indra indra es la multinacional nuestra visión

INDRA Indra es la multinacional de Consultoría y Tecnología líder en España y Latinoamérica. Ofrece soluciones y servicios tecnológicos para los sectores de Transporte y Tráfico, Energía e Industria, Administración Pública y Sanidad, Servicios Financieros, Seguridad y Defensa y Telecom y Media. Nuestra visión Indra ha sido siempre un proyecto empresarial construido con visión de largo plazo y desde el convencimiento de que mantener un perfil de empresa centrada en la innovación con fuerte base tecnológica, ofreciendo soluciones líderes a clientes lideres, nos permite generar tasas de crecimiento y rentabilidad superiores y así ser capaces de crear valor a corto, medio y largo plazo. Así, tras un proceso de consulta y participación con profesionales de la compañía, nuestra visión fue definida en 2004 del siguiente modo: “Ser una empresa innovadora y del conocimiento en las relaciones con nuestros públicos internos y externos (accionistas, profesionales, clientes, etc.), así como con las instituciones que lo cultivan y desarrollan, y con las comunidades en las que actuamos.”

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INDRAIndra es la multinacional de Consultoría y Tecnología líder en España y Latinoamérica. Ofrece soluciones y servicios tecnológicos para los sectores de Transporte y Tráfico, Energía e Industria, Administración Pública y Sanidad, Servicios Financieros, Seguridad y Defensa y Telecom y Media.


Nuestra visión

Indra ha sido siempre un proyecto empresarial construido con visión de largo plazo y desde el convencimiento de que mantener un perfil de empresa centrada en la innovación con fuerte base tecnológica, ofreciendo soluciones líderes a clientes lideres, nos permite generar tasas de crecimiento y rentabilidad superiores y así ser capaces de crear valor a corto, medio y largo plazo.

Así, tras un proceso de consulta y participación con profesionales de la compañía, nuestra visión fue definida en 2004 del siguiente modo:

“Ser una empresa innovadora y del conocimiento en las relaciones con nuestros públicos internos y externos (accionistas, profesionales, clientes, etc.), así como con las instituciones que lo cultivan y desarrollan, y con las comunidades en las que actuamos.”

Indra gana el mayor proyecto de ticketing del mundo Implantará sus sistemas de billetaje sin contacto, control deaccesos y pago mediante teléfono móvil en el nuevo sistema detransporte público que se está creando en Riad, la capital deArabia Saudí. La compañía refuerza su posición en Oriente Medio y logra un nuevo hito en el mercado de infraestructurasen este país, donde es el socio tecnológico del proyecto ferroviario de Alta Velocidad entre Medina y La Meca

CategoríasSmart Mobility Arabia Saudí

Arriyadh Developmetn Authority (ADA), empresa encargada de la modernización de las infraestructuras de Riad, adjudicó a Indra el contrato tras un concurso público internacional en el que participaron una decena de grandes empresas multinacionales. Se trata del proyecto de ticketing más grande licitado hasta ahora en el mundo, con un plazo de ejecución de 54 meses y que incluye el mantenimiento y soporte tecnológico durante diez años.

Indra desarrollará todo el sistema avanzado para la gestión tarifaria integrada del transporte público de la ciudad. Este incluye un centro de control de ticketing que integrará la información procedente de los diferentes sistemas, asícomo el software necesario para la gestión económica del servicio, el sistema de compensación entre operadores (clearing house) y otros sistemas adicionales de alto valor añadido para ayuda a la gestión comercial. La propuesta incluye los sistemas de 1.000 autobuses y los equipos de control de accesos y venta de billetes para las paradas de autobus y las seis líneas de metro, que afectan a 175 kilómetros y darán servicio a unos seis millones de personas.

Gracias a la tecnología sin contacto (contactless) que Indra va a implantar, los ciudadanos podrán acceder a todo el sistema de transporte público con una única tarjeta, que podrán validar de forma ágil y cómoda con sólo acercarla al lector. La solución también permitirá el uso de billetes sencillos con código de barras, similares a los que se utilizan para la Alta Velocidad en España, y contará con una aplicación de pago con móvil mediante la tecnología NFC (Near Field Communication).

