no concern regarding safety of covishield, covaxin vaccines

VOL. 37 | NO.85 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 " $ "$ #$ ! $ ! $ "$ $ ! JAMMU, SATURDAY, MARCH 27 , 2021 Parra paid Rs 5 cr to Geelani's son-in-law to keep Kashmir in turmoil after Burhan's death: NIA **1$3 $)&’ . *74 $ 70B 0;;4643 C70C && H>DC7 ;4034A -07443DA (07<0= &0AA0 ?083 (B 2A>A4 C> C74 B>=8=;0F >5 70A3;8=4 DAA8H0C >=54A4=24 ;4034A )H43 ;8 )707 44;0=8 5>A :44? 8=6 !0B7<8A 8= CDA<>8; 05C4A C74 340C7 >5 8I1D; #D9078344=B ?>BC4A 1>H DA70= -0=8 8= = 0= 4G70DBC8E4 270A64 B744C A424=C;H 58;43 8= 0 B?4280; 2>DAC 8= 0<<D C74 $0C8>=0; =E4BC860C8>= 64=2H 022DB43 $$ .. ,+ -%$ DB dispose of PIL seeking formaulation of policy to control the menace created by monkeys, Neel Gai and stray cattle **1 ."& ! ’ !&$%& &&"! ) "# $!*&"! "$ $ ! !($"!!& "%&$’&"! ’ %! & & ! $& ) "!)% ! %&$) && ! %% ##$" #$& $&"!% &" "!&$" & % ) "$’&! #") "$ ! &"! #! ! && $ $ (%"! ! 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ISRO working towards using green propellant for future launches: K Sivan

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VOL. 37 | NO.85 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 ��������������� ������

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Parra paid Rs 5 cr toGeelani's son-in-lawto keep Kashmir inturmoil after Burhan'sdeath: NIA ��������������������������������� **1��$3��$)&'��� .���

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India, Bangladesh must remain vigilant andunited to counter threats like terrorism: PM Modi

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China a "challenging neighbour": EAM Jaishankar,says he has always seen lessons from its growth

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No concern regarding safety of Covishield,Covaxin vaccines: Health minister

SC reserves verdict onplea for immediaterelease of Rohingyarefugees in Jammu ��������������������$3��$)&'��� .���

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi being received by Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina, in Dhaka.

ISRO working towardsusing green propellant forfuture launches: K Sivan

JAMMU SAtUrdAy MArch 27, 2021Obituary2 Glimpses of Future

UTHALAWith profound grief & sorrow,we inform that untimelydeath of our beloved motherSmt Satya Devi W/o LateMansa Ram R/o H.No.56Opp. Vishwakarma Temple,New Plots, Jammu. Uthalawill take place on 29-03-2021 (Monday) at 4.30 pm atour residence.GRIEF STRICKENSons & Daughter-in-lawNarinder Angotra & Smt SudeshDavinder Angotra & Smt SushmaJoginder Angotra & Smt AnjanaSon-in-law & DaughtersSh Sardari Lal & Smt ChanchalSh Surinder Kumar & Smt BabyGrand Children: Kunal, Vishal, Jatinder, Harsh,Tanvi, Isha & Harshita, Sunakshi, SanjogitaContact No. 9419356974, 8803319949

Smt SatyaDevi

10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief and sor-row we regret to inform thesudden demise of ourbeloved Sh. Shiban LalThusoo S/o Lt. Sham LalThusoo R/o Village KarihamaTeh. & Distt. KupwaraKashmir at present PonichakNear Sharda Mandir Jammuon 18-3-2021. The 10th DayKriya will be performed on 27-03-2021 at Akhnoor Ghat andthe assembly will be held at ourPounichak residence at12:00 PM.GRIEF STRICKEN:-Smt. Santosha Thusoo - WifeSon and Daughter-in-lawSunny Thusoo & Shweta ThusooDaughter & Son-in LawSunita Bhan & Sundeep BhanDeepti Kaul & Surinder KaulBhabhi & BrothersSmt.Nancy Thusoo & Sh. J.L ThusooSmt. Desha Thusoo & Lt. Rajnath ThusooAnchal Thusoo D/O Lt. Chand Ji ThusooPh. Number: 8527144677

Sh. Shiban LalThusoo

UTHALAWith profound grief & sorrow,we inform the sad demise ofour beloved Sh. BanarsiDass Gupta resident ofH.No. 55, Gali Sehgalan,Pacca Danga, Jammu.Uthala will be performed on27th March 2021 atKingsway hall near HotelFortune at 2 pm to 3 pm. GRIEF STRICKENSons & Daughters-in-LawMohan Lal Gupta- Anjana Gupta Chander Bhushan Gupta - (9797500505)Anish Gupta- Anita (9055069951)Daughters & Sons-in-LawKusam Mahajan- P K MahajanPrabha Gupta - Vijaish GuptaKanchan Gupta - Dr C.S. Vaid& All Grandsons and DaughtersGupta Sanitation, Upper Bazar, Panjtirthi JammuGupta Trader's, Dhar Road, Udhampur

Sh. BanarsiDass Gupta

UTHALAWith profound grief and sorrowwe regret to inform the sad de-mise of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Bali(Shanty) S/o Lt. Dhan Raj Balion 16-03- 2021. UTHALA will beperformed on 27-03-2021 from3:00 to 4:00 PM at Hari MandirRehari Colony Jammu.GRIEF STRICKENSmt. Usha Bali - Wife (7780881767)Sh. Mohit Bali & Smt. Damini Bali - Son & Daughter-in-law - 7006647260Smt. Tania & Sh. Rohit Dutta- Daughter & Son-in-law - 7006456118Sh. Devinder Kumar Bali & Smt. Gulshan Bali-Brother & Bhabi - 9419180121Smt. Prem Lata & Sh. Rajesh Chander Vaid- Sister& Brother-in-law - 9419193720Sister & Brother-in-lawSh. Nitesh & Miss Amisha Samnotra, Children of Lt.Kusum Lata & Lt. Devinder SamnotraSh.Sourab Bali & Smt. Ambika- Nephew & Daughter-in-law - 94192-41931Sh. Sachin Bali & Smt. Manju- Nephew & Daughter-in-law - 94192-20820Smt. Shivali Bali & Sh. Anupam Bakshi - Niece & Son-in-lawSmt. Shaweta & Sh. Rohit - Niece & Son-in-lawSmt. Major Mridul & Lt. Col Aniket- Niece & Son-in-law

Sh. RakeshKumar Bali

10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief and sorrow, it isinformed that our belovedKaramyogi Sh Radha KrishenRaina, resident of Wussan, DisttGanderbal/Santramorh, Bohri,Jammu, left for heavenly abode, af-ter a brief illness, at his residence atWussan, on 21-03-2021 (1.30 AM).Tenth Day Kriya will be performedon 29-03- 2021 (Monday) at 8 AM atSindh Ghat Wussan DisttGanderbal. Mourning as well asAssembly on 10th Day shall be heldat Wussan residence.GRIEF STRICKEN :Smt Umashori Raina- WifeSh Mohan Lal Raina-BrotherSmt Mohini Razdan & Smt Sheela Raina- BhabiSh Vir Ji Raina & Smt Ruby Raina- Son & D-in-lawSmt Babita & Sh Sunil Bakshi- Daughter & Son-in-lawSmt Anita & Sh Opinder Krishan Koul- -do-(SAMAST PARIWAR)Ph. 7006128593, 9858040404

Sh RadhaKrishen Raina

KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief & sorrow, weinform the sad demise of ourbeloved Sh. Madan Lal Anand(Arnas Waley) S/o Lt Sh.Girdhari Lal Anand R/o H.No.144/2, Arjun Nagar, JanipurJammu. Kirya will be performedon 28-03-21 (Sunday) at ourresidence at 11:00 am. on-wards. Uthala/Rasam Pagri willbe performed on 29/3/21 at SriKrishan Mandir, Basant Nagar,Janipur from 3 pm to 4 pm.GRIEF STRICKENSmt. Kamla Anand - WifeSon & Daughter-in-lawSh. Rajesh Anand & Smt. Priya AnandAnju & Sunil Gupta - Daughter & Son-in-lawRanju & Abhishek - Daughter & Son-in-law9419167959, 9419295433, 9419113763

Sh. Madan LalAnand

10TH DAY/RASAM PAGRI/UTHALAGod has a plan for all of us evenif we don't accept it. With all ourefforts and hard work. We could-n't save you. With deepest sor-row, we inform you the sad de-mise of our father Sh ShamSunder Khatri on 19-03-2021resident of W.No.12, H.No.10,Main Bazar Udhampur. Mayyour soul find comfort and restin other world. Tenth Day: atMahajan Hall (Sheetla MataGali) Chabutra Bazar 11.30 amon 27-3-2021 (Saturday).Rasam Kriya/ Karam at DevikaGhat on 30-3-2021 And Uthalaat Mahajan Hall 4 PM on 31-3-2021 (Wednesday). IN GRIEFSmt Anu Radha -WifeSons: Akhil & Nikhil KhatriAnd All Family Members

Sh ShamSunder Khatri

OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrow,we inform the sad demise of ourbeloved Sh. Triloki Nath PanditaS/o Late Sh. Ram Chand PanditaR/o Krangsoo, Tehsil AnantnagDistt Anantnag Kashmir A/PHouse No. 126 Lane No.2Pamposh Colony Janipur Jammuwho left for heavenly abode on22-03-2021. 10TH DAY KRIYAwill be performed on 31-03- 2021at Akhnoor Ghat and Assemblywill be held at Muthi Ghat Jammuat 11:30 AM near DirectorEducation Office.GRIEF STRICKEN:-Smt. Ram Rani- MotherShri Shyam Lal Pandita -UncleShri Dileep Pandita - SonSmt. Bunty Pandita -Daughter-in-lawSmt. Anju Pandita Taku DaughterShri Kuldeep Taku -Son-in-lawSmt Nancy Sagar - SisterShri Ashwani Sagar -Jija JeeSmt Bitta & Shri Mohan Lal -Bhabi & BrotherSmt Kiran & Sh Autar Krishan Pandita -Bhabi & BrotherSmt Reeta & Shri D.N. Pandita -Bhabi & BrotherTamana & Sheen -Grand ChildrenAnd Samast Pandita /Taku/Raina/Sagar ParivarsMobile : 9682154374, 9717511303, 9149696359, 9015409584

Sh. Triloki NathPandita

UTHALA/RASAM PAGRIWith profound grief and sor-row, we inform the sad demiseof our beloved father Sh DesRaj S/o Late Sh Bali Ram R/oGoal Pattan Gajansoo who leftfor heavenly abode on16.03.2021. Uthala/RasamPagri on Monday, 29-03-2021at 2 PM at our residence GoalPattan (Gajansoo)GRIEF STRICKEN :Sons & Daughters -in-lawTarsem Sharma & AnuRampaul Sharma & GulshanDaughters & Sons-in-lawDarshna Devi & Sardari LalSantosh Devi & ShatergunSankuntla Devi & Sohan LalL/Smt Anuradha & AgyapaulNeelam Devi & Bhart BushanSwarna Devi & Vijay SharmaRamani Devi & Madan LalGrand Sons & DaughterVishesh, Vishav, Keshav & GarimaPh : 9419138829, 9797632144, 9622224086

Sh Des Raj

10TH DAY KRIYAIt is with profound grief & sorrow

that the family of Smt. Soomawati

alias Gouri Shori W/o Lt. Sh.

Soom Nath Sharma of Wanpoh

Anantnag announces her sad

demise on 18-03-2021 at her

residence peacefully. Tenth Day

Kriya will be performed at

Akhnoor Ghat on 27-03-2021

Saturday and the assembly will

be held at residence house No.

15A- Lane No. 1 Taravihar be-

hind soap factory Paloura

Jammu at 10:30 am.


Sons & Daughters-in-law

Brothers-in-law & Sisters-in-law

Equally in grief- all her grand sons,

grand daughters & grand sons-in-law

Phone : 9622258237, 9419121827, 9906298971

Smt. Soomawatialias Gouri Shori

OBITUARYWith profound grief and sorrow,we inform the sad demise of ourbeloved Sh Sudarshan DevBhau S/o Swaran Singh BhauR/o Chak Malal (Khour) who leftfor heavenly abode on 17-3-2021 due to road accident. 10thDay Kriya on 26-3-2021 at ourresidence Chak Malal. 13th DayKriya Karam on 29-3-2021 atour residence Chak Malal.DEEPLY MISSED BY:Grand ParentsSmt Koushalya W/o Late Sh Puran Singh BhauTanvi -WifeSmt and Sh Swaran Singh -Mother & FatherSmt & Sh Sham Singh -Taya & Tayi JiSmt & Sh Karan Singh -Uncle & AuntySmt & Sh Surinder Singh -Uncle & AuntySisters & JijuMeenakshi & KulwantNidhi & VikramAntima & Tejinder& Miss RidhmaBrothersBisham, ChahatShanu & MahiMob: 9596965222, 7051104872, 9419171270 &8082672250

Sh SudarshanDev Bhau

BHOG & ANTIM ARDASWith profound grief & deepestever sorrow, we inform the sadand sudden demise of Mata HarKour W/o Late S. Sant SinghR/o Gota Tehsil ChassanaDistrict Reasi, who left for heav-enly abode on 21-03-2021.PROGRAMME: Arambh SriAkhand Path Sahib Sunday28th of March-2021 at our resi-dence Village Gota TehsilChassana District Reasi at 9.00am. Bhog Sri Akhand PathSahib Tuesday, the 30-03- 2021at 9.00 am. Kirtan and AntimArdass will be performed upto12.00 Noon at GurudwaraSingh Sabha Gota.GRIEF STRICKENDaughters-in-law & SonsSardarni Inderjeet Kour & S. Surjeet SinghSardarni Ranjeet Kour & S. Gurcharan SinghSardarni Gurdeep Kour & S. Ranjeet SinghSardarni Kulwant Kour & S. Manhor SinghSardarni Davinder Kour & S. Randhir SinghSardarni Inderjeet Kour & S. Balwant SinghSardarni Surinder Kour & S. Tarlokh SinghMob: 9622178325, 9596722270, 9906132606,9682352334

Mata Har Kour

10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALAWith profound grief and sorrow,we regret to inform the sad de-mise of Smt. Nirmala Kumari(Nibha) W/o Sh. Ashok KumarKhajuria on 18-03-2021. The10th Day will be performed on27th of March, 2021 at 11.00 AMat our residence (Geeta Colony,Near Kameshwar Mandir,Akhnoor). Kriya will be per-formed on 28-03-2021 at ourresidence (Geeta Colony NearKameshwar Mandir, Akhnoor)at 12.30 PM. Uthala will be per-formed on 29-03-2021 at ourresidence (Geeta Colony, NearKameshwar Mandir, Akhnoor)at 4.00 PM.GRIEF STRICKENSh. Ashok Kumar Khajuria - HusbandSon & Daughter-in-lawSh. Lalit Kumar Khajuria & Smt. Shruti SharmaDaughter & Son-in-lawSmt. Nekha Khajuria & Sh.Pankaj MagotraSh. Tarsem Khajuria & Smt. Sushma Devi -Brother-in-law & BhabhiLakshita, Chakshita & Garvit (Grand Children)Contact: 9906276304, 9419734720, 9622339222

