making presentations with media course packet


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Piraino 2

Date Readings/

Topics Assignments

Week 1 Jan 21, 23

Chapter 1

Tues: Syllabus, course expectations

Read Chapter 1 for Thursday

Thurs: Chapter 1 Lesson: Speech Communication

Prepare for "What's in My Name" Speeches (Presentation #1) for Tuesday

Assign Speech Order and Peer-Reviews - Introductory

Week 2 Jan 28, 30

Chapter 2

Tues: Deliver "What's in My Name" Speeches

Read Chapter 2 for Thursday

Thurs: Chapter 2 Lesson: Analyzing Your Audience

Complete “What’s in a name” speeches

Draw for Speaking Positions & Peer-evals - Instructional

Week 3 Feb 4, 6

Chapter 3

Tues: Lecture: Ch. 2: Analyzing Your Audience cont.

Discuss Review of Outside Speaker Activity

Thurs: Speaking Feely and Ethically

Read Chapter 3 for Tuesday

DUE: Self-evals for Introductory Speech #1 via D2L

Week 4 Feb 11, 13

Chapter 3, 4

Tues: Instructional Presentation #1:

Ch. 3: Determining Your Purpose & Subject

Read Chapter 4 for Thursday

Thurs: Instructional Presentation #2:

Ch. 4: The Introduction & Conclusion

Read: Chapter 9 by Tuesday

Draw for Speaking Positions & Peer-evals – Informative

Review Informative Speech Assignment

Week 5 Feb 18, 20

Chapter 9, 5, 6

Tues: Instructional Presentation #3:

Ch. 9: Speaking to Inform/Informing

Read: Chapters 5 and 6 by Tuesday

DUE: Informative Speech Pre-Write/Thesis Statement Forms Due – HAND IN TO TEACHER

Thurs: Instructional Presentation #4:

Ch. 5: Gathering Supportive Material Instructional Presentation #5:

Ch. 6: Supporting Your Ideas with Research

DUE: Quiz #1 Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, & Ethics – AFTER CLASS, by 5:00 pm Friday

Week 6 Feb 25, 27

Chapter 7

Tues: Round 1 Informative Speeches

Thurs: Round 2 Informative Speeches

Read Chapters 7 by Tuesday

Week 7 March 4, 6

Chapter 7, 8

Tues: Instructional Presentation #6:

Ch. 7: Organizing Your Speech Read Chapter 8 by Thursday

Thurs: Instructional Presentation #7:

Ch. 8: Delivering Your Speech (Nonverbal & Delivery)

DUE: Informative Speech Self-evals

Piraino 3

Week 8 March 11, 13

Chapter 8

Tues: Instructional Presentation #8:

Supporting Your Speech with Visuals and Media

Review Impromptu Speech Assignment

Thurs: Instructional Presentation #9:

Speaker Language & Style

DUE: Quiz #2 Chapters 5, 6, 7, & 8 – AFTER CLASS, by 5:00 pm Friday

Read: Chapter 10 by Tuesday 3/25

Week 9 March 18, 20


Week 10 March 25, 27

Chapter 10

Tues: Instructional Presentation #10:

Ch. 10: Persuasive Speeches

Assign Impromptu Speech Partners and Peer-evals

Tues: Instructional Presentation #11

Visual Aid “Pitfalls” and Weaknesses and How to Avoid them

Assign Partners and Peer-evals - Persuasive

Week 11 April 1, 3

Chapter 11

Tues: Outside of class activity - Impromptu Internet Assignment Check D2L for topics -- will be posted after midnight, but before 9:00am this morning.

Thurs: View Impromptu Speech Videos – In-class

Read Chapter 11 by Tuesday

Week 12 April 8, 10

Chapter 11

Tues: Instructional Presentation #12

Ch. 11: Group Communication

Thurs: TBD

DUE: Quiz #3 Chapters 9; 10; 11; Language & Style; Visuals & Media – AFTER CLASS, by Friday @ 5:00pm

DUE: Impromptu Peer-evals Due

Week 13 April 15, 17


Tues: TBD

Draw for Speech topics, teams, peer-evals - Persuasive

Persuasive Speech Workshop – Tentative

Thurs: Persuasive Speech Workshop – Online Workshop –Tentative

DUE: Outside Speaker Assignment Paper, by 5:00 pm via D2L

Week 14 April 22, 24


Tues: Persuasive Speech Workshop – In-Class – Tentative

DUE: Persuasive Thesis/Pre-write Forms

Thurs: Persuasive Speeches Round1

Week 15 April 29, May 1


Tues: Persuasive Speeches Round2

Thurs: Persuasive Speeches Round 3

Week 16 May 6, 8


Final Exam

Tuesday: No Class – Finals Begin

Tuesday Due: Persuasive Speech Self-evals via D2L

Thursday 12:30-2:30 pm (Thursday)

Piraino 4

Piraino 5

Piraino 6

For this writing assignment, each student will evaluate and analyze the presentation style of an out-of class presentation, which must be attended in person.

Acceptable presentations for this assignment include IUP campus presentations and other local presentations (with the approval of the instructor). All presentations viewed for this assignment must be approved by the instructor. These are in person presentations; online or remote presentations are not acceptable (such as viewing a presentation on YouTube).

This assignment is due at 5L:00pm on the assigned due date and submitted via D2L. Emailed or hardcopy assignments

will not be accepted.

Write a four to five page narrative paper (typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12pt, Times New Roman) commenting on the presentation or speech in each of the areas listed below. Indicate positive and/or negative aspects of each, and how they enhanced or detracted from the presentation.

Do not write the narrative in first person. REMEMBER - this is a critical evaluation, not a rundown of what the presenter said.

Spend very little space detailing WHAT they said, and more space detailing HOW they said it.

Do not hesitate to be critical, if you believe that it is warranted. Answer each point in the order listed, using the bold headings to organize the content.

1. Background: Identify the title of the presentation, the speaker(s), and the sponsor of the presentation. 2. Location: List the date, time and location of the presentation. Describe the location/setting of the debate.

What impact did this aspect have on the presentation? 3. Content: Identify the purpose, thesis statement, and main points of the presentation. What was the

presenter’s goal? How successful was the presenter in achieving his or her intended goal? How difficult was it for you to determine the purpose, thesis statement, and main points of the presentation? To what degree did the presenter have the credentials and the knowledge to speak on this topic? What did you learn from the presentation?

4. Organization: Identify the organizational strategy used. How well was the presentation organized? What kinds of transitions were used?

5. Evidence: Identify the sources of evidence for the presentation. What sources were quoted or referenced? Were they accurate, objective, and relevant to the topic?

6. Media: Identify the types of media used by the presenter. How did the media enhance of detract from the presentation? If no media was used, what could have been used to enhance the presentation and why?

7. Audience: How apparent is it that the presenter understood his or her audience? To what degree was the topic of interest to the intended audience? In what ways can you determine that the presenter had done any audience research? In what ways did the presenter attempt the engage the audience, keep the audience interested, or use examples the audience could relate to?

