn’t God speak to his heart? But God sent an angel and the angel appeared to him."

To tell you the truth I do not have all the answers to this. But I know from experience and from the Word that it is true. I know there have been people who have seen an angel come and they have been afraid. They say,

"It must be a spirit of deception. This must be Satan posing as an angel of light and coming to bring me a message from the Lord. Why couldn’t the Lord just tell me Himself?"

That is why the gift of discerning of spirits is so important.

Why We Need Angels

Here is one explanation that I have come up with concerning this.

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God moves in the earth by the agency of angels and by His Holy Spirit working in and through our spirits. However you sometimes need a stronger influence than the inner revelation of the Spirit.

This is because a lot of people do not listen to what comes out of their spirits, or they are unable to listen prophetically. If God were to speak in their spirits they would not hear.

God is speaking 24 hours a day in your spirit, but how many people hear His voice?

Not many do, so God sends an angel from without. He comes to imprint his message upon your mind and your heart by bringing an external influence to bear on you.

That may not be the only reason that God would work in this way. But I know that He always has done this in the past, and He still continues to do it today.

Sometimes man needs the manifestation of an angel before he will hear the message and the Word from the Lord.

Warrior Angels

There is a second group of angels which I call the warrior angels. They are obviously involved in warfare.

They carry out spiritual warfare in the heavenly realm. They are also involved in coming into conflict with the spirits of darkness; the battle that takes place in the heavenlies.

The Scriptures tell us that these angels also have a leader, an Archangel that is above them. He is the Archangel Michael. You have heard about him. He is mentioned many times in Scripture. He is the leader of the warrior angels.

What do the warrior angels look like? The Scriptures do not tell us much. I have not really found a clear description in the Bible of what a warrior angel looks like.

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I would have thought that a warrior angel would be a big, hulking giant; an awesome looking person that would terrify you. However the warrior angels that I have seen are usually smaller than a messenger angel.

They are short, stocky guys, holding a sword in their hands and with a fiery look on their faces.

Do not underestimate their power. This is the kind of angel that wiped out half of the camp of Israel when they had sinned, and David had to offer a sacrifice to stop the angel.

The warriors are a very powerful force of God and are involved in the warfare in the heavenlies. These angels are sent to fight on our behalf.

We will be discussing this further as we look at some of the demonic realm and how Satan launches his attacks against us. You will understand then why we need angels to fight on our behalf, to do warfare for us in the heavenly realm.

Warrior angels can sometimes be sent out and commissioned.

An angel will sometimes appear and wait for a man to send the word of authority for him to go out and to do what he is supposed to do in warfare. We will see shortly why that is necessary.

Worship Angels

There is also a third group of angels that I call the worship angels.

The closest description I have seen in Scripture is the one that you will find in Isaiah 6. This was where Isaiah had the vision of the Lord being high and lifted up and His train filling the temple.

Isaiah saw angels called the cherubim flying with wings. Notice in Isaiah’s vision that the angels began to worship and cry out,

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is filled with His glory.

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Worship angels are the only angels that I have seen with wings.

A Scriptural occurrence of both messenger and worship angels was when the angel appeared to the shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth. They came to give the good news that a Savior had been born.

It says that the angel was joined by the heavenly host. It was a messenger angel that came to them at first. And then suddenly that messenger angel was surrounded by a crowd of other angels who were all singing out in glory.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

They began to sing and to worship. That is what the worship angels are for. They come into our presence as we enter into worship. They surround us in great numbers, bringing a spirit of worship and causing our spirits to rise up in praise and worship.

They cause a motivation and a stir within us that we get caught up into the presence of Almighty God. And if you are able to listen in the Spirit you will sometimes hear them sing.

They sing with the most beautiful harmony and melody that you have ever heard. They are like a heavenly choir.

Leader of the Worship Angels

Who is the leader of the worship angels? We know that there are messenger angels, and the Scripture tells us that the Archangel Gabriel is the leader of the messenger angels.

We know that there are warrior angels and we know that the Archangel Michael is the leader of those angels. However when you look at the worship angels, you find that the Scripture does not tell us who the leader of the worship angels is.

Who leads the angels in worship in Heaven? Who leads them and takes charge of them when they worship God?

The Scripture does tell us that there was one who led them in times past. He was known as the Star of the Morning. He was

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also known as the Light Bringer or Lucifer. He was the anointed cherub that covers, the Scripture tells us.

I am not going to go into a lot here on Satan and his origin. But as we look at and read some of these passages concerning Satan, the Scripture makes it quite clear that he was the archangel in charge of the worship angels.

He was the archangel who led them in worship and praise to Almighty God. He was the archangel in charge of music in Heaven and in charge of praise and worship.

He knows all about the power that there is in praise and worship. He knows about the power there is in music and in song, in bringing the presence and power of God.

But he wanted that power himself. He wanted to be worshipped and to take God’s place as the object of all worship, so he was cast out of Heaven and all his angels with him.

The Scripture says that when Satan fell, he took one third of the angels of Heaven with him.

There are three groups of angels: messengers, warriors and worship angels. When Satan fell he took with him the worship angels of Heaven.

One third of the angels followed him because they were under his control. They became the demon forces that are in operation in the heavenlies and in the earth today.

The Bible does not tell us whether God created new angels to take their place. But I know that I have seen worship angels and the Bible tells us that there are worship angels.

So once again, we must make an assumption based on evidence rather than the clear teaching of Scripture.

It would seem that God created angels to take the place of the angels that fell from Heaven with Lucifer. But the Bible does not tell us if God also appointed a new archangel to lead them in worship.

By Les D. Crause



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Chapter 04 - Personal Guardian Angels

I mentioned earlier that there is a group of angels that are very similar to the messenger angels, but they have a specialized function that is confined only to the earth. These are the guardian angels.

In Matthew 18:10 Jesus was speaking about little children. He said,

Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I say to you, that in Heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in Heaven.

This is a specialized group of angels, and I believe they are of the messenger category. But they are a bit different and they look different.

Those who have seen them in the Spirit see them as extremely large and much bigger than life. They look like giants standing very tall. They look very much like a normal human being, except they are very large.

What are these angels for? They are personal angels allocated to each and every person who comes into this world.

These angels are there to protect. They are also there for the purpose of provision, to take care of our needs. They can be commissioned by us.

In Hebrews 1:13 and 14 it says,

But to which of the angels did he say at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation?

Who are the heirs of salvation? Is it not we, the Body of Christ; those who have been born again?

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They are ministering spirits. And if you check the Greek, the word ministering refers to a public servant sent forth to minister, to attend to and wait on.

That is what they are there to do. They are to wait on the heirs of salvation, to attend to them and to their needs.

Do you know that you have a guardian angel? You have a personal angel that has been allocated to you as a child of God, to attend to your needs and to wait on you?

I like that picture. I like it when I am sitting at a table in a restaurant and a waiter comes up and says,

"Can I get you anything?"

If we have a need, most of us do not sit there and say,

"No it’s all right thanks, I’m fine."

You would say,

"Could you get me a glass of water please? Yes I would like another cool drink. Could we have some dessert?"

He is there to wait on you. He is there to take care of your personal needs. He has been given to be a servant to you, to take care of you, to look after you and to make sure that your every need is provided.

That is what the guardian angel is for. You have a personal one that is allocated just to you. If you look over your shoulder in the Spirit you might see him. Do not try it unless God reveals it to you, but you can be sure he is there.

He is there with you wherever you go. He is there taking care of you all the time.

Moving at Your Decree

I have seen my guardian appear to me on many occasions. He stands there waiting for me to give him instructions. He normally

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stands tall with a sword in his hand, ready and waiting for me to say,

"Go out now and do what needs to be done. Go and accomplish what concerns me, and accomplish what is involved in my life.

Make sure that the provision that I need comes to me, and make sure that all obstacles are removed. Go and take care of it.

Arrange things, go and speak to people and go and organize them. Do what needs to be done, so that what I have requested of God will come to pass in the earth."

As you send forth your decree into the earth by the power of the Spirit, to cause a creation to take place in the earth, angelic activity begins to happen. The angels start to scurry about because things need to be arranged.

Sometimes people need to be moved. Sometimes they need to be persuaded or convinced. Sometimes circumstances need to be changed, and people and obstacles need to be removed.

It could take a lot of arrangement to bring about a fulfillment of what you have spoken out under the anointing.

Angels to Churches and Countries

There is also at least one angel that is allocated per church or per ministry. God does not only allocate angels to individuals. He also allocates them to groups, to situations, to organizations, to cities and countries.

How do I know that? If you look at the book of Revelation you will see that Jesus spoke these words to the apostle John:

To the angel of the church at Ephesus, write ...

To the angel of the church at Pergamos, ... of Smyrna, write ...

Who was the angel of the church? I know that many would like to say,

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"Well he wrote to the pastor. The pastor is what the Bible is referring to there as the angel of the church."

But in those days there was no such thing as the pastor of the church. There was no ‘one pastor’ in charge of the church. The Scriptural pattern was a plurality of elders.

When Paul and Barnabus started new churches, they laid hands and ordained elders in every church. The churches of those days were not confined to a church in a building. It was the church in a community; the church in a city.

Ephesus was a very large city. When God looked down upon the church in Ephesus He did not say,

"There is a church in this suburb, there is a church in that suburb, and there is another church that meets in that building over there."

He looked down on Ephesus and said,

To the church in Ephesus …

They did not have one man in charge of them that John could have written to. No single man could say,

"Well I am the pastor in charge of this church, and therefore I have this message from the apostle John."

John wrote and he declared into the earth to the angel who was in charge of that church. It was the angel’s responsibility to communicate that message to the church in that area. He was a messenger angel put in charge of that church.

I know this might sound different to anything you have ever heard before, but I want you to look at it.

The word angel is the one that is used in the book of Revelation. I can come to no other conclusion except that there was an angel allocated to each church.

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When John wrote that Word and the message was communicated to that angel, he was responsible to make sure that the Word was carried out in the church.

Angelic Authority in the Earth

Be that as it may, angels do not have authority in the earth. Only one person has authority in the earth - a spirit living in a body made from the elements of the earth.

It is man, and man alone has been given authority in the earth. Therefore man must grant authorization to the angels before they can do anything in the earth.

There is the little book of Jude right near the end of the Bible. Not many people read Jude. It is a weird book. It just has one chapter and there is a strange verse in there. Jude 1:9 says,

Yet Michael the archangel, when arguing with the devil he was disputing about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him (the devil) a slanderous accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke you.

Michael did not have authority to rebuke Lucifer. He had to say,

The Lord rebuke you.

This verse just gives you a little bit of insight and some of the background into what took place when Moses died.

The Scripture says that God buried Moses. Nobody knows what happened to his body, but this verse seems to indicate that Satan came to take it.

God had sent the Archangel Michael to make sure that Satan did not take it, because that body is going to be raised up to appear when Moses and Elijah come back in the end times. But that is another subject altogether.

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Angels Respond to the Word

Man alone has authority in the earth. The angels do not. The angels listen only to the Word of God that is uttered in the earth. How do I know that? Psalm 103:20 says,

Bless the LORD [Yahweh], you his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, listening to the utterance of his word.

This is the GBM translation so it might sound a bit different in your Bible. The meaning is the same though. The angels listen to the voice of His Word going out into the earth.

How does the Word of God go out into the earth for the angels to hear it? It goes through human lips. When man speaks the Word of God into the earth the angels pay heed.

So when you speak into the earth those spiritual forces of faith, hope and love, by the rhema Word of God, the angels pick up their ears. They say,

"That’s God speaking there. That’s the Word of God that is going out into the earth. And it shall not return void, but shall accomplish that for which it is sent."

The angels immediately begin to respond to that Word and they act on it.

When our words are rhema words, inspired by God, they become a, ‘thus says the Lord,’ as the prophet gives out his decree into the earth.

The angels immediately respond to that decree. They begin to work to accomplish and cause it to take place in the earth.

Authority in Jesus’ Name

We have authority in the name of Jesus, as humanity in Christ, bearing in mind that we lost that authority in Adam. In Christ that authority was restored because Jesus took back the authority that Adam had.

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Jesus gained even higher authority because,

He was given the name which was above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven (the angels), of things in earth (humans and earthly powers), and things under the earth (the demon forces).

Man has the authority to command the angels in the name of Jesus. We can only do it in Jesus’ name, only in Christ, and only as we speak in Him, through Him and by Him, and send His Word into the earth.

They must obey and they must be servants who come running and say,

"Yes master, what do I do next?"

They must obey His voice; His Word uttered into the earth. So we, as God’s representatives in the earth in Christ, create the authorization. We give the authority for the angels to work.

The angels do not have that authority on their own until we give it to them. And if we do not give them that authority they cannot work. Their hands are bound, they are tied and restricted.

A lot of the time the words that we speak into the earth are negative words of destruction that authorize the powers of darkness instead of the angels of God.

We have to speak God’s words into the earth. When we speak God’s words into the earth, the angels will take heed and obey the words that we have spoken.

When we stop speaking those words, we take away their authority and they become powerless to do anything for us.

They cannot protect us, they cannot watch over us, and they cannot cause our provision to come to us until we speak the words of God into the earth.

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Section 02 – Dealing With Demons

Chapter 05 – Spiritual Forces of Darkness

It is important to remember that Lucifer, the leader of the realm of darkness, is a prince, not a king. Therefore his realm is a Principality, rather than a Kingdom.

We have gotten into the habit of calling the demonic realm the kingdom of darkness. There is nothing wrong with this, but you need to be clear in your mind that the realm of darkness is inferior to God's realm.

God is a king, not a prince, and his realm is called the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Light.

You will see that the highest rank in the realm of darkness is the rank of Prince. This includes Lucifer himself, and other demon forces that he has set in place under himself.

Many have wrongly taught that a demon at this level should be called a Principality demon. But this demon is called a Prince, and he rules over a region on this earth under the main Principality of Darkness.

Even in the natural you would not refer to the leader of such a realm as 'Principality'. You would call him Prince (whatever his name is).

So when Paul lists the different levels of demons that we will look at shortly, the principality demon is more like an ordinary citizen under the supreme leadership of a prince demon.

He is just one of the ordinary demons like ordinary people in a worldly principality. This means that the principality demon is actually the lowest level of demon, and not the highest as you may see taught by others.

I want to make this clear before we look at the various levels of demon, so that you are not confused.

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Four Levels of Demon Power

The Scriptures indicate that there are three different groups of demon forces that occur in the earth.

Paul describes it in Ephesians 6:12 when he says,

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].

Four groups of demonic powers are described there. The first three refer to powers of darkness that are functioning and operating in the earth.

The fourth operates in the spirit realm that Satan functions and lives in. It is his counterfeit to the realm of God.

The Name of Jesus, the King of Kings, is greater than all of these demon powers, and covers the earthly realm, as well as the realm of darkness, which is considered as being under the earth.

Philippians 2:9 and 10:

Therefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him the name that is above every name: So that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, those who are in heaven those who are on the earth, those who are in the world below [the realm of the dead];

Principality and Power Demons

Principalities are small insignificant, irritating little demons. They are the kind of demons that put thoughts of temptation in the minds of man and cause irritations.

They do not have much power and there are millions of them. They are the peasants of Satan’s kingdom if you please.

They are the privates in his army and the ones that do all his grunt work. In the Spirit I normally see them pictured as little monkeys.

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Power demons are somewhat stronger. These are demons that latch themselves on and attack. They cause sickness and disease and such things as drug addiction, bad habits, and bondage in the lives of people.

I usually see these in the Spirit as baboons or chimpanzees. They are slightly larger and more powerful.

Rulers of Darkness

The next level is the rulers of the darkness of this world. This indicates that they are the highest level of demonic power in this world.

Ruler demons are those that control the principality and power demons. The ruler demon is the kind of demon that enters into a person and takes possession of them.

Jesus spoke to the demon in the man that was possessed by the legion. He spoke to the man and the demon answered through the man’s voice. He said to the demon,

"What is your name?"

The demon answered,

"My name is legion, for we are many."

This was one demon that was speaking to Jesus, taking control of the man’s lips and speaking through his vocal cords.

It was one demon power possessing that man. He was a ruler demon, and he had under him millions of power demons and principality demons - a whole legion full.

Jesus began to come against that ruler demon with all his little demons, and all the demons began to speak to Jesus.

They did not speak to Him through the lips of the man. Because only the ruler demon speaks through the lips of a man, when a person is possessed by a demon and that demon takes manifestation.

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But Jesus saw in the Spirit and spoke to those demon powers. It says,

"They all began to beg Him and say, Please can we go into the swine.”

As Jesus cast out that demon, the ruler came out with all his principality and power demons, and they all went into the pigs. The pigs then went mad. They ran over the hill, fell into the sea and drowned.

These are the demon forces that are at work in the world. If you come into confrontation with evil powers, they are the evil powers that you will be dealing with.

Deliverance Ministry

Many people have majored on deliverance ministry, casting out demons of lies and lust and every other form of sin.

They will sometimes spend hours, days and weeks casting out demons one after the other. They identify each little demon, casting them out one at a time.

After each session the person is exhausted, tired and sore. And the person who has been casting out the demons is exhausted.

They are probably hoarse from shouting at the demons. And all they succeeded in doing was getting rid of a few principality and power demons, but the ruler demon is still sitting pretty.

I am not going to go into a lot of detail on deliverance yet, because that will be covered later in this book. I just want to point out that you have to deal with the ruler demon before you can get rid of the principality and power demons.

You need to go to the top. You need to deal with the ‘guy in charge’. Then you can deal with the other demon powers.

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Watch Your Words

These forces are at work in the earth and will oppose everything that you try to do for God.

They will try to counteract the Word that you have spoken by inspiration of the Holy Spirit; the decree that you have sent into the earth. They will try to stop it and block it.

Do you know how they will try to do this? They will do it firstly by attacking you, to try and get you to shut your mouth and change your words. Then they will try to get you to start licensing them instead of the angels of God.

They will try to get you confessing negative things like,

"This is not going to come right and I don’t know what we are going to do. We are in trouble. I just can’t see us getting out of this."

You may need to change your words.

Your angel was working feverishly getting things done. But suddenly the words stopped and he has to start coming home again. Now the demon power is going to start to work.

What do you suppose he is going to work on? He is going to work on destroying what the angel was setting up.

Be very careful to keep your words in line with the Word of God and in line with the decree that has been sent out.

Keep them in line so that the angels of God continue to work on your behalf; so that they arrange and create in the earth what you have decreed and spoken.

The moment you stop they stop. The moment you authorize Satan, he breaks down what has been built up so far.

You need to come against the forces of darkness on a daily basis. You need to daily commission the angels of God to go out and to do what has been decreed in the earth.

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Daily Stand To

When I did my National Army Service in my homeland many years ago I found out something that was very interesting concerning warfare. They found out that there were two times of day when it was most likely that the enemy would attack.

These were, first thing in the morning just as the sun was coming up, and last thing in the evening just as the sun was going down. They explained that if the enemy was going to attack the camp, then those were the times when he would do it.

There was a procedure that we used to follow when we were out in the bush camps. It was carried out every day, first thing in the morning at dawn, and last thing at night at dusk.

The procedure was called a ‘Stand To’, and every soldier in the camp had a place where he would go, forming a circle around the camp.

Each one would have a little place that was dug out where he could go and lie looking outwards, so the whole camp was covered all around.

When you heard the call and the whistle blowing saying ‘Stand To’, you ran immediately to your allocated spot. You climbed in there with your rifle, and you loaded and cocked your weapon so that it was ready to be fired.

From your hiding place you then looked ahead carefully as the sun came up and the light began to show. You kept your eyes peeled for any movement whatsoever that would indicate that the enemy was about to attack.

You stayed that way until the sun came up, and until the whistle blew again and said,

"Okay, stand down. The enemy is not attacking today."

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The same procedure was repeated in the evening just before the sun went down. Everybody would be there, rifle loaded, ready and watching in case the enemy attacked.

A Spiritual Stand To

The Lord spoke to me and said,

"My children need to learn to have a spiritual stand to. They need to stand against the enemy on a daily basis. They need to stand ready, with their rifle cocked, with the Word in their hearts and with their mouths poised to speak my Word.

They must be ready for any movement from the spirit of darkness; ready for any attack from Satan."

First thing in the morning before your day begins, and last thing in the evening before your day ends, stand ready. He will attack during your sleep if you are not careful. Stand ready and hit him before he hits you.

Paul said we must,

Put on the whole armor of God... and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore...

We must stand against the wiles of the enemy.

Jesus said,

The devil goes around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, whom resist steadfast in the faith.

James 4:7 says,

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

This is a spiritual stand to and you should do it on a daily basis. If you do not do it, the enemy will start to get into the camp without you knowing he is there.

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You begin to wonder why your spiritual life is dying. You wonder why your provision is not coming or why your health is growing worse instead of better. You did not stand against him.

You say, "Well I prayed. Somebody laid hands on me and spoke forth healing. God promised me. I saw the manifestation of my provision and my prayer was answered."

Then you sit back and say,

"Okay it’s done. I can take it easy now. We can party tonight. I don’t need to pray."

Be very careful. Don’t ever let down your guard where the enemy is concerned.

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Chapter 06 - Spiritual Wickedness

There is also a group of forces that operate largely in the heavenly realm. Paul referred to it as spiritual wickedness in high places.

In Daniel 10:12 and 13 we read that Daniel had been praying and fasting and waiting on God for 21 days. After that an angel appeared to him and said,

Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to chasten yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty one days: but, look, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

The prince of the kingdom of Persia was a demonic prince that was in charge of the whole worldly kingdom that Daniel was in.

Before that angel could come and get through to him, he was opposed by this high-level demonic power in the heavenlies; a demonic prince of darkness.

Satan has set up his system over this world, and he has princes of darkness over every single area. There are princes of darkness in charge of your country. There are also princes of darkness in charge of your city and your community.

They have all been allocated responsibility to oversee the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness that are in that area.