Smt. NirmalaKumari (Nibha)

ADH-BARKHIYou don’t know “Babajee” howmuch disturbed, shattered &broken we are all without you,you went to heaven so early. Weare sure that heaven is now fullof gup-shup, laughter and hap-piness. Love you & Miss youvery badly. May God grant eter-nal peace to your soul. AdhBarkhi of our beloved Sh. BrijBhushan Rathore S/o Late Sh.Radha Krishan Rathore will beperformed on 27 March 2021Saturday at our residence &Post Office Udrana Bhaderwah.REMEMBERED BY:Smt. Beena Rathore W/o Late B.B. RathoreUdrana BhaderwahAll Family MembersMob.: 9906067208

Sh. Brij BhushanRathore

RASAM PAGRI/UTHALAWith profound grief and sorrow,we regret to inform the sad de-mise of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Bali(Shanty) S/o Lt. Dhan Raj Balion 16.03.2021. The RasamPagri / Uthala will be performedon 27.03.2021 from 3:00 to 4:00P.M. at Hari Mandir RehariColony Jammu.GRIEF STRICKENSmt. Usha Bali- Wife (77808-81767)Sh. Mohit Bali & Smt. Damini Bali - Son & Daughter-in-law (70066-47260)Smt. Tania Dutta & Sh. Rohit Dutta- Daughter and Son-in-law (70064-56118)Brother & BhabiSh. Devinder Kumar Bali & Smt. Gulshan Bali Smt. Prem Lata (Kavita) & Sh. Rajesh ChanderVaid- Sister & Brother-in- lawSister & Brother-in-lawSh. Nitish & Miss Amisha Samnotra- (Childrens ofLt. Kusum Lata & Lt. Devinder Samnotra)Sh. Sourab Bali & Smt. Ambika - Nephew & Daughter-in-law (94192-41931)Sh. Sachin Bali & Smt. Manju Bali- Nephew & Daughter-in-law (94192-20820)Srnt. Shivali Bakshi & Anupam Bakshi- Niece & Son-in-IawSmt. Shaweta Sharma & Sh. Rohit Sharma- Niece & Son-in-lawMajor Mridul & Lt. Col Aniket- Niece & Son-in-law

Sh. RakeshKumar Bali

10TH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief and sorrow,we inform the sad demise ofKaramyogi Janki Nath Dhar wholeft for heavenly abode on 20-03-2021. At present ShardaVihar Lane No.1/A Santra Morh(Pouni Chak) Jammu erstwhileresident of Village GuddarKulgam Kashmir. Tenth DayKriya shall be performed atAkhnoor Ghat on Monday, 29thof March, 2021 and Assemblyshall be held at Muthi Ghat at10.30 am.GRIEF STRICKENSmt Janak Rani -WifeSons and Daughters-in-lawSmt Ruby Dhar & Ashok DharSmt Rajani Dhar & Ramesh DharDaughters and Sons-in-lawSmt Romi Bhat and Rajindar BhatSmt Girja Pandita & Shri Sunil Ji PanditaBrothers & BhabhisSmt Vijay Dhar and Shri J.L DharSmt Kundan Dhar and Shri C.L DharSmt Sharika Dhar W/o Late Somnath DharSister and Brother-in-lawSmt Jaya Tingloo and Shri M.K TinglooSamast Munshi, Koul, Dhar, Bhat ParivarsPhone: 9622337883, 9622138399

Janki Nath Dhar

ADH-BARKHISIX MONTH HAVE PASSEDSINCE YOU LEFT US FORHEAVENLY ABODE. WE FEELYOUR PRESENCE ON EVERYMOMENT. WE ALL PRAY FORETERNAL PEACE TO YOURNOBLE SOUL "Days will passand turn in to six months but wewill always remember you withsilent tears." Aadh Barkhi ofLate Sideshwar Gupta (Sidhu)S/o Late Smt. Neelam RaniGupta and Sh. Yugvir Gupta willbe performed at our residencenear Head Post Office Rajourion 28th March (Sunday) at11.00 A.M onward.DEEPLY REMEMBERED BYSokaria Family (Dadke)Feria Family (Nanke)Mob: 9419266271 9622286271




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Rana for identifying talent, providinginfrastructural facilities to cricketers


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DCC Udhampur intensifies protestagainst incessant fuel price hike������������������������ ������������������ ���������������������������

Nitish hails J&KBJP leadership forpromoting youth���������������

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BJP workers are the soldiers ofBharat Mata: Ravinder Raina����� ���������������������

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Apni Party to stage protest against mining mafia in Jammu on March 27

JAMMU, SAtUrdAy, MArch 27, 2021lOcal/natiOnal4Glimpses of Future


Samagra Shiksha,department of SchoolEducation, Jammu andKashmir, today e-launchedthe ‘talaash’ app for main-streaming of Out of Schoolchildren (OOSc).

the app was launchedby Project directorSamagra Shiksha J&K, dr.Arun Manhas. the OOScprogramme aims to enu-merate and keep track ofOOSc in a timely and quali-ty manner, through inten-sive data analysis and mon-itoring.

the digital applicationincludes: A web-based ap-plication for data collectionand tracking of out-of-school children; Mobile ap-plication for data collectionand tracking of out-of-school children andadashboard for reportingpurpose

the application is

meant for easy use onsmartphones by teachersand others, conducting themapping/surveys. It wouldmake data collection andentry one step, eliminatingthe need for manual compi-lation of data and for send-ing to the block or any otherlevel for data entry.

Prompts built in the ap-plication would ensure thatall critical data fields areentered and not left blank.the data will be feasible toview, including throughuser-friendly analytical re-

ports at various adminis-trative levels through thedashboard, allowing forprofiles to be developed onout-of-school children andtimely action to be takenand reducing the existingtime lag in data availability.the application will also fa-cilitate effective monitoringand tracking of out-of-school children as they areidentified and enrolled inschools and special trainingprogrammes.

Jammu & Kashmir hadan estimated 27500 out-of-

school children (OoSc)comprising two categories-Never enrolled; anddropouts. there are vari-ous provisions regardingmainstreaming of OoSc inthe right of children toFree and compulsoryEducation (rtE) Act,2009, MoE guidelines onSpecial training andMhrd clarification onProvisions of rtE Act,2009.

At the launch, dr.Manhas said, “cOVId-19has made the use of tech-nology in education mostimminent and Edtech ini-tiatives have grown leapsand bounds in the past oneyear. Mainstreaming of Outof School children was oneof the priorities of theMinistry of Education,which could be facilitatedby technology. Within aspan of just under 2-3months, this app has beendeveloped with the techni-

cal support of UNIcEFIndia. this app will makethe process of survey of outof school children by digitalmeans easier, accurate andsimpler. this has been acollaborative effort fromthe team of SamagraShiksha, UNIcEF andVelocity Software in mak-ing this project possible.

Others present duringthe programme werePeerzada Mushtaq Ahmed(Field Officer-SamagraShiksha); Ghulam rasoolMir (State coordinator);BalJi thaploo (Statecoordinator); SunitaFotedar (Programmer);Vikas Kahjuria (AssistantProgrammer); ShiekhSuhail, EducationSpecialist from UNIcEFGanesh Nigam, AureliaArdito and danish Aziz andthe developer team fromVelocity Software harshAgrawal, Nitin Srivastavaand ranjan Sharma.

JK Samagra Shiksha e-launches TalaashApp for mapping of Out of School Children


counselling and careercounselling cell ofGovernment degree collegeNowshera organized one dayworkshop on “GeneralOrientation and careercounseling’ for the studentshere, the other day.

A large number of studentsand the faculty members par-ticipated in the programme,which began with lighting ofthe lamp followed by SaraswatiVandhana.

Additional deputycommissioner, Nowshera,Sukhdev Singh Samyal, wasthe chief guest, while Principalof the college, dr. SurinderKumar presided over the pro-gramme.

the chief guest appreciatedthe college committee for or-ganizing the interactive sessionfor the students. he also em-phasized on the importance ofonline marketing and digitalknowledge in the presentworld. he also advised the stu-dents to make best use of theirprecious time and prepare fortheir competitive examina-tions along with their studies.

Earlier, the collegePrincipal formally welcomedthe chief Guest, resourcePersons and other SpecialGuests of the programme. heappraised the gathering aboutthe various developmentalprojects which have been initi-ated like up-grading of sportsground, construction of can-teen block, provision of drink-ing water, establishment ofdigital classrooms and brows-ing center. he also informedthat soft skill developmentcourses in collaboration withNIELIt Jammu and centralUniversity- Jammu have beenstarted under the aegis ofhigher Educationdepartment. he also spokeabout the different develop-ment projects which have to betaken up with the higherAuthorities like construction ofacademic block, multipurposehall, girls’ hostel and staffquarters. he also talked aboutthe new Education Policy -2020 and asked the students tobecome entrepreneurs.

the resource Persons,BdO Nowsheram SahilMahajan and BdO Seri, AnjaliGandotra, enlightened the stu-

dents regarding various oppor-tunities in academics as well ascompetitive fields after gradu-ation. they provided informa-tion to the students about thevarious competitive exams likeKAS, IAS, cdS, Banking, NEt,JrF, GAtt and others. theyinformed the students aboutthe various PG courses theycan pursue after graduation.they also interacted with thestudents and cleared theirdoubts.

dr. chander Parkash,health department Nowsheramade the students aware aboutthe menace of drug addictionand urged them to adopt ahealthy lifestyle for better de-velopment of their personality.he also asked the students tomake good use of Mobile andInternet.

the yoga trainer, raviSharma, expressed his viewson the significance of yoga inday-to-day life. he explainedabout various types of yoga likeShakti yoga, Gyan yoga, Kriyayoga, Karam yoga etc. andstress management.

the Special Guests Bdcchairman, Bodh raj,Municipal committee

chairman, Narinder Sharma,External IQAc Member, raviKant and SdPO Nowshera,Zakir hussain Mirza also in-spired the students with theirvisionary insight and advisedthem to work hard and be hon-est to fulfill their dream.

Assistant ProfessorPhysics, S Joginder Singh, alsomotivated the students to focuson their studies and make useof the internet in a positivemanner. Assistant Prof.Punjabi, S. Gurjeet Singh, re-cited a poem in Punjabi on therole and importance of ateacher in the life of student.

On this occasion, Soniachoudhary, B.Sc. Sem.-V wasconferred with the student ofthe “year Award”. the guestswere conferred with a token ofappreciation in the form of me-mentos. A Plantation drive wasalso carried out in the collegecampus by the guests, facultymembers and students.

the vote of thanks was pre-sented by Mohd. Sharief,Lecturer Urdu. the proceed-ings of the event were conduct-ed by Madhu Bala, Lecture,English and Saleem Ahmadyatoo, Lecturer EVS.

GDC Nowshera hosts Workshop on “GeneralOrientation and Career Counselling”


Advisor to LieutenantGovernor, Farooq Khan todayheard people's grievances atGrievance cell, church Lanehere and listened to various is-sues and demands of public im-portance.

during the Grievance re-dressal camp, scores of publicdelegations and individuals metthe Advisor and apprised himabout their various issues anddemands.

A delegation from darbaghharwan demanded construc-tion of play field for the area andthey submitted a proposal ofland for the same.

Similarly, a deputation ofPhak citizens Welfare Forummet Advisor Khan and submit-ted a memorandum of demandsincluding establishment of minifruit mandi, welfare measuresfor tribal community in thearea, renovation and mainte-nance of Shrines besides devel-opment of sports infrastructure.

A deputation of Sumandrihall Gurdwara Prabandhakcommittee also called on theAdvisor put forth their demandof incorporating the Sikhs ofValley in category of Pahari

Speaking.A deputation from

chowdhury Bagh rainawariprojected demand for augu-mentation of road in the area.Besides, delegations of J&Khelpers to SupervisorsAssociation, SdA EmployeesUnion, In service and retiredemployees of Agro Industriesalso put forth various issuespertaining to release of 6th paycommission, pensionary bene-

fits and other matters before theAdvisor.

While giving patient hearingto grievances brought into hisnotice, the Advisor assuredthem that all of their genuine is-sues would be examined for ear-ly redressal.

he also issued on spot direc-tions to concerned authoritiesto take cognizance of the issuespertaining to their depart-ments.

Advisor Farooq Khan hears publicgrievances at Srinagar


Advisor to LieutenantGovernor, Baseer AhmadKhan today held a griev-ance redressal camp atMigrant colony Vessu totake first hand appraisal ofissues and to oversee theservices and facilities avail-able for migrants at thecolony.

during the camp, theinhabitants of the colonyapprised the Advisor aboutvarious issues which in-cluded inadequate accom-modation, identification ofland for garbage dumping,provision of better powerand water supply, inter-district transfers etc.

they also raised de-mand for establishment ofKV School for their wards.

On the occasion, theAdvisor directed the offi-cers to upscale their efforts

to put in all the facilities ina time bound manner andensure their availability forinhabitants of thecolony.he directed thedeputy commissioner toidentify land for garbagedumping.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Advisor Khan saidthat concerted efforts are inplace to improve facilitiesat all migrant camps whichare being closely moni-tored by the LieutenantGovernor.he further saidthat the Government hasdoubled its efforts to im-prove the facilities in all thecamps and for creating ad-ditional accommodation invarious districts of theValley.<Slew of measureshave been taken by theGovernment to improvethe condition of thesecolonies and desirablechanges will be at ground

soon, he added. On the oc-casion, cultural pro-grammes were also pre-sented depicting commu-nal harmony and brother-hood.Speaking on the oc-casion, Advisor Khan saidthat concerted efforts are inplace to improve facilitiesat all migrant camps whichare being closely moni-tored by the LieutenantGovernor. Earlier, theAdvisor was briefed aboutthe expansion plan of newblocks under phase-IIwhile directing the execut-ing agency to accelerate thework and asked the dc toconduct periodical reviewsof the works. deputycommissioner Kulgam, drBilal Mohi-Ud-din Bhat;SSP Kulgam, GurinderpaulSingh and other officerswere also accompanyingthe Advisor during the vis-it.

Horticulture Deptt Jammuhosts Farmers’ awareness campat village IndripattanJAMMU, MARCH 26:

A Farmers’ Awareness camp was today held under thechairmanship of chief horticulture Officer JammuS.Sarabjit Singh, here at village Indripattan of tehsilPargwal. A large number of farmers participated. to pro-mote horticulture in the areas 783 fruit plants were distrib-uted among the farmers at 90% subsidy under Backyardhorticulture Programme. the chO Jammu appealed to thefarmers to keep close liaison with the field functionaries ofthe department to take maximum benefits available undervarious departmental Schemes. he apprised them that theBackyard horticulture Scheme promotes greenery in thesurrounding, creating a pollution free atmosphere, besideshelping in production of organic fruits for their consump-tion. SdM Khour, Anil thakur, as the chief guest, appealedto the participants to plant more and more fruit trees intheir locality without the use of chemical fertilizers and pes-ticides so as to save the environment and improve ourhealth. he also stressed upon the farmers to adopt hi-techmethods of organic farming to produce organic fruits andvegetables as these will fetch them better market value andreturn. dLSMS Pomology, dr Sandeep Gupta made thefarmers aware about the modern methods of fruit cultiva-tion to increase their income. While addressing the mam-moth gathering of farmers Sarpanch and Naib- SarpanchSarwal thanked the department for organizing such a bene-ficial programme. they urged them to organize more suchcamps in future. the vote of thanks was delivered by hdOKhour, Amit Saraf.