8. Presenter: Comment on the presenter’s voice, non-verbal communication, eye contact, and general appearance. Comment on positive and negative aspects of his or her public speaking style. What observations can you make about the speaker’s level of preparation, research, and knowledge of the topic being discussed? Did the speaker have any issues with being understood by the audience, such as an accent, regional dialect, lack of volume, pace, etc? Provide examples both positive and negative.

9. Overall: In conclusion, give your overall evaluation of this presenter and his or her style of presentation. What (if any) things might have been done to make the presentation more successful?

Piraino 7

Each student will research and deliver a 2-3 minute introduction about him/herself pertaining to his or her own names (first, middle [if applicable], and last). The specific purpose is:

“I want my audience to remember me by both of my names FOREVER!”

Students will employ research methods such as interviewing (yourself, parents, grandparents, etc.) and formal research (library or/and Internet) to uncover the history and etymology of your first and last names.

The introduction must be two to three minutes in length (plus or minus 10 seconds)

Should include the following: o Your name(s) o Family history of the names (where they came from) o Etymology of the names (the actual meanings) o Other pertinent background information pertaining to the names. o SOME ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! A relevant anecdote, nicknames, etc. to help make your

introduction more entertaining and meaningful. Media/Students May Use:

One - two regular-sized note cards

A prop, related item, etc. (optional)

No electronic presentations, etc. Presentation Focus/ Skill: Attention Grabber/Introduction

A well-prepared attention grabbing statement, story, etc. to begin the speech

Something well thought-out and practiced

Not simply “Ummm….my name is…” Adherence to time limits: Because of the number of presentations required within this course, all time limits must be met. All presentations will be timed and recorded, and students will be instructed to stop when they run past the allotted time. Running over or under the specified time will negatively affect your grade for the assignment (you will be stopped). Accordingly, required information that you do not thus provide will be subtracted from your final grade (e.g. conclusion, etc.) Point Break Down and Elements

Pre-Write: NA Speech Point Total: 35 Points Peer Evaluation: 15 Points Self-Evaluation: 15 Points

Speech #1 Total Points: 65 Points

Piraino 8

Speech #1 Grading Rubric Introduction Evaluation: Each introduction will be evaluated according to the following: Attention Grabber (6 points) - You use an effective attention-getter to set the tone for your introduction, and to set the tone for your presentation. You display a positive and welcoming attitude about your topic. If you have no attention grabber, you earn no points! 6 ............................ 5 ............................. 4 .............................3 ............................. 2 ............................. 1 ............................. 0 Content (4 points) - The content you present accurately introduces the topic, and provides appropriate background information about your name. You include an interesting anecdote, fact, etc. that is related and holds the audience’s attention. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Voice, Volume, Pace and Diction (4 points) - You are able to speak clearly and articulately without the repeated use of verbal fillers such as "um, uh, like," etc. Your volume is clear enough for people in the back row to hear. Your pace is appropriate (not too fast, not too slow… just right!), and you use correct grammar and are able to pronounce terms (including your partner’s name) correctly and without hesitation. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Energy and Enthusiasm (3 points) - You present a positive attitude toward/about your presentation; you smile and are enthusiastic. Your introduction makes the audience interested and excited about the presentation to follow. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Eye Contact (4 points) - You make consistent eye contact. You look at the audience while speaking, not at your partner, the floor, the projector screen, or your shoes. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Audience-Centered (3 points) - You talk TO the audience. You tell the audience what they will learn from the presentation, how it might affect them, and why they should be interested. Use of personal examples and the pronoun “you” are important in making the presentation audience-centered. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Conclusion (3 points) - You have a clear and logical conclusion that calls the speaker to the front of the room. You do not say things like “without further ado,” or "In conclusion." If you have no conclusion, you earn no points! 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Level of Preparation (3 points) - It is clear to the audience that you are well prepared for the introduction. You speak fluently and without hesitation. You are comfortable with the content and speak without the use of any notes. Each part of the introduction is well planned--from beginning to end--and has been sufficiently rehearsed. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Posture, Poise, Appearance (2 points) - You are appropriately dressed, stand up straight, do not fidget or make repeated distracting gestures (such as playing with your hair, clothes, making repetitive hand gestures) 2 ............................ 1 ............................. 0 Time Frame (3 point) - You are within the timeframe (+/- 10 - +/- 20 seconds). If you are over or under the aforementioned times, you will receive zero points for this component. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0

Piraino 9

Each student will prepare and deliver an individual 3-5 minute informative presentation on an issue of

significance in the communications media industry.

This presentation must have the overall objective of informing the audience about the importance or significance of this issue and explaining why they should care about the issue.

The presentation is not intended to be persuasive but simply to help the audience better understand an important issue.

Exact topics cannot be duplicated and, all topics must be approved by the instructor on a first-come/first-served basis.

The successful presentation will incorporate appropriate reference material and resources (minimum of three, Works Cited included on last slide).

The successful presenter will have credibility, authority, and show a thorough knowledge and understanding of the topic. He/she will have a CLEARLY stated thesis statement and the corresponding support/evidence.

Instructions for media (TWO ADDITIONAL):

The presentation must include at least two forms of media, in addition to Prezi slides.

The use of graphs and links to websites in the Prezi slides count for this component, but photographs that are cut and pasted from other sources do not count toward the required media.

Original photographs that you have taken do count toward this requirement.

All media must be prepared according the class instructions and must be professionally produced and appropriate for the topic presented.

No media used for this presentation may be hand written or cut and pasted from magazines, etc.

Students are responsible for designing and producing all media associated with the presentation.

Simply scrolling through a website does not count as a form of media – have a focal point/purpose.

Students Will/May Use:

Three - five regular-sized note cards

Prezi Presentation – ALSO submitted via D2L before class time Presentation Focus/ Skill: Prezi Presentations

A well-prepared and interesting slideshow

Successful and careful integration of graphics, charts, video, links, etc. (embed videos) Adherence to time limits: Because of the number of presentations required within this course, all time limits must be met. All presentations will be timed and recorded, and students will be instructed to stop when they run past the allotted time. Running over or under the specified time will negatively affect your grade for the assignment (you will be stopped). Accordingly, required information that you do not thus provide will be subtracted from your final grade (e.g. conclusion, etc.)

Point Break Down and Elements

Pre-Write: 15 Points Speech Point Total: 50 Points Peer Evaluation: 15 Points Self-Evaluation: 15 Points

Speech #2 Total Points: 95 Points

Piraino 10

Speech #2 Grading Rubric Introduction Evaluation: Each introduction will be evaluated according to the following:

Appropriateness of Topic (3 points) - You have selected an important topic of significance in the communications media industry. Throughout your presentation, you are able to establish the significance of the topic using examples such as the number of people affected by the issue, and/or why the issue is particularly important to your audience.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Attention Grabber (3 points) - You have a clear attention grabber that is appropriate to your topic.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Thesis Statement (3 points) - Your thesis is clearly stated early in the presentation and is presented using “you” terms.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Content (4 points) - The content of the presentation is well organized, easy to follow, and appropriate transitions are used. Your content establishes the significance of the topic for the audience.

