htw 7-3-1-add.1

I:\HTW\07\HTW 7-3-1-Add.1.docx S SUBCOMITÉ DE FACTOR HUMANO, FORMACIÓN Y GUARDIA 7º periodo de sesiones Punto 3 del orden del día HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 28 febrero 2020 Original: INGLÉS Difusión al público antes del periodo de sesiones: VALIDACIÓN DE LOS CURSOS MODELO DE FORMACIÓN Proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco Nota de la Secretaría RESUMEN Sinopsis: En este documento figura el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco. Principios estratégicos, si son aplicables: 1 Resultados: 1.3 Medidas que han de adoptarse: Véase el párrafo 2. Documentos conexos: HTW 7/3/1. Generalidades 1 En el anexo de este documento figura el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco al que se hace referencia en el documento HTW 7/3/1. Medidas cuya adopción se pide al Subcomité 2 Se invita al Subcomité a que examine el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco, que figura en el anexo, junto con el informe del Grupo de examen, que figura en el documento HTW 7/3/1, y adopte las medidas que estime oportunas. ***

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SUBCOMITÉ DE FACTOR HUMANO, FORMACIÓN Y GUARDIA 7º periodo de sesiones Punto 3 del orden del día

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1

28 febrero 2020 Original: INGLÉS

Difusión al público antes del periodo de sesiones: ☒


Proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y

de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco

Nota de la Secretaría


Sinopsis: En este documento figura el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco.

Principios estratégicos, si son aplicables: 1

Resultados: 1.3

Medidas que han de adoptarse: Véase el párrafo 2.

Documentos conexos: HTW 7/3/1.

Generalidades 1 En el anexo de este documento figura el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco al que se hace referencia en el documento HTW 7/3/1. Medidas cuya adopción se pide al Subcomité 2 Se invita al Subcomité a que examine el proyecto de nuevo curso modelo de formación sobre la seguridad de los pasajeros y de la carga y sobre la integridad del casco, que figura en el anexo, junto con el informe del Grupo de examen, que figura en el documento HTW 7/3/1, y adopte las medidas que estime oportunas.


HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 1



Model Course X.XX


2020 Edition

London, 2020

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 2


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the Philippines, and the Maritime Industry

Authority (MARINA), for the valuable assistance and cooperation in the development of this model course.

Copyright © International Maritime Organization 2020

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 3


[To be inserted by the Secretariat] KITACK LIM Secretary-General

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 4


Foreword 3

Introduction 5

Part A: Course framework 8

Part B: General outline 13

Part C: Detailed outline 15

Part D: Instructor manual 21

Part E: Evaluation and assessment 73 Appendix I – Case study 78

Appendix II – Exercises 79

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 5


Purpose of the model course The purpose of an IMO model course is to assist organizations that focus on maritime training with the development and introduction of new training courses. This also includes the updating and improvement of existing courses so that the quality and effectiveness of seafarers' training may be consistent internationally. It is not the intention of the model course programme to present instructors with a rigid "teaching package" which they are expected to "follow blindly". Nor is it the intention to substitute audiovisual or "programmed" material for the instructor's presence. As in all training endeavours, the knowledge, skills and dedication of the instructors are the key components in the transfer of knowledge and skills to those being trained through IMO model course material. The educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects vary considerably throughout the world. For this reason, the model course material has been designed to identify the basic entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in universally applicable terms, and to specify clearly the technical content and levels of knowledge and skill necessary to meet the intent of the applicable IMO instruments. In order to keep the training programme up to date, it is essential that the model course users provide feedback. New information will facilitate the provision of better training for persons involved in the assessment, examination and/or certification of seafarers. Information, comments and suggestions should be sent to the Head, Maritime Training and Human Element, IMO.

Use of the model course To use the model course effectively, instructors should review the General outline in part B and Detailed outline in part C, taking into account the information on the entry standards specified in the Course framework. The actual level of knowledge and skills and the prior technical education of the trainees should be kept in mind during this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus which may cause difficulties because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and that assumed by the course designer should be identified. To compensate for such differences, instructors may delete from the course, or reduce the emphasis on, items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. Instructors should also identify any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which the trainees may not have acquired prior to undertaking the course. Adjustment of the course objective, scope and content may also be necessary if the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from the course objectives specified in the model course.

Lesson plans Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course objectives, instructors should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed teaching syllabus. The detailed teaching syllabus contains specific references to the textbooks or teaching material proposed for use in the course. Where no adjustment has been found necessary in the learning objectives of the detailed teaching syllabus, the lesson plans may simply consist of keywords or other reminders added to assist the instructor in the presentation of the material.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 6

Presentation The presentation of concepts and methodologies should be repeated in various ways until instructors are satisfied that the trainee has attained each specified learning objective. The Detailed outline is laid out in learning objective format and each objective specifies what the trainee should be able to do as the learning outcome.

Implementation For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention should be paid to the availability and use of:

- properly qualified instructors;

- relevant support staff;

- teaching and other spaces;

- appropriate equipment and teaching aids;

- videos, multimedia presentations;

- textbooks, appropriate technical papers etc.; and

- other relevant reference material. Thorough preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. IMO has produced Guidance on the Implementation of IMO Model Courses, which deals with this aspect in greater details and is included as an appendix to this model course. In certain cases, the requirements for some or all of the training in a subject area are covered by another IMO model course. In these cases, the specific part of the STCW Code that applies is given and the user is referred to the other model course.

Training and the STCW Convention The standards of competence that have to be met by seafarers are defined in part A of the STCW Code. This IMO model course addresses the competences and the training that is required to achieve the standards for the knowledge, understanding and proficiencies (KUPs) set out in paragraph 5 of section A-V/2 of the STCW Code.

Part A provides the framework for the course with its scope, objectives and the suggested teaching facilities and equipment. A list of useful teaching aids, and IMO references are also included.

Part B provides an outline of lectures, demonstrations and exercises for the course.

Part C gives the detailed outline. This is based on the theoretical and practical knowledge specified in the STCW Code. It is written as a series of learning objectives, in other words what the trainee is expected to be able to do as a result of the learning experience. Each of the objectives is expanded to define a required performance of knowledge, understanding and proficiency. IMO references, textbook references and suggested teaching aids are included to assist instructors in designing lessons.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 7

Part D gives guidance notes and additional explanations to instructors on the topics and learning outcomes listed in part C. It is foreseen that such micro level division of each learning objective in the teaching syllabus will give instructors, with varied backgrounds, ample guidelines on developing training programme, as well as the flexibility to adapt keeping in mind the level of the trainees.

Part E presents a generic guide on effective evaluation and assessment of course instructors and trainees. Part C and D of this model course address the generic subject matter of Part E in greater detail.

Validation The guidance contained in this document has been validated by the Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping for use by Administrations and training providers in developing relevant training programmes for the effective implementation of uniform minimum standards for training and certification of seafarers. Validation in this context means that the Sub-Committee has found no grounds to object to the contents of this model course, but has not granted its approval to the document, as the Sub-Committee does not consider any model course to be an official interpretation of IMO Instruments.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 8

Part A: Course framework

Scope The model course is designed to provide the trainees with required knowledge and skills in passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training on board ro-ro passenger ships. This covers the mandatory competences and the required knowledge, understanding and proficiencies specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 5 of the STCW Code.

Objective The objective of the model course is to provide trainees with guidance and information to gain knowledge, understanding and proficiency (KUP) required to achieve the learning outcomes to demonstrate their competence in passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity in accordance with section A-V/2 paragraph 5 of the STCW Code, taking into account the guidance in section B-V/2 of the STCW Code. Specifically, the trainee should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

.1 manage loading and discharging cargo operations; .2 embark and disembark passengers, with special attention to disabled

persons and persons needing assistance; .3 apply special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the

carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships; .4 apply provisions of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and

Securing in securing cargoes; .5 use the stability and stress information properly and calculate stability, trim

and stress information; .6 correctly operate the associated systems and apply properly the procedures

established for the ship regarding the opening, closing and securing of bow, stern and side doors and ramps, and setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks; and

.7 monitor ro-ro deck atmosphere,

taking into account the guidance in section B-V/2 of the STCW Code regarding training of seafarers on passenger ships.

Entry standards Entry standards should be in accordance with the STCW Convention or other applicable IMO instruments, where such requirements are specified. If such requirements are not specified, it is left to the Administration to decide entry standards in accordance with national regulations and system of education.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 9

Course certificate On successful completion of the course and demonstration of the required competence, documentary evidence should be issued certifying a holder's acquisition of the mandatory minimum requirements and competence as prescribed in regulation V/2, paragraph 9 of the STCW Convention.

Course intake limitation The course intake would be limited by the number of instructors that may be available to conduct the course effectively. The maximum trainee - instructor ratio may be up to 24 to 1 for classroom lectures, and 8 to 1 for practical sessions and simulations. Teaching staff should note that the ratios are suggestions only and should be adapted to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability and equipment available.

Staff requirements Instructors, supervisors and assessors are to be appropriately qualified in accordance with the STCW Convention or other applicable IMO instruments for the particular types and levels of training or assessment of competence of the trainees. It is left to the Administration to decide staff requirements in accordance with their national regulations.

Assessment In determining the achievement of required competence, the assigned assessor should be guided by the learning outcomes stipulated in the Detailed outline and the assessment tasks enumerated in the assessment plan.

Teaching facilities and equipment For tutorial sessions, an ordinary classroom or lounge, mess room or cinema aboard, should be provided for instruction, group exercises and discussions. Where the use of audiovisual material such as simulation, PowerPoint presentations, videos or slides is intended, it should be ensured that the appropriate multimedia equipment is made available. Aspects of the practical training required by the regulations are considered ship-specific. Therefore, while the theory could be conducted virtually or in a classroom or lecture room ashore, practical training may need to be held on board ship or at an appropriate shore side facility to ensure that those being trained become proficient in handling situations on board the ship on which they will perform their duties.

Teaching aids (A) A1 Instructor manual (part D of the course)

A2 Visual presentations A3 Video such as:

• Herald of Free Enterprise

• MV Estonia

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 10

A4 IMO-approved symbols and safety signs and symbols A5 Passenger Ship Plans

• Emergency Plan

• General Arrangement Plan

• Damage Control Plan

• Cargo Hold Plan

• Capacity Plan

A6 Manuals

• Cargo Securing Manual for a ro-ro Passenger Ship

• Sample of Damage Stability Booklet

A7 Exercise sheets for all practical activities A8 Handouts Note: multimedia training aids such as videos, CD-ROMs, Computer Based Training (CBT) may be used as deemed fit by instructors when presenting this course.

IMO references (R) R1 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended by

resolution MSC.421(98) and resolution MSC.436(99) R2 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping

for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended R3 International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, as amended R4 Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code), as amended by

resolution A.714(17) R5 International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, as amended R6 Regulation 19 – Emergency training and drills Chapter III – Life-Saving Appliances

and Arrangements Part B Requirements for ships and life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.350 (92))

R7 Revised recommendation on a standard method for evaluating cross-flooding

arrangements (resolution MSC.362(92)) R8 Revised explanatory notes to the SOLAS chapter II – 1 subdivision and damage

stability regulations (resolution MSC.429(98))

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 11

R9 Safe stowage and securing of cargo units and other entities in ships other than cellular contained ships (resolution A.489(XII))

R10 Elements to be taken into account when considering the safe stowage and securing

of cargo units and vehicles in ships (resolution A.533(13)) R11 Escape route signs and equipment location markings (resolution A.1116(30)) R12 Recommendation on the design and operation of passenger ships to respond to

elderly and disabled persons' needs. (MSC.1/Circ.735) R13 Guidelines for securing arrangements for the transport of road vehicles on ro-ro

ships, as amended (resolution A.581(14), MSC/Circ.812 and MSC.1/Circ.1355) R14 Revised guidelines on evacuation analysis for new and existing passenger ships

(MSC.1/Circ.1533) R15 Guidance for watertight doors for passenger ship (MSC.1/Circ.1380) R16 Illustrations of segregation of cargo transport units on board containerships and ro-ro

ships (MSC.1/Circ.1440) R17 Revised design guidelines and operational recommendations for ventilation systems

in ro-ro cargo spaces (MSC.1/Circ.1515) R18 Revised guidance for watertight doors on passenger ships which may be opened

during navigation (MSC.1/Circ.1564) R19 Guidelines for damage control plans and information to the Master, as amended

(MSC.1/Circ.1245 and MSC.1/Circ.1570) R20 IMO Model course 1.44 on Safety training for personnel providing direct services to

passengers in passenger spaces

■ Textbooks and other references (T) Note: textbooks may be used as deemed fit by instructors.

Bibliography (B) B1 Barrass C. (2004) – Ship design and performance for masters and mates, Elsevier,

Butterworht Heineman, page 40 – 51 B2 Bronsart R. – Ship Safety – Damage Stability Roll Motions in Waves – University of

Rostock, No.2013, version 1.0 B3 Bureau Vertias, Safety of ro-ro Passenger and Cruise Ships, January 2016 – NI 388,

Revision 11 B4 Crises and the Media Seminar (latest edition). Seminar Report on Crises and the

Media No. 2. Easingwold: Emergency Planning College B5 Department of Transportation, The Merchant Shipping Act 1894, mv Herald of Free

Enterprise, Report of Court No. 8074 Formal Investigation, Crown Copyright 1987

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 12

B6 Eichsen H. – Small Ro/Pax Ship Stability Study B7 Emergency Planning College. (latest edition). A Digest of Some Well-Known

Disasters No.8. Easingwold: Emergency Planning College B8 Emergency Planning College. (latest edition). Lessons Learned from Crowd-Related

Disasters No.4. Easingwold: Emergency Planning College B9 Guidelines for damage control plans Inspectie Leefomgevingen Transport Ministerie

van Infrastructururen Millieu, Netherlands, Version 1, 16-05-2006 B10 Gullaksen J, A Practical Guide to Damage Stability Assessment – Regulation of

Damage Stability, Witherby Seamanship – Livingston U B11 Marine Insight and Soumra Chakraborty – Article on Intact Stability of Surface Ships

2019. B12 Pawlowski M, Survival Criteria for Passenger Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships and Survival

Time, Marine Technology, Vol 44, No.1, January 2007, page 27-34 B13 P & O Ferries Holdings Limited, examples of base data included in solved examples

and photographs B14 Rhodes, M.A Ship Stability for Mates/Master Seamanship International Ltd. Anvil

Publishing, Inc B15 Ross C.T.F, Stothard S, and Slaney S. – Damage Stability Characteristics of Model

RO/RO Ferries – Marine Technology, Vol 37, 2000, page 57-63 B16 Scanlon, J. (latest edition). Disaster Preparedness: Some Myths and Misconceptions

No.6. Easingwold: Emergency Planning College B17 Tupper E., (2002) Introduction to Naval Architecture, Third edition1996, Butterworth

– Heinemann, imprint of Elsevier Science – Oxford B18 UK P&I Clubs – Car Matters – Car Carriers, ro-ro and ro-pax Ship Safety – A Guide

for Crew B19 Vassalos D & . Papanikolaou A., Stockholm Agreement – Past, Present & Future (Part

I), the Ship Stability Research Centre, Department of Ship and Marine Technology, Glasgow, UK National Technical University of Athens, Ship Design Laboratory, Greece

B20 Vanem E. / Skjong R. Collision and Grounding of Passenger Ships – Risk Assessment

and Emergency Evacuations DNV Research

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 13

Part B: General outline

Timetable This model course has been developed providing a recommended range in duration of 12 to 18 hours, for lectures, demonstrations, laboratories or simulation exercises and assessment. No formal timetable is included in this model course. Instructors must develop their own timetable depending on:

.1 the level of skills of trainees;

.2 the numbers to be trained; .3 the number of instructors; and .4 simulator facilities and equipment available,

and normal practices at the training establishment.

Course outline The course comprises lectures, demonstrations and simulation exercises. The outline below identifies the main areas of the course. Learning objective format is used in the detailed teaching syllabus given in Part C; the outline below is a summary of the course material. The numbering system used below reflects that of the detailed teaching syllabus.

Subject area

Course introduction

1. Loading and embarkation procedures 1.1 design and operational limitation of ro-ro passenger ships

1.2 procedures established for the ship regarding:

1.2.1 loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units,

including related communications

1.2.2 lowering and hoisting ramps

1.2.3 setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks

1.2.4 embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance

2. Carriage of dangerous goods 2.1 special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the carriage of

dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 14

Subject area

3. Securing cargoes 3.1 provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to the

vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried

3.2 cargo-securing equipment and materials provided, taking into account their limitations

4. Stability, trim and stress calculations 4.1 stability and stress information, providing specific stability information for ro-ro

passenger ships

4.2 stability and trim for different conditions of loading, using the stability calculators or computer programs provided

4.3 load factors for decks

4.4 impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress

5. Opening, closing and securing hull openings 5.1 procedures established for the ship regarding the opening, closing and securing of

bow, stern and side doors and ramps by correct operation of the associated systems

5.2 survey on proper sealing

6. Ro-ro deck atmosphere 6.1 equipment carried for monitoring atmosphere in ro-ro spaces

6.2 procedures established for the ship for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading

and discharging of vehicles, while on voyage and in emergencies

Note: care should be taken when indicating the range of duration for the model course taking

into account the entering candidates' knowledge and skills, the class size and the resources available to each training provider.