DC Udhampur interacts withlocal cyclists groupUDHAMPUR, MARCH-26-:

A group of Udhampur based cyclists today met withdeputy commissioner, Indu Kanwal chib in her officechamber. during the meet, the deputy commissionerhailed the cyclists for promoting sports and village tourismin the district Udhampur. “cycling is the best way to keepour body fit and healthy. Fit India movement also aims atencouraging youth as well as people to include physical ac-tivity and sports in their day to day life to stay physically fitand active to contribute to nation building” the dc said. Shesaid that its need of the hour to generate awareness amongthe youth regarding sports and its importance for their allround development. the dc asked the cyclists to identifythe suitable five kilometer mountain terrain biking (MtB)track in the vicinity of Udhampur town for holding a cyclingcompetition. Founder Udhampur based cycling group,rajan Malhotra, General Secretary, Mineesh Gulati,Mentor, district Informatics Officer, Anil Sharma and othercyclists were present on the occasion.


Principal Secretary,Agriculture Production andFarmers Welfare, Navin Kumarchoudhary today visited Sumbblock of district Samba and inau-gurated one day Kisan mela-cum-exhibition amidst enthusi-astic response from the localfarmers community.

the Principal Secretary alongwith concerned officers inspecteddifferent stalls includingAgriculture, horticulture,Animal husbandry, Sericulture,handicraft, Khadi and VillageIndustry, Fisheries, and othersexhibiting modern farm machin-ery, organic products, local prod-ucts besides the stalls also high-lighted various farmers’ welfareschemes and programmes.

the Principal Secretarymaintained that the Govt of Indiaresolute of doubling the incomeof farmers is making inroads evenin these far flung areas of districtswhich is a result of sustainedawareness programmes carried

out by the agriculture and allieddepartments.

he further exhorted upon thefarmers to take advantage of vari-ous schemes under Atam NirbharBharat, cSS and cAPEX for di-versified modern scientific farm-ing. Efforts are being made to de-velop agriculture as highly lucra-tive business by ensuring empha-sis on value addition and packag-ing, he added.

referring to recent initiativestaken up by the department,Navin Kumar said the subsidyand incentive part of severalschemes of Animal husbandry,Sheep husbandry, Sericulture,horticulture and allied depart-ments has been increased andsimplified to encourage the farm-ers to install agro based units andprovide employment opportuni-ties to others.

ddc chairman, KeshavSharma and Vc ddc BalwanSingh present on the occasionasked the farmers to get fullawareness regarding departmen-tal schemes and explore new pos-

sibilities in farm sector for eco-nomic upliftment.

Meanwhile, different wingsand sections of Agriculturedepartment like Plant healthclinic, divisional Seedcertification, AgricultureEngineering, Apiculture,Mushroom, Spawn Production,Agronomist Vegetables,Floriculture, Seed Analytical Lab,Soil testing Lab displayed their

activities and achievements inthe exhibition.

Earlier, the heads of agricul-ture and allied departments edu-cated the farmers about theschemes and programmes oftheir respective departments.

deputy commissioner,Samba, Anuradha Gupta;director Agriculture, K KSharma; director horticulture,ram Sevak; director Animal

husbandry, Vivek Sharma;director Sericulture, ManzoorQadri; director Sheephusbandry, dr Sanjeev; directorcommand Area, rajinder Singhtara; Joint director Extension,Shahid Iqbal; chief AgricultureOfficer Samba, Sanjay Verma andother concerned fromAgriculture and Allied depart-ments and large number of farm-ers were present in the occasion.

Navin inaugurates Kisan mela-cum-exhibition at remote block Sumb in Samba

GANDERBAL, MARCH 26: the district

development commissioner(ddc) Ganderbal, KrittikaJyotsna today convened ameeting of officers from linedepartments to review theprogress on ongoing vitalprojects in the district.during the meeting, the ddcreviewed the physical and fi-nancial progress on the proj-ects that are under the execu-tion of Jal Shakti, KPdcL,PMGSy and r&B depart-ments in the district.

the ddc sought detailsfrom the concerned depart-

ments and executing agen-cies regarding the progressachieved and threadbare dis-cussion was also held regard-ing the delay in completion ofvarious projects for which thetime lines were fixed. Whilereviewing the progress ofworks under execution of JalShakti, the ddc asked the SEhydraulic to formulate ac-tion plans and strategies to beadopted to achieve targetsunder the ongoing Jal ShaktiAbhiyan campaign. the ddcexhorted for prioritizing suchworks/projects that are ofpublic importance. the ddc

stressed upon the concernedagencies to monitor the exe-cution of ongoing works inthe district by way of frequentfield visits. She exhorted forsharing the detail and per-formances as per already no-tified format within the giventime frame. Meanwhile theddc also reviewed the statusof disposal of grievances reg-istered on IntegratedGrievance redressal Portaland directed the concerneddepartments to ensure suit-able quality disposal of thegrievances within the ambitof rules and procedures.

DDC Gbl reviews developmentalscenario in the district


the district developmentcommissioner (ddc) Kupwara, Imamdin today convened a meeting of con-cerned officers to discuss the Actionpoints regarding Jal Shakti Abhiyan-“catch the rain” campaign.

the meeting discussed threadbarevarious points to achieve the target underthe Jal Shakti Abhiyan and officers weredirected to implement the guidelines ofthe Abhiyan within the stipulated time.

the ddc asked the concerned offi-cers for setting up the Jal Shakti Kendrasand formulation of scientific action planwith the involvement of departments likerural development department, Forest,Integrated Watershed Management

Project (IWMP), youth Services &Sports, Irrigation & Flood control, Soilconservation and Municipal committee.

the ddc directed the preparation ofGIS based maps/ inventories and geo-tagging of all water bodies and water re-sources in the district. he further direct-ed the formulation of a scientific actionplan for maintenance and creation ofrain water harvesting structure to ensurebetter utilization of rain water and lessdependence on groundwater.

the ddc also fixed timeline forachievement of targets by November 30,this year to renovate and upgrade the ex-isting water structures/ ponds, de-siltingof existing water structures, constructionof new water structures/ ponds whereverrequired.

DDC Kupwara reviews Action pointsregarding ‘Jal Shakti Abiyan’

Advisor Baseer Khan holds grievancecamp at Vessu Migrant Colony

Takes first hand appraisal of services, facilities & issuesStresses for early completion of projects

JAMMU, SAtUrdAy, MArch 27, 20215 Glimpses of FuturelOcal/natiOnal


TOwN HALL JAMMUFor and on behalf of The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jammu,The Executive Engineer, Division No.II, Jammu Municipal Corporation(JMC) invites online tenders from registered class of Contractors / Firms as per the prescribed format for the works shown here under.

NIT No. Name of work Advertised Tender Fee Class of Time of Position T.S NoAmount in Rs. contractor completion of AAA & Lacs (in days)

118 T Providing & fixing grating/PCC slab at 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 200different paces in TalabTillo Ward NO: 30. of 2020-21 Dt:

Dt: 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

119 T Renovation of lane with paver tile from 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 201Sharma Sweet Shop to Indent Public of 2020-21 Dt: School Puran Nagar Ward NO: 31. Dt: 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

120 T Construction of lane with paver tiles at H/o 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 202Sh. Kaka & from H/o Sh. Fakir Chand to of 2020-21 Dt:H/o Sh. Shiv Dass at Susheel Nagar Dt: 12.12.2020 19.12.2020TalabTillo Ward NO: 32.

121T Upgradation of lane by W/o 60 mm thick I- 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 203Section tiles form transformer upto H/o of 2020-21 Dt:Sat pal Khajuria lane No: 6 upper Shiv 12.12.2020 19.12.2020Nagar (phase 2) ward NO: 33.

122T Providing /fixing of grating in Ram Vihar, 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 205Shant Nagar Pandoka Colony, Indira of 2020-21 Dt:Vihar JDA EWS Colony Ward NO: 35. 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

123T Constt of lane from H/o H. Mir Chand to 1.93 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 206H/o Ramesh Kumar at Daily Excelsior of 2020-21 Dt:lane Janipur ward 36. 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

124T Constt. of lane from JDA Qtr No76 to H/o 1.95 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 207Sita Ram & backside of Gupta electrical of 2020-21 Dt : at Janipur Colony Ward NO: 37. 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

125T Constt. of Crossing (drain) in Sec. 4 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 208RadhaViharVasant Nagar Ward No: 38. of 2020-21 Dt :

12.12.2020 19.12.2020

126T upgradation of Lane from H/o Raghubir 1.96 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 209Singh to H/o Jagdev Singh at Toph of 2020-21 Dt :sherkhaniyan Ward NO: 39. 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

127T upgradation of lane from H/o BachanLal 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 210to H/o ManoharLal&satpal in Lane No: 6 of 2020-21 Dt :Kabir Colony TalabTillo Ward NO: 40. 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

158t Upgradation of lane from H/o Sh. Sanjay 2.00 600 ABCD 30 AAA/JC/W/480 Ts NO: 204Kumar upto H/o Sh. O.P Khullar Sec. 4 of 2020-21 Dt :Vikas Naga, Patoli Ward No; 34 12.12.2020 19.12.2020

1. The Complete bidding process will be online.2. The bids shall be uploaded in electronic format on the website upto 02.04.2021 up to 1630 Hrs.3. The bids received will be opened on 03.04.2021 up to 1400 Hrs. convenient to the tender opening Committee.A. Documents required to be uploaded online for Technical Bid: 1. Scanned copy of Bid Securing Declaration Form as per the form enclosed.2. Cost of bidding document in shape of e-challan/single window challan of JMC pledged to Executive Engineer, Division-II, JMC/tender fee re-

ceipt through online payment through the JMC link Contractor Registration card renewed upto 31-03-2021 4. Scanned Copy of GST Card.5. Scanned Copy of duly filled Annexure “A” & “B” 6. Scanned Copy of PAN Card.Note: Non-submission of any of the above documents online shall render the bidder as non-responsive and his financial bid shall not be opened.

Sd/-Executive Engineer-II

Jammu Municipal CorporationDIP/J-5176-P/20


deputy commissioner,Udhampur, Indu Kanwal chib to-day appealed to all the stakehold-ers to contribute vehemently to-wards promotion of catch therain’ campaign to increase thewater table in the district.

Speaking to media persons atthe launch of the campaign, the dcsaid that district Udhampur hashuge scope for rainwater harvest-ing with an average 1400 mm rainin a year. refereeing to the contestlaunched for seeking ideas on con-

servation of rain water and using itfor different activities judiciously,she said that administration hasreceived an overwhelming publicresponse from across the districtwith 350 entries. the dc said thatthe main objective of launchingthis campaign was to generatemassive awareness among themasses to save every drop of water.

She listed several steps beingtaken by the districtAdministration for successful im-plementation of the campaignthrough public participation. Shesaid that the Prime Minister of

India gave a clarion call to “catchthe rain, where it falls, when itfalls” under Jal Shakti Abiyaan onWorld Water day. Under this cam-paign, the dc said that the districtAdministration Udhampur hastaken several steps. She appealedthe public of district Udhampur tojoin hands with districtAdministration for successful im-plementation of this campaign onthe ground.

the dc appealed to masses tohelp in saving water in all possibleways and developing water savinghabits. She stressed on the need to

promote rain water harvesting atmassive level through roof toprain Water harvesting, diggingpercolation pits, constructingcheck dams, diversion drains toconserve the rain water for subse-quent use in different activities.

Meanwhile, the dc constituteda panel comprising Addc, AshokKumar; chief Planning Officer,rajeev Bhushan; SE , Jal Shaktidepartment, PP Arora; dIO NIc,Anil Sharma to scrutinize the 350entries and select the best ideaswhich could be materialized in dif-ferent areas in the district.

DC Udhampur appeals stakeholders topromote ‘Catch the Rain’ campaign


Deputy Commissioner, Ramban, Mus-sarat Islam today chaired a meeting to dis-cuss and chart out a roadmap for effectiveimplementation of Jal Jeevan Mission andJal Shakti Abhiyan in the district.

Additional Deputy Commissioner, Har-bans Lal; ACR, Dhirendra Sharma; DPOSunil Buthyal; Executive Engineer, JalShakti Department, Nazir Jaral; Engineersand other senior officers attended the meet-ing. A threadbare discussion was held onall components under JJM, which includeschemes under retro-fitting, formulation ofVillage Action Plans, sanction of DPRs inAppraisal Committee, uploading of to-datestatus of FHTC (Functional HouseholdTapped Connections), coverage of schools,SWCs and PHCs, distribution of Free ToolKits to Panchayats and schools and qualityof potable drinking water. The meetingwas informed that 89 schemes including 75new schemes would be taken up underJJM, besides the gap in 100 per cent cover-age under FHTC shall be achieved underthe slogan 'Har Ghar Nal Se Jal'. It was in-formed that more than 35000 householdsshall be brought under the FHTC categoryin the district under different heads includ-

ing LPS, NRWDP, NABARD and JJM.While reviewing the coverage under VAPsprepared for providing potable water facil-ity to the left-over households in the dis-trict, the DC directed Executive Engineer toupload the VAPs approved by the PaniSamitis on the MIS portal by April 15 posi-tively. He also advised the Executive Engi-neer to ensure 100% water connectioncoverage of School and Anganwari Cen-tres. He directed for submitting DailyProgress Report in this regard. The DCpassed instructions to SDMs to made pub-lic aware about the importance of AAD-HAR linkage under Jal Jeeven Mission formeeting the targets under FunctionalHousehold Tap Connection (FHTC) cate-gory. He also asked all stakeholder depart-ments and the general public to registertheir connections to avail the regular watersupply. The DC urged the officers to workin close coordination to achieve the targetswithin the stipulated time frame. He askedthe Jal Shakti Department to seek the sup-port of PRIs in expediting implementationof various components under Jal JeevanMission. Necessary directions were alsogiven for continuing the mass awarenessdrives for water conservation and preser-vation under Jal Shakti Abhiyan.


As a part of the “Azaadi Ka AmrutMahotsav (India@75) celebrations, thecultural Wing department of Information &Public relations (dIPr), Jammu, in collabo-ration with district Information centre,Udhampur today organized a cultural pro-gramme on the theme cOVId-19 dos’s &don’ts and India’s rich culture & heritage,

here at district Jail Udhampur.Superintendent of district Jail

Udhampur, harish Kotwal was the chiefGuest. Speaking on the occasion, the chiefGuest said that the aim of the programme isto create awareness among the inmates re-garding cOVId-19 pandemic. he appreciat-ed the Information department for creatingawareness through cultural programme andsought more such events in the future.

Azaadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav (India@75)

DIPR organizes cultural programme atDistrict Jail Udhampur


the department of tourismJ&K in collaboration with the travelAgents Association of Kashmir(tAAK) organized a grand promo-tional evening and roadshow in Newdelhi in which more than 200prominent travel agents includingheads of main travel bodies, varioussignatories and senior officers par-ticipated.

the highlight of the event was anenthralling presentation from J&Ktourism by Secretary tourism,Sarmad hafeez and directortourism Kashmir dr. G.N Itoo.

the road show and promotionalevening programme were organizedfor promotion of JK tourism in thenational capital, after the sector wasbadly hit by the coronavirus.

however, encouraged by thegood response of the travellers dur-ing the winter season which sawover 60000 travellers visit Kashmiralone in the past two months, the JKtourism department went on an ag-gressive marketing campaign.

the promotional evening pro-gramme and press meet here in Newdelhi is a part of the marketing cam-paign to attract domestic travellersto Jammu and Kashmir.

the Secretary tourism anddirector tourism Kashmir high-lighted the known and lesser-knowndestinations besides Ut’s art andcraft, pilgrimage and adventuretourism and the upcoming eventsand festivals. the Secretary tourismand culture JK invited travellers tovisit JK and enjoy not only the beau-ty but also the rich hospitality of theregion.

the Secretary tourism alsosought support from the local traveltrade fraternity and the heads of theAssociations for promoting J&K'stourism potential.

Madan Prasad Bezbaruah

Former Secretary tourism GOI whowas one of the distinguished guestsand keynote speaker praised JK’sbeauty and said the place has im-mense tourism potential and thepeople from all over the countryshould visit the region for holidays.

director tourism Kashmir dr.GN Itoo during his presentation ap-prised the audience that serviceproviders were vigorously followingcOVId SOPs to ensure tourists aresafe while holidaying.

the director tourism Kashmirassured the travel trade of all neces-sary support from J&K tourism inmaking the traveller's stay in JKmemorable.

during the event, various headsof travel trade Associations and offi-cers put forth their suggestions tofurther improve the tourism servic-es in the Ut.

the team of J&K tourism was al-so represented Majid Khaleeldrabu, M.d JK cable carcorporation, dr. N.J chowdharydirector tourism Jammu, BakshiJavid hamayun director SKIcc,raja Waseem Addl. Secretarytourism.

Among the prominent personal-ities from travel and tourism tradeincluding Mrs. Jyoti MayalPresident tAAI, Mr. Pradip LullaPresident tAFI, Mr. Uday ShankarPresident FIccI, Mr. rajiv MehraPresident IAtO, Anil Oraw, AdGtourism, Mr. rajan Sehgal PresidentIGtA, Mr. Ankush Nijhawan Mdtravel Boutique Online, capt.Swadesh Kumar Past PresidentAtOAI, capt. Amit Kapoor, profes-sional skier, spoke at length on JK’svast potential. representatives fromESOI/rtSOI, tAAI, IAtO, FIccI,tAFI, AtOAI, were also present onthe occasion.

Earlier, President tAAK FarooqA Kuthoo in his welcome addresssaid JK was receiving huge domestic

tourist flow due to aggressive mar-keting campaigns by the JK govern-ment and also by the government ofIndia through the incredible Indiacampaign dekho Apni desh.

General Secretary tAAKShowkat A. Khankashi, former pres-idents Mr. rauf A tramboo,Peerzada Faiyaz, Ashfaq Siddiq, andother office bearers and generalmembers of tAAK were also presenton the occasion.

the dignitaries praised J&Ktourism for the grand roadshow andreiterated their unflinching supportfor tourism in J&K.

the audience was mesmerisedby colourful, ethnic musical per-formances by famous Kashmiriclassical Singer dhananjay Kauland his team during the event.

Earlier, J&K tourism led bySecretary tourism and culture,Sarmad hafeez along with tAAKPresident and other office bearersalso addressed the press in the after-noon which was attended by morethan 60 different media houses, in-cluding prominent newspapers,electronic media, bloggers, socialmedia influencers.

during the interaction, Secytourism apprised the media aboutthe current tourism scenario in J&Kand the promotional activitieslaunched by the tourism depart-ment within the Ut and outsidemarkets.<J&K tourism departmenthas launched a massive promotionalcampaign within Ut by organisingvarious events and festivals recent-ly. to promote tourism outside theUt, the department has been organ-ising around 20 roadshows in differ-ent parts of the country.

Besides, the department has alsobeen participating in various travelmarts and has launched the promo-tional campaign at airports, railwaystations, metros and through print,electronic and digital media.

J&K Tourism enthrals jam packed audience in national capitalOrganizes grand road show at Delhi

Ramban admin discusses roadmapfor achieving JJM targets


district developmentcommissioner (ddc) Kishtwar,Ashok Sharma today reviewed theprogress on projects taken up un-der district capex Budget, lan-guishing scheme and B2V pro-gramme, here at a meeting.

the meeting was attended byAdditional district developmentcommissioner, Mohammad

hanief Malik; Joint directorPlanning Mohammad Iqbal;Assistant commissionerdevelopment, Kishore SinghKatoch besides district officers andExecutive Engineers of the con-cerned departments. the ddc re-viewed the sector wise physical andfinancial status of the developmen-tal works undertaken during 2020-21. At the outset, the Joint directorPlanning informed that rs 258.53

lakh has been utilised under theregular schemes till the end of Feb.2021 as against rs 619.31 lakh re-leased so far. he further informedthat an amount of rs 18175.54 lakhout of the sanctioned amount of rs19176.85 lakh under the centrallysponsored schemes (central share)besides rs. 20.03 lakh out of rs20.95 lakh (Ut share) has beenutilized so far. the ddc directedthe executing agencies to expedite

the pace of developmental worksfor their timely completion. theddc asked the concerned officersto utilize available funds under thecAPEX budget by March 2021 endjudiciously and without compro-mising with the quality of work.Special thrust was laid on the pri-oritised works which includes con-struction of sub centres at theGulabgarh, Ligri, drabshalla andSigdi undertaken by PWd.

DDC Kishtwar reviews progress on Capex Budget,Languishing scheme and B2V projects

Maiden General meeting ofRajouri DDC Council held


the first general meeting of the district

development council rajouri was today held un-

der the chairmanship of the ddc chairman,

Naseem Liyaqat chowdhury. Vice-chairman

ddc, Shabir Khan was also present in the meet-

ing. Block development chairperson and ddc

Members from across the district, besides officers

of line departments also attended the meeting.

during the meeting, the chief Executive Officer

ddc council, chander Kant Bhagat gave a de-

tailed account of the physical and financial

progress on various developmental works being

executed by different departments in the district.

he also briefed the chair about several welfare

schemes and programmes being implemented in

the district for the welfare of the general public.

Several issues about different blocks including in-

adequate water supply, macadamization and ren-

ovation of roads, up-gradation of schools, better

health services, sanctioning of additional border

bunkers, delayed payments under MGNrEGA,

shortage of electricity poles, repairing the old

hand pumps, replacement of the old worn-out wa-

ter pipes and related issues were discussed

threadbare during the meeting. the ddc

chairman enjoined upon all the Bdc

chairpersons, ddc Members and officers to

make endeavours to ensure prompt execution of

works and holistic development of the district.


If you want to live in the bravenew world of fake, give up your habitof questioning everything; being ra-tional is not a virtue anymore. Often,negative connotations are attrib-uted to certain words that are piousand mean no harm. “Fake”, whichhas gained currency in recent times,is one such word. It does more goodthan bad to an individual or a na-tion, yet it is scorned. you may rub-bish this right away, but hang on.What if I told you that it is rooted ingreat Indian traditions, philosophyand popular culture? Larger good ofhumanity is its raison dêtre.confused? read on. Let’s first onionthe whole concept. Fake is not ficti-tious and by no means a lie. It is notto be confused with “Feku” which isa hindi word and has a differentconnotation. Fake is an alternativereality. It furnishes a purpose and,that too, rather cut-price. Fake is allaround us. having fake ray-Banglasses, fake Nike sneakers, fakeLouis Vuitton bags that we all soproudly sport, is popular culture.Why do people buy fakes? Well, thereal may be too expensive and be-yond reach. Exactly! Fake offers analternative to an unaffordable reali-ty. It gives you a sense of pride inyour existence. you may not have re-

alised but we do it all the time. Wedon’t mind a fake smile while enter-ing a plane. We don’t mind fakingemotions clapping for a perform-ance you hated or smiling at thestranger who stepped on your toes isso much part of you and me. We areall walking, talking fakes. then whysuch a hullabaloo? Fake gives youthat coveted space in your nationallife. It helps you feel proud of the na-tion you belong to. Now that it isdone with such élan that one should

feel rather blessed. Fake news is awork of art and has a pre-definedpurpose. It makes you feel happyand content. Now that faking hasemerged as a fine art, we have all themore reasons to embrace it withopen arms. For those who mighthave moral compunctions in doingso, I have this to say: don’t you be-lieve in the concept of “Maya”; thisworld is anything but real, a fakepulled across our five senses, foolingus with its fine details? In the movie

Inception, a guy when woken upfeels that it is difficult to say if he haswoken up or gone to sleep. So get-ting hung up on reality is no good.Abraham Lincoln once said: “don’tbelieve everything you read onFacebook.” Even GeorgeWashington warned againstWhatsApp. I know you are scepticalabout the quotes. Please Google itbut, let me tell you, it is a bad habit.If you want to live in the brave newworld of fake, give up your habit ofquestioning everything. Being ra-tional is no virtue anymore. theseare old-school things. don’t bedoubting thomases. It did him nogood. It does no good to you.haven’t you read how fake newsabout the death of an elephant,Ashwathama, helped the Pandavasget rid of dronacharya and pavedthe way for their victory in theMahabharata? We all know howKrishna pulled off a fake sunset tosave Arjuna from self-immolationand helped him exact revenge onJaidrath. does one need more sto-ries to validate the glory of the“fake”? Of course, some spoilersearn their bread and butter by dis-tinguishing between the real and thefake. they run websites like ‘AltNews’. Good for them but what isthere for us, and for what? Just to

JAMMU SAtUrdAy MArch 27 , 2021Edit/OpiniOnGlimpses of Future

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma,

Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Say bye to reality, fake is the new real

Creating shared mindsets

The camouflaged urge to commit genocideBy : HIRANMAy KARLEKAR

the only explanation for the im-perviousness of stray dog-haters toinformation and logic, and their in-sistence on mass killing or removalof stray dogs, is a desire for geno-cide. reports have been coming infrom various places in delhi andGurugram of presidents ofresidents’ Welfare Associations(rWAs) and their satellites andsub-satellites harassing and as-saulting people feeding and lookingafter stray dog. they clearly do sobecause they hate stray dogs and,therefore, those who look afterthem. they hate stray dogs becausethey fear them. Fear leads to hatred.Both fear and hatred cloud reason,blur the line between fact and fic-tion and send morbid imaginationssoaring, projecting stray dogs asmonsters, attacking and killingchildren, hurting adults andspreading rabies which, once con-tracted, causes death. People getparanoid about rabies because ofthe highly exaggerated figures of itsincidence in circulation. For exam-ple, the survey Assessing theBurden of rabies in India: theWorld health Organisation(WhO)-sponsored multi-centricrabies survey, 2003, by theAssociation for the Prevention andcontrol of rabies in India, puts theannual number of human deathsfrom rabies in the country at20,565. the survey is flawed onmany counts. It is merely a project-ed estimate and not the total ofrecorded deaths from hospitals invarious parts of the country. thesample is very small. the actual fig-

ures are very different. Since 2005,the Union Government’s Ministryof health and Family Welfare’scentral Bureau of healthIntelligence (cBhI) has been annu-ally publishing a National healthProfile for the country. According toits 2018 edition, there were 97 casesof human deaths from rabies coun-trywide in 2017. According to therelevant preceding annual Nationalhealth Profiles, there were 86 hu-man deaths from rabies in 2016, 113in 2015, 125 in 2014 and 132 in2013. Going back further in time,there were 386, 365 and 485 deathsfrom rabies in 1997, 1998 and 1999respectively. the number was 486in 2000 and 488 in 2001. clearly,the facts are very different fromprojected estimates! Nor are stray

dogs ferocious and intrinsicallymalevolent creatures forever readyto lunge at humans. Erich Frommwrote in his landmark work,Anatomy of humandestructiveness, “Man is the onlymammal who is a large-scale killerand a sadist.” Indulgence in de-struction and cruelty can alwayscause a man to feel “intense satis-faction.” Animals, he states, “do notenjoy inflicting pain or suffering onother animals. Sometimes an ani-mal seems to display sadistic behav-iour — for instance a cat playingwith a mouse; but it is an anthropo-morphic interpretation that the catenjoys the suffering of the mouse;any fast-moving object can serve as(a) plaything, whether a mouse of aball of wool.” he adds, “Man’s histo-

ry is a record of extraordinary de-structiveness and cruelty and hu-man aggression, it seems, far sur-passes that of man’s animal ances-tors, and man is in contrast to mostanimals, a real killer.” dogs are ani-mals, and share their fundamentalattributes. More, far from being in-imical to humans, they display aninstinctive tendency to be friendly.As Konrad Lorenz wrote in ManMeets dog, “the whole charm of thedog lies in the depth of the friend-ship and strength of the spiritualties with which he has bound him-self to man….” Blinded by hatred,people do not see this and demandthe mass killing and removal ofstray dogs, which several WhO doc-uments like the technical reportSeries 931, technical report Series824 and Guidelines for dogPopulation Management (which itissued along with the World Societyfor the Protection of Animals), showwill be counter-productive. As theWhO has repeatedly stated, the on-ly way to control stray dog popula-tion is to implement the canine ani-mal birth control programme underwhich stray dogs are removed fromtheir habitats and brought backthere after neutering and vaccina-tion. Given the fact that dogs areterritorial and guard their turfszealously, they would, on their re-turn, keep out other dogs that havenot been vaccinated and neutered,which can then be taken up area-wise. Stray dog-haters should knowall this. the Animal Birth control(dog) rules, the legal bedrock of theanimal birth control programme inIndia, were originally enacted as


there are hurdles and thereare facilitations to grasping whatis common to human species.there are some common ele-ments of mind and temperamentacross the human species. this isnotwithstanding the history ofphysical anthropology which hasstudied all parts of the humanbody and highlighted differenceswhich arose out of extended useof topography, exposure to cli-mate and even water. the colourof the skin, height differences,shape of the eye are among themore obvious differentiatingfeatures between races. thoughall humans have the same or-gans, their size and intensity offunctioning varies, too. For in-stance, the size of the brain ofsome groups is open to differen-tiation. this brings in the roleand scope of abstraction in hu-man life. Neurology at the pres-ent stage cannot explain all lev-els of the functioning of braincells. however, one thing that isclear is that the ability of thebrain to think is an importantcharacteristic. Another aspect oflife is the different ability amongpeople to experience different

emotions. For instance, all hu-man beings at some point of timein life have felt let down.Everyone seeks support and, inmoments of emotional upsurge,everyone claims one can do italone. People who are low onconfidence have nagging doubtsthat they could have done betterand so on. the list is endless.

two things which are almostuniversal are seeking happinessand wishing for help and sup-port. human behaviour hasmore in common than has beengenerally recognised. this hasbeen reflected in poems, fine art,folklore, proverbs and more.however, this is not seen as avalid input to management theo-ry. that is a loss. Some will recalla famous poem titled ‘threecoins.’ the coins became threehearts and each of the hearts wasseeking happiness. that may bequite another line of explorationand probably another story. Inthe bid to understand what iscommon to human species andwhat is differentiated, there arehurdles and there are facilita-tions. the most important objec-tive remains creating sharedmindsets. this is aspired for be-tween lovers, among family

members, work groups and, in-deed, where the spirit of nation-alism is concerned. herein liesthe problem. how is this sym-biosis likely? Or how can it becreated? creating symbiosis is atloggerheads with human aspira-tion for identity. this leads todominating behaviour. husbandand wife go through this; par-ents, children and siblings gothrough this. In the workplace,

any group of two or more has in-dividuals genuinely believings/he/they are capable and oughtto dominate. this is the route ofmuch conflict and worse, heart-burn. the existentialist thinkerstried to solve this problem. theycame up with the theory, “Onecan do whatever one wants, pro-vided one allows everyone elsealso to do what everyone else, al-

Say bye to reality on Page 7

The camouflaged on Page 7

Creating shared on Page 7

Glimpses of FutureEStABLIShEd IN 1986

Hold China accountable

the United States need to work with its part-

ners and allies to hold china accountable in

the region and also press Beijing to follow the

rules on a range of issues, including the South china

Sea. Addressing his first formal news conference in

the White house on thursday, Biden has referred to

his recent meeting with leaders of the Quad coun-

tries involving India, Australia and Japan and said

that soon he is going to invite an alliance of democra-

cies to come to Washington dc to discuss the future.