El Gobernador de Riad, Príncipe Turki Ben Abdualah Ben Abdul Aziz, presidente de la Alta Comisión para el Desarrollo de Arriyadh y presidente del Alto Comité Ministerial para el proyecto de Transporte Público de Riad, y el director generaladjunto de Indra, Eduardo Bonet, firmaron el contrato en enero en Riad.

Este proyecto para el metro y los autobuses de Riad se suma a las numerosas referencias de Indra en ticketing, que la convierten en una de las compañías líderes del mundo en este ámbito. Metros como los de Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia,Santiago de Chile, Medellín, Lisboa, Mumbai, Calcuta o Shangai, el metro ligero de Kuala Lumpur, en Malasia, el ferrocarril suburbano de México DF, el metro ligero de Austin (Texas) o el tren ligero de San Luis, en Estados Unidos, ya han confiado en la tecnología de Indra.

Con las grandes infraestructurasIndra se consolida como socio tecnológico de los principales proyectos de infraestructuras que se desarrollan en todo el mundo actualmente, como el Canal de Panamá o la línea de Alta Velocidad ferroviaria entre La Meca y Medina, también en Arabia Saudí. En concreto, en esta última infraestructura, la multinacional es responsable de los sistemas de gestión, telecomunicaciones, seguridad, ticketing y TIC.

Gracias a su apuesta por la innovación, Indra ha desarrollado soluciones propias de última tecnología para dotar de inteligencia a las infraestructuras de transporte, que ya ha implantado internacionalmente en países como EE.UU., México, Colombia, China, India o Malasia, entre otros muchos.

Estas tecnologías inteligentes contribuyen a hacer las infraestructuras más eficientes y sostenibles ecológica y económicamente, además de mejorar el servicio prestado a los ciudadanos e incrementar los niveles de seguridad del transporte.

Tunja, en Colombia, se consolida como ciudad digital con la tecnología más innovadora Sus ciudadanos ya pueden acceder de forma electrónica a servicios públicos que ofrece la Alcaldía gracias a la entrada en operación de una avanzada plataforma de e-Government desarrollada por Indra

CategoríasAdministraciones públicas Colombia

El proyecto ha contemplado la modernización de la Administración Municipal de Tunja a partir de la implantación de Amara, la solución de gobierno electrónico de Indra, para facilitar el acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a su carpeta personal, realizar trámites y consultas sobre el estado de los mismos o aportar información y recibir notificaciones. Todo ello en formato electrónico y con plenas garantías de seguridad y confidencialidad de datos. 

Como parte de esta iniciativa, se encuentra la integración de la plataforma TunjaParticipa, basada en la solución de innovación abierta y participación ciudadana desarrollada por Indra, para estrechar e incrementar la implicación de los ciudadanos, y potenciar una administración comprometida y participativa. 

Este portal facilita el acceso a nuevos canales de participación mediante la aportación de ideas y respuestas a los retos que puedan plantear los responsablesmunicipales para mejorar el funcionamiento de la ciudad. Como primer reto, la Alcaldía ha establecido consultar a la ciudadanía sus propuestas para aumentar elnivel de uso de las herramientas TIC en su relación con la administración, debido

a que los resultados obtenidos en las encuestas realizadas hasta la fecha apuntana la necesidad de promover mejoras en este ámbito. 

TunjaParticipa permite establecer una comunicación activa y bidireccional dejandoatrás los modelos de participación basados en foros saturados y buzones de quejasy sugerencias no atendidos. Supone además un importante canalizador de proyectos innovadores en el ámbito de las Smart Cities, ya que ofrece la posibilidad de comunicar expectativas, ideas y soluciones sobre cualquier reto futuro, como la construcción de nuevos servicios y soluciones alrededor de las ciudades. 