The number of hours for the assessment should be determined by the training providers as maybe required by the Administration.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 15

Part C: Detailed outline The detailed teaching syllabus indicates the contents of the course and appropriate references and teaching aids.

Learning objectives The detailed teaching syllabus has been written in learning objective format in which the objective describes what the trainee should perform to demonstrate that knowledge has been transferred and skills obtained. This teaching and assessment format is a tool to express:

- the depth of understanding of a subject and the degree of familiarization with a subject on the part of the trainee

- what capabilities the trainee should really have and be able to demonstrate Instructors are encouraged to impart learning in an "objective-related" manner instead of a "material-related" manner. In this context, all objectives are understood to be prefixed by the words "The expected learning outcome is that the trainee is able to …" To indicate the degree of learning outcome of this course, the learning objectives for the detailed teaching syllabus can be classified in three "dimensions":

- C (cognitive)

- A (affective)

- P (psycho-motor) The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories of cognitive processes, starting from the simplest to the most complex (see below):

- Knowledge

- Comprehension

- Application

- Analysis

- Synthesis

- Evaluation The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first ones should normally be mastered before the next one can take place.

References and teaching aids The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching syllabus.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 16

In order to assist instructors, references are shown against the learning objective to indicate IMO references and publications, bibliographies, textbooks and other references, as well as additional teaching aids which instructors may wish to use when preparing course material. The following notations and abbreviations are used: A Teaching aids; B Bibliography; P Page; R IMO reference; and T Textbook and other references.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO

reference Textbooks

Bibliography Teaching


Course Introduction

.1 explain the provisions of regulation V/2, paragraph 9 of the STCW Convention and section A-V/2, paragraph 5 of the STCW Code

.2 explain the requirements of the course

R1, R2 A1

1. Loading and embarkation procedures

1.1 design and operational limitation of ro-ro passenger ships

.1 describe the design of a ro-ro passenger ships

.2 explain operational limitation of ro-ro passenger ships

1.2 procedures established for the ship regarding:

1.2.1 loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units, including related communications

.1 explain the procedures in loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units

.2 explain the importance of using closed-loop communication style during loading and discharging operations

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R9,

R10, R12, R13, R16, R17, R19,


B3, B13, B14, B15, B18

A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7,


HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 17

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO

reference Textbooks

Bibliography Teaching


1.2.2 lowering and hoisting ramps

.1 explain the procedures in lowering and hoisting ramps

.2 lower and hoist ramp in a safe manner in accordance with established procedures

1.2.3 setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks

.1 explain the procedures in setting

up and stowing retractable vehicle decks

.2 set-up and stow retractable

vehicles decks in accordance with the prescribed procedures

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R9,

R10, R11, R12, R13, R16, R17,


B13, B18 A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7,


1.2.4 embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance

.1 embark passengers with

special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance in accordance with prescribed procedures

.2 disembark passengers with

special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance in accordance with prescribed procedures

R12, R20,

R12, R20,

R 12, R20,

2. Carriage of dangerous goods

2.1 special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships

R1, R2, R3, R4,

R9, R10, R13, R17

B13, B18 A1, A2, A5, A6, A8, A9

.1 explain the special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 18

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO

reference Textbooks

Bibliography Teaching


.2 apply special safeguards, procedures and requirements in the carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships

3. Securing cargoes

3.1 provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to the vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried

.1 explain the provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to the vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried

.2 secure vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried in a simulated scenario in accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R8, R9,

R10, R13, R17, R18

B3, B4, B8, B13, B15,


A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8

3.2 cargo-securing equipment and materials provided, taking into account their limitations

.1 explain the use of cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure vehicles, rail cars and other transport units carried

.2 secure vehicles, rail cars and other transport units using cargo-securing equipment and materials in accordance with prescribed procedures

4. Stability, trim and stress calculations

4.1 stability and stress information

.1 explain the principle of stability providing specific stability information for ro-ro passenger ships

.2 explain how forces acting upon the ship contributes to stress

.3 explain how stress affect stability

R1, R2, R5, R7,

R8, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18,


B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6,

B7, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B19,B20

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 19

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO

reference Textbooks

Bibliography Teaching


4.2 stability and trim for different conditions

of loading, using the stability calculators or computer programs provided

.1 explain the basic principle of stability and trim

.2 calculate metacentric height (GM) using a given formula for loaded and ballast condition

4.3 load factors for decks

.1 explain the load factors to be taken into account in calculating stability and trim

.2 calculate the load factors for given deck cargoes using a prescribed formula

4.4 impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress

.1 explain the principles on the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and hull stress

.2 calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress

5. Opening, closing and securing hull openings

5.1 procedures established for the ship regarding the opening, closing and securing of bow, stern and side doors and ramps by correct operation of the associated and appropriate electric and hydraulic systems

.1 open, close and secure bow door, stern door, side doors, and ramps in accordance with the prescribed procedures

.2 monitor opening, closing and

securing of bow door, stern door, side doors and ramps and watertight doors in accordance with the prescribed procedure

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R16

B2, B3, B10, B13, B15, B16, B17,


A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 A7, A8

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 20

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO

reference Textbooks

Bibliography Teaching


5.2 survey on proper sealing

.1 explain the procedures on

surveying door sealing

.2 check the condition of the sealing of doors and ramps

.3 test the functionality of the door's limit switch and corresponding light

6. Ro-ro deck atmosphere

6.1 equipment carried for monitoring atmosphere in ro-ro spaces

.1 explain the use of the equipment to monitor atmosphere in ro-ro spaces

.2 monitor ro-ro deck atmosphere using portable oxygen analyser or multi-gas detector

R1, R2, R3, R4,

R5, R10, R13, R17,

B3, B16,

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 A8

6.2 procedures established for the ship for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading and discharging of vehicles, while on voyage and in emergencies

.1 explain ship's procedure for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading and discharging of vehicles while on voyage and in emergencies

.2 ventilate ro-ro spaces in a simulated scenario in accordance with established procedures

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 21

Part D: Instructor manual

Introduction The instructor manual and its guidance notes provide highlights and summary of the topics that are to be presented. Instructors should prepare relevant lesson plans for the delivery of each topic of the course specifying the teaching strategy and method to be used and describing the learning activities of the trainees. The guidance notes are presented in accordance with course outline wherein the subject area is divided into six (6) major headings. However, a brief description on the course introduction is also included:

.1 loading and embarkation procedures;

.2 carriage of dangerous goods;

.3 securing cargoes;

.4 stability, trim and stress calculations;

.5 opening, closing and securing hull openings; and

.6 ro-ro deck atmosphere. Instructors should carefully study the training outcomes in the course framework and the learning outcomes in the course syllabus in order to ensure that the teaching/learning activities as well the formative assessment are consistent and aligned with each other. Likewise, proper preparation of all necessary teaching aids/instructional materials is essential prior to the conduct of the course in order to attain successfully the training of the course.

Guidance notes

Course Introduction At the onset of the course, the instructors should give general introduction and background information why the training is mandatory for masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and every person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, for loading, discharging or securing cargo, or for closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships and managing of these ships in critical situations which will lead to a loss of stability due to damages to ship's hull and cargo decks such as flooding.

1. Loading and embarkation procedures 1.1 Design and operational limitation of ro-ro passenger ships 1.1.1 describe the design of ro-ro passenger ships Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces.

Ro-ro spaces are spaces not normally subdivided in any way and normally extending for either a substantial length or the entire length of the ship in which motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion and/or goods (packaged or in bulk, in or on rail or road cars,

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 22

vehicles (including road or rail tankers), trailers, containers, pallets, demountable tanks or in or on similar stowage units or other receptacles) can be loaded and unloaded normally in a horizontal direction. Watertight, according to SOLAS regulation II-1/2.17, means having scantlings and arrangements capable of preventing the passage of water in any direction under the head of water likely to occur in intact and damaged conditions. In the damaged condition, the head of water is to be considered in the worst situation at equilibrium, including intermediate stages of flooding. Every ship should be subdivided by bulkheads, which should be watertight up to the bulkhead deck, into watertight compartments the maximum length of which should be calculated according to the specific requirements given. Every other portion of the internal structure which affects the efficiency of the subdivision of the ship should be watertight. Two different ships with the same attained index are of equal safety and, therefore, there is no need for special treatment of specific parts of the ship, even if they are able to survive different damages. The only areas which are given special attention in the regulations are the forward and bottom regions, which are dealt with by special subdivision rules provided for cases of ramming and grounding. The primary function of watertight bulkheads is to divide a ship into a number of watertight compartments. Though most watertight bulkheads are transverse in orientation, some ships also have longitudinal watertight bulkheads within a compartment for longitudinal compartmentalization within a compartment. Other than watertight integrity, the transverse bulkheads also add to the transverse strength of the ship. Unsymmetrical flooding should be kept to a minimum consistent with the efficient arrangements. Where it is necessary to correct large angles of heel, the means adopted should, where practicable, be self-acting, but in any case where controls to equalization devices are provided they should be operable from above the bulkhead deck of passenger ships. Each watertight subdivision bulkhead, whether transverse or longitudinal, should be constructed having scantlings as specified in regulation 2.17. In all cases, watertight subdivision bulkheads should be capable of supporting at least the pressure due to a head of water up to the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck of cargo ships. The number of openings in watertight bulkheads should be reduced to the minimum compatible with the design and proper working of the ship; satisfactory means should be provided for closing these openings. No doors, manholes, access openings, ventilation ducts or any other openings should be fitted in the collision bulkhead below the bulkhead deck of passenger ships.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 23

Use the illustration below, as an example, for better understanding.

Figure 1 – Cross-flooding device or valves Reference: Revised recommendation on a standard method for evaluating cross–flooding

arrangements (resolution MSC.362(92)) Asymmetric flooding in a damaged ship is a dangerous situation. Cross-flooding ducts are used to provide the necessary equalization across the ship in order to decrease the heeling angle. The elapsed time for this passive counteraction depends on the arrangement of the ducts and the tanks. In addition, the air pipes have a significant effect since air should be vented from the flooded tanks. The lack of transverse bulkheads on board ro-ro ships means that a relatively minor incident such as a trailer toppling over as a result of a defective lashing - can rapidly escalate into something more serious. Nearby units can be dislodged with the result that a series of units eventually fall like dominoes. Such shifts of cargo can cause severe stability problems for the ship. It is important to know and to understand the rules, regulations and standards for watertight doors. Draught marks Each ship should have scales of draughts marked clearly at the bow and stern. In the case where the draught marks are not located where they are easily readable, or operational constraints for a particular trade make it difficult to read the draught marks, then the ship should also be fitted with a reliable draught indicating system by which the bow and stern draughts can be determined. In order that the required degree of subdivision should be maintained, a load line corresponding to the approved subdivision draught should be assigned and marked on the ship's sides. A ship intended for alternating modes of operation may, if the owners desire, have one or more additional load lines assigned and marked to correspond with the subdivision draughts which the Administration may approve for the alternative service configurations.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 24

The subdivision load lines assigned and marked should be recorded in the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, and should be distinguished by the notation P1 for the principal passenger service configuration, and P2, P3, etc., for the alternative configurations. The principal passenger configuration should be taken as the mode of operation in which the required subdivision index R stipulated in SOLAS regulation II-1/6, will have the highest value. The different designs of the ro-ro passenger ships Hinged deck design (flexible design) For the hinged deck design, an elastic hinge arrangement between the vertical web and the deck girders increases the ability of the ordinary side web frames to sustain transverse racking deformations of the upper hull. ln consequence, the side webs are then normally more slender than for a conventional design. However, the main transverse racking constraining members should be increased in strength to carry the racking moment. However, the total capacity of the racking constraining structures should be the same for a conventional (rigid deck) design as for a hinged deck design.

Rigid conventional deck design A conventional car carrier design means that the vertical side webs are in line with the deck transverses. This means that transverse forces on the decks will induce bending of the deck transverses. Consequently, the frame section (vertical side and transverse deck girder) is rigid when exposed to transverse forces, compared to the hinged deck design. A considerable fraction of the racking moment created above the bulkhead deck (freeboard deck) is then mainly to be carried by the frame section itself. 1.1.2 explain operational limitation of ro-ro passenger ships A list of all limitations on the operation of a passenger ship stipulated in SOLAS regulation V/30 (Operational limitations) should be compiled before the passenger ship is put in service. These are:

.1 including exemptions from any SOLAS regulations; .2 restrictions in operating areas; .3 weather restrictions; .4 sea state restrictions; .5 restrictions in permissible loads, trim, speed and any other limitations,

whether imposed by the Administration or established during the design or the building stages.

The list, together with any necessary explanations, should be documented in a form acceptable to the Administration, which should be kept on board readily available to the master. The list should be kept updated. If the language used is not English or French, the list should be provided in one of the two languages.

1.2 Procedures established for the ship 1.2.1 Loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units,

including related communications

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 25 explain the procedures in loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units

a) General arrangements for loading vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units

- the guidance in the CSS Code (Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and

Securing (resolution A.714(17)), as amended), should be followed. Additionally, loading of vehicle decks is normally done horizontally

- the transfer from shore to ship of vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units is achieved by the use of various cargo handling equipment such as ramps, linkspans, shell doors, cargo lifts, movable decks etc.

- cargo (vehicles) are arranged according to a stowage plan and adequately secured/lashed and chocked according to the Cargo Securing Manual carried on board in accordance with resolution A.489(XII)

- vehicles are generally loaded via a ramp, which may or may not be installed on the ship

- vehicles are stowed on different cargo decks such as lower hold, main vehicle deck, upper vehicle deck and at platform or mezzanine decks. The general principle of heavy cargo units loaded in the lower cargo decks will assist to maintain stability of the ship

- the heeling pumps for port to starboard transfer will have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly transversely across the ship to compensate for the weight of vehicles, rail cars and other transport units being loaded equally, the ballast pumps for forward to aft and vice versa transfer of ballast will have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly longitudinally to compensate for trim to compensate for the weight of the vehicles, rail cars and other transport units being loaded

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 26

Reference – Photograph 1 – Discharging of Vehicles – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

b) General arrangements for the discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport


- discharging of vehicle decks is normally done horizontally

- when the crew members confirm discharge of vehicles can commence the engines of vehicles will be started and brakes released

- the vehicles will then be discharged in an orderly manner as indicated by the crew

members over the cargo deck access ramps, doors, platforms indicate

- the heeling pumps for port to starboard transfer will have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly transversely across the ship to compensate for the weight of vehicles, rail cars and other transport units being discharged

- equally the ballast pumps for forward to aft and vice versa transfer of ballast will

have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly longitudinally to compensate for trim to compensate for the weight of the vehicles, rail cars and other transport units being discharged

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 27

c) Specific arrangements for the loading and discharging of rail cars, e.g. locomotives

- if heavy cargo items such as rail cars or locomotives are to be loaded the master should be provided with all necessary information about the cargo such as gross mass, principal dimensions, centre of gravity, bedding areas, lifting points and securing points

- the intended method of loading should be fully documented, e.g. lifted on board,

or roll on-off via trailers and discussed between ship and shore personnel

- the gross weight, and axle weights should be checked against the ship ramps' and decks' weight limits as well as weight per lane metre prior to loading

- the heeling pumps for port to starboard transfer will have a high capacity to

transfer ballast quickly transversely across the ship to compensate for the weight of the rail cars or heavy loads being loaded or discharged

- equally the ballast pumps for forward to aft and vice versa transfer of ballast will

have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly longitudinally to compensate for trim to compensate for the weight of the rail cars or heavy loads being loaded or discharged

d) Specific arrangements for the loading and discharging of rail cars on/off ro-ro

passenger ships with a rail enabled deck - in some ports there are specific and special arrangements provided so the berths

and wharfs can load and discharge rail cars on/off ro-ro passenger ferries with a rail enabled deck

- such berths and wharfs will be provided with "nesting" fenders which will match

the ship's bow or stern fendering and specialized moorings, so the ship is adequately held in the berth to receive the shore linkspan

- the lower deck of the linkspan is normally provided with rail which links to rails

inset to the ship's freeboard deck over which the rail cars are loaded

- The rails on the linkspan and on the ship should be checked prior to loading to confirm there are no cracked or broken rails and that rail securing devices and switching points are in good order

- during loading and discharging of rail cars/wagons it is essential that detailed

safety procedures are in place on the rail deck an only crew members/shore personnel involved in the operation are on the rail deck

- during loading and discharging of rail cars/wagons it is essential that crew

members are standing in pre-determined "safe -zones"