4....................... 3 ........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Prezi Slideshow (4 points) – Show is creative, theme-based, entertaining, and thorough. Student uses images, graphs, charts, etc., and slides are not cluttered and/or pointless. The show shows creativity and effort.

4....................... 3 ........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Research/Resources (4 points) - You provide appropriate evidence to support your point(s). You provide facts or statistics that support your contention that the topic is important and that the audience should care about the topic. You have not relied too heavily on one source, and have a minimum of three. All your sources are clearly documented in the presentation - without documentation, you will earn no points.

4....................... 3 ........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Conclusion (3 points) - You have a clear and logical conclusion.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Energy/Enthusiasm (2 points) - You deliver the content with energy and enthusiasm, smiling/emoting when appropriate to the content. Your body language and voice indicate to the audience the importance of your topic.

2 ....................... 1 ........................ 0 Eye Contact (4 points) - You make eye contact around the room, not looking primarily in one area of the room. You do not turn your back to the audience. You do not read from the projector screen. You do not stand behind the computer. You do not read from the computer. You try to look at everyone in the room.

4....................... 3 ........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0

Piraino 11

Volume/Diction/Pace (3 points) - Your volume is at an appropriate level. You enunciate clearly, use good grammar and diction. You speak at an appropriate pace. You speak confidently and with authority. You limit your use of vocal fillers, such as "um and uh."

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Audience Centered/Interesting (3 points) - Your content and the presentation of your content are interesting and engaging. You speak to the audience, using “you” in your presentation. You use examples the audience can relate to and help audience members understand why the topic is relevant to them. You are able to keep your audience interested in your topic.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Use of Media (5 points) - You use the required number of media and you use them effectively. Your PowerPoint slides are appropriately produced and adhere to the 6 X 6 rule. Your media illustrates and reinforces your points. You do not use media to kill time or use media that is irrelevant to you topic. You do not use media that is misleading, fabricated, or cannot be clearly documented. Videos are embedded, and websites are used thoughtfully and purposefully.

5 ....................... 4 ....................... 3........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Body Language (4 points) - You stand up straight and maintain good posture, not leaning on the podium or table. You walk around the room in a meaningful way. You do not fidget or make repetitive hand gestures. You do not play repeatedly with your hair, clothes, jewelry, pens, etc. Your body language reinforces your enthusiasm and commitment to your topic.

4....................... 3 ........................ 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0 Appearance (2 points) - You are appropriately dressed. You are not wearing jeans, sandals, flip-flops, hiking boots, sneakers, hats or other casual attire. Your underwear or belly button are not visible from any viewpoint. Your shirt is tucked in as appropriate, and your clothes are ironed. Men are clean-shaven unless you regularly have a beard. Beards and mustaches are neatly trimmed.

2 ....................... 1 ........................ 0 Time Frame (3 points) - Your presentation is within the allotted period.

3 ....................... 2 ........................ 1 ........................ 0

Piraino 12

Some suggested topics – you are not restricted to this list, but all topics are subject to approval by the


Ethics - Inform the audience about the ethical dilemmas faced in any one of a number of communications fields. For example, explain how television news stations determine whether or not to show a graphic piece of news video. Law - Inform the audience about the laws that govern any specific area of communications. For example, how do libel and slander laws affect what reporters can say on the news? Or, how privacy laws restrict what can or can’t be shown on television. Explain how:

Music or other media is copyrighted or trademarked.

The programming regulations on commercial television related to children's television programming.

How Shield Laws offer reporters protection from revealing an anonymous source to law enforcement.

The rules and penalties relate to illegally downloading music. Issues/Events - Inform the audience about a specific incident involving the media. For example:

Describe the evolution of radio, television, and social media to what it has become today.

Explain how a television program is produced. People - Identify a person of significance in the media industry, and explain how he/she became important in the industry. For example:

Tell the audience about the first African American to win an Academy Award.

Describe the first woman to anchor a major television network newscast.

Explain Barbara Walters’s impact on journalism. Technology - Describe how new technology has influenced society. For example:

How are things like texting and social media affecting communication skills?

How are media companies using web sites as promotion tools?

How is social media being used as a promotion tool by businesses?

Is “flogging” ethical? Media and New Media – Discuss the effects, impact, or significance of a new or “buzz worthy” form of media or media sensation. For example:

Why was Miley Cirus’s VMA performance so controversial?

Should Duck Dynasty have been banned?

Why are “selfie” images so popular? NOTE: Keeps topics precise, clear-cut, and manageable. Select ONE item/event/person, etc., so that you are not overwhelmed with information, and can clearly and thoroughly explain your topic.

Piraino 13

Students will research and deliver an impromptu presentation with one other student outside of the confines

of our classroom. Your responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: (1) research the specified topic, (2) gather tools for presenting your information, (3) acquire a location for presenting your information, (4) record/video the presentation, and (5) upload your presentation to to share it with the class. The presentation will be 6-8 minutes with no post-editing done, which means no cutting or modifying your video in any way. However, you do have the liberty of recording more than one take. The presentation will incorporate at least TWO different forms of media, in addition to the recording device and YouTube. Any complex media, like video or audio, etc., should be original and designed by the group. Unlike other presentations in this course, this assignment does not have to be factual, and students are encouraged to be humorous and creative. HOWEVER, content MUST be appropriate for ALL audiences. ABSOLUTELY NO culturally or sexually (or other) sensitive material. Such content will be given a zero grade and may lead to more severe disciplinary action. If you are "on the fence" about including something…DON'T! Instructions:

Students will be given a choice of possible topics on Monday, March 31st, sometime after 12:00 midnight, but before 9:00am on Tuesday, April 1st via Google Doc link on the D2L News page.

Students must indicate their selection on the Google Doc page, and then proceed to complete the assignment. No duplicate topics.

Assignments must be then uploaded to by Thursday, April 3rd, by class time.

Videos that are not viewable will earn a ZERO grade. TEST YOUR VIDEO. Students Will/May Use:

ANY TWO forms of media appropriate

Video ALSO submitted via D2L before class time Presentation Focus/ Skill: Creativity and Organization

A well-prepared, creative, entertaining, and organized segment of information intended to entertain.

Purposeful information – do not simply meander through jokes and “funny” material – HAVE A POINT! Adherence to time limits: Because of the number of presentations required within this course, all time limits must be met. All presentations will be timed and recorded, and students will be instructed to stop when they run past the allotted time. Running over or under the specified time will negatively affect your grade for the assignment (you will be stopped). Accordingly, required information that you do not thus provide will be subtracted from your final grade (e.g. conclusion, etc.)

