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^\\Q T<iiwi'ei\ce iSiqerieki) AM)

SjVDovtfii xavtWisstfA I'I'ltl.lFIIKIt '


KO. S. MKHHII. I . CV < '< > pie-T OFFICK Hint K,

1, .V W If E N c i-:, M i NS.

iist'ltll'TIo*! -S' prr value i II net liiailVMin- ■S.ftO.

Tbe . i,. ulniio., ..i in. I.«wr«iiir Aitirr ran i- On litrjrr.,1 ..i ■ »»- !■«*"■'■ '" "' t nniily. and in.ii. Ilixii 1'iMir Tin.. that »r nuy olhrr tVrrkly l>.i|<t-r pill Halted In l lil- « 11} -

r«r ttATBS fif AiherliaUm wilt in«iiin|i|iliintlii


KISTBSX MvnNAi:iiuaKrrB.

VOI.. XVIII, NO -'«.

iMERICffl The ©aily Smeridai,.


EVERY EVENING, (Sum lay exceptcd.)

1. tin- Largest Dally In the city, with Pour Times Uii' • ircukiliuu of any other.

MinaK-niPTioH, in Ad,.uit,

Unu Your, #<-.'" I Klk Month-, *j.«o

W inn aot i'.ii.i In it'll Jin i, #".'j'.

i. I.' • S. MERRILL A CO., trou'r*.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, [■ tho .-.■■ t nml mil -t thoroughly fm nidi. .1 In Iv.-li'in M ,--a. In;.-, tl-. Having ulily mOtlt-IB l'rcaite*, and willieou-l-uit adilllliiiisof the ncweai •tylea of Type, we are able U> niniUli the beet quality of work, expcdiUouiily, at low price*. Unlera hy moil given prompt attention.

UEU. 8. MERRILL * < RiK'KKR, Tort * mi... Block.


LAWRKNCE Business Directory. B«.in.«DTrB.otory.|THEAMERlCAN.


I.!»•• In 1. until ' (-ardanotrirrrillMR I'nat I.luri 111 Iniutli

it at S>a per P«W. luarrtrd In thl. column at St per yenr.

IKO. 17 A. FISKK. FAPRH HANtilNliS. inter VJ» Window shwlc*, Artl*l*'Miilcrial*, Chan- ill Un- ! ilelicr*. Lamp., Vases, <U-. 375 HaaSS aim*.



at E. DAVIS ft So


& J. s. OILS, roiisKVH nui] Cocssi

830 K.-i'i Mlrri' Nuiiur l'i! in

11. DKNNRTT. CIGARS AND TO- • RACCii, ami Rcmil; also Snuff Smokers' Arli.-t.-. Meerschaum I'll"'-, neatly

repaired. No-1 Lawrvn.e Slri-ol, Lawisase.

1 \IMNTFOK]) A RICK, JKWKI.LKUS, ! >> dealer* in Paper, .-liiii.mcri, I'.-qn-r llung-

. i.i^nt

J DENNING, JKWKI.RH, Watch aml/P J' Ml.l(l1l

. Clock Maker. Fine Watches, Clock* nml ; * • "''.1 ['■■ <>"">

Jewelry. IS Kssex street. All kh i Watch. ■■. '"'U *r ' ■ Clock* ami .li-wclry repaired ut short iinllrc. I „_

CITRUS WILLIAMS. Manufacturer orrT**' J r«J .lull. L luk l>I...N IIIKI lltlitili,. Will- I * 1'


IV (Mil- r

ml Jewelry repaired ut short n

IH'S WILLIAMS, MaiiurittaunT of nui .U'III.T in s»„h. Ii.nirn nml liliiuls, Win- .ul 1.,...!■ Frnnu-n. All kimli->-.- ] it.- itnalou ft Maine it. ll. I'aaMagnr Dg^ot, ;

F. n.VlENA](l>. I'l'lli'I.STr.Klli: ami Ciiliimt Mnkei-.- Id'imiiim.-. l.iiyiiiK Car- i

mil I'in-luiii WMI-L, MiiUi.-«pn I'mi- ' " '

«IWM u|.i.lie.| at aboil millie. ilii E,

MlMtl'llV, MANUFACTURER Uottu SII.H'I. ami Kuiiii.r.. of ami (Jnallly. *n> UtMOt HI.,

K. NOUW Afmcr. mi

u H)ieeliilly.

H'h. General lusur- l.i- ■ liioliruiii'i', ill all il» ('nil in ami UU>U«rl mir

1? II. KEU.ET, APOTUECAfiT.—!*»- >• KiThilfiiliK i-ari'l»lllv euililHJiiniliil. l'lire

Urn*1* nml Clieini'Ml..,' ul Mull. iiii'r.Tulletami Faiity ArtlrlfK, tie. l'o-t unite HIiM-k.

L. IARB &. CO., WATCHES, nelrv, Slivei ami I'ldUil Warv, ith-rv. i'nv-, ft,-. ■•■U B*«"t Ml. mil s.lvi-r'I'liltlllK.

'r II R KINK L E ft I, V O 1 1 ManitlactiiriiiK Cc'i*

Now Sewing Machine, "VICTOR,"

CAS im BOUDIfT or lloci- D. \V. t .mi o. Ill Margin Htrrrl,

Sole Atfeiil fur l.nwit n It, Amlnvur nml Metlmeii.

j) I! II II I C K ft CL08SUN,

Anctlonoors, Real Eatato AconU and AppralaerD,

No, 381 E»if. Street, Lawrence, Mm. Alivay-N remly I., jrive their |»-r«ini:il neniie nn.l

M..i..||.":iH,'.ili'..ii I- wiling It.-iil ami IVrnoiuil K-lalu at aiii'tiim or ntlii-rw Iw, ••ULnlnlni; Mtiney ami It-ltiiiK lln- nume nl lair rnleri fur alt miTieeni- e.l. n.-K.Hijitiiiu MorlK-tj.'ii' ami l.«ikiii(( ii|i Tille-, 11.-H tin IT l'rn|ieili nml i-u)lii-li»j( lli'iht-, et.-. Nn Tilii'|i:i ill .il l'i..|..m iiul.'-i- Die itamo.lin ]n<

RBOX 4 nmnor., ATTOKNKTS HI[i■ nt Law, Sniimlem Now llWk, ml IT, Lawrenee, Ma^. ttm. C. !■:. liittiiiiN.


rELL, OYSTBRftDININa nit and Coiifei-lliniei-y, *73 Kn^et ■ Hull, Lawretw*, luiw. ChohM

mi- t.. nii'lii. Aitiilt-?' iked tbU qaesUoa, a lnoklll^ V'IIML; I'iiiin-

JD, DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE a Cream nn.l Iiinin« Sajiain, :sn Kiwi Street,

Law n-iiee. lee Cream, .Ifflle-. WeildiiiR Cake, CiHireelii.iiery, fte. Meal- nl all li'illin.

11. KKNNKY M. , M. !>.. PHYSICIAN WeeM Kane* SL HUUM> Mt, I'arllililiir

SiirjriHHi Mil NeMlmry

luii.l fui t iin-erc


S. JEWKTT ft CO.. AUCTION AND Mereliimt-'. Furniture ami •i ami "Wi EWH-J ft-, Lnwieime, MUKI>.

e,'J 1-. M.

HOWE, 4:11, 433, 435 ESSEX ■ei-t, Lawrence, BIMRH., Wli.ilunatc i'rn "f ClinuilnT Pumltnw, Rent

Sale* it ■ -ni

Hill All liUKlueiiH intniHl.^l I

111 lMMlU.-mle.ri.> i.n.iii|.i1v, ami all will lw limi- inMv .leallli w ith Klnet inlejrrity IM-IUK tlie ■ ii|in.tniit t-J.■iin-iil nl' Kilri-1'i.n m llu' Real h'tntc

. linn' liinkiiiit « I'll Lithe inn- inli'iv-t ..1 Hie ■■ur.'lin-fi', Hull hM tUlei are MMM, »«d Hint l«- fBH all which he I- enlill.-.| to - tlma aei-urititf nn.l that illih-un- ..f mir Ifllnwri wlilih tr- imly tiliL-iiin-l In i nit t iitleiiliini In liUKim-it-i, nutl III,. hlKli.-l U[ nu.n.ii-til.le LrlllillK-

»*-Terni- ri-iiHiiiialile. ami neennllng In till- work an.l re-i|K.n-til.)lily. Call ti|«m uo.

Roal Estato Office. 381 Essex St. N'. II. —rr.i|n-rli Tin Mile hi uiaiiv Hfe tiun.s nfSew

KiUhiml, lull iiin'r iie.ii.lh in Hie eiti* of ren.f ami vleiiiilv. \n Inller elty in tlie Cnlmi a iH'iSnaiii'iil Invei-liiii-lit.

Rt-a.l It, :tl K-t:ite .■..liniiii in Lawrence Sentinel .III.I Lawren.-e Uaily Aineiit-an. Huijlii-

NKW CROCKERY.—A tame utoek <>r Fieneh China Tea ScU In (il.tlii (inld I mud,

Kill ami e.ilnr; :il«., 1'litin China In Hinner ami Tea HeU< nml ultifc-h- iik-ec*. A laive inriely nl MiU- in Kill, nill mi.l, ami |>lnin. Wind l it anil.- Tnilel -M'I-, i.Liin nml .1.- itlfil. ,11)1 IS f. IIDW ,t I'll.. Hi!i Ehsex Street, Ijiwrenec.

i ....,.!■., |.. nliiell I

PHILLIPS, llaiul-knlt Wonted .II niriil -. Sklrtx, Contti. Cnllun., I)

sleeve., Ilinderv, Cl.nrer-, Head IHI-KM-H, L Kiulirolilerleri, Willie Umat*. etc., ttt BaUI H

i, Nti. ill Ha ox


H. MI'!!-:-

. WIIITNEY ft CO., Apotheearlei orner KM«I and l.awreneo SL-Tru^e. r», ShiiiililerUniee-. I'erfliliu-r) , vlr. .

i nl t.l all art.. 1,'- in our line.

W. HEALD, Solo Agent Tor Singer's lni|-rtiviH| Setting Mil. him-, -It K--.-\ si.,

Smuttier* New Hlnek. lug Machine l-'iinlin,:-'.

K. C.UDDEN, Dltl'OOIST.—Pure __ lliilg* uml Chemi.llU, 1'aU-lil M.-.lielm-.-,

Toilet Article. I'erlaiiurt, SIHHII{I'!I, Hrll-lw-, ■naiir., etc. Comer Ihwex and lleniU-iloii SI.

I'lIOS. I.EYLAND, Dry (IOOIIM, B81 Ks- rvx Shvct. Full Value, Fair l>enlliiK. "No

lll.niiiit'," No Trickery, One ITloc. Wo nivnu [



IluihiKiillcmli.I imiiiidh !■' li^iirnneefiirsiiine VtMii-H, it Is now lilt Inleiiliiin in jrive 111v entire time In lirmiliiiiK Fire nml Life Poltclm In M .Hr-trU^l'miiFinier., -ii.h in the IIOLYOKK Ml THAI.. Salem, Mx—.. nn.l otliem of Hlmilur hlamlluK. Also, in ml as Real Kelnle Anelil, Hlly- iiiK ami Sellout l'rn|i>-rtf, IteutiiiK ami ColUrling lU-iits. Ac-ount-, l.ii.i lim: Mmi^ 1 liav taken an oniee with W'x, M. RIHIKUN, Ksi|.. I Cnrrlrr** Blurk, near Town ll.iu-e, wia-ru i ;MI In. I.inml iluriii;; hm-iiie.-.- Imiir . l'i i.liiesit ami nn.l ill dealing it ill kim .'.>n-Uintnlin. Teniui r«asoual,le. Addiviot i>.\MKL Ct'ltlilKII,

ti"i|i:i;i Mi-lliueu, IIAM.

*e J.-. (I[Or\ iM-rday. AfenMwanli-iH All UtO hfJ tp^Vj ,-HH-I'- nl wniklllK|ien|.lc, nl either net, rCMWf or oW. make n.urv IliOlle) at Mink Inr ii- ill their ' l-.H'"' Iil'iiiu'lil , "i- nil H»' lime, Uian at mivlhiiiu else. I'lirticiilarH fiec. AihlresH II, BTISSIIN A CO., I'urtlaiul, Maine,

i |yrnovl3i"ny£ ;

DR. J. II. K UEUX, No.

Mn.--, lias, Chltir.


Dlt. A. W. ROWLAND. BURGEON DKNTIHT. Siuee^nr to W. W. Rus-ell.

■tttl Baael Mreel, l.nwri-mc. Mlr.ui* (Hide tias A dm hi intei ill.

No. :137 EHSI-X Street, uly good Sureowople Vlowa

if Lawrence. All I-in 1 ef Seojiet for isle.

DYER A CC (..ii.:., ii the


on tin- road t» Lowell nml Lawrence. TO acres, on tin. river, lyiiiK I"■Itveen the river nml the vuul. WIHNI elituiirli l.r linini- iuir|ioses,'£MI amile trers. Cut, l.-i IOIM EiiKli-h, ami :. Imm im-ai|.iw hay.- C rius, jrr:u«!s ami small fruits. Fniin ImiK ami nnrniw, IIIIIIIIIIK nlmij; the river for a Imir mile. (im-! uustumgc K-""l li.inl nl every variety. No trtiiililc trniii In-hcL-. due til' Hie lluest slluutitiiis lietwi-en Lowell and Lawrence, i l'i nil leu from Latvloncc; Mime 11 Lowell. Hood linildliiKc in imml t-olulilltill, Well Ii nceil Ullll slnlie wall.— \ t.„.,l l-'iiini, ami -.nil M'ld l.ecim-e Ihc noiiecis

goiliK WOrt. 1'rice (UUl, W«*l of wlm'hean lie nu imli'lliut.' Ii nl nn T |»r cent.

Call umm I'KHRICK A CUls.-illN, Lawrence, or at the |ircuilsen. toe1-

MERCANTILB PRINTING ul tint American Office.

THE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING 1 Office, 1'in-l l llllce lllock, is tin: Inrgeht nml

l>esl a|.|ioliibil, iilitridu of Rosloli, In ea^ Masr.aelius.-lU..

RANK KNOX.—Boots, Sliot-««iitl Rub. Iiers of all kinds told chca|i for cn-h. Re

liali-lliir done at slmrl unlit p. S.1 E-M-x Street ' ,f[u- Tost Office.


Surgeon. Office nn.l residence. All E-M>\

Street. Office hours, 12 till 2 and a till 0.

ALDWIN COOLIDGK, CIVIL ENGI- il snrvoyur, M Kwei Btraei Monday, Tuenluy ami Thur«day


G\ LASS WARE, GOBLETS, TUMB- Her- I'ili-l.riv. I'r.-erve ami Fruit Hishes.

Camlh-Htlck'.l'ch'i v i.lit-e-, S| Ilol.lers.rh Ultimv. Shade* I'm* H'n.v Work. Ac. Set; of el leap ami cut gluts. J. C. Ilow ft. Co., I'll) haeex Hi.



Fur Inventiant, Trade Mark*, or Deiign), TO Utute HI., oppoalle lUll.y Mt., Ilo.toii,

ailtir mi exUmslvti pntelteeof ii|iward» or thirty tears, enotliiiien to mviire 1*»U'HIM ill the Culled SLitm; also In lireal llriUin, Frame, and other i ntries. Caveule, HiieeiuVutlon*, Asslgn- imiits.aml all i«ia-rn for 1'atriilo, MHllN on reaMonalile k-rm-, w iih .li.-|.atcl,. It,.»ear.^hes made l.i ik-U-miliiL-llii'viiliilllt nml uiilityof 1'ak-nUor lnveiillon.,anil legal ami oilier advice rwiuleml It, nil matters inuclting Hie-iiuie, Ou|il«M of tlie el-iliuu of any I'aiinl I'lirui-hcil hv r.-iuiltlng one dollar. AHSIKDIIICIII . i ir.n.l.'.l in WashliiKt""

«*-No Agi-my in the Coiled SUlea (M.S. M r|or facilili.- L.r ,.I.Liiiiiii« I'ttlenl- ... Uimnn Hi" imlcnluliililv t.l invention*.

\ll necessity "In ion'rnev („ Wii-hiiigt.ui lo |H0- aure a I'ak-nt, nml Hie ii.-unl great delay there, are hem -.nni mrmton.

TESTIMONIALS •' 1 regard Mr. as ■ of Urn mnrt en|ialile

ami *uceos»nil iirai'tlliouem witli whom I huv had official hiti>reourne.

CI1ARLKS MAMIS, Cimiuil-'riif 1'atenU. ■■ I liavu no liesitiitii.ii in n-sui ing invenU.r* that

they canned emiilnv ll man mm'- eontiw/ruJ and trHilufirlkg. ami mure cnimlil ' |.nttliig their tiii- uliejititiiiH hi a lorui Ui "IHIIIC lor lliein an early iin.l I'at.tmhlc c..n.i.|.raliiin at tlie I'ntiiit Olllci-.

KIl.WI'Ml RCItliE. I t.l.'I' 'nil I'ulinl- " "Mr. It. U. Km.v has m.iile no -me over 1 111 It I » Inr I'ntfiil-, haviiK heeli sncosful in every ease. Such iniiiil*t«knhle |irool of greul kileiil and aliilllv on his |wirt. leads ino t" ivcii.iiiueml AI.I. Inventors t.. a|ijily lo lilui t.i |iro- eure their iwUmU, a* they may («■ s 1 luiiinn the moMtruitliliiliilfiili H-i.iwed nil their eases, ami at very reasonahk. charge-^ ^^ ^

Huston. .Ian. 1.1871 IvflaU

I BTRA'rrON, Ij. Stalioncr, Ace l-iiln-r HaiigiiHts, WII


VATM, BTUART VV Works. Vhie.sti

& CO., Essex Dy



il nil kind* of -lol

WHITTR1 llooti.s:

den. l'i "


BURNHAM, 1 Itnlila-imir every mton Union Itiminuil U

now S. CO., (sti-fi-ssors to s. W.HHIIUIIII A In.,) Croekery, Ola-.* are, Lamp Cnod-, I'luU-il Wale, Tnlih-

/ i R0.0.CR08S- l I ui.111, r.tii.'ii. ami Model Maker, Merrimnck Macliiim Mliop, near MerrluiucK iroi Kouinlry.^^

C. BANf!RI >ET, D. M. 1) , DENTIST,

DECKER ft WHITTIER, GROCERS, Cnakery and lilnss Wan-. Strlitlt imre

Coffrt's, SIIICVH ami choicest Teas. The limtiUirira of Hnlter ami Cheese. *i Aiueshury

"Will yon be m Tin- nenon win lull, iiiiisi-itlar, {ii t-r. was l.-iiiiimr upon BOVJN Moon-'s I'r.nil gate lulkliif; to Uu- Bqntrn'a pretty ilauyli- tt-r, who Mood iiisiilt- of It. AnUbBanOh i M i - words pws«d 111" R|IH lie nilili-iii il ■Utldenlf In llic very i,nil- nl' hi-; fiurliulr, as ir In- h.H just been guBtj of some great Impropriety,

I It- was li.TsIifiil—cxtrctiM-ly bashful was Davlil Wlnlltroji—at U-ast in tin- pMMOCe Of yong Indies, most of all in the prt?s- uiicf of the ifli'l '"' )ovi-il. No nnin". man in all Wllkes comity owned a tx-tlor kept rnrm, or talki-tl with moru tonHileneu uuioiijr his i-roliles ul' -itnek and fron* ami mrh ItkP. But trtfflrtjtht of a prvfty foot or rate coming Ids way niri-uleil hlin iinufr- ly. On such occasions be never knew wlmi lo do wiiii bis hands, and eyes and seemed sJways to u-i-l like scrowlug hlin- M-if Into Ha- nearest mouse hole until the danger—Utat is to say, tin- young ledy— Wits pUMt.

This stale of i liini' ■■ ii.'iii". eons id e red, no one erer nnderstood how lie contrived to muster up courage enough to enlighten Annie Moore on the subject of his prel'er- i-nci; for horself. Tbe matter probably remains to this day as much a mystery to htm as it is to others.

Annie, however, had a fair sliure of tact ami womanly cleverness stowed

ay safely somewhere, in the recesses of her pretty little head, although It was a tried jauntily upon the Incxperleuced

ami rounded ihoniders of fresh eighteen. she did not need to he reminded that

David was worth, lu ■ worldly way, much mote than any of her other suitors, and that he was ......i looking, !■;.'-1.1 hearted, anil Intelligent enough to satisfy any hut an over fastidious perHon of her class, lie WSS unexceptionable, In short. li:iriim; his uiiiomok-nible and excessive Itashrtll- ness, which, Indeed, was n never fallln»; source of merriment to the young; people or their little circle.

And sOj when David in his awkward blundering, half frightened manner began shyly to exhibit his preference for her In various ways, such as waiting on her to gml from singing school, constituting W-i escort when she went Sundays OH horseback to Hie lonely little church lu the woods, ami singling her out as the recipient or whatever attentions no could IIIMI the nerve to pay, at the frequent tpilltlng parties in the neighborhood, Annie did not frighten hliu out of his hud- ding passion by any show, either of sur- plse or marked preference, but took It ul! In the easiest, plcnsuntcst, most uncon- scious manner possible. The girls Ut- tered ami ittidged each other's el- bows, and the young men.cracked (iirlive jokes at the expense nfhof thnhl suitor, lint slie stood up for him like a real kind hearted, Independent Western lass, as sin- was, and trietl to encourage him out of his shyness as far as she consistently could.

She never seemed to notice any of his im fortunate Menders, rod very likely helped him along considerably when his feelings reached the culminating [faint, OHO moon lighted autumn evening, us they were walking home together from a corn busking.

That had been Just one week ago. An- nie had said "ves," and had agreed to take the responsibility of bringing father and mother "round" on the suliject vld had not been to the house since. Probably lie felt very iiiiteh liken dog who Tears to venture upon Uto premises of a person Whose sheep Told he had Just plun- dered. Thus ii happened that as yet the powem that were, knew nothing of the momentous secret, which they kept be* t w ecu themselves, fearing to divulge. Ami now Annie, who wished to put oil tlie ordeal of avowal as long as possible— at any rate to gain time for one more eon- tldcnilal talk with David on the subject— said hastily In reply lo that stammered query of his with which we lave prefaced this narration,

"Mother Is going pver lo Aunt Roth's with father to spend the evening, and she wants me to go too, • bat I guess I won't. I've been working on father's new shirts all day, besides, doing the dairy work yesterday, ami I'm about tired out."

Then she lidded before lie could reply i "Don't come uutll eight o'clock, I shall

be about through patting things to rigtits by that time."

Of course David was not too obtuse to understand that bo was specially favored by this arrangement, ami he so fur forgot his hashfulueSN as to petition awkwardly for a parting kiss, which was at once re- fused in ihe most Inexorable manner pos- sible,

"No yon shan't! There, now! Do take yourself off, will yon 1 D'ye think I didn't see you lldgellug around Em Smith at l)i a on Anderson's sociable last nlglil? I've not forgotten that, sir!"

"Oh, now, Annfe! Justonc!" Uot further appeal was broken off by a

UntalUlngllttlohtugh, and when, rendered desperate by this, be tried to reveugo

[himself, at Hie very moment when he thwught lie was secure of the coveted ijii'.- and stooped his bead triumphantly over his struggling prisoner, Hit: rosy, laughing Taee vanished suddenly from un- der his arm and was off and away upon the garden path leading to the house, al- most before lie could realise what had happened.

For one moment David, who stood gazing ruefully after her, thought or par* suit and a recapture. But before he had time to put ids plan into execution, Ills tormentress, after stopping to give one mocking fan-well wave of her hand from the front porch, vanished inside of Ihc hall door. So there was nothing to he done but to turn reluctantly from the gate ami Uke the road homeward,


Olllee, lie: Bases Street, t Resilience, 1UI Concord Slice'



81" W. A. .1, ,11,

ARE ami < I Tl.KltV, Street.

W. F. Kimlmll.

0, K. ft J. P. PILLRBURY.

MACHtNISTB. (Successor* to Wetister, DUSOB ft Co.)

Marmfiirtuver* of

Cotton & Woolen Machinery


AH kl also all

CKNkllAI. .loll iii-omiilly ami faith fully

Dealers in Miiimli

WILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturer* .if

HOOK, NEWS, AMI MANILLA PAPERS, Canal Street, lower end.


:tiu KSSBX ST., . LIWUBSCK, MAM. Over Dyer ■ Cere.

.rtioH .I") I WiiRlv

BUSS E I. 1,1,'M'iii i:

ml iJimUcaia-*. Xtt Ess SHBXST-, I.AWIIKSI'K.



and Mill repair* dune

,' Sll|.|ll)l'H.

Buiiiimg, Corner at Franklin and Methuen

P«JB S A L K .

On Fs-Ierly side oT High Shcel, Is-tweeii I Jrnvc ami I'lalt Streets, a m.l a half *tory, iloulile ttiit lilliiui-c, .K rooms ill each k'lleinenl, with liani ami well. Jill on a Urn- hit of land *.'. feel on High Mreel ami 1.11 fis* .ii-eo. Room on lol Ut erts-l cotLlge hnii-c to rent. Said tirclulsc* null luiw for eight ami a half |ier cent, on Iwenly-lwn huliiln'd dollars. I'riee #±W".

Al-Hiasi.lemllil hulhlliig l-.tforKi-iillrmen'sre-. I.leuee on Villon Street, South Bid*

\l-.i n m.nel .Ir,m,- t,.ii'.,-iiil"uieii,*reBltlencei in lyUlosult, wc-toll li.vcr Hill.

Forlnforniallnii ami iii-i»',■ti-.n ..fsahl liriinerty "■ II Kugll

ItN'AI'KK ft RANOKS, Tin,(ilnssamlW.K.ilrn Ware,

Oil i ■!■■! ■- ST., l.iiwriiicr, Man*.

II. TEBBET8 A CO., Dry and Fancy Om-ls, ISS RaMS Street

The Low MM Store Of L (i


nun II KK A MACK, I> INfd'RANCK AUKNTS, Auctioneer*, ami Healer* in Real Kulnle. Offle ■JILI Essex Street,

If yon could have looked Into Hie family silting room at Squire. Moore's shortly be- fore eight o'clock on that same evening, you would have had it cheery picture be- fore you. The nfler supper clearing away was over, for the sluing room was ulso (he room where Hie dully meals of the family were eaten, The leaves of the old-fashioned dinner table had been let down, ami the table Itself, covered with a bright oiled cloth, set hack against tlie wall. The crumbs had been carefully brushed with a tuikey wing from Ihe neat home-made carpel, and Annie's work-

I stand was drawn Up In front or the ample and bhUlng lire of hickory logs which cracked cheerily lu the old-fu.-hloned Hre- plaee.

A bniinlifiilly plied tray of red-cheeked apples nud a plate full of cracked walnuts were on ii. In a close proximity to Annie's coquettish work-basket made or pine cones by her own -l.-it little hands, and daintily lined with blue silk.

On one side of the tire-place sttt Mrs. Moore, fut, fair, more I ban forty, and at peace with nil the world. She sal swuy- ing backwards and forwards al interval: In her low rocking chair, knllilngus site rucked, and refreshing herself now and then with a mouthful front a half eaten apple which lay within easy reach, just upon tlie cornet-of the table; or touching in a caressing manner With the tip or her foot, a sleek lo/.v-looking gray cat that lay purring and blinking on Hi rug belore her.

Annie sat on the other side of the table dcBly drawing her needle In and out of n, long piece or white cambric, and with her |,em1 as busy as her liaiul- with trying to contrive some clever way of Inclilontally mentioning the visit, which she was now momentarily expecting, to lur mother, in IIALIlWIN I ami Real KM late Age ranee. Ma**.

Office nlghl* : Monday, Tuesday Itrdeco-

ildiuiF., civil" •liH Basel Slnit, I-nw-


lex Street. ii.-si.iciii-c, is Oak *

THE AMERICAN Steam Printing Oilier, 1 liKo. S. Mtmuli. A CHiKSKH. fine Job

Printers, Post Office Work. The nicer .Hinlitiea uf printing a ■ i„ . i..n, .

without exciting the suspicion of its lwdng n prearranged nlfiilr. She would have given a good deal lo have been able to say in an Off-hand manner that sin* wouldn't wonder If Mr. Wlnlhrop were to drop In, as he was lu the habit of calling ocaaslon- ally on Saturday evening about lids lime, Hill she recollected willi a twinge of troll-

Icneehow hard she hail tried lo persuade lit Hi

i the promised visit to Aunt's Ruth's In spile of her for«> warnings of a comlug spell

uralgy," which had Intimidated her r i - nn venturing out Into the damp night air; and also luiw she had plead headache

in excuse lor not going herself. She W her mother was ipiUc sharp enough traw her own Inferences from these

two facts, and the additional one of her being dn-ssed with more than usual care

mend un evening at home. I shall not dare to tell her now," she

said to herself. "She'd be sure to think that 1 wanted lo get her out of the way.

that I might have David all to myself." , like a wise little puss, she was silent. 'I'll venture my word on It, you would

uot have wondered at our bashful young farmer's desperate enthmlliuent If you could have seen Annie Moore as a he sal sewing by the lire Unit frosty night In No- vember. Slie hod, just lie fore supper. Indulged In what a western girl would call

i "llxlug up." A neat ntUug dark chintz Iress, looklugas fresh as when It had llrst nine out of tlie village store, a dalnty vhite linen collar and cutTs, ami a cisjuell-

Isli trilled apron of white muslin, uttd a blue neck-ribbon tied In a cunning how,

re the chief Items of Altnie's toilette. But she looked as sweet nod pretty usir hours had been spent in donning satin,

and jewels. Her rich, wavy, gohl- lirowit hair was carried in shilling folds away from her warm red cheek, and 'aught up in the meshes of a silken net at he hack.

Bight o'clock SUd past! Worthy Mrs. Moore was dosing over her knitting. Her shadow on the opposite wall bobbed about In a grotesque mimicry as she nodded to uml fro—now crushing the voluminous white satin hows on the spruce cap against the tack of her chair—now almost railing Forward, while her fat hands dropped list- lessly in her lap, and her hall of yam rolled down upon the hearth. Puss, espy- ing it, was ;..i, HI busy In unwinding and (inverting It Into all sorts of Gonllau

knots. All atonee came a double rap at the

door—uu auduclotis double rap—which said "Letme In!" so loudly and Impa- tiently, and lu Midi nself-assured manner, that Anule, rendered nervous by suspense started up with a little scream and set her foot on Madame Puss's tall, win turn gave vent still more loudly to her amazement and displeasure.

All these three combined, or rattier rapid successive noises, aroused Mrs. Moore, and she started wildly Into uu erect posture, rubbing her eyes, setting her cap border, and exelulming

"Bless my soul, Annie! What was all that! Somebody at the door? Whnt time Is It, and how, and who euu it lie? So late as (his too!"

It Is not very lute, mother. Only a little nfler eight. I'll go and see who It

suld Annie, demurely, at the same taking"the one candle from the ta-

ble. Here, Annie, you wind up my

ball uml brush up the hearth while I go to Hie door. Drat Hint cut!"

For the old lady's feet were all this while struggling lu the perplcxiug meshes ol the unravelled yarn.

in her hurry Mrs. Moore forgot to take the caudle with her; and as she stepped out Into the small, unllghlcd front entry, she unwittingly closed behind her the door of (he room ntie had just left. Al- most at the same moment she put her hand on the handle of the outer door, and opening It, she suddenly found herself In Ilia meat embrace of a pulr or stottl unns. A whiskered face was brought In- to close proximity with her own. and be- fore she could fully realise her position, ihe received a prolonged kiss—a hearty

smack, given with U siMiiiaoanl RUSIO

which Indicated thut the unknown was taking his revenge for some past slight paying oil' Home old score; for it said i plainly S3 wonts could have done t "There take that!" And all this fell upon her uii- oll'emllug, virtuous lips!

"Oh, Murder! Murder! 'Tulut Joslah neither!"

For she had by this time divested her- self of the Impression thut It was her usually sober spouse returned home lu a strangely exulted condition, thus to In- dulge lu such unwonted deiuonstrullous of conjugal affection. "Git out! Git mil, [sayI Murder! Fire! Thieves! Annie! Annie! Do come here! Here's a man kiss- in' me like mini!"

Hut the Intruder had by this time dis- covered his mistake, and 11 did not need the Indignant pummelling and pounding of the old lady's respectable lists to make hint relinquish his hold and race olf us If pursued by some avenging fury.

Anule nearly choked with smothered laughter, In spite or her trepidation, now cume to tlie rescue.

•Mih, I never was so took aback in all my bom days! The mean scamp! Who could It have been? Annie, have you UU Idea?"

Hut that dutind daughter was to idl ap- pearance as Innocent and Ignorant as an infantile dove. She tried to sooth Ihe In- dignant matron hy represetiling that it might have been (I) one of the neighbors who under the potent Influence of it wee drop loo iiiueii, had mistaken the bouse and—the housewife! Shu searched Ihe ntry for the missing spectacles, arranged he rumpled can ribbons, wound up the

tangled yarn, stirred the iire~-uii in the most amiable manner possible—and at last hud the satisfaction of seeing her mother subside Into her rockingchair and her usual trunqulllly of spirit.

Hut Mrs. Moore was fully awake DOW. She had got a new Idea Into her heud,

and Instead of settling herself for Mother nap, she pursued her train or thought and her knitting both together,With wonder- ful rapidity. At length, stopping and looking keenly ut Annie, over her specta- cles she said :

"It may be a queer notion of mine, Annie, but I've a fancy that man was David Wlnthrop."

Oh1, bill ir Annie's face didn't catch Are then! You miglil have lit any number of candles by It,

The suspicious symptoms did not es- cape the eye of the skillful Inquisitor, who calmly conlhiued:

■"Pears to me; eanse them big whisk- ers put me in tiilml orhls'ii; uml then the awkward Wat he gripped me with his big paws!

No answer. Hut Annie wits wonder- fully busy. She bent over her work and

Ih- through so quickly, Ihut the thread snapped, mid I hen site didn't have lime to talk, she wits so taken Up with trying to coax the thread through the eve again!

Inflexible Mrs. Moore went on i "1 don't believe 11■ -a.a kiss was Intended for me af- ter all. Do you. Annlol Well, of course, we know It wasn't, lint then I do wonder who It was Intended for? And 1 wonder If you (tout know something more about It than you see lit to U-ll!"

"Me, mother!*' "Yes, me mother. You was mighty

anxious to get UU) uu' Pap ml' lo Aunt Ruth's to-night; but I noticed you was slicked up extraordinary for all you weren't going."

Here Annie lost her needle, uml went lown on the floor to Ibid It.

"Now, Annie," her mother went on, "I'niglttln'old, 1 know that, hul I haven't lUlta lost my eyesight yet, nor my hearin' neither. I've surmised a little Hoinelliln' about these goln's on between you nn'

th |.l)uvld afore now. What ttr" you a plsyln' possum fur? out with it, i say, Taint fair to be try In' to come It over your old mother."

Thus adjured our small Feminine Macb* lavel made n clean breast or It, much re- lieved In tliul mother "hadn't uiitlilri' agin him," nml "would give father a mlk- In' to about II. an' bring him arnmul."

"Hut, Annie," says Mrs. Moore, dryly In conclusion, "1 want you to tell David I'd rather he'd not make such u mlsiake us that again. I don!t like the feel or his big whiskers about my face, and more- over I don't approve of promlskus kiss- ln'1"

David never heard the last of thai kiss ilnrk ! Old Squire Moore, of course

In slyly alluding lo the clrSMmstance when ( frame was of Ivory, delicutely carved and all the parties concerned happened tolx on the sticks were minutely palun-d figure present. He would shake bis burly side* of music, poetry, dancing and comedy, In- wlth laughter at David's evident dlseont- I tersnersed with portraits or distinguished litiin- and his wife's tart replies, while pm-is, dramatists and musicians, The Annie would side with her father and puke mount was of vellum, painted with flowers sly fun at her sweetheart, and then both i and medallions, of i hem would laugh again st the oilier | A most Interesting one, suld to have bo- two until the tears ran tlbwa their cheeks.

Nevi-j' niiiul, David," Mrs. Moore would say consolingly to tin- abashed lover, "let i In in luiigii. IleM have been only too glad to have been in your place thirty years ago. He had hsnl work to get a kiss from me then. I hope the oo-

.-nco will he a lesson to you an' Annle aglll the un -pulley Of ntiderhnnil dolas' or all sorts, sec In' us how tliey're liable to end. In alch cases, In klsatu' the wrong one In the dark."— "


ws, In klsatu' the '—Howanl Gqymlott.

I'. il. . Hi..ii. 23*.' "I wonder where li»* Bunny gone,"

Cried little llclle one day,

A* on an oak tree we had ■ al. li.-.l

sir S-tulrrrl al hi-play.

Or nt his work, tWM hard to tell

Which of tlie two to rail il.

So merrily he n ■■ ke.l ami |>*llol

The ii|.i' brownarorn* from It.

Bel suddenly wa* lo-t from light

This nimble, UiMliy grey,

Which . tii-i'il these woitl-, dear little l'i II. ,

In wonderment lo any.

Well, patiently we'll wail awliil.-

Aml nee what we . lull aee,

I In lie v Runny ha* lu- lioiiie

.Somewhere nlHiiil this tree.

Ami hoon lie will be hack again

I [that I* where he's gone.

Fur ne'er waa squirrel yet content

With only one aenrii.

Husli! there he Is! don't make n nolie!

Aad "-till a* inler" are we,

A* 11 .uu his hole looks Iliiliuy IHII.1,

got dreaming we've tin- key.

Iln. lia, Mr. lluuny!

Vuu'd ueUer take rare,

Now we know Where yon keen your mitM

You some day may lose them;

For are you aware

Tlni Belle and I, 1>NI, do love SSttf

Hut, Hien, 'twuuhl hti naughty

To *U-al from your nest

Your nuU, when away you were gone;

Ami beside*, a* they're fMOMtf*, That we do like liest,

longed to Mine, de MuluU-noii, represent- ed her own apartment. The king appeared

uployed at his desk; Madame de Main- i.■nun spinning; the diietiess or Hiirglmdy atplay; Mile, d' Aubigny, niece to Madame Malnteiion, at her cnllutioii.

The princess of Wales dent a number, Including one of plain Ivnry.oti which wen' painted portraits of three of the chtldn-u of her Royal Highness, surronmh-d by snowdrops, honeysuckles, and purple cro- cuses; the youngest a haby, lH-1ng anugly enacouacd In a bird's nest. Another splen- did fan, which liad belonged to u duchess of York, was composed entirely of tlia- uionihi, with an ivory mounting, tueallcks pierced nml set wlthbrlllluuUt In a inosalc patlem, tbe outside ones formed of a Ingle raw Of diamonds, while very large

brilliants Hastened tin-Ant at the bottom. Should the fan revive in lls magnlll-

eeuce, reach itslKgh eslale'aud again play part us the emblem of coquetry, may

we hope a stilllctently disciplined instruc- tor will arise lo teach us lls use, that by a single stroke we muy laugh, blush or frown at the proper moment.—"#. ,Y. 7*.," II Airw York M'orliL


The Fan.

Although 1 i.i»■ i. heMnd im fan, To-morrow I'll be llilnc.

Among the antique fashions which are being rapidly revived none will be more prominent than the fan, which has sudden- ly assumed muininoth proportions.

One of our leading Jewelry houses ex- hibits a-lnrgc nml varied collection of the latest Parisian manufacture. Tbey am of the folding pattern, which, when exleudcd, measures a half circle of thirty-eight i1i.-In-, diameter, the sticks of polished sandalwood and Ihe mount of India silk embellished in painted flowers and other fanciful designs. Then-un-superior kinds, of Which the most beautiful nnd unique

'iimposed of ivory, white nnd smoked pearl nnd tortoise shrll, joined with white, black and tinted satlna; black with glided frames mid golden stars, while with cuplds in del blue. If these fans, when sot in motion, are destined lo do the execution perpetrated by those lielonging to the ladles who figured In antiquity, who were "armed with funs us men with swords, SUd sometimes did more execution with theiu," we would ndvlse all bachelors to prepare for an unconditional surrender; for

What daring I I ■ h., 11 e'er attempt U> tell The [.otters Unit in Un- Mile weapon ilw I yJg c|„||

FISIIKS.—The action of elec- tric AShes may be likened to that of light- ning, In being Independent or our Intention. The shocks of the gymnotus are particu- larly formidable. Alexander Ilumholdl n-lutes that, having put both of his feet on one of these Ilsh, just taken from the water, he experienced so violent ;i shock l hut he felt pains in all his Joints the rest of the duy. These shocks throw the strougest nulinals down, n*ml il Is neces- sary to avoid rivers frequented by the gymnolus, because, In attempting to ford them, horses or mules might be killed by the discharges. To capture these fifth the drive wild horses Into the water, stirring the eels up out of the mud by their trampling. The yellowish, livid creatures press agalust the horses under their bellies, throw down the greater part ami kill some of tlicin, hut, exhausted In their turn, they are then easily taken with the aid of small harpoons. The savages employ them to cure paralysis. Faraday compares ihe shock nfn gymnotus, which he hud an opportunity lo study, to that of u strong battery of Bneen jars. A live eel out or water, when touched by the hand communicates a shock strong lit propor- tion to Hie extent of surface In contact, nud the slroke Is felt np to the shoulder, and followed by a very unpleasant numb- ness. It .may he transmitted through twenty persons in a chain, the llrst one touching the buck, ami the lust one the belly of the eel. The fishermen discover the presence of an eel In their nets by ex- periencing a shock in throwing paltfuls of water Into them. Water Is u good con- ductor nnd this Ilsh kills or benumbs the

imal It feeds on hydcllvcrlng u discharge through Ihe water.

Our New York Letter.

The fans of to-day correspond with those described by the Sjurtatcr, which were used less for the purpose of coollhg i him for giving the hands something to do, and also for expressing any emotion which

light agitate the fair holder at the mo- ment. The most effective exercise of the run, as well us thenmst difficult to learn—

lls acquisition took three months"— was the flutter. "There wus tlie angry iluttcr, the disdainful flutter, the lov- ing flutter, the modest flutter, the timor- ous flutter, the confused flatter, and Hie merry flutter."

The in -In,HI of carrying the fan as an article of taste nnd luxury originaled with the indies of ancient Itotuc, from whom It has been handed down to those of all other countries. Queen Ell/ulieth ami her fair attendants fluttered a waving group or feathers with Jewelled handles, nud among her effects were found twenty-seven "ratines." which wero held precious heir- looms and liei en al bed from one generation to another of [ter royal successors. In the history of the Tan many pleasing episodes occur. Not only In the tactics of coquetry has it wielded an unlimited power. Its influence has pem-truled t hiii'ch and Suite. An amusing account la given of Deiumlru, a line ludy living In 17QP, resign- lug her fun when ulmul Ui be married. One of her female acquaintances, having

led the manner in which this charming and fortunate coquette had played her fan, asks her for It. Delamlrs acknowledger Its wonderful virtues, and tells her that nil she had above the rest of her sex and con- temporary beauties was wholly owing to a fun Hint was left her by her mother and hud been hmg In the family, which, how- ever, had hi possession and used with skill should command the hearts of all her be- holders, "and since," said she, smiling, have no more to do wllh extending my triumphs, I will make yuu a present Of Hits Inestimable rarity."

Something more than a hundred years ago the Universal use of the fan lu church, without reganl to Its rcfreahltig zephyrs, led to indecorous and Inappropriate scenes, which caused the following Irotileal and Severe reprehension of the press: "It seems necessary to do a piece of justice to the ladles who have lately continued to Improve the services of the chunm, of which limy have the happiness to he luughters, hy so Inconsiderable an ttnple- neut us i lie fttii mount -, for, reflecting that mine of the other sex may probably come to church chiefly on their account, and thut the devotion of their brethren might cool hy liuvlug the Immediate object of it Withdrawn from their view, during the tedious iutervulH of prayer they have been so charitable us to supply them with some edify in;: subject of <■< nilemplui inn, depict- ed on Ihe very cloud which intercepts the beattfle vision." Weomtfcdsubjoined IM

ul' ii duaen eleguut designs exhibited as an Instance of tlie taste and discretion of these fall votaries, which at a celebration of commuuloii nt n church In I-oudmi, were dlsplnycd by wny of screens to HO

many pretty fuces, disposed in u semi-cir- cular arrangement about the holy table.

Later, In tlie eighteenth century. It was usual for the gentlemen te select their partners at dunclng assemblies In London ami llnth by drawing a run, all thoHe or the ladles present being placed promiscuously In a hat. Each gentleman drew one, and the lady to whom It belonged was his partner for the evening. At Edinburgh il was Hie custom to select a partner for the entire season in ihis manner—a pno

which led the beaux to study their favorite's fan mil il ahe was sa easily recog- nised by ll us by her face.

A few years since a loan exhibition of fans of all dates nnd countries remarkable br artistic decoration was held In Eng- land. Its object was lo encourage the art or faa painting among lady artists. An Influential committee of ladles of rank lent Utelr coopcmliuii In seunhlug out owners nud Inducing them u> contribute their treasures. Al >g the collect I I Breach fans, which wag considered oj most suggestive value lo the an student, was bridal fan uml by Mme.Maurlce Itlch-

Bi.'TTiNii A Hoor on the family Boor barrel is nn operation that will hardly hear an rin-nre. The woman generally at- tempts It before the man comes home lo dinner. She sets the hoop up on the end of the ShtTCS, takes a deliberate aim with the rolling pin, and then shutting both eyes, brings the pin down with all the force of one arm, while the other Instinct- ively shields her fate. Then she makes u dive for the camphor and unbleached mus- lin, nml when the ninn comes home She Is sitting at the buck of me move, thinking of St. Stephen and the oilier martyrs, while a burnt dinner and the camphor art- struggling heroiially for the mastery. He says thut If she hml kept her temper she wouldn't have got hurt. And ue: visits the barrel himself, and puts the hoop on very carefully, and adjusts It so nicely, to the top of every stave, that only n few smart knocks apparently are needed to bring It down all right; then lu- laughs to himself to think what a fuss Ids wife kicked up over a simple matter that only needed ll lillle patience to adjust Itself,

lid then he gets the hammer and fetches the hoop a smart rap on one side, and tbe other side flies up and catches him on tlu- hrldge Of the nose, tilling his soul with wrath nnd Ills eyes with tears d the BOX* Instant that barrel Is Hying across the room accompanied by the hammer, and another candidate for camphor and rag Is enrolled lu that gn-ut army that Is unceasingly marching toward the grave.— iMtuhurg .Vctc*.

NKW Yoita H \u. ST. 1*73. F.AH AMKHU'-tK i-FWU-rM execution and n have

IMTII t,ulK. enough to keep Ihc -ensaueaal public

the i/Hi He-lur the |.»sl week. Thl* "tjMag *0f a well known ami generully rain*SgjJa«UW

i In his own house, nml iqipnntvtly from mi mo-

i's i.f plunder, lias n --<W|i .UMII tin lion" about II

Hurt doe* not always alUich to murder cases. In

horror It ranks aide by >I.Ie w ith the NaUinu truge-

ily . and an 11 look* now, w ill proWily occupy the

same |io*lliun In regard to its clearing up. The

general opinion aeems now to lie that 111*, in III.I ill.I: WSS A viu-i ,v

would hats shot Ma victim three Umc* In

Ihe back of hi* bend, ami then taken the trouble lo

have washed the late of tin' cin-|i,e. Till*, at len-l.

is what ii.|imtei> >iay, and it really appear* wllli

Merablo tonne, too. Hut l*u't It singular, al-

SII, that a wuiiiiiu, desperate enough to make *o

sare of euHlng tlie lite uf lier cinnpunlou. ohould

have asSleUM oooliwmn a»d f aarPiSaa h*h (•

have iierfonmit this U-i little sad office, which, aa

surely n. Hint tin' man hi dead, was performed by

I nun-body lifter the lireu Hi had left hU BUS/. New

1 don't know why I haven't fast M Hood a rigid to

a theory about Ihls latest wclropolllan horror a*

:,iii i.i, Ii >■!■!■; :in,l urged on hy this convict Ion 1

am going tn tell you whul I think nf It. Kilher of

llie-e pl-lol wounds, iiceiirdllig to the IH -I iiiitlim

fly, could have las-n Indicted by himself; "lull,"

Hi;, say, "no man i tcuqilalhig suicide would

linve ihi'il more than once; lie would have known one shot was quite "ufficienl." It Hccum lo

me Hint A HAS is A M'lcuiAi. rasasi

might have hutched the job quite n* easily an a

woman »ith murder uppermost In IHT in in. 1. Hut

you say tlie sorsss could not itMsilily have w-aelnil

it* own face; ImW' do you aeeotuit Inr thai -

Then- may have Wn a woman In tin' rase; there

probably was. Who know* wiiat terrible imam-l

In the dead of the night may have transpire! be>

tween Charle* Ooodvlch and lUl woman;' There

may have ln-cn love ami pnseion, wounded pride

ami uphiaiding on one side, and scorn and dell,

anee on tlie other. Score* of men nml women

have beta driven to desperation I crime by a

well sustained ami skillful system of goading.

Tin- pcculuir SStBM of these liiluils may poio-lbly

beeeeosnted for byes euasaptea the woman's

part Ui prevent her companion IVbm commlltlii[?

the fatal deed.

IIK cm i.i. SOT mm wnan m WOULD, nml struggling w Itli a power perhaps milt a little

Inferior lo his own, wus eonqielle.1 In pill un end

lo hliuself In this decidedly unskillful milliner.

Why did his compun|iin wash hi* faee? (Jecat

heavens! she might liave loved him; who know*?

lu her agony ami hewllderiiu-nt she might have

thought to revive hlin by such menus. Imaguia

lion pictures a despairing woman, (tending over

Uii- pour 11 end Iwtlv, hathiiix ami klsklng the rap-

idly . 11in 11111 ■ features, until, awakened lo a ■SUSe

of her danger, should slut lie discovered under

mii'li cruel circumstances, lakes refuge In fllghl.

"Imagination, all uf it," do yim ISjf I'l-rlmyi*;

hut I inn never Is-made to believe n woman vile

enough, desperate enough lo

CIIUUIT so cut Kl. A in I l>

nit Uot, would have hml a thought left for her vie.

Urn. Be 1 nut qliile sure that a woman did not kill

Charln* OoiHlrieh.

This Is the Marchiest March 1 everespi-rlenceil,

As 1 write the ruin i- lie* ly falllnjt, nml (reeling

as it touches the ground. Ciiiiscqucnlly our si

walks me in i-kcellt-itl skating comlillnn, but

tirely iinllllcd for Mile ami iiuluml pedestrian Ii

Up to dale very few sjiring suit.-; have she

themselves. One lady imbed ihe sen.on at

eii-ully one week ago last Sunday u« In make her

iipix'uruiifc al Plymouth Church In


of gray apring pnplin, wllh hat and gloves lo match. Hln-has hml n cold In hcr'nl ever since,

an,! i ■ ,|ini.- .I.H'i -,!. ii; [ireseiil, b> her ten I ,-klii


Wlu-n nu- as* cliaucc to light on some rig* Unit -ii ivally unexceptional.!.- in eld, uly If Witt mate.

rial, 1 w ill venture In .leserlhe llielu.

H oii|c Q o $ fi i p. —Vseation.

—/The city seal or I.nwrence i* valued ut cLdi- inur dollars.

—The total s*ac#*cil tax in thl* city, in 1S72, aa m'lJMM. ^^

—The notes of arWkw'ci'i'Iitiiiilun the Coin. on early Monday mortdup.

—The mainti'tiaiiee of roe miall-pox hnt>iiital DOSt hat year tin- auin of ST44H.77. Money well

—Ijwt year the city iinni hcil tliirty-lhrcc etiltins to the friend* of deceSSjfe js-rsona were too poor to pay for theaefP •

—The property, real and personal, Is'lon^liig hi the efty, 1* valued at s v,..',ii; ■.:•>. We sum. if our dty waa to sell oat to Hctliue 29 cents would tie deducted.

—The average attendane\« at th* RnadaT aelioolof the Oanlen Rfreet Methndlat Hiurch ■ Im in" the pan (Bret in,,mil.'., lias Iwen RS, The M'hot.l mimU i - 410 scholars.

■nnriii" ii perfiiniianee nt the City Hull on Thursday evening, a fellow wan ejected from tile hall I'm- dl War baa CO. lie RUve the nume of

King, hut don I it It I-s tlioiiglit it no .1 ■ l.i: ■- mutter.

—A hill is before the UgLdature, Ilxiug Hie ■tumhird weight of n dozen of eggsil 0M iKiund ami eiglil ouiu-e*. Wo Ihink lliis nintter should is; left entirely to the hens. Iliure will doulit- Isat be eim«iileralile cackling over thai bill be- fore it JM pained.

The reading room nttaeliisl lo the puhlic library in extensively patrotiiMll. Il offer* an OppOflunity to lover* of choice llleruture to couuninie wltlt the Iwal writer* of the times, iln ii il," IIIM'.I.-III, . :ui,i p..,,, i.. which are

liberally Mippllcd.

■The sham of miii and wind on stotardey afterniMin ami evening was quite mlhl in Ibis lo- cality. In the tooth, uml west die rain* were urcoinponieiriiy winds bearing the ileri-enec* of liurrleuiien, and large alieeta of hail. Much damage waa done.

—The LoweO Courier nnya, there in I man in that city Who linn tended liur for twenty years, uml never drank a drop of liquor. That la nothing. We know n mun in thl* dty who ha* not drank a drop for thirty yew*, and never tended a lmr iH nil.

In the schedule of city property given in the Auditor'* report, there nn1, at the City Fnnn, one dollar and fifty rents' worth of onions, anil Uto city own* property of the MSU value in Isiels. This latter Item includes none of the In- maleauf the iuttitutimi.

■On Wednesday evening of next week, Tost 30, fi, A. R., have their Clottttg entertainment fur the season ; it will consist of exercise* ,lni- llnrto thoae uf two week* ago, with the atlililtim ■ if --lini .1 lack uiiil coffee i" the lady friends of the Post will lw moat welcome.

—The coroner'* inquest held nt meWouStct llumc Friday aftcnusm, iqsiu the case of the Infant whoso body was Improperly disposed of, rCMIlied iu Hie discharge of Menu, but he ap- peared before thS Police Court on Saturday, mul

aaaweted to the rJnwge of Iniproperly tn-aiing the IHHIV, uml had hi* iiiae cuiitlmied.

—In tin- i«ilhe eonrt Snturilny, hi avatenehl| i yoiiiii. man to the llonae of Curreetluii, for Is.- ing itlle nn.l disorderly, Judge Steven* imlnluxil lu some morntl/.hig. during which he It lull,,!', ni" gem : "Somellilni; to do, i the eraetaal blessings heaven liiin lieatoweil njion


F111DAY HORNINO, M'lill. 4, l»Tt.

Uttand mililMi a "*■ has K " llie lhr..i,"

TTio king (Don ilnsa/or an advance l.anaVwill head the

Kl.KV! 11 hi UK.

the old ludy lo uccoiiipnny her husband I heanl of It, and used to lake gnat delight

Al.F.XAM»tlt DttMAH.—He lived wllliolll a moment's rest. Even when travelling, ho wrote, composed, thought. Every suli- ject -nitnl him; story, history, romance. poem, Introduction, prospectus, preface, ipllogue, nud even the newspaper, all icrvc his purpose; crime and vice, rags ami lace, the executioner on the scalt'old, the priest in his parsonage, the robber In his cave, the beggar on the road, the young girl lit the spring light. He was the very bond slaveiif story telling. If he had never wrilteii anything but "Monte Chrlsto," lie WOUld still havu been the most popular novelist or his time—perhaps of any lime. It Is a hook that the novel reader devours. The idea of that marvel- ous work occurred to him, he Bays, when travelling as tutor (!) with Ihe present l'rlnce Nflpolcun. They set sail tn the Mediterranean together, unri coming to an island of Which they asked tin- name, were told that ll was Monte Chrlsto. Alexandre was struck with ll. "Lotus sail round It," sahl he. "I wish to note Its geographical position." lie drew a good deal of his inspiration from localities,

rite Christine," lie says, "1 went lo Foutalnebleau; for'Henri 111.' to ltlols; for the "Three Musketeers,' to llologtui," tc. There was as great u greediness for Monte C'hrlslo" as tor "Waverly" or for Doinbey and Son;" the whole French

nation read It—and ninny another nation. M. tie VIllchicNsaut tells how he awoke Ills Wife In the middle of the night to tell bur oftlie escape of Monte Christo In tin- sack. [From the Life and Adventures or Alexandre Dumas, by Percy Fiugcrahl.

PMtS FOR BSWATOR St'« N Kit. —The Chronicle, ex-Senator Marian's paper, has an editorial on Senator Simmer's health, concluding thus : "We sincerely trust that Mr. Simmer's health may again rally, uml thut, under the beneficent smiles of u Divine Providence, he muy yelhuve many tears or enjoyable lift; among grateful country men, who can never. In justice to themselves, lose sight of his great ser- vices. Did they know the lutenslly of suffering he endures nud how bravely and uncomplainingly hu bears It, remember- ing lls original cause uml knowing Ihc purity uml beauty of his inner lire us It Is

u to us, the least particle of reeling pertty occasioned by recent events I be ohllterated, mid he would hi

borne up by the prayers of a nation foi iteration to health, and that Ihe

golden years of his life muy lie crowned wllh comfort. The U-itlslature or Mas suehusclts could not do the Klale a great- er credit thnil by uunulmnurdy expunging from her journals u rcsolnllon Hint rests like a crow 'thorns on their Illustrious Senator's head. Better fur them to thill themselves than to leave It lo lie done hv their children after ho has passed to his lii,ni haven afreet."

In exactly line hour the United States Semite passed Hfly-oiic pension hills. There wus no opposition, ami the hills were [iiisseil us rapidly as ihcy could he rend.

Weekly Jsfewyi &evitieH. SATUHDAY

Mr-. Su an I'linnt, an iy.f.1 lady wl alsiut sev- enty year*, wu» found dead in the mmd,. 1'liui> day iiiv'ht, nlmul IU rod* from her tsuiae, wlikh Is in Berwick, Me. She luia Iweu nUalng from

home since u week ago last Sum hit. Wlu-n* flic wa* iHtrrkflT covered with imuw and •-*-- fr.i/e.1 ivrsninu-d. Foal play M «n«-

•y write* from Tsitulon ami ihrtiwataMUBj „„!,.,. I11)(„i juiin Ward Howe'a

JI aercat day

An insane giltc of W'iii.l.i.r Cuslte, . mnmleil nilmitlanco lo i that tier Majesty waa Ida mother1

■sled hy the guard, and itponln-li ith incarceration in the uuul'

i return to the Culled Htatea. The Curlist Commltlee In 1

lionet] of the mburla thai ii lofJeneva or al«llei»le.l his d f SpSiU. The Committee I

Carlos) I* actually pn-patiw of UU army ii|mu Madt'' tmoist nn the day fixed.

Although fobs bright hna reapiwarcd in l'.n Irmu-lit, It Is slaled on ■: I atllliofilv- thai il, ■ tale of Ids health ll Mill such as forbid* hliu to liidertake any lals.r or underKO any excite-

ment, ami Ihnl he n 111 not tukc anv active part in Ihe delailea.

11 II i. n 111 baa recovered from tlie aabca of his third destructive ciuiiliipnlli.ii, and on Fridnv jiiirath-d New York with a new and aplendi.l show, two iiiih-it lu .length. (Ircat cvowdi of people gathered to wltac** the ilispinyv

BUnlSter Sickle* telegraph* Seeretary Fish Hint the (hiveniinciit of the Hpanlsh ltepublie ha* orderStl the llUratitm of U).(HM) slave* lit Id in Cutat in violation or Ihe law or 1«70. Tbey *

S of the elaaa called eiuancipadoa. ■ The great rcllgloua revival which has hecu IsaaV

progress in Denver, Colorado, the ptut twugfl weeks, ctmtinues with increased Interest, Set- - ■ liuiidred eonvcrnionn have bean made.

Congressman James Brook*, who waa cenv, mired hy Cougrefa for his eouneelloii will, the Crooil Mobllier, If.* dangerously III at Was1' higtoii, and t* not expected to rueorer.

Tlie ehalb for the thlrty-tlve ton gum (_ board Hie British ituti-cliul IlevaMuliou are two feet in length, twelve Inehea hi diaiuetor, i weigh Mven Imudred pound*.

Judge I irmly, uf New York, on Friday a In libt rate lieoree I'mucl* 'I'rain on the iirnirhiiv S-'.RMKI laii), hut Hrorgc refused to do w.

A letter from /.an/llur wtya the sultan refticed toaigii the treaty to suppress the slave trad.-, Blhnjmg that slavery I* |„ rinito il hy the Kntati.

Julitl Devlin-, eiinvieted of the murder of Au- gustus Kitiup, at Snn FrancUeo, was OS Friday sen I on eed to lie hanged on the Ptfa of May.

'race C.immlasloticra are to re*ume ne- gt.ti.itinns with the Modoc*. Five eliler* an-st "en. Cunhv's camp fur a eonfcreitcc.

Charles l'lti-sons.anewapaper writer, ctimui It- led sulei.le at Will lams burg, N. Y., Tliuri.tlay.

Oen. Fremont has IK-UII «eulem-ed to five years in I print •mnent in imilumariam.

Then are sixteenmurthrers lu the UkSSrJUle, Ky.Jnil.

Illinois raAumte Paakoeeanwtleasanepelua> ry.

The New York waller* eouteniplale . n ikin . Spolted fever la raging in Ihe Weal. PriiaalA hai an sehtMil. Purls I* to USVC a dog thaw. Gold Hog.


aril, wife oftlie i France, lu tillusi M. II le htm I. the w were emblematic

tber of Flue i lo the ranee held ilc Of tbe decorations if the iii<i arts.

Tun CMTAIIIW SiiciAiu.K.—The exceedingly pleusain cnler lain incut given hy the young |K-o- plc of the Cnlturlau society, nt Hamidera Hail on Fajdoy evening, wu* a nonree of vast enjoy- ment lo nil who were so foitmiate n* lo lie pres- ent, ami a general desire prevailed thai ita renc-

■houkl eceur at an carry day. The ulfalr was eiiliilucted hy Messrs, Kelly, l'orter, Jordan

il Hie Dyer hms d much credit I* Ihelr duo for Ihe enjoyment rendered ami success achieved.

Ihe earlier portion Of the evening wu* devoted lo I lie rendering of a choke selection uf music, presented lu a manner only to lie expected from the excellent talent engaged.

Firal on the programme wus a piano duett,—

Valse BrBlharts, nriientcd by Mm. Jonlau Mr. Itleluiril*, In a very line manner, receiving Ihe hearty applause of the iimllettee. Thi* was followed by a Ming by Mr. Als-reniiiililc, tnti tied "My Swtvthearl, wlicn a boyt" Ihe pier* wai rendered in excellent taste, Ihe fine, clear note* of Mr. AlsriTomblc'ri voice winning Ihe rapt attention of all present, ami its conclusion wa* tlie signal for etilliiisiitslie applaus.-, tc which the gentleman rciqsiiulcd with n repel I In,n of Ihe rong. Mi- Dunn Hit u ■ amr a hena- liful Beotch bailed eniitled "The Rosa of Kll*c mere," nnd to say It* rendering was with tin usual good taste ami pleasing effect of this till eitted young artiste, I* Kiillleieut comment. In claiming Mis* DsnStobeUM gi-m of our imi- slfiil talent, we think we are but awarding the young ludy a poalllon already ." ; n, ,i her In musical circle*.

fiiimm-lld the fair artisto iqaiu her selec-

tioas fur each eeeasloni aa Ibess, there being a hvshing absence of lofty upemlle etrtision*, ili spnrsehtted hy uu aedlenca of high musi-

cal culture, while such gems al "The Hose o( Kliaetmre" toiicli the heart, ami win a deep ap- nrcrliititiii from nil litleners. A piano solo wa* next given hy Miss Panels l'orter; u timed March wu* played, Hu- oxecstlofl of which ex Iiihilcd rare skill in the |>erfoniier, winning lieuily applause, which only censed a* Hie lady ignhi came forwiird, when a seeiind piece, 'Polka lie Salmi," wa* mideretl with aaneutioa iiiil ,:,,..,I taste Hint showed the nrtl*te fu Is- performer of no ordinary ability. Wo shall In- surprised If we do not witness more of Mis*

Porter'* aanetlof ability Ulsplsyed in public. Mrs, McAllister was expected to give u readbie at this point In Hie pi-ognmime, Hie iimll erne were denied this literary treat through the m.h-.p.. in.m of the lady, nml much dlfappolflt- meiit Wus canKi-d thereliy. Mi- Dana mill Mi,

Abercromlns mug a duett, i sttthnl "How dear to me the Hour," iu such excellent manner Si

tS demand for It* ivpelllion liytlicuu- dleuce.

The mualaal feast wai riimed by the appear- aaco of'Mr, Kvemnl Kelley and Mr. Arthur W. Dyer, with their harmonicas, ami the mulleinc I cnlhusiuFlleully Hp|i1aiiihil their rendering of a Rsdemdorf starch, and the mure familiar airs of "The IJISI RoaoofHnninwrl'

,snd " Fi»h er's Hont]il|s-." We lire free lo assert that tliise young gentlemen are the equals of any profeii- Monahi in the country, epon this particular In- Nlnnueiil.

'Ihe | ileus u res of Ihe evening were continued by a hiilf-hoiit's promenade,to the strains of ex- cellent ami enlivening music, after which Ihe hours, until 1 night, were devoted to Tcrpsi- choreim fi-siliilie*, ami till present enjoyed

selves In S starlal and pleasurable manner. iim«lewiw excellent, mid under the ueiii- iciit of Mr. Henry K. Fisher, - m i of violins, cornet ami piano. Hcfrcahuictits

were provided In the manner usual with Col. Drew, when Ids fair riputaiiim as n caterer is nl

Samuel Sawyer, Rseji has rcaigtu-d Ihe iui- perlsnt position held byhbu,U agent of Hie Rutem ltallroud for this vicinity. Mr.Suwyei I* gelling well advanced hj rears, and very sen eonclcites thai it Is lime to take matters easy. The Pastern.Road will lass a valuable man In Ihe departure OJ Mr. Sawyer.

— A needy lisiking Indliiilluil culled at this olllee lo-day, nml enquired ifltu could IK- fur- n idud w ith the address of Prof. Tyudal, and ex- plained his reason for enquiring, by laying thai he understood the Professor had a nateal prayer enage, ami he was anxlon* lo prnrluwe Ihe right of territory In thl* dlttrkl for tbe rate of the name, lie was furnished with the address.

—A senthnnaa In this elty who has rendered himself complcuou* by wenrlng shockingly bad raiment, was asked Ihe other day how Ida husl- nesi wna prospering, nud replk-d " very hail It take* almost all I make to keep BM lu clothes.'

in* biterlocator as he went-off, cume to the eon tauslon iiiat the gentleman*! hasatcs* must be

at a low ebb,

—Some of our genial gentry have n elrve me l IK sl of sqiinrlug heeotmta, A few. day since a gentleman In ltd* illy, presented tmnrd hill lo nn Inmate of lilt house, which wa duly rushed; bul what WAS the wonderment u

Chance 11 wa* Htrttek Northem ll. It. iii-tniitly killed

I,, lliiili

I hul pi i

Wllllmamte, Ci„ tin- New Ix.ii.l.m c \Vi.illie*.lav,ailtl

Hiking on tlie track

there lls* been amiie severe tietweeo the Curlist* ami govei which llu- latter were .l.-fcaletl,

that gentleman the next day, to llml a bill ft Ihe asme nmuuut, front Iliu hnurder, "for hi i-oinpaay." This Is a Klm-ple uielhud of se Illiigup, hut perhaps quite l'lirdoii-iihle mull


A* wa* expecled fruni former resultn, Hie aiimial ball given at the City Hull on Friday, by ihe Washington Steamer Company wn* a gram) ineceM. There wus a large attendance, and the music, hy Aefcereyd A Rtswartson, waa very fine. The Ihwir tiianngement, under Fore- man Blood nml an cltleliiil corps of ilssistants, wna all that could Is- desired. Many ladies ami gentlemen occupied seal* in the gntlciic*. Mr. Frank Clark's presence was well spprcrfated by

those U|M.n the BOOT,

It I* very eonvetileiil for clergymen to ex- change pulpits nt times, bet when mchlsaorw ministers should bo enitful, Is u-lng old ser-

roonanavbig iis'ai anaakaw,tenrrhw or strike out the same. Koine time ago a Soiiienllle cfergyman exchanged w ith amMber nt Andover and In the ooursc of Ids serinun bad rasson lo allude to the Insane A*yl it Soinervllle d forgetting thut he was in Audovir, said: "Boon- er than u child of mine should lie subjected to anrli influences, I would lie willing to have him' confined In yonder inalilatloii." Thai Institu- tion WBS Ihe Thcologii-nl Seminary.

—The twenty new style street letterboxes, just put up, arc siiillcletitly large lo receive

newspapers as well as letters | they have distributed BO SJ lo iieciiiiinuilate varioii i fee. lions, liclng located u* follow*:

PSper Mill*. Comer and Mill streets. Canal Street, Atlantic lllock. Canal Street, Piicllie Block. Oorner of Rssex and Union streets.

" K*sex an.I'reiue streets. " Essex uml Hampshire street*. " Kssex Street uml Broadway.

Broadway, Booth side, near engine boose. Depot, South Side Corner of Bioa.lw-uy and IJIW ivnce Sis.

, ■• Broadway ami Cross St*. U.'iverhlll and May Ml*. Iliiveihlll and Franklin st*. Dak and While Hi*. Lawrence ami llaverhill St*. Ilaverblll and Bast Raverfalll Sl*.

" Hat, il.ill an.I Pruspocl SIS. Jackson anil I'at'k sis.

billy, and the face so much disfigured nml clotted With blood as lo lie scarcely nisurniita hie; he was a Virginia .inner, uml had -..i.i horn sjaoo to HMOD worth of stork, ami U was i.i gitlti ]»•'session of this money he was mur- dered. The iH'rjK'trittorrt of Ihe crhue lire un- knowii,

Fiilher Burke, on lunding ut tliieciistown, was doomed with uproariuna emhiisiasm. The wu eoimnhsioiiei's, leading liiliiibltaut*, ami u

large number of i, m Catholic clergymen ere present, and nn mldres* waa presented tn

him, hi which his vindication or Hie Irish char URtiin.-t Mr. Protldc waa acknowledge,!. o freight Ira In i on lite Northern Central

K .in.....I. collided near Liverpool, I'M., lasl Fri- d.iv night. Both engines were sluaslltsl nnd the ii.iui- wreeked. Fire, from ihe engine osugbl the ears, some tweiilv of which, uilh SSUtenlS of merchandise, were burned. A llivuum nml an iiuktiotvii man were burned.

Advices Arizona state that Hie Apaches lire unixwy and dissulMicjl, uml Hint mticli sick- lies* prevniln among them. It I* re|Mirted that tliev an- lielter snpplli'd with firearm* than ever before, ami it l< iliought thut they procure the arm* from the trailer* In New Mexico. -

Atilim Holme*, who wna to lie tmngnl next Thursday, nt St. Lasts, lor the miinlcr of his wife, has had Ids execution |*»lponc.l hy Judge Vreiiim, oftlie Criminal Court, iinlil NuveiiiU'r ISfh, that III* case muy have a hearing bstbre iheSttpreme Court.

A Columbia, H, 0„ dlsputeh state* that Fd wnrd Clark, of Warren county, da., killed III* wile wiih an Iran ladle, then rsuxl mranat the lantv, set lire to Ihe I se ami tuime.l It. One of his children was also fulaily isimed. He c* raped.

A severe in In slonn prevailed In New York, on Saturday; swrdnga of stores, fence*, and street sign* were blown down, ami till out door labor waa inspcadedi

Mr. OeeMD Abbott, owner of an express route between Boston and Itnn.lolph, was killed by

■* Friday nfli-rmsm lasl.ut South Bruin- tree. ,

A iiinnlierof scalp* hove been fmtnd among lot or old rags received from Ihr'WrsI, at Ihe

pa|M-r mill In I'etershurg, Va.

til Hie 1 uiversilv nice botWtCS OaasAJ and Cambridge, on the Tint men, n:i Saturday, the "idler wus Ihe winner. Three notorious Innglars were (wpiurrd in Nt it

York, Saturday evening, while preparing in roll a store.

Six persons were killed in a stn-t-t llghl, in Il.iivcliiiiii, Spiiin, mi Friday.

Four deaths occurred from smallpox, In Boston, lost week.

The brother oftlie King of Sweden Is dc.i.l. The Cm lists have gained unollur victory. Congressman Brooks 1* dangerously ill. The Moiloes are lalng starved out. Blokes, it is said, will is) ban , ed, Hold 115*4.


A Itiiliiiiiiiul dterateh atalai that Wallers, editor of the Norfolk Jouiuul, nud llope. edi- tor uf Ihe Virginian, hate Inui arrested nml held 111 *l(Mkl titimls not to ihe ilutlllle

I reetnlly In Ncl

i I i

ei.lort-.I men was HIS, to Uphold llic llic ad In '

■i I il.

-mil political writer, lawyer, st, lias been sentenced in ah gnver lilt lailllllllHsl'ill

IVIK-I'tii nud Kx-C death by the F ruiililHiii'iiii".

The bill (Ivlng lu the jury in murder rases ihe option Iwtweeil death uml imprisonment, as u punishment for murder, has passed the Small

uf Missouri.

Vienna Is said to lie very sickly al present, :, IN- the |**ire*t drained ritj

if Furo]*'. Tin- mortality h


t kjsAunwu


Tin a ,I Ihnl lie- mv "I• ■ i■ v i ...Hlrich In ll.iiukltu n -nlt.-il. TbeptnlkMj

■' i ri:.. on Inr

nl,lM-.| th-. ,1,-a.l -.

el ll„,kan.labscni,.le.|

wishing to beet

ttiislic.l away

Mltll I- Ul*. .Illorial

■allroa.l fiffj-.1i-

Itli hard M.« light. in Am

ed) wa Udell i

■truck dead by inly. M.I.. Sun

lu Philadelplila at a late im

fiimlaud, tried nl Ban Fmuii>i der of St.nli Mil lit ml..ii, was cm Uialaiigbler tin Saiunhiy.

II Mil lllll-

lul'.Kl .ll:,, .11,

■ i ills a pound in the it wketi ^ >r one liollal umllilH cents.

ls 1 it ell the I'lllteil Stafc'i ami S.t den has at II « le lull.

Province-town h is nn bed 1, JUJXkl pounds of frrsll I ■ 1. Mm- artln mason

Then In Barccltaia, Rpain.

evolution In iauteim la is (Miuiiii: slreiiell

Tlie < iliau IMS ■i nl- are caluiu;.' ip'ouml

i Una to light i I.illl lull-CllM-llltl Of ] IWO Ihe legislature.

LetlerR rVoin Mmhiil reprateal Spain a* in a ■cry liirhalenl c Iltlun, sml llu- Relief I* gain

ing ground Hint tlie army win vet m.estoi»Hsh ii ri'hv.liuih is ilouhtliil whether HIMI Cnrlos or Alplum.-o will he put i.,i the tnroiie.

Auutii'iiil stilt, uu id shows (list the total mimls.1 ol' |*r»oli» in the Ciiilnl Slaivt vilm a-ses-iilft.i' Im nine dining the year* 1ST I ami IM?.', timh-r the net of Jiilv H, IH70, wan 7i.77'.iiuil7l.:k'

I.ii-t NIII.-IIIIMT a coal laden sclmoner was frown hi nt a wharf In llln/hnni, arid from Ihatlime until Friday, March KM, the liarl.n' tms pla.iil muter on emh.irgu of lee so I hat -he liol g"t out.

The number of ) arson* out of employment III Philadelphia Is ,i|,pallini.'. One liuwrunii ol ii lillle mlterll-i iu. lit lor a clerk in a ruilnaul

ingle day.




Weekly Jfewf •Bi'eviticfi. W EDN ESDAY,

The ccrebro spinal meningitis If prevailing to nn alarming extent in wme localities In the Bute of Kentucky. Many death* are repartee) at Carrolton/Owanslioro, Howling Orccn, muP In Italian! county. In tue Utter place 'he Cir- cuit Cuurt, tet fur lut week, adjourned on ao- count of the prevalence of tliu disease.

The public debt statement show* a decrease during March of fljAII tenJTl coin Isilnncc, tai,WJ7«/i,J; coin certlAcutcs, «K4,HI,01K); leg»4tenclen (lcp.wlk.l.yjt.l.W.ftOO; legt.l ten- Mr notes outstanding, PRUCUHtl currency balance, fj,063,730,43.

The newi from 8 pain Is more dishearten In,. than ever. The Carllsta seem to be gaining rup- klly, and the Insuliordlnatioii among the i-..v eminent troops, ■» far from living checked, 1. ■prcading, And becoming each dav more dan gcrou*.

I'niler the new Indlann divorce law, an acttinl residence In the State of two years la required u-lOrc a divorce will Iw granted ; and coses of divorce arising outside or the Mate arc eon si.1 ered hi Hie light of the statutes Where thev oe. curred.

In the Canadian Parliament, Moudav, there was a discussion on the future of the countrv Mch most of the speakers declared theiii

James C. King Indicted fur killing O'Nril in New York some time ago. Is very ill in the tomlw, and the. author It kit contemplate rci lug linn to the hospital i Blackweil'* Islam)

■ city government of Portsmouth, N. II., was Inaugurated on Tuesday. Moat of the old olllcers were re-elected. The clly deltas shown In the Mayor's address Is 9170,200.

Twenty-three coolies were drowned harbor of Yokohama, Jjy the capsii Hinall boat helonaing t4pie I'aclflq "

Tin'. TKHHIIII y DISA.HTKK in which one

of the White Star Line of llniinri—the Atlantic—wu wrecked off the coaat of Halifax, I - the most appalling marine ca- tus trophy occurring within our recollec- tion, and in low of life only to be com- pared with the sinking of the Jar-famed Royal George, "with twice four hundred men." It seems that Capt. Williams, one of the most experienced officers creasing the Atlantic, decided to run Into Halifax for coal, and after taking his course at midnight, retired, leaving the vessel in barge of other olllcurs, and was awak-

ened at two o'clock by the steamer strlk log the rOCks. The severity of the weath er prevented the launching of boats, and only those escaped who were fortunate euough to gain the rocks, over seven hundred perishing In the waves. A large majority of the passengers were etulgrauti to this country, and there were but about llfly ntbln passengers, but as yet no list, of names has been furnished. Dispatch state that the utmost courage and disci- pline prevailed among the crew, while the conduct of tbcjiasseiigcrs was most dis- creditable. «Mi**snld that uearly three hundred lives were saved, but with thin assertion comes the sad statement that not a single woman or child was Miioue; the number, riLilimiyli^. women and chll-

the greater pqtfflBf tlte pa«*eiigen< were comprlMctLjM

Fearftil Marine Disaster iteamer of tho Whllo Star Lino


FII'K til \l>!:i l> LtVKH LOST'

n ilium ■; *. I.M■:•..

-i M I . I i u -i 11. ii TO TIIK UorrOX JOLUS AL.

XKW YIJHK, April 1. A private dispatch re- eived by Uie ax. lit- of the Wliiui sur Line, in

tin- illy, says the llftHstt Atlantic, while pulling into Halifax lor a supply of coal this forenoon, ran ashore olT >!■..,.In i' ■ Head, twenty mile . from Halifax, and was a recked.

The Allantlr, Oapb Williams, left Liverpool on ■larch Jo, wiUia large cant" nn<l nix hundred pas- senger*, she touclied at Queens town on the ful- luwliig day, where she took on eoal, freight, ami four IHIII.IH'II more passengers. While crussuig the Atlantic she encountered heavy head winds, rumhineil willi very rough weather. Kverything worked favorably, and the oflh-er.-t expected t» reach New York on Monday.

On Saturday uiglit Hie III fated steamship was about four hundred 111il5gw.ul. The storm that

pi alimg the rnnsl .aaBpVirdnv nighl, and foil tinned on Sunday night.Tiiged with greal violence on the A tin it tic. The maer* '"'"I save out, and InpLiin Williams to run Into Halifax for coal anil ;il ■■ Tor safely.

A boat tajauYlnek, m■lilli- the AI Inn tic was Muff- ing nlHiut twenty miles outside of Hulllus, during

U roi - linn ill, -In- .-truck Mcagh dnngerniix rock on (ape Prospect. the Una HIM blowing towunl th

urcli It tana her with grei lodge, ll ua- mi impossibility togi

ii inirneaae, H er'- Uaast, a .1 MLTSM IKnTate fore* on the le.

jngingi Itany, February 12th.

A man auprsMed to h* TkoscooJ or Uoudrich in llrooklyn, woa arrRasWI In l'lifl-

Tuaj(*)'i <u>*l thoroughly anawcro the in trtWn.

a. iuc tOWUaBf Fraflkjln, Cook county, Tennen- see, «aflka|| ^■khtnil Kirnnd.i

^1 of buildings. Oencrol Canhy is MI i

will wain oblige them to I'ni't. Jack's force la 53.

Tuesday nle,M. lavftic

■■■ ,?'


Wind, rainjind llgblnlnR In New York on

iriottl distuilniuccH In Bar-

Isj decided by

lll'il.ll punlsli-

o havl VSM cclima, spsiin.

Train's sanity'or insanity Is t< a Jury.

Ohio haa refuted to nlaillsh meal.

Joalu Mausfleld Is residing In London. Small pox U ulMitlng Itut'luh. Gold 2171.


The addlllonal jmrtlciilan of the loss of tin ■teamshlp Atlantic do not lighten Hie gloom of the terrible disaster, but relieve the anxiety of those in lloaton who reared that friends were on board. So far us known only one lloaumlan was on Iswrd, Mr, II. M. Wellington, and he Is named among the lost.

A division took place Wednesday afternoon In the Ontario Parliament on Mr. HuutingUm'* motion for a committee of lni[iilrr Into the unit- ters connected with the l'nclMc ftullroud. The majority against the motion was 31. This is considered to indicate the strength of the gov- ernment in the new House.

Oca. T. II. Van BatBB, Oafef Commissioner of the United Nutea to the Vienna Inhibition, ■nil Dr. A. Kiiptwuer, Win. M. V. lUmiid nml Julin S. Cunnlnglinm, Assistant Com miss loners, have arrived In Umdon. They will remain a «tw days and pnoaad at Vicuna, via Part*.

A collision (Moaned Wednesday morning nt Ilnclmrest Wnllucin, iH-twecn the cur men and millUry, growing out of the refusal or the for- mer to pay certain taxes at Oulrgevo, a town of Wnllachbi. Several persons were killed and wounded. Trnnqullity Is restored.

it la announced that Prince (iortsclinkoll has, In compliance with a rtipivst from Washington, asked the RUM inn (Jeogniphicnl Nia-lctv to dis- tuna tho topography of Khiva and Ilokhani nt .litiiccllngs .lining April nml May. "I his is

new phase of arbitration. Charles Nlxon, who killed one Pflcfcr, I

Chalman S.piare, New Voik, a f.-w months since, was on Wednesday found guilty of mur- der in the first degree.

The Ocean House, Itye lleach, the largest summer hole! on ihe New Hampshire const, was destroyed by lire on Fast Iluv ; loss, tflOO.OOO; Insured for POJ100.

At the Ktnte election In Rhode Island, on Weilncsibty, thu Republican*, ns usual, tri- umphed, ctectliig Hon Henry Wood (lovcrnnr, tiy s large majority.

Sixty-live li.pior dealers paid Mm s of $M and costs In the Municipal Court itt Jloston, Wednes- day, on comiiluiiit of the.suit,. Police. The Hues sggregrate flOOO.

The amalgamation of the Anglo-Amerii Trausaliaiithtue, nml New York mid N civ Cm land Allanlic cable Cuiupiiiiies, is uuninin ii "in London.

The Kin,,I,- Island election resulted in the election of the Hcpuhllcan ticket except n Lieutenant Governor, in which ihcre wits choice.

A saw mill boiler al WllnilnRton, N. V., ei ploiled Weducs.lav, killing two negro men an one woman, and severely wounding two oil erf,

I.ii\, Ihe Sun Francisco iHdlooulst, has lier heu .I from. Mf landed In tho mountains, over a hundred miles distent (row Sun Frauclsi

Qoodrlcb was evidently a scoundrel, an siarcely IK> nournod for.

dotd 117^.

Poa'itnii .\.\f> ins M^itnDtait.—Ttien'

seems tube liliicb dirilcHlty between ihe

Brooklyn police nutliorltles and members

tin- preaa. in Using I be tnuriler of (iood-

rtcji upon g|a/person, its imw the latest

dispatchesi3eT> 111 to Indicate, that the foul

lerer | deiil w.i . done by another than the ttpau-

Ish Itoscoe. There l», we judge, however,

but Uttlo dependence to be placed upon

these 111.".patches from New York, as the

newspaper reporters state a reticence on

the part of the authorities to divulge their

plans, and at the same time present re

porU of Interviews with " the chief.

However great Ihe desire of newspapers

to feed the morbid appetite of people at a

distance from the scene of miirtler, there

is but little doubt that the people would

freely appreciate press enterprise, and

elve more satisfaction, from a truthful

statement of results, after being properly

dlvulged by the police authorities.

bined with the . created m BHMl I 1 H-«pie aboard ami chllilrcn.

wildly aboat; Ihe


sheet a

(4KOS, HTAMI-* wu Kxvai Uongreas, at the seenint nesshni ..f Hit aeaond Congress, luxviiiK fiilleil^lo ini'ni-p Appropriation Tor the new postal ranis. •' llieir ntlateke early In Hie last aesckm, mi aryil, Is7:1, the PosUiinsU'r lo-iienil ml for proposal- for eiignivlng nii.l fiiriiisbiinr the Meoaaary supply for four yeara from May I, ISTt Under this advertisement hhls were receive.) from a large number of parlies, and, anW can-. folly comparing nil prauoaab, the rmitraet waa .»■- n.Li 'I i-. ii., Morgan EnvejoMi foinpaiiy ol Hpriugael.1, Mass. This 1 pony ngni-s lo fnr- uisli nn eatunatail number of at least one hundred million die ilrst year, but must in- pre pure. I to fur- nish sn.-li n.l.litionnl quantities aa the govern mem shall call for. The cards nre prlnte.l on wliatU known as " IHIIIII paiM-r." Hint is, paper whlcd 1. worke.l tnfelber la mil (pasting, are Bv« nml mi Ihrae Inches w l.le, and ore of 1 vet brown, bearing «u one «ii|c a htnmp will. lb. " Liberty" head aurr led by the" I'. S, I'M.

tagu One Cent" In lath.' work, 11 ml has, bcshles, thu words " United State* Postal Card," and ha* prlnUsi aoroaa tlie fiu-e Ibio* for the address, witli UMlattefpV.a. I'. 11. P., one and ahulflnehe* lung, in a water mark across the body of Ihe card. These curds will he ready for Issue on May i, and are to be furnished singly or hi ipinn- Uliesatoue rent inch. Tho contractors, by the terms of their iigreenunl, mtut liave nudy Tor de- livery on that .late lite million card*, bnl tin- ,lr

den. already received at tin- deiwrtmeat tare- gnle nearly thirty million. While these eard* will, without ihoilU, leuil to no <-\lendti| use by mauufui■luriTs, dealers, brokers ami Imnkera ami ether brannaaa of business lut itock lists and price lisls. they will nlso be largely used I -II- nary eorn'sp.inileuee, us it Is lieliuved tliatlea* than i.uo third of all letter* uaaalng through tlui 11,■ill- would (H-euoy more space than is nvuiliible oa theee oard% or la of aiich ■ private rbaraetei as would require au envelupe, wliile the orders received by the department show thai nn int. meiise use will lie made of them as a menus 01 advertising business.

Already the inventive genius I I ployed in .lc vising ayatem*of hieroglyphic* which willena- bte persons to use ihnn im- private rorresumml enre, nml it is| Hut, a* a general rule, stenographers will enjoy superior facilities in roimiiimlcnting with friends familiar willi tho rn- ballstie funnula, and ll has been suggested thnt 11011 learned In the Hebrew dead langnagea, or fnuiilinr Jnpam-se, Will In) Mill better mr than the knights of the pencil. These curds are well printed, and are very neat ami attractive. The steel platen from which they are printed nre mil the ordlnarj atria of plate, but tin- lettering, stump nod bonier are raised above the turner, thus enabling Hum b> be printed much Outer than from nrdlnary platen. Toe tcract nil danger from rcainter- feiting, Ihe department has icsci veil the light, in eoulraeling for the cards, to change the design, color, Watermark or stamp nt any lime, or the contractor may ai an) lime be required to turn over to th* department not nr nil tlie dies, rolls, plates ami water mark rolls. the -l.nni

mlal ■ l-l. Hie

lUMtege 1 tamp nn,

rht tent, ini|.i 1 iul nllinmnrine blue. Jaeaaua niter Powers, velvet bust of Washington alter Ibi sii cent-, bust of Lincoln a red, seven rent', busl of grnph by Brady, KugHsh ter I.., r .lei

lelve e

isdin-eleol htt-rmg, b

11 nfter Po of (I:

•11I-. bii-t of Websh-r nf

I.IUMI Till IKK ItAli.WAV. ImiiKTANT Pao- .Itrr.—The proprleU-rsof the (i rum I Trunk i;..ii. way held n uut-tlng in London, Uareh 3d, when n pniposltlou, bnuight forwanl by Mr. Alexander McF.wen, was adopted, with only n,ree .llssenting votes, to 1,1 "■ ■ ■ the mnd first-class in every respect. This seheme Includes the narrowing of the road Pi Ibc stun.lard width of four reel, eight nnd one-half Inches; tlie Inyiug of steel rails the whole length of the main line; Ihe supply of a einu]ilete <S|ulp uient of rolling stock, ami the placing of tin' mm In the most i'. 1 !■■ 1 working 1 ii In nil re specie, Including n double track on a part or the whole of tin- line, should the business render this necessary lo its most cfHi'lent nml earinOOOflll Working. Tiuicoiiipllsli nil this, a large sum money will, of course, be. ImuiedluU-ly needed, an.I this lias liecn provided for by the adoption 1 .McF.wnn's plan, slumhl the Dominion I'nrllnmci suuctlon it HO doubt will. A half million lias been advanced toward the work, and nine and u half millions more will lie ready 11s soi I'arlinmeiit hikes the needful aellou. WiUi tin- eagh awreaaary thus abaolntely assured for the eonlemplated improvcmeiii, nml every Inter*, combining tonrge them forward, and even tl preseul proprietors of the road joining with 11 most unanimous voice, though their claims are postponed to the lakers of lh< w loan, with such unniiiinlly orr.eliiiK nml action there enn be mi possible doubt of their early accomplishment, The *; rand Trunk will tl be able to do all the business Hint offers, nml 1I0 It more cheaply Ihnn now, ami thus be able hi compete successfully with other through hues ft Uie West. The lie million I'urllunu-nt Is to take some conl*rinnlory ii< lion on the matter, but Ihcre is no doubt but what tin leaeary legislation will be given, ami the grand work of improvement nt once la'coin

It b one ofUmnrot important movement* thai bus tranaplred In railroad olrelea for many years, as it renders Ihe railroad connection* In Maine and Canada uerffeeh it will lai eapetdally ralna bb- |o r.irilnml, ami it Is rumored thai Ihe Boston A Maine will lli.n make a through connect Ion Ibelirnml Trunk ron.l.

her off. AS AWFUL w

The crashing of the hull, i.wllng wiml and roaring mi

painful panic. (If the one thou at least oncthird were wot The exalted passengers ran men lost nil ntaeeaiie of mind, and II101 ghl only of the in selves.

Meanwhile the omcers Beted with i-nimiicn.lnhlc courage. Kverythlng- thnt human Ingeuulty or .■ . ei tii.n . 1 >nl.I ilo was iloue Pi save the vessel. It sj.m beenme apparent tluil she could 1 - - 1 : ■ ■ . - -.-..-1 Tin- wind Inrn-aalng In violence, It was impossible

l.i iin-li life Imnts. The WU or usi jieoplc who chinp.d got off uputi the rocks. Other* In at- tempting to do so, wer« swept awny nnd drowned,

iluet of ninny of Ihe male pnsscnKers of the Atlantic was reprehensible in the extreme. They refused to heed tho commands „r the o 111- ers, and seemed perfectly panic atrioken. Tim rew or the vessel, on the contrary, behaved with

great bravery ami fortitude. Tliey iiinyed nml obeyed llieir onicers like clock.wort.

The scene In'ggnrml all descri|itlon, midst of the driving rain the poor wrelehes clung

■to the rook ami Uie vessel, but were swept sway by tens and scores nt a time. The shrieks of the uiiforlimntes were appalling in the extreme. Ilus- nnd wives, parents and children met death together,

Finally succor came for the survivors on tin nick, in iheahapeof aCaaard vessel ami anothei steamer, who took SW on board nml Inmled then safely nt llnllmt. At last uecnunls the Atlanta was rapidly going to pieces.

I III: STKAMKU AMI 10:11 OF HI Kits. The Atlantic was oulcered as follows : Captain

Williams, Seemed Ogtoer Frith, Third Oatoe Brady, ihe lin.l ns large a crew u* U usually sent out with vessels of her build mid capacity .She was .1,7711 tons burthen, and was built nli two years ngo, at a cost of 1800,000, She wns second vessel kullt for the line, the Oceanic la the Ant

The Atlantic was on her nineteenth whan the terrible disaster occurred. The is said to have been thoroughly stanch ami worthy In every regnant, at least Mr. Mpark.. agent of tlie Hue In New York, claims ttuit such waa her condition.

The lost steamer waa built nt Belfast, Ireland, in laH. she wns till feet in length, 10 feel Wain, nnd S3 feet depth of bold, and regisl bins. She waa constructed >.r Iran am masts and six water-tight bulk-hood*.

She was fflted willi eleven noUora* 'ytinders on the compound principle,

110 is A CHOW10:111 in ueii is -A ilren.lful ralamlt) happened nt half past ten o'clock nt si.

chureh, 011 the occasion of the funeral of Her. Father Macalln. The chureh wns •tensely crowded, nml stood ouUl.le. Tliere were some .11 iijUrintiug clergymen preseul, nnd while the innilcm for toe .had was being sung, a loud, cracking sound came from Illegal lery, mid from the general opinion thnt It wns git lug nway there arose n fearful panic. Constcrni lion every one, nnd loud screams ensue

for the door, mid Immediately scorn- of wome uml children Ml mid wen- trampled beneath the feel 11I' the mass of human lielngs which bei-ai wedged between the front gala nml the da

The gruana or those beneath were fearful. It m fully ten minutes before the work of making an opening for the crowd lo paaauul to the street wa- effcrtcl. Mtatwiirl men were nil tl«' lime busily engaged in pulling out the women children. It wns n ahoeking siKht ns they

.111 willi blackeneil un.| 1,1 ly fart.f, They

edu I' pbysieiiins arrived tho extent pm to be apparent In tin- | women were prostrates I on tli also a little boV with dlsogure

little girl nb.nit a >e:

the ibuuage is

11 inU-r At this

linjm 1 of 1 ssuf-

mntters were .pii.-ti'd .town, nt though 11 vaal crowd wn. in the street, brought to- gether by the wildest rumors. In the ml.l.t of the excitement Udilers were thrown up hi tin- win don.- nml 1 |ite nml children were token out. Some or the windows w.-re broken. •

The appenh of tin- rb-nr), w bo bud )um|HMl out nf the w Imlow nml IT to the front door, lor the muss to retreat back Into the chureh, assurlno tliem tliere was ao danger, were unavailing.

The noise did not »• from a .lel'gcl In the Rid lery, but fr ihe breaking ..fa kneeling hoard In ihe gallery. Tin- .services In tin- chureh wen


-Fin liavo been in progress lo. wharf property In Sow hi real Interest from I'biln rangeiuents were runrhi

some lime negotiate ■king to the purr ban try port by parties in Hie ilelpbiii. r'riilny Ihe ar del by Mr. K. A.Quln-

genural salua agent, nnd Mr. lorlng, if tin- I'liilndelphln nml Rmnllng l...,ij 1 1 c.impaiiy piiiebaslug the wlmrf if Mes-rs. A. W. Hnoaey ami II ng afruntag 1 the river of ore

I'll) lull I III,' :

nperly nt once by extern ill feet iulo Uie liter, 1111 ■ frontage. The eompan or eoal pocket*, eapan!

I ten* of coal nt a Una distributing coal mark.

1, already employing ih ling tlir tber for .1.1

ill I... n Friday night, I roll, while In eo

House, Middles Mille tlie W

treei, iii thai city, waa met by h.> -tubbed iiilher FOSK in the I'd en, icuiciiug a wuuii

HI caul, but mil tlie InloaUnc

hnufflcer'i thick eluthlng, U

the npproa. Iiing dange glues nml leaped fi Kelher, nml llulr <

1 the truck alien llu

Amu in I II. . Hull.

U is I..I1 Tost of IM

11.1.,-ri ell, on,-.

-t wide awake in the State;arc lo llnnlfngton Mall, every evening

he nillllary nliegnry entitled Tried r the Sotitheiu loyalist; It ilncapital id that it will be well enacted none and any rn' our |«joplc who wltnet

nil I e tin nriiahl.

BUILLIAST Sii.vr.u WEIOII.NO.—On Friday evening lost, the iith uimivcrsary of the wed- ding of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Ibiw kcr waa celcbratcil at their reaklcme on Ihe Atlantic Corporation The ocean Ion was an unusually brilliant one; the company numbered alnraal two hund/cd, and included many prominent citiien* and tbeir Indies, The arrangemeutn had batJ made with- out the knowledge of Mr. and Mrs. Bowker. They had not thought of celebrating I he silver anniversary except in aonbit way; tmt there

other* who had determined otherwise. On Friday Mr*. Bowker was iutliienced to vUlt

frienda in Mtthuen, and Mr. llowker was kept out of the way as much as possible. In the evening Mr. llowker went to Mctliucti and brought Mm. Bowker home. When they reached their residence they were surprised to find it lighted up, and a brilliant eompany tlimiiglug the rooms. But the surprise was small compared with others that followed. John J. 1 lolnrid, K*q., In behalf of the overseers and second hand* of the Atlantic Mills, stepping for- ward, presented Mr. Bowker with a magnillccnt gold watch, chain ami seal, the watch bearing. the inscription "To J. C. Bowker, from his friends of the Atlantic." The presentntion wns made in Mr. Doland's happiest vein. Mr. Bow- ker, ulthougb ijuitc overcome at this unexpect- ed display of friendship, made u lilting rcsismse lo the address. The worthy couple thru ihunglht thnt they could now proceed to enjoy them- selves with the others, hut they were dllupnohit- cd, for Capt. George S. Merrill advancing, pre- sented Mr. nn.I Mrs. Bowker with nn elegant gold-lined silver lea set, the gift of the LawnBCC friends of the couple. Cupl. Merrill closed with

happy allusion to the golden lining of some of the pieces forming tlie set, in the fob lowing lines:

"For Ihe yearn have liniiiKs, ns these goblets do. Tin- years gone by, tlie lining of the coining new. Killed with ramst wine uf lend crest meuioricr, The golden fun doth line tlie silvern it."

After the presentation* were made the com- pany proceeded to enjoy themselves, which they ilid. The gathering Ising large, ami the com- pany most select, ample opportunity was found, during the evening, for the interchange of those social courtesies which render such occasion* so agreeable. The choir of the I'nlversallst church

present nml sang several selections. A collation had u , n provided by those having Ihe Arrangements in charge, and the comiuiny sat down to an excellent nipper. As Mr. Bowker*! house, largo and commodious as it is, wits too small for tlie company, a. collation wns temd in the bonre of Mr. Born Powell, and those of the guests who failed to obtain scots in the house of Mr. Bowker were there provided fur. The wedding cake, which was an Immense one, weighing thirty |Kiunds, was from the establishment of Mr. Win. Mallcy, and Us appearance was highly creditable to that gen- tleman's taste.


ml the BT- •rage daily coni.iiinpli.iii of coal was only Ibrty-flrc

The disaster is believed to be plainly attribute bio lo carrying an insufficient supply of eoal torn voyage of more Ibnn ten onleveii ilnys.

kKKiTioM nr nn: xaara is uaw IOKK.

The nnnouneement of the accident created the greatest excitement In Sew York. lteps.rt.Tswi sent out in all direction* to Interview agents the line in this city. They were uaammeaaiul In gnliiing until late to-night.

aKOTinta aeioi-NT.

HAI.IKAX, April 1. The following is Ihe Chron- cle's report of the disaster:

It Is our painful duty Ibis morning to record Ihe most terrible marine disaster Hint bus ever oe. curred 011 our const—the loss of 11 great ocean ■tenmahlp with about ~M lives. Veeterday mtcr. noon a report became current tlint n iteaaaer had been wrecked somewhere on the i-oasi, and Unit one or two live* Were lost. Tlie report wn gnrded a* one of the canards put nllont o Foola liny, ami little ream»g w«. ,..., 1 (u u.

Hot.n the report Is-.-auie more definite, tin evening paper* were able to Suite thnt the sic Atlantic, of the While star Line, wns aahore Prospect, and thai several lives had been lost. Even then Ihe public were inclined to regard the story ns n lunlicious hoax. A little Inter, however, it became known Hint the report wns well founded, nml thnt but a small part of ihe truth had been told, the fact iM'ing lluit the Atlnntfiv bad IHIII

wreaked on Ueagher's Hock, near 1'rospect, M miles west of lliilifnx, nml of about lism tout* on board U0 were lost.

Need wu say that tlie terrlUe annnunv on I crealcl a profound feeling of horror throughout the community.

TIIK TllllII) lil'KII'Klt'H ST..111.

Havlag aaeertahwd thnt one wan from llu wreaked ship bad arrived In town, n reporter In M-nrt Ii nf liini nod found bini in 1111 entiiij,- house on Water St.; lie proved to be Mr. Brady, the third nuloer of the Atlantic, bruised, worn 011I and almost B|SWehleM- After the terrible events of the nwrnhtg he waa, ns might be expeeted, In no condition to talk. Nevertheless he cheerfully eonaonted

li luforinnlioi s he c nines:

The AllanUc, Mr. Brady said, left Liverpool u Thuraday, March to, r..r New York, touched 1 Queenatewn the mxl dny lo reeelvo mails nn passengers, nller which she started on bervoyng across in.- ocean, she hud a full cargo ofgenen nerobandlae ami n very targe number or |»a**ei gera. Mr. Brady could not gho the precis 111 I'V. but tl ghl there wen- more Ibnn eight bm dred in the steerage nml about filly in the cabli Those, with her crow, would probably make 11. total number not loss than one ifauusaml soul. Who was cmimniiili-il by CnpLain .lames Agnew William*. Hough weather wns experienced, but nothing worthy of mite occurred until 1 Monday, the liut, when the coal being short Capt Williams resolved 1.. put Into Halifax for a supply. The Captain nml Mr. Brady had the nigln wutefa UP I idliiglil, when they were relieved by till' chief ami fouitli nub-crs. Al Ibnt lime they Judged that Mimliro Light then bore lo N. .v. w. M wiles. The sea was rough ami tlie night dark. Tlie rhiel nml fourth ..nicer- having taken charge, Mr. Itra- dy went below nml turned into hid berth. The Captain m tin- same time went into his r 1 pi llu down.

What occurred between midnight and i (.'clock, the time at which ute ibaaster occurred, Mr. Urn d> <n t toll, as he was sleeping, lie was awak- ened nml thrown out of his berth by tlie shock when uie steamer struck. Hue struck heavily three or four limes. Mr. Itrudy rn to Ihe.leek ami f< 1 II lull of passenger*. He found uunvc and with it 1 imeuced to clear away the star- board tltb-boet Ho observed ttntr. the Captain nml other iinlcers were engages) in clearing the other boats.

Mr. Brady si ended in gelling his life boal ami there wa* a rush for Use. boot This wn. only one bunched, ami II bnd no sooner ton ihe wi.ter than n .row.I made n ruali to gel in Mr. lb Bdy. bud to use lone lo them .r lug ii lie

I dot

mut a lello


e bull of the stem only the

-t totally 11 ov and tin- ntaal* r.

oalucd above wider. The greater part of the pai angers were in their rooms below nt Ihe time, nn iere Immciliolely drowned.

Indeed, b» soon afU-r striking di.l the vessi ink, that many of ihe imsaenger* worenodoul

nil), in blissful Ignorance urn m nr id them, nnd passed Inl

-niit without n struggle. Of those on deal libeling Mtcrnl hundred, many Were waabo rbonrdwlien|i fell over, nml Ihelrerir help, as they struggled In vafn lor life, wei r-i heart re 11.1 Ing.

lany. bow ever, bad taken refuge in the rhrgin I on the bow I were still living, but With Ui

in, hi

Mini i..i-

lefllll be

Kten ns they were, clinging In Ibe rigging i. les|H<rnli with the sen washing »\ei lie ill eon tin ndy, their situation was 1110,1 | yuig, am every lew miuules some of [hem, l«i oulH-.l l.j Ihe cold nml CSbnUstod from Ihelr loosed Uielr bold and perished.

■^ ■■.— s> —C.m.luclor Amn/eiu hrutlRllI seventeen

crowded car* wiih Ihe Inle train Ihnr dny even- ng. The theatre* were very fully ntten.lcl asth In the afternoon and evening, u id al ihe

Boston theatre bi Ibo eveiibig at the time llu .crfornuiuce ciimimtHcd not even standjug •sail could lie Is,tight at any price Visitors

were fortunate in having such m>ml forded theiiir ami showed llieir a>|>ri •

plavs ni- lalimi by

heir nn rou* attendances

Besides the presents mentioned there were n mimls/r of other* from individuals, among which wire a massive ice pitch IT, the gift of Harmony ami Riverside Isalgcs of flood Templars ol Ha- verbill; a cake basket and knife rest from Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Raymond of Charlcstown ; a syrup cup from Mr. Vnun and Miss Kmmu Bowker; sugar tongs from Mr. John C. Dow half dozen Iruit knives man Mrs. Byron Tniell; a butter dish irate Mrs. Service and Mr*. Brick of Philadelphia; one doaeB teaspoons from Mrs. John Morse of Mctbucn, and half a dozen des- sert ].,.,,11. from the Pnacott family of Lowell; Mrs. Cole of Boston contributed a handsome Isimpiel. The rooms were very prettily deco- rated with (lowers. Miss Maggie Unmark, who hud been the moving spirit of the nmiir, having given her personal attention to their adornment Mrs. Major Brown, Miss Harris mid Mrs. Often ministered lo the waul* of the guests, and bail charge of the bibles.

Among those present were. llevs. Wood, Weaver and Dunning. The OMaatoa wns, throughout, a most happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Bowker have long been identified with all move- ments l.siking 1.1 tin pnitiiuliun of Ihe welfare of (he human race; they have truly been friend: of humanity, and it must lie gratifying to them to now thai in their work of love hi this world they have not failed to make friends them- selves.

On Saturday evening, flood Will ami Young America Lodges of flood Templars of this city, called at the residence <«f Mr. Mr*. J. C. llowker, and tendered their gmtulatkms. Mr. David Johnston, Jr., on half of flood Will Lodge, presented the pie with a inassiie silver fruit Iwskcl, and an elegant sliver breakfast caster. In making this presentation Mr. Johnston .although entirely un- prcpon-d to act as the mouth piece of the lnd«o, acipilNod i.ii.i.'.ii' I., his usual happy manner, and Mr. Bowker in behalf of himself nml wife, made a feeling reply. Mr. Jacob Yntter In be- half of Young America lodge, llicn presented the couple with n ham Iconic set of pickle nnd olive j.irs in a chastely designed silver stand. In milking the presentation Mr. Yntter was ex- ceedingly happy in till remarks. Aner these preset 1 tut ions Messrs. Barrio and Newton made remarks, during which Mr. Newton said that although he bill censed to be a flood Templar, he felt none the less pleasure at being present 011 such a happy occasion. Mr. Bowker here Interrupted the speaker,and said, "nnce a flood Templar always a Good Templar," a remark which elicited such loud cheering from the as- sembled Templars, that Mr. Bow kcr thought an 111 olaery necessary to his next door neighbor for the noise. The remainder of Hie evening wan passed very pleasantly with vocal and instru- mental music.

UAVIIUTARIMIX, who was unable from ubsuncc, to preside at the meeting In relation U> cstahllidi- ing an iii-tiiiilii.n for Juvenile offenders, scut the following oonlial hitter of cmiorseineiit:—

LUnMKlM, M ' m ii J:P|II, IS;X *'„,«!. 11. O.Iltrrkl,

Mr I)KAK 8m — I regret exceedingly thnt en- broad absence from the city, w ill make it impos- il.l.i for me pi ntt.-nd tlm lecture of llr. Pierce, omorrow night. Ill* subject Is one thnt warmly ' itself to humane ami thoughtful sym- iiitliy and consideration, ami his large eipcrielicc in.! intelligent studi or reformatory Institutions -miiieiitly ipudlflcs him for the practical disc us-

• The oceaslur '- -

Immune lu cliarge of our penal lustiluthins, ... painfully conscious of Uie ina.lts|uaey of the old system, fur tin- right Ireulmeiit of that class of youthful offenders Whose associations have li-iit llietu In the dlreetinn uf vice and lawlessness, but who aio yet uuconUrmcil In erliidnnl courses. Your ofllcuil i.bservntion, u.,i nlone or the estab- lishment* under mill i -diutc, but as a member of tin- Prison t.imnilsslon of the < omiuoiiwealth, 111111 Mire will eonllrm this hlatc- mciiL

ir the spirit nf reform will employ lu seal in Ibis Held ol Inhiir, 11 will Hod iiiiijde opportunity lor practical philanthropy, ln-rldes doing a vnliiii- lile service to the general interest* of society. A great deal of precious stuff is thrown Into tin

l»r. 1'Ierer desert.-, Imth by Ids abllltt the merit of Uie cause be s|ie*ks for, an bib*n*»leil

I thoughtful audience, and 1 doubt not he will re it. I iini vert truly yours,


On i'i i.hit 1.1.-1 iwo youug men discovered the body of a new Imrn Isdiv in n vault Inihlntl the house recently huniid at the Honth Side, situ- ated on Broadway. They Immediately informed Mr. McOovcra, a special jtollee officer employed nt the Boaton A Mnine depot, of their discovery, and be telegraph id Ihe fact to the staliun. si-taut Marshal Sullivan I mined lately notified Coroner Btowe, who proceeded to the South Side, and took charge of the remains. Tlie po- lice 1 ■.-:-.m to investigate the mailer, and were not long In placing themselves In possession of the following particulars: (hi Mum lay evening, dyonng woman, named Ueorgle Porter, residing h) Kpplng, N. II., with nn uncle came lo this city, in charge of an aunt, and took up her alsHlcwitba man named Bean, living at Ibe South Side. .On Tuesday the girl gave birth to a living cliikl, Dr. Ipraguc attending her. Ac- cording to Ihe statement of Bean the child died mi Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, nml

Wednesday evening he put the body In a 1 MIX, and curried it a little way up the Lowell road, ami hurled it In the woods.

er Stowu held an impiesl, nml Ihe jury returned a verdict of death from natnral causes.

lion 1'iuecs 1-..11 IIousts.—The prices thnt i'cm:' given fur famous horses, is almost fali-

tilous, ami in stnuc cases, as Ihat of thu nuled Feanuiught, extends to a line of descendants. This horse i* now owned by 11. B. Russell, KU-

DO has refused 950,000 therefor, Dread- naught was also purcliassd by Mr. Husseli, from B. S. Wright, near Augusta, Maine, Tor &t_>0,000, and Isjars a very close resemblance to the sire; he trotted on trial, last full, lu m and 43g. Keunmiiglit, Jr. I*owned by D.Nevlus, Jr., and be has declined an offer of SW.000 for the ani- mal ; (his horse Is now In hands of I). ] New York, r'ur Bay learounght, Mr. S gave £117,000, and Fcnntaught Prince cost its owner, Mayor Jones, of Portsmouth, §1.1,000;

C'nreiiaiighl, from same stock, Is owned by B. ■:

Wright, who decline* selling nt .vi'im, Man- chester, a yearling Feamnught, has already se- cured nu offer of 911,000. These horses are bringing such prices that Ihe stock Is sought alter.

ll,-.... ::■:.■:, from tho Annual Report

of the Auditor.

The nununl report ofeliy auditor K- U. O-gim.1, ir the year ls?j, has Just baen Issued, mnkiiiK u

liniuplilet of uhoiil one hundred and Uiirty pages, I from Its still, menu we guttler tin- following

fuels which may be of interest to our reuders:— The receipts accruing from all tOtlfOM and ile- parbuent* to Ibo city, for Uie year, were tfTTJtl- II.—The espemlltiires fur the same year were *ilsl,iia.l)l.--The Imlebtclncs* of lite city un the

day of Januury, IHTJ, wa* #I."'.MS,..VI, j^mi i *li:i,s*S.sja, Jan. [-;•, nu Increase of Indebtedness during last year of lUkWllh—The Treasurer'- report cihibitd the payment* and receipts to and fr the sett nil departments, as follows :-

To payment- made from the Treasury .—

Bridges, Cemetery, lily Hall, City Debt, (.■.million. Fire,


till,! Incidental, Internal, * Lighting, Military, Military-Militln payroll-, Paving, l'nu|«-r, Cilice, Public Library, Iteservoir nml uliter pi|H-, Hahtrles, School*, Heliool, Bpeeinl. seboolbousi Schools—evenInK ami drawl School bouses, Sewers and draho, Sewer, special, Sidewalk, State aid to soldiers, sailors, Btreote, TaTag elaln tax is; •. Taxes—county tax for Isci Taxes—nun-res Ideal bunk li Temporury loans, Water works,

s.uui mi a,5tu in

T.\,wo on Mm &;

i4jm is. 1,M) i«i

:i;,Jlu 11 S3.W M

The Choral Union Concert.

We are sure our citizens will welcome tlio.m noun cement nf a concert by this society, whose efforts In behalfof musical culture descno the wannest recognition from the eoiumniilly; the ossmlatinii includes the Is'st resident talent, and the most i'uithhd cttbrts have been made to se- cure tlumiiigh ti-.iinin -.iini elhelency. The con- tcmplotcd concert will present unusual attrac- tions; Mrs. West, always a decided favorite here, and if possible singing better than ever. Mrs. Barry and Messrs. Winch and AUrcroiu- bta will sustain the principal parts, while first class artists will lead Ihe grand orchestra; the claims will lie full and well sustained, and so many attractive features' nre seldom com- bined In one cnteituiumcnt. The suhscrfptinu lists for reserved seats will lie opened at Strat- um's. We trust tlm society will find their effort* warmly seconded by our eillzcu*.

S,l(>7 l»i IS.fsl* li .'.l.ssi M

ISi\, 13,171 IS 800 711

3,STs SI ■•U,XI7 UI

ll/i7J Kl ■dents, ll,:i'iS.-sj

«|,I13II W |X<J0(l uo IMaa io

187'i, 1,(UU UH 1IS.IIS0 ou

,'i,i'i; ■

Balance—(he r Dfyaarly v

-h In Tiet

By cnr-li reeeiveil:— Balance In Treasury, J»er. 31, 1*71. Bridges, Cemetery— fur lots sold. I.JSU oo

Supl's collections, '.',103 .Ml " daplfcato hill. ej

City Hull, janitors, rents, Floyd, 25-1 i". " " " Merrow,3,llt7 i'i

I'edrlck ft Cloaaon, • carpeting, AI SO

B.B.W. Davis, lumber, I-"' i« *' C.T.Kiuersmi, lumber, :w w " Emery, for wood, 1 no

Ciuimioii — I'eilrlek ft Cloaaon, for grass sold, Sd 03

A. it. Drewehn, grais. n 7-i Fire, Incldental-Corporiilion tan, J.AIS 01

" Iiitercslnml cost nu taxes, 1.801 OS

City Clerk, fcCs.Ar., IM SO " Wiley, land iianlen

Htreet, 1,110 00 Moon-, land Tower

Hill, KS UI " County of

tas prepaid, Bi to) Peddler** license. a» 0,1

" Sales of liquor agm< ey stock, 19 on

" Smell ir-, 1 7tl M ilitary,—rent of anuorles JS0 oo

Militia pay roll* re- loaded, 4*317 .'•»

Pauper, ll. Mills, keeper poor * tann, I,lit K

" Support i(aU< pauper, WB H " from cities and towiia, 300 71

I'.dlce- tily Marshal, olucers' nnd witne*ses' fees, fi.iVi AH

rolice—County, renl police court, UII, S«M on

l'ub.l,ibmry,ilogtaxlitml,'7l, 1,311 it " pulil by tmateea White fund, I.Oflo on

t*ub.Llb.,paldbyrrankllnUb. Ukl as Iteservoir and water pipe—du-

plii-ale bills, Sewers, drain*—Assessments, 7 KI S3

AimiTiiiNAi. TitAiNs WanTBD,—A very large inimber uf our lending inaiiiifaclMrers, mer- rbant* and business men, have united in a peti- tion to den. Htark, asking fur an additional train, each way daily, between Ihls city and Lowell, to secure much needed northern ami western connectiiiiis. There is now no train from this dry lo ISTWCH sufficiently early to en- able a passenger to connect with any of the momlng trains to Nashua, Aver or thu west, and such i ■ Ihe peculiar arrangement Unit it Is btiposaluh) to reach Nashua from this dtyby rail nn.I return Ihe same day. The request is fur a Iruin Irani l*lWrcncc, snflltiiiitly early m

the morning, aay 7 o'clock, to connect at Low- ell witli the Ilrst iruin* to Nashua, lo Ayer, l-ilchlniig, Worcester, and by tUy-Hua to N ew York.

IUturning, an CjUid dlilieully now exists;

the evening tmin from Ayer, with which Ihroiigh connections an- there made to all points, is run only tn Lowell, the latest train to this city leav- ing Lowell liefore the arrival of these, or the evening train fnun Nashua, breaking all con- nection! lo passenger* for this city, fnun any direction on ihu line* or these roads. A Iralii from Lowell to Lnwmnee, after ihe arrival of those connecting, would not only prove a great convenience, but Insure a large amount nf New

York and western Massachusetts travel, now compelled to go, at a disadvantage, by Ihe way ui -. constantly ore passengers reaching Worcester from New York and (he Wust, too late to reach (his city via Boston, |o whom such a train, by way of Ayer nnd Isiwell, woiilil prove of great advantage, and we trust the en- terprising manngera of the Lowell muds will at once ndd this extni train, each way, morning mid evening, fur the neeoniuiodation of Ihe rap- idly Increasing business interests of this city.


Tun Ji VBNILB Orri-.KiiKits.—The internet ol our citizens in the problem mm under consid- eration by the authorities, as to Ihu treatment and discipline of Javenile oOcoder*, w cicntly attested by the Immense meeting in the City lull on Sunday evening; draw and nailer les were alike crowded, ami many were iiunhh In secure, acate, Capt. Herrhk presided, and t nniiiU-r of the clergymen and others were upon ihe platform; Itev. ('. K. Fisher offered prayer, and Sherlir Herrhk, after a few introductory remarks, read a letter from Mayor Torli apologizing for his enforced absence, and warm- ly ctiiiimctiding the objects of the gathering. Itev, Dr. 1'icrce, who boa hud many years con-

nection with the House of Refuge, lUmlull'i Island, New York, and the School furOirlsat Lancaster, wns im rod need, and made Interesting address of an hour's length, drawing largely from his varied experience In Mils held, showing Ihe necessity fin* some oilier plan for tho disposition of then law breakers, not lo lie regarded as i-onnrrned criminal*, ihnn conAno- meiit In ordinary penlterrtlariee, Dr. Plena cited a large iiuinla'i' of cases, falling under hi* own obacrvatlon, wborajudlcami ireatment Im* restored lo lorlety, as useful and honest ruem- liers, those guilty ofn single, early unVnog,

The ipenkcr warmly urged a more bnmaali* tag method of dealing with those who bad not become Steeped In crime, illuslrslcd the good resiills uf kind (reatment, ami heartily endorsed the cstahllshmi-nl of industrial schools of houses of refuge for Ihe young offenders, imuiy of

ay thus be reclaimed and prevented .sinking into Ihe i lass of hardened erlnil-

IIONATION 1'AUTV.—last evening n large as- semblage gathered at the Division Street Meth- odist Church for the purpose of social enjoy- ment. T*e h..-|.linl.l, UHUCS of the . ....«.< (-.n- il-iii had prepnreil a tumptlug supjicr. But Ihe crowning glory of the evening wns the presenta- tion 10 the pastor, Itev. W. tl. 11. l'illshiiry, of n purse containing about JfKHI. This amount wu* raised by voluntary subscriptions of mem- ber* of the congregation, its u slight token of their appreciation of their minister's services und merit*. Though -Mr. 1'illsbury ha* tailored in this dry hot fifteen month*, he has taken rank a* one of the ablest preachers nml most r.ealous and faithful iiastors working in our midst. Ik- Is certainly deserving of this free-will tillering of bis jieople.—}turlingtim (Iowa) Uairk-lii/e.

Wu congratulate the happy pastor nnd people ■pon their mutual understanding. Mr. 1'ills- bury, many years ago, was a Lawrence mill boy, and afterwards entered the Methodist pat- pit. We are informed the gentleman now ha* charge of an extensive educational institution within iho denomination, aside from his pns- torul lulsirs.

TIIK PAOino CEltnuL MH.I..—The two new- stories added to this mill, arc nearly completed, ami the removal of the canvas weather protect- ors, reveals the tasteful I mut of one of (he most substantial nml well proportioned mills lu our city. Tho work of raising the nsif and enlarg- ing the building has been accomplished during (he severe winter, without tlie loss of an hour's time lu running the machinery of tho mill. Considerable addition* are U-ing made to the other 1-ulliliiigs of (his corporation, and founda- tions nre now being laid lor a large Corliss en- gine, to lie placed near Uie dye house- The Completion of these additions, largely Increase the capacity ami number uf employes of (his

corporation, already the largest, as it is one of the best managed and most successful ill til United stubs. If not hi the world.

BRMOFIT TO A FiHBHan.—Oar readers win remember reading, a few days ilncc, of the nar- row escape of, ami severe injury received by Mr. Chat. II. (Jilt-*, at Ihe freight depot. Mr. Giles is the popular foreman of Fssex Steamer Com. puny, and the members of the company have decided to give n Inll on the evening of Thurs- day, April 10th, the receipts to Isj given to their Foreman. The object is a worthy one, the gen- tleman well known by the community, and our lirciucii and citizens will unite lu a geueruun spirit to swell the receipts uf the entertainment.

UoMHCtl a.—This organization held its an- nual meeting at their risiiu* nu Fast evening, at which time the following oil leers were elected lor Ihe ensuing year i—

)■■...,/.«(.- )i;iiii,-i Nasmi.

I ire /'.-si.,—Melvln ll.-nl. Ser'yaml TVaSH.,—P. B. RoMlMOJI, ItirrHor*,—A. A. Currier, Pardon ArmlagtOO,

llczckhih riuminer.

TIIK BOSTON I.*sn CHHI-AM, is possessed of very valuable Inb-ro-is nnd property, ami are rapidly developing the resources of llieir hinds; oa will be seen by the ndvertismeul, giving Hill particulars; sonic of the stack of thu tipntiy^b to be sold at auction, on the till li lust.

—Tho service* al St. John's Church on Run day next will lie n» follows: Morning Prayer ami IJtony Service at 1) x. u.; celebration of the. Holy Communion, with choral service, ami sermon ut 10.30 A. M. livening Prayer and ser- mon at 7 r. v. The Rev. Father Cnggshull will officiate.

io7 -; Sundries, Sidewalk, School-lnr.statcHchoolfunil. 1,008 -'.

G. B, Hood, tolllomete. is;-J .School house. Street—SJIIakclin,sales,ete, -J.371 3

" gravel from Horn, DUI 11 " sundry parties, 4,"i u

State alii—reimbursed by Com- monwealth,

Tales collet-Uil. un>ioi i :uu,it» i

, MBO i

E^sex County Iten]^. Qloneetter boys tly dnlr kite*, though Ihcy

have to wear mittens meanwhile. The fioiHl Templar* of Olonccatar contemplate

n liul imisipie. Manchester indulges In pudding and la-nit

liariies, for which it is mdebtcd to (he i < ii- ■■' sewing circle.

The pastor of the Bapiist Church of Boekpotl has no fixed salary ; but tlie cuigregntinn fixes things sulisfuciorlly. The pews are all free, and cveryUidy is weleume (o attend and bear (he gospel.

The people of Guuceitcr Iwgiu to think spring is at band, as hand organ*, with painfully fa- miliar tuiicH have (nude their appearance.

The CopoAnn Advertiser aeye: "r'bih and granite furnish the greenbacks nf Cape Ann. Ono i.- din; out of the bowels of the earth, und the other pulbil from the depths uf the sea. With this digging und pulling the old Cape manages to keep along with the limes." Ami sends tmt good newspapers, we say.

Mr. II. Muckny Coffin has lieen appointed uostmaterai East Gloucester, vice J. Warren VVonson, whoso terra bus expired.

The chairman of the Board of Selectmen of (ilnticcstcr received* letter lust week, directed 'To the Mnir of the city, rlouccttcr, Mosr,"

The Mertiitiaek Journal savs thai a man can Ivo in Newburyport belter on three dollars a lav than in Lynn on the; and in Beabroolt two lollars will d.i as much for a family.

Salisbury has 1(1 schtsils, fil'.t registered schnl- irs, and nn average attendance of 1-11, making the percentage of utteiiilauec iiliout 73.

Ameslmrv has ,2'i public SI-IIIHIIS, !M7 scholars registered, mid un average attendance of ,:#, making the per ccntage of attendance 76.

Lynn complains oi hard times. The whole numherof rase*of liooteand shoei

shlpps'd from l.ynn for Ihe |*wt week wns 7080, against Kttll for the cnircsprmding (M-riml of last year, slmiiing a decrease of 431 cases.

A gentleman now living In Lynn attended sclusil alien nil (he scluail children in Lynn were laugh I in one room, about fifteen feel

Lynn bus had a number of eases of eerehro- spln'nl meningitis, several ufthem fatal.

A eoiifen-uce of New Fuglaud Methislist churches is lo be held in Lynn (his week, com- mencing on Wcdtiesduy.

llev. E, A. Ijiwrinec, I). I)., has resigned the pusioruteoftlie Third Church lu Marbk-heail.lo take elleci September 1st.

The flloueester Museum of Art mid Natural History has received a considerable donation of geological specimens mut foreign coins fnun Capt, William F. Wnodhurv, of ship Southern Bights.

On Friday, ns a man named Jacques, an en- gineer nt (ieorgo Upton's glue works lu Pea-

sly, was oiling the machinery, his clothing as caught on the shaft ami be was carried round it, breaking one leg ami one arm, and

otherwise severely Injuring him. It is hardly possible that be will sun ire.

Letters received in Newhurvport from Mrs, Huse In Europe, the mother of the young lady shot by Uie young Polish student, deny the statement that she has married the Bole. The voiing lady is with her mother and sisters h flcnnany, folly restored to health.

Mr. B. W. Nutting, nf the firm of Win. B Spnoncrft Co., of Boston, nnd a resident 0 l.vmi, died ou Saturday last nt Jacksonville I'la., where he hud gone'for his health.

It has U'en decided thnt Mm, Perkins shall remain nt the Charles street school, Newlmry port, nnd that an assistant teacher shall bean pointed.

llev. Charles Van Norden of Beverly has tendered his rcsignati is pastor of the Wash- ington Chureh and Society, to take cLicet on tin1

'JiltIt msi., and will become pastor of the Con l< ma I church tit Si. Albons, Vt.

PoTty-lhrce gamblers were before the poltet court in I,vim on Mundav, nml paid tines amoiiiiliug L- ■ — i

Mr. John Richer, machine operator for Mr. Oeo. A. Cnissmnn, Monroe Strict, .Lvnn, sewed, week before last, fimr Ikmmnrt Itre hutulrttl and thirteen pairs of DOOta,

Salisbury Point, the fanious nepot and manu- factory of dories, is doing a heavy business in Ihose arlidcs, one hundred and ninety having gone by rail In one week, besides one' hiiuili ■hipped in one day.

Murlilchia.l want* a brass band, Gloucester ax)«rtl the arrival of a minder of

young men from Cape lli.iun to join her Helling licet.

- Nine fishermen nf Gloucester arrived home Saturday, bringing three hundred und sixty thousaud ponndsofcod and halibut.

Mr. Ambrose Allen, a highly esteemed citizen oI'Marblelienil.ilh-.lnt his residence, nil Wed- nesday last, of Bright** disease of the kidneys

Charles Ooollwu was (band gtilllvof a vio- lation of ihe liipmr law ill the Lynn police eniirt Tuesday looming, ami wns line.] JtlO ami costs, with twenty days in the House or Correction. He appealod and was held under 9900 Isimls for trial at the Superior Court.

The regattas ofthe Beverly Vaeht Club w take place June 23 nt Beverly, July 12 nt Bn ton, July ■>« at Xaliaut, August 11 at Sivjim sctut, and August 30 at Boston. A cruise to Provlacctown is contempbued late in July.

The refusal of Ncwbiiry to move the town house nearer the nmmifiit luring village at the demit, has revived Ihe old tall, al suit making Bv

*—II by itself. Lying, tu it does in tli '

—Itev. A. M. Nil k.-i -..n of riytuoiith, Mass, will su|.ply the desk of the Unlversulist Church on Sunday.

—Hev.L. L. Wood will, for I he last time, ap- pear Mure an audience hi the City Hall, .Sun- day evening, in the Interest of Ihu Temper ltd.ii ii. Cl ib. The clergymen of tho city nre expeeted to 1K> present, and llm Tmstcr* of the Clttb will luku a collection for (he purpose of paying olf their indebtedness.

—It Is a pleasant and kindly cuntom to give present* to newly married couples. Ijist Wednesday evening some fifty ladies nml gen- tlemen repaired to the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joint-* McCleary. and U'lbro departing proved llu-lr gjtoem and good will by leaving sundry gifts, among which were au extension

.', a slWcr castor, down of silver knives and locks, napkin rings, ate. These were presented by Mr. Wallace Ahtaitt, eliciting a response

from Mr. J, J. Dolnnd. A collation was spread, il singing and social enjoyment putted away

the hours of the evening.

—ThiBJc correspondents and advertisers who did not scud in their favors until yesterday, for- getful Hint || was Past, will Had (herein the rea- son for Ihe iioiiappearaiiiif of llieir eoiilribu-

The tax lists of 1872 mm unite. I to * ll/.-Vrtill WHICH, b) ehutcjMnsts, wen rednoed lo $:!Hi,;wi, B0, ami adding the mm. res I. ten I bans tax, H,UA li, made the total amount Tor colh-ellon t.luVitil,

BV, of which amount the collector secured Bill,- ■K!i.«a—

The total Valuation of real and personal proper- ly ami rateable polls hi (lie City of Lawrence for Is;*.!, waa as follows:— Corporations, - I■ ■.-.i..■ ■:■. Tan'gUkBO

lM-r»t,tsjo, «Hi7,Tiil.i;-j Itesiilent*, s,!iTl,oio, ■> ••

per 11,000, 141,773.09 Non-reslileiits, l,l!)l,90l, " ■'

l-i C-1,'""', IS,!ttJ.(U

»*I,;I+J,7:I a.tjs,:tit7.Bi Number of rateable polls, 7,113, at TJ.(»I ll.tSUn

Total lax aaaessed In ISTi, ajnv.«!,iil

Tin- go* conaaOMd at tlie city I,.ill building dm- lnK tlie year, eoet »M7'i.i5, while the coal bill #11.1.00—Thu sale of grass from Uie Common land ITU.:-;, and liuo y\|a of concrete paving was tablet a coat of iftBkoa—During Ibe horse epi deaiiclt cc*t atslJsflo proi-ure ve4uateera tc draw anginas, etc., to tires—The |«y of areim-n, Including drivers of steamer* and hnsc earrlago*, anumntedta |I,Tiai»-Slxteen persons m-elved .Inmagi-s (rOUl the city, Anf peraeoal injury t» themaelve* or teams, and to property byflowage of water, H the aggregate amounC of gljBM Thu ally paid |M fur insurance- atepaln and tabor on the lire alnnn telegiaph cost $7'!S,i«— a-Vtl were pnnl for tlie support of urn inks of Itefonu and Industrial establishments-Seven physicians wen-ciilleil upon to examine eases of allogad lu sanity, for which they received $U0-Tliu repairs uiiilrdleriKlonsnt the tily hall eoet rJo.0Ui.ll- For U-iichers In the Free Evening school U coat ai^BTJa-The clly owns (he armories of (be Fourth Battery nml Sherman Cadets, and pays ♦'■■si fur that used by the l.oj.t liirantry-I'lic reg- ular police pay roll unwanted hi Ba**W.n,and thu rnaelal police to ainu.00—Tbe sale* of pro- duels from (he illy farm amounted to *1,P*1.'J7_

■Slate aid was paid In disabled soldiers, and sol- diers families In Ihe sum nf $11 ,;«H.S0-The tuila- ri.-s of our school teachurs amounted hi sm^vi.-i -The -Soulh Side tiraumuvr scluuil hi #la,li«.tw, for which was appropriated »7,iSJU.un- Tho salaries of city unicials, liieludiug aaniwinrii and HIT eiigliiei-rs, wcru in thu agirregnPi ♦!*,- 5.V..l«-The puyineiiUof men employed on streets, reservoirs, sewers, sidewalks, paving, etc., amounted lo »:1S,«0.71-Per labor in laying plans, making U'su, ete., far the pi<*iinaail aaltj works it cost $1.317.Ki— The expenae* of the public li. brary snnmiited Pi $.'..*Ti.rii—Tho real and per- sonal property of the city> he worth leatthhUBl that is exclusive of $lon,( worth or sewers, classed us unavailable property -The public buildings are valued aa follows :- Cily Hill, with contents, tsd.ooi) High school, Including holler house, 70,lmo Mllver school house, Prospect Hill bouse, Sewlulry street school bouse F.lui si. tclnml bouse. New 'ink st. school house, A shurysl. school bouse, Krauklin si. school house, Pine st. sebaol house, Woodland st. school house, Cross st, school house, Tower Hill school house, Riverside school bouse, I'ut-kiird school house, Bounder* srl 1 bouse, Methlieusl. school house, schoui house, Warren street, Knglne House, No. I, Kngitie House, No. ■. KngtM Bouse, Nn. .1, Rnglne Home, No. I,

If O 11) C Q O yi S i p.

—Rev. Mr. Weaver rlreached bis final dis- course, and closed his ptuloral lulsirs in this lily, on Sunday.

—Mr. W. 0. Howe, the furniture dealer, ha* erected a new and tasteful sign in front of hi*

premises, on Essex Street.

—The closing sociable of (tie Oread Army, for this season, un Wednesday evening next, promises to be a most attractive affair.

—The Temperance Reform Club has been re- organised1! and continues to pursue Its work of

reforming men with as much real a* ever.

-llev. L. L. Wood, of the Second Baptist church, closes bis Inlsirs with that ihiireh Sun- day next, and will probably leave Ibo city Tues- day following,

—Daring fhepast quarter, the letter carriers In this city, delivered 144,482 letters, and 91.NG0 papers; they'collected, during the same time,

ll\7Gi letters fnun the street Isixes.

—Messrs. Davis, Mono A Wiley of North Andover, have given their operatives nn hour's additional leisure each week, dismissing* them at six o'clock each evening, and nt live o'clock Sat unlay.

young ladies of the Cinderella Club, whose delightful entertainments have ndded to the pleasure of the community, and increased lie treasury of a deservliigcliarity.are arranging outlier attractive affair, for the benefit of the

City Mission.

—The frlcmbu.l Mr. 1'. 0. ViIIshury, cashier of tlie Lawrence National Flank, will be pleased to learn that he has so far recovered as to eua- ilc him to ride in a carriage to his friends in

luverhllL He confidently hopes to visit the bank this week.

he court Wednesday L. C. Bean, the man who was arrested fur improperly dlepoBingof he body of n child at the South Side last week, vns lined -S.:.' and costs, or in default of the payment thereof to be imprisoned four month*.

—One week from next Monday evening oe" irs the rendition of Ihe play of " Merchant

of Venice," by excellent talent from home and abroad. Mr. William ]'. Iliughnin nml John \V. Ryan, gentlemen of the Huston Press,

staid prominent characters in Ihe play.

—Tho passenger lists of ocean steamers are always carried ou board, and duplicates left at

ipany'* office at the port of embarkation ; cim*c'|iieittly, miles* the list 1* telegraphed by cable, It will be impossible to osccrddn fur a considerable time (he names of all Ihe passcn-

on i'".ir,l Hie ill-fated Atlantic.

We were pleased to observe one nf OtU popular young and single clergymen this week in company with n fair young friend, wend big his way to the City Hall. The Idea of a visit

the City Clerk for a " certificate " was sug- gested, but ivr presume only a view ofthe beau- tiful walls of the new hall was the object of the visit! We hope, the Conference will not inter- fere With the reverend gentlcmnn's work, now progressing so satisfactorily.

—In the Superior Court Wednesday, Mr. C.E. Driggs, counsel for Mrs. Vina Fisher, filed ft \K-

thton to have his client admitted to hail. Mrs. Fisher was arrested by Col. lienl some time ago on a charge of maintaining a li.pior nui- sance, it lieing her reeoiul offence. She wn*

held to the Superior Court, and gave boado in $300. Her sureties sidiseipiently surrendered her, and she was sent to jail where she has re matited since. Chief Justice llrlgham took llu matter Into consideration.

licl.l II towns—New bun-, Ocnrgclown and i low ley, and having interests distinct fmm might well be cut out and made a nice compact town.

The fishing schooner, J. II. Ornc, of moun- ter, fl7.fl3 tons, is supposed to have la-en last ui on (Jenrges Hank, over four weeks hnviiigelnpscl since she left port, ihe greater part ofthe Georg- es Heel having made two trips in the time. She bn line vessel, owned bv Sa ,,| Lane A broth- er, and rained at gd'sKl.

The Cu[ie Ann ministers have presented Itev.

token of their esteem.

Tbo flslt receipt* nt i,lout-ester last week, were li)7.0no llw. codfish, ai7,iNSi lbs. halibut, 800 11*. tnr/cn herring, and 200 ||w. «;,|t herring. The number of fishing arrivals was 30.


Albert I« Harwell woe arrested in Low Saturday for the larceny of u gold watch ami chain, valued, al jeiiO, from a man named Chase.

Coroner Fuller found the remain! of a female infant in one of the burial grounds, (Suliirdav, carefully done up in a starch box, nml Iviiig upon the mow, The ls,x was marked "J. O. Ii. A Son, Nashua, N. II."

Lowell bos one cue of small-mix. The pa. tlent recently arrived in the clly from liirli- moiul, Va.

The lirst Unlvcrsalisl Society contemplato Ibe erection ol a new church,

The whole estimated Inn by fire in Lowell during (ho year ending un the Ilrst of Aprl 91.1,000, <m which (here was u little over 812,1100 human eo.

Benjamin II. lVnhalliiw, n resident of I/,v ell for over Ihlrty-llve years and proprietor of lsiok nod job printing „,))(.,. ,|„iri, f(jr „ . years, thed at his home in (.'entreville, Sunday aftcnuiou, after II severe illm-ss. He leaves n lulu fly.

A small bant oil Sevenlh street, Uwcll.ownei! Iiy Henry I'. Clough, was burnt, Sunday nighl,

be origin or the lire is not known. Loss u few bundled dollars; Insarad,

Hcveral larcenies of money and clothing to tpdlc coiisiilerable aniiitiuts nre reported to the police, who aln-adv have some of (he guilty ones In charge and nre looking up the Other*, '

The Is.ys ofthe High School of Lowell are ag- itating the subject ui'orgnui/.ing n military toin- pany similar lo Hint in snine lhsston SCIHM'IIH ami propose to petition the clly for aid In the form

aLr\crsV;-,,;riilr',,,<'<,r ftm,w,Gf ""j3* The lirst Cnlversalist Society of Lowell 'have

purchased Ihe Tiixbnrv nnd llowers estates llurd Street, making a lot W x log feel, wldcl. ti.ey intend tu-build a new chureh. .... price paid bring grkaW. ll was voted to's.ll the 'burch lot pnichased on Appletou Stn*t,"

raise S-».-i,iSS) ns „ ehureh building fund.

A colleetloii taken for foreign missions in a chorea m Lowell, amounted to #8.50.

One ofthe Lowell elergynien, on Sunday, at- fered a terreut pelilio,, »|„,- llllr wicked sehnten and representative*."







ll.mknii.1 badder House, StgUon noose, flattery House, Ileursc House, Two Hospital building., Iity Stable*,

Total value of city buildings,

■.■,.-» i

-The ji.11 lest sort of u street advertisement Is thu mammoth Illustrated placard of the Dyer llmthcrs, opposite Ihe liny State Hank; thecum- lealillee are in the boat vein, and there In fun niuigh In the pictures for a double headed min-

strel show.

-The ball or the Knights of Pythias on Wed- sduy evening, was a splendid success. There

was a very large attendance and dancing was kept up to a late hour. The managers may con- gratulate themselves upon having given ono nf the Quest parlies ofthe season.

—A hull at Music Hall wns among tlie festiv- ities uf the night preceding Fust Day. The I company wu* large and an enjoyable time was passed.


llev.A. N. Benedict of llritlgc]«irt, Conn di llvered u lecture on (he subject of "• Telnlsc nnce." u( (he City Hall, Sunday evening, to a., audience variously estimated at fnun 1000 to I.SJO persons. 1 he subject was treated In a verv sclenlilie ma -r Iiy the lecturer, and was lis- leiied to with rapt attention bv the Inrirc aitdl eiiee assembleil. This lecture tt-its one of a si- nes In IK-delivered hi- lb,- auspices or the llaverhill and UradAwd Teiuperaiiee Alliance who nre doing avast iiuinitnt of good for the cause of temperance.

State Constable K. P. Howe scl/ed a barrel of ale Saturday from licrls il Siaplcs, Fleet .Street and one rmm Patrick Une, Washlnghm Street' Isislde a quantity of distilled li.pi.irs. A pitcher ofale was Ilrst hiunil, bnl a critical search was -miulrctl for Ihu fbmitaln. A lead pipe running through ■kparililnii was r.illoned into a three- inch plank slieir In a closet, In which was con- cealed a flat faucet. The barrel was round In „ cavity under the hearth. The concealment wu„

In their h ""'l "KaT}y ****** ",u oflIcow

Manchester, N. II.

A little daitglKer of Mr. Henry Rinlili 0f Mun- ches (er, wu Ihursday so severely waided by falling into a tub of boiling wider that she!

«t day. Bbe ivusiils.utn year old. Water Coianilssloeiers

died II

.. of Mauchesler, asked Ihe ( Iiy Council to nppreprlulo

W*e?«Ltocoml*te HW water works. The sum

Of Ibe seventy leachers engugcl in the schools of Manchester, la-1 t.nn, I'mty-lwo were eradii. atcs of the High School of Hint clly. *


nst UTore ini.lnight inst Saturday night II. ('imiiiiigluiiii of l.ynn Tell into Ihe ihs-k nf vkcr s wharf at Salem, and was rescued from wiling by Mr. Charles Chase, urn! a gentle- i whose name Is not known.

The Eastern Railroad have put four new cars ou their track, from Ibc Atlantic car Ihctorr in Salem.

—The early morning or " conn try" edition or the 11ns ton daily papers has I wen done away with, and our eltl/.ens who have been in the habit of getting a paper Iwl'me going to their work in the morning, will now lie obliged to wait until half post eight o'clock for their p* iwi-s. This edition ha* been printed soon after midnight, niuljsciit upon lhe. early freight trains, but the greater portion of the news is always published in the second edition,—early enough for Boston people, tail too late In send into the country by the freight train*.

—Tlie Ijtwrenee Choral Union are making extensive nn-ungeinciits fur a grand concert to take place ou Wednesday evening, the 10th in- stant. The artists engaged for thu occasion are Mrs. J. Houston West, Mrs. Flora A. Berry, Mr. John Winch and Mr. Charles Atwrcronibie. An elllcleiit ni'chestru will contribute to the suc- cess of the entertainment. Subscription lists are now open at Stratum's comer store, and subscribers for tickets will have the lirst choice of reserved seats. Our citizens should give tills enterprise their earnest rappBrt, ns we presume they will.

—The other day a middle aged, and appar- ently well to-do gentleman fnun the rural dis- tricts, stepped into Ihe store of one of our opti- cians, nnd asked to sco some ■pociaclllf. He was shown quite u largo number of palm, tart none of ih.-in appeared to suit lilin. At last, however, he appeared to have found a pair to stilt him; he walked up and down the More, peering at this object and that, und mattering, "Alt! ha! them's the glasses, tbcui'a tlio ticket." He asked permission to go ratable and look at the signs. This was accorded, nnd our rural friend paced up and down in front of (he More, glancing at the signs, and expressing himself highly gmtillcd with the result. He-cuterliig the store he enquired the price of Ihe spectacles, and was told he could have them for 82,50; he

handed over ike money and went on*, and the optician proceeded to put up hi* spectacles, and (band that blscnttomerbad bought a pair or frames with no glass lu them.

—A breach of promise ease recently tried In Vermont |Nstaoaaoe a local Interest, and the con- duct of the principal recalls (he career of a some- what similar character, two or three years ago. It appears that Itev. 11. A. Hough, culling him- self a Methodist preacher, came from F.nglaud and while stationed in Canada, became ac- quainted with Miss Knux, Ihe attractive daugh- ter of a well-to-do fanner; the acquaintance ripened Into Intimacy, and a marriage engage- ment. The young lady came to (his city, ami secured employment in one of the corporations, until they should bo in readiness fur marriage. Hough was transferred to Ihe Vermont confer- ence, nml, ns it seems, became enamored of another damsel, nml basely loft Iheuue to whom his faith had boat) plighted, and wns nturrled to Ids new love. Ho was tried by the conference tin' breach of promise, Itev. Dr. Harrows, id this city, appearing in thu case, ami ha* boon suspended o'uiii the church for one year.

—A child'* Innocent joke came to light just in iini.- in .-, i if ;i. ■ pi:-.- for the sliver wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Itewker, on Friday evening. It appears that the family of n neigh* l">r In the same block, hud n iveek or so lwfore been blessed bv the, advent of a new member, and to satisfy Ihe iiiqulsitiveness of n young brother and sister, they had boon told that Dr. K. brought the llltle stranger in a basket. The morning of the sliver wedding anniversary, as

the two children wore- playing on Ihu sidewalk, the genial Doctor passed, liearlng a big liuskct, with his contribution to the collation of tho even- lag) tho quick eyes of the youngsters caught sight of the covered Isisket, and their play stisjieiulcd ns they followed his steps Into the resilience of Mr. II. Hack (bey ran, and rush fug iulo (heir unit tier's chamber, both ejaculat- ed, lit u hrcnth : "Mania! mama I Mrs. 11. ha* a hew hahrl Dr. K.Jnst carried It hi there in the big basket he brought little sis, here, in!"

—A good story, ami a true one, Is told ofn ilisdngiib-hed Professor In n ncighlhiriug theo- logical Institution, who keenly relishes a joke,

lion whom n few months ago, in the absence of an assistant, tcui|>orarlly devolved Hie duly of reading, for correction, sen nous prepared by the students. One of these paptn, whose au- thor was nut eoiisplciioii* fur brilliancy, proved up. n examination to lot such a mass of dull platitudes, thnt the Professor gave up Ihe .ui, II,],i ut Improvement, and somewhat In lisgust returned it with no word of com- ment. Tbo writer, however, accepted Ihls as a most battering compliment, and could nut refrain from Informing a iiimilwr of his fellow students of ills extraordinary success In producing a discourse, in which oven the learned Divine, COOjd Oml nothing to criticise.

A few mornings after, overtaking the ptiilcssor 0H his way to thu hall, and Iwing greeted cordial- ly, ns Is that gentleman's wont, the elated stu- dent remarked that he Ml highly complimented

by the marked consideration hi* discourse bad ■Ived, in Its return with no criticism; that

upon hi* first invitation m preach, lie should

mekouse of Unit sen mm, and he had thought lierhaps the professor might kindly suggest two

- three- hymns appropriate lo the discourse. Well," responded tlie Professor, a queer smile

lurking around his mouth, "only one now stig-

gc*t* itself tonic, «* specially filling yqurser- nnA that la inc. stanza commencing :—

1 Now I lay me down to sleep r " The young man liade (he professor a some-

what abrupt good intmilng, and a hnlf lumr later, a fellow atudent entering Ids room, found upon (he coals the charred remains or a large roll of manuscript.


The lust day of April hn» from time immemo- rial boon given up to joking, and Tuesday was no exception to (he rule. Many n man and wo- man went to bed on Tuesday night sadder and wiser for the day's experience, it 1* hard to decide what this custom sprang from. The Ro- mans gave this month the name of Aprilit from Aptrire, to open, became it was the season when (he buds began (o open. By the Anglo Saxons it was called Ooster or Barter month, and by the Dutch gross-month. The custom of sending out u person on a booties* errand on the Am dav of April, Is said tolw a travesty of the send- ing hither and thither of Christ from Annas to Caiaphus, and from Pilate to Herod, because during the middle ages this scene In tbo life of our Saviour was nude the subject uf a miracle play ut Rotter, which always occurs In the month of April. It is also suggested that tho custom is the relic of siiiiie old heathen festival, but whatever It is derived from it appears to be universally observed. In France, a person lm- poaed Upon the first day of April Is called "in

poinemf Arrit"—an April Ash. In England, such a person is culled simply an April fool. In Scotland such a person Is called "an April gowk;" gowk is Scutch for cuckoo, nnd also

i .. i-h person. The custom in some parts of Europe,especially In the British Islands, is to send some one Upon an errand for some- thing grossly nonsensical—peTbufsj forplgcons' milk, the history of Adam's grandfather, or to make npiKiintment* which then Is no Intention to keep; or, to inform a passer by that there is dust upon his coat, or that his face Is smeared with mud. When tho person falls into tho snare set for him, he is greeted with a shout of laughter, and the term, "April fisil." or "gowk" is applied to him. It is worthy of mention that the Hindoos practice similar tricks on the 31st of March, when they celebrate what is known as the 11 nli Festival. Americans, w ho do every thing well, have improved upon the April cus- toms of the old countries, and un the first of April petpetrate joke* which leave the old coun- try customs in the shade. We describe a few as they occurred In this city on Tuesday. A stylishly .dressed lady, carrying with her no less than ten copies of the largest newspaper puli- liHhed In these parts, nnd adorned with a man- sard roof bnt, which added at least nine inches to her stature, wended bcr way up Essex street. Upon the sidewalk lay n small parrel, neatly done up In spotlessly white paper, and lied with red silk thread. As the lady came up to It she gracefully licnt her laxly and picked it up. A smile flitted over her face ns sho proceeded to untie the silken binding, and in her eyes a look of deep curiosity shone. She carefully undid the pared, nnd found within the pnper, a square piece of orood, on which was written In pencil, "April Fool," An expression of supreme din- gust passed over tlie Iicautiful features,as wood, paper, and silken fastenings were thrown Into the middle of the street, nnd the lady swept on, bcr proliosciB cleaving the nir penwndienlorly, nnd a glow in her eye* indicating that sho would experience more than ordinary delight In rcn- .dcring pennatiirely bald (he individual who had so cruelly Iwtrnyed her confidence. Dut this was nothing compared with what wa* to follow i An old nnd liattcrod stove-pipe hat lay on the sidewalk; a hoy came along; bo glanced nt it, and hi* eyes tilled with tear* of joy. He con- templated the inviting rbapenu n mon-ent, Ihen with a rush he darted upon It, and with his right loot gave that hat a kick which was siqi- posed to send it half a mile into the air. But we believe It was Hum* who said,

"The bust laid scheme* o' mice and men, tiang ail agley,

And leaves us naughl but grierand puiu For promised Joy."

Beneath that hat there was a large stone. To the kick ofthe Imy (he hat olfi-red no resistance, but the stone did. Instead of seeing the eha- p. .ui Hying tlmiugh the circumambient air, the juvenile beheld it He motionless; and siding down ■poa lite sidewalk he grasped (he toes of his right foot ntrectionalely, nnd howled. The doctor thinks that by careful attention to the poulticing lie may lie able toaltcml school when the vacation is over. Bnt this wo* not all. A neat and tostcliilly done up parcel lay upon the sidewalk-, n mail, his wife and little bog were passing. The child had Id* attention drawn to the parcel, and rushing forward picked it up. Ills paternal patent, olsservlng the proa his sou had secured, rushed forward, gently disengaged the Angers of Ids olfspring from the prize, and with a glance nmund him to see lliut nobody wal looking, placed it in hi* pocket, carefully buttoning up his coal, so that lie should mil lose it. As the imckage In ipiotiou coutalin.] only a sipMaro "chunk" of anthracite eoal, done up in while paper, and fastened with a silk, it I* presumed that when that Individual reached home and examined his prUe, he was hi mi mood for conducting family worship. It some- times happens, however, that those who would play joke* on others, nre frequently sold them- sclrc*. Such un Instance occurred On Tuesday. A gentleman who frequently engages the ser- vices of a man lu this city, having .nothing for him to do on Tuesday, thought to make him an April fool, nnd to when lie called In the morn- ing. In answer to the usual Interrogatory, "Have you anything for me to do today ?" said, "Yes Like (his note to Mr. W ," Tile note con- (alned tlie wools, "Send (be fool a litile further." The man went out with the tetter, and llmling himself |Ms.-n! around in such a manner, Iwgnu to smell a rat. As the letter WOI not sealed, and a* the manner in which he was be- ing sent around from one gentleman to another suggested an April Joke, he examined the mis- sive ami found that It was a* lie surmised—his occasional employer wn* making a fuol of him. Ho said nothing, however, returned tlie letter to the envelope, nnd pursued the even tenor of bis way. When lie had exhausted the circle of the gentleman's friends,he returned nnd said :"I usu- ally work foryotmt the rate of ?>.,» per day,but when I do I am coming my bread by the sweat of my brow. To-day my work ha* bean easy, hut 1 have had to make myself a fool to tieeoni- pll*h It, consequently I charge ymt '.-'.."" for (his day's work, ami ir you pay it now it will save trouble ami expense." The gentleman banded over the money, but at a late lumr Tues- day evening he was pu/.sling himself over Uie conundrum, "Who ha* been the fool In till* In- stance V In thl* way was the Am day of April ■pentlnthhl city, and the zest with which all classes or people entered into the observances,

i in ii i-li. ,1 evidence thnt however ancient the or- igin Of the custom, it has lost nothing in its ob- servatice in these days.