The Council of Wickedness

It goes up like a pyramid until it gets right to the top. When it reaches the top we have Satan, but not just Satan alone.

Satan tries to counterfeit the Trinity. He always wanted to be like God and he wanted to take God’s place.

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He tried to rise up and take the throne of Heaven until he was cast out. So he has set up a system that copies the system that God has set up.

The Scripture speaks of God as being Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three in one.

Satan has put together three as a governing council to control the realm of darkness which he has tried to set up as his kingdom. He has tried to counterfeit the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is something that is not immediately obvious in Scripture unless you look for it.

The evidence is there, but what I will share with you now is something that God first showed me in the Spirit. And as I saw it in the Spirit, I had to get back into the Word to see if I could find evidence.

If I am to see something in the Spirit, I have to have proof in the Word that it is true, otherwise it is difficult for me to receive it.

Much of what I have shared here are things that God has shown me in the Spirit. And I cannot always give you a clear chapter and verse that says distinctly what I have told you.

But I want you to pray about it and look into the Word, and you will find that the Word does not contradict what I have shared. It is there, but sometimes you have to read between the lines to understand exactly what is taking place.

Confrontation With the Council

The first time I ever had confrontation with the three members of what I like to call the ‘Council of Wickedness’ or the 'Infernal Trio' was at a time when I had been going through intense intercession in the Spirit.

I had been waiting on God on a daily basis to pray and to intercede in the Spirit. I would spend hours on end praying in tongues, doing warfare in the Spirit, and coming into confrontation in the Spirit with the powers of darkness.

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I remember one day that I had been praying earnestly. I had been praying in the Spirit, fighting and doing warfare, when I suddenly saw myself appearing in a room that seemed to be an official council room of some kind.

It was like a round table where people were sitting in council in discussion; like a room where plans were made and issued. As I rose up and stood in that room in my vision I saw three people sitting at the table.

I said, "Lord, what am I seeing now?"

Then my flesh went cold, because I realized that I had come into the very council room; the very throne room of the Prince of Darkness. I was standing in the midst of his council and I had appeared in the middle of their discussions.

They looked at me in anger. They were mad. How dare I come up and appear in their secret council that nobody else was supposed to know about!

But the Spirit of God took me into their council. And He showed me that there are three princes of darkness in the Council of Wickedness.

The leader of the Council is of course Lucifer. The second one reminded me of a character I once saw on TV in a horror movie. He was big, strong, bald and ugly. I looked at him and said,

"Lord who is this?"

He said, "It’s Pharaoh."

"Pharaoh? But Pharaoh was the king of Egypt."

The Lord said,

"Yes, but there is also a spiritual Pharaoh."

He is the one who poses as the god of this world, because Egypt in the Scriptures is a picture of the world. Pharaoh is usually typified as Satan, the leader and the god of this world.

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But the Lord showed me in the Spirit, that Satan has set up one who poses as the god of this world and is in charge of the World System.

He has put him in charge of the economies and monetary systems of the world. All administrative and political functions of the world are controlled by this prince of darkness, who is a spiritual Pharaoh.

Confrontation With Lucifer

I had seen Lucifer before so I knew what he looked like. He appeared to me shortly after God had led me through my prophetic training and had begun to take me into the spiritual realm.

God had led us to move to a coastal city to wait on Him. We were staying in a caravan/trailer park just near the sea, waiting on God and looking to Him concerning direction for our ministry.

One day as I was praying and interceding in the Spirit, a man appeared before me. He was a typical picture of what you would call tall, dark and handsome; a charming good-looking guy.

I had seen angels in the Spirit before, but I looked at him and thought,

"Well he doesn’t look like an angel. Angels are normally dressed in white."

This guy was dressed more in a kind of khaki looking clothing and he had dark hair.

I said, "Lord, who is this?"

Then suddenly I realized who it was. It was the Prince of Darkness himself - Lucifer.

He was charming, handsome and friendly. He smiled as he said to me,

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"What is all this nonsense about ministry and all these big ideas that you have? Don’t you see that you don’t have the capability of doing these?

But listen, what is it that you want? Do you want money? Do you want women? Do you want fame and popularity?

What is it that you want? I’ll give it to you by all means. Just drop this silly idea of yours. Stop all this praying. Just let it go and forget it. You’re wasting your time."

I tell you it was not a pleasant experience. My flesh went cold and I began to cringe. I had dealt with demon forces before. I had cast demons out of people before and been in confrontation with evil powers in intercession.

But now I stood before the Prince of Darkness himself. And who was I to stand against the one that has the greatest power in the Realm of Darkness.

I was filled with fear. I did not know what to do and I thought,

"Lord, I don’t know how to handle this. I had better not upset this guy. He has power and he could destroy me. What must I do?"

Then the Word of God rose up within me.

At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow.

Every knee shall bow! That was the key. I turned to him and said,

"Satan, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow; of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. That includes you, Satan, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Satan, that includes you and you will bow. You will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. You will do it now! In the name of Jesus I stand against you."

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The power of God rose up in me. The Spirit of God came on me and I felt His authority rising up in me. His face began to change as his smile turned to a scowl and he became angry. He was seething mad.

I did not know what he was going to do, but I just laid it on him. I kept laying it on him and saying,

"Bow; bow in the name of Jesus."

He stood there squirming like a snake and then he went down and began to bow. Then he turned around and vanished and he left me.

I know what Lucifer looks like and I have seen him in the Spirit many times. I have also seen a person in this world that looks a lot like him, but I will not mention him.

But I want to tell you that the name of Jesus is greater than the name of Satan. Satan was conquered and defeated on the cross of Calvary.

If you are a child of God, and you have the Spirit of God living in you, you have authority and power in the name of Jesus.

In Satan’s Camp

You may say, "What made you so special that Lucifer would appear to you? Why were you such a big threat?"

I have pondered that question many times myself. I said,

"Lord why me? Why would he appear to me?"

Then I read something one day in a Christian magazine. It said that the particular city that I was in at that time was actually the Satanic headquarters of the country. I was in the Devil’s domain.

I dare say the chances are that the park where we were staying was probably right near where the main Satanists were

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operating. I was in his camp, right there in the middle of his grounds.

I can imagine the demons getting together and the Satanists gathering together to do their devilish things, and they heard a big noise. They probably heard my big mouth coming forth in the Spirit in prayer.

I can imagine they were just doing their thing and they heard somebody say,

"In the name of Jesus..."

They probably said,

"What’s that? Where is that coming from? Who is that? Somebody go and sort it out. We can’t stand the noise."

Lucifer must have gotten really upset, and the demons figured that if anybody could sort it out he certainly could.

But he couldn’t do it, because God had taught me my authority and my position in Christ. I knew the power and authority that there was in the name of Jesus.

Satan’s Chief of Staff

That day as I stood in the middle of the Council of Wickedness, I saw another character that did not look so human. He was a scaly looking creature.

I said, "Lord, who is this?"

He said, "Go and look in Revelation and you will find him described. His name is Apollyon and he is the leader of Satan’s armies. He is the Devil’s Chief of Staff. He is the General in charge of all the demon forces that attack in the earth."

The Lord had shown me in vision that there are these three creatures in control of this world.

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There is Pharaoh in charge of the World System. He is in charge of the economies of the world, and the administrative and political functions.

There is Lucifer, who is in charge of the religious systems of this world and the master of deception.

And there is Apollyon who is in charge of the demon forces that attack the people that live in this world.

He attacks them with fear, doubts and evil thoughts and makes them commit suicide. He attacks them with sickness and disease and makes their lives a misery.

This council is Satan’s counterfeit of the trinity. If you start trusting God for healing, you will be challenged by the forces that are under Apollyon because those demon forces will attack your body.

They will cause pain and suffering and symptoms in your body. They will question every stand that you have taken to trust God for divine health, and for entering into the promise that says,

By His stripes we were healed.

We will look at that shortly when we deal the subject of healing.

Attack from Pharaoh

If you start trusting God for financial provision, you will be challenged by Pharaoh and the World System is going to squeeze you. The economic system is going to squeeze you, and he is going to try to steal everything you have.

He is going to put financial pressure on you and cause temporal things to go wrong.

He will cause everything in the natural world to go against you, to block and to stop any possibility of God providing for you financially. He will try to prevent God from meeting your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

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When you start to transmute from the heavenly realm as I taught in the New Way of Blessing Part 2, it has to be authorized by Pharaoh because he is in control of the finances of the world.

Remember that Satan was given authority in this earth by Adam.

That authority was regained in Christ and we now have greater authority as believers. But as far as the world and unbelievers are concerned, they are still under the control of Satan and his demon forces.

The Council of Wickedness is in control of this World System. If you are looking to the Lord for financial provision, it is going to come through the World System.

The finance that you receive will not come flying out of Heaven. The Lord is not going to counterfeit the bank notes and make them rain down. They will come to you from this world.

If you examine the finances of this world, where will you find them? Where is most of the money in this world?

It is locked up in the underworld. It is locked up in the big crime syndicates, by evil men who own and control, and use their money to manipulate this world.

Let anybody dare to go against their system, rise up and get rich and become a challenge and a threat to them. If that happens you will see them begin to apply pressure.

Let any politician dare to stand up and go against the conspiracy. Let him dare stand up and go against the system. Let him dare to disobey the financial leaders at the top that are pulling the strings and he is in trouble.

They will crunch him. They will squash him and remove him. They will put their foot on him and squeeze him into the ground until he disappears.

You cannot fight the system unless you are a believer. But if you are child of God you have greater authority.

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Dealing With Pharaoh

God sent Moses of old to go to the Pharaoh of Egypt with the word,

"Let my people go that they may go and serve me. Let them go into the wilderness to sacrifice.

Let them take their wives, their children, their animals and their herds. Let them take with everything that they own; all their riches and possessions. Let them go and worship me."

But Pharaoh said,

"No, not under any circumstances."

Again and again Moses had to come against him with plague after plague, attack after attack by the power of God, to crumble and break down that resistance from Pharaoh.

Eventually God had to take drastic action before that power was broken and Pharaoh finally gave in. But even after he had given in, he changed his mind and came back, and God had to work again to destroy and remove his power.

Do not think for one moment that if you attempt to exercise the authority and power of God to bring financial provision into the earth, that you will obtain it easily.

You will not be fighting only simple little principalities and powers or even rulers of the darkness of this world. You will be coming against the god of this world himself - the Pharaoh of this world - who will resist you.

He does not want you to get your hands on money that you could use to extend the Kingdom of God in the earth. He will not let you get a cent if he can help it.

Lay it on Pharaoh

You will have to lay it on him. You will have to release the angels of God to do warfare with him on your behalf.

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You will have to come against him in the Spirit and by the name that is above every other name. You will have to use the authority and power that you have been given as a child of God.

There are a lot of things that you can do in this world that Satan will become upset about, but he will not hit you too hard. But you dare to exercise faith for financial prosperity, and you have declared war on the Council of Wickedness.

Let anyone dare to preach that believers can be wealthy. Let anyone dare to believe that Christians can prosper financially and have the audacity to exercise their faith for financial provision, and they will be found fighting much higher forces than the average believer fights.

You have likely heard preachers proclaiming the word of faith. They teach and encourage people to take the Word of God and the power of God, and by faith to reach out and receive from the Lord the financial provision that they need.

Why should we be doing this? It is so that we can extend the Kingdom of God in the earth. So that God’s people can rise up in power and authority and have their needs met, and so that they can go forth and spread the gospel.

But usually what happens is very different. If someone has a genuine ministry they often have to beg and plead.

They have to coerce the money out of people. They have to work hard to scrape together a few dollars to be able to do the work that God has called them to do.

They desire to rescue people from darkness and bring their souls into the light, but there is no money available. Most ministries have to continually make financial appeals. This is because it is easier to do this than it is to exercise faith and authority.

Doing battle with the Princes of Darkness is hard work, but without it no success is possible. Until the spiritual Pharaoh is forced to give in as it happened with the Pharaoh of old, God’s people will continue in slavery to the World System.

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Chapter 07 - Prophetic Intercessors

God is raising up those who are prepared to take the load of intercession. This is the specialty of those called to the prophetic ministry. They are not to be seen in the visible church making a name for themselves.

Mostly they are in the background, very often unseen, and they rise up and speak the Word of God into the earth. They send forth the decree of God into the earth.

They do battle in the heavenly realm with the demons of darkness. They commission the angels of God to go forth and to release the finances that are needed.

They release what is needed for the Kingdom of God to be extended. And they release ministries to go forth and do what God has called them to do.

It is time that the prophets of God rise up and use the key of authority that God has given them. They are able to unlock the door of God’s blessing and also lock the doors that Satan is using to come in.

It is time that the prophets of God rise up and do what God called them to do, instead of preaching hellfire and damnation to believers.

They often try to be Old Testament prophets who speak judgment on God’s people. Instead they should be speaking the Word of God and the authority of God into the earth, which is what He has called them to do.

Oh that God would raise up intercessors and watchmen on the walls, that would see the enemy coming and remain on stand-to 24 hours a day, so that Satan cannot attack at any time.

It is time that God raises up ministries that would set up intercession 24 hours a day around the clock; to seek the face of God, to speak forth His Word into the earth, and to break the bonds of wickedness.

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It burns in me. There is such a crying need for God’s people to rise up.

Unless the warfare and the battle are carried out continuously, we will go under. We will fall and end up resorting to the worldly way of obtaining money.

We will end up with the pittance that the world is going to dish up. Yet the Lord speaks about the unjust that will lay up treasures, that the just may inherit them.

Go to the Top

It is time that the just start to inherit what the unjust have laid up. It is time that the Body of Christ gets their hands on the wealth that has been stashed up by the Princes of Darkness of this world.

This will only take place as we do battle in the heavenlies. We must speak the Word of God into the earth. We must come against, not the little demon powers down on this earth, but the princes of wickedness in the high places.

You should be coming against the Prince of Darkness that is over your city and over your country. You should be going right to the top and doing warfare with the Council of Wickedness.

You should be coming against the councils on high and frustrating those councils, by the power of the Spirit, by the authority of the Word of God, and by the power and authority that there is in the name of Jesus.

It is time God’s people rise up and go to the top. I do warfare with them all the time, and when I have a problem with finance I do not battle with the prince of my city.

I have occasionally done battle with the prince of the country, but even he is too small. I go to his superiors. I go to the top. I come against Pharaoh and I say,

"Pharaoh, in the name of Jesus you will authorize what is mine. Sign the document. Release it now, in Jesus’ name.

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Apollyon, sign the document, and Lucifer sign the document. God has given this to me. It is mine. I put my foot on it, now get off my land and let it go.

You take your hands off my provision. It is mine and you cannot stop it. You have no right to stop it. You have no authority, because Jesus has taken your power away, and I stand in Him and in His name.

I come against you in the name of Jesus and you must bow, because the authority I have in Him is greater than the authority that you have in the world. He has given me the name to use that is above every other name. You will bow to that name."

It is a heavy warfare; a heavy battle. And if you wish to enter into this kind of ministry, let me tell you, you are not going to be able to play church anymore. You are not going to be able to play being a Christian anymore. You will not be able to say,

"Well I go to the meetings. I go to the Bible Study and to church on Sunday, and we serve the Lord there. I’ll be a Christian during the week and witness to a couple of people. But Friday night is our night to go out and have fun."

The Lord does not have a place in that.

You say, "Once a year we have to go on vacation somewhere. And while we are on holiday enjoying ourselves, the Lord can take a break."

No, you are in a war. When you became a child of God you declared war. You went across to the other side. Do you think that your original master is going to take it lightly?

Do you think that he is going to allow you to become a threat to him? No, he is going to throw against you everything that he has.

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The State of Satan’s Realm

I want to tell you one more thing about the Realm of Darkness that will encourage you.

If you go into the World System you just need to go into a business that has a lot of employees to see it. You need only to go into an open office where many people work together in close communication, and listen to how they talk about each other.

Listen to how they speak about somebody that is rising up in authority and is probably next in command to become boss if the current boss should leave. Let that person take one day’s leave and you will find out what everybody thinks about him.

They will say,

"He thinks he’s something special. Yeah, all he does is visit the boss all the time, and say the right things and do the right things. He’s the boss’s pet. No wonder he’s next in line to be promoted over us."

Have you seen it? Have you seen the bickering and fighting that goes on; the selfishness, strife and vainglory that goes on in the world? Where do you think it comes from? It comes from Satan’s realm.

Satan may sound like he has an organized kingdom. It looks like it is pretty well organized there with the privates and sergeants and the officers going on up the ranks like an army. But every single one hates the other.

They detest each other. There is no harmony there. It is an enforced harmony, and they dominate with fear and terror and control one another. That is how they work. That is how Satan works and you will see it in the World System.

Satan cannot keep it together without working at it all the time. That is why he has to set so many levels of authority; to make sure that each level of authority is controlling the other, because they are vying with each other all the time.

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Why? They got it from their master didn’t they? He was one of the archangels in Heaven and he said,

"I’m not satisfied with this. I want to be better. I want to be the boss here."

His spirit and attitude have been communicated to the whole of his kingdom. They bicker and fight amongst each other all the time.

When Satan launches a special attack against you, it costs him dearly. He has to mobilize a special group of demons and organize them together with special instructions to,

"Go get him!"

They only have a limited time. They only have certain resources available to them. And if they do not come right in that time they are in trouble.

He Has Limited Resources

Satan has limited resources. He is not unlimited and does not have the power of the Spirit of God. He has to work through the demon forces, and the demon forces can only work through men that will give them permission and authority to work.

All we need to do is release the angels of God against them to keep scattering them. All we need to do is bind or restrict them. The Scripture says,

Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven.

If we bind the forces of evil, we interfere with them. It also says,

Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.

As we loose the angels of God to go out on our behalf, they are liberated to work. Satan can only maintain his attack for a limited time.

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You might be able to do nothing more than grit your teeth and hang on, not giving up hope, but biting like the bulldog.

If you refuse to be shaken and moved from your commitment, or to change the words of your mouth, it is just a matter of time before he has to give up. He cannot keep it up. He does not have the resources.

We tend to credit the devil with more power than he really has. I have learned in dealing from the top to the bottom, that Jesus has given us power and authority over all of them.

We have within us the very Spirit of God; the One who created the universe. We have with us the One that has the name above every other name.

Oh if we would just realize what we are in Christ. If we would take our stand against these things, then all we would need to do is to keep speaking out the blessing.

Loosing the Provision

Very often after you have spoken your word into the earth and God begins to move, you see it come out like Lazarus when he came out of the tomb. Jesus said to Lazarus,

"Lazarus come out."

He came out alive, but he was still bound in the grave clothes.

It is so important that you stand firm after you have sent out God’s Word into the earth.

You have spoken the rhema word of creation, and now as the creation manifests you must command your Lazarus to be loosed until he comes free into your possession.

Do not assume that because you saw the manifestation of what you asked for, that it has arrived.

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Do not assume that because hands were laid on you, you felt the power of God go through you and you felt the pain leave your body that it is over.

Even if you could see that you were healed, do not assume that it will never attempt to come back. You must keep standing on it because you will be challenged.

Do not assume that because you have trusted God for finance and somebody writes and says, "I’m sending you a check," that you can sit back now.

Do not let up until you get that check, you have cashed it and have the money in your hands. Satan will try to block it and steal it.

If they had not loosed Lazarus he would have stood there and suffocated to death. He would have died again.

Don’t ever assume anything. We are in warfare. Do not sit back and say,

"Well I won the battle."

Maybe you did win the battle, but the war continues. The war continues until the end when Jesus finally conquers and locks him up in the bottomless pit, until the consummation of all things spoken about in Revelation.

The war continues and we continue to wrestle against these forces.

Do not think that because you got him down this time that he is not going to get up again. He is going to get up and come at you again and again. You have to stay on it.

Yes there will be times of intense warfare, but there will also be times of peace and times of rest. There will be times of celebration.

God doesn’t want us to walk around miserable all the time. God wants us to have fun. He wants us to have holidays and to enjoy ourselves.

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But always do it in His presence and always walking with Him. Always maintain your walk, and always keep your mouth speaking His Words.

God said to Joshua,

This word shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night.

As you continue to do that you are like an army that has conquered a city and all they need to do is to keep it.

They do not need to keep recapturing it. All they need to do is prevent the enemy from stealing it from them and taking it back.

That is why Paul says,

Having put on all the armor, stand.

Stand on the ground that has been won for you. All you need to do is stand. And when the enemy attacks, you ward him off immediately.

Stand-to on a daily basis and continually stand against the evil. Then the angels of God will continue to go out and work on your behalf, causing your provision to come.

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Section 03 – Strategies of War

Chapter 08 – How Apollyon Attacks Us

Isaiah 54:17 says,

No weapon that is formed against you will prosper, and every tongue that will rise against you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, says the Lord.

Revelation 12:10 says,

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now has come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even if it led to death.

I have never been much of a sports person. I guess I was always too weak to do much in team sports, but it is fun sometimes watching sports.

I learned a little bit from watching people playing in team sports. What I learned is that you have two sides that are against each other, and it is a bit like warfare.

So playing a game of sports is actually a lot like a battle. I see so many similarities here when we come to dealing with spiritual warfare.

A Special Sports Event

My mind goes back to a very important occasion that we had in South Africa once. It was when we were finally given the opportunity to play internationally against countries around the world for the World Rugby Cup.

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At that time South Africa actually won the Cup. It was the first time in years that the country had been opened up after the government had changed, and all these countries were allowed to come in and play.

It was a great day in the country. There was excitement and everybody was glued to their TV sets that day. They even had a specially painted jumbo jet flying over the field, announcing this wonderful final match.

South Africa had worked their way right up in the finals. And now they were playing the final match that would determine whether they were going to win the Cup or not.

I remember that the team that they were playing against had some strong players. There was one guy especially who was on the wing.

When he got the ball and he ran there was just no stopping him. We knew for sure that this day he was a marked man. Everyone knew that if you had to do anything it was to stop that guy from getting the ball.