Point Break Down and Elements

Pre-Write: NA Speech Point Total: 75 Points Peer Evaluation: 15 Points Self-Evaluation: NA

Speech #3 Total Points: 90 Points

Piraino 14

Speech #3 Grading Rubric Introduction Evaluation: Each introduction will be evaluated according to the following:

Attention Grabber (5 points) - You have a clear attention grabber that is appropriate to for your product. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Content (10 points) - The content of the presentation is well organized and easy to follow. You use appropriate transitions, and all content focuses on the topic of your presentation. 10 ........................... 8............................. 6 .............................4 ............................ 2 ............................. 0 Research/Resources (5 points) - You provide appropriate and sufficient amounts of evidence to support your points. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Use of Media (10 points) - You use TWO required forms of media and you use them effectively. Your media illustrates and reinforces your points. The media used reinforces the topic. 10 ........................... 8............................. 6 .............................4 ............................ 2 ............................. 0 Conclusion (5 points) - You have a clear and logical conclusion. Your conclusion summarizes the topic of your presentation. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Time Frame (5 points) - Your presentation is within the allotted period. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Volume/Diction/Pace (3 points) - Your volume is at an appropriate level. You enunciate clearly, use good grammar and diction. You speak at an appropriate pace. You limit your use of vocal fillers, such as "um and uh." 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Eye Contact (3 points) - You make eye contact with your audience, you are not reading your presentation to the camera. You do not turn your back to the audience. You do not stand behind the computer. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Confidence/Authority (3 points) - It is clear to the class that you know the information well. You are not relying excessively on your notes. You are knowledgeable about your topic and you have prepared well. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Level of Preparation (5 points) - You are well prepared for your presentation. You know your part and know what you are supposed to do. It is clear that you have practiced your presentation before recording. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0

Piraino 15

Energy/Enthusiasm (3 points) - You deliver the content with energy and enthusiasm, smiling when appropriate to the content. Your body language and voice indicate to the audience the importance of your topic. You work to include the audience in the presentation. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Body Language (3 points) - You stand up straight and maintain good posture, not leaning on furniture around you. You move within the confines of your video. You do not fidget or make repetitive hand gestures. You do not play repeatedly with your hair, clothes, jewelry, pens, etc. Your body language reinforces your enthusiasm and commitment to your topic. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Appearance (3 points) - You are appropriately dressed for a professional presentation. You are not wearing jeans, sandals, flip-flops, hiking boots, sneakers, hats or other casual attire (unless appropriate). Your underwear and belly button are not visible from any viewpoint. Your shirt is tucked in as appropriate and your clothes are ironed. Men are clean-shaven unless you regularly have a beard. Beards and mustaches are neatly trimmed. The background is not distracting to your presentation. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Creativity (7 points) - Because this presentation is completed outside of the confines of our classroom, you as the presenter have the ability to add some creativity to your presentation. You most likely will not have the projector and instructor podium to present from (although you may be able to get time in a lab), so be creative, but professional, on how you will go about presenting the information to your audience. Think of this as though you arrived at a last minute presentation site only to find there is nothing for you to present your information, what will you do? 7 ............................ 6............................. 5 .............................4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2............................. 1………………0 Video upload and Sharing (5 points) - Did you appropriately record your presentation, upload it to ON TIME, and appropriately share it with your classmates as well as Mrs. Piraino? 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0

Piraino 16

Teams of two students will prepare and deliver a 30-35 minute instructional presentation pertaining to an ASSIGNED chapter or unit related to or from the course textbook.

VERY IMPORTANT: Points will be deducted for any presentation that runs short or over the 30-35 minute requirement.

This presentation must include the demonstration of a process or set of abilities, outline a set of instructions, use role-playing, simulations, group activities, or other presentation techniques designed to facilitate learning by the audience.

This presentation must also include class participation (i.e. and ACTIVITY) with the goal of a demonstration of how the objectives of the presentation have been achieved.

Planning Meeting: Each team of presenters is required to meet with the instructor no later than the week prior to the scheduled instructional presentation.

Planning meetings must take place during the instructor's office hours (see syllabus for details), and must be scheduled in advance. Students with scheduling conflicts with such hours should discuss this with the instructor ASAP.

At this meeting, teams must bring at least 10 completed PowerPoint or Prezi slides, and each team must hand in one copy of the topic form for Presentation #4. These items are to be ready to review when you walk in for the meeting, not things you complete during the meeting.

Team members MUST meet together.

Any team who fails to schedule or attend this meeting will have their presentation canceled, or in the case of an individual team member, their participation in the presentation will be eliminated.

Additional Instructions: The following items MUST be submitted on the DAY OF your presentation:

1. A short typed, printed “lesson plan” (see the example below for format and requirements) 2. A copy of your PowerPoint/Prezi slides should be submitted into the corresponding D2L folder 3. A copy of any handouts given to the class should be stapled to the lesson plan.

Adherence to time limits: This is a 30-35 minute presentation. No more than 2-3 minutes of class time at the conclusion should be allotted for Q&A. Running short of the time period will have a negative effect on the grade for both presenters. Students Will/May Use: The presentation must include at least FOUR forms of media.

1. One type of media must be a handout for the class. These media can be used to outline instructions for the lesson, show guidelines for completion of a process, guide an activity/notes, etc.

2. One type of media must be a presentation for the class. The PowerPoint or Prezi must INCLUDE and follow the learning objectives for the presentation.

3. One type of media must be an INTEGRATED and EMBEDDED video clip, no longer than 3 minutes in length. The clip must enhance and support the learning objectives for the presentation. NOT SIMPLY BE CUTE OR FUNNY. It should also be entertaining, informative, and make an impact.

4. One type of media should be planned, selected, and designed by the students. This can be an original video, audio clip, game prop/PowerPoint, poster, the integration of cell phones, a short reading, etc.

Piraino 17


All media must be prepared according the class instructions and must be professionally produced and appropriate for the topic being presented.

No media used for this presentation may be hand written or cut and pasted from magazines, etc.

Students are responsible for designing and producing all media associated with the presentation.

Any handouts, etc., that need to be copied by for distribution must be emailed to instructor the evening prior to the presentation; handouts received the morning of will not be used.

Presentation Focus/ Skill: Instructional Presentation Slideshow

A well-prepared, creative, entertaining, and organized Prezi or PowerPoint show that includes the following:

o 10 Slides MINIMUM o A Works Cited on Slide 11 o FOLLOWS THE 6 x 6 RULE! o Various font changes; appropriate sizes; thoughtful use of white space o Images!