Tim Paooaaae In Uie various mechanic arts is no where bettor evidenced than In the success of tasteful and nrllstic trade journal*; we are in receipt of the Oarrvaye Jfoa«a*> art the Coach Maktr'i /onrun",published by I, 1). Ware, Phil- adelphia, and very handsomely illustrated Issues they are; (he Plates of elegant carriage* are In tho neatest style, and these trades are to Is? congratulated thai the demand fur advanced tostujms made such publications poeslhl,'.

A VALIAUI.K Nuw AIM.., or TIIK Winit.n i» now in process Df publication by T. Kllwood Zetl of Philadelphia, whoso encyclopedia proved aliko pi.pillar and successful. It i* a descrip- tive hand atlas, arranged and edited by Prof. John Bartholomew, comprising thirty-three

maps, measuring sixteen by eleven inches, and so clearly engraved, and carefully printed and colored as to present every portion of the world with great distinctness, Tho comparative Im- portance of the various town's arc further Indi- cated un Kidnap* by the character of lettering employed. In addition to the statistical Infor- mation contained hi the letter press which uc- comiHiuies each map, It may Iw stated that the Atlas presents thu results of the most recent discovery, and embrace* tho latest territorial chuiiges throughout thu world, ns will be found on Ihu maps of F.uropc, Fruncuniid Germany.

Bach inup ho* a complete Index, embracing every name to be found thereon, elnssilicd un-

gencrul and descriptive head*, and furnish- ing additional and important statistical iiifiiniin- "° "di as the extent and population of coun- tries, provinces and towns, Ibc heights of moun- tain*, the length of rivers, &0, Tho series con- cludes with a numlwr of cotupleic maps of Iho United Slate*, according to the Imcst surveys, and accompanied Iiy statist leal in format ion as snown by the last census.

The Alias will ba publbhcd In twenty-live parts, nt 50 cent* each, willi one or more maps in each pnrt, with descriptive letler-press. Ks cost loHiiliscrilwi-s, when completed, is v12.d0. Tho Atlas will IK-supplied to suliserllwrs only, every suliecrloer ta-lng expeeted to take the whole work. A part will Iw delivered monthly,

oltencr, if possible. Tho Alia* li now nearly completed, and Iho convenient sizu and low price will not fall to commend It to the public. The early numbers which wo have received are fully equal toltic promise* of tho prospectus. Mr. Horace King, Tlionipsouvllle, Conn., is the New Fnglnnd ngent, who will receive lahacrip- lions, or forward specimen copies, on receipt of

Advice to Young Men—Love dot, lot the thing you love may die,

T^e Smlovef Advertiser 'K/SSst^S'SSI * * Inn k»la I ........ 1 iv>dli



itoij House, painted vclvc niry room.. Invlilcu

ntlU' nud it uml nud »n»li IIHUIIK. It tint u illy cellar, a 1'urmu-c. nnd a never falling well of excel-

>( water. A garden -put in c.iiinrctnl with the idciice, which i- hiluaU'il near the Abbott ndemy, ami n«u I'm ii tl III.T m-hoob. IIIKI ■ chiifrhi-s in tuwu. Till' furniture will. 1M- lit ilhtbc h..u-c. A1.1.I. In IIKOIH.K KilsTKU.

Mr. George II. Scott of tin; seminary, 1ms rc- ' ciir.i n' :.]i 1.1 settle ;i.- pastor of the Oongn-

gatinmd Church In BlUorka. Mr. Seutt was for. merly a lawyer 111 Vermont

Prof, stowe's residence in Florida is offered tor -.1 Ic,

The haaailfal residence on Hlffh 6treet,owncd by Albert II. Higgle*, is offered for sale. It is 11 very valuable eattte, centrally located, in good ri'jmir ami every wuy desirable ns n splendid residence.

At the. minimi town mcctinjriii Melrose on Monday, Mrs. Samuel E. Bewail, Mrs. Charles Parker, ami Mis* Phcbd Norris wen chosen ■numbers Of the School ('0111 mil tee, and Miss Aililic Nkhols am) Miss Hannah I.ynde Trus-

tees of the Town Library. What arc we cum- tug to?

The Choral Union an preparing fur a conceit to be given in the town hall within a lew weeks.

Rev. Phillip* llro ,!;-. of Union, will deliver

the address at the dedication of the Memorial Hull on iin .:.■;!, of May.

We have recelvcil the catalogue of the Ron- ton University, which has just iiccii lamed. Tlic fullow[11 ii in the summary :—Students In School of Theology, 10.>; Law, Mi Music, 7; Total, 177.

Pnafdant Porter of Yale CoUege, win give n con rue of lectures at the Mcmlnnrv, coniincniini; April fftb, on 1 he relations of Inlellcclual I'hllos- ophy to Theology. Dr. Manning of Huston, will follow President Porter, with bis new conne of lectures on Modem Infidelity, and President Woobey will mceoed l>r. Manning with his lectures 011 l'olythrUtu and Foreign Missions,

William StUkney DAI removed with Ills lly to Newton.

William Hunter of Abbott Village has in Ids possession two pieces of silver coin which arc thirteen centuries old. One of them iK-ars the name of Fdwnrd 2d of Kngland, and the oth- er that of David 1st of Scotland. An earthen jar containing 08 Ibsot these coins wan dug up nlxiut two years since at King-Horn, Flfeshirc, Scotland. The pieces shown us by Mr. Hun- ter were recently sent to him from Scotland. If any antiquarian In this country can produce

older coins than these let him do §0. Rev. K. S. Williams preached a very interest-

ing and instructive discourse last Saliliatli morn- ing at the Pnt church to a large audience. His text wiu Zechariah 8.5: "And tlic streets or the city shall In- full of hoys ami girls playing In the streets thereof." The speaker dwelt up- on the importance of suitable recreations as needful not only fur the young but for all per- sons. At the same time he Impressed upon his hearers tho necessity of a consecration of the heart nnd tire to Christ as the prerequisite to nil real enjoyment. Tlic sermon throughout was vivacious and hopeful, and encouraging of Christian cheerfulness.

Alfred Hardy bus licen drawn n juror lor the Supremo Judicial Court, commencing at Sal em, April 15th.

A friend residing In this town Informs tin writur that one day last week he visited the noon prayer meeting in Rust of which Kev. Mr. F., a city clergyman, had charge, A min-

ister from a town In the neighborhood, iu mak- ing somo remarks respecting the state of religioi in his locality, said "that there were some very devoted Christians in the church who desired revival, but the trouble was found among the meniliers generally. They were too genteel, or perhaps that is not tlic right ward to express it What is It, Hr. f f They would not get down upon their knees." A brother Immediately of- fered [, that the Lord would take the store* oat Of tttt persons referred to. He had found the right word for the Reverend gentle* man.

Tlic Rand of Hope will give a free entertain- ment at the Town Hall on Friday evening, April lltli. It will consist of dialogues, decla- mation und music.

Union services were held at ihc South Church on F'ast Day. Sermon by Rev. John L. Taylor, Text, Ocncsis 4, vli. 1 "If thou doest well, shall thou not be accepted? and ir thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door." Ho gave an ex- tended ex|<osiilon and Illustration or the pas- sage. Any wrong course in lito Is insecure and dangerous, hence the special exposure. The commission of any wrung doing shows how easy It Is to lie overcome. They fell because they yielded when they should have resisted. Ava- rice, oppression, envy, nnd tho like, not to 1«

• cherished. Any sinful liablt, once contracted, will bear OU oft Tho young man who takes the llrst glass will Is- likely to liceomc a sot. Iiv gambling, the llrst coll of n serpent is ujion him. Any sinful custom or practice in soeiely, squandering money, attending the theatre, and reading rorrnptivo novel?, have n downward tendency. The current should be breasted. Avoid liad companions. A large proportion of tho crimes committed arise from evil compan- ionship. Persons nru drawn Into them. No man who allows himseir to do wrong mn tell lo what depths he may go, If tho temptations to evil were presented. Restraint 1* important. The man who allows himseir iu provocation may bo goaded intocilmens well temptation. No man can tell how Tar he would go by In- coming familiar with i-vil. By mmllfarity men are brought down. Danger hangs over every one. Profanity and a legion of other sins are illustrations.

What is all this to us? It should temper onr Judgments und feelings

toward criminals, Vigor nud deep-seated love nru needed. Reference was made to Chief Jus- tice Shaw's sentence of Prof. Wclislcr.

Wo should lie devoutly thankful for all re- straints to keep us from evil. God's Word, providences, and ordinances.

We should lie caniioned to avoid and lorsake nil evil.

We should resist the beginnings of evil, such us lend us Into tho power of the tempter. Self- ishness, eovctoiisnesH, avarice, neglect of duly, and nnguacdednUM to bo avoided. I<ot him that thlukoth lie slandoth take heed lest he fall. Those without religion should lie linnly set against evil thoughts, words and actions. Rewuro of skepticism. Young people lire con- fident ; let 1 In-ill beware of their own safety and tbo wellnrc of the community. Watch against insidious theories In politics and religion. The proper enforcement or laws require Integrity in framing and executing llietn. There Is danger or sentimental sympathy with criminals. These ore but a Tew or the many excellent thoughts expressed in the discourse, which was lisb to by a largo and attentive audience.

Tho other exercises were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Charles Smith, and Rev. (). W. Wright or tlic Free Church, and Wilbur or the ll.ipii«i Church. Several a iitheins were sung by the choir with line effect.

witli Die house. Applv to Audover. March U.IBTS.

sum A L.


Has taken Ihc nllleu receiillv occupied by Or. O. ■ . llrii.lfiinl.

< 'itic hour" till 11 A. v., I lo 1, and 7 to It I'. Ii. 1 all- aiti-miixi tmlnv untight. Andover. Nov. 1,1BH. W-

rP O N

Tho undersigned has relumed to his oM stand, over J.J.BBQWK'o store, 011 MAIN MIcrl, where uu will be Kind to wait on his former cuatotnen

il the public gem-rail v In nil uranohoe ofiiAlR DBHMUHS. a* Particular attention paid iu < oitii,K Ladiee'aad Children's Hair, craccful tor put lavins, ami oanieloue of always Improv- ing the uononel appearance or patrons, nil nre ordinlly invited to call.

WILLIAM II. SMITH. An.luvi'r,,Iaii.SI. UC1.

D" on

Uie 1




The ■Mbaerlber has a supply of COAL or difle ferent shwe and (|usllty, which bo will lurnlah

UnUimers at a reasonable price and short notice Dnlcrs may Iw 1- n at -IOIIN II. (HAMiLKIf; " L'riei"'iil Slorc or n.1 my nwidenee.

JOHN CIIAND1.KIL Andoror, Sept. fl, URf,-


The sulncrllier offers tor sale his resl estate, slluaU'il near Hie Wet Tari-h Chun-h. It con-ists of a comfortable two.story House with an I., a llarn nearly new, with cellar, and about *i

City Mitt I, and iilmul one mile iriun the Andovor depot JAMBS MKItltlM.

Amlover, Hnn-h 21, ls71 lltt"

nPBRRSMCE HENRY, Manulactuier or

< ortti.-. Caskets, mul nil kluila of «rave 4'lotbes.

Also dealer hi In nil kinds or Furniture. Mack Walnut, Client 11 lit, and l'ino Chandler Set#, lonslunlly on hum 1. CpholsUirlnR and ItepnlriiiK dona Iu tlic ni-ulcht in i.-r, ami at reasonable frices. Picture IVioiu-s. Ciirtnin-. nud Curtain

ixturcs constantly jm luiml, anil put up it' de- sired.

Opposite Memorial Hall. Andover.

TEI(ltF.NCK HBNKV, Aucllo*»**r mul


I.awrrucc and Audovcr Af(enelra.

'tyle, at short miticc and til prices that defy com- petition. Tim proprietors hold themselves re- sponsible fur all goods l.isl or mislaid, whelhi' iiiiiikn! ur 11.15. >:iti-.|iicli<<n L-uarantred in all

" lint

twill-, Kilwiinl McKni.-Jllt K-M'x r-l'reet

per dozen,W pieces, 7(1 cents. For turther particulars inipilru

I lie!''"' ■


Appearances indicate that spring is approach- ing; we have bad a visit from the robins, and have listened with |>h;asure to their songs. Not

ly these, however, are harbingers or spring; the general activity in business, Ihc prepara- tions for building, Ac, all Indicate that tho winter has gone, and that the season of work Is once more U]HJTI US, and this brings us to the business of our tetter.

RBAI. KSTATK AMI PuordtTY MOVEMENT*.— Mr. Jesse A. Towns is building n tenement block, which promises to l>c a convenient and commodious structure.—The house recently owned and occupied by Mr. F.lieu Suuuders, has been purchased by Mr. (Jco. K. 'Humhlctl.

■Mr. Andrew Silloway Is erecting a new resi- dence on the tract of land recently purchased by him (ram Mr. Albeit Smith.—The Ouy Curlcton property was sold at auction on lust Monday. The house and a piece or land at- tached were i..I.I to James W. Morsa for $!'.&>, und a lot of land adjoining was purchased by Mr. J. T. Douglas at 13 cents per fool, tho en- tire homestead bringing 01'iUO. A tract ol land situated near Mystic pond, was purchased by Mr. Varnuiu Corliss, nt9t2.7Jpcr acre. A ■amber of lots or wood on the same, were pur- chased 1')' J. M. Dow, Jerome Cross, Samuel Wobeter, Oco. Kent and A. 11. Pearl.

Tun I.ITKUAUV ASSOCIATION.—Tills organi- sation is iu .1 Nourishing condition, and each week the interest in Its welfare deepens. There is little doubt but that 11 is doing much to le- ant and elevate its member!, to sny nothing or tlic additional knowledge they weekly obtain from listening to and participating iu its discus- sions. It cannot prove otherwise- than a I (Clie- nt to the young, who, ticholdiug the example of their elders In seeking altar information, matt have their own own elions stimulated in this direction. Tbo qnettwn brought up for dis- cussion Iu the association last Monday evening, as announced last week, was: "Resolved, that horse trotting ought not to lie allowed at Agri- cultural fairs." Messrs. J. 0. Parker, D. W. Tcnncy, S. O. Sargent, und others particljiated in the discussion, which was able on both sides. A vote at the close of the dclwto decided tho .piestion iu the nillrmative. The music provid- ed ut these meetings is <mitc an Interesting fea- ture, and does iniieh to make the meetings at- tractive. Tlic tmcstlou to lie discussed next Monday evening Is," Hcsolvcd, Hint money has more Influence than education."

NBOIIO MIN'MTUELBY.—Our citizens were fa- vored witli an entertainment introducing n choice selection of negro melodies, and some other features laughable and pleasure giving. The organisation is composed of young men belonging to this town, And will In future lie known as Lovrleu and Goodwin's Mlnstrcli They gave an entertainment of which no pro- resslonal troupe might lie ashamed, and which included songs nnd dances, a comic sketch on titled-' The Rival Toilers," nnd ihc well known and laughable " Rounce Him." The entertain- ment was given lor the benefit of Mr. John K. Hardy, and it was well patronized; wo hope

cases. Price per doiten, including (lire? slar.-l.ed hnve the opportunity of listening to these miu- '"" strcls again.

L-iku1, r.'.ni.i.i D..-niii , ;w r.»n-A i-uni i', and II. S. Wh|le, olttce ut T. HenryV ■et, Andover.

West Amcsbury, Nov. I, 1ST*, sent t

SoodsttoreofK. McKay,' esmateh.

rink, and frte ••/ txfnut. (ioods inlende.1 for the Laundry vleftoo Honday »r Tuesdsv, nt the dry KIMHIS sioru or V.. McKav, « ill be alU-mled to with


Amo Kills, InU- of North Andover, In the eottnlv or Ksscx, yen- man.ileeeased.l.fl ilc.nn.l has laU.-n upon himseir that trust by RivliiK I.OIOIH, a.. Ihe law direct*. All iiei-snns luiving ih uinud* IIJMHI the eslato or said ileecttnedsrercipiiicl loc\hil,n ihetatnu; nnd nil persons Indebted to ssid estate are called upon lo make psvmeiit lo IKHiATIo II. KLLIS. Ksec'r.

Nurtli Andover, March 4, 1HTX Sliiiiiliil*


West Pariah Chinch. It cniini*tsof n house newly shingled and painted, with flee rooms, having dry cellar nnd a well of cicilrciil water; n bar 17 by 23. t'mtcr and n<U"luinK the bidhliiigs at about three iic re- nt l.iu-l, i-inl>i in-iii>r a line orchard of peach, penr and ripple Irecs, and surrounded by :i Mib.-timtlnl clone wnll. *lt prodiu-iil 51 barrels of fruit last year. The prot>erty will be fold ehenp, and litlons el \<n\ made easy, nn Hie owner Is nboiil lo reinove wet. Apple on the premises. JAHK8 u'

Andover. March H, 1B7S.


(HOIltl i \io.v


Wednesday Evening, April 16th.

The Lawrence Choral Union,

S. IU. DOWHS, Conductor,

AftnlHThl> H.

'l'lESDAY, APH1I. 1st, 1»7»,

BTROH TRUELL A CO. ' will nOcr an «■««-«>*t aasortiurktl of DRESS

GOODS, Just purchased la Hie NKW YoUt

luarkets, cowprlsitiK many uovcltlci.


QLACE POPLINS ui the chcieeat New Shades.


MIAMI,* iu New siyl.-s, never before shown.

1 lot Japanese l.lnrii NUIIIIIKS, " ele, due

c I-, at a Very Low price.

' shall also add to our already large stock of

CARPETINOS. many New Stylo* In Brussels, Tspestrics, and

Kxtras, selected with irreat care, and Kamu.iAi.LT

IIAITKU to the ISest ItetAil Trade.

fi., vl ". s new lot of Velvet, llin-et , and

Tapestry Rl'CiS.

OIL CLOTHS ttom the widest sheet to the

narrowest made.

Hive US nn curly call, and We will u«Ur> you

that we men 11 I.II»liir■*.

«,, mn price J shall be as low as the lowest

■imitations, taklua* (juality hito en a si deration.

Mrs. J. HOUSTON WEST, Soprano.

Mrs. FLORA A. BARRY. Conlrallo.

Mr. JOHN WINCH. Basso,





WILL >■■ l.i .>!■■■■

The Woman of Samaria,

A Cantata by J. Sterndalo Bennett,

MiscKi.LAsi.ois.—The National Bank ofMc- fhucn has declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. This Institution Is In n flourishInj; condition.—Considerable Inconvenience Is felt nt the delay In the arrival of the Doaton papers In flic morning, but nc suppose wo must get used to the change.—An organ concert will be given shortly In one of our churches by the class of Mr. Oco. Harris, which was recently dismissed for the season. QLILL.


They have Uu* re-|»'el mul cnnlldcncoor tire force, or which they are most worth)'. May they prosper In the future, even bellirr tlinu hi the past, is the sincere wish of many workers. *

ftlassrs. Davis ft Furhcr have Just completed their new bain, which Is nn ornament to the place. The old nne Is bcinu torn down to make room for furtlH'r Inpnivenieiils.

There hnve been some ehninccs at the machine simp ainee ln.-t Batnrwaj. Mr. Ooodnia leaves to take earc ofhU Inrm :il Aver's villaKe.anit Mr.J. \. Taylor, orerneer of the jack-room, who will in future Ki*e his iilleutii-ii to the Iio-urancc business. Mr. Taylor has served this eomuany Tor twenty

The Poi*ty-taeoond PMJVIIII,

Y\T A a o N s .

WILLIAM POOR, MimufaetmxT of

Exprese, Mtulcet, Dutcher, store, Farm tuid Buelnoua WmreiiH.

a«rltepnlring in nil Its brunches; nnd nil work :■ i ...'.'■-1 ns ■ ■ i ■:■ ■ I Andover, alurch It, IHT1. tf-



COFFINS, -CASKETS, ROBKfl, and other article" connected with tin? business, prompUy and in lh< hlc-t .-I. I.<- and itnMi.

t'oiflns and Caskets Ihilshcil In oil, wax, or cov- cn-.l with bnm.lrli.lh.

The attention of the trade resjiei-lfullv solicited. Trice:, ns low and llnlsh as g.M>d as 1* to lie found.

WOODMAN AND OKADTKEK Next North orTown Hall,

Andover, «■■(, 41, 1H71. -*


IN ALL ITS i:.; ■. ■■ II i.-, nr

SAMUliiL WOODMAN. In Briek lluildlng next north of tho Town Hall,

ANUOVElt, 'i V ■ ■ ,

Where mnv he round a (rood assortment of Kurni ture, mnsisluiK ni Kiichen. < ICIIIIIHT and Tarloi Furniture, Mamwee, H-.-u ■, Ikil.llnj, Window Shade* Ac, Ac.

MntresBCs, Lounges, Homs, nnd Tailor Sets adc to order, orri-paired uml iiphnUU-red. llesks.TahlcH, and '"Id pi.i'e» made as deslre.1.

Curtains ii-i I and IIUIIK, Cantels laid, ami Ueueral .lohbinit done.

K very tiling sold as low as can be ultorded, and ivni iLinled an rcpii-seiiU-d.

Aaent- for the c.lcbiiif-d JONKH' t'ATENT SI'lUNtJ liKii, beet In innrLei. Various other

years, and Ids (,'eiiinl face and plciwint iv;n . I be missed by many. Mr. Tavloi'» employ es nnged a very pretty surprise; he lielns out of room, was seal n.i- nl six o'clock, and to hU

■iiilse round all of bis men gathered nniund his ... A, upon which was plncol an eh'KBiit silver lee pitcher and gnldcl, suitably enjrrave.1. Mr. Tho


by MKNliKI.SStHlN.

«s>ii!'"!i'ii"\ 1'AI'KBH open miiil the lOtli

or April, at STIiATTON'ri earner store.

Subicribere will have First Choice of


Mr. llcnrv KeimUtnn has opened a jrrimerv store nt lliest-oul [orineik oeiupied by Snsh ft llndcliffe, nnd an In- hai liium friends he will no doubt do well. Mr. J. C. Sargent takes chance of the business, and every otic knows that he Is the IIKIII man to rim a store in (jnod shape.

Ilev. II. Y. Hamilton, lioiuciti of this place, preached laiL^iabhath nt thu Congrcgalloual -hnrch.

Ilev. I,. Klsh, of Lho Mellindisl church, preacheil his farewell sermon I i-t sabbnih. There will lie no serrleeat tills etiurch next Sabbath. I..

—Major Kb' n Button hus a clever horse, one

th:ii ran run away, nnd not do much damage. This morning as the horse, attached to alight Concord wagon, was standing iu front of a blacksmith shop on Lowell street, he became amoved by a dog, and ran away, passing down Itroadwny, thence through Essex street, taking tho sidewalk nt Huutoou's comer, thence up Jackson street, colliding with a milk wagun,— and nil this trip, partly on a crowded sidewalk, and no damage to horse, man, or wagon.

13u(4ii\e^^ Jlotiiie^. Girt-.AT n.utciwx upk'ii today; one case Jap-

inese linen suitings, nl 12A cents per yard. llneai Oo.

Dm- Kiuu'i.i. loarsencss. No


IIAI.SAM for Coiifths, Colds, ire, mi pay. Sold by I>roRnlsts,

flee'ndverllscinent orthc New Kngland Con- Bervntorv of Music In this week's paper. IU spring term opens April 21st.

er.-lnu. 1.1MTJ.

Ballard Vale.

iioiiitmeul with Ihe Melhodlht church nn.i soiie last Sunday. Ills labors hem have been murk with i-iicoiirnip'inetit, and a deal of success, ai . the separation ol pii.-ter an.I people U universally rcgreued. Ills effortn lo build up nnd promote the interest «f Hie Sabbath scluml, IIIITO been un-

,,, Hi, mi,- ami in [lie evnni.i: Mr. n.j;ooi[ delivered his elushig sermon. There was a large nltendauce on both occasions.

The Mhnwshln 1ms assumed IW usual spring altitude, carrying away the lee mndually ami without damage lo propertv. The .iliiindnnco ol witter has caused a redact in the hours or la bor, tills week, for UIOBII employed in the mills


The Illgglus Batata on llik-h SlreeL is offen-il for sale. It OOMhttl of a nent eotUWe Saimed and blinded, with parlor, sillii

luilig room, kitchen, wash room nnd cliauihcrs, togellu-i' « lib numerous close!-', and Hit other convenience. Connected with II is a splendid French roof luim, containing a carriage house anil stable, with a good cellar under the whole id it. With Ihc buildings Is about half an acre or excellent land, upon which are grape vines, currant bushes, and apple, pear and other null tree*. The place i- eli«iblj located In n good neighborhood, and hut a short dlslanee from Ihe port ofllie, demit, schools nn<\ ehurclies. Far fur- ther particulars en.pdre of Alls-rl II. lliKglns, the owner, orthu linn of llrown, Hogg ft Taj lor, Hus- ton, or or the subscriber.

Andover, April 4, 18TX CKOIH.K KOSTKK.


The Biibscrilrcrs will lie In session, mr business, at their (Ullee, on ITOSDAT ATTKKMOOM next, ApillTlh. JOHN II. FLINT,


(selectmen or Amlover. Andover, April 4,1ML "


_._ .jiy api with Hie will annexed or Uu- ustule of

Joseph I,. Low, late of Andover, In thu county of Kssex, yeoman, deceased, and has taken upon him self Uuil trust by |lrtaij| bondii as Uie law directs. AM (lemon* IUIVIUK demaicl- u;■'■" the e t de ,,t -m,I deceased am reoniicl I., e-it.ii'd the same; ntnlal. iM-rsons imlt-liled to snl.l e-ital.- ate culled Upon t. makeiiaynient to IJKUltliK rUHTEH, Adm'r.

Andover, April 1,1173. Kapl

pgimuxiHG AaBMia.—But tii« docep* live linture of bulk It) fertilizing tuna If* Is not (.-online(d to Imrn-yanl mnntirc. Lcuvcs, pent, muck, chaff, etc., BoM to lie cam- lully examined In order to iimicrNtniid tliclrnctual vnluc to tbo fanner. I barn made ■omevbnt exttmdad analyeui or thine BObatanoea ii> trtdor 10 test the cor- netBou or some nubllibod statement* re- gardins; tben, ana also to leant of how InueU poaldrn service tlicy may bo to tbo farmer. A bushel or mil pressed dry leaves, as they full from the trees In au- tumn, weighs about four pounds; liy further drying, they part with H little more thnn ill) per cent, or witter held in the cells or the leaf titnieliirc. A cord of illisoliitcly dry leaves will Weigh aliout il2S lbs., rnokonlng one hundred bushels to the cord. In weight, than, a cord rej>- resenls nholit one Iweinii of n rord of wet harn-yuril manure, nnd IT they contain the same amount or Ibrtlllalng material In the sniiic I'diidltloii, would he m|unl III value to that amount of niunnrc. Hut this is mr from heliiR the fact. The dried leaves 1 have found to stand relatively to the leached orgaula matter or manure, as Hi to HO. iirnsh value: nod when the soluble salts of manure are taken Into account, the comparative value Is ns 10 to 00, weight for weight. A cord or dry forest leaves, made up of the usual deciduous varieties, maple, beech, 6ak, etc., hus nil actual manurlul value of not over 11 fly cents, reckonhig good stable manure at eight dollars the cord. Will It pay to collect them? Certainly not, Tor the amount of fertilising material they con- tain. As litter or absorbents In tne sta- ble, leaves have some value, but less thnn straw, Inasmuch us they lack the reedy character orstrnw, nntl heennse they are far more slowly decoinposed.—Frtnn Dr. JVtoAotVl Firtttitlr Scimcr.

m *■— »— — A lUii.uoAii SCAIIK.—An usiisual scene was

presented tUlhe Fifth Avenue Hotel, frlday nlRht, there lieiiiK n iptlhcrlntr "t a nuoilicr or railway PManate* whoso niorrejxam wealth it is believed wiiul.l reach one hundred million dollars. Mo- hotly seemed to know what this meeting portend- ed, hut It was Mattel Uiat the next Rtova on rail roads would l>o ili< DWet stupendous on reronl. Amnntt the guci-U at the hotel were Oakes nnd Oliver Ames, Sidney Hilton, who has thu whole r on tract Tor bulldinK Vauderbilt's double track, Kdwnnl Atkins, n Huston millionaire, 0, H. Ilush- nell, formerly vice president of Uio Union I'aclllc railroad, (onjtressman llnmum, Uio Connecticut <■ ■ i ■' ' .'• ■■-■-■■■. Isaan T. Hatch or IlulTnlo, Maj. (ieu. Humslde or Uhotlc IsUnd, SK-UOT. Well* or Virginia, -lohn HulT nmt a seoro of others. Hon. Kremont arrlvwl at a lalo hour hi the evening, but sold his presence had no connection with the con- fUimoe llany assert that tho mectlni,' was mr I'oin i. -,i purposes.

When the blood liecomes Impure Old Ur. Ooodliuc's Hitters will restore and purify the same, and impart vigor and tone to tho system. Bold by druggists and dealers In medicines gen- erally.

SrwtAi: NOTICE.—Call and see the dress goods ro sell for ii cents per. yard; linen suitings at IS cm..; while i-. k. at tt uml .171 cents.

(1. I). AltllSTItOM).



Lawrence, March 11,1BTS. MKSS its. lii II ; I.K, I,E\ I.A s n * MI AnEBCuoMHiK:

UenUcmen :~The inrfurmance your excellent Amateur Company gave, a few weeks ago, of the "tlvrclianl of Veniee" ami " Itombaste* Kurtoso,'

Ihe tieuuflt or I'luuniclan I^slge V, and A. M-. i rendered In such nn able aud artistic style,

that many of those who liad the pleasure of suing It think that many who were not ilu-r II as Uioso who were, would bo ploaseit to have

j. u repeat tlic samu nt some aarly day, if you can or Kan lie your company for that purpose. J. W. Smith, Andover, J. Fallon, Law mice, J.K.Tarbox, Lawrence, James Payne, " C. A. Urown, " Jas. Walton, Uethuen, " l'. Kirk, " J.Walworth, Law rcm- ... I'. Clark. " H.F.Boblnson, Jona. Craven, " William UeU, » P.U.rillshury. " J. K. Blugham, llobL Christie, " ItobL lUughton, » U. It.Stoddard, "

Litwienee, March 2S, 1ST3. MKSSIIK. SMITH, KAI.I.UN, TAIIHOX, PAtlna

w»I.WI iii I'II, and others: (icnflcmcn :—It Is gratifying to know that our

efforts lo please have merited ) our commendation. Wo shall be happy to comply with your request, nnd will reiK-al the i.iercx named on the evening of Kastcr Monday, April 14th. in City Hall. The proceeds of the entertainment, after deducting noeessary cximnscs, will lie devoted to charitable iitirpnsfH, a llimrsl proportion to be placeil nt Uie tlfsiiosal or our eWelei.t City Missionary.

WoaiT.ireiilleuu'n.wltli the highest regards, Your obedient servant-',

Janaa ROOLK, Tin.MIS LKVLAKII, CIIAS. AiiKiicuoumx.


Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers, 349 * 9S» EaatX ITREET. LAWRENCE.




Now held by iha CompHr *m CAlUUral to fltritt **■ ytatmt of Mert|r>{;. ■

Maid b> KiiglUh Urlrs.

To be Sold at Auction without Reserve I

pursuant to a mutual agreement between the executice offleer* of tho Conipnny and the owner of the St.wk.


Wednesday, 16th day of April, AT TIB

Merchant*' Exchange Reading Room,


Sale to commence at ill o'clock A. M.

The Stock will be offered in lots of OM: HI \- nitt'.i i Biuaaa, with the right of buyer to lake any number not exceeding VIVE HUMIIKKO. The con- ditions of sale to bo the same a* at the lireat Sale by the Company January tith, 1STS.

Tbo standing, ob}ects and plans of the Boston Land Company are now so well known and so genernUy understood, Uuil it Is not deemed neces- sary to wire any detailed statement of tliem iu this connection. It may be niBaUoned, however, that every snare or tbo 23,000 ooered by and sold for Uie Company In January has been taken and i lied for In strict compliance with the condition! that sale, and there are now In its pcswesslon solid assets sufficient to pay off all Its liabilities—secur- ing to It the unencumbered ownership of

Fifty Minions Feet of Land I and citwiMve and

Very Valuable Riparian Rights in Boston Harbor I

togetlicr with more

$120,000 Surplus Cash in its Treasury!

The unprecedented!)' strong financial condition or the roHipaii). and Uie favorable progress or lin- IHirtant measures aflecUng the value of its prop- erty, are In themselves amply sufficient lo make the stock cheaper to-day at SB than It was at the time or the last sale at Ihc price It then brought, which was acknowledged by all familiar with Uie facts to be very low.

T1.I. will fe* the last Area ainblle sale of mi) large lot of Ihc slack.

OFFICE***. resident, Alpbeoal'.Blake.ei'Ilydel'ark; Vice

1'ie I,lent, Charles II.1 Coffin, of Kewbury|Mirt; er, Kdward Turner, ofQulncy; Directors,

A. r. Itiaku or nyde I'arn, Bdwae* Tamer of (Jiiloey, (I. I). A-hley ofXew York, John A. I'ray, or Boston, James II. Collins of Cambridge, C. A. White or Hyde 1'ark, 8. A. Bradbury "' Boatou, . ■!,.-. 11 Coflln of Newburyuort, John Q. Webster or DoHton, Asapli Churchill lOUi Want, Boston, John C. Watson of Boston, It A. Bicbards of Bo.' ton, K. P. White of New Tork.

It. I.. DAT *. COM, lw1e<Ml]ai>iab

CPKINO 1878.

The Ifew aatd Klrgaal


204 Essex Street. now occupied by


Is attracting much attention by Uie Beautiful and Elegant display of

NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS! me In lho city keep a belter assortment of

Prints, (jingliams, and Cottons, bulh bleached and Brown, from 10, II ami 1S| cents per yard. up.

Hr. HcKAV ha*


White, Brown, Turkey lied and Damask, at very' LOW prices; mul, In (act, everything from a Paper of Pins to Uie nicest or Black silks.

A v i ■ it to his store. In

Beach'B New Block, No. 204, In the pursuit of Dry <>oods, will well repay any lady. *J*rThere the <, 1 - will be freely shown, ami without urging.

The success or air. MCKAY, In (he pasl Are years. Is a sufficient guarantee to all that In- lias

t a ]»!■■■ lar want, rli:—

Soiling a I,:ir^e Quantity of GooOa at a

Small Advance on tlic Vlrat Cost.

Uirn Min A CALL

Ml are Welcome, even to Look.

204 Essex street, Beach's New Block,

Kaaa ma POST omen, Smimh"


r° LET,

S i i t 1\ fi.

for Parties, Balls, etc,, Crockery, Ulass Ware, Plated and Common Hpoons and Knives nnd Forks, by JOHN C. DOW A CO.


"POPULAR STORE" ■ A Grand*>- of

New and Elegant Dress Goods IM ALL THK

NEW C0L0RINOS AND FABRICS! Adapted for the routine; Nraias,

a., ivc bare made Rxtenslvc Arrangeinents to

ha*o on bund a full line of lioods In ALL our

Departments. Customers can rely on having a

grsatl aasertnsent to choose from, and, as

heri'tnliive, our prleea u ill be I he Iminl III 1 lie


Foulard and Plain Silks In all the new dellunlo color* and tints.

ni.AOK BILK 8, a fall variety of all the different make* In the


PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. In Taffetas, Pure Mohntrs, French Delaines, All

Wool Poplins, and everything New nud Fnshli

iiblc iinpi>it<-d from the French and British


A large lot of ttlark Alpaca*, Pure Mo-

hair* and Brilliant Inc., from Sic to (I. no yd.

Black Silks *>•'-. I* l-"': » liargnln, woHh

50c a yanl moro.

a*r*r7e most cordially invite Inapeellon of our



SmiMi Doon i HUM POST Orncn.


Successor* to CAMrriKI.I. A TATLOR.



39*3 & 330 l'.sscx sti-eot, SIIIIMI 1 i.iiut-i HUM POST Orncx,

TAYLOR & BOLTON, (Successors to ' iMiiu i I. A TAVI.OB.

We have received

FIFTY PIECES OF BUFF LINEN, jit; i (he Uiing Tor Summer Suits,

«t Uio., worts* BOo. it yard.

A Hue of Cortett, French and (iernuin, at c,v and T.'.c per pnir; worUi fl.OU nml $!.£!.

as-A Banrnliiin Shawls, suitable for MI I.I. WKAU, atai.TS.

A case or Prints, Si:w.-l"i I. !>, :it ih-; worth lire.

A few dozens of our 50'Cent Kid Gloves.

Forty iloiens Ijulii*' Linen Handk'l'i, slightly tlnimured, ClIEAl'.

HOSIERY. CLOVES, NECK TIES, MS a gpnornl liw or Trimmings.


l.iulie-. are Invited to Inapeet ourstork, and ■in IN.-in i h i- ■ Hull we still roiitinuo to

sell the cheapest in the cite.

4 E Pit I O K TO A I<"T. AT TUB


228 & 230 Essex Street. Lawrence. SCCOMI Doait riion POST OITICE.





On necnunt of the Lite Ore nt my

SI,.!-,- Oil WttHllitltftoil St., II..Hi,Ml.

I am offering part of my



HUMAN HAIR slluiilly dnmnavtl by w.iter, nt

H A i, F v it i a E i

Hwliehaa, tit formrr price, (3.

tinj SHIII IIIH, 31 <• •' It.

FrliTra, 9lfe. per yard i f.iciiirr price, F,Oc,

Combs and Head Ornaments,

vr.nv <*IIKAP.




0^ LA88 WARE.—Pickle Jara In flue cut T. alas*, with platetl stands, or seiuuBU' A KMliMnfCulmid KnK,iiM.liM.blet*.tutTiimb- t and Water I'ltcbers various nlyles, Cut and

Kmrrave.1 Halt Hhahers, sliver plated tops. All tliese arlirles In cheaper makes, as well as Hauce Dishes, Candy Jars, I ilass Similes, and n larmi lot of (sets. JOHN C. 1 II iW A CO,, inn Kssex st


A Silver Wadding with a Gulden Lining 1

Tho undersigned desire to express their llianks and gratitude to their friends In Lawrence. Bos- ton, Charles town, llavcrblll, Lowell, Uethuen and Philadelphia fur the noble and inuniilccnl tokena of friendship and kindly remembrance presented lo tliem on lite Uth anniversary or their wedding day, '

Ami c-|icciii]ly do Ihey tender their grateful acknowh^lgment* and thanks to His* SfAOuia l-MM ACK Tor Ihe Interest taken and fur her Indefat- bjablo lnbor* In plamihtg, perfecting and bringing Uio matter to such a successful ami happy termination.

They also desire His* IUUIUS, Mrs. Q. l.uiiLKNKand lifci. rt. Mtumi-i, KSIJ., lo accept

their thank* for the valuable assistance ami Indu ence remlcrod Mi** Unmack hi her work.

They would also tender their thanks and obliga- tions to Mr. and Mr*. K. W. POWELL for so gener- ously opening their house to give additional room for entertaining their Mend*.

J.C. BOWKEIt, H.l lit A W. H' IIV K Kit.

Lawrence. March 10, Wit. a 1


POTTI.K.—Iu lliin cite, Jlnreh iyii a daugliU-r to Mr. A Mrs. II. W.'Pottle.

JACKHON.—In r.cnvenwnrlli, KuiiFns, Mnrch'Jf, iltiUKhti'r lo kev. ft Mrs. licorge A. Jneksou.

'COLQCIIOUN.—In Ibis city, April 2nd, a son to Mr. A Mrs. .1. Il.Cohiuhoim.

>[ a-1' i' i a g e a". FIIKKM,\\-WI\>'.-lnlhl»ellv, Maivh Md, by

llev. «'hn». D. Iiiiniiinir, sir. Oins. A. Freeman and Miss Mary W inn, bolli or I^iwrence.

8TKVKX8—PIIIPPS.—In Kln*>tnii, March a7lb, by Itev. C. ll. Ii, Ni.iiiiniidle.llorseoN.Blevims, Km., or North Andover, to Miss Annn M., daughU'r of the Into Itev. J. 11. Plilpps.

RMH'LIFFI-:-IH).«S.-liiXorlb Andover, March ■.■nth, bv llev..I. II. rlirTnrd. Mr. licorge Vf. Itad- ■ ■ line nn.I Me ■■ Addle K. !:■.■■■■, Irolh of Amlover.

SIIHS 11.tilii I M. Kcndiick, both or Lawrence.

fie it, tlitf.

■MERCHANT OF VENICE I" and Bhode's Lnugluible Burlasuue,

"Bombustos Furios

Music :—Akeroyd A Stewart son's Or- chestra.

Ailmhilun, Sn (Ii. Ueaervcd scat*, IIO et*.

Scat* may now be secured at 6T«ATTON*a corner store.

Doors otien atT.U. Commence at 7.44, tftsapi. filar*

ANIWt C. 1HINIAN, under the llnn name of CIH.II KKKH A CO., iu Lawrence, Mass., Is tin- day ills sol ved.

Colin Kerr In authorized m settle all dcblM ilttt to mid by tlm llriu. ALK.XANltKllC. KUNCAN,






346 and 347 Common street.

Naw STOCK or



Herds Grass, Red Top. Clover and Orchard Grass.

Full ii*isnu*taiiemtof Onrtlon Seeds*!

K. Frank t'st'i l>hos|>halr of I.lmr.

Ila> M(.|. -

(lll.HI "


Best Quality and Lowest Prioe, WAttHANTED.




Mends China, Class, Marble, Stone, rartnn Mnr- ble, LaYa.A)iUui"lcr,ornii) kind ol'Crm-k.n-y

Ware; AISo, l'n,™.r,. :(.*!, -^.1 Want. IT HEQUrilEHNO HKATINO. Is sure to stick, and I* sti slmplo In Its use even

a child can use It.

A Good Cement has long been Needed, and the proprietors, after patient studv, present tills nrtlele to the public, clulnilng thnt it will do It* work <|dicker,lielb-r,mid with less trouble Umu


bavo il A it H ru Down II,,,, WUOLE STOCK

Inflict KVKItlTlllh'O In our Slock. rTcpronoae to sell at I.e.. than Wfcolaanla Prle«s, In onlcr to get ready for new Spring Uoods.

All Wool Caahsnarea, In Color*, marked down troin * I.J.-I to #1.00; $1.12} lo .-Tie.

Plain Woolen Dresa (innili, in short lengths, from »i.mi lo aoe.

A large lot or Plaid* SO, SO. 3T| ami BOc

A good assortment of SMrlna Draw stood* for Ut, w, au, :iTl and fiOo.

In our stock of Dress Goods can be found many Bargains,

A largo lot or NeotrIt (lUaajfcaraa at Iflc yard.

Flannel*, Print*, Cottwna ar-d trashes at etjunlly LOW l'lllCKS.

White Tabl* Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


Ifapkln* Sfte, li.fti, 1.75,1.00, t.%\ !.!» per doc.; ttveuty-nva n«r cant, lew than can bo bought elsewhere.


we will sell nt lho *ame low rate.

Oar stock of


is large and tasty. In Square and Lone, and at price* NKVKit ni-.Fi illK KNOWN In (hi- market

Woolen PUld and Strip* ajkuawla *10fl, t-00, 8.U0, UIO, 1.00 and fi.00; fully UN K-Til I III > less than former prices.





We sbnll make esicnnlto leptiiM hiourslora in we buy our Kprlng Hoods.

Our Preterit Stock will be Cloud Out Without Regard to Cost I



A Inrffc lot of

GRENADINES, good styles, very cheap.


•NO r-«.-« 'tract, I<«wrence.


A. W. ataarnaak la. would aaaouhee 10ffce licnllcmen or Ijiwrenoe and vleinitv that Ihe* have »eeurrd Ihe aervlrn. or* FirstClasaFrancsV Artist, from X*-* Vork, Ha. L P. Irt'PoNT, *ad

' 'loutlav, '■ igKli'

New Kngiand.


'arlors and Seneral Boaaa In nil* bins putpoi^F, and vtouhl

ivlta tho IJOUIM and all Interested to an examl nation of our Klegant Style* nnd Cheap Uood*.

-Ladlce who ... late, should see

whnt A.W.M«aurn**kC'«.CAN t'ONTKIIICTE for their adornment In Naw Droll Good*.


I,'Vi:iiV I.mlv who la contemplating ±li buying a ttlark Silk, this season .'should im- prove the present rare opjiortuoity at

A. IV. atamrns * <•**.

AW. STEARKB 4V CO. are oproln*; a Kew ami Very Choice Styles of hprlng

NEW and Elesant Stylca of Spring Hhawl* 'jm be (bund at Mtrarm *V Co'a.

I TOR Now Goods and New Style*, go to A. W. ataarna as. Co'*.

All. who desire to bay tbctr Good*. cheap, and save money, ami themselves

mnch trouble, should visit and patronise ttteams *c Cn. In prelerence to ltoslon.

A. W. Stcarn* Ii Co. are opening a complete :i.-..-in i in. e t of Naw Stylet »"d Splendid Work.

a*TA Complete A«sortmer.l of all the New BPIUKU 1'nttem* tor Ijidles, kllssc* and Boys; aWr»polllau --

FLANNELS or all MDda Cheap. ' A-lfr aWaaurna tCt,

FOB LONG AND BQUARK PLAID hll AW l,s, Heat Variaty or New Pattern-,

BLEACHED AND SHOWN COTTONS, all of our Hot Makes. Great UeducUon.

. Htearna * lo.

HOSIERY AND GLOVES—UMllea* and Oaafi. Best Variety, Best Uoesla, Ckcae,

A.w.r . fJUarau at Co.

SHEARS AND SCISSORS- All alcea, ami warranted Beet SteeL

A. W. "«*ar». at Co,


NOW IS THE TIME. As Ihe Spring ojums, the Impurities which hare

licen Imprisoned In the blood over Winter are Uirown to Uio surAicr, dlsflgtiring the skin witli I'iniplcs, Bidls, etc., and causing disorder Iu Ihc way of lUieumnUsin, Neuralgia, am) Diseases of in.- Liver and Kidneys. til.imiKVs Concen- trated R> rup of Baraaparilln, with IsMtlde or Pou.ilum, la the BKBT BIXHID l'iaini:u In existence. It nets a* a ipilct Alterative, driving nil foul matter* Into their proper oaeretory ehan- m-l -. strengtlaming digestion, and Imparting bloom to the cheek, softness to tho skin, flruiness to fbc step, nnd cheerfulness to the mind. Kor Boil* It is an Infnlllble Cure, and to 1thcumutism II affords great relief.

1'rlcc, One Iiolhr per bottle. Six bottles lor Five Dollars.

l'icp:ircil anil for sola by JniH tmh!~

A. K. OLIDDBN, DrUBnlat,

Cor. K.ifi A Fenstaarton ■

e Hint Seed and Water Cups, Bath and tlravel Tubs, Wire Nest Frames, Cage*, etc.

JOHN C. DOW A CO., 108 KSMX HtrocL

thix III lb vork q.ut-.m.-i, i

any ('cmi'iii yet ki At a Substitute for Qlue.

In mending wood or piib-hlug together cloth or paper, many persons llml it iiicmvcnii nt to go to Uu' trouble of preparing Mine. This Cement Is always ready, rcqulro* no hcnliiur, is perferlly clean.nnd will mend n- Ftrmiu n» liny Clue knonn, nnd Is so nlinplu Hint a mere child could usu IL tSo Family can Afford lo in without It.

l'uica as Qsans.

Ilarerhill, Mass., Jan. ;:., li*T:i. Messrs. Chns. Kmcrson A Hons—Oonls:—I hnve

uswlyour Adiiiiiioitiiict ri.-bd I ein.-nlln my husi- ,,,■■ H M-ICI:II m.oilli,', mul l,.r nil kiiiil- -.1 10. inline. Wliero n Jeweler itipiins Cement, I consider it Ihe bet intlile ,-ver nililililiiclurod.

Yours, truly, CKO. 11. < \i i.« 1:1.1.. Havcrhlll, Feb. Tth, 1S7S.

Messrs. Chas. Emerson A Hum— (iuiils .—1 have used your Adniiututiii" < 'rvbil I i-niciil tu mend n ■liaft to my sleigh, which was broken off; nnd hnving tbo sleigh In iltvilv use lor nt-vernl mouths,

Boston, Feb. I*th, 1RT.1. Adiiiiiuntinc Crystal Cement Co.—Oents:—Wo

h.-ne tiM-d M'nr Ccnient tin ihc |uod tliret^ months, ami have found ll tin- bet Ccmunt hir our wv Utal

used. Yours, truly, WAIIHKN A RICHMOND,

Manufacturing Jewelers, 7 Tremonl llmi, Itotiton. Ncwbiiryjiort, Feb. 7, UU,

Mr. Kmcrson A Sons—lient*:—I luive trle.1 your AilamnnUne Crvotol Crnient, and UIUKI sny It IS the BKMT article of Uu- kind Uiat I liave ' and will f " tlHiroughly testrtl bv hi-nt i

lie I"-, n ill - jours, 0. U. HolKiK, Apothecary.


public to take a little car* 'i their purchases

when adulteration is Touud In nearly every article

man ulae lured.

"Boach'a Washing Soap" I* a strictly ITHK

Soap, free from adulteration, and not nuide up

of tod* ami mineral substances Uiat nre i

commonly used lo make weight In soaps. 1 ]

c° K E. C 0 K 1.

Sold by DYER * CO., and by all Druggist* In l,nwrence and vicinity.

CIIAS. KMF.KSON A HONfl, (Icncral Wbolcsnlo Agents, ST Merrlmark rln-cl, llnvcrlilli, slnss.


ryo T II I

r> o n K it T II A u a ii T o N,

Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, And dealer In nil kinds or

Htovoa. FurnacnH, rtnd Ranffoa, Bo)wiring neatly done.

PLUMBER Si OAB FITTER. Ami ilinlcrin nil klml,nl

Lead, Iron and Brut Pipe, AND

Fillings for Steam, Water and Gas. ICo. 410 I ... . Kir..,, I.BMI. 1„ r.

Onlcrr M>lltlUyl nml ,.ro„,],ilr .Ikmilcil In.




No. 103 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Over <oi>i", Men's and Hnya', at Ceat 1

Wo can n ll Men's ns low as, nml

Boys', n'j.sw, a* wo want to elose out the

wluilo slock ta pre|inre tar Uio flpring trade.

Ihlrta at "W cent*.

Halt and Cap*, BOc, to (1.


V.-ry Cltaapl

s wo lutvc a largo aloek which must bo Mild.

a*rCnll and e-iil i'y yourselves as lo Uio truth

■1 onr t:.ii iII;-i.r ■.



COKE DELIVERED. Per, |a.OA IlHl r ( llHl .1 Mill, 3.011 llarrrl, W

At lite Works, Per Harrel, 40

Onion received at Uie OAee of live t.' wnaaott OAt Coiti'AKT, No. U.1 Kssex Street.

OEO. n. clnoT, A gem. tlUooSt-


ai A i ■ 111■: i, i, * H

C K h K II li A T F. /i, X K V K ll FA 11,1 X <!

COUGH MLXTULIB. Aobl by all flrstcbissllragirlst* and Orooert. Try It, and yon will lie convinced or Its wonder

mi •jBuct*. Ian locc


Is offered to ovory energetic man or woman who

wants to make from tlO lo #71 a week. We want

such ngcnU, local and travelling, In every rlly and

town In New Kngland. For particulars, call on

or address lwHni.iHeoil,inHi:b


. notion, Mass. ODlce, over Qulncy Mai kit.

ABTICI.K8 FOB THE HICK BOOM. Bplt Cups, Month' Kwer mid Ila*1n», Sick

Feeder IIOWIK nud Flnretles, I ted nnd Chair Tans,

.Kills C. HOW A CO., Hill Kssscx sL

SHADES made tu tinier, any tdie, color or natters. WIIITFOHO A RICK.



Notice Is hereby given Hint the ciipartimrahlp berctorora rxlvttng anduf U»' muneand ntjleof MtivKA A!, in Un- iln) dlmolvuil by mutual

e„t. All bill., will be '..tiled l.v.hweidi A. ~ .IDHKI'll A. -I.i'i i ..

THOMAS It. TAYLOlt. Lawrence, March 81,1*73.

Thn Dllflaaw will bomliUnucd by MOVRB Hun's, at the old stand, corner of K<<i.c\ nml Lawrence Ktr.i'1. map*

f T. M Kit HI AH

would respectfully lalhfM Ml Irleadfl and the public Hint be has opened a


nml sliall deal In nothl of Confection:, and Fruit.

I.* A B H FOB 8 A L K 1 IN

WEST UOXKOHI), known as the "Itluhnrd SiHifford" Farm, pleasant- ly located un Ike road Wiling from Lawrence, Ihrougb Amlover and Hoxiord, to IIIKH lib, alM.ut three mile* from Hut railroad i-lallons in Hoxlbrd ami GeorgeUiwn. This turn contains aliout slily -... . ._.. | ll .U-.1.....1 I .IIIB*^ ..>-

..ultnble out-building*. Also, about llfty oeraa of tillage and pasture

land near tlMi residence of Capl. Aaniii HpotTonl, running from tlic road lo lho top or "Hhaven Crown Hill," socnlle.1. I'pon this Uml then- nre

i Urge number of fruit trees and never falling

Also, aliout fix or seven acre* or brook meadow lying north of Ui* fiirin Df Peter Pearl*.

All Uie above de»eril»-d inupeii)- will 1« sold at a bargain, as the proprietor lias k-a llw premises and loeahtl In atmllier town.

- -irs.inuiilreor MONKS KIM J: THOa. L. SPOFFUIlll o

l-AI.MKK, Georgetown. i .-i-i -ii ii* ii. M ii ■ h N, 1873. .lt'.i|il


Largest Music School in the World!

Tim in.,! eminent In I true tors. The BjeatDM inimlier of fn-e ndvanLtgen.

The lowest rates of tuition. li ii idled raciliUe* to orgsii pu|.ils.

Situations i ■■ I

Bummer Term opens April 21, '73. Send far I inular, giving full parllculnrn, bi

UlaplRb an Tin HJii:, lllrerlor.

' I Ml K BEV. U. MIC11.11' I), French priest .1 of lldt eiiv, I* )irc|inriiig, (aaslati^l by the

moHl liifluentinl ladle ami gentlemen or hi* con- gregnthm,) a grand Itsinr in Tavor or the French now church of SL Ann.-, In l.mnme. Wo hope tlmt nil nntloiinlilics will contribute hi the miner** of Uils Itasar, Ihe obhi-l or wide!, la *o exec Unit, by giving all t-orl* of urlkles ami pundiaslng many tickets.

0RAND~~BAZAR i* ravon or TUB

Ihuidi of Ml. Anne, l.attrrurr. Ma**. Cl.HMKSflNd

April 21, and ending April 26


LIST OF PRIZES. • or Lund in Canada, 1 IT

.., . Ilalr Ann Chair*. 4 Hilvei tiold Chain* for ileiill. nun and IJUIIU* 3 Violins 3 Flutes, fl Aeconliiiii*. many large LIshoKrapl und I'lHilogiuph View.-, i cople* of Itapbuel's l'i, turns, more than -i" ''""' Hooks, mid a grant number or Precious Artfclee.

•OOO I'llio. Valnad nt tattoo.

will lie furnished at tho honses KKV. M.MICIIAI D. .li'-KI'II MI1KACHK, A 1IROI8K tJAlHN and I HA8. LACOILLADK.

In the same litus Ihey Will receive money and gtrta for the llaiar. 1 tTufet


W :o i iint.-d not t,i tire Ihc eye, and to lie the i'i-'i i .l.i ■ ■ Iu tho market.

iVIMTFllllU A HICK, Agent*.


manufactured to order. Family Illblcr, Small Prints; also.alnl of Juvenile Itooks, I'lclun's, Cbronms, Llthograplw, a large r-toek on hand.

Picture Frames of nil slsos, nml Framing done t short n.ith-c.

HKKHMAN'S. 567 Esiex street. Tnvs. I'lM'l UOODe, etc. '■ mi, I

1>A1'KR HANGINGS, Window Sliiidet), Flsturet, Cord, Tassels, Mirrors, etc.

Pictures Framed at t-ltnrt notice. Imlrll MKKHMAN's Book Store, 567 E(|ei st.


rAi'iLtt nAfruniaa m K***X count,. WIIITFOKII A HICK.

17LOWF.B POT I1RACKKTH, holding I'nnn one l.i i.iiir I,..I ■; Hanging llnskeU nnd

Hook*; Kslenslon N|Hdvc*, whh-h will hold imi row or wide poll.: also, a largo let ol Flown Pot* In ■>: ■-1 i... - i- !■

JOHN C. DOW A CO.. loa Ktrcx street.



•BI I'lin Nlri-i-l. I.«»rnirt.

W O T I C K .

The capartncmlilp hcn-tofereezltllng between (1. 1>. Armstrong nud A. M. Araasht ng. untler tlie flrmnanwofU.]i. AHMSTIMIKU A CO., I* this day dl.Mdved by uiiiimil emoeaL


Mwrcnee, Mass., MnrchtJ, IS7.1. 3|V [apt


or all description* and prices. Picture Cord. Also, a slock of CHROMOS, Kngravlngs, Llthograplu, l'hotographs, Hraeket*, et,-.

Pertlei desiring Uiolr. engrnvlng* Framed, can rely upon having them In thu liest ttyh>, at lho lowest living rate*.

Mr. K. It MOIISK luis rluirgo of the Plrliire and Framing department at 569 Eiten it root, aign or Picture Frame Msiuiiiiclorv. UudcJl

LOU IS WEIL liegs to lender |o bin friends nml the public,

genurally lib, thnuk* for the giiieroim supiuirl lie

has raearved whiin eoadeeUaf bartnni in i^w. id ni .- ui ■ t.iii Uml his taataata ha*

In-ieii cd hi such an cil.-tit ns to lead him to

eaUbllsh a

BRANCH STORB i'l ■ r 1111 ■ ■ : 11 e of

Oent'rt Kurniialiinf*; OOOIIH

HATS, CAPS, ft*.

ThU slora I* slliinleilln NAIIMiKIIK BLOCK,

Corner of Appleton and EBSOX St.,

and Will he under the I mum hide charge or DKJi

r. ClUtTlB.

a.Mi. Wi If nil! atilt continue at hi* OLD

STtlltK, where, with an increased slack, and

especially n




than ran lie round anywltcro else In the city, ho

tin].i ■ to merit n r.iiilinunnco of thr pAtronsKS

licit lei- IHI-II SO l!U-rnlly cxlfmlcd lo him In the

pasL llmltflai;

1 H, B 1*1 KLOW,

WHEELWRIGHT AND CARRIAGE M;IMLII.I.-IUI. ,, InW ItKHOVKIi I'IOIII Lnlhn.p'n shop, on Coiunioii itreeti to Ihe Shop ndjuining the IIINIIOI' IlltHH rbivc ware Imuse.

Mr. hplnlow will enrr} <m the business In all Its branches. 1ml 1 inhlis


KOOH I'Oll HATCHING fiom nil the lt**l breed* or I'oulliy.

Fowls) ftrr lo tlH.h- mmtman, ite I.ra;horn* n sl'WlAl.TV.

WOODS, Nn. 4 TTraaaaatt'Oy, Kolllll 1#»WMBW0.


'apt pnj


Qllt Paper HancinB» And Borders, jm>t o|«ned by WIIITFtdll* A HICK.


HARRIS' CEMENT, the only article In the world which can he used

Ithout heat and ready Tor use.

For Mending Mecmrhnum, Crockery, Class, China, Kni-thcn Ware. HarlM, Iraed, L**tker, Itobl-r, l-mul, IViu-l.idl l.ind-,.1 I'n-elous KUmes, nnd nil kinds or Omameutnl Work, etc,

t [few JOHN C. DOW * CO., Solo Agent*,

ICO Essex StrwL Ijtwrciicc.



Nor-. M A V. HLIlFOIIII STltKKT, IIOSTON. twItalriloodlrolilllKb


This Rank will pity a Dividend of :i i>er atai on Uondny, A pi it lltli, to tlic Stockholders of (hit late. 1'. O. r 11. i ' i ii i- >, Cashier.

Lawrence, April 1, lO. Qstfl apt

we fball sell at Auction, I,, the highest bidder, tho "M.IHMI" r-AIIM, 1 eiiiitilully riluaUsI on the north side or the llnveihlll llnnd In North Amlover, right ,ipji.i.-iu- l!n- elejoinl fann iwtate of.l. li. W. French, KM|., "I Una ton, and onlj one nnd n foiulu mile lr.nn hi,in- nti-l rU-am curs nl Noilh Andover, and one nml n hall mile mnn p.n-t ofllee, rhun-h, nml n- gi"»l ■eftsjatt a* there am In Ihc iIiiU', ami only llin-e miles from Ijinrcncc n liter. Tim liinu coii^lt-l. ol tdi.nH *i lu-n-s of Lho iHut ol land, 1 lp:i-iiinnnil 1 i tillage, under the highest stale of i-u Hi i idinn, and hni IM-.-II forftiany years. ITpmi Die fnrui arc many choke apple and pciir tni'H mid HIO.III fi nil . rnun the trees were gathered Iti.l venr r^m bn IK-IK of apiilr-, not reck- oning the fnill. Fnrui cut* afioul IJ ton. ol tlii'lie il.ii;-lnti hay. KiuiiPiif llielaml tnne lions lo the acn-.Tu IKIUI rnipi*. l*.-t >iar of Knglirh hay, I nig" Imni, inK»-.d,in|.'i, nlfbeumiln; slseWis (B; vcrv blub i-lml, and eontrnlrnl; has n large line II liar with nsootlMinex|M»nvr: ritouu-dou high dry ground; pure wtitrr, unlalbug. The hom-c IK giMHl i-i.lci!, stories, contains 'Jroom-, tini-liMi. bio. nn 1. comprUhig work nioia, work alratk K-.Kid i bed, itc.anil one of (hr IK-PIVCIO- tnble cellar*. llon~o piilulcd and blinded; aid high from Hie loud; i tinny, dry liH-alhm, from which U obltilm-d n b.■anlll'iil vlewi.rcnchlcewtck of the llue.t slieets »l water la the slate, which nfl'-ird ■ ml.- nnd i-lca.nnilNNiUng, iblilti(/, eb-„ nml oulv n luw ininnU-s unlk rrom flu- farm This Is one nl Ihe vcrv l*.l b.cNtlons for Sumuiei iHiardcr*. SltuaU'd In a fine oM town, where tlu-rr in g.nnl, f. iH-allhy alomaplKTc, Uu- bu.tof nl I ailvimutgec, nnd a high billed moral and HiH-ial ch'iuciil pert iiding the entire community.

AfbT the rule of lho ntxivc, wo shall sell ; inn M:. newly shingled; Hnrn Sh.H-iiinkcrV Shop, nud HI of an acre of Dim covered with cb-dee lioniing fnill trees. Thb pbiee would nisli' a idi-asaut and coiiifoitable Imuie rorniimm in itii«b-rateclrcionstanee-. The locnll-.i. h )f I. "O Ihe cinerol' the HnVi thill nud Ihe (leorgitown road, iloso by lho nb i'nnn, nnd netitly" Uie French eslnte.

Sale I'OSITIVK, April l«lh, commencing tit II P. M.| git lug Hnio to uikr nil tM n-tmn train:..

PKIHtlCK ft CLOMOir, ',.'■■' nnd Heal F.stale Agents.

The Manure, Stock and Tools will lie sold hi tho purclniM-r <il the inrm ut niiclioti price, I- '-■■ rihotilil wtiut. 41'ml

78TATE OK .MHIN CONELI.V. Iv ,I..iin Comliy,

Int.- of l.nwreiir-e, In the count) of F.-'Cg, lnlx.rac dcerm-cd, Slid tin- token II|HIII himself Uiat trfist by giving IHULIH, an llw law dirertc. All I«-I>IMI- lunmc del I. iii»ni liiee.late or wild

i-slh-d open




E< E A n N A v a II T.

Dam, Ijnly IHx, wbn lias a rc-onl of I.W'; Fear- naught,M.«H- Dn-ailnnugbl li owned by U.S. llusM-ll, llmne Fann, tJlllim. [AI*o, onm-r of Fi'aniniight.l He l-'h* id.-II) lie IMTI Franiaugbl

■olt in ihe .oniilry, taking site, 1.1 H., (ol.leu thc'luiil; perfeel form mid 1*^1 porslhlo iclloit. TrolOslntlyearnobl > lose t,i2.t0, Age, 1 yours old this Summer. Terms, (U" for lie-


FEARN AUGHT PRINCE. Ilnm, the eelebrnh',! Jewell Mare of F.xctrr, tt. II.; 1 ycni-H -.I,I 111 June; I'-1 In high, Mtnl Ihe "I tierfn I roll of Ids age to be f.iuuilnn) WIM-IC. I mil Iilflck, nnd s* liniid-ome m- ii pidur.'. Ihnitlemen limillng for prnlll, ar. well u, ideaMin-, Mill l*nr In mind Uml tin< d> uunid lm rciirnaiiglii t-b"-L I" beyond nil prcccdrnl. Terms, fi'i Ihr tlie n-n

AOAMH STOCK I'AHM, iu,- >.-■.i■ J - iiiLLKitlt'A, HAM,

0 V E II

()() Hol.T.H

Paper Hangings, OF ALL 01IADES,



»TI» llnn alraat, - - I^awrenee,


i ininc-1


■ Il.'i , I ■!,-, :,-.■.- ill. ■! 1i|--

W. FIHK (HI.F., Adm'r.


ftom the Dtlanare and Hudson Cnna) Co. Till* Coal come* very nb'ely im'imn-d, and give* general salhfnt-Uoii. ,

Perrons wishing n small •iiianllly of Cm I to carry tbcin Uirougb Ihc spring, will And thir )n I wlist ihey want

Aim, I ll A \ li 1 iv tOAl. or Lykpn* Vtille,.

8ANB0RN !< TUCKER. Yard Wet it.

■ OOK ni wiirrpoRi>'& RICE'S atock 1 J id llnatn Penera l» i-o. | -baring.





are concerned. lor my part I merely give the racta of

the MM anil the - proof on which they rent. SUIMA.

Hiudly has the excitement and fierce incredulity of the 1'arls savatiH respecting the experiments of ProfMMT Muller, Of Welsmtlcht, ou revivification hat! time to eool before another series' of experi- ments by the MOM pbjslolojjlst, and no less rcs|>eetab1y authenticated, startles the woriilor science. It IN necessary to premise th:tl tin- view* •<!' pli.vsioloBl-,ls respect Inu; the mode of netlvlty of the bruin have recently iimierKoiic {.-rent uicsl- lllcalloii. nnil the correctness of the mod- ern Ideas Is ful.y sUp|Mirtcd hy the experi- ments to which we refer. It was former- ly I MtatflMd, lad If Mill llUWriy tnujtht, thai the activity of the bruin depended upon the force* liberated by certain Cetb) In the Kn.v ■»**•* of that organ, which were supposed to be the sent of very ac-

GIANTS.—Mythology luu. always usurped the place of sober history In the popular mflid. The ancestry of nil people- Is, by Its legends, eontiecteil with the g'uls, or h supposed to be superhuman hi size or power. In early art, as lit early story, great characters were literally great of body. The Rods ami king* of early Egypt were wjwmlwl M gluitU among PWH when sculptured or painted onthe storied walls or the temples anil palaces of that mvstle land. The heroes of I "recce and Home were endowed with gi- Ifiinlie frames, lleroilotus tells of the Tootslepof HcrcnIeH shown in Scythlti, iiml the nodal or Poisons found at Cbem- nls, as being botli two cubits In length. The Gothic nations Indulged the siiuie ex- aggerated belief of their godlike and gl-

live changes demanding an abnudant sup- \ -pottc tuireslrv. The heroes <if knight ply or blood. Serve-force, was supposed | ernnilrv wen"' siiulinrlv vast. t)f thi lo be set at liberty In these cells, It* lib- King Arthur, lllgden desires us (whei e rat Ion being attended with the pnuluc- ..peaking of the discovery of his lusty at Honor heal. But these views have not ; (j|ai»toiibur>) to '-have mynde that Ar- been able to endure the close scrutiny to ! tliuri'M chvn-bone.thnt was theiilie shewed, which the brain has recently been -lib- I WM lawntr by tbfee Inches thiiii the legge Jet-ted. The mlcKHtoopfl has ahown tliat i fllll| u„. knee of the largest man that was these cells, these supposed nerve-force i then found. Also the face of his forehead. producers, are oidy a means of li icr- i.viw hys tw even, was a sputinc change or nervous llhiinenls, a provision I |,rond." The grave of Sir (iawaln. one tor Hie distribution of telegraph wires, as „r |,j« rar-ramed Knights or the Hound It were, not ueltve ceutrcs, not batteries Table, WILS fourteen Teel In length. Aliolh- Itberatlng vital force of any kind. It hi* >r hero, Sir Hex is of Hamptom. Is still de- heeii proved that In death from ntarva- pk-tcd as a giant on the bar gate at tioii, when the stomach has been unable Southampton; and the renowned tiny of lo receive, retain, or digest food, while Warwick Is popularly supposed to have all Ihe rest or the body loses In weight, Ufa personal relic* at Warwick Castle suf- such Is not the eaae with the hralli-suh- \ iK|,.,,t to prove his vast stature. His stance proper. In cases of sudden death '■ breast-plate, weighing llfty-two pounds, the muscles have been round prisliiehig UB there shown to strengthen the helleCof heal long after llle is esHuil, while in the u„. milliful. who will not see thai it Is Hi brain no heat Is liberated after death, al- though Hie brain may be gorget) with

The Inference drawn from these facts, as well as from the Integrity of the brain In all manner or disease. Is that this Of* gan la uue or sluggish nutritive changes, au Inert Instrument played upon by forces which have their origin elsewhere than in the brain-matter. Furth

crupper of a horse, as used In the si tcenih century. Qoy'o MporrUlgc-not,M

capable <»r holding one hundred and Iwo gallons, it Is ■ species Of sacrilege lo look on only as a large camp kettle. These relies arc accepted with an unquestion- ing I'nltli by the credulous. Any attempt t.i correct the error only arouses Indigna- tion, It Is like daring to doubt the lique- faction of the blood of St. ' Naple,

Gulf ur Mexico completely dry, and leave only au elongated lake in the ccntrakpnrt or the Caribbean Sea. IT the present lev- el were lowered bv 2181 fathoms, a conti- nent separated from Europe mid America by two narrow channel-, and extending over a space or from about l.V>0 to imiii miles, would itretcfa lido the torrid zone; and, try a remarkable coincidence, would affect that peninsular conformation and southerly direction presented by Green- land, Scandinavia, Spain. Italy, Gcccc, Arabia, India, and the three great coiill- nents of the South. A lowering ofUM fathoms would completely milto Hew- rouudiaud io Ireland, and rouaonuettUy form a bridge between the (Hd and New Worlds. Kveu of the central Atlantic there would remain only a narrow "Med- iterranean" sea in front oflhe Antilles and Unlana. Finally, let Ihe waters be lowered by 4870 fathoms, ami the north- ern part of the Atlantic would be reduced to a small triangular •■Caspian.' situated between Ihe Azores, the Hank of New- foundland, and the Bermudas.

Though the I'acitlc (bean Is scarcely 15 1-3 miles in depth, It Is known to be Hi one part nearly nine miles deep, or so deep that two or the highest mountains on our globe might be piled one on top or the other, and sunk Into it. and yet scarce- ly emerge above the surface. The depth

T Ihe l'urlHc has not been ascertained by numerous soundings, but Professor frank- lin Hache calculated, from the rapidity with which the great tidal wave accompa- nying the earthquake of IHM in Japan crossed the ocean to California, that tin Pacltle has. between the shores of Japan and the lulled States, u mean depth of about 2342 fathom*.

. The highest part or the continents raised above the surface or ihe waters is of much less elevation than the depth of Hie sea; ami we can estimate Ihe land above the level of the sea at only about a fortieth part or the mass of waters, and as mnch or this land Is unavailable by mankind, we get hero some notion of the very limited Use which we are, as yet. able to make of Iheplanet we Inhabit.—From

Sea and Shore," in }[»>;•< >■'* Vaf/axini .,- April.

Oui' 0§>i-ie l$ox. tick] BsereUe—Plowing.

iiuty-graph—Tho» In in* col- umn,

ait Friend—The electric tele- graph,

reed polltencw—Bowing todr- eiiiii.-laie ■ -.

The cup ttntt neither cheer, nor inebriates—

Blc-uip. Xot.iccyi. ?OH MOTH PATCIIKS. 1-KKCKI.KS

»n<l TAN, ti>e I'KltlCY'K Sloth IIIKI lfrwklo _.iilifin. II is lir.t uiu.i. a,1.1 II SoM l.y I'M.-i-ii ■ ererywbere. lH|>ot. m llciid i-treet. New V.,rk. Cmfleciiliiiiti+iKl"

I'di; I'IMI'LES ON Till-'. FACE, lllack HnuS and V1e«li Worm*, n-e TKUKY'S Im-

in.n.,1 CiinusliHunn.l rnii|ile, Uie Krent ,ki,i iMfstlelM. !',-.■,,;„, .1 .ml. lo I>r. k V,. PKlt- ltV, i>ei1l,llli,l„Kirt, IU II Uticet, New York. Moldb) DrsgaMiU every where. MVeodlrahttKb


! v s !■ ii i' I A - i%y tjoii.ovNi ACHES. | )

T'ii EA i» r.\ uM s. itoifjKr,^vT;»si'V';'a.'jl^i'io'"s,i!; ■ ! ri'i'i-itii »l l".'i |">-l:ii-"- "'

The Oic.ijnvl Lnii.l ill marki-t l-t Kile b> llio (._,,. |iliv ■-, i|:i, New York. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP'Y

■nt 1'lutle Valky. I J 00,000 Ami in fiuiisl .\fin«»wti »

ml when divided reunite Naples, or the truth Of the hoi} coat at us readily as skin, or mucous membranes, Trevcs. When such things remain With and the nervous phenomena interrupted [u- lo confirm In our own time the rabies by the wound or section ure re-established ''or past ages, we may qualify our surprise wneii the wound has healed. All phy-d- at the head of a crocodile pausing at Mono ologlsts agree on ibis point. And as lor Hint or Ihe dragon slain by the re- sklu, or periosteum, or mucous membrane doubtable (dlles-de-Chlii; or the bones ol ill llll II lnilll|Hihlllil ill 11111)1.1111 i II I whales and extinct animals for I hose o I and constantly demonstrate In practice, j ■•monstrous giants." it Is a popular ral- eauliol nervous tissue be subjected lo the ■ hiev. willingly believed.—From (log, same processr So reasoned our expert- Magog, & Co. ." by I.yniau Abbott, In meiiler, and these prelliuliiitrlt s will f/w-rnw"* MagaxlM, for April. . show that 1'rofessor Midler's oxperlmetlta ! " — — »— ^-■ — were legitimated by strict sclentlltc rcas- • Rare Justice. oiling and research. Professor Muller. ■ ■■ ■ alter having transplanted or transferred : n' i.'_-_: ' . ' the hemUpEoreo or the brain from one A ersb and a turtle lived under a myrtle, animal to another of the same species iii! ji,,i m the i«'«-l at tiie r.»,i »f UM bilk the higher animals (uuinnmls— dogs, The nrabwa* Hie hack—•harp, inappr. ami Mark cats, *.c), and having engrafted the Tlis lurtb) waa inaater—hi, poky, ami »llll. brain so as to produce the manifestations mtt . of cerebral actlrlty, seenrod at length the TbriuriieiB" der-f.eau.irthe,, ...) si.nkrs opportiinllyorperrorinlng the same ex- i The ersb ual tla- rLeilas..ll by '"";'"■ perhnent In man, and with the results Awlwerr«eitiu.l«ttor.a».lisslumnorBplDlun which It hi the object or Ihls letter to de- I ">■ hrauglit IUr hi. marier lo l-nl '"> H>" ^»"- tall. 1 give the Tacts as recorded In the I Ti„,v nvisl thora together through nil Ihe One Gazette llchdoinudalrc, taken from Vlr- j " WM|Ker, chow's Archives, a uiedlciil Journal pub-; ^,„| „„.„ ,.,,„„. u„. Bl,tuiini with whirl wiail and United nt Berlin. Kllll.;

It was at Leipzig that the experiment Ttopmi4aresr,snD<>csii,aihlin the eentnnrtinn was performed. A soldier who had killed j The turtle lauurUMsl 1,1- i IrlumU « ere »Utk>. the Colonel or his regiment in cold bloo ' and whom the severity ol Prussian mllll ry discipline would have caused to die a , "Tiwwo hundred deaths had It been possible, was »" '»' del 11K- lately handed over to the surgeons. '»' »es|tro hy seiiteiiee ofeourl-uiaitiiil. and was « confined In a strong room in the military -ei,,., MKUMI usjetber. The erah -aid Ihe wesUiet hos|iltnt, entirely In the dark as to the „'.,,, „,,,,.,, ,„„ „,V(.rl. r,.rhi- ih-liealelraine. fhte which awaited him. lie was kepi ..-n,t H|,i.l "-iii.l hi.. IH.I-IIT, "iiill hl.oi Jim the there ready for an emergency, which did ni-ier •■ not full to occur. A keeper of a I r eel- : Th m kjl.^,..i ihe rrah out, wllh ao nrniplu oi lar In Leipzig, a man resembling;. In ■hawe many respects, the condemned ■oltller, and who had been seized with acute In- [Ten Burawbl ho i* landeil. well watered ami llanimation of the heart, or rather of Its wui.le.1; Investing membrane, was brought to the Oncgmanl awl he »tarti Ibr the Inn Jn-i ahead. hospital lo die of that Incurable and IWi. u. uody'e chloksn, t« wlml for a klekhv; pr ptlv ratal malady. No sooner had UeTl hnro his revenge on the turtle Is.UwI.

The Wrong Wom.i

l.:,in- m

mlbollow; 1 npiirkly, and sel me -

The Spibigfhld Union has the Ing: A well known personage in tin- quiet village of West Springfield is an insane woman named Anna, who Is under the •are of Dr. Ibld'eu. Last Friday night, tuua escaped from her rriombt ami began wandering about MlU street. The doctor it once summoned tbo genial captain who presides over I'm U' Sam's po-l-oltlee.

eph, whose surname is Hcrrlck, and ther man, t.i his aid. and together

Ihev orgiuilzed a systematic search, ("apt. Phelan and Joseph scouring Ihe Common and the lower end of the village, while Ihe doctor ami his comrade journeyed northwest toward the old church on the hill. About half-past nine in the evening, alter an unavailing search, Capt. fhclan and his colleague came down on to the ('Ommon, from the north, and I here. right before them, on ll ppoalte side of the Btrcot, was a woman hurrying along in a decidedly snaplclotu manner. Not doubling Unit idie was the missing maniac, Ihe chivalrous pair called'■Annie: Annie 1" very sollly, and tried to approach her, but without success, for ns soon as Ihe lady heard them speak, and gathered Ihe jealgu, she began to run as only a woman iin when frightened. The hunters gave hase at a thundering gait, and away they

.vein down the Htroel toward Worthy's mill. Finding thai her pursuers were gaining on.her, the lady slrnek across the Common through ihe snow, which In some places was nearly two feet deep, lias the course been long enough, Ihe re- sult would have been doubtful, but as It was, the lady crossed the Common and the street oil the south side, and dashed through a gale Into a front door, with her pursuers only :io feet behind. The ca; tain at once called Ihe owner of the lion i., ihe door, and pantlngly told him th an Insane woman who Bad escaped fro her friends had taken refuge in his hoUM Hut judge or Ihe postmaster's 11* ton I" incut when told that the man's daught had ji

to Y..img yen.—Love not, tore not

the thin;; you love may die,

A Whroovbi paper advertises tbr sale a cot thai gives milk live years old.

What ,|uadmped<< aw ndiuillist l'i ISlllS, op- eras, parties, ete. ?—While kids.

A I'liiekMulth can nut only SIIIH'a horse hlni- lf, but In- ean make a horse shoe, hiiu-ill'.

No man ever gat slung "by hornets who kept awsy from where they were. Hi* ia-l Kowith

Imd oahlis.

A London rlothttradverUsei hlnuwlfa; " Tail- or to the Queen and the Uoyal 1'anilly." Tail

or to the Queen !

'•Where are you going ?" asketl a little i»»y of another who had slipped ou an ley pavement. " Doing to get up! " was the Mum reply.

A Parisian lady, last week having lost an op- era KUSS, won lamenting over the matter nllh a friend, and said rhe had only lately h*t her husband, also, it never ruins hut h poor*!

"My son," said a man of OoaWml morals, Hilling nil hand on Ihe head ol a sharp hut sauey urchin, " my son, I believe Ratan hai got hold or you." " I'm pretty nartln out," replied the Imy.

A negro preacher observed to his hearers, at the ekSM or his Million, as follows: "My olwtl- nsekau brodren, l find li am no more use n preach lo you dan It am for a grasshopper U

wear knee-buckles."

A Western editor SBVN of a eonleni|>oiary that "if he had written the Inscription on the wall in Babylon, Belihaiiar would have been a good deal more sacred than he won." another wants to know "what pour Hanlel would have done."

John Van Dahm of Fort Wayne (says the Cleveland leader) was playing with a pUtnl In his house, ihe other day, when II went off anil made au eyelet hole in his hi),. pT he was named Jones he might lie called a JoneN fool; Iflus name was Smith he might ■«' called a Smith faoli but unfbrtunatcly hb IN another name.

Bccne In a Washington bookstore, as locally reported. Enter colored boy. In haste, and ad- dresslng the snlesninn ;

'■ lwanl raw and tried, Sir."



V 0 U K N I) w i T ;

.,,- ,]- in IraC ... n-rh n.-n- w I m-ivej,!, WIN. ^"^"u^n^l-Vl"rt'-" "!«" "i

LIFE. jEtuu, of Hartford, I860, *IO,U-K»,'i'eu

3tn,to Mutual, Worcester, 1846, I,-J7G,011


Franklin, of Pean'u, 16^0, &;t,i!b&,74U Boyal, Bmrland, l84o, gold,

Anieriean lliiuieh, I;»J,BISI

Pennsylvanhs, of la., 1826, 1,^60,318 Imperial, London, l803,irold, il,ooo,ouo


MAKDRAXM 1'll.l.s. H'» Ui<[ willeun- 1'iihuunary

lllll|>li(IU. uieliine- nmlieinr- lluil n ill -lop :, r«ii(tli will

.,rt,-ii ,»-i.-a»loii UM- il.Mlh ..I •■' i.nlieiil. ll kw-k* u|> [is- flier, rtiif-s Uie eiiriihilimi nl 'J>o Mtsxl, tH-ni- .inliaxe follows, ami. In l:nl. rliiKirh'K Hie uelloii nfllie vety nrjpui Ueu esusetl UM niujdi.

l.tver eompbiliit an,I ib -|H|i»ia »n- Hie causes I>1 Iwo-lhinlaiH'llHM., e---I e,.u>i.i,i|.lioii. Mall) ni-r now eumpUlnhiK ol ilull )>aiti ill Die si,le, the INIWCN Mim«tiaii«riH.llvraiid .uintfiin** UMI h«>«e, lOOfUS eoNtnl, pain in Uie -li.niUler blade, fei'lniit ■oUMUmM ver>- re»tle«s. ami al oUter times ilioiv. r\ ; Ihe I'm* I tliat is taken li'"- lnnvilv on tin -(<>in acts, a.-eismpanksl wiili sctdlty »"d l«-liiiiii(t M wind. Thewesvuiui u-uiilh oiiKhisbi t'r.nti a •liMinlered enn,lTl,..n ■■ -lo.ntuh, or rl lorpl.l lirer. l'enwaw a-i sneclnl, ii they Ukc one or iwo lieavv colila, an-1 lr U» UKII hi Uiese eases I*-

ii.i.l'enlv rtoppeil, Ihe tunic, brer ami ►umiaeli .-It^f, and remuhi £>>r|-i<l :iml inneiive, and U-fiitv the |«ilient la awiov ..i hi.- i-ilnalioti Uie lunss are a mass >^ aurer, and nli eriiUit, ami ileatli is Uie iiieiib.hb-re.uU.

Hi-henek's l'uhnonie Svmii I* an expectorant wblch diim not cimuiin any »|>lum, nur miylhinjt euleuUleil toelkskur. i th -lehlenly.

Si-liem-k'a Snwin! Tuna1 illncolvea Uie f.HNl, IIIAL-V.IIII UH' aa»uk Jules »r Uw steaarh,«!■ Ei-sts ea-liy, nouri-li.- llie -y-teui, ami creates a

uallhy .-iitalalh* nl Ilic bhs-l. When UH> Ism - els nieeoslivi-, sLin -:ill-.n , aii.l U»> patU-nt IK c.| abiliou- IslbsVtobenek'a .Mandrake Vill-aiere

'''xbesi' innHcbsea am prepared hv I»r. I. II. Sl'HKSCK ft MIS, Nnrll. -II-L eonierorSlvlll nn.l \,vh -O-rl-, |-l,il:i,l,l].l: ;.. I':.. Ul.M. I . 1,1.111. WIN A Ct>.,S8 lliimn.r stnvt, IWIuii, John lr. Henry, a l-'ollefu Pktoe, New York. Wlmle-ale

Vnr sate bv 1 >s ":■■■ i (■ t'nerallv. » lag-JO-

ttolili,. . iiitlllni nil Ii.iinr-tca.1 lHOaiiia


Il< ■ 1.1

I- ..;„ Treiiti-e. I'riie, *1 per bolll, IriUBlste. Aihlress

.1. WIM'IIKSTKH A < ii., UU John Utrsol, Xew Vuik.

...i all ll..-

(. j, ,[, T y 11 I It

Firemen's, ofN. Y., 1H«5.

Wotttcheiiter. of N. Y., 1097,

German American, N. Y., Cteriu.m, orElio, Fa., I8G7.

a4o,eoe 540,000






BLOOD puiiinEiv,

tttiMVD-lni , HBDllI -cllh.le,,,.,,..,.

Sstl-nal Map'.,ho»„^ m, l.i.u.l: „!..., aewjf/ A T A I V O / ft £ W A J £ ^ ANI1 ' ,i ..i lo-iiiiuw. l-VMiiii.n «uu MV. A /I I /\ L I 0 t h C tV ft I L II , In- Mill.Kii tr'ni.i. KvhmwilHliH.

Athlreas l*. K. UAVia, Land LuiuutiK-loner I'. 1'. It. « .

Queen, or Btujlt*nd,18G8,goId, 10,000,000 AllieVieim Ili-aueh, TSS,tM .


1st National, Worccater, 180G, 104,023

OlouccBter, ofGlouceater, 1870, 117,800

Ol, M«I1K. h,..| I the I noMlcdKi-luV

\\T A N T K I) .

J0.000 FARMERS i.oiu.n-'c, and LMHI

We-l.-.n loua the .naliicliiK l»lt in Hi

Clii.a«o. fln.mteaii.

|i-llll...l."l. No |.-\* p.i.,;. sis ,..■. :,.■,.. M..lh,l.-. lil.-l W...

|B of Lb,' Skin, lieneial !)■ I"lit,i :iali..n Iron, ll.-ntal anil I'I.VH.

. Hie lin-iitesl Auliilote

.."HIKI- - . -diau-lv. Niihoumi-

>,,l,| bv :'.ll llrl,j.-Ki-l-. ■ Sprllijc-, ''T luisliiiil Bab-r over di-ea-es,for

"> '<

IM.IIOI'N, riiicl'o., Ceihu- Itiipiih. h'Wa.

( !ii.nyo niliee, 1.'. South ( aiiid street.



free. II. K i iiAMhKKs



The aeiursl Mgaaaj ol ■reirUIasearthh'ls leeiiy. The very alunes rnl-i ,1 a- a lr ihnti- ol ji I fit lb.n over Uie n-rUng pbicer. of llle dead, all,I to murk tlie SIH<| ivhereOicv are lni.l, areMit.Jii't to ll..- btw. Tiwlnv we raise UH-maehk'or tcrsuiU' liioiiuninit, tri'.-li fniin lh«- hand "f Uie sculnlor, |U |Hilii.lie,l suri.i. e prc-ciuiiij; :i l«'iintlnil ali|«-nr- ance, Blld tlu-eleier cut I.LL.r . ..filling !l- it tlH'J wnnl.l n-inaiii f.-rerer In i.b-utiiv UH- ilead nml nlK'iik of tile ail.. lion nl the living- Until lew yearn i.ass n«;o. an.I Die -urftiee in' the marble or gmnite (cruwa .Um; Uie action of the element* upon Hie maa has km the letters seawa- ll .le.'y|.bcruble. The Mice elcj-nn! iin.niinieiit in. limger attract' Uie eye witli iu U-auty. but win. t» -iwak looaorUtsn ns masaai UMilesMvaese . -|.cak I., ii-.'I iii-.:iv n

twdng nlaoe tt uurasj

" Vli:l

IlnL Ihl- neeil im leiiger lie to. A reeeat Inven- tion, bv nn tililiimrlar wmker, SOt oulv fives Ihe iniwer' t.i re-bnc inarble in ci.iiille to its ..rijtiiiid Iwalilv, but in mi-lies a urei el valive IIKCIII « Inch tin- ulTc.l-i.l :in.| lime. Surely Ibis Is a niosl It is keepini? pace wilb Ihe i.nijnvhs sf the njre. As clmiillon Is iliffn-e.l nn.l a-llicUV ciilluie i^ .levelnped, lucre is an inerea-iiiwl.iii'b'i'ihe bcaulilid in nit. The ■■•eiiuea nl modern jtrilve yuril- .ire alt Ktdleries.

■re we Ibid t!ic liltdtt'^-t Irfiiiniilis in lnoiinniental

IV hi eh li... of th

i l.. Uie

iv I th a divide 'the seal).

skull from ear to

I. went Ihe

e lob,Ian.. I

oldler, eparcd ruii."

ire nml Tlw Ismllnnl looke. renlly, but t. in.hi.l arteil i-e, .1

lake a lim

i ml. nil. - mihle; I ilalnty, an.


he! II chased ll Th ■rtakeii by a I'otiplc of rullh

aptaln was too thoroughly taken hack to •veil sia; inier \|.l: 111 hi

reached c.l alike in both cases over the summit of 111 ear. turn hack the divisions, an the skull-eii]) by Uwbllons pasali the Hkull like a crown. In 11 whose carotid arteries had been pr for compression, these vesavlti clamped BO as to prevent hormorraj hill a few drops of blood We're to.I the entire operation. In each the du raj Then sahli mater was Incised, and the hemispheres *'«'»'■'■' of the brain were removed by su Incision You'llduft

with a abarp thlU-bloded kulTe passlnu i T)ll. ,.„,,, ri.lm, in ,,.,.r,ir, ,M.rc,.ivlnu l.i^ error; above Ihe Cerebellum, or a narrow portion .,.,„. 1;ll„,i„r., ttllU.e,l ,.if niib boil, ma-t-i ami ofubout iwo Inches In diameter called ,llmi

the erura cerebrl. The hrai.i of the M:»- ■ T( Ullili*(| ,,„. fill lullll. rr mi],.r o„. myrtle loim-ket'i>er, which was sinin.l. the heart ' .,.' , .' .,'. . )(in ., hlll ,, „„,,, .,]"...,„ disease baring left it Intact, he having ' .„,, .„....,'. been acnstble to tbu last, was transferred -.*—a- ' - to tbo ahull of tha soldier, nml by nn In- Tin; lut-in m niKlh-KAN.—The-twcfti geulous contrivance, fully ileUlleil In the ; . not a "bottomless dee,)," except to no lia/.elte, tliee.nitlmiily oflhe arterial and ,-K and to youug ladles, neither ur whon venous tubes was estnbli-hed. The are ntmlliar with the modern Improve greatest care was taken in aecurluq the nieuis in taking aoumtluga. Not onlj natural atlaplatluii of the parta to a frac- ; have skllirul seamen known how to read lion of a line, ami the skull, having; been the bottom ami Ibtcb parts or It up to tin re|daeed RlluptV, w.-ts held il.nvil and in top IV.uu great deptlis, but nialheinatl IMssltloti by the* scalp, which wns* drawn clans give themselves the l rouble local • ivi-r. ami Its ediris cotillned by atrip*or dilute iheoreticallv Its average depth. adhesive plaster, and oter all was placed iluflbu gave this nl iMo filth s, or It to a Imudage, ll was not until nevcral tfeel; l.aeaille gives trnxa Hitlol'To ftith' days bad passed that the pressure Upon the mos; l.a|ihiec, errotieotitdy estimating the carotid arteries was entirely relaxed, nl- mean elevation of the land at 32wi feet—

. though before the skull was replaced tin' ihn-u times the height now ullowcil hy How uf blood In the vessels oflhe brain physical RiHigraphers—thouuhtlhe waters was proveil to be restored. The chief | of ihe sea niiisl be of uboul e.pial depth. rear was from the result of Infbunmallon Young assigned a depth or W;l3 ratlioms and Nuppuratluit, but Fhrliinntelyneither in the Atlaulie ami apoiit :!«mi full s to ensued, and flu- wounded parts healed luu great Month (tea. According to the kindly. There was Irom the llrst no dli- estimate, other uuilliematlelana add, the liellltv ill IbcdlUg tile patiellt, llor was dlf- '< Haeille mllsl lie al its deepest ]).,hit lllteell acuity anticipated, for it is well known i and a hall miles In depth, which is searce- Ihat in puppies and kittens in which the Uy probable. Hut though little is known entire brain lias been ruuioved sucking j of the greatest deptlis of Ihu ocean-, we and awallowjnu; go on aa well as before i|o know thai their bouoiusarcofuneiiual the operation, and In Ihls case the nerves I depth, ami that they contain iiioiiiitalnN which preside over deglutition and dhjca- as well as vast rolling plain-; and Mr. tiou wen- far below the polut of se.Uon. | Keelus lakes advantage of such soundings

The patient remained In n sound sleep | as have been made to Illustrate In a strlk MirtWU Weeks, as in a case of apo|i|e\y ; luu' manner the llieipia,lllies the circulation, digestion, ami all the veg-j ir, be remarks, the waters oflhe Mctll i-talive functions of life being unlnterrup- terranean were suddenly lowered ahou ted. The gradual union of the partH was , no would lie divided hit. shown by faint but gradually Increasingl three distinct sheets of water: llnh movements of the tlinbs, of the Jaws, and I would be joined to Sicily, Hlelly would »f the muscles of expression in. tin-lace, tin- united bv iiii Istliinus to Africa, llu Speech did not become possible until Hie Ilarihllielles and the Itosplml'ils would be close or the third week, ami tl it was closed, hut the outlet oflilhralter would hcHltatltlg, Ntanillicrlng, as a eldld Icarus, remain In free eoiuiuunleatiou with Hie Although It was evident that the patient'I Athinlletteeau. Ifthe level were lowered tried to ulier words and seiiti-nccs ll was I by about :.:.o fait is, the .Kgenu, the verv orailinillv tint ihe power of iutelll- Kuxlue, iltld Ihe Adriatic would wholly gllifu artieul.iii.ui iviunieil. ' disappear, or only leave in their beds un-

The (ia/elle conlalns the report in a > liiiporltml |M»O!«; the remainder of tin tabular form of ihe liiereaslng voluntary ! MedlU>rranemi would be divided luUtsev- power over llu-arms and bauds, as meas- |eialsens like the t'aH|dan, either isolnled, 11red from oav )•• ilav bv Hie ilvnauiome- j or coiimiuiilciulug with each oilier by mu- ter, the ineusuremeiils given in kilo- n»w rhannebi, and the terminal pr nlo. grai s; also the dally tciupcraturo or ry of Koropu wouhl be joined by the hub ihe limbs as shown by ihe thermometer ! mils oflilhralter to the momilallis of Atrl intbtgreesofeeiitlgraile; also Uie meas- lea. A depression of about llisj fathomh ure of returulng sensibility of the lingers would leave notldng but three inland and lips, as given bv an instrument called | takes; lo the west, a triangular un icsfhesiouieier: but I until these, as ciipylng the centre of Hie depp your readers will he iut.-resied |u the main tween France and Algeria', iu ll facts only. ! a lonir eavlty extemllug from

When speech heennie intelligible it was Sli llv ; ami eastward, a holloV found thai tin- soldier, as he seemed, had front ol'flie Kxyptlan coast. T rorgiilU'Ueiillrelyldsmllliaryiraliiingauil esl depth of the Medlterrane exceed-1 eemio iHsclplllio; on lite other hand lie told, ai a lug&'lM ralhoius, lies to the norlb of the (active formal examination. In ihe pr.-one.-ofn Kyrtes, nlmont In the geometrical centre number »r wRiiessea, the prices of nil ll i'llie basin. wines ami beers, such as the saloon-keep- I Aaaiu, the British Channel, that lens) • r IIIKI been In Hie habit ol buying and | agreeable of seas to good Ainerleans Helling, in.iiili'esiiiio Hie iiiibnpai-i.l cen-- wishing to reach l'aris from Utndon, is u liral activity or the latter. His memory uarniw arm oflhe sea, which imiy becou- recalled Hie saloon-keeper's relatives, shlcrcd as a mere accident of the earth's friend-, and customers, whom he called surface, us a kind or murltlme trench, so bv name. Inconsiderable Is lls depth euuipanil with 'Tin-soldier had been utrly, tacllnru, that of (lie ocean. In onler to form n

revengeful; he now hail ll alooii-keep- true notion of ihe depth of the thannel, er's frankiies, and even garrulity, In spite compared with Its width, one must in.air- ofhls stainuierliio utterance. He was to- ine a mliiialurc of this sea drawn on a taltv blind. AlthoitKh ih,- nerves .,r scale of one yard for two-thirds or a mile, smelt and slifht ha*i been upproxlmated in ' ou a perfectly horlr-oiital surface. This Hie operation, tiny railed to unite, 11 sheet of wait r would nol have less than was both sail nml strange to see ami hear .VI7yards ofleuulh, and its wl.lih would ihe soldier groping, in his Infirmity or vary, acconllng tothecoasi-llncs. between nml giving proof id all H.e pa- :i:i and :'lo vard- And yet, nolwllhslanil- tlelil einluiMiiee ami gomliiess of heart lug this considerable surface, the greatest which hail made the saloon-keeperdescrv- depth would 1A less than two Inches al e.lly e-t, i-ined and priMpemiis. These are Hie entrance. In epest hollow oflhe the main facts in the cane a-far a.-de- thannel, t>etweeil the hillock repn-seiitili« tailed In the Archive, but the Mibji-el of Start ltdlit and thai or Ihe Kept-lies, ll cxnertmciil presenfs so in.iiiv liiiportanl would lie leas than two and a halfluchis,

flenvaids loll I nan sitting quietly under nn ancient elm t the solemn hour of midnight. IVrliap io hasn't hearxl anything about the atl'ai ioinhls nebzhborasince.

• 10 to OH per nelv. Kil Snil. Miht, In-Hlihy climuu- iiliiimhinl. I'litalneiic ■■ KislenilsbuiK. Al.l.

TWO NEW POTATOES. i:.TTlt.t KAltl.V I'mmoiT, TeaDara

filler thauKaib Uo-e Knnrutaualy l*ro- durllre, an.I of K\< lll.l.ll.M' KI.AVOll. «l per lb.; -t IIM , by unit, pu>l i>abl, i'«r 9:I.IMI.

rOMITOC. SI Itl'lIlKi:. BM ltuslirla io Ihr in.-. A lillle liibr lhaii Karl) Kan: Killed In quality. «:l |S>r lb., by malt, uo.1 |iahl.

»SOO I'llKMllMS \., ih..-e wb,.linHliicetb.-l.:ii'p.~IUiilLnlili IV.mi one) •■. lies. I iotive (Ilreuliir- -■! lie e, « lib lint nl :|HU Vliiletiesel PuUbtW, live 1., nil.

iihi.iriiini Ni crl CatatefpwtMOpager,with t'olorrd C'lirnoio. 93 e-ents.

A "nrTiianl-.n«iT«\." Early, m, nn.l proiliietlve. Price, SS ets. tier pnekft; paekrts, * I.

it. K. m.lsN .■. HO.Ttt, •it I'.i.l. IMiirr, - - - Xnv link.

fbr anv ras ' Mind, lll.-cllm', Itrhlnf or Ulcer. ab-.l Pile- Unit UK BIXIW l'lle Hntinly fails Id ein-r. It i- prepared e\|.iessly Ut cure the Piles, awl IIM Kcbe.

.s.,1.1 bv iili UrafuhUS. Prlec #U«>. I lft-7


Sar>Pe4lelei f.T nil ihe above Companies written IN MYoKr'll K, ami l.l (SSKH AH.HSTKH.

Kor iiiliirniali.iii, rates, etc., rail un or n.l.ln -a


2G3 Essox Street, Lawrenco. Peart Office it... 38. 1-

,-ii.jj l.- iu .ii. ... 1 e.le.'i .1,- t-..:..-,,.,u if ihe r. Ilowela -.i KMneys. 1 .... I. V •]•<-I..I I.-. ■ -.1.1..Inn,-; iniiai.-.! mnaof i:...-i . I,..,,- i.l.i. I. :,.•- sur. io .aril In,

Here a

blocks or -:■■

:i >t»M.a nn.l cut nn ln»cj-i|>ti"ii, but n.t UKinuiuetils are no Imiiter men- e insrkinK the ir-tins plaeea of Uie Is nt Srt ninkiuK the cemetery M

i nil. active t.> the lover ol' the l.canlil'nl ns ills lo the nielaie hub ami meditative. Surely, tlwn, this

! invention, which in* onlv reMores tin' Aided Slid r ' timr worn marble t»IU , l»-ai;ii, but pre

" Ita* and fried," snld the lioy. " Down Ihe street you net llinse." " No, str; l was told in get Ihem here." ■• Why, 1 Jo not keep a restaurant." " Dunnoaboul dat.sir; I want raw and fried. " Well, go lo Bregaaxl's, then."

"Can't get'em here, lnwd?" " No. Ho kick and get put down on paps

bat veil want." " Ml ri-ht laws" '.leliRhl. ltism.wp<suilbh.lo|.re-cii.lf«-l'eanly

Ail rijrtir, is»s. , o{ |i||(v „.„„,,^j,.,,. ^ re.t,*,-ii hi ami bha-k- And off he went, returning wiili a slip of \n\ ,.,„,[ i.,,,il.-h.iic. M tln-ir loat lu-tre. No longer

cr nn which «r« nrilten Iwrora Fhnd i wi" I"'"!'1'' ,v«r''1 k' *** ,1"' «T»'«l'l'le ami chirvi.' iron wtiiui nas Mrlltin .lionra I ".14,1. inseri|.H.>r.-. in>i-ire<l bvboean.l reapeet for Uie There was a hluli wjnd In t'Healheotherdiv \ dead. lH-comin)i unresliable by exposure. This

, ,, ,, ,. L,O.-i :. .'.ill 1 nal>!.' nil tokccplhetollilM-lones ml Hie Herald nay*, a »ia,.l many liuiny tiling ,.,.,.,,,., ,„ u„. „„.,rtory or Wk.viil rrienila in (K-r

nls.nt it. sin li ns: —A man on Coin hill filled hi- m.'.nct ,...-. nation; ami as, each summer, the , ,, ■ 1 1 , . , i. * liainl- <■! !■■«■ iu H"«i 1- iinl.-i-fc llie itrave nl S

eUtern with brielts yesterday, to keen it from ll(.|>:ll.,.i ,,1.,,,,,. I.r fi ieii-l, the ni.lm-ss Tetl on ',1 .>..,:-,,m nl the •Toiiinl.—A ihtj* which got .inh n a-ii.imill not la- inb'ie ifld l.yobsrrv

■ --ijf tin-' vtiinb luvc reared gaaag w>

Inn AiTalitfi'iiicnl.

11, I Niter Unsdny, War. IT. IsT:'., Train* will leave lhe ItepOU Ul l.iiV.rcn.c, as follows:-

Kor lb. Ion [from North Ilepi.t), tiMV:.'., ,.:W, H.3S ,U.j and lin, :i.Hmii.l.'i.;to e. M, Fi.r IbH-ton (from Soiitli HepoL), al IWT, T.a'i, I'.i.l, .w.; ami l-.Ms, 1.1.1 (expr.-s), S-17. 5.:K, Mil,

(express), 7.W I*. U. Ki.r l'ovtl.i.vUl'1'..m South Ilc|HiU, it! 9.S.1 ,1. M.;

hi:., I p. a. KIT licoiKctnvtii ami Si'wl.urvpoi t (hum South; I.ia. b « r. s. K..r llaverhlll (Irani Banth Hep»t), nt Ml and

•1 |a 1. at.; ami II', I, Vl'. M. ; and fro* North DepotatT.lei'.M.

Trains leave ll.iston for Lawrence nt T, '■■«>, S.30,, A. «.; li«.; |j.:in,,.i.;,ji,:. nmlfii'. u.

JAMK8 T. KI'ltltKIt, Sup'i. Lawrence, March 17, IsTb

N 0 1: W I C II I N 1 V KKS1 TY

A MILITARY COLLEGE. riiloiy llr|iai'< 111 rill

1 »■> i"i;"i.««' >in 1 illaeaae. As R'B RITTKHH

I \\i. M> Ki/l A VI. IM

snbie. Ma". S..I-I b] t. li. .1) n. ill alislh Ine* kv.icn,lb.


Rstahlishnl ls.ii. Pnpai Tlioo.intli Ulassiesl, Helen ulruebou. tluml hi-.-ii.iii CilAltl.K«HOI.K,Xi -■■ ■"

Y U 1 C K *; RICKKH,

«ssors to A. K. lb KKRRil iiiaiini'nelurrrs »«,l dealer* hi all kinds ef

Tin, aiieot Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, i.c-nl, Till Lined and Seml-Klaatle Pl|s».

LIFT ' A Jt I» F O It

week- April fllh.

1^ n It O K E 1> 0 1.1. A K

We Will -end l'HKI.; bv mail, nn rec. Hollar. *!i packcls of choice KI.IIU fill f our C:ilnloa-nc, <-i.iiUiiiiii>M n.'-iuol- nf ItNiii caric Ite*, with lull •llrecli..)- - l.n .■MIUIIV, t., any a.blresa in ll nil.-.! >

I'ntaloKiiea I'ree on IU i: A lIDVLi:, Nerd-

■'•." li. oiipoi



C E -N T

caught in the wind yeater.lay was observed last evening'carrying oil'an empty hah;-reslorati«e

ilecn r of Uiia preservative iiKcnt, whi.h

,, , , |SAMYKIt,nl NnUhliehl, Vl.,nnd llie 01 plums from a Kuiia-r-ntreel pantry, and made 11 „ie paient .uv 1'. I'. HATCH X I'll., who lillle. boy iu ihe house very hick.—Picked up on ' ctablished si Mount Auborn iJnUw, bo-

ttle Sli'eel, yesterday, between Ihe Chciiaii en-canal bridge and Ocnesee Street, a set of au- burn enrliand two and a half yards uf bine rili- lain.—A resiieetable BtUSen, a UOg ami two Isiys were ubscrved raeing down QcnSMQ Street yes- day. A silk hat prceedcil iheiu, ami the eiil-

,. . ..iimniiii. atiniis mm hcn.1.lresi.cil. Unleis liiav Is- al-o lell nl No. n Broad Street, Ibn-tnn; al ihe IhtiiT of llie femeterv. nt t.'tuuhrhltre; at the I'ost unices nl Heading, .sti.iicbnni, Lowell, Newton, Wat.ham, Uharletluwn nml Wobum,

l»r..l ibi.a-

QHLV KVI:UY 11 w 111s u\\\ PAlRTEn

Or, PAINTS-HOW TO SELECT ANDUSt THEM. A plain treatire, cinilaiiiinj.- niiuplecanl with Ij ilTci-cnt netnallv plllubsl shmh- mid lint-, n I irlmctlons l.n- eMerior unit inleii'.i' lion

llec.niition. tiff Copie-, bi.unil in cloth, for *.V Sain|-h- en

i.'h, pai.ere.ivei, mailed. [...-I pai.t. toilliv a.blre, oil i-eeei|>l or IO eeula. In the 1 'uiilislicr,

11 i:\ttv <Altti:v 1:111111, Una ltl-j I, I'.i.l out, 1 , l'l.lh.,1. l|.I.l...

a*" Millie I'olliiwinK Mihiable cvoa'Is limn pre

[]SS II. 1!. K1K1JHXC wishes to in-

Farm, HoutMlioJd and Garden.

l-'i:iiTii.i/iMi AiiKMM.—lint the decep- tive nature of bulk in rerlilixin^ aaenls Is not e.inUuud lo baru yocl ttiauiiie. I«Mn es, peat, inni-k, ehalT, ele,, need to be care- ruliy exanilned In onler lo understand their actual value to the faiuu'r. I have made somewhat extended analysis or these BUbstaurra in order lo lest the cor- rei-lneas of some published statements re- iranllniit Ihem, and also io lean: of how much positive service they may be to the tanner. A bushel of well pressed dry

they fall from llie trees iu au- l^-lis about four pound*) by rylnn;, they ptirt with a little :»i per cent, or Mater held in

■I'ihe leaf structure. A cord of

•Llest; remarks in a friend, who told 31

Mm 1,«,»s.,,,,1.,-, ,.,„ reru.„i ,„...,„.-A *.*. ^IVVKU1;:; t:i;z'd j-iKsri." ™..y

little IHIV, who started for .Sunday school renter- , u, exseato ui\ i,ni«n for day with a very rcipectahlo umlirella, was teen DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING by hi* agonlxcd mother sliding hy the window [ nl her It., -.sol Kaaes ML, Ijiwrenee. Ma«»-

"'■■'■" -I "'■|'"":'1 "'■■'■■'■■II.,; ^i^l^J^X^t^SSliX'''''' hut he lin-t his testament, and he left samples i,f XKW STV I.KS reeeivnl every week. Ids panbiloons ou every sliaqi piece of l-.v fur ' Ladies' Dresses ("ut and Fitted for 81.00.

Machine Stitching and Ilniiilhut done Ut order. A biters) .liare ol- i«ilnmuKe ln-,1, with

lhanka for i>n*t fnvors. IjH iaa

nl-.ii 1 three hundred feet.—A lunii on Ilrotul Siivct who found Ihe *brn of'a c loth in g-s tore, a

sbm Indian, two uoor-taata, a urooni and ec Icnjilbs of pleket-fcnrv in his back-yarn, n thai it Is an "ill wind that blows nolasly

ly dry lei rill huiuln

elu abe blisheh nl rep

■konli to the cnl. In wel|[ht, then,

i-nts about one twelfth of 11 barn-yard manure, and If they

in- amount of lerilH/.ing material in the in- eoiuliliiiii, wouhl )>c cipial in value tliat amount of manure,. Itul tills is from betiiff the Diet. The dried leaves

iave found to stand relatively to the leached organic matter nf manure, as m

able: (:,'M'I llio ii!.

the comparative value Is as Into HO. weljrhl for ivcigld, A cortl i.r dry forest bines, made up or the, usual deciduous varieties, maple, beech, oak, etc., has an actual manorial value ofnot over liny cent-., reckoning good stable manure al eight dollars the c.rd. Will it pay lo collect theiii? Certainly not, for ihe nniiiiii.t or rertlllnlng material they eon- lain. As litur or nbsorbouts In iae sta- ble, leaves have some value, but less Hum Mia'w. Inasmuch as I hey lack the reedy character of straw, ami because they are far more slowly dicomposed.—>V,-w lit. Xirhul*'* FimUte Xintc:

-Milk 11 W.lTKItJSMll.K.

eonseipiu'itlv ihe limner win market loo gallons of honest hit waifun ss gullons of ho which he h.mesilv sells to his al fair rales per gallon, ll >.

ry Hie itUeiilia



ir luipreaslou that tin j.lliig iu milk, vegcla

JMolcJ in\il Quoted. —A hpnrlsinun was seated with his servant on

n hank, consoling blnucir under the fatigue and ,lisii:H».|ntaicnt of uiisiu-cessful pursuit. "Well, Pal," said he. "this is expensive work. I've Inrcll ciileiilniiiig that every one of these birds hnaeiial me alssil fifty pounds." "Faith, yer hoin r," raid I'ai, throwing a dash uf humor Into the sviupntliiilng simplicity of his reply, "I'm sorry for that, but it's lucky there's no more of Iheiu."

—To rev a locomotive engineer out upon the road driving spikes, so that tin- rails may be held thinly white llie train passes over It, is not very ipiieting to nervous people. Yet such was tin- case ou the Providence, Hartford Ik 1'ishklll Kaih-. ..J, the other day. The engineer U-ing -ha.-|i-iveil, discovered njoo-c rail, and got off the engine In make repairs.

—A horscmuii suggests to us the following: It luut been discovered that to make a Udky OTM travel, tie a -t. 11;; lighlly aluUllii Iili ear the cud, let Jhn suuni unlit lie hcKhi* In linkcjlls head, when he nilt furget ulamt lattk- ig, and go wiihi.iii loiihcr trouble, li ncvci ids. The 'aaimikt' walks light off on hii

—A Daubtiry man, bavlag a bit of garden . iili his house this year, In going a lillle into

irrieuhure, and luu bought ««"« Usage oranj red for a hedge, SUUH whitewash for tin- font

a half a down loads of ashes lor the walks, tv humlied feet of liimUr for all arbor, three rus- tle chairs, and two quarts of seed potatoes.

—Thu Stale of Nevada h|,-ali/,es Riming, ami reaps #15,000 a year Irom licenses in gamblers. Au eilort is now making ttalaillsli this Isuisv rism, which, howei er, a local jiaper defends on Die singular ground that it wives the "dangerous classes" a livelihood, and thus prevents nibU-ry Hl.l rnllhmiMn.

—There are some Ihcorles that have Wen ex plisled by experience: All women do not add imstscripts Iu their letters; scandal Is nol pecu- liar to the fair »r\, tint I- llldalged in by ul.i In- dies of laiih sexes j llicrv are wives wbu are not lufferlug angels, ami whose bushawls are not

ellsusiu.llvcoi: gallon nl' in-; derived from tl ■nlates. Thl-

t? Manlfeslly

aiiiiu-af llie mid ill ■ soil throuab

by file 111 ihe wnier drunk till passes llllo thi .'dilute Hie valiliti which its value 1,

l'i of th id brain, itflii

,'el-ll blind A • isidl 111 11

! I 1

se Interesting poiu

chemistry »f milk. huia forms of root)

erlinents go lo sli. 11. e exists, in llu asfnri - appitrenll)

T^ 11. sruv.ii;,.



,1 Wringing

I Mr. ll.iir.lV."-N.V. Herald.

rj- Hewing Maehlaes, I Maebiiu - llepaireil.

Ph.mblng, Tin Rcoflnp and GenoralJob- bliiff clone nt nhoit notice.


A II I I N G T 0 N 11 A K 0 K .


1,1.11.1:11 is

Parlor, OrHco and Cooking Stoves. Plumbing, Thi Itooflna, and all kinds of .lobbing

ilone [inini|itly. -1


11 Lawrence Street, LaVWrence.


Ko. NO I oii.o Ktrvrl,


Tin- Hank has never KIM less llwin sit jwr ccnL er aiiuuui, free ol Li\ to it' ib-|.i>sltorK.

.r before the iil|».iiintere.l,an,l sluire


BUM Howe Improved Family Sewing Machine.

]. Ilealitynml i-xci Hence of „til. h aliLe nn both .hlesnl'tln-'fabric-•-'■ -SlreiiKlh. beauly I dura- bility of seam thai w ill nellb.-r rip uur mvel.-.t. (oniiih-te control oter bulb ibrenib.— I- Au en- ireli new u-i.-i.u. l.n' the upper Ihrcn.l, 1 bleb eiintrlbuti-".- MI much L- that IH>UUIV ami uni- .nniily of stitch I'm vvhi.-ii the -Ibove Machine" i^ tx eclebrubNl.—V A perl'ii-l iniiforni Icm-lon in the luitlle which not vary from a bill In nn bulibili — an objection .0 common lo cAhei machines.-a. An aiuounili.- -.■h'-ri-jriilnlinjr wke- up Unit prevents inii.-iiij.' nf i-tilchcn in eroa*l«K lieavv seams.—7. Slnnl, plrnijdil and ranm* ncc- ilh-s.'iiet llnlilu to break in pa--.ini; over IHIIVV

in-, us ilu the curve.I needles of other machine... .-,. t-iaer n.islle.. for Hie same thread than any other machine.—1». M'wiint .spinllv s ell " Uh imy kin.l at thread.-IB. Kcnn.miv ol llircml bsyeSMl tlint of anv iitlier iiiacblnc — II. A hcuunci Uinl «i ake am widlb m ll.i.i ,.r Kell.-U. lira Id- ill); nienio-tcomi.b.ul.-.l|...tlein, Itllhaiiv H i.llll nn.l Liml "I ltniid.-i:i. A IJuilbr that willii.ljiot ilM-lf tn anv Itii.kiie-i, ol malerial.—14. luekiiiK any li.liric lilllioiit II.JIII> er'>. A riinl- er sn cini>tructcil ns lo c.v.l ar ut very -hmt curves, even to mttsre eomcrs.-ia. Si-wbijt Ihe liue.t t'nhrtc willmut Injure ur pucker, and the beavleit materials with the ^'realeat case.—1,. t'onuHictncss, -Implicilj ami .hirabillty.-IS. Kase olowmliouamt iniinnjriam-ul.- l'i. Ue-l Machine in tlie »"ihl I'oi 11 •■■

i :,1I :,,,.' -ee Ih, ■-.- Macliinc, 11 ml.. « Uh the Mil .JOKiiVtO TIOA1U.K IKiHi-r, nl llaRar'a Af{en- ri-. too Bnaaa Hir#et, Laureaee. *-

A K 1> K E W 8,


DtttKCTOtPS OFFim, :' t'Ot'BT 8TKKKT, l:iisrn.\.

II 1IKI V HITUAt. Aaaeta over .... »0.4.00.<!«)0.0»l

all, TlltS luutlTS train To UOUrtUtU, The bin roles nml laiye .livi-len.U of this obi

ronipiiuv, logelbcr « .Hi e\.'etl, lit u.Hmiif, ill, ill, fair Ai'idhiL' nml pi ,luc-s in llie n.tjui-lmi nt m !..-.,-. iimkc-. tl Ihcls. II in New Kniilaii.l lo Insure I .pvclnllj lor KndoMlili lit I'.-lli i, '■

H. Y.. I.AWItl'M K, Audit fin- I-nwrciu-c, Ilnverbilt, Amhivcr, and

Itiuvlii Milbueii. OFFICE 373 ESSEX 8THE1-T. LAWRENCE.


PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N, Lately located hi l~iwro,.uu.

South Sido, on Hi-oiuhvny. >f BLINDNESS ff""' Cstswtei,

Kparlly of t'nrnrn, "Pkiml- of IIISKASHI KVFS, NoreKj-*-of l^.'so sr iNiilso, liaep- ll|. ., ii I of I .0 ... .. I KVl«,SnrfEr«iH' . 11... nn.l *ntarrlial Ophthalmia. Nn u .,f the i.:o ],. , ,,.„l lliiet, or Wrt'pffia Kftts, fie IrisbicinK tile Sril.K for it, cute. All cnsei-, of whatever ch-naclci. ,ii-,-bcin« irenteil wilhaslon- isidnK sueceas. All uarsoBi tram ■ ulslaaee, mil or u>e -tale, will bo rawlfsd hibi ihe Doelor's fniuily ilanag treatment.

yurthiT. we nerfhrn) all khtAs or Operations on the KYKS, as CnHtraet, Slribtruiui, en., for VKHV mill I.KSS ibnii lbc-e npcratiims are done in Boston or Mew Vork.

We refer nil who wish lo know nfour treatment. In a few cases imlv iu HIM cilv, vl/. Mr. Thoni|i- s„U, In Ihe I'acitlc'.Mill; nl ,., i.. Mr. Taylor, South Side. Urotulway, ami oLlicrs Itllml wllh I'aUiracl.

Also, all kinds of Weak Eyet ennal. Tlie may be fimml nl all Limes nl his

Residence, opposite Tiger Engine House.

We do ant, however, make the Ere a siswIaUy, but all kind* of M'mittKY, M.'ll.iil ilenlly announce Unit 110 one MI nnfotti te as I requlra KlIUUKJAI. ALII, newl «o to Itoatoa, n

ijr,"-\.V Worl "lluvi-.cnpic.-..l llii- Imok.iin.l lii-liibulelfiein

:u ■- 1 '-in rrieudi-. IT Ihcy will taast Ibe ndvi.c Iberein. vim coull lunk-.- no mure valuable pre.-- tin."—rliicapi Trihlme.

"In iniblihhinK this book Mr. Ifalr.lhn'douen 1. ;,] ■.. Iti.r |o r[,cc.,L.ltnilll.l.." 'I'.-l. .io lll.l.l, .

"We hope tlie publisher Will -.11 hsunm. opiee of tills U»ik durhiK ;a."-lb.-i...,;I,-,,.

We liavejust iiuinl.-il .._ author, and in. Mint; in our

trail, e."- IhuiHiV Mii-klj. " lu selling a sample cop} lor lil el-., Mr. 1 laird

milM fCfl rrTtnin »n milrr t.<T *'• IM.,..,.1 ill clolb will lolloe. ."-r-rnnk Leslie.

We know llie lown and eounby pnhit* tlierein [inlinended, nml ran v..nch lor llieir value and excellence ol llie 'llairi-on' brand of while L"—I'liila. LeUavr.

101,1 10 CmiT8.

CAWS. SAWS. SAWS. SAWS. |~ [KMtnbllHhe>(] lMrtii.1 WELCH li GRIFFITHS,

Manufacturer- nf s.iws. ' SI'l'Kltfllll I'll ALL OTIIKIf.


*fl-l.iueiui, inrffii NTs..• a •i-l'rice Li.t-jiii.ll'iivnbr. free.

WKlil'II A- li It I 1'1'lTli S. II HI. Mass., *. "-', .Midi.


You can nol nlTon! to n.-c poor machinery ■ neither ■4UI v.ill uianufa. lure piollLibli w illioiit hnviiiic tin- Ian -t iiuprof,-,! ei.ulrii.incc- ktmwn. Think of it eanilldh! Can youl' Hclav no b miter I WAKI- IT! Write ,\, S. i;K.\lf,:sI iolPi Sinlbnrf Slreil, 1 lo-lon, for c:itnloi.'iie ami circular- r.'ililnl- inx all Woon iind IUUS-WOIIKIMI MACIIISKIIV, and order uitilii' on' the machine },.n need so much.



coaxial EXSKX :STI;KKTA\ I> into.1 /ur. 1 r.

DMMMRS nlaecil on laleresl the Klrst Itsr of each uiniiili.

Inu<re-t answer] on all sum* of one Oojlar ami IIIOMIHIP, ilcpieilcil nnl Ic-s lluni one month la' fore tlie da} on « liich .lit i-lemls lire dec tared.

■Ihe M.ialle-i linn mcelvotl on ilepoait la «vi

IHthletids will 1«-made of all Uie profit- wind may have I1crrl1.1l u ilhin UH- prpvi *i\ inuutlis nib 1 ile.tu. linf.'nece-Mii) evp.n-e^.

Interealwlll am be naklnii IrarUonal pails ufi dollar.


Si'wiiiir Machiiio Hie BKST IM Till! 1VOHI.D I


er Susli Lock and Sup-

All .i.-|... i- 1 nt month arc ll |llvl.lcmls:l-.> in dec In re, I area

■ and at 11 ilinKl'iiVlllil Mil

Fxceitllr* VimmUter. Clhibm Vile*. Tboinaj. L. Jenk*. linnet <ni|«-nfer. Unnic] II. « luluey, William Itobiinnn. liisi. n. Iierbv, lyH|a



Magee's New Portable Range.

Mik iMHtght la-fore the advance, ami b> )W bv ']JJ"I-


Ko. :tMi Raanl Klrrel, l.n wiener.



I Imve Just made large ndailion* to my nlrcutly


MARKED EVERYTHING DOWN! The price* I have set upon my Ibnnls an-

utiprt'ccih ntiilly low.

KVl'.KV VAKll'.'l Y UK f»»UP8 far LaiUea' wear.

In Millin p.he u.t 11 si

Dc-fy Competition. Sly slock of La.lies1 WnoUen I'mlerWcru' lt.n

IHVI'I liuuelt nilileil 1". I'lices lotv. (hil.h.11 anil ltabi.-''».-.lleu liidcr Wear, dm kel-. cb .

I ran supply Ladle with

r A i' K n r A T T K it N S

B A , L E V


PA1 NTKR8, :,'J!i f,.-.\ Mi.,1, (»>iln«j Itlork).




Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AMI

COL.L.RCTOR. o««-r. asn Kaam Nirert, fswrsaM,

Hours, »to 3 and 7 la H )'. M. f JSeptS

XT K W AND H E (' (1 N 11 II A N 1)

FURNITURE. Tlie PnhserilH-r* have taken rooms in,y

lllnck, o>:!7 liases Klrret, Where lliey will Itc- pair ami Buy ami Sell Bacon

il houscliold ailicles. AM a nle.l to, 101.1 goods tabl at an


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS icaily nil varleliiv, as

fnmllli AH..-. Iln.-lloin-. Hnaara, loo- IralMaara, Orchratra I 010. 1-1 Uf

brass or lienunn Silver; I'i-ton er Itntnry Vulves;

Drums, Cvmluls, KhiU-s, I'icc.ho, Files, Hagiit kl-, l liirioitci , l'i cm li EIIIII lien,inn \.. 0111,

,.ii.,Vlolni-Aioiil:irr,Viol.meell..H,llonble ItasM's, f'oncerlinas, Muliiins, llarnio

ulens, Ibinliir, Hasle BosOS, Violin nn.l liuitar SlrliiKs, nml nil

Hm-lcul Miri'lciinli-■■. i- Ihe well known store nf lyllnpiblL

JOHV C. H I V M S A ra.,

fflCourt fib, ..|-|... lie Court lluuse). Bastes.



No. 6, Lsawrenco Street j Where will lio kcpl 0 DrsHlnss sbn-k nf

Cigars, Tobacco, Kit 11 i l\ M.< t-. In. II nt. lie) 1 1- nml rla>ri|ira




A share of public patronage is solicilcd ut llie




Afnllkiu.1 . luu, milking ihiaa ipcelnlft and en

III ollu-i .liVnili'ii.n'l-'u'y"-b-'ltVp'.«l. tnian

IT A I Jt O <> O D S. Itciil ami imilMi, 11. All ktwls ol Drt- Iit:

Real Lacos,



ITSE ihe 1

—A pr lie-ut

rah yimiiB dnti^li West. ami In another hi sin- wanletl th* in.

>tc ho

ihiffflcld has

plained to ii Mend tin 1 de: . nl

I. niil


I'o.ul for covts. to in er ami early am .ViVArsVa I'niiMi '/Ai /.'.,. I'.-n'- r,.

hvKH-iU: plvasaul un

■1 licUi!-.'■ tiind I'.i.d k tiie r-re-riHi

r the d lo

of the llui.l Iti

ars I made xperlineiita-

ih are kept .r these ex- vast diirer- the feed ol' iu sol) anil in tlie (Creeii

the um 111

used lu ihe late sum nnioiilhs.—fV»w lit Km MI. rn,'„'.'../,.,( /■.


i llilKMls.—This llll

up.—S,.ri,.</,;ri,l /(./.eW.'cni. -The Itey. Mr. Weiss eaprcascs Ihe convic-

tion thai Hamlet wai not nuul. A drainarle writer says: "For isir psrt wo don't pretend lo say he mu mail, but the roadurt of Ids mot In r ami his um le was certalnlv ■ ahulaled to laakc

him a little angry." —"Is Mlfeo HeCloafcey In the rank!;" ashed

tlie coniiiiau.h-r-in-eliii-f, as the army - 'no, I in

the line or battle, "Here, Oliieral," said Mike, step|iiiij; for word. "Then let the engagement iic)-hi," said the (Icneral. That is the way Mike t, IN the story.

—Mis. Bertha Toricr died hi Athens. Me., on ihe 11th i.r l-Vbrtiary, auctl W years and eiaht month ft. The twenty years Mrs. Tinier lies Iweu living with her daughter, who is now left an urpluui at the afro of N) years,

—An Ureguu youth H aceased of dressing up a straw woman ami givlflg it .1 ride through the lown, after his bashful approaches had la-en re- liulb.l l.y tlie genuine silicic* among Ids female aet)iialntanccs,

—V.. roller, ..rt'oniwsll, C..uii.,ci,nsidern thai the bnib creation are wanting In cratllude lib bought a horse losl winter lor a dollar, an, it iigraletiil thing Hint and .lied Ihcothe

.1 I'll! ergy, thai we tuav be well a-- lied that lli> bill

I'.iei- nt interesl iu flu- ehan-.

,,1'tlrv. will be iHT.niit. il 1,1 eaeii|R> led

lee nml reeoril. A Kra\e | ol r ills- cussion is trhetlierhe miint fill In e.o,- X.W

sid.-i-eda criminal and -nii'.r le-S

a giillly aoMieror -hull be p. nsioiiiil nml Ml hi

HU-rnlly rareil for in his i irtmilty as a 1-1,11

tinlltlc" and iiiui-h-i.iiiri'rltm heir-seller. Public .e.uiii.enl 1- divide [. Iii ror

William vivi -Vu," pen-ill] orllv, The yolll

KmiM-ror Williiun'- \».\e>"*. 1 lenTolV, all ll.-li

any "Vu wold " The Kuiper •r W mi's Ihe

profe -s »r mrtupbrnles hii 1. r,in|KTnr s

Universities s..V it Is elelirljll

and 1.011-.«,.. and the people - ■■a !'<■!.•'■ .•-in willing ihe

■ Is ,1 ,|, |T. ssiotl W hoae side- descend , iially toward n i-iiilral imllmv -Una-j muiiiiny llxed ; but to k l.etween flu- eoiisla .if Ihe I'liltetl «rnvlty wltlllll the base s. Ihe lleniuiihis. ami Ihe [lank ol'l „r space passed ,.rer b'. I'.uiu.lhiii.l. A rail >-f llu- wafers of greater than Ihe ills hau llu fathom* wouhl nuul the rore uml hi ml feel, ll h inrilie ori.nn.1-w.nk upon which j should be mot to, Spain, ami the liriii>h Isles reM-. ' ,,r ll.e way of Ihe him is Indeed Ihe Inn- loundatlon of llle ■ Let (lie Miiilli shoe yoll peai nn.i.-nt. !,,r be- [ usual.- no ellppiuL'. ra Ihli ba.-emiiit, which fiimis Hie ea- lnR bev i what Is ui

e nuiite uf Uf lip! World, the bed of vent ellekliig, rul iVil'ih

ca, at au Inclination or abmil eight I (he ■.hell nf the hoof*

ees, d.-e.liils grutlllllllv linin I |U I plaelng th

,111s lo Hilii ami Sis; ihllioins ! plnees, am vav.s, A riill io Us level ,.f Nil (W. 0,nw ims w.nhl ilimllilsh Ihe width nl llu- ■lie ni-re 1 hap half, would have ihe' Train reruses to built.

-Agnt>fs'K fat.iritc lipph- i- mini julep. Tin I glass almost liivuiiuiily Inspires DII tin

:. nihei' !'|uein ilbciinmcon the inleron-npie phcuomeui leg re- of mi,it.— Y, 1 . (Vl. h'r. 'Hire id' — An Omaha man played sulanbolre, am ' stride nio-i and kindled the lire for hi-ttife; but hi is,,lien

■.ike.l lo death. ti»c.-t looking net of ft)Iowa Within niks.l N.w Vi.tkure Ihe Brooklyn

ml Mi

1 Idc 1h.1i t.

A. W. St.M II. I'. Ihli-i Jamea A.'


Jb.rri- Kimnb .11. I..

7Vennurfr-.billies I'nyne. fYwrfeea, *

IVIer Sniilb, J.ituiSuiillt, ,1. W. Smith, V. L. Itiuinls, I'ctei lb.) , S, W. KniL'lU.

I». tl. An*. Jesse id.n'.i', l.-l. Kri-nch, riiUlc^Miirpliy.

. 1'il .l.n thi

The Ihiuk will Is- open etc lo I I'. *l , uveepl .salnnlnv Kuturdny hs y■ . frn- "'

el llinl/'.

... . tnl>. for ris-cithiKd JA!MI>l'.\VM.;,Tt..ioir.i.

June II. ls;j.- Tl

D" ). T . I'd ItT K It,

> E N T I S T . OFFICE if MKSIliM.VCK, roi:T/:irx l.lurk

ir.H I ... t Strrrt, - - - I.nti rt m*.

Nitrniis 1 Hide tins, nml Lllier or CMoroAirai niluiiuislt-riil. 11





!....., Rooli m.„l,. Tlk'1,1 ,il.l„„l ,,...„,!. .I\nivl7

\\ ° " A M I I. Y I! H K .



TllO ll.-Sl S..1H-0 .X- ll.-li.-lL

■Made |„ any Part ol the Wo.ld

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! \o spring to hreiik. 110 i-ullbigol' fash; cbenjt, dlliable, vc; tn.-ilv up-plied; hohls ra-ll nt anv I l.t. c.l. -iiv.l. niolii ..Ifl.i-l-ninth, 11 Ihe -:,-:U 1- .Intnl. ^en.l^Liniplor.o.iiliii-. Tin iil.onn.l -u coplH-r-broioied loci- -eiil to anv 11. lit res* In the V. »., |i4>sl piilil, oil receipt i.l ."si el- Lilicml imlure- ,.1,-ills t.t tlie trade Alieiil- tvtinle.1. Address HKlSlMiKk 8ASII LIM li I'll., Nn. IIS Miukel •treat, Dairlshurg, r».


GKAT WtS ITRN . s. it. lommTiHt,

'r 11 E pur 1, T it Y

Ho not Mih-crile lor any tvork 1111 I'oullrv till 'oil t-II.e ... 11 Ihe . Molilllh, il.-.'il l.e, ..Mr.

. •liHl.lltV


ill UM ciintiy will HASH Ml .-llfrcc, I to Lli\VAi:l> A.vVM

$5 to $20!'

CO It N BT DA N ll

ill receive a splendid piti-e ol

AVlf KlX'l'nl'.oli'.'nnl.M"'''.

lime, nl aiitliiintief-e. I'lirticiiUirs thx. A,l- dre-s li. STINKIIN *C»>. I'.irllnu.l Mnine. 1-1

\ OKNTN! A UAHK rilANCi:.'!

We will pat all Agents »»] who will ei>Kiip' nitlt Us tl o:


MllNKV Mmle Itapldly With Stetieil ami Ket < h.-ck in.i-ii L'StaliMNus uml full

particulars KUKK. S. M. M'KM Lit.


IIIMIU (i.-llv aendlnffSI p>, height, eolur of eyes ami linh

11 picture ,.f your full

rpiilH IS Ni 1 els., Willif

yon will rM-eiv. . 1,1,-lHoid or ti if.., t. ill. mime nml .l.n 111:11 ri.ts'e

W. fl»X P. ll. lirnvii-r-JI. t'uhoiitillf .V. V.


Painful afsctiana of the bkubter, nml urinary inpii.', acconipu ' " kind: iiribilion n .Ufllcully of holi

IJIWITIH e, April IU, IsT1.*. f-'umiliirc cr* pioinpily al- ■mwhenuealnd.

HILL A I'll.


Hi Laurranoa Btruet, near Hrldtrn. Sillka, Tblbrts, AlpMMMU HIIII nil nlbi r

Drsas Itoasln, Nimttb, NMQUM, AC.,

4'lransril nnl llj.-.l. ■ —AISO—

Carpels Cleansed in a Superior Manner. aontlomon's Clofhnti Ulounaed or Dyed

without Hppliifr. to sive otitlro BBtlaruetlnn.

Having 11 UH lab Kl llll roved aa bimry.nitd

■epmg 111 ne b t Da Isvl Myers w« nan tlo our

D fa void loU


a bos



■■y. and hope to

Thin li- 1 :;;■;>

M, u i b llt-M'l re ha


t. Hi, 1ST". Ik .lone in

M .on

lVl,\". 'Sr ",:.'.':. '"";:, :tlilem>»


LiwuKMf:,Oetj. II, IOT. ktRaaRS,TURtca:—

I have great pleasure lu b'HtilVlngbitlH' excellence of 1 - Hieing mid 1 Imiiiiif.' ufi I'loHic. 1 hie] no i.l.ii 1I1..1 HICII pci-o-clion wi IMtasllile. Yours trnlv,

JOUM KltVTAHftfl. lasaraaea kgm

LvwHjiMK, OeL IS, fSTi. MKSNIIS. J. T. TIIKKS A to.:

He.tit Mus:—The, loilin and iramirnts plseed in v.uir liauds bv us, for cleansing ami c..hiring- liave IMS-II relumed us "M.«,,l n, new." W« nn napeclally plcto-i-d « ill. the nniiorniily of von eoloriiig and cM-cllem-v of Ibtl-h. mid "slutll Ink. plea-ure In inline 1011, »i„L lo i,thers.

lU-spectrnlly, P. W. Ih.W Mlt, .i.e. itiiWhKit

KNlilNE. The .■■..!.! and !'■ r in


I 1..1 III:. 1.

tHi-Ki,r.iinr, jr,

irajraaarim luwai 1

Cor. t linrh'«b>wn HL,

BW^":!in^eii,1|JiilH:b lloSTOK

*>44 K S S E X BTR K K T.

LTUKIM:- ile plea-ure in Ic.lift inn to Un- excellence Dvol.iw und I l.ioi-intf III.IICP' Hn-sses ami

; iil-o,lh.-.iipeil..riniimni-in*bich('o,,t.-. ■1,1 \ e.t.- Imie la-en r.-lliii.-bnl ill jnuri'v


>. I. IT, 1S72.

truly, B, K. SSKI.I,.

Adl'.NTS. n. v. s^ir.i.i,, alia !;•.»•« Nireei. Mr-, llll KM.I.l., IciJI i:.-r» Nlrret. Mlis. W I1.1.IS, Hi.1.1.1,tin, South Side. L. II. MHUtls. Methuen. JOHN lllli'lVV. \nrt1i Andover. JUKI. IIAKNLS, Kiye Vllhige. foclS-




iind n deteiti.."—V. 1. torn. Aik. 1 A M r.v 11HK.

0 pr.

list 1


—Troy's prarlicul jokers 1 ngago itic attest km

- nfihe tab-r, ami Ihenc.ihirs pour sofi snap In

his oyster stew. *

—They areillscoverlojr railroad Iraitwonl in


Hair Plnla, ■


- M>

.in- . Miunuota, since the snow began lo lone down

t a little.

j —ll 1- now ia-liioluil.|e to pill the blstul ill tile

mouth uml dlwbarge il,

TOR s*i r t'v All OROCTRS

It I* llie Hew FiiffUlHl FsMllr MeUlellir.

Kor-idehyrtllHiu-vl-l.-. Prhe *1.

'I'lIK LAltflBST I'rlnllng Kslnhllabnenl I in K-M'X ti.niilv i- the AMKUIOAJI .-Icum

iiili.e. i'.-l iilthe lllock. Lawrence.

limn', H S?''

„,!;;«.'., "n';,"..|

li,'. Ti ;".'..','', .1. Th i.iilil, i

« 11 for Ibe follow. Imlik'O.U.m, t ....

, M.iiilaclKi, Heart •Inhi.Snltltlicnui, nilice.Fhlluhiicy,

ieine, tbehliHsU, ne.i. ttmtmm invlmnabd. Tlw l.kvionbU'auil.

ItKS'i'OltKD! The be.l Itmtb., Herbs and Itarks enter intn ihe

..mpo-itioii of this Itcnieiti, makinif ii 11 simple ,nd mie.ii). w.-ll n~ au iiiitailiuK cure for nil .li.- il-es ol Ibe hi I. l.Kl). V.. IJISflfWlN A t'O., tofton. Kin i-.-del'v all Hlii^Kisls. Iin<lmhlll:h


i. n jioaillve cure for Schlllca, IlbeumnliMii, Neurak-ia. Spinal r.unplaint, « onlrai-U'il Ciinls, I.l,,,,,- link, -,1:1m . el-. Klo,n-'ti.ll|ar«el'"Ules Will ciirccii-e-nitcn no l.t pin-iclm,,. '| | ,|, certain cure Itor Hi-lnt-ieu. Lame hotti.-- tl.fji, -mull boltjes "«-. Sold hy all HrustrbL-.

INfiLK rill'IKS of the American can SIM.LK UMII

[omcui*] LowKi.i, Oat It, it*:;.

SS The SIMJKIt teas awarded Ihe FlKST PtCU. HIUU at N. !■:. Pair in IWl, n« being the BRUT Kamity Hewing Muclili.c; and »l-o Um pvsaaat

year Ibe awSKfel wen; Silver Medal*.

(Sianadi K.T. ItowKi.i., Ass't nSeretu N. K. hh,

The KIMIKIC was ajrea the MUST tlOmTamal N. IL Kink! fair, held nt Hover. Ha SIl'KKI OIUTY over all uUicr* lias 1.-.1 It In Uie Imbilnf dnlnn so.

Sold for $0 per month, or for Cnnh.bT

T. w. iiEAM), Aaiorr. 944 i:««.i Mtrert, - - - . S.aailera llio, k.

A" kinds Jlachines lte|talrfc,l, Ex.lianKed ami

Machine Slitchhuj, Bbuapjng and llrnhllnK to order. ' tl.



Thcac siieclnelcn are innniilhctnred from "HI w rr 1 i.ysrii n unit:*" ■,.. 1 i„..,.[iB,

ami am enlksl MAXtOSh un a.cnunt u, itnir baidii,--- nml brilliance.

II is well known n|ieeUu-tea cut Irom lira- '■-1'""" '■••■•'■■ -bill-- in.- tire ie.Je.rlon. tn Iho eje. I«i-n >f ISeir imlarixinK light.

llnvhiK been le-led ttiih the |».1nrbcopi', „„-, nn,mi.I tonne* hut,. IHSU Iniinit to n.lniii nib-en IH.|- cenl. h-ss beiite.l nit- tliiin any nilH-r (x-bl.Ie.

Ttn-y are uromi.l 11 ill, irrent -cienlille accuracy, an-IVee from . I mi. nl-, ,-,iioii., and pr.Mli a briKblne** nml dbtlnclneaa ofvihiim nol l«-fti

M M.III.I. : 1.1, ,| |,y Uio

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co. SEW YOltK.

IJ(^w»a'* hy ltea,,oiihlli[,. AfrenU Ihrnuglioul Uie

WHITPORD & RICE, 1 .■ ■ ■.. 1:, 1 and Onjjnliii.nn- Ma \., 1.r ror Law

renee, Mass., fmni uln.m 11,, \ , nn iu. ,,,., talneit. V" PC.I.II.-.H ,,,i|!lo',,| "' °'"> " "''

The (Trent demand for llici-c Spectacles bus r. ''"'■'■'I uiecr,ii,nh.„.,l,..ii,.1,l„|l,1|1„„n-1,1 ,,.„,,. and snuriuu* aiiid, i,„ ll.e -|>,i ,,.|." i,-,„t .-are sliuuhllw taken m are Uml Um trademark -V (Which Is protc, led |,v Anieriean l.ellers P« lent), is sLoni*,! nn even- |>alr. Iy| tpda,

pOKT OFFICEBLOCTK-The American .1. Job l'i-iniiiiK onice.


Altache.1 I., tlu'.e palentc.l MiH-iti.l.-s me I ilcnlllleallt con-lincU-d l.altani.- t:;.ll.-i U-^ 1 ivn 11 lieu uiirn-delivering lliiou^h tin' Ueive-

ibe head a Hllft 1, ...! i r.ol h.l, nsrRlsstteUy,

tiou U, the entire , Allsnl.l IKI.V

i*m ii.. l,.l. of lb, o,,ii, Srrvr, H . i.l. or Hi-. .... .1 V isloii,

K<liralKf»oribe Ilrad «r Furr.

A'rrv ,111s Tvvlltbei In Ihr

H-aaalaa of the Kurr,

,-liul-rallltliellrail. I.uaa nf Henbil I o>, -t

and a hn.i of Nerroos Diaease*. arenu,' rn.1,1 .1, KIOII oflhe iiorviills cncrirv nf the - v.Iein,, ou

tl iilutiiu', ill a um ln.h'Ui>)liui*it<t*iie,

Life anil Vigor and Undid. l.t Un- i.icine of llie .,.11 Bus-lag HII, .-tin lif Lice

BHgtttkM** io ibe 1 1. . Ut.irUiics- to tin- Ear.

llnri'Ky tu llie Itriiiii.

»r 1 ■ llie- 111 n iili -dsa-ea I

...i, ...n.oiK nHrniifi. n. rend «lib, bid u. ■ n ine IIH< iK'iielll . i» i«< derived 11 -ai-i.rinu U»- I'M ten.-:.; and l,< U'lnid hi this city only of

lil'Ml'ilKKY MtHIAIl, Wtitchmaker, Jeweller und Optician.


No. S3G Bssox Stroot, Lnwrrm c Healer iu Wab-h.->, Cloeks, .bnelrv, I'an.y

lb«„|s, eie.

AT, JI. Aim Affrut fur Ijifirm ,f M.^ri,' ftr

ftttrt SptdmtetmHtKft Classes, fsa BKHTtmthi "'•■rlil. flrl»-


nyaprjt.t., Hc-srt burn, Liver Cmt.i.lalnt "ilki * Apiulite cured by tnkiu-c a few

Spirits -tmt Baking tew ation

b», ItlniehcK, nml all inipuri iiraiUK tlirnbtth Ihe akin 01 iili) by IbBoWttUJ lludircc-

ES -WyV* Madder and Drlaurj-terange. ■ueilla It lias no e.pi.-.l; one b.^ile will fimvilice Ihe most fkcplici.l.

r KtnK ,pvl',ll,',l hnm llie Mstem will I Il■n^l tl ntciilty ; a lett l,..||]e> aic Millleient for Die n 1,, 1 ■ 1. 1 i.ii. cafe.

Plica I OH hotitr has cured llmino^titifti.-nlt case vvlicii alt oilier renie.lics fiiiled.

■^^'^VlVoi""'.0-16"' "••OT*tot neadarhe.

1 ,IJ»„*'""'"IU'",Sw,'""--,"int''.n'ulnll Sctoin Anbetioio reinot. d 01 1, iii. ,, ll,,.,..1 ... ,1,1, Invntuiible medicine. J r.muil by 11,1..

11...1,, 1,in-. Cntarrh, ('..nvubh.iis ami llv,- tanas aunal or uaek rcureeiL

l<OU. nil NrcathlH-f, 1'nlii in UM Limp, Side nml l he.l nbuo-l ,„,■,.,[ |,v |.,Lin--i rcw l-itlcs „I the (junker lUtiers! J *

£aaasJ« IMMeullIca, an prevnlent ■ ■ Ai..e...-a.i ados,udl v.iHlilt loll., iiiediclnc, the Quaker Itlttcn.,

rtllloiM, ItcniiUcninml lnbimltb-nl Fever.. 10 ''"'Vl , !'! ,n> ''■'" "' coimtrv.conipl.toli eiadiciilrd liy tlie use „r llie (maker llillcr*.

..-oV o K'4. "":1)" QMker Hitters Jn-I Ihe article tliey hi 11 | ,,| j„ iiieir decllnine years. II uulek.,,. 1,1 , and 'hi erMhe S ami paves the pa-mifc down the plane incline,!.

,. i*?-o"* ''',"' "''"'-"I" ''"'K unwell (unless :.flli. I ■ I Hilll nn Inn,,-„l,t,.,|i.,,,.,.; ..„,., ,.(U . ,, , Inalhsof Uie tjaaker IHIUrs. K

For sate by all Drn/jjjisls nn.l Dealers iu Medicines.

Sold nt whnlefnlcand rebiil by (HAS. LT.AIth'P, AgewifurLsHHKKlT.

I'repseetl by l>R. If. N. FLINT A I'd „t their r?S7**H P** ''«-'■' I'ltri.Adsl"" IrovMence, ILL v tc,^lnt,.j,

¥ he I^wfeiuie &n\sti6ki\ AMD

KjfDoviin afiviriefigiicSi, roBunm

KVEBV FHII1AY illlllMM., ■ lit



The ©aily Smeridaii.

Tin- ili't -illation at the I.i

EVERY EVENINQ, (Kumlay cxcepied,)

I. Uic Largest Dally in the city, wan Four Time* Uui circulation of any OUM*.

■1 its< MIPTIO.-V, fat A4«UMI

■Vim, | Six Month*. S1.S0 When not paid in advance, IMA.

GEO. 8. MKItKILI. ■ Ca, Prop-i-*.


S7"£/4*V PRINTING OFFICE. In the Largest And most thoroughly famished la Kastern MassarhuseUa. Having only Modern Pro****, anil with constant addition* of the newest style* of Type, we an able to fUrniah the beat quality of work, expedlUoualy, at low price*. Order* by mall given prompt attention.

GEO. 8. HRRBILL A CROCK KB. Poat Oflke Block.



Business Directory. LAWRENCE

BusinessDirectory. Cards iio< mrrilliig I'nor I.lur. In length Card* not rirrrdlug Four Line* li* length

Inserted In thl* column at %ft per year.

C<IUTHH[l>KrAKKlAOENH01'--(!KO. OH AKDY, Carriage, sign A Ornamental fainter.


nt !■:. luvm A SUN'S IRON Forsnm, l.nwrenre.

w F. A J. 8. OILK, • ATTUHMKra and Cou KMKLLOK*. *

23U Knsux afreet. NOTARY fUlLIC.

J. DENNING, JEWELER, Watch ami (limit Makur. Finn Watches, Clock* and

Jewelry. IM K**cx street. All kinds of Watches, Clock* and Jewelry repaired ut aliurl notice.

Manufacturer of ... _ nor* and mil..i-, will

ami floor Frame*. All tin.IK IIOUBO ants Huston A Maine i; it. i'.-»-.-.-ii:■«-■■- n.p..i.

1 • and

BARNARD, UFH0L8TEBBB and Cabinet Maker.—Itepalrhig, !.living Car-

"■ lit Win- Kenalrl II. ,e

DYEK S. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, lint-*, Cap-, i.i'iil's Fiiriil.-hing OOOIIH, etc.

JOHN K. NORWOOD, Honerul Insur- ant-.,- Agency, iniiki -* Insurance, In all it*

lirumiion, a specialty, (nil In and Inspect our terms. 83'J Kasex Street.

1? II. KELLEY Jm ■■ i i | -I !■.!. tm

Drugs and Chemical*, I'nteht Medicine*. Toilet ami Fumy Articles, He. Port Oftke Muck.

AI'OTHECAHV.- curcfuHy compounded.


Hiring, i . Illd ale I -■■ ,'i ■

I>E MARS A CO., WATCHES. Clocks, Jewelrr, Hivei hml Plated Ware,

ey (iotMln, Culleri, Toys, fte. aw Essex at. Hiring, Cold and Silver Plating.


.veil from Si Ahic-diurv street to IS, ■ ■ 1 ■ i■ ■ • lie Mde, near K**ex street.


/• /, 0 M II K IS

rp ii : V I N K L E & L Y O N Mim II file til rln | Co'*

Now Sewing Machine, "VICTOR,"

CAN HI: DOMUTf tit' ITocl- l». W. I.OIW, 40 Margin Street,

Sole Agent lor Ijiwrtm -e, Amlover mid Mellincn.


AucLlonaern, Real Estate Amenta and AppruiBers,

No. 301 EllBx Street, Lawrence, Man. Alnnvs ready to give tlielr iH*r«i>iiul Horvleo and

(■eriinin* iilU-nliiin It) selling I ten I ami l'ersrnia! KsbiU; nt aiietiiin or ntlierwlne, iilibihiliig Honey unit letting the siime nt fnlr rnU's lor nit eoweeni- eil, iK-go tin tin* Morigngcit and looking up Title*, Iti-nliiig I'ruperty nnd eollm-ting Itinit*, ett\ So Titlo pnitiwil of I'nipiilv unli-s tin- uniuu lie per- It'll. iiii Mtnii-1 inir-li'il lull upon the mn-t uti- ilimlitod •MUnty, All liti*lu(i>* Intrusted to u* will lie nttendiil to promplle, nnd nil will lie lion- ornlilv drillth wltli — striet integrity Ix'ing tlie one Important element of »u<Te*» In llw I teal Estate

»ui ne tit mi liHiking well 1.1 the true interest ol the punlinser, lliutlii- titles ure goml, and tluit lie gets :ill he Is rntltled to—thu* sc'iiring nml holding Unit eoiillilenee of our fellows wltieti is only ottbiiiii'il hi .-iri.l iitli-ntion In hiiHlnesx, and Hi,' luglie-t Ivpe n| hiiniifnhle kealing.

«ar*Tt)nn* n-nsonuhle, nnd aeeunling to the work and respoiisHiillly. Cnll upon u*.

Raal Estate Office 381 Essex St. N. 11.—Vropcrty for KIIIC In liinnv *eetlon* ofNew

Kiigluml, hut inure e-ixx■iiillv hi the eltv of [,nw. rom'ii and vlelnltj-. No l«-tler city lu tho Union I'm- n periiiiiiinit iiivi-stment.

lle.vl U.-iil i;-tati- i DIIIIIIII in l.juvn-ui e Stnl iml ami Lawreaoe DaUy Areerieaa. nmyi»-

luaerled In tail* . i.liunu at tft ner j • «r.

E. A. FISKE, PAFSB HANGINGS, _ _ Window Similes, Arli*U' MaU-rial*. Chan-

ilaHeil. i ■ , \ ,i-f, etc. S7Q !■■ ■■'■■■ ■■!!>■■ i. Lawieiee.

Suiokem' Arlli les. Meerseliaum IHSM neatly ■I ■:■ ii ■■. I - No. i-. I .:m i ■■HIT Street, Lawreneu.