- all crew members working on the rail deck should be wearing high visibility clothing, safety boots, ear defenders and safety helmets prior to loading

- a loading and discharging sequence should be agreed between ship and shore

- the rail tracks on the rail deck will be numbered 1. Starboard outer 2. Port Inner

3. Starboard inner and 4. Port outer rail track, as an example

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- specific procedures should be developed for the roles of all those working the rail deck depending on the requirements of the operation

- specific load/discharge sequence should be pre-determined e.g. load/discharge

rail 1 starboard outer, followed by 4. Port outer, followed by 3. Starboard inner followed by 2. Port inner to maintain list and trim within pre-set parameters, as required by the ship/shore linkspan rail interface

- to assist with list and trim the rail cars/trucks will have a speed limit imposed

- the heeling pumps for port to starboard transfer will have a high capacity to

transfer ballast quickly transversely across the ship to compensate for the weight of the rail cars/rail wagons being loaded or discharged

- equally the ballast pumps for forward to aft and vice versa transfer of ballast will

have a high capacity to transfer ballast quickly longitudinally to compensate for trim to compensate for the weight of the rail cars or rail wagons being loaded or discharged

e) Specific arrangements for the loading and discharging of ro-ro passenger ships

- an organized system of vehicular and pedestrian traffic control be established and maintained at each entrance/exit ramp, and on ramps within the ship, as traffic flow warrants

- ramps can provide physical separation between vehicles and pedestrians, or a procedure needs to be implemented to prevent simultaneous usage of the ramps by persons and vehicles

- owners, operators and masters should control ro-ro traffic at all times by using signage, barriers and signal persons at appropriate control points

- unauthorized personnel should not ride on mechanically powered vehicles - all authorized workers working in ro-ro operations should be equipped with high

visibility vests (or equivalent protection) explain the importance of using closed-loop communication style during loading and discharging operations

A closed-loop communication style can be defined as follows:

- when the sender provides a message, the receiver repeats this message back. The sender then confirms the repeated message is correct

- when the receiver incorrectly repeats the message back, the sender replies

"negative" and then repeats the correct message

- if the sender does not get a reply back, they should repeat it until the receiver closes the loop

The importance in using a closed-loop communication style during loading and discharging operations cannot be emphasized enough. The primary concern during such loading and discharging of ro-ro spaces, is that it is achieved safely without any injuries to passengers,

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 29

crew members, stevedores or dockers. Utilizing a well-established closed-loop communication style between ship and shore, loading supervisors ship and shore, and ship's loading officer to the bridge is essential to achieve this goal. Extra controls and particular care are required with regard to the "ship – shore" interface which is normally the ship's ramp to shore linkspan where extra dangers exist due to the differing ship – shore responsibilities. All shipboard staff and shore workers should be aware of the operational controls and closed-loop communications in place to maintain a safe working environment in this area e.g. if a trailer and tractor unit need to reverse down the linkspan onto the ship, extra manpower such as a banksman should be deployed using closed-loop communications until this operation is completed. 1.2.2 Lowering and hoisting ramps explain the procedures in lowering and hoisting ramps Most of the ramps will be lowered and hoisted by means of a hydraulic device. In operating theses ramps always follow the instructions given in the Manufacturers' Manual. In general terms, the normal procedure is as follows:

- establish closed loop communications, area clear, line of sight or banksman

- confirm all clear to lower or hoist the ramps, secure keys to operate

- switch on hydraulic pumps

- remove any manual locking pins

- operate securing locks so they are open

- lower or raise the ramp

- once lowered put into "float" position (depending on system) or once raised operate the securing locks into the closed position

- once raised and locked engage any manual locks

- switch off hydraulics and secure keys to operate lower and hoist ramp in a safe manner in accordance with established

procedures The determining factors in dimensioning the capacity of the hydraulic system are the size of the door, number of sections and the required speed of opening and closing. A typical time for opening or closing a 5 x 5 m door is about a minute, excluding opening and closing of the securing devices (according to MACGREGOR Operational Manual). The corresponding time for a pilot door is about 30 seconds. The shorter the time, the more costly the required hydraulics are. An indication should be given of the maximum and minimum ambient temperatures in which the hydraulic system is to operate.

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1.2.3 Setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks explain the procedures in setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks The setting up, operation and stowing of retractable vehicle decks should be part of the companies Safety Management System (SMS) to ensure their safe operation at all times The SMS provides methods of risk identification and mitigation. The Company's SMS also addresses the operation of the retractable vehicle decks and requires that:

- all operators who are required to set up, operate or stow retractable vehicle decks have been adequately trained to do so;

- the area beneath the hoistable ramp is to be checked clear of vehicles or other obstructions;

- before any lowering and hoisting operations, the operator should always have a clear view of the operation; if this is not possible, a nominated person who has an uninterrupted view should give the operator clear signal and should maintain constant contact until the hoisting / lowering operation is safely completed;

- all ramps and decks should be well lit and free of water, oil or other substances liable to cause slipping; no gear, e.g. stores, securing equipment, refuse to be left loose;

- while lowering and hoisting ramps or when setting up and stowing retractable

vehicle decks it should be checked that no crew member or passengers are on or underneath the ramp and/or deck being lowered or hoisted until secured; and

- the operator should always ensure that the control boxes are locked and power switched off, after being used in order to prevent unauthorized or accidental operation of the retractable vehicle decks. set-up and stow retractable vehicles decks in accordance with the prescribed procedures

When setting the retractable vehicle decks and using them, the ship command should consider that the GM of the retractable vehicle decks is different than from the car decks. This should be taken into account if preparing the stability calculation for the intended voyage. Many ships with ro-ro capability incorporate access by the bow as well as by the stern. The bow doors and bow ramp facilitate for an efficient cargo flow and quick turnaround in port. Most ro-ro passenger ferries need an efficient drive through facility. Bow access is also invaluable on train ferries, naval support ships and heavy lift ships. Bow access requires, by regulation, the highest degree of integrity. Some ships have three successive barriers to water ingress. In most door access designs two watertight closures will be considered adequate. Bow doors or a bow visor are the two options for the opening. Bow doors can be of parallel stow type (or swing-arm type), clam-type, directly-hinged type, side-hinged or wing-type. The door is detached from the ramp due to safety reasons. In the closed position the bow ramp functions as a weathertight door.

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When the bow ramp is in its stowed position, it is utilized to double as the inner door and thus seals the aperture in the collision bulkhead. It is divided in two or more sections, for example two main sections and an additional folding section with tapered end flaps. When deployed, the bow ramp provides access from main deck to the shore. When closed and secured, it forms a weathertight door at the collision bulkhead. In order to establish the length of the ramp, certain important dimensions are required, as well as information on the maximum angles at the knuckles (point of interchange between straight lines), also the maximum gradient. Essential measurements are the height of the threshold deck above the water level under ballast or full load, together with the quay edge height above water level at both high and low tide. Further the types of vehicles, clear height, ground clearance and wheelbase are important factors. Where there is a need for high vehicle speeds during loading or unloading, a shallower gradient of the ramp will be needed. The ramp will then be longer than if consideration is given only to the geometrical clearance at the knuckles. Based on this input we calculate the requisite length of the ramp to suit the various operating conditions.

Ramp width Describe the internal cargo flow adjacent to the bow ramp. Indicate the required number of driving lanes and any pedestrian gangways. To arrive at correct dimensioning of the steel structure and achieve an acceptable strength to weight the following should be known:

- what kind of vehicles will drive over the ramp?

- how much is the axle loading and the print area of the wheels?

- how many axles are there and how far apart are they?

- what will be the required total load carrying capacity of the ramp, based on the maximum number of vehicles expected to be on the ramp at the same time?

Operating system The main operating system for a bow door and bow ramp is hydraulic power pack. The governing factors in dimensioning the operating system capacity are the size of the ramp, time requirements for raising and lowering of the ramp and for a hydraulic system the outside temperatures to be encountered during operation. For opening and closing, a time period of approx. 4 to 6 minutes is required, excluding opening and closing of the securing devices, for an average size door and ramp. The shorter the time, the greater will be the size and cost of the operating system. Clearly, there is also a limit to the technical feasibility. Control options

Two different systems are available:

- automated control system: press one button to initiate and complete the whole opening or closing sequence.

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- manual control system: each step in the operation is controlled by hand-operated hydraulic valves. The greater the degree of automation of the system, the easier and faster the operation would be.

A fully automated system will be particularly cost effective on shorter runs where there is a need for fast loading and unloading. The manual control system is in practice restricted to simple ramps, non-tight, in locations on the ship which are not critical for the safety of the ship

1.2.4 Embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled

persons and persons needing assistance embark passengers with special attention to disabled persons and persons

needing assistance in accordance with prescribed procedures Regulation 19 – Emergency training and drills Chapter III – Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements Part B Requirements for ships and life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.350(92)) requires as follows:

- on a ship engaged on a voyage where passengers are scheduled to be on board for more than 24 h, musters of newly embarked passengers should take place prior to or immediately upon departure. Passengers should be instructed in the use of the lifejackets and the action to take in an emergency.

- whenever new passengers embark, a passenger safety briefing should be given immediately before departure, or immediately after departure. The briefing should include the instructions required by regulations 8.2 and 8.4, and should be made by means of an announcement, in one or more languages likely to be understood by the passengers. The announcement should be made on the ship's public address system, or by other equivalent means likely to be heard at least by the passengers who have not yet heard it during the voyage. The briefing may be included in the muster required by paragraph 2.2. Information cards or posters or video programmes displayed on ships video displays may be used to supplement the briefing but may not be used to replace the announcement.

Paragraph 2 in section A-V/2 of the STCW Code, as amended, requires that before being assigned to shipboard duties, personnel providing direct services to passengers in passenger spaces should receive the additional safety training required by STCW regulation V/2, paragraph 6 that requires the at least the attainment of the abilities as follows; and specified in paragraph 2.3

- embarkation procedures – embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance.

Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person designated on the muster list of having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations on board passenger ships should complete approved training in crisis management and human behaviour as specified in section A-V/2, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code. IMO Model Training Course 1.44 for safety training for personnel providing direct services to passengers in passenger spaces, dealing with this ability identified above and specified in paragraph 2.3 of the STCW Code section A-V/2, has been validated and published.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 33

Gangway and accommodation ladder access requirements based on the United Kingdom Maritime and Coastguard Agency publication of The Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers are as follows:

- safe means of access between ship and quay;

- handrails properly rigged and secured;

- safety net in place;

- angle of slope is ≤ 55° for accommodation ladder;

- angle of slope is ≤ 30° for gangway;

- adequate illumination;

- lifebuoy with self-activating light and safety line;

- fire Plan at the entrance; and

- watches on duty at all times. Required for the access:

- details of persons who have declared a need for special care or assistance in emergency situations should be recorded and communicated to the master prior to departure;

- all passengers to be counted prior to departure;

- names and gender of all persons on board should be recorded; and

- all of above information should be kept ashore if SAR are needed.

Access for persons needing special attention Recommendation on the design and operation of passenger ships to respond to elderly and disabled persons' needs (MSC.1/Circ.735) The guidance in the above document can be referenced on the design and operation of passenger ships to respond to elderly and disabled persons' needs and should be followed. A number of key considerations are described below;

- passenger ships such as ro-ro ferries and cruise ships are very different in their design construction, ports of call, passenger profile, and operation mode and should be considered separately.

- the integration of elderly and disabled persons with the other passengers requires special consideration when designing a new passenger ship.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 34

Reference – Photograph 2 – Induction Loop system – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

- access to the terminal should ensure barrier-free movement between entrances and exits of the terminal building, preferably without change of levels.

- the ship should be constructed and equipped in such a way that wheelchair users and other disabled persons can embark easily and safely, either unassisted or by means of ramps, elevators or lifts.

- the maximum slope of ramps for wheelchairs should be 1:20. There should be at least one access to the ship which is suitable for disabled persons and wheelchair users.

- for ro-ro passenger ferries, cars with disabled drivers or passengers should be given a special marking at the gate ashore and be directed to a separate marshalling lane, before driving on board the ship.

- the gate attendant should have means to communicate with the person in charge of the marshalling area and the personnel on board the ship.

- there should be no kerb (differences in levels) in the marshalling lanes which could prevent a disabled person from getting out of a waiting car.

- the ship's crew should guide disabled passengers to a special parking space on board and give the necessary assistance, including taking any wheelchair out of the car.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 35

Reference – Photograph 3 – Designated Parking Space – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

- at least one elevator should lead from the car deck to a deck with barrier-free access to public spaces, cabins and toilets.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 36

Reference – Photograph 4 – Elevator with Ramp Access – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 37

Reference – Photograph 5 – Access from Vehicle Deck with ramp access – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

- door openings to public spaces should be wide enough for wheelchairs to pass

unimpeded with a free opening of at least 80 cm.

- there should be sufficient space available for elderly and disabled persons to move about, especially on board ships at sea for longer periods of time.

- on ships with cabins, a number of cabins suitable for wheelchair users should be available.

- compatible with the size and use of the ship, a number of toilets suitable for wheelchair users should be available, if possible, on each passenger deck.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 38

- in ships with cabins, elderly and disabled persons who may need assistance in an emergency should be assigned cabins situated in the proximity of the embarkation deck, so that they may be assisted to the survival craft quickly and easily.

- a list of cabins occupied by passengers who may need assistance from the crew should be available.

- the crew should be given training and be issued with clear instructions about the assistance needed by elderly and disabled persons in an emergency.

- details of persons who are visually impaired and thus in need of special care or assistance in emergency situations should be recorded and communicated to the master prior to departure; and

- trained ship's personnel are designated to assist the visually impaired passenger during emergency situation.

Escape route signs and equipment location marking (resolution A.1116(30)) The guidance in the above document can be referenced on escape route signs and equipment location marking and should be followed. All visual instructions and safety information should

be displayed in as large and clear form as possible. disembark passengers with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance in accordance with prescribed procedures Disembarkation procedures during an emergency at sea General emergency alarm signal: responses Upon hearing the general alarm signal which consist of seven short blasts plus one long blast on the ship's whistle and/or alarm systems, the following actions should be taken:

.1 crew should proceed to their designated emergency station and perform their assigned tasks and emergency duties.

.2 the passengers should proceed to their designated assembly/muster station

or lifeboat stations as directed. Lifeboat embarkation alarm signal: responses Should it become necessary to evacuate the ship the following actions should be taken:

.1 the passengers will be guided and assisted by designated ship's personnel in an organized and safest way from the assembly station en route to their assigned lifeboat stations.

.2 crew should proceed to their assigned survival crafts after all the passengers

are cleared from the assembly stations. Disembarkation procedures during an emergency It follows the principle of "from fastest to slowest", in order to speed up the movement of people.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 39

It is also to avoid the possible blockage of evacuation routes that could hinder the fast movement of people in case of difficulty in moving the stretcher or wheelchairs along the route. Abandon ship signal: responses by crew and passengers Should a decision be made by the Central Command to abandon ship, the following actions should be taken:

.1 the designated survival craft crew should supervise the orderly distribution, embarkation and allocation of seating arrangements of persons in the survival craft;

.2 crew will embark into their assigned survival crafts giving priority to

passengers first; and

.3 the survival crafts will remain loaded at the embarkation deck until lowered to the water in the sequence ordered by the Central Command (Bridge).

Life-saving appliances What are the other types of life-saving appliances found on board a passenger ship?

- lifeboats

- rescue boats

- liferaft types

throw overboard


free fall

- marine evacuation systems (slide/chute)

2. Carriage of dangerous goods

2.1 Special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the carriage of

dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ship 2.1.1 explain the special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the

carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships SOLAS Convention, 1974, as amended, regulation II-2/19

The purpose of this regulation is to provide additional safety measures in order to address the fire safety objectives of this chapter for carrying dangerous goods. For this purpose, the following functional requirements should be met:

.1 fire protection systems should be provided to protect the ship from the added

fire hazards associated with carriage of dangerous goods;

.2 dangerous goods should be adequately separated from ignition sources; and

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 40

.3 appropriate personnel protective equipment should be provided for the hazards associated with the carriage of dangerous goods.

The Administration should provide an appropriate document as evidence of compliance of construction and equipment with the requirements of this regulation. Certification for dangerous goods, except solid dangerous goods in bulk, is not required for those cargoes specified as class 6.2 and 7 and dangerous goods in limited quantities and excepted quantities. The Stowage provisions Loading and unloading operations on each ro-ro space should take place under the supervision of either a working party consisting of officers and other crew members or responsible persons appointed by the master. During the voyage, access to such spaces by passengers and other unauthorized persons should only be permitted when such persons are accompanied by an authorized crew member. All doors leading directly to these spaces should be securely closed during the voyage and notices or signs prohibiting entrance to such spaces should be conspicuously displayed. The transport of dangerous goods should be prohibited in any ro-ro space in which the foregoing provisions cannot be met.

