m people were there death remnes ovid phrsm


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Section'One TEffi OT. JOHNS NEWS Section






Tb« St. JohM lActurr Course for the eeeeon of I91S-1S. wtiteli has been proTtded for by the dlsintereeted en* terprtee of a number of publlc-eplrlt- ed dtltene of the city, will open with a lecture by Dr. Newell Dwlcht Hlllls. the eucceaeor of the itreat preacher. Henry Ward Reecher, paator of Ply­mouth Church of Drooklyn. N. Y. Thla lecture will be jclvea In Alllaon Thea­tre W’cdneeday cvenlaK. November IS.

Thla lecture courac haa been ar­ranged for the purpose of glvlait the { people of St. Johns an opportunity of enjoyinic some of the really tine enter­tainments ftlven in the larger cities.

— i Heretofore entertainments of this.r, V - I character have been of a cheaper or-

ider, and disappointment has neceaaar-



Iheat Hlity tHit ef Tnwn Delegates Served With LaaelMwa la Base-

meat ef rhnrrh. |








D. W. Kelley of 8L Johns, the Dem­ocratic nominee for the State Senate is conducting a vigorous campaign in the district Last week he spoke at Charlotte. Hasunga. Brookfield. Mid- dlevllle and likiton KapMU where he was well received. He hae been re­quested to aooompany Mr. Ferris on his tour of Eaton county on next Fri­day.



------------ IBILBCB t'HCBf'H OIYEN UH FOL- ;


E. E. BINHOP HAS UP- TO-DATE HCILDINa Mr. W. T. Church. St Jdbns. Mich..

Dear Sir:—As election la drawing near, 1 am going to write you a few linea, and give you my opinion.

ntnO DIICIMCCC V of every manrUll uUuinLuU In the fanning and feeding buslneaa

j in thla country to vote the Republican ------------ ' ticket. ................






Convention held at the St. Johns Bap-tiat church last Sunday afternoon andm,..- , j .w- rral and laating value, a really choice. - * . int»r#«iin» ennven ' nf lectures and musical ov-tlonsever held here. Thirteen different' young people*. m>cletle. were repre-j Jsented by delegates which tended I ” patronage gen-toward making It a ter^- successful I _ .raand profitable convention. The follow- | h-hv-mhH kv *1^lU wcMIm —r. r.ni—nlrt-ltath. ??'“* .SS.'SffJ’Tl.Ji0*W. Btmihan.. WMt mnith.ni. El.t.. UcHw*Bengal V. B. church, Beiiral Metho­dist church, Victor. Victor Center.WacoiMts and the three detiou inst- lons—Congregational. Methodist and Baptist, of at Johns.

Interesting reports were made in the afternoon by delegates from each of the various societies It was found ttiai West Bingham bod been the most successful in raising money, that so­ciety alone having raised 1X50 since the last convention. The Elsie Free Baptist had been very- fortunate in raising $25 for the support of mlssioiu It was discussed and decided upon by the aocietlea present that one day in September should be set aside when all money raised upon that day should | be laid aside and used for the support 'of mlsalons. Sunday momlog. October 27.

The program opened at one o'clock j was selected by the Methodist people Sunday afternoon to a well-fllled ' •* a day to be devoted entirely to the house. The praise and song serrlce | old (teople of the dty.

Caoie ta f'llalea Thirty-Hevea Years Age, Practicing Ills Prefessien

Ever Hiace.

Pnallry, DressesII U the Eaelem

Market.en Wbe Wea*t Htaad far

the Celeael.

of the course will be: Albert Edward Wiggsni, tbe modem apostle of effi­ciency on “{'hanging the Leopard .S|iots''; Li. B. Wtckershanwaiibject to i>f announced; White's Boston Octetta. a musical entertainment of rare value.



Ovid and the surrounding countiy sustained a great loss Monday noon when Dr. O. B. Campbell, was strick­en with apoplexy in his office and died before help could reach him. I>r. .Mc- Ollllcuddy, bla business partner, has­tened to his side almost immediately, but nothing could be done.

Dr. Campbell was preparing medi­cine for a patient and without warn­ing was stricken down. The latter Immediately called for William At- klne. office saaietant, who called Dr. Mcrillllcuddy, but the end had come.

Dr. Campbell was bom in Buffalo. New Yr’-'- May 9, 1852, coming to Ovid thirty-s« ' -n yeara ago and forming a partnership wBh Ms father-in-law. the late Dr. Charles W Plngree.

The deceased was » gr-diiate of the medical department of the rnl'erslty of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Severs I years later in order to advance )' •- proficiency, be pursued a poat-grsdu- «te course and received his degree rniw the ('hicogo Clinical school.

He was accorded a very prominent place in medical oircles. as is shown by the fact that he held the office of !

Mr. Kelley has bean a resident of SI. Johns eleven years in which time he has built for himself an enviable repu­tation as a sound lawyer ami able ad­vocate. His roan> friends have faith in his ability and integrity nnd believe him to lie remarkably sell nualllied to act as State Senator He has tbe personal endorseii ent of Mr. Ferris with whom he has a personal ac­quaintance At the meeting in I'amch-

et While Mr. Taft may hive done ; CANDIDATE’S VIEWS NDT LIBED. things, which did not suit the | HY rkhcLAES.farming Interests. I am not sure but | ________that he was right, and 1 am satlatted [

t that If Mr. Wilson Is elected President mu n,|, Tbaasands Of Fellgw.. 'Of the I'nited SUtea. neither you nor jIt and Ships j benefited by It, and a vote

for the Hull Moose party Is a vote for I Mr. Wilson. I

Tlierc are a good many people in l ~________ this country who are going to vote orand Rapids

. .. « I jttiMnn S H la Mooae ticket, but they am the^^u the choice of every trueE Bishop, of Ulilhion.............. ^ y^ple vrho were bom and rals«d In ; Republican who feels he cannot rota

. I the city, and who know nothing of me regular party nominee."' famiwrs' Interests, but who are *["'■ Thus does Amoa S. Muaaelman, Be­ing to vole any way. so that the pne^ publican candidate for governor pick of the farmers' commodities may be , Rooeevelt as a second cis^ee.lowered. Mr. Muaaelman was asked for an ex-

1 do not know what your poutics pree*ion of bis attitude as to the third arc this year, but there are so many p,rty voter. He replied that he did swltcbiug around, that I wanted to recognise the third party as ouch.

Annr and vour i gl'c you my advice and have you —rjiejr are Republicans.*’ said he. drive right up to weighed. I think It over before you vote for any i ••Republlcsne as much as we. Therepoultry Is crates In other party. If you have any Ides of , j, nothing In ihelr platform nor laThen it Is the crate, m comstlble with

the Democratic doctrines and no tma Republican would resltate between Mr Wilson sod Col. Rooeevelt Ool. Rooeevelt still is a Republican and I never have seen any reason to quarrel with any man who cboosee to vote for him. Personally I have expresead a favor for Mr. Taft But as 1 have re­peatedly pointed ovt ther.- is

again in Ht. Johns in the interests of ^ bis rapidly increasing poultry busl ness.

ll.‘ has a fine new poultry plant sit- i uated just off I'linton Avenue, on the . comer of Spring and Railroad streets., This has been built with the idea of ! offering every convenience to the i farmers of this vicinity. You can

Respectfully yours.W. R. RORICK.


was followed by the devotional ser­vice by Rev. (Ireg< /y. The address of welcoBM was heartily given by Miss lUsie Shultz, Miss Coldle Palmer, del­egate of the West Binghaip society re­sponding. A fine paper was read up-

The Bpworth League of the church was appointed to have full charge of All arrangements for tbe day. The church was ver>' prettily trimmed and committees of young people were ap- l>ointMl to greet the old people a* the

.. . . ,, .. .. 11*1 hall at Westphalia Mr. Kelley hadpr^ident of the Clinton County Medl- , audience with him when he stated cal Society fora numlwr <rf !“.Mr. Ferris has character, energj andwas also a member of the Michigan business ability enough to build up a

I which it Is delivered, and driven Into | doing so j one of the many |»ens. From here It ', la driven up a runaway to tbe second ' j door where it is forced into the killing I j pen.I This pen opens into the nicely flt- . ted room where poultry is dressed.; About twenty persons are employed in ;' fbie depenment.

All poultry is dry picked. The fan­cy Eastern trade will not handle fowls I that have been scalded.

After the fowls have been dressed . tbey are taken to another large room, where they are cooled preparatory to ] ——iMcklng. All poultry ia packed In _________tmxes made for tbe purpose. Mr. Bla- ' jnafitiifinn # ***"1hop buys these in car loU. STThta r S ^^i®*,!!***^®"**!

After being cooled. It la packed and !“ ® ^lark began work

___ • *sir-rv IV ft widadivision between state Ifsues in Mich-R. S. TLABB HAH A> IN rERE>TI>«.and the nstirnal loeues. 1 do

not see where presidential preferenceAD THIN HEEk.

St his borne

State Medical Society and the Amer­ican .Medical Association.

In his political views. I>r. Campbell was a stanch democrat, and In 1902 received the delegation from the 8th congressional district offering him the nomln.-ition for congrees. which he de-

niagnlficlent educational institution, put it upon a firm business tuuils and

; build a reputation for it recognized in I every state in the union and in uddi- tluD to organize a bank and act as Its president. Candidate Mueselman no

^Kiiiuius- ..r • J ■ . , nomin.iiion lor congrees, wnicu ne ae- is an u.-^l«aAln »rr».rhM mhimri Whv I Believe in So- door and present eech with a carna- . “®**‘** '• exceueni wnoieeaic gro-2?. I -In If vtcfT^ tion !‘ lined. howe»er being unable to spare ^ut It would aeem that the peopledetv Union h.' < leo (ireen of victor. ‘'O**;. the tl»i;«* from his laiwe and Increasing ____ _____... ____. ____ _..... . w lU'** fr‘>ni his large and increasing

veouy Sol-. All those not being able to ‘‘nn** , practice Miss Hazel !otherwise were brought to the church .

in sutoe. Several automobile load^that

defy UnionA beautiful aol<> "One Sweetly emn Thought" s^ing h>Plowman followed. One of our mostenthusiastic Y. .M C. A. boya. 1-eon were taken. It was estimate*! CIrubaugh. read a fine luiper upon ; about fifty were present.“The County Y. .M. C. A. Work.” In , The sermon was prepared and di- Itae beginning of the paper all M. 1 reeled chiefly to the old people Spe<-- C. A. work in general was discussed. ’ 1*1 music was rendered for th«- occa*- followed by a dlscusalon of the Y. M. .ion.C. A. work of our own county. This | - —----- —fine paper was foilowetl by another one equally as good "How the Y. M. C. ^A. Helps the Young People's Sctclety," . read by Kmerald (larlock of Wacousu. I One of the fine talks of the afternoon ' was given by Mrs. Eugene Hart, su- ■ perlntendent of Missions. She discus- ' aed different plans of how to rala** more money for the support of mis- 1 slons. A song by tbe chonis, which consisted of members of tbe Young People's Society of our three churches ' and a song by all, "Onward. Christian ' . u • -SoMlers." closed the program for the I wliool for young men andaftemoon. The congrfqtation was dls- J**? 7“* positions. Themissed by Rev. Mullen. demanding

men who hare this training. Read

of the state would trust the Judgment of a man who has been succeeefully

He also acted as village officer for jq work of making the



The I-ansing Businena University is

, many yean* .md was a member of Ovid I lodge .Vo 137. A. F. A A. M.. and the Royal Arch chapter.

In 187k |>r. Campbell was united in marriage to Miss I^ma F. I*1ngree, a ' daughter of the late Charles W. Pln­gree of o%id and a cousin of the late (toveruur l*lngree of Detroit

Dr. Campbell has carried on a very successful practice, specialising in surgery. He was recognized as one of the most eminent and capable cur- geons of this district. Besides being a successful physician, be has also displayed excellent business discern- 1 ments in other directions, having ' many paying interests throughout the county and state. He poaaeaaes large interests in the bank of Ovid and In Elsie and Bannister. He also owned much farm property and Detroit city property.

Two years ago. be in partneraltip i with Dr. Jaa. .McCilltcuddy founded the Ovid Hoa^tal, an Institution which has greatly prospered.

Tbe funeral will be held at the

world better. In preference to one whose business has been dealing In 1‘ostum. prunes and platitudes,"

Mr. Kelley will make an excellent run in this county where he is beat known and his prospects are said to be bright in the other counties of tbe district.

« an affect matters of state admlniatm- tlon and to this end 1 have . onIhMdroy arguments exclusively to state la. sues. *•-

Tfcey .Irr HepahUcMs .StIIL"As I often tiave said. I have as

***** Republl-

he is still a member of the party, to.Mr. Bishop is in Ihe market for go< .i snother page will convince you that old party Is divld^ but it'^aa^nrLl^

stock. He is i>erfectly willing to pay be is after the buaineos. and at the within tbe party. ' i a good price for fancy stock. This la same time is saving hundreds of dol- any Republiczui who for any what bis eastern houses demand. I l*rs annual!) to farmera. not only In ffnds he cannot vote for

He does not have any men on tbe this vicinity, but in many other local- Ta/t goes over to the Itemocvwte*^ ad. and is prepared to give the road Itles. mv mi*^ -m.—.— _ ^

.................................— •---------In tke machine buslnplaced in Uie refrigerating room. Hlghom atrvwtis supplied wl^ **^vne i neceessry for us to tell youwhich are T!? this buslnees experiment has b«m aget . taste of "(IreenlsnU u-.t snyday here.

rood.man's profit directly Into the hands ofthe farmer. 1 large stock of labor-saving mi'chTn- the mMrRw^bliSSTViJl^

This is Mr. Bishops ninth year In Ury. you are invited to call, and a h»m fliat are^ne th^LTSt. Johns and he Is now better pre-



___ _ ______ none the lees members of..1. . party for tkat reason. We are. I Z w-l-uot* *111 >» «f tlM, P.rtr wl.,Ui,r « f.-mred than ever »»efore to handle the to show you. \ f„lioultry output of the surrounding Don t fall to read his ad. prealdenL After It's all over I look

•------------------------ for a united party again.eT inilllP niDI MADDlirn Those who urge party loyaltyul. Junnu OlnL IWHlniLU____ therefore ahouid consider that It la a

~asafiinmiftT Poof brand of loyalty indeed that In-TO LAHSIHB MACHIHI81•----------- my because be does not look with fis-

conimunttiea. bisIn a couple of weeks Mr. Bishop '

will be ready to handle a few thous­and turkeys for the Thanksgiving trade.

tieese and ducka will be in good demand for the Xiiims season.

.Mr Bishop is anxious to impress iupon the minds of ail the fact that he f iJi'fFT aw* , mv uoc iook wiwill pay foacy price, for fancy fowl. “Pon the Republics ISieT.He says those who bring good fowls to his warehouse are sure to be pless- efl with their reception.


The church was filled to Its cspacl- |',h ly for the services In the evening. The j ano^er pagesong service and prayer by Rev. Mul- ** *****lea wss fnllnWAd hv a sons hr the ■***'*"”" "'®® good training..Chorus. A very pretty duet iss^sung *?** **r?*** Mperience and will be ] borae «t two o'clock today. He leavesby the Misses Edith Clark and Manr ! ^ *'*** ******'i ****1?’ *.^*^®****Mclllhinney, assisted by Miss Bena ^ ***“JV Is j ■“<* tbelr mother. Mrs. A. Plngree.Clark St tbe piano. The addrtws for i inl^a compl«t- ------------------ —the evening was given by Rev. WH-| neonie feUT'♦hi ^*4^1“^**®*^ 01 ilMP I ilil 11111111000., hi. b.iD, Th, j»".!« ;.r.«.JlS7iofSu.S2ivririn li^Ss CLAmS LAN MHIULOPROHIBIT CIDER RUIKINO





People and Tkelr Relation to the 1 Ti “J"Chufxsh." An offering of about $6 was *** behalf. |collected for the purpose of defraring ,, * bualnaaa ithe expenaee of the convention. A ' ^your while to |•OBg and the benediction closed the j ey ^ jprogram.

iSwnk Knapp had charge of the song service in the evening and the song hooka that are to be used at the State Sunday School convention to be hsid at Ismslng. November IS. M. 15 and 16th were used at this convention.

lAinch was sen’ed In the basement of the church to about 50 or 80 dele- gatea from out of tow nnnt having friends or relatives in the city.

Prewldent Had Heen ia Health Far Name



The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. hlmmot a veryevening _______ghter, Mtaa Florence, was married to

The W’ll- The

l.nnstng.—State bouse politicians were aghast when they read the intar- view of Amos 8. Musaeiman. Republl-— — ——».;»niwii, nvpuoil- a of this dty was the scene of candidate for governor, la the

pretty wedding last Saturday RapW* Evening Pr^ to thaOctober 28. when their dau- that Theodore Rnneevu •-Theodore Rooaarelt Is still

a Republican and should be the sae- ond cholae of all Republtcana for president

Some were bitter in thalr criticlaai and others characterized the stnte-

We call the attention of all Pro> greaalves voters, without reference to past or present political party affilia­tions. to the following important facts'


I.ansing. According to State Bac­teriology Holm. If the law against making beverages containing alcohol is strictly enforced. It Is unlawful to manufacture cider in any county In the state in which local option isThe present State and National

campaign of the I*rogreaaiTe party Is jin force. He bases his statement on for human and political rights, sad is ! tbe scifntific fact that It Is Impossible against i>naalim in politics and prlvl- to make rider of any kind that does

liege in business. It is for the square not contain alcohol, and that the law Commenrlng November 4th. the gro- *^®®* *^® fullest sense of those prohibits Ihe making of any beverage

cer? stores of St. Johns will close m j• I containing alcohol. He ssys that cl-840 except on Saturday evenings. Dur


Ctii'S. .N Y., October 31.^ long Illness. Vice President Sherman dlsd at his home In this city at 9:42

] last night of urcmic (lolson caused by Bright's disease

He had been sinking since early morning snd It woa rPMllst*<l that deatii was n question only of n few hours.

There was slight relief shortly after 7 o'clock caused h> sn appar­ent Improvement In the condition of Ihe kidneys, but it did not prove real or Issilng, and at best gave only tem- porsr)' hopA Af 9 oclork the IMlIent's temperature rose to 108

PLAY.Dr. John Brown of New York City.

expert on recreation and piv TB® ------inlemstlonal secretary of the 1. M. c. ; ^ymour W. Ensign of Lansing.A. demonstrated games at t^o^ jring service was used. Rev, J. H iMirk St SI. Johns today, cox i>erformlng the ceremony.day a. m.; at 12 he meets the phjwicai attended by Frank E ----------work department of tbe County (om- ^ ^ gromn. and Miss nient as a serious political mlaUkerolttee at Ovid to pUn a county wide Havilsnd. a friend of the "Under the theory of Mr Mnoasl-orogrsm and at 6:16 he meeu »<*•]! bride's “*** °®® Prominent official. "L.f^unty committeemen, leaders *»<* | ceremony, a dinner was Whitney Watkins, Pragresalve caadi-mlnlsters In St. Johns. 'served to the Immediate relatives and ^ ftw goveraor. He^rt Baker. ^

' frt^iKis present brant Wesaellua sad Theodore JoallaThe couple will make their home In •1*0 are Ropublicsns and are entitled

Isutalng. where the groom has a poal- t to sympathy and support. I am sorry lion as machinist at the Reo factory, that Mr. Muaeeim-n f-i*

Mrs.friends ------------ _tiooa. PARTY WITNESN RUBIAL.

------------------- The remains of Mrs Sophia Jook-- -* • —' county, were brought

IYm____________ -. Mm

Hush Moore, formerly. Mias Floranee Waldo, well known In thla city.

A brother of the deesaaed, a Mr. Muir of Ionia county. Mr. and Mm

* Bush of Conmna and Mr. and Mm Bert Waldo of Owoano wltnaaaad tha burial.


Fhialgn B many St. Johns to say such thlnga at this time " extend heartiest coagratula- -_______ —


APPLES. son of Ionia

Henry H Kent will present the four I act Weeiem Drama “Wild Mab" or I “Unrnndltloaal Surrender" at Allison Theatre, Saturday evening. Soy. 2nd. Fun, amusement, laughs. Your last and only chance to see Kent's All Star Dumath Co Bigger and better than emr

Until further notice in this paper I here for^Tiai Mnsn., .III p.y IV p.r IM lb. for ,17^.piM. All kiiHta of b.iT,i. .m km. iio.!, u.w,~ __for sale. K. E. f:mmo.n8

DRIVING IIORNEN FOR HALE.One pair young Albrino boraea. Is

quire at John Hicks' store. wl

ing the holiday period between l>e- | Colonel Roosevelt, the foremost osniber 18 and 24th the stores will si- j "'•p *p Ike world, a nmn who baa al­so be open evenings I kept his promtaes, a nuin who

The meat markets will qlso door at j p®* break faith with Ihe people, the aaric hour. p®* k® mlaled by any atatemsnt

-------------- I • vote for Roosevelt la a vote for

THREE HITIL1IIN41N F«IK NILE. Will make good hams. warwhoMsm,........... ............. .................................... ............ ,fc., bl. robdlllbb r.pWI> " '**'*"' "The leader of this great movement jder, when fresh from the presses, coo- -------. ------

.lI Tti An IDENT. 'Mr and Mrs F’red OMterllnc and |

little daughter of Maple Rsp4ds were I

FVir that cough and whooping cough use the Enulakia of Almonds. 13w2 AND

15; 4 cons. 29c canned I,..r.J‘!!7’n>‘,“l.7ml7r" pJmpbib.'T-l i

kidney and baked beans. E. J. Pierce, jOash Store

tariff on and free

at a low rate of Intaraat. Call i me. H. E WAIjBRIDOE. 11

and a proparly resdjaatad the one al4a and Wilson

______ trade of th^mther.1 tdb nb.ke smsii I Pmgraaalve party la withoutI am now ^ ! means to send ftor you sad taka yon

or large loans on ffood fnnn aacurtty , ^ Faacilon day. You amvlully Interaalsd la this contast Bas to It that you and all othars la your

~~r ' neighborhood who are with ua In thlaCIDER VAKINH. i contast sre at the polls on Tasoday

Will mabe cider every day during , nest, November 6th. and cast your October but Mondays Thirty oenta i votns for tbe canae of humanity, poll- pnr hundred paid for cldnr apples, tlenl cisnailnasa and the Mol of the OooklBC JnlMy and hollsd elder. Mew I American people. Theodore BoeeeeslL whlekey barrele and ksga for sale j f'lJ.VTO.V ('Oir.NTY PHrMlRIGD- ALBEirr MOT*. Fy»wler. tf 81VE rOMMITTMC.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦

♦ Progressive Meetings *« ------------ ♦♦ NON. ILRERT U ( HANDLER. Progressive CnndMnle ♦♦ fer ranpfsssi HON. mARLIHI M. IRMITT and ♦

il ((UMtMesrinffi ... 4lh

tains one-tenth of 1 per cent alcohol, and that In the case of old apples the percentage Is higher.

This seems st variance with the rul­ing of the attorney general's depart­ment. which has held that la not un­lawful to make sweet elder or vinegar but that it la unlawful to make hard cMer.

cider mllU are operating la every "dry" county in the araia. according to the oOMInJs of the Michigan AaU*Da- toon Issgns They any thay ham ant decided what attitude to seen me The "wets" are claawrlng far the sUlet enforvemeat of the law. It la clslmsd. hsennne they think It will throw the farmer vote to them Hi their spring centsau The stale haehterialaglel le rerelvlng many aamplaa o( the never- bps for onalysle Bonm mt the eamplea come from men known to he champs tana of the **wet" cssae

DRrr. ntdrfn 11 ank it FHtirr.The «;nderstgnsd have agreed t-'

bwe Ihelr stores at eight oclesk st nl^t except Saturday evealugs

Hrvnt iMirii rtoriw J T MllJAIAN.VA.HfllCKI4: a tiIJIgPIIC TRAVIS DRl'ti rt' wi

passed from bod to wore*- until the r*t-lv|nx aerltMis Injuries from an au- end. Mr Sherman waa uaroosetoua toiimMIe nccMeni when thf end came and bad I'een In The) were returning home front that rondliion for ho«irs lonslng sbetii five o'cloch when about

•lx rJles out of m Johns they ran off♦ ^ I Into ,4 sluice the car dropping shout♦ MW ^ I eight feet, tipping II over nn one side.p /X / /CJ/VA ♦ ’ke oeeupsnts ware Injured^ w w a a x-rs v^r ^ dsmnffsd

aontewhst A Innslng party happen­ed siMMi and drew the ants from the

Frank Treeeler hsv. €,Read ad on another page

Frank Inderwan Nevemher d.Ad o( this oak- olll h^ feMOd on an

ther ymge

rhMip IhNaf.Tr *4 *■«

Jr. ha«.

Henry (. lawH Ne«. ti, IUv:sg ewid hIs fsm. will »

of sTeek and fsrwi eerthau l>n»e Ao >a

Is4 e# *-+»■. v.«tt:' sti: w V tht« tks’--* 4 .next week

Mm. I. Eldrddge hex. M.

VIE ('TLINRiRr naV. -evenings

ddlrs at in

(rtllMUMLI..Wtil eonoM

furwi propsrtv in TfDN NUTli

ell at pnhl

diteh Mr Caeterllns wna ahle in re­turn hamt wilt th^ ear that eveniag

nmjam pnrNDn i.iyk rwriTRY WlNTltD,

I will beain dfwaalhv pnnliry Mae I and I olll want tim ahpes anmnai la the aext few weehi^ Ear my eantarw trade I gM wrtphts and Mifi ful pnultrt viii pu> a piemiuiin for ell irntfr «w;;-fsttoi k«na and

I rjuBd eb*ih^ th^. htndu wenssd r^M p* 7?-— V?.-

'cell RecswcPher | .. »*-! *si«r around sj^id f-wd. I' fr»>n Med i« ’ - -- an' .

tt% r .

q- . rt • > T . -•' I e-

ib at t Ho ..--w». and ttkr h*dtie olts-o j . ' xtal Fes Ro Pines T et , V b,sexi 11 hoes ffnIP • !-• rir ja-is*

I } T mRu *el>rF pou»fV i niw-h;. tPiih

moved at once Inquire at John C Hicks Elevator or Store wl

The beat fall medlctae Is lonaun littterw It nlll pal the aysiem ta goad randlilao to raaloc dtasnne llw2

Thane halo at Mrs K. N Ptevens Mr U. 94 and $k are wurth more money.


The St. Johns portable Building On. can furnish you window anah doom, lumber, abinglea. window and door fmmoa

Mr Chaa. l*alteruon. welt hpoerp |o people In this vicinity, will mahe yon anything ynu wnat hi wthdew and door fmnMa. Onr pricau are renaen- ahle and oatlainctlna gaoraaioad.

(inn 11 CHAPMAN. Pmp.

... Our chryaaaihanKraw are the grand*Bscloalve oganey Mr MUmatiapar L«m ever la ynar dtalag raam Ihnr

■oh and pnaltry faada at OtlMaanh v^M giva you a world of oailafhattap.

Prirrr rx dared nn all trlPNPed hnl MRP. R. 3L arffTR.Np.

, They are pat axyenafvewnofMKtRY d wnnniRfRT

\ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦: Republican Meetings ♦

ptRRi r iRR af r

D, »,

mehpd Eeeney. feopi) f

M Frid*.I PfhlfYl af Whgfhm.

■ rvtdSb V. r yMX* 7YINDROTrSkCV hi

hstwaMs. Vww iwmmKt UfidA


ft db


f I-

y m

i wwi wmu ai


HE St. Johns MEwa

N INDBPWOBNT NBiraPi PiMlaM •v«fT l%«f«iur

mm mt 111 Walkar iiwc «aiEm. MicHiaMi. br Tte at .MM PrttiUaH Coaipuj.



Imp wtui* wm «0iac It. H* «w tWi. k* Ms

ID Um ommII la wfttlas »t ta* laat raavlM oMClaa. bat a* Umtv m aathlac ta tlM proMiiHai to •boar that tba ooaaeil laaalvatf or aaC> mi upaa aaob a paMtlaa. wa bava tb» riSbt to aaauBM that tbajr uphold bt« aettaaa ta tba paat aad wtab him to coatiaaa to do tba aaaia ta tba fatiira ' aa ta tba paat

Woodrow Wd$om urn Free- troikr JO » PreMewt Terft

Thta tbraa cofaarad potitieal Hpht !• jraat. You po to a daaM>rratk- mmmi-

•a aacoad-aiaaa mattar at tbaoOce at BL Jobaa, Mlab-

iB uadar tba aet of March S. ItTf.

•abacrlpUaa bjrm TSAB I lOIfTHb ^ ■BE BONTHM

■aU PirtpaM.

tap aad tba rapubileaa aad proprao- •tva parttaa both pat showa up. To a rapubileaa waatiap aad the propraa* •Ivaa aad daamcraU coum Id for a drubblap. To a propraaatra maatiap •ad tba drtaocfau aad rapubltcaaa ara uanarritullY haanaarwi. It the Totara ballave what ail of the caai*

Wllwm ta all rtpbt, bat 1 aat afraid ;partr bad to ba protartad da^piia tba of bla fraa trada poHejr.** leaat af ilvlaj.

You baea baa^ tht» ta tba eaai-' 1 ^'^vK k!!ow^ra^bavL^M? »a want to ^ pollttaal kaae«a froai

^ coaaactloa with poHaj. wa probably couldyour bavlap^rd It. .iwlbar Taar." which ta that

I Ta« waar UatMly aUbar la a paill- wiUoa. If alaetad. wmiW ba doaUaat' *laal kaave ar a fa%»l. party uadaalrablaa.

Thara baaa*t baaa a ward allrrad Wa would ratbar ballaar that thla by Wodraw Wllaaa that could ba coa* I view of Wilaoa ortjtaatad la tba brain atruad by aay paraon of Intalllgaacr |of aonao huntortat. aad a dtapaaltlon to be fair •• aay> It la miphty bard to coaealee of any . tblap like a free trade declaratioa. , peraoo •wtartalalnp tba bopa of betap '

Tbiwe baaa*t baea a word attarwd tahaa aaiioualy la tba capraaalon of by Waadraw Wile-- - - -----------

News Short 3^ Story 3:CBARFAflE THAT ENDED


•r oBOfUUf p. staat.



Itajalar*d Mary, aa arpaaaUuu aad a

l<a wurd uttaradto iadlcaia avan I any auch aantlmaol.

Inp toward anytblnp like a free If It ba |aat. wa know of a eartaln trade poattloa in bla uriff attitude. ' aX'ltamorraUe lander down in .Vew

^ ' ■■ I emphaalae the abaence of aay l^*'**^' ^ ***' ann»e of Jamas Bmlth.Md papln oratora baea to aay. they will •uej, ironi from Wltoon Imcnuae the ***" .T***-------------- I A hard time Aadinp out who they couairy oupht to know by thla time~ l.r.Mt tn flop Wllaou were for free trade bePAPKb REPIIEStJtTtD FOJ PORCMH ! ' would have mM mol


’"mi* a 1C AH'! .JTeSS '"V^^OCIATlriw


i:••n’t Piren to beatlnp about the


TO OUB PBIBIIM.Oar raadaia and frtanda of

Tba Bt Johaa Nawa who have ppobata Botlena to pabllah or

who oostrol thaaa, wlU oow far a favor upon the publMb- ar by raqaaattap Jodja lfar> fill to have tha priatlaj dOM la Tba Nawa. If each raanadt li made Jiadja Marrlll wUJ hlBdly praat IL


♦ I There were many amoop the ortp- .________ Ejtaai aupportara of Woodrow WHaoo tpivlap purpanaa--------------------- - - ^ would have baaa batter planaad , The humor <

bad Wilaoa roaaenieH •« a—.i------- •


Ha triad twice to doailnata Damoeratlc party la New Jaraay after Wilaoa had lad It to victory aad pot It twice la the aaoM place.

Tha place ba pot It both Umaa was that part of tha amatomy of tha fowl

to ba marked "X** for Thaaka-

PLE.IIN4 «riL’n',In roaktnp reply to our article to the

BUiyor about the president of the board of public works vtolatlop the law In dolnp work for the city, Mr. Holmes, the pentleman accused, pleads pullty. He not only owns up to dolnp work, but namea some of the work done and attempts to show tbat In dolnp so he aaved the city conaM* emble money.

If bla claim is true, that by havinp the work mentione<l In his article, done at hla shop he M%'e«i the city money. It would mit in the least rhanpc the fact (hat he violated the

We are beptnnlnp to auapact that what David rwally alaw (Mlath with waa a apltball.—Waahlnptoa Host.

• • •If Adam bad thoupbt of It he would

doubticaa have started a bull iebthro- aaurus party.—Columbia State.

• • •ArchboMb coatrlbutlon was evi­

dently slipped Into the fund of IKM when COrteiyou wasn't lookinp.—Phil­adelphia Rarard.

• • •Aa a propnoatlcator. Ur. HIliea

thinks he la lookinp at the euniiae when he la reully seeing stars.—Char­leston .News and Courier.

of this bad*<uen-over- I **TaaB,

I "Tap,** aakl Too»y Tbomaa "Why not? *nMra‘a mora nourtahmaat la a

• aoft-bollad—**"Fbnthar bod.** latarrwptad hta ehuaa.

, **Tr«th la. yoa'ra too laay to eoofc aay* tiytep alaa.**

i •*Qaaoh. yoa taO wbopa! lAfr. JIaiUa WaBteptoa.' caafe teat waakP*

Staaaoa waa oMIjod to taka tha do* fsMlva. *'Aw. hat I dtda*! plata-holl aad plala-hoil tlU tha hooa (mma home 1dlBereaP ways, aad


And what. dM YOU

SERVICEl^UNEij.wearinff quali le. this luie of


andtiesnib^cart be Minniil. They'rette

beat tte the adence of njbtw-makmg can produce. Made tn

ior LYCOMING’S Iffoa of a


llaoa eoMentad to daclarr with (him buataaaa tacreaoaa la riahaaai aa j tiaaa Yaet la. Sim. Ti them for the racall of judjaa. I we raHact how (Jov. Wilson raeaotly wraallB*. HI ran yoa

Tha fact that this would plaaar i Mfe Boas Uurphy to uadarstaad that paatoAea and banfethese aupporters did not come be- ><»Ba of hla craaUirea waa not to betwean Wilson sod what be believed to 1 nominated for poreroor of Maw Yorkbe for the beat interest of all coo-' Woodrow Wllaon. If alaetad praai* cemed. howavar, and at no time did 'dent, will ba domtaatad. but It will he exhibit evwo a alpn of wavering In •»Y •«*«* aironp. true, aympatheUc hie coovictlon that this reform should American prtaclplaa aad not by any not extaod to the ludiciary. 'man or man.

la «V It*


r them mNaoa them la your I


■ tRod of pot- a rooa to t

for a maath.****Nay. ana. Nat baiM Maaaad with

ilrnanHiBirB Uka yoora. rn kova to die cHaa yoar pUttarlaa oRar. Bat m ba

Ha plekad up aa oap. boM It to thaWe cite this merely aa evidence that a^y-l^Dati^t ^MrM°*°**”* t ■*** Fahmtad IL Ha took opErilaon iant tn the buataeaa of com- w«y.~DatroU Timaa 1 a« aad did tha aaam After

prorolalnp piinrlplea. and aa evidence ..—,--------- - htv« -------- - dlaanoalttp tha third, hla faaa Uahtadtbat If he were a free trader he would O^tHapamol Harroaa iaiariwled. uawminot be touring the country and sub- The second aanual MIebigna iMd i ^ _ __ —•rrlbtng aeveral times a day to the and Apple Show to be held In Orsod *7^Haitimore platform, which does not RapIda .N'ovember 12 to 1C lacluatve, i ^ tM Roman area. now.contain the tem "free trade.” ! under the auspices of the Michigan ••• ** eaaaot

_________ I.and and Apple Show aoMK-latlon. It with aa Iroa ImplaiThla Democratic platform contenda 1’'“'^

that It Is aacanaUtatlaaaI for the gov- i P*®P**- There has been a great ef- ernment to Impose or collact 'Urllf Teara toAlittaa — — * •

We are informed by the Bull Mooa-era tbat "Annageddon will be pulled uinir •'" * ^***’Lu^ November R " It will take acme ^•r the parpmw> «f rav- «>««■ MichifM people away to oth-

j, enne. er aeciloiia: maay have baaa so toll-Woodmw Wilson's own view of the '"*• *^1 the people of Michigan are

aa expressed in bis speech of ' Prtttnp wise to the fact that

pull. -Chlcagn Inter Ocean.

lightpaign expenditures waa appearing be- •‘Jh tariff revision which would ride of tweniv mTiiw* ^ fore him -PItuburp Oaxet^ Time. »he MAedula. uuon-Pittaburp Oaxetle Tlmea

• • •.Sot the least of Mr. 7^1'a woes ta

(bat he baa laaoaped in some way to bring upon himself the active support of the ].<oiimer league.—Cblcap** Tribune.

“Jaat try ma"**If yoo do. m oook for a month.

If yon don't I’m to have ria hlaoalta and hot rolled oats for a month.**

*T wasp for a poor orphan Ilka yoa. Bla. bat—tnm on tha bUsaanL**

Walling took hla choaaa agg—(t waa a saall oi It la a

... . ^ 'matter w .. „ThomaaW. , acceptance when he said In coonec- h^re at home, within a few hours'that the committee investigating cam* 1,,^ -k.-. _ .. - cooMimars,

uiere la a poasibtlKy of producing the ; euroar of tha room to a cooatltiitlBoai basis: . Uncut of rntlta, tn aa great abuwhUM^e I It waa aa anctoot trick, almost aaThere has been no more demoral* {and at much greater profit, than In I oM na tha Coinmbaa ataat, aad Tonr- ixinp Influance in our politics in our :any of the ao-called fruit regions of! — ‘

time than the Infliuence of tariff leg- (the for west. The apple allow will ; tsiaiion. the influeac* of the idea that prove ihh 'the government was the grand dla- 'lienaer of favors, the maker and un- !--------


Trustworthy Toilet Preparations

Don*t make the fatal mietake of namg strange toUet reqsdeites, without cmy gtsarantee oa to their qssalhy.

If you do you ara taklag big ehaagss of rulalag your coorplex ton. Bad toilet goods are worse than

none for they not oaly do no good but often contain Ingradlants that are actually bad tor the skin

We can recommend all the toilet baipa we sell aa being pure.fresh and excellent, containing only elemaata of high nutritive value to the skin.

Rexaii Creiun of Aimondsis one of the aafeat aad auraat of akin banuUdara known to na. This delightful preparation la absolutely pure, aad free from all grease and oil. It softens, whitens, aoo^ea, heals and preserves the akin and insures a fresh and fair complaxioD. Sold with the Rax- all guarantee. Large bottle tt eanta.

Travis Dng Co. rsiHbeu fan waal what you want when yen want It

I maker of fortunes, and of opportunl* 'Wilson cannot lose." wiys Mr Hrv- tie* such aa ceruiii men have sought an. But It Is not eoougli to win To (n order to control the movement ofmake the lesson emphatic he might to trade 4~e-------

iyy having It done there while he carry every state in the I’nlon. .NewYork World.


was a member of the t>oard.But bis atatement that he saved

nsoney for the city by having the work mentioned tn hla anicie done at his shop is not true.

He said a former board got a bid of IdIHi for reborlng .ind refitting the compound pumps at the water work, aad tbat Hlehmond A Holme* did the •ame work for l223.ot». thus lui^Ing the city $.*tT7.<Mi on that one job alone Now what are the farts? Mr Holiiie. knows them, but misrepresented them in hla article The pump In question Is a six cylinder ronipound pump and ' tha bid Mr Holmes spe.ks of was for reborlng the .lx cylinders, putting In


♦♦ .STlTi; HT.ITE NOTES. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

my kaaw ba could not bopa to hraak tha agg In that position with tha dr* cnlar weapon. Rut ha bstrayad no chagrin. Ha calmly picked op a pokar •a wall as tke stovw-ltd. aad proceed ad to pry away tha partitloaa formtag tba comer.

**I aay.” began 8tm. fearsome for' the landlady's bill. Then a brllltanC Idaa bumped him.

Plloah! A motat. warm, soft-boiled egg stnuck Tommy on bis pet cowlick

.Anyhow, tlreeks arf- Times.

as patriots, these same far from shines Iletroit

llelng H MoUIU’r in the Balksns Is ul* moat as dangerous as being a deer in northern Michigan -4: rand Kapklr I’ress

and Industry throughout the continent. It has made the govern* nient a prixe to be captured and par­ties the means of effecting the rsp- ,lure It has made the buaineaa men _____ _ »» cowncaof one of the most virile and enter- * Few people realise to what extent ■ affluvtum bagao to caacadaprising nations in the world timid, their health depends upon the rondl- collar thenca to tha hvfc offretful, full of alarms; has robbed tion of the kidneys. !them of seir-eontidence and The phyalctan tn nearly all caaea of ( . , ^ on 'Tommyforre. until they have cried out that serious illnami. makes a •hamiral an- ^ .w oom-they could do nothing without the a# alyaia of the patient's urine. He knows ^............ .. - that uBiaaa the kidney, are doing

pro,a.rty. the olber or- 8»m rfHed tha enpboart of tte l^f- bagful of raw ones. Only a baseball


.......... ..•istanre of the government at Wash ingtoii It has made them feel that their lives depended upon the Wuy- and Means t’ommittee id the Hoiis* and th*- ' ——'** of tl

ler years iianU

turnhow tboK.

guide<l and influencaa sod

the Kinsnee ( ouimlttee .‘Senate I In these Int ularly the Plnunee ('ommlttee of the Senate» They have insisted very sn-

• • • xituisly that these romroittetsa shoulA gmal many men in the rnit«'<l •*'' made up only of their "friends;

Staten would Ik* willing to Ik* shiit If “nHI the cminir>- in its turn gr*- they could acquire the 4p|»etlte that "uapiclous and wondered

all new rods, piston heads and rings,Teddv retain* Day rity Times. bT'whal*"*and refsrlng valves and valve seats; ,;ertrudc Atherton'*'' ask. I*'""* iwrsonal advantagealso repairing the governors, the price ,;«d»Ki (Ihl oh! «h! Then-s «langer in __________to be t«0O g«>ing to Ik aomethlng doin'* There s ot^«<- <^osideratic>n*^tiran '‘’***“'*^y •• ’**■ Kilmer's Swamp-Root

Now. how much of the above work going to be something doin - ) ihm of * sufficient share of the rev- ***** Kidney, Uver and BladderdM Richmond A Holmes do. for which ntlxen iTe^ ^ ^ Vnues for malnuining the govern-.w — 4 •<»■»*» 4u.» -r*.*. ment. and. holding that view beoom. ii The mild and healing influence ofthey charge*! I2..7 00. The) nl) A.««inllng to a court decision. ;• ..nvihlng but a fre* trader »• •«»« reuMxed. Itbore.1 two of the six cylinders and the ,h«. right to He to his wife , There is a vast difference twtween •‘•"‘Is the highest for Its remarkabletwo smallest ones at that They were Itui th«- husbands tn all the 4*ther ^ tariff reformer and a free trader record of curesthe water cylinders and they are 10 states have gon<- ahead without wait- j \ tariff reformer is not a free tratl- your kidneys re-inches tn diameter with 12 inch stroke •"« “ ‘•‘"••“’f* Times ^r. else what iwlltlcai knaves or foal*. Qwlre attention, and wish a sa

; pretend to fear or in** f-- -* -----

thelT workgsns casDoi he brought hack to health and strength.

When th- Kidney a are neglected or abused in an> way, aarlous results

:> luiiuw. Ai ' ordtng to health stuUatica, Bright's disease which la really an .-tdranced form of kidney trouble, caused nearly ten thousand deaths tn liHb. in the state of New Y*»rk alone. Therefore. It be- hoov-es us to i»ay nmre attention lo the health of these most Important organa

An ideal herbal compound that has had reniarkshle success as ~ ' "

: reporter could adequately deal with j the doings of those eggs thereafter. I Preeently 81m retiwated—or Tommy thought he did. He ran downstalm pnrsued by a "Tab. aqueaier. come again!” from the apparent victor.

On the first floor waa a groeer*B •hop A sign read:

! t

I ! ii' i I

^ I i I


fresh RANCH 3Sc deg.

BOOS.Cofiiskl 1^. hf C. L ZiMMtaaa Ce...V«. «

rhib tb4 steam cylinders, which theydid not reimre, and which wen- in- i Sfm Jersey detertiv eluded 111 the |>;«ki bid. ar«- two 13-inch the top of a church

- ■ - - of hlk quarryand two 2t>-lnch cylinders The clr- runifcrrn<«- <if a l<*-lnch cylinder is 31 4-M» Inches. Thi- clrcumfereno- «»f a 'Jf»-ln« I cylinder is ‘52 ^*10 inches If it cost t22.'l to ret>ore tw«> 10 inch cylinders with no valve*, we would Hk4- tf> ask Mr Holmes whnt It srould cost to r»lK>T* iwo 13-tnch and two 20- Inch < )iinder* and refs« • the valves and ^alvc »e.tis* Woiiidn I It be near­er INK* than th* pm-e hid by an­other nrm (or doing the wbol< Job

We would aliKi like to ask Mr Ifolmee If It waa nereanarv for him i to be on the boon! of public works In | order to have bi* nrtn get the w«>rk? I If bla Arm can d«> work rbegper or even as cbeaply aa twHaida cerua, wouMn t aa> bourd have IuhI done there* In other word* i* aervweary rer btai to vtelafe tbe law ta erder to bar* tbe ritj grt tb* bsu- eSl mt bta Arm a aervtcea*

tA*ht|s Mr Hetmaa baa cearntdefuMe te asr abmii eutatds warlt ter lbs elty be lAie le jb eMBtde ef lbs etty le teat tbe table wRb wk|sb le do ibe verb WWb be tfted to miatead Ibe psaple HMa beMavtag Mat b« dM ibe eaeb Aav


higher up

-............—mf ivar attime, could hare been feare«l in ctlve climbed to (case of I'restdent Taft, who as a spire in pursuit '.didst*- was declaring for what Wilson

That's getting the ■declares for now. «»nl) Mr Taft could Detroit .News-T*iib- *never losr Sight of th* fact that in­

terests friemtiy to th*- R*’.i4i»li, m

’« “r. Kilmerimple

A Co..


Binghamton. N. Y. Mention this pa­per and they will gladly forward it to you absolutely free, by mall.

Hwamp-iioot is sold by every drug gist in bottles of two sixes -^0<' and II ‘w»

iia) l»* tiiany who do not .agree aith <’<»i RiKuievelt and wh«» or- ' 4ip|4o«>»-d to him iiolitlcaHy. but no' true American <-sn question his gani«-- nes* and st.tminH inder th»- trying ordeal to which h*- hsa h«K*n suhKci ed the (test few days Adrian Tlnse.

Wc will S4M>n have someihlng »'< laugh nt insleed of the hobble akiri Men's costs are to Ik* extremel) short and trvHtsers are to be so tight that the shin will have tif t>e gregaed ti- pst (hem on IVintlac 4;aae(t«

Sugfil'estive Questionslln fbr Mwuda) Hrbwel I.essea by Hev. I»r. l.lnsrett far Ibe later*

•atleaal Tress Bible (|uesll«u I lab.

Th* J^ign and VII n-2ti

<i**iden Text Jesvts spSk*- uni* them, aeylng. I am Ibe light of the worM. he Ibal (olloweth me shall net• ««« sepasb- nw snail neteper !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' »• darbneee. bet sbail have tbe^ la ♦ light of life Jobs VIII 12

*'^'14 HKLIb LI.I kb. a! “ ' Vvree II -How dt> you ammdl>d It ; ^ ^ i for Ibe faet Ibal rettateua differrsw'ea

geuerall) atlr ibueh aataaeukunI * •^ * ** * ‘

P—bit dmag

Ible to Iwsni•a auteaa


II I Mby la It imi■ ^ apirltnal tmib, wbept'waveeaailew t* an eftew meatly frame ef mlbd?

coureraaliea (l.t Wbat eenaad tbe aeddyimw andirbaneeaee. wbo bated eeeb etber fa Dsoerve tbiaps amt you waul have «mte In Ibetr batrad ef Jeaua?

te wuat t<>*r tbeaa ) t4 • Wbet maa tbs nature of tbe♦ - i”Man tbey wabted*

W bet y*o4r eppeelileb asys abewt f 1' 1 Vseaee If-IS Wbat reeaub ta vsM< desHsn« «*mm\ her lewrb jtbee* »*> betteee tbat if Isewa bad per-

♦ fbBbwd eeee be wepdeefal a 'UlAU A abeekvr <• svmssisaw the

tin.ittd.la-sven.^ Mark |bread. whether they were bleniewor-

ihy or not, why dM tkeir r«*nacleneea srcHse fke«iv of neglect?

112.1 Wbut dees literal learsu du. ^ aad wbat dM Jaatm maun by "Hewar* nr th*- leaven ef tbe Tbaftaess and ef tbs leaven ef Hemdr*

(14 I Why eegbt alt wbo wewM be. fned te beware ef pbarkauleal hfpor- ' flay, oateniuttab. pride, fnrmaltam aad pbvrlag Ibe letter bepari tbe aplilt aad

Hr radian sKperstttlua, aeaeuallty

mt aatk«r It siwnsttsia


•••e ta hM♦

Mabf ms a V4> - .1 of w tkev srsui « |i,4. bwt w«ih isrtpr c f^4> • veret

lid ksre ef ibwtr stinadi •by dtPsesbi s u

mtand rreeltr*

lUi Wbat abmiM be tbe e« las ayerlt mf every cbrlat aaau*

(!•» Veraee tr*lu--Wbat naf<• risnr eemaaMbee aa nbeelbab MM a tender benrt pluy M Mbdiba tbe waps mt tkad* akspeIt? I Vbai error er am ws*e tbsee t madri a

pawataa gwlitf mt se merit tbta rebebr 1 dbPbbabw f JNawat



"fllmme two doxen eggs.” cried 81m. Charge It to Mr. Thomas, as usnaL” Ustalra he galloped and begun a;

fualllade from the doorway. Poor Tommy dodged behind the lied. 8tm ’ entered and pursued him from hla hid­ing place, punctuating hla howls with

I fresh ranch eggs Tommy now fled, but grabbed (he door key as he ran.

Btm und«>rstood Tommy was com­ing back with ammunition He moved bed. oil slovv* and table against the door. He was In the act of uprooting | the atationary wash basin aben a| balmy, squashy. DOt-quIte-soguama-ii teed ranch sgg bit him In the bridge 1 of his nose. It bad come over the' transom.

The next one decorated hla skin front Tke third mlaaed bHn and broke tbe mirror Kggs now came thick and fast two whole doxen at U cents per. pureulng him to the flrel eaeape. With aimlnn agility he made I hla way down to that corner grocery aad asked for more eggs

Hut aim wua (a too Mg a hunry to I explatu lie guthered up all tbe egpi left la tbe rrate, put them Into a huge paper bag and with a "t'kafve Wm to Mr Tbaaaaa.**boubdad up tbbse •laira agulu

Tammy wus nswbsrv lu aigbi TBe 1 kurrtende bad bau* puabud lb.