WniTFORI) A RICE. JEWELLERS, dealer* hi 1'nper, Stationery, Paper Hang-

ing*. Window Shade* and Shade Fixture*; Blank Hook Manufacturer*. IB fc'u*t Ht, lawrw**.

MlTRPmr. MANUFACTURER _ I Iteuler in Ilootx Shoes and Rilhbcm, or

OTery <le*lratile Stylo ami Quality. WII KHHCX St.,

_ and Counsellor* at Law. Saumlura New Illock, Itooui* III and IT, Lawn-nee, Max*.

J. K. TAKIIOX. C. B. BRiaoi.

1>E1>RICK & CLOSSON, FURNITURE CafpSta, Ooekerv amlt'iitlefA-, together will

IloimekeeplDg ComU geiiurallv. The Uv t asnort ', In tin- lilt. SSI £**<-* stivet.

1). CROWELL, OYSTER A DINING Rooms, Fruit and Coufeetloner>-,273 Essex

Street, Near City Hall, Law retire, Ma**. Choice brand* of Cigar* alivay* on baud.

I). DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE (Jream and Dining Saloon, !HI K*«ex Street,

B. KENNEY, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office !Kt Essex SL House

No. Mil Newlniry Street. pgjdtoCaaeart. M.

I'nilieiilar attcntliin

NE JOB PRINTING 18 MADE A *pcclnlty at tho AVI.HU is Steam Printing

....e. Putt Office Block. Cnll and.examlnc *]>eo

w O. HOWE, 431, 433, 435 ESSEX . Street, I^twrence, Ma**., Whole«alu

Mauiitneturem of t'linmber Furniture, Bent and Silting Room Chair*, etc.

. Street, Saunder* Block. May be found ft ra- il ami select stock nt' Fancy Uood*, to which I mid reipertlully Invltu ntteutlon.

pOLBCRN BRO'8,—DAILY PAPERS, V 'Chromof, Eimi'iivingH, Periodical*, Stationery, Fanev (IIHHU. Pictures Framed at short notice. No. iid Essex Street.

HH. VHILL1PS, Haiiil-knlt Worsted a (■nnmmts, Skirt*. Cornet*. Collars, Under

(iloTCH, Head Dre»se*, I^tce*,

nil Utove*, No. : ii E* ex


r. w. HEALD, Sole Agent for SIngwr- Improviil Sewing Mnctilne, HI E*»e\ St.,

Snuiider* View Block. Sewing Machine Finding*.

\R. GLIDDEN, DRU GUI ST.—Pure • Drug* and Chemical*, Patent Medicines,

Toilet Article*, Perfumery,. Siwnge*. Ilrushc*, Soap*, ete. Comer B**ex and Peutlierion St.

T4IOS. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 381 Es- *ex Street. Full Value, Fair IH'allng, "No

Blowing," No Trickery, one Price. Wo r " ii-hiii we >ay.



Having attended parlinllv l<> liihtirnnce for aoino it I* now my Intention to give my entire

—-let* ■

J° OSEPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT TAILOUS. -Chamlier*. 1,1 and I Snundcr*

New Block, E**ex SlreeL I'mler tlie immedlule :-i[]iri i i i..n ofJiiH. Ki.ixti.,,. late Savage A Flood.)

iH'urlng Flra anil Life Foliele* lu i|aa*Com|.anie. than the HOI. YOKE

Mt'l'liAI., Salem, Jinn-., nml others of similar rlaiiding. Also, to uct as Itenl EslaU' Ageiil, Ituv in:: :oi.| Selling I'c-ipciH , Heiitiii^ anil Ci>ll,>i-liiiK Kent*, Account.-, KSecihig Mortgage*, etc. I liave taken an OiHeo with Wii. M. It.M.mtH, EH|., hi Cnrrler'e Bloelt, near Town House, where I

n lie. found during '"lii"-- hour*. Promntiwae

SURGEON __. BttoeeilOt tO W. W. Russell.

■2KI Essex street, Lawrence. Mlrou* Oxide liiu Adnilnl*tered.

At hi re,« Me Ut II en, Mas*.

«ftc i_ (0Of™l perilny. Agcntawauled! All $0 TJO «P*5U ,l.(-sesn[ working I pie, or either *cx, young or old, make more money al work for an in their spare niiimeiits, or all the lime, than at anything else. Particular* free. Addre**U.STlNM)N ,t CO., Poiiliind, Maine.



on the road to Lowell on Hie river, lying helw

.•,1 enough In- h e pui \-—.-t 1M tipple tree*. " illnh, and .1 tons niendow hay.—

mid small fruit*. Farm long nml ■rtnv, ruiiiiiiig along Hie riv od pa-tumg.', goml Ini

CJuli 15 tons Kugllnh,

r for u hull mih'. d of every vnrlety. So

trouble, from freshets, i lac uf the iluo-t sltuaUon* Itetween lalivell nml Luwreiiec. I l-'J mile* from Lawrence; same from Lowell, tlnod hullilings, in gmal rnmlilinii, well t'ence.1 with »UMie wall.~ A X'HHI Farm, ami mih "l.l lutiiuse the owner h going wed. Price | ir-io, $ inou nr wlilrhcan No an iiiilcllnil.1 lime at au iiitem-l nfT per cent.

Cull upon I'KIHIU K ft Cl.ossoN, l.nwrence, or at the prendsc*. toi'.i-

i 1 LASS WARE, GOBLETS, TITHB- iTl.-rs, PIUlK-r*. Pivserve ami Fruit Dishes, fjuidh-Slicks, l elcivl.1ii^e-,*| i Holders, Kisti <;l..ku-s Slia.tiT for Wn\ W»rk, fte. fk-l* of ohenp nml cut glass. J. <'. How *t Co., Ilf.i K.isei


THEAMERICAN. Bell Alden's Traveling Bag.

publish the only good Stereoscopic Vlewi of I ..v. i. a. .■.

All kinds of Scope* for *ale.

P1IE AMERICAN STEAM PRINTING X Office, Port Office Block, I* tlie largest aud

liest nppolnU-d, ouUidc of Boaton, In easleni Ma**achu*etU.

[?RANK KNOX.—RooLs, SIIIK-H unit Rul»-

. nl*o a largi -eli.. Madaiilc I'.ue'- skill Snpp,

"ip Skirt* made hi onle

a ■ ■". ini: ill ofCor


Surgeon. Street.

Office hums, Ii till a and fl till 0.


At office on Monday, Tuetday mid Thurailay eTeiilng*.


STUART iestr__. tnllklm


SOLICITOR OF PATENTS For Invention*. Trad* M.irki, or Dengni,

70 Ntate HI., aippoalle Itlli.y St.. Hoaton, after an exlenslre practice of upwards of thirty soars, continue* to secure Patents ill Do- I .1 SLilf..; HI-H In lilcal BrlUln, France, ami idlwr l.nvu-ii .' 'ii'.-. Caveat , Six , iihation*. Aaalgn- moots, ami all pa|«-r- for I'aU-nt*. executed on ,,.;,,, „,;,(,|,. UTIII ■. II iihili-iiiilili. lie 1-iti.hei.iiiaile to determine the viili.lliv ami utility (if Patent* of legal « ttier advice rondured In all matters l.nie % the same. ( ..pies ol Uie .lainn i.l' any I'atenl I'm lie heil l.v remitting one dollar. A»*lguni.x,l . reconltnl in Wimlihigtoil.

A*rNii Aguncv in the Cnlled StiiU'* piiaaeaBe* Hiiperlor fnellllics Tor obtaining Pnt-iit* or nsccr- taining the palcnUihilily «l' invenUona.

Alilicces»ily .if a in > l» W ashinglnn to pro- curo a Patent, ami the Usual great delay there, are ii.■!■■■ savuil liiTonlors.

TESTIMONIALS. •■] regard Mr. E.hly as one ..f the mnslcnpable

and «ince**ful priietlllonera with whom I have had ,nl)i'inl intercourse.

CHAUl.Ks M AsoN.Commls'rof Pntenta. " I liave no heallallon In assuring Inveiilor* th*

they cannot employ n man mor* mmmmt and IrtiafieurMv, and <• eapahle of putting their an- uhealion* In ft inmi to *nnre fiir tlieni au early and favorable .■.msidcvalion at Hie Patent Office.

KDMCNO ill'ltlvE, l.aifCnniVol Pntenta. "Mr. It. II. En in lias ma.le l.n uic iivurTIHRTY

npplieatinna tor Patent*, having l«ca, stir.■cssin m iilmi.-t every case. Such ] of great talent ami aliilllv on his part, lead* me to recommend ALL inventor* Ui apply to him to piii- eui-e their tialent-, a- ihcv intiy («■ sure of luiving the nioslfuitliluliill.tili x-~t.iw.-l on their ease.-', aud at very rea*o,.nble A-JtJ^ TA(J(iA1[T...

Bo don..Inn. I, MIA Irlifi

Ynrns, Hi snlulilegu

WinTTREDOK Hoot*, Shu

CO., K»B('g Dye

it hi marketable order.

A RURNHAM, Flue Shoes ami UUIIIHTI of every de»crip- Stnre. Boston Pnlnn Boot and Shoe

Street, corner Jaekaou.

IOHN C. DOW A CO., (»u»*ssor» to

("1 EO. 0. CROSS—Mechanical PtWUbt» T man, Pattern and MMlel Maker, At tin

Merrimnek Maehlno Shop, near Murrimnek Iron r*oun.lcy.


GROCERS f.i. ken and tilaa* Ware. Strtrllvpure

Coffees, Spice* ami choicest Tea*. The beat dame* or Butter nml Cheese. W Ameabnry Street

8. YA^STMTILTI'UYSTCIAN aud E Office, 307 E»*ex Street, eonier of Lawrence

Residence, 103 Concord Street.

PHYSICIAN AND SIIBOKON. . M.I ■ No. 1 AupleUiu Street.

n at nil hour* of night.

W. A. Klnibalt, 117 K**cx Street.

tt K. A J. P. PILL8BURY,

MACHINISTS. (SucccflnnrH to Webntcr, Iiuatln A Co.)

Manufacturer* of

Cotton A Woolen Machinery

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulleys, Gearing ami Shafting, Jack Screw*. Ml kindi ol llttlts on hiintl. or made to order;

"1-:iS'iJiiS: WIMPS* »iinr«„ai,.,i.«. lirimipUy and Ihlllifiiliy.

Ural.r- In Manufacturer*' Supplie*.

Fotter't Building, Corner of Franklin and Methuen [

flap. LAwaagca. '_


On Easterly side of High Street, Iwtween Orove ami Plait Sli'cel-. II "lie ami u hall Mory, double him- nt house, six mums In each, « bfti-n and well, nil mi a line lot ol land HO feet High Struct and 1W It-el deep. Boom on lot U ,.,,.,, enllajo- le.n-f (■. mil. Said, pu-l.u. e.- nnl ..,.» l.n eight nml a hall per cent, on twenty-two hundred dollar*. Price *Wuu

\|.„ a splendid I,ml.ling lot for gentlemen'* rca. hience on Union Street, South Side.

Also a grand chance for geiitlcm In lot* hi suit, west of Clover Hill.

■■ iv information nml lii*pcctlnn < HJ1.I1M.K,

WILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturer* of

HOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAPERS, Canal Street, lower end.


W «»■■« ST., LAWRMtCE, MABt. 0*er Dyer A Co'*.


Portraits and La

1 realdenee*

vil Engineer Street, IJIW-

"office night* : Monday, TMBOBJ and Thursday, ■Waal

11 A U O 11 T O N

r\ II. TEBBET8 A CO., Dry and Fancy I 1 • 1......1-, i-s Essex StreeL

o Store of Lawrence.


Auctioneers, ami Heater* In Benl E.Ute. ■>« Essex Street.


C1IIARLES T. EMERSON, J ARCHITECT. Office, Wo E**ox Slreet. ^^^

KURW) 1» Oak Strert.

'PHB AMERICAN Steam PrintingOOce. 1 UiH>. S. MKHU1I.I. A CnocagH. Fine Job

"■ The nicer ipiallliea

A train hound Tor St. LouU had juni left the depot of Ucllcl'.niiuliic, when a gentleman entered the sinoklnit -car aud laid ltls hand upon the tthoulder.of Ma travellnj; companion, a lull, handagaee man of thirty, who itat luunliiKly btowlnu; rings oi'Muoki- into the air.

Marty," said the new comer, "Ifyou want to see at once the sweetest ami sad- dest alght you ever beheld, fro into the last car but one on ihc tralu. There's mi eml> grant German woman with four children,

it during the afternoon the yoangeat, a baby, lias died. The mother aud the oth- er children are incoBaotablc."

'I can understand." interrupted the smoker, "Uic sadues of such u Hcene, but where Is the sweetness you spoke of?"

'I niu coming U> that. Tbe whole par- ty have been taken in charge by a young lady. . Such a beauty ! She only need* a Tew feathers ou lier nhoulder blades to make a full Iredged angel of her. If I was not a married niuti I would never leave her until I hud made Mm. Angelica Towns- end of her."

That's a speech which I shall faithful- ly report to Mrs. Agnes Townsend,''sald the gentleman addressed as Marcy, rising. "I'll go back and feast my eyes on this 'Sister of Charity,' aud," be added, taking his traveling satchel and a Bhuwl from the

we stop at tbe next atatlon, u h ij- h U due in ten minutes, I may as well take my traps with ine and join you on the platform."

So saying, Richard Marcy tbrcw his shawl over ills shoulder and sauntered leisurely away through the long train, rushing blludly and calmly to his fate. For, as he entered the last car but one, he became a witness aud an actor In a set-no that Influenced his whole future life,

The poor, grief stricken German, of whom his companion. Dr. Townseud, had spokeu, with the dead infant in her arms, sat silently weeping over the little dead face.

The three sturdy children grouped In childish sorrow about their little dead brother was, Indeed, ntouchlng spectahle. But standing lu-.-idi- tln-m was the divinity of Dr. Towuseud's admiration, and she who was most certainly to "share ends" with the unhappy Richard.

She was a tall, slender girl of eighteen, with magnlllceut eyes and hair. As he entered the car she was spcaktug, her lovely face flushed, and the Hinull rosy mouth disclosing a beautiful set oftee.llt, hcwltchlngly toward the tall stranger at the door.

"Ladles aud gentlemen," said the sweet voice, "this poor woman, friendless, speaking no English, with four little chil- dren, was expectiug to And work In St. Loals to support them, if everything had gone well. With her little dead baby and sorrowing heart, she Is certainly a deserv- ing object of charity; nnd I propose that such us feel wilting will contribute their mite toward a little purse for her Immedi- ate wants and the burial of her poor baby. And," she added with a bewitching smile, "if any gentleman will lend mea hat, I will go round and take up a collection."

In an Instant the gallant Richard pulled his traveling cap from his blonde curls and orTered It to the angel of mercy, who ac- cepted It with a smile, this time alibis own, and commenced gathering the readi- ly forthcoming dolluni her generous, graceful appeal brought from the purses of all In the car.

Richard watched the slender figure In gray gather the money, and, looking at the placid cap in wh|te, jeweled lingers, lie bethought him of his donation, and step- ping to the seat the beauty had Just occu- pied, he laid his satchel and shawl upon a fuinlly of Its kind, belougiug to the angel lu gray, and took from his pocket a ten dollar bill, which he placed In the little hand that returned him his cap. Further damage the poor fellow received, when a smile and warmly worded thanks for his contribution were dealt from the beautiful mouth.

Dick was In the midst of an elaborate reply, when the cars stopped. He lingered yet another moment, seised his satchel ami shawl, with his eyes on the face of his charmer, nnd he bethought himself of the doctor, and hurriedly left the car and Join- ed his friend on the platform.

"Well," ejaculated the worthy, "I be- gan to believe you'd concluded to go and bury the dead baby, and make the protect- ing beauty Mrs. Angelica Marcy. Isn't she a ■ i 111111 ■ i ■ '■

"Townseud," returned his friend, "don't use slang in speaking of tho noble crea- ture." He looked after the tralnjust disap- pearing lu the distance. "I wish to heav- en," he eontluued, "I'd remained aboard. How stupid I was to leave It. I might hnve leumed her name and residence, And now—"

"Now, In all probability," broke In the doctor, "you'll never probably meet her In this vnlc of tears. But you'll know her lit I tea ecu. Ifyou liehave yourself well enouffh to get there, by her wings; she'll have the biggest of them all, seeing they've com- menced to sprout on eorth."

And Urns rallying his thoroughly capti- vated friend, the two made their way to the house of an aemjaintunce, with whom they were to remain that night, nnd go the neat day to their destination—St. Louis.

After the Arsl salutations our hero went to his mom to remove some of the evi- dence of bis long ride from New York. He had removed his coat, vest and collar, he hail sploshed ant) soaped nnd wushed, until his damp curls hung close to his shapely head, when he made a startling discovery. Flushed aud breathless, he Into the m-xt room upon his friend.

" Towuocnd," dried he. "what upon earth do you suppose? I've got the wrong bag} I've changed baggage with the an- gel of in.-rev! Look at the slippers I See that thimble! Contemplate that glnvcl"

"It's evident you've got the lady's satch- el. What was there lu yoursr

"Don't bring up that dreadful Idea," said Dlek. "Cigars and a hair brush, a pack of cards, pocket flask and a tooth- brush, everything disreputable. If I am Judged by that hag, I'm a lost man."'

"Aud this I look for a clean ehlrt," and Dick held up a frilled and flute.I sack, such aa do duty for more ektenalve night- dresses with ladles when traveling.

"I'd like to see Augusta when she opens my satchel."

In the upper part of a handsome mansion In St. Louis, on theevontngof the day oui heroine flrst inadu the reader's acquaint- ance, beautiful Belle Alden, the petted and only daughter of the house, sat con- templating Die articles her conttdentlal maid was dlspoalng upon the tabhi—arti- cles taken from no less a receptacle than Dlek Marcy's traveling bag.

The cigars and cigar case lay side by vide, ami a highly scented party they were.

What's In tho silver flask, Rosa," said the fulr mistress. -

"Brandy, ma'am," replied the maid. "He can't be very dissipated to travel 1th such a little bottle. That's In case or

slckncsB," returned Belle. "It's my belief," said Rosa, who was a

shrewd girl, "that tho gentleman was a mighty nice one, else youM not so readily excuse the cards and tlie boltlc."

"For shame, Rosa. All gcutiemen play euchre traveling, aud even clergymen lake a little brandy lu cane of sickness, answered Belle. "And this man was a gentleman and n liberal one, loo, for he gave tho poor emigrant woman te What's that, Rosa?"

For at that moment Rosa held between her lingers a letter.

Whether It was wrong to read a stran- frer's letter vexed Belle for a moment, as tercye glanced at the superscription and

handwriting. "Why, of all things," exclaimed the de-

lighted girl, selling the letter. "Why, Rosa, this Is Jennie Marcy's handwriting, and addressed to Richard Marcy—her only darling brother—who was In Europe when we two graduated at Madame Hitters In Brooklyn."

Belle read rapidly until she reached the middle of i In- letter, when she burst Into a merry laugh.

'Hear this, Rosa," she said, and she read from the letter:

"Above al) things, Dick, dear, don't fall, while In St. l.niiK to see my best friend and schoolmate, Belle Alden. I know you will fall in love with her; for besides being tbe best girl In the world, she Is a beauty and an heiress, and dither's choice above all others, fur Ids son's wife. He used to talk It over at home, aud hoped that Belle would not marry before you came from Europe. She Is lull a* auiloos to know you, aud wears your hair and mine lu a locket lather gave her last year. Ulve her lota of love, and beg her to over- look your many imperfections for the aake <* bar old wamnlrtif, J—y."

"Then thin gentleman Is, of course. Miss Jenny's brother," said Rosa; "and what will she say when she hears of your meet- ing In a romantic way?"

"1 don't Intend to tell her of It till I go to New York, this fall," said Belle. "Per- haps her brother will call."

But lu this supposition Belle was wrong. ;ie month passed, and she saw no more

of the golden headed Richard. And she carefully separated the yellow

In the little keepsake from the dark tress of Jenny's, and put It back lu Its place alone, while another locket held a piece of Jenny's. Somehow Belle looked very, very often at the wee golden curl, and sue would sit and contemplate the picture her fancy had wrought for her, little dreaming of the Interest she was allowing to grow lu her boaom for Jeuuy's brother.

the fall Belle and her father went to New York, and the flrst day after her ar- rival found her sitting with her old friend, who, after the evasive meeting, sat down to empty her soul.

"I am so glad you are here this mouth," Jenny said, "because I am to be married In October, and I have always been crazy to have you for a bridesmaid, and Dick Is to be Harry's best man." 'Belle blushed. "But Dick has fallen hopelessly, madly

In love." Belle turned pale. "Yes, I was dreadfully proveked when

he passed through St. Louis and never weut near you. But he went wild over some lady he met on that fatal trip.

lie will talk to me for hours of Ange- lica. Aud when I have spoken of you he has been positively rude, and asked me to have done bothering me about my freckled school friends—you know your picture shows freckles; but, bless me, you haven't any now. Aud your picture does not lookany more like you thau It does me, not a bit."

But tell mc," asked Belle, "Is your brother engaged to his lady?"

Engaged! Why, dear heart, ho don't know her name. He Just found some of her old clothing somewhere. He's got her slippers under a glass case; he's got her gloves under another; he's got her nightgown done up In lavender; he's got her gold thimble hung on his watch chain, and 1 do believe he's got a hair brush and hair-pin next his heart! Oh, It's folly to Interfere! He's beyond all hope! I did think the excitement of my wedding would wean him from It, but not a bit of It. He looked at my new things as calmly as au oyster, and only said—It's not kind of me to repeat It though," broke off Jenny.

"What was It lie said?" Inquired "Belle, laughing heartily. "Don't fear for my reelings."

"Why," ho said, "I'll stand up with your friend, Belle, aud see YOU safaL/ married, and then I'm off for a winter In Paris; I'm done with love on my own ac- count; It's positively awful."

And so Belle thought, as she looked at her old slipper aud glove lying beueath a globe on either side of the faithful Rich- ard's mantle.

"And," said Belle, "since he desires on- ly to meet me on tho morning of the wed- ding, so It shall be, I will be Introduced only as we are leaving the house, and he can do as fte pleases about continuing the acquaintance afterwards."

Belle was radiant with happlnrss when she returned to her father, and delighted his fond heart with the change, for she had been very quiet of late.

Jenny and Belle shopped, and talked and visited together for tho next few days, and when the eventful time came Belle shone like a queen, the bride was eclipsed, mid delightfully acknowledged It.

"Oh, Belle 1" she said, I long to have old stoical Dick see you. Hark! there's his footstep. Come lu the next room mid be Introduced. Don't wait until the car- riage conies, It Is an hour yet."

And Belle, with a beating heart, swept through the door, and stood even as Dick flrst saw her, only In the place of tlie gray traveling dress a magnificent white satlu fell In rich folds about her, and upon her lovely white throat lay the turquoise locket that held Dick's golden curl. Upon the beautiful head crowned by Its chestnut hair, a' coronal of pearls added to lhat grace and beauty of an Image tbatshrlued in Dick's heart was already an angel.

Belle did not look up, hut she felt the presence, as Rlcliard Marcy came up and

as Introduced to little Jenny's old school- mate. Then, as he held out bis hand, she raised her eyes and laid her tiny hand lu his, and said:

I think we had btfttcr rectify that nils-

Good heavens, Jenny !"auld cy, "why didn't you tell ine that your friend Belle was my ungel or Mercy?"

"Because I didn't kuow It until last night, and then Belle made me promts not to tell. And, liesides, yon didn't want to meet tho freckled school girl until It was positively necessary," returned Junny mischievously.

It would lie hard to say which of the fbur that made Jenny's bridal party were the happiest that day.

Dick did not go to Paris that winter He found that St. Ixmls contained inort attractions than any foreign city.

But the next full will see Dick and BeUc on their weddlug tour, and ho vows he will have the two romantic traveling bags brushed up for the occasion. Dr. Town- send, who is to be along, says he knew tho minute he saw the girl, she wonld ono ilay in- Angelica, as he felt It In the air.

TOUAOCO NOT NUTMITIV*.—Tobacco be- longs to the class of narcotic and exciting substances, and has no food-value. Stim- ulation means abstracted, not added, force. It Involves the nnrcotlc paralysis of a portion of the functions, the activity of which Is essential to healthy lib-.

It will be said that tobacco sooths atal cheers the weary toller, and solaces the over-worked brain. Such may be Its momentary effects, but the sequel cannot bo ignored. All such expedients are fal- lacious. When a certain amount of brain- work or hand-work has been performed Natore must have space in which to re- cuperate, and all devices for escaping from this necessity will fall. It la bad policy to set the house on Are to warm our hands by the blaze. Let it, then, be clearly understood that the temporary ex- citement produced by tobacco Is gained by the destruction of vital force, and that tt contains absolutely uothlng which can be of use to the tissues or the body.

Tobacco adds no potential strength to the human frame. It may spur a weary brain or feeble arm to undue exertion for a short time, but Its work la destructive, not constructive. It canuot add one molecule to the plasm out of which our bodies are daily built up. On the contnt- Sr, It exerts upon It n must deleterious In-

II.-II.-I-. It does not supply, but diminish- es, vital force.

It has been denied that tobacco lead* to organic disease, but the evidence Is very strong the other way, and It would be very remarkable If continued functional derangement did not ultimately lead t< chronic derangement or the organs; that It causes fuiK-tlonal disturbance, no o dreams or denying; indeed It has been i marked that no habitual smoker can truly aald to have a day's perfect health. JYqpMlar fkieita- -VontA.y.

KNOIJSH FASHIONS.—The members of the royal family who MB In London, are showing themselves everywhere, and giv- ing quite a fillip to taaU and the gayetles of the West end society. The Prince of Wales Is to he seen and beard of every- where, except where tbe grumblers want him to be (lu parliament now and then), aud tbe pretty face of the Princess Is get- ting an familiar to the Wcst-enders as any habitue ol the park* and theatres. The Prluce and IMaeess Christian are going about a good deal also, though, I fear, from the fragile, jh>ni appearance of the Royal Princess that the rumors touch- ing her delicate health are only too well founded. She drove to Marlborough house the other day III,A very pretty, taste- ful costume, IJktAtt^hlonabtedreaaM, (twos nil one colMrUlwo AwrentTthadr*, a brown silk dress, with very wide hang- ing sleeves, the Inside of the dress being trimmed with velvet, a sleeveless tight- fitting Jacket, and a bonnet composed of silk and velvet to match the dress. It looked slightly cold and sombre, for the Princess Is very pale, and a very handsome white feather, curling from the back of the bonnet right round to the front, did not tend to give her any color. White muslin Is the favorite material for the fashionable ladles' dress this month. It is, of course, exquisitely line, and so thin that It looks almost like gauze, but It Is muslin pure and simple, and very well It looks over the rich satlu or silk of which the uuderdrcss Is composed. I saw a wedding party enter St. George's, Hano- ver Square, last week, In which the brides- maids were dressed lu white muslin, with very small oversklrts ami braces of prim- rose colored silk—rather an odd color, but the effect was extremely good. They wore bonnets, too, of the same colored Ilk, with white flowers. The bride wore

rather a curious dress, an embroidered white silk, made quite plain. I was told It was a "nobody's" modelling; but 1 must say that "nobody" had very good taste, for I have not seen a prettier nuptial dis- play.— Aotulon tor. Button Courier,


An uiidevoiit astroniuaer I* mad.— Young. A babe 1* a mother's *iu Imr. — iirtcker. Beauty, tbe nuling rainbow'* pride.—IMIeel. A book la the only immortality.—CamuV. Naught may endure hut inut&bUltj.—Ohtllry. All thing* human change.— TtnHfoH. No evil U Without eoai|ietir;.lion. — AVIKV-O.

The Arat mark of valor I* .iefenee.--.s,"i/m■•/. ■ ■■■ »

WiNTKMNt) IN EGYPT.— The long sea passage has hitherto deterred many per- sons from visiting Egypt; but now that the Journey from llrlndlsl to Alexandria can be made lu three days and a half, the superiority of lower Egypt over tlie south of France or Italy, as a winter residence, will become better known and apprecia- ted. Carlo Is, par rxcellance, the most perfect Arab city oftlie present day, and

in which Its Inhabitants have, perhaps, attained to a higher degree of civilization than any other city lu the East. The cli- mate of Egypt Is snluhrions during the greater part of the year, aud, In Alexan- dria, cveU the heat of summer Is seldom oppressive, being temp.nil by a fresh nothcriy breeze. The khamseen, or hot south wind, however, which prevails In April and May, Is at times unpleasant; and the Inundations from the Nile render UMl*M«p«t<iCtk><anua-tcM, hetOthy than the rammer and winter. In summer the village of Ratnleh, nmr miles from Alexandria, is a charming residence, while cart.., from Its clear, dry atmos- phere nnd equable temperature, is now admitted to be one of the most desirable winter resorts for Invalids In the world. The khedlve too, who, from his Immense wealth, his splendid hospitality and liberal patronage of art, Is Justly cutltled to be called the Harouu-al-Raschld or modem times. Is fast rendering his capital as luxurious as It Is interesting.

One of the principal advantages which invalids derive from v. winter's resi- dence In a favorable climate is, that they are enabled to take dally and efficient exer- cise In the open air. At Carlo the Invalid or tourist can be constantly In the open air, either ou root, donkeyback, horse- back or iu a carriage. The atinosnfaerc Is uot subject to any sudden change, nor is 11 II-iv daugerof vicissitudes of tempera- ture such as are experienced In mauy pla- ces in the south of Europe, nor cold cut- ting winds such as frequently prevail dur- ing winter and spring at Nice and Naples, Tlie complete change, too, from the hub- its and customs of western Europe to those of an Eastern city like Curio Is, I am convinced, of Immense importance to valetudinarians, for Impressions mode up- on the mind react upon the body, aud the novelty of the new style of life In Egypt gradually weans one from a too-frequent thought of self. Who could think of dys- pepsia or hypochondriasls while behold- ing the lovely sunrises and glorious sun- sets which, In this foggy am) comparative- ly dismal laud, are never seeu, or while contemplating, as at Thebes, the ruins of a civilization that existed long before Athens and Rome were thought of, history of Greece had eveu begun?

The pleasant mouths In the year for a residence at Carlo are December. Janua- ry, February and March. The Inundations of tho Nile having subsided leave the fields In November covered with a fresh layer of rich deposit i then the lands are put under cultivation; and during our winter months, which are, In fuel, the spring months In Egypt, the delta, as well aa the valley or the Nile, looks like a delightful garden, teeming with verdure and beauti- ful with the blossoms of trees and plants. It very seldom rains at Carlo, probably not more than three or four times In the year.— [Belgravla.

Tin: Oi.n GABIIKT.—It Is a realm o darkness and thick dust, ami shroud-llki eobw ebs and dead things they wrap In their gray folds. For a garret Is like a sea shore, where wrecks are tin aud slowly go to pieces. There Is the cradle which the old man you Just remei b.r was rocked In; there Is the ruin of the bedatesd he died on; that ugly slanting contrivance used to be pat under his pillow In the days when his breath came hard; there Is his old chair with both arms gone, symbol of the desolate time when he had nothing earthly lea to lean

there Is the large wooden reel which the blear-eyed old deacon sent the minis- ter's lady, who thanked him graciously and twirled It smilingly, nnfl In fitting nea- son bowed It out decently tb tin* limbo of troublesome conveniences. And there am old leather portmanteaus, like stranded porpoises, their mouths gaping In gaunt hunger for the food with which they used to be gorged to bulging repletion; aud old brass andirons, waiting until time shall revenge them on their paltry substitutes, and they shall have their dwn again, and bring with them the fore stick and the back log of ancient days; pud the empty churn, with Its Idle dasher, which the Nancys and Phoebca, who have loft their comfortable placet to the Bridgets and Norahs, used to bundle to good purposo; and the brown, Bhaky old spinning wheel, which was rnnnltig, It msy be, In the days when they were hnuglng the Salem witches.—O. IP. Jtohut*.

Fast Day In Lawrence.

Tbe annual occurrence of Faal Ilay was duly observed on the third instant, In Una elty. The day M,I- one of unuaual mildne**, and tbe wnrm ray* of tlie sun, anil balmy atmeaubere were alike wciemnc t» old and young, to tbe hale and liearty, and Hi---- | .i. ■.■ 11 ai.-. i with alrkneaa. A* ueual, all labor wa* auapended, i i ofllce ami liank* were eln,e,t, and alter the early I - of lie- day nil builne** inieie-i. ceaaed, and tin- weary mer- chant anil clerk, tbe Operative nnd proleaalniuil, devoted the day to re-t, amuaement*. or private matter*, a* teemed to «ult their aeveral ini.-i.--i-. II baa been the former cu*iom nmong Uie |.i ..;■■ ant dun -dies, to tuil,| a union aerrice In *ome one ■liiireii, but on Thursday there were Hcveral of

UUMW friendly union*.

were eoctodea worahlplng at the nereral Con- gregational and Presbyterian churches In the oily. There wa* a goodly audience ureaeut, though the

inn of no many ehnrche* and the fine weather, would seem to Indicate thai a much larger num. tier or worshiper* abonhl have been In alien.lance. There were present Bev. Meser*. Hunger, Park, Hogg and Fisher, each of whom a**l*ted In the exercises. Tim regular dU-oursc wa* delivered by Rev. C. K. FUltcr, who selected for hi - text Uie seennil verse of the twenty-ninth chapter of l'rov-

: "When the righteous nre in nutlinrity, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." The siieaker** Uteou was

The evil result* of the government of wicked men," aud WA* divided Into lour part*:—Flrat, the evil* arWlng from intemperance; second from licentiousness; third from too great haute to oh. i-iiii riche*. and la-1, the. frettucnt murder* of late were dUeuwed, and warning lesion* drawn Uiere- frotn. The dlarouree wan or murh interest, but

limited spare will not permit of an nbstraet. TIH'SC fame aoeletie* held a most lnlcre*tlug prayer meeting ut Itev. Mr. Park's church in the

hut. AT no riBBT KM i I-I i ill la II,

there were nlso held aervIces for the benefit of Die acreral IlapUal ehurclie*, eninprbing the First and Second, and Olive Itiipici-, ami the Free liaptlst. At thl* church there wa* a fair siaed audience, but tho remark* uiniu tlie gathering at the Kllot church wlU apply al*o Itere, there being four congregation* from which to supply an amli-

Heva. Messrs. 1'ldge, Wood and Houghtou were pves.-.u, the former aliening Uie exercises, nnd itev. A. L. 11 onatiton delivering Uie sermon, which wa* from the text round In JcremJnh, ■:•■•■ 7.

And M-i-k tbe peace of the city whither I have caused you to lie curried awny captive*;, end pray unlo Uie Lord for It; for in Uie pence Uiereof ■liaU ye have peace." The theme of Uic speaker'*

■mark* was, " the establishment and maintain- ire of a ■ in i-ti-tn city." The Rev. gentleman n* very earnest In hi* reninrks, which were fjo

1111.-i11 and full of thought, eliciting lite cloaest nt- tentlnn of rhe nudlence.

MII I II S1DK AMI CATHOLIC em !■:■ lo - Religious services were a b< > held at Uie South

.Side Congregational church, I'm- the chun-lic* lo ited upon that *lde of the river, and Rev. Clark

Carter delivered an Intereatlng dl*cour*e, appro- priate to the occasion. At the new SL Mary'* church there wa* held a Solemn High Mas* of Requiem, fur the <lecea*ed pa-toi - nnd ruratce of •old church, the ]>a*tor, Itev. Fnther Uilmurc, of- flrintlng, n**l*ted by Father* llolle* a*ilfncou, and I I :t I lii-ll IIS -III. 4.-1.-.Hi.


Iheie were lai . aiah-cuieiil-, nil Well patron- ised, but by lit i- Uic large*! number of our ptea*-

i seeking |>eople attended the theatre* In 11■■■ ., returning to this city soon after midnight. It -<*Un*nted thai over See hundred people re-

turned by Uie late train from lloaton. At die city ball there wo* a large audience present Ui wltnean

IN-i i.ii:- i ..I aud .variety entertainment, Iven by Duprci and Heneiliel'n company: "'

suun.lera rinii, - |,„„ „r „ •• , ,.,»M- t,i Ire land," received a good sited audience, aud al M u- iie Hall the hours were devoted to tripping the eet to Uie strains of enlivening niu*lr. A sue-

oessful sociable wa* given nt,tliu Free It.iptisi church vestry, to which nearly two hundred friends of Uie society repaired. An uyster Hip- per, I..11 ■ i- ..i.-1 :i good social time were tlie nt- traetlons.

IS UKSKIIAL. Tlie day wa* litghly enjoyed, and every ono

.■cnieii .|i;.|..,.f.| in be Joyful and happy, throw- ing aside the care* of im-n nnd lalior, and thoroughly devoting themselves lo recreation. The street* were unuaually quiet, and the genial atiun*phcrv caiiM-d crowd* to pin tale nf out-door exorcise, while the walk* of die Common were aougbt by many carriages containing tbe germ* of the future generation.

The Temperance Reform Cluli.

Our New York Letter. So m e NEW I ..iik Ai-mi.-Jd, HITS.

HUM AVSWII'AS :-The MIU, and "hi* servant, I —The religion ihc wind," are having a frolicsome time of It, till* 1 mml meeting*, morning. Tliere !■ n marvellnu* ln*piraliun In i he .- great ih-. . > cloud*, driven hither and ihiihcr by tin- .ii awt Inspiring, heaIUi-givinghelpmeet ..J Viiun ' ■ bead workman. How I love to waU-li (III-III, n* tliey pile up and march on* like nrmle* uf giiint-. miiiar.l In liuiile. How till* tearing wind wake* up tlie whole earth! Already the ground seem- trembling with lift-, ami here nod iheie ten- der blade* of grass have already mnde their up pearnnce. Just think: lu a few thnrt week* our

i.n-.he. II ill bein bloom, and even now we ongnitulale ouraelvo* that lit. Mi.Ill OV ol u IIAKKXEBS IS OVKII.

WhatarsasrraesH^Uslasaaat be se Use peer ama the sick'; v. h.n i t It can not help but bring to

mourner. Thank i.n.i that the king,dreary- winter 1* nt butt over, nnd Uint we enn onco more

'el In Uie spiritual minHhhie of til* presence! for say what you will, one ran be a better Chris- tian In the summer than tlie w Inter, for the simple reason that the element of Joy is *u pruminently irougbt Into our religion. While I nmoiilhisaub-

).-. t I have a wont thai I am extremely anxious to any lo any of my readers who may happen to lie hi Uie valley of despond In regard to *plrltnal truths. Tliere nre two rlns*e« lowlinm I cape, tally allude. First, to those in trouble, or what- iver kind, who see uo wny out, and nre unable lo

recognise Ppft liaml in any of 11; and next to Uiotc anxious Hi walk straight back from effect* to Uielr causes, having a real, grim hie desire lo lay hold or ihe Inraoit; to ih.i .• grappling wllh MUM* doubt If you cannot afford to buy tlie books, procure them from .- rirculnUng libra

in the order lhat I name; Imt If yon nre able to purchase, don't neglect to do It, for lliey will help

when nothing else will. l>o : 1'UT TIIESK IKHiKa in i-oiti i in. in in i

Home doubUng Thomas nmong you. For "umi! mind*, ye*. The lllble will be nil Uic more enjoyable afterward, because more clearly umk-i -

il. more lovingly appreciated, lb-ad Ural, ■mill. weighing every sentence, comparing

each with thought* of your own, "Tlie AnnnUofa (Julet Neighborhood;" next, 'ertie Henlmnnl Par- iah;" anil then "Tlie Vicar'* Daughter." These are all Uie work* of one author, a* most of you probably know [Ueorge Macdonahl], and Uay It with devout ihitnki nine.- -, have done more for me i any liook* or any teacldng ever did or over could. To till* man Im* thu hidden. Indeed, been leleale.l. I,,,. 11 .less ftllll |'l n-p.-r him ! is oil Hint iny full henrt can say, and all you will bo npuil to When you hnve niihdicd tlie pet u al indicated.

1'hi- iveaihei set. mc thinLin;:. [.», al dear Id Overlook. What hnve Uie *now» and MM

wind* accomplished for Hint? In oUier word*, v. Ini h-f. hunger and cold, and trouble and dark-

ilmie fur thl* gloriously Imnullful BpOtT Something good, I'll IM- I !. .-■,- Uusy always do

every onoori.vd'* creations patient runiigh lo wall fur the melting of their MIOWB. -1 know of lomelhlng Uiat ha* come lo pus* on the tip top or nei I....I. Mountain thl* winter. MOU a mumenl

and think ol Ii Knur thousand feet almvo tide nnd here mining the rluud* nwoc Mlaa

I .a.her a**erted her right to breathe Mil| lirgbly i .11 uie.I nlr,

III! 11 I I.I riOUTINO MM: VAX hi an exalted earthly |<o*itliin. Verily, licro is n high-born .bowel, Indeed- ttonielsnly lias hinted nt change* nt Overlook the coming summer. From Uie Imttoni of my heart I trust Ihere will lie

i-l.aii.::.- Iii John K. lusher; or, rnther, I kofee that ho will still remain at the helm, mid 1 know lo n dead c.eitiiiiiti thai till* wish I* share! hv limit of guest-, euualiy divided between tlu-li love of tiverlos* ssal their respect and fricixUhlp for Overlook'* gracious, Jollv and "sipiare" hint.

Tlie poor reamstnu.*, Mr*. Myers, la sUII held hi durnnce vile, although Chief Campbell doclm-cs

flous- ijp. i. i. tn- nre holding their ni-

Tbe meeting of thl* organisation nt the city hall, on Sunday evening, wa* highly Interest I tie/,

and notwithstanding the weather wa* very un- favorable, the evening liclng damp and unpleas- ant, tliere was a large attendance. The exer- rise* opened with tinging by the choir, which was followed by prayer by Itev. C. I-:. I i-In who offered a wnrm and enmext petition for the nuccesa of the work hi which the club la en gaged. Following the prayer, the choir sang another hymn, after which Major Drown modi a few remarks, in the course nf which ho nn mmm i .1 that the eouncctlou of tin- Rev. L. 1 Wood with the club, as chnplaln, ceased, on and from that date. In consoqucnec of the tat- ter's removal to 1 In*ton to engage in imsUiral duties tliere. Major Brown *]ioke very feeling- ly of the efihrt* or Mr. Wood to promote the welfare of the club, and of hi* unceasing exer- tions to keep those who had signed the pledge, and to bring back those who hod fallen away, and, It may be added In thl* connection, there were those present on Hunday evening who eouhl have tm-ne testimony to Mr. Wood's ef- forts, Mpcctalty In the latter direction. An al- lusion waa made to the Anancial condition of tlie cliib, and Mr. Fisher wa* nt this point Intro- duced, and mode a Htatcment showing that thu organisation In Its work of human elevation had incurred some dolrt, and an appeal wa* about to lie made to ihuw present to assist In liquidating It. A .olh-i tinn-was tukeii up which amounted to fJM7. Rev. L. L. Wood was then iiin.nliiee.l. md delivered an intereriing ad-

dreaa, hit inldcrt being "Moral Pluck." The subject was very ably handled, and Iiroadly treated. The speaker desert lied nt sonic length the quality of moral pluck, giving the Idea thai i. wa* a latent force In human nature; that upon IU exercise all men depended for aueees* In whatever ptwltlim In life their lot might lie cast. He gave Instance* of men iu whom thl*. quality had been con I pie n on sly exhibited, ami urged that it Mum Id In all ease* be properly ill reeled. The discourse wan from beginning n end highly Instructive, tbe apcaker bringing

MM snd eloquence to the to*k of bn- preiring important inith* upon hi* hearer* Next Snnday evening Rev. W. J, Parkinson

ill apeak before the club, his subject on Hint occasion liclng "The work uf the church."

l.nii'.i. AT TIIK TlMi: Of TllXCnt'CUlX- >N.—It Is a curious coincidence that the

inoiiii was eclipsed on the generally re- ived date of our Kavloiir's cruclNxlMii, IK :i;i. April H. The phenomenon how-

ever, could have hail im iunueuce on the miraculous darkness ulih-h overshadowed Jerusalem "from the sixth to the ninth hour," when "the sun was darkened." Mr. Hlud has found lhat the moon "had emerged from the earth's dark shadow a quarter of an hour before sh« rose at Ji rusalem (fl.lMi v. M.), but the penumhrn continued upon her ills'- Tor an hour after- wards." Thepcnunibm visible during a lunar eclipse is exceedingly faint, being only the shadow of the earth's dark shad- dow, and It can seared) bo recognised by the naked eye. It cerUllUf could have added nothing to the anuil solemnity of the scene which hiisjusl taken place, Leisure Hour.

Tin U ui ini\i> Humor I'uojici. |i seem* by the report of the U-gialntlvu committee ou railways, thai the ]ietllloiier* for a change lu lo- cation of Ihc llosl.m and Maine railroad bridge, are destined to wait for some little time for n ver- dict Upon Uiclr petition. The following I* the report or the Ciniinilltec i

Bsaoi-VKii, Thai the petitions' of A. J. Per- kins and other*, for change of location of the bridge of Ihe Uoshm and Maine Railroad acros* thcMerrlmack Itlvi-r, lu IJiwrcnce, bo referred to the lajard of railroad cnmml«*loner*, with lu- st ruction* to cmiMilcr and rtjwrl to the next general court what change, it any. should he mode In onv highway In Haiti elty, for Hie pur- pose of obviating Ihc present en whig or Broad- way 111 said city at grade by the track* of Ihe said railroad corporation ;uml nlaon plan tor (ho equitable apiHirtionimut U-lwern ntiy railroad corporation* Interealed, the city of Ijiwrence ami any town* hi the county of Essex, of Uic expense of anv change nf grade or location eithcrofthe railroad or of any highway that In the Judgment oftlie hoard may lie required by consideration* of public sali-iyatul convenience.

For the ( o mini I tee. c. it. COMAS*

hail untiling hi no nm. ..,. .......r . -t ioodrich. 11 I* ipdte probable thai the woman's

aged pan-ill-. Mr. and Mr*. Ilubhell, are far mom comfortable, pecuniarily, than tboy linvc been for many long year*. Friend* have come lo Ihelr a*- slntance from all (mnrter*, and It I* nlbigeUier like- ly Hint tttcy will experience permanent relief Itc- fore tlie *ad im end*. If so, "LurcHe" need not be so very mlsernble nt Uie thought of her un- willing ileteittiim. Tlie Chief declare*, nml ii aeema to mo I* soaiewluit committed hi my Uieory, thai Coodi'icli might have killed bliu*ell, Uiougb he is .pule : lire I lie] e ■ a* "ll W.HllUtl tt UM bottom or u." BltOOKLYKllKTKCTlVES IUKCJITI'IIIMI ITIJVKl.T. One IK.ui.i suppose, from tho comment, of the pre**, that n detective wa* n man enpecinlly rtim- III i ■■■■!■ in.-. I by the highest of all sources hi capluru the guilty, and that liy roanm of Inxhic** and care 1-.- nf- ■■ he allow* hi* natural prey to i Up between hi* finger*, That they always could wing Uielr hil.l- 11' :-.i iueline.l, Iheie seem- In he till lunillier of doiilii. They forget thai Uie geuiu* for unearth- ing may sometime* bu possessed by tbe murderer a* well aj thu professional detoetive.

Truly your*. Kl.KAMIJI KtliK.

THE \KW MlLlTi.t LAW.—Tbe re|inrt Of tin Legislative CumuiltU'c on Military Affair* is lu the hand* of the slate printers-, nml will lie sub imiieii for action lu a few day*. Aftsf a due con aide rat ion of the . pies lion uf elevating the rank of adjutant, the cononlUoa have decided Intake no action on the matter, their reason* liclng Uuii the fueling of Jealousy which exist* in many reg- iment* between Uic line ulUoer* and ndjulaul would lie Incronaeil, ami ft new niduinally cngon dered by Uie elevation of Ibo loiter olllcer. The

advocate ts given Jurisdiction (uicr all the territory wiUilii a rndlu* or one mile from camp*

usU'ring onicer, wltli the rank of lieutenant, will lie allowed em-b regiment nml linltnlinn, he will lie attached m tin- staff of the cummai ■I'h" nit ■■!' Uli* Innovation will be Hint the

n-ps cinnuiumler, « III IM. tho reel idling ofllccr, i the niusiering officer must obey the order* of

hi.- -iip.-ii.ii-, and reject applicant. If the mander *o desires.

The pay of line onVer* fur duly will be In . a-.-.i :,- ■ i-. i diem, and Hint of enlisted men

will remain as now provided, t'ounnlaiil.iiie.l of. fleer* will furnInh their own uniforms a* hereto- fore, subject, however, to Uio regulations pre- scribe.! by Uie iioiiminiider-fo-elilef. I. • ■ L ■ - i ■ -. I men will lie provided u iih m-n uuii. - MSSM after the passage nf the new law nsinny lie deemed

tlvl*nble by Uie eo lander lu-clilcf, and an al low a nee will lie made flir all neeews-ary repair* ihi-i. ..II. ■ ai.i an .e, .I-I- e not bi lie paid until Uic uniform, have been In aorVlM two yearn. The commute* estimate the coal of uniform* nl about tUlcneh, and n separate dress will Is' provided ■or each arm .of the service. Provision will he made ho the payment of nil ofttrera and men who arc ordered I > report elUmr Tor duty uudcrnrms, or inline any eniitl martial or niUllury lxwr.1 and payment will SOW be provided for witnesses UigeUmr with nil ner.c»**ry travelling expenses.

A very iiu|Hirtuiila.ldilioii to Ihe law provide* Hint no company will be allowed to parade with oulpurml*slou i. .■.,. the eouuniimb'rin-rliler. The discharge id enlisted men shall be governed n* provided lu the legular urniy. No OHM iliall draw pay for service SjSSaea nrsstUtOB the Held hi algn tlie pay rolls on each <-i etiing of camp du*

Ammrle* shall Im used exclusively for mili- tary purposes, and suitable .punier* -hall lie pro- vided fur p. ■ Tlie cnmuiillcc niu of upln-

ii lhat the bill hai Imoti so Iraminl a* hi give ui mam ling oflh-cr* ull the authority necessary,

Ml al Uie ■SOW lime lo protect the right* of Ihe . nil -p. .1 men.

Sup!. Currier, of the Fire Alarm, think* lhat he ha- now got the thing about right.

—BhcrifT Hcrrlck lint appointed George II. Brigg*, Esq., of Amcvhury, Deputy Bheritf for Hill 11.nnii'.

An exchange Infbnni u* that pick-pockcta are abroad. All right. Thl* I* much Is-tter than having them at home.

I'lty Marshal Prescott'* flr*t quarterly re- port will tie h nun I In the dolnga uf tbe city gov- ernuieut, In another column.

-Ttcv. L. L. Wood preached lilt farewell dl«- coune to the Second Baptist church uu Sunday, pn-v hai- to hi* departure for Boetoii.

-A large numlier of Lawrence people were Included In the audience listening to Mr. Uel-

i reading lu Boston on Saturday after- noon.

—Tho Mib-mptinn list of HckeU for the Cho- ral Union concert, on the Kith just., *hnw a lulc ui live hundred seat*. A large and appreciative

audience 1* assured.

—Col. I'bflliriek, of the Klate Cim Mat whir?, has been confined to hi* residence the pant ten dayi with lllneaa, but, we are happy to atatc, I* now enabled lo be out.

"Doubt upon the validity of Ii* proceed- ing*,"—(that joint convention)—I* a pretty good ten tciiee In Mayor Ta rl MIX'S com niu n leal km hi the Common Council.

—"The anomalous romlltkm of affairs, arising from tho failure of the two branches to unite in convention," I* truly a dlitrcMdng nnd heart- rending M.lle id a (lairs.

Mr . Houston Went I* one of Hie most pop- ular vocallsta of New England, nnd her splen- did voice will add much to the attraction*ol Ihe Choral Ctiion Concert next week.



Weekly $ewj» 8fevitiet4. SATURDAY

The cose of Rev. Alexander Kill*, colored, against the Namgantett Kteam*hip Company, growing oat of tile refusal of Hie waiter* to sen c him lacanse he persisted In occtipring a seal at the Captain's table after being not I lied to ait elsewhere, bo* t-een deckled by a rescript from Ihe Sauremc Court, anirmlnf tha right of the defendant* to reserve a tabu for the oasPtri and exclude passenger* tlicrefnmi.

On Thursday a cool train rrom I'dtott ran off the track west of Trnro. Soon afterward tho Inlcr-Colimlitl express train from St. John, N. II., rome along, and tliere waa a colluiuti. Cam- eron, so engineer, and Blunt, a I

— killed. " hnggoge-«ia«- were injured.

Jam B. OoioK ii coming In Lawrence, nnd weeunaaanro Aim a Ml toots, whatever the retail may have lieeu with oilier llrst class lec- turers during tho post winter. Hough it mo*l truly styled the King of the Platform Imth In Europe and America. He lectures on Friday

evening, May 2nd.


A nui** e,invent!"" of tbe lucmliers nnd lad) visitor* of the order of Son- of TSWuSralBS wn» held Thursday at Sew Bra Hull, llo*lon, under the auspice* of UwGfSJMl Divisinn. The s|m.-hil toplca a**lgncd for discussion were: The present niianchd cniulltiou of the divl.lon*; Urn method* employed lur tin- collection of < punter ly dm-, the -pe. ml meaiia used, if any, lo prevenl wlUulvaw al* from tlM' order, what plan* can be suggested fnrttieexb'ii-d.m.if the order J the huporboue of aligning A dcflnile hour, and of providing spe- cial exercises for Uic goml of the < irder. Tim cm- tSaaaOB was eidlcl to order by the 0, W. P. Wm. II. Wadman, and organized by the choice m* I*. II. W. I*. llSM W. MS* aa President; Mrs. A. (i. Hart, Henry .1. Williams, Kphralm Fairbanks, Joseph Mian, nu.l *. W, i-argcnl Vice President*; K. V. (Heron* and A. M. Kastinan, Secretaries; M. W. Tenksbury, Treasurer. The cmneutloii wa* then opened willi prajerby Mr. F.plirnliii Fairbanks, ol Wnltliam, and raft nlnUve* rrom twenty-*!-ten divisions ros| dsd to the roll cnll. The dlHcussloii* of Hie day were mainly confined to the prncUoal working* uf the order and du- llest method* of maintaining and extending Hi gmwUi. The rC|auU Ir the division* f mimt of llieui In a good Am Ini condition.

—Darwin denies that he I* a lawiielor; he ha*

several little Darwlnt.

—We are torry to k-srn lhat Mr. Jot. A. Met- calf it making arratigmciit* to take up hit abode hi Salem Ma**., (hereby depriving onr city ofa inmd excellent and highly caleemed iliimi

—The Cinderella Club arc aoou to present, for Ihe beiiei'n of the City Mission, an entertain- ment combining pantomime, tableaux, etc., for which the young hullo* arc actively making preparation*.

Every scat wa* occupied by Hie uicmlicr* of the City Government, at their spec hit mtdlitg Friday evening. However, there was no Joint convention, and none wa* sought on the part of

cither Hoard.

■The Hcrriman brother* nre making prepa- ration* for the erection of an elegant residence

Jaekaou street, nliove the Spicket liver, nnd near the residence of Mr. Perklu*. Thl* local- ity I* liecuming very desirable I'm re* Id en eet,

—The proposed change* in Hie mililia law ■c awakening a fresh interest aiming the mili-

tary; the monthly meeting of the Fourth Bat- tery, 0U Friday, WSJ tilt most fully ntleniled or any for some month*, nnd eight persons

admitted a* IUCUIKT*.

—The recent iierformance of Uie Merchant or Venire, by the amateur company in our city, wna warmly applauded by all wtio witnessed it* presentation, and on evening of real enjoyment await* those attend Ihe repetition hi City Hall on Monday evening next.

—The contract for the local carnage or the mall*, lictween the pont olnce and tin- depot* in this city, ho* liecn awarded by the Postmas- ter Oeiieral to Alfred Churchill, he Uiiig Hie lowest bidder under the recent advertise men I uf tho department ft* prn|io*nl» for fhi* oer-


—Rev. L. 1'. Cuthman, who KSJ-I tome very fine thing*, did not detnti t from hi* lopttlnlion u thl* respect on Sunday evening, when help- ing lake up n collection for the Temperance Re- form Club, In Ihe City Hall. "Scrip," *al.l he, "docs not make n* much noise In the world n* cent* do; but In a collection of thl* kind ll ■■ worth far more."

—There wem* to In? a fresh start In Iheilih- ca*c of sinall-pox. One Joseph Young, a Frenchman, reading on the smith t id) of Valley Street, Jutt above, Anicshury Street, i* allliiied with MII.ill i- n:il ■ ii Saturday evening was removed by the authorllies lo (tic hotpllai. Upon Ihe opiMisltc -id. or the same street a Mr*. Masse ami her nnn.alao. French jieople, arc afflicted with varliiloi.l, Imt lliey nre now In

u fair wny ol recovery.

—In a neighlKirlng village, a few days ng< some of the mctnlicr* or n lloiiriHhlng church, were dlacustlng Uio merit* of their minister, more particularly hi* ability a* a preacher. Many of them were Inclined to Ihc opinion that he was Jutt u* good a man an (hey could find, and a* able a preacher. "Well," *nld one, "I disagree wlt.i you, brethren. I heard him preach n sermon on Ihe creation the other Sun- dny; he told II* that find erciinl Hie world tn .■■is day*, and a* I tat nnd H*tcncd tn that long and trdlonn discourse, I wa* sorry thai He hadn't

created It in thrrr."

—There wa* a tlrnnken row this noon, nt the corner of Ettex and Hampshire tired*. A pnfty had been drinking In u riindiolcand nut content with lively conversation, they commenced pum- melling each other. Unite a lively time wa* had, the part'lca walulng aUmt the corner to the great amusement of a targe HUntherof loafer*. The little exercise wa* suddenly slopped by the arrival of ollleur Sluuinahan, who succeed In ar- resting two of Hie rufflnn*, mimed Timothy O'Brien and Hugh Muron, of Worcester and Lawrence, respectively, nml *afely lodging (hem iu (bo SUtlun House.

—An election of First Lieutenant hn* IK-CII or- dered In Co. K.Olh Regiment, lor Wednesday evening, the lllh in*t. We loam that Ihe Cor- ner ofiicer, Lawrence N DUCIICHIII;)', will lie re- lectcd. That gentleman only reilgnod I.i- po

nitlon with the Idea (hat the coinniaiiiler of the coni|iany was lo retign, nnd did not wbli to Dt lu line id promotion. Hut Ihc incouVri umi friend* of (he command have eavueiHy protest. cd agahiht liny eliaiige, am) ('apt. Decker having consented to remain, Mr. Duehi-ntey ha* lain prevailed upon lo acevjtl a re-election. regiment could not well adbrd to lute uich

unble olflccrs a* Docker and Dashes**?.

—In Ihe Police Court on Saturday, Col. Hen! coiiililaioed of Amos A. Toll'.ird ami Ihivid 0 Harrhnnu, resluurmd keci-cr*, ami John Hati- rahau, lwr-kce|H-r, for Illegally keeping Intoxi- Ii pun--. ami inch was lined leu dollar* and (ual*. which nuns were rcvendly paid. Ii Harriman'a place tho Colonel found "(lord' ■kulkiug through the Ittek door will) a valise lu hit hand, and upon l-elng asked where he wa* going, ho replied, "lulu Wright'*," but after Ihe Colonel had dlsi-overcd four or live l*itlli*of Honor lu thai valise "fiard" didn't care Ui liiuku Wright'! ilme Ida l.uven of safely. We hope Hie autboiitii* will B00S1 be OUlbleil to make a clean sweep uf (hi* den of laJnnUy.

—On Saturday night (ol. Ibal and CnuMnhk- Itoliertt, while pa**lng along Common turret, noticed n crowd In front of Ihe door of Mr. P. OBrlcn, who "keep* a place" ut Mo.03, A* tboy approached the pises they iioiiced Mr. O'Brien glvi e of the crowd a kick, nnd Mr Robert* ru»bcd forward to prevent a repetition of the mi. O'llricii, ihliiking the mine person Mill presented bhiiselt u* a Uriel, eontlnucd to use hi* feet with grosl vigor, to Hie dclrlnunt of (he lower limb* of Mr. Roberta. Thinking Hint thl* tblug hml conUnncd long enough, ihc offlt-vr Jn*l Inllniated to O'llricii that he'd U-Uer ili«-oii(lnitc, and O'ltrini, recgnlring the nftV oert, was much nstouislie.l. lie wa* marched up to Hie «talliin, ami Hii*iiioruliii; witt arraigned

mi a charge ol ssssnlrtngan unknown person, to which charge he pleaded nolle ermlemlrr, nnd wa* lei otr with a line of (Tl and coats, i.ttlccr Rolarrt* tuyhig mailing to the court about tho

assault on himself.

Among the patoengeri were Ihe agent* of the White Star Line, who were coming to Halifax to look alter the Atlantic,

midnight, and in Boston (hi* morning, and proceeded lo Faneull Hall, where they were eared fur.

A dl*pan.h from Washington (ay* lhat Sena- tor Sunnier, although much improved In hcallh, gain* -ii - ii ■ ih niv slowly, lie intends to re- turn lu hi* home In MaiauehuM'lt* In June.

The e. million of Jamea L. lil.lgvlv, firand Sivntary of tbe Urand Isalgc of (hid Fellows of the Culled Slates, i* much improved, and hi* physician* regard hhu eonvalesecnL

Tamand A Balicoek'* tobacco works at Ilha- , N. V., with content*, were enilrely coii- ined Frlilay morning. Umn jfi.i.uoo; Inaor-

anre, $12,000. Ihe 'lit .ini y clerks have started for various

part.- of (he country, to apply the rule* of Uio civil -en i.-.- hi the t!ii*lom House* and Treas- ury ofllce t.

The steam.-r Ulaek.-t , from Baltimore fiir i hh poii, II en i'(i.n- Head on Wednes- day, and was still on at last advices.

The dedication of Rev. Mr. Hepworth'a new church, on Foal evening, was an occasion of foil dress am) unusual distinction.

Another Rank of England forger, one fJeorge llidwell, ha* U-en arrested In Edinburgh, just as he wa* departing for America,

A ilti-i-e veiiir old daughter of Henry Taylor I'atnllv pol-oncd herself Wednesday, by eating malt lies, In South Boston.

Prince Charts* of Konmnnla ha* assured the Sublime I'orte thai he will not appoint a dlplu malic agent lo Washington.

A dispatch announce* that the Parliament uf new BOMB Wale* ha* voted v.'on.inti tu aid mi- gration to that colony.

I was a -S Anon tire In Oil City, Pa., Fri- day ; and a ffAJ.tJuu lire at Parker's landing, Fu., Thursday night.

The Chrrokccs protest against making a Ter- ritory nl (heir refensllon, at a scheme of land gmhliew.

A. C. Taylor's farmluiusr and linni at Chlco- pee Hail* were dcaimycil by (Ire Friday after- noon.

Mein'iei - of ihe New Jemey |tt- dulgod In a tree light on Thursday last.

A lire at Jacksonville, Oregon, Thursday night caused ^ .i I,I i. m ha-* , no iniiiiiiir.

The New Jersey legislature on Friday ad- journ ed *"»' ■an

A *yjHHi,iMKi lb-., oc, HI red Friday at 1'nikei ■■■ laindlug, Pa.

St. Joseph, M..., had a Vi-'iflOO lire on Thm - day night.

Several Imnk note forgers have lieen arrested In Hi Hue.

The Baps f* recovering Ironi hi* lerent III-

Oold 1IKJ.


Tho rescued passenger* from Ihe wreck of the Ailniifie, arrived ut Ituslon on Saturday by a -I'fi i.d train from I'.inland, over Ihe Eastern Railroad, and were quartered In Faneull Hall, where breakfast and dinner were served to Iheiu. The moat ol* (hem went to New Yurk by the Fall River route iu Ihe altenioon. The mitiial iinpiiry ordered into Hie .lj-a-i.r by the liouiiiiioii (iovrrnment began In Halifax uu Satmihiy.

A terrific tornado occtirred at Burlington, iwa, Saturday nlteniJwi, causing loss of life

and much dcNtruetioii lo property. Four per- son* were killed by a house blowing down, and nineteen injured.

Five inches of snow fell at Ihnivcr, Colorado, Saturday, which on Sunday had Increased oil .-auinc.o , »

to llfteen Inclie Ai a Mormon conference held at Salt Lake

on Sunday, Urlgham Young denouueed Ihe t'leci.iu U lid.

An expkifion of fire-damp In a Monmouth- shire, Eng., colliery, Friday, caused Hie death ol five miners.

lu *omc part* of Vermont ihere have been one handle.i arid twenty dnya or eonlinhtm* ■ Icighlng.

Ncwl COUM'ipil ploles.

Sixty-live diver* are at work on the wreck of the Atlantic bringing up tho liodlei of the per- ished.

Den tarn Hnmiiel Clenvra of Portamouth, N. IL, a prominent merchant, died Saturday, aged

There were only two death* from small pox hi lUishm lost week.

iluilal.., N. Y.,had a thumlcrslorni on Sat- urday.

Jackson, Mich., turn* out ten Ion* of Iron ilaily.

The State election occurs In Connecticut to- day.

The Kussian expos 11 ion jnlo Khivu lint >taii Cd.

New /.inland ha* a coal famine. A. T. Stewart I* dangerously III. ih.- cpixooHr li.l- -pi ut ll: i ll . (apt. Jack |« Mill oljslluale.

(.i.l.i 10. «


'lorn Wright a negro desperado, convicted of mm.:, i al Washington on Saturday, nm-ci In eat III = I >i Sunday wlnn Hie pang* of hunger aeianlng too mm b fur him, he culled fur a good

sipiare meal, toying, " 1 dmi't want no roiiimnn grub now, 1 waul Utfttcuk, ham nml egg*, ami (hem wirt of tlilnga lhat fellows gel* i-cfurc they are strung up."

Advice* from A rim in a report thai Major Brown'* nimmaml receutly alls, kid the A pa. In--, killing thirty-eight warrior* and cap- tured seventeen mpiaws. The Indian* I m. frightened and many of them surrendered. owing to id.- bone disease, ihe troop* opera* led pi in- ipaili on fool.

M..i.d n morning two freight trains on the Huston, II and Nashua collided on the bridge aero** Ihe Nashua river. The lo- emnollvc* were liadly tmathed, but wirtunalelv no parson wa* Injured. The accident was the ri-Biill uf Hie lalluie of u I nikei Iu lem.-m larhltordeni.

11. W. C.iUman ihot and killed hh brother- in-law, John Newell, nt Menipldt, Tetin., on Fildav. Family iranrnd. A few day* prevkai* M.. II- J li--.ii' killed James Patterson, the nephew of a Philadelphia Imnk President, with u miming kniic—Justifiably, the oortmcrajury *nll.

(Jen. John T. I'lckcil. who told the rebel archives to (he I'nllrd State* last summer, *ny* thai he Im* placed the moliey which lie rei-civi-d where It will dn the u ml gisnl-among tbe confederate widows, children umi disabled sol dler*.

In au allrsv Saturday night hi San P ran el ten, Cal Manuel' E. 1-.*. uihlci-, (ieik lo Ihe Muxl can Consul, was slml aud killed by Ih-xonaven- tureCireuga, win. gave himself Into luMody, ..:.! eUliii* Hi." he ailed lu rclf defence.

The Plince E.lnani* Island election* result- ed iu a victory for lire opisatlilmi, the seixarnle HCIKSII* and railroad ipunlou* Ultig the Issue*. The leaders of Ihc victorious lairly are .■omtiilt ltd lo union Midi Ihe Dominion.

Uuta-rt Milbr a young man in Willfaittslairg. N Y while madde 1 with rum. attempted to kill Id* lather mi Saturday, and the father In defending himself nearly killed Ihe ton.

While a (inn* wa* (msthig through (be klrcetp of Toledo, (I i Saturday, thieve* robbed the safe of Hie Kiral National Hank ( f .-<s*i and valuable pa|» i ■■

The prodt* of a rum-hole lu Ilriinhtgtou. Vl., „re *«i.l In lie have l«-n f IN) during Ihe last week in Felmiary, while one of the leading store* mnilu only #i"'.

A negro named Lfft lint la-en sentenced to ISJ hnnged at lUh-Igh, N. ('.. on May flth, for «mi- mitling an outrage on an old woman some time ago.

The fart that Captain WII llama la a very tern- (•crate DM*, and ha* always fasssj *o, baa been established Iwyoud doubt.


I ll



Weekly Jsjcw^ Bi'cvitieji. ■WEDNESDAY.

Ocorgc Frellng ol New Yoj k lintlnlly beat Ul wife on Tursdav, He lied her handa I.,hind her, ami tied her to the lied post, nuil then, with a rope, boat her until every inch uf her l«dy was covered wit)) stripes. He then unloosed her, nnd when she Tell to the lloor BsJuUSted, he kicked and otherwise maltreated her. The physicians inline thai -lit- i* totally Injured. t lie brute «u committed U> the Toiul*.

Frederick A. :-. Lewi* of Somcrville, Mai»., while engaged in tinning the naif nl u building i>n Slai l-l i. II.- i'f, on Monday. Tell from nil position 1.11 tin- ringing to the grotiml below, striking i!|inii hi- law k and Injuring him MI that he Hm uttly ten minutes alter Hie otil driii. He leaven a wife and child.

A In tut three years ago n Mr. Qorton suddeii- ly and mystcriouslv disappeared from I'lut'iilx, It. I. Woods were hear, lied ami mill pond-, luit without mem, ami the Imprcs- MIIII WM that he had bean murdered. It mm HMH that he is superintending a cotton mill In (leorgfn.

riillcenuiu Larsons of 1'tirilund fell from Ihe westward liounil rulluinn train Monday night, fttuwt fnur in lira from Brunswick. He'wasso- rliimdy Injured, and cannot live. It la not known how lm lui opened to Tall, ait no one on the train MIW him full, or knew that he had ful- lun.

Voter K. Illow, nephew of Hon. Henry T. Blow, lute tinted Stales Mlnl>ter to Braxil, wan shot H lime* and severed wounded, at the Schoolof Mini* in Kollu, Mo., Monday, liy John W. MeCowsn. Iloth of the young men nre ntii. .I. in- In the school.

Thonuu Hughes, if. .1 Kcventeen, wan con. vtctcd on Mon.luv. In lialliniore, of murder, In killing Joseph Miller, In November hud, nt Coatcs' rolling mill, hy striking him mi the head with a wreuih. The Jury hud nssu imt vim Thursday.

e of the lending citizen* of the town, and uni- versally respected. He hail held the olllrc (if Town Clerk many yearn. Mi- age ffU forty- flvc.

The Inaty or Frederick O. Merrill of (lofls- town, N. II., who disappeared nlamt the 1st of iv i.,i,i i taut, «M fiiuml on Tuesday nt the mouth of the riscutsnuog river, in Mi N. H., ami showed evident of find pin;

Mr. Wright of Sheffield, England, proposes to supply the world of the future with gas, fur light and heat, made from common nlr, hy menus of electricity. It In only to out nftecit cents per lisXI reel. He hits patented his process.

Mm. 1-lUnl.elh It. Bice, n woman who onci moved In rcn|>ec table circles, and was wort! cttnalileraltic property, ilii .1 in Boston on Sun day morning hut, from protracted drinking.

Siiiiihriii jinjH'rs sav the '|uanlltv of diiMv sandy ami leafy cotton coming to "market c\ cecils Mint of any year since the war.

Two non-gni strikers WOW Mulled nml tally tteaten hi n hum- enr in New York, Monday night.'

The Prince of Wales has hecn Installed no Ornml Muster of the Huontc Order of Knights Tcinplnr.

Societies for the prevention of the sale toxlcutliig llipiui -, are Iving formed In Massu- eh u setta.

ailing (<:

I re-clc

I York ui 1 Brook-

ire aboul

ivc heal.

John S. llamrell has U Kiigiueerof the Boston lire

A general strike of tin- N. lyn gas men is threatened.

The New York hone ear tondurtoi lo strike for eight hours.

North Carolina complains of exec Thermometer BO degree*.

The Cheyenca recently murdered n mail car rlcriMid live surveyors.

Mormons are leaving Utah Tor Arizona. Sunstroke* are reported in Kentucky. The Misloc* don't want i<ence.

Heavy n I ■ prevail. (iold IIS 1-H.


The lusumnce on Horace (Irerley's life

The Tn sof tin

Ini lien say that U Ihe largest sum that has boon paid In the last de- link'. Tl onejf is to 1M- UHCII in erecting a palace fur the Trilmnc, us ii memorial.

A voting fJcrmnn named Keeses, of llock- vlllo. Conn., had the front of his head hlonu oil Monday night, liy the fragment of a small cau- noti, which hursi from overloading. The can- non wan l>ellig liretl hy the Democrats, in honor of their vktory,

Kmpcror William, f'rinee lllsmarrk ai Vim Mollke, air ii.ininl l>v it hiilli.tut leave llerliu for St. lvtcrshurg, ou a visit to the C/«r, on the i'llh insl. Crown Prince l-'reiler- iek Wllliaru ami wife ilepmrt for Vienna Ihe fol- lowing day.

(Jovcmor Smith of Georgia has Iwucil Invltn- ilons to the Oorernora of wcatern nml Bouth- cm Hbilca to meet him at Atlanta, on the 'JOtli of May, loconi'i-r eoueemtng tin- srlieine I n- uect the Tennessee Klver with Mavioimth.

A ihahiiily contracted handing nt Mid.lle- inwn, Conn., tell Wednesday afternoon, rovcr- ing some twenty-live workmen emplnyeil on [he structure. Outrageous carelessness was evident in laying the futindailoii.

The largest eitlalogue of stars that has la-en pulillshed in America Is now nlmnt to appear from the I'nlted Stales Naval Olwervalorv at Wnshiugtiin This puMicaltoii has been long QSpcctW lpy aslroiionlers.

A coroner's Impiesi is being held in Manches- ter, N. ][., on the ISMIV of Frederick O. Merrill of (lotrslown, which was f< 1 in thu Menhnack Ulver. There is no dniilit that the man wits murdered.

Nclatm Curtis, n well-known builder In Bos- ton, on WMlnesdity laid down on a pile of lim- it.-r. In the liurut district, a |xickct Us.k ctmlaln- ing nearly ~ !.','«»'. nml In a incut It wan misting.

None of the Isallcs of Ihe persons who were swept into the ilvcr at BoeheMer, N. Y., liic*- ilay night, have yet IHVII linin-l, ami the uumlier of pentons lust is not known.

The people of Tlverton, 11. I., pit tired of their female sehtsil co ittee in one year's trial, I hist week elected n new Hoard, i'omu.sed whol- ly of men.

It la reported that there is more mm on Hit line of the Chicago, llurliiigton mid I'aeillc mail than can Is' tnins|sirted hy next July.

IIver l'»i Itan-els of cotton Kecd oil are lnniiii factiired dullv In Memphis, n hlch is worth imin than 01 :m.

New Y..rk,

On Ills High Hurae Again!

"We have cherished tlllr bOpCa, wu have plotted brave schemes,

We have lived till we flutl UKIH illusive n.i dreams."

The ite»la;,'o^in: style of chief magistra-

cy, treating the member*) of the City OOT-

crorucnt na If they, were u parcel of

aehool boy* placed uuder lilm fur Inatruc-

tlon und dUdpUM, tttUlM to have been fully ■doptod by Mayor Tarbox, und <m

Friday evening lie inflicted upon the Com

man Council lbs Mcand of bis ramiiiar lecturea on municipal dotlet, repeating

M former ax.sumptloiiH of uutborlly

olillng (ike a Ittlnnougcr at the neglec of hU BMOClalet to cheiTfully accept l.i -

dklalorial orilers, anil tloclng with the

htldUh npoilflon of the old nursery bug. ieiir of Hie black man In the closet, In Hie

tliapi: of some dire and awful Judgment

IU " MUpreme nntltority "

BUtel This la surely the tint intlmntlon

oar cllizeits liave had since IIIH liintlgura-

llott Hint Mayor Tarbox fur a moment »ns- pected there existed ntiiong murtals any

power more anpreme than hlmeelf,—and

for this streak of ttanlty may we be duly

grateful. The charter of the city authorise* the

Mayor to communicate Information and

recommend measures; to the City Council,

bat until the Induction Into that chair of

the great Apostle of the Democracy, no

chief magbttrate lias im.i the ooollMM to aseome the role of dictator and disciplin-

arian lo his associates nud peers In the

Government, And for an official, who, as

In this very communication, folly admits the potty trickery of convening an "illegal

ami unparliamentary'' gathering, of mak- ing a solemn mockery of law, by presid-

ing therein, and filing through with Hie farce of alt election of city olllclals, not

• I.II ni". lo execute his threat of forcibly

placing in office the shams thus created,— now Hint his blaster has fulled and bis at-

tempted fraud been frustrated, to come

forward with an air <>r injured Innocence,

ami with high Mounding words, talk of tin

appeal to the Supreme Court, is u species of assumption very nearly allied to Impu-

dence) they who evoke high law moat

come Into court with clean bands, and the

originator and defender of a fraud like

that of Hie Ituinp Convention, i* hardly

the white-robed cherub to mount a pedt tal iu an example of virtuous serenity.

The pretence that the interests of the

illy are sullcrlng from Hie refusal Of the

City Council to bold a convention, Is the

veriest nonsense; the time for the elec- tion of a portion of the officers not yet re*

chosen, has passed \ there are no absolute

fancies, except in the Board oT Over

rs of the I'oor; and the members elect- In the wards seem to be discharging

their duties quite satisfactorily, without

Mdcrmuiilc assistance; the other posi- tions are all lllled, (lie Incumbents of last

year holding over; Mr. Howe remains OS

Clerk, and Mr. Tewkshury as Treasurer, sure, n nest of hungry Democratic

irnnts are left without an office; Mr. C'ltlconl, Ihe Ward Four innocent, Is HHII

wailing to he Treasurer, ami the medicine

fthe A', iithn l has notyotsupplanted

Mr. Bowe; lint that the public Interests SUflbr, Mayor Tarbox knows lo he purely

mil rue.

,\ committee of the Aldermen have de-

clared that the Democratic officials In W.-ird I'otir committed a gross fraud In

staffing and robbing Hie ballot box; every man knows very well, us Ihe Coiiuclliuen

arc entirely satisfied, that two members of the Ahlcrmanie llonrd hold their seats

In roiueuncncc of such robbery i their as-

sociates admit the fraud, but refuse either to correct the vole, or throw out

ami afford nn opportunity for a fair else*

lion; they dare not risk It; they know Dodge and Canny would be ousted,. The

investigation has cost much time and money; elleeteil In the face of every pos-

siiiic obstacle from the democracy; and for the rtepnnilcan members of the Coun-

cil to accept the partisan verdict of the

Democratic Aldermen,—the men who have

shown their manliness by being parlies lo

the Mayor's sham convention,—and en- dorse the legality of the election of the

iwln results of the ballot robbery, wonld be to stultify themselves and degrade their

manhood, while the petty threats of the

Mayor are as unbecoming Ids office a-. 11 icy

are uncalled for and out oT place—an in- suit to every member of the Government

ami of as much consequence as the l'ope'f

bull against the comet.

I<o<SM Sffa-iifi. Kastor Service*.

-OD- . i.i; >i : CnUSCU lisy, the urvleei :t

Morning Stayer, i in- Holy tommun Mumlay hchoul aerv hiB prayer with SBTSua at i

Morning l' Anthem Hauler Aiitiirm tiloria I'atrl Te I'. n:i- J ululate.

Il.,ly t'ltimi

nml, nud a. eelcliralkm of , at halt p«si-tea o'clock. ul PJSM e/elsek, ami even-

Mend. I>


A ili-|tuti h frum UH- Mcnc i.i Aliiinlie, .lal.-.l ln-t niKhl, -.iv- ,,]' 1ST lies i.e slMin', IIIH.UI fortv Iccl fri.ia the siirvlv»rs flrrt lauded. The-of Writ -(.in;: I'liiniiiinv, who i

k.m v, III. ii II of nn- Ion

n a In the ftn


Hymn Offertory Sane III;. I lyn... rkneiIi. tin <1 -.ili:l:,ll-

UloriBtB K-irel*l» \ime HimilliH TOUTS. The eervlee *unjt Hill be Uautwri Mew Hu-

leltelle. In Ihe nllrniixi tin- Ktm.lay prbeol will r-ina

d preaml their oferbHja.

City Government.

A n I la an Ulorls I'atrl lilorlnln BurUli Quuata it. in .in Anima iiien Anlhen


Merrill. Millard. Merrill.

BT. JOHN'S Cnuacil.—The aen Sumlay will In' UH follow*: C, I Hill) I .-|.ijiinl.inn, ft A. M-


4M Psactw setter, 'ro|«'r Pasliai II lajrll -: Irii: iie-.i.iii . esli


To IH-uiti. Alfred II. t.itllel..n

luhilau-, .l.ii k- mi

Hymn UK, Ureoslsou team.

Hymn IBS, Trlii ni) th


II1-. M.

anil Si nday fetttlval a


CSOWIXO.—A Rulem, N. II., forrespond- : L i ■ r of the KM.i.m Journal, Mid ex, that a few

afni Heputy Sheriff C. M. Villuiii, und Conatabh l)u!lrlck,iuiHlHled hy ;i y<- -e "i mti.e.:. from Salem, made a dewent on tha BOBUOf I„IH;'I 11. ,I.J!III-I.|I,:II MI ■-. I "-I'll.:.-ill.-.ill tllllt

place, snrprbibMJ. altont a dozen of men In the act of i:;iuit.hii.:'. So quietly had the oftlecn elected an entrance, that they found little dltu- culty In sscurlag everyone present The only exccittlonnl race wal that of ('apt. Timothy Dencey, who made mnne show of WSWanaO be- fore secepttng but fate. They were Immediately inken bonwo Oeorgc c. Oordon, Kan., J. P., and all plead miiity, except one, and lwid their lines and cottl and were discharged from cus- tody. The player* were month/ Lawrence men, and one of them a mcmlier of the Common Council. They p»ve name* as follow* :—Chas. KiehnnlK, John Rogers, John WOuaniS, John Albums, Mike Halloran, — PblUlps, John Oil- la-rt, Oeorge II, Johnson and Timothy Dcneey, The limn paid amounted to >--U>- All the lm- ptenicntH were Hcl/cd and bronghl away hy Hie ofneers, Johnson plead not guilty and bound over for trial. The proprietor of ihe bank was AI. Clark, of Boston.

„... Imp rue tie able It. - the fhi|. r.mld ever hare naelnxl tliU poalUnn wltlamt tla?irrcatoatearule»i-iic-i-. A earehil lintk- out would have dltcitvereil ilii- oosst kmg Is-fore the r hip the rm-lf are el a ivhlti.h Kr:i s aad hovo a lino of IDUW border- 1'hourh flio illvi-ri* have hroiijrtit up muneroiw IKMIU-H, maiiv remain In tile rostl I, » hcic lite bulk of tlte cargo afaio rctuain*. Tilt is\i:aTtii.wrioN»—TIIIHD nmi'tii'a STATE-

Miorr. Ilullfat, N. S., April 7. The un,.

re-ill.mI Ul |iii.'el.H-k ml* lcoruil.H- The lli-t wilue»» eiillnl was t'orm-hiih I.. Ilra.h. lliinl I'lu- eer, wIto IcUlled an IOIIIIWH :

'• My waU'li wan rnmi S to 1-j oVInek Uml nljtht; we (i-nptaiii and r»nr ..flleei>) wen- nil ronvcrr- :i„l unit Uienln|,Vp..itllii.ii; al I f. it. l»,re off lor ll;ililn\, c.iio-e V. -I d.'Kree- K. eiiiiiluc-*; then' «ui. on thai eourr-e inh'ttn'r* eii-leik viouilinii In -i.I.n uli-.-naliiill, Siiniliiii al II , I - V .. iletficc-l.., ilioUlll ITn mil.-, in Hie ntlei II.M.II bail taiinlile iwalliei, liirl Mi|illicii.-t wind iiiHiiiiin, llien il idiill.->l tn hi-uUiw e»t,. lean d up, ami then l.i weKl-iiorlhwcrt, One, with .Mia-imial pa>finx , Lm.' .iii.l l.nil. -tmhVlil -ii iiii.bin.-lil ; ■ rv.pic-t uf Ihecnptah le mil lo the log flute heillHlaneerim KIIHT HIIHUIIK «ur loun-e, at 1 iVhirk, to IK- l*i mlle^; ilii- mleulntiim in not al- 1'nvn hlrielly ™mii, hut ip. neail\ M>, ami i' enr- ,., i..,i i,-, ,.,,, ,i,.l-,,,,,,» . i ih.i in.i 1....I. ,-.i il..- hart, hut I kimw UH- ptmitlnn of the »hl|>, and luit II waa distant from sarnhro fortyehrtil mtlea; ve U»MI a rimunon hf, aisl It wru. Imve every

iwo hours j ii-.'- |.I.-.I "i II ;.i.-.iiini-niiin varlcH eomtiderahly from varlnui'rnuiieH,nnrroiti miioimt, different ipialiliei »f coal IIMSI, etc.; I did not Limit the inmiln-r "f n'vnhili.iu- llial Uu- hcrew made, hut liy looking over lite niiie I could lell Ihe i-iieed tluvtihr wax makhiK within halt a mile; Ihe count! MTSS ISSmsd to ctimiUraet lite (wei-lerly -i i of the .-uiitiii. 1 have lain at Hidiltiv twice Itefore Imt never Ut Flop or lay la-re, and am not well ariiualiileil with the natfi; Ihe captain'- or- ibi - whew lie went lahiw were to call him ■ dialely if any elutnar in Hie weattH-r i. UiatU, u" il oceanic luuy or thick; Itothleadn (pa- tent and common > were mi Mie luidj,"' rm>\\ !•■ I>e thrown at anr lime; Hie captain did not n've t>r- iU'f» m heave Hie lead , 1 win.- tbe. apuiu'i- order* to tin-fourth itlll. .-i ami imin. diuieiv tunuil In af- ti'r tM'iuii relieved; ilUI not know nil} dilute after- ward nil tin-rhip-ti ink; nivU'illi wan hi the al- ter end "f the i*l|t; My room waa locked ami the fourth officer lunl lla- key; I had no mcnim llnrimt; I ran on disk, Jti>t an 1 tunuil laiT; 1 met (Juarterniarter Wllllamn mi Ih lie wiu arterwanU drowned; I a-ki-d him wluit uih the matter; he aiuwereil, " My lind, tia- »hl|) ha" gone ai-herel" I ran al once to Xo..', lifeboat (Hie eaptaiuV Itoan on the unlona deck: my own IHUII liad la-en attivo iluriiiK Hie previuUM heavy ncalher on lla-paitoaxe; I got an axe and aue- ecnliil IneleniiiiK tliebmit; while in the act of laimehint! the Imul tlie i-liip I'll over nn hemhle; a" nesrsf l oaaJudas K wss only i-ii or eight min iiU-u alter IBS struck dial -la' keeleil over; whoo I found Hint -he wax tt-'inji over I Mmmbkil oter ami auectiled in gelliuK Into Ua' nilina rhnring; rln.Unit thai I *r«i uf nn SSI I mnile my way for-

'■-"uaru-nnjiHier Owe"- *

i IIUUIA uotnraiL, i April i, 1079. t

PrssMSS* In the ctair. Full iHMirrl |n.-. m. I ;,-.-i u il ■ of pi.- incctliiK read *nd approved. Tito f, llowlnjt p:i|>.-i ■ were reeciive.1 fmni the

other limn d, and dinpoeci! of:~ l'elition rrow P. II. Ullllllin;:, uml lltt)-Lu.i mll.-r. , |.n ..ll.-.-l |-1 ..- J

Iu.: on llrundwrny,,ei.-ni-.I loSSSSBUSSM on ktruef. llepmi on | of I>. K. Jordan fur atMtemeul of teller wKUmol, leave to withdraw; con- curred. The nppropi iaUoss, ai- amended hy ti......I of Aldermen, were laid ou table until nail ISSIIIng The ordinance relating to Uie water i mil-.-imi wu nil.I onrc, and nssssd to iu coc-

ond renillug. 1'clltlon from Grand Army af the BeiHtMbJ for an appropriation tin-Hei-oratlnn Day, referred to commiltee OS lliiaace, In eoneurTOiu'e. IVtition that Marrtleu plreel, from llodwell (treel to Poor Pann, he Improvitl, gradiil, etc., refcrreii to conualllee on 11,---i ■. In concurrenee. IV-Ution for lite ii--e,-pt.ii,e,. or Beaker Hill street, referred to rommittec on ■ trcet , In eonenmllce. PSSJIISB of I- ii,;. I Sweeney fur ahiitemeiil of newer SSfSH- ment, referred to rotnmliUi' on newer* and drain.-, in concurrence, l'elition of Mm. I,. WhIUIer for alMtemcnt at newer BSStsaSSfat, referreil lo eoiii- uiilte,! nn aewcra and drains, In eoiieumnce. t'e- tlllon fnmi lehool BSSSUlUM for new aeliool In.line, referred to committee OS llnauce, iu con-

C o r r; e ^ p o i\ tl c x\ 6 e. Charleston, S. C. Lettor from

John C, Hoadley.

Ii" - a.e pomlUed lo miike Ihe followIIIK HklrBeta froM a privaU* Idler of John C. lluadtey, It. ,,., to .■.,!■■.i l.i- ui.-.i.l- lii IWi city,—which we arc »ure will prove of general interest:—

ClIAHi.mTi.N. H. C-, AestLt, Ifc^t. Mv ]>KAK Sis— The mod noticeable ariieet to

n M ranger In the obvlour iinth|iiily of theeiiv. A few other elUce on thii eoiillneiit have prenerved

line old build ilii;.-, «i lainlimu kn oi lite \>n-l, .me ventigeiof atili.|Ulty, of aoomattc llfeciane- lii.l ditferent front our* to day. Rul hen! Hie

at I old ntriiiliiic~ oi a loi'iiiei lime MI prevail, mie whole dittrietH.aiiil an. »oiimiieroiiH every .. .icrc, in. to rive character lo tin ho V* of til


k al'il ignat

Hi., iinaiiiiialioii ul one nh..-r onh nbii nllent city In the nea, i- fonucd hv ruadlu^;

the iiifpiralioii of uie 1 urea ami engruv ingi-, even, I am told, n> IIIMM- tvb.. have known ami lovitl tin- Queen of UH- Adriatic; and tlu- rem-ln- blaitce in imw lH-l([hU'iied by the extreme Hcarclly of ln.r-e-. llei'i..!- HM' war, hornen wen1 nbuinlnni, and Itrilllant iijuiiuiKeH very numeroii-. More than tlte liumlriil can iuKc.i until to cotigicptU-

nlav Shoul

e*lreiiwl v bSUISSSllS, The w hole air of UH- place in pervaded by profound, lecoi inn. Themunlcinnlow,

mv.—The 1110111lily report united to the trustees last g Rdlowlng Interesting Ntn-

-lon'kn-peT {lug and called to him, hut 1 do not nupim. oeiirtlme la the cnlii-inn; "hen I got lorwant 1 maile out tlte rock in front of the aliiji; 1 thought that If I ciiHhl gel in ihe mi k 1 could nave mynelr and oUieni; I Umlt |1H- nlgnal Italllanln aad other ni|w-n, ami neitt l,icu lei nin-tcc I iwriu with Unmi

o reach tlte rock, hut In- failed and v

II Prin,if Lino of the librarian, pre evening, furuinhc* th llKllen to Anrll 1st!

Thcniinila-rof nameBrej,'Ulered,:MHt'., nn lu- ersesa during March, of Wl.

VIIIUUICN drawn dm in.- Ihe uuinlli, 11,031, nn increase of MM over Februarys 'he dally aver age.was, lor the llmt week, IWi; KCCOIIII, 177 third, 419; fourth,!:^; lifth, 402; for the month, 1VJ. largest nuinlicr drawn In one day, BIB; ■mallcst, 310.

The ii lier of liookH retained over lime, and

aeut for hy until, was 549] IIUUIUT actit Tor hy officer, .1. The nuiiiUr of tines taken wiu '271, antoontlng u< >r.'.i!.

The uumlier iifvolumea Iu the library, April 1st, IH 10,100, or Including duplicates, 1 l.lIH, an bicrsaiB of 1110 during the month, nt au ex- Dsnsa of 81,'21J.77. The printing of the cata- logue. IH urogrenalng favorably, and the nheeW ua fiiat tu INK tied, are [duccd In the rootim, great- ly In Ihe convenience of the public. The read- ing room U largely patronized, 33* l«a>kn and 1. ..1 periodical!* having been called for to lie read therein, In addition to the newsjwi^ra.

speakman. ably followed him; we hauled Hie ntout rope by mi-uiin of n vaiur to the rock, which wan about twenlj live yard*, I nuppone. from Hie whip; we tiauliil a liumlH't m men from the r-liiptolla. rm'k,

vie in.- . IUI tbe

inland bv tin- name meaiiH, and iu thin way caved a number of liven ou the Inland; met Ulniicey nml anked him If 1 rnuld cuuiiuunlcule with Halifax; he Mil me lliat there wan no regular meaua of communication, ami that I would have to nend n uicnncmrer on Itor-cback; Iliin 1 did ami went back to thenlilp; tliett boaUcnmc; 1 reiiutiucd mi tlu- n«k encouraging tlte |»c<>|>lf, ami thun MVLII n numlHT of liven; lo my ceitiiiii knowledge noth- ing wan naid or dime to ini|H'de any of tin- ftannen gem In coming ou deck; the rLntfiiu-iit Hint ban Ken made llutt then- w nn In absurd ami Incorrect: the steerage panneugera were well acquainted with nil lite wayaof Ingrennniul egrean; iVotn my own punitive Luuu bd|-i. ihe piif:-eiigera hiul every facility alTonliil thai «n« pn*>ll,le, under UH' elr- eunn-taiieen, for ri-nching the deck-In fact, 1 met noiiit- of HH-III going up when I wan making my wnv to the deck; am |Mw<ltive llmt no order*were flven or earritil out in keep the p.-n-M-ngiTK ta-ltiw.

Hiring the time that 1 wan on tin! wabb nhe niav hats bees going Ihnterat lintci. lliaii at i^liem, but lhen|M4-,l wa.-lucltv iniilorin; do not reeol- liil wluit tlte n|n'etl«io. IH'I.IIV we Imirllp, Imt ll wan liirrvaned after thai; do nut know wluit the niK-ed wan when the venvel nlriick; the captain ■lltl nil Hint any ttflleer could iHinnlhly do Ui nave life* 1 could thnlinelly nee and hear him IVoin the rock exerling hlmneli'-

CnaiH-examhieil bj Mr. Ilileliic-Tliedeadreek. oiling wnitntw nv,. accuinle; duriiig l\i three ilnyn we lllwuyn fouinl the .lend r.ikoning very ■omi-t WIH-II we hiibMipicntlv t-«.k obnervatlonn; luring tlie Ilrnt watch on night alter we Inure up for II .in , . . the Hints! wan from eleven to twelve knob- per I r; the.|naileriiinnhrn goner ally Ihrew the log under the nii|ierhiu.-mleiiee ol the ollbern of Urn watch that were on duly; dur- ing my wuteh llmt ulghillie lngwn» throw neither by <(uarleniianier .Hpt-akman or nwenn -■■■ tome; In making up the illnlaliee lirii-b-tl by the captain, nl 12 o'eloek lliat night, I ineil the "nernp Lifnml --Inn-, .MI. lime the h.c »'M thrown 11 wan entered in the nei-ap log biH>k. I wan nallnllcd oflln correetlienn ami that the di«- tanee wan made up i-.Mii-.tlv. (The nailing direc- .iiiunofllie Ailnihiililv were bece introduced, and ilii- nailing dlni-lionn li.r the Nova Seotln eoant iminUxl out to the court. 11 in nulled that Snmbro 1,igtilnlii.ilhi be visible-at a diMance of si uiilen; 111 in Hen noulti of Sanibni noumllngn would give a ilepth ofal len~l i:> l.illim.i")- I weiiltlown In Uu.

i r v RKMONKU illicl:ll>.

iwu party, itlti.>tis frail

" In i Idle- ike,

Keiiti •ky ilogn ale

Il in Modocs

low a tie ln-1

Ohio .funi'i to alml

.Strlki • have het .mi

It Kill nnowH \\ ■nt.

(l.ild 1 IH l-S.

F It 1 -y A Y.

It is .l.llll'lll. N. II.,1 hm t-.ii

i-aId Hint of Titu.


from M iu I'lllll nloll full



I.. Watlaworlh,

ue ward lour have been hraudetl liy u

l Ahleriiianlc Board of their i tbe perpetrators of n vll- upon the ballot box; of the

hiftunoua crlnio of ballot robbery and stof- lltiK. have not the graeu anil decency lelt to tender their resignation*; in ilellai e of the jdly of their parly tissoclulcH, uml Uiu contempt of all honest eillwns, (he thieves still cIlnR lo lh<- places they have illsBrnccd. Will they rcslsiiT

I— t'n Ti

In Noi

Hali'in, VerkliisofLawt ami IlillH.ill.ynn. Al s. Warren of Mctbucn

1 thh '

dug. A. II.Thoinp- of the Annocialiou, ami alter a lnoino- II. Merrill, of New- Bcasny oifllcalth," y Mc>-in. linger of B, ami Moore, I'rigo eiioVltHk Mr. 1'aik ad a paper on "Co-

-cd hy Mennrn. I Mill-. I..i


. I'erklni >f Idi

, Mum (' The r,|-.rt. ,1 lo he making prep

arnlioun for an OXudOJ Ir.dn I tali, and llrlgbati Young, with a large miiiiU-r of Icudcri, will

'■nn -i ni i"i Ihe Nan i'l.iiii i . .i uiiiimlaln din trie I of Ariiona. Young nlated thai he wan nomj out of reach of the telegraph, ami Mill take 20, lm Mormon, with him.

The puuinhiiiciit l.v tlu priM nt Court of In <|ttlry Into the I..-- of the Atlantic, i-imiiot go be yi.nd the reuHiillon of the certilieale id thoni fiiuml guilty. The I'liplnin cxpei IH such a jmlg lilt-Ill, and II i.t probable ihe fnilltll olllee'r wil come In for u pbaru of thenenlctice.

Mlia Bmmn A. shute has la-en recently elect cd I'rmhiitial I'nminlHcc In one of IIICMIIIH. dintrUtn In Hern-, N. II., thu i . i cvel elioceit lo llll anv public olllcc iu the town 1 ia iH'licted llmtivhc will faithiiiilv and cillciiutli porlbnu all the dink" nl her Italian.

A (hall Hem Kit Wei

i at Fort Wayne, Ind., dropu.i ketln»ik bl a ik|K)t oil the i.t id April.


lurgi lime tn make ihe

W. l'. Uawltl wan denlroved hv Jf.IMM) H.iilh ul li power, and provided with valuable

A man at F lllled and found il nome tImt- alter, nn around hud lain afraid of being "looted."

Il I. rumored Hint a large number of Inn and broken have I■*-■■■ suli|ncncd In iilleud fore the tlraml Jury in ncvcntl UiUry ii which are Iu In »rcMCil.

A (Jenuan, necking employment at the work*, hint evening, wan liealell uml scri<> tUhhed hv Ktlikert.

Ileciiriillou Day will he oh hinted in \V ingtoii, under the alopiicn ol the titaitd Armv ol Ihe Keplihllc.

The conccnlrtilioii of lulled Stales t the Kin (irnmte I- mil-acting mtcitiii.n.

There i.i a ease of yellow fever at iiui New York.

NacnimcNlo hai the rplaootie.

In Penlaal Ml Wnh l-ll.,V a hrlght Ind 1 I'uln.t I I'm ni-

l.nil kilhd hv 1 lag t imwn Mill

f NewliuryiHirt. In the nllci-m lie f "Aatn my" wan JlacUBMil by Wil- iohlMiilth of Andover, Hills and Moore

. and IVrklns of Uwrenrcj mid then ' gentlemen argue.] again ft teipilriug of I-ill u lii our public H-lionlN. In the

iiiith, !■; to have

-.,.,.,f)lo i hy

i, but I

detained by hlckm-KH, the lie v. 1". Itnll, -. of Sahni, ilclivcied mi able nnpcsl for approved "Method* for Sclent I Ac Kdncatkm." Alter thia Mr. II. 11. l.i In of Kant lU.nton, read M-venil (■xtraeht. The meeting then adjourned until Hi o'clock Saturday morning, l>in rr-tufem- I,ling Saturday morning the following were

,d ..Hi,vi f.n Hi.- A. ('. IVi-kiio-,

.urn- >■ l-awrcncc, | resident; J. W. vlce-proaith! 1; William P. recording ecrctarv ; P. s.

■ eorrenpoml ig wcretnry 11.

lem, Ireamt er; counsel m,

.11, tlloucen ■r; William II

.nl; MIM JI In A. Metno , of

. II. Merril , Neivbtin | irt;

v, Ijiwreitee

ic linpurtanc ofiiiieilucallou-

tinned for a buiir. A pa|HT

1'. Woralinnn, I Samuel llarrlnp ItUiitln, Mnrblcl 1'calHnly; Mr. MIM A.C. Plum


read hy Kdwln L. Sargent, of Lynn, on "How nhouhl Knglfah Literature be Taught," wu t'ol- lowed hi-nn aulmnleil illMtinnion. ThU cloned Ihe i-xereinij. of n nc-niuit whhh him IHCII one til exceptional liilcrc*! to nil who luivu attended.

TIIR CuxsEcnci i F.ii.i'noN.—The |H,litlenl conient In Connect lent, on Monday, reiultcd In a victory for the Democrat*. IngersoJI, their camliilnlc for Governor, being elected by nlaml 1000 majority. Tbe vote was (omewbat light, owing, probably, to ihe weather, which was uii- l.ivoruble hi iwrsoni going abroad. There were three ticket* In the Held, licpiihllciiti. Democrat- ic, and Tcuipcnuu-e. Three Iteimbli.-an Con- giciMiicn are clectcil, lm hiding lien. Mauley. The Semilc will proUddy ntaml II lte)uili|icani lo 10 Democrat-, and the 11 mow will la) Very close, and may have a very ninall Dcnuiernlk

TllS CAMP r'tBS of the (Irand Army ou Wednesday evening, concluding fur the Mason, these wonderfully attractive entertainments, wan the most numerously attended of the sc- ries, the hull being crowded tn repletion. The excellent bund that has contributed ao largely to the lucOfSI of the, sociables, was present again, and the exercises consisted of the uinial variety. Major Duchcnney read n very Inter- esting reminiscence of ids experience during the war; Mlsn Joslu Thompson con tri I ill ted rec- itations with her cimtoninry excellence of man- ner t thu clog dances, hone aoloa, songs, etc., were aa lively aa U-fore, with the addition of a guitar accompaniment hy two Mcihucu ladles. Comrade Clarke gave a humorous rending, nml Quarter muster Holt provided an abundant sup- ply of rationt, In Ihe way of genuine Army bard tack and coffee. The evening waa one of thorough enjoyment, and not a few will regret that no more such are to la: held this year.


the milowinir.


uie nl till- bath In A|

ttraofrerf, T knowledge Hi faithful prei

our In-Jovcd panlor, (lev. I.. [,. Wood It-nee iifliod, ha- reslmu-il tin- pni-lor hiinli, to mkeetleil on the Ilrnt Sab il, he having ni-elved n eonllaliim. cult m>n> Ihe Harvard Ml. Ilapllil Ion, Miifs., llH-relore,

IMI a privilege la a>' to in. and ... HI, i.- a

iltfng Hie


...(.'../, ■I'lini .

of the Urdu

ami conduct W-c ,i ..ul i..i In. i, Iring In prmu.,1, if the ebiin h ol i.

iga at ii uml Hie blgfeeal

' eliii'ifullf III lb.-vlm- V leheis

rlVMl of bin

of the Church w .. . pr:ii Unit Ih,

ill abuii.lanllv bl.-ss forgellliii


Intr il.. tun ami a half yei

D-'VATION I'tiiri.- IJO-1 evening a large as- RombMge gathered at the Division Street Mclh- odlnl t'hurcli for the purpose, of social enjoy- ment. T'.u hospital.le ladles of the congrega- tion had prcusretl a tempting rapper. Hut the ii-.'i. mug elm v of the eieliim; "a- I he prcneiitn- tinii to the |»"sb.r, Hev. W. II. II. I'ill-bury, of a purse containing nlamt WWH). Thin amount nan raised by volutilnry stilwcrlptlous of uiem- In-rn of the coiigrcgtitioit, nn u slight token of I hi II ujiprc. iali. I i li.ii in in i-tci's services and merits. Though Mr. l'lllsbury has l.diond in thin city but lifted! inonthi, he haa taken rank us one of the ablest preachers anil moat xeahain and iiiilhful pastors working in our midst. Me Is certainly deserving of this free-will ollering tif ids people.—HwUiii/tirii (/owe] Uuirk-Eyr.

We congratulate the nappy pastor ami peoph upon their mutual understanding, Mr. rills- bury, many yearn ago, wait a Ijiwrenec mill boy, and afterward* entered Ihe Methodist put pit. We are informed the gentleman now hai charge of nn extensive educational iuntliutioi within the denomination, aside Iront his pa* [oral labor).

gang of the N

A Mollll. Al l-OISTMl.N faro table gamblers, arrest Hampshire lino this week Dtiiriai propriety, appoint* as cnptaln Of the night wu of the present year.


waa that p; 1 hy Mayor ch, at the I..

Da. O. F. BRICKriT, for tin- past live or nix yearn u pritetlclng physician In this city, died Wednesday afternoon.

—There are mmortt of procpeclive newit|npe change* in this vicinity.

Tin: F.ssi:x I'niMl Ooon TsMfLAI* held ih. ir regular quarterly conrenllon at Ih-verly, April 9th. The gathering was one of the larg- est and most enthusiastic ever held by thin asso. elation. Mix* Ammiila IJIUC of Olonerster, I'rc-ldnit of the Ass.H'iiHl.111, In the chair. The morning exercises were devoted to a hearing of the rejauls from Ihe various l^nlges. Many o lllete reports were very interesting, ami all in.II rale Hiul the Order never exhibited greater nlrcngtb of character and stability than at the prc-eiit time.

The afternoon ecu tat mis open to all for gen eral dinciinsl I resolutions \H rtairiing to the "gtaxlof Hie Older," ami ftir the iidvuiieeiiieut of ibe C.IIIM' of U'lnpcraiice. The aflemoon M>.

ni.HI wan also adth-e.-sed hy e\-Mnyor llulfi 1 Lynn. The convention wal Iu red by the presence of several of the IJrnnd bulge ollievrs. AJtogclhcr il wns a grand success, and every one went home feeling that It wan good hi lie Ihere. Thu next convention meets ou the sec- ond Wedncada) In July, ai Boston).

Ull) Marshal's report, ■eeeptsd In eauBUienre. Tla- follow in« comnninicalion wan rtvelviil from »■ M ii; in, and placed on 01c —

(Imtlrmtnof the tVy f'-aotW/; I deem It my ofllcln! duty ngaln U, nddrens the

elty council upon the iiimmaloua ennditlon o affalrn arising fr.mi the failure of the two hraneliei Hi unite In conventi'in, an the charier requires. Ut elect ecrlaln municj|ial nltlcern. Dp«B nutlinrity conferred, aa 1 helleve, by Hie city cltarlcr, BpSU the elihf executive oOiecr of the city, I hitherto ■'iiiriiu 1 tbe elty council In meet In convention for'the ].iii |..« c -|i. riii. .i in the charter. A ma Jorlly of one branch of the city council saw Ol to absenttlnnoselves Trom lite convention, and thus tn throw .i.mlii. upon the valldltv of its proceed iiiK-i under the provbluns of the elurtcr and ol parliamentary law, js respect to what constitutes a qunriuu fur the tiAsai-iWn of huslneas. t'nwll- IIH.K to enter upon »VnntrOTemy, neither ercllU- hle to tlie city sat advantageous lo Uie public In- i.i .--i , to 1.1.i.i.i. |... ■ i-i.iii of iu,-II uDtcea and defend Uteir title, the persons made clailee of hy tlie euuvenlinu have deeluuil to accepl the t*.-

■|'i-. I in- I I I- !

The iiijininii i i!r. i ■ m ilu- incoin]ilete organ! . ..urn of tlia government, ii|H>n the efllelent ami orderly couduet of the public bunliteas, la too evi- dent to ii,-lm .ii -. ic.em. Th. board of over

■cert of the poor In mill energMdaed, aa SfeW I* the hoard of aanessura who discharge a moat im- portant function of Ihe government, ami tbe valid- ity or whose t.lBcin! action la of highest concern, niher departments of municipal administration

impaired In vigor hy tlie uncertainty Tell n- tu Hie action of the city council; and white their ser- vants ipiarrel, the ml-,, i. of the people nuffer.

With the dlsuesithm of tin- i-onteatcd eler- Him cases la Uie Hoard of Aldermen, which have now IM-CII settled hy the tribunal of final Jurisdlc i ii.ii, In Whose ilcehtkm It la the Imunden duty of nil LM...I and loyal ciUiena to aeiiulesce, I have the right to appeal with confidence to the sense of Imi of my .......ii- ■ In the government, for bar-

moii i,m ]■■■-. ni In i in- ,|i , ii-n ;-, of our Joint puhlle duties, and a cheerful compliance whnl the law directs. I respectfally submit to your reflection wlH-UTer fUrtlH-r refusal U) orgnulic ajointronveuthai will not he a dellance of Ihe let- tcr and hpiril of Hie law, ami an Inexcusable trl Ding with the Interests of our eocutftuents. Cer- tainly, It w ill rail upon mc the duty which 1 can- not evade hi Justice Hi my puhlle trust, though for the liilr credit of our city I shall nlncerely regret It, Of npiinliiig to the Judicial author liy for sm-h remedy, If any, us it Is clothed with power to give.


An order for n Joint convention of the two braueln-s of tin' city government on Monday even. in;-., April THi, noli-concurred 111. Councilman l.litlcncld presented a reselutlon snUwrnung the riKiimltlee ou public proia;rty to procure Ihe .'■.'..-.. > repairs upon the High SehOol house, nml rtUlion I louse. Hi tbe name, au order Uml Un- tie 11 linn rrom Iwrnril of englneern f»r the nddllit to lite Ward :i engine house, US taken from UH>

tiles of last year, and referred to the t-tiuimiLlee puhlle property, I'elithm from lieo. Ilunly u utln-rn lor one yi-nr's lime U> pay sewer asi-c ment, u-femil lo commiltee mi .ewers and drain-.

It le.-k ill II lot' limit in the light , _.

the deck of one of the M-lumiiern, bill when I Hot about a iiuarler ol :i mile from Hie wreck, I'cn- iiiiull I'ohit jin-thhultlM-light ini I did nut notii-c hlnlaet,omueb Lit niclit n- t ibd ol. Tb«-«My spokl-u .a bv 111. Allan, In lib. on Saturday, couldn't have lieen

■ III, I , il.!. tbe

nil at their re.]H-clive po-tn: Ihe CBp- Utln wan one of the iiim-l competent ami eltleienl ..racers Hint 1 ever sailed wilfi; I know lliat Ha1

provlnionn were innpeeled by loivenililent olU- -i-rn; I went to the wreck Inn hunt U> take Hie

A.ljm cd.

3 of the imnneiige] s nil; he wan uiueli vhaiinted WIM'U taken off nml hail lo lie nlii "

I in eliinliin- up Uie i-.i.-k-. when we hinded lien Liken off ami had lo lie MimHirt

ng up the rockn when we landed, lie- guiding Mr. Allan's ntnlciuent id tlu- romllHon of

I may ntalc I'roui u ee id'crew- Uml llial o I'hvnieally ami fully a


npniier Corrupt

Monday, well now n on me port nine, ami nil places from emitnel with tl

n aw.' rliclen

. .-_lchniH' Ih.-n bud l.r..LI-II link

Kb Hie bodice of men

-I. i-i. Hue

hi) in enufuncl Itt-up . oi. „„, „„. , atiuieli lammed an g and enttts, brulseil nml lorn. Kinhen iiitng hi and out, feasting upou Hie dead iuibn are strewn iibout, having been in the Innllen by lln- eonlinunl action ol i, wlrtch. when ugll

'nil ugly ]iicee- of the broken hull II ivc ugniiM c project.

. ige cabin, nml foimd a hundred liodlci- It ni)' in in iuuiieiw beiip, looking

a-> If alive, wild arum dlnloeahii, eyes nLarlng wihlly, faeen grlnnhig and moving backward ami 1'nrwiird with thu under curreiiL Home were ■Itensed, bid miniv Were halt mule. Children were eliiigiiiglo molhern, r-nuit in,-n Here claspingHwlr wit en, neeniinglo bate met death with culm nv.

K- iiilion. Theset-m- wu- bun il,le I ,lr-i-i-i|. il. TlH'e,u]Cs|s.iideul Hun went lo UH- com-

panlon way of Ihe p-teciage where the men ims- nengers were by tbciii-eltc-. The iHHlies of strong men, old and )«tmg, wen- tuublled togelheriui tlu- Htalrwa) with ilhtbmded soalrlla, ga|dng uiouihs, i-liirlng, ul:i**\ i-yc», giting nunu- eoueeiiHou ol the U'lror Which M-i/.d ibein in. tbcv vainly ntrng- :-li il to i-.oi. Ihe deck.

From another \<at\ of the vessel n view was »h- tallied ol Hie slei-ping npnrlmeid, where, piled Up on Hie port >-ldc were uunilH-rn nl Innli.v ol men, wilbbcd eloihhig nlrewii among them from nn uhno-iiui, with brokt-ii nUncbioiin and Jaggctl, Kpliuh'ied wool I -work. The llch ha-1 In-cn lorn IV.-ni Uie faces of mimv. tuhci-s an- brubeil and bnllered iibout their lien.In, which lliv red and

ilraatlng horribly with the pule, I id.I other

or i i ni II i: I.IM in.

Win. I'altcrn.m was sworn,-Was fourth engi net-r id Ihe Atlanti. ; wiu. mi ■lull and lunl charge of Hie engine room from VI U, 1 lu HutafO'i'iiiHin, und front IJ lo t in tlie uiu;;, Hie ili|.-ini- weii- g.iiiig -lower from il [>•■• llii.n Hu-t bud lut-n go- ing .luring tin' I! hour- previous, but HHJ lH-gau b* latBSWVS from H»VhH-k; wbew UH ungln,-* ue* • doing lliiii be I we Huik HIBUII M ]ioiindn of nlcaui nilh the expansion valve lull) open; tm-tweeii 1-J and :l oVliH-k the Ion i-M pn' — ure or M^-niu during the night wan rc-ncla-d, and was .HI pounda wllli lite etpansion partly nn: when I went ou duty nl U o'clock Uie gunge Indicated :sJ, ] aeeount fur Uml hecailse wla.n I went on Uie watch there Were III Ills oil Hie pi.lie. nml no i ,.[ eoiils to lill in the iwo llren : uII, I llu- grate had ln-en cleaned Uiu llri-n fly')''a tittle low; we took nome time h> gel th ml out for tlie llivs, Uien a fartliei linn-to gel ■ ml tin' I eonl.t In pill on 111.- Ill,-, nl,| ,p.e,l hten-jised lietwi-en two and threeo'rliM-k; we had lirty pounds pressure mi Uw guagt- at lite Lime Unit i-he struct, the gunge -li-.d lllly-oiie, uml we Ita.l Incrensvd the -|«ed wltli Hie hicrcaniil press- ure; I was standing on the si..Le bole plntt-s, op- iHtsiU- No. 1 boiler, w hen I felt the ship touch Ihe U.iloui almosl under my feet, nn the starboard side of the keel, as if she was grating over some- thing; ut the lime 1 na.- MII lacing Hie lire of No. 1 ul the starboard boiler; Immediately shut the nur- litre coek nml inn up |.. Uie . iigiiie "room; when I gol there I saw that the te' -

i| 1.. . ..nd Ihe lull -

in;; ..

giml hud liccn answered frum Ihe ...„ rtHiui; Ihe tilth engineer (since dead) wan In Ihe ml of rever.liig UH- engine, Uu- giciccr. daiiit-s I lev hie, (since .[cud; Hit- [here in die uclof assist. lug him; I came b. bis an~isbince,-amt frum Uie lime I gol ui Ihe platform until the engines wore

an lem ore It pie, I aboul I, .-. ., I then the telegraph fur n short time to see if

nut nioiii lelcgr.'tnis Here given lioin Ihe deck; ill Ihesnme time I looked nl II ngine rmuu clock nml hm n. I il linn tuYlock; the , l.nk w as n net ill noon; went la-low to start the mirfuee cock; ns mHIII an I got to Hit- toot of the engine room ladder Ihe long linen went awa> with a iirne very sudden- ly; I culled to the engineer to stopbor; then till lied lo go Into Ihe sloke bole, mid Jlinl nn I wa» going llieru, I heard her go away wilh nuulher race; I turned back lo nee " hat on- the iiinllei, and saw the engineer In bin shirt sleeves wilh Ihe throttle v.ilie in his hand; Ihe chief engineer

d ihe engine and nrdiTcd Ihe main ship valve; I sup.

■ru-d llM-nale.

iFovlei i lln-n iloppei iillli engim-,-1' to shut... |nine thai he (I'"'ehiel eiigiu.-ei ) ,.m-iie.| Uu-ni ly valve, nl lea-1 he I.-Id uie that la-done noa,

:oke bide nl as above Hi lien.I to the

.wing off: when t got t.i ie nn n I' It III.- lin lui I,'. in .lokc hole and culled to the men to e-; lid- iilloecurrrd iu the space mhiulen, that Is frum the time Hint

she nlruck till I shut the ncaeiskn; while 1 was shutting iheinilown I raw water c.miiug out „i Ihe slurl.oui.1 I LIT, I bad old. about twelve feet in run, und In- 1 lem bed there Ihere mi. aboul a fool of water on Hi,> Hum ; I then miulc

..niil.l II H-.II.-II e lllsl illll.i until r Ihiignnil jiiiiipjngot i llir, e uti -, nl lice I Wiiulde-liun ree In lite uu r>, till shew.n

Hint It would bike the •' the engines were level be going astern.

—Beautiful Kming weather.

IS l:.. M.I. LI -i . LI I.I i ■ April till, UTS,

Present Uu- Mayor and full Ixiurd. la-ailingnftheniuriln was dbtpBSSedwigs. A cmamuulention wan received from the Alhtu-

tic Btessser Company, asking for Ihe appnlstSSBSS of butter l-rt-1.1 and lb Ivln Iteal as eiiglr, ami a similar paper frum IlieVVashliigUm Mk-nmur L'limpany, asking Tur Uw ap|H>intmeut uf l.uilmi- I. .ul-1 -■inI .l.iiii. ■■ ll.l, nil; |.|.o-,-.| .ni lil.-. Al Oar ™xlayi-d JutbtirUinIf the Manir lo en; niilbible linilUldlW the illy, 'flic report or niltU'e on I,.- ■-, grnntiag auctioneer's llcemic tn Slorrer, reuuliing SJUI bonds, waa accepted, rne i"in-l uf A. IV. tiiHHlrirh wnn t-.i , ,, n|i, and ngniii ordered to lie on the table. The reset concerning Ihe park In nurd live, was read nml placed on Ihe table Messrs. II. A. I'reseuU, Use, W. Passe, 1>. H, .Ionian, and John Wllkln son, were drawn a* Jurors lor Uiu Mupreuie Conn. The committee on licenses were ap|Hiiuted mittec ou luickncy eoaeher. The City Marsluil'i i e|..-i i. nn follows, was nccepli-d.

Th Hi* Ihntortttr .l/u.ism nml the (Sty Cmneilof the city of Uaettner i tlnsiinngii In OOHWIUUMS with the city

dinauccn I have the honor of laying before you following re|MWt of Ihe Police IX partinent, for ■ 11.:. 11■ i .M.ii'i. March 31st, liTA:

Synopsis uf crime fur which arrest have been

Simple drunks, III; drunk, aeeond offence, B; common drunkards, |j safe keeping, Til; nnntnlls, 111; larceny, M; dlnlurlHiuce, 7; idle and illnuriler. ly, is; vagrants, 1; assault on nllb-er 1; mulunl .i :o.U, 1 ; iii.'.li.-i'iii ■ mlsehlef, 1; fast driving, 1, lewd nml lascivious, t; Insane, 3; ilefrauillng HI

loon keeper*,1; illnnnlcrly houne, I; tnmucy.S stealing rider.; breaking nnd entering, N; ovad- Ing railroad fare, I; violation of city ordinance, emlH-zzleineul I. Total, .Mil. I.mlgcr., (in. Total nrnvtsuml lodgers, "il.

I.. PBSjscoTTi City Ifsrslsl,

t'llHMIIN In CM II., April mill.

Presblent In Ihe chnlr. Alisent, Hefner, lliinrrll, Whitney and Ilanrahau.

I'apers hum up|M-r Itourtl, Inelmllng pay of (Iretncn, wanl live park, repairs on High School and sLilli.ii Imiisc 1....1 , iinployment of cotuiiel by the Mayor, were r-cvernlly concurred In.

'ilu- ordinance In regard b> water woik.i w panned lo IH- enrolled. An order was panned ei powering ihe ['resident nt the Counell to wsoloy nulluble counsel to prolecl Ihe elly In suits now liemllug. The following order was panned.

Onttral, That aetlee he sent to Urn Ilimnl of Aldermen, proposing a John convention of lite two hrauelie.i of Ua- elly council, on Thursilay eveiling ncM, nl eight o'elia-k, for tin- purpose uf ,1.1 1111: mie aaseaset for the inn uf three j also to elect two over.ecru of the |nHir, In I I. i I.-,! from the Hoard of Aldermen.

A WOUK or ataosirtesKT I1.1.1 KTIIATION

Oneof tbenncsl publlOMJoni yet issued in our couiilry, in " 1'ICTI IIIHUVK AHKKICA," a Mb> ■erlptlOU work from tla.- press o( the Appletom, New York. It In a splendid. Imperial '[iiarto, edited hy Wm. Culka Urynut, and with elegant steel and WIMMI ilbi ii.iin.11 ■ porti-aying tbe pie Inn M|iic ami li.ntiiHbl In unr own land, delin

e HeeaS-m—taln-wgei, the mperil Inken, the 1 ■■ .mtitnl valleys, the grand prim III' forests, Ihe cascaihs, Ihe rnngnilieent rivora, the towns and cities, lu brief, all the |>i. lun ...|iu peels of our land, fn 1111 Canada tolhcUulf, the Ml.miI. I.. 11,.- 1'aclHc.

Fur several years, artists have been apcclally employed lu vislilng dltTercnt parta of the Union for Ihe purpna* of procuring ih signs fur this work. The vie»», hence, will 11..1 only Iw orig- inal nnd Inintworthy, hut 1 ■>■ - the vividness of |<enmiial oln-errntiiiii, nnd include the move ment and life chnracterisiic of ruck locnllty The Itlastratlosj so far, are of the most Mpsrh ehantcUT, nml no pictorial work of such . nun or niagiillicenct has lieen attempted hi America, Such a |Mi|iiilareduciitor as Sii|icriiiiemleiit I'liil brick of the BoHon |uthllc Helioot*, sayt:- ix truly a superb piibllcnllon. It la a lliing of lieauly. Its pltturlnl lllustratlona are execlleut, and Its tetter pnsa ia full of iiifommliun preieiit- 1'.I In the most itlractlve (ortu. It ia n liook have. We haw; had nothing like It before. u cheap, it mt 1 -n .k far every body, ami i wish cvcrylxxly coukl have it; hut It IK eepeeially and peculiarly n IHMIIC for all teachers, for their lertaluinciil, culture nud iuntructlon."

The work will lie Itnued in Hcml-inonthly |Hirts, each containing nt leant one steel engrav- ing In addition hi Ihe wood illustration!; it will lie completed In forty-eight part:., at fifty rents each, uml tun he procured only hy subscription, the publishers rcfiir-iug to sell avlngle copy even frum their own store. Mr. Albion llallcy In ntn canvassing lawrenee tor HIIH royal work, an our remlern may rely upon hi" fuHUllng strictly his engagements in relation lo 11, ami they will find the pnhlicathiu iu the highest degne c lent and attractive.

-—Tbe person who kept the faro iNKik */aef tbe gambten were arrested in Salem,and win gave the name of (ol. Clark, was not Mr. A (J. Clark, t,f Wanl Hour, of IIIIH city. The 1st tcr, wbatever his pulltlral ibort ctaulngH, is not a fum gambler, was not among those present when the party was arrested, nnd had no Inter- est in the concern.

Ill -ltev.J.V.Osterl preach at 8. naptblt<

of Webster, Mass, li Situdnv, April Uu

of ll..' grltnd tiling.- I ever heard.

3.I5 1-. 1*.—We have just rclui ned (Viiinneluirm. lug drive,—tu Uie Magnolia t euieUry, to "Ik'lvl- ih-IT," n One old place with avenues of live iKtks otn eeuliirv's growth, wiHi "ntreamiug la-anl and henry asbr*' of mess, ■ aad b, itn; Kuwas u Works. This last in not a very savory S|HS Is It infested w ilh an lnnup|mrUble evil IHIIK all events ll Is imlu- Inlerenlliig. Kxlensiv. ... po*lls of agglomciiiii il iiuiimil remains have lieen found In many places underlying Ihe low soil, aud iduiilnr deposits are In stum- placea dredged from Uu- bed-, of Uie sluggish creeks ami rivers in which the Ude ebbs sad Hows, which everywliere intersect tills intricate coast. At no ilb-tnnl day geologically sit-aklng, In the peat-pliocene or C"' K-ene period, all Ihe low-lands of thel'arollnas,

k lo the mounlrtinn, n hundred miles or more inland, formed the lied of n shallow nee or tidal i-marr. Then well marked sea-la . vn at differ- ent elevations extending for hundreds uf mile. along the bust- of UH- imiuuUlus, mark Uie step* of emergence. Whim Hum submerged, it received for ages the remains of Unites, renliles, slu-IU of sea nml land molunks, and of land animals, nuch as Ihe ninmmnth ami lmrse, Was lie, I down by tlie rivers. Although there were 110 horse* on Ihln conlliieut u|Hin its discovery bv Kuropeunn, Ua-ir remains abountl ninong Iherosnlli of the po.t.plio

. e remains found liere, nnd manufactured Into fertilizers, are In Ihe form of mnlulen, resembling paving stones and smaller pebbles,—from the site <.| 1 ... ul- to that of walnuts. Nut unfre<|Uei,Uv distinct remains can la-rccogniuil; shark'n tee Ui. wuiie of UH-HI of ITIIIOCIIM' size, vertebrae of the wliale, teeth of the whale, the mammoth nml the horse, and Ihe bones and scales of Bshes. The beak or a pellren of great slio has Ut'ii found

.iig them. Kor Ihe moat part, however, an 1111:1' ains of all sorts appear to luive been agglom Into a compact stratum which has hoci broken up nod worn by the rolling action ol wave ami currents Into their ureseut rouinled form When dreilgiil from the lasts of streams, UICM nodules are of a dark brown color, hut when dug ouloi tin- soil nl".re ihe wnter, Ihey are SbOWt the color of tHine. Tlwy are devoid uf odor In their natural condition, but on being broken and rubbed with some violence Uiey emit n strong odor of plump bo run. In their natural condition the phon phate of lime Uiey contain, ctmsUluting raUie.

- er one lull Uieir IIUIHS, in iusuhible, anil useless a fertilizer; but mi ln-ing |uil>.i i/.iil and treated Ih sulphuric nctil, a large part nt Ihe fertitizing

inaUTlal in remlered soluble, ami in .etflnti In UH' Mill by Uie action uf rain and dew. To uhtaln tlu- nodules from Uie streams, nothing mure in re i|uircd than dnilgliig mneluiirs tu scoop tl 1 up man the bed.

Tlie privilege or doing ihln IK a mono|«ilv in tin- haudnisT acompniii, nlm [mv ilitv eenln jier leu royally to the stale for UH- privilege. Tlie la-do

' 11 hovo water are worked hy trenching,—nil il ami earth above lite phosphate bed being

..._ ver ami k-tt tu uuolghtlv ridges, mixed willi Ihe tret-a found uu tlie mil, so nn tu be almost If not i|iiile ruined for cultivation. It wiiuld seem Unit a lillle care might prevent lllis dolrucllon, and leave tin- soil thoroughly "opailed," and iu giskl condlUiai for cultivation. Alter being taken Irom the lied, the nodules nre wai-lusl, Hi free tlu-m irom .-...nlii:-- ■■ earth, and transported U> the several establlshmeuU where ihey are mnaiifae. tui-eil. These are ipilU' nuun-rims,—Jtint Imw mi-

le runs I ilu not know. There Is the " Wamln," ihe rwlm-," the "Atlantic," MM) UM' "KUWBII." The

wurks of Uie htst unnted are at the distance of two

creek, Irlhulary tu UM: t.'imper Ulver; If it proper 11 .nlii of such slumrish, salt water rivers thai one In Irihulary to unollu'r. This establish, ment in very well arranged, and unite complete, embracing all lln- proceanen off rushing nml grind. ing I In- 11,HIIIICS, tin ing I lie sulphuric mid (from Sicilian ntilpliin ! mitiiig Ihe ]iulverU(sl no. ilulen and siilphuii.- acid, preparing nml adding variousuuinioulcul Huli-tance:, iliiiilpiilverliathm, and puUIng up hi HM Hm. I.". . UH< price or Ute criislH-d mnlufi-s al the place uf evcaiatlon, Is #T dollars per ton of asm lbB. It Is said thai Uie own- ers or lesstH'n of tlu- laud char about #1 l a; r ton on the imiu-rial, at Ihln price.

The iiinmifarliinrs who buy ll nl |7 per ton, pay trann|Miiinii..n, which in light,—nml nibjeet It lo all Um [iroeesnen above referred to, and nell tlie prepared super phosphate, bag- included, al S-V, dollars per hm. The Iwgs eusl #3.rsJ per ton (ten Imgn lo Hie ton, al y> ei-iits each). The liusluens in dune almosl wholly for cash; orders are far alH-itd of prndiieiiuii, and I inicr that tlu- results, liiinneiully, aresaUslncbiry. The "fctiwan Uuano t!o."luMH priKluctite power ul lorty loun iH-rdny, MM ttmm-nml bmo |s-r montli, * hlch, nt Uie menu price or SAO per um, gives nn annual prinhHl ol «twi,usi per minimi. Tin ir had lank roc Uie eon. ilennat4onorvap..i ..lMilpbiiin ;i.'id, isHUft-long, Krtwlde, andi.1fl.huth. A sU-img frame, of tlm

'i surrounds nml striaigtlH'iin u h'a,len chamber, cm-limed, sides, emls, to > and bottom, wilh sheet lead about one-eighth of an inch Uiick, weighing seven pounds lo the nipiaru fmil. Tlte whole, tlierefore, including Joinings, weighs lint less than lW,nuulb-.-sayU'.lons. 'I'IHV Itai i'n well coiiipiie.l laTHiralory, wtftia lull ami exerlk-nt setm niipa- ratus fur assaying, under the care of Mr. Mem. mlnger, a son of the Secretary of Uie Treasury or llH-timfeileraiy. on iuti lligenl, in'iuuip||.|„.,l mu| rourteoim geuUemau. Then* works are destined to produce an cMrnnnliunrv effect on UH- Industry of this state. The negroes and oUa-r small pin lit- ers, who work n few acres with Uielr own hands, are Hie principal buyers or tln-se fertilizers: In- deed, they an- about tin.- oulg phtnU-rs or producers now. Their cult 11 al ion, l inn t..|.|, In nt the rudest, their plows nre ciLreuicly diminutive, drawn, often, by a yearling nicer, In-ifer or mule, and leaving it oihm neglected lill the crop Is hall choked with weeds; Uwlr eollon phuils ultuju a bight nf only ten or twelve liieln-n, instead of Uiree fet-t, nml tlie Imll is small nud Um sUple short; but SU|Hr phosplialc willstiinulste improvetlculti- vation us well a- tbe productive power of the soli; ami this manulni lure, If prosperous, will lead to OHM varieties. May t.od give them pnisiierilv.

I have kit but little lime to tell you about Uie Itev. Mr. I'oru-r, recbir nl Hie church of Uiu Holy t 011111,11 nton, and bin parochial school, n Ihr more InU-renting nuhjeit Hiau guano, nr Improved agrl- culture, nr material pronjierlty of any kind. Kighi pages more would not suffice lu glvu an mlci|iinte ncciiunl of Uiin gentleman and bin work. Keeling


J(sscx County Iteir^. A Kewburyport iblp master,«yi the lluruld,

ml n young man, has l-m-n u gtajtl man for his hip, and owners having during thirteen yearn

never had occasion to pal into any port except to that which he was 1 1, never iruidu a liuU passage or losing voyage, never loot drawn on the owners while in foreign juirts for disburse- ments; und has always made mouey for Ihe

. item. The ice is so thick ladwceii the arch ways of

ihe stone bridge near the wooden mill in Ipe- wh-li, thai it has become necessary to blow the snuie with powder to prevent iia overflowing the mill, lln- is occasioned |>y the Ice coming from tbe river above and choking up iu this lo- cality. «

Our cosily schools, nud aeadenilen, nml li- briiry, and reading room, ought to turn us out a host of hard working, intelligent, industrious, and enterprising young men, feeling above liv- ing n life of Inglorious cose. Hut even when we are in absolute need of one wc call And IM) home grown young man to take a mechanic's Contract!, or even to IK- the overseer of a cotlon

Niipcrlrilcnilciit of n fhoe shop."—.Vnr- liuiijjHirt Ili-raU.

Since the 1st of January nine persons have died nt Manchester, whose united ages amount- ed to 70d years.

On Friday afternoon Mr. Charles Hatch of Lynn Jumped 11 "iii a wagon, the horse attached having run away. Iu jumping, Mr. Hatch fell, nnd one of ihe wheels passed over hhn, without, however, doing serious Injury.

The shipment ..I'1 ■■...[ ■ nml shoca from Lynn, for the week ending April 2d, waa hV-Wo cases, against 7,Ml eases for a sliulllar |H-rlod hint year. For ihe three months ending March '.'-, the total shipment amounted lo mflti eases, which Is -.'.'i-'si cases less than the number -lupi'i.-. I during Ihe name jierlod of l.-iT.'.

The Newhurvport Herald has m-en shad, wnon, asparagus and dandelions In the mar-

ket, and now concludes that spring hai come. The New Kngland ranferenceof Ihe Melho-

dlnt l-'.}'i-.-..]i;il Church Is now In session nt Lynn, ami unusual Interest Is manifested In the proceedings.

Itev. 8. W. Segur of (i Ion center U called to Ihe Congregational Church at West Midway.

At the town meeting at Salisbury, ou Vridnv 011 Hie ipiestioti of aUilislilug school districts, the vole -itHI. 1 iils.ui twu to one agaiiiNt aliollsh- Ing the districts, tout Salisbury turned out her entire voters nguinsCit. The vote wns &W nay a lo l.W yeas. The Esses Ooontr Good Tcmplurs Union meet

In Beverly on Wednesday, for the transaction ol business.

A Mil was reported hi the House of liepresen- tnllree, on Monday, providing that the County Commissioners ol Ksscs County shall reimburse lo the city of Newlmryport the sum of $&m, and to the town of Salisbury the sum of 91500, paid for repairs on the New bury port bridge.

The pi 'if-i.'ii 11 HI to have a social gathering of the sons of Gloucester, in that town, during the coming summer, meets with much favor Irom those living in surrounding towns.

The iii-rivals,at Ghiuccster,the past .week, have lieen very light, and the fans brought lu aver- age nun li sinnller than those on the second trip. Tim slock of n-li on hiintl is very small for the season, and the market remains firm tt 86 per quintal. ,

The schooner J. H. Ome, rapt. Nlckcraon, or Gloucester, reported missing, ho* haaa absent uu a George's trip nearly six weeks, anil wns hut seen on ihe lianks about three weeks ago. since which lime there lias lieen 110 tidings of her, nud she probably will never again return. Her crew list comprised ten men, most of whom leave fntnllfes In Gloucester.

An outrage was committed on a young daugh- ter of Kilwuril lingers of Ncwhurv, by George Day of Georgetown, on Saturday night Inst. At Inst accounts liny hod not U-eu arrested.

Waller K. Mnmiingof Newlmrynort was imt under *.1<)00 Isolds on Monday, for obtaining H.I worth of gtsals from 11, F. Tlbliets of Bev- erly, He changed the llgures lu his hnnk liook lo show that he lunl enough uu delsssil Ui secure "" Tlbliets.

Tt 0 in e Gf 0 yi j4 i \\ —Who is the gambling Councilman

-jolly.—the camp lire Wednesday evening.

—After the mow, what 1—The Ice and water carts.

—The lost vestige of snow has disappeared (rom the Common.

—Mr. Baobcn Merrill will receive pupils at his rooms on Lawrence street.

—The article in relation to Jelferson DavU will be found uf apeeml Interest.

—Charles li. French is giving the interior of his hat and furnishing store, u Spring suit.

—The receipts from Ihe collection ul the Tem- perance lteform Club's meeting on Sundnv evening, amounted to #67.

—Tin. predictions of Old Probabilities have been remarkably correct of late, nntl it is al- most safe to rely upon him always.

— The entertainment on Monday evening, promises to lie of exceptional excellence, anil our cilbwni should give It n cordial support,

—F. I,, llunals, ol ih; ■ city, was registered at the Hotel Chatham, Turin, on the Kith alb, and was to leave Paris for Home on the 21st.

—Kev. Vf. J. Parkinson has accepted the in- vitation from the committee of the Grand Army or this city, to deliver the address on Memorial Day.

—The Temperance Reform Clnb has been thoroughly reorganized and In now In |>erfee worklngordcr. May ll Iw -i work.

essful in lln good

tleeplj fur tlie sous of wealthy mi. parents kilkd and l>egnrtil in the war,—boys or rcnpcctahlu name, gentle iriiining, line orauniz- tiou and good imrts, thrown without renour upon Uie streets, wltli no hWc ta-fnre Ibi-ui but... grew up vagrants or boors, and to fall Into the •liiugHifre of Uie uiiciilllvalcil, neml-liarliarous

lass iH'iieaUi them, wiHi whom Uiey would IH- stress ufi-iri'iinistaiicen Parsed US stren« ol einunisUucen lo inleriuarrv,—

he resefVSd hi gather Hn-m togellier, nml on.vide them wlUialllsral edmalion. His own home the side remnant of bin paternal estates, hc ii). to them, ami gatm-rcd in Ibirtvllin-e wilbnlil knowing wlH-re to b-ik for lln-ir di

be iiave

This inncrs iu ubuiidiiu.-c

be spare,) and not ininseil,-but In ilenolnUil Charlesbin, years ago, wlieii untie Item exaeUv knew V.I.I ,. -,.-'.■. ■■ i Father in n.....,,, J., look fur dully bread. Itut dinner was provhh-,1, ami a ciaiUnuuus series of dailv lacals; and now he has a hum I re. 1 ami forty pupils under excellent kastnu-llon, ami Uwy have nevergunc hungry. Hi in a man tn win your heart, nml, ns he sometime i-.s-s am Ih, 1 l.oj.e t on u,-n mcei liiiu.

Very renpectin)Iv and ntTeellunntely, Yoi

J. C. Ml. Mil I I


EsTSkTAigaiKXTa.—Tbe closing lecture In the M. ihm-u course will Ire delivered hy Na- than N. Wlthhigton, Esq., Ids Biihject la-lug "Fiction." He is said to he a line lecturer. A iinii.ii concert—(hat Li, a concert which shall Include i In- singers of thu choirs uf our various churches, Is talked of.—Miss Porter of Man- chester, will give a concert at ilu- town hall on next Thursday evening. It Is untlcrstotol that she will lie assisted hy Melhuen parties wh stand high In musical circles.

FAST HAY.—The usual services were held 0 Fast Day la this town. On this m-reshra UM

were held at the Methodist church, the sermon I wing preached hy the Itev, Mr. Orawie, who had a good deal to say nlamt Ihe degeneracy of thu times. The tendency to corruption In high i'lini- was deplored, and tho Credit M>> hilier received a scathing review. The sermon ought to have lieen heard hy congressmen, nml, as (hikes Ames says, that would he " putting It where It would do the most good."

IdTiuiAiiv.—The Literary Association is lu a M in- . .■minimi. The last meeting was one uf great Interest, Ihe ipi.-tion under discus- sion being, as stated last week, that "Money has more hillueiicc than education." In spite u frightful examples favoring the affirmative, the meeting reluscd to accept thu resolve, and Me tbfticn has declared that education is more hi than gold—yea, Hum line gold.

The many friends of J. Sumncr Emery, arc highly gratified and appreciate the new duties that bas full to his lot, and having Implicit con- lid.-m .- in bis i|iii.lib.-nil.IIS, heartily congratu- late him, and will bestow all of their favors fur his l.elielit. The :lpp. illltlllellt Of Station AgUIll by tbe 0, A M. Jk L H. It., shows Hint they know [that (he is the light man in the light place. The traveling community will always And him ready ami willing to accommodate and please.



III hold u sociable nt cuing, tor the In m lit

The i IMH society ns Hull on Friday .

if the church. The Mtnte of Mr. Whin wns sold last week to

Mr. John Foster.

•PAV-1)AV AT sUnaV* h the lille ol a dainty lu volume from the press of Van Nostrum!, w York, receiving Its title Irom the principal

poem, followed by a numlsjr of odes, nil written hy Robert Barton Rodney, I'. «• N-, author of ami Rosamond, Ihe Odd la-lng a contin-

uation of those In the dollar edition of the latter tvork. The leading poem Is In pleasantly wrlt- A->\ verse, giving a somewhat imaginative sketch if Hie progress and interruption ut the work In

building the famous tower.


" trailing

Mr. Thomas Ncamith, Jr., ot Lowell, pur- chased u ticket for passage ou the ill-fated At Inntie, but subsequently exchanged it for ■ ■.[.■.nun- sailing one week earlier.

The Bar! nf Caithness, of Scotland, visited the mills of Lowell ou Friday — employe in the Street

Department of theciiyof Lowell, Massw miss- ing since December 'Jihli last, was discovered Friday afti-rmsm In the Suffolk Canal, fror-en to thu hv. Ilu nan ulsiut forty years of agu and unmarried,

Mrs, Luhv. residing mi Market Street, and employed ou the Lowell Corpornthm, had the He h turn from the Istck of machinery, Friday.

On Saturday Daniel P. Cheney was ordered till thu lalh lust., fur tlendlv assault upc olllcer Fons, the laill being llxed al Mil,

The O. A. It. Post have lieen playing "Tried and True," for ihe h.'iiefil of their charity fund.

A report which has lieen circulated that thu I....', .11 ,v Andover Hail road company meditate changing the location for their depot in Lowell, is inn,,muled, hm-, thu Courier.

A ls>y mum , I Theodore Smith, fourteen years ofagu, effected au entrance to the carriage and black smith's shop of tlie Messrs. Abbott, Mid- dlesex Ktreel, Sunday forenoon, and was caught in Ike act of putting hU hand in the money drawer. Thai laiy should have IK.-H at church or Sunday School. "Salao llnds some mischief still," &C.


The new Collector of Customs for the His trict of Salem and lleverlv, Capl. Chsrlcs H, Udell, eiitend upon the duties of his oniee Inst Friday.

Andrew FIU, Bsa~ of Salem, has l*en np- polulcd a Jusiiee of Hie Peace nnd Notary Pul»- lie fur Ihe County of Essex.

Gen. II. II. Sargent having declined to deliver the address at the < irand Army celebration of I^e's surrender, Col. K. P. Neltletoti of Lynn, Assistant V. S. District Attorney, bikes his place.

At a regular meeting of Kssex Lodge F. A Masons, held April 1, W. P. Master Charles II. Norris, in behalrof Hie bratntW of the Lodge, presented ihe retiring Master Mr. Charles K. Oclchell. wilh n Is-uutiful post Master's Jewell of flue gold, cmlielllshud with brilliants. Injuring the approprhite umblema and symliuls of the craft.


Nearly twenty thousand dollars have been miliscrila-il towards Hie new public library In Hnverhlll. '

Itev. 0. W. Reolt closes his connection with the First MethiHllst rhnrch on Sunday next. Mr. Scott has been connected with Uiu church three years.

I'o-i 47, 0. A. It., are nlamt to produce the Drummer lloy, to odd lo their charity fund.

In Ihe House, nn Monday, the hill concerning the 11- i.nil.linn of the Ilaverhiil bridge waa ra- |s»rtitl In a new draft which provides that Mo- town of liradfortl ami the city of Ilaverhiil shall not k-allowed more than QWJOOO Ihim theeouu ly ii,-.I-III i .


tl. A. IL- hverctt IValHsly Pott ton have made pre|*rnllimn lor a pro|«-r observance »l UHIS. rinlilay. II. II. l.iiu ul,i, prinelpnl of Uie Ly man selmnl, Boston, will deliver Un- ailUress *

I'B1*K.-Amnnsr Hoe prizes nt DH Odd Fellowi Fair, reemUy hehlal V.-wbiirvpurt. wiw an A urn, rlum which aUracle,! geio-nd n.,i„ , n '. , 'lrHoV.'J "'■'.fC.llnseorUils tuwn.nnd Is m eshlhillun at Ills uBIce.

Yxnr l»AV.—I'nlon service i al church un Fast l>ay, nil thu psrtlMiiathsg. Mr. " llvered an nhle am congreguUon,

.,tii,"t.<.,S!pr-_T'1"'"l,,,,!,'t> complimentary tn Mr. K. P. Wildes, hy the Mu-ical liilun, wnn given a Library Hall on Uie evening or AprtlM. The programme contained a Hm, selection of HUIOS duets, I-1 —' -'-

s held , Memorl. kspgys

i- Ibii-ly ,d choruses, all of which wc, laud called forth Hcjiicnl applause.

The annual supper uf Kngin.i Co. Kinplre Nn, i, came o» at K.nplre Mult. ..„ s;„llr,)Bj. Evening, and drew out the mil slrengUi of Uie,-,m .

LMlic's Drnuiatle Trou|>o gave an enlerUln- iiii-nt tn a small audience at the Town Hall on Mmulsy evening, Ihe UU iu-i.

.■•S\ViN,,,,K„ llANK-T,w, "eorgcUvwn Havings llHiikheld llsanniisleleellou nn s,-,i„r,|ayOVPn|nV and eletilcilllm following oncers for tho present vearr-prealdent, J. P. JUIH-S; seereUtrv, U. II. .arleltm; IrusU-es, rite|dien lltgoo,!, ft K. Moul-

hxn, A. It Nnyos, O. S llutler M«.,,u,.| Little,);. H. Itovnm.i.ll. P. Chaplin, li. W. Hsnborn, H. ll.Stickney.l . t. llnrrlman. W. H. lUrriman wis retdeefad Ireojiiirar. Tlie bank I. in . fl.ur. inhlag couiliiion, iu,y« Mx pt-r cent., and hnslaruc ly increased Um ileposiU during Uiu past year.

fh-iii>OLS.-The spring term of all the schools, with the exception of the Intermediate, erne menred on Monday, the Ttli Inst.

The tencliern of Uie pnst year nro retained n IU. Tew exe.pUons. 111,1 C. A MoVire MXUIU in uie lil,b SEML having isjespMi TesuS Ihe Ilaverhiil High •CJHMS, C iwA^tX H Liasle Itateman. *

liHirnmmar school, No. n, Miss U.ry 8. Junes succeeds Hiss »Himle I rockett, wlH. lain btt-n Sst<Sl&od "itenne-llnuj SSBOStTtesSStt,

HKI.KCT ItEADIMi.-Mr. Frank Hcrvey well known elm ullonUl, nsslsUil hv Mr Ib.iii.uin We.I, v.H'uli.-i, IUii| Mr. H. ' — ilnnlnl. will gli


iilaulni, will give an en 11-rial nine nt nt Library ll.iil this i-vi-iilng. I i iht- repulallon and nbil ly of Uu-ai tills, a rare t nleiUiiiuueiit la antlcl-


TiicsdnyT AinTi'sUi. UH>'rullimlns'idbi... clccUd lor Ilu- ensuing year:

Mtnleralor, JJeti. Vf. t:iMd*it-k; parUli rlerk, 11 U..O.I, t.ensnrer, W. S..le„lillB ; ,t„tM\ UU-e, Johitt .i-sgc, NuOianleli;»(r,',llmr)i-n immilU-e, John t . i.nee, NnlbinlelUnae,

1'erley: trustees or Tiler Hind fur sniiiHirt pnachlng, John t:. li,,,,,., Nathaniel (In,- nrcarhim.', John I', tinge. NaUianiel Gage, •■'link vi I, i ruikcr. Win. It. KimlMil": s b.n, t liaili- It. Andi-rsnu.

" ' ft hyCapL John Tyler, is, Which will probably llam, nppmprlah! reso-

In accepting Uie fund ... fur Hi.- support nt |ii >■.!i Inn,

" Uih-ty " lulluus were und i.lo ii| <ni ,,, ,„(l

Voh-,1, I ; itL-inl hW /iha-; BygTai a call Ive lm..

■if other less become Uiclr om.i.n, nt a salary'i

il dullnrs. After Uie IrannneUi lnumrtji.ll bilnineK., tbe lueeling adjounied'uiiui next Saturday n tie moon, at two n' ,.. u

| the ininds that tha In may offer for acceptance.

—The First Tlaptlat Society of this city nre considering the uxpedluiicy of nliolishing Uie JHJW rental system, and adopting that of entirely free sittings.

—It Is said some ladles lu this elly do up Ihclr hair so high now when going lo entertain men Is that they nre obliged to get up on to a table to put their hots on.

Hoops, It U tald, are to come In fashion again, this summer. How fur this rumor is orrectwu can't soy. They've always la?eii

fashionable ou barrels.

—One of the beauties of our "reform" City Government— thu arrest of Mayor Tarliox's

ince for captain of tho night watch, among a gang of faro table gambler*.

Pretty good! "Judge has said wc ihoutd have a joint convention! " Oh, yes; do

judges usually make such statements before they have eh, ii a hearing upon a case ?

■In the proceedings of the elty government Friday evening, published In another col-

umn, will lie found, in full, the Mayor's com- munication to the common council.

Wc heartily sympathize with Dm. Rhorcy lu the loss of the oltlce of the llridgetoti (Mc.)

ms, hy fire. Wethltik this the second similar cm ii in r to lliat newsjsipcr ofnec.

—The committee on Mercantile nlfalrs, re- ported in the legislature on Wednesday, that the hill, in a new draft, lo liicontorntc tho Law- rence Mechanics Association, ought to |sus.

—We learn that Dr. Loiiguc has liecu obliged to |Mjslpono his contemplated visit to Kuropc until fall, a variety of ei re u in stances having combined '" prevent his departure at present.

—People who are disposed lotted fault with the tendency to wet weather, this month, should remember that

"April shearers Bring May Unworn."

—The social party at the l.awrence street on Wednesday evening, was highly suc- cnsrul. There were present representatives

from ihe Central, Eliot, and South Side Con- gregational churches.

-Ample preparations nre I wing made for iiuililhr; thu coming Mean. It Is expected houses will spring up like iiinshrisnns at the South side, while thure will l>e consIderuble ac livity on this side of the river. '

—The large attcndcncc nt the meeting of the Temperance Reform Club, on Sunday l>veiling, lu spite of the unfavorable weather, shows that the popularity of this organ butt ton, nml the In- terest in Its work, do not wane.

—The gentlemen and ladles are actively en- gaged in perfecting their arrange iu cut for the production of "The Merchant of Venice," and the comedy of "Uomhuatcs Furloao," and the public may expect au excellent entertain in cut.

—The Essen County Good Templars' Union will hold its next <iuurtcrly convention nt Bev- erly, 9th inst., at 10 A. M., and it Is hoped that a large uuinU-r will lie present from thu]IsHlgcH in this city.

—John II. Gough, well named "The King uf the Platform," will ulose the nest series of lec- tures ever given In this city, which has embraced no less than twenty-live lectures, Introducing, somo nineteen lecturers, representing tlu- bet talent of tbe country.

—It is curious to hear how instlnrllvely every citizen, as the fact Is mentioned that among the arrested faro-bank gamblers, waa a mi-mlar of -the Common Council, at once repeats slowly over the names of those from ward four! Poor Tray,—laid coni|)aiiy!

—Hev. J. B. O. Pidge will shortly commence, In the First Baptist Church, a series of Sunday evening discourses; the sittings in thu house will lie entirely free, and a cordial welcome gi' en to all, especially those who aru not regular attendants at any place of worship.

—By recent orders from the War Department, Col. Thomas I". Barr, is transferred Irom the department of the East, at New York, and os- signud to the head-quarters of the Ucnurul commanding the division of the South, at I ,<m isvllle, Ky. Col. Barr Is one of the most effi- cient and Is-nt esteemed Judge Advocates In the army.

—The company to play "The Merchant of Venice,"and "llomlustes Furtoso,"at Ciiy Hall, on Monday evening next, had a rehearsal on Monday evening, and exhibited A professional knowledge of the parts assigned them. The rehearsal gave promise of excellent acting <m the occasion of the public presentation of the pieces,

—A tlcniinn gcnliemnu hearing that tlongli Intended to lecture in Ihls city, said confiden- tially W a frieiitl yestertlny, "Veil ish It sof I goes to listen mlt him." "What do you want to hear him »o particularly fiir.:" enquired Ids American acquaintance. "Mien golt," was the reply, "Surely I wants to listen mil the man vat .lull,- mlt his gnat dalls."

—The Aldermen having endorsed the finding of their committee, (hot frauds were committed hi Want Four, and that the Democratic olbciab thure "must have donu it," why don't they re- quest the disgraced officials to resign .' Do Ihey imagine the voters oT that ward propose to en- trust their ballots again, lo these fellows whom their own parti&ans havu branded as ihlevci

—There was a lively scene at Kiraitou'a ncr, yesterday, on the opening fur choice of scats at the Choral Union concert noxt Wednes- day. President Clarke marshalled the appli- cants In military style, and the plan was quick ly checked over; the success of thu entertain- ment Is assured, and those who wish to enjoy a line concert should secure their scats at once.