The poor guy didn’t know what hit him that day. He barely got to touch the ball and he was down. Ten guys at a time were on him.

Know Your Opponent

Why did this happen? Because by the time they had gone through the whole series and reached that final point of the test, it was obvious by now what the strengths and the weaknesses of the opposing team were.

They had gotten to know each other pretty well. So they had learned to build the two most important things that there are in a game.

The same things apply to warfare. The first one is to build a good defense. You need to stop the enemy from getting in and winning. You must stop the opposing team from scoring.

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The second one is to make sure you break through their defense and score, because that is how you win.

Using Attack and Defense

I am really not that clued up on sports or on warfare. But I have enough sense to know that you do not win a game simply by defending.

You may defend yourself the whole time and prevent the other team from scoring. But you will end up with a score of nil/nil at the end and nobody will win. It will be a draw.

If you want to win the match you are going to have to score. You will have to stop your opponent from scoring. But you are going to have to score to go one better if you want to win.

It is the same principle in warfare. There has to be an attack as well as a defense. So I would like to look at this as we go further into this subject of spiritual warfare.

We have looked at some of this already in the last section when we considered how Satan has set up his system. We have learned a little bit about his tactics and a bit about his team and how they are set up.

In this section I would like to now look a little more at how he actually launches his attack. We are going to look at his modus operandi and see how he actually goes about attacking the church.

But we are going to go one step further than that. We are going to find out how we can hit him back, how we can overcome his attack and how we can be victorious over him.

Satan’s Council of Wickedness

We looked in the last section at how the Kingdom of Darkness is set up. We saw that it is structured in such a way that as it goes up we have three individuals right at the top.

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Satan has always wanted to be like God. He wanted to rise up above Him.

The only way he could set his kingdom up to look the same is by setting up a counterfeit of the trinity. So he set up his Council of Wickedness right at the top with three individuals.

There is Lucifer himself, Apollyon who is the leader of his armed forces as it were. He is Satan’s Chief of Staff or general. And then there is Pharaoh, the god of this world. He is the one who dominates the World System.

We saw that each of these has a separate function. Apollyon is the leader of the demon forces that attack.

Pharaoh leads the World System and everything that the whole structure of this world stands for. The finances and economies of the world are under his control.

Then lastly Lucifer is in charge of the religious systems of this world, and he is the master of deception.

Three Working As One

In this chapter I would like to look at each one of these. I want you to realize that when you come to dealing with each one, it is difficult at times to separate them.

Satan has tried to counterfeit the trinity. You cannot touch the Father without going through the Son and without being influenced by the Spirit.

The three work together. And so in a sense we cannot deal with one aspect of Satan’s kingdom without somehow being involved with the others

This is because that is how he has tried to counterfeit it. He has tried to counterfeit Apollyon as taking the place of the Spirit of God, Pharaoh as the Son of God, and he himself being the counterfeit of the Father.

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So as we look at this I want you to realize that although we are looking at one aspect, you will be involved with all of them and all of their forces at the same time.

Apollyon’s Tactics

Let’s start then with Apollyon. You read about him in the book of Revelation. He is the leader of the forces that come out of the bottomless pit.

I am not going to go into that too much. But I want you to realize that Apollyon is involved in every single attack that comes directly against us as individuals.

I want to look firstly at the tactics that he uses, then we will look at how we can deal with them.

I want you to realize that Satan and his forces do not have authority to simply attack us and destroy us. If they could do that they would have destroyed us already.

If Satan could hit you as a believer any time that he liked; if he could affect you physically, he would have done it already. If he could snuff your life out he would have done it already. He does not have that power unless that power is given to him.

Attack on the Mind

The first battleground that Satan is going to work in will be your mind. He cannot touch your spirit because the Spirit of God lives in your spirit as a believer.

He cannot get in there. He can only get as far as your soul and he has to hit your mind. If he can hit your mind he can affect your emotions. And if he can affect your emotions he can control your will.

So that is what he will try to do. If he can, he will try and infiltrate and get a demon to come and be resident in your body in order to try to control you. But he will start with your mind and will block what God has put within you.

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We have looked in The New Way of Blessing: Discovering Your Blessing at how there are powers or forces in the recreated human spirit.

They are the forces of faith, love and hope; the power that is released from the Spirit of God within through the human spirit. It is the authority and power of God that a believer has to release into the earth.

That power is deadly and Satan must stop it at all costs. He will start by blocking it and locking it into you. He does this so that you cannot get it out.

Satan’s Weapon of Fear

In the New Way of Blessing we looked at how we could build spiritual templates. This was so that we could build a template by which the power can be released outwards.

Satan wants to block that template and create his own. He wants to lock the power in, so he will do it firstly by attacking your mind. He wants to block the release of those spiritual forces.

How does he do it? It doesn’t take very much to destroy the power in your spirit. It just takes one little thing - fear. Fear is the force of the Kingdom of Darkness, just as love is the force of the Kingdom of Light.

How much fear does it take to neutralize your love? I liked an illustration somebody gave once. This person said,

"Imagine that you put all the ingredients together and baked a beautiful cake with delicious icing. It is a lovely looking cake, but somebody slipped a spoon of fine sand into the ingredients.

It was just one spoonful and they mixed it up with the ingredients. You bake the cake and when you cut that piece of cake you can’t see the sand.

It looks beautiful and you take it and start to eat it. You have a lovely big bite, you crunch down on it and what happens?"

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Oh boy just the thought of it gives me cold shivers. Having sand in your teeth is horrible!

What are you going to do? Are you going to eat the cake and say,

"Well I’ll just ignore the sand and eat the cake."

The cake is spoiled. It is ruined and is no use whatsoever.

I want to tell you, it just takes a little teaspoon of sand to spoil a whole cake. And it just takes a little bit of fear to take the edge off your faith, your hope and your love.

That is why Satan’s first attack on you will be fear. And when he produces fear in you he will immediately interfere with the flow of the anointing that comes out of you. He will discharge and diffuse you, and you will lose your power immediately.

Attacking You Physically

He will attack you physically through sickness and disease. Again this is to produce fear.

I want you to think about something here. You are sitting minding your own business and not interfering with anybody, and suddenly you get a pain in your chest. What is the first thing you think?

"I’ve just got a pain in my chest. Maybe it was something I ate."

Is that what you think? No, you more likely think,

"Is it my heart? Am I getting a heart attack? What is happening here? I have a pain. Somebody, please call the doctor quick!"

It is fear, and if he can put fear into you he will destroy your faith. That is the first weapon that he is going to bring against you, and he will come with his demon forces and attack your mind.

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He actually doesn’t even need to go any further than that. If he puts enough fear into you so that you lose faith, you begin to open the door through fear. You then give him license to destroy.

The Example of Job

In the Old Testament we read about Job, that great man of God. At least that is the way he is portrayed.

He was so faithful in serving the Lord. But do you know what he did every day? Because his sons and daughters went out and had parties he figured,

"Maybe they sinned and cursed God."

He was so afraid for them that he would go and offer a special sacrifice for them every day in case they sinned. And later on when everything went wrong with him he uttered those famous words,

The thing that I have greatly feared has come upon me.

Fear will open the door for Satan to come in and throw everything that he has at you. It is the key he will use to unlock your door any time he likes. How are we going to deal with it?

There are other areas that he is going to bring fear in. He will tell you that you have failed. He will tell you that God is mad at you and that you have lost your salvation.

He will put fear in you, and you will begin to doubt whether the Lord cares. You will wonder whether the Lord is going to even answer your prayers.

Satan has been doing that from the beginning hasn’t he? When he came to Eve and he said, "Has God said?" he was putting doubt in her mind to try and destroy the Word of God.

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Chapter 09 – Your Spiritual Armor

The Scripture says that we have been equipped to deal with Satan’s attack. In Ephesians 6:14 to 18 we read about our spiritual armor. It says,

Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the [rhema] word of God: Praying at all [kairos] times with all kinds of prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and remaining alert in it with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

I am going to go through this passage of Scripture very quickly and look at the pieces of the spiritual armor.

Gird Your Loins with Truth

Paul says,

Stand therefore, having your loins girded with truth.

What is truth? It is something that is largely non-existent in most peoples’ lives. So what is truth?

You say, "Well truth means we don’t tell lies."

No, truth is a lot more than that. The Scripture tells us that the Bible is the Word of Truth. It tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.

I want you to know that truth is the very essence and nature of God. In the same way that love and light are His nature, so God is truth.

He doesn’t just tell the truth. Truth is the very essence of His being. And when God speaks and sends out that attribute of His

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through His Word into the earth, that truth produces faith. It produces power.

Satan, the Father of Lies

When you take away truth you get the opposite. You get a lie, and a lie will produce fear. What does the Scripture say concerning Satan? Jesus said,

He is a liar. He was a liar from the beginning. He is the father of lies.

God cannot tell a lie. And Satan cannot tell the truth because he is a liar. He will come to you and say,

"You have cancer. You are going to die."

He will say to you,

"Something is going to go wrong with your child. You are going to lose your job and will get into trouble."

When you start believing his lies, what does it produce? It produces fear. But when you go to the Word of God it says,

My God shall provide your needs.

The Word says,

By His stripes you were healed.

When you believe that Word, what does it produce? It produces faith.

I have learned that when the devil comes with his lies and puts fear in my heart, instead of giving into to that fear I stop right there and say,

"Hold it, God didn’t put this in me. That thought didn’t come from the Lord. It came from the enemy.

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If Satan is telling me that things are going to go wrong, and if he is a liar, then that is a lie. So it is not going to go wrong! Just take your lie and get out of here. I will not accept it!"

You say, "But what if he’s telling the truth?"

He cannot tell the truth. He is a liar. And when he comes with his lies that produce fear in you, you reject it right there and you take the truth of God.

Satan will tell you that you are cursed. But God says that you are blessed. Truth produces faith. Lies produce fear. We have to be girded with truth.

Lying Produces Fear

Think about something. What happens when you tell a lie? You start to get worried that you are going to be caught out.

Why did you tell the lie in the first place? Because you were afraid and tried to get out of trouble. Somebody confronted you with something and said,

"Did you do that?"

"Who me? No I didn’t do that."

You are responding in fear. And now you live in fear that someone is going to catch you out and find out that you told a lie.

The fear just goes on and on. Then Satan comes and adds an extra pressure on you and says,

"You miserable rotten Christian; don’t you know that you lied, and that’s a sin?"

You now have accusation as well, and there is more fear because now you have failed God.

You think, "What is God going to think? He is angry with me."

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So now you are afraid to come into His presence. You need to put on the truth. Make up your mind to always tell the truth.

The consequences of telling a lie are far greater than you realize. That little white lie that you told opened the door wide for Satan to come right in, to accuse you and to put more fear in you.

It just takes that tiny little grain of fear to destroy your faith. It is not worth it so don’t do it.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Scripture says we are to,

… put on the breastplate of righteousness.

What is righteousness? Everyone seems to think,

"If I am to put on the breastplate of righteousness, I have to now become righteous and holy. I have to stop sinning and deal with sin in my life.

I have to stop doing this one thing and start doing that other thing. I must work hard at this in order to get rid of sin in my life."

No that is not where your righteousness comes from. The Bible says that your righteousnesses are as filthy rags in the sight of God. But there is a wonderful Scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that says,

For he has made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

It is the righteousness of Christ; the robe of His righteousness. It is the work that He has done on Calvary for you that makes you righteous.

What do you do when Satan comes with his accusation? Do you sit and argue with him and say,

"No I didn’t do that!"

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Sure you know you didn’t, but that is not your argument. Your argument is,

"Look to Calvary. Devil, do you see that guy hanging on the cross there? Do you see that blood flowing down His side? That is the price of my sin.

I stand righteous before God, not because of anything that I can do, but because of Calvary; because of the shed blood of the Lamb."

The Scripture says,

If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Put on your breastplate, otherwise Satan is going to hit you right there and attack you. He will attack you where your heart is and where your emotions are.

You will feel down and miserable. You will feel condemned and depressed because you failed.

Your righteousness is of Him and of Him alone. Only Jesus is the One who has ever been righteous and never sinned. Only Jesus is able to give you the gift of righteousness.

Does the Bible say that? Yes it does. It says in Romans 5:17,

For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in [zoe] life by one, Jesus Christ.

Those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Him, that is Jesus Christ.

You will reign in life through Him. Why? Because you have received the gift of His righteousness. And if it is a gift you did not have to work for it. Put on your breastplate otherwise Satan is going to hit you.

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The Gospel of Peace

You need to put on the shoes of the gospel of peace. What does gospel mean? It means good news; the good news that brings peace.

The world is full of turmoil. Peoples’ hearts are full of turmoil. They are full of worry, anxiety and care and they need peace.

Well the good news is you do not need to worry. You can have peace. The good news is Jesus has done it all for you. The blood of Calvary has cleansed you from your sin and you walk in His righteousness. The good news is,

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

Satan cannot come with his accusations, because when he does it I say,

"Hold it devil you are too late. I have already heard the good news."

When he comes with his bad news I say,

"Tough; I have already heard the good news. Take your bad news somewhere else. I beat you to it."

It is the good news of the gospel that will bring you peace. It will bring you peace instead of restlessness, condemnation and anxiety, wondering whether you failed and whether God is mad at you.

You are wondering if He will not answer your prayers, and if He is going to take out the stick and judge you. That is what Satan will tell you, so you had better put on the good news of peace.

The Shield of Faith

You will also have the shield of faith. The Scripture says that the shield of faith is used to,

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… quench the fiery darts of the wicked.

No matter what he fires at you, you just quench them with faith.

What is faith? It is based on the Word of God. Faith says,

"I believe what God says."

The devil says, "You are going to hell."

You say, "The Bible says I am going to heaven. (Wack) Take your dart."

Satan says, "You are sick and you’re going to die."

You say, "The Scripture says, By His stripes I am healed. And even if I do die, I’m going to heaven."

Take your shield of faith to quench every single fiery dart that he sends at you. It is the Word and the Word is what we believe.

When you believe the Word you walk in faith, and nothing that he can throw against you will be able to overcome your faith. Faith can overcome all things.

The Helmet of Salvation

You need to take the helmet of salvation. What is salvation? You might say to me,

"Salvation means I’m born again and I’m going to Heaven. I don’t need to go to hell anymore."

If that is all you have in salvation I feel really sorry for you.

You say, "I am going to struggle along in this Christian life, hanging in there and trying as hard as I can. I hope I am going to make it.

One day I will make it to Heaven. Then I will walk the streets of gold and there will be plenty of everything that I need - lots of money, no sickness and disease."

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There are so many songs that have been written about Heaven. I do not care about Heaven and I don’t even think about it. What do you want to go to Heaven for? Right now you are probably thinking,

"Oh boy that is heresy."

I am too busy enjoying the Lord down here. And when I get to Heaven one day I am just going to continue what I started down here. You are just trying to hang on and make it to Heaven.

Salvation is a lot more than that. Jesus purchased redemption for us from all the effects of sin - not only from hell, but from sin, from sickness and disease, from poverty and all the afflictions that Satan would bring on you.

In this world we have been redeemed from those things, and now we can walk in victory in the spiritual life.

In the Old Testament we have the story of how the Israelites went from Egypt into Canaan. We read about how they crossed the River Jordan to get into the Canaan land.

It is a beautiful spiritual picture that is full of symbols and allegories. And the most common allegory that people have used is that Canaan is Heaven and the River Jordan is the river of death that you have to cross over to get to Heaven.

Well if Canaan was Heaven I do not want to go there. They had more enemies there than they had in Egypt.

No, Canaan is the normal Christian life; the victorious spiritual life. Canaan is what God has for us right here and now.

All we need to do is go in there, put our foot on the land and tell the enemy to go. Then we can take the blessings and privileges that God has for us in Christ Jesus.

That is what our salvation is. It is a full salvation. If you want to learn more about this I have covered all the privileges of salvation in my teaching entitled The Doctrine of Salvation.

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The Sword of the Spirit

You are to take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. The interesting thing about the Greek there is that it says,

… the sword of the Spirit which is the rhema of God.

It is not the logos of God; it is the rhema of God. Yes, we can use the logos. Jesus used the written word, the logos. But the logos has to be put in your lips and become an active rhema spoken word before it is of any power.

When Satan came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness Jesus spoke to him and said,

Satan, it is written ...

When He said that there He shot a laser beam right in his stomach. I can see the devil just doubling over every time he got one of those. That was painful for him.

You have the power to use the Word of God. But you had better believe it before you open your mouth to speak it.

Because you see when you put it in your mouth and you speak what you believe, you will send out the strongest laser beam there could be in the Spirit.

When Satan comes with his lies say to him,

"Satan, it is written... The Word of God says... The Lord says..."

You will sometimes get an even more powerful rhema as a prophet of God, because the living Word of God will rise up in you. It will come out as a,

"Thus says the Lord... You had better be careful Lucifer, because I have authority over you in the name of Jesus."

That is going to hit him hard. It is an offensive weapon that we use to attack him with.

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Use the Blood

Do you know what people do when they come under attack? They plead the blood.

They say, "Oh the blood, the blood, the blood ..."

What does that do? It tells the devil,

"This guy doesn’t have a clue where he is at. Let’s hit him with all we have. He is so full of fear that he is pleading the blood. He doesn’t know the Word or where he stands."

Yes the blood is very powerful and we are going to speak more about it. But pleading the blood the way people do it, is not the way to attack Satan. It is the way to run away and try and hide.

It is because you are covered with the blood that you can stand up and say,

"Look here, Satan! You see the blood? That blood stops you from touching me. Now I am going to get you."

That is where you stand in the power of the blood, not by saying,

"Oh, the blood, the blood ..."

You have power and you are protected because of the blood, so use it.

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Chapter 10 – Using Prayer to Overcome Satan

The Scripture says that after putting on all the armor we should pray with all kinds of prayer. King James says,

… praying with all prayer.

The Greek there means all kinds of prayer. There are different kinds of prayer, which I covered it in some detail in my book entitled Functioning in Prophetic Office.

I spoke there about the 4 p's of intercession, using four different words beginning with 'P' to describe these different kinds of prayer.

The first one is praise. The second one is penitence. The third one is petition. The fourth one I called prophetic in my original teaching, but there is actually a better word than that. It is proclamation.

Using Praise

Praise is an offensive kind of prayer. You put on your spiritual armor, and instead of just defending you launch an attack with praise.

You say, "Hallelujah, praise you Lord."

The devil cannot stand praise. Do you know why it gets him right there where it hurts him the most?

Because praise used to be his job and you have now taken it away from him. It turns him green with envy.

He was created as the Archangel Lucifer, and his job was to lead the worship angels in Heaven in praise and worship to God.

When we now begin to lift our hearts in praise and worship to God, it releases a power and an authority in the Spirit that Satan cannot stand because he wants the praise.

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He doesn’t want you giving it to God. He wants it and he is green with envy because of it. He wanted so much to rise up and become like God so that everybody could stand up and say,

"Glory to Lucifer."

But it never happened. And today he is still trying to make it happen in the Satanist movement. He is attempting to get people in this world to worship him as God.

But it will not happen, because the church of God is rising up and bringing praise to the One who sits on the throne. Hallelujah!

Let’s pray our prayers of praise and the devil will get mad. He will get upset, frustrated and angry. We will use his own weapon on him, and he will become so afraid that he will not be able to attack you.

He will come with his big ideas of attacking you. But as you start to praise, he will want to get out of there right now. He will say,

"I don’t feel comfortable here. I think I’m going to go somewhere else."

He will soon be gone because it will drive him away.

The Power of Praise

How do you praise? You put the Word in your lips and you take your sword and send it out in praise.

When you start to do this you send laser beams out in so many directions that Satan cannot even get in edgeways. Because you see you can’t be afraid while you are praising.

I can praise the Lord and say,

"Lord I thank you that my needs are provided."

When I do that I am so busy thanking the Lord for providing my needs that Satan does not get a chance to say,

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"Do you know that you are going to be poor and you are going to starve?"

While I am praising the Lord for my healing, he cannot come and say,

"You have cancer."

You say, "Sorry devil but can’t you see I’m busy? Hallelujah I’m healed, now get out of here!"

Keep praising Him, because you see praise takes your eyes off the world and your problems. Instead it lifts them up to the Lord and to what He has promised, to what He has done, and to what He is going to do.

The Prayer of Penitence

Next there is the prayer of penitence. The devil hates that one, because he comes at you and says,

"You’ve failed, you’ve sinned and God is mad at you. You are a miserable, rotten second-rate believer you. How dare you call yourself a Christian!"

If he can keep you there, beating yourself up all the time with condemnation, you are not going to accomplish anything. And when you are done you say,

"You’re right. Oh Lord I’m a sinner, please forgive me."

He has just lost his power. What is he going to tell you now?

"Yes, but don’t you know you also did that?"

"He is right. Lord, please forgive me. I receive cleansing now in the blood of the Lamb."

You just defuse him all the time when you pray that way.

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I see so many Christians who are walking in guilt and condemnation. They are trying to figure out where they have failed the Lord.

All you need to learn to do every time you do something that makes you feel guilty, is to stop right there and say,

"Hold it, the Scripture says, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Have you ever tried confessing your sin and felt like the Lord did not forgive you? I have had that experience.

You say, "Lord, forgive me."

Then a voice comes and says,

"But you did that five times today already, and now you want to come and ask for forgiveness again? And you know very well that you are probably going to walk out of here and do it again.

Then you are going to come to Him again and ask Him to forgive you. Do you think He’ll forgive you? Every five minutes you are sinning, then you want to come and ask Him for forgiveness?"

You say, "Yes, because His Word is true. And He said if you confess your sins He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins. And He won’t only forgive you, but He will also cleanse you from all unrighteousness."

Every time you come to the Lord and confess your sin you stand on that Word and you say,

"Devil I don’t care what you say, the Scripture says that He has forgiven me. I don’t care if I don’t feel forgiven, just get out of here."

