hennen' s choice - seeking my roots


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Volume One





Standard Book Number 87012-025-5 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-25901

Printed in the United States of America Copyright ©1970 by Dorothy Tennant Hennen

Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370


This book has been compiled in order to share with other interested persons the interesting lives and times of Matthew Hennen and his numer­ous descendants. With the constant encouragement and assistance of my husband, I hope that I have presented his family in a manner easily follow­ed and understood by each and everyone into whose hands the books might enter.

More than ten years of research has gone into this effort and in that time hundreds of wonderful persons have offered their help and enthusiasm. Sadly some have passed on before seeing the finished work. To all who have helped in any way, I wish to extend my many thanks. It would be im­possible to list each one individually.

The title of this book is not original. In 1 785 Matthew Hennen received a warrant for the land on which he had earlier erected his log cabin; he named this tract 11Hennen's Choice. 11 In 1816 his eldest son, Thomas, re­ceived a warrant for land on which he had earlier erected a log cabin and taken up residence; he named this tract 11Hennen's Choice. 11 It seemed we could find no more fitting title for the record of the family.

It must be borne in mind that no genealogy or family history has ever been written that has been free from error. Where conflicting data was re­ceived I attempted to use the most likely record. I can only offer my sin­cere apologies for any errors or omissions. In many instances repeated efforts were made to obtain the data but responses were not forthcoming.

I hope that any necessary corrections and additions will be sent to me at the earliest convenience so that they might be included in future publi­cations.

Dorothy T. Hennen (Mrs. M. James Hennen Jr.) 519 Fourth Avenue Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370


In this work you will find used a numbering system which has been be­lieved to be the simplest method to follow through and locate your family even though you have no previous knowledge very far back.

The name of each individual direct descendant found herein will be pre­ceded by a number which is his identification and will help to distinguish him from all others who might bear the same name. As an example: M. James Hennen Jr. is # 1622; no other person will bear this number. Any time or place this number is found it refers to the same person.

A name entirely in upper case, or capital, letters preceded by his in­dividual number indicates that this line is not carried further; it may be completed.

Raised numbers following a name indicate the generation of this indi­vidual. As an example: M. James Hennen Jr. 6 means he is the sixth gen­eration down from Matthew Hennen1 .

This book is divided into six parts of general information which are fol­lowed by a list of the families included herein. At the end are blank pages for your personal use. The six parts are actually different generations. Only a few minutes of your time will be required to take your own family back to the common ancestor if you will follow this example ( I shall use our own family as the example):

Turn to the end of the list of families and scan backward until you lo­cate your own family; in our case # 1622 M. James Hennen Jr. and Dorothy Tennant. The index shows that this family will be found on page 371; by turning to this page you will find that the father of # 1622 was # 543 Monad James Hennen Sr. The index shows this family will be found on page 187; turning to this page you will find that the father of # 543 was # 118 Oliver Spencer Hennen whose family is recorded on page 88. This latter page in­dicates that the father of# 118 was #45 George Hennen and his family is on page 42, showing the father of #45 to have been #3 Thomas Hennen. Now turn to page 19 and you will find that the father of # 3 was # 1 Matthew Henn­en, our common ancestor.

We have thus found the line to be M. James Hennen Jr. 6Monad James Hennen Sr. 5qliver Spencer Hennen4George Hennen3Thomas Hennen 2 Ma­tthew Hennen .

By the use of this simplified system you will readily be able to trace your family back to the common ancestor.



Matthew Hennen #1

PART II SECOND GENERATION 19 #2 through # 14

PART ill THIRD GENERATION 39 # 15 through # 84

PART IV FOURTH GENERATION 75 # 85 through # 40 7

PARTV FIFTH GENERATION 155 #408 through # 1193

PART VI SIXTH GENERATION 307 #1194 through #2776





FIRST GENERATION ••.••....••.•.•...•.••..•.••••• Page 3

Matthew Hennen #1

Some two hundred years ago a young lad left the shores of his native Ire­;tartd to find a new home in the Colonies, as our country was then known. We "Im.ow not the exact time of this event; nor do we know the place of his arriv­al. It is most certain that he was accompanied by his parents as well as by his brothers and sisters. It is also most likely that this migration included ,§1:lyeral families of their acquaintance and, according to tradition, they first settled in Maryland.

This young lad was the progenitor of the vast family which we have en­cfeavored to record. His descendants may rightfully boast of this ancestor ;ho, as a young man, fought so bravely for his adopted homeland.

MATTHEW HENNEN was born in the Province of Ulster, Ireland, on the 21st day of November 1752. We know nothing of his childhood but we can be sure it was a busy one. He probably had little, if any, formal education; however, all documents bearing his signature have been signed in a well trained hand and indications are that he was a very shrewd businessman.

Let us pause briefly to think about conditions in our country at that time. Little of the inland country was inhabited by white people, it still being firm­ly held by the Indians with only Indian trails breaking the wilderness. .The Allegheny Mountains were considered almost impassable; therefore, nearly all civilization remained east of this mountain range. Wild animals roamed the wilderness in plentiful supply; danger lurked, not around every corner, but behind every tree.

The great question regarding this area was whether it was in Pennsyl­vania or Virginia. This issue was somewhat settled by the running of the Mason-Dixon line which came to a sudden halt in September, 1767. This termination was a short distance west of Mt. Morris, in Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. The extension of this line was not completed until 1784, at which time this territory was firmly established as being in Pennsylvania and the residents immediately began obtaining clear titles to their land. Many of these people were holding their lands on certificates granted by the state of Virginia; these certificates were honored by the state of Pennsylvania.

In 1776, Virginia had established the County of Monongalia claiming with­in its bounds all this territory north to Pittsburgh, except the western third which was claimed within the bounds of Ohio County, Virginia. In 1771 Bed­ford County, Pennsylvania, was formed from Cumberland County and claim­ed all this vast territory west of the Allegheny Mountains. However, in 1773, Westmoreland County was formed from Bedford County and we were within its bounds until the establishment of Washington County in 1781. This in­cluded the territory west of the Monongahela River and the area remained thus until we came into our own with the establishment of Greene County in 1796. Our boundary has remained unchanged since the latter date except for a minor dispute about the northwestern corner of the county. This involved Finley Township and it was finally decreed to be in Washington County with Richhill Township being the furthermost corner of our county.

Few white people, other than traders, are known to have ventured west 3

of the Monongahela River before 1 760. The first permanent white settlers came before 1 765 and soon others followed but most remained in the eastern two-thirds of the county. The vast number of Indian depradations in the west­ern part of the county accounted for its later settlement.

We know that Dunkard Creek was a steam of great importance at that time; therefore, it is likely to assume that many of these early settlers did make exploratory journeys along this stream. We are certain that Matthew Hennen was one of the pioneer adventurers to the headwaters of Dunkard Creek. His son, Thomas Hennen, was later to become one of the first per­manent settlers on these same headwaters.

Sometime in the year 1773 Matthew Hennen ventured up Dunkard Creek into the extreme western part of Clay District in Monongalia County, West Virginia. He was a young man of twenty-one years at that time and this may have been his first trip into this area which was then uninhabited by white people. Evidently he was much impressed with what he found for he obtain­ed possession of four hundred acres of land which was then held by David Casto. This land had originally been claimed by Alexander Clegg, who as­signed it to Aaron Jenkins; Jenkins returned it to Clegg, who assigned it to David Casto. Upon his obtaining the land, Matthew Hennen proceeded to make an improvement thereon thus indicating that he may have planned to re­turn there to live. It is unlikely that he ever took up residence there as it was far removed from any fort and the Indians were quite numerous in that section, many massacres having occured along Dunkard Creek. He did, how­ever, have this tract of land surveyed on the 28th day of May, 1784; he re­ceived the patent for same some two years later.

Following is a true and exact copy of this land patent as recorded in the Auditor's Office at Charleston, West Virginia:

Patrick Henry, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia: To All to Whom these Presents shall Come, Greeting:

Know Ye, That by Virtue of a certificate in right of settlement giv­en by the commissioners for adjusting claims to unpatented lands in the district of Monongalia Yohogania & Ohio & in consideration of the amount Composition of two pounds Sterling paid by Mathew Hennon in­to the treasury of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Mathew Hennon assignee of David Casto assee. of Alexander Cleg assee of Aaron Jenkins who was assignee of Alexander Cleg a certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres, by survey bearing date the 28th day of May 1784, ly­ing & being in the county of Monongalia on one of the branches of Dunkard Creek called Kellums fork including his Improvement made in the year 1773, & bounded as followeth, to wit: Beginning at a white oak tree near the State line & running S. 40 W. 160 poles to a sugar tree S. 50 E. 120 poles to a lynn tree S. 40 W. 10 poles to a cherry tree S. 50 E .. 264 poles to a white ash N. 40 E. 170 poles to a poplar N. 50 W. 384 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances.

To Have and To Hold the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with its 4

appurtenances, to the said Mathew Hennon and his heirs forever. In Witness Whereof, The said Patrick Henry, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and 86 and of the Commonwealth the 11th

signed: P. Henry A portion of the above land was sold by Matthew Hennen to Rev. John

Corbly and, although no deed can be found for this transaction, proof of the sale is found in the will of Rev. Corbly, who died 9 June 1803. In this will he left the land to his son, Andrew Corbly, who lived on said land for sev­eral years before removing to Tyler County, Virginia (now West Virginia). On 30 December 1825, Matthew Hennen and wife, Elizabeth, sold seventy­one acres of this tract of land to William Tennant. The preceding is the earliest proven record we have of Matthew Hennen in this territory.

Many people had settled in the eastern part of now Greene County, Penn­sylvania by 1 774, forming small settlements of people who had reason to foresee a peaceful life of plenty. The feeling of security was short lived for in the spring of 1774 the savage Indians invaded the area committing many unprovoked murders on these unsuspecting settlers. Fear replaced the hope of all and word was soon received that Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, was asking for volunteers to help subdue the Indians. Without hesitation many inhabitants of the Garards Fort area (as well as elsewhere) volunteered for this service. Matthew Hennen, who had taken up residence in that area, set out to serve his country in an attempt to restore peace and harmony. He thus served as a messenger for Lord Dunmore and met with him frequently. He informed Lord Dunmore of the skill and marksmanship of men in this neigh­borhood; these men also joined in an effort to settle the uprisings. At the close of Dunmore 's Campaign Matthew Hennen returned to his home in what later became Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania.

Again peace was of short duration as the country was soon to enter into war with Great Britain in an effort to obtain independence from the Mother Country. This was the war we know as the Revolutionary War and extended from late in the year of 1776 until late in 1783. Matthew Hennen, as before, was one of the first to volunteer in the service of his country. A most inter­esting first hand account of this service is recorded in his application for pension for said service as found in the National Archives in Washington, D. C. It reads as follows:

On this 19th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two personally appeared before the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County aforesaid (it being a court of record), Matthew Hennen a resident of Dunkard Township in the County and State aforesaid aged eighty years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declara­tion in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.


That he enlisted in the 8th Pennsylvania regiment as a soldier for the term of three years--that he was enlisted by Captain John Wilson in the month of August 1776 at Minors mill dam (now Greene County, Penna.) that deponent also bought David Fitzgibbons a servant of one Edward Rollins and paid him fifty dollars for his time in Continental money--and afterwards prevailed upon said Fitzgibbons to enlist in said Capt. Wilsons company--that this deponent never received a dollar either for what he paid for the freedom of said Fitzgibbons or for his own services except five Dollars which he received at Car­lisle on his way down to Philadelphia) that deponent marched soon after he was enlisted to Kittaning in the regiment commanded by Col. Enos McCoy--where the regiment remained for several months to guard the Kittaning neighbourhood (near Pittsburg) against the Indians After the expiration of a few months our regiment was ordered on to join the grand camp we first march'd through Philadelphia to Bon­brook the regiment was march 'd to Germantown in expectation of an engagement with the British there, but on their arrival was deceived and returned to Bonbrook--deponent was taken sick at Germantown and was placed in a hospital in Philadelphia where deponent remained so unwell as to be unable to do active duty till some time after the battle of Brandywine--soon after the battle the deponent was removed to the hospital at Bethany--where he remained during the winter--de­ponent when he first arrived in Philadelphia which was in Dec. 1776. was exchanged from the 8th Penna. regiment to the 8th Virginia reg­iment commanded by Colonel Bowman under the following circum­stances--deponent agreed with one George Askins or Gaskins as fol­lows--deponent had nearly three years to serve in the Penna. line & said Askins had fifteen months to serve in the Virginia line--said Askins agreed to serve out deponents time provided deponent would give him ten pounds and serve out his term in the Virginia service-­this deponent agreed to do so and gave him the ten pounds so that deponent was then attached to the 8th Virginia regiment & served out said Askins time fifteen months in said regiment--his Captains name was William Crochan Before deponent took sick Capt Crochan and himself came out to Pittsburg in search of deserters--deponent got a permit to stay with his family (who then lived about fifty miles South west of Pittsburg) for three weeks--dept. remained with his family these three weeks and returned to his regiment which then lay in the Jerseys--deponent met them on their march and went with them to Germantown as aforesaid--deponent was discharged by Brigadier General Scott at Valley Forge in March 1778. dept. has lost his dis­charge deponent was born in the province of Ulster in Ireland on the 21st of November 1752. deponent lost the record of his age given to him by his father--deponent lived when called into service where he now lives (in Greene County, Penna.) and has lived here since depo­nent has no written evidence of his services--and does not know of


anyone living who can prove his services--deponent can prove his char­acter by the Rev. Nicholas Hagar and Abia Minor

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annu­ity except the present and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of any Agency of any state except on that of Pennsylvania which gives him forty dollars payable Semi annually. Sworn & subscribed this 19th day of Nov. 1832 Matthew Hennen

On the same day Nicholas Hagar, a clergyman, and Abia Minor certified their belief of the above record. On the following day, 20th day of November 1832, Stephen Gapen (then a resident of Monongalia County, Virginia) affirm­ed that he knew Matthew Hennen enlisted as stated and that he saw him march with the company. He further stated that he knew he was not home, except the one time mentioned, until the year 1778. The pension remained pending for some months and Matthew Hennen appeared again on the 26th day of June 1833; this time he stated that to the best of his knowledge he served fifteen months in the Virginia line and five months in the Pennsylvania line. At this latter date Gideon Long appeared as a witness substantiating the service rec­ord as stated by Matthew Hennen; both Long and Hennen had enlisted in the same company and marched at the same time. The pension was granted on the 8th day of August 1833, with arrears to be paid from the 4th day of March 1831. Amount of the pension was to be sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents per year.

After his discharge at Valley Forge, Matthew Hennen returned to his home in now Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania and had many more tours of duty in an effort to protect his family and neighbors against the Indian incursions. He served as a first sergeant of Westmoreland County Militia in the Big Whiteley District, served in the same capacity in the Wash­ington County Militia and for more than a year was ensign in the Washington County Militia. These militiamen were constantly on the alert guarding the home front; they took turns in doing tours of duty.

During all this time when the dangers were greatest and farting made necessary, Matthew Hennen's family took refuge in Garards Fort which was quite near his home. Matthew Hennen assisted in building this fort and, along with his family, he found a place of refuge with his neighbors during the war years. It is quite likely that some of his children may even have been born within the fort.

It is most pleasing to be able to record such an enviable record as that of Matthew Hennen in his service to his country; we should all stop and con­sider the wonderful heritage he has given us. At the first call for troops he volunteered his services to Lord Dunmore in the incursions against the In­dians. When our country decided to fight for independence against Great Britain he was among the first to volunteer and obtain others to join the forces. They marched the width of the state of Pennsylvania into New Jersey, thence back across the Delaware River under the leadership of General George Washington. He suffered through the grim winter at Valley Forge, about which


we have heard from early school days, and returned home to help protect his family.

In addition to the aforementioned we find in the records of Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia) that Matthew Hennen had also supplied horses for troops there. A claim for this was filed in 1784.

He also served at various times as a juror and as early as 1 785 he was serving in the capacity of a constable in Greene Township.

We shall now consider Matthew Hennen as a husband and father as well as a quite successful farmer and land owner. It has already been shown that as early as 1773 he owned 400 acres of land in Monongalia County (Va.) which he still held in its entirety until about 1800 when he sold a portion of same to Rev. John Corbly. The tax list for Greene Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania (this now being Dunkard Township, Greene County) in the year 1781 shows he was taxed for 600 acres of land, 2 horses, 2 cows and 4 sheep. In 1 786 he obtained an additional 386 acres of land in Greene Township mak­ing his holdings there at least 986 acres.

Matthew Hennen came into now Greene County (Pa.) as a permanent set­tler as early as 1773-74, taking up a tract of land at the head of what is now known as Robert's Run in Dunkard Township. He immediately erected a one room log cabin for his family and set about clearing land. This tract con­sisted of about 250 acres on which he took out a warrant as "Hennon's Choice" on the 29th day of March 1 785. He later built an addition onto this original log cabin. The original log cabin has since fallen to ruin but the addition still stands although in a sad state of disrepair. A portion of the stone from the original foundation was brought to Waynesburg a few years ago and used in its uncut form to build a stone wall in the back-yard of the home of M. James Hennen Jr., a great, great, great grandson of Matthew Hennen.

The direct tax list for 1798 (assessed 1799) as found in the National Ar­chives at Washington, D. C. reveals that the home tract of land whereon Matthew Hennen resided contained 243 acres valued at $925. 00. It had erect­ed thereon one cabin 20' x 16', one cabin 12' x 12' and one cabin 20' x 18'; also a barn 30' x 20'. Adjoining property owners at that time included John Millburn, William Heston and Rawson Alley.

Matthew Hennen resided in this same area until his death some sixty-six years later. He sold some of the land and conveyed a small tract to two of his grandchildren, leaving 92 acres which he held at the time of his death. On this farm he made a comfortable living for his wife and thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters.

The last written record we have found for Matthew Hennen is an affidavit signed in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, in February, 1839. This was in support of the application of Hannah Long, widow of Gideon Long, for pension as a widow of a Revolutionary War Soldier. A trip of this length in the middle of the winter must have been quite difficult for Matthew Hennen, who was then eighty-six years of age.

The will of Matthew Hennen is recorded in Greene County, Pennsylvania Will Book 2, page 117; it was written 15 January 1834 and probated 6 Jan-


uary 1840. It reads as follows: In the name of God amen I Matthew Hennen of Greene County

Dunkard Township and State of Pennsylvania Farmer. Being in a declining state of body but of sound and Disposing mind and judg­ment, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this my present Life, have made and ordained this My testament and last will. --First I commend my soul to God who gave it, and my body to the earth, to be buried with Christian burial at the discretion of my surviving family and Executors here in after named. --My worldly substance with which I have been Blessed I dispose of in the following manner viz. It is my will that my lawful debts be paid out of my estate by my Executors. To my Beloved wife Elizabeth Hennen I give all My Real and personal Estate during her widowhood and in case my wife should marry then she shall only hold and enjoy one third of Real and personal Estate of mine. I give and Bequeath unto Ten of my Eldest Children viz. Thomas Hennen William Hennen John Hermens heirs Matthew Hennen George Hennen Ebenezer Hennen Elizabeth Burdge Jane Barnes Mary Rutter and Rachel Butcher to have one dollar each of them Except Rachel Butcher and she to have twenty dollars one year after my decease. After the death of my wife Elizabeth Hennen I will that my Executors sell all my Real and per­sonal Estate as soon as convenient and Divide the proceds of the sale in to three Equal shairs Between Alexander Hennen David Hennen & Nancy Hennen shair & sheare equal with the three last named And I do hereby appoint Samuel Clevenger and Jona Morris my Executors of this my last will and Testament Revoking and disanuling all others and declaring this to be my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of Jany. 1834. Signed and sealed in presence of us Jona Morris George Paul Matthew Hennen (Seal) Levi Morris

The personal property of Matthew Hennen, deceased, was appraised 10 January 1840 by Alfred Myers and Corbly Garard as follows:

Cash in hand $30. 00 1 Pocket book . 12 1/2 1 Brass Clock 2 Pot trammels & 1 fire shovel 1 Desk 4 puter plates & 1 white Queensware plate 1 set knives & forks & sundry old knives Sundry Erthenware tins & spoons etc. 2 buckets wood & tin 1 Dresser churn & bread bowl 1 lantern skimmer & candlemoles 2 washing tubs


12.00 1.00 8.00

. 75

. 75 1. 00 .50

1. 50 .25


1 ten gallon kettle 1 Log chain 1 hatchet 1 choping axe 1 Bedstead Bed & Beding 1 do do do 3 chairs 2 Maal Barrels & 1 Barrel & Salt 1 Chest & dough trough 1 Lot Clean Oats 1 Lot Clean Buckwheat 1 Lot Corn in the year 1 Beef Hide 6 Hoggs 1 Bay Mare 3 Bull Calves 1 Hay Stack 2 Sheep 1 Windmill 1 shovel 1 Plow 1 iron wedge 1 table 1 cake tallow 1 pair stilliards 1/3 of an oats stack 1 Side Harnes 1/3 field wheat 1 Lot Potatoes @20 per bushel 1 Lot wheat in stack @409 per bu. 1 barrel & Pork 1 barrel & table

(Above items may be mis-spelled--difficult to read)

1.00 1.00


. 75 8.00 5.00

.50 1. 50

.50 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 5.00

25.00 12.00 5.00 1.00 1. 50

.12 3.00



. 75

.12 3.00 2.50 5.00

5.00 .12 1/2

The brass clock must have been a treasured possession in the household and at the sale of the above personal property we find David Hennen, son of Matthew, purchased said clock. Much of the other property was purchased by David and Nancy Hennen, thus keeping it within the family; Alexander Hennen purchased the oats in stack. It is also interesting to note the ac­counts payable by Matthew Hennen, deceased, as filed by the executors. They are as follows:

1. Printer 6. 75 2. Register--George Hoskinson 3. & 4. Nancy Hennen--Judgment

4.25 227.00

5. Jona Morris--account 22.24 6. Edmond Phillips--Making 700 rails & finding timber

@. 75 per hundred--1839 5.37 1/2 10

7. George Hennen--legacy--signed George Hennen 1. 00 8. C. A. Mestrezat--book account 2. 75

Mathew Hanan Dr. to C. A. & W. Mestrezat April 21st 1838--Amount of order to

D. Steele for 1.25 .18 3/4 May 25

August 15 1 lb. tobacco pr. J. McCleur 1 lb. tea . 75 ) 3 oz. indigo @18 3/4 = 56 1/4) 1 barrel salt wt 350 4. 37 1/2)


November 17 June 19th 1839

1 paper tacks per David 1 lb. tobacco per

Nancy 5. 68 3/4

.12 1/2

Nancy Hennan .18 3/4 September 20 1 lb. tobacco . 18 3/4 ) per

1 ball shoe thread . 12 1/2) Nancy

June 26, 1839 by cash paid by Nancy Hennen Balance Due

9, Alfred Myers--appraiser 10. William Hennen--legacy--made his mark

• 31 1/4 7. 75 5.00 2. 75 1.00 1.00

11. John Bussey--account Madowrun

10. 37 1/2

Mathew Hennen Dec. Dr. to John Bussy

merchandise probate

10.25 .12 1/2

10. 37 1/2 12. Rebecca Long--account .50 13. Corbly Garard--cryer & appraiser 3. 00 14. M. Hennen--legacy--signed Matthew Hennen Jr. 1.00 15. Thomas Hennen--legacy--signed Thomas Hennen 1. 00 16. John Wilkinson--tax for year 1840 2.11 17. William Neal--coffin 8.00 18. Benjamin Long--services rendered estate 4. 00 19. Christian Cowell 3.45 20. John Phelan--costs . 25 21. B. F, Black--balance of my account 7.05 22. John Coleman--Balance on books, etc. 13, 70 23. Fred Garrison--poor tax on farm sold to

John Jemison . 52 24. Thomas Mapel & Orr--acct. 2. 56

25. Pierce Linch--note to Mary Degarmo signed by Alexander Hannon & Matthew Hennen 23 December 1837 9. 24

26. George & Samuel Higinbotham 32. 51 11

Mr. Matthew Hannan, Dec'd Mapel Town

In Ape. with Saml Higinbotham 1835 August 11th

Sept. 18th

Nov. 16th


1835. Nov. 25


1 Batt Cot. yarn 3 lbs. madder 31 1/4 1 coffee pot 3 plugs tobacco 2 lbs. tobacco per Nancy

.16 1 1/4 lbs Cot wick per

Saml Snider • 37 1/2 5 lb. Tobacco . 16 2 lb. Coffee . 18 3/4 1 lb. Pepper 1/2 lb. tea . 94

1 pr. shoes 1 lb. ginger & 4 tincups

1. 75 . 93 3/4 . 37 1/2 . 08 1/2




.37 1/2



1. 62 1/2 .50

Jan. 24th Order per Peter Stoneking 3. 50 1 lb. tobacco per Nancy .16

April 27th 8 3/4 lb. iron 6 1/4 . 54 1/4 Cash lent . 3 7 1/2

Nov. 15th 3 yds wallpaper 6 1/4 . 18 3/4 2 lbs. tobacco 18 3/4 .37 1/2

28th 2 Dress Hdla per Daur 50 1. 00 II II • 62 1/2

1/4 lb tea 1.00 .25 on his order to

Jas. Higinbotham . 56 Dec. 28th 7 yds calico per D. Steel's

1837 Jan. 25th

July 22nd 1838

wife 37 1/2 2.62 1/2 1 lb. tobacco .18 3/4

3 lbs coffee per J. Garrison 18 3/4 . 56 1/2

2 lbs. tobacco 18 3/4 . 37 1/2 1 coffee pot per Nancy .50

Feb. By cash per J. McLure 10.00 Nov. 24th to order per David Hannan 1. 3 7 1/2

21.15 Interest after 6 mo 2. 63

23. 78 Amount paid 10.00


balance 13. 78 Interest after 6mos. ~

14.11 Mapel Town Oct. 14th 1840

Mr. Matthew Hannon Deed.

1837 Nov. 25th

1838 May 10th

Augst. 23th

Oct. 11th


Nov. 17th 1839 Jan. 5th

June 22nd Augst. 14th

Sept. 20th

In Ape. with Geo. Higinbotham

To 1 batt Cot. yarn per order 1. 75 1 lb madder " " . 25 1/2 lb alum " " . 06 1/4

1 Batt Cot. yarn per Nancy 1. 75 1 lb tobacco " " . 12 1/2 1 paper pins . 12 1/2 1/8 lb tea . 75 . 09 1 1/2 lbs madder per

Nancy .25 1 lb alum 1 Tinbucket 1 Batt. Cott. yarn per

J. McLure Order per Nancy 3 lbs coffee . 16 2/3 1 paper tacks by David

3 lbs. coffee per Nancy .16 2/3

2 lbs coffee . 12 1/2 1 oven & lid per Nancy 8 yds ticking per Nancy

.35 1 lb tobacco

. 37 1/2 .12 1/2 • 37 1/2

1. 75 1.62 1/2


.12 1/2


.50 1. 37 1/2

2.80 .18 3/4

6 lbs coffee per Nancy 1. 00 1 sett knives & Forks 1. 62 1/2 3 yds muslin . 15 • 45 1/2 sett. Teas. . 37 1/2 .18 3/4

$17.40 1/4 Intrust for 1 year 1.00

2 7. Accountants services $18.40 1/4

50.00 2.00 28. Chas. A. Black--services

29. Ebenezer, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Rachel & John Hennen legacies (no receipt for any of these)

30. George Hoskinson--Register 31. Bad Money--Gallepolis


6.00 6. 37 5.00

The land on which Matthew Hennen resided at the time of his death (it being a portion of the original home tract of land) was sold on the 16 day of February 1844 to Spicer Jamison for the sum of one thousand and twenty­nine dollars .

The children of Matthew Hennen had gradually moved away from home leaving only Nancy, Alexander and David residing in Dunkard Township when Matthew died. Nancy was unmarried and lived at home; David and his family resided on the small tract of land which Matthew had conveyed to David's two sons. Alexander was married and resided some distance from his father but still in the same township. Two sons, Thomas and George, had removed to the upper part of Greene County; William and Matthew, Jr. were in nearby Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia). Rachel was in Tyler County, Virginia (now Wetzel County, West Virginia); Ebenezer was in Clinton County, Ohio; John was deceased and the other three are not definite­ly located.

Of particular interest is the appearance in Dunkard Township census for 1840 of an elder David Hannon as head of a household containing one male of age 40 to 50 years, one male aged 60 to 70 years, one female aged 15 to 20 years and one female aged 70 to 80 years. The listing of his neighbors would indicate that he might have been residing where Matthew had formerly resided. The younger David (son of Matthew) is listed nearby and Nancy was living a­lone at that time. One can only wonder if this elder David was a brother of Matthew, having been called in by his brother's death. No further record of this David has been found.

Thus we conclude the most interesting life of one Matthew Hennen, Revo­lutionary War Soldier, who was born in the Province of Ulster, Ireland on the 21st day of November 1752; he died in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania late in the fall of 1839. His wife was Elizabeth (Hall?), who was born 1 760-65 and died sometime between 1834 (the date of the writing of the will of Matthew Hennen) and 1839 (when Matthew died). Efforts to learn the parentage or brothers and sisters of either Matthew or Elizabeth Hennen have been fruitless; however, reliable sources have given the maiden name of Elizabeth Hennen as Hall. This has been neither proven nor disproven.

The burial place of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen has not been positively located but might well have been on the home property. This was the common practice, particularly in the rural areas, at that time. Nearly every farm had a family burial plot thereon .



2. Elizabeth Hennen married _____ Burge. 3. Thomas Hennen married (1) Anne Woodruff (2) Cynthia Brock. 4. William Hennen married Rebecca Stafford. 5. John Hennen married 6. Matthew Hennen Jr. married Nancy Stevenson Butcher. 7. Jane Hennen married ____ Barnes. 8. Mary Hennen married ____ Rutter. 9. George Hennen married Mahala Argo.

10. Rachel Hennen married Robert Butcher Jr. 11. Ebenezer Hennen married Elizabeth Young. 12. Nancy Hennen never married. 13. David Hennen married Phoebe Phillips. 14. Alexander Hennen married Sarah Roberts.



SECOND GENERATION ••••.•••.•....•.•....•.••..•. Page 19

#2 through #14

2. ELIZABETH HENNEN, of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in now Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa.; married ____ Burge. Persistent ef-forts to trace this daughter of Matthew Hennen have been in vain. Assuming that the ten eldest children of Matthew Hennen (as named in his will) are lis­ted in the order of their birth, with the sons being followed by the daughters, we may conclude that Elizabeth was the eldest daughter and we further know that she married a Mr. Burge. Other facts lead us to believe that she was the eldest child in the family. The Burge family had settled in the same area and were next-door neighbors of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, thus we may assume that a marriage might unite these two families.

Further research has revealed that not just one, but at least three, of these early Burge men had wives named Elizabeth. They were Henry, Elijah and William Burge. Elijah removed first to Ohio (Monroe County) and back to Marshall County, Virginia (now West Virginia), where we find by the cen­sus of 1850 that his wife (Elizabeth) had been born in Pennsylvania about 1794. Therefore, it seems evident that she was not Elizabeth Hennen; more likely she had been Elizabeth Goddard. William Burge and wife, Elizabeth, re­moved from Greene County, Pennsylvania, to Richland County, Ohio, about 1820-24; we have not further identified this Mrs. Burge, but it is a,possibil­ity. Henry Burge and wife, Elizabeth, are found in Clinton County, Ohio, in 1850 when her age is listed as seventy-two years and her birthplace was Penn­sylvania. They were in the same general vicinity as the Ebenezer Hennen family; Ebenezer Hennen was a brother of the Elizabeth Hennen Burge whom we are seeking. It is quite likely that this was our Elizabeth Hennen Burge, but further data would be needed to supply the proof.

3. THOMAS HENNEN, eldest son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in the area now known as Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. (then Westmore­land Co.) 6-12-1779; died in Jackson (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-3-1852; married (1) Anne Woodruff (her parentage and birthplace unknown at this time), born 11-30-1779; died Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-17-1821. Thomas Hennen married (2) Cynthia Brock, daughter of William and Margaret (Dunn) Brock, born in Pennsylvania 3-19-1793; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-29-1858.

It is most certain that Thomas, Anne and Cynthia Hennen are buried in the family burial ground on the original Thomas Hennen land patent. Only a broken marker for Cynthia could be found in 1962 and this was lying on the ground. It is certain that Thomas Hennen was also buried there and it would be the likely burial place for Anne. Two sons of Thomas and Anne Hennen are buried there, as are other members of the family.

It was quite a thrilling experience to find this cemetery of which other members of the family seemed completely unaware. Our first visit there was in the summer of 1962 and we again made a visit in 1963, each time search­ing for additional markers. This cemetery is known as the Woodruff Cemetery due to the fact that the property was owned by a Woodruff family in the late 1800's.

A letter written in 1897 indicates that a marker was then being planned to 19

mark the grave of Thomas Hennen; perhaps this was to replace an original marker. This letter written by Deborah Hennen Taylor (granddaughter of Thomas) to Thomas H. Alley (grandson of Thomas) gave the dates of both the birth and death of Thomas Hennen. It also gave shipping instructions for the marker. This letter is now in the possession of Joe Alley, of Pine Grove, W. Va. Persistent search has failed to reveal this marker.

Thomas and Anne Hennen resided on Meadow Run in Dunkard Township (Greene County, Pa.) during the early years of their married life. The first record of land owned by Thomas Hennen is found in a deed of 2-16-1799 con­veying 113 acres of tract "Davis' Grant" fron Thomas Alley and wife, Anne, late of Washington County (Pa.), now of Spanish Dominion (by John Gapen, attorney), to Thomas Hennen. The amount paid by Thomas Hennen for the 113 acres was twenty pounds and the deed was witnessed by Joseph Wilford and John Alley. In 1806 Thomas Hennen and wife, Anne, sold the above tract of land to James Long for four hundred dollars.

Thomas Hennen appears to have had many of the fine traits of his father, Matthew. Numerous records of land transactions are found in his name and he continued to be a large land owner until his death. Also like his father, Matthew, he was the father of thirteen children; eight sons and five daughters.

Early in the spring of 1801 Thomas Hennen undertook his first steps to­ward the establishment of a new home on the headwaters of Dunkard Creek, an area then just beginning to be inhabited. The tract he chose bordered the Pennsylvania-Virginia state line and there he made his home until his death. He built a modest log cabin into which he moved his small family to live for the next several years until he built a larger frame house of two stories; this was built a short distance east of the original cabin. Both houses still stand but the log cabin is no longer inhabited.

At the outbreak of the War of 1812 Thomas Hennen was one of the first to serve his country. He served as a member of Captain James Stewart's Com­pany of Riflemen, Second Regiment of Light Infantry, State of Pennsylvania from 9-25-1812 until 11-24-1812. For this service his pay was thirteen dol­lars and thirty-two cents. He may have had additional service but this is the only record which we have found.

The area in which Thomas Hennen had made his new home was in White­ley Township until the establishment of Wayne Township in 1808; it remained in Wayne Township until the establishment of Aleppo Township in 1817. The township remained unchanged until 1839 when Jackson Township was formed and finally Gilmore Township was formed in 1857. Thus in the fifty-one years which Thomas Hennen lived on the same tract of land we find him under the jurisdiction of four different townships.

Immediately upon the establishment of Aleppo Township, Thomas Hennen was commissioned a Justice of the Peace and, at that time, this was a posi­tion of much importance. He still held this position at the time of his death. This commission is recorded in Greene County Deed Book 4, page 86 as:

In the name and by the the Authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl­vania, William Findley, Governor of the said Commonwealth, to


Thomas Hennen of the County of Greene Esq. sends Greetings Know You, that reposing especial trust and confidence of your integrity, judgment and abilities, I the said William Findley, have appointed, and by these presents, do appoint and commission you the said Thom­as Hennen, to be a Justice of the Peace in the District number five, composed of the Townships of Wayne and Whiteley, including part of Aleppo Township in the County of Greene, hereby giving and granting unto you full right and title to have and to execute all and singular the powers, jurisdictions, and authorities and to receive and enjoy all and singular, the lawful emoluments of a Justice of the Peace afore­said, agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, To have and to hold this Commission and the office hereby granted un­to you the said Thomas Hennen, so long as you shall behave yourself well--Given under my hand and seal of the State at Harrisburgh, this seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hund­red and eighteen--and of the Commonwealth the forty third By the Governor Thos Sergeant Secy.

)Pennsylvania ) Greene County

Thomas Hennen appeared before William T. Hays and was sworn into said office on 9-21-1818.

The earliest record of a church of any denomination in this area, so far as we have been able to learn, was that of "Old Tabor." This church appears to have been built in 1821, indicating that the group was well organized be­fore that time. In 1821 the Class Leader was William White and the preach­ers were Amos Barnes and Thomas Beakes. This was a Methodist Church and was built on the original land patent of Thomas Hennen, as evidenced in a deed from Thomas Hennen and wife, Cynthia, to Thomas Bland. This deed conveyed 132 acres of land "including all interest except one acre on which a Methodist Meeting House stands."

Thomas Hennen was a very successful farmer and land owner as evidenced by his various holdings. He took an active interest in the affairs of his neigh­bors and neighborhood. It is easily seen that he was a very intelligent man al­though, undoubtedly, self-educated. At the time of his death he owned his home tract of land consisting of 222 acres which was later purchased by his son-in-law, Joshua Fordyce Headlee. Three years before the death of Thom­as Hennen he had conveyed 196 acres of land to his son, George Hennen. Two days before he died Thomas Hennen conveyed 133 acres of land to his son, Stephen Hennen.

The death of Thomas Hennen is one of the few deaths recorded in Greene County, Pennsylvania, during a brief span from 1852 to 1856; the next record of deaths begins in 1893. The certificate of death of Thomas Hennen reads:

Thomas Hennen, a white male citizen in the seventy fourth year of his age, his father's name was Mathew Hennen, his mother's name was --------- his occupation was that of a farmer and barman in Greene


Co., Penna. had during his lifetime two wives the former whose name was Ann who died thirty years ago, the later who survived him whose name is Cynthia. Thomas Hennen was borne January 12th 1779 died November 3d 1852, cause of death was Eysipelalus Faver, died in Jackson Township near Jollytown, Buried on his own farm in the Fam­ily Burying Ground located on the Northeast part of said Farm on high ground I the attending physician do hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct so far as the facts could be ascertained by me. November 10, 1852 signed S. A. Wroe Physician

J. L. Shriver The foregoing record prompted us to make the search that resulted in our

locating the Hennen Cemetery mentioned previously. Thomas Hennen died intestate and his son, George, administered the es­

tate; the widow, Cynthia, renounced her right to administer and requested that George be named in her stead.

At that time it was customary that the widow be allowed to take three hun­dred dollars worth of personal property of her own choosing. The following items were taken by Cynthia Hennen, widow:

one bed and bedding seven head young cattle one " " " one brindle cow five books one lot of hay in the barn one coffee mill one side saddle one table and oilcloth one pair saddle pockets one armed rocking chair two bushel dried apples two hogs one gray mare forty six bushels wheat twenty four pounds sugar one hundred bushels oats one hald barrel salt fifty bushels corn one set dog irons & Taylor two hogs shears

The above items were appraised by William Stoops, Corbly Fordyce and Samuel Moore on 11-29-1852. The balance of the personal property of Thom­as Hennen, deceased, as appraised by William Stoops and Corbly Fordyce on 11-29-1852 was as follows:

one pr Bed Steds bed & bedding one lot Pot Metlee one 11


one 11 "


" 11

" Eighteen yards carpeting nine yards flannel Eleven yards calico one wheel spinning

" "

one lot dried apples & barrel one Book case & Lot Books one chest one keg & nails one Bureau one Dressing glass


three C axes three ten gallon kettles one sled one sythe & handle one 11 ,,

one lot stone one Lot old Irons one Lot horse giers one saddle one " one mattock & two hoes one shovel

one Clock Mantle one Rifle Gun & Pouch Two sets chairs one stand one corner cupboard & ware one lot books one " 11

one flat iron one copper kettle & T kettle one big wheel one reflaten one Loom spools Beeds & Tackling one cockle & meal ser one Gridle & toster one tub two wash tubs one cupboard one kettle two tables one plow one shovel plow one harrow one H Brack 7 waggen Latter half lot straw one Black muley cow one Gray Mare one half lot flax Two stakes hay Two 11 11

one pair D. trees one Log chain one set plow Irones two pair stilyards two syckles ec. one lot carpenter tools one Lot bells one sadle bridle & robe nine bushel Twenty six bushel oats nine bushel B wheat one Bee stand Twenty bushel corn four sacks three fourths flax seed one lot forks & rakes one lot large tules one w mill & cuttiybox one two horse waggon three head calves one Lot of gees Thirteen acres wheat in ground one haystack Ten head sheep one slate Cash (121. 28) Two Shears one flang hackle Two lot tramels & one pair

of fire dogs Among the receipts of the Thomas Hennen estate is one for making his

coffin, it having been made by Enoch Hennen (a nephew) and the price was sixteen dollars and twelve and one half cents.

Seven of the thirteen children of Thomas Hennen preceded him in death and another died six weeks after his passing.


2Matthew )

15. Unnamed Female Hennen. 16. John Nelson Hennen married Sarah Pitzenberger. 17. Rebecca Hennen married Joshua Fordyce Headlee. 18. Matthew Hennen married Mary Stein (Stine). 19. Jane Hennen married John Alley. 20. George Hennen married Jane B. Munyon. 21. Levi Hennen married Anna Stoops. 22. Martha Hennen married Jonathan Tustin. 23. Amos Hennen died young.


24. Eli Hennen died young. 25. Stephen Hennen married (1) Katharine Russell (2) Mary Jane Granlee.


26. William Thomas Hennen died young. 27. Cynthia Ann Hennen married Thomas White.

4. WlLLIAM HENNEN, second son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born Washington (now Greene) Co., Pa. about 1781; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1849-50; married in Monongalia Co., Va. 11-8-1803, Rebecca Stafford, daughter of James Stafford, born in Delaware about 1778; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 5-19-1860.

The exact dates of birth and death of William Hennen have not been as­certained but a Bible record kept by a son contained the date of the death of Rebecca Stafford Hennen. Likewise the burial place of both remains unknown but it would appear likely that they were buried on their own property as we have heard references to a cemetery there several years ago. No trace of this old burial ground can be found now.

William and Rebecca Hennen resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania, and Monongalia County, Virginia (now W. Va.), throughout their married life. During the early years of their marriage William Hennen was a ten­ant farmer and moved several times. About 1829 Mr. Hennen removed his family from Dunkard Township (Greene Co., Pa.) to Monongalia County (Virginia) settling in the area now known as Core. A younger sister, Rachel Hennen Butcher, was then residing in the Core area.

A deed of record in Monongalia County shows that on 6-18-1829 Amos Hayhurst and wife, Mary, sold a tract of land to William Hennen; this was perhaps the home of the William Hennen family until their removal to the western part of the county. On 3-28-1846 William Hennen and wife, Rebecca, sold the above tract of land to Benjamin Shriver. They had likely already taken up their residence in the Camp Run area, in the extreme northwestern part of the county, when this last transaction took place. A son, William, Jr., had preceded them to this area before 1840. William and Rebecca Hennen resided in the Camp Run area until their deaths; several descendants still reside in the area.

The will of William Hennen is found in Monongalia County, West Virginia Will Book 1, page 200. A photocopy reads:

I, William Hennen of Monongalia County Virginia (being in good health and sound mind) for which feel Grateful to my God, and Father, but considering the shorness of life and the certainty of death do make this my last will and testament, having made arrangements with my son Alexander for my maintenance as well as for that of my consort during our lives (by giving him the use of six hundred and fifty six dollars, as a refference to Article between me and him will fully attest) 1st. I be­queath to my eldest child Elizabeth Walker fifty six dollars, 2d to my eldest son James Hennen the sum of Eighty dollars, 3d to my son John


Hennen the sum of Eighty dollars, 4th to my son Enoch Hennen the sum of Eighty dollars, 5th to my son Thomas Hennen the sum of Eighty Dol­lars, 6th to my son William Hennen the sum of Eighty dollars, 7 and the remainder of all I possess to my son Alexander Hennen, and last­ly I appoint my sons John and Alexander Hennen Executors of this my last will and testament, Signed with my hand and Seal this 28th day of April 1847 in the presence of Subscribing Witnesses. Attest: Jeremiah Hennen his A, Wade, Jr., Isaac Hixenbaugh William X Hennen (Seal)

mark N. B. the above devises to my children is not to be paid until eight years after my decease without interest and that of my wifes or rather eight years from the death of the one that shall last decease--! hereby adopt and make this codicil a part of the above will signed with my hand and seal this 11th day of July 1849 Signed in presence of A. Wade, Jr. his Isaac Hixenbaugh William X Hennen (Seal) Jeremiah Hennen mark

The above will and codicil were proven, by the appearance and testimony of Alexander Wade Jr. and Isaac Hixenbaugh in Monongalia County, Virginia Court at the March term in 1850. Thus we know that William Hennen died between July 1849 and March 1850; all his children but one ~urvived him.


28. Elizabeth Hennen married Benjamin ( ?) Walker. 29. James Hennen married (1) Sophronia Stafford (2) Mrs. Mary Breakiron. 30. John O. Hennen married (1) Rebecca Roberts (2) Nancy Bowers. 31. Male Hennen died young. 32. Enoch Hennen married (1) Lucinda Stafford (2) Mrs. Eliza Ann

Chapman (3) Susan Taygart. 33. Thomas Hennen married Jency Berdine. 34. William Hennen Jr. married Louisa Dye. 35. Alexander Hennen married (l) Mrs. Anna Hennen (2) Rachel Russell.

5. JOHN HENNEN, probably the third son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Washington (now Greene) Co., Pa. about 1782; died before 1834.

Diligent search has failed to supply a further record of this son of Matthew Hennen. It is certain that he must have died before his father wrote his will; it is equally certain that he must have been married and had children. Both these facts are substantiated by the will of Matthew Hennen in which he does leave a share to John Hennen's heirs, this share being equal to that of each of the other ten eldest children.

The name of John Hannen appeared on the tax list of Dunkard Township (Greene Co., Pa.) in 1809, a single man; in 1812 John Hannin was listed in Whiteley Township (same county), but marked "gone"; nothing further.


6. MATTHEW HENNEN, JR., probably the fourth son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Washington (now Greene) Co., Pa. about 1784; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1857; married in Monongalia Co., Va. 12-13-1803, Nancy Stevenson Butcher, daughter of Robert and Lydia (Stevenson) Butcher, born in Delaware about 1784; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 8-1-1862. The burial place of Matthew and Nancy Hennen has not been ascertained; we have been told they were buried in Morgantown.

Matthew and Nancy Hennen took up residence in Dunkard Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania where they resided until about 1808 when they moved over into Greene Township (same county) and remained there about three years. They next moved over into Monongalia County, Virginia (now W. Va.) and settled on the east side of the Monongahela River. There they resided until about 1829 when they purchased a small tract of land from hel' parents and became their near neighbors. Some ten years later they again moved; this time into the Granville area of Monongalia County where they remained until the death of Matthew.

During the early years of their married life Mr. Hennen pursued the life of a farmer. He later took up the trade of a shoemaker which occupation he followed until his death. It appears certain that Matthew (Jr.) and Nancy Hennen were the first of this family to take up permanent residence in Mon­ongalia County, Virginia, although his father had owned land there as early as 1773.

Several deeds of record in Monongalia County indicate that Matthew Hen­nen, Jr. dealt considerably in real estate, as had his father and eldest broth­er. His earliest record of owning land there was recorded in 1815; in 1829 he purchased 25 acres from his parents-in-law. In 1839 he purchased, from Henry and Ann Hamilton, a tract on the east side of the Monongahela River; this he sold, in 1844, to Jesse Bussey. In 1849 he purchased, from William and Elizabeth Wilds of Kent County, Delaware, Lot #10 and house in Gran­ville. This was probably where he resided at the time of his death; this lot adjoined the school-house, John Pickenpaugh and Mrs. Jane Tibbs. Nancy Hennen resided the last few years of her life in the home of her son, Robert P. Hennen.

The will of Matthew Hennen, Jr. is recorded in Monongalia County, West Virginia Will Book 2, page 6; it reads as follows:

In the name of God, I Matthew Hennen of Monongalia County, being weak in body of sound mind do make and publish my last will and test­ament as followeth, to wit:--! hereby will and bequeath to my wife Nancy all my personal estate & all of my real estate as long as she lives, her paying all my outstanding debts and collecting all the mon­ey due me. And after the decease of my wife Nancy all property real and personal is to be sold and divided between my children as follow­eth:--to my son Robert P. Hennen two shares, Levi V. Hennen one share, Hariet Hileman one share, the children of George W. Hennen one share, and the boy I raised namely, Thomas Jackson Lazzell, one share. And I hereby appoint my son R. P. Hennen the Executor


of this my last will and testament as witness my hand & seal this 12th day of June 1857 Published and acknowledge before us Matthew Hennen (Seal) John U. Thorn Alexander McElroy

The above will was proven by the two witnesses, who appeared for this purpose at the July term of Court in 1857. At the same time letters testa­mentary were granted to Robert P. Hennen as Executor; bond in the amount of one thousand dollars was signed by Enoch P. Fitch and Amos Jolliff.


36. Robert Painter Hennen married Elizabeth Wilkens. 37. Elizabeth Hennen 38. Levi V. Hennen married (1) Phoebe Everly (2) Margaret McCans. 39. Harriet Hennen married Samuel Hileman. 40. George Washington Hennen married Justina Shay. 41. Rachel A. Hennen 42. Thomas Jackson Lazzell Hennen married Mary Sterling.

Census records indicate that there were additional children in this fam­ily but we have no further record of them. It is liekly that they died at an early age. There is some uncertainty about the daughters, Elizabeth and Rachel; however, they have been included on the basis of data provided by family members.

For some time we were puzzled about the Rachel Hennen listed in the household of Matthew and Nancy Hennen and certainly must have been their daughter mentioned above. She was living, with her mother, in the home of Robert P. Hennen in 1860 and it was difficult to understand her not being mentioned in her father's will. After hours of study on this we can only as­sume that she may have been incapable of receiving her share in her fath­er's estate and this portion left in the care of her brother, Robert, for her. This would explain his receiving more than the other children and he was caring for her after the death of Matthew Hennen, Jr.

7. JANE HENNEN, second daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Washington (now Greene) Co., Pa. about 1787. No further record of this daughter has been found except that she married a Mr. Barnes and she did survive her father.

8. MARY HENNEN, probably third daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Washington (now Greene) Co., Pa. about 1790. No further record of this daughter has been found except that she married a Mr. Rutter and she did survive her father.

9. GEORGE HENNEN, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in the area now known as Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-26-1791; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-19-1869; married Mahala Argo, born in Maryland about 1789; died Battelle Dist., Monongalia Co., W. Va. about 8-16-1875. George Hennen is buried in the Old Tabor Cemetery in Gilmore Twp., Greene


Co., Pa. where his grave is marked; it is probable that Mahala is buried there with him although no marker could be found for her grave when we visited this abandoned cemetery in 1962 and 1963.

George Hennen was a farmer in the Jollytown area of Greene County, Pennsylvania where he and Mahala resided throughout their married life. After the death of George, Mahala resided with her son, Jeremiah, until the latter part of 1872 when she went to live with her daughter and son-in­law, Adam and Jane Six. Their place of residence was not far distant but on the other side of the state line, in Monongalia County, West Virginia. There she spent the balance of her life.

George and Mahala were, undoubtedly, members of the Methodist Church The site of the cemetery in which George Hennen was buried is beside the location of the first Methodist Church in that area.

The first record of a purchase of land by George Hennen was dated 3-10-1810 when he obtained 100 acres of land from his brother, Matthew Hennen, Jr. This land was located in Wayne Township of Greene County (Pa.); at that time Wayne Township embraced the large area including Jollytown. In 1818 he purchased 24 acres of land from his eldest brother, Thomas Hennen; this was a portion of thr original tract of land taken up by Thomas in 1801. George Hennen first appeared on the tax list of Wayne Township in 1811. In 1815 he was taxed for 100 acres of land, one cabin, one horse, two cows and one dog.

An Article of Agreement is found in Greene County, Pennsylvania Will Book 4, page 274, reading as follows:

Article of Agreement entered into this fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine between George Hennen, Sr., of Greene County, Pennsylvania, the one part and Jeremiah Hennen, sone of said George Hennen, of Monongalia County, Va., of the other part. WlTNESSETH, that the said George Hennen, does agree to let the said Jeremiah Hennen, have possession of the farm on which he now re­sides on the following terms (viz) the said Jeremiah Hennen doth agree to pay all the lawful debts that may be against the said George Hennen, also the said Jeremiah is to pay to the said Elizabeth Muriner, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, four years from this date, also the said Jeremiah Hennen is to pay to Jane Six, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars against four years from this date; also to pay to George Ross, the sum of fifty dollars against four years from this date; also to pay to John Ross, fifty dollars, four years from this date; also to pay to James S. Ross, fifty dollars, against the end of four years from this date; also the said Jeremiah Hennen doth bind himself to provide for the said George Hennen, and Mahala Hennen (his father and mother) a good and comfortable living, their natural lifetime, and at their death to give them a decent burriel, and for the true and faithful perform­ance of the same the said Jeremiah Hennen, doth bind himself his heirs, executors or administrators. The said George and Mahala Hennen is


to have and to hold possession of their farm and property both real and personal during their natural lifetime, and after their death the said Jeremiah Hennen, is to have full possession of all property and credits both real and personal except the clothing of Mahala Hennen, which is to be equeally divide between the two daughters Elisabeth Muriner, and Jane Six. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals day and date first above written.

ATTEST: George Hennen, Jr. T. M. Hennen

George Hennen, Sr. (Seal) Jeremiah Hennen (Seal)

I. George Hennen, being of sound mind and memory blessed be almighty God for the same, do publish and declare that the foregoing is my last will and testament hereby revoking all wills by me made. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF: I have hereunto set my hand and seal day and date written in the foregoing article.

George Hennen, Sr. SIGNED, sealed published and declared by the above named George Hennen, to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us who in his presence, and at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.

George Hennen, Sr. T. M. Hennen O. S. Hennen

The above was proven and filed for probate on 9-21-1869; George Hennen and T. M. Hennen, two of the witnesses appeared at that time. At the same time Jeremiah Hennen filed receipts from Elizabeth Meriner, Jane Six and John Ross for their shares of the above estate.



43. Elizabeth Hennen married Dr. James S. Mariner. 44. Jane Hennen married (1) ____ Stine (2) Adam Six. 45. Frances Hennen married Aaron Ross. 46. Jeremiah Hennen married (1) Eliza Stoops (2) Mrs. Mary McCans

(3) Minerva Stiles. 10. RACHEL HENNEN, fourth daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen,

born in the area now known as Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1794; died Church Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. after 1860; married Robert Butcher, Jr., son of Robert and Lydia (Stevenson) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1796; died Church Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. after 1860. It is alleged that Robert and Rachel Butcher are buried in the Butcher Ceme­tery near St. Cloud, W. Va. This cemetery is located near the Monongalia­Wetzel County line, being in Wetzel County, W. Va. It is badly grown up and uncared for with evidence of numerous unmarked graves.

Information gleaned from Monongalia County (W. Va.) records indicates 29

that Robert and Rachel Butcher, Jr. resided for approximately twenty years of their married life in that county, near the village of Core. There is a possibility that some of that time was spent in Greene County, Pennsylvania, near the state line . All of their children were born in that area.

Robert Butcher, Jr. was a farmer and one of the early day school teach­ers in the area of Core, Va. (now W. Va.); there he was listed as having taught school in District number five, including the community of Core, in 1834.

Robert and Rachel Butcher, Jr. were charter members of the Dolls Run Christian Church at Core, W. Va.; this church was chartered 3-28-1835. The original charter for this church is now framed and graces the wall of the present church building there. This important document contains the names of Robert Butcher, Rachel Butcher, William Merriner, Frances Ann Merriner, Sarah Merriner, Stevenson Merriner, Nancy Merriner, Nimrod Merriner, Matthew H. Merriner, Robert H. Merriner, James Main, Peggy Right, Mary Right, Sary Right and Catherine Right; also names of the fam­ilies of Sines, Myers, Henderson, Mathews, Kelly, Piles, Shriver, Moore and Hanes.

A petition for a road in 1827 shows John D. Jester and Benjamin Shriver owning land on either side of Robert Butcher, Jr.; William Hennen, brother of Rachel Butcher, owned the tract of land beyond Benjamin Shriver.

About 1838 Robert Butcher, Jr. and his family were joined by a number of additional families who chose to migrate some miles northwestward, sett­ling in the area just east of the village now known as Hundred, W. Va. Many descendants of this couple reside in this same area to-day.

No will is recorded in Wetzel County for Robert Butcher, Jr.; nor are death records found for either Robert or Rachel Butcher. Both likely died in the decade between 1860 and 1870 since both were listed in the census of 1860 and neither appeared in the census of 1870. Robert Butcher, Jr. had deeded a part of his home tract of land to his son, James Harrison Butcher, in 1858.




4 7. Frances Ann Butcher married William Leonard Merriner. 48. James Harrison Butcher married Nancy Merriner. 49. William Jackson Butcher married Marinda Ullom. 50. Matthew Hennen Butcher married Jane Merriner. 51. Elizabeth Jane Butcher married Abner Himelrick. 52. George Washington Butcher married Louisa Hixenbaugh. 53. Thomas Butcher married Esther Ullom. 54. Lydia Ann Butcher married Stevenson Mariner #254.

11. EBENEZER HENNEN, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born in the area now known as Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1796; married Elizabeth Young, daughter of Christopher Young, born in Pennsylvania about 1797.

Considerable effort has been made to learn more about this branch of the 30

family; however, little has been accomplished. The further data included herein has been assembled from census records, death records and mar­riage records combined with information supplied by Mrs. Stanley West of Wilmington, Ohio. The record is quite incomplete and may be inaccurate but is included thus rather than be omitted completely.

The first hint of the whereabouts of Ebenezer Hennen (after he left his home in Greene County) was found in Greene County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 11, page 9. This deed was for the sale of land in Jackson Township (Greene Co., Pa.) by Ebenezer and wife, Elizabeth, of Washington Town­ship, Clinton County, Ohio to Peter Huffman. Ebenezer and Elizabeth were acting as heirs of Christopher Young; thus we have assumed that Elizabeth was a daughter of Christopher Young. This theory was further substantiated by the fact that the eldest son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen was named Christopher Young Hennen. The above mentioned land transaction was dated 8-19-1843.

The census of Clinton County, Ohio listed Ebenezer H. "Henon" in Union Township in 1820; he was engaged in agriculture and had two daughters under 10 years of age. The census of 1840 (same county) still lists this same fam­ily in the same township; in addition to Ebenezer and his wife, who were both aged 40-50 years, there was listed two daughters aged 20-30 years, two sons aged 15-20 years, three daughters aged 5-10 years, a daughter and a son aged under 5 years. Another daughter had married and was living next door; Ebenezer was still listed as a farmer. By 1850 Ebenezer Hennen was resid­ing in Jefferson Township (same county) and engaged in the occupation of a cooper; he also was a land owner at that time. Four daughters and four sons were yet at home. Further records yet incomplete.



55. Hannah Hennen married Wesley Lee. 56. Sarah M. Hennen married James Jones. 57. Christopher Young Hennen married Mary Jane Keenan. 58. Rebecca H. Hennen married John W. Evertson. 59. Joseph H. Hennen 60. Minor B. Hennen 61. George W. Hennen 62. Esther J. Hennen married David Durnford. 63. Arzilla J. Hennen 64. Drusilla P. Hennen 65. Mary E. Hennen 66. Ebenezer B. Hennen

(Arzilla and Drusilla Hennen were twins) 12. NANCY HENNEN, youngest daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen,

born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1798; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 11-1-1866; unmarried. Burial place is uncertain but most likely in the Pleasant Hill M. E. Church Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Nancy Hennen made her home with her father until after his decease. At 31

some time before 1850 she removed from Dunkard Township to the Jollytown area of (now) Gilmore Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania where her brothers, Thomas, George and Alexander Hennen, had also removed to and taken up permanent residence. In 1850 she was residing with George and Mahala Hennen and in 1860 she was residing with Alexander and Sarah Hennen. Her death occurred between 10-17-1866, the date her will was written, and 11-10-1866, the date her will was registered.

The will of Nancy Hennen, as found in Greene County, Pennsylvania Will Book 4, page 169 reads as follows:

I Nancy Hennon considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following: that is to say, First, I give and bequeath unto my Brother Alexander Hennen and his wife Sarah to have the farm that they now live on lying in Gillmore township Greene County, Penna. adjoining lands with William Lemmons Joseph Rice Stevin White and others containing one hundred acres more or less to have and to hold during their natureal lives and after the death of my Brother Alexander Hennen and Sarah his wife my will is that their three sons is to have the above discribed tract of land share and share alike M. V. Hennen John W. Hennen and R. B. Hennen the land to be divided Equeal between those three above named sons of Alexand­er and Sarah Hennen by them the Said M. V. Hennen John Hennen and R. B. Hennen paying their two sisters Nancy Hale and Rebecca Ann Hennen One hundred Dollars a piece to be paid at the Death of their Father and mother I will and bequeath to my Brother Alexander Hennen my intrust in a lot of sheep that I have that is now in the possession of Alexander Cumpston and all the remainder of my personal property my will is for him to have it Except two beds and my will is that one of the beds be given to Nancy hale and the other to Rebecca Hennen And I will and bequeath to M. V. Hennen a note I hold against him and Salem Lemmons calling for one hundred and fifty Dollars by him the said M. V. Hennen paying my Funeral Expense In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this 17th day of October A. D. 1866 Present J. F. Smith A. Cumpston

her Nancy X Hennen

mark (Seal)

I Nancy Hennen of Gillmore township Greene County, Pa. do hereby appoint M. V. Hennen Executor of my last will and testament in wit­ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th day of October 1866 Witness J, F. Smith A. Cumpston

her Nancy X Hennen

mark 32


Greene Co. ss Before me P. Brown came J. F. Smith & Alex Cumps­ton witnesses to the within and being sworn say they were present & saw & heard Nancy Hennen sign seal publish & declare this within as her last will & testament she being at the time of sound mind & memory and that they signed the same as witnesses in her presence and at her request & in presence of each other-Sworn & sub'd Nov. 10th 1866 J, F. Smith


We the undersigned Isaac R. Jobes and Johnson F. Smith being duly affirmed say that the following inventory is a true and correct ap­praisement of the personal property of Nancy Hennen dee 'd.

one bureau one pare bed steads one side saddle one pot and shovel one bed and bedding one do one lot sheep one calf Greene County ss

$4.00 2.50 5.00

. 85 8.00 8.00

24.00 7.00

I. R. Jobes J. F. Smith

Isaac R. Jobes and Johnson F. Smith being duly sworn says that the foregoing inventory is a true and correct appraisement of the per­sonal property of Nancy Hennen dee 'd to the best of their knowledg and belief. Sworn to and subscribed this fourth day of December 1866 J. F. Smith Before me I. R. Jobes

J. White, J, P. 13. DAVID HENNEN, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Hennen, born Dunk­

ard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1800; died Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1844; married Phoebe Phillips, daughter of Cryance and Rachel Phillips.

Further information regarding this family is very vague. The name of David Hannon appears on the tax list of Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania in 1829 and 1830; in 1831 he was listed as having removed. He reappears in 1833 and remains through 1844; in 1845 the land was taxed to the heirs of David Hennen. This would be the 11 acres of land which had been conveyed from Matthew Hennen to his two grandsons, Robert Alexand­er Hennen and Joseph Allen Hennen, on 4-11-1833. The tax lists give the occupation of David Hennen as a tailor; this would be further substantiated by purchases as found in his father's estate papers.

The 1830 census of Dunkard Township shows David Hannan and his wife both aged 20-30 years and living with them were three males under 5 years of age and one female 5-10 years of age. In 1840 David and wife were aged


30-40 years and they still had all their children at home; they were a daugh­ter 15-20 years of age and three sons 10-15 years of age.


6 7. Female Hennen 68. Robert Alexander Hennen 69. Joseph Allen Hennen 70. Male Hennen

14. ALEXANDER HENNEN, youngest child of Matthew and Elizabeth Henn­en, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1803; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 186 7; married about 1825, Sarah Roberts, daughter of William and Jane Roberts, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1807; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. after 1870.

We have found no marked graves for Alexander and Sarah Hennen, but re­liable sources place their burials as in the Pleasant Hill M. E. Church Ceme­tery near New Freeport, Pa. Their home was only a short distance from this cemetery.

The tax lists of Dunkard Township are most helpful in establishing facts relative to this couple. In 1824, Alexander Hennen was taxed as a single man; the following year he was listed as married, thus establishing the approxi­mate date of his marriage. His name appears on the tax lists of this town­ship continuously through 1842, at which time he probably removed his fam­ily to Jackson (later Gilmore) Township where two of his older brothers had lived for a number of years. They remained in that area throughout the re­mainder of their lives. Alexander Hennen was a farmer.

On 3-30-1841 Alexander Hennen and Sarah, his wife, signed a quit claim deed to David Roberts transferring their interest in a tract of land owned by William Roberts, deceased; Alexander and Sarah were lawful heirs of Will­iam Roberts. It is interesting to note that in this transaction Alexander af­fixed his signature "A. Hannon" while Sarah made her mark. In all instances where we have seen the signature of Alexander Hennen, son of Matthew, it has been written "Hannon, " His descendants have used various spellings of the surname; however, his father (Matthew) consistently used the spelling "Hennen."

Alexander Hennen died intestate; his widow, Sarah, renounced her right to administer on his estate. Letters of Administration were granted to John W. Hennen, his son, on 12-31-1867. Bond in the sum of six hundred dollars was signed by M. V. Hennen and Hiram Hamilton.


71. Male Hennen died young. 72. Eliza Jane Hennen married John Reason Lemley. 73. Mary Hennen married Thomas Bland. 74. David Hennen married Ruth A. Cumpston. 75. Martin Van Buren Hennen married Cassander Shriver. 76. Nancy Hennen married (1) Job Hale (2) Samuel Ase Gray.


77. Catherine Hennen 78. Rebecca Ann Hennen never married. 79. John William Hennen married Rebecca Cumpston. 80. Robert B. Hennen married (1) Margaret Pollick (2) Emma Williams. 81. Maria Minerva Hennen married Isaac Blue. 82. Sarah L. Hennen 83. Elizabeth Hennen 84. Lucy V. Hennen married Jarrett Lemley.



THIRD GENERATION ...•••••...•••••...••.•••••••• Page 39

#15 through #84

15. FEMALE HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Hennen; this child is listed in the household of Thomas Hennen in the census of 1800, having been born before 1800. Since no further record has been found it is assumed that she died young.

16. JOHN NELSON HENNEN, eldest son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-9-1800; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1-3-1832; married Sarah Pitzenberger, born 1805; died 1882.

The parentage of Sarah Pitzenberger has not been learned; nor do we have the place of her birth. The census of both 1850 and 1880 lists her birthplace as Pennsylvania; in 1860 it is listed as Virginia while in 1870 it is listed as Maryland. She may have died at the home of her daughter, Sarah Ann Glover, with whom she was living in 1880; this was in Marion Co., W. Va.

John and Sarah Hennen resided in the western part of Monongalia County, Virginia (now W. Va.) during the short span of their married life. Their res­idence was probably in the area now known as Battelle District. John Hennen was a farmer. At the youthful age of thirty-one years he was accidentally killed by a falling tree, leaving Sarah with two young sons and an unborn child. Sarah removed to Greene County, Pennsylvania where she resided near the Hennen family.

About 1838 Sarah Pitzenberger Hennen married a second time; this mar­riage being to James Kinney. They became the parents of Elizabeth, Susanna, Catherine, John and Salathiel Kinney.

The burial place of John Hennen is unknown; James and Sarah Kinney are buried in the New Freeport Cemetery at New Freeport, Pa. Susanna Kinney, daughter of James and Sarah, is buried there with them. These three graves are enclosed within an iron fence.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF JOHN & SARAH HENNEN (John Thomas Matthew )

85. George Nelson Hennen married Margaret Bartrug. 86. Asbury Hennen married (1) Eleanor Glover (2) Elizabeth Jane Wycoff. 87. Sarah Ann Hennen married John Glover.

1 7. REBECCA HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born in Whiteley (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 9-26-1802; died near Cairo, W. Va. 12-25-1883; married 1-29-1824, Joshua Fo.rdyce Headlee, son of Ephraim and Mary (Fordyce) Headlee, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-12-1799;diedRitchieCo., Va. (nowW. Va.)2-18-1857. Theirburial places are unknown to us.

Joshua and Rebecca Headlee resided in the area of Kirby in Greene Coun­ty, Pennsylvania from the time of their marriage until after the death of Re­becca's father. In 1843 Joshua and Rebecca Headlee sold land in Kirby for the purpose of erecting a Methodist Meeting-house thereon. This land was conveyed to Lewis Headlee, William Patterson, Elijah Chalfant, Charles Wil­son and John Hudson, trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Joshua and Rebecca Headlee purchased the Hennen home property after the death of Rebecca's father; they removed to this location near Jollytown (Greene Co., Pa.) about 1853. In September of 1855 Joshua and Rebecca Headlee sold


the above property to Abner Garrison and commenced looking for a new home. In 1856 Joshua Headlee purchased an interest in some property in Coryden, Iowa; also this same year he purchased land in Ritchie County, Virginia (now W. Va.). He removed his family to the Ritchie County location (on the north fork of the Hughes River) soon thereafter where they took up permanent res­idence in Grant District, near Cairo.

Like his forefathers, Joshua F. Headlee was a farmer and land owner; however during his later years he had become a Methodist Minister carrying the gospel into many of the remote areas of the country. The appraisal of his personal property, after his decease, indicates that he had also become a traveling salesman. This last trade was probably pursued in conjunction with his ministerial duties which also, no doubt, accounted for his westward trav­els during his final years.

Joshua F. Headlee preached his last sermon three weeks before his death. This sermon attracted such a large crowd that the meeting-house could not

accommodate all those attending; therefore, he went outdoors to deliver his message. His death resulted from pneumonia which developed following this last sermon. His wife, Rebecca, was also a devout Methodist and Christian woman until her death.

Letters of Administration in the estate of Joshua F. Headlee, deceased, were granted 2-24-1857 to E. T. Headlee and S. H. Headlee, his sons. Re­becca Headlee, widow of Joshua, had renounced her right to administer on the estate. Bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) was signed by Ephraim T. Headlee, Stephen H. Headlee, David Lemley and Ben­son Fordyce. The final settlement of this estate was not completed until several years later.

Rebecca Hennen Headlee continued to reside in Grant District of Ritchie County, West Virginia after the death of Joshua F. Headlee. Many descend­ants reside there now.

The Family Bible of Joshua and Rebecca Headlee has been preserved all these years and is presently in the possession of a great granddaughter who has graciously supplied us with a copy of the records written in this old Bib-le. She has also aided considerably with other data regardin:f this family. .

CHILDREN OF JOSHUA & REBECCA HEADLEE (Rebecca Thomas2Matthew· (names as written in the family bible)

88. Ephraim Thomas Headlee married Keziah Emily Thorne. 89. Mary Anne Headlee died young. 90. Justus Fordice Headlee died young. 91. Steven Hennen Headlee married Deborah Ann Brock. 92. Patty Jane Headlee died young. 93. Lucinda Headlee married Alfred Jackson Burge. 94. Infant son Headlee died young. 95. Rebecca Loueza Headlee never married. 96. Joshua Munroe Headlee died young. 97. Sarah Headlee married Wesley Smith Hannan #100.


18. MATTHEW HENNEN, second son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Whiteley (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-17-1804; died Meade Dist., Marshall Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 12-16-1852; married Mary Stein (Stine), born in Pa. in 1808; died Meade Dist., Marshall Co., W. Va. 12-8-1893.

The parentage of Mary Stein (Stine) Hennen is not definitely known, but there is reason to believe that she may have been a daughter of John and Margaret (Frankenberger) Stine. A bible record of this couple lists a daugh­ter Polly (nickname for Mary) born in March 1808. Further this John Stine family resided in the same area as the Hermens at the time of the marriage of Matthew and Mary. The burial place of Matthew and Mary Hennen has not been learned. Great difficulty has been encountered in obtaining data regard­ing this family. The descendants we have succeeded in contacting have been greatly scattered and most unknown to each other.

Matthew and Mary Hennen resided in Aleppo Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania from the time of their marriage until about 1840 when they re­moved to Marshall County, Virginia (now W, Va.) where they settled in the Lynn Camp-Glen Easton area. There they remained until the death of Matth­ew, who died only one month after his father's death. Matthew Hennen, like his forefathers, was a farmer.

Mary Stein Hennen married second, Henry Sockman. We have also been given her name as Elizabeth Mary.


98. John Hudson Hennen married Sarah Jane Cooper. 99. Cynthia Ann Hennen married Henry Mason. 100. Wesley Smith Hennen married Sarah Headlee #97. 101. Thomas Mccaskey Hennen married Rebecca Kirkman.

19. JANE HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born White­ley (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-14-1806; died Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-6-1852; married John Alley, son of John and Agnes Alley, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-6-1800; died near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 2-16-1893. Jane Hennen Alley is buried in the cemetery now known as the Simpson Hill Cemetery at Pine Grove, W. Va. She was the first per­son to be buried in this cemetery, the site at that time being a part of the home farm of John and Jane Alley. John Alley is buried in the Long Ceme­tery at Lynn Camp, W. Va.; at the time of his death weather conditions made it impossible to return the body to Pine Grove for burial beside his wife.

John, more commonly known as Jack, and Jane Alley resided in Marsh­all County, Virginia (now W. Va.) until 1843-45 when they removed to Pine Grove in Wetzel County, Virginia. In 1857, Jane Alley having died, John sold his farm and moved back to Marshall County where he resided in Meade District until his death. John Alley married second, Margaret Franklin.

John Alley was a farmer and land owner; however, he was also a Method­ist Minister who served various parts of the wilderness area of West Virgin­ia. Records list many marriages performed by Rev. John Alley.


The death record of John Alley is especially interesting since it lists his death as having occurred on 3-24-1893 and his date of burial as having been on 2-18-1893. Further the cause of his death is listed as "force of habit supposed."

3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & JANE ALLEY (Jane Thomas Matthew1)

102. Thomas Hennen Alley married Mary Steel. 103. Minor Burge Alley died young. 104. Martha Alley married (1) Amos G. Milburn (2) William Fluharty. 105. Rawson Alley 106. William Leeper Alley married Matilda Sibert. 107. Rebecca Ann Alley married Charles B. Morgan. 108. John Kelley Alley married Martha Ann Richmond. 109. James M. Alley llO. Uriah Talmage Alley married Brucie Clouston.

20. GEORGE HENNEN, son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Whiteley (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-13-1807; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 9-13-1885; married 3-3-1829, Jane B. Munyon, born in Pa. 10-18-1809; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-6-1876. Both are buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery above Jollytown, Pa.; five of their children are also buried there.

The parentage of Jane B. Munyon has not been positively established, but there seems no reason to doubt that she was a daughter of Thomas and Deborah Munyon, who resided in Greene County (Pa.) some years before re­moving to Monongalia County (Va.) where they remained a few years before returning to Greene County about 1821. At the time of the marriage of George and Jane Hennen the Thomas Hennen and Thomas Munyon families were near neighbors residing in then Aleppo Township. About 1835 Thomas and Deborah Munyon removed to Perry County, Ohio.

George and Jane Hennen resided throughout their married life in the area of now Gilmore Township in Greene County, Pennsylvania. At the time of their marriage this area was a part of Aleppo Township, later became Jack­son Township and, finally established as Gilmore Township. Their home farm was composed of part of a tract of land patented to Thomas Hennen on 12-26-1827 and part of an adjoining tract which Thomas Hennen purchased by deed dated 9-13-1826. This land was transferred from Thomas Hennen and his wife, Cynthia, to George Hennen, Jr., his son, by deed dated 8-23-1849; however, George and Jane Hennen had been residing on said land previous to this deed. The tract mentioned consisted of a total of 196 acres for which George Hennen paid his father one hundred and fifty dollars. The adjoining land was owned by Thomas Hennen, John Six, William Lemon, William White and John Taylor.

George Hennen, like his father and grandfather, was self-educated as there were no schools in this area at that time. Determined that the next generation would be more fortunate, George Hennen set up a class and com­menced teaching school. He carried on this profession for many years and


taught many children of the surrounding countryside. In addition to his teach­ing school and following his occupation of a farmer, George Hennen also served as a tax collector for several years. Later he served a term as a County Commissioner of Greene County.

George and Jane Hennen were devoted members of the Methodist Episco­pal Church; however, difficulty in retaining regular ministers after the close of the Civil War caused great distress among those who had strived so hard to keep alive the spark of faith during the troubled times. Thus the Hermens joined with others in organizing the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and built a new edifice for this society in 1869. This building still stands in a well preserved condition, one hundred years later; it is known as Fairview Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The deed for the land whereon the new church was built is recorded in Greene County Deed Book 23, pages 14 and 15, as follows:

This indenture made the 31st day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty nine between Salathiel Lemmon and Nancy his wife, and George Hennen and Jane his wife of the county of Greene in the State of Pennsylvania of the one part and, and McLaugh­lin C. Kiger, Alexander Compston, John Kenney, Abraham Taylor, Isaac Kenney (and two others to be elected by them) Trustees in trust for the use and purposes hereinafter mentioned, all of the county of Greene in the State of Pennsylvania aforesaid of the other part. Wit­nesseth that the said Salathiel Lemmon and Nancy his wife and George Hennen and Jane his wife for and in consideration of the Sum of Ten Cent Specie to them in hand paid at and upon the sealing and delivery of these presents, and receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained, sold, released, confirmed, and conveyed and by these presents do give grant bargain sell release confirm and convey unto them the said McLaughlin C. Kiger, Alexander Compston, John Kenney, Abraham Taylor, Isaac Kenney (and two others to be elected by them) and their Successors (Trustees in trust for the uses and purposes hereinafter mentioned and declared) all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever either in clawm or equity, which the said Salathiel Lemmon and Nancy his wife and George Hennen and Jane his wife have into or upon all and Singular a certain lot or piece of land Situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid bounded and butted as follows, to wit: on the North, East and West by the premises of Salathiel Lemmon and on the South, East and West by the premises of George Hennen and running North six Poles to a White oak tree on the premises of Sa­althiel Lemmon thence West three Poles to a Chestnut Oak tree S

0 60 W twenty two Poles to a post; thence South two Poles to a Chest-nut Oak; thence East runing with the road side nine Poles to a Chestnut Oak; thence NW 8° E thirteen Poles to the beginning and containg and laid for one hundred and twenty Square Poles more or less together with all and singular the houses woods, waters, ways,


privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise pertain­ing. To Have And To Hold all and singular the houses, woods, waters, ways, and privileges thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining un­to them the said McLaughlin C. Kiger, Alexander Compston, John Kenney, Abraham Taylor, Isaac Kenney (and two others to be elected by them) and their Successors forever in trust. that they shall erect and build, or cause to be erected and built thereon a house of worship, for the use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (and for religeous worship by all Orthodox Christians when not occu­pied or to be occupied by the preachers or members of the said Meth­odist Episcopal Church South provided that no preacher shall never be allowed to preach Sermons of a political character in said house or place of worship Provided according to the rules and discipline which may be from time to time adopted by the ministers and preach­ers of said church at their General Conference and in further trust and confidence that they shall at all time hereafter permit such min­isters and preachers belonging to said church as shall from time to time be duly authorized by (provided further that said trustees or their successors shall never have power to convey away said lot for any other purpose other than as a place of worship for the members and ministers of the siad M. E. Church South, and should it cease to be used it will revert to the original owners until after time it may be reclaimed again by occupation by said church as a place of wor­ship) the General Conference of the ministers and preachers of the said Methodist Episcopal Church South, or by the Annual Conference authorized by the General Conference to preach and expound Gods Holy word therein, And the said Salathiel Lemmeon and Nancy his wife, and George Hennen and Jane his wife do by these presents warrant and forever defend all and singular the before mentioned and described lot or piece of land with the appurtenances thereto belonging unto them the said McLaughlin C. Kiger, Alexander Compston, John Kenney Abraham Taylor Isaac Kenney (and two others to be by them the said Trustees elected) and their successors chosen and appointed as afore­said from the claim or claims of him the said George Hennen, his heirs and assigns, and from the claim or claims of all persons what­soever. In testimony whereof the said Salathiel Lemmon and Nancy his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year a­foresaid. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us

Salathiel Lemmon (Seal) W. P. Hoskinson Nancy Lemmon (Seal)

George Hennen (Seal) her

Jane X Hennen (Seal) mark

In addition to the church being used as a place of worship, it was used as a school building prior to the erection of a school house in the area. A


school house was erected about 1880 on the home tract of George Hennen. It was styled along the same lines as the previously mentioned Fairview Church and was known as the Hennen school. The first school term in the building commenced 5-2-1881 and continued through 7-23-1881 with twenty pupils in attendance. The ages of the pupils ranged from three years (Ocie Hennen) to twenty years (Frank Taylor) and was taught by Miss Carrie Carter. The sec­ond school term was a five month winter term and contained thirty-two pupils under the same teacher. This was in the days of the subscription schools and the parents paid a small amount for each child they had attending. At the a­bove mentioned terms the price was $2. 50 and $3. 50 per pupil, depending up­on the length of the term. Many times the teacher was never paid at all.

George and Jane Hennen were the parents of eleven children, six daugh­ters and five sons. The first three born were quickly snatched from the fam­ily circle within a period of three days in January 1839. The cause of their deaths is not certain but it may have been from an epidemic of measles that spread through the neighborhood about that time. Two more children preced­ed their mother, Jane, in death and another died just two weeks before George passed away.

Two daughters, Cynthia and Lucy, remained on the old homestead until 1917 when they removed to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. The property, how­ever, still remains in the possession of Hennen descendants as does much of the surrounding property which has been in their possession since first taken up by Thomas Hennen about 1801.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & JANE HENNEN (George Thomas Matthew )

111. Levi Jesse Hennen died young. 112. Banjamin Hennen died young. 113. Hester Ann Hennen died young. 114. Martha Hennen married John Taylor, Jr. 115. Deborah Caroline Hennen married John Taylor, Jr. 116. Thomas Monroe Hennen married Rachel Taylor. 11 7. Cynthia Jane Hennen never married. 118. Oliver Spencer Hennen married Rebecca Sedora Carter. 119. Lucinda Katharine Hennen never married. 120. George Hampson Hennen never married. 121. Mary Hennen never married.

21. LEVI HENNEN, son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 10-9-1809; died Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa, 8-1-1844; married Anna Stoops, daughter of William and Anne (Oglevee) Stoops, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-23-1817; died near Wades­town, W. Va. 1-6-1856. Anna Stoops Hennen is buried in the Old Tabor Cem­etery above Jollytown, Pa. where there is a marker for her grave; the burial place of Levi Hennen has not been learned but may well have been in the same place as that of Anna.

Levi and Anna Hennen took up residence in the extreme western end of Greene County, Pennsylvania where they resided through the short span of


of their married life. Levi Hennen was a farmer and land owner, having pur­chased a tract of land consisting of 200 acres on Fish Creek in now Springhill Township. This land was conveyed from John and Susannah Barnes of Marion County, Virginia (now W. Va.) after the death of Levi Hennen although the transaction had actually been made during his lifetime (probably in October, 1843). This tract was eventually divided between the two surviving daughters of Levi and Anna Hennen.

Tragedy of an unknown form befell this household the last of July in 1844, first snatching the life of the youngest son, Joseph. Two days later the fa­ther was taken from this family and three days after his death the remaining son, William Thomas, departed this life. Receipts show that Dr. A. J. Bow­man was an attending physician having made four visits during the fateful long week; Dr. Samuel A. Wroe was also in attendance.

The sad mother, left with one daughter and an unborn child, remained a widow until about 1846 when she married, for her second husband, Alexander Hennen, cousin of Levi.

Alexander Hennen had been named guardian of the two remaining children of Levi and Anna Hennen. These children were Rebecca and Anne Hennen, the latter born six weeks after her father's deal.


122. Rebecca Hennen married Thomas White. 123. William Thomas Hennen died young. 124. Joseph Hennen died young. 125. Anne Hennen married John P. White.

22. MARTHA HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born in Wayne Twp. (now Gilmore), Greene Co., Pa. 2-8-1812; died Tyner, Wood Co., W. Va. 1-3-1898; married Jonathan Tustin, son of Andrew and Nancy Tustin, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 5- - 1815; died Tygart Dist., Wood Co., W. Va. 12-25-1879. Both are buried in the Wadesville Cemetery at Wadesville, W. Va.

Jonathan and Martha "Patty" Tustin resided in the Wayne Township area of Greene County, Pennsylvania until after 1850; by late 1852 they had gone to Tyler County, Virginia (now W. Va.) where they were residing at the time of the settlement of her father's estate. Jonathan and Martha Tustin convey­ed her interest in this estate to her brother-in-law, Joshua F. Headlee. Soon after this they moved to Wood County, Virginia (now W. Va.) where they set­tled in the area of Wadesville, making this their permanent home. Jonathan Tustin was a farmer and land owner; apparently the Wadesville Cemetery is on a part of his farm.

Great difficulty was encountered in locating this family and we are indebt­ed to the late Mr. Lawrence White, County Clerk of Wood County, who put us in contact with Miss Minnie White, of the same area. She was helpful in ob­taining data regarding this family and forwarding same to us although she is not a descendant of the Hennen family.



126. Nancy Tustin married James A. Leach. 127. Cynthia Ellen Tustin never married. 128. Thomas McCleary Tustin married Mary Elizabeth Meredith. 129. Joseph Benjamin Tustin married Mrs. Mary J. Blankenship. 130. Martha Mary Tustin married James Bibbee. 131. Joshua Monroe Tustin never married.

23. AMOS HENNEN, son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-13-1814; died Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa.11-25-1816, only two and a half years old.

24. ELI HENNEN, son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-9-1816; died Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-29-1830, just past his fourteenth birthday.

The burial place of the two above children is not positively known but most likely was the Hennen Family Cemetery in Gilmore Township where there can be found several markers of fieldstone along with other markers bearing the names and dates of other members of this family.

25. STEPHEN HENNEN, son of Thomas and Anne Hennen, born Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-22-1820; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 10-29-1870; married (1) Katharine Russell, daughter of Solomon and Katharine (Baer) Russell, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-14-1823; died Jackson (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-2-1852. Steohen Hennen married (2) 1-20-1853, Mary Jane Granlee, daughter of John and Isabella (Ditter line) Granlee, born Franklin Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 10-29-1826; died Moundsville, W. Va. 10-29-1910.

Stephen and Katharine Hennen are buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery above Jollytown, Pa. , where the marker for Katharine Hennen bears the following inscription: "she was a faithful member of the M. E. Church and an affectionate wife and mother. 11 Mary Jane Hennen is buried in the Eakin Cemetery near Jollytown, Pa.

Stephen and Katharine Hennen started house-keeping in the log cabin in which Stephen had been born, this being the cabin which his father built when he first took up residence in that area. Two days before the death of Thomas Hennen, he and his wife, Cynthia, conveyed a tract of land to Stephen Hennen, son of Thomas. This deed was dated 11-1-1852 and transferred 133 acres which included the log cabin in which he (Stephen) lived; this land, which was conveyed from father to son for one dollar and other valuable considerations, was on the headwaters of Dunkard Creek and bordered the Pennsylvania­Virginia State Line.

Stephen Hennen was a farmer and land owner. One month after the loss of his father Stephen Hennen again faced tragedy when he lost his wife, who pass­ed on to her great reward leaving four small children. Two weeks later Matth­ew Hennen, brother of Stephen, passed on to the great beyond. Since the death record of Thomas Hennen lists the cause of his death as "Eysrpelalus 11 fever it is likely that this was also the cause of the death of other members of this family in this short period of time.


Faced with the immediate need for someone to care for his small child­ren, Stephen Hennen married his second wife less than seven weeks after the loss of Katharine. Stephen Hennen later built a new house across the road from his log cabin home and raised his growing family there; Mary Jane resided there for some years after the death of Stephen. She outlived him by exactly fifty years. The above mentioned property is still owned by the descendants of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen; the log cabin remains but the other house is gone, having been destroyed by fire.


Matthew } 132. Eliza Ann Hennen died young. 133. Thomas Benton Hennen married Cora Dolbar. 134. Matilda Jane Hennen married Isaac M. Phillips. 135. Watson Russell Hennen married Martha Ellen Wise. CHILDREN OF STEPHEN & MARY JANE HENNEN (Stephen3Thomas2

136. Sarah Isabella Hennen married John Wesley Woodruff. 137. John Wesley Hennen married Nancy Emily Hennen #219. 138. Louisa Katharine Hennen married Francis Marion Staggers. 139. William Elsworth Hennen married Cora Burroughs. 140. Elizabeth Mary Hennen married (1) Leroy Brown Clovis

(2) Robert S. Clovis 141. Leroy Stanton Hennen married Lucy Cornelia Fox.

26. WILLIAM THOMAS HENNEN, son of Thomas and Cynthia Hennen, born Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-15-1823; died Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-31-1838. It is likely that he, too, is buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery above Jollytown, Pa. Since his death precedes by only two weeks that of three other children of the Hennen families it is likely that he was a victim of the same epidemic that claimed their lives.

27. CYNTHIA ANN HENNEN, daughter of Thomas and Cynthia Hennen, born Aleppo (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-18-1826; died near St. Cloud, Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 2-14-1862; married Thomas White, son of William and Mary (Darling} White, born in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-13-1821; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-23-1905.

Thomas an Cynthia White are buried in the Thomas White Family Cem­etery on their home farm in Monongalia Co., W. Va.

Thomas and Cynthia White resided on White Creek in Monongalia County, West Virginia (then Va.) where Thomas was a farmer and land owner. Mr. White's father, William, was born in Maryland; his mother, Mary Darling, was born in Delaware. After living in eastern Monongalia County (Va.) for a few years they removed to the headwaters of Dunkard Creek, settling up­on a branch of this stream which has since been known as White Creek. In the ensuing years the Hermens were intermarried with the Whites more than any other family.




142. John White 143. William Thomas White married Mary Ann Hennen #193. 144. Fletcher B. White died young. 145. Joseph B. White died young. 146. James Irwin White married Elizabeth Wilson. 147. Morgan P. White married Frances Mahala Six# 910. 148. Cynthia Mary White married Walter Pierce Manning. 149. Unnamed Child White died young.

28. ELIZABETH HENNEN, daughter of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1804; married ____ _ Walker

Little information has been found regarding this family and what we have is mostly circumstantial. The will of William Hennen definitely names his eldest child as Elizabeth Walker. Census records indicate that her birth would have been about 1804 and that she married before 1830. Benjamin Walker is listed in the census of Monongalia County, Virginia (now W. Va.) for 1830, at which time he was residing west of the Monongahela River. William Hennen was listed in this same area at that time. In 1850 Benjamin and Elizabeth Walker were residing in Monongalia County (Va.), but east of the Monongahela River and only six houses removed from James Hennen, brother of Elizabeth Hennen Walker. These census records indicated that the Walker family had resided in Ohio from before 1840 until after 1844; three of their children born during this period had been born in Ohio. No further record of this family was found except two possible marriage re­cords of their children.

The foregoing paragraph shows why we believe this to be the correct family and therefore include it as such. However, it cannot be positively accepted and is subject to correction. The given names of this family are all common in the Hennen family.


Matthew ) 150.

151. ----152. ----


153. WILLIAM WALKER born in Va. about 1833. 154. LUCINDA WALKER born in Va. about 1835 married Calvin Sheets. 155. THOMAS WALKER born in Va. about 1837. 156. REBECCA WALKER born in Oh. about 1840. 157. MARY A. WALKER born in Oh. about 1842 married Doliver Longwell. 158. GEORGE WALKER born in Oh. about 1844. 159. ALEXANDER WALKER born in Va. about 1847.

29. JAMES HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1806; died after 1880; married (1) in Mon­ongalia Co., Va. by Rev. Asby Pool 3-11-1830, Sophronia Stafford, daughter


of Seth and Nancy Stafford, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1811; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 10-28-1853 (aged 42 years). James Hennen married (2) Mrs. Mary A. Breakiron (maiden name and par­entage unknown), born in Va. about 1834; died after April, 1897. Burial places are unknown to us.

The information regarding this family, as herein printed, has been put together from various records and certainly is incomplete. It also may con­tain errors.

The census for Monongalia County, West Virginia showed this family as living east of the Monongahela River from 1830 through 1880. Their resi­dence was in the area of Ice's Ferry and Laurel Iron Works. Their nearest neighbors in 1880 were George Pickenpaugh and Roinson John. James Henn­en was a farmer and wagon-maker.

When James Hennen made application (9-14-1876) for pension for the loss of his son, William, in the Civil War he gave his Post Office address as Laurel Iron Works in Monongalia County. At that time he supplied a complete list of his children and their birthdates. When the widow of James made her appli­cation for this same pension (4-22-1897) she gave her address as Dunbar in Fayette County, Pennsylvania (aged 63 years). James C. Tracy and Frank M. Thomas witnessed this record and stated that they had known her for 25 and 2 7 years respectively. At this time Mrs. Hennen stated that William Hennen had surviving him at the time of his death, the following brothers and sisters: Sarah A. Hennen, Margaret Hennen and James Hennen.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & SOPHRONIA HENNEN (James3William2Matthew1) (probably all born in Monongalia Co., W. Va.)

160. JONATHAN HENNEN, born 4-30-1831 161. JANE HENNEN, born 3-21-1833 162. NANCY HENNEN, born 1-26-1835 163. GEORGE HENNEN, born 10-22-1836 died 11-24-1857. 164. William Hennen never married. 165. REBECCA HENNEN, born 4-17-1840 died 1856. 166. ELIZABETH HENNEN, born 12-3-1841 167. INFANT HENNEN, born and died 10-9-1843. 168. MARGARET HENNEN, born 10-21-1844 169. MARY ANN HENNEN, born 3-3-1847 died 3-18-1859. 170. SARAH ANN HENNEN, born 12-3-1849 171. JAMES HENNEN, born 1-16-1852


2Matthew1 )

(probably all born in Monongalia Co., W. Va.) 172. CHARLES HENNEN, born 9-17-1867 173. FANNY BELL HENNEN, born 10-21-1869 174. VIRGINIA HENNEN, born 6-2-1872 175. John Henry Hennen married Mary Elizabeth Klink. 176. MARDELLA HENNEN, born 1-5-1876

30. JOHN O. HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Dun­kard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-16-1808; died near Jollytown, Pa. 12-30-1893;


married (1) 11-19-1831, Rebecca Roberts, daughter of William and Jane Roberts, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. ______ ; died Jack-son (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-23-1847. John 0. Hennen married (2) 7-22-1847, Nancy Bowers (parentage not learned), born Mon­ongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 7-27-1824; died Battelle Dist., Monongalia Co., W. Va. 1-27-1908. John and Rebecca Hennen are buried together in the Old Tabor Cemetery above Jollytown, Pennsylvania; both graves bear markers although the marker at Rebecca's grave is no longer legible. Nancy Hennen is buried in the Oak Forest Church Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Shortly after their marriage John and Rebecca Hennen took up residence in the southwestern part of Greene County, Pennsylvania, near where his uncle, Thomas Hennen, had settled much earlier. There John and Rebecca resided until her death broke the family circle. Four months later John Hennen married a second time; he and his family continued to reside in the same area until his death. A small branch of Dunkard Creek, upon which John Hennen had settled, still bears the name "Hennen Run. 11 John Hennen was a farmer and stock-raiser, as well as an extensive land owner.


177. Jane Hennen married John H. McGlumphy. 178. Eliza Hennen married (1) James Dye (2) Joseph Darling. 179. William Hennen died young. 180. Perry Hennen married Artemace Pryor. 181. John Milton Hennen never married. 182. Thomas Jefferson Hennen married (1) Nancy Ellen Cumpston

(2) Mrs. Agnes Hole. CHILDREN OF JOHN & NANCY HENNEN (John3William2Matthew1)

183. Solomon Hennen married (1) Martha McDonald (2) Mrs. Edna Henderson.

184. Alexander Hennen married Lucinda Taylor. 185. Enoch Hennen married Eliza Jane Six. 186. Henry Hennen married Susan Catherine Six. 187. Benton Hennen died young. 188. George Hennen married Frances Margaret Main. 189. Matthew Hennen married Hannah Margaret Roberts. 190. Mary Hennen married William Roberts.

31. MALE HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1809; died after 1810. No further record.

32. ENOCH HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-9-1812; died Monongalia Co., W. Va. 12-7-1888; married (1) in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-5-1838, Lucinda Staff­ord, daughter of Seth and Nancy Stafford, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1816; died Jollytown, Pa. 7-29-1865. Enoch Hennen married (2) Mrs. Eliza Ann Chapman, daughter of John and Margaret (Ditterli.ne) Duvall, born Franklin Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1828; died Franklin Twp., Greene


Co., Pa. 12-6-1877. Enoch Hennen married (3) Susan Taygart (or Tygard), daughter of William and Sarah (Eagon) Taygart, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-7-1830; died Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-7-1915. Enoch and Lucinda Hennen are buried in the Eakin Cemetery near Jollytown, Pa.; Susan Hennen is buried in the Phillips M. E, Church Cemetery near Brave, Pa.; Eliza Hennen is likely buried in the Green Mount Cemetery at Waynes­burg, Pa.

Enoch and Lucinda Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Jollytown area of Greene County, Pennsylvania where Enoch was a farmer, carpenter and inn-keeper. Enoch and Eliza Hennen resided in Franklin Township (same county) where Enoch still pursued the life of a farmer; he and Susan resided in Franklin and Wayne Townships of Greene County and he remained a farmer. Susan resided, after the death of Enoch, in Wayne Township.


191. Martha Jane Hennen married Eli White. 192. William Henry Harrison Hennen married Lydia Ann White. 193. Mary Anne Hennen married William Thomas White#143. 194. Seth Stafford Hennen died young. CHILD OF ENOCH & ELIZA HENNEN (Enoch3William2Matthewl)

195. Robinson Downey Hennen died young. 33. THOMAS HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Dunk­

ard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-22-1813; died Walker Twp., Wood Co., W.Va. 9-23-1871; married 2-24-1839, Jency Berdine, born in Pa. 4-13-1817; died Walker Twp., Wood Co., W. Va. 3-29-1904. Thomas and Jency Hennen are buried in the Hennen Cemetery at Borland (on Hennen Ridge), in Wood Co., W. Va.

Jency Berdine was left an orphan while still quite young, thus she was a "bound girl" working for her keep until the time of her marriage. While her parentage is unknown it is likely to assume that she was a daughter of Levi and Rebecca (Fox) Berdine, who resided in Whiteley Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania. Levi Berdine died young and his children were all bound out for their keep. Rebecca Fox Berdine was a daughter of Joseph and Jenny, or Jency, (Thomas) Fox; Joseph Fox was a soldier of the Revolution­ary War, having been born in New Jersey. Another grandchild of Joseph Fox bore the name Jency, thus indicating this as a family name; it certainly is

an unusual name. Thomas and Jency Hennen resided in Monongalia County, Virginia (now

W. Va.) during the early years of their married life; they removed to Wood County (same state) before 1850. There they took up residence on a ridge which is still known as "Hennen Ridge;" this is in Walker Township. They spent the remainder of their married life on this ridge where Thomas was a farmer and land owner.



196. Katherine Hennen married Benjamin Phelps. 197. McDonald Hennen married Leanne 198, Cynthia Ann Hennen never married. 199. Jasper Hennen never married. 200. James Marion Hennen 201. Rebecca E. Hennen married John Phelps. 202. Nancy E. Hennen married (1)

(2) ____ Coughenour. 203. John F. Hennen married Evelyn Rogers. 204. William Thomas Hennen married Sarah Fletcher. 205. Daniel Hennen married Allie Reed. 206, Monroe Lot Hennen married (1) Icie Lemley (2) Epsie Hendrickson.

34. WILLIAM CLYDE HENNEN, JR., son of William and Rebecca Henn­en, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-15-1817; died Wadestwon, W. Va. 9-29-1884; married Louisa May Dye, daughter of Lytle and Eleanor Dye, born Greene Co., Pa. 1-18-1819; died Wadestwon, W. Va. 4-2-1912. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

William and Louisa Hennen took up residence in the Core area of Monon­galia County, Virginia (now W. Va.) where they resided only a short time. By 1840 they had removed to the area now known as Wadestown, W. Va. where William followed the trade of a carpenter and cabinet-maker. He was also an undertaker, making his caskets of black walnut with a high pol­ished finish. The size for the caskets was obtained by using a stalk or long switch to measure the length of the corpse.

William and Louisa Hennen resided in the house later occupied by the George DeGarmo family and more recently by the family of Raymond Tenn­ant.

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & LOillSA HENNEN(William3William2Matthew1)

207. James Oliver Hennen married Urie Ann Brook. 208. Benjamin Leroy Hennen died young. 209. Malinda Hennen died young. 210. Mary Ellen Hennen died young. 211. Lot Lantz Hennen died young. 212. Elza Lytle Hennen married Mary Ann Whalen. 213. Rebecca Jane Hennen married (1) Adam Shriver (2) Samuel Miller.

35, ALEXANDER HENNEN, son of William and Rebecca Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-5-1820; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-13-1892; married (1) Mrs. Anna Hennen (widow of Levi Hennen #21), daughter of William and Anne (Oglevee) Stoops, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-23-1817; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-6-1856. Alexander Hennen married (2) 8-27-1857, Rachel Russell, daughter of Solomon and Catharine (Baer) Russell, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-11-1831; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-30-1890. Anna Hennen is buried in the Old


Tabor Cemetery above Jollytown, Pa.; Alexander and Rachel Hennen are bur­ied in the Oak Forest M. E. Church Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Alexander and Anna Hennen took up residence in the Camp Run area of Monongalia County, now West Virginia, where Alexander was a farmer. Re­becca and Anne Hennen, children of Anna by her previous marriage, were brought up in this household also. Alexander and Rachel Hennen continued to reside in this same location throughout their married life.


Matthew1) 214. Levi Hennen married (1) Matilda A. Lemley (2) Sarah Jane Bell. 215. Elroy Hennen married Adaline Pryor. 216. Sarah Katharine Hennen married Jacob Shriver. 217. Lewis Hennen married Elzena Clovis. CHILDREN OF ALEXANDER & RACHEL HENNEN (Alexander3William


Matthew1) 218. Clarissa Jane Hennen married William Milton Lemmon. 219. Nancy Emily Hennen married John Wesley Hennen #137. 220. Martha Ellen Hennen married Fred Cottrill. 221. Henry Solomon Russell Hennen married Lillie May Phillips. 222. William Mccarl Hennen married Sarah Jane Haskins. 223. Joseph Plummer Hennen married Sarah Elizabeth Berdine. 224. Christopher Columbus Hennen married Lucy Haskins.

36. ROBERT PAINTER HENNEN, son of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-22-1805; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-30-1873; married (in Monongalia Co., Va. by Rev. Charles McLane) 2-10-1828, Elizabeth Wilkins, daughter of Jeptha (some records say Samuel) and Catherine (Evans) Wilkins, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 8-27-1803; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-24-1871. Both are buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Morgantown, W. Va.

Robert P. and Elizabeth Hennen resided throughout their married life in Morgantown, West Virginia. There Mr. Hennen took an active interest in the progress of the town. He served as a borough councilman from 1860 to 1863 and, again, in 186 8 .

The first record of land possessed by Robert H~nnen is found in a trans­action dated 10-19-1831 when he purchased, from the executors of Eugenius M. Wilson, lot number nine in Morgantown. This lot was on the west side of Front Street (now University Avenue). On this site Robert P. Hennen began the manufacture of furniture, about 1840. He is remembered as being one of the first expert cabinet-makers in the city of Morgantown. In 1865 he was joined in this business by his son. After the death of Robert P. Hennen the business became known as Hennen Brothers, adding the manufacture of cas­kets and coffins to the items previously made there.

In 1829 Robert P. Hennen and wife, Elizabeth, were joined by James Poston and Catherine, his wife (late widow of Jeptha Wilkins), and Edward Wilkins, all conveying land on White Day Creek to John Wilkins. James and Catherine Poston were then residing in Preston County, Virginia (now W. Va.).



Matthew1) 225. Valinda Ann Hennen married Leroy Kramer Hall. 226. Nancy Catherine Hennen married Isaac Hite. 227. Helen Samantha Hennen married Charles Alexander Mestrezat. 228. Matthew Hennen married Mary Louise Pickenpaugh. 229. Samuel Ebenezer Hennen died young. 230. Sarah Isabel Hennen married David Holmes. 231. Frederick Augustus Hennen married Ellen Elizabeth Coyle. 232. Emily Frances Hennen died young.

37. ELIZABETH HENNEN, daughter of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born Greene Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1808; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) after 1820. Data regarding this daughter are circumstantial, based upon census records and tradition of a daughter, Elizabeth, as being one of their children. Nothing further.

38. LEVI V. HENNEN, son of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1811; died after 1859; married (1) 4-5-1832, Phoebe Everly, daughter of Samuel Everly, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1811; died in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) after 1850. Levi married (2) 12-30-1852, Margaret McCan, daughter of William McCan, (her birthplace and date not ascertained).

Levi and Phoebe Hennen resided in the eastern division of Monongalia County, now West Virginia, where Levi was listed as a laborer; he was also a land owner. In 1849 he received a lot of ground containing one-half acre, from John Rogers "for one dollar and other faithful offices." This lot was located on the state road from Roger's Mill to Kingwood; the valuation of land owned by Levi Hennen in 1850 was six hundred dollars. It seems likely that Levi Hennen may have been an employee of Mr. Rogers; thus the convey­ance of the lot for the token sum of one dollar.

The Methodist Protestant Church School in Morgantown (:N. Va.) was established before 1849; Levi Hennen served as its superintendent in the 1850's.

Sometime before 3-24-1858, Levi Hennen and his family removed from Monongalia County and took up residence in Louisa County, Iowa. This is evidenced by a deed of that date in which Levi Hennen conveyed his interest in his father's estate to his brother, Robert P. Hennen. Levi Hennen and his wife, Margaret, joined in a deed in 1859, as recorded in Monongalia County. Nothing further has been found regarding this family. A check of the 1860 census of Louisa County, Iowa, failed to locate them at that time. It is most certain that there were additional children in this family, but we only have record of five.


(all born Monongalia Co., Va.) 233. FRANCIS M. HENNEN born about 1832. 234. NANCY M. HENNEN born about 1835. 235. ROBERT A. HENNEN died young (born about 1838; died 7-2-1853).


236. FEMALE HENNEN 237. ISABELLA R. HENNEN born about 1846.

39. HARRIET HENNEN, daughter of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1815; death data not ascertained; married 12-24-1835, Samuel Hileman, further data unknown.

In 1840 this couple was listed as living in the eastern division of Monon­galia County, now West Virginia; at that time they had two sons and one daugh­ter. Further records have not been found. There is a good possibility that they may have later lived in Gilmer County, West Virginia. The 1880 census lists a Harriet Hileman residing there with a son, and her age would be very nearly the same.

40. GEORGE WASHINGTON HENNEN, son of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1822; died Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1854; married 4-22-1844, Justina Shay, daughter of James Shay, born about 1827; died Keyser, W. Va. about 1917. Their burial places are unknown to us.

Washington and Justina Hennen resided through the short span of their married life in the Morgantown area of Monongalia County, now West Virgin­ia. Mr. Hennen pursued the occupation of a carpenter, perhaps having learn­ed the trade from his eldest brother, Robert P. Hennen.

In 1849 Washington Hennen purchased a house and lot from Addison and Mary Ann Vance. This was at the corner of Bumba Lane (now Fayette Street) and Front Street (now University Avenue). Horatio McGeorge and Christian Madera owned the adjoining properties.

The untimely death of Washington Hennen left his widow with the care of four small children. They remained in Morgantown until the latter part of the 1860's when they removed to New Creek Township of Mineral County, West Virginia. Justina remained there until her death.


Matthew ) 238. Isabella R. Hennen married Francis M. Reynolds. 239. Mary L. Hennen married 0. Babb. 240. William Hennen married Mary Catherine Stinehart. 241. Fanny E. Hennen married Dr. Thomas H. West.

41. RACHEL A. HENNEN, daughter of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1826; died after 1860.

We have been told that Matthew and Nancy Hennen had a daughter, Rachel, although she is not mentioned in the will of Matthew Hennen. The omission of her name from this record might be explained by the fact that two shares in the estate were left to his son, Robert, while the other children each received one share. Perhaps an agreement had been made whereby Robert would care for Rachel during her lifetime; indications are that she never married. It is quite possible that she was handicapped in some way and unable to be respon -sible for her own share of the estate.

In the 1850 census Rachel Hennen was listed in the home of Matthew and Nancy Hennen. In 1860 (Matthew died in 1857) both Nancy and Rachel were


listed in the household of Robert P. Hennen. No further record has yet been found for Rachel Hennen.

42. THOMAS JACKSON LAZELL HENNEN, foster son of Matthew and Nancy Hennen, Jr., born (perhaps) in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-11-1834; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-18-1889; married 11-6-1856, Mary Sterling, daughter of Joseph McMinn and Hannah (Watson) Sterling, born Fayette Co., Pa. 4-27-1836; died Fairmont, W. Va. 12-20-1910. Both are buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery in East Fairmont, W. Va.

Thomas Jackson Lazell was raised from early youth in the home of Matth­ew and Nancy Hennen. He later assumed the name Hennen and his descend­ants have since been known by this name. There may have been a closer re­lationship, yet uncovered, as he shared equally with his foster brothers and sisters in the division of the estate of Matthew Hennen. Therefore, we felt it imperative to include the descendants as members of this Hennen family; and we are proud to have this privilege, insofar as we have been able to ob­tain the data.

Thomas and Mary Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Fairmont area of Marion County, West Virginia. He first pursued the occu­pation of a carpenter and later became a merchant.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARY HENNEN (Thomas Matthew Matthew )

242. James Walter Hennen married Letitia ____ _ 243. Frank Hennen married (1) Anna Morgan (2) ___ _ 244. William Sterling Hennen 245. Eva May Hennen married Walter Alexander Mestrezat #813. 246. Mary Belle Hennen died young. 247. Annie Lee Hennen died young. 248. Clarence Hennen died young. 249. Harry Hennen died young. 250. Lawrence McMinn Hennen married Elsie May Wilfong. 251. Infant Hennen died young. 252. Infant Hennen died young. 253. Thomas Wilbur Hennen married Nellie Amanda Cochran.

43. ELIZABETH HENNEN, daughter of George and Mahala Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-2-1811; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-19-1909; married 1-29-1830, Dr. James S. Mariner, son of Dr. Stephenson and Sarah (Butcher) Mariner, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 12-7-1810; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-12-1886. Both are buried in the Old Tabor Cemetery above Jollytown, Pa. , where the marker for the grave of James Mariner bears the name "Marner." His grave is beside that of Elizabeth's father, George Hennen. No marker can be found for Elizabeth's grave; it is likely that she was one of the last persons buried in this now remote and overgrown cemetery.

James Mariner was a farmer and physician, perhaps having learned the latter trade from his father who had migrated from Delaware before 1800; his mother was also a native of Delaware.


James and Elizabeth Mariner resided throughout their married life in the area of Gilmore Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. At the time of her death Elizabeth was the oldest woman in Greene County (97yrs. 5mos. 17das.) and had continued to be quite active until the last few weeks of her life. She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since the ae:e of sixteen years.

Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War the older sons of James and E­lizabeth Mariner left their home to enlist in the army. They all left on the same day, but before their departing their mother gathered the family around her. She then read from the Bible, had prayer and sang a very beau­tiful hymn in her own lovely voice. The boys later returned safely.

James and Elizabeth Mariner were the parents of 13 children, eight of whom survived her; she was also survived by 65 grandchildren 135 great grandchildren and 12 great, great grandchildren. A grandchild wrote the following tribute to her:

As grandma lay so sweetly in her casket We thought of days gone by;

She has gone to meet her loved ones In a home beyond the sky.

Dearest grandma we have laid thee In the peaceful graves embrace

But thy memory will be cherished, Till we see thy heavenly face.


Matthew ) 254. Stevenson Mariner married (1) Lydia Ann Butcher #54

(2) Rebecca Simpson. 255. George Washington Mariner married (1) Rebecca Headley

(2) Frances Taylor (3) Mrs. Barbara Nicely (4) Mrs. Frances Ashcraft. 256. Jeremiah Mariner married Catherine Collins. 257. Lucinda Mariner married Henry Taylor. 258. James Martin Van Buren Mariner married Matilda Headley. 259. Fanny Elizabeth Mariner married Francis Taylor. 260. ____ MARINER. 261. ____ MARINER. 262. William O. S. Mariner married (1) Mrs. Pleasant Stiles

(2) Mrs. Rebecca E. Davis. 263. John A. Mariner married (1) Elizabeth Roberts (2) Elsie Gump. 264. Matilda Mariner married Mathias Gilbert. 265. ___ MARINER. 266. Mary Ellen Mariner married John Phillips.

44. JANE HENNEN, daughter of George and Mahala Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-23-1813; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 9-22-1893; married (1) ____ Stine, further data on him not available. Jane Hennen Stine married (2) Adam Six, son of Adam Six, born Wayne (now


Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 10-12-1812; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-30-1894. Adam and Jane Six are buried in the Butcher Cemetery near St. Cloud, W. Va. , very near where Wetzel and Monongalia Counties meet.

Adam and Jane Six resided throughout their married life in the St. Cloud area of Monongalia County, West Virginia (except for a brief period of time spent in Greene County, Pennsylvania). Adam Six was a farmer and a land owner. Their later years were spent with their children; both Adam and Jane Six were past eighty years of age when they passed on and both died in the home of their son, John Hagan Six,

3 2 1 CHILD OF & JANE STINE (Jane George Matthew )

267. Eliza Jane Stine married William S"!r'· CHILDREN OF ADAM & JANE SIX (Jane George2Matthew1)

268. Frances Six married Henry Church. 269. Richard H. Six died young. 270. John Hagan Six married (1) Elizabeth Anne Kendall

(2) Martha Eleanor Renner. 271. Daniel Six married Rebecca Granlee. 272. Female Six died young. 273. Mahala Six married William Henry Hixenbaugh.

45. FRANCES HENNEN, daughter of George and Mahala Hennen, born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1814-15; died about 1835; married Aaron Ross, born in Pa. about 1805; further data not available at this time.

Aaron Ross married second, Mary _____ and moved west; the last record we have found for this family was in Van Buren County, Iowa, in 1868. Aaron Ross may have been a son of John and Johannah (Miller) Ross, but this is not verified.

Aaron Ross was a farmer; after his second marriage he moved to the western end of Monongalia County, now West Virginia. Aaron and Frances "Fanny" likely resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania as their children were all born in Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF AARON & FRANCES ROSS (Frances 3George2Matthew1)

274. George Ross 275. John Ross married Mrs. Marinda Butcher. 276. James S, Ross

46. JEREMIAH HENNEN, only son of George and Mahala Hennen, .born Wayne (now Gilmore) Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-14-1816; died near Jolly­town, Pa. 3-7-1873; married (1) Eliza Stoops, daughter of William and Anne (Oglevee) Stoops, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1820; died Monongal­ia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 10- -1853 (aged 33years). Jeremiah Hennen mar­ried (2) Mrs. Mary McCans (nee Kinney), born Greene Co., Pa. 3-31-1821; died near Jollytown, Pa. 8-23-1866. Jeremiah Hennen married (3) Minerva Stiles, daughter of Benjamin and Catherine (Shane) Stiles, born Monongalia


Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1835; died Wana, W. Va. 1920. Jeremiah Hennen is buried in the Haines Cemetery on Camp Run (above

Wadestown, W. Va.); burial place of Eliza is uncertain but may be the same as that of Jeremiah. Mary Hennen is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va. ; Minerva Hennen is buried in the Eakin Cemetery at Wana, W. Va.

Jeremiah Hennen resided the first few years of his married life in the Jollytown area of Greene County, Pennsylvania. About 1843 he removed to Monongalia County, Virginia (now W. Va.) where he remained until about 1859 when he returned to the area of his previous residence. At this later date Jeremiah was given land by his father, George Hennen; this was near J ollytown, Pa.

In return for this gift of land Jeremiah Hennen was to provide for his par­ents until their deaths. This he faithfully did until his home burned sometime after his father's death; his mother, Mahala, was then taken to the home of her daughter, Jane Six, where she spent the remainder of her days. Jeremiah Hennen was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF JEREMIAH & ELIZA HENNEN (Jeremiah3George2 l Matthew )

277. William Oliver Hennen married (1) Mary White (2) Elizabeth Hayes. 278. Sarah Anne Hennen married Daniel Parvin. 279. George N. Hennen never married. 2 80. Susanna Mahala Hennen married John Beaty. 281. Eliza Jane Hennen married William Dye. 282. Roena F. Hennen married John L. Renner. 283. Matthew Hennen died young. CHILDREN OF JEREMIAH & MARY HENNEN (Jeremiah3George2

1 Matthew ) 284. Jeremiah Hennen married Anna M. Showalter. 285. Charles Luther Hennen 286. Priscilla Hennen died young. 287. Margaret Florence Hennen married Kinsey Renner. CHILDREN OF JEREMIAH & MINERVA HENNEN (Jeremiah3George2

Matthew1) 288. Thomas Hennen died young. 289. Benjamin Franklin Hennen died young.

47. FRANCES ANN BUTCHER, daughter of Robert and Rachel (Hennen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1818; death place and date not ascertained; married William Leonard Mariner, son of Dr. Stephenson and Sarah (Butcher) Mariner, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 10-1-1812; died 8-20-1890. Burial places not learned.

William and Fanny Mariner resided through the early years of their mar­ried life in the area of Core, W. Va. , where their names are recorded a­mong the charter members of the Doll's Run Christian Church; the charter bears the date of 3-28-1835.

About 1838 they joined with a group of families migrating westward and 60

took up residence in the area northeast of the town now known as Hundred, West Virginia; this area was then a part of Tyler County, now Wetzel Coun­ty. Their neighbors at that time were Alexander Himelrick and Stephenson Mariner, father of William. William Mariner was a farmer and land owner. They remained in that area until after 1870 when they likely moved westward with their children.


290. Rachel Ann Mariner married Henry Wright. 291. Noah Jackson Mariner married Rebecca Debolt. 292. Elizabeth Jane Mariner married Thomas McGlumphy. 293. William Leonard Mariner, Jr. married Nina Short. 294. Nancy Katherine Mariner married Jeremiah Stewart. 295. Levi Marion Mariner married Elizabeth Smith. 296. Hester (or Esther) Caroline Mariner married George W. Smalley. 297. Thomas Jefferson Mariner married Sarah Emma Zerby.

48. JAMES HARRISON BUTCHER, eldest son of Robert and Rachel (Hen­nen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1820; died near Hundred, W. Va. 1895; married Nancy Mariner, daughter of Dr. Stephenson and Sarah (Butcher) Mariner, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1817; died near Hundred, W. Va. before 1895. Both are likely buried in the Butcher Cemetery near St. Cloud, W. Va.; however, no markers could be found there for this couple.

James Harrison and Nancy Butcher migrated westward with their parents and other members of their families; this was a move from the area of Core, now West Virginia, to the area near Hundred, same state. They settled in the area still known by some as "Butcher Hollow" and their neighbors then were Stephenson Mariner, father of Nancy, and Zachariah Blew (Blue).

In 1858 James Harrison Butcher was conveyed a part of his father's home tract of land. There he remained, following the occupation of a farmer, un­til his death.


Rachel 2Matthew1) 298. Sarah Jane Butcher married John (or Jackson) Hostuttler. 299. Robert W. Butcher married Harriet A. Debolt. 300. Nimrod J. Butcher married Harriet Davis. 301. Matthew Hennen Butcher married Melinda Leazer. 302. Rachel Catherine Butcher married _____ Murphy. 303. Lucinda Butcher married William Main. 304. Ephraim Thomas Butcher married Nancy Jane Church.

49. WILLIAM JACKSON BUTCHER, son of Robert and Rachel (Hennen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-8-1821; died West War­ren, Va. (now Wadestown, W. Va.) 11-2-1849; married 6-17-1841, Marinda Ullom, daughter of Stephen and Esther Ullom, born Greene Co., Pa. 9-5-1823; died Gifford, Ill. 1889. The exact location of the burial of William J. Butcher is not known; Marinda was buried in the Welles Cemetery in Gifford,


Ill. William Jackson Butcher was a minister in the Christian Church, serv­

ing churches in Monongalia, Marion and Wetzel Counties of Virginia ( now W. Va.). Sadly his career was cut short by his untimely death at the age of twenty-eight years. He was also a carriage-maker and wheelright, having kept a daily account book up until the time of his death. This account book was in the possession of a granddaughter, the late Mrs. Constance Ice Bra­man, who supplied much of the data on this branch of the family.

Marinda Ullom Butcher, having been left with two small children, mar­ried second, John Ross, son of Aaron and Frances (Hennen) Ross. JohnRoss was a cousin of William Jackson Butcher. John and Marinda Ross then be­came the parents of four daughters: Hester, Henrietta, Savannah and Pris­cilla Ross.



Matthew1) 305. Nancy Jane Butcher married James Kidwell Ice. 306. David Butcher married Ella

50. MATTHEW HENNEN BUTCHER, son of Robert and Rachel (Hennen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1825; died Ancona, Ill.; married Jane Mariner, daughter of Dr. Stephenson and Sarah (Butcher) Mariner, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1830; died Ancona, Ill.

Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher first took up residence near the area now known as Hundred, W. Va. In the middle 1860's they migrated westward and finally settled near Ancona, Illinois where "Hannan" Butcher pursued the occupation of a farmer.

CHILDREN OF MATTHEW H. & JANE BUTCHER (Matthew H. 3Rachel2 -=..:c-'-------'------'-----'---------=----=-=--'------=c........::'---'--------'------'---------'--- Matthew1)

307. Isaiah Butcher married ----308. Jeremiah Butcher married ________ _ 309. Marion Butcher married ----310. James Butcher 311. Isaac Butcher married Effie ----312. Robert W. Butcher 313. Louisa Butcher married John Groves.

51. ELIZABETH JANE BUTCHER, daughter of Robert and Rachel (Hen­nen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1827; married Abner Himelrick, son of Alexander Himelrick, born about 1826. Further data not ascertained.

Abner and Elizabeth Jane Himelrick (or Emerick) first took up residence in the area now known as Hundred, W. Va.; there Abner was a farmer and land owner. No record of this family has yet been uncovered after the cen-sus of 1860 when their post office address was Burton, Va.


(probably incomplete-these born Wetzel Co., W. Va.) Matthew ) 314. FRANCES ANN HIMELRICK born about 1849.


315. CAROLINE HIMELRICK born about 1851. 316. JOHN W. HIMELRICK born about 1853. 317. MARY JANE HIMELRICK born about 1855. 318. HESTER HIMELRICK born about 1857. 319. MARINDA HIMELRICK born about 1859.