La iniciativa es pionera en Colombia y forma parte del proyecto “Tunja Vive Digital”, que impulsa el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación de Colombia (MinTIC) en alianza con la Alcaldía de Tunja, para favorecer el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de la ciudad a partir de la interacción y gestión común de los actores económicos, sociales y culturales de ámbito local y nacional. 

Socios tecnológicos de las principalesinstituciones financieras Caixa Económica Federal de Brasil confía de nuevo en la tecnología de Indra, que pone al servicio de la entidad su experiencia en más de 20 países

CategoríasServicios financieros Brasil

Indra se encargará de la gestión de los servicios de atención multicanal de CaixaEconómica en la Centralizadora de Atención en Teleservicios de São Paulo. En total, se prevé la gestión de unas 19 millones de llamadas anuales, además de lasactuaciones de soporte y atención a través de otros canales. Asimismo, gestionarála contratación y formación de más de 1.400 profesionales, entre operadores, supervisores y gerentes.

Este modelo aportará agilidad en la administración de los recursos humanos y de los procesos necesarios para prestar un servicio de mayor calidad en la atención a los clientes de la entidad financiera. El control y reducción de costes, el acceso a expertos y tecnologías especializadas que mejoran la experiencia del cliente y una mayor flexibilidad para adaptarse a los flujos de trabajo son los principales beneficios. Indra combina en este proyecto su experiencia en la implantación, desarrollo, soporte e integración de tecnologías CXM (Customer eXperience Management) con su profundo conocimiento del sector financiero.

La compañía es socio tecnológico de Caixa Económica Federal desde hace más de diez años y ha desarrollado proyectos en sectores estratégicos del banco.

En líneas generales, Indra gestiona más de 90 tipos de procesos de negocio en el ámbito financiero, ofreciendo servicios que proporcionan cobertura a toda la cadena de valor del negocio bancario y que abarcan desde la consultoría de negocio y tecnológica, hasta la externalización completa de procesos y gestión TI.

En Latinoamérica, colabora con las principales entidades de cada geografía, lo que representa aproximadamente el 40% del volumen total de total de activos bancarios de la región.



Advanced Card Systems Ltd. (ACS, wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Card SystemsHoldings Ltd., SEHK: 8210), founded in 1995, is Asia Pacific's top supplier and one of the world's top 3 suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers, as well as the winner of the Product Quality Leadership Award for Smart Card Readers from Frost & Sullivan. One of the companies on Forbes Asia's 2010 "Best Under a Billion" list, a prestigious list of 200 top-performing companies with sales between US$5 million and US$1 billion, selected from 12,930 publicly listed enterprises in Asia Pacific, ACS develops a wide range of high quality smart cardreading/writing devices, smart cards and related products and distributes them toover 100 countries worldwide. Visit ACS at .


Company Mission

To strengthen its leading position as a provider of card and reader technology inthe world.

Company Vision

Combine scientific spirit and Confucius thoughts to build a sustainable electronic and IT business that is green in order to achieve the dual purposes ofbusiness growth and environmental protection.

Company Background

Advanced Card Systems Ltd. (ACS, wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Card SystemsHoldings Ltd., SEHK: 8210), founded in 1995, is Asia Pacific's top supplier and one of the world's top 3 suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers, as well as the winner of the Product Quality Leadership Award for Smart Card Readers from Frost & Sullivan. In 2010 and 2014, ACS was listed in Forbes Asia's “Best Under aBillion", an inter-industry list comprised of 200 top-performing publicly listed companies in Asia Pacific, with sales between US$5 million and US$1 billion. ACS develops a wide range of high quality smart card reading/writing devices, smart cards and related products and distributes them to over 100 countries worldwide.

A leader in the smart card industry, ACS has the technology, expertise and globalresources to facilitate an easier adoption of smart card applications in different industries across the globe.