Closing arrangements for the openings between ro-ro spaces and machinery and accommodation spaces should be such as to avoid the possibility of dangerous vapours and liquids entering such spaces. Such openings should normally be kept securely closed when dangerous cargo is on board, except to permit access by authorized persons or for emergency use. Dangerous goods required to be carried on deck only should not be carried in closed ro-ro spaces, but may be carried in open ro-ro spaces when authorized by the Administration. If continuous ventilation is impracticable in a closed ro-ro space other than a special category space on a passenger ship, ventilation fans should be operated daily for a limited period, as weather permits. In any case, prior to discharge, the fans should be operated for a reasonable period. The ro-ro space should be proved gas-free at the end of the period. When the ventilation is not continuous, electrical systems which are not certified safe should be isolated. The master of a ship carrying dangerous goods in ro-ro spaces should ensure that, during loading and unloading operations and during the voyage, regular inspections of these spaces are made by an authorized crew member or responsible person in order to achieve early detection of any hazard. 2.1.2 Apply special safeguards, procedures and requirements in the carriage of

dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships Segregation of dangerous goods on ro-ro passenger ships The requirements for segregating of dangerous goods are described in the IMDG Code, Chapter 7.5 Stowage and segregation on ro-ro ships, the master, officers and crew should strictly follow this segregation requirement.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 41

The provisions for segregation between cargo transport units on board ro-ro ships are given in the table in paragraph of the IMDG Code. To facilitate familiarization with these requirements and to support training of relevant personnel further guidance is given in section 4 of Illustrations of segregation of cargo transport units onboard containerships and ro-ro ships with illustrations for ro-ro ships (MSC.1/Circ. 1440). For non-containerized cargo the general stowage and segregation table should be used. Ventilation of cargo holds carrying dangerous goods on ro-ro passenger ships Generally, the cargo deck ventilation system to be designed for longitudinal ventilation through forward supply air and aft exhaust during sailing and loading/unloading condition. The ventilation for the cargo holds normally consists of frequency controlled axial fans with a spark-free construction and noise levels appropriately dampened to reduce noise pollution. Ventilator motors are provided with stand still heating, silencers and other sound insulation measures are provided if required by noise level calculations. The air change rate for empty holds is to be a minimum air change rate during loading/unloading of 20 air changes/hour and 10 air changes/hour at sea. Cargo hold fan efficiency is to be not less than 75% for normal fans.

Reference – Photograph 6 – Securing of road vehicle carrying dangerous goods – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 42

3. Securing cargoes 3.1 Provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to

the vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried 3.1.1 explain the provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and

Securing to the vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried Securing arrangements

.1 Ships intended for the carriage of certain specific cargoes such as road

vehicles, systemized cargo-carrying roll-trailers and automobiles on ro-ro ships, etc., should be provided with securing points spaced sufficiently close to each other for the intended operation of the ship and in accordance with section 4 of the Guidelines for securing arrangements for the transport of road vehicles on ro-ro ships (resolution A.714(17))

.2 Road vehicles intended for transport by sea should be provided with

arrangements for their safe stowage and securing, as detailed in section 5 of the annex to resolution A.714(17). Roll-trailers carrying systemized cargo should be provided with arrangements for the safe stowage and securing of the vehicle and its cargo. Special consideration should be given to the height of the stow, the compactness of the stow and the effects of a high centre of gravity of the cargo.

3.1.2 secure vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried in a simulated

scenario in accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing

Stowage and securing of vehicles

.1 Vehicles, including roll-trailers not provided with adequate securing arrangements, should be stowed and secured in accordance with chapter 5 of this Code.

.2 Ro-ro ships which do not comply with the requirements of section 4 of the

annex to resolution A.714(17) or are not provided with equivalent stowage and securing means providing for an equivalent degree of safety during transport by sea should be dealt with in accordance with chapter 5 of this Code.

.3 Vehicles should be stowed and secured in accordance with sections 6 and 7

of the annex to resolution A.714(17). The same number of not less than two or not more than six securing points should be provided on each side of the road vehicle.

.4 Drivers should ensure that each vehicle and/or trailer is safely and correctly

parked, the brakes are set and the power is shut off before exiting.

.5 Semi-trailers should be uncoupled from the tractor unit and supported by a trestle or similar device placed in the immediate area of the drawplate. Trailers should not be supported on their landing legs during sea transport.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 43

.6 Bearing in mind the characteristics of the ship and the weather conditions expected on the intended voyage, the master should decide on the number of securing points and lashings to be used for each voyage.

.7 Special consideration should be given to the stowage and securing of

roll-trailers carrying systemized cargo, road tank-vehicles and portable tanks on wheels, taking into account the effects of a tank's high centre of gravity and free surface.

Acceptance of road vehicles for transport by sea on ro-ro ships The master should not accept a road vehicle for transport on board his or her ship unless satisfied that the road vehicle is apparently suitable for the intended voyage and is provided with at least the securing points specified in section 5 of the annex to resolution A.714(17). In exceptional circumstances, where there is some doubt that the recommendations of 4.3.1 can or need to be fulfilled, the master may accept the vehicle for shipment, after taking into account the condition of the vehicle and the expected nature of the intended voyage. Stowage and Securing of Rail Cars

.1 the stowage and securing of heavy cargo units such as rail cars and locomotives should be done in accordance with annex 5 to the resolution A.714(17)

.2 the gross weight, and axle weights should be checked against the ship

ramps' and decks' weight limits as well as weight per lane metre prior to loading.

3.2 Cargo-securing equipment and materials provided, taking into account their

limitations 3.2.1 explain the use of cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure

vehicles, rail cars, and other transport units carried. Vehicle securing

.1 securing should be done in accordance with the provisions in IMO instruments;

.2 decks should be provided with securing points with longitudinal spacing less

than 2.5 m and transverse spacing within 2.8 m to 3 m;

.3 minimum strength without permanent deformation should be of 20 kN; and

.4 securing of vehicles in accordance with classification societies patterns/ rules or as may be required by an Administration.

.5 the lashings should not be taken off the cargo units until the ship is safely within the port and the master gives permission to do so.

.6 the lashings should be removed clear of the running lanes to allow vehicle

access and all wheel chocks should be removed prior to discharge.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 44

Securing of trailer Trailer should be fitted with an equal number of lash points to each side.

Gross vehicle mass Lash point

Gross vehicle mass 3.5 - 20 tonnes 2 lash points

Gross vehicle mass 20 - 30 tonnes 3 lash points

Gross vehicle mass 30 - 40 tonnes 4 lash points

Table 1

Each lashing point should have a strength without permanent deformation of 120 kN = 12 tonnes. The lashing point should be fittes at suitable places on the vehicle,to ensure efficient restraint of vehicle lashing such as capable of transferring the forces from the lashing to the chassis of the vehicle. Semi-trailers without a tractor unit will need their front end to be supported on the trestle placed below the chassis close to the rear of the draw plate.

.1 semi-trailers will need to be re-coupled to a tractor unit which will lift the end of the trailer so the trestle or similar device can be removed,

.2 if jacking-up chassis it should be done in the way of the axes.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 45

Reference – Photograph 7 – Road vehicle securing equipment, chain and levers – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

Important: A list can cause cargo to break loose if it is not correctly stowed and secured. The problem is made worse because the crew of the ship cannot normally see how the cargo is stowed inside or on the trailer in which it is transported. A heavy load which breaks loose can cause other units to follow suit. The result can be an increased list, the spillage of dangerous substances and, in extreme cases, damage to the hull and ship's structure. The general requirements for lashings

It consists of chain or any other device made of steel or other material of equivalent strength:

.1 strength should be of 120 kN; .2 one lashing should only be attached to the secure points; and .3 the angle between the lashing and horizontal and vertical planes should be

30° to 60°.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 46

Reference – Photograph 8 – Road vehicle securing equipment, trailer trestles – P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

The axial load and weight of vehicles and trailers The variety of vehicles carried Ro-ro passenger ships should be able to carry many different types of wheeled cargo from small cars to 45 tonnes trailers. It is challenging to devise a cargo securing system which is ideal for the wide variety of vehicles carried in all sea conditions. The design of trailers and containers Trailers which are carried on ro-ro ships are not normally designed primarily for this use. The fact that they occasionally should be carried by sea is often of secondary importance to the land operator who is not always aware of the forces which act upon the ship and its cargo. The use of cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure rail cars, and other transport units carried

.1 the use of cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure heavy

cargo units such as rail cars and locomotives should be done in accordance with annex 5 to the resolution A.714(17).

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 47

.2 if lashings are to be attached to securing points on the rail car or other transport units then these securing points should be of adequate strength and clearly marked.

.3 lashings such as chains and levers or bottlescrews/tightening devices

attached to the rail car or other transport unit should be used in the correct way.

.4 the integrity of the securing arrangements for rail cars or other transport units

should be accessible and checked/maintained throughout the voyage.

The use of cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure rail cars carried on ro-ro passenger ships with rail enabled decks

.1 the approved Cargo Securing Manual of a ro-ro passenger ships with rail enabled decks will detail the cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure rail cars carried on train ferries.

.2 a specific feature of ro-ro passenger ships with rail enabled decks is they

have a buffer at the forward end of each rail on the deck of the ferry into which the forward rail car will be secured.

.3 the brakes on the rail car are put on and the rail cars are then stowed in a

pre-determined position.

.4 once the all clear is given, the rail cars will be secured with the cargo securing equipment and material provided.

.5 the requirements for the cargo securing materials can be determined in

accordance with the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing.

3.2.2 secure vehicles, rail cars, and other transport units using cargo-securing equipment and materials in accordance with the prescribed procedures

Securing the cargo within the unit Containers and other units carried on ro-ro trailers are frequently sealed when they leave the place where they are loaded, and they are not opened again until they arrive at their final destination. This is done for reasons of security and also to satisfy customs regulations. However, this means that the crew of the ship and the port staff responsible for loading it are unable to examine the cargo to make sure that it is properly secured. They are dependent on the skill and diligence of people who very often have no knowledge of the forces which may be encountered on board a ship in rough seas. Cargo securing manual One of the most important recommendations made is that ships should carry a Cargo Securing Manual "appropriate to the characteristics of the ship and its intended service, in accordance with resolution A.489(XI). This manual should detail in particular the ship's main dimensions, its hydrostatic properties, the weather and sea conditions which may be expected in the ship's trading area and also the cargo composition".

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 48

Secure rail cars using cargo-securing equipment and materials in accordance with the prescribed procedures

.1 rail cars can be secured using the cargo-securing equipment and materials provided in accordance with annex 5 to the resolution A.714(17);

.2 where necessary the securing arrangements for heavy cargo items should

be verified by an appropriate calculation in accordance with annex 13 to the resolution A.714(17); and

.3 annex 13 outlines methods to assess the efficiency of securing arrangements

for non-standardized cargo.

Secure rail cars, on train ferries using cargo-securing equipment and materials in accordance with the prescribed procedures

.1 the approved Cargo Securing Manual of a ro-ro passenger ships with rail enabled decks will detail the cargo-securing equipment and materials provided to secure rail cars carried on train ferries;

.2 the requirements for the cargo securing materials can be determined in

accordance with the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing;

.3 a critical input into the to the lashing calculations is the loaded rail car centre of gravity;

.4 lashings should be at less than an angle of 45 degrees from the

perpendicular of the rail car; and

.5 if the angle of the lashings of less than 45 degrees from the perpendicular cannot be achieved, then extra lashings should be used.

4. Stability, trim and stress calculations 4.1 Stability and stress information 4.1.1 explain the principle of stability A stable ship Ship stability can be defined in simple terms as its characteristics or tendency to return to its original state or upright state, when an external force is applied on or removed from the ship. A ship is at equilibrium when the weight of the ship acting down through centre of gravity is equal to the upthrust force of water acting through centre of buoyancy and when both of these forces are in same vertical line. B is center of buoyancy and G is center of gravity. A ship will come to its upright position or will become stable, when an external force is applied and removed, if the centre of gravity remains in the same position well below metacentric height of the ship. When ship is inclined, centre of buoyancy shifts from B to B1, which creates a movement and the righting lever returns the ship to its original position and makes it stable.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 49

M is metacenter and GZ is righting lever. A ship is seaworthy if it fulfills two important stability criteria – Intact and Damage stability. Requirements for Intact and Damage Stability of the Ship. Intact stability For a cargo ship, the intact stability requirements are follows:

.1 initial GM or metacentric height should not be less than 0.15 m; .2 righting lever GZ should be at least 0.2 m and angle of heel Ѳ ≥ 30°; and .3 Maximum righting lever should occur at heel > 30° preferably but not less

than 25°. The area of the GZ curve should be at least:

.1 0.055 m radian up to Ѳ = 30°; .2 0.090 m radian up to Ѳ = 40°; and .3 0.03 m radian between 30° and 40° or between 30° and angle of down

flooding. The angle of down flooding is an angle at which deck immersion takes place with subsequent water ingress. For a passenger ship and ro-ro passenger ship, the intact stability requirements will be specified in the stability booklet.

The revised explanatory notes to SOLAS Chapter II-1 Subdivision and damage stability regulations (Resolution MSC.429(98)) as amended by Resolution MSC.421(98) (adopted on 15 June 2017) Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, of CHAPTER II-1 as amended by Resolution MSC.436(99) (adopted on 24 May 2018) Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, of CHAPTER II-1/1 and II-1/8-1 as amended

should be referred to as they provide both general and specific details with reference to passenger ships as follows; New Amendments to SOLAS 1974 Chapter II-1 entering into force on 1 January 2020 are as follows; for Subdivision and Damage Stability

MSC 98 adopted amendments relating to subdivision and damage stability following a wide ranging review of Chapter II-1 focusing on new passenger ships which also took into account recommendations from the COSTA CONCORDIA 2012 incident. The amendments aim to ensure an increased capability for passenger ships to remain stable after collision or grounding when flooding has occurred. The amendments should only apply to ships:

.1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2020; or .2 in the absence of a building contract, the date of which the keel was laid, or

which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2020; or

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 50

.3 the delivery of which is after 1 January 2024

MSC also approved revised guidance for watertight doors on passenger ships which may be opened during navigation

MSC adopted the Revised Explanatory Notes to SOLAS Chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations at the same time as adopting the above. For Passenger Ship Safety MSC 99 adopted amendments relating to SOLAS Chapter II-1/1 and II-1/8-1 concerning computerized stability support in the event of flooding of existing passenger ships. For the purpose of providing operational support to the master for safe return to port after a casualty, passenger ships should have:

.1 an onboard stability computer; or

.2 shore-based support based on the guidelines developed by IMO.

For Damage Control Drills MSC 98 adopted amendments relating to SOLAS regulations III/1.4, III/30 and III/37 by introducing new regulation in Chapter II-1/19-1 which requires that:

.1 a damage control drill should take place at least every three months.

.2 at least one damage control drill each year should include activation of the

shore-based support, if provided in compliance with regulation II-1/8-1.3, to conduct stability assessments for the simulated damage conditions.

Instructions on the use of the booklet and contents of the stability booklet, including specific information for ro-ro passenger ships Each ship should be provided with an approved stability booklet which will enable a rapid and simple process to obtain accurate guidance as to the stability of the ship under varying conditions of service. This approved stability booklet will provide guidance to the master including specific stability information for ro-ro passenger ships such as the following;

- the GM value of the actual loading condition corrected by free surface moment should always be higher than the minimum allowable GM limit curve;

- when it is intended to introduce or discharge ballast water during the voyage the

master should check compliance with the allowable minimum GM curve prior to departure; and

- compliance with intact stability and damage stability criteria has been

investigated and calculations have been carried out for different draughts and trims, examples of which are provided in the approved stability booklet.

Extract and apply the information on allowable deck loading should non-standardized cargo be carried.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 51

4.1.2 explain how forces acting upon the ship contributes to stress

There are various internal and external forces which contribute to stress when acting upon the ship as follows;

.1 internal forces acting upon the ship which contribute to stress;

- the weight and distribution of cargo such as cargo transport units, cars and coaches, ballast, fuel, fresh water and provisions within the ship contributes to stress particularly if they are not distributed evenly and/or in accordance with the loading conditions in the stability booklet.

- an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means, which

is a carriage requirement for some ships, can calculate such stresses acting upon the ship known as "shear forces" and "bending moments", and check them against the pre-determined acceptable limits.

- when cargo such as cargo transport units, cars and coaches, ballast or

fuel are loaded in a compartment and the adjacent compartment is empty, a shear force can exist between the two compartments, contributing to stress.

- when cargo such as cargo transport units, cars and coaches, ballast or

fuel are loaded in fore and aft compartments and no cargo, ballast or fuel are loaded in the midship compartments, or vice versa, a bending moment can exist within the ship, contributing to stress. This bending moment condition of the hull structure is termed "hogging" when there is greater bending moment fore and aft than midships, and "sagging" when there is a greater bending moment midships than fore and aft.