52. GEORGE WASHINGTON BUTCHER, son of Robert and Rachel (Hen­nen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1-15-1832; diednear Hundred, W. Va. 12-5-1916; married (in Greene Co., Pa. by Abner Garri­son) 1-25-1849, Louisa Hixenbaugh, born in Va. about 1828; further data not available. Both are likely buried in the Butcher Cemetery near St. Cloud.

George W. and Louisa Butcher resided in the area of Church District of Wetzel County, West Virginia where he was a farmer and land owner. Mr. Butcher was a Civil War soldier, serving in Company C, 17th Regiment of the West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted 2-15-1861 and served un­til 6-30-1865. In later years he received a pension for th~s service.


320. Martilla Butcher married George Ullom. 321. Elroy Butcher married (1) Hannah Himelrick (2) Elizabeth Curry. 322. David Butcher married (1) Mary Church (2) Mahala Elliott.

53. THOMAS BUTCHER, youngest son of Robert and Rachel (Hennen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1831; married Es­ther Ullom, daughter of Stephen and Esther Ullom, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1836; further data not available.


(only one we have record of) Matthew1) 323. SOLOMON BUTCHER, born Wetzel Co., Va. 1-24-1856.

54. LYDIA ANN BUTCHER, youngest child of Robert and Rachel (Hen­nen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1835; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1867 (aged 32yrs 2mos 4das); married Stevenson Mariner, son of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 1831. Lydia Butcher Mariner is buried in the Butcher Cemetery near St. Cloud, W. Va.

For further data see #254 Stevenson Mariner. 55. HANNAH HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born

in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1819; married (in Clinton Co., Oh.) 1-23-1845, Wesley Lee, born in Ohio about 1823.

This family was listed in the 1850 census of Clinton County, Ohio, in Marion Township. Further data not available.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF WESLEY & HANNAH LEE (Hannah Ebenezer Matthew ) (probably incomplete-taken from census)

324. JOHN LEE born in Ohio about 1845. 325. EBENEZER LEE born in Ohio about 1846. 326. SAMUEL LEE born in Ohio about 1849.

56. SARAH M. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1820; married (in Clinton Co., Oh.)4-4-1844,


James Jones, born in Ohio about 1820. James and Sarah Jones were listed in the 1850 census of Clinton County,

Ohio; at that time they were living in Washington Township. By the time of the 1860 census of the same county they had removed to Union Township and their post office address was Wilmington; James was a farmer. No further record of this family has been found.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & SARAH LEE (Sarah3Ebenezer2Matthew1) (probably incomplete-taken from census records) 327. ELIZABETH M. JONES born in Ohio about 1845. 328. MARY C. JONES born in Ohio about 1847. 329. JOSEPH WILLIAM JONES born in Ohio about 1849. 330. MALINDA JONES born in Ohio about 1852. 331. OLIVE E. JONES born in Ohio about 1854. 332. CHARLES JONES born in Ohio about 1856.

57. CHRISTOPHER YOUNG HENNEN, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1821; married (in Clinton Co., Oh. by Samuel K. Mitchell) 3-6-1845, Mary Jane Keenan, daughter of Peter Keenan, born in Ohio about 1820; further data not available.

Christopher Y. Hennen bought 106 acres of land in Marion Township of Clinton County, Ohio in 1848; they are listed there in the census of 1850. In 1860, however, they are listed in Vernon Township with a Clarksville post office address. By 1870 they are back in Marion Township where it is likely they remained until their deaths. In 1902 Christopher Hennen sold the above tract of land (106 acres) but no wife joined in the deed. Christopher Young Hennen was a farmer.


Ebenezer Matthew1) 333. John H, Hennen married Sarah L. Oliver. 334. NANCY M. HENNEN born in Ohio about 1848. 335. ELIZABETH HENNEN born in Ohio about 1850. 336. Clara Etta Hennen married Felix Garrison. 337. MARY HENNEN born in Ohio about 1858.

58. REBECCA H. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1823; married (in Clinton Co., Oh.)4-23-1840, John W. Evertson, born 1810-20. Nothing further.

In the census of 1840 John W. Evertson was listed as living in Union Town­ship of Clinton County, Ohio; they were next door to Ebenezer Hennen.

59, JOSEPH H. HENNEN, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1825-nothing further.

60. MINOR BURGE HENNEN, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1~28; died Otto, Kans. 10-6-1892; married (in Cowley Co., Kans.) 9-1-1880, Nancy A. Passley, born about 1853-54; died Keyes, Okla. 5-31-1933. Burial place of Minor B. Hennen is not yet known; Nancy was buried in the Willow-bar Cemetery in Cimarron County, Okla. * Another record gives their marriage date as 1879.


The data included herewith has been taken from the pension record of a Minor B. Hennen, who received such pension for his service rendered in the Civil War. He applied for this pension 7-8-1890, at which time he gave his post office address as Otto, Kansas. His age at that time was 63 years, his height 5' 5 ", complexion fair, blue eyes and auburn hair. He stated that he had served in Company G, Eighth Regiment of the Illinois Cavalry, as a Pri­vate, from 2-1-1864 through 7-17-1865, when he was honorably discharged from said service at Benton Barracks, Missouri. Since this service he had lived in Iowa and Kansas, following the occupation of a farmer. Previous to his service he had been a tailor. Mark Phillips and M. S. Truxal were wit­nesses to this application.

On 10-19-1892, Nancy A. Hennen, widow of Minor B. Hennen, made an application for a widow's pension. At that time she stated that Minor B. Hennen had died 10-6-1892, at Otto, Kansas. She further stated that she was married to Mr. Hennen at her father's home on 9-1-1879; she listed three children born to them.

Another paper found in this file is signed by T. J. Floyd, who stated that he had first become acquainted with Minor B. Hennen in 1868, went to Kansas with him in 1870, saw him frequently until 1876, occasionally until 1882, at which time Mr. Floyd left Kansas and returned to Iowa. Mr. Hen­nen had resided in Madison County, Iowa when Mr. Floyd became acquaint­ed with him.

CHILDREN OF MINOR B. & NANCY HENNEN(Minor3Ebenezer2Matthew1)

338. ____ W. HENNEN born 6-23-1882. 339. FRANCES M. HENNEN born 10-30-1884. 340. EDNA HENNEN born 7-22-1891.

61. GEORGE W. HENNEN, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born Clinton Co., Oh. about 1829; nothing further.

62. ESTHER J. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born Clinton Co., Oh. about 1831; married (in Clinton Co.) 12-26-1850, David Durnford, PROBABLY a son of Solomon and Susanna Durnford, born in Ohio about 1823.

David and Esther Durnford were listed in Stonelick Township, Clermont County, Ohio in census of 1860; their address was Belfast. Mr. Durnford was a farmer and living with them were Solomon and Susanna Durnford.

CHILDREN OF DAVID & ESTHER DUMFORD (Esther3Ebenezer2Matthew1) (probably incomplete)

341. EZRA W. DUMFORD born in Ohio about 1855. 342. ELIAS DUMFORD born in Ohio about 1858.

63. ARZILLA J. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born Clinton Co., Oh. about 1833; nothing further.

64. DRUSILLA P. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born Clinton Co., Oh. about 1833; nothing further. (twin of Arzilla)

65. MARYE. HENNEN, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born Clinton Co., Oh. about 1837; nothing further.


66. EBENEZER B. HENNEN, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Hennen, born in Clinton Co., Oh. about 1839--nothing further.

67. FEMALE HENNEN, daughter of David and Phoebe Hennen, born be­tween 1820-25--nothing further.

68. ROBERT ALEXANDER HENNEN, son of David and Phoebe Hennen, born 1825-30; living in Ohio in 1850 (when he sold land in Greene Co., Pa.)

69. JOSEPH ALLEN HENNEN, son of David and Phoebe Hennen, born 1825-30; living in Ohio in 1850.

70. MALE HENNEN, son of David and Phoebe Hennen, born 1825-30; nothing further.

71. MALE HENNEN, son of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1825-30; no further record of this child after the census of 1830.

72. ELIZA JANE HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-11-1833; died Washington, Pa. 1-17-1907; married 11-17-1851, John Reason Lemley, born 11-4-1829; died Washington, Pa. 1-29-1907 (only twelve days after the death of his wife). Both are buried in the Washington Cemetery at Washington, Pa.

The parentage of John Reason Lemley has not been ascertained but it is believed by some that he was a son of Jacob and Sarah (White) Lemley. An-other possibility is that he was a son of ____ and Nancy Lemley; this lat-ter family was in Jackson Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania in the cen­sus of 1850 with Nancy as head of the household. A John Lemley, aged 22 years, was listed in this family. The names of the children of John R. and Jane Lemley would indicate a relationship to the aforementioned Jacob and Sarah Lemley family. Likewise the place of his birth seems uncertain, as does the date. Information given at the time of his death, as found in death and burial records, states he was born 10-18-1827 at Lewisville, Ohio. The census records for 1860, 1870 and 1880 all give Pennsylvania as the place of his birth; family records give the date of his birth as 11-4-1829.

Information supplied on this family by Sarah Grove (of Warren, Oh.) and Elizabeth Isiminger (of Woodruff, W. Va.) has been the result of much hard work. There always remained the conflicting data presented herewith. It is hoped that no major errors will appear therein.

John R. and Eliza Jane Lemley resided in the New Freeport area of Penn­sylvania throughout most of their married life; he was a farmer and wagoner. He also worked on pipe lines and was well known for his knowledge of fine horses. It is doubtful if he ever owned land and, apparently, he moved about considerably with a few years in the late 1850's being spent in Virginia (now W. Va.). After most of their children were gone from home they removed to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where they lived until shortly before the turn of the century when they removed to Washington (same state) where their grand­son, "Fess" Lemley, provided a home for them. Many of their children had moved to the Washington area with only two, Mary Ellen Smith and David Lemley, remaining in Greene County (Pa.). After the deaths of John and Eliza Jane Lemley the other children, who had resided around Washington,


commenced moving out until only one child, Ruth Rush, and her family were there.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF JOHN R. & JANE LEMLEY (Jane Alexander Matthew )

343. Mary Ellen Lemley married Hugh Smith. 344. David Hennen Lemley married Elizabeth Anderson. 345. Alexander Lemley married (1) ________ (2) Avaline Jones. 346. ____ Lemley 347. Israel Slater Lemley died young. 348. Jacob Lemley 349. Harriet Bell Lemley married Newton Seals. 350. Ruth Melissa Lemley married William Jackson Rush. 351. Sarah Matilda Lemley married Martin Robinson. 352. John Reason Lemley Jr. married Rebecca Harris. 353. Maud Lemley married LaSalle Girts. 354. Avaline Lemley died young. 355. Eva Minerva Lemley married John Knapp McClelland.

Some people have felt that Israel and Slater Lemley were two separate children; others feel they are one and the same. Census records that this was one child, Israel Slater Lemley. Eva Lemley McClelland insists that she was the thirteenth child and seventh daughter of John and Jane Lemley. Accepting this statement, we must assume that there was another child in this family and it must have been another son (probably died young).

73. MARY HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born in Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-18-1835; died Courtland, Kans. 12-31-1908; married in 1853, Thomas H. Bland, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bland, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1828-30; died Courtland, Kans. 12-13-1893. Both are buried in the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery near Courtland, Kans. This cemetery was formerly known as the McDonald Cemetery.

Thomas H. and Mary Bland resided in the Jollytown area of Greene Co., Pa. during the first few years of their married life. About 1860 they began the westward trek which took them through Ohio and Iowa, where they made stops before finally taking up residence in the area of Courtland, Kansas. Thomas Bland was a farmer and blacksmith.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARY BLAND (Mary Alexander Matthew )

356. Sarah Bland married Robert Whitley. 357. William Alexander Bland married Alice McCrosson. 358. Elizabeth Bland married Amos A. Burke. 359. Harriet Bland married Samuel G. Sheeks. 360. George M. Bland married ________ _ 361. Lucy Bland married Edd Marty. 362. John E. Bland married Mary Newcomb. 363. ___ BLAND

74. DAVID HENNEN, son of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1834; died near New Freeport, Pa. 1-21-1862;


married Ruth A, Cumpston, daughter of Alexander and Maria (Clovis) Cump­ston, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 12-19-1840; died near New Freeport, Pa. 2-19-1906. David Hennen is probably buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Church Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa., with no marker for his grave; Ruth is buried there in a marked grave.

David and Ruth Hennen resided in the area of New Freeport, Pennsylvan­ia where David was a farmer. His death resulted from an accident encount­ered while riding horse-back a few weeks earlier. His only child was but an infant when he died. Ruth Cumpston Hennen married, for her second husband, William H. Wildman and they were the parents of Anna C., Fannie, Eliza E., Harriet, Charles W. and Rebecca.

3 CHILDREN OF DAVID & RUTH HENNEN (David Alexander2Matthew1)

364. Marietta Hennen married Thomas A. Hinerman. 75. MARTIN VAN BUREN HENNEN, son of Alexander and Sarah Hennen,

born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-17-1837*; died near Burton, W, Va. 3-20-1899; married Cassander Shriver, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Shri­ver, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-13-1837; died near Burton, W. Va. 6-26-1895. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

*The cemetery marker gives this date for his birth and, since no death date is inscribed thereon, it would seem likely that he had placed the marker himself after his wife died. However, the death record gives his death date as 3-20-1899, aged 65 years, 4 months, 15 days.

Van and Cassander Hennen resided in Springhill and Gilmore Townships of Greene County, Pennsylvania until after 1880 when they removed to Wet­zel County, West Virginia. There Van built a house only a short distance from the present intersection of State Route 7 and U. S. Route 250, at Cotton­town; that was their home until their deaths. Van Hennen was a farmer.

Much confusion has been encountered in records relating to this couple, but it seems they had no children of their own. They did, however, make a home for others who are provided for in the wills of both Van and Cassander Hennen. Mary Ellen Hennings, who was born in Virginia (W. Va. ?) about 1856, made her home with this couple from the early days of their marriage and is referred to in the will of Cassander, as Mary Ellen Antle. Minnie Vi­ola Hamilton was adopted by this couple in infancy; she is named in both the wills. Charles W. Renner is referred to in the will of Van Hennen, as the son of R. A. Hennen; he was actually a son of Rebecca Hennen, sister of Van. He was raised in the home of Van and Cassander Hennen. Thus we shall in­clude the three above mentioned as children of Van a~d Cassand~r Hennen.


365. Mary Ellen Hennings married Peter Antle. 366. Charles W. Renner married Amanda Huffman. 367. Minnie Viola Hamilton (Hennen) married Van Everly Liming.

76. NANCY HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born in Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-7-1837*; died Woodruff, W. Va. 1-24-


1921; married (1) Job Hale, son of William Hale, born in Pa. about 1819; died after 1860. Nancy Hennen Hale married (2) Samuel Ase Gray, son of Asa Gray, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-20-1835; died Cameron, W. Va. 12-19-1923. Samuel and Nancy Gray are buried in the Big Run Christian Church Cemetery near Cameron, W. Va.; burial place of Job Hale not learned.

Job and Nancy Hale resided in Dunkard Township of Greene County, Penn­sylvania; Job was a shinglemaker. After the death of Job Hale, Nancy resided in the home of her parents until her marriage to Samuel A. Gray.

Samuel and Nancy Gray resided in Licking County, Ohio for a short time when first married. There Samuel Gray was employed in the delivery of the mail from Cambridge to Newark, Ohio. They soon returned to Greene Coun­ty, Pennsylvania; thereafter they resided in various parts of the southwest­ern section of this county and in the neighboring section of Marshall County, West Virginia. It seems they did not remain long in one place and we have been told that Nancy used to say, "When the chickens see us coming they lie on their backs and hold their feet up in the air to be tied." One time "Samm­ie" Gray walked all the way from Waynesburg (Pennsylvania) to either New­ark or Cambridge, Ohio. Upon his arrival there his feet were so swollen that it was necessary to cut his boots off his feet.

Samuel Gray was a farmer. He was also a Civil War Soldier, having ser­ved 2 years, 1 month and 28 days in Company A, 11th W. Va. Infantry. He received a pension for this service.

*This is the date as taken from the family bible record, but it tends to conflict with the date of birth for her brother, Van Hennen, as found on his cemetery marker. The cemetery marker for Nancy Gray bears dates of 1838-1921.

CHILDREN OF JOB & NANCY HALE (Nanci Alexander2Matthew1

368. Florence Hale died young. 369. Mary Edith Hale married James Stiles.

3 2 1 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL & NANCY GRAY (Nancy Alexander Matthew )

3 70. Belle J. Gray married George Beauregard Warrick. 3 71. Charles H. Gray married (1) Rosa Thompson (2) Olive Burley. 372. James Alexander Gray married Margaret Stewart. 373. Samuel Ase Gray Jr. married Mary Sophia Nightler. 374. William Gray married (1) Della Morris (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Woods

(3) Mrs. Dora Gray. 3 75. Infant son Gray 376. Stephen McClellan Gray married Effie K. Matthews. 3 77. Albert Gray married Minnie Straight.

77. CATHERINE HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1839; died after 1850. No record has been found after the census of 1850.

78. REBECCA HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-18-1840; died 8-12-1927; unmarried.


Rebecca is buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Church Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Rebecca Hennen never married. After the death of her parents she made her home with various members of the family and, at the time of her death, she was living with her son, Charles W. Renner (#366).

79. JOHN WILLIAM HENNEN, son of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8- -1841; died near New Freeport, Pa. 12-9-1908; married 12-15-1867, Rebecca Cumpston, daughter of Alexander and Maria (Clovis) Cumpston, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1848; died near New Freeport, Pa. 9-16-1931. Both are buried in the Pleasant Hill ( or Rice's) Church Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.; there are no markers for their graves.

John and Rebecca Hennen resided on the home farm of his parents, near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; John was a farmer. This farm was only a short distance out the ridge from the Pleasant Hill Church, a Methodist Episcopal Church of which Rebecca, at the time of her death, had been a member for some 67 years. John had become a member of the M. E. Church in 1859 and, at the time of his death, he was a Trustee of the Pleasant Hill qhurch.

CHILDREN OF JOHN & REBECCA HENNEN (John3 Alexander Matthew1)

378. Martin Luther Hennen married (1) Mary Elizabeth Hamilton (2) Violet Edith Hariff.

379. Jessie Florence Hennen married William Hicey Stewart. 380. William Alexander Hennen married Alice Mary Renner. 381. Dora E. Hennen married James A. Darling #627. 382. Mary E. Hennen married Joseph P. Meighen. 383. Harry B. Hennen married (1) Nora B. Miller (2) Victoria Bissett. 384. Charles E. Hennen married Ida Mildred White #1864. 385. Nettie Hennen never married.

80. ROBERT B. HENNEN, son of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born in Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-20-1845; died Tekamah, Nebr. 3-8-1911; married (1) Margaret Pollick, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-28-1840; died in Tekamah, Nebr. 2-25-1902. Robert Hennen married (2) 6- -1905, Emma Williams, further data on her not available. Robert and Margaret Hennen are buried in the Tekamah Cemetery at Tekamah, Nebr. with their two children.

Robert and Margaret Hennen migrated west soon after their marriage. They settled in Tekamah, Nebraska and remained there until their deaths. Mr. Hennen was, for many years, a valued representative of the Mutual In­surance Company and was recognized for his outstanding service in that ca­pacity. He also took an active part in the civic affairs of Tekamah. His many friends in Greene County, Pennsylvania remembered him as "Jolly Bob. 11

On 12-31-1910 Mr. Hennen met with an unusual accident that resulted in his death some weeks later. His horses were frightened by an automobile and caused his buggy to upset into a ditch. He thus sustained injuries from which he never recovered.



Matthew ) 386. SARAH ANETTA HENNEN died young. 387. ______ HENNEN died young.

81. MARIA MINERVA HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1845; died Washington, Pa. 2-23-1921; married Isaac Blue, probably a son of Zachariah and Mary Ann Blue, born about 1840; died Washington, Pa.

Isaac and Maria Minerva Blue resided during the early years of their mar­riage in West Virginia and Ohio. By 1870 they were living in Gilmore Town­ship of Greene County, Pennsylvania where Isaac was a farmer. They remain­ed in Greene County for several years, but spent their last years in Washing­ton, Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF ISAAC & MINERVA BLUE (Minerva3Alexander2Matthew1)

388. Adella Blue died young. 389. Lucy Bell Blue married Rezin Headley. 390. Spencer Blue married Leona Rice. 391. Eliza Anne Blue married Melville Lyle Dodge. 392. William Blue married Catherine Wright. 393. Matilda Blue married A. Inghram Cummins. 394. Frank Blue married Mary Gump. 395. Mary Blue married Julian Burgard. 396. Atha Blue married James Cummins. 397. Clara Blue married McKinley Hall. 398. Edd Blue never married. 399. Nellie Blue married Clarence Gorby.

82. SARAH L. HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1847; died after 1850. Nothing further found after the census of 1850.

83. ELIZABETH HENNEN, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1849; died after 1850. Nothing further found after the census of 1850.

84. LUCY V. HENNEN, youngest child of Alexander and Sarah Hennen, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-19-1851; died near New Freeport, Pa. 7-20-1904; married (at New Freeport, Pa.) 11-10-1871, Jarrett Lemley, son of Rebecca Lemley, born Greene Co., Pa. 6-9-1846; died near New Free­port, Pa. 10-28-1902. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Church Cemetery, near Ned, Pa.

Jarrett and Lucy Lemley resided through the early years of their married life at Kirby, Pennsylvania; later they removed to near Blacksville, West Vir­ginia (but on the Pennsylvania side). Finally they moved to the area near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; there their farm was the corner-stone farm of the state. Jarrett Lemley was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF JARRETT & LUCY LEMLEY (Lucy3 Alexander2Matthew1)


400. Sara Rosella Lemley never married. 401. Frank Burns Lemley married Lucy Null. 402. Rebecca Alta Lemley married John McGuffie. 403. George B. Lemley married Norma Dell McDougal. 404. Cassa Viola Lemley married Harry Gorby. 405. John Otle Lemley died young. 406. Emma Floy Lemley never married. 407. Willie J. Lemley died young.



FOURTH GENERATION ••••.......•.••.•.••..•.•••• Page 75

#85 through #407

85. GEORGE NELSON HENNEN, of John Nelson and Sarah Hennen, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1-28-1828; died near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-17-1855; married Margaret Bartrug, of George and Barbara Ellen (Glover) Bartrug, born Tyler Co., Va. (now Wetzel Co., W. Va.) 1-25-1825; died near Burton, W. Va. 4-26-1888. Both are said to be buried in the Leez­er Cemetery, near Burton, in unmarked graves.

George and Margaret "Maggie II Hennen resided in the area now known as Burton, West Virginia; George was a farmer. Like his father, he died quite young leaving a widow with the care of four small children, the youngest only two months old. They continued to reside in the same area, among her peo­ple, until her death.

Margaret Bartrug Hennen married second, James (or Allen Green) Brown and they were the parents of Jesse Miller and Thomas Brown.


408. John Hennen married (1) Mrs. Rebecca Hamilton (2) Mrs. Phoebe Donston Mccosh.

409, George Wilson Hennen married (1) Maggie McClure (2) Minerva Barker (3) Margaret Sturgeon.

410. Sarah Jane Hennen married Simon Glover. 411. Lavina Hennen married George Hennen Sine.

86. ASBURY HENNEN, of John Nelson and Sarah Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1830; died near Farmington, W. Va. 2-10-1916; married (1) in 1850, Eleanor Glover, of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bartrug) Glover, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1830; died near Hun­dred, W. Va. 1875. Asbury Hennen married (2) 9-21-1877, Elizabeth Jane Wycoff, of William and Jane Wycoff, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1848; died near Farmington, W. Va. 6-27-1920. Eleanor is said to be buried about 5 miles west of Hundred, W. Va., on the farm where she and Asbury were residing at the time of her death; Asbury and Elizabeth Hennen are buried in Farmington, W. Va.

The first item to be considered in regard to Asbury "Asby" Hennen is the spelling of the surname used through this branch of the family. His father, grandfather and great grandfather had all written the name HENNEN; how­ever, Asby and his children assumed the name HANNEN (other branches have written it HANNON and HANNAN) which was used by them for a number of years. His death is recorded HENNEN, his second wife and some of the child­ren having reverted to the original spelling; others have continued with Hannen down to the present time.

Asby and Eleanor "Nellie" Hannen resided throughout their married life in what is now West Virginia. They first resided in the western part of Monon­galia County, then removed to the Glover Gap area of Marion County where they remained until after the close of the Civil War. They next moved to the area near Hundred where they remained until separted by the death of El­eanor "Nellie. 11

Asby and Elizabeth Jane Hennen resided a short time near Hundred before 75

moving back to the area of Glover Gap; there they spent the remainder of their days.

Asby Hannen was a man of many occupations and strong beliefs as re­vealed in the interesting stories related by one of his granddaughters, Mrs. Pearl Armstrong, to whom we are indebted for much of the data regarding this branch of the family. The census records show that Asby Hannen was a tenant farmer and carpenter; we are further told that he was a homeopathic doctor, who practiced the use of medicines made from herb-bark and roots. These methods had been taught him in his youth and he faithfully carried out his promise to not divulge the secrets of their remedial contents. He cured many people during severe epidemics while regular doctors were losing a large percentage of their patients.

Asby Hannen also served the rural area as a Baptist Minister, being a firm believer of the Baptist doctrine of complete immersion. It is told that he often had friendly arguments with Matthew Merriner (the father-in-law of one of his daughters), who was a strong follower of the Disciples of Christ (Church of Christ). Mr. Merriner would say that "Asby would be standing at the gates of heaven, with St. Peter, checking to see that all entered soak­ing wet" while Asby would retort that ''Mr. Merriner would be sitting under a brass kettle holding close communion."

Asby Hannen also served his neighbors as an undertaker; this was a com­mon practice of many carpenters in those days since they would be called up­on to make the coffins. Many times his wife, or one of his children, would hold a home-made candle for him to make a coffin at night; the next day, after preparing the body, he would preach the funeral service and help bury the de­ceased.

In addition to the above trades Asby Hannen was a hide-tanner and shoe­maker. The shoes he made were called "clogs" and were very crude. The tops were sewed with thick home-made hemp thread; the heavy soles were put on with wooden pegs.

At the outbreak of the Civil War he was drafted into service, which he greatly resented. His sympathies were with the South and he soon deserted, spending the remaining war years as a hunted rebel and never being success­ful in making his way to the southern ranks. He hid out and took every oppor­tunity to return to his family for short periods. During one of these visits, when the soldiers came looking for him, his wife and children sat on the loose floor boards of their cabin playing rag-dolls while their home was searched for him. After the soldiers left, Asby came out from his hiding place under the floor. He received messages from his family occasionally when they had an opportunity to hide them in a hollow tree. One of his children died during this time, having been killed by a stray dog, and it was two weeks before he learned about it.

Asby Hannen was the father of 22 children. CHILDREN OF ASBY & NELLIE HANNEN(Asby


412. Sarah Anne Hannen married Charles Hartman. 76

413. JOHN WESLEY HANNEN born about 1853. 414. RUTII HANNEN died 7-1-1866, aged 13 years. 415. ___ HANNEN 416. Caroline Hannen married Stevenson Merriner. 41 7. Grace Hannen married George Kinnen. 418. Susanna Hannen married Francis Marion Ashby. 419. Brice Hannen married Lou Harvey. 420. THEOPHILUS HANNEN born about 1864. 421. Elenora Hannen married Alan Lashley Ashby. 422. Malinda Hannen married Samuel Burns Woodruff. 423. Levi Hannen married -----424. MAOMEN HANNEN 425. AMANDA HANNEN born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 7-10-1874. 426. Florence Hannen married Samuel Burns Woodruff. 427. & 428. TWIN GIRLS HANNEN died at birth. CHILDREN OF ASBY & ELIZABETII HENNEN (Asby4John3Thomas2)

429. Jesse Hennen married Hattie Lee. 430. Fanny Hennen married Wyley Powell. 431. William Hennen married (1) Agnes Dawson (2) Danska Dawson. 432. Russell Hennen married Lucy Hendershot. 433. May Hennen married Charles Murphy.

87. SARAH ANN HENNEN, of John Nelson and Sarah Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa.9-30-1832; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 8-4-1916; mar­ried John Glover, of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bartrug) Glover, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 6-27-1831; died Fairmont, W. Va. 6-11-1924. Both are buried in the Glover Cemetery at Glover Gap, W. Va.

Sarah Ann Hennen was born after her father's death and grew up in Greene County, Pennsylvania with her two brothers in the home of her mother and step-father.

John and Sarah Ann Glover resided throughout their married life in the area of Glover Gap, West Virginia; John Glover was a farmer and a land own-

er. 4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & SARAH GLOVER (Sarah John Thomas )

434. Penninah May Glover married James Morris Woodruff. 435. Solomon Purcell Glover married Mary Jane Hibbs. 436. Isaac Nelson Glover married Ida E. Phillips. 437. Adolphe Monad Glover married Alice Louisa Sellers.

88. EPHRAIM THOMAS HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 3-1-1825; died near Cairo (Addison Run), W. Va. 9-16-1896; married Emily Keziah Thorn, born in Pa. 8-24-1833; died near Cairo, W. Va. 8-17-1901. Both are buried in the Six Cemetery near Cairo, W. Va.

A Keziah (Casaih) Thorn was living in the household of Asbury and Rachel Lemley in 1850; this was in Perry Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania.


It is most likely that this is the same Keziah Thorn who married Ephraim T. Headlee. The only additional data learned about Keziah is that she had a sis­ter, Didamy, who married (1) John King (2) John McGilton.

Ephraim and Keziah Headlee resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsyl­vania a few years before migrating southward to the White Oak, or Volcanoe, community of Wood County, West Virginia where they remained a short time. On 1-4-1870 Cyrus Hall and wife, Amelia, deeded 72 acres of land (on Addis Run in Ritchie Co., W. Va.) to Ephraim T. Headlee. Mr Headlee erected thereon a two story log cabin and lean-to kitchen where he and his family spent the rest of their lives. Ephraim T. Headlee was a farmer.



2 Thomas )

438. Lorenzo Burge Headlee married Loretta Ann Smith. 439. Lucinda Sylvean Headlee married John Calvin Hibbs. 440. Emily Temperance Headlee married Samuel Moats. 441. Thomas Fordyce Headlee married Eunice Seba Rexroad. 442. Leroy Hampson Headlee married Mary Elizabeth Six. 443. Sarah Didamy Headlee married Fred Bender. 444. Frances Rosa Headlee married Sherman Windom. 445. Ella Elizabeth Headlee married Henry Perrine. 446. Rebecca Luiza Headlee married (1) Isaiah Marshall

(2) Phillip Hamrick. 89. MARY ANNE HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Head­

lee, born near Kirby, Pa. 5-16-1826; died near Kirby, Pa. 3-12-1839. The burial place for her and her brothers and sisters who died young has not yet been learned.

90. JUSTUS FORDICE HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 11-16-1827; died near Kirby, Pa. 7-27-1829.

91. STEVEN HENNEN HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa.4-9-1829; died Blacksville, W. Va. 5-16-1901; married Deborah Ann Brock, of Thomas and Anne (Munyon) Brock, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-19-1830; died 5-31-1903. Stephen Headlee is buried in the old cemetery at Blacksville, W. Va.; however, thrs cemetery is just over the state line in Pennsylvania; burial place of Deborah has not been learned. Her name is on the marker at Blacksville cemetery, but we are informed that she is not buried there.

It seems likely that the above mentioned cemetery at Blacksville, W. Va. was originally the Brock Family Burial Ground. The earliest ones of this family to settle in this area are buried there and they had come from New Jersey.

Stephen and Deborah Headlee resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania until about 1857 when they migrated southward with the rest of the 'Headlee family; they took up residence in the Cairo area of Ritchie County, Virginia (now W. Va.). They did not remain there long, but removed back to the area of Blacksville, West Virginia, where Deborah's family had resided for a num­ber of years (her parents were then deceased). They remained in the Blacks-


ville area the remainder of their lives together and, after the death of Ste­phen, Deborah resided with her children. Stephen (name spelled in the fam­ily bible as Steven) Headlee was a farmer, later becoming a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In this capacity he traveled extensively, serv­ing many of the rural churches of West Virginia for nearly thirty years.


Thomas ) 447. James Monroe Headlee married Lizzie Sloan. 448. Lafayette Washington Headlee married (l)Mrs. Susan Moninger Swart

(2) Martha Candler. 449. Joseph (or Joshua) Fordyce Headlee married Adelia Capitola Sloan. 450. Thomas Conwell Headlee died young. 451. America Jane Headlee died young. 452. Franklin C. Headlee died young. 453. Flora Ann Headlee never married. 454. Infant Headlee died young.

92. PATTY JANE HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Head­lee, born near Kirby, Pa. 7-5-1831; died near Kirby, Pa. 1-12-1839 (or33).

93. LUCINDA HEADLEE, of Joshua F. and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 5-28-1833; died Murphytown, W, Va. 1-5-1910; mar­ried 5-24-1849, Alfred Jackson Burge, of Henry and Rachel (Wildman) Burge, born near Davistown, Pa. 7-13-1823; died Murphytown, W. Va. 7-5-1912. Both are buried in the Farson Cemetery at Murphytown, W. Va.

Alfred J. and Lucinda Burge resided in Wayne Township of Greene Coun­ty, Pennsylvania during the early years of their married life; during that time Alfred worked as a tailor. They left there about 1857 and were living in Wood County, Virginia (now W. Va.) in 1860, having been in Iowa and Missouri in the meantime. They removed to Ritchie County, West Virginia, where they resided some twenty years before returning to Wood County in 1884. There they spent the remainder of their days in the area near Parkersburg. The parents of Alfred Burge resided with Alfred and Lucinda during the laters years of their married lives; both died in their home. Likewise Lucinda's mother passed away in the home of Alfred and Lucinda.

Alfred Burge was a farmer and land-owner; he also worked in the oil fields.

As a child Lucinda Headlee Burge made a sampler which yet remains in the family. The house depicted thereon greatly resembles the house in which Thomas Hennen died; this house was later sold to Joshua and Rebecca Head­lee, who resided therein until they moved south. Lucinda may have lived in this house at the time the sampler was made. The sampler bears the follow­ing inscription:

"Jesus permit thy gracious name to stand As the first effort of a youthful hand And while her fingers o'er this canvas move Enable her tender heart to seek thy love With thy dear children let her share a part And write thy name thyself upon thy heart. "



455. William Louis Burge married Mary Mendenhall. 456. Rebecca Sarah Burge married Henry Hamilton Weaver. 457. Joshua Fordyce Burge married Ellen Layfield. 458. Rachel Ann Missouri Burge married George Six. 459. HENRY BURGE 1859-1859. 460. JACOB BURGE 1861-1862. 461. Amanuel Wyke Burge married Anna Schrader. 462. Alfred Jackson Burge Jr. married Gertrude Schrader. 463. Virginia Burge married David King. 464. John Meshach Burge married (1) Minnie McPherson

(2) Bessie Richards. 465. Francis Marion Burge married (1) Carrie King (2) Zelma Matheny.

94. INFANT HEADLEE, of Joshua and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born and died near Kirby, Pa. 11-15-1834.

95. REBECCA LOUEZA HEADLEE, of Joshua and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 8-8-1836; died Murphytown, W. Va. 11-6-1905; unmarried. Buried in Farson Cemetery at Murphytown, W. Va.

Rebecca Loueza (as the name is written in the Bible) Headlee never mar­ried, but remained at home with her mother. After her mother's death, Re­becca purchased a small tract of land near Cairo, West Virginia where she continued to reside for a number of years. Shortly before her death she mov­ed in with her sister, Lucinda Burge, where she spent her last days.

96. JOSHUA MUNROE HEADLEE, of Joshua and Rebecca (Hennen) Head­lee, born near Kirby, Pa. 5-12-1839; died near Kirby, Pa. 3-27-1841.

97. SARAH HEADLEE, of Joshua and Rebecca (Hennen) Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 11-3-1842 (or 1843); died near Cairo, W. Va. 10-9-1889; married in 1860, Wesley Smith Hennen #100.

See later under #100. 98. JOHN HUDSON HENNEN, of Matthew and Mary Hennen, born Aleppo

Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1829; died near Richland, Tex. 3-12-1927; married (in Marshall Co., Va. --now W. Va.) 2-22-1855, Sarah Jane Coop­er, of Henry and Catherine C. Cooper, born about 1829; died after 1880. We have been unable to learn where Sarah is buried; John Hudson Hennen is bur­ied in Richland, Tex.

John Hudson and Sarah Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Lynn Camp area of Marshall County, West Virginia where he was a farm­er and land owner. They had no children of their own, but the 1880 census lists an adopted daughter, Mary Robberts (eight years old), living with them at that time. Also Mary Sockman, mother of Mr. Hennen, was residing in this household in 1880.

After the death of Wesley Smith Hannan, Sr. (brother of Hudson Hennen), Hudson and Sarah made a home for Wesley Smith Hannan, Jr. This kindness was repaid many years later when Wesley Smith Hannan, Jr. took his uncle John Hudson Hennen into his home to spend his final years in Texas.


99. CYNTHIA ANN HENNEN, of Matthew and Mary Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-10-1832; died near Adaline, W. Va. 3-1-1899; married (in Marshall Co., Va. now W. Va.) 6-29-1854, Henry Mason, of Jacob and Hannah (Gorby) Mason, born 1834; died near Adaline, W. Va. 4-12-1920 (or 3-11-1920, aged 85yrs. l0mos. 19das. ). Both are buried on the home farm, Mason Cemetery, in Marshall Co., W. Va.

Henry and Cynthia Mason resided throughout their married life on Pleas­ant Ridge, near Adaline, West Virginia; Henry was a farmer an1 land owner.

CHILDREN OF HENRY & CYNTHIA MASON (Cynthia 4 Matthew Thomas2)

466. Francis Marion Mason died young. 467. Martha Jane Mason married Lemuel Richmond. 468. Mary Ada Mason died young. 469. John Wiley Mason married Sarah McDowell. 470. Hannah Emeline Mason married (1) Todd Hutchinson(2) John Booth. 4 71. Sarah Ellen Mason married Clarenca Shepherd. 4 72. Alvilda Ann Mason married Mace Thomas. 4 73. Sidney Elmer Mason married Lena A. Shepherd. 474. Thomas Willard Mason married Elizabeth Lydick. 475. Joseph Spencer Mason married Rebecca Yoho.

100. WESLEY SMITH HENNEN, of Matthew and Mary Hennen, born Al­lepo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1835; died Grant Dist., Ritchie Co., W. Va. about 1882; married in 1860, Sarah Headlee#97, of Joshua and Rebecca Headlee, born near Kirby, Pa. 11-3-1842 (or 1843); died near Cairo, W. Va. 10-9-1889. Both are buried in the Six Cemetery, near Cairo, W. Va.

Wesley Smith Hennen, for some unknown reason, changed the spelling of this surname to HANNAN and it has remained thus with this branch of the family. He was a book seller in his early days and it may have been in the pursuit of this trade that he left Marshall County (now W. Va.) and went to Ritchie County (same state) where he married Sarah Headlee, his cousin.

Wesley Smith and Sarah Hannan resided in Grant District of Ritchie County, West Virginia where he was a farmer and land owner. He died shortly after the birth of his youngest child and his widow died about six years later, leaving their children greatly scattered. Evidence indicates that these children lost track of one another and our efforts to trace a part of them have been in vain.

(The author of this book has a small book that was sold by Wesley Smith Hannan, Sr. to his Uncle George Hennen, in 1855).


(all born in Ritchie Co., W. Va.) Thomas ) 476. Harvey Fordyce Hannan married Melissa Eliza Hardwick. 477. LUCINDA S. HANNAN born about 1863. 478. EMILY R. HANNAN born about 1865. 479. JOHN W. HANNAN born about 1867. 480. MARTHA J. HANNAN born about 1868. 481. LILLIE A. HANNAN born about 1871.


482. Clara A. Hannan married James Jackson. 483. Thomas Spencer Hannan married (1) Mary Hilton (2) Martha Adams. 484. Wesley Smith Hannan, Jr. married Eva Ardelia Nowery.

101. THOMAS McCASKEY HENNEN, of Matthew and Mary Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1836; died Wetzel Co., W. Va. about 1892; married Rebecca Kirkman, of George Kirkman, birthplace and date un­known; died Jacksonburg, W. Va. 3-20-1911. Thomas is buried in the Robin­son Ridge Cemetery, in Wetzel Co., W. Va.; Rebecca is buried in the Lantz Cemetery at Jacksonburg, W. Va.

(We have been informed that the mother of Rebecca Kirkman was a Cher­okee Indian, but this has not been verified by us. )

Thomas and Rebecca Hennen resided for some years in the area of Glen Easton and Adaline, West Virginia. During the 1860's they removed to the Magnolia District of Wetzel County (same state) where Thomas purchased land and pursued the life of a farmer. They remained in Wetzel County until their deaths, having resided in Center District when Thomas died.



485. Wesley Smith Hennen never married. 486. Sarah M. Hennen died young. 487. Ida J. Hennen married Stephen Garard Huggins. 488. William Wilson Hennen married Agnes Robinson. 489. George W. Hennen married Ida Mae McNurlen.

102. THOMAS HENNEN ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born Ohio Co., Va. (now Marshall Co., W. Va.) 6-15-1826; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 10-20-1908; married (in Wetzel Co., W. Va.) 9-16-1852, Mary Steel, of Isaac and Sarah (Cumberledge) Steel, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-12-1835; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 2-3-1918. Thomas Alley is buried in the Simpson Hill Cemetery at Pine Grove, W. Va.; Mary Alley is buried in the Martin Cemetery near Pine Grove, W. Va.

Thomas Alley came with his parents from Marshall County to Wetzel County, Virginia (now W. Va.) in 1845; Mary Steel came with her parents from Greene County, Pennsylvania, to Wetzel County in 1844. Thomas and Mary Alley resided throughout their married life in the area of Pine Grove, West Virginia, where Thomas was a farmer.

In 1869 Thomas Alley and Barton Oliver purchased a tract of land, con­taining 300 acres, in Pine Grove; the purchase price was forty-six hundred dollars ($4,600.00). Four years previously (in 1865), in the midst of the oil excitement, this same tract of land had sold for twenty thousand dollars ($20, 000. 00); the purchaser then had been the Baltimore and West Virginia Oil and Mining Company. Thomas Alley took (as his share of this land) the 150 acres on the north side of Fishing Creek. This land is yet resided upon by members of the Alley family.

Thomas Alley served as supervisor of Greene District; was a school di­rector for many years; served on the Board of School Commissioners and was President of the Board of Education. He also served many years as a


constable. 4 3 2 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARY ALLEY (Thomas Jane Thomas )

490. Isaac B. Alley married Louisa J. Headley. 491. Eliza Jane Alley married Robert Henderson. 492. Permelia Belle Alley married David W, Headley. 493. Amanda Anne Alley married Phillip Spencer. 494. Sarah Catherine Alley married William V. Long. 495. John Ulisses Alley married May G. Grim.

103. MlNOR BURGE ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born Ohio Co., Va. (now Marshall Co., W. Va.) before 1830; died after 1840; nothing further.

104. MARTHA ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born near Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-19-1831; died Ross (or Piney), W. Va. 12-3-1922; married (1) Amos G. Milburn (further data on him not available at this time; the census record of 1850 indicated that he was born about 1825 in Virginia). Martha Alley Milburn married (2) in 1855, William Fluharty*, born near Hastings, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-6-1832; died Ross (or Piney), W. Va. 4-21-1921. Both are buried in the Wiley Cemetery near Ross, W. Va.; burial place of Amos Milburn is not known.

*A descendant has informed me that William Fluharty's father was a Mr. Lynch and his mother's maiden name was Matheny. William's mother died when he was young and he was adopted into a family named Fluharty; he then assumed their name.

Amos and Martha Milburn resided in Wetzel County, Virginia (now W. Va.) where he was a farmer. William and Martha Fluharty resided in the area of Piney Fork and Fluharty Fork of Fishing Creek, near Ross, West Virginia. William Fluharty was a farmer and land owner.

William Fluharty served throughout the Civil War as a "Home Guard. " In 1858, William Fluharty built a log cabin, as was the custom; his nearest neighbor was 4 or 5 miles away and the nearest store or post office was 10 miles distant. They resided there more than 60 years and saw the vast wild­erness develop into a prosperous farming area, dotted with oil and gas wells.


496. Mary Elizabeth Fluharty never married. 497. James Fletcher Fluharty never married. 498. Rebecca Ann Fluharty married Uriah Stackpole. 499. John Kelley Fluharty married Sarah Saphena Miller. 500. Henry Edward Fluharty never married. 501. William Fluharty married (1) Jane Talkington (2) Inez Cunningham. 502. Lucinda Frances Fluharty died young.

105. RAWSON ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born near Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1833.

Rawson Alley served three years in the Civil War; later went west and purchased a ranch near Helena, Montana. He was later found murdered.


106. WILLIAM LEEPER ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born near Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.)8-13-1835; died near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 10-2-1923; married 9-23-1860, Matilda Sibert, of Barney and Mariah Sibert, born 11-17-1843; died near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 5-15-1929. Both are buried in the Bowman Cemetery, near Lynn Camp, W. Va.

William Leeper and Matilda Alley resided throughout their married life in the Lynn Camp-Glen Easton area of West Virginia; Mr. Alley was a farm­er.

Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War William Leeper Alley answered the call of duty in this great struggle. He served three years as a member of Company L, 6th West Virginia Infantry; he was mustered in (at Cameron, W. Va.) 12-31-1961. A part of his three years was served at Libby Prison, having been taken captive by the enemy.


503. George B. Alley married Sarah E. Kerns. 504. John William Alley married (1) Viola McHenry (2) Clara Blake. 505. Martha Jane Alley married (1) Elijah D. Young (2) William E. Mason. 506. Elias Sheridan Alley married Mary Hannah Young.

107. REBECCA ANN ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, bornnear Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-7-1839; died near Ripley, W. Va. 12-25-1921; married (in Wetzel Co., Va., by Francis Guthrie) 11-9-1856, Charles B. Morgan, of William and Melissa (Parish) Morgan, born about 1832; died near Ripley, W. Va. 10-4-1888. Both are buried in the Independence Ceme­tery at Independence, W. Va.

Charles and Rebecca Morgan resided in Gilmore District of Jackson County, West Virginia; Mr. Morgan was a farmer.


507. Melissa Morgan married William Johnson. 508. Mary Frances Morgan married Ed Kent. 509. Martha Delroy Morgan married Joseph Clark. 510. VIRGINIA C. MORGAN (born about 1863) died young. 511. Florence E. Morgan married Ed Coast. 512. Eliza L. Morgan married Ferman Dawkins. 513. Ida Arizona Morgan married Jacob Foster Alley #520. 514. John Morgan married Clara Byers. 515. Rose Morgan married John Wesley Richmond. 516. Leota Morgan married Charles Thorn. 51 7. Laura Morgan married Frank Hager. 518. Charles Morgan married _______ _ 519. Kathleen Morgan married Jacob Powers.

108. JOHN KELLEY ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born near Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-30-1842; died Glendale, W. Va. 4-8-1916; married 4-1-1869, Martha Ann Richmond, of Jacob and Nancy Richmond, born Marshall Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1844; died Marshall Co., W. Va. 1923.


John K. and Martha Alley are both buried in the Mormon Church Cemetery near Glen Easton, W. Va.

John and Martha Alley resided throughout their married life in the area of Nauvoo Ridge (Meade Dist.) in Marshall County, West Virginia; John was

a farmer. 4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARTHA ALLEY (John Jane Thomas )

520. Jacob Foster Alley married Ida Arizona Morgan #513. 521. Nancy Jane Alley married Calvin Reed Rush. 522. Margaret Odessa Alley married Lindsey Criswell. 523. Charles Spencer Alley married _______ _ 524. John William Alley 525. John Webster B. Alley married Sarah Florence Kent# 1553. 526. Rebecca A. Alley never married.

109. JAMES M. ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1846.

James M. Alley was residing, in 1880, with John and Elizabeth May in Meade District of Marshall County, West Virginia; he was then listed as a hired hand. No further record found.

ll0. URIAH TALMAGE ALLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Alley, born Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) ll-18-1847; died Cameron, W. Va. 10-26-1947; married Brucie Caroline Clouston, of William and Elizabeth (Mccosh) Clouston, born Cameron, W. Va. 3-2-1868; died Cameron, W. Va. ll-17-1942. Both are buried in the Cameron Cemetery at Cameron, W. Va.

Uriah "Uncle Duck" Alley was a mere lad of fourteen years when our country was thrown into its greatest struggle--the Civil War. He stood by and watched his older brothers go off to war and it must have made a deep impression upon him. When he was only sixteen years of age (although he gave his age as eighteen) he enlisted as a private in Company L, of the 6th West Virginia Infantry; this was the same company in which his brother, William, was a member. He was mustered into service (at Cameron, W. Va.) 1-10-1864 and served until his discharge 6-10-1865. During this time he was taken prisoner at Millcreek, Virginia; after a short time he managed to elude his captors and make good his escape. This freedom was of short duration; five days later he was recaptured and placed in solitary confinement. After the war he returned to Cameron, West Virginia where he remained the bal­ance of his long life, except for short intervals when he worked elsewhere.

Uriah Alley was a farmer and was well known as a horse-trader. He also did some writing and often recounted his war experiences to those about him. He was a man of unusual personality and remained quite active until the end. Mr. Alley was the last Civil War veteran living in West Virginia, his death occuring just twenty-three days short of his one hundredth birthday. Elabor­ate preparations had been made for a testimonial dinner in his honor, but instead he was buried with full military services being carried out by the American Legion Organizations of Marshall County, West Virginia. The State Legion Commanders of both West Virginia and Maryland were in com-


plete charge of services, which were attended by hundreds of people. He was laid to rest in the same area where he had spent most of his life, his wife having preceded him in death by five years.


527. Wood Bruce Alley married (1) Bertie Palmer (2) Helen Fisher. 111. LEVI JESSE HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jol­

lytown, Pa. 1-10-1830; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1-17-1839. 112. BENJAMIN HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jolly­

town, Pa. 8-7-1831; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1-15-1839. 113. HESTER ANN HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jol­

lytown, Pa. 3-12-1833; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1-15-1839. The three above children died in the middle of January, 1839, within a

period of three days time. All were buried on their grandfather Hennen's farm, in the Hennen Family Cemetery; this is near Jollytown, Pa. They were the three eldest children in this family and it must have been most difficult to lose so much in such a short time; they could only be thankful to God for sparing their two youngest daughters. The cause of their deaths is not known to us, but it was likely an epidemic of measles that swept the area about that time. William Thomas Hennen, an uncle of these children, had died only two weeks earlier.

114. MARTHA HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 1-25-1835; died Greene Co., Pa. 7-12-1857; married 4-7-1853, John Taylor, Jr., son of John and Margaret (Mitchell) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 11-16-1828; died near New Freeport, Pa. 9-7-1916. John is buried in the Sand Hill Church Cemetery, near Ned, Pa.; burial place of Martha is unknown to us.

John and Martha Taylor, Jr. probably resided near Waynesburg, Penn-sylvania where he was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARTHA TAYLOR, JR. (Martha George Thomas )

528. John S. Taylor 529. George Hennen Taylor died young.

115. DEBORAH CAROLINE HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-24-1837; died near New Freeport, Pa. 4-4-1910; mar­ried 4-29-1860, John Taylor, Jr., of John and Margaret (Mitchell) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 11-16-1828; died near New Freeport, Pa. 9-7-1916. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Church Cemetery near Ned, Pa.

John and Debbie Taylor resided through the early years of their married life in Franklin Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania; John was a farmer. They later removed to a farm between New Freeport and Garrison, Pennsyl­vania where they spent the remainder of their days. As before, John was a farmer; he was also a stock raiser.



Thomas2) 530. Martha A. Taylor married Thomas J. Blatchley.


531. Margaret J. Taylor never married. 532. O. Homer Taylor married Rachel Alice Bland. 533. Albert Taylor never married. 534. Vernon O. Taylor never married. 535. Mary Elizabeth Taylor married Charles Taylor.

116. THOMAS MONROE HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-27-1839; died near Jollytown, Pa. 9-20-1899; married 10-29-1868, Rachel Taylor, of Thomas W. and Angeline (Mccaslin) Taylor, born near Sycamore, Pa. 9-10-1837; died near Jollytown, Pa. 4-22-1918. Both are buried in the Fairview M. E. Church (South) Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Thomas M. and Rachel Hennen resided throughout their married life near Jollytown, Pennsylvania, where he was a farmer. They resided on land that had belonged to his grandfather Hennen. Thomas M, Hennen was also a wool and stock dealer, later becoming actively engaged in the oil business. Upon the formation of the Philadelphia Oil Company and their commencement of operation in Greene County he was elected secretary of same; this office he held many years. He also served as secretary of the school board in Gil­more Township.

An interesting story has been told about Thomas Monroe Hennen and we feel it might be interesting to add herein. Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War Thomas Monroe Hennen was called upon to serve in this great struggle, as were most other young men of that age range. He did not wish to serve and, as was a common practice then, paid another man to go in his place. However, the other man had no shoes suitable for this service; thus a pair of shoes was supplied by Mr. Hennen. Many years later Thomas Monroe Hennen partici­pated, as a Civil War Veteran, in a parade held at Jollytown. Someone was said to have remarked that he had not served and he retorted, "No, but my shoes did."

For many years we have found the members of the Hennen family were very staunch members of the Methodist faith; however, Rachel Taylor Henn­en had been of a faithful Baptist family. We find her having been received, by letter, as a member of the New Freeport Baptist Church in June, 1881. Both George and Tina Hennen, children of Thomas and Rachel, united with this church and were very active members. Thomas Monroe Hennen joined with his family in church activities there.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & RACHEL HENNEN (Thomas George Thomas )

536. Francis W. Hennen never married. 537. George B. Hennen married Anna Morford. 538. Tina Angeline Hennen never married.

117. CYNTHIA JANE HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-13-1841; died Waynesburg, Pa. 12-7--1919; unmarried. Buried Green Mount Cemetery at Waynesburg, Pa.

Cynthia Jane Hennen never married; she and her sister, Lucy, resided on the home farm above Jollytown (Pa.) until 1917 when they removed to


Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where both spent the remainder of their days. 118. OLIVER SPENCER HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 3-16-1844; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-7-1901; married 12-17-1876, Rebecca Sedora Carter, of James and Jane (Taylor) Carter, born near Nineveh, Pa. 10-16-1852; died Waynesburg, Pa. 8-3-1924. Both are buried in the Green Mount Cemetery at Waynesburg, Pa.

Spencer and Dora Hennen resided for some years near Jollytown, Penn­sylvania, in a small house next door to his father. There all their children were born. About 1890 they removed to the area of Sycamore (Pa.) where they resided until their removal to Waynesburg in the spring of 1901. There they took up residence on North Side; however, their happiness in this new home was cut short by the untimely death of Spencer Hennen a few months later. His death resulted from an attack of typhoid fever.

Spencer Hennen, like his brother, had been brought up in a devoted Meth­odist family; Rebecca Sedora Carter was of an equally devoted Baptist family. A few years after their marriage (11-4-1882) Mrs. Hennen transferred her membership to the New Freeport Baptist Church and Spencer Hennen was re­ceived into this church by baptism. Both were very active in the affairs of the church, with Spencer Hennen serving as a delegate and church clerk. He also served as a member of the Finance Committee to raise funds for the e­rection of a new church for which the corner-stone was laid 8-31-1889. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hennen were dismissed by letter 2-12-1891, when they trans­ferred to the Bates Fork Baptist Church near their new home. After the pass­ing of Spencer Hennen, his widow transferred her membership to the First Baptist Church of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; there many of their descend­ants remain members at this time.

Spencer Hennen was a farmer and drover. 4 3 2


539. Ocie Alberta Hennen married Lindsey John Lightner. 540. Orley Denver Hennen married Wilma Patton. 541. Zola Jane Hennen never married. 542. Alonzo George Hennen married Bessie Viola Moore. 543. Monad James Hennen married (1) Jessie Salome Shape

(2) Mrs. Leona Blaker. 119. LUCINDA KATHERINE HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 11-25-1849; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-17-1933; unmar­ried. Buried in Green Mount Cemetery at Waynesburg, Pa.

Lucinda "Lucy" Hennen never married. She and her sister, Cynthia, re­mained on the old homestead until 5-4-1917 when they removed to Waynes­burg and took up residence on Franklin Street. They later purchased prop­erty on North Richhill Street and removed thereto, remaining until their pass­ing away. Lucy Hennen was the last member of her family of eleven children.

120. GEORGE HAMPSON HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-5-1852; died near Jollytown, Pa. 3-27-1876; unmarried. He is buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery near Jollytown, Pa.


George Hampson "Hamp" Hennen never married; he remained at home until his death which occured just seven months before that of his mother.

121. MARY HENNEN, of George and Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 8-14-1853; died near Jollytown, Pa. 8-30-1885; unmarried. Buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery near Jollytown, Pa.

Mary Hennen remained at home until her death which occured just two weeks before that of her father.

122. REBECCA HENNEN, of Levi and Anna Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-10-1838; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 2-1-1897; married 6-26-1862, Thomas White, of William and Mary (Darling) White, born Mon­ongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-13-1821; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-23-1905. Both are buried in the Thomas White Family Cemetery on White Creek, Monongalia Co., W. Va. (Battelle Dist.).

Thomas White had been previously married to Cynthia Ann Hennen, aunt of Rebecca, who died leaving him with the care of seven small children. See­ing a need for a mother as well as a mate for himself, Thomas White saddled a horse and rode over the hill to the home of Alexander Hennen, step-father of Rebecca Hennen. He wasted no time in asking Rebecca to marry him and told her he would return in two weeks for her answer. After waiting the stated time, he again crossed the hill to the Hennen home. Rebecca Hennen accepted his proposal and they were soon married, some four months after the death of Cynthia, his first wife. A vacant spot in the home was thus fill­ed. Of course, it must be understood that these two people were not strang­ers to each other. Thomas White was actually Rebecca's uncle, by his mar­riage to her aunt Cynthia.

Thomas White was a farmer and stock raiser. CHILDREN OF THOMAS & REBECCA WHITE (Rebecca4 Levi


544. Milton F. White never married. 545. Lydia A. White married John Stiles. 546. Harriet White died young. 547. Sarah N. White married Cephas Manning. 548. SimonJ. White married Lydia D. White. 549. Levi White married Mettie Watson. 550. Homer White married (1) Jessie Joyent (2) Laura Andrews. 551. Alexander White married (1) Elizabeth Renner (2) Frances Renner.

123. WILLIAM THOMAS HENNEN, of Levi and Anna Hennen, born Al­eppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-31-1840; died Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-4-1844.

124. JOSEPH HENNEN, of Levi and Anna Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-3-1843; died Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-30-1844.

The burial place of the two above children is unknown to us, but likely both are buried with their father, who died a few days earlier.

125. ANNE HENNEN, of Levi and Anna Hennen, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 9-11-1844; died after 1873; married John P. White; further data on him not known at this time.


Anne Hennen was born six weeks after the death of her father and her two brothers. At the time of the census of 1860 she was living (in Monongalia Co., Va. --now W. Va.) with Adam and Jane Six; tradition has been that she went west. This has been verified recently by the finding of deeds bearing the date of 6-12-1873, at which time John P. and Anne White were residing in Switzer­land County, Indiana. These deeds were made to settle the estate of William Stoops, grandfather of Anne White (nee Hennen). Further data not yet found.

126. NANCY TUSTIN, of Jonathan and Martha (Hennen) Tustin, born in Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 9-5-1839; died Wadesville, W. Va. 2-9-1921; married 9-23-1869, James A. Leach, of James Monroe and Lucinda (Ruble) Leach, born Tygart Dist., Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 3-24-1845; died Wadesville, W. Va. 6-23-1918. Both are buried in the Pleasant Hill Ceme­tery at Pleasant Hill, Wood Co., W. Va.

James A. Leach was a Union soldier in the Civil War, having served in Company H, 11th West Virginia Infantry. James and Nancy Leach resided in the Wadesville area of Wood County, West Virginia4 he was

3a farme2.


552. Theodocia Leach died young. 553. Martha Lucinda Leach married Francis Doane Sams. 554. Olive Ann Leach married Joseph Schultz. 555. Mary Leach married David Franklin Cook. 556. Elva Idella Leach married Oran Sams.

127. CYNTHIA ELLEN TUSTIN, of Jonathan and Martha (Hennen) Tustin, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 7-5-1841; died Wadesville, W. Va. 11-18-1894 (or 11-8-1894); unmarried. Buried in the Wadesville Cemetery at Wadesville, W. Va.

Cynthia Tustin never married; she spent her life on the old homestead in Wadesville, West Virginia.

128. THOMAS McCLEARY TUSTIN, of Joanthan and Martha (Hennen) Tus­tin, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-8-1842; died Lubeck, W. Va. 3-26-1924; married 12-28-1864, Mary Elizabeth Meredith, of Thomas and Edith Meredith, born Marion Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 8-19-1845; died Lubeck, W. Va. 2-22-1913. Both are buried in the Lubeck Cemetery at Lubeck, W. Va.

Thomas and Mary Tustin resided throughout their married life in the area of Lubeck and Wadesville, Wood County, West Virginia. Thomas was a farm­er and land owner nad has been described as a "quiet, religious man, beloved by family and neighbors. "

4 3 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARY TUSTIN (Thomas Martha Thomas2)

557. Edith Anne Tustin married Samuel James McVay. 558. William Smith Tustin married Clara Jane White. 559. Albert Monroe Tustin married Mary Pauline Fankhauser. 560. Ivy Tustin died young. 561. Ellen Etta Tustin married George T. Byrd. 562. Mary Olive Tustin married John Monroe Armstrong.


563. Clyde R. Tustin never married. 564. Clara Virginia Tustin married George Dewey Fore.

129. JOSEPH BENSON (or BENJAMIN) TUSTIN, of Jonathan and Martha (Hennen) Tustin, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1845; died Cairo, W. Va. ; married 12-11-1870, Mrs. Mary Jane Blankenship (her maiden name may have been Leslie); died Cairo, W. Va. . Both are buried in the Egypt Cemetery at Cairo, W. Va.

Joseph B. "Ben" and Mary Tustin resided in Cairo, West Virginia; he was a book salesman. Further details have not been availab~e.


565. KATHRYN TUSTIN never married. 566. DONNA TUSTIN never married.

(Both of the above girls are said to be buried in the Wadesville Cem­etery at Wadesville, W. Va.)

130. MARY MARTHA TUSTIN of Jonathan and Martha (Hennen) Tustin, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 10-10-1849; died Pennsboro, W. Va. 2-4-1897; married 4-6-1870, James Wesley Bibbee, os Isaac and Sarah Bib­bee, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 10-13-1848; died Webster Springs, W. Va. 7-28-1911. Both are buried in the E. U. B. Cemetery at Pennsboro, W. Va.

James Wesley Bibbee served in the Union Army as a "waterboy', being too young for regular service. He later became a Methodist Minister--"a good man, well loved in his home and community."

Rev. James and Martha Bibbee resided in Burnsville, Wick and Penns­boro, West Virginia. From 18 77 through 1897 they served in the active rank of the ministry of the Methodist Protestant Church and during that time they resided many places.



Thomas2) 567. Dora Ellen Bibbee married Lorenzo D. Mick. 568. Allie Etta Bibbee married Benjamin Claud Hammond.

131. JOSHUA MONROE TUSTIN, of Jonathan and Martha (Hennen) Tustin, born 7-7-1853; died Wadesville, W. Va. 4- -1923; unmarried. Buried in the Wadesville Cemetery at Wadesville, W. Va. His grave is in a portion of the cemetery which he donated as an enlargement to the original burial plot.

Joshua Tustin never married; he resided on the old homestead with his sister, Cynthia Ellen Tustin. Joshua Tustin was a farmer.

132. ELIZA ANN HENNEN, of Stephen and Katharine Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-3-1845; died near Jollytown, Pa. 5-27-1856. She is un­doubtedly buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery with her parents although no marker is to be found.

133. THOMAS BENTON HENNEN, of Stephen and Katharine Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-19-1847; died Wheeling, W. Va. 2-21-1922; married in 1880, Cora Dolbar (or Dolbeare), of Lorenzo and Anna (Harden) Dolbar, born Va. (now W. Va.) 12-25-1857; died Wheeling, W. Va. 12-4-1925. Both


are buried in the Greenwood Cemetery at Wheeling, W, Va. Thomas Benton and Cora Hennen resided for some twenty years in the

area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and part-time com­mon school teacher. About 1902 they removed to Benwood, West Virginia where he was employed by the Wheeling Steel and Iron Company, as a mill­right.


Thomas2) 569. Cora Hennen married ________ _ 570. Otto Clyde Hennen married Hattie Dawson. 5 71. Maud Hennen married Orange L. Simms. 572. Ada Hennen married Charles Allen. 573. John Percy Hennen married Ida Rigby.

134. MATILDA JANE HENNEN, of Stephen and Katharine Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-3-1849; died Wana, W. Va. 1918; married 10-14-1888, Isaac M. Phillips, of R. and Sina Phillips, born 7-2-1862; other data not learned. Both are buried at the Oak Forest M. E. Church Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Isaac and "Tillie" Phillips resided in the area of Wana, West Virginia where he was a farmer and she was a dressmaker. They had no children; however, Matilda was the mother of a child who died;,:oung.


574. LOU LA HENNEN (died 12-23-1872, aged 4mo. 4da. ); buried in the Hennen Family Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

135. WATSON RUSSELL HENNEN, of Stephen and Katharine Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-18-1851; died Charleston, W. Va. 4-21-1925; married 8-24-1872, Martha Ellen Wise, of John and Hannah Wise, born Wise, Va. (now Wana, W. Va.)9-14-1852; died Charleston, W. Va. 8- -1928. Both are buried in the Springhill Cemetery at Charleston, W. Va.

W. Russell and Martha Hennen resided in Battelle Districtof Monongal­ia County, West Virginia until after 1880; during that time he was a farmer. In 1882 Reverend Watson Russell joined the West Virginia Conference as a Methodist Minister, having united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at the age of thirteen years.

For many years he was a member of the band known as "Circuit-Riders" and in this capacity he served many churches of rural West Virginia. While traveling the East Buckhannon Circuit he suffered a nervous breakdown and retired temporarily. He did, however, regain his strength sufficiently to resume his career in a limited capacity. During the two months preceding his death he had assisted with services in the Central Church at Charleston, West Virginia.


Thomas2) 575. Erminnie Isadora Hennen married (1) Berton Raybeck

(2) R. P. Weiford. 92

576. EVERETT BOLTEN HENNEN, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. 5- -1877; died Monongalia Co., W. Va. 11-26-1879.

577. OLIVEY A. HENNEN, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. 1879; died Mon-ongalia Co., W. Va. 1881.

5 78. Hallie Blanche Hennen married Otha Nimrod Mayfield. 5 79. Lillie Maydew Hennen married Elza Bert Lambert. 580. William Russell Hennen married Mamie Black. 581. Earl Cranston Hennen married (1) Ruth Rust

(2) Sarah Isabella Kokensparger. 136. SARAH ISABELLA HENNEN, of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen,

born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-4-1854; died South Bend, Ind. 3- -1924; mar­ried John Wesley Woodruff, of John and Mary (Headley) Woodruff, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-10-1850; died South Bend, Ind. 4- -1936. Both are bur­ied in Riverview Cemetery at South Bend, Ind.

Rev. John W. and "Belle" Woodruff resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania for some ten years before they removed to the area of Wana, West Virginia. Later they resided for a brief period in Marshall County, West Virginia before pushing westward to South Bend, Indiana. There they spent the remainder of their days. John W. Woodruff was a farmer and a store-keeper, as well as following the profession of a Minister of the Meth­odist Church.


Thomas ) 582.

583. 584.

NORA WOODRUFF, born and died near Jollytown, Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa. John Paul Woodruff married Blanch Wiley. Charles E. Woodruff never married.

Pa. ; buried in the

585. Mary Maude Woodruff married Benjamin Titus Kent. 586. William Lorne Woodruff married Mabel Claire Boner. 587. Elias Wesley Woodruff married Cora M. Rush. 588. Alice Woodruff married (1) Nicholas Collins (2) P. S. Robinson. 589. Vee O. Woodruff married Pearl Perry. 590. Silas Herschel Woodruff never married.

137. JOHN WESLEY (OR EDWIN) HENNEN*, of Stephen and Mary Jane Henr,en, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-3-1857; died Jollytown, Pa. 8-19-1932; married Nancy Emily Hennen #219, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-28-1860; died Gibsonia, Pa. 5-19-1929. Nancy "Emma" is buried in the Oak Forest M. E. Church Cemetery near St. Cloud, W. Va.; John Hennen is buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa. (he was first interred in the Eakin Cemetery at Jollytown, Pa. and later removed to Greene County Memorial Park with his sister, Elizabeth Mary Clovis, and other members of the Clovis family).

*This name is recorded in the Family Bible as John Wesley and is like­wise in the will of his father; however, he later used the name John Edwin.

John and Emma Hennen resided for some years in the area of New Free­port, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. They later separated and John


made his home with his sister, Mrs. Clovis; Emma Hennen resided with her children during her later years.

3 CHILDREN OF JOHN & EMMA HENNEN (John4Stephen Thomas2)

(Emma 4 Alexander3William 2) 591. Chester Albert Hennen married Marie Marple. 592. Thomas Arthur Hennen married Esther Morford. 593. Harry Winston Hennen married Gunhilda Lanning.

138. LOUISA KATHARINE HENNEN, of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-19-1860; died near Jollytown, Pa. 3-27-1897; married Francis Marion Staggers, of Jacob and Elizabeth Staggers, born Jollytown, Pa. 10-28-1852; died Jollytown, Pa. 10- -1938. Both are bur­ied in the Eakin Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Marion and "Lyda" Staggers resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer and blacksmith. After the death of Louisa K. Staggers, Mr. Staggers married Hattie Church.



594. Frederick Francis Staggers married Virginia Stewart. 595. Mary Elizabeth Staggers married Ray Renner. 596. Flossie Chloe Staggers married Elwood Kimble.

139. WILLIAM ELSWORTH HENNEN, of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 10-7-1862; died South Bend, Ind. 194 ; married Cora Burroughs, born North Liberty, Ind. 6-3-1875; died South Bend, Ind. 1968. She is buried in the Southlawn Cemetery at South Bend, Ind.; we do not know if William is also buried there.

William Hennen resided in Jollytown, Pennsylvania for several years; he was a farmer. Later he moved to South Bend, Indiana, where he and Cora re­sided until separated by his death. There he was employed by the Studebaker Company and later was a house painter. Cora married second, Mr. R. O. Wickham.

They had no children. 140. ELIZABETH MARY HENNEN, of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen,

born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-16-1865; died Jollytown, Pa. 12-4-1942; mar­ried (1) 7-25-1888, Leroy Brown Clovis, of William and Rebecca (Chalfant) Clovis, born near Fentress, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-2-1855; died Jollytown, Pa. 7-30-1908. Elizabeth Mary Hennen Clovis married (2) 10-25-1914, Robert S. Clovis, of Jacob and Elizabeth (Chalfant) Clovis, born Core, Va. (now W. Va.) 1851; died Jollytown, Pa., 9-11-1928. Leroy and Elizabeth are buried in the Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa. (having been moved there from the Eakin Cemetery at Jollytown, Pa. where they had originally been buried). Robert S. Clovis is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

Leroy and Elizabeth Clovis resided throughout their marriage in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and stock raiser. Eliza­beth Clovis taught school from 1883 through 188 7. She was also quite active in civic affairs, especially devoted to aiding the needy and under-privileged.


Robert and Elizabeth Clovis resided in the Jollytown area also, where he was a farmer. He was also quite active in the banking business. At the time of his death he was President of the Bank of Wadestown, West Virginia; he was also a Director of the Bank of Hundred, West Virginia.


Thomas2) 597. Leroy William Clovis married Mae Phillips. 598. Stanley Brown Clovis married Helen Kennedy.

141. LEROY STANTON HENNEN, of Stephen and Mary Jane Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-2-1868; died Toledo, Oh. 3-18-1922; married 9-12-1894, Lucy Cornelia Fox, of William A. and Elizabeth K. (Roberts) Fox, born Mt. Morris, Pa. 3-16-1876; living, 1969. Dr. Leroy Stanton Hennen is buried in Alliance, Oh.

Dr. Leroy Stanton and Lucy Hennen resided in Jollytown ( Pennsylvania), Moundsville (West Virginia), Leetonia and Alliance (Ohio); Lucy now makes her home in Chillicothe (Ohio) with her daughter.

Leroy Stanton Hennen sold his interest in his father's estate to finance his education to become a Medical Doctor. He entered the University of Nashville at Nashville, Tennessee and graduated from that school in 1898 with a degree in medicine. He set up a private practice in Moundsville, West Virginia where he reamined several years before removing to Alliance, Ohio where he continued his practice until his untimely death as a result of a heart condition.

Dr. Hennen was a veteran of World War I, having served in the Medical Corps as a 1st. Lieutenant stationed at Camp Pike, Arkansas. He later con­tinued his education while carrying on a private practice and finally became an Opthamologist, as well as an expert in the use of x-ray treatment.

CHILDREN OF STANTON & LUCY HENNEN (Stanton4Stephen3 Thomas2)

599. Mary Elizabeth Hennen married Julian Critten Fletcher. 600. John Reed Hennen married Isabelle White.

142. JOHN WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-17-1845; died Bridgeport, W. Va. 1-11-1864; unmarried. Buried in the Thomas White Family Cemetery near St. Cloud, W. Va.

John White died while in the service of his country during the Civil War. He served as a member of Company N, 6th West Virginia Infantry.

143. WILLIAM THOMAS WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va. )4-24-1847; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-2-1936; married 1-30-1870, Mary Ann Hennen #206, of Enoch and Lucinda (Stafford) Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-26-1843; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-6-1923. Both are buried in the Oak Forest M. E. Church Ceme­tery near St. Cloud, W. Va.

"Bill Tom" and Mary Ann White resided throughout most of their married life in Battelle District of Monongalia County, West Virginia where he was a farmer. They did reside briefly in the Jollytown area of Pennsylvania.


CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY WHITE (William4 Cynthia3Thomas2

) (Mary 4Enoch 3William 2)

601. Elmer F. White married Lucy Talkington. 602. Edward E. White married Lucy Shriver. 603. Harriet White married William Stiles. 604. Milton E. White never married.

144. FLETCHER B. WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-25-1849 (or 9-9-1849); died near St.Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-2-1861. Buried in the family cemetery.

145. JOSEPH B. WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-19-1851 (or 11-29-1851); died near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-10-1853. Buried in the family cemetery.

146. JAMES IRWIN WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-7-1854; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 2-20-1938; married 8-28-1873, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, of Lewis and Rachel (Mapel) Wilson, born 5-23-1851; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-22-1932. Both are buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

James I. and Elizabeth White resided throughout their married life in Gilmore Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer.


605. Trainer White married Maude T. Wise. 606. Bertie White married Forest Clarence Clovis. 607. Mollie White married Charles Shough.

147. MORGAN P. WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-23-1857; died Waynesburg, Pa. 4-12-1922; married 10-29-1877, Mahala Frances Six #910, of William and Eliza (Stine) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-27-1861; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-11-1926. Both are buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Morgan and "Fanny" White resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where Mr. White was a farmer and stock raiser. About 1921 they removed to Waynesburg, Pennsylva~a.

CHILD OF MORGAN & FANNY WHITE (Morgan4 Cynthia3Thomas ) (Fanny5Eliza 4 Jane3)

608. Thomas Clyde White married (1) Dora Iona Wise (2) Mrs. Beulah Pearle Canan.

148. CYNTHIA MARY WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-30-1859; died Waynesburg, Pa. 4-1-1958; married 10-21-1880, Walter Pierce Manning. Further data not obtainable.


Thomas ) 609. INFANT MANNING, died 12-25-1883; buried T. White family cem. 610. Warren Thomas Manning married Maude Estella Kinney. 611. Milton F. Manning married Mary Ford Taylor. 612. Jessie Sarah Manning married Brice Worley Kennedy.


613. Alice May Manning married Edward Paul Colgan. 149. UNNAMED CHILD WHITE, of Thomas and Cynthia (Hennen) White,

born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.); died same place at age of 13 days. Buried in the family cemetery,

164. WILLIAM HENNEN, of James and Sophronia (Stafford) Hennen, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11-3-1838; died at sea 3-31-1865; unmarried. Burial place not known.

William Hennen died in the service of his country, during the Civil War. The pension application filed by the parents of this soldier reveals much in­teresting data; we feel it worthy of including herein.

William Hennen was enrolled 6-7-1861, at Clarksburg, in Co. A, 6th Regt. W. Va. Cavalry Volunteers to serve 3 years, or during the war. He was mustered into service as a private 6-25-1861, at Camp Hews, Va.; was captured by the enemy at Springfield, W. Va. 6-26-1864 and paroled at N.E. Ferry, N. C. 2-27-1865. He died 3- -1865 aboard the Steamer General Ly­on when it perished at sea, off Cape Hatteras, N. C. 3-31-1865

Letters which he had written home were included in the pension file and are as follows:

June 16, 1861 Clarksburg Harrison County Ne,W Va.

Dear Father and Sister I now take this another blessed Privledge of setting down to rite a

few lines to you and to let you know that i am well this time and hoping that these few lines may you enjoying the same blessing I would Say here that we have had a good time of it so far we left Morgantown and Went to Wheeling and took supper in the camp There and marched back over to Wheeling and Sleep in the boat and struck again we have Been liveing well there is 3 Companys here of the Ohio Soldiers and 2 and a piece of ours here and we get our wages regular we get 160 acres of land and 100 dollars Bounty money free When we are discharged we havent got our goun and uniform yet but we look for them every day tell the boys that now is chance for them to roll in for we like it best kind for we are the boys that ate the fait meat tell tom gooding George Adams is well tell Cathern more that Steve is well and they like it very well and we have a splendid time here and we have plenty of girls here and the Come to see us when we want anything we press it and take it So i must bring my letter to a Close answer this back to me as soon as you can direct your letter Clarksburg Harrison County New Va. in care of Capt. tompson

From William Hennen to James Hennen let me know how Nancy rogers is better or worse

Camp Hews July 27th 1861 Clarks Burgh Harrison Co. Va.

Dear Father & Sister I take this opportunity of in forming you that i am Well at this time


and hope that these few lines may enjoying the same Blessing nancy i received your letter and was Glad to hear that you was Well i have had my health very well Since i left home the arrive here on Friday even­ing they seem to like it very well so far all the rest of our boys is well Wm. betson ( ?) has had the measles and adams has had them too they are pretty near well of them now You can tell Miss Caliban that Charley is well at Presant and hope that she is the same George Barthlow is well Jacob Jenwine is well and like it perty well Smith Ervin is well and Steven Lawellen J M. Triplet J Core is all well I cant say about the For they have had several fights and Scrimages around here the Cars has been Croud here with Souldiers ever since Friday Evening and are Still Coming in and Going to Kenhawa They will be a fight there on the ..•...•.........••.•....

Dear Friend it is with much pleasure that I can take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well at this time and hope that this fue lines and find you in joying the same good blessing i heard a few words from you the other day that you was well but was scarce of but I think you will all still give my love to all of the girls down ther tell them that I am just as lively as ever you Seen me Larken Hall

to Nancy Hennen

I have not any money yet but will come down home when i get my uniform and some money George Pickenpaw well he is a getting fat as a hog

at Present But Remain Yours Truly William Hennen

To James Hennen and Nancy Hennen

175. JOHN HENRY HENNEN, of James and Mary A. Hennen, born Laurel Iron Works (Monongalia Co.) , W. Va. 9-26-1874; died Fairmont, W. Va. 3-21-1912; married 4-4-1910, Mary Elizabeth Klink, of Alex and Mary (Hiles) Klink, born Dunbar, Pa. 6-13-1881; died Dunbar, Pa. 7-28-1964. Burial places not ascertained.

John and Mary E. Hennen resided at Dunbar, Pennsylvania. After his death, Mary Hennen married, for her second husband, Fred M. Taylor.

John Henry Hennen was a veteran of the Spanish-American War. He enrolled at Connellsville (Pa.) on 9-26-1899 as a Private in Co. I, Regt. 41 and was discharged 7-3-1901. His description, at the time of his enlist­ment, was Height 5' 5", complexion fair, eyes blue, hair brown, occupa­tion laborer.


614. CHARLES E. HENNEN, born Dunbar, Pa. 6-11-1910. 615. JOHN A. HENNEN, born Dunbar, Pa. 9-30-1911.


177. JANE HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-20-1833; died near Wind Ridge, Pa. 1-1-1866; married 9-4-1851, John H. McGlumphy, of Hugh and Rachel (Moore) McGlumphy, born Center Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 9-27-1830; died near Kasooth, W. Va. 4-1-1930, almost 100 years old. Jane was buried in a small cemetery (now gone) on the home farm in Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa.; John is buried in Big Run Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

John and Jane resided in the area near Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania. After the death of Jane, leaving John with the care of young children, he married a second time. This marriage was to Mrs. Phoebe Ann Kennedy (nee Cump­ston) who, like John, also had young children in her care. They united their families and took up residence in the area of Kasooth, West Virginia where John was a farmer and miller; he also kept a general store there.

John and Phoebe were the parents of Jefferson, Margaret Ellen, Ora Belle, Erny, Ruth and Willis.

John McGlumphy attempted to enlist for service during the Civil War but, due to a slight limp, he was rejected.




616. ELIZABETH McGLUMPHY 6-13-1852/7-12-1854; born and died in Richhill Twp., Greene Co., Pa.; buried home farm

617. REBECCA McGLUMPHY 7-2-1854/3-l 7-1867; born and died in Rich-hill Twp., Greene Co., Pa.; buried home farm.

618. Rachel McGlumphy married Adam Six. 619. John Milton McGlumphy married Rebecca Reid. 620. CLARK McGLUMPHY 8-19-1860/10-30-1864; born and died in Rich­

hill Twp., Greene Co., Pa.; buried home farm. 621. Lucinda Jane McGlumphy married (1) Henry Kovault (Covalt)

(2) Andrew Chambers. 178. ELIZA HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jollytown,

Pa. 5-12-1835; died near New Freeport, Pa. 7-25-1908; married (1) James Dye, of Rezin (or George) and Nancy (Jones) Dye, born Greene Co., Pa. 4-14-1836; died near Jollytown, Pa. 7-10-1867. Eliza married (2) Joseph Darling, born in Pa. about 1811; other data not learned. James Dye is bur­ied in the Dye Family Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.; Eliza is buried at the Centennial Church Cemetery in Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa.

James and Eliza Dye resided near Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Joseph and Eliza Darling resided near New Freeport, Pennsyl­vania where Joseph was also a farmer. In 1884, Eliza Hennen Darling was granted land, by her father; this land was near New Freeport.

Joseph Darling's father was a native of Delaware (by cen~us record). CHILDREN OF JAMES & ELIZA DYE (Eliza4John3William )

622. Mary Matilda Dye never married. 623. William Hudson Dye married Maggie A. Burge. 624. Nancy J. Dye never married.


625. Andrew Jefferson Dye married (1) Martha Delphine Smith (2) Ida Herrinfon.



626. John Henry Darling married Lucy Louvina Martin. 627. James Allen Darling married Dora Hennen #381.

179. WILLIAM HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 10-8-1837; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1840. Buried in the Old Tab­or Cemetery near Jollytown, Pa., with his parents. (died 4-1-1840)

180. PERRY HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 6-14-1840; died Guyandotte, W. Va. 11-29-1896; married Arte -mace Pryor, of Samuel and Mary Pryor, born Greene Co., Pa. 3-9-1834; died Guyandotte, W. Va. 12-22-1902. Both are buried in the Highland Ceme­tery at Guyandotte (now Huntington), W. Va.

Perry and Artemace Hennen resided in the area of Wadestown, West Vir­ginia during the early part of their married life. Mr. Hennen was engaged in stock raising and farming; he was later a stockman and shipper of cattle with success in these enterprises up to 1873. He served as a justice of the peace in that district. In 1878 they moved to Cabell County, West Virginia where they took up residence in Guyandotte; this trip down the Ohio River was made by boat. He was an original stockholder of Axe Handle Plant-- Hartshell & Hennen when it first started in Guyandotte. He was also in the lumber busi-ness and was city marshall of Guyandotte several times.


628. William Vernon Hennen never married. 629. Martha J. Hennen married (1) Lewis Poteet (2) William Woodruff. 630. Samuel C. Hennen married Ella Byer. 631. John C. Hennen married Mary E. Poindexter. 632. Thomas Jefferson Hennen married Viola Stewart. 633. Elijah Hennen married Blanche Creel. 634. Mary Elma Hennen never married. 635. Hattie Hennen married Joseph Withers.

181. JOHN MILTON HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-20-1843; died Frederick, Md. 11-29-1862 (or 3-29-1862); unmarried. Burial place not known.

As a young lad of eighteen years John Milton Hennen left his home, with­out the consent of his parents, and enlisted in one of the first companies to be mustered in Greene County (Pa.), for service in the Civil War. This com­pany was composed of residents living along the Pennsylvania-West Virginia border and became known as Company F, 7th Regiment, West Virginia Vol­unteer Infantry. The company was mustered 9-18-1861 and John M. Hennen enlisted 1-15-1862.

His personal description at the time of his enlistment is given thus: height 5' 5"; complexion light; eyes blue; hair brown, born Greene Co., Pa.; occu­pation farmer. His record shows that he was present for roll call from Jan-


uary through August, 1862; September and October he was absent and in the hospital at Harpers Ferry, Va. ; he died in the hospital at Frederick, Md. on 11-29-1862, of diarrhea.

182. THOMAS JEFFERSON HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1-9-1847; died near Jollytown, Pa. 6-14-1935; married (1) Nancy Ellen Cumpston, of Nathaniel and Mary (Steele) Cumpston, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-5-1850; died Washington, Pa. 9-3-1923. Thomas Jeffer­son Hennen married (2) Mrs. Agnes Hole, of William and Elizabeth Horn, born 1851; died near Jollytown, Pa. 9-18-1936. Thomas J. and Agnes are buried at Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.; Nan­cy Ellen is buried in the Washington Cemetery at Washington, Pa.

Thomas J. and Nancy Hennen resided in Aleppo Township of Greene Coun­ty, Pennsylvania until they were divorced. Nancy continued to reside in this same area with their two children. Some years later Nancy and her daughter, Mary, removed to Waynesburg (Pa.) and, still later they moved to Washing­ton (Pa.) where they remained until Nancy's death. Thomas J. and Agnes re­sided near New Freeport (Pa.) where he was a farmer and (tock-raiser.


636. David Hudson Hennen married Catharine Tustin. 637. Mary Eliza Hennen never married.

183. SOLOMON HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born nearJollytown, Pa. 7-6-1848; died near Jollytown, Pa. 2-26-1931; married (1) Martha McDon­ald, of Lewis H. and Harriet (Cummins) McDonald, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-11-1852; died near Jollytown, Pa. 4-10-1918. Solomon married (2) 11-8-1922, Mrs. Edna Henderson, of Asa and Huldah (Jackson) Hall, born Monroe Co., Oh. 8-29-1861; died near Jollytown, Pa. 5-13-1937 (age 71 yrs. 5 mos. 4 das.). Solomon and Martha are buried at Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.; Edna is buried in the Cameron Cemetery at Cameron, W. Va.

Solomon and Martha Hennen resided in Aleppo Township of Greene County, Pennsylvania during the early years of their married life. They later removed to the Jollytown area of the same county where they remained throughout the balance of their married life. Solomon had received land from his father in 1884 and 1888 and removed to that land. Solomon Hennen was a farmer; he and Edna resided on his home property after their marriage.


638. MARY FRANCES HENNEN 1-15-187_/10-8-1879; born and died near Jollytown, Pa.; buried Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

639. William E. Hennen married Anna Matilda Henderson. 640. Elizabeth J. ,Hennen married George W. Henderson.

184. ALEXANDER HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 3-10-1850; died near West Alexander, Pa. 5-26-1937; married in 1870, Lucinda Taylor, of Frank and Susanna Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-16-1848; died near West Alexander, Pa. 3-29-1928. Both are buried in the


Oak Forest M. E. Church Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. Alexander and Lucinda resided near Wadestown, West Virginia (Camp

Run) until about 1912 when they removed to Washington County, Pennsylvan­ia. There they took up residence in the West Alexander area where they re­mained throughout the remainder of their lives. They celebrated their Gold­en Wedding Anniversary in 1920. Alexander Hennen was a farmef


William2) 641. Clara Bell Hennen married (1) Lincoln Shriver (2) George Underwood. 642. John H. Hennen married (1) Sadie Spragg (2) Anna Mary Kennedy. 643. PATRICK H. HENNEN l-12-1875/4-17-1881; born and died Camp

Run, W. Va.; buried Taylor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa. 644. Clark S. Hennen married Annie 0. Pethtel. 645. Frank McC. Hennen married Zora K. Cumberledge. 646. Martin Hennen married Matilda Renner. 647. NORA ELLEN HENNEN 1-6-1888/ 2-14-1909; born and died Camp

Run, W. Va. ; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. 185. ENOCH HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jollytown,

Pa. 2-9-1852; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 5-22-1917; married 3-8-1874, Eliza Jane Six, of William and Priscilla (Minor) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-13-1854; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-27-1933. Both are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Enoch and Eliza Hennen resided throughout their married life near Wades­town, West Virginia (Camp Run) where he was a farmer. Nancy Hennen, moth­er of Enoch, died in their home.



648. Francis Leroy Hennen married (1) Sara Alice Burge (2) Jennie Elizabeth McDonald.

649. Nancy Priscilla Hennen married James R. Durbin. 650. Charles Owen Hennen married Lucreasy Thomas. 651. Birt Mason Hennen married Ida Minton. 652. SANFORD B. HENNEN4-30-1880/9-2-1881; born and died Camp Run,

W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. 653. TWIN DAUGHTER HENNEN 8-13-1882/ 8-13-1882; born and died

Camp Run, W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W.Va. 654. TWIN DAUGHTER HENNEN 8-13-1882/8-22-1882; born and died

Camp Run, W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. 655. Fred Cotteral Hennen married Georgia Cumberledge. 656. Eva May Hennen married Benjamin Clovis. 657. Cathrine Ota Belle Hennen married Fred Ammons. 658. GOLDIE CECIL HENNEN 9-14-1890/11-l-1890; born and died Camp

Run, W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. 659. Clyde Earl Hennen married Luda Frye.

186. HENRY HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-14-1854; died Hundred, W. Va. 10-4-1905; married 3-7-1879, Susan Catherine Six, of William and Priscilla (Minor) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa.


12-30-1860; died Hundred, W. Va. 1-8-1941. Both are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

During the early part of their married life, Henry and Catherine Hennen resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania. Some time later they moved to Hundred, West Virginia where they remained throughout the balance of their days. Henry Hennen was a farmer.

In addition to their own children Henry and Catherine Hennen raised an adopted child, Rachel King.




660. Dora Mae Matilda Hennen married (1) David H. Renner (2) Albert W. Renner.

661. Louie Ellen Hennen married George Clarence Minor. 662. Earnest Ray Hennen never married. 663. Cora Hennen married Enoch Pritchard.

187. BENTON HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1856; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1856. Buried Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

188. GEORGE HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jollytown Pa. 7-6-1858; died near Jollytown, Pa. 6-6-1931; married Frances Marga­ret Main, of Sabeas and Margaret (Minor) Main, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-27-1861; died near Jollytown, Pa. 8-6-1948. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

George and Frances "Fanny" Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Jollytown-New Freeport area of Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.



3William )

664. JOHN MILTON HENNEN 1880/12-6-1899; born and died near Jolly-town, Pa.; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

665. Ota Odell Hennen married James Berry Davis. 666. Bertha Mae Hennen never married. 66 7. Dorsey Melvin Hennen married Mary Margaret Edgar. 668. One Hennen married Gilbert Bruce Shaw.

189. MATTHEW HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 9-19-1860; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1-20-1944; married 1-1-1886, Hannah Margaret Roberts, of James and Millison (Gray) Roberts, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 4-24-1862; died near Jollytown, Pa. 8-28-1936. Both are buried in tbe Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Matthew and Hannah Hennen resided throughout their married life in the area near Jollytown, Pennsylvania; tbey resided on a part of the original tract taken up by his father many years earlier. Matthew Hennen was a farm­er and stock-raiser. He also served as a Justice of the Pea4e in tbat area.



669. Donley Crawford Hennen married Hazel Terwilliger. 670. FLORENCE HENNEN 5-2-1888/8-16-1888; born and died near Jolly­

town, Pa.; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa. 671. Maranda Belle Hennen married (1) Edward Stottlemire

(2) Robert Coen. 672. INFANT HENNEN 6-23-1892/9-19-1892; born and died near Jolly­

town, Pa.; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa. 190. MARY HENNEN, of John and Nancy Hennen, born near Jollytown,

Pa. 11-3-1862; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1939; married William M. Roberts, of James and Millison (Gray) Roberts, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 12-14-1853; died Waynesburg, Pa. 7-3-1922. Both are buried in the Pine Bank Cemetery at Pine Bank, Pa.

William and Mary Roberts took up residence in Pine Bank, Pennsylvan­ia where he was a farmer. About 1903 they removed to Waynesburg (Pa.) where they remained through the remainder of their lives.

Mr. Roberts was a staunch Republican and had retired from the office of Jury Commissioner only a few months before his death, having served two terms in this office.


673. Harry Roberts married Minnie Stricklin. 674. J. Franklin Roberts married (1) Jessie Cole (2) Katharine Blair. 675. MAY ROBERTS 8- -1883/8- -1913; born Pine Bank, Pa.; died at

Waynesburg, Pa.; unmarried; buried Pine Bank Cemetery, at Pine Bank, Pa.

676. James G. Roberts married Daisy Stewart. 6 77. Ray Roberts married Emma Pitcock. 678. Blaine Roberts married Sarah Ladoska Cole. 6 79. Sherman Roberts married Harriet Brown.

191. MARTHA JANE HENNEN, of Enoch and Lucinda Hennen, born Jolly­town, Pa. 5-7-1839; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-8-1920; married Eli White, of John Darling and Mary (Sanders) White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-14-1835; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-2-1895. Both are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Eii and Martha White resided throughout their married life in Battelle District of Monongalia County, West Virginia; Eli was a farmer. He had pre­viously been married to Margaret Stiles and they were the parents of Martin Luther, Cordelia 0., Mary Elizabeth and Maggie White.

CHILDREN OF ELI & MARTHA WHITE (Martha4 Enoch3 William2)

680. John Grafton White married Eliza Main. 681. James Leroy White married Margaret Renner. 682. Lucinda White married George Morris Six# 925. 683. Martha Arbell White married Marion Wise. 684. Charles White married Jane McCans. 685. Edward Eli White married Rosa Lemmon.


192. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON HENNEN, of Enoch and Lucinda Henn­en, born Jollytown, Pa. 2-18-1841; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 6-27-1897; married 5-15-1864, Lydia Ann White, of Michael and Mary Ann (Russell) White, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 9-1-1844; died near Wades­town, W. Va. 4-4-1897. Both are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

William and Lydia Hennen resided the early part of their married life in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. About 1872 they moved across the state line and took up residence in the Camp Run area of Monongalia County, West Virginia where William continued his livelihood as a farmer throughout the balance of his life.



686. Ida May Hennen married George Renner. 687. Charles Everett Hennen married Lucy Ann Rice. 688. Frederick Herman Hennen married Ada Bell Mapel. 689. Alice Belle Hennen married Barnett R. Lemmon. 690. Winona Estella Hennen married Philip Shough. 691. Ray Vernon Hennen married (1) Cora Hagan (2) Jane Smith. 692. Mary Lizzie Hennen married Charles M. Lemmon. 693. Cassie Dora Hennen married (1) Richard Smith Wade

(2) Dr. Milton H. Taylor. 694. Earl Malcolm Hennen married Josephine Stenger.

193. MARY ANNE HENNEN, of Enoch and Lucinda Hennen, born Jolly­town, Pa. 5-26-1843; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 11-6-1923; married 1-30-1870, William Thomas White #143, of Thomas and Cynthia White.

See #143 William Thomas White. 194. SETH STAFFORD HENNEN, of Enoch and Lucinda Hennen, born

Jollytown, Pa. about 1851; died in Miss. after 1870. Nothing further. Seth Stafford was still residing with his father in 1870; however, he prob­

ably left home soon afterwards as family tradition is that he died young. He is also said to have died somewhere in Mississippi and his death was caused by an attack of yellow fever.

195. ROBINSON DOWNEY HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Hennen, born near Waynesburg, Pa. about 1868; died before 10- -1888. Further details have not been learned.

196. KATHARINE HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11-19-1839; died Cow Creek (Pleasants Co.), W. Va. 6-5-1920; married 8-7-1870, Benjamin Phelps, of Elias and Nancy Phelps, born Pleasants Co., Va. (now W. Va.) ___ ; died Cow Creek, W. Va. . Both are buried in the Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Marys, W. Va.

Ben and Kate Phelps resided in the Cow Creek area of Pleasants County, West Virginia where he was a farmer and laborer.



William2) 105

695. Nancy Phelps married Alfred Martin. 6 96. Evelyn Phelps married Mack Myer. 697. Henderson Phelps married Lilla LeMasters. 698. Elias Phelps married Minnie Joy. 699. MATILDA PHELPS married 4-2-1922, George Taylor. 700. JOSEPH ALEXANDER PHELPS never married; buried Willow Island. 701. Mary Ellen Phelps married William Armstrong.

197. McDONALD HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born 6-30-1841; died 2-15-1885; married Leanne____ Further data not learned.

We found by the census of 1870 that this family was then residing in Grant District of Jackson County, West Virginia; at that time they had one child, Ida. In the census of 1880 they were residents of Spring Creek District of Wirt County (same state); they then had three children; Ida was not listed then. We have been unable to learn anything further.


William2) 702. IDA HENNEN born November 1869. 703. JOHN M. HENNEN born about 1873. 704. CLARA J. HENNEN born about 1877. 705. Leolia May Hennen married George M. Cain.

198. CYNTHIA ANN HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born 11-9-1842; died Borland, W. Va. ; unmarried. Buried Hennen Cemetery at Bor­land, W. Va.

199. JASPER HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born 6-18-1844; died Grafton, W. Va. 3-l0(or 22)- 1863; unmarried. Buried Hennen Ceme­tery at Borland, W. Va.

Jasper Hennen died while serving his country during the Civil War. He enlisted at Parkersburg, West Virginia in Company G, 15th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry Volunteers 8-14-1862. At the time of his enlistment his de­scription was listed as: age 18 years, height 5' 10", complexion light, eyes black, hair brown, occupation farmer. His death resulted from typhoid and pneumonia incurred at Wheeling 3-1-1863. His parents later received a pen­sion for his service.

200. JAMES MARION HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born 4-24-1846; died 12-25-1913. Nothing further.

201. REBECCA E. HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born 7-10-1848; died Walker Dist., Wood Co., W. Va. 11-20-1920; married 8-22-1869, John Phelps, of Elias and Nancy Phelps, born 6-24-1845; died 4-16-1913. Both are buried in the Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Marys, W. Va.

John and Rebecca Phelps resided in Wood County, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & REBECCA PHELPS (Rebecca Thomas3William2)

706. George T. Phelps married Lula Riggs. 707. Ida A. Phelps married William Morrison. 708. Lloyd Phelps married Effie Higgins.


709. William Curtis Phelps married Beulah Dearth. 710. Lucy M. Phelps married Joseph McFarland. 711. Daniel S. Phelps married Lillie ___ _ 712. Cyrus Luther Phelps married Lila Tear. 713. Emmett H. Phelps married Geneva Ferrebee.

202. NANCY HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 5-5-1850; died Hutchinson, Kans. 11-19-1924; married (1) _________ (2) ___ Coughenour. Further data not learned.

203. JOHN F. HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 5-28-1852; died Owasco, Mo. 12-16-1911; married 6-13-1877, Evelyn Rogers, of Samuel Rogers, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 7-18-1858; died Owasco, Mo. 3- -1918. Both buried at Owasco, Mo.

John and Evelyn Hennen resided in Wood County, West Virginia until a­bout 1900 when they removed to Owasco, Missouri where they spent the re­mainder of their years. John was a farmer.



714. Francis Hennen married Sarah Ogle. 715. Charles Freeman Hennen married Pheba Jane Corbitt. 716. Phoebia Elizabeth Hennen married Orlando Ward. 71 7. Walter Ferman Hennen married Idah Ellis. 718. Samuel Hennen never married. 719. Anna Alice Hennen married Ira Oscar Ralls.

204. WILLIAM THOMAS HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va. )2-16-1854; died Belmont, W. Va. 12-22-1940; married 5-8-1877 Sarah Fletcher, of Vincent and Mary Jane )Howard) Fletch­er, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va. )8-17-1858; died Belmont, W. Va. 4-14-1939. Both are buried in Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Marys, W. Va.

"Bill Tom" and Sarah HANNEN resided in Belmont, West Virginia where Mr. Hannen was a miller, stave-mill hand and farmer. Some members of this branch of the family have used the spelling Hannen.


William2) 720. Arthur Hannen married Anna Bell. 721. Birta Hannen married Brodie Copenhaver. 722. Zora Hannen married George Reese. 723. Dorothy Hannen married Charles Cooke. 724. Jerry Hannen married Lavina Dale. 725. Blanche Hannen married Ben Atkinson.

205. DANIEL HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Wood Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 8-30-1857; died Long Island. N. Y. _____ ; married Allie Reed, further data not yet available. This data was expected, but not received in time to use in this place.

Daniel Hennen was a Minister in the Church of Christ throughout his a­dult life. Rev. Hennen and his wife resided through the early years of mar-


ried life in Wirt County, West Virginia; they later moved to Parkersburg, West Virginia where he operated a grocery store for some time. The next home of Rev. and Mrs. Hennen was in Vincent, Ohio where he farmed in addition to his ministerial duties. Eventually they moved to New York and made their home on Long Island. Some of this family have spelled the name Hannen.

4 2 CHILDREN OF DANIEL & ALLIE HENNEN (Daniel Thomas3William )

726. DenverHennen 727. Hennen 728. Ira Hennen 729. Viola Hennen 730. Audrey Hennen married ____ Bennett.

206. MONROE LOT HENNEN, of Thomas and Jency Hennen, born Wood Co., Va. (now W, Va.) 11-23-1861; died Chester, W. Va. 6-3-1951; mar­ried (1) Icie Lemley, who died in Wood Co., W. Va. He married (2) Epsie Hendrickson, who died in Chester, W. Va. Further data not learned.

Monroe and Icie Hennen resided in Wood County, West Virginia; he and Epsie spent most of their married life in the area of Chester, West Virgin­ia. For some years Mr. Hennen followed the profession of a school teacher; he also worked in the pottery at Chester (W. Va.) for some 25 years.

CHILDREN OF MONROE & ICIE HENNEN (Monroe4 Thomas3 William2)

731. 732.



207. JAMES OLIVER HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born in Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 7-9-1840; died near Nickerson, Nebr. 2-18-1913; married (at Lexington, Ill.) 10-24-1869, Uree Ann Brooke, of Mathew and Mary Brooke, born Oh. 10-23-1850; died near Nickerson, Nebr. 5-24-1930. Both are buried in the Bluffs Church Cemetery, northwest of Fremont, Nebr.

James Oliver and Uree Hennen resided for a short time after their mar­riage in Lexington, Illinois; they then returned to the place of his former home, Wadestown, West Virginia. Some ten years later they moved west and took up residence in the Jamestown area of Dodge County, Nebraska, where they resided until about 1901 when they moved to a farm one mile south of Nickerson, Nebraska; there they remained throughout the remainder of their days.

Oliver Hennen was a farmer and also raised much fruit on his farm in Nebraska.

CHILDREN OF OLIVER & UREE HENNEN (Oliver4 William3William2)

733. Mattie May Hennen married Alfred Countryman. 734. Frank Hennen never married. 735. Emmitte Brooke Hennen married Marie Dittmar. 736. Mary Louisa Hennen married Charles Emil Andersen.


73 7. Ida Maud Hennen married John Samuel Holstedt. 738. WILLIAM MATHEW HENNEN 11-l 7-1885/7-21-1887; born and died

Jamestown, Nebr.; buried Bluffs Church Cemetery, northwest of Fremont, Nebr.

739. EFFIE LEOLA HENNEN 7-13-1888/ 1-26-1895; born and died James­town, Nebr.; buried Bluffs Church Cemetery, see above.

208. BENJAMIN LEROY HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-13-1842; died Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-23-1842. Buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

209.MALINDA HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-8-1845; died Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-31-1861. Buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

210. MARY ELLEN HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-13-1847; died Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-26-1853. Buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

211. LOT LANTZ HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-22-1851; died Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-3-1853. Buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.

212. ELZA LYTLE HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 3-17-1855; died Moundsville, W. Va. 7-14-1897; mar­ried 9-11-1877, Mary Ann Whalen, of Coleman T. and Kate (Whalen) Whalen, born Boston, Mass. 5-5-1860; died Los Angeles, Cal. 8-18-1950. Elza is bur­ied in Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.; Mary is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery at Los Angeles, Cal.

Elza and Mary Hennen took up residence in the Wadestown area of West Virginia where their first two children were born. They removed to the area of Burton (same state) where they resided some time before moving on to the Moundsville area (same state) where they yet remained at the time of Elza's death.

Elza Hennen was a graduate of Duff's Business College in Pittsburgh, Penn­sylvania; he was privileged to attend the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876. After his marriage he engaged in the occupation of a cabinet-maker, following in the footsteps of his father. A short time before his death he had opened a barber shop in the Flat Run area of Marion County, West Virginia.

Mary Whalen Hennen married, for her second husband, on 5-2-1900, Jo­seph Fleming Hamilton and they were the parents of Anne and Josephine Helen Hamilton.

3 CHILDREN OF ELZA & MARY HENNEN(Elza4 William William


740. HARRY COLEMAN HENNEN, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-6-1878;died Moundsville, W. Va. 1-20-1898; buried Cameron, W. Va.

741. Louisa May Hennen married Bernard McEntee. 742. William Vincent Hennen married Anna Louisa Schwarzkopf. 743. LEOLA KATE HENNEN 5-16-1883/9-27-1884; born and died Wades­

town, W. Va.; buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va. 744. MALE HENNEN born and died Wadestown, W. Va. 2-12-1886; bur-


ied Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va. 745. Maude Rebecca Hennen married (1) Jeremiah Jasper Bartholow

(2) Joseph Kramer. 746. FEMALE HENNEN, born and died Wadestown, W. Va. 4-1-1889;

buried Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va. 747. Walter Leo Hennen married Anne ___ _ 748. John Thomas Hennen married Mary Iles. 749. Alice Genevieve Hennen married William Miller.

213. REBECCA HENNEN, of William and Louisa Hennen, born Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 4-9-1858; died Wadestown, W. Va. 1907; married (1)2-27-1876, Adam Shriver, of Abraham and Massie (Minor) Shriver, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1846; died Wadestown, W. Va. 2-10-1897. Rebecca Hennen Shriver married (2) Samuel Miller; further details not avail­able. Adam Shriver is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery at Wadestown, W. Va.; Rebecca is buried in Mt. Rose Cemetery at Moundsville, W. Va.

Adam and Rebecca Shriver resided throughout their married life near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer and carpenter. Samuel and Rebecca Miller resided at Bazetta, Ohio, on a farm.



750. William Hennen Shriver married Icie Wilson. 751. George C. Shriver married Emma Bess Zipf.

214. LEVI HENNEN, of Alexander and Anna Hennen, born near Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-16-1848; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 6-6-1926; married (1) 1-9-1876, Matilda A. Lemley, of Jacob and Margaret Lemley, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-10-1846; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-18-1887. Levi Hennen married (2) 6-20-1889, Sarah Jane Bell, of George W. and Clementine (Taygart) Bell, born near Brave, Pa. 1-12-1845; died near Brave, Pa. 5-10-1917. Levi and Matilda are buried in the Oak For­est Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va.; Sarah Jane is buried (as Sarah Jane Bell) at Phillips Church Cemetery, near Brave, Pa.

Levi and Matilda Hennen resided throughout their married life near Wades­town (Camp Run area), West Virginia where Levi was a farmer. Levi contin­ued to reside there throughout his lifetime. Matilda died when her youngest child was only 24 days old.


752. Merttie Ellen Hennen married William Sabeas Main. 753. Charles Hennen married Sally Renner. 754. DORA ARLEY HENNEN 7-31-1881/10-30-1893; born and died near

Wadestown, W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 755. Oscar Hennen married Luvina Cathern Kimble.

215. ELROY HENNEN, of Alexander and Anna Hennen, born near Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-19-1849; died Wadestown, W. Va. 1-11-1910; mar­ried 3-17-1878, Adaline Pryor, of Samuel and Mary Pryor, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 5-27-1847; died Wadestown, W. Va. 6-6-1926. Both are bur-


ied in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va. Elroy and Adaline Hennen resided throughout their married life in Wades­

town, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Their two children having died in infancy, they raised a nephew, Donald Poteet, son of Adaline's sister. He died in his youth. Elroy and Adaline attended the Baptist Church.



216. SARAH KATHARINE HENNEN, of Alexander and Anna Hennen, born near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-13-1851; died Grangeville, W. Va. 12-22-1917; married Jacob Shriver, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1851; died Grangeville, W. Va. 6-8-1932. Both are buried in the Hawker Cemetery, near Grangeville, W. Va.

Jacob and Sarah Shriver spent the early years of their married life in the area near Wadestown, West Virginia where Jacob was a farmer. Later they removed to the Grangeville area of Marion County, West Virginia and Jacob continued to pursue the life of a farmer.



758. Pleasant Anna Shriver married John Cunningham. 759. Cora Shriver married Will Griffin. 760. Ida Shriver married Homer Beatty. 761. Georgia Shriver married Francis Robinson. 762. Frank Shriver married Emma Hildreth. 763. Nora Shriver married Frank Johnson. 764. Maude Shriver married William W. Wells.

217. LEWIS HENNEN, of Alexander and Anna Hennen, born near Wades­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 1-13-1854; died Cadiz, Oh. 4-4-1908; married 12-24-1876, Elzena Clovis, of Jacob and Elizabeth (Lemley) Clovis, born Mon­ongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 3-20-1854; died Cadiz, Oh. 3-23-1912. Both are buried in Union Cemetery at Cadiz, Oh.

Lewis and Elzena Hennen resided through the early part of their married life near Wadestown, West Virginia. They later removed to the area of Cadiz, Ohio where they spent the remainder of their days. Lewis Hennen was a farm­er. They were devoted members of the Methodist Epi_fcopal Chu3ch.



765. Edward C. Hennen married (1) Navada Edith Maple (2) Wilma Jane Stack-house.

766. EVERET S. HENNEN 1-20-1880/ 11-10-1897; born and died near Wadestown, W. Va.; buried Wadestown Cemetery, Wadestown, W. Va.

76 7. Elizabeth Ona Hennen married Alpheus Garrison Henderson. 218. CLARISSA JANE HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born

near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-21-1858; died near New Freeport, Pa. 5-9-1936; married 8-30-1874, William Milton Lemmon, of Salem and Mary


(Babbit) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 5-17-1850; died near New Freeport, Pa. 1-7-1926. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cem­etery, near New Freeport, Pa.

William and "Jennie" Lemmon resided throughout their married life in the area of New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and stock­raiser. He was especially interested in fine horses. Mr. and Mrs. Lemm­on were leading members of the M. E. Church where he served as a stew­ard and trustee.

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & JANE LEMMON (Jane4Alexander3william2)

768. Jesse Harvey Lemmon married (1) Rosetta Six (2) Mrs. Margaret White.

769. Lydia Ellen Lemmon married Robert Milton Clovis. 770. Mary Hallie Lemmon married (1) William Lindsey Main

(2) William Hixenbaugh. 771. Owen Ray Lemmon married Cassie Taylor. 772. Emma Alice Lemmon married Fred Hixenbaugh. 773. HENRY FRANKLIN LEMMON 9-8-1889/9-10-1902; born and died

near New Freeport, Pa.; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery. 219. NANCY EMILY HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born

near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-28-1860; died Gibsonia, Pa. 5-19-1929; married 10-15-1882, John Wesley Hennen #137.

See #137John Wesley Hennen. 220. MARTHA ELLEN HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born

near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va. )5-24-1861; died Dusk Camp, W. Va. 8-30-1918; married 3-4-188 , Rev. Fred Cottrill, of Mortormore and Sarah Cottrill, born Mt. Clare, Va. (now W. Va.) 12-9-18 ; died Dusk Camp, W. Va. 2-19-1933. Both are buried in Dusk Camp Cemetery, at Dusk Camp.

Rev. Fred and Martha Cottrill resided in such rural areas of West Vir­ginia as Beverly (Randolph Co.), Belington (Barbour Co.), Troy (Gilmer Co.), Flatwoods (Marion Co.) and Dusk Camp (Gilmer Co.). Rev. Cottrill was a minister of the M. E. Church.


William2) 774. Charles Cottrill married Ada Groves. 775. Leona Belle Cottrill married Wade Blackshire. 776. Maude Cottrill married Roy W. Linger. 777. Bessie Cottrill married Dennis J. Moyers. 7 78. Frank Cottrill married Bartha Linger. 779. Beulah Cottri.11 married Goode Stonestreet. 780. Harry Cottrill married (1) Carrie Moyers (2) Josephine Nicholson. 781. Brooks Cottri.11 married Adabelle Shaffer. 782. Bonnie Cottri.11 married Hoy Shiflet.

221. HENRY SOLOMON RUSSELL HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born near Wadestown, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-9-1862; died Cadiz, Oh. 9-25-1947; married 4-25-1901, Lillie Mae Phillips, of William and Mary


Jane (Keefe) Phillips, born Deep Valley, Pa. 11-14-1879; died Cadiz, Oh. 12-24-1952. Both are buried in Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh.

Henry and Lillie Hennen resided throughout their married life (except for one year in Athens Township) in Cadiz Township of Harrison County, Ohio where Henry was a farmer. They were faithful members of the Rank­in Methodist Church where Henry served as church treasurer for some 30 years. Henry Hennen was the last member of his immediate family of elev­en children.

CHILDREN OF HENRY & LILLIE HENNEN (Henr/ Alexander3William2)

783. Francis Paul Hennen married Sara Anna Nash. 784. Mary Rachel Hennen married George Americus Wenner. 785. William Howard Hennen married Mary M. Mellerner.

222. WILLIAM Mc CARL HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 4-5-1864; died near Mannington, W. Va. 12-3-1946; married 12-23-1883, Sarah Jane Haskins, of Dennis and Mary(Lemley) Haskins, born Burton, W. Va. 1-24-1861; died Mannington, W. Va. 10-3-1949. Both are buried in the Bee Gum Cemetery, near Mannington, W. Va.

Early in their married life William and Sarah Hennen took up residence in the area of Mannington, West Virginia where William pursued the life of a farmer. At the time of Mr. Hennen's death plans were being made to cele­brate the sixty-third wedding anniversary of this couple.

In addition to farming William Hennen was employed at Phillip's Machine Shop, as a pattern maker in the boiler-shop.


William2) 786. Ora Blanche Hennen married James Emmett Ice. 787. Pearl Hennen married John Clark Yost. 788. Clarence Kirk Hennen married Nina L. Burr. 789. Guy Thomas Hennen married (1) Mable Morgan (2) Martha Rmdle. 790. Genevieve Hennen married Thomas Britton Cornwell. 791. Margaret Lucille Hennen married Wayne M. Reger. 792. Faye Hennen married Vernon Leslie Parker.

223. JOSEPH PLUMMER HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-12-1865; died Claysville, Pa. 8-10-1940; mar­ried 4-22-1888, Sarah Elizabeth Berdine, of Dennis and Lydia Ann (White) Berdine, born Augusta Co., Ark. 7-27-1870; died Claysville, Pa. 11-5-1949. Both are buried in the Claysville Cemetery, at Claysville, Pa.

Joseph and Sarah Hennen took up residence in the Camp Run area of Mon­ongalia County, West Virginia where Joseph pursued the life of a farmer. A few years later they removed to Hundred, West Virginia where they remain­ed until about 1908 when they again moved, this time to Claysville, Pennsyl­vania. There they remained until their deaths. Joseph Hennen was a long­time employee of the Campsey Feed & Seed Store in Claysville.

Joseph and Sarah Hennen celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1938, two years before his death. They were both long-time members of the


Methodist Church at Hundred, West Virginia where they retained their mem-bership until death.

4 3 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & SARAH HENNEN (Joseph Alexander William2)

793. Rex Earl Hennen married Gwendolyn Edwards. 794. Halla Day Hennen never married. 795. Gladys Ann Hennen never married.

224. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HENNEN, of Alexander and Rachel Hen­nen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-2-1868; died Clarksburg, W. Va. 10-28 (or 27)-1941; married 1-22-1896 (or 1895), Lucy Haskins, of Dennis and Mary (Lemley) Haskins, born Burton, W. Va. 8-12-1868 (or1867); died at Wheeling, W. Va. 1-15-1915. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Christopher "Lum" and Lucy Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Mannington, West Virginia. Lum continued to re­side there after Lucy's death; however, his later years were spent in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arlie Wade, near Clarksburg, West Virginia. Lum Hennen was an employee of the South Penn Oil Company.


William2) 796. Nellie Louise Hennen married Arlie Ray Wade. 797. RUTH HENNEN 2-24-1904/2-28-1904; born and died near Mannington,

W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 798. Don Columbus Hennen married Estella Gordon Trewren.

225. VALINDA ANN HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Mor­gantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-14-1830; died Greensboro, Pa. 10-3-1909; mar­ried 7-3-1851, Leroy Kramer Hall, of Lemuel and Sarah Elizabeth (Grove) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 11-22-1824; died Seattle, Wash. 1-14-1922. Both are buried in Monongahela Hill Cemetery, near Greensboro, Pa.

Leory and Valinda Hall took up residence in Morgantown, West Virginia where they remained a few years before their removal to Greene County, Penn­sylvania. They resided throughout the balance of their married life in Greens­boro; Leroy pursued the occupation of a carpenter.




799. Eugene Grove Hall married (1) Flora L. Yeager (2) Katharine Springer. 800. Emma Frances Hall married Samuel Blackburn. 801. Ella Virginia Hall married William Edgar Moore. 802. Catherine Hennen Hall married Rev. Thomas Jefferson Collins. 803. Robert Hennen Hall never married. 804. Sarah Elizabeth Hall married (1) Frederick A. Halleck

(2) Edgar William Mills. 805. William Lee Hall never married. 806. Frederick Augustus Hall married Ella Sue Palmer. 807. George Birch Hall married (1) Mary Alice Duniform

(2) Bertha McDonald. 114

226. NANCY CATHERINE HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-6-1832; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1919; married in 1865, Isaac Hite, of George and Lucinda Hite, born 1828; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1916. Both are buried in the Oak Grove Ceme­tery at Morgantown, W. Va.

Isaac and Catherine Hite resided throughout their married life in the ar­ea of Morgantown, West Virginia where Isaac was a far,er.

CHILDREN OF ISAAC & CA THERINE HITE (Catherine Robert3Matthew2)

808. Albert Holmes Hite married Evelyn Pratt. 809. LIDA ELLEN HITE 1868-1886; born and died near Morgantown, W.

Va. 810. Alice Olive Hite married Russell Love Morris. 811. Lizzie Hite married Dr. David Hall Courtney. 812. ELMER GROVE HITE 1876-1878; born and died near Morgantown,

W. Va. 227. HELEN SAMANTHA HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born

Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-2-1835; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-6-1912; married Charles Alexander Mestrezat, of Frederick and Martha (Hall) Mestrezat, born near Greensboro, Pa. 10-21-1833; died 3-7-1864. Helen is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery at Morgantown, W. Va.; there is also a mark­er there for her husband, however, his burial place has never been learned.

Charles and Helen took up residence in the area of Greensboro, Pennsyl­vania where he was a school teacher and cabinet-maker.

Charles A. Mestrezat had received his education in Morgantown, West Virginia. Soon after the outbreak of the Civil War (9-22-1862) he enlisted in Company E, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry, with which he served until captured during the Battle of White Sulphur Springs, on 4-27-1863. He was imprison­ed at Belle Isle, Richmond, Virginia where he remained until removed to the hospital in Richmond; there he died 3-27-1864. Later Helen removed to Mor­gantown, West Virginia with her son. In later life she received a widow's pension for the service of her husband in the Civil War.

Charles A. Mestrezat was a graduate of Old Monongalia Academy, now West Virginia University.



2 Matthew )

813. Walter Alexander Mestrezat married Eva Mae Hennen#245. 814. FREDERICK WILLIAM (or GUILLAUMME) MESTREZAT7-14-1859/

10-11-1860; born and died near Greensboro, Pa.; burial place not known, but his name is on a marker at Morgantown, W. Va. --with his parents.

228. MATTHEW HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Morgan­town, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-10-1837; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1905; married Mary Louise Pickenpaugh, born 1849; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1924. Both are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

Matthew and Mary Louise Hennen resided in Morgantown, West Virginia 115

where Matthew engaged in the furniture manufacturing business with his fa­ther. He and his brother, Frederick Hennen, continued the business as the "Hennen Brothers" after the death of the father.

Matthew Hennen was prominent in the civic affairs of Morgantown, having served as coucilman in 1874.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF MATTHEW & MARY HENNEN (Matthew Robert Matthew )

815. LILLIAN HENNEN 1874-1948 married George Edward Smith1866-1939. 816. ADELLA V. HENNEN 1876-1901; unmarried; born and died Morgan­

town, W. Va. ; buried Oak Grove Cemetery at Morgantown. 817. MARYE. HENNEN born and died (young) Morgantown, W. Va.; bur­

ied Oak Grove Cemetery at Morgantown. 818. Anna Hennen married Clarence Lantz.

229. SAMUEL EBENEZER HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-10-1840; died Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-21-1840. Buried Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

230. SARAH ISABEL HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Mor­gantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-14-1841; died Morgantown, W. Va. 12-12-1915; married David E. Holmes, born 6-25-1837; died Morgantown, W. Va. 12-18-1898. Both are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

David and Sarah Holmes resided in Morgantown, West Virginia; they had no children.

231. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-26-1844 (or 1843); died Morgantown, W. Va. 1921; married in 1882, Ella Elizabeth Coyle, of Rev. John and Eliza­beth (Evans) Coyle, born 1846; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1911. Both are bur­ied in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

Frederick and Ella Hennen resided in Morgantown, West Virginia where he, too, was a cabinet-maker. He worked in his father's manufacturing bus­iness and later associated with his brother, Matthew, in the furniture and un­dertaking business. In 1882 Frederick joined with J. E. Madera in continuing the fine business which for many years had been a tradition with the family.

Frederick Hennen was also active in civic affairs of the city and served as a councilman in Morgantown.




819. ROBERT DAVID HENNEN (born Morgantown, W, Va. 8-17-188_; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1937) married Louise Reiner.

232. EMILY FRANCES HENNEN, of Robert and Elizabeth Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-10-1847; died Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) 3-7-1848. Buried Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

238. ISABELLA R. HENNEN, of George Washington and Justina Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1846; died Keyser, W. Va.; mar­ried Francis Marion Reynolds, further data not available.

Francis M. and Isabella Reynolds resided in Keyser, West Virginia where he was an attorney.