Point Break Down and Elements

Pre-Write: 15 Points Speech Point Total (includes 25 point grade for teacher meeting): 125 Points Peer Evaluation: 15 Points Self-Evaluation: 15 Points

Speech #4 Total Points: 170 Points

Speech #4 Grading Rubric

Planning Meeting (25 points) Team members will receive individual grades for this portion of the assignment based on the following (assessed as "all or nothing" measures):

Team members are on time for meeting (2 point) Y N

Topic form is completed (3 point) Y N

Learning objectives are written correctly (2 points) Y N

Planned content meets learning objectives (3 points) Y N

PowerPoint/Prezi slides are completed and in appropriate condition (5 point) Y N

Team has planned a useful class activity that meeting learning objectives (5 point) Y N

Team has thoroughly researched and planned presentation (3 point) Y N

Team is well prepared (2 point) Y N

Presentation (100 points) Two grades will be issued for this portion of the presentation. The team grade will be a possible 70 points, and each presenter will

have an individual grade of a possible 30 points. Team Presentation (70 Points) Each member will receive the same grade the team portion of the presentation based on the following: Attention Grabber (5 points) - You have a clear attention grabber that is appropriate to your topic. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0

Piraino 18

Learning Objectives (5 points) - Your learning objectives are clearly stated and listed early in the presentation. The learning objectives are student-centered and correctly written. 5 .................... 4 .................... 3 ..................... 2 .....................1 ..................... 0 Content (5 points) - The content of the presentation is well organized, easy to follow, and appropriate transitions are used. Your content establishes the significance of the topic for the audience. The content clearly focuses on the learning objectives and stays on the point of the learning objectives. The content of the presentation is consistent with the description of the topic and the assignment instructions. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Research/Resources (5 points) - You provide appropriate and sufficient amounts of evidence to support your points. You provide facts or statistics that support your position on the topic and that are convincing to the audience. You have not relied too heavily on one source. Your sources are objective and credible. You do not use sources that are suspect or may be misleading. All your sources are clearly documented in the presentation. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Audience Centered/Interesting (8 points) - Your content and the presentation of your content are interesting and engaging. You speak to the audience, using “you” in your presentation. You use examples the audience can relate to, and help the audience members understand why the topic is relevant to them. You are able to keep your audience interested in your topic. The students are engaged in the class, and the content is focused to help them understand why this information is useful to them. Personal examples are used to help students see why they need to know what you are teaching. 8 .................... 7 ..................... 6 ..................... 5 .....................4 .................... 3 ..................... 2 ..................... 1 ..................... 0 Use of Video Media (10 points) - You use an appropriate, thoughtful, and entertaining video, and you use it effectively. Your video illustrates and reinforces your points. You do not use a video simply to kill time, or that is not relevant to you topic. It is not misleading, fabricated, offensive, or not a clearly identifiable source. It is well explained, has a clear purpose, and helps to accomplish the learning objectives of the class. Video is embedded, ready to view, and under 3 minutes in length. 10 ........................... 8............................. 6 .............................4 ............................ 2 ............................. 0 Use of Handout Media (5 points) - You use an appropriate, thoughtful, and professional handout, and you use it effectively. It illustrates and reinforces your points, or aids students in some way with the content. It is not misleading, fabricated, offensive, or pointless. It is well explained, has a clear purpose, and helps to accomplish the learning objectives of the class. It looks like it was designed by a professional, and lacks errors, etc. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Presentation Slides (15 points) - Your Power Point slides are appropriately produced and adhere to the 6 X 6 rule. You have images, font changes, etc., as directed on the assignment sheet. The show displays careful thought, consideration, and effort. 5 ............................ 4 ............................. 3 .............................2 ............................. 1 .............................. 0 Class Activity (8 points) - The team has planned a class activity that is useful and helps to accomplish the learning objectives. Instructions for the activity are clear, and the activity is organized efficiently. The class activity has a purpose and it not just a time killer. 8 .................... 7 ..................... 6 ..................... 5 .....................4 .................... 3 ..................... 2 ..................... 1 ..................... 0 Conclusion (3 points) - You have a clear and logical conclusion. Your conclusion assesses the audience and helps you determine to what degree your presentation has been successful. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Time Frame (3 points) - Your presentation is within the allotted period. Open question and answer sessions (Does anyone have any questions?) do not start any earlier than three minutes before the schedule ending time of the “class.” 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0

Piraino 19

Required Documents (8 points) - A typed copy of the lesson plan is turned in at the start of class, along with the corresponding handout(s). The plan shows effort, time, and consideration of the distributed “lesson plan example.” 8 .................... 7 ..................... 6 ..................... 5 .....................4 .................... 3 ..................... 2 ..................... 1 ..................... 0

Individual Performance (30 Points) Each team member will receive a separate grade on his or her individual performance based on the following:

Volume/Diction/Pace (4 points) - Your volume is at an appropriate level. You enunciate clearly, use good grammar and diction. You speak at an appropriate pace. You limit your use of vocal fillers, such as "um and uh." 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Eye Contact (4 points) - You make eye contact around the room, not looking primarily in one area of the room. You do not turn your back to the audience. You do not read from the projector screen. You do not stand behind the computer. You do not read from the computer. You try to look at everyone in the room. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Confidence/Authority (4 points) - It is clear to the class that you know your topic well. You are not relying excessively on notes or your slides. You are able to answer questions confidently about your topic. You are knowledgeable about your topic, and you have prepared well. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Level of Preparation (4 points) - You are well prepared for your presentation. You know your part and know what you are supposed to do. It is clear that you and your partner have practiced together. Transitions from one speaker to another are seamless (e.g. you do not have to say "umm…I think this is you…"). 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Energy/Enthusiasm (4 points) - You deliver the content with energy and enthusiasm, smiling/emoting when appropriate to the content. Your body language and voice indicate to the audience the importance of your topic. You work to engage the students in the class. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0 Body Language (3 points) - You stand up straight and maintain good posture, not leaning on the podium or table. You walk around the room in a meaningful way. You do not fidget or make excessive or repetitive hand gestures. You do not play repeatedly with your hair, clothes, jewelry, pens, etc. Your body language reinforces your enthusiasm and commitment to your topic. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Appearance (3 points) - You are appropriately dressed for a professional teaching presentation. You are not wearing jeans, sandals, flip-flops, hiking boots, sneakers, hats or other casual attire. Your underwear or belly button are not visible from any viewpoint. Your shirt is tucked in as appropriate, and your clothes are ironed. Men are clean-shaven unless you regularly have a beard. Beards and mustaches are neatly trimmed. 3 ............................ 2 ............................. 1 ..............................0 Team Player (4 points) - You have been a good team player throughout the preparation and presentation. You have carried your share of the workload and responded promptly to requests for information from your teammate and your instructor. You have attended team meetings as scheduled, and your teammate would verify that you have done your share of the work. During the presentation, you have done your share of the presenting and are clearly part of the team. The presentation time is shared well, and you are not dominating the presentation or allowing your partner to dominate the presentation. 4 ............................ 3 ............................. 2 .............................1 ............................. 0

Piraino 20

Please follow this Format to Ensure Requirements are met

John S. Smith and Jerry Johnson

COMM 205– Making Presentations with Media

Lesson Plan for Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Topic: Summary activity for Chapters 1-6/The basic model of communication

Related Class Readings:

Course Textbook (Sterin) Chapter 1 resource: “Mass Communication: Models” (pg. 12)

Class Objectives:

Outline and discuss the “Shannon Weaver” basic model of communication.

Define the parts of the communication model, relating them to personal experiences.