Earlier this month, and apparently got the chinese

attention, that's not why did it, Biden met with allies.

US has made it clear that, in order to deal with these

things, they are going to hold china accountable to

follow the rules, whether it relates to the South china

Sea or the North china Sea or the agreement made

on taiwan or a whole range of other things. the vir-

tual summit on March 12 was attended by President

Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Australian

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime

Minister yoshihide Suga. In a joint statement, the

four leaders of the Quad had pledged to strengthen

cooperation on the "defining challenges of our time"

and said they will continue to prioritise the role of in-

ternational law in the maritime domain and facilitate

collaboration, including in maritime security, to

meet challenges to the rules-based maritime order in

the East and South china Seas. the first summit of

the four leaders took place amidst china's increasing

military muscle flexing in the Indo-Pacific region has

become a major talking point among leading global

powers. the US has been favouring making Quad a

security architecture to check china's growing as-

sertiveness. Biden has said that his administration

was going to do three things. First, his administra-

tion will invest in American workers and American

science. Biden said he is setting up his administra-

tion to be able to do that. Back in the 60s, America

used to invest a little over 2 per cent of the entire GdP

in pure research and investment in science. today,

it's 0.7 per cent. the future lies in who can, in fact,

own the future as it relates to technology, quantum

computing, a whole range of things, including in

medical fields. And so what I'm going to do is make

sure we invest closer to 2 per cent.


1774 : Parliament passes the Boston Port ActOn March 25, 1774, British Parliament passes the Boston Port Act, clos-

ing the port of Boston and demanding that the city’s residents pay for the

nearly $1 million worth (in today’s money) of tea dumped into Boston

harbor during the Boston tea Party of december 16, 1773. the Boston Port

Act was the first and easiest to enforce of four acts that together were

known as the coercive Acts. the other three were a new Quartering Act, the

Administration of Justice Act and the Massachusetts Government Act. As

part of the crown’s attempt to intimidate Boston’s increasingly unruly res-

idents, King George III appointed General thomas Gage, who commanded

the British army in North America, as the new governor of Massachusetts.

Stop play acting

Uddhav shouldn’t allow the Maharashtra home Minister to sell a dum-my to the people. Politicians nowadays seem to have scant regard for pro-bity, accountability and integrity in public life; what matters to them ispower and position. the recent turn of events in Mumbai reflects thatthose wielding power think that they can get away with anything. NcPchief Sharad Pawar’s blue-eyed boy and Maharashtra home Minister Anildeshmukh, against whom serious charges of corruption have been lev-elled by Mumbai Police’s former commissioner Param Bir Singh, said hewould welcome a probe against himself if chief Minister Uddhavthackeray orders any. the cM has so far not acted against his taintedcabinet colleague while Pawar has predictably defended his pick. thehome Minister’s statement came a day after the Supreme court (Sc)

Stop play on Page 7

1774 on Page 7


JAMMU SAtUrdAy MArch 27, 2021natiOnal7 Glimpses of Future

so, singly wants to do.”critics of the existentialist theory argue that its

logic takes away with the right hand what it giveswith the left. One thing which is true is that the act ofloving requires responding to needs. these needscan be physical, emotional, creative or, indeed, net-working. Some people just like to talk. It does not oc-cur to them that the more you talk the more vulnera-ble you become, because who knows with what pur-pose the person is listening or will ultimately use the

input? yet, all this is a part of creating shared mind-sets. the core which surfaces is friendship. Each re-lationship is a special class of friendship. Variousthinkers have tried to define it differently. theFreudian approach has used the psychoanalyticthrust while the Marxist approach was rooted in ma-terial requirements. Adler’s approach was powerplay in relationships. All of the above total up to anunfinished story. that is the challenge of behaviour-al sciences.

Creating ......................................................................

termed the matter “quite serious” and asked Singh to ap-proach the Bombay high court (hc) with his plea seekinga cBI probe against deshmukh. deshmukh seems to beaware that in case Uddhav orders a probe against him, thehc will take note of this fact before deciding on Singh’splea. It may or may not have a bearing on the high court’sdecision but deshmukh is apparently trying to ensure thatthe case is not handed over to a central agency. A cBI in-quiry means trouble not only for the home Minister but forthe entire Government.

On the other hand, even if Uddhav orders a probe, anyinquiry against deshmukh by the State agency, while hecontinues to occupy his office, hardly makes any sense. Itwould be merely an eyewash as the subordinate officialswill leave no stone unturned to ensure that their bosscomes clean of all charges. Ideally, any officer or Ministerwho faces an inquiry is suspended or asked to proceed onleave until the probe concludes. It is done to ensure that theprobe remains unbiased and the suspect in question doesnot influence the investigation in any manner. had he been

serious about the corruption charges against him,deshmukh should have tendered his resignation on moralgrounds before asking the chief Minister to launch aprobe. Now, it is up to Uddhav to take a call on the pricklyissue. however, he is expected to ask deshmukh to tenderhis resignation before ordering any probe against thehome Minister. however, in case he decides to go soft onPawar’s favourite man, Uddhav can reshuffle his portfolioor make him a Minister without charge. But seeing thestate of affairs in Maharashtra, where Pawar is calling theshots while the chief Minister sits with his hands tied be-hind his back, it is most likely that deshmukh will continueas the home Minister irrespective of whether a probe is ini-tiated against him. On the other hand, deputy cM AjitPawar has claimed that the Opposition wanted the MahaVikas Aghadi Government to fall from day one but theGovernment enjoys full majority. While the spate of allega-tions and counter-allegations between the Governmentand the Opposition flies thick and fast, it would be interest-ing to see what happens next in Maharashtra.

Stop play ....................................................................

Gage became governor in May 1774, before theMassachusetts Government Act revoked the colony’s 1691charter and curtailed the powers of the traditional townmeeting and colonial council. these moves made it clearto Bostonians that the crown intended to impose martiallaw. In June, Gage easily sealed the ports of Boston andcharlestown using the formidable British navy, leavingmerchants terrified of impending economic disaster.Many merchants wanted to simply pay for the tea and dis-band the Boston committee of correspondence, whichhad served to organize anti-British protests. the mer-chants’ attempt at convincing their neighbors to assuage

the British failed. A town meeting called to discuss thematter voted them down by a substantial margin.Parliament hoped that the coercive Acts would isolateBoston from Massachusetts, Massachusetts from NewEngland and New England from the rest of NorthAmerica, preventing unified colonial resistance to theBritish. their effort backfired. rather than abandonBoston, the colonial population shipped much-neededsupplies to Boston and formed extra-legal Provincialcongresses to mobilize resistance to the crown. By thetime Gage attempted to enforce the MassachusettsGovernment Act, his authority had eroded beyond repair.

1774 .......................................................

early as december 2001. the only explanation of the im-perviousness of their heads to information and logic, andtheir insistence on mass killing or removal of stray dogs, isa desire for genocide. A person calling for the mass killingof a category of people would be severely condemned in asane, democratic society and action taken to forestall hisdesign. On the other hand, a call for a genocide of straydogs may not only not attract condemnation but even al-low the person concerned to strut about as a great defend-

er of human civilisation against monsters in canine form.Finally, stray dog-haters have shown their proneness toviolence through their attacks on people caring for thesecanines. Since the laws of the land stand in the way of theimplementation of their agenda of exterminating straydogs, their desire for mass killing may well target hu-mans. they may not be able to perpetrate a genocide, butmay cause violence and/or individual murders. they posea greater threat to society than any stray dog.

The camouflaged ...........................................................

Contn. from Page 6 ........................................................

take away from you those moments of elation and pride?What purpose does the news serve when we are told that afew chinese soldiers strayed into our territory? It is newsbetter avoided; better still replaced by a positive item.replace it with pictures of the chinese soldiers’ graves sothat people don’t feel paranoid about national security.Isn’t that fake better than the real? In any case, we can donothing more than delete some chinese apps on ourchinese mobile phones. So why the fuss? rest assured, wehave a new reality being woven for us right now, right here,for our own good. Nobody would be able to know what isreal and what isn’t. Fake is being aided by technology.Photoshopped images, doctored videos and edited audioshelp create an alternative reality in this agonisingly real orsurreal world. What more could you ask for? Unlike realnews, fake news is fast and smart. It convinces, motivatesand propels you to act. And what does the real news do? It

upsets you and spirals you into depression. the problem isnot fake news. the problem is that you haven’t completelyadjusted to it. the stories of riya’s thug life and theories ofSushant Singh rajput’s murder mystery kept you fromwatching on your tV screens the wrapped-up, lined-upbodies of corona victims. Besides, the former stories wereoutright entertaining. Learn to enjoy it. Fake news, justlike a fake orgasm, is loaded with good intentions. Both of-fer a feel-good factor to the second party. A false sense ofsatisfaction, but satisfying nonetheless. Fake, then, is thenew real. the new textbooks with new insights on historyand polity, untold theories of the greatness of a nation andthe stories of heroes hitherto unknown would help createan alternative reality. It is so realistic! So, be prepared be-cause the floodgates of fake are wide open. Meanwhile, justponder what the great men had said about Facebook andWhatsApp!

Say bye ............................................................ ............

Contn. from Page 6 ........................................................

PRESS TRUST Of INDIAChandigarh Mar 26

Farmers gathered at several na-tional highways, key roads and somerailway tracks in Punjab and haryanaon Friday morning as part of their na-tionwide protest against the centre'snew agri laws. According to theSamkyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), theBharat Bandh is being observed from6 am to 6 pm to mark four months ofthe farmers' agitation at delhi's threeborders -- Singhu, Ghazipur andtikri. heavy police force has been de-ployed in the two states as part of se-curity measures, an official said. thefarmers have gathered at severalhighways and roads in the two statesincluding in Bathinda, Ludhiana,Amritsar, Patiala, Mohali, rohtak,Jhajjar and Bhiwani districts. A groupof farmers who were holding a protestin Zirakpur and Kharar towns inPunjab, both on the outskirts ofchandigarh, said they were allowing

ambulances and other emergency ve-hicles to pass. Some of the protestersblocked the Ambala-delhi highwaynear Ambala cantt, police said. Whileanother group squatted on a railwaytrack near Shahpur village, aroundfive kilometers from Ambala cantt,due to which all the trains running be-tween delhi and Saharanpur werestranded, railway officials said. thefarmers also blocked the Ambala-rajpura highway on the haryana-Punjab border near Shambhu barrier,and the Ambala-hisar highway nearAmbala city. Blockades on variousstate highways were also reported inNaraingarh and Mullana in haryana,police said. the SKM, an umbrellabody of protesting unions, appealedto protesting farmers to be peacefuland not get involved in any kind of il-legitimate debate and conflict duringthe 'bandh'. "All shops, malls, marketsand institutions will remain closedunder complete Bharat Bandh. All mi-

nor and big roads and trains will beblocked. All services will remain sus-pended except for ambulance andother essential services. the effect ofBharat Bandh will be observed insidedelhi as well," SKM had said in astatement. Farmer leaders have saidroad and rail transport will be blockedand claimed that markets will also re-main closed. they also claimed thattrade unions from organised and un-organised sectors, and transport andother associations too have extendedsupport to the call for Bharat Bandh.Meanwhile, the Shiromani GurdwaraParbandhak committee (SGPc), apexreligious body of the Sikhs, has alsosupported the nationwide protest.SGPc president Jagir Kaur had saidon thursday that its offices would bekept closed on Friday in support of theBharat Bandh. thousands of farmers,mainly from Punjab, haryana andwestern Uttar Pradesh, have beencamping at Singhu, tikri and

Ghazipur demanding a complete re-peal of the three farm laws and a legalguarantee for the minimum supportprice on their crops. the statement is-sued by the SKM claimed that variousfarmers' organisations, trade unions,student organisations, bar associa-tions, political parties and represen-tatives of state governments have sup-ported its call for a nationwideprotest. Apart from repealing of threefarm laws, the demands of protestingunions include cancellation of all po-lice cases against farmers, withdrawalof electricity and pollution bills, andreduction in prices of diesel, petroland gas. So far, there have been 11rounds of talks between the protest-ing unions and government, but thedeadlock has continued as both sideshave stuck to their stand. In January,the government had offered to sus-pend the farm laws for 12-18 months,which was rejected by the farmerunions.

Bharat Bandh: Farmers gather near national highways, key roads in Punjab, Haryana


Former deputy Governor of reserveBank K c chakrabarty passed away followinga heart attack on Friday. he was 68.chakrabarty, a commercial banker-turned-central banker, died at his home in suburbanchembur, banking industry sources said.After his stint at state-run lenders like Bank ofBaroda, Indian Bank and Punjab NationalBank, the outspoken chakrabarty had joinedthe rBI as a dG in 2009 and resigned in 2014,three months before his term ended. Beforebanking, chakrabarty had taught at theBanaras hindu University before enteringcommercial banking. At rBI, he handled a va-riety of departments including banking regu-lation and supervision as the dG. Followingreports of an "rBI official" putting questionmarks over policy efficacy in tackling infla-tion, he was stripped of many responsibilitiesby the then Governor d Subbarao, and wasleft with only the rajbhasha department.Subsequently, his responsibilities were re-stored. At rBI, he had a reputation for sharpwit, humour and quick retorts. he frequentlycritiqued his former commercial banking col-leagues for blaming rise in dud loans as 'sys-tem-generated NPAs', insisted on financialinclusion targets and had a very public spatwith former SBI chairman Pratip chaudhuriover interest on cash reserve ratio (crr).After his resignation, he had shifted base toLondon, where he was posted earlier in his ca-reer while working for Bank of Baroda.