George W. 32

Matthew ) 820. Francis C. Reynolds married Jessie Knight. 821. Nina I. Reynolds married Luther Caiskadon. 822. BUNKER REYNOLDS married Mary Russell. 823. Hal Reynolds married Jennie Caiskadon. 824. ORLANDO REYNOLDS died young.

239. MARYL HENNEN, of George Washington and Justina Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1848; married 0 ___ Babb, further data not available.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF O. & MARY BABB (Mary George W. Matthew )

825. Walter Babb married Marguerite Mignot. 826. Ernest Babb married Katie Bell. 82 7. Francis Hennen Babb married Gertrude Scherr. 828. Justina Babb married Walter Scherr. 829. Mabel Babb married Clarence Vossler.

240. WILLIAM HENNEN, of George Washington and Justina Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va. about 1850; died Keyser, W. Va.; married Mary Catherine Stinehart, further data not available.

William and Mary Hennen resided in Keyser, West 2[irginia. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY HENNEN (William George W. 3

2 Matthew )

830. GEORGE W. HENNEN married Margaret Wallace. 831. CHARLES HENNEN died young. 832. BELLE HENNEN never married. 833. BESS HENNEN · 834. MINNIE HENNEN never married. 835. MARY LOUISE HENNEN married J. H. Bryant. 836. LAWRENCE W. HENNEN

241. FANNY E. HENNEN, of George Washington and Justina Hennen, born Morgantown, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1853; married Dr. Thomas H. West, born Md. about 1843, further data not availa~le.

3 2 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & FANNY WEST (Fanny George W. Matthew )

837. Sarah West married Kinsey. 838. Minnie West married Millholland. 839. Grace West married Webb. 840. Alice West married Smith. 841. Helen West married Harry Markwood.

242. JAMES WALTER HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-19-1858; died ( a James Walter Hennen died in Denver Colo. 2-9-1917, not proven right one, but likely); further data not available.

We have been told that this family resided in Denver, Colorado as last known residence.


4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JAMES W. HENNEN (James Thomas Matthew )

(only ones known) 842. WALTER HENNEN 843. FRANK HENNEN

243. FRANK HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-5-1860; died Chicago, Ill. 193 _; married Anna Morgan, born Morgantown, W. Va. 6-13-1864; died Fairmont, W. Va. about 1885.

Frank and Anna Hennen resided in the Palestine area of Fairmont, West Virginia where he was in tbe grocery business. He also worked as a cabinet-maker.

4 3 2 CHILD OF FRANK & ANNA HENNEN (Frank Thomas Matthew )

844. Albert Earl Hennen married Florence Kirkland. 244. WILLIAM STERLING HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen,

born Fairmont, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-4-1862; died 12-26-1928; further data not available.

245. EVA MAE HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va. 4-6-1864; died Morgantown, W. Va. 5-1-1928; married1886, Walter Alexander Mestrezat#813, of Charles A. and Helen S. (Hennen) Mes­trezat, born near Greensboro, Pa. 9-5-1857; died Morgantown, W. Va. 8-7-1942. Botb are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

Walter and Eva M. Mestrezat resided throughout their married life in Morgantown, West Virginia. Mr. Mestrezat was a cabinet-maker and a very talented musician. He served as a faculty member of West Virginia Univer­sity (at Morgantown) for some forty years, retiring emeritus.

Walter Mestrezat answered the call to arms during the Spanish Ameri­can War, being a member of the 21st Infantry Regiment and the 1st West Vir­ginia Volunteers. He was a member of the 30th Volunteer Infantry in the Phil-ippine Insurrection, later receiving a pension for this lervice .

3 2 CHILDREN OF WALTER & EVA MESTREZAT (Eva ~oma~ Mattht:t )

(Walter Helen Robert ) 845. Jean-Paul Mestrezat married Muna Musgrave. 846. Mary Helen Mestrezat married Adrian Sprigg.

246. MARY BELLE HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born at Fairmont, W. Va. 8-20-1866; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1-26-1882. Buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

247. ANNIE LEE HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va. 8-11-1868; died Fairmont, W. Va. 12-21-1875. Buried Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

248. CLARENCE HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va. 12-30-1869; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-21-1870. Buried Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

249. HARRY HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. 4-1-1871; died Fairmont, W. Va. 4-8-1871. Buried Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

250. LAWRENCE McMINN HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, 118

born Fairmont, W. Va. 7-18-1872; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1952; married 10-27-1897, Elsie Mae Wilfong, of Charles M. and Margaret (Hildebrand) Wilfong, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. 1-23-1872; died Fairmont, W. Va. Both are buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Lawrence and Elsie Hennen resided in Fairmont, West ~irginia. 3 CHILDREN OF LAWRENCE & ELSIE HENNEN (Lawrence Thomas

Matthew2) 847. Wilbur Sterling Hennen never married. 848. Charles McMinn Hennen married Avanell Morgan.

251. INFANT HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. 1874; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1874 (aged 1 day). Buried Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

252. INFANT HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. 1876; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1876 (aged 8 days). Buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, at East Fairmont, W. Va.

253. THOMAS WILBUR HENNEN, of Thomas J. and Mary Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. 2-21-1878; died Fairmont, W. Va. 11-26-1920; married 2-21-1906, Nellie Amanda Cochran, of Nathaniel C. and Emily Bertha (Flem­ing) Cochran, born Fairmont, W. Va. 10-23-1878; died Fairmont, W. Va. 11-15-1932. Both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Thomas W. and Nellie Hennen resided in Fairmont, West Virginia where Mr. Hennen was a very successful business man. He was in both retail and real estate business, being recognized as one of the town's more prominent citizens.



849. Thomas Wilbur Hennen married (1) Martha Ann Hall (2) Dora Margaret Sheppard Fergusson.

850. Mary Emily Hennen married (1) Dr. John C. Meredith (2) Dr. George A. Bennett.

254.STEVENSON MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1831; died after 1909; married (1) Lydia Ann Butcher#54, of Robert and Racehl (Hennen) Butcher, born Monongalia Co. Va. (now W. Va.) 1835; died Gilmore Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1867 (aged 32 yrs. 2mos. 4das. ) . Stevenson married (2)Rebecca Simpson, of Thomas and Mahala Simpson, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1842; further data not available. Lydia B. Mariner is buried in the Butcher Ceme­tery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.; burial places of others not learned.

Stevenson and Lydia Mariner resided in now West Virginia (probably in Wetzel Co.) during the first few years of their married life; however, they moved to Gilmore Township, of Greene County, Pennsylvania before 1859. There they remained until after Lydia's death; Stevenson and Rebecca con­tinued to reside there for a number of years. Sometime later they moved to Conaway (Tyler Co.), West Virginia. Mr. Mariner was a farmer; he also was a Civil War Veteran, but we have been unable to get a detailed record of his service.


CHILDREN OF STEVENSON &LYDIA MARINER(Stevenson4Elizabeth3Geo.2, (Lydia 3Rachel 2Matthew1)

851. Thomas Elwood Mariner married Jennie Rush. 852. Rachel Mariner married 853. Cynthia Jane Mariner married Hailman Rush. 854. MARY MARINER born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1862. CHILDREN OF STEVENSON & REBECCA MARINER (Stevenson4Elizabeth3)

855. LAVINA MARINER born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1869. 856. OLIVER MARINER born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1871.

255. GEORGE WASHINGTON MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Henne~ Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-27-1833; died Church Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. 1892; married (1) Rebecca Headley, of Jesse and Maria (Cox) Head­ley, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 6-29-1832; died near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1-4-1862 (or 12-31-1861). George married (2) Frances Taylor, of Abraham and Margaret Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1835; died Church Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. 6-7(or 14)-1877. George married (3) Mrs. Barbara Ellen Nice­ly, of William and Mary Bissett, born near Garrison, Pa. 4-2-1843; died Church Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. 6-7-1882. George married (4) Mrs. Fran­ces Caroline Ashcraft, of Joseph and Evaline (or Caroline) (Cox) Lough, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 7-31-1842 (or 1837); died 10-17-1896. The burial place of Rebecca H. Mariner is not known to us; Frances T. Mariner is buried in the Taylor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa. where the cemetery marker bears the spelling "Marner. " George W. and Barbara Mariner are buried in the Pleasant Hill M. P. Church Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa. and the markers are written "Marriner"; Caroline is buried in the Sugar Grove Cemetery, at McCracken, Pa. where the name is also written "Marriner."

George W. Mariner was a prosperous farmer of Greene County, Pennsyl­vania and Wetzel County, West Virginia. During the Civil War he served as a private in Company A, 140th Pennsylvania Infantry, for almost three years. He was imprisoned at Andersonville prison for seven months and twenty-one days. He was discharged by General Order 7-18-1865, having been trans­ferred to the 114th Company, 2nd Battalion (V. R. C.) 3-13-1865. He later received a pension for this service.

George Mariner resided, during his first marriage, near Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania; later removed to the Garrison area (same state); aboutl872 he moved on to Church District of Wetzel County, West Vir_f:nia.


2 George )

857. Jesse Mariner married (1) Mary A. ____ (2) Cassie Kiger. 858. SARAH JANE MARINER born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 3-22-1858.


Elizabeth 3


859. ATHALIE E. MARINER born Greene Co., Pa. 6-6-1864.



E1izabeth 3


860. LAURA JANE MARINER born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 8-10-1878. CHILDREN OF GEORGE & CAROLINE MARINER (George



861. James Stephenson Mariner married _______ _ 862. John Martin Mariner married Hannah Estel. 863. Elizabeth Eva Mariner married Daniel W. Stewart.

256. JEREMIAH MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1835; died near Wana, W. Va. after 1908; married Catharine Collins, of Isaac and Rosanna Collins, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11-22-1827; died near Wana, W. Va. 2-6-1908. The burial place of Jeremiah Mariner has not been ascertained, but may be in a small family burial plot (where only fieldstone markers are found) not far from Wana, W. Va. ; Catharine is buried in the Cross Cemetery, near Wana, W. Va. where the marker bears the name "Mariner."

Jeremiah and Catharine Mariner resided a short time in the area near Burton, West Virginia before removing to the area near Wana (same state) where they spent the remainder of their days. Jeremiah was a far,r1_er.


George2) 864. Sarah Jane Mariner married Ebenezer Bell. 865. Rosanna Mariner married Irwin Eakin.

257. LUCINDA MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-10-1838; died Wadestown, W. Va. 9-1-1933; married Henry Taylor, of Abraham and Margaret Taylor, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 7-27-1839; died Wadestwon, W. Va. 1920. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Henry and Lucinda Taylor resided for some time in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. They later removed to the area of Wades­town, West Virginia where he continued the life of a farmer. Henry Taylor was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Company N, 6th West Virgin­ia Infantry from 9-25-1861 through 6-10-1865.


Elizabeth3George 2)

866. Joshua Henry Taylor married Druzilla May Butcher# 1016. 867. CHARLES TAYLOR born about 1865; died after 1870. 868. Grant Taylor married Anna Edwards. 869. Mollie Taylor married James White. 870. Elsworth Taylor married Sarah Anderson. 871. Matilda Agnes Taylor married Linza Lough. 872. ROSA TAYLOR born about 1877; died about 1903; buried Claysville, Pa. 873. Elizabeth Taylor married Lott M. Haught.

258. JAMES MARTIN VAN BUREN MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1840; died after 1909;mar­ried Matilda Headley, of Jesse and Maria (Cox) Headley, born near Mt. Morris,


Pa. 1-13-1837; died near Mt. Morris, Pa. 8-24-1909. Both are likely bur­ied in the Cedar Grove Cemetery, at Morris, Pa.; the marker only bears the name of Matilda and their daughter.

Van and Matilda Mariner resided in the area near Mt. Morris, Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer. They resided on land which she inherited from her father. Their only child died at the age of thirteen years, but William 0. Headlee, son of Matilda, was raised in their home.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF VAN & MATILDA MARINER (Van Elizabeth George

874. William 0. Headlee married Margaret Headlee. 875. ANNA MARY MARINER, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 8-15-1864;died

near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1-27-1878; buried Cedar Grove Cemetery, at Mt. Morris, Pa.

259. FANNY ELIZABETH MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1842; died Wadestown, W. Va. 6-2-1914; married Francis Taylor, of Abraham and Margaret Taylor, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 1837; died Lone Pine, Pa. 4-16-1934. Both are buried in Wades­town Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Frank and Fanny Taylor resided in Church District of Wetzel County, West Virginia and the Wadestown area of Monongalia County (same state). Frank was a farmer; he was also a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Company F, 7th West Virginia Infantry from 8-30-1861 to 1-7-1863. He was stationed at Camp Virginia and discharged for disability, then sent to Cleveland, Ohio to convalesce.




876. Thomas C. Taylor married Jennie Hixenbaugh. 877. Erastus W. Taylor married Retta Montgomery. 878. John Minor Taylor married Mary Montgomery. 879. Dennis Taylor married Zelma Owens. 880. Sarah Elizabeth Taylor married John Walker Rush. 881. Nancy Ellen Taylor married Win Cain. 882. Franklin F. Taylor married Elizabeth Pitcock. 883. Rosa A. Taylor married Ed Taylor. 884. James A. Taylor 885. George E. Taylor married (1) Martha McAllister (2) Mrs. Hamilton. 886. Isaac Edward Taylor married Alice Shannon. 887. Mary Taylor married Charles Clayton.

260., 261. and 265. are included herein without names; it is known that James and Elizabeth Mariner were the parents of thirteen children

262. WILLIAM OLIVER SPENCER MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-10-1847; died 3-25-1922; mar­ried (1) Mrs. Pleasant Stiles, of Thomas and Mahala Simpson, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 9-14-1834; died near Jollytown, Pa. 10-6-1885. Mr. Mariner married (2) 3-10-1900, Mrs. Rebecca B. Davis, of Phillip and Mary Johnson, born 1861; died after 1922. William and Pleasant Mariner are


buried in the Core Cemetery, near Bula, W. Va. ; burial place of Rebecca is not known to us .

William and Pleasant Mariner resided near Jollytown, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer. In addition to their own children, they also raised James Stiles, son of Pleasant by a previous marriage. Elizabeth Hennen Mariner died in the home of her son, William Mariner, in 1909. 4 3


888. Margaret F. Mariner married Marion F. Elder. 889. LUCINDA MARINER, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1875.

263. JOHN A. MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-4-1849; died near Jollytown, Pa. 3-13-1943; married (1) Elizabeth Roberts, of Benjamin and Catherine (Stine) Roberts, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1843; died near Jollytown, Pa. 2-4-1880. Mr. Mariner mar­ried (2) Elsie Gump, born 5-5-1848; died near Jollytown, Pa. 7-8-1939. The burial place of Elizabeth is not known to us, but likely in Old Tabor Cemeter­y, near Jollytown, Pa.; John and Elsie are buried in Pine Bank Cemetery, at Pine Bank, Pa.

John and Elizabeth Mariner resided in the Pine Bank-Jollytown area of Pennsylvania, on the homestead of her parents. After her death, John and Elsie continued to reside in the same place. John was a

4 farmer.


George 2)

890. Hannah Mariner married Oscar A. Headlee. 891. INFANT SON MARINER, born and died near Jollytown, Pa. 8- -1873;

buried in Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa. 892. Catherine Mariner married Oscar Clyde Taylor. 893. Eliza J. Mariner never married.


894. John Mariner married Cora Roberts. 895. Rose E. Mariner married Eli E. Headley. 896. Elizabeth Mariner married Walter Zimmers. 897. Jesse Elsworth Mariner married (1) Mrs. Stella Fern Patterson

(2) Pearl Pratt. 898. Martin V. Mariner married (1) Nellie May Jones (2)Mrs. Isa Phillips. 899. Charles Mariner married Bertha Lancaster. 900. Ray Mariner married Lucy Conner.

264. MATILDA MARINER, of James and Elizabeth( Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1852; died Washington, Pa. ; married Mathias Gilbert, further data not available.

Mathias and Matilda Gilbert resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; they had no children of their own, but raised several children anyway.

266. MARY ELLEN MARINER, of James and Elizabeth (Hennen) Mariner, born near Jollytown, Pa.1858; died 1885; married John Phillips, born 1849; died 1914. Both are buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.


John and Mary Ellen Phillips resided in the area of Rock Camp, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARY PHILLIPS (Mary Elizabeth George )


267. ELIZA JANE STINE, of ____ and Jane (Hennen) Stine, born in Greene Co., Pa. about 1832; died Washington, Pa. 11-26-1920; married William H. Six, of John and Margaret (Glover) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1828; died (probably in Roane Co., W. Va.).

William and Eliza Six took up residence in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where they only resided a short time before making a westward journey which took them to Iowa and Missouri. They returned about 1856, this time taking up residence in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania. About 1863 they removed back to their original home area where they remained until some time in the 1870's when they ventured to Roane County, West Vir­ginia. It is likely that Mr. Six died there, after which Mrs. Six made her home with her children. She died in the home of her daughter, Eliza Kelly. William Six was a farmer.


908. DEBORAH C. SIX, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1852; married ____ Haines; living Tariff, W. Va. in 1920.

909. SARAH J. SIX, born Iowa or Missouri about 1854; married ___ _ Glover; living Whitestown, Ind. in 1920.

910. LAURA M. SIX, born Iowa about 1856; never married; living in Washington, Pa. in 1920.

911. GEORGE L. SIX, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1858; living in Wadestown, W. Va. in 1920.

912. HENRY M. SIX, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1860; living in Clarington, Oh. in 1920.

913. Frances Mahala Six married Morgan P. White#147. 914. HAGAN SIX, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. about 1864; living in

Norman, Okla. in 1920. 915. HATTIE SIX, born in Monongalia Co. , W. Va. about 186 7; married

____ Simmons; living Oakland, Calif. in 1920. 916. ELIZA SIX, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. after 1870; married

____ Kelly; living Washington, Pa. in 1920. 268. FRANCES SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born near St. Cloud,

Va. (now W. Va.) 11-6-1836; died near Hundred, W. Va. 8-7-1910; married Henry Church, of Henry and Nancy Church, born near Hundred, Va. (now


W. Va.) 9-15-1832;died after 1910. Both are buried in the Butcher Ceme­tery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Henry and Frances Church resided in the area of Hundred, West Virgin­ia where he was a farmer. The town of Hundred attained its name from the grandparents of this Henry Church. They were Henry and Hannah (Keene) Church; both lived to be more than one hundred years of a.Pe.


917. ADAM CHURCH, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 1855; died near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 1861; buried Butcher Cemetery.

918. Elsie Church married Spencer Renner. 919. Nancy Jane Church married Ephraim Thomas Butcher#304. 920. MAHALA CHURCH, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va. )1861; died

near Hundred, W. Va. 1864; buried Butcher Cemetery. 921. ____ CHURCH, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1863; died near Hun­

dred, W. Va. 1865; buried Butcher Cemetery. 922. Mary Church married David Butcher#322. 923. Hattie Church married Francis Marion Staggers.

269. RICHARD H. SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1838; no further record after the 1850 census.

270. JOHN HAGAN SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-24-1842; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-21-1922; married (1) Elizabeth (or Anne) Kendall, born 1848; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-30-1873 (or 10-3-1873) aged 34 yrs. 10 mos. 14 das. John.married (2) 9-10-1874, Martha Eleanor Renner, of Barnett and Elizabeth Renner, born Greene Co., Pa. 11-23-1842; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-19-1922. John and Martha Six are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.; Anne Elizabeth Six is buried in the Butcher Cemetery nearby.

John and Elizabeth Six resided in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia; he was a farmer. John and Martha continued to reside in the sam~ area.


924. RALPHEUS LEE SIX, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-10-1867. 925. George Morris Six married Lucinda White#~82. CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARTHA SIX (John4Jane )

926. Elizabeth Matilda Six married Frank Shriver. 927. Eliza Jane Six married Rev. Frank Thompson. 928. Donley Adam Six married Georgia Viola Ashcraft. 929. Maude Edna Six never married.

271. DANIEL SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 1845; died Waynesburg, Pa. 6-29-1936; married Rebecca Granlee, of William and Sarah Granlee, born near Brave, Pa. ; died Waynes­burg, Pa. Both are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Daniel and Rebecca Six resided for some time in Wayne Township area of Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. He later sold his farm


and moved to Waynesburg (Pa.) where he and Rebecca resided throughout the balance of their lives. Daniel Six served a term as a County Commissioner of Greene County. They had no children of their own, but raised a niece.

272. FEMALE SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born and died near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.)

273. MAHALA SIX, of Adam and Jane (Hennen) Six, born near St. Cloud, Va. (now W. Va.) 1852; died near Hundred, W. Va. 12-9-1885; married in 1870, William Henry Hixenbaugh, of George Hixenbaugh, born near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1845; died Hundred, W. Va. 1921. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Henry and Mahala Hixenbaugh resided in the area of Hundred, West Vir­ginia where he was a farmer. He also served his country during the Civil War, as a member of the 6th West Virginia Infantry, Company N. He mar­ried, for his second wife, Anna Bartrug.


930. INFANT HIXENBAUGH 931. INFANT HIXENBAUGH 932. Martha Ellen Hixenbaugh married Norman James Stewart. 933. Emmaline Hixenbaugh married Albert E. King.

274. GEORGE ROSS, of Aaron and Frances (Hennen) Ross, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1832; living in Montana Territory about 1870; nothing further.

275. JOHN ROSS, of Aaron and Frances (Hennen) Ross, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1833; died Gifford, Ill. after 1870; married Mrs. Marinda Butcher, daughter of Stephen and Esther Ullom, born Greene Co., Pa. 9-5-1823; died Gifford, Ill. 1889. Both are buried in the Welles Cemetery, near Gifford, Ill.

John and Marinda Ross resided on Fish Creek, in Wetzel County, Virgin­ia (now W. Va.) until about 1862 when they migrated to Champaign County, Illinois and settled in the area of Gifford.* There they raised their family of four daughters and the two children of William J. and Marinda Butcher. John Ross was a farmer.

*They probably went first to Marshall County, Illinois; then to Champaign County by 9-20-1863.

4 3 CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARINDA ROSS (John Frances George2)

934. Esther Ross married Thomas Pitts. 935. Henrietta Ross married Charles Cook. 936. Priscilla Ross married Henry Zorger. 937. Savannah Ross married Alfred Collison.

276. JAMES S. ROSS, of Aaron and Frances (Hennen) Ross, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1835; living with his grandparents, George and Mahala Hennen, in 1850; address on 4-26-1872 was Creston, Iowa (Union Co.); nothingfurther.

277. WILLIAM OLIVER HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 8-2-1838; died Wadestown, W. Va. 9-29-1915; married (1) 3-8-1868, Mary White, of Joseph and Elizabeth White, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1847; died near Wades town, W. Va. 12-13-1875;


William 0, Hennen married (2) 10-22-1876, Elizabeth Hayes,* born Va. (now W. Va.) 1834; died 11-7-1918. Mary is buried in the Old White Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.; W. 0. and Elizabeth are buried in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery nearby.

William 0, Hennen resided near St. Cloud, West Virginia where he was a farmer. He also was a veteran of the Civil War, having enlisted in the ser­vice soon after the initial outbreak. He served in Company N, 6th West Vir­ginia Volunteer Infantry from 9-25-1861 to 6-10-1865, a total of 3 years, 8 months and 14 days and had attained the rank of Sergeant. He suffered from measles followed by cold during service and was pensioned in later years. His personal description was listed as: blue eyes, dark complexion and hair, 6 feet tall.

*Her parents were likely John and Rachel Hayes, of Wetzel County, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY HENNEN (William4Jeremiah3George2)

938. MALE HENNEN, born and died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-8-1869. 939. Jacob Hennen married Florence Conrad.



940. Eliza Hennen never married. 941. FEMALE HENNEN, born 12-7-1875; died in infancy. 942. CHARLES I. HENNEN, born 8-28-1877; died 8-2-1879; buried in Old

White Cemetery. 278. SARAH ANNE HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born near

Jollytown, Pa. about 1842; died before 11-19-1874; married Daniel Parvin, who died in Muscatine Co., Ia. 2-24-1880.

By 11-19-1874 Sarah A. Parvin was deceased and her husband and two sons were residing in Muscatine County, Iowa.

CHILDREN OF DANIEL & SARAH PARVIN (Sarah4 Jeremiah3 George2)


279. GEORGE N. HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-1-1844; died 10-10-1870; unmarried. Buried in the Haines Cemetery, near Wadestown, W. Va. --beside his father.

280. SUSANNA MAHALA HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1846; married John Beaty; further data not learned. See page 151 for further data.

This couple was residing in Switzerland County, Iowa 2-18-1876; nothing further has been learned.

281. ELIZA JANE HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1848; died New Freeport, Pa. 1872; married 6- -1870, William A. Dye, of George (or Rezin) and Nancy (Jones) Dye, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-1-1841; died New Freeport, Pa. 5-6-1871. Both are buried in the Dye Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.


William and Eliza Dye resided in New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a merchant. Mr. Dye died shortly before his only child was born and Mrs. Dye died soon afterwards, leaving the child an orphan.

CHILD OF WILLIAM & ELIZA DYE (Eliza4 Jeremiah3 George2)

945. William A. Dye married Ella Gorrell. 282. ROENA F. HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born near Jolly­

town, Pa. 1851; died near Garrison, Pa. 5-6-1941; married 12-26-1869, John L. Renner, of Jacob and Jane (Fox) Renner, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 10-4-1846; died near Garrison, Pa. 4-24-1919. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cem­etery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

John and Roena Renner resided in the Jollytown-Garrison area of Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer and stock-raiser. Had Mr. Renner lived eight months longer this couple would have celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni­versary. They had no children.

283. MA THEW HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Eliza Hennen, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1853; died Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1853, aged 7 mos.

284.JEREMIAH HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Mary Hennen, born Monongal­ia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1855; died Fremont, Nebr. 1-23-1908; married 4-7-1878, Annie May Showalter, of Maj. John F. Showalter, born Fairmont, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-25-1856; died Fremont, Nebr. 9-18-1933. Both are bur­ied in the Ridge Cemetery, at Fremont, Nebr.

Jeremiah and Annie Hennen resided in Monongalia County, West Virginia and Fremont, Nebraska; he was a farmer and drayman.



946. Mary Leota Hennen married Silas Clairile Pascoe. 947. INFANT HENNEN 948. INFANT HENNEN 949. EDNA HENNEN 950. JOHN HENNEN 951. Florence Eva Hennen married (1) Henry August Gehm

(2) Frank R. Perry.

George )

285. CHARLES LUTHER HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Mary Hennen, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1855; listed at home in the census of 1860 and 18 70; named in will of his father in 18 73; nothing further.

286. PRISCILLA HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Mary Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1859; nothing after the census of 1860.

287. MARGARET FLORENCE HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Mary Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-8-1865; died Hundred, W. Va. 12-18-1961; mar­ried 11-4-1891, Kinsey Renner, of Jacob and Jane (Fox) Renner, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-31-1866; died Waynesburg, Pa. 9-1-1892. Kinsey is buried in the Renner Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.; Margaret is buried in Mt. Tab­or Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Kinsey and Margaret Renner resided near Jollytown, Pennsylvania where 128

he was a farmer. Mr. Renner met an untimely death as a result of an acci­dent at the Waynesburg Fair Grounds.


George2) 952. Mabel Renner married S. Carson Stewart.

288. THOMAS HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Minerva Hennen, born and died near Jollytown, Pa. 5-17-1870. Buried in Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jolly­town, Pa.

289. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Minerva Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-24-1872; died near Jollytown, Pa. 3-11-1873. He is buried in Old Tabor Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

290, RACHEL ANN MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-26-1838; died near Lynn, Ind. married 11-19-1857, Henry Wright, of Absalom and Christena (Lazear) Wright, born Tyler Co., Va. (now Wetzel Co., W. Va.) 5-21-1836; died Jay Co., Ind. 1- -190 . Rachel Ann is buried in Lynn, Ind.; Henry is bur­ied in Ridgeville, Ind.

Henry and Rachel Wright took up residence in the area of Hundred, West Virginia where they resided until 1880, when they moved to the area of Ellen­boro (same state). About 1899 they migrated westward to the state of Indiana. Rachel died soon after their arrival there.

Henry Wright served his country during the Civil War as a member of Company K, 14th West Virginia Infantry. He enlisted at Wheeling, West Vir­ginia 8-20-1862 and was mustered out at Cumberland, Maryland 6-27-1865. He was a farmer through the remainder of his lifetime.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF HENRY & RACHEL WRIGHT (Rachel Frances Rachel )

953. Nancy Jane Wright married William Main. 954. Noah Jackson Wright married Clara Parish. 955. Perry L. Wright married Ella Goudy. 956. Matilda Ellen Wright married William H. Drummet. 957. ROSENA F. WRIGHT, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1-11-1869; died

near Hundred, W. Va. 2-27-1871. 958. Esther (or Hester) Caroline Wright married George Henwood. 959. Sylvester Ellis Wright married (1) Florence Parish (2) Leola Sherrell.

291. NOAH JACKSON MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner, born Tyler Co., Va. (now Wetzel Co., W. Va.) 10-15-1840; died near Hundred, W. Va. 5--6-1867; married Rebecca Debolt, of George and Mary Ann (Mc Cann) Debolt, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1843; further data not learned.

Noah and Rebecca Mariner resided, during the short span of their mar­ried life, in the Hundred area of West Virginia where he was a farmer. Their only child was born after the death of Noah Mariner. Rebecca Mariner mar­ried second, Enoch Harvey Ullom.

4 3 2 CHILD OF NOAH & REBECCA MARINER (Noah Frances Rachel )

960. Florence Mariner married Carl Holcomb. 129

292. ELIZABETH JANE MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner, born Tyler Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 10-19-1842; died Streator, Ill. 8-19-1921; married Thomas McGlumphy, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1846;died Streator, Ill.

Thomas and Jane McGlumphy took up residence in the area of Hundred, West Virginia where they remained a few years before migrating westward. Their later years were spent in the area of Streator, Illinois; he was a farm-

er. 4 3 2 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & JANE McGLUMPHY (Jane Frances Rachel )

961. Frances A. McGlumphy married ____ Donaldson. 962. Mary McGlumphy married Ben Allen. 963. Jane McGlumphy married ____ Chadd. 964. Lottie McGlumphy married William ___ _

293. WILLIAM LEONARD MARINER, JR., of William and Frances Mar­iner, born Tyler Co., Va. (now Wetzel Co., W. Va.) 3-16-1845; died Streat­or, Ill. 9-13-1913; married in 1875, Nina Short, of Joseph Short, born 1851; died Streator, Ill. 1925.

William L. and Nina Mariner resided in the area of Streator, Illinois where he was a farmer.

This branch of the family, as did many others, used the spelling of the family name "Merriner", rather than Mariner.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & NINA MERRINER (William Frances Rachel )

965. FLORENCE DRUSILLA MERRINER 1876-1880. 966. DAISY DEAN MERRINER, born 11-22-1877; died 1935. 967. FRANCES JANE MERRINER, born 1879; died in Tex. 5-23-1953. 968. NELLIE MAY MERRINER 1881-1886. 969. GEORGE ALBERT MERRINER, born 5-26-1883; died 1891. 970. Lillian Dale Merriner married Perry Hawkins. 971. ARTHUR LEONARD MERRINER, born 6-4-1887. 972. ADA MERRINER 1890-1891. 973. MINNIE ETHEL MERRINER, born 4-28-1894; died in Calif. 974. RALPH EMERSON MERRINER, born 3-16-1896; died Battle Creek,

Mich. 294. NANCY CATHERINE MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner,

born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 9-21-1847; died Streator, Ill 3-5-1909; married Jeremiah Stewart, of Daniel and Rachel (Huggins) Stewart, born 2-4-1844; died 2-13-1913.

Jeremiah and Nancy Stewart resided in the area of Hundred, West Virgin­ia until after 18 70 when they moved westward, taking up residence in the area of Garfield, Illinois. Jeremiah was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JEREMIAH & NANCY STEWART (Nancy Frances Rachel )

975. Daniel R. Stewart married Myrtle Nichols. 976. William Leonard Stewart married Maude Strosnider.


977. Lavina Stewart married Pierce Conner. 295. LEVI MARION MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner, born

Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11-21-1849; died Cripple Creek, Colo. 2-21-1893; married Elizabeth Smith; further data not learne1



978. ---- MARINER 9 79. ____ MARINER

296. HESTER (OR ESTHER) CAROLINE MARINER, of William and Fran­ces Mariner, born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11-2-1855; died Lamar, Mo. 1936; married George Washintgon Smalley, born Va. (now W. Va.) 2-14-1849; died Yakima, Wash. 1909. George is buried in Riverview Ceme­tery, at Streator, Ill.; she is buried at Lamar. Mo.

George and Hester Smalley resided in the area of Streator, Illinois; he was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & HESTER SMALLEY (Hester Frances Rachel )

980. Bessie Christine Smalley married Daniel Thomas Stewart. 981. Jessie Estelle Smalley married James Carter. 982. JASPER SMALLEY, born Streator, Ill. 6-11-1878; died Streator,

Ill. while still a child. 983. Oscar Wesley Smalley married Nina Funk. 984. George Washington Smalley married Essie Shartel. 985. Thomas Jefferson Smalley never married. 986. TRESSIE SMALLEY, born Streator, Ill. 8- -1888; died Streator,

Ill. while still a child. 987. John William Smalley never married. 988. BERTHA LEONORE SMALLEY, born Streator, Ill. 8- -1896; died

Streator, Ill. while still a child. 989. Leonard Raymond Smalley married (1) Marshalene Himmelrich

(2) Doris Winifred Sage. 297. THOMAS JEFFERSON MARINER, of William and Frances Mariner,

born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1-3-1858; died Streator, Ill 1-7-1913; married Sarah Emma Zerby, of Henry and Caroline Zerby, born Pottstown, Pa. 12-7-1860; died 10- -1930.

Thomas J. and Sarah Merriner resided in the area of Streator, Illinois where he was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & SARAH MERRINER (Thomas Frances Rachel )

990. Gertrude May Merriner never married. 991. Stacy Thomas Jefferson Merriner married Matilda Huesel. 992. Liona Merriner married Vernon Dawson. 993. Caroline Emma Merriner married Perry Conner#2287. 994. Susie Merriner married Louis E. Johnson. 995. Arley William Merriner married Verna Stucker. 996. Beatrice Rose Merriner married (1) Noah J. Butcher# 1046.

(2) Art Weidmirs. 131

298. SARAH JANE BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1838; died near Hundred, W. Va. 12-28-1893; married A. Jackson Hostutler, of John and Mary Hostutler, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1839; died near Hundred, W. Va. 4-18-1907. Both are buried in the Butcher Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

A. Jackson and Sarah Hostutler resided in the area of Hundred, West Vir-ginia where he was a farmer.



Rachel2) 997. MARY HOSTUTLER born about 1859. 998. NANCY HOSTUTLER born about 1860. 999. HARRIET HOSTUTLER born about 1862.

1000. LUCINDA HOSTUTLER born about 1863. 1001. ARLENA HOSTUTLER born about 1865. 1002. JOHN HOSTUTLER born about 1869. 1003. AMANDA HOSTUTLER born about 1871. 1004. JAMES HOSTUTLER born about 1874. 1005. AMOS HOSTUTLER born about 1877.

299. ROBERT W. BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born near Hundred, Va, (now W. Va.) about 1840; married Harriet A. De­bolt, of George and Mary (Mccann) Debolt, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1839.

Robert and Harriet Butcher took up residence in the area near Hundred, West Virginia where he was a farmer. In the 1870's they migrated westward, taking up residence in Illinois.




300. NIMROD J. BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1842; died near Hundred, W. Va. 3-26-1915; married Harriet Davis, born about 1849; further data not learned. Both are buried at Sancho Cemetery, near Hundred, W. Va.

Nimrod and Harriet Butcher resided in the Sancho area of West Virginia, near Hundred, where he was a farmer. He also served his country during the Civil War, as a member of the 6th Regiment of the West Virginia Infant­ry from 9-25-1861 through 11-10-1864. He later received a pension for his service.


1010. Florence Louise Butcher married Alex Six. 1011. Sophronia Alice Butcher married Emerson Himelrick. 1012. James Benton Butcher married Mary Ullom.


1013. Jackson Leroy Butcher married Daisy Ullom. 1014. Matilda Butcher married Elza Haught. 1015. John Butcher married (1) Daisy Hendershot (2) Flora Taylor.

301. MATTHEW HENNEN BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va. )1839; died near Hundred, W. Va. 1897; married Melinda Leazer, born 1842; died 1923. Both are buried in the Harmony Cemetery, near Burton, W. Va.

"Hannan" and Melinda Butcher resided in the area of Burton, West Vir­ginia where he was a farmer. He also served his country during the Civil War, being a member of the 6th Regiment of the West Virginia Infantry. He served from 7-14-1862 through 6-10-1865; in later years he received a pen­sion for this service.


Rachel ) 1016. Drusilla May Butcher married Joshua Henry Taylor#866. 1017. WALTON BUTCHER, born about 1871; nothing after the 1880 census. 1018. Alberta Rose Butcher married Harry Benson Mayne. 1019. Morris Ellis Butcher married Mary Six.

302. RACHEL CATHERINE BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1847; died before her father.

Indications are that this daughter of James Harrison Butcher must have married a Mr. Murphy and had a son, Henry Murphy. The will of her fath­er mentions heirs of Rachel; also mentions a graidson, Heriiry Mur~hy.

CHILD OF & RACHEL MURPHY (Rachel Harrison Rachel )

1020. HENRY MURPHY 303. LUCINDA BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butcher, born

near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1849; died 187_; married William Main, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 6-27-1846; died Randolph Co., Ind. 11-22-1908. William Main is buried in Ridgeville, Ind.; burial place of Lucinda is not known to us.

William and Lucinda Main resided near Burton, West Virginia where he was a farmer. He married second, Nancy Jane Wright#953.



1021. Lewis Jackson Main married ________ _ 1022. James Harrison Main married Matilda Agnes Jones. 1023. NANCY ELLEN MAIN, died young.

304. EPHRAIM THOMAS BUTCHER, of James Harrison and Nancy Butch­er, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-10-1857; died near Hundred, W. Va. 19 ; married Nancy Jane Church, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-13-1860; died near Hundred, W. Va. 19 . Both are buried in the Butcher Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Ephraim Thomas and Nancy Butcher resided throughout their married life on the property which had belonged to her grandfather Church; this ad-


joined the Butcher property in Church District of Wetzel County, West Vir-ginia. Mr. Butcher was a farmer.


2 Rachel ) 1024. Amos Jackson Butcher married Mary Talkington. 1025. INFANT BUTCHER 1026. INF ANT BUTCHER

305. NANCY JANE BUTCHER, of William Jackson and Marinda Butcher, born near Mannington, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-11-1846; died Beaumont, Tex. 3-25-1930; married (in Urbana, Ill.) 9-20-1863, James Kidwell Ice, of Ol­iver and Sarah (Dent) Ice, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-8-1844; died Gifford, Ill. 9-2-1924. Both are buried in the Welles Cemetery, at Gifford, Ill.

James K. and Nancy Ice resided on a farm, near Potomac, Illinois, until 1886 when they removed to the area of Gifford (same state). There they built a home and Mr. Ice purchased a drug store. He hired a Registered Pharma­cist under whom he studied pharmacy four years. Mr Ice then became a li­censed pharmacist in 1890 and remained so until his death in 1924. However, he was not actively engaged in the profession after 1908. Mr Ice also owned a farm, near Gifford, and supervised the cultivation of it in addition to his other interests.


3Rachel )

1027. ENOCH LEE ICE, born and died near Potomac, Ill. 7-28-1865/ 7-29-1865; buried Welles Cemetery.

1028. Hortense Ice married Rush Carley. 1029. DAVID WINFIELD ICE, born near Potomac, Ill. 10-29-1868; died

Gifford, Ill. 6-19-1888; buried Welles Cemetery. 1030. WILLIAM HORACE ICE, born near Potomac, Ill. 8-27-1870; died

near Potomac, Ill. 11-14-1879 (or 10- -1878); buried Welles Cem. 1031. Mel Dora Ice married Lewis R. Stritsky. 1032. EUGENIA ICE, born near Potomac, Ill. 9-2-1874; died Potomac,

Ill. 5-19-1875; buried Welles Cemetery. 1033. Marinda Ice married Earl Middleton. 1034. STERLING ICE, born near Potomac, Ill. 4-19-1878; died Gifford,

Ill. 10-31-1898; unmarried; buried Welles Cemetery. 1035. Laura Frances Ice married David Creel Walker. 1036. Nellie Gertrude Ice married Delbert Ward. 1037. Constance Ice married Leslie Frank Braman. 1038. MARSHALL DENT ICE, born Gifford, Ill. 1-21-1888; died Gifford,

Ill. 11-15-1888; buried Welles Cemetery. 1039. Noel Carlyle Ice married Zelma Jockisch.

306. DAVID BUTCHER, of William Jackson and Marinda Butcher, born near Mannington, Va. (now W. Va.) 1847; died Gipsy. Mo. 1933; married Ella ____ , died Gipsy, Mo. about 1933. Both buried at Gipsy, Mo.

David and Ella resided in Gipsy, Missouri where he was a farmer. 134


1040. GEORGE BUTCHER never married. 1041. Marinda Jane Butcher married Mack Farrar.

307. ISAIAH BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1849; died ; married further data not available.

Isaiah Butcher was a farmer. He moved west with his parents. CHILDREN OF ISAIAH & BUTCHER (lsaiah4 M. Hennen3 Rachel2)

1042. MARY JANE BUTCHER 308. JEREMIAH BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born

near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1852; further data not available. Jeremiah moved west with his parents; he was a farmer.



1043. MAY BUTCHER never married. 1044. Roy Butcher 1045. BUTCHER


2 Rachel )

309. MARION BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1854; further data not available.

Marion Butcher moved west with his parents; he later moved to Califor­nia after his marriage; he was a farmer.


M. Hennen3Rachel2)

1045a. ___ BUTCHER 310. JAMES S. BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born

near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 3-23-1856; further data not available. 311. ISAAC BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born near

Hundred, Va. (now W. Va. about 1858; married Effie ____ ; further data not available.

Isaac Butcher moved west with his parents; he was a farmer. 4 3 2


1046. Noah Jackson Butcher married Beatrice Merriner#996. 1047. Hazel Butcher married Walter Little.

312. ROBERT W. BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, born near Hundred, Va, (now W, Va.) 4-15-1861; further data not available.

313. LOUISA BUTCHER, of Matthew Hennen and Jane Butcher, married John Groves; further data not available.

John and Louisa Groves resided in Granville, Illinois where he was a farmer.

4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & LOUISA GROVES (Louisa M. Hennen3Rachel2)

1048. PEARL GROVES, died 1958. 1049. LOUIS GROVES


1050. GROVES ----320. MARTILLA BUTCHER, of George W. and Louisa Butcher, born

near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-14-1849; died near Hundred, W. Va.; married George Ullom, of Hiram and Eunice Ullom, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) about 1845; died near Hundred, W. Va.

George and Martilla Ullom resided in Church District of Wetzel County, West Virginia where he was a farmer.


1051. SARILDA ULLOM, born about 1870. 1052. MARY JANE ULLOM married James Benton Butcher#l012. 1053. LOUISA ULLOM, born about 1874, never married. 1054. GEORGE W. ULLOM, born about 1876, married Jane Hostutler. 1055. EUNICE ULLOM, born about 1878, married ________ _ 1056. ROSELLA ULLOM, born 2- -1880 1057. PEARL ULLOM married (l)William Bissett (2) ___ Miller.

321. ELROY BUTCHER, of George W. and Louisa Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 12-30-1852; died near Hundred, W. Va. 1943; married (1) 3-15-1877, Hannah Himelrick (or Emerick), of Henry and Han­nah (Hostutler) Himelrick, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-30-1854; died near Hundred, W. Va. 7-21-1889. Elroy married (2) 1-21-1890, Laerus Elizabeth Curry, of Silas Curry, born about 1866; died near Hundred, W. Va. 1951. Elroy and Elizabeth are buried in the Sancho Cemetery, near Hundred, W. Va.; Hannah is probably buried in the Butcher Cemetery, near St. Cloud.

Elroy and Hannah Butcher resided near Hundred, West Virginia where he was a farmer; he and Elizabeth continued to reside in the same area while he continued the life of a farmer.



1058. James David Butcher married Clara Gillispie. 1059. Harry Benton Butcher married Anna Maria Cumpston. 1060. Jennie Butcher married Charles Stewart. 1061. Ida Butcher married Wade Preston. 1062. Louisa Butcher married John Straight. 1062a.PEARL BUTCHER, died young. CHILDREN OF ELROY & ELIZABETH BUTCHER (Elro/George



1063. George Butcher married Blanche ___ _ 1064. Bessie Butcher married Harold Brown. 1065. Opal Butcher married Albert Longstreth. 1066. Roy Lorenzo Butcher married Maggie Gibbons. 1067. Lawrence Butcher married Olive Lemasters. 1068. Charles Butcher married Dorothy McDonald.

322. DAVID BUTCHER, of George W. and Louisa Butcher, born near Hundred, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-5-1859; died near Hundred, W. Va. __ ; mar­ried (1) Mary Church#922, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born nearHun-


dred, W. Va. about 1865; died near Hundred, W. Va. . David married (2) Mahala Elliott, only further data on her is that she died in 1951. David and Mary are buried in the Sancho Cemetery, near Hundred, W. Va.; Ma­hala is said to be buried in the Butcher Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Resided in the area of Hundred, West Virginia where David was a farm­er.

CHILDREN OF DAVID & MARY BUTCHER (David4George3Rachel 2) 5 4 :r



333. JOHN H. HENNEN, of Christopher and Mary Hennen, born Blan­chester, Oh. 1-16-1846; died Blanchester, Oh. 6-28-1906; married 3-1-1877, Sarah L. Oliver, further data not available.

John and Sarah Hennen resided in the area of Blanchester, Ohio where he was a carpenter. I have no record of children.

336. CLARA ETTA HENNEN, of Christopher and Mary Hennen, born Blanchester, Oh. about 1856; married 9-2-1875, Felix Garrison, of James and Susan Garrison??, born in Oh. about 1850, furth4r data not a3ailable.

CHILDREN OF FELIX & CLARA GARRISON (Clara Christopher Ebenezer~

1076. ELIAS HENRY GARRISON 8-21-1876/6-6-1923. 341. MARY ELLEN LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born

Greene Co., Pa.10-18-1852; died Waynesburg, Pa. 6-19-1931; married Hugh Smith, of Vincent and Elizabeth (Bell) Smith, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 1-26-1832; died Waynesburg, Pa. 8-24-1906. Both are buried in Oak­mont Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.

Hugh and Mary Ellen Smith resided in the areas of Nettle Hill and Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF HUGH & MARYE. SMITH (Mary Jane Alexander )

1077. Clara May Smith married (1) Lazear Spragg (2) William Tague. 1078. Margaret Rozetta Smith married Robert Luther Hoskinson.

342. DAVID HENNEN LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-20-1854; died Wheeling (hospital), W. Va. 11-13-1925; married Elizabeth Anderson, of John and Sarah (Fox) Anderson, born near New Freeport, Pa. 1858; died near Deep Valley, Pa. 9-10-1910. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

David and Elizabeth Lemley resided throughout their married life in the area of Deep Valley, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. He also traded


in pure bred horses, traveling to Kentucky and bringing fine horses back to Greene County, Pennsylvania. 4 3 3


1079. Cora Agnes Lemley married Hiram Strawn. 1080. Ida May Lemley married Lee Belch. 1081. Minnie Florence Lemley married William H. Fordyce. 1082. MALE LEMLEY, born and died (at birth) near Deep Valley, Pa. 1083. Sarah Jane Lemley married (1) Joseph Barnhart (2) Lindsey Yost.

343. ALEXANDER LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1856; died Iowa City, Ia. after 1907; married (1) _________ (2) Avaline Jones, further data not available.

The only information found on this son was that he first went to Kansas and later to Iowa City, Iowa where he died. At the time his parents died, in 1907, he was residing in Reno County, Kansas.

344. ____ LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born about 1858; likely died in infancy. This child is listed here as a likely spot for one of the other children known to have been born to this couple.

345. ISRAEL SLATER LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born 1859; died Greene Co., Pa. 3-15-1874, aged 14 yrs. 8 mos. 4 das. Buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

346. JACOB LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born Greene Co., Pa. about 1862; further data not available.

Jacob Lemley is said to have gone west with his brother, Alexander, and followed the profession of a school teacher. He returned to Greene County for a visit in 1899, at which time he was yet unmarried. He was not heard from by any of the family after the death of his parents, in 190 7.

347. HARRIET BELL LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born near Nettle Hill, Pa. 12-16-1865; died Los Angesles, Calif. 1915; married 5-17-1887, Newton Seals, of William and Elizabeth Seals, born Greene Co., Pa. 3-29-1861; further data not available.

Newton and Bell Seals resided in Washington, Pennsylvania until 1908 when they went west and resided in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Californ-ia. Bell died when their house burned in 191i.

3 2 CHILD OF NEWTON & BELL SEALS (Bell Jane Alexander )

1084. Ethel Seals married Russell Hawks. 348. RUTII MELISSA LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born

near Nettle Hill, Pa. 5-25-1867; died Washington, Pa. 6-18-1930; married 1-28-1889, William Jackson Rush, of James and Elizabeth Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-9-1865; died Washington, Pa.

William and Ruth Rush resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania until a­bout 1902-03 when they removed to Washington County (same state) and spent the remainder of their lives in the area of Washington and Eighty-Four. He was a farmer.

4 3 2

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & RUTH RUSH (Ruth Jane Alexander ) 138

1085. Festus Claude Lemley married Mary Weitrachouski. 1086. William Guy Rush married Lina Emerick. 1087. Grace Shirl Rush married King H. Bresock. 1088. Worley Russell Rush married Laura Jane Ullom. 1089. Goldie Emma Rush married (1) Clyde Lusk (2) Charles Williams. 1090. Charity Rush married Ellsworth Hartzell. 1091. Hally Fred Rush married Madge Hobaugh. 1092. Blanche Jane Rush married John Oliver Horner. 1093. Charles Reason Rush married Delphia Caldwell.

349. SARAH MATILDA LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born near Nettle Hill, Pa. 3-7-1870; died Baltimore, Md. 1919; married Martin Robinson, further data not available.

Martin and Matilda resided in Washington, Pennsylvania until about 1906 when they went to Columbia, South Carolina; later moved back to Baltimore, Maryland. No children.

350. JOHN REASON LEMLEY, JR., of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born near Nettle Hill, Pa. 9-16-1871; died Washington, Pa. 1-22-1961; mar­ried 11-11-1893, Rebecca Harris, of John and Elizabeth Harris, born 1872; further data not available.

John and Rebecca resided in the areas of Spraggs, Waynesburg and Wash­ington, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and con4rete Jinisher.


1094. IRVYN LEMLEY, born near Nettle Hill, Pa. ; died Nettle Hill, Pa. 7-30-189_ (aged 1 yr. 2mo. 17 das. ); buried Smith Cemetery.

1095. Mary Lemley married ____ Carter. 1096. Paul Harris Lemley

351. MAUDE LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born near Nettle Hill, Pa. 5-3-1878; died Washington, D. C. 8-20-1962; married 5-3-1898 (or 1899), LaSalle Girts, of John T. and Emma Girts, born Bethlehem, Pa. 8-22-1878 (or 1876); died Pittsburgh, Pa. 5- -1954. Maude is buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, at Washington, D. C.; LaSalle is buried in Home­wood Cemetery, at Pittsburgh, Pa.

LaSalle and Maude resided in Port Allegany, Pennsylvania until they were divorced and Maude took her daughter and removed to Washington, D. C., re­maining there until her death. The daughter yet remains there.

Mr. Girts was a business man in Pittsburgh (Pa.), being secretary-treas-urer of the Necola Realty Company there.

4 3 2 CHILD OF LASALLE & MAUDE GIRTS (Maude Jane Alexander )

1097. Maxine Girts never married. 352. AVALINE LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born near

Nettle Hill, Pa. about 1878; must have died soon after the 1880 census. This child is listed in the census of 1880, at which time her age is listed

as 2 years. See next child for further explanation. 353. EVA MINERVA LEMLEY, of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley, born


near Nettle Hill, Pa. 4-1-1881; living, 1969; married (in Greene Co., Pa. by Rev. Samuel H. Thompson) 3-8-1897, John Knapp McClelland, of Robert Pennington and Emeline (Hamblin) McClelland, born Warren, Oh. 5-13-1870; died Warren, Oh. 1-26-1962. John is buried in Pineview Memorial Park, at Warren, Oh.

At the time of their marriage Mr. McClelland was in the grocery business and Eva was a dressmaker. They resided in Washington, Pennsylvania until about 1908 when they removed to Warren, Ohio and there made a permanent home.

Mrs. McClelland relates that she was actually born Avaline Lemley and had her name legally changed to Eva Minerva. This being the case she is possibly the child listed in the 1880 census as Avaline; however, the age of this child is given as 2 years and Mrs. McClelland states she was born in April of 1881. It is possible that the first born Avaline died young and the next child was given the same name.

Eva McClelland was not satisfied with her meager education of only eight grades; so she set about to further her knowledge by her own training. About 1920 she became interested in the Parent Teacher Association. From 1922 through 1928 she held state offices in the organization, traveling throughout Northeastern Ohio as organizer and speaker for interested groups.

In 1925, the mayor of Warren (Ohio) appointed her to the Warren Board of Health, a position she held many years. In 1935 she was elected to the Warren City Board of Education, serving in this capacity four years. Her in­teresting career is written about in the volumes of "Women of Ohio II and she was presented a life membership in the Parent Teacher Association. She now makes her home with her daughter, Sarah Grove.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOHN K. & EVA McCLELLAND (Eva Jane Alexander )

1098. Helen Clara McClelland married Arthur J. McConnell. 1099. William Pennington McClelland married (1) Nellie Moran

(2) Laura Jacobs. 1100. EMELINE McCLELLAND, born Washington, Pa. 1907; died Wash­

ington, Pa. 10-3-1907; buried in Washington Cemetery, at Washing­ton, Pa., in same grave with one of her grandparents.

1101. Sara Matilda McClelland married Kenneth Everitt Grove. 354. SARAH ELLEN BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, born

Greene Co., Pa. 12-12-1854; died Courtland, Kans. 3-3-1910; married Rob­ert Whitley, born 11-18-1851; died 12-7-1921. Both buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, near Courtland, Kans.

Robert and "Sadie" resided on a farm north of Courtland, Kansas where he was a farmer. He had been previously married to 14deal /~fkerman.


1102. THOMAS WHITLEY 1103. ROY WHITLEY 1104. LUCY WHITLEY married Clarence R. Barnhart.


1105. MARY WHITLEY never married. 355. WILLIAM ALEXANDER BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen)

Bland, married Alice McCrossow, further data not available. William A. and Alice resided in the area of Courtland, Kansas where he

was a farmer; they had no children. 356. ELIZABETH BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, born

Greene Co., Pa. 2-5-1858; died Republic Co., Kans. 1-13-1907, married 3-11-1906, Amos A. Burk; further data not available. Both are buried in the Courtland Cemetery, at Courtland, Kans.

Amos and Elizabeth Burke resided in the Belleville area of Kansas; he was a Probate Judge for Belleville, Kansas; they had no children.

357. HARRIET BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, born in Greene Co., Pa. 6-5-1860; died Columbus, Mont. 5- -1931; married (in Centerville, Ia.) 10-26-1882, Samuel G, Sheeks, of Samuel Sheeks, born Centerville, Ia. 4-9-1860; died Columbus, Mont. 1936. Both are buried in Columbus, Mont.

Soon after their marriage Samuel and Harriet Sheeks migrated west with her parents. They first took up residence in the area of Scandia, Kansas; later they moved into Belleville (same state) where they resided until after 1908. They next moved northward to the area of Columbus, Montana where they made a permanent home. While in Kansas Samuel worked as a railroad man; in Montana he was a farmer.

3 2 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL & HARRIET SHEEKS (Harriet4 Mary Alexander )

1106. ZORA SHEEKS, born Belleville, Kans. 12-1-1884; died Columbus, Mont. 1954; unmarried.

1107. Sceola Sheeks married Joseph Kovanda. 1108. OLLIE BELLE SHEEKS, born Belleville, Kans. 4-7-1889; died Co-

lumbus, Mont. 1958; married ____ McDermott. 1109. LILLIE IVY SHEEKS, born Belleville, Kans. 3-30-1892; died Den-

ver, Colo. 1951; married Watt. 1110. SHERMAN JAY SHEEKS, born Fairbury, Nebr. 1-16-1896. 1111. WILBERT. SHEEKS, born Fairbury, Nebr. 8-16-1898; died Colum­

bus, Mont. 1918. 1112. EDGAR HAROLD SHEEKS, born Fairbury, Nebr. 8-5-1900; died

Columbus, Mont. 1926. 358. GEORGE M. BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, married

_________ . George died and is buried in Columbus, Mont.; Mrs. Bland died and was buried in Nebraska.

Uncle George, as he was known to the family, moved from Nebraska to the area of Columbus, Montana after he lost his wife and family in Nebraska. He was a farmer; in his earlier years was an old-time cowboy.

359. LUCY BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, married Ed Marty; further data not available.

Ed and Lucy moved to California about 1892 and the family lost trace of them afterwards.


4 3 2 CHILDREN OF ED & LUCY MARTY (Lucy Mary Alexander )

1112a. ELMER MARTY 360. JOHN E. BLAND, of Thomas and Mary (Hennen) Bland, married

Anna (or Mary) Newcomb (or Nucomb); further data not available, other than both are buried at Galt, Calif.

John and Anna resided in Billings, Montana befor:r moving to California, CHILDREN OF JOHN & ANNA BLAND (John4Mary Alexander 2)

1113. MYRTLE LOUISE BLAND, born Belleville, Kans. 11-11-1894 1114. JOHN BLAND, JR.

364. MARIETTA HENNEN, of David and Ruth Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-10-1861; died Moundsville, W. Va. 2-10-1927; married 1-31-1884, Thomas A. Hinerman, Jr., of Thomas and Elizabeth Hinerman, born Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-14-1849; died Moundsville, W. Va. Thomas is buried in the Fairview Cemetery, near Moundsville, W. Va.; Marietta is buried in the Fairview Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Thomas and Marietta resided in the areas of Jollytown and Aleppo in Pennsylvania; also in Moundsville, West Virginia. Thomas was a farmer and laborer.


Davict3 2 Alexander )

1115. JESSIE FLORENCE HINERMAN, born Greene Co., Pa. 12-5-1884; died Greene Co., Pa. 5-5-1885; buried Fairview Cemetery, beside her mother.

1116. Isaac William Nelson Hinerman married Bessie L. Shaw. 1117. Orefrancis Hinerman never married. 1118. Patrick Henry Hinerman married Austa Morris. 1119. David Canfield Hinerman married Gertrude Lightfritz. 1120. Bessie Ruth Hinerman married Clarence Koontz. 1121. Anna Evelyn Alice Hinerman married Charles Sweeney.

365. MARY ELLEN HENNINGS, adopted daughter of Martin Van Buren and Cassander Hennen, born Va. about 1854; married Peter Antle; nothing further learned.

366. CHARLES W. RENNER, adopted son of Martin Van Buren and Cass­antler Hennen, born 1869; married Amanda Huffman; no further data avail­able.

Charles Renner worked, as an engineer, on the railroad. 367. MINNIE VIOLA HAMILTON, adopted daughter of Martin Van Buren

and Cassander Hennen, born about 1878; married Van Everly Liming. No further data available.

368. FLORENCE HALE, of Job and Nancy (Hennen) Hale, born Dunkard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. about 1857; died Greene Co., Pa. after 1880.

369. MARY EDITH HALE, of Job and Nancy (Hennen) Hale, born Dun­kard Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 12-28-1858; died Waynesburg, Pa. 4-3-1924; married James Allen Stiles, of John C. and Alice (Darling) Stiles, born


11-12-1854; died Waynesburg, Pa. 8-27-1927. Both are buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

James and Mary E. Stiles resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvan­ia until about 1922 when they removed to Waynesburg (same state); he was a farmer.

In addition to their own children, they raised Edith Warricks, youngest child of Mary's half-sister.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JAMES AND MARYE. STILES (Mary Nancy Alexander )

1122. Minnie Lee Stiles married Furman Kennedy. 1123. Owen Quitman Stiles married Blanche Six. 1124. Jessie Florence Stiles married Charles Taylor. 1125. ALTA VICTORIA STILES, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-22-1890;

died near Jollytown, Pa. 10- -1907; buried Oak Forest Cemetery. 370. BELLE J. GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born New­

ark, Oh. 1868; died Bellton, W. Va. 9-30-1901; married George Beaure -gard Warricks, of Emanuel and Nacka (Virgin) Warricks, born near Deep Valley, Pa. 12-21-1867; died Mt. Carmel Ridge, Pa. 1952 (aged 84 yrs.). Both are buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, near Deep Valley, Pa.

George "Gordy" and Belle Warricks resided in the areas of Deep Valley, Pennsylvania, and Woodruff, West Virginia; he was a farmer. After the death of Belle, Mr. War ricks married Mrs. Susan Riggle.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & BELLE WARRICKS (Belle Nancy Alexander )

1126. Ida Warricks married William Looman. 1127. Ina Warricks married Harry Ogle Masters. 1128. Ila Warricks married William Ray. 1129. Mary Warricks married Fred Graham. 1130. Edith Elma Warricks married Felix Knopka.

371. CHARLES H. GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1870; died Limestone, W. Va. 5-4-1934; married (1) Rosa Thompson, further data not available. Charles married (2) Olive Burley, of Lindsey and Mary (Gorby) Burley, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 1876; died Limestone, W. Va. 1952. Charles and Olive are buried in the Presbyterian Church Cemetery, at Limestone, W. Va. ; Rosa is buried in Big Run Ceme­tery, near Cameron, W. Va., with her second husband, Walter Devoice.

Charles and Olive Gray resided near Limestone, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

3 4 2 CHILD OF CHARLES & ROSA GRAY (Charles Nancy Alexander

1131. William Gray married Nettie Suter. 4 3 2

CHILD OF CHARLES & OLIVE GRAY (Charles Nancy Alexander )

1132. Hutchinson Gray married Alta Yocum. 372. JAMES ALEXANDER GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray,

born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-16-1872; died Woodruff, W. Va. 7-11-1960; 143

married (by Rev. Daniel Elder) 10-31-1896, Margaret Stewart, of Isaac and Louise (Miller) Stewart, born near Aleppo, Pa. 9-20-1875; died Woodruff, W. Va. 6-1-1959. Both are buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, near Deep Vall­ey, Pa.

James and "Maggie" Gray resided in the area of Woodruff, West Virginia where they celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary some months before the death of Mrs. Gray.

James Gray was employed by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company some thirty-seven years before his retirement. Previous to this he had been employed several years by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company; he had also operated a grocery store in the Woodruff area. Mrs. Gray taught school before her marriage and later served as postmistress of the Woodruff post-office. 4 3 2


1133. Charles Edward Gray married Ruth Ann Earnest. 1134. Glen M. Gray married Inzie Isiminger.

373. SAMUEL ASE GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, bornnear Jollytown Pa. 12-30-1874; died Andersonville, W. Va. 1943; married 7-9-1899, Mary Sophia Nightler, of John and Anna Christianna (Freeland) Night­ler, born Moundsville, W. Va. 9-29-1880; died Cameron, W. Va. 4-10-1963. Both are buried in the Big Run Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

Samuel and Mary resided in the areas of Littleton and Andersonville, West Virginia. They were first in the restaurant business, but during the last twen­ty years of Samuel's life they operated a grocery slre at ¾11dersonvihle.

CHILDREN OF SAMUEL & MARY GRAY (Samuel Nancy Alexander )

1135. Clarence Gray married Pansy Strait. 374. WILLIAM GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born near Jol­

lytown, Pa. 6-20-1876; died Cameron, W. Va. 1956; married (1) 11-6-1897, Della Morris, of Daniel and Nancy (Emriff) Morris, born 12-3-1870; died 6-7-1926. William married (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, of Jacob and Esther (Wise) Woods, born 1887; died Greene Co., Pa. 5-10-1942. William married (3) Mrs. Dora Gray, of Ransome and Viola (Geho) Woods; further data not a­vailable. William and Della are buried in the Big Run Cemetery, near Camer­on, W. Va.; Elizabeth is buried in Quiet Dell Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa., a­longside her first husband, Alfred Wood; Dora is buried in Big Run Cemetery with her first husband.

William Gray was a farmer and resided throughout his married life in the area of Cameron, West Virginia, except for a brief time in Greene County, Pennsylvania. He had no children.

375. INFANT SON GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1877; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1877; buried in a cemetery in the area near Jollytown, Pa. (name unknown to us.)

376. STEPHEN McCLELLAN GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-15-1879; died Woodruff, W. Va. 9-30-1948;mar-


ried Effie K. Matthews, of Andrew J. and Elizabeth (Stricklin) Matthews, born near Woodruff, W. Va. 6-21-1884; living, 1969. Stephen is buried in the Big Run Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

"Mac" and "Kiz" gray resided throughout their married life in the area of Woodruff, West Virginia where she yet resides. He was an employee of the Carnegie Gas Company, retired at the time of his death. Kiz Gray is of a pioneer family in that area; her father served in the Civil War and settled there soon after that service.

They had no children of their own, but raised two children who needed homes.


Alexander ) 1136. Mary Lou Gray married Floyd Clark. 113 7. Maxine Bosworth married Harley Hennen# 1 784.

377. ALBERT GRAY, of Samuel and Nancy (Hennen) Gray, born nearJol­lytown, Pa'!' 4-11-1883; died Cameron, W. Va. 1942; married 2-17-1907(or 1909), Minnie Straight, of William and Emma (Evans) Straight, born Wood­ruff, W. Va. __ ; living, 1968. Albert is buried in the Highland Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va. * may have been born near Cameron, W. Va.

Bert and Minnie resided in the area of Cameron, West Virginia where he was employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, having held the position of track section foreman some twenty-seven years before his death. A most tragic death befell Mr. Gray: he suffered a heart attack as he check­ed a huge water tank. At the onset of the attack he fell into the tank while his horrified son stood by helpless. The son immediately summoned help but all efforts were in vain.

4 3 2

CHILDRED OF ALBERT & MINNIE GRAY (Albert Nancy Alexander )

1138. INFANT SON GRAY, born and died young, near Cameron, W. Va. 1139. Raymond Gray married (1) Wanda Jones (2) Gladys Neeley.

378. MARTIN LUTHER HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-12-1868; died New Freeport, Pa. 3-29-1944; married (1) 10-10-1906, Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, of William and Melissa (Garrison) Hamilton, born Garrison, Pa. 4-27-1872; died New Freeport, Pa. 5-2-1913. He married (2) 3-7-1917, Violet Eadeth Hariff, of John H. and Catherine (Gettens) Hariff, born Matildaville, Pa. 8-17-1878; died New Free­port, Pa. 11-30-1963. All three are buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Martin and Lizzie resided in New Freeport, Pennsylvania; he and Violet also resided there. Martin Hennen was a farmer, blacksmith, auto mechan­ic and general store clerk; he also served many years as a justice of the peace.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF MARTIN & ELIZABETH HENNEN (Martin John Alexander )

1140. Frederick Harold Hennen married (1) Margaret Fonner (2) Mrs. Lena Virginia Anderson.


1141. John William Hennen married Anna Gayle Taylor. 1142. Mary Ruth Hennen married John Gallaher rcco!f."ell. CHILD OF MARTIN & VIOLET HENNEN (Martin John Alexander2)

1143. RAYMOND EDWARD HENNEN, born New Freeport, Pa. 8-22-1918; died New Freeport, Pa. 9-5-1918; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

379. JESSIE FLORENCE HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-6-1870; died Washington, Pa. 7-11-1957; married 12-6-1922, William Hicey Stewart, born Greene Co., Pa. 1853; died Oak For­est, Pa. 1928. Both are buried in Rosemont Cemetery, near Rogersville, Pa.

William Hicey and Jessie Stewart resided in the area of Oak Forest, Penn­sylvania where he was a farmer. Jessie resided through her later years in New Freeport and Washington, Pennsylvania where she made her home with a grand nephew, whom she had helped raise, Harold Hennen. She had no issue.

380. WILLIAM ALEXANDER HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 12-29-1872; died Washington, Pa. 9-12-1938; mar­ried 9-29-1898, Alice Mary Renner, of William and Cassander (Foster) Renn­er, born Greene Co., Pa. 12-20-1876; died Washington, Pa. 8-22-1952. Both are buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

William and Alice Hennen resided some years in the area of Garrison, Pennsylvania before removing to Washington (same state) where they took up permanent residence. There he was employed by the Pittsburgh Railway Com­pany for twenty-five years before his retirement in 1933.

Quite early in life William A. Hennen commenced the use of the name as HANNON, rather than HENNEN, and this spelling has been continued by his descendants; others may have made the change simultaneously with William. This is easily understood since the name was commonly pronounced that way and it is known that the grandfather of William often, if not always, signed his name that way.


3 Alexander )

1144. John William Guy Hannon married Sara A. Buchanan. 381. DORA ELLEN HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New

Freeport, Pa. 4-10-1875; died Redlands, Calif. 5-7-1942; married 5-13-1899, James Allen Darling#627.

For further data see #627. 382. MARYE. HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Free­

port, Pa. 9-5-1877; died Washington, Pa. 4-25-1934; married 5-14-1902, Jo­seph Meighen, of Dennis and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Meighen, born Pine Bank, Pa. 2-16-1879; died Italy l-13(or 14)-1954. Both are buried in the Meighen Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa.

Joseph and Mary Meighen resided for some time in the area of Pine Bank, Pennsylvania where Mr. Meighen was a school teacher and clerk in a general store. Later they removed to Washington (same state) where he was a con-ductor for the Pittsburgh Railway Company.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & MARY MEIGHEN (Mary John Alexander )


1145. Robert Meighen married Madeline Mountz. 1146. Ruth Meighen married Edward Fowler.

383. HARRY B. HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-6-1880; died Washington, Pa. 3-25-1925; married (1) 10-9-1905, Nora B. Miller, of John D. and Eliza (Fletcher) Miller, born near A­leppo, Pa. 1-6-1878; died New Freeport, Pa. 10-27-1912. Harry married (2) 8-16-1913, Victoria Bissett, of Leonard and Frances (Horner) Bissett, born near New Freeport, Pa. 2-2-1884; died Washington, Pa. 2-6-1964. Vic­toria is buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.; Harry and Nora are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Harry and Nora resided in the area of New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and merchant. Harry and Victoria resided throughout most of their married life in Washington (same state) where he was a street car motor-man.

4 3 2


1147. John Wilbur Hennen married Nora Taylor. 1148. Virginia Hennen married Russell Alward Galaher. 1149. Marjorie Hennen married Carl H. Wilson. 1150. Harold Miller Hennen married Mildred Sellers

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF HARRY & VICTORIA HENNEN (Harry John Alexander )

1151. Paul V. Hennen married (1) Lorraine Irwin (2) Gloria Anderson. 1152. Glenn F. Hennen married Betty Jane Edmonds. 1153. Harry Edward Hennen never married. 1154 & 1155. TWIN DAUGHTERS HENNEN, born and died Washington, Pa.

384. CHARLES EVERETT HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 8-28-1885; died Washington, Pa. 11-15-1951; mar­ried 9-24-1910, Ida Mildred White#1864, of John G. and Eliza (Main) White, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-1-1889; died Washington, Pa. 4-3-1942. Both are buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

Charles and Mildred Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in Washington, Pennsylvania where he was a street car operator, retired at the time of his death. Ida Mildred White had attended West Virginia Wes­leyan College, at Buckhannon, West Virginia, before her marriage. She had also been a well known teacher of piano and violin; after her marriage she pursued her musical career as a composer.



1156. Charles Edwin Hennen married Ruth Genevieve Gray. 1157. Helen Mildred Hennen married Dr. George Conner.

385. NETTIE HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near New Free­port, Pa. 2-8-1890; died Redlands, Calif. 4-7-1953; unmarried.

Nettie Hennen was never married; she went west with her sister and broth­er-in-law, James and Dora Darling; thereafter she made her home in Redlands, California where she was employed some twenty-two years at the University of


Redlands. 388. ADELLA BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born

W. Va. 1864; died near Jollytown, Pa. 12-30-1877 (age 13 yrs. 4 mos. 14 das.). Buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

389. LUCY BELL BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue,born Licking Co., Oh. 3-9-1866; died Belleville, W. Va. 10- -1924; married Rezin McClellan Headley, of John T. and Elizabeth (Dulaney) Headley, born near Brock, Pa. 7-3-1864; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-9-1936. Both are buried in the Pleasant Home Cemetery, at Belleville, W. Va.

Rezin "Bub" and Bell Headley resided in the areas of Blacksville and Belleville, West Virginia where he was a farmer ~nd carpe~ter.

2 CHILDREN OF RE ZIN & BELL HEADLEY (Bell Minerva Alexander )

1158. Violet Ruth Headley married Leeman Delbert Headlee#131 7. 1159. Jessie Elizabeth Headley married Fred B. Sheets. 1160. Cora Adella Headley married George Elza Bryan. 1161. Emma Louise Headley married David Marion Provance. 1162. Roy Isaac Headley married Opal Smith. 1163. Frank Headley never married.

390. SPENCER BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born Licking Co., Oh. 12-4-1867; died Brave, Pa. 1-19-1944; married 1-2-1890, Leona Rice, of John and Mary (Staggers) Rice, born Rices Landing, Pa.1-4-1868; died Brave, Pa. 7-12-1934. Both are buried in Greene County Memo­rial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Spencer and Leona Blue resided throughout most of their married life in the areas of Jollytown, Pine Bank and Brave, Pennsylvania. Mr. Blue was a farmer for seven years before accepting employment with the South Penn Oil Company; still later he was employed by the Peoples Natural Gas Com­pany.




1164. Grace Blue married Harry Snell. 1165. Owen Blue married Sylvia Keck. 1166. Melburn L. Blue married (1) Jessie Parsons (2) Stella Tennant. 116 7. Clara Blue married Jack Grossick. 1168. Ralph Blue married Wanita Phillips. 1169. Delmont Blue married Opal Bissett. 1170. RAYMOND BLUE, born and died (young) Brave, Pa.; buried Porter

Cemetery, near Brave, Pa. 1171. MEARL BLUE, born and died (young) Brave, Pa.; buried Porter

Cemetery, near Brave, Pa. 391. ELIZA ANNE BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue,

born near Jollytown, Pa. _____ ; died Blacksville, W. Va. 4-11-1957; married Melville Lyle Dodge, of Elliot and Susan (Lyle) Dodge, born Kinzua, Pa. 4-8-1872; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10-3-1966. Both are buried in the new Blacksville Cemetery, at Blacksville, W. Va.


Melville and Eliza "Lyde" Dodge resided throughout most of their mar­ried life in the areas of Brave, Pennsylvania, and Blacksville, West Virgin­ia . Mr. Dodge was a farmer part time; he also worked on wells in various areas.



11 72. Florence Dodge married Michael Strosnider. 11 73. Eva Dodge married Harold Inghram. 11 74. Maude Dodge married Paul Morris. 1175. Mildred Dodge married (1) Burleigh Lemasters

(2) Harold Thistlethwaite. 1176. Melvin Dodge married Katharine Rush.

392. WILLIAM BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1873; married Catherine Wright, of Solomon and ____ Wright; further data not available.

William and Catherine resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; however, further data has not been made available to us.

393. SARAH MATILDA BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1876; married 4-30-1898, Arthur Inghram Cummins, of Abraham and Lettie Cummins, born Greene Co., Pa.; further data not available.

Arthur and Matilda Cummins resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; how­ever, further data has not been made available to us.

394. FRANK BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1879; married Mary Gump; further data not avail­able.

Frank and Mary resided in Sharon, Pennsylvania; however, further data has not been available.

395. MARY BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) B'.ue, bornnear Jollytown, Pa.; died before 1921; married Julian Burgard; further data not available.



1177. EMMA BURGARD married Dittman. ----1178. PAUL BURGARD 1179. WALTER BURGARD

396. ATHA BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. ; married James Cummins, of Abraham and Lettie Cummins, born Greene Co., Pa.; further data not available.

James and Atha resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; however, further data has not been made available.

397. CLARA BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1-8-1885; died Claysville, Pa. 9-8-1968; married Will­iam McKinely Hall, who died 1-24-1957. Both are buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

For more than twenty-five years Clara was employed by the Hazel-Atlas 149

Glass Company before her retirement in 1930. Clara had no children of her own but she raised the three children of her sister, Mary Burgard.

398. EDD BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa.; unmarried.

Edd resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; further data not available. 399. NELLIE BLUE, of Isaac and Maria Minerva (Hennen) Blue, living,

1969; married Clarence Gorby. Clarence and Nellie Gorby reside near Washington, Pennsylvania; how­

ever, further data has not been made available to us. 400. SARA ROSELLA LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley,

born near Blacksville, W. Va. (but on the Pennsylvania side) 3-10-1873; died near Ned, Pa. 4-10-1944; unmarried. Buried Sand Hill Cemetery, near Ned, Pa.

Sara Rosella resided at home throughout her lifetime; she was first a school teacher and later a housekeeper.

401. FRANK BURNS LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 6-23-1874; died near Ned, Pa. 2-3-1940; married 4-21-1898, Lucy Null, of David and Elizabeth (Wright) Null, born Deep Valley, Pa. 8-31-1874; died Ned. Pa. 10-5-1947. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Ned, Pa.

Burns and Lucy Lemley resided through the early part of their married life in New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a blacksmith; later he was employed by the South Penn Oil Company, as a pumper. After some years they removed to Ned, in the extreme southwest corner of Pennsylvania, and opened a grocery store which he continued to operate until his death. This store is yet operated by his children. In 1919 he was appointed postmaster, a position he held until his death.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF BURNS & LUCY LEMLEY (Burns Lucy Alexander )

ll80. Mary Lemley never married. ll81. Raymond Lemley never married. ll82. Florence Lemley never married. ll83. Alphie Lemley married Joseph Flaherty. ll84. Amy Lemley married Arch Bissett. 1185. Rhea Lemley married Lawrence Chaney. ll86. Juanita Lemley never married.

402. REBECCA ALTA LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 3-5-1876; died Ned, Pa. 6-20-1924; married John McGuffie, of Arch and ____ McGuffie, born Washington Co., Pa. __ ; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 1904. Alta is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa. ; John is buried in Cameron Cemetery, at Cameron, W. Va.

John and Alta resided near Ned, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. John had formerly resided in Marshall County, w4st Vi3ginia.

2 CHILDREN OF JOHN & ALTA McGUFFIE (Alta Lucy Alexander )

ll87. Willy Bly McGuffi.e married Merle Booth. 150

1188. Otley Gayle McGuffie married Dolly G. Robinson. 403. GEORGE MOSS BUREN LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen)

Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 10-31-1877; died Littleton, W. Va. 11-19-1943; married 12-4-1900, Norma Dell McDougal, of George and Jenn­ie (Wright) McDougal, born 1-28-1883; died 1-16-1941. Both are buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

George and Norma resided on Littelton Ridge in Wetzel County, West Virginia where he was a farmer and road supervisor.

4 3 2 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & NORMA LEMLEY (George Lucy Alexander )

1189. Dorsey Lemley married Harriett Dunington. 1190. Robert Lemley married Ethel Dent.

404 CASSA VIOLA LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 8-27-1881; living, 1968; married Harry Gorby, of Ase and Elizabeth (Chaney) Gorby, born Wolfe Run (Wetzel Co.), W. Va. 4-20-1881; died Hundred, W. Va. 11-16-1962. Harry is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

Harry and Ola Gorby resided on Wolfe (or Brown's) Run, near Littleton, West Virginia where he was a farmer; later he was a merchant at Littleton. Some years later they removed to Hundred (same state) where Harry was a care-taker of buildings; also served as a Justice of the Peace and Road Sup­ervisor. Ola helped out by working as a storekeeper, nurse's aid and seam-stress. She continues to reside in Hundred, iear h~r son.

2 CHILDREN OF HARRY & OLA GORBY (Ola Lucy Alexander )

1191. Percy Bannon Gorby married Myrtle Booth. 1192. Leah Gorby married Richard Lemley# 1193. Harry Damon Gorby married Donis Snyder.

405. JOHN OTLE LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 1-29-1884; died Ned, Pa. 8-15-1901. Buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

406. EMMA FLOY LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 12-12-1885; died Wheeling, W. Va. 12-17-1956; un­married. Buried Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

Emma Floy Lemley resided in various areas of Greene County, Pennsyl-· vania, and Ohio and Marshall Counties of West Virginia; she was a household worker and nurse's aid.

407. WILLIE J. LEMLEY, of Jarrett and Lucy (Hennen) Lemley, born near Blacksville, W. Va. 8-13-1889; died Ned, Pa. 12-17-1896. Buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

280. SUSANNA MAHALA HENNEN married John Beatty; the estate of John Beatty, as recorded in Probate Court of Switzerland County, Indiana, under date of 5-1-1889 names the children of this couple. The marriage record of John Beatty and Susanna Hanna (spelled this way on record) is recorded in Switzerland County, Indiana under date 8-21-1861.


CHILDREN OF JOHN & SUSANNA BEATTY (Susanna4Jeremiah3George2)

944a. William Beatty married Rosa Hinman. 944b. Roena Beatty married Harvey Ford. 944c. Sarah J. Beatty married Abram A. Bailey. 944d. Adolphus Beatty 944e. John P. Beatty married Elizabeth Moreillon. 944f. Joseph P. Beatty married Priscilla Bennett. 944g. Eliza Jane Beatty married John T. White. 944h. George W. Beatty married Lillie May Courtney.



FIFTH GENERATION .............................. Page 155

#408 through #1193

408. JOHN HENNEN, of George Nelson and Margaret Hennen, born near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-3-1848; died near Littleton, W. Va. 2-5-1935; married (1) Mrs. Rebecca Hamilton, of Joseph and ____ Bissett, born near Garrison, Pa. 7-2-1840 (or 1831); died near Littleton, W. Va. 4-17-1912 (or 1914). John Hennen married (2) in 1916, Mrs. Phoebe Jane Dons­ton McCosh, of Jacob and Mary Morris, born Holbrook, Pa. 11-2-1850; died Rea, Pa. 3-10-1935. John and Rebecca are buried in the Pleasant Hill M. P. Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.; Phoebe is buried in Macedonia Ceme­tery, near Bristoria, Pa., beside her first husband, William Dons ton (her second husband was Joseph Mccosh). The dates on the cemetery marker for Rebecca are 1831-1914; we have been given the above dates.

John and Rebecca resided throughout their married life in the Brown's Run area of Wetzel County, West Virginia where John was a farmer. Rebec­ca was the mother of two children, Hugh and Sarah Ann Hamilton, by her first marriage. They were raised in the Hennen home with the child of John and Rebecca. John and Phoebe "Jennie" also resided in the same area and he continued to pursue the life of a farmer.





1194. John Nelson Hennen married (1) Margaret Stillwell (2)Ethel Lester. 409. GEORGE WILSON HENNEN, of George Nelson and Margaret Hennen,

born near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-6-1850; died Jacksonburg, W. Va. 4-11-1932; married (1) Margaret McClure, born Va. (now W. Va.) about 1854; died near Burton, W. Va. about 1885. George married (2) Minerva Barker, who died about 4 months after this marriage. George married (3) 10-3-1888, Margaret Sturgeon, of William and Mary Ann (Emory) Sturgeon, born Blacks­ville, W. Va. 1-1-1868; died Rinehart, W. Va. 7-16-1951. Margaret is said to be buried at Burton, W. Va.; burial place of Minerva unknown; Margaret (Sturgeon) is buried in Bates Cemetery, at Jacksonburg, W. Va.; George W. is buried in the Shreve Cemetery, at Bane, W. Va.

George and Maggie (McClure) Hennen resided at Burton, West Virginia; George and Minerva also resided at Burton; George and Margaret (Sturgeon) Hennen resided in Jacksonburg and Smithfield, West Virginia; he was a farm­er.

George and Maggie took, to raise, Elizabeth Reed, daughter of John Will­iam and Sadie (Church) Reed; after the death of Maggie, Elizabeth was raised by George's people. She later married a Mr. Gow and yet resides in Cincinn­ati, Ohio. Of George Hennen, whom she refers to as "Pet", she wrote that he was a "wonderful man."

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & MAGGIE HENNEN (George George John )

1195. WILLIAM HENNEN, born Burton, W. Va. about 18~. 4 3


1196. GILBERT HENNEN, born Smithfield, W. Va. 6-28-1890; died Smith-field, W. Va. 2-10-1910; buried Morgan Cemetery, at Smithfield.


1197. Minnie Myrtle Hennen married William Rose. 1198. OSCAR HENNEN, born Smithfield, W. Va. 11-14-1895; died Smith-

field, W. Va. 8-19-1913; buried Morgan Cemetery, at Smithfield. 1199. Lula Pearl Hennen married Lora Herschell Edgell. 1200. Dora Hennen married Francis Tucker. 1201. ORPHA HENNEN, born Smithfield, W. Va. 6-30-1901; died Smith­

field, W. Va. 9-5-1901; buried Morgan Cemetery, at Smithfield. 1202. Ida Arzula Hennen married Alpheus Thomas Wyatt. 1203. Earl Clyde Hennen married (1) Levenia Shreve (2) Essie Young.

410. SARAH JANE HENNEN, of George Nelson and Margaret Hennen, born near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-3-1853; died Burton, W. Va. 4 (or 3)-15-1924; married 4- -1873, Simon Glover, of Isaac and Catharine (Roberts) Glover, born near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 1848; died Burton, W. Va. 4-3-1933. Both are buried at Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Simon and Sarah Glover resided throughout their married life in the area of Burton, West Virginia where Simon was a farmer. Mr. Glover was a de-scendant of pioneer settlers of that area.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF SIMON & SARAH GLOVER (Sarah George John )

1204. George Ernest Glover married Charlotte Mae McGlumphy. 1205. Bertie Leona Glover married Jesse Lee Lemley. 1206. Jesse Miller Glover never married. 1207. Bessie Mae Glover died young. 1208. Carrie Adaline Glover married Joseph Bartrug. 1209. Clement Vernon Glover married Margaret Leezer. 1210. Grace Izola Glover married Levi L. Lightner. 1211. Howard Edwin Glover married Belva ___ _ 1212. Edna Alice Glover married (1) Homer Keenan (2) Golden Rice

(3) Clay Brumage. 411. LEVINA HENNEN, of George Nelson and Margaret Hennen, born

near Burton, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-15-1855; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-3-1944; married 2-29-1872, George Hennen Sine, of John and Delilah (Bland) Sine, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1-22-1851; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-20 1914. Both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

George and Levina took up residence in the area of Burton, West Virgin­ia where they resided only a short time before moving to the area of Manning­ton (same state). About 1877 they ventured westward to Markle, Indiana; how­ever, their stay there was brief and once again they were residents of Wetzel County, West Virginia. After some years they moved to the area of Monon­gah, West Virginia; still later to Fairmont (same state) where they spent the balance of their lives except for a short period in Lincoln County, Nebraska. George H. Sine was a farmer.

The given name of Mr. Sine might cause one to wonder if he was related to Levina, but we have been told otherwise. He was born in the area where her grandfather had resided and was named for her great uncle, George Henn­en, who was then a school teacher in the area. The Sine family later moved


to the area near Burton, West Virginia where they resided when George and Levina were married.



1213. John William Sine married Hallie Kiefer. 1214. Jettie Bertcline Sine married (1) John Hamrick

(2) William C. Silliphant. 1215. Margaret Luella Sine married Randolph R. Floyd. 1216. Charles Albert Sine married Mary Jane Carson. 1217. HARRY BENTON SINE, born Round Bottom, W. Va.10-21-1883;

died North Platte, Nebr. 5-6-1897; buried Old Cemetery, at North Platte.

1218. Oscar Lee Sine married Fannie Barton. 1219. Ida Pearl Sine married Thomas Toothman. 1220. JUNIE FAY SINE, born Monongah, W. Va. 4-14-1891; died Fair­

mont, W. Va. 1-14-1895; buried Fairmont. 1221. Rozyl Miller Sine married Mamie Follis. 1222. George Hennen Sine, Jr. never married.

412. SARAH ANNE HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born Monon­galia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1851; died Bellaire, Oh. 194 ; married Charles Hartman, born in Prussia about 1845; died Bellaire, Oh.; further data not a­vailable.

Charles and Sarah "Sis" Hartman resided in Marion and Wetzel Counties of West Virginia for some years before removing to the area of Bellaire, O­hio where they made a permanent home. Mr. Hartman was a farmer and a painter.



1223. ELZA HARTMAN, born Marion Co., W. Va. 1872; died Wetzel Co., W. Va. 12-20-1880.

1224. ALLEN HARTMAN, born W. Va. about 1874. 1225. CHRISTIAN HARTMAN, born W. Va. about 1875. 1226. BERT HARTMAN, born W. Va. about 1877. 122 7. Laura Hartman married Andrew Miller.

416. CAROLINE HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born near Glover Gap., Va. (now W. Va.) 4- -1854; died 11- -1937; married 10-17-1877, Stevenson Merriner, of Matthew and Margaret (Horner) Merriner, born in Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1845; died Brooke Co., W. Va. 1913. Both buried in Wellsburg Cemetery, at Wellsburg, W. Va.

Stevenson and Caroline Merriner resided in the areas of Wadestown and Metz, West Virginia during the early years of their married life. Laterthey removed to the area of Wellsburg (same state) where they remained until death. Stevenson was a farmer. He had been previously married and was the father of three children; Delbert, Adolpha and Alice, when he married Ca­roline.

Stevenson Merriner was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in the 157

4th West Virginia Cavalry from June of 1863 until March of 1864. He later received a pension for this service.


John3) 1228. Theresa Merriner married Frank Wohnhas. 1229. Lamont Merriner married Lizzie Bartley. 1230. Sherman Merriner married Margaret Loy. 1231. Effie Merriner married Charles Littman. 1232. Pearl Merriner married Frank Armstrong. 1233. Marvin E. Merriner married Ethel Thompson. 1234. Wheeler Merriner never married. 1235. Harley (or Ira) Merriner married (1) Mary Sims (2) Burt King. 1236. Aletha Merriner married (1) William Hopkins (2) ______ _

(3) ___ Morfey. 417. GRACE HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born Marion Co.,

Va. (now W. Va. ) 1860; died Washington, Pa. 189 ; married George Kinnen; further data not available.

George and Grace resided in the area of Washington, Pennsylvania; he was a carpenter. .



418. SUSANNA HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born Marion Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1861; died Burton, W. Va. 1899; married Francis Marion Ashby, of Nathan and Mary Ashby, died 1924. Susanna is said to be buried in the Lazear Cemetery, near Burton, W. Va.; Francis is buried in Negre Cemetery, near Shadyside, Oh.

Francis Marion and Susanna resided near Burton, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Mr. Ashby married, for his second wife, Margaret Henley and they were the parents of Lee, Kenneth and Ella Ashby.


1241. JEFFERSON ASHBY, born near Burton, W. Va.; died Norfolk, Va. 3-30-1952; married

1242. ELWOOD ASHBY, born near Burton, W. Va. ; died Marion Co., W. Va. 11-5-1953; buried Enterprise, W. Va.

1243. OWEN ASHBY, born near Burton, W. Va. 11-7-1891; died Rogers­ville, Pa. 3-2-1969; married Nancy Show.

1244. CORA ASHBY, born near Burton, W. Va. 3-28-1886; living, 1969; married ____ Conner; further data not available.

1245. ONA ASHBY, born near Burton, W. Va. 7-3-1892; living, 1968; married ____ Satterfield.

419. BRICE HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born about 1862; mar-158

ried Lou Harvey, born Glen Easton, W. Va.; died Smithfield, W. Va.; furth­er data not available. Lou is buried in Hickory Knob Cemetery.

Brice and Lou Hannen separated when Levi, their only child, was an in­fant. Brice went to Texas with his brother, Levi, and we have no further re-cord of him.


5Asby John)

1246. Lewis Asby Hennen married Blanche Hayes. 421. ELENORA HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born W. Va. 7-5-

1866; died near Cameron, W. Va. 2-26-1909; married Alan Lashley Ashby, of Nathan and Mary Ashby, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-17-1855 (or 1854); died Cameron, W. Va. 8-28-1924. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, at Ned, Pa.

Lash and Ella Ashby resided throughout their married life in the area near Cameron, West Virginia where he was a farmer.


1247. HARRY E. ASHBY, born near Cameron, W. Va. 6-10-1884; died near Cameron, W. Va. 11-30-1898; buried Sand Hill Cemetery.

1248. Clyda Ashby married Anna Henry. 1249. Jolly Ashby married Icie May Staley. 1250. JOSEPH ASHBY never married--World War I veteran; buried High­

land Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va. 1251. MARY ELLEN ASHBY, born near Cameron, W. Va. 7-31-1892;died

near Cameron, W. Va. 2-19-1893; buried Sand Hill Cemetery. 1252. Goldie Emma Ashby married George Harrington.

422. MALINDA HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born W. Va. about 1868; died near Metz, W. Va. about 1893; married Samuel Burns Woodruff, of Abraham and Susanna (Hinegardner) Woodruff, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1856; died Salem, W. Va. 193 .

Samuel B. and Linda Woodruff resided in the area of Metz, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Malinda died young, leaving one child, and Samuel married her sister, Florence.


5 Asby John )

1253. VERNIE WOODRUFF married ____ Clovis. 423. LEVI HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born near Hundred, W.

Va. 2- -1870; further data not available to us. Family sources supply the information that Levi went to Texas with his

brother, Brice, many years ago and was not furth,~r he~d from. CHILD OF LEVI & HANNEN (Levi5 Asby John )

1254. ELMER HANNEN 426. FLORENCE HANNEN, of Asby and Nellie Hannen, born near Hundred,

W. Va. about 1875; died near Morgantown, W. Va. 5-26-1923; married Sam­uel Burns Woodruff, of Abraham and Susanna (Hinegardner) Woodruff, born


Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) about 1856; died Salem, W. Va. 193 . Florence is buried near Morgantown, W. Va. and Samuel is buried at Salem, W. Va.

Samuel had previously been married to Malinda Hannen, sister of Flor­ence, and they had one child. Satisfactory data on Samuel and Florence has not been available.




1255. BERTHA WOODRUFF married Luther Cain. 1256. BELLE WOODRUFF married ____ Moses. 1257. ANN WOODRUFF married ____ Kealey. 1258. BLANCHE WOODRUFF married Knierim. ----1259. ___ WOODRUFF 1260. ___ WOODRUFF 1261. WOODRUFF ----1262. WOODRUFF ----1263. WOODRUFF 1264. WOODRUFF 1265. WOODRUFF

1266. --cccc==---c=. WOODRUFF 429. JESSE HENNEN, of Asby and Elizabeth Hennen, born 1882; married

Hattie Lee, of Frank Lee; further data not available. Jesse is buried in a cemetery at Shinnston, W. Va.



1267. EDITH HENNEN, born Meadow Brook, W. Va. died Meadow Brook, W. Va. (young); buried there.

430. FANNY HENNEN, of Asby and Elizabeth Hennen, born 1884; died Farmington, W. Va. 1917; married Wyley Powell, born Mobley, W. Va.; further data not available. Fanny is buried at Farmi1¥ton,

4w. V;f.



431. WILLIAM ASBY HENNEN, of Asby and Elizabeth Hennen, born near Hundred, W. Va. 12-13-1886; died Flushing, Oh. 1-16-1955; married (1) Agnes Dawson, of Mems and Alice (Hughes) Dawson, born Marion Co., W. Va. 3-11-1891; died Belmont Co., Oh. 6-24-1919. William married (2) Danska Dawson, of Mems and Alice (Hughes) Dawson, born Marion Co., W. Va. ; further data not available. William and Agnes are buried in Linwood Cemetery, at Blaine, Oh.

William and Agnes and Danska Hennen resided in the areas of Glover Gap and Farmington, West Virginia; also Halloway, Blaine and Barton, Ohio; he


was a farmer. 3


1273. Helen Hennen married Clark Morgan. 1274. Frances Hennen married George Buzzard. 12 75. Ruth Hennen married Harold Hodge. 1276. William Asby Hennen, Jr. married Myrtle Cook. 1277. Paul Hennen married Mary ____ . CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & DANSKA HENNEN (William

5 Asb/John3

1278. Merle Hennen married Martha Shaffer. 432. RUSSELL HENNEN, of Asby and Elizabeth Hennen, born near Hun­

dred, W. Va. 9-24-1888; living, 1969; married 4-29-1921, Lucy Hendershot, of Wayne and Nora (Burdine) Hendershot, born Mobley, W. Va. 3-5-1906; living, 1969.

Russell and Lucy have resided in the areas of Rachel, Farmington and Mannington, West Virginia. He has pursued the occupations of a farmer, coal miner and railroad worker. He also has helped us considerably with this history.



1279. June Hennen married Lonzo Brown. 1280. Betty Hennen married William Gordon. 1281. Billie Hennen married Robert Shaplee. 1282. Thomas Hennen married Margie Cook. 1283. Alice Hennen married Anthony Perone. 1284. Mary Hennen married Joseph Montano.

433. MAY HENNEN, of Asby and Elizabeth Hennen, born 1890; died Ray­mond, Oh. ; married Charles Murphy, further data not availabJe·


1285. ----1286. ----1287. ___ _


434. PENNINAH MAY GLOVER, of John and Sarah (Hennen) Glover, born Glover Gap, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-11-1853; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 12-24-1871; married James Morris Woodruff, born 10-5-1849; died 12-9-1909. He is buried in the Hundred Cemetery, at Hundred, W. Va.; Penninah is buried in the Glover Cemetery, at Glover Gap, W. Va.

James and "Nina" resided through the short period of their married life in the area of Glover Gap, West Virginia where he was a farmer. He mar-ried, second, M. Ella Bennet.


1288. FESTUS RUSSELL WOODRUFF, born near Glover Gap, W. Va. 12-24-1871; died near Glover Gap, W. Va. 7-29-1880; buried Glover Cem.


435. SOLOMON PURCELL GLOVER, of John and Sarah (Hennen) Glover, born Glover Gap, Va. (now W. Va.) 7-27-1857; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 1-28-1939; married 9-2-1877, Mary Jane Hibbs, of John and Nancy (Wilson) Hibbs, born Mannington, Va. (now W. Va.) 4-21-1860; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 12-25-1936. Both are buried in the Glover Cemetery, at Glover Gap.

Solomon and Mary Jane resided throughout their married life in the area of Glover Gap, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1289. PENNINAH MAY GLOVER, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 12-25-1878; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 10-1-1903; buried Glover Cemetery.

1290. Oscar Farrow Glover married Lucinda Jane Gump. 1291. Russell Monad Glover married Emma Cross. 1292. John Willard Glover married Ada Phillips. 1293. Flossie Naomi Glover married Melvin Harding. 1294. Nancy Anne Glover never married.

436. ISAAC NELSON GLOVER, of John and Sarah (Hennen) Glover, born Glover Gap, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-20-1859; died Monongah, W. Va. 10-23-1935; married Ida Ellen Phillips, of William and Mary Phillips, born Glover Gap, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-2-1861; died Marion Co., W. Va. 3-26-1926. Both are buried in the Glover Cemetery, at Glover Gap, W. Va.

Isaac and Ida Glover resided throughout their married life in the areas of Glover Gap and Monongah, West Virginia where he was a laborer and a farmer.

5 4 3


1295. Rossell Edmond Glover married (1) Pearl Ludwig (2) Anna Little. 1296. ALMINA JANE GLOVER born 5-2-1885; died 11-24-1900; buried in

Glover Cemetery, at Glover Gap. 1297. John Oliver Glover married Anna Marie Ross.

437. ADOLPHE MONAD GLOVER, of John and Sarah (Hennen) Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 9-1-1865; died Terra Alta, W. Va. 1-14-1943; married 5-15-1890, Alice Louisa Sellers, of Asa and Charlotte (Durbin) Sellers, born near Rogersville, Pa. 7-26-1870; died Fairmont, W. Va. 9-6-1937. Both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

This is the earliest record we have found for the name "Monad" in the Hennen family anywhere. Mr. John S. Glover has advised us that it was his understanding that this name was derived from the author of a religious book.

Adolphe and Alice resided throughout their married life in the areas of Glover Gap and Fairmont, West Virginia. In early life Mr. Glover was a farmer and in his later years he was a businessman. He also served as a sheriff of Marion County, West Virginia.




1298. Ora May Glover married Clyde E. Edgell. 1299. Roy Holden Glover married Addie Leezer.


1300. Lottie Glover married Berchie E. Davis. 1301. Howard Willis Glover married Valena Shuttlesworth. 1302. John Sellers Glover married Margaret V. Adams. 1303. CHARLES PARCELL GLOVER; born Glover Gap, W. Va. 4-18-1899;

died Glover Gap, W. Va. 8-21-1899; buried Glover Cemetery. 1304. HARRY NELSON GLOVER; born Glover Gap, W. Va. 4-18-1899;died

Glover Gap, W. Va. 10-27-1905; buried Glover Cemetery. 1305. George Edgar Glover married Nellie Wiles. 1306. Nellie Alice Glover married Albert A. Anderson. 1307. Walter Monad Glover married (1) Martha Clelland (2) Irene Clelland. 1308. MILDRED GLOVER, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 7-26-1905; died Glov-

er Gap, W. Va. 10-12-1906; buried Glover Cemetery. 1309. Fred J. Glover married Josephine Hinzman. 1310. Warner Atha Glover married Gwladys Howells. 1311. Helen Glover married B. L. Imgram. 1312. Margaret Irene Glover married Rowland E. Powell. 1313. DOROTHY RUTH GLOVER, born Fairmont, W. Va. 10-16-1917;

died Fairmont, W. Va. 8-24-1920; buried Woodlawn Cemetery. * Harry Nelson and Charles Parcell Glover were twins.

438. LORENZO BURGE HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born near Jollyotwn, Pa. 10-12-1855; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-8-1922; married 11-12-1893, Loretta Ann Smith, of David C. and Mary Ann (Gard) Smith, born Orem, W. Va. 9-23-1867; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-8-1927. Both are bur­ied in Pleasant View Cemetery, south of Parkersburg, W. Va.

Lorenzo and Loretta resided in the area of Cairo, West Virginia until a­bout 1910 when they removed to the area of Parkersburg (same state) where they made a permanent residence. Lorenzo was a farmer.


Rebecca3) 1314. David Herbert Winfred Headlee married Lulu Inez Phillips. 1315. Mary Ena Headlee married Walter B. Hendricks. 1316. LAWRENCE VIRGIL HEADLEE, born Cairo, W. Va. 9-10-1899;

died near Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-10-1914; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near Parkersburg, W. Va.

1317. Leeman Delbert Headlee married Ruth Violet Headley#l158. 1318. Raymond Victor Headlee married Madolin Beatrice Swearingen.

439. LUCINDA SYLVEAN HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-13-1858; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-31-1939; married 1-2-1882, John Calvin Hibbs, of Jacob and Sarah (Marshall) Hibbs, born Marion Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 2-2-1858; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 2-9-1923. Both are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, south of Parkers­burg, W. Va.

John C. and Lucinda Hibbs resided in the areas of Cairo and Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was a farmer and stone mason. Further data on the descendants of this couple has not been made available to us.



Ephraim 4

Rebecca 3)

1319. LELA HIBBS married Robert Gilchrist. 1320. MINNIE HIBBS married Oley Brookover. 1321. ARTIIUR GUY HIBBS married Edith Irene Simonton. 1322. MARY HIBBS married Jacob Craig. 1323. NETTIE HIBBS married Otto Dulin. 1324. BE UNA HIBBS married (1) George Kellar (2) Lewis Wood. 1325. BERNARD HIBBS died young.

440 EMILY TEMPERANCE HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-22-1860; died Cairo, W. Va. 12-27-1887; married 4- -1880, Samuel Moats, of Samuel and Rosetta (Cain) Moats, born Ritchie Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-14-1861; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 6- -1949. Both are buried in the Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.

Samuel and Emily Moats resided near Cairo, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Further data has not been made available




1326. ROSETTA MOATS married Benjamin Graves. 1327. SARAH MOATS married Crowell S. Pratt. 1328. MARY MOATS married Owen Irwin Jones.

441. THOMAS FORDYCE HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 3-22 (or 21)-1862; died near San Francisco, Cal. 4-26-1932; married 6-28-1884. Eunice Seba Rexroad, of John and Rachel Rexroad, born Lewis Co., W. Va. 2-23-1867; died Cairo, W. Va. 3-1-1920. Both are buried in the Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.

Thomas and Eunice Headlee resided on Addis Rus, near Cairo, West Vir-ginia where he was a country store-keeper and farmer.


5Ephraim Rebecca3)

1329. Myrtle Headlee married Earl Taylor. 1330. Maud Headlee married Jess Cunningham. 1331. Minnie E. Headlee never married. 1332. Charles T. Headlee never married. 1333. Emma Headlee married Herbert Carpenter.

442. LEROY HAMPSON HEADLEE. of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-14-1864; died Slate, W. Va. 2-13-1903; married 2-15-1888, Mary Elizabeth Six, of Peter Y. and Serena (Smith) Six, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-9-1872; d.ied Detroit, Mich. 11-24-1968. Leroy is buried in the Six Ceme­tery, near Cairo, W. Va.; Mary E. is buried in Grand Lawn Cemetery, at Detroit, Mich.

Leroy and Mary resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Cairo, West Virginia where he was a farmer and stone mason. Mr. Head­lee also served as a lay minister in the Baptist Church. Their later years to­gether were spent in the area of Slate, West Virginia. Mary S. Headlee mar­ried (2) Joseph Wesley Courtney and (3) Louis Ancel.





1334. William C. Headlee married Alice Green. 1335. Mary Maud Headlee married Elmer Hoffman. 1336. Serena Headlee married Roma Gardner. 1337. Paul Headlee married Rowena Wagley. 1338. Peter Silas Headlee married Helen Grace DePue.

443. SARAH DIDAMY HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 10-8 (or 18)-1866; died Marietta, Oh. 10-28-1921; married 6-6-1893, Fred Bender, of Frederick and Anne (Wagner) Bender, born near Pleasant Hill, Oh. 2-7-1860; died Marietta, Oh. 4-20-1934. Both are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Marietta, Oh.

Fred and Sarah resided in the areas of Pleasant Hill and Marietta, Ohio where he was a farmer and box factory employee. He also served his coun-try during World War I.


5Ephraim Rebecca )

1339. Clarence L. Bender married Estelle Grace Hutchison. 1340. Raymond T. Bender married Bertha Edgar. 1341. Ruth Bender married Jsees Davis.

444. FRANCES ROSA HEADLEE, of Ephraim & Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 8-14-1868; died Cairo, W. Va. 11-2-1908; married Sherman Windom, born Cairo, W. Va. 10-19-1865; died Cairo, W. Va. 6- -1936. Frances is buried in the Six Cemetery, near Cairo, W. Va.; Sherman is bur­ied in the Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.

Sherman and Frances resided in the Low Gap area, near Cairo, West Virginia where he was a farmer. He married second, Allie Cornell.



Rebecca3) 1342. Inez Windom married (1) Henderson Duncan (2) Lansberry. 1343. Mabel Windom married Herbert L Flanagan. 1344. Clara Windom married William L. Chambers. 1345. James Edgar Windom married (1) Bessie Haney (2) Louise Clark.

445. ELLA ELIZABETH HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va.1-8-1871; died Charleston, W. Va. 12-17-1956; married 10-1-1893, Henry Perrine, of Rustin and Mary A. (Nicholas) Perrine, born near Jarvisville, Va. (now W. Va.) 4-17-1859; died near Jarvisville, W. Va. 1-27-1938. Both are buried in Elkview Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Henry and Ella resided throughout the major portion of their married life in the area of Petroleum, West Virginia where he was owner and operator

of a general merchandise store; also operated a saw mill. 4 3


1346. BERNARD CECIL PERRINE, born Cokely, W. Va. 7-22-1894; died Cokely, W. Va. 7-13-1895; buried Six Cemetery, near Cairo, W. Va.

1347. Cassell Camden Perrine never married. 165

1348. Hazel Eunice Perrine never married. 1349. Ruth Blanche Perrine married N. Kenneth Baxter. 1350. Henry Clay Perrine 1351. William Franklin Perrine married (1) Estelle Hawkins

(2) Frances Boothe. 1352. Ralph Clemens Perrine married (1) Louise Heck (2) Ethel M. Wray.

446. REBECCA LUIZA HEADLEE, of Ephraim and Keziah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-29 (or 6)-1873; died Cairo, W. Va. 3-16-1924; married (1) Isaiah Marshall, died Cornwallis, W. Va. 1- -1903. Rebecca married (2) Phillip Hamrick (died Pa.), further data unavailable. Phillip and Rebecca are buried in the Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.; Isaiah is buried in the Waterbury Cemetery, at Cornwallis, W. Va.

Isaiah and Rebecca resided in the areas of Ravenswood, Elkins and Corn­wallis, West Virginia; he operated a saw mill.

Phillip and Rebecca resided in Cornwallis, West Virginia; he was em-ployed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.


Rebecca3) 1353. Bertha Marshall married Joe Jonard. 1354. Ada Marshall married Ross Richards. 1355. Zula Marshall married Harry Burgy. 1356. Pearl Marshall married Rev. Clyde Dye. CHILDREN OF PHILLIP & REBECCA HAMRICK (Rebecca


135 7. William Hamrick married Annie Dutton. 447. JAMES MONROE HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee, born

Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-9-1851; died Blacksville, W. Va. 10-30-1884; married Lizzie Sloan, of William and Adaline (Morgan) Sloan, born Va. (now W. Va.) 1-9-1855; died Blacksville, W. Va. 3-6-1888. Both are buried in the Old Blacksville Cemetery, at Blacksville, W. Va.

James and Lizzie Headlee resided in Blacksville, West Virginia where he was a dry goods merchant; he had previously been a merchant in the area of Hundred, West Virginia. Lizzie S. Headlee married se.cond, J. L. Hoskinson.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF JAMES & LIZZIE HEADLEE (James Stephen Rebecca )

1358. Osceola B. Headlee married John Clark. 1359. NELLIE B. HEADLEE, born Blacksville, W. Va. 7-28-1881; died

Blacksville, W. Va. 6-8-1897; buried Old Blacksville Cemetery. 448. LAFAYETTE WASHINGTON HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah

Headlee, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-27-1854; died 10- -1933; married (1) 9-18-1896, Susan Mininger Swart, further data not available. Mr. Headlee married (2) 12-6-1908, Martha M. Candler, of John and Sarah (Seaman) Candler, further data not available.

Lafayette W. Headlee had no children of whom we have record. 449. JOSEPH (or JOSHUA) FORDYCE HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah

Headlee, born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-21 (or 24)-1857; died Blacksville, 166

W. Va. 1-27-1888; married Adaline Capitola Sloan, of William and Adaline (Morgan) Sloan, born Va. (now W. Va.) 8-8-1861; died Blacksville, W. Va. 9-11-1889. Both are buried in the Old Blacksville Cemetery, at Blacksville, W. Va. NOTE: Birth record g.ives his name as Joshua and date as 10-24-1857; fam­ily records give his name as Joseph; cemetery marker gives J. F. Headlee born 10-21-1857.

J. F. & Addie resided throughout their short married life in the area of Blacksville, West Virginia.

4 5 3 CHILDREN OF J. F. & ADALINE HEADLEE (J. F. Stephen Rebecca )

1360. Wilbert Curtis Headlee married Estella Secrest. 1361. Erma Lulu Headlee married (1) Edward W. Howard

(2) Norman V. Riddle. 1362. CARL SLOAN HEADLEE, born Blacksville, W. Va. 3-4-1884; died

Blacksville, W. Va. 3-21-1884; buried Old Blacksville Cemetery. 1363. Edward Fletcher Headlee married (1) Elizabeth Leona Fox

(2) Harriet Conner. 450. THOMAS CONWELL HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee,

born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-2-1860; died Blacksville, W. Va. 10-25-1876; buried in Old Blacksville Cemetery, at Blacksville, W. Va.

451. AMERICA JANE HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-11-1864; died Cairo, W. Va. 10-28-1865; burial place not ascertained.

452. FRANKLIN C. HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee, born Blacksville, W. Va. 6-23-1869; died Blacksville, W. Va. 3-31-1873; buried in Old Blacksville Cemetery, at Blacksville, W. Va.

453. FLORA ANN HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee, born Blacksville, W. Va. 4-12-1870; died 9-18-1915; unmarried. Further data not available.

454. INFANT HEADLEE, of Stephen and Deborah Headlee, born Blacks­ville, W. Va. ; died at birth 10- -1873; buried Old Blacksville Cemetery.

455. WILLIAM LOUIS BURGE, of Alfred J. and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 4-23-1850; died Stockport, Oh. 2-23-1933; married 3- -1870, Mary Melissa Mendenhall, born Oh. 12-21-1847; died Oh. 2-13-1936. William is buried at Stockport, Oh.; Mary is buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Newark, Oh.

William and Mary resided through the early part of their married life in Ritchie County, West Virginia where he was employed in a saw mill; their later years were spent in Ohio.

5 4 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY BURGE (William Lucinda Rebecca


1364. HARLIN BURGE married Emma Carnes. 1365. Rose Ann Lucinda Burge married Daniel M. Johnson. 1366. JOSEPH BENJAMIN BURGE married Ida ----1367. CORA JANE BURGE married George Quigley.



456. REBECCA SARAH BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-28-1852; died Zanesville, Oh. 11-16-1928; married 12-24-1868, Henry Hamilton Weaver, of John Alexander and Nancy (Proudfoot) Weaver, born Gilmer Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 5-26-1847; died Zanesville, Oh. 1-6-1926. Both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.

Henry and Rebecca resided through the early years of their married life in Ritchie County, West Virginia; they removed to Wood County (same state) about 1888 and remained there some time. Again they were on the move, to Muskingum County, Ohio where they remained during their later years. Mr. Weaver was a farmer.


5Lucinda Rebecca


1370. Nancy Lucinda Weaver never married. 1371. Alfred Jackson Weaver never married. 1372. Mary Jane Weaver married (1) Charles W. Gilpin (2) Frank Harris. 13 73. Rachel Ann Weaver married J. Frank Burris. 1374. Ella Virginia Weaver married Joseph Everett White. 1375. John Alexander Weaver married Florence W. Johnson. 13 76. Benjamin Franklin Weaver married Laura Lane. 1377. Joshua Fordyce Weaver married Ida Burris. 1378. Oscar Emanuel Weaver married Clara Neal. 1379. Sarah Bessie Weaver married John White. 1380. Emma Dell Weaver married Harry Jackson. 1381. William Henry Arthur Weaver married Rhea Combs. 1382. Robert Clarence Weaver married Anna Harvey.

457. JOSHUA FORDYCE BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-31-1855; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-23-1936; married 2-2-1877, Ellen Layfield, born Ritchie Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1860; died Murphytown, W. Va. 5-5-1922. Both are buried in the Red Hill U. B. Cemetery in Wood Co., W. Va.

Joshua and Ellen resided for some years in Ritchie County, West Virgin­ia; later removed to Wood County (same state) and took up residence in the area of Murphytown. Joshua was a farmer.

4 CHILDREN OF JOSHUA & ELLEN BURGE (Joshua5Lucinda Rebecca3)

1383. Frances Elizabeth Burge married George Henry Brethaver. 1384. William Henry Burge married Anna Scheiler. 1385. Alfred Simon Burge married Edith ___ _ 1386. J. Walter Burge married Eula Lewis. 1387. DAVID BURGE, born and died Ritchie Co., W. Va. 5-12-1892. 1388. Clarence A. W. Burge never married.

458. RACHEL ANN MISSOURI BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Mo. 3-30-1857; died near Harrisville, W. Va. 3-26-1922; mar-


ried 2-21-1877, George Erven Six, of Lewis and Elizabeth (Yeager) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-10-1851; died near Harrisville, W. Va. 11-10-1911. Both are buried in the Fairview Methodist Church Cemetery, in Grant Dis -trict, Ritchie Co., W. Va.

George and Rachel resided throughout their married life near Harrisville, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Three of their children, unmarried, remain on the home farm. George and Rachel Six donated the land on which the Fairview Church was built (near Harrisville); also the land for the church cemetery, which is sometimes referred to as the SJx C~metry.

3 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & RACHEL SIX (Rachel Lucmda Rebecca )

1389. Virginia Ellen Six married Reno Moats. 1390. Lewis Jackson Six never married. 1391. Elizabeth Lucinda Six married Hugh Jackson Peyton. 1392. Martha Mae Six married Okey Earnest Shrader. 1393. Minnie Elsie Six never married. 1394. Sarah Anne Six married Grover Garrett. 1395. Emma Della Six never married.

461. AMANUEL WYKE BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va. 11-3-1863; died Murphytown, W. Va. 7-30-1928; married 11-12-1895, Anna Schrader, of Henry and Samantha (Locker) Schrad­er, born Williamstown, W. Va. 6-22-·1871; died Murphytown, W. Va. 1-21-1962. Both are buried in the Grant-McPeek Cemetery, at Murphytown, W. Va.

Amanuel and Anna resided throughout their married life in the area of Murphytown, West Virginia where he was a farmer; he also was a long-time Sabbath School superintendent.

4 3 CHILDREN OF AMANUEL & ANNA BURGE (Amanuel5 Lucinda Rebecca )

1396. Ernest Kelly Burge married Zella Brewer. 1397. Earl Schrader Burge married Carrie McPeek.

462. ALFRED JACKSON BURGE, JR., of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Cairo, W. Va. 12-28-1866; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 2-20-1938; married 6-4-1892, Martha Gertrude Schrader, of Henry and Samantha (Locker) Schrader, born Williamstown, W. Va. 10-19-1874; died Gary, Ind. 4-3-1943. Alfred is buried in the Grant-McPeek Cemetery, at Murphytown, W. Va.; Gertrude is buried in the Ridgelawn Cemetery, ay Gary, Ind.

Alfred J. and Gertrude Burge resided throughout their married life in the areas of Parkersburg and Murphytown, West Virginia. Mr. Burge was an oil field worker, teamster and storekeeper.


1398. Justine Burge married Samuel Dennis Deem. 1399. Freda Naoma Burge married John F. Freidlien. 1400. Samantha Mirle Burge married Emmet Robert Mercer. 1401. Harriette May Burge married Loring A, Dolch. 1402. HENRY CARL BURGE, born Murphytown, W. Va. 10-21-1900; died


Murphytown, W. Va. 7- -1902; buried Grant Cemetery. 1403. Clyde Bunting Burge married Gertrude Lucas. 1404. Paul Jackson Burge married Agnes Stella Taylor. 1405. Keith Wertheimer Burge married Hermoine Waller.

463. LUCINDA VffiGINIA BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Cairo, W. Va. 9-26-1868 (or 9-25-1869); died Huntington, W. Va. 8-29-1948; married David John King, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-24-1862; died Huntington, W. Va. 11-27-1910. Both are buried in Highland Cemetery, at Huntington, W. Va.

David and Jennie King resided in Huntington, West Virginia where he was an employee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company.


5Lucinda Rebecca )

1406. Edward Marion King married (1) Blanch Carson (2) Pearle Adams. 1407. Flora Letha King married Roy Chapman. 1408. CHARLES KING, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-11-1898; living,

1968, Chesapeake, Oh. ; married (1) Lora ____ (2) ___ _ ______ ; further data not available.

464. JOHN MESHACH BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Cairo, W. Va. 5-28-1872*; died Butler, Oh. 3- -1959; married (1) Minnie McPherson, who died in Parkersburg, W. Va. ; further data not a­vailable. John married (2) 1-15-1910, Bessie Richards, of George and Eliza­beth Richards, born Cairo, W. Va. 7-9-1894; living, 1968. John is buriedin Four Corners Cemetery, at Butler, Oh.

John and Bessie Burge resided at Butler, Ohio where he was a salesman. Further data has not been made available to us. *This date has also been sub-mitted as 5-10-1872 and 1-7-1872; also 1868.

3 CHILDREN OF JOHN & BESSIE BURGE (John5Lucinda4Rebecca )

1409. Charles Richard Burge married Carrie Leona George. 1410. Elizabeth Lucinda Burge married Halsey H. Mitchell. 1411. Evelyn Florine Burge married John M. Gallaher. 1412. John Meshach Burge Jr. married June Nusbaum. 1413. Jack Lee Burge married Eileene Fetters. 1414. Harriette Jane Burge married ___ Deboard.

465. FRANCIS MARION BURGE, of Alfred and Lucinda (Headlee) Burge, born Cairo, W. Va. 1875; died Aurora, Colo. 10-28-1916; married (1) Carrie King (2) Zelma Matheny; further data has not been made available. Also some confusion has been encountered as to which was the first wife and which the second; the first wife died in Murphytown, W. Va. and was buried in the Far­son Cemetery there.

466. FRANCIS MARION MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-27-1854; died near Adaline, W. Va. 6-11-1868. Buried in the Mason Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.

467. MARTHA JANE MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, Va. (now W. Va.) 11-24-1855; died near Adaline, W. Va. 12-


14-1884; married Lemuel Richmond, born Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) died near Lynn Camp, W. Va.; further data not available. Martha is buried in the Mason Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.; Lemuel is buried in the Pleas­ant Ridge Cemetery, nearby.

Lemuel and Martha resided in the area of Pleasant Ridge and Lynn Camp, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



3 Matthew )

1415. WILEY ALLEN RICHMOND, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 7-9-1875; died Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. (young); buried there.

1416. Florence Virginia Richmond married Elza Rutan. 1417. Jeremiah Webster Richmond married (1) Mary Travis

(2) Blanche Cochran. 1418. William Elbert Richmond married Pearl Young.

468. MARY ADA MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, Va. (now W. Va. 1859; died near Adaline, W. Va. 1864. She is buried in the Mason Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.

469. JOHN WILEY MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, Va. (now W. Va.) 6-30-1861; died near Waynesburg, Pa. 3-1-1942; married 12-25-1883, Sarah McDowell, of David and Nancy Ann (Cain­Calvert) McDowell, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 2-20-1868; died Mounds­ville, W. Va. 5-11-1891. Both are buried in the McDowell Cemetery, on Pleasant Ridge, Marshall Co., W. Va.

John W. and Sarah Mason resided in the Pleasant Ridge area of Marshall County, West Virginia where he was a farmer.





1419. Lula Mason married James Cunningham. 1420. Minnie Mason married (1) Okey Richmond (2) Joseph Hamilton.

470 HANNAH EMELINE MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, Va. (now W. Va.) 5-30-1863; died Hometown, W. Va. 3-30-1951; married (1) Todd Hutchinson, of ____ and Mary Hutchinson, died Ravenswood, W. Va. and buried there. Hannah married (2) John Booth, of James and Elizabeth (McHenry) Booth, born Marshall Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-14-1852; died Bancroft, W. Va. 1-17-1936. John and Hannah are both buried in Grandview Cemetery, near Red House, W. Va.

Todd and Hannah Hutchinson resided in Marshall and Jackson Counties of West Virginia where he was a farmer.

John and Hannah Booth resided at Bancroft, West Virginia where he was a farmer and a merchant.