”fHit 111 Aet tba fbbML* muikam Namama ef Ab»Oe% ”He'a gemv alb

"BK A.VCHDKKD START T<> DAY ' Juai writ** those words down; write them Into your Hfi- suirtiug with to day; appropriate them frr»m thla hour as words which belong to you becauae they express something you are interested in and which yo;i are going to put into effect. If you have a memorandum book; a little book In which you keep an account of th<- transactions you have from day to day in your dealing with huain**** affairs, turn to the left hand cover first page insMe and write with ) en and Ink so that It will b«- there for yon to aee every lime you o|K*n that Httb book. "Be anchored start to day.” Doing tthat you will bavt- eometbing which will Ik* a constant reminder to you that you have mad« a <-onveoent with your self; that you have decided that if you make good in life you will have to settle down to hnsineee and start to day

IK) VOI* K.NOW WHAT IT MKA.VS T(' HI O.N TIMK’ To keep all promisee mad<' and establish the reputation of being a pa.ier oa welt MS a doer in this game of busin*-eK and thrift At the exact tick of thi- e|(K*k the <-\preaa train leavt s the station hous«- at the term­inal; lu off for the Journey wb-ther ii '* f*.r luo or for riO*) niHea;it alius tit In* on lime at every slopping tdat <- and to liKave in tbesame way; it is under orders; It Is keeping its ]>n»nilses; It la notadvertising that It will reach llar'lscrahld* at in .10 ami not put luan ap|H*«r«nre until 11 on o'rior k, w ill vou make an effort to ke^ vmir engogeiiienis •• promptly * Will you p Viuir promise and be at the meeting at * «K>. nr will you be lndlfr**r*'nt to the niett* r and keep others waiting whll«- 7 20 Is the h« - r .it '•us. h yt>.. will irrive*

IH) VDI K.NtlW WHY IT lA THAT e«»MK VD'N IIAVK DODD t'RKDIT* Ita Iterauoe they are alwsi. on Hu ». if Ibey prmnlee tha payment of a Mil at a apeclAed Hoie ihci an- there with tbe mobejr or a reosobablr apology wh> the.i reiiiHH luake settlement. If you give them cvwdlt you know that the> sin do e%»ri|> what they say they will do. they never dvvelvr «oi,. its « pMasurs to daal with them, (hetr wsmM ta •• gimd as ihetr botsd and they con have aay- thiag they waai. It aeoma ibal vsr>tM>d> «b«t know* them are willing In help them; by having aiH-hornd and hating eefahllabod both • erwdit and s mngdssKe thefe ta no (rcmhl* fer them u> gar reed

M fbngf ef ibo

I KICDIT HA A VAU ABUC AiMIKT If young mag amrUag la (If# sblv hb#w ibai bnlf nf the rwplial of tbem who awreegi tn bwsinswe ta iwml c««<M( nnd «e(i gmamtsd hananty they wnuM If (hey had any Smmtm m wtn ewi ”br enebersd and wNsnM auri w itey'aksng ihens Ibma whMb stag# mnhe anrrss------------

— ■— msl* Ifeet knww a a

flbandsd hanaety. they„___ anebmwd and wwnM aurt

T RMhe ansvwea paanlMa Rvwr hben nwmgM. and man-------------- --- ■ owegsse mgg' itammime. Htaeks as Iheegh *bev wee--------------- ------- ' r

■waene er Rvor ihMr

_____ ! Its) Vasnse lA^tl Wbebnebnenr■ ---------- 4ne nl^wfi »s these on. nwsd to fmr Aas ear?H_^iy,!3r!eSi:ihsend andbntme* Why*

t^^tSSSTi. —»«* K e- •«.

*• if ^"*‘^** *•< AlMb Ahnv naeMtaa Umm sRwnv bswl wmmr m s«a

tbn ntr nbdpn.

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n***r*» si) the »• Miitaisw bmm Hbe *■♦ ■ • iK-e semw

R Aa 'oocsEtoe me lU' ttOPB. AHaibB«••» IT TtLIiXi^' S

e«- onemmmrn

•f ARa Mnei, f bts?,« mm% r*r •‘W' »hr «■»• mmt ,

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lint Ibe

_ Aa ami ^aar swt >4u)t the nwMte•b rm. aae tsbe« AMf bed Abni pen mmmmr —— •*wnv» hm,vni •wMshvhiassnes* ei I fhsw vgsf

a msrtbaat whe eMsere Mbg* m Abe delag mt tbses malr wnye mt SUmm bps------- * “ ly whse yen glen

. rwf seseeses govs steere*» $mr nif N*e mws bere^ 9-.^


a few -■(

An mm-•a « tia Trem

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•if pswm he I • 4 m Smtmm B

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A tremendous rmp this Tmt ui the Southwest but not mouch hates or cattle to (cod It to. with a hiftb market beuing (or beef and pork—that is thr con* ditkm at present Kaiaing hogs at leas than 2c per IMMnd. cheap pastures, cheap fattening gr.-un. mil* lions of acres of forage for the aUos. dry winter feed lots—such omdftiaas prevail in the Southwest and stock feeders are growing wealthy. Along

Rock Island Lines

in Kansas, Missouri. Olda* hunva, the Panhandle Country.Texas. New Mex­ico, Arkimsas and Louisi­ana land can be bought for $10. $15 and $25 per acre, as good land as you are now farming.Prof. H. M. CottreO. Agri­cultural OimmissKNier.has made an exhaustive study of agricultural conditions and knows in }ust what sections the stock feeder will find conditions best for making money.

Writs Tsday Lsw Priced L ssd

Lew Fsree te See the LsedL.M. AUXN

PssMeS'r TraMk Ms*aS*r

902 La «siU aisUss CSk-sss

a. TM»d Vies PwiHiai

PE wrrrhia snhiert n»tt Sunday uwrmlug. Nov. Ird. 191$. ”The Awekening.'* The ssnnon will be the Arst at a <eoer I aeries of eennuns about the t-risla In a life.

Mlea Floeaie Warner ie vleitins her ________ aunt. Mrs. (Tiarlse Perris. In Water-

Mrs. I»T roon to very 111. ;*“«**., u -r*. ^ \Mrs Theo. drhavey ie very serious ' " H. Thonips^ lauisiM

I III and several of the neighbors of Mr.Mr^ H. .V farpmiter vteited Held- ^Mr^ .Mfu Keeney of Auguatp i

.isli.vl their daughter Mrs Hoy Kmtth. •“"‘F Instrumentsllast week music.

Mildred*Taylor of Olive visited her ‘ ** ■4unl. Mrs Harriw»o Hrhsvey. rtuoday. ‘si*

Mrs II J. Ileynoldsof lainsing vis-Ited Mrs Kllaa Tucker Ism PHday. ‘*«*«*‘ ^ ^ birthday.

LOR ORBOORY. Phyeldan aMl Sur-

gson. Kurska. Mich. OBc« hours 1 to 2. tt-yr.

Mias Hnael was the reripient of books ' Mertle Knwyer.

The Ckristlaa Aid Society meets with Mrs. Lottie Poster next Nov. C. at lu a. m. All are Invited.

The Mureka (*heeee C*o. paid tl.S7 for September tnllk instead of fl.Sl as stated last week.

(!. J. liennls is In .Sew York visit- tng his daughter and family, .Mrs.

Miss Mary Miller of hJaat lieWItt . . i iVI.II..I ii..\Vitt mends last week . Poet cards, a beautiful bracelet and Mr. and Mrs. u M right and Mrs.

Vir - .d Mr. OMo M-rtV^'and •"•“F ®**»er presenu fboice refresh- Trahem were gueste in South Blng- children of l-nsing visited Mr. andMrs. lien Mtaw Sunday. moraing Iwfore the last good-bye was

Mrs K l> Wflllajns received word Iasi week that her aunt. Mr* (Sllleit. tof I.OS Aiigeiee. TsHf.. was dsnd. owiaary

Mr. and Mr*. Ko> Smith were cslled

.Mias Hmina Ingersoll visited friends In St. Johns from Tuesday until Thursday last week, week.

Mr* Klla Kusseli visited her par­ents. Mr. and .Mr*. Klxy iiush In Mt. Pleasant from KVldsy until Tuesday.

.Mrs. Ktta Smith and daughter Hel­en of West Hengal vislled her aunts.

Mrs. Kllxa Muln-es died at the home to siMiTrHIler l«r w^'k'm of her daughter. .Mm WIIIU '«cia>u^.fuiierwl of Itella Jone. “v*. ' ** *“ * \ ^ Z

Itev W H Thomiienn of I.iensing. , *****“••*•'•'*• ”Mr* Wm H H Knapp of KIley. Mr. f**.™**^*" ,.-^‘*** ...... a .. u mHenn Tubbs were caller, at the home If she had lived aeven hour, i Mr* hl«l.e Ihirk. and Mm. Huldaof Mr .ind Mrs Varney Peane last longer she would have been hi* y.*ar* and ocher relatives here ..verw«*eK Prlday *’***• •'*•**■•^‘*'1 fo <5e«i. Holmes I Hunilay.

Mr* Man J VanPleei visited at I" Hlrmlngham. Kngland, .Nov. 23rd. j Mrs. .Nellie IVrry and son of West the home of Mr and Mr* A. Whitaker 1“ »***• -<<ompanied her llen^l visited her grand par^u. Mr.In HIley last week husband to Michigan and settled inland Mr* M. K Stewart. Saturday and

Miss Kuth nerce of Olive visited l»“Pj“‘“ Alami IS«t« they moved to ! Sii^sy. ^ ^ w ,:her aunt. Mrs Msr> J VanPleei last »>»Wllt township and settled one-half Mlm May^ Meabon. who ! Pridsy night and Saturday lieWItt village Twelve | spending the past month with her

Mr* Harnh O’beTTv of lamslnc vis- >*lto .Mr Holmes |ia»setl away. {grandparents. .Mr. and .Mr* Add Kus-“lied at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Var- Holmes purphss.Hl a j sell, returned to her work In Pllnl! iH-\ Pean-e from Hatiiniay until Mon- **‘mie It, DeWItt village O’***" the |Saturday.J,' home of her daughter. P>r s«iiii« ! Marvin Ingersoll was

Mr* llaiiui returned home from I)e- "he lived alone A* she began jCai^n riiy over Sundayi troll last .'Saturday Her son. Martin ^ indrnillles of ag*- cwiilng « ..Hama, and wife acrom,Minled her •»» •*»«“ living with her children visited Mi* O. P Ingersoll from Sat-

wlnter^ and living by herself suni-|urday until Mondayllev Hrn> of Hig Itapids gave a go«id »ner ,

talk at the M K church .Sundsy health l*egan fulling giiesu In Maple iUpids last Pnday of\ir and Mr« Will While visited eo *hst she did not lean- the dsu- I»r and Mrs. lanion of that plac*- . ir d.ughter Mr* Uo*<-e- Pari In «h«er * home. She kept gradually Mr*. Alla Vanderwagon and chll-.ih .'^•indav ’ falling until the end which was calm dren of iJmnd Haven are visiting atK. 1* Alti hlson of Chlcag.. gave a *“«» P K‘Khi children wer.- the home of her cousin. Mr. and Mr*

g. .*1 tali, Sunday mghi at th. Haptist ‘“’rn i. - and Mr*. Holme* Thn- ;«>wen Stearns. »nd other friends herechur. h ..n Horn, and Porclgn Ml*- |•a»*e<l a .. In Infancy, one daughter Mr and .Mw ''Hhjnl Uvesay and

Ploremc. Iuc«t to grow to wumwii- sons. Howard and Kugene. Mr. and Mr ..mj Mr-. Pr.-<i Tucker of Prairie Im**! when she was « Ib-d .away. .Mrs. ..Mrr lUl «. ver and Mal*e| and <MU»

Preek. Mr* Sanih t) b.-rrv of l^anslng. Holmes I* survived by win daughter. i umk an aiit.. tnp to I.anslrig last Sun-Mr aiid Mr V,im.-v pearc t.-.k din- 'I''*' "’HI*'' Mrlamth of DeWlit; two ^2^

.S\ V

A our Overcoat

home from

.Miss l^urm Multiet of .Merb Hesch

iy't is Here! \ Tkm SaiiufactUm

I Storm



anti it is a finer Overcoat for the money than you ever wore. We say this atlvisetlly lyecause wr know that no one h;i4 ever given the people of Clinton County such remarkable Overcoat values as we have given them and because our Overcoats this season are the finest values we have yet shown.

Our lines of t$13 guaranteed Suits and Overcoats have style, fit. fabric, trimmings and workmanship tyf the kind that makes a strung ap|>eal both to your taste and to your good jud]|y^ient.

Special to the BoysA Rugby Foot Hall with ever>' 55-oo Suit or


rnkrtwaS. CKmIm ■bwMic FIwuSm*.


.^n invitation to our store licars with it no obligationto buy.

Kuhns & MerrillOld N*t>«Ml BmiUUma.


Mr iiid Mr* W M Hrown and f.iin lly siH-nt Sunday 111 PofiMii wttit .Mr and Mr- .fohti |•••t*•r*

Mr and Mr* Krn>-»t Kuhn^ and children !I»>«1 at Saiu Sm»‘lt/* t> Sun- d.vy nftet n

Mr am' *• r- (M.>rg«- !»>•• .md Heu-

n. with Mr u I Mr* Pcntoii HHnk Horae- of St John* and Herb, rSunda\ .tft.-r.Mr and .Mw Tin k.-r of Huplalii. bc*iU«wi a number oi, Mr and Mrr Peart . Mr* Sarah •>!»<■ r. gr mdchlldrcn and great grandcbli-

or- u. bewlde* aeVt-ral t.lher relatives | ml a larg. t ln-lc of fn.*iid*. She j

•Miae Je*fti« Ili\»t>ii *a* a btialnt^a aller at Kiel.- Ia*t Tue*.|.,)

Mr. .tnd Mr* Wilbur Morrt*..n and

daughter Maxine were In St. John* Truthful Advertlalng.Saturday. I \ atrong ' 'ement la on foot to

Mr. and .Mra. Judd Cox of Uannlvter. Imake adveP.^.m; * ithful, one of th* acromi»anled by Mr. and Mm. lanin guirtllng results b.-ing that a mai^ •ox and daughter of this place went -cm. k.-; r ! patoBt

to Unden by auto Sunday to vl.lt j,., .their iMirent. -Toronto Mall and Km: .0.

t.ioK an a . '.n .Mr nml

ry .iiid (..-pr ide. Hr irt|> to .St .l.ihn* t..Mrf If Hrlnk

l>r ..ml .Mm Hanta and .''-ildr.-n *.-r. caller* at th«- hom.- .>f Mr ami ■Mm Prank Hiin.gardner Sunday

Mr ..nd Mr* V;tm«-y P. ar*-.- wer*-ry itnd V n. t* M<H,r< »if U.neing Hte r.^ tpl.-nt* .if a qnan of rim- .tra* silent .Sumia with .Mr and Mr* IP-u berries that sen- pirke.1 «»n th.- H-t

a very bright w.iman and n«-igti- . r, loved uml re*|iecte«l by all who ..new her. She was a member of the Kplscopal church, alao a member of th. Pllni.m P'Miniy I*loneer Society. H.-r fuii.-rnl *m* held at the hotue of

StormfeltzMr and -Mr-! pl nk a.-r gi

MlllanI Pre. !uan I. .--'inda)P*ther all-! Orrin Pr.-iH.jn

sp.-nt Saturd. ud ^ Ti.lay in Ithaca Mr and .Mr- ly it-- k »iN-nt .-^un-

day* with '1r .. \lm. Frank H.-.-k

.Mr and Mr* .Mcl*»uth Saturday after-ry farm .if Mr and Mn. Samuel Smith ...... . Hi-v .sim»on of the Kpl#cn*al

i.-»t. at - 1*2 miles e.inih .if IK-Witt vlllau* . chunh 11 U.ni-lug aaalated by Rev (..Monday, ik* 'J*'.. PM2 1 Pish'd of DeWltt ofnciat.-il Prof-

Rev Itniy .If Hig lUpid* *a* .1 ' - (HI!, it of St. J.ilin* sang •everalkMj..*t of Re\ ..nd Mr^ H T Pl*h.-r .iv- ! - .util I *. !•-< tlon* The casket wa». r .Sunday ■ »ver. li and «urrounil.-d with lieautlful

R.-\ w’ li ThompMiii will tak. for f.-iw.-r Sh.- wa* laid t.i re*t In I»e-Wilt ■ met.-ry be*ld.- her husband ami

~ .laughter.

♦ ♦4. PWl ItrMITT. ♦♦ ♦

O i


Anty Drudge Gives Mrs- Newlfe Good Advice

Birs. —“Oh, I am so discourafred and nngn*! Ican’t learn to keep hou.-t*- and I’m not Kninff to try any morel Saturday 1 wa.-orderinjr my marketing, and when I a.sked for a ham. the grocer asketl me if I wanted a cured ham. and I .said I’d rather have one that hadn't «:ck. and then everyl>odylaughed, and I wn- s.» emharra.-tsed that I forgot the soap, and here jt i.-i \vashdu\ and I have to take time t » for .some. I'li never get through!"

Antp Drufiftr—“Yes, you will. too. You get a cake of Fel.s-.Ni’Hptha Soap and show that mar. at the store that you do know !*omething, after all. Ever>*body that knows anything al>out hou.sekeeping has Fels-Naptha Soap in the hou.-te all the time."

-A home without Felw-Naptha Soap is like a atew without seaHoninK—it lacka AomethinR:. If you are tired out and thinffR pro wronir and irritate you, you can’t enjoy your home nor your children nor your huHhand, ran you?

Woman’n work ir not easy, hut it is 9er>' imp4irtant. There wouldn’t be any hnmefi for tired men and happy children If it wasn’t for ’’Mother.”

If you are a Feln-Naptha Soap woman* you will knoH ho^ pleanant and eaay It in to do your work with a Roap that Mven vou more than half the time and drudirer>. I jH* FeU-Naplha Siuip, and nee for your- pelt ^hal a hlep<«ina it in,

Folk»%^ till* dir«*rtioni4 on the lied and Gretm Wrapper,

\|r uii'l .Mr* laiiii* V.ilsinct spent Sunday at l^inalng

Sover.-il (mm this place wen- at lutb l-VtdHy .-venlog u» listen to the t,|..-.‘ch.-« of <’.iDgr.-ssman Jo*«i»h Pordiiey an.l alMi .ounty condidatc*

WILLIAM H. HILL ProgroMive Candidatt Congrossman-

at-Large.MR VOTER- The ofne- of (*..!

The »|e-e< he* Were well worth listen- greatman at-loirge, which repre*.-rt>ing to an.l a large crowd waa present entire Stale ha* just tu-eii < r.*ui. d

Mr* K. .Mabar and daughter Itortha Rvery voter hat the right to vof.- totretiime«l fnnr St. .I(din* W.-.lneoday Congre*«manat-I.orge It I* a .Si.iteevening after <1 two week*’ •lay nfflee and your vote for me will not

Philip Vige* will have .nn auction affect any District ('ougre*finan Th--»jt|.- .m Thunulay. .Nov.-mber Tib. PM2 State is no* represented by t*ej\.

.Mis* Plorenc- S*«-et spent Salnr- Congresfinen and two Senators, ofday and Sunday with her par.'nt* at whlrh twelve are lawy.-r' and onP t*>i h.niiu- waa prettily decorat.-il with nie Hath buslne** men Would It not t>.- propiiate trimming* of the eea».>n

Palwanl .Mahar •|wnt .Saturday an.l well to Inject more HI'SINKSS (t i: The forty guest* were re. el veil hy Sunday at hooM-x .>n busln.-ae clples and fewer techniealltlea ini - thr*-.- bc-koning ghtjsi*. The .-veiling

.Noah M’llhelm calle.1 at the hom- our law*' •|i^nt playing gam*-* afterof hi* -.isier. Mr and Mr* Hngg*. an.l My opponent for this ofTlee on the sumptuous refreshments werefamily in .South I»eW|tt Sunday after- Repuhlicaii ticket is a lawyer an.l ha;! ; *erv.-<l Th.- guests then .leitarte.l f.»r

been in pubju office at I-ansinr for a j tj,^|r home* declanng they ha.l allnumber of year* He wa* Lieutenant had a very enjoyable time(lovernor inder Warner, when 1- The (’ E. .Social and buslne** nieet- graat ronimonwealth of .Mlrhluan wa, meets at 1-M Cower* Friday ev- ibankrupt Ha* anyone ever heard a ,.ning word of pmtest from him as to th

•Mr and Mrs He.. Hrewbaker lia\« , mov*<d to St Johns

.Mrs. Carrie Rurk spent last week In .^'t .fohns at the home of her aunt, ‘ ‘1 , He,) Hrewlmker.

Pr.-a. Iiing servlee* at the ('hristtan ! . : <irrh next Sunday at 3 pm. -

.Ml**- Edith and f-Vlna Hrewbaker - .)l l>iM iain wer, r -•» of Mm. Alice [ Cow.-r and daughtei. Mabel. last Sat- ! urdu>. '•

.Mr and .Mm Owen Steams an 1 Mr-- Alla Vand.-rwagnn wen- guests at .Mr and .Mm Oliver Hyde* In Kiutex last Sunday.

-Mm Prance* Harrington was a 'guest .It .Mr. and Mm. .Nate Kilts in West tireenbiish Sunday.

Mr*. IMn Kirby and children visited | relative* at Saranac Sunday

Mis* Rhea Coverdale was horn,- from St Johns Hundsy

Mm Pmnee* Hsrringion vi*lt<><l Mm Msry .Steadman near French's | Cornem Tuesday

.Mrs Kai,' Seifert of Mt Pl.-osant Is ; visiting her mother. Mm Hankey. this Week

Dr. Cregtiry wa* called to Klsle last Friday to coun*»-l with I>r Porter in th. John Cmbam case.

Rev. Lyman and Mr. Mannaaaah Kuhn* went to Klsle Tuesday on a fishing expedition

Dr. S S Oregory ami wife of Hrownsle,-, N«b.. are visiting at the home of hi* nephew. Dr. M S t’ir»--

An Orlober party wa* given hy th,- .Mlsse* Lllltaii Lyman. Vera and Ma.vnj|e (Jregory at the latter* hom*- Saturday evening, the otn-aalon l)eing .Mis* Ulllans 14th birthday Th,

.Someiime* a straw vote it a raw vole

The shingle and th«- silpix r are d'Mvtned by the invention or a ■{tank- iiig ivachln* by jirof^-nmr In the ;niil(ll«- wi-nt


HARLEY’SPI ewand 2Ad Hand


1 am now located In my new store, and I’M Rr.tnv TO HHOH YOF any­thing you may need in the

Stove LineYOf-’LI. NKKIt 0>K H4M)N:

I have the kind that bums iMth wood and coal, the kind that warms the house, .lOd kee|M the children free from fold*’

MW HEM* YOr save some mon­ey A 2nd hand stove as good as new at half the price

Call! JoKn Harley cwin

noonMr and .Mr* latul* Volsinet al­

ien,I,-,1 the chicken pie sup|K>r and fair at Hath Saturday evening

Henry Sober «»f I-insing *|,ent th*week end with hi* family In this vl- in^mt-j^ncy of our State government

! during all ih* years he was In loiti Miss Clad)'* Mahar of St Johns slog?

spent Saturday and Sunday with her Every inter know* that over per

Ksreka Kiangeliesl C'lrmll Yew*.The laidles’ Aid Society of the

Kurelia Kv , hurrh met at the home

familyMis* Klhel Conalin of Hath visit,-d

the lx)v«- school last Prlday afternoon

thU ticlnfty last week

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦4, \1.M\KI> LIKI.. T♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

IMi-enu. Mr and Mm Kd .Mahar uml c#nt of the member* In congress are of Mr ivnd Mm James Jeffery* lastlawiem. that ha* been true for vear- W<-dnnsday A mo*t enjoyable time They also know that the laws are *«> was had by all who aliende,! and the tnchnlrnl that the very men who mak,- attendance wa* large.

....... - ... thwir. will go Into coun and a lawyer ; Rev. P W Lyman has procured anc.tlling In sHher side will argue from one to - excellent s' roptUvm outllt and will

_ twsnty-four hours as to what the law -give a sene* of Illustrated lecture*rsally means Then the Judge will during the fall and winter The tlml take from one to ten days to decide will be a home mission service entlll- ths very law that i>o**tbly he and the l,<d ‘lyarkest Phirngo and Her Waifs," two lawyers referred to helped to at the following |iolnts and date* place upon the statute books In fact. County Une. Tuesday. .No\, 12; Pul- the laws are so tschniral that on oc- . ton, UVdnesdsy, Nov IS; Eureka, caslons when the Rupreme Court of the ; Thursday. .Nov. 14; NVsshIngton Pen-

Ola school house The lecture# will

hav* given opinion one way and live h,- In the evening and a silver offering 19* other, which mwsns that ONE MA.N will he taken for home missions pTmcifcally makes the law In such FNireka Kv. circuit servless for next was as I INRIHT that It would be bet- ' Sunday. Pulton hour for preaching tsr for th* peopis If there were tIORK - service changed from 7;30 p. m. to II

ith tiTHr ' MRN In Congress to help ‘a, m.; Ola school house 2:S0 p m.;sttaUsate the tecbnlcalltiea and de Eureka. 7.30 p. m.: the Y. I* H C K lays In Judlrlal procesdtngs ( will meet at 4 SO p. ro.

I RmI ao fault with the lawyer as a j —pssfsasHma maa. Th# lawysr. Ilk, 9, hIs WHO*IRp physlelaa. sMiassr asd setenlUi

•- a* aa esampi* of our Htfhss* |'lust what to do whso lisr hushanda

Mrs Hsrrv Haker Is entertaining ' Hnitad State* has been deciding some jier. Friday. Nov L*l; MrJ pJid 7a nl Winslow from .Nl-' l*"*"^**"' iwlnt four learned Judge# =»aiurd*) . Nov U

Choice Flowers\\*i* havf on li.mtl a i^orj^trous tlisplay of Mo wers

ami a.sk you to CALL .iml .SFjF., I I II’.M.

For Your Conveniencew«- have placed llowcrs and plants in the store of !*arr

-’<• I>e.\ler.

Phone tu your order if you can’t calLMail orders jjiven c a refill attention.

work a specialty.W'e make funeral


!gru Pall*. N. YCharley Clark of loinsliig #|H-nt

i Raturtlay and Sunday with Mr and Mm Drrin lamklati

Mr and Mm Pre«i Huot and son ' lotwresce spent Huiiday parents In louislng.

Mr and Mm Marvin lainki,« apent Hunday with Mr and Mm Pre«] An gel in Ounsiaonvllle

Mr and Mm MerrHI Phadwich of New look dinner win Mr and Mr*

Ip T Horkwell MondayMm M D Howland of lomaing and

J Mr|>hersos of Arlenns spent Mun- day night and Manday with Mr and a

nf aapsrislly trained profasalssa »*»•* 7 ^ n V wT.-.list the pstsi I wish to esipha »• •"

IWm Is’ Tl*sfs shsold nst hs sosh s , Hrainlfws. Vt. 1* at ttat klM. Ihs

Mm Marvtn Innhtonloss .ndslargguest*. Mr and Mm « harle, Martin ^ *

n.' KIley spent Sunday -f.-raum, ! CgSativ. halls of (ht* mnhtn I- lAhsinv ietsw sf Ih* lsrrrs«iagi| cnniplics *<i

I rsisttsns hnih ferstgn and domeai-e • wHh which ssr Oangvwa* deal* It ta. jot nautaa grspsf that 11 should '•' prsvtdsd st,h sHIrtesf te«si eouae*

nas|srtty sf say pfofsss,**. itnsiMsd on iny using Dv, KIhgtNsw er dnriors, Iswyem sr esgiseer* ! Idseovsry,** wHiss Mr. F. “for s

Thsrs shonM h# nsarer * hsissrr Idmadful cough, when ! wss so wsnkI my friends all thought I hnd sniy s

tsse of hnsiseoa nioo. la the short tlsie m livs, and It nan^Motsly icsrud me A gslsli csfw for fosgh*

MIBB Waunita Morkue sllaon**! tne MHhdai patty of Mias Mate! Pvr rvar la iteuitt Filday ev'^mg aiH S{H-ai the nCghl witi. Mt«« 14* Ma- tVlilcr of morth 04»»*

Mr sad Wta Fvhhk « tar* , ? i«*• tag Mr and Mra l^*i* M**-** rl M*ri< tteav* V*«h1* and Newel-, flee

.1 ,d Must ItMte see* nsMd*> es ,* *1 Mr and Mm ttsvis I.,*,)..- ■

l»» M heeMr rt4 IseMYtt t, eiwea-ar of aracle* femt i, ik» f, , .

Mr* Hsw* at I*- anot* ed h« r We«la

w, and Mm Me Mii , < i-,-I aye*- MevwPthf SMd MwMdsi • ,

• k H-

and colda. It's the mast saft and r»- Hnhla ntedletne far mnay thfwsi and Inng ffwahtss gflp, hmnshlit* rronp whnsptng ceagh gntasy. tanst* tlHs, hsmarfhagwa A trial will

IMt th* rurreniM* •• Bsd aluat. k». utor* ysMt »« rant* and ft Bs tlaar S»eu!,1 ne la. , 1*01*04 hr J T Mlltnmw. VaalMchle h

1 Tinf“tro,. ..t aato*. affau. f,- ^ Tvw,ta trrwg Coa KuMnee, a»sa s *• (t.^r-^tiai lagir»ia«ie* hal •

X -w, ■ laa, 4 u WHmr, ensensmmAs skndacv toea aad Wr-*snsn Rv,

M la a lime ot imn»M»a*i IMn dMws nif

Vo,, (e» 'S' ,,1**, ve*r» suwissi' sha sa* 'm*eed IsaSM* ’ *4 o> t M' greihs htm * *•••* wtg, »asm* WBe *••**, a, ,'Vairou*»», •

ilgBs* mMS«n*mih« «h • wh«4e s,,r- isrr* hi.-. ha» ace*


" ■ - I liAft ^ ••HP % %lv' %•»

Viw*"* ** ^ I %P«hhtA« 91 Mfhi.

^^HOES that fitand make you **look fiL **

Th.il’s the kind t»l jihtH*s ih«it .irr rr.uly lor yi>u tt» in on here The) am in irrmentitru. amt. F'ver^ toiTT-cl ilyle ever\ pair inatle t-Ypr, iily lor ihet ston* .i“tl ihr v.iler- .ifi n<»thinv* wli, rt Mtrntlcfi.il at

$2,00, $2,50, $3,00, $3,50 and $4,00,



Time was when Pictures werea liixiin r til'' favortnl fpw— t&udi'm j»h«Moer;ii»liy has rbana'‘<l oondltionis

Our rhJldr«*n ar*' crowinit up. but wr ran thrm aa thrjrar»‘ -ran foM«»w thrni throuith arhi>ot—can always be with them and havr them with us In pictures

\Ve have n<<n' and attractive styles in sch«>ol pictures.

Valle Ike appeiatmeal today.


Pbsae 14a At Johas. Mick.

“No Ataiiw to l llaih."

DISCttSSHM GiSED BT Smi'S ILLIIE8S PoHticcd Announcements

ir Tire pmi.hii>k?it bira hob



The Ht Johns foot ball boys played Ionia at Ionia last Saturday afternoon Bach member played a fine came in spite of the fact that they were hand!* cappeil In many different ways.

Our boys wer»- otit welched by about twenty pounds and the Ionia boys were about three years' older. Anoth­er creat dlsadvantace was In the fact that the held was diaconal instead of a stralcht one us our boys have been tn the habit of idayinc on.

The came was a tie 0 to 0 The boys will play itrand I>*dce at Grand Lsilce Saturday. .November 2.

Waskincton The lllnsaa of Vice I ITmklent Jamsa H. tiherman. when noihlnc was done toward namtnc ob-

'other f'sndldate for the Kepubltcan I ticket because of the precarious con- jdltluii of his health, amused dlsciis- I Sion here today over the pmbabl*’' m* thods of filiinc his place I Till IE' neral opinion evpressed was ihst the HepubIKun national coramil-

; lee or th*‘ evecuilve c»>mVHtl»’e i»os- ; sesir^d Ttnwcr to till a vacancy U|<on . the ticket. No one here profesaes to ' kii -w- \iti*tber the t'hicaco conven- t flop ^.pei itiealiv provided for auch an i ?>:;.* rc« n« v The reiiort of the It***-

>ii\ 'nil *n dt»«-« not up|«ear to show I that such a proxislon was niad(‘ then I .iDd th s‘ in»cnipbir %. ;:;>rt of th'Ic.tn\entii>K this ye-r he» not yet le-. n ' printed.

.^hoi id .T va< ) <^c'ir on fh*- Ife- puidii an tu ket. either Iwfore or ufii r eiccfmu some llettublic.ui leaders here today nreued. the •Iffiors would have power to v«ce for any candidate for vice president tlisy michl choose I’rccedcnif w re .idiullte*! to Im» Isck- liiK. but it wss declared that part) discipline und honor had in the past hound •^^'<•lors to vote for their par­ty's nominee's. .No one succested, how­ever. that a choice by the Kepublican

I national cmiunlttee or executive coni- jmltie«' would fall to receive the bu|»- I port of the Taft electors, j IleadlseK in henalc .Now.I Ordinarily should there be no ! vl< e president the president pm tem.■ of senate would preside over that bod.i and the line of succesaion to the

1 presidency would be to the secretary jof state. For the last several months. ! however, the present senate has lH*<*n I unable to acr«'e u|ion a president pm 1 tem. and that office has been vacant.I Some time ac»>. It was learned to- I day. Chairman Charles I). Ifilles of Ithe Kepublican national committee : made exhaustive inquiries aa to the j necessity of certlfylna to the various■ secretaries of states, the names of the ; HepublU-ah candidates and as a result {certified the names of Taft .and Sber- ; man for printlnfc uiton liaMota in all j states. A supplemental petition, how. lever, pmbably would be accepted Inmost Slates where ballou have not al-

. ready been printed. The procedure j where ballots have not already been I iirinted waa not known.

The posalhlllty. even a remote one. that there miicht be no Republican candidate for vice president suaitesled

, many inlerestinir possibilities In the event that th#- election should irn to the house of representatives.

THIBK rONPBMMM. mas Anna Arrksr at Duplnln

tks nlsfoitune to Ims bar puma oon- uinlns ttl wklla on bar wny to Ovid to taka thb train fnr Ann Arbor wbare ska wna notmi to hava bar ayas traat- sd. KRorta to And tka poms provad usaiaaa.

Mlaa Archer went on to Ann Arbor and wben abe ratumad a weak iatar.

I ennn npnplll :no<iA«Al SheriR drhavey. Two ladlaa ifInnL R UUUU Un lUIIIL i stated that they had sean a ynunp man

_____ I pick up aoiuethinc in the road th#-'momiuK that the purs# was loaL The

CLINTON < 41. TOTKKft MMOI’LP .Ntrr nan was disrovi red to be Charlas



tNlM.lK TNH'ClI. Deraorrattc Candidate for Sht-riff

POLITIC \L INNOI'NI'KMI NT.All vot«s cast TiHSklay. .\'#iveiiib#-r

for ("has Smelling, Candidui#’ for ITttsecuilna .\tiorne) «m th> m-inu- crat tlck»*t. will he *re«t|y apprecint- #><l and If elected will devote his ••nllr#- till.#- t«» the duties of said offict-



Manning and hi- bad left Immediately for Haginaw.

I Hherlfl Hchavey was n(>tlfl«'d yaater- Iday that he had retum#^!. He went I immediately and got ttu- man and i bmught him over to lh«- jail wh#-n- h#-

unfesaed to sl«-ailng the purs#- and I Impending th#' mt>it#-y.

Evwy Boy May Own a Walch

Wc have beea able to sacure a Ilmltad number of gold plalad watchaa which we will guarantee to run and hasp arrurate tim#- for one year. While they last tOr. Juat the watch to give ih# ^ -j not old ^ough to take care of an ex|)enbiv«* >ne.

Christmas gifts will be held for you by ikying a small d#-----it (*nme In and look around.


Kurcher A Kluhburn had two be* I h..;,.", worth ainiut Itn 4t'>l«n from ic ir sluughi# r house ^tatiirday e\»»n-

Tn tti#-u«» tcok th< hi#!es t*’ ..-itk- , ‘k>>d it rJtH’bl'n In (Hid

iidJiv .iiul cjff* r# I timin for Th# \■ "m#- su«|iiriiius le t nus# of tii*

r. all sum ask#-#! for them. They in- #ir*<! of th#' ni#‘n wh#'r they obtain-

tln-n Th# > ^aid tha* 'hey had *'..«l two old he#-fs di#- tin #-xamluing the l)l#l#'» Uo>d it .*th#-lden v«*ry readil) ^.»w that the) had been remove#! by

biifctor Ho th#- m#-n were told to com# back Monday fnr tii<- money us th# V did no bnsluese on .'tunday.

rh#- iir.-n did not upp* ut* on >lun- day morning for the mon-y.

Walter EmmonsExpert Watch Repairer

For Stale Trea«Brer.JOHN II. KOKSON, Otid. Mirk.

What Hi* \lH>alllaaN* Paper Says II Ink

It is conceded that John If Robson of this village, democratic nominee for Htate Tr#>a8urer. will receive u big mnj«*rity of the votes cast in this , s#ction democrats. r«‘publlcana and bullnMKjsers are all ullk#* In declar­ing that they are going to support .Mr Robson .\nd this is as It should be Fiirthermor#'. he ought to receive a majority of the votes cast in the surrounding countiiw for his success as a Imnker is evldenr#' that he would make an efficient state treasurer. If eleetMl to that office Mr Robson is

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ MM'IkL EVENTS. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦



The song recital given by eight of i George 1* Gillet'a pupils at tke real- I

making an active campaign, and while idence of Mr, and Mrs. t'harlaa T. Hab- ! ail #»f us know of his excellent char- icock on Oakland street last Thursday ;

BKIC E. 3fIES. acter and qua 11 flea lions, we must re- evening. October 24. was considered iCandidate for State Senator on the »uccras at the (tolla one of the hneat musical recitals ever



iTosrrf'saive Ticket. Relieves in Theodore Rooaavelt and thinks that Roosevelt should not be sent to the White House empty handed. Bell# ves that Roosevelt should be supported in Congress by pragreaslvas who are in sympathy with his policies. j

if elected I will vote for a progrea-1 slVf for I'nited States Senator. Your- sui>porT would be appreciated. I

depends u|wn our making known to K)vf.n In St. Johns, our friends the fact that •• wor-' *^1,^ pupils participating were: Mrs.thy <.f their support tivld Register Kelley, soprano; Mrs. FrankI’nion.

1. Extension of FV>resl Reserve.2. .Nat ions I Irrtgntion Act

Improvement of waterways andr»*servstlon of water-power sites.

4 Hepburn Rat#- Act.I Kmployers* Uablllty Act.

»i .Safety Appliance Act._______ ”• Regulation of railroad employe###'

Miss Florence Henning, daughter of i of lalmr.Mr and .Mrs. Andrew Henning was . ' f^stabllshment of department of unlte#l In marriage to Floyd Kisler. i ^ "">Tr''rre and l^abor. son of Mr an<l Mrs Simon KIsb'r at

Tke Gaieramagt i« lie#»t wken tk«> I'ewple inslegd sf tke Corpamliani#

eobtml IL


the SL J#»seph #-hijrch at nin#- <»'rloek Wednesday morning. October 20. The eouple both resid#-#! In blast Rtnghati

Th-v wer# ..tt#n#l#-<l h> John Ki'ier and Mir. -'arru ll# nning

A tin# w.-^dlng breakfast w ;u- s*'n’- ad after th# < ■■reTixin) at th#- horn# <>( the bride'- parent to all the relatlv.-* and cIoa«- frl'-ndr of the young i»e-opl»-

T*h#-y will r:-r:<le on a farm in Ka«t Ringba lb " t '.•■ ipb# .ire extend#*#! to them bj th#‘lr many friend:


Byron I’arr. Fr# #l F :-4wain. .-^t^ ph'-n Row# ll J I* IC:#>*. Frank C Swain, Wllli.an, .x'-nith. F F c.ates. Fred K. B«iiav<-.. John I. \Vi<ltney#r. H W Mor - I- R I*#'k, I. r Vine nt. F B. hiKlwiek \V K lAon. F ig# ne H Cool**>. I# s.^.- I* irk# r, C Verna I’ark- ar. G- < V»’ific .\'fr#-#l Sq’iare.Rmr-ia ee G--i)»-r 'titi Willi.i#:. II. R. ,1 T S -!ght \ifr.-<l It Klo#' . >'..it# ' ' H..II .itnl Guy V

III 11(1 ' Rttf Ml I I \i nFH HE V ni.

f .rTo< rlv #ij

' .llli#'«s of

MM A :thlf Iafteno 'I. r r<heart ’r#

The «i ' ar-d . nji an ;imr < f Mr^ Arthur I’ost t v. n -- hom. dletlThe Inwly sac hr#' .trh* tn .St Joiinn W#-dii--*iay lor buna: .Miss Stitt was 62 years of ag#


Program for Sox 2nd. 1912: Grange opened by singing. "Work, for the Night is t'oming.'': roil call answered by quotations; reading by Mrs. Amos Palmer; recitation by Clifford Isim- ksfoon; **To what extent are we un­der obilgatloo to loan to our nelgb- borB.** Hro. Amos Palmer; muslr by Phillips brothers; "Ho you believe the tanner's outkmk today Is as bright as It Is ksing psint#st?'' Rro l#ee Van- Tlaot; closing song; membeis bring gomettilBg for grab bag

f*. Pure Food nn«l Drug .\cf.Ip F#-deraI meat inspection,

j 11. lns|)#-ctb>n of pM<-klng houses I ’2 \nvy n#-nrl> doiibl#*#! in tonnage and gr«*atly incr#-.as4>d In efficiency.

1. T. Ikittl#- »hi|i n»#'t s<»nt around the world

!4 Sf.Tfe militia bmught Into co-or- 4tination with army

'■ ('ana. /#>n# .-irquir#'#! and work of excn\atl<>n push#-#! with lnrrese«-d • n« rc^

!'• 11-'\eiopTiient of civil self'gnvern- . ii.i-nt in insular iKisacsslons j

IT. S#*<'ond Int# rrention in t'ub.x; !(■ il»a r-?fore<l to th# Cubans !

P- Flnanc#-s of Santo I>omlngo j straighten#-#! out !

Markn iNuindary dispute aettb-d2" R#-<>rEaiii/.ttion of the consular

service.2) ?5e##;eri!ejif of the r#ial Strike In '

1902.22 T‘i< Government upheld In j

\e)rtl.<rTt x».f d(e|ii|or', I2. ‘. < un\.! i.ui .1# iM»tonii • crafterr. :

le ■ . . - #1 tl .. '-4 Hir- ' ^ n\* -'urai! *n of fhe Su­

gar Tr .vt . .roni framii. and th# r# - j siilt.int ;m#>^' utu.ns

2.'. Dir# • » .turn of raliroaip:aiui oth# r e irjM»r:it! for < loiatim;

JHIIN H ll.kEK. Republican I audiitsli- f«ir County

Clerk.To tb<- voT# rs of t llnton County: —

Oviiig I'l tb#- i atiioiint ofsori ;:g tbir <d!u *• at 'his luirtlculnr tlni# #if >#-ar. !; will In- in iMUtsible for •i;»- to !!:#-• T but .1 fes of > u p«'rsonal-ly.

I lh#'re^or«' <le-’re in this say to ao- Jclf \our hiipi- r» in :h<- conitng el*T- :''ti »>n Vov. '.Til If eti-rle#] | wilt en-

<l#ai#ir to disctiarg#- tb#- #liifies #»f th# "ffi# # III a paiiisl.iking .-iiwi #•<> :rt# #His ii.ann#'r. V#-r) truly your*, ll-"-’ .Hili.N WAId<KR

II.IIEKT I.. I'll \ MILE IL l*r»*rre*«|*e Candidal#- for I onere#**..

mail. x||| I (iitc. IH'trirl. tlwok--.#, Mich.


C.%n<iidnii- f«>r r#-g i -r of #1.on th- il# u (K rnti- l.- ki’ <-;itn#- to Fagle wh# j! (lilt 12 >#ijr- of age. wlth< ut hro; •• or fiifmis.. with «»nly th# cloth-^ * ' # aii uli llir b.ii-k buMtlg loaf all #ifIn,' I rr>#»rinl belonging* #r!t of a hoi# Ir th. .iKOTi h-jx of th#- man with

p# -oing to llv#


nisaBers of |i*-igr*i Arl-#r will meet with Mrs I iisSi . I ' i ?= #1 .rdav everll^ t##i I ' • ioe pro

»■ i. #•. Hi:r

'•f Sh#r:: ;ti. Atiti I r -: ith. Hf,rrtnuiii. T.ami Standard t»i;Suits •

2C K< epinr th# #lonr of china #>pen : to Amen# an « oniin#*rt #-

27. itrtngtng aiHiut the seitlernen# of fhe Russo-.laiwin# ri«- war by th#Treaty of l*ort?mouth

I 2> Called a #nnfer<-nce on the wel­fare of de|>endent children

29. .Negotiating twenty-four treaties of general iirhitratlon.

30. Reduction of Interest-hearing :debt by more than t90,iKH).t>0U. j

31 Paving the way for tariff-revis­ion

SI. Inauguration of movement for ' conservation of natural resourr«m.

33. Inauguration of movement for ' iiuprovement of conditions of country |

Mr. K#ldy waa a candidate for regls-<4 The sppllcstloa of the osme prin- ter of de#-da In 1196. being defeeied by

clplee of honesty and squsre-4l##allng (only n< vfHes. He served as {lostmas- In pnlliitwl affairs as apply In private ' ter of Kagle under I'leveland eight bustnesa d#-«ltngB among men. years H#- was elected 10 tlinas as

"w • j township clerk of Fagk over a Re-

Stone. aoprano; .Mias FMith Clark, so- Iprano; .Mrt. Schuyler Marshall, con-■ 'iralto; George Judd, tenor; Robert ! I#ee, tenor; Harry Walaworlb. bsrl- Itone; and l*aul I*eck, baritone.

The program opened with a selec- : tlon, "Autumn Song." IMnsutl, by the chorus. This was followed by two , songs. "Hush#‘en.'' N#*edhani; and ' ".Morning and You," Aylwnrd, sang by MIta Clark The Honge, “.Mission of a

I Hose." and My I#ove .Nell" by Paul ' I Peck, followed. Mrs. Frank Stone ' jthen pleased the guests present with I her three scleetions "Irish Folk song." Foote; "When the Rosfw Bloom,"

.Relchnrdt; and "The .Nightingale has! n Lyre of i;<ild." Whclpley. Robert

iw«. songs fo||ow«Ml. "A'ou." Robyn, an#! "Mine," .Solomsn. "Good- n.ve Summer." Lynes; and "l-k'stasy." : .Mrs Reach, were sung by Mrs..

;Schuyler .Marshall. ••|.rf>v#- is a Rose." Sans .SoucI, and Helgh-Ho." Rurleigh were rendered by Georg# Judd. Mrs. 1 Dean Kelley followtHj with her sel#*c. tions 'Th#- !>an*n." Chadwick; ".Song

jof a H#-arf ' Ttinlson. and "Will o' th«* Wisp" .Spmss "I Know. Spross, and

Th#- iiandalcro, Stuart, were aung by Harry Wnisworth

I Tb#* program rlos»*«! with a aong an«l laiw," Hamby, sung bv

the ChorusAlwtut 2.iU cimstti were prenent to

enjoy the recital and all pronounee#!'’^17 fine All ptipilii paniriitatinc

conducted th<‘mse|ves In n verv cr#*dl- ble manner .,n#| Mr GlUet may w#'II he proud of calling so man> hn# singers his pupils

Thl? rtiak#-^ »ii.- ^.-rond miish-al re- cital given by Mr rjinet this -ason .xnd .nil music- Inver* < r.n».bi..r if a gre.Tf fr#**# In h.nving Mr GilP t with us and lieing able to .-ilfen#! anrh higf

miisl, ills

Jones* Saturday SpecialWe hHit these selections M

10c per lb,while they last.

Miilj^el Peanut .S(^are - Spanish Peanut Brittle Vanilla Fuclj^e - - Honey Molasses KissesJtrlly CfN'stal - - - Cocoanut Butter CupsCocoanut WatVels - - - Hoarhotind DropsHoney Combed Crisps • Cut Rock Mixture

Headquarters For GOOD THINGS to Eat.

A. G. JONES, Grocer


i News Want Ms. Is m••••••••••••••••••••••••••


elevator. wl




\ Iv #.rlnek •lllincr W.iji dven bv • Ir .nnd Mr^ J,-;.n M I#o.|r,.V-S • !iftr!#-# T n.>il.#H-k. Mr and Mrs (.ore, .-4 .•.>r!,lt .uid Mr and Mrs F 'V .r tiling a? Tb. M.tarnIr Tempi.*

evening Alauif 2rt#' re pr.-nepr Pr#*«r.<ssiv#> |h-


FOR SALE An Art Garland Itase burner, 21U Wight St., St. Johns.


I B II.I. P\Y -110 and board for man to husk 2 seres of com or pay by the bushel. Philip Hsmhart, I'nlnn fthone.

FOR SILE - Two good spring colts. IVrry .Miller, phone l>»*Wltt 2.102.


FtlR .hale 4;#iod I'olsnd China Invar Pric#, |2(» Parker Sf Prle#-, St Johns Mich I'hom- 2tm 2I/-IS I2w2

FIIR SALE Second-hand safe and acme office furniture Jos A. Splt':- ley, W#*atphalis. Citiiens phone 2a.


FOR NILE .Six-room house on one and on- -half lots, three blocks from hiistnens section, has city water sower, fnjlt, cellar, chicken park, aniall bam, cement walks and Iwulcvard curbing, together with housenold furniture. Reason for selling. Iravfng < ity Enquire at 106 K IJncoln St. Ttf

For .half 9-rooni bouse and large lot for Nul#- on Clinton Are. North with liath; all onKKlem except furnace. Phon#' 23#; Hlue. W G Jolly. Sf Johns. Mich. .itf

TH RENT—lO-room house. Oak Ab- iab. 209 .Mead St. F. L.. L#ewls. IStf

FOR RENT—24(t acre farm to reliable l>artiea or will rent in two different farms. Cowa on farm. .No forels- ners need apply. ('harlea SuUlff, Rannister. Mich. R 1. Ilw4

FOR RENT—The Stephen Schafer farm, three miles north and one mile east of Pewsmo. Addreas .Mrs. Stephen Schafer, Fowler, Mich. R. F. I).. 33.___________________12w2

LtiHT At Grand Tnink depot”Tues­day morning, large black leather hand bag containing purs#*, money and valuable impers. ileward If re- turn#*d to Catherine Stevens at Chapni.vn's store. 13wl

I Announcements

^..in.-.n's Club will meet with • # Walter Kmmons W<>dnesdu)

Th«- W c T !' will m#*et Thnrsilay \«n#-uih#-r Tth. with .Miss Celia C.-il.t!!:, (Ill Wight .St.