When you do that his power is broken.

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Prayers of Petition

There are prayers of petition which include the prayer of faith. This is where you stand on the Word of God and say,

"Father you promised this in your Word. And I stand on your Word by faith now and receive the answer."

Satan will come and say,

"No you won’t because you’re going to die."

"This is going to go wrong in your life and that’s going to go wrong."

I just turn to the Word and I say,

"Father, I stand by faith in your Word and in accordance with your Word and your promise. Lord you are not a liar. You are a God of truth.

Your Word is truth and I believe your Word. Therefore I stand in faith on the promise of your Word that my need will be met."

When you do that Satan’s power is broken and he has to get out of there.


Finally there is proclamation. Proclamation is the one that you can use especially if you are a prophet.

It is where you can take the Word of God in your mouth and use the authority that God has placed in you as His prophet in the earth. You use the golden key that He has given to you to release a proclamation into the earth.

But you can even do this as a believer, because Jesus told us to do this in what is known as the Lord's prayer.

You use it to declare,

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"God says, Come Thy kingdom! Lord, your kingdom come upon this financial lack and upon this physical problem. Your kingdom come upon my situation. Your kingdom come upon my bad relationship."

Speak it forth into the earth. Satan’s work is destroyed, his power is broken, and he has to get out of there fast.

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Chapter 11 - A Look at Pharaoh and Lucifer

I have just been dealing with Apollyon and his forces that come against us. But as I said, if we are touching Apollyon we are touching Lucifer who is the leader.

Pharaoh - Leader of the World System

We are also touching the other things that he has used. And so the second one we need to look at very quickly is Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh of Egypt is a picture in the Scripture of Satan. We have Egypt being a picture of the world, Pharaoh being the leader of Egypt, and Satan being the god of this world.

But Satan has appointed his own Pharaoh. Pharaoh is his right hand man who dominates this World System.

What does that World System want to do? It wants to do you like a sausage machine. It wants to make sure you get churned out looking just like the last guy - all the same and all into its mold.

I used to love watching the machines that do plastic extrusion. You take a blob of molten plastic, squeeze it in the mold and blow it up. Then out comes beautiful plastic bottles, all looking the same.

They are all squeezed and put into the same mold and they all come out identical.

Satan has a mold for you and he wants to squeeze you into that mold. Romans 12:2 says,

And do not [continually] follow the pattern of this world: but [continually] change by renewing your mind, that you may recognize [dokimazo] what the will of God is, that good and pleasing and perfect will.

I think it is the Phillips Translation that said,

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Do not let the world squeeze you into its mold.

That is what he wants to do. He wants to squeeze you into his system. He is going to make you fit into the way he has set things up in this world. And if you fight it, he will put pressure on you.

If you try and take a different shape to the shape he has decided for you, then he will put pressure on you. He will put political pressure, legal pressure or financial pressure on you.

He will use every single part of this World System and the way it is set up. He will try to make your life a living hell, until you conform to the way he wants you to go.

Victory Over the System

You just dare try and kick against that, and trouble begins to happen. Try it some time and you will find yourself in trouble. But you know what is great about us as believers? We have victory over the System.

Where did Satan get authority to set up the System? He got it in the Garden of Eden when Adam gave it to him. That was when the curse of Adam was introduced into the world and all the pressures of life came into the world.

But the Scripture teaches us that in Christ, who was the last Adam, our authority is restored. Not only that, but because Jesus is lifted up above what Adam was, our authority in Christ is even greater than what Adam had.

Adam had authority in this world, but Jesus bought that authority back. He took it back from the devil again and snatched the keys from him. And now He gives His kids the keys to play with.

He says, "Come on, here’s the keys to the devil’s house. Go in there and have some fun. Go and smash a few of his things."

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Authority Over the System

He has given it to us. He has given us the power that there is in the name of Jesus. He has also given us the authority to take the faith, hope, love, and the spiritual power that is in us by His Holy Spirit, and overcome the World System.

We can speak against it and demand that the World System yield to us the things that Satan is stealing from us. It must release the financial pressures that it is bringing on us.

It must give us recognition in the world, to cause man to bow to us instead of bowing to this World System. It should be that way instead of us bowing to man and humbling ourselves in the sight of man.

Way back in the Old Testament, God said to the Children of Israel,

You will be the head and not the tail. You will be above only and not beneath.

That just related to Israel, but we have far more than Israel had. We are sons and daughters of the living God.

We have authority to overcome the World System, not by working hard or by getting into politics and trying to get authority and power.

No, we are going to overcome it in His name. And we are going to overcome it by faith, and by using the authority and power that He has given us.

Lucifer - Master of Deception

I want to go on now to Lucifer, the master of deception. He is the one who puts doubts in our minds concerning the Word. This is like what he did from the beginning when he said,

"Has God said?"

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The first thing he begins to do when he comes against you is he says,

"Has God said that by His stripes you are healed? Has God said that your needs are provided according to His riches in glory? Has God said that? Well of course God didn’t say that."

He Twists the Word

It becomes obvious to you that he is talking nonsense if he says,

"The Word of God is just a load of fables."

You know that the Word is not that. But he will just twist it a little bit and he will say,

"Yes, most of the Bible is the Word of God, except for that part. That one was put in by somebody else.

You need to realize that this was just a letter that Paul wrote to one of his churches and he gave us his opinion there. Hey it’s like any preacher standing up and giving his opinion.

He could be wrong you know. You can’t take that as the very Word of God. It is the word of Paul. And it was Peter who said, By His stripes you were healed. That wasn’t the Word of God."

Biblical Criticism

Bible scholars go into different levels of what is known as biblical criticism. You get higher criticism. This is the obvious one that says that the Word of God is all just writings of man.

But lower criticism is the dangerous one. This is the one that partly accepts the Word as true, then goes on and says,

"Well it is quite obvious from this letter that Paul didn’t write all of this. Can’t you see there is a difference in grammatical style between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2?

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Obviously it must have been two different people who wrote this. It is probably a whole bunch of writings that somebody picked up. They put it together into a book and called it Paul’s epistles."

You begin to have doubts and start to wonder if it is true.

Then they sit and argue about translations. They say,

"Well you can’t accept that translation, because the older manuscript disagrees with the newer manuscript. Therefore this version is better than the other version, and the King James version is the only one the Lord and the disciples used."

People begin to haggle over these silly little things, and what is happening in the end? You begin to doubt the Word of God.

That is the way Satan works. That is Lucifer’s master trick, to get you to doubt whether God’s Word is true.

When you begin to doubt the truth of God’s Word and you stop believing the truth that is in it you lose faith. And if you have lost faith you have lost everything, because everything you have in the spiritual life came through faith.

Religious Thinking

If that doesn’t work he will go into some religious thinking. And here is the main religious thinking he will put on you. He will say,

"You are going to have to work hard to earn God’s favor."

Do you know that in all the religions of this world they have one thing in common that distinguishes Christianity from religion?

Do you know what that is? Every other religion of this world teaches that you have to work your way up to earn favor with God.

But you know what Christianity teaches? Christianity teaches that God came down to man. There is a big difference.

True Christianity teaches that God came down to man and took upon Himself human flesh. He died on the cross and shed His

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blood for us, and He paid the supreme price and the penalty for our salvation.

Satan will come in and he will say,

"Yes that is true, you can’t save yourself. You must become a Christian. But once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, don’t think that you are just going to Heaven now.

You are going to have to work at this one. If you want to earn God’s favor and blessing you will have to work hard at it.

You will have to deal with sin in your life. And you will have to hold on tight, because the spiritual life is a tough life. If you don’t hold on tight you will not make it to Heaven."

Then he moves into the Pentecostal camp and he gets them to teach,

"If you haven’t spoken in tongues you are not going to Heaven. Not speaking in tongues means you are not saved. That’s it, brother."

Do not think that Satan does not have his place in the Evangelical Charismatic church of God. He has his foot right in there. He has wormed his way in, just like in COIN warfare where the enemy infiltrates the camp.

He has corrupted, diluted and distorted the true grace of God and the Word of God that says that Jesus came to die for us; that He paid the penalty and did a finished work.

Then we add the extra bit that says,

"The work is not finished. We have to finish it for Him."

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Chapter 12 – Attack from the World and Man

Using Legalism

Legalism is one of the most destructive things in the church of the living God. Do you know what legalism does? It takes away your faith, because it says,

"I haven’t shaped up. I have missed God’s standards, so I don’t have a right to come boldly into His presence and say, ‘Hey Lord I have a need here.’

If I do that God is going to say, ‘Do you want to ask me to meet your need with the way you have been living? Your life is lacking. You are full of sin, and you want to come and pray to me and expect me to bless you?’ "

Lucifer is a liar from the pit of hell. Watch out for it. He is alive and active. Do not think he is only active in the religions of this world.

Yes he is there. He is very militant in some of the major religions that are set to get us and destroy Christianity at all costs. But he has added these extra little things in as well.

Government Influence in the Church

One of the biggest things that he has added is what started way back in the early Catholic and Protestant days. This was where you had the unity between church and state.

What did that mean? It meant that the government dictated what happened in the church. It meant that the king was the head of the church, so he decided what was the right thing to do in church.

He decided how worship was to be regulated and governed, and the church tried to tell the king what to do. You see it was kind of joined together.

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You say, "Well thank the Lord we don’t have that anymore."

Are you dreaming? If you want to establish a church organization, do you know what you will have to do? You will have to register with the State.

You will have to declare what it is that you are going to be doing. You will be on record. And you will have to let the government know about the finance that comes in.

You might say, "Oh yes, the government is going to give us tax free status."

Well they were the ones who put the tax in, in the first place. God didn’t, so sure they are going to give you tax free status.

On the one hand it looks like they are giving to you, but they are controlling you. They are holding you and know all about you. So people are bound by a System.

You say, "Yes, but I can’t get a marriage license unless I am registered. I can’t go into a hospital to visit sick people unless I am registered."

The control is there. You do not have the liberty to serve the Lord and work for Him without some kind of control, because Satan has a finger in the pie.

He has it right there. And the church system has become so corrupted and so wrapped up in the World System that it is controlled by the enemy.

I don’t care what kind of church you are or how much you move in the Spirit. At the end of the day you are still not free to do as you please. You are being controlled by a World System.

Satan knows your number. He knows where you are at. And when the time is right he is going to put the right kind of pressure on you.

And then just to make sure that nobody goes off and bucks the System, Satan reaches right in there. He takes the very

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standards that God has set and he twists them, because God has spoken concerning spiritual leadership in the church.

God has spoken concerning shepherds and elders who are leaders in the church. He has spoken about submitting to those who are above you in the Lord. And Satan puts his finger right in there.

The Shepherding Movement

I remember an upsurge of a movement that became known as the Shepherding Movement. Most of the young people have probably never heard of it. But older folks have heard of the Discipleship and Shepherding Movements.

It was set up in such a way that the shepherd became a supreme authority. He dictated to and dominated the flock and controlled it.

It was totally contrary to the Word of God, but it sounded good. But the true ministries that were rising up in the Body of Christ were squashed and were not allowed to function unless the shepherd said so.

Well it worked up into a pyramid didn’t it? And if Satan wanted to control things, he did not have to control the whole Body of Christ. He just controlled the top dog.

If he could get the wrong guy into the top, or as far as he was concerned the right guy, he had control of the church. Can you see the System? Can you see how subtle the deceiver Lucifer is, that he sticks his fingers right into the church of God.

Peter wrote in 1 Peter 5:1 and he says this:

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

I want you to notice he is speaking to elders. He says in verses 2 and 3:

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Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, oversee them, not because you have to, but willingly; not for what you can get out of it, but with an eager heart;Not dominating those under your care, but becoming models to the flock.

Does that sound like the picture of your typical pastor? Sad to say it doesn’t. We see all too frequently those who have risen up into leadership in the Body of Christ, who are not applying these very simple principles here.

There are men who have risen up and their motivation has become colored by money, position, fame and fortune, and the desire to dominate and control others. That is the World System. It is not the pattern that God set in His church.

The world has crept into the church of the living God and Satan is visiting your church. He is right there.

He has put his claws into it and he is controlling it. And he is preventing every single member from moving into their full potential.

If you are a prophet you will know what I am talking about. You just rise up and try to speak the true Word. But try and speak a, "Thus says the Lord ..." that goes against the System, and you will be kicked out.

Why? You are not fighting against man only but against something far higher than that. You are fighting against the master deceiver himself who has put his influence right there in the church of God.

Meditate on the Word

How do we deal with his tactics?

The first thing you will have to do is meditate on the Word. Speak it, think it and pray it.

Fill yourself with it until you are saturated with it, so that when Satan comes and says, "Has God said?" you can say,

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"Yes He has said. Now just get out of here right now because you are a liar."

The Word rises up in you, and like Jesus you say,

"Yes He does! It is written..."

He will not stick around for long. He will have to go and think of another trick to use on you.

Then he will come and say, "But the Bible says..." He loves to quote the Bible. He tried that on Jesus didn’t he?

"The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not...’ Yes, you did that didn’t you? ‘Thou shalt...’ You didn’t do it, did you?"

Then he begins to come and accuse you and he says,

"Don’t you know that it’s a sin to do that? And you did it didn’t you?"

The Scripture speaks about a law that is higher than the law of the Old Testament. It is the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which has made us free from the law of sin and death. God said,

I will write my laws in their hearts and in their minds.

It is the law of the Spirit of God which rises up within you, and you know that you know that you are in right standing with the Lord. And when Satan or someone comes to accuse you, you say,

"Yes, devil you are right. I did it, but the Lord has forgiven me."

The Influence of Love

The Spirit of God rises up and God speaks to you. And instead of condemnation and law that comes down and hits you like a hammer, there comes the gentle, loving voice of the Savior.

He says, "I love you."

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You say, "Yes, Lord I love you too."

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, Lord I love you."

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, Lord I do love you."

"You know, I would be much happier if you didn’t do that."

"Oh Lord, would you?"

"Yes I would."

"Lord, I love you so much. I wouldn’t want to hurt you in any way. I’ll gladly give that up. Your love is worth far more to me than that.

It is no big deal, Lord. I’ll gladly give it up for you. I’ll throw it away right now. It means nothing to me. Your love means so much to me."

Isn’t that a different motivation altogether? It is a gentle, loving wooing, where you can see the pain on His face when you do something that is out of order.

It is not the condemnation or the judgment, but the pain on His face and the weeping. The motivation is that you do not want to hurt the One that you love.

It is not the condemnation that comes and pushes you, judges you and hammers you, then it hammers you again.

Lay a New Foundation

How are we going to break free of the worldly system that has come into the church of God? I am afraid there is only one way we are going to do it. We will have to build a new building.

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We will have to lay a new foundation. We will have to set up a new structure that is based on God’s pattern, on His Word and on His order. If you are a prophet, that is what God has called you to be.

At this very moment in time God is about to transform His church. He is about to raise up those whom He has called, equipped and trained to be His master builders, to lay a new foundation.

They are to pull out the correct blueprints and to rebuild the building the right way. God’s end time apostles are about to be manifested. They are there in the wings. waiting to come out and show themselves and to lay that new foundation.

The Apostolic Movement

If you are a prophet you are being called right now to birth that new move in the Spirit. You are being called to speak forth and declare the Word of God.

You are to bring forth that new move; that new building and house of God that Satan will no longer have a control in. And when you are finished doing that, some of you will become those very end-time apostles.

Some of you will move higher up into office in that very thing that you have birthed in the Spirit. You will be an active part of building and laying that new foundation.

The Role of Prophets

Those who are not apostles will have another job to do. Because when that new foundation has been built and the house has been erected, do you think Satan is going to stand by and watch?

Do you think he will not try and creep in and infiltrate, to break down the walls as you are building them up? He will try, but the prophet of God has been called to protect the house of God.

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I am not talking about the church building. I am talking about the Body of Christ. The prophet of God has been called to be a watchman on the walls and to protect it.

In the next section I am going to show you exactly what you are meant to be doing as a prophet as far as spiritual warfare is concerned.

This is because you are going to bring forth the new building. And then you will have to protect that new building to make sure that it stays intact.

Satan Uses Man

I want to end off now on the final means that our attack comes from.

We have seen how we are attacked by Apollyon and the demons of hell, and how we are attacked by the World System under Pharaoh.

We have also seen how Satan has set up the religious system to prevent us from entering into all that God has for us. But Satan has a far more powerful force than that which he uses. That force is mankind.

You say, "Well man is not very strong. What can he do to me?

Surely the devil and his demons are so strong and powerful. I tremble in fear when I have to face Satan and his hoards and his high level demons. How can I be afraid of man?"

You see you have already begun to believe Satan’s lies. I want to tell you that Satan has no power in the earth other than the power of attacking your mind.

He has no authority or power in the earth until it is given to him by the person who has the full authority in the earth. Who is that? Is it God?

You might say, "Well God has allowed Satan to attack me."

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That is another one of Lucifer’s heresies that people are believing and preaching everywhere.

You say, "Look at Paul. He became lifted up and proud, and God gave him a thorn to humble him."

"How did God do it?"

"Well He allowed the messenger of Satan to attack Paul. God used the devil to do His dirty work because He didn’t have the guts to do it Himself."

Man Has the Authority

That is nonsense. God created man in His own image, and He gave man the authority in the earth. The Scripture says,

There is no temptation overtaken you but such as is common to man.

Satan can only work with that which is common to man. He can only use the authority that has been placed in man. And if he is going to do anything in this world he has to get authority from a man.

He got that authority initially from Adam, the federal head of the human race. Adam gave him the authority, and until he did that Satan could do nothing in the earth. He had no power in the earth and had to find a man who would authorize him.

Today the same thing still applies. How do you think Satan works through the World System? Does he do it through demons? No, the World System works through man.

The world is human but it is under his control. Satan works through man in a physical sense in that way. But he also works through man by tapping into the power that is in the spirit of man.

He wants to tap into the very power that God gave to man. Because only man, being a spirit living in a body made from the

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elements of this earth, has the full authority to decree and to release power in this earth.

God works exactly the same way. He works in the earth and He does it through man.

That is why God had to become a man. It is why Jesus had to be born very God and very man, in order to bring back into the earth the authority that God wanted to originally use through Adam.

God wanted to restore us to that same power and authority. And if Satan wants to do anything in the earth he has to do it through man.

So what does he do? He gets man to speak words of fear and condemnation.

He gets man to release the power of his spirit through words combined with the demon force that is in it. He speaks it into the earth to release a power of destruction against the Body of Christ.

Counter With the Word

We do not have to accept that. We are human, but we also have a greater spirit within us. We have the Spirit that created the universe.

We have the very power of God dwelling within us. We don’t just have our ordinary human spirits, a weak little demon spirit or an angel, but we have the living Spirit of God dwelling within us.

We can open our mouths and say, "Thus says the Lord..." And when we speak forth His Word into the earth, we can counter any word that man can speak against us.

Instead of the curse that has come from the lips of man, we can now speak the blessing of Almighty God.

The blessing is greater than the curse, because you are redeemed and you are in Christ. And when those words come

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against you from man, you can send them right back where they came from.

I received an email once sharing about conflict that Christians were having against Satanists.

The Satanists were marching and speaking words against the believers and against the Kingdom of God. They were praying and fasting to release power against the Body of Christ.

A lot of people mock that and they say,

"So the Satanists are praying to Satan? So what! Satan has no power. He can’t overcome God. We are going to pray to God and they are going to pray to Satan, but we’re going to win."

No the Satanists are not praying for Satan to come and do something. They are authorizing him to do it. They are adding the power of their spirit to the power of his demons and they are releasing a very real force against the Body of Christ.

Don’t kid yourself; it is a very real force. But it is not strong enough to overcome the force that can come from the lips of a child of God speaking under the anointing power of the Spirit of God.

Licensing People Against You

We stand there and mock it and say,

"The devil can’t touch me."

Yes he cannot touch you, but he will license human beings against you. He will license the World System against you.

Do not sit back and just assume. Do not simply use defensive warfare any longer, but be on the attack.

You can overcome his kingdom. Take the keys you have and go and open his gates. You go and plunder his kingdom. The strongman is bound. You do not have to worry about him. You can walk into his house any time.

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The spirit of man becomes contaminated by the spirit of Satan and the demon forces of darkness. And when man allows Satan to take control of him, he releases a force from his spirit that will contaminate your spirit if you allow it to.

You can become contaminated from the spirit of another person. You need to learn to break spiritual links with every single person you come into contact with that might have a curse operating in their lives.

If you don’t do that the curse begins to contaminate your spirit and Satan begins to get a hold in your life.

You need to break spiritual links with your parents so that family bondages are not passed down through you. You need to break links with your children so that you do not pass it down to them.

You need to break links with your spouse so that if Satan attacks the one it does not affect the other. You also need to break links with other Christians who have opened the door to the enemy in their lives.

He Uses Persecution

The last thing that Satan will use man for is persecution and martyrdom. He will try and destroy you. He cannot kill you or touch you in the Spirit. He cannot do it unless he finds a human channel to touch you.

He will raise up people against you and will make people angry with you. He will make people speak words against you, and they will persecute you and oppose you. In some cases they will even try to kill you.

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Chapter 13 - Overcome With Boldness

Blood Covenant Relationship

We do not have to be defeated. We are more than conquerors.

Do you know why? Because we are in Blood Covenant relationship with Almighty God.

Blood Covenant is such a wonderful study. We have also covered it in The Study of Salvation. We are in relationship with Almighty God through the blood of Jesus.

If we are in covenant with Him it means that we belong to Him, and everything that we have is His. It also means that He can call on us at any time for anything that we have.

But it goes both ways, because being in covenant with Him we can have everything He has. And we have a right to demand His power, His help and assistance when we are in trouble.

What gives us that right? I can assure you that it is not because of our own spirituality. It is not our own sinlessness, but the blood of Jesus that purchased our redemption.

The Scripture says that the finished work of Calvary gives us the right to come,

... with boldness into the holiest place.