5Cynthia Matthew )

1421. Gladys Hutchinson married Norwood Booth. 471. SARAH ELLEN MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born

near Adaline, W. Va. 10-8-1864; died near Handley, W. Va. 6-1-1931; mar­ried Clarence Shepherd, of John and Amanda Jane (Sockman) Shepherd, born


Adalinef Va. (now W. Va.) 8-28-1856; died Ransom, Ill. 11-27-1933. Both are buried in the Wade Chapel Cemetery in Putnam Co., W. Va.

*Another source had given his birthplace as Iowa. Clarence and Sarah Shepherd resided for a short time on Pleasant Ridge

in Marshall County, West Virginia before removing to the area of Confidence in Putnam County (same state). Mr. Shepherd was a farmer.

- 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF CLARENCE & SARAH SHEPHERD (Sarah Cynthia Matthew)

1422. Leta Mae Shepherd married William Tittle. 1423. Nora Theresa Shepherd married Alvin R. Deal. 1424. Milton Lee Shepherd married Rebecca Jordan. 1425. Florence Shepherd married ____ Bonily. 1426. Lulu Avis Shepherd married (2) Irwin L. Denaple (1) Robert S. Deal. 1427. Velma Shepherd married Claude Tincher.

472. ALVILDA ANN MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, W. Va. 2-14-1867; died Benwood, W. Va. 3-16-1903; married Mace Thomas, further data not available. Alvilda is buried in the Mason Cem­etery, near Adaline, W. Va.

Mace and Alvilda Thomas resided in the areas of McMechen, West Virgin­ia and Alma, Michigan.





1428. Velma Thomas married Loren Allen. 1429. CLARENCE THOMAS, died young.

473. SIDNEY ELMER MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, W. Va. 2-14-1867; died Adaline, W. Va. 5-12-1920; married 10- -1889 (or 11-16-1889), Lena Alvaretta Shepherd, of Nathan and Rebecca (Richmond) Shepherd, born Adaline, W. Va. 10-27-1871; died Cameron, W. Va. 4- -1956. Both are buried in the Shepherd Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.

Sidney E. and Lena Mason resided at Adaline, West Virginia where he was a farmer and school teacher, having taught school for thirtr-three y~ars.

CHILDREN OF SIDNEY & LENA MASON (Sidney5Cynthia Matthew )

1430. Leta Essie Mason married Benjamin Harrison Bonar. 1431. Clarence Elmer Mason married Millie M. Blake. 1432. Sidney Shirley Mason married Nora Robinson. 1433. Nathan Henry Mason married Bertha Hall. 1434. Helen Carrie Mason married (1) William O. Beresford (2) Earl

Ankrom (3) Earl Brooks (4) Lee Fitzgerald (5) Eris Clouston. 1435. Eula M. Mason married Jay Davis. 1436. MYRON KENNETH MASON 5-14-1908/l-6-1909; buried ShepherdCem. 1437. BYRON K. MASON, died young. 1438. INFANT MASON

474. THOMAS WILLARD MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, W. Va. 7-31-1869; died Pleasant Ridge, Marshall Co.,


1-19-1899; married 1893. Elizabeth Lydick of Samuel and Nancy Lydick, born Nauvoo Ridge, Marshall Co. W. Va. 12-16-1871; died McMechen, W. Va. 4-11-1949. Thomas is buried in the Mason Cemetery near Adaline, W. Va.; Elizabeth is buried in McMechen Cemetery, at McMechen, W. Va.

Thomas and Elizabeth resided in the Pleasant Ridge-Glen Easton area of West Virginia where he was a farmer and school teacher, having attended Fairmont Normal College at Fairmont, West Virginia. After his death, she resided in Glen Easton, Wheeling and McMechen, West Virginia; also Quak­er City, Ohio.



Matthew3) 1439. Elsie May Mason married (1) J. F. Clayton (2) T. P. Woodstuff. 1440. Hazel Almira Mason married H. C. Ellery.

475. JOSEPH SPENCER MASON, of Henry and Cynthia (Hennen) Mason, born near Adaline, W. Va. 1873; died Sebring, Oh. 1959 (or 1958); married Rebecca Yoho, born Pleasant Ridge, Marshall Co., W. Va. 1871; died Ada­line, W. Va. 12- -1921. Both are buried in the Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, in Marshall Co., W. Va.

Joseph and Rebecca resided in the areas of Pleasant Ridge, Bruin Ridge and Loudenville, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Joseph also taught school and was a teamster for the Hope Natural Gas Company; later he was employed in a pottery in Sebring, Ohio.

4 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & REBECCA MASON (Joseph5Cynthia Matthew3)

1441. ELLIS E. MASON, born Pleasant Ridge 6-20-1895; died there 5-11-1897.

1442. Keziah Mason married (1) Frank Rutan (2) Raymond Bye. 1443. Ocie Pearl Mason married William Wayt. 1444. Nellie Mason married Charles Gorby. 1445. GLEN MASON 1446. E. BLAIR MASON

476. HARVEY FORDYCE HANNAN, of Wesley Smith and Sarah (Headlee) Hannan, Sr., born Cairo, Va. (now W. Va.) 4-13-1861; died Marshall Co., W. Va. 12- -1892 (or 7- -1894); married 8-10-1882, Melissa Eliza Hard­wick, born Lewis Co., W. Va. 1865; died Cairo, W. Va. 8-15-1892. Melissa is buried in the Six Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.; burial place of Harvey is not known.

Harvey and Melissa resided throughout the short span of their married life in the area of Cairo, West Virginia. This young family was saddened by the untimely death of Melissa, the mother, at the age of only twenty-five years; only a short time later the father was snatched from these small child­ren and they were left orphans. Harvey Hannan was a timber buyer and sales-

man. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF HARVEY & MELISSA HANNAN (Harvey Wesle4 Matthew )

(Harvey5Sarah Rebecca3) 1447. Kenwood Lochinvar Hannan


1448. Melvin Charles Hannan married (1) Wettie Furr (2) Jessie Belle Haught.

1449. Bessie E. Hannan married John Zinn. 1450. WILLIAM 0. HANNAN, born Cairo, W. Va. 5-1-1891; died Cairo,

W. Va. 2-1-1892; buried Six Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va. 482. CLARA A. HANNAN, of Wesley Smith and Sarah (Headlee) Hannan,

born Cairo, W. Va. 1873; died Parkersburg, W. Va. ; married 9-7-1901, James Armour Jackson; further data not available.

James and Clara resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia. It has been said that Clara took a job in a hotel in Parkersburg and made a home for her brothers and sisters until they could care for themselves. She had no child­ren of whom we have record.

483. THOMAS SPENCER HANNAN, of Wesley Smith and Sarah (Headlee) Hannan, born Cairo, W. Va. 11-28-1879; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 1- -1947; married (1) Mary Hilton, born Piedmont, W. Va. 10-17-1878; died at Parkersburg, W. Va. 1-28-1907. Thomas married (2) Martha Adams, of Thomas and Virginia Adams, born Calhoun Co., W. Va. 9-7-1888; living, 1969. Thomas is buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, near Parkersburg, W. Va.; Mary is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, at Parkersburg, W. Va.

Thomas S, Hannan resided throughout his entire adult life in the area of Parkersburg, West Virginia; his widow yet resides there. During his later years Thomas operated a transfer business which is still carried on by his sons.


5 Weslez Matther )

(Thomas Sarah Rebecca ) 1451. Myrtle Ivy Hannan married Robert McKinney. 1452. Elizabeth Hyacinth Hannan married Claude Wigal. 1453. Doris Violet Hannan married John Cunningham. 1454. Thomas Spencer Hannan Jr. married Dora Margaret Neal. 1455. Helen Lucille Hannan married Roy Brennen. 1456. Hilton Brooks Hannan married Gertrude O'Donnel5. 4 3 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARTHA HANNAN (Thomas

5 Weslez Matthew )

(Thomas Sarah ) 1457. Ralph Emerson Hannan married Ethel Smith. 1458. Margaret Catherine Hannan married (1) Shelton Wayland

(2) Ralph Mc Gary. 1459. Virginia Carol Hannan married Charles White. 1460. Geraldine Vera Hannan married Francis Hite. 1461. Harold Dale Hannan married Dorothy ___ _ 1462. Karl Joseph Hannan married (1) Ruth Ann ___ _

(2) Emma Weaver. 484. WESLEY SMITH HANNAN, JR., of Wesley Smith and Sarah (Head­

lee) Hannan, born Cairo, W. Va. 5-29-1882; died Brenham, Tex. 3-1-1948; married 6-29-1904, Eva Ardelia Nowery, of Thomas S. and Rebecca (Allman) Nowery, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-10-1884; died Brenham, Tex. 2-24-1964. Wesley is buried in the Old Independence Cemetery, at Independence,


Tex.; Eva is buried in Prairie Lea Cemetery, at Brenham, Tex. Wesley Smith Hannan, Jr. resided through the early years of his life in

the home of his uncle, John Hudson Hennen; years later, after John Hudson was left a widower, the situation was reversed and Wesley Smith Hannan, Jr. gave his uncle a home with him and his family.

Wesley and Eva resided in the areas of Parkersburg, Moundsville and Hamlin, West Virginia where he worked in the oil fields. About 1921 he re­moved his family to Texas and took up residence in Richland, where they re­sided some nine years before moving to Brenham for the remainder of their days. Wesley continued to work in the oil fileds after moving to Texas and, at the time of his death, he had been an employee of the Sun Oil Company for some twenty-five years.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF WESLEY & EVA HANNAN, JR. (Wesley Wesl~ Matthew )

(Wesley5Sarah Rebecca 3

) 1463. Howard Wesley Hannan married Tillie Hahn. 1464. John Roscoe Hannan married Virgie Elizabeth Routon. 1465. LLOYD HUDSON HANNAN, born Hamlin, W. Va. 5-21-1911; died

Richland, Tex. 1-3-1929. 1466. Mattie Marjorie Hannan never married. 1467. Lillian Dare Hannan married William A. Benton III.

485. WESLEY SMITH HENNEN, of Thomas and Rebecca (Kirkman) Henn­en, born Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 8-17-1859; died Glendale, W. Va. 1-5-1953; unmarried. Buried Mt. Herman Cemetery, Wetzel Co., W. Va.

Wesley Smith Hennen lived his ninety-three years in the rural areas of Wetzel and Marshall Counties of West Virginia. As a young man he was a school teacher in the rural schools; later he traveled the area as a book­seller and peddler of other wares.

486. SARAH M. HENNEN, of Thomas and Rebecca Hennen, born Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 1863; died Center Dist., Wetzel Co., W. Va. 3-2-1880, aged 17 years. She is buried in the Robinson Ridge Cemetery, near Littleton, W. Va.

487. IDA JANE HENNEN, of Thomas and Rebecca Hennen, born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 3-20-1869; died Jacksonburg, W. Va. 10-14-1954; married 5-17-1885, Stephen Garard Huggins, of William and Mary Ann (White) Hugg­ins, born Bald Hill, Greene Co., Pa. 18 ; died Littleton, W. Va. 1940. Stephen is buried in the Anderson Cemetery, near Littleton, W. Va.; Ida is buried in the Lantz Cemetery, at Jacksonburg, W. Va.

Stephen and Ida resided in the areas of Littleton and Jacksonburg, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Mr. Huggins was also a water-well drill­er and hotel keeper.


Thomas 4



1468. Mary Ann Huggins married L. Ed Everly. 1469. George Offord Huggins married Rosa Pearl Batson. 1470. ___ HUGGINS 1471. HUGGINS ----


1472. Winnie Mae Huggins married Charles F. Steinhoff. 1473. Bonnie Peach Huggins married Walter Snyder. 1474. Carl C. Huggins married ___ _ 1475. Gladys Imogene Huggins married Robert G. Frame. 1476. Ray Herbert Huggins married Cora Jeanette McKinney. 1477. Guy Franklin Huggins married Ida Wilson. 1478. WALTER HUGGINS 4-13-1912/12-16-19 1479. WILLIAM HUGGINS 11-28-1916/7- -1917.

488. WILLIAM WILSON HENNEN, of Thomas and Rebecca Hennen, born Littleton, W. Va. 1-5-1875; died New Concord, Oh. 1- -1958; married 6-

-1900, Agnes Jane Robinson, of Phillip and Nancy Jane (Crow) Robinson, born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 3-2-1882; died New Concord, Oh. 7-9-1953. Both are buried in the New Concord Cemetery,atNew Concord, Oh.

William and Agnes resided in Cambridge and New Concord, Ohio where he was a farmer and steel-mill worker.




1480. Pearl Irene Hennen married Herbert J. Dengate. 1481. Olive Ida Hennen married George Atherton. 1482. Ruth Eleanor Hennen married Harold Meeker. 1483. Edgar Hennen married (1) Anna Bertman (2) Elizabeth Zimmerman. 1484. Carl Augustus Hennen married Elisabeth Melnik. 1485. Violet Agnes Hennen married Charles L. Best. 1486. Naomi Jane Hennen married Donald Nichols.

489. GEORGE W. HENNEN, of Thomas and Rebecca Hennen, born New Martinsville, W. Va. 9-15-1877 (or 1872); living, 1969; married Ida Mae McNurlen, of Benjamin and Jane (McPeek) McNurlen, born New Maryins­ville, Ill. 5-19-1868; died Cambridge, Oh. 5- -1938. Ida is buried in Cam­bridge, Oh.

George and Ida resided in Cambridge, Ohio where George still maintains residence; he was a water-well driller, now retired.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & IDA HENNEN (George Thomas Matthew )

148 7. Pearl Lula Hennen married (1) Raymond Winnett (2) Robert Hillier. 1488. Thomas Benjamin Hennen married Martha ___ _ 1489. Charles William Hennen married Harriette Jenkins. 1490. Wilber Leroy Hennen married (1) May Conner (2) Lucille Helmes. 1491. Cora Bell Hennen married Willard Sunnafrank.

490. ISAAC B. ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) 2-26-1856; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 7-7-1943; married 3-3-1887, Louisa J. Headley, of Franklin and Jane (Miller) Headley, born Middletown, Pa. 3-17-1864; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 7-19-1894. Both are buried in the Martin Cemetery, near Pine Grove, W. Va.

Isaac and Louisa resided throughout their married life in Pine Grove, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1492. Jessie Shirley Alley never married. 1493. Joe Alley never married. 1494. John Friend Alley married Alice M. Hawkins. 1495. Mary Jane Alley married George W. Hawkins.

491. ELIZA JANE ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) 9-11-1859; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 4-4-1940; married 7-27-1890, Robert Henderson, who died 1942; further data on him not avail­able. Both are buried in the Martin Cemetery, near Pine Grove, W. Va.

Robert and Eliza Jane resided throughout their married life in the Pine Grove area of West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1496. Frank Vincent Henderson married Matilda Postlethwait. 1497. John S. Henderson married Flossie McCoy. 1498. Kittie Bridgett Henderson married John Elmer Vandine. 1499. Thomas Hennen Henderson never married. 1500. Charles Henderson married Hazel Vandine.

492. PERMELIA BELLE ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine Grove, Va. (now W. Va.) 10-29-1862; died Centerville, W. Va. 8-24-1951; married 10-20-1887, David W. Headley, of Lasha and Elizabeth (Cunning­ham) Headley, born Walnut Fork, Tyler Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 2-5-1861; died Alma, W. Va. 4-23-1941 (or 1939). Both are buried in Beechwood Cem­etery, at Alma, Tyler Co., W. Va.

David and Permelia resided in the Centerville-Alma area of West Virgin-ia where he was a farmer.




1501. Stella Headley married Wren Thomas. 1502. Blanche Headley married Clyde Stewart. 1503. Isaac Headley married Inez Davis. 1504. John W. Headley married Blanche Thomas. 1505. Thomas Headley married Olive McDougal. 1506. Martin Headley never married. 1507. Lola Headley married Dewey Hamilton.

493. AMANDA ANNE ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 5-6-1865; died Paden City, W. Va. 2-15-1931; married Phill­ip Spencer, born Tyler Co., W. Va. 1865; died Paden City, W. Va. 1942. Both are buried at Shirley, W. Va.

Phillip and Amanda Spencer resided throughour their married life in the area of Paden City, West Virginia where he was a carpenter. Further data on this family has not been made available to us.


1508. MARY SPENCER married Tom Arnett. 1509. CLARA SPENCER married Job Smith. 1510. LOUIS SPENCER married Irma Cooper.


1511. VIOLET SPENCER married Odell Smith. 1512. OLGA SPENCER died young. 1513. CLARENCE SPENCER 1514. BLANCH SPENCER married Charles Long.

(Violet and Olga Spencer were twins). 494. SARAH CATHERINE ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine

Grove, W. Va. 6-13-1868; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 3-10-1960; married 12-30-1886, William Vincent Long, of Samuel Jones and Mary Belle (Ferribee) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 5-11-1866; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 4-14-1941. Both are buried in the Simpson Hill Cemetery, at Pine Grove, W. Va.

William and Sarah Long resided throughout their married life in Pine Grove, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & SARAH LONG (Sarah Thomas Jane )

1515. Burrell Long never married. 1516. Earle T. Long married Clara Monger. 1517. Bessie Long married Forrest Ray Long. 1518. Patrick Harold Long married (1) Freda Hickman (2) Emma Conelly. 1519. Marie Long married Dewey Cross. 1520. Victor R. Long married Opal Robinson. 1521. Carl Long married Leona Shreve. 1522. Don Long married (1) May Postlethwaite (2) Maycelle Canteberry. 1523. Wilbur V. Long married Esther Wilson.

495. JOHN ULISSES ALLEY, of Thomas and Mary Alley, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 10-13-1873; died Pine Grove, W. Va. 9-23-1954; married May Grim, of Dr. Robert B. and ___ (Newman) Grim, born New Martinsville, W. Va. ; died Weston, W. Va. John is buried in the Maryin Cemetery, near Pine Grove, W. Va. ; May is buried in the Walker Cemetery, at New Martinsville, W. Va.

John and May resided throughout their married life in the area of Pine Grove, West Virginia where John was a farmer. They had no children.

496.MARY ELIZABETH FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Flu­harty, born Ross, Va. (now Piney, W. Va.) 3-18-1856; died Piney, W. Va. 10-8-1939; unmarried. Buried in the Wiley Cemetery, at Piney, W. Va.

Mary Elizabeth Fluharty spent her entire lifetime in the area of Piney, West Virginia.

497. JAMES FLETCHER FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Flu­harty, born Ross, Va. (now Piney, W. Va.) 4-29-1857; died Piney, W. Va. 1903; unmarried. Buried in the Wiley Cemetery, at Piney, W. Va.

James Fletcher Fluharty spent his entire lifetime in the area of Piney, West Virginia where he was a farmer. He also, with his brothers, operated a general store there.

498. REBECCA ANN FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Fluharty, born Ross, Va. (now Piney, W. Va.) 12-17-1859; died Piney, W. Va. 1890; married Uriah Stackpole, who died at Haywood, W. Va.; further data not a­vailable. Rebecca is buried at Piney, W. Va.; Uriah is buried at Haywood, W. Va.


Uriah and Rebecca resided near Ross, now Piney, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1524. Emma Blanche Stackpole married Francis Lee Wharton. 1525. Della Stackpole married William Akins.

499. JOHN KELLEY FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Fluharty, born Ross, Va. (now Piney, W. Va.) 1-27-1862; died Reader, W. Va. 5-7-1958; married 6-17-1888, Sarah Saphena Miller, of Israel and Elizabeth ( Steele) Miller, born Piney, W. Va. 2-2-1868; died Vienna, W. Va. 8-7-1957. Both are buried in the Milburn Cemetery, at Reader, W. Va.

Kelley and Sarah resided throughout their married life, of nearly 70 years, in the Ross-Piney area of West Virginia. In addition to farming, he was a mortician for some 40 years before retiring in 1930. He also, with his broth­ers, operated a general store in Ross for many years; this store burned in 1911. He continued farming until after 80 years of age; lived to be 96 years old and his wife lived to be 89 years old.


1526. Vada Frances Fluharty married Samuel Thomas Griffith. 1527. JESSE FLUHARTY, born Ross, W. Va. 1-24-1890; died Ross, W.

Va. 1-21-1891; buried Steele Cemetery, at Ross, W. Va. 1528. Ada Florence Fluharty married William Norman Wharton. 1529. & 1530. TWINS FLUHARTY, born and died Ross, W. Va. about

1894; buried Ross, W. Va. 1531. CLARENCE FLUHARTY, born Ross, W. Va. 12-28-1895; died Ross,

W. Va. 11-22-1898; buried Steele Cemetery, at Ross, W. Va. 1532. Homer Taylor Fluharty married Opal Jane Nixon. 1533. Martha Jane Fluharty married William L. Herron. 1534. Hazel Fluharty married Weston William Griffith. 1535. Daisy Fluharty married William Jennings Cannon. 1536. Mildred Fluharty married Harry Glenn Pitts. 1537. Irene Fluharty married Lawrence T. Anderson.

500. HENRY EDWARD FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Flu­harty, born Ross, W. Va. 1864; died Ross, W. Va. 1914; unmarried. Buried in the Wiley Cemetery, at Piney, W. Va.

H. Edward Fluharty resided at home, with his parents, where he was a farmer.

501. WILLIAM LAFAYETTE FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 12-9-1870; died Middlebourne, W. Va. 5-25-1951; married (1) Jane Talkington, who died at Ross, W. Va.; further data not available. William married (2) 4-16-1910, Inez Cunningham, of James Lindsay and Virginia (Weekly) Cunningham, born Piney, W. Va. 8-22-1890; died St. Albans, W. Va. 5-5-1963. William and Inez are buried in the Green­wood Cemetery, at Middlebourne, W. Va.; Jane is buried in the Talkington Cemetery, at Braden Station, W. Va.


William and Jane Fluharty resided in Piney, West Virginia; William and Inez resided in Elizabeth, Ross, Pursley and Middlebourne, West Virginia. William Fluharty taught school, farmed and, with his brothers, operated a general store at Piney, West Virginia.


5Martha Jane )

1538. James Ira Fluharty never married. 5 4


1539. Martha Virginia Fluharty married Robert Drew. 1540. Intha Leah Fluharty married Gilt Meletti. 1541. Wilma Nadene Fluharty married Herman Lewis.

502. LUCINDA FRANCES FLUHARTY, of William and Martha (Alley) Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 1874; died Ross, W. Va. 6-16-1884.

503. GEORGE B. ALLEY, of William Leeper and Matilda Alley, born near Lynn Camp, Va. (now W. Va.) 12-27-1861; died Moundsville, W. Va. 6-13-1944; married 2-25-1888, Sarah E. Kerns, born about 1872; died at Moundsville, W. Va. Both are buried in the Bowman Cemetery, near Lynn Camp, W. Va.

George and Sarah Alley resided in Moundsville, West Virginia where he was a merchant and farmer. They had no children.

504. JOHN WILLIAM ALLEY, of William Leeper and Matilda Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 3-12-1865; died Moundsville, W. Va. 6-25-1950; married (1) 1-25-1891, Viola McHenry, of James and Martha (Friedly) Mc Henry, born Marshall Co., W. Va. ; died Marshall Co., W. Va. John W. married (2) 11-20-1920, Clara Bell Blake, of John and Lucy (Mccardle) Blake, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 10-6-1883; died near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 7-28-1935. All three are buried in Bowman Cemetery, near Lynn Camp.

John W. and Viola and Clara Alley resided throughout their lives in the rural areas of Marshall County, West Virginia?here h-I was/ farmer..


1542. & 1543. WlLEY & RILEY ALLEY (twins) born Marshall Co., W. Va. 3-12-1891; died Marshall Co., W. Va.

1544. Ella Emma Christena Alley married C11frles J.4


1545. Jennie E. Alley married Harold W. Cunningham. 1546. Melvin Elwood Alley married

505. MARTHA JANE ALLEY, of William Leeper and Matilda Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 7-10-1870; married (1) 5-17-1888, Elijah D. "Dick" Young, born 1861. Martha Jane married (2) 6-7-1921, William E. Mason, born 1867; further data unavailable. All three are buried in the Bowman Cem­etery, near Lynn Camp, W. Va.

Resided in rural areas around Lynn Camp, West Virginia; storekeeper and farmer. I have no record of ch.ildren.


506. ELIAS SHERIDAN ALLEY, of William Leeper and Matilda Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 6-20-1873; died Glendale, W. Va. 9-3-1952; married 8-8-1895, Mary Hannah Young, of Reason and Catherine (Allen) Young, born 9-22-1874; died McMechen, W. Va. 2-16-1959. Burial places not yet ascertained.

Elias Sheridan and "Mollie" Alley resided throughout their married life in Marshall County, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF ELIAS S. & MARY ALLEY (Elias S. 5Leeper4Jane3)

1547. William Forrest Alley married Vella Church. 1548. IVY ALLEY, died 8-6-1898, aged 6 days. 1549. ISA ODENA ALLEY, born 1-19-1900; married ___ Barbour. 1550. THELMA (or Velma) ALLEY, born 12-28-1906; married __ _

Steigner. 1551. Willard Virgil Alley married Maxine ___ _ 1552. LE LA ALLEY married ____ Barr.

507. MELISSA MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born about 1858; married William Johnson; further data not available to us.

508. MARY FRANCES MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born about 1860; married Edward Kent; further da~ not available to us.


1553. Sarah Florence Kent married John Webster B. Alley#525. 1554. ROSCOE KENT 1555. LUCY KENT never married. 1556. OLLIE KENT 155 7. BERNARD KENT 1558. MABLE KENT

509. MARTHA DELROY MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morg­an, born about 1861; married Joseph Clark; further data not avaUable to us.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & MARTHA CLARK (Martha Rebecca Jane )


511. FLORENCE E. MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born about 1865; married Ed Coast; further data not a5ailable t~ us.

3 CHILDREN OF ED & FLORENCE COAST (Florence Rebecca Jane )


512. ELIZA L. MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born 181

about 186 7; married Ferman Dawkins; further data not available to us. CHILDREN OF FERMAN & ELLA DAWKINS (Ella5Rebecca4Jane



513. IDA ARIZONA MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born Jackson Co., W. Va. 7-20-1869; died Chillicothe, Oh. 7-25-1959; mar­ried 9-25-1895, Jacob Foster Alley#520.

For further data see H520. 514. JOHN MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born in

Jackson Co., W. Va.; married Clara Byers; turther dfta nog available to us. CHILD OF JOHN & CLARA MORGAN (John Rebecca Jane )

1576. CHARLES MORGAN 515. ROSE MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born Jack­

son Co., W. Va. 1871; died 1954; married John Wesley Richmond, born 1872; died 1945; further data not available to us.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF JOHN W. & ROSE RICHMOND (Rose Rebecca Jane )


516. LEOTA MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born Jackson Co., W. Va. ; married Charles Thorn; further data not available.

517. LAURA MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born Jackson Co., W. Va. ; married Frank Hager; f;urther data no; available.

CHILD OF FRANK & LAURA HAGER (Laura Rebecca4Jane )

1582. KENNETH HAGER 518. CHARLES MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born

Jackson Co., W. Va. 1881; living, 1968; further data not available to us. Charles is a doctor living in Texas.

5 4 3 CHILD OF CHARLES & MORGAN (Charles Rebecca Jane )

1583. ____ MORGAN married J. Paul Byard. 519. KATHLEEN MORGAN, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan,

born Jackson Co., W. Va. 1883; living, 1967; married Jacob Powers; fur­ther data not available to us.


520. JACOB FOSTER ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 4-17-1870; died Chillicothe, Oh. 10-29-1945; mar­ried 9-25-1895, Ida Arizona Morgan#513, of Charles and Rebecca (Alley) Morgan, born Jackson Co., W. Va. 7-20-1869; died Chillicothe, Oh. 7-25-1959. Both are buried in Grandview Cemetery, at Chillicothe, Oh.

J. Foster and Ida Alley took up residence in the area of Lynn Camp, West Virginia where he was a farmer. They later removed to Chillicothe, Ohio and Mr. Alley was employed by the Ohio Power and Electric Company.

5 Lf. 3 CHILDREN OF J. FOSTER & IDA ALLEY (J. Foster John Jane )

5 4 3 (Ida Rebecca Jane ) 1584. Hazel Arline Alley married Harold T. Ruff. 1585. Wilfred Morgan Alley married (1) Winona Lewis (2) Winifred Davis. 1586. Naomi Pauline Alley married George Wellenreiter. 1587. John Rupert Alley married Alice Rush. 1588. Charles Foster Alley married Madge Sands.

521. NANCY JANE ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 10-17-1871; married 12-29-1892, Calvin ReedRush; further data not available to us.

522. MARGARET ODESSA ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 2-17-1874; died 5-2-1929; married 9-15-1894, Lindsey Criswell, of Lloyd and Elizabeth (Greathouse) Criswell, born Nauv~ oo Ridge, Marshall Co., W. Va. 8-9-1871; died 11-14-1959. Both are buried in the Nauvoo Cemetery (at Mormon Church), near Lynn Camp, W. Va.

Lindsey and Margaret Odessa Criswell resided throughout their married life in Marshall County and Wheeling, West Virginia; he was a farmer.


1589. JOHN CRISWELL married (1) Irene Hall (2) Betty Prager. 1590. ERMA NOEL CRISWELL, born 3-7-1897; died 3-18-1905; buried in

Nauvoo Cemetery. 1591. NELL CRISWELL married Harold Miller. 1592. WILLIAM CRISWELL married Peggy McLaster. 1593. JESSIE CRISWELL married Arthur Morris.

523. CHARLES SPENCER ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 1876; to Asheville, N. C.; further data not a­vailable to us.

524. JOHN WILLIAM ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. about 1878; further data not available. This child is included, as found in the census of 1880.

525. JOHN WEBSTER B. ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 2-12-1881; died Glendale, W. Va. 6-30-1938; married 1-15-1909, Sarah Florence Kent#1553, of Edward and Frances (Morg­an) Kent, born Jackson Co., W. Va. 5-20-1890; died Cameron, W. Va. 1-19-1965. Both are buried in the Cameron Cemetery, at Cameron, W. Va.

Webster and Sarah Alley resided throughout their married life in the area of Cameron, West Virginia where he was a farmer.


5 4 3 CHILDREN OF WEBSTER & SARAH ALLEY (Webster John Jane )

6 5 4 (Sarah Frances Rebecca ) 1594. Bertie V. Alley 1595. Herbert Dale Alley married Ethel Marie Sampson. 1596. Bernice Alley married (1) Franklin O. Williamson(2) __ Fisher. 1597. Denzel Kelley Alley married Bertha I. Sampson. 1598. Otis R. E. Alley married Gretta Antoinette Baker. 1599. Walter Ray Alley married Mary Wise. 1600. William Webster Alley 1601. Victor Elwood Alley married Loretta Jean Goff.

526. REBECCA A. ALLEY, of John Kelley and Martha Ann Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 11-23-1882; died near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 12-22-1907; unmarried. Buried Nauvoo Cemetery (Nauvoo Ridge), near Lynn Camp, W. Va.

527. WOOD BRUCE ALLEY, of Uriah T. and Brucie (Clouston) Alley, born Cameron, W. Va. 11-20-1895; died near Cameron, W. Va. 12-28-1962; married (1) 10-11-1915, Bertie E. Palmer, born about 1899; living, 1968. He married (2) Helen Fisher, of John and Amelia (Checkonoski) Fisher, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 11-21-1905; died Cameron, W. Va. 2-10-1969. Wood and Helen are buried in the Cameron Cemetery, at Cameron, W. Va.

Wood and Bertie Alley resided in the area of Cameron, West Virginia; she now resides in Cleveland, Ohio. Wood and Helen resided in the area of Cameron, West Virginia; he was a farmer and horge tra1er.


1602. Theresa Frances Alley married (1) James Bradley

1603. Thomas Alley married Rachel Gump. 528. JOHNS. TAYLOR, of John and Martha (Hennen) Taylor, born in

Greene Co., Pa. 1853; further data not available. John S. Taylor left home while yet a young boy and was never again heard

from. In the will of his grandfather, George Hennen, he was left "as for my grandson John S. Taylor his conduct has been so unbecoming and disgusting that I will him $1. 00 one dollar to be paid when called for." So far as we are able to learn it was never called for.

529. GEORGE HENNEN TAYLOR, of John and Martha (Hennen) Taylor, born Greene Co., Pa. ; died Greene Co., Pa. 1-31-1858, aged 2 years. He is buried in the Hennen Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

530. MARTHA A. TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 1861; died Greene Co., Pa. 6-11-1938; married 6-25-1881, Thomas J. Blatchley, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-6-1852; died Greene Co., Pa. 7-21-1908. Both are buried in the Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa. (Ruff Creek).

Thomas and "Mattie" Blatchley resided in the area of Sycamore, Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.



George3) 1604. Jennie Blatchley married Charles Landes Throckmorton. 1605. J. William Blatchley married Daisy C. Mc Nay. 1606. ALBERT CLARENCE BLATCHLEY, born Sycamore, Pa. 3-31-1886;

died Sycamore, Pa. 4-9-1895; buried Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery. 1607. ETHEL C. BLATCHLEY, born Sycamore, Pa. 2-14-1892; died Syc­

amore, Pa. 2-5-1895; buried Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery. 1608. Clarice Dale Blatchley married Oakey Sellers.

531. MARGARET J. TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 1-11-1863; died near New Freeport, Pa. 5-17-1895; unmarried. Buried Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

532. 0. HOMER TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 1865; died Jacksonburg, W. Va. 3-9-1933; married 6-15-1903, Rachel Alice Bland, of Henry H. and Perie A. Bland, born near Grantsville, W. Va. 6-10-1881; died Jacksonburg, W. Va. 4-26-1923. Both are buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Homer and Alice Taylor resided throughout their married life in the area of Jacksonburg, West Virginia where he was a fa5mer and


CHILD OF HOMER & ALICE TAYLOR (Homer Deborah George )

1609. Maurice Glenn Taylor married Leila Robey. 533. ALBERT TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, bornnear

Waynesburg, Pa. 1867; died 1-6-1948; unmarried. Buried Bethlehem Bap­tist Cemetery, north of Waynesburg, Pa.

Albert Taylor resided throughout.his lifetime in Greene County, Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer. His later years were spent in the Ruff Creek area.

534. VERNON 0. TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 5-22-1868; died Washington, Pa. 6-24-1902; unmar­ried. Buried Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

At the time of his death, Vernon Taylor was engaged in constructing a telegraph line, as an employee of the South West Pipe Line Company.

535. MARY ELIZABETH TAYLOR, of John and Deborah (Hennen) Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 11-6-1870; died Garrison, Pa. 1-22-1956; mar­ried 6-26-1898, Charles M. Taylor, of Samuel and Jane Taylor, born Pine Bank, Pa. 5-1-1872; died near New Freeport, Pa. 11-9-1904. Both are bur­ied in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Charles and Mary Taylor resided throughout the short span of their mar­ried life in the areas of New Freeport and Garrison, Pennsylvania; Mr. Tay­lor was a farmer and blacksmith. Mary later resided for some years in the area of Steubenville, Ohio.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF CHARLES & MARY TAYLOR (Mary Deborah George )

1610. Ina Jean Taylor married John Thomas Knight. 1611. RALPH TAYLOR, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 4-13-1900; died Hundred,


W. Va. 10-19-1933; unmarried. Buried Sand Hill Cemetery. 1612. LAURA VERNE TAYLOR, born Pine Bank, Pa. 6-25-1903; died

New Freeport, Pa. 2-16-1922; buried Sand Hill Cemetery. 1613. Samuel Taylor married Orletta Wickham.

536. FRANCIS W. HENNEN, of Thomas Monroe and Rachel Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 11-22-1869; died near Jollytown, Pa. 5-18-1941; unmar­ried. Buried in Fairview M. E. (South) Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Frank and his sister, Tina, resided throughout their lifetime on the home farm of their parents; Frank was a farmer.

537. GEORGE B. HENNEN, of Thomas Monroe and Rachel Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-14-1871; died Greene Co., Pa. 10-26-1957; married 9- -1902, Anna Morford, of J. Lee and Mary (Berdine) Morford, born in Greene Co., Pa. 9-26-1872; died near Jollytown, Pa. 4-10-1949. Both are buried in the Fairview M. E. (South) Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

George and Anna Hennen resided throughout their married life in the a­rea of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Mr. Hennen was al­so a well known musician, having taught many of the young people of his home area to play musical instruments. He was also quite active in the local band formed at Hero, Pennsylvania. (Hero is a no longer existing community.)

538. TINA ANGELINE HENNEN, of Thomas and Rachel Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-14-1874; died near Jollytown, Pa. 2-5-1944; unmar­ried. Buried in the Fairview M. E. (South) Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Tina and her brother, Frank, resided throughout their entire lifetime on the home farm of their parents.

In her seventy years of living in the Jollytown area, Tina A. Hennen en­deared herself to the entire area. She was a very faithful church worker and speaker. She was the person who named the small community of Hero (now non-existent); she also named Homeside, a suburb of Morgantown, W. Va. About 1906 she wrote a very interesting article "Home Life on the Farm" which, after her death, was published as a memorial to her. A copy of this booklet has been given to us by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wildman, neighbors of Tina Hennen.

539. OCIE ALBERTA HENNEN, of Oliver Spencer and Rebecca Sedora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-30-1877; died Waynesburg, Pa. 2-2-1959; married 10-26-1904, Lindsey John Lightner, of Nathaniel and Lucinda (Barker) Lightner, born Morris Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-27-1872; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10-8-1954. Both are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Lindsey and Ocie resided throughout their married life in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he worked as a carpenter. Ocie was a very fine seam-· stress, in addition to her duties as a housewife and mother. She remained quite active until she sustained a fall which resulted in a broken hip; she died some two months later.


5Spencer George


1614. Ralph Hennen Lightner married Evelyn Bryan. 186

540. ORLEY DENVER HENNEN, of Oliver Spencer and Rebecca Sedora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-24-1879; died Martins Ferry, Oh. 10-30-1961; married 10-6-1917, Mary Wilma Patton, of William Patton; she is yet living, 1968.

Orley and Wilma Hennen resided throughout their married life in the a­rea of Martins Ferry, Ohio where he worked in the steel mills. They had no children.

541. ZOLA JANE HENNEN, of Oliver Spencer and Rebecca Sedora Henn­en, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1-3-1881; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-27-1965; unmarried. Buried Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Zola removed, with her parents, to the Sycamore area of Greene County, Pennsylvania about 1890. They resided there for some years before taking up permanent residence in Waynesburg (Pa.) where Zola spent the reaminder of her years.

Zola Hennen attended Waynesburg College, School of Music, at Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania where she graduated in the class of 1920. She also stud­ied under Jean Tin Have of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (at Cincinn­ati, Oh.) and Charles Cricke of Albany, New York.

Miss Hennen taught violin at Waynesburg College School of Music for a number of years, in addition to her private pupils. She had been director of the orchestra at First Baptist Church in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania for a­bout forty years. Miss Hennen was a member of the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association and the National Association of Music.

542. ALONZO GEORGE HENNEN, of Oliver Spencer and Rebecca Sedora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-26-1882; died Waynesburg, Pa. 3-3-1967; married 11-18-1914, Bessie Viola Moore, of William Arthur and Eliza­beth Hannah (Guthrie) Moore, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 11-1891; died Waynesburg, Pa. 12-28-1935. Both are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Lon and Bess Hennen resided throughout their married life in Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania where he worked for many years as a plastering contract­or. A fall suffered some twenty years before his death had made him an in­valid for the remainder of his life.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF LON & BESS HENNEN (Lon Spencer George )

1615. Cicely Jane Hennen married Arden Leslie Turner. 1616. INFANT HENNEN, born and died Waynesburg, Pa.; buried Green

Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa. 543. MONAD JAMES HENNEN, SR., of Oliver Spencer and Rebecca Se­

dora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-13-1884; died Waynesburg, Pa. 9-19-1966; married (1) 9-13-1906, Jessie Salome Shape, of William L. and Mary Jane (Loughman) Shape, born near West Union, Pa. 4-4-1885; died Waynesburg, Pa. 3-9-1939. Monad married (2) 2-8-1952, Mrs. Leona Mar­garet Blaker, of John Culver and Elizabeth (Hunnell) Sharpnack, born Car­michaels, Pa. 5-11-1895; living, 1969. Salome is buried in Oakmont Ceme­tery, near Waynesburg, Pa.; Monad is buried in Laurel Point Cemetery, at


Carmichaels, Pa. Monad J. and Salome Hennen resided throughout their married life in

Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he was, for many years, a plastering con­tractor.

Monad and Leona resided in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. For some twenty-four years she has been Tax Collector for Car-michaels Borough.

4 5 3 CHILDREN OF MONAD & SALOME HENNEN (Monad Spencer George )

1617. Conrad Vane Hennen married Florabel Shriver Dulaney. 1618. Bernard Dane Hennen died young. 1619. Kenneth Spencer Hennen married Helen Crouse. 1620. Noma Maud Hennen married Kenneth L. Cupler. 1621. Neva Zola Hennen married Robert Myers. 1622. Monad James Hennen Jr. married Dorothy Mae Tennant.

544. MlLTON F. WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) Wbite, born near St. Cloud, W, Va. 9-14-1863; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-25-1885; unmarried. Buried Thomas Wbite Family Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

545. LYDIA ANN WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) Wbite, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 6-11-1865; died Wheeling, W. Va. 12-7-1932; mar­ried 1-10-1889, John N. Stiles, of John C. and Alice (Darling) Stiles, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 9-22-1863; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-22-1949. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

John and Lydia Stiles resided throughout their married life in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1622a. ORA MAY STILES, born 8-10-1889; died 10-16-1904; buried Oak Forest Cemetery.

1622b. Ada Alice Stiles married Edward Lemley. 1622c. Milton Curtis Stiles married Blanch Tennant. 1622d. Thomas Dayton Stiles married Ruth Bonar. 1622e. Rebecca Darling Stiles married Vance Atkinson. 1622f. Donley Lee Stiles married (1) Flossie Tennant

(2) Mrs. Ruth Billingslea4.'1889. 1622g. Mary Lucy Stiles married Melford Tennant. 1622h. Harry Virgil Stiles married Donna Randolph. 1622i. Paul Edward Stiles married (1) Charlotte Lough#2140.

(2) Margaret McElroy Cordray 1622j. Alex Luther Stiles never married.

546. HARRIET WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-6-1869 (or 1867); died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 12-28-1874. Buried Thomas Wbite Family Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

547. SARAH MAY WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) Wbite, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-20-1871; married 3-6-1890, Cephas S. Manning.

Cephas and Sarah Manning resided in Rogers, Ohio; his will is dated as 188

of 9-29-1949 and recorded 7-23-1951. 3


Levi )

1623. Albert T. Manning married ________ _ 1624. Homer Manning married Anna ____ _ 1625. John Morgan Manning married Dorothy ___ _

548. SIMON JESSE WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-7-1873; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-11-1911; married 1-12-1902, Lydia D. White, of Stephen and Martha (Phillips) White, born Greene Co., Pa. 7-23-1876; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-3-1966. Both are buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Simon and Lydia White resided throughout their married life in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Lydia continued to re­side there after the death of Simon. She had a new home built for herself and her four small children and remained there ugtil her d4ath.


1626. Frank L. White married Hazel Jacques. 1627. Robert White married Maude Talkington. 1628. Martha White never married. 1629. Philip White married Fern Thomas.

549. LEVI WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 5-4-1875; died Belmont, Oh. 8-19-1959; married 8-6-1899, Metta Watson, of William and Sarah (Pethtel) Watson, born near Waynes­burg, Pa. 4-25-1878; died Globe, Ariz. 9-30-1958. Both are buried in Globe, Ariz.

Levi and Metta White resided in the White Creek area (near St. Cloud) of Monongalia County, West Virginia until 1914 when they sold their farm and moved to Belmont County, Ohio. There they farmed until 1930 when they re­moved to Sewickley, Pennsylvania where Levi was employed as the Dairy­man on the Chalfant Estate (in Sewickley Heights) for 25 years. Upon their retirement, Levi and Metta bought a small home in Globe, Arizona where they lived until the death of Metta. Levi then visited with his daughters and died in the home of his daughter, Josephine Borw.


1630. Josephine White married Dewey L. Bond. 1631. Charles Lee White married Ruth Woods. 1632. Esther White married (1) Horace Holt (2) David Campbell. 1633. Blanche White married William Boruff. 1634. Wilma White married Willard Shoecraft.

550. HOMER WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-28-1877; died Wheeling, W. Va. 6-24-1930; married (1) 8-9-1905, Jessie Joyent, of Edward Aloysius and Anna Eliza (Winter) Joy­ent, born Wheeling, W. Va. 6-2-1882; died Wellsburg, W. Va. 12-18-1918. Homer married (2) 3-6-1924, Laura Andrews, of Edwin and Mary (Linton)


Andrews, born Brooke Co., W. Va. 1883; died Wheeling, W. Va. 11-29-1955. All three are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Wheeling, W. Va.

Homer White attended Wheeling Business College (at Wheeling, W. Va.) where he met his future wife, Jessie Jane Joyent. Following his college ed­ucation he pursued the career of a school teacher.

Homer and Jessie established a home in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; later they moved to Wellsburg, West Virginia where they resided until separated by her death. Homer and Laura also resided in the Wellsbur.ff are'rl.


1635. EDWARD THOMAS WHITE, born Waynesburg, Pa. 9-14-1906; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10-6-1911; buried Greenwood Cemetery, at Wheel­ing, W. Va.

1636. Homer Joyent White married Mabel Epling. 551. ALEXANDER WHITE, of Thomas and Rebecca (Hennen) White, born

near St. Cloud, W. Va. 2-15-1880; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-_-1959; married (1) 4-30-1911, Elizabeth Renner, of George W. and Elizabeth (Case­man) Renner, born 1887; died 1948. Alexander married (2) Frances Renner, of G€orge W. and Elizabeth (Caseman) Renner, born 6-10-1884; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-9-1964. All three are buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

"Alex" and "Ada" White resided throughout their married life in the area of Wadestown and St. Cloud, West Virginia. For many years Mr. White was cashier and president of the Bank of Wadestown (at Wadestown, W. Va.). He also pursued the life of a farmer throughout most of his lifetime. Alex and Ada spent their later years on White Creek where his ancestors had settled many years earlier. Alex and Frances also resided there.


Lev?) 1637. RALPH M. WHITE married Evelyn ___ _ 1638. ALMA WHITE married ____ Snider. 1639. FRED R. WHITE married ______ _

552. THEODOCIA LEACH, of James and Nancy (Tustin) Leach, born at Wadesville, W. Va. 6-19-1870; died Wadesville, W. Va. 1-1-1871. Buried Wadesville Cemetery, at Wadesville, W. Va.

553. MARTHA LUCINDA LEACH, of James and Nancy (Tustin) Leach, born Wadesville, W. Va. 1-16-1872; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-11-1945; married 3-15-1908, Francis Doane Sams, of Frank W. and Victoria Ann (Milstead) Sams, born Lubeck, W. Va. 10-12-1870; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-23-1922. Both buried in Fairview Cemetery, near Parkersburg, W. Va.

Doane and Lucinda Sams resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as a bag~ge-m'rlster.


Nancy Martha)

1640. Mary Sams married Christopher T. Osburn. 1641. James Sams married Aline Perry.


554. OLIVE ANNE LEACH, of James and Nancy (Tustin) Leach, born Wadesville, W. Va. 12-23-1873; died Pleasant Hill (near Parkersburg), W. Va. 9-23-1940; married 12-1-1896, Joseph Ira Schultz, of William and Nan­cy (Nicely) Schultz, born Wood Co., W. Va. 11-10-1874; died Pleasant Hill, W. Va. 12-11-1958. Both are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, south of Parkersburg, W. Va.

Joseph and Anne Schultz resided near Parkersburg, West Virginia; he was a farmer.



1642. IRA W. SCHULTZ, died 6-24-1968; buried Dallas, Tex.; married Violet Roop.

1643. CORA B. SCHULTZ, born 2-14-1907; living, 1968; married Harry Williams.

1644. IRIS SCHULTZ married Brooks C. Layman. 1645. Nancy L. Schultz married T. M. Collins. 1646. CHARLES H. SCHULTZ married (1) Hallie Roop (2) Dorothy Travis. 1647. HARRY A. SCHULTZ married Clara Marty. 1648. CLAIR C. SCHULTZ married (1) Hannah Blair \2) Ruby McDonald.

555. MARY LEACH, of James and Nancy (Tustin) Leach, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 9-1-1875; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-8-1941; married 4-4-1900, David Franklin Cook, of Benjamin Franklin and Permelia Isabelle Cook, born Pleasant Hill (near Parkersburg), W. Va. 4-29-1876; died Park­ersburg, W. Va. 5-29-1905. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, south of Parkersburg, W. Va.

David and Mary Cook resided in the Pleasant Hill area of Wood County, West Virginia; he was a farmer.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF DAVID & MARY COOK (Mary Nancy Martha )

1649. Harold Franklin Cook married Letha Nicholas. 1650. ERNEST MELVIN COOK, born Pleasant Hill, W. Va.; died Spencer,

W. Va. ; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery. 1651. Anna Mary Cook married Harold E. Woodgerd.

556. ELVA IDELLA LEACH, of James and Nancy (Tustin) Leach, born Wadesville, W. Va. 6-25-1879; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 6-19-1944; mar­ried 12-12-1901, Oren Alphes Sams, of Frank W. and Victoria Ann (Mil­stead) Sams, born Tygart Dist., Wood Co., W. Va. 4-19-1872; died Park­ersburg, W. Va. 6-3-1951. Both are buried in Fairview Cemetery, south of Parkersburg, W. Va.

Oren and Idella Sams resided in the Parkersburg area of West Virginia where he was a salesman and service station operator for Standard Oil Comp-

any. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF OREN & IDELLA SAMS (Idella Nancy Martha )

1652. OREN ALPHES SAMS married Goldie Burger. 1653. ELVA SAMS married M. C. Stewart.


557. EDITH ANNE TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 10-14-1866; died Wadesville, W. Va. 10-10-1932; married Samuel James McVay, of George W. and Mahala (Forshey) McVay, born Wadesville, Va. (now W. Va.) 1852; died Wadesville, W. Va. 1931. Both are buried in the Wadesville Cemetery, at Wadesville, W. Va.

James and Anne McVay resided in Wadesville, West Virginia; he was one of the last "old time" blacksmiths in Wood County. They had no child­ren.

558. WILLIAM SMITH TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 7-12-1869; died Cleveland, Oh. 10-3-1936; marriedl- -1895, Clara Jane White, of Adam and Magdalene (Fankhauser) White, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 9-16-1870; died St. Petersburg, Fla. 9-2-1966. Both are bur­ied in Lubeck Cemetery, at Lubeck, W. Va.

William and Clara Tustin resided some time in Wadesville, West Virgin­ia; later in Chillicothe and Cleveland, Ohio. He was a farmer and later op-erated a wholesale hardware business.


5Thomas Martha )

1654. Vinna Lucilla Tustin married Jean De Jen. 559. ALBERT MONROE TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born

Wadesville, W. Va. 8-25-1873; died Marietta, Oh. 4-2-1943; married Mary Pauline Fankhauser, of Frederick and Louisa (Mozier) Fankhauser, born Wadesville, W. Va. 9-29-1870; died Lubeck, W. Va. 5-30-1941. Both are buried in Lubeck Cemetery, at Lubeck, W. Va.

Albert and Mary Tustin resided in the area of Lubeck, West Virginia; he was a farmer and carpenter. They had no children.

560. IVY TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wadesville, W. Va. 4-10-1877; died Wadesville, W. Va. 4-10-1897; unmarried. Buried Wades­ville Cemetery, at Wadesville, W. Va.

561. ELLEN ETTA TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 1-14-1880; died Washington, W. Va. 12-22-1951; married 1912, George T. Byrd, of Harry Dillard and Mary Matilda (Davis) Byrd, born Byrd Ridge, Wood Co., W. Va. 12-13-1875; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-29-1957. Both are buried in Lubeck Cemetery, at Lubeck, W. Va.

George and Ella Byrd resided at Washington, West Virginia where he was a farmer. They had no children.

562. MARY OLIVE TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 4-25-1883; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-3-1950; married 7-27-1913, John Monroe Armstrong, of Samuel Arthur and Martha Lucinda (Soles) Armstrong, born near Lubeck, W. Va. 12-22-1883; died Vienna, W, Va. 11-24-1959. Both are buried in Lubeck Cemetery, at Lubeck, W. Va.

When first married, John and Olive Armstrong resided in Columbus, O­hio for one year; they then returned to the area of Lubeck, West Virginia where they spent the remainder of their years. Mr. Armstrong was first employed in the Parkersburg Steel Mills; later accepted employment with the Porcelain Products Company (now A. B. Chance Co.) where he worked


some forty years. The Armstrongs were active church workers and farmers at heart.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF JOHN & OLIVE ARMSTRONG (Olive Thomas Martha )

1655. Doris Opal Armstrong married William Earl Miller. 1656. Clyde Neal Armstrong married Virginia Daggs Murphy.

563. CLYDE R. TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wadesville, W. Va. 3-7-1886; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-17-1960; unmarried. Bur­ied in Lubeck Cemetery, at Lubeck, W. Va.

Clyde Tustin resided in the area of Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was a real estate broker during his later years. Previously he had been part owner of Tustin Lumber Mills, in Memphis, Tennessee; also he had traveled to Europe during World War I, to sell limber for ships. Other res­idences had included Chicago, Illinois, and Atlanta, Georgia.

564. CLARA VIRGINIA TUSTIN, of Thomas and Mary Tustin, born Wades­ville, W. Va. 1-7-1889; living, 1968; married 9-6-1921, George Dewey Fore, of Edward Adam and Elvira Elizabeth (Fore) Fore, born Grantsville, W. Va. 6-11-1898; living, 1968.

Dewey and Clara Fore reside ;n Parkersburg, West Virginia where he is employed by Mcclinton Auto Sales, having been a top Chevrolet salesman for some thirty-five years. He was formerly associated with Franklin Funeral

Home. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF DEWEY & CLARA FORE (Clara Thomas Martha )

1657. NINA PAULINE FORE, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-28-1924; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 6-1-1934; buried Lubeck Cemetery.

1658. Patty Ann Fore married Carol Loebig. 567. DORA ELLEN BIBBEE, of Rev. James and Martha (Tustin) Bibbee,

born Wood Co., W. Va. 7-1-1871; died Weston, W. Va. 2-10-1951; married 4-7-1892, Lorenzo D. Mick, of Solomon and Mary Elizabeth (Lawman) Mick, born near Buckhannon, W. Va. 4-3-1866; died Weston, W. Va, 5-10-1951. Both are buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Weston, W. Va.

Lorenzo and Dora Mick resided Gilmer, Lewis and Braxton Counties of West Virginia where he was a school teacher. He also served as a deputy assessor and justice of the peace, in the Weston area.