Former RBI deputy governor KC Chakrabarty passes away PRESS TRUST Of INDIA

Patna Mar 26

In a shocking incident, a per-son set his wife and two minor chil-dren on fire in Bihar's Katihar dis-trict, an official said. the accusedhas been identified as Mohamadtahir, resident of Labha village.the incident occurred around 11a.m. on thursday after his verbalaltercation with his wife turned vi-olent. "In a fit of the rage, tahirpoured kerosene oil on them andset them on fire.

the neighbours, after hearingtheir screams, rushed to rescuethem but failed. "the victimscharred to death on the spot," saidinvestigating officer of Pranpurpolice station. tahir, after com-

mitted the crime, tried to flee fromthe spot, but was nabbed by the vil-lagers. the handed him over to thepolice after thrashing him blackand blue. Mansoor Alam, a neigh-bour told the media in Katihar:"tahir was often seen involved inverbal spats with his wife. he hasbeaten up his wife on several occa-sions. hw would use abusive lan-guage agianst neighbours if theyever tried to intervene." "When weheard the screams of victims, werushed there. till the time wereached his house, he had alreadyset his wife and two kids on fire.they died on the spot," Alam said."We have arrested the accused onthe charge of murder. Further in-vestigation is on," the investigat-ing officer said.

Bihar man sets wife, kids ablaze


Noted journalist and authorAnil dharker, founder of MumbaiInternational Literature Festivaland Literature Live! died here onFriday after a brief illness, a formercolleague said. Over a five-decade-long illustrious career, he had beena columnist and writer, an archi-tect, a member of the advisorycommittee of the film censor boardand more. dharker, who was in hismid-70s, was the editor of severalpublications including Mid-dayand the Independent and played avital role in opening theAkashwani Auditorium in southMumbai as an art movie theatre.

his columns appeared in lead-ing publications both in India andabroad. he was the author of theromance of Salt. Expressing griefover dharkers demise, columnist

Bachi Karkaria tweeted:"Extremely saddened by the pass-ing of the many talented Anildharker. I can safely say no otherIndian Litfest curator had hisdeep, emotional commitment ordrive. Knew him for well nigh 50years. Flourish as much up there,dear Anil.

Noted journalist and authorAnil dharker dead


India saw 59,118 newcoronavirus infections in aday, the highest single dayrise so far this year, takingthe nationwide cOVId-19tally to 1,18,46,652, accord-ing to the Union healthMinistry data updated onFriday. the active caseloadbreached the 4 lakh-markagain after around three-and-half months.registering an increase forthe 16th day in row, the ac-tive cases have increased to4,21,066 comprising 3.55per cent of the total infec-tions, while the recoveryrate has further dropped to95.09 per cent, the datastated. the 59,118 new in-fections reported in a spanof 24 hours were the highestsince October 18, 2020. thedeath toll increased to1,60,949 with 257 daily new

fatalities, the data updatedat 8 am showed. As many as61,871 new infections wererecorded in a span of 24hours on October 18. thenumber of people who haverecuperated from the dis-ease surged to 1,12,64,637,while the case fatality ratewas recorded at 1.36 percent, the data stated. India'scOVId-19 tally had crossedthe 20-lakh mark on August7, 30 lakh on August 23, 40lakh on September 5 and 50

lakh on September 16. Itwent past 60 lakh onSeptember 28, 70 lakh onOctober 11, crossed 80 lakhon October 29, 90 lakh onNovember 20 and sur-passed the one-crore markon december 19. Accordingto the Indian council ofMedical research (IcMr),23,86,04,638 sampleshave been tested up toMarch 25 with 11,00,756samples being tested onthursday. the 257 new fa-

talities include 111 fromMaharashtra, 43 fromPunjab, 15 fromchhattisgarh, 12 fromKerala, 11 from tamil Naduand 10 from Karnataka. Atotal of 1,60,949 deathshave been reported so far inthe country including53,795 from Maharashtra,12,641 from tamil Nadu,12,471 from Karnataka,10,978 from delhi, 10,316from West Bengal, 8,773from Uttar Pradesh and7,201 from Andhra Pradeshand 6,517 from Punjab. thehealth ministry stressedthat more than 70 per centof the deaths occurred dueto comorbidities. "Our fig-ures are being reconciledwith the Indian council ofMedical research," theministry said on its website,adding that state-wise dis-tribution of figures is sub-ject to further verificationand reconciliation.

Surge in fresh cOVId-19 cases, Indiarecords 59,118 new infections


the death toll in the massive blaze,which ravaged the dreams Mall inMumbai's Bhandup area where a covid cen-tre, Sunrise hospital is located shot up to 10with 3 injured and another 60 patients res-cued, early on Friday, officials said. the 10dead and three injured were all senior citi-zens undergoing covid-19 treatment at thehospital, and efforts were on to trace someothers feared missing. According to theBMc disaster control, the fire was noticedaround midnight on the first floor and itquickly spread to the two upper floors of the3-storey mall, which houses the covid-19hospital on the top floor. Mumbai FireBrigade with 10 tenders and disaster teamsrushed to combat the blaze and to rescueand transfer the covid patients to other hos-pitals in the vicinity. chief Minister Uddhavthackeray, Mumbai Guardian Minister AslamShaikh, Mumbai Police commissionerhemant Nagrale, Additional Municipalcommissioner Suresh Kakani.

Mumbai Covid centrefire toll rises to 10


tata group chairman Emeritusratan tata on Friday hailed the or-der by Supreme court in the con-glomerate's legal battle againstousted chairman cyrus Mistry as "avalidation of the values and ethicsthat have always been the guidingprinciple of the group".

reacting to the apex court ordersetting aside the NcLAt order,restoring Mistry as the executivechairman of the conglomerate, tatain a tweet said, "It is not an issue ofwinning or losing". Appreciatingthe judgement passed by theSupreme court, he said, "After re-lentless attacks on my integrity andthe ethical conduct of the group, thejudgement upholding all the ap-peals of tata Sons is a validation ofthe values and the ethics that havealways been the guiding principle ofthe group." he further said, "It rein-

forces the fairness and justice dis-played by our judiciary." A bench ofchief Justice SA Bobde and JusticesAS Bopanna and Vramasubramanian said it is allow-ing the appeals filed by tata Group.the court said, "All the questions oflaw are liable to be answered infavour of the appellants tata Groupand the appeals filed by the tataGroup are liable to be allowed andthose by Shapoorji Pallonji Groupare liable to be dismissed."

ratan tata hails Sc judgement to set aside NcLAtorder restoring Mistry's position at tata Group

JAMMU, SAtUrdAy, MArch 27, 2021wOrld8 Glimpses of Future

In Brief

Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an interaction with young achievers, in Dhaka.

Dhaka, Mar 26 (PTI)

Prime Minister NarendraModi on Friday handed overthe Gandhi Peace Prize 2020,being conferred by India uponBangladesh's 'Father of theNation' Sheikh Mujiburrahman, to his daughterSheikh rehana and theyounger sister of premierSheikh hasina.

Modi arrived inBangladesh on a two-day visitto attend the celebrations ofthe golden jubilee of the coun-try's independence, the birthcentenary of Bangabandhu'Sheikh Mujibur rahman andhold talks with his counterparthasina.

Speaking at the 50thNational day programme ofBangladesh at the NationalParade Square, Prime MinisterModi said it was an honour forIndia to confer Gandhi PeacePrize on Mujibur rahman.

Modi, who was wearing a'Mujib Jacket' as a tribute toBangladesh's Father of theNation, said thatBangabandhu's leadership andbravery had ensured that nopower could enslaveBangladesh.

"this is one of the mostmemorable days of my life. Iam grateful that Bangladeshhas included me in this event. Iam grateful that Bangladeshhas invited India to take part in

this function. It is a matter ofour pride that we got the op-portunity to honour SheikhMujibur rahman with GandhiPeace Prize," said Modi.

he handed over the award,a citation, a plaque and a shawlto Sheikh rehana in the pres-ence of Prime Minister hasina.

hasina in his addressthanked Prime Minister Modiand the Government of Indiafor bestowing the prestigioushonour on her father, who is al-so the Father of the Nation.

the Gandhi Peace Prize isan annual award instituted bythe government of India since1995, the 125th birth anniver-sary commemoration year ofMahatma Gandhi.

Cairo, Mar 26

two trains collided Friday insouthern Egypt on Friday, causingthree passenger cars to flip over,killing 32 people and leaving 66 in-jured, health authorities said.

dozens of ambulance vehicleswere rushed to the scene of the crash,which took place in the southernprovince of Sohag, said a statementby Egypt's heath ministry.

Local media displayed videosfrom the scene showing flipped wag-ons with passengers trapped insideand surrounded by rubble. Some vic-tims seemed unconscious, while oth-ers could be see bleeding. Bystanderscarried bodies, laying them out on theground near the site of the accident.

Egypt's railway system has a his-tory of badly maintained equipmentand poor management. Official fig-ures show that 1,793 train accidentstook place in 2017 across the country.

In 2018, a passenger train de-railed near the southern city ofAswan, injuring at least six peopleand prompting authorities to fire thechief of the country's railways.

In the same year, PresidentAbdel-Fattah el-Sissi said the govern-ment lacks about 250 billion Egyptianpounds, or 14.1 billion, to overhaulthe run-down rail system. El-Sissispoke a day after a passenger train

collided with a cargo train, killing atleast 12 people, including a child.

A year earlier, two passengertrains collided just outside theMediterranean port city ofAlexandria, killing 43 people. In2016, at least 51 people were killed

when two commuter trains collidednear cairo.

Egypt's deadliest train crash tookplace in 2002, when over 300 peoplewere killed when fire erupted inspeeding train travelling from cairoto southern Egypt.

By K J M VARMABeijing, Mar 26 (PTI)

china on Friday hit back atUS President Joe Biden for hisassertion that he would makeBeijing accountable to follow in-ternational rules, saying that ithas an exemplary record in ob-serving the UN-based interna-tional system, while Washingtonlagged far behind .

the relations between the USand china are at an all-time low.the two countries are currentlyengaged in a bitter confrontationover various issues, includingtrade, the origins of the novelcoronavirus pandemic, the com-munist giant's aggressive mili-tary moves in the disputed Southchina Sea and human rights.

Addressing his first newsconference after becoming USPresident, Biden said we are go-ing to hold china accountable tofollow the rules, to follow therules, whether it relates to theSouth china Sea or the Northchina Sea or the agreementmade on taiwan or a whole rangeof other things .

rebutting his remarks,chinese Foreign Ministryspokesperson hua chunyingtold a media briefing here that Iwould like to stress that first USasking china to abide by the in-ternational rule of law. there isno such issue because there is on-

ly one system in the world that isthe UN-based international sys-tem and one set of rules, the in-ternational norms based on theUN charter purposes and princi-ples .

On Biden's remarks thatchinese President Xi Jinpingdoesn't have a democratic bonein his body and like russianPresident Vladimir Putin be-lieves autocracy is the wave of thefuture," hua said, judging of themerit of a political system shouldbe whether it suits the country'sreality and brings political stabil-ity and social progress improve-ment of livelihoods and gainspeople's support and contributesto human progress.

She said no matter how acountry brags about its demo-cratic values but it does nothingwhen half million people die ofcOVId-19 and 45,000 die of gunshots every year, just fake evi-dence to strike sovereign stateskilling innocents and displacingmore, then it is no position topride itself as beacon of democ-racy."

She claimed china adopts apeople centred philosophy inclear contrast with the US elec-tion politics and partisan strife,the communist Party of chinaand the government serves thechinese people, completed thepoverty alleviation targets of the2030 Sustainable

developmental Goals a decadeahead of the schedule and estab-lished the world's largest socialsecurity network, covering all thepeople and ensuring access tohousing and education and med-ical insurance."

On Biden's comments thatthe US is not looking for con-frontation, while there will besteep, steep competition andchina will not emerge as thewealthiest and most powerfulcountry under his watch, huasaid we noticed Biden said the UShas no intention to seek con-frontation .

"china stands ready to workwith our President's call and wehope the US can work in the samedirection with us and deal withthe relations following the spiritof no conflict and no confronta-

tion, mutual respect and win-wincooperation," she said.

On competition, she said asthe largest economies in theworld it is only more natural thatchina and US will have competi-tion while our interests are inter-twined." We want to have soundcompetition on the basis ofequality and fairness so that wecan improve ourselves and eachother instead of pursuing a zero-sum mentality , she said.

"Our goal is never overtakingthe US, it is about becoming abetter version of china," she said.

china is engaged in hotlycontested territorial disputes inthe South and East china Seas.Beijing has also made substantialprogress in militarising its man-made islands in the past fewyears.

China slams Biden claims 'exemplary'record in observing international rules

PM Modi hands over Gandhi Peace Prize forSheikh Mujibur Rahman to his daughter

Trains collide in southern Egypt, killing at least 32

Beijing, Mar 26

chinese officials briefed diplo-mats Friday on the ongoing researchinto the origin of cOVId-19, ahead ofthe expected release of a long-awaitedreport from the World healthOrganisation.

the briefing appeared to be an at-tempt by china to get out its view onthe report, which has become en-meshed in a diplomatic spat. the USand others have raised questionsabout chinese influence and the inde-pendence of the findings, and chinahas accused critics of politicising a sci-entific study. Our purpose is to showour openness and transparency," saidyang tao, a Foreign Ministry official.china fought the epidemic in a trans-parent manner and has nothing tohide. the report, which has been de-layed repeatedly, is based on a visitearlier this year by a WhO team of in-ternational experts to Wuhan, the cityin central china where infectionsfrom a new coronavirus were first re-ported in late 2019.

the experts worked with chinesecounterparts, and both sides have toagree on the final report. It's unclearwhen it will come out.

Feng Zijian, a chinese team mem-ber and the deputy director of china's

center for disease control andPrevention, said the experts examinedfour possible ways the virus got toWuhan.

they are: a bat carrying the virusinfected a human, a bat infected an in-termediate mammal that spread it to ahuman, shipments of cold or frozenfood, and a laboratory that researchesviruses in Wuhan.

the experts voted on the hypothe-ses after in-depth discussion and con-cluded one of the two animal routes orthe cold chain was most likely how itwas transmitted. A lab leak wasviewed as extremely unlikely, Fengsaid. his remarks were reported bystate broadcaster cctV, which saidenvoys from 50 countries and theLeague of Arab States and the AfricanUnion attended the briefing at theForeign Ministry.

china firmly opposes certaincountries' attempts to politicise theorigin tracing issue and make ground-less accusations and hold china ac-countable, the ministry said in an on-line post about the briefing.

Separately, Foreign Ministryspokesperson hua chunying said, "Iwould like to stress that virus tracingis a scientific issue that should bestudied by scientists through coopera-tion.