Company Products

ACS develops and provides smart card operating systems (COS) and readers to facilitate the implementation of smart card-based systems for various applications and industries. ACS products are compliant with major industrial standards, ensuring safe and compatible operations. Products are divided into eight product families: Smart Cards & Smart Card Operating Systems, PC-Linked Smart Card Readers, Contactless Readers, Mobile Card Readers, Smart Card/Fingerprint Readers, Smart Card Readers with PIN-Pad, PC-Linked Readers withMass Storage, and Dynamic Password Generators. ACS also offers customization for some of these products, to meet specific needs of customers.

Apart from developing hardware, ACS applies its smart card technology and expertise to develop an end-to-end and scalable automatic fare collection (AFC) solution for micro payment operations, including bus, rail, ferry, road toll, parking, fastfood and convenience stores, and vending systems.

For more information on any of our products or our complete AFC system, please email [email protected] .


Faster transactions. More affordable operations. More efficient collection. Our transport solution, TapToPay, makes these possible through an automatic fare collection (AFC) system that can cover bus, rail, ferry, road toll, parking, fastfood establishments and convenience stores.

An AFC system can increase convenience in a city and improve its image. It can broaden customer bases for transport systems and establishments, because end users would naturally gravitate towards solutions that make their lives easier. All in all, an AFC system makes a city a better place to be.

There are multiple components for an AFC system , and we develop all of our technologies in-house. Our system enables users to pay for goods and services city-wide, using contactless technology. Not only does this lessen risks and costs associated with handling cash, it also gives merchants a platform for better record management and leaner, meaner operations.

An AFC system generally lends transparency and efficiency to transactions. For further details, please visit

Who may put up an AFC system?

TapToPay may be deployed city-wide (covering different establishments and forms of transport) or on a smaller scale (covering limited forms of transport).

Clients may be from the public or private sector. They range from city planners and government agencies, to transport operators looking to increase efficiency. TapToPay is currently streamlining transportation in parts of Africa, South America and Asia.

Email us at [email protected] to find a transport solution that matches your needs.

ACS Solution Helps Increase Convenience and Security in SM Prepaid and Loyalty ProgramJune 20, 2013

HONG KONG, 20 Jun, 2013 - Advanced Card Systems Ltd. (ACS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Card Systems Holdings Ltd., SEHK: 8210), AsiaPacific's top supplier and one of the world's top 3 suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers (Source: Frost & Sullivan), was chosen as the primary technology partner of SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SM), the largest mall developer , operator and retail company with 48 shopping malls in the Philippines, for its smart card-based prepaid and loyalty solution, the e-PLUS Tap to Pay.

e-PLUS Tap to Pay is a stored value contactless smart card that embodies the all-in-one card concept. Using ACS’s card and reader technologies, e-PLUS Tap to Pay Card can be used for cashless payment in SM’s Cinemas, IMAX Theatres, Directors Club Cinemas, parking facilities, skating rinks, bowling, amusement centers, foodcourts, select food and non-food merchants in the SM Malls. Also, it is accepted for payment in select transport shuttles, and is even being deployed in some school cafeterias, bookstores and printers. By November 2013, it will be acceptedin more than 1,000 SM Retail Stores and SM affiliates all over the country.

To encourage usage of the system, SM and its partner merchants and brand are offering discounts, privileges and other exclusive rewards to the e-PLUS Tap to Pay members. Part of the cardholders’ privilege is convenient access to SM cinemas, as they can go straight to their theatre of choice, without falling in line at ticket booths. SM hopes to have 1 million card holders by June 2014.

During the e-PLUS press launch on 10 June 2013, Denny Wong, founder and CEO of ACS said: “We want to make faster, safer and more convenient transactions available to Filipinos. Yes, there is still much to be done in terms of the country’s smart card infrastructure, but this partnership with SM is a significant first leap. For now, we would like to expose the public to the benefits of smart card technology, and hopefully, in time these same benefits canbe extended to the transportation sector. When that time comes, ACS will be readyto meet the needs of users in the Philippines.”

Interested individuals may log on to to get their own e-PLUS cards. Those who want to know more about ACS’s loyalty and automated fare collection solutions may email [email protected] .