Label the parts of the communication model, including sender/source, transmitter/encoder,

channel, receiver/decoder, destination/audience, noise, and feedback.

Class Outline/Agenda & Time Approximations:

1. Think, Pair, Share activity 5 minutes

2. Communication poll 2 minutes

What is the most common form of communication that you use?

How do you receive most of your “news?”

3. Guided note lecture 20 minutes

Complete corresponding guided lecture chart/worksheet with lecture.

Stop to discuss each element with group members and relate to assigned form of media: text

messaging/email/telephone/social media/video.

Send in group answers via Poll Everywhere website.

4. Group PowerPoint Jeopardy 15 minutes

Complete girls versus boys

Alternate team responses

Materials Required:

Class text

Communications Model PowerPoint – ****attached****

Communications Model Guided Note Sheet

Poll Everywhere

Student cell phones

Jeopardy PowerPoint game

Piraino 21

Students must prepare and deliver a two-person 13-15 minute persuasive presentation designed to present opposing viewpoints and to convince the class to adopt one of the presenters' points-of-view.

The topic must be socially or politically significant and must be supported by appropriate research material. Topics must be approved by the instructor and may not be duplicated, and partners must vary from Presentation #4. The successful presentation will be substantiated with documented facts, statistics, and logic, and include at least three academic sources (NO Wikipedia, blogs, etc.). The successful presenter will have credibility, authority, and show a thorough knowledge and understanding of the topic. Structure: You may structure the presentation as you deem best. For example, teams might decide to present the entire "pro" side and then the entire "con" side, or might prefer to alternate between one topic "pro" followed by one topic "con," go back to "pro," and back to "con," etc. However you decide to present, just be prepared and know whose turn it is to speak at all times. Resources: At the time of your presentation, you must have a FIVE source reference list (in APA or MLA style). You must cite at least FIVE “objective” sources for this presentation (as a pair). No more than one source can be a dot com web site. Other web sites may be used if they are from educational or government organizations. Non-profit web sites may be used if they provide objective information related to your topic. The remaining FOUR should be IUP database sources, from locations such as EbscoHost, etc. (scholarly sources). Instructions for media: The presentation must include at least THREE forms of media

One type of media must be a presentation for the class. The PowerPoint or Prezi must INCLUDE slides for each side of the argument.

One type of media must be a chart, graph, etc., created by the student, and labeled accordingly. Information must be appropriately cited.

Remaining form is the responsibility of the student.


Graphs, videos, and web sites linked in the presentation can count toward this requirement, but photographs do not unless they are photographs you have taken.

All media must be prepared according the class instructions and must be professionally produced and appropriate for the topic being presented.

No media used for this presentation may be hand-written or cut and pasted from magazines, etc.

Students are responsible for designing and producing all media associated with the presentation.

Slides ALSO submitted via D2L before class time Presentation Focus/ Skill: Organization of evidence

Purposeful information – Use of statistics and other forms of evidence as discussed in class

ONE or more charts, graphs, etc., created by the student (for each side of the argument) representing pertinent information and persuasive material

Adherence to time limits: Because of the number of presentations required within this course, all time limits must be met. All presentations will be timed and recorded, and students will be instructed to stop when they run past the allotted time. Running over or under the specified time will negatively affect your grade for the assignment (you will be stopped). Accordingly, required information that you do not thus provide will be subtracted from your final grade (e.g. conclusion, etc.)

Piraino 22

Point Break Down and Elements Pre-Write: 15 Points Speech Point Total: 95 Points Peer Evaluation: 15 Points Self-Evaluation: 15 Points

Speech #3 Total Points: 140 Points

Speech #5 Grading Rubric

(**denotes measures that are separate): Appropriateness of Topic (3 points) - You have selected a socially significant topic. Throughout your presentation you are able to establish the significance of the topic with such examples as the number of people affected by the issue or why the issue is particularly important to your audience. 3 .......................... 2 ..........................1 .......................... 0 *Attention Grabber (4 points) - You have a clear attention grabber that is appropriate to your topic. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Thesis Statement (4 points) - Your thesis is clearly stated very early in the presentation and is presented in “you” terms. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Content (6 points) - The content of the presentation is well organized, easy to follow and appropriate transitions are used. Your content establishes the significance of the topic for the audience. 6 ......................... 5 ..........................4 ......................... 3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0 *Research/Resources (10 points) - You provide appropriate and sufficient amounts of evidence to support your points. You provide facts or statistics that support your position on the topic and that are convincing to the audience. You have not relied too heavily on one source. Your sources are objective and credible. You do not use sources that are suspect or may be misleading. All your sources are clearly documented in the presentation. 5 .......................... 4 ..........................3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0 *Logical/Emotional Appeals (6 points) - You use an appropriate combination of appeals to engage your audience. These examples are relevant to your audience. You use personal examples where appropriate and it is clear to the audience why this topic is important to you. 6 ......................... 5 ..........................4 ......................... 3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0 *Conclusion (4 points) - You have a clear and logical conclusion. Your conclusion assessed the audience and helps you determine to what degree your presentation has been successful. Your conclusion includes a reasonable call to action for your audience. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0

Piraino 23

*Overall Persuasiveness (6 points) - The combination of content and performance make this a persuasive presentation for the audience. Whether or not everyone agrees with your position, you have made the audience think. 6 ......................... 5 ..........................4 ......................... 3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0 *Energy/Enthusiasm (4 points) - You deliver the content with energy and enthusiasm, smiling when appropriate to the content. Your body language and voice indicate to the audience the importance of your topic. You are able to use your “personal proof” to persuade the audience. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Eye Contact (4 points) - You make eye contact around the room, not looking primarily in one area of the room. You don’t turn your back to the audience. You don’t read from the projector screen. You don’t stand behind the computer. You don’t read from the computer. You try to look at everyone in the room. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Volume/Diction/Pace (4 points) - Your volume is at an appropriate level. You enunciate clearly, use good grammar and diction. You speak at an appropriate pace. You speak confidently and with authority. You limit your use of vocal fillers, such as um and uh. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Audience Centered/Interesting (4 points) Your content and the presentation of your content are interesting and engaging. You speak to the audience, using “you” in your presentation. You use examples the audience can relate to and help the audience members understand why the topic is relevant to them. You are able to keep your audience interested in your topic. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 *Use of THREE Media (6 points) You use the required number of media and you use them effectively. Your Power Point slides are appropriately produced and adhere to the 6X6 rule. Your media illustrates and reinforces your points. You do not use media to kill time or use media that is not relevant to you topic. You do not use media that is misleading, fabricated or where the source cannot be clearly identified. 6 ......................... 5 ..........................4 ......................... 3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0 *Use of Visual Media, chart/graph/etc. (10 points) You use the required visual, and you use them effectively. You visualize purposeful information, such as statistics or other forms of evidence as discussed in class. ONE or more charts, graphs, etc., is evidently created by the student, and is a neat, careful representative illustration of pertinent information and persuasive material that illustrates and reinforces your points. You do not use information that is misleading, fabricated or where the source cannot be clearly identified. 10 ........................ 8 ..........................6 ......................... 4 .......................... 2 .......................... 0 *Body Language (5 points) You stand up straight and maintain good posture, not leaning on the podium or table. You walk around the room in a meaningful way. You do not fidget or make repetitive hand gestures. You do not play repeatedly with your hair, clothes, jewelry, pens, etc. Your body language reinforces your enthusiasm and commitment to your topic. 5 .......................... 4 ..........................3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0