China outlines COVID-originfindings, ahead of WHO report

Washington, Mar 26 (PTI)

the Senate Judiciary committeehas ended in a tie vote over the nomi-nation of Indian-American civil rightslawyer Vanita Gupta as associate at-torney general of the United States,amid objections from therepublicans. the committee onthursday voted 11-11 on Gupta's nom-ination. Senate Majority Leaderchuck Schumer, a democrat, can nowfile a discharge motion on her nomi-nation to allow a full Senate vote onher nomination.

If confirmed, Gupta, 46, would bethe first woman of colour to serve asassociate attorney general, and thefirst civil rights lawyer to serve in oneof the top three positions at the US

department of Justice. More than 100organisations have urged the Senateto confirm Gupta.

Under the provisions of S. res. 27,Leader Schumer may now file a dis-charge motion on Ms Gupta's nomina-tion to place her on the executive cal-endar, the Senate Judiciarycommittee said after it voted for thenomination of Vanita Gupta to be USAssociate Attorney General by a voteof 11-11.

Ahead of the vote, all republicanmembers of the Senate Judiciarycommittee wrote a letter to Senatordurbin demanding a second confir-mation hearing on Gupta.

While under oath, Vanita Guptamisled the committee on at least fourissues: her support for eliminating

qualified immunity; her support fordecriminalising all drugs; her supportfor defunding the police; and herdeath penalty record," they wrote.

"Unfortunately, in her responses aweek later to our written questions,Ms.Gupta was no more forthcoming.In some cases, she doubled down onher misleading statements from thehearing, and in others, she refused toanswer altogether," the republicansenators wrote.

We urge you to immediatelyschedule a second hearing with Ms.Gupta so that she can answer for hermisleading statements, and for her re-fusal to respond to our written ques-tions," they wrote.

dick durbin, chairman of theSenate Judiciary committee, said:

"Vanita Gupta is an exceptionallywell-qualified person to be AssociateAttorney General her extensive sup-port from prominent conservatives isnot an aberration," said Senator

"It is the natural result of the factthat she has worked across the parti-san divide throughout her entire ca-reer, durbin said.

In his remarks during the votingprocess, durbin said that he is strug-gling to understand the fierce opposi-tion of the republicans to this nomi-nee. She is extraordinary. She has thesupport of law enforcement groupsthat any one of us would be proud tohave. And yet, she continues to be la-belled as soft on crime or wanting todefund the police, and there's no truthto that whatsoever, durbin said.

Senate panel split over nomination of Indian-American Vanita Gupta to a key Justice Dept position

London, Mar 26 (PTI)

British lawmakers havevoted unanimously to ex-tend the emergency legisla-tion for lockdown meas-ures to control the spreadof coronavirus for anothersix months, untilSeptember. In a house ofcommons vote onthursday night, thecoronavirus Act 2020 waspassed by 484 votes to 76, amajority of 408. An expect-ed rebellion within the rul-ing conservative Partyranks saw 36 tory back-benchers vote against thegovernment legislation inopposition of the continu-ing curbs on freedoms and21 Labour MPs as well asthe Liberal democrats alsovoted against the exten-sion. "I cannot answerwhether we will be retiringit in six months. My prefer-ence would be yes, but giv-en the last year, I think aprediction would be hasty,"UK health Secretary Matthancock told MPs ahead ofthe vote on the emergencypowers, which must be re-viewed every six months bylaw. minister said that 12provisions in the legisla-tion were no longer neededbecause of progress thathad been made in dealingwith the deadly virus.these include easing some

responsibilities on the so-cial care sector, laws gov-erning the retention of bio-metric data for health andsecurity purposes, and ob-ligations on businessesthat work in the food sup-ply chain. "Although thisact remains essential andthere are elements of itwhich we are seeking therenewal of, we have alwayssaid we will only retainpowers as long as they arenecessary," he said. the actwas described as "dracon-ian" by several MPs aheadof the vote, with SteveBaker, deputy chairman ofthe anti-lockdown covidrecovery Group, dubbingit "excessive and dispro-portionate". "the libertari-an in me is also trying toprotect people's funda-mental right to life andtheir ability to live theirlives normally, UK PrimeMinister Boris Johnsonhad said ahead of the vote.And the only way really torestore that for everybodyis for us to beat the diseaseand the best path to free-dom is down the cautiousbut irreversible road mapthat we've set out that'swhat the freedom loverwants," he said. As part ofthe commons vote thisweek, MPs also approvedthe regulations underpin-ning the steps .

UK MPs vote to extend emergencyCovid laws until September

Bangladesh ForeignMinister calls on PMModi, discusses bilat-eral tiesDhaka, Mar 26

Bangladesh Foreign MinisterA K Abdul Momen on Fridaycalled on Prime MinisterNarendra Modi during which thetwo leaders reflected on strength-ening their all-encompassingpartnership based on sovereign-ty, equality, trust and under-standing that transcends the bi-lateral strategic partnership.Modi arrived here in Bangladeshon a two-day visit to attend thecelebrations of the golden jubileeof the country's independence,the birth centenary ofBangabandhu' Sheikh Mujiburrahman and hold talks with hiscounterpart Sheikh hasina.during their talks, both the lead-ers reflected on deepening thefraternal ties and strengtheningthe all-encompassing partner-ship based on sovereignty, equal-ity, trust and understanding thattranscends a strategic partner-ship between the two countries,the Ministry of External Affairssaid in a statement. At the mainIndependence day function,Prime Minister Modi hailedBangabandhu Sheikh Mujiburrahman's leadership and thecontributions of the Indian Armyin Bangladesh's 1971 freedomwar.

Indian-American DrVivek Murthy sworn inas US Surgeon GeneralWashington, Mar 26 (PTI)

Indian-American physicianVivek Murthy has been sworn inas the 21st Surgeon General of theUS, a role in which his top prioritywould be to end the coronaviruspandemic that has severely hitthe country and be a voice for sci-ence. honoured to be sworn in asyour Surgeon General. I owe thisday to my family who has guided& supported me every step of theway, dr Murthy, 43, said onthursday soon after being swornin as the top doctor of the countryby Secretary of health andhuman Services Xavier Becerra.he has occupied the position ofAmerica's Surgeon General forthe second time. In 2011, presi-dent Barack Obama tapped himto serve on the advisory group onprevention, health promotion,and integrative and public health.

I stand ready to work withyou to end this pandemic & builda world where good health iswithin everyone's grasp, he said.ready to take on this position asthe Nation's doctor to help endthis pandemic, be a voice for sci-ence, & support our nation on itspath to rebuilding and healing,said dr Murthy, who now is thehighest ranking Indian-American in the Biden adminis-tration. cOVId-19 has taken thelives of several members ofMurthy's extended family.during his confirmation hearingin February, he said that seven ofhis family members in India andAmerica have died due to thevirus.

A day earlier Murthy was con-firmed by the Senate by 57-43votes. As US Surgeon General,Murthy will advise PresidentBiden on the coronavirus pan-demic and will be the federal gov-ernment's leading voice on publichealth. In 2013, Obama nominat-ed dr Murthy to be the SurgeonGeneral. he was the youngestever to hold the office at the age of37. however, he had to abruptlyleave the position during thetrump administration.

during his previous tenure as19th Surgeon General, dr Murthyhas created initiatives to tackleAmerica's most pressing publichealth challenges. As America'sdoctor he helped lead the nation-al response to a range of healthchallenges, including the Ebolaand Zika viruses, the opioid cri-sis, and the growing threat ofstress and loneliness toAmericans' physical and mentalwellbeing. he also issued the firstSurgeons General's report onAlcohol, drugs and health, inwhich he challenged the nation toexpand access to prevention andtreatment and to recognise ad-diction as a chronic illness, not acharacter flaw. dr Murthy con-tinued the office's legacy on pre-venting tobacco-related disease,releasing a historic SurgeonGeneral's report on e-cigarettesand youth. Prior to his tenure asSurgeon General, dr Murthy co-founded VISIONS.

JAMMU, SAtUrdAy, MArch 27, 2021hEalth9Glimpses of Future

A Few Berries ADay Keeps TheDoctor AwayBerries deliver a bevy of benefits including

better cognitive health, preventing cancer

and lowering blood pressure

Along with being small delicious bursts of sweetness, berries are also consid-ered as one of the richest source of antioxidant which is required by yourbody. It can be added to any meal of the day as a dessert, in a certain quantity

which is required individually. According to the researches on these pops of nutrition,berries deliver a bevy of benefits, including bettering cognitive health, helping preventcancer, and lowering blood pressure.these vibrant, brightly colored berries providesome of the highest levels of nutrients, as antioxidants. these antioxidants hold goodanti-inflammatory properties, which helps protect your body from disease as you agespecially to maintaining your bone health. thus it is considered a healthy part of an an-ti-inflammatory lifestyle for both prevention and treatment of chronic diseases like,arthritis, osteoporosis, neurological or central nervous system disease etc.

Each berry has its own nutritional benefits and values besides being a source of an-ti-oxidant, these are briefed below-

Goji berries- this contains high levels of vitamin A and zeaxanthin, both of whichare important for eye health.

Raspberries- contains antioxidant polyphenols called ellagitannins, which canhelp reduce oxidative stress, it is also a very good source of fiber.

Blueberries- these berries serve as a great source of vitamin K. Anthocyaninsfrom blueberries may reduce oxidative stress, thus lowering the risk of heart diseases.

Strawberries –It is one of the most commonly consumed berries in the worldand also one of the best sources of vitamin c.

Cranberries- Best-known for their ability to reduce the risk of urinary tract infec-tions (UtIs), cranberries content a high amount of polyphenols in its skin, thus is rec-ommended to consume the fruit as a whole instead of extracting its juice.

Grapes - the skin and seeds are an excellent source of antioxidant polyphenols. Anumber of studies have shown that grape seed polyphenol extracts can lower bothblood pressure and heart rate.

Blackberries - contains a high level of vitamin c for better immune system.

Overall benefits of berriesFor better mental health- these compounds, found almost exclusively in berries,

are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and locate themselves in learning and mem-ory centers in the brain, thus maintaining the mental health.

diabetes management- they come with a fibrous property, so people with diabetescan include that in their diet as a serving of fruit. But one need to keep the check onquantity being consumed.

Reducing inflammation and heart disease -the antioxidants in berries“promote healthy cell function and protect against inflammation. consuming berrieshelped decrease LdL (bad) cholesterol levels and reduced systolic blood pressure

helps in losing weight - Because of their fiber and liquid content, berries give us asense of fullness. Berries in nutrition-rich recipes such as fresh fruit sauces and saladdressings can be paired with almonds for a quick snack or even be eaten as they are.Also you can curb your sweet craving without any guilt of gaining extra calories, as theybelong to the low calorie group.

Lowering blood pressure - Anthocyanin in blueberries helps to improve bloodcirculation which in turn aids in better functioning of the blood vessels. the chemicalcompounds fight the systemic inflammation that accompany high blood pressure,helping to make your body healthier overall

Fighting cancer- Flavonoid-packed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries,are an important part of a cancer-prevention diet. Berries have been shown to help pro-tect the body against gastrointestinal, breast, and possibly even liver, prostate, pancre-atic, and lung cancers

Great source of prebiotic - Berries are not probiotics, but they are prebiotic-rich foods. these are fiber-rich foods that provide fuel to the probiotics in the stomach.

As a result of awarenessand education againstconsumption, people

are now anxious and particularabout what they eat and drink.Ever since fitness has taken a newroad in the industry, a gradual shifttowards a healthier diet has takenplace where every little ingredientis thoroughly read and examinedbefore eating. Nutritious seeds,powders, and nubs have become atopic of interest for people who areworking towards a healthylifestyle. hemp, an herb which hasbeen newly recognised as a superfood & gained popularity due to itshigh nutritional value and is a verygood source of protein and otheressentials in the human body. Allin all, hemp is a powerhouse ofmultiple rich nutrients in one.

Nutritional Benefits ofHemp

raw hemp seeds are one of therichest sources of complete proteinpacked with 33 to 37 per cent ofpure digestible protein. Only algaesuch as marine phytoplankton andblue-green algae exceed hemp inprotein. Additionally, 47 per centof hemp seed is composed of goodfats, a vital composition of omega-3 and omega-6.

Not just the good fats, the fibrecontent of hemp seed flour is alsothe maximum out of all commer-cially grown seeds. the seeds are agood source of vitamin c, vitaminB, and vitamins A and E. theseseeds are also rich in minerals likepotassium, phosphorus and mag-nesium. A normal serving of 3 ta-blespoons of hulled hemp seedshas over 14 gram of healthy fats,165 calories, almost 10 gram ofprotein, 21 milligram of calcium,approx. 2 mg of iron, 210 mg of

magnesium, 495 mg ofPhosphorus, 360 mg of potassium,3mg of zinc. hemp overall holds asignificant nutrition value whichcan fulfil the required nutrition in ahuman body.

Hemp as a Super foodAlthough technically a nut,

hemp acts a super food. It has amild and nutty flavour and is con-sidered to be a complete protein asit’s a powerhouse of eight essen-tial amino acids present in quan-tities enough to meet the body’sneeds. the gamma-linoleic acidin hemp seeds has several healthbenefits. the seeds can be con-sumed cooked, raw or roasted or inthe form of oil.

Medicinal Benefits alongwith Uses

hemp has had a long-standingcultural affinity with India as it hasbeen used for centuries in theIndian Ayurveda culture due to itsmedicinal benefits. It reduces therisk of heart diseases, promoteshealthy & glowing Skin, and pro-vides relief from aches, soreness,and joint irritation, aids digestion,promotes calm and restful sleep.Other than being a medicinal sup-plement it is also used traditionallyin Indian cuisines. In Uttarakhandand himachal Pradesh, native vil-lagers make ‘hemp chutney andhemp Salt’ which is consumed astheir everyday food item becauseof its high nutritional value.Moreover, the hemp seed offersvarious other usages. the proteinin its seeds is used to prepare tofu,cheese, etc.

Hemp is a good product tobe included in one’s daily dietfor maximum health benefits.

Hemp Cultivation, Costand Availability in India

Althoughhemp has been consumed for cen-turies for its generously nutritionalprofile along with its therapeuti-cally active constituents contain-ing a great potential to help manyprocesses of the body, there is stilla mass taboo attached to its con-sumption as it is compared withthe psychotic drug marijuana.therefore, the need to work to-wards creating more awarenessabout hemps consumption, itsavailability, and its medicinal ben-efits along with its super food val-ues has risen all the more.

the hemp plant has been culti-vated in the world for more than12,000 years. In India, this plant’sunique properties were recognisedthousands of years ago and it canalso be used in several medicines,including for the treatment of can-cer. currently hemp is legalized intwo states in India, Uttarakhand &Uttar Pradesh and recentlyhimachal Pradesh’s cM Jai ramthakur announced that the stategovernment is coming up with apolicy to allow controlled cultiva-

tion of hemp or cannabis in thestate.

the average costof cultivation


hemp is 1Lper acre

and forre-

tail hempseeds is rupees

1500-2000 perkg. the price

forcannabis leafextracts rupees 1000-

10,000 per 10ml depending onthe strength. Fabrics range from400-1500 per meter depending onthe type of blends (100% hemp,hemp and silk etc.). hemp also hascarbon negative footprints whichallow it to absorb carbon dioxideleading to a cleaner environment.