Til#- I'liMin Home Cemetery Associa­tion will with .Mr and Airs Joa-•l>h Sfr«'>ser X«iveTiiber Tth. All In-


Tk* Wofn.in ». MUslonar> Society of th#- '*«ingr#*g.xtiunal church will meet ■a Mr GIlietT: Friday afl<-moon. .No\ -Uilii'r i.

:n *«


(Hit ..Mown giie^fa present wor. ,Mr in, IMrv . s Allison #.f Owosso; ' «1 ” Robson and Mr^ Uli t '‘■'^•***'* Biul

daughf.-r Gertrude ■ of Salt laike City. T’tah

Mrs O C Clark entertained the , Richardson Kmhmidery Club this sf- i temooo.

IIEHKHK H. jirnii Hemocratlc Csodldate for County


LOriH F. GREEN. I -----------u LI# . ..... ** Allison and Mrs. HaanRepaMlean I andMalr far Braia Can#- W. Kelley eniensined the Hakisnd

■isslaner. ; and KIwell street Bridge clubs at thehome of Mrs Alliaon on Hakland

*Jihmnm» PtH'NH*( LIU PIHLIRV ! >l l.NTEH.

I will I'T'cln dressing poultry X<iv. 4 •and i will want th above ■•mt in

tb# next few weeks, for m> #-.-»*tem I trad# I buy all weights and »i£<*s of fai janiltry and w|H pay a promiutn

j for all largo. wo||.fatted hens and 'voting chicken. Poor, thin bird## not wante#! Call or phone m#- before you sell. Remember I buy poultry the

; year around and am ready to uke , j from 1 bini to lO.oou any time.I IIYROX DAXLK.Y.IF TOC want to aall your rani oamir

I Hat It with Harry Bradiay. OSa«I over Jonaa' Qrocary Johna.

Th -er R# ady Circle meeting of •ill#- King* Piaughiers will meet with

Mrs A. 1' I.yon Monday aftem«HUi .\#-vemb»*r 4

T>i> P.#-t''?al Fnion Aid will meet with Mrs J«»hn Paugei W; dnee»1;iy. .N«iv#*nili# r T# at in o'«'lock. Committee .N#>. 1 will serve dlnn«*r.

Th# Ktind «»f Workers will meet with Mrs Judd^Hmtton Wedoeaday, N'ov. t; a pn-nic supper will be serv- #*#L All members are requested to b« I>resent.

The King's llaughter wish to an­nounce that their rooms at Mrs Rsler's will be opene«i next Saturday. Mias Holmes win be .there at that time to recelv#- or give out clothing.



LflriL t1.

Ill til: * I MIX

UIVLKTIhEH letterh.(ta-i 29 1912

•!#-# Viri Iteadeh. George4*t ni II M . M.v!i.vr Mrs Amy; Mr- < nao I M OKref# J.>hB. IV-.J;-

'• It Mr> Hf***ir’ ti l. li KM \K.*.\ f M

V ' ■ * • -e* Mssa.^ I iM than

publican v ajurily of from 4<» In 7<) H#- hs* s»rv>*l on#- term as jus<icr of the I-#-*#-#- and hai# l»e«'ii « notary public siace b-#Mlag villsg#-aiwi 5ih#*-.i oni#-i-»

Mr l-Md# >• a ineiiilM*r of the Mas*Kt iiHi i #*t.-rn ** 4r lodge*. Grange

• >l-r. r., , > I. # t,:et #;|,-.'.nfr'- r - -» ' . H i. I».. . • , ■ .t»e.

Street Tuesday afternoon Guests prssent from out of town were Mrs. Ia*« Allison, .Mias Anna Todd and Mrs Vers Haskell of Owrtsao, and Mias Gertrude McGrath of Salt Isike

To the Voters of riininn County I wish to thank all the voters who

gave me (heir hearty support at the Piiniartsa. and now ask your f'irther con side ratkvn In the mnilng e|eetl(vii on .N#»»enil»er ith If «-lecied. I assure (City Fish»«>i. #>f s faithful rndeator t#> dls- __ _rhanrr of Me- dutl#-* inr.ir.il>ent upon jThe offie#* I A llharplas Cream llaparator will

, dnd mv na»c *• thr v^r' i aearly dnuhl#- y>>ur buiiar sad cream T M,, .1 . . rv itf hef. p.'oflu <1 ring the s.imnssr months.


xxxxxxxxxxA cxjooooocxxxxaonfxxxroooooooooQnonQgAQUQnQQo

V «T)U f® .F tGCfiaX



Curieu Ma.:;sraaL• . f V ir-im. tkl


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gik »-

'»'♦ ITTsVl

6ean« t* Ssmm t wc!* Mom «•«. IMil

Ids «t otSmU <(trjyiiT •nR—

WseegW LMfS It 9%*, tavenm «hMs in ^

eif ) • |. #',.#(a4W4 * • * t » <» .

la IT. pmwwmmkpse iksa ves ran

n4 res raa naf' I

Fr*,*#- P I J, P*#,r» F' f*' .mea.

l!,„H T t* ' v(ie« 4« P'Hrfia-s#t (retleed t- tv-* at auettea r* (htt* la INwis It ts *a<t9*aa IPs


—OCTOBER 31. 1912.

Hr. only Baking Ponder


1^-MrB Q. WfttMB


{•ft for Clri*. o..



Ho Mh

♦ ♦!♦ iH Tow?r Aim orr. ♦♦ •

lMar» with D. U Hunt. tfOImms I>r. Soaalr. tf

Have jrou seen the l*lano? cI^ee Keliam went to (Irand Rapidt

Monday.\Mctor StevenB returned to Riit Kap-

ida Monday.W. H tSreen apent Sunday with C.

W ('arroll.------------ ( P K. Willnuahliy waa in Ovid on

Dr. W. H. r.ale waa in DeWltt on bualneae Friday . bualneaa Monday. Alva O. Ruff, the .Teweler. alvea It

Miller Moore vlaited hia aiater in **lauiainR Sunday. I Reitz of FVtwIer vlaited in

R I. Hull went to firand Rapida on J®*>**» Friday, bualneaa Monday. !.<. R. Peek went to Flint on buai*

Mtae Julia Holton of Fowler apent Friday.Svaday with her mother. Oerald Tkanley waa In Owoaao 8at-

Mre Harriet Sowle of I^anainc waa *urd»y and Sunday, la St. John* laat Friday. Mr. and Mra H. K. Walbridre were

Rnahton Dubola and Leon Prampton I^naln* Monday, were at laiinotabum Sunday. Mlaa Jeaaie ('richton went to

T>r. P. H. Ranta of OeWItt waa in R*PW» Tueaday..•*t Johna on bualneaa Monday. Remember—It’a an T’pton Parlor

larael Taft of Ovid apent Saturday ^with Mr. and Mra. A. T. Putnam I Mra. J. W. Keeney waa in (tvid on

Mr. and Mra Oeonre Kareher ria- I**! Friday,iled relativee in l.anainic Sunday. ’ Jarob Smith a|»ent Saturday and

W. H. Parker and Robert Armour Sunday In Hubbardaton. were in Elate on bualneaa Tueaday. I Mr. and Mra. Alex MeVittle apent

Mtae Winnie Walter haa been very Saturday and Sunday in l^naina 111 with appendieitia. She ia improv- Arthur !*oat of lamaina apent Tuea- tnr now day with hia mother. Mra. S. .M. Poat.

Mlaa Emma Xlemeyer of riare I Mra Dean Tucker of Ovid waa a aitent Sunday with .Mlaa Catherine Sunda:: mieat of .Mra W. H. Stanhope. Ptevena jtuff Jeweler, aaya abeolutely

Mra. A. D. Eldridir*' .ind daunhter. free to aome one. cAttorney (J. t; Hunter of Orid waain Crand 1

in St. Johna on bualneaa laat Friday.Mra I* I* Tnylor of t'elina a|ient a

few daya laat week in St. Johna. She went to Ionia Saturday.

.Mra. Fre«l Kellf v left for Tnifant Tueaday where ahe will viait John Hathaway and family.

Miaa Reaaie Ifieka of Victor a|ient Kitturday and S’;nday with her imr- enu. Mr. and Mra. J .M HIcka.

Rev. .N'orthrup of Williamaton waa a Rueat of .Mr and .Mra t'larence K.

Th.^’off^ Pot nub had a n«rt of laat weekdim. r t th. ho::ie of Dr nml Mra. W • Mr- D M Piitnnm waa a Rueat of A S««ft .Monda> e\eninR Jniuea Jarvia in Ovid .Saturday.

Mr and Mi>i. M A. Hiilae and aon Janla haa been ill for aome ilm.Harr' and .Mia*- Mlnnl ■ llarniiRton Mra 1. Sajo' of Dvld. who baa l>eenv;»il«d in lianslue Sunday. TisItinR her dauahter. Mra A R llul-

A Raker of Crand Rapida haa J*rd. went to Fowler to viait Saturday u •. :siunR his hrothrr-ln-law and Mra. Themn Horton of I.dnf!inR

fnmil) for the paat wr-^k. apent .Saturdav and .Sunday with h;'rCer.ild Danley went to IUr Rat>lda varent . Mr ..nd Mra A D Eldridr*

ih. fir«? of th* we«-k. wli-n- h< will Mf, j p jau. a has retume*! fromt..k. i|. .1 i n-'ir.i'ap *ot!r>- <>:■ ' , Ml-‘ . vh ‘h< apent fh«-

Mra K. W. Annia of ReldlnR return- aum . • :• at her r Mnplehurat

Mtae Kathryn Hart. wer<Rapida Monday-

C A. ('randeli of I.AnainR ia apend- iHR the week with hia dauRhter. Mra Everett StronR

Mra Karl M’ood of (Jreenville came Wedneaday to a|>end n few daya with Mtae Theo Tinkhatn.

Fre<l ttcorRla haa moved from M'ai- k^ r atreet to hta new home Juat flniah- e*i on Stat*' atreeL

Mr« lohn McKinley, Mra ('. U Ptitt .ttui Mra tIeorRe Mannlnt arc re- lairted on the aick lift

T..' -54lav after .i week e visit r f.ither. John Anderfou I{o\ Stone an<l aon Ral|>h «’f -so.i Mr .ind Mr«. 1. P Tat^

rb. latter itar of ' ..• week •nd Mra Rohen .Xni.oir .nnd

rii apent Suii'l ly with Mr ‘ M pearl at the Colony

t.. :n. h r;;i>rov.*d In health•I !' .lai! ^ haa n'tum***! fr-up

R'lto .Ml tit where he h.ia been ainc« J.*®' sMiUif ill r*'iurTi*'«l b*‘raiiae the ' :i .P d.d uo‘ irr< < .?b hia !.ej«lth

Mr. .viul Mr.- Sydney .Snyder of Car- land am! .Mr.- Man A’ub'rn'jn *'f Dvld wcrt“ s 1 .«ta «ir the latterV aon and

Mr I I .Mra I* M Hi* harda and wifi . Mr uiul Mra Kmcst R*'«iell, Sun- fain.;' ' Dniiid le>d«. were Sunda> daypui.-'- ■: Mr ami Mr® Jolm Keil»«y

Mrs A E M'iison entertained SatA re«;..lar n e» tlriR of th* C C A

will l.f L« :d at the horn*- of Mra C I*tinlai ' v^ninR in honor of .Miaa Her- rillabur), 211 Caaa St., Tueedu), Nov.tnid* .MtCralh of Salt l.<ake City. Utah &. The ladiea arc requeated to brtnR

Mr and Mra lien Tromley of Flint •toora. came Tuea4lay to make a vMt with Mra. Emeat Glaaabrook went to Mra Tromley’a brother. Frank Prea- Grand Rapids Tuesday to attend the ton dedication of the Salvation Army Rna-

A c. Hunter of Dvld visited hia cue Home. She will spend severalaieier Mias Helen Hunter, In Bt. | «i*F» there.Johns, one ttay the latter part of laat l Mrs. Julia R. Fields of Bsaumont. week. California, who haa been vlaltinit at

Mr and Mrs F. C, liee and Mr. sad Mia GeorRc I'otter of Saranac apent

the home of Kll Fields, went to St l^uls Saturday to visit friends before

Sunday with Mr and Mrs <\ H W1I- isbe returns bornehtaanii

Mf» f'arl Reach entertained a roau- easy of «oua« ladiea Monday after- aaon In honor of MMa l*aoa Adanaa of ('aeevlllr

Mr aa<l Mra R G Clark, Mr. and Mra < art R««ch and Miaa Tot McKln- lap apent Sunday Ovaad river

Mr and Mra D P Peiaa left Taea

Mrz A Morris of Northvllle vtattad | bar slater, Mra Kllaabeih Holton laat I week She went to liyona Friday to : visit her other aiater. Mra. F. StroaR. before ahe retuma home.

Mr and Mra L*. II Ifendemoa sad family of Hinner relumed home Hun-

at the camp on 4«jr from a few daya' visit with Mr and Mra Charlea K Chapin. Mr t'haptii arconipaaied them home

l^wdwlrk sn*i datlRhter.

T*>waa«n4 laat Frnuy 1 H•lbhaeAalca t • vitiiI .*1 wp Ik (••ftlfl I!; I * r--

■. C. WalltesWadaeaday.

D. 8. Morviaoa left Wedneaday on a buainnaa trip to Reed City.

Ilr. aad Mra. John Gay of Ftowler were In St. Johna on bualneaa Tnea- day.

John McKinley of Detroit apeat Sunday with hia mother, Mra. John McKinley.

A M, Wniker of Jackson waa a Rueat of hia aiater. Mra. O. NV. Hunger, voe day laat week.

William Shlnner left Monday for Saginaw county, where he will spend a week duck hunting.

Mra Charles Travla went to Pon­tiac last Friday to spend a f«*w daya with her aon. Dro Travla.

Mr and Mrs Almond Jolley and man Harold of Dvld were Sunday gueau of .Mr. and Mra. Willard JoUcy.

Mra. \V Stocker went to South Dvld Saturtlay to spend a week with her aon. Willard Stocker, ami wife.

Mlaa l*auiinc Adams of Caaevlllc who haa l*c«-u viaitlnR Mlaw Mabel Mc­Kinley. went to l*ontlac W**dneaday.

Mra. C. Rochon went to Grand Rap­ida Saturday to a|>end several daya with Mra. H. Scott and Mra. W. Mut­ton.

Mlaa Rianche Amea of Rellefon- taime. O.. came Saturday for a ten dava’ visit with her sitter. Mra. L. Kirk.

Mr. and Mra Charlee Fenn and son Vincent of Matherton apent from Sat­urday until Monday with Mr. and Mra. John Caswell.

Mr and Mra W. H. Parker and dau­ghter. Ida. and Arthur Tollaa we^ Sunday Rueala of Mr. and Mra. W. (*. Hunter in Ovid.

Mra. R. J. PI*lr «f Rlrrolngham raroe the latter part of laat week to

J attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. J. n. Mock.

Mra. K. B Parr and daughter. Merle went to Roaton laat Friday to spend

' about a month vrith her daughter. Mra Angel Nava)ao.

, Mias With VanSIckle waa home 'from Grand Haven to spend Saturdny land Sunday with her parenta. Mr. and I Mra. C. H VanSIckle.

Mra. C. D. Fhat and children return- led to their home in Ovid Monday after I several days’ vlatt with her parent!. {Mr. and Mra R. Maraball.

Mr. and Mra .Ino Mock of Mont­rose were here the latter pnrt of laat week to attend the funeral of his mo­ther. kkra. J. n. Mock Saturday.

Mra: Gertrude Harrington retume*! {to her home in Aughgralgh the latter part of laat week after vlaitinR at the

I home of Mra Charlea Fowler.Mlaa Helen AverlH. who la tpend-

I ing the year with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs RInK. apent Saturday

: and Sunday with her parenta in Ada.Vem and William Lyon and John

I Workman left Swiiirday for Green­wood. Ogemaw county, where they

I will spend two week*’ deer hunting.Mr. and Mra W. I* Webater and

; children of Rreckenridge visited at the home of her parents. Mr and Mra. J, B Henderson, a few dava laat week

The Mlaees Angle Itrink and Hllde- grade Vollmar of St Charles were guests of the former's aiater. Mlaa Coilah Rrink. from Friday until Mon­day

.Mlaa I»uiae Conker of Homer, who waa a guest of Mr. .'ind Mra. Jno. Padget laat week, went to loinaing Saturday to visit b< fore she returns home.

.Mr. and Mrs Rert Waldo of Dwoa- ao. who came to witness the burial of Mr® S«»phla Jackson, were guests of Mr and .Mrs H, K. Walbridgr until Tueaday —

Mlaa Fannie Mulder went to loin- slng last Friday to .ntton*! th*- .Annual Itar’.u-cue of th*- M. K C Frl«lav ev«— ning Sh*- will also .iitend the |»hl Delt.n Frntcmlly Party Saturday eve- ning

XIr .-md Mrs R E. Walsworth ami R*-v. an*l Mrs Matt .Mullen drove b\ atilo to llh:ir.-i and Xlma hjst Prida' Rev. an*! Mm Mullen and .Mrs '-V.ib worth visit*-*! In Ithaca whll XU Wnlaworth «lr<»vc <in to Alma

'Irs W .1 Mtecre ami chHdr<'n bit for Hiibbanistoii and Palo Sat.ird.iy wher* they will join Mr S fee re who hap been there f*»r some time Th»‘y will make a visit with friends an*l rel­atives before they return home.

J. C Flrnn went to Caaa City Fri­day when w-aa invited to confer the .Ird dagre in Masonry ui>on hia

.nephew, Arthur Flynn. Mrs Flynn •accompanied him as far as Oxfurri to I visit her parenta, Mr. and .Mrs. W. R I>re««tt.

Mrt Agnes M. WRey, Department Freetdent of the Woman’s Relief corp. waa In St Johna laat Friday in- speettng the Corp of this city h'hc was the guest of Mrs Munson Chaa*-

|Whlla here, returning to her hon e In jAlbloB Friday.

The Misoer ri.'-o Tlnkbnni noJ Kathryn Hart entertained the N. Y. it. H and the Horoaaia club at a Hal­lowe'en party Wodnaaday evenlag. Detober SO. at the old Macca- koe hall Da^ag aad Hallowe’en gainss were were served

?ierr Ira.

from Tpatlaatl Mowday ovnalag.Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. Olaapio wars

Snaday gaaata of hia paraaia la Fh»-toa.

Mrs. aiaaa Staal waat to Clovelaad, Ohio, laat Saturday, to apoad a faw daya.

Mm. Herbert Sparhs went to Ovid Saturday to apead aaveral daya with retail voa.

Mr. and Mm. C. A. Putt were gueaU of Mr. and Mm. Cash Bevy In Green- bush Sunday.

Mr. and Mm J. Warner and Mr. and Mm. Fmnk Merrihew apeat Sunday In Mapio RapMSk

Mr. and Mra. Walter Iturllngame wen- gueau of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kuhaa In l.onatng Sunday.

Mm. Dora Slael. who baa brnm vla- llhig friends In Ithaca, retunwwl home the latter part of laat week.

Miss Teresas Rowler of ilastlngs y|slt*‘<t two daya last week at th*- hoii)*> of .Mr. and Mra. John Wheat.

Mr and Mrs A. A. Tuttle of IHmtlac ere guestK at the home of .Mr. and

. C. S. Clark the latter part of l^t week.

Mlaa E*tnn Swigart, who haa been a guest of Mlaa Agnes Ho|>e for sever­al days, returned to her home in Alma

. Saturday.h Mr. and Mm. A. J. Waniell spent I from Saturday until .Monday with their daughter, Mrs. l<ucy Whiteherae.

'in Daroaso.Mr. and Mm. Carl Bunge and sou

' Raymond were Sunday guests of Mr.I Bunge’s uncle, Charlea Heller, In Haslett 1‘ark.

j Mm. H. F. Alderton returned to her .home In Deckerville Wedneaday after ^ visiting at tha home of Mr. and Mm. Theron Shaver.

Mra. Guy Dutcher .md Mra. E. W. Cutler apent Saturday with the lat- ter’a aon. Kenneth Culler and wife in SpedardsvHle.

Mm. Dorm IVut and daughter, K!dna of Oakley, were in St. Johns on busi- neM laat Friday. 'They called upon relatives while here.

Mrs. W. K. Hamilton and daughter Marten, w*ait to Grand Rapids XVed- nesday to spend .Sunday as the gtieata of Mra. F. !.•. Emmons.

Mr®. \V W. Hodge returned home Sunday from several days’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Keiser and Mr. and Mm. J. R. Jefferies In Eureka.

Virgil Jefferies of Cleveland. O.. who was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. R. JefTertea in Eureka, was in St Johns on businem Monday.

Glyadon Moyem was called here from Detroit last week by the pertoua illneas of his mother, who is the guest

: of her parenta. Mr. and Mm. Eli I Adams.

J. D. Crowner has returned from an extended visit with his niece. Mm. Steadman, at Bmvo. Mrs Steadman returned home with him and will spend some time at the home of her cousin, Mrs. William Mulder.

The following St. Johns teachem j leCt W’edneaday for the teanhera' In- latitute to be held at Grand Rapids: jSupt. P P. Buck, f’ism. T. H. Tovm- laend, H. Rninaoa, the Mlaaea Mat- |tie Smith. Anna Ryan. Ethel ITeoton, I Kathryn Powell, Anna KeVchum. An- {na Lalley and Mlaa Dongberty,




Suits, Overcoats and Fur Coats

Onr Fur Coat Department Leads ’Em All in Size and Values

Those who bare seen Our Fur Coat Dept can easily undamtaDd why our values are so wonderful. We carry more coats than any other two stores in St Johna. Don’t have to take our word -lot your own eyes prove it. No trouble to find the kind of Fur you want.

MKillTV unu.sual arr the values. Ex- trattnlinar)’ are the styles ami va­rieties that we (iresent fcir your con-

sidi'ration. You’ll see motleis fabrics ami coliirs here that you will not find elsewhere, carrA’injr only the Ix-st makes of merchamlise anti pricing them lower than the) .irt usiinlly stilt! for.

Special this WeekSuits and Overcoats

»I0 = *12 = *15 = *18The l)esl buy in town for the money.

\ tiu will certainly find it in any tine of this j^roup.

Owyt%M Nafi tia«aa«f * tif

White Cat UnderwearKick off that old style

underwear and wear a Klosevl Krntch, the new Idea in comfort. Wool or cotton.I’NIOBi HflTS It to B4 -TWO PIECE Mr to

Evervibiif ready for those Bovs SUITS and OVERCOATS

Everythtng new* and jfood style. Everv’ wanted pattern and the up- most in t|uality.

$3, $4, $5. and $7


Hunters, Drivers and men who work ant- doors freat values in weather-proof Clohinf

Wilson Bros.i Mlaa Neenah W’iiaon. wbo finished at lYpgilanU this wfwk. leaves Saturday I for Ann Arbor where ahe will attend I a house part) at the Alpha Pau Omego \ Saturday and Sunday. She leavee I Sunday evening for Detroit where ahe ' haa accepted a iiosiUon as thini i grade teacher at the Ferris school in that city.

i Mm. C. E Rlahop waa called to Sa- i brook. Ohio. Wedneaday no account jof the sertoua lllneas of fiienda.! Claud nod Allen Going of Shep- lardaville were fn St.Johna oai buai- ivsM Friday.


Jeaaie Daniel Sturgis, son of Mr. and Mm. Daniel R. Sturgis of Bengal and Miss Marlon Francis Frink, dau­ghter of Mr.'and Mm. M. W*. Frink of Bengal were united in marriage at St. Johna Methndlat paraonage by Rev. Wilcox W’tMlneaday, October SO.

The couple were attended by Mr. and Mm. bklwi** A. Ridenour.

They left no the noon tmin for De­troit where they will viait relattvea and fiienda

The young couple will reside upon their farm In Bengal Center. They

will be at home to their many frt after December 1.


Floyd Etoeier, Bingham; Ftomme I Henning, RIngbiun. j Seymour W. Ensign. Lansing; IHoe- jence Emmons, St. Johna.

Reuben IxMiis Hlee, DeWltt; Jennie tv. Pope. DeWHt.I Jeeae D. Sturgla. Bengal; Marion I Frink, Bengal.i William J. Arens. Westphalia; Ver- lonica Martin. Fowler.

The Sensational Selling of High Grade ChinaFrom the E. B. Cole Co. stock becomes more interesting day by day. It’s am opportunity one must not overlook. Fill ycur china and cut glass wants.

Such Crowtls. "uch lutj,;»T Huv<*rs. Such Attmetix*-* I)i.spla\s an<l Fricfs that imlucfd mauv tt* supplx tht:ir china wants for ycar^ D» cnmtr.

6<' ila\s aj.jD the* E. II. 0»lf C :*, tpiit husinfs.';. soltl fh»*ir C'lilN.A. Cl'T GLAS.'^ ami C I R F.-MN slocks ami tr.'nsl«*rr»**I llifir l» as«* to us.

W’r an* t'ctn|wll»*tl to .s**II tht*s«* stock- .at om t*—a lore***! sab* — to mak * rotun tor our rfj»?riar lim of I'CKN* n CR1’<. I'l.tHlR C'( )\ ERlNCiS ami S I OX IC.S. Noi a -inyb pior** will 1»»* rosorvoii.

OFF on all FngILh, IlsTarian. Xiotri- an am* ll:oilan«l t bins, txiib •ler'^r- at*d and nhitc.< *»Mplcie *cis nf «ilnaerwaiT ranging al rtgitlar prire® fr*>M


$8.50 to $197.00Ju<l think o1 baying the Fine®l I hina al

'j' 33 1-3 per cent off

OFF (HI all Cnt and Eirhed Gina*. Incindinc Jnga, Tnnknrda, GebIHa, Tnmhlem. Hnnerm. ClNMnpMme®. feet-

ed and handled Hherbela, l*nnrh Hewla, Vnaea. Jamllnierea. Hewla, «gc.

Onyed. Refreahroenis (I

da> for Maaadeld. O. a beer tney will Mr* 11 (apead * ' .1 wee ha a nn retail' to 1 ‘ (M

fr Mr* XtfreilMr Ur» Ifwanh lieowB xir 1 ae* •• (.1

gild Xfr u o.rd Walker aal 'ir* Mr- 1 XIk' tit 1- *. - ’ t ll..

. . T ‘1 rr.i.t liortof. n r..;1 a 1

t • -« : e.*i * . “ 1 ' ' ' 1 * • 1• a ■ X4 . , i 1 ,t * . * *.• •

W»l: M *•- V • > 1 ’X* t !<*• Xt t a(*e< ) >o . 1 * t(rk * ■*nsm h-eiw * t - 1 ^ ’'t « 1

V Lt a»d Me* /i t


• XMXlt*. tt>«a, X

fd ife®I* 1 91»eywn. t* ,fv(*n noe ai mwU* u

Mr. and Mm. K B iHiniee returned home from Howell Hatuertay ’They bmughl their mother. Mm G B. IMr- dee. who waa spending the aummer with relallvM la Howell when atrlrU- ei, etih toiralvaie home wlt^ thv XIra INirdee haa been in llowr* !*- tecl •.'rt, W«>eha <-rtrln« f- r h

O- Xlm I t X'Onr ■ *(~-* * I ' T*!'Ir**l.-| ■ “her.... - t ' > . i: \i ■* »• . I

• V g I

I r. ** . -. taa emtia t. • •»- vileeatag XXe4aea4«> af *I .x.taa b Pdneeda - a< ••le Me »Gt (five ® leen* » - llliaff Mgite. »«-i- a* . »a.<•* bt RBNiraiib 'b« Or.

iif ^»odng sMa*

HPKn.lL TASI.f: a4 Adda and Fndai pnrta ef aeha Inrinding Cnpa and Hnneera. IBUmenla, Plnlea>, FmMa, Cavemd IHnhea. PIntlem, etr. I'lealag nnt ape- rial at . .. Ac

A Mighty value giving Op pot' tunity on Beau~ tiful China that you have alwayg admired and utanted.



A Great Sacri* ftcc salc'-a sale where profit is swept to the winds. Et^ery- thing at COST and LESS.

PACR 6 r—OCTOBBB 31, 191Z


WwilsOtkMr Womea to Kbow How Sbe Wav Finally

Restored to Health

ttoik • wamm latanily dMlIkM to make bar tfoabi—

known to tb» poMie, but oompioto rBOtor- ation tohoalth moans ■o much to mo that 1 cannot koop from teUing mino for tb« aako of othor Miff or- ing women.

had boon sick about twohro years, and bad eloven doc­tors. 1 had drag­ging down pains,

pains at monthly period bilious spells, and was getting worse all the time. I wtsald hardly got over one spell when I would bo sick again. No tongoo can tell what 1 sufTered from cramps, and at timoa I could hardly walk. The doctors said 1 might die at one of those times, but I to^ Lydia El Finkham’s Vegeta­ble Compound and got better rtghtaway. Tour valuable modkine is worth more than mounliuns of gold to suffering wo­men. "—Mrs. Hejctha llurr, 5U8 N. 4th Strsot. Louisiana. Mo.

Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Com- |)ound. made from nativemotsand herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of. and thoaaaiMls of voluntary tsstimoniab on file in the Plnkham labonitory at Lynn. Mass., seem to prove this fact.

If yaa waut special adviee write to Lydia L. Flakhaa Mcdlrlae t'a. (raaV* Mantial) Lyaa* Maas. Taar letter will be opened* read aad aaswered by a womaa aad held la strict coaldeacr*


BEER BARRELS IN WARFAREjUaad in Bngiish Army Maneuvers for

the Conatruetton of a Foot BHdge.

* •TPbe way tbey have to the army” of •attlag across country, despite Ore. bail, snow and vapor, was Ulustratad by a flne piece of haody-man work Muring field training at Aldershot. Bng- •and. recently.

The Third Infantry brigade found It- peir obliged to retire The enemy mere too strong In front. Unfortu- Mstely. however, the Baalngatoke onaal akrecebed behind them

This was the chanoe tha Saooad ■asax bad been looking for. They commandeered hay from a nalghbor- tng stack, lashed It Into five-foot aquare bales, wrapped theee In tar­paulin wagon covers, and moored the completed artlclea tike rafts in the wa­ter Planks atretched from one to the other enabled the whole battalion to proas over in single file

Meanwhile the Second MIddlsaax. pot to be beaten, borrowed half a dot- co empty beer barrels from an Inn and made a light foot bridge

The Somerset Light Infantry find­ing plenty of cut timber In Pyeatoek wood, made a fairly substantial tres­tle bridge In leas than two houra, meroas which all the vebiclas of the brigade were paaeed. the battalion fol­lowing In fours.

339Tlw msUewnsss of Tsar

Ca0m will add a teach to year brasklast that will ssMbls you to begi'^ the day in the right ■pint.The emtmhil •electioa. blsadiag and roesting of Tmmt Ct0m by men of caperieacs make* it a codsesapsnor Is ordinary coieos. Civs Tasr Ctffmt s good trial and yea will use it oacluanrsly. Other bleed* of choioe codeas era

Nero • 30cManvold • 32cPtcMcnt Vcllcy 40c

Plwmant Valley Tea* 50c . 60c . 80c

Whso you eervs ffsoissf PeAm aad Ptmmmi Psilm Tssr



The family of O Hibbard, of near t'arlaad have reeovered from dlpUi- eria acd health olk-er, H J. Pna, hae disinfected the houae and reloaaed them froai quarantine

Kugece IHiat le moving hla family to l*ortland where be has work for the winter.

Mine Lmi tlalekouar Is taklag a few da>s' vacation.

Mias Dwyer, who has been nursing In the J. Huffman and O. Hubbard fainillae returned to her home In Sag­inaw on Haturda>

Horn to Mr. aad Mrs. tleo Hurt on Monday. Oct. It, a daughter.

Duane ('ox has iiiovmI his family to Durand where he baa employment In a bakery

Uttle Kenneth Kuniiey was taken violently III a few day* ag«t A i«hysl- cian was summoned a ho found his tera|»eratiire had rearh»il lOi. An emetic produced an almcwl ln« redlhb- quantity of sweet com and relieved the iwtlent Investlgatloti pmved that Mr Hanney's *«eil sweet com which had been hamcliig In a store nioin In the boy’s resrh. had become noticeably less

Mrs KIdad Fields Is at Walter Hires helping to care for her mother, (irand- ma Slafffml, who Is critically III.

Mr. and Mra. Karl .MumuHi who have been very III. were «ble to ride out Saturday.

Mrs Myra Bennett of Bancroft Is siiending some time with her brother. Chas Munson.

Mrs. Hd. Miner is s|>endlug h couple of weeks in Detroit

.Mr and Mrs K. .\. Waite s|>ent Friday in Ovid.

Mrs F (I ('onklln. w-ho has l»een visiting here for a tnonih returned to her home In IU*IIevb>w. Ont.. the lirs* •>( last week

Mr and Mrs L (' Vincent are mak­ing an exteiuled visit through th«- iiorfhem part «>f the siiiie

Mrs Uln I>-ach and children were guests of Iwr jmren* Mr an«l Mrs .1ai Mf'sd. last week

.Miss .It-ssie Mcltougald has return •'ll from a visit to her sister Margaret’s at Mariou

Im 8|e-ri>eek and Miss llessi#- Kohn wt-re marrieil nt th«- honn- of the bride’s mother, Mrs I. (' ('Inrke on ^.vfunlnv evening. Oct IV

H (* I’rlck of Qiiincy, Mich., and Mr Itiickinghuin of Mason were call­ed here the first of the week bv the serious illnetii- fif Mrs Klijah Buck­ingham

Miss Lucy Bruster of Flint wss n guest at L <’ (’larkes thi- first of the w«^k

I* H Marw*-de|. the chlronraciic. vho has been In oiir villar** all stim-

nier. has mov»-d to Fort M’uvne. Iml.S|>encer ('owdrv retnmesl front Ann

.\rl»or the first of the week much Im- ;»rnve«l in health

Miss Ann Archer returned from Ann Arbor Haturdav much improved hy the opemlion and treatment 8he has liecidt-ii to accept empl<»yntent and »sk*' dally treatment in the I* of M hfispitnl for th»* winter

.fas Kavenaugh has mn\ed his fam- llv Into the Mrs Della Jones hoiis*- on .V Orld .-At

(Juy fVirter left for Owosso the last of the w«-ek having s*-cured employ- Ti enl there

Nitb' Lenevleve M’«»ollev Is still veto Ilf

KWer Burt has moved his fainlly •m fixford

M Terrv is moving his family into »h.- ffeo Varian hous* on l-^st Main Wt

t ap .Hheldoti has movi-d his famllv •nio the flat over his garage

Merle .Munson has nwtveil his family into the Cap Sheldon house on First str*. t

Mr Ackles of the Dwok^. .-tugar has located In town and will sol-

ir|t .ur»-age fnr the eoniing >«‘ar Th#- l*an»l •■oncerts. ’‘af r siii>|*cr

. * and ’’one hotir sales .«re draw- htg large Haturday crowds

Little (’.ilherin*- Hickey is the St of her rrandpsrents at Mhldle-

tonMrs D L M’llklnson was the guest her •laughli’r Mrs ('latid* Conk­

lin. last wt-ekK Willetts of The Ithsca Realty

Co was In town «»n business Satur­day

Miss H<'«- (!|e.as>in la emph*yed at the defiot

Mrs Isiiirn iHirf*-* la recovering from her recent illness

Arthur M’railley snd family of lain- slng wen* guests of hl^ father the drst if ’he week

Mrs (’ D Sherman enteitalneil her brother, Robert K Kirby, of Itetrolt ff»r a few days last week

The follos'ing pupils of District So ’t. Tniplsin, have been neither absent nor tanly during the iiKMith of Octo­ber Florence Domer, Ma« Kthel and Krnery Kmmons. HaroM and Oeraid Itevereaiix. Nellie Haker, V'lva Fields. Zsdali Day, Fae Jump, lewt Onatott. Ruby aad Claude Oanu Percentage of attendance 99 1-D5 Idd»< M Carter, teacher

RupturedMrn, woinrn iind children

i;ivrn infiUml reUul and

purmeant cure. Mnmg gtiitrmciit Hut Piopeble

FmIb. '^-iiisfdi litio tir

l•ICHl•''y r> tuit<i«d

Gio. D. CoopM*

MiW tUkasMiaiSt Iflhns \ltih

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A♦ ♦♦ OL^KT. ♦♦ e

(iao. Albawffh at Hrlasburai, lad., callad oa friaoda bar# a few daya. Ha retamed htwaa Haturday acoompanled by Mlaa Hartka Albangb. who axpseta to vlalt there a few daya.

K. U Wstherbac aad wife returaad hoair Saturday from vitotlng fricada at Haglaaw.

Mra. Joe Hootors has baea on the alck Hal.

The lacturaa haw coaduried by Kid W. H. Htover of ladla were well ai- lendad and all eo|oyed It.

Mra. Nanoie Kmart has been visit­ing old friends haw the past week from Detroit.

The aoie of Wlltord Albsugh at Mar­ian Mprinffs Friday was well att.--Bded. He has gone back to Indiana for the winter.

Uttle Ruby French was on the sick list a few days.

Mrs l^wts Falrmsii of Cheybogaii Is \islliiig friends here this week.

KItl J. K. AltmuKh was at .New Ha­ven. Mich., with Kid Stover who gave two iecturna there ’Thiiraday on India which was enjovi'd by all who heard liitu

Miss Jennie Albsi gh spent Frida) with .Mrs. h^rl Albaiigh at ('hupiii.

C M Randall and wife a|>ent Sun­day at (leo Field’s near Ovid Sunday.

Royal and Floyd Holdan <‘nlertaln- ed a number of their friends (or din­ner Sunday


Cures all humors* catarrh ant! rheumatism* relieves that tired feeiinK* restores the appetite, cures paleness* nervousness, builds up the whole system.

Oat It t'Hlay In imaasI liquid form or chorolaled lablata laUad torantatto

Potato Culture^ M. A ^^ICTTA^

♦ ♦♦ KP.AMHKK. ♦♦ ♦

Ceo. .Slocum «*f Montana has Iteen vlalting his brother. O. Slociiin. north of FVnmore

deorg*' Sbiciim lUid brother, OHo. and House Ku|»er and Bertha Thom|»- ron visited his sister. .Mary Cor- penaw. at Saginaw, Midi.

Kunice Slui|iaoti took In ih* show at Saginaw Tueaday ami \Ve*liies«lny of last week.

I^vl Van(’«»urt called on Jess, Sul- llff Sunday of this week, also (;.x»rge Sutllll and wife wer»- callers at Jess Siitliff'a.

.Mias Isale-IU Thompson has gone home to Saginaw on n w,-i k s vaca­tion.

There will U a daiic at Rarx two weeks from last Friday night All are Inviteil to attend

Then- wa* not a very big crowd at­tended rally day at Fenmore.

Krnery Skutt has been drawing milk in John Beanip’s plare as John Bear- up and father. H Stover, are very hiiay drawing biiakwheat

Mias Bernice Olney visiteil at her atsier's. Mrs B Thompson, north of Fenmore

Knrlanes ih Khcc*.There’s often much truth In the

saying ’’her face hi her fortune,” but Its never said where ptmplea. akin eniptlons. blotches, or other blem- lahes disfigure It. Impure blood Is bark of them all. and shows the need of Dr. King’s .Vew Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 2Sc at J. T. Millman’s. Van Slakle & Clasple’s and TYaris Drug Co.


('has If. doing was liom in .Meada- vllle, Penn.. April 26. 1K60 and died nt his home near Shepardaville, dc* 24. 11*12, aged '.2 years, five months and 2^ days

Mr. doing was ih< s«-4-ond tif u fam­ily of fight rhlldren. When a young child he moved with his luirenis to lavingston. Mich., where he lived un­til he became 21 'ears of age. when hf came to Shepardsvlll,- and there met Miss Ida M Isninshury to whon ti,- was niarri*-«l March •*>. To fhl*union were ls»ni four children, ('laud* I*. Allen K . Blanch and Fr»Hl ('.. dying May I, 1»dl

He leaves a sorrowing wife, two sons, a daughter, an aged mother, two brothers, four sisters ami a large eirrie of friends to mourn hts death

Air. doing was u member of th,- Church of ('hrtst of Diiplaln with a firm ho|N- and faith in Christ and died trusting In him

The funeral serrlcea were held at the hcMiie Satiirdny at II o'niock the Rev. d K N’orthnip of Wllliainstoii of­ficiating Interment was mad,- at Du- plaln

Friends from away wer«' William doing of IV>ntlac. Mrs. Anna Kent of Howell, A D Castle of 'Traverse City, Alisa Panels Aliller of Midland, Mr aad Airs Alben Miller and Air and Mra. Tom Henley of latingeburg, Mr snd Airs. Martin Benedict of ('arland and Mr and .Mfw. .Myroa Diinning of Hi Johns

CAKIl OK THA.AkH We wish to thunk our neighbors and friends for their kindneas during the sick­ness and death of our husband and father, especially the beautiful floral offerings; also the beautiful hymna snag

Methedisl Fplsrepal Seles.Regular preachlag servlree 10 30 a

m and 7 p m Sunday school, 12 ni; Junior Igkague, 3 p. m.; class meet­ing and Kpworth l*eague at 6 p m.; evary Huaday.

Pniyer mealing 7 pm. every Thura^y

As our mlaalon Is to advance the Kln«4oni of our Lord, we aim to make each aenrh'e spiritual.

K la SPRAdDR. T*as(or

Haptist Cbarrli ^atos.Ifisr Sunday, Now Ird Preachlag

mofalag aad eweafag by the pastor tkiapel talhs at each aarwiee

Chrlattaa IQadsavnr toplr for nest wtinday evealag 'The Chrtellan VIr luea iBeali Ttiua I l-lt fiaaseers

I meriiag leadar. Heulah Wright rtt,- imetot slleadad the alal- aaau

I. gi ('aaaaAtla IMa week ffwieI ^ --idol uaiil Thursday j kewietohsr the hlhle at the

1 r.--f meetlgg eamiaeariad the I c-*( rhaftar af Asia

y v sre ailraaii to ail of theee per

Ad Lomo Ad TMId AShUMV AMO Mao


oiMm n.-sa

The dall snd Its Feaparatlofi.A wall dralnad sandy loam is Idas!

for potatoes. Such a soil should. If | possible, be Included In a reffular rota-! tloa aad the potato crop follow a do- i ver sod which should be turned under! la tbe faJI, or early In the spring. < When fall plowed, tbe sod will portly . decay by spring and there will be an | opportunity to work tbe soil savemi Umas with both disk aad harrow be­fore planting, which Is very Important. . It hae been demonstrated many timea j that much better crops can be pro-1 dueed upon a soil that has had extra I working than when It baa not been giv-1 an.

Always avoid low fields where tbs frost may destroy the plants early In the fall before t he growth has been. completed.

The heed. jWhole tubers aletiii the sfxe of a i

hen's egg are very satielactory for seed, especially so In s dry season If such seed Is not available us,- cut pieces about the sixe of a hen's egg and have at least two good ey*>s on every piece l.arger seeil pieces may give a large yield but not emtugh to pay for the extra amount of seed re­quired. especially If It Is ex|»enslve ”

If any of tbe seed Is ’’scabby” even to a very alight degree, it should be treated by soaking for two hours In a solution made up In the proportions of one pint of formalin to thirty gal­lons water KMrmalln can be procured from any druggist Do this shortly before planting and before the seed Is cut Do not put the treated seed back Into crates or bags that held tbe tu­bers before treatment, unless the crates are washed aad the bags soaked In the solution. Tbe scab disease may live In the soil for some years, so do not piaot upon land that recently grew scabby potatoes or beets If It can be avoided

Fertlllaers.The beat fertlllxer for the potato

crop Is undoubtedly stable manure spread upon s clover sod before plow­ing in the (all If spring plowed, spread the manure on during the win­ter or early spring The plowed-un- der clover will In Itself make a good fertlllxer

If It la desired to use a chemical fertlllxer our experiments made dur­ing the past few years indicate that a ~homa mixed” fertiliser containing 4 per cent nitrogen, 7 per cent phosphor­ic acid, and 1U 8 per c«ot potash used at the rate of IMO pounds per acre Is the mcMt satisfactory A ton of this fertiliser Is made by mliing.

193 pounds nitrate of soda containing 15.& per cent nitrogen

SA7 pounds dried blood containing 14 per cent nitrogen

1040. pounds phosphoric scid contain­ing 14 per cent nitrogen

460 (Niunds sulphate of potaah con­taining 4h per cent nitrogen.

2.000 (lounds ’’home mlied” potato fer­tiliser

It should not be overlooked tbat the value of a chemical fertiliser depends largely upon tbe physical condition of the soil, tbe mtdsiure content as well na proper drainage and cultivation. Kven very beavy appliratlons of fer­tilisers will not make up for the lack of any of these conditions oor will tbe use of any kind of chemical fertiliser take the plare of the humus or de­cayed matter In the soil

Planting.When the planting Is done by hand,

furrows may be opened with team snd one horse plow and If any chemical fertiliser Is to be used it can be spread In tbe furrow by hand On light or looae soils It Is desirable to plant tbe seed about four te sis Inches deep. If shallow planted some of the potatoes will become eipoeed aad son bum. The seed pieces are dropped tbe dis­tance desired, covered with a hoe, and the whole field smoothed over with a harrow.

It would be profitable to uae ma-chlae planters upon largs arreagns (over ten acres I aad with than# a ter tlltaer attachment Is often used to dis­tribute the ferttllaer. If the plantar In hot equippnd with sneb na atlnch- mnat the fertlllnnr otoy bn drilind la with an ordlaary drill befom the field Is planted, or can be sprsnd by hand.

The distance tor plaatlac depends upon tbe feriinty of the sell, bat rows thme fast apart aad from It to 14 tnehas la tha row hna glean gaad ra- sulta an aa aversfie aoll With latan- atve ealttvaUon aad a risk sail, thay Btoy ba plaatad aa elaae aa on# tost la the rows

Caltivatlaa.FVaqaent culttvaUan wUl greatly

help to pmfiass a gaad nrap and knap tha fisM free from wests A apthe tootk harrow Is nasally sand anas ar twie* hefors the pleale cotoa ap aad again l<>et as ihe> appaar A wesdsr le oifee seed at (hie llnM> and •Ik” ■••• • week afterward nntll the ^lAnie afv la«kes h^k liar-tiMI 4' timv It |j -1' b* edrteeble to go • ter •' -mw letee elili a- w^UraT fc ia« ,.to^t* are five

9 * if seHt*a«e ahoal aaeeas » ft - t ;m days sAdll ikana

tAAffa *4 in«ari ka IPs vinae

gallons of watarl to pratast thaoi froM blight and rat (Phytophthora Infaa- tnaal aad with pniaan <44 pnnnd of PArls graaa or 2 or t poaads of aiv •eaate of land attad to the bordeaax) to kill bugs 'Tha bllgkl aad rot ara not prassnt every seaeea la Michigan* bat In taota madm at tha ooUage during •veatnl raaont saanons. It has paM to spray tha plaau whao blight baa not bona groooot. Tha appllrattoa of bordannx mlxtara la somi way otlaa- latoo tha pln»t aad It grows loagar la the fill, is freer from sun seald. Up bsm and othar trosMas. Hegta spray- lag whaa tha plaau ara six or sight laehas high or whoa the Amt ■praying for ''bugs” has to b# mate aad -tyf t tha treaunaot abont ovary two waahs so that the new growth will be cov­ered with the bordeeux mlxtum. If tbe weather In ”maggy,’* roadlUoas ua- dar which blight fiourlahas, npray <»ft- naer. Flanr or five npraylagn will oou- ally ba suSelaat and thay caa ba OMfia for 40 oanU to 91.00 per acre tor each spmyiag. all expnanss of ton- teiinl and labor laclotafi.

NATURE’S ESSBICL-Eilracted itoi Forest PWiNntam'a loiss am poMont, Lat disaam iahasn if Ihnao lowe am not ohayot

On •nmiiht to aamm lar the earn* to the laeeat; them em mysuHii ham toni wi •aa inihaa lar yaa. Take the hath af fito adit ^rry tme, die mat af amotmln


h leek Dr. Plesss, with the af twa

ant wilhaat tha am of a patUele af aleohal.Jast dm nott ai ramady yon aaod to

Maad, ant earn that lassitata ant inslint af a Dr. Piarm’s Goltna Metionl Dismvsry haam tha staato of PuatJC ArraovAL sat km salt mare larfinly in the pant lorty Pints Ikan any othsr Moat parifior aat stomosh tonis.

"gsaw tlBM spe I ass oat if toaMb-^r ssramib ssaand to b» (he Mas at lb* uaekb.” wrt»m Ma. Eoul Wiu-uusn if lMltoHa** Esas.

te dem^yb ah to^jtotoiae at hsiHjw wed ■■ wfihMU^aSTHb'teaC^aMl^irtol^lsSriMsdUiMMtoiM. Ft !• DrryiMse. netaii. N. Y. wbe r**ltit. ■Saitsg tbss I b piBle* wSb ieMcMUMi mM eMMtneSMk. sei ■trWaf Dr. PI MiAmI PniMiryeet ’Pliyiat Nfigi' ,

”Tb»D>«.i**ry’ seT^toibsi.’ Immv *pes awsa aar ■■■m*dS*b*ja*SwbaSla*adan. laeaUMStoveiaiaseselw



By ft. J. Baldwin.

The barrfoMi Is a blenalnl, aad enn be killed by cutUag below the grosnd. If eat suMclenUy low with a baavy mattock or spada that In about tba only way to daal with thani In plncas that ara not culUvatad for farm cropa.

Tha acoompanylag eat whleh la takaa from Michigan Bxparlntont autlon Bnllatlo No. MT. nhows the cbaraoterUtles of the plant and naad.

vaat^ la^tEaT It To comparaOvaiy fraa from tha daagar of any dirt or Uttar accumulaUag from the pea Fine rand dost, flnoly slftad coni nahaa. ate., era vary doalrable mntertala for the dust bath, and the atditloo of IDnn tohaono daat aad pntant prapnmtloan tand to maka It morn aSaetIva.