- if an internal shift of weight of cargo, ballast or fuel were to take place

the ship would be in a condition of "list". A list could also be caused by a shift of cargo within the ship, free surface effects, crowding of passengers on one side of the ship or asymmetrical icing of the superstructure.

.2 external forces acting upon the ship which contribute to stress;

- the wind, waves and swell conditions are external forces to the ship

which contribute to stress

- such external forces cause a ship to roll, pitch and heave in a seaway

- strong beam winds can cause a ship to be in a condition of "heel"

- such external forces causing motions of roll, pitch and heave in a seaway, contribute to stress in addition to the still water "shear force" and "bending moments"

- an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means, which

is a carriage requirement for some ships, can calculate such "shear force" and "bending moment" stresses, when the ship is at sea as well as in still water/port and check them against the pre-determined acceptable limits

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 52

4.1.3 explain how stress affect stability

.1 a ship is at equilibrium and upright when the weight of the ship acting down through centre of gravity is equal to the upthrust force of water acting through centre of buoyancy and when both of these forces are in same vertical line.

Figure 2 – Ship at equilibrium and upright


.2 an internal force can contribute to stress when a weight is moved within the

ship which causes the ship to "list". This would cause the centre of gravity G to move to a new position G1, and the centre of buoyancy B would move to a new position B1. The ship will reach an equilibrium position when the buoyancy acting vertically upwards through B1 is in line with the weight acting vertically downwards through G1. The angle between this line and the original line with buoyancy acting upwards through B and weight acting downwards through G1 is the angle of list.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 53

Figure 3 – Initial Condition after Weight Shift and Final Equilibrium condition with list


.3 an external force can contribute to stress when a force external to the ship, such as strong beam winds, causes the ship to "heel". When this occurs the centre of gravity G remains in the same place, but the centre of buoyancy moves to a new place B1. The ship will reach an angle of heel when the buoyancy acts vertically upwards through B1 to the metacenter M with the weight acting vertically down through the centre of gravity G. The horizontal distance from G to where it intersects the buoyancy line acting vertically upwards at Z is known as the GZ or righting lever. The force involved in returning the ship to the upright position, is the weight of the ship acting down through the vertical centre of gravity G, multiplied by the righting lever GZ. This is referred to as the moment of static stability.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 54

Figure 4 – Initial Condition and Final Equilibrium condition with heel. Reference:

Figure 5 – Final Equilibrium condition with heel due to wind force Reference:

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 55

.4 when a ship with a full tank is heeled, the liquid within the tank acts like a solid mass or weight. Its centre of gravity remains constant, so there is no change in the ship's centre of gravity G, or its metacentric height GM, as the ship is heeled. There is no free surface effect from full tanks.

.5 when a ship with a partially filled or "slack" tank is heeled, the liquid will

remain parallel with the waterline. The centre of gravity of the liquid will move with the liquid and can have a considerable adverse effect on the ship's stability. This free surface effect is similar to adding weight on deck which causes the ship's centre of gravity G to rise, which causes a decrease in the ship's metacentric height GM and thereby its stability.

.6 partially filled or "slack" tanks have the greatest adverse effect upon a ship's

metacentric height GM, so the number of partially filled or slack tanks should be kept to an absolute minimum at any one time. Tanks that are either completely full or completely empty do not have a free surface effect and therefore do not reduce the metacentric height GM.

.7 great care should be taken when endeavouring to correct a list by filling tanks,

as having more than one partially filled tank will create additional free surface effects. If there is a possibility the ship's list is caused by loll, it is recommended that the tank on the low side be filled before commencing to fill the tank on the high side.

.8 an "angle of loll" is when a ship is in a condition which is unstable when

upright by having a negative metacentric height or GM and therefore takes an angle of heel to port or starboard. In this condition any external force applied to the ship will cause it to heel until it reaches an angle of heel, say between 9 and 11 degrees, where the KM will increase to be equal to the KG, making the metacentric height or GM equal to zero. When this occurs, the ship goes into neutral equilibrium and the angle of heel at which it happens is known as the "angle of loll".

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 56

Figures 6 and 7 - Equilibrium at angle of loll Reference:

.9 free surface effects are not only caused by partially filled tanks. This effect

can be caused by asymmetrical icing of the superstructure or by water on deck. Ships should have adequate freeing ports and/or scuppers to enable the water to run off quickly.

4.2 Stability and trim for different conditions of loading, using the stability

calculators or computer programs provided 4.2.1 explain the basic principle of stability and trim

.1 a simplified stability book which contains sufficient information for the master to comply with the regulations may be provided at the discretion of the authority concerned.

.2 the stability book will give details of a number of pre-determined load

conditions consisting of the weight of and centre of gravity of passengers, cargo, fuel, ballast, provisions, fresh water and provide stability calculations with resultant stability and trim conditions.

.3 the stability book should be consulted to establish any pre-determined limits such should not be surpassed. These include limiting KG ranges, and any limiting trim ranges e.g. ship not permitted to proceed to sea with more than 0.5 m trim by head or more than 2 m trim by the stern.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 57

.4 the stability and trim results obtained should be matched against the range of permitted results, to determine the ship meets the stability criteria in the relevant regulations and can safely proceed to sea.

.5 the determination of the ship's stability should always be made by calculation, on completion of loading and prior to the ship's departure from the berth.

.6 the Administration may accept the use of an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means for the purpose of calculating the ship's stability on ro-ro and ro-ro passenger ships for example.

.7 where an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means is used for stability calculations, a printout of the sailing condition should be made, which is reviewed and signed by the master and mate, prior to the ship's departure from the berth.

.8 a flooding detection system for watertight spaces below the bulkhead deck should be provided based on the guidelines developed by the Organization.

4.2.2 calculate metacentric height (GM) using a given formula for loaded and ballast condition Solved example on "Calculation of Metacentric Height (GM) using a given formula for loaded and ballast condition"

.1 loaded condition – obtain calculated displacement as follows

sub-total (1) includes diesel oil, fresh water, fuel oil, heeling water, lubricating oil, sub miscellaneous and water ballast. sub-total (2) includes cargo on all decks, passengers, crew, stores and miscellaneous. sub-total (3) includes lightship weight. sub-total (1) + (2) + (3) includes the deadweight and lightship e.g. the displacement

Obtain the observed drafts in Salt Water (SW) (SG 1.025) Aft draft marks = 6.265 m Forward draft marks = 6.235 m Midships Port = 6.230 m Midships starboard = 6.270 m Mean of Mean Draught = 6.265 + 6.235 + 6.230 + 6.270 / 4 = 6.250 m Trim = 6.235 – 6.265 = - 0.03 m by stern From the trimmed hydrostatics (SG 1.025) by interpolation Displacement from observation = 24560 tonnes

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 58

Displacement from calculations = 24593.3 tonnes Difference (Not significant) = 24593.3 – 24560 = 33.3 tonnes

KMt interpolated from the trimmed hydrostatic = 17.594 m GM = KMt – KG – (fs/displacement) = 17.594 – 14.022 – (4051 / 24560) Actual GM (fluid) = 3.407 m

Sailing Status Stability: OK Trim : OK Stress : OK

Drafts : OK Shear Force : OK Bending Moment : OK

Table 2 – solved example a) loaded condition (reference: P & O Ferries Holdings Limited)

.2 Ballast Condition – Obtain Calculated Displacement as follows

sub-total (1) includes diesel oil, fresh water, fuel oil, heeling water, lubricating oil, miscellaneous and water ballast. sub-total (2) includes cargo on all decks, passengers, crew, stores and miscellaneous. sub-total (3) includes Lightship Weight. sub-total (1) + (2) + (3) includes the deadweight and lightship e.g. the Displacement. Obtain the observed drafts in Salt Water (SW) (SG 1.025)

Aft draft marks = 5.592 m Forward draft marks = 5.500 m Midships Port = 5.546 m Midships starboard = 6.546 m


Tank Tonnes VCG LCG Gm Corr (tm) GM Corr (m)

sub-total (1) 3755.0 3.31 89.11 23115.6 1.10

sub-total (2) 390.0 22.14 100.628

(1) + (2) deadweight 4145.0 5.082 90.193 23115.6 0

sub-total (3) Lightship 16929.5 14.244 94.764

(1) + (2) + (3) displacement

21074.5 12.44 93.865 23115.6 1.10

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 59

Mean of Mean Draught = 5.592 + 5.500 + 5.546 + 5.546 / 4 = 5.546 m Trim = 5.500 - 5.592 = - 0.092 m by stern From the trimmed hydrostatics (SG 1.025) by interpolation Displacement from observation = 21074.5 tonnes Displacement from calculations = 21074.5 tonnes Difference (Not significant) = 21074.5 – 21074.5 = 0.0 tonnes KMt interpolated from the trimmed hydrostatic = 18.48 m GM = KMt – KG – (fs/displacement) = 18.48 – 12.44 – (23115.6 / 21074.5 = 1.10) Actual GM (fluid) = 4.94 m

Sailing Status Stability: OK Trim: OK Stress: OK

Drafts: OK Shear Force: OK Bending Moment OK

Table 3 – solved example b) ballast condition (Reference: P & O Ferries Holdings Limited) Practice stability calculations, manually and/or by computer on the stability conditions on previous sailings or check with the standard operating conditions and examples for developing other acceptable loading conditions using the information contained in the stability booklet.

The computer should be validated periodically by running four loading conditions taken from the stability booklet, and checked manually, and the printouts kept on board as check conditions for future reference.

Compare all stability calculations with the information on loading restrictions contained in the stability book, such as maximum KG or minimum GM curve or table that can be used to determine compliance with the applicable stability criteria. Pre-calculate changes of stability and trim during partial discharge if it is anticipated that this will cause any problems. Hydrostatic curves refer to a series of graphs drawn to a vertical scale of draught and a base of length, which gives values such as the centre of buoyancy, displacement, moment causing unit trim, and centre of flotation. 4.3 Load factors for decks 4.3.1 explain the load factors to be taken into account in calculating stability and trim

.1 check the normal loading conditions for trucks, trailers, coaches and cars in

the stability book establishing the maximum weight each deck can take;

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 60

.2 check the minimum GM permitted and any operational restrictions in the stability book e.g. ro-ro passenger ship not permitted to sail at a trim of more than 0.5 m by the bow;

.3 check the total tonnage of cargo to be loaded and tonnage of cargo to be loaded on each deck;

.4 check the planned loading configuration is permitted by the ship's design criteria and stability booklet eg for example, is it permitted to load cargo on the upper vehicle deck, when the main vehicle deck and lower hold below it have no cargo loaded on those decks;

.5 check the distribution of cargo on each deck including cars on platform decks;

.6 determine the axle loading from the weight of the cargo units e.g. tonnes per axle to be loaded;

.7 consult the ship's plans for maximum axle loading permitted for cargo units; .8 general loading principles demonstrating good practice, such as heavy

trucks on lower deck and lighter cars on upper vehicle decks and/or platform decks should be considered and practiced to ensure that adequate stability is maintained; and

.9 when part loads are taken, care should be taken not to load all cargo forward or aft, so as to avoid excessive trim.

4.3.2 calculate the load factors for given deck cargoes using a prescribed formula Illustration of segregation of cargo transport units on board ro-ro ships (MSC.1/Circ.1440), paragraph 4.3 describes; The standard dimension of a cargo transport unit used for the illustrations as

- length 12.0 metres.

- width 2.5 metres.

- note the cargo transport unit described in the Circular is the semi-trailer carrying the cargo only without a tractor unit attached.

- road train units carried on ro-ro passenger ships consisting of two semi-trailers and a tractor unit are normally 18.5 metres in length and up to 3.0 metres in width

Main deck = 13 tonnes/axle Platforms = 2 tonnes/axle

- details of the deck loading resulting from the proposed stowage or operation of

vehicles are to be supplied by the ship builder. These details include wheel load, axle and type of tyre for the vehicle.

- the deck and supporting structures are designed on the maximum loading to

which they are planned to carry in-service. The vehicles types and axle loads for which the vehicle carrying decks have been approved, are stated in the loading manual and are shown on a notice displayed on each deck:

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 61

- if the deck axle loading for a particular deck is likely to be exceeded, then the cargo transport unit should be stowed on a deck which does not exceed the deck axle load, OR advice should be sought on how to compensate for this, OR the cargo transport unit should be refused carriage;

- shipboard personnel should always liaise with the shore side freight marshal as

the link span will also have a safe working load and axle weight limit for the cargo transport units it can take; and

- damage or overloading of the link span and or ship's ramp may compromise the

safety of the ship and should not be permitted. A solved example for the calculation of load factors for decks is as follows; Examples of Uniform Loads (Average)

- For uniform loads on main vehicle decks (decks 3 & 5) = 1.5t/m2

- For uniform loads on vehicle decks for cars (deck 7) = 0.3t/m2

- Platform (mezzanine) decks for cars = 0.3/m2

- For uniform loads on specified lanes (e.g. next to centre casing or outer side lanes) vehicle decks 3 & 5 heavy loads = 2.5t/m2 (or according to the heavy loads intended to be carried)

Examples of Axle Loads (Average)

- road trailer load of 30t distributed across 2 axles = 15t / axle (Some road trailers in Europe of 15.5 - 18m length have a load of 45t but distributed across 3 axles) = 15t/ axle)

- tug master = 16t/axle

- forklift truck = 20t/axle

- private cars (depends on car types) = 1.5t/axle

- campers, caravans and vans = 2.0t/axle

Table 4 – solved example c) examples of uniform loads and axle loads (Reference: P & O Ferries Holdings Limited)

4.4 Impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress 4.4.1 explain the principles on the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability,

trim and stress:

.1 the normal principles of the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress apply

.2 the pre-determined load conditions in the stability book which include normal

distribution of ballast and fuel are to be fully considered

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 62

.3 partially full or "slack" ballast or fuel tanks will introduce free surface effect thereby reducing GM and stability

.4 transferring considerable amounts of ballast or fuel forward or aft will

significantly affect the trim of the ship

.5 transferring considerable amounts of ballast transversely from port or starboard between heeling tanks will enable the list of the ship to be corrected and the ship be brought upright

.6 the stability book and loading computer should be consulted for any limiting

factors which could cause undue stress in the ship. 4.4.2 calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress:

.1 refer to and familiarize with general arrangement plans for the type and location of ballast and fuel tanks;

.2 consult stability booklet for tank sounding tables showing capacities, centre

of gravity and free surface data for each tank;

.3 use the pre-determined examples in the stability book for determining the stability and trim in different loading conditions; and

.4 use pro forma tables such as those provided in the stability book to calculate

the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress.

.5 the Administration may accept the use of an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means for the purpose of calculating the ship's stability and this means can be used to calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress.

.6 it should be recognized that during transfer of ballast & fuel the effects of free

surface in partially full or "slack" tanks can be considerable and may have a significantly adverse effect.

.7 if the impact of proposed or intended ballast and fuel transfers provide a

significantly adverse effect on stability, trim and stress, then alternative proposals for such transfers of ballast and fuel should be considered.

Major key points/executive summary:

.1 an approved stability book will be provided to the master for his guidance;

.2 the master and his officers should familiarize with the stability book and the general arrangement plan layout of ballast and fuel tanks;

.3 the master and his officers should practice stability calculations;

.4 an electronic loading and stability computer or equivalent means for the

purpose of calculating the ship's stability may be provided and should be used;

.5 axle or point deck loadings limits should be visible and not exceeded; and

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 63

.6 considerations and review of where and when ballast and fuel are transferred should be carried out and operational limits not exceeded.