Who We Are

Cubic is a diversified systems and services company in transportation and defense markets worldwide. We are a leading technology and specialized services company with a worldwide presence in nearly 60 nations. Cubic employs approximately 8,000 people worldwide.

What We Do

At Cubic, we provide our customers with choice and best value in high technology systems and services.

As specialists in revenue collection solutions for public transport, our transportation business is shaping the way people travel in the world’s largest cities.

Cubic’s defense business provides comprehensive mission support services and training systems that strengthen the readiness of national militaries and security forces. Our communications and cyber products safeguard and transmit data in real world operations.

We also track assets for commercial and military customers who need to know about their assets 24/7 anywhere in the world.

Innovative Solutions for Intelligent Travel

At Cubic, we love to solve problems and help travelers pay their fares quickly and safely through the revenue managementand Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) systems and tools we deliver to choose the smartest and easiest way to travel and pay for their journeys.  We also enable transportation authorities and agencies to manage demand across the entire transportation network - all in real time. We continually strive for innovation and improvement in the overall user experience through faster fare payment and efficient information management. Our track record in revenue management, real-time passenger information and intelligent traffic management systems is built on our commitment to delivering innovative, open and customer-focused solutions.

Cubic's legacy began when we pioneered magnetic ticketing in the early 1970s, and was first to introduce contactless smartcards to transit in the late 1980s. We introduced the first large-scale deployment of smart cards in transit, and today Cubic has successfully delivered complete multi-modal smart card systems that are operational in many of the world's major cities.  We also are at the leading edge of open bank card payment systems that are emerging today. Our integrated systems include for fare payment and revenue control, card

distribution/vending, data communications, and information management.  We also provide a full complement of operationaland professional services, such as enterprise system hosting and operations, financial clearing and settlement, card fulfillment, card distribution, and marketing.  Annually, Cubic's back office technology processes billions of transactions for our global customer base.

Our subsidiary NextBus is North America’s leading provider ofreal-time passenger information systems, providing sophisticated transit management solutions since 1996.  Our cloud-based solution provides real-time passenger informationsystems to over 135 transit agencies and organizations serving more than 300 million riders each year.  NextBus offers a host of options, including a GPS-enabled website formobile devices that instantly recognizes the nearest stops inproximity order.  We also offer an easy-to-use website that is compatible with a JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reader and meets ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines. 

 CTS (ITMS) Ltd., a Cubic company, is a leading provider of intelligent transport solutions and technology maintenance services to UK and international government road transport agencies. With more than 20 years of experience, we specialize in the development and supply of complex traffic management systems for the monitoring and control of urban and intra-urban road networks, encompassing integrated traffic and incident management, decision support, bus tracking and passenger information through integrated user interfaces.

Delivering end-to-end systems and services based on innovation, scalability, specialist integration and the flexibility to grow with changing requirements and emerging technology for the complete mobility network is what Cubic does best.

NextBus Real-Time Passenger Information SolutionsNextBus is a cloud-based solution that provides real-time

passenger information systems to over 135 transit agencies and

organizations. We serve more than 300 million riders each year

and offer a host of options, including a GPS-enabled website for

mobile devices that instantly recognizes the nearest stops in

proximity order.  We also offer an easy-to-use website that is

compatible with a JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reader

and meets ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines.

NextBus information is currently available in English, French,

and Spanish. 

Where is my next bus? You can obtain real-time travel

information through the internet, by text, or by calling in for


Find Your NextBus

Mobile Access

How does NextBus work? NextBus uses a proprietary algorithm that

takes into account the vehicle's location and historical travel

data to provide up-to-the-minute arrival time information.

How NextBus Works

Our Customers

About Us


Contact Us


United States

Cubic has designed and delivered more transit ticketing and revenue management systems in North America than any other provider, starting with its first system for Chicago’s Illinois Central Gulf Railroad in 1972. Other major awards followed in the 1970s, including contracts for the Bay Area Rapid Transit system in San Francisco, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and the Pennsylvania Port Authority Transit Company, for which Cubic developed thenation’s first system to utilize plastic magnetically encodedtickets.