One of the rankest growing and most disagreeable weeds In Michigan Is tbs common burdock (Arctium minus) It Is not a bad weed In cal- tivated fields and usually dlsappeam from land on which a crop rotation Is practised. Unculttvaied places, such as old paaturea, madsidm. fence cor­ners. orchards and cut over limber lands are places which favor the growth of burdock, and In such places they become a very great nui­sance where farm animals, especially sbeep. come In conUct with the bum. Simply because it it not a

Te Central Chlshen Lies.ProvIstoDs should be made f(»r a

duat bath In every chicken bourn, for the problem of deellng with Roe la greatly reduced by lu presence The objection that It creates duat la great­ly oTereome by lU beneficial features and a closed biUh with a special win­dow in tbe south side aad accessible by a small opening caa be easily oon- stntptfid which bgp SB addlUongl a^-

Raton Pure Bead Poultry.Every farmer should ralae pum

bred poultry. Without quentloo they am better, look better, thrive bettor, loy bottor end will command a bettor prico In tho' opon markot. But thoy will not prove better If given no bet­ter cam than the little scrub ben ou

,tho farm.

^ Uncle Pennywlm Boys:A man with a monoclo always ban

•omotblng to live for.

Are You Aware?-c.



Cdumot kupply the demencl for reiieble poaitionfi in

StoMgraphy aund Shorthand!— Young Men and Women —

Opportunity knocks! Whynotenrofl?

Common BurOoek.

weed to be feared in field crops bur­docks sre often allowed to grow In unused corners, but tbey are unsight­ly snd are liable to be taken m an Indication of lark of thrift and care­less farming. *


Pain* in rhai Keden iwarrrij Kxer Mean Heart lll•eo•e but Irr (•enrrall) I’aaMul bj Indl-


Quality NEVER a speculation here!

N’our moiHfV reaches the fullest extent of its |nirchasinj; power with us. We have a full line of Hi^jh (Oracle 'Teas and ‘-'offees—also a new shipment of dishes to choose from.

Highest Market Price Paid for Butter and Eggs

^’ou^s lor husinesss,

W. S. BRITTONBoth Phones 92, St. Johns

.\l«,st |M-apU- who h«xc heuri dls- I ••us* not knoe it. Most people who | think they ha\e heart disease, haven't ■ Th»-y only think ao. Pain in the re-[ gion of the heart is mistakenly ohp- j

I (loeed to be a symptom of heart dls- ;'ease. !

Just as pain In th,* bark seldom or | nex,-r Indlrstes kidney trouble, so |Mln near the heart is scapcely ,»ver preeent in organic heart ,llseaa»- This

. pain is nearly always from the siom- . arh which la connected with the heart | by many nervse. |

I M’hen yo«ir dlgestloo Is out of or- | der It often effecta the heart and even '

jrauaea an irregularity in its iteet The |! gas pcMluced by undlgveted and fer- i menting fond may cauee preasiire that

I affects the heari unpiseaantly. Hut - I these pains do not mean tbat you have ; heart diaeaae nor need fear sudden ■ death. Try toning up the stomach i aad laara how quickly aad surely you ^

I loae the fear of heart dleeeee. j =Tone up the stomach, (torrect aay

errors of disc Kat the right thinga {* aad not too much of them. If you do o not know what the right thlaga am. ^

laead for our diet book It la froe. o I Don’t starve yourssif aad don’t pam- j *I par your stomach with predlgsstsd | o food sad artificial aMa to dtgssttoa j *

I Tone up your stooHkch an that It sill ' • {do Ma own proper work, don't worry • j about your heart or anything eMw ' *I (worry rauoee aad aggmrataa Indi- geallon) aad you will be well aad happy

Dr Wllliaiua link l*llls are the beat liigeellve logic Improvement beglaa with the limt deoe Firot you notice ea laereoae to ywur aggoilte Then »ou nee that the toad finne am dtntmae you ihet vou am no laager trviebled • an gee. enur rtolaga In tbe ihr*st ■ed thnee mininadigg patac sr*-4ad ihr been Aimgglh and epergt r (lira aad the rl<4i rad Masd taring ihr full anvowat sd aeurlsfiunw* ....La - g ea by foisA, eanrlOB rsneoed I '1 gever* eegna ef th*- bndv I p

D, Wmum* Itek IMU «- '4 i*. , • alt drufiiglBae v, dirs«t bt m sm rrm |gaekic reWTS pr* b«»»IttA ^ the

) ocaXiouocxxsooo:

BOX BALL ALLEYSOpen for business' ju.st w;>st of Travis 1 >rujj Company.

2-CK)OD ALLEYS-2.\ nice clean place. Ladies are invited.


F. G. DECKER5« awe Tew sramr eMUI

LTlcxinfTncgYTrrY^Tt vTonOu

Made Right Sold Right

Tube Rose FlourGrocero and Elevator men like to sell it bccaute

they know that ever) sack they put out will make a satisfied customer.

The br?;t cooks like it htoause they know in ad­vance lust how their Imkings are coming out They knew that their Brwid, Cakes, Piaa and Paatriaa will =ilw«tV-. he .hr ho t iH’v.ui-t lUBE ROSE FLOUR 1-^ .dw ix ihc hf-t (tel : x«ick today nii,! .yu will like it too

Ovid Roller MflaOVID, MKUflOAN.



Let*s Settle ThatOvercoat Question

WcVe got the stock—the largest and best assortment of styles, psttems and weaves ever shown in the county.

The ‘*WelUngton Guard” is one of the season's favor­ites. We san show you a large variety of weaves from which to choose.

Our showing also contains a most liberal assortment of Chesterfields. Ulsterettes. Raglans in all weights, made from fabrics to please the most fastidious.

Come in—now, while the PiTFORis j|^ assortment is complete. The

prices are reasonable.

$10 $50Yo\i think you can't get a good suit at a medixim price? Just tn.ke n look a.! our


'Don’t FreezeCover up

W«'ve a moat comptata atock of fall and wintar Undarwoar. Slalay Brand. Or. Wright'a and lota of oth- ar good makaa In all wolghta. .Noiw la the tima. whila the atock la full.

30c up to S4.30

SKirtsThere are all kinds and makes of

Sn*rts—but you can't find any bet­ter at any price than the Eclipse shirt sold by us. They're color fast.

$1 to $2

Velour HntsYou surely shouldn't mlaa seeing

our comprehansive line of Valours —both domaatic and imported. .

Beautiful new shades.Remember WE CARRY THE


$3 to $3Ce^ps

Just received a large shipment of new English Caps — LONDON MADE. See the nawaat daaigna.

%Oc to Si.50

rURCOATSA stock of 100 Coats to make your

seiection from, including Galloway, Calf. Bear. Dog, Goat. etc. Prices $20.00 up.

C. M. Radfara aad family of St. Jobao were gaaota of Mr. aad Mia. P. W. Redfrra Satarday aad Sunday.

Mr. aad Mie. 1). P. Owea returned iMMue Sunday from a vhdt with friends at Cadillac. Morton aad Ithaca.

Mra. Lulu Hooker want to Ovtd Soturday to vtolt hor mother. Mrs. Morrill.

MIso Molllo Wehotor want to Ihi« rand Monday.

Mrs. Wui. SImoaoon violird her mo­ther, Mrs. J. B. Treooter in St Johan Soturday.

Mrs. Loe aad Mloa Uorthen Spauld- ins of I.rfiaotas were gueota of Mr. aad Mrs Ooo. Naah from Piiday uaUI Monday.

Udmuad INillor of Laaalng was the guaat of hla mother, Mrs. T. Puller, the latter part of laat weak.

Mra. Hottlo Andoiaon to in Lehn- non cafing tor Mra. Lalaad Baxter, who to otok.

lien Owen la on the nick Hot.



Mrs C. N. t'owloo attended the wed­ding of Mlaa HntUe Hllla and Wm. HaJmer of Dollar Bay at Riley lootTueaday.

Mrs. Kto Schaffer and son. Arthur Schaffer, of Bnitos were called here laat Piiday on account of the lllneaa and denth of her eon. Jaane Schaffer, who died PrMay of tphold menlngltla.

Wilt Anderoon has gone to I inning whore he haa employment.

Mr. and Mra. Jaaoe Archer tiring enat of town were gusnta of Mr. and Mra. (loo. Oladatone Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs Tbad Kidder hare mored into the Ononr PVioa house on Knot .Main St.

Sherman Cook was oalled to B1- mlra, Mich., last weak on account of the serious lllneoa of a brother.

Mra. Cheater Blank will hare an auction oale of bar personal property Saturday. .Nor. lad. t'ommancing at 1 o'cloek p. m.

Rar. Jeanette Perris of Grand Rnp- Ids gare a rery interesting talk on Woman Suffnure in lyunatall'a hall laat Piiday nIgtaL

Panama haa elected three rice-prea- dents. The republic may be small, but what It lacks In else. It plainly Is going to make up in jobs.



transformation. Wide Choice of Thormomatara.Summer Boarder—"What kind of in America Is used the ihermometar

•ah are those. sonnyT* ".Mud suekera. of Fahrenheit, a German; In Russia But on the bill of fare at the Flagla that of Gelslus. a Swede, and In Gar- house they are mountain trouL"— main they uae that of Reaumur, a Life. Frenchman.

The scaffolding around St. Mary's church tower haa been removed and all the work completed. The new cross covered with gold can In* eeen for miles

Gen. J. Ksper laat week installed a ras lighting s>«^em In his sister's hotne, the residence of Mr. and Mra. I*ett-r Theisen. n»*.-ir l>eiroll. and Is this week installing one for Joseph Platte, formerl) of Westphalia, now- living on l.uk<- St Flair.

Quite u number of weddings in this vicinity lately

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4♦ HII.KY. ♦♦ ♦

o(xxxxxxxxxxyc>ac3crxx)CKxxx>xyxy^f^noc dooocoocxxxdooooooocx:

Shingles and Galvanized Roofing

\Vf earn'a nirt* a-^-'ortnifm «»t I umluT. L.uh. Shinj^les. (.nn«l In id** l-inHliin;,' I.urn 1m r, Sanh aiul I >t>ors an<l ■ i.ilv.ini/f-l R^M^tl^J^^vVf Fm|»loy skillftl nifii ti» ''iii «»n ihf (laivan- i/ftl RtMifin^.

.Sff 'IS I off \ ou 1>IIV.

The following pupils of the HIley and Olive So 7 m-hool were not ab­sent for the natnih ending Oct 3.'>. 1911: Waunita Rocbwell, Klosale.halna, Myrtle. Fecll and Harold IMow- tuun. Flayton and Dorr Irish. Ray­mond. Albert. Ruth. Itoiis and Robert I'hant. Ruby and Kermlt Foffman, Resale. Jesate ;iiid .N'ellie (ierbeiich. I^wla Peurson. Lyle and l.«eon Hlli- /ard. I'ldniund simI Clyde Hiigueiet. Alvin and Kmmie F.adt, l.4orenzo t hurch* -. P-n-entage of attendance sv Average dally attendance 2'.*

roBgraaaman Joa. W. Pordney, srho Irevwlvad reauaat from Mllaa J. Pur- !oall a few daya ago after all of Mr. PordneyM datas for the raet of tha

loampaigB had baaa aaaigned. tor a )olDt dehata. has rwpBad to Mr. Pur-

irall In vigorous laaguage and baa #x- poaad tha Detnocratlc cmadldate'a campaign ulko aa tissue of rala-aute-

I nients and errors, which Mr. Itordney ' aaoerta. Mr. l*urr#ll hlmaalf ahouid well know.

In hla reply he makaa a compari- aon of hla own public record and Pur- rall'a platform platitudaa aad aaswara

I catagotically the many atatenieau made by the latter oa the stump and

iln dodgers being freely aad aaoay- ' iDoualy circulated to mlarapreaent the I popular coagreaaman. He calls at- ; tentloB to Porrell'a aupport of a maaaura declared uacoaatltutloaal by the ITnltad Btolaa supreme court and

jplliofiaa biro on practically every aa- ! aertion the DemocraUc candidate baa ' made atace the campaign begaa.

rangresamaa Parinay'a Reply.I Mr. Pdrdnay'a reply tollowa:I Saginaw, W. S. Mich.,j Oetoher 11. 1911.' Mr. Mllaa J. Purcell.I Saginaw, Michigan., Dear Sir—

Yours raealved.Aa I am about toJeave the city.

I haaten to give you your Imme­diate reply.

It Is a little late to bring up the I Shaftsburg InddenL for that mat­

ter was left up to you, aad It I would seem aa though you had

waited until all ray bllllnga were out. I am. however, aatlafled that

I the people want continued proa- ' parity and not joint debates.

Vnu say I mlarepreaent. but you doll t si>eciry. I sund with my (srty for protectloa and believe ;! cnnititutional. Your party de- tii rfd iirotection unconatltutlonal

ts''? jtnd It has repeated lu a.-cl;.ri tion this year and. If you * svi- I be lni» rests of the people at heart, you hope your party Is wrong.

The advertisement you altii- bute to me was not paid for by me. Is unknown to me and I have never seen it I am quite sure it Is not printed on the diMlger which la being thrown about the streets to prejudice rotes against my candidacy.^

Where llae« Parrell HlaadfI have not seen the sugar trust

screed to which you allude. huPI have t>een told of things which you have said about me. which were screed, or slips of the tongue Your dodger tells the people that I am a traitor to the farmer for agreeing to a reduc­tion of the tatifT on sugar l>eets You don't tell them that the Dem- crata wanted to remov* the entire tariff and that it was a hitter tight to hold ten per cent You don't tell them that your party was a unit In favor of Canadian recipro­city. whi«-h would put beets and all other farm products on the free list, to the eiemal damna­tion of all KIghth District farm­ers and wage earners Mow many times have you contemptuously n‘ferr<-<l ti» me as a stand|iatter. rale in the Parnt- l.aiw Is below the In the Payni- l.aw Is below the average rate in the fatal M'ilson I.SIW, but that the P.ayne laiw la

iieientiflcally adjusted that It affords both revenue and protec- tl«m and keej>s Foxev'a army em­ploy e<i

How \hwNt the laiw !If you are aa capable .i lawyer


A. WieberPhone No. 11.



Tanks Sunk in Ground Supply Naadad Moisturw—Naad Net Worry

Over Draadad Drouth.

Owners of valuable traea and plants naad no longer worry about drouths If thoff will tosiail the apparatus pat- aatai by a man In tha state of Wash­ington This oompiises a pair of taafeB that are annk to the groaad on atthor aids of the troa. In the bot­tom of thaaa tanka are dlacharga out-


Users of

Golden Rule Flourtltin’l have li.XKINT «»n account of theHour. It’s roll-d fitHT, it’ snuMith-r and More evenin Quality.

TTir fifrain i cltanctl liott r hcforc it to themil- So over tim^ you hu\ a ;;i' k of Golden Rule Flour ytni yvt ;i Better Value for your nionc than

ill do in hiiviiiK a ack of any oth r flour matlc. Juattry a lack and aee.

Iiisi-i u|M>n your Rrt»crr that \i \\ will havT nothing rl e I'ttr sale h\ all grorrr Manufacturrcl by

Fovder RoDo’ MillsooBBPPCPOonocnooooonooooonoonnoc

Bar Warn ring Trass.

lato. aad tha Sow of water thmagh Umoo oaUata la ragwlatod by amaao of plasB Thors Is also a drala apoa- lag la the battaai of oaah raaarvalr

Pip90 axtaad ap frooi Umpo taaha Id ahaaa tha aarhiaa of tha gvwaad.


ago ppopapaiad te blaahWarrlae

Now vaii atlas a all of oar ealUTStad frotta. are pra> daaad from tha saada.

WhUa aaady aatla saw probably Bood for atrawbarriaa. aay aoll sot too rich wtU brlag pood raoalts.

Proas a ttttia ovary year rather thaa too maeh lo oaa year. It will ba moah aaalar tor yoo aad a groat deal batter for tha orehaid.

A maloc sail, whoa kept la aa g»- froeaa coadltkm as loag as pooaihlaw is tha aaraat maaaa to pravaat wtatarktUtog of trass.

Yha holaa far yoar aaw traaa laaol ha OMida largwr aad daap aaongh to raaalva tha aatlra root lyatim with- oat crowd tag or cramplag.

RaaaaoBhar that tha wood aahoa that comm fram tha aoaii Mova. Arm placao or iPraaai aia the hast kind al fartJRMP tw tta orahaat.

barriao aad raiplurilaa aia thraagh fvaiuag. sat ihoai aat aad havh thoai.


sinks this float slowly drop. dt'WL with It and when the top of the float has fallen to the top of the pipe It Is tims to fl|] up again.

Bisht^ wants__ ♦

Choice live PoultryWants now

Hens and chickens that are lull feathered, fat and will weigh 5 lbs. each and over and will pay a fancy price lor fancy slock. If you have it be sure and calland see me.

E. E. BishopR. R. Street E. St. Johns, Mich. Union Phone 297

aa I think you are. you know thnt an income tax which taxes one In- dlrldual and not another Is un­constitutional. You seam to have DO ranpact for the ooastlUitlon nor your raputatlon. nor doaa your dodger have aay raopaet tor me for ravering tha eonsUtutlon. You do not tall tha people that my cotnmiUaa reconunandad a corporation tax which la const 1- tuttonat and which ylddad |S3,- 000,000 of revenue laat year.

Your dodger would mislead aa to the ITnltad States aanatora. I voted against It In the flrat atagaa. aa did many othera, but Denao- crata aad Republicans all votad for It when fairly amended.

Your dodger talla the people that I voted for government by injunction, when jrou well know j there never was and never will j be aucb a thing. The injunction j law dealt fairly with erery hon­est. conaclentloua. law-abiding wage earner, farmer and mer­chant. who lovea the stars and the atrlpea. Irrespactlre of fraternal, church and political aflUlaUona. .ind you know It.

Dodger Tells .4h«elale Lie.Your dodger tells the people an

absolute He when It states, as you have repeatedly ttatfM. that I voted against reducing the tariff on lumber. I brought In a recom- niendatiou for a .50 per cent re­duction. making the rate one dol­lar. The senate added fifty cents l»er thousand feet and the Con­ference Fommitte** made the rate 11.35 per thousand, a reduction of 7:ic per thousand. You know this, for yiMi carry the Fongresional Record with you

You aay that I opposed a reduc­tion on raw augar. and If you will read the record, you will And that the trust offlclala were the people who wanted raw sugar free, to enable them to get foreign sugar rhea|»er and thus kill the sugar beet Industry, after which they would again put reflnetl augar to 7>^c. aa they did last summer, when beet sugar com)>etition had temporarily ceased.

Your dodger does not tell the whole truth about iny failing to vote You don't tell the people that a very targe percentage of my time was used «»n the Wuys and Means Fommlitee and the Hugar Investigating Committee.You know that, for the recr»nl

atataa IL Point to a single vote, vital to the Intarast of this dla- triet that 1 mlosad, which went wrong, and voting does not al­ways add weight to a raeoid—it'a deciding and acting aad you know it. for the record proves that.

riaasaa Pnrrell na fNIke Masher.You aay I have bad fourteen

years In ofltoe. Why don't you tell the people of your expatieace with the Proaecutor'a ofBce and that of Circuit Judge? May be othera which may cover more than fourteen years. I have not aanrehed your records.

But 1 am In a hurry and must close with another word—If you were not running for office, you would have to admit that I have l>eea at least an average repre­sentative who fights In the open and for hla constiuenta, for I have been fighting for your proapaiity with that of the rest of the people.

I assume the above referred to dodger la yours for it reads exact­ly like your reported speeches.

—Saginaw Fourier Herald.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦^ DALLAM. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mllaa Talt aad wife from near Ma­ple RapWa spent Sunday with hla par­ents. Mr. aad Mrs. William IlslL

Mlaa Marlon Pattavaon who wm quite sick laat week la raurb bettor.

Mr. and Mra. Wm. Talt and Mr. and Mra. Brford Naah ware In SL. Johns Saturday.

The next meeting of the Beach cem­etery anoodatlOB will be bald at tho home of Mra. Jamaa Doyla Saturday. November 2. Rvarybody InteraoCad Invitad to attand.

Fbarela Cola went Friday to .Near Havan. Gratiot county to vlalt fiienda a few daya.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benjamin and daughter. Opal and little Mlaa BtUa MrPberaon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Patteraoo and famllr.

TRY NEWS JOB DEPT, for up-to-date work.

Which You are sure to l)e if You use


GoodsI'or Mominj;j, NvMin and


The jrjHids \v»' hake are jtilly jjfMul. hence itilly thosewho eat

rhey’Il put You in a jolly mood—they save the Cook sttive heal.

Roy J, GrahamWalker St. E. St. Johns

The quiokaat growing traa for a ■halter bait la the willow.

niaokberiiea are started from aprouU and by root eatUnga.

After tha raspbarrlaa are tbrongh fruiting, the old caaas are taken oni.

Old oanaa of all bnunbla borvf <baahoa am book ank agk trtHD thao*^ tmitlnM


Wednesday, Nov. 6thI'OMMKY ISO IT !•» o'f l.fM'K SIM HI', \. M.

IIDKMKM.Meri barae.

I’ATTLK.RIleh row, 9 yv*. aid, dae Kela St*.

, Calf • am*. <»ld. extra gwad mn

HHBKP.£f Breeding ewes.

RH'annIfk Mndar.S Plana ■■were.Hay rnha.Hay Tedder.Kmptir groin drllL

: .4aM‘iiraa twa.wlM'el raltltakar.S ane.barae cnlti«nlar«-

' Heller . RUaell plaw.I HIrrh plow.t lever «tHiag.SaaAu dtsgii.

iWead feaoae ap*.«ag*tae'h drag.S «plka.laakli drags.WIde.tIri wagon, nearly new.

' KIni roek aad •taek rock ramhined.

Mel lion Ih. Knlrlmak srolaa. Mingle lap baggy.Mat daahle hnroe«».Hlagle hnrne*ft.Met liynaka. t'aro sheller.Water cream ■eparokar.SS9 ■haelia cavn.M groin hags.

Hay fork wHb ISt fl rope and palley.. Bnrr»l eiwiro.Net damp baaida. Parha, ugavela, baea and■ad haaL ,tae aamaraai la mroMaa

TKmiN $Lm ar oadar, roaht aver that amaaal one year's tiam ea owed bankahle nake», drowtagd per roat per aaaagk FRCK M'Yf H AT JktNIN.



Frank Treest«r,Wm. Staffing, Clerk R. L. Bisfajr, Auetksneer


Compare VsJues!That IS wiiaft to do.

We can save you money on Furniture and we know it - but you cannot know it without a careful comparison. That is why we say - compare


Undwtakar. . RUGS CARPETS

\'hi Thm Chmrckm*

■BTHODIflT IFIMWAL MOnm.TIm umuU —rrjjM will to toM am

Suatojr with pr—cihlag bjr tto pMCor both mormiiMr mmd aramUtM.

Pmjror wtl— ooeh Thurtoor •olac at 7;M.

You wUI Had a oonUal woIooom at all at oar oorrtoaa

Bapdat ekBrea la tto tatirito of tto Haalaii toaM far Bava at tto Baptlat otorah Waimriai' aaoalas, Wovabur •to. “Olro tto Boy a Ctoaao.’* Hot- atoe U Swift will tiro aa lllootratoi laacaio at bia work aoMot kla two Ybouaaari boyo to baa raocuto ftoai tto alviaa. Many at tto viowa will bo

,af tto frloatfloaa aad booMloaa lada ! aa to toda ttoai slooplac la boxoo aad barroM of oar large oHlas, aad tkoa

BAPTMT ('HUBC7H BIOTKii.Tho aablaet of tto oonaon at tto

Baptlat eharch aoat Buaday aomlag at taa thirty, will to “Coatlnuoua Croaa Baarlat **

Tto Ladloa' Aid Bocloty of the Hap- tiat church will aorro a chicken p4o auppor at tto dining roon of the rhuneh Saturday eroalng. Not. Mh. at tho boar of alz.

Paator J. B. Urogory haa a place where to can uae a large ataod oTor> coat to giro to a tnaa who la worthy and where It will do a good deal of good In more than one way. Tetepboae 276 blue.

A free lecture will to giren at tto

lads after they hare beeoene tamed aad rlrlltsed. It will be a PRHK the riewo will take the eudleaee all

|oTor the farm aad through tto balld> Ingi the aaaee aa if owe were rloltlag

I the work. Tto Little Boy Blue of tto Beulah Phm> will delict oTeryoae

' with hla epeelilag aad alaglag. Ad- ; tnlaoloa free. Offerlag reeclred.

**If jrou would know the wealth of the pemnaula. look about you.'*

Tim it a trantladon of the words. “Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam. Circum- tpice.'* engraved below the shield on the great teal of the State of Michigan.

Did YOU know that?

Michigan has ever been a wealthy state. When it was still a territory the two penin' sulas were rich in natural resources. Every­where wealth could be seen. There were the great black forests, the magnificent waterways, and the vast areas of fertile lands awaiting but the plow of the husbandman.

Then, to know Michigan's wealth, it was only necessary to “look about you."

The treasures of that day have been TRANSFORMED into USEFUL WEIALTH by the tilling of the soli of many rich farms, the operation of mines, the building of factories and railroads.

The Protective policy of the REPUB­LICAN PARTY has made this trans­formation of wealth possible. Tlie protec­tion atforded the farmer and the industries has kept the proud boast on the great seal.

The aggregate wealth of the state today must be figured in billions. The assessed valuation, only a portion of the total actual wealth of the state, is nearly TWO BILLION DOLLARS.

Now, it has never YET been necessary to change Michigan’s motto. But ONCE in 50 years did it seem PROBABLE the words woald turn to empty jest. That was in the days of 1692-18% under the tariff policy of the Democratic party.

During the brief period following the rise of the Democrats to power in national atfairs. Prosperity was working on half time at about half pay. The value of farm property alone in Michigan dropped overFORTY-nVE MILLION DOLLARS. No trifling sum.

But the people toon returned the Repub­lican party to power. What effect did Protection have on farm values?

According to the U. S. census of 1910, the value of ALi^ Michigan fam property increased, under Protection, in ten yearsFOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.

That's an iocrei

Due to other cs

of 57.7 per

yon BMy say.

Strange, is it not. that fm vahiis in this stale diould DROP froni gpprogimetely $646,000,000 in 1690 lo $603,000,000 antoidiiltly gfitr the pato^ of the Denascmtic tariff? Than, ii it not peeuliar that, vrith the REIPEAL of the measure, vehiee ehould baghi a STEADY RISE, kerearing $66.00a000 in m yenre and $40a000,000 m tha foUawmg lan yaaia?



A. J,


And there were 2,842 MORE farms MORTGAGED in the Democratic year of 18^ than in the Republican year of 1910.

Again seeking power, the Democradc party NOW oflers you the SAME tariff policy it otfered THEN. The tarifl plank of the Democratic platform of 1892 has been nailed to the platform of 1912. It declares for a free trade policy which YOU know closed Michigan factories, threw toil­ers out of emplo3rnient and mortgaged Michigan farms.

When the FARMER is rich, die NATION is rich. Providence determines the SIZE of the crop, of course, but only the best economic conditions in the indus­trial world can possibly make farm produce VALUABLE. It is the protected work­ingman s demand and his ABILITY TO PAY for the necessities of life that make the crops worth harvesting.

And the farmer in Michigan IS prosperous.

In 1909—the last census report avail­able—his com crop was worth nearly thirty million dollars; hay. thirty-six millions; oats, eighteen millions; wheat, sixteen millions, and rye. four million dollars.

Read those figures over again. They are astounding.

The average value of farm land in this state, per acre, has increased $6.36 in the past decade.

How closely the entire industrial life of the state responds to the changes in the welfare of the farmer is shown by the fact that now, under Republican rule, there are 7,000 MORE FACTORIES in Michi­gan. employing a QUARTER MILLION MORE PEOPLE at a 40 per cent HIGHER WAGE than in 1894.

These figures give some Idea of the wealth YOU may see by simply “looking around." ^ YOU going to DISTURB this prosperity? Place Michigan's wealth in JEOPARDY? Do YOU want to take the chance?

Would YOU vote deliberately to return to the conditions of I8%?

Or %rill you vote the Republican ticket m6 LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE?

Would you conserve and proleet the wealth of the great stale of Michigan 3rou see all around you—the wealth that is npramntid. alone in granaries aad fae- lorsas and mines and storehouses, but the wealth portrayed in the happy countenance of the chikhnn of vreihfMtol workers aad the wealth represented in comfortable homes ami commled faimlies?

Or wmild you strike from the great aaal of the Slale of Middgmi the srerds «n- hleianid there fer three quaiteis of a

uBiTi jiBT or aim.Mrs. 3torBsrst Mock ps—^ ssrsjr at

tor hooM la this dtr liiuradar mom- las. Oct S4. ISIS, aaed SS yaars.

I Marsarst BailUi waa bom la Waya* |ooanty. Ohio. April S. ISSS. At tto , sas oC SO yaara she waa uattod la aMr- rtaee to Jacob B. Mock aad ttoy oaaM

. to Mlcblaati in 187S. To thla iialoa throe soaa aad four dauehters were

j bora, latab aad Galrlii Mock ol this dty, and John Mock of Mfmtrose. Mich

, Mrs. Mary Berlnstoo aad Mrs. Oeo. ' lawnsbury of this dty, Mrs. Reuboa Ht. ('lair of Uirtnlncfaaai. Mlcta., sad Mrs. I*hlllp SrloB of Orld. Bhe also Isaves a sister M years oM.

Funeral services conducted by Rev. J. H. Wilcox, were told at the home last Saturday afternoon. She was laid to rest in St Johns' cemetery by the side of her husband aad dauich- ter, both of whom preceded her in death.

i'ABDh or TH.l.VKH- We wish to ex- preos our thanks to our friends aad neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the sloknem and death of our dear mother, Mrs. Mock, also for the beautiful floral oaeiiaas; Mrs. Scboaahals, sod Mrs. Marshall for aelections rendered sad the Rev. Mr. Wilcox for his kind words of sympathy.

The Children.

OBI'n .VBY.Mrs. Kltubeth A. Sly waa bora

Juae 24. ISSS. la Oaylord, Wayne Oo.. N. Y.. and died Oct 1C. 1912, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oeo. W. Clark, in lamainc She arms united In maniajre to Francis Twentainon In 184S. He died in ISlil. One child mrmm born to this union. Mrs. C. H. Stevens

Deceased was unitbd in marrlane to E. W. laither in 18&3. Four children

(were bora to this union. J. W. Luther and Mrs. O. W. Clark, who survive her aad two who passed atoy in chll- hpod. She Is survived by 39 Krsod- chlldren and 27 xreat irrandchlldren.

I She Joined the llsptlst church when a girl of IS years and waa always a regaiar attendant as long as she was able to get out.

r.lHH OF THANKti- We wish to thank all srho so kindly assisted us during the sicknees aad burial of our loved one; also for the beautiful floral offerings. (Signed).

Mrs. A. hi Jones.Mrs. Henry Jones.Mr. and Mrs. W. A

and family.

I^ckmg the PhunsTto ssaoaa far plwa pirhiair is aal

risttUtod la a kwiat partad tto eaHy part at Ito saaaaa.

We try aaS la largat that Ito wa- man wto to ivady la bay NOW to mat lalsrtilad la what wa ihawad Iasi ■mam- -bal sto to latocaslad la whal we stow Jast wBsa sto to UADT TO WTT.

Ha wa ptaa la be rsady al all times

Newaad salla aad atkar llat« af wamsa's garmsals are ramlag ■■ rasMiaatty— aad will ceaMaae la rams aatll Ito vary ead af tto saaaaa.

Lale bayers find as stow els--If they raaie aamag the FIIIHT. Yen always have Hrst "plek** at Uw pinms when yen bay tore.

Thai is a fealare which we are rs- rdvlag a great deal at praise fer new* adays.

toe bayers find as prspared te w Jast m new and dlstinetlve amd- -and Jast as csmplele sleahs-.as


If yi salt eithat ai

Ito amhers ef Weellex gar- help as te carry It eat te every i*s satltfartlea.

■ are rsady te bay year winter rent ceme aad see tto plams

^ rsady fer plekJag this week.. 777



Holy communion at 10:20 next Hun- day. h>enlng service at 7:00 o'clock, subject. "The Communion of Hsints."


ff the

Devfl's Foot

Ne. aik Here's s dashing coat for the smart drsaaer. Tto style motif Is the Ruaalsn bkmoe effect. The mix­ture of harmonious colors in the fab­ric form a reversible effect which to apparent In the bullon-nap. which may be worn buttoned cioac as a storm collar, or la a fold back revere. This la s light bat warm coat, made throughout with tto care aad thor- oughneaa aa all Wboltex garmeata are made, and la reasonably priced at

Na. 777.—You'll like this exclusive WooRax coat, the "New aieagarry," a perfact exanaple of the many polnm of auparlotity la tailoiing and finish that charactarlxc all Wooltex gar­ments. The proteeUve collar buttons high over tto ahouMer; the saml- belted back aad tab fastening la froat are other attractive features of this coat. The matsrlala are doub- le-fsced cloth la three shade# of brown, gray, blue or la novelty mlz- turea or atrlpaa. Price maJS.

WooHex'Coato $10 to $25 Wooltez Suits $20 to $35WocJtex %irt8 $5 to $10

See them NOW—while the aelection is best









Oar Blanket Line is the Best Ever

JOHN HICKS33 i Unton Avonue St Johna, Mkhlgnn

'^The Store That SeUs Wooltex”

Two remarkably inter­esting reminiscences of rile famous detective


wiU appear in sucoead- ing inatallments of tbit paper. It's reaUy very

^ simple, the way Holmoi ^ unravels the mytterknia 'crimes narrated in

theae atorias.


Ht. Johns. Mich., Oct. 31, 1912.

GRAim.Wheat, white Wheat, red Oats Rye

I Choice hand picked -------Other beans 7c per bu. for each lb.own shelled, per bushel-----------^ 76Clover seed. June -----------------Clover seed. Mammoth------------IIO.WClover, Alyake----------——- 111.®®

LIVE BTOCE.CattJa. fattad----------------- IkW O

1 Veal calvee . ------- I*-®® £ JJ-JJi Hogs, per cwt —..... Id.OO 9iLambe. per cwt---------$6.80 • H ®®

DRBHBBD RBATB.Reef, dressed--------------17.00 • W-WI'ork. dreaeed ... I* ®® •.•* ®®Talves. dreeeed--------------------Veal calves ___ IS.®® • $8.50

live PfllTLTBV.Heaa. large, fat.......... .........................—•Young ChicksDucka. large, fat Oaese ..Turkeye

HIRBRBeef hMas . Horee hldeeOalf

If Ywr OwwdIMywMrsRR mrnrni



_____ ________________ H te ti.ooPROni^ TEGBTABLRR. FRITITB.Buttar -------------------------- I*



We are now in our New Home

under the opera house, where srb will welcome all our old euatomain aad aa many new ones aa will come. *We have aa complaCe a Has at Hard Coal Heating Btoves aa oaa ba found la tto county. Our com­bination Renown Stove that burns ALL THE SMOKE AND (iASRS. has ao equal. We have Just racelvad a large aeeortxneat of Alumlnom Cooking ('tenells (wear srell. none better made) and our prices are right

Commencing November 4 we will grind FREE OF CHAROE, one pair of abaars or aciaaore for every lady that will peiaonally biiaa tbam to our store. We have a new grinder made sapeclally for th^ work. .Hhears ground while you watt.

Bresien Bros.St Jotaut, Mich.


No 1 Ttmothy -----Nn. 2 Ttntohy .Vo. 1 Clover, mixed Nn. I Clover —m hard Wand. aUxed Wnad. soft

11% • 1$

ta.i6I1.H e $Ln

I bar Itee panltfr Ito ynar atom DTRON rwUfIJHT.

RANT DEWITT. ♦ i tended tto ehlekan pie rapper end. at Bath Batariay sTsalng♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Henry Sator af Lratong spent tto

------------ ^ weak ^ with hto family la thto vt-Mr aad Mrs. Leato Vatalaat spent 1 ‘‘tolty.*

Senday at Laaatag. Mlaa Oladpa Makar af St Jatos•averal fran Uito ptaae ware at [epent totarday aad toaday wtih tor

parenia. Mr. and Mra Hi. Makar and family.

Mtoa EUmI OanhHa at Bath rtaltad Um Love aahnal last Prtday —---------

to tto




The epeaetoe were well wnrth Itotaa- Itag to and a larpe rrsqsd waa preatot.

Mm. R Mitor and daadtom Dartto rstaraei from •« Jtoaa Wiiamlsy

a tw' waato' eea?wtli have an aeeiton

sals 4m Thnatotor. CACTpR[ARe to tolm anplgRi



Management of Governmental Affairs Economioat.


«• FavArtftf

A klndtr g« make* him countrymen friends and

**AAd «• censinn.l to tiM att»nttfH> of tiM volora Prooldont Toft's bust BOOS ■onogooioot of govornmootol af teirs."

Thooe words ore tokso Iron o roso InttOB odoptod bjr o bod) of reprraen lotlve ropublicoos In convention sr sembled ot Ceotonrille in 8t. Jose:<" cooaty at the eod of lost month Aim liar derlorottoos bore boen mode all over the state. The republicans of Mlrhlgon are level-headed men. Ta|v does not confuse them: idle promise* do not swerve them And. above ;iU. the MlrbUton Republicans are loyal Local Issues may. perhaps, affect bt* vote In some localities but on n« tional and state matters be votes thi- ticket straight. He has done so fer years and he will do so again on .N'o vernber 6th neat. Why should a It** publican not vote for William II Taft?

Compare the President with his two leading opponents and wherein dn«-3 be suffci ? Is he not the h'rhest tyi.» of a representative Amen. *

Can we not point to him an ,usti f ibli pride aa the head of the gr<

t government of the world? D' not command the rest>ect and a«i

V ration of every foreign power* Is not a man irasullied by even the

I ath of scandal or the suggesti4^n c* suspiricn*

le of his opponents is Mr. Thi'<« doie Roosevelt, himself a forui: pn-.ident of the I'liited ittatee .M- Roo*»*ve|t at one time—to i»e incr-* specihe. four years »»go- -espre-m-U r. \ opinion of Mr. Taft He said .Mr T.^ i was "the man who I feel is in an e-- pecial •'ense the representative oi ail that SI hi believe in most in |ai;i leal lift

■*To a (taming hatred of injusti** to a acf’Mi of all that ia itase • mean, to 'i heartr symiathy with i- ■* oppressed, he unites entire dis*nt< ■ estedness, <'Oura<;iV both moral ’r ! pbyairal. of thr v«. > higiiest type .1 1

'fit) of nature wh i that all bis fel|o\« in ■ -rv truth h •rs—

lliat waa .Mr. ikuoaevrii s calm ar >1 deliberate opinioa before he himse'f had been carried away by the futi.i maelstrom of iieraoual ambition

Pnaslng over .Mr. Taft's personal'.tv, the question arises for the voter whether the president's administra­tion of Ma high office has been hn<-'> aa to deny him the historic right ' n second term.

IVTint has Mr. Taft^arrompllshe! He has i>een essentially an apostit- - usiverani peace and a promoter c national bnpptnesa and prospe<-i« His efforts for arbitration treaties hia treatment of the Cuban situation, hit handling of the vexatious trouble.. In Mexico have stamped him as nn- Of the great statesmen of the wort-* today How strong was not Utc temptation to occupy once more Cu’ and risk the spilling of tbe blood ni Americao soldtera In a dubious rau^e* Other men. leas far seeing and p:« trtotir might long before this ha' - ordered the United iitatee army m croas tbe .Mexican border and there by povoke a war. which with its lor of lives and enormous cost would lii> pose a heavy burden on the taxpayer pnralyxe trade In many states and at bent gain .'or this country but s^ glory.

Mr. Taft's part in the building - tbe Panama canal, destined to h«- c*-. of the greatest agents for tbe peacfful intercourse of nations, will be of Vs.'i ing value. .Mready the entire * lilted world if filled srith asloni*^ ment and admiration at the manne in which this gigantic taak has be.- coBcelvcd, carritsd out and is non rapidly nearinr completion

In the administration of home s fairs Mr Tsft has placed tbe affaln of the government on a basin* basis The delicit of his predeceftkO' has been wiped out sad the vatiou departments are now working with t. their appropriations Aye, more thut that; ihe postal service for the time In Its history is bsiag ftaan* ***1 by its current receipts and baa a su^ plus to Its credit Ry Mr. Taft’s wise sdmlaistration. agriculture aad indu-- tries have received aa impetus with out parallel In the history of the rnited Ptatea Proaperlty reigns every where The grain bias groan beaeath their golden hurdemi. Bnioke isaae- forth from tbe tall smoke •tacks of every factory AH wheels are turnlag. 'There are no idlers In this ountry The Irony of fate has It even that pvegpavtty deas not halt aad besltaie durlag the tunaoll of r pvuaideattal eleettaa

la all falraeaa. la Prsaldaat Taft aot entitled to a sscaad lena* Dr got the vsiera* own selhaM ’ Interests eampei him to vote for Ihe Repehli cap narty and a sense of fair plav aad sqaare doaltag urge him to vi. fgr Mr Taft*

Aa*i Mr Vosor risaas do got for fgt the raai Uhl M betweenMr Woodrww WUaoo aad rreatdee Taft To waaken Mr Taft bv vo: * t for th'fd psvtv cvndtdate 1» saw £• ta^Mah H— »-*te ware rs- dirs" » M lieor ntt* hr* : trad* r^vitey ihM doate aaaNiiis’X'*'•f I

la •« middle way ahaai ' Tan <eee( rote Ue RggaMtoaa •fww * r lea deom er yaar »

, w aftag ia awr iMa the hands e*

r«emyt iKpiMaf aaa

•ale Ferih Hte Reeaene•wfreeshisaiwset ef Wsieae.

la aa atklrMs U» a luaas meeting of aaffragtsta ttuveraor dalmm aalvl lu pan:

I believe ••uinetluMw I have asenaured goremamuls and uMiikiiid iiy the insii Bar in whlcli they treat tbelr w«>nsen. You may always judge luvigrtaa by llii- standard.

lu age** |M«t men looked upon women aa tbelr burden Itenrem. mimI there iirr still many wliu look upon ammen ns good <Niiy for soaw of tbe tew* iints*. tani work

I have never liearvl i*! one single i-ev son ngalnsi isinal snfTntge. Hue tiling that has ln(t'jeoee«l toe more than niiy thing else III fanvr of e*|ual suffruge is Ihe type of the «it»|MMltl4»u. I bare at lAinsina simI It Is true in otlier plaf-es SM well armyeil against tli<*|


Poople Trust k. Says Woodrow Wialon in Brooklyn Speech,tuad It Must Make .Good.

go(Ml vroUN-ii of tbv* slate all I In* eie j meiits wlik-h make for .awlessne—. {evil ami for hiirtfuliiess t«* m^m-rai s** i clef.v If Iwd lueu of the state are nr 1 mvetl agiilnsi gisid women <»f tin* sinle I in tlM‘lr light for e«|iisl siifTrage I huh* * tbe g*Ns| im*n to help the wometi. I

If •Niiinl siiftmgi' can <l<* for Mh'hi ' gan what It lias «l**iie for <’<tloni<lo iit'«I | otiier sintes wli**n* it lias Iweii tri«>*l iiui.v ' H<n1 grant thni it iiiny c«>nie to us m. .w. |

Tliere Is iiolliing In this luoreuieul to dewoniuiilxc woiuuii. You may still In* I the ireiille woiiinii «»f tine fllier that | .roll liave iilwnvn |iv>eii. if wnniairH in- j ffueiHv* hns luatle f<*r the rrsMl *if the , home an<l for ttie gtssl tmlnins <*f ,liteti in the .rears g«»iie hy tlieii women | should In> given n whier wco|ie. |

(hssl men are glad to .nrrav them j selves iiii«ler the lainiier of gtssl wo | men

1 wuut t** pvit myself on re*'*»nl m»w qml for njl time In favor of equal siif- I

GOVERNOR CHASE S. OSBORN.Oovemor I'hsas R. Osborn of Michlasr

was bom In liuntlnaton county. Ind.. Jsn S, IMO, of KnglUh, Irish snd Kreneh «1- scent. After his school days he eokss^ In newsps|ier work In l,afayette, ind Chioego simS Milwaukee, subeequenll owning the K*)orenco (WIs.) Mining New snd dsull Hie Msrte (Mtch.i News, and I today one of Ihe owners of ths gsginat

•Courier. Mersld.Mr. Osborn has for many yearn bee

prominent in Michigan polltlca He hn held the position of postmaster at Hau Ste. Marie state gasse and Ash wardei oommissioiier nf railroads and regent <> tbe I’nlveisity of Michigan, raaigning tl latter when hs was electad governor b 1910

He has Iravsled In every stats of II 1,'nlon snd in all <ouaiiies of Kurof North and Houth America. In most < uui trios of Asia and Afriea. Australia, Ne ZasUnd. i.'hma. Japan, the PbUipptne Siberia HatKiwicb Islands, etc.

Wherever be has gone he has been student of the (lollilcal and social life <- tbs counirx Mr Osborn has always l>e interested in things of a acbolariy natii and la a meinisrr of a number of arlenti and other learned aoctetlsa. tbe Mirhig Prees aaam-iaikHi (of which he la ex.pr* Ident I, and hoMs the degree of I.L l> fr*- the L.’nlversliv of Michigan, Olivet coll* and AIiimi t'ollege

It was b\ his special massage to t Isgislatur*- that tbe propueed eoastliuli amendment for equal suffrage was <t sidered und submitted to vole at tbe ro.n lag election

frngp. and I went y»»n to get nil the n .* of the men record It* that effect,

Thent* la n new spirit of fnlrtN**- abma<l In Hie liintl. I Imve got to u point of |•artlsAUship where I can A mighty gTMMt man In even a gt* .<1 Democrat Kidlng on the crest »»f ihu sptrit Is ilie fairness which !• hringlnu vfetoTT to the canae for which au bmiit gnvemors and other gnnd fieople are working, aail I wtah you aucraaa.

Os )ro« know that wowvsn vote in Wysmiwg. Calseggg. Ukah. idoha. Wsahmgkow mt»4 Caltfoe* ntaf

Why n«t to Mtshigonf Da jrow know that wowton vaka

hi Ns sway, Finland. Auakealta and Now laaland avid Hwtss paskial ssfFeaga In sMvor ao«n« teloar

Do you know Ihot wosnon son now eoka tn ChtnaT

Voka lor Iha wosawn swRewga smandsaant Nwv. i.

iMpj^uos. MTogswit

BUSY MACCABEES•psoadinp kbq OtMgal Foe Igwol •«>•.

♦eags In htuhigan.Ths logNw oJ the MaAw

ta MIHMgsM gfw wggtug s^ ran pu<i hahalf of wtsal 1

Thave atw MUrtf-siaht Weua lu < ttteii slows, khik wmmmrn jMfw tlaiMHaji. Mabs •tpaty. hag hMia

•b ffko her whaN RUN f 4g lhaae

hv 9ha.

Sag Gift. N. J.—Woodrow Wllm at | tba **Uttla White Houas" at 8au Otrt la dally oallad upon to doasoastrate his ability aa a raady apoahar.

Tharo Is not a day passes bat what ho aiaate various dolspatloaa who sail to aaaara him of thoir sapport.

Ia apaahlag of politlsal laarhlaos to tho Brooklyn Doaaoeratle elub Oovwr. Bor WQaoa aald: "Maehtagg ars bad. but an ivrpinlikHoii aany bo vary aa- ■antlal . For Inataneo. I havo baao sarronnAbd by aa orgnnlaatlon baro In Naw Jaraay wblla doing giy boot work. A macblno uaao Its political opportn* nitlao for tbo aolflkh onds of its mote* barn. No tnmbsrs of oar omantiatlon would ovar think of dot^g that. Pub- He opinion In Naw Jaraay has drawn tho dtotlnetlon. It baa killed tho ma- ehlaao, aad It la going to heap tho or> ganlattoa going.

*Tt soems to lao that we are stand* lag In tho preaonco of somothlng high* ar than allaglanea to tba Democratic party. Tbo country has boas dlaap- polntod In tba Republican party, and It Is turning to tbe Damoeratic party. That I *r*y fa wHlIng to show tha wgy tovrgru thnaa thtnga which must ba raallxad

'*8ome gantlamen seem to find It aaay to maka paraonallui . nut of poll- tleo, but It aoams to ma that vi heaevet that la doaa politics Is dabassd.

"Man who are In saarcb of rafona are now rsoortlng to tlM Democratft party, bocauao. for my own part, I do not know whara alsa thay vrlll torn to •*zpaet tba raaults. Tbara la no dla counting tha strength and sarvtcaubil tty of a united party, and tha splendid part Is that tha Dsuiocratlc party U united.

"Speaking seriously, nothing alfordk pag more genuiif Sl*Afura tban^teja

.O0TU Mia' grssfTuii from man la Jar say who havo at Inaat tented my qnnll- tlaa. B sennas you havo known ms at dona mage and If you will ba kind enough to vouch for ma perhaps ths ram of tha country will ba cmdoloua of roar report.

'T have spent a grunt dual of Ums alnea I bacasM governor of Now Jar say dafandlag your eharactar. It wm suppoaad la tha old days, whoa ths board of guardians was In charge of tha state, that you wars all of yoc disponed to give tha moat monopolla tie trusts In tha country a great rteg ing vralooma In Naw Jersey.

"Naw Jersey was knovm as th< mother of tmste—a vary trouMteoms aad qnastlonabla family—and I bad ts spend my tUaa outsida Naw Jersey aa Burtag tha people of tha Union that II had not boM tha fault or tha dtoposi tloa of tha people of Naw.Jaroay thal there ware oartatn gantlamen who lia<! undertaken to carry tba Rapubllent party in thair pockets snd to sdralnis tor Independently of tha rank sad fll< of Republicans In tha state.

"Now Jorsey Is progrossivo. but thi United States Is progroaslvc, and wg have hero merely a dellghtfal aamplk of tbe pconla of the United States, j

'’Now. these T>*«pla are not bant oe' doatroying anything, but they are ban! on sotting everything in order; they are bant upon justice; they are bout upon Rasing to it that the people fo ■anaral are partners of tha govt-m aaat, aa I was trying to show th* ntbor day. And the Democrntic part) la now placed under a peculiar reapnn slblllty. It has to prove that It l» tha worthy instruasant of that xaal on tbe part of the people of tho Uniled States. If It does not prove it now it will never be given another chance to {rove jt.. party, thgl proves ^

fhithful to tkaf Ideal ever apaln ba trusted hy tha paopls of Amstiea. And thoroforo wo aro standing at a turning potat la our poUttca. Wo must maka pood or po oat of bustnssa. Ia tho voraacolar, it la a caao of 'pat up or shut up.' bocuues words are going to bo dlacountod. Nothing will ho boa* ored oaeopt tho aeCaal carrying out of such pregrems as soaolMa mon may talte in for tbo common bonaflt.**

Mai'or of Crogontisls.*T am boDoot. intalllpant. dlscroot,

IndaRtrloas. sod cnpobla of making friends.” said tbo young man who wna looking for employssunt. ‘'Well," re­plied Senator Sorgbum. "you ought to pm along; although I have soon s lot of moo go boforo convontlons with thooe same rscommsndattona snd fall to got mors than a complimentary note."