In the Old Testament the high priest could only walk into the Holy of Holies with the blood of lambs, goats and bulls.

But when Jesus died on the cross He said, "It is finished." And when He yielded up His spirit, the veil of the temple was torn in two.

The way into the Holy of Holies was then opened up for us to go into any time we like, because we come covered in the blood.

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So when you come into the presence of the Lord in prayer, when you are under attack and you are in warfare against the enemy and the spirits of darkness, you need to come by the Blood Covenant.

I have learned when I come into the presence of the Lord and I have needs, I do not come saying,

"Oh Lord, I’m trying to serve you as hard as I can. Please will you help me?"

No, I come into His presence saying,

"Father, I do not come in my own strength. I do not come in my own ability or in my own righteousness, but I come because of the blood."

You can read it in Revelation. It says,

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

I come into His presence and I say,

"Father I’m in Blood Covenant with you. I don’t come by anything but the blood. I come because I am in covenant with you, and I come boldly into your presence.

Father you said this in your Word, and it is part of your covenant conditions. Father you said you would provide my need, but my need is not being provided.

I want it now. I put my foot on it and I reach out and take it. And Father I know that you will honor your Word because I know that you will always honor the covenant."

Boldness is Powerful

You say, "But that’s being cheeky. That is coming to God with arrogance."

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No it is not; it is coming to Him with boldness. And when I come to Him like that I feel such a surge of the anointing. I see the Father standing up and saying,

"Yes! I have been wanting to hear somebody say that. Come on in; what do you want?"

I see Him rise up and say,

"You have been coming to me wallowing and groveling, moaning and groaning. But I want you to come by the blood. I want you to come by the covenant.

When you do that I will never refuse you. I cannot refuse you because my Word is truth and I cannot tell a lie. I promised that in my Word.

I want you to remind me of my Word and I want you to stand on my Word. I don’t want you to take no for an answer because I am not going to give you no for an answer."

No Insecurity

You have people who are so insecure though. They will come and ask for something and they will ask for it like this:

"Well um, I don’t suppose you would really want to give this to me, huh? Um, it’s all right. Don’t worry; forget it."

They will go off and you will stand there asking,

"What was it that you wanted?"

"No... no it’s all right."

I remember hearing a joke a long time ago. My Dad told it to me and I thought it was so funny. I can still remember it.

There was a guy who had a flat wheel along the road. The trouble was he did not have a jack to jack up the car and change the wheel to put his spare on. So he had to walk to the nearest

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house which was several miles down the road, to go and see whether he could borrow a jack.

As he was walking he began to think,

"I wonder if these people are friendly. They might not take lightly to just having a stranger arrive at their house.

Actually come to think of it, most of the people around here haven’t been very friendly. The chances are they are probably going to be mad at me.

Yup, I’m pretty sure of it. I’m sure when I get there they’ll be mad at me for knocking at their door and they will probably say, ‘Argh, why don’t you put a jack in your car? Now I have to help you with my jack!’ "

These thoughts began to go through his mind and he started to picture it and think about it more and more. He thought,

"Yup I know it. They aren’t going to lend me the jack."

Eventually he arrived at the house. He walked up and knocked on the door.

The person opened the door and said, "Hello," and he shouted,

"You can keep your jack!"

The Word of Your Testimony

That is the way we do the Lord sometimes. We have believed the lies that Satan put in our minds. And we have meditated on that instead of the Word of God.

Meditate on the Word, then open your mouth and confess the word of your testimony. I shared this Scripture earlier on from Revelation.

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

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What is the word of your testimony? The word of my testimony is,

"I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am in Blood Covenant with Almighty God through Calvary, through the shed blood of the Lamb."

That is my testimony. My testimony is that I can have all of God’s resources. All the resources of the heavenly realm are available to me in Christ Jesus.

The word of my testimony is Satan is defeated. He doesn’t even have the keys to his own house anymore.

He has no power over me. He has no authority over me because of the blood.

Open your mouth and say it. Speak it out and the devil is already starting to run.

Use Humor Against Satan

There is one more thing that I like to do with Satan and I am going to share this in closing. He does not have a good sense of humor. Did you know that?

Satan doesn’t have a sense of humor. So I like to take the Word and show him how the Lord just beat him round the face and made him look a total fool. When I am done then I laugh at him. I say,

"Ha ha, do you know what Jesus did on Calvary? Devil are you going to try and tell me that? You’re kidding. Ha ha ha, you stupid idiot!"

I want to tell you that he runs out the door with his tail between his legs. He can’t stand it. Try it some time. Next time he comes with his big roar and his big lies, laugh in his face. Say to him,

"By the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony I am going to overcome. You can come to me with your demons Satan.

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Apollyon, you can come at me with all that you have. But I want to tell you, the greater One is living within me because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Pharaoh, greater is He that is in me. You are not going to put pressure on me. I serve the King of Kings.

And Lucifer, He is going to beat you again and cast you into hell. You are defeated, and you know what? I am going to help Him. Now you had better get out of my face, otherwise I will do to you what He did."

If you believe it and he knows you believe it, he will get out of there. And better still, he will not give you any more trouble. Amen.

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Section 04 - Bringing Deliverance to Others

Chapter 14 - Basics of Deliverance Ministry

Romans 15:30 to 32 says,

Now I appeal to you, brothers, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the [agape] love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in [your] prayers to God for me; That I may be delivered from those that do not believe in Judaea; and that my service which [I have] for Jerusalem may be accepted by the saints; That I may come to you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.

2 Timothy 4:18 says,

And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom. To whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

We come now to the next teaching on spiritual warfare, and in this section I want to deal with some more practical issues.

We have dealt with a lot of theory and principles up until now, but now I want to deal with some practicalities. Deliverance ministry has become a big thing these days. It is a keynote ministry in many quarters. You will often ask somebody,

"What kind of ministry has God given you?"

They will reply,

"I have a deliverance ministry."

So what is a deliverance ministry and what makes it so special? What makes it different to any other one? The minute I hear somebody saying something like that, I know straight away what is in their mind.

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They are into casting out demons and into the demon thing. I know that it will be a matter of moments and they will start talking about the devil, demons and spiritual bondage.

Deliverance Ministry

Everyone wants to cast demons out of people because it gives you a feeling of importance. It makes you feel superior when you can argue with a demon and tell him what to do.

He has to listen to you because you have authority. It makes you look very spiritual and very righteous.

You say, "After all, if I have authority over demons there is no sin in my life; there can’t be."

But is deliverance ministry really Scriptural? We have touched on it a bit already, but I want to speak about it more here.

Another ministry that has proved very popular these days is the ministry of intercession. You ask people what their ministry is and they will say,

"I am an intercessor."

Usually when a person says that, most of the time what they are saying is,

"We have a church prayer meeting and I take part in it."

Or they say, "We have a group of ladies who get together once a week and we pray, so that makes me an intercessor."

Intercession Ministry in Warfare

I am not going to share on intercession too much here, except so far as the warfare aspect is concerned.

Most people do not know what true intercession is. And when they move into it many of them try and get in over their heads. They do not have the faith to pray for the healing of the common cold, but they want to change world events.

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They want to pray for the President or for the people in China. They want to change the world, but they cannot even change their own lives.

There is a lot of confusion on how to handle demon powers in prayer. And when people start moving into the ministry of intercession, it does not take long before they fall flat on their faces.

They do not know what has hit them, because they started getting involved in things that they know nothing about.

So I want to look at warfare in the correct context here, and I want to begin by looking at personal warfare. We are going to start off on that, then go into the main thrust of what I want to deal with, which is warfare on behalf of others.

Know Your Enemy

Up until now we have been dealing in quite a lot of detail on how Satan works, on what we are in Christ, and on how we are to handle his attacks in the Lord.

We saw that you need to know your enemy if you are to overcome him. Just like in a game of sports, you need to know your opponent and you need to be aware of his strengths and his weaknesses.

You must know your position in Christ and be aware of what you are capable of. If you don’t you will be like one of those arrogant little guys who wants to go and take on the bully.

You will be deceived into thinking that you are strong enough to fight this big guy, and all you can do is reach up to his knees.

We saw that we have people like that spiritually. You need to know how to overcome the attacks of Satan.

We have dealt with that in a lot of detail insofar as it relates to us individually, with personal attacks in our spiritual lives and how to overcome them.

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A lot of the time people can handle that fairly well. They can overcome personal attack against themselves. And they can believe God for solutions in their own lives.

But when it comes to now getting into warfare on behalf of somebody else, overcoming Satan and his demons in the lives of other people, it is a whole new thing.

Helping Others Get Victory

I want to deal with a few of these. I want to look at the various aspects of how we can become involved in helping other people to break through to victory.

The first way I want to look at is in praying and counseling with individuals. Here again the first mistake that people make is they do not understand how demons work.

We have all heard the stories, like the story of The Exorcist. We have all the little comics and tracts that have been put out through the years about a person who was demon possessed.

They had to fast and pray for weeks before they could come and deal with the demon.

Finally they came against it. There was a big struggle and they cast the demon out. Then the demon went straight into somebody else who was standing nearby. When you see this or read it you start to think,

"Oh boy, I don’t want to be in one of those meetings where they cast demons out. I am beginning to wonder whether the demon is headed for me.

Who is he aiming for? When the demon comes out where is it going? Is it going to come into me when I’m not looking?"

It would be funny if it was not so pathetically true that people believe this. There is fear and more fear created when people speak about deliverance ministry.

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I loathe the term. You will not find it in the New Testament. Our whole ministry is a deliverance ministry. That is what we are called to do. Paul said the gospel is,

... the power of God unto salvation.

What is salvation? The Greek word ‘sozo’ stands for everything, including deliverance. Deliverance is not a unique, special ministry. It is part and parcel of what we should be doing.

It includes healing the sick, casting out demons and overcoming every work of darkness. It is not a unique, specialized ministry that gives you the ability to cast demons out of people.

Satan Only Enters Through Sin

You need to understand how a demon comes in if he is there. He can only come in one way, and that is through sin.

Satan entered this world, and the authority that he has in this world began in the Garden of Eden. When Adam sinned and gave Satan that authority, that is when he entered in and began to dominate and control mankind.

It is still the same today. Satan can only gain entry through sin. He has to be given a license to drive. He is not going to drive your car unless you give him the keys.

But do you know what most people are doing? The devil comes roaring at them and they say,

"Do you want my keys?"

Then they hand their keys to him out of fear. They are giving it to him because he is so strong. People are afraid to get into warfare in the Spirit because they think the devil is so strong.

There are some deliverance ministries that are quite happy to deal with the puny little principality demons. But let them come into confrontation with a real high level demon and they do not know what to do with it.

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They do not really know their authority in the Lord. They just know that they can speak to a little demon and he will listen. And they become so bold and so arrogant as to think that they can maybe walk into a séance and break it up. Don’t you dare try that!

We Can Overcome Sin

Christians have been born again by the Spirit of God. They have been redeemed and set free, and they do not need to bow to Satan. Yes, we still sin and we still fail. But the Scripture says,

If we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin, and we have fellowship one with another.

We have victory over sin and we have a cure for it. The Scripture also says,

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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Chapter 15 - How Believers and Unbelievers Differ

I will deal shortly with how Satan gains entry through sin and how we need to deal with it. But I want you to know that there is a difference between demon possession in a Christian and demon possession in an unbeliever.

When I first saw manifestations of demon possession in people that I knew were born again, Spirit-filled believers I was confused. I thought,

"How can a demon be in the same place as the Holy Spirit? How can they both live in the same vessel?"

I was confused because the manifestations looked the same. The demon would still take control of the person’s body and still speak through the person’s lips. How could it be?

I began to look to the Lord for answers. Was there a difference between a Christian who was demonized and an unbeliever who was demonized?

I began to keep my eyes and ears open. And I started to speak to Christians who had manifestations of demons, where demons took control of their body and spoke through their lips in manifestation.

I remember one person who described it to me so beautifully. He said,

"It’s as though I was standing there listening to myself speak. I could not control it, but I was fully aware of what was happening."

Answers in a Book

After this incident I bought a book. It was written way back by a man called Raphael Gasson and was called ‘The Challenging Counterfeit’. Even though it is fairly old it is still available today. I have found it on the Internet.

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Gasson was a spiritualist minister. He was ordained to the ministry in the spiritualist church. He considered himself a Christian and was ‘in the ministry’. He prayed and preached, and he exercised spiritual gifts, except it was not the Holy Spirit.

Raphael Gasson met somebody the one day who practiced Black Magic and Witchcraft. And in his estimate his spirits were good spirits because he was a Christian and he believed in God.

The other man however was an ungodly atheist. He was a vile, horrible man, and he was convinced that this man’s spirits were evil spirits and that his spirits were good spirits. This man challenged him and said to him,

"Your spirits and mine are the same."

He said, "How can it be? You are an ungodly man. You don’t even believe in God. I’m a Christian. I believe in Jesus and I pray."

The Challenge

The man said, "Okay let's do an experiment. We’ll have a séance together, and you and I will both go into a trance."

The way that would work is they would allow themselves to come under the control of the demon. The demon would enter in and possess them and take control.

After it was over Raphael Gasson said something that just stood out at me. He said,

"We had to have reliable witnesses sitting in on the session, because when the demon took control I lost consciousness."

He said, "I don’t know what the spirit said through me. I had to have reliable friends and witnesses to sit by and to tell me afterwards what the spirit said through me.

When the spirit takes control of me I am not there anymore. I don’t know where I am. I lose consciousness, and only when the spirit lets go do I become conscious and regain control again."

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The witnesses proved that their spirits were buddies. They were great friends and had a good time together. The bad man’s spirits and his spirits knew each other.

Of course they did; they were the same demons. But I realized that in an unbeliever Satan has total control of the person all the way through. In a believer Satan has limited control, and demonized believers are only controlled up to a certain level.

Satan takes hold of the body but he cannot get into the spirit. He cannot take control of the real person. There is a difference, and that difference makes all the difference in the world when it comes to dealing with demons in people.

Casting Demons out of Unbelievers

You say, "But Jesus cast demons out of people."

Jesus did not cast demons out of Christians because there were no Christians before Pentecost.

You say, "The disciples did it."

Yes, it was the same thing. You will not find any record in the Acts of the Apostles of the disciples casting demons out of Christians. They cast out demons and healed the sick when they preached the gospel. It was a sign ministry that took place.

But you see there is a difference. People try to argue this way and they say,

"Well a Christian cannot be demon possessed."

Then they try to use the word ‘oppression’ as opposed to ‘possession’, and they say,

"A Christian can only be demon oppressed. He can’t be possessed."

Well the word ‘possessed’ does not exist in the Greek. The Greek word is ‘demonized’. It has nothing to do with possession or

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ownership. Externally it looks the same, but internally there is a difference.

The Christian comes under a demonic attack. And yes a demon can even enter into his body and take control of it. It can take control of his lips and make him say things.

I have seen people like that who suddenly gain a supernatural strength. It takes several people to hold them down. They become strong and they hiss and do all sorts of weird things.

They curse and they argue back. And sometimes even their voice begins to change. Then you know quite clearly that it is not that person you are speaking to. It is a demon that has taken control of their body.

You need to know how to deal with that when it happens, and I will be showing you that shortly. Apart from understanding how demons work, you also need to know how to discern their presence.

Demons do not always take control of a person’s body like that and manifest themselves. In fact they only do that as a last resort.

Lust and Lies - Signs of Control

How can you tell if a person is being influenced by demons or if demonic forces have begun to control that person’s life?

There are two common failures or weaknesses that tend to be manifested in the life of a person when demonic forces are at work. These are lust and lies. I am sharing this from experience.

Do you see a person who has an uncontrollable problem with lust? Do you see a person who has a problem telling the truth? Start suspecting there is some demonic control in their life. The Scripture says,

Satan is the father of lies.

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When he takes control of people he begins to manifest his nature. People become compulsive liars. Sometimes they also become kleptomaniacs. There are various little symptoms like this, but look out for anything compulsive.

You don’t have to go around now looking at everybody and saying,

"Oh yes, I can see he’s lusting after that woman there."

"You have a demon in you."

Watch out for that one. I am just giving you symptoms to look for, just to give you an idea that you may be up against something. The only time really you will need this is if you do not have the correct discerning of spirits.

Look for uncontrollable fleshly habits. Sin is in us and we all walk in the flesh at one time or another. We all fail, and the three roots of the flesh of bitterness, lust and covetousness are there.

They give manifestation to all the works of the flesh which you can read about in Galatians 5. But every time a person does that you do not say,

"Oh yes, I can see the demon of lust there. There is a demon of covetousness there and a demon of lying there."

You would have to cast demons out of everybody all the time.

Do Not Go Overboard

There are people who go overboard all the time on that. I am sure you have seen them on the Internet. They are always casting demons out of people. We visited a site once and we had a good chuckle about it.

You know if it was not so serious it would have been funny. But they were on about all the demons that we pick up all the time, and we have to keep having demons cast out of us.

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They were playing a tune called ‘Oh the Blood of Jesus’. It is a lovely song and I know the devil hates it.

They said, "If you hate this song and it gets on your nerves, then there is a demon in you."

I hate music playing on a web page anyway. I do not care what tune it is, I become irritated so I must have had a demon in me.

They said, "If you try to print these things out from our page and the printer packs in, it is one of two demons named Boyce or Boise."

I guess one person saw the name one way and another one saw it the other way, so they spelt it differently and figured it must be two demons.

I don’t know what it was, but it was ridiculous. So next time your printer packs in, cast the Boyce demon out of it and it will come right. That is really absurd.

Do Not Get Paranoid

I am not saying Satan does not interfere with our equipment. We have dealt with curses.

We have shown how destruction is part of the sign of a curse and Satan can interfere with these things. But we can become so paranoid about demons that we find them everywhere.

Do you know how far you need to look to find a demon? They are all around you all the time and you do not have to look for them. Of course they are there. There are millions of them everywhere.

But do you know what? The angels outnumber them two to one and I would rather see the angels wouldn’t you? And the Spirit of God overwhelms all of them, and He is everywhere all the time.

The best way to detect the presence of demons obviously is by the gift of discerning of spirits. I have dealt with this gift and how it operates so I am not going to repeat it here.

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God will reveal to you in various different ways, the existence or the presence of an evil spirit in the life of a person. You can then deal with that demon force. And you will also know by the gift of discerning of spirits whether that demon has left or not.

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Chapter 16 - How to Deal with Demons

How are you going to deal with a person if it seems that there are demonic forces at work? You might say,

"Well we have to cast it out. The demon came in so we have to get him out."

So the first thing people start doing is to come against that demon. They say,

"Spirit of lust, come out. You demon of homosexuality, come out."

The person begins to splutter or yawn, puke or gurgle; or do something irregular.

You say, "Yup, that’s it. That’s the demon. Come out!"

They start shouting a bit harder. Then after a bit of a struggle it seems like the demon has left and you think,

"Great; victory was accomplished."

Take Away His License

No, that is like stopping a guy and making him get out of his car.

You say, "Okay, I’ve made you stop driving on the road now."

But you did not take away his license. He has the right to get back into any car he pleases and go driving on the road again. Satan has been given license by that person to control his life, and you have no right whatsoever to take it away from him.

Do you mean to tell me that any police officer can pull any motorist off the road, take his driver’s license away, cut it up and say,

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"That’s it; I am taking your license away just because I feel like it."

No, it has to be done legally. And you cannot take the license away because you never issued it. That person issued the license to Satan and gave him permission to come in. You have no right to tell the demon to get out.

No Arguing

I really struggled with this when I first began to see demon manifestations. I would see people in the church who were Christians. They would come forward for prayer and the demon would take control.

They would fall down on the floor, and the preacher would come and argue with the demon and say,

"Demon, come out in Jesus’ name!"

The demon would talk back through the person and say,

"No I won’t."

"Yes you will."

"No I won’t."

"Satan, you’re coming out!"

"No, she’s mine."

"No she’s not. She belongs to Jesus."

"No, she doesn’t. She’s mine."

"Satan you’re a liar."

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You have Given Him Permission

Yes he is a liar, but he is right because she gave him permission. Who are you now to tell him to get out when she has given him permission to stay?

I struggled with this. I would see this mighty man of God that I looked up to. He was a man that I knew had the Spirit of God and the Word of God in him; a man who knew his position in Christ.

This mighty man of God would tell the demon to come out. He would argue and struggle with the demon and the demon would refuse to come out. I would look at this and say,

"If he can’t do it, what chance do I have of dealing with a demon in somebody if this mighty man of God can’t get the thing out?"

It really bothered me, and I began to look around and read books to find out if everybody had this problem. I remember one of the first books that I read that began to drop it in place for me was called Like a Mighty Wind by Mel Tari.

It was the story of the Indonesian revival. Mel Tari was speaking about Indonesia and how it was gripped in the power of Satan, of darkness and Witchcraft. He knew how to deal with demons because he grew up with them. He knew all about them.

He began to speak about how people needed to renounce the hold that they had given to Satan; how they needed to break family generational curses and get rid of their idols. And how they needed to take back the ground they had given to Satan.

As I read that I said,

"Yes, that is what it is. That person has to take back the license that was given to the demon, otherwise the demon will not leave.

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Close the Door

The Lord showed me that it is like coming to a tree that is full of birds. You beat the tree and shake it to make the birds fly away. But if the tree is still there the birds will come back again.

When I first moved into the deliverance ministry I saw this happen all the time. I would pray with people. I would struggle with them and go the usual route of,

"Demon come out."

"No I won’t."

"Yes you will."

"No I won’t."

"Yes you will."

Eventually I won; I could shout louder. At least I thought I had won. I would struggle until the person was exhausted and I was exhausted and the demon was exhausted. And I was stronger than the demon, so he eventually gave up and left.

When the person stopped struggling I assumed the demon was gone. But next week he was back and he was back with vengeance.

No, deliverance ministry cannot be accomplished by casting out demons. You have to deal with the entry point and you have to close the door.