—Mr. Warren Davis of Fryc Village had his ytVh stolen from his house on Friday evening. %/ had retired to bed and his vest was hanging at the Ibtd foot, with the watch In Ihe i....i.. t The theft waa committed aliout ten o'clock ai night, aufl Mrs. Davis heard a noise, hut paid niinUiSflhin to It, thinking h» was the children, Nothing has been heard or seen of thief or watch since,

—Some of our eltlicns who went to Boston on Fast Day to attend tho theatres, complain thai the seats at soinc of the giopular places of amuse- ment were bought up hy brokers, who stood at the entrances demanding double price for their scats, which was paid, as nothing belter could lie done. But they would niuuh rather pay ilouhlc price at tho lirlict office, undcrstanding- ly, than tu be Jewed hy noisy brokers.

—Our militia will feel pleased at the advanta- ges gained hy the nuw militia laws. The mcu arc to have y.'.'»> TUT each day In the year that they arc ordered out, while formerly they re- ceived but 82.00, excepting nt the nnnuaj en- campment. From thu fact that all the petition- ers for new uniforms hnve liccn allowu,l to with- draw, wc surmise that Konie incaaiires hnve lieen adopted u» provide Ihe entire militia with


Among the appointments mode at the New England Conference of the Net hod 1st Episco- pal denomination, wo (Ind (he following: North Andover, W. D. Bridge; Gnivchuul, Henry Mnlthews; Bouth Lawrence, O. Ik-ekman; Bnllardvale la yet to be supplied. Thus It would seem Dial wc are to lie deprived of tbe genial society of Bev. W. J. Parkinson, of South I*wrenee. Wu had sincerely hoped for Ida con tt nuance in our midst.

—The school vacation last week was Uie came for an Increased demand for books (rom tho

public library, and although Fast day occurred during the week, thereby making Hi, nuiubcr of days live Instead of six on which la>uks wcru issued, there was but little decrease from the previous week, the tiuml-cr issued on Satur- day, la-lug unusually large. The tirrt sheets of the printed catalogue, Including nil Isaaks lu letter A., arc now uu the tables, and arc found very convenient.

—Going last—tbe sale of Uckots (br the grand musical soiree uf ihe Utwrence Choral Uukm, to he helil on the evening of the lGtb Inst. Sub- scriptions received ai Stratum's corner store. It Is well to subscribe early lor tickets, ns sub- srrlbcnt will have tbe first choice of reserved scats, and by Ihe appearance now it would seem that nearly all tlte seat! in the hall would have

red. Wc arc glad to record the suc- cess of such an excellent musical organ I nations

Out' ot our highly esteemed and gnllnnt ml- liiiu oihVcrs went "ducking" on Fast Day, and lu his haste to draw lieud on a Hock of gees.*, tumbled over n stonu wall, quite severely injur- ing one of his knees. However, he is now get- ting along well, and hy May training It will lm difficult to tell which Is "hay foot" or "straw foot." That no misapprehension inny exist an to whom the gentleman is, we would slate that he b n constant imbiber of cold water, and whunnlloai is recognized Bl a "single decker.''

—In tbC face of the report of the Ward Four fraud committee, stamping fraud and in- famy upon the recent election results in that wanl, wc deem it a piece of impudence to keep erected, at the juncture of <>«k and Tremont streets, upon cither side of the rood, those posls hearing the signs "Banner Ward." It is true it proved the banner wanl fur fraudulent nntl In- famous dealings with the most mend rights of the citizens, but this iden probably did not orig- inally cause the erection of Ihe objectionnhle signs.

—A raid was made on the' lmgnio nt Messcrs crossing on Saturday night, ami a faro table, chips, and four chaps captured. This Is one of the nyjst nutorio is dens of inio,uity In this vi- cinity, and nil classes would hall with pleasure any movement looking to the suppression of the vile traffic carried on In It. It Is within the jurisdiction of Now Hampshire or It is safe to say It would not have flourished so long. Col. Beul would close that place in a month If he hail the power. It is currently rumored that sonic of our sporting men lost heavily atthbj nnMe

recently, Mr. Slmonds, one of tho barliers In this

city, is actively engaged In attempting to close the barber shops on Sunday. He will present s petition to the City Government asking an ord- nance making It obligatory on the part of tho i.m-mini gentlemen to remain closed on tho Lord's day. Now If tho ordinance should also require the Ijiwrenec hair removers to attend

hurch, why, wc should be in favor ol granting their petition. But If It is with a desire to allow these shavers to go tishing on thu Sabhath, we

cmphnllcally protest against il, for such depruvlly fairly makes our hair stand on end.

—On Friday afternoon tho Congregational church at the South Side wns broken Into, and the Bible, n largo anil well bound one, was stol-

Somo lime during,the evening a man wnn seen by some citizens of Andover going up through that town with tt Blhlc under his arm. Siime boyi who were playing around the South Cnngrcgtnioniil chureh on Friday afternoon no- ticed a man enter, nnd come out again with a bundle done up Iii a newspaper. After this It Is

say those who know the com man d men ts will not steal, for here Is an instance of a man actually stealing the commnndmeiiU'.hemselves.

—A gentleman In llila city, anxious to pro- cure a tenement, called on the proprietor of au eligible one the other day, ami ssked him if he was .li.-i". ■'■.! in rent his premises. "1 am in- deed, very anxious,'' said the proprietor, "but," —nml he paused a niunieiit—"have you got any ■ lui.I., n ?" "I have," was the reply. "Pity," Miid the landlord smlly, "I am anxious to let the tenement, but I nhject lo children." "Oh I, if that's, alt," said the parent, " hang me If I don't go and .li on II thu children, and take the tene- ment, Just to please you." The mother of the children objected, und ihe landhml Is a misera- ble, disappointed man. But such Is life,

—The near approach of tho time when the prohibitory law is to go into force, Is earning n commotion among sahsui men, and there Is a general anxiety among them to get out of Die business. First among them is Mr. Unrsj Velar, who has purchnacd a team, turned his hack on "lager" selling, and swears If the rxprccs Imsl- ncss docs not pay him more than a dollar a day, he will slick to that, rather than O|H-II a salism again. Wu hear of no others having made |KT

maiicnt nrrangemenis for glviugtipiho busbMSS, but one would think that if their hesitation nrlses from Inability to llud i..-u. i and more uonoruhle employment, it should not tail It ng.

—With Ihe present ■ ■ t.'-l term 1 eglns ihot uncx plain able nuisance to |>arciits nnd seholnrs, tho i ul.- making Ihe morning hour of i-otn in en ce- ment In the High School, eight o'clock, instead of half-past, as In all Ihe other schools, and in this ut other Portions of thu year. This plan was tried In the Ornmrnnr Schools some two or ihrco years ago,niid the parents so unanimously pmlcst- ed against the innovation Hint it wasaluinUoned; a large proporiRiuof the scholais now iu Hie High School arc those whose parents requested tho substitution of the old time for commence- ment, nnd they arc, wc trellcve, <)Uile as heartily opposed to the*earlier hour, which muni to commode no one mil.--. It !>•■ the teachers.

—Although there wore only three primmer!* In Ihe ilcK-k of the police court on Tuesday,two of whom were women, the number of spectators who came up to WIIUCHH their disposal, was large, men of Intelligence, and men otherwise than intelligent-, men well-dressed, and men the reverse; boys nigged and dirty, nml boySmore so. A motley Crowd, of doubtful morals. To these Judge Stevens' addressed hlmseirut ROOM length, saying, lie thought Ihey took life easy, and that it would W far more creditable lo them if they were out seeking employment, mi their presence there indicated thai they hiul none, lie urged half <tf thoac present lo seek employment this week, nml the oilier half next week, so that ihey might do nuiiethlng to light- en the burdens of their hard working mothrra and sisters.

—Quite a lively -cii-ai imi WOF created Saturday mm niim. near the gas works, by Hie falling of a largo tenement house, making a wreck of the structure, but strange to relate, mg Injuring any pet-sou of the half-iluren families occupying thu house. The Nichols entati-, formerly owned liy Win. i: n , n f. Son, hut recently sold to the Lawrence gas Company, was ls?ing moved by Mr. Wilson, to make room for the en large, in cut of the (las works. They had got It up a suffi- cient hlght for moving irom the foundation, aud were starting it on rolls, thu second lime, when Mr. Wilson In aid a cracking, ami had Junt time to .-iiai.i.ii- out from under the hulldlng, when the heavy tlmta-rs oa which the house was la;ing moved, gave way, and the house went down wilh a crash, carrying the chimneys, &c, and innklng almost a complete wreck of the house. Ol course thu families nro now houseless.

—One or the best jokes that occurred in this elly ou April Fool's day lias not yet Ireen re- corded. One of our storekeepers who loves n joke, had a glaring counterfeit bill fn his money drawer, and taking It out with another bill whlcli ho Intended to employ In tho purchase of some necessary article, said to bis youthful clerk, "Sec, take that counterfeit bill and lay It on thu sidewalk; it will mol somebody." Tho l«oy did as directed, and scarcely had he done so when n lady tripped around tho comer, and seeing Ihe bill lying on tin- sidewalk, picked ll up. Seeing no one near sho put iho hill in her pocket and passed on, the siurekec]ier and his youthful clerk bursting tfaub sides with laughter. When lite lady had passed nut of sight tho practical joker (lime.I his attention to thu bill hu had in his hand, in order to scud the hoy uu thu re- quired crruml, and found that ha had given away the wrong hill, lie hud kept tho coun- terfeit!

—Quite a sensation has liccn caused hy mo- riesofa" mysterious death," under terrible cir- cumstances, having taken place at tho Franklin llouse,ln this city. Ai these stories have pusucd

Is of ;:.. •■ ij. lm in : people, Ihey have Ijceniiuitccstensivcly in Haled, and clad with more mysterious circumstances ad each stii-ccs sivc rendering, until now wu hear from nn old maid, near by, In sepulchral tones, lliat" on Fast light two unknown women polaoncd a man,

and carried him to tho Franklin House, where he died heroni morning!" Having unravelled this Borgia like tragedy, wc find that on last Wednesday, Dr. Fellows, a highly respectable and well-to-do plivslclan of Concord, N. II., came to this city to visit llr. Brfckctt, who was quitealek. Ho hail hnrdlventered theresldence or Dr.Brickelt when he was noised with a spasm or 111, and Irecanio delirious. There being sick- ness already In Ihe hoimc. nnd no adequate ac- commodations for the visiting gentleman, he wu at imca conveyed to the Franklin House, where medical attendance was summoned. Both tin. darland and Young visited tho gentleman, ami administered tu his necessities.


4 *

vlV Sqdovei* Sdverti^er FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1H73.


On Friday night iiLi-uiln-r-i of the family at

Warren David, at Fiyfl Village, were awakened by footsteps in their kitchen. They quickly arose, ami persons were coon heard bcatlnfa hasty retreat from llie premises. It WHS discov- ered that the robliei'* had stolen u silver watch, mi'l if they hud nut been frightened away by the stir In the house, would no doubt have taken much more in value.

A horse worth (J10O, belonging to Dm. Am- mon llusscll, died on Saturday.

Free entertainment of the Rand of llope this evening, at the Town Hall.

Last Sunday services. At taj Chapel Rev.

Charlaa Smith preacbed in the momtng, and Rev. H. F. French of Tewksbury In the after- noon. At the South Church, Rev. Mr. Wilbur in the morning. At the Free t'hnrch, Rev. S. F. French in the morning, Rev. J. I.. Taylor in the afternoon. At tin- Daptlst Church, Rev, J. L. Taylor in the morning. Kev. E. 8. Williams preached at the West Church In the altenioon, nud Rev. O. F. Wright occupied the pnlptl at Tcwkabury during the day.

F. Kendall Jenkins, Esq., of this town has lieen commissioned and nu all lied a Justice of the Peace for tun County of Essex.

The Menhaden House Association, composed of twelve gentlemen residing In A nil over, Ips-

wich and Fltehhatg, held a irpocial meeting at the Elm House in this town on Fast Day. Af- ter the transaction of business they did ample justice to a splendid dinner, gotten up in Land- lord Bean's best style. There arc twelve mem- bers of llio association, and they own u summer retreat near Ipswich, where they resort a por- tion of the time during the warm season.

In a note, this week, suggested by our refer- ence to the ancient coins In possession ot Mr. Hunter, Mr. Frauk C. Hatch of this village states that he has one mnch older, "a coin bear- ing the name of Maxim Ian us, and date of his reign. He ruled In Italy from 2S-J A. D., to 305 A. D. I have not ni yet learned the value of the coin."

The Selectmen have appointed the following highway surveyors to All vacancies: District No. 2, MarcellnsWeld; No. Id, Joseph T. I-ove- Joy; No. 10, Daniel Harrington; No. M, Oeo. F. Swift.

James Glllin lias sold his land and buildings In the West Parish to Andrew K. Pntrick; Mr. rjlllln and James Walker leave town this week for Worthtngton, Nobless County, Minnesota where they intend to erect buildings and engage in agricultural pursuits.

The annual meeting of thu Andover Confer- ence was held with the Kirk street Church, Lowell, on Tuesday. Morning session at 9 o'clock; half-hour prayer meeting, conducted by Rev. Joseph Boardman of Dracut. The Con- ference was then organized by choosing Rev. W E. Park of Lawrence, as Moderator. James O Buttrick of Lowell, Is the Secretary, thu tenure of his office being for three years. The follow- ing question was then discussed:—" Towards what evils are our churches drifting at the pres- ent time ? " The discussion was opened by Ed- ward Buck, Esq., of Andover, who was followed by Rev. T. T. Hunger, and C. Carter of Law- rence, Daniel Butler of Boston, O. Street of Low- ell, and Hon. O. R. Clark of Tcwksbury. World' linens, materialism,and atheism wora thought to be the objective drifting points asap|ieared by the remarks of the different speakers. At this stage Of the discussion the tide set in another direction. Mr. Moses L. Johnson of Lowell, in a stirring speech, denied that there is any drift- ing of the churches, and claimed that they are sailing with their pennons streaming in the hreene. lie was hopeful now and for the future. Rev. Smith Baker uf Lowell followed in very much the same strain of remark. He was np- potod to whining, no\ afraid of materialism and took a hopeful view of things. Remarks were also made by Rev. T. Q. Orussic of Melhueu. The discussion wasofunusual interest, and all the more HO on account of the diversity ot opin- ions expressed.

The next question delmted was the follow- ing :—" What elements nrc especially needed to make our Sahliath Schools more efficient ?" Rev. T. G. Grassiu upencd the discussion and was followed by Revs. S. Baker, G. F. Wright of Andover; C. Carter, Dr. Miller of Lowell and oilier*. The business committee, through their chairman, Rev. 0, D. Barrows, pastor of the en- tertaining church, reported the following resolu- tions which were passed unanimously.

Hi :■■!>; ,1, TlialWC, tin' m-iii I i.-t. Of U*> AfMtotW Conference cannot be miniin<Uul nf Uiu many evils tn wllirh oilr rlniTvlH'.-t St tile present lime arc r\ po.-ic.l, and Umliich Ibcy are in a measure drill- lug, vis.: materialism, lack of sutlick-ut iudivl.i- iinl effort, Uto much cnuloimils to the world on tin: part ufUieclergy and laity, and other evih of a km.Li .-.i nature.

Jlmulpal, Thnt despltuUtosc untoward liiltuinire- nud i lunger* wlileli limy IhrcnUni here ami there UH locn flute rest* of Christ's kingdom, we Irmly lielieveln tin! present progress of UHI t" ' Cliurcn, ami the II an I (thirlou* trimupl triiili M It IsinClii-l.-t; and Ui till* end wu urge. upon <

much is expected from their thorough style of fanning.

Despite delays and embarrai snictits such as attend all good enterprises, the Cilouy is in the ben sense a success, At a missionary work it commends ib<c!f to Hit sympathies ami prayers of the good. Every one in the township Is worth double what he was a year ago, and many have trebled ami quadrupled In value, illustrating the pecuniary as well us social value of good neigh- bors. " What would real estate lie- worth in Sodom r" asked a keen theologian in New En- gland. His rising with us, but wo can suy, friends of our country, us oflhat licautiful klng- lom, we aim to promote even in material enter- prises. Yet there Is room. w.

Building has taken it start in the West Par- ish. William Uailcy has j-jst completed a new bam at his residence near the church. Heniion 1'helps is railng hli old dwelling house, in llie same neighborhood, nud will erect a new two- story residence on the site of the old one. I'eter I). Smith will build a new bant on the Jo- seph Chandler place, which he recently pur- chased. Bailey Lovejoy is erecting n new [welling house on the site of the old one for-

merly occupied by his father.

We arc very glad to learn that the Lawrence Choral I'nion, who gave its, two years ago, so delightful n rendering of the Oratorio of "Eli- jah," are to perform next Wednesday evening (the IGth) two Cantatas, one by Dr. Stcnidulc Bennett, railed "The Women of Samaria," and the 42il Psalm, "As pants the hart," by Men- delssohn.

Dr. Bennett, the pupil and devoted friend of Mendelssohn, ranks among the lirst of living composers, and "The Woman of Samaria," written for, and flrst performed at the llirming-

Musieal Festival, Aug. '27, IH67, is perhaps the best of his later compositions. The compos- er endeavors to set forth in a musical form the story of our Lord's journey into Samaria us set down In the fourth chapter of St. John. No strong dramatic contrasts, like those of "Elijah" are possible, bnt a simple narrative Is given by tlio declamation of three characters, the largest share being that of the contralto, which Is of a dlgnilled and Impressive nature. The fact that

inn herself Is represented of a worldly, trilling character, which Is yet moved at times by deep, Intuitive religious feeding, gives occa- sion for severe bnrstt of emotion, that arc unu- sually effective when contrasted with the grave, thoughtful tone of the whole work.

The lovely Quartette," God la a spirit," nev- er ceases to Impress the listener as the shadow of a great rock docs a weary traveler. The choruses, while they ev?rywliere show the In- fluence of Mendelssohn, have yet a character or their own, and are extremely well conceived and carried out.

Of the Psalm, we need only aay that Its at- mosphere of religious longing once traced, is at fresh and beautiful, as that which exists hi any of Mendelssohn's longer and better known works. In it the soprano has the principal part, and as Mrs. J. F. West has been engaged to take this music wo arc assured it will lie well done; even more than that, for those who have not heard Mm. West sing In the -12nd Psalm, lull not heard her do her U .-i.

With Mr. S. M. Downs as conductor, Mm. West, soprano, Mrs. F. E. llarrv, contralto, Messrs. Atwrcromlile nnd Winch, tenor and lutsc, ami the best orchestral talent of Boston for accompanists, we feel assured that the pro- posed performance will do no discredit to the society who, since " Elijah," have stood among the first in Miws. They have under Mr. Downs' enthusiastic, careful training, worked hard all winter, and deserve well the added laurels we prophesy for them.

An extra train will run from Lawrence .to An- dover after the concert.


WILLIAM POOR, Uanubeturnrol

Exprene, Market, Dutch or, 9toro, Farm Utld ButllllUBS WllguHri.

AfBepairlna In all Its branches; and .ill work v.,UT;;i. leniciciiU'il.

Andover, March SI, lull, if-


SAMUEL "WOODMAN. In Brick OniMlng next north of Hie Town Hall,


! ..!i'-Mi''u: I'.i'kil. >'.'.' I'IUMI" r nu.'l I'aiW .,t..i., Hah sses, Ik .-, liddim,-. WU n

IHBW-, l-oUtiRC-, Soft-, mid SiMa ■ loonier, m ii iiiiin.l .iint unhol-tcrcd.

Curtains triiiumil and hung, Cupels laid, ami General Jobbing done.

Second liaii.l tin nil ut ■• lioutlit :i-i.l 'old. Oooda . all Liu-Is received and -...I.I :it Public. Auction.

hverilhing sold as low a.-, eau IK) u (lorded, mid n .ii i ioiled iir. nincM-liU'd.

At.nt- lor the - i I, l.i:,l.,t JUNKS' I'ATKNT SI'ltINO ItKIl, l.e.-l la uuirkcl. Various other I. II..I on hand.

S. 11.—Mr. Woodman will render any n—i-tntiro de-ired, In purchasing goods In Boston or else-

Andover. dan. 1. 1ST*, u-


The lii.-.-m ■ i M.I■■ on High, Street Is ■■■■<■ ■ ■' fur sale. It cimsist-i of a nt-nl eoltage IIOM»C, pnlulrd nml hlimli-.l, M illi onrlor, filUajr-rnou), dhiJuK-rooin, LIL-lK'ii, v.:i-hri»iin and several ■•li.iiiiln-rs, logi-lher n illi iiioueroiis rlosrts, Rtnl nil other eoiivi-iilemi^. t'onnertiit »illi It i- a

el|(tll>orhood, nml hut :i - lutrt '.liflioii'f frotu the '. nflirc, del".I, M-II.MI- and ehurrlies. Kor Tor ■ oi AM.eii II. IliKvins, lh<

en oftlM< Jlinn oi llivoi, llrown A Taj lor,'tin, ton, or of the subscriber. uixmtiK rosms,

Andover, April*, 1H7X tf

ESTATE OF JOSEPH L. LOW. E NiHIce in hereby given that the subscriber lias

Wrn iluly api"iinU^l admliiintrnlor (de IHUIIS lion) with the will iiiin.Mil i.| Hie e-lalc of

yeotnaii, deceaMit, and has taken U|HIII liini self Uiat trust by givinit tmnds, as Uss law dirtvU. Allpersousluiviiih'<l''>i'<iiel- "j the estate of said ilweufed are rrii.oi vit in i\ the name; uiulnH persons indehtctl to said estate arc ealleii upon to cut to UKOlUiK K'-"'"-'

A]irll 1, 1M?J. Kept


Tha suliscrllicr offers for sale his real estate, situated near the West I'arhb Clnirrh. It eon-ists of a eotiitorlatile two-ntorv House with on L, n Ham nearly rtcw, with cellar, ami about ai acre- if mowing, llllnKc, peal, pasture ami wood laud, 'pun the are 'JOO a^plc tree^, IMVIIICH ear ami peach tree* ami grape vim's. The place

... situaUil less than three nilhv tVinn Lawn-ner City I lull, and alaiut one tilih- IVoiil llie Atnlover delic* i ,uvu MI i

A i

#>0 apple tree, licriilc» rra]M' vines. Tl«- plf 0 mile.. Ii .'I.. I .:i'.\ , . . mile from the Ando1

■IAMKS MKItltll.l

I j 11. JAMES P. 11 I i ■ 11 A I; n s,



The incnihers of Inn Siilton su-nni Fire Kngiu.1

I'oiupniiy return their sincere thanks lo ('blef En. ghMOf -I.N.TAVI.OI! I. I I- I in' 1 r.inl i-|.|.. i IM-II

to Hie company on the evening ff Fctminrj- 1 Uh. l'er order Of Company.

J. F. KlltK, Otork.


The lubeeribor Inut taken roonu In DBAPKU'S building, .tliiJn alrart, ANIH>VKK, w lie re she

ill lie n Ii. 1 to wait on her ewsJMMn nad the I'lii'li.' generally In fiiridsliiiiK

FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. Klie has recently vixibHl New Tork, and oblalnctl a Ion assortment ol Spring Goods, and the I.ATKMT Styles.

Thanks to fi lewns for their former patronage, ami eiiiitiiinan.'e lopei'llully snli.ileit.


t store in POUTKlfH Idook, No. ir.n Kssoi street, LAWItKNCK, may IMI round a largo aricty of

MILLINERY GOODS. The public are invited In call nml examine

styles before burohaalag elsewhere,

nmlivivi; <Jno,la made a srKCIAl.TV


Carpets! Carpets! Carpets!

0. D. ARMSTRONG 111 ell, for two woehB) :i larire lot of

Brown and other Colored Dress Goods,

ai the low pri e nf ■:■'• esunle lair yard. Thej urv well worth (I| and H cent >.

U Black Brilliantines»'i.l Alpacat at Very !,,.« prleeal

We mil n.e AIK mi.III or the LndUa

Hl.ACK QOODB. They arc the best no.I i lira|.i .1 la llieeltyl

Beet Miicl-.itio Tin coil Blx Cents.

tiiHid Spool Thread Three Cent ■

Best French Corsets. $1.00! Ntrlpril i. i-,i..-, < i.,i I, Miilllites only ll> ets.

Black & White Stripo Gronadinos inai ked .low II to 25 eU. OOT ya.rd.

»4\\v want i<> ULOSR ot'T tl i...

i>r Uatttls to nnke room for Nen Spring tin

A large lot of

W II I T K l»l q\' V.s in whah) pieei u| shOM lengths, marked iloi



>■• Kssak Mrrti, I.Mivrrm r.



For Children, For Boys,

Or for Men,

Is niCIIARD'S well known

"o i., n O O H N E 11," ntos. i I sad 30.

1) 0 C K S q U ARE.


BzrSnnmoi or AX ANOOVKUIAN IS Won- ctKTFii.—'l'hat 11: i u ■ ■ 111 v new orfmn of the De- mocracy, In Worcester, the JVcst, Is rcsponsi ble for thr followinu::

are niilncd to team of an unfortunate oc- currence hist week, which has cast a gloom over the mlml of u pious young mini from An- dover, who Is attending n course of theological studies there, with a view to the future rhris- tlanizntlon ofnhc resideuls of the banks of the Yangstchiang. Ro far as wc have been able lo

m the facts, it appears thnt this young man i it slight impediment In his speech, and also involuntary I art persistent wl|,k °r ° conviv-

ial character in his eye, liofh ot ahieh may lie useful In promulgating the gospe'l, but arc not con side red in society. It appear* that this young man reached this city ut an early hour, mid was directed to a restaurant near the depot, where he could breakfast. It was miite curly In the morning, and only one man was in thu saloon, who waited patiently while the young student endeavored to say he wanted something to eat; but he foundered on the Hrst syllnble, and while be was wrestling with the inllial letter ol Ucfstenk, he got his eye into pofitiun and gave un eighteen carat wink at the waiter thnt blimlcd him; hut ho thought he understood him, ami he remarked hi nconudcu- tinl and friendly manner that "things had to lie kept pretty close now, on account of the stale constables, hut lie saw Hint he was one of the laiys, and—well, lie could give him some talr wliiskey or a little good old brandy." Wc are informed that when the young theological gen- tleman heard this, he was horrified to thnt ex- tent that it was necessary to fan him with n stove cover, and drop a door kev down his Imek lieforc he recovered; but when he was restored to S|ieeth, his language is said to have liecm both scriptural and thrilling. It would farthrr ap- pear that he then expressed a desire to seek a temperance house, and was directed to one a Short distance away. HelielnggreiUly agitated, Ills eve was making something over ninety-live revolutions n minute, nud the moment he en- ured the proprietor junijicd tin as If he had sat down on a carpet lack, and invited him lo walk Into the luck room,anil betbfl the alllictiil young man could even pucker his month to commence n skirmish with Ihe words he wanted to nnv, he had dlFappcnrcd. And while the young candidate was sitting there, thinking of nfsjfB. and fried potatoes, nud the American tract society, and steak and roller, ami Jmia-


in the present laanonja |iijithim of AKV artleli In our line of trade. We llierefnre Invlu- the |wr tieular nttentlnu i.f OHMIII m YKMB toourcn Uililixlnuetit. wlirrc, If llicv a ill call, we will mnki It worth their while to give us u trial.


THE "()I,1) CORN Kit,' mapllKb M Sk M l.ork N(|unrr.

CnMMtlNWKAl.TII OF M ASSAflll'SK'tTS Essex, an.

To the heirs at law, and others Interest**! In the cstnto or THOMAS liKNNKTT, late of IJIW- rence, in snld rouiity, wool sorter, deceased, U'"tale, greeting:

Whereas, Ambrose Itosslter, evecutor ofthe la. t will and IcsL-iincut of said dti'ea~isl, lias presented for allowance the account or hiKiidniliiistrnli■— ui«ni the estate of Miid diveaseil,

You are hereby citnt to appear at n Protiate Court, lo lie held at llaii-rhill, In sahl county of Kssex, on tlie Third Tuenilay or May next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, ir any

IU liave, why liie same slmuld not IH> allowed. Ami the mhl exocutor Is ordered to serve

lhl» clLiiiim by jiutilishiiig the same one* a week. In llio Lawrence American and Amlnvt r Atlve- "lM>r, n newi)>aper printed at I,awrence, thn veeks successively, the Innt iiiiMkatlon to lie l* laya, nt leant, before said Tuesday. Witness, (ieorge F. Cltoalo, Ksipilre, .Imlge of

aid Court, tills seeond day or April, In llr ear one UioiiK.iml ci»;lil hiiinlred and xi>rent< linv. lapll A. C. i;iMil)Kl.l„ Itexbter.'

April 11, HI3. Ml. . R. I,. TAl'IKY.


elutntoof our liKliii.liuil duties in tlio ehureli. In tlie Sabbath Selmol, In the family, and In the sei eral eoiumunities to which wo belong.

"lie thou faithful unto death, and twill git tlie* a erown or life."

The morning session adjourned and all were cordially Invited to partake of an excellent ool Intioit furnished by the church, hi their vestry

The afternoon session commenced at two o'clock, with a laymen's half-hour prayer meet in.::, conducted by Dea. J. K. Chase uf Lowell Kev. V. K. Fisher of I^awrence preached an abli and Impresslvu sermon from the text in John, 12th chapter, 21th rcrse i "Verily, verily I say unto you, except a com of wheat fall into the ground and die, It abideth alone I but If it die, it bringcth forth much fruit,"

Hucramentof the lord's Supper was admin- istered by Rev. O. F.Wright, Andover; nud Rev. S. I'. French,Tewkshury. The attendance ■paw the conference w.ts o,u|te large, and mueti interest taken In its proceedings.

Charles Cnmiuimcs of this town hits liecouie Insane, and liecn taken to the Slate Lunatic lion-

pital at Worcester.

The, Marland factory is extaeteU tosUrt up again In a few days.

Thu dedieatkin of the Memorbl Hall wilt mi

.bullii i.e an imposing nflair. A town meeting will pmiNihly be held some time this month, nml the programme urranijed. It is ottlltnlood that thu several l'osts of the 0, A. R. In the vi clnlty will lw invited. A very general interest should be felt by the eoinmntilty In thu event which Is fraught with so many tender tlonr.

Mr. A. II. Hall of the Seminary is supplying I'm.' Street Church In Lewistoti, Me.

Mrs. R. L. Tapley has Just returned from New York with a tine assortment uf fashionable millinery goods. It will lie seen by her adver- tisement iIi M she has rooms both in Andover and IsSWttnot, and is prepared to supply the ladies with the latest styles. Mrs. Tapley has l-.en in business in this town two years, and her excellent taste in the selection of goods, and In makinjt up work, has secured for her an extensive trade,

The Red Klvor Colony has been cnwrgci', and now embraces sixteen township, a territory twenty-four miles mpinre, In Clay Co., Minne- sota. Two nfthe of this!* the flat nml remark- ably rich soil nf the famous Red Hiver Valley. The rest is rolling prairie, diversiflcd with lakes, bluffs, and grovrs, alwaullful part of thcfuniomi ■' I'urk "' region of the State. Olyndoli, at the Junction of Ihe Northern Pacific and the St. I'.iul and St. Vincent Roads, Is the principal point. Here team the planting of the first tent Just a year ago, has liecn a growing New En- gland Christian civilisation. Ood has lieen honored and Ills day oliscrved. A neat little .■Impel has lawn erected and has liecn opened al- mostevery day for»chool,raodlng-rooui,soclahlcs and entertainments. A snug parsonage Is al- most completed. "The church nt Olyndon" receives all who love our Lord Jesus Christ In sincerity. Three stores and as many hotels sup- ply the wants of the people. KIghty votes were p..I led last fail. Al-in i nil the land in Dial town- ship Is taken, arid the farms will be large. Wheat was raised last season, thirty-five bush- els to the acre the first crop. . Com raised on Ihe sod, without cross ploughing or hoeing, wai large, sound, well ripened, and abundant yield This has encouraged colonists through some po culiar drawlawk*. In tome places shallow wells have yielded pure water. Urasalioppers come once In seventeen years. This was their year. The whiter has been very MTU*, but the mercury has not gone lower than in New linglnud. Thelcrrlble storm of Jannary, though and enough, did not cause one <iuartcr the dam- age given In sensational reports. Tho advance guard or a Urge Knglfsh colony—82 steady men—have Juit arrived In New York, and go nt once to maku preiuuutlons for their families Iu

the eastern portion of the colony limits. Ihey

'P K N B M K N

in Fryc Village. Impih-c of llie Mibscrloer.

Tomato and Otter phmtn HtppllcdnlthchliMlca


Andover, April 11,1M7S. «H


Will lw sold at public auction, on SATURDAY, April bah, at 4 o'clock I'. SI., on the premises, the Houses nnd Land e ei i.-d th.-iewllh, rltuaU-d on thu comer of IVin>nu and Main struct One of the houses Is Iwo rtoricx, lias eight an Is tied rooms and an attic; ronvenient fur two faiiilllei- The other Is aeotlaae houxe, with six rooms, In eluding lmicnu-iit. lV laud mea»ures WA fwl on

dreot and <ia icct on Main utreeU The he Hold together, or In parts, as may be

HOOK, be paid ;it Nile, uili.'i ■ enndil • favoruble. JUIIN NOLAN.

Andover, April II, 1871 St


Itat. taken the oill.e nventlyooewnhjtl h| Pw.O. L. Itrndiord.

i illi. ,■ li.nii- nil » A. H., 1 to 3, and I to U I'. M. (.'all-. iiUen.led to .lay or night. Andover. Nov. 1, IMH ' flf-

Spring Opening of Carpelings.

*■-« ■ open, Vloinl-j , April 1-1, the l.aix.'-l and M"-l Varied A.-^.itineiil ol' Carprta

■! i. >u ,, iu Lawrence, all at nrcatly rciluced

■ offer Hprrlal ltsirffntn. in STRAW MATTINGS ai art c.-..t. per yard; al.o, n lull line ofthe ULTTKIt GUAt»ES in Phi*, Check

A full luie of All Wool QoOdl for f71 OtJ., »1.W, *l.i\ ei.lti, eta'.

Oil ChiUir, Hi.:-, lta-siK-ks, Luitui te., in giTiit variety.

**-< nil and see Uicni, for Wt are iVtiirwIOSsl ■i tO l>e i. n. l.i. ■ ■!■ l.


Magrniflcent Assortment of Dress Goods!

ii all the New Styles and Mites.

OrWo ntialt offer the Ureateat Unreality in JLACK SILKS ever |.n-*ei,l.-.| in iffe people .M.nwrcm-,., rrom $IM In •.'•■«' (aWynrS lllnek Cashmeres, Ilrap ile Kle, llrllliaiiline,

Alpaca, llouibazliie, L'reatou, Tamire, Italeriio, In abundance.

Our FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT n:u, in inn: IIKIM, all at very rMMMtata

In short, our hUiff Is rl'1.1, (row cellar lo garret with the 1,'liolrcHl Kindn of Mereliaudlnel

Au examination of nurtlnods li nuirt respecl- folly solicited.

BYBON THUEL1. & CO., Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,



EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 14. Iij .41 i:ci*t. BnotratT,8tuuVapean>'s Qrent flay,


"MERCHANT OF VENICE,!" aa.l Khode'n IJiuglinhlo Umlesipie,

"UombaHtt'H Ftn-ioHo," Will be i.-pe:il.-.| Wtth the fotlnwiug


Mfaroh-tlri «,l W.iii... PJ™.E..«K VKNK'K, W. 1.. HBIt;tlAM SIIYt.tK'K, ANTONIO, ItANNASIO, I.IIUIlMi, l..nil;s.'ii,

NAI.AItINO, oi.D (iontto, I.AI'M-KU'T liiilimi, TllIIAL, ItAi.riiZAk, rOIETIA, JK881CA, NKltlSHA, HUH. IIOIIACK 1'. FLKTClIKIt



<:. w. I'l.issm 1. FRANK IiuitsKY

J. liOWIK B. It. ■!■-! I I : 1


Stus. UcAI.l.lriTEIt

Doia AUTAMIMIMil.B, Kl'MSO.s, I in M.■:'.■■ i I ■.. I'IMUIIM,


t . Aeri.'i in,-11111 i. in inn J. ma, pi


Music—Akeroyd & Slmartson's Or- chestra.

Ailinl««lon. 3S rta. It. ... veil aeata, IM eta,

HeaU may now lie sotmrfn at BTBATTOV*

■pen at 7.1a. t'oum flttaplHapUU

I > E M O V A L .


lias remove*) lier nren Hnklnai rfwinis t

tllamflmhW A. A M. ATKIXSOK'H,

aio Kuri -ii.rt, LAwnaMCWi

I L K (I


Notice la bereby given that the nuhacrlber has fc—amaayanialnlifaaasilutMf lilafslis laaali ■>

Henry T. I.e.nni, l-'iie of Melhueu, In tlie comity of Bssea, hoh'l kaeiicr, dceasnl, and has taken up.m her selr tliat triir-t by giving iKiuib, as tlie law directs. All iMTsons linving deiiiniiilK upon the esUite nf said .leeeaM-.l aru M-qiilrrri *n nUMI Inc same: and all pen-on* linl. Iilcl to nald entiito are calleil upon to make pnyuienl lo

w Ammoniated Superphosphate of


m rKlutiCK t 0L0HOX.

To nit: i ..--■■i >n i:- or in ni- IN- N'KW KMII.ANII:

llenUemen:—Itv .i ■< m, HAM !►. I. Will lie at the Hall road Fmlathl Niiirni ' Lawrei

MONDAY,' 5th of MAY, 1873, at 11 A. M., ly to sell you a supplv or my Su]icrphi>sphnt-'

init HO lance a leirltiwj ' "

lAwgnMni . I i.lnl'1 II. |.i.i

K, in in or Kssr.x —

rp 0 N 8 O K I A L.

The undersigned has relumeil to Ids old stand, Dnr J..I. llllOWN'M store, on MAIN Street," bert- ha will lie glad to wail on his former customerK and the public generally In all brnneheH of HAIR IUtl:sM.\<;. «... I'uillcular nttenUon paid to t'uttliifi LndiM' and t'lilldren's Hair, tirabful (or past favors, and conscious of always Improv- ing the personal appearance of palrous, all are cordially IIIVIUHI hi call.

WII.MAM 11. SMITH. Amlover, Jan. It, 1H7S.

,. ^..dy stick, and a sugar Uiwl, and * lemon peel, and hurriedly opotoglxed for la-lug so long, as they were obliged to keep things imlet on account or the state constabulary. And Ihen that voting student rose up In all his mnjeslv and shook the dust olf Ills feet, nnd sat In the depot till the next train left for home. And since thnt time lie has purchased two mir- rors and a hand-glass, ami a work on physiolo- gy, anil is learn, If |*issllilc, what there is In his general appearance to con. vey ihe dissipated impression lie mode In Wor- cester, which place he Impressively remarks is „n pitfall for young men/'

Oooti.—In ihe ruling of the debate In the leg- islature yesterday, ou tho bill authorising the city of Iloston to till low territory, Mr. J. U. Smith, tho colored caterer, brought down tho house by saying tint for many years past he had bad eh experience In tilling ilnls.

lmruin i.t:.tTAHiiuiiiiKATili«iiESTKn, H.Y. Tuesday evening, about M.ltn o'clock, tlie foun- dation wall on Ihe river *f.lcmi Front hlrwl. of the new city building BW thu jMilieeand Dm de- parlmeuL', went out when iibout Iwetily or tlilrly peraMMWCM Upon IU leoUag at tin; river. His estimated, by eye wHnfSNMf, lliat ton or flftocu were eniriiHl into the river, anil swept over lllgli Fails. The high water prevents accurate knowl- edge, liutiiuilen n her uf persons are known U>


I 0 H N 1). OltAIIAM,

CABPRNTEB & BUILDER. Special attention paid to Jobbing.

House, No. 10 Newbury street

Sliop. — apposite t'ltnrrk'i tVoml Yard,

UnvUnplI llnverhill n.i-i, Lawrence.

(! 1 O A L .

Tho suhseritwr has a supply of COAL of differ hrent sises and <pinllly, wlilcb he will fiirnbh IHlimmi M n IWUOOabla price and short notice. Helen, may U< lell «l .HWlN II. CIIASHLKIfH l'erlciMiil Store or at my residence.

JOHN OllANPItBE Andover, Sept. n, ls;i.-

tyv. it UKNC inTK N 11 Y , Blnnulhetiirerof

< OAIHK. Caaketa, and all kinds of Orava Clothes.

AIM dealer In hi all kinds of Furniture, nimk Walnut, Chchliiul, and fine Chnmlier SeU, ,„i,l.,i,lli on hand. Cpliobliiiog and Itepalring .lone i.i Hi. n.ale-t nuoiiii-i, and ill iin».ioiil l> prices 1'ietur,' liame^, ( iirmiiM ami tinlain Flxlures ooiirtanlly an Mil and put up II dc slrwl.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TKHUKNCK HKMtY, Auctioneer anil Cnninttaalon Jlrn-liiml, Is now prelinred to Hell It'wl Kstulu or I ■ -oniil 1'roperty at reauon- able i■■ i in- . -


Lawrtun and Andover Agenda*.

all kind ol wort 111 me IJUIIKIIV one, ■■■ i>ii|n-,i>n ntile, ;il nli.ol noliee and ill piiie- that defy cimi- Dotllion. Tlie propvlel.irs hold tlu-mselves re- aponslble Tor nl\ p«"ls b-l or mi. la Id, wlieltu-r iiarktil or not. HaUsfa-tion gunraiiU^l In nl naes. 1'rlew |"T doieii, including Hint! -birched .lecoe. 7.'. IIH. FIT fuillier parti.ulnrs Impdrc •fourWills, Kduai-d McKav.-jnt Kssex street,

Lawrence, and 11. S. Wh|U-, oBlee at T. Ilonrj's, Main street, Amlover.

i «-' Cl! iSBSraKSfflft.'SS' West Araeslairj*. Nov. 1, IB73. «f- N. II.—All gmals sent to »ur laundry at

rli-k, and frtenf rrpruir. tiixHls InU-ndeit i»r tlie Lnumliy If lelt on Mondny or Tue-day, at the dri giMHls Ktoru of K. lb liny, will lw attended to will dcsiuuch.

IK AT i: v i IIKACII.—The public will regret am thill the elegant and spnclmn Oottn

House, at Itye tbiieb, N. II., kept by Job Jemiess A Son, wn^comideUly diMlmyiil by fro on IVt liny. The lire took In the cook room. Seaily all Uiu fomlUnv was huved. The house wan owned by a corponitiini and cost upwatils of «luO,UOc. TM hi-iirnnce ninounls to |tM,0flO.

TIIIM ISIUSU was very fpaclous and lliiely nr ranged nnd would nceninniodnU! Ihree Imndrci guest'. It is the third hotel that Mr. .Icnness bai buillontlils sito.all or which have laea no- rlroyeil by lire wilbiii Iwenly-dvo years.

DKUHT, N. II.—Miss Emma A. Rhute has la?en n-eently elected l*rudentlol Committee In .me of the school districts In Deny, tlie lirst lailv ever chosen lo Illi any public offlce In Ihe town. It is liclieved Hint she will fulthlulty nnd cfllcicnlly perform all ihe duties of her slullon.

otillgtil to communceearlv.liulllH-terms tif sale will fldlv ini-i-l MR uldoclioii on Uiat oil ounL Ttrt« wwt *» w- — *r 11 sswiij 11 n»n sin ism l can promlie to offer you hi Hie coming Hcasou for tin ■ i -lni-i- of fertilisers si MR nn ndvanlngc.

CPUING 1873.

Tlie New ami Elegant


204 Essex Sired, now noenpwd by


Is attracting ninth nllriillnn by the ll-nntilol nml 1.1 .mi dumtar of

NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS! ne in Ha- city keep a belter assortment of

I'linl.-'.iihigluiim-, nud( oltous, liolli lllcachcd and Brawn, front l», 11 ami l.'l cents per yard, up.

Mr. McKAV has *


Wblto, llrown, Turkey lU-d and Hamnsli. nt very Low prices . nud, in fuel, everything IVoai a I'aper •f 1'ins to the ulecHor lllm-k Milk a.

A visit to hi- NtnW, In

Beach's New Block, No. 204, the purHiitt of DryOonda, will well rrpaj-

atiy lady, a.i 'I'II.-M- Hie i,.„.,|.. will lie IW^-ly HIIOWII, ami u illi.mi urging.

Tlie success nr Mr. H'KAI, iu the 1*1 live ours, is u sufllclcnt guaranh^' to all Uint lie ha* let a popular want, vis :—

Selling 11 taWgn Quantity of QoOun.Al a

MM.ill Advance on the Kirol COMI.

tiivn HIM A CAM.

All nro Welcnnio, evon to Look.

204 Essex street, Beach's Mow Block,

".'ii' Tim I'ONT in 1 or. .:m' mil,


30-cent Kid Qtoves.

Mm Ladic Linen HanrlkTi, riighily agml, I'ncAr.

'SIERY. GLOVES. NECK TIES. I a general line of Trimmings, "

HAMBURG EDGINGS CHEAP. are hivibil to lttape«-l our stock, and mv I nee Uieno'elvcri Hint we still coullnuo |o

sell the rkropeat in Uie city.

s 13 P It I <* K T <> A 1, I.


228 & 230 Essex Street, Lawrence. BBOOHB Dora nwM TOST Orricr.. -



"»0 tBT, fartk-s. Rail-, etc., Crockery, tilass VtUWi I'Lnled and r.minion gpoons and Knives and Forks, by JtlHN 0. IKMV A CO,


"POPULAR STORE" A Uraild IH-plnj of

New and Elegant Dress Goods IK AM, 1 in

NEW COLORINGS AND FABRICS! Adapted for thr 1 oinlti'; Nrasou,

Ai AVe have made l<:\U>uslve AixaiigeincnU lo

ive on tinml n full line nr (loads in All. nur

l>. |.;n iiiieni-. (.'urtouiers can rely on tiavlng a

tininl assortment to choose nnd, as

lierctotore, our prlrcs will lie tin1 lowest In the


Foulard and Plain Silica in nil Hi.- new delicate colors and Unla.

BLAO K BII.KS, lull variety of all the different makes In Hie

PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. in Taffetas, I'ure Mohairs, French Iiehliiif, All

Wool Poplins, nnd everything New nnd Fa-hion-

ablu ini| from the French nml Itritlsh


A large tot or Itlaek Alpaca.. Pure M11-

kalra and Id 111 lanl IM< I, from He to .f 1 :.n yd.

Black 8llk»*MS, 1* IJ»I a bargain. Worth

.■MS- a yard more.

i,. w .■ moi t eorillolly InviU'lusprritonornur

N(IS. 228 AN1> 230 RSflKX BTRBXT,

Mmvii Iloon rmiM I'osi OlIM


HuecosHnra Pi CAUriiRM. ft TAYMIU.

Mm I IJtfy IIS |H |HI, illi.-, 1 1,1,1,-;„|,,|I|,H1 ttH' loll.o

- ■ y :,.Mi. i "

of Mir county of Kssex I IbxiH'ctlutly represent the subscriliers, clHiens

of i-al.l county ol F.snev, Hint Hie public necessity and couvenh-nen reipilre n new highway, tiegin nltig on Tarbox strt^t. In Hie city of taiwrenee, iu snld county, at or near Uwiiorllieily torniltim- of Jackson stret-t; Hieueo rumiing lo a uortlierb diriH'Uon, crosshiR Ka-t rtreet nod Jlrook (liivi Iu Mil linen, In i-alil counlv, near "IHoody Ilrook, so calleil, to n point at or near Uio lte<l IrMUl lloiii-natiindlngnllliejomlhiuof I'leuHant i-lrwl nnd Prospect atrei-t, or Uie llowe roail, so railed, iu Melhueu idolcrunl.

your petitioners pray Hint you will mine said pro|MiMeil route, and locale cr the same. X JOM. H. HOWE and olliers.

>n Ihe |.. ni .ii,.i.-. ii.I, .ii.l. i. .I, Uiat snld petitioners give notice lo nil \ii MHO. and corpora- tions iiih' Umreln, II ait raid L'mii mis shiners

lln 1',mi t MIIIIM', In l.awirtice, lii said yONDAY, the Twelfth day or May

. ne o'clock A. H-, by publishing an nl- te«Uil ropy of raid petition, and of Hiin onler thereon, in HHI l-nwreuce Ainerleaii ami Andover

-, a new-spa|>er prlntnl iu Ijiwrcme, ki< successively, Uie ln»t putilicalion to n days, at lea>t, Ix-fore Hie said Iwrllth

J' Ml i n tlie ft"

lug tonns, wldeli will be strictly inllit-nil to :- On all |iayinenU made on sales previous In prll 1st, IHlli, a discount nl Ii per ei nt. per amiuiii III I.e in uie ii, tlialdate: ami all noh'n will com

nience lo diaw iuU-nvl at that liinc. On nil sale- made Inter, note* will draw mtcrer-t from dnle of HAI.K to time i.r i.iniiieut, whieli H ill IH> estendisl to any tinw within inie vi*r, at llie option of llu1

buyer, iniere-t addcil at tl («T i*nt. The reason- for adopting thin method of rale arc

the following :- In canvassing for tlie sale of the fertiliser, mv

agent* Ibid Uie market III led wlHi a varh'tv nfginnl« ofUiln class, a lino* t uiUioul exception oil consign- ment, and without regular price* or limes of pay- uicnt. 1 long ago dcclini-d to cmisign any ot my i 111' ■ to any person vi balever. 1 cannot afford lo do Uil* and make good articles. Tho re- sult is I must i|ult Ihe market or -ell In sou ther way. I do not rh«nne Uie former, but Uie taller

Is sold In accordance Uierewilh. It I* n good nrli cle, tuts value, ami in eutlUed to lw IHUIUIII mid nold, and |inld for. as much U buUer or Hour, or any oilier article or mei eliamli ...

1 cannot, therofore, atfonl to give llawav, to bin' it nold, or to consign it to Uio-c wlm maybe hired to kei'p It out or Uie market, or who may sell out, rail, or run away at any time. Those only u bo have WoriUoM goiHlx, or bankrupt I♦ >. I. ~ ail,II 11 hi take, Ulis course.

' "»■ — n n ...-P il.h l.i-l i ... i i. imi .1 i..n

mi iii wave piaKe* tlw nnlv ipieslion afknf '— inner Is, "I* this Uie genuine Wilton' liute?1* In other markets It isnotlmoi—_ icre seems lo IMI n dctermlnalioii mi Uie |iart ot itorested |.m ; ■'■■■ that it slialt not bt. lo ilil-. comlition of Udngs 1 linv

who are willing to buy It nrthcir own price—the only Mipulatloti being lliat it ,-luilll.e paid for; nud if farmers will only use It aeennhug to aay direc- tions, they wilt look forward with imsiety to tin tune I>I III.- next sate, for I Intend 10 make- it ai annual or semiannual affair until the consume: knows Its value.

Httcntod cop* of said pelltiim sad Ulis order thirty ilqjrs, at leapt, and by posting up an BtletU'd copy thereof In two public plat-en In said city nnd said town, fourteen days, at least, before Uie said twellth day of Mnv, nt which time and place an'' < imimbobmer. will proceed to view Uie prcinhi . ami take rmli order hi relaUon to tlai prayer ol said petition as by law lliey may Isjaulhorlie,! to Un. A. A. AUItOTT, L'lcik.

A i; ne ropy of |KtlUon and onler Uicreon. Atle^t, A. A, AllHUTT, t'lerk.

A true ropy of iH-llllon nml of tho orileruft'ourt tliereon. Ailed,

ilttlapll t'llAH. K. QOcW, ltepnly SIHTID*.



" POPULAB STOKK," i«QH & 330 E«fctox sti-oot,



We tuivr received

FIFTY PIECES OF BUFF LINEN. Jud the Ihing for ftuimoer SoMs,

at llie;.. \v-i>rlh Slfto. " yoril.

A line of Cortett. Fiencli and tlenuan, at ii- and no |snrtau>; wnrtt ai.maml $UB,

»f Printi, KBW STYI.Ks, hw>

A few dozens of


Un Itcnuul ol III,' I:,1 ■ ■ ii i. :i! my

Si .Washington SI., II..M|

I MB nir,.rlnj: (WN ttf my



illghlly damaged by water, at

HA 1. P P It I C E I, At t former pi Ice, f*.

i.icy Hwltrhes, 91 '• '* It.

Fi I urn. S.Te. pet* > anl | fnnin i price, ride.

Combs and Head Ornaments,


.1. MKD1NA.



1'.. Frank t'or's riio.plmi

Hay Stale



Beet Quality and Lowest Price, WARRANTED.


LASS WAKE.—rirkle .Inr« In lino cut i-.i>.--. "irii obUed stands. ■■> >f(i,iiate

I line of (ul nml Knjri-ii-cd (oddcts, fJulTi nml Wab'i-1'iti-liers viirbnia ntyles, Cul nod

Kngravitl sialt Kluikcrs, silver |>liiii-.l t»iis. All thene articles Iu ctn-aiH-r mnki*<-, unwell an Mnuce |lir-lii>, 1 :iml\ .I.IIB, l.lii,^ >h:nli- , mid n l.'UX.' I"t of Beta. JOIra *'■ IHIVV A I'll., !■■'■ i- ■■ ■ ft.










M.-.i.i- Ihliia, <ilass. Marble. Stone. I'arlau ble, |jiva,Al.iini I.I-.OI am kiiiili.rrnH-kcry

11 :m , ..1 -.. I',.,.. , if.jli uitd Wood. IT ItlSQITTRnS NO I IK ATI NCI.

ra to i i.v, ;i...11- -0 shnnle in its usoihatorcn u child can uie it.

A Good Cement has long been Needed, id tin* iimiiriebirs, alter pattsnl cludv, IUVMIII IIH urtlcle to tin- imblic. . laiiiilnj: Hull il U ill do n work imleker, l» itcr, nnd « illi l.-r- trouble Hum ly Cement yd kiion ii.

At a Substitute for Qlue. In mending wood or iial"lilng together chilli nr

|ia|H.r, many IMTHHIH 11 im oniciiieut lo go to the trouble ol |irr|iurliig (Jliie. Till,. CCIIHIII b iilwnva rrndv, riNiuire* no lictillmt, Is iHrhs-Hy . I. no, :ni.l » ill men.I ;;- innicii- am (due known,

1* HO rlui|,li> Hint a mere child could RH It. No Family eau AH.n.I to 1.. MUIIOIII II.

Paida a.i Oam.

Ilavcrhlll, Mnxs., Jan. !A, Wit, Me r . t'lia l.iii.i.i.i. \ soiiH-iieuls:-! have id vour Adnnintitinelirvslnl I'cmi-nthi m> biihl-

...-is Several inouMi-, and tor nil kinds of mending. When- a Jen.lcr rci|iiirrs t '.menl, I collider Tl the IM'.-I arlii Ic ever inniinfaclnri'd.

Yours, truly, UIW. 11. CAI.I.WKI.I-

Haverhlll, Eeb. Tlh, W7t, .s«rs. fhas. laiii'i-Min & SOIIH - lietiU:- I have

p A N A K V Heed nml Muter Own* rtalb Tubf, Wire Nesl Kranien, Cages, etc

JOHN 0. IXIW A 0U.| Hill Rss

plaices wtwru my goi»l> are not known, or wtiero 1 am met with unfair .<nn [Mtjti m give In* fnmi- ers ami dialers a miro|i'HUluully logcl ray gmsls at iirtces wbicli Uwy nuiy *i I niii-Ui^l In imi iujr. until thev arc snll-ai'.l of their real value, and are ready hi |iiimliasti at i.rlvate wle "I my calahlixliid nrlce*.

- Inr II 1, 111

O&D Da. Ominiii K'S RiTTiiiia.—Thlsraedicino Is kct.1 up fully to thu high siandunl ul former limes, and iis |si|iulariiy is vastly increasing. It will strengthen and invignriile Ihe whole sys- tem, until licalth Ucnuics fully estubllMicd. Sold by dealers in medicines generally.

Oman Bttatn niwn tn day ; «O0 ease Ja[>- ncsc linen aullings, nt 124 •■»»'•' lHr >''"•■

llVUOH Tin Bl i. A Co,


BpririB WoftriiiK Api»fti*o] AUK IKVtTKIl Til VISIT TIIK


1'aniilo'iiaiiie iioiiwi. in New Viiikiiiiiil'hlinibiuhJai ml weea w offer |.rlmc I-H priced <iarmonu fall grades, alSM and styles at proatWl lit market. Our lines of Drua Qom1#, Spring Over totals,

'llagouab, ■*-*•

'trihutiun on the day of sale. Tlie goods to 1M> MO 14 are raunl lo any I have ever

made, nud are gunmulcod to luire tai'ii made as stattil.

Onlers, not sold hy nu'lion, from any . i |:-..n i hie pnrlv, for a cor load of l'W|.li«le, will 1ST linmoitlv llllol, and ilellviTsd at Die Works nl Ute eslablbfiM) price Uiere, and tin. lowest imsalble liilylil - recuied lo jioliit ot dotinntlou.

UEU. F. WIIJMW, Trcns. Rumford Clicmlcnl Works.

»jr-F»rniers, aoWM and buy n (limn I'hoMplmlc nt rHil«V" A ueiloo, nl the llnll road Freight Hcpot, Niirth l.;i\irence, bead or ICsoex Htreel, I.AWKKM'K, Ua»H.. on MIIBIIII', May S, IKT.J, nl 11 A. M. tllajil I

lirr KimiAl.t.'H HU.SAM for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Nncurc, MMJ. Hold by Druggists.


Birth.«-. DONOVAN.—In this elly, on the Uh laWfc, a

daughter U> Mr. and Urn. .John Donovan. HAHKIK.-I11 thin city, April Hit, a ilaughter b.

Ur. ft Mrs. .1. H. Ilarrlo. JACK MAN.-In l.awreuee, April ."'Hi, a tofl

klr. ft Mrs. Charles Jackmnn. ^^

>t it,ilt ta^c fi.

\teli.-lve: verv i-\h>liKl' as the IOWOMI


We uuikn a si'Ki;iAi;n of line Wltlm and French FLium*! Shirl'M and In our tictife FLIIMHIIIMI DKI-AltlMKST Will Is- found nil clegnul display of Ilil clans

HEW Sl'HlNd NECK TIKS, I'liilu Black Buvrs,

Cravats, llonoma, *c,

of latti»t Fn-ncli, I.omlmi and Now York Patterns. These (IIHHI- we a ill MM at one quarter le

Tin "THE;


tviioi.i *t\n: AT«l> m.TAii,.

Thn buslnes" of Hie kite llenuon AlilHitthnvhiir pasHid Into the liiituls ol Uie nuliMcrllH-rs, Hwy will c.oiilliiiiclo fnriibh COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBK«, ■nil oilier nrtlclcs cniinecled with Hie busliies*. iii-oiiiiitlv nml in Hie lulct -til.'- nnd fluMi. 1 t:.,lJliinfln.l CitMkils iliii-lilnl la oil, wa»,orcor- ertNl a Uh broaddoUi.

iliolt of the trade i,-, i»', llnlh i oil. He. . Tlie alU'iilliilt ol Hie li nde re, oeeirully si.lielle. ricen as low ami Ihiinb as good as Is U> lie fomnl

WOODMAN AND CBABTRKB Next Norlh of Town Mall,

nrc the Itcsl class of English tenant fanners, and I Andover. Oct. »■ ltfT*. -'

II VMOIl-I.KMillTOV -Iu l.iiHreilcc, Aiirll III, by lUv. V.. Y.. Flnlici, Mr- Ilan.v I). Ilnmor ami Miss Martha II. l.<h.-ht bmli m I..

m:milTT--WF„HTOS.-lii Korlh lha.lliig. Mar. »ith, by lh-v. C. F. Mjer-, Mr. John It- ib.r.litl toyiMLlsalc r.Wotlon.

I,VON-HAK(iF.>iT.-lu HIIM ell V. April 'Imlhy Kev 1 Im- A ll.mli ii. Hum *.. I.ion ol I'.o ton, and BHHMMW. Salgeol. ol Lawrence.

WADMAN-WII.DKH.- April hid. by Itcv. I.. I., W.«nl, Mr. Willium W ii.In, ni : Ml- Me him II. Wilder, both or l-aiiicii.e.

T) c ii t It «•. HOWKl.l.-ln Mclbiien, April Mh, *lrs. «amh

tlowcll, aged ;.'■ years. HKIllllNdTON.-In Mellon n. Apiil Nlaj Mrs,

liuanu Mi : i in; i■■!i, ngrdn-'i >rs. YOl'NOSON.-ln Anib.vcr, April M, David

Voungson, aged .11 yrs.

W A 11 E I -In , I. 1 Jl»renie.

RnuWi *l'siio#i'i par dot, I < i,.,,,,. -.n.i Whin tllasses, ciilni'i-d and i-luhi, T lilcmT.'ieU. hi <.1 per dor.; Mnir«; riU'tters iu LirKe larlely: haiulled nud iiiihniidh-d Cin-UnL; Kaine Dbbcr •Jft els. to H 1'iicli. imlit idnal Mau.e DinbcM ,'si cU. u> tx;n par do/.; lbiwls wiUi sfaWMts andnsrt, with or wilhoiil cover,Vtr\*. lo t.leach; Celery OUVSBCH; riekkfJars; MHn.i.f Sugar Howl, Creiiin- cr, Itutl.r lilrliiind SIMIOII Holder; Urge and In- dividual Sail- and ItuUers; Hynoi I'lbhers; Catsup and l'c|.|.i i S:mee l;,,|||, -; SIHHIII llohlem ; Cantor llotllen, cot and pressed ; hujrer Itonli; Florette Vanes; llvnciiilin;),,,.^; Cnn.ilcSlicks; Fish (ilols'i-. liliinH Hluulei, II illi in iiitlioiil nlinid, «l.i-. I.. *l. each, (ami; and 1'iiiit.l.n , .l.-lb Tumblers; I JinU-mn and lilolies; l.nmp--. Id• h. U> ♦;.,'* eaeb. i-omvleU-; Vicuna shade*\ <"hlm- neyslnevei-) inriel.i ; Mb, red (da-s lb lit dors; Has Stalks, rolomf and plain.


PICK, Port 0*ol Monk,


Notice is heivhy given of Hie dinsobition of llu* opartnemhlp lien'Uiforc oxim: i; |H-iween W. P.

SMITH, .In., ami i.HU . WHI'iNKY, under Un* linn name of himili * Wlmi.-v, Tlie buslnesn of Painting and Pniwr Ibiuiring will lie hereafter Im i.-.l by W. I*, hn.llli, Jr. All i ■ In-

lebli-d lo the lute Dun nrc n.|iui.~led to call upon

Painting ami 1'njier lb condurl ' debUil lo Ibe lain Arm nifi PI on and netlln wllh Ihe inulei iitSiil.

nttapl] W. r. HHlTll.Jit.


M I I. I. I N !■: IM i GOODS

by Miss H. II. fit I I ■:,

228 Etui it., third door from P. O.,

Sm«a|ill up 0M iMgin.

I) lAM(lNl) Sl'El'TACI.ES.


Large*! Music School in the World I

The mot < mlnciii imlru> tors. The grcal.-st uumber of Trix advantages.

Tho lowest rate, of tuition. L'rivallcd facilities to organ pupil.-.

Situations procured.

Summer Term openo April 21, '73. Band for Circular, giving full )>;u, lo

1!' -i; -II N I.. TOl ItJlll. Diir.lor.


HARRIS' CEMENT, DM only nillclc in Ihe world which mn lie moil without heat and ready for use.

For Mending Meet fchnura. Crockery, Class, China, Kurlheii Wan'. Marble, Wood, 'l-i-ather, ItublHT. Coral, l'l nrl, nil kindn oi t'nvious MUm ami all klndi of Ornamental Work, iU'.

1 tfe2S JOHN C. 1HJW A CO., Sola Agenls,

ICft BHO Street, Lawrence,


A. W. Mssnu at Co. woulil announco to tha liiiiHeiucu of Lawreni-e and vicinity that Uf* IIH i e secured Uie services of a Fir.t Class rreav ■ rtJst, from New Vort. Ma. L 8. Dl'I'ONT, a....

ill lie pirpared Momlay, March 17UI, to take Artist, ftom New York, Ma. L 8. DClllNT, and will l>c pippared MoaiUy, March 17Ui, to tako inters for Spring Wukf —Over Co»ui, Pantr, VCSIB, fir., etc., fi-om an Ahsortaient eijual lo any in New tngland.


A. W. Mtrnrua A. Co. an o|«nlng UMHT Flit A„.„MI.I..I,I of New 1'sltrrns for TarUrs ami

onao Furaiabiag pwrprasos, and wonld lilies ami all interesUid to an exawi i rjlcgaut Ma kw ami ClK-au Goods.

Ladle* who . - RKt-KNT too Ute, ahouhl aee

what A. W. Mesrai A, t'«. CAN t'ONTimil'Tli lorUiclrailorumenlln Now Drots Goods.

NEW AND KLKOANT.- do not wlnh U> iii:ii.M im


345 nnd 347 Common street

Nr.n- BT001 of


V XI at ■

Herds Grass, Red Top, Clover and Orchard Grass.

nil Ii off I ■dr ■ Boorni

f I.lme.

riO Alt. COAL. COAL. \J

recciuit cargo fresh mined

LACK A WANNA COAL. rrom tho Delaware and Hudson Cnnnl Co. Tills Con! comes very nicely prepared, nml gives general ■ ■; 11 i I ■ 11 I i. ■ 11.

rersous wlstilng n smull nunullly of Conl w arry Uicni Uimiigh the Nprlng, will llnd thin Just

M I..ii they want.

Also, FRArVHMlf ((HI, or Lykeni Valley.

8ANBORN Si TUCKER. Offlc* 473 EMAX «t. Vanl Wont »L

tilmmh«s rTwinhil

HOSIEKV AND OLOVKK—Lndlea' and tient's. Ib*nt Vnrlrlv, Host Hoods, Cheap.

A. W. Nl r.m. * to.

rllK KEV. M. MICIIAUI), Frenchprleat of lids r.ily. In prcpnrlng, (assinhsl by tlie

most Innucutlnl ladles and getrtlemen of hlscon- gregnliou,! n grand Ha/ar iu Oivor or Uie French new church of M. Anne, In Ijiwrenee. We hope lh:il ill Fi:i(i..|.:ili|i| ■■ ,i ill ei.mi 1.1(1.' to llie hilt Tl --i. or this llninr. the object or which is so excellent, by givlui nil sorts of nrUcles and pureliaslni many Uekets.


Cliuvili of Kt. Anne, r.nvvrnicr. Han, iiiimiainw

April 21, and ending April 26.


LIST OF PRIZES. !00 Acres nf l„,inl In Cnnnda, S Harmoniums,

4 Clucks, 2 Hair Arm Cbalrn, I Mllicr WnU-hes, (I (iol.l Cluilim for (ienllenieii nml I,miles, 5 Violins,

KliiU's, n Aceonlcons, many large MUrngmph I'liotograpb Views, -J copien nl lta|iliacl's I'll-- lures, more tliun ii«i line llookn, nud u gitail mtuilicr of l'rocloiis Articles.

»OI»0 IVUrs. Vnlnctl at fSltOO.

Tickets will be fnnilxbed at Ihe houses ni IlKV. M. MICHAMi, JosKI'll tHillACllK. AM lUtOlKK I.AIMS ami CHAH. I.ACOII.I.AOK.

In the same limu Uie) will receive, money am gilts for Ihe Itar-ar, V ITH n-i


0V8 l-'.HHF.X. ST., a mid Repair all ktaMU or ltwla|

RI.II KnltllMR Mnchlatca at short notice and In a workmanlike manner.

Keniemlier the No., 873 Eaaex Street. 'tat*

Adaiiinnlliie Cruhij ('emcllt to nhafl U> my slrlgli, which was nnd liming llie i-lclgh in dully nre lor several month-., call tcr-tlfv lo Un cvlrenic htienuth and U'linilty.

Yours, i ■ i- n . M. I,, MII

Ihislon, Feb. liUi. IK73. Adamantine Crynlal Cement Co.—Oents:—We

hale used your I eoieiil tor Hie ].H, I I line uioulhs, and have loiuid It the l«-i-t Cemcnl for our uselbal i.eevcrUM'd. Vour.. in.I.,

WAIIIIKN A ItlCltllllMI, klamifactilrlng JcwelerK, 7 Treu 1 How, llot-Uin.

Newburypnrt, Feb. 7, IM73. Mr. Kincrson 1 Rims -tieiibi:—I have tried yioir

AdiinnMiliiie lr\-Inl I i-ineiil, nml nml un III. the UKsr article ol Uw kind that I have ever known, nml will do nil mn rei niioiiiml It to, having been Uioniughlv U'rU^I hv hint nml cold.

Itc-pcctriitlv iiiiir*, C. M. IIIIIMIK, ApoUiecaiy

I > O 11 K U T UAUO II T O N

th. Copfirr. and Sheel Iron Worker, Ami dealer in nil kinds of

Stoves, Fill Mill Hi. n,nd niinrioa, llepniring neatly done.


Ami dealer in all kinds or

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AM)

Fittings for Steam, Water and Gas. fVo. -IIU leases NO-rrt, ¥>MH-raMre.

inlcrs sollelU'd nnd prnmplly nUi-nded In.




No. 103 EBBOX Street, Lawrence.

Ovrr Coats, Men',, mid Hoys*, at t'nat I

We can sell Men's ns low as »r,..1o. ami

lbiy>', fa.fto, an wc waul to close mil Ihe

whole rtm-lc la prepare for llie Spring trade.

Nil It la nt tlO Ulalll

Hats M ml Caps, noc, (a |l

U'lirrniited not lo tire the eve, and to b cut i.Iii- In Un market.

.'. HI i i m.i. A WCE, Alter

in i ii ii 1.1 i I hi order. Family lllbles, •...'.' Prints; al-n, a lot of Juvenile llookn, IMetures, I liiMiim-, 1 .iUlOglliphn, :i Ini'-i- nlock on liaml.

I'leture Frames or alt alaes, and Framing don at ■■ in .I i. notice.

IIKKIIMAVS, 567 Eciei slreot. TOTS, FA KCV DOOM, eUi. VralrJl

I'ii I in i". i'i;iiii..ii nt short notice. * mli.'i DBBtUAM"! Hook Kiore, 567 Etcei it.



M ISsaca Htrerl. T.awrener.

J) I C T U I^E

Sold by DYER fc CO., imi tiy all DniggbLi in l.nwreaccand vlcii

HAS. F.MKHHOS A SONS, C.-rnml Wbolcnlc Agents, :I7 Merrlmack nlnvt, tlaveiblll, MUH


P 11 A H K S


Notice in hereby RIVI-II that tlie copartnernhi] ItereUifiire cxbting undiT the name and rtyti* in Mm Ml A T*i MUM- Mn -iliiydiMKidii-dlii innluii com-ent. All lull- "ill >-' -cltlc.l by Jo.coh A Moyos. JOHKVIl ,«_, MOVKS,


Tim business nil at Urn old stand, ■MM,

.m-iiiucllivMiiYKwIlm ■rof Ksseinnd l.aurci


%M II. R, M V. R K 1 L L


J. »• SI'IM.iMV,

WHEELWRIGHT AND CARRIAGE '■'■ ,. luii. ill MUVRK rriini Latino!,' simp, on C'oiuiiion street, to the Slni|i ndjoiuiin; Uie IHSIIOI* ItltO'S .Inie wnrr-laiii.e.

Mr. Bpiiilow will nu iy <>■' the. jmalnoai in nil branches. |nr1 ] MhSH

» the im:.-i.i, in i.


all dencrlplions and prlne-. I'leture Cord io, a stock nr CHROMOS, Km-TuviiK..

l.lthogiaiilis, rimtographs, tlrvkeU, eU'. I'artics .1. iiin:: their engravings Fraim-l. em

rely upon having them in the bast Stylo, at tin hnraal living raU*s.

Mr. K. It. MOKSK has cluirgo of the Plcturi and Framing department nt 559 Estex street, sign ol Picture Frame MaiiufaeUiry, Vmh'JI



I'VKKV Lady who IM contemplating It buying a Itlaek silk, this season, aboukl lai-

pi uve Uie preicnt rnra opvortunlty at A. W. Nlrsrat St <■•■■.

AW. STEAHNS & CO. ire opeulag » New and Very Choice Styles of gin-nu

1'ic-h Ooods.

NEW and Elegant Style* of tip ring MhawU ran be found at Mtearasa * Cn's.

FOR New Oooda and New fitrlea, go to „ l lV.S„.r.,a,.i.

ALL who dcalre to bay their Oooda 1 lie.11. and save tanner, and tliemselvrs

nu. I innilifr, nliould vinlt and imtrouicc Maaraui at Co. in preference to Itontou.


A. W. Maau-M * Cn*a.

I AD1ES- rxiiKR GARMENTS—Made \J IV...n ihe 11KST Qt'ALITV of Cloth, and WEI.I, MAUK.

A, W. Stearns t< Co. are opening a oompleui .1 ..1 Un 1 Ne w Sty lot ami Splendid Work.

Mclnipulilans, etc, a

■FLANNELS of til klmU Cheap. V A. W. imrs. A t

VOtt LONG AN1> HQ17AHK PLAID V MIA w is, Hem Variety of New PaUerns,


BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS, all of our Best Makes. Oreat Itediirtinn.

A. W. aMnavrBB *. <-*.

I.MR NEW DRESS BUTTONS, Trim- mings and iJiccs,

HEARS AND SCISSORS—All HI/.CH, and warranu^l Itesl hteel.

A. tV. Mtr.rns * »•.


COKE DELIVERED. l'rr Clial.lrou, |«.llll Half Clialdi on, S.OO Barrel, 4S

At tbe Works. Per Barrel, 4»

4;I'.O. I>. CABOT, Agrnl.

0VE" an,(Mio 1; (1 1.1 ,s


Paper Hangings, OF ALL GRADES,




STB Essex atrcat, - - Lawrnwt.


i'HOsK AltiilP -In COMMKM'K Hill Si; KCII'lvi;, MJiiCJti VISIT 4'1'V A IIKOTII- Kits' 1.Id VV 1 IHiiM-.ltl sTOKK, Oil WltlTK TO ■( mi; A MNT OK (inoilM.

No-. :ll ft :iS JlKHr'Oltl> ST11KKT, BonTON. twlmlcibHHlliutiltiKb


NOW IS THE TIME. AH llie Hpring opens, Uie hn|iurltles which hare

liecn imprlaoniit In Uie ldmn| over WlnUT arc Uirnwn In the Mirnice, dlnrtgiiring Hie akin WlUi I'huples, Hollo, etc., and canning disorder In the 11:11 of 1II ir 111 mill sin, Neuralgia, ami lilseases of un- Mvcr and Kidneys. III.IIHIKVS in.rru- Iratrtl >rrai|i nf Narsaparllla, wllh IaaiMa nr PolaaslNM, Is Uie IlKvT IILOOII l'l am HI

In evbtencc. It u>ta as a null t AtU-raUve, driving nil foul matUtrs I11U1 Ihelr |iro|>er eaeretiwj c.lian- nets, s tren gl he niug digestion, ami im|iartlng bloom to Uie check, sonncss Ui Uie akin. Dimness to Ute nU>p, and chccrfulacas Ui the mlml. for llotls it In an Infallible CHIT, ami to llhenniaUain it afford 11 grenl i-ellcf.

I'rlce, Mm- Dollar per I...UIe, Si\ ImUle* for Tlvn Hollars.

Prepared nnd mr sale hr Sml |mh!7

A. II. OLIDDEN, Dnifftrlat,

for. !:««•■! * 1'rinlicrlnn at., I.nsitaf,

LTE RAT I ON. -It is.

tiulillc lo lake a liUle earn '•> their pitivhaei'S

when mbilUi nl Imi i> round in nearly orcry article

"Benah's Wa-ldiig mw|t"'hi a aMetff nun

soap, free iv.


begs Ui tender In liln fileiids and the public

generally It In Ibmiks for llie generous suppoil he

received while conducUng bmincsK in l.nw

e, ami aim lo Hale Uial his business has

rased to nan an exbnl ns (o lead him la

erUiblbh a

BItANOH STORE for Uie sale of

Gcmt> Fiintinliiiifc Oootln

HATS, CAPS, lie.

This slue Is situated in BAUKIWUl RLOCK

Cornor of Apploton and BtMl St.,

nnd Will lie under Ihe InimedinU- charge or l.KO

r.ctrnTis. r*-Mr. WKII. will alill cnullnue at his OLD

STOItK, when-, mill un Inctcisned eUx'k, and

especially a




than can Is' round anywhere ibe In the illy, he

IIO|MS to merit n'e or i:.r- piilnmage

tliat ban lieen sn lilhrslly ciKiidcl to him iu Ihe

■ML tiniTiriiii:


an we have a laigu sUick v, blch muni be'sold.

«*-Ciil1 and sattaiy ynnrsclvra as to tlie truth

nf our kiutc.inciiU



Qllt Paper HanRiiiRt and Border!, ju.i • ed by WWaTOHIJ A UK K,


NATI'ltlsAV, A|irll tntb, eomnirnrlnfi at !l n'ctork I'. M.,

wc hlinll 1 ell at Atl'-tlou, lo Ihe higlieM bidder, III.' ■■.VI tllMll" r'AH.W, I Ml nil, ■ilu:,le,l on I I.e norlh nlde of thu Itavcrlitll tt'uul in ntarlb Auilnvrr, 1 Ighr iiplN.-ilc llie MOKMt farm obiU- of.), I). W. r'cciifli, l:-n ,ol, and only one ami a fourth mile rrom horse ami steam cars al North Amlover, and one nnd a halt mile from post i.Hire, chilli-b, nnd K- giHHl M'hools a» UH re lire In the Male, nud only llin-c miles fnati l.awicnce IUT. The I'Mi-tii ■■•m-i. t. 1.1 nlH.ut ;Hi acres of Uie ,-■,1 ol I.m.l, I i piinlnre mid I li tillage, under llie

' " itt'ofeiilliviillniMiiid lin- Inrumlii

or siMla and

commonly to-cl

Inernl suhsianoim thai arc M

o make might In MNV*, * t

N " T ' °JL Tim enyarUicrnblp lnnlo|oree\bllnjt lictwren

ii. H. Anu-tniigauil A. M. Arui'lrong, under the Aitusruiisii A Co., Main da) lllsaolred by mitliialciillreiil.

li. II. AltMHTllOVti, A. M. AllMUTItoM;.

Ijiwrcucc, Mass., March «, ls73. 3t« lapl

IOOK nl WHITKORD A RICE'S Htoclt J nt II00m papers before purrbaihr"


i;ti<;s !■( »n KATOH1NO n dl the beat hreeala of 1'ouliry. -

White l.igliocns a ariri.o.rr. i;. WOODS,

No. 4 Broadway, Booth Laivniico.

I.. M V. II !t I A M

wimld rc-|s-i Ifollv Inform his fiieu.l. .imi Ihe imblic Unit lie Im-••pencil »


111 Keaei strrrt, - • I.awrmrr,

1 in 1 in, I li tlVa|i

jtntlHTcd bl.-t«i|,ii-li.l. nl apiih-, not re.\ oiling Uie eiiilv IruiL r'niiu cut- al-.ul li lonn ol the U'ht Knidi-b hay. S enfllir land bon-IUili" to the acre, in both iro|.-, h*l n-ni ol Klifili-hlui) . I nigc burn, III ifoinlnriler, wiihi-iipidn; rl/eWtx l|: verv high . lud, nnd 1 iHivcnicnt; h.-m a large line ci'llni ■ wiUiiii.uillicineviH.hiire: situsUd 01 high dry grniind; pine wnter, unlallliig. Tin I .,< In g'ii~l i-l'le.'il htoHi'h, eioilalusllmouis Ihilahcd; bus 1111 I. eoniuri.iiig work room, worl nboo. wood 1 lied, etc., and one id (lie U'r-lvi-gc table cellar.. Ilnu-e ,.nii.U.| mid blimlcd; nll- Mirh frimi Ihe rmid; ninny, dry Im-ntlmi, lr»iii v,liichlniiblHinnl n In'MlllilllltU-lfofCm-llicewirk Lake, one nl'I In- nni>l ili.-i t» of water In Ibe nlste. which nlBints Kife nud pi. a. mil boating, Ibliiur-, ■ l.„ nnd "lily ri feu iidutit. ■ walk from llie farm. Thi- In 01 i Ihe v.v I..-, I l...:i!|.iii- for rnuniiui limit delh.'I in n line "Id loll n, Wlierc i- Kl,„d MM ii U, n iii:iilin iitiiH niplieii', tin- be, I nl i.,.| I advtllltiillei-, 1111,1 ". Illllll tolled 1 Inn.I WH-inl clement oei nulinii llie entire column 11 ily.

After the ,n|i> nf llie altovc, we ahnll sell a COTTAtJl". noriH, uiwly Mi,n :i,..i, Itnm. Shoiuiiikci' >lii.|'. and :: I ol no acre nl I.1111.I coiced wllh chnl. e bearing fruit trees. This place n oiilil nidi a ple'i-iml nod ,«un f IM 111 I.I.-


Hmh n-iii.i. tpill UHli.coiiiiiienrliignt : lJ. »l„ gil ing lion't" lake nil Ihe n-llirn Irnins.

PKDW0K A GJ-OHOX, All. lii.neer.' and Kcal KnUlUr AKCIIIS.

The Maiime, Sunk nml Tools will lie sold lo tin mirehaaor nf the ■'« 1 auction price, if in should want. mmli-a


Notice la In-n'iv given Unit the subscriliei hai IH-CIIIIIIIT aiuiuitiieil iiiniinl-tiiiiiirof im-esiaU-n

.bihi, ( 0111IU, lute of I,nwr*m-e, in Un- 1 -nnty of K-ex, lalmrer. deeca, cd, mid Inn- taken II]KIII himself Hint tru-t by giilux lH-mlh. an luw direct- All

■noun having ilei.iiui.l' upon the e-Uile of said I11i.1t Urn -amv

I \ II E A DN A 0 « « T


I \ It E A D N A I! 0 II T

P E A B N A U 0 n T.

Iinnii I.adv Hlv, who ha* n record nf Z.3t\i Fnsr- muighl,2.£1i.. Iiicailusugtit Is nwunl by U.S. i:n -ll, II.mi,. Kami, Mill..11. jAIwi, owner of

nnoghl.I llci-iliii.h-.lh UH- l.c»i IVamsasbt ._ in tlie cumin, hrkliiir slse, 13 l'l. Wir,

tfnl.leu clienluiil; inrli-.l form and lienl pohsible aclion. TrolU-diil licar-uld iLmeUitW. Aie, I year* old ll.ih Suiiliilcr, TcnUh, |I0U for tlie


FEARNAUOHT PRINCE. li.nii. ii" cclebrnU-d .Fewcll Mm. ■ ..I I. -.. 1. 1. N.ll.; :> jearn old In .tune; l'l bandn high, ami Uu< aun-t periw t coll of bin agi< Ui la' found anywhere. Coal ld»ck, and nn haiiibuuu' «- a plrlurc. Ilenlhaaeu iirenliiiK Tor a-pli-amirc, will bear in mlml (Ml Hie demand lor rVaniaiifriit nt.- k in iH-yoad allpni-eilcnt. Ti-imn, »-.'.'. for Ibe neni-1.11.

ADAMS STOCK 1 AUM. Im* Jnpl* Illl.l.KltlCA, MASS.



Puiir, o. 0. IHI 11 -1. >. |..i.- 1...1111.1-riiiiii and Kieiv h accurnlely and Ducnlly, will iMtrurt pupil-, cither sinjrtynr In cLinu-*, in reading and speaklnjt the-u language*.

Piano Im-truitlun given, with special attention paid to beginners,

Mr. K. cmi IMI found at Uie Kl.tOT CIIAHKL. from I 10 & o'cliH-k, V. It., mi Wulue. day- ami ssl unlsys. 1:. 1. 1 11. ■■ la made Ui A. C. r, 1 Lu. , (■■ ,, . Mn-U-r of loiwrenca High m-lmol, ller. II. H. Weaver, nnd Mr. Wlcnncr, n I'nlon HI. Inqtilr)' may Is- made at AXHUK.'AN (iftli-c. «|co>lajc';>


K.iUco i* IMTIIIV given Uiat Uiepartnn-ahiplierc t„l'i,re 1 vein;.: I..1WI-' n In UN Kl UK nml Al>\ IMiKIt C. to M is, iiinli 1 UH- Ami iianu- of (nut A CO., in i.i.ari-n.-c, Haas,, la Ibis d;i, dlhr-olllil.

( olln Kcrr I- iinlhoi lied U. settle all debt* dm- Ui ami by llie Arm. AI.KX ANOKIl C. llt/N'CA.V,

* , , .1 iv 1. 1 :n-

l," A It M V OR 8 A

WKH'I' noxioitn.

d lloxlord, Ul Ipswkk, MIHIIII - 1 ml I • ■Ulli.H1- Iu lli.» I

' i« abOMtnlxli

Is I - Ho...,, ii Ambivcrni lli,,e 1,. 11,-- from ihernllro laiMieoiL." u.nn. Thin farm n ,.,,-. ol it Ilnml. ih^Hiaaqcr, |.a. lure and Hood land, with n K'-xl orehanl. nml lloee never fid Una -priliga "f waU-r. Tbe build I,,... 1 iri of a hrge twcvlory doubbi ttoii ■-, kith Millahlonul-buihlmga.

Abo, almiit tlllv acre* of MatH sad |«rturc land near the residence 01 lapl. Aanm S|>om.iii, running fnwi Uw mail Ui Urn Ui|i of "'Wiaven Criiwn lllll," -mailed. I |nm Uds land then- arc a large numU-r of fruit trees and never Kiting

Al«n*ab*mt tl* or seven ncrea nf brook mco-lim Il inu nor f His inrni ol IVU-r t'earta.

All the altovc .b-ei IIH-1 |.io|«rly will la'mid at a bargain, a. Un- |u-..prlei..r haa lenine prembc-

^T^ennStfR- MOSKH K.M..A..I., Wenl lloxfunl; THO.1. I.. Sl-0*rV»lll> or I.. V. I'At.MKll, Oeorgelown.

Oe.1nrel.tw11. March «, IHTH. SHapl

rnc, iWeasetl.are ri.iuii.--l lo exhibit lire -amej and — r-

, ,„, 2B5$tt*t\'iWi™.?sKg£ s"A,,r'" ""w.m'^K,"«"iiiS <ii|.| l.iui i.-ii. e, March Jl. I'M. Hiuh'M £& M'"" l""1*'"1- WlinrOlUt A KICK.



Tin' rescued iia--.iifi, T - Loin the HI rated While .Star Line tti'uimr Atlantic arrived In Uontmi Hal- unlay morning nt live minute* pusl 7 o'clock- mi it special train, in charge of Conductor C. W Kcnnaril. For two hour* I'irnnii- the depot VM »i -it' ii by esstoM crowd* of pc-nolc, all posseing" with a iSBtre to wt eyes u|*in the M-I country- in. it. A -jii.i.l of llfty i"ili. i MM n. rn.m tin- first live slatinru, 111 -re i.ii I lam 1 to maintain order. Ju.l before II,. train come, llu' iMillcu clrnritl pan of tin: station wittiln tin- railing, and Iba passenger* wrrr enabled to alight UI thou I incon- venience from Uie crowd. They wore marshalled in line- nl 'four deep, mill marched u ith the po- lice In taneull Hall. They wen- followed through tlw r-tri-.-t ■ by u larKi' crowd. At tin- luill Were i ■uini :i .i. I-.. limcm of police, who excluded nit hut tunae who bad bualne within. ,nnfnt probably over three hundred of the emigrant-. They arrived at r.irtUiint, He., Friday nlitht, on the Xovn Scotia Hleanishlp Company's, hunt " Fal- month," and left on Die Knalerii BsUroad for Boo- ton Bl 2 next morning. The entertainment lit llir lull wilt provided by lh- .Nova Scotia Company, ami aerved liy J. 11. Hmlth, (he caterer.

The emigrant* were, on the wliolo, rather re tnarkahlefor their cleanliness and neat appeur- tam. They were, to 1H- sure, rsagh looking men in iiie main, imt Cm *iup loud- or foreigners will uicrngo with them in thl* re*pecL Tltcir dree* wiiii that of llu- common Kiiropi'iin pensiinl, vary lug a tilth- an Ute wearer « a ■ Irish, Knglish, tier mini or !'.."■ i. 'II ■■ i which nationalities wm re pre wilted among the men, thmigli tlic Herman a-aa eild.iilly In tin- majority. Tlie latter found Ba interpreter 1" the pernon of llfHcer Hout or Slut ion Five, ami seemed glad to,In- aide to ion verso in their mother tongue u Ith'a resident of the mil countri. More lluin hull the men Won reil scarf* upon tlu-lr necks, uT n uniform mate ilnl, which wore given IliemnfU-r the welting, at U.ilii.i\. Haiiy Win e IIIHI I ii.i>it i -, .HI.I are looking for situation* on farm-, 1>ut among the KnflUhineii e*peclatly IkaMananaaa arba have trade* MH| will go tn Work at them.

It will IK- remeiuliered that out of S3 cabin USO- aatajan only sefen were aaraiL Five of Ihese, with Hie IIUlu hoy wlM wn Mooned, while nil the others of hi* family were drowned, oiimo on In one part of the train Haturdny innrnliiK. It HID

the Intention of tin) »leam-dilp manager.' to en KiiKe i|iiarlem for IhuKe pniHenKerH nt the Aineri c an llmiKe, hut in the rnnfu-doi) they were loot filler (he lialn iiinie intiiid Were not fnuml till i>nme Umtallar, Their naawi warn fowl to i.i- Uaaara. T. » iirnaeho. S. W. Vkk, II. II. Klelimoml, U. 11 in /Hand.I. Brown.

The little hoy llnidey, who til >-aveil, ba> baen btkan Inabwgaby the White Htar line ag«irt*,atM) luii lolili't hlntitlf Utiilih'iily rouverted into unite ii linn. <m I-. m;. aakail wbal would be done with the lad nller arriving at Sew York, one of the :i"i'ni ■ replied that the eomjinny would prulnilily bike bin in aharan and nuke a man of him. ,He luix beta about the elty viewing HIL- Bi'diH In Dbaraa or mime new found fiii-ud/-. The boy U n very In nri'i, ileiir I'yef), rotj elieeked lad of eleven yeurK, and It iHiaid helm- relative* in Jeney I'liy, N. ,1. lie ha* lieen Introilueeil into the t odd Hoard nml Merehaiiti'Kvelinnge New* Itoom.and Into other pnulle plneaa, where hi* rtory ha drawn forth lihernl eontrllmlloii'. *±JT in nil hns In-ill eolleeted for him ap tonoon Mundny.

fp to lim hour for illnm-r,—one o'clock,—the men were gathered in gnmwj around aome Inquir- ing party, giving their reraloa of the alory with a aorl or prhlo. I.itile John llnidey ant at one of the table* writing iiiilograph* to prenrnl to the friend,, who were hi) lug down their dollar* for him. lie anya he In going to hi* um le'* In New .IITM-V to live. He wan luvi-d liy tmwllng out of n port hide, mid earrled n-liore In n Imnl.

All day rontrlbuUona ol money and nij.|.lle- wereonViad In the moat gonemua nutuuor. in fait, man-, trihution* were raAiaad,anil, wild U \.ei.|i,.i! of MM New Vork gentleman, who iii*i*hil on giving :.'■■. I nn ni-tre** who eon- trlhuli-il i-jn, no HiihM-rlpUon* were aeeepUil above#ln. In thl* manner|800won neii tint ed, ami fully aupnttetl *ueh need* of the unfoftn- nitte* a* were not met by the aginU of the White Htar Line.

Iniring the day xevernl pnrlie* hud heei linll .-!


It,.. lug in IIIIKI

i Hi.. or the nil \

n I.I

wan found that some tweiili of them luid I'litielud. ed pi i.ii here. Tl thorn, H Will wring about K*, were lorim-d In Column liy four*, and a detaeli- mi'iitid poihewu-i -tntli I nt Intervah along eneli llde of the I'olunm, more tn protect tlie men friiin mit-ldo Intorferenoe than to keep tlu-m from i-irugglUiK. At i.i.-. thu column Mod out of the ball and mnrehe.1 dlreilly to the Old Colony depot. A ■Denial train of half Athuen ear* waa in waiting, and the men entered and look their leaU, while tlie police i ■..! poaltton upon the platform* and at the hide* ofllie train. A few moment* before the train left, a welcome vapply m' plpeg and tobauco were ili-trlhiited. ami n* (In- train panned ont of llu- depot, nt bair-pniil Hie o'clock, tl lied In giving heiirly eln-er* lor tin- people of Uoaton. The train prooeodeil to Fall River mid ronneetcil with the boat for Sew Vork.

The following i William*, before fax :

A Telegraphic Exploit.

The lecture recently delivered l>y Cap- till n John N. Hllli, before tlie Literary &•> hucintlon of BaVTlMWOOd) WM replete with instruction, nn«l kept the audience lut nix■;>■ Interested flir more Hinn uti Imur. tHic or two of hi- own experience!! In tel- uraphy are worthy of gvnernl ptibllelty.

hnlrii!. we reineinlicrtoliave seen nnew." pnper notlee of these long before our nt- qtutlntniice with Cnptidn Hills, but Hie Item was too condensed to give ■ er>DC«p- tlon of the matter. On March 2, 1HIW, a train on IleimltiK'<»< llll,t I'ortlund Itnll- rood wits tmow-bouiid alnitit three-fourths or n mile friiin Shuflsbtiry. The weather W!W Intensely cold; then- were no provi- sions on Hie truln; ftifl wns nearly ex- hnusled; ni^ht WSJ BppKMflhlnJJ, Ua Hw sltiiittloii bafM to look desperate. Mr. Hills'two smnll children were with him, mid one i.i' ih.-in. tint youni; to he feil with argument*, ebumwed for ■onwiblof better. The superlnteiideiit tf the toad, Mr. V. ('• White, was on tut* train, but strange to sny, the snow wouhln't clear the track: for M railroad klnp;. In Ids helplesuncss, he wits entirely nt n loss for any means of relief, until Captain Hilts, without Instru- ments or any kind, except the wire on the pole*, proposed, nevertheless, to telegraph to Ktitland. The -Superintendent was In- credulous, but Captain Hills <|iii< kh cut the wire, and eon tnlcated with the offi- cer* of the road nt Kutlnnd, merely by striklntr Hie ends or the wire together—

king and breaking the telegraphic who would have done with the

key of an ordinary operating lustrimu-iit. An engine WM Immediately scut to the

relief of the blockaded train. But the eit- I ic rut Ion reiptlred the reeelvlny, ns

well as the Bending of messages. This as tlie crucial test of ('apt. Hills' Ingeim- V, skill and nerve, and, until this was ac-

complished, the superintendent and pas- aengera rdl no assurance that the message

■ it had been intelligibly cominiinlcated to Hie olliecrs at Kittlaml. Striking ids wires together, he wrote to the operator at Rutland as follows: "Trouble. An- swer slowly. 1 am working without an Instrument; I will receive your answer through my tongue." He touched the frosty wire to his tongue, with the same result, at Hrst, as that enjoyed by the boy who undertook to lick the frost from his skate steel, but found Hint the steel knew more about licking than he did. The wire wouldn't let go until It waa warmed, nml then kindlv took the skin Off with It. So the wire was lengthened, and carried In- to the car. After It was warmed, (apt. I! received the messages by pultlujf one end of (he wire above and the other under Ills tongue, and IcltiiiK the electric cur- rent pass through it, when he waa aide to read bv the succession of sharp and some- what painful electric shocks. Ills suc- cess was perfect—and lie not only sent ami received messages for the superintend' cut, but for several of the passengers. The only ill consequence of the exploit was the total hiss nr taste which ('apt. il Buffered fur several days afterward.

Another Interesting scientific Tact staled In tlie lecture, may he used to sustain the theory that lite aurora borealls or north- ern lights should be referred tO electrical causes. On the occasion of an tnmsiiall.v brilliant aurora, (apt. 11. found great dll- tlciiltvln receiving despatches, lie wan trying to obtain the night reports for the morning papers at Burlington, Vt. At-

niilnjt the Interruptions to atmospher- Influencea, he disconnected ids tele* pblc battery, nml requested the New

Vork operator to do tlie same, when he ' nml a i nn h inure even current nml

irked some tune with the atmospheric rrenl alone, without any connection or slstanee from the batteries. As coon

tlie auroral display materially dlmlii- lird, the atmospheric current alsoiliinin- hed, and he returned to the use of the Kulsr batteries without farther interrup* m ; thus plainly eslaMlshliiti a direct iv- lou of cause and effect between the au- ra am) Ihe electrical condition of tlie at-

mosphere, ('apt Hilts maintained the theory that the waves of light and shade

Ideh. In an auroral exhibition are usual- ly seen pussluK from east to west, in this lalltude, are charged alternately «Ith neg-

and positive electricity i and, In sitp- tfibla theory, related his observe* with the mariner's compass—the

iif-ht waves attracting and tlie shade waves polling tlw ueedle—causing it to vibrate the right ami left allertiatel.v. Oil this

'count it is unsafe, daring auroral dis- plays, to guide vessels entirely by the mar- iner's compass In dangerous or narrow shoals.—Vhirmjii TVfOHMc,

Sweet Waters of Turkey.

Oaf 0 pi tie 8 ox. ut-( :raeker»— Headache*. el l*i-olit(—A Ihlimmtn'.. o ilogi allow til—in lanaagts. ever again *»iih you, Itohln,

ai ihe convicted iMaf euhi to hin aeeuiiiulke.

on York brsih iiiakcru haw n|i in the urikhMj hn-im-r,

If* man baa a "bent of mtad" does It ncce»- ■nrily follow that he has a crooked intellect i

"If all Ihe world were Ufail," tskl an Irlrti claqryniaB, "what a melancholy Bight It would

gpedia.1 >Jofii5e^.




s 1. 1. 1 ■ s


ili-eny. The very nloiitu feilinii over till- rcetiii;; iiber.- <»f llir ilrift.

Huot where tin'*- sre lalil, are * To-day we rni«' tlic atarbta r - *• from Ike liaml of lite

Is the Best Medicine before the Public.

Hun- \oii Hy-in-iiMii? Are yi.u l.anituidi' An- Mm Weak uml t'relil

ngew then lie i* init'l all over, r whin In-1* till uvcrmeU-

"tin the JSlli of Mareli Die t flinwiil Ute i-imln KeltinfC i-liort, rli'iH'i'il llin-e vi-rv hen-re iliiv- n

'K K eye IT. Till

e...ll- wci illiill


r; lio|ihiiftlinltl I kept on till tin- :

v III" ml toe ■ ~, IlltitUl

I, loiiKitmle IhU time un* uuikinii Inn -eien l>unl< |n-r Inn tin- ulilil heinu lit noutlinol, tlie ^l.i— lulling, m nne-leil. MI. II,in, | HI.IIIL'III Hie ri-kt-o irir tn ki-ei a» in tin- errnt ol u wer-lerly (fide em lux U|i, we IIIIHIII tin.I oui-elie- flint out of I Miuret-M uf -uiiiili. Tin- rliief fleivnnl nl-o i

• il utiirpn uluir "

11'I' IHI.


i fur two

-■>o tin- llriil(,v:i I la the ofi Imnl f.iurtlio i- i.i i time ut It,

nl'..!'„'ni'l"l,'fl" lii'i'n'lei

tlhe -Ino K,ung HIT Mill laillier, II (ret linlil ol tlie weal tier mil-uml if. lift- limit. 1 took tin- laille* out uml

Vim li■Hone,I ti, Hi,' niiiiii l.i.lo- I....I lint 1.1' into

Mr. Mel, mrihai

i riwuiK nml l. I thai llu- he thief lUlleei, Mr. r rilli,

UlU/eii rlifKlnif, wliei-i- 111- retre »ii""|-iii inioff, ami he liml to n-innln there u lil I r. M . II hen, Ilin wintlier.iml -en Ui;i!in uilh n lalliuif liili'. he « ;i- if,,l 1.1V. Mr. Ilia.1i tl :i|.| nilli er, lliuliu- llu' l,.ui n-el, ., „. , i ;. witnl, ami, vt ith Ihe uniiiplan I ijnnii nu i I.

Iii an article In Ihe April number of Llpplncott's Ma^a/lne, Mr. Kdwln l>t- Le- on thus aome scenes In Turkish lift i

Ifyou select the Asiatic Swee* Wa**™ tor your visit, yoa go down to the wharf nt Tophane, where the rival Ixjatmen (ealqnejeea) ralt^e as loud a din, and make as llerce a lljrlit for jour person ami plaBters as von ever encountered on your arrival In New York fu a Kuropean steam- er from rival hack-drivers or hotel "toti- ters." 1'iilled, pushed, and shoved about in all directions as llercely as ever wns the body of ralroeeits In tlie Iliad, when Greek and Trolen contended fiir posses- sion of it, yoll are nt hist hustled into a ealque, and tleposited In the liottoui on soil cushions, your back supported by the end of the boat, your face to thetwo boat- men. The cahiuc la irayly ornamented and pretty to look at, but It is llu- cranki- est and Uckllesl of all nautical Inventions —mori' resembling a Canadian birch-bark canoe than nnv other eraH you are ne- (luaii 1 with. Admiring tlie view, you partially rise up and lean your elhmv on the side of the boat. A warning cry from your boatman and a sudden dip of your frail barK, which almost Upsets von head- foremost to feed the fishes oftho Bos- phiirns, admonish you to sit ijuletly, and vou can scarcely venture to stir ui;aln during the long row. Tlie caltiue is long and very narrow, and sharp al both ends —pointed in raci. It is boarded over at these ends to prevent shipping seas. These planks are prettily varnished, With glided rails, which give the hoot a (jay look. Tlie men row vigorously, and ihe frail skill skims along llir water at a rate of speed equal to an express train. Hut the rushing of the rippling waters past the boat is tlie chief indication of the ni-

ne r' If a urn

does a ily der>

Of all Ibhtgl In the world dun arc "better Ute than never," Bohijr to wed certainly ranks Hrst.

A broker replied to an Inquiry after bin wife's health; "A little fallingoir yesterday, but firm-

er to-day."

A reporter Interviewed s winter menagerie, uml left molt of ids nroosen agatnit the l*r» of

;u occnulcd liy a hyena.

I'oniiertlcnt paper lokmoly asserts that a fractured taw ceiling Jail a'mve a chnlr in

which there had been plaecd u hot poker.

A Western rawer lafbimi the public that Imard for the IU er can I* obtained "at a large ami shady brick gentleman'* residence."

A ('onncclleilt editor, having U-i-n elected fence viewer, call* on all having fences to ho viewed to bring them to his office antler penalty

of the law.

A prominent lawyer of Albany, in tilling out a cheek for «00, to pay his giw bill for the last quarter, wrote on the check u follows: "Half

for gas anil half for fraud."

An enterprising Bcotchiaaa left last week for Egypt, where he hope* to Is; able to arrange Tor a live vcars' lease of the Pyramid*, and then 1 charge for exhibiting them.

A young yachtsman writes to ask what H the proper season for pitching his Irnet. Take it the next rough day and manage it yourself; the wind will BOOB pitch it over for you.

A moaqnlto taper Is a l'lttsluirg Invention, It creates HIICII a smell when burning that thv moaqultoi ask (o he excused. It drl»i man betnss out of doors, also—which is its only


A teacher nt a public school recently asked a boy which In the highest illgnllary of the church. After looking spend down,north,east,south

nml west, the hoy Innocently replied, "The wcathcr-iock." ,

—All the subtle humorists are not In Ameri- ca. A writer in the Pall Mull Oaaotto says that "Few persons, probably, as a rule, sleep BO

soandly or enjoy such undUturlicd repose UM

night watchmen."

Don't you Bear—An Ingenious youth pre- sented himself at a fancy ilrens Iwll in ordinary evening costume, but described himself us rep- resenting Ocean, On being asked how he rep- resented Ocean he explained that be had "crcc- ky" IsHits.

"Get out of my way—what arc yon good fur?" said across old man ma lithe,bright- eyed urchin who happened to stand in the way. The little fellow, as he stepped one side, replied

ry gently \ "They make men out of such things as we are."

A German peddler is the Innocent author of a

problem of which we twg Ihe asked if It was not heavy work tarrying a big pack around day after day. "Oh, yea," he re plied, "It was heavy." "Well," said the ipie rlst, "do you make much (" "Veil, 1 diiniio some days I make Dotting, and oiler days twice

An Inventor has attached to a pair of luirlier' ■hears an clastic, hollow kill, which Is com- pressed l»y the operation of cutting rent of air, forccil nut from the ball, is directed along the edges of the blades, and blows away the fragments of hair a-i fast as they are cut.

Why couldn't .this thing be inaile to work or a saloon pic-knife ?—lhmbury Stm.

—An English vicar was standing, on a Mon- day morning, nt bis gate, when one of his pa- rishioner* arrived with « basketful of potatoes "What's this?" said the vicar. '•Please, sir,' replied the mim, "It's some of our liest tuturx,— a very ran klnil, sir. My wife said you should have mime of them, as she heard yon savin your sermon the common liitars (comment* tors) didn't agree with you."

■bier llralli Ail.■.!,-.i.- ii Kt-imile trouble.:' r i Ml In n -'■■U.

lio you want lb my Cheeks:' Kvervi with pale lips and with nu energy or

liviiKtl hi million:;, u illi -l.-e|.1r-- llijtlH" Ii'""' .,1,1 inn -tins.' Hie lilLlin.-hoill.l II-<■ tills 11'IUHl.V. M I* it Mo..I maker, nml will give vou a rieli tl'.w of It i tin I'm- i-irl- wlio:ii'i-nl»llge>llowiirk in fuelorii-i, u ill flail It iuvalunlile.

will do vou :.-...i. it Is no qmsek trash,hot Unit i- u-eil in llu- througbout New

Kiiuliiiiiliiii'i In Ihelie-I I'lii-i.-iiin-.nli.uiii.i-lJiilli ' "liosplioru.i

World, lire In It.

II. H.WHITNEY A CO. :iniHei»l;ii|.7

ISK IT. ISK IT. ISK IT. t SK IT. 1'sK IT. I iK IT. I >V. IT. I sK IT. t.-i: n.



ii.jerll.i 'graniU-


>-.:|.| remain forever to Llmtify llu- dcml uml h|H*ak of the- aBi-Tiioii of lim living, llutnl'ew years uti** awar, ami the |toli.-lu:d surrnreof the marble or granite Kr.m-.liin, the nctlun i>r tlie eh-iueiits upon the i-miu- lin- Mi the httera scsret- ly ile.vpUersble. The once elegunl loonument no longer" atlraeU Ihe eve « Illi It' U-auty, but seems to ni.eak to us of ilcisy ss iiiueh or the dead »no»c rmiting plaoe It mark--

lint this need DU longer 1H> SO. A recent Inven- tion, by an old nun hie wiker, not only a1*es tlie power to rentore mnrt.le oi j;i.iiiiie to iuorlclual beauty, but fumishe- ;, |,ic-ei vuiive agent whieh resli.1- the effcets or e\|n'-un-nu.l lime. Surely this Inn most uneful Inienlion. It l» kei-|iing pace with the progreHH of the BBS. As education is diffused and a.tlii li. niLnnv i-developed, there

Inereaslng love lor the Wniilillil In art. The

■i- ■■ Tlw modern seulptOT Is not merely aide to shape a stone uml cut nn inscription, lint Is an artist, ami uioiiniii.iits are nu longer mere 1ii™-ks of stone marking tlie n--tini( places of the dead, but works of art making the cemetery as attractive to the lover of the lunutifU) as It is to Uie iiirlaneholy ami meditative. Surely, then, this invention, which not onlv re-lore-, tlie faded and time worn marble to Its original beauty, but pre

tliat beauty from the blither ravages of

i*> 000,000 ACHES.

C H E A P FA RMS. The ehsspsit I-und hi mallet for i-ule by llio

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP'Y in the Urent l'lalte Valley. 3,000,000 Aerea 1» ttutikl Kcbraaka

nw Tur sale In tracts of forty acres and onwards ii HVK and TKK i r MIS i an. i »: it IKSI. I) im.i\itiMi;iiOT ni.i}i I "KH. Mii.ti iM.iiKu.riiKii., KKiiiiiJiKiui^


K LEO ANT pre|iaralion rivals in exijuMte the ruinous eordials of the Krelleh. II In

|irt-|>nred from the True Jamaica liinger, eoiiibln eil With ehiilee nroiiiatles and genuine Freneli llrandv, and In vaitly sii|ierlor to every iHher luepnralion of liinger sold.

It iNKTANTI.l ItKI ll.VKS even Internal I'nili. Ci'iiK) every Sun -r Complulut. KAKKTB a powerful tonic, Inniieiire on the Or-

gan* of |.rniii|Hh relieving Dyspepsia, Vllitlllem-v, ntid Itigestlon.

An KXOIIISITI; llu Kit n-i: niter a cold drive. ItkK.iKM tl- A KHKMII In one night. An Kl.suANT and healthy addition to Mummer

■leverages. Pttr.VKST* Oi-l-RKflSIvS fillings after eating. A llKi.iii"! "BI.V lliivonsl stimulnnl and 1'onle,

capable of erndieniiug n desire for iiitoxiennls by ir- t.iiii,' and strengthening Influence un the

An fMUVALI.Kti Household Medielue. DKM- CKil s to the tnr-te, sale, uml promptly effective. SANniilli'i* tilMiKli should he in every House, on liiinnl even- sliii>, nml llu- couslanl companion nl

' iii".II huvlng HASt'iiun'i*,

I'agt he ).;, 111 ,1 by nil'

ilelight. It li now porthihle to |ire^erve the beauty nd tlie swaeaUi ■

... cemeteries \ to restore the old and black ened tiniiliMones to their loi-t lustre. No lmigei will people regret to see UW epllsphii- and eh-gyii iiiseil|>tlom>, Inspireil In love and respect for tin dead, heeomlng unreailtihle by exposure. Thin invention Will enable all to keen the tombstones erected to the ineuiorv <>l' Iwloveil friends In per man cut iireservalion,' and an, each -Summer, the hands of love bring flower- to deck the grave of a departed relative or friend, Ihe cad lien, frit — such an occasion will not be lutensllled byubie iug the lombsloue iihlih love reun-tl g'^HK to decay.

The inventor of this |>renervalive agent, which ni-eoiniilihlii-H hiieh ni-'.il ii-Mills, I* Mr. .lO.tHUA SAWYKR, or Northilehl, Vt., and tlie owners ol the paleiil are H. 1*. HATCH A Co., who are now olAblishcd at Mount Auburn listen, near llnstoii, where eoiamiinkatioiii. nun !»■ uddremHil. Order* mnv IK- also ten at No. 1* Broad Rtreet, Boston; at the Olaee of the IV leri, at Cainhridice; nl the Post OfiSM at Beading, .lloneham, Lowell, Newlon. WaMiam, UsariestOWa and Wuuiim.

l)r..lAi'KKON, Siale Aasayer, highly reeouinienda ilii-. as a cleansing and preservative agent SUMS

ASA liivi l; it i.i ml > ve\ Tlw HKST MAIEKKT IN TIIK WK.HT! Tile

j;rcat ling region- ol Hi niiiiiiy, Colorado, t'tuh and Nevada U-iu/ ■ it|iolie.l In Hi. Un on i> in Hie I'l.ATTK \ 11 I I 1 .

Soldi. 1.1 i ii i ill, il loihomcitcad IlllUin,


tltKK IIOMKM I'Olt ALL' Hll.l.lusa or AOWS of choice l.'overuinent I .and- OJICH for entry under Hie Hn*liMTKAI> LAW, near this liBKAT ltAIl.- mi in. market* and .ill the eonveniemei. of an old reiihil country.

Fttf |ias»e* to inin hni-er* of Itailrond Land. Sectional Uap*. HIIOWIIIK Hie Land; nl-o, new


Ad,|i.->.-. O. r. DAVIi i. i'. R. it,, OMAHA, M;B.

s O. t. 1IAV1S, Land i 'i II.' 1'. 1'.

W A N T K D .

10,000 FARMERS ],7tl0.m»l air.- It. I{. Land-, free from

mortgage, and toasted in the middle region of Western Iowa—tin- liest corn, wheat, and rattle producing la-It in Un- Wci-t, l.Miniira dbUint from Chicago. CiiinaU'nml soil uii*nr|>a**eil. Meadow uml plow land with pun- tunning water eveulv distributed. No fever nml ague. Average credit price, *u iier acre. Bead lor a guide. It costs uoihiug, and give- ile-eri|iti.on. |irlees, terms, maps, and how to reach Hie land-.. Address JOHN B. CAI.IIOI'N, Laud Comiiiissiomr Iowa Itall road Land Co., Cedar Kaput", Iowa.

Ciilcago olUce, lift South Canal street.

11 r A K Y L A N I)


♦ hi to *■::, per nere. Fine Fruit and Garden oil. Mild, healthy climate. Ovnter* ami Fish liundniiL Catalogues free. II. I*.

Keib-i ablnu n, lid.


icli held 1 locks for ill. nip f lealhi-i

i ■ ■ I ■«■■ I" in nl


. li.iint-.-l. ii lie h ii i..ill -i. . though

through which tl: alarm, and sent a

railing asleep.

boat All the senses an- soot lied nml steeped

in Klyslum ilurliiK ibis rapid transit. Too eye bully run* over the Bqtiat-tiKiklnft red turns, s with llai rooft which line the shore li. rest mi the dark cypress trees which nil the liittrvtiilns spac.-s, with the «llilcd liaitoiilis ofBume |tleaaurv-|ialai f Snl- tanorhlgh Turk ratehlnn the slKhtoe- caslonally. Calquea simitar to vnur own arc ilartltlK about In nil directions, follow- ing, passing, or meeting vou, tmill al length vmi reach your destination, indica- ted hy IhccrtiWdormliiiies tied up there, like rahs on a grand opera night waiting for customers. Those of high Turkish Functionaries or torolgu amoassatlors am very ililfi-rent front yours—as dilVen-til as a riiacb-aml-foiir from a common cab. Many of lliesc have twelve rowers, all III fancy uniform*—red IWzc* and |acki fiiiiir..ideri-d witli cold—wliilc Ihe Inrj! cai.|iics arc profusely and expensively i (lamented. Ktepping ashore, you sec liiug line of carriages draw

from ihe Turkish arnha ■livable lo to the

arlety- nost cc


dt. V Illi the iec bun

may i

1 Cllllpl -glided o make > French iiicni at a lavlsb- >ctllng cr own.

Il"cs bc-

1 mil ii.i catli the nr sherl et while or stm v-tcllcrs.

i as ncai as their Iin-looki ig black teeth, mil oultc

with \ cry little JUS ot ai v "dogs crtiic o set-in to

cha of the

II ill in r ■st COl gay

are wont by ..s ■ ti if i as gossamer, and nurinsf'wae

It a very fair view of their lily of face bill of bust as d black eyes of the caged unshrinkingly on the atrati-

-, who Inspire cnrlosltt, and not always ■sloii. if the language ofthoseeVca be niictcil accordingly to the Western

In fart tin

L-nerully pt

ids II

lalicioi narils 1

uh In rnuraglug i <h

.lug lln-li

language uflookx

iVashliigtmi Inin- was a' confer rd ihlel lime, when picking ui

\ ollcrcd II) lollhl •■■;,.I s '." ■'Illll.-s

I'll, he i of ihe neigh- King him as the >w him a ire

loiter i lea Ihe hoy, "»*c

jN'oted iu\tl Quoted. —It is said Byron's secret illd nut die with

Dr. Lnihtttgton. lt'on piiy. —The Danbary News says "The more hardy

variety of loafers an: beginning to appear." —The value of the diamonds sent from South

Africa last year is officially estimated nt ten million dollars.

—A movement is being made la Ohio for repeal of the law prohibiting the intermarriage ol white and colored persons.

—A noted Uritlsh prise lighter has IMKOI temperance lecturer, and beadles the subject of Intemperance without gkrrea,

—"oov. Jewell DM appointed Friday, llth, for a day of fasting, humiliation and ]i er. Posters Ibc raffles neatly printed at ilib lice."—iMnbunj .Vetri,

—An English clergyman was arrested the oili- er day tor Mug drunk, and on his person was found a formidable bowls knife. The man ol pence was evidently going lo make pieces o somebody,

—A Memphis skeptic propnsci to test Mi-ir itiial mediums In that cily liy uttering a prise o

-um to any one who will answer correctly i uiiiulH-r of written qnestlgns deposited In i I I.I nk safe.

A coiiteai|"irary sjH'iiks of the tlmliug of t skull liia well hi the iloor-yord of one of the dt- Uciisol'a Sew Kngliind town, ami innocently remarks Mint the person to whom tlie skull orig iiiaily bclongod is dead.

—Whiles elergyuian in Atlanta, (la., was ex tolling the excellence of charity, on Sunday evening of last week,an unknown man suddenly arose from his seat, walked to tin- pulpit, am laid a roll of greenbacks beside the lllhle.

The Catholic Total Abstinence L'nlunof tin United Males numbers I-V2 soelcthw, with aUuii 20,000 momhen, ami there arc 'J«0 societies noi connected with the Union, Ii is proposed to unite with the societies In Ireland, mid Ton International league.

—The people of mime parts of Ohio do not apparently inks to temperance sermons. 1 ecntly a minister preached one to his emigre lion, and they petted him with uumarkcta sggs, Hodety In those parts must tn.- in aggstraordlnary rotten coudhlsn.

—" Ifynn want loH-u what men will do in the way of iiuiforndty," says a Modern pliih opber," take a Ruropean bat for your snhject of 11 ie.1 it at mil. [ ibire say there an- twenty-two milliunsofiieuple at iliin minute each wearing one of these lints to please tlie rest."

—Fifteen clergymen have published an open letter lo (iovcinor l)i\, commending his course in the Foster case. Capital punish- ment has been abolished hi Michigan. Hn this action on the part of the clergyman referred lo, may !«■ regarded In the ll^ht ol a protest nguinst if idsilition."

—(■lace Greenwood was Introduced, ley mis- take, the other day, as "the authoress of the world < H'erW)." Rho objected on Ihe ground thai she .liitu't wish il to be understood that she ever hud ken the wife of Adam. Perhaps I she had been Mark Twain wouldn't have felt called upon lo weep so bitterly ut the dead man's ti.mli—V. r. Com. -1«V.

—Tliis is from the Graphic ; '■ The. chief ten- or singer of Dr. Ilepworth's old Church of she Messiah, coiner Tliirty-lillh and Madison Ai-

plays a t root I Mine In I try oofs Minstrels. the pious I'nl tartan i go to

Bryant's, and un Sunday Una Bryant and his minstrels—end nun ami all—go lo the church or the Ucssudi. Balanced!

— The Albany reporters are not to lie K-at in making items. Says one; " Mrs. Ann Oloason •took turns' with the dortin* in iijieratlng on bcr throat, nil one afternoon, last week. She cm gashes with a rsaor, nml ho -cwed idem up, nml for a while it was 'nip nml luck,' but along toward night the woman got a gash or two ahead, nml the doctor withdrew."

—The Janesuorough ((la.) Times recently published n vigorous pncni, in which ap|i-ared this slan*a:—

verv Tinvelle

l'ut up In Lu !■■■ INK .sold by nil lliugfc'i-t-

J70K PIMPLES i " Heads and Plash

nl Ds

-,,i,l 1,1


N THE FACE, Illuck i'liniin, use PKUItV'S 1m- Pimi.le Itcnieily. "KS •dlclne. 1'repare.l

■i inul' I!' lloml sireel, New York, iy Iiruggixts everywhere. Kin1Tso<Uinh'.''it:b


SCHKNCK'S I'UI.MOMC SYltl'P, sCIIKM'K'sl SKAWKK1) TUNIC, sCIIKNCk'S MAMHIAKK PILLS. eiinlv uiiilielneB that will cure I'utmonnry i ai it Ion. i-tiniCH medicine* that will -lo|i a rough will

ofll'll iH-rnsion the ilnilh ol 11 iialii-ilt. It liH'ks ll|l Ihe liver, Stops the circulation ol the Idood, hi'in- orrhuge follows, and, in ISet, clogging the action ofllie very organ thai caused the laillgli.

Liver complaint and dyspepsia are the causes of two-minis ofllie ea-es of con~um|itlon. Many are now coumhiluliig of dull pain lu the side, the bowels somcliiiiCH eo>tivcaiul hiimi-tiiitm too lonne, tongue eonted, |>ain in ihe hlnuilder blade, feeling ■onietlmes very' reslless, and St other limes drow- «v; llu- fiHHt that i- Ink,-o lie- heavily on the stom- ach, accompanied witli aridity nml belching ol wind. These symptom* ii-mdb originate from a disordered condii f Ihe pioiunch, or a torpid liver. Person* so affected, Iflhej lake one or two heavy cold*, and If tlie cough in these ensen lie Hiidil'enlv stop|Ksl, the lungs, liver nml stomach clog, anil remain tor|ild and Inactive, anil liefore the |iHllcnt I* aware of hi* *illintiou the lungs arc llinassof sore*, and uleeruleil, and death is the inevitable result

Kcheiick'* I'uhnonie fivrup Is an expectoranl which does not conLiln any o|ilum, nor anything

healthy circulation of Ihe blood. When the bow- els are costire, *kin sallow, and the patient Is nl a bilious liablt, Scheiiek'H Unudrnko l'llls are re-

Tnsaa meillelnca are prepareil hy I>r. J. II. SX.'1IGNL'K Jt M)N, Ninth cart corner or Slsth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, I'n. liKI). C. titlOll- WIS A CO., :W Hanover Street, ItoKton, John V. Henry, 8 College Place, New York. Wholesale

M IH8 II. B. FtlLDlSQ wishes to in- 11,1 Vicillitl

ii New York, ami Is now ready — Jostv

W1NTKIC Stvle* rra lo ,■ \i','ute nil onli

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING i-r Itoom*, SHI !•:«■** St., Lawrence, Mass.

_j-|'artiruliir atlention paid to Ct'TTINli and ITTTIXli Ladies'and Children's liltKSSKS.

N EW STVLKS ns-civeil every week. Ladies' Dsssssfl Cut and Fitted for si.00.

Machine Stitching amlttnildliig done to onler. A llU'rill share of patronage iodli-ttci|, with

Uiunk* lor pftsl favora, 1>-H M


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lately locnteil in Lawrence,

South Side, on Broadway. All eases of BLINDNESS from Tataraet,

Opacity of t'liriiri, all kilids of ISINKAtlKD KIKM, Nurr Kyrsof LiiMI Sr.lMUMI, KgJ'P- liini and ' in« ■ 1ml 0|thtbalnal». Ntnppn(|c of the Leehr| m«l ISnct, or Weeping Byes, In- troducing Ihe ■■in i fur its cure. Ml

UT, are In-ing IrenU-d with «f All persons from a distance,

ill la) rerelveil Into tlie lloctor's


wliaU'ver Dhsmcle i.hing of tlie ._ . fsmiry during treiiliuent

Further, we all kinds of <)|>ernlii the KYIS,as (ataraet. Blribtrmui, . i VKKV mill I KSS llian these opeintioiis an In l'„. i.,Li or Sew York.

We refer nil who wish to know of our treotuient, tn a few case* onlv In this city, via :—Mr. Thump

i, tn the I'ncillr Mill; also, to Mr."'


Residence, opposite Tiger Engine Hpuse

u'l:[:. ir sale by Ilruggisl* genernlly. H tng*!-



BOSTON LAND COMPANY] \oiv held 1>y the V pnnj- as Collateral

to .Sc.iir. I'n) UK 111 Of .lloi'l^ii[;i L

held by i:ni; llclrs.

To be Sold at Auction without Reserve I

pursuant to a milt mil agreement la-twccn the executive, oflicers of the Company and the owner of the Stuck.


Wednesday. 16th day of April.

Merchants' Exchange Reading Room,


Sale to commence at Hi o'clock A. M.

Tim Stock will be offered In lees of Osa If nt- IdiKii SitAltKs, with tin- right of buyer to take any bar ant ex wiling ClYi UtlKUHBV. The com ditlons of rnle to In- the fame as at the tirenl sale by the Company January JMtli, 1819.

The stsssUng, objects ami plans of the llu Land Company ait- now so well known an generally understood, thai it ir not deemed m Miry io give any detailed state nt oUaetn In this connection. It may be imintioned, fiowi-ver, that every share of the BSJHO offered by nad sswl Ik Hie I lompauy lu January has been taken ami se lied for in strict eompliuiiee with tlie conditions i thai Mile, ami there tin- now in Us possession soli Btmefai i-uillclent to |io) <>ti' all Ito usblllUea—seeu Ing lo it the uncneumlici ed on nershlp of

Fifty Millions Feet of Land I

Very Valuable Riparian Rights in Boston Harbor!

$120,000 Surplus Cosh in ito Treasury!

The i U.lllio

ortnnl i

'ilentcdly -Irong fin f, nml Ihe ftivorable progress ol Im res nuVt'iiug tlie value of I In prop

•riy, are lu Iheswelvea amply suftlrlsnl lo nakl he slock cheaper today at SHiHan il was at tin Mite of the lur-1 sale nt the prier II then brought, Thick was acknowledge hy all familiar uilh the

l cry

\\r hut all kinds I lenllv .um..nn ■ nipiire Ht'ltlil out of Lawrenc



T\ tS'rEP SI A.

A sufferer for many years will send llu lion by which he was cured to itm-n receipt of fibtiiiii for imrtiige. ALVA'll I'. i>. 1IOX-.MUI, New York.


tYlNCIIKSTKlfSIIYI'Kl'IIOsi'llITEl-aehcm- itallv pure prcpaialiou of I'llnsl-iliiltt'S, one ol " ) iilort ImporUet cliimnli- of the Human lh«lv,

■l the noli mean-In w Inch Ilii- LIKE lilVIXti .1 Llr'EfifSTAIMMi element call lie slippMeit the »\>tcm. We ituarnntn- U l» U> ■ cei'loin

UK for CONSt'MI'TlliS. COCtillK. CULIIS, ' " I'lilmonsry AReeUuna,aad a SpeelHc Kern-

el > i

iirpHRi-iil as a Tonic and Inviuorator of pure and healthy lllood. ¥•

nu, Tertliuonlnls, I i-i-nd for our Tre.ili-c


. SI per bottle! tiol.1 bv all liruugbts. Address

.1. WINCIIKSTEll A CO., 3» John Ntl-rrt. Kim Vork.

/ 1 K T T ruvi

nr A Li SI NE WA T ER ed for Dvsuephla, Scm nkni, Itln laUsm. t.out, (•ravel, llialieh's, Kidiu-v and I'rinarv Inrenses generally. It restores muscular power to the 1'nr- alylie. It cures Liver Complaint, Chronie Diar- rhea, Tiles, Con-tipntioti, A-ihuia, Catarrh and llronehitls, Dlsenne- of the Skin, (ienernl llebllitv aiul Nervous l'n>>1iation in,m Mental and 1'hvsi- , ;.i i . , ■■-. It is ihe (irentesl Antidote ever •Uncovered for K.ictwlvc Eating or Drinking. It correct* tlie stomach, promote! Digestion, anil IU-- lleies the Head Mhiiiixi liinnedlsU>lv. No house- hold flmulil l«- without It. Mold hv nil Druggists.

OJ-Kor a history of the springs, for medical report., of the pmi er of the ii iitei over diseases, for mnrvclloun cures, ami for te^lmouinls from db- tluguislieil men, Mini I'm pamphlet*. WHITNEY IHfO'S, tieuersl Agents, ■•>.'. South Krotit street. Cliila.ielpliia. I"S.

I.I.I J i-ni m. Bnuxa Co.

*1000 KKYVAltD!

for any case of 1111ml, Bleeding, Itehliig or I'lcer ;il. .1 Piles, that HE IlINU'rj.PII* Ucmcdy fail) to cure. It li prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing cbc.

Hold by all Druggists. Price Sl.OO. |'i|,'7

§500 IS 'i1"81


COMtTOBJtf st iti-itisi , VJII Hu.hrl* to in. Acre. A little huet than RsriT Boso. Eipiul In quality. •=• l>er lb., by mull, post paid.

•IWtl will he awarded, SH l'ltEMICMS to those who prtHlurcthcLnrgc»IUuanlitT from one )ioitml. Descriptive Cireul;u> of ihe aliove, uilh lirl of lino larietlcn of PoUllocr-, free lo all.

Illustrated Heed falalogne,iOIIpage-, with ti'Im'i'il lliiiiinii. Vi cents.

A New Tomato, the "tltl.ivi.iiit." Knrlv, solid, nnil proilu-tlve. Price, i'i ets. per packet; ■ i packets, ft.

B. H. fll.INN A HUXH, •11* Park Place, - - - \, iv Vork.

Tin, Sheet Iron anal Copper Ware. Tin, I .I'li'l. Tin Lined and Serai-Elastic. I'lpc

LIFT AND roller. PIiHP*

for hand or power use.

tS" Mowing Machines, Scales and Wringing Machines ttcpalred.

Plumbing;, Tin Roofing end General Job- bing done at short notice.


V 0 K W I C II V N I V E K 8 I T Y,

A MILITARY COLLEGE. I' l-:li. Preparatory Thorough t'tiiHHical, .-v ieutillc, and MillUrv In- struction, liood Discipline. Aildrv-«H PnUTessor CHAULKH DOLE, N'oi-thlli'ld, vu .SummerTerm of eleven week* I.I: in April llth.


We will -end Hill; by mail, on receipt of One Dollar, ISA packet- of choice > I ww KH SBKIiH ntul

logne, eoiitnlniiig upwanlH of IIUU culUire, toiiny u

... Catali , He-, «iih full dlreciioi m the ['tilted Mates.

Catalogues l>ve on application. DISK *. IMIVl.i:, HrriUinri. and Plort

ST In loi.i.t street. Ho.Ion.

0N L Y 10 CENTS !

\L AID, need go to lloxton



ii.-pi, :i ■ placed ii lich inonlh. Intsrast sUowsil e

Intcrcht the First Dny of

n all sums of one dollar and not less limn one inonlh lie-

fore the dnj on ■ liieh dividends lire declared. The -in:,ii.- i SUM received on deposit is Bra

cents. Dividends will he innde of all the profltn which

may have accrued within the previous six months, alter deducting nm-fupary BX|MBBSS1

Inleir.-t will not lie paid on fractional partsofa dolLu.

orficntBi PrtiUlent—JOHN 1'AI.UiN, KSQ.

tire Prt*Ulrnt»i A. W. KlllUIU. Tlioupi : s-oit. II. C. llnerm. Morris Know Its, .luun-s A. Treatj J. Emerson, Jr.

JVnisIIrfr—.lames l'uyne.

Peter smith, .1. \V. Smilli, l-clerllolihan, P. C. Kirk, D. M. Aver. A. .1. French, C. K. rillshurv. l'.li. l'lllshury,

The Hank will lie of

John Smith, F. L. Itmuils, S. W, Knight, D. C. Itlehurdson, Jesse (Jlover, Patrick Murphy, ■lames Pavnc, Daniel Itanly.


A plain treatise, con hi tiling xiiinple card with ti different actually painted rhades nml LIIILH, with Instructions for exterior ami interior I), Decoration.

SB copies, bound In clolli, for B.1. Sample cop- ies, paper cover, mailed, IHW! paid, lo any addrem

i receipt of lo rruta, dv the I'ulilinher, IIK^KV IlltKV IlAlUIl,

Hoi ia»-l, Poit Oenrr, Philadelphia. ee*Mee the following valuable extract* from press

notices :— "A very valuable \-—V ; ami n le intending to

paint should Tail to read it"—N. Y. Tribune. ' — know so much could lie said on tile

"A want long felt st ta>t ■applied."—Helen. Am. "Sot only a necessity to llu- iiainter, but vntn-

ablo to every occupant of ■ dwelling,"—N.Y. World. "Buy i'lcopie-oi' tlii- liool,amldii-trlbulelhcm long your friends. If they will heed tin- advice

therein, you could make no mori) valuable pres- l."—Cliicago Tribune. 'In publishing Ibis booh Mr. llalrd hns done ti il service to the eommnnilv."- Toledo lllade. 'We htHH) the pulili.-hei will i-eilluO.IUU eoplei

of this book during 'J!t."—Itoston Advertiser. "We have just painted our house ns advised by

the autltor, ami congratulate ourselves Hint no da'clling In our nelgtilMirlmiHl excels ours in ap pearnnec."—Harper's Weekly.

" In selling u sample copy lor It) rl*., Mr. llalrd ,u-t r>-*l **M*ln nn order foe Sft Imnnd In cloth ill loll,HV."-Frank Leslie. " We know Um town ami country paints therein

recommended, and can vouch for tlu-lr value and the excellence of the 'Harrison' brand of white I.-..-I.1 .'' i;!.i Ledger.


Saturdnv Kvenliiit--', hum Tto •; for reeelriug di ■osits onlv. JAM KM I'AYNK, Treasurer.

Law rence, June 11, 1S?J.- H

D" I) . T . PORT K It,


ann i:»» sn.. i, - - - Lewieew <-. il Ktbcr or Chlorofonn



SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. Oflleo and rartl at


WMV NTriKKT, ilUiiiMi:,

l.enkv Itoofs made Tishl at short notice. SIvmvl

h her ft.n i gin , Then lime will Bible nn Wings so swift. We'll giither llow ers rich and snre, To decorate the young, the fair."

The editor explains by saying Hint the lliir line should read ; We'll gatherlluwers rich un rare." Hut Hie expliuuilion comes n... I.n,

Tlie pucl has romniltteil suicide.

This iv 111 lie the last free public sale or any. Im «•■ lot or the Mock.

omvsma. Prchidctit.Alplieusl'. Hluki-.o!'Iljdel'ark; Vice

President, Charles II. Coflln, of NewImryport; TreasHrer, Rdward Turner, m Onincy ; Directors, A. I'. Blake of Hyde Park, Edward Turner of ijuiiici, II. 1). A-hlcy of New York, John A. I'rny, of li,,,i,,.., James II, Collins of Cambridge, c. A. While ot Hyde Park, s. A. Ilrailhury of Buslan, < ha-. II. ( oiiln of Newlmrypori, John li. Web-ter

' llo-tii rchill, ., Ward, li" r.Wat rBoston, It. A, Hicha :. P. White of New York.

It. I.. HAY * COMB, Auctioneer!.




The Hen! S.iiicc A Hollnh

Made in any Part of the World

I A MII.V - K.

- 1111 . .ill.


Extract of I tool* mid Ileibs which almo*t liivi riably cure Ihe fulloivlngcomplaints:—

l>> -p. pila, lb-art ltum. Liver Coniplaintx nml Loss of Ap|nlitc cured by Inking a fe< ImUles.

l.Kn.MiKlr, Low .Splrit-1 nml Sinking Seneatlou

KruptUni, PheBjK itlotches, nml nil Imiiurt ii'i ol llu' hi I. hufHtiuK Ihioimli Di. -km in .therwbe, ciiie.i i.u.hli hv lollowiug Iheillree Ions on the bottle. For Kidney, bladder nml t'linnrv derange.

neti Is It has no cipinl; one hollle will eoiivinec he most skeptical. Worm* c\pellci] iVoin Hie svsleiu without Ute

iii-libnl.iiltv; S le* boltlei-me MitUcle oosl ob-linale ease.


Ncrvoua IHtfli allies, Neuralgia, HcHilaclic, etc., eased inimeiliak'ly.

Ilheiimatliin, Swelled Joints, and nil Serofn lar Aflllcliou- reinirtci] or Kicath relieved by Ihii Invnliuiiih-meilieint.

■lion. hiii-. catarrh, Csnvnlatotui nml llys terlc* cured or imiSi relieved.

Iiimnili Brrnttiliin, I'nln in the Lungs, Side nml ' I"' I al il invni'ialJv i ureil hi liikihK » few iMdllcs of tlie tjinker Hillers.

I'.ninlr ISieiealtles, so prcvnlcnt nmong Amerlenii Indies, vie Id readily lo this Invaluable medicine, the (juaktr Hitters.

nilloua, Itcinltieit nml lntcrmittc previilentiuniHiH |«il-.>i inn country,cumpleluly eradicated h> the if e of Ihe (Junker Ilitt.iH.

The Aged flmlin the Ouaker IKIU-rs just llu article (hey cLnid in nceil of In their deeliniiu icurs. 11 ipiii k. m-the lil,„..| ami eheei- Ilic mind and paves (he puiPtge down the plum- Inclbuil.

\o One cju remain long unwell (unless afflict- ed with anliicurnhledbeiipe) mur tnklnga iMitlles of the Qunker IHUen..

For nile by all Druggist* nml Dcnh-rs In Medicines.

Prepared hv UH. IL s. FLINT A (D-, nt Iiicni Medical iKpot, 11 nl and 1HT Iboiol h llrovldeme, K.I. * |emlnM

\j A QBeVS N E W

ADVANCE COOK STOVK Magee't New Portable Range.

A large sleek l„,n.-iit before the aileitnre, and besolilHIWhv TljJ'Sl-


Mo, aSO Esses Mtrect. T.awreavra,


^•^tttlWHl, Maiiiiliictorei-H uf Saws. Sl'PLHIOIl Ttt ALL UTIIKKS.


4S ii. DOIDO L I'I i- i- III- and Circular.


i to .

.... uml after Monday, Mar. 17, 1*7:1, Trains will leave the Depots in Lawrence, ns follow*. :-

For IlosWn (from North l>c|Kit), at 8.15, 7.30. BJ8 4. M.; nml 12.15. a.W nml S:W »■■ «•

Forllo-ton (from South liepot), nl 11.27, 7.3S, H.1.1, M.; and IS.IS, l.« (express, 3.17, 5.3J, ll.Pi,

xpress), 7.10 p. If. For I'orUand (from South IK-pol), at U.23 A. v.; 13, 4 1-. II. For Georgetown nml New huryport (from South

Oepot), at aJH x. K.; IM, 4, 0 l: u. r Hnverhill (from Soulli Pepot), at MS and x. H. ; nml 1.13, 1, (I P. M., and n um North

Depot at 7.H P.M. Trains leave Boston for Lawrence nt 7, 7-,'M), MH),

Ki.tSA. M.; lin,; i2.:to, 3.IKI. s.:m, Smnlue. M.

JAHRS T. Fl'llllKIl, Mup'l. Lawrence, Mareli ['■'. I-,.:.

LIFE. iEtna, ofHartford, I860, *10,640,786 Stnte Mutual, Worcester, 1846, 1,270,911


Franklin, of Penn'a, 182D, «3,256,748 Royal, Enfflaud, 1846, gold, 11,000,000

American Ilrnneh, I,:ei3,0ii0 Pennsylvania, orPa., 1826, 1,260,316 Imperial, London, 1803, trold, 11,000,000

i.oMteti 340.606




American Ilrnneh,

Firemen^, of N. Y., 1825. Weatchester, of N. Y„ 1837, Gorman American, N. Y., German, of Erie, Pa., 1807, Queen, of England, 1868,o;old, 10,000,000

A i icaii Ilranch, TJiitlS


1st National, Worcester, 1868, 164,022 Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,860

r'.n information, i.iic--, etc., cull on or address


283 Essex Street, Lawrence. Pout Oflca Box SB. 1-




Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves, I'biiiiblntt, Till (tooling, nml nil LlndH of Jobbing

1.1. DOR \ l»0 STOV !■'. STOlti:,

II Lawrence Street, Lawrence.


No. SO I'IIIOII Street,


Thin Hank linn never nniil hwe tlian nl^ per rent l'i-i uiinuni, free Of lav tn u ■■ .l.-1-■■.--11,-i ■ .

i-,-i,,i.- the rtn-t flay of • iliduu-e

hiviilcn,!:- ii- soon an declared sreat once added tn the nceiiiml.i uf dc|midlnri>, and lit nnreliegln to earn InU-re-f, HHIK givingCi)SI-oUM> intercut. ItllllKIIT '■!■. .:■■!, . I. P.. i. I . Till ■IHI I I .

rreil.leiiL Treanun-r. Fxrrutire CommUtt*.

(.Union VIIIIH, ThnmaM L. Jenks, Itnrvev LiiriH-nler, Ihmiel H. Whitney, William RoolMOA. tliii. H. Derby. i%'- »:ilci


FURNITURE. The subscrllien have Liken ronniH In Ordw«y, SST KIHI Street, where they will lie liair and liny and Hell BeCMMW] Hand r'm OIILIIC

slid hoii-i liol.l nrliclert. All orders iirumiitly at tended lo, and gonda ««I<1 st auctinn wlien de>ircil.

1111.1, AGO. Lawrence, .V|n il 111, HTt Itf-

,).■[." ii ii-.i'i. anv month are then nlaced ilium intercut, In the next dividend.

WKIiCtl A; tiUII'l-I'l'IIS, noiton, Moss., A. Iletrott, Ml, li.


Vou cannot afford to n.-e poor machinery, neither can vou imlnufneture iirollluldy without linving the InteHt liu|>roved eonlriviime* known. Think of it cnniliillvl Can you? ltelny no longer! H'AKK I I-1 WriU' A. H. ufcAlt, .VI hi Di Hud bury Street. Uonlon, fur catalogue nml circular! regard- ing all Wuoii and (IHIN-WUKKIMI MAIIII.SKHV, And oi dcr m,.in i.i i tin- machine you need so

D <T*BBlkP,

&&WiXkB Mnohino Is the IIFST i\ rin:



141 Lawrence Street, near Bridge. Sllka, ThllM-u, Aluaeeoa and nil other

llir.i llntiiU, Nlmivla, Smiinn, Ate., Ilmiinl mill lljeil.


Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Gentlemen's Clothes Cleansed or Dyed

without ripping*, to give entire satisfaction.

Having all tlie latent tmiiroTcd machinery, keeping mine hut the bent Hycre, we can di work eijual In the bast In the country, and hojie to be favored with a trial,

. en tin far U>ry manner by JUIIH T. TKKBS ft Co. Can recoil oil .-:Lnt I'l.mpany loall those requiring anything In tlielr line, for reinmtiabk-iienn of eliargc1, |iroiii|,iiic-p la execiitbin, and iiuality ofwork. KKV. L. L. WOOD.

I.AWUKNClf, Oc). It, 1S7S. Ill -Mi-. Till r<- ■

1 have great idea * u re in testifying excellence of your Dyeing and Clesnlnf Clolhi-B. 1 lim I no Idea Hint KIII-II perfect inn imnHible. Yiiurs trulv,

JOHN rJDWAIlilS. Insurance AgcnL

' LAWUENCB, Oct. IB, 1872. MKSSKS. J. T. TllEKS ft CO,:

DKAH Sins :-Tlie ■ loihK nml gnrnients placeil In vnur hand.' by un. for cleansing and coloring, liare lieen returned nx "good an new." Wo are oMiieciallv pleiiHcd witli Ihe uniformity of jour coloring and excellency of ihiixh, and uliall take pleOBiire In roiumcmling your work to othern.

Ileupcctfully, Y. W. Hi <v. i, I K, J.C. BOWKKlt.

IfStaasj, TKKKS:— I bike plcnnurc In tcntify ing b> the excellence

of your Hieing nml * lennrlug ladlen' I Ires ten anil Shawln; also, llic hiijicrior minimi ill » lilcli liiiils,

ind Vi'i-Li Imve lii-en leilniHlied at your es. i ii.i,- 11111L ,,i Voan truly,

8. f. SNLl.L.

USE tlic bil-iii.;. i' Bash Look nml Sup- port to

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No upring to break, no cutting of snidi; cheap, ilumlile, veiy eanilv niiiilicd; holds rnnh al any place ite Hired, and a nlf ft is teller WIH-II the raxh IN down. rJimil stainp for circular. L'lreular and r\x cnpper-broriicd lucks s-ent to any uililrt'HM In the II. M-, |»ul paid, on receipt ufftu du. Liliersl Induce, metila to the trade. Agi-ntu wanted. Adilrevn KKISIMiLIt HASH LOCK CO., No. 118 Market street, llarrbhurg, I'n.

•»>«• for a rrii- I.i-l C. J. II. JOHlfNTOAT

Iff Fmllbe.14 Bl, ritUborah, Pa.

Ilrcci-h Loading Hhot liun», #10 to B.1<i0. Double Shot (io,,,, *H to ei.Vl. .sing],, liuns, f.'l to Sill. ItdlcH, SJ* to #7,1. Itcvoivers, »,! to »*'i. flNtol^. *lt»*8. OunMabTial, r-iHiiiigTnckle.cb-. I.AHIIK instill NTS Tn iiK.u.litM OK CLCIIS. Army Ouim, Itevalvcrs. elc., iHiught or traded for. liooiU cent by exprenn C. 0. II. M Uaaxasunsd liefure |>aid for.

T" V 0 0 L T R Y W 0 K L D

iri ly. ||.SB iK-r ft frcHii "WlULTI

Ho not nSMrfbe for nny work nn Tonllrr ,1111 have BBSn this. WiMiililv, II.S0 ■- ■ >pci iio.-II copv. III et*. .*-"*- WOULD," 11., ,i i,.,,i. i ,.,,„.

Ev B K Y a A N D

in the eoiinlrv HAM) MCHlC irer, to KDWAItll A..SA1HKLS, Pub'

(' 0 II N KT

will receive n Hplendid piece ol lira in ,, , , ni ■ I.III,

Boston, Mans

|R fn jROO l'c.lari AtenUWanlmll All 00 &0 VsttU SuaifelU working ptsicos! of eltlier sex, young or old, make more money st work for us in their t-par* miiiiH-iits, «r all the lime, than at anything cl.e. 1'artli-iilarn free. Ad- dre«Mil. KTISrjtiNftCO. Portland llsioe. j-i


.. Agents ttD pat week in CASH who will engage with us ATIIACK. Kreryttiing llu ni-lii ,| nml c\i.cii-c- II;I|I|. Aililre-H

A. COrl.TKII ft CO., Cluirlotto, Mich.


MOKEY Made Itapidb with stencil and Key Check Outlllr. Ciitaloguea nml * "

M. Hl'KSeEIl, 117 I _ Key Check Outlllr.

piirliculnm I l()i: over street, llostun.

'PHIS IS NO niTHBUO, 1 et*., i

vou will r llil-hiiml oi

Ily ■, iniiii" 85 of even

l|.| ■!. lie ., I I,,.,, I I-,;:,■. I, Kidt-iiville N.Y.


I'uiufnl affection* nr the bladder, and urinary organs, iicctiiniiaiiled l,v grnvellv ilciswits of any kind; Irritation at ihe iWk of tlie bladder, with diilii nitv of hokltnf tlie urine: in rtrlcture, in seminal weakness, anil In all condition* of the pnrtri aeeonipniilcil bv debility, Jl'I.IHN's "~ I >it.i UT is CiiniDiMi uill IH- lii'unita most e clous remedy. Send lor i in ulurs to II. KK1TH ft CO., 41 LIU'rty Ktnt-t, S. Y. For sale by drug- gists. Price si ocr battle »r " for SA. flj-


i~t etteaehMIB inedielne for the IlEADACfM, I.1VRM ClIMPI-AINT.

BiiJottsssss, rnuu WHIIMI-M* Hi lllllllKA, i UM IM. KITH, [ ,--.-l 'li i I"'-,


AUUES, Ml AM IS, Ai , Ac.

.Ihe old

I.awK-ncc, OeL 17,187i.

AdKN'I'H. H. F. SJti:i,I,, :II3 Kaaei Si re* I. Mr». Illlllli:i,l., l."V;l i:.,n Nlrrrl. Mns. U li.I,IN, llrcjidvuiy, Mouth Side, L. O. MJltltIS, Mclhueli. .HillS |l||lllV\, Soilli Aiiilovcr. JUKI. IIAItNKS, trie Village. foclB-



of UAI.SK.

r» orneB, -r. counr STBMMT, ROSTOS.

It lilll MITVAL. rr - - - - gO.OOO.nuO.OO 'ItllHTS PAItl TO 11'l.lCV IKIl.HKUfl. •IBS ami largo dividends of this old i-ititlui mill CMCIILIII uinniigeimuL moI in I-IIII-S in llieiiilbli-tuunlol . ,i t|„ l.c-11 on, mil in New Knglliml

. c-|.ici.,lli I.i Lnilowmeut l'idlclei. K. B. LAWBESCE,

Lawrence, linvciliill, Andovcr, nml



I have just made large xlilltlons to my already


MARKED EVERYTHING DOWNI The prices I have net upon iny OIMHIH are

unpreccdeiitcilly low. EVERY VARIETY Ol'' GOODS

for Ladles* wear. Millinery 1 have everything Hint LadU-n re

il In p si

Defy Competition. Mr Stock of Lndle-' Woollen I'ndcr Wear ban

la-cii Inrgelv adileil b>- I'riceH low. t;hllilren's and Unblc''Wiiolleii Inder Wear. Jiictetn, etc.

Ii-unnupiily Ladies with

P A 1' K U V A T T E It N S

JALITIES WHICH AKE 1'ECULIAK to sud recommend the

Howe Improved Family Bowing; Machine.

Beauty nml exoellenro of stitch alike on both sides of the fabric—2. Strength, lien lily and dura- bility of actim that Mill neither rip nor ravel.—3. Ciim'plelc control over lniUi thread".-4. An en-, lirelv new rotnrv teiiHiou for tlie upper thread, which contriliutcH MI much to Hint lienuly nml uni- funnlty of idltch for which the "Howe Machine" in no cele'hrntcd.— B, A |ierreei uniform tcimion In the Mhuttlu which linen not vary from n bill to an

- bobbin — nn objection m common to otlier we.—U. An niitoinaiic i-cli-regulating take-

up that preventn toWing of ^tlb-hen in eroHning heaw Beams.—T. short, Ktmight and strong nee - ""», not liable to break In panning over Imnvy

ms,a*iilo the curved needles oi other 11 inch in en. Finer needles for the BantS thread tlian any

oilier machine.—n. Sewing iinuilly well witli any kind of tlircnil.-H). Kconoiny ol thread beyond that of any otlier ninrhine.—11. A heiBBBM that will make nnv widlli of Hem or Fell.—li. llral.b Ing tlie miHit coin ui h-alnl iintU-nin with nnv width and kind of Braid.-IS. A l>uiltcr Hint will adjust lUelf to any tlileknemi uf mau-rlnl.—14. Tucking nny fabric without injury or pucker.—15. A i-onf er so constructed an tn cord around very abort curves, even to mpiin-c corners.— III. Sew ilia tlic lluert fabric without injury or pucker, and the heaviest mater in is with the grvnteiit eftae.—17. Compactness, simplicity and durability.—IH. Fane of oi Wration and management. — 1'J. DM Machine in the world for Family use.

Call nni* nee the-c Machines « oik, with the SBW IHI'IIIIVKII THKAid.K power, nt llagtr'a Artm- cy, lOO Eases Ktrcet, Lnwrence. C

D A I I, E Y & AND It K W S,


PAINTERS. -■Sill Eaaez Htrret, (Orilwuj Block).




MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of nearly all varieties, an

Cornets, Altoa, Baritones, Itaaaea, Con. Iialimac, Urehaalr« liiiiiil-1 of

Itnisn or lierninn silver; 1'inton or Itnlarj Valveii;

Hrums, Cyuihnls, Flutes, I'iceolos, Fifes, Flngeo letn, Clarionet-, Kreneh nu.l ticrmiin Acconlc-

onn,Violins A Uiiilai>,\'i,,l..iii'cil,i-,ii„iilile Iiaaaen, Coiicei'tiiuir-, K'bitiii:is, llninio-

niciiK, Illlliiiis, Music lloxes, Violin and lluitar Strings, and all

Musical Merclmiidise, in tlie well known store of lyVnp'JCi'b

jonn r. IIAVKi--.N * co.t

33 Court » . (op)Kinlte Court House), Ilonton.


4fc|>i:V Ho, and I'll do yon Good." *> DR. LANQLEY'S

HOOT AM) HERB BITTERS, Thin medicine IK, without the pomdbllity of n

doubt, the very l,c.t .iincii kiunvn for the follow- ing, uml Mil kiliilred illnesses i-lmllgeKtlon, Cos- UveiiWH, Urer Complaint, Files, lleadaelie, Heart llurn. ]ly*|M>pnia, Hmxlness, Seroliiln.Sall Ithcuill, Languor, 1-a/inc-,. Iicbilin.-hiundlce,Flatulency, POOl Stomneli, etc.

Hy tlie timely use of this medicine, tlic blood is ■■milled. The npm-liU- in restored. The system in strengthened. The liver in Invigorated. The breitlli ia nwnlene.l. The complexion la lietvuti- fliil. The general health in

RE8TOHKDI The lient llooln, Herb* and lbirkn enter into the

compoMlUon of this. Itcmcdv. making tt a simple and sal*, us, well ns nn ni.iiiiliug cure for oil Ju- easen ur tlie IIIIMKI. liKii. C. i;tll)l»WlN A CO., lloslon. For nalu by all Hrugglnln. 4inlmbl4Kb


In a poaltlv. ..,. B» Seintlea, ItheumaUs.. Senralgin, Spuml I'limplaiiit, I ontraclcd Cunln Lame ftnek, Sp—'-■ will cm certati

raliia, ete. Fnmi 1 to fl large BMRlee giien up In i,hi.~ii-i;ins. The onij

t for SctHtlcin. Large ImUles cure all bottles ".<■ wlmhr

B i: it II i. n I

r Hew loijlaiid Family Medlrlne

male by all Hrugginls. Price *l

-Thv American



Alrnut n year ago I concluded lo sell tnr Super- filmsiihiitc .,! I.i to the farmers of Sew England In plni-cn when-It wan mil known, by auctinn, to tlie highest Milder, hi iiuautlllen agiw.1 on bcliire- baml, pro|Hinlng nt the same Hum to pursue thla rourne year nOcr i cur, until the innnere could lie. come snlisflud of llu value to them.

I shall innke thin proposition good. The Superpliiisplisle nunle this yenr will be

i c viiluiililc limn il wan but year. I will publish, a* In-retofore. Die materials: of

which it In composed, ami Ute proportions, of c nml I will guarantee li to have lieen HO nude.