Art of Cooke* /."The art of cookery' la hr old as his­

tory; Its development me«eares tba developmem of Hvlllsotln**. More poo pie are ensaged in rooking all or a pan of their time than in any othar occupation. On tbe selection and prep­aration of food depends, more than on any other etncie fartor. the health and consequent happiness snd prosperity of marking"—American School of Home Economics.

mCHIGAW WOMAN ^Rekwree ke Cimmgisw kfie Csess af

All recognise the eminence of Hei j .%naa Mhaw among the prominent worn I an of the worfd.I 11 is liecanse of bar devotleo ko bet old boine state that Mias Mhaw agreetl to return long *‘Bottgb to take an active

I fHirt In the <-am|Miign favoring thei I'oasttlutlrNMl snieiMlmeni to give .Mtcb Igau wiMuen the right of soffrage wblcti l« to lie vtgeil oil St the genera* election In .N’i*renilier.

The «*NU*e of equal MUffrage In Mictil gan Is s|ie<-|nl|y fii«*>re«l in Imvliig till* ootfvl vriHiinii for s climniiion. sihI Ik •mier that all \vh** may la* no furtuiiul* a» ti* hoNr <*r reoil arhai stie has t** say may also Imve u mure Inlliunl* Ni-^inaintMiH-e with her an extract I* irivei* lielow fr**tii what she lia* writ tell :;iHMit tier ettrly life in Mirliigmi;

••\V** went to iM*ntK*m \llrlilgnn wIk-i I was only twelve years ohl. Tb* **Hiulr> was very wlhl and ver.v uii settleil. iM-lKl>lM*rs s«» far a|tart that w* ««-i«l.iiii saw e.ii*li oth*-r. There w*-n ver.v little tf*ss| •M-|i<M»llni; ot*|s*rtiiul lies, hul I made tin* moat of evt-r' <'tfMii«e that was given me aiwi wns oiiishlensl I*) tlH> authorities lutve tb* mark ill to len<-h Nrhis*l wlieii 1 was flftt-eii. aiMl s«i my t-nreer of a self su)i iNtrtliiK w**iiiaii tiegnii at that ng«* nirl I liave l;*-|ii It up ev«-r sin e. 1 laughi live .v'ears in district sclHstla. all lli*‘ Uin** iiMkiiii: Vvtwy |N>ss||»le |«re|t:ir:i lion for (v>llegc, hut liefi»re starting foi (villegc I luid liecoiue iiilereNted in the work of tlve lulnistry ami was Ih’ense*! aa a local preacher. Then I laqraii m* *'**lleKe work, and after atleiMlIiii: Ih cttllege at Alltioii. Mich.. f«*r tw<» .venrs I went to MniM*i*i-hiis*‘ti« and enlere*! tile Hostoti uiilv»"i>.||.i. 4. here I afl*-*- want l*s*k H deuiif hi Uah iu«s||i.... ail I lh«*oaopliy.

OF test:IWE^TtfT

Dimooratie Plan of Return to Competition Shown Watteful.

TAFTS ARTI-TRUST RECORDMors Froasewtiona Undnr IhaiiiiSii

Aat Onriag 'Thrua Vaars of Hla Ad- mtnlatratlon than In lavan Vaara of Raoaavatt — •antimant ThrotRgh Btets Favors Ragulation as Adva> osted by Rapublicana.

Mors Matter of Choleu.**^Iiiric.‘' asked Ihe star of her maid,

gaxinu iierpicxedly at bar reflactlon in the mirror, “what '• aa I about to do— sic; into tbe bi. 'tub or go on tho St: V.)?" .Marie shrugged her shoul­ders. "How can I tell? Ji«ademolsella Is dressed for either."—Judge.

siaaieiaiQ'a^iaQ'-.. ■"•a<9:a©:aQao;ao:a®:aaaaaiaja<9;©; la

I H Contract 1

Between the Progressive Party and the People

The I'mgreastvr IMatforni. briefly •iimmarized. declare* for the follow­ing'

1. Direct primartes2. Nation-wide I'residenlisI prefer­

ence primaries3. IMrecf election of I'nited Htstea

.Senators.4. 'The short ballot and the initia­

tive, referendum, and recall in the States.

r*. A more easy aad eviaiditlouR method of amending ih*- Federal Constitution.

Equal suffrage for men and women

7. Idtiilistlon of caiiiioiign (-ontii- hutlons .Had expenditures, and publlc- lly before as w*-ll as after primaries and elections.

K loiws requiring the registration of lobbyists, ptibllcit) of comrolltee hearings, and recording of ail votes in committee

9. l*rnhibitlBg Federal appointees from taking (ion In political organl- xstlons and iMvIitical coaventlnns.

10 fVvpular review of judicial de- rlsioua on laws for secufing social jostles.

11 Effective legtslalloo looking to the prevention of industrial accldsuu. oreupatlomil diseasaa. overwork, ia- voluntary unerapioymeat. sad other injurioos effects Incident to modam iuduatry.

It. The Aslag of mtalmam safety and health steadarda for the varfcms oceupatMaa and the esorotae of the puMIr authority to malhlutusuch stsudavds

13 Tho gvahlMtkm of child labor.

14 MMMommn wags staadards ter WBCktug-wsua. to pvwvlda a "llvUMr- wa«o' tu all tuduotrlal aerupaHtem.

U The ahallUup uf the cauviet *wuiifurt labor epstaui. auhoHioiteg a ofUtewi af ptkoun pradsi itsh ter gee- ermsuul rBuiismprtBP auty. ths ap- pMsuilap oi prksahsr’e aavhtega to the ouppaet af thsir dspipisat famRIas

1« The dersispiiui af sgrto-dtar•1 rrwdlt aad — sgrrsiiiui

I' The ssM*aavugomsut et sgt' n' tursi sdssstiap

D the MlkiMuhiliii t af • Cwaavrv

'* A NsMaWsI Hea ' aervlua


2k Eatablishiiieni of a strong‘Fi*d- eral admin istmtive commission to main lain permanent, active supervis­ion over industrial ('orporalions. as the Government now does over Na­tional tiaoks and. through the Inter- .Stste commerce commission, over railways.

31. The appointment of diplomatic and coniuiiar officers solely for fit­ness and not for imlitical exiiedleacy.

22. The retention of foreat. coal and oil lands, water and other natural reocfiurres In the ownership of the na­tion

23 A vigorous gno<l niads esm- liaign through the construction of nat­ional hlghwayis

34 The retention of the natural re- scourres of Alaska In ownership by the nation, and their prompt opening to use upon liberal terms requiting immediate development.

2.'* For Alaska Ihe oanie tr osure of local self-government that has been given Ihe other American Territories.

26. The comprehensive development of waterways.

27. The operation of the Panama canal so as to break the tranaporta- tlon monopliea now held and miauoed by tmnsi'onttnenul railways

2t A protective tariff which shall ••quallge coudlttoos of competition be- tween i'nited Htatee and foreign cmintries both for the farmer and the manufacturer, and which shall main­tain for labor an adaquate standaid of living Aa tmmediale dnwnwaid revioten of Ihe laHff

29 A non-partioan. sclenlific tariff rommtaalea

10 Pmtectloa of the lighta of Am- erlraa citltsashlp at hause and abroad

11 A wtae aad juat paltry of paa* ataalag Aaserteaa saMters and aalL ova

SS A parrels past, with rataa pro- partlaoly to diatahre aad aerekre

•I The rigid eoterreuMot aod es tesMtou at Mm <*lvtl Rervice Aei

34 tloeusknsRkai supertOshaa ter the pewseitoa of the puhii* tesa> fvpoda-

ko W

j REV. ANNA SHAW.I Ttw Kr\ Anas II HItaw, though boro K ' KnaUiMl. woe rMir*-«l In Mlchlaan st»«t I*

th» pvonerr <lays Thr *-t>unlr\ wan wiki I tnri Nhe breaibtd in the •pliil ot freed.iti

and ki to*ta> os crl*t> as the frosts n- . ttioor northern foreota In which sh* wun . dereil in her rhlhlh.iad Her wli is at j keen os Ihe wind of Ihe norlhland stMt .i> i <iellghtful snd rich as the •jalsamic .xtor* . borne ther eon I lor lust* le Irrsolsilbie ; NnboA) iiuts things Just os Miss Hhae

doseMias Shaw has repeaie«l|y spoken bofore

I f-onsreoskMuJ amt legislative i-ommiite* • Wheirevot .ettmeri hove a “ease hi court -t.*uit Ui, Ik 'wlU befnr*' a Isgtslattve iMtdy

lbe\ send for Mtos Hhaw to speok Hht- I a l>om orator Uo* a rnoanlflcent voK e

which she nover spttres. but which ertdur.** wittHMil lirqiolrmeni muol severe uaa«> Fen wurrton and few men are s«» wel

• equipped for public speokirg <ui the It*I Anna II. ghaw

t-Hde ypoovoks for *hs *■

Uvo Oowimlltoo

"I Imii*- iilw.i.ts »'*i;i«|*l*-r»-*l iii\ lit* In .Mh liiimii t«> I*** Niit<*iiu iim*’*c trf tic

I In-sI prc|-.»nit|.ui f**r in\ work Tlio»< i**tirl.v liiii'«l Hill*— u••r** j*<l:iili';il>!f t •. iiiK litiii-s for **ii«!uniiii'** ill life

• *if <-ours«- Ml IIh- H.ii*- IImI w*- w*-r' lit lug tlwil Ilf*- ill th*- \\*Hii|» it , to Is* v*-i v ilnll Mini v«-ri •>iu|>i«l l< <•*! ninl .\*-t ii**u I n-iilix** that it wn- lu.. ing tllC foUIMllltt**ll of lH*Mlth .‘•tl*l , stn-ugtli wlila-li Imp* *-ii.iI*I«‘'I tii*- to i-rir

r> **u UH*r»* titan thirty-llv** ycni> •»!, hani work mikI atip kecf* *< y**nng sfirit I and growing inferest In all Hues «»r

pnigrcss. Tlicn the frc«-«|oin *>f lluii - life niaile tin- free«loni of lh**iiglit |mi*

aihle It niM*le It |Mms||»le for lu** t*. brerk away from ealal>il«l»eii cnMl<*io* for wooNHi mimI to I'e aoMiug the ver.* ttrst wonieii t** etnrt out In the stiHl.i nf ttie ihinloiry. Tin- lirst year that '

I preariied I spnkc nnrier the snpervi I alon *»f our prenhllnt.' ekler, sml At lb* j spring t-taifermw-e of IN73 I wun II reii*wd as a bawl |•rearher st the an nnol isuiference of that distriet at HIr Uspbis, where m.v loirenlM then llvesl 'Then- wae a great tleal **f •rppoaltion tn my ppea<*hlna. a gmal ileal to mi datag pnbtt* work It wan net on easy In thnae data as It Is now. and yet niy pnreata were n« nwwe rwnoervattee than ••User people They sharwii tb- •enecul attttwde «>f mow ami wnmer sgntWTt pnbNe life for women Hot Ihfwagh the tniuesH'e af tbe prerep teiae af our bigh orimol. where I pee parsd mrself ter catlagi. I wna on eaSMWFfNl fa take the atend whfrb I dM In renntd fa Hie mltestrv I sn feesst fmartllt IUP« the fempevunre rv< m4o and srwrfessl attb the fsmperan. -

j noossw. ami no verv earli m gfe I be j ?».. t- have aa »»ttvr fti»» rial in p* ■I h-^ afe^ wtei’h b*s er«*w H alff* tr-

■VsNiRuf vs«r^'TRhi Is n«d ati fsteeewima bat «

W4lssp*-W^ ButH ^ a pSasies i Mte Is t teRf ^w^BRsam a M<Hh aae Mafte P- »- j . fa aadesstemd ^4 whpeit .- rvi-er^^e l« aeS ane ahwdi I fhWfS I

(| ai.wid s^^ifi atayhsi^ iw •pRgsups*'I oml I ha asuRi $m gsifMaAt u *I 4kl pgjaitihp H put I uRiM psups’ as

The attitude of tha vartotM eundl- datas and partlas on tba quaatlon ot trusts is an important question. Mich­igan voters are coufronted with tba rospoBslbillty of choosing a group of men to handle tbe affairs ot state and nation. That prosperity has (Nrovullcd the past four years caanot ba gain­said. Now comes a man who soys l.s Is golag to rostore wasteful compatl- tku). He Is going to abolish trusts. How be is going to do It. hs doesn't say. Bat do you want him to try it? Do jrou want him to sttamift volcsalo maosures which, tn shaking the busi­ness Interests of this country. fflU throw the nation into a panic? Can you hope for anything Mbort of llnaa- dal disaster if the Demcrratic party Is allowed to attempt the overtbiow ot big busineas?

Sentiment t;>n’i2hout the state seems to be crys;.i'li..mg In favor of the Hcpuullran arty as ele<-t‘on draws near rarmers are satisfied with the priceR they are gottlng (or tbelr crops Tim factories are nm- aing full blast aad paytag higher wages than ever before ia the state s

I history. Mure men are being em- ' ployed. There Is a fesllng of sstu-

faetion with ooaditloDs aa they tre now and the opinion Is becomime prevalent that Mr. Wilson's busine i views turn out to be highly Impru - tleal on the ffeld of commercial sctto.i.

There are good trusts snd Wd trusts, and the people aro beginnin;; to wonder if .Mr. Wilson's idea f punishing the Innocent akmg with t ' <• guilty is either justice or good but-i- ness Uecausc some trusts take aJ- vantage of their power, are you eolit:; to adopt the plan of retaming to t.:** wasteful plan of competitiiNi or ar*i you going to force the culpable ' ir- porations to be good?

Now It is a waste of time to an: ;•* that tbe Republican party is or isi, t responsible for trusts. The fart that

: common sense in business has ms'lo trusts is loo plain to need explan >• tlon. It Is true that a few w^*« haven't given tbe matter mu thought will tell you that tbe tsnT built the trusts sod that the Repub- lican perty is keeping tbe tnists In­tact And because these people haven t given the matter thought and investi- gallon they are unable to explain wh^ great truats have flourished tn Qreat Britain, where free trade is in vogue sad where the Republican psr^v hasn't much to say about affairs.

It ia a fairly well accepted theorv in economics nowadays that the best plan for handling the trusts is to re'c- ulate them and bring them under gn\- crament supervision. This policy Is the one adopted by the Republican perty. President Taft, of jndiclal mind, argues that inasmuch as the corporation is a creature of the law. tbe public Is therefore respoaslble for corporate conduct of bualnees. While Woodrow Wilson would arbitrarl*** aanlhilaie the big organisations and restore comi>etilion in tbe world of big business, the Republican part- seeks through the Sherman aati-truti law, the ('ommerre court, the Inter- sute Commerce CummioskNi aad ih-* Bureau of Corporations, to curb tbe trusts, prevent tbe use of unjust meuna In the stifling of competittnu sad ths nxlag of exorbitaat piicss. Recent supreme court interprutetlona of the Sherman law have mode that statute a most effective one ia keep­ing big business la control.

la cbsrging the Kepublloaa party srith having very lately become allied with the interests. Mr. Rooosvelt with Mr. Perkins tbo Stool trust sad the Harveetor truM buhlad him la tbe preseat oampalffu, poess so the great foe of cotRorate grand. A compartoou of tbo par­ty'* rsunrd dnrtag hie admlalatra- thm aad that af Mr. Taft dtseluasi tho rather lateveetlaff lafarmattsa that durlag ihu ihtrd-termer's oaren mars ta oMee 26 ladletaMam srem rs- tataad tor vielatlaas of tho ffharmBw am. while lu Ihe ihroo yeasu of Mr Taft** oemipMmey of tha whMe haaoe U ladIHamats were reraraed Iter- Mff that aevea year* af Rsa*evsU rale It Mile te saatty wem tted » •aillfa*! eaaoa la Ihe Sret three mars of Mr Tefi» e*tmteim*uttaa ^

WORN ANO WAMRru SVC sinw twa.tee to the awtamRHii hm

Ham A revwage*

-tel Ss %


PAGE 10 1912.

of tine _

Board of Siq>erviaanal ^CKiitoii CooBty, State' ilichigaw, at Ragular

p. 1911.

(I'^MlteM'd fr

aATURltAT HBIMIUN. UCTOMCR 1». ItU Tb» Baanl HMt iiur—Bt to ailJaMrMBint

MMl «HM ooUmI to wrdor by Um chatnaan. aall f«JM. quoruai prwBt and ao ripT<» ad. Mlaate* of th* laM ——*oa war* faad aad abpmvil.

RK>*tlRT8 UK i^»UllTTBai. m Jotas. Mlotuaao. Octotar 1«. 19U.

Tm Um HaaoraMe. Um Board ot BvRarvla- ara ot Cttatoa couaty, MlchlBan:Taar c\Maaiitto« am daUaa mooM ra«

auaetfult) •uBoUt Um (ollowtac aa tbatr pM-Ual rapert. aad do haraby raeoaaaMad ttMt tlM aavoral aaiotinta achadalad haaa tm ba altowod. alao that Um dark of UUa Baard ba authortaad to draw ordara la Um eaaatv traaauror far tba aaaM.Na Ciataiaot aad Natura. Sab. Ail’d. Hd—Ruth Laadara

OaaaducttBc Kaaialna-ttoaa________________ IM ••

Mf—B. K. DuffyOaaducUnc Kaawitaa»ttoaa_________________

W» OacTdt A. WaUa.laauranct' praaatuoi S1.2S Sl.lt

Hb—Vara B. Oaaa.ObaiductiBc Baamtna-Uaaa................................ AB (.M

lib—Rudanr Lk Klalay.Oaaductlud Kxanlaa-llaaa.................................. All

111—Mm. Krad Hasla.Oaadufttaa Kaamlaa-Uaaa.................................. *.«•

lU—WUl II. Bruuaoa,raatagi atamaa ILOO lAiO

lU—Marl A Moa.Uaa of horar ............. l.M l.M

llb-Albart Haiotbrra,Burial Indlaant aoldlar ..IM.OO U.M

lU—Doubladay Broa. A Co..1rctk>fi Bupptlaa. tdaaka,ate............................. ...... IM.11 1U.U

Ub-Doublrday Broa A Oa.Btank*......................... .....kOO

in—E B. Voorhaaa,Burial ItMlIdrnt aoldirr .. SAM

11b—John Hlcka.Buadrlaa. C II. A J............. S4.SS M.U

lib—Ola L. Owan.CWrltal work, arhool oo<n>ailaatonrr_______....... 1.0#

tSb—w. a. Huntar.Bar^leaa In burial oftadlirrra aoMIrr .....___ Abb

lll->lohn liirka.Kual C. II A J.................. S«I.7« lll.Tb

ns—Waatrm Union Trlrcraph Co.,TalrcraniB ________ b.Sl

tSS—Th« CtUtor Publlahlny CO.,Subarrlptlon _________ I.Sb

ISb—Will II Rrunaon. P. M...iiiVtatacc aiampa and rnvalopaa.at<................ ........... » 0S ».0I

ISb—Barr I^umbar Oo.,Uumbrr. C. II..................... M« S.4b

lib—National Offtc* Supply Oo..Offlr«- fvpplira -------------11. lb 11.10

Iff—Thr ninton Trlaphgnr Oo..Toil and Mraamcar Str*vleo ____ ___________ b.fb

ISb—M. WrIIrr. M. D .Riamlnina Inaanr _____ S.bO

Ifb- W. A. Scott, M. n..Eumtnins Inaana .. '*.00

tSb—Rlchn.ond Ha< kua Oo .Klla Ouaarta _______ l.SO

tSI—Th« Mutual Oaa Co..Oaa. C. II. and J.................. l-Tb

Ml—Richmond Barkua Co..Office Suppllaa .........4 S5

MS—Union Tdaphona On ,Toll arrvica _______ 11 5*

114—City of St. Johna.IJdht and water 1® <7

MS—P. O. Dunn. M. D .Bxamlnlna tpaanr ------ Ib.bb Held

Mb- If D Squalr. M D..Raamlninit Inaana ...___ 10.00

M7—Tha Richmond Daeku* Oo..Office aurpllaa _______ 1.53

Mb--Ro\- llut< hlaon, vVaclum I laanar ... 50 0® 20.0®

Mb- Doutdedav Rroa. C..Racord of Mortitaaaa — 2*.bb M.OO

14b—Tljck II. Townaand.P»>«taita ............ 4 Sb










l-N l.to

I4.N 14.N

7.M 7.M

141—TIm Oarkfa Chaaalaal Oo.,

14b—RIchmund A liakuaa, labor aiuJ matarlal ....

IM—Hnu II. Hrwaoou. P. MPootoAO atoiapo _______Ib

144- -Ju4ui Hleho. rtuadrlaa. C. If. aad J. .. f.iO

145— Traaa. Habaal Dial. No. A Bluationt. .NoriMl taackara auiar>..lSS.bb SSS.aa

14b-R. H. Ohaidn,iMiiodau ilibloaMa ...... b.Sb

141—Jo4ut Hlcka,Ribbon_____________________ .44

14A -Nalloaal daalUry Uo..LNa4afoclaat ............ 7Abb

14b—‘TIm Bobbo Marrlll Oo..8ttb. to Hartal INcaat-------- 4.0#

ISb-TlM Hobba MarrIU Oo..Hub to Horlal IRurat ..... 4.00

ISl—Van Um Tool Man.<‘armdatod Mattlaa lb.bb

ISl—W’lll H. Hruaaan. P. M..Pootodo atampo ........ II.9S

Ml—John BtUaaPYaldht aad cartaar_______ l.bl

154— ’Tha Mutual Uaa Oo.,Oaa. C. H. aad J. ........ 0.00

155— Ualon Tatapboua OO.,Boat C. H. aad J.---------- 4S.Sb

ISb-J. H. Duttoa.Work aad laatarlal at jail. AN

1S7—Ctt>- of M. Jobaa.Watar aad lldbt ............... 20.77

ISb-W. A. Scott. M. D.,Sxamlntod Inaana —....... S.N

ISO—R U Martin.Raamlnliui Inaana ..—.— A44

Ibb—t'llnton Talablionc Ou.,Toll and maaoandar^aar. v«oa._____________________11.7S

141— W*. H. Gala. M. O.,Kaaatlalna Inaano —..... S.N

142— M. Wallar. M D..Kkamlnina Inaana —

14S—U. H Rxpraoa CO..Rxpraaa cliarsoa-------------- .N

144- -4'laranca (Mllahan. r'WonInc rhlmnaya .—... 13.M

145— I.. n CaMwall.Rtanocraphar aarrica .—12.

I44~ Hobart MiUonkay.Rhariff capanoaa —....

147—W. U. Huntar,Sar\lcao aa Oo. A«t. -—.2 00

140—J. W Vnorhaaa.Hurtel Indicant aoldlar .- SS.N

170— Klo>'«l Uurkaa,Wood __________________ N.N

171— HI. Johns Nawa.SN Pnat cards_____________ l.N

171—Doubladay Bros A Oo..RIactlon aupbllaa--------... 44.10

171--tiaonrr O. Rluadaaii.Hook hlndlnc ---------------------- O.N

174—ilaorip- U. Itiundaan,Book Mndtnc -------------------27 .N

17r—^Iracory Mayar Thoms Co.,T>raln racord ....—..... 1».N

174—W. A. Scott. M. D .Kxamintna Inanna 3>•

{ ITT \Vm II. Data. M. D..I Kxamlninc Inaana ------------- '• N! 17«-K. I Hull,

llurtal Indicant aoWlar .. SS.N i 17»--Parr Dunbar Co.,

Dumber. C. H - ......... - 2.03, IN—H r. Duffy.

fV>n«luctlnK teachera’ axaml*























2 N



44 lo




13 oo

: 03

OHIm aosStNu 100—WtU It. Braua

ISS-J. H. SrbuiOB,

TIm laSiwlu ______P. M., «• Um Baurd hjf UN alsak aud nOmiil by

S140 Hn okniruicn to Uw rttotoHm ow «»• prtallau;

..—AS1 All SA labuB. Mtob., Uatobar SI. lOlAISO—U. M. Bkpraoa Oa.. To Um HooarobOa UmtC at "-y----- of

.M .H ONotoai oouMy:1 would mnannaail tkart ba tUNmly

thwMsnd (SN.0N.NI dsUars ratoad ter coAllncaot fund.

W. H. PARKBH. Cauuty Trauaui 11.

Mr. Qraaai. touwty druto towMUtoalowar. cstoo baOsra tba Baurd aad oaplalBiil tbaluatiar reluUtra to a partlon af tba druin laa at lanto loa Um DMtar dmiul whichwaa a......... J to tba tearuahtp ofand abouM ba aaaaaaail to tba third ward of tba city of St. Jobaa.

Moved b>' Mr. W. a. Huntor, aarmdad b> Mr. Haydan W. Snltb. tbat Um maitar ba rafarmd to Um Cununlttoa ou l*rulau Motlau currtod.

Moved by Mr. William Hmith. aaenodwl by Mr. Llavld (3terk. tbut tha Bounl pro. cml to aiact a aubartutandent of Um poor to aurcaad K. M. Spauidinc. Motion



7 04




104—liu U. Klaiobor,Barlal Indlcoirt aabllar ^ M.N

too—Rllu M Maun.tTtodurtlnc aabaUnatlona 4.N

104—Muonm ShuRara.Svnritaa and aspaftaae M.N

lit Nobiv ItumatDHundrtaa. Jull ......... ..........7 44

IN Midi. Htata Bd of lioolth.Rnolyaia of aanpiv of• Mar ............................ lO.M

lOO-Wllltam UUMaon.Uraaa aaod . l.N

200— Jnitn Hlaba,PWl. <r. H. aad J, NO N

201— St. J«Ana News.PriaUac.................................1.10

NS—W. A. Sootl. M. D..Ktandninc Insane ... AN

IN- Wm. H. Uaio. M D.Kvamlnlac Inaan* AN S.N

N4 -Weaiarn Union Tel. (’a..Meaaacaa __ .N .N

Mfived by Mr. Hill, aetowdad by Mr. I'lrlck. that tha partial report of tha miltee on t'lalaw ha aceaptad and adopted Motion corriad.

Mf. RIchordaon, chalmuin of tha i'«<wi. mllioe on Treoaurr. nubanllieti the fotiiiw. Inc I apart:Ti> the llotMWuble. tha Hoard of Huimt*

viosra. of CHaton county:Uenllemen. Your comcalttea to wIhiwi

was rafarred tha lualtar of aatUInc with tha county traaaurar. W. H. Parker, iiac leave to report mm foilosra: Wa have as. amilted the bnoka and vowchem In the treaaurer'a and clerk’s office and found aa (ollowa:llaUnce un tnnd Jan. 1. 1012 .. tlI.0W.7lRe<^lved durittc Janitan ______ 14.103.44Re<->-ivrd durlnc KVbruary_____ I0.3M.17R«Me|vad diirinc March .......... 71.007.45Received duriuc April .....__ S.4M.S4Racelved diirinc Ma^ ____ 2.SM MRec eived durlnp June ------ l..iM «4Ke<-eived durinc July . .. ... 44.354 11Kecehed dUlinc AuCUSt __ 4N.7SRe.elxetl diirinc September ___ 314 37

for tfio




1* r.0

70 47



_ 4u N 404 iicllona ..141—Uuth Ijindere.

I'nnduciinc teachera’ evatn* nath>na — 4o N

142 IT. H K»praaa Co .Kipreaa • harcca ................ 13

IW D F. VanAmbiint.Call on Dodder I-*'®

144 M Weller. M D..K«nmlnlnc Inaane . ’ 'k*

Cl <• K Knapp M. D.Ktamlnlnc Inaane .. ’*00

IM Tic Miitiuil flea t'<i,• la* c n nnd J.

is. k^luartl Hankey,Srrvbeii aa «onaial»Ve .. 4.N

14v - I'lty of St Johna.Ucht arid water —Winfield Co.

I l.ecal blanks ...----------- 1 244.10 i IN <;r»c* rr Mever A Thotne Co.,



S oa

S Al

1214 12.1

4 OO


A Local Man or Womani- now lo ri*])rc<eni The Pictorial Re­view in thi: tcrritfiry—to call nn those whose sub- .scri|iiitin.s ari- about to c.xpire. money tor therij^^ht fier.son—rci)re>entativc.‘; in some other Uistrict.s make over a immth. Spare time workers areliberally paid for what they <io. Any person taking: up this pfisition become*; the direct local repre.^eiitative of the pnhlishers. Write today for this offer of

PICTORIAL REVIEW222 West .lOtli Street New York City

t2t2.N7.NWe riiMl voucliers In trewaiirer’a IwimIb

aa r<»lli>wa'Cnntincent fund ...... $14,3114 07fVMtr fund .. 10.521 41Jiir\ and wlliteoa fiiiwl .. 237.17liraln fimal .. ... .. 23.134 it•>SiiMlera Relief furul .... 744.25Hiale Treas receipia .... 73.434.04Timiiidilp Trena receipts . ... 4.t #17 IIHtale h«MM<- of <-orre«-||on fiiiul .. 30.34(*o. canvaaaem and BU|>er\lonra

pay roll _____ .. 3m. 14Teaiiiers* Institute ... ... 1,133 45HIrths ami deatha ___ ... 4N ««•Hporrnw luilera ________ 424 14Ttifal diehiiriMmenia ..I74.»«M074’aah •»?* hami «ic| t, Iai2 37,703 44

T. RirilARDHii.S'W’m IJCI.AND.M. M. HllU..

.\lo« <41 bt Mr Wnilain Smith, aettuiiicil bf Mr Sliultera. tlwl Ihe report of Ibe • 'ommltfe,* oil Treaaurv he areepfe,! ami M<lop(>*d. Mniloii larrleel

nBBOI.UTIONSMr .\ <'<ii>l>, offere*! the ffdlowlnc !••«"»•

j lullofi on a hicti wa* .uloiit'd hv tb.Hoard;

••llriMilveil ttrat the t’ominiiivc cu Ttea«iir\ le- afHl an herebv lnatrucra«|comime the <'0<itlnK>-ut. (Mior, Jurv and | tn i4«e purchaac of a piano by th* \vUti<.«B. drain, board of achrtol ettnuiiner-. deaflia an*l Idrtha. 4pHrrov» ord»-r»> alt their ordet tMwtks atnl rlieck the «ame b atAtnpitlX :<croN Ibe atub of aaki ord.

I book#. ’Vlloa-etl rv»im|\ Treacurei .I l»er 14ih. 1017.’ nnd after beinc ao i-ou

40 oo j „|),| ,'ti«.rkad. lltat the oabi ordribe flleil with the rountv clerk .41m lha> all thi- miscellancouB vouchers and i-.celpfB from the Mouse of «Torre. Hon audjJ'iHX U'Al.KBR Inmne navlum, ami all «»ibcr offleerV r- i t.’lerk.<.e|pla and certlflcatea-lie stamp«><t acro- the fa .\llowe»l tTounty ’Treasurer, O. tole-r 1?. 1*17,’ and that the aano- D- ifa. ii riletl t4|ih the •'ountv •-Vrk. and that sail enuntt clerk la hereby aiitiKniSi-d to rre«l It ttic coiiniv treaaurer with the «evcra uimiiinta.”


'Tlie • lerk lead to the Hoard a eommuid mtloTi from the stale came, flah and fort > irt- warden, callinc attention to vIcHan* relative to the matter of the came and flat, taw of Ihe countv

Morctl b\ Mr. laindtra ded hv Mr.*<ti>iller«. ttiai the cuminutilcaibm le- r- rcl\..| .irid place«l on file .Motion carrle!

Mo\e»l Ic Mr Slckle« tu. •Itwievi b\ M- W (I lltinier that this Hoard hereto ii.

I Blriiet IIh- •’k-rk to refuae lo laaie' an ot meni of tbc claim of the Cub •

for rental for the .iuart<r j from < tetnber 1. 1012. to Januar\ 1, 191 . iintll an explaiiallon i« made by the <'ont = jiaii'. lo Ihlv Itoartl. with reference to tb.! ..dtaiM ■■ In r« til.vl ratea Motion carrl'd

M'r'ed b> Mr. Clrlch. ae< .»mlc«l b\ M- .Trim* that ih« - luilr app«dni a epecial <-.ur..- mitt*-, of ih'ee to nu«k<' an InvcBtlcatlon

rri.«il\>- to itM- i»hon< ami ph«»ne rentaie j ai><l btlla of the In ill*- • oiirt ho«ia.

Moxed by Mr icindera. seconded by Mr. Ulrich, that th* oluitr appoint tato tellers. Moilon carriad.

’The chairman appNnted Mr. loBndera and Mr. Ckich aa lellsra. and after they were Bworn In the Iteurd pro« ceded to tile election of a NPerIniendeni of the IMN- wlUt the folluwliic reaulCs'

R'hol* number of v-otea uast were 1», neresaary to choice la. Mr. Hpuuldttm re< twivwd 14. Mr. I.e4aad 1. Mr. Hunter 2. blank 2. Mr. Spuuldinc tiavinc received Ihe meiorltv of all t oIn <«at was dedaml elected.

* 'The followtnc names were preaented tn Um Huai<l aa •wndtdatea far county arhool eanmlnct.

Mr. William Smith. «>f Wealpiralla. pve. arnlad the rmma of Iterrv Raker, Mr. KtcliaritaiMi of liaWttt. the name of Doula Votaiael. Mr. T.andera of KIlay the name of Arthur H. Kincaid aiai A. K.’<*nbb of Diipkrin tito name of A. D. Janes.

’1^ Hoard then prmeedoit to lire elec, lion of a ■'•uinty arhool examiner with the foMoainc reauita:

Whole numlier of V«»tee tael. I*, nerea- aary to cho4<-e 14. Mr. Maker received I. Mr. V.daaet 5. Mr. Kincaid 4. Mr. Jone* It. Tlrnre belirc mt cliolce. the Hoard pn>. teeded lo a Becwml luillot a* fidlowa:

WtMde number of votes •■aat. 10, rreces* ■arv In choice 10. Mr. A. D. Jorrea re­ceived 10, Mr, Volalimt 4. Mr. Kincaid 2. ami Mr. Baker I. Mr. A. D. Jones, bar • Inc rc^-eived Ibe maiotity of vole# cast was •lectared rlacted.

The Ibartl then proceeslad to the el#«-- Ibm of a Hoard of County Canvaaaara.

Mr. W. «J. Hunter presented the name of Kre«| H f'arpenter for re-election.

Moreii b\ Mr l,elami. ae»'.»nded by Mr Mill, liial Mr f'arfienter Im ele* led bv ac- (lainatbui to «u<-<-ee4l bimself. Motion car- rle«l. Mr t’ariienier aaa declared rle«-t- •wl.

M<»\ed by Mr Ml* kies. Be<'ortde*| bv Mr \V fj. Hunter, that .Mr. W. H C.xalerilne• •f Keeex be ••|e<-tt.,| by act lamallnn to auc-

I ce«<.l biineclf Motbm carTie.! Mr, Oia-terllne was declared elaxied.

Moved by Mr. Flrich. aeconde*! by Mi Hhullera tiutt Mr ileorpn T Itaidwln of Dallaa Ih> elec|e<l liy at'clam.-illon to B(i*'cee*| bimeelf. Motion larrletl. Mr IlMldwin was •If* lareti eb*cto«|

Mr The4itl»ire H Toarnu rul In liehalf of ll'.t countv fell* ruil«»ii **f farmera <-iubs. ciMinty cmncea ami <**uniy ploneera etc., iakl liefor*' th* til*- tnaller relative

xintvof al"»ve iMin*xl ao«'tettea when

' ho JiaR OSWDty meeiIncB The trtaller was !t* ferrod to th' f’ommltl* ' -m .Vppr**pTia>: ib'iw hr ttii clMlrtttan

.Mneod bjr >1 iTlri Bccoude*! h\ Mr.I Wlliciai BiulUi that th* Ibtanl adi«>uru

. 111 temorre- morninc at *13. Motbm .441 rie*:

I \l,ON*7!f' TrTTTtUTRR.Chairman

OaMrtod Rapl Mlali - TSppl ppTowaaPN aad WardA fttoa*. Acaopaad. Pbooa. an HpppRaafitoia ---------- ---------- 22.154 • 4tr.NP 9 TMN 9 UT.N4 9 lATN 9 7PASPPBeoMl ........ a.2» I1.44A4N $ mmm 9 tM4N 9 n.iN 91.4n,PNHtapkato ----------Ntu t 0N.4T4 9 4A4N 9 9dA4T4 9 TAMP 91.4PA7Nrwu... ^ .............SA45I 91.14A4N 91N.4N 91.N1,4N 9MA4N 91.M4.»fPDaWItt _____ ___________ ---------- 2A5N t ONJN 9 M.PN 9 Ni.9N 9 TAPN 9 NI.MPImplaln ____________ _ ---------- SA4N 1 0N.N5 • W.4N 9 9N.4tS 919AM5 91.1SA9N■adl* ---------------------------- ----------2A444 • tN.3M 9 TA4N 9 9MJN 9 79.414 9 M4.7NMaaaa______ ____________ --------- SA4Sa 9 ••4.7M 9 95.PN 9 •PATN 9I1T.5N 9 PN4IPUreaPbuah ............. ........... 2ASM 9 ITAIN 9 4A4N 9 tt9,9» 9 n.4N 9 4I4.9Ml.itmann ... --------- 22.114 9 HATN 9 27.4N 9 747.7N 9 7A4M 9 IPAPNDMva - ..........__ ---------- SANS 9 IU.2N 9 T4.PN 9 TN.tM 9m.9N 9 3PA4NOvN _______ ____________ ......... - 22J14 91J1AI7P 9n4.PN 91.9N.IT4 914l.bN 91.447,115RPay ____ ______________ -------- 2A724 9 M1.S59 9 OAdN 9 921.555 9 Tt.Itt 9 MA4NVIeNr------------------------------------- 35.TN 9 tn.SN 9 N.4N 9 M1.N4 9 TAIN 9 734.3NWatertown _____ _ ---------- n.474 9 M1.47a 9 N.4N 9 ttl.PfP 9 47.SN 9t.4Pk47PW’eatptaalla ......................... ..........- n.ti* 91.1S9.4N 91M.N4 9I.4N.4W 9N4.9N 91.294.4Nlet Ward .... ................ -WW4.WWW.* 9 4I2.9N 9 M.4N 9 SPAIN 91M.1N 9 71A3MSad Ward ______________ 9 914.tn 9 N.4N 9 m.5N 9 n.974 9 m:.2nIrd Ward ..._____________— 9 4N.2N 9 SA4N 9 9T4.9N 9Ml.n4 9 77A19P

35At24 914.7M.474 U.2U.4N 9U.SN.474 99.9PA2S1 9I7.9N,711MURRKTT RIDKNDUR. ARTHUR L. TRIPP. JOHN P. UUUCH.TIMDTHY H. 01,AHK. UATDBN W. MflTII. CopMaltta* mm 1IkRtollaailaa.

Moved by Mr. I..aiaiMl. aacondad by Mi. W. U. Huntar, that th* report of the • ’ommiHee on Kiuaikmilon ba accepted and adaptad.

Dn motion of David f'lark. aacondad b> J4thn W Hunter, an amendment wua oftevwd to tha oaotioa ap faBawu; ttht there be an iMtdIUuaal Ola.SN.N dedu* !• ed from Ibe amount apportioned to th* lirwrtahip 4rr Kacle. uMkliur the amount deducte*! ON.SW.N tneteud of OTO.ON.N. ac eouailaed.

Th* amnmndment was kMt and the re­port of Ihe committee ar-twpted and adopted mm rand.

Moveil by Mr. loirtder*. seconded by Mr. TTipp that the chairman appoint a *4immiltee of three to procure btda for the *lepos<t of i-ouaty funds for the en. Bulim IW4I yanra. Motloii cnnieil.

Mr. lomdera. Mr. Tripp and Mr. lorland were appidnied aa such <Tommttlae.

Movetl by Mr. Ridenour, weeanded by Mr William Smith, that Ihe Board ad­journ until to-marmw mominc at 0.15. Mclloii carried

AIJlNlSin WKHSTKK. John WAIJvKR. Chalrmaii.


The Hoard met puraxiant to adjcMirnment aad was called to icdOr by the chalnnan

H4iII calleal. i|uarum iweeenf and no re- l>orted.

Minute* of the last aeaaion were read Mild approved.

RKHollTM OF iMMITTRKM.William SIckel*. I’halmuin of the Com­

mittee on (’lalma presented anil rmtl to (he Hnarft their partial report.

.Ml. Juhna. Mbii., iictolier. 1012. To tlie Hitntunble, the Hoanl of Muprr-

vlBtira of 4’Hnton county. Ml* litpan;3'nur Committee on Claims vrouhl ree-

pe<'lfullv Bub(i.il the fodowlac aa their iwrilal reiMirt, amt do berehx re«timinrnd the! the neveral umounta achwiuled here. In lie allowe*!, aim that the clerk at thU fbarnl he MUllMirise«l to draw oi*tera on tb* county treaaurer for the name No Claimant ami Nature, .*4iib .5ird 2a5-~’rhe Mutual Uaa Co.,

Ca*. (' H and J_______ ItO 542N--Union Telephone Co..

T**tl «ml .Meaeencera Mer-vb< 10 42 10 47

j tier In iMimenI TeleT>l"*n*' c»i

Extra Markers to Fill bi.

ImiuI Jm)' an*! un th- po**r farm and reiwirt L t>ic nnmr !•> tbia hoar*l Motion earrh-d

Th*- * luilrmar apm*l»>lr*l th* foHowInw , rt= ti'.;* Ii .■<imniltlee John F CIrb'h. .\r ; ti.iir I. Trlpf and W llllalt. <1 Hiint*-r I Moved by Mr Sexton, aeconde*! b\ Mr \\ n Hunter that Mr C M Merrill be Inatructed lo have penerul calendar N«» I. tprohaic court! hound ami present his 1*111 lo tba county clerk, who sluill draw an order on Ihe county trNeurar far the same Mothm carried

Moved by Mr. r>abb. aaesadail by Mr lYllltam teal the Hoard a*l>«amuntil Maaday. Oetober Olat. at I IS pm Mottoa carriad.

AI/>NBn WRHSTBR JtillN WADinCB Cbabmaa


The Board amt paraaaat to adlaara meat aad wmm eab*4 to twiar by Um

Bah rabad paoram praaeat aad aa ra ptoied MlPNN N tool aaaotoa warn read and aimrwaad

iMmi or oNiinTTBMkHpp. ana mt tba CaHnaNtoa an ttoa rand tbatp rapoN to i

•4. It la frmt ftlbdAtf PH Mto RilOM *=4 Bad H Wa

Wa «AA 4a n m mm% aa y

b» iMt M

•• IMVP A Narbor bat

C. J. SowleTbe Gruiite Mrr.


k- Mr W fl oraa»t»» tbat Ih* ra«api ba MM aa Hto tobte aelll Wlia' itev toN

Maaud bv Mr W bv Mr lAAdaea «waMI riimarraa m» tdiiWaBW rnretml

414JMMN wktjnm

Tt kNntY BBMin

at * n *■ 4

WKDNBBPAV .««K.a.-<|t»N* tHTT 3. 101?I Tba B<\4rt| tnet purauniit i4i adjournment and wa*> * iill*-*l to or4l*'r by the chalriuaii.

I 114*11 rnik'd 'luoriim present, and ao re- ‘ porf4<d.

Sllnul' "* Ilf the last aenalon were raa*l It ml Mp|N" .*nllti:f*«»RT t>F .HTA.N’DINU C* IMMI’TTKI'TH

Mt Hennlna. citairman of the i'*>mmU- t*-e on I train- •ui>mlllc<l tlie followlnc re- iwTt I** the Ihiartl.

.at Johns Ml*-!i.. tyctnl>er 23. 1912 T** the Honoral*!*' It*iwril t»f Su|>ervlaora

«»f Clinton Count V;Vour ixtinnilli*«' ‘*0 itrairvacc wmui*l rmm-

|e" tfullv r*-|i4>rt timl thev hav*- •■arcfully ex.imln'xl the 44tin*tal reimri of tli*' coun- t* •Intlii ommlaatoaer and the annexed Biaiemeni of all the drains a<-lr*l upon sill his oiat r*-pari. and that tliey find th*' flnaiitlal statement t>f (*ach aiul all th*- drains arc correct In ••x'ery detail.

They further rep**rl that In their Jude ment b* loaa the clertcwl work In lb* *>ff|. *• In excellent shape

Wc *lo not find any Irrepularitlea oltber In the annual or ftnancbtl report

.5nd thry recommend that the annua ri'iMst vl th*.' rtyuniv drain contmiBslonei anti tb*- ftnaii* lal ataiemeni* of draiae ni* <1 mat Ite approx ed aiftl ailopie-l h\ tM< Iktiird


Moxf ti bv Mr rtrb :t. aacondad h* Mi loimlera that Ihe report ha aceepteil ami adapted. Motion carriad.

lUBRil.UTlrtNR.Mr. Hennina, chairman of tb* Commit

te* on I trains offered tha foUotaina raanlu Hon;

HI Jxthna. Mich., Drtobor tt. 1012 Tu tha IfoaMrable Board of Snparrtosra

of CItnian eoantyHe It Raaaivod, that yopr canaadilaa an

Dmlna. In ktoblaa ovar tha prapoaad r*- vkdan of tb* Drnln law* at Ihe atol*. bv I lOan ^4^1 mit fia^v^i^^vl^i^i^ns ^sf M^s^a^s^^^il^a^s^* county, have decMad Ibal ar* ara appo* ad to II

Wa have davOded tbat It waul it be var* aaaabarsawt* and expinatva to tba oavevul caNRlM af tba aanto

And fattbitmat 1. w* on appaaad tu the abolientna af in* rauatr drain com

*mee ibarabv ptvOnp Nw aup- ars tnoaa warb tban that bav* ampte tu doIt fartbaa Roantoad Ibbt tba paprN.

Itva af Uda Nawwt b* tnatraiSad to

kr iba 04wed N RapN vOaapa af liawan.toaa rmantv

AMiMiifw HBomnrti rtt.triR r iMMfTvtni t»4VH> •'i.kRit

M-X'tb Mr t t.e.i %r-Hneds*. e -HK I i.1 *«*♦... 1 «*.4 vand *t I 44ee**T-* iiritwe e**»wt

Muv I V‘ Wt'Wato Itosbr •»- • ■ |kv M» *»**avna tkai •b* i-pu. - > - »»-- *fbawsonte* c*. tel aaHaw*toe D- t>s. - |Noto ib* toba* tossaan 4-A>e«»t 4MI.AJI riNWMI « 4 $■

707 Hunl’a Drttc Store,SutMirlea for jail l.‘’*3

7*4 Kncineerinc -Vcencv.Ia*vel|nc Hml 0.40

7*tt»- -Mark Fleida.Toft dirt .. * 00

21 •» <*Hnt4in Teleplione Co.,T*dl ami Meoaeiicer oerx ice, Xlirll 73

711- Union Telephone Co..T«dl atid .Me<uencer oer-

223—Harr Dumber Oa.,I,umh*r _ AM

223— iTltotar PuMlablnp Oo.,Hubaertptiuna ____....___13 N

324—iniariM K. Ilpwc.Annotailana ....__ _ AM

22S-WIIUam Hcbnvay,Kxpensr acaaunt ...... 1.4M.S7

224— William Hebnvey,ITiaonar and timmp loatrd ......................................... 270.N

227—Hludean ft Slabart.Ulndlna, ate._____________ 21.M

22»—iTlntan HapuMlonn,Hiiatlac ptiaMry tanllota. I7.N

220— Urepory Meyer ft ‘Tliuma Oo.,Iwttol hlanka_______ AM

20b—Blank ft Harman.Itulkltiai Flab Sbnie .... lO.M

221— DouMadny Btm ft Oo..Offl4'e suppilea ............ l.M

m—W. H. Ooodrlch,Justice r***_____ AS#222— Jabn Hlcka,

Klhbon, Comm'r of Sehoois. .Mnt-W. M. Wek-h. Mfp (To..

Report Idanka. ate. ...... 42.50235—iNHibU day Hro* ft Oo..

Record of Deeds_________ 23 N234-F. H. Drake.

tlreana, Mich. Practice, threevolume*______________ ... 10.50

237—Arthur K. Slow,Harvicea aa truant officer. 02.30

230—5V M Welch. Mfc. Co,I*aper .................................. 12.54

220—t'linton Republican, l-lnvelopes and latter* beads..... ................................... 10.54

240— John Hlcka.Sundrlea__ _____....____ 4.20

241— tiacar Bari.Use of horse on lawn mow* er l.N

342 -U. H. Kapreoa Co.,Ripreaa charfCea__ _______ 1.30

743—W M Hmith..Herxice* as attorney _____

244 K. T. Sumner,Hotiomlnc chaira _____

24'. Will H. Hrtinoon. P. M..Poeface - Co officers . ..

344 Clark A. Putt,Hunorlaa. C. If. ft J..................S.IO

247->l. J. Kelser.ServIcM In burial of ta4llcentBokller 2.00

21$—Jame* Hrlcva.Ilurlal of Mrs .5 tlarrlaon. 3 N

'• I 14*. Mrs laiura J. C<»4>per.I Hurktl 4*f Julia Alexan.

3.4*4 j ,!4^ ............................. 33 00T'.44 Tlx-.' HencnI.

J .\ltd. Hupervlstira aaan* la-HeWl I tion .. ....... ................... 3 00

'31 The Traxl# Drue Uo..Huttdriea .......

f SO

.14 M


10.40110 3r

Ml—BuRoa* abwllars.laapecUnp jail-------------------- l.N 3.N

3«3—RpauMtap ft Oa.Saadrtoe. C. M. and J. .. M.M

343 -Maple Rapida Dtapateb.Prtattas ............................ 21.M 2I.N

N4—Thao H. Towaaand.BxpenM aceouat —2M.32 MAM

2M—’Townahlp at Water totan.Madical Attcadanca Ooppla ckU*dran_____________________ 47,71 43.T»

3P4—B. M. Chadwick,O.N AN


147.43 147.43x Ic** 24.23 74 7 '231V»—W M XVelch. Mfr Uo.

717 Mrs J. II I>uttnn. .*4undrlea ... _______ .. 14.44 14 44Inunalr' . 3.31 3.51 252-XX*. R. Doaond,

713 4*|iy 4*r St Johna. IJ<!Utd x'eneer _______ ... 1 N lleklIdcbt ami water -. 72« 22 O'; IS.-: I.lit her faldy.