In the West Virginia School Journal a few years ago was an article about the family of Solomon Mick being the "Teachingest Family. 11 Solomon raised and educated sixteen children and, at the time of the article, more than one hundred and one members of the family (hi.s children and grandchildren) were

~~~IB. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF LORENZO & DORA MICK (Dora Martha Martha )

1659. James Earl Mick married Jeanette Lemley. 1660. Mary Goldie Mick never married. 1661. Okey Clyde Mick married (1) Agnes Wilfong (2) Velma Stutler.

568. ALLIE ETTA BIBBEE, of Rev. James and Martha (Tustin) Bibbee, 193

born Ritchie Co., W. Va. 2-4-1876; died Pennsboro, W. Va. 2-1-1934; mar­ried 11-8-1894, Benjamin Claud Hammond, of Cornelius and Elizabeth V. (Ridgeway) Hammond, born Mole Hill, W. Va. 11-5-1871; died Pennsboro, W. Va. 3-12-1948. Both are buried intheE. U. B. Cemetery, at Pennsboro.

Benjamin and Allie Hammond resided throughout their married life, ex­cept for two winters spent in Florida, in the Pennsboro area of West Virgin­ia. Mr. Hammond was a rural mail carrier for twenty-two years before his retirement; he also farmed.



1662. HARRY HAMMOND, born Pennsboro, W. Va. 1-21-1896; died Penns­boro, W. Va. 6-1-1896; buried E. U. B. Cemetery, at Pennsboro.

1663. Bessie Mae Hammond married Lacy Field Huff. 1664. Paul Revere Hammond married Betty Trues en.

569. CORA HENNEN, of Thomas and Cora Hennen; data on this child is contradictory--was she, or wasn't she?

570. OTTO CLYDE HENNEN, of Thomas and Cora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-2-1883; died 1949; married Hattie Dawson; further details not available.

The will of Otto Clyde Hennen is recorded in Wheeling, West Virginia; it was probated 5-13-1949. This record was written 1-10-1949, at which time he was a resident of Opportunity, Washington. Included as his only heirs were a brother, a sister and three nieces; therefore, it is likely to assume that he had no children and his wife had preceded him in death. He had previously resided in Detroit, Michigan.

571. MAUD HENNEN, of Thomas and Cora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1884; married (in Wheeling, W. Va.) 11-28-1912, Orange L. Simms, born Marshall Co., W. Va. about 1880; further details not yet learned.

In 1922 (when her father died) Maud Simms was living in St. Marys, Idaho; she must have died before 1949 as she is not mentioned in the will of Otto, her brother. Instead her three children shared in his estate. Further details have not yet been received.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF ORANGE & MAUD SIMMS (Maud Thomas B. Stephen )

1665. Cora Simms married _______ _ 1666. Ada Simms married ________ _ 166 7. Wilma Simms married ______ _

572. ADA HENNEN, of Thomas and Cora Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1888; married 12-17-1921, Charles Albert Allen, born Indianapolis, Ind. about 1887; further details not yet available.

Resided Wheeling, West Virginia. 573. JOHN PERCY HENNEN, of Thomas and Cora Hennen, born near Jol­

lytown, Pa. 2-22-1889; died Wheeling, W. Va. 1-3-1963; married (at Ben­wood, W. Va.) 1-16-1913, Ida Pauline Rigby, of George and Catherine (Wag­ner) Rigby, born 3-20-1891; living, 1969. John is buried in Greenwood Ceme­tery, at Wheeling, W. Va.


John and Ida Hennen resided in Benwood and Wheeling, West Virginia; Ida still resides in Wheeling. John P. Hennen was a machinist and worked in the steel mills. 5 4 3

CHILDREN OF JOHN P. & IDA HENNEN (John P. Thomas B. Stephen )

1668. Glenn Harry Hennen married Lucille Weeks. 1669. John Thomas Hennen married Martha Seaman.

5 75. ERMINNIE ISADORA HENNEN, of Rev. Russell and Martha Hennen, born near Wana, W. Va. 9-16-1875; died Charleston, W. Va. 9-17-1952;mar­ried (1) Berton Raybeck, born 3-30-1877; died Charleston, W. Va. 12-20-1958. Erminnie married (2) R. P. Weiford, of James H. and Margaret Wei­ford, born Hillsboro, W. Va. 1889; died Buckhannon, W. Va. 9-17-1951. Er­minnie is buried in Springhill Cemetery, at Charleston, W. Va.; Berton is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Coral Gables, Fla. ; R. P. Weiford is bur­ied in Oak Grove Cemetery, at Hillsboro, W. Va.

Berton and Erminnie Raybeck resided in Charleston, West Virginia; he was employed by the Carnegie Steel Company, of Braddock, Pennsylvania. Mr. Weiford and Erminnie resided in Buckhannon, West Virginia where he was employed on the railroad.

Berton and Erminnie were separated and he married, second, Mae Pru-~ooe ____ .



3 Stephen ) 1670. Wanda Raybeck married Charles McNeil. 1671. EVERETTE OTHA RAYBECK, born Pa. 3-14-1904; died Charles­

ton, W. Va. 4-2-1912; buried Springhill Cemetery, at Charleston. 1672. Russell Paul Raybeck married Ann Buck.

578. HALLIE BLANCHE HENNEN, of Rev. Russell and Martha Hennen, born near Wana, W. Va. 8-21-1881; living, 1968; married 6-20-1908, Otho Nimrod Mayfield, born 3-6-1881; died Bridgeport, Ill. 4-4-1961. He is bur­ied in Bridgeport, Ill.

Otho and Hallie Blanche Mayfield resided in Bridgeport, Illinois where she yet resides. Mr. Mayfield was employed by the Ohio Oil Company, as a pump-

er. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF OTHO & BLANCHE MAYFIELD (Blanche Russell Stephen )

1673. Bertha Mayfield married Jack Griggs. 1674. Paul Mayfield married Helen Grice. 1675. Raymond Mayfield married Eleanor Bridegroom. 1676. PHYLLIS MAYFIELD, born and died (young) in Bridgeport, Ill.

579. LILLIE MAYDEW HENNEN, of Rev. Russell and Martha Hennen, born Clay Co., W. Va. 5-1-1885; living, 1967; married (at Ellenboro, W. Va.) 3-13-1907, Elza Bert Lambert, of G. N. and Florence L. Lambert, born Ellenboro, W. Va. 8-25-1878; died Harrisville, W. Va. 1965. Elza is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Harrisville, W. Va.

Elza and Maydew Lambert resided throughout their married life ( except 195

for two years spent in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) in Harrisville, West Virgin-ia. Mr. Lambert was employed by the Imperial Oil and qas Com14any.

3 CHILDREN OF ELZA & MAYDEW LAMBERT (Maydew Russell Stephen )

1677. Alberta Marion Lambert married Chester William McKitrick. 1678. Dorothy Jean Lambert married Cletus Warren Webster. 1679. NED HENNEN LAMBERT, died in infancy.

580. WILLIAM RUSSELL HENNEN, of Rev. Russell and Martha Hennen, born Fayette Co., W. Va. 9-11-1888; died Charleston, W. Va. 8-24-1937; married Mamie Black, of Isaac Russell Black, born Upsher Co., W. Va. 2-14-1894; living, 1969. William R. Hennen is buried in the Springhill Cem­etery, at Charleston, W. Va.

William R. and Mamie Hennen resided in Charleston, West Virginia; she still resides there.

5 4 3


1680. Isaac Russell Hennen married Madeline Tabet. 1681. Naomi Ellen Hennen married Rev. Ulysses Holstein. 1682. Lucille Madew Hennen married Forrest Cottrill. 1683. Cloyd Ray Hennen married Eunice Ray. 1684. JAMES ERNEST HENNEN, born and died in Charleston, W. Va.;

buried Springhill Cemetery. 1685. Doris Lee Hennen married Dennis Townsend. 1686. Ruby Jeanne Hennen married Donald Rose.

581. EARLE CRANSTON HENNEN, of Rev. Russell and Martha Hennen, born Ripley, W. Va. 11-11-1892; living, 1968; married (1) 6-14-1913, Ruth Rust, of ___ and Mary Rust, born Charleston, W. Va. 12-10-1895; liv-ing. Earle C. married (2) 4-21-1937, Sarah Isabella Kokensparger, of Lewis Albin and Sarah (Wiswell) Kokensparger, born New Lexington, Oh. 12-8-1910; living, 1969.

Earle and Ruth Hennen were divorced in 1934. Earle and "Peggy" Hennen have resided in Fort Lauderdale, Florida since

1939, having moved there from Columbus, Ohio where Earle had resided the past ten years. Earle has been in sales work throughout most of his life; Peg­gy is employed as a physical therapist. There are no children.

583. JOHN PAUL WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Woodruff, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-16-1874; died Columbus, Oh. 1-13-1958; married Blanch Wiley, of John Wesley and Elizabeth (Morris) Wiley, born Wana, W. Va. 6-14-1882; died Waynesburg, Pa. 6-17-1963. John P. is buried in the Greenlawn Cemetery, at Columbus, Oh.; Blanch is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

John Paul Woodruff resided in South Bend, Indiana for more than fifty years where he was engaged in the real estate business. After his retire­ment, in 1954, he made his home in Columbus, Ohio with his brother and sister-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. E. Wesley Woodruff. John P. and Blanch had been separated for several years. They had no children.


584. CHARLES E. WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Wood­ruff, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-7-1876; died Cleveland, Oh. 1933; unmar­ried. Buried Riverview Cemetery, at South Bend, Ind.

Charles E. Woodruff devoted his life to helping others. In 1914 he moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he attended Bible School, became a minister and conducted services in a tabernacle for many years. He engaged himself in Rescue Mission work, administering to the needy by giving away, literally, thousands of loaves of bread. The city of Cleveland gave recognition of his endeavor and aided him therein.

585. MARY MAUDE WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Wood­ruff, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-11-1878; died Zanesville, Oh. 8-13-1967; married 12-27-1899, Benjamin Titus Kent, of Thomas Jefferson and Lucinda (Titus) Kent, born Mo. 11-3-1876; died Wheeling, W. Va. 4-19-1954. Both are buried in the Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Ben and Maude Kent resided for many years in Brave, Pennsylvania; he was a merchant and postmaster there. In 1914 they removed to Cameron, West Virginia where Mr. Kent owned and operated the Cameron Hardware Store until his retirement about 1951. Maude continued to maintain her res­idence in Cameron, but spent considerable time with her daughter, in Zanes-ville, Ohio. Mrs. Kent helped us with this history.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN & MAUDE KENT (Maude Belle Stephen )

1687. Arthur Glen Kent married Alta Monroe. 1688. Mabel Kent married Howard Fred Robinson.

586. WILLIAM LORNE WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Woodruff, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-7-1880; died Wheeling, W. Va. 3-18-1964; married 10-20-1906, Mabel Claire Bonar, of Everett William and Mary Eliza Josephine (Evans) Bonar, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 10-22-1885; living, 1969. William L. is buried in Mt. Rose Cemetery, at Moundsville, W. Va.

William L. and Mabel Claire Woodruff resided in the area of Wheeling, West Virginia where he had gone as a young man. Mr. Woodruff worked some years as a traveling salesman before becoming a representative for the Aca-cia Mutual Life Insurance Company.


Stephen3) 1689. William Lorne Woodruff, Jr. married Dorcas Poindexter. 1690. Robert Bonar Woodruff married Mrs. Betty Gardner.

587. ELIAS WESLEY WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Wood­ruff, born Wana, W. Va. 2-20-1883; living, 1969; married 8-28-1909, Cora Myrtle Rush, of Andrew and Elizabeth Jane (Main) Rush, born Pine Bank, Pa. 4-21-1886; living, 1969.

E. Wesley Woodruff moved with his parents, to South Bend, Indiana, in 1903; it was there that he received his call to the ministry, following in the footsteps of his father. During his studies and preparation for the ministry he came to Pennsylvania where he met and married Cora Rush.


Rev. Woodruff attended West Virginia Universi1y and the Moody Institute. He was assigned his first appointment in 1914. After serving the West Virgin­ia Methodist Conference some thirty-five years he and Mrs. Woodruff moved to Columbus, Ohio. There he served another church eight years before his retirement from the ministry in 1958. Rev. Woodruff has supplied parts of the information contained herein.


3 Stephen

1691. Paul Byron Woodruff married Louise Blankenship. 1692. GERALDINE CLAIRE WOODRUFF, born and died in Greene Co.,

Pa. (10 months old). 1693. Ferris Sunday Woodruff married (1) Dorothy Joseph

(2) Janet Greene. 588. ALICE WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Woodruff,

born Wana, W. Va. 8-5-1886; died Columbus, Oh. 5-14-1967; married (1) Nicholas Collins, of Eli Collins, born near Wana, W. Va. ; died near Wana, W. Va. 1940. Alice married (2) P. S. Robinson, further data not available. Alice is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, at Columbus, Oh.

Nicholas and Alice Collins resided throughout their married life in the area near Wana, West Virginia. After the death of "Nick", Alice moved to Columbus, Ohio where she spent the remainder of her Jife.


1694. Vivian Collins married Vincent Ursic. 1695. Vera Collins married Ernest P. McCormick.

589. VEE O. WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Woodruff, born Wana, W. Va. 3-25-1889; died Memphis, Tenn. 12- -1949; married Pearl Perry, further data not available.

Vee and Pearl Woodruff resided in South Bend, Indiana where she yet re­sides. For some years Vee Woodruff was associated with the Powell Lumb­er Company, of South Bend, Indiana; later he was transferred to the area of Memphis, Tennessee.


5Belle Stephen )

1696. Richard Woodruff married Phyllis ___ _ 1697. Shirley Woodruff married Vincent Masters.

590. SILAS HERSCHEL WOODRUFF, of Rev. John and Belle (Hennen) Woodruff, born Wana, W. Va. 5-19-1892; died Hampton Roads, Va. 1918; unmarried. Buried Riverview Cemetery, at South Bend, Ind.

While yet a young man Silas Woodruff joined the United States Navy. Dur­ing the terrible influenza epidemic of 1918 he became a victim of this disease which developed into pneumonia, causing his death.

591. CHESTER ALBERT HENNEN, of John and Emma (Hennen) Hennen, born Wadestown, W. Va. 11-15-1888; died McMechen, W. Va. 10-4-1962; married Marie Marple, of J. Edward and Nancy Marple, born McMechen, W. Va.; living, 1969. Chester is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Wheel-


ing, W. Va. Chester and Marie Hennen resided throughout their married life in the

area of McMechen, West Virginia where his widow yet resides. Mr. Hennen was an employee of the Wheeling Steel Corporation, retired at the time of his death. He had been an electrical welder.

4 5 3 CHILDREN OF CHESTER & MARIE HENNEN (Chester5John s4ephen )

3 (Chester Emma Alexander )

1698. Doris Hennen married Herschel U. Bissett. 1699. CHESTER ALBERT HENNEN, JR., born and died McMechen, W.Va.

at the age of three years; buried Greenwood Cemetery. 592. THOMAS ARTHUR HENNEN, of John and Emma (Hennen) Hennen,

born near New Freeport, Pa. 7-16-1898; living, 1969; married Esther Mor­ford, of James Herbert and Ella (Warner) Morford, born Allison Park, Pa. 1-9-1908; living, 1969.

Thomas and Esther Hennen reside in Valencia, Pennsylvania; they form­erly resided in Bakerstown, Pennsylvania. They have no children, but have raised a daughter of Esther: Rene Morford married John Dayna.

593. HARRY WINSTON HENNEN, of John and Emma (Hennen) Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa. 9-22-1900; living, 1969; married (at Connersville, Ind.) 6-22-1929, Gunhilda Lanning, of Gabriel and Tina Lanning, born Brisbin, Pa. 10-11-1896; living, 1969.

Harry and Gunhilda Hennen have resided throughout their married life in Cincinnati, Ohio where he was employed by the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company until his retirement in 1965. Harry graduated from the Michigan State Auto School, after which he was a mechanic for six years. He then at­tended Bliss Electric School from which he graduated in 192 7.


5John s4ephen )

3 (Harry Emma Alexander )

1700. Jean Hennen never married. 594. FREDERICK FRANCIS STAGGERS, of F. Marion and Louisa K.

(Hennen) Staggers, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-12-1883; died Waynesburg, Pa. 12-29-1945; married Virginia Stewart, born Mannington, W. Va.; died Waynesburg, Pa. 8-20-1933. Both are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Frederick and Virginia Staggers resided in Waynesburg, Eennsylv,r-nia. CHILD OF FREDERICK & VIRGINIA STAGGERS (Frederick


1 701. Katherine Staggers married William Huffman.

3 Stephen )

595. MARY ELIZABETH STAGGERS, of F. Marion and Louisa (Hennen) Staggers, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-14-1886; died near Garrison, Pa. 3-11-1960; married Ray Renner, of Kinsey and Prudence (Brewer) Renner, born near Garrison, Pa. 8-13-1887; died near Garrison, Pa. 3-30-1962. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Ray and Mary Renner resided near Garrison, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and stock-raiser. They had no children.

596. FLOSSIE CHLOE STAGGERS, of F. Marion and Louisa (Hennen) 199

Staggers, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-16-1889; living, 1969; married Elwood Kimble, of Samuel and Lydia (Main) Kimble, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-27-1882; died near Jollytown, Pa. 1-28-1956. Elwood is buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Elwood and Flossie Kimble resided near Jollytown, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. Mr. Kimble first worked in the oil fields, but later turned to farming. - 4


Louisa Stephen3


1702. Frances Geneva Kimble married (1) Graydon Wendt (2) Carl Roberts.

1703. Denzle Kenneth Kimble married Olive Wright. 597. LEROY WILLIAM CLOVIS, of Leroy and Elizabeth Mary (Hennen)

Clovis, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-6-1889; living, 1969; married 9-9-1929, May Phillips, of Benjamin Franklin and Mary (Hostutler) Phillips, bornnear Garrison, Pa. 8-9-1903; living, 1969.

Roy and May Clovis reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he is an Inheritance Tax Officer and May is Librarian at Waynesburg College. Roy Clovis graduated from Waynesburg College in the Class of 1911; May grad­uated from West Virginia Wesleyan College Jn the Cla'lics of 192§.

CHILDREN OF ROY & MAY CLOVIS (Roy Elizabeth Stephen )

1704. William Leroy Clovis married Helen Judith Weiss. 1705. James Stanley Clovis, unmarried.

598. STANLEY BROWN CLOVIS, of Leroy and Elizabeth Mary (Hennen) Clovis, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-21-1892; living, 1969; married 9-20-1922, Helen Frances Kennedy, of George Lincoln and Florinda (Pollock) Kennedy, born Mt. Morris, Pa. ; living, 1969.

Stanley Clovis attended Waynesburg College and Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, graduating from the latter in the class of 1917. He is a veteran of World War I.

Dr. and Helen Clovis reside in Blacksville, West Virginia where he has maintained a dental practice some fifty years. He spent a short time in the Hundred area (W. Va.) before settling permanently in Blacksville. They have no children.

599. MARY ELIZABETH HENNEN, of Dr. Stanton and Lucy Hennen, born Moundsville, W. Va. ; living, 1969; married Julian Critton Fletcher, of James and Catherine (Critton) Fletcher, born Columbus, Oh.; living, 1969.

Julian and Mary Fletcher reside in Chillicothe, Ohio where he is owner­manager of Central Auto Parts, Incorporated. Mary graduated from Mount Union College in the Class of 1925, with a B. S. degree. She taught in the Moundsville (W. Va.) High School for two years. When her parents moved to Ohio she went with them and took a position, as a secretary, with the Co­lumbus Dispatch where she worked from 1927 through 1931.

Mary has helped tremendously with this effort and her help is deeply ap­preciated.


5 4 3 CHILD OF JULIAN & MARY FLETCHER (Mary Stanton Stephen )

1 706. Marilyn Kay Fletcher married William Shelley Longwell. 600. JOHN REED HENNEN, of Dr. Stanton and Lucy Hennen, born at

Moundsville, W. Va.; died Columbus, Oh.; married Isabelle White of Jo­seph and Hattie Jane (Van Meter) White, born Columbus, Oh.; living, 1969.

John and Isabelle Hennen resided in Columbus. Ohio where she yet re­sides. John graduated from Ohio State University in 1931 and, at the time of his death, was manager of the American Credit Bureau in Columbus, Ohio. They had no children.

601. ELMER F. WHITE. of William and Mary Ann (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-1-1871; died West Alexander, Pa. 10-24-1963; married 3-12-1904, Lucy Talkington, of Owen and Cordelia (White) Talking­ton, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-14-1887; died West Alexander, Pa. 4-22-1964. Both are buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alex­ander, Pa.

Elmer and Lucy White removed to the area of West Alexander, Pennsyl­vania about 1914; there they spent the remainder of their years. Mr. White was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF ELMER & LUCY WHITE (Elmer:William 4~nthia~

(Elmer Mary Ann Enoch ) 1706a. Opal White never married. 1 706b. Minnie White married Kenneth Campbell. 1 706c. Gertrude White married Charles Dorsey.

602. EDWARD E. WHITE of William and Mary Ann (Hennen) White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-24-1874; died Washington, Pa. 11-24-1934; married 5-15-1901, Lucy Shriver of George and Margaret (Chalfant) Shriver, born Wadestown, W. Va. 7-24-1878; died Claysville, Pa. 4-12-1965. Both are buried in the Claysville Cemetery, at Claysville, Pa.

Edward and Lucy White resided in Aleppo and Higbee, Pennsylvania be­fore moving to Claysville (same state) where they remained throughout the rest of their days. Mr. White was a farmer and

5oil well )i>umper.


5William cznthia ~

(Edward Mary Ann Enoch ) 1707. Ralph Shriver White married Josephine Canan.

603. HARRIET WHITE, of William and Mary Ann (Hennen) White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 12-24-1874 (twin of above); died 11- -1932; married Joseph William Stiles born 1867; died 1938. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

William and Harriet Stiles resided throughout their married life in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania, and St. Cloud, West Virginia; Mr. Stiles was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & HARRIET STILES (Harriet5 William4 Cynthia3) (Harriet5 Mary Ann4 Enoch3)

1708. William Lawrence Stiles married Jessie Ethel Butcher# 2550. 1709. Clark Edward Stiles married Thelma Payne.


1710. Mary Stiles married Charles Stiles. 1711. Martha Stiles married William Kestenen. 1712. Margaret Stiles married Thomas Grimes. 1713. Ruth Stiles married Edd Cross.

604. MILTON ELI WHITE, of William and Mary Ann (Hennen) White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 8-3-1877; died 10-11-1905; unmarried. Buried in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Milton Eli White resided with his parents, near St. Cloud, W. Va. 605. TRAINER R. WHITE, of James Irwin and Elizabeth White, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 12-8-1875; died Morgantown, W. Va. __ 1954; mar­ried 9- -1898, Maude T. Wise, of Jacob and Delilah (Stull) Wise, born Wana, W. Va. 3-1-1882; died Morgantown, W. Va. 6- -1953. Both are buried in East Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

Trainer and Maude White resided in the areas of Jollytown, Pennsylvan­ia, and Wana and Morgantown, West Virginia.




1714. Alta White married Gilbert Lynch. 1 715. Stanton Albert White married Clara Mills. 1716. Archie White married Ann Shriver. 1 71 7. William Allen White married Helen Sharps.

606. BERTIE WHITE, of James Irwin and Elizabeth (Wilson) White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-18-1884; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-22-1949; married 2-16-1910, Forest Clarence Clovis, of Robert S. and Ellen (Lemley) Clovis, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-23-1873; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 11-17-1946. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Forest and Bertie Clovis resided throughout their married life in the area near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer.


1 718. Gertrude Clovis married Wayman Park. 1719. James Clarence Clovis married Grace ___ _

607. MOLLIE WHITE, of James Irwin and Elizabeth White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-23-1886; living, 1969; married 11-2-1916, Charles Shough, of George W. and Jane (Gidley) Shough, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-20-1879; died near New Freeport, Pa. 7-5-1961. Charles is buried in the Pleas­ant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Charles and Mollie Shough resided throughout their married life in the area near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. He also worked on gas and oil wells. Mrs. Shough makes her home with her son at this time.

CHILD OF CHARLES & MOLLIE SHOUGH (Mollie5James I. 4cynthia)

1720. Charles Robert Shough married Betty Lee Troy. 608. THOMAS CLYDE WHITE, of Morgan and Mahala (Six) White, born


Jollytown, Pa. 2-4-1880; died Waynesburg, Pa. 5-14-1955; married (1) 10-14-1899, Dora Iona Wise, of Jacob and Delilah (Stull) Wise, born Wana, W. Va. 1-7-1880; died Waynesburg, Pa. 6-9-1920. Mr. White married (2) 6-30-1922, Mrs. Beulah Pearle Canan, of William Spencer and Lucinda Bell (Newman) Van Atta, born Washington Co., Pa. 1890; living, 1969. T. Clyde and Dora are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

T. Clyde and Dora White resided in Hundred, West Virginia for some time before returning to Greene County, Pennsylvania where they made their home in Jollytown and Waynesburg. T. Clyde and Beulah White resided in Waynesburg (Pa.) where she yet resides. Mr. White was a farmer; he also worked on oil and gas wells as a driller and tool dresser.


5Morgan Cynthia3)

1 721. Cecil Earl White married Muriel R. Polen. 1 722. Carol J. White married William Horace Lewis.

610. WARREN THOMAS MANNING, of Walter and Cynthia (White) Mann­ing, born Jollytown, Pa. 1-12-1884; died Washington, Pa. 6-8-1969; mar­ried 9-15-1910, Maude Estella Kinney, further data not available.

Warren and Maude Manning resided in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. Mr. Manning was a carpenter.




1722a. WALTER MANNING, residing (1969) San Jose, Calif. 1722b. ROBERT MANNING, residing (1969) Berea, Oh. 1722c. BRICE MANNlliG, residing (1969) Lakewood, Oh. 1 722d. CHARLES MANNING, residing (1969) Cleveland, Oh.

611. MILTON F. MANNING, of Walter and Cynthia (White) Manning, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married 7-30-1914, Mary Ford Taylor, of Rev. James Bruce and Olive (Lupton) Taylor, born California, Pa. 11-26-1887; died Washington, Pa. 8-23-1967.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Manning graduated from Waynesburg College. Mr. Manning later graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh (Pa.) and interned at McKeesport (Pa.) Hospital. He located in Beallsville, Pennsylvania and has maintained an active medical practice since that time. Mrs. Manning taught school for some yea1?'.


4Cynthia )

l 722e. RUTH MANNING married John W. Hughes. l 722f. JAMES TAYLOR MANNING married ----

612. JESSIE SARAH MANNING, of Walter and Cynthia (White) Manning, born Greene Co., Pa. ; living, 1969; married 8-19-1910, Brice Worley Kennedy, of John and Melissa (Worley) Kennedy, born near Pittsburgh, Pa. 5-12-1888; died Washington, Pa. 10-22-1967. He is buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Brice and Jessie Kennedy resided throughout their married life in the area of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he was long associated with his fa-


ther in the jewelry business. After his father's death he continued the busi-ness until he retired.

3 CHILD OF BRICE & JESSIE KENNEDY (Jessie5Cynthia4 Cynthia

1723. MALE KENNEDY died in infancy. 613. ALICE MAY MANNING, of Walter and Cynthia (White) Manning,

born Greene Co., Pa. ; living, 1969; married Edward Paul Colgan, further data has not been available.

618. RACHEL McGLUMPHY, of John and Jane (Hennen) McGlumphy, born near Wind Ridge, Pa. 7-2-1854; died 1884; married Adam Six, of William and Priscilla (Minor) Six, further data not available. Rachel is buried at Oak Forest Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

619. JOHN MILTON McGLUMPHY, of John and Jane (Hennen) McGlum­phy, born near Wind Ridge, Pa. 11-17-1856; died Cameron, W. Va. 12- -1937; married 10-3-1876, Rebecca Ann Reid, of John and ____ Reid, born Marshall Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 11- -1849; died Cameron, W. Va. 4-10-1930. Both are buried in Big Run Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

John Milton and Rebecca McGlumphy first resided on a farm in Marshall County, West Virginia where he worked as a carpenter in addition to his farming. They later moved into Cameron (W. Va.) where he worked in the Watson Feed Mill.


3 Jane John ) 1724. Ida May McGlumphy married Charles Bernard Henderson. 1 725. Myrtle Clare McGlumphy married (1) Elias Isiminger

(2) John C. Christy. 1726. Mary Lee McGlumphy married (1) August Zerque (2) Orland Day. 1727. Carl McGlumphy never married.

621. LUCINDA McGLUMPHY, of John and Jane (Hennen) McGlumphy, born near Wind Ridge, Pa. 1-31-1863; died Moundsville, W. Va. 8-16-1957; married (1) Henry Covalt (or Kovault), further data not available. Lucinda married (2) Andrew Chambers, further data not available. All three are be­lieved to be buried in Moundsville, W. Va.

Henry and Lucinda probably resided in Kasooth, West Virginia. Rev. An­drew and Lucinda resided in Washington, D. C. and Moundsville, West Vir­ginia; Lucinda operated a boarding house. There were no children.

622. MARY MATILDA DYE, of James and Eliza (Hennen) Dye, bornnear Jollytown, Pa. 12- -1857; died near New Freeport, Pa. ____ ; unmar-ried. Buried Centennial Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa.

Mary Matilda Dye resided throughout her lifetime on Herod's Run, near New Freeport, Pennsylvania.



1728. Charles Dye never married. 623. WILLIAM HUDSON DYE, of James and Eliza (Hennen) Dye, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 4-21-1859; died near New Freeport, Pa. 5-7-1911; mar-204

ried 9-23-1886, Maggie A. Burge, of William and Margaret (Knight) Burge, born near New Freeport, Pa. 8-31-1865; died near New Freeport, Pa. 4-28-1902. Maggie is buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Free­port, Pa.; William is buried in Centennial Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa.

William and Maggie Dye resided in the New Freeport area of Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.



4John )

1729. MAMIE EVA DYE, born near New Freeport, Pa. 3-18-1899; died near New Freeport, Pa. 11-29-1904; buried Cenetennial Cemetery.

624. NANCY J. DYE, of James and Eliza (Hennen) Dye, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 7-17-1863; died near New Freeport, Pa. 10-27-1893; unmarried. Buried in Centennial Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa.

625. ANDREW JEFFERSON DYE, of James and Eliza (Hennen) Dye, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-22-1867; died near Jollytown, Pa. 2-12-1952; married (1) 7-24-1895, Martha Delphine Smith, of Basil and Elizabeth (Livingood) Smith, born 4-16-1867; died Waynesburg, Pa. 8-26-1906. Mr. Dye married (2) Ida Blanch Herrington, of Gideon and Experience (Stewart) Herrington, born 3-6-1868; died New Freeport, Pa. 4-12-1961. Martha Delphine is bur­ied in the Baptist Church Cemetery, at Garards Fort, Pa.; Andrew J. and Ida are buried in Centennial Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa.

Andrew J. and Della Dye resided in the areas of New Freeport and Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania; both were school teachers. Della attended Monongahela College, at Jefferson, Pennsylvania, and Andrew attended Waynesburg College.

Andrew J. and Ida resided in Waynesburg and New Freeport, Pennsylvania; Ida was a beautician. During his later years Mr. Dye engaged in the sale of coal, gas and oil lands in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Illinois:3



1 730. Lillian Dye married George Davis. 1731. Sylvia Augusta Dye married Irving Peterson. 1732. Cedelia Grace Dye married John Boyer. 1 733. Ruth Veonell Dye married Raymond F)Jlch.

4 CHILD OF ANDREW J. & IDA DYE (AndrewuEliza )

1734. Albert Jefferson Dye married Madeline Brookover. 626. JOHN HENRY DARLING, of Joseph and Eliza (Hennen-Dye) Darling,

born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-21-1873; died New Freeport, Pa. 11-19-1917; married 10-9-1901, Lucy Louvina Martin, of John Wesley and Sarah Ellen (Anderson) Martin, born New Freeport, Pa. 3-29-1883; died Sham rock, Tex. 8-2-1963. John is buried in Centennial Cemetery, near Aleppo, Pa.; Lucy is buried in Shamrock Cemetery, at Shamrock, Tex.

John and Lucy resided on Herod's Run, near New Freeport, Pennsylvan­ia where he was a farmer. After his death Lucy took the children and moved to Shamrock, Texas where she spent the remainder of her years.





1735. Elsie Marie Darling married (1) William Lynch (2) James Cook. 1 736. Alta Neoline Darling married William J. Wilson. 1737. Jacob William Leo Darling married Vesta Margaret Wilson. 1738. Paul Harold Darling married Mary Kurtz. 1739. Floyd Martin Darling married Sally May Staggs.

627. JAMES ALLEN DARLING, of Joseph and Eliza (Hennen-Dye) Darl­ing, born near New Freeport, Pa. 8-4-1878; died Redlands, Calif. 7-29-1930; married 5-13-1899, Dora Ellen Hennen#381, of John W. and Rebecca (Cumpston) Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 4-10-1875; died Redlands, Calif. 5-7-1942. Both buried Redlands, Calif.

James and Dora Darling resided for some time in the area of New Free­port, Pennsylvania; they later removed to Redlands, California where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. Darling was a farmer and real es­tate broker.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & DORA DARLING (Jame,r5Eliza4John3) (Dora John3 Alexander2)

1740. Clarence H. Darling married (1) _______ _ (2) Bessie Huffman.

1741. Glen Darling married ________ _ 1742. Mary Ruth Darling married William Tillman.

628. WILLIAM VERNON HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 4-12-1860; died Guyandotte, W. Va. 12-1-1938;un­married. Buried Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va.

William V. Hennen was a printer and insurance salesman. He also had served as Postmaster of Guyandotte, West Virginia where he was, for a time, a notary public.

629. MARTHA J. HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-10-1863; died Moundsville, W. Va. 2-26-1952; mar­ried (1) Lewis Poteet, further data on him not available. Martha married (2) William Woodruff, of Rev. John and Mary (Headley) Woodruff, born in Greene Co., Pa. 3-26-1849; died Moundsville, W. Va. 10-24-1918. Both William and Martha are buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, at Moundsville, W.Va.

William and Martha Woodruff resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsyl­vania until 1905 when they removed to Marshall County, West Virginia and lived on a farm. About 1910 they moved into Moundsville (W. Va.) and Mr. Woodruff worked for the Fostoria Glass Company and the U. S. Printing Company until his health failed.


5Perry4John )

1743. THOMAS H. POTEET, born 3-7-1882; died Wadestown, W. Va. 8-16-1902; buried Wadestown Cemetery. (He made his home with Elroy and Adaline Hennen, in Wadestown, W. Va )



1744. John Woodruff married Virginia Fair. 630. SAMUEL C. HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 3-13-1864; died Dayton, Oh. 8-6-1922; married Ella Byer, born Mercer Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 12-28-1857; died Dayton, Oh. 7-1-1928. Both are buried in Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va. (I have also been supplied 1921 as the death date for Samuel and 1858 as the birth date for Ella)

Samuel and Ella Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in the Guyandotte-Huntington area of West Virginia where he was an insurance and real estate salesman. Their later years were spent in Dayton, Ohio with their daughter. Samuel Hennen attended Marshall College, in Huntington, W. Va.


1 745. Emma Irene Hennen married Douglas Kenneth Guston Baker. 1746. CLARENCE HENNEN, born and died (young) in Guyandotte, W. Va.;

buried Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va. 1747. HARRY HENNEN, born and died (young) in Guyandotte, W. Va.;

buried Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va. 631. JOHN C. HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 12-24-1865; died Huntington, W. Va. 9-9-1935; mar­ried 6-21-1905, Mary E. Poindexter, further data on her not available. Both are buried in Ridgelawn Cemetery, at Huntington, W. Va.

John and Mary Hennen resided throughout their married life in the area of Huntington, West Virginia. Mr. Hennen was employed for some years in the freight office of the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads. At the time of his death he was traffic manager of the Jobbers and Manufacturers Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce.


1748. Mary Margaret Hennen married Carl Withers. 1749. John C. Hennen Jr. married Arretta Gwinn.

632. THOMAS JEFFERSON HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-15-1867; died Huntington, W. Va. 2-18-1938; married Viola Stewart, of Burgess and Maria (Wigner) Stewart, born Procterville, Oh. 1856; died Huntington, W. Va. 1928. Both are buried in the Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va.

Thomas J. and Ola Hennen resided in the Huntington area of West Virgin­ia where he was a plumber. Viola was an early graduate from Marshall Col­lege (in Huntington, W. Va.) and taught school; she was talented in art and music. They had no children.

633. ELIJAH HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 11-16-1869; died 4-16-1950; married Blanche Creel, born 1872; died 1955. Both buried in Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va.

Elijah and Blanche Hennen resided in Huntington, West Virginia; Indian­apolis, Indiana; and Williamson, West Virginia. Mr. Hennen was a machinist


for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. CHILDREN OF ELLJAH & BLANCHE HENNEN (Elijah5Perr/John3)

1750. Rhea Hennen married John Brown. 1 751. Hazel Hennen married Bud Baldanzi. 1 752. Ruth Hennen married Claude Fitzpatrick. 1753. Nell Hennen married (1) Laurence Ralston (2) Harry Jackson. 1 754. Frank Hennen married ________ _

634. MARY ELMA HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-16-1871; died Huntington, W. Va. 3-8-1950; unmar­ried. Buried Highland Cemetery, at Guyandotte, W. Va.

Mary Elma Hennen resided at home with her parents; her later years were spent in the Foster Memorial Home. Miss Hennen was a school teach­er and saleslady with Deardorff-Sisler Department Store, in Huntington.

635. HATTIE HENNEN, of Perry and Artemace Hennen, born nearWades­town, W. Va. 3-19-1874; died Huntington, W. Va. 4-12-1944; married 1903, Joseph E. Withers, of Jacob Delaney and Mary Jane (King) Withers, born Mason Co., W. Va. 9-12-1870; died Huntington, W. Va. 4-12-1921. Both are buried in Spring Hill Cemetery, at Huntington, W. Va.

Joseph and Hattie Withers resided throughout their married life in Hunt­ington, West Virginia where Mr. Withers was in the real estate and insur­ance business. He also was active in politics and serv15d as a notar~ public.


1 755. Ernest Hennen Withers married Helen Marie Cushinery. 1 756. Mary Withers married Robert L. Rogers. 1757. Martha J. Withers never married. 1758. Perry Pryor Withers married Louise Cohn.

636. DAVID HUDSON HENNEN, of Thomas Jefferson and Nancy Ellen Hennen, born near Aleppo, Pa. 5-5-1872; died Rock Lick, W. Va. 7-19-1952; married 8-20-1902, Catharine Tustin, of William and Mary Jane (Ross) Tus­tin, born near Windy Gap, Pa. 8-9-1880; died Rock Lick, W. Va. 12-13-1956. Both are buried in Highland Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

David Hudson "Hut" and Catharine Hennen resided throughout their mar­ried life in the area of Rock Lick (Marshall County), West Virginia where he was a farmer.



1759. Enid L. Hennen married Clair Phillippi. 1760. Edis Alene Hennen married William Allison. 1761. MARY NANCY HENNEN, born and died (young) in Rock Lick, W. Va.

buried Highland Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va. 637. MARY ELIZA HENNEN, of Thomas Jefferson and Nancy Ellen Henn­

en, born near Aleppo, Pa. 10-27-1873; died Rock Lick, W. Va. 3-26-1966; unmarried. Buried Washington Cemetery, at Washington, Pa.

Mary Hennen resided with her mother, in Washington, Pennsylvania; aft-208

er the death of her mother Mary continued to reside in Washington until she was unable to care for herself. She then removed to the home of her niece, Edis Allison, where she spent the rest of her lifetime.

639. WILLIAM E, HENNEN, of Solomon and Martha Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-25-1876; died near Jollytown, Pa. 2-4-1912; married 2-12-1902, Anna Matilda Henderson, of Sylvanus and Mary (Main) Henderson, born Jacksor.. Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 1-11-1880; died East Finley, Pa. 12-4-1916. Both are buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

William and Anna Hennen resided near Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Anna married, for her second husband, Willtm T?omas King.


Solomon John )

1762. Myrtie Hennen married William Hamilton. 640. ELIZABETH JANE HENNEN, of Solomon and Martha Hennen, born

Aleppo Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-2-1878; died New Freeport, Pa. 8-2-1940; married 10-17-1900, George William Henderson, born Jackson Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 2-20-1878; died Holbrook, Pa. 1-20-1956. Both are buried in the Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

George and Elizabeth Henderson resided in the area of Holbrook, Penn­sylvania where he was a farmer. He was also employed by the Peoples Nat­ural Gas Company. He retired after 30 years with this company, having worked as a driller in the oil and gas fields. George married, for his second wife, Sarah Knight.


John ) 1763. Wilbur Henderson married Verena Hixenbaugh. 1 764. Edna Henderson married Gail Stockdale.

641. CLARA BELL HENNEN, of Alexander and Lucinda Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-26-1870; died Claysville, Pa. 8-8-1948; mar­ried (1) 5-13-1899, Lincoln Shriver, of Abram and Elizabeth (Wilson) Shriver, born 1865; further data not available. Clara married (2) George Underwood, further data not available. Clara is buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.; Lincoln Shriver is buried in Waynesburg, Pa.; and George is buried in Sistersville, W. Va.

Lincoln and Clara Shriver resided in the area of Waynesburg, Pennsyl­vania until about 1911 when they moved to the West Alexander area (same state); still later, about 1939, they moved to the Claysville area of the same state. Mr. Shriver was a farmer. George and Clara resided in West Alex-ander where he was a blacksmith.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF LINCOLN & CLARA SHRIVER (Clara Alexander John )

1765. Leota Shriver married Scott Woods. 1 766. Arza F. Shriver never married. 1767. May Shriver married John Renforth.

642. JOHN HAGAN HENNEN, of Alexander and Lucy Hennen, born near 209

Wadestown, W. Va. 7-23-1872; died West Alexander, Pa. 12-20-1946; mar­ried (1) Sadie Spragg, of Marion Spragg; she died in West Alexander, Pa. John married (2) Anna Mary Kennedy, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-25-1868; died West Alexander, Pa. 4-24-1942. All three are buried in the West Alex­ander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

John and Sadie resided at Wadestown, West Virginia, and West Alexand­er, Pennsylvania; John and Anna resided in West Alexander. Mr. Hennen was a farmer. There were no children.

644. CLARK S. HENNEN, of Alexander and Lucinda Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-23-1876; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 8-5-1940; married 2-10-1900, Anna 0. Pethtel, of Perry and Elizabeth Victoria )Kughn) Pethtel, born Garrison, Pa. 1-26-1880; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 2-26-1920. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Clark and Anna Hennen resided throughout their married life in the St. Cloud area of West Virginia where he was a farme~.

4 3 CHILDREN OF CLARK & ANNA HENNEN (Clark Alexander John )

1768. James Rose Hennen married Ethel Marie Renner. 1769. Russell C. Hennen married Virgie Melvina Hamilton. 1770. Albert Milton Hennen married (1) Ethel Kimble (2) __ _ 1771. Clarence Edison Hennen married Wanda Johnson. 1772. Maude Victoria Hennen married Olen Fordyce.

645. FRANK McC. HENNEN, of Alexander and Lucinda Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-21-1880; died Washington Co., Pa. 1-16--1968; married 2-27-1907, Zora K. Cumberledge, of Jacob and Elizabeth (Headley) Cumberledge, born near Wana, W. Va. 10-16-1884; died West Alexander, Pa. 7-13-1946. Both are buried in West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alex­ander, Pa.

Frank and Zora Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in the West Alexander area of Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. After Zora's death Frank made his home with his children.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF FRANK & ZORA HENNEN (Frank Alexander John )

1773. MARY GAYNELLE HENNEN, born near Wadestown, W. Va.4-7-1908; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 8-15-1908; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

1774. Ralph A. Hennen married Myra Irwin. 1775. Merle Hennen married Marie McNinch. 1 776. Paul Jacob Hennen married Lydia Taylor#l912. 1 777. Glen N. Hennen married (1) Irene Boyd (2) Willa Brundage. 1778. EDITH JANE HENNEN, born and died West Alexander, Pa. 1930.

646. MARTIN HENNEN, of Alexander and Lucinda Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 11-2-1883; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1-14-1965; mar­ried Matilda Renner,* of Spencer and Elsie (Church) Renner, born 8-29-1881; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 8-11-1958. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. *#2327.


Martin and Matilda Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Camp Run area, near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer.


) (Matilda6Elsie

5Frances 4)

1 779. Ray Hennen married Mabel Phillips. 1 780. Floyd Hennen married Mary Jeanette Headley. 1 781. Flossie Hennen never married. 1 782. Donley Hennen never married. 1 783. Mildred Hennen married Ralph Hixenbaugh. 1784. Harley Hennen married Maxine Bosworth#1137. 1 785. Edwin Hennen married Hazel Barr. 1 786. Mary Hennen married Kenneth Wise.

648. FRANCIS LEROY HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 5-20-1875; died Washington, Pa. 11-29-1940; mar­ried (1) 11-12-1900, Sara Alice Burge, of Alfred and Mary Ann (Fordyce) Burge, born Holbrook, Pa. 3-26-1881; died West Alexander, Pa. 1-23-1911. Francis L. married (2) Jennie Elizabeth McDonald, of Silas and Mary Halli­day) McDonald, born West Alexander, Pa. 5-16-1871; died Washington, Pa. 3-2-1957. Francis Leroy and Sara Alice are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.; Jennie is buried in West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

Francis Leroy "Lee" and Sara Hennen resided in West Alexander, Penn­sylvania where he was a farmer. Lee and Jennie also resided in the same a-rea.


1787. Lillian Gertrude Hennen married (1) Paul Jackson (2) George Ryan. 1788. Henry Enoch Hennen married Martha Ralph. 1789. Pearl Eliza Hennen married Henry Eklund.

649. NANCY PRISCILLA HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 6-10-1876; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-8-1952; mar-ried James R. Durbin, of George Durbin, born Greene Co., Pa. ___ ; died near Waynesburg, Pa. 1911. Both are buried in Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.

James and Nannie Durbin resided throughout the short period of their mar­ried life in the Sycamore area of Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. After the death of Mr. Durbin his widow removed to the area near Burton, West Virginia where she and her three sons resided. During her la­ter years she resided in Fairmont, West Virginia.



1790. Glenn H. Durbin married Louise Cumberledge. 1791. Norris D. Durbin married Virginia ___ _ 1792. George Durbin married Reba Tennant.

650 CHARLES OWEN HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza ,Jane Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-14-1877; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-19-


1956; married 12-16-1897, Lucreasy Thomas, of Josiah and Mary (Vanhorn) Thomas, born Wadestown, W. Va. 8-29-1879; living, 1969. Owen is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Owen and Lucreasy Hennen resided throughout their married life in the Cross Roads area of Monongalia County, West Virginia where he was a farm­er. Mrs. Hennen still resides there.





1 793. Harold Hennen married Gail Cross. 651. BIRT MASON HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 11-2-1878; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-15-1964; married 12-6-1905, Ida Minton, of John and Sarah Minton, born Graysville, Pa. 12-8-1879; died Washington Co., Pa. 4-13-1958. Both are buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

Birt and Ida Hennen resided in Buffalo Township of Washington County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. During his later years Birt resided with relatives and died at the home of a niece, Elizabeth Clovis. They had no children.

655. FRED COTTERAL HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-9-1883; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 11-4-1937; married Georgia Bell Cumberledge, of Jacob and Elizabeth (Headley) Cumberledge, born near Wana, W. Va. 1-13-1886; died Fairmont, W. Va. 3-28-1967. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Fred and Georgia Hennen resided in the Camp Run area, near Wadestown, West Virginia, where he was a farmer. After Fred's death Georgia resided part of the time on Camp Run and part of the time in Fairmont (W. Va.).



1794. Marjorie Hennen married Paul Cooke. 1795. Earl Bradford Hennen married Lela Maude Cumberledge. 1796. ROBERT CARL HENNEN, born and died (young) near Wadestown,

W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 1797. Elizabeth Hennen n:arried Charles Clovis. 1798. Louise Hennen married Eldred Wotring. 1 799. FLORENCE LEE HENNEN born and died (young) near Wades town,

W. Va.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery at St. Cloud, W. Va. 656. EVA MAY HENNEN, of Encoh and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va.10-6-1885; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 8-19-1948; married 11-17-1918, Benjamin Franklin Clovis of Elijah C. and Catherine (Lemley) Clovis born near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-28-1879; died Power, W. Va. 12-13-1965. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Benjamin and Eva Clovis resided on Camp Run, near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer. After the death of Eva, Benjamin resided with his daughter, Kathryn Barnes.



1800. Kathryn Jane Clovis married Raymond A. Barnes. 1801. Cecille May Clovis married Dale Ray Sturm. 1802. Freda Celesta Clovis married Bobby Leroy Sturm.

657. CATIIRINE OTA BELLE HENNEN, of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen born near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-5-1887; living, 1969; married Fred Ammons, further data not available.

Fred and Ota Ammons resided South Gate, Califo!nia. CHILDREN OF FRED & OTA AMMONS (Ota5Enoch John



659. CLYDE EARL HENNEN. of Enoch and Eliza Jane Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 5-6-1892; living, 1969; married 4-16-1924, Luda Frye, of Israel P. and Mary Ellen (Fulton) Frye, born Barbour Co., W. Va. 12-22-1895; living, 1969.

Clyde and Luda Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in Fairmont, West Virginia; since their retirement they have maintained res­idence in St. Petersburg. Florida.

Mr. Hennen served in World War I with Hq. Company, 314th Infantry of the 79th Division. He trained at Camp Meade, Maryland, went overseas with the division and served until the end of the war, being discharged at Fort Dix. New Jersey.

Clyde Hennen attended Fairmont State Normal School (Fairmont, W. Va.) and Mountain State Business College (Parkersburg, W. Va.) taking special courses in purchasing. He was employed, as Purchasing Agent by Consol­idated Coal Company for 45 years. Luda Frye Hennen attended Fairmont State Normal School and the Business School conducted by the late Lelia D. Mercer (Fairmont, W. Va.) after which she was a private secretary for the Diamond Fuel Company of New York and Fairmont; also for Watson Coal Company.




1805. Marilyn Joan Hennen married Jerry Cook. 660. DORA MAE MATILDA HENNEN, of Henry and Catherine Hennen

born Jollytown, Pa. 2-20-1881; died near Garrison, Pa. 9-4-1931; married (1) 10-11-1899, David H. Renner, of Barney and Mary E. Renner, born 6-12-1875; died Claremore, Okla. 10-27-1905. Dora married (2) 4-21-1910, Albert Ray Renner, of Kinsey and Prudence (Brewer) Renner, born near Garrison, Pa. 8-13-1887; died near Garrison, Pa. 3-3-1962. All three are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

David and Dora Renner resided in Pine Grove, West Virginia where he had a harness shop.

Ray and Dora Renner resided near Garrison, Pennsylvania where he was a highly successful farmer and stock raiser. Ray married, for his second


wife, Mary Staggers#595. CHILDREN OF DAVID & DORA RENNER (Dora5Henry4John3)

1806. Mary Renner married Elmer Rawdon. 1807. Catherine Renner married (1) R. D. Vangilder (2) ___ Smith

(3) HenF J. D,r:nner. CHILD OF RAY & DORA RENNER (Dora Henry )

1808. John L. Renner married Grace Brumage. 661. LOUIE ELLEN HENNEN, of Henry and Catherine Hennen, born

Jollytown, Pa. 3-27-1883; living, 1969; married George Clarence Minor, of Joseph and Ida (Bushon) Minor, born New Martinsville, W. Va. 1-12-1883; died Wheeling, W. Va. 7-14-1959. George is buried in the West Alex­ander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

George and Louie Minor resided in New Martinsville and Elm Grove, West Virginia; he was a contract painter.


Henrs4John3) 1809. Arthur Ray Minor married Myrtle Regina Wiles. 1810. Jeanette Elizabeth Minor married John V. Harris. 1811. Martha M. Minor married Guy Ford. 1812. Mary M. M.inor married John Mekos

(Martha and Mary were twins) 662. EARNEST RAY HENNEN, of Henry and Catherine Hennen, born

Jollytown, Pa. 8-10-1884; living, 1969; unmarried. Ray Hennen has resided throughout his adult life in Hundred, West Vir­

ginia where he now makes his home with his sister, Cora Pritchard. Ray worked in the oil and gas fields; was self-employed in the taxi service; also worked as a butcher. He retired in 1965.

663. CORA HENNEN, of Henry and Catherine Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa. 11-18-1886; living, 1969; married Enoch Pritchard, of Rev. Millard Fillmore and Maggie (Kelley) Pritchard, born W. Va. 3-11-1885; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-24-1961. Enoch is buried in Beverly Hills Memor­ial Gardens, near Morgantown, W. Va.

Enoch and Cora Pritchard resided in Clarksburg and Hundred, West Vir­ginia where Cora now resides; they were divorced some years ago. Enoch worked in the coal fields around Clarksburg; they operated a restaurant in Hundred for some years.


1813. Jack Hennen Pritchard married Birgit Johnson. 1814. Jean Pritchard married Vincent Walter Rivizzino.

665. OTA ODELL HENNEN, of George and Frances Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-25-1882; died Akron, Oh. 4-20-1967; married James Berry Davis, of George and Mary Davis, born Carnegie, Pa. 1870; died Tulsa, Okla. 5-10-1915. James is buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.; Ota is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, at Akron, Oh.


James and Della Davis resided in New Freeport, Pennsylvania; Hundred, West Virginia; Coalinga, California; and Tulsa, Oklahoma. After the death of Mr. Davis Della returned to Greene County (Pa.) for a short time before she made her permanent home in Akron, Ohio. James was an oil driller; Della was employed by the Goodrich Tire and Rubber Co1}lpany for 38 years.



1815. Henry Albert Davis married Pearl A. Fisher. 1816. RALPH EDWARD DAVIS, born Hundred, W. Va.; died young; buried

Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa. 1817. James Oscar Davis married Leoda B. Sharp.

666. BERTHA MAE HENNEN, of George and Frances Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-14-1885; died Akron, Oh. 2-15-1966; unmarried. Buried Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Mae Hennen resided throughout her life time in the Jollytown area of Pennsylvania, until six months before her death. Ill health made it necess­ary for her to move in with her sister, Ona Shaw, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

667. DORSEY MELVIN HENNEN, of George and Frances Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-22-1889; died New Freeport, Pa. 2-20-1958; married 12-20-1913, Mary Margaret Edgar, of James Ryan and Mary Jane (Yeager) Edgar, born near Brave, Pa. 12-11-1895; died New Freeport, Pa. 9-7-1957. Both are buried in P~easant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport,Pa.

Melvin and Mary Hennen resided in the Jollytown area of Pennsylvania; he was a farmer.


1818. Paul Hennen married Naomi Barnhart. 1819. Mabel R. Hennen married Paul Campbell. 1820. Stanley Hennen married Kathryn Main. 1821. Helen Hennen married Delmont Kimble. 1822. Vera Kathleen Hennen married Thomas Allen Knight. 1823. Nella Jean Hennen married John Lester Roupe.

668. ONA HENNEN, of George and Frances Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-22-1893; died Akron, Oh. 4-13-1967; married 6-22-1921, Gilbert Bruce Shaw, of Frank and Eliza Shaw, born Barton, Md. 3-19-1891; living, 1969. Ona is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, at Cuyahoga Falls, Oh.

Bruce and Ona Shaw resided in Akron, Palmyra, Edinburg, Diamond and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio while Bruce had 37 years service with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company before his retirement. Ona was employed, before her marriage, by the Goodrich Tire and Rubber Company. Mr. Shaw served in the United States Army during World War I; he now resides in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

5 4 3


1824. Robert Carl Shaw married (1) Doris Elizabeth Lefever (2) Margaret Jame Gorrell.


1825. Dorothy Shaw married (1) Edward Patterson (2) Jack 0. Anderson. 1826. Roberta Shaw married Alston Joseph Ware.

669. DONLEY CRAWFORD HENNEN, of Matthew and Hannah Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa. 11-1-1886; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 12-9-1918; mar­ried 9- -1913, Hazel Terwilliger. of John White and Mary Ellen (Lilly) Ter­williger born Circleville, Oh. 1889; living 1969. Donley is buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery. near New Freeport. Pa.

Donley Hennen attended Waynesburg College (Waynesburg Pa.) and Ohio Northern University before enrolling in the School of Law at Ohio State Uni­versity (Columbus, Oh.) from which he graduated. Mr. Hennen studied law with the late S. M. Williamson, of Waynesburg. Pennsylvania and was ad­mitted to the Greene County (Pa.) Bar in 1912. He maintained a law practice in Waynesburg until two months before his death. Donley had just accepted a position in the legal department of the Travelers Insurance Company, in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Hazel married, for her second husband. Arthur Cornelius and she now resides in Coshocton. Ohio.



182 7. Donley Crawford Hennen Jr. married Olive Eagon. 671. MARANDA BELLE HENNEN, of Matthew and Hannah Hennen, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 5-6-1890; living, 1969; married (1) Edward Stottlemire, who died in Hundred, W. Va. 1945. Belle married (2) Robert B. Coen, of Robert and Sarah Ann (Overturf) Coen. born Pine Bank, Pa. 3- -1896; died Indiana. Pa. 4-27-1956. Robert is buried in Pine Bank Cemetery, at Pine Bank, Pa.

Edward and Belle Stottlemire resided throughout their married life in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Robert and Belle Coen resided throughout their married life in the area of Indiana, Pennsyl­vania where he, too, was a farmer. There were no children.

Belle Hennen Coen now makes her home in Columbus, Ohio. 673. HARRY ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born

Pine Bank, Pa. 12-22-1879; living, 1969; married 7-4-1902, Minnie Strick­lin, of John and Barbara (Roberts) Stricklin, born Jackson Twp .. Greene Co., Pa. 3-12-1879; died Waynesburg, Pa. 4-22-1957. Minnie is buried in Rose­mont Cemetery, near Rogersville, Pa.

Harry and Minnie Roberts resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Pine Bank, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. A shorttime before Minnie's death they sold their farm and moved to Waynesburg (same state) where they made their home with their daughter, Marie Johnson. They had celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary five years before Minnie's death. Harry continues to reside with his daughter.


1828. Marie Roberts married Lester Johnson. 1829. Thelma Roberts married Lewis Barnhart. 1830. Carl Roberts married (1) Virginia Reeves (2) Mrs. Frances Wendt


1831. HELEN ROBERTS, born Pine Bank, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.; unmarried.

674. J. FRANKLIN ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. 10-12-1881; died Greene Co., Pa. 12-17-1952; mar­ried (1) 10-3-1903, Jessie F. Cole, of John and Rachel (Taylor) Cole, born Pine Bank, Pa. 1883; died Greene Co., Pa. 1948. Franklin married (2) Katharine Blair, of William and Priscilla Blair, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1968.

Franklin Roberts was a school teacher and, in later years, an insurance agent. Further data on this family has not been available.


1832. HAROLD ROBERTS married (1) Lulu Lehman (2) Grace Smith. 1833. WILLIAM THOMAS ROBERTS 1834. MARY A. ROBERTS married Donald Roberts. 1835. BLAINE ROBERTS married Kate Shank. 1836. RUBY ALDINE ROBERTS married (1) Clarence Thomas

(2) --------1837. DOSSY MAY ROBERTS married (1) _______ _

(2) _______ _

1838. MARGARET ROBERTS married Arthur Morris. 676. JAMES G. ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born

Pine Bank, Pa. 6-11-1885; died Waynesburg, Pa. 4-29-1953; married 7-17-1909, Daisy Stewart, of Norman and Frances (Phillips) Stewart, born Wayne Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 8-7-1889; died Waynesburg, Pa. 9-3-1967. Both are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

James and Daisy Roberts resided throughout their married life in Greene County, Pennsylvania; from 1927 until their deaths they resided in Waynes-burg. Mr. Roberts was a farmer and carpenter.


1839. Leslie Roberts married Evelyn Anderson. 1840. Clarence Roberts married Helen Hewitt.

677. RAY ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. 8-24-1887; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-21-1956; married 8-31-1907, Emma Pitcock, of William and Margaret (Morris) Pitcock, born Waynes­burg, Pa. 3-31-1887; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10- -1951. Both are buried in

Ray and Emma Roberts resided throughout their married life in the areas of Jefferson and Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Roberts was a coal miner and painter.



1841. Mary Margaret Roberts married John Morris. 1842. Dorothy Mae Roberts never married. 1843. Raymond Roberts married Oberia Brumley.


1844. Edith Marie Roberts never married. 1845. Ruth Lucille Roberts married (1) Raymond Morris (2) Ray Chapman.

678. BLAINE ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. 12-22-1889; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-13-1967; married 12-25-1914, Sarah Ladoska Cole, of John and Rachel Anne (Taylor) Cole, born Pine Bank, Pa. 1-11-1898; living, 1969. Blaine is buried in Pine Bank Cem­etery, at Pine Bank, Pa.

Blaine and Dossie Roberts resided throughout their married life in the area of Pine Bank, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. He also worked some time for Westinghouse Corporation (in Beaver, Pa.) and was a rural mail carrier for some thirty years. Mr. Roberts served as a school direct­or and road supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts celebrated their Golden Wedd­ing Anniversary in 1964. Mrs. Roberts still resides i%Pine Bank.


1846. Ewing Cole Roberts married Claire B. Giles. 1847. John Sherman Roberts married Allene Whitlatch. 1848. William Donovan Roberts never married. 1849. Evelyn Roberts married Charles S. Houser. 1850. Lawrence Wilbur Roberts never married. 185L John Franklin Roberts married Dorothy Martin. 1852. James Lloyd Roberts married Julia Phillips. 1853. Robert Burdette Roberts married Jean Haines. 1854. Ruth Ann Roberts married Earl V. Masters. 1855. Sylvia Marlene Roberts married J. Scott Kent. 1856. Blaine Roberts Jr. married Lorraine Lemmon# 185 7. Roy Allen Roberts married Virginia Gazvoda.

679. SHERMAN ROBERTS, of William and Mary (Hennen) Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. 5-19-1897; died Waynesburg, Pa. 3-24-1968; married 8-17-1918, Harriet Brown, of Newton and Mary (Gordon) Brown, born Waynesburg, Pa. 9-30-1897; living, 1969. Sherman is buried in Fairall Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.

Sherman and Hattie Roberts resided in the Elm Grove-Wheeling area of West Virginia where he was employed by the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Comp­any and the Standard Brands Corporation. They later removed to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where they made a permanent home; Hattie still resides there. Sherman followed the trade of a painting contractor.

Sherman Roberts served his country in World War I, as a member of the well known Company K; he served overseas in France.




1858. Delilah Jean Roberts married Robert Inghram#2738. 1859. Phyllis Roberts married James Radaker. 1860. Wilma Roberts married David Santmyer. 1861. Sherman Roberts Jr. married Mary Emma Morris. 1862. James William Roberts married Mary Ann Johnson.


1863. Charles Allen Roberts married Ernice Palone. 680. JOHN GRAFTON WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born

near St. Cloud, W. Va. 2-1-1867; died Washington, Pa. 2-20-1919; married 6-21-1888, Eliza Main, of James and Lucinda (Walker) Main, born Monon-galia Co., W. Va. ___ ; died 7- -1947. Both are buried in the Oak For-est Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

John and Eliza White resided throughout their married life in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where John was a far~er.




1864. Ida Mildred White married Charles Hennen#384. 1865. George W. White married Lucy Mobley.

681. JAMES LEROY WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-7-1868; died Hundred, W. Va. 2-26-1913; mar­ried Margaret Renner, of William and Cassie (Foster) Renner, born Garri­son, Pa. 9-16-1870; died Bridgeport, W. Va. 11-13-1967. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

James and Margaret White resided throughout their married life in the Hundred area of West Virginia where he was a farmer. After the death of her husband Margaret resided in Hundred and Morgantown, West Virginia.

5 4 -: :o CHILDREN OF JAMES & MARGARET WHITE (James Martha Enoch )

1866. Daisie White married (1) Jesse L. Haines (2) Charles W. Taylor. 1867. Everett Eli White married (1)

(2) 1868. Clarence William White married (1)

(2) ------1869. Cassie Mae White married Owen Taylor.

682. LUCINDA WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-3-1870; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-7-1949; married George Morris Six#925, of John Hagan and Elizabeth (Kendall) Six, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-22-1869; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1943. Both are bur­ied in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

George and Lucinda Six resided in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where he was a farmer.




(George5John4Jane3) 1870. Floyd Six married (1) Avaline Kimble (2) Nellie Bartrug.

683. MARTHA ARBELL WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 5-3-1872; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-23-1893; married Marion M. Wise, further data not available. Martha is buried in the Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Marion and Martha Arbell Wise resided in the St. Cloud-Mt. Tabor area of West Virginia where he was a farmer.




1871. EVA WISE married ____ Stewart. 684. CHARLES EDWARD WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born

near St. Cloud W. Va. 1-2-1874; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-18-1951; married 1-2-1897 Jane McCans, of William A. and Frances (Funk) McCans, born Knob Fork. W. Va. 12-8-1877; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-25-1937. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Charles and Jane White resided in the St. Cloud area of West Virginia un­til 1913 when they removed to Morgantown (same state). They made their home there for some twenty years before returning to their original residence to spend the remainder of their days.

Charles White was a farmer most of his lifetime; while in Morgantown he was custodian at the County Court House.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF CHARLES & JANE WHITE (Charles Martha Enoch )

1872. Mary Jane White married Clyde Weik. 1873. James Franklin White married Helen Ruhland.

685. EDWARD ELI WHITE, of Eli and Martha (Hennen) White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-19-1879; died Morgantown, W. Va. 3-5-1940; married 11-3-1898 Rosa M. Lemmon, of Salathiel and Nancy Lemmon, born near New Freeport Pa. 3-17-1880; died Greene Co., Pa. 1-26-1949. Both are buried in East Oak Grove Cemetery at Morgantown W. Va.

Edward and Rosa White resided throughout their married life in t,e areas of St. Cloud and Morgantown. West Virginia.




1874. Stanley Ray White married ________ _ 686. IDA MAY HENNEN, of William H. and Lydia Ann Hennen, born near

Jollytown, Pa. 3-14-1865; died 2-13-1893; married 9-6-1891 George Renner, further data on him not available. Ida May is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.


1875. WILLIAM KEMBLE RENNER born 2- -1893; died 3-28-1893; bur­ied Oak Forest Cemetery. at St. Cloud W. Va.

687. CHARLES EVERETT HENNEN, of William H. and Lydia Ann Hennen, born near Jollytown. Pa. 11-4-1866; died Moundsville W. Va. 5-16-1924; married 7-27-1900 Lucy Ann Rice. of Jacob and Mary Caroline (Morford) Rice bornnearNew Freeport, Pa. 3-2-1869;died Moundsville, W. Va. 1940.

Charles and Lucy Hennen resided in the area of New Freeport. Pennsyl­vania for a short time before moving to West Virginia where they made their home in various places; lastly Moundsville. Mr. Hennen was a farmer and merchant.


1876. Jacob Leroy Hennen married (1) Mabel Vanvoorhis (2) Elizabeth Catherman.


1877. Ruth Hennen married Willard Jefferson. 688. FREDERICK HERMAN HENNEN, of William H. and Lydia Ann Henn­

en, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-2-1868; died near Hadley, Pa. 11-27-1931; married 1890, Ada Bell Mapel, of John V. and Catherine Virginia (Throck­morton) Mapel, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-17-1870; died near Hadley, Pa. 12-18-1934. Both are buried in the Hadley Cemetery, at Hadley, Pa.

Frederick and Ada Hennen resided near Wadestown, West Virginia until the fall of 1903 when they removed to Morgantown (same state). In this move they gave their children an opportunity for a better education and Mr. Hennen gave up his life as a farmer to accept a position with the express company. He also served a few years as a policeman there.

In the fall of 1912 Mr. Hennen bought a team of Belgian mares and moved his family to the area near Hadley, Pennsylvania where he did heavy hauling. They took up residence there on a lovely farm, along route 19; as time and progress caught up with them roads were built through their farm. About this time Mr. Hennen sold one acre of his farm (their maple sugar camp) to two men who developed it into Camp Perry, a pleasure place for ma,ry years.


1878. Everett William Hennen married Frances Alzaida Brush. 1879. NETTIE ROZELLA HENNEN, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-10-

1893; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-1-1895; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

1880. Lydia Gay Hennen married Walter Martin Kitch. 1881. Edmund Ray Hennen married Nellie Hazen. 1882. Ida Irene Hennen married (1) John Hanley (2) William Giebner. 1883. Kathryn Virginia Hennen married Albert Lee Bash. 1884. NELLIE MAE HENNEN, born Morgantown, W. Va. 11-30-1909;

died Morgantown, W. Va. 12-18-1910; buried Oak Forest Cemetery. 689. ALICE BELLE HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen. born

near Jollytown, Pa. 9-15-1870; died New Freeport, Pa. 3-15-1908; married 9-15-1890, Barnett R. Lemmon, of Salathiel and Nancy (Renner) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 3-31-1869; died Greene Co., Pa. 9-10-1936. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Barnett and Alice Lemmon resided throughout their married life in the Jollytown-New Freeport area of Pennsylvania; Mr. Lemmon wa~ a farw.er.


William Enoch )

1885. Winona Mae Lemmon married James L. Meighen Sr. 1886. Dora Evelyn Lemmon married Jacob Rice. 1887. Thomas Henry Lemmon married Pauline Smith.

690. WINONA ESTELLA HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen, born nearWadestown, W. Va. 6-21-1873; died Hundred, W. Va. 12-19-1964; married 12-18-1895, Phillip Pinckney Shough, of George W. and Jane (Gid­ley) Shough, born Sand Rock, Pa. 3-4-1874; died Hundred, W. Va. 4-1-1953.


Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. Phillip and Winona Shough resided throughout their married life in the a­

rea of Hundred. West Virginia where he owned and operated a restaurant. He was also, for many years, mayor of the town of Hundred, where they took an active interest in the Methodist Church.


5William4Enoch )

1888. Lydia Jane Shough married (1) Cecil Wasson (2) Adam Slaughter. 1889. Mary Ruth Shough married (1) Lloyd Ray Billingslea

(2) Donley Stiles. 1890. Edna Lee Shough married Daniel Holland Davis. 1891. GEORGE WILLIAM SHOUGH, born and died Hundred, W. Va. ; bur­

ied Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 1892. Lottie Hennen Shough married (1) George Shultz

(2) Robert McShaffrey. 691. RAY VERNON HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen, born

near Wadestown, W. Va. 6-18-1875; died San Antonio, Tex. 4-8-1958; mar­ried (1) 6-26-1907, Cora May Hagan, of John Patrick and Clara (Klingle) Hagan, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-4-1884; died Monongahela (in a nursing home), Pa. 10-14-1966. Ray married (2) 7-12-1944, Jane E. Smith, born 8-17-1893; living, 1968. Ray and Cora are buried in the Eakin Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Ray and Cora Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in Morgantown, West Virginia. After some years they were divorced and Cora continued to reside there while Ray traveled to various parts of the country. Ray and Jane Hennen, after his retirement in 1950, made their home in San Antonio, Texas.

Ray Hennen attended West Virginia University at Morgantown, West Vir­ginia where he received his A. B. degree in 1900 and a B. S. in Civil Engi­neering in 1901. He was named Assistant State Geologist in 1907.

During World War I he served as assistant director of military mapping for the U. S. Army. After the war he became Chief Geologist for the Trans­Continental Oil Company. He subsequently served with the Republic Oil Com­pany and the Plymouth Oil Company. He was also associated with the late Michael Benedum, in Texas. Ray Hennen had an illustrious career and was a widely known petroleum geologist who was identified with major oil discov­eries in the southwest and in North Dakota.

Cora Hagan attended "Villa Angela" Convent of music education at Notting­ham (near Cleveland), Ohio; she also studied at South Bend, Indiana.



1893. CLARA ANN HENNEN, died young; buried Meighen Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa.

1894. Kathleen Matilda Hennen married David W. Jacobs. 1895. RAY VERNON HENNEN, JR., died young; buried Eakin Cemetery,

near Jollytown, Pa. 222

692. MARY LIZZIE HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-5-1877; died Nettle Hill, Pa. 12-17-1944; mar­ried 12-25-1898, Charles Marvin Lemmon, of Salathiel and Nancy (Renner) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-7-1877; died Nettle Hill, Pa. 8-27-1958. Both are buried in Bethany Cemetery, near Nettle Hill, Pa.

Charles and Mary Lizzie Lemmon resided throughout their married life in the areas of Hundred, West Virginia, and Nettle Hill, Pennsylvania. Mr. Lemmon was a farmer.

Charles Lemmon married, for his second wife, Clara H. Rob,rrts. CHILDREN OF CHARLES & LIZZIE LEMMON (Lizzie

5William Enoch3)

1896. ESTHER M. LEMMON, born Garrison, Pa. 1899; died Garrison, Pa. 1900; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

1897. Nancy Ethel Lemmon married Francis Edward Pettit. 1898. PAUL LEMMON, born and died (at birth) Hundred, W. Va.; buried

Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 1899. Edward Salathiel Lemmon married Lucy Barnes. 1900. JOHN LEMMON, born and died (at birth) Hundred, W. Va.; buried

Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 1901. Guy Vernon Lemmon married Pearl Antill. 1902. Luke Lemmon married Fern Connor. 1903. FRANK LEMMON, born and died (young) Hundred, W. Va.; buried

Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 1904. Mary Elizabeth Lemmon married Claude E. Mansfield. 1905. Robert Lee Lemmon married Madeline Shough.

693. CASSIE DORA HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-28-1878; died Wheeling, W. Va. 12-29-1929; married (1) 8-24-1898, Richard Smith Wade, of Elza L. and Matilda Wade, born Jollytown, Pa. 9-23-1871; died 5-8-1901. Cassie married (2) 12-3-1902, Dr. Milton Herman Taylor, of George and Marinda (Garrison) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-27-1871; died near West Alexander, Pa. 3-30-1943. Cassie is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.; Dr. Milton Taylor is buried in the Garrison Family Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.; Richard S. Wade is buried in the Eakin Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

Richard S. and Cassie Wade resided throughout the short span of their married life in the area of St. Cloud, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

Dr. Milton H. and Cassie Taylor first took up residence in the area of St. Cloud (W. Va.) where they remained a short time before removing to the Ohio County area of the same state. There they resided on a farm in Liberty and Triadelphia Districts where he followed the profession of a veterinarian. Although their home there was in West Virginia their address was West Alex-ander, Pennsylvania.


4Enoch )

1906. Raymond Elza Wade married Anne Chapline. 1907. Anna Matilda Wade never married.






1908. Earl Kay Taylor married Audrey Brown. 1909. Lorna Rhea Taylor married Paul Chamberlain. 1910. Winona Madge Taylor never married. 1911. Marinda Mae Taylor married Harold Goodin. 1912. Lydia Elizabeth Taylor married Jacob Paul Hennen#l 776. 1913. George William Taylor married Helen Josephine Coughlin.

694. EARL MALCOLM HENNEN, of William and Lydia Ann Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-12-1882; died Morgantown, W. Va. 6-24-1941; married 8-15-1911, Josephine Marie Stenger, of Anthony and Elizabeth The­resa Stenger, born 4-30-1883; died 2-7-1938.

Earl and Josephine Hennen resided in Morgantown, West Virginia. Mr. Hennen was a member of the standing army of the United States for four years; upon his return he worked with his brother, Ray Hennen, in the business of ge­ology and in gas and oil leases.


1914. Josephine Lydia Hennen never married. 1915. ELIZABETH HENNEN, born and died (young) Morgantown, W. Va. 1916. Earl Malcolm Hennen Jr. married

695. NANCY JANE PHELPS, of Benjamin and Katharine (Hennen) Phelps, born Jefferson Dist., Pleasants Co., W. Va. 1-8-1871; died _____ _ married Alfred Martin, further data not available. Both are buried in the Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

CHILD OF ALFRED & NANCY MARTIN (NanciKatharine4 Thomas3


1917. KATHARINE JANE MARTIN married Everett Nolan. 696. EVELYN PHELPS, of Benjamin and Katharine (Hennen) Phelps, born

Pleasants Co., W. Va. 10-1-1872; died 9-30-1950; married 2-2-1893, Mack Myer, of James and Barbara Myer, born 5-24-1872; died 3- -1914. Both are buried in Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

Mack and Evelyn Myer resided in Pleasants County, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

3 CHILDREN OF MACK & EVELYN MYER (Evelyn5Katharine4 Thomas )

1918. Essie Myer married Nelson Felter. 1919. Clara Myer married James Maston. 1920. Raymond Myer married Beryl Howard. 1921. Rose Myer married Frank Barron. 1922. Kencel Myer married Margaret Byers. 1923. Patrick Myer married Hallie Gault. 1924. Beulah Myer married Willard Neely. 1925. Earnest Myer married Hazel Snively. 1926. Ralph Myer married Betty King. 1927. Lillian Myer married Don Bradfield.


697. WILLIAM HENDERSON PHELPS, of Benjamin and Katharine (Henn­en) Phelps, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 10-7-1874; died Clarksburg, W. Va.; married Lilla LeMasters, living, 1969. Henderson is buried in Willow Is­land Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

CHILDREN OF HENDERSON & LILLA PHELPS (Henderson5Katharine\ Thomas )

1928. RUTH PHELPS married 1929. LEE PHELPS 1930. GROVER PHELPS

Cottrill. ----

698. ELIAS INGRAHAM PHELPS, of Benjamin and Katharine (Hennen) Phelps, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 11-29-1875; died _______ _ married 5-8-1910, Minnie Joy. Both buried Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

CHILDREN OF ELIAS & MINNIE PHELPS (Elias5Katharine4 Thomas3)


(All three immediately above are deceased and buried in Willow Island Cem.) 701. MARY ELLEN PHELPS, of Benjamin and Katharine (Hennen) Phelps,

born Pleasants Co., W. Va. _____ ; living, 1968; married 10-2-1904, William Armstrong, of John and Matilda (Rose) Armstrong, born Grayson, Ky. 10-26-1873; died Utica, Oh. 12-6-1950. William is buried in Southlawn Cemetery, at Utica, Oh.

William and Mary Armstrong resided in Waverly, West Virginia, and in Utica, Ohio. Mr. Armstrong was a rig builder and driller.

4 3 CHILD OF WILLIAM & MARY ARMSTRONG (Mar/Katharine Thomas )

1934. Beatrice Armstrong married Ivan Martin. 705. LEOLA MAY HENNEN, of McDonald and Leeann Hennen, born Wirt

Co., W. Va. 4-3-1878; died Marietta, Oh. 8-13-1968; married George Cain. Leola is buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, near Pargersburg, f · Va.

3 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & LEOLA CAIN (Leola McDonald Thomas )

1935. JESSIE CAIN married H. R. Alexander 1936. VERA CAIN married H. R. Frum.

706. GEORGE T. PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born Wood Co., W. Va. 1-22-1870; died Toronto, Oh. 10-3-1955; married Lulu Riggs, of Charles and Ellen Riggs.

707. IDA A. PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born Wood Co., W. Va. 8-18-1871; died Volcano, W. Va. 11-9-1898; married William Morrison. Ida is buried in the Hennen Ridge Cemetery, in Wood Co., W. Va.

708. LLOYD PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born Wood Co., W. Va. 8-13-1874; died Toronto, Oh. 4-18-1956; married Effie Higgins, of Perry and Sara Higgins. Lloyd is buried in the Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.


709. WILLIAM CURTIS PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born Wood Co., W. Va. 11-19-1987; died Williamstown, W. Va. 3-19-1930; married Beulah Dearth. William is buried in Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

Mrs. Beulah Phelps now resides in Vienna, West Virginia. 710. LUCY M. PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Pehlps, born

Wood Co .. W. Va. 4-21-1879; died Marietta, Oh. 3-6-1941; married Joseph McFarland. Lucy is buried in Willow Island Cemetery,

5near St.



1937. H. B. McFARLAND 1938. C. J. McFARLAND 1939. ____ McFARLAND married Clarence Isner.

711. DANIEL PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born Wood Co., W. Va. 8-10-1882; living, 1968; married Lillie ____ _

Daniel and Lillie Phelps reside in Weatherford, Texas. 712. CYRUS LUTHER PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps,

born Wood Co., W. Va. 2-21-1885; died Ashdown, Ark. 7- -1967; married Lila Tear. Cyrus is buried in Mexia, Tex.

Lila Phelps now resides in Ashdown, Arkansas. 713. EMMETT H. PHELPS, of John and Rebecca (Hennen) Phelps, born

Wood Co., W. Va. 12-14-1888; living, 1968; married Geneva Ferrebee, of George and Edna Ferrebee.

Emmett and Geneva Phelps reside near Marietta, Ohio. Further data not obtained.

714. FRANCIS HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 3-31-1878; died 1913; married 6-3-1904, Sarah Ogle.

Francis and Sarah 0. Hennen resided in Owasco, Missouri. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & SARAH HENNEN (Francis5John4 Thomas


(all born in Owasco, Mo.) 1940. EDNA HENNEN married Reeves. 1941. CHARLES HENNEN 1942. BEULHA HENNEN married Sivere.

715. CHARLES FREEMAN HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 3-31-1879; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 8-31-1961; mar­ried 12-31-1900, Pheba Jane Corbitt, of Hartford and Sara Ann Corbitt, born Wirt Co., W. Va. 1-16-1880; died Spencer, W. Va. 11-10-1956. Both are buried in Hodem Chapel Cemetery, at Spencer, W. Va.

Charles and Pheba Hennen resided in Wirt County, West Virginia where he was employed by the United Fuel Gas Company.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF CHARLES & PHEBA HENNEN (Charles John Thomas )

1943. Sara Hennen married John Cottrell. 1944. Harold Hennen married Hazel Tanner. 1945. Goldie Hennen married Charles Tucker. 1946. Hattie Hennen married Adrian Tennant.


1947. Edith Hennen married (1) ____ Criss (2) Earl Hickman. 1948. Exel Carl Hennen married Rebecca Mae Camp. 1949. Bernice Hennen married (1) Elmer Cottrell (2) Homer Curry. 1950. Romie V. Hennen married Gina Pearl Marks. 1951. Raunda Hennen married (1) Pauline Fletcher (2) Violet Mitchell. 1952. Charlotte Hennen married Cluster Dye.

(Romie and Raunda Hennen are twins) 716. PHOEBIA ELIZABETH HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born

Wood Co., W. Va. 9-20-1881; died Wood Co., W. Va. 1908; married 10-7-1902, Orlando Ward, further data not obtained.

They had no children. 717. WALTER FERMAN HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born

Wood Co., W. Va. 8-14-1883; died 1962; married 7-16-1911, Idah Ellis, of William Ellis, born Osgood, Mo.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF WALTER & IDAH HENNEN (Walter John Thomas )

1953. FARRELL HENNEN, born Osgood, Mo.; married (1) Bernice Hodges (2) Helen __ _

1954. VIVA HENNEN, born Ava, Mo. ; married ________ _ 718. SAMUEL HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born Wood Co.,

W. Va. 6-12-1888; died 1962; unmarried. 719. ANNA ALICE HENNEN, of John and Evelyn Hennen, born Wood

Co., W. Va. 3-19-1892; living, 1968; married 8-1-1914, Ira Oscar Ralls, of Greenbury and Lydia (Smith) Ralls, born Osgood, Mo. 12-2-1884; died 2-1-1953.




1955. OLEN FERMAN RALLS, died unmarried. 1956. Ira Franklin Ralls married Julia Mozaros. 1957. Evelyn Faye Ralls married Roderick Bagwell. 1958. Leona Mae Ralls married Frank Burton. 1959. Kenneth Bern Ralls married Geraldine Keenan. 1960. Marilyn Joanne Ralls married Harold Goldsmith.

720. ARTHUR HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 4-17-1878; died Belmont, W. Va. 3-1-1934; married Anna Bell, of Samuel and Emily Bell, born Pleasant Co., W. Va. 11-1-1887; died . Both are buried in Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's, W. Va.

Arthur and Anna Hannen resided in Belmont, West Virginia where he op­erated a grocery store for some years. Later he operated an automobile a­gency and garage.

They had no children. 721. BIRTA HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood

Co., W. Va. 8-29-1881; died Belmont, W. Va. 4-9-1967; married Brodie Copenhaver, of Jacob and Laura Copenhaver, born ____ ; died Belmont, W. Va. Both are buried in Willow Island Cemetery, near St. Mary's.


Brodie and Birta Copenhaver resided in Charleston, West Virginia; At­lanta, Georgia; Asheboro, North Carolina; and Belmont, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Copenhaver were both early day school teachers; later Brodie was a highway contractor.

They had no children. 722. ZORA HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood

Co., W. Va. 11-13-1883; died Scio, Oh. 9-5-1966; married George Reese, further data not obtained. Zora is buried in East Palestine Cemetery, at East Palestine, Oh.

George and Zora Reese resided in East Palestine and Scio, Ohio; both were early day school teachers. Later George was employed by the U. S. Postal Service, as a clerk. Since his retirement from postal service he has been associated with the Scio Pottery Company, ag a purch,rsing agtpt.

CHILDREN OF GEORGE & ZORA REESE (Zora William Thomas ) (all born East Palestine, Oh.)

1961. DELMA REESE married Earl Hulton. 1962. MAXINE REESE married Kenneth Parker. 1963. GEORGE T. REESE married Dorothy ___ _ 1964. PAUL W. REESE married Miriam -----1965. KATHRYN REESE married Joseph DeVille.

723. DOROTHY HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 10-1-1885; living, 1969; married Charles Cooke, of Jo­seph and Florence (DeWitt) Cooke, born Cleveland, Oh. 1-28-1881; died St. Mary's, W. Va. 10-2-1958. Charles is buried in the I. O. 0, F, Cemetery, at St. Mary's, W. Va.

Charles and Dorothy Cooke resided in Belmont, West Virginia where she yet resides. Charles was a farmer and oil producer, employed by the Dinns­more Oil Company, at St. Mary's, W. Va.


1966. Clarice Cooke married James Francis Williamson. 196 7. Florence Cooke married Roy Thomas Houts Jr. 1968. Loren Cooke married Helen A. Smith. 1969. Birta Eileen Cooke married Van Lier Lanning. 1970. Virginia May Cooke married Beryl A. Russell. 1971. Norma Jean Cooke married James West Hoy.

724. JERRY HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 9-18-1890; living, 1969; married Lavina Dale, born Massillon, Oh.; living, 1969.

Jerry and Lavina Hannen reside in Canton, Ohio where he is now retired. He was formerly employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, as a switchman. Jerry served his country in World War I; spent some time in Germany. 4 3

CHILD OF JERRY & LAVINA HANNEN (Jerry5William Thomas )

1972. DALE HANNEN never married; at home. 228

725. BLANCHE HANNEN, of William Thomas and Sarah Hannen, born Wood Co., W. Va. 7-26-1893; died St. Mary's, W. Va. 11-9-1918; married Ben Atkinson, further data not obtained. Both are buried in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery, at St. Mary's, W. Va.

Ben and Blanche Atkinson resided in St. Mary's, West Virginia where both were early day school teachers. He later worked for the Pennsylvania State Refinery (at St. Mary's, W. Va.) and the Prudential Insurance Comp­any. He was also a Minister in the Church of Christ.

CHILD OF BEN & BLANCHE ATKINSON (Blanche5William4Thomas3)

1973. JUANITA ATKINSON, born Akron, Oh.; married John Wolfe. 724 through 728. No further data has been received. 733. MATTIE MAY HENNEN, of Oliver and Uree Hennen, born Lexing­

ton, Ill. 7-24-1870; died Council Bluffs, Ia. 1-15-1959; married 11-26-1897, Alfred Countryman, of John Henry Countryman, born 4-7-1874; died 7-27-1950. Both are buried in Earlham Cemetery, at Earlham, Ia.

Alfred and May Countryman resided throughout most of their life togeth­er in the Red Oak area of Iowa. Alfred was a farmer and also worked at Red Field Brick Yard and Haykie Portland Cement Company, at Earlham, Ia. After finishing the eighth grade, Mattie May graduated from a cooking school in Fremont, Nebraska.




1974. Wilfred Countryman married Gladys E. Smith. 732. FRANK HENNEN, of Oliver and Uree Hennen, born Wadestown,

W. Va. 10-20-1872; died Denver, Colo. 2-17-1954; unmarried. He is bur­ied in Denver, Colo.

Frank Hennen attended Fremont (Nebraska) Normal School and resided at home until about 1908. At that time he went to Sheridan, Wyoming and worked for the Burlington Railroad. He spent his retirement years in Den­ver, Colorado.

733. EMMITTE BROOKE HENNEN, of Oliver and Uree Hennen, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-6-1876; died Buchanan, Mich. 5-11-1933; married 1-8-1903, Marie Dittmar, of John and Elizabeth Dittman, born Niles, Mich. 10-26-1882; died Valparaiso, Ind. 2-10-1955. Both are buried in the Posey Chapel Cemetery, in Galena Twp., LaPorte Co., Ind.

Brooke and Marie Hennen resided in the area of Hooper, Nebraska until about 1914 when they removed to Galena Township, of LaPorte County, Indi­ana. There they spent the remainder of their days on a farm. Brooke died as a result of an injury by a heavy construction machin5.

3 CHILDREN OF BROOKE & MARIE HENNEN (Brooke Oliver4William )

1975. Oliver William Hennen married (1) Leona M. Farren (2) Mrs. Opal Dellinger Spade.

1976. CHARLES J. HENNEN, born Hooper, Nebr.; died LaPorte Co., Ind. at the age of 5 years-a school accident.


1977. Clyde Brook Hennen married Bernadien Thelma Cauffman. 1978. Pauline M. Hennen never married. 1979. Lloyd Wesley Hennen married Ruth Bradburn.

734. MARY LOUISA HENNEN, of Oliver and Uree Hennen, born Wades­town, W. Va. 4-8-1881; died Fremont, Nebr. 11-30-1964; married 3-7-1906, Charles Emil Andersen, of Niels and Laura Andersen, born Ames, Nebr. 12-18-1874; died Hooper, Nebr. 8-17-1922. Both are buried in the Bluffs Church Cemetery, northwest of Fremont, Nebr.

Charles and 11Isa11 Andersen resided throughout their married life in the Ames-Hooper area of Nebraska where Mr. Andersen was a farmer. Charles attended Fremont Normal School. at Fremont. Nebraska.




1980. Bernice Cleo Andersen never married. 1981. Rex Lucien Andersen married Alice Emma Johnson. 1982. Frank Charles Andersen married Johanna Marie Neils.

737. IDA MAUD HENNEN, of Oliver and Uree Hennen, born Dodge Co. , Nebr. 10-26-1883; died Sheridan, Wyo. 10-4-1966; married (in Sheridan, Wyo. in the First Presbyterian Church; they were the first couple to be mar­ried in the church building) 6-16-1911, John Samuel Holstedt, of John and Marie Holstedt, born Chicago, Ill. 3-27-1881; died Sheridan, Wyo. 2-11-1939. Both are buried in the Sheridan Municipal Cemetery, at Sheridan, Wyo.

John and Maud Holstedt resided throughout their married life in the area of Sheridan, Wyoming. Maud Hennen left her home in Nebraska and went to Sheridan, as an elementary school teacher, in 1907; she was principal of the Custer Street School there prior to her marriage. She was a charter member of the Sheridan Chapter, D. A. R. (National Number 811800). From 1942-1949 she was matron of the Wyoming State Girls' School.

John Holstedt came to Sheridan in 1905, as a telegrapher with Burlington Railroad; he had previously been employed as a telegrapher in the midwest. Mr. Holstedt was also a bookkeeper for a produce company and music store; at the time of his death he was proprietor of his o~ radio repair shop.


1983. Uree Marie Holstedt married Carl Richter. 1984. John Hennen Holstedt never married. 1985. Robert Eugene Holstedt married Mary Emily Mothershead.

741. LOUISA MAY HENNEN, of Elza and Mary Hennen, born Wadestown, W. V-a. 9-11-1879; died Campbell, Calif. 11-2-1961; married 11-23-1898, Bernard J. McEntee, of Bernard J. and Bridget (Mc Mahan) McEntee, born Wheeling;" W. Va. 10-10-1870; died Detroit, Mich. 9-11-1948. Both are bur­ied in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, at Detroit, Mich.

*marriage record gave his birthplace as Alleghany Co., Pa. Bernard and "Lulu" McEntee resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Cin­

cinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; and Detroit, Michigan.



1986. Daniel Joseph McEntee married Florence Des Roches. 198 7. William J. McEntee married Phyllis E. Shafferly. 1988. Edward Bernard McEntee married Dorothea Amy Tracy.

742. WILLIAM VINCENT HENNEN, of Elza and Mary Hennen, born Burton, W. Va. 2-21-1881; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 11-15-1957; married 4-25-1910, Anna L. Schwarzkopf, of William F. and Katherine (Reichenecker) Schwarzkopf, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 11-25-1884; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 4-4-1960. Both are buried in St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery, at Pittsburgh, Pa.

William V. and Anna Hennen resided throughout their married life in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where Mr. Hennen was a repairman. Mr. Hennen had made his home in Pittsburgh since 1899.




1989. Kathryn Louise Hennen married James Earl Beard. 1990. William George Hennen married Laverne Donnelly. 1991. Thomas Albert Hennen married Anna R. Legler. 1992. John Edward Hennen married Helen Laheta.

745. MAUDE REBECCA HENNEN, of Elza and Mary Hennen, born Wades­town, W. Va. 1-16-1887; living, 1969; married (1) 10-13-1902, Jeremiah Jasper Bartholow, of Felming Bruce and Belle (Hamilton) Bartholow, born Fairmont, W. Va. 8-15-1883; died Winston, Va. 12- -1951. Maude married (2) 8-22-1921, Joseph Kramer, of Alex and Jennie Kramer, born in Russia 2-14-1883; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 2-22-1952. Jeremiah J. Bartholow is buried in the Culpepper Cemetery, at Culpepper, Va.; Joseph Kramer is buried in Beth Shalom Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jeremiah and Maude Bartholow resided in Fairmont, West Virginia until they were divorced. Mr. Bartholow was a plasterer by trade.

Joseph and Maude Kramer resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he was a wholesale jobber and distributor; he was a partner in John Robbins and Company. Maude now resides in Maitland, Florida.

Maude Hennen Kramer has been a tremendous help in compiling the data on this branch of the family and we are grateful to her for her assis,t:nce.


1993. INFANT DAUGHTER BARTHOLOW, born and died Fairmont, W. Va. 9-26-1903; buried East Fairmont, W. Va.

1994. Bruce Bartholow married (1) Verlo Peters (2) Eleanor Mueller (3) Cloreen Daugherty.

1995. MARY MARGARET BARTHOLOW, born and died Chicago, Ill. 1-12-1907; buried Chicago, Ill.

1996. Kathryn Bartholow married James P. Coons. 747. WALTER LEO HENNEN, of Elza and Mary Hennen, born Mounds­

ville, W. Va. 6-11-1890; died Cleveland, Oh. 2-2-1943; married Anne __ further data on her not available.


Walter and Anna Hennen resided throughout their married life in Cleve­land, Ohio where he was a telegraph operator employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Mr. Hennen served in the United States Army during World War I and was buried with military honors.

They had no children. 748. JOHN THOMAS HENNEN. of Elza and Mary Hennen, born Mounds­

ville, W. Va. 10-10-1892; died East Orange, N. J. 1-1-1962; married (in St. Dominics Church, Portland, Me.) 11-16-1916, Mary Iles. of William and Mary Iles, born Portland. Me. 5-17-1893;living, 1969. John is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington, N. J.

John T. and Mary Hennen resided in Newark, New Jersey where he was an inspector in public service. The early years of their marriage were spent in Portland, Maine.



1997. Winifred Ernestine Hennen married Francis X. Schmidt Jr. 1998. Mary Iles Hennen married Eugene Feeley. 1999. Justine L. Hennen married Richard Sommer.

749. ALICE GENEVIEVE HENNEN, of Elza and Mary Hennen, born in Moundsville, W. Va. 11-6-1894; living, 1969; married 1-1-1930, Herbert William Miller, of William and Louise (Haas) Miller, born Milwaukee, Wis. 5-15-1891; died Los Gatos, Calif. 3-18-1962. William is buried in the Los Gatos Cemetery, at Los Gatos, Calif.

William and Alice Miller resided in Detroit, Michigan; Hollywood, Cali­fornia; Burbank, California; and Los Gatos, California. Alice now makes her home in Santa Clara, California. Mr. Miller was a mechanical engineer employed by Day and Night Water Heater Corporation, of Monrovia, Cali­fornia.





2000. Alice Miller married Maj. Joseph D. Cullen. 2001. Mary Miller married Dr. Hugh I. Schade. 2002. Donald William Miller married Stella Armento.

750. WILLIAM HENNEN SHRIVER, of Adam and Rebecca (Hennen) Shriv­er, born Wadestown, W. Va. 8-22-1877; died Wadestown, W. Va. 12-17-1960; married 9-26-1902, Icie Wilson, of Wayne and Dollie Wilson, born Pennsboro, W. Va. 4-12-1885; died Wadestown, W. Va. 6-11-1962. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

William and Icie Shriver resided throughout their married life in Wades­town, West Virginia where Mr. Shriver was a farmer ~d oil fiild worky.


2003. James H. Shriver never married. 2004. Walter Shriver married Ernestine Tucker.

751. GEORGE C. SHRIVER, of Adam and Rebecca (Hennen) Shriver, born Wadestown, W. Va. 9-24-1884; died Warren, Oh. 8-29-1963; married6-15-


1912, Emma Bess Zipf, of William F. and Elizabeth K. (Riege) Zipf, born Trail Run, Monroe Co., Oh. 6-8-1886; living, 1968. George is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warren, Ohio.

George and Emma Shriver resided throughout their married life in the area of Warren, Ohio, where he was employed by the Republic Steel Corp­oration, as a machinist. Mrs. Shriver now makes her home with her sister in Warren, Ohio.



William3) 2005. Clarence William Shriver married Martha Harris. 2006. Robert Edwin Shriver married Lyda Mae Rush. 2007. Anne Elizabeth Shriver married Rudolph R. Boye. 2008. Laverne Shriver married James F. McVicker.

752. MERTTIE ELLEN HENNEN, of Levi and Matilda Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 10-23-1876; died Washington, Pa. 12-10-1947; married 12-23-1902, William Sabeas Main, of Minor and Sarah (Taylor) Main, born near Jollytown, Pa. 3-26-1873; died Claysville, Pa. 3-4-1951. Both are bur­ied in West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

William and Merttie Main resided throughout their married life in the a­rea of Claysville and West Alexander, Pennsylvania whire he was a far1!ter.


Alexander )

2009. Oscar Albert Main married (1) Etta Armstrong (2) Mrs. Alberta McLaughlin.

2010. Leslie Oakel Main never married. 2011. Ila Beatrice Main married Russell Freeland. 2012. Levi Minor Main married Eleanor Patterson. 2013. Joseph Paul Main married Flora Clark. 2014. William Main Jr. married Evelyn Ringer.

753. CHARLES HENNEN, of Levi and Matilda Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 11-9-1878; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 4-2-1944; married Sally Renner# 2328, of Spencer and Elsie (Church) Renner, born near Wades-town, W. Va. 5-3-1883; died _____ . Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Charles and Sally Hennen resided near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer and carpenter.




2015. Francis Leo Hennen married (1) Ruth Virginia Bissett (2) Ruth Delaney (3) Margaret Bush.

755. OSCAR HENNEN, of Levi and Matilda Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 9-29-1887; died Charlotte, N. C. 11-23-1967; married 9-12-1917, Luvina Cathern Kimble, of Samuel and Lydia (Main) Kimble, born near Burton, W. Va. 4-25-1884; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-3-1931. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Oscar and 11Vina11 Hennen resided throughout their married life in the 233

Wadestown area of West Virginia; he was a farmer. In 1944 Oscar went to live with his daughter in North Carolina; there he remiined until gis death.

CHILD OF OSCAR & LUVINA HENNEN (Oscar5Levi Alexander )

2016. Helen Louise Hennen married (1) Robert Edgar Bryant (2) Wales Franklin Sigmon.

758. PLEASANT ANNA SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-29-1871; died near Grangeville, W. Va. 11-30-1946; married 6-15-1895, John Cunningham, of Daniel and Surrepta Cunningham, born Grangeville, W. Va. 11-16-1866; died Grangeville, W. Va. 1-22-1949. Both are buried in the Cunningham Cemetery, near Grangeville.

John and Pleasy Anna Cunningham resided throughout their married life in the Grangeville area, near Mannington, of West Virginigi; he ias a farme:f.


2017. Charles Ray Cunningham married Carrie Umphrey. 759. CORA SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 1873; died Grangeville, W. Va. ; married Will Griffin, who died in Shinnston, W. Va. . Further data not yet learned.

Will and Cora Griffin resided in the arei of Grfngeville, Jest Virginia. CHILD OF WILL & CORA GRIFFIN (Cora Sarah Alexander )

2018. Gay Griffin married Dewey Belnap. 760. IDA SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 4-5-1875; died Logansport, W. Va., 5-11-1957; married 10-14-1900, Homer Beatty, of George W. and Maria (Nay) Beatty, born Lo­gansport, W. Va. 8-5-1875; died Logansport, W. Va. 3-20-1938. Both are buried in Mannington Memorial Park, at Mannington, W. Va.

Homer and Ida Beatty resided in Logansport, West Virginia. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF HOMER & IDA BEA TTY (Ida Sarah Alexander )

2019. Glenn L. Beatty married Mary Linville. 2020. Roy 0. Beatty married Edna Clark. 2021. Katherine Marie Beatty married Douglas Anderson. 2022. Charles R. Beatty married Hettie Louise Richards.

761. GEORGIA SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 1879; died Indian Run, W. Va. ; married Francis Robinson, further data not yet learned. Buried in the Hawker Cem­etery, near Grangeville, W. Va.

Francis and Georgia Robinson resided in the area of Indian Run, West Virginia.

CHILD OF FRANCIS & GEORGIA ROBINSON (Georgia 5sarah 4 Alexander3)

2023. HAZEL ROBINSON married Carl Rogers. 762. FRANK SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near

Grangeville, W. Va. 6-8-1887; died Tippecanoa, Oh. ; married 8-234

19-1911, Emma Hildreth, of John and Nancy (Floyd) Hildreth, born Joetown, W. Va. 12-8-1890; died Tippecanoe, Oh. . Both are buried in the Free-port Cemetery, at Freeport, Oh.

Frank and Emma resided in Mannington and Clarksburg, West Virginia; also in Tippecanoe, Ohio.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF FRANK & EMMA SHRIVER (Frank Sarah Alexander )

2024. Harold Shriver never married. 2025. James Ralph Shriver married Catherine Slinger. 2026. Beryl Shriver never married. 2027. Helen Shriver married Howard Green. 2028. Mildred Shriver never married.

763. NORA SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 9-4-1881; died Joetown, W. Va. ; married Frank Johnson, further data not learned.

Frank and Nora Johnson resided in Grangeville, West Virginia; they had no children.

764. MAUDE SHRIVER, of Jacob and Sarah (Hennen) Shriver, born Har­rison Co., W. Va. 6-7-1893; living, 1968; married 2-20-1913, William W. Wells, of Simon and Melinda Wells, born Joetown, W. Va. 6-8-1893; living, 1968.

William and Maude Wells have resided in the areas of Joetown, Moody Run and Fairmont, West Virginia; he was a farmer an%coal 1}liner.

3 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MAUDE WELLS ( Maude Sarah Alexander )

2029. Wayman Vaughan Wells married Ollie Kuhn. 2030. Charles Edward Wells married Doris Ranard. 2031. Catherine Ernestine Wells married James F. Lemley.

765. EDWARD CLOVIS HENNEN, of Lewis and Elzena Hennen, bornnear Wadestown, W. Va. 5-11-1878; died Dennison, Oh. 2-10-1965; married (1) 8-27-1902, Nevada Edith Maple, of John and Catherine (Throckmorton) Maple, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-18-1882; died near Cadiz, Oh. 7-21-1940. Edward married (2) Wilma Jane Stackhouse, of Hiram and Jane (Phillips) Stackhouse, born Claysville, Oh. 11-30-1890; died Wheeling, W. Va. 12-25-1955. All three are buried in Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh.

Eddie and Vada Hennen resided throughout their married life in the area of Cadiz, Ohio where he was a farmer. Eddie and Wilma also resided in the same area.

Mr. Hennen owned and operated a coal mine; also he helped care for the roads of the county. He was a charter member of the Harrison County (Ohio) Farm Bureau.

4 3


2032. Lew Roy Hennen married Ethel E. Mellish. 2033. Robert Maple Hennen married Gertrude B. White. 2034. Elizabeth Elzena Hennen married Arthur Sommerville Albaugh.


2035. Margaret Edith Hennen married Harry Leroy Mercer. 2036. MILDRED LEE HENNEN, born and died (young) Cadiz, Oh.; buried

Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh. 767. ELIZABETH ONA HENNEN, of Lewis and Elzena Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 11-21-1882; died Columbus, Oh. 5-15-1962; married 6-14-1905, Alpheus Garrison Henderson, of Asa and Delila (Barrickman) Hend­erson, born Core, W, Va. 3-31-1877; died Columbus, Oh. 9-15-1960. Both are buried in Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh.

Garrison and Ona Henderson resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Cadiz, Ohio where he was a farmer. They were also very active church workers and civic minded citizens. In 1950 Mr. Henderson re­tired and they moved into a new home in Columbus, Ohio, to spend their re-tirement years.

5 3


2037. Floyd Henderson married Grace Marie Tresch. 2038. Wilma Louise Henderson married James Ralph Barger.

768. JESSE HARVEY LEMMON, of William and Clarissa Jane (Hennen) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-2-1875; died New Freeport, Pa. 10-8-1948; married (1) 1-2-1898, Rosetta Six, of Ezra and Mahala (Myers) Six, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-26-1874; died New Freeport, Pa. 5-4-1936. Jesse H. Lemmon married (2) 10-27-1942, Mrs. Margaret White, of __ and ____ Smith, born 1876; died Morgantown, W. Va. 11- -1960. Jesse and Rosetta Lemmon are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jeff­erson, Pa.; Margaret is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W,Va.

Jesse Harvey and Rosetta Lemmon resided throughout their married life near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and stock raiser. He and Margaret also resided in the same area.

5 4 CHILDREN OF JESSE & ROSETTA LEMMON (Jesse Clarissa Alexander


2039. Ida Lemmon married Jefferson L. Furbee. 2040.EMMA IRENE LEMMON, born and died near New Freeport, Pa. (an

infant); buried Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport. 2041.Robert M. Lemmon married Nora Roupe.

769. LYDIA ELLEN LEMMON, of William and Clarissa Jane (Hennen) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-6-1877; died West Finley, Pa. 8-17-1952; married 11-6-1895, Robert Milton Clovis, of William and Rebecca (Chalfant) Clovis, born near Jollytown, Pa. 1-30-1865; died West Finley, Pa. 2-5-1945. Both are buried in Dallas Cemetery, at Dallas, W. Va.

Robert and Lydia Clovis resided in the areas of Jollytown and West Finley, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer; he also operated a grocery store. Mr. Clovis served as road supervisor in West Finley Township of Washintgon County, Pennsylvania.

4 CHILDREN OF ROBERT & LYDIA CLOVIS (Lydia5Clarissa Alexander3)

2042. John Milton Clovis never married. 236

2043. Nellie Jane Clovis married Carl Dae Galentine. 2044. Dora Rebecca Clovis married Russell E. Wilson. 2045. Mary Emma Clovis married Alex Joseph Berghoff. 2046. Frances Dayle Clovis married (1) John William Barnes

(2) Charles J. Eigenbrod. 770. MARY HALLIE LEMMON, of William and Clarissa Jane (Hennen)

Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-21-1879; died Greene Co., Pa. 3-11-1955; married (1) William Lindsey Main, born 1877; died ___ . She married (2) 12-13-1913, William M. Hixenbaugh, of Joseph and Cassie (Church) Hixenbaugh, born 1882; died ___ . All three are buried in the Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

William L. and Mary Main resided throughout their married life in the Jollytown area of Pennsylvania; he was a farmer. She and William Hixen-baugh also resided in the same area.

4 3 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY MAlN (Marlclarissa Alexander )



2049. MILTON HIXENBAUGH 771. OWEN RAY LEMMON, of William and Clarissa Jane (Hennen) Lem­

mon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 5-11-1884; died West Alexander, Pa. 9-18-1964; married 6-6-1914, Cassie Taylor, further data not avail'4ble.



772. EMMA ALICE LEMMON, of William and Clarissa Jane (Hennen) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 1-10-1887; died Hundred, W. Va. 4-8-1965; married 9-25-1915, Fred Hixenbaugh, of Joseph and Cassie (Church) Hixenbaugh, born Hundred, W. Va. 10-24-1888; died Hundred, W. Va. 1-17-1958. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Fred and Emma Hixenbaugh resided in Hundred, West Virginia where he was an employee of the Carnegie Gas Company, having been retired at the time of his death.


5Clarissa Alexander)

2053. Ruth Hixenbaugh married Marvin Harold Jones. 2054. HELEN HIXENBAUGH, born and died (at birth) Hundred, W. Va.;

buried Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa. 2055. Robert Lemmon Hixenbaugh married Betty Marie Kennedy. 2056. Betty Rose Hixenbaugh married Gerald E. Bartrug.

774. CHARLES COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, 237

born Beverly, W. Va. 7-9-1885; died Dusk Camp, W. Va. 11-2-1918 (or'33); married 7-29-1906, Ada Groves, of Samuel and Clara (Casner) Groves, born Dusk Camp, W. Va. ___ ; died Dusk Camp, W. Va. 12- -1928. Both are buried in Dusk Camp Cemetery, at Dusk Camp (Gilmer Co.), W. Va.

Charles and Ada Cottrill resided throughout their married life in the a -reas of Dusk Camp and Copen, West Virginia; he was a f:frmer.

4 3 CHILDREN OF CHARLES & ADA COTTRILL (Charles Martha Alexander )

2057. Glenn Cottrill married Edith White. 2058. MARY COTTRILL died young. 2059. Ruby Cottrill married Basil Evenson. 2060. Chester Cottrill married Georgia Anderson. 2061. Hazel Cottrill married Walter Branham.

775. LEONA BELLE COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Beverly, W. Va. 11-26-1886; died Stumptown, W. Va. 3-2-1958; married Wade Blackshire, of Ebb Blackshire, born Stumptown, W. Va. 2-15-1889; died Weirton Heights, W. Va. 3-18-1960. Both are buried in the Stump Cemetery, in Calhoun Co., W. Va.

Wade and Leona Blackshire resided in Stumptown, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

5 4 3 CHILD OF WADE & LEONA BLACKSHIRE (Leona Martha Alexander )

2062. GOLDEN WADE BLACKSHIRE 776. MAUDE COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill,

born Belington, W. Va. 4-19-1888; living, 1968; married 9-7-1910, Roy W. Linger, of Luther and Hannah (Stump) Linger, born Mike's Run, W. Va. 1-20-1886; died 4-21-1968. He is buried in Union Cemetery, near Manchest­er, W. Va.

Roy and Maude Linger resided throughout their married life in the areas of Gassaway, Morgantown and New Cumberland, West Virginia; Maude still resides in the latter place. Before marriage Maude was a school teacher; Roy Linger was a farmer. Mrs. Linger has supplied muc~ of this da;a.

CHILDREN OF ROY & MAUDE LINGER (Maude Martha Alexander )

2063. MATHIAS LINGER, born and died (at Birth) Rush Run, Calhoun Co., W. Va.; buried Stump Cemetery, same County.

2064. Gem Elma Linger married (1) B. G. Blosser (2) Isaac Hill. 2065. Floda Arlene Linger married (1) Charles Sweringen

(2) Ernest Sigler. 2066. Rosalene Ellen Linger married Howard Lewis. 206 7. Oreen Roy Linger married Ruby Mogue.

777. BESSIE COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Belington, W. Va. 10-2-1889; living, 1968; married Dennis W. Moyers, born Copen, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Dennis and Bessie Moyers have resided throughout their married life in Copen, Braxton County, West Virginia; he is a farmer. They have no children.


778. FRANK COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Troy, W. Va. 9-21-1891; died 3-27-1955 (or 2-19-1953); married Bertha Linger, of Luther and Hannah (Stump) Linger, born Rush Run, W. Va. 1-20-1884; living, 1968. Frank is buried in Lawnwood Cemetery, at Morgan-town, W. Va.

5 4 3.


2068. MABEL EULA COTTRILL 2069. Frank Cottrill Jr. married June ----

779. BEULAH COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Troy, W. Va. 9-8-1894; living, 1968; married Goode Stonestreet, fur­ther data not received.


3 Alexander ) 2070. Helen Gay Stonestreet married A. Radcliff. 2071. LEONA DAYE STONESTREET 2072. VONDA MAE STONESTREET 2073. NEVA ETHEL STONESTREET

780. HARRY COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Flat Woods, W. Va. 7-16-1896; living, 1968; married (1) Carrie Moy­ers, of Wise and Gay Moyers, born Braxton Co., W. Va. ; died Mor­gantown, W. Va. 1933. Harry married (2) Josephine Nicholson, of Thomas Nicholson, born Braxton Co., W. Va.; living, 1968. Carrie is buried in the Moyers Cemetery, in Braxton Co., W. Va.

Harry and Carrie Cottrill resided in Braxton County, West Virginia; he and Josephine now reside in Farmington, West Virginia$




781. BROOKS COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Flat Woods, W. Va. 7-23-1898; living, 1968; married 9-21-1939, Ada­belle Shaffer, of William and Mary Jane Shaffer, born Grafton, W. Va. 10-


20-1893; living, 1968. Brooks and Adabelle Cottrill presently reside in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Mr. Cottrill is now retired, having formerly been employed by the Inland Steel Company, of East Chicago, Indiana. They have no children.

782. BONNIE COTTRILL, of Rev. Fred and Martha (Hennen) Cottrill, born Dusk Camp, W. Va. 9-9-1900; died Dusk Camp, W. Va. 12-9-1935 (or 3-27-1958); married Hoy Shiflet, of Henry A. and Rachael (Collins) Shiflet, born Dusk Camp, W. Va.; living, 1969. Bonnie is buried in Dusk Camp, W. Va.

Hoy and Bonnie Shiflet resided in the Dusk Camp area of Gilmer County, West Virginia where he was a farmer. Hoy married, for his second wife, Cloda Azalea Moody and they yet reside in Dusk Camp.

Hoy Shiflet served in the United States Army, for a period of two years and thirteen days.



208 7. Edith Muriel Shiflet married Nealus Clatterbuck. 2088. Evalene Mae Shiflet married (1) John W. Roach (2) Roy E. Shiflett. 2089. Blair Jackson Shiflet married (1) Fonda White (2) Mary Lena Camp-

bell (3) Ina Kirkpatric. 783. FRANCIS PAUL HENNEN, of Henry and Lillie Hennen born Cadiz,

Oh. 3-3-1902; died Cadiz, Oh. 3-8-1960; married 1-20-1932, Sara Ann Nash, of Charles E. and Elnora Nash, born Cadiz. Oh. 11-24-1908; Living, 1968. Francis is buried in Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh.

Francis and Sara Hennen resided throughout their married life in the a­rea near Cadiz, Ohio where he was a farmer. He was also employed by the State Highway Department as a maintainer operator.

CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & SARA HENNEN (Francis5Henry4 Alexander3)

2090. Mary Jean Hennen married Harold Wayne Adams. 2091. Doris Arlene Hennen married Ernest Walter Mizer. 2092. Nancy Lee Hennen married Ronald Blaine Sproull. 2093. Ruth Ann Hennen married James Lester Nabb.

784. MARY RACHEL HENNEN, of Henry and Lillie Hennen, born Cadiz, Oh. 8-21-1904; living, 1968; married 10-10-1925, George Americus Wenner, of Hampton and Katie (Everhart) Wenner, born Lovettsville, Va. 12-21-1903; living, 1968.

George and Mary Wenner presently reside in Jewett, Ohio where Mr. Wenner is employed by the Boich Mining Company, as an electric shovel op­erator.

George Wenner attended Massanutten Military Academy in Woodstock, Virginia for two years; he also attended Stuarts Business College in Washing­ton, D. C. Mary attended Normal School in New Philadelphia, Ohio after which she taught school for one year.



2094. Charles Hampton Wenner married Ruth Ellen Copeland. 2095. George Edward Wenner married Eloise Marie Essig. 2096. Isabella Wenner married Edgar Allen Wallace. 2097. Phillip Everhart Wenner married Edith Virginia Walker. 2098. Mary Catherine Wenner married Leland L. Boals. 2099. JOHN FRANKLIN WENNER, born Bloomington, Oh.; died (young)

Smithfield, Oh. ; buried Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh. 2100. Virginia Lee Wenner married William Lawrence Miller.

785. WlLLIAM HOWARD HENNEN, of Henry and Lillie Hennen, born A­thens Twp., Harrison Co., Oh. 7-28-1908; living, 1968; married 6-21-1935, Mary M. Mellernee, of Frank G. and Blanche (Garner) Mellernee, born Nottingham Twp., Harrison Co., Oh. 4-12-1916; living, 1968.

Howard and Mary Hennen reside in the Cadiz area of Ohio where he is a farmer. Howard is also Farm Bureau Manager at Steubenville, Ohio. Mary is employed as a secretary for the Selective Service System. They formerly resided in Coshocton and Gallipolis, Ohio.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF HOWARD & MARY HENNEN (Howard Henry Alexander )

2101. Philip Norman Hennen married Emily L. Lutz. 2102. Rita Blanche Hennen married Raul Amado Jr.

786. ORA BLANCHE HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born near Hundred, W. Va. 11-25-1885; living, 1968; married 10-17-1904, James Em­mett Ice, of Dr. Herschel and Cyrenia (Hildreth) Ice, born Farmington, W. Va. 7-16-1884; died Salem, W. Va. 8-24-1948. Mr. Ice is buried in the I. 0.0. F. Cemetery, at Salem, W. Va.

James E. and Blanche Ice resided in Salem, West Virginia where she yet makes her home. Mr. Ice was a merchant for some years and later engaged in the oil and gas business.


5William Alexander )

2103. Ruth Ice married Dayton Lister. 2104. Alta Ice never married. 2105. Gladys Ice married George E. Bland. 2106. Helen Ice married James W. Mutschelknaus. 2107. James Emmett Ice Jr. married Ernestine May Ward.

787. PEARL HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 8-6-1891; died Steubenville, Oh. 7-21-1969; married 9-22-1913, John Clark Yost, of Peter Linzie and Elma (Shanks) Yost, born near Mannington, W. Va. 9-27-1881; died Wheeling, W. Va. 1-11-1953. Both are buried in the Bee Gum Cemetery, near Mannington, W. Va.

John and Pearl Yost resided for some time in the Mannington area of West Virginia; their last residence was in the Wheeling area (same state) and, after the death of Mr. Yost, Pearl made her home in Mannington again. Mr. Yost was a steel worker employed by the Ackerman plant of the Wheel­ing Steel Company.

Pearl Hennen Yost served as Grand Warden of the West Virginia Rebekah 241

Assembly; also as President of the same. In 1927 she was elected a director of the I. 0, O. F. Home and served 35 years as such; she served 15 years as superintendent of this Home. Pearl supplied us much of this information.



2108. Elma Jane Yost married Tobe L. Daniels. 788. CLARENCE KIRK HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born

near Wadestown, W. Va. 2-7-1895; died near Mannington, W. Va. 6-10-1944; married 1-22-1917, Nina Louise Burr, of Charles Herbert and Stella (Swisher) Burr, born Boothsville, W. Va. 12-10-1897; living, 1968. Clar­ence Hennen is buried in the Bee Gum Cemetery, near Mannington, W. Va.

Clarence and Nina Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in the Bee Gum area, near Mannington, West Virginia. Mr. Hennen was an engineer for the Equitable Gas Company.

Nina Hennen married, for her second husband, Charles Russell Satter-field and they reside in Mannington. West Virginia.



3 Alexander ) 2109. WILMA KATHERINE HENNEN, born Pine Grove, W. Va.; died

(young) Mannington, W. Va. ; buried Bee Gum Cemetery. 2110. Helen Louise Hennen married (1) Charles Reesman

(2) Dale Denver Michael. 2111. Harold Leo Hennen married Annabelle Marie Glover. 2112. BETTY JO HENNEN, born and died (young) Mannington, W. Va.;

buried Bee Gum Cemetery. 2113. Pauline Lucille Hennen married Rudolph Sertic. 2114. Genevieve Clarene Hennen married Maury L. Blount. 2115. Mary Jo Hennen married Jack Snodgrass.

789. GUY THOMAS HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born Mann­ington, W. Va. 8-10-1896; living, 1968; married (1) 6-20-1922, Mable Mor­gan, of Clarence Curry and Agnes (Cochran) Morgan, born Mannington, W. Va. 11-20-1894; died Mannington, W. Va. 8-10-1960. Guy married (2)Martha Riddle, of Isaac and Lavina Riddle, born Harrisville, W. Va. 5-5-1908; liv­ing, 1968. Mable is buried in the Burt Hill Cemetery, at Mannington, W. Va.

Guy and Mable Hennen resided throughout their married life in the area of Mannington, West Virginia where he and Martha now reside.

Mr. Hennen was employed in the compensation department of the Jame­son Coal Company and later the Consolidated Coal Company; he is now re­tired. Guy served in World War I as a member of the United States Marine Corps, and was wounded in action. After the war he served as a member of "Pershing's Own" Honor Guard.



2116. Beverly Ann Hennen married George Jerome Amend. 790. GENEVIEVE HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born Mann­

ington, W. Va. 2-3-1900; living, 1968; married 6-14-1927, Thomas Britton 242

Cornwell, of William Taylor and Malinda (Poling) Cornwell, born Moatsville, W. Va. 4-15-1897; living, 1968.

Thomas and Genevieve Cornwell have resided throughout most of their married life in the Mannington area of West Virginia where Mr. Cornwell operates a pine tree plantation and is a member of the National and State Christmas Tree Association, Incorporated.

Genevieve attended Fairmont State Normal School 1921-24 after which she taught school for some years and later was a store manager for 14 years before retiring.


Alexander ) 2117. Margaret Ann Cornwell married Jackson Scott Clelland.

791. MARGARET LUCILLE HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen born Mannington, W. Va. 1-13-1902; living, 1968; married 5-23-1932, Way;e M. Reger, of Kent and Laura (Lawson) Reger, born Lorenz, W. Va. 5-10-1906; living, 1968.

Wayne and Lucille Reger have resided in Mannington and Elkins, West Virginia; Zanesville and Massillon, Ohio; also briefly in Florida. Since 1942 they have maintained a residence in Massillon, Ohio.

Lucille worked some time for the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company before entering Fairmont State Normal School (Fairmont, W. Va.) where she completed the short course. In 1927 she graduated from the Stand­ard Normal Course after which she taught school in the Mannington District for 12 years.

Later she attended Zaner-Bloser College of Handwriting at Columbus, Ohio where she obtained a professional certificate in business writing. Still not satisfied she returned to school and received her B. S. degree from the University of Akron (Ohio) in January, 1968. She has taught part-time and as a substitute in the Massillon (Ohio) area and now is a full time teacher. In addition to all this she has sold Life Insurance and Compton's Pictured En­cyclopedia.

Wayne Reger received his B. S. in Ed. from West Virginia Wesleyan (at Buckhannon, W. Va.) in 1929, as a trumpet special. Since that time he has taught music in West Virginia and served 4 years as President of the W. Va. Pioneer Music Camp, at Elkins, West Virginia. He next served as director of Instrumental Music at Zanesville (Ohio) High School. In 1942 he became director of the Instrumental Music Program at Lorin Andrews Junior High School and the elementary schools of Andrews District (Massillon, Ohio), a position he still holds.

For some unknown reason, at the age of 37 years, Wayne was drafted in­to the United States Army, during World War TI, and assigned to the 761st Army Air Corps Band. He served in the European Theater and was discharg­ed after 2 years service, returning to his teaching position in Massillon.

Wayne has been a member of the American School Directors Association since 1956 and has served 2 years as its Ohio State Chairman; he has also served it as trumpet and coronet clinician. Mr. Reger was on the Counselor


Staff and taught brass at the National Music Camp for 4 years; has been Vice President and an Associate Conductor of School Band of America, traveling on concert series abroad to England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Monaco and Holland. He was presented an award for that work and, in 1965, was named 1 of 10 outstanding school musical directors in the na­tion. He was a member of a 13-man band director team which toured Europe and the Soviet Union in 1959, where they gave a special private concert.

He has been first trumpet player with the Canton (Ohio) Symphony Or­chestra for 25 years; also appears as guest conductor and soloist an many areas; plays in 4 other professional bands; teaches brass at Malone College; writes music and musical books.

Wayne and Lucille have no children. 792. FAYE HENNEN, of William and Sarah Hennen, born Mannington,

W. Va. 8-1-1904; living, 1968; married Vernon Leslie Parker, of Fred L. and Lulua Parker, born Fairmont, W. Va. 10-3-1903; living, 1968.

Vernon and Faye Parker reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he is now retired from the All-State Insurance Department of Sears, Roebuck and Company, having worked for them some 20 years. He had formerly been an oven inspector for Pittsburgh Steel Company, at Clairton, Pennsylvania. Be­fore taking up residence in Pittsburgh, Vernon and Faye had resided in Bal-timore, Maryland, and Clairton, Pennsylvania.


5William Alexander )

2118. Sarah Jane Parker married Keith S. Ankeney. 2119. William Vernon Parker married Margaret Lesa Falvo.

793. REX EARL HENNEN, of Joseph and Sarah Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 11-12-1888; died Albuquerque, N. M. 1-28-1967; married Gwendolyn Edwards, of John and Laura (Cromwell) Edwards, born Johnstown, Pa., 5-15-1889; living, 1968. Rex is interred in the Charles T. French Mauso­leum, at Albuquerque, N. M.

Rex and Gwendolyn Hennen resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he was a conductor for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; he served in this capacity on the last B & O passenger train through Claysville, Pennsylvania. Rex retired in 1957, after 48 years service, and the family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where Gwendolyn continues to reside.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF REX & GWENDOLYN HENNEN (Rex Joseph Alexander )

2120. Lois Gwendolyn Hennen married John Paul Williams. 2121. Jack Rex Hennen married (1) Francis Marie Cupp (2) Iris Carpenter.

794. HALLA DAY HENNEN, of Joseph and Sarah Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va. 8-14-1890; living, 1969; unmarried. See below.

795. GLADYS ANN HENNEN, of Joseph and Sarah Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-7-1895; living, 1969; unmarried.

Halla and Gladys Hennen reside in Claysville, Pennsylvania and have con­tributed most generously to the compilation of this history through many lines.


Halla Hennen has worked as a clerk in a grocery store, telephone opera­tor, clerk in County Treasurer's office, bookkeeper in West End Service Sta­tion and a faithful church worker.

Gladys Hennen has worked as a telephone operator, secretary of Neigh­borhood House (Washington, Pa.), bookkeeper at Imperial Cleaners and at Sprowls Hardware Store, as well as a faithful church worker.

Halla and Gladys have, for a number of years, given unselfishly of their time and talents to the community in which they live. In recognition of this service they were honored, by the Claysville Methodist Church, at a special dinner in June, 1965. Bishop W. Vernon Middleton, of the Western Pennsyl­vania Methodist Conference, and Dr. James A. Gaiser, district superintend­ent, attended this service. Both Halla and Gladys have been teaching in the Sunday School since 1914 and have been official members of the church board for more than 35 years. Gladys has been Sunday School Treasurer since 1928 and Halla has served many years as Literature Chairman.

796. NELLIE LOUISE HENNEN, of Christopher and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va. 6-25-1900; living, 1969; married 3-24-1919, Arlie Ray Wade, Sr., of William M. and Nancy Jane (Clark) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va. 6-13-1901; died Elkton, Md. 7-20-1965. Arlie is buried in Stone­wood Park Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Arlie and Nellie Wade resided in Mannington, Wheeling and Clarksburg, West Virginia before removing to North East, Maryland where Nellie still resides. Arlie Wade was employed at Phillip's Machine Shop (Mannington), National Tube (Benwood) and National Carbon Corrwany (Clarks~urg).

CHILDREN OF ARLIE & NELLIE WADE (Nellie Christopher Alexander3)

2122. Gladys Christine Wade married Harry Pinder. 2123. Mary Ruth Wade married Edward R. Malone Sr. 2124. Betty Jean Wade married Earl Caynor Jr. 2125. Arlie Ray Wade Jr. married Clara Oldaker. 2126. Jack Wayne Wade never married. 2127. Doris Louise Wade married Glenn Posey. 2128. Pauline June Wade married William L. Wood. 2129. Don Edgard Wade never married. 2130. James Roosevelt Wade married Margaret Thompson. 2131. ROBERT LEE WADE, born Mannington, W. Va.; died Clarksburg,

W. Va. (aged 4 years); buried Hopewell Cemetery, near Clarksburg. 2132. Richard William Wade married Mary Lou Hicks.

798. DON COLUMBUS HENNEN, of Christopher and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va. 6-29-1907; living, 1969; married Estella Gordon Trew­ren, of George William and Maud Riddle (Trout) Trewren, born Portland Mills, Pa. 7-23-1909; living, 1969.

Don and Estella Hennen have resided throughout their married life in the area of Weirton, West Virginia where he is a crane operator for the Weirton Steel Company. Estella has helped us considerably with this history and we are most grateful to her for her kindness.



Christopher4 Alexander3)

2133. Don Columbus Hennen Jr. married Joan Krnjaich. 799. EUGENE GROVE HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born

Morgantown, W. Va. 3-26-1853; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 2-22-1946; married (1) 9-25-1879, Flora L. Yeager, probably a daughter of George and Anna Maria Yeager, born 2-4-1865; died New Geneva, Pa. 7-25-1880. Grove Hall married (2) 12-31-1884, Katharine Springer, of Charles Alexander and Eliza­beth (Kirkenbower) Springer, born 3-16-1864; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 1-25-1940. Grove and Katharine Hall are buried in the family plot in Scottdale, Pa.; Flora is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, at Fairchance, Pa.

Grove and Katharine Hall resided in Connellsville, Pennsylvania where he owned a picture store and was cashier of the Scottdale National Bank. They later removed to Pittsburgh (same state) where they spent their later y~ars.


Valinda4 Robert )

2134. Charles Springer Hall married Rachel E. Donovan. 2135. FREDERICK LEE HALL, born Connellsville, Pa. 5-29-1890; died

Connellsville, Pa. 6-29-1905; buried Scottdale, Pa. 2136. Eugene Grove Hall Jr. married Joanna Moore.

800. EMMA FRANCES HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Morgantown, W. Va. 11-7-1854; died Seattle. Wash. 2-6-1941; married 9-26-1875, Samuel Blackburn, born 2-12-185?; died Seattle. Wash. 2-27-1942.

Samuel and Emma Blackburn resided in the area of Chicago, Illinois for many years; there he was employed by Armour and Company, as an account­ant.



2137. Chester Blackburn married _______ _ 2138. Ethel Blackburn married (1) Leonard Griffith (2) Ed Scanlon.

801. ELLA VIRGINIA HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 11-14-1856; died Fairchance, Pa. 12-4-1922; married 12-16-1880, William Edgar Moore, of George D. and Minerva (Heaton) Moore, born near Fairchance, Pa. 4-23-1853; died Fairchance, Pa. 1-16-1907. Both are buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, at Fairchance, Pa.

William E. and Ella V. Moore resided in Fairchance, Pennsylvania where he successfully engaged in coal operations. Mr. Moore was the organizer of the First National Bank of Fairchance (Pa.) and was its president at the time of his death.

4 3 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM E. & ELLA V. MOORE (Ella5Valinda Robert )

2139. RAYMOND MOORE, born Fairchance, Pa. 9-20-1881; died Fair-chance, Pa. 8-10-1882; buried Maple Grove Cemetery.

2140. Grove Hall Moore married Harriet Smiley. 2141. Susan Clara Moore married Dr. John Byron Ache. 2142. Flora May Moore married Otto B. Hustead.


2143. Mary Frances Moore married William Edward Brown. 2144. Bertha Valinda Moore married Samuel Edmund Watters. 2145. Arthur Dearth Moore married Mary Josephine Shaffer.

802. CATHERINE HENNEN HALL, of Leary and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 11-28-1858; died Pomeroy, Wash. 5-14-1928; married 7-14-1881, Rev. Thomas Jefferson Collins, of Andrew and Olive (McClain) Collins, born Va. (now W. Va.) ; died Pomeroy, Wash. 1-8-1931. Both are buried in Colfax, Wash.

Rev Thomas J. and Catherine Collins resided, among other places, in Brookville and Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Spokane and Pomeroy, Washing­ton. Rev. Collins was a graduate of Bucknell University and Crozier Theo­logical Seminary; he was a minister of the Baptist Church for 52 year~.


2146. Isa Valinda Collins married Dr. James William Sherfey. 2147. Leroy Collins married Vera McDonald Corneliuson.

803. ROBERT HENNEN HALL, of Leary and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 11-8-1862; died Greensboro, Pa. 5-23-1903; unmarried. He is buried in Monongahela Hill Cemetery, near Greensboro, Pa.

Robert Hall spent his entire lifetime in Greensboro, Pennsylvania; he was a deaf mute, said to have been very bright.

804. SARAH ELIZABETH HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 1-23-1865; died San Francisco, Calif. 3-30-1932; married (1) 10-7-1890, Frederick A. Halleck, who died in Buffalo, N. Y. 7-16-1901. Sarah married (2) 7-8-1905, Edgar William Mills, further data not learned. Sarah is buried in Rosehill Cemetery, at Chicago, Ill.




2148. Florence Halleck married Carl Kaltenborn. CHILD OF EDGAR & SARAH MILLS (Sarah



2149. EDWARD MILLS, nothing further. 805. WILLIAM LEE HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born

Greensboro, Pa. 11-28-1866; died Greensboro, Pa. 11-25-1889; unmarried. Buried in Monongahela Hill Cemetery, near Greensboro, Pa.

806. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 2-22-1869; died Los Angeles, Calif. 6-16-1925; mar­ried 5-14-1891, Ella Palmer, of Benjamin and Julia Ann (Powell) Palmer, born Berne Twp., Albany Co., N. Y. 1-1-1869; died Covina, Calif. 12-22-1939. Both are buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, at Glendale, Calif.

Frederick and Ella Hall took up residence in Chicago, Illinois where he was employed by Armour and Company. They later moved west and finally settled in Temple, California where they resided when Mr. Hall died; Ella later lived in Monrovia, California. Mr Hall was a manager for the Pure Oil Company in Spokane, Washington before moving on to California. Mr. Hall was also a commercial traveler.


Before his marriage Frederick Hall had been employed, as a room clerk, for the Palmer House in Chicago. During this time he was introduced to Ella, a cashier in the hotel, by Potter Palmer I, builder of the first and second Palmer House hotels in Chicago. Mr. Palmer was a cousJn of El1,fs fath1{.

CHILDREN OF FREDERICK & ELLA HALL (Frederick Valinda Robert )

2150. Gertrude Valinda Hall married Clyde Henry Willey. 2151. INFANT SON HALL, born Chicago, Ill. 3-15-1894; died Chicago,

Ill. 4- -1894. 2152. Helen Catherine Hall married Frank L. VanWagnen.