I have mnnv letters from fanners who bought at auction Innt year, thanking me fur adopting the auellonnl pliiu, nml speaking in tlie lilgbenltornw of 11,, n i.ii --'i ,1 nil from the n ■■■ ,,i tlie ler-

I know that Uie nrticlc In a good one, nml that It will, in time, ai all uiv other productloua linve done, win its. way to tlie conndunceof tlie

A mpl" notice of the place and time for nnle, by means of el re ulurs nml posters, will Iw given, so that, an rnr as posnlblc, no farmer shall have m-rn. ■ Ion to say that be had no opportunity f i buy his fertiliser' in fair c„ -tition » ilh his nriglilmrs.

Tl nisi liberal term* nml condition* will he extended bi | HI re I lasers, whicli will lie innde known at the sale.

"HIII; off TUB II i M 11 >i: i, CHEMICAL WOKKS, ■■ruvblcncc, It. I., ,lnn. I, l.-V:i.


\nshun ami Newmarket, V II., kppiiuc ami I'b Uh. " Miiiiliib Village A Kxeter, ■■ I'i I rt* in on Hi A I.nke Village, " HnmpbinaiidTiltaii. " Concord nml Franklin, " I..'IUI.III c M.-I- ■■ , HayS.

at tlie \ in--i i, .,n i nii.-c

THSDI MAltX. which liii-. SICHHI the tci t for mori' than 1U1 ve.irp, 1>

acknowledge] the nm-i icliablc Mi-illi'liie for the rotter of

Jn uml Ice, Nervous Comptnintn, tVcnknen* of the Stomach and Dowels, Loss of ApiM'tite, Cnill ' CohlH. llrait Hum. Ililious Attacks, Co Crump in tlie Monmclj, Kixxltiesi and llu m-s ,,1 Hie Head, I.lvi-r Comphiinlr, Pile.

I'iinnler, lloils. Sour Htommli, Cuusli- tulionnl Weakness, Headache, Low.

nens or Spirits, Costlvcni-«s, Indigestion, Iivs|u'psln,

uml nil i-oniplaiiitH nrising ii nn impure str Ihe HIOIHI, or [lie dermiged ci.mlilnin of tl

Stomach, Liver, Howels or Kidney*. Thi- txvpmalioii i, |,m,'K V,i;il.,l.le,c,,ntriiTiim..

OxtrnctH in s hi^lih cniiceiiii-ntcd form of Hoots, Herbs and llinks-i g « bii b are Sarsaiiarllla, Yellow Hock, Humlcliou, lieuihin, Wild Clierry, Orange, Mandrake, Anbe, -luulper lleirles, etc.— making a flue Tonic, Alterative, and Laxative Medicine, which never (ail* to glvu tone nml sticliglh lothe system il.-l.ilii.ii.d bv disenn-. An ii HMion ri uiniir, u mi !■;■.-, MHII.IIS 1IAVK KO EQUAL.

FLINT* UOLPTirWAIT. Proprietor*, mind Nu. 2] St. l-et.T ill eet, Snleln, Mass. Sold hy nil Dealers In Medicines genernlly,

1M1K LAHOEST Printlnfc ENtolilinliinciit In KBSPX Coantv in Um AXKItli AH Hk-iun

mice, Post Office ttlock, Lnwrence.


inking 1111 a furnish all kind* of piittcrns ni|i

In other de[inrluieiiU my tloel e sniySSSrsi

H A I it a o o z> s, imltulloii- All kindn of DrOUTrlmmliigs. uWl ami

Hniidarfl* Ri

Real Laces,

ihmglL.j — pin

-lifting*, Sanhes, nml *n-b Perl'lililes, iliileed Llldlc* Will 1

y need at my nlore. ing for Kmbroldery. -1

196 ESSEX STREET. 106.



Attached to these ptitinhil S|iectacle* nre two Hcientlllenllv eonstriieted tjalvantc llnlterle»-un- ■een wlien worn—delivering through the nerve* of the head il

Soft ami Cont hinoua SU-eom of Klaatlrll j-.

ml giving healthv action In tin- entire ' ii lilts, AlhSOLt'TKLV


Partial Faral} ala or the Optic Iferse, IVriik or IHseaard \ I.Ion,

PToSn algla of the llrnit or Farr. IWrviiii. T« ii i in is In the

Bluaclea of the I'm . . - Rolaealnthellcad.

I.on* of Mrutal Kiifim

end B host of Nervous Diseases, arming n-oui He. jireanion of tile nervous energy of the system, con- tributing, in n most astonishing degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by tlie in.'im - nf tlie BOA do» Ing stream of Elec- tricity, giving Bright ui -■■ tn the i:> c,

llulcL uiM to the Ear, KnerR)' lo the Itraln.

Theyniv ret with lllHIOS III* Illi lllBll —SillMlSH tun-, to suit nil sights, nml w ilh glasnen for Ihorc not milling specLielcs lo lend uilh. but di'iiring the lieiiellt- in be derived IV w Ing the lint- I.-I ic-. nml to he liml in lid* city only of

HUMI'HKEV HOOAR, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optlclun.


No. 235 EsHex Street, Lawrence. I>c*ler lu Wsbhes, Clock*, .lewelry, Fancy

Ar. n. Alto Agent /!>r taesml <f IfcrrSs1 /'er ffcted Si-ectacltM and Eyt OtaSSCS, tkr BKBThtOtt World. flvIO-

244 ESSEX S T It E E T.


LOWBUa <b-L 11, UBS. «TTIieKlNOKUwn*nwnrdcd Ihe Flltnr I'HR.

Slim nt K. V.. r'lilr In 1ST), n* la-lug the HJS8T Family Mewing Haeblnei nnd also the pre mm I year the awards were Silver M- I..I

(Slgncn " K.T. KOWKLI-, ABB'I aeenbu H. K. r'nir.

1 Uie I li-- i IIIHUII U ut

1 Hover, IU SCPKIIL nn cot It in the habit Of

c; Or-ncK Issi-KCToit or WILK,

■ i.niiirii -. .:;, I -. ;.

Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned luu been nppolntcd Inspector of Milk for the city of Lnwrence, and all perr-on* selling Milk within tlic city arc hereby reum-Blerl to conform to all the requirement*, of the law and City Ordinances relating to tlie same.

All pervious will i.b-ciM- that the law rc[|iilrt* that dcalera lu milk, at wholesale or retnll, from wagon*, cellars, store*, aliopn or market places within the limit* of tlie city of Lawrence, are requested to register their nnmen with the Inn|motor. All portions swnro of nny violation of snid law and ordinance, ore Invited to reimrt the to the I li ■■[...(.. c, Bt

' '>HH Common Si,,.,.,, An Act to amend "An Art In relation to tlie Snlc

ami laepeettoa or Milk.- He it enacted, etc., na follows I— Sitcr. L—Whoerer sells or exchanged, or tins In

his |.J .-.-■ i,,ii with Intent to sell or exchange, or offera for sale or exctiauge, Hdultcrsteil milk, or milk to « inch water or nny foreign Hubntaneo hns l«en oilded, knowing Um *nme to be ndullerBleil or to contain water UT any foreign aulutanco, -hull for tlie Hrst offemic be |>unlabcil by a line of one hundred dollar*, and fur any subnco.uc.nt violation a lim- of not lens than one hundred dollar*, nor exceeding three hundred dollar*, and Imprison- ment in the Ilouiie of Correction not less than thirty nor more than ninety day*.

'•I.L-I. ..'. iii.. penalties provided In the preced- ing auction, and UIOHO provldeil In the net to which this la in addiliiiii, mny l*o recovered nn complaint before any court of competent Jurisdiction; and "lie ic>lt of tlie amount of due imposed shall fu to tlie complainant or Informer, and tlw remainder to ti,, Treasurer of the city or town where tlic offense was committed.

User. Is— It Khali be the duty of every Inspector of Milk to Institute coniphilnlun thu liifonnatlon ofany person who may lay before him intlHuVtory evidence on which to austiiin the name; and be uliiill be entitled to receive one-half the amount ofany penally recovered therefor, nnd he shall pay over the name to the person who hn* llmt given the Inforrgntlnn on which the complaint wns made. [Approved Muy J7,1HBB.]

1 IJ«" WM. C. HYKIL'K, Inspector of Milk,


PAPF.R IICVl.IKI.S In I-;,.ri lowly


Tlie UXGKRWM gH N. II. Scale Fair, held OIHTV over all other* doing so.

Sold for »f> per month, or for cnili.Lv


ill i:*.. . Street, Nannilers 11 lorh.

All kind* Machine* ttepnlird, Kx.hiinged uml

Mncbiiie Mit, hitij'. Stamping and llraiding to onler. JK_



Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR. OOlrr, SJ3* Klin Nlrrrl, I.awrriire,

Hours, S lo.l and 7 lo ■■ P. M. f t»epl.l



No. 0, Lawrence Street Where will bo kept n Drct-clnas Hock or

Ciffara, Tobacco, Snuii; Hose -' liaiiiii, Hi j rr and day PI pi «



» isiii Ann iiRTAir.. A share of public patronage 1* solicited al the





NUTK CRYSTAL /'/./J/l/,A.s" n.elu-d bigclher, and aro called III.i MO SO .,„ nccniuit of their hardne** nnd brilliancy.

It la well known that spocUcles cut from Ilrn- zIllanor Scotch pebble* a,-,, vi ry Injui « In H„. eye, liecimae or tneir BnWllM light

Having liecij tesbil with Um pohriacope, the di- amond len*o* hare l-im found to admit fllli-cn m-r cent, len* hen ted my* than nnv oilier iichhlc.

They are ground wlUi great HcienUflc sceuracv, are rreofroiii, iil..-,-i«f „ ,rii<| & a brlghtne** and ilMinctncs,, „f t l-ion not before 1.1.1 um ,I lu specucles.

M.iiiuiiL.iui,.i hy inc

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co. NEW YOttK.

Union'*'" h7 **"*'M* AgcnU UwotiRlmtit the


s,?W.?, ^S" *,", °J'1Jc'"n"' "rt 8n,e A***** Tor l-«w eice Ni..-., lion, wh.iiii llicj ,-HII mil, |„. „|, Uined. No Peddler-employed.

- -jacnipulmis dealer* In pi,l„, „ff »n |nr(..,„r and snurtou* article fur I Iiinmoml." (Innt ijjro •Iiould l>e taken tn so* Mint the trade m-rk n%.(""^hlMirob-bil by Amorl.-an letter* I>n lent). Is sUmpeil on every pair. ly[ IJelJ-

flic L>iwieiii5e Srueridki) AND

ri in isinii)

l'VliltV FIMlsAY MOIt.Vl.YU,



Tin- tIn iiLillnii of lltr Lawrence Ameri- can I* Hi. Iirful »r an)- iiiiprr In tin I .null) . mill miiif than I "in Tlnn that nf any other Weekly Paper pub- lUlietl In Mil, t II > .

gar IH i us of Advcrtinhig win upon npplicalion



MWEBHCE ¥l*e S)kily -^eri&q*

EVERY EVENINO, (fluaiUy SKOrJited,)

Uie Lnrge-t Daily in UM eky, with Four Tiasce the circulation of any other.


One Year, rum | Six Months, *tu» When not paid In advance, **.ea.

Una i. nuauu. * oa. Pro*.***.


6Y£/W PRINTING OFFICE. 1* the Ufiral and laoat Uioroagliljr rurakhed In

jtyles of Type, we are able to furnish (he boat quality of work, es^iedUtowdy, at low prices. Orders by null given prompt attention.

UBO. S. MEIUULI. *CatOCKSS, Poet Cflhw Bleck.




rmnmrnrlnr*; ul


Business Directory.'BusinessDirectory. we shall <-M nt Auction, to the highest bidder, Hie "MAKHH" FAU.rl, Lenin ilnllv situated tin the linrlli side of tho lliiverhill ICnnil In Worth Awdotrr, right opposite tlw elegant farm estate ■if J. 11. W. French, Kao.., nt Boston, aud only one and n fourth mile frtmi horse ami steam earn at North A nit iiver, nml one ami a half mile from punt t.rllee, church, nml an good school* an tlwre art' in the slate, anil only three miles Irom Lawrence center. Tin- fiirni consist* of about 30 acres of the Itest of tantt, It pasture ami M Ullage, under the highest *hito of cultivation, anil baa been tor tunny vear*. -Upon tilt' I'm in me until*, choice Itpitlw all.I

-"■ nil it mi in I! fruit*. Fnim tin- tree* were gnllwrod Inst year Ha) bushels ul* apples, not rock-

""" urly fruit. Fann ruts about li tuna ul me of the Inml bore 1 ton*

...., mrai of English bar. I urge ham, lu good order, with cupola i nI>eWix

KIlliiK lilt' I'lilli fruit. Hie KiiKlili linv.

i',in iHithfrope, lant

CaurtU not r 11 ruling I.tnra 1 u Irii|rlh lamrrlril In thla < ul uuiu al g5 prr year.

HAKIlV,Lnrrtntre, HiKn X Ornameulal rainier. Curriaaen |mlnteil al from «.1 tt> $!■». None hut the very boat ilouk uwii, and all work tvarranletl.



• |.;iinleil blah frum the roml; Kunnv, dry looaliiin, wfileh In iihUiiieil a iH-autlful view of foe li lie wif k I.nke, oneufthn fluent tdnn-Ls of wnter In the ntute. whleli nffurila nitre and ]ilt'itnniit lmatlii|t< H»hliur. rtj'., nnd only a fuw iiiliiuU'n walk from the farm. Thtnla une of Hie ver\ lit'-l l-iriillnnM fiir Summer hfiarilern. Siliiittetl In it Hue niil town, « luTr I here Is (j""tl noeli'tv.a Iwnlthv ntmun|iliere, the bent uf M'IUM.I nilviiiitiinfn, and n hhjhlonetl inuralund tiwial ek'iiKiiit iH-rvnillng the entire rom in unity.

Alter the -ute of the ubove, we nliall nell a roTTAt.K lioi'MK, newlr nlilnjtlfd; Hum, SIioeilinker'* Simp, mid ;t-| ul an ueru of Laud entered with elifiee lieuriiiK fruit Ireen. Till* plnte wait Id make n iihwant nnd eomfortalile Imtue Tor anyone In moderate rirtumnUueea. The locution in, on the turner uf the llnverhlll nml tin' tJeoi'iri'town rnnd, cloce by the above iiinil. and nearly Joina the Freiirh etlate.

Hale IIIHITIVK, April Iwth, eummeneinK at It 1*. M., g\\ IIIK time to Dike nil i In- return trnlnn.

I'KliltlCK A GMNSOX. Aui'Uoneem and Kent KnDiD; AxeuU.

The Mnniire, Hoik and Tool* will be Bold to the iiurehtiner of Hie fitrui nt itiietltni iirlee, If lie ■ I ■.-,,„. li1 niii--

turn nun i.tnii rruiuen. .in MIIIII' i rr rniirii. - -^:r^.t, .„ OppoHlbj lluiton A Miiine II. It runaeiiKer llepot. '-"wrence.

HF. BARNAItn, ITHOLNTKRKIt nml • Cnhluet Mnker.—Itenairiny, I.ayliiK Car-

A n M P o n SALE

WKHT rioxroiti), known an the "Hlehnrd Spuffonl" Furnt, pleanant- \y loeiitetl mi the rrntil lending from I.uwrenee, llinuiicb Andorer nnd Huyfurtl, to Ipawleli, atiuut Ijiree mllen fmiii IIH'rnilruatt ntallitna 111 Hnxfonl nml tie.irKelowii. Thl* furnt eontalun almitt nllly arrr* irf Itiml. u .11 illviileil iutn tlllngv, pnn- turn nnd woutl land, wltti n amid oreiinrd, ami three never falling'prinK* of nnler. The huilil- liiir* eondlnt or a larw* two-sbiry double Iloute, will, nuiliiltli'"lit-liuildilljl*.

A|*0, ulioiit lifty nerea i .nml near tin* renldenee of _ .. running from the mail to the top of "Hhaven frown Hill," mi enlled. Iptm tliin hind there are n large number or fruit KM and never falhna nprlngH.

Ainu, about *l\ or neven neren .iflirook mcndow lvinu north of tin- fiirm of 1'eUir I'enrle.

All I)H> above deneribod pi-operty will be nohl at n bnrgnln, nn the proprietor haa leil the premiief iiuil loriileil in nniilher lown.

Forpartieiilnm. iii,|iiire"l MUSKS K1MI1A1,!,, Went Tluxfonl; THOS. I.. SI'UKFUKIl ur I.. P. 1'AI.MKlt, t;<t.rgeUiwn.

tk'ontetuwn, Mnreh 2«, itt'X Ulllnpt

elry. lil IC»n«3('«lireeL All klndnuf Watchen, - ' \ ■

WILLIAMS, Miuiufui'tui

t'aril. not »irrtdlai; Knar Mnr* la ItaRth Inserted In thla column at Qll par year.

w. P. SMITH, Jr., Plilu ami Dt't-uni- (lentiiingli.n lifrn I'aintl

ip :lll t.'tiiniuon

E. dellent. _ l.nn i.iu e.


FI8KK, PAPER HANGINCS, Wlnduw Shade*, ArtUU' Maturialn. Chau-

leliera. I-auipn, Vanen, cte. UTS Eaaex sum,

Cltw'ka ami Jewelry ■"■ ■ i 'nirei I lotke.

DENNETT, CIGARS AND T0- _. _ • I1ACCO, Wboleaale and Heutil; ni.-i-s r nml Suiokem' ArUelcn, Meeraeluiuiu i'ipen neatly repalrod. No. S lAwrenee Hreet, I.n»ienee.

RICE, JEWELLERS, r, illaatiintaf. rami lUn»-

inK*, TTiiiuiiw nrnmen nnd Hhatle Fixluifn; Blank Book HanufacturBTM. «B Ksaei si_, Lawrence.

J. MIHIMIY. MANUFACTURER and Dealer in ItooU ttboea and Kubbern, of

every ^enirable Stylo and Quality, low KKMX ML,


tnV wlnTl^HMlK;


DYER S. HALL, RoHily Made Clothing, Hub, t'npn, lienl'n Furnlnhlng IJoottH, ele.

line Price Clothing Store. 11* miuth aide KtM-x, iKinier Jueknon MI eel

JOHN K. NORWOOD, General Inaur- ancc Agenev, innke* liiHuranee, in all It*

branehea, a apeebilty. Call in and lnapecl our termn. Xltl tinnex Street.

and C'ounaellora at Law, snunile in New lllock, Itnoma HI and 17, Law ramie, klaaa.


PKDRICK II CLOSSON, FURNITURE, Carpctn, Crotikery and Cutlery, together with

lloiinekti-piiig < Joudn genernllv. The bent annort- ntent In the city. HI Easex Siieet.

C D. CHOWELL, OYSTER 4 DINING i*a ItooinM, Fruit and ConfeeAltiiiery, 173 Kaaex Street, Near City Hail, I.awrenee, M;i-n. Choice braml* of Claara alwaya on hand.

EH. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.—Pre- • .- Oriignni . _.. Fancy Artlelea, etc. 1*

__• CloekH, Jewiln, Sllvei nml I'lateil Wnre, Fancy lioodn, Cutlery, Toyn, Ae. *W Ksaex SL Itepairiug, Uuld and Silver I'lnling.

M Bean



iviil Iruui H Amenlittrv atreet \A\ l:l, uppuniU* ' le, near K**ex ntnvt.

'Y ii ■ F I N K L E A L Y 0 N Ma nu fact n/Unc Co'a

Now Sowing Machine, "VICTOR.-

CAN UK 1UIU01IT OF loct- D. W. I.Oltll. 411 Margin Slrrrt,

Sole Agent for tiuvtlMe, Amtover and Mcthuen.


rP0 the Honorable County Coiiiinlaalon- X era or the county Of Keaex:

It.-npcctlully reprenenl tlie nuliscrlliera, cltl/.ena ul' mini count'} of Knui-x, thnt the iiulillf iiccentllj and unnveitlence ret|tiirc n new highway, begin, uiug on Tarbox nlreel, in the city uf l^iwrenee, In nnlil county, nt or near the northerly lemtlnun i.t .Jin-IHim atVeel; thence running In a nmilierh direcli cronnlng Karl f I reel nn.l Unu.k -deet, In Mellineii, In nnlil coiinlv, uciir " Itruok," no vailed, Ui u point nt ur near the lie.I School Hoiinentnniiiiigiit the Junction ul 1'leanaut ntivet and PrMpaet ntreet, or the Howe mad, no called, ill Mel linen ;i I :i i<l.

Whurefure, your petitlonern lirny Hint you will view nnd examine >:iiil proponed rnite, and locate n highway over the nnme.

August, \#X. JOS. S. HOWE and mti ■■-.

Commonwealth of Maiuchutetti. I :■>•■! \, an. Ctiuii of County Ci.iuminnloncrn, Ile-

ceiuber tenn, A. I>. i -.■.;. tin the petition uforeaald, ordered, that naitl

petitioner givu nuUce to all |iernonn and corpnra- lioitH iiiten'ntitl therein, that nal.l Coimnlnnlunern will meet nt the <' t Lawrence, In naitl county, on llOStiAY, tint Twelfth day of Hay next, at nine o'clock A. M.. hv publishing nu at- U'htetl copy of nnld petition, nnd or ihln order thereon, in the Lawrence American and Andover Adverllaer, n newnpn|nfr prlubil In Lawrence, three wetikn niicce—iieh , Hie in-t publ lent Ion to !»■ fourteen dayit, nt leant, before the naid twelfth ■ lav of Mnv ; mi.l nlno by nerving tlie Town Clerk iii'Melhue'ii nml City Clerk of Lnwrenre with nu nl'.cW eopi uf nniil pelilinn and thin onll'i tlilrty dnyn, al lean I, and liy pontlng up an alte-ted copy thereof in two public placet. In .aid city and an Id town, fourteen dan, at Ma* before tlie oat twelfth dny of May, at wliluh lime and phiceanid will proceed to view the premlnen, in,! i:ikt> nneh order In relation bi the pntvi r ol

■ HI,I iieUlinn IIH bv law lltcy may In! anllnm/ed l,,,l„: A.A.Al(ItOTT,Clerk.

A true ropy of petition nnd nnler thereon.

Altett, A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk. A true copy of petition and of the order of Court

1>E Auctioneer H, Re til Estate Amenta and

Appraisers, No. 381 Eitax Street, Lawrence, Man.

Always ready to give their sen'Ice nnd it-rlouH nttentfon lu nclling Itenl and I'entunul tiatnto at auellou or otherwine, obtaining Money ami letting tlie nnme at inir rnte* rnrnllcuuieni- etI, negotiating Mortgage* and looking up Title*, I ten ting I'rupertv and collecting Kenta, eb-. No Title pnnBOil uf l'ro|>ertv unlen* Um aaine lie per- fect: no Money invented tint upon the monl un- doubted •ecurltv. All bualncaa Inlruntetl to im will lie atU'iulfil to pi ouii.llv, nml nil will lie bun- ornbly denlth with— strict integrity being the one important element of nuceenn In the Heal Kntntu bu*lnes*. prompt pay nit'iit* of ennb proceed*, deal. iug hi all honor with tin; seller and owner, at the tnuie timo looking well bi tlie true interest ol tlie pundinner. tluil hi* title* are good, and that he get* all which he la to — thin, lecuring ami linlding that confidence of our fellows which 1* only obtained bv nlrlct attention to bunliie**, and ■'■;■ tnghcnl tvpe of honorable km ling.

•Ed-Term* HilliilialiM nml iier-iii.liiig in tlie ork and renpoiinllillily. Call upon ua.

Real Estate Office. 381 Essex St. N, B.—Properly for anle In many unction* of New

England, but mure enpeeinllv in the city uf Law- rence and vicinity. No U'tter city in tlie Union fur u pi'i'inmii-ul bite; Imeiil.

Ib'ad Ibnil Kntate column in Lawrem-e Sentinel iml Lawrence Dally American. ffinylll-


Having attcndeil partiallv bi Insurance for aome yeara, It la now my intention to give niv entire

to proeiiring Fire and Life PolleUa In tlrntclanaCoinviinie^niieliH-the HUI.YOKE UAL, Siikin. Ha*H., and others at almllar

tnmliiig. Also, to act n* Itenl Knbtte Agent, Buy aw

ttfanll CUAH. E.UOSS, Deputy Slierin".




Mend* Chlnn, Clan*, Marble, Stone, Parian Mnr- l.le, Lava, Alalmniccoranv kind irf Crockery

Ware; nlno, PafMr, ClnUi ami WOOO, UEUUIRK8 NO HKATINti re to ntlek, ami I* *<■ aliuple In lb.

JD. DREWS OYSTER AND ICE • Cream ami Dining Saloon, Ml Enaex Street,

Lawrence. Ice Cream, Jelllen, Weilding Cake, Cunfectionery, Ac. Meal* at all bourn.

BTKENNEY, M. D~PHYSICIAN a ami Surgeon, office *2tC{ Knnex Si. Iloua* No. 110 Netvbury si I. Particular attention pnhl to Cancer*.



MISS LIZZIE CARLKTON, L'50 ESSEX Street, Sniimler* Block. May be found a rn-

rleil and tmf' ""

lOLBURN BHO'S,- Jiroiuu*, Kngravl )' I ,. .1 ■ I'll Ull

Chroiuon, Knj rniiev (iiiudn, f No. iHl Knnex Street.


Millinery Goodu, ling*, Kmbroitler en,

While Uoudn, Ibe-ieiv „m| Cloven. No.JSl KB ex HtreeL

HM. WHITNEY A CO., ApathermricN. • corner Knnex and Lnwirucu St.—Trim

Supporter*, Shoulder Brace*, l'erfbmerj, etc, fullii.-.MiHmeiitU! nllattlcle-iinourr--

IT1 W. HEALD, Sole Ageut for Singer's X • Improved Sewing Machine, 'ill Kaaex UL,

Maiimtcm New Blink. Sewing Machine Finding*.

time to iii.M'uriiig Fire and Life PoHele* iir .ollie lll-nlellli.nt'oinlMintol ' MUTUAL, Snlem, Mas*.

ig. A l*o, to act aa „ .._d Selling I'II.|HTH, Kentini: nml t'.illceting

lii III ■, Aer.ililii , I in- ■ ,i1',.,elr. I hint' taken an OlUie wlUi WM. M. RtniKliH, Kaip, in Currier'* lllock, near Town Houne, where I ■an bo found during lui.-lnenH Itourn. PrniupttH-'sa andeareriildealingwilMu-niyemintantnim. Term* rea*onable. Addivna DASIKL LTltltlMt,

ti'i|n:i Methuen, Maaa.

It. GLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure Drug* and Cbrnnlcaln, Patent Mixllelnei, Article*, Perfttinery, Sinunge*, Brusben, etc. Comer Knnex mid Peiuberton St.

THOS. LEYLAND, Dry Gootls, 881 En X sex Street Full Value, Fair Deal iug. "N

Blowing," No Tricken-, One Price. We nea what we nay.

MERCHANT und 3 Sa under*

New Bltnrk, Ksaex Hlreet. I'mlcr the Immediate ■uper i el .1. nt. Fumii, (Late Savage A Flood.)



"Thla ibiy, a* day* of uhlen tlwe, 1* one of heavenly Joy,

» IIHWI titling* reach to every clinic, Ami every tongue enipbiy.

Thl* i* the .lav Mint ( hri-l nr.i.r Vletoriuui from the rbjaxl."

1'erhapn lliere I* no anniveraary that ought to be rea*nrdcd by the Christian Church a* fraugiil with m. much importance to it as the annfver- aary of the reaarrectkm ol Chnat from Uw dead. Tt waa a d« of'great rejoicing to the early Cbrlatuua, and naturally HO. It was tbe resur- rect km uiorn that rained tlie hope* ami poured Joy Into tbe heart* or the dim iplcn who were driven to despair by tho terrible event of tbo cnii'llHitJii. The loving adherents of a worshipped Master, In whom they bad centered Mich glorious hope* of eternal iiapurnea*, Joy and peace, it mast Indeed hare been a terrible blow to them. The nip of blinn which He had Ailed for them to the brim by bis glowing ik-

rlptlon of future re ward* for faithfulness, had liecii dashed from their lips, and they mourned in anguish of spirit. It teem*, even, that their faith had been entirely extinguished, lur when Mary and the other* who visited the sepulchre came with the tidings thai the Lord had risen, their feeling wmt Brat one nf astonishment rmth-

than joy. And when, with hli own lips he announced his resurrection, "they believed not for joy," that is, they could scarcely realhte, so great was their delight, that Christ ni risen. Hut when hu bad talked with them, then, in- deed, waa their happiness complete. Ho gave hi tiioin "beauty for osttes, the oil uf joy for Humming, and the garment of praise for tbe spirit of heaviness." It waa not strange Unit the disciple* should nuunicinorate; this great tiud iflorlous event by meeting, on the ilr.-t dny of tbe week, and that tho early Christiana should observe tho annual occurrence as a joyous

■in, and that, as tho years rolled away, and tbu (impel was spread abroad In tho world, and the followers of Christ ttecatm? nnmliered by thousands and million*, the celebration of this day should liecomc universal. An interesting and beautiful feature In the tester oboerrancet Is that which consist* in the dedication of the children of Chnclan parents to tho service of Ood. It Is In fulfillment of the prophecy:

Generation* yet unborn shall praise and magnify the Lord." And In obedlonco to the Divine command:

"Suffer little children to come unto nic, and forfiid them not, for of such In tho kingdom of heaven."

1 be climax m tbe history of human redemp- tion may well lie regarded as a lilting time for consecrating tbe voting to tbo Lord, and the services of Easter Sunday are all tbo more licaav tiful for tbls feature.

St. John's Church.

I AU chuwe* ol working people, of

either sex, young or old, make more money at work for u* In their spare moment*, or all the time, than nt anything else. Particular* free. Address (J. STINSUN A CO., Portland, Mnlne.



I'l Child c • li

I 111.11 ■■-■

A Good Cement has long been Needed, nml the prnprlcbim. after patient ntudy, present Ihi* nrticle to the public, eli.iiiiing that (t Will du It* work uulckvr, liellci-.nnil with less trouble llutn nny Cement yet known.

As I Substitute for Glue. In mending wood or pitU'bhig bigetlwr cloth or

paper, many person* llnd It incuntenieiillogo to llu. trouble, uf preiuirlng tilue. This Cement In always remit, reipiinm nu hniling. i" pcil.-etlj . leiui, nnd ivill in.-ml ni ntwnga* nny Clue known, hud In so simple Mutt a mure child could use lb Ho Family ran Afford t« lie without It.


llnverhlll. Mil**., .Inn. H, 1HT3. Messrn. Chun. Kiuernnn A Sons—llent* r—1 imvc

uMet 1 yuur Ailuiumitinei.'ii^-I'ili ciiicnliumy bu*i- nens neverul months, and for all kinds of mending. When! a Jeweler reuulrra C.ineiU, 1 conablerli the bent orlinle ever iiinnufuctuntl.

Vuur*. truly, UKO. il. CAI.OWRM- Haverblll, Feb. 7tb, 1S71.

Messrs. Cluia. Kmerson A Sons—Conta:—I hav* iininl your Ailniuinitine i ri nlnl i cment lo mend a shaft to my sleigh, which wn* broken off; and hnvlng Hie i liiih in dnib n-e lur evenil iiumth-, can teslifr U» iU exUemo sltungtli nnd leniuity.

V.uim, rosiieetfully, M. L. MARSII II..-1..11. Fell. Hth. 1B73.

Adnmontlna Cry.tal Cement U...-UenU have usetlyi "


the road to l^iwell anil luwrence. 70 aero*, the river, lying lielween Uu> river aud'lhe roml.

Wootl enough t<i home i.ui |">.-.'-,'2WI apple trees. Cut* IB tons Rngllnh, nnd B tons meadow liay.- Cherrle., gra-ies und ninail fruit*. Farm long and narrow, running along the river for a '■-" I.IHNI pnniui-iigc, gi-otl lanrf ~" trouble from ireshebt. tbu lielween Lowell and Law Lawrence; name irom IAIWCII. t.ooti uuiiumg II good conditluu, well feiiciHl with sbine wall. A good Fnnn, and onlv sold IHTBIIUS the owner fi>Iiisr w.<nt Price •Mbu. HUO" orwIdcJtejiii lie * inlelliiil.' time :M nn intere-l nl'7 i*r cent

Call upon PKDRICK A CLOSSON, Lawronc nraV

(I,! ruUsV

Nitrous Uxlde Cai

DYER A CO., No. 387 Essex Street, publish Hie only good Stereoscopic Views

All kinds of Scope* for sale.

17RANK KNOX.—Boots, Shoes and Hub- I bcrs of all kind* sold cheap Tor ra*h. Ite-

tB Ksnex Street, t limit nutiee.

I ]{S.,(. A. KNOX, LADIES FURNISH- . I INUUoods; alsoa Urge anaurtuwnt of Cor. seln. Mnil.'inie Fove'n Skirt Supporter* always on hand. Hoop Skirt* nuule to order, iil Ksaex St

D. YOUNG, PHYSICIAN and Office ami rcaldenoe, Ul Kastx

Street OlDce hours, 13 till 3 ami 0 Ull 0.

BALDWIN COOLIDOK, CIVIL ENGI NKKIt and Surveyor, tin Easex Street

At .-.■ on ■' evening*.


iiday, Tuesday and Thursday

I- < emeiit for the |iii-l three ulonUis, ■ IttheliestCe '

Yours, mil;, WAKHKK A ItlfHW.IMI,

Mauiifiuturliig Jewelers, 7TrtiuiOnt How, lb>*ton. Nowburyport, Teb. 7, 1S7S.

Mr. Kmcrifon A Hons-lienbi -I have trlml your \,|; inline livjul I Vincnl. nnd mu.l nny It Is HieliKarnrlh'lt-iil theliml that 1 have ever known, mid will do ull y.ui rifommt'iiil it to. having lieen thoroiighlv Uistetl bv lient and cold.

It Is bettor to kowp the bottle corked wlum not In use.

Sold by DYER l> CO., nml by nil Dnigglats lu Ijiwrencc and vlibiUy.

t;|IAS. KUEKSON A SONS. Oeneral Whole*nbr Vgentn, 37 Mcninwek street, llavuriiill, Mass.


LASS WARE, GOBLETS, lers, l'ib-lwrs, Preserve and Fruit Dlabes,

Ci'mdle Sticks, I'elm idn-mei-, soooii Holders, Flab liloaen, Hhaden for ft a\ Work, Ac. Sets of cheap ind cut gbiss. J. ('• hu" * to,, lim Essex St



For Invsntiout, Trade Mark*, or Dssign*, TO BUM M*i •ppualtc Kllby St., Boston, ifter an exbmsive practice or upward*^of thirty yenm, ctintinue* to aeenre I'nleiiU In the United MabMt also in tircat llriUin, France, and other foreign eoimti le*. Cnvciiln, Siieeifleatinnn, Assign- ments, and all paper* for Patents, executed on reasonable term-, « HI, di-piileh. I ten tnrc lies made 1 .fi.tmmelbetiili.lllt audulililt <>t Puteul - o lureutious, ami legal and oUwr advice rein eml In all llMtter* touching Hie. HIIHIC. Copies of the claim* of any Patent bv reiiiiulng one dollar. Anslguiin'iil- ree.nileil in H nnlilngto"-

»«-No Agencv in the I nile-l States possesses miierlor ftU'Hitie» I'.u nlilnining I'liteu n-i ■ r iniuiug Hut paU'iiUiblllly of inventlnns.

All necosslty of it journey M » ndiingbin bi nro- „tro a Patent, and tliu i ' here saved inventors.

STRATTON, BOOKSELLER and siiili.iner, Account Bonk Manufacturer.—

I'II|HT Hangings, Wlnduw Sltaden, Newspapers, etc. Ill Essex St Branch Store, I1A Essex St

LittU JmerU.—Mbw Elliot and BUM Alice Barlow, leacliern; emblem, pearls; nffcring, •lii.iw.

Tliis was a bum) ctoaa of MaUe girls, seated around tbe chancel, Who fang:

"When lie conH-Ui to make m» his Jewel.,"

Tk, l.iltlt Hniptrt.-UU* lAtmtt* Kay, teacher; emblem, sheaf of wheat; ijs|lii«. |i.K

(;..a«W .W*r«a»«t»T..-Ml*a Fsjaafa Hyd*, Maeaar; emblem, Bible and Prayer Baa*; ottering, ai. Motto: l". >e Into all the wortd, and preach tlie Oospel to every r mature.

SI. AuymtiHf f 7ns*.—Waa Ktta iletcher, leacher; emblem. Bishop's crosier; euutrtng, *l... Moll... Th.m, O l.i.rd, "

heart bt

WM. Works, Vine Street Dyei _

Yarns, Brnidn, and all kinds of Job Dyeing. _ nalalile go.nln ie-ilye.l and put In marketable onler.

HITTREDGK A BURNHAH, Fine W11ITTR i; ■ ■. ■ i . ■

TORN C. DOW A CO., (au^ceiwo™ to

and succennfur practitioners with whom I twve had official inteeconme. ■ ,_,

CHABLKS MASON. Coimnls'r of Patents. I hnve nu lu'slutlon in assuring inventorn that

they cannot employ a man «*»''■< nmptirnt ami IrtiMmu-My, nml i v eapal t jmt lug their n .- plicatlnm. In a lonn to secure mr tliem ar,.early -mi favorable . onniderall.m al tlie I ah-iii OnV-

KIiMCM' Itl'ltKK, f.atet''rorPalei "Mr. H. II. Knliv has matle for me over 1 HIBTI .

..pplleaUuna for PaU'ntS, having In-t-n nuecenslul In aliuont every cine. Such uiuiiMiiknlile P of great talent ami ability on his part. Icati* li recommend ALL invenl.n■.■. in apply t» him b> pro- cure their pntuiits, an they may IK- sure or having the .mint faithful atteiili.iHlH'"iott'fl on tlioir cases, .ml at very reasonable 1^ TA(J(;AKT.„

Tlostmi. Jan. L 19TS. Ittii

C C. BANCROFT, D. M. D., DENTI O* Office i 17 Essex Street Dr. Bancroft will lie at Hie ELM HOI'SK, In Andorer, Wr.liNUtHAt

eek uutil furtlier notice.



The morning, services at this place of worship were largely attentled, notwlUistamtlng Use severi- ty of Hie weather, the church being nearly 11 ted. Tbe chancel and altar were very prettily tlecorat ed in htm. ir or tbe day, the latter .»-... m* - ......... ful white cross, tastefully decorated wltb an Ivy vine and Rowers, and vases of calls lllle*. These MUea formed a proiulncii t feature of the floral dec uraUona, and added much to their beauty. Tbe frontal of the altar wa* trimmed wlUi amllax, rose bulls, fusohlas and orange blossoms, moat taste fully arranged. The reading desk was trimmed with i nil. .i.i- ami lilies, and tlie front of the pulpit was adorned with a cross composed of English violets. In front of tlie organ screen was a basket of bright flower*. Tho exercise* of Has forenoon won Inangui-anil by a processional hymn, and in- cluded the full Easter servbies. After tbe reading of the aecond lesaon Hie onliuance of baptism was administered to Iwo Infants, the nervier* being very Impressive. Tlw rector, Rev. Mr. Lee, preaehed a discourse from tbe text. Unman* v. 101

■For If, when wo were enemies we were recon- illed b> Ood by tlw tleath of bis Hon. much more,

being reconciled, wo shall be saved by his life.'' The sermon was lu keeping with the spirit ol

the day's exercbes. The preaclier said tho lest might be rcganled as obscure; that the distinction between reconciliation and salvation was of too ranned a character for tbe onllnary conoepUon. He did not, however, that It was to he so regarded, It waa addressed to the people of God In Home, to those who had been brought out of luxury, and to those who had been and were ataves. It waa addressed to all, and so we, at the present day should regard it as being addressed to us. Tbe lesson taught by tlie text, the preaclier showed, was Hint in tlie death of Christ we who were otherwise hia enemies were reconciled lo him, and in his resurrection we were saved to eternal life. If the death of Christ were a which weconld turn, our faith would bea< tiling. If we were to live only In the remembrance of a dead Christ all our penitence, love, gratituile and every other emotion of Hie human heart rush- lag out to Uod for bis goodness, would hick UM

vitality which It finds In his resurrection. The [ireacher showed at some length tlie nature of tho leliverance spoken of In tlw text The wonl used here la the same In tlw original as Untt used to sig- nify deliverance, in other parts of tbe Scripture*, from tlangor whether temporary or permanently existing. But when (tod has opened our eyes to see Just what danger we are to bo saved from, we du not fail to see Hie dlslmction Itetwoen reconrIl- lation by the death of Christ, and salvation, by bis reaurreellon, unto llle. ho tlie resurrection of Christ 1* only Important to us w lien we are recon- ciled to him.

In alluding to the purity ofChiat and bis human life, the preaclier said, oral! religions, only tlie re- ligion of Christ united (Jod with man; all other*. In trying to get near to Ood, were obliged to draw lurtlier from humanity, only in tlie Christian re- ligion are Clod and man united, it was not Chriat'B disembodied spirit but himself, tbe united Christ, that ascended to heaven; il waa he who walked and talked with nwn whose risen body tlie disciple* bad idcntltied with that which had gone Into the grave, who now *il* at Uod's right hand.

E. S. YATES, M. D., PHYSICIAN autl Surgeon.

Office, SOT K**cx Street, comer of Lawrence. Residence, 103 Concord Street


Office No. 1 Aiiplelou Street Office open at nil hours of night


117 Essex Ii W, A. Kluiball.


To the heirs at law, and others Interested In the estate of THOMAS BKNNKTT, late of Law- rence, In said county, wool sorter, duceasctl,

Wlmleas'. Amoroso Hosalter, executor of Hie hint mil iiud b'staii Vaiilileeen-ci.hii-i.ivi'i.t.- ,,,. 1 i unit of his a.lmliilrimtlon upon the estate of nald deceo-et!,

V.iu are hereby cited to Hion-itr lit n I nilwite Court, to !«• bi'ld at llavrrhill, lUM.idc its ol Essex, on the Thin! Tuesday ol May next, at nine o'clock lief.ire noon, to show cause, ir an) i.m IMIC. nln Il.e name should not lie allowed.

Aud tbe said exueutor 1* unwred to serve this citation In i.uhH.-hing lhe sum 'c a week, In the Lawrence American and Au.l.m r Adver User, a new*p*|>er printed ul Lawrence, three weeks successively, the la-l publication to lie U o ,lnvs, nl leant. iH'iore *aid Tueaflay.

Witness, ti.-i.rge F. I'lmaU-, K-p. re. Judge ol said Court, thl* second day of April, In the Ear miu thnu-niid eight hundred nnd seventy

rcc. *npll A. C. UOODELL, hUiaister.


C. K. 4 ]. P. 1'II.LSBUKY.

MACHINISTS. (Snr-cMBoni to Welxter, Du.Un VOM

MuniifW-tum. of

Cotton * Woolen Machlnory AMI

MACHINE W0I1K 0F.NE11AI.LT. •iLlh-y.. ,Jo»rlii. nn,l 8.u,rUo|(. Jar! Scrowi. Ill Xl, »l «*ii «l. '" »•*• " "it"!

tSKiSS" mil w*> *»» promptly and miUifutly.

Deab'rs In Manufacturer*' Hupptlea.

Foitsr't Building, Corntr of rranklin and Methuea Ittresl*.

ylsp- LAWHKltcr.-

irtunct, W. P. KImball.

W" IM.IAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturers of ___

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAPBRn Canal Steeet, lower eutl.


SI S.MKX ST., LAWKEKlt, MAM. Over Dyer A Co'

Poilralts and.Lanilsciiiie*. ^ JKU EHMI IHHKX ST.. I. t W lltM X.


Tin.OUsaandWo.alen Ware, tlOEiSKX ST.. luwrence. Moss. ^^^_^_


On Easterly sltlo of High Street, be Ween Ornvc ami PlaU stn-i-ln,a oneand n ''alf stoo-diiubb)

Nollrel* hendiy given that tlie subscriber has IMH-O tlulv itppolnicd ndniiiii.-lrnlrlx of tl,a estate of

Henry T. Leuvltt, late of Methuen, In tbu eolinly of Eaiex, hotel ki-eintr, .b-iwaso.1, ami liaa taken upon her relf liu>l II Kivim* I", as the law dirfcU. All persons having deinamls upon the estate of said deceased are reunited I" exhibit tlw mmej „,',) ,n |H., hiilcl.i.d lo said cnlate are called „,.,„, t.,make l-ymenlto y ^.^ A(,m.><

Methuen, April itli, l»73. Hapll

>0ST OFFICE BLOCK—The American Job Printing Office.

rooms In each tenement. lMn*"niid well, all on a line lot of laud HI fej*t on High Street and IW fret deep. Kooiu on lot to e.w-1 eotuige bouse to rent SaW premlaps rent now for eight and a half per cent on twenty-two hundred dollar*. Price %YHU.

Al«.a splendid bnlMhig h.t for gentlemen's re* id.-nci Viiioii Street, South Side.

Alnongraud . Iiaiice f.nneiiileuicn** residence* In lot* to suit went at Clover Hill. „„_^,

I,,, ml 1 u.lliisuae| .1 sad property ■■.pi, ..BALDWIN ClMlVllHiE.1 'Ivil Engineer ami Real Estate AgenL «W Kssea -Mnaet. !«• r?m,'eMnTghu: Monday. Tuesday and Thuiaday,


GH. TEHHETS t CO., Dry ami Fancy • ii.hidn, l«. Essex Street

The Low Price Stor I.mi ienee. (live us a call.


THE AMERICAN Steam Printing Omee. 1 I.IJI. ft. MKitmi.i. A umatum, fmJMt

Printers, Post Offico Blmk. Tlie nicerqualttkm of printing a specialty.

THE Sf Mi AI w Hi,. H. AtnUTeasAMV. Long ere the hour for tbe evening services,

throngs were wending tbelr way to Hie church, ami a full half hour before Uw smjfssj*SBBSBjsja«J every seat, except the reservation for the eUasea, was occupied, and tbe mauy who cauw tardily, thinking the severity of Uw weather would prevent a crowded service, were riim|iellrd to return, un- able even to' secure standing room In aisles or vestibule. Tlie altar was finely deeornU-1 with smllax and flower*, a iteantirul white cross, en- twined with buds and green being placed In Uw non-tie, with Utniiei* of rails* ou elUwr aide, and iinolher viltluu lhe foul.

The service* opened with the entrance of Uie boy choir, followed by tlie Sunday Htrhool, singing the processional—

"Christ the Lonl Is risen to-day." The service of evening prayer succeeded, one

or two solos by Master Fred Bevlngbm, and a duett by Fred Devington and Joe Cardln being rendered with special excellent^.

Tbo Rector, Rev. Mr. I J-C, stabnl that tin- appeal during the morning, for toutelbutiou* towanl* i he debt, had been generously responded to. anil gnve

thai Hie remaining man nf parish in woultl be speedily reinoveit; anotlH-r

eolwetion for this soume was token at Uw tin the service, and lhe amount of *I,'.I,I.I rra during the day for UlU object

Mr. Thomas llerlngton asnlstetl the rector I Sunday School exerclncn, KtaeUssea being called bi Utelr onler, two momlier* comlag furwanl w'"' with the offering aud emblem, the latter being calved by tlie rector and placed upon toe al within the chancel. The following wan tin* or.l

1'oMnp/ Catholin flaaa-W. II. Treat tea. her; i Idem, Tlie CreMI oiTerlng, WM

In nur hand no price we bring; Simply to thy CUO&S we cling,

snotlo: I believe In Uw Holy Calholk I hurt -I the Church of Um living (Jod, Uw pillar I ground of Uie trnth. This entire i lass of bids marched up UH-III

bearing a handsome gilt cross, and singing

"Rock of AgOS, elell for me."

Tbe emblem is lo remain In the rhunb.

The singing Idrdf,

A warbling band, And flowers, are words

That even a child eaa umlerstaad.

I'roct/ioH of Ikr Ihriilian IVnr.-Mia* Ward, teacher; offering, ***-

Emblems: Advent,—a trumset, Epiphany,—a star, Christmas,—er ngreens. Ash Wednesday,—Oraek eras*, Oood Friday,—cuts* and ernwn of


The emblems presented by Ibie class were est*e- clally preUy and appropriate.

shimng /.i{/*/».-MlH* Ella Jewett, taswher; em blem, five burning Upers; nBering, MoUo: Let your lbrtit so shine besnro men Uiat they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven,

line Timncae*,—Miis Annie Thomas, teacher; emblem, an Ivy; offering, ».v Motto: 1 am the true rim*, ye are the branches. lie that abldeth In me, anil I In him, Uw emu* bringeth forth much fruit, for »ilhoni me ye can do nothing,

SaWert of rftrisf.-Mb* Clara Itooth, teaclwr; embsent, a synod; offering, #7.01; Motto:

Soldiers of Christ, arise, And gird your armor on,

strong in UM strength which i-o 1 supplies Ttirongfi hla eternal Son.

fkihlremof the Kiun-s.—Miss llltehlngj, teacher, emblem, rod and staff; offering, f to. Motto: Thy rod ami Uiy staff Uwy comfort me.

Pnritg (Vim,-Miss Walker, teacher; emblem, basket of Biles; offering, »1-J..W. Motto: Consider Uw lilies of Uw field, l»ow they grow; they toll not, neither do they spin- And yet Solomon In all his glory wn* uot arm; ed like one of lhc*c.

Tlw floral offering wa* of great beauty, and ar- ranged with rare tasb-fulnens.

st. .l/iix-i t'lati.—Mr. Bacon, teacher; emblem, Agnus Del on a silk banner; offering, •i"..

Thin uuu* of young Indie-, dressed lu White, came up, singing:

"Agnes, fair martyr,"

carrying a benuUful silk banner, maroon, wilh the emblem richly enwmnght in white. St. JOIIH'I Chut. — Henry Speak, leacher; emblem

bread; offering, # t:t. Motto: Ulve u* thin day our dally bread.

A'aowleege /Mers.-Mla* Harriet Kay, teacher; emlilem, open Bible; offering, t'.'.mi,

Trarfllrrt to the /fofg .u/g.-Wis« Bevlngtoo, teacher; emblem, a gate; oJAvrlng, tU.W. Motso Strive totWAarnt at H» "traignt gate; ».. _.* r sar w- -— o-rar seek to enter In, and shall uot be able.

JtiscipU*.—Frmterlek liuller, teaclter; niiMetn, in.- barley loaves; offering, *r..:m. Motto: "Ami Jesus said unto tlinu, I am Uw bread of life, he Uiat cometli b> me shall never hunger, and Iw that belbrretii on uw sliall never Uilrst

liHins Sinyrri of lintel.—Minn Annie Beviugton, teacher; emblem, golden harp; offering, aj.77. M.iti.i: Praise tho Lonl upon the harp; >-ingto Uw psalm of thanksgiving.

Sees! Sosrer*.—Mr. Kenny, teiflwr; emblem, grain; offering, •t.Ss. Motto. But that on Uie good ground are they which. In an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit wlUi patience.

f-Art*rtou <traee*.—k. D. Blnnclienl, teaclter; em. blcui, monogram of anchor, cntea and harp; of- fering, tlTJm.

rroa* Afttrrr*.—Mr*. Fell, teacher; emblem, I oral cross; offering, am. Motto: Cod forbid that that I should glory save lu Uw cross of our Lord Jeeus Christ This class, In white dresses, came up togvthoi

bearing their elegant emblem, anil singing:

"Angels, roll the rock away." The emblems were exceedingly oppn.printe ami

tasteful, ami many of them of special beauty The cInner* Of Mr. MrCallus* ami Mr. Smith

wet* not prepared with emblem*, but contributed %7.70 and a:.tit respectively; Ua* amouut of tbe of fcrlngs was •x'

At ii"- ' "H' Li-Mi. of these services, Uw recto made an interesting tuMresa to the srliool: i ■•- he said, was constantly teaching by emblems there wow two ways of looking nt things; regard Ing merely the "iilwiiid appearance, and seeking for Uie Inward signification; Ute emblems pre- sented showed ilnii the scholars had sought for and under*total Uwlr bluer meaning. Oml teaches us specially in Uw seasons; some of Use younger ones, as Uwy saw the flower* fade, the grass w 1th

ami the leaf tall. Die preceding autumn, and Ute earth benome enwrapped la the cold mantle of Ice

w, may hare thought that there would more tnr.h beauty and life. Hut already,

even twneath Uw freshly fallen snow, tin* tender blade of Uw grass ap|iears la new hrlghUiess, and tho May flowers are peeping forth In sunny spot* with Uwlr beauty and fragrance. Thus Ood teaches of the lift, to come; the herbage and tho flower- afford grand symbol* of Uie ienurrectioii nnd life to come. Death Is only the gateway to the eternal lift.

Tbe several emblems were reviewed am) Uw symbolic lessons explained; Uw lowers or spring with Uwlr glad suggestion* of the re-awakened lift and glories nf Heaven; theJ^reed, giving lift, Christ alone being the Bread ef Eternal Life; Uw Halnts, whose noble lives affonwd us such less of In i oisiit and fidelity; tin* Croaa, Uw great Mem of Christianity In all Uw world, recalling Uw great sacrim-a for nt, of tbe Son of Cod, and Uuuthing u* to present our lives a I...1. and ac able sacrifice to Oml.

The prise* will be dlsteihnted hereafter exenlaea closed wlUi singing,

" He Is risen."

es. The choir than sang "Gloria in Exivh-i*," wltb grand effect.

Dr. Packard said each of tbe cvantellsts had written an account ot the resurrection of our Saviour, and although all were different, each agreed, and tbe whole taken together furnished all the knowledge of the great event which tbe Scriptures contained. Rex-Ration* would lw given by the Mrhath scholars, In which Hie account of cacti of the evangelists, of Hie resur- rection wonld be given. Tbe boys of the ttebool, then, aronpted by 1. M. Wbeaton, the Hat it tat h tchooi superintendent, recited Mat

u* far thee, thew's a*>*oimt; tbe class of Mr-. Knund.-r* ibe rest! In time. account giren by n,,-,. tue f (ri. of the Sab-

Parker, teacher; |»nh ttchnol, the account (jlven liy John, and tbe class of* Mr. Ran rider* the account given by Mark. Thla exercise was fallowed by the sing- iiu of another carol;

'■JennsHveaMlDayoflwy.r U lad we bring our gratelul praise; He is risen) Uoao the gtoom, AngeU *it within the tomb. Vain the taunt of Jew denying, Vain the vaunt o'er Jeans dying, Heavenly voice* from the grave, Now proclaim His power to save."

Dr. Packard then explained that it was cus- tomary nt this lesson An- the various Sabbath school classea to present offering*, for spec I Bed purposes; the offering this year wa* for foreign mid domestic missions, but It did not include all that had lieen glren by tbo children during the year for the pnrpoae mentioned. The clans'

then called up by Mr. Wbeaton, In tho order which follows, each presenting the initial loiter of tbe class, or emblem, with tho oflcrtng. Mr. Whcaton read the name of tlw class, lhe amount of oiTerlng, and Rev. Dr. Packard read tbe motto, and commented thereon :

Cleanse us With purifying lil.nsl, In spotless robes array.

Ami thus thine image on U* *Uraped, ' Transport ua to Uw shore,

Where not a stroke is ever felt For none Is needed more."

There were those of tbe female »ex, who were associated In Temple worship of which we bare an instance In Anna, the prrmheteu, and though tho members of the class may not feel called to that special duty, there la alwaya some work tu do to advance Oml'a cause. Children qf lhe llrturrettUm. Mis* Lawrence

teacher; Initial letter, It; offering, tt.tD. Motto: I am the Resurrection and tbe Lift."

" I am Uie BenuiTPction, near Mm saying, 1 am the Lift, he who believes hi Mo

shall never die, Um souls My call obeying soon where 1 oat, forever more shall be.

Children of ike ffr1*- l.ii/ht Mis- Maunders, teach- er; initial; amount of offering a:.*.. Motto i ■' I'lu-ii spake Je*u* again unto them, saying. I am the Light uf the World , he that followeth Me shall uot walk In darkness, but shall have Uw light ofllfr. "Lead kindly light amid Iheenclrcllng gloom;

Lead Hutu me on; Tlie night Is dm L, ami I am tar from home,

Lead thou nwon; Keep thnu my feel; I do not ask to see Tlw distant scene; one ate)i enough fur me."

In commenting on the motto of the class, Dr. Packard said, the portion of ttcripturc from which It waa taken designates what the light Is. Jesus tame Into the world tu enlighten It. Ho I* the true light, the only true light that can guide ua lo peaee and rent. If we follow that light, and allow ourselves to b.* guided by It, wc shall never go astray.

tW.'rW rtos*.-Mi*- Pay tie. ton.-hcr; Initial letter 4); offering, AIL MoUo: "Tlw Loni Is risen indeed."

Christ tbe Lonl Is risen again Christ lias broken every etiaiu; Hark, angelic voices cry Slnglng ever more on high

Alleluia. It Is II tnith.sal.l Dr. Packard, that Christ did

break tbe bands of death, and rotne forth from the tomb. Let us so lire and act, that when we rise wc shall rise as he rose, to everhutin'r life. Spring /I/HSMSU.-MI** Packard, teacher; initial

letter, fj offering, glOJw. Motto: .li-nus said; "Miffer little.■hildreii l,. cine unto Mr."

"Opened early In life'* spring time, By thy quickening rays,

Let thy tender care enfold us

O Thou Holy Love Divine, Our watchful guardian be,

Wlwtiwr gaUwred home as bud* ". aalkw rroil In Uuw "

Commenting on the name uf tbls rbu*, Dr. Packard said. How beautifully spring blossoms

the eye; how wo long and look for them, and how glad we arc to see tbo buds unfold and hlooaom Into flowers; and we may Itelievc that Jeans to looks upon children as tbe Imds which will ttlosaom to hi* praise and glory. *

/:<„,!„ /{,■!,■<,--. «li ..- Taylor, teaclter; InlUal let ter, R; offering »i.-Vi. MoUo: "For If there lie first a willing mind, It is accepted according to Hint a man balli, ami not aceonllng to that a man hath not,"

"No act fall-, fruitless, nnne can toll How vast IU power may be;

Nor what result* unfolded dwell Within It silently.

Work, ami despair not, give thy nftte, Nor rare how small It be;

Hod is with all wlm serve the right. The holy, true, and free."

How much truth there Is in the lines | we can all do something, even the children can do something lo advance the cause of Christ, and no act which is done with flic design of advanc- ing tbe truth Is done in vain.

Tl>r,,„lt .■ft;,.l.l. Mi,.. ILnt. lotchci , Initial let- ter, T; offering, e:t. MoUo: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor ns Uiy- scir.*1

■Love is Uw golden chain Dial binds The happy souls above;

And tw's an heir of Itravcn Ulal And* HU bosom glow wlUi love."

Love, aaid Dr. Packard, is the main thread. Faith, hope, charity, and lovu are all essential elements ol chri-iinuiiy, but hive Is tlie chief in the formation of the Christian character.

Grace Church.

The exercises at Ihi* church during the day were moat interesting, and consisted of morn- ing scrrlce, at which the iclutnatkin of the Holy Communion took place; an evening service at seven o'clock, and'Nutulny school exercises nt three o'clock in the aiicrnaon. The services during tbe day were largely attended. Tlie floral decorations of tbe church were very beau- tlfni, tho altar being fairly ca1**wcrad In flow- ers ; a beautiful noral cross was tmispkruoai on the altar. The baptismal (bat Was filled with choice bowers which shed a delicious fragrance. Tho music during the day was moot choice, the the regular choir being assisted by a uumWr of ladies mid gentlemen from other churches.

nu: stimuli HiHiKiL BUuClak* were held In the afternoon, and were largely attended. They consisted of the usual Pjtster Sabltath School service-, und ware opened by a voluntary on the organ Ir* Mlw LUilc Read, after which a rami wn» mug by tlie children, led by Uie organ and a choir of ladles, Mr. 11. C. Parsons also taking part, tinging the tenor. The carol was, "O, stag unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done murvetaas things."

"Alleluia! Alhlula! AlleluUt- The strife I* o'er, the baltta done; The of tlw 1 ""I » won; Ok let Uw stmg of praise be sung.

Attends P

Prayer Was Ihcnoffcrol by Rtw. Dr. Packard, after which a second carol, "This i- the day whleli the has nude, we will rejoice and he glad In II," was sung- The collect for Ras- ter followed, which was supplemented by the earth" Paalm, the children altering lhe rctpons-

OOMI .S-Jtrplnr-t Miss Bidder, teachcr leUer, S, offering, * '. MoUo: " I inn ihe i."inI Shepherd, ami know my --1. ■ - J ■ i ■. ami am kuowu of mine." There Is no more Itcauliful representation of

Christ Hun that which shows him to us as a Shepherd. Perhaps thl* truth Is not so forcibly Impressed upon us here, as It is among the dwel- lers In the East, where the shepherd I* so cart- ful ol his sheep, and knows every one of them, carsjHnlly the lambs, and they know him and goto him, al the sound of hit voice. And that la what Jeans wants us to do, to go to him. If we strive to do as he commands us wc may took upon ourselves as the sheep and latnb* of hla Hock, and as Mich be will care for u*.

A'amesl IFortVr*.—Miss Cobuni, toucher, initial letter, E; offering, to. MoUo: "Our rest Is lu Heaven."

"In the vineyard »f nur FaUwr, Daily work we Ami to do;

Scattered gleanings we may gather, Though we are but young and few;

l.iltlt* Clusters Help to Ull Uw granaries, b>o."

Our rest Is in Heaven. The name of tho class implies that there Is no rest here; here Is w here we have to work, while tt Is yet day ; for the night comelh when no man c*n work. In working wc shall in: blest, and If our work here shall >« for the right, our rest shell!* In Heaven. l.-nHtf I'il'jiiwi: Ml** Packard, teacher; em

Idem, Cross of flowers; offering, (.".. Motto: I will keep thee In all places, whithet thnu giwst

"The path Is rough, my Father, many a thorn Has pierced me; awl my weary feet, all torn And lib-.-.ling, mark Uw way. Vet Ur) command

press forward; Father lake my liaml. Hum -nic ami blest Lend up to rest

Tin' The path i, rough, my child; tail oh) how sweat Will lie the rent, for weary plbrrim's meet; When thou nlinll reach the Ixtnler* ol that laud Tn which I lend IIice an I take thy hand.

An.t With me shall rest

. My child." • 'I'll.- cuihicn.) of tbls elas* ii tlw Cross. There

is IKHIC trnire slgitllicaut to point ou I the way In whkh we should walk. Tills emblem has been a signal for the (hritdiati ever since Roman ompemr saw the sign of the Ornaa in the *ky, and felt that he swOwtd nmipior by It. If wo accept tho Cross a* nur emblem nntl go roovatd.wa shall gain lhe rt-td which is the re ward of those who take Wf the Cnaw ami l.dli.w Christ. , lUtnghtrrM nf ihr Temple. Mrs. Cogswell, tench

er; Initial letter, 11; offering, tl.*'. The small nr.snfihc offering I- accounted for by Uw fae that Uw cbts* has recruit) I wen formed. Motto: Thaiaur .taiighlcrn may Iwas pollslwd comers of Ihe Temple.

" I .or d chisel, .'Iri ■ t. n. i" 'li- b K».-h blemish wash away ;

The mystery of lira ami death Is main; Now to the grave we can iwsceiul unfearing,

la sure aad certain hope to rise Strain.B

Tbe Saviour proclaimed the great truth of the Res u rivet Ion, and proved it In himself; he proved it in raising Lamms from the dead. We may take comfort In tbe thought that be Is able to raise ua, and though wc may not lie In the grave, though like those who suffered by the recent sad disaster on the coast of Halifax, oar bodies may not lie in the earth, yet when he iball raise us II will be all the same. Let us look to Him now, olicy and serve Him so that when He calls na it may be a happy calling.

f. Thereto. — Mrs. I'Ummliig-, leacher; initial let- ter,. T; offering. 01. Hi, Motto: This ia my comiaandment that ye love ohe anotlter as 1 nave loved you. The true proficiency of the soul consists, not In much thinking, but In much loving. "We mus; tblnk much and we must also tore

much," was the comment or Dr. Packard.

IIMop Xerig.—Ur. Duraut teacher; Initial letter, N; offering, *■'. lo. Motto: He gtveth |iower to the faint; and to them (tint have no might he lum'asclh strength. Uie yuuUi ahall ftlni and Iw weary, awl Uw young men nliall utterly fall. Hnt Uwy that wait upon lhe Inwd shall renow their strength; Uwy nliall mount up with wings as eagles; Uwy shall run and ma Iw wear}'; and Uwy -hull walk, ami not mini. "Bishop Neely," said Dr. Packard, "is a Bish-

op of Maine. In 111* work he Is called upon to exercise the principle Involved in the word*, They that wait upon the Lonl,' mid l* strength-

ened for his duties thereby."

UHuoflh* VaUtg.—Miss Heed, teacher; letter, H; offering, tn.'ni. MoUo: The flowers appear on tbe earth; tlw time or tbe singing of bird- U come. "There la nothing more beautiful," comincnt-

cd Dr. Packard, "than the lilies of the valley. Our Lonl tells us that even Solomon In all hi* glory was not arrayed like one of these. They show forth the handiwork of God. How bcaii- ilful are flowers; how bcantiruHy they are col- ored ; tbe very humblest of tbrm proclaim the l*iwcr aud goodness of Ood."

Helping snares My Bishop, teacher; Initial let- ter. 11; offering, ti.M. Motto; As every man hath received Die gift, even so minister tlw same one to another, nn good •toward of the manifold grace of (iml.

largely Thnu givest gracious Lonl, largely thy gifts shouMhc restored; Freely Thou givest, ami Thy word I* "freely give," He only who forget* to Iward lias teamed to lite,

hat the L'„ iful to tllm, more

gratelul than we are; He keep* ns; gives us lift and every good gift which we enjoy. Then ua He has given us freely, so should wo freely give of that which ire rnfej AR- ttn •*■•>*■»* ment of Ilia count-, tlw cause of Christ's Church.

Cheerful f.'srera.—MIss Morrison, temlwr; Ini- thiHetter, C; offering, a Mil. MoUo: The I..mI loveUi a cneernil giver.

i ,l..i., glory to our King, i r.HI n- unfading wrrattw his Iwad;

Jesus is Um name wo sing; Jeaus risen from the dead;

Jesus conqueror o'er Uw grave; Jesus mighty now to save.

Itn/tilreri After Trvlh.— Mr. Bell, teat tier; lid- tlal Idler, I; offering, *i.iB. * Motto: I am the way, Uw truth, and Ihe life.

■I'le HI art Uw Way, Uw TruUi, Uw Life, Orant us thai Way to know.

That Truth to keep, Uiat Lift to win, Who*o Joy* eternal flow.

"The earnest iiupiircr after truth," said Dr. Packard, "will Und IL Ood has promised it, if we Inquire earnestly, Ininostiy, heartily; and making such the guide of our life we shall m- cr wander iuto error.

MttBenger* nf l'rnce.J-Un. Barton, teacher; em- blem, a wreath; offering, tv , MoUo: Behold, I will send my messenger Iwforc my face, and be shall pre|iare Uw way la-fore me, and Uw Lord whom ye seek BIUIII suddenly come to his temple, even Uie measenger of Uw covenant whom ye delight In: Behold, he shall romn, saltii Uw Lord of Hosts. "The emblem of the class," said Dr. Packard,

specially refers to the grand result of our work- ing. It Is the badge of the conqueror. In an- cient time* the wreath was often contended tor, and wa* highly prixed. And if a fadiug wreath wns held III such high esteem and wa* so eager, ly sought, bow much more should we seek after a wreath unfailing and eternal."

Packard, " 1* a moat beautiful type of the ros- ■rreclioii, tho bnttcrtly springing Irom the lily. I suppose," he coatlnaed, "then* is not n child hid know* bow the butterfly is formed ; what bangea It must pass through berbre It takes

wing and soars away. This emblem teaches n* that, If we believe, we shall come up at tbe res- urrect ton. It may he that we shall not have tbo body we bare now; this is; called an evil body; that will I* u glorious body; we ahull ho like Christ; when he doth appear we iball lie like Him. This beautiful emblem teaches us

important lesson. .*.''. IgmitlHt.—Ur. Sauiidcrn, teacher ; Initial let

ter, I; offering, ::'.-". * Motto: That ye stand nut lu one spirit, with one mind, striving together for tlw faith of Uw gositeL Our help i* in tho name of tho Lord who hath wmhti hnarajs lid mfjm , Hli! iguWnsTliflaW. TfiJ'knlU, ■■ tWWhT

of the early follower* of the Lord Jeans, one of the moat sincere christkuu, and a distinguished

tan of hi* time." This finished tho classes, A* each had come

ap and presented Its offering and the initial let- ter of the class, Rev. Mr. Starrilt affixed tbe let* ter to tho front of an art h spanning the entire width of tho chancel, and high enough to re-

cal tho altar with Its beautiful floral decora- tion* behind. When all the letters had lawn placed In position they formed tbo words, CUBIST TIN: I.IIMII ia UIMN. Dr. Packard asked tlie scholars what the tetters meant after being put ID place, and the children responded with one voice, CHRIST THE LORD IS R1SUN. Scarcely had the sound of their voices died away, when the organ burst forth In triumphant tones, and the choir and scholar* rising, sang, the carol with jubilant voices:

" Chriit Uie Lonl I* risen to-day, Son* of men and angel* say: Raise your Joya and triumph* high, Hlng, ye heavens, and earth reply."

Tlie climax of the exercises hail I wen reached. The song was a grand, glad hurst of triumph and prulsc, and the effect was almost overpow- ering; tho deep, rich tones of the organ pealing out tbe triumphal ioig, the joy lrrcatlilng through the music, infused Itself into Ibe voice* ol the niiitfcls, and c\ nltation, jriv, |>i ,ii-c. gushed forth iu barmoulous volume. Pace* which, a moment before, hud worn an expression of in- difference to tho exercise*, IwcaiilC animated;

were lighted up with holy enthusiasm; every heart waa thrilled, and It was felt that

Christ hail risen Indeed." Following the carol. Dr. Packard briefly

spoke of the Inclemency of the weather, and Its effect upon the exercise*. He regrutlcd il, as it kept the feeble In health nt home, and perhaps diiuui'minted many children who hoped to participate In the cxeniscs. It hail l KIII n dark day, n cloudy day; but If there were no clouds Iwtwecn thorn and Him, In whoso honor the services were held, if tho Hnu of Righteousness bad not been orllpscd, it was well with them. As long ns HI* light shine*

(ton the soul, tho cloud* which olMCure torrent rhi I skies need give no grief. That tight may sblne upon the soul* of nil. I he rays of the sun cannot bo made lo shine hpM any par- ticular spot unless tint *|Kit i ■ exposed to them. So thr-Jight of Christ can only shine upon tlie soul when wc arc willing. My chil- dren, He 1* willing to In* your guide, to keep you In tho way of life, to guard you and protect you always, n'«.i ic r.iVl,r-i t„ in., M i.t. »on to Himself at last. 0! (hat we may all ad so Hut we shall Iw made partakers of Hi* glory.

After the singing of another carol, '• The world, itself keeps Ka-ter Day.

And Kinder Ban nra ■■nuiir.*. And Kaster flow'rs are blooming goy,

And Kaster hud* are springing," the exercises closed with the Lml'* prayer.

At the Unilani Clinch

future as He deserre*. Thus will you proflt by HI* resurrection.

Al the end of Mass the l'mml IwnedlcUon was Imparted by Uw pn*l..r.

ArTXIt!flM>S-. The services consisted Of solemn Vesper*. Cel-

ebrant, Itev. J. P. Oilmore; Deacon, lb-1. R. Dray; sub-dencun, Bev. J. J. Dowles. The elm ir was directed by Uw accompli»hed ocgnaiat Miss Walsh. Tbe musk on Ibe occasion was of Uw finest order. A collrciloa waa taken up for Uw new parsonage, aad we are glad le state a hand- some sum wa* realised.



Weekly %\^iWevSSj/i. a A T u ROAy*

A.-piuw.ill dales oi the .'Hh inst., received hv way of Havana, ray the ckv of ban Salvador, capital of the Central American Republic of •hat name, waa destroyed bv no earthquake, •auslng terribli! loss of lift." Eight hundred MTKMM perished, and Property valued at »I0.- MKl.tMJu was destroyed. The earthquake was followed by a conflagration, and many build- ing* were dratroyed,

Friday morning, John Kennedy attempted to murder bis wife and daughter at San FruiicK- iti. He attacked them with an axe, and Inflict ed terrible wounds on tho wife. He then lh*- tcned JI rope nliont bis own neck, and Jumped out of a window of Ihe second story of the house, and hanged himself.

There has lieen a revolution In I'anama in favor of r\-President Correoso. President Nic- va is n prisoner. It Is enld that be secretly sus- tains the revolutionists, who are In poaaruloti of everything. No live* were lost. Cktercoso i. pert ul in an i.e at Panama mi the 14th inst.

lhe lH*niocrats hut had control of lhe Cm nectb-ul In'gi-daiiire In 18.M, when Ihe laic Thomas II. Seymour was Oovemor. The n- m-al of tbe Missouri Compromise- by Congress In (lie February following awejsl every free state Irom Democratic control.

White the Kngllsh detectives, who came ove t the Hank of Kugland forgery rase, were see-

ing the light* In New York fhe'other night, one ol them was robbed ol his watch and pocket- book and Uie papers for Ihe extradition of Hld-

.11 at Havana. Smith Hilton, an employe In a cotton mill at

Kxctor, N. IL, on Thursday evening beat hi* Ife SO IHMII.V that her life wn* despaired of, li'- Hi-r she soiled a table cloth wlUi some grease. e was arrested. The < 'ai list- have met with a severe repulse

niter lighting u whole day. The government I* u-iu;: strong niijaaurcato check the in-uno Hon.

Three men were terribly burned bv an explo- sion Bt the Meir.i|M.litnu tins Work* iu San "rant'lsco, Kridny evening.

Heavy floods have recently prevailed lu soiitlMin New York, causing considerable dam age to life and property.

The Apache raid* In Mu-tican Territory an* unntHitctl and murders and rolilicrics arc u( fre- i|uent iKcurrcnce.

Owli|g to lhe scarcity of money, work has been mopped on all the railroad* of Peru but two.

Yesterday, Iwlug Good Friday, there were no stock or gold quotations.

The Monuimi Intend establishing scHlcmenis in Aritona and in the Apache county.

The horse disease 1* alarmingly prevalent Iu some part* ul Mexico. Friday was generally observed la New York and Urooklyn.

iwule, the Rxeter bank defaulter, Is said to bo iu Culm.

Victor Kinaitucl will attend the Vienna Kx-

AHers of CHrts/.-Dr. .1, Q. Adams, teacher Ulal letter, S; offering, ri. Motto: Thnu llwrefnre endure hnnlness as a good ■■"lilicr of Jesus t'hrlst.

Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war,

With UieVroM* nf JMHI

i.olng on beflwr; Clirial, tbe if... at Master,

1 .iml- against Uw foe, full, aid Into liattie

See bis lain tier* go. "When one Iweome* a soldier In an army he

is expected to Iw talthrnl lo the standard under which be fights. Ho In Ihe Christian warfare we Iwconw Milliter*, anil as In other armies, we du not always remain faith ful. Rut as soldiers of Christ wc should remain faithful; we should lie proud to tight under such n captain, sin h a leader a* Christ. l..-t us then lie faithful sol- IHCT* of the cross."

-MISS I'.ilia. Ic.irliel , t«s* ./ the llrennrilintUm. Initial Iciier, It. offering, #.;. MoUo: OiatwaslnChrlsl, reconciling Ute world unto himself, not ImpuUng their ten pannes unto them; and halh . .unuiltt.d nnln u* Uie work of reconrJIiaUon. And, hat IIIK made I-ace titrougli the 1.1 1 of

Ills oroas, by him to reconcile nil Ihlngi unto


Tho word ol reconciliation waa n in unit toil to the aiHMtles, vix: that Ood wa* In Christ recon- lliug the world lo Himself. We should llslrn o Ihe word of reciMiclliatitai and listening, ibey—strive to receive the message that Ood

tan pardon our sin* through Christ and save our ■ "ul-.

ImmantHtt Clntt.—Mr 1'illnhury, teacher; Initial tetter, 1; ottering, aoja, UoUO t 1 go to prepare a place tor you; arise sad hcurl; If thou ibwt not witiintaml, ChrM't i. -uric, lem Mine may

" If wc receive lhe trulli," Mid Hr. Packard, " it will U' u blessing lu ns. He has gone tit prepare a place for us, Wc cannot enter Into it unless wc love and oln-y Him."

Katftr CloM.-JIrn. Ktiundent teaclwr; initial let- ter, K; offering, *.'■-, emblem, "Tlw Illy and Ibe butterfly." Motto: Know y« n<H thai no iimuy of us were baptizeil milo Jesus Christ were iMpllaed unbt his death. Therefore we are hurled wilh Htm by Itaptism unto death, that like as Christ was raised up from Uw nasal by Uw glory of 11.<- Father, even .... «e id-., should walk in newness or lite. I oi it ».' have been planted logeUwr in the like u»*s of 111* deaUi we sliall lm alto iu Um like- no** of His resurrucUun.

If indeed our Lord be risen, 1*1 u* rollow in hi* way,

Krom ihe of dentil's dark prison. I.. r u* rise wlUi fin., to day.

hlng again the Kaster story, siHiut His triumph, sing llbigtory.

■■ t '■■■■■ '■■■ "t "■■' '! ■-■ commented Dr.

The services lu eoiiimemiuorali. Kaster Similar w ere deferred, on account of Hie severe storm, and in Uwlr stead were held the regular service* or Uie church, the pastor preach- Ing an appropriate and eloquent discourse In tin- morning, from Um tost found In St. John II: tf: "fain Uw resurrection ami Uie lit*; Iw that lie be .-Hi in me though he were dead, yet shall he live." A siterinl feature at thl* church ia Uie choir, which I- com|H>*fd of jiiale mice*, ami tiwir *ing Ing, always c ice I lent, waa unusually flue upon Ihis occasion, special preparations luting lieen made ba t'n- event. During Uw services Uw rendered with flue effect an nnttiem en 111 led »IHoria," the recent BtJDmmjgnM of Mr. S. A. Kills. also an original hymn, by the some author, called "Clarke,""—In eompflineiit to Mr. Fred K. Clarke,— which was sung In excrUent taste. The oholr is eompoaed of Messrs. Teter NmlUi and Fred. K. CUrke, as Ural ami second tenor, ami Kverard II. Kelh-y ami John Kdwanla B* Oral ami second Itaas. In tlw evening was to lucre been a Habliatli •ehnol enterlnliimeoi, tor which extensive ar- rangement* had Iwen made, but in IU plare wa* held a regular service, Mr. Haydrn itellvering a brilliant and powerful nitdre**, which slimild Iw Itetencd to by a far larger congregation than was iin n present.

TltK IHUHUITIIINS if tlw church were most pn>nisely and taste-

fully arranged, ami presented eaa or Uw most at- tractive Aural display* we ever witnessed in a church. Tlie apeaker'a desk and platform pre- senteil a peasant: Imwer, tlttt profushm of choice plant* and cut (lowers sending through tlw audi- torium a delft lou* f>agrnnre Unit was most en- chanUng. AmWsl this Imwer tlw speaker wns almost hidden from tlw view of llw nudlenre. Itesllng niton Uw platform Immediately in front of the pnlplt, ami reaching far NIMITC It, waa a Iwau- Uful call* Hit, while upon either able, to the end of the platfonn, wa* tastefully arranged rare plant*. Upon each end of the .leak, were large nnd elegant bomjefj of rut (towers, and uimn the wall Just Intel, „r Uie desk wns suspended a large cm**, made fr many varieties of eul flower*. and giving line effect, A wreath of Japonltas ami

iiiniii,.-. surrounditl tin- ItapUntnal fiml Immedl itely In front or Uw desk, which waa Intended to nave been used, ami which wonld have formed n Iwautiful fttature of Uw morning scrrlce, had

weaUwr prevented. Akuul Hie ctiureh, ■ pemlitl from each window, was n linnging pL

ween Uw windows, from tlw gas jels, were tastefblly fi'*pH)iird an almndatice of laurel. A large number of plaut* were lumlslwd r>nni llw reiblenee of Mr. H. II. Ilarfai, will!.' to ltd- gen- tleman ami Mrs. Fred K. Clark, Is due the credit

arranging ssj fine a floral display.

St. Mary'a Church.

The services at this church con*l*ted of sol High Macs at to \ ."'' bsk, by Iter. R. Ilray a* Celeltrnnt, asslste.1 by Iter. J. P. Ullmiwe a* Dee- con; Her. J. J- Howies as sub-Deacmi. It>'v. Wm. Harnell Master or ccrommiies. Tlw serimm was prcael.e.1 by tlw pastor, Iter. J. P. I ill more, Ir lie ii.Hi verneoftlui iM.-.-uib chapter of

st. Luke. " leu seek Jesus of Naiarctli, who was crucified; Iw It risen; Iw Is not Imre."

ConsoUng Indeed were tlwae titling- Apostles, wtin I time i -, had seen Uwlr

UtU and Master led through Uie itreetl or ,1. -ul. i the place .if cuecutiou. HI* enemies Imaglnml that Uie Ignominious dentil to which Christ had Iwcii condemned, place.I a sllgiuo up- on hi* charm ter which would never Iw removed, toil In His glorlou* Irl ph over death Heshowe.1 conclusively Hi* omnipotence and pro veil Hi* divinity beyond * doubt, roll vine Ing even those ninmigsl His follower-who wrtvorad III the least. Tlw resurrection of lliri-l is Uw 1.0*1* or faith, the gr idworkor our boiw. the rim lion of our chnrity. For, says BI. I'aul "If Christ bo nut rl*eu again our I'ailh Is vain." Christ risen fr.niiUH'ib-n.1 I* Uw nrst fruit* of Uiem thai sleep; bt Him nil •shall again Iw mule nlite.1

Cor. XV I If we would risegloriutiB as Christ we must live in a manner conformable to ..ur Moral obligations; we panel nbserve faithfully the du- ties of our *te.te In life, and prow by our lives that we ore followers of Christ crucified, not only In word but In deed. Joyful Indeed should we

Hd- .lay »" hel merry of n loving

Small pox has e,,.t this State about flOO,- 000.

There i* no htipe flir iwace with the Modors.

MONDAY. The crew of Ihe brig Frank, from Tamp

Hay, Florida, to New Turk, report a singular eccldeut which oceurrt'd during lhe voyagr. On the 3rd insiunt a \*rgv meteor pased rlosc orer Ihe vessel. After il in id dlsa|nwervd a long tall, or streak of light, waa visible iu the course which it took across the firmament. This lu- minous up'iciiiuiicc lasted almiti half an hour, and as It vattUhcd it assumed the funn of Ibe letters C. W.

A blot for « general Jail deliver}- ot Hfver llcad, L. I., was frustrated Friday morning by the deputy HherifTs wile. All tbu padlocks on the cell* were found unlocked, and numerous tool* and skeleton keys were discovered. The ringleaders In the plot were three Imprisoned New York burglar*.

Nkrnan Itlrosawa, a young Japanese-noble- an, died on Wednesday at Brooklyn, where > wa* pursuing his similes at the Pulvtechnlc

Instltnte. Ho was the eldest sou of liirusawa Hioske, one of the most eminent ami popular statesmen fn Japanese history.

Charles r-chell, residing at West Forly-flrat at red. New York, had his throat rut from ear to ear by three unknown men in a store at the

T of Sixty-second street and Tenth ave- .__, Saturday night. Mr hell expired at once. Ills murderers escaped.

'•.ii.iioi Patterson of New Hampshire, will ihortiv publish a Imtcli of dtwunmnta, Including a letter from Horace A. Clark, to substnntisic Ills statements regarding hla connect km with the Credit Mottillcr.

The Modocs lutvc killed Gen. Canhy, and Dr. Tbotuas of the peace nun nils* loners, and the Mottoes arc to lie exterminated.

The friend* ol Nixon, tho wmvk-tod New York murderer, dance in a Dowcry hall i<.■ night fur the benelltof Id* family.

Nashua, Ia„ Is to have a wagon factory, an iijrvi. implement factory, and n hub and poke factory. Rolwrt I'lercc of Caiwden iuur.lere.1 his wire

on Saturday night; he has not yet Iwcn nrresl- ed.

A flcrtnan lawyer has luecn aentencctl to im- prisonment for llkdllng ihe Rinperor William.

A Methodist church in PetteriMm, N. J., fell ou Friday, killing n Mm mason.

Deliver, Colorado, is biking nil advanced place among (he cities of the west.

President Orant hail a sevrre attack of ill- ness on Friday night.

A testimonial to Rev. Mr. Ancient baa been started In New York.

Rheumatic fever is what's lhe matter wilh the Pope.

Fronde decline* an election to Parliament. Florldinn* are revelling In picnic parties. Then* are pros|wet* of uu Indian war. Another Atlantic rattle is licing laid. Michigan Is to have a glass factory. Tbe 1'opc I* raid lo lie dying, Stanley has gone to Kumpr. Tea is going up. (told list-

TUESDAY. .. ..lystirious occurred on Suiuidnt

night, nt Ci|... Jioiimln lighthouse, H. c. Mrs. Johnson, wile of lhe kiipcr, was found dewl, with her throat rut from cur to car, and a ru/.or :iiid revolver lying bv her side. A Urge sum of mom-)', »hh h the deccaaed hud lately drawn from the Imtik, is missing. It is not known whether she wa* murdered ur committed suicide.

Two flennans employed nl Iko Now York i..i- work*, ou leaving fiir home Sunday even- ing, were attacked by strikers, and lu defending thctnaclvc* frmu the mob they shot lhe leader, named Mooney, i|uit« seriously. The inob f.-ll iiimiilliem, nml would have killed both bul for

'-' of the police, who arrentrd three leaders

' It seems thnt Mr. Meacbam was ItniwcfMil from the first that the Mm Iocs meant treachery, and when he left this city several week* ago, he ..,1.1 I., a friend ti. whom he was bidding adieu, "(l.ssl bv, mv friend, you may never sec Me again- I am going on n very haxanious Mitt r- prl*e."

Charles Srhchl, tin* Ocrmnii who was report- ed as having Ills throat cm fr.Mii ear to ear by Hirer unknown men, Saturday night, it is now Mated suicide, and told. In his dving moments, Ihe story lhat he had lain rubbed nml murdered.

The lloalon Herald thinks il l» worth the con- sideration of a Christian people, whether wc could not last avenge Oeii. Cant.y by selling hi> murderer* an example of good faith.

A little Itohcmlan girl has lieen arrested In Wimmn, Minn., lot *liem|iting lo I oi#on a fam- ily of seven persons with airrniiilue.

iMmmcullar manner. Vena would An oldman of one hundrcl vears wa*jmlgcd „iX^y^rX-e.>tii^^a^il.^^u-.>f in a station bouse at New York on Sunday

in! not been opened id past sins and avoid their for re|wntance to Iw nlcrt hy a rcforiii of I ■In; Iw died once; In n t.'d' -i I'aul. wilh Chriit, r.*cnll hi

llc|wnt Uan petition In future,

ere must Iw arcompa For in that he died to hat he liveUi, IwlireUi nu 1« truly . l-ea I" - I.I> -ele* and serve Him In

» cuing. The Kaslcr (nilcctiou at the Church of ihe

Kmmaniiel, In PaetOP, siuimnted i« 118^110. Hrigham Ymin? nnM rcilrwl from all Imslness

iilluirs in I tali- nilladiilphla rejoice* hi a lirisk s| ring trade. The fiuodrich murder still remalnsemyetery.


PKID4T HOKNING, Al'llll. la, 1873.




Weekly jivwt Brevities. WEDNESDAY.

At Rochester, N- V., mi Tuesday afternoon, Eugene Hall, In a fit m jiakiiuy, shot UU wife tw)c«, once iu tliu neck und then In the mouth, and then shot himself in tin1 flu■■■. Ikilh will ■ i.iniiti. -■■ recover, llatl Is the least injured of thn two, iiinl I- under arrest at the police Mil- lion, while hi* wile Is at one o. the hospital*.

The Swiss Times reports that while Father flavaszl WM preaching, recently, on too sitp- IirrMion of religious corporations, a tailor and u Ionian student, a tie ii 11411 i to fire • large lMiiuh

nt the door of the chapel. They wan dlscov- ered In the net, and arrested lii time to save in.lir. in -.

Two convicts attempted to escape from the Jelterson City, Mo., penitentiary, on Monday, liy breaking away from the yard" In which they ncre working, and attempting to hoard a train. Tm- guards fired iiprnt them, killing one and se- verely wounding the other.

A l«>y named FltU, residing In Coudlu, N. II., while In a state of somnamlHillsm, arose fn>m lit* ii'il on Monday nia;lit. and pun ceding to the house of a companion named Fmcrsnn, se- verely assntiHcd him with a hntchct. The ns-

■ aaulted l*iy will recover. Two cotton in ill* were Inirneil at Chicnpce,

dred person* are thrown out of cmplnymcii Tin- fire caught In tile wheel room, by the over- turning of a lamp.

By the breaking or a suspended ladder, A Tnmer ami James Frank were precipitated a ili-i v "i thirty foci to the ground, at Hath, Me., on Tuesday. They were engaged In paint- ing thv Catholic church. Both nun were se- verely Injured.

A riot occurred in Challiam, England, be- tweon the engineers and marines attached to tlie arsenal, on Monday. Many of the partici- pant* wen-hurt. The tnaipa restored order af- ter ;n i rsl in g H in i :'■■ ii n ml i-i of the rioters.

A Hichmorul dispatch states thatnpartvof Georgia Ku Klnx went to Edge tic Id last week, reYrrrurTl nexfiilghl, llriug on tbem, killing one and wounding several others.

Two little girls were kilted, and three others seriously Injured, Tuesday morning, at Mattn- wan. New York, by the fall of a chimney which had heen led standing after a tire whkh occurred the night before.

The scene of the Modoc war Is in Sisklyott County, which luu about the aaiuc area OH the whole Htutc of Massaehusetts, and Is In the northeastern corner of California, near the Ore- gon line.

There was a 1 riot at Col fax, la., re- cently, lietwecn the negroes and whites. The origin nt the difficulty is not known, the tele- graph giving no rluo to the cause of the riot.

Patterson, the Slate Prison convict who re- cently murderously assaulted Officer Shaw In

A graveyard situated on the lunk of the Ar- kansas river caved Into the river on Sunday. Alwut 700 bodies were washed away in the rap- id rurrcut.

For robbing n man on a horse ear, Mike Don- ovan has bean sentenced to twenty years' Im- prisonment hy Recorder Hnckctt of New York.

'I In- hall in aid of the murderer Nixon's fam- ily iu New York, on Momlny nlghl, was a fall- nre.

The Madam are dcscriUM as the most treach- erous mi- uf Indians In Oregon.

The testimonial fund to Uev. Mr. Ancient, in New York, ha* reached 5-sK).

The Pope's illness b lumbago; he Is rnpidlv rewwriig.

Mcaelmm was not fatally wounded, and in Improving.

Tho President and Ids fain lit- are visiting St. Look.

Small-pox Is raging among rat* In Indiana. The KnKlitx are not yet "exterminated." Yellow fever Is ntnling in Itlo Janeiro. Train in insane. Train is not insane. Alexis' next visit will bo to Russia. Spain is in disorder. Ueblg is in. OoU 1171.

THURSDA*. A riot of large dimensions prevailed fur

twenty-four hours at Kulghtsvllle, Indiana, between negro and white laliorers at the con I mines and fitmnees. The whites were on n strike, ami as near as can In- ieamed from the meagre dispatches the negroes were, set ii|«n, and abused by the n Idle l.-tlmivr* who liud ranU wi>rk, and ilie entire town was engaged in tin- 'iiiarrcl, the women acting worse than ■ he men. The military were called out to sup- press the ili-rin Km-, .

Gen. Rchofield has received disiwtehes from (Jen. (lllletn, dated Yrckn, Tuesday, announ- cing the death of I.lcllt. Hhei .-. |, ■,!,., was wounded in the attack on Col. Mason's camp, on the IHh, while the lieutenant was holding taJSB7*Br

P,Blft ?,V«V*FS iKfc z%.">- (leorge Comatoek, a freight lirakeman on the

Concord and Olaretiioiil lUllmad, fell from the cars Weilnesduv inoniliig, three ears passing over the kneo. lie also suffered serious inju- ries aboal the head, lie has been iimm the train hut a few days, ami belong! In Newport, where he has a family.

The White Star agenU have ngread to pav SM fur every cabin and (RO for every steerage PMMWWHH bod> shall IK- raised from the wreck of the Atlantic.

A lawsuit to recover the value of a duck was dismissed from a Trov, N. Y. court, the other day, alter each party bad ipout alsiut a hun- dred dollars on it.

The storm In Nebraska covered a strip of country fwti hundred miles wide; it was the severest storm ever known In that part ot the country.

A poor man, an innocent und unwilling wit ncs* in a criminal case, has boon kept in Jail iu lies Mollies, la., since last Septemlier.

QovtrOQf OslKim of Kansas telegraphs Irani Tuoekathat no trouble is antiel|mted (Yum l' lndbuis on ibe lairdrr <>r that State.

Two Oeorgia druggists took a drfnk togetlu and flavored It with aconite by mistake. One died in Tour hours.

One hoy indicted a dangerous woin auotlirrut Portland on Tuesday, In a overall apple.

It Is reported that a son of Prime llenrv of lloiirbou was killed In the ('ur)lst attack Pltigcerda.

Nlchaid Cincinnati shoeiuukk., died Tuesday from injuries indicted by striking Crispins.

The failure of a large Unit Iu New York atcd a panic In the t v market on Wtid day.

Improvement! at Ihe Gas Worki,

Tbi Uwtwit Oaw Ooapur* in dstoiS tultteil to keep pat*; with the ytowlh nil* progrcua of our youthful municipality, and lo this cud, from time to time, they ha?e added to their works, regarding both the UMIOMB or iiuanlUy and iinprovcineiit of ■luullty, lu the couiuiodity uuil luxury, giu>- The works were originally constructed and unwaged by the Essex Company, and Hay State ami Atlantic Corporation*; but many years nj,'o the entire business mi assumed by the corporation since known as the UwiNN Ons Company, of which Mr. (ieorge I). Cabot Is the present Bgeut, and Mr. It. It. Hurriiuun the Supcrtntciid-

Ilolh of these gtrBtiomen were among the very' first settlers lu this city, Mr. Cabot taking up his abode here lu tin- year 1M,*., when not a single dwelling had b«U erected,—save the Tew farmhouses scattered here ami there,—and was a wit-

to the laying or the first stone of the great dam. Mr. Clhot assumed the agen- cy of the Gas Company In ISM, having been preceded by Mr. Henry Webber and (icn. 11. K. Oliver, each of whom occupied the position, but for brief periods. Mr. It. It. Ilurritnan, the Superintendent or the works, came to the city In l*it(l, and lias held bis present position since the building uf the works.

The company have been constantly add- ing lo their Innd, nnd now have a front- age of nearly a thousand feet on Mnrston Street, nnd extending back to the river. Aside from thN they own n large lot of land upon which their reservoir stnndi ana also bold, for future use, n lot upon the south Hide or tho river, with a frontage of three hundred feet, sllnuU'd on Merrl- uiack Street. The present capacity of the Tiiriii'.in. MS I'niiii li• no Hi ni.iii'i ll].-HI It by the various consumptive pow- ers of the city, yet hardly more, and It is the Intention lo make such additions ns will place the capacity for manufacture and storage of gits mnch lieyotul any de- mand likely to be made. To this end the company purpose lo erect, during the present season, buildings covering a length of 108 feet, till feet In width, and M met high. These structures will contain the condenser*, washers and exhausters, and n spacious room for the use of the workmen. The retort house will contain twelve benches, of six retorts each, capa- ble of making from four to live hundred thousand not of gas every twenty-font hours. The buildings are to be construct- ed Of stone, with brick trimmings, bear- ing mi Iron frame roof, slated. The Iron work will be constructed at the Contl tal works, of Green Point, New York, ami the masonry will be performed by Mr. Lev! Sprague, while the retorts and lire brick will come from the Brooklyn Clay Retort and I'lre Brink Works. All the latest Improvements connected with buildings

il machinery for the iiiiiiuir.ictlire nfgas, will he Introduced. The orllcers of the Company hope to be able to complete the

irks nml have llii-iii ready for use In the fall, or early In the winter.

Recently a new holder baa been con* trucicd, with a capacity double that for-

merly used, and now the company have storing capacity for 000,000 cubic feet or

A new pipe is to be laid from Union Street, at the cnual, nt least as far as Jackson Slreet, of Tour limes the capacity of that now used.

The Drama.

r- wont leave a single Mi the death of Oen. ('unle 1.1 HI ■ to tho Spanish go1

(feu. (iillem i*nv« dosajlft to hoaat ni

OarlhUa are siirrei eminent In the nopa

The latest bulletin hi repird lo the Pope' health suites that he Is In no danger.

In Hun Prajtclmi but month there was not liagla alarm of lire.

Kmolional Insanity It wtuu'n the matter wit ("apt. Jack.

There are forty towns in UaanrhnwUi fre from debt.

* I lie versary of Lincoln1

Banmer*! health is very prcearloni. New York has got ,\ new charter. Jerusalem Is to have street curs. Gold 117 1-1.

FRIDA Tim New York TlDWi calls Ihe new L r L ... -

nfthpring of partisan .... inclining reform. The Tril.i violate nrlr all sound princlp government. Tie World savs it gives no hoK- of ufonm, l>ut U leas mlschbivous than its au- thors planned.

Two of the five little girls inj lag uf a chimney at Slattegu died and two others Coleu the two dead children

■- I ..noes ml the

Ulbrldg.: Mom, a pauper of •hnplu In mw run over by the fl i. n. train nnPlyniu near the de|-.t In Kingston, Thiirmlav iii»rrilug'

' " leg wm. severed from the body, and IIIH an- MaoTon that ho proluftty en

IllKll injuri. . reotrnr.

VI.e Prakleat wTUon i the Hotloca in now out of tl ■hould lie BxtermlaabHl at

that peaee inoillon, and they

'Xt. Still. ilolled h.

L'apt. Prince Hording died suddenly of at plexv, at Poris nth, N. II., Wedue-dav uigl aged «lxty years, lie was lite or il„. firm Harding «. Ibstne, lldi dealers, of Portsmouth and (douecKter.

Kccrcbiry Bolkuup and Oen, Sherldau had cordial reivpthm at San Antonio, Texan i llii.'illi hint., In which iiianv c\-ielwl,* partli pated. were to lie fivi them.

A man named Rllli Raymond wiu fonml ■lead III I!I.- WISHII In Mast Mldillelmro' lost week, a tree which lie mi. rutting down havimr fallen npun him. He was about 71 yen

HV, who kicked would not go l

•f miiihlaii','htei

I llllle k.

01 New


' Y.'irk,' y

Several Ihtiu.ler storms occurred In Wales on Wednesdov. Several 1«-i -nil- Here -tin-:, be lighium..- and killed.

Arniiataiit Secretary Sawyer i" acting Sec- retary of the Treasury in Mr. Ui.-h,ndion'> ah

The college building at I'lainliehl. III., wui burned TUOMM.V night. U»M, SMijimi.

Plve houses were buiue.l in Ibiltnh yeatenlav, LUM, floJajO,

The Po|M's recovery Is only n .ptestio time.

A. T. Stewart is very ill.

Butcrion IN BnaavAM Canen,—-The mem- ber! or the Sherman Cadets, Co. K., lith Jlegl-

l, met at (heir armory on Monday evening,

for the purjHtseol'electing a Brat lieutenant, the aenney having been canted some mouths rince

by the resignation or I.ienl. L. N. Diielicmiey, said resignation having been ceneed by the sup- position that the popular commander of the ■uinpiitiy, Capt. Smith M. Decker, was nlao alsiut to resign. However, through the enln-n-

Pee Of membati, and many friends of the com- mand ouuide, the captain wni prcvallci "i "• am in inn [.ic.eNi|K)Min.ii,Him then began an

eavor from many of the company to secure return of their Una lieutenant. The elec- IIII Monday evening was presided over by

Col, Melvln Baal.wlw oatted me DomwHi) tooi- and when the line was lonned It presented

a front or thirty-three men, presenting a highly rcdltablc ptrttmet. 'ihe company died part lie presiding ollleer, depositing their ludlots,

mid upon coiiiiting them it was lotind Unit ev- ery vote had been east for the former ollleer, Lieut. Lawrence N. Ducnemey, who was de- dared itimnimously elected. The gentleman WM present and oonrteouily accepted the |,ot-l- tlon. Col. Deal niuile a few remarks, congratu- lating ihe organisation on then- unanimity In se- lecting such an excellent ottleer, and making somewhat extended remarks upon the proposed new militia laws. Capt, Decker then drilled the company for Imlfan hour, proving that they bad lo»t none of their excellence In company movements, and the execution of the manual of arm.-, after which those present were Invited to partake of an oyiter inpper.

Tna Nlswrmurrn or Xraiu auggoib laerao- ries or April, UMI, and the reimi.m of the nna or the ■■ oi.t .sixii>," mil- togt-iher tin- former member*, from the various Slates lu nliicli lliey imvr become wtatteml. amnng the obi oomrailes, who went " thn.' llalUumre," we nee I apt. It. C. tlalley, now or Tlnaa county. Pennsylvania, who, when the aUrlil tlr.l »immlcd, WM temporarily rc-iding iu our cll.t, euipl.ned in painting, on the PeiulKnloneorpornlion: he had IVmu the begin nl« Of war hHlleatkms, lon-n actively cugnged iu drilling under Col. Decker, and when Die sixth WM nnlereil out, leil Ms work with no prepo-n Una, leavluxpniiit pot ami brurti Iranstng In tin middle ol' the ladder oil wlii.-h he WM Using them IJ'ilmdlhi. ranks of Co. K, of IIIIH city. II. was witli tba regl nt till Hi, i or (ts term, mi. on Uing muttered oat, return*! to but Inaneh Pa., wlii-re lie owuileil in i-eerulliiig a nmnpaaj ror tiie 1*1 Kent. Pa. volunteers, serving as Is l.leul., piiitli'ipatiiig in tint bailies ..r Fnilerickh burg ami Chancellors villa Ho afterwards re i-eivid the appidutuieul of ( apUlill In the I'. « entered Infantry -vlng In the ditMtrena Mori da earopalgn of Han, whore the Union An-cei were nearly •Mrtroyed, the Captain in this boUli '■" muling the Regiment, the il.-ld offleeri being klllc.1 or di-alded In |rw llr.l DnabtUgbL He after ward* was ordered lu Virginia, ami aligned* ilieaimj or the James, porUelpaUng in the seiie .■( bnllleii irimttif lti.-l n,i, mid was liouombl

SXpeetod there was a large attcmlancc at the City Hall ou Monday evening to witneiw the repreteiilaUoii of the Merchant of Venice and the burlesque Bomliutes Funoso. Those aequalutt d with Uic ptnomM of theatre gotag audiences would have found on looking around the hall that the majority of those present In- longed to a different chut*. Indeed, even Ihe cursory observer would not have failed to no- tice present, a number ol people who diaapprov ol theatre going,—pethaffJ iu a mild way, but, nevertheless, who go ngaiust the practice principle. It U a different thing, however, to spend a qnlet evening in listening to or looking at one's nc«iualntance», from spending It In wit- nessing u regularly organised theatre company, who make n profession of holding the mirror up to nature. Considered relatively the differ- ence Is almost as great M thot between the wlt- acssmg of o parlor charade nnd the public IKTfonnanrc of the lllaek Crook. If a reg- ular professional company had played at the City Hall on Monday evening, it is possible, the

might have been n* large, but It la cer- tain it would li.-1. ion of a different quality.

.nl.i not have been so appreciative of the niceties of character del in cat Inn, while It might have bean more tiolsterous In neaei where the tfcet was more marked than the cause wm

deep, Dm this Is enough. To Ihe play. 1 The play's the thing,"

as Hamlet >ays. The pieces were placed upon the stage with

great care, csjiecially the llwt. There was wo dragging. Everything went on smoothly. All the actors, for the time being, were up In their parts, and prompting WM almost a thing un- known during the evening. Mr. James Bogle appeared as Shy lock, and Hue as his acting al- wnys Is lu this play, it seemed to us that on this occasion he fairly outdid himself. Ho w the very Jew, the Shylock of Hbakespcai himself. Hli every word and every action had a meaning, and the great niMtcr of ebarncte: round In Mr. Bogie no second rate "delineator

of one of thn srcalest and most mark") of all his character*. In Mr. Bogle's rendition or the character of Shylock, the Individuality of the man Is entirely lost In the Jew,—ho enters so heartily into the piece, abandons himself to Its wants, nml with such a Bne conception or what they are, that one forgets the actor entlrely.and imly tho gouiping, greedy Christian-hating, re- vengeful Hebrew, Is for the time remembered. This abandonment, though more conspicuous In the scene with Tuhal, and in the trial MM WM no less marked In the ipiietcr parts of the play. There was nothing wanting throughout to complete the highest excellence or character representation, nnd no professional actor conld have given us a Iwttcr Shylock. Mr. J. W llynii M Antonio, gave a representation of tho part with singular fidelity to Its requirements. The qnlet, unassuming Venetian Merchant; the warm friend and brave gentleman—nil these elements of character were well delineated. As Uassanlo, Mr. T. U-yland was very happy. The scene In Portia's house gave Mr. Ley land a fine opportunity for the exhibition of those "ipialities which distinguish all his efforts In this Hue, vis:—line elocution, thorough knowledge of the avtniJ of his piece; and the i.hlliiy to command the attention, sympathy, and under- standing of his audience. Uassanlo found a worthy representative In Mr. Lcyland. Mr. Alicrrmmbie as (iratlano was exceedingly pleasing, and gave much sat In fact I on. He ren- dered Idmicll conspicuous on the trial scene bv his admirable acting, when the tables were turned apon the Jew,

Mr. II. P. Parsons made n capital Lorcn/o; s singing was much admired. Launeclot

OobbO found an admirable representative in the person of Mr. K. H. Kelley. The interest of the audience during the soliloquy was kept up, and in the scenes that followed Mr. Kelley

Irresistibly funny. The c ha rue ten rat Ion excellent. As old flobbo Mr. Howie WM

admirable. Mr. Brigham as the Duke of Ven- i, gave a meritorious rendering of the piece.

Solunio, Salarlno, and Ihtlthxar played respec- tively by Messrs. Pliiintuer, Dorsey, and Hen- ry were pleasingly represented.

Of Mrs. McAllister's acting it is hardly nec- essary to speak. She SOQUlUI herself well In everything. As Portia she was highly pleM- iug, but her abilities were better displayed in the trial scene us Ilcllurio's representative; here her line elocutionary powers were brought into play, nml even Shylock himself was forgotten

listening tohcr la-autluul tribute lo mercy; her rendering of the- part during tho entire scene WM very Hue, and much of the success of the play was due to mn m »*■•«■.

Miss McKay made a charming Jessica absence ol her name from the programme would have rendered her conspicuous it the us Usurp wtiieii etinrneturized her nctlng had liecn wanting. She was charmingly attired Co ihe character, in the serenade scene her acting would have done credit to any professional lady; her deportment qnlet, modest and i ing, was fully iu keeping with the eharacb the gentle Jewess. She made a most pleasing Impression,

Mrs. Fletcher brought to the rendition of the character N'erlssa, the very qualities It wanted; her charmingly attractive appearance lent inter- est to the character and her acting throughout was excellent.

The burlesque of llomliuntes Furloso which followed, Introduced Messrs. Bogle, I.cyluml, AlHireroiuliie, and Howie. The parts wore ex- ceedingly well rendered. Mr. Ley land Infused considerable-Spirit Into Madame Distuilhia. Tin Homliastc* of Mr. Itogle was excellent. Artux ominous, by Mr. Alicrcrombfc, was highly laughable and entertaining, Mr. Howie was very happy In Cnebos. A song by Mr, Al>cr- erouibie was received with cuthusuuitic ap- plause, and repetition was called for. Mr. Ley- I oid brought down the house by »iugiug an op* erutle strain hy proxy. The entire entertain- ment was pleasing, entertaining, and Instruc- tive. The ladies and gentlemen without exeep. tlon acquitted themselves creditably. It was more like a professional Hum un amateur p forimince, and its great success is highly co pllmenlary to its manager''.

ye draw water," a grand effect was produced, especially in that port of it, "This Is the way,, walk ye In It." The quartette introducing Mrs. Houston West, soprano, Mrs. Sawyer, contral- to, Mr. Cbu. Alienroml'ic, tenor, and Mr. Wcneb. basso, "Clod is a spirit," WM proliably the (Inert rendering of the evening. It WM

simply cxqubrlte, and the audience felt its pow- er; it wan repeated to the applausive demand for it. The rendering of the chorus, "Abide with me, WM remarkably Hue. Abcrcromble, tn the tenor solo, "His sab Is nigh them that fear Him," made a pleasing impression; he WM in excellent voice, und ren- dered tho solo remarkably well, being hearti- ly applauded for his effort. The closing chorus of the cantata, "Blessed lie the Und Uod of Israel,'' WM given with great power.

In Mcudolieobne Cantntn, the efforts of the Choral linlonwerc even more conspicuous for the excellence of their results than in the first piece. The opening chorus was well given, The MIII J by Mn. Houston West, WM given with

ieh feeling. The choruses throughout this piece were powerful, and exhibited the high degree o( musical excellence to which Mtu union has liecn brought. The soprano solo, by Mrs Houston West, "My Uod within me my soul U cast down," WM that lady's liest effort during the evening. The quintette by Messrs. Winch, Alsjrerombie, Kills and ramoiie, and Mrs. Houston West, WM finely rendered, and the closing chorus, "Praised he the Lord, from henceforth, now und evermore," WM magnifi- cent.

Much of the IDCCCM of the concert WM due to Mr. 8. M. Downs, the conductor. He kept the chorus under complete control; the time was perfect. It Is the opinion of the iuuk>rity of the members of the Choral Union, that with Mr. Downs as conductor, they can sing much better than with anybody else. There is no hesitatkui about him, and it WM certainly duo to him M

much M lo the efforts of the slugers themselves that such admirable time WM kept, and that. there WM no single fault in the rendering Ither of the pieces.

I .vtt-.-i hum Georgia-

At'OIKTA, liA., April 7, UU, 7d Ihr H.lUor o//*e '.riirrrucr AmrricuH.

KliAkHlMr—An e«-v, eouiforUbm ami hrtcrci-i- iiiL-kiurnay of eight h«m>, Hum liulipast nine to luitf-past Svc, brought ii- l.i this city (ram Umolev ton, a distaiHNi of one bundled ami Ulirlj-seven miles. This easy pm-e of sOTsatesn mile* an hour. cnrri--l>.imtlng t"im running *pti.'d nt about twenty miles, Miftens alt the Jolu and Jars to the easy undulations of baagarre spring*, ami reduces the discomfort* of rnllwuv travel to a minimum.

At this rate of specit the roadway appears to be iu good order- the run-lnm, of Hie usual form, are clean and free from Ill-bred people, and travel lu them la cxtremclv comfortable.

I wrote you 1,-ti-L about tho eitv of Charleston. TluU inmou is far from exhausted. Indeed, i am

ttibrut that six months' faithful lalior la count ..... and verifying the material, would enable one toumkoaal»ilerchtingilei.eiiplivelKMikorttH-

its, traits, hUtoncal IneideuU ami local ntiug di'-ei iptive Ixiok >o) llir i.uni

_, „storleal Inrideat* ami local pecu liarilies nfClutrle-tou. Hut 1 liuve now no k-l-un

llmi I _ . careful ataily, und one set of lows r-.i rapidly upon the heeh o can only write ofdH1 pa**lng imuuent.

AIUT removing the dust of travel, I suimlcrc.l nut Itetwern UM- hour* of »l\ and seven, through tin1 hroad, sbaity sini-ls ol this reallv la-aulU'iil eilv. BeauUrullt ceii.iiuh i~, iiltli.nia;Ii llu-n-msv \-r lew Imllvidual riatures, il indeed there are unv, to which bv tlH-in*elves this strong epitin-t inn IH' justlv applhsl.

The principal street* are very wide, not less thau two hundred led, ns 1 Judge, and »treich away la lung vista* of lander green, shining In the [.till air, tardier liian the eye can pcrirlruU- tlieir shady aisle*. Hats phase they are devoted to business, two rows of ntati-ly trees alsiut thirtv lecl atMirt, oreupv the eciitritl ,|wr, ami corn-. •pomlinir rows nt Ihe ctirb-Ftimen on eithrr hnnil, form with UMUI bv Ui.-ir iuterlaelng brain !«•■ tur nverheail, broad and loflj un-ades, now, with leaves half-grown, nliu.'-t as densely shaded as would he formed by tlie foliage of our elms w hen

...j unite handsome, some some ol the tlnc-i streets are ivhich woulil look suunllii " ted »it" eottn

Kin mil l.nvniMi: AKKRICAN .'—AS re|HWU and insinuations are Mug ipilte Ireely circulated 1.1 ec rial ii memliers oflhe Ijiwrence Tempernuec It. I- Club, and which seem designed to rut reflection upon the action of the former Treasurer of the Club, nnd hi order that the public may see and know In w lint manner the hinds (which have been so generously contributed) have been appro printed, will you be kind enough to give space in your valuable )>apcr, for the billowing slatemeut:

The whole amount of cash received from all sources, -?.-.-.-l.

Lxpcndcil as follows. Lectures uod hon-l expenses, «T Hrinlrug and bill |>o»img, t frames for Consliliitloiis, Musle books, Taper lianglug and painting, I

s, checkers, dmnInner, Ac, M and fixtures, <

Clink and water tanks.

and rliuuered all ever with Haas* aad bloom, they partake of the all pervtu. HIST uir of elegance and rutnfort, and give a sense nt homely eiijovmenl nliicli would be lacking It all the houses wen- en*tly and grand.

Tltert> is no lack nt life and progress, tiood houses are building; painting, repairing and re. building are In progress all around; thrill, pro gress, life are in tse nil ; yet tliere is willuil an iilmospliere of rep..*.-, an itireetious Indueiice ol .pilct enjoyment, which must lie due to this de- lightful climate, li will doubtless he warm br- and by,—almost as warm as with us in New Kng- tntid, although thev never have the mercury nt a hundred degrees as we have; hut nothing can lie iinsrlmil more .Mlgliliul Uian tlw air to-day.

\\ ulkiug. ka the ■ uu, produces a moderate per -lilrnli-.", lu m» atwle, a hrallhrol nl..«, while ■»• gentle breeae fan* vou M VOU sit lu Ihr sliade

ito an extasy of reeeptiie repose. Tlw country lt>r a huuilrfl miles or more from

I hai-lesion Is lint and monotui.ous, though void or Interest. Tike cypress swamps riw. ... atu-utloo, with Uielr broud, spreading, botlomed bases, half trunk, linlf root, assuming at limes faiitaslie proponiyus. Tiuiiks u loot iu diiimeWr, at live to eight tret from the ground, spread out to thrc or four feel in dlameti r at the base. Home. Uilng of Ihe same tendency shows itaell in

{{tfsex County Itein>. The imrlioii of the rails of the Ncwhurvport

& Amesbury llor.-c K.iihoad which was leil un- mtbVhed la»t autumn wns laid on Saturdav, and me of the directors states that the road will

bo stocked und put iu operation very soon. Capt. David Bauntkn, of llowtnr, foil on

(Sunday and la-oke, several of his rib*. A human head was found In a water pail on

the lieaeh at Ipswich, near Dana's Mills, on Fri- day morning. The head hid been severed from the body of a man. Fhvsleton.. think that it was previously iu possession of a medical stu- dent.

X boat that belonged to the ill-fated Grace Irving was picked up on George's bank last week hy u Gloucester fisherman.

The cithtens of Gloucester will vote on the ac- ceptance of a city charter some lime next month.

The Gloucester fishermen do not like to go to sea, if, when on a juurnev, thev meet a single crow Hying.

MIssKunlee Farley lierpieatlud to Ihe First Parish ill Ipswich the sum of tjrjlMX); also her pew iu the church.

Miss Hannah L. Hantoul has offered lo give to Ihe town of lleverly, as the site foe a high *eli,,1.1 house, a valuable lot of laud known as Stephens Hill, comprising Bhont an acre. The town will soon take action upon the matter.

sr- ».--i-h .iihi twdiiv-thivc live-i have been lost front Gloucester, thus far this season. laud year at this time the record stood, flvc vesseh and forty-six lives.

Gloucester has one or two cases of small-pox, but the disease seems lo have spent Itself in that locality.

An old gentleman living in F.sscx, visited Boston for tbc Brst time in his life lust week. He saw kits to surprise him.

Amesbury Mills luu n temperance revival, which tints far has resulted In the closing of four liars.

ged ni No 1 Tn ,—Mitch

surprise has heen manifested nt the low prii fixed fiir reserved seal* nt the Ooaga h- ture, when it is knowti-t.i the people generally that the ii-iial charge is ana dollar per seat :" cities and large towns. The management, ho1

ever, desire to give (Ac />,■../,/,■ a chance to he this great lecturer, and have therefore placed seats at the low price of ilfty cents, and as likely that nearly the whole hall will Is: sol will be well for those having any choice h cure their scats ut once, at Stratum's. t'ei,M

have been expressed that seats would be hough! up by brokers, and double price charged for them at the door it|sm the night of tin- lecture. The management will do all In their power It prevent this sharp metropolitan practice, and m one person will be allowed to secure but a limit cd number of seats. The public can, however guard their own interests by early purchasing their seats.

liniT.w ASSAILTos wlli-tn in.—(hi Wednes- day night, Michael, alias ".Monk" Gunley, Tim olhy, alias "Hat" Sullivan, and John, alias "Shiumy" Column, were engaged inn row on the l'luliis,and ollleers Norton and Hain.lieing iu ihe vicinity, w, nt to i|ncJ| ihe disturbance. The

rough! turned upon Ollleer Norton and began mi assault upon him. The ollleer Rmghl well. and .bowed considerable pluck, and managed to gel the licst of two ol the "Modon.," but as he got them down and was about to iron them, the third dealt him a violent kick In tin- head, which rtrrtrked the isflWcr sennclessj when lie recovered consciousness („■ found tl

lain, had (led. He *iif*cu.uciitly lb them and arrested him. Officer Hal gone fur assistance when the assault

i blS USSoel,itc, logetbi succeeded in arresting I

t Thursday th.y wen

in-court in frfflOcnrh.

lilt other

— ri-iiiihiiiL'by ih,. pastor of the Free list Church ueM Sabbath morning al HH - .Subject Liberty of Conscience.

! will lie special con Isslge of ■ree and Ac. evening i M, at 7.1, o' "i i rrl IT (l.e M. M


Those who went lu the Choral Union Concert >m Wednesday evening for the purpose of li: toning to ordinarily good local ami instrument- ul music, were disappointed,—but most agreea- bly so; for Hie ioncert was more than an or- dinarily good one, more than ordinarily too- ceisiul, and the music, vocal and Instrumental, of Ihe highest class. It Is seldom the chiseni of Lawrence are ravatred with such a musical treat as wns presented Ui them. The pro- gramme embraced Willlnin Slerndale llennett' ■acred cantata, "The women of Samaria," and Mendelssohn's cuntatu, from the forty-second Psalm, "As the hurt punts." The Introdnctlot to the llrst piece, by the Mendelssohn Quintet!- club and orehestra.H tl linely performed, These Instrumentalists have won a high reputatloi lor their musical ability, imd not wtthoul full meriting it, ns was evidettted by their ski, in the performance of the Introduction. The Introductory chorus, by the soprano voices the Choral Union, "Ye Christian people now joice," indicated what was to come after. The unity of action, the exquisite blending of the Voices, and the sympathy evident In the singers, ■poke uf careful training, ami a purpose to excel, The recitative following, ..Then come 111 Jesus to a city of Samaria," introduced Mrs. U,

Sawyer hi solo. The rich, full volume ol the lady's voice found its perfect expression iu thh solo; it Was exceedingly well rendered, and iu Ihe softer parts, With n llelleloUS tenderness that was almost thrilling. The chorus following,

"Blessed be fho Istml Oodof Israel," Introduced the whole Choral I'nioti. The effect or this chorus was grand. The singing showed the very perfection of uiusleul training.

luu large body of singers It would not lie strange inhere were one or two whose ambition

c singers should is- greater than their ability, and who in n public exhibition inouhl mar Ihe effect of the efforts of the body, by

i- blunder; but such was not the cuse here. unity which results from musical training, which springs from sympathy,weremanl-

There was no Haw; the harmony was la ami perfect. Moreover, it was full und

rich, often rising to gmnduer,—rolling forth in magnetic volume.

Throughout both cantatas Ibis excellence wns marked in the rendering of the choruses. The

, by Mrs. Houston West, -Art thou greater our lather Jacob," was finely rendered;

|Miwer nml flexibility <,f ii,,- lady's voice

■ never Utter dlsphiied, The answer of .•, "Whosoever ilrinkclli of ibis water," one e most l-cuutifnl passages hi the eaiilnta, ism recitative was given, hy Mr. John ih, and wns excellently rendered. This

gentleman has a imigiiinVent voice, full, rich, and ringing, pocsessing m,ue of the harshness Usually associated with lions voices, but clear and melodious. In the thorns -With joy shall

Labor and Police Court line, id room to March Ut,

Furniture and titling*, Ital. or cash to present Treas.,

Oeorm Qutnn fell from the roor or a building at Hay View, Olonccstcr, mi Momlny, breaking his leg.

A man named Drover Andrews is on trial nt flloticcster for poisoning hens.

The City Physician or Lynn asks lor the es- tablishment of a city hospital, for the henellt of strangers and persons who cannot tw properlv eared for hy their friends.

Thu numlssr of families, aided by the Over- seer* of the Poor of Lynn during the ipmrter ending April 1, wns 24.1.

Tbc expenses of Ncwhurvport for the last month amounted to jm.Jd.'l, against only nV>,l/Mi

ie swntnps 1 a cmisid-

I ii)

Total, auto til The vouchers lor every Item Of the foregoing

expenditures am In my possession, nml can be ex- ii in i ued by any one who desires.

J. C. lh>WKKIt. Lawrence, April II, Iffl.

THE FITTEST I'BWIOX to concoct a " story alsnut any pretended failure of bis neighbors to settle their indebtedness, 1* the fellow who has shown such a marvelous faculty fur poking bis nose Into other people* business, with no capac- ity to transact his own,—who mn til* face with

anybody he could coax or Wheedle into trusting him, and till there were no more eonllditig rela- tives to burrow from, and when payment was due, rushed Into bankruptcy, the rotten estate not producing money enough to pay court fees and secure a discharge, with no single mill for the swindled ercditors,—who sneaks throngh the community under tho mime of soother, nut daring, in the face of his robbed victims, hold a penny's worth of goods in his own, and only kept from the aluishouse by the pity- ing bounty and constant contri but ions of a rel- ative.

Tlie where the evprtss grows, are l'i eiillile periiMi submerged beneath ler, which exclmk-s Uie light ulnioM as effecliiullv as earth would do. Then, the base of Uie tree Is In the condition ef its roots, ami lakes on the eliar- aeter of risits. When the water subsides light is admitted to the base uf the trees, and the root-like character is in a measure rluuiged to Ihe appear- ance of a trunk. As the cypress nourishes iu sit nations submerged to such an extent as to kill all other trees, it displays In the highest degree this effect Of the alurnate exclusion Mudndmisslou or light, w hieh has much such un effect a* might lie Krodured upon an oak or elm bv nllenintelv heap

ig up and removing- earth nl>out its bttse. At Alken we reach a tine rolling country, over

the shore uf a shallow estuary ol the wean, the bottom or which was what Is now the low land ol' the Carolina*. There iu UM pliocene and post- Slioccuc period, were deposited Hie remains of

■In-, reptiles, and mammal*, which make the vtduslile phosphate lieds of .-south Carolina.

roe some miles IK'loir Manning Aiken, there Is appearance of active improvement. lid fences are repaired with bright split rails;

■xteuslve fields, newly feueeil, are tipiiareiitly well ploughed, and already planted; tidy cottages of fresh, unpuinted wood occur M frci|iient Inter- val* | neat, split iwlings woven Into an Ingenious basket-work form, without nails, and encelhul "nees around barn-yards nml gardens, and tliere

re many signs of thrift, nclivttv and hope. The most iHTiect good order prevails everv

whci'c. Looked at lioui Uie Arcadian repose of mr surroimi lings, Uie crimes and casualties, the Iruggle, suffering aad ili.-i.ic or Uie busier unthern world produce almost a feeling of dread, excite decided emotions ol ciinip.-issloli. Very no- (ieeable is tlie expression of securllv, rnntent- ment and manliness lo he seen in Uie countenan- ces anil Is -siring of till' colored (HO pie.

I could llll a long letter with incidents that have (alien under my own notice, which exhibit them and their circumstances lu a favorable light, ltut I must close. I go to Mndisou to-morrow, and Ui VI luu i. v. . .In i ■■■ In,, nml I will try tn write vou

from that most thriving city of all the south. J. C-

City Government.

I'.uvid. (,F Al.DKXUKV, I Monday even'g, April 11, ",X |

TI „■ lloanl met at T 1-3 r. M., the Uuyor In the

tfttaWeJU Of L. Ik'aeh I CnUierine Moriarty ror ii i..o. me ui ..i sewer assessment, relVrred committee nu sewers and drains; of A. N. lleau n»r leave hi outer Broadway sewer wltba iirain from his premises, grouted; ot John llanralian, Tor license to keep anil use one billiard table at his -ul..mi Wl Kssex street, rcrerred to romniilteH on licenses with full power; of A. Vlouf * Co. for leave lo erect an awning in front of Uielr store; granted .provided cloUi or canvass is used of Charles Whlttaker aud others, liarbers nm

i ni 11,11 *- -i-i ■, for tlie pass uge of an ordinance de during it illegal to keep barbers'shops opea for business on the Sabbath duy, referred to commit leu ou ordinance's .

Ordered—Tluit the City Marshal be instructed to prosecute nil barbers, keeping open shop ou Uie Cord's day.

The order adopted by i tic common e nil pro. posing ■ Joint convention for the election of an assessor and two overseers of thu poor was uincmlcil to Include Ihe election of " Auditor of Accounts," "Commissioner of streets,"" Treasurer and collector or taxes," and " Clerk."

The resolution authorising tlie repairing or tlie roofs uf Uie High ■.. I I and police station, cum up, and on motion was laid on Uie Utlde. A Jourued to Thursilny evening, 7 1 o'elock.

CoHKoN Ciirvrti., { April IT, nm. (

President in the riwir. Present the frill Board. Iteeords or previous meeting read ami approved. The following papers were dispose! of, from Uw

other Board: I'eUti.m for abatement or sewer ns. *c»Hiiient, from I.. Ileeeh; referred loComuiitlee on Sewers and Drains. Petition tor same, from ( nlherlne Morlnrty; to same committee. 1'etiUon from burlier*; to Committee on Ordinance*.

Resolution oulhnrlihig payment of firemen ns formerly reported; passed to lu second reading, retitlon of Elisabeth Xngent, through Mr. Hurley, lor damages received hy railing on tlie Ire; luCom- mlltee on Claims. Katies of order from < on Council for a convention, mm concurred In by up- per Hoard, and amended to in. hide other officers not yet elected; mm-concurred In, nod theorlgiual order laid on the table. Ordinance Mating lo Water Works passed Ui be ordained .

Councilman Kmcry moved that notice be sent to other Beard that the Council Is ready fur aeon- veiition, which was lost.

I'etlUon that Ash ami North Oak Streets !■ ■ ...- Oepted ami graded; to t miUce on Streets. Tlie onllnanec rvlaUug to Su|ierlnt<-ndentwf 1'ub- lie Property was Ukeu frnm the table. Action tin- ordinance was Indefinitely i>ost|H>ned.

Adjourned one week.

Bo fur tin regards the calling of the Com- mon Council together lu Special meeting, the Mayor exen-laed the authority which the charter cxpreiody gives,—what It his i.lin11 duty to do.— Sentinel.

Oar neighbor very well knows Us utate-

ineiit to be false; Mayor Turbox did not

call the Council in ipocta) session, as be undoubtedly Is authorised to do. So ex- actly wns this what he AM ROt wish to do, that lie Ignored the blank forms of notice kept for this purpose, nnd had the Senti- nel print a special circular, ordering a joint coneeafwN, for which he had uot shadow of authority. And knowing tola, he had the impudence to preside- over Ms sham convocation, and at the outset with only ten nut of twenty-four members, and at no lime with over twelve, go through with the farce of electing city olllciala. If, as the Bentloel would pretend, there wns n fragment of legality about May. Tarboxe action, why husn't he put Into office the men he pretended to have elect- edf What did he back down for?

Oouou TICKETS NOW READY I—The sale of seats for the grant Gougn lecture has commenced nt, Stratum's corner store. The management have decided to place the teats at iirty cents, notwithstanding tho high price paid the lecturer, and the fact i linl in other cities the price of seals has been one dollar.

ttooHTtNu laiwKit," anf—What abool to Democratic oahoiaJa chosen by thnt

brilliant fonri ds rfnf of Mayor Tarbox,— Hump Convention, he wo* "antbor-

litctl by law to convene?" About where are they and their backers roosting Just now? m »■■ »

ON a line spring day we often thltik of what IlitUt sajs : "Gardeners should never leep Mhlle Die sun Is up,"

M.llllHON IIOtMK, MAOiSllS.tiA. April D, LRf,

KlUTolt I.AWHKSCK AUKUICAN: l)nir .Sir:—In my unit letter 1 sp.ik.- of the com-

fort or the slow rate ofruilroud travel In thu south. There is anoUier charmliiK tbiun nl«-ut these rail- roads: They run a train every day, so Unit you Iwve to stop over onlv twenty.four hours If you stop nt nil. There is, Indeed, a mulii train also, the two trains rumiiujr. each one coiilimmusly, about twelve houm apart, so that it depemls upon tlie location wbetlier your day train sUirls In the morning, or about inid-dav, or near evcHinx; whether your nlirlit train start' before or niter midnight, or exactly nt that witching hour. In the present ease 1 intended to start nt two hours and thirty-seven uiinun- pa«i inidiiiKht; hut llud- iiiK, wheu 1 was ealhul, that 1 liad but riilct-u in in ules for my toilet and a walk of bull n uiih- to the station. I turned iu analn and slept UU morning. There is a decided eluni)te of weather slneo yes- terday. Tlw eveniujt wu* bland and beautiful, slier u wariu. clear dav. This umniiiifr the sky is ™m '. I ,,*r*h' •"""l" '" 'i'l«le u - ,:

nT&x^J^^^imSWk be Itfly-flve, attaliint seventy-five yesteniuy. The moisture U jrrsurullv received by the ihlrsly earUi, ami lends u fresher tint to thv tuu.lcr irreen of the hull grown leaves.

This Uiwn of Madison is the shire town of Mor- gan County. 11 is a roomy vilhocc, of nbuut thirty- live hundred iiihiihiiuu(-<, with ninny snbstnutliil dwellings, some of them elcjrant, nml a ireneral uir of comfort. Tim stores and shops seem to be well supplied with all -nil- of «are- nml commodities, and lite "Mndisou House," kept hy Mr. 1'. It. YVooilard, formerly ul Surtliuiupton, Haas., af- ford* romfoitnlili- hotel ni-ioinniodntlons. The country lierenlmut is largely devoted to rotUni, which brings an annusl return of half a million dollars, iu Morgnn County alone.

The native planters, tor the most part, gi all their attention lo cotton, and buy their eot and other brendstufTs, their U-ef and bacon, Uielr hams and bird, and even their liay, fninfthe nortli- west, Ijikdy, Imwever, a irood innnv nortlu-rn pirmcrs have, nmjnl iui<> Uu.- legion, bringing, it


ThcNewburyiHirtCltv Marshal's report shows that only forty-six persons have liecn convicted of offences the last imartcr, there ISCIUR but two

three more serious than drunks or assaults. There have i*en Bve Mses or oanhro^pinal

inenhi|tltls In Newburvisirt, two of which re- sulted fatnllv. The deaths from all causes for the year ending March :tl have Is-en less than in tho ciirrcspondiiic mouths since 1HI10-61.

The •emi-ecnleiinial anniversary of the or- Eini/ation or Ihe first Unitarian Church of

ynn, will be Observed on Ihe 30lh hist., with approiirinte services, lu wbleh all the past 11 v- injr minuter* of the society will lake pars.

The Danvers, Carpet company have Riven 51000 In cash, and $■'**) in carpets to the new

lethodlst church In that town. Lynn bos fllteen unoccupied school rooms. A Newburyport doctor sixty-eight venrs or

BRC, twenty-flve yenrs In prncllee. Is studvlna medicine and surgery in an P.ngllsh Collejre.

The I'calxsly I*ress has had a new and at- tractive head put on it.

It is thought that l-'.n-i Qlonooster will lie- cumea I'ashiomihle seaside resort this season, as many persons have purchased lots there with the Mention of erect bur cottaRes,

Notwithstanding reahodv voted »o decidedly to instruct the selectmen Ui negotiate for the purchase of tbc aqueduct, counter exertions are la-ing made with such zeal as to lend to the impression that Ihe tide Is now setting the oth- er way. The people seem to IK' a little Indefi- nite in their opinions, at least taken collective- ly-

The laxly of n dead Infant was found iu a ditch at Swompscott, Friday afternoon, some murks ot violence upon it. It was placed lu the public, by order Of Justice Pitmen,

:■ ,11■ i being held.

A Beaton nmaer, failing to collect a bill or n Newburyport grocer, gave the sbirekeeper a Ihnrou-jli limiting and took the ntxt train home.

iniiio-is IHIVU luiMt-u IIHII UIJB region, urniKlug is said, not less Limn four hundred thousand ,t_ lurs capital to this county; und, what Is re In poiUinl, bringing also the habits of frugallti imliistry und thrill forced noon them and thei

rurtuitoiisandeM-'Miid, lum-1»-, onie that "organ. liedeKiH-rleine" whk-li we call li.iliil, or "second nature." Tlwso men have introduced many ynn- keu notions into southern farming. They raise clover, ami obtain, ii Is sui-1, a \ ield of live tons to Uie acre. Undeterred by tin- warning that manure Will bum up tin- crops, thev manufacture aud apply farm fertilizers with a liliend hand, nml buy a good ilenl of ihe ronunerrlnl guano aud phosphate uf lime Tlwy Improved sloeb and keep their entile nnd swine and horses troui prosniscuous mliulxlure wild Um degenerate bn-tiU which every where run at large, and propagate Uielr own sweet will. Tlwy carolullv Htnll-fis,.. their beef cattle, so thai really good beer Is to be

e.irresp.iu. lii ifIV.II'"- Uui civil v en | me ily,

„ isiially about lliirly live pxntmls.

I .b-ilve these p;n tieuhii H in pint ti mine hostol the Minli-oii ll.iu-e, nml in purt from my

lent here, Mr. A. J. Williams, n native an unswerving I'nion man all Uirougb iir, and a man of honor, integrity, ami

ol'Uui IK-SI New KngLiiid sUimp.

Of Iron, Is easily worked; the elioiaU.' is eiplill ... any In the world , sm-ii-iv i- Mitliil, regular nod peaceful; Um beat possible feeling exists between tlw white and colored people, and everything combines for the -tciolv development of a pros- perous and thriving rommunitv.

Knowing this to be Um Immeof the Hon. Joshua Hill, Um steadfast l.'uion man, who for years braves I public opinion, and detleil power, und -" dunil olilmjiiy, siislaiiuil by an uiiperverted e science, I ventured Ui solicit from a common ... . uuiifntuiwe Hit- houm of an introduction, und paid my respectn to him. A native of lieorgia, a large land holder, and former!v a slave holder, a Senator lu thu t'ongress of Uw lulled ntates Ibr a term luslciillliib-uil, the views nnd n|>iuhHM of Mr. Hill are eutlUed to mm li weight on all subjects within Ills knowledge nisi observation. Hin opinion Is umipilvocal that IUUHK-Ipatiim is to lie extremely advantageous to Die iulerim ton n» i,| the soulli, and Umt notwiUistmuliog the injury done to vesteil Interests by the suddenness of tlie transition, this bem-flcial elicit Is already apparent. Already Ihe emancipated negrmw ssjrnness more largely lii the aggn-gab.-ori,lliM;iioil:e toi,.Lo liiles,ngiieultlirnl Implements, funiitnre nml tl Mirr requirements of eivlliseil Ui-i, tlwu dts Umlr iiu-lerri under thu rule or slavery.

He mentioned In particular one man, his own, who works Ally acres or laud on shares: one third of Um cotton ami corn to Die owner of Uw land, ami two-third* nt'llmse crops and all the small crops,ganl-ii vegetables, etc., to Ihe tenant. Two years ago tin man hud iiliig,—hut a wife and three or four children,—* posse sIon which Hums, you reiueinlH-r, -li.l not value very highly

lal point or viuw- An'gln j,; tn\ uie on the inllher, Vn'gi md! j

Lust year, this man's share of the cotton crop was over SIOOO; of the corn crop, SIM); he has three good mule-, u farm ungon ami a good stoi-k of farm iilrniils, he got his snlisl-U-ui-e irom the bind, ami be owes little or nothing, except a small amouul to Mr. Hill. His credit i- as good ns any- body's for anything he could 1«: induced to buv, but he wisely keeps out »r debt. The cultivation is not as good as it ought lo Im, hut Is, Mr. Hill says. Impnivlng, imitli under theriiinltueneus, Girlly by an awaking of souUwru iiiilnlon, nml

rough local emulatiim. There is, Mr. Hill In- forms me,as ailght IK- ■SMSeisa. every degree of industry and Indoleiii-e; or thrift and Uirinics*.

rywhere: but or JOti thev show In lance ami capacity

Cipie, as among nil people ev, whole, aad In Um ■ggregal

ensued ami iacn-aslng setl-rellaL riirrh**hig hi small uunntiUes, each

hlinseir, tlry buv of Uie focal sImp-keepers In the small runl towns, aud so vastly augment Um business, populut.i"! ami importance ol Ulese cen- tres. Tliii laen-a-eis imrtly at the expense of Uie large t.ovn- of the south,— such ns Hnvannnh, I harleslun and New ilrleans, wlwre Um planters used to buy at wholesale at retail prices ou BiiuiiNl - lit; as the small weal trailers now buy for

ist part In New York, and partly at the ex- of the country proper,—as Um more enter-

prising of Uw strii Ily rural populsmm are drawn Into thee small towns by the allurements of business mil Metal intercourse, leuvhig the rural neigliborlMMsls impoverished of iiitelllgeme, ri- ll neiuelit ami culture. Thi-. I»- it reuiemlH'red, Is Um tendency or ne-leni i Ivili/stiou everywhere, 'arc, perhaps. In Knglund; nml even there Uie nrlslocrucy which lins its roots iu the soil, sheds Its perfume snd Imstows Its r1|«' fruits In the town. A reflex inlliieiuc ..f the city upon the country lutslK-guii i,.flio« il-i-lf in tlu-wealUiie-1 imrtlons or New Knglnml, New York, Ithlo, ami a ' w oUwr -i.ites. Mm of largo lortuim ■eouin-d

commerce or iiiniiufaeturtis or at the liar, lu iny cose* seek tin ipiiet of a trv \t„„„, ,,„ ■ lnl*r years of life nnd n the tcrrlUc problem doiiiestin service, tin- true : oeiid evil, could tlnd me KOIUUUII, Uii- tnidem-i might gruw in time rrsl iniportanee. A- It I-, these elegant estab-

lishments, SUed ii lid nil the nl'pllniieesorrellm-il home commit and g. mioiis lu.spitslili, ,uiid like em-hantrd ensile-, n horror of horrors, n |,|o| on Uie Inmlscaiw. lor In. k of Uu- tralmvl >ud faithful servants wls.miwl.t hud aftlactlv,. homes "I"!/ vertlliei„iiii..i'fliiici-tag-m-le.-„r(lhi-h,r eivlliintiuu.

Vou owe tl, long letter U> n lainv day,-bin dinner is announced, and I spare you.

J.C. Hi Ml >LK I.


The borders of tspk-ket river are pretty gener- ally floodiil sim e Ilie heavv storm of siiow Nlul rain. Thegrotnul Is thomiigldv saturated with water, ami many cellars have been afloat Turn few days pu*L Wells are flush with water, and almost running over. With surh nu abundance or moisture, ami fieshening Ik-bin appearing from Imiiealli tlmh- suowv vestments, uninjured by winter's grasp, it Is fair lo presume that veg- etaUon will i.i:iH wiUi renewed nlaerltv when the sun sluill put In a smile or two to cheer lb, apathetic linhits of I No!.

The gambling den reporbil ns lielng liroketi up In last week's neper, was etsesad mainly by Um persistent efforts and seal ~*

iu, I . and seal of our young towns- urn, Ksii. He had spotted his

Same irrrtts l*fi>rr, noillntil 1,1* JIIBII* owilioui-lv amlsurt-lv. The-- i |.i..v,,t iii„t i.un.,ubi n,,,. Jeule"as well ss plan. (No ,.lnu (ntende.1.) He carries hi* brains in the proper place, and Umy find a level nt n higliei- iiliiitide iliau those of onli nary men.

He,,, K. II. .loluison, .-1„. was arrested at Mes sers crossing tm harboring gamblers, nnd win. plead uot guilty before -luslice tiortlon, on Uu suceej-iling Slouih.y. reiracieil his plea,and was let off by paying righU'i-ii doll.-irs. N„ doubt but there are others engaged in the same sort of busi- ness In Uie town, but they eho-e to be extremely cauUous.and keep ilurknc-s l„.cause Umy know I Hi dnds „rc evil, tl,,-, War. - the • llockmgham Kngles" eyes are vigilant his talons eager to take Uie spoils.

A second meeting was be hi In District No 1. iV-5. .' »'' Wl"'" ""',li"'1» ' vote.1 to raise a lax of • Mi dollars to pay lor the exper .■ I In- eomiiin -in.on. The willlmginoiithei'lsl n..i.

H A V E R H I L, L.

The Haverhlll Old Indies' Homo Aiwoebtlion has Increased its fund during tho past year S1GMU2. This iii-litii(ii.n \- making pieiiaia tlons for Its minimi May festival.

lawge seizures of liquors were made by State Constable Howe, on Saturday.

Easter Sunday was npproprlutclv observed by the churches, und the services were highly in- teresting;. * '

The closing sermon of Uev. Mr. Scott, at the Second Methodist Church, ou Sunday, drew a large audience, nnd was interesting and im- pressive. The three years of bis ministry have heen continuously successful, nnd tho result is a targe increase of church membership.

Huv. l-.iluin lluriihain continues his revival work at the I'ortlund Street Church. The In- Dueiice or the meetings Is said to la; vcty great lu creating a religious Interest.

The friends of llev. O. W, Scott, through Mi It. W. Iloaghton, presented him with a valua- ble gold watch and chain, last Satunlay evening, as a complimentary tcstlmmiial Incident to the severing of the pleasant and successful pastoral relation* which have existed for the imst three years,

n S. IJIUII ._. lolins, N.H., wlio'wlll very „,-„

commence work in his brick-yarda at Uuverblll, He Intends to get about 250 more men in all,

There were S3 persons arrested for drunken- ness in Haverhlll from ihe first of January to the 3lit fifHarcli,

The rcrebro spinal meningitis Is so great a ter- ror In Haverhlll that when a man finds apimpte ou In nose he Immediately take* to his bed.

Ilnverbill complains or a scarcity of oysters. Haverhill has had six latal cose* of cert bra

spinal meninglth

—Copy iv right,—an editor.

—Mn|>le sugar is plentiful.

—A [laying institution,—The city hull.

—The Oou^'li reserved KuU are rapidly go-

—There w ill be no lYoliatc Court held in this ity till July. —Now fruit peddlers do begin to occupy the

corner* or our streets. -Ti-ode which bus been doll for some time

is showing signs of animation. —Maggie Mitchell Is coming, am] will delight

our citizens with "Little Ilaiefimt." —Now clear tip Ibe Common, mid give the

children,—small children,—a chance. — High water js yet troublesome to luuiiu-

fueturers, and many employes are idle. —We arc indebted to Representative Bacon

for a another Of legislative documents of luter- ett.

—Signer BUta is coming: he Is.the oldest magician in the Country, and considered the best.

—Why is a recruiting sergeant like the wind ? Decease he htowetk where he 'listeth,—Copy- Ighled. —We are In rei-elpt of newspapers from Bone,

liearlng dale of March 27th, frtnn Mr. Frank I.. ItiniHls.

—The engineers were not appointed by the Hoard ol Aldcmien.ou Monday evening, us wns expected.

—The excellence ol'the music nt Grace church on Sunday, has la-en the theme of much com- ment since.

—Pollle llidwell i* culled "the star of the East." A star ol' cons idem hie magnitude, we should thing.

—Supt. Currier has placed the lire alarm tel- egraph In working order ugnln. It was broken In twelve place*.

—Tho Choral Union Concert Wednesday uvenlng.had tyi audience ubont two-thirds tilling the City Hull.

—Uev. Mr. Weaver has met a formal and pleasant reception at Akcrun, Ohio, bis new ticid of pastoral tabors.

—Mayor Tarbox will make a Hying visit to Washington, leaving the city Friday, aud rc- iiiiini" early next week.

In 11,,-ni i in ■■-I Judge Steveft, nssoelate justice Wright prcwided over the destinies of Ihe persons lu the Police Court Thursday.

Adj. Oen. Pierce, <J. A. It. Deportment ol Massachusetts, warns Posts against one W. H. Whlttaker, who is travelling about asking as- sistance.

—The Ann of John T, Tree* & Co., huve es- tablished a new otfen at 0*1 Bases street, iu connection with their extensive dyeing estab- lishment.

Tliere are a large number of entertain- ments billed for this moiilh, and it upiiears we

hnvu another infliction of the Black Crook in May.

The amount of the ottering-; at St.-John's Church on Sunday was #710.22, tho Easter of- lertory lieinu #U1JW, and the Sunday School ottering, #283.(12.

—Among the olDclals appointed by Mayor Pierre, lost week, was Dr. Tboroaa Klttrudgc, of North Andovcr, ns Assistant PortPhvuiciiiu of the Port of Boston.

■The liens in the vicinity are making desper- ate .iviii- to lay eggs tbc required sine ami weight, with not very satisfactory results. Eggs grow smaller every day.

—Our neighbors In Haverhlll are severely af- flicted with the dl*casc known rw cercbro spi- nal meningitis, and several citowns have been taken away by the disease.

—We are informed thnt Councilman Hanra- han, reported arrested with the gang of gam- blers at Mi i- Crossing, was not a jiartlcijianl in gambling, but a looker on.

- ■Some few cndiioiastlc young gentlemen are seen out occasionally practicing ciiucitrlan- i-u.ii In view of May morning. They may want a sleigh rhle uliout that time.

—Tbc con it ndrum In ihe Common Council is "Have we a fool among ni ?"—Sniiincl.

Ye*, they have,—the SnUinel report regularly attend* the sessions!

—That was an immense joke on Assistant Marshal Hall and attendant ]K>llt-cmnn on Thnr* dav. They had been married just thirty min- ute*! Wlint a Haul that was!

—At the meeting of the New England Cotton Man ufucHirers Association, at Manchester, on Wednesday, Fred E. Clarke, Esq., or this city, was re-elected one of the directors.

—Mansard roof hats were the exception, and not the rule, at the city hall, ou Monday even- ing; but such as were there were mighty in- convenient to ihosc luiiiii.l them.

—It Is said that parties are disposed to claim seats at entertainments lu the city ball, upon old checks, preserved from former entertain- ments. We shall mention no names to-day.

—Mr. Albion Bailey l* meeting with great success in bis canvas* for Picturesque Ameri- ca, and little wonder, for if is tho most elegant illustrated nublieation yet Issued in America.

—It is said that at the recent arrest ol gam- pltal at Chelsea for the ensuing year, at the close of which he wilt become a resident phy- sician. Mr. Edward L. 1'artridge, sou of Dca. J. 1. partridge, will act as assistant Surgeon in Charity Hospital, lllackwell Island, New York, until October next, when be will become rant. ih nt physician for one year. We understand Mr. Cartridge will eventually practice In New

biers at Messer's crossing,the whole town of Su lent turned out, and every innti wns tinned with a new billy, made id' cord wood. The posit comprised a hundred men and twenty teams—

—A show bill board, one hundred und twen- ty foot In length, Is being erected ou the >outb side of Essex street, l<cum-n Lawrence street and Potter's block, for Ihe use of the New Yore clrcur. It w ill be a good job of paper hsnginu to cover thelioui'd.

—Essex county morals are uot Improving. II we may take the record at the house of convc lion In tbi* city us a criterion, for within its pleasant and attractive walls are now Incorc r- ated one hundred and thirty-eight prisoners —an unusually large iiuiidier.

—Tho Charleston, 8. C, Ncwuf ike&lli In*!. given un account of a brilliant reception given tocx-tinv. Seymour and Wm. Ciillcu Ilnantof New York, atibe residence of Col. Richard La- thers, during the visit to the latter of our towns- man, John C. Hoadley, Ewi.

—Spinal Meningitis is prevailing am nnghorets iu this vicinity, and we are Informed I bat then are al present alsiut twenty horses in thi* city iilliietcd with the disease. The line mure of P. II. ttobinsou, rnows ■rnptonu of the disease;

e hear ol'no deaths thus far.

—As one of Porter's bucks, returning front funeral nt the South Side, Monday evenlng-

londcd with people, arrived anon the upper bridge il broke down, but no injury was sus- tained by the inmates. The vehicle was drawn to the stable with the aid of a plank.

—There is un establishment in this city, at the office of which information could lie given a* to the economical or cxtravagsut habits of nearly

ry family In this city. However, such in- formation is retained for the amusement and meditation or the lowsessors thereof.

—The alarm of lire about half past six o'clock Saturday evening, was caused by the telegraph wire breaking, from excessive weight of snow, aud striking the alarm. The .firemen promptly ou bnud, tint It was rather rough lo drive them out iiuiicCcssurlly iu such a llerce

(istctl for the post three

John S. Ijiinprey, bus but "Imported" ninety icn St. Johns, N. Il„ who will very soon

ROV. Edwin Bat iili,IIII, the evangelist, is bald- ing meetings in Ilnverbill with much succcs*.


The following .il at UM amiua

itetolr*), Thnt thn parish or West lto\f,.nl ri'pt, with sentiment* or imnnerted thnnkftilm ~

Johil',T^ier!,W',l"U'1"'1 t"11""" L>'t,,e WCepE

ilTi1'*'i11'"' fl? 1""*.iBh "■'"gnlsc In this .... ul (,apt. Tyler a sum ol the .-aim- liberality and Ihe same cor. lal utcict in the religious welfare or the parish, Which were ever manifested hy him ■ luring his unu.u.llv nnaracicd lite; ami they re kdMjhaihofelti -dip,- „.,l in crown along llleo hones i,,.|„ ,,, uml »ell doina bj sueu an nctolllljerat. j.wlm-h ,(„■> tn,-l wlfl continue to be irniiKhl u Hli ((rent K-IO,! to the parish, and will be gratefully remembered by all coming generu.

K"!f,l,\ T," <;I"M,'"'« Beard of Trustees t.. receive 1.1 hold the legnej Kiv,■„ to the jiurlsh hy Ihe will

.iM^iiilsl.ri,,,,,, lile to the provisions ufwild i < . (.age, .Nathaniel vis (re

Manchester, N. H.

The amateurs of Manchester, interested in irfniltig, luive formed an organization to be ;nown as the Manchester Amateur Press asso- iiilion, ami propose to invite those of Concord

and other places within the limits of the (Iranite Slate,, lo meet tbem ut MumbesU'r next month, when a supper at one of tho hotels nnd other entertainments will be provided for the visitors.

Camllc Douact, the French Canadian who « one of his k-gs and was otherwise Injured by

ailing through the lirhlge at Plscata-iuog vif- tage iu Manchester, in January last, has com- menced un action against the city to recover


jiffi!""-" *mi b""" Salem.

T. F. Datton, !->]., who Tor the past elgl years has UTII idenlined with t|.e fcuslness^of he Siilem Custom House, has la-en com ml. s-

mmil a* Deputy collector iu place of Charles OsgOOd, removed.

'I he total ntinikr of arrests In Unlern for the month was 1.1,, ,,r which |<> were lor drunken- ncss, and 'Jll for assault and battery.

The Supreme Judicial t rt was opened at Salem on Tuesday, jg.ip. Wells litsahttaf,

Mrs. Patrick Loafcan of Salem dropped dead in her house on Friday forenoon, front heart disease.

tton's . , I,I :., i :,,,,| ,|own in,vn stores may S found a choke n ray of literature.

—Mr. F. \V. Schoako has thoronglily vated bis extensive tailoring rooms, uud i important changes, which will grcnlly faeilitutc hi* business. He is now ready for customer*,

—Messrs. Wilson ami Clark, thculricut man- agors, acoordhig to former agreement, tire pre- pared to give an entertainment In aid ul the Temperance Iteform club, at an early day in May.

—(Hidden, the pharmaceutist, displays eight hundred dollar soda fouiituin that u'ertops anything of tho kind in the city. Soda water, Klsaengen and Ottawa beer are the beverage* drawn therefrom.

—Miss Fielding, the dress maker, has recently erected a new and tasteful sign, calling atten- tion to Ibe loculitm of her loons and the nature i>r Ihu work dime; the sign is a sign or prosper- ity in business.

—A Saint Paul Judge line* nil ]..■!■,,,,. who write or speak to him alsmt cases to IH; tried In his court, for contempt. If such a system wu* practised here, how Ihe treasury would lie swelled in a week.

—The resolution of the Common Conned au- thorizing repairs on the .Sehisd lloune ami Sta- tion House roofs, was laid on the table by the hoard of Aldermen. So they will continue to leak for Ihe present.

—On Sunday next, Uev. John 11. (lough Pldge, pastor or the First Baptist Church, will commence, in that bouse, n series of evening dlsifjurses; all the seats will I HI free, and the public arc cordially Invited.

—The etilargcmeuU and improvements at the Oas Works arc actively going f.sfward, and will lie completed durliin the present season, when the capacity for supplying gas will bo aliout double that at the present time.

—In tho Legislature,'WednestUy, the Com- in it tec on Prison* reported Hint, the resolve au- thorizing the County Commissioners or Essex Mborrow »TO,0Oi>t>expand in enlarging the juil In Ijiwrencc, ought to pass.