Piraino 24

*Appearance (4 points) You are appropriately dressed. You are not wearing jeans, sandals, flip flops, hiking boots, sneakers, hats or other casual attire. Your underwear and belly button are not visible from any viewpoint. Your shirt is tucked in as appropriate and your clothes are ironed. Men are clean shaven unless you regularly have a beard. Beards and mustaches are neatly trimmed. 4 .......................... 3 ..........................2 .......................... 1 ........................... 0 Time Frame (3 points) Your presentation is within the allotted time frame. 3 .......................... 2 ..........................1 .......................... 0 Slides Posted (3 points) On the day of your presentation, you posted your presentation to D2L. 3 .......................... 2 ..........................1 .......................... 0 Teamwork (5 points) - The team works well together and the presentation is clearly a team effort. One team member does not dominate the presentation, and neither does one team member sit back and do nothing. The time of the presentation is evenly shared between team members. 5 .......................... 4 ..........................3 .......................... 2 .......................... 1 .......................... 0

Piraino 25

Topic Selection and Suggestions for Persuasive Presentation

Speech #5

Topics cannot be duplicated. Topics forms will be accepted before the due date if you want to secure a specific topic. Issues of duplicated topics will be resolved with the instructor and the students.

The topics below are suggestions for this assignment. Pick something you know something about, have personal experience with, and can speak about with passion and enthusiasm. Be creative! You do not have to pick a topic that we have all heard 100 times (e.g. gun control)! These are suggestions. You may propose a topic not on this list and present another topic with instructor approval.

Reasons to support or not support caps on medical malpractice lawsuit awards

Reasons why reporters should or should not be able to protect confidential sources

Reasons why television outlets should or should not broadcast live coverage of crisis events

Reasons why we should or should not have a voter ID law

Reasons to ban or not to ban smoking

Why laws preventing cell phone use while driving should or should not be adopted

Reasons why and why not we should allow the government to censor the Internet

Reasons why and why not we should mandate the NFL to change physical contact allowed

Reasons why and why not the selling of human organs should be allowed

Reasons why and why not commercials aimed at children should be censored

Reasons why and why not the government should be able to sometimes restrict the press

Reasons why and why not the government should be able to sometimes restrict our speech

Reasons why and why not "hunger strike" prisoners should be force-fed

Reasons for and against reality television

Piraino 26

Introductory Speech #1 Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluator’s Name _______________________ Date___________________________________

Peer evaluations will not be accepted late and will only be accepted on this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Name of the individual(s) you are evaluating: Topic of the presentation: _______________________________________________________________

Rate the presentation and/or the presenter assigned to you in each of the following areas as either Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree. Then, explain your evaluation in 3-5 sentences.

1. Information presented was interesting and engaging:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The beginning of the presentation got my attention and explained the name well:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. The presentation was well organized and easy to understand:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. Presenter had objective, factual information to support the topic: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. Presenter was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 6. The presenter spoke loudly, clearly, and without slang, etc. Overall good voice, tone, inflection:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Piraino 27

7. The overall presentation was interesting and kept my attention:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. The conclusion of the presentation was logical and clear:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. Before the next presentation, this student should work on (3-5 sentences min): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
















Piraino 28

Informative Speech #2 Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluator’s Name _______________________ Date___________________________________

Peer evaluations will not be accepted late and will only be accepted on this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Name of the individual(s) you are evaluating: Topic of the presentation: _______________________________________________________________

Rate the presentation and/or the presenter assigned to you in each of the following areas as either Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree. Then, explain your evaluation in 3-5 sentences.

1. Topic presented was significant in the communications field:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The beginning of the presentation got my attention and explained the importance of the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. The presentation was well organized and easy to understand:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. Presenter had objective, factual information to support the topic: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. Presenter was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 6. The presenter was believable, credible and knowledgeable:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Piraino 29

7. The presentation was interesting and kept my attention:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. The conclusion of the presentation was logical and clear: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. The presenter spoke loudly, clearly, and without slang, etc. Overall good voice, tone, inflection:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 10. The presenter had strong eye contact overall:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 11. Before the next presentation, this student should work on (3-5 sentences min): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
















Piraino 30

Impromptu Speech #3 Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluator’s Name _______________________ Date___________________________________

Peer evaluations will not be accepted late and will only be accepted on this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Name of the individual(s) you are evaluating: Topic of the presentation: _______________________________________________________________

Rate the presentation and/or the presenter assigned to you in each of the following areas as either Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree. Then, explain your evaluation in 3-5 sentences.

1. Presenters made the assigned topic entertaining and engaging:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The beginning of the presentation got my attention and explained the importance of the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. The presentation was well organized and easy to understand:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. Presenter had pertinent, interesting, and entertaining information to support the topic: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. Presenter was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 6. The presenter was believable, credible, and knowledgeable:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Piraino 31

7. The presentation was interesting and kept my attention:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. The conclusion of the presentation was logical and clear: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. The presenter spoke loudly, clearly, and without slang, etc. Overall good voice, tone, inflection:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 10. The presenter had strong eye contact overall:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 11. The quality of the video was strong overall and I was not distracted by sound and/or recording issues:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 12. Before the next presentation, this student should work on (3-5 sentences min): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________













Piraino 32

Instructional Speech #4 Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluator’s Name _______________________ Date___________________________________

Peer evaluations will not be accepted late and will only be accepted on this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Name of the individual(s) you are evaluating: Topic of the presentation: _______________________________________________________________

Rate the presentation and/or the presenter assigned to you in each of the following areas as either Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree.

1. The learning objectives were clearly stated in terms of what the class would learn and be able to do at the end of class: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The presenter spoke loudly, clearly, and without slang, etc. Overall good voice, tone, inflection:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. The presenter had strong eye contact overall:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. The presenter I evaluated got my attention, was organized and held my attention:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. The presenter I evaluated was knowledgeable about the subject and spoke confidently:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

6. The media used supported the learning objectives: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Piraino 33

7. The presentation incorporated appropriate and sufficient class participation:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

8. The conclusion of the presentation was logical:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. These presenters worked well as a team: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 10. The aspect I liked most about this presentation was: 11. The aspect I liked least about this presentation was:

12. Other thoughts about strengths/weaknesses of the presentation (2-3 sentences min): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________











Piraino 34

Persuasive Speech #5 Peer Evaluation Form

Evaluator’s Name _______________________ Date___________________________________

Peer evaluations will not be accepted late and will only be accepted on this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

Name of the individual(s) you are evaluating: Topic of the presentation: _______________________________________________________________

Rate the presentation and/or the presenter assigned to you in each of the following areas as either Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree. Then, explain your evaluation in 5-10 sentences.