807. GEORGE BIRCH HALL, of Leroy and Valinda (Hennen) Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 2-8-1871; died Chicago, Ill. 1937; married (1) 7-3-1896, Mary Alice Duniform, who died 12-1-1906. George married (2) 11-27-1912, Bertha McDonald, born 10-1-1876; died . George and Bertha are bur-ied in Rosehill Cemetery, at Chicago, Ill.

George Hall resided in Chicago, Illinois where he was a landscape archi-tect and was employed by the Rosehill Cemetery there.

4 3 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & MARY HALL (George5Valinda Robert )

2153. LEE HALL 2154. VALINDA HALL married CHILD OF GEORGE & BERTHA_H_A_L_L_(George Valinda4 )

2155. HALL ----808. ALBERT HOLMES HITE, of Isaac and Catherine (Hennen) Hite, born

near Morgantown, W. Va. 1866; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1921; married Evelyn Pratt, born 1878; died ___ _

They had no children. 810. ALICE OLIVE HITE, of Isaac and Catherine (Hennen) Hite, born

near Morgantown, W. Va. 1869; died Morgantown, W. Va. ; married Russell Love Morris, of John 0. and Eliza (Love) Morris, born Cabell Co., W. Va. 11-14-1868; died ___ _

Russell and Olive Morris resided in Morgantown, West Virginia; Mr. Morris was, for many years, a professor at West Virginia University. We have been unable to get further help on this family. Mrs. Morris gave some help but was quite aged and we did not wish to imfose upon ,rer more.

CHILD OF RUSSELL & OLIVE MORRIS (Olive Catherine Robert3


2156. John Hite Morris married Margaret Giesey. 811. LIZZIE HITE, of Isaac and Catherine (Hennen) Hite, born near

Morgantown, W. Va. 187_; died ___ ; married Dr. David Hall Courtney, of Amos and Sarah Jane (Hall) Courtney, born near Randall, W. Va. ___ ; died Morgantown, W. Va. 5-27-1927.

Dr. David Hall and Lizzie Courtney resided in Morgantown, West Virgin­ia and Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Courtney graduated from West Virginia University and Jefferson Med-248

ical College. He first practiced medicine in Mt. Morris for some 7 years after which he did post-graduate work. Having developed a keen interest in the coal, oil, gas and glass manufacture, he retired from the medical pro­fession and devoted his time to industrial developments. He was quite suc­cessful in this new undertaking and eventually held extensive coal interests and large amounts of real estate.



Robert ) 2157. Grace Courtney married Orrin Davis. 2158. Catherine Courtney married Gen. Phillip Brown. 2159. Frances Courtney married John Tarr. 2160. David Hall Courtney Jr. married Blowden Hughes. 2161. Joseph H. Courtney married Helen Huston.

813. WALTER ALEXANDER MESTREZAT, of Charles and Helen(Hennen) Mestrezat, born near Greensboro, Pa. 9-5-1857; died Morgantown, W. Va. 8-7-1942; married Eva Mae Hennen#245.

For further data see #245. 818. ANNA HENNEN, of Matthew and Mary Louise Hennen, born Morgan-

town, W. Va. ; died Morgantown, W. Va. ; married Clarence Lantz, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Lantz.

Clarence and Anna Lantz resided in Morgant9wn, Wes4 Virginia. CHILD OF CLARENCE & ANNA LANTZ (AnnauMatthew Robert )

2162. LOUISE LANTZ married David ____ ; reside in Washington, D. C. 820. FRANCIS C. REYNOLDS, of Francis and Isabella (Hennen) Reynolds,

born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Jessie Knight, further data not learned. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & JESSIE REYNOLDS (Francis5Isabella


2163. REYNOLDS ----2164. REYNOLDS 2165. ____ REYNOLDS

821. NINA I REYNOLDS, of Francis and Isabella (Hennen) Reynolds, born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Luther Caiskadon, furJher data not leaped.


George )


823. HAL REYNOLDS, of Francis and Isabella (Hennen) Reynolds, born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Jennie Caiskadon, further data not learned.

5 4- 3 CHILDREN OF HAL & JENNIE REYNOLDS (Hal Isabella George )

2169. ___ REYNOLDS 21 70. REYNOLDS 2171. REYNOLDS 2172. REYNOLDS


525. WALTER BABB, of 0. and Mary (Hennen) Babb born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Marguerite Mignot, further data not ivailab4e.


2173. ___ BABB 826. ERNEST BABB, of 0. and Mary (Hennen) Babb, born Mineral Co.,

W. Va.; married Katie Bell, further data not availab4e. 3

CHILD OF ERNEST & KATIE BABB (Ernest5Mary George )

2174. Vance Babb married 827. FRANCIS HENNEN BABB. of 0. and Mary (Hennen) Babb, born

Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Gertrude Scherr, further data not availa§le. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & GERTRUDE BABB (Francis5MariGeorge )

21 75. Arnold Babb married 2176. Mary Katherine Babb married Jennings Randolph.

828. JUSTINA BABB, of 0. and Mary (Hennen) Babb, born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married Walter Scherr, further data not available.



2177. ___ SCHERR 829. MABEL BABB, of 0. and Mary (Hennen) Babb, born Mineral Co.,

W. Va.; married Clarenca Vossler, further data not available. 5 4 3 CHILD OF CLARENCE & MABEL VOSSLER (Mabel Mary George )

2178. ___ VOSSLER 83 7. SARAH WEST, of Dr. Thomas H. and Fanny (Hennen) West, born

Mineral Co .. W. Va.; married ____ Kinsey, further data not available. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF & SARAH KINSEY (Sarah Fanny George )

2179. KINSEY ----2180. KINSEY

838. MINNIE WEST, of Dr. Thomas and Fanny (Hennen) West, born Mineral Co., W. Va.; married ____ Millholland, further data not avail-able.



839. GRACE WEST, of Dr. Thomas and Fanny (Hennen) West, born Min-eral Co., W. Va.; married ____ Webb. further data not available.

. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF & GRACE WEBB (Grace Fanny George )

2183. WEBB ----2184. WEBB

840. ALICE WEST, of Dr. Thomas and Fanny (Hennen) West, born Min-250

eral Co., W, Va.; married ____ Smith, further data ngt available. CHILD OF & ALICE SMITH (Alice5Fanny4George )

2185. SMITH ----841. HELEN WEST, of Dr. Thomas and Fanny (Hennen) West, born Min­

eral Co., W. Va. ; married Harry Markwood, further data not available. CHILDREN OF HARRY & HELEN MARKWOOD (Helen5Fanny4George3)

2186. 2187. 2188.




844. ALBERT EARL HENNEN, of Frank and Anna Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va. 8-21-1882; died Wheeling, W. Va. 5-23-1957; married 4-12-1912, Florence Kirkland, of John L. and Catherine (Hogan) Kirkland, born Kane, Pa. 5-18-1889; died Wheeling, W. Va. 1-7-1964. Both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Wheeling, W. Va.

Albert Earl Hennen attended Bryant and Stratton Business College in Chi­cago, Illinois, after which he returned to West Virginia and attended Fair­mont State Normal School and Bethany Preparatory School. In 1908 he was graduated from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery and immediately set up practice in Woodsdale (Ohio County), West Virginia. He continued the practice of dentistry in the Wheeling area for more than 49 years.

Dr. Albert E. and Florence Hennen resided throughout their married life in Wheeling, West Virginia.


Thomas ) 2189. Albert Earl Hennen Jr. married Anne Nolan Mathison. 2190. Suzanne Hennen married Atwood W. Haning. 2191. Florence Kirkland Hennen married Edward Lee North.

845. JEAN-PAUL MESTREZAT, of Walter and Eva (Hennen) Mestrezat, born Morgantown, W. Va. 7-11-1887; died El Paso, Tex. 3-5-1956; married 1-31-1914, Muna Mae Musgrave, of Charles A. and Nettie Myrtle (McDougal) Musgrave, born Harrisville, W. Va. 11-9-1887; died El Paso, Tex. 1932?. Muna is buried in the I. O. 0, F. Cemetery, at Harrisville, W. Va.; the re­mains of Jean-Paul were cremated and the ashes scattered over Willamette River in Salem, Ore.

Jean-Paul and Muna Mestrezat traveled extensively throughout the United States during their married life. Previous to World War I he was a member of the regular army, serving in the cavalry and engineer corps. During most of his lifetime he served as a Boy Scout Executive. Muna had been a school teacher before her marriage.

CHILDREN OF JEAN-PAUL & MUNA MESTREZAT(Jean-Paul5Eva4 Tbos. ~ Jean-Paul6Walter


2192. Mary Ethel Mestrezat married (1) Howard Stockbridge (2) Warren Miller.

2193. Pauline Mestrezat married Samuel Francis Speerstra. 251

846. MARY HELEN MESTREZAT, of Walter and Eva (Hennen) Mestrezat, born Morgantown, W. Va. 8-14-1888; living, 1968; married 7-23-1913, Harry Adrian Sprigg, of Morgan Dyer and Susan Jane (Morrison) Sprigg, born Brax­ton Co., W. Va. 1-11-1881; died Morgantown, W. Va. 2-23-1953.

Harry and Mary Sprigg resided throughout their married life in Morgantown, West Virginia where he was a salesman for a grain brokerage firm. Mary H. Mestrezat Sprigg attended West Virginia Universi~ before her marriage.

CHILDREN OF HARRY & MARY SPRIGG (Mary Eva4 Thomas3\ (Mary6Walter5Helen 4 )

2194. UNNAMED INFANT SPRIGG, born and died (at birth) Morgantown, W. Va.; buried there.

2195. Morgan D. Mestrezat Sprigg never married. 847. WILBUR STERLING HENNEN, of Lawrence and Elsie Hennen, born

Fairmont, W. Va.; died Fairmont, W. Va; unmarried. Further data not a­vailable.

848. CHARLES McMINN HENNEN, of Lawrence and Elsie Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. 9-4-1901; died Fairmont, W. Va. 8-17-1956; married Avanell Morgan, further data not received. Charles is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Charles and Avanell Hennen resided in Fairmont, West Virginia where he was proprietor of a motor trading company. Avanell married, for her sec­ond husband, J. Waide Stewart and they now reside in the Virgin Islands.


Thomas ) 2196. Jane Hope Hennen married Peter Holland Hunter. 2197. Sally M. Hennen

849. THOMAS WILBUR HENNEN JR., of Thomas and Nellie Hennen, born Fairmont, W. Va. ; living, 1969; married (1) Martha Ann Hall, of Homer Hall, further data not received. Thomas married (2) Mrs. Dora Mar-garet Ferguson, of ____ and Ona (Hardesty) Sheppard, further data not received.

Thomas and Dora reside near Morgantown, West Virginia; he is a land­lord over extensive properties and she teaches at West Virginia University. There are no children.

850. MARY EMILY HENNEN, of Thomas and Nellie Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va.; died Philadelphia, Pa.; married (1) Dr. John C. Meredith, born Fairmont, W. Va.; living, 1969. Mary married (2) Dr. George Allen Bennett, of Christopher Columbus and Jonnie Alice (Curtis) Bennett, born Water Valley (Valobuska Co.), Miss.; died Chicago, Ill. Both Dr. and Mrs. Bennett are buried in West Laurel Hill Cemetery, at Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.

Dr. John and Mary Meredith resided in Fairmont, West Virginia where he yet resides with their daughter.

Dr. George and Mary Bennett resided in Narberth, Pennsylvania; after the death of Dr. Bennett his widow and children resided in Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania until her death.

Mary E. Hennen attended College two years and later worked as a labor-252

atory technician at the University of Pennsylvania. She also devoted much time (after the death of Dr. Bennett) as a social worker in a program deal­ing with the aged. She was a member of the D.A.R. and the Woman's Board of Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia.

Dr. George Allen Bennett received his A. B. degree from Wabash College in 1923; studied at Louvain University in Belgium in 1928; received his M. D. from the University of Munich in 1937; also Sc.D from St. Joseph's College in 1951; Lt. D. from Temple University in 1951; D. Sc. from Dickinson Coll­ege in 1955; D. Sc. from Grove City College in 1956. He served as assistant in histology at Baylor University College of Medicine in 1928; teaching fellow anatomy at Harvard Medical School 1928-30; professor of histology at George­town University 1930-33; professor of anatomy 1933-34; voluntary assistant in dermatology at Munich in 1934-35; anatomy and surgery 1935-37; member of faculty of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia from 1939--professor from 1948--dean from 1950 until his death. He was a director of the Daniel Baugh Institute of Anatomy; recipient of the American Academy Orthopedic Surgery gold medal 1948; member of American Anatomy Association, Phila­delphia County Medical Association; author and experimental,turgeon.

3 CHILD OF DR. JOHN & MARY MEREDITH (Mary5Thomas Thomas )

2198. Susan Hennen Meredith CHILDREN OF DR. GEORGE & MARY BENNETT (MariThomas4)

2199. George Allen Bennett Jr. 2200. Thomas Bowen Bennett 2201. James Christopher Bennett 2202. John Paul Bennett

851. THOMAS ELWOOD MARINER, of Stevenson and Lydia (Butcher) Mariner, born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 12-3-1855; died ___ ; mar-ried 11-2-1882, Jennie Rush, further data not learned.


Elizabeth3) (we have record of only one) (Thomas4 Lydia Rachel2) 2203. JOHN L. MARINER, died 7-24-1902, aged 18 yrs. 10 mos.; buried

Roberts Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa. 852. RACHEL MARINER, of Stevenson and Lydia (Butcher) Mariner, born

Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1857, further data unknown, except indications are that she married a Smith.


5Steve~on Elizabeth )

(Rachel4 Lydia Rachel2) 2204. THOMAS SMITH, born Pa. about 1878.

853. CYNTHIA JANE MARINER, of Stevenson and Lydia (Butcher) Marin­er, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 6-15-1859; died Washington, Pa. 6-18-1946; married Hailman Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 6-5-1859; died Washington, Pa. 5-5-1916.

Hailman and Cynthia Rush resided in Washington, Pennsylvania.


CHILDREN OF HAILMAN & CYNTHIA RUSH (Cynthia5Stevenson4Elizabeth3> (Cynthia 4 Lydia 3Rachel 2)

2205. CHARLES RUSH 2206. ED RUSH 2207. BESS RUSH 2208. SADIE RUSH married (1) Oliver Lemmon (2) Charles Martin

(3) William Trimmer. 857. JESSE MARINER, of George and Rebecca Mariner, born near Mt.

Morris, Pa. 10-17-1856; married (1) Mary A. ___ , born 6-17-1862; died 5-24-1901. Jesse married (2) Cassie Ellen Kiger, of Charles and Mary A. Kiger, born near Brock, Pa., further data not learned. Mary is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Jesse and Mary and Cassie Mariner resided near Hundred, West Virgin-ia where he was a farmer.




2209. JULIA MARINER, born near Hundred, W. Va. about 1879. 2210. JANE MARINER, born near Hundred, W. Va. about 1880. CHILD OF JESSE & CASSIE MARINER (Jesse5George4 )

2211. DESSIE MARINER married Thomas Jeffrey. 861. JAMES STEPHENSON MARINER, of George and Caroline Mariner,

born near Hundred, W. Va. 10-3-1885 (or 10-4-1883 or 8-8-1885), further data not obtained. Resides Glendale, W. Va.

862. JOHN MARTIN MARINER, of George and Caroline Mariner, born near Hundred, W. Va. 9-7-1883 (or 9-7-1885); died McMechen, W. Va. 8-29-1963; married Hannah Estel, of Abel and Mary (Mundell) Estel, born near Aleppo, Pa. 3-18-1887; died McMechen, W. Va. 4-30-1968. Both are buried in the Estel Family Cemetery, near Sugar Grove, Pa.

John and Hannah Mariner had resided in McMechen, West Virginia since 1912 until their deaths. John was employed by the Hickman Coal Company of Benwood, West Virginia until an injury received in 1935 forced his retire­ment.


2212. Abel Leroy Marriner married ________ _ 2213. Mary Irene Marriner never married.

863. ELIZABETH EVA MARINER, of George and Caroline Mariner, born near Hundred W. Va. 4-17-1887; married Daniel Stewart, further data not available.

864. SARAH JANE MARINER, of Jeremiah and Catherine Mariner, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1862; died near Wadestown, W. Va. 1942; married Ebenezer Bell born 1854; died near Wadestown. W. Va. 1926. Both are bur­ied in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Ebenezer and Sarah Bell resided throughout their married life in the area of Wana-Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a carpenter and farmer.


CHILDREN OF EBENEZER & SARAH BELL (Sarah5Jeremiah4Elizabeth')

2214. Emerson Bell married Marty Alice Wise. 2215. Ernest Bell married Cecyle Furman. 2216. Winnie Bell never married.

865. ROSANNA MARINER, of Jeremiah and Catherine Mariner, bornnear Hundred, W. Va. 12-24-1866; died Wana, W. Va. after 1910; married Irwin Eakin further data not learned.

Rosanna Eakin was residing in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 1908-10; they had no children.

866. JOSHUA HENRY TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 6-18-1863; died Hundred, W. Va. 1-16-1952; mar­ried 8-29-1885, Drusilla May Butcher#1016, of M. Hennen and Melinda (Lea­zer) Butcher, born near Hundred. W. Va. 9-28-1868; died Hundred, W. Va. 8-4-1947. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Joshua H. and Drusilla Taylor resided throughout their married life in the areas of Jollytown, Pennsylvania and Wadestown-Hundred, West Virgin­ia; he was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF JOSHUA & DRUSILLA TAYLOR (Joshua5Lucinda4Elizabeth') (Drusilla 5Hennen 4Harrison3)

2217. Martha Ellen Taylor married Saul Shriver. 2218. DORA TAYLOR, born Wadestown, W. Va. 4-14-1889; died Wades-

town, W. Va. 8-23-1895. 2219. Charles Edgar Taylor married (1) Carrie Snyder (2) Gladys Wade. 2220. Samuel Ellis Taylor married Mary May Teagarden. 2221. AUDRAY TAYLOR, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-22-1896; died Hund­

red, W. Va. 6- -1905. 2222. Ora Raymond Taylor married (1) Bertie Jobes (2) Bessie Thomas

(3) Mildred Anderson. 2223. Oscar Herman Taylor married (1) Bertie Hunt (2) Goldie Minnie King. 2224. Mary Nell Taylor married (1) Bruce (2) Allen Carter. 2225. TWIN BROTHER TAYLOR, born Hundred, W. Va. 10-24-1905; died

Hundred, W. Va. 10-27-1905. 2226. Roy Harold Taylor married (1) ______ (2)

868. GRANT TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. about 1868; died Moundsville, W. Va. ___ ; married Anna Edwards, further data not available.



4Elizabeth )

2227. IDA TAYLOR married Joward James. 2228. HOMER TAYLOR married Elizabeth Ville rs. 2229. BLANCH TAYLOR married Milton Metz.

869. MOLLIE TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-29-1871; died Claysville, Pa. 7-21-1963; married James White, born Rock Lick, W. Va., 4-11-1861; died Wheeling, W. Va., 10-9-1955. Both are buried in West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander,


Pa. James and Mollie White resided in the areas of Jollytown, Rutan, Grays­

ville, East Finley and Lone Pine, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Dur­ing their later years they made their home among their child4en.


Lucinda Elizabeth3)

2230. Winnie White married Levi Francis Porter. 2231. Harry White married May Phillips. 2232. MELVIN WHITE, born and died Graysville, Pa. 11- -1892. 2233. Gertrude White married (1) Harrison Fordyce (2) Walter Shultz

(3) John Mcclatchey. 2234. Goldie White married (1) Jesse King (2) Charles Porter. 2235. Nellie White married Albert Dougherty. 2236. Henry White married Sula Martin. 2237. Ida White married (1) Frank Byers (2) Clinton McDaniels. 2238. Curtis White married Dorothy McKain.

870. ELSWORTH TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 4-9-1866; died Jollytown, Pa. 8-19-1940; marriedol<Sarah Anderson, of Daniel and Margaret (Wade) Anderson, born Kansas City, Mo. 7-17-1874; died Jollytown, Pa. 9-18-1961. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va. *married 2-6-1894

James Elsworth and Sarah Taylor resided in the Jollytown area of Penn­sylvania where he was a farmer.


Elizabeth 3

) 2239. Earl Taylor married Stella Lough. 2240. May Taylor married Charles Yost. 2241. Lucy Taylor married Lester Kughn. 2242. Ross Taylor never married. 2243. Clarence Taylor married Doris Pethtel. 2244. Iniz Taylor married John Haught. 2245. Glenn Taylor married Elizabeth Kerns. 2246. Vergil Taylor married (1) Nellie Haines (2) Mildred Vogel. 2247. Grant Taylor married Florence Longstreth. 2248. Regina Taylor married John Griffith. 2249. Robert Taylor married (1) Norma Roberson (2) Lois Crable

(3) Madelyn Sims. 2250. ETHRETA TAYLOR, died young; buried Wadestown, W. Va. 2251. HARLAND TAYLOR, died young; buried Wadestown, W. Va.

871. MATILDA AGNES TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-10-1874; died Wadestown, W. Va. l-16-1964;mar­ried 7-27-1895, Linza Lough, of John and Ellen (Cross) Lough, born 9-28-1871; died Wadestown, W. Va. 11- -1955. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Linza and Matilda Lough resided throughout their married life in the area of Wadestown, West Virginia where he was employed by the South Penn Oil


Company. 4 3

CHILDREN OF LINZA & MATILDA LOUGH (Matilda5Lucinda Elizabeth )

2252. Ora Lough married Kinsey Shriver. 2253. Harland Lough married Nell Hostutler. 2254. Charlotte Lough married Paul E. Stiles#l622i.

873. ELIZABETH TAYLOR, of Henry and Lucinda (Mariner) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 11-15-1879; living, 1969; married Lott M. Haught, of William Gordon and Rebecca (Koon) Haught, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 5-22-1873; died St. Leo, W. Va. 5-30-1959. Lott is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Lott and Elizabeth Haught resided throughout their married life in the a­rea of St. Leo and Wadestown, West Virginia; Elizabeth is now in a nursing home. Mr. Haught was a merchant for some 50 years; also was a pumper for the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company.


Elizabeth3) 2255. Verna Haught married John M. Haught. 2256. Hazel Haught married Clemmie L. Delaney. 225 7. DeEtta Haught married Ralph Mason.

874. WILLIAM OSBORNE HEADLEE, of Matilda Headlee Mariner, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1-27-1858; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-21-1917; mar­ried Margaret Headlee, of Phineas and Nancy (Keener) Headlee, born 9-12-1865; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-24-1928.

For further data on this family see "The Headlee Family" by Ray Headlee. William O Headlee made his home with his mother and step-father, Van and Matilda Mariner.

876. THOMAS C. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born near Hundred, W. Va. 4-21-1867; died Wadestown, W. Va. 5-16-1965; mar­ried 1892, Jennie Hixenbaugh, of Abe and Ruey (Liming) Hixenbaugh, born Hundred, W. Va. 3-1-1868; died Wadestown, W. Va. 12- -1935. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Thomas and Jennie Taylor resided in Hundred and Wadestown, West Vir­ginia; also spent some time in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. He was a farmer and fur buyer.


2258. Mae Taylor married Martin Lloyd Core. 2259. Bethel Taylor never married. 2260. William Taylor married Bessie Mayfield. 2261. Dora Taylor married Joseph Taylor. 2262. Ray Taylor married Okey Church. 2263. Otto Taylor married Hazel Hawkins. 2264. Pearl Taylor never married. 2265. Bertha Taylor married (1) Paul Booth (2) George Vedis.

877. ERASTUS W. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, 257

born near Hundred, W. Va. 7-21-1868; died Waynesburg, Pa. 3-9-195l;mar­ried 11-19-1889, Retta Montgomery, of William and Lucy Montgomery, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-8-1872; died Waynesburg, Pa. ___ . Both are buried in Jefferson Cemetery, at Jefferson, Pa.

Erastus and Retta Taylor resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.


2266. Orpha Taylor married Benson Milliken. 2267. Lucy Taylor married Furman Howard. 2268. Rose Taylor married Claude Sines. 2269. Fannie Taylor married Clarence Cross. 2270. Stella Taylor married Glenn Cross. 2271. Hagan Taylor married Anna Ridge. 2272. Bert Taylor married Margaret ___ _ 2273. Madaline Taylor married Wilbur Thompson.

878. JOHN MlNOR TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born near Hundred, W, Va. 11-13-1870; died Greene Co., Pa. 1-30-1955; married 8-28-1894, Mary Montgomery, of William and Lucy Montgomery, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-8-1872; died Morgan Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 6-1-1937. Both are buried in the Jefferson Cemetery, at Jefferson, Pa.

John and Mary Taylor resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.



2274. Goldie Taylor married Hayes Funk. 2275. Anna Taylor married Layton Longstreth. 2276. Floyd Taylor married Florence Taylor.

879. DENNIS TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born near Hundred, W. Va. 8-31-1872; died 4-2-1965; married Zelma Owens, no further data found.

Dennis and Zelma Taylor resided in the area near Wadestown, West Vir­ginia where he was a farmer.


2277. IVA TAYLOR married Marshall Yost. 2278. EARNEST TAYLOR married Gladys Lynch. 2279. EDITH TAYLOR married Mort Smith.

880. SARAH ELIZABETH TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Tay­lor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-30-1874; died Washington, Pa. 9-29-1928; married John Walker Rush, of Peter and Mary (Thomas) Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-2-1858; died Washington, Pa. 9-26-1921. Both are buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

John and Sarah Rush resided in Washington, Pennsylvania where he was employed by the Finley Clay Product Company.


CHILDREN OF JOHN & SARAH RUSH (Sarah5 Fanny4Elizabeth3)

2280. Frank E. Rush Sr. married Minnie Mae Dailey. 2281. Lazear Rush married Viola Mccombs. 2282. Lloyd Rush married Daisy Belle McConnell. 2283. Floyd Rush married Flossie Fern Hummell. 2284. Ethel Rose Rush married Ira Edwin Riser. 2285. Thelma Gladys Rush married James Dorsey Iams Jr. 2286. Robert Rush married Leah Gertrude Murry. 2287. OPAL RUSH, born Washington, Pa. 11-5-1906; died Washington,

Pa. 8-12-1907. 2288. Esther Leona Rush married Gerald H. Davis. 2289. John Walter Rush married Kathryn E. Price.

881. NANCY ELLEN TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born 3-4-1876; died Washington, Pa.; married Win Cain, further data not a­vailable.

Win and Nancy Cain resided in Washington5

Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF WIN & NANCY CAIN (Nancy Fanny4Elizabeth3)


882. FRANKLIN F. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 12-27-1878; died near Waynesburg, Pa.6-18-1957; married 11-1-1902, Elizabeth Pitcock, of William and Margaret (Morris) Pitcock, born Whiteley Twp., Greene Co., Pa. 3-30-1885; living, 1969. Mr. Taylor is buried in Muddy Creek Cemetery, near Khedive, Pa.

Franklin and Elizabeth Taylor resided in the areas of Waynesburg and Washington, Pennsylvania, and Wadestown, West Virginia where they were farmers.


2292. Elsworth Taylor married Sarah Byard. 2293. Ralph Taylor married (1) Margaret Gephart (2) _____ _ 2294. Kenneth Taylor married Helen McMinn.

883. ROSA A. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born 3-4-1880; died 1922; married Ed Taylor, born 1884; died 1953. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

They had no children. 884. JAMES A. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born

2-24-1882; further data not learned. 885. GEORGE E. TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born

5-25-1883; living, 1969; married (1) Martha McAllister (2) Mrs. Hamilton, further data not available.

Reside Hundred, West Virginia; no children. 886. ISAAC EDWARD TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor,

born 4-5-1885; died Waynesburg, Pa. 5-17-1932; married 2-27-1909, Alice 259

Shannon, of Martimore and Elizabeth (Owens) Shannon, born Waynesburg, Pa. 9-8-1884; living, 1969.

Isaac and Alice Taylor resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where she yet makes her home. Mr. Taylor was employed by foe Peoples Natural Gas Company.

4 3 CHILDREN OF ISAAC & ALICE TAYLOR (Isaac5 Fanny Elizabeth )

2295. Mary Taylor married Arthur Shriver. 2296. Martha Taylor married Rudolph Headlee. 229 7. Willis Taylor married Harriet Cunningham. 2298. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR, born and died (young) Waynesburg, Pa.

887. MARY TAYLOR, of Francis and Fanny (Mariner) Taylor, born 6-7-1887; died ; married Charles Clayton, further data not learned.

--- 5 4 3 CHILD OF CHARLES & MARY CLAYTON (Mary Fanny Elizabeth )

2299. BERNICE CLAYTON 888. MARGARET F. MARINER, of William and Pleasant Mariner, born

near Jollytown, Pa. 1870; died 1906; married Marion F. Elder, born 1868; died 1942. Both are buried in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

No further data on this fam.ily. 890. HANNAH MARINER, of John and Elizabeth Mariner, born near Pine

Bank, Pa. 11-20-1872; died Greene Co., Pa. 12-4-1932; married Oscar A. Headlee, of G. Washington and Mary Jane (Lemley) Headlee, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1-18-1871; died Greene Co., Pa. 3-26-1958. Both are buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery. at Mt. Morris, Pa.

Oscar and Hannah Headlee resided throughout their married life in the Mt. Morris- Brock area of Pennsylvania; he was a farmer.


2300. Homer Russell Headlee married Gail Wade. 2301. Charles E. Headlee married Rachel 0. Frost. 2302. Alvah John Washington Headlee married Mary E. Jones. 2303. Harry G. Headlee married Ruth Kiger. 2304. W. Ralph Headlee married Jean Miller.

892. CATHERINE MARINER, of John and Elizabeth Mariner, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 4-13-1875; died St. Clairsville, Oh. 11-14-1944; married 1-30-1913, Oscar Clyde Taylor, of Abner G. and Mary Ann (Caseman) Tay­lor, born Jollytown, Pa. 8-20-1882; died St. Clairsville, Oh. 1-4-1964. Both are buried in Richland Cemetery, at St. Clairsville, Oh.

Oscar and Catherine Taylor resided near St. Clairsville, Ohio where he was a farmer.


2305. Dorothy Taylor married William F. Spears. 2306. Oscar A. Taylor married Etta K. Johnson.


2307. Charles A. Taylor married Lena Jones. 893. ELIZA J. MARINER, of J,:ihn and Elizabeth Mariner, born near

Pine Bank, Pa. 1877; died near Pine Bank, Pa. 1956; unmarried. Buried in Pine Bank Cemetery near Pine Bank, Pa.

894. JOHN MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 4-22-1883; died Washington, Pa. 2-18-1957; married 9-27-1905, Cora Roberts, of John and Elizabeth Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. 7-14-1883; died near Waynesburg, Pa. 9-1-1948. Both are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

John and Cora Mariner resided in various areas of Pennsylvania includ­ing Pine Bank, Waynesburg and Washington. Mr. Mariner was a farmer; al­so a laborer on the Pennsylvania Railroad.



(Spelled name Marriner) 2308. Paul E. Marriner married Olive Ewart. 2309. Ethel I. Marriner married Louis Kottner. 2310. Floyd L. Marriner married June Headley. 2311. Albert Marriner married Ola Scott. 2312. James E. Marriner married Sylvia Wilson. 2313. BESSIE E. MARRINER, born and died (young) near Pine Bank, Pa.;

buried Roberts Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa. 895. ROSE E. MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, born near Pine

Bank, Pa. 3-11-1882; living, 1969; married 8-14-1907. Eli E. Headlee, of G. Washington and Mary Jane (Lemley) Headlee, born near Mt. Morris, Pa. 11-29-1872; died near Mt. Morris, Pa. 1-21-1943. He is buried in Cedar Grove Cemetery, at Mt. Morris, Pa.

Eli and Rose Headlee resided in the Mt. Morris area of Pennsylvania; she now resides there part time and also spends part of her time in Arling­ton, Virginia. Mr. Headlee was a teacher, carpinter, con~ractor and farmer.

CHILD OF ELI & ROSE HEADLEE (Rose5John Elizabeth )

2314. Grace Headlee married Arnold Fox. 896. ELIZABETH MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, born near Pine

Bank, Pa. 7-26-1886; died Crucible, Pa. 12-24-1968; married 11-4-1908, Walter John Zimmers, of David and Malinda Zimmers. born Khedive, Pa. 1-9-1882; died Crucible, Pa. 2-17-1962. Both are buried in Muddy Creek Cemetery, near Khedive, Pa.

Walter and Elizabeth Zimmers resided in the Khedive, Carmichaels and Crucible areas of Pennsylvania.



Elizabeth 3) 2315. Kathleen Zimmers married David Jerry Stauffer. 2316. Thelma Mae Zimmers married (1) Elmer Lee Edgar

(2) Paul C. Shultz. 897. JESSE ELSWORTH MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, born

near Pine Bank, Pa. 6-25-1889; living, 1969; married (1) 1-10-1914, Mrs. 261

Stella Fern Patterson, of Samuel and Alcinda (Hunt) Dulaney, born St. Leo, W. Va. 9-29-1886; died Waynesburg. Pa. 11-17-1946. Jesse married (2) in 1952. Pearl Pratt, of William and Nannie E. (Rush) Pratt, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 7-16-1896; died near Waynesburg, Pa. 4-23-1967. Stella and Pearl are both buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Jesse and Stella Mariner resided in Detroit, Michigan; Cleveland, Ohio and the areas of Graysville and Waynesburg. Pennsylvania; Jesse and Pearl resided near Waynesburg (Pa.). Stella Dulaney had first married Norman Patterson, who died 10-30-1909; they had one son, C. Wayne Patterson.

Jesse Mariner graduated from Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, Ind.) in 1910; he was subsequently employed as a book-keeper and accountant for Huffman Furniture and Undertaking Company, of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, some thirty years. Pearl Pratt spent her early life in Pittsburgh Pennsyl­vania where she was employed by the Pittsburgh 5ost 1azette newspaper.


231 7. Glise Edwin Mariner married Alice Elizabeth Thompson. 898. MARTIN V. MARRINER, of John and Elise Mariner. born near Pine

Bank, Pa. 4-26-1892; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10-20-1967; married (1) 2-7-1913, Nellie May Jones, of John and Hannah (Roberts) Jones, born 8-9-1893; died Turtle Creek, Pa. 5-22-1961. Martin married (2) 9-7-1962, Isa Reed Phillips, of Peter and Dora (Stoneking) Reed, born Davistown, Pa. 7-4-1896; living, 1969. Martin and Nellie are buried in Pine Bank Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa.

Martin and Nellie Marriner resided for some years in the area of Brave, Pennsylvania where he was employed by the Peoples Natural Gas Company. Later he was transferred to the Turtle Creek area of the same state; there they made their home until his retirement in 1961. Martin and Isa Marriner resided throughout their married life in the Waynesburg area of Pennsylvan­ia where she yet resides. She is now remarried.



2318. Ruth Marriner married (1) Lawrence White (2) Melvin Harrick. 2319. Pauline Marriner married Clark Cumberledge. 2320. Jean Marriner married William Binning. 2321. Virginia Marriner married Thomas Roberts.

899. CHARLES MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 1894; died McMechen, W. Va. 1942; married Bertha Lancaster, of William Lancaster, born 1907; living, 1969. Charles is buried in the new part of the cemetery at Sand Hill, Pa.

Charles and Bertha Mariner resided in the area of McMechen, West Vir­ginia; further details not learned.

900. RAY MARINER, of John and Elsie Mariner, about 1896; living, 1969; married Lucy Connor, of Samuel and Clara (Kiger) Connor, further data not yet received.


Ray and Lucy Mariner reside in Harrisonburg, Virginia. CHILDREN OF RAY & LUCY MARINER (Ray5John4Elizabeth3)

2321. ____ MARINER 2322. MARINER ----2323. MARINER 2324. MARINER

913. FRANCES MAHALA SIX, of William and Eliza Six, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 3-27-1861; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-11-1926; marriedl0-29-1877, Morgan P. White#147.

For further data see #147. 918. ELSIE CHURCH, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born near Hun­

dred, W. Va. 9-25-1857; died Washington, Pa. 8-1-1938; married 12-31-1876, Spencer Renner, born 8-15-1855; died Washington, Pa. 1926. Both are buried in Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

Spencer and Elsie Renner resided in Washington, Pennsylvania, during most of their married life.


2325. MARY ALICE RENNER 2326. AMOS RENNER 2327. MATILDA RENNEN married Martin Hennen#646. 2328. MARTHA JANE RENNER married Charles Hennen#753. 2329. ROSA RENNER married Nease Cummins. 2330. LEROY RENNER 2331. MADY RENNER 2332. ELIZA RENNER 2333. CLEVELAND RENNER 2334. CHARLES RENNER 2335. NANCY RENNER married George Smith.

919. NANCY JANE CHURCH, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born near Hundred, W. Va. 6-13-1860; died near Hundred, W. Va. 19 ; mar-ried Ephraim Thomas Butcher#304.

For further data see #304. 922. MARY CHURCH, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born near Hun-

dred, W. Va. 9-23-1866; died near Hundred, W. Va. ; married David Butcher#322.

For further data see #322. 923. HATTIE CHURCH, of Henry and Frances (Six) Church, born near

Hundred, W. Va. 9-15-1869; died Jollytown, Pa. 12-18-1950; married Fran­cis Marion Staggers, of Jacob and Elizabeth Staggers, born Jollytown, Pa. 10-28-1852; died Jollytown, Pa. 10- -1938. Both are buried in the Eakin Cemetery, near Jollytown, Pa.

F. Marion and Hattie Staggers resided in the area of Jollytown, Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer and blacksmith. Mr. Staggers had formerly been married to Louisa Katherine Hennen#138.



2336. Charles Henry Staggers married Leona Lynch. 233 7. Wilbur Staggers married Mary Kuhn.

925. GEORGE MORRIS SIX, of John Hagan and Elizabeth Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-22-1869; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1943; married Lucinda White#682.

For further data see #682. 926. ELIZABETH MATILDA SIX, of John Hagan and Martha Six, born

near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-9-1875; died 7-5-1935; married Frank Shriver, further data not learned.

927. ELIZA JANE SIX, of John HaganandMartha Six, bornnearSt. Cloud, W. Va. 11-23-1878; died 10-16-1958; married Rev. Frank Thompson, further data not learned.

928. DONLEY ADAM SIX, of John Hagan and Martha Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-14-1880; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-26-1932; married 3-17-1898, Georgia Viola Ashcraft, of Jeremiah and Cordelia Elizabeth (Brown) Ashcraft, born Burton, W. Va. 5-28-1881; died New Freeport, Pa. 7-26-1969. Both are buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Donley and Ola Six resided in Fairmont, Keyser and St. Cloud, West Vir-ginia; he was a farmer.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF DONLEY & OLA SIX (Donley John H. Jane )

2338. Waldo A. Six married Mary Hostutler. 2339. Lucille Ashcraft Six married Sellers Stockdale. 2340. Audrey E. Six married Ada Rosetta Estel. 2341. Hagan Six married (1) Gertrude Wise (2) Mrs. Esther Thomas. 2342. Martha Pauline Six married Edward Meighen. 2343. LEO SIX, born Keyser, W. Va. 3-18-1907; died Keyser, W. Va.

6-19-1907; buried Keyser, W. Va. 2344. JAY SIX, born Keyser, W. Va. 4-18-1909; died Keyser, W. Va.

4- -1910; buried Keyser, W. Va. 2345. WARD LIVINGSTON SIX, born St. Cloud, W. Va. ; died St.

Cloud, W. Va. 6-23-1934; unmarried. 2346. Elizabeth Six married Walter F. Phillips. 2347. Irene Six married William Lemmon. 2348. Harley Six married Helen Gapen. 2349. THELMA SIX, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 5-29-1919; died St. Cloud,

W. Va. 1-23-1934. 2350. Mary Six married (1) Ralph Estel (2) Joe Toney. 2351. Mildred Six married Carl Smith.

929. MAUDE EDNA SIX, of John Hagan and Martha Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 9-2-1882; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-17-1967; unmarried. Buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Maude Six resided throughout her lifetime on the home farm, near St. Cloud, West Virginia; she was the last of her family.


932. MARTHA ELLEN HIXENBAUGH, of William Henry and Mahala (Six) Hixenbaugh, born near Hundred, W. Va., 7-21-1875; died Greene Co., Pa. ___ ; married Norman James Stewart, of Layton and Louisa (Granlee) Stewart, born near Kuhntown, Pa. ; died Greene Co., Pa.

Norman and Martha Stewart resided in the area of Pine Bank, Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer; he was also a carpenter.


2352. Delphia Stewart married Cecil Headlee. 2353. Linnie April Stewart married Sanford A. Fox (Faux). 2354. Ina Opal Stewart married Walter W. Brewer.

933. NANCY EMMA (or EMMALINE) HIXENBAUGH, of William Henry and Mahala (Six) Hixenbaugh, born near Hundred, W. Va. 5-25-1880; died Waynesburg, Pa. 9-4-1949; married 12-25-1903, Albert King, of James and Mariah King, born Wana, W. Va. 2-20-1880; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-22-1964. Both are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Albert and Emma King resided near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he taught school for 48 years before his retirement. He was a graduate of Waynesburg Business College, Class of 1903.

5 4 3 CHILD OF ALBERT & EMMA KING (Emma Mahala Jane )

2355. Edison King married Mary Lemley. 934. ESTHER ROSS, of John and Marinda Ross, born Fish Creek, Wetzel

Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 4-22-1854; married Thomas Pitts, further data not available.

Thomas Pitts was a Union Soldier in the Civil War. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & ESTHER PITTS (Esther John Frances )


935. HENRIETTA ROSS, of John and Marinda Ross, born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 1856; married Charles Cook, further data not leirned.


John Frances1


936. PRISCILLA ROSS, of John and Marinda Ross, born Wetzel Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 9-6-1858; married Henry Zorger, further data not learned.




2363. BENJAMIN ZORGER 2364. Susannah Zorger married ____ Ruggles.

937. SAVANNAH ROSS, of John and Marinda Ross, born Wetzel Co., Va. 265

(now W. Va.) 9-14-1861; married Alfred Collison, furtherlata iot learn~d. CHILD OF ALFRED & SAVANNAH COLLISON (Savannah John Frances )

2365. JOHN COLLISON, born 2-5-1881; died Gifford, Ill. 4-11-1883. 939. JACOB HENNEN, of William 0. and Mary Hennen, born near St.

Cloud, W. Va. 9-2-1870; died near Burton, W. Va. 2-8-1955; married Flo­rence Conrad, of George and Susan Conrad, born Lewis Co., W. Va. 5-25-1872; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 196_. Both are buried in Mt. Tabor Cem­etery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Jacob Lawrence and Florence Hennen resided near Burton, West Virgin­ia where they were farmers. They had no children, but raised Enid Moore, who married Patrick Taylor.

940. ELIZA JANE HENNEN, of William 0. and Mary Hennen, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 5-3-1873; died Hundred, W. Va. 3-22-1956; unmarried. She is buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

Eliza Jane Hennen resided in the Wadestown-Hundred area of West Vir­ginia; she was a Registered Nurse.

944a. WILLIAM BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born Switzerland Co., Ind. 186_; married 5-23-1883, Rosa Hinman, further data not yet obtained.

William and Rosa Beatty resided in Switzerland Co~ty, Ind1na. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & ROSA BEATTY (William Susanna Jeremiah3)

2366. JOHNIE BEATTY, born Switzerland Co., Ind. 3-11-1884; died in Switzerland Co., Ind. 10-1-1904.

236 7. Grace Beatty married Ed Courtney. 2368. Everett Beatty married Bessie Coy. 2369. Francis Marion Beatty married Edith Whithan.

944b. ROENA BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born Switz­erland Co., Ind. 186_; married Harvey Ford, further data not yet learned.

Harvey and Roena Ford resided in Switzerland County, Indiana. CHILDREN OF HARVEY & ROENA FORD (Roena5Susanna4Jeremiah3)

2370. Charles Ford married Alice Cousins. 2371. Dilver Ford married Bessie Bennett. 2372. Wayne Ford 2373. Myrtle Ford married Leon Stoops. 2374. Cullen Ford never married.

944c. SARAH J. BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born Switzerland Co., Ind. 186_; married 11-1-1881, Abram A. Bailey, further data not yet learned.




2375. NORA BAILEY 944d. ADOLPHUS BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born

Switzerland Co., Ind. ; died before 1889; nothing further. 266

944e. JOHN P. BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born in Switzerland Co., Ind. 1872; married 12-6-1891. Elizabeth Marillon, further data not yet learned.


susanna 4Jeremiah


2375. Ada Beatty married ____ Huston. 944f. JOSEPH P. BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born

Switzerland Co., Ind., 1874; married 10-31-1891, Priscilla Bennett, further data not yet learned.


2376. BEATTY 2377. ___ BEATTY

944g. ELIZA JANE BEATTY, of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born Switzerland Co .. Ind. 1876; married John T. White, only further data learn­

ed was that the family moved to Minonk, Illinois. CHILDREN OF JOHN & ELIZA WHITE (Eliza5 Susanna4 Jeremiah3)

2378. Dawson Beatty 23 79. Paul Beatty 2380. John Wesley Beatty 2381. James Ira Beatty

944h. GEORGE W. BEATTY. of John and Susanna (Hennen) Beatty, born Switzerland Co .. Ind. 12-8-1877; died Switzerland Co., Ind. 10-9-1902; mar­ried"Lillie Courtney, of Elija and Melvina (Gullion) Courtney, born 12-30-1880; died Switzerland Co. , Ind. 11-12-1902. *married 3-14-1896

George and Lillie Beatty resided in Switzerland County. Indiana where he was a farmer.


Susanna 4

Jeremiah 3


2382. ODDA J. BEATTY born Switzerland Co., Ind. 7- -1898; died Switzerland Co., Ind. 2-25-1901.

2383. Dora Beatty 945. WILLIAM A. DYE, of William and Eliza (Hennen) Dye, born near

New Freeport, Pa. 10-7-1871; died Hundred, W. Va. 11-6-1931; married Ella Gorrell, of John B. and Emmeline (Gattrell) Gorrell, born Alvy, W. Va. 8-12-1877; died Hundred. W. Va. 2-2-1930. Both are buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

William and Ella Dye resided throughout most of their lifetime together in the area of Hundred. West Virginia.


5Eliza Jeremiah )

2384. Eva Dye married David Ray Hostutler. 2385. Madge Dye married (1) Oscar Orndoff (2) Francis Bradley. 2386. Gertrude Dye married (1) Walter Mardos (2) Manny Friedenberg. 2387. Ruth Dye married Richard Boyles.


2388. Virginia Dye married Thomas Virgin. 2389. Clara Dye married Robert Lively.

946. MARY LEOTA HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Annie Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12- -1879; died Fremont, Nebr. ; married 12-22-1909, Silas Clairile Pascoe, of Nathan and Adaline (Trask) Pascoe, born Ames, Nebr. ___ ;died ____ . Both are buried in Ridge Cemetery, at Fremont, Nebr.

Silas and Mary Pascoe resided in Fremont, Nebraska. CHILD OF SILAS & MARY PASCOE (Mary5Jeremiah4Jeremiah3)

2390. HALLOWEEN PASCOE, died young. 951. FLORENCE EVA HENNEN, of Jeremiah and Annie Hennen, born

Fremont, Nebr. 4-15-1890; died 2-2-1940; married (1) 12-22-1909, Henry August Gehm, of John C. and Lucy (Ladewig) Gehm, born De Smet, S. D. ___ ; died Huron, S.D. 2-13-1966. Florence married (2) Frank R. Perry, born Iroquois, S.D. 7-18-1895; living, 1968. Florence is buried in Ridge Cemetery, at Fremont, Nebr.

Henry and Florence Gehm resided in the areas of Huron and De Smet, South Dakota; they were later divorced.

Frank and Florence Perry resided in Fremont, Nebraska. CHILDREN OF HENRY & FLORENCE GEHM (Florence5 Jeremiah4

Jeremiah3) 2391. Edna Gehm married Henry J. Peters. 2392. Kenneth Gordon Gehm died young. 2393. Frankie Joy Gehm married Kenneth L. Johnson. CHILDREN OF FRANK & FLORENCE PERRY (Florence5Jeremiah4 )

2394. Nancy Jane Perry married Kenneth E. Strecker. 2395. George Keith Perry married Rachel Elizabeth Swanson.

952. MABEL RENNER, of Kinsey and Margaret Florence (Hennen) Renn­er, born Greene Co., Pa. 7-28-1892; died Hundred, W. Va. 1- -1942; mar­ried S. Carson Stewart, born 1889; died 1959. Both are buried in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery, near ST. Cloud, W. Va.

S. Carson and Mabel Stewart resided in Hundred, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF S. CARSON & MABEL STEWART (Mabel5Margaret4


953. NANCY JANE WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel (Mariner) Wright, born near Hundred, W. Va. (then Va.) 9-1-1858; died Redkey, Ind. 8-29-1921; married 7-25-1875, William Main, born Monongalia Co., Va. (now W. Va.) 6-27-1846; died Randolph Co., Ind. 11-22-1908. Both are buried in Ridgeville, Ind.

William and Nancy Main took up residence in Monongalia County, West Virginia where they remained a short time before removing to Wetzel Coun­ty (same state) late in 1877. They did not remain there long, but moved on to


Ritchie County (W. Va.) and then to Pleasants County (W. Va.) for short stays before migrating westward where they finally took up residence near Dunkirk, Indiana. There they spent their final yearg; he wa,f a farm1r CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & NANCY MAIN (Nancy Rachel Frances )

2398. Henry Sylvanus Main married Minnie Morgan. 2399. Martha Annara Main married James Albert Wright. 2400. INGRAM HENRY STANTON MAIN, born Ritchie Co., W. Va. 11-25-

1880; died Randolph Co., Ind. 6-19-1904; unmarried. 2401. Noah Jasper Main married Fannie Mae Searles. 2402. Eber Constine Main married Nora ----2403. Perry Milton Marsellis Main married Mary McCamey. 2404. CALVIN MAIN, born and died Pleasants Co., W. Va. 7-17-1889. 2405. William Leonard Main never married. 2406. Ina Alda Ada Main married George Harley Seidner. 2407. Orval Ray Main never married. 2408. Cora Gay Main married Cleo Barnell.

(Orval and Cora were twins) 954. NOAH JACKSON WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel (Mariner) Wright,

born near Hundred, W. Va. 4-22-1860; died ___ ; married (in Paris, Ill.) Clara Parish, further data not available.

Noah Jackson Wright was a graduate of Eureka College (Eureka, IlL) after which he was a minister of the Christian Church in Houston, Texas. He finally moved to Pasadena, California. Clara wa% a miss4onary tg China.



955. PERRY L. WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel (Mariner) Wright, born near Hundred, W. Va. 8-7-1863; died Houston, Tex. 1936; married Ella Goudy, of Robert and Margaret Goudy, born Woodsfield, Oh. 1870; died Dayton, Oh. 1900. Perry is buried in Houston, Tex.; Ella is buried in Day­ton, Oh.

Perry and Ella Wright took up residence in Centerville, Indiana; they later moved to Dayton, Ohio, where Ella passed away. Perry later removed, with his children, to Humble, Texas, and, finally, to Houston, Texas. He was a farmer. and salesman.

3 5 4 CHILDREN OF PERRY & ELLA WRIGHT (Perry Rachel Frances )

2411. ARLUS WRIGHT, born Wayne Co., Ind. 1891; died Humble, Tex. 1917; unmarried.

2412. Fern Wright married Ernest J. Christman. 2413. PAUL WRIGHT, born Centerville, Ind. 1895; died Dayton, Oh. 1903. 2414. Cecil Wright married Thelma Hotfelter. 2415. VERA WRIGHT, born Dayton, Oh. 1899; died Dayton, Oh. 1899.

956. MATILDA ELLEN WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel (Mariner) Wright, 269

born near Hundred, W. Va. 8-11-1867; died Houston, Tex. 8-11-1960; mar­ried William H. Drummet, of John Drummet, born Rutland, Ill. 1867; died Houston, Tex. 1942. Both are buried in Brookside Cemetery, at Houston, Tex.

Noah J. Wright, brother of Matilda "Minnie" went to Rutland, Illinois to preach; there he became acquainted with the Drummet family. Thinking Will to be good material for a preacher, he persuaded him to enter Eureka Coll­ege (at Eureka, Ill.) to prepare himself for this career. Noah and Will pur­chased a house near the college and Minnie Wright, Noah's sister, came to Eureka to attend college and keep house for Noah and Will; thus the meeting of Matilda "Minnie" Wright and William Drummet. Following their marriage Will and Minnie resided in various places while he served as a Minister of the Christian Church. He also was engaged in the oil business in Houston, Texas.

4 3 CHILD OF WlLLIAM & MATILDA DRUMMET (Matilda5Rachel Frances )

2416. Paul Drummet never married. 958. ESTHER (or HESTER) CAROLINE WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel

(Mariner) Wright, born near Hundred, W. Va. 12-15-1871; died Wayne Co., Ind. 1956; married George Henwood, of Steven and Maria Lucy Henwood, born Wayne Co., Ind. 1868; died Wayne Co., Ind. 1936. Both are buried in Bryant's Cemetery, in Wayne Co., Ind.

George and Caroline Henwood resided near Centerville, Indiana where he was a farmer.


Frances3) 2417. Lillian Henwood married (1) Edwin Kellam (2) Harry Lahrman. 2418. Violet Henwood married Perry M. Stoops. 2419. Harold Henwood married (1) Martha Lamontt (2) Janet Smith. 2420. Wayne M. Henwood married Ruth D. Plankenhorn. 2421. Marshall Henwood married Adah Rice.

959. SYLVESTER ELLIS WRIGHT, of Henry and Rachel (Mariner) Wright, born near Hundred, W. Va. 10-31-1875 (or 1876); died Houston, Tex. 5- -1937; married (1) 1903, Florence Parish, of George Washington and Rosanna (Craig) Parish, born near Paris, Ill. 1-1-1870; died Decatur, Ill. 7-26-1928. Sylvester married (2) Leola Sherrell, of Judge and ___ Sherrell; living, 1966. Sylvester is buried in Houston, Tex. ; Florence is buried in Decatur, Ill.

Sylvester and Florence Wright resided through a great part of their mar­ried life in Marion, Indiana; Mr. Wright was an osteopath doctor, by pro­fession. Sylvester and Leola resided in Houston, Texas; her last known res­idence was Seal Beach, California.


Rachel4 Frances') 2422. Gwendolyn Wright married (1) William Dale DeRome

(2) Robert Greek. 270

2423. Elouise Wright married (1) Orville Clinton McKee (2) Petrus Villem DeGroot.

960. FLORENCE MARINER, of Noah and Rebecca Mariner, born near Hundred, W. Va., 1867; died Streator, Ill. ___ ; married Carl Holcomb,

fu~~~~~~~;~;e~~;t & FLORENCE HOLCOMB (Florence5Noah4 Frances3)

2424. Vivien Holcomb married Frank Kemp. 2425. Lois Holcomb married Clay Duvall. 2426. Harry Holcomb married Esther Formkole. 242 7. Lester Holcomb 2428. Lyle Holcomb married Mabel Kelly. 2429. Frances Holcomb married 2430. Lolita Holcomb 2431. Eugene Holcomb

961. FRANCES A. McGLUMPHY, of Thomas and Jane (Mariner) McGlum-phy, born near Hundred, W. Va. 12- -1869; died Mo. ; married

Donaldson. further data not learned. -C-H-IL-DREN OF & FRANCES DONALDSON (Frances5Jane4 Frances~

2432. CECIL DONALDSON 2433. MARTHA DONALDSON died young. 962. MARY McGLUMPHY, of Thomas and Jane (Mariner) McGlumphy,

born ___ ; married Benjamin Allen, further data ngt lea4ned. 3



963. JANE McGLUMPHY, of Thomas and Jane (Mariner) McGlumphy, born ; married ____ Chadd, furtber data not learned.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF & JANE CHADD (Jane Jane Frances )


964. LOTTIE McGLUMPHY, of Thomas and Jane (Mariner) McGlumphy, born ; died Ariz. ; married William ____ , further data not learned.



Frances3) --=--=-----'----------"---'----'--------

2438. LAWRENCE 2439. -----2440. -----2441. -----

970. LILLIAN DALE MERRINER, of William and Nina Marriner, born 9-12-1885; living 1969; married 5-8-1907, Perry Hawkins.


CHILDREN OF PERRY & LILLIAN HAWKINS (Lillian5William4 Frances 3)

2442. Evelyn Dale Hawkins married Marion Paul Ingalsle. 2443. Nina Virginia Hawkins married Richard Wilson Broad. 2444. Elenore Rose Hawkins married Woodrow Wilson Crank. 2445. Helen Elizabeth Hawkins married Eugene Burt Talbot.

975. DANIEL R. STEWART, of Jeremiah and Nancy (Mariner) Stewart, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1867; died Streator, Ill. ___ ; married Myrtle Nichols, further data not learned.

Daniel and Myrtle Stewart resided in Streator, Illinois. CHILDREN OF DANIEL & MYRTLE STEWART (Daniel5NanciFrances3)

2446. HAROLD STEWART 2447. CLIFFORD STEWART 2448. SYLVIA STEWART married Fremont Logston. 2449. EDNA STEWART married ____ Malady. 2450. ARMOND STEWART 2451. ___ STEWART

976. WILLIAM LEONARD STEWART, of Jeremiah and Nancy (Mariner) Stewart, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1869; died ___ ; married Maude Stro-snider, further data not learned.


2452. ELMER STEWART 2453. MARY STEWART married John Weth. 2454. CLARENCE STEWART 2455. ____ STEWART, died young.

977. LAVINA STEWART, of Jeremiah and Nancy (Mariner) Stewart, born near Hundred, W. Va. ___ ; married Pierce Conner, further data not yet available.

Pierce and Lavina Conner resided some time in the area of Moundsville, West Virginia; later removed to Streator, Illinois.


2456. Perry Irvin Conner married Caroline Merriner#993. 2457. Ralph Raymond Conner married Eva Greening. 2458. James Daniel Conner married Sue 2459. Dewey Lee Conner

980. BESSIE CHRISTINE SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merriner) Smalley, born Streator, Ill. 5-22-1875; died Santa Rosa, Calif. 6- -1951; married 4-22-1893, Daniel Thomas Stewart, born Morgantown, W. Va. 12-21-1869; died Sebastopol, Calif. 6-4-1932. Bessie is buried in the I.O.O. F. Cemetery, at Santa Rosa, Calif. ; Daniel is buried in Sebastopol, Calif.

Daniel T. and Bessie Stewart resided for several years in the area of Streator, Illinois where he was a farmer. They later migrated westward and took up residence in California where they spent their later years.





2460. Blanche Irene Stewart married Roy Dean. 2461. Ada Caroline Stewart married Harry W. Johnson. 2462. Jessie Dean Stewart married George Sopher. 2463. Mabel May Stewart married Victor W. Wagher. 2464. Esther Dale Stewart married Earl W. Nickelson. 2465. Byron Thomas Stewart married (1) Lucetta Moran (2) Julia Fox.

981. JESSIE ESTELLE SMALLEY. of George W. and Esther (Merriner) Smalley. born Streator, Ill. 10-25-1876·, married James Carter.

. 5 4 3 CHILDREN OF JAMES & JESSIE CARTER (Jessie Esther Frances )

2466. WESLEY CARTER 2467. GEORGE CARTER 2468. BESSIE CARTER 2469. JESSE CARTER died young. 2470. EVERETT CARTER 2471. LEVI CARTER 2472. MINNIE CARTER married Dale Holt.

983. OSCAR WESLEY SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merriner) Smalley, born Streator, Ill. 4-17-1880; died El Cajon, Calif. 10- -1959; married 1907, Nina Funk, died El Cajon, Calif 1961.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF OSCAR & NINA SMALLEY (Oscar Esther Frances )


984. GEORGE WASHINGTON SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merr­iner) Smalley, born Streator, Ill. 5-10-1881 (or 1882); died Salem Ore. 11-11-1963; married 6-29-1904, Hester Diadema "Essie" Shartell, of John and Eva Shartell, born Streator, Ill. 1-26-1884; died Salem, Ore. 10-20-1963. George married (2) 5-2-1953, Claire Emma Hammang, born New York City, N. Y. 7-4-1893; died Salem, Ore. 4-18-1964. George W. and Claire are buried in C.ity View Cemetery, at Salem Ore.; Essie's remains were cre­mated and the ashes placed in a mausoleum in the same cemetery.

George W. and Essie Smalley resided in Yakima and Seattle. Washington. and Portland and Salem, Oregon. They were divorced in 1937, but continued to reside in Salem where he and Claire also resided. For many years Mr. Smalley was supervisor of the maintenance division of the Salem Public Schools; he later worked in the same capacity for the Salem Y. M. C. A. be­fore his retirement.


2475. Willis Russell Smalley married Dessa Jacobs. 2476. Ermyl Bernice Smalley married Robert Francis Sneddon. 2477. George Hazard Smalley married Norma Elizabeth Roberts. 2478. Arlene Evelyn Smalley married George Pickens.


2479. Donald Douglas Smalley married (1) Earla Lewis (2) Marjorie Tucker. 2480. GLADYS MARIE SMALLEY, died young; buried City View Cemetery,

at Salem, Ore. 2481. Maxine Audrey Smalley married Orland J. Cox.

985. THOMAS JEFFERSON SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merr-iner) Smalley born Streator, Ill. 6-6-1884; died ___ ; unmarried. Buried St. Helena, Calif.

Thomas Jefferson Smalley resided in Streator, Illinois, and Auburn and St. Helena, California.

987. JOHN WILLIAM SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merriner) Smalley, born Streator, Ill. 12-17-1885; living, 1969; unmarried.

John William Smalley has resided in Streator, Illinois, and Santa Rosa, California.

989. LEONARD RAYMOND SMALLEY, of George W. and Esther (Merr­iner) Smalley, born Streator, Ill. 5-18-1900; living, 1969; married (1) Mar­shalene Himmelrich (2) Doris Winifred Sage.

Leonard and Marshalene Smalley resided in Streator, Illinois; Leonard and Doris Smalley reside in ____ .

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF LEONARD & DORIS SMALLEY (Leonard Esther Frances )

2482. RAYLENE SMALLEY married Tom Pooler. 2483. LORAYN SMALLEY 2484. JOY SMALLEY

990. GERTRUDE MAY MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born Streator, Ill. 9-5-1881; died 11- -1938; unmarried.

Gertrude Merriner was a nurse and social worker. 991. STACY THOMAS JEFFERSON MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah

Merriner, born Streator, Ill. 10-26-1884; died 5-6-1954; married Matilda Huesel.

Stacy and Matilda Merriner resided in Streator, Illinois where he was a realtor.


2485. Katherine Merriner married William Pile. 2486. Phyllis Merriner married Glenn Brown.

992. LIONA MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born Streator, Ill. 10-7-1886; living, 1964; married Vernon Dawson, of Marcus Dawson.

Vernon and Liona Dawson reside in Streator, Illinois where he is now re­tired. He was formerly a farmer in the Ancona area of Illinois. We have no record of children.

993. CAROLINE EMMA MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born Streator, Ill. 11-27-1888; living, 1969; married Perry Conner#2456.

For further data see #2456. 994. SUSIE MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born Streator,

Ill. 3-24-1891; died 5- -1955; married 12-24-1913, Louis E. Johnson. Louis and Susie Johnson resided in Streator, Illinois.



2487. Arlene Rose Johnson married Ray Mahannah. 2488. Charles Ardelle Johnson married Claudia Stevens.

995. ARLEY WILLIAM MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born Streator, Ill. 9-26-189 ; living, 1969; married 11-18-1915, Verna Stucker.

Arley and Verna Merriner reside in Streator, Illinois. 5 4 3


2489. Virginia Rose Merriner married Carl Soderstrom. 996. BEATRICE ROSE MERRINER, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born

Streator, Ill. 12- -1897; living, 1964; married (1) Noah J. Butcher#l046 of Isaac and Effie Butcher, born Ancona, Ill. ___ ; died 9-7-1930. She married (2) 1955, Art Weidmirs.

Nothing further on these people. 1010. FLORENCE LOUISE BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher,

born near Hundred, W. Va. 1867; died ; married 11-2-1889, Alex Six.

CHILDREN OF ALEX & FLORENCE SIX (Florence5Nimrod4Harrison3)

2490. Lida Jane Six married Willie Thomas. 2491. Mary A. Six married Frank Himmelrick. 2492. Oscar Six married (1) Sadie Scrichfield (2) Esther Taylor. 2493. Dessie Six married C. C. Straight.

1011. SOPHRONIA ALICE BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1867; died ; married 10-13-1888, Emer-son Himelrick.

Florence Louise and Sophronia Alice Butcher were twins. " 4



1012. JAMES BENTON BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1870; died ; married Mary Ullom#l052, of George and Martilla (Butcher) Ullom, born near Hundred, W. Va. about 1872; died

James Benton and Mary Jane Butcher resided in the area near Hundred, West Virginia where he was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & MARY BUTCHER (James5Nimrod4Harrison3) (Mary5Martilla 4 George3)

2496. Oscar Butcher married Mamie Barber. 249 7. Hattie Butcher married Donley Himel rick.

1013. JACKSON LEROY BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1876; married Daisy Ullom.



2498. CLARENCE BUTCHER married Edna Clovis. 2499. RUSSELL BUTCHER married Audra Kiger. 2500. HERMAN BUTCHER married Ivory Blount. 2501. ROBERT BUTCHER married Pansy Tennant. 2502. LUCILLE BUTCHER married Glancy Compton.

1014. MATILDA BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. ; died ; married Elza Haught, of Jacob and Emeretta (Wright) Haught.

CHILDREN OF ELZA & MATILDA HAUGHT (Matilda5Nimrod4Harrison3)

2503. Charles Haught married Mary Coleman. 2504. Harold Haught married Lillian Cumberledge. 2505. Paul Haught married Betty Hepburn. 2506. LEROY HAUGHT

1015. JOHN BUTCHER, of Nimrod and Harriet Butcher, born near Hun-dred, W. Va. ; living, 1964; married (1) Daisy Hendershot (2) Flora Taylor. .

3 CHILDREN OF JOHN BUTCHER (John5Nimrod4Harrison )

2507. PEARL BUTCHER 2508. GAIL BUTCHER married Orndoff. ----2509. FRED BUTCHER

1016. DRUSILLA MAY BUTCHER, of M. Hennen and Melinda Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. 9-28-1868; died Hundred, W. Va. 8-4-1947; married 8-29-1885, Joshua Henry Taylor#866.

For further data see #866. 1018. ALBERTA ROSE BUTCHER, of M. Hennen and Melinda Butcher,

born near Hundred, W. Va. 7-10-1877*; died ; married 9-1-1908, Harry Benson Mayne, born 3-27-1882; died 5-13-1952. Buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va. *Some records give 1881.

CHILD OF HARRY & ALBERTA MAYNE (Alberta5M. Hennen4Harrison3)

2510. MABEL DELILLIAN MAYNE married Delbert Excell Gilmore. 1019. MORRIS ELLIS BUTCHER, of M. Hennen and Melinda Butcher,

born near Hundred, W. Va. ; died ; married Mary Six. Further data on this couple not learned. 1021. LEWIS JACKSON MAIN, of William and Lucinda (Butcher) Main,

born near Burton, W. Va. about 1868; migrated west with his father. 1022. JAMES HARRISON MAIN, of William and Lucinda (Butcher) Main,

born near Burton, W. Va. 6-16-1871; died 8-24-1957; married 11-1-1890, Matilda Agnes Jones, of Daniel and Sabra Ellen Jones, born ___ ; died 11-19-1942. Both are buried in Lawndale Cemetery, near Ridgeville, Ind.

James H. and Matilda Main resided in Wetzel, Pleasants and Ritchie Counties of West Virginia before starting their westward migration which


took them to Ridgeville, Indiana, where they remained a short time before finally settling in Redkey (same state). Mr. Main was a farmer and they moved west with his father and step-mother.

4 CHILDREN OF JAMES H. & MATILDA MAIN (James5 Lucinda Harrison3)

2511. Dora Elizabeth Ann Main married Owney F. Barlow. 2512. Henry Vance Main married Leoda Frances Seidner. 2513. William Daniel Main married Marie Clevenger. 2514. Adrian Darcy Main married Treva Maude Seidner. 2515. Asa Emory Main married Lela Lucille Zeigler. 2516. Bertha Alice Main married Lloyd Albert Manor. 2517. Martha Florence Main married Harrold Delbert Miller. 2518. Harry Raymond Main married Irma Irene Manor. 2519. Lewis Earl Main married Mary Grace Gossage. 2520. Virginia Agnes Main married Kelley Elmer Sewell.

1024. AMOS JACKSON BUTCHER, of E. Thomas and Nancy Jane (Church) Butcher, born near Hundred, W. Va. 7-10-1880; living, 1969; married Mary Talkington, of Owen and Cordelia (White) Talkington, born St. Cloud, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1969.

Amos and Mary Butcher have resided throughout their married life on the home property of his grandfather Church, near Jlancho, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF AMOS & MARY BUTCHER (Amos Thomas 4Harrison3) (Amos 6Nancy5 Frances 4)

2521. ESSIE BUTCHER married Edward Cumberledge. 2522. ESTHER BUTCHER married Harold Earnest. 2523. CHARLES BUTCHER 2524. MABEL BUTCHER, born and died (young) near Hundred, W. Va. ;

buried Butcher Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1028. HORTENSE ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born

near Potomac, Ill. 8-17-1866; died Sparta, Ill. 12- -1950; married 9-24-1890, Rush Carley, of Edward N. and Asenath (Wells) Carley, born 6-17-1868; died Sparta, Ill. 1951. Both are buried in the Welles Cemetery, near Gifford, Ill.

Rush and Hortense Carley resided in Sparta, Illinois where Hortense taught History, English and Home Economics in the Sparta High School for several years. Mr. Carley was Superintendent of the Sparta Schools for some twenty years before his retirement.


2525. MALE CARLEY, died young. 2526. Paul Sterling Carley married Ruth Anderson. 2527. LOIS VIRGINIA CARLEY, born Champaign Co., Ill.; died Wheaton

Co., Tex. (aged 9 yrs.). 1031. MEL DORA ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born

near Potomac, Ill. 3-12-1872; died Spokane, Wash. 5-2-1908; married 9-1906, Lewis R. Stritsky. Mel Dora is buried in Spokane, Wash.


Lewis and Mel Dora Stritsky resided in Spokane, Washington where both were practicing architects. Mel Dora was the first female architect ever to graduate from the University of Illinois, graduating in June, 189 7.


2528. Mildred Nellie Stritsky married James T. Patterson. 1033. MARINDA ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born

near Potomac, Ill. 6-7-1876; died Austin, Tex. 1-29-1957; married 5-2-1897, Earl Middleton, of Rev. Samuel and Margaret (Williams) Middleton, born 10-1-1874; died 9-2-1945. Both buried in Austin, Tex.

Earl and Marinda Middleton resided in Illinois during the early years of their marriage and in Texas during the later years; Austin, Texas, was the place of their last residence. Mr. Middleton was in the wholesale grocery business more than 25 years before his retirement. Marinda was a house­wife and took an active interest in church and social activities. She was Nat­ional President General of Colonial Dames of XVII Century 1949-1952; also was the organizer of the Huguenot Society of Austin, Texas. She received a B.A. degree from the University of Illinois in 1897.

Much credit for the records of this family are due Mrs. Middleton, al­though she had passed on before we were able to contact her; some of her records had been preserved and made available to us. We are grateful for her keen interest in her heritage.


2529. Errol Bathurst Middleton married Grace Irene Nicholson. 2530. Virgil Wayne Middleton married Louisa Hammerly. 2531. James Dent Middleton married Clara Lois Evans.

1035. LAURA FRANCES ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born near Potomac, Ill. 11-26-1880; living, 1969; married 1-22-1917, David Creel Walker, of Alex M. and Abba (Creel) Walker, born Helena, Mont. 2-22-1872; died Butte, Mont. 6-20-1949. Buried Anaconda Cemetery, Mont.

David and Laura Walker resided in Butte, Montana where she yet resides. Mr. Walker was a metalurgist and worked for the Anaconda Copper Company as well as operating the Elkhorn Silver Mine. Laura was a primary school teacher and a charter member of the D. A. R. of Anaconda, Montana. She was also a member of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century.

CHILD OF DAVID & LAURA WALKER (Laura5Nancy4William3)

2532. David Dent Walker married (1) Beverly May Crow (2) Mrs. Mary Veronica Bugni.

1036. NELLIE GERTRUDE ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcer) Ice, born near Potomac, Ill. 12-18-1882; died Harlingen, Tex. 8-25-1960; married 5-2-1909, Delbert Ward, of Russell and Sarah (Delavan) Ward, born Llano, Tex. 10-11-1882f died Harlingen, Tex. 9-4-1960. Both are buried in San Benito, Tex. * or 10-25-1882


Delbert and Nellie Ward resided near Harlingen, Texas for many years; there he was a farmer and warehouse manager. Nellie was a graduate of Chicago Musical College and taught music in the Harlingen Schools for sev­eral years; she also gave private piano lessons in addition to her teaching in the public schools.



2533. Delbert Russell Ward married (1) Evelyn Schumann (2) Helena May Parrish.

2534. James Sterling Ward married (1) Louise Howell (2) Margaret ___ . 2535. David Louis Ward never married.

1037. CONSTANCE ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born Potomac, Ill. 9-28-1885; died Houston, Tex. 2-4-1967; married 11-21-1906, Leslie Frank Braman, of John Alexander and Martha Jane (Wilson) Braman, born ; died 11-26-1952. Both are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, at Jacksonville, Fla.

Leslie F. and Constance Braman first took up residence in Champaign County, Illinois where they remained a short time before making a home in Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Braman was a partner in the Smith-Braman Bro­kerage Company which he later bought out and changed to L. F. Braman Sales Company, in Jacksonville.

Constance was a graduate of the Chicago School of Expression and Dra­matic Art and was later a teacher in this field. She was also a writer of plays and poetry which she continued to do through her last years while residing in Houston, Texas. Mrs. Braman supplied most of our data for this branch of the family and the correspondence with her in this effort will long be remem­bered with pleasure. These were the things which made this endeavor so re­warding.



2536. KEMPSTER DENT BRAMAN, born and died (at birth) in Champaign Co., Ill.

2537. Janeice Dent Braman married (1) Edgar Arthur Martin II (2) Henry James Wright.

1039. NOEL CARLYLE ICE, of James K. and Nancy Jane (Butcher) Ice, born Gifford, Ill. 3-31-1890; died McAllen, Tex. 2-6-1952; married 6-1-1918, Zelma Jockisch, of Victor Jockisch, born 1898.

Noel Carlyle Ice graduated from the University of Illinois and later attend­ed Western Reserve College (Cleveland, Oh.), graduating in the class of 1918. He practiced medicine at Willoughby, Ohio, some twenty years before a bad heart condition forced his removal to McAllen, Texas, where he continued his practice until his death. He was on the surgical staff of McAllen Munic­ipal Hospital at the time of his decease.


2538. Marjorie Hortense Ice married Dan Irwin. 279

2539. Barbara Johanna Ice married William Weinkamer. 2540. Noel Victor Ice married Minnie Lee Smith.

1041. MARINDA JANE BUTCHER, of David and Ella Butcher, born __ , died 12-13-1928; married Mack Farrar.


2541. 2542.



2543. JUANITA FARRAR married Earl C. Libla. 1044. ROY BUTCHER, of Jeremiah and ____ Butcher, married

BUTCHER (Roy5Jeremiah4M. Hennen3) ------------------CHILDREN OF ROY &

2544. COLETTA BUTCHER married Alva Jones. 2545. ___ BUTCHER

1046. NOAH JACKSON BUTCHER, of Isaac and Effie Butcher, born An-cona, Ill. ; died 9-7-1930; married Beatrice Rose Merriner#996.

1047. HAZEL BUTCHER, of Isaac and Effie Butcher, born Ancona, Ill. ; died ; married Walter Little.

5 4 3 CHILD OF WALTER & HAZEL LITTLE (Hazel Isaac M. Hennen )

2546. ____ LITTLE, killed in World War II. 1058. JAMES DAVID BUTCHER, of Elroy and Hannah Butcher, born

Hundred, W. Va. 12-19-1877; died Wind Ridge, Pa. 6-23-1964; married 8-26-1912, Clara Gillispie, of Benjamin Wilford and Sarah Jane (Surface) Gillispie, born Charleston, W. Va. 2-14-1891; living, 1969. James David is buried in Wind Ridge Cemetery, at Wind Ridge, Pa.

James David and Clara Butcher resided throughout their married life in the Wind Ridge area of Pennsylvania where Clara yet makes her home. Mr. Butcher was a carpenter and cement mason.


George3) 254 7. Virginia Mae Butcher married Nathan Guthrie. 2548. GEORGE W. BUTCHER, born and died (young) Wind Ridge, Pa.;

buried Lazear Cemetery, near Wind Ridge, Pa. 2549. Benjamin David Butcher married Dorothy Klinge.

1059. HARRY BENTON BUTCHER, of Elroy and Hannah Butcher, born Hundred, W. Va. 12-6-1879; died Washington, Pa. 196_; married Anna Mar­ia Cumpston, of Montgomery and Melissa (Six) Cumpston, born 11-20-1874; died 7-18-1946.

Harry and Anna Butcher resided for some years in Moundsville, West Virginia; later moved to Wetzel County (Same state) where they made their home. Harry resided during his later years in Washington, Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF HARRY & ANNA BUTCHER (Harry5Elroy4George3) (only one of which we have record)

2550. Jessie Ethel Butcher married William Lawrence Stiles#l 708. 280

1060. VIRGINIA A. BUTCHER, of Elroy and Hannah Butcher, born Hun­dred, W. Va. 10- -1882; living, 1969; married Charles L. Stewart, of

and Catherine Stewart, born 2-15-1878; living, 1969. Charles L. and Jennie Stewart have resided in Franklin and Center Town-

ships of Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer~ now 4etired. CHILDREN OF CHARLES & VIRGINIA STEWART (Virginia.:>Elroy George3>

2551. Hazel Stewart married (1) Tom Seals (2) Sam Palmer. 2552. Paul H. Stewart married Viola May Stockdale.

1061. IDA BUTCHER, of Elroy and Hannah Butcher, born Hundred, W. Va. ___ ; married Wade Preston.

No children. 1062. LOUISA BUTCHER, of Elroy and Hannah Butcher, born Hundred.

W. Va. 188_; living, 1969; married John Straight. John and Louisa Straight reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Louisa is

now blind. CHILDREN OF JOHN & LOUISA STRAIGHT (Louisa5Elroy4George3)


1063. GEORGE BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born Hun-dred, W. Va. 188 _; died ; married Blanche ___ _

1064. BESSIE BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born Hundred, W. Va. ; living, 1964; married Harold Brown.

Living in Clarksburg, West Virginia in 1964; nothing further. 1065. OPAL BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born Hundred.

W. Va. ___ ; living, 1964; married Albert Longstreth. Living in Buckhannon, West Virginia in 1964; nothing further. 1066. ROY LORENZO BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born

Hundred, W. Va. ; died 12- -1968; married Maggie Gibbons. 1067. LAWRENCE BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born Hun-

dred, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1968; married Olive Lemasters. Residing in Hundred, West Virginia. 1068. CHARLES BUTCHER, of Elroy and Elizabeth Butcher, born Hun-

dred, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1968; married Dorothy McDonald. Residing in Hundred, West Virginia. 1077. CLARA MAY SMITH, of Hugh and Mary E. (Lemley) Smith, born

Nettle Hill, Pa. 6-13-1869; died Waynesburg, Pa. 12-8-1951; married (1) 6-6-1893, Lazear Spragg, of Henry M. and Eliza Spragg, born Greene Co., Pa. 1866; died Nettle Hill, Pa. ___ . Clara married (2) 11-4-1908, Will-iam R. Tague, of John and Catherine Tague, born Bradys Bend (Armstrong Co.), Pa. 5-18-1875; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1-18-1959. Lazear Spragg is buried in Fairall Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.; William and Clara are buried in Oakmont Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.


Lazear and Clara Spragg resided in the areas of Nettle Hill and Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer. They had no children.

William and Clara Tague resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he was a well known driller in the oil and gas business. Mr. Tague served as a Coun­ty Commissioner of Greene County (Pa.) 1936-1939; was also a farmer.


2557. EDWARD TAGUE 1078. MARGARET ROZETTA SMITH, of Hugh and Mary E. (Lemley)

Smith, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 6-23-1873; died Waynesburg, Pa. 5-20-1962; married 1-14-1892, Robert Luther Hoskinson, of William P. and Rebecca (Shough) Hoskinson, born New Freeport, Pa. 11-27-1866; died Waynesburg, Pa. 6-23-1938. Both are buried in Oakmont Cemetery, near Waynesburg.

Robert L. Hoskinson was a clerk in New Freeport, Pennsylvania, at the time of his marriage. He and Margaret "Maggie" moved to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, where they resided throughout their married life, except for some 18 years spent in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Mr. Hoskinson was an oil and gas operator and was quite active in the development of this field in western Greene County. He also handled leases for much of the coal land.


Jane3) 2558. Nella Hoskinson married Ralford Baily. 2559. Hugh Hoskinson never married. 2560. Clare Hoskinson married Joseph Garside.

1079. CORA AGNES LEMLEY, of David H. and Elizabeth Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa. 11-24-1877; died Washington, Pa. 2-23-1960; married in 1903, Hiram Strawn, of Madison and Sarah (Coffman) Strawn, born near Net­tle Hill, Pa. 1877; died Washington, Pa. 2-17-1929. Both are buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa.

Hiram and Cora Strawn resided throughout most of their married life in the area near Washington, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer and dairy­man. After the death of Mr. Strawn Cora continued with the management of the farm for several years.


2561. Albert David Strawn married Florence Supler. 2562. Wilbert Madison Strawn married Ida Mounts.

1080. IDA MAY LEMLEY, of David H. and Elizabeth Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa. 2-17-1880; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-1-1963; married 9-2-1903, Clarence Lee Belch, of James and Emma (Ice) Belch, born near Mannington, W. Va. 4-1-1883; died near Deep Valley, Pa. 9-21-1943. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Lee and Ida Belch took up residence near Deep Valley, Pennsylvania, and resided there some time before moving to the area of Mannington, West Vir­ginia where he operated a horse drawn moving van from 1912 through 1915.


They returned to the Deep Valley area where they remained throughout the remainder of their lives. Mr. Belch worked in the oil and gas fields, as a pumper; at the time of his death he was retired from his employment with the Ferguson Oil and Gas Company, having held the position of a foreman with them. He also was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF LEE & IDA BELCH (lda5 David4Jane3)

2563. INFANT DAUGHTER, born and died near Deep Valley, Pa. 6-30-1904; buried in private cemetery on the Morgan Caseman farm.

2564. Elizabeth Belch married Jacob Isiminger. 2565. Thomas Orange Belch married (1) Mildred Joblinger

(2) Anna J. Phillips. 2566. Robert Luther Belch married (1) Mildred Huggins

(2) Mrs. Genevieve Gorby. 1081. MINNIE FLORENCE LEMLEY, of David H. and Elizabeth Lemley,

born Deep Valley, Pa. 5-22-1883; died Littleton, W. Va. 3-15-1915 (or 3-5-1915); married 7-22-1905, William H. Fordyce, of Joseph and Sarah (Cartetj Fordyce, born Wetzel Co. W. Va. 3-20-1883; died Washington, Pa. 6-29-1962. Both buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

William and Minnie Fordyce resided near Littleton, West Virginia; he was a farmer in early life, but later worked as a driller in the oil and gas fields. William married, second, Ollie Spragg.


2567. Vance E. Fordyce married Virginia Loar. 1083. SARAH JANE LEMLEY, of David H. and Elizabeth Lemley, born

Deep Valley, Pa. 11-20-1891; living, 1969; married (1) Joseph Barnhart, of Silas and Ann (Hull) Barnhart, born Greene Co., Pa. 3-14-1886; died near New Freeport, Pa. 10-1-1956. Sarah Jane married (2) Lindsey Yost, of Wesley and Mary Yost, born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 1892; living, 1969. Joseph is buried in Windy Gap Cemetery, Greene Co., Pa.

Joseph and "Sadie" Barnhart resided near Deep Valley, Pennsylvania;he was a farmer. He also worked as a tool dresser, driller and contractor in the oil and gas fields of Pennsylvania. Mr. Barnhart had been previously married to Emma Rodgers and they had a son, Homer Barnhart.

Lindsey and "Sadie" Yost resided in Hundred and Farmington, West Vir­ginia; also in Texas. This couple separated and he now resides somewhere in Michigan while Sadie resides in the old home place near Deep Valley. Mr. Yost was a driller in the oil and gas fields of Pennsylvania, Texas and Mich­igan.


2568. Ruby Opal Barnhart married (1) Alex Mahaney (2) Carl Fritchle. 2569. MAY ELIZABETH BARNHART, born and died (young) Greene Co.,

Pa.; buried Windy Gap Cemetery.



2570. QUA TON YOST, born Fairmont, W. Va.; died Mich. (aged 13 yrs.); buried Jacksonburg Cemetery, at Jacksonburg, W. Va.

2571. Betty Yost married (1) Pete ____ (2) William Smith (3) __ _ Ward (4) ____ Coker (5) ____ Pierce.

1084. ETHEL SEALS, of Newton and Harriet Bell (Lemley) Seals, born Washington, Pa. about 1895; married Russell Hawks.



1085. FESTUS CLAUDE LEMLEY, of Ruth Lemley, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-19-1886; died Olean, N. Y. 1957; married Mary Weitrachouski.

Festus resided with his grandparents in his youth and provided a home for them in their later years. He was a glass blower. Festus and Mary had no children.

1086. WILLIAM GUY RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-29-1889; married Lina Emerick.

William G. "Joe" and Lina Rush reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; he was employed by the West Penn Power Company before his retirement.



1087. GRACE SHIRL RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Greene Co .• Pa. 5-30-1891; married King H. Bresock.

King and Grace Bresock reside near Washington, Pennsylvania; she is a Registered Nurse.


2577. WILLIAM BRESOCK 1088. WORLEY RUSSELL RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush,

born Greene Co., Pa. 3-6-1893; died 1957; married Laura Jane Ullom. Worley and Laura Rush resided in Eighty-Four a'nd Washington, Pennsyl­

vania. CHILDREN OF WORLEY & LAURA RUSH (Worley5Ruth4Jane3)

2578. RUSSELL RUSH married Mary Ann Moore. 1089. GOLDIE EMMA RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born

Greene Co., Pa. 2-28-1895; married (1) Clyde Lusk (2) Charles Williams. Charles and Goldie Williams reside in Monongahela, Pennsylvania.


2579. ROBERT LUSK 284


1090. CHARITY RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 11-27-1896; married Ellsworth Hartzell.

Ellsworth and Charity Rush reside in Washington, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF ELLSWORTH & CHARITY HARTZELL (Charity5Ruth4


1091. HALLY FRED RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-8-1899; married Madge Hobaugh.

Hally Fred and Madge Rush reside near Kittanning, Pennsylvania; he is an accountant for the West Penn Power Company.



1092. BLANCHE JANE RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-10-1901; married John Oliver Horner.

John and Blanche Horner reside in Washington. Pennsylvania; he has been employed as a guard at the Jessop Steel Company.


2589. BETTY JANE HORNER married Nicholas Palmer. 2590. RUTH JEANETTE HORNER married Paul Maust.

1093. CHARLES REASON RUSH, of William and Ruth (Lemley) Rush, born Washington Co., Pa. 6-18-1904; married Delphia Caldwell.

Charles and Delphia Rush reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; he is a glass blower.



1095. MARY LEMLEY, of John and Rebecca Lemley, married __ _ Carter; further data not available.

1096. PAUL HARRIS LEMLEY, of John and Rebecca Lemley, died in Butler, Pa. 1957; further data not available.

1097. MAXINE GIRTS, of LaSalle and Maude (Lemley) Girts, born Port Allegeny, Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Maxine Girts has resided throughout most of her lifetime in the area of Washington, D. C., her present home. Maxine received her B. A. and M.A. degrees from George Washington University; she has also completed 30 hours credit toward a Ph.D. Previous to her retirement in 1960 she had taught in


the public schools there some 37 years. Her last 25 years of teaching were at Woodrow Wilson High School where she taught United States History and Government and Social Studies. She has also been an active member of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church there.

1098. HELEN CLARA McCLELLAND, of John K. and Eva (Lemley) Mc­Clelland, born Washington, Pa. 12-16-1897; died Warren, Oh. 8-1-1966; married 8-20-1922, Arthur J. McConnell, of Roy and Leda (0 'Neil) McConn­ell, born Phalanx Station, Oh. 1898; died Warren, Oh. 9-1-1943. Both are buried in Pineview Cemetery, at Warren, Oh.

Arthur and Helen McConnell resided in the area of Warren, Ohio where Helen was a very successful first grade teacher in the public schools. In 1959 she was awarded the Medal of Honor, given to outstanding teachers of Americanism in the class-room, by the government. In 1960 she was award­ed the Freedoms Foundation Award at Valley Forge. Helen retired in 1962 after 40 years of teaching.

They had no children. 1099. WlLLIAM PENNINGTON McCLELLAND, of John K. and Eva (Lem­

ley) McClelland, born Washington, Pa. 3-29-1900; died Tavares, Fla. 9-20-1966; married (1) 1921, Nellie Moran (2) Laura Jacobs, who died Warren, Oh. 5- -1967.


2593. SARA JANE McCLELLAND, born and died young. 2594. WlLLIAM PENNINGTON McCLELLAND JR., died at the age of 20

years, as a result of muscular dystrophy. 2595. James John McClelland married ----

1101. SARA MATILDA McCLELLAND, of John K. and Eva (Lemley) Mc-Clelland, born Warren, Oh. 5-21-1909; living, 1969; married 8-22-1930, Kenneth Everitt Grove, of Harry Oscar and Ella Mary (Everitt) Grove, born Cortland, Oh. 7-9-1909; living, 1969.

Kenneth and Sara Grove have resided throughout their married life in the areas near Warren, Ohio; their present residence is near Cortland, Ohio. We are deeply indebted to Sara for her tireless efforts in assisting with this family history and we have enjoyed her visits and correspondence immensely. So far as we have been able to learn Sara and her sister, Helen, and their mother were the first persons to become members of the D. A. R. on the ser­vice of Matthew Hennen.

Sara received her B. S. in Education from Youngstown University (Youngs­town, Oh.) and has taught second grade in the Warren Schools for a number of years. Kenneth received his B. S. in Education from Ohio State University in 1932 after which he taught Industrial Arts in the schools of Lorain, Warren and Youngstown, Ohio until 1945. He is currently Master Mechanic at the U. S, Gypsum Company, at Warren, Ohio.


2596. Norman John Grove married Diane Mavis Nutt. 286

2597. Janet Kay Grove married Jolm Denman Young. 1107. SCEOLA SHEEKS, of Samuel and Hattie (Bland) Sheeks, born Scan­

dia, Kans. 1-21-1886; living, 1969; married Joseph Kovanda, born Czecho­slovakia 3-28-1888; died Columbus, Mont. 2- -1969.

Joseph and Sceola Kovanda resided in Columbus, Montana where he was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & SCEOLA KOVANDA (Sceola5Hattie4 Mary3) (all born Columbus, Mont.)

2598. BESSIE KOVANDA married Walter Crow. 2599. SAM KOVANDA 2600. FRANK KOVANDA 2601. HAZEL KOVANDA married Harold Dietz. 2602. EMMA KOVANDA married A. L. Lockary.

1109. LILLIE IVY SHEEKS, of Samuel and Hattie (Bland) Sheeks, born Belleville, Kans. 3-30-1892; died Denver, Colo. 1951; married Watt.

CHILDREN OF & IVY WATT (Ivy5Hattie4Mari) (all born Columbus, Mont.)

2603. JAMES WATT 2604. WINIFRED WATT married Fred Quinn. 2605. JEAN WATT married Howard Walker. 2606. DOROTHY WATT

1116. ISAAC WlLLIAM NELSON HINERMAN, of Thomas and Marietta (Hennen) Hinerman, born Greene Co., Pa. 6-16-1886; died New Martins­ville, W. Va. 3-10-1968; married Bessie L. Shaw, of Joseph and Mary Bell (Bennett) Shaw, born Tyler Co., W. Va. 12-22-1890; living, 1969. Isaac is buried in tbe Fairview Cemetery, near Moundsville, W. Va.

Isaac and Bessie Hinerman resided throughout tbeir married life in tbe area of Moundsville, West Virginia, where she yet makes her home. Isaac was called a "Jack-of-all-trades"; he was a carpenter, mason worker, met­al worker, paper hanger, painter, fireman and a "real good musician and band leader. "


2607. George Hinerman married Arlene Warren. 2608. Wanda May Hinerman married Charles Schreiber. 2609. Helen Louise Hinerman married Michael Holliday.

1117. OREFRANCIS HINERMAN, of Thomas and Marietta (Hennen) Hiner­man, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-1-1888; died Moundsville, W. Va. 9-9-1937; unmarried. Buried Fairview Cemetery, near Moundsville, W. Va.

Orefrancis Hinerman resided in Moundsville, West Virginia where she was a seamstress and cook.

1118. PATRICK HENRY HINERMAN, of Thomas and Marietta (Hennen) Hinerman, born Greene Co., Pa. 1-8-1890; living, 1969; married Austa Morris, of James and Mary (Dorrah) Morris, born Silver Hill, W. Va.

Patrick and Austa Hinerman reside in Moundsville, West Virginia; he has been employed as a glass worker.



2610. J. T. Hinerman married Melable Rickman. 1119. DAVID CANFIELD HINERMAN, of Thomas and Marietta (Hennen)

Hinerman, born Greene Co., Pa. 8-26-1891; died Moundsville, W. Va. 7-21-1954; married Gertrude Lightfritz, born Moundsville, W. Va. 12-22-1909; living, 1969. David is buried in Halcyon Memorial Gardens, near Sher­rard, W. Va.

David and Gertrude Hinerman resided in Moundsville, West Virginia; he was a glass worker.


2611. Garnette Mae Hinerman married (1) George Klem (2) James Shook. 2612. Lillian Pearl Hinerman married (1) Victor Games

(2) Melvin Hartley (3) Robert Drain. 2613. Paul D. Hinerman married (1) Blanche Harrison (2) Agnes Fox.

1120. BESSIE RUTH HINERMAN, of Thomas and Marietta (Hennen) Hin­erman, born Greene Co., Pa. 12-24-1893; died Denver, Colo. 12-23-1961; married Clarence Koontz, born Ia. ; died Martins Ferry, Oh.

Clarence and Bessie Koontz resided in Denver, Colorado where he was an auto mechanic and Bessie was a clerk in a retail store. Mr. Koontz was a veteran of World War I. They had no children.

1121. ANNA EVELYN ALICE HINERMAN, Of Thomas and Marietta (Hen­nen) Hinerman, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-27-1896; living, 1969; married Charles Sweeney, born Wi;eeling, W. Va.; died Denver, Colo.

Charles and Anna Sweeney resided in Denver, Colorado where she yet makes her home. Anna has worked as a waitress in a restaurant; Charles was employed in the United States Mint Shop there. He was a veteran of World War I, having served in the U. S. Navy. They had no children.

1122. MINNIE LEAH STILES, of James A. and Mary E. (Hale) Stiles, born near Jollytown, Pa. 8-3-1879; died West Alexander, Pa. 5-30-1961; married 5-29-1903, Furman Kennedy, of Joseph 0. and Sarah (Roberts) Kennedy, born Greene Co., Pa. 5-31-1881; died near West Alexander, Pa. 11-3-1965. Bofr are buried in West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexand­er, Pa.

Furman and Minnie Kennedy resided in the West Alexander -West Finley area of Pennsylvania where he was a farmer.


2614. Mary Kennedy married Lester Bowman. 2615. Mildred Kennedy married Kenneth West. 2616. Essie Kennedy never married. 2617. ETHEL KENNEDY (twin of Essie), born and died (young) near West

Alexander, Pa.; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Free­port, Pa.

2618. Earsel Kennedy married Gladys Crow. 288

1123. OWEN QUITMAN STILES, of James A. and Mary E. (Hale) Stiles, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-6-1881; died Washington, Pa. 8-29-1955; mar­ried 12-19-1903, Blanche Six, of Ezra and Mahala (Myers) Six, born Greene Co., Pa. 10-15-1884; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-22-1948. Both are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Owen and Blanche Stiles resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania where he was a coal miner.


2619. Freda Stiles married (1) Arthur Taylor (2) Harvey Redman. 2620. Mary Stiles married William Bane. 2621. James Stiles married Victoria Yost. 2622. Gayle Stiles married Daniel Cain. 2623. Grace Stiles married Edgar Croxton.

1124. JESSIE FLORENCE STILES, of James A and Mary E. (Hale) Stiles, born near Jollytown, Pa. 7-2-1884; living, 1969; married 7-14-1906, Charles R. Taylor, of Abner G. and Mary Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-4-1884; living, 1969.

Charles and Jessie Taylor have resided throughout their married life in Greene County, Pennsylvania; presently near Jefferson. Mr. Taylor was a school teacher, now retired.


2624. EARL TAYLOR, born near Jollytown, Pa.; died Greene Co., Pa. (young); buried Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

2625. Mary Opal Taylor married Wilbur Knight. 1126. IDA WARRICKS, of George and Belle (Gray) Warricks, born Deep

Valley, Pa. 1889; died Glen Dale, W. Va. 3-26-1938; married 6-1-1911, William D. Looman, of P. D. & Cynthia Looman. Ida is buried in Mt. Rose Cemetery, at Moundsville, W. Va.

William and Ida Looman resided in Marshall and Marion Counties of West Virginia; he was a coal miner and also worked at Mannington Pottery.



2626. Dale Looman married _______ _ 1127. INA WARRICKS, of George and Belle (Gray) Warricks, born Deep

Valley, Pa. 4-29-1890; living, 1969; married 6-5-1909, Harry Ogle Masters, of George and Sarah Elizabeth (Griffith) Masters, born near Deep Valley, Pa. 6-8-1890; living, 1969.

Harry and Ina Masters reside in Newton Falls, Ohio. He is now retired, having been a farmer and oil field worker.


262 7. Eshmel Masters married Emery Rutan. 2628. Velda Masters married Thomas Miller. 2629. Jean Masters married Ross Schenck.


2630. Darrell Masters married (1) ________ (2) _______ _ 2631. Eileen Masters married John Bryner. 2632. Helen Masters married Lawrence Salmon. 2633. Harry Ogle Masters Jr. never married. 2634. Lois Masters married Steve Chermansky. 2635. Wayne Masters married Jane Ramanoff. 2636. Duane Masters married Arlene Orr. 2637. GEORGE NEIL MASTERS, died Newton Falls, Oh. aged 20 yrs.

(Wayne and Duane Masters were twins) 1128. ILA WARRICKS, of George and Belle (Gray) Warricks, born Deep

Valley, Pa. 5-7-1892; living, 1969; married William Ray, of William and ____ Ray, deceased.

William and Ila Ray resided in Moundsville, West Virginia where she yet resides; he was a coal miner.


2638. CHESTER RAY, born Moundsville, W. Va.; died Geln Dale, W. Va. 2639. Beryl Ray married Al Gatts.

1129. MARY WARRICKS, of George and Belle (Gray) Warricks, born Woodruff, W. Va. 3-20-1896; living, 1969; married 10-16-1916, Fred Gra­ham, of William and Susan (Snellgrove) Graham, born Mannington, W. Va. 1-28-1892; died Spencer, W. Va. 5-14-1965. Fred is buried in the Cunning­ham Cemetery, at St. Albans, W. Va.

Fred and Mary Graham resided in Spencer, Mannington, Stringtown and Wallback, West Virginia; also in Kansan, Oklahoma, and Oak Ridge, Tenn­essee. He was an oil field worker and also owned a farm and grocery store. Mary now resides in Newton Falls, Ohio.

They had no children, but raised two nephews: Quentin and Ralph Fred­erick Graham.

1130. EDITH ELMA WARRICKS, of George and Belle (Gray) Warricks, born Denver, W. Va. 7-7-1901: died Coverdale, Pa. 1-5-1960; married (1) Albert Cole (2) Felix Konopka, who died in 1946.

Edith Elma was less than three months old when her mother died, at which time she was taken into the home of James and Mary Stiles who cared for her as one of their own.

Albert and Edith Cole resided in the area of Jollytown and New Freeport, Pennsylvania; also in Moundsville, West Virginia.

Felix and Edith Konopka resided in Coverdale (now Bethel Park), Penn-sylvania; he was a coal miner.


2640. Mary Virginia Stiles (adopted) married Frank J. Wiedziewicz. 2641. James Earl Cole married Agatha Robinson. 2642. Mildred Lorraine Cole married Carlo Teodori. 2643. Howard Kenneth Cole married Jeanne Marilyn Walther.



2644. Joseph Felix Konopka married _______ _ 2645. Helen Marjorie Konopka married Robert Thomas. 2646. Stanley Peter Konopka married Barbara Schotting. 2647. Edward Konopka married Arlene Mccomis. 2648. Charles Raymond Konopka married Patricia Bruno. 2649. Ronald Zigmond Konopka married Marguerite Burns.

1131. WILLIAM GRAY, of Charles and Rosa Gray, born New Freeport, Pa. __ ; died Glen Dale, W. Va. __ ; married Nettie Suter, of Norman and Virginia (Miller) Suter. William is buried in Mt. Rose Cemetery, at Moundsville, W. Va.

William and Nettie Gray resided in Glen Dale, West Virginia where he was employed at Triangle Conduit, as a Foreman. Nettie still resides in Glen Dale.


2650. VIRGINIA RUTH GRAY, born Woodlands, W. Va.; died Glen Dale, W. Va.; buried Mt. Rose Cemetery, at Moundsville, W. Va.

2651. NORMA GRAY, born Woodlands, W. Va.; died Glen Dale. W. Va.; married ____ Reynolds; buried Mt. Rose Cemetery.

Virginia Gray and Norma Gray Reynolds both died of heart ailments. 1132. HUTCHINSON GRAY, of Charles and Olive Gray, born Woodruff,

W. Va. 1-15-1904; living, 1969; married Alta Yocum, of Samuel and Carrie (Auguish) Yocum, born Limestone, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Hutchinson and Alta Gray reside at Limestone, West Virginia where he is a farmer. Both Hutch and Alta Gray drive school buses.

CHILDREN OF HUTCHINSON & ALTA GRAY (Hutchinson5Charles4Nancy3)

2652. Janet Gray married John Mysliviec. 2653. Gene Gray married Joan Kittlewell.

1133. CHARLES EDWARD GRAY, of James and Margaret Gray, born Woodruff, W. Va. 5-21-1898; died Glen Dale, W. Va. 12-30-1963; married 8-11-1928, Ruth Ann Earnest, of Samuel and Myrtle (Weekley) Earnest, born Woodruff, W. Va. 6-5-1906: living, 1969. Charles is buried in the Old Cam­eron Cemetery, at Cameron, W. Va.

Charles Gray worked as a driller in the oil fields for some time in his early life; later he operated a general store in Woodruff, West Virginia, where he and Ruth resided. He served as postmaster there some 40 years, being a member of the National League of Postmasters. Ruth is a graduate of West Liberty State Teachers College (West Liberty, W. Va.) and taught school for a number of years before and after marriage.

After the death of her husband, Ruth removed to Glen Dale, West Virgin­ia, and continues to work in the Department of Public Assistance office in Moundsville, a position she has held several years. She had formerly co­muted from Woodruff.



2654. Joclaire Gray married James Berry. 1134. GLEN M. GRAY, of James and Margaret Gray, born Woodruff,

W. Va. 12-15-1901; living, 1969; married 9- -1924, Inzie Isiminger, of Henry and Lucy (Whipkey) Isiminger, born Mt. Carmel, Pa., 4-14-1902; living, 1969.

Glen and Inzie Gray reside near Woodruff, West Virginia where he is an employee of the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company. He is also an or­dained Minister in the Church of God and presently has charge of the Church of God, in Littleton, West Virginia.


2655. Richard Gray never married. 2656. Marvin Anderson Gray married Lois Kroepel. 2657. Jack Carroll Gray never married.

1135. CLARENCE GRAY, of Samuel and Mary Gray, born Littleton, W. Va. 3-7-1904; living, 1969; married Pansy Strait, of Leonard and Myrtle (Evans) Strait, born Woodruff, W. Va. 5-30-1908; living, 1969.

Clarence and Pansy Gray have resided in Cameron, West Virginia through­out most of their married life. Both were employees of the Cameron Clay Fac­tory until it closed. Clarence is currently manager of the State Food Store, at Cameron, West Virginia.


2658. Betty Gray married (1) Ralph Wade (2) Paul Howard. 2659. Evelyn Pauline Gray married Raymond Aston.

1136. MARY LOU GRAY, adopted daughter of Stephen and Effie Gray, born near Cameron, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Floyd Clark, of Edward Clark.

Floyd and Mary Lou Clark reside near Moundsville, West Virginia; he is employed by the Traingle Conduit.


2660. Nila Jean Clark married Bennie Phroneapple. 2661. Patricia Ann Clark married LeRoy Hewitt. 2662. FLOYD RODNEY CLARK, at home. 2663, MARY JO CLARK, at home.

1137. MAXINE BOSWORTH, married Harley Hennen#l 784. For further data see #1 784. 1139. RAYMOND GRAY, of Albert and Minnie Gray, born Cameron, W.

Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Wanda Jones, of Frank and ____ Jones. (2) Gladys Neeley.

Raymond and Gladys Gray reside in Cameron, West Virginia, where he is a railroad foreman.


5 4 3 CHILDREN OF RAYMOND & WANDA GRAY (Raymond Albert Nancy )


2667. GRAY ----2668. GRAY ----2669. GRAY

1140. FREDERICK HAROLD HENNEN, of Martin and Mary Elizabeth Hennen, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Margaret Fonn­er, of James and Jane Fonner, born Aleppo, Pa.; married (2) Mrs. Lena Virginia Anderson, of Samuel and Frances (Kerr) Wnipkey, born Aleppo, Pa.; living, 1969.

Fred and Margaret Hennen resided in the area of New Freeport, Penn­sylvania, where he and Lena also resided. They are now separated but both continue to reside in that area. Fred has been a rural mail carrier for some years, in addition to farming.


26 70. Marcia Dianne Hennen married Larry Bruce Sterling. 1141. JOHN WILLIAM HENNEN, of Martin and Mary Elizabeth Hennen,

born New Freeport, Pa. ; living, 1969; married Anna Gayle Taylor, of Harry J. and Ida Jeanette Taylor, born Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969.

John and Gayle Hennen reside in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, and he works in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.


2671. Erma Jean Hennen married Charles G. Amon. 26 72. John Wayne Hennen married Mary Ann Garfiardi. 2673. Marlene Hennen, unmarried.

1142. MARY RUTH HENNEN, of Martin and Mary Elizabeth Hennen, born New Freeport, Pa.; died Moundsville, W. Va. ; married John Gallaher Mc­Connell, of Alfred M. and Jean (Kerr) McConnelL died Moundsville, W. Va. Both are interred in Riverview Mausoleum of Moundsville Cemetery.

John and Ruth McConnell resided in Moundsville, West Virginia; he was a veteran of World War II, having served in the U. S. Army and wounded in action. They had no children.

1144. DR. JOHN WILLIAM GUY HANNON, of William and Alice Hannon (changed from Hennen), born Garrison, Pa. 6-19-1900; living, 1969; mar­ried 6-21-1930, Sara Buchanan, of Herbert S. and Alena C. (Lyle) Buchanan, born Hickory, Pa. 10-23-1899; living, 1969.

Dr. John W. G. and Sara Hannon have resided throughout their married life in Washington, Pennsylvania. Dr. Hannon holds a B. S. degree from West Virginia University, M. D. degree from Jefferson Medical College and


F. C. C. P. from American College of Chest Physicians. He also did graduate work at Mayo Clinic and the University of Pittsburgh. He has carried on per­sonally or directed research in the fields of lung function testing, suppress­ion of industrial dusts, fumes, and mists, radioactivity, and in the neutral­ization of toxic air borne contaminants.

Dr. Hannon has authored many papers on Industrial Medicine, occupat­ional Diseases of the Chest and Physiological Determination of Pulmonary Function. He has appeared on programs of State, National and International meetings concernir,g occupational medicine. He has lectured in medical schools in this country and abroad.

Dr. Hannon has been Medical Director of the McIntyre Research Found­ation, Toronto, Canada; Medical Director of Jessop Steel Company, Wash­ington, Pennsylvania; Medical Consultant of Continental Can Company, Brock­way Glass and Advisor to many plants in the ceramic, foundry and mining in­terests, in this country and in several foreign countries. He is a member of a number of medical societies.

Sara received a degree in Public School Music from Beaver College, in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, after which she taught music in the Ellsworth School System and Mt. Pleasant Township School System.



26 74. Sara Buchanan Hannon married William Herron Meanor. 2675. Nancy Lucille Hannon married Dr. Thomas Pascoe Gordon.

1145. ROBERT MEIGHEN, of Joseph and Mary (Hennen) Meighen, born Pine Bank, Pa. ; died Pittsburgh, Pa. ; married Madeline Mountz, of Thom­as Elwood and Madeline (Loughman) Mountz, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969. Robert is buried in the Meighen Cemetery, at Pine Bank, Pa.

Robert and Madeline Meighen resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; she still makes her home there. Robert was employed by Crucible Steel Comp­any, as a roller; also employed by Jessop Steel Company; Madeline is em­ployed at Washington Hospital, as a nurse's aid.



2676. Robert Meighen Jr. married Jeanette Damn. 2677. Barbara Jean Meighen married John N. Johnson.

1146. RUTH MEIGHEN, of Joseph and Mary (Hennen) Meighen, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Lt. Col. Edward Fowler, further data not available. Presently reside in Miami, Florida.

1147. JOHN WILBUR HANNON, of Harry B. and Nora Hennen, bornnear New Freeport, Pa. 2-7-1907; living, 1969; married Nora Taylor, of Patrick and Adeline (Renner) Taylor, born Garrison, Pa.; living, 1969.

John W. and Nora Hannon reside in Reed City, Michigan where he is office manager for Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. Nora is a Real Es­tate Broker for North Central Realty Company, in Reed City. They former­ly resided in Garrison, Pennsylvania, and Vriesland, Michigan.



2678. James Wilbur Hannon married Mary Copeland. 2679. Cleo J. A. Hannon married Bobby Esch. 2680. Alice Gayle Hannon married Robert John Bull. 2681. Ruby Lorrain Hannon married Eddie Decker. 2682. Lenora Leone Hannon married Daniel Boyer.

1148. VIRGINIA HENNEN, of Harry and Nora Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 4-5-1910; living, 1969; married Russell Alward Galaher, of Perry and Bertha (Smith) Galaher, born Washington, Pa. 5-14-1910; living, 1969.

Rev. Russell and Virginia Galaher reside in Anderson, Indiana; she is a Forelady at Warner Press. Rev Galaher is a minister in the Church of God.


2683. Russell Alward Galaher Jr. married Willie Cline Clay. 2684. Rodney Charles Galaher married Janet Marie Cavender.

1149. MARJORIE HENNEN, of Harry and Nora Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 4-6-1911; living, 1969; married Carl H. Wilson, of Kelley and Carrie Wilson, born Washington, Pa. 7-17-1910; living, 1969.

Carl and Marjorie Wilson reside in Washington, Pennsylvania, where he is a truck driver for Beatty Motor Express Company. Carl served 2 years in the U. S. Army.


2685. Carl H. Wilson Jr. married Maxine Wright. 2686. Helen Dolores Wilson married Victor Anthony Gizoni.

1150. HAROLD MILLER HENNEN, of Harry and Nora Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 10-15-1912; died Washington, Pa. 7-6-1964; married Mildred Sellers, of Albert and Mabel (Lightner) Sellers, born 12-15-1914; living, 1969. Harold is buried in Washington Cemetery, near Washington.

Harold and Mildred Hennen resided in Washington, Pennsylvania, where she yet resides. He was employed some 23 years by the Jessop Steel Com-pany, as a shearman. _


268 7. Florence Kay Hennen married Frank Knotts. 2688. Betty Mable Hennen married James Richard Church.

1151. PAUL V. HENNEN, of Harry and Victoria Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 3-24-1914; living, 1969; married (1) Lorraine Irwin, of Char­les and Viola Irwin, born 5-17-1924; living, 1969. He married (2) Gloria Anderson.

Paul and Gloria Hennen reside in Sunburst, Montana; Lorraine Hennen resides in Washington, Pennsylvania.




1152. GLENN F. HENNEN, of Harry and Victoria Hennen, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-2-1915; living, 1969; married Betty Jane Edmonds, of Charles and Marie (Began) Edmonds, born 5-11-1915; living, 1969.



2693. Bernard Lawrence Hennen married Ethel Wrenshall. 2694. Glenda Anne Hennen married William Benito Aloia. 2695. David Eric Hennen married Lois Louise Beaman.

1153. HARRY EDWARD HENNEN, of Harry and Victoria Hennen, born 8-7-1921; living, 1969; unmarried.

Harry E. Hennen resided throughout most of his lifetime in Washington, Pennsylvania where he was employed by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company for some 30 years. He now resides in New Jersey where he is employed by the Thacker Glass Company, in Wharton (N. J.). Harry served 2 years in the United States Army.

1156. CHARLES EDWIN HENNEN, of Charles and Mildred (White) Henn­en, born near Wadestown, W. Va. ; died Frederick, Md. ; married Ruth Gen­evieve Gray, of William B. and Bernice (Roach) Gray, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969. Charles E. is buried in Washington Cemetery, near Washing­ton, Pa.

Edwin and Ruth Hennen resided in Washington, Pennsylvania, Wheeling, West Virginia, and West Middlesex, Pennsylvania. The latter was their res­idence at the time of his death.

C. Edwin Hennen graduated from Washington and Jefferson College in 193 7, receiving a B. A. degree; he had been an outstanding football player during his undergraduate years there. In addition to having been employed by the Goodrich Company and U. S. Steel Company, Edwin also taught at Farrell High School. He also served this school as track coach and assist­ant football coach.

Ruth Gray Hennen married, second, Harvey Henry and now resides in Washington, Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF EDWIN & RUTH HENNEN (Edwin~Charles4John3) (Edwin Mildred5 John 4)

2696. William Edwin Hennen, unmarried. 2697. Carol Ann Hennen, unmarried.

1157. HELEN MILDRED HENNEN, of Charles and Mildred (White) Henn­en, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Dr. George Conner, of Chester Tazewell and Leota (Sockman) Conner, born Moundsville, W. Va. ; living, 1969.

Dr. George and Helen Conner presently reside in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, after having lived in many places during their earlier years.

Dr. George Conner served nine years as pastor of the Irving Park Pres-296

byterian Church in Chicago, Illinois. He served as a Chaplain in the United States Army Air Force in World War II and in the Air Force during the Ko•­rean Conflict. He recently retired as a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve and is presently a Professor at Wisconsin State University. The Reverend Dr. George Conner received his Ph. D. from the Universi~ of Wisconsi1?3·

CHILDREN OF DR. GEORGE & HELEN CONNER (Helen Charles4John ) (Helen 6Mildred5 John 4 )

2698. Robert Lane Conner, unmarried. 2699. Jeannine Hennen Conner married David Robert Cassell.

1158. VIOLET RUTH HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley, born Blacksville, W. Va. 10-1-1901; living, 1969; married Leeman Delbert Head­lee#l317.

For further data see #131 7. 1159. JESSIE ELIZABETH HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley,

born Blacksville, W. Va. 11-20-1897; died 3- -1929; married Fred Sheets, died 1957. Both are buried in Pleasant Home Cemetery, at Belleville. W. Va.

CHILD OF FRED & JESSIE SHEETS (Jessie5Bell4 Minerva3) .

2700. Donel Stanley Sheets married Dorothy Britton. 1160. CORA ADELLA HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley, born

Blacksville, W. Va. 10-10-1899; died 12-16-1963 (at Cuyahoga Falls, Oh.); married George Elza Bryan, died Cuyahoga Falls, Oh. 7-9-1939.

George and Cora Bryan resided in Akron, Ohio. CHILDREN OF GEORGE & CORA BRYAN (Cora



2701. William McClellan Bryan married Averil Mair. 2702. Charles Bryan married Deloris Perillo.

1161. EMMA LOUISA HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley, born Belleville, W. Va. 12-2-1904; living, 1968; married David M. Provance, died 1-1-1936. David is buried in the Pleasant Home Cemetery, at Belleville, W. Va.




2703. Marjorie Provance married Clayton Young. 2704. Beryl Ann Provance married Edward Greathouse.

1162. ROY ISAAC HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley, born Belleville, W. Va. 8-1-1906; living, 1968; married Opal Smith, died Farm­ington, W. Va. 4- -1950.

Roy and Opal Headley resided in Akron, Ohio, and Wheeling and Farm-ington, West Virginia. "

4 3 CHILDREN OF ROY & OPAL HEADLEY (Roy;)Bell Minerva )

2 705. Deloris Headley married Roy Foster. 2 706. Harry Lee Headley married Billie Dailey. 2707. David Eugene Headley

1163. FRANK HEADLEY, of Rezin and Bell (Blue) Headley, born Belle-297

ville, W. Va. 7-2-1908; died 1-1-1936; unmarried. Buried in Pleasant Home Cemetery, at Belleville, W. Va.

1164. GRACE BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-18-1892; living, 1969; married 3-22-1908, Harry Snell, of William and Jane Snell, born Harrietsville, Oh. 11-25-1887; living, 1969.

Harry and Grace Snell have resided in Quaker City and Spencer Station, Ohio, and Brave and near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Snell was employ-ed by the Peoples Natural Gas Company.

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF HARRY & GRACE SNELL (Grace Spencer Minerva )

2708. Pearl Snell married (1) William Sprouse (2) Charles Windsor. 2 709. Helen Snell married John Kent. 2710. Opal Snell married Dewey Cumberledge. 2711. Melburn Snell married Edith Lowe. 2 712. Ted Snell married Minnie Miller. 2 713. Margaret Snell married Robert McMannes. 2 714. Glen Snell married (1) Minerva Cumberledge (2) Hazel Cumberledge. 2 715. Jean Snell married Tom Higginbotham.

1165. OVi'EN BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. 8-17-1893; living, 1969; married Sylvia Keck, of Swayne and Sarah (Sine) Keck, born Daybrook, W. Va. 3-21-1891; died 5-24-1955.

Owen and Sylvia Blue resided in the area of Brave, Pennsylvania, where he still makes his home. Owen was employed by the Peoples Natural Gas Company.

CHILDREN OF OWEN & SYLVIA BLUE (Owen5Spencer4 Minerva3)

2 716. Harold Blue married Lisalotte Stellar. 2 71 7. Doris B iue married George William Evans.

1166. MELBURN BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa. 5-16-1897; living, 1969; married (1) Jessie Parsons, of Vincent and Belle (Anderson) Parsons, born Ryerson Station, Pa. 1-16-1897; died 5-1-1957; married (2) Mrs. Stella Tennant, of David and Martha Howard, born Jakes Run, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Melburn Blue has resided throughout most of his lifetime in the area of Brave and Murraysville, Pennsylvania; he was employed by the Peoples Nat­ural Gas Company and the New York State Gas Compan5.

CHILDREN OF MELBURN & JESSIE BLUE (Melburn Spencer4Minerva3)

2718. Geraldine Blue married Donald Rush. 2719. Josephine Blue married Irving R. Dean. 2720. Ralph Blue married Kathleen Eddy. 2721. Jack Blue married Alice Mae Egloff.

1167. CLARA BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born near Jollytown, Pa.; married Jack Gros sick. Both Clara and Jack are now deceased.

Resided in Ingamar, Pennsylvania.




2 722. Betty Jane Gros sick married David Hovis. 2 723. Martha Ann Gros sick married ____ Zimmerman. 2 724. Kay Gros sick married Betty ___ _

1168. RALPH BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born Brave, Pa. 1902; died 1961; married Wanita Phillips, of Perry 0. and Nell (Barger) Phillips, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969. Ralph is buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Ralph and Wanita Blue resided in Brave and Clarksville, Pennsylvania; also some time in Fayette County (same state).

CHILDREN OF RALPH & WANITA BLUE (Ralph5Spencer4Minerva3)

2725. Donald Blue married Anne Sestile. 2726. Jo Ann Blue married James Franks. 2 72 7. James Blue married Shirley Sorge. 2728. David Blue married Connie Arnold. 2 729. Sheila Blue never married. 2730. Donna Blue married Jon Liddick.

1169. DELMONT BLUE, of Spencer and Leona Blue, born Brave, Pa. married Opal Bissett, of Brice and Ida (Church) Bissett.

Delmont and Opal Blue resided a great part of their married life in the area of Brave, Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF DELMONT & OPAL BLUE (Delmont5Spencer4 Minerva3)

2 731. Mary Jo Blue married Aldren Hillberry. 2 732. Billie Spencer Blue, unmarried. 2733. Karen Sue Blue married Teddy Lee Tuttle. 2734. Jerry Blue, unmarried. 2 735. Linda Kaye Blue married Samuel Dodson.

1172. FLORENCE DODGE, of Melville and Eliza (Blue) Dodge, born Brave, Pa. 2-27-1897; living, 1969; married Michael Strosnider, of Dr. Thompson and Sara Strosnider, born Blacksville, W. Va. 1-8-1885; died Blacksville, W. Va.

Michael and Florence Strosnider resided in Blacksville, West Virginia where she yet resides. Mr. Strosnider worked in the oil and gas fields.


Minerva3) 2736. Walter L. Strosnider married Lucille Hockenberry. 2 73 7. Anna Margaret Strosnider married Harold J. Moore.

1173. EVA DODGE, of Melville and Eliza (Blue) Dodge, born Brave, Pa. 10-16-1898; living, 1969; married Harold Inghram, of T. J. and Belle (Rine-hart) Inghram, born __ ; died __ .

5 4 3 CHILDREN OF HAROLD & EVA INGHRAM (Eva Eliza Minerva )

2738. Robert Inghram married Delilah Roberts#1858. 299

2739. James Inghram married Nancy Barnes. 2740. JACK INGHRAM

1174. MAUDE DODGE, of Melville and Eliza (Blue) Dodge, born Brave, Pa. 11-30-1900; living, 1969; married 5-13-1922, Paul Morris, of Frank and Belle (Kennedy) Morris, born Greene Co., Pa. 1900; living, 1969.

Paul and Maude Morris reside in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, where he is now retired.

CHILD OF PAUL & MAUDE MORRIS (Maude5Eliza 4Minerva3)

2741. Paul R. Morris married Ann ----1175. MILDRED DODGE, of Melville and Eliza (Blue) Dodge, born near

Blacksville, W. Va. 5-25-1905; died ___ ; married (1) Burleigh Lemasters (2) Harold Thistlethwaite.


2742. ____ LEMASTERS, died young. 1176. MELVIN DODGE, of Melville and Eliza (Blue) Dodge, born near

Blacksville, W. Va. 5-5-1910; living, 1969; married Kathryn Rush, of Floyd and Vada (Whitlatch) Rush, born Spraggs, Pa.; living, 1969

Melvin and Kathryn Dodge reside in Cleveland, Ohio; formerly resided in Blacksville, West Virginia. Mr. Dodge is employed by Fisher Body Comp­any (Division of General Motors Corp.); Kathryn works in a Down-Town Mot­or Inn.


2 743. William Lloyd Dodge married Geraldine Stewart. 2744. Barbara Joan Dodge married John McDougal. 2745, Elinor Louise Dodge married William Weber. 2746. Willa Anice Dodge married Stanley Cree. 2747. Marjorie Joyce Dodge married (1) E. J. Dockery (2) Bobby Simmons. 2748. David Lyle Dodge married Janice Hawkins.

1180. MARY LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born New Freeport, Pa. 3-6-1899; living, 1969; unmarried.

Mary resides at the homestead of her parents and continues to operate the small grocery store which had been kept by her parents for many years.

1181. RAYMOND LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born New Free­port, Pa. 6-8-1900; living, 1969; unmarried.

Raymond Lemley resides at the home place with his sisters, Mary and Juanita.

1182. FLORENCE LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born New Free­port, Pa. 12-30-1902; died Wheeling, W. Va. 11-6-1966; unmarried. Buried Greenwood Cemetery, near Wheeling, W. Va.

Edna Florence Lemley resided in the areas of Ned, Pennsylvania (home of her parents), and Cameron, West Virginia.

1183. ALPHIE LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa. 2-7-1905; living, 1969; married 5-10-1937, Joseph Flaherty, of Frank


and May (Fordyce) Flaherty, born Georgetown, W. Va. 9-13-1903; died Weirton, W. Va. 2-26-1963. Joseph is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Joseph and Alphie Flaherty resided for some time in the area of Ned, Pennsylvania, where he was a barber. Later they removed to Weirton, West Virginia, and he worked for Weirton Steel Company, in the steel mills. Al­phie taught school during her early life; she now resides in Weirton.


2749. Gretta Yvonne Flaherty, unmarried. 2750. Donald Eugene Flaherty married Elizabeth Durilla.

1184. AMY LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa. 4-14-1909; living, 1969; married 12-22-1934, Arch Bissett, of William and Etta (Riggs) Bissett, born Littleton, W. Va. 11-19-1907; living, 1969.

Arch and Amy Bissett reside near her home (Ned, Pa.) where he has been employed by the Maxen Oil Company, as an oil and gas field worker. He is now unable to work.


2751. Shirley Ann Bissett married Gene West. 2752. LUCY KAY BISSETT, born Deep Valley, Pa. 2753. ETTA FAY BISSETT, born Deep Valley, Pa. 27 54. WILLIAM BURNS BISSETT, born and died (young) Deep Valley, Pa.

(Lucy Kay and Etta Fay Bissett are twins.) 1185. RHEA LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa.

10-9-1912; living, 1969; married 5-24-1947, Lawrence Chaney, of Elbin and Alice (Murphy) Chaney, born Littleton, W. Va. 12-31-1902; died Cameron, W. Va. 1952. Lawrence is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Lawrence and Rhea Chaney resided in Littleton, West Virginia where she yet resides. Mr. Chaney was employed as a guard at the West Virginia State Penitentiary, at Moundsville. They had no children.

1186. JUANITA LEMLEY, of Burns and Lucy Lemley, born Deep Valley, Pa. 11-26-1914; living, 1969; unmarried.

Juanita Lemley resides at home with her sister, Mary, and brother, Ray­mond. These three remain at the home of their parents and continue to oper­ate the grocery store which had been in the family many years. The Post Off­ice which was located in this store for many years, and operated by Mary, after the death of her father, has recently been discontinued.

1187. WILLY BLY McGUFFIE, of John and Alta (Lemley) McGuffie, born near Ned, Pa. 6-4-1897; living, 1968; married 10-25-1958, Merle B. Booth, of Milton I. Booth, born Littleton, W. Va. 3-26-1912; living, 1968.

Willy B. McGuffie resided near Ned, Pennsylvania, for a number of years while he followed the life of a farmer. Later he was employed at West Liberty State College, but is now retired. They had no children.

1188. OTLEY GAYLE McGUFFIE, of John and Alta (Lemley) McGuffie, born near Ned, Pa. 1-9-1901; died Littleton, W. Va. 5-16-1931; married


Dolly G. Robinson, of Charles and Belle Robinson. Otley and Dolly McGuffie resided in Moundsville and Littleton, West Vir­

ginia; Dolly now resides in Littleton. Mr. McGuffie taught school for some time after which he served as a guard at the West Virginia State Penitentiary at Moundsville. He also spent part of his time as a preacher.


2755. Glenna McGuffie married Miller M. McDougal. 2756. Patty McGuffie married Larry Wessett.

1189. DORSEY LEMLEY, of George and Norma Lemley, born Littleton Ridge, W. Va. 4-1-1902; died Zanesville, Oh. 7-20-1944; married 6-24-1923, Harriett Dunington, of Thomas and May Dunington, born 3-16-1903; died Weston, W. Va. 9-10-1950. Both are buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Dorsey and Harriett Lemley resided in Littleton, West Virginia; he was employed by the State Road Commission.


2757. JUNE MARIE LEMLEY, born and died (young) Littleton, W. Va. 2758. Evelyn Mae Lemley married Crawford Moore. 2759. Betty Lee Lemley married Harold Shriver. 2760. George Thomas Lemley married Vivian Sapp.

1190. ROBERT LEMLEY, of George and Norma Lemley, born Littleton Ridge, W. Va. 1-28-1905; living, 1968; married 7-1-1923, Ethel Dent, of Dudley and Minnie (Hayes) Dent, born Knob Fork, W. Va. 1-1-1906; living, 1968.

Robert and Ethel Lemley resided in the areas of Littleton and Cameron, West Virginia, until 1937; they removed to Weirton (same state) where he was employed as a steel pourer, at Weirton Steel Mills, until his retire­ment in 1968. Ethel attended College for one year and taught school for one year.


2761. Donald Eugene Lemley married Geraldine Null. 2762. Shirley Mae Lemley married Dwain Poland.

1191. PERCY BRANNON GORBY, of Harry and Ola (Lemley) Gorby, born near Littleton, W. Va. 6-20-1902; living, 1969; married Myrtle Booth, of Milton and Lettie (Cosgray) Booth, born ___ .

Bannon and Myrtle Gorby reside near Bristoria, Pennsylvania; he is em­ployed by the Texas Eastern Company. They formerly resided in Littleton, West Virginia.


2763. Geraldine Elizabeth Gorby married (1) ____ Burnstine (2) Danny Eckleburgh.

2764. Rosedale Gorby married Forrest Miller. 302

2765. Dolores Gorby married Blaine Kennedy. 2766. HARRY RICHARD GORBY, born and died (young) Littleton, W. Va. 2767. Myrtle Ann Gorby married James Gorby. 2768. Zinn Gorby.

1192. LEAH GORBY, of Harry and Ola (Lemley) Gorby, born near Little­ton, W. Va. 10-21-1903; living, 1968; married Richard Lemley# 2807, of Jess and Bertie Leona (Glover) Lemley, born near Burton, W. Va.; died ___ _ Richard is buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Richard and Leah Lemley resided near Burton, West Virginia; she now resides in Wheeling, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF RICHARD & LEAH LEMLEY (Leah5 Ola4 Lucy3) (Richard7 Bertie6 Sarah 5)

2769. Owen Lemley married Mary Lou Stokum. 2770. Fred Lemley married Ruth Ann Gamble.

1193. HARRY DAMON GORBY, of Harry and Ola (Lemley) Gorby, born Littleton, W. Va. 9-23-1915; living, 1968; married Donis Snyder, of William and Minnie Snyder.

Harry and Donis Gorby reside in Hundred, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the Badger Company, as a construction superintendent.


2771. Lemoyne Gorby married Billy Lee Yoho. 2772. GENE GORBY, born and died (young) Hundred, W. Va. 2773. Rodger Lee Gorby married Gail Shultz. 2774. Donna Fay Gorby. 2775. SHARON SUE GORBY, at home. 2776. TERRY K. GORBY, at home.



SIXTH GENERATION ............................... Page 307

#1194 through #2 7 76

1194. JOHN NELSON HENNEN, of John and Rebecca Hennen, born near Littleton, W. Va. 6-14-1872; died Buffalo, N. Y. 5-24-1953; married (1) 10-7-1896, Margaret Candace Stilwell, of Francis Marion and Catherine (Shell) Stilwell, born Oh. 1-28-1874; died Burlington, Colo. 2-4-1928. He married (2) 5-29-1940, Ethel Lester, of Joel Eugene and Fannie Lee Lester, born Wyoming Co., N. Y. 5-4-1895; living, 1969. John is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, at Buffalo, N. Y.; Margaret is buried in Fairmont Cemet­ery, at Denver, Colo.

John N. "Jack" Hennen and Margaret Stilwell both attended Zahner Busi­ness College (Columbus, Oh.); John also attended West Virginia University (Morgantown, W. Va.). He taught school for some time, after which he be­came a post office inspector; and still later an agent for the Internal Reve­nue Service.

A partial listing of some of the commissions issued to John Nelson Henn­en reads:

8 July 1908, 1 July 1922,

Appointed U. S, Post Office Inspector. Supervisor of accounts and collections of the Internal Revenue Service (U.S. Treasury Department).

1 Nov.1923, Special Agent of Internal Revenue Service--one of the six original postal inspectors appointed as special agents of the Intelligence Division of the Internal Revenue Service when it formed 11-1-1923 and headed by Elmer R. Irey.

1928, Transferred from Newark-New York office to Buffalo branch where he remained until his retirement 2-1-1948.

For many years he was in charge of the Intelligence unit of the Internal Revenue Service.

John and Margaret Hennen took up residence in Wheeling, West Virginia; from there they removed to Toledo, Ohio; to Denver, Colorado; to Brooklyn, New York.

John and Ethel Hennen resided in Buffalo, New York where she yet re­sides.


2 777. Kathryn Marie Hennen married Audland Moore. 2778. Vincent Stilwell Hennen married Clarice Hamilton.

1197. MINNIE MYRTLE HENNEN, of George and Margaret Hennen, born Smithfield, W. Va. 5-1-1893; died Elkins, W. Va. 4-1-1964; married 8-22-1909, William Rose, of Tilman and Elizabeth (Haines) Rose, born Knob Fork, W. Va. __ ; died Smithfield, W. Va. 4-15-1938. Minnie is buried in Mann­ington Memorial Park, at Mannington, W. Va. ; William is buried in Morgan Cemetery, at Smithfield, W. Va.

William and Minnie Rose resided in the areas of Smithfield, Jacksonburg and Pine Grove, West Virginia. He worked at road construction and in the oil fields.



2779. Pansy Pauline Rose married Carl Franklin. 2780. WANDA GRETHEL ROSE, born and died (young) Smithfield, W. Va.;

buried Morgan Cemetery, at Smithfield, W. Va. 2781. Max Gerald Rose married Dorothy Pigott. 2782. Wayne Edwin Rose married Marjorie Gump. 2783. Helen Yvonne Rose married Max Wise.

1199. LULA PEARL HENNEN, of George and Margaret Hennen, born Smithfield, W. Va. 7-4-1897; died Barberton, Oh. 4-5-1961; married 3-19-1923, Lora Herschell Edgell, of Vince and Ellen (Swiger) Edgell, born near Smithfield, W. Va. 1-15-1894; living, 1969. Lula is buried in Hillside Mem­orial Park, at Akron, Oh.

Lora and Lula Edgell resided in Akron, Ohio where he was employed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Lora is now retired and resides in Phoenix, Arizona, with his second wife, Lulu 0. Haught. He was a veteran of World War I.





2 784. Freda Mae Edgell married Ralph Leroy Wooley. 2 785. Lora Herschell Edgell Jr. married (1) Katherine Mae Bloss

(2) Ida Celestia Mitchell. 2786. Treva Ann Edgell, unmarried.

1200. DORA HENNEN, of George and Margaret Hennen, born Smithfield, W. Va. 8-12-1899; living, 1969; married 4-15-1916, Francis Tucker, of Theodore and Levada (Lasuer) Tucker, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 12-2-1894; living, 1969.

Francis and Dora Tucker reside in Wallace, West Virginia. Mr. Tucker is now retired after having been employed by the South Penn Oil Company for forty-one years.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & DORA TUCKER (Dora George George )

2787. Ellen Gracalie Tucker married (1) Woodrow Parsons (2) Filmore Moneypenny (3) Charles Cross.

2788. Clovis Woodrow Tucker married Mary McPortland. 2 789. Elma Lucilla Tucker married Layman Dollison. 2790. ARDEN GEORGE TUCKER, born and died (young) Smithfield, W. Va.;

buried Barker Cemetery, at Smithfield, W. Va. 2791. Wilma Rose Tucker married Gary Swiger. 2 792. Denver Francis Tucker married Julene Adkisson.

1202. IDA ARZULA HENNEN, of George and Margaret Hennen, born Smithfield, W. Va. 7-28-1903; died New Martinsville, W. Va. 1-10-1954; married 1924, Alpheus Thomas Wyatt, of William and Dora (Carlin) Wyatt, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 9-17-1897; living, 1969. Ida is buried in Wyatt Cemetery, at Smithfield, W. Va.

Alpheus and Ida Wyatt resided in the Smithfield area of West Virginia; Mr. Wyatt was a farmer and oil field worker. Ida was a school teacher, hav­ing attended Fairmont State College (Fairmont, W. Va.) and Salem College


(Salem, W. Va.). Alpheus now resides in Jacksonburg, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF ALPHEUS & IDA WYATT (Ida6George5George4)

2793. Robert Clyde Wyatt married Eva Joann Hall. 2794. Rex George Wyatt married Mary Ellen ___ _ 2795. Carlin Eugene Wyatt married Beverly Noel. 2796. Stanley Vernon Wyatt married Shirley Gable. 2 79 7. Alpheus Thomas Wyatt Jr. married Mary Lou Hickman.

1203. EARL CLYDE HENNEN, of George and Margaret Hennen, born Smithfield, W. Va. 5-8-1906; died New Martinsville, W. Va. 8-1-1961; married (1) Levenia Shreve, of George and Cora (Edgell) Shreve, born near Smithfield, W. Va. 5-1-1907; died Century No. 2, W. Va. 10-27-1965. He married (2) Essie Young, of Eli and Abbie (Sturgeon) Young, born Folsom, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1969. Earl Clyde is buried in Franks (or Bates) Cem-etery, near Jacksonburg, W. Va.; Levenia is buried in the Phillippi Cem­etery, at Phillippi, W. Va.

Clyde and Levenia Hennen resided in the Jacksonburg area of West Vir­ginia until they were divorced. Clyde and Essie Hennen resided in the area of Pine Grove (same state); Essie now resides in Cleveland, Ohio.

Clyde Hennen was employed by the Carbide and Chemicals Corporation, at Hastings, West Virginia.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF CLYDE & LEVENIA HENNEN (Clyde George George )

2 798. Ethel Hennen married Albert Adams. 2799. George Hennen married Madge ___ _

1204. GEORGE ERNEST GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen) Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 2-9-1874; died Morgantown, W. Va. 2-2-1958; married Charlotte Mae McGlumphy, born 1876; died 1941. Both are buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Resided in Burton, West Virginia; he was a farmer. George was a vet­eran of the Spanish-American War.


George4) 2800. EDITH GLOVER married Sams. ----2801. DONLEY GLOVER 2802. IVY GLOVER married Wilson. ----2803. MARIE GLOVER married ___ Wright. 2804. CHARLES E. GLOVER married ----2805. JEANETTE GLOVER married ___ Merrifield. 2806. PAULINE GLOVER married ___ Mayfield.

1205. BERTIE LEONA GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen) Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 2-24-1876; died Burton, W. Va. 11-28-1950; married Jesse Lemley, born 6-6-1873; died Burton, W. Va. 8-29-1945. Both are buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Resided Burton, West Virginia; he was a farmer.


CHILDREN OF JESSE & BERTIE LEMLEY {Bertie6Sarah5George4) {only ones of whom we have record)

2807. RICHARD LEMLEY married Leah Gorby#1192. 2808. HOWARD LEMLEY 2809. JUNE LEMLEY married ___ Poland. 2810. BESSIE LEMLEY

1206. JESSE MILLER GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane {Hennen) Glov­er, born Burton, W. Va. 3-25-1879; died Burton, W. Va. 3-13-1928; unmar­ried. Buried Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

1207. BESSIE MAE GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane {Hennen) Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 12- -1879; died Burton, W. Va. {young). Buried in Moses Bartrug Family Cemetery.

1208. CARRIE ADALINE GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen) Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 9-15-1882; died Gratis, Oh. 1967; married Joseph Bartrug.


2811. BARTRUG ---1209. CLEMENT VERNON GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen)

Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 6-24-1885; died 10-28-1945; married Margaret Leezer, of ___ and Cora {Bartrug) Leezer, born Burton, W. Va. 1883; living, 1965.

6 5 4 CHILD OF CLEMENT & MARGARET GLOVER {Clement Sarah George )

2812. ___ GLOVER 1210. GRACE IZOLA GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen) Glov­

er, born Burton, W. Va. 4-27-1888; died 10-22-1910; married Levi L. Lightner.

1211. HOWARD EDWIN GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane {Hennen) Glover, born Burton, W. Va. 8-28-1890; living, 1969; married Belva __ .

Reside in Akron, Ohio. 1212. EDNA ALICE GLOVER, of Simon and Sarah Jane (Hennen) Glover,

born Burton, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1969; married (1) Homer Keenan, of Elias and Martha {Glover) Keenan, died Wheeling, W. Va. 7- -1955. She married (2) William Golden Rice, of George and Nannie (Horner) Rice, born 1-1-1895; died Clarksburg, W. Va. 8- -1960. She married (3) Clay Brum­age. Homer and William Golden are buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burt­on, W. Va.

Edna Brumage resides near Glover Gap, West Virginia. She had no children.

1213. JOHN WILLIAM SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine, born Burton, W. Va. 10-8-1872; died DeSoto, Ill. 8-1-1903; married Hallie M. Kiefer, of J. D. Kiefer, born DeSoto, Ill. ; living, 1968. John W. Sine is buried in DeSoto Cemetery, at DeSoto, Ill.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JOHN W. & HALLIE SINE (John Levina George )


2813. MADALINE SINE, born DeSoto, Ill. 1-8-1900; died 5-2-1932; mar­ried Charles Bayne.

2814. GEORGE GRIER SINE, born Herrin, Ill. 12-7-1901; died ___ , married Florence ----

2815. LEVINA PEARL SINE, born Herrin, Ill. 2-4-1903; lives Fort Laud-erdale, Fla.; married ____ Mathews.

1214. JETTIE BERTCLINE SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine, born Mannington, W. Va. 12-11-1874; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1-4-1964; married (1) 4-25-1894, John T. Hamrick, of George F. and Rachel Ham-rick, born Boothsville, W. Va. 9-25-1868; died ____ . Jettie married (2) 12-22-1919, William C. Silliphant, born Long Island, N. Y. 4-9-1852; died Berea, Oh. 12-26-1946. William and Jettie are buried in Woodvale Un­ion Cemetery, at Berea, Oh.

John and Jettie Hamrick resided in Cleveland, Ohio; he disappeared and was not again heard from.

William and Jettie Silliphant resided in Cleveland, Berea and Medina, Ohio; Jettie spent her last years in Fairmont, West Virginia, where she had gone to help her sister.

Jettie Sine Silliphant extended so much help in this effort of compiling the family history that it is impossible to find words to show our appreciat­ion for her kindness. We are deeply sorry that she could not have seen the finished product as her interest was so great. Her letters contained so many things of which she, herself, was not aware of the importance; her letters al­ways started with saying she was afraid she could be of no help but she would try. Without realizing she would pour out the things we had so long sought in vain.

The week-end before she passed on she asked her nurse to call us and in­form us that she would write soon as she was then hospitalized, One of the saddest moments of this venture followed when we learned of her death. May God bless her for her help and thoughtfulness.




2816. Paul R. Hamrick married Evelyn Stein. 1215. MARGARET LUELLA SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine,

born Markle, Ind. 5-18-1877; died Fairmont, W. Va. 4-30-1961; married 7-21-1906, Randolph R, Floyd, of Robert J. and Susanne M. (Freeland) Floyd, born Barrackville, W. Va. 8-23-1875; died Fairmont, W. Va. 2-17-1956. Both are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Randolph and Margaret Floyd resided in Fairmont, West Virginia; he was a coal miner.


2817. Orville Lee Floyd married Thressa Helen Skormsley. 1216. CHARLES ALBERT SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine,

born Burton, W. Va. 1-5-1880; living, 1969; married 5-23-1901, Mary Jane Carson, of William W. and Eugenia (Cole) Carson, born Bridgeport, W. Va.


7-4-1882; died Big Stone Gap, Va. 11-10-1954. Mary Jane is buried in the Glenco Cemetery, at Big Stone Gap, Va.

Charles and Mary Jane Sine resided in Johnston City, Illinois, and Big Stone Gap, Virginia; he now moves about considerably living much of the time in Texas and New Mexico. Mr. Sine was a Safety Engineer for the mines, now retired.