—A* the llrst of May Is approaching ntic of our liquor dealers thinks he will sell out and go into flic undertaker business. Since he can no longer kill men hu says that he will do the next best thing, and that Is bury them.

—In Ihe Police Court Saturday,Frank Phillips, for an assault on II. M. Hatch, was sentenced tot months at the llnuso of Correction. A former sentence of 6 months UJ the sumo iiietl. tut Ion was not pressed against lum.

—Wo received a rail from \A> this nftemoon We asked him ii in was a Modoc, when be ua> mediately brandished a famiahawk about our scalp, and commenced a war dance. Wo goto him the whole space of our sanctum.

-The Sheridan K Mack entertainment nt the cily hall on Tuesday evening was poorly nt-

ded, though 0M Of thelscBtof Its kind. A wooden shoe dance by Sheridan ami Mack, created much applause, being well execuled.

Parlies replenishing their houses, as the m weather' BdranBet, win rejotea to learn

that woollen nrpetlagl have declined about weaver per cent. Ijtrgo dealers are eagerly ad-

vertising and disposing or their surplus stock.

—In the Stats Senate, on Friday, rcsolfe* were Introduced On leave authorising the coun- ty commissioner! ot Esses county to Iwrrow **),offl) to lie expended on building an addition lo the House, of Correction and Jail in this city.

—Those liquor dealers who do not own bil- liard tables are unfortunate. A billiard table Is a um "excuse," aud what those individuals are going to do who have none, and no conveniences fur cigars, we cannot conceive. Their case Is pitiable.

—Barbers beware I The Iloard.or Aldermen have |tasltill nn order instn.rtiug the City Mar- shal to prosecute uny barber found keeping open shop ou the Lord's day. So now look out! It will be a close shave for any barber to escape the perils of the law, nnd the vigilance of the police.

—A good result came from n discourse or a popular preacher on Sunday evening. Tho speaker lu telling words, showed the evil* of profanity, and at theclose of the services three gentlemen of physic-giving propensities, shook hands with each other, and announced n strong determination never to utter a profane word!

—The Mcrchuut of Venice aud Bonibastes Furioso entertainment was greeted with a select und appreciative audience, notwithstanding tliere was n disposition on the pert of the country r n - tlon of the audience to giggle at the wrong time

for instance) giving a burst of laughter during the finest rendering of tragic lines by Sbytock.

-Since the uppoliittncnt of Mr. Smith as su- perintendent of locomotives, on the Boston & Maine Hallroad, the wipers, so-called, alsmt a' dozen In nttmlier, re'iuested an Increase of wages, which was not granted, and their places have been filled by new men. The workmen have heretofore received 31.H0 n day, und they asked for $1.

—The legislature has ordered the reimburse- ment of certain monies expended by the Over- seers or the Poor in Ibis city for paupers uot 00- longing to the district. The petition for reim- bursement was not handed In until Ihe time for receiving petitions bad expired, but through tbc efforts or H. C. li.nun. Esq., It was received and the prayer granted as stated.

—A change of business is announced at the store of Mr. Frank Knox. All the ladles' fin nisblnggood* have been disposed of, and in their place has appeared a large and new stock of gentlemen'* lioots and shoes, the former boot mid shoe business ol' the establishment having lajcit largely coulincd to ladies' wear. A com- plete and well regulated store Is now in opera tlon.

—A lady and « gentleman—man ami wife, not very rich, the sole occupants of u pew In one of our churches on Sunday, excepting a stranger, hi response to an appeal from the pas- tor to increase the assets of tlie society, en- riched thu contribution hy slim, Ilfty i-neii That couple have evidently taken good advice, ami are laying up for themselves treasures in heaven.

—Mr. John Edwards, tbc well known Insur- ance agent, accompanied hy his son; Mastat Charlie, stilled on Wednesday iu the steamer Trinaeriu, of the Anchor Line. Mr. Edward' will spend three or four months visiting various parts or Europe, proliably doing the Vienna Ex- position. He will carry with him the kind re- gards of hosts of friends, and a pleasant journey Is wished him.

—On Tuesday evening, 22d of April, Itev. G Wi Pepper, of Crawford county, Ohio, will dc liver u lecture ut the city hutl.uudcr the nu spied of the United Sons of Freedom ; his subject on tho occasion is to lie "Froudc'* trclnnd, from the Protestant view," Tbc gentleman is tho author of "Sheridan's Hide," and Is n graceful nnd complished orator. Mr. Pepper wan an army chaplain durlngthe war.

—Secure your seats for the great event of tbc season,—the lecture of John II. (lough, the "King of the platform." Mr. (lough's voice will till every portion of the hall, and there will not Is-a nn..1.1/y tor having a scat very uear the rostrum, as Is o(ten the case with lectiirur* of light voices. The scats are rapidly going, and doubtless every one will he. .-old long here the evening of the lecture.

Y.nk city.

—The storm, which commenced Saturday noon with rnln, in un hour turned to snow, and continued to fall rapidly, accompanied by l,, > i, winds, through the afternoon and evening, making our streets and sidewalks in the most uncomfortable condition. Thu damp snow re- mained upon the telegraph wires in such quan- tities us lu cause tbem to break In nearly a doz- en places. Through Saturday night and all day Sunday the snow continued to Tall, till nearly midnight, making n constant and rapid foil of snow for snoot thirty-four hours, which will do for the middle of April.

benefit ball, in aid of Foreman C. H. (Jiles or Essex Engine Company, wns given at City Hall Thursday evening, nnd from the large attendance we presume a handsome amount will lie realized lor the injured fireman. The ball was well managed, and everything passed olf hi a pleasant and enjoyable manner. Excel- lent music was provided by Osgood & Partlow's orchestral hand, and the prompting, by Mr. Prank Clark,—without whom no Terpeichorean festival seems complete,—was most satisfactory. We aope a large sum of currency may And Ita way to the relief or Mr. Oiles, whom our citi- zens well know as a public spirited cltisen, and an enthusiastic and able fireman.

—The annual meeting of the Knights of St Patrick, occurred Thursday evening, at the hall of the Irish Benevolent Society, upon which oc- casion an election of officers was had, with tho following result:—Commander, J. W. Joyce; J. II. Brown, 1st Vice Commander; M. Burns, Jiul Vice Commander; Joseph Flood, Correi- pondlng Secretary; J. J.McDennott,Treasurer; T. Sullivan, Surgeon ; J. P. Oilmore, Chaplain; J. P. Kane, M. Pendergsst, S. Mitchell, stand- ing committee. This is an excellent organisa- tion, composed of a line body of our Irish citl-

nini the aiiow list of ollleers ore gentle- men well calculated to sustain the fine condi- tion the organization has already attained.

—A Iloston lawyer, doing business mi 'Fremont Street, has sent a communication to a |>crsou in this city, addressed lu the care of

"Ihe office of the paper called 1-iwra- nee Of a Marrlcan iu thu city of

iAwranco, Mas."

Thai lawyer should go hi school, study geogra- phy, and then sulwrribc for n newspaper.

—Mr. Churchill, of the (Inn or Warren Jd Churcbi)l,metwlthanaccidentTiiei<daymon]i)ig while engagetl iu some work hi the store, hint sweated n step ladder, and when nt Ibe lop lost his balance and comedown more rapidly than he hail gone np; it was n wonder he didn't break Ids neck. The ladder was smashed III kindling wood, and Mr. Clturcblll was soil what Injured. Mr. Warren thinks ho should be more careful, as step ladders are not to be picked up in Die street every day.

—A little boy, the son of well-to-do but hon- est parents, in this elty, was admiring the like- ness or a lady on the bottom of a glass paper weight, recently. The other day, seeing the weight with the likeness removed, he asltcd what hnd bccouiu or the lady. "Ah !" said the owner or the weight, "she has run away." The Uiy pondered a moment, then brighten lug, sold.

You—you ilimilil have put a gentleman the other thhlc, mid she wouldn't huvu ruuiied away."

Mr. II. M. Hatch, the active newspaper vender, a valuable correspondent or the Boston News, aud doubtless one or the most earnest

ml honest temperance workers In the country, as roully nssnulted Friday afternoon by a nd boy named Phillips, receiving n black eye

and rending his clothes asunder. Tho boy al- leges that Mr. Hatch was guilty or removing him from the Temperance Iteform reading room one evening when he (not Hatch) was drunk. This yonng fellow has made considerable trouble of Into,

■The Grand Army l»ys are actively making preparations for Ik-eomtion Day. The new mililialaws provides that tho commanders of reghncnt* and battailous may order the aunual May parade on neenration day, instead of tho last Wednesday In May, as ha* bee, tho cust(m

for many years past. It has not yet Isccn de elded upon what day thu milltJa, of this city will lie ordered out, but it is possible they may Join tin the services of Decoration Of soldkrs graves. The militia are actively engaged In drill at the present time.

—On Thursday afternoon, a young lady named F.llu Car.-, while coming out of the Washington Mills, met with a most extraordi- nary accident. She bad turned her bend *„d- dcnlyfor the ptersoaoof speaking ton friend, when aha w,. Ukm wit]l „ mm^ (n ^ ^

which made It impossible for her to turn her head again. She was taken lo her home at No. 3, Washington Cortwratlon.and physicians sent lor who used every effort to relieve her, In.t It was not until Friday night that she wns able to turn her head even In the least.

There seems to lie a general desire to hear dough, announced to lecture in this elty on the !nd of May. During tho present winter John 11. Uouyh lectured in Lowell, and more than '

rnty-llve hundred people crowded Into Hunt lugton Hull, while hundreds could not gain ml

ilsslon at all. The aisles were tilled, and the people had to tic passed over the heads of the audience to find places to stand, (lough Is the most popular platform orator in the whole world and is so accredited In both America and Eu- rope ; anil be Is also tbc best paid lecturer In the

or Id, receiving two hundred dollars each even- ing for a single hour's talk. It is a current re- mark that Gough never speaks to anything but

crowded house.

—It will be gratifying to the many friends of He v. W. J. Parkinson to learn that be has been appointed to supply at the Methodist church iu llalhinlvale, and will still lie near his former charge. The recent change of pastorate from South Ijiwrencc, was at the solicitation of the reverend gentleman himself. The church or- ganiratlou at the South Side are contemplating building a bouse of worship during the present year, and ns Mr. Parkinson Is still pursuing his studies at the Seminary iu Boston, he deemed the duties thereof, In connection with those of

pastor while engaged in building the church, too arduous for blm to undertake. As he is to be located so near, we may expect to sec him among, us quite often.

■One of our well known vegetable gardeners called at oar otll.-c to-day, and hundred very anxiously If we had seen anything In the pa- lters recently s'KHtt a worm that was doing tnaehdatnig* to celery. "I intended," said he, "to bard raised a gud deal ot celery tlili year, but dii: ii me, if I think It'll p.iy if thai durned celery grub that started at Wndiiugton a while since, about what I've becm so much on, is coming this way." A light dawned np.ui our mind. "Isn't It tho 'Salary Orab" you mean r" "Yes, that's It, the celery grub, durti It, and the market is so good fur the vegetable here." Our vegetable friend left, much relieved when he found that be needn't fear for hi- celery, and expressed his willingness to raise a little more of It h> assist In defraying the expense of thu celery grub, ycleped the "Salary drab."

—During the storm on Saturday, a gentleman entered a store on Easel street, and while giv- ing some iirdei-, bung his umbrella by the han- dle to Ihe counter. Another gentleman who wns lu the store purchasing some butter, when he went oul, took the umbrella with him. The :■■ ni l.-iimii tn whom tho umbrella belonged, got the other's address, and going to his place, of business reclaimed his rain protector, saying, "I'm mnch obliged to you for taking charge of my property." "Is It yours," asked the other coolly; "Certainly'It Is, and I cannot conceive why you should have taken it," was tbc reply." "O," said the other apologetically, "I did it In absent minded nets." "That may lie," raid the owner, "but it is the most remarkable Instance of absent minded in ■■■■ that ever came under my observation, aud all thu more remarkable lu this being a stormy day."

—Quite n lively time was bad about Iml i' i-.i-1 eleven o'clock on Wednesday, batmen Jojt-ksoa ami Applcton streets. It seems that one John Cttlleii, n tenmsler, made some remarks uot adapted lo create n lamb-like dis|>osith>n nn the p.n-t of one Charles McCarthy, whereupon the said Charles commenced pummelling the said John, and having hrnught John to a borixonlnl position iijion the level of the sidewalk, Charles administered severe kirks, greatly to his dis- credit, when It is considered Hint " 'tbm't falrto strike a man when be Is down." Then the 0OSJM run, and after him a crowd, and Ibe scene iu the liaek alley, lietween the above named streets, was qelte lively, bringing to- gether as many loalers nnd people as would a dog figJit. Odlrer Shean hove in sight, and soon succeeded In drawing McCarthy out of tin- yard In tho rear of tbc Tost Offlcc, thence to the Station House.

—There was an exhibition of thoughtless cru- elty, on tho Common, opposite Ihe City Hall, last evening, that kindled a feeling approaching contempt for one's aperies; a single grey squir- rel, that had proliably been domesticated, and escaped from lla cage, was seen In one of the trues at thnt place, when ho was "spotted" hy n few boyi, who Immediately commenced an as- sault, attracting many other passers-by to the Place, an 1 tho gathering rapidly grew In num- bers, and as Ibe mill operatives came from their dally toil, they also Joined the crowd, and the poor little nut-cracker was soon bcaelged by- little less than a half thousand men and boys, and the many sticks, stones, dinner pails and old shoes raining around that squirrel, must have been quite unwholsomc. Finally-the lit- tle fellow came down and darted across the street, followed by the crowd, and at last hunt- ed down and killed,—to what satisfaction who can tell.

—A ease In police court last week, developed a phase of meanness we have seldom seen par- alleled. A young French woman named Flo- rence Pokct, residing ou tho Pacific corporation, has been ill some live or six weeks, owing to an accident which occurred to her. A subscrip- tion was taken up for her In the Pacific mill, In her department, which amounted to aliout »10. This together with a ticket for Canada, which cost «9, and some change she had In a pocket Imok.and the whole was stolen from her by a man named Alfred Cleary, residing in the same house. Information was given to the police, .....I a,.-,-inni Marshal Hall.after a conversa- Hon with Cleary, arrested him. He confessed to the theft, and the assistant Marshal accoiu- natnad him to a spot outside Ihe city where be had secreted tho articles, and everything was recovered. Cleary was sentenced to 30 days at the house of correction, but the mittimus was stayed to allow him to leave tho elty.

Another case or poisoning lam Isjcn dcvel- opod, and which, but lor the prompt action of one of the assistant elty manbols, must have proved fata]. It appears that a young man named Charles Freeman, recently married a yonng woman niamed Mary Wlnu. Mary has figured considerably ,,, the police court nnd it appear, that Charles repeated of his liargain. and liecame a sad and despairing man. On Friday night, determined to :>nt a period to his «*nhlym.t,oyai.ecs,hc dosed himself with lauda- num, ni,,,. n fh|| ,ll|f (tumv T||c

were notilied when Charles'coud|,I„n waTdis- ".veml.and Assistant Marshal Hall proceeded stones,u> the bouse,and found Freeman lying on tbc floor of an attic room. The office/in,

-Mr. George M. Oariand, son of Dr Genr™ I fsSlS B'imi"l,,tc™« """bird and water hi W. Garland, of this elty, 21 been aom 12 laW ;i»»n'ltles, which resulted In clearing the Interne, or house student, u"der A. TZ TZSlZEZl UT* °' *■ *** «*■ croft, M. D., at the United States Marine Hos"' SfSSS^f *""+ Md ■*"* VT

- ssannetios- Hall. Freeman Is now out of danger.

¥l»e Sndovei' Stlvertijfei* FRIDAY MORNING, Al'HlL 18, 1873.


'IIII;1!\\II(II llul'l:.—This orgunt/at km WSJ formed a lta« mouths since, through the exer- tions <>f Mr. Tonihleii of ilio Seminary, anil nl- tbough its meetings have been niiali interfered with during the winter, hy the IlKllusHIIUTJ of the weather on the evening*ol' m- apisjlulmcnt*, it has Iwcn constantly widening its Influence nnd Increasing its ineuihcrshlp. The lamd IH composed largely of the young, hut not exclu- sively, and now numbers alx>ut one hundred persons. The pledge li siniph, requiring en- tire abstinence from Intoxicating leverages; hut the laments ol the association are multifarious. l;. - - ■. I. — the inculcation ot temperance principles, the meetings funilsh entertainment, and a knowl- edge of conducting business properly. The young ladles and gentlemen make motions, and vote upon questions In a very intelligent man- ner, and a marked improvement in thU direc- tion is manlfcat.

At their meeting on Friday evening, the lower Town Hall was com|iletely tilled with mi inter- ested Audience. Some changes were made in the by-laws, after which stirring remarks were mode hy Messrs. Banner and Christie. On mo- tion, the chair appointed a committee to nomi- nate officer* for the cniniug quarter, consisting of Charles Howard, llriW-rt K. Dowers and Moggie Mlddlcton. The committee reported the following list which was unanimously adopted. Superintendent, Mr. Tomhlen ; Assistant Super- intendent, Rev. O. F. Wright; Secretary, Fan- nie Farnhain; Treasurer, Carrie B. Allen. Dur- ing the remainder of the evening recitations were given hy Lincoln Poor, F.miua Uaniard, Ar- thur Woodman, Charles Howard, Alice llcrry, Frank Baldwin and John Clark. Misses Alice Donald and HaUleClement sang a song. Mi- nes Belle llryant aud Luulo Upton performed several pieces upon the piano. A handsome col- lection was taken for the treasury.

Rev.W. B. Blockhrldgc of this town. Is umpir- ing the Ololic Church in Woon socket, It. I. Rev. K. 8.Beard, formerly of this town, hoa received a call from Uockport, Me. Mr. George 11. Scott of the seminary, declines a call from Ulllerica. llcv. B. F. Parsons, formerly of Kerry, N. II., accepts a call to settle In Westminster. lie v. C. D. Barrows of Lowell, is called to tho Cen- tral Church in Worcester at colleague pastor with Rev. Seth Sweetscr. The church in West Box ford call Hev. Hilary Bygravo, recently from England. Salary 01,200.

Mr. Win. H. Woodwell of Newtmryport, of the last clasa In the Seminary, is soon to be or- dained over the Congregational church in Wells,


that trust hy giving liond*, us tin- Inw •llrectc. All pCl'SOIlS lUlVill/ .l.Hlllll.U III oh tlltt ertnUl Of Mild decen»cd are required in i \luloi the HIIIIU; ami all

...... m ,.„!),,,[ lL,||,n |.p rtvinii t'» ...■■,

Essex, ss. PROBATE cm HI.

To the hcir»-nt-law, next or kin, ami nil other pmaai nrtat—m in Uie estate of CIIAULFA CCMMINUS, late of Amhivur, In said county, farmer, deceased, greeting:

WhcreUH, u i-i-rtttiii in-lniineol, purporting tn las Llie lust will ami U'stumcnt of said de- ceased, luis been presented to nM Court, for pro- hate, by Henry Cummlugs, who prays that letters Us la i nen la ry may Ue issued to lilni, the executor therein named.

You are hereliy elted to aji Court lo In- held at Salem, ... . K..J ,■., on tin- First TuesiUy or May wit, at nine o'clock in tin- liiinnnn), to P|u>w cause, II' any yon hare, against the same.

And said petitioner is herein- directed to Sve public notice thereof, hy puhli-htrig thisrlta-

moiueaweek, for three suerc'rtvewi'i-k-,in tin- MWIMHI called the Lawrence American anil Andovrr Advertiser, |irinU*il M l.uu rence, tin- last j.iiiil!. ■iilnn to he two days, at least, U'lorc -.ii.l Of—"

said Court, this flfteenth day tlif year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three. apia A. C. UOODF.LL, Untie -

M I I. I N K H Y

The subscriber lias taken rooms In DRAPER'S building, Main atreet, ANDOVKIL, where she will lie glad to wait on her customers and the public generally In furnishing

FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. -ill.1 lias recently visited New Vork, am) obtained a Hue assortment of Spring Goods, and the ',ATHNT Styles.

Thanks to i, [ends for llieir former patronage, and . continuance respectfully solicited.


t stoic In rOKTKK'S block, No. 3IM —Ml in-H, LA WHENCE, may be fnunil a largo

variety of

MILLINERY GOODS. The public are Invited to call and examine the

tyles before purchasing elsewhere. noi'RXlNfl Siooda made a BPECIAI.TI.

I1U. It. L. TAPLF.V. April II, 1*73.


ii Frye Village. Inquire of the subscriber.

Tomato ami other plants supplied at tin- shortest

notice. CHARLES M. A11BUTT.

Andover, April 11,187S. 131


Attention It directed to the auction tale, to- morrow, of the deslrahlo real estate on the cor- ner of Main and Pearson streets. The property Is situated in the village, and qnitc valuable.

A large elm tree on Main Street, opposite the "Edwards place," was blown down on Satur- day evening, and as it fell Into the yard, on the north side of the house, broke down a portion of the new fence recontly built.

Tbc frame work sustaining the wires on the roof of the telegraph office of J. J. Brown, on Main Street, was blown down Saturday, and com m mi i cation cut ofTfor several days.

Capt. Nathaniel Wtaittler died at his residence In this town on Wednesday last, in the 80th year of his age. He was well and favorably known, not only In this community, but all along the line of the Boston & Maine Railroad. The Andover & Wilmington Railroad was opened for travel August 8th, 183d. Almut this period Capt. Whittler Tiecamc connected with It, and* superintended the work upon the main track and its extensions, either as road master, or in charge of tbc bridges, until four or five years since, win -n, from the infirmities of age, ho found It necessary for him to retire. His su- perior knowledge of his department of business upon the road rendered his services very valu- able to the company and the travelling public. He was genial, fallbful and efficient, and formed many actitinintauccs, and made numerous friends In the transaction of his business upon the entire route.

One of the limit-, of n russet apple tree upon the "Low Estate," broke on* early last fall and was overlooked when the apples were picked. Since the disappearance of the snow about half a bushel of ruiieN were found upon the limb, some what, dwarfed in BISC, hut plump and In a fine state of preservation.

Hlratn Blanchard arrived In town the first of the week with fourteen sale horses. They arc from the extreme northern section ot Now Hampshire, near Canada line, nnd appear to be very nnc animals.

CHURT i in i;i ii. AXIIOVKK.—Sunday last be- ing Raster fay, the unit contained a mass of Bow- ers, which gladdened the eyes ami cheered the hearts of priest and people. On account of tlie great scarcity of flowers the usual profusion thertv i.r wax suspended.

'i'i[.' music was most appropriate, spirited and

The communion alms were- appropriated to tho National Hoard of Domestic Missions!

At tiic morning service tlte rector preached a brief discourse on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the evening service he delivered a lec- ture which was a minute history of tlie events and details which transpired before nnd niter that most sublime anil momentous event.

'I'll,- afternoon of this tdessed feast was devoted to the usual Raster Festival of and for the Sunday ,"-r In'i.l children. These happy boy* and girls sang appropriate enrol*. Each elnss presented its of- ferings for the year, towards the Sunday School Library and the Church Illusion* for the poor In illans. Kitch contribution was aecoui pirn led by a bouquet, which was anlxod to a white chancel.

Very neat. Instructive ami appropriate remarks were made by Uie efficient Superintendent, and Mr. Short, au esteemed teacher of a young ladles' ltlble Class. The rector also delivered a brief lee. i HI i' on tliat inn.-11 Inn IIIIIIK chapter, the 38th of si, Matthew's .- -1 .

■ nail these arrangement* Uie Incumbent Is un der many obligations to these, his "true yoke-fel lows, which LalHir with him in tho Cos|icl.H

J. T.

At n meeting of the Andover Brass Hand held Monday eveaung, April lltta, isi.t. ttn- following resolutions were unanimously adopted:—

iraereas—Uivlue Providence has afflicted us by the death of one of our members, tssja, F. Hlauch- ard, be It therefore

Uaolretl, That we wear a badge of mourning for llfteeu days.

Mrsolrstf, That we attend the funeral services lu a body.

Assosaent, That these resolutions be published In lite Lawrence AMKBICAK.

Per order committee, UBO. U. KIMUSUX, Bec'y.



REAL ESTATE IN ANDOVER. Will be sold at public auction, on SATC Kit A Y,

April imh, at i o'clock 1'. M., on the premises, the "uses and Land connected therewith, situated

Uie corner of Pearson and Main street. One of the houses is two stories, lias eight finished andauattlc; convenient for two familier

measures tea feet _.. Pearson street aud US feet on Main street. The whole will be sold together, or In parts, as may be desired. $100 to bo paid at sale. Other ion d I lions favorable. JOHN NOLAN.

Andover, April II, PJT3. 3t


HOMCEOPATHIST, Has taken tho office recently occupied by Dr. O. L. Bradford.

Office hours till R A. H., 1 to I, and T to !) p. M. Calls attended to day or night. Andover. Nov. 1, llfft. VtT-

"Yy A Q O N 8.

WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Business Wasjona.

SJVKcpalring in all Its brandies; and all work warranliHl as represented.

Andover, March St, 1871. IT-

IS i.- aof

METHUEN, A TiioioiiTroa HKCOUATION DAY.—Decor- . , ', , , , „ „, | ntina the graves of our soldiers with flowers, hi ki„d.ta. tan dull ori.i,, 1,tr|i„uclx,u,iri,i,„,hi,1,i,»r,- .mi pneSn

But In lieuutyhuw transient, in fragrance how fleeting. Could the heartfelt lutcret>t and sym- puiliy mntiltested un Decoration day, extend Uiruitjdilhe whole tun-on, there would be rc- ,'urd in the labor. Should a plant, vine or

ran hush hike the place of the quickly fading flowers, the thoughts uud presence of friends

comrudcH of the lost ones, would bo directed to their resting places more than once for the summer, giving licnuly to encli ullctit chamlier,

d nttractlvnicss to our cemetery. n.

and little sigu of activity is shown yet.—Bowen, lohnson Hi Co., hat manufuelurcr», are at pres- ent closed for repairs. They will open shortly with Increaaod fjclllHcs lor currying on boil- lies*. Teuney Ik Co., bhoo manufacturer.-, are also riu ■! I for the -.mi purpose.

lurinvtMENT*.—Clark, Kent & Co., shoe manufacturers, arc maklir* extensive additions to their nuinufactory, the increase of their business necessitating larger accommodations and increased facilities. They have heretofore depended upon a hot air cngiueTor power, hut they will in future use steam. While the Im- provements are being made on llieir building, they «III have lltted up a boiler uud engine. They carry on mi extensive business, nnd em- ploy a large number of hands.—Mr. Yarn urn Corliss is making his usual spring Improve* in ni-. building, and enlarging huuxc*.

hlNTKKTAixKBNTH.—The Union concert spok- Of last week h still a thing of the future.—

Our ellir.ens are much pleused at the r>p|M>rtu- nity to lie offered of hearing John It. Oough at the City Hnll, Lawrence, on the 2ml proximo. Thcru will doubtless lie a great rush to hear- thls great orator, and our citizen* are evidently awarcof this as they are now securing their •cats a plan of the hall being at the store of Mr. Harris, where the tickets are fiir sale.— Nathan N. Witfalnghin, K-.|., gave the lost lec- ture in the Universalist course on Wedncsday tveiling last. The subject of the lectu/c was

Fiction," and in his treatment of li the lec- turer gave evidence of having given It deep thought. It was throughout an able produc- nm. Mr. Wlthlngton took the ground that Fiction has done much to Impioro the world, admitting ut the same time that u certain kind of net km had done harm. Whenever Fiction was used for the purpose of elevating aud re- fining, when it was used to Impress truth with more force,—and it was oitcu louud of great service In this respect,—it never lulled to do good. The Universalist society deserve the thanks of the community for these lectures, ttev. Mr. Hsywrad was very active lu bringing them aimuI and their financial success Is due to Ills efforts. -—Tbc Universalist society is making arrange- ments for a May Day party which will he given at the Town Hail.

riiBH MATTKHH.—The following gentlemen have been appointed Justices of the l'eace. D. II. 1'attertou, James Ingalis, Charles E. Trow, end J. 8. Emery.—Postmaster Patterson has iK'i'ii making some Improvements In tbc Tost Office, among which is the addition of Hti ucw letterboxes. This makes the total mimbcr now 345, and all of these are let with the ex- ception of 27, shout 90 having been let duriu g the past two weeks.—It is curious to observe the tastes of people in the selection of reading matter,and,hy tho way, tho ohserverwlll some- times get a hint of the religious tendencies of l>eople In this way. Making some enquiries ns to the kind of papers passing through the post office each week, we found that in the matter of religious papers the l'ilot took the lead, having .13 subscribers; tbc Watchman and Keltcctor

ei next, having 31; tho Congregational 1st, 27; Zlons Herald, 10; the Universalist, hi, and the Advance, 14. Ills sad to relate, however, that tbe Advocate of Holiness has only oue subscriber, and the Christian at Work only 1, and as an offset to this last there Is one copy of the Investigator or tbe Infidel at Work. Tbe secular papers are numerous, and embrace journals from every Suite, about which we may say more anon. Qiti.i.,


Tut Out) FRUOWa of this city propose to cel- ebrate Katurday, April 2Gtb,—the anniversary of the founding of the order,—by a public par- ade in the afternoon and a collation in the even- ing. The general committee having the matter in hand, request that all memliers of the order attend tbeir respective Lodge* lajfore that day, in ordrrthatthe preparations may 1* fully made.





Fun'illure, Miitrusses, lin'.s, Betiding, Window Mi suit's, Ac, Ae.

Ma tresses, Lounges, Softs, and Parlor Sets made lo unler, or repaired and upholstered.

Desks, Tables, ami isld pieces made as desired. Curtains trimmed ami hung, Carpets laid, and (ieneral Jobbing done.

he-emid baud furniture bought and sold. Ooods rf all kinds nteivetl and sold at Public Auction. Everything sold as low as can be afforded, ami warranted as represented.

Agents Tor the celebrated JONK8' l'ATKNT snt'lMi BKI>, best in market. Various other klmlH on tinn<I.

\. B.—Mr. Woodman will rentier any assistance ileiireit, In purchasing gooils in Boston or else-

Aadorer. Jan. 1.1879. *-

The Hlggins P.statc on High Street is offered . tr sale. It consists of a neat cottage house, painted and blinnY.I, «ith, slttJng.rooni.

-. _n«l all other coavenlcnres. Ctimiceteil with it Is a iplendld French risil liam, containing a carriage louse and stable, with a good cellar under the whole or it. With lite buildings Is altout half an acre of excellent land, upon which are grape vines, currant huslies, and annle, pear and other fruit trees. The place is eligibly located in a good neighborhood, and but a short distance from the post office, depot, school* ami churches. *' [tier particulars enquire of Albert II. lllg owner, of the Una of HogK, Brown M, Tay

post office, ile|Kit. schools and cburches. For fur. [tier particulars enquire of Albert II. Hir-"" " owner, of the Onn (if Hogg "— ton, or of tbe •ubscriber.

Amlover, April 1. I*7il.

III. Hlggins, tin :i t, "I":-.-- 1- -V. BOS

CKOUliK tf

p 0 A L. The subscriber has a supply of COAL of differ-

tbrcnt sixes and quality, which he will furnish customers at a reasonable price ami short notice. Orders may be left at JOHN II. CHANDLKBI* 1'erlrtHijl store or at my resitleuce.

JOHN CHANDLIR. Andover, Sept. 0, 1871.-

THK"OLII SIXTH" Reunion, on Saturday, at Stoneham, promises to be ol unusual interest; Ocn. Butler will be present, and the old refl- uent will lie largely represented.

OHKAT BAitn-AiN open to day; one case Jnp- HMH linen suitings, ut ISA cents per yard.

11%-intN TKI'SLL & Cu.

ORT KiMUAi.L'a BALAAM fur Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. No cure, no pay. Sold by IVruggisbi.


VKUV ATTIIAUTIVE.—The magniflceut dls- 1)1 ay of choice srasonahlc goods at Taylor & lolton's store, 22t* and 230, Kssex street, sur-

passes anything hitherto shown in this city, all at their usual low prices, laidlcs will do well to inspect their stock.

Indigestion is one of tbe prevailing of civilised life, nnd for which relief is always anxiously s.mght to rallv the exhausted powers of nature and to assist digestion. It Is highly Important to huvc Old lb. Goodhue's Root and Herb Bitlvra, wbk-h is a never failing remedy for this complaint. (Sold by dealers hi medicines generally.

New floods to lie open this week. A large in- lee of shawls, silk poplins, blk. silks, laces,

gimps, black cashmeres, tulsle linens, dress goods at nil prices from 23 cent.- to the nicest Cds. All at our popular low prices. A largo

MI linen h.niiii.iiviiiYt., . h;-iitiv damaged, at 10 and 12^ cents.

O. 1). AiiMM-rmiNo.

8 i 111\ i, tills city, on tin

and Mrs. John H Itv, (in tlir I.-.UI in. iitisii.i A. ltowe.

M a r f i h g e ^.

MtfARTKN.-lii tills city, on tlte MM, hut, a daughter to Ur. and airs. John McCarten.

HOWE.-In tin* cltv, on tin- f.tii in-Miii, a son lo Mr. and Mm. Uie hard A. ltowe.

McKINNOX- A(;\KVi'.-In this city, April '.'d, by Uev. John HogK. Mr. Mm. MeKhmonami kllss Annie Agnew, both of this city.

Kl'IINKKB—LIST—In this city, April ISth, Of Itev. C. F.. Fisher, Mr. August Kuhnerb nnd Hiss Wllhehncnn List, both nf Lawrence.

WH1TTIKH.-NFKNCKR.-In this city, April llth, by Itev. John II. Cough Piilgr, Mr. I^remo M. Whlltier, ol lUverhiir ami Miss Addle N. Miam- cer, of Philadflphis, Pa.

1 HM) -.M I 111 In this d Chas. A. Ilaiileu, Nr. In ton, and Hiss Klla W. Hmlth, of Ijiwreoce.

CHAMBKKI.A1N-FITCIIEL. - In this city, April Kith, by llcv. C. K. Fisher, Mr. Uev. P. Iltnmbcrlsln and Mrs. Delia Flh-hel, both of Lawrence.

yOCNO-MclNTOSH.-ln Methuen, March Wtii, liy Rev. Thos. Q, Urassic, Mr. Hnttlicw Veuag aud Mrs. Jessie Melntoeli.

WORttHM>X-|Ui;i;lNM.-lu Methuen, April Tth, bysssy Thus. ti. (irasshsMr. John Morrison and Miss Ruth M. Hlcgins.

liosis Well is making improvements and al- terations In bis buildings. The main house Is to be raised eighteen Inches, and au addition put on, 47x24 I act, for dining-room, kitchen, bath room and bod chaintMjrs. The work is done by Thomas Howell of Andover.


sianulacturer of CaBsns, Caskets, and all kinds ef Grave

daisies. Also dealer in in all kinds of Furniture. Black

Walnut, Chestnut, ami Pine C'liamlier Bets, euunumtly on hand. Upholstering and Repairing ilone lo tho neatest manner, and at reaMininlil,' frices. Picture IVsineH, CnrlaiiiK anil Curtain

Ixturcs constantly on baud, and put up If de- sired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover,

TF.KRRNCB IIF.NKY, AwetloMeer aatd CtmaMlasloni Mrrrhaitl. Is now prepared to sell llial Kntsle or I' < tonal Property at reason- able terms. m _»



The business of the late Hermon AbboUbavlns lassed into the hands of the subscribers, they will

.lonlluue to famish OOP-FINN, CASKETS, ftODEB and other articles connected with the business, promptly ami in Uie lau

COBW and Caskets 1 and with broadcloth.

The attenUon "* * Prices as low Si



on Main street, a two-story HOUSIS, containing l:t rooms; with Stable ami one acre of I ■ami. Welt located for boarders or for educational purposes. Inquire of WM. ClllCKEHIJiti

Amlover, April IT, 1873. Kapl"


PASTtTRAOlE 1<1>11 OOWH, at the Farm of the late W. PHILLIPS FUSTKIl,

Jtlapltt* Andover. _^___^


Notice is hereby given that the subscriber lias been duly apjioinUtl ailniinlstralor (tie bonls with the will annexed nf the estate of

yeoman, deceased, and has taken upon him- self that trust by giving bonds, as tho law directs. AlliK-rwmstinvfiiKilcuianiisummtheselslSOfaslil deceased are reiiniii'il l-> exhibit the same; and all persons indeblc.l to said estate are eulle.l umni to make uavmenl tu CKORi;K FOSTKIt, Atlm'r.

Amlover, April I, WTS. «ap*



The subscribers will in1 hi session, for business, at their Otlce, on MONDAY AFTKUNOON next, April JlsL JOHN U. FLINT.


HelectaaM of Amlover. Andoror, April IB. 1873. »

P O li SALE,

KOI It MKsV MILIH covsm ■ itli Calve- by their side.

II. P. HOLT. AmloveT, April 111, MM IIJ


The underslgnetl has retumetl to his oltl stand) •verJ.J. BROWN'S store, on MAIN Street, where he will be glad to wait on his former cnsln ami tbe public generally In all branches of HAIR t»iti>M.\«i. SM-Particular attenlltm paid to Cull i»K Ladles'and Children's Hair. Orateful for intst favors, and conscious of always improv- ing lint fcsnoatJ appearance of pslruns, all are cordially Invited tot-all.

WILLIAM H. SMITH. Andover. Jan. M, 1B73.


ANDOVER, Miwa. once on Main street, a few doorssouTH of

the Post OaVe.

Charles K. Jones, while in the employ of Pat- rick Cummlskey, cutting wood In Drscnt about three miles from Lowell, on Tuesday, cot the second toe of his right foot nearly off, n gash I ic- ing made In the loot itself, nearly to tho lustep. The toe was amputated.

lAwrence Farrell, an employe In the Ijtwrence „3rporntlon, bad three lingers taken offby some machinery on Tuesday.

Seven females, live of whom were arrested for drunkenness, were inmates of tho Lowell Police Station one night this week.

Hev. John B. Kendall ofFltehlwrg, who made the generous matrimonial offer through the col- umns of the Courier, last week, is receiving four or live answers daily, with a large number of photographs.

E. J. Dike, while at work at Whitney and Willard's croquet shop, bad Ids skull fractured between tbe syes, by apiece of timlier thrown from a clrcshtresw, on Tuesday.

—1 he festival at St. John's Church on Friday evening next, will ortbr sn opportunity for pass- ing an enjoyable time. Tim exercises of the evening will be of a pleasant diameter, Intro- ducing pantomime, tableaux, music, Isith vocal nnd inirtramentsl. An art gallery will lie opened for the exhibition of pictures and other works of art. Flowers will shed their fragrance around, and there will Iw a display of fancy articles. Refreshments will he served during the even- ing, including Ice cream, coHbo ami rake. A substantial supper will lie -.■mil from A to 7.30 P. M.

There la a full brigade, nnd not a llglit brigade, oriyceiim Ifcturerw lit the I'nllcd Stales. If this loquacious hrml were to be marshalled to-day, mid rank unsigned to every member In strict accordance with his popularity, the commanding general of these eloquent and educated talkers would be a man so diffident, that lie constantly shrinks from the company of his peers; an modest, that he has repeatedly and honestly declared that he "makes no pre- tensions us an orator," aud doeH not even "possess the qualifications necessary lo constitute an orator;" a man so little 111- depted for his success to the god of our literary classes,—thu god of Harvard and of Vale,—with listed breath Invoked as Culture, that he hau never been Inside of

hool since his tenth > ear, nnd never in nlde of a college at any lime of his life; a man without Puritan or Pilgrim aucestry, and who has had none of the advantages of New-England or American early train- lug; a man whom'our republican Institu- tions did not create nor foster, uor jjven help In his marvellous career; a man to whom his mother-country wns the crudest of step-dames, who stamped on bis sad face as her only legacy the sign of the woes of generations of his class; a man whom circumstances did uot make, nor party elevate to high plnce, nor the Church, for temporal purposes, encircle with her love, which gives houor aud fame to who- ever secures it; a man of lowly birth, who reached maturity without rising, or hoping to rise, above the station of a mechaulc, and who then, as if to destroy every chauce of self-elevation, adopted the deadliest vice of tho working-man by becoming a drunkard: we need not name him,—the "King of the Platform,"—the most popu- lar of sll living orators in America, who crowds uvery halt that he enters,—for JOHN 11. Goccn will be Instantly Morjg* nixctl by every reader.

Whence comes this man's power and popularity? Neither can be doubted. A man who has lectured nearly thirty years In every part of America, and before every kind ofnn audience, nnd always with In- creasing popularity, and has not only maintained hut vastly Increased It by a thousand speeches in England, Scotland, and Ireland, whatever else he may not be, Is unquestionably an orator of highest rank and of splendid genius. No audi- ences, however exacting, have ever yet stood unmoved against lilin 1 lords uud commons, scholars and parents, the pam- pered ami the outcast,—he has nddrcssed them all, and conquered them all.

John lluimm crossed the riv and entered the Celestial City, English history presents no parallel to John H. tiough's career; and when Oough goes after him, aud men see that the mere forms of genius arc ephemeral, adapting themselves always to the needs of the hour, they will recognize In the temper- ance orator 1 In- spiritual son of the theo- logical dreamer. He also, the tinker, was the marvel of the literary class of his age, —such of them ns deigned to notice bhu; for his power with the people disturbed their theories, and, ludeed, utterly des- troyed thcin: but thu multitude who hat) no critical hobbles, but open hearts only, accepted him—as they alone, lu all ages, havu welcomed lite men of genius—with- out cavil and without reservation.

Our literary men seem to have settled down to the comfortable conviction, that Uough's popularity can he accounted for by a single phrase,—he Is an "evangelical comedian." People (so these wise men say) who dare not patroulxe tin- theatre, and therefore do not know what sctlng Is, go and laugh safely with (iough, the great platform actor. Rut, for one, 1 have fimini this theory exceedingly weak; and I hair believed It until I thoroughly tested It. I have sccitwll our greut actors,—seen thein not once only, but again and again aud while It Is true that (lough has in equal on the stage, while It Is true that he throws Feehter and Jefferson both into the shade, It Is equally true that his real power begins where theirs ends. He not only satisfies the mind, and Arcs the Im- agination, but melts the heart 1 his acting is not mere "personation," as theirs Is, but utterance; and it Is tho utterance of a tender, loving, and genuine soul,—of a uoul so sympathetic, that It answers to •very touch of (nature, from the most

f)ekth.V. lil.ANCJHAlUt.-In Andover, April Uth, Ueorge

K Blanchard, aged II yrs. m.AXCJIIAllIl.-lu Boston, April lith. Ueorge

Jtoye, youngest son of John A. ami Laura K Hhiichard, aged lTmos.

rl .MS11M,*. w the Haas. Lunatle Ibwplial, Worcester, April lath, Charles CumnilngH, of Amlover, aged nil yrs. His remains were taken lo Andorer for Inb-r-

KHKHSUX.-ln tills city, April llth, IlnaeE. Em- erson, from I'enolwcol, He., aged 17 yrs, and 8

WIIJlTIKll.-ln Andover, April 10th, CapL Na. tlianiel Whiuier, aged 70 years, 1 mo*.

WILSOX.-In Chelsea, April 11, of pneumonia, Mr. Itlchard \\ il-ton, aged SU years, .1 num. The funeral SCTVICCH were frtim Uie residence of

his son-in-law, .1. ii. A. llunitlge, In this city, on Tuesday. Mr. Wilson was well known Lo many of our citizens, ami much hived for his gen- hii, nswny nt ■!.■■>■ 11 K HI, i- tui - nun character, sod f-i-ui'ii HI ■■ hearted nesN.


Carpets I Carpets! Carpets!

Spring Opening of Garpetings. a.n. shall anas, Hoaasy, April 14, Uie

Largest aud lloi-l Varied A-sorUneiii of Carpets ever shown in Lawrence, all at arreatlr rcdurrd

We offer Kpeelal Barsravlata in STRAW MATTINQS «' »» «•»*■ I*' >srd; also, a full line ,ir the HETTKU UUADK8 in Plain, Cheek and Fancy.

A full line of All Wool Uooda for HT) cU„ »l.uu. *!--'■■-, tl.40, etc.

Tapestry from fl.SS to • 1.0*1, comprising the IIKST English tinutln imported.

oil Cloths, Itugs, lUssocks, Curtains, etc., ia great variety.

S*-t sill and tee them, for we arc .leiennincl nut t<> In- 11 nitersokl.

WK »llll.l. ALSO nits A Magnificent Assortment of Dreae

Ooodal I the New styles and Fabric*.

_ j-Wc shall offer the Or eat at Barnlaui in BLACK SILKS ever pwas-rtad to die people 'Lawrence, trvin Sl.iS to t&.OO per yard. Mack Cashmeres, Drap de Etc, Ilrilliantine,

Alpara, Bombasine, Creaton, Taiiu-e, llaleruo, ia abundance. EW NHtlVU In great variety, at Trensen- > Low Prices I


In short, our Store la FULL from cellar lo garret with the Choicest Kinds of Merchandise!

An examination of ourtiooda Is most respect- fully solicited.

BYBON TRUELL & CO., Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,





and Destroyer of Insectil

_ „1 confound the name with lhat of any M, rlou* article i'orcetl upon Uie market by other I'liitieri. 'I'hi-iitlielc will oimi>l<trl> ilnlrii) the Insects wbieli so Infenl nearly all growing "cgctatioii, and at tho tame lime la m fertiliser.

TiiiH article has been carefully and thoroughly ostetl, during the past four yearr, lit' many rxiic- iencetl ttnoctr, gardeners, and dorieulturists,

and the numerous testimonials which have been received from tlmse who have given It a trial, leave 110 doubt of its valuable properties as a fer- tiliser for all crops; nnd particularly as an lancet

*—ir. It having proved 11 imtfeet protection . nunes, grajie vise*, fruit trees, cabbagep,

s<|iia^aes, ami other vinos aud Vfgvtal>lt-», from Uie dsnirsslatlons of Inserlx, and is nheapt-r thiui anv of the rented I rt which have been reoosaattinl ei I for Unit I'lii'i 'i e.

Whnlesnle & Uoluil A|«nt. frir i .:'i -. COIIKTV, Mass.:

W. A. KI.MI1AU. * CO., Lawrence, I). HlClIAItDS ft tOHi Imnvcrs,

to whom all orders should lie addressed. for in s( ■ini'TM 1: IA M imn s

Abo for sale hy

CIIAS. it. MAHON a CO., Ijiwrcncc, N. P. II. IIKLVIN, Iatwrenee, linln.i: A FULTON, Metlmen,

■'■iiui. ItaJOmfO' A CO., Andover, C. W. I1AKNES, North Amlover. ClfapIlJ



Special attention paid to Jobbing. House, No. IS New mary street.

atfcwp, - oppeslle ChsuresVa Woo.I Var.l,

SmUapIl Haverblll street, Lawrence.



New Dress Goods.

New Shawls.

New Silks.

We are now prepared lu show one of the

Largest and Best Assortments or


ever shown to the public of Lawrence; while our

prices, as heretofore, will be Uw


JAP. NTUll'i:s. SO, SB, 37',.'.

HI..KH BILKS, SI. SI IS, *■-*(!.

ittiKii poPLins,, »i.»a, *i.tio.

HI.A4 H AXPACAS, sWe. «|i (• SI.

All the Xew shades In POPI.INH, from SB

(a STt*.


OPERA KIDS. 100 dozen nl Tile stair, worth *■••••

We have Jn-l received a lot of


SI.TB, worth S'-KO.

Black Lace Shawls. SI, $1.50, $2.

raehuscre Hhawla frein SI.HO lo -JtO. Iw Sejausres.

Ltmri, freaa tas lo «tto.

Corsets and Hosiery CHEAP.


Boston Wholesale Prices!

Moos Prints, O mid III.-.

P It 1 N O 18 7 3.

Tlte Hew and Elc|rant


204 Essex Street. occupied by


Is uttracting muih attention by ibc li-.-iulil'u! ■■ili-l I !■■ I 1' | l..i Of

NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS! None In the city keep a hctu-r assortment of

'rintu, (iimrhams, ami Collonx, both Uleached ami HumH, from 10, li and \t\cunts per yard, up.

sir. McKAY has


While, Brown, Turkey Red and Itamask, St very I*>W prices; and, In met, cvcrylhins; from S Paper

f 1'ins to the nicest of Klarh Silks.

A Tlslt to his store, In

Bsaoh's New Block, No. 204,

In Hie pursuit of Dry' (food*, will well repay any lady. ««-There the Hoods will be freely ahown, and Without uralujr.

The success of .Mr. HI-KAY, in the past live years. Is a suHcient guarantee to all thai lie has met a papular want, vis :—

Si-HIng a l/irsji- QunuLlty of Ooods at a

Small Advance (in the First Tost.

Qrrs tiiu A i u.i..

All ore Welcome, oven to Look.

204 Essex street, Beach's Mew Block,

Na*m Ttia POST omen, pafsjsl


F° r' A M I I, Y







.Sr.i'usii l>ooi( FHIIM POST llmra,


fluccespon to t'AMrtuuj. a Ttvixiit.


> L K T,

Tor Parlies, llnlls, eh'„ Crockery, tilass Ware, Plated ami tnmmon s|Mious ami Knives and Forks, bv JOHN C. 1MJW a CO.








Him, Seed and Water Cups, Bath and tirnvel Tubs, Wire Nest Frames, Cases, etc,

JOHN a DOW a CO., IN Esses Htrrcl.

BLANK BOOKS naae to order. WIirTFOHIt A ItK'E.


Warranletl not to tire the eve, and to 1* th best i,In-, in the market.

IVIllTKOHl) A KICK, \.'.-in

to order. Family Bibles, Small I'riuts; also, slot of Juvenile Books, Piiluren, Chromus, LithOBraphs, a large slock on hand,

Picture Frames of all siaes, ami Fi-amiiu; done nt short notice.

UsmafaVt, 56rEstei street. Tinn, UMI GOOIMI, etc. Hinhil

Istures, Conl, Tassels, tflrrurs, etc. Pictures Framet* at short notice. Imliil IIKKHMAvs Book Store, 567 Esses tt.



SSI Kssex Street, F.a«rnicr.

|> 1 C T U It B FRAMES


Steam Dye House and Laundry.

No. 141 Lawrence street.

t'lli. , . (Ml Kases atrcel, near tlte lltpt.l,



Coats, Pants. Vests, dc.. Cleansed or Dyed,

cd, and warranted n to crock. Alto,

Silks, Tlillnds, Alpacas, and all other Dress Goods Cleansed or Dyed.

Having all the lateat Improve* mavltlnrry,

and keepins; none hut Uie beat d > >r. ami presa-

wc can do our work etpial to tlie iitxnr in Uie''


n. F. Kuril. SI3 KIHI atreet.

154 l]..n atrert. I.. O, MerrlS, Mrlhuru.

J. ii,Br.«a, MM«1I Aw4«vtr.

■fra. tVlfCirlu, fSonlli It

OSUe, (Ml Kaan atresl« near the Hep.n.


A PHOTOGRAPH SALOON, m wheels; In good running onter. Is 0 fivt wide

and U feet lonft. Apply in pei- ."ii or hy letter to

1>npl8 J. II. rrroTT, B. A H. Car Khop, Lawrence, Msss.


Fruit and Ornamental Trees asTD


Order Bos nt A. A. I.AUPItRV a 00% 31-1 Esses street, l.iiiiiin-r.

Tm'aplB UEORUB W. (iAtiB,

Pleasant Valley til, east pat t of Hell men.

IN BANKRUPTCY. ■ I>lslrit'l of M;i ■ II.IIII. ,n •, ss.

been appointed asslgnei , I.. HOHNJNiJ.iMsnkri.,..



Herds Grass. Red Top, Clover and Orchard Grass.

'nil tw»H»r*mi*Tit ■■! « leBtaflsBI fS-Cftlst

I".. Frank tor's rhosphalr nf I.lur.

iiaj Stale

I 1.1.111 ••


Best Quality and Lowost Prioe, WAHR ANTED.




••si, ATau rt bwrta

J. »■ Sl'INLOW,

WHEELWRIGHT AUD CARRIAGE Manufaiturcr, has iiKHtivKii from Latln-in/H

■ In,p. on ' .-..IIIIII..ii Htrcet, lo tlie Bhop adjolnlm: the Hi * Hi IV I ltd r.s shire warehouse.

Mr. Spininw will carry on (lu- business In all its branches. lmfl | mlrjs

ADULTERATION.-m. weii for the

public to Uke a HUIe earn '•> their mnvliases

when adulteration is fuuml In nearly every article


Booth's Wai-liinjt Snap" la a strictly I'i'KK

■-■Ml', free from adulteration, and not mado up

of soda ami mineral substancea lhat are so

imnuuly uscil lo make weight In soaps. 11



The Host Sauco & IleliHh

Made In any Part of the World



Pints, ■ ■ - ■ flO mils.

Hair Plaiti, - - • - SU rewta.


—Turkeys are a dollar a piece, sayi a Nash- ville paper, bat Its readers wish to know how I jp knowing there had Ireen any btrgo the piece is. 1 eter.

rollicking faucy of boyhood to tlto Quth- .-.■iiiniu- agonies of thu- tortured heart. Tin-v are only players i he is an actor. Describing a Frenchman, without uttering a word, he Is a Frenchman; a drunkard, tic writhes lu tbe real horrors of delirium. These prattlers of other men's words, thesu jmiiy fellows with hearts full of malice and envy aud Insolence and vanity, —what have they lu ooniuio*li with ono of the whitest souls of our tlmi's? of whom It nmy be said, that not as tho English lord was by nxcess of caprice, but by ait aillu ence of sympathy, ho Is

Nut one, but all mankind's epitome 1"

A RAILROAD iKnuKKT.-Ai initiate express train coining toward Boston Tuesday evening on Uie Lowell ami Nashua railroad, tlie train broke loose In some way from the CUKIUC. The baggage- man saw the fact, and the engineer bring warned hy the signal as the boll rope snapped, put on ex- tra steam nnd shot his engine ahead of the train some distance. The train was gnhiftal the time at the rale of about forty mile* an hour. Tlte baggageman Immediately stepped RpflS the plat- form of his car, and drawing up the tiiupling pin, waited. The engineer gradually .ducked his luco motive, until the rest of 11M train M up, wlten the baggageman stooped over and dropped Uie coupling pin Into lls place again, and the train went on with its usual swiftness wllhoul a passen-



Spring Wonring Appiufl A*R IKVITKTt TO VISIT THE



0.0. ARMSTRONG Will sell, for tws weak*, a Large tut of

Brown and other Colored Dross Ooods,

at die low prlteof SS eewts per yard. They a well worth tH ami U ceaits.

••Black Brilliantinet and Alpacas at Very Low prices I

We eall Use AUsauss >r the I..HU.

BLACK (iOODS. They are the brat and • heap*it In Urn riti !

Beast Machine Thread BU Cents.

(•ood S|,n.ii Thread Three i , in -.

Best French Corsets, SI.00! si11prd Urasa data Swulatsai ouly IS cU.

Black & White Stripe Oreoadines nun kid down lo U i-u. PIT yard.

•loreal tukaasres, Wlnler Nhadse, marked down li-i-ni rI.J, in MII i .

of all descriptions and prices. Picture Conl. Also, a stock of CHROMOS, Kngravings, LiUiographs, I'liotograplis, Brackets, etc.

Parties desiriag Ihelr engravings Framed, ran rely upon having them In tlte best style, at the lowest living rates.

Mr. I. It. 1IORSE 1MS charge of the Picture and Framing department nt 569 Essex street, sign of Picture Prsiao Manufactory. iimii-.'i

IOOK at WIUTPORD 1 RICK'S stotrk Jof Keasw Papers before purchasliig.

riLASS WAKE.—Pickle Jars lu line cu \y glass, with plated stands, nr separate. ' good line of Cut and Kngrared (iohkls.CutTumli lers ami Water I'lleliera various styles. Cut and Kngraved HaH Mhakerx, filter platetl tops. All Iheae articles In taVsiSaT makes, as well as law - Dislu-F, Candy Jars, (ilass Mhati ..fSfU. ,Hll1N r. |H>\V ft Cl


INSURANCE AGENCY in rill .'■!.-. i:- TflK I i 'I i ■ ,i\ l '.ii

FIRE INSURANCE COMP'VS: 11, ■-,n-1 ii'l. Assets.

Franklin, of Phlla., I'n., ls-Jti S3,300,341 Pennsylvaiila, of Puima., lMU 1,363,502 Germoji, " is,.-. 342,610 North aClaaouri, Ulssouii, 1H67 718,345 Weatobeater, New Vork, 1KI; f»88,300 Qerrjaan American, N.Y., i-:: 1,360,000 Falrfleld County, Conn., ISTo 280,484 Flret National, Worcester, lsno 186,170 Olouoester, lilourestcr, 1870 115,833 Faneull Hall, Boston, ISTD 204,044

I'-HUHHII lL!«»iiu.»ui..M. Royal, lelft, gob), Slo,0O0,0OO

Ani'-i i.--.i, Branch, 1,600,000 Imperial, i-<>:.. gold. 8,000,000

Anterlean Branch, 1,267,001 Queen, isM, gohi, 10,000,000

Amcrlean Branch,' 872,000


SSS Bases atreet, . - - Inn

lyfapIS P.O. Box'is.

.iiHI.x SIIWAKHS, JAHM aUoanux.



BUBNHAM'B, 103 ESBOX Street, - - Lawronce.

Clothing, Hats. Caps, Furnishing Goods IN All Ilia .V„ Mrleal


Trunks and Carpet Bags Very Cheap. A large line of Cheap shin, for Ma and f I.



NKW STOCK OK GOODS, ns we can give you n »A m. \ I \ I




K T O n, tt 0 O T T I

346 and 347 Common atreet.




Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, And dealer In all kinds of

Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranges. Repairing neatly done.


And dealer In nil kinds of

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AND

Fillings for Steam, Water and Gas. Bin. 410 Kaaex Street, I.awiriii r.

Orders colirllcd nnd promptly attended to.

This new eslnlilisiimeut. favorahly localcil at Ins. 1, S and a Hot k Square, llnaloii, }SM

at the foot of Brattle street, has Wu illled HM present aoasou wild a line assortment of Gentle- men's, Youth's and Beys' ('Inthlng, from lead inn fashlmiahle iuiin-t's lu New Vork and l'lilunhluhiu, ami we can mm offer prime low priced liarim-ul" of all gratles, sites ami styles st proaent in maiSet

Our Hues nf DrsSS <inmls. Si ('lievlot, Mellon,Tweed, I'lqi " Trie,,i, umi taiit-r HATCIINI) 8t: ilensive; -

lowcut er We lllllli' II -II J -n

Kl.niiiil Miiirla; and III I-IUTMCNT will I nf first class

s, Spring Over foals, H'. I Hag-Hiil". ttlri|H-i', SriTs.forallagi'H.are

Utie WlliU'llll.l fien.ll ir lient's Ki IIMSIUMI ml an elegant lUspatf

NEW SPRING NECK TIES, Plalu tliatik Hows,

I ravats, ISNSII, Ac

• '( latest French, London and New Vork Pattern These goods we a ill sell at ■. ,i,, less prl<

than they can la- l»niglil for la llostim. They are all made to our unltr expressly for the "lii-im" "

a.-r'nr Himsti i i"im\u ami H uswi A n, ii i i ... of BVBHV DSMMRMS,




For Children, For Boys,

Or for Men, is KlCIIAlin-S w.-ll known

MO M> O O It N E 11," Haa. •« aud an


SPRING STOCK if Wearing Appanl and first class Fund ioods.tomeflUic wants of eTiwyhiHly who>


In the j

i the lute in.- nl my

on Woalitrmton St., Boal

1 am offering part of my



HUMAN HAIR slightly .1 e<l hy water, nt


W« III lir-, •! i former |,i It •'. (S.

(Jrry Nil Helir«, 1| •< " S.

It l/i. ■, IIAe, ,,, > yard i rorwtrr prter, Hoe.

Combs and Head Ornaments,





Largest Music School in the World I

■ most rminent instructors. The greatest ninnher of free advantages.

The lowest rates of tuition. Urlralleil rurllltles to organ MpJat,

HlliiBtlons procured.'

Summer Term opens April 21, '73. ••eni fur f.'lmdar, glrlng Aill partirutnri<, to

4tlaplKl> K. Till IUII-, lllreelor.


Qilt Paper Hangings and Borders, Just o,«'ii,-d l.v WHITFOItlt ft SSJSJBJ,


trKtnrrKRKxitKx!r*v*MMa'^JiiijiniLAiia'A I*.

Deposits placed on luU'rcnl the First Day of ich tin mil i. Interest allowed on all turns of one dollar and

upward*, tleposltfd not less than nnc m-idh In'- Ton- tin' <lay on wlih-h divltleials arc detlnretl.

The smallest sum recelred on deposit Is live

Dividends will la' made of all the profits whleh may liare acerunl within U«' previous sK months, iilti-i dedtieLiiix iiei I'fhuiy ex|icnsea,

I I-I. 11 . I will mil la- paid on fractional parts ofn dollar.


/v.«i'.f. ,,i -inn-. FAI.UIN, ESQ.

Vice I'rctlilmUi A. W. Stearns, Thomas Scott, II. (-. Ilai-on, Morris Knonles, •Innies A. Tieat, .1. Kmnmon, ,fr.

7Vmswi'rr—,l ames 1'ayno. 7VtWfCMi

rein Hmllli, John Smllii, .1. W. Hmllli, K. 1» Kumils, I', i. i llohlum, S. YV. Klilgtil, I*. C. Kirk, I). C. ItletmnIron, II. M. Ayer, •lesso (Hover,

1','Pi II I. Mm f.hv,

Dalilt I II., 'ii'

A. J. 0. K. i',ii I.,.. ■., I'.U. I'lllslnirj-,

Tim lUnkwill I _> 1 P. M., extcpL . Sntnnlny Kvenlug', from 7 tii U, for recclTlng ilo- iiosltaonly. .lAHKHl'AYNK, Tre,

l.nwreinJ'..)uiiel4, INTi.- »

PHIiKi: MKMHKItK OF THE FIRM or 1 t.U.Mi.rHi*. <■#. Iiavlng i-|«ntfonrii:.\s f laal week lu «,w Vork avIcvUiW Novi It'- '■■

Style* of hlii.wi-, l.arineiiu.ln.—n. new niyies n| Slu.»lr, l.armenU. 1 ■it'--n.<H-|f, ( ai|t-l-. Trimmings, lames, feloves, flsslsij. l.lmy Aitielrr, rle., mv pri-|uue<l lu oflrr tlie ritizens of nnd ririnitv n» fit 11 and run>|ils(r a spak in Km-li Dtp art men I of Ken and i hoi.e SPRING QOOD9 and at aa loit- prlcrs as Mil- same rlilo nnd .mtllty caU !«• purchased Tor in this or any cltv lu New Kngbiod.

\ W :.'It;AUNS L VC UT: l^nkav AtXrw and licaiitiful Style* of Summer Silks at Wrv Low Price-: nl»», a .nt'ifWu. I'.'ill.i i, iii.HH Hll,HMpuai-rantetl NOT To (HACK or break In wearing, nr become srrv hi use—the ihnpt.i lat ot UM- fta-on. Prlcr.:,

AW. STKA11NS &. LI), wisikl iiartlvu* • larly-iiivilenll -*[H, arc Udnklngnl punha.-

»ig* **-X i:\V Sil. \,\Y I, UdsSpring, loan < \aiii,ii;ili..n .,! li,, l»rR,.l i„„i mo.t d< .liable ii-i-oHmviit rif drirlly rhalrr KfAV WM>I>H,

and nut to 1 to :■ n

AW. STI'.AKNS s CO, lire <i|uT,tujt n • Full and KIrirniii AsMirtmeiit or

Nprlii|[ lUilmaii., JiiLM,, laprs, *e„ of ontirrly New IH-un- ami U<»\r» of Trimming, nt our I tun! Low I'lleo . sTEARKSsitXX


A. W. Nlurin A <-'•• would announce lo Ihe i, ,-mii ni-'ii .,1 l.nHien.-e no,I > lelnllv lhal tlni law -ei-nnil tin' MTI kes of n Firstlllaas PreMrli ArUat, from Nt-w V.nk, Hit. I.. S. Ul'PdM', ami are pit iiiirnl to mke onleri- for Spring .Suits—Over i tiats, Piinl., VI'.IA, titc., etc., frum an .Worliui-nl eijnal to any In New F.njclniiil.


A. W. Staanss A 4?s>. are opening their Full Asuortmeiil or New PatU'rus for Parlors and ■ewrrnl Iloiire FuraUhlug purposen, and would Invite tlie L.-idle- and all luteri-teil U> an r\nui ustfoD of our Klrgsnt Mylc and (heai>Ut>otl>.

AW. BTEABNS a C(X arc opeirtns a Nrw mul Very Choice Blvh-s of spring

Drti-s (ioods.

NKW ami Elvannt StvKn of Sivrliin Hhawls ran tie ftmml at Ntrams A «'•'..

I/O It New Goods and New Ktrlrs, pi U> A. IV.- SXrarns A C**S.

I AP1ES' UNDER OARMENTB-Moile Vj rrmu Uw HUT (AUAUTY of Cloth, ami ULLl. MAHI-1

A, W. Stenrni Si Co. are opening soomptele assortment of New Styles and Splendid Work.

BUTTE1IICKS Hl'ltlNG ST1XR8. 1873.

SsrA Qnssaim Asun-tment of all Use New KPltlMi I'aUein. f.-r I .iidlt-s. Kllsors and llo> - ' Milromdltniis, etc., can !«• found al

Mrmii, A Cat's.

|?LANNKI.M uf nil kinds Cheap. A^ A. W. Hsarai A. f s>.

V 1>UKE 8ILVEU SI'OONK—Warranlcd A. W. Stearwa * C«.

BLEACHED AND HKOWN t'OTTONS, Sit of our (test Makes, (ircat lUslmlloo.

17011 NEW D1IK8S Ut'TTOKH, Trlin- 1. mliig* ami Laces,

A. \\. fctrai !<■ A Cti'..

KOSIEHY AND GLOVKK—Lwllm* ami Uent's. 1U>1 Variety, llesUioods, I'lu-np.

A. TV. A In.


LOUIS WEIL licgs lo tcmlcr to his friends and Un- puldio

generally his tluinks for llm genc-rons support he

rcceivetl while conducting liutiness in Law-

rence, saw |*M to slate Hint his Inutlicsi has

Incruasetl lo 'MICII nn cvtent as to lead him to

MtaUli-li a

BRANCH STORE fVir fhe an 1e of

(ioili'ri n-'lll'lliHUinfJ OfKHiri


Tills rltncishllnnled In :-\i Mn i: Itl.tM'lt .

Oomer of Appleton nnd Eesex St.,

■in,l Will he under the fininrtlinlc charge of (jFo, F. (Jt'itTia

•srllr. WK1I. will Mill continue nt his DI.D

STDICK, whore, with an UlllltllSgil rtock, ami

cs|H'ilnl1y a

I.ARGIH AND MOIif. VAK1C0 A'if.CH T t/lf M



lliaa can tin fuuml anywhere it f In tlieiili, lie hopes to merit a ronUnunnca of M,,- jiattt-iiiijc

Umi lias been so liberally i<sP:nde<l to him lu tl.e

>Ut> llmftflalT

SHADES made In order, anv «!/.<-, ooluf or pnllvru. WIHIHUID & UK >



i ■- S> ii. KsUDeaV v-1"> speaks bed] Hwism and French aeeorattly ami nncnlly, nill Im-tiuei 1'iipils, ciLher singly or in ■-!:■ o , In loading mnl

I ■■.il.i'r ■ I. I.:,,. II !■■■ .

Piano instruction given, wllli s]«a.inl aiuiiii.oi paid to lieglnm-rs.

Xlr. K. eon lie found at Urn l.l.U'T CHAl'Kl., from ibid o'eloi-k, v. M., tai Wt-tlnm-iluya and Bat unlays. Kererruce Is madu to A. C. |illi|Ml.sTli|. Blaster of Ijiwience lligli s. 1 1, Itev. U. s, Wearer, and Mr. Wlcsncr, 6 Union M. Impiiry may la- made nl AstKlltr'AN (tnlce. HJomlax-"'

SsTWe waal to CLONK OUT the above line

of I.IMHIS in make room for New Spring Uoodr.

A large kit of

W H I T K I* I Q U K K | wlmle pieces SJMI shawl Icngtb*, marketl .ion

from «| ami 70 ei-. to li anrl 37| eta,


GEOmiK D. AHM8TEONG, a** KSMI Slreel. '•■Wt«r,,

BUSINEafl CABD8, in the latest styles, OSceBlor*" A'"",U;A>' ,,obW,ll,lu*». >'°«t



As the Spring openn, the Impurities which have lava imprisoned in tlie blood mrr Wlnu-r are Uirown Pi tho surface, tlUuguring tlm skin with Pimples, llolls, els;., mul rau-lt.g disorder In the way of Kheumatism, NcuralKln, and Diseases of tin) Liver and Kidneys. QUDPaBM Coneen- Iratrtl Kjiup or Sarsaparllla, willi lotHdr of i um, Is tl.e HF.VT OtooD I'lriunnii in existence. II atta H a fMstt Alterative, driving all foul nsttsts iiii> ihelr proper exarelarf tdiau- npls,slreugtlH'nliigi)lgeBii,iii,nndliii|inrlhiKhl.H.m to Ihe cheek, soAsMtsUBH skin, flrnine»H lo llw step, ami oaeiilftlnniS lo Uw mind. For Itnlls Ills nn Infallihli' Curt, and to Itheiiniatlsm II afl'onl great ratfsfi

Price, Ono Dollar per hottlc. Six hotlleii foi Five Dollar*.

I'n'parcl ami for sale hy Din" JinliJ'

A. It. OLIDDRN, Drurffflst, Or. I-''«M A i'. iiii..,i.i. at., Lsnrrarr.

1 \ IE B A 1) NADU 11 T




Dnm, Ladv HI*, who has a rott.rd or USD rear naught,Lit;. Dr.-adniiught i- owniil h) U.S. ltusnell, lli Kami, Will.m. I Also, owner -I FfarnauBhl.l lie n> dei Idodl; Hie l.t-t rVanisuchi roll lu the e-uiiilrv, Isklng hl/e, 1,1 1-2. Clo,. golden elie-Piul; IKTI.I t f..nn and l«--l |'t.-, il.i.

I, lion. nt I \es Id ■ |...e lo-.Mii. Aw, rears m M> 9wn r. Terras, f uw ftr ihe


FEARNAUOHT PRINCE. lain,Uierihliralcd Jewell War.-of hv.rl.-r, N. II ;

I years okl in June ; III hand" high, ami tlu i n-ifivt eoUoflil- Hi-' t,, I..' (. In,', n li.-n- I ■ il


it worth their ■* Idle to giro us'a trial


ItfapllKli 94 A. »H Ho. I. «.)ii«rr.

/ ' l. A s s WANE V f at 1SS Kaaei slreel, latwrenee.

tiuhleU *I.Miti.|ii psrtloa,j chnmpngni'ami WlneUlasses.i-oloie.l nnd |.|;iio ; TuiiitiWuTriris. to #A |srr doi.; Mugr: Pilrtwr- ia targe vsrtrti ; liandled ami unhamlleil i UstSVOSj Same Dishes Wets, to f;l en. li. isiiliiiilnsil Snut-e Ilislios Ml lls. 10 »*.'-! per dot.; Ii.ii.l- v, ii'i i.nd :in,l f. ,r. with or wlthouteover.^irt'. loaaeach: Celery (daises; Picks-Jar,-; Set-,,,I Sugar Ihiwl.Crcam- , i, Hint, i- He I, I Si il 11.,bier; hi ...;,,,. I ,,, divblual sail- ami llutu-rs; Syrup fin ln-i . <'iit-iipaiiill'e|>|H'rsaii, i llnlile-. siu«nillo1.l.-rs: Oasm IPSIICK, cut and pressed; Finger ttowl*; Fliirctto Vases ; llyaelnlhUlansf; (smile Stick-. Fish (ilobes; Oho-* SI.IIIII'H, wllh or u llhou! HWIIII.

JT.W each, complete; Vlei ■Ml in every variety ; Sllven Gas Hlunles, coloretf and plain


H . . i, in i.i -,i.i.i|.. . i ruin ; Sllvere.1 i ,ln-. IteOeelori.

HI', Di'Nt-AS, under tin- llrui name of (<n.l> Mini a DO., in Lawrum-e, Uass., is fills ilny illsstilvitl.

C.dln Kerr i- autliorixttl I (II.-all debts due loandlivthellrm. Al.KXANIlKHC.IlUKCAM,

' COLIN KKKlt. WarchM, IMTS. KtVaps*


EOO0 FOB HATCHING from all the best brerda of Poultry.

While I.rKhoiii» a grRCIALTT. K. WOODS,

No. 4 Knindwuv, South iJiwrenrc.

L T. M E It It I ■ H


111 I..." slreel,

ami ■ imil deal in nolhlai of Confection-and I ""

ly that she bos Ji^l nieiii'dallUit- laitt-M FA I.I. A WINTKKSlylesfroinN ~s

Pi execute all urtlers foi v York, ami is mm ready

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her Hotimc, U«l BlSSll «., 1-nwrenrc, MH.K.

aj-Partoulnr iilienleoi |.;iid to CITTINti urn FITTIMi Ladie-' un<H liiblri-nV DltKHhKS.

MKW trTUH rewltad Brers week. lafsJafa* DrSBSM Cut anil FltU-d for SI.00.

-M.n'liiiti' stitching I A in..-..,1 i. ii-- "I

Uutnks for peat Avars,

I llralding done to order. 'roliagu solk'lle.), unli

ly" Ut

IA It. D. T. 1' OKTEK,

I > E N T 1ST. orrtvxq UtfUVKjrcK, POMTMWU /;/,*'(

SOS Kaara Street, - - - l.a wi*ac*.

r Chlorofor

(', 1 O A L .



t-riccfl cargo i',-, li mlnetl

LACK AW ANN A COAL. from Uie Delaware and Hudson Canal i

Iroly prepared, II Kcncral gaOjfaction.

Persons wishing a riuall •junulily of I on I h carry Uicm through lim S|iring, will flml llii- ju>- what i!i> i want.

Also, I It I v it i.l \ COAI, of Lykens Valley

SANPORN a TUCKER. Office 473 Essex st. Vtml Veal .L

AHAMS S'l'iKK' 1'AltM. ImHinpl- nil.l.Kltli A. MAS".

ALL THOSE IN' NEED OF CHOI K ;\ on i iitN \,

KLI 11M \ti :>

Kits' l,ltl.\T ( llillhllltl sTlllll., OlIMltl'l TO TI1KH I'DIt A I.lsT Of (tWPB.

N.H>. ^1 A ■ IIKDKOIID STIfFI-.X llOSTtl" lw"mli*1it»i|mhfttrh

1 0 K E. COKE. c

0'" ,«t II,


Paper Hangings, OF ALL OI1ADES,



tT» ICasrs slreel, - - I.awrrsirr.


M I LI. I N V. K Y (i 0 (I I) * i HI, K. tt. I HTas,

220 Estex si-, third door «ssj P. O,, amUnpll Up one flight.


Notice U braeSv given lhal the oopartnemhip lo-rt-lofnrc i-xlstlug nn-lcr tin- uaiia-and slyle ut Mot KS ft TAI Mm, i- tlor Im .li->olvetl hy mutual consent. All hill- mil i"' -etllcd hv .l.ieeph A. Move-. JUShl'll A.MOVKH,

THOMAS ll.TAVI.iilt. Laurence, March.11, lint,

'flu-1.n .im- ■* will lie i'i.nllouc.1 Itv Mm ra gao's, nt lite nid Hand, loni.i of I ■ \ and Ijiwrcme street. '■'' 'I'1'

COKE DBIJVBHI3D. Per Chaldron, «II.IIO Hair Chaltlroti, 1MH1 it...i.l, *1*

Al tlie IVorks, I'.i rtarrrl, 411

Orders rcielvt'd nt llinOnhcul (he Uwlsvei HAS OSMrsjrr, No. sS anisn Unset.

:• I,,,, .'i uKo. i>. < umi. Ag.-ui.

MISS S T A N C tl V I J: I, l» rim bs found si

\o. IM> nrooilir*)-, - - f.nwti ntc

Where i lie n III he ph :n t -1 to iilli ml >••

I) R K 8 ft KAKIXli ill r.11 HI lir:iii'*h>' , nt -It-nl noli,.' nnd ,.in 1 ■ lapi'i prteesi

/ \ 1' K S I N U O F

L.idios' Furnishing Goods, &c. llisa I.C G1M6S HAS (U-fM.ii, at

No. 371 Essex street, Lawrence, ii eotnpliU ttotk of HrfepWJni IJ Ladles' rurnlsb'K t.....ii. to sswll Wan s,

V V. W DIB 0 0 V E It V .

HARRIS' CEMENT. lbs "lily article la tiic world which can la>fl ,,l WlthtMl beat and n atlj lor tu a,

For Mending Mociveliaum, Cr.i.l;,ii-. (.1 . I l.lna, Knrlliru War.-. Hail.!.',, Unld.., |ti,I.Ui,loi:ll,l'ei;il,:,ll klll-l- ol I'IC-I.-II ><■.„■ , ,',,,1 nil tied tl'im l»l Work, elf.

« tn*< Jons c. now A CO., Kid.',

Kii* fssaai Btrii'l, l.;i«r.iii..


, Ml.Ill 1,1, I'll

Brtn witiaiM' Paint lug ami ,1, 1,„.,| IN Un- 11' nod p-ciilc « lilt li


All umfitM led f" i all ,i

W. P. Mil ITU, ■!


. unaa nun' I should like to (ktM'ribu my Iwro M »

VOaUHJ mill jjallunt cavulk-r of this ulne- (Mm eci.turr, wllli the bounty (.Can Apol- I . mil the wlndum of u Hgf, '">t truth romi-cl* ine ti> aeknowlcdjie that Rupert HniUhaou, in Hpltc i»f Ids Am- Christian ;i|i|)iHat Ion, tv»- iieilherotie t.or live other. IIt*« nephew Ullll nilllK'Mkc, who was called lit the tMWtom of hi* fainlly llujwrt the HVCOIKI, "alii thiil liln L'ui'le Rupert wait n "erusly «l«l bachelor," am) I hammer my liraliw in valii Tor a more littlnjr. .lew-rlp- tlou. A ertmly old bachelor he undoubted- ly wan, more than llfly yean* or If*, with ptoM hair, heavy gray eyebrows, a thk-k Rlf In-ard aud a rmiRh voke and manner. It Is very true that lie was always careful to keep the ertlstlent ■td> of hi- nature on the Hiirface, and had been discovered in the act or eominlttlny secretly ih-eds of charity and kindness, that belled utterly tils habitual surly lone and abrupt itian-

Twenty years before, when the jrray hair was nut-brown aud clustered lu rich etirls over Hie broad, white forehead, when the brown eyes shone with the (Ire of ambition, the clear voice was true and tender. Rupert riroltlison had given hit whole loyal heart to Katie Carroll, lie [ab- hor and friend, little sweetheart from childhood. lined by love as well as am- bition, he left his home, lu a small West- ern town, and jronc to New York to win a name and a I'm nine to lay at Kalle's feet. The fortune aud fame as a successful merchant came to him, but when he re- turned to Kntle, he found she had left her home also, to become the bride of a wealthy pork dealer in Cincinnati. No- body told Rupert of treachery to the pret- ty Katie, of letters suppressed, or (dan- der* circulated, and parental authority stretched to ll* utmost in favor of the wealthy aullor. He had no record or the slow despair that crept over (he loving heart, when the pleading letters were un- answered, a dull apathy that yielded at last, and gave away the hand or the young girl, when her heart seemed broken that the young, ardent lover knew w; one bitter fuel that the girl he loved fiiJtti- liiltv and rbmlly wan false to her promh the Wife of another. Me spoke no word bitterness, but returned to the home had lilted up tot his bride, the business liad hoped was his stepping-stone happiness, and to a life of loneliness.

Ten fowl later when his sister with her son and daughter came to live lu New York Tor educational advantages, Itupcrt the First wan certainly what his sauey nephew called him. a crusty old bachelor. Yet, Into thut sore, disappointed heart Katie's desertion had so wounded, tin- bachelor uncle took with warm love aud great Indulgence his feepbew and niece, bright, haiuhoiuc children of ten and twelve, who, child like, imposed Upon his good nature, rioted over Ids quiet house, llll his stuld housekeeper declared they were worse than a pair of monkeys, eareased him stonuily one moment, and pouted over some refusal for a monstrous Indulgence the next, mid treated liltu generally as bachelor nuclei must expect to be treated by their sister's children.

There was some talk when Mrs. Kluiber- ly llr.-t came to New York, of making ><ue household of the fauiilv, but the Idea was abandoned, and the wealthy widow select- ed a residence three doors off, 111 the same block.

"Itupcrt was so set lu his lldgety old bachelor ways," she said, "that It would be positive cruelly to disturb hliu."

1'rubiihly young Itupcrt aud Fannie did not consider their bright young faces dis- turbers or their uncle's trani|itUllty, but It Is quite certain that out of school boon,'


Kupert'a promised trick! He wont Und it i t-a*y ax he Imagines to fool his old MHO. Who's there?" The last two words In answer to a

somewhat timid knock upon the door. It was ccrtalulv not May to astonish

Rupert Sinithson, but his eyes OfMBOd with a most unmistakable expression of amazement, us the door opened to admit a tail. Mender ilgurc, lu deep mourning, aud a low, very sweet voice asked :

"Is this the landlord?" "The—the—what?" '•I called about the house, sir." "What house? Take a sent"—suddenly

calling In his politeness. "Is not this No. in W Power" "Certainly It Is."

*"I have been looking out for BOOM Unto for a furnished house suitable for lMianl- ers, sir, and ir I rind this one suits me, aud the reut Is not too high—"

••But"—Interrupted the astmilshed bach- elor.

"Oh, I hope It Is not taken! Thoadvcr- tlscmonl said t» cad between eight and nine, and It struck eight as I stood upon the door step."

Oh, the advertisement; So, so, Mastc

Letter from .South Carolina.

IWrnl^mlwr >/M*. iMcr....... ClIAltl.MTo*, S. fJL

AprUMb, 1*71. KI.IT.11; LAWIIKSI'E Awi-incta :

lhar Hfr .—I have mm boafl m this ancient and Ircuutiful city ucarl. three weeks, nut -hull milt il.-ailhouglioiilv for a week, to return_ before we anally *ct mir lace*,—with own me

'Cdtv on tin. continent, IV iv c.tic. Iu Kuropr, mi ofTer greater nllraetioii.- In 11 Iv, enrr In dear.

bleak, old \i v. Hum I li.ii!i'-t»n. in the .u.mth* or and April. Tin- |>a«t winter ha* IMTII nevcrc,-Bakes of -now lime Is-"-" are,.: Ihe soring i- iMW'kw aril, unit Mir Mime of tile elm I* , tore llutn Imlf ri'.wn; lint lliu hiagvM.lui I* in full flower 1 fear, and II- volmulnoiu, fit*. toon- lend drub-aii hues (•■ wliii-h vim' would show gmv wall- ..f sombre brick. The Battery U cari-clcd with itra-- a- green a* an hngli-li h«n; the riiTKinii tohujic of lite live .Mi. \r llkr lltat of "leaf) June" with us, and rlunwroac»»illi'l^'ii;i> tin' imioMinK aracen ami Uinli-r ehnriu* <>l Ihe .le.i.ln.'ti-. nl ver- .llire ..rihe elm*. In tin- nniik.1 K^.I.IIII-, peni-, ,ill1mui{)niiiivniUl"«llln tin un-ra ulili- fn.-t, are nnln in I.I.MIIII. iin- iilumdniil. ami nfixtriiKTi- '• in lllr nmrk.l, inn the taller I. LnniKhl Irian r'lurida, I ■tuapee I. Tlw air U that ..fa iierfret lifts In •'»»'-, l.ri«ln. H-nlul and wunn, ami Vln.t tlir.nixti and tlimufth «ilh lirtv*i'» so fri-fli, c" emil. MI liivuttfatlnji. Hun I Itnd my self Instinctively nml'utli-ii un.-.n-i i.iiirly di.teliillr "

H..- li - to their uliiKiol i Jt|.a. iti l.'i drink it t.i

Out 02>i£e Box. arlne Swell.

an advertUci kua,

-The POT-

then real-

Kupert! This Is vour doings Is It? Will , "*'"",;th8 pbulmrwhore I write, UN " Hundrnl let uie sec the advertisement mfld-; Xrve»" >m Janiee Idand lin tl»ir M.h-uin UIJIH

"Y'ou have the Herald In your hand, sir," he said, timidly. "I did not cut It out."

"(>h, you saw it In the Herald I" ami he turned to the list or houses to let.

Sure enough, Ihere It was. To let, furnished, three-atory, brown

;„,,,-„ the l.r.ia.1. Iirhda e\|Mii-. "1 the A.hie) Itiver, and If I were In -te|> out »n the nlaiza uinm « hleh iny wintluwn Opets 1 ei.uM M#, fonr nul.- ■w.v al tlw Irn. the ph-tnn- « ruins or *«rt StonUT, liHimiiia n|i n.J.r Hi.' I..>ri/.in not uulike lite Irlaml »r l«lua in UM' llay nl \a|.h-;; and Is;- voiiil the «lM-n iH'ean, uiihrokni, umilwtnii-ted, in,:,,, awav, -l" tin-i^e. n* ho n- tin- ri I the hnnloii; tn lln- nilii'l. a- Car a- Alrl.a and Mpaln.

,U,« OM, taMMU." .»«.! rajl^r . n.11 »g*^«'Ztt&'5£?%i£i description of the advantage* of the pre bwa, with the emphatic addition, "CM

IB eight aud nine o'clock, A

K.irl niimU-r, are ^'■•■ii ill I lie "Itihii. ' ui I'olnt t.i the riKhl, and hulllvan'« hlaml lert. A ^leuiuboat idle* reaularly lo UM- but named Lm-alin, and a Mihurhan M-n-.hle villaav I. raniillv vprtnfflaf up there, a. a ylaiv of cillu- me r re-fdeiur. Allfanuirll Ult n narniw a pit of sand arnin- the „,n,i- nl -I ineelnt Ihe eoneurrvm-e •>( H|.riii(i tides un.l inr-U'rli loilen, II offer- in th" air and mean and in Its line lieaeb. atlrai'li.uis or in ni.ler. \o day id all Ihe KUiniuirr \* mire Ire* lied w ill, lln- einil, mvhror

"Sous to be sure I am at home; the raacal!" snld Kupert Smltlison, laying aside the paper. "I am sorry, madam," he said, "that you have had the trouble of calling upon a useless errand."

"Then It Is taken!" said the very disap- •'^"J^JTWi ^O-eUTdaJ tiUray.lwifij, pointed voice, and the very heavy crape JJJ in,, ami I, with several lu.lies ami irenlk-meu veil was lilted lo show a sweet, matroiilv ir,',,,, Ma-arhuMHU'. a» ihe am-i- ..m hospitaiile face framed In that saddest of all badges. ft»£nmUH^V*r* " M'UUU" "' - ■"•*•"*■ '-^r. ' umm "•*« I ••d**'"'1 "tore fully UM« Inxurv of

■•-.■1.1 lln.'il linetielnr. -',.[,.,,., III.' • ■\i|iii-ili- .|rli((lil nl ln'iiiK ul v« im-l Iwre a eiHinkleralife niiuilier of

Ihe Kunimer l? atliiK renlirei- •lunle of a latdeed veranda

from tin- uiirtli; Hon. IIuraUuHe>muuraiMl Lull, „r"Vw York; Willii.m ' ull.-n llivant ivlth seV. rrnl mrailier* »!' I«- fiunilv. in. In.hna hia duutili l.'r Mr-. I'ark i;.»lwln; fl»n. John II., lion lie". **■ IIUUIWPII, Samui-I llou|ier, lioU'it l oil. K«|., und Indv, nmt TIsHslore Piam erov KMI., "f l'fttuneltl, Mas-., nn.1 manv other*

1 _^v ~. t j- -- Hb.aii ■« well " ■ "'

a widow'.. „. "Well, no," said the perplexed bachelor.

"It i« not exactly taken.'' "l'crhaps you object to lmanlers?" "You want to take boarders," he ans-

wered, thinking how ladylike and gentle she looked, and Wondering If she had been long a widow.

"Yes, sir; but I Wliold be very careful n|„',;, name. 1 ranm* recall, ns will as a great IT x ..i V_. .„- loniils-r w th whom I am not in.jna Inte. . All

about the references. H rJ.o.n I Have e..n»er-ed are rnlhualaelle i Have von ever kept boarders before .* t]ieir .,„,(.,.. „t o in . the . huiau- and tlw pe. No sir. Hlnce mv husband died six ,,[,.. iti tin- term " wiuile" I by nmaenna Inieml

.-^ -.„. /I.,. r..O,..l hi I,II<III..H<4 mill In -iHik iiho r 'HK* liiilii-H rin-1 ^enllenten with years ago (he failed lu buslmss .nl n. \^^ ,,„„„.„__,, Mllublt i,1[r,H|U(.„,.-i,,u> brought on a severe llllless lij mellt.ll unx- ^u,Ull ii|l(. i.-nll.■men are ufroiir-e the Riinie tty.) lay daughter ami liivsell" have been ;.v(.rvw|„.re. Tilled or im-liihil, of whatever ,wlng, but we have both been In 111 I.enliU ^^^^^^^ II winter, and 1 want to try some way of jdaaw >; [^ H, ■„, „„, ^tnt. nIikPi „„V|V||, citing a living that I- less einilliiimr. 1 ;.„„;,, ., „„,i «,ll l^mi.d, r-' •

have kept house several years, but 1 have ,„IH|el oi K-»"I «r.lei ami iinqirlt .

IS, ™V..i... n.n.1....,»"„»•■»,»;" •"«■;- £"J»g^VSft32ms% ure a house lurnlshed like this one, IT ■ utim ,i,i|. There i- an air of thrill and eomi'ort

oosslblc " all alHinl. " lih-li mma In pervade the eltv like a g„l,,.;,„,,.n»,l,r „1,IK. r..«»,,, l„.|»« l.r^;;™.-;;;; -,;;■- |":;| Kri'.S.rS

Siiillli-i.ll IVih lllldlu- II very plea.-aiil I" ,.,,,, „,,„., , „„,„„ il„„i..h, ., »hi.-ti Mem- talk In tills gentle little widow about her [„ |„- i.-nriiin-d «'"' nnmiy -kt.--. Colored men

and as she apoke, was wondering ii.jnh tu■.!■. i; ;Jm_■."* i'.*> |■'«1'1 Mi*r a\vl "Mh"r



the abi

- resided i of chili! upl, ofle

ntlv « No. -l;i. With the iutultiv

en 1





I caslc--, land ulidca and hard timin |eaerally, Iroiilde Oregon.

oat men liku to see lluiti- print. I^diot like to see thenudve*

In -.I!" and velvet.

A Word to Ihe WW.—Keep MI.

Indiana cats arc having the ratall-pax.

In ( lileago red hatred girU are called fire belle*.

Ifa nuaa i» a^ gissl u* a mile, how much bet l.i la a Mi-. ■

The highest rate or interest that one ever pay i . ■ for > ■--. - -1 trouhlt'.

When la a young lady like a music i*-ol. When she Is full of aim.

A young Woman's Con mid rum.—Who Is our favorite Hoi nan hero ? Answer: Marlu:'

Did the man who plowed aeaa, and afterward planted his foot upon native noil, ever liar vent ill crops ?

—Turkey* arc a dollar a piece, aay* a Na»h- ille paper, but ltureadere uiah to kunw how

large the piece I*.

Because a man haa had a rhei|uercd career It doe* not ueceHMirlly follo-.v that he hn> always acted "on the aquare."

An amateur farmer wonder* "why, oa all tbi* fai- earth, the ground is xpread liottom aide up, su that it must Is: turned over with a plough be- fore crops can lie rained."

Itcaacuring.—A young lady fainted when told that over live hundred tliouaand men died laat year, but was revived by the information that there were thirteen million left.

A very IngeukHu, ijstcm of marking the strveta In Bangor has IKTII adnpted. lty elilull- ing a lamp post and striking a match ant can al- ways tell, with perfect case, where he Is.

-.Sambo, what is ilar dat nebbtf waa, neblier can lie, and neliin-r will lie ?"

"I duimo, Ciesar; I gils) It up." "Why, chile, a mouse'* nest in a cat's car."

"Don't you think," asked a conceited tiddler (da critic, "that I can play the violin like Pag- iniini t"

"Yes," said the critic, "or any other nlimy."

The Chicago man who stepped behind a pair of nutlet that he Intended to purchase, i.i>ked wlih much feeling, when he rvus piekol out of the gutter, "if the derrick killed anybody

Dyspepsia, Debility, Dropsy, Humors.

p R 1* r v i A x s v it r 1

Mnkea Ihr Wtmk Slroitg.


C H E A P PA RMS. Ttie fthaapatt I.nml iii unirkel lor Hide l,v the

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP'Y in the (ireat I'latte Valley. :l, Acrrm lu (rntral Ittliruka now for ^ale in LmeU of forty

n V S P E P 8 I

A ■ Lion



A hUffunir for many years will send lln' iireserip. lion hy which he Wii» cnieil In nnv aililre>« on receipt of hUnoii lor iH.rU.Ke. AlA'AlI YOl NC, P. I). Iii.\i,1ia, New York.

YOU K N 0 W IT ?

'IIOSl'UITC la a c tllUtuVHUKL'tt.e

If itw white li. .inionl-nei . n eoiiite>y I- reclpr... mill not make :i; i..-le.ahl: vmiilj i'^l

l *'jm ul.::.11„t,»,a,.v| ^lit...,,^ Muni of in his lonelv life, to let her make an ex- ■ ttl(., ,,i,.r.-.l people an .ire^Mii niih n.dned U*te, lierlmcltt of keeping a Imardlng house up- ami pre-er>,- the f.i.t oi.«lc-i leiiieaiinr of gen. 1 „,epn,ui-es. Seeing his hesitation. «.;K, :^;,;i:'^^;:;;;.r.ri

,n%^,ta manner, who for years, with a wise forelhni " she said carnesllv :— manner, who for years, with a wise rorrthniutlil

•-1 tlllllk Mill Will be sati-lled With IIIV 1,l,i,lii,'i';-»'-'l;"''oolii(e.:.l.-l.,i„,.| - J._ , - ... „,.., - ... , , '. rnn irrj «» uat'l lie emild seUle ten thonsum

references, sir. 1 have lUed In one house ^J'^w'vlw. This he di his wedding and had work mini one llrm six years, ,|,,V(ll„ii,. reeeiulv.nml cve,> lo-nemusaniliiuuily

Cincinnati "lie was quite well known there,

haptt you know of him, John Marry, street?"

JobM Murry:"

It, 1 can obtain letters I,..;,.I mn-t wi-h p,o-i«-nty un.l hapiilnesn In the ]>rili|eut|i ■■'"

Tin- .hi very line

inl the uudctmmstratlve uiaiiu covered a heart that would have made 11 sacrlllce for their sakes, that loved the with as true n love as their own dead ralbcr could have given llieni.

A] they outgrew childhood, evidences of alleetlon ceased to take the form of .bills and drums, and copped up in Christ- inas checks, In ball dresses, and hoiupicts, n saddle horse, und various other delight- ful and acceptable shapes, llll Kupert came id' age, when he was taken from college Into his uncle's counting-house, und a closer Intimacy than ever was cemented between the young life and the one tread- ing Ihe downward path to idtl age.

'Ihere had been a family gathering at Mrs. Klmbcrley's one evening late la the mouth of Mili'ii. and a conversutloii had arisen IIJIOU the traditional customs und trhks ofihc Drat of April.

'•SeiiselesN, nbsiird tricks," Kupert Niulthson had called them, In his abrupt. rough way, --ill only to amuse children or Idiots!"

"Oh, pshaw, Uncle Kupert!" Fmmlesald, anili-lly, "you played April bud tricks, when you were young."

"Never! Never could sec any wit or sense In Ihein. And wbill's inure. Miss Fannie, I was never once caught by any of tlw shallow deceits. ■

"Never made an April fool;-" "Never, and never will be!" was ihe re-

ply. "There, child, go play me that last nocturne you learned. It suits inc. I hate -kv-rocket mtisle, but Hint Is n ilreamv, la/y air, and 1 like it."

'• The idea ul" your liking anything dreamy or la/.y." said Mrs. Klmberley. "I thought you were all energy and activity. "

"When 1 work, I work!'' was the reply; "bill when 1 rest, 1 want to rest."

"I'licle Kupert!" broke In Kupert sud- denly, "what will von bet 1 can't Ihol yon iiextwcekr

"Bah! The Idea of getting to uiy age to lie fooled by a boy like von."

"Then you defy mer" "Of course I do." "Ill do It. Keep vour eyes open." "Forewarned Is Forearmed! But come,

stop chatting. I want my niualc." Pretty, unrnv, mirth-loving Kanulc with

her dancing black eyes and brilliant smile, did not look like a very promising inter- preter of "dreamy, buy music," but once her hand-touched the keys of the grand plaiio-lbrle, ihe girl's whole nature seemed io merge Into ihe sounds she created. Mem music innde dancing elves of her lingers as I hey Hew over the miles; dreamy music drew a mask of bushed beauty over her line, und her great black eyes Would dilate tilnl seem lo see far awav hcuullcs us Ihe room lllled with the sweet, low cadence*. SI..- would look like an Inspired Joan of Are when grand chords rolled out under her bauds In ma- jestic ineiis11res. mid sin-red iniisie trans- formed her beauty Into something saintly. I nice Ihe rosewood ease was closed St. t'ecelin became pretty winsome Knniiie Kimbenev again.

There wen- few influence* that could soften the outer cruat of inn >r In llu- in-rt Sudihson. but he would bide his fa

. many of them, r, FOIIIC of them i.-iili. wrun.l old i-lrile-

1'cr- tur,,. m. Michael-, M. I'hllflp* un.l HI. Pauls are amoiiK lho-c I i.arti.nlaily mlinlre. Kew old churches anvwhei.- on thi- loiilinenl, have MI

■,■,,., an InU-rlnr as St. Paula. St. Mlchucl* lins li line rhliiie of twelve hell". .oineriihiK „ hirli 1

Kupert Sinithson looked searchlugiy In- will relate a l'"^.^''^"^"^^/..^",^ ,„ the pale, sad face, that was so plead- l^'^CW

bigly raised lo his gaze. Where were the lht.u, ln„„ ,i,.-ti(„ ti.m in ea-e ihe city fell, as it rosy cheeks, the dalnillg eves. Ihe Inil-ll- w«, le,,r,-l il mi/ln. l«-1.-ie the i.-Minlt ol „.. lln, Hml he le.,1 „1, tnred imbidom'- armies of the mnon, the.,- l„e-l IK-IIS were taken lo li.UI plilunil as tu IIIII„ i|)(wi) |(ui| Kil||, ,„ ,„ll,ln|,i„ for i-afety. When

illg to .lollll Murry H Wlfcr hliownm now , ■(,i1,ll,i,i„ „.,- ,|,vorti,le.l In shennnii'a vlclorlon- Ihe truth, he recogni/ed the face before amn, <-me oi il»"- !M-1I- were -iin id nw ny an<l

I Ihe pvores smite were I,.'.ken, while :, lew i. IIUMII. .1 limn ,,. LHIPL 1'irr.l. and were replaced in the .lee,,Irn, on the lid Mint ring. T,.hl,„-,n. , ..i-.ln. A IIK th.-m were ceven of

Id, after a u,e iw.lve IHII-oisi. Mi.lutch.' chi ,—UM* other live tielng hrokeii. Ttss IVaimienta or the hrokrn I,.■!!-. were -cut to Knidand, lo the Is II 1. lei nl

1 to .hit w ho -in-cei-d". to Ihe biifliiesa of hliu who

Fa pho

on bis lip-as ih

a.-hamed, hli les i plei

i that id

selfof lei hovered c down, do' he had tried t and looks.

So when the llnal chords of the nocturne melted noftly into alienee, thu old bach- elor slide away and Mi Ihe house, bidding un one farewell. They were aecoittouivd to bis singular ways, and no fnlloived him. but Mrs Kemliertey sighed, as she said :

•■Kupert gels odder and crustier every year!"

"But he Is good," Fannie her plaim.-tool with a twl -pinning round giddily.

"Why don't he get" married?" i pert. "It IH a downright shame Ihataplcudhl lloll-e alllll lip here. lug Just a lew rooms l ml.- Kii|

Id. leal hat kepi H

Mrs. .1,,

din, Ihcyoittl Ion snnetlom

"Yo« have long silence.

Duly one living, a daughter

' he

years old. I havi eventcen

buried all I lie others." i,„„|,.'il,e , hi a Imu.ln.l .earsujto; II,.' waa foinid. wilh lln- rei.iril " - I llie twelve bells, and live "I will let you have the house on one ^,!;;r,*X^w,l1vMs'it''la

those which were 'ciubllng i coiulilloii," he said, his 11) little as he spoke.

She tlid not answer. In the softened es looking Into her own, In the voice uhlenly modulated to B tender sweetness, line memory was wakened, aud she only

listened with baled breath ami dilating : ,"?''1rn(.,'!'."n'!,-,."i:1


1..1I- HI-,',.

"On one condition, Kntle," he aald, 'thai you come to It as my wife ami Its

mistress. I have waited for yon twenty years, Katie!''

It was hnrdto believe even then, though e iuih- widow let him caress her, and ibbed upon his breast. This gray-haired,

iiiidille-ngeit man, was so unlike the Ku- pert she hud believed false! F.vcti after | ihe whole past was discussed, ami Kuperl knew how he hail been wronged, but not i by Katie II wns hard to believe there might be years of happiness still lu store ■ for them.

Kupert Smlibson did not "put in an ap- : pearance" at his eonutlug-house nil day, ind Knpcrt the Second went h e to his llnncr In rather an unca-y frame of mind regarding thut April fool trick of his.

■•I must run over and see If 1 have of- fended beyond all hope of pardon," he said, as he rose from the table.

Bill B gruff voice behind lilln arrested his steps.

"So, so! you have adveillsed my house to let," said his uncle, but spite or his ef- (iM-ts. he failed lo look very angry. •

•-Mow many old maids and widows ap- plied'" hupiiud Ihe daring young scape- grace.

"1 don't know. After the tlrsi applica- tion, Mrs. Jones told the others the house wits taken."

"Taken I" "VIM, I have let It upon a life lease io"

— here he opened the door—"my wife." Very shv, blushing mid timid, "my

Wire" looked luda-r slide-colored dress and bonnet, as her three hours' husband led her In. but after n moment'a scrutiny, Mrs. Klmberley cried:

"It Is Katie Carroll!" "Katie Smlthsfiu !" said the bridegroom

with Immense dignity, "und inv daughter Winifred."

There was a new sensation as a pretty blonde answered this call, bul warmer welcome was never given lhaii was ac- corded to these by their new relatives, audio Ibis day In.h- Kupert will not ac- knowledge that Ingot the worst of the joke when Ida lie w played him an April fools trick, by advertising hi- house Ti. LKT.

„l,.|„l,-,| ||Mt.-4hBll- .olenni, swts-l ami J»> fill IIIIIMC. to which their ■arse,iniie\erilllll. There are many Interei-liiiK lnserl|iluins la the

. i-liure1ii ni-t. -ome .0.1, -nine recent; one .... latter I will IranserlU' lor you, —to the

■lil h. imfallerini: u il-i, .l;iine- I.. I't-liKru. .Iiinies l.ouis Pilljrrn, .

Horn nl Ahlwville. Hnv I'l, ITS!).

Died lit (haite-ton, Mareli li, IM1

.1...I-I onilor, -tiile-innii, patriot. ill hai.lly kin.w linw jtrnnd n lil'.1

A Minneaota youth struck his horse with a

gun to make hh'u go. The home, three rlngera

and the gnu went off so quickly that nobody

feels ipilte competent lo nay which started


A Troy dentlat liccame emotionally Insane while repairing a Trout tisith fur a pretty w an, and klaacd her. She told her liusluiml, nud he went round the next day and lurrowcd *"*», of the dentlat on long time.

An exchange sayi "the tw-o-tiiory brick iprlng bed factory at (Irniid UapUls is burned;" no that we luppott that thoae not yet supplied w it li two-ttory brick spring bed! will have to sleep on something clue a while lunger.

Thll is the latest comic thyme i "Say so, sue, .sau ey Sue, Never leave me to sigh no, Sue; If you love me, snuey Hue; Wouldn't 11 he better fur Id say so. Sue?1*

A lady who recently made a call atoneofonr most fashionable resldencea waa astonished by the servant, a new Importation, replying lo her Inquiry If the mistress of the lionac was at home, "Well, leddy, dun now, hut ye/ can give me yer ticket (card],an' I'll nee if they'll he Ictliu'ycr come into the parlors."

It is hardly safe now-a-days for a man to try to do the civil thing by young ladies. There i- no i.■■■■■'. -ii how they may take it. A young man recently picked up a roll of ncwsiiapcrs dropped on Ike sidewalk by a lady, and hastened to restore them. He lias la-en wondering ever since what the matter could be wilh that young lady's dlapoaWOB.

St. Patrick's ilny witnecsed Ihe eightieth birth- day or the well known venerable Dartmouth "wadimau," Uncle "Port" linger.-. A good story Is told, In which Ida ready Hibernian wit proved "one better" than a too Immialtlve se- nior, who, meeting tlic old gentleman on nia m- customed Sunday route, thuo aceoateil him : "Halloa, I'ncle Port, what do yon think will la> «->miiof yon for collecting your washing ««n-

The Peruvian Syrup, a 1'rnlecUsl riolnthin of the Protoxide gf Iron, i* aa to liavr the ctiaraeler of an iihiiant.iis en-ily .HK>'HW nh,| iiiluillrtU w lih ihe Uood ns Um ihaplaU food.- II increases the ipiantlty of Nature's Own Vitalis- ing Ageatj Iron hi Uie hloo.1, and cures "a tliuu-- iin.l Ilia" ahnply lty Toning up, lnvlgoratiniraMd Vitalizing Uie Sj>lem. The rnri.he.1 and vllaliied ponMaaji teery part el ma laaly. repairing iliiiingjcea awl waste, tearehlnji out morbid setae- lioii-,and leaving noililng for .llaeftM to I'.s-.l upon.

Thl» la the ■ ■_■. i. i iif the wonderful sueees* of this in earing liyspepala. LlvarComplaint, lini|isy, Chrimle Dlarrhen, Hulls, Nervoua AITee- linns, chilli, and Feven>, Hiimorf, of COHIU-

lutional Vigor, DbeatM of die Kldneya and lllnd- ■lei. reraala Complahiir, und all diseases oriitinat- IUK In a hail itate nf Ihe blood, or accompanied by ■ lei 'il 11 v or a low suite of the syatem. Ilelng Tree from Alcohol, In any farm, Its i«i/.inn effeeta :ir>- nut r.illovieil l.v i-.ii-:.-- I'Oii'lini! n ii"-li"li. l-iit iire

permanent, InniahiK -tniiRth, vigor, and new life Into all parU of the i->>tem, and building np an I rim i .'ii-.iiintii.i,.

Thiuiranda la-en rliaaged by the me of this cinedy, from weak, detly, suffering creatures, to ilmng, health)-, and hnppy men anil woiaem nod Invalids eanaot rriiMiiinlily bealtate tn give It a trfcd.

See that each boll lelnw PKHIVIAM aTHt'P

blown lu the glaas.

phleta Free.

• sETII W. POWLW * tKiNfi,

JmUnpialHWaplieny Proprietor!', IS,,, (on.

Bold by .■ generally.

IMPKOVKHKNTS. Whichever wav we turn mir eves,

We see luiprovenitnL-. have lieen made; Kacli seekinj;. bv some m'w device,

~ u.-l nil others in the r-hnile. .■I..- and meelianies, too,

. . -Imnis'i's a ftw years do show ; Tliinars which mir fatlie'ra pever km-w

Nor dreamed or Mrrv years ago. Sec wllilt mi-H.IVKUKSTSBl KKNSira,

Where II..i- can huv a "HiiTtoiin.KTK" Of hain'soinc, ■ "t MiTUKS,"

Comer of Hem h un.l W„~hii,Ktoll nlrcet, ;!l,iHeo,lI;,|i!iEh llostiiN.




I urunr.l, lVIM'HK>TKirsl|vl .... ...» —... ..... , ur.iM, oh., I-Klt CENT, icaltj I'liie |.n luinitioii Nil lIlVAM-KINTEia.ST ItKijl 1I1V.I'. . tlicnio-t in, f. oi.,1,1 el. ii.. Ill-'.1 me limoini I..-.I... AMI>., II l: ., iool ih" mi ;in- lo n In.h thi-'K ..IVIMi .IS AliCMitM'l; ul i> u ii i.i,. ■ and I.IKK si >'I.IIM*I. eh no ill. un IK' hlinplied

The P.KST MAKKKT IN TIIK WKsTt The : t" the -i -torn. We (rintrniitee it lo IN-n i-eitnin aredl niiKie«ioii.-..fW,oi,iiii)i. ( o|.,|-;,,l,., n«h ''do: l-o I i IN s|M I'TIUN, I'lll.lls. nil.[IS, .,ti.l N., lH.inK MI |-|.licit IIN ll„- Nino, ,. In the and nil I'nl i.u \ Afle. Ii.ii:, .iii.t ;. >|.e. ill. Item. Pl.ATTK VALI.KV. I eilv for S.-iofidn, Hi-oei.-iii, I'HI.IKM-, Nei von-

[nud I'liysiial IH-I.miv.and all N,'n A fleet hill*. Koldlrra eulltleil to a lioiiieslt ail IllOncrc* II is nnnii im-acd ar il 'i'min and llivignrator


of i-hoiee (iov.-nimenl Lands th.- lIOMiaHUn LAW, near this

WITH KRa tes 3iAii.r:i' KHKK Kvi/.iivwiiKai:.

Addresn O. V. H.W I . Cominlssioner I', P. If. It.,

UUAIIA, Ni:r..


10,000 FARMERS

triNlueing lielt In the West, 15 honra ili.tnnt from blcago. Climate :unl-oil nn-nrnasBed. Meadow

and nloiv land wilh pure running wnler evrnlv distributed. Nu fever and ague. Average creillt I ii i. .-. i": per acre, send lor n guide. It costs linlbliig, and gives detcrintions, |irlces, U'l-ius, iuaos,amlli.iwloiTachHielaiiils. Address JOHN II. CALIIOI'N, 1-ainl L'oiuuiisslomr Iowa Hall- road lo., Ceiinr Itaotitr, Iowa.

Chicago Orai-c, «o South L'anal street



#10 to IJ.'i acre. Fine Fruit ami (iardeii Soil. Mild, healthy climale. DvsU-rs and Fish abundant. Catalogues tree. 11. P. LIIAMUEltS, Fed era I a burg, M-l.

It the Beit Medicine before the Public.

Have you Nervous trouble-? t'SE IT. Have >ou Poor ill 1. I'SB IT. Mai, "von IHM.ei-L.y I'SK IT. Are von l.aii(nild:' IHE IT. Are "von Weak and Kcehle* I'sK IT. Is your Until! Affected? 1'SF. IT. Uave you Female troubles? I'M IT. Are your Children glrklv? I >K IT. Do yon want Uosy CUet^s? I'SK IT.

Kvervone with uale lips un.l wllli no energy or strength tod" ion iliiiiK, wild I. I-|.II--N nights rVom nver working the lninn.Mi.-iiU o~elbisreintsly. It Is ti IIIIHHI maker, nnd wilt give vuu a rich ftowof it through Ihe -vMeiii. (drh who are obliged to work in factories will Itnd It Invaluable.


i: VTHA I.AHI.V VKllfl.lM'. Ten Days Furller than Kuiiy Hose ttiitu-moual)- Pro- dnetlee, ami of RVI KI.I.OT FLAVOR, a i per Ik i 4 DM., by mull, poapai.i, for

(inil'TOVS HI Hl-lllsf:. sju Bnakela to ihr Acre. A Mlllo later than Knrlv llose. Baoal in ipiatliy. $;i per lb., by mall, post pnhl.

••too will lie awanhsl. as PBJUHUlffl to IhOH Mho oro.hieelhe l.rii>-e-l IJoiinlil v IVi.ui oiie|,oiiu<l. Descriptive Circulars of the alsive, with lift of :ino varieties ol PotatiH's, tree to nil.

Illnatrated Need <'ataloa;aa,'W pages, with Cil'iiol < In iiiiio. ■;.-, cents.

A New Tomato, the "AUXiatBTOH." Karlv, 11,1, ami prislnctive. Price, il en. m-r packet;

s paeuti, si.


•in Park Place, - - - \MV York.


A MILITARY COLLEGE, lied 1M|. Prrparaloi >

Thoroiigli Classlcnl, Helentille, i slructoin. Uuisl Diseipline. Ad.lress Profi-sst CHAKLK8IM)i,K.N..i-ihileld.VL SumiuerTen of eleven weeks begans April llth.

I Is unsiirii eueratoriifiiiirc ini.l li.nltln I'.li.o.l. For further

i, Tcstuiiioiiiil: , l(,)".i!-ol I'hvMcinn -en.l mr TrentUe. Price, «1 JKT

II !':u^,:i-i . Address .1. WIM UK-Til; A in.

30 Joint Nlrrrl. flleve York.

/ i K T T Y S 11 I' it a

K\TALY SI N E WATER Is die nearest approach to a speeille ever discover' i>,| for Dysm'pJn, Neuridgia, Itheumatlsiii, lioul, '.Iran-I. l>inlMU-s, Kldnev and t'rinary Diseases


BITTERS, Blooj piioif!ER-.


nmin Hi 'Wertoll

llronchillH, Diseases oi UH- skin, General Dchilil; un.l Nervous I'm,. I rat Ion Irmii Mental ami I'll v MJ

eal Kv.-esses. II Is the (irenteat Anliil ver It

lie- ... the Head almost iinmiillntolv. No house-

hold should be without 11. Sold bv all Dnigglsls. «a'For a history of the Kpriugs, for

reiiuil- ol the j.ower of Ihe water over diseases, for marvellous cures, und for testimonials from di* liii^iii-he-t men. eii'l lor namolileU. VVIIITNK1 llltfl'H, (iencral Agents, tr, soutli Front street, I'l .h-lohia, Pa.

tiirrrvauiKii SI-HI.MI CO.

^1000 MB WARD I

for any eaae of Itlind, Hleeiling, llehlng or LTcer- ateil Pileatluit DK IIINU'S I'll. It. in. -I> i .11 ,. to cure. It IH prejiareil expreaaly to cure Uie Piles, anil nothing else.

Sold bv all Dniggtata. Price $1.00. t Hfe7

If YU1CK t It I C It K It ,

(Siieeespors to A. 8. llfsaKit.) innniifactorera and dealers in all kinds or

Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lend, Tin Lined and Semi Mastic Pipe.

LIFT A X n i nim: PIIMPN

for iiml or i ...e..-1 one.

r Mowing Machines, Scales and Wrlnglng Hiehhtea Itoiwireil.

Plumbing. Tin Booflaff end OeneralJob blng; clone at short notice.



Il i

Ktiglnn.l I..1,1 it-i

iidlivlhehe.tPhvsleiaiis,whoBregla.lly mposiliou. Peruvian Hark, Pliii«|oWus

tin- three IH--I Tonic- In Uie world, are


Lntliif.- Drtigglsts cvervwheiv. Dc|Hit, 111 Ibnul s

-in- .".i:i,i' Druggists every N^*w York.

.... i „iiii rirtn n orio-, uae t r.itiLi proved Come.lone an.I Pimple, the

kin me,Heine. Preiwired nalv hy Dr. *' ' I, lallon ' -

AU -iui], The tradition of his eloquence, |„

n tp.l-.t. ■•■■( Ills Wit mav fa.le. Hut ho liveil for ends more durable lhan fame, day .-"

Ills ebspience was the piote-liou of Ihe |Mor '•()„ to Hie bad plai-e, I s'poac."

Mis learning iltu'iiiimii.-l (he liriiii i|,les of h,w. i "Very likely. Hut what do you expect to do


Inc. ive re r

ccinily |ir

wlii.-h Is tu the sea to H Ihe ship—I

ivl, the I


-Mr. Beaavmer, ll

I ml has now In tl

principal ' the ' ■Urn

l i i i-i ,-k hi ' Ka pula

i.., no!" s,d,| Mrs. Kliulurly. ha "never speak nflhat t.i uncle, Fa Never!"

"Bill why not?" "1 uo ver tnhlyiiii lie fore, bnl ynur

was entailed years ago, nud ihere suine I ii .■>

I the wily, r 1 i

alter wnitlinrlhre nitil Ituperi IIHH in since. I am ipiiti nllacheil In her

i married and that Ituperi

is I iln know; ui- four yearn, er been the s; .lire he was li and that in

. if k"t.



1 think li happier if lie

"lie iiutiht In marry her,"' - lid Kuperl: in- ntwaya calls him 'dearie li hlhlreu, leatahoui auv mure,"

d iliclr iniitlu-r. "ami he an -.- um never nil,m tin' anhjwl In vimril tie." Hie Hrsl uf April was II i I, nr. ftther i.ldav. ihe nlr brightatiila upplife. and ■ ski all lleaillermis smiles ns lieeaine < i<ni|Hi'tllah nu.iiih nl' si i:-liine nml

n.le Kuperl, tlni.-l.luy his 1 mely l.rcak-

li nu extent Mini n puUh>ii of ■ mnlu eatdn—shall remain t, thus avoiding all liability

t.i sea-sickness. The pltchlll|£ net loll of the vessel Is proposed In in; nvereoine by conatruellnK it of unusual length of keel, liesldes "ivhitf Dili very In w freedinard at eilhcr end. thus enabling the vessel to lie driven I tin wall ihe wavca rather than t nml over Ihein. Il Is In his method for neutralizing the rolling iimtlon of ihe caplll, however, that Mr. Itesseuiet's plan is novel and peculiar. To etfeet lids, the nmin aahmil, lliateml ofliebig a part uf the vessel, Is. lu fail, a separate room, sus- pended nt either end and al two Interme- diate point* from atccl axes BUppnrteil up- on -inii.lai.l-. To prevent lids salnun liehiK afteded by the oacillatloiia oj Ihe lessel, ill- lls IH|lllllbriUIU ilislllllie.l II)

< iniivi inelils uf the pass.-liuels. U* out- e eil"cs rest upon suitalde Indraulie ir, li) means uf whlrh UH relative itoal. II with respect In I he vessel Is placed lel'lUl'dir

adi Iratlon of 1- i" eel of hii .-tiou ol b - nu

VIM the hidhep-t .lac

,n,.i bill, Ills in nml .-in ■ lie.

illi.mi a wen

"Jin the a student* |"

(> here, I —wash fur

Cnili-mnvcl by ill ■.iit.-ini.lirt.-iI life w lib ;oili'|iie coiiriu.-.',

An.I itealh with ehii-liaii b.>|ie.

In the great rlrll war Willis!.,.*! liisiM-opI r Ids conntrv ;

ui his |.e.i|ili< -li.l I ace I.. Hie man -'■-'■ -r lhan their |iraise Who held Ills eon-

Heaped her lion

Ilk awn rW Alike lo

■ieii.e hUb. id hi" com, mon tln-Ki wbom.livl motive mi.

n- knock th.- lira Despair-rhlai Ami Hh.-il mai

nefhrteam, hi; no weak e; in .Hli OK

This stone Is em ed bv hU

On showing a ri riiiis.-ribcl, I.Mr

seen il liefore il w Mrs. la i Iiml ■- HatloeuUhetl lllei

•nt to ii Irici

Ir) if tin

-i|.h. which Ibu 1.1 me Hun lie ha

i-altof the iioinl i It. and lliis |«1 ibmiUed ii In th

-1,1 |'Ut lop-tlie oti Moii.1a> for uruiilillle mo

tun-at IVanlilngOni: WASIIIM,

The L'ummlaaloner i from Mr. .In;, Mmi-I.

■'.,'ri-.'«i.ii.,ii-o i

11... •i j.

-I \!iii .i.i-l,,,!

I.-.J ,..! 1 nl llielllrl

1 .lime; so .OlMoiololl ilcndcl for

f; „',."l'

Inlice in lll- rmsof Kli lit a liieli

. Iill-'O l-i

This him, is

\ In; i li aid of

ml Inclination ...ships which iglug i nldns are,

din Mr. Iv -I. Kei ■ended. Ilkentir.iV

p.opelled l;y I'..

Iiii 11. In

11.-I ,-llvi i.le aim t lii- am. nnd slMV-tlw feet li

ihe pnthllu-lMXca. they will •! reel III llielu-s of water, ninflw pinpilled ''" :IH at a speed of iwenlv miles p.-r li.uir, hfI£S£ two pairs of englm-H of the roileellve t«aiK) puwer of foil rtlniusanil alx liuudred bo no*. '" " t-t'1

The will he seientv feet ""','" long, thirty live wide, and twenty high. There will he alsi, a llxeil naloon Hfty-two i A MK feet long, and a line.if IKi-.l encl, j nengt-ri side of Uie ship licl well Ihe paddled,., xcs. ! flalilii The trial-lrlp of these Hew .slcnuicis |» *«« 1 looked r.invard lo wilh great Interest, uol "'■"•* only hj lln- travellliiK l lie, but by Ihe un

numerous vfigllleTTa and ship-1 mil,lets. man) ol ivlmui hmk with ilouht upun the nnallilllty of Mr. Itcssciners phi

line i H ■ tviemls ol helis cabin luiji- A antic .li IS

r' idiiv en lil it, nnd rc-i.lii1i.iu> ami cmimi- White Snir Line

rs fur taking e ii^'i ous ineas-

l'« i Tor

s- will show no liner

\olctl iii\il Quoted. I —The Unlvenallet Jarhmattw that the Dao- i bury News man wboM fuunyKraphs are ut- tmctlngaoranch attention. U n,.t a poet,al- though he may lie a humorist. Thereat the News man Ucomcs justly uullgnant, and ajryi that If tills thing cue■■ on [hey will l„ :-in In say he is uol an orator; indeed, lhat he la no atatei- limn, aud the result will lie that lu the end it will lie wild he is no linger. The gen end Mi easui breathed tliruiigh this eouiitieutury la simply d.-ln ions.

Ihe pious ladles of Dei Moines, Iowa, visited the ubiindoued females of Dint city last week, and urged them to quit their sinful habits of life. The abandoned lemalw asked lliu piom lailies if [best- latter would Hud them houses

and furnish Ihein with other occupation. — The pious ladies snld that thut wan wandering from the argument, and elevated their iklrts and their ROM*, and in a second the aliaudoned females were abandoned again.—.V, V. r,i„>. Atlr'r.

—Tim Altouna Tribune is res|Miusible for this :

" A very wicked man iii Uollhlajrabarg, having recently been taken ill, and believing he wai alamt to die, told a nclglilwr that he felt need of preparation tor the next world, ami would like to see MHIIC proper person in regard to it,

| whereupon the feeling friend sent for a lire in- surance agent."

—Wednesday of but.week In New York, Ji - slab Morgan pleaded guilty of manslaughter In the sccimd degree, having bun arraigned fur kicking and boating Ids wife to death. Ilia counsel, ex-Judge ('ardozn, In-sought, in a most touching manner, of ihe court to deal merciful- ly with the prisoner, becauw the killing was not done in a hrulal manner.

—A PurMaa philosopher UM made Uie laughing gas market aelive hy leaving [the fol- lowing testament: " it is my will thai any one of my relatives who shall presume to shed tears ui my funeral shall Iw disinherited, lie who hiuglis most heartily shall be my sole heir."

—A ByracUM |M|ier has received a |NK- n the loss of the Atlantic, bul is afraid to publish it, lest some of ilic. survivors seeing It might feel worse Hint tlu-y did al I be lime of the trag- edy.

—The graceful H.elite,u of presenting a judge with a pair of while gloves when he has a blank calendar, was recently observed In Nor- wich, Hug. It is forty years since the custom wan enforced ihere.

—Michigan University has just graduated a young woman as ■ a bachelor, of laws." she presents the strange anomaly of being taith a iplnslcr and a bachelor nt Ihe same lime.

—Satin tiny was the appolmted time, accord- ing lu the Milleillcs In some puts of Vermont, Ibr Ihe end id the world. No Change noted, how- ever, at the time of going to press.

—The hotels of New York ..tier attractions M burglars, mid [he fraternity are [lalniuUIng them to an extent that is causing ranch grtel ami profanity aiming landlords.

—The police or New Haven nave been fur- bid.leu to carry umbrellas In rainy weather, when on duty. The authorities think an officer

—The Welsh miners employed in the Clay c ty, Ind In.- are threatening lurciide re- si-tame lo the employment of negro miners.

— A man from Zau/.ihar, Africa, is registered al a Troy hotel, lie i- ■llpposed to be ill search of Stanley wlih n a hill.

—Sea eaplaiimsay that Ihere is not a good lighlliuiise on the entire coast of Nova Scotid weal of Halifax.

—The war at Western Africa, between llko J bo und Ja Ja, .mr readers will lie glu.l to

team, is over. —I'iuitnnall lias rtlaiut completed a public li-

brary building nearly twice M large as that ul'

Boston. — An Indiana minister recently astonished

his cuugrcgniiou by delivering hli sermon in rhyme.

—French conks Introduce a new luxury in the vhapc ••( furuVu snails.

poi ONE I) < i I. I, A i; .

il FREKIty mail, on recei)it ofune linllur, a» packets of choice I'MIWKK HEKHS ami our CalaloKiie, con la in lug nuwiiiils of loan v:irie- lies, with rullilireelioiM for .■nllure, to tinv address in Ihe I'nlled MUM.

i IK um- ■ free ou applicatliai.

I>K1-: * 'llOTLK, Neril.m.n un.l (IT Trriiitmi atreel, llo-toii.


!, the gm ir. i'i:i

w York. NMsbsbMa


si MIAiK's rtll.HONIC RYltrP, M'llKMrK'r) SKAU'KKI) TDNIC. M I1KM b'S MAMHt.VKK ril.l.S,

*e die only uu-dleine* (but will cure I'ultnnnary

Mometimes medicines Uiat will ttop a rough will often m-easion Uiodealiiofa iwtieul. it lock* up Uie liver, slojia tin' eiri-ulnll.m of the IIIIKHI, hem- orrhage follows, nnd, In fact, cloggbiK the action or the very organ that caused the cough.

Liver complaint and ilysju'psia are. the causes of ttto-UilnU or the eases ofcouHiini|illon. Uany are now c< mix !■ mi OK „r ,i„n oain m me si,h>. Uie IKIWCIS Ponu'UDWsror.llreati.1 tomellmva too louae, tongue eoaleil, oaln in the nhoulder blade, feeling Mum-times Tery rMUBM, au,l nt oilier tlniea drow- tj; tlie foo.1 that Is taken Has heavily on Uie stom- ach, accompanied with acidity ami 1ieltM>.H ..t wind. These symptoms usually oriainale from a dlaor.lereil condition of Ihe i-t.-maeri, era tnrpld liver. Persons so ailWU-.l, if lln-y take one or two heavy colds, ami if tin cough in these eases be suddenly stopped, the lungs, liver and stomach clog, nnd remain turpbl and Inactive, and liefore the patient Is aware of his nimatl.ui the lungs sre a nuisa of sores, ami ulcerate.!, anil deaUl Is the inevitable result.

Schenek'a i'uhaonle Syrup 1* an expectorant which does not contain any opium, nor anything eoleiilaleil lo i-hei k :, cough r-ud.le'llly

differ.- Instructions for exterior and InU'rlor House Decoration.

alt copies, iMiinul in cloth, for 1.1. Sample eop- pnper cover, ■wlle.l, posipnid, binnv mldrei


lotlee, "A verv valuable l-.-ok : and no one Intending lo

pninl should fail to rend lt."-N. V. Tribune. ■•We .li,I not know M. much .-oul.l I-- sai.l on the

aubieet of iHiiuUng a Imuse until we mad this ex eellent lamk of Mr. Ibiir.lV.'-N. V. Herald.

"A want lung fell nl hot supplied."—Helen, Am, "Not onlyauecessllv to the |>alnter, but vnlu

sblotoeveryiH-eii|ian[oi i,,lw, Ming,"—N.V World. :lni[, " lluv il .opies of Uils tssik, anil distribute them


cliicago iMbtuse.

amuiig'your rlleiiils. ir Uiey will huetl the advice ■'—tin, you could make no more vatuMble pres-

8e I .click's Seaweed Tonic IIISMIIVM UW foo.1, mixes with Uie gastrio iulee of 11 lu ntomach, ill. Eesta easily, nouri-hes the f>.-t.-ni. and creates a

HolUiy elreulaUon of the blond. When the bow- els are coative, skin sallow, nnd UH) patient ta ol a blUoUl habit, Schenek's Mandrake 1'ill- are ic-

Tbese medicine* arc prepared bv Dr. J. II. SCHKMJK A si >S, North-ca-l eonier of Sixth and An-h Stn-ets, >'hila<le[|>hiii, I'n. UKil. C. i;001>- WIN A CO., »S lliinover Streel. Itnston, John F. Henry, H College Plane, New York, Wliolewale

■"or aale by HruggiaU generally. ti liurao-

B0STON AND MAINE HAILKOAD, ■'io ins' Arrangement.

On nnd after Monday, llnr. 17, ItA, Trains will leuru Ihe I>i<i>ots in Lawrence, aa folbiwa :—

For Itnston (from North Depot), nt 0.3s, 1.30, 9.SS u.; anillLIA, ;i.|iian.lB.we. M.

For lloston (from South Ike-pot), nt 0.97, 7..W, fl.ifl, . M.; and IJ.IM, l.U (cxpresa), 3.17, tUM, B.IU,

;e»press), 7.10 i'. M.

For I'.-1 (Iron South IX-tiot), at ti.23 A. M.; 1.IS, 4r. «.

r Haverbill (froin South Iiepot), at S.U and '.'.la A. M.; and Mi, 4, up. u.; and froin NorUi hvpot at T.lo r. u."

Trnins leave lloston for i.-n.-e ;,i '.'. V.::i', ■-. io, v.; Ii«.; Ii.*l, .1.IHI,.I.HO, f,nnd U r. M.

1^» II. 8PRAQUB,

aliula, M-i|i|i»K<r r WeepuiR Kves, In cure, All eases, ol

PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Lately lOOSted in Lawrence,

Soutli SitU>, on Hi'otulwtty.

All caaes of DLINDNESS from Calaract, Op.cll) of 4-orura, nil of IIIHKANKI* KTKH, More F.j-f■ of l.usn STASIUMi, Kgyp- ilmi un.l latarrkal ii|.litl.-ln,l. ~* uf lie I.*. In j >i,*l llnct, " " Ir.slueliiK Ihe STII.B fur 11 wbalever eliiirnetiT, are lieiug lreale.1 with nstoli Isblng atieeess. All |iersnnn from n dlslnnee, out of M, stale, will lie rt-eelvol into the Doctor's ramlty during treatment.

Further, we uerfonn all kinds id Onerallons on the F.YKS, as t'alaraet, KA-abtiniiu, etc., for viatv SII.-I'II t.KHH lhan these nut-rations are done In lloston or New York.

We relter all who wish loknow of our treatment, to a few caaes otile in Mils eltv, viz. :-Mr. Thomii- sou, in Die I'aalM. Mill; „!-,,. (.. Mr Taylor, HuuUi Side, llrondway, ami others llllnd wild Catnraet.

Also, all kinds <>r Weak Eyai euretl.

The Doctor may bo found at all times at Ida

Rotidenee, opposite Tiger Engine House. We do i. :. ',■■..' .,- il.,- 11, ,■!■■.,- , -..,-, i ,]■-,.

I.„i nil kinds oi M lU.IOHV.,,, thnt we eonll- dently niiminnee that an one MI unfortunate ns to

' stlttiic.M, AID, need go lo Beaton, or |-e,|,liie SI out of Ul

gnrlfaU llrspentrnlly, v.. li. SPRAUUE, M. I>.


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AMD

COLLECTOR. OMrc, -JUKI I'.itri Nlrrrl, rruir,

Houri, i lot ami 7 tn 11*. II. I|8apU


um "i i -i i> AT

No. 6, Lrfiwronce Street Where will lie kept s orat-clns* stock of

Cigar*, Tobacco, Snuff, VI. en, ki. ii in. Ilryrr •■•<! (la], l>|a.«a


"iiiii.rsii.i: AMI HI.TIM..

A -I. M.- of |tuhlii patroaatt is ttHslM at the




SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. imi.■■■ nml Vanlat


WOT NTIIEET, I. »iVHi:\n;.

Lcnkv Hoofs mad.' Tight at short nuike. llvnivi;

re"w. _ of this book duriiiK '7:1."— ll.-ton A.lterttsvr.

"We liave Jusl painted our house ns advised bv the author, und cona-ralulale ourselves thai no Iwi'llhig la our nelKUliorliood excels ours.hi ap

pearance."—llnnier1* Weekly. "In selllliKa saiii|il.< copv for In eis., llr. Ha I nl

miwl r«.l awtala u or** fur Sa bound lu i-bith will InII,>ii."- r'riink Leslie.

" We know Ute town and country paints therein recommended, and can vouch for their value and the excellence of Uie 'Harrison' brand of white l.-;,.l." I'liil .- Uilaer.

->>i> IO IIVIS.

SAWS. SAWS. SAWS. f..■-!,,1-1, .l,.-,l IHMDJ CH X GRIFFITHS,

.Manufhcturern of Saws. St'PKltlOit Tl) Al.l. lITHKltS.


aa-MUKKAI. Discursrs. »» «#-Price Lii-l.- ami I in-uhirH free.

\V V. 1,<' 1-1 A- (1IU V I'-1 T II S, Boalou, Man., A. In (roll, !! l.-h.




can you iiumufncturu itronlahly without having the Intel i, 111.,.. \. . I eoiit.miiii.-f-. l,i,,\, o. 'I'l,inl nf ft rniidldlvl Can you? Delnv no tonncr WAKK nl \Vrib- A. s. liKAll, ."■« to IU Hudbur .Street, llosUm, for ealnlojrue und circulars reaar.1 Ina all Wisin and IKON-WOKKINO UAIIIINKKV

and order in-■ iir urr Uie lnurlilne you nenl ,<



Parlor, Office and Cooking- Stoves. IHnmbitUt, Tin Knotlng, and all kinds of Jobbing

done promptly. -H

II iioitino STIII i; M'oit i:.

11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

implHini.-, Weakness m the Mount eh und lion el-, l.urs of A|.|i. lile, I oiiubp. Colds, Heart lliini, llilious Albieks, Colic, Criuu|i, lii/'ine... nn.1 Dull.

!■<■:— of the Hend. Liver C pi;,inl-. Piles, Pimples, HoiL. hour stomach. Coin-ti-

[ntioniil Weakness, Hemlaebe, Low- lie— of S|iirii.s, CiiF.liri'111'i-f,

InillseslliHi, Dv-^H'psin, mil nil iiimplainl- nri-in^' linoi an iuipui-F rialeoi

the HIIKHI, or UH- .leratijred coinliiinn of the Ntomach, Liver, llowels or Kidneys.

This prepnralii.o i- |.urelj VeKeliible.eolitninlntt Kxlrneu in n liix.111-. cone, minted form of Hoots, Herbs nnd Harks—imimis which are Snrsaiiarllla, Yellow Dock, Dandelion. Uentiaii, Wild Cherry, Orange, Handrnk.-, Aiii-e, ,luui|N<i Ilerries, etc.— mnkiiiK n tine Tonic, Alterative, nml Laxative Meilli-rne. which never fail., lo Klve lone HIS I strenjrlh to the svsteni dcbllltnt.-.l l.v illrn-a-e. As it ItLIMHl PITtlHII!, IIOODIII K-« lUTTLIIS HAVE M» i\i,>r.u..

KIJXTA li'H.DTIIWAIT. Proprietors, mini No. 21 «L 1'eU-r street, Hnlem. Mass. Sold by all Deafen in Medicines Kenernllv.

I > A I I. r. V & ANDREWS,


PAINTERS.' 1190 Raaex Street, (indnnv Hl.nk>.







com|KM«rl aimp:y of well-known ROOTp. HERBS, and FRUITS, .-■iioblue.l with I-II.II.

propertle*. which In their urtii'o are Lnllimti.-. Apsrivut. Kutrlllnna, liiuretie. Alieiativ« aim Auti- Bllluua. Tb.i whole la pruaervt^l lu a aiilttcieut quantity of eplrll from too Hl'UAIi t',l •■ - heei> tliem ll' - eliniat*. which ulii tli 1


ouoof Uio nu"ii ilsal«:»'.* Ton Ira »i»tl I'alliwc lira In tb« worlrt. Tbey aro lutsnde.1 SbMlly na a

Domestic Tonic,

/-AUALITIES WHICH ARE l'KOL'LIAIt VJ to and recommend Lhu Ellas Iiowe Iniprnyfd Family SswltiB

,-h:ilik eniilvi i. nor ■ i.b-. i.

»,,.lu- lu;,ill,


(.he. I iinclur of the foible and do-


IV... SO I .ilou Mini.


This Hank has never |,aid less than »lv |>er eenL er aiiimm, free of tax to its de|HisltorH.

All deposits made oh or before the first day of i,, iiimiUi :n.- iii.-ii |il:,.e.lii|HiiilnU' allure i the ue\t dividend. ns soon as declared arc nt once added to the account, nf depositors, nnd at mice lM-(tin Ui earn intere-t, thus trivial CiiMliU'M) lutereaL

ItllllKItT MAII81I, liall. C.TBUMIUIU,

President. Treasurer.

JTlliatftS Com mil iff.

Clinton Vilea, Thomaa L. Jenks, liarvev Cnrpenter, Unnieni. Whllncy, William Itohlusim, lieo. 8. Derby, h'' MI"

'•TJITY Me, and 1*11 do yoti Good." I> DR. LANCLEY'S

BOOT AM) HERB BITTEB8, This medicine Is, vrltbout Ihe poaslhlllty of a

douhl.liie ici-v lu-^t reniedy known lor tin- folio".- iujr. and all kindred diseases :—lnillKe^tioii, I'os. livencs. Liver rotiijih,int. Piles, Hendaclie, Heart Hunt, liyaiH-iisin, lii//.iiu-»-, s. rofnhi, Halt Ulieimi,

inr, Laii

Improved Family Machine.

1. Behalf and excellence, ofslilcli alike on both Bides oftae fabric.—2. Mren«-[li, la-autv nml dura- bility or seam Hint will neither rip nor rnvel.-,l. Complete control over holb threa.lS.—■ 4. An en- lirelv new mlnrv ten-ion for Hie ftpper tlirenil, which eiintribiite. MI inn. li to Hud tieaulvalid iiiii-

nnlty ofstlleb I'm-wliiel, the -'Howe Mnehim-'Ms celcbraU'il.—.",. A perl'wt uniform tension in the

■buttle which docs not vurv IVoin n full to an empty bobbin — an (ihjectlim HI common to other machine,-.—(I. An automatic MIt-rt-KUhithif: tnke- np tlmt prevent- IIII-HIHI,' of stitches in crossing

•ams.—7. shoil, stnilnlil nud -Ironr nee- liidile to break tn pnsslnr over lu-iii v do Ibeetnved iiecdl.-- ol .'thee iim, hlne.-.

Kiuer netslles for tliu name thread Uiini nnv Sew in K en lln llv well wltli imv

lies, not

...... machine.—... « kind of tlirenil. —Ih. Ki-onomv of Itinnd IH-J

that of any oilier mac hi ne.—11. A heumici that Will make nnv ivl.ltb nl' Hem or Kell.-W. lira I.I- biK the morl eoui|ili< -nlcd luilteiim with any width mid kind of lira Id.—IB. A Quillrr tlmt w ill n.ljiisl it.iidl* to anv thickness of iiuiU-rial.—II. TuokbiK nny falnle injury or | ker—1». A enni-

eoiiFtructeil as lo curd around verv abort , even to s.|uare corner-.—III. Sewinitllie INlirk wltlwut iajurv or pucker, and the

lieiiVNVt inaieHat* wltli dm (fr.-alest ense.-17. C'oiiiiiacliiess.siniidieit, ;m,l d.n iibiliiv.—Id. Kase ofniieiiilion and iiianaKcnieiit.- IH. lies! Machine In Ihe world tor Kainilv use.

Call am1 see ihc-c Mu.liino n mk, with Ihe NEW IMI-ltiiVKU THKAIif.K power, nt lla|rar*a Anen- '>-, !•• l,.ir. HI re. 1. Ijiwrenee. 11-

nurllle.1. The npiiclite !« reslnretl. The systen Is ■■(,■(-,orMii-n.-il. The liver is invigorated. Tin breath Is sweetened. The complexion Is lieauli lied. Tin-gem-nil health is

RESTORED! The liest Hoots, Herbs nnd Harks e


l'AI'l'.ll HAXUIIIljN. lu i:.iri lu



a poalllee eure for Reinlli-., .. uridgin, Spinnt * '■•ni]>l:iiiit, I i-ntracletl Conls,

Hack, S|indns, etc. From • to ii hoge bottles win cure ej.-e- KIHII up hv ohi-f.-imix. Tin Iv certiiln cure for Bclatiea. Large boWM

■" .mull bottles 7.V. Hold by all Uniggl"^-

Lame I

B ivUmhTi

R ll 0 1.

Sowinjx Maohtne la (be HI NT II* TIIK IVUIIIIM

AOEKTH WANTKD. Hem! fur eireulnr. Atldrea*


USE the Itelslilger Sash Lock nml Sup- port to

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of siisb; cheap, durable, iroty easily applied: holds sash nl any place tie si red, ami :i si ll'lii-tciicr when Ihe sush is down. Mend i-umip for circular. Cln-ulnr and six cupper-hi'mucd locks sent lo any nd.lress in Uie IT. H-, post |iaid, on receipt offlO cts. Lllierul iniluce-

slreet, Ilnj-risbuiK, I'a

fTrlts for a Trice I.iit to I. 1 GREAT, LECTERN!

r.ii EmilbDald St., rilUborsh, IV

llnrrh Loiidlng Shot Qoas, * in In #-{i«i. Double Shot Uuns, *M to il.-al. Mingle linns, *.1 to •■JO. mites. »s to aw. itcvoiv.-i>. »:, to$ii. patois, tlto»H. limiSiau-rlal.KisbingTiiekle.ele. LAUOK Disci,I NTS To hi-vi.i.KK nu. I i us. Army Uuns, Kcvalvers, etc., bought or Undid lor. (.unttaseut by express C. U. li. tu be examined before pidd for.

T" Ho not iiibserilie for anv work on Poultry till

ynu have seen this. Mouthlv, ■ I.'20 per year. >l«'i iiiin, copy, III eta. ' WOHLIi," llartfonl, Conn.

1* O U L T It Y WO It I, I)

i on Poultry i Idv, U.-jn pn yei I.,,.- - ■■ I-I.I i n

either work ft. time, Um ■In , ■ i. --ir-

lasaes of workiiif pimple, of niiiig or old, make more money at fn Hi. il" --|.|,re inenl., ..|- ,,11'tlie

r,t itiutliing. l-e. Pinti.-nlais l'i,t-. ,l.| TINMO.V * '■ H A in. Portland Malnt


We will pnv all Aicents $lil per weak la emu who will engage wftfi us ATOKCK. K very thing fiirtiirhed nml e\ii,'ii~es pnl.l. Address

A. ( .)(l,l'Kli Al (I.Charlolte, Mich.

I,1 V E It V Ctl It N ET BAND

in the eountrv HASH ML -li I loKHWAHH A.

i spl Il.t piece of

ub'r. lloston, Mass.

MONEY Made Kfipidl.v Wilh Sl.neil || Key Check Outllls. i i ,i... ,, nud I

'PHIS IS NOHCMIU'C. I els., wilh age, height c.

lty ■■ lnlili.-; .IR of eyes nml hair,

picture of your future husband or wife, wilh name and date ofmairiai

W. KOX P.O. Drawer it, rulto " *'NT'


Painful affections of Ihe hlndiler, nml urinary organs, aceonipniiled hv trrnvellr deiaislta nf anv kind; IrrltaUon nt the neck of ihe 1,, with dlnicnlty nf hokllng the urine; In stricture, in seminal weakness, nnd In all condition* nf the parts ncrompanicd hv d.-liilitv, ■ - i I s ■ ■ - - II, liUASTtN CliMliiiso I, III he found a llliift eBlrS- remeilv. Mend lor circulars lo II. KKITII A CO., 11 LilH-rty >i,,. i. H. Y. Kor ■.,[.■ by tliug- J.-I-I-- Price SI eer b.ittlo or ii for *.'.. sf-


■inosteftlcne in s medicine ir Un cure of HKAI.AIIIK. I.IVKIt I IVII.AINT, Nal'KAUlla ITItiN, tiisi-m-sn, V l-l III IK, lln.l.USM.SS, HiAHaiiKi, KlIMIV ; KITS, I'llSSI MI'TH IMl.l-IT.lTltl.V,, M-t-MS. 1 lit ..IIS. |)i/./tsi:ss, 1-k.l IIIS, u Ant'Ka,

1 la (He Haw ■ Klaml Family Itlrillrlne

for sale 1 y 11 Dlllggisl . t'lieeai.

IM1E AMEHICAN IK Ihe BERT ADVEH-' \1 K It V A N T I L K 1* It I N T I N (1 TMIVC MKIillM In Kss.xCcmiitv. ' 1»1 Bl the Ainericnn llnlee.



Al Al I 1 'IO.V,

Aboui a rear ago i II..L-.I m . n m* ina>< nhosuhale of Lime l.. Hi, Inrni.-is of New kiialnml in |.Lo i-. nli.-ie il \MIS uol knonn, bt un. n, tbelilgbest bidder, In ,|,,;iiilitie^ ngrwd on befi.n- hand, proposing at Um same time to pursue thb course year nllre ie:,r. until the larnmra eoulil In.' cmiie ralisllatl of its value to them.

I shall make this i>ro]H>sitioii The Hil|>orplio-|.liate nunle this venr alll 1«-

more valunlile Uian It was last year. I will publish, ns berelolore, the materials of

Which It is eiimpoi-ed. :,n<{ the |ni>|H,rtfnm. of inch, and I will guarantee il to have been so made.

I have many letters from Inruiers who bought St

i the use nf the fvr-



uf the results obtained IV mm. I know tlial Um article Is a g.s.d one, and tlmt It

Will, In time, as nil mi other iiroduflhms linn- done, win its way to the conittVnceur the con-

Ample ii.ii in- of the plnce nml time for sale, by menus or circulars and posters, will lie Riven, m thnt, as far us ]...^- III.-, un fiirnier "ball haveoecn- siun lo SIIV Hint he lutd |.|,..rliuiily lo Imv lil- I'eiti1i;.ei> in irfli - i-uiii|H-tit with his urlghlmrs.

The most lllieriil term- and coiiditiuiis v. [II lie extended to pun-Import-, which will IH. nunle


i illrsetlons. They sre lie

l-.j,t..t--.l They net noon ■ Jlscsawl I atlmnlate t. aucli a decree, that a heallhy aeUM) 1- at ODCO bruugbt ubout. As a remedy lo which Women wr« esy^iaUy taaunmrw-diiiK every other atlniiiisnl. A* a sp.-t .iK and aHM>. ■air Tosile, they hsve no equal. They uti mild and gentlo Imrgstine aa well as Tonic. They Purity iho llioo.1. They are a aplendld AppetUer. They make tho weak siroug. 'they portly audin- vUlorate. Thoy euro Iiyipenala, I'oDatlpallon, MM Meadaehe. They act as a np«w:tflo lu all apedsa ol dlsordera which undermine lhu bodily itreugUi and

Depot, 63 Park Place, How lork.


'of MAINE.



Aaarta aver ... - «II,(IIIO,IMMI.IIO

ALL THE I'ltllllTS I'Alll Tl> I11I.K1 1HH.HKHS.

The low rates nnd large dividends of this old t'oinpnm. together wlllt cM-ellenl lunnagi-ineni, fair ilcul'iri* ami proinptness in tln-attju-lmeut of

' Ihe lie?t I'ouipniii in New Kngl.ili.l



Low KLI, O. L 11, 1ST!.

«sr-The MaTQRJt was nwardcl the Fiaar PKK-

MIUM ul N. K. I :iu in IS71, as betUf Uie ltRsT family Mewing Xa.-hiue; nml ulso the present year I'.ie awnnls were Silver "•-1 ■ ■ i.■ I ■

(Hhrnein K.T. KOWELL, A.r't Secrelar N. E. Fair.

The wna given Um FHiar RHOVI nl V. II. -int.- Fair, IM-1,1 nt Hover. Ha Sl'I'KItl. OKITT over nil otln-rs I,.-, . got It In the uf

Sold for *fi per month, or for C'


tit Kaaen sii-.-et. - Block

All kinds Machines I to pa lied, K\eliaiurod and lot.

sine him


< Stitching, Stuni|<iiig and Ilraidirfe to


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of nearly all vnrletler, a«

Cornela, Altaa, Bai li ■». Baaara, Con. li-abanna, Urehsalra 1'nrltrla | of

Hi ass »r lierman Silver; 1'i-lou or llotnry Valves;

Drums, L'ymluils, Flutes, I'lcctdns, IHfM, i I ., . ■. lets, Clarionet.., French und <o>rmnn Aeeorilt"

tm-,VloHiisAliiiitnn,\'ioti>nei-llo.,l I,|,< llacsea, Coiicertlmts, Flntlnns, llnniio-

idcas, Itanlns, Mm-lr Iloxes. Violin and (lultar Strings, nnd nil

Musical Mercluinilise, Is Urn Weil ksosn store of lyflnp2nTb

JOII v c. HUMS * co., .13 Court si. (opposite Court House), i!...■



Nrn-hnn nud Newmnrkcl, N. II., April lit. Kpiiingnnil I'lymoulh, » » m M.-mllih Vlllaae* Kneter, •' « ai. I'ort-moolh A I^ke Village, » •• ». HHIU|.ton und TilUn, •• « u. Cnneonl nml Franklin, ■' ■■ 4» Ijwnnce, lllla, Hay 0. ItDaplK



Magea's New Portable Range.

A large stock bought before the sdvanrc, and to be sold LOW hr ""tlJ'Sl-


No. .!•.• K.-ri Strsst, Isnrrtai-t.


These spectacles nre manufactured from ".4f/- st'TEcrirsT.ii. rri/ini.r and lire called DIAifOSD hardness and britllanrv.

It is well known thai spectacle* ent from llrs- nn or Seotoli pebbles are verv Injurious to the >, Wansc of Iheir |i<diiri/ing lluhi. Inving In vn le-liil wttti the poh rise one, Ihe dJ.

s linve Is-.-ii I .1 t.. iiduiil lllleen («-r

'., ■ye. b .


They are free from <ln ,,ii. nls-nniinus, and l.i .

briglitness ami[ dlsliiiclness of virltm not liefore hromatle aberrations, ami iirndu.

:t in ii.i.r.II ami dlslii ' obbiined In specLmles.

Mnnufaf lured by Uie

Spencer Optical Manufacturing Oo. NEW YORK.

Forsnleby Kenponslble Agenta throughout the

WHITFORD & RIOE, Jewellers nml Opthllans, are Sole A (rents r..r n in e. Mans., from whom they can only lie ob- tained. No I'cililler* employed.

Tbegreal demand Tor these Spectacle* tula r- dueeil iinscro|.ul-ni il.nT.i-- In imlui off nn Inferior and smirlims nrtlcle for tin* "Diamond." Oriat ,- H - lie taken to see Uiat the trail* mark -^ (whi.-b is prol.-eled hv Ann ilean tellers I'a

, : . 11 ■ i i i " 1 Tf j.-irt

Extrnel of Root* nml Herbs which shunst rinhly onru Ihe following eouiplululs : —

Hj -|i. i.-lo. Heart Hun.. Liver i | ,mi. nnd I.n-:. of Appetite cured by taking a ' "

I..I-.-H ml.-. Low spirits and Sinking 8cn?n[lun cure.! atonee.


For liMnc), Judder and I'llnnivderaio' ments It lias no e.|tinl; one liolile ivlfl ronvlm Un- 1.1-1.1 . k. ,.| i. nl.

Worm. ,.\|» llni from thesysleui williuat the lenslilimcnlty; u few bottle* me i-ulUi-jetit I. -"-- must..i. 1111.ih- ns«c.

I'llra | one bouic luui cured the most dim, ult rose when all fttha* remedie* fulled.

\ni.MI* mirl.Hlllr-. Nciirnlxln, Hendaehe eh-., i .'i i .1 Imineillstely.

II I.n., ;■« i II. ,1 Joints, nnd all Seriifli jar Altllctlim* removed or gvcally relieved by till I,Hi,he,1.1 -illi uie. '

H.on.liHI., Catarrh, (,'otiv tils Ions nml llya- leiii- cm. .1 or lliini, i i-ln-i. ,'il.

nim. nil ii, r„iiii„K. fnln in the Ltmgs.Kldc —il Chest nhiio-l iuvuriuUly eureil by inking I.u lhu Qmiker Uillora.

Feaaala HUtlrullUs, sn pn t ol.m among

■ Diana, Itemillent nml Intermittent Ferrrs, prevalent In inunv puri*oi -mr ctmntrv,comtilt-tclv eradicated hy the use of the (Junker '""-

; i'l.- llillers.

The A(cd flml In the Ouaker Itlllcis Just Hi nrtlchi tliey sUml In need of In tlieir di-cllnlns yearn. It quickens tl* I.IO.HI nud cln-ers llif inliuL nnd paves the pasinge don n Iho ulanc iiielhu<<l.

\.. iinr can remain long unwell (uidea* ami. tit with Sn IneiirnlileillM-u.e] alter taking n K 1...1, h-. uf Mi,- (junker llltler*.

For sale by Druggist* and Dtalan |n


Mold at n-Imlesnle ami mall l,v CUAH. ( LAHKE Agent for f.»■■; m -.. i .

l*re).; hj Un. H. H. W.INT * CO., at their Ireat Mislicsl Hijiol. I:n and 1HT slm-L

in« and promptness li . .lutes il the Is-1 (oinpuin in New Kngl.ili.l

• Insure In, espo-hilly lor Kiidnwntriit I'olleles.