Two Aspects to Bondage

The Scripture says in James 4:7,

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

There are two aspects to bondage. Firstly, when you sin you affect your relationship with the Lord, and there is a barrier that

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comes between you and the Lord. He doesn't put it there; you do.

You begin to have a guilty conscience, and you find that you cannot commune with the Lord freely.

But what you also do, particularly if you become involved in occult sin, is you invite a demon power to come and reside with you; to come and live in your body and to control you.

Now what you have to do in terms of James 4:7 is,

Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

You have to deal with both sides. You have to come to the Lord and confess your sin and make right with Him.

You have to do that first before you try and deal with the devil. If you invited him in through sin, the sin question has to be dealt with by the blood of Jesus Christ, and it has to be done by confession. So you must deal with that first.

And now that you have made right with the Lord, do not assume the devil got the message. Do not assume that now that your sin is dealt with and you have closed the door, that Satan is no longer there.

He was already inside when you closed the door. So you need to just open the door again and kick him out. Then close it properly so he cannot come in again.

You have to turn against the devil after you have made right with the Lord. You have to take back the ground that you gave him. You need to kick him out and renounce the hold that you have given him.

Signs of a Curse

Sometimes someone else has licensed the hold that has been given by Satan against you. It could have come down through family members back to the third and fourth generation.

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That influence has now come down into your life. You need to renounce and break that tie so that Satan no longer has any legal hold on you.

Then sometimes, as a result of curses that have been spoken against you or because of curses that have come through contamination from other people, Satan has also been given license against you.

So when you renounce Satan’s hold, you need to deal with all of these areas. You need to deal with every entry that you have given the enemy, and you need to deal with every single curse that is against you.

You need to break spiritual links with anybody that you have made contact with. Do it with anyone who has been an influence in your life, or who has been close enough to contaminate your spirit and given Satan license to attack you.

Then thirdly you need to look for idols. In Exodus 20, God gave the commandment,

You shall serve no other gods before me. You will not give heed to demons.

He said,

You will not make any graven image.

An idol gives Satan license in your life. When I begin to pray with people and minister to them, my eyes tend to look around their neck, their hands and their arms, to see what they are wearing.

People often wear things without realizing what they are doing. And if I see somebody wearing a cross, it just seems to light up like a big shining light in front of me and I cannot see anything else.

You see the cross is not a picture of Christ. The cross is worn by people as a good luck charm; as a religious symbol.

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And in most cases when I have prayed with people I have had to tell them to take it off, especially if it is a Catholic type crucifix with Jesus hanging on the cross.

You need to look out for Saint Christopher’s that are worn for good luck to protect you from danger. You need to look out for pentagrams, hexapoints and anything that looks weird.

My wife is very careful about anything she buys to wear around her neck. I have to check them out before she buys them, because you do not know where those things have been.

You have people wearing idols that the African people wear to worship demons and to partake in Witchcraft.

They think, "This is so cool. What a nice looking thing to wear round my neck."

Then they cannot understand why they have been continually depressed since they put it on. Watch out for idols.

I am not going to labor on the point, but look out for things in your home that are contaminated and can bring demonic bondage into your life.

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Chapter 17 - Do’s and Don’ts of Deliverance

I want to look now at some do’s and don’ts when you come to dealing with demons in people.

Firstly do not try to cast the demons out until you have taken away their license. If you do you are looking for trouble, because the demon is going to hang on.

Pray out Loud

Do get the person to pray and rebuke the enemy out loud. Say to them,

"You have to renounce the devil, your involvement in witchcraft and going to a fortune teller. You have to renounce reading horoscopes and playing Ouija Board."

Tell them, "You have to break spiritual links."

The person must do it out loud. They must do it with their tongue, because authority is released into the earth through words. They must say,

"Satan I renounce my hold. I take back the ground I have given you. I break spiritual links."

It has to be done verbally by the person themselves. It is very important.

They Are Not Victims

Don’t see the person as a victim and say,

"Shame you poor thing, you’re bound by a spirit of lust. You cannot help going round committing adultery all the time."

Don’t ever get into a pity party with somebody who is in bondage. You can be compassionate and you can care. But you

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need to realize that the person gave Satan license, and he must be held responsible before God for that sin.

Never try and blame the demon for your sin. You are responsible before God to live righteously and to not sin.

Don’t ever blame the demon and say,

"The devil made me do it."

People love to do that. That is the whole deliverance concept.

You say, "Don’t worry my brother, you just sit there and be a good little boy. We’ll gang up on the demon and we’ll fight him for you."

That is foolish. They must see themselves as victorious in Christ. You need to let this person know that Satan does not have legal power over him or her except what they have given to him, and they can take that back any time.

They need to know that in Christ they are more than a conqueror, and that they have authority themselves to tell the demon to go. I do not care how young a Christian they are or how ignorant they are in the Word, the Scripture says,

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Tell people the truth. Tell them who they are and their position in Christ. We covered it already in the previous section.

Don’t Impose Your Ministry

Here now is something very important. Do not try to do anything unless the person asks for help. It is common practice in some places to be in a meeting, and by the Lord to know that a person has a problem.

Perhaps you have a word of knowledge or revelation; perhaps even a gift of discerning of spirits. You can be sitting in a meeting and you will see a demonic force. You will think,

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"Yup, I can see that person right there. He has a monkey on his back."

Then there is a temptation to say,

"I know I have power over demons. Let me at him."

You just want to head for that person and lay hands on them, take authority over the demon and tell it to go, but don’t you dare do that.

Watch Out for Counter Attack

Do not minister to somebody who does not want ministry. And never impose ministry on somebody who did not ask for it.

The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, the Lord Jesus is a lamb, and the Spirit is a dove. They are gentle, they are not forceful, and they never impose themselves on anyone.

If you try and deal with that demon and the person is not yet ready to let go of the sin that caused that demon to enter in, that demon will come right back at you.

You will not be able to understand, why after you prayed with the person, you cannot sleep that night. You are uncomfortable, you are having nightmares and your flesh is crawling. It feels like there is somebody in the room.

You might say, "But the demon is stopping them from coming for help."

That is rubbish. No demon can stop a person coming to Christ for salvation. No demon can stop somebody from coming to the Lord. Yes, he will cause a ruckus and try to distract the person, but the demon can never overrule a person’s own free choice.

He can put a very strong influence on their will, but if the person chooses to go against it they have the liberty to do so. When a person needs help they will come for help. By all means say,

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"God shows me that there is somebody here tonight who has a spiritual problem. I would like you to come forward and I’ll pray for you."

By all means do that. The person may come forward and say,

"Yes, I have a problem,"

Then you can deal with what God showed you. You can come against that demon force after you have led the person to confess, renounce and go through James 4:7.

Do not just get in and lay your hands on them and come against the demon. You wonder why people go forward in big healing campaigns and in healing lines to be prayed for, and they do not get set free.

Most of the time that demon was there through sin and nobody bothered to take the time to counsel them. But you cannot do so when you are dealing with a great big healing line.

Most of the people who do that are not prophetic. They do not have the revelation to say,

"Hold it; I can see where this thing came in. I can see what the problem is. Now here is how we need to deal with it. These are the links you need to break and the things you need to get rid of. If you do that we can remove this problem."

The person struggles on and on, going from church to church, to big evangelists and from preacher to preacher, to be prayed for to be set free. But they never get set free because nobody identified what really needed to be dealt with.

It was not the demon; it was that inner problem. You need to dig down and find the roots. Get the tree out and stop worrying about the stupid birds that are sitting in the branches. But that is what deliverance ministry does doesn’t it?

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Mean Business

Do make sure that the person means business. If a person ever comes to you for help and they do not mean business with God; if they have no intention of letting go of their sin, do not even bother praying for them.

This is perhaps a tough one to accept, so I am going to give you Scriptural proof.

In Acts 8 we read about Simon the Sorcerer, a man who was clearly possessed and who used demon powers. When Philip came preaching in his town, Simon accepted the Lord.

He was saved and baptized but he never let go of his demon powers. When he saw them coming to lay hands on people to receive the Baptism of the Spirit, he wanted the same power. He thought,

"Hey, that’s very similar to what I was doing before and it looks better."

He offered to pay them money for it. And in Acts 8:20 to 23 it says,

But Peter said to him, Your money perish with you, because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. You have neither part nor lot in this matter: for your heart is not right in the sight of God.Repent therefore of this wickedness of yours and pray to God, that perhaps the thought of your heart might be forgiven you.For I discern that you are in the gall of bitterness, and [in] the bond of iniquity.

Wow Peter was ignorant. Could he not see the guy was demon possessed? Why did he not just go to him and say,

"You demon, come out of him now!"

Poor Peter was only the leading apostle at that time. He was really ignorant, wasn’t he?

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You know we think we have greater revelation than what the early apostles had. It is pitiful. Peter identified sin in Simon and he said,

"Sort yourself out, Simon. You had better go and pray and get rid of that thing."

Simon answered and said,

"Pray to the Lord for me, that none of these things which you have spoken come on me."

Good old humble Simon. He said,

"Okay Peter, please pray for me."

The guy was asking for help wasn’t he? So what did Peter do?

"Okay Simon, here we go. In Jesus’ name, demon come out!"

No, do you know what Peter did? He walked away. He ignored him and did not even say another word to him.

No Manifestations

You need to be very careful. When you come to ministering to people who are in demonic bondage, be careful that you have somebody who means business with God.

And when you come to dealing with such a person, do not permit the demon to manifest.

Perhaps you are praying with a person and the demon takes control. It begins to manifest through the person and begins to speak to you, or he starts to writhe or show some clear manifestation of demonic bondage.

At that point a lot of people think,

"Now is the time to cast it out."

They want to come against that thing and say,

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"Come out."

That is when the demon will argue back at you and say,

"No I’m not coming out."

The key to deliverance is not the demon; it is the person. The only reason the demon is manifesting is so that you cannot talk to the person anymore and you have to talk to him. Can you see that?

If you start talking and arguing with the demon, you are not dealing with the root of the problem. The root of the problem is the person. You need to be speaking to him and saying,

"Hey, there is sin in your life. You have given Satan entry. Now I want you to submit yourself afresh to the Lord and confess your sin. I want you to address this thing and renounce it."

Well now that the demon has manifested and is in control, what are you going to do about it? What did Jesus do with the demons when they manifested? He said to them,

"You be quiet. Shut up, I’m not talking to you, devil."

Try it. Maybe you have not seen too many manifestations. Next time it happens you will remember what I said here. Next time you see a demon manifesting, do not talk to it except to tell it to keep quiet.

A Personal Story

I was once called to somebody’s home late one night. He was a fellow minister that I was working with.

His wife called me to say that he was dealing with a demonic case, and since he knew that I had had some experience and knowledge of it, he called me to come and pray with him.

I arrived at his house to find out that he was praying with his own daughter and she was in full manifestation. The demon was in control and speaking through her.

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He was doing what all good deliverance people do. He was commanding it to come out. And I guess he wanted me there to come and help him command it to come out.

He was more senior than I was, so I could not tell him what to do. But I walked into the house and took one look at it and said,

"Brother, your daughter has been involved in the occult."

He said, "No, never!"

I said, "I’m telling you, she has dabbled in something she shouldn’t have."

Well we did not have time to argue because the demon manifested, and off we went struggling for a couple of hours with it until eventually the usual thing happened.

You are at the point of exhaustion, the demon stops manifesting and you assume it has gone.

I left and went home, and the next day he called me and said,

"You know something? My daughter got up in the morning and she came to me, looked at me and said, ‘Dad, how did Les know that I had been to a fortune teller?’ "

He could not believe his own ears. You see she had given Satan license. She had given him an opening, and until that had been dealt with there was no victory.

It should have been stopped right there. The demon should have been commanded to be silent, so that we could speak to his daughter and say,

"Now hold it, have you been involved in something you shouldn’t have? Have you given Satan an opening?"

Then she could have acknowledged it and said,

"Yes, I did this."

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"Okay, now confess it before the Lord. Submit yourself afresh to the Lord Jesus. Speak to this thing and renounce it and tell it to leave."

Counsel by the Word

Since the Lord taught me how to do this I have never yet again permitted a demon manifestation.

I have had very few that even came close to that, because the moment I discerned the demon I would move right in there by counsel, by the Word, and I would identify the sin.

By the Word I would identify the spiritual problems in that person that were giving license to this demonic force.

I would then counsel them, and by the Word I would tell the person to submit themselves afresh to the Lord and to confess their sin. By the Word I would teach them to renounce and take back the ground that they had given him.

By the Word I would teach them that they have authority in the name of Jesus, and that they themselves can command that evil power to leave. Then they themselves would turn on the demon that had been binding them.

They would tell it to go and it would go, and I did not need to do a thing. I did not need to cast out anything. A lot of the time I did not even need to talk to the demon. Sometimes it hangs around though.

Follow Through to Victory

Do not stop until victory is complete. Make sure that you have dealt with every aspect, and that you have not been playing around with little principality and power demons.

If there is a ruler demon there, ensure that you have him; that you have found the entry point, closed the door and broken every link. Make sure that you have dealt with idols and that you have dealt with family generations.

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Cover every area and follow through to complete victory, because if you do not do so you will not be sleeping that night. I guarantee that you are going to be restless.

You will leave there with a cloud over you and you will come under personal attack in your own life. And some of the curses in the life of that person will start manifesting in your life.

Watch it and you will see things begin to break. You will see strife beginning to take place in your home. Also loss, theft and fear will begin to manifest in your life, and you will not be able to understand where it is coming from.

Go back and think about that person you prayed with. You did not take them through to victory. Do not do a half job. If you are going to get involved in this thing you had better do it right.

Don’t you dare try and just lay hands on somebody, rebuke the devil and then walk away. If you want to rebuke the devil in somebody, you had better make sure that you spend a bit of time on it and bring them through to proper victory.

Do not permit demons to stay around when victory is complete.

Sometimes the person has broken the links and Satan has had to leave and let go. But he stands around like a fly waiting to come and land again, to see whether the person is going to give him another entry point.

Sometimes you need to speak to that demon, and the best thing is to tell the person to do it. Sometimes you need to speak to them and command them to leave. Sometimes you also need to ask the angels to help you to remove them.

Break all Spiritual Links

Finally, do break all spiritual links with the person when you are done. That will prevent any backlash. You have ministered to them, you have given them of your heart and your spirit, and in doing so you have opened your spirit to them.

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Break spiritual links so that none of that comes back against you again. If you don’t do that you come under the attack and it is absolutely unnecessary.

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Chapter 18 - Using Intercession in Deliverance

I want to end now by moving into intercessory warfare. We have dealt with how to deal with demons in a person; how to do spiritual warfare in counsel and prayer with an individual.

But what happens when you are praying for a person from a distance? It is Scriptural to do that. Paul spoke about it in the verse at the beginning about striving with him in the Spirit.

Intercessory prayer is a type of warfare. You are praying on behalf of somebody else and going into warfare on behalf of that person in the Spirit. To do that you must be led by the Spirit.

I have said this before and I will say it again. God is not moved by need. He is moved by faith. When you come to pray and intercede for somebody, you are not going to be led to intercede for somebody because they have a need.

I do not care if they are dying; God is not moved by the need. And if you are going to be led to speak out prophetically as an intercessor, your prayer, your declaration and your speaking in decree will come as a result of that person’s faith not their need.

So do not allow yourself to be moved by needs alone. I am not saying don’t pray because you see a need. I am saying don’t assume that because there is a need that it is a call to prayer; certainly not intercessory prayer.

You can use the prayer of agreement and the prayer of faith, but not intercessory prayer.

Remove the Blind Spot

Do not be moved by fleshly compassion or templates. This is what is commonly known in the world as the blind spot; where you overlook peoples’ weaknesses because you have been there and because it is something you also have a problem with.

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Do not assume that is a burden for prayer. It is a blind spot and it is your own template inspiring you to pray for the person. It is not the leading of the Holy Spirit. You must be moved only by the Spirit of God and by nothing else.

Urim and Thummim

As you come to prayer and warfare in the Spirit as an intercessor, you need to use your weapons. You need to put on your spiritual armor and use your weapons.

One of the first weapons that you have that is so vital is your spiritual Urim and Thummim. I bet you did not expect me to say that. You never thought about that as a weapon did you?

How can the spiritual Urim and Thummim be a weapon? It is quite simple. I begin to pray and I say,

"Father I bring this person to you. Lord he’s dying and he is in need."

Your spirit says, "Shut up."

"Hang on, Lord this person’s dying. This person is in a bad way."

"Be quiet."

Have you ever had that experience? You have probably never heard it because there was just no way it could be true. You likely thought it was the devil who was stopping you from praying?

Have you ever had it when you have started to pray and feel like you have cotton wool in your mouth? Your tongue gets stuck in your mouth and you feel like you are chewing on rubber. You cannot understand it and you think,

"This must be the devil interfering. This is Satan that is opposing this prayer - that’s what it is."

Then you struggle and you fight harder.

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Do Not Overrule their Will

I am speaking about intercessory prayer now. Do not go into a warfare that you are not being led into. You are interceding for something that somebody else has given license to the enemy about, and you are praying against their will.

You might even be praying against the will of that person. They may have decided they want to die and go and be with the Lord.

You cannot pray against that because the Lord does not overrule the will of man.

If you are praying for somebody who is dying, and in their heart they have made up their mind they are sick of this world and they want to go and be with the Lord, give them a break.

They want to go and you cannot overrule their will. The Lord does not overrule our will. Satan is the one who does that.

Be led in how you pray. And even when it doesn’t make sense; when you begin to pray and feel that check in your spirit, stop right there and just hand it over to the Lord.

It could be that God has given the burden to somebody else and you are interfering. All that God is saying to you is,

"It’s not your concern right now so stop it."

Just let it go. As tough as what it is, you must let it go.

You can continue to speak the Word. You can continue to hold the person in your heart and trust God for them.

But you have not been given the intercessory word to speak on their behalf for their victory and deliverance. So do not try and speak it because it is not going to work.

Breaking Curses

It is possible for you to break curses on behalf of that person. 1 John 5:16 says,

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If any man see his brother sin a sin [that is] not tending to death, he shall ask, and he shall give him [zoe] life for those that do not sin to death. There is a sin to death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

This is a very difficult verse that is subject to a lot of interpretation, and I am not going to go into it right now.

But the Lord quickened it to me at a time when I was dealing with praying with people who quite clearly had a curse operating in their lives.

There were times when I felt that it was right for me to pray for that person. And there were other times, when as I began to pray for them I felt that I was actually coming under their curse.

The Lord told me that I need to be very careful; that sometimes people are under a curse as a kind of a victim. This is because somebody from without has been speaking negative words against them and releasing negative forces against them.

They have been unwittingly caught in an influence that somebody else has caused in their life. In a case like that, the Lord said to me that you can pray as an intercessor and can intercede on behalf of the person.

You can even enter into their experience and pray as the person. The Lord said,

"In that case, you can renounce and break spiritual links on their behalf, and you can speak against the words."

The Scripture says,

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up in judgment against you, you shall condemn.

The Lord will give you the opportunity and the authority to speak against and condemn those who have given license; those who have formed a weapon against a brother or sister in the Lord. You can speak against it on their behalf.

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However, where the person themself has licensed that curse, be careful because they have invited that evil power in. Again, you do not have the right to overrule their will.

A person can license Satan. Sometimes what happens is they have even licensed the enemy against you.

Sending Back Curses

The Scripture says,

Pray for your enemies and for those who spitefully use you.

What happens if this person is not an enemy but a brother, and this brother is speaking words against you?

He is condemning you and he is sending a curse against you in the Spirit. He is doing it vindictively and deliberately to destroy you.

I believe this is what the Lord is speaking about earlier; about a person sinning a sin unto death. They are doing something that is deliberately to bring about death and destruction in your life. In a case like that the Lord has said to me,

"You need to turn their curse around and send it back at them again."

That is a fearsome thing to do, but if you are a prophet you have the authority to do that. You have the prophetic key; the authority of the Prophetic Office.

However as a normal believer you have the right to counter-decree against the word that has been spoken against you. The Scripture says,

Every tongue that rises up in judgment against you, you shall condemn.

In a case like that you send the person’s curse and the words that they have spoken against you back at them. And the curse that they have spoken against you will come back at them.

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You need to make sure that you do that in the light and not in darkness; that you do not do it in anger, vindictiveness and malice, and to justify yourself.

You are doing it for the sake of the Kingdom of God; for the fact that that person has licensed something against you that is seeking to destroy what God wants to do in your life.

You have a right to send it back. You just need to reflect it back like a mirror, and the words they have spoken against you will come right back on their heads.

Use the Prophetic Key

If you are a prophet you need to use some of the other weapons. You need to use your prophetic key to unlock doors for other people.

At times you can close doors on behalf of other people. This is where Satan has an inroad into their life through others; through influences in the world and through other things that Satan has set in the way.

You have the right to take your prophetic authority, the prophetic key that God has given you, and to speak for that door to be shut.

You have the authority to speak against the adversaries that are set against that person; to shut their mouths and to command them to be removed.

You also have the authority to open new doors for that person in the Spirit, and to release the power of God into their life. That is what you are going to be doing in warfare as an intercessor.

Using Vision and Utterance

You need to use your weapons of vision and utterance. When God shows you something, you need to use that vision and not just say,

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"Oh that’s nice. I’m glad the Lord showed me this. I can see what He is going to do for that person in the future. I must go and give them a prophetic word."

Then you say to the person,

"You know what? The Lord revealed to me He is going to do this in your life."

God did not give it to you for fun. He gave it to you for you to do something about it. He is saying to you,

"This is what I want to accomplish in this person. Now speak it out. Create it and use your key."

But prophets just love to give prophetic words and say,

"Well as I was praying last night the Lord gave me a vision for you, and this is what God is going to do."

The person hears the word and says,

"Yippee, that’s what God is going to do. Glory."