In conclusion although hemphas been traditionally used forcuisines and medicinal purposes inAyurveda, and is even a greatsource of getting various nutrients,it still isn’t easily available & acces-sible to people. there are compa-nies which source hemp for indus-trial purposes like hemphorizons, India hemp & co. andothers in India. however, there is amass taboo around the consump-tion of hemp due to its comparisonwith Marijuana. A herb whichholds so much significance in ful-filling body nutrients, needs to bemore accessible to people andthus, needs more awareness & thegovernment should intervene tomake it more easily available forthe masses.

(The author is the Co-Founder& CEO , Hemp Horizons)

Want A Superfood With Medicinal Benefits? Try HempNot only is hemp a powerhouse of multiple rich nutrients, it also helps cut the risk

of heart diseases and provides relief from aches and pains

Apair of kidneys, the bean- shaped bi-lateral organs on the posterior sideof the abdomen is an indispensable

component of human anatomy. Kidney per-forms the function of filtration and excretion ofwaste materials to keep the alimentary and di-gestive system clear of all the impurities. It alsoplays a key role in regulation of blood ph andmaintenance of electrolytes such sodium,potassium and phosphorus. Kidneys are ac-tively responsible for maintenance of bloodpressure and adrenal hormones secreted by thecap-like adrenal/suprarenal gland placed righton top of both the kidneys. Moreover, conver-sion of Vitamin d to its activated form takesplace in the kidneys that facilitates calcium ab-sorption. Kidney diseases are silent killers withmassive effects on the overall quality of life. It iswell known that people with kidney disease aremore susceptible to heart and neurological dis-eases than the others. People with diabetes, hy-pertension, obesity or overweight or any othercomorbidities are always at increased risk ofcontracting kidney disease.

Here are a few mantras to keep yourkidneys happy and healthy

Physical activity is mustStaying active and fit is the basic require-

ment to achieve or sustain good health.Keeping the body weight within ideal limits al-ways helps in controlling blood pressure andfurther prevalence of cKd

Cutting down intake of processedfood

Intake of processed foods poses a very seri-ous challenge on the overall functional abilitiesof kidney. Packaged biscuits, pickles, pasta,pizza- all these are considered as the mostharmful sources with the potential to cause kid-ney damage and also they trigger diabeteswhich in turn exacerbates kidney conditions.

Regular monitoring of blood sugardiabetes is a very common yet idiopathic

health condition characterized by increasedlevel of blood sugar. thus, having an eye on theblood sugar level and making it a part of regularhealth checkup is very crucial, particularly forthose who are inching towards the middle ageor further. About half of people who have dia-betes develop kidney damage; but this can be

prevented/ limited if the diabetes is well con-trolled. check your kidney function regularlywith blood and urine tests.

Regular monitoring of blood pres-sure

Just like blood sugar, monitoring the bloodpressure level also holds equal importance.Lowering daily salt intake is extremely criticalto keep blood pressure levels in check. the rec-ommended sodium intake is 3-5 grams of saltper day. high blood pressure level is also veryclosely associated with high cholesterol andcardiovascular diseases. In case of a persistent-ly elevated blood pressure level, an immediateconsultation of a physician is always recom-mended.

Adequate fluid intakethe ideal amount of fluid intake varies from

person to person. A lot of external determi-nants come into play in order to decide the rightamount for of fluid required for an individual.the determinants include exercise, climate,health conditions, pregnancy and breastfeed-ing. Normally 8 cups (or approximately 2 litres)per day is the prescribed amount of fluid for ahealthy person in a comfortable climate condi-tion which might vary commensurately withchanging climate conditions. An individualwith an already prevailing kidney conditionneeds to be extra cautious about fluid intake.clinical consultation is highly recommended.

Smoking killsSmoking hinders the flow of blood to the

kidneys. reduced inflow of blood often leads tofailed kidney functionality. Smoking also in-creases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50per cent.

Avoid frequent intake of over-the-counteranti-inflammatory drugs/painkillers

common drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIdS)/ pain-killer (e.g.drugs like ibuprofen) can harm the kidneys iftaken regularly. Medicines, with prevalent kid-ney conditions, should always be taken withdoctors’ approval.

checking kidney function particularly inpresence of one or more of the ‘high risk’ factors

here the risk factors include

diabeteshypertensionObesityFamily history of kidney disease

Why Kidneys Are Critical ToOur Health And Wellbeing

Got exams?Boost memory,reduce stresswith thesenutrition tips

Just like there are no shortcuts to ac-ing exams, there are no shortcuts toa good diet that can help you stay fo-

cused. Now, with the exam fever catching up,nutrition experts suggest making a few diettweaks that can help your stomach feel fulland also boost memory.

celebrity nutritionist MunmunGaneriwal recently took to Instagram toshare quick nutrition tips for those appearingfor their exams.

here’s what she said: “March-April is ex-ams season in India. Eating the right food be-fore the exams not only helps boost the mem-ory but also helps in keeping calm in stressfultimes. Ensure your best self on exam day.”

hot homemade breakfastPackaged foods like cereals and instant

oats contain synthetic molecules that are notrecognised by our bodies and brain. Eatingthem will make the body feel dull and slug-gish. Instead have fresh poha, upma etc.

Gheerich in Omega 3 fatty acids, ghee boosts

memory power and improves cognitive func-tion. Include one teaspoon of ghee each withbreakfast-lunch-dinner.

curdthe live bacteria in curd acts in the gut

and enhances the release of the happy hor-mone serotonin that helps to control stresslevels during exams. “do not miss the ‘dahi-shakkar’ before appearing for exams,” saidGaneriwal, referring to the ritual of eatingcurd with sugar that many Indian familiesfollow just before stepping out for any impor-tant work.

Unrefined sugar or KhaandSugar re-energises the body and brain

and provides the mental ability and energyneeded for a long-duration study. chooseladdoos, chikki, kokam/lemon sherbets tokeep the blood sugar levels stable.

ricerice being prebiotic helps to keep the

stomach light, keeps away the feeling ofbloating, induces good sleep, and makes sureyou wake up feeling fresh the next day. Eatdal, rice, khichdi, ghee, curd rice for dinner,mentioned Ganeriwal.

JAMMU SAtUrdAy MArch 27 , 2021EntErtainmEnt10 Glimpses of Future

It's Expensive: Malaika Arora and JacquelineFernandez's twin red outfits will cost you a

bomb can you guess the price?

Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s silhouettechallenge is hilarious and Hot at the same time

Parineeti Chopra starrer Sainamovie leaked online on the dayof its release by Tamilrockers

Salman Khan's niece Alizeh Agnihotri to make her Bollywooddebut opposite this star kid?

Indian Idol 12: Pawandeep Rajan does not consider

Sawai Bhatt as his competition; here's Why!

Shanmukhapriya Finally breaks her silenceon participating in Indian Idol 12 despitewinning other singing reality shows

Singing reality show Indian

Idol season 12 is gearing in its fi-

nale. the top 10 contestants are try-

ing their best to impress everyone

with their melodious voice and will

leave an impact on everyone's

mind. Audiences feel that

Pawandeep rajan and Sawai Bhatt

can be a competitor in the show.

Pawandeep has always managed to

win hearts with his soulful perform-

ance. Moreover, he specializes in

every art. Be it singing songs or

playing a musical instrument,

Pawandeep knows it all! Whereas

Sawai Bhatt's magical voice has

made its place in the hearts of the

audiences. People feel Sawai and

Pawandeep can be a tough competi-

tion to each other. however,

Pawandeep does not agree with

this. Well, in an exclusive interview

with Bollywoodlife, Indian Idol sea-

son 12 contestant Pawandeep was

quoted saying that he does not con-

sider Sawai as his competitor.

"right now we are enjoying the

process and following it.

Everyone is my friend and we

have been supporting each

other. It is not in anybody's

mind that someone could be

my competitor".he even said

that they will be working to-

gether in the future.

Pawandeep is glad that he met

everyone on the sets of Indian

Idol but says that this team will

work even more in the future.

Pawandeep said, "When you

have to work together, there is

no question of a competitor.

Nobody is a competitor and we

will all work in the future."

Last week, contestant Sirisha

Bhagwatula has been elimi-

nated from the show. the top

10 contestants are Pawandeep

rajan, Mohammad danish,

Shanmukha Priya, Arunita

Kanjilal, Anjali Gaikwad,

Sawai Bhat, Ashish Kulkarni,

Nachiket Lele, Nihal taro and

Sayali Kamble.

While we are waiting for many fresh faces inthe industry, we soon might have an announce-ment on it as the latest reports suggest thatmegastar Salman Khan's niece AlizehAgnihotri is set to make her Bollywood debutwith Avnish Barjatya's untitled next. Avnish isfilmmaker Sooraj Barjatya's son, who is knownfor helming films like hum Aapke hain Koun,Maine Pyar Kiya, hum Saath Saath hain,Vivah, Prem ratan dhan Payo and others.reportedly, the film will also mark the debut ofSunny deol's younger son rajvir, who play themale lead. the film is said to be a rom-com andwill be on the lines of ranbir Kapoor anddeepika Padukone's yeh Jawaani haideewani. For the unversed, Alizeh is thedaughter of Atul Agnihotri and Alvira Khan andis the eldest grandchild of the Khan family.While the official announcement of this film isawaited, earlier there were rumours that Alizehwill make her Bollywood debut with SalmanKhan's dabangg 3 and we had cleared the airthrough our source, who revealed, "yes, Alizehwill make her debut soon but definitely not indabangg 3. She has been going to acting anddance classes and Salman is monitoring herprogress very closely. they want to give a per-fect launch to Alizeh and are looking for scripts.the story of dabangg 3 is a prequel to the firstfilm, so there is no chance of fitting a role for theyoung lady."

Indian Idol 12 contestant Shanmukhapriya is one of thestrongest participants of the singing reality show and cur-rently enjoys a great fanbase among the masses. While thecrooner has garnered praises for her voice quality, a certainsection of audience has criticised her for participating inthe show despite winning other singing reality shows earli-er. Shanmukhapriya has finally reacted to this and re-vealed that it was her dream to participate in Indian Idol.talking to News 18, she said, “It has always been a dream toparticipate in this show. I have grown up watching it. Evenmy parents wanted to see me on this platform. Other realityshows I have done prior to this were all in the age group of15 and below. this is my first show in the senior category.”the talented singer also opened up on her prep before go-ing on a shoot for the song and asserted, “Song selection de-pends on the theme of the episode. Sometimes guests areinvited so that also plays a role. Once the tracks are fi-nalised, we have a week to prepare. I listen to the song lineby line and write it down on paper with notations. then Imemorise it. All this takes a day. then we meticulouslyplan on how we are going to perform it. We brainstorm onexecution, musical arrangement, variations and improvi-sations from day two. the voice coaches at Idol help us atthis stage. We sit with the musicians and decide on how topresent the song. Once arrangement is finalised, then wepractice. technical rehearsals are done over two-threedays and then we shoot.

Bollywood gorgeous di-

va Malaika Arora and

Jacqueline Fernandez have

always managed to impress

the fashion police. the two

have an impeccable sense of

fashion and style. On

thursday, Malaika was

spotted wearing a red outfit

as she headed towards her

sister Amrita Arora's resi-

dence in Mumbai for a

house party. But do you

know what, a few days ago

Jacqueline Fernandez was

spotted wearing the same

outfit that Malaika wore? In

this picture, Malaika

donned a satin red jersey

white striped jacket and

paired it with jersey shorts.

the gorgeous actress

glammed up her look by

wearing So Kate christian

Louboutin hologram pumps

worth rs 52,835. Malaika

kept her overall look simple

with a gold watch and a sil-

ver bag. talking about

Jacqueline, the actress was

spotted in the same outfit

after her hectic workout ses-

sion at a gym. She acces-

sorized her look with shades

and tied her hair in a messy

bun. According to reports,

the cost of a jersey jacket is

priced at 1100 or approxi-

mately rs 94,399. While the

cost of the shorts is 650 or

approximately rs 56,141.

the entire cost of the outfit

is around 1750 or approxi-

mately rs 1,50,151.

Parineeti chopra starrer Saina released todayamid the coronavirus pandemic. It is a biopic onace Indian badminton player, Saina Nehwal. thefilm is directed by Amole Gupte. the film has al-ready found its way online platforms such astamilrockers, telegram, and movierulz amongothers. this can be a big concern for the makersas well as exhibitors. the theatrical release sec-tion is already suffering due to the pandemic andthis makes it worse. this is not the first time thishas happened. Earlier, films and shows such asGodzilla vs. Kong, Mumbai Saaga, Jathi ratnalu,Sreekaram, the Priest, roohi, Bombay Begums,Lahore confidential, Pudhu Kaalai, SufiyumSujatayum, AK vs AK, Laxmii, Ashram 2, Ludo,chhalaang, dark, rasbhari, Bulbbul, Paatal Lok,Aarya, Penguin, Gulabo Sitabo, chintu KaBirthday, choked, ratkanchal, Ghoomketu,Betaal, Illegal, Family Man, the raikar case,hundred, Extraction, hasmukh, Money heist,the Lion King, Frozen 2 among others were pi-rated. Speaking about her preparation, Parineetirecently said in a statement, "Badminton is thefastest racket sport in the world. you need someserious skills to play an Olympian and I realizedthat on my very first day on court. there havebeen days I've cried on court, there have beentimes I've said 'I can't do this' but then my mindflashes with the image of the millions of peoplewho are going to watch this and that would makeme get up.

eepika Padukone andranveer Singh make forone of the most gorgeouspairs in the entertainmentindustry. they have beenmarried for two years nowand it seems like they arejust dating each other evennow. they are just so goodtogether that we cannotkeep our eyes off them be iton-screens or in their dailylives. A couple of days ago,ranveer Singh and deepikaPadukone had taken thebuss it challenge and nowthey are carrying forwardthe tradition of challengeswith reels. the Pathan ac-tress took to her social me-dia handle to share the reelof the silhouette challengethat had been going viral onsocial media for ages now.the video followsJayeshbhai Jordaar movieactor leaning on the doorframe. deepika joins himand they get all cozy. Whenthe hook line starts, the sil-houette of their hands canbe seen as though they areplaying a game like kids inthe street.

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'BJP will leave no stone unturned to thwartCong's design to play with Assam's identity'

India should be able to achieve targets in 3-4 yrs:CDS oninfra development along northern frontier

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Ratan Tata hails SC judgement toset aside NCLAT order restoringMistry's position at Tata Group

Due to unwarranted actsof few cops, entire policeforce gets defamed:Rajasthan DGP ��������������������� '-1.��� .���


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Delhi has bent pollution curve, annual levelof particulate matter on decline: Report

Centre asks states, UTs to regulatecrowd during upcoming festivals

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Rs 3,700-crore bank fraudcase: CBI raids over 100spots in 11 States/UTs