Mr. C. A. Sine helped tremendously with the history of this family and we are deeply appreciative of all his fine help and interesting letters. His knowledge of the various members of many branches of the family was al­most unbelievable.

CHILDREN OF CHARLES & MARY J. SINE (Charles 6Levina5George4)

2818. Levina Eugenia Sine married Brainard Lawrence Masters. 2819. MARY JANE SINE, born and died (young) Herrin, Ill.; buried in

Herrin Cemetery, at Herrin, Ill. 2820. Jettie Gertrude S.ine married Frederick Henry Hass. 2821. MARGARET MAY SINE, born and died (young) Johnston City, Ill. 2822. HELEN ANNABELLE SINE, born and died (young) West Frankfort,

Ill. 2823. Charles Albert Sine Jr. married Ruth Virginia Hurd.

1218. OSCAR LEE SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine, born Burt­on, W. Va. 4-9-1886; living, 1969; married 8-1-1906, Fannie Arnold, of James and Arlena Arnoldf born Rogersville, Tenn. 5-28-1880; died Johns­ton City, Ill. 2-18-1960. Fannie is buried in Lake View Cemetery, at Johns­ton City, Ill.

*This name had previously been given as Barton, rather than Arnold. Oscar and Fannie Sine resided in Johnston City, Illinois, before remov­

ing to Cleveland, Ohio; then to Oak Creek, Colorado, and back to Johnston City, Illinois. Oscar was a coal miner and carpenter, now retired.

CHILDREN OF OSCAR & FANNIE SINE (Oscar6 Levina5George4 )

2824. Charles George Sine married (1) Ida Mae Roberts (2) Edna Lee Montgomery.

2825. Oscar Lee Sine Jr. married (1) Edith Poole (2) Yvonne Testory. 2826. George Hennen Sine married Mary Hood. 282 7. Francis Arnold Sine married Mary Yuska.

1219. IDA PEARL SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine born Burt­on, W. Va. 3-19-1889; died Orrville, Calif. 1-8-1938; married 3-12-1907, Thomas Asbury Toothman, of A. E. and Elizabeth (Campbell) Toothman, born Fairmont, W. Va. 4-8-1884; died Ore. . Ida is buried in Mem-orial Park, at Orrville, Calif.

Thomas and Ida Toothman resided in various parts of West Virginia, Cal­ifornia and Colorado; he worked as a coal miner, blacksmith, cook, butcher and carpenter. After his disappearance Ida worked in the canneries to pro­vide for the children.


2828. William D. Toothman married Edwina DeUrico. 2829. Clifford E. Toothman married Grace Meski.

1221. ROZYL MILLER SINE, of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine, born Fairmont, W. Va. 10-2-1893; living, 1968; married Mamie Ethel Follis, of Pleasant Marion and Sarah Elizabeth (Reed) Follis, born Johnston City, Ill. 2-21-1893; living, 1969.

Rozyl and Mamie Sine have resided in Seminole, Oklahoma; San Antonio, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; El Centro, California; and Johnston City, Illinois, their present residence. Mr. Miller was a carpenter, now retired.



2830. Mamie Ethel Sine married (1) George Rickard (2) Joe Armend. 2831. Carl Lewis Sine married Josie Polisic. 2832. Evelyn Irene Sine married James Smith. 2833. Dorothy Louise Sine married Harry Hoebbel. 2834. Betty Arlene Sine married (1) William Luna (2) Harold Baker.

1222. GEORGE HENNEN SINE, JR., of George and Levina (Hennen) Sine, born Fairmont, W. Va. 1-12-1898; living, 1969; unmarried.

George H. Sine Jr. resicles in Chicago, Illinois, now; formerly resid­ed in Johnston City, Illinois. Mr. Sine is a veteran of World War I.

1227. LAURA HARTMAN, of Charles and Sarah (Hannen) Hartman, born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 1- -1880; married Andrew Miller.

Andrew and Laura Miller resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was a city policeman.

6 5 4 CHILD OF ANDREW & LAURA MILLER (Laura Sarah Asby

2835. CECIL MILLER -last known to have resided in Morgantown, W0 Va. 1228. THERESA MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merri­

ner, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. 1878; living, 1964; married Frank Wohn­has.

Frank and Theresa Wohnhas resided in Wheeling, West Virginia, where he was engaged in the grocery business.


2836. VERNON WOHNHAS, born Ohio Co., W. Va.; residing, 1964, New Enterprise, Pa. --Director of Art.

2837. WAYNE WOHNHAS, born Ohio Co., W. Va.; residing, 1964, Ak­ron, Oh. --School Teacher.

2838. GAYLE WOHNHAS, born Ohio Co., W. Va.; residing, 1964, Beech Bottom, W. Va.; married Lee Harms--both School Teachers.

2839. MILDRED WOHNHAS, born Ohio Co., W. Va. ; residing, 1964, near Wellsburg, W. Va. --School Teacher; married John Ferry.

1229. LAMONT MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merri-ner, born W. Va. 10-30-1881; died ; married Lizzie Bartley.

They had no children; resided St. Louis, Missouri. 1230. SHERMAN MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merri-


ner, born Mannington, W. Va. 10-25-1884; died Martinsburg, W. Va. 6-10-1963; married Margaret Loy, of James and Elizabeth Loy, born Frederick Co., Va. 2-29-1888; living, 1968. Sherman is buried in Mt. Hebron Ceme­tery, at Winchester, Va.

Shermand and Margaret Merriner resided throughout their married life in and around Winchester, Virginia.


Asby4) 2840. JAMES MERRINER married Katherine Bayles. 2841. HALLIE MERRINER married Austin Johnson. 2842. MARGARET MERRINER married Marshall Foreman. 2843. STEPHEN MERRINER married Frances Lineburg.

1231. EFFIE MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merriner, born near Mannington, W. Va. ; died ___ ; married Clarence Litt-man. Both are buried in Elm Grove, W. Va.



1232. PEARL MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merriner, born Glover Gap, W. Va.; living, 1964; married Frank Armstrong.

Pearl Armstrong wrote many interesting letters revealing much of her personal recollections of her family; at that time (1964) she was residing in Sardis, Ohio. Afterward we were unable to locate her for further inquiry, but many of her interesting stories are contained herein. She had no child­ren. Her husband was an actor.

1233. MARVIN E. MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merr­iner, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 2-14-1891; died New Martisnville, W. Va. 6-7-1964; married Ethel Thompson, died Sardis, Oh. 1942. Both are buried in Sardis Cemetery, at Sardis, Ohio.

Marvin and Ethel Merriner resided in Sardis, Ohio, where he operated a general store for some thirty-five years before his retirement.


2850. CHARLES MERRINER, resided, 1964. Coshocton, Oh. 2851. ELIZABETH MERRINER

1234. WHEELER MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merri-ner, born Glover Gap, W. Va. ; died 1918; unmarried.

Wheeler Merriner died from an attack of influenza during the great epi­demic of 1918.

1235. HARLEY (or IRA) MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merriner, born Glover Gap, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1964; married (1) Mary


Sims (2) Burt King. CHILDREN OF HARLEY & MARY MERRINER (Harley6Caroline

5 Asb/)

2852. DELBERT LAMONT MERRINER, resides Glendale, Calif. where he is a manufacturer and inventor; one of his inventions was used on the submarine, Nautilus, on her trip under the ice at the North Pole a few years ago.

2853. RICHARD MERRINER, killed in transport plane in South Seas dur­ing World War II.

2854. EVELYN MERRINER married Dr. Kamm; she is an osteopath doct­or in Auburn, Me.

2855. ELSIE MERRINER, unmarried; she is a secretary for the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company, in Pittsburgh, Pa.

1236. ALETHA MERRINER, of Stevenson and Caroline (Hannen) Merri-ner, born ; living, 1964; married (1) William Hopkins (2) ___ _ ___ (3) ___ Morfey.

Alet:,a Merriner Morfey was residing in Lafayette, Indiana, in 1964. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & ALETHA HOPKINS (Aletha6Caroline

5 Asb/)


1246. LEWIS ASBY HENNEN, of Brice and Lou Hennen, born near Knob Fork, W. Va. 1895; living 1968; married Blanche Hayes, of Dudley Elmer and Margaret Jane (Cross) Hayes, born Littleton, W. Va. 1896; died Steub­enville, Oh. 3- -1961. Blanche is buried in the Kadesh Chapel Cemetery, at Wellsburg, W. Va.

Lewis and Blanche Hennen resided in Wellsburg, West Virginia, where he was employed in the steel mills for the Wheeling Steel Company; Lewis now resides near Mingo Junction, Ohio.


2858. Elmer L. Hennen married Belva Mobard. 1248. CLYDE ASHBY, of Lashley and Elenora (Hannen) Ashby, bornnear

Cameron, W. Va. ___ ; died ___ ; married Anna Henry. Clyde and Anna Ashby resided in the area of Wheeling, West Virginia; he

was a laborer. 6 5 4

CHILD OF CLYDE & ANNA ASHBY (Clyde Elenora Asby )

2859. ALBERT ASHBY 1249. JOLLY ASHBY, of Lashley and Elenora (Hannen) Ashby, bornnear

Cameron, W. Va. 10-4-1888; died near Cameron, W. Va. 10-22-1950; mar­ried Icie May Staley, of Daniel and Jane (Tedrow) Staley, born 9-30-1892; died near Cameron, W. Va. 1-16-1957. Both are buried in Highland Ceme­tery, near Cameron, W. Va.

Jolly and Icie Ashby resided in the areas of Cameron, West Virginia, and Ned, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer and laborer.



2860. Mildred Ashby married William Cook. 2861. Wilma Ashby married Lee Bungard. 2862. Artie Ashby married Maxine Paynter. 2863. Lloyd Ashby married Doloris Whipkey. 2864. Thelma Ashby married Herman Morris.

1252. GOLDIE EMMA ASHBY, of Lashley and Elenora (Hannen) Ashby, born near Cameron, W. Va. 12-6-1893; died near Cameron, W. Va. 3-27-1914; married 7-13-1908, George Ellsworth Harrington, of John and Esther (Debolt) Harrington, born Deep Valley, Pa. 4-15-1882; died Deep Valley, Pa. 9-15-1956. George is buried in the Hutchinson Cemetery, near Deep Valley, Pa.; Emma is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

George and Emma Harrington resided in the areas of Deep Valley, Penn-sylvania, and Cameron, West Virginia; he was a farmer.


2865. Goldie Marie Harrington married James Wilson Myers. 2866. JOHN ALBERT HARRINGTON, born near Cameron, W. Va.; died

(young) Bridgeport, Oh. 1273. HELEN HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Glover Gap,

W. Va.; living, 1969; married Clark Morgan, of Eli Siburt and Mary Rose Morgan, born St. Clairsville, Oh.

Clark and Helen Morgan reside near St. Clairsville, Ohio; he is a farm-

er. 6

" 4 CHILDREN OF CLARK & HELEN MORGAN (Helen William;} Asby )

2867. Dorothy Morgan married Quentin Morris. 2868. Edna Morgan married Harold Campbell. 2869. Nancy Morgan married Carl Stonebraker.

1274. FRANCES HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Farm­ington, W. Va.; living, 1968; married George Buzzard.

George and Frances Buzzard reside in Ashland, Ohio. CHILDREN OF GEORGE & FRANCES BUZZARD (Frances6William5Asbi)


1275. RUTH HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Farmington, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Harold Hodge.

Harold and Ruth Hodge reside near Dorr, Michigan. CHILDREN OF HAROLD & RUTH HODGE (Ruth6William

5 Asbi)

2872. Harold Hodge Jr. married Phyllis Hamrick. 2873. Bonnie Hodge married (1) Don Mellems (2) Glen Raines. 2874. Anita Hodge married Larry Vollink. 2875. FLORA HODGE


1276. WILLIAM ASBY HENNEN, JR., of William and Agnes Hennen, born Halloway, Oh.; died Pomeroy, Oh.; married Myrtle Cook. He is buried in Ashland, Oh.

1277. PAUL HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Blaine, Oh.; living, 1968; married Mary ___ _

Paul and Mary Hennen reside in Columbus, Ohio. 5



1278. MERLE HENNEN, of William and Danska Hennen, born Barton, Oh.; living, 1968; married Martha Shaffer.

Merle and Martha Hennen reside in Columbus, Ohio. CHILDREN OF MERLE & MARTHA HENNEN (Merle

6William5 Asb/


1279. JUNE HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Rachel, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Lonzo Brown, of Lonzo and Edna Brown, born Hunt­ington, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Lonzo and June Brown reside near Cocoa, Florida; formerly resided in Fairmont, West Virginia. Lonzo is a carpenter, now working at Cape Kenn­edy for Pan Am.; June works for Brenard Medical Group.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF LONZO & JUNE BROWN (June Russell Asby )

2884. Richard Brown married Chris Robertson. 2885. JUDY BROWN, born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home.

1280. BETTY HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Farmington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married William Gordon, of Saul and Gertrude Gord­on, born Westford, Mass. ; died Chelsea, Mass. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, at Arlington, Va.

William and Betty Gordon resided in Norfolk and Arlington, Virginia; al­so in Lowell, Malden and Tewksbury, Massachusetts; Betty now resides in Cocoa, Florida. William Gordon served nineteen years in the U. S. Navy; Betty has been employed at stenographic work and as a rural ~ail cafrier.


2886. Joyce Ann Gordon married Kenneth Phillips. 2887. ROBERT GORDON, born Chelsea, Mass.; at home

1281. BILLIE HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va. ; living, 1969; married Robert Shaplee, of Lynn and Ivy Shaplee, born Oh.


Robert and Billie Shaplee reside in Cumberland, Maryland, where he is assistant warehouse manager for Sears, Roebuck and Company. They form­erly resided in Quanset Point, Rhode Island, and Norfolk, Virginia; he is a veteran of 20 years service with the U. S. Navy.


2888. RUSSELL SHAPLEE, born Quanset Point, R. I.; unmarried. 2889. LINDA SHAPLEE, born Quanset Point, R. I.; unmarried. 2890. THOMAS SHAPLEE, born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home.

1282. THOMAS HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Margie Clark, of William and Zela Clark, born Oh. ; living, 1969.

Thomas and Margie Hennen have resided in Norfolk, Virginia; New Lon­don, Connecticut; and Dulmoon, Scotland; he has served 16 years in the U.S.

Navy. 6 5 4 CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARGIE HENNEN (Thomas Russell Asby )

2891. RUSSELL HENNEN, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 2892. MICHAEL HENNEN, born Norfolk, Va.; died (young) Norfolk, Va. 2893. RICHARD HENNEN, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 2894. CINTHIA ANN HENNEN, born Norfolk, Va.; at home.

1283. ALICE HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Anthony Perone, of Tony and Marion Perone, born Meriden, Conn. ; living, 1969.

Anthony and Alice Perone have resided in Brockland, Mt. Kisco and Bedford Village, New York; Anthony is a Connecticut artist and Alice has been employed by the airlines.


5 Asby

2895. MITCHEAL PERONE, born New York, N. Y.; at home. 2896. CHRISTOPHER PERONE, born Mt. Kisco, N. Y.; at home.

1284. MARY HENNEN, of Russell and Lucy Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Joseph Montano, of Nick and Marie Montano, born Chicago, Ill.; living, 1969.

Joseph and Mary Montano have resided in Chicago and Hanover Park, Ill­inois; he is employed by a printing company and Mary has been employed as an I. B. M. machine operator.


2897. JANET SUE MONTANO, born Chicago, Ill.; at home. 2898. LORI ANN MONTANO, born Chicago, Ill.; at home. 2899. ELIZABETH MARIE MONTANO, born Elgin, Ill.; at home.

1290. OSCAR FARROW GLOVER, of Solomon and Mary Jane Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 5-17-1881; living. 1969; married 8-12-1905, Lu­cinda Jane Gump, of Peter A. and Nancy (Cross) Gump, born St. Leo, W. Va. 7-2-1887; living, 1969.


Oscar and Lucinda "Lovie" Glover resided for some time in the area of Littleton, West Virginia, before migrating westward where they have resid­ed in Ranger and Breckenridge, Texas. Mr. Glover was an oil field worker and forn boss; he was employed by the Sinclair Oil Company until his retire­ment in 1946.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF OSCAR & LUCINDA GLOVER (Oscar Solomon Sarah )

2900. Ethel Pearl Glover married Walter Henry Hennon. 2901. EVELYN MAY GLOVER, born and died (young) Littleton, W. Va.;

buried Glover Cemetery, at Glover Gap, W. Va. 2902. Elizabeth Lee Glover married Edward Archie Veale. 2903. Oscar Rolland Glover married Hazel May Vernier.

1291. RUSSELL MONAD GLOVER, of Solomon and Mary Jane Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 3-8-1888; died Fairmont, W. Va. 5-4-1969; mar­ried Emma Cross, of William Alvis and Lucinda (Efaw) Cross, born 8-24-1890; died Glover Gap, W. Va. 3-19-1965. Both are buried in Harmony Cem­etery, at Burton, W. Va.

Russell and Emma Glover resided in Glover Gap, West Virginia; he was an oil field worker.

4 6 5 CHILDREN OF RUSSELL & EMMA GLOVER (Russell Solomon Sarah )

2904, Charles S. Glover married Goldie Robey. 2905. Chester Glover married Evelyn Robbins. 2906. Gerald J. Glover married Virginia Robey. 290 7. Kenneth Glover married Lillian Stollar. 2908. Wilma Glover married Dale Wayt. 2909. Russell M. Glover married Geneva Murtaugh.

1292. JOHN WILLARD GLOVER, of Solomon and Mary Jane Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 7-23-1891; died Fla. 4-2-1958; married 5-26-1926, Ada Lee Phillips, of Joe and Hannah (Baker) Phillips, living, 1969. John is bur­ied in Mannington Memorial Park, at Mannington, W. Va.

John and Ada Glover resided in Glover Gap, West Virginia; he was a U. S. Mail delivery man.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & ADA GLOVER (John Solomon Sarah )

2910. John Lee Glover married Alice Patricia Moore. 2911. Robert Willard Glover married Katherine Virginia Freeland.

1293. FLOSSIE NAOMl GLOVER, of Solomon and Mary Jane Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 6-11-1897; died Bradford, Pa. 2-28-1940; married Mel-vin L. Harding, of Milo and Anna (Gray) Harding, born ___ ; died 2-22-1957. Flossie is buried in Bradford, Pa.

Melvin and Flossie Harding resided in Bradford, Pennsylvania. 4


2912. Mary Anne Harding married Art Guarneras. 1294. NANCY ANNE GWVER, of Solomon and Mary Jane Glover, born


Glover Gap, W. Va. 12-16-1902; died Fairmont, W. Va. 2-11-1966; unmar­ried. She is buried in Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Nancy Anne Glover was a school teacher in the Mannington area of West Virginia for 44 years before her death.

1295. ROSSELL EDMOND GLOVER, of Isaac and Ida Glover, born Glov­er Gap, W. Va. 8-24-1883; living, 1969; married (1) 9-13-1913, Pearl Lud­wig, born West Milford, W. Va. 2-14-1890; died 3-29-1943. He married (2) 5-1-1954, Anna Little, of Enoch and Lelia Snider, born Boothville, W. Va. 8-30-1897; living, 1969.

Rossell and Pearl Glover resided in Fairmont, West Virginia; he and Anna reside there also. In later years Rossell was a custodian for the Mar-ion County Board of Education.


2913. Arthur Nelson Glover married (l)Margaret Everhart (2) Leora Miller.

2914. Charles Rossell Glover married Vera Pethtal. 1297. JOHN OLIVER GLOVER, of Isaac and Ida Glover, born Monongah,

W. Va. 6-15-1897; living, 1968; married 6-9-1922, Anna Marie Ross, of Sam and Harriett (Brennen) Ross, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 8-5-1898; Living, 1968.

John 0. and Anna Glover resided in the areas of Fairmont and Buckhann-' on, West Virginia until 1926 when they removed to Orlando, Florida; their present residence is in Thomasville, Georgia. From 1926 until 1944 John was employed in the office of the Orlando Utilities Commission; subsequently until his retirement in 1967 he was employed with the Orange Memorial Hos -pital and with John D. Archbole Memorial Hospital. He retired as Controller of the latter hospital and since that time he has been employed as Controller at Glen Arven Country Club, Thomasville, Georgia.

John entered the U. S. Infantry, at Moundsville, West Virginia 9-13-1918, leaving the United States 2 weeks later; he returned 12-21-1919 after having served as a private in France, Germany and Poland.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & ANNA GLOVER (John Isaac Sarah )

2915. Ellen Marie Glover married Samuel Henry Padgett. 2916. John Oliver Glover Jr. married Jean Dollar Johnson.

1298. ORA MAY GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 4-15-1891; living, 1969; married 11-26-1914, Clyde E. Edgell, of Ezra and Alice Edgell, born Burton, W. Va. 6-29-1891; died Orlando, Fla. 9-28-1926. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Clyde and Ora Edgell resided in the areas of Burton, Green Springs and Fairmont, West Virginia, and Orlando, Florida; Ora resides in Fairmont. Mr. Edgell was a farmer and fruit orchard man.

Ora Edgell has supplied much of the data for this branch of the family as well as many others; her letters have been most interesting and her kindness has been appreciated.





2917. Gertrude Edgell married Robert N. Brock. 2918. HARRY EDWARD EDGELL, born Burton, W. Va.; died Green

Springs, W. Va.; buried Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va. 2919. Alice Elizabeth Edgell married J. Wilbur Parker. 2920. Eleanor Edgell married Fred Bradford. 2921. Clyde Edgar Edgell married (1) Jane Elizabeth Wright

(2) Fay Nattren. 1299. ROY HOLDEN GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover

Gap, W. Va. 10-31-1892; died Barrackville, W. Va. 1-26-1965; married 10-12-1915, Addie Leezer, of William Elwood and Mary Jane Leezer, born Burton, W. Va.4-25-1891; living, 1968. Roy is buried in Beverly Hills Cem­etery, near Morgantown, W. Va.

Roy and Addie Glover resided in the areas of Glover Gap and Barrack­ville, West Virginia; she still resides in the latter place. Roy was employed by Westinghouse Corporation, of Fairmont, West Virginia.



2922. Marie Glover married Julian Hartleib. 2923. Virginia Glover never married. 2924. Robert Marvin Glover married Mary Peary. 2925. Doris Ruth Glover married Dale Davis.

1300. LOTTIE GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 10-1-1894; living, 1969; married 7-3-1919, Berchie E. Davis, of Benjamin R. and Clara Jane (Monroe) Davis, born Monongah, W. Va. 4-23-1894; died Fairmont, W. Va. 1-8-1967. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Berchie and Lottie Davis resided in Fairmont, West Virginia, where she yet makes her home. Mr. Davis was employed by the Consolidated Coal Com-pany, as a payroll clerk, until his retirement. "





2926. Margaret Lorain Davis married Paul M. Nimblett. 2927. Dorothy Jean Davis, unmarried.

1301. HOWARD WILLIS GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 4-2-1896; living, 1969; married 7-14-1923, Valena Ma­zell Shuttlesworth, of Charles Mcclay and Myrtle (Jacobs) Shuttlesworth, born Fairmont, W. Va. 8-24-1902; living, 1969.

Howard and Valena Glover reside in Tarpon Springs, Florida; they form­erly resided in Ellsworth, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Glover are now retired, having formerly operated a guest house. Howard served in the U. S. Army during World War I, from 10-4-1917 through 7-12-1919; he was a Sergeant in the service corps, in France.

They had no children. 1302. JOHN SELLERS GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glov-


er Gap, W. Va. 11-18-1897; living, 1969; married 10-18-1940, Margaret V. Adams, of Edward and Alta (Anderson) Adams, born Littleton, W. Va. 2-3-1905; living, 1969.

John and Margaret Glover have resided in Fairmont, West Virginia; he is now unable to \\,Ork. John was employed by Westinghouse Corporation and the West Virginia State Store; Margaret has been employed at the Sixth Street Pharmacy for 26 years.

John Glover was the first person to supply data on this branch of the fam­ily; he later became unable to help further.




2928. Carolyn Sue Glover, unmarried. 1305. GEORGE EDGAR GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born

Glover Gap, W. Va. 10-22-1900; living, 1969; married 6-8-1940, Nellie Wiles, of Rev. Floyd E. and Margaret Ellen Wiles, born Hoult Town, W. Va. 9-25-1909; living, 1969.

George and Nellie Glover have resided throughout their married life in Fairmont, West Virginia; he has been employed by the West Virginia Road Commission and the Bethlehem Mine Corporation.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & NELLIE GLOVER (George Adolphe Sarah )

2929. Douglas Lee Glover married Kathy Avey. 2930. Bradley Dale Glover 2931. Twila Kaye Glover married Michael E. Webster.

1306. NELLIE ALICE GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glov­er Gap, W. Va. 7-9-1902; died Shinnston, W, Va. 6-22-1967; married 2-4-1921, Albert J. Anderson, of Benjamin and Emma Anderson, born Shinnston, W. Va. 3-6-1901; living, 1969. Nellie is buried in Shinnston, W. Va.

Albert and Nellie Anderson resided throughout their married life in Shinns-ton, West Virginia; he was a farmer and automobile dealer.



2932. DOROTHY JEAN ANDERSON, born and died (young) Shinnston, W. Va. 2933. BENJAMIN MONAD ANDERSON, born and died (young) Shinnston,

W. Va. 2934. Albert James Anderson married Betty Russell. 2935. Charlotte Ann Anderson married John Boyce. 2936. Ralph Nelson Anderson married Norma Curry.

1307. WALTER MONAD GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 10-17-1903; living, 1969; married (1) 6-16-1938, Martha Clelland, of Fieldin R. and Mary Flora Clelland, born Fairmont, W. Va. 3-5-1904; died Fairmont, W. Va. 7-28-1943; married (2) 1-3-1949, Irene Clell­and, of Fieldin R. and Mary Flora Clelland, born Fairmont, W. Va. 3-26-1906; living, 1969. Martha is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Fairmont, W. Va.

Walter and Martha Glover resided in Fairmont, West Virginia; h2 and I-322

rene also reside in Fairmont. Walter was employed by the Coca Cola Bottl­ing Company. They had no children.

1309. FRED J. GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap, W. Va. 11-21-1906; living, 1969; married 5-22-1937, Josephine Hinzman, of Rev. U. Ray and Cora Hinzman, born Spencer, W. Va. 2-20-1907; living, 1969.

Fred and Josephine Glover reside in Fairmont, West Virginia; Fred is secretary of the United Fund of Marion County. Josephine Glover is present­ly teaching in the Marion County School System; she attended Waynesburg College (Waynesburg, Pa.) and Fairmont State College (Fairmont, W. Va.).



2937. David Ray Glover, unmarried. 2938. William Fred Glover married Ingrid Pearson.

1310. WARNER ATHA GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glov­er Gap, W. Va. 8-15-1908; living, 1969; married 9-4-1937, Gwladys Howell, of Llewellyn and Margaret Ann Howell, born Tredegar, Wales 11-28-1914; living, 1969.

Warner and Gwladys Glover have resided in Moundsville and Fairmont, West Virginia. Mr. Glover is a graduate of West Virginia University and is employed as a government investigator.

Gwladys Howell came to this country with her parents in 1930. Warner served in the U. S. Navy during World War II, as a Se~man Fir5't Cla~s.


2939. James Howell Glover married Sandra Jean Mcclanahan. 1311. HELEN GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born Glover Gap,

W. Va. 10-1-1910; living, 1969; married 8-19-1950, B. L. Ingram, of Rich­ard Lafayette and Nancy Ingram, born Ingram, Va. 12-16-1910; living, 1969.

B. L. and Helen Ingram have resided in Washington, D. C., and Rich­mond, Virginia; he is employed in the Post Office. Helen is secretary for Sears, Roebuck and Company. Mr. Ingram served in the U. S. Army during World War II; he was a sergeant and served in the European Theater.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF B. L. & HELEN INGRAM (Helen Adolphe Sarah )

2940. WILLIAM EDWARD INGRAM, at home. 1312. MARGARET IRENE GLOVER, of Adolphe and Alice Glover, born

Glover Gap, W. Va. 3-31-1913; living, 1969; married 9-4-1933, Rowland E. Powell, of Dexter and Minnie (Lyons) Powell, born Baltimore, Md. 5-19-1911; living, 1969.

Rowland and Margaret Powell reside in Charleston, West Virginia; he is a mining engineer for Bethlehem Mines, Incorporated.


Sarah4 ) 2941. Helen Claire Powell married Lowell Shamblen. 2942. Martha Jean Powell married Larry Atha.


1314. DAVID HERBERT WINFRED HEADLEE, of Lorenzo and Loretta Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 5-8-1895; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-18-1968; married 1-1-1928. Lulu Inez Phillips, of Charles Edward and Hattie Irene (Sams) Phillips, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-5-1900; living, 1969. He is buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, at Parkersburg, W. Va.

D. H. and Lulu Headlee resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia, where she remains. Mr. Headlee was employed as a postal supervisor; he was a veteran of World War I. Mr. Headlee offered much assistance in the compil­ing of this history. They had no children.

1315. MARY ENA HEADLEE, of Lorenzo and Loretta Headlee, born Cai­ro, W. Va.4-26-1897; living, 1969; married4-16-1921, Walter B. Hendricks, of Rev. Howard Milton and Amanda (Mills) Hendricks, born Wirt Co., W. Va. 8-15-1898; living, 1969.

Walter and Mary Hendricks have resided in Cleveland, Ohio, and Park­ersburg, West Virginia, their present residence. He is a retired employee of the American Viscose Corporation.


2943. Edna Lorene Hendricks married Clarence Hershell Curfman. 2944. Virgil Carter Hendricks married Ruby Lee Cox. 2945. Olive Zeldora Hendricks married William F. Morris. 2946. William Colbert Hendricks married Betty Ellen Knox. 2947. Ronald F. Hendricks married Evelyn Boston. 2948. Donald R. Hendricks married Juanita Sams.

1317. LEEMAN DELBERT HEADLEE, of Lorenzo and Loretta Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 10-4-1902: living, 1969; married Violet Ruth Headley #1158, of Rezin McClellan and Belle (Blue) Headley, born Blacksville, W, Va. 9-1-1901; living. 1969.

Leeman and Ruth Headlee reside in Parkersburg, West Virg.inia, where he is now retired after more than 41 years service as a city mail carrier.



(Ruth5Belle4Minerva3) 2949. SYBIL HEADLEE, born and died (at birth) Parkersburg, W. Va. 2950. Delbert Ralph Headlee married Mildred Ferrell. 2951. Betty Jean Headlee married Harold Gene Kester. 2952. BARBARA LEE HEADLEE, born and died (at birth) Parkersburg,

W. Va. 1318. RAYMOND VICTOR HEADLEE, of Lorenzo and Loretta Headlee,

born Cairo, W. Va. 4-22-1906; died 1-10-1969; married 2-25-1930, Madolin Beatrice Swearingen, of Robert and Lucinda Jane (Carroll) Swearingen, born Walker, W. Va. 11-29-1911: living, 1968. Raymond is buried in Arlington Memorial Gardens.

Raymond and Madolin Headlee resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia; he had owned a second-hand store and had been a farmer; Mrs. Headlee has been employed at De Sales Rights Academy.


324 Ephraim 4)

2953. Vivian Ann Headlee married Ola Austin Pickrell. 2954. Harold Victor Headlee married (1) Regina Ruth McPherson

(2) Lavona Ruth McCauley. 2955. Ireta Beatrice Headlee married Millard Ray Gates.

1329. MYRTLE HEADLEE, of Thomas and Eunice Headlee, born near Cairo, W. Va. ; died Okla. ; married Earl Taylor.

--- --- 6 5 4 CHILD OF EARL & MYRTLE TAYLOR (Myrtle Thomas Ephraim )

2956. HARRY TAYLOR 1330. MAUD HEADLEE, of Thomas and Eunice Headlee, born near Cai­

ro, W. Va. ; married Jess Cunningham, of Jefferson and Louisa (Windom) Cunningham.

1331. MINNIE E. HEADLEE, of Thomas and Eunice Headlee, born near Cairo, W. Va. 6-4-1890; died near Cairo, W. Va. 2-18-1920; unmarried. Buried in Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.

1332. CHARLES T. HEADLEE, of Thomas and Eunice Headlee, born near Cairo, W. Va. 2-14-1894; died near Cairo, W. Va. 2-14-1920; unmar­ried. Buried in Egypt Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.

Charles T. and Minnie Headlee never married, but remained at home with their parents. The family was hard hit by the dreadful influenza epidem­ic that hit the area in the winter of 1919-20. Charles was first snatchedfrom the family circle and only four days later Minnie was called to her eternal home; twelve days later the mother of this household followed her two child­ren to their final resting place. A double funeral service was held for Char­les and Minnie and both were laid to rest in the same grave.

1333. EMMA HEADLEE, of Thomas and Eunice Headlee, born near Cai­ro, W. Va.; died Tex.; married Herbert Carpenter.


Ephraim4) 2957. CARPENTER ----2958. CARPENTER ----2959. CARPENTER ----2960. CARPENTER

1334. WILLIAM C. HEADLEE, of Leroy and Mary Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-5-1890; living, 1968; married Alice Bissel (of Gloversville, N. Y.).

William and Alice Headlee resided in Detroit, Michigan; they are now di­vorced and he resides in Hazel Park, Michigan. William was an auto mech­anic and garage operator, later employed by the Yellow Cab Company divis­ion of General Motors, in Pontiac, Michigan. They had no children.

1335. MARY MAUD HEADLEE, of Leroy and Mary Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 8-16-1892; died Utica, N. Y. 2-28-1966; married Elmer Hoffman, of Elmer Lincoln and Mary B. (Graff) Hoffman, born Utica, N. Y. 10-26-1890; died Utica, N. Y. 4-15-1951. Both are buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, at U­tica, N. Y.

Elmer and Mary Hoffman resided in Utica, Yorkville and Whitesboro, New York. He was a commercial artist employed by Mohawk Engraving Company


at Utica; he also did art work in oils, water colors, pen and ink. He had a chalk talk act and appeared some in vaudeville as well as church and club benefits.


2961. Vincent Hoffman married Esther Underwood. 2962. Robert Hoffman, unmarried.

1336. SERENA HEADLEE, of Leroy and Mary Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 8-5-1895; living, 1968; married Roma Gardner, of Benjamin Harvey and Laura E. (Pike) Gardner, born Fairfiled, Ill. 10-19-1893; living, 1968.

Roma and Serena Gardner resided in Detroit, Michigan; they were divorc­ed and she now lives in Hazel Park, Michigan. Mr. Gardner was chief engin­eer on the car ferry of the Wabash Railroad.


2963. BEATRICE GARDNER) both born and died (young) Detroit, Mich.; 2964. EVERET GARDNER ) buried Evergreen Cemetery, Detroit.

1337. PAUL LEROY HEADLEE, of Leroy and Mary Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 2-13-1898; died Detroit, Mich. 5-18-1969; married Rowena Wagley, of James E. and Nancy (Hough) Wagley, born Elk Rapids, Mich. 10-29-1896; living, 1969. Paul is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, at Detroit, Mich.

Paul and Rowena Headlee resided in Detroit and Highland Park, Michigan; Rowena now lives in the latter place. Paul was a salesman, having been em­ployed some 28 years with the Washington National Insurance Company, of Chicago, Illinois. Rowena majored in music, graduating from Detroit Con­servatory of Music in 1919. She taught music until her marriage in 1924.

Paul Headlee was a tremendous help in completing the data for this line of the family and we regret that he was unable to see the finished work.


2965. Robert LeRoy Headlee married Alison Lynn Rowe. 2966. Bruce James Headlee married Elizabeth Jane Ensminger.

1338. PETER SILAS HEADLEE, of Leroy and Mary Headlee, born Cairo, W. Va. 3-13-1900; living, 1968; married 11-20-1920, Helen Grace DePue, of Homer and Edith (Pryor) DePue, born Hastings, Mich. 1-30-1902; living, 1968.

Peter and Helen Headlee reside in Port Charlotte, Florida; he is now re­tired after having been employed some 43 years with the Michigan Bell Tele­phone Company. Peter served in the U. S. Navy duri~ World War I.


2967. Marion Louise Headlee married Jay Duncan McDonald. 2968. James Peter Headlee married Johann Banwell.

1339. CLARENCE L. BENDER, of Fred and Sarah (Headlee) Bender, born Pleasant Hill, Oh. 4-1-1894; died Canton, Oh. 11-28-1959; married Estelle Grace Hutchison, of Frank and Sarah (Clark) Hutchison, born Marietta, Oh. 11-29-1899; died Canton, Oh. 11-22-1948. Both are buried in West Lawn


Cemetery, at Canton, Oh. Clarence and Estelle Bender resided in Akron, Marietta and Canton, O­

hio, where he followed the trade of a painter. CHILDREN OF CLARENCE & ESTELLE BENDER (Clarence6Sarah5

Ephraim4) 2969. Harry Raymond Bender married Mamie Ferrell. 2970. Floyd Wilbur Bender married Mary Elizabeth Tilton. 2971. Grace Elizabeth Bender married Maurice Porter. 2972, Virginia Mae Bender married Willie Martin.

1340. RAYMOND T. BENDER, of Fred and Sarah (Headlee) Bender, born Pleasant Hill, Oh. 8-12-1895; died Akron, Oh. 12-25-1965; married Bertha Edgar, of George and Mary (Gray) Edgar, born Newport, Oh. 3-12-1895; liv­ing, 1969. Raymond is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, at Akron, Oh.

Raymond and Bertha Bender resided in Akron, Ohio, where she now lives. Raymond was employed by Goodyear Aircraft, as a plane riveter. They had no children.

1341. RUTH BENDER, of Fred and Sarah (Headlee) Bender, born Pleas­ant Hill, Oh. 4-21-1898; living, 1968; married Jesse Davis, of Albert and Mary (Ruble) Davis, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-10-1895; living, 1968.

Jesse and Ruth Davis reside in Marietta, Ohio, where he is now unable to work. He was formerly employed at Brickwede Brothers Furniture Plant. Jesse served his country during World War I and is a disabled veteran.


2973. Carl F. Davis,unmarried. 2974. Mildred E. Davis married Charles V. Harlow. 2975. HOWARD DAVIS)twins born and died (at birth) Marietta, Oh.; bur-2976. HAROLD DAVIS )ied Brabham Cemetery, W. Marietta, Oh.

1342. INEZ WINDOM, of Sherman and Frances (Headlee) Windom, born Cairo, W. Va. 4-4-1895; living, 1968; married (1) Henderson Duncan, of Isam and Dell Duncan, born Pike Co., Ky. 3-24-1896; died 3-24-1965; mar-ried (2) ____ Lansberry. Henderson is buried in the family plot at Nau-gatuck, W. Va.

Henderson and Inez Duncan resided near Naugatuck, West Virginia; they were separated and later divorced. Inez has resided in New Cumberland, West Virginia since 1926.


2977. RALPH EDGAR DUNCAN, born Ky.; died Guam; unmarried; buried National Cemetery, at Grafton, W. Va. He was killed in the service of his country 8-16-1944.

2978. ETHELYN DUNCAN, born Ky.; living, 1969; unmarried. 1343. MABEL WINDOM, of Sherman and Frances (headlee) Windom, born

Cairo, W. Va. 2-22-1897; living, 1969; married Herbert L. Flanagan, of Thomas A. and Catherine (Robinson) Flanagan, born 7-31-1889; died Cairo, W. Va. 8-3-1962. He is buried in the I. O. 0. F. Cemetery, at Cairo, W. Va.


Herbert and Mabel Flanagan resided in Cairo, West Virginia, where she yet resides. He was a pipe fitter and oil field worker.



Ephraim4) 2979. Willard Flanagan married Helen Moneypenny. 2980. Edward Flanagan married Julia Boni. 2981. Isabelle Flanagan married George McClead. 2982. Max Flanagan married Louise Roberts. 2983, John Flanagan married Modesta ___ _ 2984, Robert Flanagan married Evadeen Phillips. 2985, Neva Flanagan married Roy Taylor. 2986. James Flanagan married Ruby Lamp. 2987. Cecil Flanagan married Annabelle Richards. 2988. Mary Lou Flanagan married Charles Isner. 2989. Russell Flanagan married Ruth Scott. 2990. Rex Flanagan married Nila Ann Tennant.

1344. CLARA WINDOM, of Sherman and Frances (Headlee) Windom, born Cairo, W. Va. 8-28-1903; died Cincinnati, Oh. 11-25-1948; married William L. Chambers, born W. Va. ; died Cincinnati, Oh. Both are buried in Rock­land, Oh.

They had no children. 1345. JAMES EDGAR WINDOM, of Sherman and Frances (Headlee) Wind­

om, born Cairo, W. Va. 10-10-1898; living, 1968; married (1) Bessie Haney, of D. W. and Rosy Haney, born Cairo, W. Va. 11-21-1902; living, 1968; (2) 1951, Louise Clark, of Robert Lee and Addie May (Wells) Clark, born Cairo, W. Va. 7-20-1917; living, 1968.

Edgar and Bessie Windom resided in Cairo, West Virginia; they were lat­er divorced and she now resides in Toledo, Ohio. Edgar and Louise reside in Cairo, West Virginia. He has been employed as a meter reader for Consum­ers Gas Company; also has been a steam fitter on construction work.

Bessie married second, Ed 0 1Rourke. CHILDREN OF EDGAR & BESSIE WINDOM (Edgar6Frances 5Ephraim4)

(all born Cairo, W. Va.) 2991. JAMES EDGAR WINDOM JR. married Sue ___ ; reside Walbridge,

Oh. ; he is a conductor on the C. & 0. Railroad; also is a veteran of World War II.

2992, Russell Windom married Florence Lemley. 2993. Leonard Windom married Anne Novak. 2994, Duane Windom married Florence ____ _

1347. CASSELL CAMDEN PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perr­ine, born Cokely, W. Va. 12-30-1895; living, 1969; unmarried.

Cassell C. Perrine resides in Charleston, West Virginia. He served in the U. S, Navy 9-4-1917 to 1-13-1919 as a Radio Operator; attended U.S. Naval Radio School at Harvard University; held the rank of Petty Officer. He attended Mountain State Business College (Parkersburg, W. Va.) and clerk­ed in retail work for his father; later worked as a Naval Ordinance Machinist


i.n Charleston, West Virginia. 1348. HAZEL EUNICE PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perrine,

born Cokely, W. Va. 4-26-1898; died Clarksburg, W. Va. 3-30-1930; un­married. Buried Elk View Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

1349. RUTH BLANCHE PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perrine, born Harrisville, W. Va. 1-2-1901; died Charleston, W. Va. 11-28-1960; married N. Kenneth Baxter.

Kenneth and Ruth Baxter resided in Clarksburg and Charleston, West Vir­ginia. He served in the U. S. Army after which he worked as an assistant at a Funeral Home in Clarksburg; Ruth was a secretary.


2995. MEIGS KENNETH BAXTER, born Clarksburg, W. Va. 1350. HENRY CLAY PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perrine,

born near Ellenboro, W. Va. 2-4-1904; living, 1968. Resides now in Los Angeles, California. 1351. WILLIAM FRANKLIN PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perr­

ine, born near Ellenboro, W. Va. 6-20-1906; living, 1968; married (1) Es­telle Hawkins (2) Frances Boothe.

They had no children. 1352. RALPH CLEMENS PERRINE, of Henry and Ella (Headlee) Perrine,

born near Ellenboro, W. Va. 10-2-1907; living, 1968; married (1) Louise Heck, of Benjamin Russell and Elizabeth O'Dell Heck, born Clarksburg, W. Va. 12-26-1916. Ralph married (2) Ethel M. Wray, of Charles and Addie M. (Ward) Wray, of Gallipolis, Oh., born 4-30-1910; died 6-3-1967. Ethel is buried in the Obitz Cemetery, at Obitz, Oh.

Resided in Clarksburg, West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Indian­apolis, Indiana; Columbus and Canal Winchester, Ohio. He was employed as a portal transportation clerk and mobile unit foreman.


2996. RALPH WARREN PERRINE, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; received M. A. in Bible from Bob Jones University (Greenville, S. C. ).

2997. JOHN TERRELL PERRINE, born Columbus, Oh. 2998. STEFAN CRAIG PERRINE, born Columbus, Oh.

1353. BERTHA MARSHALL, of Isaiah and Rebecca (Headlee) Marshall, born near Elkins, W. Va. 3-17-1894; living, 1968; married Joe Jonard, born Butte, Mont.

Resided Cornwallis and Cairo, West Virginia, and Butte, Montana. They had no children.

1354. ADA MARSHALL, of Isaiah and Rebecca (Headlee) Marshall, born Ravenswood, W. Va. 11-18-1895; living, 1968; married Ross Richards, of Lauden Richards, born Ellenboro, W. Va. ; died

Resided Cairo and Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Caddo, Texas; he worked as a driller in the oil fields.




1355. ZULA MARSHALL, of Isaiah and Rebecca (Headlee) Marshall, born Ravenswood, W. Va. 9-30-1897; living, 1968; married Harry Eurgy, of Mar­tin Luther and Ida (Brinker) Burgy, born near Cairo, W. Va. 12-28-1892; died

Resided Grafton and Parkersburg, West Virginia, where she yet resides; he was a railroad conductor between Parkersburlf and Grafton.




3001. HARRY BURGY JR. married Betty Anderson. 3002. ELEANOR MAXINE BURGY married Howard John Robinson.

1356. PEARL MARSHALL, of Isaiah and Rebecca (Headlee) Marshall, born Cornwallis, W. Va. 1-30-1901; died Parkersburg, W. Va. ; married Rev. Clyde Dye, of Alonzo and Libby (Dilly) Dye, born Pike, W. Va. ; died Parkersburg, W. Va. Both are buried in Olivet Cemetery, at Parkersburg.

Rev. Clyde and Pearl Dye resided in Pike (W. Va.), Parkersburg(W. Va.), Youngstown (Oh.), Sharon (Pa.), Flint (Mich.) and Anderson (Ind.). Rev. Dye attended Anderson College and was an ordained Minister in the Church of God; he served as pastor of churches in Sharon, Pennsylvania, and Flint, Michigan.

4 CHILDREN OF REV. CLYDE & PEARL DYE (Pearl6Rebecca5Ephraim )

3003. Dwight L. Dye married Carolyn Sue Priest. 1357. WILLIAM HAMRICK, of Phillip and Rebecca (Headlee) Hamrick,

born Cornwallis, W. Va. 12-22-1905; living, 1968; married Annie Dutton, of Atkinson Dutton, born Oh. ; living, 1968.

Resided Parkersburg and Clarksburg, West Virginia, and Belpre, Ohio; he is now retired from his employmnet in the steel mills. William served his country for 3 years during World War II. They have no children.

1358. OSCEOLA B. HEADLEE, of James M. and Lizzie Headlee, born Blacksville, W. Va. 2-4-1880; living, 1969; married 7-10-1901, John Clark.

Resided Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. 6 5 4


3004. ROBERT ARTHUR CLARK, born and died (young) Waynesburg, Pa. 3005. JAMES WALTER CLARK, born and died (young) Waynesburg, Pa. 3006. Martha Clark married Paul Avery.

1360. WILBERT CURTIS HEADLEE, of Joshua and Addie Headlee, born 10-30-1881; died Toledo, Oh. 2-1-1954; married 12-5-1905, Estella Secrest, of William and Josephine Secrest.




3007. ERMA RAYE HEADLEE married Larry K. King. 1361. ERMA LULU HEADLEE, of Joshua and Addie Headlee, born 12-16-

1882; died 8-5-1957; married (1) 12-24-1908, Edward W. Howard, of Henry 330

and Mary Howard, died 1-27-1922; married (2) 9-22-1955, Norman V. Ridd­le, of William Patrick and Kate (Stentz) Riddle.


3008. Headlee Lee Howard married Ruth Ann ___ _ 1363. EDWARD FLETCHER HEADLEE, of Joshua and Addie Headlee,

born 2-7-1886; married (1) Elizabeth Leona Fox, of Deford Fox; married (2) Harriet Conner.

They had no children. 1365. ROSE ANN LUCINDA BURGE, of William and Mary Burge, born

Ritchie Co., W. Va. 12-2-1872; died Oh. 11-26-1954; married 10-27-1891, Daniel Marion Johnson, born 11-5-1859; died 6-21-1941. Both are buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Newark, Oh.


Lucinda4 )

3009. EMMER B. JOHNSON 3010. ALICE GERTRUDE JOHNSON married ____ Miller. 3011. LULU BELLE JOHNSON married ____ Paulsen. 3012. EVA IRENE JOHNSON married ____ Homer. 3013. PERLEY JASPER JOHNSON

1370. NANCY LUCINDA WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 11-5-1869; died Murphytown, W. Va. 4-22-1897;un­married. Buried Red Hill Cemetery.

Nancy Lucinda had made plans to be married but her death interrupted the plans and she was buried in her wedding clothes.

1371. ALFRED JACKSON WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 8-25-1871; died Zanesville, Oh. 4-10-1934; unmarried. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.

Alfred remained at home and cared for his parents; at the time of his pass­ing he was living with his sister, Emma Jackson. He worked for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at the round house in Zanesville, Ohio.

1372. MARY JANE WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 4-4-1873; died Zanesville, Oh. 5-12-1953; married (1) Charles W. Gilpin, of Sullivan Gilpin, died Zanesville, Oh. 2-18-1920; mar­ried (2) 2-2-1922, Frank Harris. Charles and Mary Jane are buried in Wood­lawn Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.; Frank is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.

Resided Zanesville, Ohio. CHILD OF CHARLES & MARY GILPIN (Mary6Rebecca5Lucinda 4)

3014. CHARLES W. GILPIN JR., born Zanesville, Oh.; living, 1968; mar­ried Gladys I. Cremeona.

1373. RACHEL ANN WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 11-5-1874; died Mt. Vernon, Oh. 1-12-1956; mar­ried 9-30-1897, James Frank Burris, born Waterford, Oh. 10-17-1866; died Chillicothe, Oh. 3-24-1935. Both are buried in Hill Cemetery, at Chillicothe.


Frank and Rachel Burris resided briefly in Wood County, West Virginia, before removing to Waterford, Ohio, where they remained about five years. They next moved to Zanesville (Oh.) and finally on to Chillicothe (Oh.) to make a permanent home. Mr. Burris was a machinist for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.




3015. David James Burris married Ruth Turnipseed. 3016. MARY BURRIS) both born Waterford, Oh.; died (young) Zanesville, 3017. FRED BURRIS) Oh.; buried Woodlawn Cemetery, at Zanesville. 3018. Clara Burris married Edward D. Hosler. 3019. JOHN BURRIS ) both born Zanesville, Oh.; died (young) Zanes-3020. WILLIAM BURRIS )ville, Oh.; buried Woodlawn Cemetery.

1374. ELLA VIRGINIA WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 7-22-1876; died Murphytown, W. Va. 8--8-1905; married 4-15-1895, Joseph Edward White, of Johnson Jenkins and Lucy Grace (Stedman) White, born Portland, Oh. 12-20-1860; died Eureka, Mo. 5-25-1942. Joseph is buried in Pacific Cemetery, at Pacific, Mo.; Ella is buried in Farson Cemetery, at Murphytown, W. Va.

Joseph and Ella White resided throughout the brief period of their mar­ried life in the area of Murphytown, West Virginia, where he was an engin­eer on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. About 1910 Mr. White moved west and settled in Missouri where he worked as a telegrapher for the Union Pa­cific Railroad. He married second, Lillie Virginia Davis; they were the par-ents of two sons, Ralph Davis and Joseph Stedmin White.

5 .

4 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & ELLA WHITE (Ella Rebecca Lucmda )

3021. Johnson Everett White married Iris Waite. 1375. JOHN ALEXANDER WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weav­

er, born near Cairo, W. Va. 3-16-1878; died Zanesville, Oh. 11-6-1951; married Florence W. Johnson, of John and Clara Johnson.

John and Florence Weaver resided throughout their married life in Zanes­ville, Ohio; she married second, Ellich Johnston.

CHILDREN OF JOHN & FLORENCE WEAVER (John6Rebecca5Lucinda 4) (all born Zanesville, Oh.)

3022. BEATRICE WEAVER, died young. 3023. WILMA WEAVER married Harry Brown. 3024. WILDA WEAVER married William Smith. 3025. CLARENCE WEAVER

(Wilma and Wilda Weaver were twins). 1376. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge)

Weaver, born near Cairo, W. Va. 3-25-1880; died 3-13-1949; married Laura Lane. Nothing further.

1377. JOSHUA FORDYCE WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weav­er, born near Cairo, W. Va. 6-22-1882; died Zanesville, Oh. 1-31-1965; married 10-1-1906, Ida Burris, of John and Rebecca Burris, born Washing-


ton Co., Oh. 3-5-1883. Joshua is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Zanes­ville, Oh.

CHILDREN OF JOSHUA & IDA WEAVER (Joshua6Rebecca5Lucinda4 )

3026. REBECCA WEAVER married James Kirkbride. 3027. RAYMOND WEAVER married Leora Middleton. 3028. HAROLD WEAVER married Elsie Shyrock. 3029, EARL WEAVER never married. 3030. CHESTER WEA VER married Evelyn Gass.

1378. OSCAR EMANUEL WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weav­er, born near Cairo, W. Va. 2-4-1884; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-1-1960; married 12-25-1904, Clara Neal, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-14-1877; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 4-27-1953.



3031. PEARL WEAVER married ___ Kelly. 1379. SARAH BESSIE WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver,

born Murphytown, W. Va. 6-26-1886; died Caldwell, Oh. 3-7-1958; married 8-1-1904, John C. White, of John C. and Hannah (Pettit) White, born Mead­ville, Pa. 3-23-188l;died Baltimore, Md. 2-24-1950, John is buried in Lon­don Park Cemetery, at Baltimore, Md.; Bessie is buried in Poplar Fork Cemetery, at Gratiot, Oh.

John and Bessie White resided in Columbus and Bellaire, Ohio; Royers­ford, Pennsylvania; and Baltimore, Maryland. Bessie returned to Zanes­ville, Ohio, after John's death. Mr. White was a glass worker and talented musician.


Lucinda 4


3032. May Undine White married (1) James William Flynn (2) Ralph Cole (3) Frederick Clossow.

3033. Walter White married Catherine Baughman. 3034. Bessie White married (1) Charles Adams (2) Joe Gallis.

1380, EMMA DELL WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born Murphytown, W. Va. 5-28-1888; living, 1969; married 8-29-1907, Harry F. Jackson, of William Hillis and Lida (Reed) Jackson, born near McConnells­ville, Oh. 11-12-1886; living, 1969.

Harry Jackson started, at a very young age, delivering medicines for var­ious drug companies. He became interested in pharmacy and. after marriage, took a five year home study course in pharmacy. At the end of this time he went to Ohio State University where he took examinations. In 1913 he became a Registered Pharmacist and followed this profession some 55 years before his retirement in 1968, at the age of 82 years.

Harry and Emma Jackson have resided throughout their married life in Zanesville, Ohio.

6 5 4



3035. HELEN MARIE JACKSON, born and died (young) Zanesville, Oh.; buried Woodlawn Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.

3036. Ruth Virginia Jackson married Frank William Robinson. 3037. Fern Hazel Jackson married (1) Ralph Harvey

(2)Roger L. Hagadone. 3038. Rolland Bruce Jackson married Alma Adams. 3039. Everett Harry Jackson married Alma Lucille Lovell.

1381. WILLIAM HENRY ARTHUR WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca(Burge) Weaver, born Murphytown, W. Va. 7-23-1890; died Zanesville, Oh. 5-13-1954; married 8-25-1914, Rhea Belle Combs, of William L. and Lulu (Booz) Combs, born Zanesville, Oh. 10-15-1896; living, 1968. W.H.Arthur is bur­ied in Memorial Park, at Zanesville, Oh.

W. H. Arthur and Rhea Weaver resided in Zanesville, Ohio, where he was a carpenter. He served in the standing army during World War I.




3040. Margaret Jean Weaver married William W. Ellis. 3041. ARTHUR W. WEAVER) twins born and died Zanesville, Oh.; he is 3042. ARLINE W. WEAVER ) buried Memorial Park Cemetery, at Zanes-

ville, Oh.; she buried Greenwood Cemetery, at Zanesville. 3043. Cleland Stuart Weaver married Nora June Martin. 3044. Dayle Francis Weaver married Alice Stiers. 3045. Richard Wayne Weaver married Estelle Polletier. 3046. DONALD BRUCE WEAVER, born and died (young) Zanesville, Oh.;

buried Greenwood Cemetery, at Zanesville. 304 7. Hazel Geraldine Weaver married E. William Mohler Jr. 3048, Verna Lucille Weaver married Robert David Vogt. 3049. Russell Ray Weaver married Marilyn Erwin.

1382. ROBERT CLARENCE WEAVER, of Henry and Rebecca (Burge) Weaver, born Murphytown, W. Va. 5-19-1893; died Zanesville, Oh. married 7-6-1915, Anna Harvey, of Lewis and Ann (Williams) Harvey, born 6-22-1890; died Zanesville, Oh. 2- -1957. Both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Zanesville, Oh.

Robert and Anna Weaver resided in Zanesville, Ohio, where he was a carpenter

4 CHILDREN OF ROBERT & ANNA WEAVER (Robert6Rebecca5Lucinda )

3050. Robert Paul Weaver married (1) Margaret Farquar (2) Helen Abraham (3) Ruth Bowers.

3051. Louella Weaver married Edward Doyle. 3052. Mary Jane Weaver married Eugene Campbell. 3053, Robert Clarence Weaver Jr. never married. 3054. Lewis Brenton Weaver married Clara Brown. 3055. Genevieve Weaver married Donald Burke. 3056. George Eldon Weaver married Clara Settles. 3057. Virginia Bryle Weaver married Ray Michand.


1383. FRANCES ELIZABETH BURGE, of Joshua and Ellen Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va. 11-8-1877; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 3-22-1965; mar­ried 9-24-1899, George Henry Brethaver, of Henry and Katherine (Schuler) Brethaver, born Germany 10-13-1874; died Red Hill, W. Va. 2-24-1923. Both are buried in the Lutheran Cemetery, at Red Hill, W. Va.

George and Frances Brethaver resided in the Mill Run-Parkersburg a­rea of West Virginia; he was a farmer and stock raiser.


Lucinda4) 3058. Sophia Brethaver married C. Thomas Willis. 3059. Lena Brethaver married Carl Affolter. 3060. Earl Brethaver married Garnett Wells. 3061. George Brethaver married Lucille Pullen.

1384. WILLIAM HENRY BURGE, of Joshua and Ellen Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va. 5-4-1880; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 3-16-1957; married Anna Scheiler, of Henry and Anna Scheiler, died 10-26-1952. Both are bur­ied in the U. B. Cemetery, at Red Hill, W. Va.

William and Anna Burge resided in the Parkersburg-Red Hill area of West Virginia; he was a farmer. They had no children.

1385. ALFRED SIMON BURGE, of Joshua and Ellen Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va.10-8-1883; died Sheffield Lake, Oh. 12-30-1966; married Edith ----

Alfred and Edith Burge resided in Gary, Indiana, and Sheffield Lake, O-hio. He was a vice-president with the United States Steel Corporation, re­tired at the time of his death.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ALFRED & EDITH BURGE (Alfred Joshua Lucinda )


1386. J. WALTER BURGE, of Joshua and Ellen Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va. 1-24-1886; died 2-19-1919 (or 1-7-1919); married Eula Lewis. He is buried in Lost Creek Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Walter Burge was a 'coal miner. CHILDREN OF WALTER & EULA BURGE (Walter6Joshua




1388. CLARENCE A. W. BURGE, of Joshua and Ellen Burge, born near Cairo, W. Va. 8-22-1897; died 11-11-1923; unmarried. He is buried in the U. B. Cemetery, at Red Hill, W. Va.

1389. VIRGINIA ELLEN SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born near Harrisville, W. Va. 2-1.5-1878; died Harrisville, W. Va. 1-15-1958; married 1902, Reno Moats, of James and Catherine Moats, born Harrisville,


W. Va. 3-24-1872; died Harrisville, W. Va. 2- -1917. Both are buried in

the I. o. O. F. Cemetery, at Harrisville, W. Va. Reno and Virginia Moats resided in Harrisville, West Virginia where he

was a farmer. CHILDREN OF RENO & VIRGINIA MOATS (Virginia 6Rachel



3069. Marion Moats married Edna Ellison. 3070. John Moats married Marguerite Skinner. 3071. Bertha Moats, unmarried.

1390. LEWlS JACKSON SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born Harrisville, W. Va. 12-20-1879; living, 1969; unmarried.

Jackson Six and his two unmarried sisters, Minnie and Dell, reside on the home farm where they were born. He is a farmer.

1391. ELIZABETH LUCINDA SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born Harrisville, W. Va. 5-22-1882; living, 1968; married 5-14-1909, Hugh Jackson Peyton, of John and Delilah Peyton, born Harrisville, W. Va. 8-3-1879; died Harrisville, W. Va. 11-30-1966. He is buried in the Fairview Cemetery at Oil Ridge, W. Va.

Hugh J. and Elizabeth Peyton resided throughout their married life in the Cairo area of West Virginia, where she yet resides. He was a plasterer, re­tired at the time of his death.



3072. Ruth E. Peyton, unmarried. 3073. Florence Peyton married George Lockhart. 3074. Annie Marie Peyton married Marvin Cowan.

1392. MARTHA MAE SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born Harr­isville, W. Va. 5-30-1886; living, 1968; married 4-15-1920, Okey Earnest Schrader, of Uriah and Permelie (Norton) Schrader, born Harrisville, W. Va. 11-19-1887; living, 1968.

Earnest and Martha Schrader have resided throughout their married life in the area of Cairo, West Virginia, where he worked in the oil fields. He served in the U. S. Army during World War I.


Lucinda4) 3075. Esther Schrader married Harold Tuell. 3076. Grace Schrader married Clyde Williamson.

1393. MINNIE ELSIE SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born Harr­isville, W. Va. 6-10-1888; living, 1969; unmarried.

Minnie Six resides on the home farm with her brother and sister. 1394. SARAH ANNE SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six, born Harris­

ville, W. Va. 5-3-1890; died Homeworth, Oh. 4-21-1930; married 1914, Grover Garrett, born Salem, W. Va.; died Homeworth, Oh. 2-13-1945.

Grover and Sarah Garrett resided in Cairo, West Virginia, and Home­worth, Ohio; he worked in the oil fields and in a gas plant.

CHILDREN OF GROVER & SARAH GARRETT (Sarah6Rachel5Lucinda4) 336

3077. Genevieve Garrett married Max Haynes. 3078. Eugene Garrett never married. 3079. Merle Garrett married Allen Gallagher. 3080. Paul William Garrett married Mary Rodgers.

1395. EMMA DELLA SIX, of George and Rachel (Burge) Six. born Harr­isville, W. Va. 3-18-1892; living, 1968; unmarried.

Della Six resides on the home farm with her brother and sister. 1396. ERNEST KELLY BURGE, of Amanuel and Anna Burge, born Mur­

phytown, W. Va. 1-4-1898; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-23-1962; married 3-14-1928, Zella Brewer, of George and Mary (Lowther) Brewer. born Park­ersburg, W. Va. 2-23-1907; living, 1968.

Ernest and Zella Burge resided in the areas of Murphytown, Stillwell and Parkersburg, West Virginia; Zella now resides in Parkersburg. Ernest was employed by the American Viscose Company; he also worked in the oil fields and at farming. Zella has been employed at the Chancellor Hotel and by the La Lallance Bakery and Restaurant.

CHILDREN OF ERNEST & ZELLA BURGE (Ernest6 Amanuel5 Lucinda4)

3081. Beulah Burge married Rev. Rymer Davis. 3082. Lonal Burge married Darrel Turner. 3083. Arden Burge married Carol Marie Berry.

1397. EARL SCHRADER BURGE, of Amanuel and Anna Burge, bornMur­phytown, W. Va. 6-1-1901; married Carrie McPeek, of Rozle and Catherine Barbara (Theis) McPeek. born 6-12-1901.

Reside Vienna, West Virginia; he is a carpenter. They have no children. 1398. JUSTINE BURGE, of Alfred J. and Gertrude Burge, born near

Parkersburg, W. Va. 3-10-1893; living, 1969; married 12-1-1917, Samuel Dennis Deem, of Joshua and Annie (Poole) Deem, born Chesterville, W. Va. 12-1-1893; living, 1969.

S. Dennis and Justine Deem reside in Charleston, West Virginia. Mr. Deem was employed by the General Glass Company, in the capacity of a glazier. He is now business agent for the glazier's union. S. Dennis Deem served in World War I, as a member of the 21st. Field Artillery. 5th. Div­ision.

We are deeply indebted to Justine for her vast contributions to this fam­ily history, not only on her own family line but many others also. We are happy that we had the pleasure of meeting them when they made a visit to Greene County. Both Mr. and Mrs. Deem are the kind of persons to do cred­it to the family tree.



Lucinda 4


3084. Jack William Deem married Marjorie Jean Dollman. 3085. James Dennis Deem married Annie Belle Martin.

1399. FREDA NAOMA BURGE, of Alfred J. and Gertrude Burge, born near Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-3-1894; died Hobart, Ind. 6-21-1960; married 11-11-1917, John Franklin Friedlein, of John F. and Lavina (Corbin) Fried-


lein, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-28-1892; living, 1969. Freda is buried in Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, at Hobart, Ind.

John and Freda Friedlein resided in Hobart, Indiana where he was em­ployed as a railroad clerk for Elgin and Joliet Eastern Railroad Company. John still resides in Hobart.

4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & FREDA FRIEDLEIN (Freda6 Alfrect5Lucinda )

3086. Dorothy Lovanna Friedlein married John Fletcher Mowbray. 3087. John Franklin Friedlein Jr. married Edna Platt.

1400. SAMANTHA MIRLE BURGE, of Alfred and Gertrude Burge, born near Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-31-1896; died Gary, Ind. 3-6-1959; married 9-9-1917, Emmet Robert Mercer, of Daniel E. and Frances (Provance) Mer­cer, born Rochester, Pa. 11-22-1894; living, 1969.

Emmet and Samantha Mercer resided in Gary, Indiana where he was a millright with the United States Steel Corporation. Mr. Mercer served in the U. S. Army in World War I; Mrs. Mercer served as a yeomanette in the same war.


Lucinda4) 3088. Robert E. Mercer married Jean Vilberg. 3089. Daniel E. Mercer married Antonette Kozicky. 3090. Thomas Paul Mercer married Doris Anderson.

1401. HARRIETTE MAY BURGE, of Alfred and Gertrude Burge, born near Parkersburg, W. Va. 10-26-1898; living, 1969; married 3-29-1930, Loring A. Dolch. of Henry Martin and Ella (Ludolph) Dolch, born Valparai­so, Ind. 3-22-1896; died Hines, Ill. 7-1-1968. He is buried in the Masonic Ridgeview Cemetery, at Gary, Ind.

Loring and Harriette Dolch resided in Valparaiso, Indiana; he still resides there. Mr. Dolch is now retired, having held the position of Foreman with the National Tube Division of the United States Steel Corporation. Harriette was employed as a millinery buyer and in sales work. Loring was a veteran of World War I.


Lucinda4) 3091. MARTIN ALFRED DOLCH, born and died (young) Gary, Ind. 3092. Joseph Edward Dolch married Joyce Lee Peirce.

1403. CLYDE BUNTING BURGE, of Alfred and Gertrude Burge. born near Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-18-1902; living, 1968; married 6-6-1926, Gertrude Irene Lucas, of Robert L. and Agnes (Henderson) Lucas, born Remington, Ind. (or Morral, Oh.) 5-22-1906; living, 1968.

Clyde and Gertrude Burge reside in Hawthorne, California; they former­ly resided in Gary, Indiana. Clyde worked in the hot rolling mill at the Gary Steel works (Gary, Ind.) until the mill shut down the rolling operation. He re­educated himself as a lathe machinist and, at the time of his retirement, he was Master Mechanic for the Consolidated Steel Corporation (now American Bridge Company) in Maywood, California. Gertrude worked in a department


store in Gary, Indiana. CHILDREN OF CLYDE & GERTRUDE BURGE (Clyde6 Alfred5Lucinda4)

3093. Donna Jean Burge married Charles Theodore Ammerman. 3094. Doris Mae Burge married Drain Mahafee Marshall.

1404. PAUL JACKSON BURGE, of Alfred and Gertrude Burge, bornnear Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-17-1904; died North Vernon, Ind. 1-13-1969; mar­ried 9-4-1933, Agnes Stella Taylor, of David Wesley and Mary Elizabeth (Grimes) Taylor, born North Vernon, Ind. 4-14-1905; living, 1969. Paul is buried in the Hayden Cemetery, at North Vernon, Ind.

Paul and Stella Burge resided in the area near North Vernon, Indiana, where she still resides. Paul worked as a supervisor and Master Mechanic for United States Steel Corporation until his retirement, after which he pur­sued the life of a farmer and raised Herford cattle. Stella received her B. S. degree from Ball State Teachers College (Muncie, Ind.) after which she was a teacher in the Indiana schools; she is now retired.



3095. Jo Anne Burge married Paul R. Ramey. 3096. Gail Alice Burge, unmarried.

1405. KEITH WERTHEIMER BURGE, of Alfred and Gertrude Burge, born near Parkersburg, W. Va. 3-14-1914; living, 1969; married 6-7-1935, Her­moine Waller, of Arthur W. and Ethyl (Lynch) Waller, born Grafton, W. Va. 7-16-1915; living, 1969.

Keith and Hermoine Burge reside in Deerfield, Illinois; he is owner and President of Bab steel Corporation, of Skokie, Illinois. He was previously connected with the National Tube Company, as superintendent of its stain­less production; personnel director of Agaloy Tube Company (Springfield, Oh.); sales engineer of Korhumel, Heffron & Priess Steel Company. He has author­ed "The Big Game"; invented a neck grip bottle carrier; and been active in civic affairs. Keith attended University of San Francisco, Davis-Elkins Coll­ege and Fairmont State College.


Lucinda 4


3097. Keith Wellington Burge, unmarried. 3098. Carole Jeanne Burge married Raymond Craig Jones. 3099. Alan Jackson Burge, unmarried.

1406. EDWARD MARION KING, of David and Virginia (Burge) King, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 11-19-1891; died Richmond, Va. 9-11-1954; married (1) Blanch Carson, of John Hurd and Rosa Lee (Tarr) Carson, born Cabell Co., W. Va. 5- -1893; died Huntington, W. Va. 7-21-1921; married (2) 4-21-1923, Pearl Adams, of Thomas and Mary A. Adams. born Huntington, W. Va. 10-10-1888; living, 1968. Blanch is buried in Woodmere Cemetery, at Huntington, W. Va.; Edward is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, at Rich­mond, Va.

Edward and Blanch King resided in Huntington, West Virginia. Edward 339

and Pearl King also resided in Huntington for a short time before removing to Richmond, Virginia where they resided throughout the balance of their married life; Pearl still makes her home there most of the time. Edward King was chief accountant for maintenance of way department of the Chesa­peake and Ohio Railroad. Pearl was a school teacher, now retted.



3100. Donald Edward King married Lola Juanita Robertson. 3101. Wendell Philip King married Audry M. Smith. CHILD OF EDWARD & PEARL KING (Edward6Virginia


3102. Lewis Eugene King married Anne Reynolds. 1407. FLORA LETHA KING, of David and Virginia (Burge) King, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-28-1896; living, 1967; married Roy Chapman. Roy and Flora Chapman resided in Huntington, West Virginia where she

~re~w. 5

CHILDREN OF ROY & FLORA CHAPMAN (Flora 6Virginia Lucinda 4


3103. Florine Chapman married John Harmon Hudson. 3104. Marie Chapman married Hobart Harshberger. 3105. Jack David Chapman married Joyce M. Ashworth. 3106. Clarence Leroy Chapman married Dora Wellman. 3107, Billy Fred Chapman married Lois Carroll.

1409. CHARLES RICHARD BURGE, of John and Bessie Burge, born 12-9-1911; died 4-11-1955; married Carrie Leona George, born 9-19-1915. He is buried in Four Corners Cemetery, at Butler, Oh.



5Lucinda )


1410. ELIZABETH LUCINDA BURGE, of John and Bessie Burge, born Belpre, Oh. 8-6-1914; living, 1967; married 6-10-1963, Halsey H. Mitchell, of Edward and Margaret Mitchell, born Ironton, Oh. 3-21-1893; living, 1967.

Halsey and Elizabeth Mitchell reside in Mansfield, Ohio where he is now retired, having been a mail carrier. They have no children.

1411. EVELYN FLORINE BURGE, of John and Bessie Burge, born 4-24-1916; living, 1967; married John M. Gallaher, born 1-7-1912.

John and Evelyn Gallaher reside in Delaware, Ohio. CHILD OF JOHN & EVELYN GALLAHER (Evelyn6John



3111. LILLIAN ALBERTA GALLAHER married ____ Campbell. 1412. JOHN MESHACH BURGE JR., of John and Bessie Burge, born

10-29-1918; living, 1967; married June Nusbaum, born 12-15-1920. John and June Burge, Jr. reside in Crestline, Ohio.


Lucinda4) 340


1413. JACK LEE BURGE, of John and Bessie Burge, born 5-15-1927; living, 1967; married Eileene Fetters, born 12-4-1926.

Jack and Eileene Burge reside in Cambridge, Ohio. CHILDREN OF JACK & EILEENE BURGE (Jack6John5Lucinda4 )


1414. HARRIETTE JANE BURGE, of John and Bessie Burge, born 10-2-1934; living, 1967; married ____ Deboard.

1416. FLORENCE VIRGINIA RICHMOND, of Lemuel and Martha (Mason) Richmond, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 2-1-1877; died Terra Alta, W. Va. 3-9-1953; married 3-31-1897, Elza A. Rutan, of John and Carolina (Minor) Rutan, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 11-16-1875; died Moundsville, W. Va. 8-3-1949. Both are buried in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.

Elza and Florence Rutan resided for some time at Red House, West Vir­ginia; about 1919 they removed to Marshall County (same state) where they took up permanent residence in the area of Pleasant Ridge. He was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF ELZA & FLORENCE RUTAN (Florence6Martha5Cynthia4 )

3118. Ernest E. Rutan married Mabel Richmond. 3119. Linza A. Rutan married Eilene Kelly. 3120. Lula Rutan married Joe Gouldsberry. 3121. Wilda V. Rutan married Albert A. Johnson. 3122. Edna A. Rutan married Vincent Gouldsberry. 3123. Bertie B. Rutan married Herbert Matthews. 3124. Mary E. Rutan married Harry Chambers. 3125. Flossie Pearl Rutan married Albert R. Blake Sr.

1417. JEREMIAH WEBSTER RICHMOND, of Lemuel and Martha (Mason) Richmond, born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 8-2-1879; died Wetzel Co., W. Va. 2-19-1953; married (1) 9-16-1905, Mary Travis, of William Ira and Mary Jane (Jefferson) Travis, born ____ ; died 10- -1911. Jeremiah married (2) Blanche Cochran, of James L. Cochran, born near Reader, W. Va.11-9-1889; died New Martinsville, W. Va. 6-16-1955. Jeremiah and Blanche are buried in Greenlawn Memorial Park, near New Martinsville, W. Va.; Mary is buried on Roberts Ridge.

Jeremiah and Mary Richmond resided in Moundsville, West Virginia; he and Blanche resided in Seminole, Oklahoma, for a short time while he work­ed in the oil fields. They returned to West Virginia and resided in Porter Falls and Paden City; he pursued the occupation of a glass worker.


Cynthia4 ) 3126. William Arthur Richmond married Bivian Jenkins.


3127. Clarice Edith Richmond married Vital O. Hubbard. CHILDREN OF JEREMIAH & BLANCHE RICHMOND (Jeremiah6Martha5)

3128. Nelle Richmond married B. Y. Smith. 3129. Ruth Richmond married Willis Mason Robinson. 3130. John Webster Richmond married Mary F. Dulin. 3131. Anna Marie Richmond married Lee Bucher. 3132. Norma Jean Richmond married John L. Self. 3133. Patricia Sue Richmond married Robert E. Harold.

1418. WILLIAM ELBERT RICHMOND, of Lemuel and Martha (Mason) Richmond, born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 2-2-1882; died Moundsville, W. Va. 11-27-1963; married 7-13-1907, Pearl Young, of Reason and Katherine (Ell­er) Young, born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 9-4-1888; living, 1968. William is bur­ied in Riverview Cemetery, at Moundsville, W. Va.

William and Pearl Richmond resided in the areas of Lynn Camp and Moundsville, West Virginia where he was a farmer and maintenance man. During his younger days he worked in the oil fields. Pearl taught school as a substitute and now resides in Moundsville. Both William and Pearl were retired employees of the U.S. Stamping Company.

CHILD OF WILLIAM & PEARL RICHMOND (William6 Martha5 Cynthia4)

3134. Velma Oneva Richmond married Otto G. Baker. 1419. LULA MASON, of John W. and Sarah Mason, born Pleasant Ridge,

W. Va. 3-17-1886; living, 1968; married 3-25-1907, James Cunningham, of James and Katherine (Kenny) Cunningham, born Alleghany Co., N. Y. 12-22-1882; living, 1968.

James and Lula Cunningham have resided throughout most of their mar­ried life in Marshall County, West Virginia; they presently reside in Mounds-ville. Mr. Cunningham was a farmer.


3135. Glorice Cunningham married (1) Dilwin Stanley(2)Richard Blythe. 3136. Ruth Cunningham married Dr. Michael A. Gaydach. 3137. Thelma Cunningham married Francis R. Gouldsberry. 3138. Annabelle Cunningham married Wilbur Weaver. 3189. John F. Cunningham married Anna Gouldsberry. 3140. James E. Cunningham married Shirley Dougherty. 3141. Agnes Cunningham married William Dickey. 3142. Margaret Cunningham married Carl Rakoskie.

1420. MINNIE MASON, of John W. and Sarah Mason, born Pleasant Ridge, W, Va. 6-12-1889; living, 1968; married (1) 12-25-1910, Okey Rich­mond, of Jacob R. and Sarah (Rush) Richmond, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 1887. She married (2) Joseph Hamilton.

Okey and Minnie Richmond resided throughout their married life together in Marshall County, West Virginia; he was a mechanic, contractor and car­penter. Joseph and Minnie Hamilton resided in Moundsville, West Virginia.


Minnie now resides with her daughter, in Madison, West Virtnia. CHILDREN OF OKEY & MINNIE RICHMOND (Minnie6John Cynthia


3143. Garnet G. Richmond married William Griffith. 3144. Kenneth E. Richmond married Ella Bohannon.

1421. GLADYS HUTCHINSON, of Todd and Hannah (Mason) Hutchinson, born Odeville, W. Va. 8-7-1898; living, 1968; married 1-25-1916, C. Nor­wood Booth, of John and Martha Booth, born Pioneer Ridge, W. Va.

Norwood and Gladys Booth resided throughout most of their married life in Hometown, West Virginia; he was a farmer. They had no children.

1422. LETA MAE SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 6-18-1887; died Iowa City, Ia. 1-30-1965; married 12-21-1912, William Tittle, of James and Anna (Dye) Tittle, born near Red House, W. Va. 8-6-1887; living, 1969. Leta is buried in the Masonic Ceme­tery, at Tipton, Ia.

William and Leta Tittle resided throughout their married life in Cedar County, Iowa; their later years together were spent in Tipton where he yet resides with his second wife, Pauline Kelly. Mr. Tittle was a farmer; he also was employed at the Rock Island Arsenal, by the Federal Government, during World War II; he has also been a livestock feed dealer and salesman.



3145. Edith Marjorie Tittle married Harold Hass. 3146. Wilma Louise Tittle married Leo Fisher.

1423. NORA THERESA SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born Confidence, W. Va. 2-5-1891; living, 1968; married 3-18-1911, Alvin R. Deal, of James S. and Rosalie (Jordan) Deal, born Fraziers Bottom, W. Va. 7-29-1892; living, 1968.

Alvin and Nora Deal have resided in Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Ransom, Illinois, their present residence. His occupations have included teaching, rural mail carrier, retail grocer and carpenter; she has been a teacher and associated with her husband in re-tail grocery work.



3147. Estelle Edward Deal married Lena Dennis. 3148. Elbert Leyton Deal married Celma Siegel. 3149. Eva Louise Deal married Wilfred Davis.

1424. MILTON LEE SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born Confidence, W. Va. 3-10-1893; died Montgomery, W. Va. 4-5-1968; mar­ried Rebecca Jordan, of Charles William and Nancy Jane (Slack) Jordan, born Mason Co., W. Va. 1-22-1897; living, 1968. Lee is buried in Memorial Gardens, at Montgomery, W. Va.

Lee and Rebecca Shepherd resided in Handley, West Virginia where she yet resides. Lee attended Charleston School of Commerce and was employed some 42 years as a car distributor for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad. Re-


becca taught school in Mason County. In 1913 Lee enlisted in the Coast Art­illery and, at the beginning of World War I, he went overseas on the second ship to go over. He served in the Seventh Regiment and was in Germany when the Armistice was signed. He remained as an office worker in St. Nagiere, France, for six months and was discharged in August, 1919, as a Radio Ser­geant.



3150. Nancy Ellen Shepherd married Eugene Hackney. 1425, FLORENCE SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born

Confidence, W. Va. 6-5-1896; married ____ Bonily. 1426. LULU AVIS SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born

Pleasant Ridge, W. Va. 10-22-1899; living, 1969; married (1) 9-13-1918, Robert S. Deal, of James S. and Rosalie (Jordan) Deal, born Fraziers Bott­om, W. Va. 8-31-1899; died Fraziers Bottom, W. Va. 3-9-1924. She mar­ried (2) 9-23-1929, Irwin L. Denaple, of Emmet L. and Emily (Griffith) Den­aple, born Ransom, Ill. 7-18-1896; living, 1969. Robert is buried in the Deal Cemetery, at Fraziers Bottom, W. Va.

Robert and Avis Deal resided in Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia; Irwin and Avis Denaple have resided in the areas of Ransom and Dwight, Illinois. Avis attended Capital Cith Commercial College, at Charleston, West Virgin­ia, after which she taught school; Irwin attended Purdue University, at Pur­due, Indiana, after which he was a farmer.




3151. Wayne Leyton Denaple married Bernadine Hoegger. 3152. Doris Virginia Denaple married Harold Bissey. 3153, MARJORIE LOUISE DENAPLE, born Ottawa, Ill.; at home.

1427. VELMA SHEPHERD, of Clarence and Sarah Shepherd, born Pleas-ant Ridge, W. Va. 8-20-1902; died 1965 ; married Claude Tincher. She is buried in Sunset Memorial Cemetery, at South Charleston, W. Va.


3154, JAMES TINCHER married Jane ----3155. MAXINE TINCHER married Thomas Rafferty. 3156. JUANITA HELEN TINCHER married Dan Branham. 3157. BETTY ELLEN TINCHER married Oschel Wade. 3158. DARYL TINCHER married Claudia ----3159. CAROLYN TINCHER married Carl Bradford. 3160. ANCIL TINCHER, died in U. S. Army. 3161. ROSALYN TINCHER

1428. VELMA THOMAS, of Mace and Alvilda Thomas, married Loren Allen.



3162. KAROLD ALLEN 344

3163. LEON ALLEN 1430. LETA ESSIE MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, born Adaline, W.

Va. 4-21-1891; living, 1969; married 9-18-1912, Benjamin Harrison Bonar, of Thomas Thoburn and Emma Jane (Wellman) Bonar, born Bowman Ridge, W. Va. 4-11-1889; died 4-22-1964. He is buried in Salem Cemetery.

Benjamin and Leta Bonar resided near Glen Easton, West Virginia; he was a teacher and farmer. Both Benjamin and Leta attended West Liberty State Normal School.


3164. Bernard Merle Bonar married Bernette V. Young. 3165. Elda Maxine Bonar married Gerald Wayt. 3166. Byron Lyle Bonar married Wilma Kathleen Newlon. 3167. Marvin Dale Bonar married Mary Alice Miller. 3168. Norma Lena Bonar married (1) Harold Bloyd Moore

(2) Franklin Delano Cross. 1431. CLARENCE ELMER MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, bornHow­

ard, W. Va. 8-28-1894; living, 1969; married 9-25-1925, Millie M. Blake, of James W. and Minnie Susan (Emery) Blake, born Kausooth, W. Va. 5-28-1905; living, 1969.

Clarence and Millie Mason reside near Glen Easton, West Virginia. He attended West Liberty State Normal and College (West Liberty, W. Va.) for two years, after which he taught school 37 terms before retiring in 1953. He also operated a farm and, as a hobby, made several violins.

Clarence Mason has been a tremendous help in the compilation of this family history and his kindness has been much appreciated.


3169. Kermit Willis Mason married Reva Lavaughn Durig. 3170. Deloris Ruth Mason married Terrill C. Durig. 31 71. Robert Ellsworth Mason unmarried. 31 72. Ralph Sherwood Mason married Mrs. Freda Reece Snodgrass. 3173. Leona Marie Mason married Philip Clegg. 3174. Eleanor Maxine Mason married Robert Earle Smith.

1432. SIDNEY SHIRLEY MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, born Pion­eer, W. Va. 3-10-1897; living, 1968; married 10-18-1919, Nora Ethel Robin­son, of William Riley and Annie (Wayt) Robinson, born Silver Hill, W. Va. 10-8-1897; living, 1969.

Sidney and Nora Mason resided in the area of Moundsville, West Virgin­ia where he was employed by the George Ellis Produce Company while Nora taught school and worked at the U.S. Stamping Company. They moved to the area of Canton, Ohio where he worked as plant guard at Diebold Incorporated and Nora worked at Timken Roller Bearing Company. About 194 7 they moved to Fresno, California and Sidney worked at General Telephone Company un­til his retirement; Nora worked at California Dental Supply Company.

Sidney served his country during World War I. 345

CHILDREN OF SIDNEY & NORA MASON (Sidney6Sidney5cynthia4


31 75. Irma Elaine Mason, unmarried. 3176. Marjorie Gail Mason married Francis L. Griffith.

1433. NATHAN HENRY MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, born Mar­shall Co., W. Va. 5-9-1903; died near Glen Easton, W. Va. 7-6-1956; mar­ried Bertha Hall, of Samuel Hall, born near Moundsville, W. Va. 2-12-1921; living, 1969. Nathan is buried in the Shepherd Cemetery, near Adaline, W. Va.

Nathan and Bertha Mason resided in Huntington and Glen Easton, West Virginia; she now resides near Moundsville. Nathan was self-employed as a painter and carpenter; he also played the violin. Nathan served in the U. S. Army.


3177. Linda Mason married James Wood. 3178. DEBORAH MASON, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

1434. HELEN CARRIE MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, born Adaline, W. Va. 7-24-1906; died Washington, Pa. 5-21-1964; married (1) William O. Beresford, born Graysville, W. Va.; died 12- -1956; married (2) Earl Ank­rom (3) Earl Brooks (4) Lee Fitzgerald (5) Eris Coulston, of William and Margaret (Neeley) Clouston, born Cameron, W. Va. 11-4-1901; died Wash­ington, Pa. 4-30-1969. William Beresford is buried in the family cemetery at Graysville, W. Va.; Eris and Helen are buried in Mt. Prospect Cemetery, at Hickory, Pa.

William and Helen Beresford resided in Moundsville and Creseap, West Virginia, and Alliance, Ohio; he was a carpenter, painter and salesman.

Earl and Helen Ankrom resided in Moundsville, West Virginia; he worked at general occupations and as an equipment operator.

Earl and Helen Brooks resided in Burbank, California; he was a farmer and pottery worker.

Lee and Helen Fitzgerald resided at Cameron, West Virginia; he was an active politician.

Eris and Helen Clouston resided at Hickory, Pennsylvania; he was a dair­y farmer.


3179. Charles William Beresford married Christine Mary Huth. 3180. James Elwood Beresford married Geraldine Cottrell. CHILDREN OF EARL & HELEN ANKROM (Helen6 Sidney5)

3181. Sidney A. E. Ankrom married Donna Rayle. 3182. Glenna Sherlene Ankrom married (1) Garland Joe Isiminger#

(2) Justin Clark Nelson. 1435. EULA M. MASON, of Sidney and Lena Mason, born Marshall Co.,

W. Va. 9- -1911; living, 1969; married Jay Davis. Jay and Eula Davis reside in Huntington Park, California.






1439. ELSIE MAY MASON, of Thomas and Elizabeth Mason, born Ada­line, W. Va. 3-19-1895; living, 1969; married (1) J. F. Clayton, of William Edwin and Mary Margaret (Murtaugh) Clayton, born Benwood, W. Va. 6-13-1895; died Moundsville, W. Va. 7-11-1944; married (2) J. P. Woodstuff, of John and Dora Woodstuff, born Germany 6-28-1889; living, 1969. J. F. Clay­ton is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, at Wheeling, W. Va.

J. F. and Elsie Clayton resided in Moundsville, West Virginia; he was jailer and deputy sheriff. He also worked at Blaw-Knox Company, at War­wood, West Virginia. Mr. Clayton served in World War I. Elsie now resides near Cameron, West Virginia.

CHILD OF J. F. & ELSIE CLAYTON (Elsie6Thomas5Cynthia4

3186. Mary Elizabeth Clayton married Justus Paul Ward. 1440, HAZEL ALMIRA MASON, of Thomas and Elizabeth Mason, born

Adaline, W. Va. 8-28-1897; living, 1969; married H. C. Ellery, of William and Jane Ellery, died 1945.

H. C. and Hazel Ellery resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; he worked on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as a wireman. Hazel now resides in Carrollton, Ohio.

4 CHILD OF H. C. & HAZEL ELLERY (Hazel6Thomas

5Cynthia )

3187. Harry Mason Ellery married Ilena Hayes. 1442. KEZIAH MASON, of Joseph and Rebecca Mason, born Pleasant

Ridge, W. Va. 1900; living, 1969; married (1) Frank Rutan (2) Raymond Bye. Keziah now resides in Downey, California.




1443, OCIE PEARL MASON, of Joseph and Rebecca Mason, born Bruin Ridge, W, Va.; died ; married William Wayt.


5Cynthia4 )


1444. NELLIE MASON, of Joseph and Rebecca Mason, born Loudenville, W. Va. 1905; living, 1968; married Charles Gorby.





1447. KENWOOD LOCHINVAR HANNAN, of Harvey and Melissa Hannan, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-18-1883; died 12-18-1895; unmarried. Buried at Corn­wallis, W. Va.

Kenwood L. Hannan was a telegraph operator on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; he was killed by a train. His parents having died while he was yet very young, he was raised by the LaVelles, near Cornwallis, West Virginia.

1448. MELVIN CHARLES HANNAN, of Harvey and Melissa Hannan, born Cairo, W. Va. 6-6-1885; living, 1968; married (1) 1906, Wettie Furr, born near Cairo, W. Va. Melvin married (2) 8-12-1919, Jessie Bell Haught, of Andrew and Cathern Haught, born 6-6-1894; died Cairo, W. Va. 12-15-1967. Jessie is buried in the Fairview Cemetery, on Oil Ridge, W. Va.

Resided in the areas of Cairo and Harrisville, West Virginia. Melvin is now retired from service with the South Penn Oil Company, having been an engineer on a compressor station. As a youth he was raised by a McKinney

~~- 5 CHILDREN OF MELVIN & WETTIE HANNAN (Melvin6Harvey r Wesley4)

(Melvin 6Harvey0 Sarah 4 ) 3197. Edith Hannan married James X. Myers. 3198. Gladys Virginia Hannan married D. S. Ocheltree. 3199. OLIS G. HANNAN, born and died (young) Ritchie Co., W. Va.; bur­

ied Egypt Cemetery. 6 5


3200. Ronald Lutrell Hannan married Rosa Hendrickson. 3201. OLIN HANNAN, born and died (young) Ritchie Co., W. Va. 3202. Charles Leo Hannan married Donna Eileen Schoolcraft. 3203. Edna Cathern Hannan married Robert Kerns. 3204. Robert McClellan Hannan married Billie Lee Workman.

1449. BESSIE E. HANNAN, of Harvey and Melissa Hannan, born Cairo, W. Va. 2-4-1888; married John Ord Zinn, who died Parkersburg, W. Va.

John and Bessie Zinn resided in Washington, D. C. where he was a build­ing contractor.

CHILD OF JOHN & BESSIE ZINN (Bessie6Harvelwesle/) (Bessie 6Harvey5Sarah 4)

3205. KATHERINE ZINN macried ____ Lord. 1451. MYRTLE IVY HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan. born Park­

ersburg, W. Va. 11-23-1896; living, 1968; married Robert McKinney. Reside St. Louis, Missouri. 1452. ELIZABETH HYACINTH HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan,

born Parkersburg, W. Va. 4-7-1898; died ____ ; married Claude Wigal. Resided Beechbottom, West Virginia. 1453. DORIS VIOLET HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan, born Park­

ersburg, W. Va. 12-19-1899; living, 1968; married John Cunningham, of 348

George and Lena Cunningham, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 4-28-1901; living. Reside Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1454. THOMAS SMITH HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 8-4-1901; living, 1968; married Dora Margaret Neal. Resided Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Belpre, Ohio. 1455. HELEN LUCILLE HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-31-1903; living, 1968; married Roy Brennen. Resided Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and St. Louis, Missouri. 1456. HILTON BROOKS HANNAN, of Thomas and Mary Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 2-26-1905; living, 1968; married Gertrude O'Donnell. Resided Wheeling, West Virginia, and St. Louis, Missouri. 1457. RALPH EMERSON HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 7-15-1912; living, 1968; married Ethel Smith. Resided Parkersburg, West Virginia, and Marietta, Ohio. 1458. MARGARET CATHERINE HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan,

born Parkersburg, W. Va. 2-27-1914; living, 1968; married (1) Shelton Way­land (2) Ralph McGary.

1459. VIRGINIA CAROL HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 3-3-1916; living, 1968; married Charles White.

Reside Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1460. GERALDINE VERA HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 1-18-1918; living, 1968; married Francis Hite. Reside Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1461. HAROLD DALE HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 8-7-1919; living, 1968; married Dorothy ___ _ 1462. KARL JOSEPH HANNAN, of Thomas and Martha Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va. 12-9-1923; living, 1968; married (1) Ruth Ann __ _ (2) Emma Weaver.

Reside Parkersburg, West Virginia. 1463. HOWARD WESLEY HANNAN, of Wesley S. and Eva Hannan, born

Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Tillie Pauline Hahn, of Henry Charles and Emma Louise (Lehman) Hahn, born Brenham, Tex. ; living.

Howard and Tillie reside in Brenham, Texas where he is employed by the Sun Oil Company, as a lease operator. He has served this company for some 38 years.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF HOWARD & TILLIE HANNAN (Howard Wesley Wesley )

(Howard6Wesley5Sarah 4) 3206. Betty Jean Hannan married Elroy Kuecker. 3207. Howard Wesley Hannan Jr., unmarried.

1464. JOHN ROSCOE HANNAN, of Wesley S. and Eva Hannan, born near Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Virgie Elizabeth Routon, of Theo­phalus Eugene and Florence Alvis (Doss) Routon, born Routon, Tenn. ; living.

John R. and Virgie reside in Beaumont, Texas where he is office manag­er for the Gulf Coast Division of Sun Oil Company, having been with this comp­any some 38 years.

John attended Byrne Commercial College and has continued studying in 349

the field of accounting at Lamar College (Beaumont, lex.). 5 4

CHILDREN OF JOHN R. & VIRGIE HANNAN (John Wesley Wesley ) 6 5 4.

(John Wesley Sarah ) 3208. John Roscoe Hannan Jr. married Nancy Mary Dodge. 3209. Virginia May Hannan, unmarried.

1466. MATTIE MARJORIE HANNAN, of Wesley S. and Eva Hannan, born Hamlin, W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Resides in Temple, Texas. 1467. LILLIAN DARE HANNAN, of Wesley S. and Eva Hannan, born Ham­

lin, W. Va.; living, 1968; married William Addison Benton Ill, of William A. and Ruth Asbury (Secrest) Benton, born Jacksonville, Fla.; living, 1968.

William and Lillian reside in Tampa, Florida where he is employed by the Florida Steel Corporation. He has been in the employ of this corporation more than 15 years, now serving as assistant to tbe Vice-President of Pro­duction. They formerly resided in Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. Benton serv­ed as a Lieutenant in tbe United States Navy.

CHILDREN OF WlLLIAM & LILLIAN BENTON (Lillian6Wesleiwesle,/) (Lillian6WesleybSarah )

3210. WlLLIAM WESLEY BENTON, born Jacksonville, Fla.; at home. 3211. JOHN DAVID BENTON, born Jacksonville, Fla. ; at home.

1468. MARY ANN HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins, born Littleton, W. Va. 3-22-1886; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 1-24-1942; married 11-4-1902, Lenny Edson Everly, of Ogden and Louisa (Furman) Everly, born Bald Hill, Pa. 5-20-1873; died Spencer, W. Va. 2-26-1953. Mary Ann is bur­ied in the Lantz Cemetery, at Jacksonburg, W. Va.; Lenny is buried in the Spencer Cemetery, at Spencer, W. Va.

L. E. and Mary took up residence in the area of Jacksonburg, West Vir­ginia; they later removed to the Bald Hill area of Greene County, Pennsyl­vania where they remained some years. Their later years together were spent in Parkersburg, West Virginia and, after Mary's death, Mr. Everly resided in Salem and Spencer, West Virginia. He was a driller in the oil and gas fields of both West Virginia and Pennsylvania

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF L. E. & MARY EVERLY (Mary Ida Thomas )

3212. Harold Glen Everly married Orla Harris. 3213. MELBA A. EVERLY, born and died (young) Bald Hill, Pa.; buried

in Fairview Cemetery, at Taylortown, Pa. 1469. GEORGE OFFORD HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins,

born Littleton, W. Va. 8-20-1887; living, 1968; married 4-24-1907, Rosa Pearl Batson, of Alfred and Cecelia (Hibbs) Batson, born Richwood Run, W. Va. 7-5-1891; living, 1968.

G. Offord and Rosa have resided throughout their married life in the area of Jacksonburg, West Virginia where he is now retired. He was employed by the Quaker State Oil Company, working as an oil well shooter. During World War II he worked for the government.




3214. Helen Dale Huggins married Charles Shaffer. 3215. Evelyn F. Huggins married Earl Morgan Richman. 3216. Mary Cecelia Huggins married Virgil Nathan Phillips. 3217. George Frederick Huggins married Garnet Fluharty.

1472. WINNIE MAE HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 1-26-1896; died 2-27-1969; married 7-26-1916, Charles Frederick Steinhoff, of George Benjamin and Mathilda Jane (Anderson) Stein­hoff, born Wood Co., W. Va. 10-21-1889; living, 1968. Winnie is buried in the Jacksonburg Cemetery, at Jacksonburg, W. Va.

Charles and Winnie resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was employed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They were later divorced and he resides in Newark, Ohio. Winnie graduated from Parkersburg Business College in 1916.




3218. Idale Steinhoff married Robert Ward Buskirk IL 3219. MACK B. STEINHOFF, born Parkersburg, W. Va. --served in the

1st Marine Batt. in the Pacific Theater in World War II. 1473. BONNIE PEACH HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins,

born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 3-4-1898; living, 1969; married 4-8-1914, Walter Snyder, of Charles and Rosa (Houser) Snyder, born Barklows, Md. 12-19-1892; living, 1968.

Walter and Bonnie Peach reside near Moscow, Pennsylvania where he is now retired. He was formerly employed by the Scranton Times. Previously he had been employed by Bethlehem Steel Company (1915-1924) and had an industrial exemption from service during World War I.



3220. Sarah Margaret Snyder married Reese R. Jones. 1474. CARL C. HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins, born

Jacksonburg, W. Va. 4-22-1900; living, 1968; marrirfd --~- ___ _ CHILDREN OF CARL & HUGGINS (Carl6Ida~Thomas )


1475. GLADYS IMOGENE HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 7-13-1903; living, 1968; married Robert H. Frame, born W. Va. 2-11-1901; living, 1968.

Robert and Imogene reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he is an E­lectrical Engineer, heading the Frame Electric Company. Robert attended Pittsburgh Technical School.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ROBERT & IMOGENE FRAME (Imogene Ida Thomas )

3223. Robert R. Frame married Carolle Morgan. 351

3224. Sue Ann Frame married Ernest Bergamo. 1476. RAY HERBERT HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins,

born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 3-19-1906; died 1-6-1968; married Cora Jeanette McKinney, of Howard Green and Lulu Jane (Snider) McKinney, born Glen­dale, W. Va. 8-21-1907; living, 1968.

Ray and Cora resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia where she remains. He was employed by the F. M. C. Corporation until his retirement in 1966. Cora received her R. N. from St. Josephs Hospital School of Nursing, in 1929, after which she attended George Peabody College (Nashville, Tenn.) and was an industrial nurse some 20 years.



3225. Patricia A. Huggins married William Malloy. 3226. Barbara Jean Huggins married W. Patrick Long.

1477. GUY FRANKLIN HUGGINS, of Stephen and Ida (Hennen) Huggins, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 3-12-1910; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 8-31-1965; married Ide E. Wilson, of George and Bessie (Britton) Wilson, born Oxford, W. Va. 6-7-1912; living, 1968. Guy is buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, at Parkersburg, W. Va.

Resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF FRANK & IDA HUGGINS (Frank6Ida5Thomas


3227. Frances Jane Huggins married James Harrison. 3228. Jackie 0. Wilson married Alice May Wildman.

1480. PEARL IRENE HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Wet­zel Co., W. Va. ; living, 1969; married Herbert J. Dengate, of William J. and Alma (Weiser) Dengate, born Bedford, Oh. ; died Logan, W, Va. He is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, at Hudson, Oh.

Resided Detroit, Michigan; Bedford and New Concord, Ohio; she now re­sides in the latter place. Mr. Dengate was field engineer for the Iron Fire­man Manufacturing Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. Pearl attended Musking­um College after which she taught school and headed the I?_ay Care Center.



3229. Dorothy Arlene Dengate married George J. Albrecht. 3230. Muriel Joyce Dengate married (1) Richard Clinton (2) Paul Zvada. 3231. Nancy Lou Dengate married (1) Ted Zieminski (2) Ian Macpherson.

1481, OLIVE IDA HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Cam­bridge, Oh.; living, 1969; married George I. Atherton, of Ira and Elizabeth Atherton, born Sparta, Mich.; died Cincinnati, Oh. He is buried in Arling­ton Memorial Garden, at Cincinnati, Oh.

Resided Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio; he was manager-owner of Duro Cinder Block Company.




3232. George William Atherton married Constance Lee Preston. 1482. RUTH ELEANOR HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born

Cambridge, Oh.; living, 1969; married Harold W. Meeker, of Clark and Bessie (Stitt) Meeker, born Sunbury, Oh.; living, 1969.

Resided Cambridge, Columbus and Barnesville, Ohio; he was employed by the United Dairy Company, now retired.





3233. Shirley Ann Meeker married Robert M. Mooney. 1483. EDGAR HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Cambridge,

Oh.; living, 1969; married (1) Anne Bertman, died Cincinnati, Oh.; married (2) Elizabeth Zimmerman, of Philip and Elizabeth (Buckheit) Zimmerman, born Reading, Oh.; living, 1969. Anne is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, at Glendale, Oh.

Reside Cincinnati, Ohio; he is superintenden~ of Duro Block Company. CHILD OF EDGAR & HENNEN (Edgar William



3234. David Allen Hennen married Barbara Jean McCarthy. 1484. CARL AUGUSTUS HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born

Cambridge, Oh.; living, 1969; married Elisabeth Melnik, of John and Elisa­beth (Bronyik) Melnik, born Lokart, Hungary; living, 1969.

Reside New Concord, Ohio; formerly resided Bedford and Hudson. Ohio. He is employed at Cambridge State Hospital.




3235. Ronald William Hennen married Joan Kirby. 3236. GARY WILLIS HENNEN. born Bedford, Oh.; unmarried. 3237. RALPH WESLEY HENNEN, born Bedford, Oh.; unmarried.

1485. VIOLET AGNES HENNEN, of William and Agnes Helllen. born Cambridge, Oh.; living, 1969; married Charles Best, of Charles William and Alice (Scott) Best, born New Concord, Oh.; living, 1969.

Reside New Concord, Ohio; he is now retired after having worked some 30 years for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.



Thomas 4


3238. Janet Ruth Best married (1) James Hanna (2) Stanley Dickson. 3239. Marilyn Best married Thomas Williams. 3240. Rebecca Best marr.ied George Carroll Little. 3241. ROBIN JILL BEST, born New Concord, Oh.; unmarried.

1486. NAOMI JANE HENNEN, of William and Agnes Hennen, born Cam­bridge, Oh. ; living, 1969; married Donald Nichols.

Resided Bloomingdale, Ohio, and Follansbee, West Virginia; he is em­ployed by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and she is a graduate nurse.


6William5Thomas )

3242. SUSAN NICHOLS, born Bloomingdale, Oh.; unmarried. 353

3243. DONALD NICHOLS, born Bloomingdale, Oh.; unmarried. 1487. PEARL LULA HENNEN, of George and Ida Hennen, born Cam­

bridge, Oh.; living, 1969; married (1) Raymond Winnett (2) Robert Hillier, died Akron, Oh.

6 5 4


3244. WlNNETT ----3245. WlNNETT 3246. WINNETT

1488. THOMAS BENJAMIN HENNEN, of George and Ida Hennen, born Cambridge, Oh.; died East Liverpool, Oh.; married Martha ___ _

1489. CHARLES WlLLIAM HENNEN, of George and Ida Hennen, born Cambridge, Oh.; died Cambridge, Oh.; married Harriet Jenkins. He is bur­ied in Northwood Cemetery, at Cambridge, Oh.

They had no children. 1490, WlLBER LEROY HENNEN, of George and Ida Hennen, born Cam-

bridge, Oh.; died ____ ; married (1) May Conner (2) Lucille Helmes. 1491. CORA BELL HENNEN, of George and Ida Hennen, born Cambridge,

Oh.; living, 1969; married Willard Sunnafrank. 1492. JESSIE SHIRLEY ALLEY, of Isaac and Louisa Alley, born Pine

Grove, W. Va. 12-16-1887; died 12-14-1967; unmarried. Buried in Martin Cemetery, near Pine Grove, W. Va.

Jessie Alley resided throughout her life in the property purchased byher grandfather Alley, in 1869. Jessie was the first female to graduate from the Pine Grove School. She attended West Virginia Wesleyan College, studying piano, for a short time but returned to Pine Grove to help care for her fath­er and family.

1493. JOE ALLEY, of Isaac and Louisa Alley, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 10-19-1889; living, 1969; unmarried.

Joe Alley, with his sister has spent his entire lifetime on the home farm of his grandfather Alley. He attended West Virginia Wesleyan College where he took a course in Business and Bookkeeping. He was employed for many years by the Eureka Pipe Line Company, first as a Station Engineer-Tele­graph Operator and later as an oil field gauger. During World War I Joe en­listed in the army but was deferred for some time, at the request of his em­ployer; however, he did serve one year in that war.

We are deeply indebted to Joe Alley for his untiring efforts to obtain re­cords of this family. Without his help this line, as well as many others, would have been impossible to have been included herein. Thanks Joe!

1494. JOHN FRIEND ALLEY, of Isaac and Louisa Alley, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 3-17-1891; living, 1969; married 6-25-1919, Alice Mildred Hawkins, of Ralph R. and Sarah Hawkins, born Corduroy, Pa. 6-20-1893; living, 1969.

J. Friend and Alice have resided throughout their married lifetime in the area of Pine Grove, West Virginia. He attended Elliot Business College (in Wheeling, W. Va.) after which he taught school several years. He was a mem­ber of the West Virginia State Legislature during World War I, thereby being


exempted from service. During the later years preceding his retirement he was Construction Foreman for the Eureka Pipe Line Company, at Pine Grove, West Virginia. He was also cashier of the Bank of Pine Grove for a number of years.

4 CHILDREN OF FRIEND & ALICE ALLEY (Friend6Isaac5 Thomas )

3247. NORMAN ALLEY, born and died (young) Pine Grove, W. Va.; bur ied K. of P. Cemetery, at Hastings, W. Va.

3248, Jack Roger Alley married Betty Dunbar. 3249. Neal Alley married Margie Allread. 3250, EVELYN ALLEY, born Pine Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmar­

ried. Being blind. she is at home with her parents. 1495. MARY JANE ALLEY, of Isaac and Louisa Alley, born Pine Grove,

W. Va. 9-19-1892; livi.ng, 1969; married 1-20-1913, George W. Hawkins, of Ralph R. and Sarah Hawkins, born Corduroy, Pa. 1-18-1890; died 11-9-1964.

George and Mary Jane resided in Pine Grove, West Virginia for some 22 years before removing to Elkview, same state, where they remained in a per­manent residence. George attended West Virginia Wesleyan College after which he was employed as Chief Engineer at the Pine Grove Pure Oil Station; he was later foreman for the Eureka Pipe Line Company, at Blue Creek, W. Va.

Mary Jane learned telegraphy, with her brother, Joe, using lines from the homes of Isaac Alley and Ralph Hawkins. Later when George Hawkins was construction foreman at Elkview the company telegraph lines were in their home and Mary Jane's knowledge of telegraphy was helpful as she could take and relay messages. She also studied piano.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & MARY HAWKINS (Mary Isaac Thomas )

3251. Raymond B. Hawkins married Helen Shreve. 3252. MARY LOLA HAWKINS, born Pine Grove, W, Va.; living, 1969;

unmarried--elementary school teacher. 3253. THOMAS L. HAWKINS, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 3254. DOROTHY B. HAWKINS, born Pine Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969;

unmarried--at home. 3255. Frances W. Hawkins married Jack Norwood Casdorph.

1496. FRANK VINCENT HENDERSON, of Robert and Eliza Jane (Alley) Henderson, born near Pine Grove, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Matilda Postlethwaite.

Reside Paden City, West Virginia; he is now retired. " CHILDREN OF VINCENT & MATILDA HENDERSON (Vincent6Eliza"

Thomas4 ) 3256. Mary Henderson married ____ West. 3257. Kenneth Henderson married ----3258, Ruth Henderson married Dale Cain.

1497, JOHNS. HENDERSON, of Robert and Eliza Jane (Alley) Henderson, born near Pine Grove, W. Va. 8-8-1892; died Steubenville, Oh. 3-26-1964; married Flossie McCoy. He is buried in the Martin Cemetery.


Resided Buckhannon, West Virginia; he was a veteran of World War I. John Henderson served as auditor of the West Virginia State Road Commiss­ion, having retired from this position less than two weekg before 2is death.


3259. JOHN W. HENDERSON 1498. KITTIE BRIDGETT HENDERSON, of Robert and Eliza Jane (Alley)

Henderson, born near Pine Grove, W. Va. 5-25-1894; living, 1968; married 5-4-1921, John Elmer Vandine, of Charles 0. and Louella (Brock) Vandine, born Halls Mills, W. Va. 7-27-1896; living, 1968.

John and Kittie Vandine have resided in Pine Grove and Wileyville, West Virginia; they presently reside in Aleppo Township of Greene County, Penn­sylvania. Mr. Vandine has worked as a "powder monkey" or shooter on pipe lines; also is a farmer. He is a veteran of World War I.




3260. Josephine Kathern Vandine married Guy A. Palmer. 3261. Roxie Imogene Vandine married Jack Holt Smith. 3262. Frankie Jane Vandine married Delbert Eugene Rush. 3263. John Robert Vandine married Belvia Dyrimple. 3264. Isaac Burns Vandine married Alberta Martin. 3265. David Lee Vandine married Fay Westfall. 3266. Michael Ross Vandine married Jolene Yoho.

1499. THOMAS HENNEN HENDERSON, of Robert and Eliza Jane (Alley) Henderson, born near Pine Grove, W. Va. 1896; died 1920; unmarried. He is buried in the Martin Cemetery, near Pine Grove, W. Va.

Thomas H. Henderson was a veteran of World War I, having done battle duty in Germany. He was taken prisoner and held for some time, after which he was discharged from service. He remained in poor health, having been gassed, and only lived a little more than a year after his discharge.

1500. CHARLES HENDERSON, of Robert and Eliza Jane (Alley) Hender­son, born near Pine Grove, W. Va. ; living, 1968; married Hazel Vandine. Hazel is buried in the Lantz Cemetery, at Reader, W. Va.


Thomas 4


3267. GERMAINE HENDERSON married Kenneth Miller. 1501. STELLA HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born

Centerville, W. Va. 4-15-1889; died ; married Wren Thomas. --- 6 5 4

CHILDREN OF WREN & STELLA THOMAS (Stella Permelia Thomas )

3268. PATRICK THOMAS married Betty Williams. 3269. THOMAS THOMAS married Eloise Pollen. 3270. JOSEPH THOMAS

1502. BLANCHE HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born Centerville, W. Va. 9-12-1891; living, 1968; married Clyde Ste",'.art.

CHILD OF CLYDE & BLANCHE STEWART (Blanche6Permelia;:,Thomas4

) 356

3271. CLESS STEWART married Catherine Baum. 1503. ISAAC HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born

Centerville, W. Va. 9-9-1893; living, 1968; married Inez Davis, born ___ ; died 7-20-1959.

Resided Joseph's Mills, West Virginia;he was afarmer and school teach­er.




3272. PEARL HEADLEY married Edd Williams. 1504. JOHN W. HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born

Centerville, W. Va. 5-26-1896; died ; married Blanche Thomas. --- 6 5 4


3273. LESTER HEADLEY married Winona Williams. 3274. HARLON HEADLEY married Patsy Eddy. 3275. WANDA HEADLEY married Laurens Hanlon. 3276. MARY HEADLEY married William Mason. 3277. NELLIE HEADLEY married James Baker.

1505. THOMAS HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born Centerville, W. Va. 4-24-1899; living, 1968; married Olive McDougal.

Reside in Wilbur, West Virginia; he was a merchant. CHILD OF THOMAS & OLIVE HEADLEY (Thomas




3278. HOWARD HEADLEY 1506. MARTIN HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born

Centerville, W. Va. 7-11-1901; died ; unmarried. 1507. LOLA HEADLEY, of David and Permelia (Alley) Headley, born

Centerville, W. Va. 2-5-1904; living, 1968; married Dewey Hamilton, born 11-15--1902; died 12-31-1961.



3279. RALPH HAMILTON 1515. BURRELL LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine

Grove, W. Va. 7-1-1889; died Burnt House, W. Va. 9-25-1915; unmarried. Buried in Simpson Hill Cemetery, at Pine Grove, W. Va.

Burrell Long was a graduate of West Virginia Wesleyan College with a degree in engineering.

1516. EARLE T. LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 2-21-1892; living, 1968; married 5-16-1923, Clara Monger, of Thomas and Mary Monger, born Mannington, W. Va. 2-24-1897; died 11-3-1968.

Earle and Clara M. Long resided throughout most of their married life in Pine Grove, West Virginia; their later years were spent in Parkersburg, same state, where he now resides. Earle was employed by the South Penn Oil Company and Clara was a school teacher.


6 5 4 CHILDREN OF EARLE & CLARA LONG (Earle Sarah Thomas )

3280. _____ LONG, died young.

3281. Thomas Long married Grace Morris. 3282. Mary Margaret Long married Don Lauer. 3283. Ruth Lynn Long married John Case.

1517. BESSIE LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 2-4-1894; living, 1968; married Forrest Ray Long, of Samuel Jones and Mary (Morgan) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 7-11-1888; died Weston, W. Va. 10-14-1957. He is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Weston.

Resided McWhorter, Camden and Weston, West Virgin~. • CHILDREN OFF. RAY & BESSIE LONG (Bessie

6Sarah Thomas


3284. Wade E. Long married Garnet Lamb. 3285. Lois Long married John C. Woofter. 3286. Forrest G. Long married Imelda Ruth Dobbins. 3287. Thomas B. Long married Maxine White. 3288. Ray J. Long Jr. married Emma Lee Brown. 3289. June R. Long married Howard Floyd Richmond. 3290. Mary Catherine Long married Melvin Garrett. 3291. Robert Jack Long married Madelyn Heath.

(Ray Jr. and June Long are twins) 1518. PATRICK HAROLD LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long,

born Pine Grove, W. Va. 2-3-1896; living, 1968; married (1) Freda Hick­man, of William and Della Hickman; married (2) Emma Conelly.

. 6 ~ 4 CHILDREN OF PATRICK & FREDA LONG (Patrick Sarah Thomas )


1519. MARIE LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 10-4-1898; living, 1968; married 3-15-1919, Dewey Cross, of John and Mary Ellen (Kiger) Cross, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 8-24-1898; living.

Dewey and Marie resided in Pine Grove, West Virginia; Marie now makes her home with her sister, Bessie Long.

6 5 4 CHILD OF DEWEY & MARIE CROSS (Marie Sarah Thomas )

3294. Nellie Juanita Cross married Edward Ray Conaway. 1520. VICTOR R. LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine

Grove, W. Va. 3-17-1900; living, 1968; married Opal Robinson, of Frank and Margaret Robinson, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 2-11-1901; living, 1968.

Reside in Jacksonville, Florida. 6 5 4


3295. RALPH I. LONG married Faye ___ _ 3296. NORMAN LONG married Shirley Masters.

1521. CARL LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, 358

W. Va. 8-3-1901; died New Martinsville, W. Va. 4-30-1969; married Opal Leona Shreve, of William and Ora Shreve. Carl is buried in the Northview Cemetery, at New Martinsville, W. Va.

Resided Pine Grove, West Virginia; he was a fai:_mer and truck driver. 6 b 4


3297. LEORA LONG married Burl Barr. 3298. DONNA LONG married Arnie Greathouse. 3299.KAY LONG, unmarried. 3300. SUE ANN LONG married Dimetrios Natsis.

1522. DON LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 5-23-1904; living, 1968; married (1) Mae Postlethwaite, of David and Matilda (Frankhauser) Postlethwaite, born Pine Grove, W. Va.; mar­ried (2) Maycelle Canterbury, of William Andrew and Minnie Warren Canter­bury, born Charleston, W. Va. 3-1-1908; living, 1968.

Don and Mae resided in Camden and Weston, West Virginia; Don and May­celle have resided in Charleston and Belle, West Virginia, and Wyandotte, Michigan. Don served in the U.S. Army with the rank of Sergeant, 1920-21. He was employed for some 5 years by the Reserve Gas Company, after which he spent some 42 years in the employ of tlf;8 Pen% Salt Chimical Company.

CHILDREN OF DON & MAE LONG (Don Sarah Thomas )

3301. Donald E. Long married June Locke. 3302. William D. Long married Gloria ___ _,,_· CHILDREN OF DON & MAYCELLE LONG (Don°Sarah


3303. Billy B. Long married Rosella Diebler. 3304. Joan Long married Lawrence Eschrich. 3305. Richard Long married Susan Loucke.

1523. WILBUR V. LONG, of William and Sarah (Alley) Long, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 8-23-1908; living, 1968; married Esther Wilson, of Isaac and Minnie Wilson, born Pine Grove, W. Va. 6-3-1912; living, 1968.

Reside Pine Grove, West Virginia; he is a welder and truck and bus dri-ver.



3306. ROBERT V. LONG married Jean Lemasters. 3307. MICHAEL W. LONG, unmarried.

1524. EMMA BLANCHE STACKPOLE, of Uriah and Rebecca (Fluharty) Stackpole, born Ross, W. Va. 4-9-1888; living, 1968; married 7-22-1910, Francis Lee Wharton, of Jasper and Louisa (Pyle) Wharton, born Dearborn, Pa. 4-26-1887; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 1966. He is buried in Memorial Gardens, at Parkersburg, W. Va.

Resided Parkersburg, West Virginia; he was employed for some 38 years by the American Viscose Corporation.


6 5 4 CHILDREN OFF. LEE & EMMA WHARTON (Emma Rebecca Martha )

3308. Frank Wharton married (1) Pauline Jackson (2) Elva Kesterson. 3309. Joseph Wharton married Zelpha Burdette. 3310. Doris Wharton married George Van Scoy. 3311. Raymond Wharton married Jane Neeley. 3312. Loraine Wharton married Thomas Duckworth. 3313. Anna Wharton married Robert Turner. 3314. Betty Wharton married Roy Javine. 3315. Warren Wharton married Barbara Sarrott.

1525. DELLA STACKPOLE, of Uriah and Rebecca (Fluharty) Stackpole, born Ross, W. Va. ____ ; died Weston, W. Va. ____ ; married William Akins, born Red Rock, Pa. ____ ; died Glascow, W. Va. ____ . Both are buried in Montgomery, W. Va.

Resided Ross, West Virginia; William was employed by the Virginia Gas­oline and Oil Company for some 30 years, retiring in 1948.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & DELLA AKINS (Della Rebecca Martha )

3316. CHARLES AKINS, died young. 3317. Anna Akins married Orville C. Cook.

1526. VADA FRANCES FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 8-19-1888; died Clarksburg, W. Va. 10-13-1933; married 12-5-1924, Samuel Thomas Griffith, of Albert and Estella (Phillips) Griffith, bornUffington, W. Va. 1-9-1895; living, 1968. Vada is buried in the I.0.0. F. Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Samuel and Vada resided in Clarksburg, West Virginia where he was em­ployed by the Weirton Steel Corporation. He married, second, Sue Stealey and moved to Steubenville, Ohio.



3318, Harold Marion Griffith married Ruth Alice Fust. 1528. ADA FLORENCE FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born

Ross, W. Va. 2-13-1892; died West Milford, W. Va. 7-2-1963; married 11-29-1913, William Norman Wharton, of Jasper Wharton, born Alvy, W. Va. 1-3-1892; died West Milford, W. Va. 5-16-1965. Both are buried in the I. 0. O. F. Cemetery, at West Milford, W. Va.

William and Ada resided in West Milford, West Virginia where he was employed by the Hope Natural Gas Company.


3319. Jesse Donald Wharton married Bertha Adams. 3320. JUNE ELIZABETH WHARTON, born West Milford, W, Va.; died

Columbus, Oh.; buried West Milford, W. Va.; unmarried. She was a missionary in Cleveland, Oh. and Philadelphia, Pa.

1532. HOMER TAYLOR FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 1-9-1898; living, 1969; married 4-14-1923, Opal Jane Nixon.


of John W. and Lucinda Belle (Wiley) Nixon, born Ross, W. Va. 1-10-1904; died Reader. W. Va. 10-11-1960.

Homer and Opal took up residence in the area of Ross, West Virginia; later moved to Toronto, Ohio, and again back to West Virginia, settling in Reader where he yet resides. Mr. Fluharty followed an occupation with the railway and was a conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad from Columbus (Oh.) to Pitcairn (Pa.). Opal was a practical nurse.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF HOMER & OPAL FLUHARTY (Homer John Martha )

3321. Virginia Lee Fluharty married Ellis Hayes Jr. 3322. Verla Imogene Fluharty married Lloyd L. Leek.

1533. MARTHA JANE FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 5-14-1900; died Ross, W. Va. 8-23-1927; married 9-19-1925, William L. Herron, of John B. and Mary Herron, born Ross, W. Va. ___ ; living, 1968. Martha is buried in the Wiley Cemetery, at Ross.

Resided Ross, West Virginia; he was a farmer and construction worker. William now resides in Woodsfield, Ohio.




3323. Bruce Eugene Herron married Carmella Teresa Nobile. 1534. HAZEL FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross,

W. Va. 4-23-1902; living, 1968; married 12-22-1928, Weston William Griff­ith, of Albert and Estella (Phillips) Griffith, born Uffington, W. Va. 2-24-1897; died Ross, W. Va. 12-23-1943. Both are buried in the Wiley Ceme­tery, at Ross, W. Va.

Weston and Hazel resided in Clarksburg, West Virginia where he was a bookkeeper. She now resides in Salem, West Virginia.


Martha4 )

3324. CLARENCE EDWARD GRIFFITH, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; died (young) Wheeling, W. Va.; buried Wiley Cemetery, at Ross, W. Va.

3325. Louise Virginia Griffith married ____ Weekley. 3326. Ruth Elaine Griffith married ____ Jones. 3327. Eleanor Frances Griffith married _____ Halpenny.

1535. DAISY FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 9-20-1904; living, 1969; married 4-15-1933, William Jennings Cann­on, of John and Mamie Cannon, born Gilmer Co., W. Va. 12-31-1900; died Parkersburg, W. Va. 5-19-1955. He is buried in New Martinsville, W. Va.

William and Daisy resided in Ross, West Virginia, and Duquesne, Penn­sylvania; he was employed by U. S. Steel Company, as an electrician. Daisy now resides in Parkersburg, West Virginia.



3328. Gladys Elnora Cannon married Ardell Clifford Leek. 3329. Edmond Neal Cannon married Betty Jean Davis.

1536. MILDRED FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, 361

W. Va. 2-14-1907; living, 1969; married 9-2-1933, Harry Glenn Pitts, of Charles Leander and Cora Pitts, born Alvy, W. Va. 5-23-1906; living.

Resided Clarksburg, Mannington and Vienna, West Virginia; he has been a building contractor and Mildred is a Registered Nurse.


3330. Jo Ellen Pitts married Ralph Blair. 3331. Glen Roger Pitts married Patricia Pepper.

1537. IRENE FLUHARTY, of John K. and Sarah Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 9-7-1910; living, 1969; married 5-15-1937, Lawrence T. Anderson, of Andy and Cora Anderson, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 6-5-1915; living,

Resided Clendenin, Jacksonburg and Vienna, West Virginia; he was em­ployed by the Hope Natural Gas Company.



3332. Sheldon Lawrence Anderson married Elva Jane Smith. 3333. Shelva Jean Anderson married David John Kandrat. 3334. Ardith Virginia Anderson married James Rupe. 3335. Frances Jane Anderson married Danny Joe Samples.

1538. JAMES IRA FLUHARTY, of William and Jane Fluharty, born Ross, W. Va. 1-30-1899; died Wheeling, W. Va. 3-16-1966; unmarried. Buried in Talkington Cemetery, at Braden Station, W. Va.

James I. Fluharty attended West Virginia University for three years after which he taught school in Shirley, West Virginia. Later he was employed by the Moundsville Echo and Wheeling Intelligencer, West Virginia newspapers.

1539. MARTHA VIRGINIA FLUHARTY, of William and Inez Fluharty, born Paden City, W. Va. 4-9-1913; living, 1969; married Robert Drew, of Harry and Mary Ellen (Shakespeare) Drew, born Clarksburg, W, Va. 6-6-1909; died St. Albans, W. Va. 11-14-1916. He is buried in Cunningham Mem­orial Park, at St. Albans.

Resided in Clarksburg and St. Albans, West Virginia. Virginia attended West Virginia Business College; Robert was employed by the Weirton Steel Corporation and Valley Bell Dairy Company; also by the Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, in St. Albans.

CHILD OF ROBERT & VIRGINIA DREW (Virginia6William5Martha4)

3336. Carol Ann Drew married Bernard R. Lively. 1540. INTHA LEAH FLUHARTY, Of William and Inez Fluharty, born

Middlebourne, W. Va. 2-25-1925; living, 1969; married Gilt Meletti. Reside Akron, Ohio.



333 7. Corinne Inez Meletti married Richard Bower. 3338. Karen Lynn Meletti married Eugene Janickos. 3339.

1541. WILMA NADENE FLUHARTY, of William and Inez Fluharty, born 362

Middlebourne, W. Va. 2-5-1927; living, 1969; married Herman Lewis, of Harry and Maude Lewis, born Huntington, W. Va. 9-10-1921; living, 1969.

Reside St. Albans, West Virginia; she is a Master Beautician, having worked in Sistersville and St. Albans (W. Va.). Wilma is a graduate of the Marty Beauty School, at Huntington. Herman is a dental laboratory technic­ian, presently owner of the Mountain State Dental Laboratory in St. Albans. He served in the Army Medical Corps (1946-47) as a PFC.


3340. DAPHNE DAWN LEWIS, born Morgantown, W. Va.; at home. 334L KIMBERLY ROBIN LEWIS, born Glendale, W. Va.; at home.

1544. ELLA EMMA CHRISTENA ALLEY, of John and Viola Alley, born St. Joseph, W. Va. 10-2-1892; living, 1968; married 8-9-1911, Charles Jackson Wilson, of William Bonar and Eliza Jane (Gorby) Wilson, born Mar­shall Co., W. Va. 10-13-1883; died Lewis Co., W. Va. 1-30-1962.

Resided in the Bowman Ridge and Moundsville areas of West Virginia. Charles attended West Liberty State College after which he taught school for some years; he was also a farmer. After moving to Moundsville he was a watchman for Fostoria Glass Company.




3342. Ruby Pauline Wilson married Edison Clemens Rine. 3343. Forrest Brady Wilson married (1) Edith Virginia Bessey

(2) Opal Launa Garten. 3344. Nora Juanita Wilson married Dale Pershing Ward. 3345. Charles Harley Wilson, unmarried. 3346. Naomi Jean Wilson married Howard Reece Wilson. 3347. Jack Richard Wilson married Sussanne Marie Gemerchak. 3348. Mary Virginia Wilson married Guy Davis.

1545. JENNIE E. ALLEY, of John and Clara Alley, born Glen Easton, W. Va. 11-1-1921; married 8-19-1939, Harold W. Cunningham, of William and Nettie Cunningham, born Boggs Run, W. Va. 6-12-1913.

1546. MELVIN ELWOOD ALLEY, of John and Clara Alley, born Glen Easton, W. Va. 4-20-1923; married 7-19-1944, Martina Blake, of Levi and Laura Blake, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 1928.


) (only one of whom we have record)

3349. DELMAR EUGENE ALLEY. 1547. WILLIAM FORREST ALLEY, of Elias Sheridan and Mary Alley,

born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 3-19-1897; died Marshall Co., W. Va. 5- -1942; married Vella Church.

CHILDREN OF FORREST & VELLA ALLEY (Forrest6 Elias S.5 William 4)

3350. PAUL EDWARD ALLEY married (1) Mildred Romaine Mason (2) Jenny Fisher.

3351. HELEN LOUISE ALLEY married Glenn Richmond Harris. 363

3352. REX ELWOOD ALLEY 3353. DORIS LOUISE ALLEY married Charles C. Estep. 3354. INFANT ALLEY, born and died (young) Moundsville, W. Va.

1551. WILLARD VIRGIL ALLEY, of Elias S. and Mary Alley, born Lynn Camp, W. Va. 4-6-1915; died Orlando, Fla. 1-23-1965; married Maxine

Resided McMechen, West Virginia, and Orlando, Florida. He was em­ployed as a postal clerk and was a veteran of World War TI.


William L. 4 )

3355. CHARLES ALLEY 1553. SARAH FLORENCE KENT, of Edward and Mary Kent, born Jack­

son Co., W. Va. 5-20-1890; died Cameron, W. Va. 1-19-1965; married 1-15-1909, John Webster Alley#525.

For further data see #525. 1584. HAZEL ARLINE ALLEY, of J. Foster and Ida Alley, born near

Lynn Camp, W. Va. 8-28-1896; living, 1969; married 1-24-1931, Harold T. Ruff, of Theodore and Catherine (Reiner) Ruff, born Lancaster, Oh. 4-4-1897; died Chillicothe, Oh. 2-8-1947. He is buried in Forest Rose Ceme­tery, at Lancaster, Oh.

Harold and Hazel resided in Chillicothe, Ohio where he was a research chemist and Hazel is a Registered Nurse. Harold earned his Ph. D. at Ohio State University and was employed by the Mead Pulp and Paper Company. Hazel earned her R. N. from the University of Kentucky, at Lexington. They had no children.

1585. WILFRED MORGAN ALLEY, of J. Foster and Ida Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 10-6-1899; living, 1969; married (1) Winona Lewis, of Walter and Olive (Peters) Lewis, born Chillicothe, Oh. 12-19-1907; died Chillicothe, Oh. 10-22-1948. He married (2) Winifred Davis, of William and Susie (Holderman) Davis, born Dayton, Oh. 4-5-1916; died Lancaster, Oh. 3-26-1962. Winona is buried in Grandview Cemetery, at Chillicothe, Oh.; Winifred is buried in Memory Gardens, at Lancaster, Oh.

Resides in Lancaster, Ohio; he is now retired, having been employed by the W. W. Williams Equipment Company. Wilfred served in the Special Ser­vice Corps during World War TI, 1942-45.


) (Wilfred6Ida 5Rebecca 4)

3356. DEBORAH ALLEY, born Lancaster, Oh.; at home. 3357. CAROL ALLEY, born Lancaster, Oh.; at home.

1586. NAOMI PAULINE ALLEY, of J. Foster and Ida Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 3-6-1902; living, 1969; married George Wellenreiter, of George and Louise (Miller) Wellenreiter, born Chillicothe, Oh. 7-31-1902; living, 1969.

Reside Chillicothe, Ohio. Naomi received her R. N. from the University of Kentucky and has been employed by the Mead Paper Company. George is an electrical engineer.


CHILD OF GEORGE & NAOMI WELLENREITER (Naomi6Foster5John4 ) (Naomi6Ida 5Rebecca4)

3358. Robert Wellenreiter married Bela Bond. 1587. JOHN RUPERT ALLEY, of J. Foster and Ida Alley, born near

Lynn Camp, W. Va. 11-15-1904; living, 1969; married Alice Alberta Rush, of Rev. Leslie Eugene and Olive Ethel (Doerrer) Rush, born Haysville, Oh. 7-23-1905; living, 1969.

Dr. John and Alice Alley reside in Lancaster, Ohio; he is a practicing physician and surgeon at Delaware, Ohio. Dr. Alley received his B. S. de­gree from West Virginia University and his M. D. degree from Ohio State University; he also is a Fellow International College of Surgeons (FICS). He served his country during World War II, 1942-1946, being commissioned a Lt. Colonel in the U. S, Medical Corps. Alice received a B. S. degree from Ohio Wesleyan College and a R. N. degree from Ohio State University.

Dr. John.Alley has aided us in compiling the data on fuis branch of the family and our thanks goes out to him for his kindness.

CHILDREN OF DR. JOHN & ALICE ALLEY (John6Foster5John4) (John6Ida 5Rebecca4)

3359. Marcia Gene Alley married James Luke M. D. 3360. Linda Lou Alley married Rev. Gary Gruber. 3361. Virginia Leslie Alley married William Bertram.

1588. CHARLES FOSTER ALLEY, of J. Foster and Ida Alley, born near Lynn Camp, W. Va. 8-23-1907; living, 1969; married Madge Sands, of Ben­jamin and Amanda (Schorr) Sands, born Chillicothe, Oh. 8-17-1910; living, 1969.

Charles and Madge reside in Lancaster, Ohio where he is a highway en­gineer and road contractor. Charles served in World War II, being commis­sioned a Lt. Colonel in the U. S. Engineer Corps.

CHILD OF CHARLES & MADGE ALLEY (Charles6 Foster5John4) (Charles 6Ida 5Rebecca4)

3362. Judith Alley married Robert Danison. 1594. BERTIE V. ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Came-

ron, W. Va.; died _____ ; married Edward Sanders. CHILD OF EDWARD & BERTIE SANDERS (Bertie6Webster5John4)

(Bertie 7sarah6Mary Frances5) 3363. HAROLD SANDERS

1595. HERBERT DALE ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Cameron, W. Va.; died _____ ; married Ethel Marie Sampson, of Frank and Emma (Dixon) Sampson, born Cameron, W. Va.; died Wheeling, W. Va. Both are buried in the Cameron Cemetery, at Cameron, W. Va.

CHILD OF HERBERT & ETHEL ALLEY (Herbert6Webster5John4) (Herbert 7 Sarah6Mary Frances5)

3364. SUSAN IONA ALLEY married James Edward Bussey. 1596. BERNICE ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Came­

ron, W. Va.; married (1) Franklin 0. Williamson, of Homer Williamson, born Columbus, Oh. She married (2) Edward Fisher, born Wheeling, W. Va.


CHILDREN OF FRANKLIN & BERNICE WILLIAMSON (Bernice6Webster5) (Bernice 7sarah6)


1597. DENZEL ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Came­ron, W. Va. ; married (1) Bertha I. Sampson, of Frank and Emma Sampson, born Cameron, W. Va. (2) Judy Wade.

CHILD OF DENZEL & JUDY ALLEY (Denzel6Webster5John4) (Denzel7Sarah6Mary Frances5)

3369. DENZEL ALLEY JR. 1598. OTIS R. E. ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Came­

ron, W. Va. ; married Gretta Antoinette Baker, of Nelson and Clara Baker, born Silver Hill, W. Va.

Reside Cameron, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF OTIS & GRETTA ALLEY (Otis6Webster5John4 )

(Otis7Sarah6Mary Frances5)

3370. Michael Wayne Alley married Linda Robinson. 3371. Barbara Jo Alley married Don Herbert Beveridge. 3372. Donna June Alley married Harold Tharp. 3373. CARLA MAY ALLEY, born Glendale, W. Va.; at home.

1599. WALTER RAY ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Cameron, W. Va. ; married Mary Olive Wise, of Carl and Bertie Wise, born Hundred, W. Va.

Reside Weirton, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF WALTER & MARY ALLEY (Walter6Webster5John4)

(Walter 7 Sarah6Mary Frances5) 3374. JIMMY ALLEY 3375, HAROLD ALLEY 3376. DONALD ALLEY 3377. JUDY ALLEY

1600, WILLIAM WEBSTER ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Cameron, W. Va.; married Dorothy Curtiss.

Reside Pierson, Indiana. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & DOROTHY ALLEY (William6Webster5John4)

(William 7 Sarah 6 Mary F. 5) 3378. LARRY ALLEY 3379, ROGER ALLEY 3380. THOMAS ALLEY 3381. REX ALLEY 3382. DALE ALLEY 3383. BRENDA ALLEY

1601. VICTOR ELWOOD ALLEY, of Webster and Sarah Alley, born near Cameron, W. Va.; married Loretta Jean Goff, born Wetzel Co., W. Va.

Reside Wellsburg, West Virginia. 366

CHILDREN OF VICTOR & LORETTA ALLEY (Victor6Webster5John4 ) (Victor 7 Sarah6Mary F. 5)

3384. ___ ALLEY 3385. 3386.



1602. THERESA FMNCES ALLEY, of Wood and Bertie Alley, born Cameron, W. Va.; married (1) James Bradley (2) _______ _

Has two ch.ildren, names unknown to us. 1603. THOMAS ALLEY, of Wood and ____ Alley, born Cameron,

W. Va.; married Rachel Gump, born Coburn, W. Va. Reside Cleveland, Ohio; formerly resided Earnshaw, West Virginia. Has six children, but names were not available. 1604. JENNIE BLATCHLEY, of Thomas and Martha (Taylor) Blatchley,

born near Sycamore, Pa. 1882; died Waynesburg, Pa. 10- -1926; married 1908, Charles Landas Throckmorton, of James B. Throckmorton, born in Greene Co., Pa. 12-22-1884; died Greene Co., Pa. 1-21-1916. Both are buried in Green Mount Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

Resided in the area near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Charles attended Waynesburg College after which he taught school for some time before de­ciding on a life as a farmer. Jennie was employed for some time in the com­mercial department of the South Penn Telephone Company.



Deborah4) 3387. FLORENCE DALE THROCKMORTON, born and died (young) Waynes­

burg, Pa.; buried Green Mount Cemetery. 1605. J. WILLIAM BLATCHLEY, of Thomas and Jennie (Taylor) Blatch­

ley, born near Sycamore, Pa. 5-27-1884; died Waynesburg, Pa. 7-24-1941; married 12-24-1908, Daisy C. McNay, of Jasper and Frances (Wilson) Mc­Nay, born Wind Ridge, Pa. 10-14-1884; died Greensburg, Pa. 9-15-1968. Both are buried in the Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.

Resided Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; Daisy later resided in Wind Ridge and Greensburg. Will was, for some years, business manager and a teacher in the Waynesburg College; later he operated an electrical service shop.



3388. Donald Thomas McNay Blatchley married Helen Owen. 1608. CLARICE DALE BLATCHLEY, of Thomas and Jennie (Taylor)

Blatchley, born near Sycamore, Pa. 1899; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1960;mar­ried 11-24-1926, Oakey Sellers, of W. L. and S. J. (Moniger) Sellers, born W. Va. 1892; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1959. Both are buried in the Bethlehem Baptist Cemetery, near Waynesburg.

Resided Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer and Dale was an elementary school teacher. They had no children.

1609. MAURICE GLENN TAYLOR, of Homer and Rachel Taylor, born Jacksonburg, W. Va. 12-21-1904; living, 1968; married 9-6-1929, Leila Robey, of Lawrence and Della (Hood) Robey, born Fairmont, W. Va. 6-6-


1905; died Matewan, W. Va. 1950. She is buried in the Masonic Cemetery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Glenn and Leila Taylor resided in the areas of Fairmont, Charleston and Matewan, West Virginia; he presently resides in the latter place. Leila grad­uated from Fairmont State College after which she taught school for some years.

Glenn Taylor graduated from Salem College and Marshall University, re­ceiving his M. A. degree from the latter school. He was a well known school teacher for some years before turning to the political field. He served eight years as a member of the W. Va. House of Delegates; seventeen years in the W. Va. State Senate; member of Town Council and Mayor of Matewan, West Virginia. He has also participated in many other civic affairs.


3389. Aleal Lee Taylor married Don Ferguson. 3390. Malinda Hood Taylor married William Walter. 3391. Maurice Glenn Taylor Jr. married Caroline Towson Morgan.

1610. INA JEAN TAYLOR, of Charles and Mary E. (Taylor) Taylor, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 4-23-1899; living, 1969; married 12-10-1918, John Thomas Knight, of William and Mary (Martin) Knight, born New Freeport, Pa. 1897; living, 1969.

John T. and Ina reside .near Garrison, Pennsylvania; he has worked as an oil driller throughout most of his adult lifetime,, now retired.


3392. Vada Knight married George Phillips. 3393. Glenn Wayne Knight married Laura Lee Cain.

1613. SAMUEL TAYLOR, of Charles and Mary E. (Taylor) Taylor, born Pine Bank, Pa. 2-13-1904; died Steubenville, Oh. 10-28-1945; married Or­letta Wickham, of Albert and Bess Wickham, born Folsom, W. Va. ; living, 1968. Samuel is buried in the Fort Steuben Cemetery, at Steubenville, Oh.

Resided Steubenville, Ohio; Orletta married, second, Gross and they now reside in Coshocton, Ohio. Samuel was employed by the Wheel­ing Steel Company.


3394. Ronald Taylor married Delora White. 3395. Ila Taylor married Paul Carmen Civiello.

1614. RALPH HENNEN LIGHTNER, of Lindsey and Ocie (Hennen) Light­ner, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Evelyn Bryan, of Frank Fleniken and Goldie (King) Bryan, born Graysville, Pa.; living, 1969.

Ralph and Evelyn have resided throughout their married life in Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania; he is employed by the Pennsylvania Department of High­ways. His position is that of Roadside Development Engineer for the Bureau of Landscape Development, embracing Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Counties (District 12).



3396. Richard Elza Lightner married Mary Irene Weiss. 3397. Linda Bryan Lightner married Charles Allen Pitcock.

1615. CICELY JANE HENNEN, of Lon and Bess Hennen, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.; married Arden Leslie Turner, of Arch and Beatrice Lenora (McCleary) Turner, born near Hickory, Pa.; living.

Arden and Cicely resided throughout their married life in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he yet remains. For several years Arden has been a re­presentative of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company; he was formerly employed as manager of the Acme Store in Waynesbur(f.


3398. Lonnie Ray Turner married Virginia Anne Foster. 3399. Leslei Jane Turner married Robert E. Rohanna. 3400. CHRISTIE TURNER, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home.

1617. CONRAD VANE HENNEN, of Monad and Salome Hennen, born in Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Florabel Shriver Dulaney. of Le­moine and Lena (Bowers) Dulaney, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

Conrad and Florabel have resided throughout their married life in Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania. For a number of years Conrad was engaged in the plas­tering trade; however, he has been physically unable to work full time for a number of years. Florabel has spent several years engaged in the retail busi­ness. currently assisting her sister in a ladies apparel shop.


3401. Marlene Kay Hennen married Ralph Phillips. 1618. BERNARD DANE HENNEN, of Monad and Salome Hennen, born in

Waynesburg, Pa. ; died Cresson, Pa.; unmarried. Buried Green Mount Ceme­tery, at Waynesburg, Pa.

1619. KENNETH SPENCER HENNEN, of Monad and Salome Hennen, born Waynesburg, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.; married Helen Crouse, of Thomas Cambell and Ella (Rock) Crouse, born Rogersville, Pa.; living, 1969. Kenn­eth is buried in Oakmont Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa.

Kenneth and Helen resided throughout their married lifetime in Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania; he was employed in maintenance work. Helen married, second, Woodrow Haines; she now resides in Florida.


3402. Ronald Hennen married Sally Butcher. 3403. Sharon Hennen married Ray Miller.

1620. NOMA MAUD HENNEN, of Monad and Salome Hennen, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; died Pittsburgh, Pa. ; married Kenneth L. Cupler, born Washing­ton, Pa.; living, 1969. Noma is buried in the Washington Cemetery. near Washington, Pa.

Kenneth and Noma resided throughout most of their married lifetime in 369

Washington, Pennsylvania; during his time in service they resided in Wichi­ta, Kansas. Kenny, along with his family, operated the Court Theater (in Washington, Pennsylvania) for a number of years. He also has been a mem­ber of many of the well known bands, being an accomplished drummer. This career has taken into most of the eastern part of the United States, as well as many of the European countries. During World War II he was a member of the U. S. Army. He now resides in Florida.