They become all excited but it never happens. Then they turn on you and tell you that you are a false prophet.

We have dealt with prophetic utterance in my book entitled Functioning in Prophetic Office, so I am not going to emphasize it. But you see you need to issue prophetic utterance, not just over people but also while you are praying.

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Chapter 19 - More Practical Tips

When you pray you should be declaring your prayer. You should not be saying,

"Lord, please heal this person."

You should be saying,

"Be healed, in Jesus’ name."

Speak Things into Existence

You need to be decreeing your prayer. You need to be sending it into the earth, like the Word of the Lord that will not return void, but will accomplish that for which it is sent.

That is what you need to do in spiritual warfare as an intercessor. How about prophesying over people when they are not there? Have you ever tried that? Right now you are probably thinking,

"You are crazy. What do you mean by prophesying over somebody when they’re not there?"

It is easy. You begin to pray and intercede for a person in the Spirit and the anointing of God comes on you. Then you begin to prophesy and say,

"Thus says the Lord, My daughter the Lord would say to you..."

Then you give a normal prophecy. You know what I mean by prophecy.

You say, "Well what is the use of that? They never heard it."

They did not need to hear it. You see you missed what prophecy is about. Prophecy is meant to be speaking things into existence. It is meant to be creative, not just to tickle a person’s ears.

Yes there is a time they need exhortation and encouragement. That is the ordinary gift of prophecy. You do not even need to be

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a prophet to do that. But when God puts you in the Prophetic Office He gives you the authority to speak things into existence.

That is what you are meant to be prophesying. You are not meant to just be giving people prophetic words, to rebuke them, judge them or to make them happy, but to make things happen.

If you are going to speak a word of rebuke over somebody, normally they will not accept it anyway. Try speaking it over them when they are not there and say,

"Thus says the Lord to you, You will be brought to your knees, brother."

It might work that time. Try and speak it to their face and they will slap you. They will kick you out of the church and you will say,

"It’s not fair Lord. I spoke your Word and all they did was be ugly to me."

Well maybe you were not meant to speak it to their face. Maybe you were meant to speak it in the Spirit.

Learn to prophesy over people in the Spirit. Learn to speak prophetically more on your own, in spiritual warfare and intercession, than you do over people and you will see more accomplished.

You will see things happen in the lives of people far more than when you speak to them directly.

When you speak over them directly, what you are doing is giving them an opportunity to partake in that word; to stand in agreement with you as you prophesy and speak it into existence over them.

Deal with High Levels

You need to recognize the demonic hierarchies that are involved and you need to learn to deal with higher level powers.

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When you get into warfare in the Spirit you see the little principalities and powers. You might even see a ruler demon, and you want to go into warfare with this ruler demon and you struggle.

But that ruler demon is just a low down member in Satan’s hierarchy. He has a boss over him. Learn to go to the top and go to his boss.

When all these little things come and attack me, I go to the top man. I go to Apollyon himself and say,

"Polly, just take these stupid little flies out of my hair, please. Now!"

Do you think I am being arrogant? No, I call him Polly, and I call Pharaoh Fairy, and I call Lucifer Luci. I mock them because they are losers. They lost.

You say, "But you don’t start a fight with the devil."

Why not? Let me tell you he knows better than to fight with me. Because you see it is not me he is fighting, but it is Jesus in me.

Jesus whipped him on the cross badly, and he does not want to tangle again. And when he knows that I know that Jesus is in me; when he knows that I know that he has to bow to Jesus in me, he does not tangle with me anymore.

And now you want to struggle with all his stupid little underlings?

Have you ever been to a bank and tried to get sense out of a bank teller? Sorry bank tellers. Do you go to a service company and try to deal with a clerk? Forget it. Ask to speak to the boss man.

What a difference it makes when the manager walks in and you speak to him and say,

"I’m unhappy with you people. This company of yours really gives bad service. I am going to take my business somewhere else."

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The manager looks down on the employee and says,

"What did you do?"

You look at this clerk who was arrogant and full of himself before and he is quivering. Well let’s do the devil that way too.

Go to his boss man. Go over his head. I know it is not the right thing to do in the world but so what. The devil does not play fair, and we will not play fair with him either. We are going to go over his head.

Use the Angels

Learn to make use of the angels and license them into the earth because you have authority to do so. When I am tangling with a couple of stupid little demons that are just irritating me, I always call for the angels. I say,

"Father, please send me some angelic help now."

Then I see this ugly big gorilla-looking ruler demon who is standing there glaring at me and trying to show how strong he is. I say,

"Okay angels, just take him away."

I see a couple of big, burly angels walking up and grabbing him, one arm each, and they carry him away kicking. I laugh at him and say,

"Bye bye; see you."

What do you think the angels are there for? They are there to help us. You need to use them because God has given them to us to assist in the battle.

At times God will show you an angel that is waiting to be commissioned and he will stand before you. At times I have seen an angel standing waiting with a pen and paper in his hands. What is he waiting for? He wants orders.

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You say, "I’ll have a hamburger and fries and..." No I am not talking about that kind of order.

Sometimes you have a list of things you need. How do you think God brings things to you in this world? He uses the angels. He has sent an angel to come and take your orders, and you stand there and say,

"Well I’m too humble to ask for anything."

I am not like that at all. I start rattling off a list and the poor guy runs out of notepaper. It is his job. He was sent there to come and take your orders, so give them to him. Tell him what you need, then say,

"Okay, off you go now. I give you authority and I commission you to go and do it. Make sure that it happens."

That is the way it works.

Use the Word

You need to make use of the Word. Jesus overcame Satan with the Word. The Scripture says in Revelation,

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.

Say, "It is written..."

When you are coming under attack in your spirit and you feel there are demon forces coming against you, use the Word. Take a couple of powerful Scriptures like these:

You are of God little children and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

Having spoilt principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

For this reason the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

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Use the Word. Take the sword and use it against him. It is your greatest weapon of all. It is all I had to use when Lucifer himself confronted me as I have shared elsewhere.

As I stood there in the presence of the Prince of Darkness himself, the greatest level of force in the spiritual realm of darkness, I only had one weapon to stand on.

It was not my righteousness I can assure you because I was not perfect. I could not stand there and say,

"Satan, because of my holiness you can’t touch me."

I couldn’t do that. I could only say,

"Satan, because of what Jesus did it is written, At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. It says every knee and that includes you."

It was the Word that did it. When you get into warfare in the Spirit and you find the battle becoming a bit heavy, do not start shaking in your boots and crying for reinforcements.

Just take out your sword and slap him in the jaws with it. Knock a few of his teeth out. It is yours to use.

Of course you had better know the Word at that stage because there is no time to look up Scriptures. You had better feed it into you, so that when it comes out it comes out as rhema and like a laser beam.

See the Victory

As you enter into that warfare in the Spirit, taking your spiritual weapons and come against the forces of darkness, again pray your way through to victory. Do not say,

"Well half an hour is up. Prayer time’s done."

Pray until you see the victory. Use vision, and see the battle in array and the angels in warfare. See the Lord Jesus coming in on His white horse and see Him overcoming on your behalf.

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Yes, see the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; the One who overcame by His blood. See the battle; see the victory.

Especially if you are praying for somebody else, make sure that you have dealt with every single area and prayed it through.

And when you have finished, once again break spiritual links with that person, because if they continue to license Satan it will come back at you in the Spirit.

If you enter into spiritual warfare in this way, dealing with all of these principles that we have shared in this section and the previous one, you will walk in victory in your own spiritual life.

You will overcome the powers of darkness in your own life and in your own experience. And you will be able to minister victory and deliverance to other people who are in bondage and are having problems.

Dealing With the Hierarchy

You will be able to do it in person. And you will be able to do it in the Spirit in intercessory prayer and intercessory warfare.

In intercession you will also be able to move up into the heavenlies and go and do battle with the princes of darkness that are up there. That is what they are - princes of darkness.

A lot of people are confused on what a principality is. A principality is not a ruler. It is a region that is ruled by a prince.

When you come to dealing with spiritual wickedness in the high places you are not going to be dealing with a principality, you will be dealing with the prince.

The principality is down on earth. And all the little demons that are under him are the principality demons. They are the small fry; the peasants. They are the ordinary population.

You do not need to struggle with them. Hey, you can cast them out by the dozens every minute and you will never run out.

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There are millions of them. They are stupid little demons that are not worth the trouble.

When you go into warfare you get to deal with the prince that is over an area. And when you come to dealing with an area the same thing applies. Why must you restrict yourself to the little prince over here or over your little town?

People are struggling in prayer to overcome the prince of their city. But you must know that there is a prince that covers a wider area than the city.

There is a prince over the whole state or over the whole country. When you go right to the top you have the Council of Wickedness.

So again you may come in confrontation with the prince of your city as you pray. And if he becomes arrogant with you, go and talk to his boss.

That happened to me the one night. The Prince of California rose up against us. It was the first time I had seen him.

He thought he was a real hotshot. He was really giving me uphill in the Spirit and was quite arrogant. He thought he was quite strong so I called his boss man.

I said, "Hey Fairy; hey Pharaoh, take this stupid idiot off my back please. He’s bugging me."

It worked just like it always works when you go over a guy’s head to his manager. Learn to recognize that you have authority in the name of Jesus over every level of evil right up to Lucifer himself. He was conquered on the cross of Calvary.

You must pray through to victory. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.

We never need to live in defeat where the enemy is concerned. We can live in victory all the time, we can help other people to overcome, and we can enter into warfare. All we are doing is taking back the ground that Jesus already won for us.

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Section 05 - Dealing With Curses

Chapter 20 - Blessing Not Always Constant

James 3:8 to 10 says:

But the tongue no man can tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless God, the Father; and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was always blessing? How would you like to wake up in the morning with joy and peace and love, with nothing going wrong during the day?

Nobody says any nasty things to you. Everybody is kind and gentle, and you have everything you ever desired and wanted available to you. Nothing ever gets taken away from you.

It would be wonderful wouldn’t it? But that doesn’t happen does it?

No, it is unfortunately just not the way life is. It just does not seem to work that way. We do not walk continually in blessing. And yet God designed us to walk in blessing.

God Made Everything Good

When God created the earth He made it a beautiful place, and He looked down on it and said,

"It is good."

He pronounced everything He had made as ‘good’, and planted a beautiful Garden in Eden. He took the man and the woman that He had created and put them there in the Garden.

He said, "Enjoy yourselves. Enter into the blessing that I have made and created for you."

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Adam and Eve had everything their hearts could desire. They were living in a garden paradise.

There were no pests, there was no harm, there was no danger, and each of them was living with the most beautiful specimen of creation that God had ever made.

For the guy you had the most beautiful woman in the world all to yourself. For the woman you had the best-looking guy in the world all to yourself.

There was no conflict, no strife, there was love and there was harmony. And God came right in there every day to visit and to share in that beautiful blessing and the joy that they were experiencing.

Entrance of a Curse

But it did not stay that way did it? Something went wrong, and something entered that was not a blessing. It was a curse.

We will consider now how to deal with curses. Up until now we have dealt with the way of blessing and how God has designed blessing for us.

He has put that blessing into our spirits through the Holy Spirit in Christ. He has given us the ability to take those spiritual blessings and send forth that spiritual power into the earth to create blessing.

But all around that blessing is stifled, blocked and opposed by something that is the total opposite of a blessing. It is a curse.

In the next few chapters I will look at what a curse is, how it shows itself, how you can deal with it. I will show you how you can cause these things to be removed from your life.

I will show how you can take away the blockages to your blessing so that it can pour forth, and you can apply the principles that you have been learning to cause blessing to come into your life.

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As we look at blessing and cursing, we find that the same basic elements exist in both of them, except the other way around.

Elements of Blessing

Blessing consists firstly of bountiful provision. God blessed and He gave everything that man could ever not only need, but desire. When a person is blessed they have everything they could ever want, need or desire.

Secondly, blessing involves protection. God gave them protection. There was no harmful influence or danger and there was nothing to be afraid of. There was no fear whatsoever in the Garden of Eden.

Then there was total peace and harmony. There was no conflict between Adam and Eve; no husband and wife squabbles.

There was no fighting between the animals. They did not even eat each other. The animals were all vegetarians in those days. There were no carnivores.

There was no conflict and there was no strife. There was peace and harmony. There was security, safety, protection and boundless provision.

There was love - the love of God in the hearts of man, and His love permeating the earth as He came down to walk in the garden in the cool of the day to fellowship with them.

He poured His love upon them, and received love from them in return. It is a beautiful picture of blessing.

We try to create that these days at a great expense. People spend a lot of money to go to some paradise island to get away from it all; to get away from the rat race.

They want to go to a place where they can be all alone, at peace and at harmony with just nature. We somehow try to recreate that garden paradise.

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There is just something about being in a beautiful place where there is lovely green vegetation and a river of water bubbling past isn’t there?

We travel miles and spend a lot of money to be able to get to places like that. We love to spend time sitting on the banks of a river in the shade of beautiful trees, and the flowers, and all the beauty that God has created.

That is what God designed for us originally. It is the way God wanted it to be.

He warned Adam and Eve and said,

"You can eat of every tree and you can take of the Tree of Life. But don’t you touch the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, because in the day that you do that you will die."

In another book dealing with God’s Covenants, I have shown how God entered into a Covenant with Adam. Covenants always involved a blessing if you kept them, and a curse if you violated them.

Elements of a Curse

Adam and Eve violated the Covenant and they came under a curse. You read about it in Genesis 3 where God spoke a curse on the serpent and on Eve and Adam, and how the natural creation too was cursed.

What happened? Instead of bountiful provision there was loss. It was stolen from them. They lost all that wonderful provision, and they lost that peace and harmony.

It was all taken away from them, and they had to leave the Garden of Eden. They were driven out and lost the blessing.

There was destruction, as thorns and thistles began to come up. All sorts of pests appeared and bad things began to take place in creation. Eventually we see that manifesting in murder, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Destruction began to take place in the earth.

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There was no security anymore. Adam and Eve suddenly wanted to cover up from each other. There was no openness or feeling of being comfortable and secure any longer.

There was strife and fear. All the elements of a curse were there - loss, destruction, strife and fear.

Many of the curses that came on man started right there, they came as a result of violation of the Covenant.

When Adam sinned and disobeyed God’s Covenant, he came under a curse. That curse was passed down upon his generations, and on every human descendant of his. It came upon the earth, and it is still under a curse.

The Scripture speaks about the whole earth groaning and travailing under the bondage of that curse. It is known as the curse of Adam.

When we come into this world we grow up with the curse of Adam. But of course we know that Jesus did something about that. He came to be the last Adam and reverse that curse. We will look at it as we go on.

The Covenant of Law

As we go down through God’s dealings with man, we see Him bringing man into another Covenant, the Covenant of Law. On Mount Sinai, God gave the laws to Moses, the Ten Commandments, and all the laws and ordinances that go with it.

God entered into a Covenant, and there were terms and conditions to this Covenant. There were blessings if you kept the Covenant, and if you broke it there were curses. You had a choice.

If you read Deuteronomy 28, God says to them,

"If you will obey my commandments that I give you this day, then you will be blessed coming in and going out. Your basket and your kneading bowl will be blessed.

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You will be above only and not beneath, the head and not the tail. You will lend to many nations and not borrow. You will have no sickness and disease."

All the elements of a blessing are there.

He says, "I will give you bountiful provision. I will watch over you and protect you from harm. I will cause harmony, peace and unity between you, and you will walk in love."

But then comes the curse.

He says, "But if you break my commandments and violate this Covenant, you will lose it all. Destruction will follow you wherever you go. There will be strife and conflict between you, and your heart will continually be filled with fear."

Go and read Deuteronomy 28 and see what I am talking about. It is all there under the violation of the Covenant. Violation of the Covenant brought a curse into the earth. It was not God’s plan or intention for man to walk in a curse.

God had designed and created him to walk in a blessing. But man violated God’s Covenant and chose to open the door for Satan to come in and bring in everything that was not of God.

When Adam yielded to Satan in the Garden of Eden and handed everything over to him, he opened a Pandora’s Box. This opened the door wide for every demon of hell to come into this world and bring destruction, and strife, and a curse upon the creation.

The Curse of Noah

As time progressed, we see another thing that could cause the curse.

After the flood, Noah grew a vineyard, and he had a lot of wine and got drunk. His sons came in and saw him lying there all paralytic drunk, and he was naked. The one son came and mocked him and told the others about their father.

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We are told that when Noah rose up afterwards he cursed the generations of that son. He spoke a curse on Canaan.

He said, "You will serve your brothers. You will work under hard labor."

He spoke upon him all the elements of a curse. Noah had that kind of power to speak a curse upon his own sons.

The Blessing of Isaac

You see the same kind of power being used again later on. Consider Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, especially Jacob as he came to receive his father’s blessing.

His brother Esau was the one who was due it. He was the firstborn, but we see Jacob cheating his brother out of the blessing.

He came and tricked his father into thinking that he is Esau. Isaac spoke a word of blessing on the son that he thought was Esau, but it wasn’t him. It was Jacob. Esau came afterwards and said,

"But father, don’t you have a blessing for me?"

Isaac said, "Not the same kind of blessing. I’ve already spoken it forth. I have issued a word to your brother and he will be blessed."

Do you remember we spoke about the Word that goes forth into the earth like the law of the Medes and the Persians; the decree that goes forth through human lips?

These patriarchs of old were still walking with God. They still had the power in their spirits. And when they opened their mouths and spoke forth a decree, they spoke forth blessing.

But sometimes they spoke forth cursing. When Noah cursed Canaan he cursed his generations. And the generations of Canaan have never walked in the same kind of authority and blessing as their brother’s generations.

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The Power of Words

You see Jacob on his deathbed, calling his 12 sons together, and he pronounces something over each one of them. To some of them he says good things, but to others he does not say such good things.

He spoke blessings on some and curses on the others, and the words that he spoke over them came to pass. There was authority and power in his words when he spoke them.

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Chapter 21 - Man's Power in the Earth

There is power that a man exercises over another man. Jesus in Matthew 5:23 and 24 says this:

Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you; Leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Your brother has the ability to bind you, to speak words against you, and to bring a curse against you that will prevent God from blessing you. Why is this?

It is because God works through the agency of man in the earth. Man has the power to release the forces of God in blessing, but he also has the power to release the forces of evil in a curse.

Man has that power in the earth but especially those who are believers. When they speak using the amplified power that they have in their spirit; when they speak a negative word, let me tell you, it is devastating. There are plenty of examples in Scripture of that happening.

When Ananias and Sapphira came before Peter, and he spoke a word before them, they fell down dead. There was a power there. There was an authority in the words that were spoken. There is the power to bless, and the power to curse.

Curses by Association

Then there are curses that come by association with another person. When you associate with somebody else your spirit becomes linked to their spirit. In 1 Timothy 5:22 Paul says:

Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be a partaker of other men’s sins: keep yourself pure.

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Do not be a partaker of other men’s sins by laying hands on them. What is he talking about? What happens when you lay hands on somebody?

You are actually uniting your spirit with that person’s spirit. There is an impartation. I do not know how it works.

I do not know if it has anything to do with the nerve endings in the hand that somehow link with where your spirit connects with your body, but somehow there is power in your hands.

When you lay your hands on somebody, the power that is in your spirit flows out through your body, through your hands and into that person.

I have found that if I ask a person to put their hands on mine, there comes a union between their spirit and my spirit, and in the Holy Spirit I can tell what is going on in their spirit.

I can sense and discern, and I can feel what is going on inside of them. There is a link that seems to take place.

When you link your spirit with the spirit of another person who is walking in a curse, who is walking in sin and has given Satan place in their life, you run the danger of coming under a contamination from that person’s spirit that affects your spirit.

And so Paul says,

"Don’t do it suddenly."

What he was speaking about here was the laying on of hands of identification when you recognized somebody’s ministry; when you laid your hands on them, united your heart with them and said,

"We recognize you, and we accept you as one that God has chosen and called."

He was speaking about ordination and that sort of thing.

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Transmitted Through Speech

You need to be very careful about who you are associated with, because as soon as you associate with people and make contact with them, you pick up what is in their spirits.

How else do you pick up what comes from a person’s spirit? How does a person communicate what is in their spirit?

You do it through words. When a person speaks words they send forth into the earth words that are containers holding what was in their spirit.

When a person speaks words, they speak forth the power that is in their spirits. We have seen that.

But what if the words that they are speaking forth come from a spirit that is contaminated, that is not yielded to God? What about a person filled with sin that is under a curse? Then they speak forth words that contain a curse.

You say, "But they said such nice things. They spoke so beautifully and lovingly. They were friendly. I didn’t sense any curse there. They weren’t saying horrible things."

No they were not. It did not make any difference what they said. They could have said,

"Mary had a little lamb."

The words came out of their spirit, and their spirit contaminated the words. Does it sound way out?

Let me tell you, when you get into conversation with somebody who is under a curse, you come under the same curse. That is all you need.

Hold a conversation and receive their words, and open your heart to them in interaction and conversation. As you do that you open your heart to the curses that are in the heart of that person.

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Sometimes you are not even aware of it, because their words sounded good. Unless you can discern and detect in the spirit what is coming from them, you could be having poison.

It may taste very nice. It may be sweet, but there could be strychnine in there. There could be cyanide in there. Be very careful when you open your heart in interaction with a person who is not walking in the blessing of the Lord.

Of course by the same token, if you share with somebody who is walking in blessing, you pick up their blessing. You feel inspired and lifted up.

You feel charged up. You get closer to the Lord and good things start to happen. Wherever a person goes, they are carriers of either a blessing or a curse.

Look for the Signs

How do you know if a person is a carrier of a blessing or if they are a carrier of a curse? Watch what follows them. What are the three signs of blessing? What are the three signs of a curse?

Do they bring blessing wherever they go? Are people prospered by being associated with them? Are people brought into love and harmony by being associated with them? Do they feel secure as a result of being with them?