214 N«»rlb XX’eslem Mfc. < *n.. S*'' l< e(i In burial Imllc •ntSupbllea n.N i;.to «.»l,il»-r . 14.M

2I.'> Rb'hmond A Ha4-kus 734 - Tin Mutual Uaa Ca..Ib'conI of morlipice* 2$ N 29 *r' Has C H and J n.N n.N

714 XVlIt 11 Rrunaon. P .M.. 73,3 -Cecccc If Heal.pootace stamps i N 3.M*' 1 ilslnf*-'tine 2.20 2.2®

.17 J T MMImaii, 734 -Charlt-a II Poller,Suppilea____ 4.95 4.x.’. Dlslnf4-c||nc _________ .. 24.N 10 lu

21**- -U S Rxprcaa Co.. 237 .X. n Kincaid.Kxpreoa • hanrea .30 .to Fiirnkmilnc 2A25 23.2.'*

714- Wm H Hrunson. P M . 25t—R H Armour,Stamp* 14 00 10 Oi. .Xbstrartinc .- ..... 472.27

770 K lotke. 254 ovM Recteter Pnlon,Frelcht tl ,tl Prlnilnc _____ .. N R3 45 X3

?7I--aennre If Real. 240--Knhna ft MerHII.Dtainfacllnc_______... .. .21 34 .’.1.54* Ulotbinx l.N i.ao

— —------ -----

2*7—O. W. McPheracw,Medical attandanca. Me-Uulan_____________________ N.N N.N

2N--B. Urular ft Cb.,Uaads furplabail to JamasMrilttten__________________ N.M 4AN

2N—rtaak Jolly.Milk for Jamao McOulan ..S.N 2Jt

270 . Jame* Rwaaaay,Justice fees .............. O.N AN

271- B. D. Martin.Utetafectliur_____________ lOAN INN

272— Ira Shaw,Aaalstlac Hsaw warden O.N AN

273— R. H. Scott. M. D..Medical oendeea_________ N.N 24 N

274- lra Shaw, |Deputy Sheriff evpansas.. .54 .N

rS~^m> A. Sleldbt.Dtatnfectlns ............. 21.14 21.N

274—Will 11. Rrunaon. P. M..fCnvelopes _____ M.N 24 N

277—CHy of St. Johna,Sundrlea__________________INU IN.Sft

Moved by Mr. Hill, aacondad by Mr. Ulrich that tha partial report of th* Oom* raittee on CkilaB* b* accaptad and adapt- ed. Motion carried.

Mr. Sexton. Chairman of th* CMamit- to* on Poor submitted th* foHowtac re­port;

Wednesday. Octobar 2Srd. 191A To the Honorable, tbe Board of Super- vlaora of ciiaton c'ouaty Michlaan.

Ueatlemen; Your committee on paor reepectfully report thnt wa have axnm- Ined the Irnoba kept in the oouaty clerk and county treasurer's <»fflca aad ac­counts kept with the supeiintendanta of the poor and hare found th* oanw to bp accurst* and in comi shape.

We have found vuuchara to show tor all moaay expended thoutrh some of them showed 041 4 1. K. by either of tbe oupar- iniendents or by any sopervtaor.

We flml the f-ountx* farm and buHdlnaa art- well taken 4wrc of under the abta and efflilent aupervlalon of Mr. anft Mrs. I-eeter and state too much pralop cannot Ite clven them for their personal Interest, lare and able manasamant tor iinffu-lunnle (teople kept there.

NX* flml the house tiui otnall aad con­veniences not cuod enouch to slva the la- rnatea the heat rare and attention.


Mnve*1 by Mr. T'lrich. aecouded by Mr. DavkI ('lark, that the report b* accaptaft an*! adopted Motion carried.

Mr. Hennlati. chairman of tb* Commit­tee 4*n ivralns. road th* fitllowlap report to the Imard:

St. Johna. Mich. Oct. SI. lOIA To the Honorable RaanI of Suparvlaara

of the t'lunty of Clinton;Whereas. It has been raporiad by thp

caunty drain commlaaloner. Doula Oraen, that he experiences crent difficulty In ae- ' iirlnc .1 surveyor to do the work pre- talnlnc to Ms office, hy raaaoti of tha lone delay before he can receive pay for w-«rK «lor*e *rherefore your roaamtttep

(rontinnad on pbRc IS).



Thursday, Nov. 7thrOVVERn^lH AT !• H*l lAN'K HHAltr, THE EOLLNWIBli; HENf’KIHI H PROPERTTi


■ft) mmrm, t jrm, 4141, wU ISM with

HONK.Nww ftftd H plftm, Hraad ottw.

Bky WaMtatr C yrm, aM, wt IMS (inL

tey Nftfp « yra. pM wt IlM.■kj rwM ratiiiBB f jrm. wM.Hr9 pftll • nnNHs wM.

044 iNlilRk !• you. wM wt MM

t'ATTLK.ted Pww I F44MP pM teP Hri I, t^PR 4 iPRN pM 4pp Ip .hptPNter. <)pw 4 yppN pM dpp Ip Umy, i'rm 4 fpppa pM Mr Ip Hpfp4h ^PW nHM fwp 4 ypa. Pli. ppH Ry 44ivMa444p, rwNlkf i yyp, M* in tey, rwm 4 ypppa Pid Mr Ip HpfM

with I*I Abp4l M bNM.Id Ipriirya.Rprh rttoPR.

IHPUmilTB.liNtipp fowlp h4RMr.Hp4 ■npiii rp«B MpMt. n4U iwbp.

lEpypNfu* rpvpfHr dfIM.

It'pTa sbrllpr.' Npj trddrr.jHprtPd tnptli IMUTPW., Hplhr twplli dfWR.|S wMr tifp wpRPPA'Hip«4r hpBvy.• riplfpnp hpBB).

Pr« p4 bpb


RAY A.YII NRjini.14 PNPP Pi rpfw Ip PIN44. Abppl M IPP p4 iMiy*AhPBt Mi bpahrSa pf pplp. tl MaM4a pf tkNdpy awd N

•p pnrHn

TERR'* tlM «H I AHVIl. t |PR| OfVR TMIT iWWIflT I TRim TIHK W|t.|, Hh HlfVY flh■ hfOTYP HRIIIIhM « FVR


k\ Viies,Apioid NMWr, AprRnpMr CM

«U«C8UAV 31, 1912. PAGE 11


mm MiCHifiM MWmm




After two and owe-balf yeara' work iwprwentaUvaa of the m>tsht traSr dopartmenu of the prtnrtpai railroada of tke atate have pnwentad to tke atate railroad roaa- ■ilaaton a cotnpoalte acheduir of ciaaa rate# on frelpfat.

The new achedule wbicli the rail* roada ask tbe oommlaeloti to approve provides a net advance of 3.M per cent over present rates. In exchange for that Increase the railroads pro- |Kiee belter service. Shippers aiso will gain in tbe eilmlnation of disciim* Inatlon. Technicalties In freight tar*

long hauls will bsnedt aceordinglr.Approval la WHkkeM

Hie new armies have not hsen ap-pmved by tke commiaelnp. bat the tariff nMO vrere Infoivuad that the oomtniselofi will accept the rale schedules for llltng on the under­standing that the comaaisatoneni do not approve any one of the rates, but will consider the eeale fair for tbe following reasons:

First, that It Is constructed on a mileage baols: secondly, because It appfeaches uniformity more cloaely than any other ever submitted: third, becauoe the schedule calls for the ap- plicntino of the same rate In opposite directions, removing to a large extent the diacrlminatory features of present class rates.

Just what the ahippera of the sUte will think of the new schedule re­mains to be seen. It la expected that It will be generally approved If It Is followed with an Improvement In freight service because of the featuresIffs It Is said will lend to reduce this , ,i..tnn

advance to a certain extent, while which appealed to__ _______^the increase only uiatcrlally will af­fect high grade shipments for short hauls. lx>wer grade shlpmenu for

not only keeps cold out, but c nnaervea body-warmth: body- fat serves the same purpose, it enables us to resist unsettled ciements and serves as the P’'ont source of our body-heat. Greater body-warmth means richer blood, more fat. not obesifvbut fat which the body con.^umes for warmth, vitality, resisrance-power as a furnace conr**me« coal for heat— Scott's Emulsion does this.

A tc.TooonfuI after each meal it'nkes hody-warmth— healthy, r.ctive blood — sharpens the rppetite and makes all gr^'od lond do good.

/r drum* ft:* -tnd Ur “o* out raid* hy raisin e-'dum re-power and creatin ^‘rengthR»/*ct Mabttitutma for SCOTT^S.

SCOTT a I- wTtr RkxmiSrld. V J 1

Owing to the Imimrtsnce^of the msl- tsr the commission will delsy ftnsi action of the schedule for some time. In the disolipstoii of the rates the commissioners, in accepting the schedules. Impressed firmly on the representatives of the carriers that In view of tbe adjustment end In­crease a corresponding Improvement In service will be demanded,

('nmplsinis Are Kememhered. There have been many complaints

relative to service and the commla- slon will take ample time to deter- r tne whether the service is being Im- ^ re -1 before the revised rate# are pi. r#-d n effect, and If there is no Im- p- ’-eno ' "oted In the handling of

^frel till . •’’Isalon will lake such ; furthe r . ‘‘on ar i- require*!.

More tu. • do*-n “hedules have been Buhmi^ th-' e<%nimls*lon

;diuing the i- '1 ih .-iTter . been I up for consid* r- hi; ’ In th' ' Mines submitted . rav* l*’fr»'-was almve 20 per cf u'- r h it i.e I? R T>Brwln. rate exj -? f r <oi niisslon, devoted nii tlr •• t

i rcnillnl/lnr the Individual fig;.' with the result that no one c‘. »' «- was turepfed even for filing until int- present schedule

«h! behalf of fheir mada the rail­road men insist that all classes of

'== rvlff snd everything entering Into railroad operation la much higher ahib e\ery one is receiving much higher prices for ('oromoditlea of all kinds and urge that the railroads must rerelv*- more revenue in order to < m-

iilnue in o|>eratlon.\rgiiments along this line hav« ueen

frequent In recent times befnr- th« ommisslon. Just what has hceii the

basis for fixing rates on freight ser ^vlce in the iwat is a matter which

mis— a QMMtloo of IglorealUig aageet i’eipsditlsw AffoHa Itgics.

It Is wwll kBown that dlsciisslaaUow awd oasnpoUtkMi In maay Inatsaces havo fixed Um rata rathor than aa ac­curate dotenalaatioa of what price

’the railroads should charps for the ,aoi rfce lo yiold a fair profit, la fhet. It is aaid that It la oaly stace the com- misaloa waa established that there haa beea any attempt to determine

I rateo In a scientific nutaaer leading i to uniformity sad to eliminate dla- rrimtaatloa.

The followiag railroad men have cooperated with Mr. Darwin In pre­paring the schedule placed on file: H.H. Ilradley. general freight agent. Ann Arbor: D. I.,. Wakeman. general freight department, D. d M.: R. C.I. 4*nvenworth, general freight agent. (Irand Rapids and Indiana: N. H. An- spach. chief tariff bureau. Lake Hhore: 8. L. Rtraua. chief tariff bur­eau, Rrand Tr ink; T. T. Webster, chief tariff bureau. Michigan Central: A. H. Greenly, chief tariff bureau. Here Marquette; H. C. Hell, general freight department. D. T. d I.




; FMaL—Carl fk»x. who. as was stated la last sight's die patches from Dea- i ver. killed hia three children aad | then took hla own life at Tajroia. Col-, formeriy lived oa a farm in Mundy |

itowBskIp. thin oouaty. About eight yean ago be suddsaly disappeared taking kla wife with him. Reveral

.days pssatil before his abasoce was Dotloed by neighbors When they made an inveatigatioa they found the houae dsaeited aad there was aoihing about the piaqe to ladicale where the family bad gone. Fox left hla stork

, on the farm and fodder eaough to food them eeverai days. It was nearly a month before relatives learned that Fox had goae west.

A brother of Fox. who is a well-to- do farmer in the same vicinity, baa received a teiegram telling of the murder and sulcl^. It was seat by Mrs. Fox, who evidently eecaped tbe hand of tbe slayer. Fox left a letter stating that a secret society was pur­suing him for murder in this county.

'The brother here states that be haa no doubt that Cart waa demented, as

!he never bad an serioiia trouble* while .living In this section.

The parents of Mrs Fox reside on a : farm in Burton township and It is probable Mrs. FOx will return to Mich­igan. The bodies of Fox and the chil­dren will be burled in the west.


is what we furnish the people or this city and vicinity. We carry in

stock lumber of all kinds and at reasonable prices.

Get Your Sask and Docmts at Htxne.We can supply you with anything in this line, at

a low price, and you can come to our Mill and see just what you are getting. Let us figure on your House

■ or Barn bill.

PauT Lumber Company St. Johns, Mich.

Grand Rapids—Frank Van Horn,I aged 18. who lost a leg and auatalned IS broken hark in a railroad accident {August IS. died Hunday afternoon at I Buttera —‘h hospital, i The * case has been watched;wlth gr-.. •• —'•t by many |>hysi-; clans and iiu. ' "ise of tbe un- . usuailty of a |.t.. X’lne so long s time with a ven. '♦••red.They aftiihiile the stiibhorn i> he offered death to his wonder:-i .

itallty,’’nn Horn received the Injuries

r. n hand car on which be and a It .1 worker were riding was stnick

Grand Tpink special cairvlng of- als of the mad. The accident »h--

t:rc<l near Ionia. The l»ojrs wop- :ntlng signal targets and towers

along lh‘- right-of-way and were in the act of reivovlnr the car from the tm< k when the train atnick them.

Htrurk hr liMeiars Hpeeial.When V.xn Horn and* his companion

Jo*M‘ph Koni-rerxewlck. saw they could not remove the car, they Jump- ••<1. Vnn Horn was the nearest and re«-elv«*«l the full blow of the splinter- •■d car ..nd ri>ing wheels. Both young men were taken to Ionia on the spec­ial tr.iin anil later removed to this city. Van Horn was taken to Butter- ' woPh ho!, iial and Konczerzewick to • his home i




Baf’e (V' Mrs Mvron H Rrder. wifs of e rron'ln'’”' real evfr*e dealer

* 'tsrsh M p*** It!«*t**v ki1le<1 w'hen • 'con upon vhlch eh- —as riding

m —- nr with her h ’s* ’nd a farm V»ye. wr« •♦r hr M'chl- ran T’uited Trac*'-r !nf,-r ••***»n

Mrs Rrder was Ir**-’ ’ et- ”♦ Irt* feet hut the two men « ?« " * tnl'fThe accident happened n«»»r ih tt» der country home, located ju«» ••ej • the Marshall rltr limita.

^ _ ______Hates Leg of Hay.


000. Insurance 83,000 to 14.000; Twlch- |ell A Marshall, hardware. 13,000, In­surance li^OO; Mark Hill, barber shop, li^.OOO, no inaurance; G. A. R. and W. R. C. ball, $800. no InaurancQ; K. O.

|T. M. M. hall. 8S00. no Insurance: iPottenrllle Loreeum A Opera company. I $800, no tB once.I J. C. Potter, the greatest loser, Js undecided mo to re '. •illdlng. “

"It seemed that ray 14-year old boy would have to lose bis leg. on ac­count of an ugly ulcer. caus«‘d hy a bad bnilae. " wrote D. F*. Howard. Aquone. N. C.. "All remedies and doc­tor’s treatment failed till we tried llurklen's Arnica ilairc. and cured him with one box." Cures bums, bolls, skin eruptions, piles. 23c at J. T. .Millman's, VanHIckle A Olaa- ple’s, Travis Drug Co.

Charlotte — With tbe ^ceptton of one store tbe entire south end of tbe buslneas section of INMtervtlle was de­stroyed by a fire of unknown origin, which started at 1 oSclock Sunday raomiog. causing a loss of 140,000.

fire, first discovered by the Grand Tnink agent la thought to h.nve started in the opera house. The Potter hotel bloek. the largest In liiwn and an Eaton r nty landmark:

ov( rs house au.. '<rick busi-ue»s ;'larea were const:

The village baa no flr« ,i. M-'n and neighboring towns wen* au. give hut little ussistanre l>ecause OJ .; lack of water supply In the village.

An opera company, exhibiting In the hall Saturday ntrht. lost It entire be- lonflngs Several families living ov­er the stores had narrow «>scapes. sav­ing only a few of their i*eraonal ef­fects.

The losses J. C. Potter, hulldlng, 115.000, about 85.000 Insurance; Park-

I PoltervUIe la an Inrop-'rated rll- i lage of about 80u itopulatlon. l-icat d In Benton township. Fh.t'»n «ounJ> six and half miles north<-;i.8t <.i ( h.tr- lotte.



place. Olivet is one of the last vU- lagea in this section of the atnie to have its streets lighted with kerosSAS street lamps.

In Olivet tbe lamplighter is still s figure, surfing in at 2 o'clock in ths afternoon, filling, trimming and light­ing the Ismpe. Many a time he has finished Just sa some of first lamps lighted have burned out. The rlllsge will be illuminated by Kui arc lights. All the busineas places, the college buildings and many rf the r<Midenc«« ''ill ulfo i •-1 t llxhts.

'this tiiea. Ii- i { of a quaint old roller/- town .he birth of anew Olivet 'I he * oli» ■ coiiipleting a rentral 1. iiiig point A moving

Il'icti.re til rr- i* (■» lx- itti^talled. The |ii<*w eleclrl/ 1*^ ' tu j)M probability, J. street CJT line v jiiun two years, all this gr*ea i< tiujd nize tbe vlllsge.

Charlotte—After a half century of »• - nt street lamps, the village of01i,< ' ;a a college town, is tobe light! electric lights, theelectricity to be carried to Olivet from Charlotte, a distance of 11 miles.

The Consumers* Power company has about completed the building of a high tension line from this city to Rattle ('reek. This line passes through Olivet and the wires are nearly all In

li:ir M iilend Payer It pays 27 p, i cent. Is4 a sure

thing. la received at once. The ar­ticle baa been sold for forty yesra. Tbousanils have Invested without loM The offer is to you. Therefore whsF painting buy 12 gallons L. A M. Paint and 9 gallons lAnseed OH. Mix than together. The toUl cost Is 833.00. An tM|ual quantity of a ready for use frosB the can Paint cosu 142.00—ths aiiMHint saved la 89.00. It's 27 per cent on any quantity. Call on A. O. Hunt. 8t. Johns.




Will Reduce the ‘‘High Cost of Living”N

In these days of high prices for all the necessities of life, the habit of saving "United” stamps is a good one to acquire, as it teaches thrift and economy as well as the accumulative power of money. A lesson that you will have to learn sooner or later if prices of necessities continue to soar as they have. It takes but a short time to fill a book with stamps, and when it is full you may exchange it at our piemium parlor for an article of your own selection, valued at $3.50

Or better still, you may select the PREMIUM IN ADVANCE and pay for it with "United” stamps, a few each month.You will receive 1 stamp for every 10c you spend. 10 stamps for $l and the same ratio for the full amount of your purchase.We have hundreds of useful articles for you to select from. Do not fail to visit our premium parlor. No. 6 Clinton Ave. over

Mrs. Stevens’ Millinery Store, and inspect the beautiful display of premiums and receive 30 stamps to start a book on

Opening Day, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1912at No. 6 Clinton Avenue, ov^ Mrs. Stevens Millinery Store

The following is a list of merchants of St. Johns. Michigan, that will give "United” stamps on all cash purchases.

r Free T \ Coupon


CHICAGOriUnilffH Sfflfft Gerpikrfflvin, *

NoUe BurnettDry Goods. Ladies’ Cloaks and Suits

55 CBnlon Ave.

Qaric & HulaeClothing and Gents’ Furnishings

37 CUmm At*.

Spaulding & Co.Hardware. Stoves and Ranges

S« JalM*. Mica

Hulse BrothersShoes. Trunks and Bags

43 ClinliNi Avff.

R. G. AllisonJeweler and Optometrist

Avff.29 CliiittMi

O. G. PlunkettBazaar Goods. Fancy China, etc.

9 CNi—8 Affu.

O. G. Plunkett, Photographer9 Av*.

• !*««••« Mffs V*_ arssMM R •! war FyiiilgF• nw8gr smi ysm sm■ rhgggs N farI rioo

^ United

a Ns pmmsrnrn rsMlwi. T8i8i* IFgggA gMfi oiJi M 4gy •!

* Ssturdos’

■ Nov. anA. 1918Hunt & TubbsGrocene:>. etc.

SOI CliniMs Av»-UfUlffd TrudUac SiMapt LsHtl HaMipaaHm at No 9 CBoioo Affo*# 9l. loh^fi. MNA.L

Ulhl8««l ••I** I

• •••••• mmm


PAGE 12 31, imzPioceecfif of tf>e

Board SuporvnorsQiiitoii CoMDty, Stete ai at thair Rfiar


(OoaUaiMd friMu paa* !•.)rMpMtIuUy mtbmkta tlwt Um M*

K i«mHiU«o Iw aaaptwl kjr ymm

N«ir»'-Mimtmi RtAMMMr, Anarvw Hmi* ntmm. J*tMi H Ulrtca. A. U THpa. M M. IIIU. WllUain Hauth—M«ir« «. Motloa cv

Mayi^ by Mr. T. If. Clark, MnoBar* by W. U. HuMrr, Ikat tiM Jaatior'a mimrr IM iM.#a iwr Bwatk. «oiaiTlBa Jaati* ao 1. IkM. Motlan caiTHi.

MovmI by Mr. Mrkrts, ■■■oa<id by Mr. W. u. Huatrr. Uial Im* Bnard Mljoiim uatll t—iprroar OMralaa at t:lA. Motlaa cmiTMil.


Ctark.(Coaclii4ad naxt w«ak.)


tt OpparRiMMlM Rb

Ba it BMatvad by tba Baartf of anbor- yloaro of tba oaaacy of Cttatoa. that oar rNbraooatAtiva aad Mato HotMlor frooa Iblo blatrici bo taotruetod le havo tbo proaaat law rtpaaiad or aaiaailad oo aanrtyoi raay obtala pay ao aooa ao work la eoMblatod.


Mavad by Mr. I aadara aacoadad by Mr.Tripb. tlMt tba ripart ba aeoaptad aad adaptad Motloa oarrtad.RM^RT or SPBCIAL. OOMMITTKE |

•t. Jabaa. Mleb.. OcSabar t4. Itlt. I Tm tbo Hoaaaabto. tbo Board of Bupor- (

rlaara of Cllatoa oooaty.Oaatlamon; Yoar aparlal coaMdlttoa oa

Taiapboai Invratl^tlnn would raoport* fatty aaboBit tbo followlap rapart:

Wo find (tbrouph Mr. Ooan, of tbo Un-laa Talapbuai Oa.) that tbo Ualaa Talo.__________________ ___pboao Oo.. havo mada a ualform rata, j MM« PMB pp two OOUBPI tbraapbiHit St. Jobaa oa buataoaa pboaaa BRB Iw rollpd down. BBd tbis of Ul.tB at tbo boctaatas of tbo yoar aad j '^BP VdViftpd br aPBM of IllP that prior to ItlS thoy rharpod aay wboro mmd bOBdPOdR of oCImw dpinr fraaa tlS.W to ttt.W. aad. aocordtap to i In Um oOBDtIT. ttel fRnBpr m Mr. Oaaa. Ul.W would oquabao tho ; .ttfai— mU tba ebarpao for bualaooa pboaoo wttbout loaa aad that It orao liapoaotbla to naUatata pbaaoa at loaa rato.

Wo flad that tbo phoar at tho Couaty Jail wua at tbo rato of Ill.W and was flood to tll.W at tbo oocoad quartor of tbo yoar. tbuo laabtap tbo pboao roatal for tbo Dlao pboaoo at tho Court llouoo

dr J. I If B dPiry fbrPMT

wM roll Mlvor dP p m

Wo also ftad that tbo pboao at tho Oouaty House la a oao>party Itao orlth a apoclai ft* of $SS-RS oa a roatfct ox* pSrtaa la robruary. ISIS. This ft* was tbo lowest tbo cooapoay would pf at the Pupertn tendon to of Ibo Paor.

Wo also find that tbo pboao in tho booth at tho Court Houoo. put in by tho Clbiloa Tolopbono Co., la for free public uoo as far as tho ttt Johns A Kuroka ox* rbaswo sro ceacornod and ronaorted with all Ball phonos at tho ropular f to of toll cbansso. tb* rant of pboao Is fIS.W flat f to.

Wo also find that tho Clinton Tolo* pboao Cn'a chanro for IlusInoM phonos, with both oxchsnpoo la 115.00 rial rato aad that tho Company will laslntsln a pboao on a ono*party lino at the county Houso for SSOOS per year

jfHiN r ^M.nu^l A. U TRiPr W O Ht’.VTKR

Moved hv Mr Hilt, aocondod bv Mr. Ridenour that the report of tho Hpoilal rVunniltloo bo acfoptotl and adopto«l

fPn naoiton of Mr lenders, aocondod by Mr. William Hmtth. an amendment waa made to tho ortptnal motion tahllnp the re­port until tomorrow mornlnp which amendment waa adopted by tho Hoard RBPoKT t>K RO.tKM (»F KDt’CATlON

Tho followinp report oraa road to th< Hoard t>v the Clerk aad referred to th>- f'owimitlee on Approprlallon.

omcs: «>K Bt>ARD or kdccationJohn Walker, Couni> Clerk

Mt John. .MIchtaari8lr V«»u are hereby notified that the

Board of Kduoatton of the rlt\ of Mt J«ihna on the Itth day of June. ISi:. at a ropular meetinir of aaid Hoard, eatimai>-<l that the i-oat of Inatrurtlon for the eur rent year of the Countv Normal TralnluK Claae nMlntalnod In aakl <ity. will lie alaleen liundr>-<l fifty dollara. I>edu< tinM Iherefron. on*- thoiiaami dollara to t>e r> rolved from th* aiat* th«- hal.'tn<-> la ai* hundre.1 flftv dollar.


PreaWenl n«iard of hVluratlon C|.AItK A Pl'TT

Mo<Tetary of Hoardl>ato«l It .Mt John.. Ml* hipan. U.i* l.lh ;

day of Jill.. l>i: I. .le eirrk '•ailed the attention of the .

Hoard to the neceeeilv ..f eome mor«' flllna meee betnp pUcal In th*- vault of the i*ountv Herk . offhe aiwl ie<|ue*i|nr th*' Ihuid t . toKi- 111* m.*tler 'in*ler . *>iiabler-, a’b->r

Moll 1 l<\ Mr l.m.le; - .e ..n*led l>\ Mr firb ‘ fh.it ti . r*-. 1. .f . f the >rk I**-referr*-*! to tl.- «••«nlmltt*•o on 'Huiidlnpii iih-! pToui'.li* Mr.tlon I "•’•‘le.: '

M.' -!*•: n W Hunter *rrr“i-nie«i t: - f •b»wlnp r. (.oot the fburd

Ml Johiia .Ml*"^To rh* I lor., rni.i. Ibiaril “f Siip*-r\!•*•.»

• in. \«ar • ll.e <><-t*>U>r aeegtnn .f lb- Hrainl. .< >-o|.|. tiyeniari rr|»..rt a«* r* ad hy the . l4alro*..!i of the <'omfr lll*'.- oh l^•or ?h*>vi'l(ip tt-.- .ini*yunt. .traan from the l*oor K*io-l .v* i»fni>»‘rarv relief, hy i*-..* dll i frront tewr.*rhlF>. U. t la counts I

For wsino r*-.*«*n fhl* report iloer n*>t ap* liear In the )ournal of that irrssitvn a. < puhH**: ad

Taklnp that rofMirt -imI polnp atlll far ' thor. It haa ti9>»ii found that tho amount. . ralsod hy taa and pski Into that fund In ; be used aa lemporarv relief Hnor Fund In = Ibta county aa follows

Amt IDrawn Amount j Paid I

t 4SVII ' t CM U 1 II.TCI.SC j t sM.n t SM IS t MSM I S5< 41 t CttS«• MRW• U7 fa I m U• SIRS!I til 14• 4«».3aI «•*.?«I 74: i:

pttittla by tbm m» at tba aOo ba few BBWBR vary tmWffwwit amd feMps on Is tha amaaa old twt, f—dlnc dry ffead, waatiag n«art| fealf at his oom srop and dolag a la( o( onaaaaaaary work.

la tkaaa days of eioas txamiatWkia. Hitn Hisa ihoald ba raady to taks ad* ran taps of ovary opportaalty to rw dpfes tha ooot of prodacttoa. aad It wtn fea foaad that tt la saslar, tf tha

Holy Ttlatti <*harah MaWa.Lost Moaday wanMaa thofu warn a

Maos for tha l*arsstortal aolcaty at savaa o'cloefc.

Tiiasdsy aad Wadasaday thar* wars bo laaaaaa ao PBthar I ladSMana waaib Hi- JaiUM to aaatat Matbor Ldrach with the forty hoar devoUoa.

Thursday la Uw Vigil of All galata tharefor* a day of fast aad mth- atlaesMDe.

Friday la the feast of All SalnU. a holy day of ohllgatloo. also Aral Frl* day of tha oKNitti tharr will ba Haered Haart davocloaa.

Saturday Is All Hours day. High luaaa at eight o’cloek.

Hubday la the Aral Sunday of the moath therefore It will be oonuaunloa Suaday for the Young Ididlee’ Hodall*ty.

Slave Xle—Capacity iO tons, alae 14atS feet; ooet hlSS.. No reef, clay floor.

proper methods are used, to do that than to rmlae the selling prtee of the dairy products. The reeulta are the same; a large net proAt.

In the com plant about 40 per cent, of the feeding value Is In the stalk

Mrs. Walu and three sons and her daughter. Mra. Sarah Limpert. of Ann Artwr. who were here to attend the fuaeral of Mlehnel Waits, returned boHRe last weak Monday by way of lAaolnp where they rlatted relatives before golag home.

Mr. aad Mra. Henry Walbiidpe of St. Johaa vlatlad f>r. Schemer aad family Suada).

Mrs. Oeo. NuMar of l*ewaaK> vlatled her elacer oae day last week.

Mra Tyler (leorge and Mias Kva Martin were In St. Johns Snturday.

H. P. Thomtea and wife entertain* ed a company of friends last Sunday.

Mra. Chas. Fox and daughter. Blaarh*. visited Bmeet Fox and fam* lly.

Miss Ralls Hufnagel of St. Johaa was home over Sunday.

Mr. aad Mm. Auguat .Voek*r and daughter Francle of Waetphalia visit* ed Mr. aad Mm Thomas Weber last Sunday.

Fra^ Whittaker, who has been very alcfc the past two weeks Is able to ^ out again.

Mra. I. J. Sage of f>vld visited her daughters a few days the Arst of the week.

The 7th and Sth grade glHs and the boya of the aame grades had a spel* ling contest, the glrla gaining the vie* tory.

Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Srhafer and children spent Sunday with her sla­ter. Mrs l^uniaa Weber.

Mr. and Mrs Tyler (leorge and Joseph Kasper were in lainsing Sun­day,

Mr. and Mra. Ueo. Mullins and ooo. Alvin, spent Sunday with their daiivh* ter. Mrs. Haniaon Miller out of town

Mias Clara (^leorgr waa In lainalng Monday on buaineaa

John Pinela and Michael Arena were near Muir Tuesday on buaineaa.

Mias Rlrlra Ileamdl spent a few days in Riley visiting Mlaa Hu^a Mohnke.

•Mr and Mra. Frank le'onarrt visited her sister, Mrs. Chas Weltxel last Saturday evening.

Prank (*ook of Pewamo was In town .Monday un bustneas.

Mrs Anna lluell and children of Wyandotte visited her sister. Mrr Wtu. IDunneback. the latter part of last week Monday they went to St Johns to vlalt relative# this week

Mr Mauer accompanied Rev ('hat held on his visit to Fowler last Sun­day.

Andrew iDiirkee of St Johns was Hi

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ (M.IYB PimiR. ♦♦ ♦

Fraak Croggman had tha mtofprtuaa to Idas oaa of Ms work homaa laac

OrabdBHi Smith lo vary III at the home of bar aaa. Jamaa Smith.

Jaooie Rooe io raparfad vary III with srarlat favar. School la claoad aad wtil not ha raaumad uatll thare la BO furthar daapar.

Mr. aad Mrs. Raaaali Warrsa eater- tblnad Mr. and Mra Uoalla Saetay of liaplala Saturday aad Suaday. Mr. aad Mrs. David Harta sad Mr. aad Mrs. Phalpa of Bath were also thalr guaaU. Sunday.

Mr. aad Mra. Frad Davla aad soas spent Suaday In Blaghani in the boaie of Jay Davis.

Mr. aad Mrs. Fraak Oaaaman aad family attendad the Crsaaman-Hullard Buptlals In Victor iaat weak.

Mr. and Mm. Haory Rouse of Da- Wltt apaot a day laat weak with Mrs. Bugane Brya. who Is improving slow­ly from bar recaat severe lllneaa.

Mr. and .Mrs Richard Hlxby of St. Johaa aimnt laat weak la tha home of Mugene Brya.

Sunday Mr. and Mm Alex McArthur eatertalaad bar coualas. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Maa^ and daughter. Remlea. who motored from Flint for the day. Her paraau. Mr. and Mra. B. J. War- Twa, ware also tbair gueata.

Mr. aad Mra. Bart Davis aad fam­ily and Mr. and Mra. Frank (Traaatimn and family spaat Suaday In Riley In the home of Ralph Creaaman.

Ulan and Roy Harper of St. Johaa spaat from Frltey until Sunday In the home of thair graodparenta. Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Harper. Their parents came out for tha day Suada.v and In the sflemoon treated them all to an <*xtand*d auto trip.

Sunday the following were callers In the home of Kugaae Brya: Mr. and ! Mrs. Adolph Brya of lADlngnburg. Mr. and Mra. Theodore Brya of DeWItt. Chas Brya. Mr. and Mrs. T. Deprex and dau^tar lx>retta and Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Morton and children of St. Johns, also several of their neigh­bors

Mrs Iva llond and son Harold and

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I ♦ ♦♦ MAST SUTI. ♦♦ ____ ♦ I REAL ESTATE I

Ctrda Holdsa. who haa baaa la Ckl- aaso tor tha laat ttso mimtlm la haam for a few waeka* vimc

Mlaa Aamlln Nichola waa tha guaac ®f Mlaa I iata Marah from ^tday ua* til Suaday.

Mra. Will DaWltt, Mm U. Arnold Mra. J. T. WaUlaa of sl Johaa. Mta ^J. Dana aad Mra Julaua Krappa of BMam ware gwaam of Mm f?^.Marsh Suaday. Tha day was tha Tfth aaalvaraary of thair mother. Mra Julatu Kmppa.

The farawall party gfvaa by tha «Bd nalghbora of Mr. aad Mra

(Than. Hymaa was well attaadad. Af-

!***J?“ home aeraa, € mlloa from St. Johaa.In SC. Johaa. Their frleada aad neigh* j lt.MA.00. boia wlah thaai a happy city life IMr. aad Mrs. Fred Spaldel nmtad I ^ Fowlar, aMr. and Mia John CoalT^r LalJ 1^ ^ Ifslag Tuaaday. > "^ttSht aaoa.

The Young paopla of BinghamUrnage will give the play eoUtled ____ __"The Comer Store" at the Fowler oo* ^era bouae Friday evaalag, .Sov. «th ■ ** ^ Da WHt. Haa

Buy that Farm now' and gat choice of !

Bcurgaina.SO acrao. S mllaa want of Marla

Baaah carMaa. good I mam houoa. fair haiB. orchard, aoaall fruit aad batrlaa Flaa litUa fkrm at tS4M.

St. Johaa.

OvM Farttia aaU;bam highwaya la


•0 aeraa. 4 mllaa from SC Johaa.Aboat to

balldlask. 7 aeraa | baytBg.The young people have had good auccoaa with thair play aad everybody timbar. tt.0M.00 fOr quickaaanm ptaaaed with (tacle Hi aad poorblack Jaaper. the negro comedian ig aeraa. Aha farm. 4 mllda from St


ISO aeraatioo.oo

t aMlc^•ttO.OO per acre__ from St Johaa.

KSW. ♦’ “*** Dma St Jokw. % i

iBBlIe to ear Haa. good bulldlaga. itehiw ^T •*>**• tt.000.00 Would taka'

Lae Doty a^ family and Mr. aad mnaJlar term la azehaage. 'Mrs. George Sloat moiorad to Hlale . .Suaday aad apani tha day with Mr '. furalah you aaythlag la {and Mrs. Alton Sloat Aftar a sump* i JS”"* IMt to nhooaa from. 'tuoua dlaaar they took a trip to tha 'Coloay and Ovid.

Ueorge Buehlar aad his brother. Ru* dolph. aad family spent Suaday in

jRltioas for aala aad oxchaaga.propo-

the home of thair sister. Mru L helm In l\>rtiand.

Wll- P. a BOYDJSJ.Xts.sr rii-™ I “ssris: ys***-?*gram waa given aad at the cloae of JOHNS. MICH.the review a sumptuous repast was served by Mesdamea Pmrl Laffler.

slater. Mra. aKte Moore, of Price were | Maud Kubule and eJnnle Harrod. A entertained one day laat week In the ’ Hallowe'en program will be given at ! home of Darwin Bates. Sunday Mr. i the next roaetlag followed by lunch, and Mrs. Ueorge Ifiner of Alward | The Union Workers will give a "toe . were their guests. social" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '

Mr. and Mrs Henr>' Hartlett from Henry Hill Tuesday evening, .Vovem* , north of St. Johns were Sunday i ber .5th. The proceeds of ooclal will guests in the home of John Moore. | go lowrard «Tectliig shads A cordial

Alllaon Merrthew went to Brighton j invitation la extended to all. Blanche Monday From there he will go to ^ Bushier will lead the meeting next

Oyid l^eiJly On.Ovid, Mich.

p’sunmns aumdGfty Pimp®irft7

We have nearly 150 farmg for sale, also a number of houses and lots.

We have just opened ouroftice on the comer over theSuburban depot and will be

OdidBoa la a batter | pleased to show property any way to gat a atari than to limit your i . r r j 7




•nd apaad tba halaaaa. (Raaouma IttOMO.)

CUataa Caaagy flailMAnn Arbor for further advice concem* ing his eyes beforv* having an opera* tkm.

Your correspondent is always glad to get Itetna. Hstwclally something of

Sunday evening.Mr. sad Mra Albert Laffler visited

Faya t par eaat tutamol oa all dapoa- Ita Loaaa money oa mortagaa aad

In Victor Sunday at the home of their appimad aaeurtty.slater. .Mrs. Hdward Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Chadwick werelaterast to aome on* in anoth*r a*c* ent*rtalned to dinner at the home of tion of the county. -.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rorkwell Sunday.

Mra Mar> Barnes was called to St Johns Moaday no account of the aer*

ig ♦ ious lllneaa of her son-in-law. John♦ H4M TII MILKY ♦ >l*Kl^y.'♦ ♦ ; ------ ------------♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

------------ '♦ ♦


R. C. DMXTmt, Tram

Oaurk, Eeaore & Fiidse Laodi Co.

H. C. Clark. Local Mgr.

.Mr. and Mrs PYrnik Juenker. Peter '.\uffer and Christ Behrens wen- In Victor Sunday the guest of Watt Ride­nour aad family

Henry Kntium nud family spent '^nd^y erentnx at ('has Krtiiuni's in West Rllev

chrtaionMer Kehreos and Peter and <0 par oaat In the sar. When tha j town .Monday on bttaln«>sa. luaialled a furnaceaar alone is fed. nearly half of tha! .Messrs Tvler Georgia and U V. Vlr In their homes one day last week oom crop Is wasted lum were in .St. Johns last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C \V Stiirgli visited

Where the dry stalks are fed. at : Mr and Mrs. S. M. Parks and dau- relatives and friends In Fowler last laast half of them remain uneaten, kbier, Mrs. I-Iarl Jonee and family, tIs Tueada> and M'ednesds) while if stored in the silo the loss le!i*''<l (heir daughter and sister o' ’ Miss Tlllle Behrens an«i friend of almost nothing Shepherd last Sunday.

Every dairyman knows Uiat oowa ■ K'erts wen* Inwill *1.^1. ____.1 __ >Mt Pleasant and Alma last Sundaytun Th, mm I. .ueoUiD* loO ,.,*1 || . F

♦ BK.MIAI, I’K.YTKK. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦♦ S<l| TH URKKYRI'MH ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦g g g g g g

I Harvey and l^ee Walker of Pompeii 1 ' visited Harley and Harry Hefty from ! Friday until Sunday afternoon of laat




A A. .M meeting laat Thursday even­ing.

•Mr aod Mra. Peter Ueller of Detroit are here visiting relatives this week

Mrs Joseph Ha If man went to Grand Rapids Tuesday to visit her sis­ter, Mrs. l.awrence .Martin, this week

Mrs John Aphalter of Wyandotte Is here visiting relatives and friend* this week

Rev ('hattield preached at the M iu i-hurch Sunday evening He remain* e«l over Monday to visit fiienda,

.Mr and Mrs Kugen* Kh*e of Jack- son are here visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs. leuiis ICpkcy, a few day::

Tom Weber and .Martin Gnitu' went niii fo th«- farm of Frank Wellier Tuesday to help with the grading

|an*iiiid the house

lAnsing spent Sunday with her (Mr* ents

(ieorge Behrens of Grand l^edg* visited his lairents and Mr and Mrs Frank Juenker, from Wednesday un*

; til Thiiraday of last week, i Frank Juenker .-UMl wife and f'has. Schrader and wife ai>ent Saturday ev­ening at (* Behren’s

Mr. ami Mrs Frank Juenker. Peter N’liffer and .Mrs ('has Schrader made

jS biialneae trip to Fowler Monday ev­ening

('has Schrader and wife a|ient Siin-dav aftern«K>n with Fred Waller InDallas

gggggggggggggg^A g ♦g B\TII. gg ♦gggggggggggggggg

U«-v Wilcox will preach in the ball next Sunday at 2.3u.

Mrs. rhaa. Travla is visiting at the home tif her sou. .Mr. and Mra. Ora Travis of Pontiac.

Mr aad .Mrs C. L .Shafly and fam­ily and Mrs. Chas. Halsy spent Satur­day and .Sunday with relatives In Gladwin county

Mr. and .Mrs. J. N. ISowman spent Sunday at the home of .Mr and Mrs. M’ T. Plowman.

All are Invited to attend the aocial at the hall Friday evening, given by ('Issa No. 3.

.Mlaa Bessie Hlcka a|ient Saturday and Sunday with ber iMrenu. Mr. and Mrs J. M..Hicks.

Rlixabeth Alexander to Frunk J. Badgt^y. n 4 sw ^ uer 21. Wrotphalla 1100.

Laura M, Huntley to William ain-^ a a ^

Mias Xlno Steadman la quite sick at the wriiting. She has been sick for a week. LItUe lx>ra Hefty has been i Halstead, imd H Int n •Ick for the laat weak with bronchitis. H aec 12. Bengal. |1.

M> are glad to learn that little Gay­lord Tinker is over the whooping cough.

IwgItsh Hpaaklwq Faoplaa. , ^ i,Jnat about 10 per cent, of the world's

Inhabitants apeak tha Bagllah Iwage

♦♦gTgggggggggggg♦ g♦ IMPL1I>. g♦ g gggggggggggggggg

.Mrs. 1 Daggett has returned to car* for Mrs Alton Birmingham after a few weeks with ber slater, Mra. Geo. Hlcka, In l*tnckney. who dl«<d shortly before Mrs Daggett returoed home. The sisters had not met for a period

The latdiea' Embroidery Club will meet with Mrs. Uleeon Tiieeday after­noon. Nov. r», at 2 o'clock.

Julius G. Wise to James J, Turner, lot K. bik 4. less e .5o ft St. Johns. |1.

John Duffenduffer to Herahel Duf- ifendiiffer nw ^ nw <4, sec 28, Leba­non. II000.

I Elmira Fulger to Chas. J. Dakin. I com nw cor of aw t4 sec 34. Rath, a to I center of highway, easterly «6 % rds n in center of blWway to % line of ■aid aac M' 8614 tMs to beginning.

111700.j Charles H. Going to Ida M. Going.I w ^ ne ^ sec 8. Ovid. 81.

Arthur J. Oltrbell to George B. Al- [ drlch e 4 w ^4 nw \ see 14. Orkl, |1.

(Jeorgr- B. Aldrich to Arthur J. (iitrhell, e ^ w t4 nw ^ sec 14. Oeld. II.

Tnwnahlp hv TwpRath 1 S( MHvaoal t 71 WRiaaiwun tl.M4 9%Iwlla* 2Mt0IN-Witt 1 milf Wplakt • 1*1. ISItagt* 1 !!(( 4«tow** ___ I IM.NQrnakaMi _____ 1 M.T4DItv* • aiLMDvM ll.Ul.Uliikaaw 1 irr NRtor 1 SUCKVtoNar 1 inWauwww-t 1 u«wWaatl (wHa • IMW

ModlAed Wisconsin Hll»—Capacity 160 tons; siaa 18x80 feat; cost, •230,

.complete with roof and eoncrats floor.

stable and the oondiltoas for a nuDXi* mum milk Aow are Ideal. Thoae con- dltloDs, however, do not last vary long.

Tha silo comas aa naar to svpplylag tha Idaai conditions as anything tha* can be found, aad It Is available every day la tha yanr. It provides a uniform feed for ovary ona of tha twelve moBtha.

IllChly sanaltive dairy cows reoent may sadden or violaat change In feed, land will show ft by a deeranned milk Aow. The change from fall pnatnre to dry feed la always followed by a obiinkage In tha milk

la changing from tha postara to tha •Uaca. tha change la not ao great, and ottan tha eowo Inereaoa tha Aow of milk whan started oe sllaga. Bavarnl dniryaNm have maaotly mada tha atalotnaat that tha Inaeraaad praita paM for tha olio tha flrat year.

Yveai U.MI ISMswsd ^ Ml Indore.

Itr Hesi tie* ragsMm tang »> t. 1 ^*>'-11 um *«>-hhRtsn rexr^it

Itr 14 < pwIbmM l-ttiaKv- *saispv

msiiJ s. V ) II « eg Mv tasec.'W lbHRii nsNsu Rw <iiKi«a»itM9 ialtaiiw I m aw*

III tn tl


■ ssatm II*1. rststo? f'j.j

irk s*eC3Z.;»i.:r- 1*4

B*Mt V 114111 .n« * 1- snst

A III lb- daiiahit'r. Helen Ellxat>eth. was iMirn to .Mr and .Mr* Burr Smith

.Mis* Etta .Morse of \<*rthvll|p visit- {s<inday aftern«»on. October 27 Moth- til h»-r friend. Mia* Holton, at th* mil- er and daughter doing nicelyllnery store lasi Friday The Baptist ladies reallt*<l ov*r , l r aa 1 tx "j

Mr and Mrs lairene Sturgis went f|(Hi from their fair arul aupiter last ' * 2 ITlliC nortn Oi iVlsplC KspiQB Oil lo St Johns Tuesday evening wh*r*- Saturday afternoon and evening Mr Sturgis Intended to take the Ayer Mr and Mrs Henry Dali of Holt | for a wrotern trip |spent Wednesday at the home of Mr 1

Arthur Femholi and Chester Mahsr'nn,} Mr*, a. B. Klt>oxe jwere lo St. Johns Sunday Four autos of .Manon and th*lr j

Rosa Fernholi was In SI. Johns Fri- , wives attended the O. E. 8. at IDeWItt | day lo visit her sister, Clara j last Friday eranlng Dr. Bellinger

The little Elaoore and Florence and wife were initiated Into the order Fernhoix also visited their sister to #1 DeM’Itt that evening Ht JohiM laat Saturday. Mrs. Saltmarsh of Hast lainalng vla-

Mgs. Anthony Cook of Westphalia |ted her daughter. Mra. Robert Phelps and Mra. Mathlaa Stump of Bengal I lam week.visited their slatar. Mra. F. W. Gellar. Elmer Brown of Ijsnalng spent Bun- Tuesday. They were enroute for Ht. day at the home of James Sweeney.

Mra. Wm. Goodrich was entertained In I.Aaalsg last Wednaaday and Thurs­day at the homes of Mr. and Mra. inandera and Joseph Warner.

Mr. and Mra. George Merritt «*f Gladwin came iaat weak to spend two or three weeks at the home of his SMter. Mrs A. R Kloose. Mr. Merritt will tend store for Mr. Kloose while he la away on his hunting trip.Covart of Lnnalng were In Rath Bun-

Mrs. Nettle Procter aad MIob Tlllle

AUCTIONHaving rented my farm. I will sell at Public Auction at the place 2' 2 miles east and

WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6.1912Commencing at 10 o’clock sharp, the following described property:

JohaaWhan your watch or clock neada at­

tention, don't forget that we have a Jeweler tn Fnwiar. Mr. Vlrum is a Arst-ckms watchmaker and warranu all bla work. Lacated in Tony Fox's atore


I'felllp Daaormanu. Prop, tha Farm- sva Hotel. Schidtor. Mich., saya: "Laat winter 1 eoaM not alaap nightg oa ac­count ofat bad c4Migh that would ntnrt at bad tiam and keep nw awake. I aiartad using Foley's Honey and Tar Cooapound and wna greatly plaoaad

I to And that tba cough left nw. my ap­petite Incraoaod and I alapt ooundly

let night" VaaStckla A Glaaplo.

Cowa that are an paeiurs ahanM hnsn frso aaaaan lo anit

Dant hasHnta la laeveaaa the groin roUnn la keep np the milk Sow

Tha haitm whooe Srsl mlNl paHad: la long, frogmanily AiUNlNgi tha hahll gr tm^ pitta Ai

wuh asillM arw and aaroa gro

liwraaalng Demand far Caal.Tk* eoal roaaumptian af tke world

has >wt akoat doubled arary tan years far tka laat eantory.


( M Whnaltkak. ••• Fwt St,. Fart Muraa. staiaa; "I have naad various hktoi^ msdtsinni tor a ckronic raaa af kidney troakW ikat kns helkarad wm tor aanw yanro and I ann konasUy My tkat Itolay HMnay Fills did mare tor gw Mwn aay af Hwm. They ro- Mavad wm grroUy aad J will alwmm

day.Don Trumble of Leasing vtalted hla

mother, Mrs Ish Herbleon. Sunday.

A Lag aa the Trnah.

of tlw foot axpraaa meona oetioua troabla ahead tf not removad. ao does loaa of appatlta. It meana lack of vt- tsIUy. laoB of strength aad nerve wrokssai. If appeUla falls, take toectrtc Rlitero quickly to overcome the eaima by lantag np Uw atowack aad riirlag the IndtgaaUen. Mlckael Heaab rtawr af Uneoln, Nak.. knd bam tiak over throe yearn, but six hnttlaa af toactttr Mtiaro pat him ttghi an hla feat again. They ham holpad Uwuankda. They giro para Midi, iiNtoi asrssA mad dlgaatton

Mgip 64 I. f. BtUnmahL Thh Itohls B Olsgjii^. Thnais Dsgg On

HORSES.Brown mare. 8 yn. old, wt.

1.300 pounds.Brown mare, 2 years old, wt.

1.330 jxjunds.(Extra Deed Ones).


1 Hampshire ram.HOGS.

2 brood sows with 10 pigs.POULTRY.

75 hens.

Double work hameas. Light double harness. New single harness.4 tons timothy hay.8 tons mixed hay.300 shocks com.