Over the past decade, Cubic has implemented more than 80 percent of the major smart card systems in the U.S. now active today, including Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, New Jersey-New York, New Jersey-Pennsylvania, Miami, Atlanta, SanDiego, San Francisco Bay Area, and Chicago.

Case Studies:

Los Angeles TAP® Card System Miami EASY Card System


Mainland Europe is home to one of the continent’s newest smart card ticketing and revenue management systems from Cubic. Five counties in Southern Sweden have joined in the regional Resekortet system that links rail and bus customers to a single card for seamless travel.

In Modena, Italy, Cubic has delivered two generations of ticketing systems for bus and rail. First, in 1994, Cubic

introduced one of the first magnetic-based ticketing systems in Italy, and most recently, Cubic has modernized the local transport operations with a smart card system.

Cubic also is bringing the first e-ticketing system to Germany. Cubic was selected to develop both the initial stageand central core of the country’s first large-scale electronic ticketing system.

Case Studies:

Case Study: Germany Case Study: Southern Sweden


Cubic's most recent project in Canada is the smart card and faregate system for TransLink in Vancouver which was awarded in December 2010. The contract includes the design, build andinstallation of the system, which will include new faregates,and will feature contactless smart card payment under TransLink's Compass brand.  Following delivery, a 10-year services contract will begin.  

Edmonton Transit System, in the Alberta province, also is a long-time Cubic customer.

Case Study:

Case Study: Edmonton intermodal ticketing system Case Study: Vancouver intermodal ticketing system


In 2010 Cubic, which has had a long history in providing automatic fare collection systems and services for public transport throughout the region, established a new Australasian headquarters in Sydney.

Cubic's first entry into the international

marketplace occurred in 1976 when the company was awarded a contract from the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation.Since then, Cubic has delivered systems in Bangkok, Singapore, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Kuala Lumpur.

In the 1990s, Cubic won the contract to deliver the automaticfare collection system to RailCorp in Sydney, which included gates, vendors, booking office machines and a central data collection and reporting system.  Since the system entered full operations, Cubic has continued to provide additional hardware and systems, along with field and workshop maintenance services that deliver high levels of availabilityto RailCorp and their customers.

In 2003 Cubic won the contract to supply the new go card smart card ticketing system for one of the geographically largest regional public transport systems in the world - South East Queensland, which covers an area of about 10,000 square kilometers.

After three years of operations, the system, which is based around the state capital of Brisbane, is field proven and provides world-class measures of system availability.  Over three million go cards have been distributed.  In 2010, go card was named as the best in Australia by the peak industry body, Tourism and Transport Forum.

Further south, the New South Wales (NSW) government, after a competitive tender, awarded the new smart card ticketing system for the greater Sydney area to the Cubic-led Pearl consortium in May 2010.

Cubic is now working closely with the NSW Government's PublicTransport Ticketing Corporation designing and installing the new Opal Card ticketing system.

A phased implementation began in late 2012, beginning with the Sydney Ferries fleet, and is being iincrementally rolled out to trains and buses.  The system will provided integrated

public transport over a large regional area, which extends from Sydney to the Central Coast (Newcastle and the Hunter Valley), to the Blue Mountains and Bathurst, along the South Coast to Nowra, and out to Goulburn in the Southern Highlands.

Case Studies:

Case Study: Brisbane go card System Case Study:   Sydney Opal Card System  

United Kingdom

With a history of more than 30 years in the United Kingdom, Cubic has established itself at the forefront of enterprise management systems and services for what is considered one ofthe largest and most complex, and arguably the world’s finestsmart card ticketing system – the Oyster® Card.

But Cubic’s presence doesn’t stop there. Over the past 20-plus years, Cubic has also delivered revenue management systems for many of the country’s private rail operators thattogether comprise the National Rail system.

Case Study:

Case Study: London Oyster® Card System