We discovered something that became a joke, until we realized that it was not coincidence. We found that every time we went into a public place like a shop, and we would stand in one place for a while, suddenly things would get busy.

People would start to gather around us. And before you knew it that end of the shop was all crowded.

We would go and visit somebody, and after we had been sitting chatting for a while, we would keep getting interruptions on the phone.

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They would say, "I can’t understand what has happened. Ever since you’ve arrived, I just keep getting these phone calls for business. What is going on?"

We have learned not to stay in one place for too long. It starts to become too crowded then and you have people all around you.

Am I bragging? No, it should be what every believer is walking in. Your blessing starts to radiate forth, and when people come into your presence they start to pick it up.

It is like a contagious disease. They start to catch it. The Scripture speaks about us giving off a savor of life or death. You give off an aroma. You are like a rose walking about, or you are a skunk. What are you giving off?

Be careful whom you associate with. Check to see whether you are walking in blessing.

Do you find that when you have been with a specific person, certain things start to go wrong in your life? The blessing starts to wane. You start having financial problems or ill health.

Plans that you had set in motion suddenly turn sour and you cannot understand why. You think back and you begin to realize,

"Hold it. This all started since I met old Joe that I haven’t seen for so many years. We bumped into each other in town the other day and we had a long chat. Since then things have started to go wrong."

Be very careful who you associate with. Am I getting paranoid now? No I am not. God wants us to walk in blessing.

If a curse is coming into your life instead of blessing then take note of it, especially if you have been applying the principles that I have been sharing and you have been speaking forth in faith, hope and love.

You may have been praying and crying out to the Lord saying,

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"Lord, I don’t know what is happening here. What is going on? Lord, why aren’t you answering my prayers? Lord, why are you not delivering me?"

You have come under a curse from somewhere. That is what has happened. I will cover all the different ways that a curse can come in, but this is one of the most common ones - association with people and interaction in conversation with people whose lives are filled with a curse.

Your spirit becomes contaminated because you receive their words into your heart, and poison comes in with it.

Family Generational Curses

In Exodus 20, when God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, the number one commandment was this:

You shall have no other Gods before me.

He was saying,

"You must not worship demons, because that is all another god is. It is an evil power."

God said to them,

I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children’s children, to the third and fourth generations.

Your spirit is contaminated by what was in the spirit of your mother and father, and what was in the spirit of their mother and father, and what was in the spirit of their mother and father. If you count back you will see that this involves quite a few people.

If one of those in your third and fourth generations was involved in worshipping demons, or got involved in the occult and the New Age, then you have had a contamination passed down to you from them.

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It needs to be cut. It is like an umbilical cord, a thread that is passed down that needs to be cut.

You say, "But I’m a Christian now. I’ve accepted the Lord and Jesus has come into my life. The Holy Spirit has come to take up His residence in me and I’m born again."

Yes you are. But you have not stopped sinning have you? Your spirit still has the capability of being contaminated does it not? And the contamination that was passed down to your spirit needs to be dealt with.

It needs to be cut off and removed. It is not a very complicated thing, and I will share with you shortly how we can deal with these curses and remove them.

If you look at families you often see certain sins, weaknesses and diseases that run in the family. They try to tell us,

"It’s in your genes."

No, it is not in your genes. It is in your spirit. It is a curse.

You say, "Yes, well you know we have cancer in our family."

It is a curse. A curse is a spiritual thing. It is a family generational curse, and you need to break it.

You say, "Well, in our family a lot of the people committed suicide."

It is a curse.

"You know, in our family there are a lot of people that are accident prone and they keep having bad luck."

It is a curse. Watch out for these things. Do not assume anything. It is a family generation curse and you do not have to accept it.

After God had spoken those words He said,

"But I give my blessing upon thousands."

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You see the curse can only go for four generations, but the blessing of God is boundless. It has no limitation.

Family Generational Blessing

There is also family generational blessing.

Paul wrote to Timothy and he said,

"I am glad of the faith that is in you that used to be in your grandmother, and then in your mother, and now I can see it is in you as well."

You know what power we have as parents to impart the blessing of God to our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Pass the blessing of God down. Let’s get rid of the curse, let’s deal with it and cut it off, and let’s pass blessing in its place.

If you are walking under a curse, the chances are you do not know where it is coming from, and you cannot seem to shake it. Check your family history and if you can see it in your family generations, then cut it off.

I do not know who my great grandparents were. I never met them. I don’t know what they did.

I am not going to take any chances. I am going to cut it off anyway, just in case. Every believer should be doing that. You should be cutting off every single link.

Breaking Spiritual Links

You need to cut off links with one another. You need to break spiritual links with your parents.

I am not saying that you must turn your back on them. You just need to cut your spirit off from theirs.

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You need to cut your spirit off from your husband or your wife. Yes, God has made you one, but if there is a contamination that takes place in the one spirit, it is going to affect the other.

Your spirit has to be a separate entity before the Lord. It has to be your own spirit.

It has to be unique and controlled by God and by Him alone, not by another person. If you put yourself in subjection to another person, you unite your heart and your spirit with them.

When a man and a woman are divorced there is a spiritual bond there that most times is not severed. After they have gone through the divorce, and the courts have legally divorced them and they have separated, there is still a unity in their hearts towards each other.

Such people become involved in a second marriage and a third one, and they just cannot seem to settle in the next marriage, because they are still ‘married’ to the first person. Their spirit is still bound to the first person. It has to be cut off.

You have to cut your spirit off from every other human being and unite with God’s Holy Spirit alone. You must not be united with anybody else, not in that way.

Yes, there is union of spirits. There is sharing, especially in a husband/wife relationship and especially amongst believers in a church.

This is where Jesus said,

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.

There is a lovely fellowship in the Spirit and we flow together in one Spirit in the Holy Ghost. But your spirit must be independent and separate and not under the control or influence of another, otherwise the enemy knows how to get to you. He just gets to the other person who is weak.

If you are united with them he will get to them, and through them he will get to you. It will be communicated and you will go

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down spiritually. You cannot understand where it is coming from. Cut your spiritual ties. Be very careful of them.

Cursed Objects

The final thing that brings a curse is an inanimate object. God told the Israelites,

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not worship or bow yourself down to worship them."

Then He said, "You will not make any graven images. You will not make something out of the materials of this earth. You will not make an object and bow down and worship that."

You say, "Yes, well that’s pretty primitive you know. In those days people would go and bow down to idols. We don’t do that anymore today."

Do you think those people were so stupid as to think that a piece of wood was their god?

No, it was not the piece of wood they were bowing down to. It was the spirit that was in that piece of wood. You see an idol is simply an object that is being used by a spirit to link into this world.

Do you remember I said previously that only a spirit living in a body made from the materials of this world is able to bring about any influence in this world?

Satan and his demon spirits have no authority or power to bring a direct influence in this world until a man gives that license to them. But somehow it seems that spiritual essence can be contained in the elements of this world.

Somehow a spiritual power can be imparted to and contained within a physical object. That physical object then becomes a means of communication between the spirit world and the physical world. Contact is then made via the object with that spirit.

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This does not only apply to demon spirits. The Scripture tells us that God wrought special miracles by the hand of Paul; that aprons and cloths were laid on Paul’s body, while the anointing of the Holy Spirit was upon him.

Those pieces of material were then taken and laid on sick people and they were healed. They were laid on people who were demon possessed and the demons left.

There was a spiritual power contained in those objects. It seems strange, but there was a power there.

When the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines and they took it and put it in front of their god Dagon, Dagon could not stand the power. He fell down on his knees.

When that same Ark was taken to the house of Obededom, God blessed the whole household. There was a spirit contained in that object.

When Joshua went into the land of Canaan after they had conquered Jericho, he warned each one of the soldiers who went in with them. He said,

"When we go to plunder that city, destroy everything. You do not take anything that belongs to these people. These people are demon worshippers. They are contaminated. Do not touch the cursed things."

The Scripture calls it, ‘the accursed thing’. It says,

Touch not the accursed thing.

We know of how Achan went and stole a garment, some gold and silver and went and hid them under his tent. As soon as he did that a curse came into the camp of Israel.

They went out against the small little city of Ai. They should have wiped them out, but as they arrived there suddenly fear took hold of them.

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Where does fear come from? What is fear a sign of? It is a curse. There was a curse in the camp that brought them under fear. They could not conquer the enemy.

God weeded out Achan and his household. And because his family had already become so contaminated by these things being in their home, God ordered that the whole family be destroyed.

Do you know why? It is because the only way that you could get rid of the contamination in an idol was to destroy it. We will look at that shortly as we end this and see how we can deal with these things.

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Chapter 22 - How to Deal With Curses

How do we deal with curses? How do we remove them?

Firstly, you need to be aware of the existence of the curse and recognize its presence. To do that you simply need to look for the signs or elements of a curse.

Have things started to go wrong? Your car starts to go wrong and break down. You keep dropping glasses and crockery and breaking them.

Somebody injured themselves this week. There was bickering and fighting going on in the home and everybody was getting on one another’s nerves.

Look for the signs of a curse. Something is wrong. You do not have to become paranoid about it, but when these things start popping up again and again, you need to sit up and take notice.

Say, "Hold it. What is going on here? That’s the second time this has happened this week. What is going on?"

When you see the signs of the curse, then you need to start finding out where and how that curse entered in, and you need to deal with it.

Identifying a Curse

The first thing you need to ask yourself is,

"Is it me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer? Where did I blow it? What did I do? Where did I open the door?

"Did I violate God’s commands? Did I get involved in something that God forbade? Did I give in to the temptation to read that horoscope, just for fun?"

You might have opened the door. Deal with the personal sin in your life first. Ask yourself,

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"Have I spoken a curse upon myself, where instead of speaking blessing or speaking the good, I’ve used my tongue to release the forces into the earth to create the negative?"

You might have said something like,

"We are never going to get out of this problem. I think it’s just going to become worse. There’s pain in my body. Oh, I can just see. It’s going to get worse, I know it. I expect it to."

You have created the very thing that you did not want. Why? Because you have not walked in faith or obedience to the Word.

You have not been saying,

"My God says this. I believe it and I’m standing on the Word."

Perhaps you are not walking in love. You have allowed bitterness to enter your heart and you have become angry with somebody, and you will not let go of that.

They hurt you badly and you will not let it go. You are blocking the blessing of God in your life and you are opening the door to a curse.

The Law of Judgment

There is something that the Bible calls the Law of Judgment. Jesus said:

Judge not and you will not be judged. For with the same measure that you use it shall be measured back to you again.

When your wife starts acting like everything you always hated in your mother; when your husband starts behaving like the arrogant, horrible things you saw in your father, sit up and take note, because the judgment you made on your parents is coming back on you.

It is the law of judgment. As you speak forth judgment on another, the Scripture says that with the same measure that you use, the judgment that you made is coming right back at you.

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As you place your judgment on others, and you speak negatively and speak curses on them, it will come right back at you. Be very careful.

The Lord also said that if you come to prayer and your brother has something against you, you must sort it out. If you have something against your brother, you must also go and sort it out.

You say, "Well who should go first - him or me?"

Well if one of you upset the other, you know where you should meet? If he lives on one end of the street and you live at the other end of the street, then you should be meeting half way. No matter whose fault it was both of you are responsible to sort it out.

So you think about it and you conclude,

"Yes, it is my fault."

Then you need to go and sort it out. But maybe you come to the conclusion,

"Well it’s his fault."

You are still responsible to sort it out. You see whether it is his fault or yours, you are responsible to go and sort it out. There is no excuse. If there is bitterness, conflict and strife and division in the Body of Christ, you come under a curse.

That is what Paul was speaking about at the Lord’s Table when he said:

If we judge ourselves we would not be judged.

But we are judged because we eat and drink unworthily, not discerning the Lord’s body; not realizing that those are members of the Body that I am in conflict with.

You must deal with it and put it to sleep otherwise you are under a curse. You are opening the door to evil and to strife. You must shut it off.

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Breaking Family Generation Curses

Breaking of family generations is slightly different. To clear your spirit you need to obey James 4:7 which says:

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.

It is a case of saying,

"Father I submit myself wholly to you now in spirit, soul and body. I give myself completely to you.

"And now Satan, in the name of Jesus I come against every influence and every family generation link, and every power that you’ve tried to bring upon me through the sins of my forefathers.

"I renounce them and have nothing to do with them, and I cut that cord. I break every link now and I separate my spirit in Jesus’ name."

It is that simple. There is nothing complicated about it. But it must be spoken verbally as a declaration into the earth. It must be done with words. Do not sit and pray in your mind. The Devil cannot hear you. You must speak words.

Now that your spirit is free however, you must keep it that way. Family generations, like all other contamination, are something that you need to address continually if there are still family members that you keep in contact with.

You will find that where there is a family generation curse, it tries to re-establish itself every time you make contact with a family member.

You should get into the habit of breaking spiritual links and family generation curses every time you are in contact with members of your blood family.

This is especially true where many of them are unsaved or have never dealt with these curses in their lives. If you do not do this

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consistently, then you will soon find the evidences of the family generation curse beginning once more to show themselves in your life.

Where this is particularly obvious is where financial hardship is involved. Poverty is one of the strongest family generation curses.

In order to overcome this you must not only deal with the curse in your own life, but you should on a regular basis purge yourself from any further contamination from family members.

If you do this consistently, you will find yourself breaking free of poverty and financial bondage in a new way, and the provision that you have believed for will start to manifest in your life.

Breaking Associations

It is impossible to avoid certain people. We meet with people and rub shoulders with them all the time in the world. But you must learn to shut your spirit off.

Even when you have had to open your heart and your spirit to somebody, and you know that they are under a curse, as soon as you leave the presence of that person, just break free.

Pray a simple prayer like this. Say,

"Father I submit myself afresh to you. I break every spiritual link. I renounce and let go of any curse that I may have picked up from that person."

Then speak blessing on them. Shine the light.

Say, "Lord bless them. Take away that curse. I speak blessing on them. Open their eyes and their hearts. Pour into them what you have, instead of receiving from them what they have.

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Dealing With Words from Others

There are also the negative words from others. Sometimes you cannot avoid that. You can often feel when people are talking about you. Have you ever experienced that? You just know,

"They’re talking about us. I know it. I can imagine what they are saying."

Now do not allow bitterness to creep in there. All you do is send their words back. You can say,

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I am protected by the Blood and I neutralize any effect of their words and any negative influence that they’ve sent. I shut my spirit off from it in Jesus’ name."

There is no power, and no curse coming from without that can touch you, as long as your spirit is separated unto the Lord. There is no power that can touch you.

There is no demon force, no spiritualist that can speak words and pray prayers against you and bring curses against you. They do not have the power to do it, because you have the greater one living in you.

But if you get into their camp you are asking for trouble.

Don’t think you can go into a séance and say, "I rebuke you in Jesus’ name," and break it up.

You are being foolish. Keep out of the enemy’s camp. Do not become involved in things that God never led you into.

Do not think that you can go and bind the demons in somebody like that because you have authority, unless the Holy Spirit should lead you to do that in a very definite way.

Be very careful. Keep your spirit free and uncontaminated. Keep it separated to the Lord.

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Dealing With Cursed Objects

Watch out for cursed objects. These objects fall into two categories.

The first is an object that is made specifically to be an idol. The most obvious is the St Christopher that people wear around their necks for protection.

One that is not so obvious and fools many Christians is a golden or wooden cross. We do not worship the cross, we worship Jesus, and He is not on the cross anymore.

Some people wear a cross and see it as an emblem of blessing. Be very careful. You often do not even know where that cross came from. A lot of those crosses have been specially ‘blessed’ and impregnated with evil.

When you wear a cross that you bought in the shop you do not know who made that cross. Crosses have been known to have satanic emblems embedded in them and overlaid with gold so you cannot see it.

There are hexapoints and Star of David type emblems. There is the pentagram, which the spiritualists use. Watch out. These are idols.

Watch out for little carved images made by natives and people that are involved in witchcraft and demon worship. Maybe you went to Africa and bought one of these beautiful little carved things made by the African people.

It was so beautiful and you thought nothing of bringing it home again. But you actually brought an idol home. It was made for worship of a demon. Be very careful of any object.

There are other obvious objects like the Virgin Mary and the Buddha that are made to be idols. When something is made to be an idol there is only one way that you can take the power out of it, and that is to destroy it.

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There are also many other things, such as books that are contaminated. Books contain words from people, and words are impregnated with what was in their spirit.

Be careful about bringing worldly magazines into your house. Those that are particularly dangerous are the ones that contain a horoscope.

It is not even necessary for you to read the horoscope for it to bring a curse into your home. Its very presence will bring a curse.

You say, "But there are only innocent articles in it. There’s nothing bad, and no horoscopes."

Yes, but what about the person who wrote it? What was in their heart when they wrote it? There could be a contamination. Be very careful.

Do not keep the newspaper in your house. If you bring it in, read it and get rid of it. It is filled to the brim with evil. It is filled with words reporting evil, telling about what Satan is doing in the world. It is filled with words that create fear.

By all means, keep up to date with what is happening in the world, but do not keep it in your home. It is an idol and should be destroyed, or it will bring evil into your home.

Dealing With Contaminated Objects

The second category of idols are those that are not idols because they are made to be that way. They are simply objects that have become contaminated by being in the presence of somebody who has been under a curse.

Anything can be affected. If an object that you are using was used previously by somebody who was under a curse and under a demon influence, their presence could have contaminated it. So when you pick it up later it might still have that influence in it.

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It is the same thing as the cloths that were on Paul and impregnated with the power of the Holy Spirit.

When people are filled with the power of evil, the objects that are on their bodies become contaminated in the same way. But we do not have to destroy those like they had to do in the old times, because we have authority over it now in the name of Jesus.

Even a Bible could have become contaminated, though it contains the words of life. The paper itself could become impregnated with evil. All you need to do is pray over it and decontaminate it, and speak blessing on it instead.

Hold it up and say,

"Father, I cause this object to be transmuted out of darkness and into light. I take it out of the Kingdom of Darkness and shine your light on it, and I speak blessing on it now, and your anointing upon it instead."

You remove that contamination from it by doing this.

Walking in Freedom

Do you think I am paranoid? If you walk in the gift of discerning of spirits you can sense the presence of evil. You can walk into a room and you can feel that there is an object in that room that is bringing a sense of evil into the room.

Most other people are not aware of it. It will stay there and will keep putting forth its influence. It will keep blocking the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, while you are trying to walk in blessing.

When you are under a curse, this is what it is like. You are like a motor boat that is in the water.

You have your engines going at full speed and you put the throttle right up, but there is a rope tying the boat to the bank, and you are going nowhere. Cut the cord, and suddenly the boat takes off.

By Les D. Crause

Chapter 22 How to Deal With Curses Page !208

Break the curse. Deal with each one of these things in your life. Take those principles of releasing the blessing of God, and suddenly you will start to take off like a plane that is gathering speed on the runway and gaining momentum, going faster and faster.

Suddenly things just start to happen in your life. Suddenly blessing will come forth that you have never known or experienced before.

All it takes is to cut some of those cords. Cut some of those family umbilical cords, some of those generation links and associations.

Remove all the things that are blocking God’s power in your life. Just cut them off. Neutralize them, speak against them, and counteract them with blessing.

The Scripture says we should bless and not curse. We should speak blessing all the time. As we speak blessing all the time the curses are neutralized. As we renounce and break and disassociate ourselves with all of these things, the curse is removed.

The Scripture says:

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us.

God wants us to walk in blessing. Jesus has redeemed us from the curse. Let’s no longer walk in a curse, but let’s walk in blessing, and in blessing alone.

By Les D. Crause

You Have Reached The End of This Book

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This book was Volume 2 of the Overcoming Evil Series. If you have not yet seen the other two parts then look out for them:

Volume 1 - Foundations of Overcoming Evil

Volume 3 - Overcoming Sickness, Poverty and Loneliness

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You may also find both ebooks and printed books by Les on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B006T37QGI

Here is a list of books available through GBM Bookshop and other retail stores.

Books By Les D. Crause

Fivefold Ministry Books

Characteristics of the Fivefold Ministry

The Evangelistic Calling

The Pastoral Calling

The Teaching Calling

Ministry and Doctrine Books

Bible Doctrine Made Easy

Counseling God's Way

Conversational Prayer

Ministering in God's Power

Spiritual Transformation

Your Spiritual Journey

Finding God's Perfect Match

Living With God's Perfect Match

Unleash Your Talents

Prophetic Books

Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry

Prophetic Ministry Made Easy

Prophetic Visions and Dreams

Reaching Prophetic Office

Functioning in Prophetic Office

Praying With Power

Prophet in a Box

Apostolic Books

The Apostolic Calling Expanded

The Apostolic Minister

The Apostolic Entrepreneur

Building the New Church

Overcoming Evil Trilogy

Volume 1 - Foundations of Overcoming Evil

Volume 2 - Overcoming Evil - The Ultimate Deliverance Manual

Volume 3 - Overcoming Sickness, Poverty and Loneliness

Business and Success Books

The Blessing Code

Fulfill Your Destiny

The Way to Success

Keys to Self-Motivation

Making Your Dream Come True

The New Way of Blessing Part 1 - Discovering Your Blessing

The New Way of Blessing Part 2 - Using Your Blessing

The New Way of Business Part 1 - Keys to Creativity

About The Author

Les D. Crause is the Founder and Apostolic Father of Global Business Ministries International (www.gbmi.co.za)

Always working on the cutting edge, Les is paving the way for the End Times Church and also rising up to set a standard in both Ministry and Business. His influence is reaching to all nations, all genders, and all classes of people.

Having spent years in preparation, Les has put together a ministry that combines the three roads that God has shown him.

These roads are: The Ministry Road, The Business Road and the Social Road.

This will result in the ultimate vision that God gave Les years ago. He showed that those in the End Times Church would walk on three roads at the same time, and that this would produce the greatest church of all time.

Les has produced many books and resources on different subjects and continues to provide teaching and training to help extend the Kingdom of God into the earth.

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