Solved example on "Calculation of impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress"

a) loaded condition – impact of ballast transfer – heeling tanks Pt 0%, St 100%

Tank Weight Tonnes

LCG TCG VCG Gm Corr (m)

GM Corr (tm)

Heeling Tanks 470.4 81.71 -12.04 8.14 0.00 0

All Weights except Heeling Tanks

24488.6 91.87 0.03 12.74 0.39 9781

Total Displacement 24959.0 91.87 -0.17 12.66 0.39 9781

b) loaded condition – impact of ballast transfer – heeling tanks Pt 50%, St 50% / heeling tanks Pt 0%, St 100%

Tank Weight Tonnes

LCG TCG VCG Gm Corr (m)

GM Corr (tm)

Heeling Tk Pt 50%, St 50%

24959.0 91.87 0.03 12.64 0.43 10736

Heeling Tk Pt 0%, St 100%

24959.0 91.87 -0.17 12.66 0.39 9781

Difference 0 0 -0.20 +0.02 -0.04 -955

sub-total (1) includes diesel oil, fresh water, fuel oil, heeling water, lubricating oil, miscellaneous and water ballast.

sub-total (2) includes cargo on all decks, passengers, crew, stores and miscellaneous.

sub-total (3) includes Lightship Weight

Tank Weight Tonnes

LCG TCG VCG Gm Corr (m)

GM Corr (tm)

Heeling Tanks 470.4 81.71 0 7.34 0.04 955

All other Tanks 3692.8 89.90 0 4.42 0.39 9781

Sub Total (1) 4163.2 88.98 0.05 4.75 0.43 10736

Sub Total (2) 3866.3 82.38 0.16 14.15 0 0

(1) + (2) Deadweight 8029.5 85.80 0.10 9.23 0.43 10736

Sub Total (3) Lightship 16929.5 94.76 0.00 14.24 0 0

(1) + (2) + (3) Displacement

24959.0 91.87 0.03 12.64 0.43 10736

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 64

sub-total (1) + (2) + (3) includes the deadweight and lightship e.g. the Displacement

Obtain the observed drafts in Salt Water (SW) (SG 1.025)

Heeling Tank Status = a) Pt 50% St 50% b) Pt 50% St 100%

Forward draft marks = 5.983 m = 5.989 m

Aft draft marks = 6.611 m = 6.596 m

Trim by stern = 0.628 m = 0.607 m

Draft at C Mark = 6.292 m = 6.287 m

Distance Waterline to C Mark Port = 0.298 m = 1.018 m

Distance Waterline to C Mark Star = 0.556 m = -0.155 m

Distance Waterline to C Mark Mean = 0.427 m = 0.432 m

Resulting List = 0 degrees = 3.0 degrees to Stb

From the trimmed hydrostatics (SG 1.025) by interpolation

Displacement from observation = 24959.0 tonnes = 24959.0 tonnes

Displacement from calculations = 24867.9 tonnes = 24867.9 tonnes

Difference (Not significant) = 91.1 tonnes = 91.1 tonnes

Maximum Permissible KG = 14.917 m = 14.915 m

Calculated KG = 13.077 m = 13.054 m

Vertical KG = 12.64 m = 12.66 m

Apply Free Surface Effect = +0.43 m = +0.39 m

Vertical KG (Fluid) = 13.07 m = 13.05 m

Sailing Status Both Conditions

Stability: OK Trim: OK Stress: OK

Sailing Status Both Conditions

Drafts: OK Shear Force: OK 86%

Bending Moments: OK 89%

Ballast transfer stability = Increase in Solid KG

Impact Free Surface Effect = Reduction in FSE

Overall Stability Impact = Reduction of Fluid KG

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 65

Impact on GM = Increase of GM by 2cms

Impact on Trim = Trimmed 2cms by Head

Impact on Drafts = 3 degrees starboard list

Impact on Stress = No impact Shear Force

= No impact Bending Moment

Table 5 – solved example c) ballast transfer (Reference: P & O Ferries Holdings Limited

5. Opening, closing and securing hull openings

5.1 Procedures established for the ship regarding the opening, closing and

securing of bow, stern and side doors and ramps by correct operation of the associated systems

5.1.1 open, close, and secure bow door, stern door, side doors and ramps in

accordance with the prescribed procedures

Correct operation of the associated system monitoring of cargo loading and shell doors

Ramp – a sloping surface joining two different levels, generally at the entrance and floors:

.1 external ramp and internal ramp;

.2 stern ramp and bow ramp are external ramp, because it is used externally for loading or unloading; and

.3 stern ramp – fitted at stern.

Straight stern ramp The straight ramp for the tidal variations under consideration should be about 20 metres long by 7 metres wide and should be able to handle two 80 tonnes vehicles moving on her at the same time with a maximum axle load of 45 tonnes. Stern ramp also functions as a watertight door and is fitted with a rubber seal in a channel around the opening of the hull. It is normally operated by hydraulic cylinders acting directly on the ramp, although other options are available. The length of the ramp is chosen to cope with tidal variations, whether the quay is conventional, ro-ro berth, or designed to match the link spans. Angled ramp The same ship, equipped with an angled ramp with the characteristics of the straight ramp, would require one of 36 metres length which would weigh about 130 tonnes. Slewing ramp Flexibility in loading from both sides as well as stern-to is achieved only with a slewing ramp. This is often a requirement today and, for ships, the slewing ramp would have the same overall dimensions as the angled ramp.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 66

Jumbo ramp This type of ramp has been recently introduced. It has a clear width at ship's entry of about 25.5 metres, a clear width (minimum) of about 12 metres and a length of 50 metres, tipping the scales at just 425 tonnes. Bow Ramp Fitted at bow It is not used nowadays due to various reasons regarding stability. In most door access designs, two watertight closures will be considered adequate. Bow doors or a bow visor are the two options for the opening. Bow doors can be of parallel stow type (or swing-arm type), clam-type, directly-hinged type, side-hinged or wing-type. The door is detached from the ramp due to safety reasons. In the closed position, the bow ramp functions as a weathertight door. When the bow ramp is in its stowed position, it is utilized to double as the inner door and thus seals the aperture in the collision bulkhead. It is divided in two or more sections; for example, two main sections and an additional folding section with tapered end flaps. When deployed, the bow ramp provides access from main deck to the shore. When closed and secured, it forms a weathertight door at the collision bulkhead. Side ramp door A side ramp increases the loading and discharging capacity considerably, especially where several deck levels are incorporated higher up in the ship. Quarter Ramp The quarter ramp/door is divided into three sections: two ramp sections and a ramp foot. The quarter ramp/door may be designed to double as the watertight door when it is in the closed position. It is normally built and divided into three separate sections; hinged at the lower end of the stern in the threshold deck, provided with hinged shore flaps and internal bridge plates in way of the access opening at the deck, for smooth vehicle transition. The stern quarter ramp/door is arranged at 30 to 40 degrees angle to the ship's centre line, which allows it to berth at a conventional quay without the need for dedicated ro-ro arrangements. It should be designed to cope with all tidal conditions and ship draught. The main section functions as a watertight door.

Internal ramp Use internally, i.e. it is used for vehicles arrangement at different locations inside the ship:

.1 slope of the internal ramps is normally between 8° to 6°; .2 widths between 7 and 12 metres; and .3 anti-skid surfaces.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 67

5.1.2 monitor opening, closing and securing of bow door, stern door, side doors and ramps and watertight doors in accordance with the prescribed procedure

Closure of cargo loading doors The following doors located above the bulkhead deck should be closed and locked before the ship proceeds on any voyage and should remain closed and locked until the ship is at its next berth:

.1 cargo loading doors on the shell or the boundaries of enclosed superstructures;

.2 bow visors fitted in positions as indicated in sub-paragraph .1; .3 cargo loading doors in the collision bulkhead; and .4 weathertight ramps forming an alternative closure to those defined in

sub-paragraphs .1 and .2 above.

Provided that where a door cannot be opened or closed when the ship is at the berth such a door may be opened or left open while the ship approaches or draws away from the berth, but only so far as may be necessary to enable the door to be immediately operated. In any case, the inner bow door should be kept closed. Particular doors can be opened at the discretion of the master, if necessary, for the operation of the ship or the embarking and disembarking of passengers when the ship is at safe anchorage and provided that the safety of the ship is not impaired. The master should ensure that an effective system of supervision and reporting of the closing and opening of the door is implemented. The master should ensure, before the ship proceeds on any voyage that an entry in the logbook is made of the time of the last closing of the doors and the time of any opening and closing of particular doors. 5.2 Survey on proper sealing 5.2.1 explain the procedures on surveying door sealing Survey and monitoring of cargo loading and shell doors Indicators should be provided on the navigating bridge for all shell doors, loading doors and other closing appliances which, if left open or not properly secured could, in the opinion of the Board, lead to major flooding of a special category space or ro-ro space. The indicator system should be designed on the fail-safe principle and should show if the door is not fully closed or not secured. The power supply for the indicator system should be independent of the power supply for operating and securing the doors. 5.2.2 check the condition of the sealing of doors and ramps Means should be arranged, such as television surveillance or a water leakage detection system, to provide an indication to the navigating bridge of any leakage through bow doors, stern doors or any other cargo or vehicle loading doors which could lead to major flooding of special category spaces or enclosed ro-ro spaces.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 68

Special category spaces and enclosed ro-ro spaces should either be patrolled or monitored by effective means, such as television surveillance, so that movement of vehicles in adverse weather and unauthorized access by passengers can be observed while the ship is underway. The condition of the sealing arrangements of doors and ramps can be checked by visual inspection of the condition of the rubber packing of the door or ramp and the round sealing bar or the steel edge of the door frame which makes contact with the rubber packing to make the seal when closed. The rubber packing should be fully intact without damages and there should be no damages to the round sealing bar or steel edge of the door frame. The compression of the sealing arrangements can be checked:

a) by chalk test, or b) water hose test.

5.2.3 test the functionality of the door's limit switch and corresponding light Tests of the functionality and satisfactory operation of the door's limit switch and corresponding light can be performed by a two crew members, one operating the limit switch and another crew member viewing and monitoring the panel light indicator, which is normally located on an indicator panel in the wheelhouse. 6. Ro-ro deck atmosphere 6.1 Equipment carried for monitoring atmosphere in ro-ro spaces 6.1.1 explain the use of the equipment to monitor atmosphere in ro-ro spaces Common equipment used to monitor atmosphere in ro-ro spaces ventilation systems on board ro-ro ships Exhaust gases from motor vehicles contain hazardous substances. Carbon monoxide (CO) from petrol engines, and nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from diesel engines are the substances affecting crew and passenger. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless and odorless gas which, to a lesser or greater extent, inhibits the ability of the blood to absorb and transport oxygen. Inhalation of the gas can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea and in extreme cases causes weakness, rapid breathing, unconsciousness and death. Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, together commonly referred to as oxides of nitrogen or NOx. NO, a colourless gas is the main oxide of nitrogen formed in the combustion process. Nitric oxide (NO) itself is not of great concern as regards health effects; however, a proportion of the NO formed will combine with oxygen to form NO2, which is of concern from the point of view of human health. NO2 is a brown gas which has a stinging, suffocating odor. It exerts a detrimental effect on the human respiratory system. Asthmatics in particular a susceptible to exposure. Measures should be considered as follows:

.1 a reduction in exhaust gas emissions; .2 provision of an adequate ventilation system; and

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 69

.3 prevention of exposure to the gases. Ventilation systems on board ro-ro ships

Ventilation systems for ro-ro spaces on board ships generally operate according to the principle of dilution ventilation, whereby the supply airflow to the area is sufficient for the exhaust gases to mix thoroughly with the air and be removed.

There are two main types of dilution ventilation are:

.1 exhaust air ventilation; and .2 supply air ventilation.

Exhaust air ventilation

Fans remove air from a ro-ro space, and this is then replaced by outdoor air entering through open ramps, doors and other openings. Exhaust air ventilation is employed when sub-atmospheric pressure is required in the ro-ro space. The sub-atmospheric pressure prevents the pollution from spreading to adjacent areas.

Supply air ventilation

It works in the opposite way. Fans deliver outdoor air into the ro-ro space and the air is then exhausted through ramps and other openings. Supply air ventilation usually creates slight pressurization of the ro-ro space. If supply air ventilation is used exclusively, pollutants may mix with the supply air, be pushed up the internal ramps and contaminate other decks. However, if sufficient mixing with supply air does not occur, contaminants may remain on the deck in question. Particularly hazardous conditions may occur on lower decks. Ventilation systems on board ship often combine these two principles. The fans can then be reversible, so that they can either supply air into the ro-ro space or exhaust air from it.

The following generally applies:

.1 the airflow should reach all parts of the ro-ro space. However, ventilation should be concentrated in those areas in which the emissions of exhaust gases are particularly high and which are occupied by the crew or other workers.

.2 consideration should be given to the likelihood of unventilated zones being screened behind an object, and also to the fact that exhaust gases readily accumulate in low-lying spaces under the vehicles and in decks beneath the one being unloaded. Furthermore, depending on airflow patterns, it may be possible for contaminants to move into decks above the one actually being offloaded.

.3 the airflow on vehicle deck should be suited to the height of the deck. .4 the airflow will follow the path of least resistance, and most of the air will thus

flow in open spaces, such as above the vehicles etc.

.5 polluted air from ro-ro spaces should be prevented from being dispersed into adjacent spaces, for instance accommodation and engine rooms.

.6 whenever possible, places which are sheltered from the airflow should be

indicated on the plan. The actual locations of such spaces on the deck should be painted in a conspicuous manner to indicate that personnel should not stand on that part of the deck, and signs should be hung on the bulkhead to provide a backup warning.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 70

Measurement of airflow Instruments for measurement of airflow Although alternative techniques, such as the pilot traverse method are available, anemometers are generally employed for low velocity airflow measurements. There are two general types of anemometers: The direct-reading anemometer The direct-reading anemometer of the electronic type which registers the air velocity is almost instantaneously. This has a distinct advantage when measuring at terminals where there is unstable or non-uniform airflow as any instability or random changes of velocity are immediately seen and the true mean of the velocity at a point can be judged. It is also very quick to use. The mechanical type of direct reading anemometer with a rotating vane The movement is a rotary deflection against the action of a spring. These types of anemometer are small and compact, easy to read and use, give reasonably steady readings and any fault or inconsistency developing is usually quite apparent. Where a correction chart is supplied with an anemometer the correction factors should be applied to the measured velocities before comparing them. With a good quality instrument in proper repair used by an experienced operator, the probable error on the comparative value obtained will range from a maximum of ±2% when comparing similar velocities to a maximum of ±5% when comparing widely differing velocities. 6.1.2 monitor ro-ro deck atmosphere using portable oxygen analyser or multi-gas


.1 SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 requires ships to carry an appropriate portable atmosphere testing instrument or instruments capable as a minimum of measuring concentrations of oxygen, flammable gases or vapours, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide, prior to entry into enclosed spaces. Cargo spaces are considered an enclosed space and are covered by this regulation.

.2 a "portable" detector usually refers to a small, handheld device that can be

used for testing an atmosphere in a confined space before entry, for tracing leaks or to give an early warning of the presence of flammable gas or vapour when hot work is being carried out in a hazardous area.

.3 point detectors measure the concentration of the gas at the sampling point

of the instrument. The unit of measurement can be: ■ % volume ratio; ■ % lower explosion limit (LEL) for a flammable gas; ■ ppm or mg/m3 for low level concentrations (primarily used for toxic gases).

.4 in many fixed gas detection systems, the sensor units are designed to use

natural diffusion as the sampling method. The sensors are located at or near points where there is the possibility of a gas release. However, natural diffusion as a sampling method can be slow. In many cases a faster response is needed, and the sample is transported to the sensor using a sampling pump. This is called aspirated or extractive sampling.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 71

.5 portable detectors can be used in diffusion or aspirated mode. They can be fitted with probes for leak seeking or testing inside confined spaces beyond the normal reach of the user. Probes are normally rigid and about 1 m in length, although they may be telescopic and may be connected to the apparatus by a flexible tube.

.6 for a portable gas detector, the alarm is part of the instrument itself. If the

instrument is put down for some reason, for example to carry out a task, then it is important that the operator should be able to see or hear the alarm from the work position. The selection and use of flammable gas detectors. An alarm to warn of a fault condition is vitally important because, if a detector fails, it could falsely indicate a safe condition such as showing a zero reading. There should be no non-detectable fault conditions in the detector, where practicable.

6.2 Procedures established for the ship for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading and discharging of vehicles while on voyage and in emergencies

6.2.1 explain ship's procedure for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading and discharging of vehicles while on voyage and in emergencies

An operation manual should be supplied and should include a plan of the ventilation system, showing fans, supply air and exhaust air openings and doors, ramps, hatches, etc. The location of the control panel for the ro-ro space ventilation system should also be marked. Crew members who are assigned duties in the ro-ro spaces should be familiar with and trained in the procedure for ventilation of ro-ro cargo decks during: a) loading and discharging of vehicles; generally, the cargo deck ventilation system is designed for longitudinal ventilation through forward supply air and aft exhaust loading/unloading condition. The minimum air change rate during loading/discharging is 20 air changes/hour as per the rules. However, for ro-ro passenger ships which can load via the bow and the stern such cargo deck ventilation can be reversed when loading through the bow. b) voyage at sea; generally, the cargo deck ventilation system is designed for longitudinal ventilation through forward supply air and aft exhaust when sailing on voyage. The minimum air change rate when at sea is 10 air changes/hour as per the rules. c) emergencies; generally, when there is an emergency on the ro-ro cargo decks, such as a fire alarm, the ventilation will be automatically switched off while the emergency situation is investigated. The master will then activate emergency procedures if it is a fire situation or authorize the ventilation to be re-started in the case of a non-fire situation. 6.2.2 ventilate ro-ro spaces in a simulated scenario in accordance with established procedures

The plan in the operations manual should show the various options for operation of the ventilation system. It should include details of the design airflow and of the estimated number of different types of vehicles in the different ro-ro spaces under various loading and unloading conditions. The plan should be periodically revised and/or supplemented on the basis of the experience gained from the normal vehicle loading and unloading conditions.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 72

A number of blank drawings should therefore be kept on board. On the basis of such experience, it should also be possible to draw up guidelines for the maximum number of vehicles that should be allowed to operate simultaneously. Whenever possible, places which are sheltered from the airflow should be indicated on the plans. The airflow should be indicated in colour on the plan in accordance with the following recommended standard taken from ISO 5571.