Red roan cow. 3 yrs. old, due' IMPLEMENTS A TOOLS. I^om fodder.December 11. I Keystone Hay loader. bushels good oats

Red cow, 3 yrs. old, due 15th! Standard mowing machine, I ^ bushels barleyMarch.

7 Yearling steers.6 Yearling heifers.

(Oood Faadara.)11 Good spring calves.

A ft. eatHay rake. Hay tedder.Gale wheel cultivator Moore Plow. Steel roller.Spring-tooth drag.

Shorthorn bull calf, 9 mos. | Harrison Wagon.old, eligible to register.

SHEEP.28 Breeding ewes.

Harrison sleighs .Hay rack. Stock rack. Cutter. Good surrey.

Com sheller. Dump boarda.Caldron kettle. Milk am.Montana wool robe.Barrel vinegar.Grindstone, crowbar, forka,

chains, other articles too numerous to mention.

Good organ and other house­hold goods.

time will beLUNCH AT NOON.

TERMS—Five dollars or under, cash; over that amount, 12 months* given on good bankable notes, drawing 6 per cent, interest.

Frank L. Anderson, Prop.B. W. HEWITT. Ctark. AUGUST MILLER, Aucti<

31, 1012.


B^WHt Wmmv.D*Wltt urmiw» Na 4M «UI ImM a

Clranai I'Vir Saturdar aftemooB aad •Baataic. Mov. fth. Itit. Srarybody laTitad Bakad sooda will ba laada a apaclally. Baaiy Qraaca Is tavltad aa wall aa tba pabllc la saMaral. Otwaa aad bur artlclaa for rour aaada>' din- aar froai the boaie ha had •nods da- partaMBt

OeWlU (Iraase haTlas daaldad to boM a fair oa the above date will alve priaaa for the bant aamplaa of wbaai oata. borlar. Baaaa aad all vralna. Said aamplaa to ba aahibttad la quart eaaa with the naaw of the oamar aad aartatr pat oa the can; com. 10 baat aam. aar vaiiatr: potatoaa. mnj vaiiatr: applaa. aucar baata. baata. nuuutal wunaala. tumlpa. oaullflowera, pappata. pumpklaa, oatoaa. aquaah. aar Tacotablaa that trow, name of owner aad vartatr. Pbacy work—Ap- roaa. boMarn. pillow topa, haadker- chlelb. etc. Lira or drmaad poultrr. Aar uae biint draaaad beta or beef bad batter quarter tbam. Bakad pooda—White biwad, brown bread, cakaa. ptaa. oooklaa. fried cakaa, cot- taae chaana, ate. Pop com balla, wal- nnta. blchorr outa ate. Portune tell- lat will be made a apaeialtr. Boothe will ba proTldad for the aale of aand- wlchaa, coffee aad fried cakaa. Oame aad tet r<mr aupper. Brine the cbll- drea. Artlclaa too aumeroua to man- tloa will be on aale for them.

Candr bootha la plentr where the rouac man can bur candr for tbalr beat tin.

Brerr member of the Grantr la re- queated to rooalder blmaalf or beiwelf a committee to aollcit and pet as much of a diaplar aa poaalble. Anrone bav- Int aourenlra or fancy work they do not wlab aold but will place It on ex­hibition can hare It marked reaenred. All other afUclaa will be aold to the bltbeat bidder except baked tooda A price will be aet on them and aoM to who ever want them, unleoa It la a fancy cake or somettalnt of that kind which will be sold at auction with the coanaat of the owner. Thia la the first fair DeWltt (Irantr baa ever attempt­ed. Kreryone la asked to help make It a auroeas. Canned pooda. house planu. etc., will be accepted. Re­member the date. By order of com- roltee.


Oliver Smith of Roml Oak spent Sunday with bis parents. Mr. and Mra. O. P. Smith,

Wni. Drum, a former atailoa asant of this place, apaat Sunday nt A. Ol- aaa*s aad Mcmday acarted for the far Want where be expects to remsln for s tlaie.

Mr. sad Mm R. B. Ward aad little soa of Jnehaoa spent Inst weak at F. U. Clavaiandh.

Allan Castle of Tmveme City who wan oallad to this place last weak by the iUaaaa aad death of his brothar- ia-law, Chas. (loins, returned to bis borne Saturday evenlns-

Mm Edna Cook of Flint vlaltad Bl- len Hnxle last Thursday sad Friday.

Mr. aad Mm. J. B. Cleveland of Lsn- ton apaat a few dn)ra leal weak with tbalr parents^ Mr. aad Mm A. N. I tfinpror sad Mr. and Mm. F. D. Clave- laad.

Mr. and Mm. F. B. Hnsle aUendad a wedding In YpailantI Inst Thursday evening, also visited friends and rel­atives in Detroit, ratumlng home Sunday morning.

At ^e last Aid Society meeting it la decided to have the annual dinner

and church fair next month Mrs J. L Button, who left two

weeks ago for the state of New York, where she experts to spend the winter writes that she la well and having a good time.

Mlaa Marion DeoHouten of Ovid spent Sunday with Lana Olaoa.

A deep sorrow was cast over the entire community Monday noon, whan the news of Dr. O. B. Campbellb aud- dan death was announced over the telephone

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ FRNMOBK. ♦♦ ♦

Clare Stone was an Owosao caller Sunday.

Beach Cook of Nashville, Tennaaae. came and spent part of laai weak with hla iDothai, Mm. John Stmaaburgor.

Stephen Harvey of Detroit was the g'leat of hla family at the home of Mr. and Mm. Isiwis (Trana.

Mr. aad Mm. Frank Hicks of Char­lotte vtaltau here the limt of the weak with relatlvaa.

W. R. Freetfsn of Orand Rapids apent Monday In Ovid.

Mr«. Jaa. Hrtggs went to Lalagaburg and afivnt Inst weak with ftiaada.

Clare Stone and Kenneth Cmwford ware In St Johns Sundry for tkff day.

Fred Wlltsle of Flint twa been making a visit with Ovid friends

Mm. C. J. Marrlak and son. who have l»eer paendtog some time with her parents, Mr. and Mm. W. H. Siulth hare ret.tmed to their home in Clarks­ville. Iowa.

Mm. Humphrey Moore hna gone to Ann Arbor to hare her eyes examined.

Mr. and Mm. Arthur Wooley and daughter, Madaline. of lainsing were In town Innt week.

Fmnk Onlle 'bns sote Hla farm to Oeorge Hall.

Mr. and Mm. Elmer Stowell were called to St Johns last weak ua ac­count of the serious Illness of bar sis­ter, Mrs. Manning.

(^hna. Downing made a hualnaas trip to Detroit last weak.

Clare Slone was In Owoaao Sunday.Mm. A. B. Flueke want to Corunna

Tuesday and apant the day with her mother.

Msadamss W. R Shaw. Rokartla>w«. C. A. Johnaon and Oao Baarda- lae were In Ownaao the lImt of theweak.

Mm. C. B. Jnekaon who baa bean enjoying an extsaslve wantam trip, re­turned borne Tuaaday.

Tboa. Maaban, wbo baa bean spend­ing tbe pnat two montba wltb bis par- ants. Mr. aad Mra Thon. Maaban, left Saturday for Los Angelas, Calif.

Mr. and Mm. Claude Hooker of Ma­ple Rapids were Ovid vlallom Monday.

Meadamaa J. E. Taylor and F. A. .Marshall want to Ann Arbor Saturday morning to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Walter Taylor.

Ernest Bottom of Bmax spent Sun­day wltb MIsn Olive Lockhart.

I*rtncipal Waldo of tbe Elate school spent Saturday with L B. Byer.

Miss Lana McLeod of Flint was the guest of bar motbar the Inst of tbe weak.

Mlasaa Orace Voorhaaa, Nellie Janka and Omoa Abbott, teaebam in the Ownaao schools were borne over Suatlay.

L E. Kyer wan In fhvoaso on busl- nesa Saturday.

Mm. Fred Woodard of Owoaao spent Tuaadny in town with fiianda.

William Hunter attended tbe maat-



•Mr. and Mm. Harry Clarke of Lan* | ing of tbe aupeiivonar In 8L Johna

Fannie and Warren McQiiiaton were In Saginaw last Friday on business.

Lou Klhby Is working for Mm. J. Slmpaon.

Lrananl MrOulaton of Owoaso visit­ed hla mother over Sunday.

Tbe Oieaneni will have an oyster supper at the hall Saturday night. Everybody come.

Mm. Sutliff and Mrs. C. Washburn of ('hapln called on Mr. and Mrs Chas Washburn Sunday.

Robert Shannon and wife of Cnriand called on Mrs. ('has. Evans Sunday.

Rev. Bmy of Rig Rapids and Rev. and Mrs O. T. Fisher attended tbe Epworth League service at the North Olive church Sunday evening.

Mrs ('harles Klllott of Watertown Mrs. Ella Hrown of the M. A. C. and Mm. Mary banning of laiiogshurg were guests of Mrs. Ann Hunger- ford Sunday night.

Mrs. Minnie Oall visited Wacuusta friends and attended the meeting of ' the O E. 8. at that place the last <»f last week.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ WENT .4HHLKY. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

.Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Oray spent Sun- ' day and Monday with their mother. Mrs. J. Helnlen, returning home Tues­day morning. ,

While buxxlng wmid last week Wednenday. Frank Helnlen was hit In

I the fare with a stick which caught on ' the saw. Thre«* teeth were torn loos**

Tbe Woman's s*a*lety of Baptist , and the face somewhat bruised Mr. church of IteWItt will meet at Hus- Helnlen kgs not been able to do any sell Orinold’s houae next Friday for ; work alnce the accident but is some an all day's sewing bee preparing for the Chiistmaa sale Bring your din­ner l»aakels All parties Interested both of Washington Center were

j better at this writing.^ Johnie Kirby and Mlsa Viola John

pleas* come.

Prsaerve Vour Hsattb.A well pvrson can make a fair soc-

CMs; a healthy person a better •ac­cess; a wholesome person cannot only do the biggest things In life but ho ran help others succeed. He Is the Individual who leaves a trail of sparka after him, whom you visit and feel re­freshed. whom you leave with re­newed inspiration He makes people Ibel better by bis presence.


Wm have Eiferything for It,

BM yea ever aetlre ear plefe misertmeat *f Tellef Ar- tJele*ir

Tellet Waters. Perfumes, Hulk

quietly married last Thursday Hearty congratulations are extend*^ to them by their many friends.

Lynn Helnlen sfient last and Sunday In St. Johns.

Mrs .Mary Jenne spent last Satur­day wlUi her sister. Mrs. tiny Oray. at .Marion Springs

Mr and Mrs. \\*ill Coles moved to l*oin|>ell last week.

WlIHe Businger. who has been •4<-k slth typhoid fever is some bet­ter at this writing

Henry Businger spent last week In ;Ohlo visiting his brother.

.lohn Kirby and son Hurt exp*vt to I gr> te the north woods hunting next '

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Oltl'.KMU'SII. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

sing came and apent Sunday at the home of bar parent*. Mr. and Mra. Joaaph Young.

Oeorge Harvey will move onto the John I^sdyaiti farm about two miles south of town.

Oeorge Hudoon of Detroit has heeu home for a week.

Mrs. 8. Burdick has returned from 1 .analog where she bos been visiting her daughter.

Mlaa R. Sherman has purchased the John Hny property on East St.

Mrs. T. H. Green of St Johns Sun- dayed with her brother, A. 1). Welling­ton.

Mm. Eva Fuller is moving to Biigti- ton, O.. where she insenda making her home.

Mrs. C. D. Sherman has gone to Finley, O., to make an extended visit

Hosea l^e of .Maple Rapids made a huainesa trip to Ovid Friday.

Ernest Hartman, who has been working in this vicinity for some time, has gone to Essex for s few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson. Jr., of Durand visited his parents, Mr. and Mra. Fred Pierson, this week.

Mm O. M. Edwards of Flint .tml Mrs. Floyd Blair of Owoaai> wen* gtissta Monday at tbe home of Mrs. N. W. Jenks.

Mrs Clare Rfvnt of Itetrnit Is here helping to care for her mother, Mra. A. T. i*anish. who Is suffering from stomach trouble.

.Meadsmes Carrie Slocum and Wal­ter ('astler went to FVnton last week and attended the Woman's Foreign Missionary convention which wua held there for a few days.

Chalmer Redfern of St Johns was In town Tuesday on buslni'S^

Mrs. Steever of Detroit cam*- and s|»ent part of last week with her dau­ghter, Mrs. Hugh Anderson.

.Mr. and .Mrs Claude HIcock of Al- Satiirdayima were guests over Sunday at the

' home of Mr. and Mrs. Josepti Young

Mm. Davidson, mother of Frank Da­vidson lor again asrloualy 111.

Mias Mayne Msekan of Owoaao was a gusst of bar parents Saturday.

Mrs. Lewis Blrdaall. srko was opsr- atsd on for appendicitis at the OtM hospital la on tht gain.

Mm. Henry Bmltherman of Detroit is visiting her slater. Mm. Oeorge Clerron <m NViest William St.

J' hn il. Robson has been appointed gusrdinn of Mary L Snyder and Hsr- r •nn'oon.

I/Ml T. Storrer was In Orand Rapids rn itiirlnvum last week.

Itaipli .kultiiimn of Lansing was hoiiM* WediKssdsy and Thursday of

Mra. Henry Waite and daughter I^lu spent Saturday In Owosao.

Mr. and .Mrs William Newman were In Jackson for a few days the last of the week.



Woaderful, Great, Famoos,

Annual Fall and WinterBegin* Saturday, November 2nd

cum endsSaturday Nigle, November 30thJmei the Saie you home boon waiimg aud looking for!

On Dry Goods, Carpets. Linoleums Lace tains. Cloaks. Jackets, Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits, Skirts. Shirt Waists. Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, Overcoats. Pants. Fur Coats and Furs of all descriptions. Shoes and Under jvear, greatest assort­ment in county. Don’t buy until you have visited our Department StoreJ and get our prices, as we are never undersold.

Eoerything m on mde—nothing rmmrvod. Our Saim arm gamuitm—No ahum. You know M, B, Nmtmorg dome am hm trdoortimmm, Thia aala ia for etrah or good noima omfy. It mould puy lo come 100 mUma to atimnd thia Salm.

M.B.Elaim*a Lmtrdmg Dmalmr

NETZORGEmtablmhmd 1886 Adomrtiamr of Facta

«mnnnnoooocxxxxxxx) IOCXXXX3000CX3000CXXyYyn« ^'’''''^'TrryxTrxTrrrjocxTOoni x>


PaakH* I'rHIxn* PIrlarr Hksw.In hla Sunday evsnlng sermon. Rev,

Brownlow severely crlUclxsd the! niovlug picture show. The bills have t advertised such characters aa Dead- ! wfMid Dick and other such deapera-i does which poison the minds of young people. He urges the village authorltlss to see that such things be prohibited.

E. J. Hayes of Elsie transacted bus­iness here Monday.

Mrs. O. Reemer was s business visi­tor at Elsie on Monday.

Master Kirk Oardbsm Is recovering from an operation for adenoids in the throat. The operation was performed by the Dm. Hart of St. Johns on Wed­nesday last.

Mm Wm. Peternell and Mrs. A. T. Landl of Ashley were csllem at Mrs.

Aeesnt Long It is a curious fact that In ths Ba­

hama Islands, which wersaattlsd mom than two hundred years ago by Lon­doners, tbe (Toekney dialect la aa strong as It is In (’hespslde.

Mrs. Jennie Dilts has gone to Pitx- gerald, Oa., when* she will spend the winter numths with relatives.

Antoine IJeloria. poatmaatsr at Carden, Mich., statsa: "From roy own experience I can recommend Foley Kidney Pills aa a great remedy for kidney trouble. My father was cur­ed of kidney disease, and many of my nelghhom were cured by Foley Kid­ney PIBa." VanSIckle A Glasple.

Pewder , Face C TssMiPaste. Pswder, TaleuoiPewder, elr.

Aoieog snr vaHsns TsilH acevsrie* we hnve--l'saihs. Rvwslieit. Baniraring IHiUMa. f'slJelq halves, la laM. svery- tMag that awSMw fsr tallH Ins- ary. Whea la osed af any et Ihesr arMeies sr any taMei preparallsn* M b« »hsw ywa •nr rwoipMe ■Saeh.

J. T.AfiUman

“Tht aki 5tora."

Mr K'i'vd K«>^t r left Saturday for • idiorf v:=;f with relativee In FlInL ♦

....... \ii - - Ullev Is s|>^ndlug the ' ^, w»*ok with h**r aunt. .Mrs J. W«*akly. ^

Mi« .Vurr* I* oh*, of IjHDSing sjvent the latt r p.irf «)f th** week with her ^

jlMrenth. •h.X new at ••lyl- ne lighting plant has .

been instnlN'd in the home of L HII- - V mail ^

.Miss .NitHi Steadman ia ill with ty- phoid fever ♦

Mr and Mrs John Tripp of Dvld 4j called <m Creenhtish friends Sunday I .Mr> Charles Smiley la oaring for her mother, who Is 111 at bar home In St. Johns.

B K. Whitlock and family spsnt Sunday at John Beck'a.

J. Morgan visited at R. Walling's Friday.

Mr. and Mrs W A Silvernail vIMted their niece in Bengal Sunday.

Mrs, Arthur Stevena entertained her aunt and uncle of Essex the first of^ the week.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦

« Read the Record of t♦ 4

I Congressman J. W. Fo *dney j♦ - ♦♦ While clnimlng (o be th»* friend i»f lioth the sugar t»eet gmw- ♦♦ or. and th** ronsuiiier of sugar, he vott«il u|Mtn August .'dh. IkOft. to re- ♦♦ duee the tariff upon SCCAK IIKCTH from twenty-five per cent to ten ♦♦ per cent He has llkcwu**- opiwiacd an> reiturlloii In the tariff ui«on ♦♦ sugar. Thl? was dlri*cflv against th*- ;tn**r-“i!s of isMh the farmer ♦♦ nd consumer ♦

RA.A.NRK ORANHK.Banner Orange will nmai at the

home of Mr. aad Mra. Marnsst Wolcott ^ November 7. l*rogram will be as fol- , lows* Song by the Orange; reading. I^ Flora Green srood: story by Riley Fsr- !♦ gerson; reeltstlon. Mra. O. Cox; onag by Mr and Mrs .V Kllle and Mm Wm. Young; reading. Mm. Will Hlaeoek and eoaa by Mr. and Mm. Will Bagel. jT

— ---------------------------- ; ♦KNBEX OKINHE. 1^

PfVvgram for Rsoex Orange Nov. 1. 1*12 Song by Oroage; roll oall. each niembor giv** suggeettoaa for fo- ■ ture lieneflt of the Orange; reading. Runice Redfern, iJeocrlhe. plan and !♦

I equip kitchen to save stepa and h {strength," Elisabeth Hlnen; readtag. ^ • Florenci- Jenne; song. Em Payne;I' iHsilngiffsh betw-*m sasstiiUI and <, non-oaoentlai in houae work. ' Ids i >^-yle. Kilen Ftilton, Noes Jonea; jg |queaikni. "Which la of moat impor- I lunce to ti« farmer, fortce soil orj. I ri**»d bus* u so met ho-(a.' anow»red by t

eba Htnoa.

H** vof**d AGAINST an liico**'e*t.ix of «>n«* (wr « ent iip*»n lnc••nle^ In excej.*. of lum 11 yc’tin. Ills vot*' eat- in favor of lhos« who hav> ••\c***miv**|v Urg'- in*om**^

He voted AtiAINST the election *»f Cnlted States Senators by the direct vote of th*- |M*<ipl**. when ufion its original ivosoagc In the Htius* of Represeniativeo. then changed his miml when th*- hill

came ba* 1 tr* th<« t’nlted Slates Senate, a^nended, s** os lu de­prive the HUies *»l ih*-ir rtehi lo control the elections H*- thus voted Hgnlnst locsal oeir-government.

He v'oted AGAINST a bill to r(*gula«e the laauanee of Injunctions in labor dlsputeo. which waa lniende*l ro *1 * lunv with "Government by Injunction '' Out of 27^ votes ca • miy r!i wen* against and <'oagresaman Forriney was one of C Thi; legislation waa prom- lead In the Republican Platform of Uut nothing waa done. The Damorratic Houee, as promised In the DeUMicratic PUtfuriu. pass***! ths hill.

He OPPOSBD the redaction of the tariff upon lumber.

In hla apeech upon the lumber tariff, March M, IMS. he said:"One geflsman baa said a great deal of the laada In

foreesa are today la the hands of moneyed mea, wh«> ran af­ford. aad will hold them uaill they get their price I am one of the fortuaase number of gaatlemsn. I own a little standing timber. I can furnlah a llvellliood tor ray wife aad chHdrea. aad wait uatil I get my OWN price tor that standing timber, aad will do it"

To bold hie timber hiade uatil he g»u HIR price, meaae an ia- creassd price for Inmber. lan’t the priee high enough now? When fongrsaaman FnrSney opoke aa above, who was he speaking tor. hlnmalf, or the people of hla District who hny lumber?

The rscords of the last ssssioa of < 'ongraos show hla luune sms called upon votes and roll calls 242 times; ha roMd IM Uatas; nns rs corded aa not vouag 141 tlman. He was than ahasni M per cant of the tiara.

Mr. and Mrs. Demmlngs of Marion Springs were callers in town on Sat- : iirriay.

Mrs .lobn Slepr of Duplaln was in ' town on business Monday.

P. C, Peek and wife were Ovid visl- 1 tors on Sunday. '

Merle Plark and wife were St. Johna ' visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. P C. Beemer were St. Johns visitors on Sunday

Judd rVn and family motored to Flint on Sunday last.

R. O liPtta was quite sick last week.Miss Sylvia Moore entertained a

friend from V’ernon over .Sunday.Wm. Mitchell is having the interior

of his new home decorated this week.Mis* Margaret Sleere entertained a

number of her little friends at her home on Tue*day evening, the occas­ion being her birthday anniversary.

A reception was held on Tuesday evening at the parsonage in behalf of Rev. Paul Huff and family. Refreoh- ments were served and all report a good time

Mrs. Thos. Moore is entertalnimr a niece frmn Kelvin. Dnt.. this week.

Mrs John Gardhsm and Mrs. H G I^tts were business viiitora at St John* on Wedne«day.

Mr and Mra. Ass Bigelow of Ash- ■ley were town visitors on Frldav

R f' Beemer and family wer** Owp«so vipifors on Stindsy.

J. n (tander and family wer** Sun­day gu**sls of <;r«*ver (Sander and wlf*- in K,isi Elba

, I'kl. I<etts o|>en<Mi up his new meat 'market tier* on Saturday.

Mrs A Sutfln wa^ hx .Xshley nil buain*H>* Friday

Chet Churehlll and wife rettirn«vl to their home in Grand liapids on Mon day after sfiending a w«*ek with rela-

: tive* hereThe Bannister L A S will hold a

box norisl at .N'e*r*<im's hall «in Fri­day evening. Nov l. Four plercs of sil­ver will be r>oncenled In the box*»r* aa prixe* which will berome the pro­perly of the |M>r*nns drawing the lucky boxesv Ijidle* please bring box- ss and everybody come and enjoy a irood time


The L B. It. has facllltiss that are unexecelled by those of any tiiher school In Michigan to give to its students the kind of training the business man has come to expset—aad this Is the only kind YOU can afford. The young man or woman who has a thorough know- l••*^ge of Bookkeeping, Shorthand or Stenotypby with -the allied I:ranrh«-a, is in f'ommaiid of something that will not only bring Im- II •■diate financial retiirna, but also place him or her In line for Big V )rk at Big Puy Call or write for full Inforroatloit. Journal sent •i,>on request.

W. C. Henning and F. O. Pinks, Principals.

For Women Who CareOf uuurae t*»u use an autl»>**ptlc ’.n yout

family and in the care *if roar own ps^ •on. aud rou want the U ..L

Insteaif of what you liave heea nKlng •ttch aa liquid *ir tablet antlsrptio* or peroxide, won’t you please try I’axtine, a (ximvntrated aotisuptic powder to bn dii*Molred in water sm needt'd.

Haxtine Is more e-moniirwl, xnora eiesuxing. more germicidal and nams healing than anything you ever uued.

jA I'HAPI.A, ♦I' .Mies Hernice Blunt of Brant Is vts- ,iting her girl friends here this week

John Waters will have a public suc­tion November s, at hla farm, one mile

! south of town.I Mrs. John Ixrynea entertained a lady I friend from Saginaw last wank

The EmbroM^y Club met with Mrs. Alice Peters on Thursday.

O. C. Halae* has gone to spend the winter with his son, Don. In Rush

Mrs. W. Peters an dtbe Messrs. R and Lyle Sawyer made a basiness trip lo Owossn Hstiirday.

Farm NotesThe ordinary farmer will gain by

stacking his grain.The clover should be cut as soon

as It Is In blossom.Dssp-plowrd land has a grant on*

pndty for storag** of moisture.A heavy crop of weeds will chock

ths growth of the clover a great deal.The grain binder is the most aatls-

faoton’ Implement for cutting timothy seed.

Sow some clover; If nowhere else, aow In corn after tbe cultivation la over.

The most important factor In soil Improvement Is growing leguminous crops.

lira saslsst way to eradicate wssda on the farm la to prevent thslr going to assd.

Sllags nuule of corn and soy beans Is more dlgesttbls than that made from oorn sllog* alcnra.

One of the on.-illile* of the aoy bean that oomr --nds tn the stock feeder Is Its protsln rl< .uses.

Much of the fesdlag vslae of ths dnvsr dspsoda upon how tbs crop la man aged after It la oat

Tha baat atoek pas tor grastag tn tha flald Is ths Mack ■vsrlnstlng. End and Red Ripper are aleo good

ZED SOUP REPeelared la Be the



» now bean la Oongrsas FfM^RIWaN yaae ISN'T IT TIME TO MAKE A CHANOR?

Its to

' With every trial li-cent hauls of the wfdsrftil Bssao tor all skta alTOetlons. yon gat a tree trial cabs of Sanra Soap,

I tha boot madleatsd aoap prodnead; al- loo tbalr golds baoh on hear to oars tar tha ahte and raoMea lUl trass of

I (Mooaoo. Bqnra ooap lathora flna. naakoa {th# haada smooth, la a dandy hand ' wnM and yna will grnertodopand upon

Ths stlo mssas snosHsnt fssd stored ! AHtn small apnea Jast what lo naaded whon ths grass ta ths pastore Is dry.

Protsln that Is giuwa opoo tha farm lo oftsa mors palatnMs than that whloli Is parehaesd ta conoontraSad aoem aad It la alao ehoogar.

Whan a dalrynma laaraa lo ana tha naheoah toot hs lo smrtad on tha xray to seoBomIc salvatloa.

OsM papar saya: "daaa up tra* qaoatly." It sroald ha batter tor the dairy farmer 10 beep things dean all tha tiaao

Anraag the mae who have boon phonoosonallv sasosmfnl oa the farm thoe* srho have followed dairying aland oot prs emlnsotty.

If the enivsa that are la tha pae- tnre are espsoted to do wall they Moald have plenty of shade and plan- ty of paod elaan water.

vnallty Is a very Important shar*In tha dairy sow or any

I animal If wash aloM thia

antiseptic111 the toilet —to cIrsDNe and whlbA*

the teeth, removt* tarter and prevent 'ieoay. To diolnfect the moath. destroy Ulaeear frenno, and purify the breath. Tu keep artificial teeth and bridgewrork clean and *idorleaa. To remove nieotinr from the teeth and purify the breath after Maoking. T«> eradicate peraptrar Uun odors by Rponge bathing.

As n madlciDHl nfrmit for loeal treatment of feminine ills where pelvic mtarrk, inflammation and uleeraUea exist, nothing equal* hot done ha* of Faxttiw. For ten veers the Lydie B. Ptnkham Meet Go.’Wi been regwl*rly advising their patient* to use it beeaaar of its extraordinary elsansing, bsalinc aad germicidal power. For this par- pose aleoe Paxtiae ia worth ita weight in gold. Also tor nasal oaiarrh. sora

I thrnsf, intlsmsd ayes, culsaad wtmads.dramrltts, IB aad .10 osets a boa.

Frlnl an and tnatl mossy at SS woafiao frnc on rmiaaaC.BIB msKTOs* Tm .gr 00.. nassaa.e ■ "W

hy th* DmOTRATIf' (TINnRRMIONAL OOMMITTRR ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦M♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

It omi SM



l\\(iE 14 31, 1912.


ORM ARTHtlR O. mmd KUQBNK HART -IM SprlDA aiTMC. OAm hoars: l:Se to 4:M p. ol. sseopc Wmmdmy. OtMrr hours by sppotet* ■Mst only. Oet. It

W A. HCOTT, Plirsieoa sod Hurvsoo.hfs. 1 to S. 7 to • p. Bi. Ot4.«r

him. sod Suadsrs by sppoUitaisot

dm W K HYMMONDS. Uoroopntd. M Atooi HoUi. Tuaodoy sad mday <if oseb vosh. from 7 s. m. to T p. at


L r. VANAMHURt*. oitot u*«r Ooos' rosisursnt. Ofnos hours • tr M s. m.; 2 to I sad 7 to tt p. at. V .«• m Blsrk. apseiol trsot-

Mints for ebroolc dfosoass.

Dl' WILUAM HAVRN8. M. D — fTiystcIsn. Oflirr orsr Doty A Itssd. Aud Tl.

A HKRT C. BITCK. M . D. dlsaaoss of OM syr. ssr. noss sad tbrost only. ' dtirs orsr ('bspmsa's stors.


I i DODGE. M. D. Offles sad TSSl-orsr Spsiildiatr's hard., opp.

Btsol.t. J»I.aON OOVEY, PH. D. M. D,

«*^r^lrNn sod suitreoB. dtrloit apse* «r. rit.'Qiton to chronic dtssnass. #>fT*r** arcr Norton's Hsrdwats

1M Wsshtnicton Am. Sooth. 1.rftn'.itnR. NSirhtasn.


|>lt H. C uBVANSBLRR. V. D. 8.— ’»^f1cu o» State Bsak. St^ohas-

tFHOMAS MA.VN. D. D. 8.—Offios orsr hsptnan'r store_________ _

A-’THI’R rOHDlN, Dentist, office st . heeri of Clinton Avenns


■ '' Wslhridpe D. W. Ksllsy.It .BRITM'.K A KELLEY. Attorneys

rt Lsw. over comer dm* store. jottas.

9 4RLE RROtVN. Attoiney st Iu»w f'*t1eee over State Bank. St Johns

Wri.L if. HRI'.VBON, Attorney st Lsw.Johns. .Mich

t.>' V A ''OTNFT. Attorneys at Law, P' John* .Mich Offices to new '.•Mona' Itank Rnlldln*-


: Piimltiire and ftnder-'kin*. St Johns. Mlchtnan


lOVKT TO LOAN—On mortcmds se- i^iTiTj at reasoaable mean and oe e*Hsfartory terms, at The State l^«nk of St Johns !jar*e or email amounts Call and see ua J. W F'*r*erald. Cashier. tf

I VET TO LOAN—At low rale of in* *r.ist. Farms and city putpert? for *e!f. Inquire at office of H. ■ 'Velhridite


St. Jehn*. RIrhIann.OWMi nriil. INI) SAVfNGS.

eA?»rTAL PAID IN FT’T.U 160.000.

NoUee Is hereby glvea that the neat aeuersJ Kleetion will be held in the City of Bt Johns. SUte of Mtehiasn. os Taesdait .^eremhor i, Itli, st the plsres in the eeversl wards of said city as Indtostsd bsiow. ria:

First ward at ICBciae house.Becoad ward st Washburn's shop.Third word st Bslrstioa Army

rooHB, Wsst Hldhsjn St.For the purpose of sleetlas the ftol>

lowln* offlcera. via.:.VATIONAl.—Fifteen eleetom for

{^resident and VIce-Preaident of the Pnlied HUtea; one ('onKreonman>at> Lnrs* for the Slate of lAlchidan; one Congresemnn for the ('onprennlonal district of which snid precinct forms n part.

STATB—One Ooremor; one Lieu* tenant-Govemor; one Secretnry of Bute: one Treasurer: one Auditor (Seneml; one Attorney (Unemi; one Commissioner of the 8Ute Lead Of­fice.

jriMCIAL- One Justice of the Su­preme tknin for the term endin* December 31. 1913, to till raennoy. Al­so one Jitstice of the Supreme Court for the term endin* December 31. 1917, to fill menney.

LMilBLATIVK—One Senator in the State ljs*laiature for the Senatorial district of which anid precinct forma a part: one Representatlrc in the State I.eftislature for the Repreaen- utlve diatiict of which said precinct forms a part

ror.VTY—One Judpe of Probate; one Sheriff; one County Clerk: one County Treasurer: one Re*lster of l>eeds; one Prosecutln* Attorney; two Circuit Court Commissionera; two Coroners; one County Surveyor; one County Drain Commiseloner.

Also for the purpose of votin* up­on the followin* PR0I»08IT10N«. via..

TD AMK.Vn Section I of Article 3 nf the Contsitution of the State of Alichl*an relative to the ri*ht of women to vote.

TO AMK.\D Section 21 of Article R of the Conelltotion of the State nf Mfrhi*an relam’e to the amendment of the charters of cities and Tilla*ea.

IWomen Klecfsr*.

’ In accordanc- with the constitution of the State of Michi*an. and the statutes of said State relatin* there-

'to. should there be any proposition nr I propositions to vote upon at said elec- I tlon Involvln* the direct expenditure iof public money or the issue of bonds, every woman who possesses the qual-

I ifleatinns of male electors and owns proi>erty assessed for taxes or owns j)ro|»erty siihject to taxation Jointly with her husband or with any other person, or who own* property on con*

' tract and pays taxes thereon, all such property bein* located aonte- where within the district or terrltnr>' to be affect** dby the result of said election, will be entitled to vote up-

'OD such proposition or propositions, provided her name is duly re*1stere*l in the vottn* precinct above desiimat- ed.

• The Polls of said election will op­en at 7 o'clock a. m. and will remain open until r. o'clock p. m. of said day of election.

Dated this 21st day of October. A. D. 1912.

WM COCHRANE,I2wl Clerk of said City.

jslx m—tk* aad Is tks towskip sr I ward la wklek ks oflPsra to vwls twss- jty days asst prscadtaa awsk sIseGsa.

BaM Baard sf Rsslatrattaa will ba 'la ssaalsB oa tks day aad at tlw ■plasaa aforsaald ffoan I o'elook la tka forsaaaa uatii • o'olosk la tks aftsr- Bosa for tks purpoaaa aforsaald.

Dated tkla flat day of Oetobsr, A. D, Ifll.

WM. COCHRJJfB.'itwt Clatk of aald City.


RFtimTK.ITIO^i MITiri:X«»ltre is hereby *tven that the

IkMirds of Re*istnitton of the several


B K. TaLLMAIKH?per rent intwr^

ty of t'linfon, .“^tate of .Michiaat], will ’•d* In .session on .Ssturds). Ant. 2. A. D. IWi:^ at th*' place* in the several

accovnta. Drafts Issued *o«rf In anif) fity as Indicated below,y pert of the'Cnlted Butee or Can- .

a*i md In the principal cities of •^trope Accounu of farmers, mer- abents or mecbanlea received on fav- viable terms and every Hreommoda- tUm e»fended consistent with safe karrtn* Superior fadltttea for mak- Rir collections of ail kinds.

HI THE Gin COUNCILCouaeil room, St. Johns. Dstober 21,

1912.Kcaular lusetln* of the City f^oun-

cil held on the above date, the Mayor. R. O. Jefferies,'pt'waldiB*.

The Council was celled to order at . 30 o'clock f*. M. ITeaent: Alder­men Fowler, Mukler, Stone, Smith and Ward.

The eoraniltice on claims presented the followin* report.To the Mayor and Common Council

of the City of St. Johns. Cientlemen:—

Me. your coimiilttee oti clainv to whoui was referred oootin*ent fund

I claims No. 1 to 10; aeneral street fund t'lalms No. 1 to 7; water fund claliua

I No. I to 12 and electric ll*ht fund iclaime No. I to 14. Do hereby re|iort that wc have carefully examined the •ame and And them corned at their

Ifootinpa. and we respectfully recoiu- ,mend that they be allow*'J by the council, and the clerk be Instructed to draw *trdcrs on the |>n>| er funds for th*' several amounts.


Comnilltee on claims. Mov*'*! by Alderman Smith, support-

)e<l by Aldeniian Ward, that the report of the committee on claims be accept­ed and adopted.

I Ayes. Ave; nays. none.A. r Storkw-eii pnwented an appli­

cation for permiaslon to move a build- jin* from the comer of I’roapect and .Slate Streets, north on Prospect

(Street to ill*ham street, th>*acc cast jon IliKham street to Lansln* street, ! thence north on Ijonsinr >:freet to Steel street, thence east on Slf^el street to the city limit*

I Moved by Alderman Wanf, support- ,ed by Alderman Mulder, that permls- (Sion be *tranted A C Stock w ell to imove the bulldin* over the mute nam- ■ed.

Ayea, live; nays, none Moved by Alderman M'ard. aiiptinrl-

jed by Alderman Smith, that Munson Chase, Joel 8. Wolcott and Lyman D. • Parr, be apiminted election commls- :*ions for the *cneral election to he jheld on the Rth day of November, 1912

Ay«*a. live: nays, none ( Moved by Alderman Slone, siipport- je*! by Alderman NVard, that the fol- jlowin* be appointed inspectors of el- iectlon for the General Election to be 'held In the several ward* of the clly November T*. 1912

PI rat w.ird, H W. Morri*.Second ward. .M P Washburn Third ward. M. H. Kniffln.Ayes, Ave; nays. none.Moved by Alderman Powler, >vit*-

■ ported by Alderman Slone, that the j clerk be intfnicted to draw an order 'on (he parin* funtt In favor of James .A McKay for Ave thousand dollars. , OU

Ave*. Aldermen Kowler, Stone. Smith and Word.

.\a.vs. nonef'onlluvent Fuad I>i*hwr«enient*

nty I»a) Roll,[t’lalm No. 1 —

K. J Molnet I12..M)Geo. L. Tlnkliam 30.00Geo A Sniedley lAfiC,NVni Crichrane 30 0**•Ada J t'oehrane !♦; 67

■sum pay Claim No. I;—

mri Horn . . ..1029CharlM A. Pannalee ... — 000Lm Itaior ---------- L76jMepb Kasper ..... ...Geon Tmkhaoi .. —..... __4.5ff


X Ime Fxlor 9X3.172—Jedin Michel* .. ... 9.to3—Alert Pipe 0 Supply Co. .... 37.534>-Hichard Gay ....... . 1.005—U, 8. Poeloffice ..... .... .... 4.400- Joha C. Hick* ----------_ 4267—J. H. liatton 11.709—Roe Blepkea* Mfg. Co 75.00F_BL Jokae Foundry Co....... ... 4S.US

10—A. U. Btoekweii —------ - .9011—Biulding 0 — 47.69It—Byron Dnnley .... . I.t5

NOTICE OF LEI INK OF DIIIUI COinillCT.Soikw Is Moroby Ulvaa. That 1.

Laula F. Qrooa. Couaty Drain Oosa- wiaaioaor of the Coovty of CitaUMi,Btato of Mlchiffau, will a« th* i t«*»ii*httii *rw«ie and oa __ _

'ourvey sad on a smooth, well shaped 7tb Dajt of Nom—ibor, A. D., bed umd have the earth amll taaipad

akmc the aMea of ease to hold them

oe tMt laatf paw. hnhur Ttlfp.vortteal froBB Uatii 0 to Matlaa M. Cha Tn oaiffBi) ofNnM'irM'ATMM INIR TILB Rll F, OJlaov, hJ«hway ___

RAllf UNI AN! BftANCB. .or of the Towaakip of Orsikmk. aea I—BeffinnHid at Station If aad m- ®hareky aotlSad that at the thaa avd

Bin* to Btattoe 60 ahaJl be IS iaah o** •«Btatii 70. i bad piaoe thereafter to which mtld

IS-iach Uio: from SlUi Toihirias laay be adjouraed, 1 ehall to « ehail be f-iaoi; Ule. aad oa the U. res^re bid. f^th. eoa-Braach front Station 0 to Station 10x atruclion of aald drain la the maaaer .13 or tenafnua ehail be <-laeh tUe. I herelahoforw stated, and aiao that M

2~AII tile ehail be laid to the ea- ■*»«•» lettla#. from ti o'cl^tabllahed *rwde and oa the llae of f'0^e*oi to live o'eloek ia thn

tile; from Btatioa M toehail


1912at the farm reoideacc of

WM. SMITHoa Weat M

of South Maat %, Bnc. 34, in the Town- ohip of Mmox. la eald (!o«mt3r of Clta- ton at 10 o'clock in the foreoooo of

la their proper piaci.3—Care must be taken to have all

iolato well Stted. not iirla* any bad boll la the jolnu.

'afternooa. the aaaaaaoMata for beae- dta of the loads com prised wfthla

;the "Bllle sad Youaa UreJn apecial . Aseieamsat Diatrict" will be anhlant :io review, aad you. aad each of yvn, owaei'a of aad peraoas intcrentad la

I the aforeild laada, are hereby citod4—If quick eaad or other material **

shall be encouatered that ehail have lenid iettia* i aforesaid, aad be hearda teadaacy to run in throuch the Jointa of Mid Ule. the work shall be

with rt to auch apecialmita aad yoar laterenu la relattoa

Total water fund diehta. .. 1291.90 Klectrir Liohl Fnnd INsiM*.

Pay Roll at the Plaat triaim No. I:—

Archie Bishop ..... t40.U0Gear*e l.«earh 37.30Henry Shuman ..... ............lien l.*un*<'or IS.UuWni. Smith 2S.ooAda J. •"'ochrane .. 2.50

ton at lu oci^ in me " stopped Immediately 'and the Drain day of <1that day, proceed to reecl^ f/omeolanioner or Haclneer In charpeUie coaetrue^ of a cer^ 1 ^ ^ aotlAed. , - * tAJijig F. GRBBN.known and deeipnated aa i^fie and ,,4,, -

Dctobi A.

Kxira Pay Kelt Claim No. 2:—


.Noel Valentine 930.00J«j*eph Kasper 20 (M>M. 1*001 lu.oeHud Clark 8.00John Michel* --------- 8 40l..ec Falor 225

179.6.'*3--Arrble BI*bop $ 7.954 .M. A. Bower 1.00.7 (Gmi. N. Wll*on 1.006—Cap.ltul Elec. Eng Co 131.367 Metru|)oiilaii Eicc. Supply

Co. 20.83X Grrgnrj', Mayor A Thom Cit. 12.00!> Simulding A Co. '.»2.37

lo Hnrrv- In'ing h.2510 R. H. KlUiHitiick 7.2.710 Wm. Fo*ter 6.lMt10—Noel Valentine .7.6010—John Cricht*»n .7.20

Youn* Drain." located and eaubiiohed I**** **^^j,*!?** 7*?. Coin the Township of iteex. in saW *®Ji*‘.^*:* condition, are laid |County of Clinton and dcecribed as **-*”t, "“J" *^4*^*1***^**^’ ». n i

i *—fTemevt or siutabic collars shallbe uaed to exclude qulck-oand or otb- i

MI.M’TEH tlF HI’KVEY tiF KLLIH nr soil* froni enterin* at the jointa.I A.Rill YtH'.YIi IIH.II.A. ‘ 7—All Ule shall be left in an ex-) Minutes of survey of oenler line and .^Itl^ until by the1 mwclCraihrne for the cleaoln* ouu ^Ideepeiiln*. widening. •tmUhtenl.*. ^ .iextendln* and tilin* of a drain known ! ^ ***“0 to All withiaa the “EllU and Youn* Drain." lo- cated in the Township of Hsm^x. Co.of Clinton. Mlchl*«.. and runnin* aa f iin leloner.roiiowa. P McNUTT, Surveyor, i

Contracts will be let for the fur- nlahin* and erecUn* of the followin*;

11 lines of Steel 1 Ilenma 914 feet Ion*.

2 tinea of Steel Channel Beanm SH feet Ion*.

2 Bar 2-inch Annie protected ends.

3 lines of 3-4 inch Ue rods 24 feet

“ S*!"» « In'* 'MnsetoJor W.IIch.in, to . ^ M (..t lo.it.

I n. of pnr™!. clu.li.. , „ corTU«.t«l .rcbM.,.\ortli of U iMt of »«-Ilon M. , oonliocl. .Ill bo M for tb. co«.

Drain Com. of the Co. of ril

Cruelty to the Coum.The milker who win thump n eo«r

for sqainnlns under the ettnch of fllM ouffht to he hoisted onfc of tha barn on the toe of tha i1sliyinan*a hoot.

Why ahonld the hired ama ba e*- poetad to work ton hours or more in tbo harveot Held and thi whlla hot and dirty tackla the allkln* jokf

PAHt’F7L ONE—Coniraenctn* at a point in Hayworth Creek 15.55 chaiaa West and u.32 chains North of the South 14 post of Serlioo 24. Town 9 .North. Han*** 3 Weat, County of Cltn- lon. State of MtrhiRan. thence over and aernos 80CTH EAST U SOITH 1VEST 14 of Section 24, (own. county and *«atc uforesMld, owned by WM.

ItPrepnrs for Futura.

Is Imperative that wo provMa aemo means of Udln* the dairy hard over the eeaaon of fallln* paatnn. inetid of vainly rocrettia* that It hi ooonrred.

The dairyman who depends upon Rallln* with the pasture durla* the summer aad

hay dnrln* the winter to feed hie eovn Is trendla* on tnehemos *roand.

111^-Alert Pip*- Ar .Supply Co. 112 Richard Guy {l3 r. .8 Postoffic.' 14—John C. HU'ke



First ward, Mlchl*an I’nltinl Trac- fl*>li Co Offlri*

.*'«•< <.nd ward, at Pamiers' Hotel. W**et Railroad Street.

Third Ward, at Farmers’ Mutual Insurnnci* OAlce. Walker St W

Money loaned on approved eecurt-1' I name* of all such persona who shall* ninwr^inu iwsaeased of th** neceeeary quail-

iiiHF.i A^-ntloii* of 01**01010 who may apply

Pellre.Lyman M AI ward

FIrr DepL aad Hall. John Crichton


J Earle Brown, jr W F1tx*erald. A J S Jury.C T Rabrork,

Otis Fuller, {for that purpoee.H. B. Rneeland

F. A Trevts Dr. M. Weller

C. B niffels

Grand Trunk R. R.Time Card

In erocrdance with an opinion of .attorney Gen<*ral an ENTIRELY NEW RW.IHTUATION •»! all elector* of this city I* nece«aary. .No matter bow Ion* an elector has resided lo hi* ward or precinct. NOR HOW MANY TIMhat HE HAH VOTED there, he .MI ST RK-RHGIBTKR In bis ward or precinct on Saturday. November lad,

>»*» iwlee between IMrwM and , »9>2. or be CAN .NOT VOTE at the Alvnnd RnpM* will he renamed id all I *meral election. November .Mh. 1912. MnMn* wHI step at SI. Jehna. Train* ' M«Hnen Eleetom.

■■ fsHeMS. . , ...., . . j In accordance with Section 4 of Ar-Tralns Rant from Si. Jekna. j s of the CoaaUtuUon of the Bute

K*ml ^-------------------._.7:St a. >. 'of MU-bim. aad Art 206, of the Pub*•teMabit Bipraaa *-----------8:47 a. m . Rc Aru of 1909, the Boards of Rexis-MjocoI ♦.. —..........—~12:41 A m traUon of said city will regiater theDatrsft Umitod • . , .., — -KtH p. m. nami of all women iKwasaain* the

Total2 Hunt's Dm* Store .753-1* 8 INMit oAlce 1.074 Alert I1n*e Co.. Are call 20 '»ur. Hook A ladder Co , Are call $14 50 K R. If. Fltipatrlck 23.007 W. 11 Richmond, Are team 1,50 s W H. Richmond, Are team 3.00 9- Richmond A Holmes . 1.00u Fire Hydrant rental 935.00

Tacai ♦ ----- ------------7:03 p.Tralaa West tram fH. iekna

IWaad TUpIda Limited •_ 10:19Loaal ♦_______________Uasnl ♦_______________

qunllkcaUoas of male etectora who make PERSONAL APPLICATION for auch racietratlon; PROVIDED

10:H A m. i that all ick appileants must own property aeoeaaad for taxi some-

Total ront fund dUhta $1,140.1! General .’Rfreel Fund DUM*. Commleeioner's Pay Roll.

Claim No. 1; —Knaieben Smith $24 '1H. A. Canemter 24.0*Georue Pllmore 16.o<Geonte Root ____ 5.6)Samuel M'amer — 11.6<Krneat Wekenmaa ... „ 10.0)Adam Mull l.fkSchuyler Rom ........ 3t.4tIrevi Hopkins ......... d.tkJohn Hcq»klaa 2.h

It.J:0O F 09

4k Dally aaoapt Sunday. * Dally.■. T. ORANB. ACL. SL JOkaa tftak.

-J:« F. _7:8T F m.! where within the county above named.

■trniGAN ntmiD TEAmoN 00.BLRrnnr iNTraimiAN.

Blase tnMa eCketIve Oetobar t, 1912. LaaalBc4IL JsInm Ctiltoin.

Liva SL Johns for Lanaiai A. IL, rr-00. 0:00. 11:00. P. M.—1:00. 3:00.0 00. 7:00. 0:19. laofea D»>Wirt for Laaalac—A IA. lT:n. t;n^ LI m. P. M.. I’.tt. !:«. I:n. 7!«. C.4L U:lt tttiffht)

Livta* Iduthg for DaWItt and 01 •unaa—A. M.. 10:00, ttOO. 10:00. IStOO. 9* M. 2:00. 4:00. 0:00, frlL lOtdt. Oars laava at nbawa tla» tram Dawn

Eusava Laaotne aa tollaasa: r tltH i IL. ntOL 0!9A U:IS.

r IL. 1:90, 2:90.9:10.I ml A M.. 7:0L 9:10. 10i90 P.

9L. iM, 4;m. 0:20. 0:1L U:00

9:00. 0:0 0:09, 7:99. 9:

:m, itm,

except that any woman otherwise qoallted who owns property within mM county Jointly with her boahaad or other perm, or who oan pro­perty within said ooanty on mtraet and pnya the tasM therei. ahull be entitled to rectatrntlon Fnllowlac are the qualtSeatloas of male eleotora la the State of Michlaaa:

Bvery male Inhabitant of thia otato. beta* a eltlsi of tha Halted Stotoa; every male inhnbltoat realdin* la this state am the twity-fourth day of Jor.e. eiahtm hundred thlrty-tve; every male lahabitoat reetdln* hi this etoto am the ffrnt day of January, eichtm hundred Ifty; every male la- habitnat of forei*n birth who. bavin* resided ia this slate two years' aad oiv imtha prior to the eUrhth day of Novambar, et*htei hundred nlaety- four; aad bavin* declared ble laten- tton to baeonw a eftisi at the daitod Statoe two yaars aad six nmathe prior to said laot Mated day; aad every clTilixoi nmla iahabltoat of ladlaa 0SBC1L a itlve of th# Oattod Ctatoa, aad aat a maahsr of any triba, Wall be mm sIsBiar aad iMUad to vaia: bat

$130.90Walher iitrset Hewer.