1. Topic presented was socially or politically significant: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. The beginning of the presentation got my attention and explained the importance of the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 3. The thesis statement and presenter’s position on the issue are clearly presented:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 4. The expectation of what the presenter hoped to achieve or persuade the audience to do was clearly presented:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. Presenter had objective, factual information to prove his/her position: Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 6. Presenter was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Piraino 35

7. The presenter held my attention, was believable, credible, and knowledgeable:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. The presentation was persuasive and influential:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. The conclusion of the presentation was logical, made the presenter’s expectations clear, and assessed the audiences' reaction:

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 10. Since the first presentation(s), this student has improved most on, and should continue to work on (2-3 sentences min):















Piraino 36

Presentation #1, Introductory Presentation - Student Self-Evaluation

Your Name:

1. Your ability to get audience’s attention 2. The organization of presentation 3. Quality of the media you produced, its relationship to the topic, and how you handled the media 4. Your voice; articulation/pitch/tone 5. Level of energy and enthusiasm 6. Ability to keep the audience interested in your topic 7. What were the most significance weaknesses of your presentation? 8. What did you like best about your presentation? 9. Before your next presentation, what will you work on most? 10. What do you notice most from your YouTube video? If unavailable, please note so and leave blank.

Piraino 37

Presentation #2, Informative Presentation - Student Self-Evaluation

Your Name:

Your ability to get audience’s attention

The organization of presentation

3. Quality of the media you produced, its relationship to the topic, and how you handled the media

4. Your voice; articulation/pitch/tone

5. Level of energy and enthusiasm

6. Ability to keep the audience interested in your topic

7. What were the most significance weaknesses of your presentation?

8. What did you like best about your presentation?

9. Before your next presentation, what will you work on most?

10. What do you notice most from your YouTube video? If unavailable, please note so and leave blank.

Piraino 38

Presentation #4 - Instructional - Student Self-Evaluation

Your Name:

1. Your ability to get and hold the audience’s attention. 2. Your ability to involve the audience in the presentation and their level of interest in the subject you

presented. 3. Your ability to achieve the stated learning objectives: 4. Your voice; articulation/pitch/tone 5. Level of energy and enthusiasm 6. Ability to work well with your co-presenter: 7. In what areas do you think you have most improved in your presentation skills? 8. In what area do you think you need to continue working to improve? 9. What was the biggest challenge in doing this presentation? 10. If you were doing this again, what would you do differently? 11. State your perspective on your own teamwork and that of your partner. On a scale of 1-10 how would

you rate yourself and how would you rate your partner? Why?

Piraino 39

Presentation #5 - Persuasive - Student Self-Evaluation

Your Name:

1. Your ability to get and hold the audience’s attention. 2. Your ability to get the audience to interact with you and the platform you are selling. 3. Your ability to establish the audience’s emotions and appeal your position to them. 4. Your enthusiasm, energy, and ability to entertain and engage the audience. 5. Your ability to be convincing and to make the audience see the need to agree with you. 6. Your ability to close the sale and ask the audience to buy the product. 7. If you were doing this presentation again, what would you do differently? 8. State your perspective on your own teamwork and that of your partner. On a scale of 1-10 how would

you rate yourself and how would you rate your partner?

9. What do you notice most from your YouTube video? If unavailable, please note so and leave blank.

Piraino 40

Name: _______________________________________________

Outlines and thesis statements must be submitted in class/in hand. Documents will be reviewed, and you will

be offered feedback on your presentation. You are expected to make appropriate changes after you have received

feedback. Topics should be solid and well thought out when submitted for feedback; documents that are "thrown

together" will earn a "zero.”

Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Failure to turn in this form may result in the cancellation of your

presentation. See D2L for deadlines.

Your Email Address

My Topic for Presentation #2 (Informative) is:




Explain the significance of your topic in the communications industry:




My Thesis Statement is:




SCHOLORLY Resources that I am using (list at least 2):




Piraino 41

How will you make your point? What main topics will you cover that DIRECTLY RELATE to your thesis?

*** Forms will be reviewed and revisions suggested as needed. ***

Thesis Topic:

(Write in sentence form above)


Item #1:


Item #2:


Item #3:

Piraino 42


Documents will be reviewed, and you will be offered feedback on your presentation. You are expected to

make appropriate changes after you have received feedback. Topics should be solid and well thought out when

submitted for feedback; documents that are "thrown together" will earn a "zero" and have to be re-done before

students may proceed.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Failure to turn in this form will result in the cancellation of your presentation.

Your Name

Your Partner's Name _______________________________________________________________

Your Email Address

Our Topic for Presentation #4 (Instructional) is




Learning Objectives for Presentation #4

At the conclusion of the class, the students will be able to (no more than three):

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________


2. ____________________________________________________________________________________


3. ____________________________________________________________________________________


Piraino 43

SCHOLORLY/RELIABLE Resources that I/we are using:




Our class activity is




This activity helps us achieve our learning objectives because







Our TIME Break-Down is as follows:

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________________________


***Forms will be reviewed and revisions suggested as needed. Please attach an outline of your PowerPoint or

Prezi outline (slides will be accepted as well) ***

Piraino 44

Outlines and thesis statements must be submitted in class/in hand. Documents will be reviewed, and you will

be offered feedback on your presentation. You are expected to make appropriate changes after you have received

feedback. Topics should be solid and well thought out when submitted for feedback; documents that are "thrown

together" will earn a "zero.”

Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Failure to turn in this form will result in the cancellation of your presentation.

Name of Presenter:

Name of Partner:________________________________________________________________

Topic for Presentation #5 (Persuasive) is:



The Thesis Statement for MY PORTION of Presentation #5 is




The target audience for this presentation is ____________________________________________________

The topic of this presentation is important because:




SCHOLORLY Resources that I am using (list TWO min):




Piraino 45

How will you make your point? What main topics will you cover that DIRECTLY RELATE to your thesis?

***Forms will be reviewed and revisions suggested as needed. ***

Thesis Topic:

(Write in sentence form above)


Item #1:


Item #2:


Item #3:

Piraino 46

COMM 205-001 Mrs. Piraino

My Topic:

A. Who


BRAINSTORM: Who Can I Write About? (groups within your topic)




B. What


BRAINSTORM: What types of ________________ (my topic) can I write about?




C. When


Piraino 47

BRAINSTORM: When are the important Timeframes associated with _________________ (my





D. Where


BRAINSTORM: Where might be any Locations associated with ________________________ (my





E. Why

BRAINSTORM: Why might you want to look into ___________________ (my topic)? In other words,

how can it be “evaluated?” What can be measured?




Piraino 48

Name ______________________________________________________________________




My PURPOSE is….(circle one)…

A. To Demonstrate

B. To Describe

C. To Explain

Word Combinations to Search in the IUP Library:

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________

_____________________________________ AND __________________________________________