Identification colours for schemes for ventilation systems:

.1 supply air, natural ventilation – Yellow;

.2 exhaust air, natural ventilation – Brown;

.3 supply air, mechanical ventilation – Green; and

.4 exhaust air, mechanical ventilation – Grey.

The operation manual should include guidance for the service and maintenance of the systems.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 73

Part E: Evaluation and assessment


This part of the course plan includes the discussions about what should be assessed and how the information will be used. Taking into account that assessment is the process that measures what trainees have learned, it is necessary that the assessment activities are aligned with learning targets, specific standards, and with the instructions given. That is why the learning outcomes in part C are herein provided as the basis for the assessment of trainee's progress, development and learning of this course.

The effectiveness of any assessment depends upon the accuracy of the description of what is to be measured. The learning objectives used in the detailed syllabus will provide a sound base for the construction of suitable tests for evaluating participant progress. Even though this course is not aimed at developing measurable skills the principles of a more formal evaluation are included, as is standard for most IMO model courses.

Mandatory provisions concerning training and assessment are given in section A-I/6 of the STCW Code that covers: qualifications of instructors, supervisors and assessors; in-service training; assessment of competence; and training and assessment within an institution. Evaluation of competence should be designed to consider the different methods of assessment. Assessment method

The methods chosen to carry out an assessment will depend upon what the participant is expected to achieve in terms of knowing, comprehending and applying the course content.

The methods used can range from a simple question-and-answer discussion with the participants (either individually or as a group), to prepared tests requiring the selection of correct or best responses from given alternatives, the correct matching of given items, the supply of short answers or the supply of more extensive written responses to prepared questions.

Where the course content is aimed at the acquisition of practical skills, the test would involve a practical demonstration by the participant making use of appropriate equipment, tools, etc. The responses demanded may therefore consist of:

.1 the recall of facts or information, by viva voce or objective tests; .2 the practical demonstration of an attained skill; .3 the oral or written description of procedures or activities; .4 the identification and use of data from sketches, drawings, maps, charts, etc.

carrying out calculations to solve numerical problems; and .5 the writing of an essay or report.

A written examination should be administered in order to measure the acquired knowledge of the trainees. The examinations should be administered at the end of training in which a passing mark is prerequisite for the practical assessment.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 74

To ensure representation of all topics covered in an objective type of test and to measure the desired level of thinking skills, the test items to be constructed should be based on a table of specification (TOS). Below is a sample TOS and the recommended range in duration of 12 to 18 hours indicated for this model course is to be used only for guidance

Sample Table of Specification (TOS)

Topics Thinking Skills No. of

Test Items Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

Course Introduction -

1. Loading and embarkation procedures

1 2 2


2. Carriage of dangerous goods

1 1


3. Securing cargoes 1 2 3

4. Stability, trim and stress calculations

2 2



5. Opening, closing and securing hull openings

2 2 2 6

6. Ro-ro deck atmosphere

2 1


Total 1 10 10 4 25

On the other hand, a practical assessment should be conducted to measure trainees' ability to demonstrate the following skills:

.1 calculate hull integrity during loading, discharging and during the voyage with regards to the standards required;

.2 calculate stability, trim and stresses for certain condition and analyse the

probability of survival in case of damages to ship hull; .3 secure of various types of cargo; and .4 monitor gas in ro-ro deck atmosphere.

Both methods of assessment used to measure the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by the trainees are reflected on the corresponding Assessment Plan. This document details the overall strategies which include the following information:

.1 when assessment takes place; .2 what assessment method to be employed;

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 75

.3 the marks/ weighting for each assessment; .4 who is responsible for conducting the assessment; .5 what resources are needed; and .6 conditions under which assessments are to be conducted.

Sample table of specification and assessment plan can be found on the following pages.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 76

Assessment plan

Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training

STCW Code section A-V/2, paragraph 5:

Mandatory minimum requirements for training and qualifications of masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and every person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, for loading, discharging or securing of cargo, or for closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships.

Specification of minimum standard of competence Passenger safety, Cargo safety and Hull integrity training for ro-ro Passenger and Passenger ships

Resources Needed: Loading Computer with Stability Program, Cargo Lashing Model/Emulator with appropriate lashing equipment, Gas Monitor, Assessment Exercise Plans, Assessment Exercise Sheets and Checklists

Instructor: Date Prepared:

Assessor: Approved by:

Topics Written Assessment Practical Assessment

Assessment Task

No. of Test


Assessment Method

Assessment Period

Grading Scheme

Demonstrate the following:

• lower ramp

• hoist ramp

• setting-up and stowing model of retractable vehicle decks

• open and close stern doors and WTD

• monitor panel light indicator

• test functionality of the door's limit switch and corresponding light

- Apply safeguards and procedures on dangerous goods

- Demonstrate the use of cargo-securing equipment and materials to secure vehicles, rail cars and other transport units carried

- Inspect the condition of the sealing WTD doors via Chalk test to test check the seal of the doors and WTD

- Calculate metacentric height (GM) using a given formula for loaded and ballast condition

- Calculate the load factors for deck cargoes

- Calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfer on stability, trim and hull stresses

Demonstrate the use of a multi-gas detector or portable O2 analyser to monitor deck atmosphere in a cargo space or simulated cargo space

Grading Scheme

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 77

Assessment Criteria

Course Introduction - Multiple Choice

Questions/ Identificatio

n/ Enumeratio


Written exam is

administered at the end of

training period

Obtain at least 75% mark from written test

Given a functional mock/model, the following are demonstrated in accordance with the established procedures:

• lower ramp

• hoist ramp

• setting-up and stowing model of retractable vehicle decks

• open and close stern doors and WTD

• monitor panel light indicator

• test functionality of the door's limit switch and corresponding light

- Given the model of cargo boxes apply the IMDG code in cargo segregation of dangerous goods

- Given cargo securing equipment, secure cargo

- Given a WTD inspect the condition of the sealing of WTD doors via chalk test

Given a multi-gas detector monitor ro-ro deck atmosphere in a cargo space or an enclosed space

Given a portable O2

analyser monitor ro-ro deck atmosphere in a cargo space or an enclosed space

Successfully meeting all Assessment Criteria in the four Assessment Tasks.

1. Loading and embarkation procedures


2. Carriage of dangerous goods


3. Securing cargoes 2

4. Stability, trim and stress calculations


5. Opening, closing and securing hull openings


6. Ro-ro deck atmosphere


Total 25

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 78

Appendix I – Case study


B5 Department of Transportation, The Merchant Shipping Act 1894, mv Herald of Free Enterprise, Report of Court No. 8074 Formal Investigation, Crown Copyright 1987

The Flooding and capsize of ro-ro passenger ferry m/v HERALD OF FREE ENTERPRISE on 6 March 1987 resulted in the loss of 193 lives Location: Off the Port of Zeebrugge

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 79

Appendix II – Exercises

Exercise I: Dangerous goods and segregation You should load the following cargo: 2 Trailers with each 15 mt IMDG Class 3 1 Trailer with 8 mt IMDG Class 4.1 2 Trailer with each 16 mt IMDG Class 2.3 2 Trailer with 5 tonnes IMDG Class 2.3 How will you distribute the cargo on your ship? Use the tables referenced in the IMDG Code Section 7.2.4 and Section for stowage and segregation of cargo transport units on ro-ro ships Answer Key First check which classes to be segregated from each other

Class Class Segregation Code

3 4.1 Non segregation required

3 2.3 Segregation Code 2 – separated from

4.1 2.3 No segregation required

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 80

Exercise II: Dangerous goods and segregation

Cargo stowed under deck closed vs. closed, can you accept this stowage plan? Explain your answer.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 81

Exercise III: Loading and discharging operation and operational limits Ship Particulars Ro-ro – Passenger Ship Voyage: Manila to Port Capiz L.O.A: 150,00 m B.O.A: 22,10 m Draught: 6.0 m Maximum Payload: 910 mt Length of each lane for vehicles and trailers: 130 m Ship has two car decks, lower deck for trucks and trailer und upper deck for vehicles Lower Deck: Port and starboard. Side each two lane for trucks and trailer Upper Deck: Port and starboard. Side each 3 lanes for vehicles Both decks are subdivided by a longitudinal bulkhead which is placed in the center line of the ship Maximum Passenger: 700 passengers each passenger has an average weight of 75 kg.

Information for vehicles Each car has an average length of 2.5 m and an average weight of 1.2 tonnes.

Distance between each car in each lane: 30 cm Total cars to be loaded: 250 cars Information for Trucks including trailer: Total length of each truck including trailer: 14.5 m To be loaded: 12 truck including trailer an 18 tonnes 10 truck including trailer a 22 tonnes 6 trucks including trailer a 35 tonnes Condition on Departure: Stores (stock and bonds): 167,00 mt Bunkers (HFO and MDO): 350,21 mt FRW: 80.00 mt Lub. Oil: 12,30 mt Ballast: 830,00 mt Crews and effects: 5,25 mt

a. What is your displacement on departure? b. Please analyse if the ship can depart in this condition?

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 82

Exercise IV: Loading and discharging operation and operational limits

In the main season normally the number of passengers and amount of cargo will increase. Analyse the following case: A ro-ro passenger ship ferry type, stern and bow ramp for loading and discharging was on her voyage from Tanjungsekong to Kalianda (both Indonesia). As the ferry was approaching WP 4, on 12 November 2016 at 13:40 local time, there was a fire reported in the engine-room. At the time of the accident 950 passenger and 560 cars, 100 cars from the 560 cars were loaded on retractable car decks. These decks were set in addition. The axial load limit for cars was according to the capacity plan: 0,8 t per axis The GM on departure: 2.46 m The displacement on departure was 6178 mt L.O.A = 130 m and B.O.A: 19,3 m The ferry was built in 1988, with three longitudinal bulkheads, distance from each other 5 m. The bulkhead did not contain any cross-flooding devices or holes. The fire was very fast also affecting the car deck and the sprinkler system was activated. There was a sudden panic and all passengers crowded on port side. At 14:05 local time the ship capsized. From the 950 passengers, only 760 passengers could be rescued. Analyse the case taking all possibilities into account why the ferry capsized.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 83

Appendix III – Instructor feedback on model course To keep the training programme up to date in future, it is essential that users provide feedback. New information will provide better training for persons involved in the assessment, examination and/or certification of seafarers. Information, comments and suggestions should be sent to the Head, Maritime Training and Human Element, IMO.

International Maritime Organization Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7735 7611 Email: [email protected]

Feedback on Model Course x.xx: Passenger Safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training

Information, comments and suggestions regarding the model course and its implementation (please give your feedback below, indicating which part or page of the model course you are commenting on).

Contact information

Country: Organization: Title and Name: Address: Tel: Email:

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 84

Appendix IV

Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses Contents Part 1: Preparation Part 2: Notes on Teaching Technique Part 3: Curriculum Development Annex A1 Preparation checklist Annex A2 Example of a Model course syllabus in a subject area Annex A3 Example of a lesson plan for annex A2

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 85

Part 1: Preparation

1. Introduction 1.1 The success of any enterprise depends heavily on sound and effective preparations. 1.2 Although the IMO model course "package" has been made as comprehensive as possible, it is nonetheless vital that sufficient time and resources are devoted to preparation. Preparation not only involves matters concerning administration or organization, but also includes the preparation of any course notes, drawings, sketches, overhead transparencies, etc., which may be necessary. 2. General considerations 2.1 The course "package" should be studied carefully; in particular the course syllabus and associated material should be attentively and thoroughly studied. This is vital if a clear understanding is to be obtained of what is required, in terms of resources necessary to successfully implement the course. 2.2 A "checklist", such as that set out in annex A1, should be used throughout all stages of preparation to ensure that all necessary actions and activities are being carried out in good time and in an effective manner. The checklist allows the status of the preparation procedures to be monitored and helps in identifying the remedial actions necessary to meet deadlines. It will be necessary to hold meetings of all those concerned in presenting the course from time to time to assess the status of the preparation and "troubleshoot" any difficulties. 2.3 The course syllabus should be discussed with the teaching staff who are to present the course, and their views received on the parts they are to present. A study of the syllabus will determine whether the incoming trainees need preparatory work to meet the entry standard. The detailed teaching syllabus is constructed in "training outcome" format. Each specific outcome states precisely what the trainee should do to show that the outcome has been achieved. An example of a model course syllabus is given in annex A2. Part 3 deals with curriculum development and explains how a syllabus is constructed and used. 2.4 The teaching staff who are to present the course should construct notes or lesson plans to achieve these outcomes. A sample lesson plan for one of the areas of the sample syllabus is provided in annex A3. It is important that the staff who present the course convey, to the person in charge of the course, their assessment of the course as it progresses. 3. Specific considerations 3.1 Scope of course In reviewing the scope of the course, the instructor should determine whether it needs any adjustment to meet additional local or national requirements (see part 3). 3.2 Course objective 3.2.1 The course objective, as stated in the course material, should be very carefully considered so that its meaning is fully understood. Does the course objective require expansion to encompass any additional task that national or local requirements will impose upon those who successfully complete the course? Conversely, are there elements included which are not validated by national industry requirements?

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 86

3.2.2 It is important that any subsequent assessment made of the course should include a review of the course objectives.

3.3 Entry standards 3.3.1 If the entry standard will not be met by your intended trainee intake, those entering the course should first be required to complete an upgrading course to raise them to the stated entry level. Alternatively, those parts of the course affected could be augmented by inserting course material which will cover the knowledge required.

3.3.2 If the entry standard will be exceeded by your planned trainee intake, you may wish to abridge or omit those parts of the course the teaching of which would be unnecessary, or which could be dealt with as revision.

3.3.3 Study the course material with the above questions in mind and with a view to assessing whether it will be necessary for the trainees to carry out preparatory work prior to joining the course. Preparatory material for the trainees can range from refresher notes, selected topics from textbooks and reading of selected technical papers, through to formal courses of instruction. It may be necessary to use a combination of preparatory work and the model course material in modified form. It should be emphasized that where the model course material involves an international requirement, such as a regulation of the International Convention Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) 1978, as amended, the standard should not be relaxed; in many instances, the intention of the Convention is to require review, revision or increased depth of knowledge by candidates undergoing training for higher certificates.

3.4 Course certificate, diploma or document Where a certificate, diploma or document is to be issued to trainees who successfully complete the course, ensure that this is available and properly worded, and that the industry and all authorities concerned are fully aware of its purpose and intent. 3.5 Course intake limitations 3.5.1 The course designers have recommended limitations regarding the numbers of trainees who may participate in the course. As far as possible, these limitations should not be exceeded; otherwise, the quality of the course will be diluted.

3.5.2 It may be necessary to make arrangements for accommodating the trainees and providing facilities for food and transportation. These aspects should be considered at an early stage of the preparations.

3.6 Staff requirements 3.6.1 It is important that an experienced person, preferably someone with experience in course and curriculum development, is given the responsibility of implementing the course. 3.6.2 Such a person is often termed a "course coordinator" or "course director". Other staff, such as lecturers, instructors, laboratory technicians, workshop instructors, etc., will be needed to implement the course effectively. Staff involved in presenting the course will need to be properly briefed about the course work they will be dealing with, and a system should be set up for checking the material they may be required to prepare. To do this, it will be essential to make a thorough study of the syllabus and apportion the parts of the course work according to the abilities of the staff called upon to present the work.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 87

3.6.3 The person responsible for implementing the course should consider monitoring the quality of teaching in such areas as variety and form of approach, relationship with trainees, and communicative and interactive skills; where necessary, this person should also provide appropriate counselling and support. 3.7 Teaching facilities and equipment

Rooms and other services

3.7.1 It is important to make reservations as soon as is practicable for the use of lecture rooms, laboratories, workshops and other spaces. Equipment

3.7.2 Arrangements should be made at an early stage for the use of equipment needed in the spaces mentioned in 3.7.1 to support and carry through the work of the course. For example:

• blackboards and writing materials

• apparatus in laboratories for any associated demonstrations and experiments

• machinery and related equipment in workshops

• equipment and materials in other spaces (e.g. for demonstrating firefighting, personal survival, etc.).

3.8 Teaching aids

Any training aids specified as being essential to the course should be constructed or checked for availability and working order. 3.9 Audiovisual aids Audiovisual aids (AVA) may be recommended to reinforce the learning process in some parts of the course. Such recommendations will be identified in Part A of the model course. The following points should be borne in mind:

.1 Overhead projectors

Check through any illustrations provided in the course for producing overhead projector (OHP) transparencies and arrange them in order of presentation. To produce transparencies, a supply of transparency sheets is required; the illustrations can be transferred to these via photocopying. Alternatively, transparencies can be produced by writing or drawing on the sheet. Coloured pens are useful for emphasizing salient points. Ensure that spare projector lamps (bulbs) are available.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 88

.2 Slide projectors

If you order slides indicated in the course framework, check through them and arrange them in order of presentation. Slides are usually produced from photographic negatives. If further slides are considered necessary and cannot be produced locally, OHP transparencies should be resorted to. .3 Cine projector

If films are to be used, check their compatibility with the projector (i.e. 16 mm, 35 mm, sound, etc.). The films should be test-run to ensure there are no breakages.