Georpe Root _________ $ 9.00George lOari ________ 1.00Samnel Warner ----------- ■ .. 6.00RmMt Wekimaa ... _____ 0.00George Piliaore .......... 0.00IsMile Farreahoff ____________ 4.40tjorl Ifophlna .... 520Schuyler Rom 6.00

{Total Elc«* fuitil i!i*bl*. .. $393.73.No further business uptN-ario*. on

I motion the Council adjourned to Fri- 'da> evening. October 2’>th, 1912.I WM. CtK'HUA.NE.

City Clerk.


State of .MtchiRan, County of ClintonI ‘ **-

At a session of- the Probate (!ourt ■for the County of Clinton, holden at |ih»* Probate (>lll<*e. in the City of 8t.; -lohn*. *Hi Saturday, the 26lh day of '(ktober. In the year one thousand 'nine hundred and twelve.

ITeneni. CIIARI.i-V M. MKRRIIX. I Judge of ITobalc.I in (h<- matter of the Estate of |.l<lelpbn*i E. Jwae«, deceased On rcad- ! in* >11*1 tilin* the i>etltlou. duly veri- Aed. of t'urrie J<ine*, prayln* thut sh«* or some other suitable person may Ih* .ippolntetl adiniiiistrutiix of said es­tate.

Th*'n*uprm It 1* Ordered, That Thursday, the 21*t day of .No»efub«'r A. D. r.*I2. at one «i'clock in the after-

{noon Im* asslxtie*! fur the hearln* of said petition, at the Probate Olllre In till* C'*v <»f St Johns. And It is fur­ther onlerevl that notice Im- given to th*< penKiiis interested in Mid estate, of the time and place of Mid healing, by caustng ;» copy of this order to b** ptibiisbe*! In Th*' St Johns News, n news|ia|*er pnnteil and circulating lu eald ctitinty of Clinton, for three anr- ceMive weeks previous to said day of hearing


13w3 Judge *»f Probate.

PKOffITE .\GTICE GF I'lll.KGE «F N.l!lfE.

To ail whofi, It may concern, notice Is hereby given that Frank Anthony .Malinowski of Westphalia, t'ltnton County. Mlrbi*an. has made applica­tion to the Probate Court of Mid county for an order changlo* bis name to Frank Anthony Matin, which Mid application will come on for bearin* at the Probate ogice in St. Jobna. Clinton eounty, Michigan, on the 5th day of December, 1912, at 10 o'clock, A m.

Dated October 19tb. 1912.12wS (THARLRB M. MKRRILU

Judire of Probate.Living 0*1 CradtL

Many mi coaoit to ba vtrtnona ity 1 eonditton that everybody wtn give them credit for IL—J. da FInoA.

Cow Tooting.Tho oDlTornal latorMt in tbo prob-

lorn of laoroaalng dairy proSto throngb

**™*'*‘‘* Cemit Abutments for

,cDains Aorin oi nouin •-i post or sec | number of cubic yards bein* 62 Mlx- .tlon 24, Town s .North. RanKe 3 West. |,ur^ of 1 part of goodtoiinty of < Union. State <>f Michigan, I onui to 4 parts of goodthence over and acroM \M*^T 14 OF ,,harp gravel. Plane and speciflca*801 TH EAST L of Section 24. town, uon* will be furnished on day of let- county and state aforcMld. owned by tin*U M. A SMITH AND WITO. a dla- , t „n,racta will also be let for *he

c!i " u .** fo*!**^*’ drawing and furnlahin* of the follow-South hX F^t KM., chain* to angle )„* drain tile: 1584 feet of 1.3 inch 1. thence .North 1 *thence .North

_angle 3. liii-nce‘**h«iiis,to angle __' V * the "i^marnrnKNorth 49 FMst 3.9.> chains lo angle 6, n«,etlons in their order up stryvim, in

Ghence .\oi^ H . ►•^t 2.19 cha to angle' jhe diagram now on.. thice .North u .to 6 9. chain, other paper, pirt linliiK toto fami “ .*^*’*‘^ said drain, in the office of the CountyAct of .North k.aat evtmer of Meat H («o,„mlMloner of said County

jif :o which rel.?n.u<e naybe li:;d by ail partiM Intonated, and bids wi I '.* made and received ae-*<ordtngly. Cnniracta will be made with the lowest reaponsible hidde-r giving adequate securitv lor the i**r-

of South West L.PARCEL TIIKEE-Commencing at

the |>oint lael above described, vix:')|.I2 <-lialna M'eet of .North East cor- I ner of Weal 4 of South M'eet 14 of Section 24, Town H North. Range 3West. County of Clinton. State of formance of the work, in the sum

aertma the ,l,,re to be fixed by me. re-'v .NORTH EAST 1* Barring to myaeif the right to reject

state j|Q{] jjjj bids. The date for the ****^ completion of such contm. i. and the

be of

ing proof to snatoln a theory.

Cara In SprayinFIn spraying the oows. ba oaraCbl

tbat a gmeroos quantity of tbo sobs* tlon ia pat i their baclm. eepeelally Just behind the abouldera, siaoe a$ tboM points tt is dtflioalt for tha aai- maia to brush off the fllM.

The Democrats are not taking the election of Wilson for granted. Thny arn working and working Harder than In a score of yMre and working as a nnited party.

Farmers hare awakened to the folly of the soilled bleaalngs of a protoe- tlva tariff.

. .SOPTIISection 2^ town, county and aforeweld. owned by JAMES RHY

terms of payment therefor, shall «“V oht.«n • Sf) East announ. "d at the time and placeo..** chains lo angle S. thf-nee .North jetting

^*If.*”* .Notic in I'unhcr H**rehy Given.lnX",.^”rK J That at th, time ,d.;r** of Mid lel-ph in t’ *'**r*'ii^*^*!* 'Vest 4 00 tjng. nr .it .-i.eh 'JiUer time and place

k' ’ • ” lher.*af. r to which I. the CountyWon* "n-i **/.k*?* 1*. thence j^rujg CoaiiulMloner aforeMid. mayiv,tnt ,-t k I* ” in» tciTOlmia at a :uljoum the same, the aaseements torMnt .. ..I rhaln. W*»st and 9 09 chains beneliU to the lands * «mprlsed wlUi-

of‘h^ 'jal AasMsmeni Dlatricf." and appor- afr>rr» ui* ** *‘*“^»* County and state thereto, will be announced

(by me and will be auhjoct to review HRl.YCH. jfor one day, from ten o'clock In the

Minutes of survey of center line juntil five o'clock in the af- and specifications for the cleaning out iirmom .leepnnlng. widenInA straightening Stb-divlslons

Torpedoes Ouided by Aircraft.A patent has been Isied to Brad­

ley A. Flake. United StaiM navy, for a device tbat guides submarine torpe­does from an aircraft. The torpedo ia the drat transported through the air to a point of dMired proximity to a target by mMoa of an aircraft, after which the propelltng mechanism of the torpedo le started and tbi the torpedo le released to fall by gravity to the water. In the apparattm. a strap is employed for retaining the torp^o below tbe aircraft and a man­ually controlled lever relMses a latch for the strap tbe lever also actoatlng transmitting mechanism to operate the starting device for the propelling mechanism of the torpedo.

dmi,..* 1 ^ J Ellis and Young large H.-x of «s- < Health and Highway.'H-x, (ouniy of riinton. State of 3) 's A. In SW Cor. of 8

Aerial Taxicab Is Testod.SopM remarkable flights have hew

made by the aerial taxicab built by Blerfot fur a Baropean Arm. A 140

Sec. Twn. Rge ^orae power engine bM bei inotall-

RrnMt WekenmM Lamfs Fsrenkoff

Rise. lAght 0 Water l*1aat


9 5.40 L4A


Total rommloaioner pay roll 9197 »o 2 K G Hnlee 941.14

f'easeat Walk Wekate.rialai No 3: —

L A Wnahhnra 9 9.10H r ifrmaa 15.6«t^-hii Diat Nn. 4 44.70Georpe iftetcber 10.00

Dolly Ttiiingbl.Tba grant dlflenM tn mi la Mt

la moral jndgmsau. hot In mtormi Imr- aittoA—Wlllinaa


I Total rebate 979.29I 4 ^ Foach. remit walba 99LI0

k^A. Fimeb. remsai walha 109 I R John r. tflcba _ , 4429i 7—Rtoe Idgbt PlaPL etosat

R. J. Sunberg. marclmat of Coppar City. Mleh.. oaya: 'T^)r a good nmny yMra we have ueed FoleyNi Hiey and Tar t'ampoapd la our family. It will qolekiy cure a cough or ooM and are coneMer R a oafe aad ire ire. Vi Rickie 0 aiiplA

SprelaAThe most Importoat tfctaff le ahem

lute rMt. Handle a sprain M llttla M poMlble Immen tha foot tn water m hot m it oi ha bon. Place a fMded towel aronnd tha part and cover with bandaffa. Keep the feet elevated In the cm of a aprained hand or wriet apply a pad- d1 epliat aad it tha arm la a aMag.

apa ef twanty-'

QHICHLSTER S PILLShe i*i snesw aaanai

L .Mt A*e res* iSkBgMM *-r

I (4 /

Michigan, and running as follows' II'.MK'KIj one Commencing at a i

{mint in the Ellis and Young Drain at I , .8tak(> 6.1X.II. being 0 of Branch, on' Section 34 Town X North, Range 3 ' West. Counlv of rilntoo. State of j Michlsan. th'-nce over and acroM i EAST 4 OF SOl'TH EABT M of .Sec- 1 lion 24, town, county and state afore- ' -aid. owned by KLIEAIIRTM HRIT- ' TO.N. a dtstsnee of 10.22 chains, m follows .South XX' East 10.22 chains to terminus at a point 41 rods Kmi

■ ami 29 rods South of North EMt cor­ner of West H of South East lx of Section 24.

HPEt’IPH'ATHiNH.1 Center stakM are Mt 10 fMt to

the left of Statlona No. 0 to 27; 514 feet to light of Stattoas No. 19 to 42; 51« feet to left of Statlona 43 to 63. and .714 feet to right of Stattia 64 to 93; and 514 feet to left of all sta­tlona on the branch.

Statii stakes aad grade hubs are set every 4 rods, and are numbered cmerutively from 0 at outlet to tt at terralnut i main line.

2— Betwei atatim the depth Is to follow the grade of (he bottom which is booed upi the depth of the drain i at each atalton.

3- The width of ourface exivatii shall be 3 tlmM tbe depth added to the width of tbe bottom for the opi

i drain4— The extreoM width of land nec-

I eeiry for the Improving of anld ! drain shall be M feet am each side iof citer line of nwey. The oi- I ter at saM drain ehnll be the above ' surveyed line.

5- -All anglM not affeettng the, highway ehail he turned i i easy | *'urve begtaatag at laa« two rads i each aide of the igle stahe.

] A All timber and rubbieti wfthla the limits of the exeavatli aad herai are to he removed beyond

! Ih* depoettioa of the earth and srtthin I the light of way.I 7 ftntiahie omlagB ehail he left

i'er made in the apoil hanha to innit the ndy pa snags of water to mM drain ai eai^ potala m the irfaee of the gnad may rsqatrs aad at all

I high way#•--A Band clem henn ef 9 fhoi

idhall h

Vx of .NK 1*. 100 rods r and W by 5o rods N and 8 .34

James Rhynard aad wifeK 7-s of 8 *x of N"W 1*

cxc. a triangular par­cel of land commenc­ing 25 rods S of .NE for. ninnlng 25 rods N,\V 35 rods. 8K to place of beginning 24

Will 8tcwart.NE *4 of SW *4 except 1

2-8 A In .N*iV Cor. II rods E and W by 30 rods .N and H .. 24

W Britton.E 3-.’. of BE H of SW

14 and a triangular piece of land commenc- iag la NW Ck»r. of SE 14 of SW 14 running thence E 32 rode, 8 36 rods. NW to beginning 34

Wm. Youag aad wife.W H of SR 14 ______ 94

Wm. Smith and wife.E 4 of SB 14 exc 7H

A. in SE Comer there­of, 40 rode K aad W by 30 rods N and 8. and oxeept 6 A In NE Comer, 40 rode R and W by to rods N and S 14

miMbeth Britti.A irreJ of land com. at

NR eor. of R H of NW 14. running W 40 rods.8 12 rods. R 40 rode,N to ploee of beginning M

CIU T. liUCfc.K6A.ofW MofNR

14 ________________ 99

$N 3W

8N 3W

ed in plnee of the 100 bon iwor motor with which the machine wi originally equippod. Loadod with about 660 pound* of bailaat. it onnim n onrgo oqutvaleat tn wei^t to that of fir pnaeengem bealdm the plloL Ae yet no fir peasemra have van-

, turad to take their aoata la the taH- ^eah kody.

«N 3W

iN .3W

$3.50 Recipe Free For Weak Men.

ad Name aitd .Addreee Ttuta) (tan Have It Free aad Me Sii


9N 3W

•N 3W

I have to my po—»**eow a pi-*ecimaa for aMvau* dehUltr. IMS of vtaur. wMk •aeri amabaed. faiin mi iaery aad laaa* baek. broogbt «a by •s<«aa*a. uaaatural dralM er tbe foUtas ef yoatb. that hM mr«d ID many warn aad nirvaM om* right tn tbtar owa h*m— without i) additioaal hale er amdlcto^-that2:2.'SLr” aad rlrinty qi aatady. aheald have a oapy.

to MtMl ft ^■erlptlM fTM ef cMn la a pi* la. «adF Mry a>*l*d Mvtep *• any aam wba wM

I'tiSirogata hli

1*1*11 aad a* f beer*

Of ibaahTnwn*hlp of at large

IfMith and Highway.A irrel of load rom-

meaclng at a polat 96 mda N of SB corner of R H of SR 14. ruB- nlng R It roda, N 40 rods. W It rods. B 40 mda 10 tff tW

Charlotte P*eL.Now therefnra. all uaknoxm or m-

rmMent pamia. oamera of and par- soi tntermtad la the above 0*aci1h ad laada and yi Wm. Slehata, nr- vtanr of the Th wnahip of aHna, wad

HM ut*e*t1ptln*i ewnm from a pm •bm wtw hM mod* * m*H otady at

ioHa aad I *m convla—d tt le th* enraet jeetli eoetotaatlon (er the eore ef d*ll-

9n -tW ! meaheed aad v«g*r failar* ever palr~thMh I ow* H to my fWtaw amn to ad tbem a espy in Liafld***i m taat ly maa lutywMr* who I* w*1 aad *lta- wogad with r**i*t*d fUlwvM nmy mop Mjpng Mamidf with hanefal Mtea<

,,, ; iJirt*—. MMce want 1 Mnev* .r H9ft 7W iomeb**i *Htaa rp*tamt1e*. oialidtaB.

jFrrr-TOfTCHTirO 1 *ia*de •ear (teetRML ! aad M eare Mamelf at hoa** awnn* mm igaHty. Jaat deep am a Ita* tie* tbI*: tN 3W I fir A. F ItabtaMw 41 Lwab TWalMtaa.I DatratL Hb . aad I will aaad yoo a < aapy ef tMa *ptewd(d reefae tm a ptaM i iritairy mtKp* (tm ef nbam* A

tft tW iffMt amary dMtera wewM dean mm lie mm far m*eely wntnaa oat a fww


nBLomiD n

F* —OCTOBBR 31. 1912.

‘(MSSfor Infants and Children,

Is A hArnil4*ii« sahnUfato far ('a'tor €NI, Pnr«- partc, l>m|M ittMl Hyruw. It ii» IteoataUmi uritbt'r Oiilitoi* Morplilnn nor «*th**r Nurr«»Cin iwlNitnnre. It tlrutinMH Worm* immI P«*%erti»hn«n«,It «irr« I>lafTh«iM4 niul Wind €«»»«% it relit*vru Ttnitb* tagr TnNtblMi auid eurrxi Coindlp«tlon. It r«*irulntm Um mofrh niMl Dttwelit, Kfrfii|r healthy niid nuturml Mieem The CIUklreu*« Keneeeifc—The Mother** FrlemL

! The Kind Yon Have Always BoughtSean tho Signaturo of


In Use For Over 30 Years.

Ker pYjUi Horses Hediir v dnaSlroiia


A|i1m«1 far rrelelair ('•llrffr>

I There ts a wldeaprsad feellBK laniooc the peo|>t* that such a life as that of the late (leeeral Wllllatn

I llooth should be kept irreen In the I people's memory by the eotabllshinent of some rreat institution that should

I have for lu aim a work hamioaizlnff ! with the Ideals so vividly set forth by the career of the founder of The 9nl*

jvation Army.Uradually this sentiment is taklnc

shape, and If the present movement it will not be lone before

latteptakofcoa. another dream of the arand old (len*

Bvcrv farasi

Buckeye I Feeding Molh tte

(ContihiMd from last weak.)

Stanton panaad tor n »o—ot. dnab. than tnmed on his hoal and want ont.Ha «na ao stnanad and btttarty an- ■arad that llttla rad Hacks danead ba- fora hla vtstoa. floyd had Had to him. syatamsUeally dnaalvad him; In ordar to aneapa from hla too praaalnc friand* ship, BO donbt. Ha ramamharad that tha maohanlclaa had alwaya ahninli from hla psraonal advaneaa and only ylaldad to tham undar eompultlon.Now ha undaratood thn lattar which ha had raealvad tha prarions nlcht from Qraan. and Mr. Ballay'a eoafnood clarad. onoa.answar to hla qnaatlon abont Floird. *Tm awfhlly bright,** Vloyd asraad, Ha bad baan pnt off to ba amnaad by bnt ha did not smHni Jaaalea. tmtll Floyd wna acain randy Tha maehlnaa wars prspaiinc to ffo to naa him In tha plans for tha Coamt to thair stations for tha start, Stan- fhetory. Jsmlea! Stanton stopped ton was In his aani at tha whaai, whan

^ am raady for work,** ha graeaiy raportad. aftar a brlff panaa. "Whan yon want ma, sand for ma, plaaae.**

‘'Vary wall,** oama the ehllllac reply. It wea an hoar batora tha aotual

start. Thara was snflcleat to ba dona to heap avary oaa oecapiad. aapadnlly aftar tha trachs ioedad with Urea oama to tha camp. Mr. Qraan, still parpla with Indignation, oontrtvad to ratalo Floyd with him and away from Stanton.

“Thane wouldn't be any rnoiat fPom bene, tf It waaoT fhr yon,** he 4m

dltlua. Not a lotue. or s wdl rUw. iiitt a asm. rsi food ttaai •Ovnattem sad telidt up iaak.ofwwn tte rmular i

■■■spar ten: roawUiMss bta literors^ ■wn la IS days, om u^TlmiiV^T Inrwwij pay tte MossMaUi—■aw te sad I an Maatinr* .".*'**!fV.^**iT is nteam brCV ■“•k: » diesiUon. ssns fnd. sadkssas rote ssoek frnoi cote, kfdmy die

*?**■• —r. hsusllr Bood lor horsss.sstUs. same •e tenOer PVte THsl OMas.

•■edast^ mpoii today, sad ssToar

EDGAR ^ SOW.<» teispten ntes. Dsnte.s^

W. n. KOGAB * aON,iw Ukfsn**. Blvd . Datnft. Misti.

aral will be reduced to an actuality. Quite a powerful committee has been i formed for the purpos«* of ralainp funds for the eatabllsbiiient of suit* ' able Traiotnic rollepes which will be the baglnninp of the areal "rnlverslty - of Humanity.'* which the ilenerai, to- . want the close of his life, spoke of as ! such a dMideratum from the educa­tional sundpolnL Whatever can be done to make this institution a fact should have the hearty support of ev- : ery roan and woman who wishes the beat for hia day and icenerstion. We

lean conceive of nothing that Is likely to ba«r s better frultaite. in improved conditions by improvlnic men. than a ('olleftc given up to the solution of moral and economic problems, and showing its students bow to apply Its findings to the conditions of every-day life In the neediest quarters of the city. Heaeral Booth was a master la this realm, and the purpose to perpe­tuate hia memory by providing for such an institution as the an« referred to seems to be peculiarly titling.

I For the present need the promoters of this scheme ar* asking for five hun­dred and fifty thouaand dollars. T'here are a good many men, single-handed.

— who could well give the entire sum re-|- r* quired However, this is not the pfsorov Women \V no tare for tJeneral Booth labored for and

fMoonrseyou u... a« .Mti,. .f.elajxiui *‘i** J/*** iTfamily anti in tite can-of your own per * * ***** *** *•on. and you Wiint tiie i.-st. will desire tu, r-ontrihute; hence u Ma-

instasn of what you have las-n nsing ,la being arranged for aweh as liquid or tsidvl autiM-ptics oi Tuesday. Xovemlier r»lh. when flv.- mil- i peroxide, won't \'oii please tn* i'axtine Hon p^-fiple will be asked to gl\’e ten

ttesl aw roar tml seopomion •> prove ttet BocStee ytedite Motewi wlU teosdtsll o< !■•■■



a oonoentrstou antiseptic |>ou<ier lu bt dissolved in water ss neetietl.

Faxtioe is more nxm'elesnainir. more g«>miici<lsi .tad ni<<n hsaliofr thsn anytiiinir yuu errr usmi.

ANTISEPTICIn the toilet —to cleanse and whiter

the teeth, remove tartar and prevent dssny. To disinfi'ct the mouth, destm;, diaessr germs, and purify the (iresth. To kee>psrtiSeial teetfi ami briflgewurM olsan and odorless. T < remove nicutlm from the teeth and purify the brest.' after smoking. To ermlioate psrspira lion odors by srsinre bsilung.

As m mmllriniil iigrnt for ’oen^ treatment of feminine ilU witurr prii ii entarrb, inflammation and ulcerate-! exist, nothing wpiali- hot douches *>' Paxtine. For ten yeom the I.ydla V. Pinkham .Med. O*. has been repnlarli advisintr their patlentM U> ii«e it lieoan*. of its extraonllnarv ciesiiKing, healing and germieldsl power. For this pur- pose alone I'axtim- i% worth its weight to gold. Also for nasal caUarrh, son- throa*. inflaoMal eyas, entaand wounds , All drugrista, SS and ^■l cente a box.rrtal Im»x an-t t«atfm<my^af iVfMiiefi free- on re<|iifMt. rHCOAXTOMTTtl.gTOO. gaates h

■ enis each. The balance will be made ijp by larger sums.

t'oiaiiiander .Miss Booth, who Is at the head of The Malvatlon Army in the I'nltei'. States. Is a|>eclally gratified with the wide and generous aupfiort that la lieing given to the project, and in this city a company of ladies will work hani to realize a good proiKW- tion toward th<- grand total needed, and It Is fully expected that the re- «4ilfs win abundantly Justify the wor­thy effort

-k -•'It fi.r '.'ll- tag and hnv* your gift read;. '

WorviSn's Lesdeeship.A wemun Is not .4 '• .nktr of ">■" aaE>

oept !i. so far .di.- Usds bim by thn little uoger.— Kxchange.

■hon in tha dark hall. Had Jaaaten alao daealvad blB? Was aba too play- tag a part la ordor to hoop him in a good htuBor? II* stm^ hla elanebad hand Tlolaatly asalaat thn wall baaida him.

“What'o that?" ertad thn affrlghtod Mr. Oraao. within thn room. “Who—"

"I ran against tha wall. Id tha dark." fitaoton called, his voloa a llttla hoaraa, bat avaaly ooatrollad. “Good night."

“Oood night. Well Sz thtoga all right, atanton; you tahn a goodalaap."

“I ahall," promiaad tha driver.Ha did not.At seven o’clock, the next morning.

Mr. Green burst Into tha hotal dlolng room wbera Stanton was at brsakfaat

“He's got tham! They’ra coming," bn rejotcod maniacally. '*Tbe ear wasn’t at Brighton, but be locatad it tan mllao fartbar over, on a sldtog.And he raised such a disturbance around the express people’s ears that tbay unloaded the tiros tbeo and thara. and rushed out two motor trucks to cart tham across to ua. Tbayll ba hare by eight and the race starts at nine. I have b^ up all night-M ^,7,"Id me“so" hour ago it looked as If yoti would have to be withdrawn from the con­test for lack of a few aats of rubber tires. That fool tire company!" He wiped bis forehead. "Don’t you want to come oat to the coarse, after you finish here? Floyd is due os the train which arrives to flft<^wo minutes. If ha isn’t smothered by the crowd. I never saw sock a mob of people: they have been coming since dawn; all night, in fact, and they're still coming."

"Tea." acquiesced the other un­emotionally. Hla dark face gave an effect of bronsellke Immobility, hla blue-blaek eyes held steel glints.

"Well," the assistant manager rm sumed. and paused.

The pompadoured waitress was leanlag between thana. placing a tea­pot on the table.

Tbocolate sir." she giggled.Stanton pushed back his chair, tbea

op lato the drlvor'aFloyd came ova the onr, loobad fnesi

“What have I done?" be aokod ate- Pi7.

Both man ware sttti anmaakad. thair privacy of spaaeh wna aacnrad by the uproar aroaad them. Stanton lookod grimly back.

**Lled to me Ton wars not kept away from New Tork by work wfth G”een. or any other work, for tha laat two weeks."

A tinge of scarlat streaked Floyd’s P3”or. he bent bis hand.

"Yes. 1 lied to you," b# admlttad.f^tantcuM gaunileted hand closed on

Liu wheel."There was 00 oead. Tour time wna

your own. Floyd; I clalased do control over you. I don’t know why you did It, to be lid of me for a while. I suppoea. but the reason doesn’t matter. Last night I thought a good many wild things abont yoo. and your sister, but this morning Tve got my grip again. No doubt you had all you could stand of me. I’m not precisely lovable and I would have understood if you had

But I will have 00 friend I can’t trust all tha way. Oat

' In—wa will finish this race, and part."noyd raised hla bead and gave to

the stem scrutiny bis candid gray ayes.

"Stanton, trust me all the way now," he appealed. "Can you do that? Can yoo take my word that your friendship la the only thing in the world I want? If I deceived you. It was no I could ba bare to race with yon to-day. I will tell yoo afterward, I oan't now."

"You mean—"Floyd held oot his band."I’ve got everything badly mixed up,

bat It's clean to offer yoa. Stanton."As swiftly impulsive as his condem­

nation wae Stanton's moveasant as he bant to give tha clasp.

"All right." ha said cnrtly. "Get hi: I ought to have given yon a 0101000.**

1 And as the other obeyed: "I didn't

tke ear io a ainaJadlL Tha two SMB ware eat en tho groend tnssthsr, itisMtng forth tanM. Htagod nhsnt br pash tag exclaiming apaetn- tofa. they worhod with qnloh psedaion. eaattag no tlmo In apoech. Dant- wrapped, two big onra apod by thank the red oea hanging doggedly at the flank of the white.

"Georpa thinhs hafa winaln*." tinpad Floyd mockingly. "Bat ho isn't floln* to; wo are."

Stnatoo waa on his fast again."la with tha toala." ha dirseted,

with brevity.Bnt tha Mua-blnoh ayan and gray

eneheagad oaa ■niltag glnaoe baforathe Marcary sprang forward.

n# raea bagaa its third hear, as gtantoo started oat to ragala his lootI

Ceiar fa Sa aMUt lea drew the attaedant «s

‘YThat la ttr Toe are

*Aah to


It wea Dooe. a daxsHag. breath- * bmta. laas noon of aeare and gold. Doam j paat tho grandeiaad with its haevtag I hgBpanaa of color and movsmaat they nightsswap! agalo, tha Joyooa applause oom- mhae he elo

herheggsd. "ft wmbT my faalt Aalto stop."

The norao tooh a glass froaatabla.

“Thara to ao one slaglag. Mr. I toe. no ono nt aU. Driah thle"

"No oaoT Not net thara In darkr

-No."He avartad hla gnea. and ranmiard

mete. aaproCasttag. Aftar thet he never loet mamory again; not avaa In alaap, for ha draamad. Day and Bight, hoar attar hoar, Jaoaloa'o mo-

hoat tbroogh hla Mek

tag to tham across the roar of thair own motor, and on batwaoa tho walla of poopla into tha qniatar book atrateh la parauit of thair rivals.

Thera was a bridga, hack thara. aeroaa a ahallow raaaiag brooh ahat la 1 by a strip of autumn-tintad woodland, j

"Car ahead!" Floyd criod soddanly,' aa thoy roshod aroaad a oarva and bore down oa the rrooaing. "Look oat —Btaaton—" 1

la tha caatar of tho bridga waa a' raaliBg. staggorlng oar. ooeUag to a halt and atiivlng to maintain Its egnl- Itbrlom maanwhlla Tho chain bad hvehao loooa. Ita driver afterward ex- pihtnad. and was lashing the onder- meahaalsm to semp metal flaking too tots to stop hto own mnchina, fltnnton took the only ehanea of anving any of tha foor Itvaa and triad to twtet paat tha other onr on the narrow bridge. Only a maotar-drlver woald have ab tempted the feat; fltantoa oanied It to the verge of saceaea. They wars along slda, passing, whan tha edge of tho wooden bridga gave way under the doabla strata. There waa the rip ol spllataring planks, as tha Marenry'a ontalda whaala emshad through tho flooring, a shuddartng lurch.

"Jmnpt" Stanton ahootod bis vain command to noyd. na tbay want down.

The oool water lapped around hla

htoaUU. always

ras he beaH afloyd weap-

<A Line* Clad Nwraa Btood HHa.

* Mcanv ,l!e a

' tor Brtdoa.' hirbarlf marriage ' Tomcn of Africa

of th*- bride, !ln(r finerx . stands

... tminir .igalnst a I- ■ «q!jare llff eyes

• r -nm prexaed to her i has only the narrow a ::mn for a foothold, ring of villagers critlctoe

checked himself aa sharply."No." he stated, sod aot the

away from before htm.The movement eras not violent, bnt

there was in it ao much poorly re- strainad force that the chtna vassal ahattered upon striking the table and all the fragrant brown liquid ran over the white cloth The girl exclaimed In dismay. Mr Oreen vtared; Stanton only dropped a •loliarblll baaide bis plaie and rooa to go.

'T aw readv." he signified The Mercury camp was a scene of

animated preparstinn. twenty rnlnutes later, when Fl-yd emerged from tha dense press of arriving spectators and gained the tncJosiirv The aasistant

' mean to meat you aa I did. an hour ago. anyhow; It slipped me."

I "Tbey’m slgpaling," warned Mr. j Green, harrying over. "A»s you ready? '

■ Both of yeuT* \) Ftom kis place baaida Staotoa, | ' Floyd turned a faoa of taramaia sun­shine to the assistant manager, a faca ao changed in its color anil glow and warmth that all who saw drew breath I

; in shear wonder. )i "We're ready." kis IlKtag tonaa aa- i sured. "Dont worry."

Stanton laughed with him ftstefing on tha nsisk. and sent the .Mercury rolling fomrard. The world was right once mere and life s.ine

It was an exqulelte morning; wtnd-manaiicr almost received htm In tals ‘ !•••. cool, wiib bapuy little eff^ls of

aad commend on her appearaaeew

arras, thr rest of the force ciastared around Gay. blithe. triumphant. Fiord acceptetl the general oongratu- latlona.

*nrea, I got them." he laughed, an­swering first one and then another. "No. I'm not tired, I slept both ways in the tralu. i "d hr>ve breiUtfast. thanks, In Jataaiea. 1 vf rot my raring elothos oa. Mr. Qreea; I dre«»ed at the hotel hafore oomtag hers. Where to flianton? Ob—" aa the group ssp- aratod to show the man standing be- aldn tha Marenrv car.

*^0 man made way, nailing under-


• TaiTj

' We Aim To Shiite

Our Coal Into

Your BuisWe don’t pull the trigger, however,

Until we have your permission When we hit the the mark With the best ammunition

For heating purposes!

Blapnd Bllltarda Wtth T Fetlste DHveri

Btaadtagty. aa the young want straight to hto driver.

"Btaatnn." ha hsgaa. with hto

fltantoa tonhad fall la hto agon.

snowy cloud against a cobalt blue sky. The i)ctober sir was a aamiaer- dlstllled eerdlsl, at ethereal intoxl- cant. The racers bad no time to ao- tfce It, yet the effect wan there. The speed made on the flrat laps waa reo- ord-breaking

The browr or gray streak of road ahead, the deadly turns, the traachar- oaa smooth kill down which It was 00 saoy to maho speed and still more easy to meat disaster—for the first hour Stanton had no attention to spaiu from the«e. IdoraoTar, the spectatora we'-e Tons* -d over the floarsa In many plarasi, recoiling Just enough te leave a laae for each ear's pasaaga, and ao Imposing soother anxlaty opau tha drtvars who knew the awarve of a foot most bring deatB^ to soosa one.

’Ttor baMaC" Ftoyd’s claar aoasnta gave tha familiar oauUoaa. from tinm to ttate. "He's tryfti* to pat aa bafora tha tom. Tha Autoota'a head ta tha daat." I

Tha paoa malntalaod waa tha faatsat at which tha Marcary could bo hoM ta tha road. It waa fltaBtoa*a way to gala the load flrat. wbao paaalMa. thaa i baap a staady avaraga ragatdtoas of hto livala' spurts of apoad: ualaos tho | race wars toa abort to permit aooh taettas or the eoateot too otooe Now. at the and of the aacoad boor Ftoyd made the dealrail aanoonremmit. ao thay abot paat tha graad-etaad aud tha bollatta kaaria

'*WeTa leadin'. Tha ttraa have beau boMta* flas laah aui tor tham this

Angara trickisd revtvingly arvoae hto tatolambly palafnl arm. gurgling like a Joyeua voles as it passad by him. Slowly, with ioftnite effort Btaaton dragged hlmoalf up upon the other arm. the uatajured ri^t. He 'mnst aae; that wua tbe Impertons cry of brain and boart, to sea. It saemad to him years ago fhat the Mercury bod goM off the bridge, yet he knew tha tlnw could be but momenta, alnoe tha amtoilance had not come and ha waa stlL here.

His vislaa waa clearing. Tea; there, half in the dainty brook, half on tbe green iuoik. lay the heap of hoot and broken metal that bad been tha Mercury rnoinc car. And baaide It—

When he drove back ^J»e fatotnesa thnt blackened the bright noon, fltan- tot began to drag his pain-racked bafiy toward what lay bexidc the .Mer- eoTv. Mm-emem hurt, hurt uobear- ah r. yet waa a Ism anguleh than thvuvht. Tor he knew. kne« the mo'banlciar i‘eldsm cacaoes.

Floyd la; near the machitw, nn- marrefl to ctitwanl view excettt for a cot ovf-r his tempkx and a stain of blood on his tips. Hia tnaek and cap were gnr. >. one hamd wav flung out. palm np- waeJ. and the torn sleex-o left bare the sllnr arm eix>s«ed iiy the xtgzag scar gained at Ivtwell. Me kx>ked very young and strangely grave, aa the nun- light and trae-tbadews fliefcared hack and forth acraas Hla ':*fllorlesa fsoe and shining bronar waves of hair.

“FAoyd." Rtanton artlralated hoaraa-1 ly. "Tloyd!" I

The brook aargled chaarfally, a ba-' latad oriole flashed past a straak of flame. BtantonM bead aaafc bank down against hto machaalclaa's Inert hand, mwl tbe world fall out of kgowl- i

oosao oaa sobbtag. J«lag tor har hrothar.

But gradnally tha laat traeoo of dw lliiam faded out Slowly hto auparb health Toaeasrlsd Its dosMaloB sad' hroaght fltaatoa bank to aonaal Hfe. Tha ftacturad booaa katt, tha oChar tajaiiaa haalad.

Ha Bovar spoha floyd'a name a oao-oad etasa. Nor did aay oaa oMatlon It to htas. Tha head of tha Mareory Company oaasa oat from Now Tork to aoa him and avpraaa cordial sympathy. Qoorpo. who had dr Ivan tha Daptox to ‘ viotory aftar tha Mareury'a wrsek. oaam to visit him ssora than onoa. a bloado. ohasry praasoaa: aa did tho drlvar of tha maehtoa on tha bridga who uwaad hto own Ufa to Staatoa'a, eool faarlassasas and aklll. Mr. Oraaa brought hto fnaay oeadolaaea. But nona of tham allndad to Jaa Floyd. Tbora wna a curloaa coastratat that markad tham all. an air of watch- folly kaaplng sltvnt upon soma snb- Jaet ooaatantly preaant ta thair mteda. Stanton looked tham throngh and through with hto hollow bluo blacth ayaa, and asked nothteg.

It was two moaths bafora ba eoold leave the hospltaL Winter had shut in. raw and bleak. The day flnad tor his departure, the doetor llngared tai bidding htm good-by.

*T have not wanted yoa to ba wor­ried. Mr. Stanton." ho said broakly. j **Not oa any account. But from the fact that your lint queotlon waa 'Jaa IHoyd?* I Imagloe yon fool soma tw-

I sponslblllty in that mattar. May 1 ask where you are going?"

Botora tha spoken name fltaatoa wfaoad. but ateadlly mat tha oChar'a laqulsltlve eyas.

"*rb Mlaa Fkryd," ba raspoadad.Tbe doetor hM out a hearty hand."Good, I was sore of it! A patient

ahowa a lot of hto charactar to hla physician. Good luck to yoo—all ktads."

How did he know of unprotactad Jaa- sloa Floyd? Stanton wearily pondered tke question as he descended to tha oarriage. Or ratbar. bow did he know of Stanton's feeling of responsibility toward har? The Bsachanlrtan was supposed to take his chance with tha driver. Perhaps delirium bad revealed the close bond of friandabip between Floyd and biiiiaalf.

At the railroad station, a tall 3roaag man approached him, as the train whlailed In tha distance.

**My name is Richards." ha aa- nounoed diffidently. "Tmi're hardly

Keeps Tohr StoTHAlways Ready forA bright, clean, giottr stove to the

aad prido of avar>‘ housakaapar. to bard to keep a stove nice and notom Black Silk Stove Polish to

Hers Is the reason; Black Silk flCc Polish stUts rtgkt to tke iron. It dot rukoff or dm$i oft. Its ahiao toiMs ffmvs lonirer than tho ahioa of any < polish. Yoa ooly Dead to poltoh lomrtk us oftao, yat stove willeioumer, brtgkUr and ketter looktmg th it has limn aioce yoo first bought It. Uam


aa vter ptetor Mow. kitekwi Mteeteoso ■■■•u? Om a C4M froM yote terttwst* or Mev dteSte; it yoa do aot Aad It te/er tmr otkar Mate poteh ynu tew trtr (Mod Srtev. yww dteter to aomorlMd l« n^vmA roor wotey. hte wo tam. •or* vo« wiu te*te wOh ite iSmtmmOi ol MOm^ ■o io-d>i« wbm— wSo ar« mw Mtog B|*te ms a«ov« Koteh mA wte mv it to Om "l«S BtmmOehtk ««vr Mdr."


B* Mr* to gM tte gfmmm. Block SOk SSoeo Pallik COMO TOO mm mmr* ttea tte rirtteirv ktoU.

UteHLACicaiiff •rort MckM^nworp or Iira»* Ito^ks aw

oooihr. oMt toevM o brUIUot Mwtocc. IIS oqool (or ooo oe oototeobUM.

Bkck salt Slovg PoiUi W<

TMrklah latamf Ilikala.The Tnrklah Island of Ntoarto IB

tho Aogaao son has proolsimad ladapaodance. The inbabitanta. wtog number about 1S.000. sMxed and lam prtooaed the Tarkish oflielato.

The Island of Nioaria, which ha# an area of about SO square mllaa, W faraoas in mythology for the death gh loarns. whose waxen wings aellam when he was flying. At the day it to occupied almost by ' hornors of Greek nstiooalUy. pTlaalpal town to Meoarfa. which e slats of a group of ahoat 200 hoot Tbe Islanders have hitherto paid aanual tribato to the Pasha Rhodes.

Vlndloota the Dtvlnlng Ratf. OMclal expaHmants mada la so Sooth Africa with tbe divti d aa a meaaa of detecting bill

on your feet ret. Mr. Stanton; If there ' wnter eeem to vindicate tbe eflli Is anything I can do far yon on the of tbe witch basal stick. Abont trip Into the city. I’d be glad." trials were mada and lha rod wnM

il of tham. m Ham*


Rtanton sarveyad htm with blank ^ ^iirrssrfnl In M par caatnon-recoim I tton.

"You don’t remember me?" tbe peung man triad again. “Hava you forgotten the cub reporter who fol­lowed you on tbe afternoon you were arrested for speeding your machine In Pelham Parkway? You let your com­panion give me the story."

Stanton put out his band, the poign­ant tnemorr unendurable.

"YeK T.n What of It?""It gnvp. me my start. It meant a

big life for m*-; and I didn't forget It. I made the i-'-TOunti- of tb<- accident at tha Oip race as es .y for Ml-s Floyd aa 1 could, when they came out There was liound to )>«' come senvattonai- tom."

•TTiank you." Stnnton made brief ao- kaowledgpivnt. *"rhere Is nothing that yau can do for me “

The train was hl)i«lng at the plat­form. but the reporter pursued him a step farth.-r.

“You. youll look after MIm Floyd. Mr. Rtanton* Tbat'ii square*"

The driver torned an amazed recent- ful glance upon bis queit loner, his hand on the rail. Rut. hardly aware why. be answef^ed. however glacially.

"Tea. air."The fepertor beamed at him. radiant.*T knew it," •• called, above the

roar and elaag the starting train. "1 kaom It waa all rtghtj*

trootlniied next week.)

has also been made use of to over with some succeas in tha loam tloa of valna of tha salts of polashb These results have sttracted so mueH attentioa that tbe FYench minister oi agricaltnre baa appointed a commlUaH to make similar InvestlgaUoaa,

ly. htonMamad the Han at SMIadvice, he dMeareCally,

Heodlag the

OHArriR xif.

ft was two wsoha later whoa RalphStanton first raopawsd coaactoas ayaa. this ttam apoo (ba tmmaeutois draorf- nose of a beapital room. A Itooa^elad oaroa stood baaida him. aad at tha foot of the bad was a gantlsmaa on- mlatakahly medical.

"Batter, Mr. fltaatoa?" qnarlad tha lattar. tweaetly prnfaaatoaal.

"Floyd?" Htaaton whtapsrnd. with dnculty. "Whore to Jaa Floyds

Tha doetor sarveyad him otMly. has- tmttng Rat tha nnrre atoopod over him, har aapraaskm aNaatag to taipal- aiva compacatea.

"Wall, vary wall." aha saaariJ basti- I ly. "Ja* Floyd has gone boom. Try | Id rest; try aot to tblok of thlaga."

Ha had haown tha troth hafera ho aShad tha qnaaiiaa. Staatoa qulatty { taraiit hto faaa to tho wall aad fMat-' ad. hotog very wash,

la his aoxt eaaociaaa taiarval, I

i American slang Is steadily gaining mmuDd oeer aoadamte KagHsh. Th- farmer aasma sure to arrive.


J^ORT werybody reads ite •da. in the r«p«r. TS«y

ttenwh as netch news to 'te naan in town ard on tte tmns> as the fMTSonaia, and oken mere. B Peter Smith's wGa wanma new hsL Smith sem by tte paper that Jroos to iwll- tng tets at so mocto Jblini. son s move ad. to mtoaing-hem tte paper — Jobnsonis wytog a noe adeatttoiog policy.

RE.SIfLT—Jooea gets Smth^Riorffy----------------------------------- -Smifii’s wife gett h«f bat.


Jc^ F. ParrStaataa tonhad fall ta hla sfyaa. and | fha ptaaaallaa waa JaoMflad. Oa ^niiaa PWydTIte Ito sitvar

COAL MAM.* fan by


i il

Bor Can m Jticll**but when it comps to expert workmaship

mrm WimwpAEtwmrtmm

Wakers tSt Hod^e


Everything in Power MachineryMONEYSAVING Farm LABOR


It is to the interest of the fanners of Clinton and adjoining counties to look over my line of Farm Power Machinery. My low Prices do away with the uncertainty and dissatisfaction of ordering away from Home. My salesroom has the largest stock of Labor 2uid Money saving power machinery in Central Mich.

A guarantee of Service and Satisfaction that is worth something to you goes with every purclutse.

4 1-2H. P. $9000

IW*' hiiv. rhlii In n»< < k in 1 -‘j. ♦ '• r

.. i: r .niiiiiK, i ' <1 \\>- tiiak* prl« **t‘ that laiiiih at

.!uin»tiu<>ii fr»»ir an;. •»ih«‘r * > r* • fu -“r you !iav*- to. tl.. fn k.'it.


Th*' Hiioiiiiiir Mnrhiiic io ;i:a«lr infhr*-*- t>i*»^ huiMl or without wruiKor nt-tarhnxuit; hand or |>i»w. rwith w iinir»T aitarhtiinnt; hand or i^ownr with wririt-’r ailarh"o'nt oiMTatnd h> Hertrli motor I nt for IlKht draft Ioiik Ilf*-and <-h-an waahliiK wirhitui itarliii; th* oloth**# >V*- <arr> a full »i«k-k

Th«* hull •h»r .;nr .•! (•n^olinn Knirinn^ it of tho tin- larRi*. hfavv *liit.\ --* r\ iri“ahl<* tyra- l*ri«**-i« |Mr- tirtiiarii low owiiiK t.. r t-M •'.tloiial hiiyinK ahll- Ity <'arri«*<l in i»t<><-k in U*-.- 4'v and »> H I’(’an itr fiirhti>h<'«| ,n all p iwi-ri* up to Id. andin th*‘ (Ktrtahl)' t\|M Th * !\« t*»*«*n tr**un’n-doiih i*nl«*» on tilth • HKin* <> r ;.innv a.atiiilW'd <'io iom«*r«t k1v»* proof o( hiii-f,. i ui tliih ••iiKln* \V»' carry cornph-t** hhk ,

\l»ri.KTO> s\w KK^MFS.an> favuritnA anionir thof* who wuiit an <*x< • ptloiiully • ahv ninninR hmc lived, well made outfit for saw.n.; j ,,ud cord wood Hubhit-

<1, **‘lf adjuailnic. diiat proof, n -n . *'! u n .. „ .^nd r«dl*«r b*-arlng. W < arry a compi-ti* atook of ti*j« ' 1. h|.. « Oiitflta .. ir hpf>cialllyWiUon f’lrmlnr sawh in all t fra: md aUo the hush irradr

We tre in position to equip you with a complete power outfit as we carry big stock of wood split pulleys, belting, shaft hangers, etc. Fresh Stock of Batteries at all times.

If You Need a Horse Portable Engine We Have What You Want.

• 1If) II. !*. I’.irtalilc

Wt carry the iiU|»erlor lin* «»f INmIrv- **lndepriideiire** ^iiMid spit MuyinB In lara* <|uantltle» w-e aive vnu excvptional value* in low price*

IIKl.TIMi.t)ur lln<- of .Saw\i-r beltiua, tin l>e*t

< .luva* on market i; c<impleto.oiir |»rlc«‘i> ar*- riaht III,; m-w htock at .ill tItIK'h


N’oii hhouhl run your *e|>arntor hy jK»wer To taki- up tin- *h«K*k of atart- Inis and .-toppluc which la alwraya In- Jiirtoiia to a (o-parator Von ahouhl Uh*- tin- Mich -lov.-rnor pulley. No lar .St rtp Sto|>M enay. I'm-form hp*-**<l which Kl>e* |>eai reMult*

U’.' f'.xrry th.- I tods. Iln*- of aland- rd caidllary or rlna olllns »haff

hanrerh in all .-i/ ■* They aild 2.'. ;:=. r jiirt-.'ie to .1 i.xnitor. you ahouhl pi. "It

]>on t waate your time .md atreuxth puiiipinx wat.-r, when one <»f our oui- tiu will do the work for OM! f’K'T

IIOI'H. (Vmie III and a*-- o ir Hath ill (HI. Ilifhf ninninx, a.T\ic abh- i>iimp )a«-ka


rbU cut ahowa Kairh«Nk«-Horae lloHlont*! lypr II. M* •ptM.r cooled ('arrl.d In -lock In 2. 4. .xnd k H I* Ideal •■nxtne for Ixmi use

! — U J


J.in' tin lixhleat draft, .•a.) run ntnx, m<Hii einicteni xriiider on the market for xrtndiiix ahellwi corn. uilx»«d .-orn or coni on the cob. Tw-o •eta of xrindinx plalea fumiahed with *srh marhlD**, course and In..\ll metal, made In two aites—No. 1, csiMctty 10 to .10 huahela pet- hour. 2 to (> M.l'.; No. 2. cnpaelty 30 to 60 bushels per hour. 6 to 12 H I* esnied in stosk.

Thia cut ahow- Kalrbnnk*.Horae VertIrsI Typo Wc carry ihooi In stock In 2. 3. I, and 6 H. P.

Ktimlahed wHh Unte cooling tank.

< (tm.wiii.i.i.Kii.: n* lha* xiM-a perfect

• I’.rt". tint; to thoae who want most durahl ' b« I Mnlalnd. one-holc com-

tn*ll. r luilli .Spnnxe rextilated by liaiMl wheel .'thaftr* kept iiermanently In line l»> ahafi laix.-a set In continii- iiua ' apt tram?** Sheiu iierftH-tiy clean Ikw . in>f hrak* eohn Kx< eptlonally low pries F’l^ll^hed idther In hand or W ■ «*arTx complete stock.

I take care of my customers* Remember this service means something to youExceptional values in the Fairbanks-Morse line “Old Reliable.” These engines are positively the finest built of any kind on the market. Our stock is complete. Our exceptional buying power enables us to give you these highest grade goods at better prices than any other dealer.

I ^cn

i-ir= ri

You have all the conveniences of the city right <mi the farm when you install Fairimiks ■ Isrse water systenu and electric light plants. We have instaUed a numbw of complete out­fits among Clinton County fanners and our (nistomers have nothing but praise for the ecommiy, simplicity and efficiency of these plants. We have our salm romn equipped wMi one of diese dectric lighting plants and we sincer^ invite your inspection.

1 would appreciate it if you would make my sales room your headquarters when in town, it is filled with novel ideas

are ready to ber that my

for dispensing with unnecessary labor and for saving money on the farm. Whether or not you buy. if you have a few moments to spare when in town, call and see me. 1 am sure your visit will be of interest. Remem- personal guarantee goes with every article you buy. My prices are right, and you will find them suited to your pocket book.

St Johns, Mich.Street, W. R. & CLARK, Sales Mgr St Johns, Mich.

Higham Street, Weit