K. V.. I.AWHKXt'K,

Agent for Lnwrenep, Haverbill, A in lover, an limy in- M.-iliueii.


1 <)ii KSSKX STHKKT. i (»•


I have Jitnl made i.,,-.■;.■ addllloua to aiy Rlremly

LAW! E STOCK OF 0OOD8, ami have

MARKED EVERYTHiNO DOWN I The prices I bare :.-i upon my !■ nre

unpre.-cleiitedly low. ISVEUY VARIETY OF GOODS

for J-allies' wear, ry I have everything Unit i.ielii- ■ re

illliie K I

DefV Competition. My rlock nf ladles' Woollen thuter Wear has

IM-CI'I liugelv milled lo. Trlet-s low. lliil-lnu-s und' Wm.llen I'mler Wear, Jackets, ele.

1 can supply ljiilic* with

P A P E It P A T T R R N S

of nil kinds. I nin mnking this a cpecinltv and ciu fnrnihh nil kjn.l. of putu-i n- letiulrvd.

lu other departments my stock of goods cnnnol

H A nt GO 6b S, RenUnd hniiniioii. Allkindnnf HresnTrlmiiiings.

Real Laces, , il Hash Ubboasi ■-will llnileiery

Hnmhurg Kdgiuai', Knrbes, .lewelrv, I'ein.lue-, Indeed I Ihiug tliey need ul my stove.

Klaiiiiiing for Km broidery.




Altnvhe.l to llice pjileiiU-l Sp,fLnles nre Iwn ■clenlillcall) -trn,-t,-,| Unlvaiile Itattei-les-uii- seen when worn -delivering lliroiigh tliu berves ol Uie lu-nd a

■on and t on 11..«..n. Ml ecu in of 111 a* Hell j .

vitalising and giving healthy action to the entire lieaiitiftil sy.-li.n ot tbioe purts, AllSULUTRLV and CKKTAINLV L'UKINO

Partial Parala-aU of ihe OpUc Nerve,

Weak or IHaeaacd Vlalon,

neuralirl* of the Head or Fare.

Nrrvoua Twltchra In the

Musi Ira of the Facet

.Votaealii Hie llr nil.

I.on, orateavtad l.ueiuy

■ml a host of KeTTOfs Diseases, arising mini .1e- Keashm of the nervous energv of the system, eon-

billing. In n most nsloiilahlng degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. teMM mean* or lliu.aoa flowing atroara of Khw.

VHajhtMean to the 1: yi.

(tnl. Lit.-., lo the 1'j.r,

1 mi K> to the Hi sin.

They we sal witb l.-nsen of the .1 maniifac tare, to anlt nil sights, nrtdn illi gln-nes for UIOM- not nee.hiig K|,C, nub- lo lend » ill,, but defiriue the iH-neflts lo kc derived irnni wearing the Hit terms; and lo be hud in this city only o?

IIUMPHKEY MOOAR, WatcbnjBkor, Jeweller end Optician.


No. 235 Essex Street, Lawreneo Hculur InWntehes, CaMkB, Jewelry, paucv

Uoods, etc, ■

IT. B. Atm Agmt Jbr Latitrui ,f ttMjTBf ftr

feclttl SiwctactfM unit Eye Olssstf, lkt RESTin Iht

K HlvlfJ-


ATHAIRON Only SO Cents per Bottle.

It promote, th. OHOWTI,, PrtKSKR. VB» tU. COLOR, on,, ,.„,„,, ,h„

Vigor ond BBAUTVof tu. HAllt.

T,",,l1?,^S7»T*Si!1",.i:T,>,''■ «'"•«»» TO Tl, )[,„,..,flrt,pU,.Ml,|Ulanjlrk(tl

EMS«•»"«« .iSoJtS?. uJSS u"

^S^a^pw^SSSiJS KWmana&'a QlarjiaBar Bair.




l.xiuv nmm noRMNfi,



Tli. circulation nf Ike

**- IMTKS of Advertising ami uponnpplic


i: v-i>.u> UAMACULscrra.

¥l«e f)kily Smeri^. EVERY EVE NINO,

(Sunday excepted,) I. ihe Urge*! Dally la the city, with Four Tine*

Uif circulation of any other. N1 ■ llM'II I ITIItS, In Advaw* ■

OneYoar, ftt.00 | bi* Month., tu.00 When not paid in advance, 18.00.

UBO. S. MKK1UIX * CO., rrop'r*.


S/T/W PRINTING OFFICE. U tbe Lara-eat ami moat UMroughlj fumliaad la Kastern Maaaaehuaotta. Having only amdera I'nsaes, ami with constant addition* of the nawaat itylea of Type, we an aide to fnrnlah the beat

quality of Work, expedition*!/, at low price*. Order, by mall gf ven prompt aUenUou.

ana a. MEBKILL A CBOCKKB. Poet (Me* Block.




V, a 1 butted on fill; house KJ

... under part of !l lil.lh- ), I.UNl. I A cistern of Mrfl

A Dwelling House, muirly lii'iirge street. ).•>! iminium I.V 10, tWO St-Hl'S, (with tlie *anwl containing It* roo ed and blinded. On the pre water, and a never failing w mid Tory desirable. l*rse« low, urnim easy.

Also, House ami Lot situated on llbjh street- I-ot containing WWII feel. House has IS rooms, two stories, painted and blinded. Tide property l* HltnatPd In a very desirable locality, awl can be bought at a bargain.

itrnl and desirable House Lots. W—,»

, too card* _. . uudcurrants. A mime working tiraullt- on the place. House two stories, « by «; I. Kt by IB; Barn M by ML Apply to


Ism iHM't mil iu:.\i. KHTATI: AaawT,

at Win. M. linger*- L«w office,

fapM Near Town House, Uclhueu, Muss.

WEISS FARM, in NO. ANDOVER, Mast., AT Arcnnx,

on Knli.r.laj . May 3d, 1*T», al 3 o'clock P. II., on the i.1 ■■mi■ i- ■.

for and on account of a brearb in Ihe condluons . contained In a certain mortgage deed, dated Feb-

ruary 5lh. li«l, recorded in South V. — r\ Id-^i li> or Deeds, honk 017, leal' M, riven by Loul* Weiss Ui Marv June Ninon, :i,-i[inci| bv -uid Niu-on to Fannie J. Currier, October i;0i, lsTI, recorded with North Essex Deed*, liook II, page Sou. Maid Gendaea are lioun.led and described uu follow*,

wit:—Three parcel*. Tho drat piece contain* thirty-one acre* and one hundred nnd six rod*,

ilrsi in

wlth'ttiebuilding* thereon, situated on tiie wester ly aide of the Mabsui turnpike, no culled, and In bounded round a* the wall stands. The second piece contain* three acre* ami ninety -eight rod*. more or loas, and U situated mi the easterly side of said Salem turnpike. Tlie third piece contain* Iwn aerea and one hundred ami forty nine rods, more or leaa, nue la situated on the westerly side nl Mild Salem turnpike street- Snid several m

f land are palUrulnilv dcm^rilH'd In tliede Doan Carletou Ui Katluin Towna,

Align I,..ok


1873. *2.00 PER YEAR


Business Directory. Business Directory. Cm .1. not rieecdiu( 1'onr I.lnca in l«n|;il.

lumrlnl In tnla eolnmu ml S~> per year.

• nil uoleaceedlaa; Four I.loc* In lrn|tli luatrled In till* column ul (|| ner )•■'■


S" <»V"rn Kiiivf tuntinvsimp IV I>K ItlNZY i BUOTHER, Udlen'miii UL 1 » 81 UK I AKHiAUK BllUr— UBU. pJt,;,,,,,- Caitoni Boot ana Muni Makera.H An 1IAKDY,Carriage, «ljoiift OrmmicnUI l'lili.ler. ummtHnm. All kin.U of remly inmle »*JU a»d

i;»rrlag.-» ptduted at froiu A; to *W. None bill Uie .,,„„,,. 11111flal,llv ,.„ Il:(ll(1 l(Bll volv eU.-np, very bent stock uacd, and all work warranteil.


at E. DAVIM A HUH'» Inns I'm vinii, ljiwrenre.

vv J. 8. i .1 I.I • ATTouscvfl and COI;NHKLM>RH AT LAW,

t» Eaaex atreet. I1UI ri 11 i i ■ .


, I'lniiL aud Duoura- _. - I'uper linnger, Hiwciid attention given

. .jecutlnK oi'iiamental di-xV"'. RlKn 1'ahiliii^ I I .cirrrina of all kind*. Hoop MI Common Ht.


FISKET PAPER HANGINGS, Window sindi- , Artlota' ltaterials, Chan-

t, Lamp*, VAaasi Me. KB Beatx Street,


DYER S. HALL, lU-tuly Made Clothing, lliil.-, Cii|,.-, ii.-iii'> I'linii^hliig Cnoil*, etc.

" —idi HMC Kaeex,

Kepalrint;, Laying Car- II ay lie " '

Screens nptilicl at abort noth

fOIlN K. NORWOOD, Geiit-rnl Ini

EH. KELLKY, APOTHECARY.—Pre- • acriutioim carefully couipouudml. Pure

I>rua» ami Clu'inli'idn, Patent M<H(lrlnei", Toilet ami

M" IT ready

i turnpike eels of lamt are |midculnrlv .k.'M:ritHid In the deed from Doan Carletou to Natlmn Towns, dated

1, 1st!', recorded with South FWx licedi-. I, leaf 7. FANNIE J. II ItltlKH,

It IlilnpW Assignee of said Mortgage. PEDltlCK ft CLOSSOX, Auclloneeni.

\ 1SS II. II. FIKLIHNQ wirihGH to in- form tlie Ladies of Lawrence ami vicinity

Uist she lias kiF.iiv.-eiv.'.lull the Latest FALL A WINTER Style* from N. "' In ,■ ■■. i i 11'i■ all order* for

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her Kooma, Swl Eaaex M., Ijiivrence, Ma**.

«i-!'nitli-ulnr nlU-ntiiin IMII.I lnCCTTISli nml FITTINli Ijidles1 nml ciiililiviiV KltliSSES.

NKW STYLUH received every' week. Ididlcs' DreBBCS Cnt and Fitted for 81.00. -

Machine Stitching nm.1 Bruiiltng done to onlcr. A iii>. .nl slmre of patronage sollciUHl, with

thanks lor past favors. ,lyfl |aS


PAPER in\i;i\<.s In Essex Comity. WHITFORD A BICE.

Fancy lined*. Cutlery, Toys. Ac. W0 Easek S Kepuiriug, Gold and Sliver Plating.

rPO the IlonoraUu! Couuty CUIHUIINHIOD- 1. ers of the county of Esses:

ItcapecUully represent the subicrilieni, citizens of said county of Essex, that tlie public neceesity nml convenience reciuiru a new highway, begin- nlng on Tarlm\ strict. In llu- city of Lawrence, In sabl county, at or near the nortlierlv tenninu^ of Jackson street; UK'IICU mniiing In a nortlierly ,lii...-ii..n, i-t.i ~in_' Enst ^tre^■l an.l Rrook htreet, In llettiuen.insni.l coniiiv, near "llloodv llrouk,"

. ihnlle.l M-in'nl of Pleasant street

the Howe mail, so called,



uunrlnersliip li.-'nk' cxi-ling kciiicen W. I' SMITH, -la., nml OMO. fa. WHITSKY, under the nrm name of Smith A Wkitne%-. Tim buslnew* of Painting nml Pnper llaugiiig will lie herenlter cnmlurtcd by W. P. Smith, Jr. All persona in- debted to tlie laic Di-m ore roqucsled to rail upon ami Fettle will) the undersigned.

3tflnpll W. P. SMITH, .IB.

'P II K F I N K L K A LYOH -L Miin.iI ..-rin i11 ■ C'o'd

Now Sowing MacUino, "VICTOR,"

CAH UK in.i .ill I- t)l- ITocl- 1>. W. l.OIII), IO SIitTKiu ntreef,

Sole Agent fur I^wrence, An.lovcr and Melhucn.

WHITFORD A RICE, JEWELLERS, denlers In Paper, SbitiunerT. Pnper Hang-

ings, Window Shades nnd Slui.le Fixturee; lllank Bmik Munuiacturer*. 905 Ksaex SL, Lawrence.

T7 J. MUHPHY, MANUFACTURER and Denb-r in H.MIIS Sbm's nnd Itubliers, of

•ry desirable Style and Quality Lawrence.

iHHI HUUIKTS, .11 91B Essex St.,

ATTORNEYS and Couniellors at Law, Saumlern New Block,

:oomn HI and 17, Lawrence, Hum, .1. K. TAIUHIX. 0. G. BuitiUI.

1>EI>RICKACLOSSON, FURNITURE, Carpeb>, Crockery ami Cutlery, together with ' Ingtioo.!-. generally. The bee

" Bai■ —"' he citv. Essex Street

D. CROWELL, OYSTER & DINING • Itnome, Frnit ami Confectionery, »73 E-*ex

Street, Near City Hall. Lawrence, Mass. Choice brands of < i : 11 always on hand.

D. DUKWS OY'STEIl AND ICE Cream ami Dining Saloon, XII Essex Street,

l-nwrenre. Ice I'rei.m, Jellies, Wedding Cnke, Conleetlonery, Ac. Meals at all hours.

n.~kHNNBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Snnrenn. Ofllre SKI Eaaex St. llimse

No. 110 Newburv Street. Particular alteution !■:.:.I to Cancers.


w. O. HOWE, 481, «8, 48ft KSSEX - si ret. Lawrence, M:us., Whnleaala

Hnnufhcturcrs of UIMIIIIKT Furniture, Itcul and SittUig Room Chuhv, etc. ^^^^^

MIS 81


oul.I respectfully Invlle uUentiou.

CHOXEUEM RRO'S,—DAILY PAPERS, y'Ckiiimos, Engravingr, I'crimlicais, Stationery,

Fniicv (ioods. Picture* Framed nt short notice. No. IS1 FJHUCX Street

Inrment', Skirts, Corsets, Collars, Under Sleeves, Hosiery, tiloves, Head Dresaes, Ibices, Embrulderics, White Uoods, etc., 217 Kaaex St

CI.ARK, Millinery Goods, ic, Tn K>. 1 ■:inliioi.lii cs,

White Hoods, ll.ini.-i-y nml fjafttw*. No. £11 Es ~

I) It. . ■ called, to a point at or 11.HI i- alaudiiigni tiie juuctl. nnd Proapect street,'-"■■ in Melhucn aforeaald.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray thai you will vieu ;iu.l I'Miniiii.- sal.I propose.I imile, uud locate a highway over the same.

Amruit, 11172. JOS. S. HOWE nnd other*.

Commonwealth of Matiacliutetti. EaatX, ss. Court of County Com mi-.--kin ers, De-

cember term, A.D. 1-.'- <>n Uiu petition aforesaid, ordered, Hint said

pt-tiliom-r* i-'iv. tl.e to nil jiersons and corjKira- li.niH interi'sieil tliereln, that said CiumnisBloners will meet ut the Court Huiirie, In Lawrence, in |*M e.uiiilv, ..:i MONDAY, the 'i'wclllh day of Muv next, at nine o'clock A. M-, Irv publishing an at- tested copy of anld petition, and of this order Hirl .-n;i, in llic I*M I. in-■' Aiui'iicail mid Aud.iVcr Advertiser, n nowspa|ier printed in UrwMMah three weeks successively, tlie hut publi.M lie fourteen days, nt least, before the said twelfth day of May; and also by serving the Town Clerk of Mctbuen ami City Clerk of Lnwrenco with an :.iic-tvil copy of said petition and thl* onler thirty days, at least and by posting up an attested copy thereof In two puhlic )>I;L. .-■■ in ..iild city and nnld town, fourteen day*, at leaet, before tho aakl i wellUi day or May, nt which time and place said Commissioner'' "ill imn-ccl t.i view the premises, and take auch onler in relation to tlie prayer ol ■aid uetiliou as by law they may Iw.iutliorUed to do. A. A. AllIlUTT. Clerk.

A true copy of petition and order thereon. Allest, A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk.

A true cop v of petition nnd of the order of Court thereon. Allot.

StVnuIl CIIA8. E. GOSS, Deputy ShcriA*.



ailN.Kaiet Mint, - - - Linn

r Chlurofurm


^P W. HEALD, Sole Agent tin Slngcr*B X • Improved Sewing Machine, xU Eaaex St.,

Saumlers New Block. whig Machine Findings.

I > E D R

Auctlcmoejro, Keal Estate Aeronte and AppralBere,

No. 3BI E lie x Street Lawrence, Man. Always readv to give their personal *errlco and

serious attention to selling Keal and Personal Estate at auction or otherwise, oblnlnlng Money and letting tin- name nt fair rales for all concern. ed, negotiating Mortgages and looking i Itentiug I'r.ij.cilv nml collecting Rents, TlUe pnssed of Property


, Titles, etc. >\0 I lie.per-

wlll lie atu-mleirto promptly nnd all will be linn- orabty denlth wWi — alrti-t luU'grtly bciug Hie one important element or SUCCC-H In tin- Keal EsUiU- buslne**, prompt parm en t* of cash proceed.", Ml ing In all honor wltli the seller and owner, at Hie fame time limkiiiK v. .-II t.. tin-true hih-resl ul the purchaser, that his titles am good, awl that lie gels " hluii he is entitled to — thu* Hccuiing and

ng that conn.lence of our fellows Wliich is obtained hj strict nttenlion to busbiess, Ighcot ty|MI of hiiuorublu kcalins.

__rTerms ren-oimble, and according to the work and responsibility. Cull upon us.

Real Estate Offlco. 381 Essex St. K. B.—Property for eale in many sections of New

England, but more csiicciallv in the city of IJIW- i.-ii.-c ami vicinity. No better city in tlie Union forntieriBauelilinvCHUnent.

Read Rent Estate column In Lawrence Sentmel ami Lawrence Dully American. Uniylft-

Haiiporteri, Hhoul.lcr llmees, Perftnnery, etc. full J-MI tnii'iii of all wtlcle* In '

•iHRHTT. (hSDIins, HWlSW, Essex and Pemberlon St

DR. J. II. K1DDEH, DENTAL HUB- Ui:ox, No. iTI Essex Street Lawrence,

Mu-s. Una, Chlorufonii, or Ether given, aa [.re-

JO* 1

New lilock, Essex Street


Meml* China, Ulaas, Marble, Stone, Parian Mar- ble, Lava, Alnlmsler, or any klml of Crm-kery

Ware; also. Paper, cinth and Wood. rr ItKQUIUKH NO UKATINO. I/, sure to flick, ami Is so simple In Its use that even

a child can usu It

A Good Cement has long been Needed, nml tlie proprietor*, alter patient study, present this article to the public, claiming lliat It willdu its work.|uicker, Iwlurr, uud with leaa trouble lima nny Cement yet known.

Ai a Substitute for Glue. In mending worn! or patching together cloth ut

paper, ninny persons llml It Inconvenient logo In the iioiihlc ol preparing lilue. This Cciuciitb always ready, nnptlres no heating, Is perfeellj clean, and will mend ni strong a* any t Hue known, ami I* so simple Uuil a mere child could u*e It Ma Fniully na Afford to be without It.

l'HlC'K SB I'l.MJ.

Hnverhill, Mas*.. Jan. U, 1879. Messrs. ChAs. Euiersnu A Sons—Uenta:—I imve

need your Adniiiniiiim' ('rvclnl ' cuicnl In my busi- ness several month*, and for all Winds of mending. Where a Jeweler requires Cement, 1 consider JI the in-it article erermanufhetured.

Your*. Uuly, UBu. II. CAI.HWKI.I.

Il:.vci hill, Feb. 7th, is; i. Messrs'. Chas. Emerson ft Sona—«ent*:—I Iiarc

OMd vour A damantiiit! Crystal Cement Ki meml a ' *- — -i-i.i., which wna hrnken off; and

either aex, yoy,ng or old, make more money at work for us In th.-ir spare moments, ur all tlto time, tlinn at anything else. Partinubirs free. Aildreea Ut ST1NSOS £ CO., Portland, Maine.

1 lyrnoyloniy- ___^

Jos. Yu\

"tiCTiOWLAND, SUliQEON DENTTST, BuHMHT to w. W. Russell.

'tis Essex Street l,»u t.-ac.-. Nilr.m- IKI.ic (sue A .Ilium.-I.'i'ed.

m, publiili tlie naly good Stereoieonio Views

of Law re nee. All kinds of Scope* for sale.

UEAUTIFUL FARM IN METUUEN,, j(rit|vs nml i. ui-a. mini n . narrow, miming along the river for a hair in Good pasturage, g«"d land ol' ci cry vai Icly. truiible from freshets. One of Urn Auest sltuall

frtiiU. Farm long ami rirer for a lutlf mile,

riety. No situations

betweam Isswell and ljiwrenre. I i--l mile* from Lawrence; same from Lowell. Uood buildings, In gwul condlUon, \.ell fencwl with *lonu wnll.— ' -;mMl Farm, and "idy sold liccnnse UM owner Is

shaft to my "leigll, ■ Ting the ''•'■

n testltyi

nr at the premise

I'll.* el'.iiF, *:M««I of wblehct tor7uer CLU^SD

inderinlk-UnieHt an Internet OL „ Cull u|.oii I'llliltICK A CLO.-tSON, Ln



For Invention*. Trade Mark*, or Dsilgrii, 79 Bfnte Ht., apposite Hllliy St., Usu after an extcnalre pniclicoof upwarda nl" thirty Soars continues to secure Patent* In the United Utes; also In (ireiit llrllaln, France, nnd other

MRS. J. A. KNOX, LADIES FURNISH- lNtiUooil*; al-o a larg" assin-tmi-nt olCor-

rl Supporters always on Xa Essex 8t


Surgeon. Office nml residence, £51 Essex Street

onicc hours. 13 till 1 and « till B.

BALDWIN COOLIDOE, CIVIL ENGI- NEKIt ami Surveyor, «M Essex Street

At oiii.-c on iiumlny, Tuv»biy ami Thursday evenings.

LT STRATTON, I10OKSKLLEB. ami Slutlonor, Account Book Manullicturer.—

Paiier Hangings, Window Shades, New*papi>rs, etc SUEaatxSt Uranch (More, 1» JUaex at

WH. STUART A CO., -T.sMx Dye Works, VliicMreei. liver* of Piece tiomli.,

Yarns, llrnhls, nnd all kind, of Job Dyeing. In salable goials re-dyed and put In order


fnreign countries. Caveats, SisBclaciitloiu, AMD- aiciils, and all papers for Patents, executed on .■■■a-..iialilc U'liii.-, i'. ilhdi-iialiii. Itf.c;iivlii". made

Charles S. Woodman ft Co.,) Crockery, Ula** .1 China W.ire, Lniiipi.o.„|s, I'biUil Wure,Table

Cutler}-, IdBEsKcir Street

. it* extreme strength and tenacity. ours, respenlfully, M. L. Mvusll.

Beaton, Feb. Ilth. ltfTt- Adaniautine Crystal Cement Co.—Ueata:—W«

luivc used your I ciuciii for He |.ast three niontlie, ami have found It the besl Cement for our uao Uud we ever used. Your*, truly,

WAUKKS A ItlCllnONl), Maniifucluring Jeweler*. 7 Tremont Bow, Boston.

Nowburypnrt, Feb. 7,197". Mr. Emerson A Son*—fJcirta :-l have tried ynur

Airaiaantlae Crystal Cement, and must say It Is tlie Hksr article id the kind UmU Imve cn-r known, ■nol "ill d.. nil von lv.oiiinicnd ft to, luiving IreCJi ill..roii^ldi Ic-tc'l bv heat and cold.

ll..s|«wtruily your*, C. II. IIOIMIK, Apothecary.

It la bettor to keep the bottle corked when not In use.

Sold by DYER * CO., ami by all Ilrugglsts In Lawrence and vlcinlly.

CIIA9. EMEHSON A BOSS. General Wholesale A rent*, IT Marrimnck street, Harerhlll, HIM.


KM«X, SI. To the heir* at law, nml other* interested In the

eitatu of THOMAS BENNETT, late of Law- rence, In anld county, wool sorter, deceased, testate, greeting: 7 "• ■.

Wlierraa, Ambrose Hosslter, executor of tlie last will and loluiiieiil ol" said deceased, ha- |u. ■ .-nl.-l for nUowaucn the account of his administration upon tho estate or said deceased,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to lie held at Haverhlll, lit said c.uiiiy <>! Essex, on tbo Tblnl Tues.lay of May next, at nine oVlm-k lietorc mion, to show cause, If any you hare, why the same should not la' allowed.

And the said executor I* ordered to serve this citation by publishing the same once a week, In Uie Lawrence American and Andovcr Adver- tiser, a wrwapnper uriuted at Lawrence. Ihr.c weeks, the In.-l pnl.licalion to be Iwo .lav-., nt least before *aM Tueiday. _" ... ..

Wltnes*. Hcorge F. Clioate, F.*i)nirr, Judge of ■aid Court, tills aecoiid day of April, in the war one Uiouaan.1 eight hundred and seventy- three. Hapll A. C. liOOHELL. Ileitlshr.


to deteniline tlw valallty nml utility of Patent* of lavciitlous, ami legal ami oUier M||M rendere.1 in all matter* touching Hie -aiiie. Copies Ol the claim* of any Patent fiiml*lied br rrnilUliiK one JoUar. .t^»lgiiii»ouU recorded In Washington.

•«-No Agiiuy In the liilleil State* pOWaWM niMtr facilities for ol.uinhig MM oraacor- talnlngUie |Wtcutol>ilitv of InvcnUon*.

All necessity of a loitrnev to Washington to pro- cure a Patent and the usual great delay theie, are wre Huvod inveutori.

""ei eapnble juccctsful prnciitloner* with whom I hnvo had ofUclal Intornourse.

CHABLUS MAMON, Commls'rof PatonU. " I have no hesitation in assuring inventors thai

they c.iniioi employ a man iwrs cowrs-i^m* and fm.itroi'rt*, and in ■npald.' oljiulling their an- ■Ilcatlnns in a form to aerure for Uiem an early and favornUe wHiehleraUoa at tlie Patent Office.

EDMUND 1HHKK, ljUe (nmV or Patent*." "Mr. It II. EliiiV ha* ma.leformeoverTHHtTi

appllcatious for Patent*, baring been .ucces.ful In almost every caae. Such unmlsiakahie pfOM of great talent and ability on his part, leada

__ llr. BaneroO will lie at like Ei.u limn:, in Andovcr, WttiNEHUAr of enchwcek until turtlai notice.

Colfcc*. HpireeJandiiiuire*tTeaa. Tho heat diiirlc of Butler and Cliecse. -je Amesbury Street

B. YATE8, M.D., PHYSICIAN mid ■ Surgeon. Ice, :m: Bstex Street, corner or Lawrence. leinv, Iftl Concnnl street


tmbmM Ut totlnMh to apuly to him to pro- cure their patents, as they may be sure of having the most rallliflil atlcnli.m bfattwM on Uielr r* ■lIBTBTiiliiriilJBI, TAOHART."

Boston, Jan. 1.1873. Ivt if


MACHINISTS. (Suiccssor* to Web-tor. DuaUn A Co.)

Hanufncturera of

Cotton & Woolen Machinery in

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulley*, Uenrlng and Shafting, Jack Sorewa. All kind* of Ttolte on band, or made to onler;

also ait kinds of Forging done. UENEUAL JOB WOUK and Mill repair* done

promptly and faithfully. Dealer* In Manufacturer** SuppHea.

Foiter** Building, Corner of Franklin and Mathuaa HIMalti

yftp- I.AWHKKCK.


217 E. -ex Street W. A. Klmball, W. F. Klmball.

WILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, Maiiiifacturer* or

BOOK, SKWS, AND MANILLA PAPEItS, Canal Street lower emL


I ST., LAWKKKCK, Hill. Over Dyer A Co'*.

JJK UuKaai



.radminlslrotrix of Ihu estate ol Notice la herehy glTen that the ■ubae.riber ha*

been duly (jpnatHM admlnlslrnli-ii Henry T. !..-..mi,

late of Mellim'ii, In tlie coiintr or R*aex keeper, docoaned, nnd liaa taken upon self' that trust by giving bonds, a* the law din-eta. All persona Iiavlng dcnum.U MaMi the oalato o[ said deceused are rcuulred to exhibit the seine, nnd all persons Indebted to said e*tato are called nnon to make Daymen! to

' AllllIE at. LKAVITT.Adm'x Hapll MeUiuen. April 7th, IH7S.

POST OFFICE BLOCK—TUB Amertcm Job Prinllnf 0«ee.


, ■ • ...ui::-, i^p .-.■■■■i- . ...... The Low Price Store ol La


On Easterly side of High Street lietween drove ami l'bitt Street*, a one anil a half atory, iloiible Icneiuent house, six rooms in ench tenement, with barn and well, nil on a flue lot of land MB feet on High Street and 1» feet deem Itoiun ou lot to erect collage house to rent Said premise* rent now for eight aud a btir uer cent on twenty-two tiiin.licd .l.ilhu-. Prli-e»KOfl.

Also a splendid nnlldlag lol fnr gHntlewen** res- idence ou Union Street South Side.

Also a grand chance for gentlemen"* residence* in |..t* to «uvt weat ef Clover I1UL

For Inforraa i and IIIFO... , ti,m ol Hint i.i»i"-tt> lo PALDW1N CfVOLIIKIE, Civil Englmer -\<\ lteal Estate Agent BB »="•« Street,

II 11 Thurs.lay. rt'5«c«


Colonel Nathanlal J. Coollnir—better \ known «» Cool N»t—of Coollntcton, San I Joequln county, in i be State of ( nl Horn i ;t,

A a fellow paHScrurcr of mine on that ll-l.ii.iw ii trans-Atlantic fltcamshlp, the

Mongolia, famous alike for the rapidity of hur ocean v<>ynw*, the ahmjneo of nmpklus ut meal tlmea, anil the bluff hcarLiness of

llcnt commander. As Is, or rather was. Invariably the case, the Mongolia had received a very good' 'send off," the friends of tlie passengers innHtcrlng In great strength, aud uccompanylng their hearty wishes for a swift passage, quick return, and a "good time" generally, with a brisk conanmptlon of the sparkling flntd which flows with sn.ii uufalllng liberality on the other side of the Atlantic. Busy aa 1 was lu ulsdguig mi- numerous /rlen4*. 1 yet found a moment to steal a glance at my

■mate—the traveler who occupied the one other berth In my state-room—and i-xcluingiug curds with him over a glass of champagne, was charmed to find my dom- iciliary partner for the next eight days, the celebrated, or notorious person whose name I have mentioned. Dim rumore of daring deeds done, or as somo hypocriti- cal puriats wou'.d rather say, perpetrated, during the early days of the Golden State, had reached my ears from time to time, and with ninny or those the name o7 Nat Cooling was associated. Of the origin of this great man but little was kuown. Thoae who loved ulm bent and obeyed that excellent law, "Speak well of the ricb," declare I hat In liis youth had been passed In the lucrative business of importing

blackbirds," In other words, In the slave trade, wlitlc those who were actuated by

nclples, that Is, hated or envied the successful speculator, declared that a short but brilliant career or piracy had laid the foundation of his great fortune. All tliat was certainly known was that the colonel turned up in California during the lit--: symptoms of the gold fever, and that his speculations in mining nml other op- erations had been attended with «olld success, Where ho was "raised" remain-

1 a mystery, for the colonel, although cry communicative on all subjects relat-

ing to his residence In California, main- tained n severe reticence as to hut happy boyhood and probably Htormy youth. Neither his appearance nor bis speech be- trayed his supposed nautical antecedent*, nor did hi- outliue betray the numerous angles that the American physlu,nc Is of- ten credited withal. He was a plump, ttroard-shouldered man, the said broad shoulders being nurmonntcd by a large bullet head, covered with a cloan-cut crop of stiff black hair. HIH face, with the ex- ception of the upper lip, was clean-shaven, and his general cxprcHHion was one of frank bonhomie. There were moments, however, when a singular expression flnsifed from his line dark eye, and on these rare occasions it was not illfllcult for persons of an Imaginative turn of mind to conjure up a scene In the summer sea of the Indian Archipelago with n Rt-utllcd ship slowly settling down In the dark blue water, aud a raklah-looklng craft almost hull down upon the horizon.

Colonel Co ollng rejoiced In a velvet cout aud a IOOHU necktie of sanguine hue, t ui t It was Impossible to enjoy his society for any length of time without observing Um immense diamond solitaire which adorned his large but well-anapcd hand. Thl* w*" uni inuicly a hirifi: diamond, but a brilliant such us Is rarely seen. It throws out flashes like a tlmc-llght, and blazed with almost Intolerable radiance. One splendid summer afternoon, as the Mongolia was doing Our treat to uiaxe short work of the Atlantic, the colonel caught mjreye flxed lu admiration on his magnificent Jewel, and munched at once Into the following story i

"I guess, nelgutwr, you nrc takin' ad- vantage or the line weather to kinder photograph my diamond. It's worth tho trouble, yes, air! Not only for the valley of the stone, but for the high old time I had In gettln' 1L You see I ain't a New Yorker, nnd never sot eyes mi the Empire City lill a few weeks ago, when I klm uround from Frisco to mnktfa European tower. In Califbrny wo air heavy on gold, thaVs a Awt, but we don't pan ont much on diamonds,though they are mighty useful goods when a citizen finds things pretty well pcttcrcd out in his old dig- ging and wants to vamoose the ranch, and mnke tracks for a new place. But no

___. had. I landed, and got well Used at i hi- New York Hotel, than, making a bee line for the oar, I found. all the folks run diamond mad. In most settlements I am acquainted with, the talk runs mostly on dollars, bat ln the big city I heard of nothing but diamonds. It seema that some old don married a pretty young gnt some little time ago, and that the show of jewels at lb.' diamond weddin' hail set everybody stark starin' mad on brilliants. Every boy was braggln' on hi.* diamonds, and some of Vin seemed to hold a fall hand. Wal, after my third cocktail, 1 lit a fresh cLgajr awl begou to feel that the diamond lever was kinder ketchln', and said I to myaeir, 'Nat Cooling, you never was a ono-horse1 person or a cnas as would take a back seat anywheres. If you air goln' to pan out on diamonds you must do It heavy.'

"Bcln" on such oncommon good terms with myself, I took another drink, and then fvli tulkin' diamonds with a very ele- gautly dressed gentleman^ who gave me a lot of points ou the subject. After a few more cocktails I told my new friend that I must get a diamond, bat that It must lie the biggest In New York. The gentleman wore a bundaome alone himself, which he said was as good as he could pay, for, but remarked that he thought he knew where to find an A I brilliant;. in fact, the ayewunnest stone In the world. I langh, ~ do, when I think how anxious I was to

EC It, and how much I felt Indebted to tlie young gentleman when he consented to mention my desire mr the hlggest diamond In New York to his friend. He told nic that he did not think his friend would sell. In fact, he was pretty sure ho wouldn't, hut that I might have a night of the stone, If I would breakfast with him at Delmoti- ico's at 12 o'clock next day.

"Tills looked all right; and tho next morning 1 was punctual to my appoint- ment, wus Introduced to my friend's friend—also nn elegant gentleman—and sat down to the very beat breakfast I hod ever seen. I didn't, however, eat much more than a thrce-year-ohl b'ar, my mind was so took up win. the diamond. Noth- lii'lltftt I had ever seen in the sparkling Way was a circumstance to it. Long be- fore we got to the coffee nml cigars, 1 made a resolution to have that diamond. But when I led up to the subject, i lie own- er said no money would Induce Mm to

Sart with a gem which bnd been given to Im by bis deceased mother on her death-

bed. I felt kinder streaked at this, and wondered why boys who never care what their parents say when livln' should pay so much attention to their wishes when dead. However the party broke up, and I Invited my new friends to dine with me on the morrow. But I hail diamond on the brain, could neither Bleep nor dtink, and actually loat a big pile of dollars at poker through trying for a straight (lush In diamond. At our next meeting I not- Iced that tho proprietor of the diamond looked discouraged about aomcthln', and told him what a bad time I had had at poker.

" 'Ah!' saltl he, 'I am the most unlucky man lu the world. Lost night I lost 910,- OOOat fliro, coppering the jack, lie wou nineteen times running, ami left me dead broke with nary a red In my pock-

the option of re-purabaalng It at the same price, u. Min' seven per cent. Interest for the time I had laid oat Of my money. I must own that I felt pretty murky over my bargain, and, prossjling myself great pleasure In New York and in Europe out of my big diamond,j|0t pretty high, and proposed a game ofwicnreto my com- panions, Just to white twiiy the time. I have played all sorts e/ games In my time in all sorts of eompajrj, mil that game of euchre was a caution,' It seemed square enough, eveu to mo, tut the cards cer- tainly ran agin me lu the uueereat way. So, after losing quite a pile, I thought It time to give over, and went to bed, think- In' that after ml, my diamond was some

of lUslotv County, lonneil I "

jy IH-UII. eountv In the slate, In be so; but where aim. be only a pardonable exhibition ol" local nreferuuM

This la wild 1

If I

next morning, i in to breakfast,

p. to feel myself

consolation. But my friends did not d as they promlBed, * wcakenln' on the b made tracks tor i town.

sham ■ It was, and nomUtake. may Imagine my feeltu's, not so much at Inshi' ten thousand dollars on the diamond and a heap at play at that, aa at the thought that I, Coot Nat, of San Joaquin, had been gobbled by a couple or New York dead-beats. I guess my language

William Cuflen Bryant example uf civic iiride ronccniiua-

twu of llniiliael's picture*. The custodian uf tlie nailery, pafaSHg lo the celcliraled nlc-

.'he illllllilcuLll.' • tin, e|.•",!.. e\rl:i -I, In German. "That Is the Urst picture In the world 1" And aubnequenllv, lu the presence of Uie ShUuio Madonna, he an greeted with the same exrlaian. Uon, ha Italian; and boUi wive right, as all tlie

' thl* i

rjy UTed In South CaroUtia. The morning ii rorresi HUH lent who

was pretty heavy when, just as I had " or my new over-

Lsstter from Uoorgta.

CARTKBSVll.l.K, llA., April is, IHT3.


cotton, or "lint" Thirty pound* of cotton seed make a bushel, anil there are thirty bushels, or nine hundred pound*, of *ced to Uie bale. It will lie seen that this bring* out the bale, at four hun-

IWi , ..i ■ ,,-,.,. n> Tin.- A ■anatnaaT.' ■ 'bed and fifty pound* of lint. Tlie coininerchil To THE hMTOK OF Tlla AHKBH AM ^ «- ,„„»?,„.,, po«nd». Here tlie I:, , , -I came up here from Atlanta last algU. „!„„,, ,,„i £ die hundred pounds,-»onie hale*

Thl* Is theahlrcluwnuf Itastim Cunlj, lon.icik lUducr, some heavier, but that is the average Uiev called Ca«* County, but recently rr-rliristenr.l. niiuul. The need I* boiled, with or wUli.nil meal,

■- by people here to be "Uie richort I nn.| make* excellent feed. Wlum ury frhwd,—hi* name Is—no matter wliat, took leave of me, nt Uie vUlnae, he riild be win

t their

■loos leave oi nie, m inc VIHIIKC, nc turn oe »n» powerful glad " he had niel me. Hell** travelled

. luch. In* been in Texas, proanecl'"- Bonth Carolina, ami po**e»*ea niaiiu.

learxtan* may "lie. 1 drove mil this ii'iorniuff live r alx mile*, to call on an old

waa hrlxlit cool and delightful; Uie road, Mime UaaM bad enough, now In excellent order, and tlie

'- The Ktowah, a ,bet<


1NSITHAXCK M.KNTH. r*. and iHster* In Keal Krtatn. G

■a-' IU*ui Mi*. I,


OI0e*>, MS Kisex Slreet. 1U--I-I. "■«•, IS Oak Street.

THE AMERICAN Steam iTintlng Office. U*0. B. HKRMII.I. A CaWajsM, rine Job

cussed all t&e Wool of. coat, an Idea knocked up agin my brain and struck ln at opce. I inquired where the greatest jeweler and diamond mer- chant ln the city kept, and after showing him my bogus gem, nml swearing him to secrecy, asked If he could And me a real diamond like it.

He told me he would do his level best to match It, and did so within three hours, charging me (12,000 for the stone. I then had It set in the ring ln the place of my bogus one, and, putting Colonel Bogus " my pocket, walked into the bar or my hotel. As I judged, there was more than two In the speculation I had suffered from. My friend aud his friend had cleared out, but I smelt powder when I heard tho talk run upon the number of sham diamonds worn, "Yes, sir," said one young blood, dressed up like a barber's block; "I guess them very big Btones is mostly bogus," casting at the same time a snaky look at my ring. But they wouldn't let me alone, and presently got up a bet among them- selves about their rlngtt, and pitched upon me as umpire, for, said one of'em, "Guess that strange gentleman as wears the Koh- i-noor ought to understand the subject."

"I own I felt very like drawing my six- shooter and cleaning out the crowd, but I kept my temper and said i "Gentlemen, I don't understand small potatoes. Them little bits o' things may or may not be genuine, but If yon want to brag ou dia- monds I guess I'll take the pool." At this they kinder sniggered, and asked to look at my ring. I let them look u long as they tlkcd, but kept the ring on my linger. At last one of thein »ald, "That stone must have come pretty high, I judge." "Yea, air," said I, "ten thousand dollars cash." At these words they sniggered agin. So I, putt in'on that I waa riled, rounded on 'em slutrp 11 don't know, gen- tlemen, what you see to laugh at." Then the gracefulent nnd politest cuss ln the party says, quite solemn-like, " I fear It's no laughin' matter tor jou, sir. I guess you air a stranger, and Ienspcctaome rascal In the city here has stuck you with an Imitation stone." At this I pretended to rile up, and swore that I bought the ring of a perfect gentleman, and had had U0 end or trouble lo buy U at all. The polite man tmnvued wpiiiM nacit at that, made some remark on gentility In general, and .wound up by offering to bet a thou- sand dollars that my diamond won ba**Mr to put up the money right away, and leave the matter to be decided by any Jeweler named by the proprietor or the hotel.

"Then I felt that I had struck a lode, and turning round sharply. Bays, "Lookee hero, sir, bets or a thousand dollars Is good enough for a small game, but when my word la questioned, and my property hi run down, I put my whole pile, and I will back my diamond with my bottom dollar." They kept their face* very well, but I could Bee their eyea glisten, and kuew that I had 'em safe. One said "he couldn't put up much Just then but he could find eight thousand In half an hour, and would stake It with pleasure agin mine." Then another struck in, and thought as "I didn't look aatlBned with such a little bet, be would back his friend's opinion for live thousand," and I still kept on sayln' I was not gain' to show my dia- mond except for a bet of twenty thousand dollars, they scraped up about eighteen among them. I covered the money, and handed It over, with tho ring and a writ. ten memorandum, to the proprietor. A lapidary was named, called ln, and decided at once that, the diamond was genuine. Quite a considerable scene took place, mil the swindlers insisted on calliu'ln another witness, and I nearly busted myself with laughin' when they named the very man I iKiught the stone of. When be saw the stone his face was a study; but he let on that he had seen It before, and said that It was perhaps "the finest diamond he had ever seen In a ring," bowed to the company, and walked nil'. To do my ras- cals Justlco, they showed grit, drank the hnmpagnc I treated them to, and walked

off coolly enough. But the best of the jolte Is to coine-

The story of my big bet somehow got around, and all aorta of Versions got Into the papers. I was Interviewed pretty heavily by reporters, and Colonel Nathan- iel J. Cooling, of Ban Joaouln, waa credit- ed with owning the biggest diamond ring in New York, wheu who should walk Into Die hotel but my original friend and Ids friend. The ensues evidently believed that by some unheard-of chance they had purchased a real Instead of a bogus dia- mond, and they were no douht raging In their Innards to talnk that they hadn't sold me in the llrst Instance, and had put the gang In the hole for «ld,000. But tin Btone waa now celebrated, and they began trytn' to work on aw to ht 'em have It

k for ten thousand dollars, as I had made sneh a good speculation In bets. The original proprietor said he was in fluids agin, and couldn't Bleep for thlnkln' of ids mother's ring. Or course he wanted it back to Bell at a big profit, and rcconp the gang a bit. I declined to sell, and kept him off and ou till I was ready to start, and told him 1 must wear the ring till I waa aboard ship, When, If he would pay down the money In gold, he could have hla ring agin. Yon guess what I did? No? Why the day before we sailed I had tlie real diamond set In the ring you see on my hand, and Colonel Bogus put back Into tho old setting. My friends came on board, paid the money In gold, stranger—nary shlnplajiters— examined the ring and the same old sham oue they sold me, and went off aa happy as coyotes round a dead mule. I Wonder how they like the deal now 1 Aa fir as I can figure It I take about eighteen thousand by the spec—two-thirds in diamond and the rest in gold. Oar glorious Qolden State is, I guess, the place to cut your eye-teeth In. and I Judge the dead-beats of New York will not soon forget Nat Cooling of Kan Joaquin."—Jill the Yrar Jtounil •* ■■*» a-


ly hrnken .... mnded hillock

.. -_nge of hill" with plcturc-wiue nml Hue defined the horizon to the went, and from the road which lie* just high enough above the valtcy to unfold Its beautle* like a damask pattern, an ever shifting *cene of varied and ex.|ul*lle Invell -i"** preaented Itself to (be eye. Ilrond Held* of

heat where one would wade more than knee r>ep In verdure, waved In the brl*k wind, It* rigid Unt heightened Ut an cine raid Wire bv

. ultra»t wlUi Uie warm, ocheruu* Unt* of the new ploughed Bull, umber, and bistre and ru.Mv brown of and moat delicately jtrailiuitcil hur.t, liiftiRcd with life nml emotion by Uie winy of run. light and c]niid.»hsilnw.

Here i* a partv at work planting cotton. Lei ns watch tbeni. lino luan w lUi a i-lughi undo hur nosed to a plow, turn* a deep furrow,

language rather nhove bin rln**; but he in one of the (knurr* •!' the new, free, reviving asajft. who have nlreadv given her n »urt on a higher plan of —oBperity toward* n lielter civilization.

J. C- noAWxv.

lijtlHKBVILLK, HX., April nth, 1873.

IHor .vie—On nccntuit of Ihe ronunodloti* ar- rangement or train* to which I have already re- ferred, dally trahui eanh way, 1 Dud uiyielf at liberty to leave thl* place for Atlanta, filly -three mile* dfiinnt, at Urns- o'clock thl* afternoon, id- taoiuh 1 waa delained lill after Uie train had uaaaed ye.terdav. I mention the** tafraqaeat train* JocAMly, but not dWparaghvgiy, aa they are

found ciiiiaTly In nnrOierh^eW lUftpatiire, In Mlnnc-.-ui, hi California and lu the awakening aaafk

Thl* village of (ininenvllle 1* the shire town of Hall Co., In Uie elevated, undulating region of northern Georgia. Concvrnlng the name of thl* eountv, I Imve lust learned an i lite run ting bit of local history. It wa* originally named Hull Co.,

apk... . Inches IM raid, at Interval* of aliolll three "net Another man follow* him, with a imticli ui>cr-plioiniluitu of llmu which he ipriiiklc* in

--irrow Aral on covering up the fertilizer. A third lime the plough pn**e* over Uie ground, opening a alight trace exactly over Uie original furrow, and a man fnl- lowe with a pencil of cotton nee.I, which he sprln- kle* in till* open furrow; and last of all come* a man wiUi a light harrow drawn bv a Mnglu mule, which cover* the need, and plnnllng I* flniihcd. rartfler On I aaw a boy planting with a machine which make* a furrow, open* a valve at interval* of about a foot, (but adjuntable at pleamire wlUliu certain limit*) And drop* a suitable number of ■eede, which *maU ploughshare* attaclicd to the Isvk part of Uie machine, cover up. No fertilizer Is used In thl* case.

The friend I am in *earch of prove* to be nn uncle of the gentleman I And, liearlng Uie Mine name, who live* a few mile* distant, but 1 am courteoii'ly received, and have a fine import unit y to observe litnntaUnn life under It* changed con. dltlon*. and conlnut it with rmpreolon* derived from similar oliaervaUon* fourteen year* ago, in I,oul«bui*. A boy twelve or fourteen years old, who lie* balking In the «nn under Uie broad piaz- za, jump* up at my approach, and goe* In lo nsk permission lo hunt up Uie gentleman I Inquire for. Taking him into my wagon, I drive half n mile or more along a farm lane, naat Uie old brick gin house, pant a long row or collage*, past Uie screw cotton preae and the new gin houir, until my ebony guide bids me halt near another group of cottage-, while he scamper* like a colt acro*s a wide field to where two gang* of men arc plough- ing with mules, and planting cotton. While he I* gone I approach the gate of a cottage yard, mid addre** an aged neare**- She 1* tall and .-(might ami very black, and an*wer* my ruKjiecifiil tnlu. tatlon wiUi eany, unaffected grace, and lu a low, musical voice, too low to ba articulate lu my dull

"Speak a llllle louder, minlie, pIca-e; 1 hear M> well a* you rnn."

With a pleasant siuUc, Imt wlUiout direct re. mark upon my i-roucl, .-he continue* In an audi- ble voice, and wild distinct enunciation:

"Are you a stranger hare, »lr, or wa* you raised alsnil rlrtt ]iart*r "

"«►, 1 lire in Massachusetts, near Hot-ton. very

" Key nnd Charleston ? " "Yea, a thousand rnllen lievond." " M v I what a way* I lloea you know my young

lari from him. Did inn come u Itli hitn lieiu rioutli(:arollna?"

" Ye*, I came wlUi my ole maasa, ntnnv vonrr wo. Ole massa's dead; young massa hub di dace now." "Who1- dls? " chimes In a mature bill u»' """

blv her daughter, who, attracU'd by our voice* come* onL spectacles on nose, and sewing lu hand, In take jutrt In the conversation.

Is dls some of massa's folks? " O, nol he'* a gem'man from Itos'on, mnre'n a

thousand miles finder off dun Charleston." "My! what a way*! Doe* you know my ole

massa's folks ? Young massa here, he marry my ing missis?"

rcUng, and ln

hut . i orlffiDBllr

i the trial anil disgrace ol licnrral Hull fur nder of ~ his mysterious surrender of I'oil Detroit, diir.

Ing Uie war of ISI2, Uie authorities changed the le to Hall County, hi honor of I.ymau Hall, — of the signers ol Uie 11,-ehu iitlou of Independ- ence. The old village, of Calnosville lie* three. iiunrters of a mile lo tho north uf the railroad, and I* hidden from view by a low Intervening ridge on which the new village, which may grow lo he a considerable town, i* lo be built. It 1* already dolled with neat and coin fort* hie houses, and more area-building. The Kk-hmoiid HOUM-, a new brick *Uiirturu conspicuously situated nl

from Uie station, kept by

i ■

lust the right distance Vaulkner ft Culm fr

,cl«a 'autkner ft Culp, from South Carolina, offer*

good, i lean bed linen, and conn hotel ontheAUnnta an.I Itiehiuond Air 1. hie 1 tali road, an important link in a direct line of railway from Washington through Itlcbuu.nd, (Jreensboro', Cliaiintce, Atlanta and Montgomery, to New Or lean* and Jackaou. It I* already hi operation tor a distance of seventy.Ove mile* north-east of At- lanta, I* progressing rapidly, nnd will lie opened throughout, It i* raid, in July. Men are now at work, In front of Uie In.U I where I write, upon n Howe Truia brlilge of one hundred and fifty feel •pan for a stream thirty mile* alsivo this point. Tlie tlmlicr is excellent, s.[iiarc-edged, sound and wcU-sensoned, and the framing Is carefully and thoroughly done. The road 1* well graded; Uie ties are large and placed at •mall Intervals, and the rails, of which laend von a section, weigh, as I reckon, llftv-l'.uir imimd* to the yard, and have fish joint*. When completed Oils must at once become a favorite route for all through travel between the north and New Orleans ami Texas.

o be

Ore mile* to the south-east forming an e»i*n»l uf Uie AUiens branch ol (he Georgia railroad; to be cirtiUnued bev.nul (ininc^villo to Kingston north.westerly, to connect wllh the railway from Atlanta to Kuoxvllle.

Till* and numerous other railway enterprises now '[ideilv but rapidly progressing, will S.HUI open up thl* magnificent country, ami attract end ITanta ofue ateel valuable character.

All Uiings conspire to make thl* part oftieorgla attract! ve lu the InhablUtiiU of temperate climate*. The latitude, about the thirty-fourth parallel, In- surers a mild winter and n genial summer, and the elevation, twelve to fourteen hundred feet above tin' sea, lecurcsa pure mountain alrundexemp. thin Irom nit the malarious Influences of Hie low- laud*. The winter Just closed wa* nevere, ami Ihe spring i* bite. Wnow fell repeatedly, some, times n* inueh n* three or four Inrhe* dejai; yet there wa* no severe frost, and calUe mpilrc.l but little shelter and but liule fi*tiler. A higher U'lu- Iierature titan nlnelv-Hve degree* I* almost uii- inown. nail even lliat I* rare, and the night* are

always cool enough to require a blanket. Now, Uw soil maple* glow with Uie burning pink

of Uielr voting leaves, and Uie oaks, birches and elm* are fringe.I wlUi tender green. Tiie soil Is evcrywliore rich ami strong, and not difficult to till; the graceful, raUier vigorous unditlallon* of UW surface give inlcrc-l to Uw laiidacane. and afTonl charming building «itcs and prrfrei drain- age, without imposing the weariness uf toilsome hillilbiibhig, or evincing ploughed Held* lo wasteful devastallmi M surface waler. Cotton 1* rslse.1 just hero only to a very' moderate extent, ■ it avow* luxuriantly wlUiln twenty mlh.s, at a

' Nn, I don't know Uiein. How ill You ha<

bale* of ginned cotton have been obtained, I am Wild, from alx acre* of laud. Three year* ago ™i,-.-- *.».. -r luiiiuu were raised in lid* coun- try. Uist year there frere snippen «.<«. ««,«. sand bale*, wortli two hundred and twenty-line thousand dollars, beside* Uie value id the seed, which will pay for Uie cult ivullon of Uie crop

all the clothe* and all Uie oilier ihlng*yoi 1 ichool* and churcheer " Oyee; anylnxty dat'a wlllln' to work

kit all day needs, and I 'suose nols.dy can Tlvln' wlUiout work, nowhere."

" How are you jiald? lly Uio month, day, or on snare*?"

eat, and

r Uy tho

O, on *hare*; an' den maasa pay* Ally cents a hundred for nicking."

" So you like UM way you work nniv, and tho way you live, lietler loan thu ohl way, as you Were when you came from South Carolina t "

" O, yes! 'nongh sight beUerl Now wcje* ha* nil Me can earn, an' .bit's 'nongh fur snjhoilv."

Wisdom, beyond which nn political economist Will ever go.

At la*t"ma**a" I* found; I introduce myself, and taking him Into my wagon, we drive hack to the mansion. A Wide iwoslory verandah *ur- round* on throe sides a comfortable brick house, a vaat roof brooding over all. Tlie approach is through a well trimmed avenue nt beech, orange and box, and the view* from Uie house are ihnrni-

oi .."LI'.JI, oi HID. Cartcroville, rive mile* distant, sixteen lo eight, een cent* per pound, ray eighty dollar* per bale, or eight thousand dollar* for hi* crop; and he plant* Oil* year one hundred aad Dftceii acres, whkh, If the *ca*ou proves favorable, will yield aa much. He ha* thirteen hundred acres, and raise* all hi* corn, wheat ami forage, and lets n good deal of land ou share*. When Um u-iuur furnUhe* teams, tool* and all the biburand sub ■Istencc, he ha* two-third* of the crop. When he furnishes only labor, and hi* master supplies " Uie real, he get* oue-Uiird.

Till* gentleman told me that on no account would he have Uie responsibility of carrvlng on hla fhrm on the old eondiUons. The present ar- rangement I* Incomparably belter for everybody.

"Why,"»ald lie, ,fl don't think I um capable or managing the hundred people on my place, an '

"m properly. Now, every one . ._ load on hi* shoulders; aad lake i

all together we know a grunt deal inure than . could know alone. I sometime* amuse luvscll wlUi calculation* of what I should rmiiilre ol Uils,

ilc if the) wen mini-

. an all get his )ii M|..i share."

liood politlcHl is-unomy agiiln! He is please nnd happy wllh his condition uud prospects, nil ■ay* lie sliall eonUnue to put all hi* |.roilt* iui Land.

Will, slxti thousand dollar*, I reckor I* worth rtftv to a hiuubed dollars an acre. 1 am willing to pay seventy.flve tliillar* for good

Who will aay that Uie |>eoplo of tlenrgla are poor)' Short iff money. Just now, some of them are, ao doubt; but money I* not wealth, -is only It* most convenient

lift* hi* bat to im- to lei me pass. on are welcome lo n sent In my wagon n*

Air aa onr rend* are Uie samo. Are you going lo the village;'"

Ha I*. and he mounts, with Uiauk*. I gues* biin lo lie ii hghl mulatto, tntl hi- pule, gui eyes give me doubts, which —

_, It a estimate at 11* Ju*l valuu such a do-

" irgin, aa a twine for future gen-

With llfty-ulgbt UiouHund *'piare mile* of terri- tory, em bra ceil between the thiitlcUi and thirty- flfth parallels of umlli hlilnde, cuuiprlslng broad alluvial river boUouis, vusi savannas but little above tho sett of which nl no recent geological period ttiev the IH'1, ami pii^ilanl wllh Uie fertilizing remains of BH Inhabitant* of sea, and marsh, nnd land; extensive rolling uplands aiul mountain* of surpassing Interest, not dcncictil In grandeur, an. I riihh stored i^illi I bo mom val- uable mineral*; tieorgia, »« strikingly fertile —

habitants. IniUwl, I do not doubt thai a future io mean* distant as nations count Ume, may twenty millions of contented, thriving, pro*.

iblo drive of six upon dent*

here whom 1 Uien met for Uie llrst tune, Col. Allen ]>. Candler, an Intelligent, educated and liberal

•nth-man, recently elected lo represent Ids ills. let hi Uie legislature or the state. Although a I'll ion man in opinion c.inl ■ i-n I nl

from llrst to last, he served In the confederate ly during thu war, and earned bis title In the if. Ho siiv» UM real IMUC of Uiu war wa*

state sovereignty, and Uiat, ho my*, wa* dis-lded adversely to tho view* almost universally lirld at the south. The decision is accepted frankly, and the const I to 11 on or our common country Is selUed on Uiat point. Waverv waa a aide issue, and lls seUlemunt waaofnwessity Involved In Unit of the

peroii* iNHiiile wlUiln her Isurdrrs. I enjoyed yesU'iday all ngiceaM


The liUBtness of paper lianglnir Is I'.i.-i assuniliift a lilgh (nysltlun ninou)r the arlK. l»tb in the proreaM »f maiiufacture of the material, anil in the execution generally known as hanging, or placing Uie paper upon wnlis. jim a few years ago a neat and attractive' pattern of paper placed up- on the parlor or Bitting room, with per- haps a simple running along the



Weekly ]sfewj?( Si^evitie^. SATURDAY

In a convention at Pltubnrg on Tliumlay, President Grant said: "Tbo peace nollev,

top and bottom, was satisfactory to every | whl(.h ,IM ^^ aimMi ,nd cotnieSwd, ftrletlr one; not ao now, for only the most elalio- provide* for Ihe stem pnniihmcnt of the Iti- .-,. i ,. , ,ii ,, ■ ~nn.«-i.(«« ,-iii. i„i i uians when circumatancea warrant it, bat the rate decorations, comprising richly laid inmKVT1[ ,rlhe. should not l>e vlrtted with pun- panels, with stately pilasters, profusely tabment on account of the teeaehcry of aonie ornamental cornices, and gilt moulding \ ff1!0"1" ^^ **T ,1,0Il!u ,h« P0™ P°'*cy.?n.-

moralily, social eeououiy ami material ilevclop- ineiil. Tho south was stripped of tivn-ihlrd* of its capital, lint the labor remains cheaper nnd not less valuable than ever before, anil Uiu caplml when replaced by Industry and frugal it v will not linvn lo he sunk in Ihe Sabriaa ls>g of slavery, but will Im free to rise hi the pi nimi of varied in- dusUiea. Ha ownesl many slave*, and now em. ploys many Ire is negroes; and lie would mil now accept all tlie negcie* In ticirgia a* a gill, on tho out term*. Is, then, the master's gain Uie slave's loss? lly no mean*. A fair Held i* open to Uiu energy and indm-Hv of the cmnuclpntcd negroes; the energetic, lotis and frugal gain all Uiey

-—'a, and Uiu Indolent. Minnies* and entrain rill also gain nil they .liserve. Nature, by

deserve, ami Uiu Indolent, ilnilllcs* aud CLU-ava- twlU also gain all they deserve. Nature, by kindly hut Inexorable law nl natural aelocUon

. it Uiu IIUCHI survive, nml Ihe world will bs the In ii. i, purer, bilier, liappicr, fur either ciiiisuiiinlioii, suceets or lallui Just.

"Now, thought I, is my opportunity; BO, after Hymjialhtzln' wllli hltn, I raked Up the diamond subject agin. Ho did not like tin- Ulna at all, ntil nit, nnd klekod and cavorted like a vicious muataugc, hut ut hut, rcnectln' that his debts of honor must be met, he caved in and parted with the diamond, after klsstn' It agin and agin, wlthtisars in hlseyes, for •lu.WW cash, ot uy promising that If ever I should want to part with the atone, I would give bint'

He kissed me, and I knew 'twas wrong, For IM waa neither kith nor kin.

Need one do penance very long, For each n.ihiv tUtl* alar

He pressed my ham!. Kow (bat's nol rigid Why will men have >neh Wicked ways 'f

II didn't take a minute, quilt, And yet II seemed Ilka day* and days.

There'a mlaehlef In the BSMKMB, 1 know, TOT I'm quite sure I aaw lair wink

When 1 re.pueste.1 hla* U> an. I meant it loo- at leaal I think.

ie, grey nnly sol veil at

night mmiiraUvr, contented, hniieiul and hamiv. cause bare from Chris lie Count v, Keulucky, "Just alter the lurreuihr," In liei."!. without a cent, wiUi nothing but hi* clothes, "and might) poor close. too, shrI ".and now he ha* twoauod mules, a good wagon fnr which ha paid a hufinfeU and twemy- llve dollars, and all the tool* lie needs, a house comfortably funiished, a lamllv, and evi'Tylldng he wants. He work* a "two mule farm." thai 1* tiny acres, and bcsldua hi* own labor mid that of hi* children aad some help from 10* nil I.. Iiii.s iwo hands the vear round.

■Ileitct'n UM old war, air? A heap Heller for everybody; belter for Uiu men, mm 'II.UIKII sight better lor Use wa*ter."

" All ixneeable?" "(», yes; there Is no trouble, nobody trouble* anybody else almut voUn', or about aiiyUdng. Kvarybody I* polite and ginsl uatiin-l, and all's .loin' well."

Ilc point* out to me a neat white cottage, which 1 had admired on my way oat. It ha* a good brick chimney at each end, outside, In the sen*ll.lo souUieni fashion, and a long, aide verandah in front, a door In Uie middle, nnd l» n w Indnw* each .hie of Uie door. It stands back more Uian a nun-

Rita . Jew. I*

Uie great wrong of hlnvcry I thai, by offering itravaganl bounty lor the rcprodui.Uotl of ne- ., Die wlilte man wn» lieavilv hiiiidiciippcd In

. ace of empire. 1'iider the eld sy*tem, a lie- gro child wa* said. In the classic language of Die slave traders, to lie worth a liim.lml dollars, "as

save a pretty grove "That," said my

; be built

t little In the ri_. i, "belong* to a I for it, and be o

three l"ls of forty acres each- There's colored people alsiat liere tint'* Wortli mo good sight of Uie while folks* wa«, and Uiey • fnow Uu

..J desert Is... . and gave me many IntcresUng imrUculars. The row* of cotton can be si-l as close together as thirty inches, on llghl, poor land, when Uie stalk grow* only to the flight of two and a half to three feet, without so much sxrlmllng Uie SUM a* to

aiiteoulil yell,"—and Uils wlUiout distiuc Uon of sex.

Imagine a bounty or one bundle) .lolbui a li.vnl tobeoffereil ctclu-lv.-h lor him k rolls. Could the while, Uie sorel and Uiu bay long hold their own? Now Uie Ihu. are open, Uie course i* free, while man and black man alike are unhindered In the raise, nnd uie be*t must win. Perhaps I am blinded by prejudice, of race and lineage I but I believe, a* I have long Imth Iwlleved and hoped, Uiat when tlie iiopulntion of our country, hi Uu- year of w*ml*n- u.-'i *imi! I--" dred inl twenuethi or Uie (aucasslauslm-k, ami II*' remaining illlccn mil lions, ntiritleil, sifleil and seliTte.1 by the Inimit- able elimination of the least worthy, will Is* in no great degree inferior lo Uielr fair ci-mimf riots.

IT, however, there bo any part id Uio country where Uwae condition* shall be reverstsl. It can only be because In siieli hart the black shell prove itself Uie liesl man, mid In such cu-e, uhoani I that I *limild ibiiv I lu-iii.-d success?

WlUi a war anecdote r. laled lo me by Col. Can- dler. 1 will close.

While In command «r a force nt or near Jlein- phi*, Col, ( BIKIICI i.-i ■ein.l liilortniillnn thai Uicrc wa* a Federal' onei nl al n fai mbume Jn tlie neigh- iMjrhoud, wlionilglit lie luigged. Taking six men, mounted on mules, as hoi < it lo In. ol tained, lie went oiilellv to (lie house designated. and surprised and enptured tien. Neai llow, who waa recovering limn u noiuul In the arm, ami took him, a prisoner on parole, to hi* quarters, which, by the wav, laid been used a* tboovllecol

newapaper, and bore it* Idle upon the front:

"Till! rUO oi' Ota L'KIOai." Col.Candler foumHicn. How a genial, agreeable

genUemeii, and inilud him to -haiu the olllcers' ioe*i. Ihiedayib. n\crsalionluruednntin-early avenla of tin1 war, und lien. IKiw *ahl: "I always iMlieved that ) mi bad n perfect right to *ccedu fi-oni the liil bai th" o.i:lake you made was In iba way you went about if- suppose you and I lunllieen In paitneiship Im .can, and bad pro* tiered and grown rich logether, and that one tliis morning voiiliad come into the office and taken iff your eonl, remarking I 'So-ainl-so, your soul lo MHM'jl "loUlliolln 11 ■ilM-llisbed Ins parable], ■] wou'l . Und Uils thing iy longer!' ami slooill knock me down

Um opening of Uie boll* near Uie er Und lliei must lie nut Uiree "

ilf feet, or even four feet apart, then on Ihe rich river lKittnm* ll Is often

On better nnd a halt K

gl«l el. II

nut, after alL I'm not tsbi lie snatched the Mas. I do think men

Are quite without all leaMs er sham.'. I wonder If bell con** again I

Frederick Held, son of Philip II. Held, one of the proprietor* of tlif r:a*t Hew York h Canar- ■le Railroad, was instantly killed, Saturday, by IWlng run over by can of tbe line.

_ nnd, put Uiree feet, three

n four feet apart, and even iKittoms ll Is often necessary

... go through with a plough ami break off the lower branches lo let In the sun. It) aiich loca- tions, USE hushes grow to the high! of iU or raven led, and Uie lower braiirlie* will laur man's weight, one loot .m a ill,nit In cacli

A* at a* sac hu sett* Is not ilkii., under existing climate*, to engage largely In the cultivation of cotton, I spare you further .Mail-', and will not by any means tell you all 1 know almut raising COll.l * "~~ '' " - ....I., n/ .. fu.. S....... '■ -- »

ill you make a note of a few fart*, how-

(or future reference. Three pound* of picked

any longer'. _.- id liegin lo lielalHii- me with your __. I proiiii-cl to lei ..." "ll null Ibi.-, but ba. in

by the bill ton In le. 1 must tell anoUier id ' " you I.) I

Ian liale.'a"private In n Mslne regimenVwaa taken urUoncr und t*8t to New Orleans. Ucinarkhig Ing, lu Ids distress. Unit be had an nnele In the vl clnlty, he addrcsscil him a letter, to whlrb lie re- ceived, In due course ul mall, a reply, covering several huiidicl .b.lhi>-ln (inifeit*rai> currency —and convevIng n severe reprimand for coming down here "i<> wage an imjiisl, unholy war upon no unoffending people, who only WBBMHI to lie let

The lad, In whom Ihe remittance would have bought many a mltlgatl. fare, promptly returned with an ondorntn ton thu leUcr; alms fniiii relssl*."

Out Uie reliel-nre ail dead,—none pudenda- thoae who, hi dying as rcWIs, live again as fellow citUcns ofa regenerated country.

rapn and bases, will answer for those who would be among tbe class of humani- ty known as fashionables, t'ntll quite recently tbe more elaborate, and high colored decorations and papers wore mainly produced in France, and nt great oxpensu. But now we have material produced ln this country, lu color, designs, effects and utility, tin! full equal of the gaudy French patterus.and at less than one half the cost.

The manufacture and printing of papers are generally jMsrformed at two generate establishments, butllierearc two or three firms 111 the country which both matintac- turu mid print their material. New York and riilladelpbin stand at Die head of the trade, while New Knglnud produces a large amount of the paper stock. Ono of the largest concerns In the country Is that of tlie 11..well Brothers in ridledclplila,

ipilriiig 11 capital of half a million dollars Lo carry on their immense cstabllrdiiucut. The lines! grade of xtamped gilt papers aud borders are manufactured l»y F. K. James and Fr. Beck & Co., of New York, and tbe great feature of modem paper hang- in,—decorations, cornices, etc.—arc ex- teualvcly made by Kobcrt Graves of New York. This feature requires designers of thu highest onler, and many of the effects produced nre worthy of high rank among win-],-; of art. In New Kngland the Arm of Ulgclow, Ilaydcn & Co., of Boston, re- present the trade, and carry on the bnsl-

■ss of printing quite extensively. During the post few years there has

been a complete revolution In the Ntyles f papers, and patterns] formerly suitable

for the parlor or drawing room arts now scarcely used. Formerly tho tendency was toward lightly tinted ]>npcr, bearing delicate tracery, or slight figures with wide Intervening HJIIICCH of blank tinted wall, but now lu lieu thereof wo find pre- seiiii.l papers brilliantly illuminated, lu Rtrong, high toned and almost Innumera- ble colors, with an evident attempt at the greatest contrast coiiBlstcnt with harmouy, bearing large and elegant designs of many orders. With such papers are used wide borders of similar i , yet with tbo Idea of contrail predominating, ranel work enters largely into modern stylo of paper banging, and we think this method of beautifying walls by I'nr the most effective. For ilt'n purpose arc used velvet jiapers, In finish almost equal to the fabric Itself,

many colors or ui.i.i. „r~ tuwd, coin- ]>ri»lng scarlet, turkey red, wine color, blue, black, brown, gray, etc. French jiancls nrc at prencut the recognized mode for parlors and drawing rooms, formed of the velvet paper.*, surrounded with gilt mouldings, assuming shapes at will, such as ovals, squares,etc. l'lalu tluts arc also much In vogue, laid in jmncls, with pil.c- ten,ami rich and houvy decorations nt top and bottom, and capprd with a gilt mold- ing. This Ntylu Is considered highly apjiroprlatc for silting rooms and libra- ries. The more gundy nnd high toned stamped [flit pajiers, plaluly laid, with henvy Mosaic, Oriental or Grecian borders at cup aud basu are quite fashionable for dining rooms. In kltchcna and chandlers the more subdued nnd plainer jinjiers aro

with simple borders. Of late It has become very pojmlar to pnlut kitchen and chamber walls, using uu appropriate paper border or slight decoration. This mothod proves very acceptable to tho housekeeper, who can by tho ajipllcallou ni' II dump clolli, constantly keep the walls looking clean and bright.

1'erbupH tbe greatest latitude lu taste Is allowed in the selection of pajiers for balls, and Mnlrways. In spacious balls nothing looks better than jilaln tints, bourlug vlgncttc-Htatnnry,—now almoat eqnal to oil paintings,—with cap mid buse In bright colors. The nlyle more In use, however, is to lay the walls with pnpers bearing slight figures or traceries, of noutral tints, nnd strongly contrasting by the use of very wide uud high colored borders and decorations. As Instes diner, so does the tipiiearanee of halts, though high colors arc generally discarded in the ground or main work. It is not uimiusl to tint walls aud use borders nnd decorullons In this portion of the house. The most Innovation, especially In halls, Is to place a very wide border along the base, and one similar but much narrower, along the top of the wall. Inselecllng jiajiers and decorations for the various rooms house, can- should lie used In liamioui/.liig colors ami effeelH wllh carpets, furniture and draperies, which in lurii should liar-

onltc with each other. The elegance and excellence iitttiiiifd In

the jiriMtuelion of paper has inside It a mut- ter of necessity fur tho employment of killed labor, and noV It requires tlie gen-

Ins or nil arllst to lay papers, bottlers, dec- orullons ami mouldings, which an- pre- sented. Tlie walls should be perfectly siiioolb before any jiapcrs are laid there- on, and It Is oftui found necessary to cov- er them With an Inferior quality »f jiujicr before laying the jiaper selected for orna- mentation of the room.

Mr. K. A. rlik, the well-known denier In paper hangings nnd decorations, Is thomughly convcrsunt with lls business, und when work Is Ion to his discretion, produces elfccls which jirovc not only that the gei 11 let i in ii possesses excellent tnsle, and has an artistic eye; but, what Is of more value to his patrons, he dlsjilay; pleasurable Interest In his work. Ho is thoroughly alive to the Increasing promi- nence attending Ihe nrt, and keeji stock In full pace With its prognss. At his warehouse vilil he found a stock or sonic lu.fHMi roils of paper, comprising nearly two hundred iiuttenw of gilt pupcrs, as many of satins, and more than four hundred deslgus of Ilia more common grades of papers He also displays two hundred varieties of border* and decora- tion*, and Im* excellent fhelllllcs for dis- playing this Hue of good*, and making up design* for customers. With Ibis esiiib- ii-In,; ■■ni I* Mr. \V. T. Sitillh. Jr., who ha* won a flue reputation n» a decorative pa- per hanger; specimens or his work maybe seen In timny of Ihe best buildings of Ihe clly, among which an the Public Library

tire be pronounced again*t lor failure. In thin single In*lance." /

A man named Keller, belonging in Calais, Me., a tub contractor on the Nashua and stocli-

caling to death "—II the ei

Wednesday night at Portland, _... of fa*, which ha blew ont on

_ Be wa* fouad ta Ihe aurata* ■nron- aclous, and a pbyafcian waa called: Heis, how- over, recovering.

Tins railway lietween Barcelona and Farra- goaa has Iwcn cut by tho CarJUta, and travel lietween those cltle* ha* been temporarily im- pended. The Carlists have aelied the authori- ties of 'I'nnnriie In Hucxca, and announced their intention of holding Hum until a sum of money which l» demanded of the town ha* I icon paid.

The Rev. J. 0. Aucr, D. D., who at the la*t session of die Kpl*copal convention waa elected bishop of Africa, waa consecrated Jn Oeorgc- loun, 1). ('., Thumlitr. Ha I* the vouna-rsi bishop in the church. The presiding htshop the lit. Itev. 1). B. suiiih, bishop of Kentucky, of- ficiated a* i oiisecrator.

The official InvcatlgaLkHi Into the cauae of the Atlantic disaster, liaa resulted In tbe censure of Captain Williams, with the reeoBunendaudti that til* certificate lie impended two years, and the ccrtlilcate of the. tourth ocaocr for three monlhi.

N. lti.itic, our mlnlater at Nicaragua, 1* in Waihington. Bo dues not credit the report that the city of 8an Salvador baa lieen entirely destroyed, us it was impoailblo for tlie new* to have been received in the manner Indicated.

About 700 Crispin* aro on a itrtke In Cincin- nati, leaving ulne Shoe manufacturer* without workmen. Tbo Crispin* allege that tbe itrike

for higher wugc* but for recognition a* an order by their employe*.

William nohon, n young man lately released from Ihe Mid die ton, Conn., Iniane lioauful, stepped dclllierately in front of a train at Wind- sor, hut Friday, and waa run over and killed, lill body bcln ft horribly mutilated.

A c.iiiuterifit fifty cent note liaa been discov- ered In Baltimore, In which tho patent fibre pa- per is imitated by printing a representation of tbo fibre on the surface of tb6 note.

The programme for the celebration of Shake"- peare's birthday at fltratfbnl-on-Avon la 7111I1 lliheil. Thcro will lie a jvuecaafon, oration, rending* from plays, &c.

.oung man of Brooklyn, N. Y., la reported to have committed suicide on account of being

Ictluibcd by an employment iwlndle in Bos- ton.

President Oraiiti* to visit New Haven uu tho I lib and liiii of May, and will bo the guest of the city.

Commliaioner Meacham I* recovering. The wife of Henri Bochefort la dend. The Apaches arc inlng for peace. (icn. Sheridan U In Texa*. Baron Lloblg died Frldny. 1 iii-.1 -till foment*. The Pope !■ better. Ould 1181-4.

MONDAY. lliilim King, late poMinasicr at (Silver City,

Idaho, waa arreshil at Ogdeti, Friday, charged with emhcxillng live or six thmiaand dollan>, nnd forging money order* on the Pott Office there, lie had In hi* pounuiloii a large namber of money orders addressed to office* lu the east, which he Intended to set cashed under a*»uinr.l

F. A. Hunt, of Brooklyn, ha* sued the New York, New Haven, and Hart ford I tail road Com- pany, for 910,000 damage* for pulling him off a train and Into thu atatton houae. He had a through ticket from 1'rovkdoace to New York, uud stopping over one train at Bridgeport, tlie conductor'* check wai refused by tbe conductor uf the following Iraln.

A Loudon iii,.[uit. Ii HIv.>, the Times ha* no icnr, for Uie safety of air Samuel Baker. He U not the sort of man to lie easily killed either by negroes or Turk*. He has had too wide an ex- perience of each race to relax for a moment hi* vigilance, or to permit himself lo be taken by inrprUo.

Governor Urovcr, of Oregon, aay* thai the feeling in that state I* of Intense thirst for iwlft retribution upon ihe Modocs. There U not a hoitllo Modoc who I* not guilty of murder un- provoked.

The report* concerning the destruction of Ran BnlTndor by an earthquake, nrc more than con- firmed.

C. C. Rhcafe, formerly a Boston broker, com- muted suicide In New York, on Friday night.

Commodore WaUon [died at San Francisco, Friday, In a Ot of apoplexy. ,

There wen death! it) Boston but week, and Jn New York KID.

Tho work of exterminating the MviWs jiro- i. ids with vigor.

Simmer's physician thinks he can be restored to perfect health.

Buiall-pox claimed only two victim* In Bos- ton last week.

OeUyiimrg, I'a., haa a religion* revival Of magnitude.

llyaelnthe contemplate* another vlilt to Amer- ica,

Wormoulh, of l*iutiiuna, I* practulng law. Bruniwtck, Me., baa a temperance revival. The Ooodrlch murder la Hill a myitcry. Asiatic cholera In Vienna. It la laid Uie Pope la dead. Montreul i* flooded. I;, -111 ;i 1 ]. to III.

Oold 117j. TUESDAY.

KOIHTI J. Heath, of Gorluun, N. 11., engineer UJ.UII the Unind Trunk ltallroad, wa* aeverely lnirned in the face and hand* on Kolurday, by 1 lie breaking of the gins* gauge upon hi* engine, near West Paris. It is BMW it may ennie tlie IO*K of one eye. Tho Injury was by the iteani from the broken gauge.

The rciiifvlvimla Sujirctne Court ha* decided lu n minder cn*c, that tlie dying declaration of the wife of the murdered nian slum].! not have beeil ndmlltid, a* KM adiidssU.ii of a dying dec- laration IK confined lo the person ulm I* the victim.

In Part* a noted duellist challenged a young man, who informed hi* mother, and «he went lo rcrnon*!rate with the diielllit. Finding him', she snatched a pistol, with which be wa* jiraeiislntr, from Id* Jimid, and ihot I1I111 dead.

In fit. Mary'* Catholic Church, Sunday, the Itev. Mr. 1 taken, a Methodist minister, waa ad- mitted to fellowship, Mr. Poken wa* recently aligned by the M. III-HIW Conference 10 a pas- toral charge In Amlsjy, which he now declines.

Two htdici In Auburn, Me., slate thatTliurs- iv noon thev aaw a woman aro out u|iou the

..v.T li-c, ami Uimw henelf into Uie river. A search waa at once entered up but no Iracc llftllC III', tell. II . ■■Hi. i,|i' Il.l>. lull tliM'oVllt.l

J. Stark Hanborn, n man In middle life, and a resident nf Danville, N. II,, committed anlcide by drowning on Saturday afternoon. Ha at- tempted hi cuinniK suicide a week prcvloui by throwing'- liii 11.. a well.

The Ilallmnd Commla* loners of Rhode Island have ordered an in veil I gallon relauve to the railroiid disaster, ni Klehmond Hwlleh, Wednes- day next, at 10 o'clock, at thu railroad station in thl* dty.

c'ruiitls Munihy, tho well-known Temperance Ui former, of Maine, addreaacd a mceUng ut Portsinouth, K. 11., on Sunday evening, with -mil effect lliat a large mini tier ot jasr*oni look thu pledge.

The funeral of Ihe late Baron Lleblg took place In Mitiih h, Buv., on Sunday, and was al- ien led bv a large nuiniier of distinguished aer- ...11 s. iii. iLllmr Itev. Or. Dolllnger.

In Alliiiuv Saturday night,n man while intox- icated, aonie slxtv year* old, attempted lo crawl under a freight train, when It started, and he wa* cut completely in two.

Charlei Adnini, a shoemaker of Phllllji*, lie., commuted Kuicide by hanging, on Sunday mom - Ing. The deceased wai a married man, aged about forty-eight year*.

Another Yellowstone oxldlilllon Is to I*. Imme,I for the purimse uf continuing the Inter i -1 in:; oliscrvalloni began by Prof, Haydeii.

Ihe British Government haa ap|*ilnted a com - mission to liuiniie into the alleged unieaworliii- neii of Brltiih registered ship*.

Uiu epixootlc I* dlsarnaearing from Arlr.omi. Boss Tweed (flat Sunday in Boston. Tbe CarllK* arc anlmlding. Cuba Ii inlet.






Weekly Jsfewyv fii'cvilic^. W E D N ESDAY.

The ii.■MI ■ In Frankfurt on Monday m caused by oil advance in tlic price of beer! Tlie disorderly demonstration lasted until midnight, nnil the tr>«<|ii were pelted with none* several times during llio evening. Sixteen breweries were wrecked liy tin- rioters, uinl there wan much plundering. During the eonllict* VI per. son* Wejo killed Uilil 41* wounded; l'JU ul' the rioicrs were arrc*tcd.

Mario Tagilon!, tbe celebrated o|.cra dancer, totted. She was >*>ru in Stockholm in |'-n, attained great celebrity at* mi iqwra dancer, und perforated with lirilliant SUCCCK* in the principal cities ur Kurope. In ISM she married Count Uilhertiie Vai.ins, a wealthy Knnch nobleman. In 1RI7 she retired from the stage. Inning iiDUUacd A large Fortune.

Chester V. Mam ton of (Irent Full*, N..II., ll missing, Mid u liii wheelbarrow WM found in Hie river, and hit bvnteni on the luink, it is sup- posed he tell Into the river und was drowned while 'I I'iri.; ashes over a tank, whieh I* in' i||ilii|nri.; I

oct high. n feet Australia will ask the Imperial (lovernniciit

U» give ilJO.OOO yearly to a California mail line, nnd uk> It* assistance in establishing a trntn- I'aiiflc mail, with permission to make u treaty with the United State* for such service.

Uinl with another v ig man, was killed by Un accidental discharge ol* hi* nun, the charge en- tering hi* abdomen.

It i- probable that the reduction In Atlantic Caldo tariir*. which it was announced some time

ll go into eireet the lit of Mac. » e plac .

!"■ mails instead. William llrown of Chicago heeamr enraged

nt Jeuv Join-, visiting hie sick wife, Monday night, and murdered the latter, licatlnu him ter- ribly on the head will, un iron skllict; he was •mHH,

The ntindior of per son i nut of employment In Philadelphia is nppnlllng. One Insertion of a little advertisement for a clerk in a railroad i-I'- ll ee brought !Hi uppllrant* In a single- day.

'I hi' IT m oi ii who wan hurled inn California cemetery ten years ago, were recent- ly Inund to have Income petrified, weighing lie- tween 100 and 600 pound*.

A serious boiler explosion occurred Tuesday nflerniMin, on (fraud Junction wharf, Kiwt ltoi- ton, by wlileli *lx men were injured, one i wlitmi will prnUihly die.

Ttio Michigan Kenntc has puoad n IMQlQtlo petitioning Congress fur the early completion o, the Niagara ship etvnal, uinl ihe ciilnrcciiicn! <tf the i. iI ■ canid.

A coroner*'* jury in Kentucky found a man pllty of murder and sentenced him to Jail I'nr life. Tlir condemned man now proposes lo have a trial.

The only difficulty found tint* fur In the W» of exterminating the Modoc*. u the fuel Unit Hi'' MndocH eau't he found,

It Is estimated tliat '*fiflUi per-, n . hnve signed the pledge, in Maine during the prcvnloncc of the 11retenl reform niovcincnt.

Street travel In Ann Francisco I* seriously In- terfered with by the enlzootlc, wldch iimienm to beaptotemf.

Iteiircscntatlvc Jnmcx llrooks, one of the rrintnreil ConRrecsnien, i* In a crllical eondl- tlon.

William Jordan of Weiwler, Me., seveuly Jean old, handed himself on Tuesday moni-

B» Stnkcs' friends are makia : n desnerate Ihrlit

for hint In the .Supreme Court. (Jen. liittliTniiminiices lilinsell us a Rulierna-

torlul eandldale.

i' late storm- in N>

riiiclnnutl gna men are on a strike. Secretary Delano won't mfgn. An Indian Mr is apprehended. Train Is more Insane than ever. President (Irani is in St. Uiula. A drouth prevails in Calm. Uencbom is out of danger. DMT did It nt Frank 1,.it. OoM117|.


The 1'rovldetice Journal re]>orls the Marvin '"I at Ni-w|mrf, H. I.. I.y ii

Yet these gentlemen f"TltK AMKBiCUrj WbOOflgllieawd through llic repulraon the City Hall, estimated to cost 810,1)00 and 'outing 920,000 when completed, nnd who

can, In one. year, do eU,SH7.l'o worth of trnirij printing t>e*Ldu I400.7S dune by

other purlieu, uptime to control the city by dictating to a portion of the City

Council wlml they must do.—Wmffa /.

ttU as modi There Is Miclt nu lutl-

tnsta comiecUon heUvtcn Hie hill of the

AM»:itIVAN* for printing In 1H72, the City

Hull ■iteratlonn oftbOHmeyetur, and the action of the Coiouion Council In relation

to the Ward Four frauds In lM;t! To In

sure there was nobody connected vvltl

thi.s offlcc in the City (iovcmniciit last

year, and wo I earn now, lor the first lime,

thill we in any way "engineered" tlic im- provements; but as the .Sentinel nays so

of course It's true, and wc trusl the public

whenever llicy enter nnil enjoy the due

hull, Will generously remember lo.whose

skill 111 '■engineering" they are indebted

for the tasteful Improvement*; but Is It

not a llltie rough to so rtavau^ly attack

the extravagance of that eininetitly straight

Democrat, Alderman Charles T. Kmerson,

by whom the nltcmlions were,—until the

Sentinel's revelations,—supposed to have

been carried out. Our neighbor should

be a trillr more careful about swinging Its

910,000 extravagant cnilgcls.

TIIKIIK id A Snwnuif grim nml dire,

Itauutlng our neighbor of the Hentlnel, In-

truding Us unwelcome presence to disturb

bis peace of mind by day, nnd with horrid

visions and fearful nlghlinnrcn breaking

the serenity of his slumbers by night]

week ptUUCfl without the terrible visi-

tation of Us dread presence, so sadly

clouding the sunshine of bis life that the

poor brain becomes confused, and Us pit-

iful Victim pours fbAn a wall of cntrlghl-

cd horror. Singularly, this terrible up-

parllioii prcscnls Itself to our neighbor lit

the image of the AMI.IIK.W, nnd Hie many

shapes and awful forms it assumes In bis

mind, reveal the marvellous Imaginings of

n diseased brain and morbid tasle. It

mutton not what happens In the commu-

nity uncongenial to our neighbor's Incli-

nations, the AMKHHMX IS accused of the

responsibility thereof, ami from week to

week this Is the burden of Its comment

on city ntfalrs, Us be-all and end-all of ex-

planation ami condemnation, — " TIIK

AMBIUCAK" did it! Wo should bo nat-

tered by this high estimate, but that the

mania lias so clearly become a disease

anil so little sense Is manifested In Us do

velopment, that the revelations of our

neighbor concerning the gaunt spectre are

only laughed al by Us renders, ltul ll Is

really pitiful .that a once ipilet and pc

fill citizen, should lie reduced to such n

condition of tormenting troubles am)

ghostly visitants!

[<o<Sa.l Sffkifil. UKVOI I no* in Corn* SeiNsiNo.—It may

not !*: known to muiiy outtlde of the mil!- that one of the £rcntett | raving invention* of the age haa been patented by a gentleman con- nected with the Atlantic Cotton Mills of thin liy. Heretofore It UM required nearly one-half

■of all the |Hiwer consumed, In maun lac luring cotton goods, to drive the uuiehinei Unit make the warp yarn. Thai b to nay, it Uku* nearly U much (tower to drive the warp spinning a* it diH.s lo drive the Disking, curding, nude or tilling spinning dressing and weaving. The old spindle :

used in making warn yarn weighed from four- teen to twenty ounce*, and nn,ulre.l from *lx to nine -foot lbs." ot power to drive them.

The combination of 1>obl,lii and iplndle innde by .Mr. Oliver Peart ban reduced this great weight to alstut lour ounren, requiring lei's than four lbs |«r Fpindlefto drive them, thereby sav- ing nt least sixty per cent, of power, or a little more than one quarter of the whole amount re- quired to drive the mill. And all ibis has been KcompllBticd wiihuut any extra expsnee in building the maehinc, and with less expense the manufacturer In running and in keeping it la repair, and with very mfteh bra trouble to the o|wrator.

Hut the vuiuc of thin Improvement is *ccn, not only in the mnall amount of power reiuilrcd to drive it, hut It will prod lire from ten to twenty |ier cent, more yarn. Add to this tlic advon- tage that it has over the old In power, nnd you have an improvement of so much value that no manufacturer < an nu*ord to do without it. And wc are not surprised to learn that nearly nil the mills hen', nnd many in other place* have adopt- ed It, nod arc now putting them in.

TIIK Km li.-i-, eiiinid) lie made for 0i nu le^s than R

wnMuuilay u wltae*nbiK tin


lift; r iii.ii-.<i!. jurtkh's for Ul worn bva youn)t da mm I di ii.n-l objecliouahle fenlno 0

wing, nitilriently bi

\ t —A fair '■"« ii'-l"anIfiii "To whuni ran au ai>j>eal

in iitor reiluetion of what I* iiuii-nnee? At th* otly hall

the auUcip.iLe<l |>HMN Of iiar repreM'iintlion of a flue I,uiy gealroyed by, called hats, rily In front, the II being a tV.ii.hiT, id t» olMtrm

only avuilahle view of Urn *Uae. if ladle* rhooai to wear such head Rear, ongtit they not to be obliged lo remove the same wlun in surh public pl.nif, hi the vr ay gen tie i a en do! Tbegreat wnnt la our . liy Is a ludl htr pubiieeiiU'iUiiiiiuenU, witli au tneliiiLil floor, (the only oouveniener wanting hi our IIUW bcaiiUul city luili), and until Ikerata MII h a building, pataenal and Hiutuul eoiuforl ■hool'l outweigh freak* of Athlon. Unit we auiiit n linage liy force of nioinl'suasion, or ap- p««l to bin honor, the Mayor, nnd the IIIHI)-over which hepreaMeaf

IIAOOU MITCHISLL appeared U'fore the larg. e*t audience » hleh ha* been present at any sine liar entertainment,—In fact, any entertainment nl wlileli an adniistion fee hns Iwcn charged,— during the ]ia*t auaton. At least twelve hun- dred |«-rsoii* were present, and the lil-eral np- plause Itestowcd ajmn the fair arti*te and her associates proved a generous appreciation of their excellent cllotu. Maggie appeared aa Amry, the Littlo Barefoot, and most happily did aho iu»lntn that dffflcult character. She wa* well *upportcd In the entire cant. Mr. Hhcwcll luu apiM-ored lieforc a Lawrence ami I- encc liefore, but never wljh better effect. Mr. William Haul- sustained the character of Far- mer Pence's son finely, and as Jemmy Mr. K. A. Hhorle wa* excellent, as was, ulso, Ml** Stanley in tlic character of Ko*c.

How the - nra Housed In Law-

ml i lent. il In a

The child


.1, i

In Unit Interesting State dneumcnt, llio ports of Hie Hoard of Health, I', aiming other vn I mil tie articles upon the Sanllary coiidllloiiK of the vnriou* sections id the common wealth, a report from Dr. F. YV. Draper, upon the char acurof I he home* or the poorer classes In tlic principal cities and large towns of the State. We append In full this report I own city, concerning Which, Upon the whole, be comments with very general emmmmint Ion Ho says :—

l.AWiicscr. This city Is lortuiinte in the possession of un

usual niitiirnl advantages of sllualloii ami Mid ■o promote the aanltary wellbolng of its Inhntil

l.icli Us

do mechanic, the

it int Mrvii have also h, r. Thofktbcrbi iwner of proper)

.ii i'

pttOOO. matler Is to bo judicially investigated.

A new horse di*en*e has made Its appeamnee in Uiitfalo. The veteriiinrv Mir>;eoiis]irouoiiuee It a result of ihe epIxiMilie of last fall. It lit- tueks the animal's hoofs, and causes the llesh to swell and bursi, tearing large hole*, ami mak- ing i mm.;! ■ sores. In extreme enao* the ani- mals lose their hoots etilirelv, amt lin\e lo he killed.

A Calcutta dispatch states that the netfoU.i- lion* of Sir Itaitfe f'rere, the -ii|.pre.sion of the slave trade on the African i-nnst ami Kn.-t- eni gulf have hern attended with sueeess. The Sultan of Mus.-nt and ehlel's of the Arab trlUs Isndering on the gulf have signed an aiitl.«iavu- ry treaty.

■ A letter from Keikiavlk says, the recent vol- canic eruptions in Iceland continued itlilmut conation Tor live days and nights, nuordiugn splendid spectacle, and doing but little dniuage. For uiaiiv hours a pillar of llame, iippnrenllv a mile in circumference, shot towards the heavens.

A Central avenue, girl In Troy, N. v., lias sued a well-known lager heer saloon keener for breach of promise, ehiiuiing #UKHI.2.j. The JHOmils for breaking ot her hcaii, ami the twen- ty live cents for satisfaction.

Iloraee I'. Clark, president of the Iitiou I'ii- cilis ltailroa.1, neeording lo au interviewer, say* Hie nuiditioii of the Unanees of the mud lias made a noewfary ohrogniion of the free paa* system.

The Snllnhury, lid., AdveilUer says, that Ihe prospects for an aiiiindatit crop of ■.iraiihcrries Is exeelteul. and that the peach crop thus for I- ■ale, and t<i,|i fair lo he the largest i,.r many years.

The news from Hie lava hod* la of a confused character. There Is uncertainly or rapt. Jack'l w In-real suits, bat every effort Is being innde he Hie trocHia to ascertain where the MudocM are.

Mark Doutbhy, roaldlng at Bdgeworlh, a suburb of Maiden, shot his wile through the heart on Tuoday morning In a drunken livn/.y.

The prospect* Of Stoke* arc gloomy. The Su- preme Court ha* decided adversilv upon Iti, cue, anil he will doubtless Is- hanged.

The I.iu -r report* from the Modoc war are, Hint (leu. (illleui bus ihe savage* eaifed. and «ill eMeiniimite llieiu speedily.

The printers of the country pre-, of Sorih Ahdsiuia have resolveil not to work lot any paper using patent outkldrs.

Alonao Uurke, while lntox|e*ttet1, fill henrath the railroad cms at Milton Mills, on Tu.-liv night, nod was beheaded.

Twenty-one thousand three hundred pasM-ii- gers are m.w booked toc|-oss to Duropi-lhls suni-

A party nf lour men were robU-d and mi rod by Indian*, In Kansas, on tin- 11 ln*t, Tlic workfna men nf New York are fomili

uforeement league. •Treated on a eh urge of f.dse

un eight In Ilergb In

linprif dug « Sclmuebin i mil

Ibus drli convened lo (he

I the;

awin (lowing Merriina. s which join that strcn s, niloid idiiimhint and ti for deeper drainage am

■ilr.i I the

undoubtedly tbeae natural advanlai served greatly lo glre Lawrence lls hi In the list of ihe healthy places; its mortality ratio in 1H70 Wing I.J2, In cantraat with 8,43 for

t.lge- have higli place

Ii la greatly to the credit of Lawrence that lit nt houses exist Within Its liui- sureoii saiiiliiiv ground*. 'Ihe

n> regards tilth, i-i-—i.l-..~ iml orererow ting, wire not observed bv rhe vrlter nt then tie id his inspection, nnd in iirn-

■MMdoiMN H„r, went fetter nf the H.rti-i t- //.c; •BIUNM oad n ii pi-rtnininii In Ihr iherlliiUji it/'

Hat it could hardly lie thought that I.iw- rence would « ii ncntate In Ihoao nialters, with It* large In re by ii- iv ■11 known mauutacturiiig ItidtiH-


Here, as el.-euhere, gnisping liiudlords who do not scmpleio lei iiniiilinhitiihlc

ises.and win. care liitle iiUiut the welfare in fort of their tenant*, provided the rent is

Here, also, are sonic tenants whose ml il tendencies nppear to he loviard the llllln

which !«■ v la i

It is fortunate Unit ii they may lie, whet inunieipLiI superviflo ample, keep ftllhln I lilnilS tile evils to ul cities lire subjected.

At L'I and -''■ Coiimion itrct

I'aution to the i ttliatc

hli ihe

al prosperity, Influence of o

■ liy salislachiry "sir in the large

house n fo . object!

cat nt die ilirco contiiineil nil ■ wo roonil each. Its rear wall ft the rear wall of the building no that tin

pied I. II*

live p

abu 'laal i- itimat.'-.

lie Indet

n llie ends of ihe other two houses a was Hie privy for the tenants of thru

irowded.i iers. It wns located dose toll window* on either side,uilba view to ecom Iliy Of space, Mill With lillle altetitloli to otln Important Interests. Its Interior waa an aU.m

At!' Ijiwn •el, oiler l.|,„

itlil- un- .tll'lll cellar to shell was shared tier iuari adult jtraiidaou the** three pcrw

Al No.:i7JCo InclmJhut fin a


The i-Uy nf Mexico lias now pyrt the cpixofith'. Jefferson, Iml., has a female lire-ling. The Turkish Sultan luu brain ilfxem e. Four inches of MOW at In Ii in i,> ii llostoii has .'t7'i isilii'emeii. Vermont ha* 100,000 cow*. Sir Samuel linker is safe. Tbiers will visit London. Hold 1174-

F 11 I I) A Y.

The New York Tribune, commenting on the enterprise of lloslon in e eel ion c, ill, l„ , rail MHIIN, Ml}*: "KvelMlthig Is l.neh in N, n V. ll. on p„p,r. Miannliile llos is bud. ,., ■tone i,ii,tiro... 1 lie leeches of |hc pa i. >t.,r. nml national, prey ui-on our minincrce have not yet atlaiii«d tbemsebe-: to hen. She I* l" Iml miles nearer to Kilmiv tl We arc, and when comn.circ come., she is ready.

The convention of Congrcgali tlUlanf the Nortwesl, coniiiided ils session at Cliieugo, on Wednesday nighl. A recobition expressing a desire Hint the director,- of the Western Kduea- lion Buciety decline to,ml into the mhibiiv anv young man WIIOUMS ndiuceo or opl ,'or i'» caiiiceted with any loeml, oaib-Uiuud society, was adoptod.

Idiliert P. Illeaklev, who allot ami killed Ids nice,:, Mnod Merrill, in a house of ill fame in New York, »ald, Wednesday, when called lo plead i ■' I :. in giiiliv. I killed mv niece. I ,mi not Insane, and It'll waa wrong to kill her 1 will suiter the miiseiptetiee*."

Wedmsdny niglil frank Kmerson. a lmy 11 veins old, son of N. p. l-.iuerson of Kseter, N. | II., coimiilited suicide by bangln/. 'lb.' Istv i waa of a aonaltlva nature, ami bad Iwcn nl times ! linn it tormented mid leased he lilt school- J male*.

It is said that Gun Boiler will return to Mas- ' SNCIIIISVIIH i cdi.ilelv, l.i prosecute the gub.r- I mitorial iuiiipnigii,;in,i that \

t was i ii/iiiatii it.! liiti

he rei of till* At N. . 1.11 in

-■in lb -d In a

Iwo bedroom*

[HTSOIIS, The bedrisiiiis eai Ii vbieb was ihe only window. I bow nny nlr, fresh or oilier- * way thronifb this aperture

„>.„, el,l Wil-I i/rrut uiilt wmyma

ml S, u.Ytor lioutwell are i-oii'iiiiiti.Vr'i.i hi- ! V 'Ji''1," '","" "- ,rt. Ihe nml- oi mi fi ,'.,,,,. ._.„ , provide hiHni's r,

■Isea Is tolH-the balile ground on uliieli ; \,\ i, ti! Ml, -■hi of the pi itlouisls „ ■ n. ,, , , , ' , iged In May. This Is J;.-«fr„l-rhcl-e..,!i>: „ilM „,'■ 'p,,,/ I impail some liveliness to tli.i lelhai,;ic ' .,jltll , ,' {|„ j,.',,,]

Make, ih-leana.

Ilalifan i

iliil.liin IfViiig on Siatcti l-l.n ding ftil.lffcusiiip. on W,due.-d..i

lenanta; bv | l/ing tli.i fold ihe exi

SAII CA«K or INHASITV.—During several woeka iwi*t friend* have noticed strange ac- tions on the part of Mi** l'hilena C. Peek, n la- dy of some thirty-live, year*, residing at No. 4 Atlantic corporation. Her manner Indicated insanity, and for llio post Tew days ahe ha* been much worse, and on Monday was detected in the general destruction of her clothing, nnd other eifeclH, by burning lh?m. The people at

house became much alarmed, nnd noiilled Ihe city marshal, who caused the unfortunate lady to lie taken to the station house for aafe keeping. The Indy la a member of the Harden street church, having connected herself with It luring Mr. Dunning'* pastorate, and is a zenl- IUS Christian, and it i* probably ow lag to her in- tui-i'l e religioua fervor that -lie now sulfera de- rangement of the inlnd. Mr. Dunning was no- tified of the facts In the case, nnd Immediately repaired to ihe station house, but could gain no Information IVotn the lady, her insanity momen- tarily increasing. Desirous of learning of her relatives, the reverend gentleman secured an officer, nnd made an examination of Miss Teck's trunk, nnd there found papers giving the reo,uired Information. A telegram wa* sent to a brother in-law in Westlield, who returned an

answer to Mr. Dunning, directing him to tele- graph to n relative In New York State,—all of which we presume Ihe clergyman thought a cool proceeding. The lady i* now detained in the staiion house, hut W0 hope our good city missionary won't have to go the rounds of all her relatives liefore lie find* an Interested per- son in her tn\\ cn*e. -a *«* a-

TIIK CITY DIUNTIMI I* ngaln the subject of a jealous growl from the Urntiiirl, as Indeed al ways, when the lion'* share of the work I* not done at Hint office; there Is a pitiful meanness in this method of exhibiting il* disappointment nnd spleen Hint no one fails to appreciate. That the city should have a much larger amount of printing in one year I linn another, Is as natural as for Individual*. Ijist year, a* a matter of ultimate econouy, hi prcventlng-lhe almost an- nual publication of the register as heretofore. Hie council had thi* volume print, d in a new form, bound with Ihe reports, nnd in suuTcient number for several year*; and while this In creased the amount of printing for IK7'J, tin same will lie largely It** for 1K73, nnd ibis no Isidy ii ni.-1 -1.111.1 • I" Mi r than our nelgblior. ltul Ihe essential nieannes* of the article is lu the cllbrt t<> throw upon this .office, the rcsjion- sibility for Ihe aiiunmt of printing onlered by the city; we challenge investigation by the city ollhinls into the fairness of the price* charged for work done nt this ollicc, but as to the ■mount, we have yet to leant that tlic SmfoarJ ever declined a job from the city, on the ground that It was needless, or found fault wiili tho bills, when ils own office pocketed the amount thereof; and for the good name of decent jour- nalism, wo are glad to add that no one else was ever guilty of snarling uceaUBO they did not

gel it- t T.T r

iWiAma CPMIA.M ui UU sixth Iteglment held in election of officer* on Monday evening, presided over by Col. Heal, at which the follow- ing officers were elected: Captain, Samuel K. Williams, Jr.; 1st I.ieiilennnt, Frank E. Har- ris; 3d Lieutenant, Daniel II. I'arrar. For the past year Ibis organization has bean nt n low ebb, nml much anxiety hna ltcen felt liy the commander of the regiment for it* resuscitation, which is now happily dispelled by the election of . ;ii- ii nt officers, nnd the earnest support promised by Ihe town officials. This Is one of the oldest orgntii/Jitions In the regiment, and the historic associations of the town where it is lo- cated make il every way desirable that it should « retained in the militia of the stale. Military

organi/.allon* In such tOWBJ generally are not aclf-aupporting, and receive, but little funds save those granted by the State, which arc not suf- ficient to sustain companies, nod the support ac- corded in cities through "honorary members" is

■aslly gained In small places. In the rase the town of Acton have commend*

ably COIHO to Ihe aid of their company, and vol- te fund to them the entire amount of

reived from the stale for an armory, fur- nished by ihe town, to provide uniforms for the officers, and such other aid a* may be needed.

year* hence Acton will celebrate Ils hun- dredth birthday, and this may have been an in- centive towards it* recent waking up.

l*i nt.ii i.i nu Mi v.—The extraordinary of our public library, during tho few

month* since ils opening, evidences more ihnu ulniucs, the necessity, a* well ns popular ap- recialioti of ihe Institution. We have just ox- mined tho statistics of the Worcester public

briny for the year 1872, and they contrast en- lowly with those of our own. Worcester baa population of about 42,000, 10,000 more ilinn

•awrence, and her library contain* over ;10,000 olumes, to alKUit 10,000 during the winter, in

that of our city, and comparison of the record ir the lour past winter months, with that of 'orceslcr during 1«72, slimes Ihe followingin- rcstiug results In relation to the issue of bonks: Worcester, 28,1133

or 700 Imoka to each 1000 of imputation. Uwnncc, 41,700

or 1138 to eaeli lIKSI of population. Worcester issue* no', quite one volume for

nil on its shelves; Lawrence issues more than ur limes Ihe whole uumlier. To show Ihe saving to Hie patrons of the li-

brary, caused by Ihe admirable system of fol- iing up iliiini|uenis, Introduced here by Mr. t.ber, the librarian, we would mention tho

fad that in Worcester the tines amount lo #1.1*1 ir every 132 Imnka drawn, while In Lawrence i only p1J» fbrovery 037 books.

■fill. (Ill Misi-li.-, KIM.M. Tbelolloftillgare

Tint C is just plctcd 1 thi interior if his hh ek, 1 v Mr. l\ W. Selmnk , al! id him

enlarged and vastly ii ,re eonmii lion apart> mnts for Id* tailoring! stahllahmcnl; a pacloi.i iHiiu has lie. i takiu Into the area >f ll e store. ni the V. «w:\ -In, 1 in It, to iv hid Ihe cutting tallies I. ve 1 en remit c.l, nlfordii gth entire length o tin former room for ll e ill play of chain; t ds | a* been fiirubhtd i llli ashful

black wnlntil counters, elegant mirrors and r attractive aurroundings, and few city ca-

labllahmrnta arc more rompletc than this. Mr. S.iuiiike has received a very heavy stock of new ami na-onable prnds, which be is now

inking up lo order for Ids patrons, in Ihe most yli-b tun 11 HIT, and we are sine bi- enterprise ill not lie unrewarded. ov A itnatnan OP THE O. A. H.—On Saturday aftenioon lo*t, Thomas Mcl-angblln, uiemlicr or l'ost », Q, A. it., died nt the Mas- Hnehusetl* fleuernl Hospital, from the eireet of wound* received nan union soldier during tho reiiellion. Mr. McUughlln acrvc<l in tho 48th Massachusetts Regiment, and nt the expiration of hi* term of aerv|cc wo* first sergeant, lit wa* wounded at Tort Hudson. Ho was a shoe- maker by trade, and nn excellent Workman, bat of late has not been able to work much, ow- ing to 111 health. Ho waa sent to thcMo**nrhu. sett* flcncml Hospital, by the Tost, to have an operation pertJbrmed, hut did not survive it. He leave* a wife and two children, the young- eat of whom 1* only a few months old. The family, owing to Mr. McLaughlin's Inability to work, has tiecn left inairnltcned rirriimstances, hut they will lie cared for by the Tost.

•* »*m *■ TIIK KBW 11 vn ■■III M. METIIUUMT, CONFER-

Bum '"id Us annual session nt Xcwport, on Knt- urdny nml Monday; there wa* a largo attendance nml the services were Interesting nnd Impressive. Aiming tlic [ipiMiliitiueiit* lor the. coming year, were Rev. I.. I>., to Itaveriilil *treel church In this city. Ret. L. P. Cushiiinu to tlnr- den street, and Itcv. C. U, I>iinuliiK n* chaplain to iii:1 ■■ " ■ ■ ■ Miin. Aincsbury, C. M. t>in- more; llaverhlll, Wealev Chureli, s. H. Sweetser; lirneeeliDreb, W.F. Crofts; Metliuen, ti. J. .Iiid kins; Salem, N. II., II. Dorr; 1'leasant street, J. II. 11.-line- , North Snlem, 8. J. Itohlnson; Dorr]', A. It. Carter; Londonderry, V. IK CbundU'r; Cheater, Jnmea Adam*. Ber, Trumnn Uarter, formerly of this clly, wa* at hi* own reiiuest, placed on the lint of supernumeraries. Mr. C. In- lends to devote himself to evangelical taliors wiihin thebonnda of the Conloreaoe. The 0 onfereiiee w ill bo held In Mnnche*Ur.

SINOI t.Ait ACCIDKNT.—A singular incident ocenrred Ratunlayto Mr. Thoma* J. Hind,clerk nnd yard master nt the Monroe paper mills at the South Hide. In Ihe ah*encc of one of tho Imuds, he was attending to the ninning out from tho siding to the main track some whieh had i" i ii emptied. He wns standing at the brake, which on freight OHM is manipulated by a bun.ll- rising above the top of the car, The cam on which ho stood were going nt a rap- Id rate, and he applied the brake in order to avoid coining down too hard on near at the end of the track, liefore he succeeded In dim in:-liin" i lir ■■]..■!■,i tho curs came together, hh

leg being caught between the two brake ban dies, mulling his thigh. Mr. Hind wa* con veyed home, and Dr. Stoive wa* called, who found Hint Mr.tlind had sustained a comminuted tractor*of tho thigh bone. Dr. Stowe set and dressed the limb.

TIIK tliiomt of the Supremo Court, In rein- Una ton convention of the city council is not what Mayor Tartiox wanted; it is equity man datory to tho Mayor and Aldermen n* tlic com loon council | tho l-.n r Itady ha* , ,.i,-.i la l,ol. a convention, nnd the Aldermen refused to eon. cur unless there were added a list, several of ivhi.ii its own Official records, unless they an false, show to mne Iwvn atieuuy tilled; tilt Mayor and Aldermen miiRt accept the rctnonsi- bility of the refusal, whatever it I*. There ll the graftal doubt In the mind* of the btMVaft toniics, whether the Supreme coon, have tlu power 10 interfere in this matter, and the pur |KMC of tlic Mayor and Aldermen in reAislug to join the council in tho convention a* pro- posed in- the latter, is douhtle** to have this ipiestion settled by high authority. ^ ^.o »


S^ftex County Itemil The whole nambcrof ease* of tuota and

shoes shipped from Lynn during ihe week end- lug April 17, waa TftRt, against MU17 for the cor- rescinding period of last year, * I lowing a de- crease of low caaee.

Since the first of Januarv, state eomtublus Smith and Drown, atallonrdnt Lynn, have made vMiiiy-iiine seizure* 1.1 Ikpior und nlncty-nino proseeutlona.

Dr. Holies' lecture* en the microscope are de- lighting the eitiaen* of Lynn.

The twenry*gflh anniversary of tho marriage at Mr. and Mr*. Jonathan Onlxmit, of Fea- body, waa ohacrved, in a pleasant manner, on Wednesday evening laat, by a large assemblage of friend* al their residence.

The Faftier Matthew Total A,btllncnce Boric- ty of Lynn, has orgaaired a drum corps of twenty-one member*.

The i'H'"i>.■'■!:• of GbeWvler having a new de- |iot are encouraging, nesnrdiiig to the Cape Ami Advertiser.

OlouccKter romplaln* of a scarcity of coal. An old huorae in Gloucester, which wa* once

quite a stylish vehicle of the kind, I* how used as a swill cart. The attempt to disguise it luu pi "i rd a failure.

The Swarapacott flHhcnni'n have taken, di lug the quarter endin* April I, IffTS, 77A,C pound* of flab, wbirh al three cents per pound —tho price obtained—would amount to g£i,2IO.

Tho number of children attending school* in Lynn lost year waa r.i>il.

On Saturday hut, as the workmen Lynn & Marblehund lUllroad wore blasting rocks, a piece of stone weighing li't pounds wa* thrown Into the air and fell through the roof of One Of the shanties occupied by tho workmen, striking n man on the slioulder*. Inflicting In- juries that will probably prove Intnl.


ii'iraiiMT MKETISO.—A large and enthu- siastic meeting wa* held la the City Halt Sun- day evening, under the auspices of the II a ver- bid and Bradford Temperance Union. The ex- ercises were opened hypraverand the rending of the Scripturca by tho Itev. Mr. William*. When these exercises were llnlshed Mr. Wil- liam* spoke for a tew minute* on the Temper- ance question, and thet introduced Itev. 11. W. Conant of It bode Island. Ho spoke fiw over an hour on tho autdect of Temperance, handling his subject In an abk\manner. He Illustrated the minuet try niteaapiaiis csamplca, and con- cluded by exhorting the people to take more interest in the Temperance cause. Quito a nan. ic wa* created liefore tho lecture liy the appear- ance ot smoke hi the lull, indicating that there might he a tiro In tho basement. A grand rush wa* made for the doom; several person* faint- ed, hut none were injured.

The -team tug "Mattio Sargent" came up the river Saturday evening, having lu tow the schooner James IE—of Rock hind, loaded with lime, and consigned to K. P.. Stlmpsou & Son. This I* the rtrst arrival of the season.


The annual gathering of the "DM Sixth" oe- enmd at Moiichani, on Uaturday, the loth inst, in coiimicniiiralinn or the passage through Iliillhunre In Ml. About linlf past nine o'clock on the mom. log of the above day, nbnut twenly-llveokl lnem- horsnf Cos. I'ami I, met allhc afleeafOoL Mel- viu llenl, and in comma ml of tliat ollleer, escorted t ot. It. Y. WatSOn to BM railway station, whenee they look the ear* fur Hlnneliam, where Dwelt)-

■lift had made extensive preparations for llie re- iplion of the MI II- nurIvors or this' giment. Tho old beard of ogwera were le-chet-

ed fur the ensiling year, as follows: rrcnhlcnl, !. A. II. Forr; vW'-presidrnt*, t'aptains Sninp- i and i'rnuiy. aeeretory, Meat l. K. Mar. imii;

treasurer, Col. Melvin Real. After ruling to hold next session at Cm ton, April 18th, UTT4, the ling ndjourned. Al noon Hie line wa* re funned he niltnwing order i

Hqaad of Police, tweiity-niie pieces, llnniel Hnnnl-

iii»n. leu I, I*. Could, Post 71, (J. A. It., forty men, M. .1.

Fcrrbi, l;<>iiiinnnih<r, John II. Tyler, adjutant. tnioii Hook nnd Ladder Co., xn. i, twenty-three

men, V.. II. (Si-aver, foreman. Hon. Worth bhifriMChk, tlilrlj inen.ll. If- YYdteU,

foreman. : ot- Could Engine Co., No. I, llrtcen men, Mo, is

Downs, fun-in an. biiiii caiTlag.H eontasatog feternaa of the war of

KM. Invited guests.

Veterans of the old Sixth Iteglmout, M. V. M., omen, as follows: Field mid htafftnllcers, C.,l.

II. F. Watson, .M.-.i.n- J. A. Mawlelle, Adj. A. F. ■air, to. K.l apt. Bamneon, Wmen; Co. L, l.legt. .Mide, .Xi men; Co. < , t'.tl. FidlaiiHliei, 'i'i uien; to. I (colors), tapL W. F. Cnrh-ton, s men] Co. ',01, Deal, IS men j In. II, f!npt. Noyce, IN men; o. H, ( apt. Tultle, I" men; Co. II, 4 men; to. ti, Lieut. I'routy.lH men; Co. A.Cnpt Wrlfha, n meni Co. P.Capt Hart, 5 men. The procession took up U» line of mareb lo tlie

I'owii Hull, where n mngnillceiit dinner hnd Ins n ireparod by order of lire town authorities. As oon as the einii|inny, about .101) in iiumlH-r, had nken their places at the tables, over which CM 'arr presided, Itrv. F.. tl. Falreblld, i Implnln of 'o-t 75, askisl the lb vine MUM sing, a tier which ilr. Amos Mill, chairman of the Selectmen, web iimcd the visitors hi the Im-pltnlllles or the town, n a few well chosen words. The order was then liven to "fall In," ami obeyed with alacrity. Af- 0T illnncr spceebes were hi order.

Athlresaea wore uinde bj Hon. J. A. tinoilwin, Itev. K. H. Kalreliild, Lieut, lien. A. Harden of

ell; Itev. Mr. Collyer of Mnuchani; Sergt. N, who partielpatcd in the war of 1*1.'; Mil joe

L:i.ldaai| Dr. Miilllinl Lowell, nnd a poem rend iy Mr. IlaU'liebliTofltoston.

TJM ineiiibors of tho regiment from lids city lu i In- six o'clock 11 .tin from Hosloa, escorted their

er I.U'UL Col. H. F. Watson. Among the for uflicrr* were <>■]. IteaL Had. Cala ami Ueex,

fdlver. The young Nee,Ilium bind, In the bank, now mounts to $103,76, (ol. Ileid, I ol. Fnrr nml Cnpb tsampson were lipoinh'd n coininittue lo procure ccillnVatcs of eniber-bip for Ibe.irgnniintion.

Illil) F):i.|iiwn' I'AUAIIE.—The parade nf Ihe ■Id Fellows, to.niorrow, will tie an Imposing of. iii*. The different bodies Will meet at Hen re lie, live ball* in QM Mllcrnoou and nl hali'

three iiroeood to Uw t'ommoa where they will be nil. The linn of march will then be taken up,

Hlileh wUt heaaIhUowa:—Uown Jackson Hrael Essex,theneo to Newbnry, Wpring, Hiiverblll,

Droadway, Essex down to Jaotaon; *t;>riagnin I up Jneksou Mtreel to the t'oiiiinoii, where Uie uinii Will be tornied around ihe band sMini,nnd in .1. Dolandi Ksq., will deliver an .ti. li. , nf Whieh the panda will be dlvinisied. In the iilng there will is'n iHimpiet nt the City Hall, t a toolal hop after II. M..j. Fisku will lie Chief

Harahalof the paraito.

An eccentric old fellow, who live* alongside a graveyard, wa* asked If it wa* not an un-

pleasant locntioii. "No," said he, "I never jlued places in all my life with it set of ucighlior* that minded their business so ttiddy a* Ihey do."


Bov. Edwin llnrnham continues bis revival mcetitig* with great IUCCCIS.

Mr*. J. HonsUm West has tendered a •oil In aid of the Free Palme Library, which is to tako place on the 30th inst.

Post til, 0. A. R., is making preparation* for the proper observance of Decoration Day. A ladle* relief corp* bus tiecn formed in connec- tion with that organisation.

llaverliill is delighting in calico Kill-. The temjienincc folks are talking of a i

general and vigorous enforcement of the lii|oor law after the 1st of May.

There was a panic in the llaverhlll City Hall Sunday evening among a large audience ml kcied to listen to a temperance lecture, grow- ing out of the i'i'bi'1 that tho hall wo* on lire.

i h. i ■-■ wa* a general stampede, but no one wan Injured, and the assembly was filially tinlctcd.

The granite for tho new bridgu is expected soon. Sixty days from May 1st are given tin contractors to make ready for the removal of the old superstructure preparatory to plnring the new In jiosltion.

W. II. Thorn and wire of llaverhlll were or lionrd the Stonlngton train and escaped tin harmed.

There will lie n sharp contest for tho postmas tersldp in llaverhlll. The salary Is good, nml the place is worth striving for. It Is thought the In* have the eluuicca in their favor.

Manchester, ti. H.

Some (jfoyvjiip. —Pine apple*.

—Sunday was a beautiful day.

—No meningitis or small pox iu the city.

—The grass begins to tinge the Common with green.

Uobins and buds have made their appear- ance.

—The high price of brick Is retarding build- ing operation*.

—Mayor Tar box returned from Washington on Wednesdsy.

—These are lively time* for bowM painters and decorators.

—Hemlock sweat* arc *4H1 to cure cerebro- -I'intil meningitis.

—We are Indebted to Senator Harmon fur legislative document*.

—Trade is starting up, and the faces of busi- ness men look brighter.

—Darnum t* moving hltherward with his im- mense caravan and world's fair.

—A marvellous revelation of culture and ig- norance,—Maggie Mitchell's Amry.

—The Easter collection at St. Mary's Church amounted lo fifteen hundred dollars.

Mr. P. 0. l'illsbury la now enabled to at- tend to his regular duties nt the hank.

■A scarcity of Italian marble has cansed a rise in tonih*tones.—A grave proceeding.

Policeman Torn Ham was seen on hi* ticat last night, alone;—hat It was before dark !

—CoL B. P. Watson spent the Sabbath in city, and was warmly greeted by many.old friends.

Boys begin to dally on their way to school now, and the rattle of marble* Is heard In their pockets.

—The new Catholic church at the corner of Essex and Union *trocts, i* rapidly approach- ing completion.

—Rev. L. L. Wood was Installed on Sunday evening, a* pastor of tho Harvard Street Baptist Church, Boston.

—llio store* which are well advertised are those whieh Indie* rush to nt present to do their spring purchasing.

—Why should actors ho good billiard play- ers ? Because their profession necessitates their ts-iug familiar with tho cue.

—Thcro are so many persons going to Europe this summer that it is difficult to tell who l*e left to tako caro of the city.

—Saturday waa the double anniversary of the battle of Lexington, and the attack on Massa chusotts soldiers at Baltimore,

—Tho police appeared on Sunday with a new uniform, licit and billy, which gave them an ap- pearance decidedly military.

—Wo have received some I*?g!*latlvo docu- ments, and rejoice In the prospect of lieing able to get up some good Jokes In future.

—The subject of Oough's lecture 1* "Will It Pay r" and a glance at the plan of the hall, In Stratum's, induces the Mid'that it will.

The inquest on the body of Frederick O. Mer- rill, of (loll stow II is still In progress. More than one person at QotttVwl tlM Been suspected of hnving murdered Mr. Merrill, but no evidence ol Importance lienrlug against them ha* j been obtained.

The net proceed* of the Isill which was gh nt Music Hall on the 14th last., for the beneUt of John Linus, tho fireman who was recently In- jured, amounted to $71K).

Tho Catholic teiii|icrauco societies of Hampshire nre to hold a convention nt Man- chester on the GUi of May next.

The First Baptist Chureh ot Manchester ha* a new four thousand dollar organ.

In Manchester, ns the schools arc nt present nnpmliiHl. UliTO ■»«JoHy-IWO in nil, vl» High school, on* intermediate school, Training school, three Grammar schools In the cltv proper, the Amotkeng nnd I'incatao.uog Umiiiinnr schools, six Middle schools, twenty Primary schools and right sahurliun school*. These school* require the service* of sixty-Rev en teachers.

A dwelling house nnd atablu 1*longing toC. D. Carpenter took lire Wednesday morning. Tlic stable wns totally destroyed, and the house wa* very badly damaged. The loss was fully covered by insurance In the Gcrmaliin Insurance Coni|Minv of Now York City. Tin- bias was IIIM.UI Jll.'iOO. The fire was probably caused by au Incendiary.


Tlic First Universnllst society will have a May party, for which pre [Mirations arc now be- lug'ninde.

The clerk of Ihe I,owell Police Court has re- ceived order* from tho county commissioners not to pay nny more money to the state consta- ble* on nny account, In Id* official capacity,

Dr. Y. 0, Leland, well known in Lowell as a physician practhdiig the air or vacuum treatment in diseases, died at eleven o'clock Tuesday fore- noon, at hi* residence on Merrimaek Street, or typhoid i ni cu n too la, after three week* illness. He has been In Lowell about three year*.

John Wiley, about furty-clgbt years of age, arrested early Sunday morning Tor drunkenness committed suicide Sunday afternoon, In the eel' of the Police Station by hanging himself. Hi hnd recently served a sentence In the House of Correction, for u-imr u common drunkard.

Kdwln Shephard nml Chns. II. Weston of Jxiwell, were on tho ill-fated train to whieh the accident occurred on llio 1'rovldcnee road, Sat- urday innmlng. They were not Injured.

John Wiley of Lowell, formerly one of the city night i" 'lie .ln-ii. committed suicide on Sun- day last. Hi* oge was 43 years.

i."vi S. Burtiank, for six years teaelicr at the High School, 1/,Well, has been appointed prili- clpul of the Warren Academy, YVoburn, lately ru-orgaal/cd as a scientific school.

At the meeting of the Board of Aldermen, Tuesday evening, Calvin 1. Cham her) in, nguhist whom charges of taking Jewelry from dead ii.ii in-, without leave of relatives or friend*, wa* made at a recent hearing, wa* licensed a* au un ilrrluker for one year, -+ «■«* a-


lion. John Chapman died lu Salem at 1'J I'elock Saturday, in hiselghlleth year. Ho was on netted with the Salem Iteglsler for many

years as senior editor, wa* stone time a mem- ber ot the Council of Oor. Drlggs, was posimas- er of Salem for several years, and hns held rnl other civil olHces. Ill* life was a scamn

activity, and his deaih cn*t* a feeling of sorrow >'cr many henrt*. An unknown Frenchman WHS roblird of hh

watch and chain ou Noiunlsy night, by soma of Ids own countrymen.

The fiincrnl of the tale Hon. John Chapman took place Wednesday allernism from the South Congregational Church, with solemnities heiii ling the occasion. A beautiful cross and wreath of violets graced the casket. Prayer was of- fered by Itev. Dr. Butler, Itev. E. H. Atwood read selection* from the Srriptnres, and fol- lowed with nn address, |n which ho paid n high tribute of praise t* the life and character of tho deceased. The rrmain* were conveyed to Mar inony Grove Cemetery.

G<3orgetown. Hl'ii.nlKii.—(MM a number of buildings are In

C-ocus* or erection, ami several others nre eon- mpin ted. Tin- Messrs. Nelson have a large

aibbiioti in ilieir stable, .Mr. .Iiinlu « Adam* Is building a shop -hoe ni.iimlucturiiig, and Mi Ilodwell Is buililkig*. dwelling house and c. tcr shop in the vh-lnily of the railroad statin

inn V- ■ ■'. i ■! i-1 t. ■ I!' ■. Mr. Towlee, nf the ionic for Litthi Wanderer*, llnslmi, attended by

a number of ihe tnuwlc* of the iusiiliiUuu, pre- sented die claims of the institution to Uio several rhurohceoii Sunday lasl, ami met with a liberal response.

MmoaiAi. l).u. -Post HH will observe tho day y spprojiriiile services. The llavmlilll Comet

Hand wlii (uriiitt the music. 1T.II'. II. II. Lincoln will deliver tile whlreee, and in Ihe evening, al Ll- brary Hall, In- will give recitations iu accord with the exercise* of the day.

I:I i i I.V-..I i:-■ ■ ; .1 ■■■ troupe of artist* Elive n pleasing entertainment at Town Hull un

lomliiy evening last, ton large ISM appreciative idleueu., ME!(iNiiiTia,--Tlicro have

IH>CII several ease* oflhis iliseasn In town, tail, to i In ■ present date, none of lliu case* have resultOtl liilallv. Mr. Mymn Poor MUJ a very severe attack iflbl* disease, amt hi- pliydclnn, |V It-C. HUM', eports Ids recovery imnlly probabh

Hoyiitini betan Hnoyea, and inslla«Uil by ode '■ lo ride rnllntr titan walk, stolen horse mm

Hivlv iitlbixl'i.r.I, a i itiiliige from IHIC nl Ur. It's ueitflilsics, « harness from Mr. Mssurv- ,.{ ieorin-lowii. ami auotlicr h.iniess from Ur. Hood I Simtli i.eorceUtwn. At Ihe present lime no nice* ol Ihe rubber have been discovered. trioral I>IVI«IM, No.Hk

reusing In i ■ i... 1,1,..,. I,,, . inch niefiilnesi, perhsii- inure in prevention him re. laniatlo*. Tim oiUcers of Itie present year in- ■!- V- ' W. I'., licitrj Hilleird, W, A.; .1. G. G»tc*. It. H.; Mary Htevens.vA. IL ». Ann a. Jewetl, V. H.\ iWuie iterllmer, Tress,; Jennie Taylor, (J. a.: fclUs Wildes, A. C.j Clara Tlmiupsun, I. u.; K,|n. ,\. Hood. ti. 8.: A. L. liny i, Chap,; I'M*. g. I itoo.-l', I'. W. P.

ilge. No. 147,

b hnll, on Sntunlay evrnin*-, tiliMiiliilieil iiieinnerH of Ih

I. ITllUl,! n/UwO

—Mr. Cha*. H. Olios, tho fireman who re- cclvejd severe Injuries at tho railroad crossing a few weeks since, Is getting ahum finely.

—It Is said one of our merchants ha* a weigh ol selling a |,i .ii II. i of maple sugar whereby tho school-boy gets but aliout three good mouthfuls.

—Tho Handel and Haydn Society of Boston, and tho Ijtwreuce Choral Union arc spoken of together now, when the subject I* oratorio inn ric.

—Building is going on in every section or the city, ami though it is complained that trade is dull there arc Indications of prosperity every, where.

—On Monday next tho Boston & Maine com- mence running their evening express train, to connect with tho Bangor boats, leaving tlo*ton at 6 P.M.

— Col. llenl and ConHtable llolicrt* made a tour of the city on Saturday night, and caused considerable consternation among some of the litpior dealers.

—A young lady engaged In tho manufacture of ladles'bustles in this city, soys people may talk as they please, she won't refuse to take her "back pay."

—Rev. A. L. Houghton, of the Free Baptbt cfanrrh of thi* city, delivered an address on lnnipcnnm ,o lit. Town Hull, Mcthucn, Sunday evening.

—Tho Sabbath School concert at tho Univer- sallHt Church, on Sunday evening, waa largely attended; the exercise* were of a varied and pleasant character.

—A follow named Cantwell attempted to rescue a drunken fellow from Officer Dcvhif, Wednes- day nigh [.whereupon thconTcer shrewdly let No. one go, and took Cunt well to the Station House, and then went back nnd brought In the original tranMrciaor.

<Rov. Father Coggthall, from the Church of the Advent, Boston, waa in town Wednesday evening on Church business. Tho large uum- lier present at tho meeting gave assurance of the deep interest ho ha* awakened in matters re- lating to the Church.

'That the spinal disease uiTectlng hor*e* i* a ■pssdea of fever, is evident from the fact that only those animal* are atrlictcd with It whose uuartcrs are in stable* situated on low land

here there Is |ioor drainage, and where mias- mas pollute the nlr.

—Negotiations are going on fur the frescoing of the Free Baptist church, by Mr. Charles Stevens. This gentleman is un artist of m menu order, ns his work in the public library the armory of the Sherman Cadets, nml otbei places, hear witness.

—The severe Winter ho* not, evidently, had any detrimental effect upon the gold nnd silver fish so numerous in the Common I'oud. though frozen up for months, they come forth from their Imprisonment as lively and evidently a* numerous ns ever.

—The Bowdoin class of 1B4* aroto have a re- unkm at the Fa I mouth House. Portland, In Ju- ly. This class numbers among it* luemltcr* an unusually large number ol prominent and well- known gentlemen among whom is Hon. Horatio O. Hcrrlekoflhlacity.

—Many partic* call at Ibe late residence oT Rev. Mr. Wood, to procure the necessary mat- rimonial ceremonies to make future life happy. The gentleman now residing tliere, prorjose* to procure the commission of Justice of the Pence, If the demand continue*.

—The address of A. C. I'erkin*, F.sq., Princi- pal of the 11 Igh School, More the Temperance K.'i.n in Club on Sunday evening, was highly

Interesting and gave much pleasure to the largo audience who listened to It. Mr. Perkins" Ideas arc sound and practical.

—A littlo girl standing on n grating lu front of a store window on Kssex Street, on Wednes- day, by some mean* got her feet between the bars, and ft was with considerable difficulty that she was released. Beyond slightly bruising her ankle she sustained no injury.

—Senator Conk ling wears light pantaloons and black cloth gaiters.—oWcm 7'iWi,

Unless the weather shows greater signs of moderation, wo think the Senator'* comfort would be enhanced by the addition of a shirt, vest and coat to his wardrobe.

—Tho audience at the promised Dollle Bid- well performance, at Lowell, on Tuesday evem Ing, was dismissed after wafting nn hour, "In- dlsposltlim of the leading actress, from recent domestic affliction," lieing assigned a* cause (or the non appearance of the company.

—In tho Common Council Thursday evening, the ordinance relating to Superintendent of pub lie property, was taken from the table, when it received its death blow liy further action there- on being indefinitely postponed. Perhaps this Is well enough under the circumstance*.

—An attractive "down east" girl, says the Lowell Courier, on tho way from Ilallowcll, Maine, to Nashua, N. II., gut short of money nt Lawrence, and tho ofheers at the police station raised a contribution Tuesday evening, to take her hi her destination. Oenerous fellows!

—The Boston Traveller, In IU musical Intelli- gence, reports that a concert hy tho Andover Choral Union, was given at Andover, ou Wednesday evening, and that Mr. S, M. Downs was the conductor. There 1* a mistake some- where, either about Mr. Downs or Andover.

—There were nearly seven hundred reserved ■cats sold for the Maggie Mitchell entertain- ment last evening. This sale leads every enter- tainment which ha* yet visited the city, arid will lie only equalled liy tho Oough entertainment, (or which, already, eight hundred seats have been sold.

—Some ladle* present at the Maggie Mitch- ell entertainment on Wednesday evening, re-

ed their hnls—mansard—duriug the play. i an net at [* although nothing more

than Is due from ladles, wa* appreciated by behind them. If this system succeed* in ig a footing it may, a* ft ought to, become

pupiihir, and a reform !*.■ worked a bieh [s much aled, and Which would have the effect of do-

ing away with much profanity.

There is such a rush for seats for the Oough lecture that constant application* arc lieing made, for chairs to bo placed in the aisles. We are requested to state that the management have

refused to ullow chairs to I* placed Inalslcfe, for iu *udoing,in casoof any emergency in ising.niak- lug ft lie e- -in to retire from the hall quickly, much delay wutild lie caused. In many cities the authorities will not penult inch additions to tlu* regular seating capacity of halls.

—The dwellers on PrOipect Hill having au eye to the production of that which ndd-i at- tractiveness to the table, and gives r.est lo the appetite, are turning up their land and planting their seed. In this section of the city tliere is a great deal of competition lu agriculture, hor- ticulture, nnd Horiculture, and one gentleman baling Muvci ded well lasl year In raising break- fast beans, is making arrangement* thi* year for the production of tea roses, believing he cm I'.'.ii Ids nelgblior*.

—Tho Temjicrauce Itcfonn Club have changed their night of meeting from Tuesday to Friday, A committee has been np|Niiuted to make apodal effort* to iiirii'.i-i' the meiiiliership of tho Club. An amendment has been made to the consti- tution making the payment of a dollar entrance fee, and twenty-flvo cent* per month necessary

lieeoiue an executive member. This tin* been tie to make tho organization sclf-supi-ortlng. me but executive memtier* can have nny voice

iu tho buslncKsuI the (Tub.

—Messrs. Howard & Son are makingarrangc- ments for the erection or a brick block on Es- sex Street, next east of Ordway Block. Tbu structure will occupy fifty feet front, and 1* in- tended, principally, to give more accommoda- tion to the Increasing business of the Messrs. Howard.

—Mr, Falrlleld has commenced npcratkms ti]»oii hli new block near the Essex Huusc. Tho wall* for in,- in, i itory are up, and the struc- ture Is to he pushed through with all possible rapidity. Inai-uict manner Mr. Fair He Id I* hccomiug possessed or no small amount of valu able real estate.

—The sale of Oough lecture tickets progress-

eel.l,r«n-UlflnnJ.r,,l,1,iM,,,,,ivcrsar>i,flh0'o7 ■*« nsai, »« IK satsaw as wor« u ■«•! r in die t'.H., by a soelsl gathering al their | lover* bend their steps thitherward in the even-

ing* and ga*c pensively at the water, while ha- tching to the nocturnal warbling* of the Irng,

—Wc are fntbrmed that tho daring police of- et tal>loly, and probably the entertainment will witness the largest salu of reserved scats ever attained in this city. John B. Oough is not only an orator of unequalled eloquence, but 1* one of Ihe finest delineators of tragedy and comedy In the known world.

—The Boston correspondent of the Now York World, in a late letter, mentions that Mr. ('has. Aliorrroiublo of this city, tenor at King'a Chap- el, Boston, will go to Belgium in June, and from thence to Italy, for professional study. He will pmlwhly make his appearance in comic opera before his return.

—Hon. Wm. M. Tweed, belter known as "Boa*" Tweed, with his wife and two children, passed through thi* city last Friday, from Port- land, en route for New York. But a day or two since n stated that wo should say no more as to tho whereabouts of "Boss," until we were assured of his locality.

—A wonderful sight was seen this nltcmoon passing down Essex Street, which attracted uni- versal sympathy—of mankind. A tall-grown man in company with his wife, was seen carry- ing lu his arm* a bahy; a baby!—and his wife didn't seem to care a bit! Poor henpecked hus- Imnd, and weary peramIsolator.

—The new green bouse just erected by Mr. Ed- ward riynn, on the lot comer of Essex ami

Lawrence streets, will proven great convenience, not alone from Its central location, hut In the large stocky flowers and plants the experienced proprietor has collected; our readers will find there a most attractive display.

—There was quite a lively scene In tho Coun- cil Thursday evening, l>etwcei) tho President and Councilman Wood, in which the latter was declared out of order, which derision was sus- tained by the council. Ilia but Just ti state that Mr. Wood's motive* were good, however, and tho result only caused by being a little too hasty.

—The May Festival Iteing -arranged by the young ladle* of the Cinderella Clnh.tbr presenta- tion in the city ball, a few weeks honcc, will be one of tho most attractive entertainment* of the season, cm mi* ting of tableaux, music, charade*, and other variety. Tho |Nnwoeds are for the city misHkm, and everybody should purchase tickets.

- -An attempt to break into Mr. Alvab Web- ster'* store, on tho corner of Cross Street and Broadway, was frustrated, a few nights since, liy OiUcor Casey, who eamo upon the scene Just as an entrance was lielngjcfrected. Tho villains ran, and the officer pursued them, but being en- cumbered with a heavy overcoat, be waa not able to overtake them.

—Although tho Temperance Reform Club doe* not appear hi Iw doing much work in pub- lic. It 1* really doing n great deal of good In tho city. Iu member* aro working In a quiet way in tho homes or men given to liquor, and the constant accession to the membership of the Club, of men heretofore addicted to liquor, i* an evidence of the eOecilvcness of tho clftsrU

—Tho Chase heirs who now begin to wish they were less numerous, will lie pained to learn that there I* not a printing office in Amer- ica, In which there are not one or more Chase*. — J.uirinire .tsttrriroN.

The initiated will see the point. The print- ing-office chases are a hard set.—lunerll CitUtit.

True, but ours ore soHore, and will brook no impoiilion in receiving their (mom.

—Mr. Lewi* Stratum la about to place in stock at the "corner store," a large variety of opera glasses, and will let them for use at en- tertainments. Tlii.- I* Just tbe location tor such an enterprise, as It is tbe usual place for the talc of reserved teals, and there is always a demand for these aid* to the oUlcs. Wo pre* same he will have them for tho Black Crook ■how, when they will lie In grea: demand.

iu walked Into the police nation to- day, and not noticing a sponge well filled with water, which some ono had been using, lying

hair, lie gracefully sank Into, tho seat. A* his portly form came down upon that aponge, tbe water gushed from every pore of it, —not only gushed but squirted. After using a few familiar phrases, ho said it was impossible to had unalloyed bapplneaa in this world any-

ficcr, Tom. Ham, succeeded a few dayi in bringing to the station house a nino year old urchin la handcuff*.

—Sparqiie* explains why truth is stranger than fiction. He hears ao little of tho former that ho Justly regards it as a Ntrangcr when It is Itrought to hi* notice.

—Tho youth of tbe city find the reading rooms attached to the public library, an attractive place of resort, and furnished with an abund- ance or intellectual diet

—The Boston Transcript say*, tho Lawrence Choral Union 1* otie or the best musical organl satioas or the state; and gives a very flattering notice of ihe late concert.

—The Merrimaek Kiver is tho dividing line between tbe New Hampshire and New England Methodist Conference, placing tho Lawrcnoo churches in separate conferences.

—Ilr. Ordway and Sons are fitting up ono of tbo finest nfiolliecary and drug atores In tho city und which will IHI hardly excelled in Boston. It wdl lioopcncd in aliont one week.

■ Ui I'm III witl never be promoted by bicker- ings and quarreling*. Without unity of pur- pose and effort In those who would help the fallen, no good can lie accomplished.

—Monday was a field dav in Ihe lYdlcc Court. One woman was arraigned ou uo leas than live complaints of larceny. An account of tbe do- ings of tho Court will lie found elsewhere.

—By assignment of tho N. II. Methodist Con- ference, i he i'.'..("i - of both Methodist churches lu this cily remain : Dr. Harrow* at Ilnverliill Street, and Mr. Cushiuan at Oardcn KtreeL

Tbe in ■■[ ul the series ol Sunday evening by Kev. J. 11. O. Pklgc, In the First

Baptist Church, attracted a very large audience ou Sabluih evening, entirely filliug the house.

—The Chase heirs who now la'gln to wish they were les* numerou*, will bo pokicd to ie.-ivn tluit there i* not a printing offtcu in Amer- ii a, in wldch there are not one or more Chases.

—flood sidewalks would lie highly appreciat- ed If they existed on Concord street, between Hampshire and Franklin streets, and one ui two gas lights wouldn't lie nielessin that locality

-The renovation and beautifying of the City Hall, and making it available for stage enter talnmonls, hns had a good effect in bringing t.

Ity a I letter class of amusements than for mcrly.

—Last Saturday tho Marshal notified tbe liar, hers tliat they could keep their shops o|>en on the following Huhbulb, hut that hereafter, So look out ioi- a inn on tbo liurbcr shops i Saturday night.

—The HI,-ii, ■: i - of tho religious society lately known n* Free Cuugregatioualisu, have made a slight divergence, and gracelully *llded into the groove of Methodism under ttio banner of "It in ity M. K. Chureh."

—Mr. Holmes, who owns the line wherries in which those foud or boating lovo to amuse them selves in Hummer, on Ihu Merrimaek, is put- ting his boats In order nnd rowing will soon be one of tho pastimes.

-The flue weather has afforded an opportu nity for tho annual spring cleaning. Carpets ar* being takouupand lieaten, paint scoured,

d things made uncomfortable generally Tor the head or the house.

—Our friends or the Uuliarinn society are pre- paring for a good time, on the evening of Mon- day next, at which time a sociable will he held at Maunder* Hall. Beading*, rccltafion*,mu*fc, etc. will enliven the hour*.

One of our rflisca* of the Methodist pcmin WHO attended the New Hampshire Confer-

ence at Newport, last week, has returned and port* that Ihe meetings were glorious, and the

maple sugar the best he had ever seen.

—There is a counterfeit fifty cent scrip abroad and It can he detected by examining on the left hand side the worda " Act approved March 3rd, INK!." In tlir eouiiterieii, the two p'a in ap- proved, and the r In March arc reversed.

Now that tbo Ice la mil melted In the Cwn- l'ond, and the fountain at work aa

John B. Hough, King of the Platform, at the City Hall, May 'ind.

—The sanguine Kascx Street tailor, who, nee- lug n robin among tho trees on Ihe Common during the few hour* oi early sunshine last

eck,—fondly Imagined summer hnd come, and

promptly ordered llio removal of tho * 111* store, wa* seen yeMcrday hobbling nlmut wilh a crutch, with kmdngod llmlm, and odor- ous with pain killer, complaining fearfully of "rhoumntii:," anxiously searching for n police- man to shoot tho next bird* that make their ap- pearance wilh deceptive MM,

—The Odd Fellows' parade and celcbrntbn Of their anniversary H'l" occur to-morrow, and promlies to tic a successful affair. In tho aftenioon the varlou* organ I nut ion > will |iar- ado through the pi pal streets, escorted by tbo llaverhlll Cornet Band. Iu the evening a supper will lie provided by Ihe popular i Messrs. Fowlc A McConncll, to whieh tickets have lieeu Issued, at one dollar each, or admit ting gout with Indy for half a dollar more. A sociable and enjoyable gathering may lie antici-


—The lecture by Rev. Qeo. W. Feppcr at tho city hall on Sunday evening, drew a lair sized audience. The lecturer waa introduced by Mr. Daniel Hayes. The subject of the leituro was Froude'i Ireland considered from a l'rotestant standpoint.—Tho lecturer severely criticised the historian, and cited authorities showing that many of bis statements were erroneous. He gave Froudo nil honor for Id* scholarly attain- ments, but ho had done injustice to Ireland. The lecturer was very eloquent, and was fre- quently applauded.

—Messrs. Russell and Hanrahan, respective- ly Republican and Democratic memlicrs of the Common Council, have " paired ofT,"- thetn lieing absent from the city most of the time, and greatly inconvenienced by false alarms of Joint conventions. On Thursday Mr. Hanrahan Iwrely canght the train from Bo*ton, liaiiii!' in |ue an exorbitant price to a hack- man, while Mr. Russell arrived upon Ihe scene I.i i .ii 11:,--.■, hntlcR* nnd nnppcrlcs* ' thi* pairing oil will lie a good thing townrd* tho " fine" *up- per at tlic end of tlic year.

—We think tliere can tie no truth In the story now circulating that the fifty thousand dollar* authorised by tho Legislature for enlargement of the Jail in tbi* city, I* Tor the special accom- modation o( those twelve coimeilmcn who dare brave the first, second and third epistle* of " John," (the Mayor) and the commands ol tbo Supreme Court. Neither do wc believe Ur. Ordwny'* extensive lumlicr company has re- ceived orders for the conHtnictlon of tweli galiow* frames for these rebellious republican eounciliuen. Kuch thing* eumiot be!

— His honor bus held a lugus rump com, tion, given a scries of lectures, scolded, fretted, coaxed, and finally obtained a legal document from the Supreme Court ordering a convention, and yet ho I* not happy, Tor tliere was no more appearance of a desire for a convention last evening than as ir there badlieen no Supremo Court. Mr. Tarliox ran take the political stump next Tall, and tells what be know* about fore ing conventions, and, although hi* cxpericnci has ticen Urge, yet the valuable Information he canid give would occupy but few words.

—Mrs. Godfrey, a lady residing in thi* city, narrowly escaped death by an accident at the South Side depot on Monday. Rhe waa step plug to the ptntform from the D.3-3 train, whieh was in motion, and in doing so missed her foot- ing, falling lietwcen the platform nnd tbe car*. She waa iiuickly dragged from her perilous po- sition, and it was found that she hail sustained only a slight injury to ber head lausetl by tl: fall. Mo- was conveyed Into ihe waiting room, where she received the attention or the ladies and was able shortly niter to resume her Jour- ney. ,

—William 0.1 lime, we should Judge, is meet- ing witli success, from the growth of territory lie occupies. Instead or the small store he original- ly occupied, be now hns bad erected two others, nil of whieh he uses in hi* business. Ono i- 11 Hod with furniture and bedding, another carpeting and crockery, and tho third Is nscd for the painting and rupainng of furniture. lias Just erected a large awning in hunt of llieao ■tores, and has a line opportunity for displaying goods. Tbe large array of haliy carriages in his "front yard" looks like a young nursery, or a liahy i«rty.

—There was, a few days since, aa exhlbltkai of pluck nnd courage by tbnt doughty police officer Tom Ham, even rivalling limner ex ploiis during Ihunder showers and dark nights. It deem* that a disiarisiiKv Iwiugcreated plain* by three roughs, olOcera Norioti nnd I lam went to 'piell It, when two of the rowdies IIl-i'ii the former, and began severely beating him; Norton defended bimseir vigorously, re- ceiving no assistance from Ham, who Instead, took to bis heels and lied to the station bouse, bawling for help, leaving Norton to light It ont with both roughs as Iwt ho might, ■ This Ham, who is ono of the most noisy, foul-mootbed, pot-house jKdliicians In Ibe city, wns discharged from tho police by Mayor Melvln for rojicatedly sleeping on his heat, and lieing otherwise noto- riously Incompetent; the present year, May or Tarliox, who luccuinbtd to bis demand ihr reward for savory Ward Four service*, waa too prudent to present Ham's name U lore Alder- man Melvln as ononf tho regular police, fait nominated him for "special," and then smug- gled him upon the force, where be IH field in universal contempt.

—Many gentlemen allow their wives slated weekly allowance* of puckct-money, and think (his is a good Idea. A gentleman iu this city made an arrangement with hi* better half to allow her five dollars per week Tor Bpcmllng money, bat put in a proviso that Tor each absent button from hi* linen, each poor cup of coUVe, and each caudle lecture there *hould bo docked from the pocket money the ■■ or ten cent*. Thi* arrangement has tiecn going ou for alxiiit two years, and although not a button baa tiecn missed, and not a complaint made about the cof- fee, yet that poor man claims hi* wife to bo his deltfor by nearly one hundred and fifty dol-

across the able* only n few people arc blamablc one or two settee* are so moved, of

I lnose in tho rear will follow the cx- uniplc, which, perhaps, i* attributable to a sin- gle person. If tho people will not protect them- selves against such danger, the usher* at each entertainment should be Instructed not to per- mit tbe bents to be moved.

—It is usual in the Spring for persons to clean lip, lake -io, ;,, renovate and lu general make

aratiuiis fur the carrying on of extensive business iu the summer, and we notice that Mr. T. W. Ueald I* getting ready for the smash up business iu which he distinguished himself last summer. It used to be a custom with reporters when a runaway or smash up occurred, to rush to the store of Mr. Hoald to get the particulars, mid it was found to lie very handy. Wc notice, a* we have raid, Hint Mr. llenld has made his Spring up. ning. Thursday, a* Ills horse and wagon were lieing driven at a rapid rate, down Lawrence Street, they came in contact with an express wagon, breaking the wblpple-trec of Mr. lleald's wngon, nnd releasing the horse which dashed away. Two ladies were in the wagon undone of them was thrown out but she sus- tained no serious injury. The horse waa re- captured, and no further damage was done.

—Mr. John B. Owens and troupe played lie- fore a very .-m ill house Monday evening, much smaller than the merits of the company de- served. This result I* attributable to two rea- ons, the first and principal being the amount barged for reserved scat*,—ono dollar. ThU

Is more than our hard working people wish to expend for an evening's entertainment, and not

tbe most brilliant "stars" have witnessed a full house at that figure. Neither Is Mr. Owens

II enough known to our people to make anch .Seiiiiimlsi.ii their purses. Tbe entertainment

or the best presented In this city during the peat season. Mr. Owens, as Major dc Boots, won the hearts of his audience, and aa Solon Shingles,—well, wc think he must be the best iu the world. Tho gentleman had an excellent support. Tho acting of Ml** M. E. Gordon was charming, and Mr. Colin Stuart'* personations were most excellent. Should ibis troupe visit our city again, and lw a little more reasonable in their demand* on our finances, we think they would receive a lurgc audience.

—Another good story is told at tho expense of the distinguished theological Professor, not

many miles distant, whose usually retentive memory Is occasionally a llltie treacherous in relation to proper namos. While visiting a neighboring city, some lime since, as bo stood upon the depot platform wailing for a train, a gent lei nan stepped up, accosted the Professor, shook hand* warmly, and began numerous In- quiries in regard to members of his family and the good friends living In A. Tbo Dlvino was ..ii.'.'.U.l; the face of his cordial friend was puite familiar, and he was evidently no stran- ger to himself or family, but to recall his name waa lieyond any effort of memory. The Pro- fessor joined In a lively conversation, disliking to make the awkward inquiry, and (hoping for

chance word to reveal the name of bis friend. But it came not, and as the conversa- tion went on, the Ignorance became more and more omtiarassfng. At last a happy thought came to the Professor; he would get it, without asking. Bo, with an indifferent air, he asks, —" I*t mc see, I forget Just how you spell your name!" But nIns for the expedient,— with n curious smile, his friend replied;—'■ Well, usually, /spell it, J-o-n-e-s!" Just at that mo incut the Professor remcmliercd tho necessity of going Into the waiting room to liwk after hi*

elling img.