.4 Video equipment

It is essential to check the type of video tape to be used. The two types commonly used are VHS and Betamax. Although special machines exist which can play either format, the majority of machines play only one or the other type. Note that VHS and Betamax are not compatible; the correct machine type is required to match the tape. Check also that the TV raster format used in the tapes (i.e. number of lines, frames/second, scanning order, etc.) is appropriate to the TV equipment available (specialist advice may have to be sought on this aspect). All video tapes should be test-run prior to their use on the course. .5 Computer equipment

If computer-based aids are used, check their compatibility with the projector and the available software.

.6 General note

The electricity supply should be checked for correct voltage, and every precaution should be taken to ensure that the equipment operates properly and safely. It is important to use a proper screen which is correctly positioned; it may be necessary to exclude daylight in some cases. A check should be made to ensure that appropriate screens or blinds are available. All material to be presented should be test-run to eliminate any possible troubles, arranged in the correct sequence in which it is to be shown, and properly identified and cross-referenced in the lesson plans.

3.10 IMO references The content of the course, and therefore its standard, reflects the requirements of all the relevant IMO international conventions and the provisions of other instruments as indicated in the model course. The relevant publications can be obtained from the Publication Service of IMO, and should be available, at least to those involved in presenting the course, if the indicated extracts are not included in a compendium supplied with the course. 3.11 Textbooks The detailed syllabus may refer to textbooks. It is essential that these books are available to each student taking the course. If supplies of textbooks are limited, a copy should be loaned to each student, who will return it at the end of the course. Again, some courses are provided with a compendium which includes all or part of the training material required to support the course.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 89

3.12 Bibliography Any useful supplementary source material is identified by the course designers and listed in the model course. This list should be supplied to the participants so that they are aware where additional information can be obtained, and at least two copies of each book or publication should be available for reference in the training institute library. 3.13 Timetable Model courses are developed providing a recommended range in duration of time for lectures, demonstrations, laboratories or simulator exercises and assessment. No formal timetable is included in model courses. Instructors should develop their own timetable depending on:

.1 the level of skills of trainees; .2 the numbers to be trained; .3 the number of instructors; and .4 simulator facilities and equipment available,

and normal practices at the training establishment.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 90

Part 2: Notes on Teaching Technique

1. Preparation 1.1 Identify the section of the syllabus which is to be dealt with. 1.2 Read and study thoroughly all the syllabus elements. 1.3 Obtain the necessary textbooks or reference papers which cover the training area to be presented. 1.4 Identify the equipment which will be needed, together with support staff necessary for its operation. 1.5 It is essential to use a "lesson plan", which can provide a simplified format for coordinating lecture notes and supporting activities. The lesson plan breaks the material down into identifiable steps, making use of brief statements, possibly with keywords added, and indicating suitable allocations of time for each step. The use of audiovisual material should be indexed at the correct point in the lecture with an appropriate allowance of time. The audiovisual material should be test-run prior to its being used in the lecture. An example of a lesson plan is shown in annex A3. 1.6 The syllabus is structured in training outcome format and it is thereby relatively straightforward to assess each trainee's grasp of the subject matter presented during the lecture. Such assessment may take the form of further discussion, oral questions, written tests or selection-type tests, such as multiple-choice questions, based on the outcomes used in the syllabus. Selection-type tests and short answer tests can provide an objective assessment independent of any bias on the part of the assessor. For certification purposes, assessors should be appropriately qualified for the training or assessment. Remember: poor preparation is a sure way to lose the interest of a group. 1.7 Check the rooms to be used before the lecture is delivered. Make sure that all the equipment and apparatus are ready for use and that any support staff are also prepared and ready. 2. Delivery 2.1 Always face the people you are talking to; never talk with your back to the group. 2.2 Talk clearly and sufficiently loudly to reach everyone. 2.3 Maintain eye contact with the whole group as a way of securing their interest and maintaining it (i.e. do not look continuously at one person, nor at a point in space). 2.4 People are all different, and they behave and react in different ways. An important function of a lecturer is to maintain interest and interaction between members of a group. 2.5 Some points or statements are more important than others and should therefore be emphasized. To ensure that such points or statements are remembered, they should be restated several times, preferably in different words. 2.6 If a blackboard is to be used, any writing on it should be clear and large enough for everyone to see. Use colour to emphasize important points, particularly in sketches.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 91

2.7 It is only possible to maintain a high level of interest for a relatively short period of time; therefore, break the lecture up into different periods of activity to keep interest at its highest level. Speaking, writing, sketching, use of audiovisual material, questions, and discussions can all be used to accomplish this. When a group is writing or sketching, walk among the group, looking at their work, and provide comment or advice to individual members of the group when necessary. 2.8 When holding a discussion, do not allow individual members of the group to monopolize the activity, but ensure that all members have a chance to express opinions or ideas. 2.9 If addressing questions to a group, do not ask them collectively; otherwise, the same person may reply each time. Instead, address the questions to individuals in turn, so that everyone is invited to participate. 2.10 It is important to be guided by the syllabus content and not to be tempted to introduce material which may be too advanced or may contribute little to the course objective. There is often competition between instructors to achieve a level which is too advanced. Also, instructors often strongly resist attempts to reduce the level to that required by a syllabus. 2.11 Finally, effective preparation makes a major contribution to the success of a lecture. Things often go wrong; preparedness and good planning will contribute to putting things right. Poor teaching cannot be improved by good accommodation or advanced equipment, but good teaching can overcome any disadvantages that poor accommodation and lack of equipment can present.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 92

Part 3: Curriculum Development 1. Curriculum The dictionary defines curriculum as a "regular course of study" while syllabus is defined as "a concise statement of the subjects forming a course of study". Thus, in general terms, a curriculum is simply a course, while a syllabus can be thought of as a list (traditionally, a "list of things to be taught"). 2. Course content The subjects which are needed to form a training course, and the precise skills and depth of knowledge required in the various subjects, can only be determined through an in-depth assessment of the job functions which the course participants are to be trained to perform (job analysis). This analysis determines the training needs, thence the purpose of the course (course objective). After ascertaining this, it is possible to define the scope of the course. (Note: Determination of whether the course objective has been achieved may quite possibly entail assessment, over a period, of the "on the job performance" of those completing the course. However, the detailed learning outcomes are quite specific and immediately assessable. 3. Job analysis A job analysis can only be properly carried out by a group whose members are representative of the organizations and bodies involved in work covered by the course. The validation of results, via review with persons currently employed in the job concerned, is essential if undertraining and overtraining are to be avoided. 4. Course plan Following definition of the course objective and scope, a course plan or outline can be drawn up. The potential students for the course (the trainee target group) should then be identified, the entry standard to the course decided and the prerequisites defined. 5. Syllabus The final step in the process is the preparation of the detailed syllabus with associated time scales; the identification of those parts of textbooks and technical papers which cover the training areas to a sufficient degree to meet, but not exceed, each learning outcome; and the drawing up of a bibliography of additional material for supplementary reading. 6. Syllabus content The material contained in a syllabus is not static; technology is continuously undergoing change and there should therefore be a means for reviewing course material to eliminate what is redundant and introduce new material reflecting current practice. As defined above, a syllabus can be thought of as a list and, traditionally, there have always been an "examination syllabus" and a "teaching syllabus"; these indicate, respectively, the subject matter contained in an examination paper, and the subject matter a teacher is to use in preparing lessons or lectures.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 93

7. Training outcomes 7.1 The prime communication difficulty presented by any syllabus is how to convey the "depth" of knowledge required. A syllabus is usually constructed as a series of "training outcomes" to help resolve this difficulty. 7.2 Thus, curriculum development makes use of training outcomes to ensure that a common minimum level and breadth of attainment is achieved by all the trainees following the same course, irrespective of the training institution (i.e. teaching/lecturing staff). 7.3 Training outcomes are trainee-oriented, in that they describe a result which is to be achieved by the trainee as a result of a learning process. 7.4 In many cases, the learning process is linked to a skill or work activity and, to demonstrate properly the attainment of the objective, the trainee response may have to be based on practical application or use, or on work experience. 7.5 The training outcome, although aimed principally at the trainee to ensure achievement of a specific learning step, also provides a framework for the teacher or lecturer upon which lessons or lectures can be constructed. 7.6 A training outcome is specific and describes precisely what a trainee should do to demonstrate his knowledge, understanding or skill as a product of a learning process. 7.7 The learning process is the "knowledge acquisition" or "skill development" that takes place during a course. The outcome of the process is an acquired "knowledge", "understanding", "skill"; but these terms alone are not sufficiently precise for describing a training outcome. 7.8 Verbs, such as "calculates", "defines", "explains", "lists", "solves" and "states" should be used when constructing a specific training outcome, to define precisely what the trainee will be enabled to do. 7.9 In the IMO model course project, the aim is to provide a series of model courses to assist instructors in developing countries to enhance or update the maritime training they provide, and to allow a common minimum standard to be achieved throughout the world. The use of training outcomes is a tangible way of achieving this desired aim. 8. Assessment Training outcomes describe an outcome which is to be achieved by the trainee. Of equal importance is the fact that such an achievement can be measured objectively through an evaluation which will not be influenced by the personal opinions and judgments of the examiner. Objective testing or evaluation provides a sound base on which to make reliable judgments concerning the levels of understanding and knowledge achieved, thus allowing an effective evaluation to be made of the progress of trainees in a course

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 94

Annex A1 Preparation Checklist

Ref. Component Identified Reserved Electricity supply Purchases Tested Accepted Started Finished Status

1 Course plan

2 Timetable

3 Syllabus

4 Scope

5 Objective

6 Entry Standard

7 Preparatory course

8 Course certificate

9 Participant numbers

10 Staffing; Coordinator Lecturers Instructors Technicians other

11 (a) (b)

Facilities; Rooms Lab Workshop Other Class Equipment Lab Workshop Other

12 AVA Equipment and materials OHP Slide Cine Video

13 IMO Reference

14 Textbooks

15 Bibliography

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 95

Annex A2 Example of a Model Course syllabus in a subject area Subject area: Ship construction Prerequisite: Have a broad understanding of shipyard practice General aims: Have knowledge of materials used in shipbuilding, specification of shipbuilding

steel and process of approval Textbooks: No specific textbook has been used to construct the syllabus, but the instructor

would be assisted in preparation of lecture notes by referring to suitable books on ship construction, such as Ship Construction by Eyres (T12) and Merchant Ship Construction by Taylor (T58)

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 96

Example of a model course syllabus


Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Total hours for

each topic

Total hours for each

subject area of required



3.1 CONTROL TRIM STABILITY and STRESS 3.1.1 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SHIP CONSTRUCTION, TRIM AND STABILITY .1 Shipbuilding materials .2 Welding .3 Bulkhead .4 Watertight and weather tight door .5 Corrosion and its prevention .6 Surveys and dry-docking .7 Stability

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 97

Part C3: Detailed Teaching Syllabus Introduction The detailed teaching syllabus is presented as a series of learning objectives. The objective, therefore, describes what the trainee should do to demonstrate that the specified knowledge or skill has been transferred. Thus, each training outcome is supported by several related performance elements in which the trainee is required to be proficient. The teaching syllabus shows the required performance expected of the trainee in the tables that follow. To assist the instructor, references are shown to indicate IMO references and publications, textbooks and teaching aids that instructors may wish to use in preparing and presenting their lessons. The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching syllabus; in particular:

• teaching aids (indicated by A);

• IMO references (indicated by R); and

• textbooks (indicated by T), will provide valuable information to instructors. Explanation of information contained in the syllabus tables The information on each table is systematically organized in the following way. The line at the head of the table describes the FUNCTION with which the training is concerned. A function means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities as specified in the STCW Code. It describes related activities which make up a professional discipline or traditional departmental responsibility on board. The header of the first column denotes the COMPETENCE concerned. Each function comprises a number of competences. For example, Function 3, Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on board at the Management Level, comprises a number of COMPETENCES. Each competence is uniquely and consistently numbered in this model course. In this function the competence is Control trim, stability and stress. It is numbered 3.1; that is, the first competence in Function 3. The term "competence" should be understood as the application of knowledge, understanding, proficiency, skills, experience for an individual to perform a task, duty or responsibility on board in a safe, efficient and timely manner. Shown next is the required TRAINING OUTCOME. The training outcomes are the areas of knowledge, understanding and proficiency in which the trainee should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Each COMPETENCE comprises a number of training outcomes. For example, the above competence comprises three training outcomes. The first is concerned with FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SHIP CONSTRUCTION, TRIM AND STABILITY. Each training outcome is uniquely and consistently numbered in this model course. That concerned with fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability is uniquely numbered 3.1.1. For clarity, training outcomes are printed in black type on grey, for example TRAINING OUTCOME.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 98

Finally, each training outcome embodies a variable number of required performances – as evidence of competence. The instruction, training and learning should lead to the trainee meeting the specified required performance. For the training outcome concerned with fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability there are three areas of performance. These are: Shipbuilding materials Welding Bulkheads Following each numbered area of required performance there is a list of activities that the trainee should complete, and which collectively specify the standard of competence that the trainee should meet. These are for the guidance of teachers and instructors in designing lessons, lectures, tests and exercises for use in the teaching process. For example, under the topic, to meet the required performance, the trainee should be able to:

- state that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon the type and amounts of alloying materials used;

- state that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by classification

societies - state that shipbuilding steel is tested and graded by classification society surveyors

who stamp it with approval marks, and so on. IMO references (Rx) are listed in the column to the right-hand side. Teaching aids (Ax), videos (Vx) and textbooks (Tx) relevant to the training outcome and required performances are placed immediately following the TRAINING OUTCOME title. It is not intended that lessons are organized to follow the sequence of required performances listed in the tables. The syllabus tables are organized to match with the competence in the STCW Code table A-II/2. Lessons and teaching should follow college practices. It is not necessary, for example, for ship building materials to be studied before stability. What is necessary is that all of the material is covered, and that teaching is effective to allow trainees to meet the standard of the required performance.

HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 99


COMPETENCE 3.1 Control trim, stability and stress IMO Reference


Textbooks: T11, T12, T35, T58, T69 Teaching aids: A1, A4, A5, A6, A7

Required performance:

1.1 Shipbuilding materials (3 hours)

- state that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon the type and amounts of alloying materials used - state that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by classification societies - state that shipbuilding steel is tested and graded by classification society surveyors, who stamp it with approval marks - explain that mild steel, graded A to E, is used for most parts of the ship - state why higher tensile steel may be used in areas of high stress, such as the sheer strake - explain that the use of higher tensile steel in place of mild steel results in a saving of weight for the same strength - explain what is meant by: • tensile strength • ductility • hardness • toughness - define strain as extension divided by original length - sketch a stress – strain curve for mild steel - explain: • yield point • ultimate tensile stress • modulus of elasticity - explain that toughness is related to the tendency to brittle fracture - explain that stress fracture may be initiated by a small crack or notch in a plate - states that cold conditions increase the chances of brittle fracture - states why mild steel is unsuitable for the very low temperatures involved in the containment of liquefied gases - list examples where castings or forgings are used in ship construction -explain the advantages of the use of aluminum alloys in the construction of superstructures - state that aluminum alloys are tested and graded by classification society surveyors explains how strength is preserved in aluminum superstructures in the event of fire - describe the special precautions against corrosion that are needed where aluminum alloy is connected to steelwork


HTW 7/3/1/Add.1 Annex, page 100

Annex A3

Example of a lesson plan for annex A2 Subject area: 3.1 Control trim, stability and stress (excerption) Lesson number: 1 Training area: 3.1.1 Fundamental principles of ship construction, trim and stability Duration: 3 hours

Main element Specific training outcome teaching sequence, with memory keys

Teaching method

Textbook IMO Reference

A/V aid

Instructor Guidelines

Lecture Notes

Time (minutes)

1.1 Shipbuilding materials.

• State that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon the type and amounts of alloying materials used


T12, T58

STCW II/2, A-11/2

V5 to V7


Compiled by the lecturer


• State that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by classification societies

Lecture T12, T58 STCW II/2, A-11/2

V5 to V7


Compiled by the lecturer


• Explain that mild steel, graded A to E, is used for most parts of the ship

Lecture T12, T58 STCW II/2, A-11/2

V5 to V7


Compiled by the lecturer


• State why higher tensile steel may be used in areas of high stress, such as the sheer strake

Lecture T12, T58 STCW II/2, A-11/2

V5 to V7


Compiled by the lecturer


• Explain that use of higher tensile steel in place of mild steel results in a saving of weight for the same strength

Lecture T12, T58 STCW II/2, A-11/2

V5 to V7


Compiled by the lecturer