The festival at St. John's church on Friday evening was a very ctijoyablc uffalr. There wa* a large nnmlier of tjMTMM present, the vestry of the chnreh IK lug as largely filled as wns con- venient for comfort. The ruiuoienieiiiB during die evening were numerou* and pleasing, und embraced tableaux, pantomime*, and other harmless but enjoyable |>a*tiinc*. An nrt gal- lery was open during the evening, nnil wns visited by quite a large nundier of persona of asi helical tastes. The works or art were many ; of unique design, elnliorate finish, and nil ex- hibiting a high degree ofnrlislle genius and skill In their conception and execution. Prom- inent among the art treasure* was a roll of bread labelled, " The grub thai makes the tatt- ler fly." An onion represented " a subject for tears." " An ancient I.vre" was represented by a serpent." " The charge of the light Hrigndc, ' by a gas bill. " Recollections or old Maslers" by a rod. " Tbe ruins or Tyre" by a dilapida- ted garment—a child** lire; indeed, Ibe gallery presented an almost eudlcs* variety of such studies, nnd they wore examined with much in- terest. Tho tableaux were very fine. An ex- cellent .-upper was served during the evening. An attractive table, nnd one much )mtronizcd during the evening wn* that furnished from tbe store of Mr. Bosworlh, laden wilh every varitty of candy. 1 ho flowers were noticeable for their lieanty and tasteful arrangement. The lime wus most happily passed by all present.

Un. People who lovo to gaze upon the atari will

find In tho heavens just now, at night, a licauti- (hl sight,—a brilliant starry triangle, formed by the planets Jupiter and Venus, and the star Bl- rtus, Venus will lie seen In Ihe west, Jupiter near the sen 1th, in the cast, and Hlrius In tho south, These star* may lie recognised by their superior brilliancy. Venus i* golden in color, Jupiter somewhat orange tinted, and Kirius a softened white. Venus I* a small planet lie tween our earth nnd Ihe *un. Jupiter I* also of the planetary system, and or great magnitude. Slrius Is a glorious sun, exceeding many times In siao Ihe sun of our system, and is distant twenty millkma or millions or mile* from our earth.

Measures should be taken to slop the now- ntngted notion, of hite practiced in the City Hall, of drawing, or doting settee* ncroaa the aisles. By this means, when tbe hall is full, over a thousand people are packed togctlier, with only the outitde allies left aa a mean* of •ire**, and In case of a panic, which may occur at any lime, the conlaslou and aaxiety to quick- ly leave tbe hall might terminate in fearful rc- ■nlu. For tbii idea of drawing tbe settee*

—An amusing scene occurred on the Com- mon to-day, in which a prominent lawyer nml n well known . apotlicrury figured. The lawyer was attracted by a child crying, nnd on enquir- ing what 11 ii- matter \\a-* found Unit the bad lost lib ill which h ml been snatched from her hand by a boy. The lawyer punned the boy and found him, but ho denied having taken nny bull. Pursuing enquiries further, it was ascer- tained that nliall had liren lost, but there were two claimants for it. Desirous of setting mat- ter* right, the disciple ol 11 lack stone gathered the children iirouml Idm ami asked ihcm to tell their stories. One little girl said the kill had been given to her in school, am) it IMCII

snatched from lur hand while slio wa* playing; thi* story was cormliorated by one witness. Another little girl stated that she hud n cent given her, aud with it purchased a ball, which hnd Iwcn snatched from ber band; this story was corrolioratcd liy one witness. All fmtr children np|icarcd honest, yet It was evident two of them were lying. The lawyer was in a quandary ; it wns Impossible nw him to give judgment. But the genial apothecary coming along at lid* lime, lie waa taken on the he well us u.'.-ociatc justice, and nftcr hearing another recital or Ihu evidence suggested that the mat ter IK/ settled liy each justice paying - cent, thus enabling both girt* to purchase a new ball. The lawyer demurred ou the ground that such a course was placing a premium on lying; but tho apothecary triumphed, and the money was paid. Something less than a hundred children were present at tho trial, aud took much in tor- cat in the proceedings. We fear thnt this court has established a dangerous precedent.

■* — m *■

PiCTCKKaoifK AMaaiCA, of which we hare al- ready spoken, promises to lie ilie ibi.-t Illustrated work of the kind ever iatued la thi* country; c»-li part has at lonst one flaw *teai engraving, not old plates re-touched, but new, fresh and elegant works of nrt, while the wood cut* are patterns of excellence. The work will tie something more Uiaii a gallery of laauseapea; It will exhibit our people In their nurtbods or living and travelling, and delineate Ihe picturesque phase* ofeommerce, as well as tbe sublime forms of our hill*: h will show the often beautiful setting of our cities, and nbrtray tbo active and brilliant panorama of our buy* and riven, AU the roarveUoukly varied phase* of our country will be set forth with the utmost fullness, HO that Ihe work will, tn lu eoni pletenesi, form a splendid pictorial cyclopedia of American life, scenery and places. The very liest artistic talent In the country has Iwen employed upon ihe designs, and the engraving has been ex- ecuted without limitation of oxpense, i>> tbe ■ ■.—T

skill obtainable. The article* have lieeu written either by writer* who arcom|ianled the artlite, or by those specially a cqua Intel I wlUi the field de- scribed. They are accurate and graphic pen-pie- lures, supplementing the artlut** delineation wilh uitable inline.-altl[effect. The publishers, Appleton A Co., New York,

isfiu that no publication of the kind has over been attempted la the country on a scale so large, witli design* so liberal, and with results tn really mag- iiiniciu. They offer It to the Auiorican public as not only (he greatest and fullest exposition of our country that haa yet been made, but as a monu-

■ifnallre art worthy tho genius ami reputa- tion of inn people. The enterprise 1* a large one, —the illustration* alone will eo.1 fully one nun- drcd thousand dollar*,—but Die publisher* liave determined toipara houx|ien*ofa carrying out the project, assured or the liearty re*]K>uae or the American pciiiilc.

ire 0, lie forty-eight part*, ami when com- plete will foiHI iiiaKiilil.■, m volumes, they ore fur Hi-he,I only by *ub*crl|ition, al gay cent* each, ami wo are not im-prised that the lint of tlie agent, Mr. Albion Ualley, include* the name* of a large number of our Intelligent cliiieiis.

—Tho Manchester cclAwrcnco lUilrond Com- pany has declared a dividend of lira percent., payable May 1.

Our item yesterday should have read thnt the. 1 awrence Hocund Zouavci were re-organ- islng, instead of the Hoadley Tanner*.

rosters ou the bill hoards or tkii city give notice of | variety entertainment this evening, Including tbe great Isuijoist, "buppy old man," and other feature* complimentary to Mr. Thorpe, "the great characteristic and original swell, with a glass in hi* eye!"


IV Sndovef Sdveiti^ j F FRIDAY MOBNISG, APRIL Kf, 1878.



Uain Street, ft two-story IIOINK, i iiMiiiiniK itli SlubU- ;.mi ••ILL acre of Lund.

' Will located for hoarders or (of educational ' purposes. Inquire of Wit. CHICKKHINU. j Ami..vii, April IT, ls73- atapls

upholstering »ntl furniture repairing, in Dm- I per** Block, Main Street. They are well ac- ix ALI.ITM IIEASCIIKP.UY

,|iiuinted with their business, ami deserve and SAMUEL WOODMAN, will mi doubt receive tiieir share of (lie public I j,, orbit Uuilditig iicul uorUi of tha Town Hull, patronage. AXDOVKB, MASH.,

Mr. O. W. Christie of the Seminary, has been ! wl,cro ,na. Iff i'WftS f"*"1 gg'.ffl^!*1 "I ?.'ur?'i-


piciu hing tlic [out winter ut Kitlcry Point, Me., where there is considerable religious lateral nl the present time. The church In llhhlleton hare adopted the free ml system.

ficorgc Smith, a carpenter, Waj badly injured <>ii Monday last, while witting up a post in liar- land*! factory. lie bled profusely, am) ha* since Iwen unconscious most of the time, but it i- now thought he may recover.

The Bullard Yule land, l>y invitation, visited the new tranil in tMl village on Wednesday even- ing. They played dnely together and *ci«r- nk-ly In front of the Town Hull, nml a large crowd of people were attracted and gratified by llu-lr stirring music. It would ben ulee thing ■luring the Munmer Booths, to imvo nut door concerts from these bunds.

A thick of wild gcrsc were seen to alight at " Pomp's Pond " a few days sinee, by a lad named Henry Peannn. He took his little gun nml went for them, liy very great caution he was enabled to get iiuitc near two of them, and lircd, killing one. The other llew nwny un- harmed, but soon returned. The boy was out or ammunition with the exception of a little pow- der, with which he reloaded, and in the absence of shot rnmmeit down n marble be happened to hare In bin pnehet, and tired again. Altliough the last charge did not take effect,a gmal deal otirtgenuity was displayed by the little fellow in finding a substitute lor "cold lead." Tbu bird killed, measured lielwccn live nml lit feel from tip to Up.

Mr. J. C. Hundley's letters from the south, published in thu AMMUOAS, are exceedingly interesting and very instructive. One will lie well paid for re-reading them.

AH,.ii tl. Hlgglns htm Hold his land and buildings on High Street to Be*. Henry K. Wil-

The Free Cliureh hnvo voted a unanimous calltollev.O. F. Wright. Salary S1M0; the ■N of the panimllgrj, nml a vaentkiu of four weeks. If the society concur and Ihc eall in ac- ccpUHl, the Installation will take place In a few week*. Mr. Wright has supplied the pulpit for the past year.

A gentleman who la reliable ami accurate ii all -mli luntterH, reports the amount of sum w hirli fell the winter as follows :

.... Ma Ires .-is, Item., Hcdding, Wimtow Shinies, 4e., 4i-.

Matrasses. Lounge*, Sofas, ami I'M lor sets inle ui order, or reiiiiirei] nml upholstered. licks, Tables, mid odd ph-cr* made as desired.

Curtains trhiimiil nml hunt,', Carpets laid, and ■al Jobbing ilono, mil furniture boilj

Novcmli Dcccuilicr H,

S3! 2 inches.

TIII .luliliiiig iliiui', d blind furniture bnuglit nml . . .

f all kinds received ami fold nt Public Am lion. d sold.

Rven tiling sol.l a* low an ran be afforded, and irrunlc.f ns n-presented. Agents fur the colcliratcd JOSKS' l'ATKNT

N. B.—Mr. Woodman will render any assistance deal red, in purchasing gmuu in Boston or tine-

Andorra*, Jan. I, inT2. •«

M I L L I N B It Y

e strbanriber aaa taken rooSM in lHiAl'Klt'.s building, HBIII alrett, ANDOVKB, where stio

bO *.-■ h: i ■ I to wait on her customers nml the public generally in fiirni.-iilng


She has recently rlatted Mew Fork, and obtained a Jim- ashnrliueut of Spring Goods, e«d she t.ATKHT Itj k'H.

Thanks to friend" lor their former p:itroiiage,and (i rniitiunniii'c n'spcctfully hulii iliil.


at (tore lu PORTKirB hlm-k, No. 9IM ■fnsot •Irrel, I.AWItKNCI-:, inny l>r fouiul a linpc railetv of

MILLINERY GOODS. TIH> public are Invited to enll and exiniliie Hie

ptylee '■■ L.■.,■ purc.luulngrtieiiltmo

Moivmita «..-.i-. made <

Al.lllll.1HT1. ry v. a E M K K T

. IL I.. TAl'I.KV.


luVrye Village. liit|ulreof the ul.-nilHi.

Tomato and other plant--- supplied at the shortest

notice. OUAjRIiatt U- AUnoTT. Audover, April 11.187S. "at

w s c° SALE, FOR AMD




Tlu> business nf the Inte Hermon Abbott having pnsrtcd InUitlielisnds oiHie enlwerllicrs, they wit eottthne to furnish COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBES, ami other articles connected with the hnslnesA, prtnuiiilv and In the latest styles and llnish.

Comns nml Caskets finished In oil, wax, or eov- eredwith hroailcloth.

The attention of the trade respectfully solicited. rices as low and flnlsh as good as is lo lw found.


" 27, Fclirunry 17,

" 21,

IB, 21, ft "

April 12 & |8, 10, 10 "

Total, W inches. The lloethovcii (lulntette Clnh of Boston,

with Mrs. OefDOd as vocalist, will give a con- cert lu the Town Hull on Tuesday evening. May

; th, under the auspice* of the Scientific Pejiart- BMHtof l'hilli|>s Academy. Our citlicn^ may be assured of one of the rlehctit entertainments of tha season. The price of tickets will be placed within the means of nil—M cents to all 11.n i.- of llio house.



1'ltOIIATi: (OIIIT. To tin. hclrx-stlaw, next of kin, und all other

persons Interested in the e^lato of I'llAllLKh ('I'M'UIMis, luU? of Andovcr, in uniil county, fhrmi-r, dereaseil, greeting:

Whereas, a certain iii^trmiicnt, purporting to lie the hn.t will and testament nf said de- censeil, hns lieen prei<eiited to i-aid Court, for pro. Iiate, liy Henry Cumialngs, wtm prays Uiat ielters tenbiiiientary may be ismed lo him, the eseculor tliereln uamiil,

Von ant hereby cited to appear at a I'robate Court to be heM nt tfnlt-in, in said roimty of BeaeX, on the First Tuesday of Mny next, nt nine o'clock in lln- forenoon, lo show cause, if any you lime, against the same.

And said petitioner Is hereby directed to Sve public nolle* thereor, hy publishing lliixclta-

iii once a week, for three successive weeks,In the iii'«-|p:i|M'i cnllcd the l.swrenrc American nml Andovcr Advertiser, printed at I^twrenca, tin' ln»l piihliiulion to bo two days,at least, before said Court.

Witness, George V. Chortle, Ksqulre, .fudg* Of said Court, lids flTtccnth day of April, in the venr aaie thou.' and ClgM humlreil and seventy- three. ;i|.lB A. C. UOODBLL, lb-L-i-ler.

BvaotBH which has Urn tpjite dull of lute, has tuken a start again, and shows more signs of UvclUMf*. A- this indicates tuo-i'i'i iiy for both Imycrs and sellers, the change Is hailed with pleasure.

WoitkMi:* are ciiguged In uiuking excava- lor the new turu table which is to bo

placed at the Mothnen hanshuu ol the horse railroad, Thu work is being pushed forward fast, mid the road will soon be supplied with thut convenience. The table is placed here for the purpose of turning the cars; the one burse ears which arc fo lie placed upon the road, next month, we bclicrc, are not constructed on the Mime plan Bf those now in use; the horses cu-

be hitched lo cither end, but only at one end, and hdice the necessity tor the table, to

cars at each trip. A similar table will lie neeesearj at North Andovcr,

Bar. Goo. J. JcMcnm pastor of the Metho- dist church; has lieen rc-asslgm-d to this town. Mr. Judkins is a gentleman of many tine unali- ties. During his stay here he has won the re- spect and love of his Congregation, and indeed, nl: who know him, and much pleasure Is felt that he is to continue his labors among us.

■|'ii i BNOmtUH of the lire department have lieen ap|Miinted i they arc an lollon*.—ChnrU's B, Ouss, W. 11. Battrlcfc, Prank Ingalls, Oil-

llowcn, JohnK. lihknell. James lngalla, S. A. Harvey, J. H. Gorden, and W. 11. But- lers; Ibis makes nine engineers. Iaut year

re only live; it is thought that the in- craaae is nutde In order thut those friends of the dominant party might have the satisfaction of

ing In oitlce, wbote Inaannfll caused the elec- liot). It is nil very well of course. Nine enifi- Beetal Plncbus! whata protection against lire,

nw we can lord it over Lawrence, which baa ly six. Only six engineers of the lire de-

partment, and yel Lawrence speak* of Methuen facetiously us Us seventh ward. The idea! and

nine engineers of the fire ilcparlinent. It is iui|Hisslble that we can ever In future have

io lire would ever dare assail our town and attempt the task of ODDilugrailug, with such odds ngnlnst It. The engineers elect their own

hicf, and it is thou ght Hut Mr. W. H. Rnt- Irlch, who IUIH hen-tofore tilled the position with so much nceephuiee, will Iw re-elected.

FtBtOJA LOPOB Of OoOd TeWBlaW held u fes- tival at the town hall, on Weducjulay evening. Tin iv were quite alarge niimlarof people pres-

ent from Ijvwrcttcc. The frstival was In every respect a success, and was much enjoyed hy those present.

TMlCoMOMrrbf Miss Margie M. Porter, at ic town hall, Ott the evening of bull Thursday, as the in II ■■ ii'i I event of the winter. Miss Por-

ter was assisted by Mrs. Oco. A. Harris, Mrs. A. K. Kent, and Mrs. Nellie 8nooncr, of Me- thuen, and Mr. F. 11. Lewis, of Manchester. The programme embraced some choice select- ions, and the manner in which they were ren- dered exhibited a high degree of musical excel- lence. Every piece wns given welt, and some of them with inch satisfaction to tlio audience that their repetition was called for. Mr. LOTIS

Is a fine pianist, and In his execution gives evi- dence of careful training.

TIIK TOWN HALL is to. 1* renovated.—The liU'i'iuy association flourishes, and i< working out the object for which It was designed,—the promotion of knowtedgc and the cultivation of friend! In ess .—The tickets placed on sale hero Tor the Oougk lecture, have nearly all been taken, QIILL.


l't:M.hi.M. ISLAND, which l*r<>f- Agassis formal- ly received on Monday a* a gift from Mr. John Anderson, the celehrated tobacconist of Mew York Is admirably adapted for the purpose for which it wu« given. This bland BWer appears to have had a hi»loiy until now ami prohably never WOUM hare had, lunl It not have hern for the great liberality ol its owner. It occupies scarcely a point i >ii common maps, and is one of tin: group of the Kliaabetblan l»lea, lying between Buzzard's bay tan Vineyard sound, and tttetaUai south- ward from Capo Coil to a point nearly opposite Die ....ii or lUioile Island. It is Just outside of die end mire to lluzzanl's bay, and twelve miles from New Uedford. The Inland is three fourths of

mile lung, and a half a mile wide and BOBialai ulneljseveii acres of lund. Mr. Anderson has

ut nuiiiiilier of trees on the Mend, nml one young tree was pointed out that had grown in OM year higlier Ihiui any OIIU could reach, The sur face is hilly, the highest point being one hundred feet abore the wafer.

How Mr. Anderson euiue to present the island to I'fof. Agassis, Is told as follows :—

His attention appears to have becu draw n to the ihjeit of i»>|uilar education ami Natural History,

by the publicity given to the cfforti of the leaned rrnfesriorof Comparative Zoology nt Cambridge, 10 obtain from Uw l-cKislalure an appropriation maldol'tlic Musisliin which he has founded In thutcily. Having read the reports of the argu- ments of Professor Agassis la-lore the CinnmllUii on Kduratlnn, and heard of his intention to ei-Ub- a school at N'nnturket for the study of nature such as thu world lias not seen, he oflercd the island, Uigethcr with eAO.ouu as a permanent loca. tion for Uic school, and a fund for maintaining the same, which gifts were accepted, and Monday, lite Jlst InoL, was Had upon for the formal delivery of the deeds of the property, anil as related In our columns yotenlay, the presentation r....1, plat-e on Momlay.

I'repnrnlioiu for tlic schiml, which will open tills summer, will I* immediately comnienced. Plane have alrCMly Issen drawn hy IL ll. Bhteh of lloston, forutwo-slory wooden liulhling M UMt longnmi twenty-live feet wide. Tlie lower Door Is Intemletl for hdinralnrlaa and working rooms, of which thfjre will be eight, with a large IwU. The leOOnd Mery will contain Iwi-nty-stx sleeping IIInil. tWO hath rooms, and a large room for the stiiierlutendent of Ilu- Institution. Several friends of Mr, Anderson in New York have liccouu) Inter- ested In the school, ami will probably give llliei- ally toward its endowment. II will be known as liie Anderson sdtool of Natural HUtory.



New Dress Goods.

New Shawls,

ROMANTIC—A gentleman 01 Portland had his daughter kept from hhn by a branch of tlie family when she was visiting, in a neighlsiring city, nml the daughter was not averse to the im prlsunmenL She loved the son, and wlien her father and a friend of his, accompanied hy the City Marshal, went for her, the young man said she could only pass over his dead body. The City Marshal juet slopped that nonsense, and the girl is now with in i parents.

Six feet in his boots!" e.tclaimcd Mrs. Bces- x. "What will the Impudence of this world

come to, I wonder ? Why, they might ns well tell me that the man has six heads In his hat."

T (I N 8 O II I A L.

Iii re they a Kin their II

i.-l.i-.ti'nllv iiiiiniiillie rilizcnn of Andovcr ninl vicinity that they have taken llooma In llritpi'i-'H lllneki (lliiseiii.ul)

I'porcd to do all kinds of Itepuii ■

Mattresses and reathcr lleils made to order. Solas, Lounges, Chairs, etc., I'('bolstered and Itepalrcil In tlie best possible style, ami at stunt notice.

Curtains trimmed and hung. Carpets taken up, cleaned ami lakl. In short, everything in the Gouerul .luhblng lino done as low as can bo done elsewhere.

WO are prepareil to render any assistance dn- ■Ired h> purchasing (HMdl In orelsewlwre.

Parlor SeL-t made lo order. Particular attention paid to Packing Kurnlture and Itemovlng Pianos.

Tlie un.ii'i ;■ it; in'il hope, by a strict attention to business, to receive n liberal share of patronage. ■


Andovcr. April SI, IST3.

The umlerslgned has returned to his old stand, over.). J. IIBOWKtt store,on MAIN sired, wiiere ha will bo glad to wail on his former ens tinners

il tlie public generally In ail brandies of IIA IB URKMHIMU. e^-Partlcular attention pah CutthiK Ladles'and Children's Hair. Grateful Tor past favors, and conscious of always improv- ing the pcrsonnl ap]iearance of patrons, all are :ordlally Invited to call.

WILLIAM II. SMITH Andovcr. Jan. 31.1873.

6*0/^5, Lounges & Parlor Suits. Abo, dealers in all kinds of


FURNITURE of every description, which they will sell nt the


Call and see the Patent BBD I.OTTHOE.


fnlrt3 J. HILL A CO., dew, Aineslmry A. EM«I at., Lawrenoe.


Has taken the oftlee recently occuploil by Dr. O. L. llradfonl.

i Hil.-e hours till U A. M., I to 3, and T to 0 r. M. tails nttcmlcd to ilay or night. An.lovor. Nov. 1. HO*. * tr-

over the hills from tin- l-iiuiiiiil lie Ida of tiod's smiling Kilc.n, bringing hi its liiilu tlie myrferious iiitliieni'esAir life, whoso imtent forces engage

„il minions of death, an (,'i'Ufp Hie iti'iiJlrate miilii .'■■ el Hie enrlh

tlie Inggard :. if fell grasp tlie prostrate laj.t nslavwlnndisinn.l in the nieL'lolh of tiieir ile-

f pairing bmnlllalion. Ilrnve March breezes have gustily heralded thine advent- From their Ko- lian hniiiiH Hie uiml's lni,'iiin;i-. lmi,l II|MMI the listening skies. Earth's dormant ears were start' led Into ipilckencil hearing at the sound, ttcnshtn

itli sudden thrills the In-ait «T nature UirnhlHil id swelled, kindliiiK «ilh i motional warmUi irlli's pal-b'd fi nine, ami life nml viipir lea|«d In-

to all its sinews to throw off the deadly lucuhiis lind lingered tin iinwh il ■■■ u intiy (treanii "

past,—nil lamt ami misty em- blems or thu lire immortal, w hose superior wor lb tlie rushing thunders or seraphic voices chant around tlie great white Ihronr, rcverlierr"-- through the aisles of heaven willi Impassioned power, scatlag the eternal liatllemeiits of glory, nml pouring a mclisllous avnlnnrln' of song upon the enraptured worlds, whose responsive tongues wnLc to Hie grand refrain, and arc now echoing over the lauds the glorious lotiuioiilcsoflhot liet- ter resurrection.

An allusion In last week's AMKRICAH to the hi'iiiTi. | :c nt tin iiue. i ,.i (.-nmlilcrs will bear

Business JJ"otidc^. How can pin-v rnake them a eunsludo for 2-5

cts f—At Taylor and Bollon's.

Black cashmeres for garments, #1.2.5 and 91.- '.(i per yard. A great bargain.

O, D. Armstrong.

I don't sec how they can sell an cheap. Bilk Jap. Stripes, 37 cts; selling elsewhere at 47 •ts. Cull at Taylor & Itolum's.

Ni-uiNo WooLEna.—Byron Tracll & Co. have opened to-day a splendid assortment nt •i. £L

New Silks.



ever shown to tlie public of Llwrenrc; while our

prlers, as heretofore, will lie the


JAP. STHUM:S, ao, vi», |9}c.

BLACK NILKM, «i, sji.u,

misn IMH-I.IAIN, ai.19, BMBi «I.KO.

BLACK AI.I'ACAN. * to 01.

All the New Slutdes In i*«fLI««, from an to «7',c.


OPERA WlpS. im doaen At Tlfe pair, tirlk

r " We hare Just reeeirfil a lot of


•l.TII, worts (3.110.

Black Lace Shawls, SI $1.50, $2.

Cashmere FJhawla frtn* (4.SO to t30, In Niimrra.

I.nnui, from (So lo foO.

Corsets and Hosiery ciiK-»r.


Boston Wholesale Prices! Umaa l-rlnts, * aitd Itli.

t;inakain<, 11 ■■•! l*',r

Wo recommend orery lady to go to Tarlor .. Ilolton's and se* thow shawls they arc selling at $1,00. They have just rintrnctcd for a man ufaeturcr's stock and nro closing them out at half pric

As the want) weather approticheJ llicro comca with It a teeming leellng of lethargy, and the whole svstcm seems " out of sorW." Tlie truth Is, the blood Is affected hy the change of tem- perature, nnd it needs eome remedial agent to purify It and Impart new life and vigor. In ottr columns will be found advertised an effectual cure from tills evil. Old Dr. OuodhnealUx>t and Herb Bitters, which have acquired a high repu- tation for purifying the blood and bringing the functions of the laaly into vigorous action. Hold bv druggists and dealers in medicines general- ly.

well add that If i iroMcars nee,I a humlreil men

City Government.

The Cornet lannl will toon roinnicnrc open nlr concerts Upon the Common. The enlivening stnilns of its sweet notes last season linaer pleas- inglvlnour mcium-ies, nwnkeiiing desires for a repetition of Uu> musical treat Tlie Uund will bring out main new pieces of music learned dur- ing the lust winter. Mr. Ibiinnm continues lo meet w lib them week to week.



To the la-lrs at law ami others Intonated in the DtUta given for the bemflt of Martha I- fuucliard, wulow, rtaiah B. Puuehanl, (now llnldwin.) ami i:il> n I'liiielirinl, riuKle in-unii, muler tlie 1SJ-I » ill und I. IHIIH nt of IIKN.IA- MIN II. t'liSCII AIUI, 1st.' oi Anilover, lit i-ald

j-ounly. cstiulre, lU-ceswed, tosUle, greeting: Whenav, Kw»pfi Cogswell;. »h- MM*«f the

saidotateuf -ni.t >h■< i n-e.l, li;is presented l"r nl lowanee tlte leopasl arc.ouat oi bis trusteeship.

You ai-o iHiel.y clie.l to npiBW at a I roha i Court, to Iw holia at lUvcrhlll, la aald county or KsVct, on the Third Tuesday of Way next, at nine o'rl.sA In the forenoon, to show CJIIISC. if any you have, why thu same Hhtndd^a*d|ewed

Ami Uio said Iruseae Is ordered to serve ihi. citation by publishing Urn suaao mu-e a week, lor Uirue siie.Veselre wools, in ihe I.awreiwo Auieri- can anil Andovcr Advertiser, printed nl lawn tlie lasl publication lo be two days, ut least, IH1

"ln£e»a?OHM r. Clioale. Bs,,uire, .lu.lge or said Comt, this iweuly-sowmd ili.i ol April, in il,.. tl.'ii- III..m .01.1 ei^lil Iii Uinl si-vcnti three" lapM A. iJ! UtIUDKI.L. Itealster.


r«m MKW cowi, with Calves by lh*:r side.

11. P. Mill.'l'. Andovar, April %\ IHT^

lir AUDNB.

WILLIAM POOR, alanufacturcr of

Express, hlorket. Butcher, Store, Farm and BuBlnesa Wigom.

*»-ltoiialring In all its branches; and all work


IHIAIIIMIF Al. Thursday Kve'a. April il, Irtol.

■|'ii.' l:...ii 1 met a "\, tlio Uayor in the chair. Absent Aid. Hodge. Petitions-of Hoard and Unr ry for iwrnilsslon to place a sign post outside of tlio sidewalk, nt their place of hm.luess on Ixiwrll Street, referred to committee on llccnues with power;of John ltusscll Tor |«n«lssion to occupy a portion ofttie sidewalk in rrontol the premises occupied by him, nt U and W Anieslmry Htrcet, and41 Valley U.;of S. 1». Crowcll, ti. r. Wlggln, .1. I>. lhrow and M. P. Merrill A Co., for a similar purpose, laid on the table; of Bben 11. Wells, fur leave to enter a sewer, with a drain, on Middle tit. ofKllen lllgglns, rornslmilnr piiriawe, on Allen street; both referred to the committee on sewers mid drains.

JfaVWtrts—Of thu Committee on Street*, on the i.ii iiii.n or P. 11. i inn'.'" and others, Tor the pine ing of flagstones across Ilroadway, on tlio north of Kingston Street; grained. Of the same com mi!!" the petition or Martin ii. I others, for tlic acceptance nf Hunker Hill Street, and the establishment or the grade thereof; granted. Of Uic same committee, on the petition of A. J. Per- kins and otliers, tor a change In the railroad crust- ing at Ilroadway, Inexpedient to take action until thu result or thu examination of the ItullrondO iiilssiouers is known.

Appoi»tMf*t*-T\«> following were appointed a Board ol Engineers of the Fire DepartP»en*: La- ther Istdd, J. Kraak tlllbort, U. I.. Annan. A. B. Itrewstor, Knnry .1. C.mch, Kdward tm0f> "''"' ids Wholly.

Hrtol«IUni' The resolution appropriating *:*» for defrayment of expenses on Orcoratlon Hay was passed lu concurrence; the resolution nil- thoriilng thorcsUlingorthe High School ami Po- llen Station was passed lu concurrence.

Orders.-Tlie order authorising the Mayor to ■aneo plans to IM> drawn, showing that section of the city between Broadway and l.awreaoe streets, anil north of the Spickel river for tlie use or tlie

was actod up»n eonenrrenUy--an order was passed tor ajpint convention on Wwlnasday cver Ing, 1st of May, for tlic election of water coniiiU slower*| an order was passed for a Joint eoovei tion on Momlay evening next, tor the election I accordance wlUi the onlor of theSinprotnc Court, of two ovcrsours or tlie poor, one assessor, com- mlsstoner or street*, auditor of accounts, illy treasurer and collector or taxes, and cltyrleik. The onlor from the Common Councillor a Joint convention forthwith for the election of two over- seer* of tlio poor and one assessor, was amended by striking out tlie won! •'forthwiHi," ami Insert Ing «Monday evening. Ml inst," and adding commissioner of streets, auditor of accounts,

Ity treasurer, and collector or taxes ami alt* clerk. Adjourned to Monday evening next.

Windham, N. H.

Man's life from cradle lends to tomb." Many limes In our career is this line recalled to mind; each new made mound, each white slab hi every cemeterv, speak to us and tell us of man's life, i' beginning, and the silence of its end. We belie hi treading HgMt* above Uw graves or tiicdca We Iwlleve that tlie husluit stillness should be u hrokcii, save hv notes of pence; but there., many nn epitaph upon ii tombstone, so Inappro- priate, that It seems like n " grim Joke," at tlte ex- pense of tlie peaceful i-Icoucr, ami w u cannot help

Apairofoperakldscnnlic hail at Taylor cV Ilolton's for 75 cts. 30 dozen to choose from ■

1' It I N Q 16 7 3.

Tata Hew *nd Uegaut


204 Essex Street, occupied by


traeting mwrh attenUon by the llc.iutilul and Elegant display or

NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS! better a-sorlmeiil of

is, both blenched and 'aid per yard, up.

tie in the city keep p Print.-, Olnglinms, and C oiu llrown, from lu, II nud i-\ (

Mr. MCKAY has


White, Hi on II, Turkey Ited and Unmask, at very OW jirices; and, In fact, everything from a I'a|MT f Pins to the nicest of Rlaek ftllka.

A visit lohls store, in

Beach's Now Block, No. 204, In the pursuit of I>ry Omuls, will welt repay any lady. XT-There the Hoods will be freely shown, ami without urging.

The success of Mr. Mi KAT. In tlte past lire years, la a sufficient guarantee In all he has

i popular want, viz :—

Selling nrLrtrgc Quantity of Onotla nt n Small Advance: on tlio First 0*1,

titVB MlH A CAI.I_

All or* Wetoorae, even to Ixtoh.

204 Estei street, Beach's New Block,

. NBAll TUB PUHT Omen, SmUinli"




BtlRNHAM'S, 103 EOBOX Street, - - Lawrence.

Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods In All tlic BTew ettrleel



Trunks and Carpet Bags Very Cheap. A i.ii ire line of Cheap shirts for 7.V tmd ■-1.




as we can give you a OARUAIN I





Warranted not to tiro the eve, ami to Iss tlie cat Olass in the market.

rVIHTrilltli A KICK, Agents.


A PHOTOGRAPH SALOON, on wheels; In good running order. Is I) feet wide

and 3-'> feet long. Apply In person or by litter to

fapis J. II. nTOTT, It. A M. Car Mhop, Lawrence. Mass.

r° LET,

for Parlies, Hulls, etc., Crockery, Uktss Wept, Plated and Common '-| t ■ and Knives and Forks, bv JOHN 0. UOW A CO.





ltf:\ti:Mi:f.i; Till Al>l>1tB8R:



Src.i.Mi pooii Finn POST OFFICE.


niicecmsora to CJNFIIKLI. A TAYM>K.









rKI.I..-In this citr, April to, a daughter to Mr. A sirs. Joseph Kelt.

DRKW.-ln this rllt, April W, a son to Mr. A. Mrs. K. II. Drew.

HAMPOlUi.-In iiiii eltv, April 21st, adaughtor to Mr. Jt Mrs. Jesse Itiiuifunl.

}IL\\tfih.%*i fi.

Cl,KAVKft-rLAOO,-In Amtovcr, .Tues April '»d, h\ the llev. .tonics ItiiMel, Mr. .Is Cleaves, ofhtandlsh, Me., and Miss Mcllsj Klngg, of Lawrence, Mass.

i;KOUOK-COI,I.ISH.-ln Ihis city, April 111, by Itev. John It. Oomih Pi.lrc Mr. James ». (Jeorgc to Miss l.illlc V. Collins, lsilb of l»on i ill.', N. II.

»('OTT-BCANI.O\.-In Melhui n, April Iflth, by Kev. Thus. O. Orassie, Mr. James Scott and Miss Mary Scaulon, Imth of Methuen.

BIKIWX-AVEIIU.I..-I11 MeUmen, April tftlh, byltov. Tho». »i. Oras,ic, Mr. Joseph llrown ami Mi Olive Averlll.

FINNKYAN-HOltltlOAN.-In this city, Apr. K, by llev. Wm. Ilnniett, Oennis Kinneynn lo Ma ry llurrlgan, both of Isiwrcncc.


Uw ohl " Ceniel.11 mi the Hill," In'Wludliain, are many ounliit tombstones anil epitaphs. Among others, two an' worth relating. Vpon one stone BUM WOrtU are iiiscrilieil:

" Death Is a debt to nature due. Which I have paid, ami so must jou.'

Tlio next Is the best or all,bul{wc repress the name: "Major A H died Jan. IS, \KVi, agcdtiQ. Ilu was an oOlcer in UM' ItevoluUmiary war, fought at the battle of Hunker Hill, ami was FtigMged iu Ihlrleen liallles. He now rests In mace. "IHesseil nre the [H'accmakers, tor tlicy shHltln- called ih« children of UtaL"

Itov. Ohartse Packanlof Hew Alstcad, N. H., has recelveilncall irmii Hie I'l.-ln b'riaif chun-h und society of this place. In U'cmiie Ihcir pastor. The call lias IKH'II scceirfnl, ami Uie-liislallaUon exerOTMl Will tako place on Uic SOUi lust

po: r A M I I. V


\| ETHUKN N l! H S E It Y .

Fruit and Ornamental Trees AMI


Order Dui al A. A. I.AUPItBV A to'.-*, :;i.

Ksaea street, I .awren™.

SmlnpIP, (iEORCE W. V..U.K,

Plea, ant Valley Si, east pai t of Methuen.


\^y I L 8 O N ' S

Ammoniated Superphosphate of Lime


To THE CumimKRB or PiiosriiATEa IN Ml* KauLAau:

ninilsMina atT ngent. UAJtC I>- LAWIIKNIJ;. will Iw at UM- Itnltroad Freight Mrrssst- NiiUTH LAW'HBaCK, HfcAli UF Kuans HMsW, Lawreucv, Mass., on

MONDAY, 5th of MAY, 1873, at 11 A. M.t

rcadv to sell you a supply or mj rtuporphosphsiie of Li In cum a-i-niK n.l:iiK«':i terrifi > I oni !■• commence enilv, lint the terms of sale

On account of the late Hi e at my

Si,.,,. onWiiHltiiifrtoti St., Jtnntoii,

I am olTeriiig part of my



HUMAN HAIR slightly damaged by water, at

II A I, P I> 11 I C E I

KwllrhcB, *i I tmmtM price. «3.

IJr»> lie.. '»i Ol ■ B.

rilriri, 9Itr. |ii c yard i fniinir pi-lcr, tl«c.

Combs and Head Ornaments, \ VKItY OHBAP.


LOUIS WEIL begs to tender to In. friends and the public

generally his tbauks for the generous support he

received While cuuduetlng business to Law-

t, and also to state that his bustnees tiss

Increased to such an extent a. to lead him to

establish a


for tlio sale of

Gout's Furnishing Goods" HATS, CAPS, ftc.

This t,tore Is situated la SACXDKCS CLOCK

Corner of Apploton and Essex St,

ami will be under the immediate charge of OKO.

r. CUHTI8.

»4 -Mr. \vi:n. will still continue al his OLD

sTOUK, wheve, with an incrcaaed stock, ami

especially a



than can be touad anywhere else In thccltwi be

hopes to merit a continuance of Uie patronage

Hurt has been so liberally ntended to him in the

put. tint 1ttf lalT

T'ilRKK MKMliKl.'S OP THE FIUM of Af IV. Mum * c«. havtng spent four days tail week in Sew Tark sctoeunj Nov. ttle» in

.ww htyli's of Sliawls, Oarmciits,IiressOoo<ls, Carpets, Trimmings, Lacns, Ulovcs, Hotiery, Fancy ArtkTes, etc., an prepared to offer the

itUcii* of ami vkdally as nail and ■impute a stock InKachik'uartaaenlof New

■ml Choice SPRJNQ GOODS uadntaslnw

J\.m Kew and lleautiful styles of Summi Silk I m \ en l.ow; BIMI, a case ut H 1.1. BOD J I) III.At'H KI1.MK, warranted NOT TO I'ltAl'K or break in wearitif, orlsfcomeaTcy hy u-e-ihe <itrap*si lot ofttie season. TrMces, #1.00,, ai.SK, tl>a, #1.7*. •*.«. at-63,»3.uo ■■■i.| All Very Cheap. HTKAUNH * CO.

VW. STi: \ KNS & CO. woolil partlcu- • hn I v Invite nil who are thinking ol purr bas-

ing a **r\ J C WNHAWI, ibis ^.rtug. to mi - '.i .:ln>!'.iilh.'liirc<sliitiiiiuosl "tolrafcl*

-n.rlini-iu ol ilrkUr rhnlir NKW UOUUN, ml nmnv i>l the sti les Kntlrrly New nml Novel, ml not to be found elsewhere. riTKAUXrt A CO.

SHADES ninile to onlor, nny nlw, wilur or pattern. \i 11II K nil. A ILK K.

\\V. s IT.AIINS &. CO. arc o]»entnga • Pull and Klrgairt Assortment of

MprlMfr. nolrnan*, Jrrketa, rapes, Ac, of entirely Sew Designs mid Modes of Trimming, T Usual ],«*• PrVoae. M'KAUNs A CO.

1?A8I110NAni,K KPKIM1 TMLOaUMO 1073.

A. \\. Nlrarais * «'«. would s

.11 u.'i I to any In New Kngbtml.


A. W. N<mrn. A. in. are njirning Iheir Pull ssortiocnt of New Patterns for Parlors and

einrrsl House furnishing purposes, and would invite the Ladles ;nn( i,ll itili n -lc-,1 lo un exatab

' n ..! unr Kletrnnt Sti les ,in.| Cheap floods.

AW. 8TEAKN8 * CO. are oponlng • Nee. aud Very Choke Mtylea of Hiving

I tress tints Is.

1 > (I II K It T II A U Q II T 0 N,

Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, And dealer In all klnda of

Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranges. lie]mil in,- neatly done.


And dealer in all kinds of

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AND

Fittings for Steam. Water and Oas. No. 41D ICssri Ntreet, I.avviciicr.

Orders solicited and promptly attended to.


Qilt Papar Hangings and Borders, just opened hy WlIITPOKU A HH'K.


FOSTEIL-In this city, April M, Clara II., daugh- ter of Ueo. II. und Martha foster, aged 4 yrs,

llerkwlth, aged <1 yrs, 11 IIIXIIV. — In North Andovcr, April i'>, Mary

Aliby, wife of MaUblas lUxby, aged to yi-s, u in.i-1 il dy*.

ClTRHIKtt.-lB MeUmen. Aiwil Md, Mrs. Ilan- uuh Currlor, ngod 811 yrs.

NA.SON.-In tills city, April lUb, twin Nnson, ageil 31 yrs, * dys.

WOOOUCUY.—In Marsballtown, Iowa, April It, Hon. Oreenbiir M. Womllmrv, (one of Mie ear- liest pioneers or the west, irntu New Hamp- shire,) ngod 03 yrs.

SIIATTACK.—In North Andover, April Md, 'I'll ii.i C. Kliattnck, sgn.1 OS yrs, 1 mos.

UIVWOY.-In Amtover, (West Parish) April «L Miss tindut Lovchiy, agid Tl yrs, Umos,




Tho BoBt Haut'o & Raliah

Mad* In any Part of tha World



lMuls, ItO cents.

n»u PIIIU. - - - so atthssb


numlHT or vobiine- fciken Irmn the library during theyenrwas ncaily six Umusaml. 'ITio library' with Um common school, one the compliment of

Uier, should tlnnd side by side, lioUl object ir patronage and lavor, one Ising the bnsl

of Hie liiU-lllKence »f ourju'oph'; Uw other will Wn source or tiieir mental rniwlh and Intellec- tual vigor. JDUOHleni Wl the library havo bash increased by donnlliiu- from iniblic spirited liuli vlduals. Mrs. I,. .1. Park Mall, of Providence, an auUioress uf abllitv, presenUsI about twenty vol-

K \\H\ ii.ln'ini'.-. 1 im.-.i'll mi ■■ i ..t iwenty-lwo vobiines »:i. niclvcil recently. Tliey wero ol a high order, ami did credit, both to the head nml heart of the giver. Aaiong them we mi- "lliddleiuamh," Unit stnin/. vigorous work from too vigorous pen of Mrs. M. J. Lewis.

Such gilt* as these are very pleasant to receive, not onlvfi-om their oirn inherent worth, but Irmn UHI spirit Which liroinpti the giver. The library itself, was a irill H um :i mi nirr ii'lhiw clllsrn, and tliese donations have lieen reeeivcl from children or former townsmen, who sUll retain a deep in- terest In the home of their fathers. Sneh senU- menls nre natural to true heart-; thev are planted there by the Illvine hnn.l. Tlie ancient Hebrews In their captivity, always tunie.1 with loiiami

res and sathb'iie.1 licart* biwanl Jemsak-iii, mrirs and Uielr fa liters' home. All Uiese Inchlenls, nlbtdetohome. tto where we will, roam where we ni:ic, Mice scciies nml associations, so tender, M sacied, nnd so strong, will not away at our bid- illng. Tlmy cling to us with a tenacity which knows no sundering, and brought to our mlmls

a 0 0 I A I.

FEBTIVAt^ND FAIR The Ladles connected with the Klioi Chun-h 111 hold their ANNUAL NOCIAL lAItt, i-.i tl,.-

salu of fancy and Uaafld Articles, on

Wednesday Evening. April 30th nt the ELIOT CHAPEL.

Refrosbmonts and Supper Provided. lUtH Aimiasmit, II CENTS. ^^^^



Deposits placed on in t tin First Pay of each mouth.

Interest allowed on nil sums or one dollar and iipnnnls, debited not less Utan ono month be- lorollieihiy ou which nro declared.

Thu smallest sum received on dcponlt is live

Dividends Will lie made or all tlic pmflls wldcli may have a«rrued within the previous six mouths, nib i ill-ducting necessary expenses.

Interest will not bo paid on reactions! parts Of a dollar.

OPFICK1W: /'i .-,,'■ .i' .1. in '. FAl.UIN, I'siJ.

rice frrtiilcnli, A. W. Htoams, Thomas ftcott, il V. Iliiivm, Morris Knowles, .lames A. Timt, J. Kmerson, Jr.

TrnisKrcr—.lames Payne. Tmitfc*'

iviei-siiiiib, John Rmllh, .1. W. Siniih, K. 1.. Itunnls, Peter IMihnn, H. W. Knight, P. C. Klrh, I». C. Ilhlinrdson, II. U. Ayer, Jesse tilover, A. J, Preach, Ptitrick Murphy, ('. K. Plllsbury, .lames Payne, P.O. Ihllsbury. Jianhil Hardy.

TIHI Hash Will lie open evmy day (rom fl A. M. to 1 P. M., except Saturday. <hi Thursday nml MilunLiv Kvinlngs, Iv.mi T mi', Im nicivingdc imslU oiilv. JAMK* PA VNK. Tirnsurer.

Lnwrrnce, June II, 1K7J.- t ^_^__


. same klyle and imalilr can be liascd lor iu tlii*or iinv city lu New Kiialaud.

- W. STKAItMH ill).

VIEW ami Kli-f-ttnt BM«sj of Hprlntr lx Nhnwls can Isn found at Nlearwa *t fa's.

ADIP.R' I'NUKlt (1AKMKNTR—Mfttlc J from the BOn QI'Al.lTV of Cloth, and

WKLL M Mil A. W. Stearns Si Co. «cc opening a complete

assortment i.f NtW Styles and Splendid Work.

Metropolitans, cU'., - Ladles, Misses and Boys; n la> found at

HIMIHI * en'..

I^LANNKLK t>r nil klntla Cheap. V *.W. Ftlr-rna *. (

I.-'lUt STYLISH DltKSS AND SUIT 1 MA MM;, A.W. hltsiai AIV>.

A. IV. Wr.rm * Pi.

HOHIRHY AND OLOVKS—Ladlea' ami | .. i. i' . i:. i Variety, lb

A. W. I ti.nsls, t lie:ip.

... A ft


arly, b -.ill fuUy utiet ewry oldoeti— Thl- «ill In' Hi.-..nK ..pporluiiltv nl Ibis kind Hint I can promise lo "ffer you In Hie cnmiiiK -eit-i.n I'oKUu' piirehi-e of fertilizers at such an adranlage.

TURNS. n order tu IMS, M><> (.UUUMI. -r —t- -..^e'lnPrs

„n easy as is iMissible. I luive IHMN the follow lug terms, which wlU bo strictly ajflH-'reil bi :-

On all cash payments made on sale* previous to April 1st, Wot, a discount oft! per ceuL per niuiuiii

made to that data; ami all notes wl coin to draw interest at Uiat time. On all sales

maiir Inter, note* will draw Interest from dale "I a»LP. to Unai or iiaynmnt, which will la* extomlnl

> any time within out' year, at Uw option ol Un ayer, Interest aitikil at« l>er eeat. Tlie reasons fur adopting this nielliml of sale are

the following:— In euuvasslug tor the sale or the fertilUer, my

aveiiu Hud Uw market tlllol wiUia varlcli oigoisl.. ..[ tin. i l:i--,;.lini'l ii ml . v.'ej 1 mi consign- Mi.iil, nml Hilliniil ri'Miihir price, or times of i.aj- nient. i long ago declined In consign nny ol mi pi-iHtoitions to any person wlialever. I em affuril to do Ibis nml make giMHl articles. Therr- i nil i- I si i|llil Ihe I Let Ol sell III .-.line otll.-c way. I do not choose Uw former, but the hitler

My rlnperiiliospliato Is made ]ust as represented nn tlio card Uiat is uMinli. .1 U< eneb piu'V^-.-. nml ,., .,,1,1 i„ ;.,',■.„.l-oice Uierewltli. It Is a gnotl aril- ch>, has value, and is entitled to to' Ismclii :iml sold, ami pnlil for.ns much as toittoror flour, or any ..iin i article of incndianillse.

1 cannot, therefore, afford to give It away, to hire




tt^Ht ONLY O BNVIWB I lowest llvliiu raU'ri.



and Destroyer of Insects I

|) I C T V R K

or nil descriptions nnd pi lees. Picture Cord. Also, n Stoat of CHROMOS, Kngruiingr. Lithographs, Photogrtipln, Itiuckcls, etc.

Parties desiring their engravings Prnine.1, can rely Open luring them In the Mat ilyle, nttfie

go of the I'lcture anil Framing ib'|uirluieiit nt 969 Essen Streeti

Ign of Picture Praine Slanuliiclnrj'. lmhSI

■ Hui'TNii. wiNTKK


■Ml Kasca Htrerl, l.niii.iiir.


Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has Iwen duly app»iiib-l e\.'ciiti.r .it the will of

Freilerlo II. Taylor, , Hie of Andover, lu Uio rmiaty of r.ssex, maii.ito thut irust -, „ ocr-.inin having deuutmu Saee«Mii nre miulre.1 toexfilbitthcsanie; persons lodebb-l to sa^eatatojnicalM W nnike pni ineiit lo K1»W A 111* TA\ I^>lt, Y.

Andovcr, April 15, 1H78. npf

of Andover, lu Uio emtaty of BsJMt, gentte- deeonscd.Ustoto.nnd liasUhea upon hlnis. irust by giving bonds, as Ihe Uw iMple. AH

^^fj?- -,.. ... .,„,„ ihx, estate of Himl hlhll


The subscriber baa a eujiply of COAL of diier- rerent slue* and nnallty, which he will Airnlsh customers at a reasonable prlco and short noUce. Orders may ha left at JOHN II. CHANDLKB'IJ ivrlcdl-.jl Store or at my residence.

JOHN CIIANDLEB. Andover, Sept. 0,1875.-

Manchester, N. H.



«r-Wui-i-rmt«Ml lo be PUKK atooU, ll:illfiwp'il ISAAC II. COBB,

No. IM Ferry StrocL Lawrence.

G. D, ARMSTRONG will sell, for two weeka, a large lot or

Brown and other Oolorod Dross Goods,

at the low pricn of an nni> per yard. Tliey are wull worth :i;', ami .si coats.

tVe call the AltrntlOM of the I.sidli-s ■nt iiua

BLACK QOOIiS. Thl'V are the i.est and efcrapeit hi tlte cityt

Boat Mncblno Thread Six Gents.

i......I | ....I Thread Three i . m .

Best French Corsets, SI.001 Htrlped Uraas Cloth ftultlMgs only 18 cts.

Black & White Stripo Oronadlnoe mailed down Ui 35 ut*. per yard.

I Csmhsuerrs, Whitei filimle-. inarkill iown froiii ai.'j.'i to HO cts.

away at any time. Those iml> uim liavu worthless Roods, or hanknipt stocks, can afford to Uk^tbls rourae.

tlw large markets in New Kngland mv fertill/etifcis an eslnlilMicil gorul reputation; mid in Uiese jiW'i's the onlc ipicstlon asked by tlie farmer Is, "la this Uie genuine Wilson's 1 bur Chater"* In oilier markets it is not kuuiio, Bad

wm seems to bo a determination on Uw |mrt id tntereatotl parties Uiat It ;-h:iil not be.

In this condition of thing. I have considered ll i bo Uw lM>st and cltcapcst way to inn... ho .■ It, lo

»«11 It ii|ton IU own merits, by nm-Uon, to tliose who nn- willing to buy It al Uwlr own pltoe-the

• mb ■


Uaoufactnrcr of

lofllNs, Caskets, anal all krauto af firare Clotkas.

Also dealer In hi all kinds of Pumltnre. Black Walnut, Oheslnul, awl Pine ^"'■jr n^'m* coii.tan.lyoo hnn.l. _ J'lmlstorl,« and Hejar,lr ig

il at reasonable a* rraraoa. Certains ami Curtain lUally on l.iiii.l. and put up If de-

price. Kivlllics sired.

Opposite Memorial Halt, Andovcr.

TERUENCK nENKY, AweUaaaastr astd Coaam saloni Merrttaral. ts now lo feuTaVl KVlita »r P" «nwl Pro^rty al reason-



Oaten on Main ntreet, I the Post Office.

Aprll-JI, in£l Prisldont In Uie chair. Absent, Uihunrtln

11 .....I, Russell and Hanrahan. Itoconls of previous meeting read and approved Tho resolution establishing pay nf the lire de

parliiiuut received Its llnal passage. Cuunellnian LlUloltold irrosOiile.1 a resolution

spproprlaUng •*» tor Uio use of Post 3(1, for Mi morinl Hay. Passol under Dusi*nslon of rulei

Coiuicilman C.mlidgo olTcrcd an onler for tho drawing of plans of streets north of the Hplokel river. Passed.

Hy the same, an onler for a convention tor Uio election of Overseers of the Poor and on Assessor.

From oUicr board I Report or committee on hlreets, recommending oatablishmciit of grade, ami acceptance or Bunker UUl streets; accepted in conenrronoe. ortlie same, on peUUon of A. J.

•crklos and othcis.hi relation to railroad crossing, leave to withdraw; concurred. Of the same, to lay street nrasslog ou Broadway, on north side or Kingston street; concurred. Councilman Joyco presented an order to reconsider umUon to iudefl- iotolyposti>o»ethoap|Mihiliuentorriuperintoiideiit ■f Public Property. Passed, ami on Ibi llnal paj -

sage defeateil. other boanl. Notice rocolved of adjourn-

ment The order for nonvenUon was relumed 1 to ratal on Monday evening* and adding

oUicr officers to be elected. Son concurred. The resolution In regard to pay or Bremen was amend- ,-.i lo make tho pay continence April 1st, Instead of Jan. 1st. Coucurred. An onler tor tlw two branches to meet In.convention, in pursuance to an order (rom Uw Supreme Judicial Court Non concurred. Order thut Uw two brunches meet in convcullon on We.lnes.lay evening next, for the

I SOUTH of election of Water Commissioners. Laid on bible if inal* one week. Ailjourned one week.

The Manchester Art Association gave an ex- hibition Wednesday evening, at their rooms at the Court House, A large audience- was in at- tendance. Tito exhibition consisted of paint- ings, drawings, and other works of sit. Homo nf the pupils have made excellent progress dur- ing tbu past Winter, under tho Instruction of Mr. II. W. Hcirtek, tho President of tho Asso- ciation.

The annual exhibition of Ihe State Reform School Of New Hampshire will take place at Manchester on the Mtii.

Oov. Straw and his party, who hare l«en making an extended Untr to tho Houth and West, returned to Manchester Wednesday morning. Gov. Straw Is much improved in health hv the tour


.«ilv sUpnhition Uiug thai it shall be pahl for; and If farmers will onlj me II in cording to my direc- Uons, tbev will look torwtird with anxiety to Uic time or Uie next onto, for I Intend to maks It nn annual or semi annual affair until the cousumr- knowslU valua.

I do not pro]iose to govern Uie price of UicHu- porphoi-phatc ol l.uue inarkit, but I do propose, In pin. is i'. lure in) K.««ls tne Hut known, or ivherc 1 am met wiUi unialr emnpetlliou, lo give Uie farm crs ami desb-rs a fair opportunity to get m> g.-sls :,t p. ices Hiii.-h tll.1 HUIV feel siilUIUil III pin liiK. until tlwy are snlisili-d nl their »■»! value, and lire ready topiircluise at private sale I prleea.

Painphlels, giving hill instruction* for use, will " a ready for ilfslribiill HI the day of sale.

Thegnodn to be sold are e-iual to any I have ever made, and are guaranteed to liave Iwen mnde as statod.

Orders, not sold by auction, from nny responsi- ble, party, lor n ear toad of Ptowidiab;, allllw

iiiiiiic. 'Ilh. in tick will completely dratrwi' the Insert, which ... liilci-l ncarlv all Bf-m inn vegWatlon, and at the >amc lime Is ■> fertlllarr. iirtlchi has lieen carefully ami UHirounbly

tostod, during Uw )uist four years, by many expc rlencitl farmers, gardeners, nml ftorlciilliirlsin, and the nnmeraiia testimonials which have lieen rooelvoil imm tl....-.' who liave given ll n trial, leavo no itonbt i.r Its lalunble properties n« n Aw. llllxer for all crops; and particularly as au Inaet I Ihwtroyer, ll hivbiK pr-ved a perfect protorttmi to rose bushes, ttrapc vine-, hull tni-s, ciililingi-c, soiiashcs, and other vlnea and vegetables, from Um itrpmlation* ol" in>-ecis, nml is clwaper Uuin any of the rome.lie. w hieli have IMI n rei lend ed for Uiut purpm-e.

Wliol.--i.le A Koiail AtroniK for KSHRX Coi'KTV, Mass.':

W. A. KlfclltALL A CO., I-awrcnrc, ll. mClIAHDH A BOM, Danvers,

to whom all orders should iw addressed.

Mc.i.l fur HI scilll'l It i: PAMrill.^TM.

Al o tor ■ :di- by

CHAH. H. MKSOS ft CtV. Lawrence, N. f. II. MKLVIN, l^wranee, IMHitiK ft PULTON, .McUiucn, sMIiil. MftNNISU ft CO.. AndOviT. C. W. IIAHNkX, Noiih AmloviT. Ottnpbt


pOAl. COAl,

Just received cargo fresh mined

LACK AW ANN A COAL. from the Delaware and Ilu.bum Canal Co. Till* Coal comes very nicely pro,mi*d, nnd gives general satisfaction. ,

Persona wishing a i mall nttantlly of Coil to carry them tlwotigh Uio Spring, will (1ml this Just what they wnnL

Also, VBAfmi.llV C«AI. of I.vkens Valley.

6ANBORN It TUCKER. Offlco 473 Essex St. Vert West rb

" In. ' f.'H l"l'.'.>

Paper Hangings, OK AU. OIIADF.S,


K. A. I'lSKE'S,

•f5 is.... .met. - - i •>.>••»•■


WHEELWRIGHT AHD CARRIAGE Mauutiirlurci', has itltuiiVKii fi'iin l.iilhrop'.. shop, ou Coimmiii Hlrcet, to tlw Mliop adjoining the DttUJOP OUn sbivo ujinsboiike.

sir. stohiluw will carry on Uu? Iinslnsws iu all Its bruin-he*. Imt JmhW

K T A N C II V 1 i: h I>

/t A N A It Y

Illnl. Sec! nnd Wutcr Cupc, rtalh and Gravel Tubs, Wire Nest Prnuies, Cngcr. etc.

JOMN 11. now A 11>., I'-'i Basra Btrtjrt.

Columbia Lcslgo of (Joo.1 Templars heh sa In- lercslllig open merliutt on 'I n.-ilnj evening, the l,-,tli hist tor. Itirhard Kdilv...!'(.biucesler. was

ent, and delivered a lemperaiic- l.-ture which Wils o.w of the lu'sl. II n»t the !"'■'. « ■' "B'hr*,■;1- The l^turewas tollow.Hl by tlw n-adlngof the "(\.bimbla Pioneer," by Mr. (.ardlner noise, Mrs tuth Webster, and Hiss Jluttio learic. From Ziwarance.wes .IJIKIK- ' "Us ..Hlgewasir, "Wellciil working .onler; nml we im.ler-.Uuid Uiat Us funds arc In giwd condition, a large sum Dclug on Interest.



Carpets I Carpets 1 Carpets I

BVROlfl TRVKI.I. * CO. would rail attonUon to tiieir

Spring Opening of Carpetings.

«TW« ■hall open, MoatsUr, April 14, the Larw'sl ami Most Varied Assortment of Carpets

" n in Lawrence, all at srreatljr reHwee4

FWB offer Hpertal n«rKni»s In STRAW MATTINQS ut ** "■•"" i"'r r

v".r.l.,;, *??."■ il Ririlim'PuTolilKTTKU BaafflW hi Plain.CbecA u 11.1 in.11-1.

A full line or All Wool Hoods fur 87* oU., 11.0ft, (Li., ai.m, etc.

Tapestry from fl.» bi $1,011, comprising tlie UEST Kiigllsb Uomls Imporbil.

Oil Cloths, Itiii.-. Hassocks, Curtains, etc., In x;reu.t variety.

a- i nil and see them, for we are determined not to bo undersold.

WE AMD orRg a Matmificent Aaeortmont of Dress

Goods I la all the New Styles and Fabrics.

CsrWe shall offor Uie tireatest narsjalits in ■ LACK. SILKS ever presunual to uie iwniile (IWl" »l *C •».«« per yard.

Itlack Casbmen-s. Dimp do Kto, llrilliaiillnc, Alpaca, Itomlinslnc. UnaVDOi Tamlse. Salerno, iii-., In abundance.

PIKW HIIAWLS ill great variety, at Tremen- dous I^tw Prices 1


»•■«'-■ want to CLOSE Ol'T the aawTC list

of liooils to make nsiin for Sew Spring Oeoda>

A large lot of

W KITE PIQUES In whole assess ;in-l hnii I. iiulln, unlike.' il

from t») nml 7.1 cts. (.> £| in,,i :IT| ala.



SI* Basal Silrrrt, Lawrriir*.

i'relgbls sii iire.1 f • point of destination. OKI). P. WJLSOS,

IMS*. Ituuiford (,'henilral Worts. Jw-Karnwr^, come and bii) n OMD Phosptmto

at your own price, liy PulJle Auction, nt tin r.i;..l Knlirht tnaMti MDHM l.awnn.v, IH'IUI Bf Ksse\ street, I.HMil.Mi:, Mil--.. »n Wnail"" Ha) .1, lan, at II A. M. ffapH

rixtures, Conl, Tassels, Mirrors, etc. plctitres Pramad nt short notice. fsohfl IIKKItUAN'S Itook Store, 507 Essex st.


lit Baaca itrrft, - - I.-'i""".


I 00K nt WIUTKOItl) L RICKY aUirk 1 V.d Itoosn Iwfore purcliasliig.


manuiactured to orilrr. Family , Hmall Prints; also, a tot or .lurenlln Itmiks, Plcluivs, Chromes, I iiln'«i:i('li", a large stock on liand.

Picture I'rames of all sloes, and Framing done at s hurt not ice.

HKKKMAVS, 567 Esses street. Torn, jrajapf tbwiua, etc- ffshll


346 and 347 Common street.

A OULTERATION.-ltlswcliroriho

public lo take a UUIe rare "' Utrir pajsjkajsja

when adulu-mllon is found in newly ercrj article


"Beach's Wanlilng H«np" l» a strictly rung

Snap, five frnm ndltlU-rnUon, and not made up

or aoila and mineral subBtanccs Uiat nre so

. ..mi Ii used to uinke weight In soaps. I 1


NOW IS THE TIME. As tlie Bpring opens, the Impurities whb-1. liave

Iwen imprboneil In the hlood over Whiter are Uirown to the surface, dl-figurln;; the skin wiUi Pimples, lt..ll..,ctn.., ami causing disorder In the way of Itlii'iiinali-'tu, Neuralgia, ami IHseasesof the Liv.r UUl Kh }- OLIDtJstS'fl rawcris- i ruled Irnt •' SststaMNsaillai Wllhlodlda .If FnUaaluin, Is the ItKiST 'Vi^u.n Pt'ltiriHl In mltU'iirv. It tots M a .|iii< I Alb rnthe.diiviiig nil foul Matters Into llwlr arapsff iM-ntory eluin- netf.stnngl hciiIng dlgeitlon, nml Imparting bloom to the elmek, siiamvi. to the 111". Ilrmness lo the ■top. and oawemhteei to the salad. For Polls ll Is an lurallible Cinr, und to llhilllioillsio It a(l'..ri| great relier.

Price, Ono Itollar l>er boHSk «iv botflea for Five Dollars.

Prriwircd and for sale bj I'"11 (•*•!

A. H. GLIDDKN, DnimlBt,

Cor. Ksses A i'i'i..iMii'i.. at., l^tvrenee.

M's f No. iMI Broadway, - a l.ntrrrHcr.

where the will !*• pleased to nttrnd lo

I) U K S S M A K 1 N C; in all it* brunches, at rhort notice and reasonable

II laplii prices.

I>EBH0NAL.—A Htmlrnt In pollcRn l« desirous of o|Hnlng a r» ire-ponder ire wllli ti


1^ N. POTTIiK & (t».,

JIVH KHSKN. H'l'.. Clean and lie,...I. all klnda of New lit);

ami ll..llll.i|; llaelitli. - ut hlimt notice ami In a woilimtnllke minimi. Locks repnlri d nnd Key. titled. Hewing Uai Mam

o let, by week or inoiilli, at reasonable inb's. lictueinlHT tho Nn., 178 BtSeS Street

a tapB , i\ p-.-B NINQ OF

Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Ac. •■I:-- M. C. 1.11-1.- n '.'- W |1SS| I1

No. 371 Essex street) Lawrence, i eomphto sbwk or «wtapl"tuplil F,adlca' FuratlaU'K Oeestl st Hmall IVairs.

1 \ II K A 1) N A U (I U T

|f E A It N A i: f! 1! I •

| \ It K A I) N A U Q II T

BAIIN A i:«HT. F lj ..|i, won nns n im.

n.iii.Jii. I.:--:. IHeiidiiiiii){lit i ■ ltii'-ell, liinn, Mllbm. Feaniaiictit-J He is derhliilly Ihe Isr+l

" ■ tllH

lie. I by H.H. —ner of ."lit


N'KW HTIltlt of



John II. Ilea toll from the roof of the latm of Doctor Kltlredgc, on Thnrsuay of leal week, and broke his ankle and Injured one of his hands.

Tho following concise and comprehensive note was sent to an Illinois merchant by a neighbor- ing farmer, the other day i "Send me a trace- chain and two hinges. Jane had a baby last night,—also two padlocks."

la short, our More Is FULL from cellar t.i garret WlUi Uie Clsikcsl Kinds or

An examination of uurUoode Is most res peel fully solicited.

BYRON TUUKLL & CO., Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,


STRAW, I'mli'M, L'aaka, ami Unr cheap, nt ,liHIN V. l»i\V A I i

C< D W A K 11

wishes b suit vicl

Plants in many New Varieties. Kew 8ALVIR8, (Uiree varieties)Coleus, fJkWSsi l«m and (ioliton ti iml muni mom varieties; lii-ranimns, )H>UI KoMde. find Mbow and Fancy find i iciilnto.l varieties; \ erlienas, and all

BEDDING PLANTS, such as can be found lu colli-cUon.

All my Plants am grown in lam sire i>ots, an in the best of condition, I. hi make III.' pnlllie, I llllr 1.111II


Corner of Lawrenco & BSBOX St., whMS I shall knap a huge steak of Plants for sale

A Is... Wreathe*. Crosses,

BOUQUETS AND CUT FLOWERS, Hmllex. ami other linwaUons for

Parlies, Weddlngt, and Funerals,

..... Influential ladles ami gcntlcn nii.'niniii,) a grau.1 In l'tiv,.i of Us-lrnicli new .'nirchnf ML Anne, la IJIH ren'C Wo IIO|H: tltiit nil iiiilntiiiililies « ill . ..Iiliilml- In Ihe -inccss .,1 il.... Iljicir. tho objed of which Is so ci. client, hv t;iiiii« till 'orts of nrtlch's and punhsslng many tickets.

GRAND BAZAR IN i i i "l; or TllH

CIiMi-fli •* ***• Ant.r, I.awrrnrr, MBSS., ODHMKKtriNO

Aprit 21, and ending April 26.


11 .Minn \J. isia, a. \*.m __. kery ami Olaa* Wan- Btor<'. (N*«T"> •■

IM Kssex street, Lawrence. tfl Japlt

mgcl t 1 sett at my ahw ,..n MSSMIMW atrerl


LIST OF PRIZES. 200 Acres of l.un.l In Canada, 1 llam.onlun

SCbwks, -J Hair Arm Chairs, 4 tjllver Watches - - I Chain- l-r ii<■nilemen ami I^adlea, "i \ lollus, _ ntos. H Ac .Icon,, uniily largti Lllliiwiai'h nnd J'lmlograph \ ie« -, ic.pW of Itaphael's I'lc- tnms, more Uinn *■' tin" Hooks, ami a great nnml.rr .if Articles.

•OOO Frlui. Valurrl at a^nilll.

Tickets Will l>e famished "I the houses of KM M MM II M I'. !""'IH MIHIAI UK, AM itrttilHK" Al"is awl ClIAfi I.ACOII.LAI1K.

In Uio same time tber a III reecire money and glfto tor the Itasar. * I 1" M


Herds Grass. Red Top, Clover and Orchard Grass.

l-'i.U »M«ortii..'Ml rrTOftrclon Hrr-.U.

K. Frank Cae'a Pbosphatr or 1,1 me.

Bar Stale

I nloii


Bwtt Quality and LrowoHt IMoo,


HARRIS' CEMENT, the i.nly article In Uie world « hi. Ii St

iUiout best and rendy for use. Kor Mending Meerschaum, Crockery, abas, l.imi, Karlhcn Wnrc. Muclilc, IVmal, Israllier, iUbla-r, Coral, 1'i-ail, nil kind- <■! Precious Stones,

kind Kii'dsr, Coral,

1 all Lin.* * tfc4H

iniaaiciiial Work, etc. jomf c. now A co.,

Sole Agents, Kill Bunt Nircti, launeoce


C0K, C () K F..

COKE DEL1VBRRD. I'rr ChsMnin, ftl.Stfl Half Chsldrsa, ' °" Barrel, *"

At the tVo. k., Par Barrel, 4*

Orders received at thedfllecof the LSWKKHra Has CoMranr, N 3U Cssui street.

' l"ii... :t SEO. ii. CABOT. A«*iit.

346 AND 3-17 ("MMtiN STltBKT,

Rmltah'M |-1 LASH W A II R \% al IU* Haen street, Ijtwrencc.

(toblets ||J»toflJ IHT'h's.: '.''"".'r1"-^".'1

Wine tilasres.ii'l..rei mil ph. in. I iimlders .nets, toaa isrrd.ii.; Hani I'ltoher*; In large uirlct) ; bandied ami .1 Uinls, Kane,, IMslk-s ■eaaVsancaeh; individual laaes DtaBWWia>. to MM |H-r d.«.i Itowl* wkli stand* ami Icet. With or witlMiulc.iv.i, A", it SI .■».!.: tilery OUssos; 1'ickle.lsr, ; s,t-.-.f Hogar Ibiwl.l'nam- er.IltiUrr Irish and Si n Holder; tortto on.l In- .livldusl Halts find Ibdter-; firlip Pltel.e^; tlat-upsssl r-n-l-'r S-ii.e lli.llles ; susmn Holders . Cnsbir ll..ltles. .nl toi.l prcsMil; linger K»»l-. Kloretto Vases. Uys.intli; I smile Sticks; Kl-htaom". t'ib-^ -.hade i.,.l,..rwill,outs.«,.il. 11,1ft to #i:. each; Candy and fruit Jars; .Icily tumblers; Lanterns amH-lobes; Lamps, nets, to tlM each, complete, \ ici.i.u Hindi- , I In,,, neys In every variety , sllrere-l t.lass lU-declors; (iss Hhatles, colored and plain.



pittmATK COl'IlT. To the heirs at Im v.... km. '!"\*!f'KZ\

noils Inlerc-tcd in the c.liie.l ALlihltTM.Ml sit ALL, Itii. ,:i* nine, hi said county, ma- chlni^l, .Icccssiil, irrucllng: _, . ,

When-iis, a c.-il! i. IT .■„..-.ii. i.iiri«irtmgt..l-e the hi-t w 11 ami testament oi .t.l.l .(eettiaefl. bus bet-nI |.n-sent..l t I '"' I"''1""'- '>' Caroline ll. Mnrrl.t.ll, » ho pmj - Hint tellers le-to- Mieiitory mav Is- i-i" -I l» her.ih.-eMS-ntrlv. Ihere

im,ed,aii.l licit-l"iim> tocirmpl tram giving II "iirt'ty or siircllcs mi her bond, for tlw reasons nllegid lu said pelilii'ii. , ,, , ,

Von are hereby cil.-d to npi«-fir nt a l'rolmto Court, to. Is- bell nl l.iiivrcmc, tu said co y ol V*"" im the HV »nd Tuesday ..I .lone mil, a, eiim Irt-l" k Is Hue noon, to snow cause, if any y,;n:ivs;,hri;:cto!";ierm;s i-rcv dimcu,,... rfiV piiWk notice tli.-m.f, by pul.ll-hlnx ibis PtoUim CS week, l-r smc, -lie w c.-k-, in i|H »spn|«-i Killed ll,.-l.a«.cii.e A.iieriri.",' ,, ,,rli,i., r-t laniiii.c, ,.,., l,„i,|„,iti.snt..lslwodays,atbast,lH-l.aes..

'wilness, Qeorfn t. <l.«nto, K-iilllic, Judge of K-,1.1 '.nit. 'Iii niice.,11. d:.v ... Al-rll. in li- ve*} one hi.n .ni.l ei,.l.l l.iinilied nml H-m.l.i throe. «S3 A.t.l.iH.I.KI.I,. Itogi-tor.

\\~\l »• MBRItl LL

WILL UKCKIVK PUPtlyf f|a|* « fU

ii........ Its. (1 Lawrence atrret.

iBUSINESS t'AHitM. in tiieint.hi NIVII-H, I> st the UnrrtU* Jol.l-rlallngllfc-.fost

coll iu tho iHiuntry, taking sue. 16 I* to.lor. Kol.lcii .lii-'liiul; pcilret n.iiii i,mlls'stp...sihle „.li.,o. Tl-U-lfil :l vein .old • Ii e I.. .' I'r A.-, .-» year* old Uiis hummer. Terms, flisi for the


VEARNAUQHT PRINCE. I ism, the . I lel.ial.--l Jew. II Mareof i:« U-r S. II.. :t years old in J '; l'< luind" loud, and the IN.-I IMifecHollol hi'i ug.'lo IH P. nn. I nil v where. I mil lilni-k, nud s- to- :i |.lei lire. lienHctneii binilliig Ilir prollt. ns iiell as iiliiisin-e, will Is-fir I mil Hnii llic.lciir.iiid JIM I". itflit stock l- l,ey I nil pn edciil. Terms, #« tor Urn MTOOII.



M I I. L I N KUY (i <) 0 l> 8 hy Mi- N. It. 1-HTK,

228 Esses st., third door from P. O.,

Mtapll "i- nnv ni^1"-


Hv virtue nf n Ih-Mso irmn Ito- Judge of I'n.'nlc for I In- ciinlV of Ksw»,Wtll Is- ".Id i.'l I" rinct. i, tlic premises. »n^ATllllUl. M.iv Uth, IsTI, al one o'cliH-k P. «., all Uie Interest nf (■Mil S ll. MM It ALL. i.f MiUi.i.ii.iiilli.T, In.mi.. mnli-.i.lcl ninth psilol Ilief.llswliiKilcsCiil--. ,. ,|,. '■.'■■. il.' I I" -lli-l Mel n *'■■"" '■■'■! rnini. iHiiindtil on iluucmth side l.y landol John M i,-„..,-,. heirs: mi tin- east tide liy land ol ss ,III.H:.iii-Mml<"s-ill;.l. ^i.te.-.ticir-ion lu. , l.lelM I....I ..I "1 ' '' "»; I. ' wi.lbvllielilstiwsi. Also, n tract of Inadbmind- e.| .... 'ihe eiifct In siii.l highway ; on the ii l.i lund of Jnnies Slerrlll's heir. ; mi the -n.ih find west by land ol John Htirkncy.-the v. hole cii taining nlKiiil nj ner.--. Also. U aerosol Histoie 1 1, Ulllldi .1 we-lcl Iv siintto'i ly b; land -I J.iseph W. Kmcr.ou mid Amos and sit.-t.liei,« in ,i.r; »n the north and cast by -t Jan.. M.i ill's heir*. .MHIN F. IMUMiL,

Methuen, AprilJJ, 1-el. itl^ap-jb tliiardian.

/ ...MM.iNMKALTII UF H A**M Ml>LTT.i Ki — • Bean, as. Supreme Judicial C April leu..,

A. ii. mi. ■; \it\li II. cot ii;, l.inri.i AM, vs. KOWAIiiiT.


In Ilia entitled llls'l fordlione, ll Is lien oidered Hull a -In ice ..r .livonc lln- tomd ol Ii- nil.'H-.l in 1 inn'nl themld r-iirnli ILCmik, tor tto-ciii.M- of the deeition of tin- -iml Kdn in.I T.Onsjk. to lie made ntoi.tolo, mi motion, ■Her t!m explmlimi Sf sl\ n.imllis Iri.m U.e Mr^ II i.i„:.i 1 Ihl ile. II--, upon phn » .Ih ihe terms llwiiiof.nsltsi sutiicieot emtse i" »»• contrary shall a].pear.

And ilu- HtK-ILtnt I- required to publish, a- .mill ni may •took-.I enpy ■•! this u. tie- Lfiwrence American mid Andovcr Advertiser, n uiw.naisT iirliit.-d in l.iiun-iicc. in -iil-l m of Kssex, on.,-,, Week l„r siv si.cccs-l, -.1 . that all iters-nt Inti-reticl may. within MI v numUis, slHiw can,.-, II any ito-y luive, nhy -out

" 'Vtrr-VmiM.'^'A.ArA'liYnlTT.ClciL. ^•'^'"'"^^■''A.A.AItltirrr.Clerk.


Thfl Atlantic, Wracked April 3, 1871.

HI l"M . 1 " I I ! ■ >T ' I ! 1 i .

Kami, Household and Garden.

lor mouths, mill >c»r«, with |*nuri mid nnnl Anil II.-.HI-.iic ruvy <Ud tbey ilnre t.i i »|ie;

Anil mile liy inltc wa* saved from earnings scant, Tn buy, -i.mi' fuiim- .lay, the tio.1 »ent lw>l>e.

They trod the rrosdol street* of Iroary towns, Mr tilled Tram ) car In year tl«- wearied tl.t.U,

Anil In the ;-i..-,'.a. or the |BUM citurue They jta.ij'i'il ,l" Mlii.-htnc Slid lln- hen llll it


Tliey turucl from iMMHa nil IllWllll. dUU mid

IViin kindly feelinga .-ill;, tm the roil. Ami fur I In' kln.lrcd face -, |,iii< lu-.t ami inn,

That prayed, ami atsyed, un»i!liii; »t their toil.

Tlicy lifted U|> tiirfr km l<> ihf Lord, Ami reed Ilia answer ID the m-iniii/ i.u

TliaL culled them ever sn n sliming wont, Ami iK-rkiHwil seaward as (he rivers run.

They looked their la*l, wet eyed, on Swedish Idll*. On (.. nni.ii villages nn<l LnglUI, dale .,

[.Ike bruokt that grow from many mounlnin rill- riii' («;i .mi ti-i-ain Rovrad nut i Irish \ ilw.

Their grief at parting m nut all a grief, ltut blended sweetly w Itli Uie Joy lo come.

When H..1.I Rill MOM Ihey sunn d Uu rk-h i> li. i In gladden all tin- dear ones I'll at home.

"We thank tliee, Godl" they cried; *'lhecrticl gate That barrel on live* hn» £w ling IH-UCUUI Tliy

haed, lleblnd our shl|. BOW frown* UkB cruel We,

llernrt' her smile* tlM teeming Promised I

Alan! when -Inm II til mere; nr in V. roth, How weak wrr are to rend Uoara awful In

II. < liri'Hth protected on tin.- storm) path, A ml dashed thcni lib-lc* on the promised

ill! Iciii-I slUdaiiird them In tlie ii-iilin:: «■■<■ Ami gave lirigld vlaloa lii Hit' heart of em-h;

Ilia water* bora lla-m where they wlsfcsd to pi, Thou swet>t Ihciii seaward from the Tory lteiu'li I

Their home is reached, Uielr feller* now are riven, Their hutithk' toil i* o'er—their rent ha* roine;

A bud was promised, ami n Inml I* given,— I'.ns. oh! Uod help the walling unea at lioiac'

-The WM.

HINTS AHOI-T Srnixii Wove.

April is a busy moiitti Tor faiiiuT, and KanJoner. ThuufrU "belter late than ucver," tt will be bard to overtake work which Hbotihl have been done l;i-t month. A iln.v l«»t now will hurt. It is to be hojtcd that no .one In no earelt^H a-> uot to liavu dceltlwl what crows arc to IK- grown, nor no -.liillle.-'- an not U> be rciKly to be- gin the work to be done.

I )i i look to the animal" which have come through A nevcru winter. Kven well cared for aiilmaht rc<iulre more attention now than in winter. Feed and clean them well, water regularly, and don't be in haute to turn tlieiu out of doom. Let the graxn grow. Watch the calving cown. llvcort) Urtba. ltalne no more Itock UimB your farm can ■ HI>I» u i. Take care of the lainbn. Keed earrotn and oatn to hornen to strengthen them for their work, (irooin regtilarly, and keoji the stablen ncru|iUloun- ty clean. Feed oxen and ■ ■ i«-■.■ t ■. roota and other htrenglhcnliig Tood plentirnlly, and do not have them Tying down before the plow and the harrow. Care for the chick- em*. Clean their hounen. Dry.muck, If spread frequently on the floor, will pre- vent noxious gaNett from pervading the air. F.xamlnc springs and drinking puces for cattle, and put them In order.

MAM'KKS.—It is to be hoped that ma- wires were thoroughly prepared and coin- ponteil during winter. Ifyou have muck, throw It on the lh|Uld porllona. It is a Hxer. Manures must not be NO exposed that Hie dashing rains will wash cvery-

; thing soluble out of them. . I,ct the nolublc elements llnd their way to the noil, rather than to creeks and river*. Economy, or

, Die want of It here, is enough to make a nation rich or i>oor. It will not pay to let manures flow to creeks and rivers, and then go to the (iuano Island to get them back again. Cart multures to conveulent places, and all the better If they are pro- tected by a coating of earth till ready for use. Spread no more thou can be plowed In each day, especially on hill nlden- All manures not used In the spring nhould bo thoroughly composted and protected for

Oui' $pi^c Box.

TilOM Cuti-KT*.—The annual ceremony or taking up, and whipping, and putting down carpets Is almost upou us. It IN

one of the Ills which flesh Is heir to, and cannot be avoided. You go home some pleasant spring day ut pence will world, and find the baby with a clean face and get your favorite pudding for dinner.

FBMCKB.—See to the fences, lest your animals trespass o» your own lands ai- well as your neighbor's, it Is not pleas- ant or profitable tO have tO leave work to take cure of trespassers. Good fence help to make good neighbors,

Kxanilne tools and see Unit they are in I working order. There Is often much

lie Way to Avoid t'or- [nili'ii'i'—Quit eating.

tight a-ntrong l>oy to in l-:ti.| a weekly aala-

M uf thf. mluatrel coui- IHiuk'R in a neigh!mr- lng town ii organis-

ing a BOW Uind-dilty.

When a man "Hrea" with wmlh what lort of

ihot doc* he uic r —

Never borrow trouhle. Your frfeadl will gi1

on all you want.

When "the cow jumped over tin; moon" c erj'wdy exclaimed "How li that for high i"

One of the almanac* of tUl year taya : "C Kaater-Mouday look out for a Nurth-Kaatcr."

A fanner thinks the words, "Ho, every one lunt tlilr»telli," ahould read, "Tlilr*t, every one that hocth."

A Newark man, on lilt way to jail for aaiault- ing hi* wife, thanked God Hint It wan not for any disgraceful oHcncc, like Kteallng.

Au improvident man belnfi advlaed to lay something aside for a rainy day, said that he llftTI kept an umbrella for that cxpreM pur-

Tho New Totk Commercial Advertiser sutes that Mrs. Soulhworth has written forty-two nov- els ! And add*: "Thousand* of her readers

have died, hut she If alive."

"Six feet In hi* boot*!" exclaimed Mr*. Bcea- wax. "What will the Impudence of thl* world come to, I wonder ? Why, they might as well tell me that the man has six headx In hi* hat.

The following concise andvunprehcnslve note was -.'in to an Illinois merchant by a neighbor Ing farmer, the other day i "Send me a trace- chain and two hinges. Jane hud a baliy last night,—also two padlocks."

An eccentric old fellow, who lives alongnhlc of a graveyard, was asked If it was not an pleasant location. "No," said be, "I never jlned places In all my life- with a set of neighbors that minded their business so stlddy an they do."

The Chicago Tribune says i In St. Louis, the other Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Burlingaine preached from the text "How old art ikon

gpedib.1 ]Sfoli<SesJ. IMl'ItOVKilESTS.

lilehevcr way we turn our eve*, We *oe improvententi h*« Is-en made;

Ka.h MYking, liv aome new device, To eaat all other* In Ute aliade.

In rommerre ami mechanicf, UKJ, (;rr«l rliauirea a few vear* <l» "how ;

Tiling* whii-h our fatlicra neier knew Nor dreamed of inn vcars RR».

See w hat mraovfcxxnT* ut Kt>No"a, Wherr lKUs can liu\ a "sin toMl-I.KTK"

Of liam'aome, ■eaHOOablit •MT.uTIIXJi." Corner of Itearh ami WasMogto* atreet,

3mHcort:apWb ItoeTOX.


Dyspepsia, Debility. Dropsy, Humors.

P K R V V I A N 8 V R U I1

Makca lite tVeak NtroMs;.

perhaps, the hurry of work may press Count plow Hues and plow ami ox chains. Do not he looking for then when you -In HI lii be starling In good cheer with God speed the plow. I f harrow teeth arc loose, make then fast, but uot with a wisp uf hay, to have thcin falling out anywhere and everywhere, thus causing a loss of time to driver aud team while the former





Over 45,000 more than any other kind.

T. W. HEALO, Agent,

Jll i:«i'i atreel, - Lawrence.

The reruvlan&7rup,a Protected Solution of the ■'li' of Iron, la so romhlneil aa to have the harscU-r of an ailment, a a eaaily dlgeateil and

ai»-iiiiilBle<l with the blood as the slmplext food.— It iucrcuscH the quantity of Nature'* Own Vitaliz- ing Agent, Iron In the blood, and cures "a tlioua- ami Ilia" simply by Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing the Hyatem. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every oart oi the body, repairing damages aud waste, searching out morbid secre- tion*, and leaving nuthlng for disease to feed upon.

This la the secret of the wonderful succea* or tin.- remedy In curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dluirhea, Boil*, Nervous Affec- tions, Chill* and Fevera, Humorx, Loss nf Consti- tutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidney a and mad- der, Female Complaints, and all ill*«aaes originat- ing in a bad state of the 1JIH.HI, or aero mi milled debility or a low -tit.' of the syateni. llelng free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects arc not followed by corresponding reaction, but are permanent, lulu-lug strengtli, vigor, and new life Into all parts of the i. in, und building ii|i Iron Couttltution.

ThoiiKands have been ehangeil by tlie use of Uils remedy, from weak, slukly, auderlng creature*, to strung, healthy, and happy moil and women; and iuralids cannot reasonably hesitate to give It a trial.

TIiu next | a** thai each bottle ha* FERt'VIAM NYltttp

the other. Such would not be practical fa ruling.

Hatunsaa,—Kzamlne harness. Sec that the collars lit well. Horses whose shoul- ders lire galled, shrink from the steady draught of the plow.

Ifyou have not already done so, think

renlly hopes she can turn that walking dress she wore last lull, and save the ex- pense of a new suit, and then she nsks you Ifyou can't Just help her about taking up the carmt, if you are a fool, and you generally arc by that time, you tell her, of, you call, just as well ns not, Then she gets a saucer for the tncks and stands mid holds It, mid you get the claw, and get down on your kuccs and begin to help her. You feel u/itte economical about the llrst three tacks, ami take them out care- fully ant) put them in the saucer. Your wife Is good about holding the saiicer, and beguiles you with an interesting xtory about how your neighbor's little boy is not expected to live llll morning.

Then you come to the tack with a crook- ed head, and you get the claw under It I promptly what crops are "to be grown, not mill I he head comes oil', and the leather forgetting the tillage of preceding years. cornea off, and the carpet cornea off, and I Remember that it Is belter to let laud as It won't do to leave the tack In Hie than to try to grow what the soil floor, because it will tear the carpet when \ cannot produce. It Is put down again, you go to work and , lUmi f„ra,.t „,,. H„|,.M„|| plow, Manure skin TOO knuckle, and get a silver under |Yl.(., 8£J pimtin$ wll(., t|„. llllllllir(, |g your .I.u b-,«U, and ell y,.i,r wile to .hut ■ ,11.

J „,,„.,v',s, K& auil mbor will be up about thai everlasting boy ami make :,..,.„,' i lip your mind that it does not make any | „. .,,,,.. dlirereiicc about thai lack, and so vou lie- l"i--iun>s grass and clover land with gin on the comer where the carpel U manuring sand, old headlands, plaster of doubled I wo or three times ami has been 1':"'1*' wood ashes mixed with two or three nailed down with a shliMe nail Yon ,1,nc" their bulk or damp soil, or mock don't care a continental about saving the i spared with salt mid lime mixture.

nail, becanao you Und that it la not ngood Siuiixn.—Clover grown on very rank lime for t he practice or economy i but you land for soiling will be excellent ror work- do feel a little hurt when both claws Ing aud other animals in hot weather, break oil'from the claw, and the nail does when It maybe fed in cool stables, thus mil hudnc ajieg. Then your manhood as- obviating the itecessltv, at noon-lime, of -erls Itsiir, and you rise In your mighi, letting them loose In distant pastures, and and throw the carpet claw at the dog, and also preventing wast time ami trouble in get bold..r the carpet with both hands, catching then, when Ihey are wanted to and the air h lull id'dust and flying tacks, ; resume work. Vetches and oats are good and there is a fringe or carpet yam all1 iv.r soiling, and so areinlllct, Indian corn, along by the mop-board, and the bnhy rye, rye grass, etc., etc.

sssi^wsKB:ss?l '""-""»"'"""""- —» "■" ought tolieashan.edof yoiirsclft.i talk HI

—but that carpel comes up. Then yon lilt one side of the stove, an

your wife tries to get the carpet from u tier It, but can't, because you arc standing

day alsiut one-third or the women of the con-1 blown In the glaas.

gregation called around to tell him that It was < pajuddeti Free. „„,„ of 1,1. I,u.l„c... sETK w ,.OWLF. t s()Slt]

At an I'N.uiiiiiiitiuli I.u- teili lu-rr.' ii'rtilii'atCM tlie word "Irony," from Drydenl jSe-tf, was i '.'nd'™i.lW9Waplimy Proprielon-, Ito.lon.

given for student* to explain. One of them sup- j (Sold by Druggist* generally.

,,uc,i u» Mtowta, i »i™,,. M. I nuigsnras OF HEALTH " In mineral wells; It Is carefully preserved in f |) BT

liuttle-, .iii-l sold In chemist's shops as tincture Hl^lilLEI'l of Iron." I



fur Sale, Kxehnnf>-<1. Itepnlrcl and to l.<

Machine Nlltrhli*,

■ raiding, fit amp

Silks, Threads, and Machine Findings



On and after Mnmay, War. 17, ISTS, Trains will leave the DepoU In law renee, m* Pillows :-

ror Iloston (ftom lorlh Depot), at«.», 7-10, Mt *. v.; and 1S.I3, S.tOin.l 3.30 f. M.

ror lloalon (from H-uth Deiiot), at U.S7, 7.35, Q.4S, *. It., and lilfl, 1-3 (express). 3.47, 3JB, B.41I, (express), 7.10 r. M.

for Portland (fltan Soaii Depot), at 9.SS A. M. ; I.U, 4r. M.

For UeorgehnrB itn\ Newbnrviiort (from South Depot), aLfl.M A. M., l.'Jii, 4, I! e. M.

for lUn'rhill (trov Smith Depot), at 8.33 and B.13 A. *.; and 1.1S.U, n v. M.; and from North Depot at 7.10 I-.M.

Trains leave Iloston t.r Lawrence at 7, 7.30,8.30, 10.13 A. ii.; li M. ; li.W,a.r«i, s.w, 3 mid (i r. M.

IAW;s T. FL'ltllKU, Sup't. 17, #73.

|»> 000,000 ACRES.

C H E A P y A It M S. The iliiitiuTt Land In nutrket An elite by the

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMP'V in the 1.1.-.,i l'latte Valley. Acres lu 4 rutr.t Nebraska ii'.w fur Mill- in Iran, c>t forty acres and upwunlr ■ ■ii mi; ami TI.N tuns c'liiiuiTjitp; i-Kisi-KM. No AOVASeK INtHKM HI.IJI IUKI..


Ui.-.u ntiniiiK region- ..! W.i.min^, r,,, t'mli Hinl Nernrln being Hii|i|i|iL'.t \.\ tlie birinern In Uie 1'LATTK YALLKl.

s.>l,li, ■. , iitllli ,! to a liomrstrad IUOSI i. -

The BEST LOCATIONS for COLONIES. FitFK IIMM i:.. rORALLl .MII.MOSS OP ACBM il'i'lwiee (ioveruineiit Ijnnl- n|icu fur entry under he IIOMKSTKAO LAW, near tlil. (IUKAT HAM.- toAD.with goinl market- nn.l nil the con veil leaf en if mi «'l! settled eimiitry.

Free iianses t» pureliaseis uf H* ill on. I Land.


Laud Cumuilsi-idtu-r I*. P. It. 11.,

"ry ANTED,

W.dOO FARMERS to improve 1,700,000 nrre* It. It. I^inds, free rrcmi nertpa*, ami loeatml hi the middle reirio" of Western lnwa-lhf lie^t 10m, wheat, and entile oroiliioliif beJi in tin-Wet, l.'i hours dlttant IWira Chleaxo. Climate ami Mill iiiiKiirpnssrd. Uendow ami plow land with )iurr iiuiiilnx water evenly ilintriliuted. No lever ami njtue. Avcrafreertslll price, $U i>er aere. Beau l»r niruide. H cm-ts noOUBf, anil i-lvin aMBtlpHoBJ, prleei-, terms, imips,ami hnw to n-neli the Ian.I-.- Address Jt HIN 11. LALIIOIN, Land 1 omuiirr iomr Iowa Ituil- i.nnl l.ninU'o., lYilui |[;i,„,]-, I„wii.

( lile.igi>()ffli-i., iA Hoiilll C'nnnl street.

I) ODD'S NEKVINE DOES IT. M Y 11 I C K 4 II I C K E 11 , _.iiGAK'S

M nio-t efilial-lou- meilii-ini* for the cure of III AOM IIK, LlVKiK'oMPtAtKT, NCCHALOIA, L'ONNTII'ATIOK, l>\ iSI-Kl>I I, I.'ISS (IK Aei'K'MTK, llll.Oil HM>», KKVAI 1. WHK.MI'SW, luvKniiKA, KAIMIM. Fro,



It Is tUf.\c« KiiKlaiiri 1 ..lolly Medl, lur

Fur rale by nil Dniggjfts. Price f 1-

I^ V V, II V

ill the i-oimtrv will n-cpive n ri>li>inliil |>i HAM)' hie, l.v -..oiIJiiK 11 two-cent 1. lo KDWAllli A. SASlf'tLs. I'ub'r, Iloston.Mow


Tin, Sheot Iron tvntl Copper Ware. Tin, Li mt, Tin I.lm d mid Scnd-Elwll* Pit*, i


*„ M..,.;„.: Ma , iV,.lc- Wil U'ringlBf M m*h.111 - IIc|uiUcl.

Plumbic^,Tin Rt.odnffu.nd ConcrolJob- fcin^ done ut Bhort notice.


d 1 E T T V H H T It Q

KlATALYS!NE WATER i.- IIM' m-iiresl iqiiiioneli to a h|iecltli' everdisenver- 11I for Dv.-iii-ii-in, Neuraljtin, ItliemniitUiii, limit, lil-nvfl, Diiili.-l.--/. Kiilii.n mid frinarv DIM-IIM'S wiui'i.ill-.. It i.-;-l -■ 11111-, uliir (Jim IT tn 1I11' 1'nr nlilir. ll ■■mi'- l.ivi-r (.'(im|il«nn, Clii'iinii' hii.i- rli.ii, I'ile... t i>ii~il|iHtloii, Asthma, t'alarrb and II1...1. Iiili., Di-fii.-es of the skin, l.i-ioiiil Di-bilit; and Nervous I'mstrntlon from Meiitnl nnd I'livi-i nil Kxei'sscs, ll lri the Drealrst Anlidele rwr li.ieovereil for Kxccssivc Knlinit or Drinking. 11 'orrei-ls the stumiuli, |innni>ii-H DiKi'stlon, nnd Re- .ieves Uie Head alnnwt iuiiiiriliaU-lv. NoboUM- iii.1.1 should be without it. .Sold l,v all l>ruKKi"1''-

ej-For n history of the spriiiKs, for niedicnl v. (mi l~ of the now IT of Uie w aler over illsrases, for 111:111 illiiii • i-iiie.-. ;iud lii I.- I JI 1:11 ■ li li- li««iii-h.. 11, -i-inl f..| |.iiin|.bl.'l-. W1IITVK1 HKO'.H, lienernl A^eotp, il', iSoutli Fmnt slieel. ]'hil.i.(.-l|.hm. I'fl.

"KTTVKltl'HiS Sl'RINti (O.


FRUIT FARMS. • Hi tn M ocr acre. Fine Fruit and linrden

Moil. Mild, healthy i-limiite. tivstors nnd Fish abundant. Ci.lalogut-s tree. II. 1'. C1IAMI1FIW, b''l :il -I'lil-,.-, till.

"Doctor," said a tick n "what Is the in.ii-

Afcblng for than perhapa ail o*«r alter with mar*" rldgc of Inud from one end Of the Ik-Id to •<Cerebn>spinal meningitis," said the doctor, ; ll the Beit Medicine before the Public.

mt beware of cold blaata and biting flroata, !Do not liiw'i that tomatoea nnd city

I'l.m: - require iiitich licitt :is w, ll us venil- iatlon.

Plant potatoes and peaa, RUiomer cab- on It. Ho you try ti new hold, und Jttsi SS*™ '"", HW vour buck lin-uks, tlie curpet u eleor. Hunt onion pips und wow onion feed to

You lire not through yet. Your WI Bo don't | -row P'P" ll"' Dext *'**■ tell you any more litilc atorlea, luit nbo ; Btarl llina bcana lu Inverted aoda ornota geta your old coat und bangs Is on you, ' under cover, lo be put out lu mild weath- nnd amotb'era you wltli that carpet, niul i er. opens] Uie back door ttml ataovon you out, ! AKPARACH'B—Tu« -nil n-atvt plaut.—If nnd Intlmatea that the carpel netds whip- ' not nlremly done, fork lu manure spread yun:'.. When you hang the tormenting I on n'-imni^o- beda In Uto full. Do not ilun-'. across the clothcM Hue the wroun \ wound the plants. Top'drcaa with salt to way. and get H riRhted, nnd nava H allde j (urtlliia the will and keep down weeds; uiV Into tho uiiid, atul bug it up again, I water if ncecHsarv, and apply liquid ma aud »ct apintof diist and three broken nurea In the absence of mini. tacks MinpiiHl out,orth« northweat corner 8lIAU Fmim-lf not done into your 111.mill l.v tin- wind, you iniike some olmervatlona which von neglected in mention while in the boiuHt. Then vou limit up 'flic llrst Mow hides tuoaunaud all'tlle

plant cuttluga of the (jrape, gooaebctTy, currants, etc. They will be more likely in strike root If parliiillv shaded. This )<

lick nndgo for that carpet. ,.4ll(,(.llinv lrllr „r thogrnpe.

fair face of nature behind a cloud of dust, , Transplant currants, nooscberries und mid rluht lu the centre ..filial cloud with ' ^r"l"'H lw" >',lirM ir"111 »»' cuttlnirs. Dif,' ■lie wind > ire In your face, 110 matter j lur«'' ll"U" "",l m«'uru lrL,,'|y IOW you stand, you wield that cudgel tin- i SIUWVIII.UIIICS.—('l.-un dress und fork il both hands are blistered and the milk I the beds. if human klndneea enrdlea lu your bosom. GiurK VINIW.—Fertilise and u

You can whip the carpet a longer or soil, and, still better, mulch the • shorter period, according to the else of I'lant .mL young trees. Do t your inml; it don't make any illflVreiice to Wcll, or what vou do will lie worse Hum lie- carpet. It Is just us dusty nnd fuzzy, ] |„|)or ](hs(,_;-,.„ ,„„/ rioir. and generally disagreeable alter vou have ' wliippe.l It two bourn, as It wow when you "mv ''"'V|lt IMI'IMIVKB TIIK Son.. commenced Then vou bundle U on with 1 ''''"' Voelekor thus explains the action of one comei- .'iraKKliig. and stumble Into (lie «''»ver Increasing the fertility of soils : All bouse, and have more trouble with the : "■'<' llli; practically ae.|iiaiuled with the -tue, and fall lo llml any win of iisln^ subject must have *ecn tlml the best crops (he carpet Htretdicr while vou stand fm I <>' "heal are pnulueed by beliif,' preceded the carpet, and fall to And any place to ,,v croP» "r clover grown for seed. I stand, off from the carpet, and you (jet 011' aavo come to the conclnslou that the very vour knees again, while your wife holds ■■,"'"1 preparation, tho very best manure, Is the saucer, and with blind confidence " «'""1'''■"l""'*'l"m'- * vast amount of hands vou broken lacks, crooked tacks, mineral manure Is brought Within reach lack' will, no heads, tacks with 110 loath- °' the corn crop, which otherwise would

lacks will] the bluest end at I he remain lu a l.iek-up condition In the soil. Tin-clover plants take nitrogen from the atmosphere, ami manufacture It into their own substance, which, on decomposition of Uie clover mots ami leaves, produce: abundance of ammonia. In reality tin growiug of clover Is equivalent, to a gran citent, to manuring with Peruvian guano and in this paper of mine I show Hint you obtain a larger quantity of manure than '

point. Finally tin irpc do Die

thai ) lute 1 do lie Him

■1 buck, ami your ' ■ < Kind

wliii it I

tin lire and smoke, with tho iiinc mss ihat you arc the meanest man In America. The next day vou hear your Wife tell a friend that she Is ffi tired; silo look up and put down that great, heavy carpet yesterday.— I'tim UtwM.

the 1 of I'll

Dr. Thrall of Philadelphia Im v.-ry unpleasant discovery, -ev.n years, Jupiter, Saturn, l'r Neptune will approach nearer than they have been in ilgbtect


When ungress itrouomy

-suit will I 111.'

Would It Is only by carefully im jecH like I lie one under em positive proofs are filvci COITCCtllCHS orilltellljft'lll .: Held.

linn n

Fi.iiiiiMi AS A FINK AUI.-

socb'lv ailll'Ullls to little I .■erlaln «en

hid of applying.

4tlgat1ngimb lilei-atl.m that showing l he

servers in the

The science of

del thai Hi

t u then wo shall hilt not before. since U, 1! some one pradli earth would he swamped w aud you couldn't burrow an pair of 1*11 libers IV.un anv nil

ii'se things, hum while d thai the


::i!l I uilii Is


idiot : intillsh tin' iip.m

id a urtli in a Iwiiikllng. U'li excellent p

l h. ,.l ■

tlonof the sbu liass'ed oir win 1 nr I telling Fulls would In-

ill, mlii


linn Hi

I ye I pe

ly-fonr hours Ibci in Mai ry tii en mil. And now In planets and no tobacco ehewera 1 planets, and your ami men who bet we understand th

lemonade out of t bagen with their ,Vi irs.

II.iw in W.ui

niter* reeilliljt, I thirsty, alwavs Bl IliUlik vnu I'm- ll. put lu the stable

ll.,r-li other jisti-oin Iple thill tin in less than aim

d nothing n Idi hurry rlgli 1 1

, ami iu less

it! rui have 11 rare social witchery who have any oilier form of geuluM, and some men, of very moderate abilities in other respects, have an art of pleiislii amounts to fascination. One woman lu famous allliv will gather a great imlal.les in a grand house and give thcnin KK-al supper, and all shall be Hat and dull while some winsome little body, wlthou any llashy lost.,,, ■ parade, mid eve.

pi 1 lit- W|thout rare beauty, will entertain be alarm , vU.,.u. (l|uul.stH |„ a Hiuruillljr way or hei

11111 \ own, and make tlu-111 all at home with In f'mx and eiuli other. She plays upon their ''''" various tempers and trait

1 ha ■ hand upc

lemnly "Ah!" cried ili'-[I'IIi"nt with a sifih, and in-

stantly fell hack and expired. No man could ho expected tolmtdout against such a disease

. that. He died of dictionary.

Due of the boys nt Camp Noble, Indiana, wax it on L-IIIII''I, nnd ri'i iHt.'il to his captain in tlie

nornlng that he was ebuMil by n fellow lieeanw lie would not allow tiiin lo pans.

"Well," said the captain, "what did yon ilo)"

"Uo? Why, I reinoiislratcd with him." "And to what effect I" "Well, I don't know to wlint effect, but the

barrel of my gun is bent."

Two Idealistic youths, immersed In scnliuicn- Inl lii.n: -lit-, und sicklied o'er with the pale rnst of poetn-, were walkliift post a house, the other

lay, and espied a yoaugbUly nc.iunliilanee iu a

ISF. IT tsK IT. I SK If. f.sK IT. I'sK IT. r>i; IT. I'SK IT, I'SK IT. I'.SK IT.

Lawranee, March r

JOHN 1>. Gil A II AM,

CARPKNTEE & BUILDER, attention paid to Jobbing.

Ilave ynu llys)it>iisia? Are ynu l.aiijfiiiif? Are vnu Weak and Feeble? 1. your AIT., l.'.l- llnve vnu Femnl* traaUssT Are VOW Children Slrkly? !>.■ yuu want ltosy Cheeks?

Bvamcts with patsllH and with neeaanror MlreiiKtli to i|n imyUiliis;, with sleepless nlylil* tVniii over w.irkhiK the brain, »>IHIIM 11 .-lliln remlsiv. It i- A 1.1 1 maker, and will xive you a rich flnw of It ;\\\ tin- »o.t.'iii. t.irln win, Br.-nlilim'.l tii wnrk in DjewriM will tlml It invaluulih>.

It will do yuu K<SM1. It isnnouai-k trash, but nlle llint I- u-i-il by lln- lbi^|iitnl- Itininnliniit New Kiiv[lamlniiil by tliilH-t I'livnii-hins, rvhoareslndly Inlil its e.inuHislti.1.1. IVruvinn llnrk, rtiosphonis ami I run, tne three be*! Ti.nii-s in the wnrl.l, are hilt.

Bold by II. M.WHITNEY X CO. Siult eodtapT

Ibmse, No. 10 Sewhury slreeL

Miii|>. — opposite I'lui'f'li'a V 1,1.1,

i;in";i|.|| ilim-rliill ■OBtft l.nwrenee.

Tf li. 8PRAOUK,

PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON, Lately locate! In Lawrence,

South Side, cm Broadway.

$500 IN pliZKS1


Kiiilici* tliiiu Kuily llnse, Kiiorinouati- Pi ducllve, an,I i.f K.V< i:l.l,i:\T H.AVOH. • t per lb.] 4 lbs., by uuill, |.u-1 paid, »;l.r,o.

lOUI'Tu.X's SI Hl'ltisi;. N'jtl IIU-IM-Is to the Acre. A little Inter than Knrlv ltose. Ki|iiiil In ipiality. f.i per lb., by mail, post pnl.1.

S.-.o.i will Iw .i v...,...-. i iis-r'ttKMII'M.s to those whopnHbieetlii' l.m ce.-l ..iiumliii frmn niu'|iiuu>i|. Ileserlptive Clivnli.iH ,,i Un-j.linie, with li«t ui':"«' varieties Of 1'utat.H's, freo to all.

Illustrated S««d tatsilogue,21)0pages, Colored I liiimm, £.*] .-, m .

A New ToUUtO, the -llll IM.TOV." Karlj , suli.l, anil priiilln live. I'l-iee, '.'.'i its. per paeket; 5 pniketi. |l.

ll. K. Itl.iss tL KOXN, an Park Place, - - - New York.

All OSJM <>r BLIND4E88 "-'"» <'atsr>et, ttvof Coruem.nL kln.b. at nisKisi:n

KVKM, More Kj-ea of loso STANUIKO, tlsn nn.l t'starrhsl O|hthaliola, HMIMe .if the UrhrymsJ Uwt, or Weepliitc Kyes, In- r. in" the HTII-K fir its cure. All eases, of whatever ehnrni'ler. arulii'liiK trenleil with astnu- tsliiiin sueeess. All )K>n»iis frnm n ilintiiuee, out Of Ihe Mate, will be reulved Into the Doelor's fninily iluriiiK Ireatment.

Further, we oerfiinn al kinds of (>perntb>ni> on tlie l:H.\ OS t'Mtnrart, Ntrali. ri.ius. cte., for VKKV Ml.'i'll LKSH tluni tu-M- npcrutions are done in or New York.

We refer all who wish li know of

I TOR MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES " nnd TAN, use I'KIUIV'.S M«lh ami Freckle

botilMI. It Is IIKI.IAHLKan.lllAkMI.KHS. Kohl by "— t, 41) Bond htree"

Hm1teo.|;nil,■.■■.'! I, hnik, mini Ihi' L'liioiiili-fet uf the iw- i !

ctienl twain, -like Mariana iu the moated I |7™ I'IMPLES ON THE FACE, Illnek .,,,,,, ,„ . „ , „ . I Jl Heads and Flesh W.inns, use 1'KltHV'H liu-

k'riinne. And I am like her, she replied, ,„-, l'in.|.le, theijreat for I am looking atliwnrt the gloomv Hats." I skin medlelne. Preiidreil only by lh-. B. C. PKll-

■Pk ~ ,„ . , , ,, , ,, , 111 . l>enniit.i|"Ki.-t, ill II I i-lrvi I, New Yink. They only said their lives were weary, Ae., and Sola l,y DniKKl-W everywhere. Nm1lB,„li,„l.'.-;n, passed sudlv ulonic. i

Tllrtv v ,„ . i , ("CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Thirty yeurs nfl.i n young man entered the \j iity of New York In an ulmost penniless eondl-'

Hen, and without n single no pin In tan re In the ! ?£!!*:*<:*!* ,'.1.I!-.«I_,M'.C *TM!f.

■ i'-.ii-i ii -. Is known wherever hiuiiatiily breathes. It is | are the only inedU-lues that will

spoken hi every eity, and Is ss nuulllar lo the | ZnTumrlTme.lieines that will stops rourtwtll ■orkcrs In the ininrs a* to his brother In the eBa»ooeMleninedeaftoi*apailaa<i it Ineks up

,mu... »„,! »hm™ ,.,w,w, ,. k„o S^'fl^'tSf^j^'XWSS ideas expressed the name .if this penniless, un- ' of the very organ that raused tlie e-ou«h.

k„.,»-„n,„, ,,,„„,,,l, 1 f ,l,l,,vy™r, „o U L^SSS^SS^W^Sh IBS uttered. It was John .Smith. are now eoinplalning of dull pain In the side, MIL- , „., , I bowels sometimes roaiive and sninetliiius t<»i lix>se,

r I tongue coaled, pain in the shoulder blade, feeling Al .-\ \ ,» .1 «i -t. ,1 fin .il ,1.1 eo L'"1'"' very rest h<ss, and at other times ibuw- jN i) l,t tl .1 II tL KJ ll O \ L tl. ,y; the food that in tnk-'ii lies h.-avili on the -t ■

. » — ' w^* aeeiinipttiile.l with acidity ami lied'hlng in

-I.„,»K.U,,,. - to, »„,i„. i zsStJjtirwmxm jawsKSr*SS3 —Thiinderstorins have lieen numerous thi. liver. I'ersons so alTeeted, If Ihey tnkeono or two , , heavy colds, ami If Uie rough In theso easea IM

"mflr- suddenly Moamed. the lungs, lirer and slnmaeh —New Itami».!iln< Is revelling in Mmw lime l'|.ig, nnd remain tiirplil and Inactive, and before ftmrflwt .1..,.., ""' I"'"'"1 ^ ,1Wi,n' "' ,,in -""ibn.i (he liin^-iue nnd lour feet deep. ft mJ„ tlf gorwli „,,! aiemaad, and death Is Uie —The husband of "(ieur«>- ICIiut" is said lo is- Inevitable result.

Ik. ugll.,. n,.„ 1„ K,,,!.,^. .Mr^^nS^ateyUfJRSSSs —South Carolina Is very busy just now ai- eah-ulateil tn ebeek a enugh suddenly,

resting her eininty treasurers for fraud -s with the gasLrlr. hilee of the stomach, ill —A Jersev cltv man Isiught a new pair of gesls easily, nmirishes the system, and creates a

j healthy ein nlnlii.n of ti„. M,MM|. When the In.-


el'tilltl JiMmueW


re those u •rand pi,

hh r

a though)

thai in tlie 'be.I seirse Is failed llirllii";, .mid b.- of tin- Hue art*, und IIII~I critic.) to charily, ami even to rellg- iil), Thai brinlil Rlrl takes llml half do/en trl|ilili|IH 111 hand, and touches each iu urn whh plavfiil Krace, until they are

■■ " j willing ca|itlves to her spell, and ready i.. V.1I ll".v ,,,'r lilueio'liionsor watch chain-, ui the

lull", or tin to her church and worship by her prayer-book. There Is a line, indeed, which this llli'tlou ceaaes to be a line an, and becomes unite biiHliiess-lIke and uiilltaiiaii, a practical operation In making a market niul bagging a liutdjunil — a useful but not always Ideal result. V.-t, a* ihe world goes, II great deal of truemWl try work la done by charm-

ii^dlegitl IMi in.- Vii lu Mai

iv in ale

IL. in h:i l.i give I

,*aler When enough to kill, and ibe day.ui tn

.. reed. Ten tl with hill

ucketi to


tboCathol Mis and Vl

1- (III

idels — Dlt. S\Ml'r.l in/for r' .V.i 7 tiiurfur Mug.

. I ■■ li I via!.-

KWIltlnlV, llll- give hi.:, II

little T lie I- Allll .

irgets nick ■ ,- the horse give III ill a

ml lime ,i

ilia 1 he .■ill i

in I.

:uin..| ili-prcitatiniis by 1j-i1n-e .-« IVIIIII their resi rvntion. The ]

and Mexican insips i, r, bin dared not folton

1,1 A|M,I ilei.r Sou.

i lo the 1'ria 1 line.

eyes" ut.

—The agent of the Old Colony Railroad Hilled on u lady atflProvlncetown, aged 74, and asked her what price she asked (of her hiime- stead. lying lu llie line of the nuidi to which she replied, with the uiimi.t sirio ess, that I was " useless to nnme II, for the Uld Colony I Itadroad eotnpuny hsdn'l money enougli i

—Allapti.-t minister In (uliforula says: " eaine here with the old opinion that plenty of trine would promote the temperance cause. When 1 see whole families, father and mother, Ixiys ami girls, made .linukanls by Die prod*

of their own iliicyanH, I am convinced tlml wine making Is a curse. California Is be- coming a state of drunkards."

—An exchange taya,"llloaa, of ibe Cincinnati Kiupiiver, the inventor of tlie Speiieiilan sys- tem of petiniinishlp, ami author of several popular works on teiu|ieraiicc, lias, titter neveral mouths Inud labor, aueeecdetl in training sev- eral cockroaches to write Ids editorials Tor him. The bugs are dipped in inn, llu-ii placed on pa- per, and a: Ibe word " Oo" each starts uif nt a brisk trot across the sheet. The printers -ay this manuscript Is a great Improvement on the old,"

—The Philadelphia Ledger has earned the reputation of publishing the must wonderful obituary P°etry ever written iu our own or any other language. The following la a sum pi.-of the latent .

(?'*-■' Vor sale by Druggists generallr- f tautv

Selienck's Beaweeil Tonic dissolve* the food, 'xeswllh the gastric lulce of *•--

its easily, nourishes tlie systei

«*k.. i,u, „„iw io ta„ i,i, mun ute,. i ^.%sMB7«SSaj „,„ „„,,„,,. n — It is now thought thai Cain was Insane a bilious habit, Schcnck's Mandrake Tills am re-

whenbe killed Abel.-that to, eiuutionully h..i0l^,e mCl1(r,ne. are pfenarad br Pr. J. It. •mi , SCilKM.'K 4 SUN', Niirth-i-a-tciii-nerofSlxlliand

—Advice U like SIIOU ■ ll... s.,fw It f.ll- ,l„. Arrt' Streets, I'hiLldelphia, 1'a. UFA). C. iiOOO- Advice is like snow . the loiter II falls the Wls A rjff^*, $%£££ SUv,,, n„-i .J„I„, y. longer it dwells upon, ami the deeper 11 dinks ■ Henry, M College l'laee, Now York. Wholesale into the mind.

—The largest diamond In the world, weighing isa 1 eanits, has arrived nt Capo Town, and will lie shown nt the Vienna Exposition.

—John Smith lias been buried twenty-one

times, In Tlppecanoe County, Ky., this winter, ami yet some of him remains for the gleeful undertaken.

—A Dunbury man, says the News, was going to! send a dollar to the Howard Mission, but couldn't find niufflohmtly Ihnpsey bill to risk in a litter, and sent his regards instead.

—Thomas Deliice, " the king of burglars," is on trial at llostim mi several Indictments. The prospect of his (pending the remaining years of his life lu prison nre en eon raging to the timid.

—Charles I'm aims, u reporter at Williams-

burg, N. J., suicided the other day. Ilo left a note to a brother reporter, nylng, '• Vix this tiling up Hue, Jlm—pul it under iidotthle head." Jim did so.

—A Troy dentist became emotionally insane while repairing a (rout tooth for a pretty wo- man, and kissed her. She lob] her husband, ami lie went around the next day and borrowed 9-'MMl of the dentist on long lime.

—A clairvoyant bin, two women und a man, have been travelling lu the South, pretending io cure cplsootic by iliu '• laying on of bands."

They practised on a mule in Kentucky the oth- er duy, and the linn has since dissolved.—K\.

— A I'itlsllcld Teuton, disgusted with the dine. anect of Good r'riduy by the Yankees, ex- claimed: "Meln Oofta! Mein (Jolts! what a country! What a topics! Duly two holy days, and one Is fourth of July ami the other

—A correspondent asks tbla preposterous ques- tion : "Why ure not schooll established fur the education of young girls in domestic and house- keeping purtutta r" Just as though young girls should learn houaekesplng when there am promenades to prance, and young men lo "make




Inciir|iornb'.l. Ansel*.

Franklin, of Phils., l'n., is?.. 13,300,341 Pennsylvania, uf l'enus., German, " North Missouri, Mis.mi, Weatchoalor, New York, German American, H, V i-'uirtlelri County, roan., First National, Werceste Oloucester, Qhtunestw. Fanoull Hall, Boston,

■ -'..IU-UHII Cm,;,.«.

Royal, M.-., I/,.|,i, $10,000,000 Amerieaii bran ill, 1,600,000

Imperial, ban, gold, 8,000,000 Uwrtesn Besneh, 1,367,801

Queen, lain, gold, 10,000,000 Ainerlean Branch, 873,000


UN:! i:..n strtirt, - I.atvrri.r'

lyfiapls I*. O. Box 38.


i M 1,303,603 ■an 343,010 law 718,846 no; 598,300 W,i 1,360,000 1ST* 286,484 |si;:i 186,176 1870 116,833 1810 304,044




liaving now received their I'ateiits iu fall fum Government, place in m.irket nearly

400,000 Acres of Magnificent Lands,

anon only in ltd. cltv. vii:—Ur. Th.inip- ePaeine Mill; i<-o, t.> Mr.Tnrlnr. Soiitli

Side. Broadway, and utli-rn Blind w iiii Cataract. Also, an kinds of Wetk Eyes * Tii>> Doctor may lie (inud at all Unea nt bin

Residence, oppositt Tiger Engine House.

We (|n net, lumever, make the Eye a aitpelnlty, hill nil kinds of ni'lWJKKT, so that we eonII- ilenlly anniuiiica thrfl m one MI iinl'iu tunateas to i...un.- BURUICAL Alii, nee.l gn to IUIFIUU, or

iti.r I-awrenee.

rp-^PURNITUREi- MH Istti .^^s^cJ2/l-y-!

$1000 REWARD 1

for any rano nf Blind, Illcnling, Ibhing Or I'lcer- eted I'ilesUiat UK SING'S Pll* Krmrdy fail* to eure. It is prepared espreaaly t» cure the I'dea, and nething else.

Bold i,T all Dnvghrtn, Price fl.W. ] *f.-7

r> K II 0 I. I)





We nre prepared to ihow the buvoil and taeal asaornneul of custom made r'unilUiw tn Beaton which la warranted lo |rim aatlaraellon, and nil be sold at prices Unit nEFI i .IUI-FTITIOS. WI

InviH" all in want of Furniture to call ami IM oui aaaorluienl ami learn our prleas.


lawVsodlapUab lit r7sabiagtekSt., Beaton.

VI O R W 1 C II I'M V E 11 S 1 T V,

A MILITARY COLLEGE. l.-ulili-iii-l it;I. Prrparalorr llcpartimaut. Tlnirough Cln>H„;il, si-ii'iitiilc, und Military In- tiuit (.IHI.1 Hi- iiillm-. Aildresh IT(ife-sur

C1IAKLKH IK1I.K, Norlhlleld, VI. if eleven weeks hcgtin, April I Hh.



At Armow.

About a year ago I concluded In nidi mv .Super- phosphate .if Millie In the fanners nf N'ew Knglaml in placcn where il was not known, bv auction, to Ibe lilgli.-sl bidder, in niuintilie- un iH'fore- 1 tan.I, proposing at the i-niuc time to pursue thin I-I.UI>!' vi'iir ii lliv 1,'iir. iililil die 1,11 it-.ei; i-m.lil l>e- ciimo wiUsJhnl of iL. value to tlu-111.

I "hull niiile [lii- iii<>tm^itiiui t I. The NuperprH>r|ibnie iiiaile Uils vear will he

ninii Viihiiihle Ihini it win- Li-t year. 1 will iiulilbh, as licri'tufiire, tin- uinteriiils of

which il Is eumpiij-ed, :iml the |iro|><irtinna ofcncli, and 1 will gnnimil.v it lo hn\<- Uen mi made.

I have iu*iii Icii.-ii- 1'iuiii Un in.-is wlui bought —


In the I'tiitvdKtates. I'atuloga.'s free nirnp]ilkiitiiin.

U1CK ,v DOYI.K, "iTii.ii.n. iiu.i Plorlal t%7 'i'n nioi.i ■!*-* 11. it.xion.




asosUsMBSi n KAHT MI.M NT., I.awrcncr.

Leakv Iloofn made Tight at short nnllee. fllviavl"


EQOM FOR HATCHING A-oiii all l li.- brat breed* of I'oultrv.

Fowls !<>■• -i.l- iu their -joamon. Wlilic Linhorai a »er,

K. WOODS, No. * Braadwnr, South Lawrence.


ot- MAIM a.

n/iwcroirs oFFirs.r. COURT STIIKKT,


Assets over - - - - »ll,ii(H»,(»(i(l.(Hl

AU, TIIK PROFITS 1-AIS TO rOUOf IIOLUKRS. The low rateh nnd la ge dividends of this old

t'niiiiinni, tDg.thcr iiitX eMilleiit luHiiaginiinl, lair ib-nluiK niul |ironi|4iM-KH la Uiu adjustiaent of burni's, mate- it the 1i.--tC |nia\ in \ew Knglniid t.i liihUic in, cs|Hii:illv liir Kn.l.iw int-iil I'olli leu.

ft E- LAWIULNCK, Agr-iit for Lawrence. ItaTerhill, Auduver, and

11 in v 10- MfUim-ii. OFFICE 373 ESSEX STREET. LAWRENCE.

Or, PAINTS-HOW TO SELECT AND USE THI A plain treatise, i-oiilninlng simple eanl with fi

different actually painted SIUI.IIM ami tints, with lailnaillnaa for exieHor ami liiierinr Uooae Decoration.

311 eoplei", bound in i-lnih, for #r,. smuple cop- ies, paper etivir.niuili-il, |m-i |.ni.I, many address, UH receiiit of HI rinK, bv the l'ublbller,

11EMKV lAltF.V HAIHIk, Km ltl'2 I, r...l Onlrr, l>l>lls,(rl|il>U.

e?-See the follnn tug valuable eMiaeU I nun prei.ii

We did nut know >■ mil emild la' Mild on the subject of iiainting ,i limi-i- until we rend tills ex- cellent book ol Mr. Ilair.l,s."-N.Y. Herald.

"A wanl long felt at l.i-l siiiii.lir.l."—Scien. Am. "Sol oiitvnuercsKltv to tm- painter, but valll-

al.lnuieveryoeeii|.:uii..i nil«clling,"—N.V.World. \\\ i-n'ii]ilf ■ ..I'ihi- l l.iin.l .li-lrlliiite them igyour friends. If they will heed the advice

therein, you could make no more valunblf p ."—Chicago Tribune. In iinbli-hiug this book Mr. llaiiil lias done a

I service lo 11"' i.iiiuiuinilv." Toledo Illade. •• Wo hope tin- |,u1ili.hi'i ii ill sell luo,(lwi i-o|iles

of this IKIOV during '7.V— Iloston Advertiser. We liavejust iniiiili'.l mir IHIUHC as m(vised by


Spring Wearing Apparel ARK INVITKHTO VIKIT TIIF.


This new ivL.I.II-tmi'iH. la nun hie lneate.1 at \III, 1, H nn.l a Itark S.|iini ■ . Ilunlou, Jmtt at the foot of llrattle nlnvl, has lieen the ini-M-ol .-I'l.-iin wilh a line n-i-ort nt of li.-nlle- men's, Youth's and liiaV I'lollilng, from leading fashionable Imust-. in New York mid l>hllsdel|'!iin, and we can now olfer i-i .in.- low priced liarmeiiti. of all grades, »iiua nnd <lyle» ill pre Mint in market.

Our lines of Press IJUXNIF, Spring Over Coats, Cluivlot, Mellon, Twe.sI, ri.|ue, Diagoimlf, 8lri|H's, Tricol.nnd OIIHT MATHIHI SMTH. mr all,'

• - Ire; BM H*wHl eell onr goods as low i' Im

nike a HI-WIAI.IV of tine White ami Frencl I Shlrls,* and hi our licnt'* Fi KSISIUM, nwKM' will be found tin elegant dixplnv

ur little nslllo .ii.l io llnl.v life MI licit is, ». wii-iillll.ledwitl. >plll!ll liiellillUill-.


'Ti- bard io IOM> our litllu Millie Hut the relleeli.iu i-Weet Is,

Thai she has gone n here there', spinnl nicibngltl..

tMinrd from

These lands ar

I'nil lie I

already ti having been setlieil

lor nuiuy years, miineroiis villages nnd railroad -i.'ii afford n ready market for farm products, niul the ailranlassa of churches, . i I ■. ami -lures. The company offer* Its lands at moderate llgurcK, on lung bine, und nl low- rates of Interest.

Salubrious Climate, Pure Water, and

Fertile Soil

Of III-l

NEW SPHINC NECK TIES, Plain nlark Horn,

InraU,, tr.,

of lateal French, I.omlon and New York Patters*. TuSMCOSda we will sell atoiie.|uarl*'rlesH prlee

llitill tliey can 1..- lunik-Ill lor in Iti.-U.n. They lire all made to our order expressly for the "tii.iuiK."

es-For Hl'lilMi CuiTlliMi ami Fl HMslllMi AllTK'I.KS, or KVKIIV DKSM IIIITHIIV,

THY "THE til.Oltr.." Noa. I, J mill 9 Hock S.|ii«ic, Ilo.(on.




For Children, For Boyt,

Or for Men,

U lllrilAltlfS well known

"o I, I) (KiltN E 11," RJsM. a I and -'.".

I) O (' K S 1^ r A R K .

At tbla wtll known li e we eiin n--llie I'an'lits thai ill' nreprcpnrei! with our well .-elccled

SPRING STOCK of Wearing Apiiaivl ami rli-r I-IHSH FunilsliliiK UoorU, to asset tne wanl-.ofeveryh.Hly w ho w oulil


in Ida pretent lessom'a purehssti at *ar arllela In mir Ime *f trade. We Iherefore invite the par- ticular alblilion of C(H STKV III VKM" to our en- Lilill.hinenl, whin', IT Hi,-, will mil, we will make It wnrlli Ihrlr w Idle lo give us n trial.


THE "iH,H (JOHN Kit, INapllab •■ .v as l>oek Ntinarc.

lei-irnble ol any i

iveuw.nlh, l.awie

render ibeee the OWN

offering In Anierlr.v Two IrniiiM dully leave I.

ami Kaunas City for all polnta

I,. 1.. A. U. II. It. UITR.

I.amlenploriiig tickets are placed on sale j ami Ui parlies punhasing laadl Uie cost of name w ill be refunded. For further imrtlculars, apply hi

JOHN W. BCOTT. Land Com.,

luiaapUany Chantitu, Kan., or

L, L. & O. It. R. CO., Luwronco, Knn.

/ i I.ASS WAHK—l'liklf Jiirn in IIm; tut V f glass, with pliiled plamls, or ■cparnte.

I I.ASS WAKE . < glass, with pliiled hlamls, or leiinm iioilline of t nt ami KiigraredIioblctn, (.ut Tumb

Iht'H.i nrtlcles In CIH Mier nuikes.'aa well a* .Snuce llixhes, taiidy .bus i.ln--> Miailec, anil a large lot of Sets. JOftS V. IK)W A CO., PHI Kmex st.

lir;,iiiui-.'."—IIm ii.'i'r. Weekly. '- la selling a sample copy for 10 cts., Mr. Jlnh-.l

at feel curtain an onler for S3 I MI u ml In cloth « ill I,.II.ui." -.Kiiiiik Leslie.

"We know the town ami . ..iintiv paint, therein recommended, ami ran vouch lur their value ami Uie excellence nf the 'linrrlion' hrunil i>r while lead."-I'hlln. Ledger.


Miiiiiifin hirer, ui SuWC. Sl'l'Kllltllt TO ALL OTIIKlts.


agr-LiBnAL insciirNTB.ji» SS-I'rlie Lists and 1'irctilarn IVee.

WK l.cil .v <i It l Fl'UTHS, — assies., * iictrait, ntMa.

MUUa obL-lilieil IV., i the t >f tlie tilinei.

I know that the article i- a goo.1 one, in will, in time, im nil mv olllei- broiluetli done, win lla way In tut eontldenee of the

of the fer-

ii that it

thai, in tar an innodble, im furiuei-(.bull havuueea- BIIJII bi my llui! In- had im <.|.|><>jtunity to buy Ida fertilizers hi fair i .iiniiciiti.oi with hi- neighbors.

The most tibeial u-rni* ami .-..ndllioiis will lf6 extended to purchaser.-, whieli will be nimb known ai Hie sale.

OITICR OFTIIR i.'i -.ii i mi. CniinCAt Wongs, 1'rotl.lciiiv, lb U.Ian. I, ItTS.

GK0. F. wil.sox, Tress,

IMrt-nioiiili and Lake Village, K. II April I Ilamploii and Til Ion, April i' Concord nn.l Franklin, " April U Manchester ami llrislol, " April > Haveiliill, Mass., end Pittsllcld, '■ Mi.v 2 LawrsoMBad Uroton Jusetiun, -Mans., May fi Atiir.i Depot and t-owdi, May 7

N0! NO! NO!

. _^ canimtaff.ini lo use pour machinery, neither can you luniiiif.iitiire prnllt.ibIv without Imvlns the hiti'-t iinpnit'cl i-,.uii]\i.n.-..-kn.iv.n. Think of it cauilidly! Can you? Delay no longer! WAKB DPI Write A. 8. UEAU, M b) Ci Sudburv Street, Huston, for oatalogne and circulars refianl- Ing nil WOOD ami IKIIS-WIIKKIMI MACtllNKitv, - " order uioliT OPV Uie

Sewing Machine IK the lll-M' IX TIIK WOHI.n I


T TSE the Hc-lslnf-tT Snail Look ami Sii'i-

FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS! No apring b> culling of sash; cheap, diirnble, very ca.-ilv implii-it; IH.IIIM sash alnny place, desii-ed, ami a Kilffimb'iier when the sasll is down, send stamp for circular. I'livular and six eoppei-l.l.ui/eil 1ock~ K-II( hi IIIIV address in the ll. f4., pOSl |«dd, Oil roei-lptofMets. Liberal iiidlico- ments to the trade. Agents wanted. KKIS1XGF.K HASH LOCK CO., No. Ilrl Market street, Uarrltbnrg, Pa.

Wrils for a rrlas IJ (JRMT WESTERN j

tl J. II. J!)I1\ST(I\

V'.i Fmltbf.a1d Bt., 1 m.l t:rKti, Pa.

Ill .---.-li Londillg Html Oanaj sin In *:inn. Dmtble Shot Giuv, »M to *l,'Hi. single linns, »;l to e-ju. Hllles, »a U, *-,!•. Ib-volvcrs, #.'. to »M. I'UtoIa, (Hoes. UuiiMaleiiiil. y'ii-liiii^Tiu-kle.ete. L.UIiiK iiiat'iii STN TO UKAi.rata on inns. Artnv Huns, Itevalvcrs, etc., Ixniglil or trailed l»r. limnlit sent by express CO. I). t.ilH'exaiiilued befoi-e paid for.


Ilo nut subscribe fur auy work on Poiillry till you have seen this. Moutldv, ll.KU per vear. Specimen copy, 111 eta. "POM-TitY VYOKLII," lUilliad, Colin.

classes of working peo[de, ol tiling or old, mnku more money nl

lieir spare momenta, or nil tlie


We will pay nil Agents siu per week hi 'ASH who will engagu witli ne A> (IM K. Kvcrilhing liiviii-lml ami C\|II'IIM-S paid. Address

A. CdUI.TKK Hill., Charlotte. Mich.

MONEY Mud.- llupidlv with Btencll and Kcv Check OutlUs. Catahigucs and full

particulars r'ltKK. S. SI. SI'KSt'Klt, 117 Han. over atreel, Boston.

'PHIS IS NO Hi;Mm*0.—By HciidliiK 35 1 els., H lib age, height, color of eyes nn.l lialr,

you will receive a.orreetplciure of your future tun-hand or wile, « itli u.ioo- nnd dnU-of innirlage,

W. FOX I*. O. Drawer SI. r'uHohvllle. N. V.

Y S 1' K 1' S I A .

ifferer for many years will tend Uie pre* up i- «' h he wii- cured 1.. imj ioIdie-s oi


I) ■eijil nl -


Largest Music School in the World!

The most eminent Instructors. Tlie greatest number of free ml vantage*.

The lowest rates of tuition. ('■hulled facilities to organ puplla.

situations procured.

Summer Torin opens April 21, '73.

Send br Circular, Kiving full particulars, In

n'.i|.iii. i:- Tot itJi.i;, Pindar,

The Mil,-I' , hi- I"-" HI'I It.'il H-- li.l.ii- i. hee.lateor s Ml I KL I- I'OWNIM;, bankrupt aifapiH iiAiiitv n. nuvANT

1'. O. Ilo\ 2,:l|n, New York.


I'alnful afectlmis of the bladder, and urliuiry organs, aeeoiuiuuiieil bv KMIICIII ile|Hipits of liny kind; Irritiitioii nl the neek of tlie bladder, will, dltllculty of holding the urine; la stricture, In seminal weakness, ami in all conditions ol the purls, accouipa riled bv debility, -H LUIS'* IM- inuaTiN CIIMI.IIMI "ill he ii'unda most elDea- elous n-inndy. Send fin-1 iivular- to li. KBITII ft CO., tl Liberty Street, N. V. For sale by drug, glsls. rriec »t uer hotlle or 111'or #3. HJ-



Magoe's New Portable Range.

irgo stock bought liefore the advance, ami to mid LOW by 1'tjySl-


Ifo. 3VO Kiari Mraett

- 0LD>i




Pure Blooming Complexion. II ll Pnrelj VogeUble. and Us operation la aasn

and Mi at ones. It does away wltb tbe Flushed Appearance e»u«ed by Heat, t'allgne. - i..i'i:t. Ileata and removcaall Dlntrbtsi

iiigbtly apots. Urlreaawaj inburu. and by Urn MH 1>W

w. rrul mfluenc- raaiiU" lbs laded cbaek wlib

YCOTHICL BLOOK AND BUOTT. : . ,1,1 by .U PrtgniiU atid FaDcr Btowa. Depot,

-,rl f'l„.-. N.v.Virt.



Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves. I'lumblug, Tin Uooflng, and all Und* of Jobbing

done uruni|iUy. -1

it uonADO s K.\ i; .sin it i ■:, 11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence.


a.le Isrge addltlsma to my


TI1ADE aiAUK. Iileli lias Uie ti^t fur more than Wi yearn, n.-kmiMledgi'd llin mo.I iclinble Medicine for

the relief el Jaundice, \eivnus <:oiii|il*iiit-, Wenknei-s of ll Sloniii.-li un.I Id.neb, Lorn of A|i|>cLite, Coughs

e.,1.1-., iieiii; iieio, Uiij.iu- Ati.i.'i.-, c.'ii.', I'ramii in tlie Hi/.v.inus» ncd Mull-

lie--.-, i.l' the Heel. Liver ('imi|ilallils, rile, l'iui|i|.|.', IIIIIIK, S..ur Mnniacli, Con.ti-

llitionnl Wenklii'ss, Hra.lacbe, Low- iif.m of P|ili-lts. Lo.tireliess, Uys|ie|i.ia, anil all eoniidalut-' :n i-lm: il'-m ::II iniimre dale oi

Die IIIIKHI, or the .leralig.-d en ml it Ion of Ibe siuiiiaeb, Liver, llnucUor Kidneys.

This |irei> i- purely Vcgi bible, contniiiiiig Kxtracts in a lii^lib ™m nimied I'unu of Knot*, llerlwaml Itark- a'nu>ng wlticti nru Siii'snliarilln, Yellow lliwli, llamlelieii, l.-niinii. Wild ClieiTv, Orange, Mamlnil.e, Alike, -li.nipcr [terries, etc.— milking n line Ti uie, Alterative, and ]ji\ativc Medlciiie, nliieb never I'.iih In give lime ami stri'liulli to Die f vsltin ileliilitnle.l bv (li.-ease. Ai- n Ml.iMlll I'l'ltlHl-l;. i.niJI.lUMC'M IIIT'JKIM IIAVK Ml KgllAL.

r'l.INT A tJOLDTilWAIT, Proprietors, mliil No. '.'i 8t Peter itreet, Salem, Uass, Sold bv all Healers in Medicines generally.

1> A 1 L E Y £ ANDREWS,


PAINTERS. KaO Kltrl Street, (Orilrm) IIt»rk>.



I have Just


MARKED EVERYTHING D0WN1 Tbe prices 1 have act upon toy Uoode are

uniireccdeiiU'.lly low.

EVERY VARIETY OF OOOD8 for Ladies' wear.

la Millinery I hare everyttiing that Lsdlea re ipibe, and In prlret. I

Defy Competition. My utorlt or Ijidies' Woollen Under Wear baa

iH'.-n Innpelv to. Trices low. Children's and 11 :illies'Woollen Under Wear, Jacket*, etc.

I can supply Ladles with



ClDN E Y A . .1 K W R T T,

Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AM)

COLLECTOR. <lllii. i j:iil i:.». t Ntrrct, EAWSSMSS.

Hours, ! lull and 7 to s l>. U. lilSepla


No. G, Lawrence Street hero will be kept a Jlri.-I.e- stock of

Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Mennchaum, Itrycr slid t'luy Pipes



AT WIKH.1S Vl.i: AM, III 1,111,,

A abnre of public patronage In mill,-it, ,1 nl the


litriiii- uwanes, MASS.


No. NU Inl.m Street,


Thin Rank baa never paid le»n tluni »ix percent, per iinuiiiii, iree of W\ to II.- ile|Msllors.

All ,ii'|..: ii . innde on or la-fore the iii- 1 ils* ol am iiKiiilluii-etlieo |il.n-cl 111 inlei ,--t, i.ii,Uli:ire In Um ne\t dividend,

Dividend*, as sooa aw declared nre at once added lo Uie account-, of ilcpoi-imr.', and at onee begin In earn iulerei-t, lliun givingC"Ui»l:si> intereel. Boaaatr MAHSII, Qao. C. TainuHrm

Preshleafc Trcannnr. /■,■.»,','-.■ CotnmitUt.

Clinton Vilen, Tlwtnaa L. Jink-, llui'vi-. ( iiriienler, Daniel 11. Wlillui

- -nt' William Itobinson,

'bBl 8. Herby. lyniald

on Good.' UT Me, and I'll do OR. LANQLEY'

HOOT AM) HERB BITTERS. TUl medicine if, wit'jout Hie po.-slbillly of a

doubt, tlie very be. I u inedv kmnvii for tlie follow- ing, iin.l all kiiolicl ilii-eioJCHi-Iiullgehtidii.Co^. Iiv.'ii.'j-r-, !|-l;iiii[, i'il,'.., Ileii.laclie, llemt Dlll-ll, Uy*tiei«-iil, I'i/./ill.'. -,Sri,,li,|;,,.S;UI Ull,'llll I. Languor, LnzaicfMi.l,ilih ..J.uiiiillce.riiitulenrv, K.tul Stniiiiieli, etc.

lly Hie timely une of IIIIH medicine, tbe blood la iiiii-Iile.l. The a pin-ti t.i i- rerbired. The hyeU-ni l« i-treiigtlieiie.l. The liver i- iuvigornled. The brealli In HWeeteneil. The .-.iiiiple\ion l> beaUli- lled. Tlie general heallli U

IIESTORED! The bet Knot,, llerlw ami llurkH enter into tlie

i-oiiijHii.illiiii of tl.ii We .Iv, muting ltm.lnil.Ie HUl ill-, II, H.-ll .,' III! Ul.l.Hll,.':,',II,' lu, „|| ,|jrt-

eiiM'i. ol Uie bl.wi.l. liKO. ('.lii'miiWlN ACI) DOktOU. For Mile b) all JlrnggUt.. IWlmlllUb


SSJ rin, .

k, 8pniin", ele. From i in (I largt' buttle.. The only

In n pnmltire care for Nciatlcn, 1 then ma tii Neuralgia, Splmil Coi.iiil:iiut, ( ontracted ' I June Hack, Spmin-, en-. Fnuii 2 loll Inrgt' will eure ence* giien up lij -leisna. The only certain cure for Sciatica. Large bottles *L30; mnall butllea 75c. Bold by nil Uruggli *


I) r bottle


WINCIIKSTEIta IM rnl'iliJM'HITK I* a chem- ically pure prepniali.ii "< I'lKlsl'HOIttlS.ono of IliulitoMl Imporlniil eli-iui nt- "I I lie 11 iiniNii llmlv, niul tlieonlv means In wln.-h tlds LIKK UIVINtl nnd I.HK.llM'.MMMirl nt'■mi lie MI,.plied to the nyr-trm. We nuaruube it to In. s iirlain II ItK for CONSCMlTKlS, (-DUIiliH, C0L11W, in.l all I'liluii.nary Affectanii., and a MpeeluV Hem.

■tly ror Wcrolula, Un-ii-p-in, faroly»in,Serirouii ,i,l rii.-i.-nl ll,Uil,tWj.ii,1:ill Nei-i.-ilH AITi'.'liiiii'j.

" -^lanaed a- a Tonic and Invtgiirator ami irp oeneraior of n. iiiforuiatloli.TeMiii.iii.liil-, It. portri of I'hyHlrlnun.

uml hi'iillbv IHIHI'I. Vorliirtlier ■■ jiorlM «r I'liy-leinn,

I' uerboltti

ilthe American imiii'

veil known tin.I ■paetaebseal iVom Ilrn- Iliauor hi'oti b pebble:! :ne veri inlurlolu to UlU i,', l„,iiii-e nl' llieii- piilari/ins light. Having been hvled ulth Uie |.,iliii-hcone, tbe ill-

' " . have lieen round In admit nllee,, per nib leu heated ray- ttnlii mi) oilier pebble.

' -itlcr

Manufactured by the

They are ground » ilh great i.l. ntltle accuracy. sreiVcetViiia.liiMiuiitii' :tlni i :.t -ami produee a biiglilnei-i. ami dbtiiictueaii of vision not before

Spencer Optical Manufacturinff Co. NEW TtlilK.

For sale by Responsible Agenta tkrongbotil Hie

WHITPORD & RICE, Jewellers ami Sole Agent- for Law renee, Mnnn., from whom tiny can only be ob- tallied- N" Ted.Hera employed.

The great demand lor these jS|^ctaelm ban n- iluced aiis.'iii)iul>iu- ihiilei s i., |.;ilm off nn Inferior niul Kpiiiii'iu" article Tor the ''liltiiiond." lireat

n.iulil be taken to see lliat the trade mark

1. Hcnuty and excellence of stitcli alike on both sides iiflhe fabric.—i. Sliruglli, heuutv and dura- bility of M'tiiii that will ni'illier rip nor ravel.—S. Complete control over bolli—t. An en- tlii'ly new rotary tension for Hie upper thread, which eon tribute:. M> much t<> Unit beiiutyand uur funnily of stitch ftir which tlie "Howe Machine" I -o celebrated.—A. A (.erfei-l uniform tension In the -buttle which does mil rary from n lull to nn eni]ity iHibblu —nu obieeliou >o. onimiui to other machines.—ll. An automatic seU-regiilaUng take- up Hint |imvent- inbming of stllrhe» In crossing Mary seams.—7. .Short, »lrsight and Hu-ung nce- illen, Hut liable lo break in pacing over iienry . ._ piififing o. _. ..

... ', BHdo tlieeurve'l uee.lli's of other Iiinchiliea. ". liner needles for the same thread than any


thread beyond kind of thread.-10. Ec, that of any other ntaelili . . will make anv width ol Item or Fell—13. Ilrniil- iug theninstcorniiliiiitcl patteins wilhiinv width uml kind .,.' Lr.-iiil, I.l. A Qu.lter Hint will Juliu-I llM-ll to any thii-kiuv- of nuileriiil—14. Tucking nny fabric without iujui v or pucker.—15. A eonl- er MI eonatraeted aa to cord aronnd rarf shoH rtm-ea, even to si|iinrii corners.—Hi, sewing " nne.-t labile will.out injure or pucker, nnd lienvlesl materials with tlie greatest eaae.—17. Compactness, flmiilidn niul dtii.-ibilltv.—IP. Kane of operation ami ninneifriiieiiL —lu. Ik-st Alaelilne in the uml.I for Family use.

Call am' see tlu-e Murtiii.e-. work, with Hie M IMFKOVEH TllKAlil.f; power, al llncnr'., An; ry, I1MI I'l-.i-i Nlrrrl, Lnniviiie. l"


MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of nearly all varieties as

Curnot*, Alton, llfirltoiiri, Itnaira, fnu- li.. Im... ■, •!■ elicalr* Comets i of

llru^H nr (iernmii Silver; I'blon or Itotnry ValveM;

i/ii-, , ji.rinn A ...uuiis, i ,t t-.-uiis, j. llatnen. Concertina?, Flutiiina, Ilsr._-

nieus, Haiijnii, Music Doxef, Violin and Cultnr Strings, and all

Mimieal Merchandli-r, IH the well known more of lytfapHli'b

jomr c. IIATHES *. co., (U Court at, (oppoalte Court llouee), lloalon.

albWEnWTTFj,s 03EB

Entrnet of Hools ami Herb* which almost lava riably cure Die following c.iiiiplalnls:—

II.I-p.'ii-i,,. Heart Hum, Liver Complalnti. and Lima or Appetim eure,I by luting a few bottles.


lni|ill..ii-, I'liuiiles, Illolehes,and all Impurl lies ol the III I, liui.lih-.' Ilniiuiih Hie skin oi otherwise, cured readily l.y Inllon ing 11 n- direr, tlonn on Uie bottle.

Tor Kidney, IIladder and Crlnarv derange. menla It bus in. <i|iui1; i.u,. l.ntUe will convince the moslskeptical.

Wanna e\]iellei1 fi-om the nyslrm willmiil the least dinicully - ' Hiiillcieiitfor the


.... bottle, obstinate aaaa.

Piles i one bottle has cm i.l the ase when all other remedied failed. \. i v.iu. i,IIII. uld, ,. Neuralgia, Headache,

i.-., eased Immediately. Ithrumstlam, Rwrlled Jninta, anil all Bcrofu-

greally relieved by this

ltllllriill it.. ot lilnjr, I'nln In thu Lungf, Side IIII.I t.'hcst almost Invarlahlv cured by takinirn few boltlUH of the Quaker Hitlers.

Female I>IHIeultloi, so (irevnlenl among Aincileiin bulks. ; i. Id i.-adllj to this Invaluable medlciiie, Hie (jiiaLcr Ilittcr*.

Billon*, Itcinlttcnt ami Intermittent Fevern, l>revaleiit in mini \ | nu I- .>! uur country,cotniileU'ly

'•llll'— eradieab'd by the use ol llio Quaker Imters. The aged llml In die Quaker lliUcra Jt

article they Maud In nerd of in their deellnlni The Aftcd Und in the Quaker Hitler* Just the rtlcle they Maud In need nf in their declining

yi'iirs. It -jiii.-k.-n - Hi.' t.i I nn.l . beer- tneniitiii. piivcs the pii,.,:,We iiui. u the plane Incliiiril.

J%a tinr can remain long unwell (unlena nfllirl- '■'I "|U| »" i iilil.-ili-eii-e) jiller liikiiiga lew iKiltlesof Hm Quaker UilU'rs.

For wile by nil Jlruggisia and Ilealcis In Medielnea.

Sold at ivholenalo nnd retail hy OKAS. CLARKE Agent for I.1WHKNCE.

Prepared bj nn. H.s. FLINT ti:o,, at theii (rent Medical Depot, 1U3 and 107 Broad utreet

fall kinds. 1 am making thin a apeeluliy and. furnii-liall kind.- ol I'liltcnis rc.|iilred.

lu oilier depailmiills my t-lock of |C(HHIH caul uesurpu.x.l.

H A 1 H OOO.D8 Real ami imitallcii. All kinds ol Dr. lugs.

Real Laces, Hamburg IMging , Susies, and Snsh ttililankr, ileWeh i. I'. il.iiuc-, in-1.ill Ladies u ill tlml every tiling itn-j in-ill nl my store.

Kiaiiip-nj' for Kiiibioiilery. -II

15.'. C3&EX STREET. 196.



Allnclied to then' patented K|ieetiicles aie two mleiililliully e.iiistiii.-led Ciilv.-iidc llntlerlei-un- seen when worn—delirerlni through the nerve* ol the liend a

Soft end Contlnnon* NINRIH of 1 :i»«(l. ti j .

vlUilizing and giving healthv n.-linn to the entire beiiutinilMslcm of those pails. ABHUI.L'TELV and CERTAINLY CLKINU

I'mllnl I'.r.lj .1. of tile Opl le Xrrvr, Wok or DlaeaaaA viaiou,

Kenralgln of the llrn.l or Fare. Htmai TM II. In - In the

niiiclmorthersre, i\di»m Inllir ll.s.l.

Lin.* of Menial Kuei gy.

and a hurl or Xenon* DieeaWfl, arising Hom de- prrr-i-lim ol'the nervous .-nei-gv of tilt* system, eon- tributlng, in ii most aitonlshlng degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by the means of Uic mill flowing stream of Khv. Iritlly. giving ■trl|(hl iic.s to the I :> c,

tlulckiie** to the BKTi i:n. it;y to the Hi II h..

They nre set w lib letiM-gof the finest manufac- ture, to mil all sights, mid w ilh glasses for Unite not net-ding spiH-iiule- t.i read nilh, but deriving Uie bcnetjtr to be derived IVom wearing Ibe lial- leries; ami to be hud in this city only of

HL'Ml'lIllEY MOOAU, Watchiuaker, Jowellor and Optician.


No. 236 Eases Street, Lawrence. icy

»» .* ifi^ri*' r,r

i, the IIF-STin the


V, t>. Aim . I,/. „i /W /.,»»

fectetl Sptcineltt ami Kye t!Ui*




W«a Drat known In Amrrlen. K, merit, are well known, it hi, , tl.,. HGR iaW Let reeor.1 of „ ,, , l.ln|,(lL ' - ■nthe world. From the million,, „„„,: million* r.f boltln «>l.l no c.ini,,|,.i„ Hate ever reaebed na, und uj u heullnu


It la netXBiDsnded wtu. nnbonnded :, .-■ „,.-,. totf °^0L(***.:u™1«.llurii«.Bi,rjani. Hben- mtllitn, Hsrd Hxlllmta, bltea. Chllb'alu- ,tlO. nru of the MM hraaet, Feet. Kara, He. ™ SI*** ,U JHm> MMi for Hpralns, roauu.!.:!

Horses, Mules or Cattle.

mm IffllMEHT

fiiusi Sfmralala, Rboonaiam, (lout, IJIIUO [kes, Hslt-iheum. l'ul«onoii» lilies, Lxleruul llomi und Muado Affectiunii, Horn Nim-l.-i. .\. , and may Ui Inatly termed the paiiaeea for all

EXTERNAL WOUNDS. »s~ Rrmrnaber tin■ I.lnlntent tll.1 not

■prlng np in ■ day ... i. yei«r, prmltir-iuir raawotr miiir *snona»it:B*i. eum .-I..I»J u ar Niw-lloas *nn Slumiamm liNiuKHTa. ilut MS haro tli u eiperleuce of uver thirty f eft re oftrUO, with tho moil tubisbut 4l reiultn. BU.I by a mnlUtud* ol ml la .wi.

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