4 6 5 CHILDREN OF KENNETH & NOMA CUPLER (Noma Monad Spencer )

3404. James Kenneth Cupler married Peggy Ann Harvey. 3405. RONALD CUPLER, born Washington, Pa.; presently attending the

University of Tampa (Fla.). 3406. CONNIE CUPLER, born Washington, Pa.

1621. NEVA ZOLA HENNE~ of Monad and Salome Hennen, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; died Washington, Pa.; married Robert Myers, of Herbert Inghram and Elsie Margaret (Frye) Myers, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969. Neva is buried in Oakmont Cemetery, near Waynesburg, Pa. *twin of Noma.

Robert and Neva resided throughout their married life in Washington, Penn­sylvania; he was employed by the Star Foundry Company. Bob served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. He now resides in Atlanta, GBorfa.


3407. Wanda Lee Myers married John Austin Mattison. 3408. Richard Myers married Angeline Mancuso. 3409. Gloria Jean Myers married Ronald Alvin Edwards.

1622. M. JAMES HENNEN JR., of Monad and Salome Hennen, born in Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Dorothy Mae Tennant, of Charles and Emma (Longstreth) Tennant, born Blacksville, W. Va.; living, 1969.

M. James and Dorothy have resided throughout their married life in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. He was the one who conceived the idea of pub­lishing this family history and has been the inspiration that has kept it from dying when frustrating moments have arisen.

James Hennen received a B. S. degree from Waynesburg College (Waynes­burg, Pa.) in 1939 after which he was employed by H. C. Schreiber, in the retail Jewelry business, until the end of 1945. At that time Mr. Schreiber closed out his business and two weeks later (1-16-1946) Mr. Hennen opened his own jewelry store in Waynesburg.

This business has continuously grown and in November, 1962 it was re­moved to new and modernized quarters in the Fort Jackson Building where it presently remains. Mr. Hennen has continuously strived to efficiently serve the public and, on 7 April 1959, he received his diamond certificate from the GBmological Institute of America; this came after successfully com­pleting an extensive course in diamond appraisal and evaluation. Not being content with this he continued his studies in other fields of the jewelry trade and was awarded the title of Registered Jeweler, American Gem Society. The membership in this group is very limited and he is the only person in Greene


County (Pa.) to have been admitted to the present time. This title was re­ceived 10-28-1960 and must be renewed annually. Dorothy also works at the store with him.


3410. Gary James Hennen married Sharon Jane Miller. 3411. Cynthia Jane Hennen married Thomas Jay Ingram.

1622b. ADA ALICE STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.3-30-1891; living, 1969; married Edward Lemley, of Clark and Mary J. (Himelrick) Lemley, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living.

Edward and Ada have resided throughout their married life in the Camp Run area, near Wadestown, West Virginia; he has been 1s farmer and barber.


3412. Mary Geraldine Lemley married Walter Tucker. 3413. Elma Frances Lemley married William R. Riffle. 3414. Stanley Edward Lemley married Ruth Smith. 3415. John Robert Lemley married Margie Johnson. 3416. Audrey Lee Lemley married John E. Lavelle.

1622c. MILTON CURTIS STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-25-1893; died Morgantown, W. Va. 6- -1935; married Blanch Tennant, of Lemley and Laura (Shriver) Tennant, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; died Morgantown, W. Va. 7-13-1968. Both are buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Milton and Blanch resided in the area of Camp Run, West Virginia; he was a farmer and painter. Blanch married. second, --~-- Goodnight.


3417. Harold Stiles married Mary Catherine Rose. 3418. Lucille Stiles married George Kennedy. 3419. Geral Wayne Stiles married Jeanie Yost. 3420. Edgar Kyle Stiles married Janis Snyder.

1622d. THOMAS DAYTON STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 10-8-1894; died Wheeling, W. Va. 7-21-1963; mar­ried Ruth Bonar, of Doss Bonar, born West Liberty, W. Va.; living, 1969

Thomas and Ruth resided in the area od St. Clairsville, Ohio where she yet resides. Thomas was a pharmacist; he served in the U. S. Army during World War I. They had no children.

1622e. REBECCA DARLING STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 12-9-1896; living, 1969; married Vance Atkin­son, born Valley Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Vance and Rebecca have resided in the areas of Valley Grove, West Vir­ginia, and El Paso, Texas; they presently reside in the latter place. Rebecca graduated from West Liberty College after which she taught school.

CHILD OF VANCE & REBECCA ATKINSON (Rebecca6 Lydia5Rebecca4 )


3421. Betty Jean Atkinson married Chester Morris. 1622f. DONLEY LEE STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born

near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-31-1899; living, 1969; married (1) Flossie Tenn­ant. of Clark and Julia (Ammons) Tennant, born Wadestown, W. Va. 1-30-1902; died Fairmont, W. Va.10-29-1963. Donley married (2) Mrs. Ruth S. Billingslea#1889, of Phillip and Winona (Hennen) Shough, born near Hundred, W. Va. 9-10-1898; living, 1969. Flossie is buried in tbe Wadestown Ceme­tery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Donley and Flossie resided in Wadestown, West Virginia; Donley and Ruth reside in Hundred, West Virginia. Donley Stiles attended Fairmont State College after which he taught school for 42 years before his retirement.


3422. Kathleen Stiles married James Vassalo. 3423. Clark Stiles married Sara Minor. 3424. Josephine Stiles married Zane Rush. 3425. John D. Stiles married Frances Baugman. 3426. James B. Stiles married Doris Jean Williams. 342 7. Barbara Stiles married George Myers. 3428. Dorwin C. Stiles married Margaret Pauleck.

1622g. MARY LUCY STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, bornnear St. Cloud, W. Va. 5-20-1901; living, 1969; married Melford Tennant, of Lem­ley and Laura (Shriver) Tennant, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 2-18-1898; died Brave, Pa. 1-16-1964. He is buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wades­town, W. Va.

Melford and Lucy resided in Brave, Pennsylvania where she yet remains. He was employed by tbe Peoples Natural Gas Company.


3429. Gail Tennant married William Haught Jr. 3430, Bural Tennant married Betty Sturm. 3431. Chester Tennant married Jean Headley.

1622h. HARRY VIRGIL STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-2-1903; living, 1969; married Donna Randolph, of Sestt and Della (Rowand) Randolph, born McMechen, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Harry and Donna reside near Greenwood, South Carolina. Harry attended West Liberty College and West Virginia University and presently holds a po­sition with the agriculture department.


3432. Harry David Stiles married Julie -----3433. RAYMOND STILES, born Lewisburg, W. Va.

1622i. PAUL EDWARD STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-15-1905; living, 1969; married (1) Charlotte Lough #2140, of Linza and Matilda (Taylor) Lough, born Wadestown, W. Va. 6-26-1905; died Morgantown, W. Va. ____ . Paul married (2) Mrs. Margaret


Cordray, of Tab and Ida McElroy, born Morgantown, W. Va. living, 1969. Charlotte is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown.

Paul and Charlotte resided throughout most of their married life in the area near Wadestown, West Virginia; Paul and Margaret reside in the area of Morgantown, West Virginia. He is engaged in home construction work.

CHILDREN OF PAUL & CHARLOTTE STILES (Paul6Lydia5Rebec;_ca4 ) (Charlotte6Matilda;)Lucinda4)

3434. Noreen Stiles married Gerald Hardin. 3435. Eileen Stiles married Fred Hawker. 3436. Mary Jo Stiles married (1) Gary Stone (2) Michael McGoldrich. 343 7. Glen Stiles married 3438, John Ralph Stiles married Billie Jean Carter. 3439. Lydia Ann Stiles married Theodore Teets. 3440. Naomi Stiles married Roger Drigges.

1622j. ALEX LUTHER STILES, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 9-27-1907; living, 1969; unmarried.

Alex resides in Morgantown, West Virginia; he was formerly a farmer but is now disabled.

1623, 1624, 1625. Further data not received. GRANDCHILDREN OF CEPHAS & SARAH MANNING (as found named 'n will of Cephas Manning)


1626. FRANK L. WHITE, of Simon and Lydia White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 12-27-1902; living, 1969; married Hazel Jacques, of Frederick and Caroline (Scrivens) Jacques, born Ottawa, Ont., Can.; living, 1969.

Frank and Hazel reside in Rochester, New York. Frank earned a B. S. degree in Chemical Engineering from West Virginia University and has been employed by Eastman Kodak Company for a number of years, as a chemist. Hazel is a Licentiate from the Dominion College of Music (Montreal, Can.) and an associate with the Toronto Conservatory of Music (in piano), Toronto University. They have no children.

1627. ROBERT WHITE, of Simon and Lydia White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-13-1904; died Wadestown, W. Va. 1967; married Maude Talking­ton, of Owen and Cordelia (White) Talkington, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-21-1905; died Morgantown, W. Va. 1961. Both are buried in the Wades­town Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Robert and Maude resided near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer and maintenance worker for the Monongalia County School Board.



Rebecca4 )

3445. Ward G. White married Pat Moffit. 3446. Gayle M. White married Robert Davis.

1628. MARTHA WHITE, of Simon and Lydia White, born near St. Cloud, 373

W. Va. 12-9-1907; living, 1969; unmarried. Martha has resided throughout her lifetime on the home place, near St.

Cloud, West Virginia. 1629. PHILIP WHITE, of Simon and Lydia White, born near St. Cloud,

W. Va. 10-19-1909; living, 1969; married Fern Thomas, of Sherman and Kizzie (Watson) Thomas, born Monongalia Co., W. Va. 1-11-1913; living.

Philip and Fern reside near St. Cloud, West Virginia where he is a farm­er and self-employed painter. Philip attended Columbia Jnstitute.



344 7. Glenn Lowell White married Jean Rose. 3448. Sharon Ruth White married Richard Bartholomew.

1630. JOSEPHINE WHITE, of Levi and Metta White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Dewey L. Bond, of John and Mary (Nichols) Bond, born Belmont, Oh.; living, 1969.

Dewey and Josephine have resided throughout their married life in the area of Belmont, Ohio; they are engaged in fruit growing, mostly apples. Their fruit is marketed under the label "Bond's Orchards." Previous to her marriage Josephine attended Muskingum College after which she taught in the public schools for 3 years. Dewey Bond was Belmont County school at­tendance officer for 19 years, 1922-41.




3449. Esther Bond married Richard Neuhart. 3450. Evelyn Bond married Rev. Nelson Beck. 3451. Jean Bond married William Sponseller. 3452. Janet Bond married Charles A. Rice. 3453. John Levi Bond married Nan Briner.

1631. CHARLES LEE WHITE, of Levi and Metta White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. ; died Belleview, Pa. ; married Ruth Woods, of J.M. C. and Rachel Elizabeth (Boyd) Woods, born Sewickley, Pa.; died Sewickley, Pa.

Charles and Ruth resided in the Sewickley area of Pennsylvania where he was employed at Ben Avon Motors, as body shop manager. Ruth was employ­ed at the Grant McCargo residence.



3454. Lee White married Ruby Hinkle. 3455. Leo White married Alice Alker. 3456. Joan White married Donald Love. 3457. Janet White married Thomas Klixbull. 3458. WILLIAM WHITE, born Sewickley, Pa.; unmarried. 3459. BENNY WHITE, born Sewickley, Pa.; unmarried.

(Lee and Leo White are twins.) 1632. ESTHER WHITE, of Levi and Metta White, born near St. Cloud,

W. Va.; living, 1969: married (1) Horace Holt, born Ind.; died ____ ; she married (2) David Campbell, born Va.; living, 1968.


Horace and Esther resided in Indianapolis, Indiana. Horace was killed, in 1943, on a B-25 Bomber in the service of his country. Esther then enlist­ed in the Army Nurses Corps and served in England during the remainder of the war. Previous to her marriage she had attended Muskingum College and had received her Registered Nurse degree from Indianapolis City Hospital.

David and Esther reside in Phoenix, Arizona where he is presently Super­intendent of Motor Vehicles in the state of Arizona and Esther continues to do private duty nursing. David held the rank of Captain in World War II and earned the Silver Star; he was in combat in North Africa and was wounded in the line of duty. We have no record of children.

1633, BLANCHE WHITE, of Levi and Metta White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. ; died Pittsburgh, Pa.; married William Boruff, born Ind. Blanche is buried in the Homestead Cemetery. near Pittsburgh, Pa.

William and Blanche resided in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Blanche received her Registered Nurse degree from the In­dianapolis City Hospital; at the time of her death she was a nurse at the Pres­byterian Hospital, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They had no children.

1634, WILMA WHITE, of Levi and Metta White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Willard Shoecraft, born Mo.; living, 1969.

Willard and Wilma reside in Globe, Arizona where he owns and operates the Miami-Globe Radio Station. Wilma attended Anderson University (at And­erson, Ind.); she does architectural designing and has published a book of poems.


3460. Paul Shoecraft married Charlotte ___ _ 3461. John Shoecraft married Marie ----3462. ROBERT SHOECRAFT, born Globe, Ariz.; at home.

1636, HOMER JOYENT WHITE, of Homer and Lessie White, born in Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Mabel Epling, of Clarence D. and Washtella (Ball) Epling, born Hewett, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Homer resides in Ramage, West Virginia; I have no record of children. 1640. MARY SAMS, of Doane and Lucinda (Leach) Sams, born Parkers­

burg, W. Va.; died Parkersburg, W. Va.; married Chrsitopher T. Osborn, of Fayette and Theodocia (Killinsworth) Osborn, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; died Parkersburg, W. Va. Both are buried in the Bethel Cemetery, near Parkersburg, W. Va.

Christopher and Mary resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was a construction worker. He was a veteran of World War I.


3463. JAMES CHRISTOPHER OSBORN, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; un­married--joinedU. S. Marines in 1967.

1641. JAMES SAMS, of Doane and Lucinda (Leach) Sams, born Parkers­burg, W. Va.; died Parkersburg, W. Va.; married Aline Perry, of Hugh Franklin and Clara Mabel (Walters) Perry, born Marietta, Oh.; living, 1968.


James Sams is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, at Arlington, Va. James and Alice resided in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he was a

clerk in Stahlman 's Hardware Company. Alice is now remarried to Bruce Langfett and resides in Parkersburg. They had no children.

1645. NANCY L. SHULTZ, of Joseph and Anne (Leach) Schultz, born Wood Co., W. Va.; died Mineral Wells, W. Va.; m~rried

5 T. M.



3464. HUBERT MONROE COLLINS 3465. HAZEL FERN COLLINS married ____ Allman. 3466. BETTY ELLOISE COLLINS married ____ Meyer. 3467. THOMAS DUANE COLLINS

1649. HAROLD FRANKLIN COOK, of David and Mary (Leach) Cook, born Pleasant Hill, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Letha Nicholas, of Homer and Susan (Teel) Nicholas, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Reside in Parkersburg, West Virginia. 6 5 4


3468. Harold M. Cook married June Anderson. 3469. Robert M. Cook married Darlene Deem.

1651. ANNA MARY COOK, of David and Mary (Leach) Cook, born Pleas­ant Hill, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Harold Kent Woodgerd, of Albertand Blanche Woodgerd, born Fayette City, Pa.; died Columbus, Oh.

Harold and Marie resided in Middleport, Ohio where he was a telegraph­er for the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.


3470. Marianne Woodgerd, unmarried. 1654. VINNA LUCILLA TUSTIN, of William and Clara Tustin, born near

Chillicothe, Oh. 12-14-1895; living, 1969; married 4-9-1921, Jean De Jen, of Adrian and Marie De Jen, born in The Hague, Holland 8-31-1895; living.

Lucilla studied piano and vocal for a number of years; was high soprano in the Presbyterian Church Choir in Cleveland, Ohio; worked with Chautau­qua group traveling the United States; thus she met her husband who was also deeply involved in music and art. Jean came to the United States, with his parents, when he was 13 years old.

Jean and Lucilla resided in Fairfield, Connecticut, until 1951; he was employed there by General Electric Corporation. From 1951 until 1960, at which time he retired, he was President of Osairsual Company, Incorporated in St. Petersburg, Florida. They continue to maintain residence in the latter place but return to Europe occasionally to visit his old home and relatives. They had no children.

1655. DORIS OPAL ARMSTRONG, of John and Olive (Tustin) Armstrong, born near Lubeck, W. Va.; living, 1969; married William Earl Miller, of Guy and Lillian (Devine) Miller, born Lauckport, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Earl and Doris have resided throughout their married life in Parkersburg, 376

West Virginia; he has been employed by Universal Glass Products since 1935. Earl spent a year in CCC Camp and 5 years in the National Guard; he is an avid coin collector. Doris attended Ohio Valley Business College but has de­voted her life to her family. She has been a joy to work with on this family history and the descendants of this branch are deeply indebted to her for be­ing included herein, as other efforts were unsuccessful. Thanks Doris.


3471. Timothy Earl Miller married Jacqueline Sue Thorn. 3472. Anita Tustin Miller, unmarried.

1656, CLYDE NEAL ARMSTRONG, of John and Olive (Tustin) Armstrong, born near Lubeck, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Mrs. Virginia Daggs Mur­phy, of Charles and Ida May (Davis) Daggs, born Pleasant View, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Neal and Virginia reside near Washington, West Virginia. He has been employed by A. B. Chance Company (formerly Porcelain Products), as an inspector for nearly 34 years, except for his time spent in service. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army, as a PFC, member of the 564th QM Railhead Co. He served in England, Germany and France, being in Germany at the time of surrender. Virginia has been employed by Bevida Stone and Thomas, Sears, Roebuck and Company and Reichart Furniture Company. She was previously married and had two children: Virginia May and Gary Wayne Murphy.



34 73. Robert Clyde Armstrong married Sharon Lynn Knotts. 3474. James Neal Armstrong married Inell Sue Leach.

1658. PATTY ANN FORE, of Dewey and Clara (Tustin) Fore, born Park­ersburg, W, Va. ; living, 1968; married Carol Martin Loebig, of Adam and Vivian (Earle) Loebig, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Carol and Patty reside in New Martinsville, West Virginia. He is em­ployed by the Monongahela Power Company, as store manager. Carol is a graduate of West Virginia University; he served in the U.S. Navy from 1945 to 1948, having service in the South Pacific area. Patty was formerly em­ployed by the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Compan5.


3475. CYNTHIA ANN LOEBIG, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; at home. 3476. CHRISTINA DIANE LOEBIG, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; at home.

1659. JAMES EARL MICK, of Lorenzo and Dora (Bibbee) Mick, born near Glenville, W. Va. 2-4-1893; living, 1969; married 7-13-1936, Jeanette Ellen Lemley, of John W. and Elizabeth (Wonderlich) Lemley, born Richland, Ia.; living, 1969.

James Earl and Jeanette reside in Riverside, California; they have no children. He attended Glenville State College, taking a Standard Course, af­ter which he attended Fairmont State College and received an A. B. degree.


Mr. Mick was a teacher and supervisor of schools in Lewis and Harrison Counties of West Virginia; later both he and his wife taught in the Indian serv­ice at Sherman Institute (Riverside, Calif.), then the largest Indian School in the United States. Jeanette received her A. B. degree from Des Moines Uni­versity (Des Moines, Ia.) and her M.A. degree from the University of Chi­cago. James Earl Mick is a veteran of World War I, having served as a member of the U. S. Medical Corps 1918-1919, stationed at Fort Sam Hous­ton Base Hospital #1.

1660, MARY GOLDIE MICK, of Lorenzo and Dora (Bibbee) Mick, born near Glenville, W. Va. 5-3-1895; living, 1969; unmarried.

Goldie resides in the home place at Weston, West Virginia; she is believ­ed to be the only music teacher in the Mick Family. However, she has late­ly turned to a career of oil painting and helps with the state hospital located in Weston. Goldie graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan Conservatory of Music (in piano); she is largely responsible for the data contained herein on this branch of the family and our deep appreciation is thus extended to her.

1661. OKEY CLYDE MICK, of Lorenzo and Dora (Bibbee) Mick, born near Glenville, W. Va. 2-9-1897; living, 1969; married (1) Agnes Wilfong, of Dock Bland and Ellen (Collins) Wilfong, born Linn, W. Va. 11-23-1895; died Linn, W. Va. 11-7-1918; he married (2) 8-23-1924, Velma Gay Stutler, of Daniel and Emily Bird (Heckert) Stutler, born Grantsville, W. Va. 11-23-1906; living, 1969.

Clyde and Velma reside at Cox's Mills, West Virginia. He attended Glen­ville State College after which he taught school 4 years before becoming a gauger for the Eureka Company. He followed this latter occupation some 42 years. Clyde is a veteran of World War I, having served as a Corporal in Company A, Infantry, 7th Battalion.


3477. Carol Louise Mick married Dr. Glen Lowell White. 34 78. Janice Lynn Mick married (1) Berman E. Litton Jr.

(2) Paul Perdue. 1663. BESSIE MAE HAMMOND, of Benjamin and Allie (Bibbee) Hammond,

born Pennsboro, W. Va. 2-27-1897; living, 1969; married 6-28-1924, Lacy Field Huff, of A. Cecil and Ennis (Goff) Huff, born Burnt House, W. Va. 7-23-1895; living, 1969.

Lacy and Bessie reside in Salem, Oregon where both are now retired. They formerly resided in Pennsboro, West Virginia. Bessie graduated from Fairmont Normal School after which she taught school some 7 years. Lacy was a lumberman, buyer and log inspector for veneer com)j>anies.

CHILD OF LACY & BESSIE HUFF (Bessie6 Allie5Martha )

3479. Lewis Benjamin Huff married (1) Eleanor Gregg (2) Doris Jean Arnold.

1664, PAUL REVERE HAMMOND, of Benjamin and Allie (Bibbee) Hamm­ond, born Pennsboro, W. Va. 5-11-1899; died Washington, D. C. 10-19-1956;


married Betty Truesen. Paul is buried in the E. U.B. Cemetery, at Penns­boro, W. Va.

Paul and Betty resided in Washington, D. C. where he was a city mail carrier and linotype operator. He was a veteran of World War I. They had no children.

1665, 1666, 1667. Further data not received. 1668. GLENN HARRY HENNEN, of John P. and Ida Hennen, born near

Sherrard, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Lucille Elizabeth Weeks, of John and Lucille (Wilson) Weeks, born Elm Grove, W. Va.; died Wheeling, W. Va.

Glenn and Lucille resided in Mozart and Wheeling, West Virginia; he now resides in Wheeling.


3480. JOHN R. HENNEN 1669. JOHN THOMAS HENNEN, of John P. and Ida Hennen, born near

Sherrard, W. Va.; died near Sherrard, W. Va. ; married Martha Louise Seaman, born Wheeling, W. Va. John is buried in the Mt. Zion Cemetery, at Wheeling, W. Va.

John and Martha resided in Mozart, West Virginia; he was a machinist with the Wheeling Corrugating Company. John served in World War II, hold­ing the rank of Sergeant in the 201st Infantry. He served for 51 months, 32 of which were spent in Alaska. John's untimely death resulted from a hunt­ing accident.


3481. THOMAS GERALD HENNEN, born Wheeling, W. Va. 1670. WANDA RAYBECK, of Berton and Erminnie (Hennen) Raybeck,

born Friendsville, Md. 4-10-1900; living, 1969; married Charles McNeil, of John and Lucy McNeil, born Charleston, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Charles and Wanda reside in Charleston, West Virginia where he has been employed on the city police force. Wanda has supplied the data on her family as well as helping on the other branches. Her help is much appreci­ated by all.

CHILDREN OF CHARLES & WANDA McNEIL (Wanda6Erminnie5Russell4)

3482. Maxine McNeil married Harry Robertson. 3483. Ora Gay McNeil married Clayton James. 3484. Charles T. McNeil Jr. married Nancy Miller. 3485. Paul Edward McNeil married Dorothy Thaxton.

1672. RUSSELL PAUL RAYBECK, of Berton and Erminnie (Hennen) Ray­beck, born Buckhannon, W. Va. 9-26-1906; living, 1969; married Ann Buck, of Thomas and Anna Rigney, born Welch, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Russell P. and Ann reside in Roanoke, Virginia where he operates the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge. I have no record of children.

1673. BERTHA MAYFIELD, of Otho and Blanche (Hennen) Mayfield, born Petrolin, Tex.; living, 1968; married Jack Griggs, of Earl and Iva Griggs,


born Ingraham, Ill.; living, 1968. Jack and Bertha presently reside in Rantoul, Illinois; they formerly have

moved frequently. Jack served 25 years in the U.S. Air Force before retir­ing to civilian life. He now is engaged in Civil Service at Chanute Air Force Base, at Rantoul.

CHILD OF JACK & BERTHA GRIGGS (Bertha6Blanche5Russell4)

3486. JACK B. GRIGGS 1674. PAUL MAYFIELD, of Otho and Blanche (Hennen) Mayfield, born

Bridgeport, Ill.; living, 1968; married Helen Grice, of George and Mary Grice, born Flint, Mich.; living, 1968.

Paul and Helen presently reside in Catlin, Illinois; they formerly moved frequently. Paul has been a Minister in the Church of the Nazarene since 1934, having been ordained in 1938. He pastored churches in Indiana, Mich­igan and Ontario, Canada, for 23 years before turning to the field of Evangel­ism. He has enjoyed 14 years of the latter service in the United States and Canada.


Russell4) 3487. Shirely Ann Mayfield married Paul Studebaker. 3488. Paul Mayfield Jr. married Judith Riggs.

1675. RAYMOND MAYFIELD, of Otho and Blanche (Hennen) Mayfield, born Bridgeport, Ill. ; living, 1968; married Eleanor Bridegroom, born in Hammond, Ind.; living, 1968.

Raymond and Eleanor reside in Kansas City, Missouri; he is now retired after serving 33 years in the U. S. Air Force.


Russell4) 3489, William Ray Mayfield married Kathy ___ _ 3490. Earnestine Mayfield married James Osborn. 3491. JACK MAYFIELD 3492. NELDA MAYFIELD 3493, JOYCE MAYFIELD 3494, BENNIE MAYFIELD 3495. TOMMIE MAYFIELD 3496. TIMMIE MAYFIELD

1677, ALBERTA MARION LAMBERT, of Elza and Maydew (Hennen) Lambert, born ____ ; living, 1968; married Chester William McKitrick, Jr.

Chester and Alberta reside in Weirton, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF CHESTER & ALBERTA McKITRICK JR. (Alberta6Maydew5

Russell4) 349 7. Lois Leanna McKitrick married Rudy P. Colletti. 3498" Carolyn Lou McKitrick married James M. Blankensop.

1678, DOROTHY JEAN LAMBERT, of Elza and Maydew (Hennen) Lamb-ert, born ____ ; living, 1968; married Cletus Warren Webster.


Cletus and Dorothy reside in Vienna, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF CLETUS & DOROTHY WEBSTER (Dorothy6Maydew5


1680. ISAAC RUSSELL HENNEN, of William and Mamie Hennen, born Buckhannon, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Madeline Tabet.

Isaac and Madeline reside in Charleston, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the United Fuel Gas Company. He served in the U.S. Army.

CHILD OF ISAAC & MADELINE HENNEN (Isaac6 William5 Russell4)

3503. PATRICIA HENNEN 1681. NAOMI ELLEN HENNEN, of William and Mamie Hennen, born

Buckhannon, W. Va ; living, 1969; married Rev. Ulysses Holstein. Rev. Ulysses and Naomi reside in Charleston, West Virginia where he

is a Freewill Baptist Minister. He also works at Libby-Owen Glass Comp­any.


Russell4) 3504. Barbara Ann Holstein married William Charles Gillespie. 3505. Wayne Thomas Holstein married Mildred Carol Taylor. 3506. Eugene Danny Holstein married Janice Maud Burchell. 3507. John Earl Holstein married Delores Ann Lyttle.

1682. LUCILLE MAYDEW HENNEN, of William and Mamie Hennen, born Charleston, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Forrest Cottrill, born Charles­ton, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Forrest and Lucille reside in Charleston, West Virginia where he is a truck driver.



1683. CLOYD RAY HENNEN, of William and Marnie Hennen, born Char­leston, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Eunice Ray, born Roane Co., W. Va.; living, 1969.

Cloyd and Eunice reside in Dunbar, West Virginia where he is employed by a dry cleaning company, as a presser.



1685. DORIS LEE HENNEN, of William and Mamie Hennen, born Char­leston, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Dennis Townsend.

Dennis and Doris reside in Cleveland, Ohio where he is employed by the 381

government. CHILDREN OF DENNIS & DORIS TOWNSEND (Doris6William5Russe114)


1686. RUBY JEANNE HENNEN, of William and Mamie Hennen, born Charleston, West Virginia; living, 1969; married Donald Rose.

Donald and Ruby reside in Cleveland, Ohio where he is employed by the Ohio Printing Company. They have no children.

1687. ARTHUR GLEN KENT, of Benjamin and Maude (Woodruff) Kent, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; marl'.'ied Alta Monroe, of Verne and Laura (Turner) Monroe, born Renfrew, Pa.; living, 1969.

Arthur and Alta resided for a while at Columbus, Ohio where both were students at Ohio State University. Arthur became a salesman and is now re­tired and making his home in Lakeland, Florida. He and Alta separated sev­eral years ago and she now makes her home in Cameron, West Virginia; she is a teacher in the elementary schools there (now retired).

Alta graduated from Marshall University and taught school 33 years be­fore her retirement. Arthur graduated from Ohio State University. Among other things he operated the Kent Beauty Salon, in Columbus, Ohio from 1945 through 1952.



3517. Bennie Verne Kent married Evelyn McCoy. 3518. Mary Louise Kent married George Stump Jr.

1688. MABEL KENT, of Benjamin and Maude (Woodruff) Kent, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Howard Fred Robinson, of Scott McClell­and and Cora (McQuown) Robinson, born Lima, Oh.; living, 1969.

Mabel attended West Virginia Wesleyan College 2 years before entering Ohio Wesleyan College from which she graduated in 1930. She was employed some time as a Dramatics Coach with Universal Producing Company, at Fair­field, Iowa.

Howard attended Ohio State University before entering Franklin University. He is now a self-employed Certified Public Accountant with offices in Zanes­ville and Coshocton, Ohio. He has been employed by K. K. M. & C. at Colum­bus, Ohio: American Art Works, at Coshocton, Ohio: and Lybrands, at Zanes­ville. Howard and Mabel reside in Zanesville, Ohio.


3519. Howard Kent Robinson, unmarried. 3520. Charles Scott Robinson married Carolyn Joyce Hulsey.

1689. WILLIAM LORNE WOODRUFF JR., of William L. and Mabel C. Woodruff, born Moundsville, W. Va. ; living, 1968; married Dorcas Poin-


dexter, born Winston Salem, N. C.; living, 1968. Reside in El Paso, Texas; he is a practicing attorney.



Belle4) 3521. Billie Clair Woodruff married Frank Phillips.

1690. ROBERT BONAR WOODRUFF, of William L. and Mabel C. Wood­ruff, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Mrs. Betty Gardner.

1691. PAUL BYRON WOODRUFF, of Rev. E. W. and Cora Woodruff, born Greene Co. Pa.; living, 1968; married Louise Blankenship, born in Beckley, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Reside in Charleston, West Virginia. Byron graduated from West Virgin­ia Wesleyan College and accepted a position with the Bell Telephone Company; he is now superintendent with the sales department of this company



(Kim and Kent are twins) 1693. FERRIS SUNDAY WOODRUFF, of Rev. E. W. and Cora Woodruff,

born Smithville, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Dorothy Joseph. who died of typhoid fever in 1943. He married (2) Janet Greene.

Ferris was called to the ministry in 1942, graduating from West Virgin­ia Wesleyan College and entering seminary at Garrett Bible Institute (Evans­ton, Ill.). Dorothy died in Northwest Indiana while Ferris was taking semin­ary work in Chicago; he was thus left with two young children.

Rev. Ferris Woodruff is now pastor of the Community United Methodist Church, in Williamston, Michigan, having gone there from the Methodist Church in South Lynn, Michigan.


3525. PAUL ROBERT WOODRUFF married Barbara ----3526. BETTY SUE WOODRUFF married Ronald Eimers (or Stein?)

1694. VIVlAN COLLINS, Of Nicholas and Alice (Woodruff) Collins, born near Bula, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Vincent Ursic, deceased.

Vincent Ursic was a businessman of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Vivian now resides in Columbus, Ohio. They had no children.

1695. VERA COLLINS, of Nicholas and Alice (Woodruff) Collins, born near Bula, W. Va. ; living, 1968; married Ernest P. McCormick.

Ernest and Vera reside in Columbus, Ohio where he is an electrician. CHILDREN OF ERNEST & VERA McCORMICK (Vera 6 Alice5Belle 4)


1696. RICHARD WOODRUFF, of Vee and Pearl Woodruff, born South Bend, Ind.; living, 1968; married Phyllis ___ _


1697. SHIRLEY WOODRUFF, of Vee and Pearl Woodruff, born South Bend, Ind. ; living, 1968; married Vincent Masters.

Reside in Mishawaka, Indiana. 1698. DORIS HENNEN, of Chester and Marie Hennen, born McMechen,

W. Va.; living, 1969; married Herschel U. Bissett, of Calvin Newton and Belle (Ullom) Bissett, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969.

Herschel and Doris Bissett reside near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; he is a partner in the Bissett Construction Company.

CHILDREN OF HERSCHEL & DORIS BISSETT (Doris 6Chester5John4) (Doris 6Chester5Emma 4)

3529. John Bissett, unmarried. 3530. Linda Bissett married Jack Cooper. 3531. Dennis Lee Bissett married Nina Kathryn Bays.

1700. JEAN HENNEN, of Harry and Gunhilda Hennen, born Cincinnati, Oh.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Jean Hennen received her B. S. degree from Miami University after which she did some graduate work at the University of Cincinnati. She later received her Masters degree from Xavier University. Jean is presently a teacher of Physical Education at Wyoming, Ohio.

1701. KATHRYN STAGGERS, of Frederick and Virginia Staggers, born Hundred, W. Va. ; died Washington, Pa. ; married William F. Huffman.

William and Kathryn resided near Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania where they operated a turkey farm. Kathryn graduated from Waynesburg College in the class of 1933, after which she taught in the elementary and secondary schools of Greene and Washington Counties, Pennsylvania, for a number of years.

CHILD OF WILLIAM & KATHRYN HUFFMAN (Kathryn6Frederick5Louisa 4)

3532. WILLIAM FREDERICK HUFFMAN 1702. FRANCES GENEVA KIMBLE, of Elwood and Flossie (Staggers)

Kimble, born near Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Graydon Wendt; (2) Carl Roberts#l830, of Harry and Minnie Roberts, born Ash Tree, Pa.; living, 1969.

Carl and Frances reside near Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; he ts a farmer. CHILD OF GRAYDON & FRANCES WENDT (Frances6FlossieuLouisa4)

3533. MARION ELWOOD WENDT, born near Jollytown, Pa.; unmarried. Attended West Virginia University for 1 year; now employed by the Sutton Lightner Department Store in Marion, Ohio.

1703. DENZLE KENNETH KIMBLE, of Elwood and Flossie (Staggers) Kimble, born near Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married Olive Wright.

Denzle attended Mcsweeney Mechanics School in Cleveland, Ohio after which he worked at Wilson Chevrolet Company, in Morgantown, West Virgin­ia. He was later employed by the DuPont Company until he moved to Hundred (W. Va.) where he operated his own garage for some time. He is presently employed by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company, as a mechanic. He and Olive reside in Hundred, West Virginia.



Flossie 5

Louisa 4


3534. Mary Kathryn Kimble married Charles Mayne. 3535. David Kenneth Kimble married Lynda K. Postlethwait.

1704. WILLIAM LEROY CLOVIS, of Leroy and May Clovis, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Helen Judith Weiss, of Harry I. and Mae Weiss.

William and Helen Clovis reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. William graduated from Dickenson College in 1953, after which he entered Pennsyl­vania University School of Medicine, graduating in 1957. On 3 June 1964, William completed his Psychiatric Residence Training at Philadelphia Gen­eral Hospital and now has his own private practice as a Doctor of Psychiatry in Philadelphia. He is also on the staff of Philadelphia General Hospital. Helen received her bachelor's degree from Temple University and her mas­ter's degree from Pennsylvania University. They have no children.

1705. JAMES STANLEY CLOVIS, of Leroy and May Clovis, born Waynes­burg, Pa. ; living, 1969; unmarried.

1706. MARILYN KAY FLETCHER, of Julian and Mary (Hennen) Fletcher, born Columbus, Oh.; living, 1969; married William Shelley Longwell, of Burton E. and Helen (Stigelman) Longwell, born Chagrin Falls, Oh.; living.

William and Marilyn Longwell reside in Chicago, Illinois. After attend­ing Muskingum College for one year Marilyn entered Ohio State University, graduating in 1965, with a degree in Economics. She has been employed by the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation (Columbus, Oh.), Carson Pirie Scott (Chicago, Ill.) and her present location, Continental Illinois National Bank (Investment Dept. ) .

William enlisted in the U. S. Army, in 1959, and was sent to Ethiopia as a member of the Intelligence Division. The area there so impressed him that he wanted to learn more about it. Upon his return home he entered Ohio State University, graduating in 1967; he next entered Northwestern University where he is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree in African History. He hopes to teach in a university upon completion of his education. They have no child­ren.

1706a. OPAL WHITE, of Elmer and Lucy White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Opal has resided in the areas of West Alexander, Pennsylvania, and Weirton, West Virginia. She attended West Liberty College where she re­ceived an A. B. degree; also Pittsburgh University where she obtained her master's degree. Opal was a teacher in tne elementary schools of Weirton.

1706b. MINNIE WHITE, of Elmer and Lucy White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Kenneth Campbell, of Elmer and Bessie Camp­bell, born Weirton, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Kenneth and Minnie reside in Weirton, West Virginia where he is now an employee in the postal service. Kenneth formerly worked in the Weirton Steel Mill for ten years. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II.


CHILD OF KENNETH & MINNIE CAMPBELL (Minnie6Elmer5William4) (Minnie6Elmer5Mary Ann4)

3536. Kenneth E. Campbell married Carol Stonebreaker. 1707. RALPH SHRIVER WHITE, of Edward and Lucy White, born Aleppo,

Pa.; died Harrisburg, Pa.; married Josephine Canan, of Edward M. and Mary (Lyle) Canan, born Buffalo Twp., Washington Co., Pa.; living, 1969. Ralph is buried in Claysville, Pa.

Ralph and Josephine resided in the area of Claysville, Pennsylvania; she continues to reside there. Ralph was a farmer and an employee of Hazel At­las Glass Company: Josephine attended Washington Business College and is employed, as a secretary, by the Dillie Motor Freight Company.

CHILDREN OF RALPH & JOSEPHINE WHITE (Ralph6Edward5William4) (Ralph6Edward5Mary Ann4)

3537. Ralph Edward White married (1) Norma Remington (2) Patricia Pryor.

3538. Mary Jo White married Jack Livengood. 3539. Elizabeth Lucy White married Larry March.

1708. WILLIAM LAWRENCE STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles, born near Jollytown, Pa. 11-12-1893; died Moundsville, W. Va. 11-28-1963; married Jessie Ethel Butcher#2550, of Harry and Anna Maria (Cumpston) Butcher.

Lawrence and Jessie resided in Moundsville, West Virginia where she continues to reside.

CHILDREN OF LAWRENCE & JESSIE STILES (Lawrence6Harriet5William4} (Lawrence6Harriet5Mary Ann4) (Jessie6Harry5Elroy4)

3540. Lawrence Edward Stiles married ----3541. Eleanor Louise Stiles married David Baker. 3542. Irma Gail Stiles married Charles Horner.

1709. CLARK EDWARD STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles, born 9-7-1895; died Wetzel Co., W. Va. 3-13-1949; married Thelma Payne.

Clark and Thelma resided in the area of Hundred, West Virginia. He was employed, as a machinist's helper, in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad shop, in Benwood, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF CLARK & THELMA STILES (Clark6Harriet5William4) (Clark6Harriet5Mary Ann4)


1710. MARY STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles, born 386

married Charles Stiles. CHILDREN OF CHARLES & MARY STILES (Mary6Harriet5William4)


1711. MARTHA STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles; married William Kestenen.

They had no children. 1712, MARGARET STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles; mar­

ried Thomas Grimes. CHILDREN OF THOMAS & MARGARET GRIMES (Margaret6Harriet5Wm. 4)

(Margaret6Harriet5Mary Ann4) 3557. MARTHA CAROL GRIMES 3558. MARY GRIMES 3559, HARRIET GRIMES

1713, RUTH STILES, of William and Harriet (White) Stiles; marriedEdd Cross.

CHILDREN OF EDD & RUTH CROSS (Ruth6Harriet5William4) (Ruth6Harriet5Mary Ann4 )

3560. JOSEPH CROSS 1714. ALTA WHITE, of Trainer and Maude White, born near Jollytown,

Pa. 8-14-1899; living, 1969; married Gilbert Lynch, born 4-25-1900; living. Gilbert and Alta reside near Morgantown, West Virginia; he is owner and

operator of the Lynch Construction Company. CHILDREN OF GILBERT & ALTA LYNCH (AHa6 Trainer5Jarnes I. 4)

3561. Homer Lynch married (1) Margaret Beatty (2) Eileen Forsburg. 3562, Roberta Lynch married Orville Joe Miller.

1715, STANTON ALBERT WHITE, of Trainer and Maude White, born near Jollytown, Pa. 2-1-1901; living, 1969; married Clara Mills.

Stanton and Clara reside in Fairmont, West Virginia. CHILD OF STANTON & CLARA WHITE (Stanton6Trainer5James I. 4)

3563, TERENCE WHITE married Constance Kittle. 1716, ARCHIE WHITE, of Trainer and Maude White, born Wana, W. Va.

4-4-1907; died ____ ; married Ann Shriver. Archie is buried in East Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

CHILD OF ARCHIE & ANN WHITE (Archie6 Trainer5Jarnes I. 4)

3564. Donald Lynn White married Susan Patterson. 1717, WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE, of Trainer and Maude White, born near

Jollytown, Pa. 10-14-1909; died Kingwood, W. Va. 8-21-1941; married Helen Sharps, of Amos Beaty and Julia (Barnette) Sharps, born Lumberport, W. Va.


10-25-1907; living, 1969. William is buried in East Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown, W. Va.

Helen received an A. B. degree from Fairmont Teachers College and is employed, as a teacher, by the Harrison County (W. Va.) Board of Educa­tion.

CHILD OF WILLIAM & HELEN WHITE (William6 Trainer5James I. 4)

3565. Dorothy Wbite married Gordon Riggleman. 1718. GERTRUDE CLOVIS, of Forest and Bertie (IVhite) Clovis, born

near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Wayman Park of Eliam and Malinda (Tuttle) Park, born near Miracle Run, W. Va.; died Wadestown, W. Va.

Wayman and Gertrude resided near Wadestown, West Virginia where she yet resides. He was a farmer.


3566. Fred Park married Linda Wilson. 356 7. Clarence Earl Park, unmarried. 3568. Nola Jean Park married David Chisler. 3569. Jay Warren Park, unmarried.

1719. JAMES CLARENCE CLOVIS, of Forest and Bertie (Wbite) Clovis, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Grace ___ _

They have no children. 1720, CHARLES ROBERT SHOUGH, of Charles and Mollie (Wbite) Shough,

born near New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969; married Betty Lee Troy, of Har­ry Raymond and Mary Opal (Hunt) Troy, born Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Robert and Betty reside near New Freeport, Pennsylvania. He is employ­ed as a machinery operator, mostly on pipe line construction; also farms.


3570. Patricia Ann Shough married George Stanley Six. 3571. Robert Wayne Shough married Beverly Jane Whitlatch. 3572. James Leon Shough married Bonnie Lou Wise. 3573. David Alan Shough married Linda Wise. 3574. Carole Lee Shough, unmarried. 3575. CARLA JEAN SHOUGH, born near New Freeport, Pa.; at home.

1721. CECIL EARL WHITE, of Clyde and Dora Wbite, born near Jolly­town, Pa. 8-28-1900; living, 1969; married Muriel R. Polen, of George W. and Hannah Luanna Polen, born near Aleppo, Pa. 2-19-1905; living, 1969.

Cecil and Muriel reside near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he is em­ployed by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company.


3576. Paul Thomas Wbite married Sally Jane Winkworth. 3577. Anne Ruth Wbite married John H. Hughes. 3578. Jane Lou Wbite, unmarried.


1722. CAROL J. WHITE, of Clyde and Dora White, born Hundred, W. Va. 6-22-1905; living, 1969; married 6-30-1937, William Horace Lewis. of Will-iam and Sara Jane Lewis, born England 4-5-1907; died ____ _

Carol now resides at Wilmerding, Pennsylvania. CHILD OF WlLLIAM & CAROL LEWlS (Carol6Clyde5Morgan4)

3579. SHARON JANE LEWlS, born and died (young) Waynesburg, Pa. 1724. IDA MAY McGLUMPHY, of John Milton and Rebecca McGlumphy,

born Marshall Co., W. Va. 7-22-1877; died Cameron, W. Va. 2- -1911; married 9-3-1904, Charles Bernard Henderson, of William and Sarah Ann (Pettit) Henderson, born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 1871; died Wheeling, W. Va. 1919. Both are buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Charles and Ida resided in Littleton, West Virginia where he was a mer­chant and farmer.


3580. Mildred Irene Henderson married Iva Edward Harris. 3581. VIRGINIA HENDERSON, born and died (young) Littleton, W. Va. 3582, RUTH M. HENDERSON, born and died (young) Littleton, W. Va.

Virginia and Ruth are buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa. 1725. MYRTLE CLARE McGLUMPHY, of John Milton and Rebecca Mc­

Glumphy, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 5-15-1884; died Washington, Pa. 6-1-1957; married (1) 11- -1905, Elias Isiminger, of Jacob and Anna Mariah (Dallison) Isiminger, born Mt. Carmel, Pa. 9-18-1881; died Washington, Pa. 11- -1915. Myrtle married (2) 1920, John C. Christy, who died Washing­ton, Pa. 1939. John and Myrtle are buried in Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.; Elias is buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, at Mt. Carmel, Pa.

Elias and Myrtle resided in Washington, Pennsylvania where he was em­ployed by the Findlay Clay Pottery Company and the U.S. Postal Department, as a parcel post carrier. Myrtle became a seamstress after the death of Mr. Isiminger. John and Myrtle also resided in Washington where he was employ­ed by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company.


3583, Ralph Carl Isiminger married Juanita Alvera Cook. 3584. Lilyanne Rosella Isiminger married Ray Andrews.

1726. MARY LEE McGLUMPHY, of John Milton and Rebecca McGlumphy, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 9-22-1896; died Wind Ridge, Pa. 11-26-1946; married (1) 1916, August Zerque, who died Wheeling, W. Va. 1940. Mary married (2) 7-12-1941, Orland Day, of Thomas Harvey and Martha (Teagard­en) Day, born Wind Ridge, Pa. 4-18-1890; died Washington, Pa. 4-22-1954.

August and Mary resided throughout most of their married life in the a­rea of Cameron, West Virginia. Mr. Zerque worked in the glass factories of Cameron (W. Va.) and Floriffe (Pa.); also worked in the gas well drilling business.


Orland and Mary resided in the area of Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania; he was employed by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company. There were no children.

1727. CARL McGLUMPHY, of John Milton and Rebecca McGlumphy, born Marshall Co., W. Va. 1881; died Lexington, Ky. 2-7-1937; unmarried. He is buried in Big Run Cemetery, near Cameron, W. Va.

Resided Indiana, California and Florida; he was a carpenter. 1728. CHARLES DYE, of Mary Dye, born near New Freeport, Pa. 1887;

died near New Freeport, Pa. 1960; unmarried. Buried in Centennial Ceme­tery, near Aleppo, Pa.

Charles resided near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. 1730. LILLIAN DYE, of Andrew Jefferson and Delphine Dye, born near

New Freeport, Pa. 5-1-1896; living, 1969; married George Davis, born1895; died 1956.

George and Lillian resided in the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania. Lill­ian was a graduate of Pittsburgh University and taught school in the Pitts­burgh area some 40 years. George was a graduate of Rutgers College and was engaged in the real estate business in New York City. They had no chil­dren.

1731. SYLVIA AUGUSTA DYE, of Andrew Jefferson and Delphine Dye, born near New Freeport, Pa. 8-6-1897; living, 1969; married Irving Harold Peterson, born 1-18-1890; living, 1969.

Irving and Sylvia resided in the area of Portland, Oregon some 45 years. She was a bookkeeper and accounting clerk: Irving was a machinist. They had no children.

1732. CEDELIA GRACE DYE, of Andrew Jefferson and Delphine Dye, born near New Freeport, Pa. 1-10-1900; died Waynesburg, Pa. 11-16-1942; mar­ried John Boyer, born 1901. Grace is buried in Sunbury, Pa., in a mauso­leum.

John and Grace resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Grace attended Waynesburg College and Paris Conservatory of Music after which she taught piano at Waynesburg College some 17 years. John was a graduate of Buck­nell University; he was a civil engineer. They had no children.

1733. RUTH VEONELL DYE, of Andrew Jefferson and Delphine Dye, born near New Freeport, Pa. 2-18-1902; living, 1969; married Raymond B. Finch, of Milton B. and Mae (Kent) Finch, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 3-25-1896; living, 1969.

Raymond and Ruth have resided in Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, and Austin, Texas. Ruth attended Waynesburg College and has been a school teacher and social worker. Raymond attended Waynesburg College and has been employed as a Insurance Adjustor; he served in World War I.


3585. Constance Ruth Finch married Charles William Wendlandt. 3586. Ronald Jefferson Finch married Clara Luella McCartney.

1734, ALBERT JEFFERSON DYE, of Andrew Jefferson and Ida Dye, born 390

Waynesburg, Pa. 9-19-1909; living, 1969; married Madeline Daisy Brook­over, of Steven Kell and Ethel (Hughes) Brookover, born Sincerity, W. Va. 8-15-1918; living, 1969.

Reside near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; he is a farmer. CHILD OF ALBERT JEFFERSON & MADELINE DYE (A.J. 6Andrew5

Eliza4) 3587. Albert Jack Dye married Carol Ann Staggers.

1735. ELSIE MARIE DARLING, of John and Lucy Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 2-23-1903; living, 1969; married (1) 12-24-1929, Will­iam Lynch, of Nathaniel George and Fannie Lynch, born Riley, Kans. 11-5-1893; died Riley, Kans. 1960. Elsie married (2) 11-11-1967, James Cook, of Thomas and Iva May Cook, born Robinson, Kans.; living, 1969. William is buried in the Riley Cemetery, at Riley, Kans.

William and Elsie resided in McPherson, Wakefield and Riley, Kansas where he was a mechanic. James and Elsie reside in Clay Cenetr, Kansas where he is also a mechanic.


3588. Edward Leroy Lynch married Juanita Abrams. 3589. Kenneth Lynch married Marlyn Schaffer.

1736. ALTA NEOLINE DARLING, of John and Lucy Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-27-1904; living, 1969; married 1-25-1926, William J. Wilson, of H. M. Wilson, born Silams, Ark.; living, 1969.

William and Alta reside in Shamrock, Texas where he is a highway em­ployee. Alta has supplied most of the data on this branch of the family and we gratefully acknowledge her efforts.


3590. William Jacob Wilson married Louise Gill. 3591. Mary Louvina Wilson married Clifton Paul Sublett.

1737, JACOB WILLIAM LEO DARLING, of John and Lucy Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 5-8-1906; died Shamrock, Tex. 1931; married 7-12-1926, Vesta Margaret Wilson, of H. M. Wilson, born Silams, Ark.; liv­ing, 1969. Jacob is buried in the Shamrock Cemetery, at Shamrock, Tex.

Jacob and Vesta resided in Shamrock, Texas where she yet resides; he was employed in a grocery store there.


3592. Henry Milton Darling married Helen Rich. 3593. JACOB WILLIAM LEO DARLING, born Shamrock, Tex.; died

(young) Stilwell, Okla; buried Piney Cemetery, at Stilwell. 1738. PAUL HAROLD DARLING, of John and Lucy Darling, born near

New Freeport, Pa. 9-15-1908; living, 1969; married Mary Kurtz, of George Kurtz, born Groom, Tex.; living.

Paul and Mary reside in Amarillo, Texas where both work in a grocery store.



3594. Clara Pauline Darling married Hubert McDougall. 1739. FLOYD MARTIN DARLING, of John and Lucy Darling, born near

New Freeport, Pa. 5-4-1913; living, 1969; married 7-30-1937, Sally May Staggs, of John Staggs, born Shamrock, Tex.

Floyd and Sally reside in Childress, Texas where he is a produce sales­man.


3595. Darla Arlene Darling married Gayle Fowler. 3596. Donald Arnold Darling married Linda Johnston. 3597. SALLY ANN DARLING, born Memphis, Tenn.; at home.

1740. CLARENCE H. DARLING, of James and Dora (Hennen) Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 2-10-1900; died Bridgeville, Pa. 1957; mar-ried (1) ________ (2) Bessie Huffman, of Jesse and Anna (Kernio) Huffman, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 3-7-1901.

Resided New Freeport, Pennsylvania; Redlands, California; Aliquippa and Bridgeville, Pennsylvania. Bessie now resides in Redlands. There were children but we do not have the names.

1741. GLEN DARLING, of James and Dora (Hennen) Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 11-26-1901; died Wilmington, Calif. 8-8-1938; married

CHILD OF GLEN & DARLING (Glen6 James 5Eliza4 ) (Glen5Dora 4J ohn3)

3598. ALLEN J. DARLING, born Long Beach, Calif; died Hydesville, Calif. ; married Barbara ____ _

1742. MARY RUTH DARLING. of James and Dora (Hennen) Darling, born near New Freeport, Pa. 11-5-1902; living, 1969; married 11-3-1943, William Tillman, of John and Maude Tillman, born near Springfield, Mo. 4-24-1905; living, 1969.

William and Mary Ruth resided in Monrovia, California, before remov­ing to their present residence in Glendale, California. Mr. Tillman served 4 years in the U.S. Air Corps; attended business college for 2 years and is a real estate broker. They have no children.

17440 JOHN WOODRUFF, of William and Martha (Hennen) Woodruff, born near J ollytown, Pa. 1-23-1893; living, 1969; married Virginia Fair, of Richard and Virginia (Dakan) Fair, born Wheeling, W. Va. 9-19-1895; living, 1969.

John and Virginia have resided throughout their married life in Mounds­ville, West Virginia where both are now retired.


3599. WILLIAM R. WOODRUFF, born and died (young) Moundsville, W. Va.; buried Greenlawn Cemetery, at Moundsville.

3600. Martha E. Woodruff married (1) Joseph Klimas (2) Dennis Holcomb. 392

3601. Margaret V. Woodruff married (1) Earl Patterson (2) George Trayon Jr.

1745. EMMA IRENE HENNEN, of Samuel and Ella Hennen, born Guyan­dotte, W. Va. 11-19-1895; living, 1968; married 6-4-1917, Douglas Kenneth Guston Baker, born Fairmont, W. Va. 3-25-1894; living, 1968.

Kenneth and Emma took up residence in Hartwell, Ohio where Mr. Baker worked on the railroad, hauling materials. Since 1919 they have resided in Dayton, Ohio; he is now retired. Emma graduated from Marshall College in 1916.


3602. DOUGLAS HENNEN BAKER married Rosalie ----1748. MARY MARGARET HENNEN, of John and Mary Hennen, born Ca-

bell Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Carl Withers. CHILD OF CARL & MARY WITHERS (Mary6 John5Perry4)

3603. ROBERT WITHERS 1749. JOHN C. HENNEN JR., of John and Mary Hennen, born Cabell Co.,

W. Va.; living, 1968; married Arretta Gwinn. John and Arretta reside in Huntington, West Virginia; he is a vice-presi-

dent of the First Huntington National Bank. CHILDREN OF JOHN & ARRETTA HENNEN (John6John5Perry4 )


1750, RHEA HENNEN, of Elijah and Blanche Hennen; married John Brown.

John and Rhea reside in Kissimmee. Florida, CHILDREN OF JOHN & RHEA BROWN (Rhea6Elijah5Perrl)

3607. JAMES BROWN 3608. ELIZABETH BROWN married Fred Hibbs. 3609. MARGARET BROWN married Douglas Lowe.

1751. HAZEL HENNEN, of Elijah and Blanche Hennen; married Bud Baldanzi.

1752. RUTH HENNEN, of Elijah and Blanche Hennen; married Claude Fitzpatrick.

Claude and Ruth reside in Indianapolis, Indiana. CHILD OF CLAUDE & RUTH FITZPATRICK (Ruth6Elijah5Perry4)

3610, ____ FITZPATRICK, died young. 1753. NELL HENNEN, of Elijah and Blanche Hennen; married (1) Laur­

ence Ralston (2) Harry Jackson 1754. FRANK HENNEN, of Elijah and Blanche Hennen; married __ _


Frank and ____ reside in Rochester, New York. CHILDREN OF FRANK & HENNEN (Frank6Elijah5Perry4)

3611. HENNEN 3612. HENNEN ----

1755. ERNEST HENNEN WITHERS, of Joseph and Hattie (Hennen) With­ers, born Guyandotte, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Helen Marie Cushinery, of John and Katerina (Michelson) Cushinery, born Manhatten Borough, N. Y.; living.

Ernest and Helen reside in Kenova, West Virginia. He is employed, as a freight car and air brake inspector, by Norfolk and Western Railway Comp­any.


3613. Joseph E. Withers married Nancy Joanne Carter. 3614. William Vernon Withers married Shirley Gauger. 3615. HOWARD HENNEN WITHERS, born and died (young) Huntington,

W. Va. William Vernon and Howard Hennen Withers were twins.

1756. MARY WITHERS, of Joseph and Hattie (Hennen) Withers, born Cabell Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Robert L. Rogers.

Robert and Mary reside in Huntington, West Virr,nia. CHILDREN OF ROBERT & MARY ROGERS (Mary Hattie5Perry4)

3616. ROBERT W. ROGERS 3617. CHARLES L. ROGERS married Loretta Brumfield.

1757. MARTHA J, WITHERS, of Joseph and Hattie (Hennen) Withers, born Cabell Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Martha resides in Huntington, West Virginia. 1758, PERRY PRYOR WITHERS, of Joseph and Hattie (Hennen) Withers,

born Cabell Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Louise Cohn. Perry and Louise reside in Augusta, Georgia. 1759. ENID L. HENNEN, of David Hudson and Catherine Hennen, born

near Rock Lick, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Clair Phillippi, of Anna Phil­lippi, born near Rock Lick, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Clair and Enid reside in Greenwich, Ohio where he is employed as a well driller. Enid teaches school. They have no children.

1760. EDIS ALENE HENNEN, of David Hudson and Catherine Hennen, born near Rock Lick, W. Va.; living, 1969; married William Allison, of J. Elmer and Ada Allison, born near Wind Ridge, Pa.; living, 1969.

William and Edis reside near Rock Lick, West Virginia where he is a farmer.and stock raiser. They have no children.

1762. MYRTIE HENNEN, of William E. and Anna Hennen, born near Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married William Hamilton, of John C. and Jennie (Armstrong) Hamilton, born Donegal Twp., Washington Co .. Pa. 1-22-1881; died West Alexander, Pa. 4-19-1961. Buried in West Alexander.


William and Myrtie resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Myrtie still resides there.


Solomon4) 3618. Betty Ann Hamilton married Robert Edward Beatty. 3619. SHIRLEY LOU HAMILTON, born West Alexander, Pa.; at home.

1763. WILBUR HENDERSON, of George and Elizabeth (Hennen) Hender­son, born near Holbrook, Pa.; living, 1969; married Verena Hixenbaugh, of James Arthur Raymond and Laura Catherine (Keck) Hixenbaugh, born Day­brook, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Wilbur and Verena reside near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he is janitor for the elementary school.


Solomon4) 3620. George Ray Henderson married Linda Carol Barnhart. 3621. Carolyn Alberta Henderson married Amos Richard Hall.

1764. EDNA HENDERSON, of George and Elizabeth (Hennen) Henderson, born near Holbrook, Pa.; living, 1969; married Gail Stockdale, of Shird and Laura (Randolph) Stockdale, born near Rogersville, Pa.; living, 1969.

Gail and Edna reside at Holbrook, Pennsylvania where he operates a ser­vice station and store.

CHILDREN OF GAIL & EDNA STOCKDALE (Edna6Elizabeth5Solomon4 )

3622. Carl W. Stockdale married Hazel Smith. 3623. George Raymond Stockdale married Hazel Hughes. 3624. BABY BOY STOCKDALE, born and died (young) Holbrook, Pa. 3625. Grace Lucille Stockdale married William Wallace. 3626. Gail Stockdale Jr. married (1) ________ _

(2) ________ (3) Coreda Mink. 1765. LEOTA SHRIVER, of Lincoln and Clara (Hennen) Shriver, born

Waynesburg, Pa. 4-11-1900; living, 1968; married Scott Jackson Woods, of James and Annabelle (Davis) Woods, born Higbee, Pa. 9-5-1896; died Butler, Pa. 5-27-1961. He is buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alex­ander, Pa.

Scott and Leota resided in the area of West Alexander, Pennsylvania; she now makes her home in Petersburg, Ohio. Mr. Woods was employed by the Blaw-Knox Company (Wheeling, W. Va.); also farmed. He was a veteran of World War I.

CHILDREN OF SCOTT & LEOTA WOODS (Leota6Clara5 Alexander4)

3627. MELVIN JACKSON WOODS, born and died (young) West Alexander, Pa. ; buried West Alexander Cemetery.

3628. Carl Alexander Woods married Ruth Lucille Winesburg. 3629. Josephine Woods married Fred Clark.

1 766. ARZA F. SHRIVER, of Lincoln and Clara (Hennen) Shriver, born Waynesburg, Pa. 9-8-1902; died near Claysville, Pa. 2-4-1951; unmarried.


Arza is buried in the West Alexander Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa. Arza was a graduate of the Pittsburgh School for the deaf, class of 1919;

he was employed on pipeline construction work. 1767. MAY SHRIVER, of Lincoln and Clara (Hennen) Shriver, born in

Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married John Renforth. John and May are separated and she resides in Wbeeling, West Virginia

where she is employed as a practical nurse. They had no children. 1768. JAMES ROSE HENNEN, of Clark and Anna Hennen, born near St.

Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Ethel Marie Renner, of George and Sarah (Rush) Renner.

1769. RUSSELL C. HENNEN, of Clark and Anna Hennen, born near St. Cloud, W, Va.; living, 1968; married Virgie Melvina Hamilton.




1770, ALBERT MILTON HENNEN, of Clark and Anna Hennen, bornnear St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1968; married (1) Ethel Kimble, of ___ and Grace (Talkington) Kimble. Albert married (2) ____ -,,-----,,,..._·

CHILDREN OF ALBERT M. & ETHEL HENNEN (Albert6Clark5 Alexander1)

3635, 3636. 3637.



1771. CLARENCE EDISON HENNEN, of Clark and Anna Hennen, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Wanda Johnson.

CHILDREN OF EDISON & WANDA HENNEN (Edison6Clark5 Alexander4)

3638. ____ HENNEN 3639. NANCY HENNEN

1772. MAUDE VICTORIA HENNEN, of Clark and Anna Hennen, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Olen Fordyce, of Sanford T. and Prudence (Lemley) Fordyce, born Miracle Run, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Olen and Maude reside in Latrobe, Pennsylvania; they formerly resided in Blacksville, West Virginia. Olen is employed by the Peoples Natural Gas Company, out of the Greensburg office; he was employed by the same comp­any, at Brave (Pa.) until 1959. Olen served in the U.S. Army during World War Il.

CHILDREN OF OLEN & MAUDE FORDYCE (Maude6Clark5 Alexander4)

3640. Don Fordyce married Flora Kathryn Baker. 3641. Betty Fordyce married Ronald Martin Short. 3642. Joann Fordyce married James Baron Cox.


3643, RONALD FORDYCE, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 1774. RALPH ALEXANDER HENNEN, of Frank and Zora Hennen, born

near St. Cloud, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Myra Irwin, of Bernard L. and Aimee (Honecker) Irwin, born Ohio Co., W. Va.; living.

Ralph and Myra reside in Wheeling, West Virginia. He is employed by Pennsylvania and West Virginia Supply Corporation, in Inside Sales Depart­ment. Myra is a salary administration clerk for Wheeling Steel corporation. They have no children. Ralph served 3 years in the U. S Army Transporta­tion Corps.

1775. MERLE HENNEN, of Frank and Zora Hennen, born West Alexand­er, Pa.; living, 1969; married Marie Helen McNinch, of W. L. and Olive McNinch, born Calis, W. Va.; living.

Merle and Marie reside in Akron, Ohio where he is employed by the B. F. Goodrich Company, as an electrician. He was formerly employed by the Continental Roll and Steel Company, as crane operator and electrician, and by Wheeling Steel Company, as a crane operator. Marie attended West Li­berty College and is employed in the accounting department of Bahrack and Wilcox Company, at Barberton, Ohio. They have no children.

1776. PAUL JACOB HENNEN, of Frank and Zora Hennen, born West Alexander, Pa.; living, 1969; married Lydia Taylor#1912, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen-Wade) Taylor, born near West Alexander, Pa.; living.

Paul and Lydia reside at Bridgeville, Pennsylvania where he is employ­ed by the Port Authority Transit, as a bus driver. Lydia has helped us "no end" on this branch of the family, as well as on her own line; thanks, Lydia !

CHILD OF PAUL & LYDIA HENNEN (Paul6Frank5 Alexander4) (Lydia6Cassie5William4)

3644. Richard Paul Hennen married Donna M. Moore. 1777. GLENN F. HENNEN, of Frank and Zora Hennen, born West Alex­

ander, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Irene Boyd, born Brownsville, Pa. He married (2) Willa Daryl Brundage, of Robert H. and Marie E. (Walter) Brundage, born West Newton, Pa.; living, 1969.

Glenn and Willa reside in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio where he is employed by the B. F. Goodrich Company, as an electrician (in Akron, Oh. ) . Glenn is a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Army 1942-45.

CHILD OF GLENN & IRENE HENNEN (Glenn6Frank5 Alexander4 )

3645. BONNIE LEE HENNEN, born Ohio Co., W. Va. CHILDREN OF GLENN & WILLA HENNEN (Glenn6Frank5)

3646, FRANK ALEXANDER HENNEN, born Akron, Oh.; at home. 3647. BARBARA ANN HENNEN, born Akron, Oh.; at home.

1779. RAY ARTHUR HENNEN SR,, of Maryin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Mabel Phillips, of Ralph Leo and Lucretia Minerva (Shane) Phillips, born Brave, Pa.; living.

Ray and Mabel reside in Huntington, West Virginia; they previously re­sided in Fairmont (W. Va.). Ray is now retired after 41 years employment


with Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Mabel attended Fairmont State College after which she taught school. She, too, is retired.

CHILDREN OF RAY & MABEL HENNEN (Rai Martin5 Alexander4) (Ray7 Matilda6 Elsie5)

3648. Mabel Virginia Hennen married William Henry Fudge. 3649. Ray Arthur Hennen Jr. married Mary Louella Sargent.

1780. FLOYD HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burt­on, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Mary Jeanette Headley, of Thomas and Leetha (Six) Headley, born Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Floyd and Jeanette reside near Blacksville, West Virginia; they former­ly resided near Wadestown, same state. Floyd is a retired coal miner.

CHILDREN OF FLOYD & JEANETTE HENNEN (Floyd6Martin5 Alexander4) (Floyd 7 Matilda 6Elsie5)

3650. Harold Floyd Hennen married June Lemasters. 3651. HAZEL HENNEN, born and died (young) Wadestown, W. Va.; bur­

ied Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown. 1781. FLOSSIE HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burt­

on, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried. Flossie resides in Fairmont, West Virginia where she cares for an eld­

erly lady. 1782. DONLEY HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burt­

on, W. Va.; died near Burton, W. Va.; unmarried. Buried Oak Forest Cem­etery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

1783. MILDRED HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Ralph Francis Hixenbaugh, of Joseph and Lizzie Mae (Six) Hixenbaugh, born Hundred, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Ralph and Mildred have resided throughout most of their married life in the Bradford area of Pennsylvania where he is a welder.

CHILDREN OF RALPH & MILDRED HIXENBAUGH (Mildred6Martin5 Alex':) (Mildred 7Matilda 6Elsie")

3652. Helen Marie Hixenbaugh married Santo Pecora. 3653. Dorothy L. Hixenbaugh married Thomas Chohrach. 3654. Patricia Ann Hixenbaugh married James Martin Cooney. 3655. Ralph Eugene Hixenbaugh married Martha Layfield.

1784. HARLEY HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burt­on, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Maxine Bosworth#1137, daughter of Norm­an Bosworth and foster daughter of Stephen McClellan and Kizzie Gray, born near Woodruff, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Harley and Maxine reside near Burton, West Virginia; he is employed at the Ford Garage, at Hundred, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF HARLEY & MAXINE HENNEN (Harley6Martin5 Alexander4) (Harley 7Matilda 6Elsie5)

3656. Roger Lee Hennen married Emily White. 365 7. Carolyn Sue Hennen married (1) Richard Dean Scott (2) James Moore.

1785. EDWIN HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Hazel Barr, of James and Goldie (Jones) Barr,


born Cross Roads, W. Va.; living, 1969. Edwin and Hazel reside near Holbrook, Pennsylvania; he is a farmer.

CHILDREN OF EDWlN & HAZEL HENNEN (Edwin6Martin5 Alexander4 ) (Edwin 7Matilda6Elsie5)

3658. STEPHEN HENNEN, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; at home. 3659, EVERT HENNEN, born Holbrook, Pa.; at home. 3660. DENICE MARIE HENNEN, born Holbrook, Pa.; at home.

1786. MARY HENNEN, of Martin and Matilda Hennen, born near Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Kennetb Wise, of William and Bessie (Eden) Wise, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969.

Kennetb and Mary reside on White Creek, near ST. Cloud, West Virgin­ia. Mary is employed by Bell's Grocery Store and Kennetb is a mechanic. They have no children.

1787. LILLIAN GERTRUDE HENNEN, of Francis Leroy and Sara Henn­en, born Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Paul Jackson, of James and Emma (Carroll) Jackson, born Littleton, W. Va. ; died Barberton, Oh. Lillian married (2) George Ryan, of Edward and Amanda (Lytle) Ryan, born Dunns Station, Pa.; living, 1969.

Paul and Lillian resided in Washington, Pennsylvania, and Akron, Ohio. He was employed as an electric welder by O'Briens and Babson-Wilcox.

George and Lillian reside in Toms River, New Jersey; they fromerly re­sided in Washington, Pennsylvania, and Chatham, New Jersey. George at­tended Business College after which he was employed by Jessop Steel Comp­any some 18 years and has been a self-employed carpentry contractor some 20 years. Lillian attended Business College and has worked as a secretary.


3661. George Jackson married Ruth Daugherty. 3662. Betty Jackson married Walter Tymcio.

1788, HENRY ENOCH HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born West Alexander, Pa.; living, 1969; married Martha Ralph, of Charles Ralph, born Wellsburg, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Henry and Martha have resided in Akron, Ohio; Wellsburg, West Virgin­ia; and the areas of Claysville and Washington, Pennsylvania. Henry is a farmer.


3663, Robert Leroy Hennen married Elizabeth Bennington. 3664. Donald Harry Hennen married Charlotte Wayman. 3665. Ralph Raymond Hennen married Helen Patricia Canon.

1789. PEARL ELIZA HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born West Alexander, Pa.; living, 1969; married Henry Eklund, of Henning and Wil­helmenia (Hansen) Eklund, born McKeesport, Pa.; living, 1969.

Henry and Pearl have resided in Washington, Pennsylvania, and their present residence, Chatham, New Jersey. Henry was employed by the Wash­ington Tin Plate Company, Tri-State Engineering Company and W. S. George


Pottery; he is presently steward at the Chatham Fish and Game Protective Association. Pearl attended Penn Commercial College after which she was employed by Jessop Steel Company, Bell Telephone Company and the George Washington Hotel Company. They have no children.

1790. GLENN H. DURBIN, of James and Nancy P. (Hennen) Durbin, born near Sycamore, Pa. 11-26-1900; living, 1969; married 5-29-1921, Louise Cumberledge, of Jacob and Elizabeth (Headley) Cumberledge, born near Bula, W. Va. 11-17-1897; living, 1969.

Glenn and Louise have resided throughout their married life in Fairmont, West Virginia. For some years he was employed by the Bon Ton Store and later by the Fairmont Box Company.


3666. Nancy Elizabeth Durbin married Edgar Ice. 366 7. Milton Eugene Durbin, unmarried.

1791. NORRIS DURBIN, of James and Nancy P. (Hennen) Durbin, born near Sycamore, Pa. 9-5-1903; living, 1969; married Virginia Higgins, of Charles R. and Elizabeth (Hayhurst) Higgins, born near Wyatt, W. Va. 4-17-1907; living, 1969.

Norris and Virginia have resided throughout their married life in Fair­mont, West Virginia where he has been employed as a truck driver. He was first employed by the Imperial Ice Cream Company and later by the Fair­mont Supply Company.


3668. Marvin Ross Durbin married ________ _ 1792. GEORGE DURBIN, of James and Nancy P. (Hennen) Durbin, born

near Waynesburg, Pa. 9-10-1909; living, 1969; married 6-15-1935, Reba O. Tennant, of Grover C. and Eva (Gump) Tennant, born near Fairview, W. Va. 4-6-1916; living, 1969.

George and Reba reside in Fairmont, West Virginia. George graduated from Fairmont Business College after which he was employed by the South­ern Pine Lumber Company and Consolidated Coal Company. Since 1933 he has been employed by Jones Fur Service.


3669. Florence Ann Durbin married David S. Nice. 1793. HAROLD HENNEN, of Owen and Lucreasy Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 10-3-1900; died Morgantown, W. Va. 9-23-1967; mar­ried Gail Cross, of Jesse and Della (Pitzer) Cross, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 4-27-1904; living, 1969. Harold is buried in the Wadestown Ceme­etry, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Harold and Gail resided near Wadestown, West Virginia where he was a farmer; she still resides there.




3670. Robert Eugene Hennen married Jane Ellen Hotchkiss. 1794. MARJORIE HENNEN, of Fred and Georgia Hennen, born near

Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Paul Cooke, of Jesse and Nettie Cooke, born Garrison, Pa.; living, 1969.

Paul and Marjorie resided for some time in the Camp Run area, near Wadestown, West Virginia. Marjorie now makes her home with her daugh­ter and Paul resides in Vermillion, Ohio where he is an electrician.


36 71. Joan Katherine Cooke married Asa Waitman Mercer Jr. 1795. EARL BRADFORD HENNEN, of Fred and Georgia Hennen, born

near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Lela Maude Cumberledge, of David Franklin and Serena B. (Cross) Cumberledge, born Brave, Pa. ; living, 1969.

Earl and Maude resided in the area of Wadestown, West Virginia, until after 1950 when they removed to Fairmont, same state. Earl is now a Die Mounter for Fairmont Box Company and Maude is drapery seamstress for Jones, Incorporated.


3672. Raymond Carl Hennen married Naomi Jean Knight. 3673. Fred Kay Hennen married Joyce Jean Siena. 3674. Mary Louise Hennen married John Kirk Scott.

1797. ELIZABETH HENNEN, of Fred and Georgia Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Charles Stanley Clovis, of Clark Lemley and Catherine (Renner) Clovis, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; Living.

Charles and Elizabeth reside near Wadestown, West Virginia, on the home farm of her grandfather Hennen. He is a disabled veteran of World War II, hav­ing served his country in both France and Germany, where he was wounded. He entered service 4-5-1944 and received a medical discharge 2-6-1946.


3675. Donald Charles Clovis married Linda Kay Miller. 3676. Leota Jane Clovis married William DeVine.

1 798. LOUISE HENNEN, of Fred and Georgia Hennen, born near Wades­town, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Eldred Wotring, born Aurora, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Eldred and Louise reside in Fairmont, West Virginia where he is a truck driver for Fairmont Supply Company.



3677. WILLIAM ELDRED WOTRING, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; un­married.

3678, ROBERT EARL WOTRING, born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home. 3679, JAMES FREDERICK WOTRING, born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home.

1800, KATHRYN JANE CLOVIS, of Benjamin and Eva May (Hennen) Clo-401

vis, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Raymond Barnes, of Austin and Artie (Nangle) Barnes, born Wellsburg, W. Va.; living.

Raymond and Kathryn reside in the area of Power, West Virginia where he is employed by Beech Bottom Power Company. Kathryn graduated from Ohio Valley General Hospital, as a Registered Nurse, after which she took an extension course with West Virginia University; she is now nursing ser­vice supervisor at Ohio Valley General Hospital. Raymond served in the U. S. Army 1942-43.


3680. Lynn Clovis Barnes married Carolyn Lee Harms. 3681. Janey Ray Barnes married Edward Joseph Krulcik. 3682. MICHAEL CRAIG BARNES, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

1801. CECILLE MAY CLOVIS, of Benjamin and Eva May (Hennen) Clovis, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Dale Ray Sturm, of William and Hazel (Baker) Sturm, born near Bula, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Dale and Cecille have resided in Fairmont and Blacksville, West Virgin­ia, and Spraggs and Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. Dale is employed by the Col­umbia Gas Company, as a truck driver; he is a veteran of World War II, hav­ing served from 1943 to 1946. Cecille graduated from Fairmont Business College and is employed by the Thrift Drug Company, at Greater Pittsburgh Airport, as a clerk.


3683. ALLEN DALE STURM, born Bula, W. Va.; died (young) Waynes­burg, Pa.; buried Oak Forest Cemetery, near St. Cloud, W. Va.

3684. DEBRA ANNETTE STURM, born Sewickley, Pa.; at home. 3685. DANNY STURM, born Sewickley, Pa.; at home.

1802. FREDA CELESTA CLOVIS, of Benjamin and Eva May (Hennen) Clovis, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Bobby Leroy Sturm, of William and Hazel (Baker) Sturm, born near Bula, W. Va. ; living.

Bobby and Freda reside in Taylor, Michigan, where he is employed by the Ford Motor Company. Freda is employed as a salesgirl ther~.


3686. Brenda Ann Sturm married James O'Quinn. 3687. MARLENE KAY STURM, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 3688. KIRK DOUGLAS STURM, born Detroit, Mich.; at home. 3689. BARBARA JEAN STURM, born Detroit, Mich.; at home. 3690. MARK DWIGHT STURM, born Detroit, Mich.; at home.

1805. MARILYN JOAN HENNEN, of Clyde and Luda Hennen, born Pitts­burgh, Pa.; living, 1969; married Jerry Cook, of Carl and Virgie Cook, born Widen, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Jerry and Joan reside in St. Petersburg, Florida where Joan is currently Chairman of the Music Department and a teacher of vocal music at Azalea Junior High School. She was formerly employed by the Marion County (W. Va.)


Board of Public Instruction and the St. Petersburg Times (a newspaper). She is a graduate of Virginia Intermont College (Bristol, Va.) and Fairmont State College, where she received an A. B. degree in Education, with a music maj­or. Jerry graduated from Marshall University where he received an A. B. de­gree in Secondary Education (1958) and a M.A. degree (1969). He is present­ly Director of Physical Education at Lealman Junior High School (St. Peters­burg); he formerly served in the same capacity at Logan High School (Logan, W. Va.). They have no children.

1806. MARY RENNER, of David and Dora (Hennen) Renner; living, 1968; married Elmer Rawdon.


3691. DR. ROBERT RAWDON, born Akron, Oh. 1807. CATHERINE RENNER, of David and Dora (Hennen) Renner; living,

1968; married (1) R. D. Vangilder (2) ____ Smith (3) Henry J. Danner. Catherine now resides in Fairmont, West Virginia.


3692. Mary Frances Vangilder married (1) Arthur Dennis (2) Milton Stafford. 1808. JOHN L. RENNER, of Ray and Dora (Hennen) Renner, born near

Garrison, Pa.; living, 1969; married Grace Brumage. John and Grace reside near Garrison, Pennsylvania where he is a farm­

er. They have no children. 1809. ARTHUR RAY MINOR, of George and Louie (Hennen) Minor, born

Elm Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Myrtle Regina Wiles, of Wilkie Standard and Regina (Pollesy) Wiles, born Woodsdale, W. Va.; living.

Arthur Ray and Myrtle reside in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania where he is employed by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company, as a steel worker and oil system operator. They formerly resided in Brownsville, Ohio. Mr. Minor served 4 years in the U. S. Army Air Force, 2 years of which were served overseas as a member of the 8th Air Force.


3693. WILKIE RAY MINOR, born New Brighton, Pa.; unmarried. 1810. JEANETTE ELIZABETH MINOR, of George and Louie (Hennen)

Minor, born Elm Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969; married John V. Harris, of Harold and Beatrice Anne Harris, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; living.

John and Jeanette resided for a short time in Elm Grove, West Virginia, before removing to the Beaver area of Pennsylvania. Mr. Harris is employ­ed in Personnel Relations.


3694. Marsue Harris married Donald Baranyk. 1811. MARTHA M. MINOR, of George and Louie (Hennen) Minor, born

Elm Grove, W. Va.; died Wheeling, W. Va.; married Guy H. Ford, born Warwood, W. Va.; living, 1968. Martha is buried in the West Alexander


Cemetery, at West Alexander, Pa. Guy and Martha resided in Wheeling, West Virginia.

CHILD OF GUY & MARTHA FORD (Martha6Louie5Henrl)

3695. G. QUINN FORD 1812. MARY M. l\llINOR, of George and Louie (Hennen) Minor, bornElm

Grove, W. Va.; living, 1969; married John Mekos, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969.

John and Mary reside in Wheeling, West Vi~nia. CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARY MEKOS (Mary Louie5Henry4 )

3696. Mary Mekos married Emmett Callow II. 3697. HAL MEKOS

1813. JACK HENNEN PRITCHARD, of Enoch and Cora (Hennen) Pritch­ard, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Birgit E. Johnson, of Fritz Helmar and Marie Hildegarde (Granstrom) Johanson (both were born in Sweden), born Minneapolis, Minn.; living.

Jack and Birgit reside in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he has been em­ployed the past 18 years with Neilson Wheel Company, manufacturers of In­dustrial and Agricultural Wheels. Jack is presently an executive vice presi­dent and general manager of this firm. He is a graduate of Milwaukee School of Engineering. Jack served in the Navy Air Corps 1943-45.


3698. PAMELA JEAN PRITCHARD, born Milwaukee, Wisc. 1814. JEAN PRITCHARD, of Enoch and Cora (Hennen) Pritchard, born

Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Vincent Walter Rivizzino, of Sante and Stella (Abromska) Rivizzino, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living.

Dr. Vincent and Jean reside in Middletown, Ohio (formerly resided in Cleveland, Oh.) where he is a Podiatrist and Jean is a Registered Nurse. Dr. Rivizzino attended West Virginia University and West Liberty College before graduating from the Ohio College of Podiatry. Jean graduated from Wheeling School of Nursing. Vincent served in the U.S. Army 1951-53, tak­ing part in the Korean War.


3699. SANDINA RIVIZZINO, born Cleveland, Oh. 3700. VINCENT WALTER RIVIZZINO II, born Middletown, Oh. 3701. AMY RAE RIVIZZINO, born Middletown, Oh.

1815. HENRY ALBERT DAVIS, of James and Ota (Hennen) Davis, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1968; married Pearl A. Fisher, of Charles and Elizabeth (Smith) Fisher, born Attica, Oh.; living.

Henry and Pearl reside in Attica, Ohio where he is employed by the Penn­sylvania Railroad.



3702. Doris Davis married Richard Grayem. 3703. Justine Davis married John Covert.

1817. JAMES OSCAR DAVIS, of James and Ota (Hennen) Davis, born Coalinga, Calif.; living, 1969; married Leoda B. Sharp, of William R. and Lucinda Sharp, born Elk Valley, Tenn.; living.

James and Leoda reside in Akron, Ohio where he is employed by the B. F. Goodrich Company; Leoda is employed at the Summit County Children's Home.


3704. Janet Lee Davis married H. Robert Rathburn. 3705. Warren Ray Davis married Deborah Parson.

1818. PAUL HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married Naomi Barnhart, of Luther Oscar and Jessie Elizabeth (Riggs) Barnhart, born Aleppo, Pa.; living.

Paul and Naomi reside near Graysville, Pennsylvania; they have former­ly lived in Pine Bank, Pennsylvania, and Akron, Ohio. For the past 12 years Paul has been employed by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company, in the welded tube section as a loop man; he was formerly employed by the Atlas Powder Company and B. F. Goodrich Company. Paul and Naomi also main­tain a farm.


37060 Carl Edward Hennen married Happy Mae Loughman. 3707. Carol Loretta Hennen married Merrill Jacobs. 3708. Jerry Richard Hennen married Peggy Joan Orr. 3709. Ronald Wayne Hennen married Laura Lee Bland. 3710. HAROLD DALE HENNEN, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. (Carl and Carol Hennen are twins)

1819. MABEL R. HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married Paul Campbell, of Willis and Dora (Riggs) Camp­bell, born Wind Ridge, Pa. ; died Waynesburg, Pa.

Paul and Mabel resided in the area of New Freeport, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer. He also was employed by the Pennsylvania State Highway De­partment.

CHILD OF PAUL & MABEL CAMPBELL (Mabel6Melvin5George4 )

3711. Judith Joyce Campbell married Carroll Laye Cumberledge# 1820. STANLEY HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jollytown,

Pa.; living, 1969; married Kathryn Main, of Arthur R. and Toilie (Moniger) Main, born near New Freeport, Pa. ; living.

Stanley and Kathryn reside near Rogersville, Pennsylvania; he is employ­ed by the Southwestern Water Authority, as a meter reader. Stanley is a vet­eran of World War IL



3712. Robert Hennen married Nancy Knight. 3713. Connie Hennen, unmarried. 1821. HELEN HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa.;

living, 1969; married Delmont Kimble, of Russell and Ella (Barnhart) Kim­ble, born Woodruff, W. Va.; living.

Delmont and Helen reside near Minerva, Ohio where he is a truck driver. Delmont is a veteran of World War II.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF DELMONT & HELEN KIMBLE (Helen Melvin George )


1822. VERA KATHLEEN HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married Thomas Allen Knight, of Elijah and Elizabeth (Seals) Knight, born Bluff, Pa. ; living.

Thomas A. and Vera K. reside near Howard, Ohio; he is a laborer and she is a factory worker. He is a veteran of World War II.


3720. MARY LOUISE KNIGHT 3 721. Thomas Knight married Chris tine Cullens. 3722. John Knight married Barbara Reese. 3723. BETTY KNIGHT 3724. JACKIE KNIGHT

1823. NELLA JEAN HENNEN, of Melvin and Mary Hennen, born Jolly­town, Pa.; living, 1969; married John Lester Roupe, of Harry and Bessie Ellen (Wright) Roupe, born Brave, Pa.; living.

John and Nella reside in New Castle, Ohio; they formerly resided in the areas of Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; Pine Grove, West Virginia; and East Spar­ta, New Guilford, Howard and Warsaw, Ohio. John has worked in the oil fileds most of his married life; he is presently employed by W. E. Shrider. John was wounded in Germany while serving overseas with the U.S. Army during World War II; he received the Purple Heart and was honorably dis­charged 11-9-1945.


3725. Linda Kay Roupe married Larry Arthur Turk. 3726. SANDRA FAYE ROUPE, born and died (young) Pine Bank, Pa. 3727. RONALD RAY ROUPE 3728. Bonnie Jean Roupe married Victor Winfield Dickerson. 3729. TINA RENEE ROUPE

1824. ROBERT CARL SHAW, of Bruce and Ona (Hennen) Shaw, born Ak­ron, Oh. ; living, 1969; married (1) Doris Elizabeth Lefever, of Leroy and


Samantha Lefever, born Buffalo, N. Y. Robert married (2) Margaret Jame Gorrell, of Chauncey Howard and Lottie Gorrell, born Ravenswood, W. Va. ; living.

Robert and Doris resided in Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio where he was employed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, as a conveyor belt builder.

Robert and Margaret reside in North Canton, Ohio; he is still employed as above. Robert is also a volunteer fireman for Greensburg, Ohio. He served in the U.S. Navy 1942-46.



3732. SUSAN MARIE SHAW 1825. DOROTHY SHAW, of Bruce and Ona (Hennen) Shaw, born Akron,

Oh; living, 1969; married (1) Edward Affleck Patterson, of George E. and Bettie B. Patterson, born Bridgeport, Oh.; died Atwater, Oh. Dorothy married (2) Jack Otto Anderson, of Otto W. and Muriel V. Anderson, born Akron, Oh.; living. Edward is buried in the Atwater Cemetery, at Atwater.

Edward and Dorothy Irene resided in Atwater, Ohio where he was self­employed in the trucking business. Dorothy has been employed in the wage payment department of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Jack and Dorothy reside in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio where he is employed by Wooster Sheet Met-al Company.

Dorothy attended Bochecker Business College and Akron University. Jack had service in the U.S. Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division.


George4 ) 3733. Patricia Ann Patterson married (1) Robert Lee Kaley

(2) Edward Joseph Dunn. 3734. Bonnie Lee Patterson married James Edward White. STEP-CHILD OF JACK & DOROTHY ANDERSON

Ricki Leigh Anderson. 1826. ROBERTA FRANCES SHAW, of Bruce and Ona (Hennen) Shaw, born

Akron, Oh.; living, 1969; married Alston Joseph Ware, of Alston and Blooma May Ware, born Farmington, W. Va.; living.

Joseph and Roberta reside in Akron, Ohio where he is Property Mainten­ance Engineer at Roadway Express. Roberta is cashier for Kroger Company. Joseph was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy after 5 years and 3 months service.


3735. SHERRI ANN WARE, born Akron, Oh. 407

3736. JOSEPH LANCE WARE, born Akron, Oh. 3737. TERRI LYNN WARE, born Akron, Oh.

182 7. DONLEY CRAWFORD HENNEN JR., of Donley C. and Hazel Henn­en, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Olive Eagon, of Edward and Mary (Martin) Eagon, born Columbus, Oh.; living.

Donley and Olive have resided throughout most of their married life in the area of Columbus, Ohio. He is presently an Executive Vice President of the First National Bank of Coshocton, Ohio.


3 738. Ronald Hennen, unmarried. 3739. Donald Hennen married Margaret Barrick.

1828. MARIE ROBERTS, of Harry and Minnie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Lester Johnson, deceased.

Lester and Marie resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. He was a barber.


3740. Adrian Minor Johnson, unmarried. 3741. Ruth Devene Johnson married Edward Ray McNeely.

1829, THELMA ROBERTS, of Harry and Minnie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; died Cameron, W. Va.; married Lewis Barnhart, born near Crabapple, Pa.; died Hundred, W. Va. Both are buried in Rosemont Cemetery, near Rogersville, Pa.

Lewis and Thelma resided near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; he was a mail carrier. Lewis was a veteran of World War I, member of Company K, having overseas service.


3742. Roy Livingston Barnhart married Bonnie Bissett. 3743. Norma Jean Barnhart married J. Robert Goslin. 3744. Helen Louise Barnhart married Joseph Liebersohm. 1830. CARL ROBERTS, of Harry and Minnie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.;

living, 1969; married (1) Virginia Reeves, of William and Stella (Yost) Reeves, born Jollytown, Pa. Carl married (2) Mrs. Frances Wendt# , of Elwood and Flossie (Staggers) Kimble, born near Jollytown, Pa. ; living.

Carl and Virginia resided near Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; he and Frances reside in the same place. Carl is a farmer.


3745. Truman Eugene Roberts married Judy ____ _ 1839. LESLIE ROBERTS, of James and Daisy Roberts, born Pine Bank,

Pa. ; died Waynesburg, Pa. ; married Evelyn Anderson. Leslie and Evelyn resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. For many years

he and his brother, Clarence, operated the Wayne Fruit Market; more re­cently Leslie was custodian for Baily Insurance Company. They had no child-


ren. 1840. CLARENCE ROBERTS, of James and Daisy Roberts, born Pine

Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Helen Hewitt, of Herman R. and Mabel (McMurtry) Hewitt, born Washington, Pa. ; living.

Clarence and Helen have resided throughout their married life in Waynes­burg, Pennsylvania. For a number of years Clarence and his brother oper­ated the Wayne Fruit Market; he had previously been employed in a grocery store. The past few years he has been unable to work. Helen attended the Washington Business College and Penn Commercial College after which she did stenographic work before her marriage. She is presently employed by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Assistance, in the Waynesburg office. They have no children.

1841. MARY MARGARET ROBERTS, of Ray and Emma Roberts, born Greene Co. Pa.; living, 1969; married John Morris, of Franklin and Anna­belle Morris, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

John and Mary reside near Sycamore, Penns{lvania where he is afarmer. CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARY MORRIS (Mary Ras5Mary


3 746. Anna Jane Morris married Kenneth Beatty. 3747. Raymond Morris married Michelle Yost. 3748. Robert Morris married Almeta Ketchum.

1842. DOROTHY MAE ROBERTS, of Ray and Emma Roberts, born in Greene Co. Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Dorothy resides in Morgantown, West Virginia. 1843. RAYMOND J. ROBERTS, of Ray and Emma Roberts, born Greene

Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Oberia Brumley, born La.; living. Raymond and Oberia reside in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania.


3749. Ronald Roberts married Joyce Phillips. 3750. DONALD ROBERTS, born Waynesburg, Pa. 3751. SHERRY ROBERTS, born Pittsburgh, Pa.

1844. EDITH MARIE ROBERTS, of Ray and Emma Roberts, born Greene Co. , Pa. ; living, 1969; unmarried.

Edith resides in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where she is employed in the office of Dr. Austin, as a medical secretary.

1845. RUTH LUCILLE ROBERTS, of Ray and Emma Roberts, born in Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Raymond F. Morris, of Herman and Essie Morris, born near Waynesburg, Pa.; died Germany. Ruth mar­ried (2) Ray Chapman.

Ruth resides in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where she operates the Elite Beauty Salon.


3752. Connie Sue Morris married Richard A. Blair. 3753. Terry Lee Morris


1846. EWING COLE ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Clara B. Giles, of James and Blanche Giles.

Ewing and Clara reside in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employed as a truck driver for Mobil Oil Company.


3754. DONOVAN ROBERTS 3 755. Judy Roberts married David Lipzit. 3756. LINDA ROBERTS 3 75 7. RICHARD ROBER TS

1847. JOHN SHERMAN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Allene Whitlatch, of James and Clara Whitlatch.

Sherman and Allene reside in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employ­ed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. He served in the U.S. Army In­fantry 1943-45 and was wounded in Europe.


Blaine5Mary4) 3 758. Sally Roberts married Robert Stevenson.

1848. WILLIAM DONOVAN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; died Pine Bank, Pa.; unmarried. Buried in Pine Bank Cemetery.

1849. EVELYN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Charles Stewart Houser, of Charles Stewart and Laura Houser, born Pine Bank, Pa. ; died Pine Bank, Pa. Buried in Pine Bank Cemetery.

Charles and Evelyn resided in Pine Bank, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. Charles was retired from the U. S. Air Force, as a Lt. Colonel; he served in World War II and the Korean Conflict.



1850. LAWRENCE WILBUR ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa. ; living, 1969; unmarried.

Lawrence resides in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employed by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. He served in the U.S. Army Infantry, as a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division 1943-46, part of which time was spent in Europe.

1851. JOHN FRANKLIN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Dorothy Martin, of Ernest and Viola Martin.


Frank and Dorothy reside in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employed by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. He served in the U.S. Army, as a member of the 3rd Infantry Division, 1943-45; he had service in Europe and was awarded the Bronze Star.




1852. JAMES LLOYD ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Julia Phillips, of Ralph Leo and Lu­cretia Minerva Phillips, born Wadestown, W. Va.; living.

James and Julia reside in Blacksville, West Virginia where she operates a Beauty Shop. James served in the U. S Army, having had se4vice in Europe.


3766. SCHROEDER ROBERTS 1853. ROBERT BURDETTE ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts,

born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Jean Haines, of Clyde and Lena Haines.

Robert and Jean reside in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania where he is em­ployed by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. He served in the U.S. In­fantry and had service in Alaska.



1854. RUTH ANN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Earl V. Masters, of D. E. and Ada Alice (Guthrie) Masters.

Earl and Ruth Ann reside near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he is employ­ed by the Army and Navy Store and she is employed at Food Village. They have no children but have raised his children by a previous marriage. They are:

DONNA LEE MASTERS married Wayne Henderson. MARSHALL MASTERS married Maxine Riggs. JUDITH CAROL MASTERS, at home.

1855. SYLVIA MARLENE ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married J. Scott Kent, of John and Helen Kent.

Scott and Sylvia reside in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employed by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. He served in the U.S. Army Military Police, having had service in Japan.




1856. BLAINE ROBERTS, JR., of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Lorraine Lemmon# , of Thomas and Pauline Lemmon, born Waynesburg, Pa. ; living, 1969.

Blaine and Lorriane reside in Rochester, Pennsylvania: he is employed by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, in Aliquippa.

CHILDREN OF BLAINE & LORRAINE ROBERTS JR. (Blaine6Blaine5.Maryl (Lorraine 7Thomas6 Alice5)


Cindy and Cristy are identical twins. 1857. ROY ALLEN ROBERTS, of Blaine and Dossie Roberts, born Pine

Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Virginia Gazvoda, of Frank and Helen (Vavrek) Gazvoda.

Roy and Virginia reside in Beaver, Pennsylvania where he is employed by the Colonial Steel Company (in Monaca). They have no children.

1858. DELILAH JEAN ROBERTS, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Robert Inghram#2738, of Harold and Eva (Dodge) Inghram, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969.

Robert and Delilah reside near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; they former­ly resided in Detroit, Michigan. Both are employed by the Greenway Manu­facturing Company. Robert is a veteran of World War II, having had service in France, Germany and other parts of Europe.

CHILDREN OF ROBERT & DELILAH INGHRAM (Delilah6Sherman5Mary~ (Robert6Eva 5Eliza 4)

3780. Marilyn B. Inghram married Louis W. Moore. 3781. Marjorie L. Inghram married Robert L. Throckmorton III.

1859. PHYLLIS ROBERTS, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; living, 1969; married James Radaker, of Charles and Nellie Ra­daker.

James and Phyllis reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. James served in the U.S. Navy 1943-44, part of which time was spent in the Pacific area.


3782. Nancy Jean Radaker married Benjamin Wheeley. 3783. RAY HAROLD RADAKER, born and died (young) Pittsburgh, Pa. 3784. CHARLES SHERMAN RADAKER, born and died (young) Pittsburgh.

1860, WILMA ROBERTS, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynes­burg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Percy David Santmyer, of David and Hazel Santmyer.

Percy David and Wilma reside in Moundsville, West Virginia. 412

CHILDREN OF P. DAVID & WILMA SANTMYER (Wilma6Sherman5Mary) ( all born in Moundsville, W. Va.)


1861. SHERMAN ROBERTS, JR,, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Mary Emma Morris, of Albertand Helen Morris, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

Sherman and Mary Emma reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he was a member of the Occupational Army and served in Japan.


(both born in Waynesburg, Pa.) Mary ) 3791. ROBIN ROBERTS 3792. RICHARD ROBERTS

1862. JAMES WILLIAM ROBERTS, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Mary Ann Johnson, of Nicholas and Lulu Johnson.

James and Mary Ann reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF JAMES & MARY ROBERTS (James6Sherman5Mary4

(both born in Waynesburg, Pa.) 3793. EDWARD ROBERTS 3794. LOIS ANN ROBERTS

1863. CHARLES ALLEN ROBERTS, of Sherman and Hattie Roberts, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Ernice Palone, of Ernest and Bernice Palone, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

Allen and Ernice reside in Morgantown, West Virginia where he is a Pre-Med student at the West Virginia University Hospital. He received a B. S. degree from Waynesburg College.


3795. RACHEL ROBERTS, born Morgantown, W. Va. 1864. IDA MILDRED WHITE, of John and Eliza White, born St. Cloud,

W. Va. 4-1-1889; died Washington, Pa. 4-3-1942; married 9-24-1910, Charles Everett Hennen#384.

For further information see #384. 1865. GEORGE W. WHITE, of John and Eliza White, born St. Cloud,

W. Va. 1-29-1893; died Washington, Pa. 1-24-1969; married Lucy Mobley, of Oliver Mobley.

George and Lucy resided on White Creek, near St. Cloud, West Virginia; he was in the construction business.


3796. KATHLEEN WHITE married Frank Staggers. 413

3797. JEAN WHITE 3798. VIRGINIA WHITE married Hayward Hostutler. 3799. JOHN OLIVER WHITE

1866. DAISIE F. WHITE, of James and Margaret White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 12-6-1889; died near Hundred, W. Va. 2-28-1969; married (1) 6-26-1910, Jesse Lo Haines, of Henry and Ella Haines, born 10-28-1880; died 3-8-1911. Daisie married (2) Charles Woodruff Taylor, of Hezekiah and Margaret (Stiles) Taylor, born near Jollytown, Pa. 9-3-1887; living, 1969. Jesse is buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.; Daisie is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Charles and Daisie resided on White Creek, near Hundred, West Virgin­ia where he was a farmer.

CHILD OF JESSE & DAISIE HAINES (Daisie6James 5Martha4)

3800. EDITH FRANCES HAINES, born and died (young) near Wadestown, W. Va.; buried Wadestown.



3801. Charles Woodruff Taylor Jr. married Chrepanthea Economore. 3802. Challen Edward Taylor married Pauline Michael. 3803. Bernard Livingston Taylor married Anneliese Wilson.

1867. EVERETT ELI WHITE, of James and Margaret White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 8-20-1894; died Akron, Oh. 10-28-1937; married (1)

(2) Mary J. ____ , born 1899. Everett is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Resided Akron, Ohio. 6 5 4

_C_H_I_L_D_O_F_E_V_E_R_E_T_T_& ____ WH __ I_T_E (Everett James Martha )

3804. --- WHITE 1868. CLARENCE WILLIAM WHITE, of James and Margaret White,

born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-25-1896; died Akron, Oh. 12-30-1939; mar-ried (l) ______ (2) _____ _

Resided in Akron, Ohio; had no children. 1869. CASSIE MAE WHITE, of James and Margaret White, born near St.

Cloud, W. Va. 7-4-1898; died near Hundred, W. Va. 11-16-1934; married Owen Lee Taylor, of Hezekiah and Margaret (Stiles) Taylor; born nearJolly­town, Pa. 2-11-1893; died Hundred, W. Va. 7-13-1964, Cassie is buriedin Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.; Owen is buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Owen and Cassie resided near Hundred, West Virginia; he was a veteran of World War I. They had no children.

1870. FLOYD SIX, of George M. and Lucinda (White) Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-24-1893; living, 1969; married (1) Avaline Kimble, of Sam­uel and Lydia (Main) Kimble, born Wetzel Co., W. Va. 1884; died near St. Cloud, W. Va. 1931. Floyd married (2) Nellie Bartrug. Mary Avaline is bur­ied in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.


Floyd and Avaline resided on White Creek, near Hundred, West Virgin­ia; he and Nellie also resided there. Floyd now resides near New Freeport, Pennsylvania.

CHILDREN OF FLOYD & AVALINE SIX (Floyd6Lucinda5Martha4) 6 5 4 (Floyd George John )


(Floyd6George 5) 3813. MARTHA SIX 3814. RALPH SIX

1872. MARY JANE WHITE, of Charles and Jane White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 2-15-1898; living, 1969; married 10-15-1929, Clyde I. Weik, of Ole and Christine Weik, born Wanson, Wis. 3-22-1884; living, 1966.

Mary Jane attended West Virginia University where she received both A. B. and A. M. degrees. She later taught school a number of years before her retirement. Clyde and Mary Jane resided in the area of Morgantown, West Virginia where she yet makes her home; she and Mr. Weik are now divorced. Mrs. Weik aided considerably with this family history and we are grateful for her help.

CHILDREN OF CLYDE & MARY JANE WEIK (Mary Jane6Charles5Martha4)

3815. Robert White Weik married Dorothy Hegge. 3816. Mary Louise Weik married Dr. James M. Fite.

1873. JAMES FRANKLIN WHITE, of Charles and Jane White, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-3-1900; died Baltimore, Md. 6-24-1959; married 9-11-1926, Helen Ruhland, of Jacob and Nellie R. (Lowman) Ruhland, born Baltimore, Md. 11-25-1905; living, 1968. Dr. James F. is buried in the St. Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery, at Kingsville, Md.

James Franklin White attended West Virginia University where he receiv­ed a B. s. degree; he then entered the University of Maryland where he earn­ed his M. D. degree. Dr. James F. and Helen resided in Kingsville, Mary­land where he followed his profession as a medical doctor until his death. He was a veteran of World War I.

CHILDREN OF DR. JAMES F. & HELEN WHITE (James6Charles5Martha4)

3817. James Franklin White Jr. married Mary Blackhall. 3818. Robert Ruhland White married Jane Preis. 3819. Richard Lowman White married Jane Wright.

1874. STANLEY RAY WHITE, of Edward and Rosa White, born near St. 415

Cloud, W. Va. 7-18-1899; died Morgantown, W. Va. 2-19-1956; married _______ . He is buried in East Oak Grove Cemetery, at Morgantown.

Dr. Stanley Ray White was a graduate of both the West Virginia Univer­sity and the University of Tennessee. He took up residence at Bruceton Mills, West Virginia where he followed his profession as a medical doctor until his death. He had no children.

1876. JACOB LEROY HENNEN, of Charles and Lucy Hennen, born in Monongalia Co., W. Va. 8-21-1901; living, 1969; married (1) Mabel Van Voorhis, of Charles Ross and ___ Van Voorhis. Jacob married (2) Eliza-beth Catherman, of Harvey and Nancy Catherman, born Cambria Co., Pa.; living, 1969.

Jacob and Mabel resided near Morgantown, West Virginia; they were di­vorced and Mabel continues to reside in the same area. Jacob and Elizabeth have also resided near Morgantown much of the time; however, they present­ly have a home near New Freeport, Pennsylvania. Jacob was employed by the Wilson Chevrolet Company for a number of years.

CHILD OF JACOB & MABEL HENNEN (Jacob6Charles 5William4


3820. Charles Van Voorhis Hennen married (1) Betty Smith (2) ___ _ 1877. RUTH HENNEN, of Charles and Lucy Hennen, born Monongalia

Co., W. Va. 11-6-1903; living, 1969; married Willard Jefferson, born Mar­shall Co., W. Va.

Willard and Ruth resided in Moundsville, West Virginia where she was a school teacher and Willard was a salesman.

1878. EVERETT WILLIAM HENNEN, of Frederick and Ada Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 8-13-1891; died 6-25-1956; married 4-10-1918, Frances Alzaida Brush, of Hudson and ___ (Hall) Brush, born 11-21-1894; died 3-31-1956. Both are buried in Hadley Cemetery, at Hadley,Pa.

Everett and Alzaida resided throughout most of their married life in the area near Hadley, Pennsylvania. For 31 years he was employed as a station agent for the New York Central Railroad, having been trained as a telegraph­er for this work.

Alzaida attended Fredonia Institute after which she graduated from Edin­boro State Teachers College, in 1916. She taught school a number of years but devoted the later part of her life to caring for her husband, who was af­flicted with multi-schlerosis the last 30 years of his life. Everett had help­ed to care for the home farm after his father died. Everett and Alzaida re­sided near Franklin, Pennsylvania the last ten years of their lives.


William4) 3821. Roberta Jean Hennen married Loyed Z. Barker. 3822. INFANT HENNEN, died at birth.

1880. LYDIA GAY HENNEN, of Frederick and Ada Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 7-31-1895; living, 1968; married 9-10-1919, Walter Martin Kitch, of Martin and Johanna (Straub) Kitch, born Otter Creek, Pa. 6-3-1895; died Otter Creek, Pa. 6-18-1956. Walter is buried in Hadley


Cemetery, at Hadley, Pa. Walter and Gay resided throughout their married life in the Otter Creek

section of Mercer County, Pennsylvania; Gay still resides there. Mr. Kitch was a farmer and also worked at the Greenville Steele Car Company, as a mechanic. Gay attended Edinboro State Teachers College after which she taught school 3 years. Gay has served her township as a school director some 12 years. She and her husband were proud of their farm life and were active participants in local fair displays and grange work. Gay has supplied what data we have on this family.

CHILDREN OF WALTER & GAY KITCH (Gay6Frederick5William4)

3823. Robert Walter Litch married Genevieve Fredda. 3824. Margaret Gay Kitch married Ernest Jordan. 3825. Virginia Irene Kitch married Harry Haggerty. 3826. Anna Mae Kitch married Richard Hoffacker.

1881. EDMUND RAY HENNEN, of Frederick and Ada Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 1-16-1899; living, 1968; married 6-26-1918, Nellie Ha­zen, of Ira and Emma Hazen, born Hadley, Pa. ; died Cleveland, Oh. 10-6-1966. Nellie is buried in the Hadley Cemetery, at Hadley, Pa.

Edmund and Nellie resided in Cleveland Heights, Ohio where he continues to reside. Edmund had a course in salesmanship and obtained a position with the George Worthington Company, a retail hardware store in Cleveland. He continued with this company until his retirement.



1882. IDA IRENE HENNEN, of Frederick and Ada Hennen, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 6-3-1903; living, 1968; married (1) 2-4-1925, John Han­ley, died 12- -1949. Ida married (2) 7-30-1953, William Giebner, died 5-6-1967.

Ida is a practical nurse and was, for many years, an office nurse for Dr. A, now of Sharon, Pennsylvania.

CHILD OF JOHN & IDA HANLEY (Ida6Frederick5William4 )

3832. James Hanley married Mary Gober. 1883. KATHRYN VIRGINIA HENNEN, of Frederick and Ada Hennen, born

Morgantown, W. Va. 8-28-1907; living, 1968; married 8-28-1935, Albert Lee Bash, born Mercer Co., Pa. 1-13-1895; living, 1968.

Lee and Kathryn reside near Greenville, Pennsylvania; he was formerly employed as custodian of the Hempfield Schools. Lee is now retired. They have no children.

1885. WINONA MAE LEMMON, of Barnett and Alice (Hennen) Lemmon, 417

born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-10-1891; died near Waynesburg, Pa. 5-24-1966; married 1-20-1931, James L. Meighen, of Dennis and Elizabeth (Car­penter) Meighen, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 2-13-1883; died Brave, Pa. 1-1-1967. Mae is buried in St. Ann's Cemetery, at Waynesburg, Pa.; James is buried in the Meighen Cemetery, near Pine Bank, Pa.

James and Mae resided near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a stock raiser and farmer. Mae attended Waynesburg College and Mt. De Chantel School (Wneeling, W. Va.) after which she taught school in Gilmore, Jackson and Springhill Townships of Greene County, Pennsylvania. They had no children.

1866. DORA EVELYN LEMMON, of Barnett and Alice (Hennen) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 8-28-1892; living, 1969; married 6-10-1931, Jacob L. Rice, of Josephus and Ann (Hostutler) Rice, born near New Free­port, Pa. 12-23-1882; died near New Freeport, Pa. 1-25-1964. He is bur­ied in Pleasant Hill (or Rice's) Cemetery, near New Freeport.

Jacob and Dora resided throughout their married life in the area near New Freeport, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. Mr. Rice was a farmer. Dora attended Waynesburg College and Grove City College after which she taught school a number of years before retiring.



3833. Jacob Richard Rice, unmarried. 1887. THOMAS HENRY LEMMON, of Barnett and Alice (Hennen) Lemmon,

born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-14-1902; died Confluence, Pa. 12-13-1958; married Pauline Smith, of Thomas B. and Dossie M. Smith, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969. Thomas is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, near New Freeport, Pa.

Thomas and Pauline resided throughout their married life in the area of New Freeport, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer. Mr, Lemmon was al­so engaged in construction work; he was a member of Co. K, 110th Infantry, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Pauline now makes her home in Morgantown, West Virginia.


3834. Thomas B. Lemmon, unmarried. 3835. Lorraine Lemmon married Blaine Roberts Jr.#1856. 3836. Ramona Lemmon, unmarried.

1888, LYDIA JANE SHOUGH, of Phillip and Winona (Hennen) Shough, born near Hundred, W. Va. 4-17-1897; living, 1969; married (1)10- -1922, Cecil Daniel Wasson, of John F. and Susan (Brandt) Wasson, born Germany Valley, Pa. 5-29-1900. Lydia married (2) 9- -1947, Adam A. Slaughter, of James and Lydia (Wagner) Slaughter, born Meigs Co., Oh. 8-6-1883; died 4-4-1955.

Cecil and Lydia resided in Akron, Ohio; they were later divorced. Adam and Lydia resided in Florida where Lydia yet makes her home (in Kissimmee). Adam was a meat cutter by occupation. He was a Spanish American War Vet-


eran of the Phillipine Insurrection. 4


3837. Edna Marie Wasson married Raymond Hodges. 3838. Phillip Clinton Wasson married Mabel Ann Taylor.

1889. MARY RUTH SHOUGH, of Phillip and Winona (Hennen) Shough, born near Hundred, W. Va. 9-10-1898; living, 1969; married (1) 5-26-1923, Lloyd Ray Billingslea, of Bernard 0. and Susie Billingsley, born Plum Run (Marion Co.), W. Va. 7-29-1892; died Tuscon, Ariz. 11-14-1947. Ruth mar­ried (2) 11- -1968, Donley Lee Stiles#1622f, of John and Lydia (White) Stiles, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 3-31-1899; living, 1969.

Ray and Ruth resided in the areas of Hundred and Fairmont, West Vir­ginia; he was a veteran of World War I. Donley and Ruth reside in Hundred, West Virginia. For further data on him see #1622f.



3839. Helen Lee Billingslea married (1) Nile J. Wilson (2) M.E. Farmer. 1890. EDNA LEE SHOUGH, of Phillip and Winona (Hennen) Shough, born

near Hundred, W. Va. 3-17-1900; living, 1968; married Daniel Holland Davis, of Dr. Daniel Hoffman and Anna (Bookman) Davis, born St. Marys, W. Va. 2-21-1896; living, 1968.

Daniel Holland and Edna have resided throughout their married life in the area of Pullman, West Virginia. He served as postmaster there 38 years be­fore his retirement in 1962; Edna served part of that time as assistant post­master.

Edna graduated from Fairmont State College in 1924 and taught school for 7 years; Mr. Davis also attended Fairmont State College after which he was a school teacher 4 years. He is a veteran of World War I, having been a member of the 38th Ambulance Company, 6th Division, A. E. F. for some 11 months. They have no children.

1892. LOTTIE HENNEN SHOUGH, of Phillip and Winona (Hennen) Shough, born near Hundred, W. Va. 11-1-1906; living, 1968; married (1) George Shultz (2) Robert McShaffrey.

Robert and Lottie reside in Akron, Ohio. CHILD OF GEORGE & LOTTIE SHULTZ (Lottie6Winona5William4)

3840. LOIS WINONA SHULTZ, died young. 1894. KATHLEEN MATILDA HENNEN, of Ray and Cora Hennen, born

Morgantown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married David W. Jacobs, of Elmer F. and Ella (Wood) Jacobs.

David and Kathleen reside in Morgantown, West Virginia where both are associated with the West Virginia University.


3841. CAROLYN HAGAN JACOBS 1897. NANCY ETHEL LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemm-


on, born 12-8-1900; living, 1968; married Francis Edward Pettit, of John and Inda (Cain) Pettit, born Dunns Station, Pa. 10-31-1900; living, 1968.

Francis and Ethel reside in Washington, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & NANCY ETHEL PETTIT (N. Ethel6Lizzie5

William4) 3842. Alma Jean Pettit married Harry Richard Miller. 3843. Cheerful Marcheta Pettit married Richard Elsworth Fox. 3844. Francis Edward Pettit Jr. married Patricia Keeney. 3845. Maxine Kaye Pettit married (1) Merle V. Donley Jr.

(2) Trevor Beecham. 3846. John Charles Pettit married Constance Mary Cullen.

1899. EDWARD SALATHIEL LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemmon, born Hundred, W. Va. 6-4-1903; living, 1969; married 6-18-1931, Lucy Barnes, of Antrim E. and Lucinda (Marshall) Barnes, born Lewistown, Mont. 8-17-1907; living, 1969.

Edward and Lucy have resided throughout their married life in the area of Nettle Hill, Pennsylvania where he is a farmer, stock raiser and general merchant. Lucy has served a number of years as school nurse for Central Greene School District. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon have recently (1969) retired.

Edward attended California State Teachers College, Elliot Commercial School and California School of Commerce (Long Beach, Calif.). Lucy re­ceived her B. S. degree in Nursing from Western Reserve University, in 1931 and a degree in Public Health Nursing from the same school in 1932.


3 84 7. Sarah Ann Lemmon married Fiari Frank Magnotti. 3848. Marcia Kaye Lemmon married John Stanley Shultz Jr.

1901. GUY VERNON LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemmon, born Hundred, W. Va. 11-27-1905; living, 1969; married 5-18-1929, Pe:wl Antill, of Asbury K. and Lucy (Rinehart) Antill, born Aleppo, Pa. 11-7-1911; living, 1969.

Guy and Pearl resided for some years near Nettle Hill, Pennsylvania where he was a farmer, merchant and school teacher. For the past few years they have resided in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Guy attended Waynes­burg College.

CHILDREN OF GUY & PEARL LEMMON (Guicharles5William4)

3849. Betty Jean Lemmon married Albert Flocco. 3850. James Vernon Lemmon married Joyce DeWitt. 3851. Donald Hubert Lemmon married Florence Fantini.

1902. LUKE LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemmon, born 10-23-1908; living, 1969; married Fern Connor, of Samuel and Clara (Kig­er) Connor, born near Garrison, Pa.; living, 1969.

Luke and Fern Lemmon have resided throughout their married life in the areas of Nettle Hill and Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; they presently reside in


the latter place. Luke was a farmer and school teacher, now retired. Fern was employed at Greene County Memorial Hospital for some 15 years.



3852. Marvin Luke Lemmon married Helen Louise Parry. 3853. Janice Eliane Lemmon married Robert Edward Buckingham.

1904. MARY ELIZABETH LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemmon, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 12-6-1912; living, 1969; married 3-31-1937, Claude E. Mansfield, of O. C. and Bertha (Fluharty) Mansfield, born Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1969.

Claude and Mary Elizabeth reside near Nettle Hill, Pennsylvania where he is a farmer. He is also employed by the Pennsylvania State Highway De­partment. They have no children.

1905. ROBERT LEE LEMMON, of Charles and Lizzie (Hennen) Lemmon, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 12-22-1915; living, 1969; married 11-1-1945, Madeline Shough, of Lot B. and Bertha (Mitchell) Shough, born Aleppo, Pa.; living.

Robert and Madeline reside near Nettle Hill, Pennsylvania where he is a farmer. Robert is a veteran of World War II, having been in the U.S. Army and served in Saipan. They have no children.

1906, RAYMOND ELZA WADE, of Richard Smith and Cassie Dora (Henn­en) Wade, born Jollytown, Pa. 7-14-1899; living, 1968; married Anne Chap­line, of William Barnes and Bernice (Johnson) Chapline, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1968.

Raymond and Anne reside in Wellsburg, West Virginia. They have no children.

1907. ANNA MATILDA WADE, of Richard S. and Cassie D. (Hennen) Wade, born Jollytown, Pa. 7-16-1901; living, 1968; unmarried.

Anna Matilda resides in New Martinsville, West Virginia; she is a teach­ing nurse on part-time basis. Miss Wade received her R. N. degree from Ohio Valley General Hospital after which she was, for a number of years, a Public Health Nurse.

1908. EARL KAY TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen) Taylor, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 9-16-1904; living, 1968; married Audrey Brown, of Sidney Reed and Julia (Canfield) Brown, born Richmond, W. Va.; living.

Earl and Audrey have resided in Webster Springs, West Virginia; Pass­aic, New Jersey; Gap, Pennsylvania; and Monroe and Reading Present res­idence), Michigan. Earl is an electrician employed by the Michigan Power Company.


5William )

3854. LYDIA LOU TAYLOR, born Monroe, Mich.; at home. 1909. LORNA RHEA TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen) Taylor,

born St. Cloud, W. Va. 4-10-1906; living, 1968; married 10-6-1924, Paul Chamberlain, of Charles and Nora (Taylor) Chamberlain, born New Cumber­land, W. Va. 6-18-1899; living, 1968.

Paul and Lorna Rhea reside in Wellsburg, West Virginia; he is self-em-421

ployed as a barber. For more than 40 years he has operated his own barber shop. Paul served his country during World War I, was twice wounded, and received the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Lorna took a writer's digest writing course and is the author of a number of poems and stories which have been published. Her first poetry was pub­lished in 1933 and her first story in 1935, by Munsey's All-Story Magazine.


3855, William Raymond Chamberlain married Mary Ann Clarke. 3856. Milton Kay Chamberlain, unmarried.

1910. WINONA MADGE TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen) Taylor, born Ohio Co., W. Va. 6-16-1908; living, 1968; unmarried.

Winona resides in Parkersburg, West Virginia, now retired. She re­ceived her Master's degree in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh and was, for some time, an instructor in nursing.

1911. MARINDA MAE TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen) Tay­lor, born Ohio Co., W. Va. 4-24-1910; living, 1968; married Harold Goodin, of Charles Clark and Clara Belle (Jameson) Goodin, born Brooke Co., W. Va.; living, 1968.

Harold and Mae reside in Wellsburg, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF HAROLD & MAE GOODIN (Mae6Cassie5William4)

3857. Charles Erwood Goodin married Cindy Wolff. 3 85 8. Kathleen Joyce Goodin married Robert Shall es.

1912. LYDIA ELIZABETH TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen) Taylor, born Ohio Co., W. Va. 6-26-1913; living, 1968; married Paul J. Hennen#l 776, of Frank and Zora Hennen, born West Alexander, Pa.; living.

For further data see #1 776. 1913. GEORGE WILLIAM TAYLOR, of Dr. Milton and Cassie (Hennen)

Taylor, born Ohio Co., W. Va. 3-2-1919; living, 1968; married Helen Coughlin, of Joseph and Helen Coughlin, born Fairmont, W. Va.; living.

George William and Helen presently reside in Elkins, West Virginia; they formerly resided in Fairmont and Parkersburg, same state. Mr. Tay­lor is employed by Monongahela-West Penn Power Company.


William4) 3859. PATRICK WILLIAM TAYLOR, born Fairmont, W. Va. 3860. CHRISTINE ANN TAYLOR, born Fairmont, W. Va. 3861. MICHAEL MILTON TAYLOR, born Parkersburg, W. Va. 3862. CASSANDRA NAN TAYLOR, born Elkins, W. Va.

1914. JOSEPHINE LYDIA HENNEN, of Earl M. and Josephine Hennen, born Morgantown, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Miss Hennen resides in Morgantown, West Virginia where she teaches school.

1916. EARL MALCOLM (or EARL MICHAEL) HENNEN JR., of Earl M. and Josephine Hennen, born Morgantown, W. Va.; living, 1969; married


Mary Roberts. Earl Michael and Mary now maintain residence in El Paso, Texas; they

have resided various places as he is somewhat of an army career man. He is now stationed in Viet Nam, serving as aninterpreter. He previously has served in World War II and the Korean Conflict and was wounded in service.



1918. ESSIE MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleasants Co., W, Va. 6-25-1893; living, 1968; married Nelsgn Feltes'.

4 CHILDREN OF NELSON & ESSIE FELTER (Essie Evelyn Katharine )

3866. JULIAN FELTER married Lola Griffith. 1919. CLARA MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleasants

Co., W. Va. 10-3-1894; living, 1968; married Jamel Mastin, . 4



1920. RAYMOND MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, bornPleas­ants Co., W. Va. 3- -1896; living, 1968; married Beryl Howard.




1921. ROSE MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 2- -1898; died 8- -1923; married Frank Barron.

They had no children. 1922. KENCIL MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas-

ants Co., W. Va. 11-21-1900; living, 1968; married MaJ:garet ~yers. CHILDREN OF KENCIL & MARGARET MYER (Kencil Evelyn Katharine



1923. PATRICK MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas-ants Co., W. Va. 12-25-1902; living, 1968; married Hallie Gault.

CHILDREN OF PATRICK & HALLIE MYER (Patrick6Evelyn5Katharine4



1924. BEULAH MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas-423

ants Co., W. Va. 11-30-1903; married Williard Neeley. They had no children. 1925. EARNEST MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas­

ants Co., W. Va. 11-24-1908; died 2- -1964; married Hazel Snively. They had no children. 1926. RALPH MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas­

ants Co., W. Va. 1-5-1912; living, 1968; married Betty King. They had no children. 1927. LILLIAN MYER, of Mack and Evelyn (Phelps) Myer, born Pleas-

ants Co., W. Va. 3-12-1914; living, 1968; married Don Bradfield. CHILDREN OF DON & LILLIAN BRADFIELD (Lillian6Evelyn5Katharine4)


1934. BEATRICE ARMSTRONG, of William and Mary (Phelps) Armstrong, born Waverly, W. Va. 10-1-1905; living, 1968; married Ivan Martin, of Ben­jamin and Annetta (Waters) Martin, born Delaware Co., Oh. 1-7-1894; died Utica, Oh. 3-30-1969. Ivan is buried in Southlawn Cemetery, at Utica, Oh.

Ivan and Beatrice resided in Utica, Ohio where she still makes her home. He was employed by the George J. Igel Company (Columbus, Oh. ) until his retirement. Ivan served in the U.S. Navy during World War I. Beatrice has been employed by R. R. Brinkerhoff, editor and publisher of the Utica Her­ald newspaper.

They had no children; however, Ivan had a child by a former marriage: Betty Lucille Martin married Robert Raynard.

1943. SARA HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; died Akron, Oh.; married John Cottrell, of Henry and Florence Cottrell, born Roane Co., W. Va. ; died Akron, Oh. Both are buried in Mt. William Cemetery, near Reedy, W. Va.

John and Sara resided in Akron, Ohio where he was employed in a rubber

plant. 6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & SARA COTTRELL (Sara Charles John )


(Doris and Deloris were twins) 1944. HAROLD HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co.,

W. Va.; died Weirton, W. Va.; married Hazel Tanner, of Sam and Ella Tanner, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; living, 1969. Harold is buried in the Hill


Grove Cemetery, at Sanoma, W. Va. Harold and Hazel resided in Weirton, West Virginia where he was em­

ployed at the Weirton Tin Mill, as an electrician. Hazel marries, second, R. C. Turner; she now resides in Parkersburg, West Virginia.



3889. Twila Marie Hennen married Robert Theodore Kirchner. 1945, GOLDIE HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co.,

W. Va.; living, 1969; married Charles Tucker, of Ben and Annie Tucker, born Creston, W. Va.; died Parkersburg, W. Va. He is buried in Rockland,Oh.

Charles and Goldie resided in Creston and Parkersburg, West Virginia; she now resides in the latter place. Mr. Tucker was a steam fittgr.



3890. Eugene Tucker married Betty Milan. 3891. Dora Jean Tucker married Earl Webb.

1946. HATTIE HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Webster Co., W. Va.; living, 1969; married Adrian Tennant, of Martin Tennant, born Roane Co., W. Va.; living, 1969.

Adrian and Hattie reside near Parkersburg, West Virginia. He is build­er and care-taker for the Crossroads Methodist Camp; Hattie is employed by Ramey's Lakeview Drug Store.


3892. EUGENE TENNANT married Earlene Hillberry. 3893. VIVA TENNANT married Raymond Lightner. 3894. NORRIS TENNANT 3895. REBA TENNANT married ____ Pierson. 3896, DANNY TENNANT married Sue Buckley.

1947. EDITH HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Charles Criss (2) Earl Heckman, born Oh., living, 1969.

Charles and Edith resided in Akron, Ohio; Earl and Edith reside in Phoe­nix, Ariz.


3897. IRENE CRISS, born and died Akron, Oh. 1948. EXEL CARL HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt

Co., W. Va. ; living, 1969; married Rebecca Mae Camp, of William Anderson and Anna Florence (Chancey) Camp, born Roane Co., W. Va.; living, 1969.

Exel and Rebecca have resided throughout their married life in the area of Sanoma, West Virginia; their present residence is Reedy. Exel is a pro-duction worker for F. M. C. Corporation.


3898. Charles William Hennen married Glenna Masel Monroe. 425

3899. Russell Leon Hennen married Mary Eva Wright. 3900. Rita Mae Hennen, unmarried. 3901. Sharon Ann Hennen, unmarried. 3902. Linda Jean Hennen married Lawrence Kendall Amos. 3903. DONNA CHARLOTTE HENNEN, born Roane Co., W. Va.; at home. 3904. RHODA CARLENE HENNEN, born Roane Co., W, Va.; at home. 3905. ROGER NEAL HENNEN, born Roane Co., W. Va.; at home. 3906. SHELIA JANE HENNEN, born Roane Co., W. Va.; at home.

1949. BERNICE HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Elmer Cottrell, of Henry and Florence Cottrell, born Roane Co., W. Va.; died Akron, Oh. Bernice married (2) Homer Curry.

Bernice resides in Akron, Ohio where she is employed by the Goodyear Rubber Company. There were no children.

1950. ROMIE V. HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Evelyn, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Nina Pearl Marks, of Dennis and Ethel Marks, born Creston, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Romie and Nina reside in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he is em-ployed as a 9lumber.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ROMIE & NINA HENNEN (Romie Charles John )

3907. Ronald Hennen married Janet Lee Thompson. 3908. Wayne Beryl Hennen married Pat Tanner. 3909. Zelda Rajeane Hennen married George Harrod.

1951. RAUNDA HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Evelyn, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Pauline Fletcher, of Charles S. and Minnie May Fletcher, born Reedy, W. Va.; living, 1969. Raunda married (2) Violet Mitchell, of Delbert Isaac and Tensie May Mitchell, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Raunda and Violet reside near Belpre, Ohio; he is employed by Union Carbide Company, as a machinist. Raunda and Pauline were divorced and she resides in Akron, Ohio.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RAUNDA & VIOLET HENNEN (Raunda Charles John )

3910, David Hennen married Shiela Elliott. 3911. STEPHEN HENNEN, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; at home. 3912. PHIL HENNEN, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; at home.

1952. CHARLOTTE HENNEN, of Charles and Pheba Hennen, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; living, 1969; married Cluster Dye, of Olmer and Grace Dye, born Wirt Co., W. Va.; living, 1969.

Cluster and Charlotte reside in Sissonsville, West Virginia where he is a self-employed merchant, T-V repairman and welder. He was formerly employed by Godfrey L. Cabot. Mr. Dye served 3 1/2 years in the U.S. Navy Sea Bee's.



3913. Judy Dye married Bernard Taylor. 3914. DIANNA SUE DYE, born Prosperity, W. Va.; at home. 3915. RICKY DEAN DYE, born Sissonsville, W. Va.; at home.

1956. IRA FRANKLIN RALLS, of Ira and Anna (Hennen) Ralls, born Mo.; married Julia Mozaros, born Detroit, Mich.



3916. Carolyn Ann Ralls married Kenneth Dobert. 3917. DARRYL FRANKLIN RALLS, born Detroit, Mich.; unmarried.

1957. EVELYN FAYE RALLS, of Ira and Anna (Hennen) Ralls, born Mo.; married Roderick Bagwell, born Marion Co., Ky.


Anna John ) 3918. Judith Faye Bagwell married Patrick Hennessy. 3919. JAMES GAYLE BAGWELL (adopted)

1958. LEONA MAY RALLS, of Ira and Anna (Hennen) Ralls, born Mo.; married Frank Burton, born Princeton, W. Va.


3920. BONITA LUREA BURTON, born Kansas City, Mo.; at home. 1959. KENNETH BERN RALLS, of Ira and Anna (Hennen) Ralls, born Mo.;

married Geraldine Keenan, born Detroit, Mich. 6 5



3921. MICHAEL BERN RALLS, born Detroit, Mich.; at home. 3922. CARL GLENN RALLS, born Detroit, Mich.; at home.

1960. MARILYN JOANNE RALLS, of Ira and Anna (Hennen) Ralls, born Mo.; married Harold Goldsmith, born Kansas Coty, Mo.



3923. DEBRA LEE GOLDSMITH, born Kansas City, Mo.; at home. 3924. SANDRA KAY GOLDSMITH, born Kansas City, Mo.; at home.

1966. CLARICE COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married James Francis Williamson, of Howard and Bess (Smith) Williamson, born Belmont, W. Va.; living, 1969.

James and Clarice reside in Belmont, West Virginia where he is a real estate and building contractor. Clarice graduated from Marshall College af­ter which she was an elementary school teacher; she is presently employed as Programmer by the U.S. Board of National Debt, at Parkersburg (W. Va.).


3925. Hal Williamson married Mary Ann Canterbury. 1967. FLORENCE COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born

St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Roy Thomas Houts Jr., of Roy T. and Carrie Lou (Caldwell) Houts Sr., born Kerrville, Tex.

Rev. Roy and Florence Houts Jr. reside in Valdese, North Carolina; he 427

received his B. S, degree in Music from Salem College (N. C.) and his B. D. degree from Emory University (Ga.). Roy is presently engaged as a Minis­ter in the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference. Florence received a B. S. degree from Western Carolina University after which she has taught in the schools of North Carolina and Georgia.

6 5 CHILD OF REV. ROY & FLORENCE HOUTS JR. (Florence Dorothy

William4) 3926. Linda Houts married Von H. McCashill.

1968. C. LOREN COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Helen A. Smith, ofO.J. Smith, born Hebron, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Loren and Helen reside in Marshall, Texas where he is a welding con­tractor.

CHILDREN OF LOREN & HELEN COOKE (Loren6Dorothy5William 4

3927. Mary Cooke married Robert Goss. 3928. Martha Cooke married Joseph Hunt. 3929. Carol Cooke married John T. Kipp.

1969. BIRTA EILEEN COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Van Lier Lanning, of Milt­on Lanning, born Philadelphia, Pa.; living, 1969.

Van and Birta reside in Wilmington, Delaware. Birta is a graduate of St. Joseph Hospital School of Nursing. Van is a graduate of the Juliard School of Music and is presently Director of the Wilmington Symphony; he also operates the Lanning Music Company, Incor~orated.



3930. Bette Anne Lanning married Joseph de Courcelle III. 3931. Elaine Ruth Lanning married Louis Mauro. 3932. Dwight Van Lier Lanning married Cynthia Schauer.

1970. VIRGINIA MAY COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Beryl A. Russell, of Neil* Russell, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969. * and Lura (Wilson)

Beryl and Virginia reside in Point Pleasant, West Virginia; he is em­ployed by the Kaiser Aluminum Company, as a machinist.



3933. Roger Russell married Judy Gaeger. 3934. Diana Russell married John Burnham.

1971. NORMA JUNE COOKE, of Charles and Dorothy (Hannen) Cooke, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969; married James West Hoy, of Albert and Marie (West) Hoy, born St. Mary's, W. Va.; living, 1969.

James W. and Norma reside in Vienna, West Virginia. Norma is a Li­censed Practical Nurse employed at Camden-Clark Hospital in Parkersburg. James received both his B. S. and Master's degree in Music from Marshall University; he is presently Band Director at Parkersburg High School, hav-


ing formerly held the same position in Huntington. Mr. Hoy is a veteran of World War II; he served in the U.S. Army, being in the Pacific area 1!144-45.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & NORMA JUNE HOY (Norma June6Dorothy5 William4)

3935. Nola Anne Hoy married Grayson Dash Thornton III. 3936. Janet Marie Hoy married James W. Mills.

1974. WILFRED COUNTRYMAN, of Alfred and May (Hennen) Country­man, born Wiscotta, Ia. 1-11-1899; living, 1969; married Gladys E. Smith, of Asa and Rosa Smith.

Wilfred Arthur and Gladys Countryman reside in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Gladys attended Business College for 2 years; Wilfred was employed in a factory, in Detroit, Michigan, for some time and later was with the Purex Soap Company (Omaha) until his retirement. They had no children.

1975. OLIVER WILLIAM HENNEN, of Brooke and Marie Hennen, born Nickerson, Nebr. 8-11-1903; living, 1969; married (1) 9-1-1928, Leona M. Farren, of Joseph and Agnes (Joyal) Farren, born New Troy, Mich. 12-12-1900; died Mishawaka, Ind. 3-25-1934. Oliver married (2) 6-29-1935, Mrs. Opal Dellinger Spade, of David and Nancy Elizabeth (Stover) Dellinger, born Wolcoot, Ind. 9-14-1901; living, 1969. Leona is buried in Posey Chapel Cemetery, in La Porte Co., Ind.

Oliver and Opal reside in Granger, Indiana; he has been employed by the Studebaker Corporation and the South Bend Range Company, as a press o­perator. He has been a tremendous help in completing this family line.

CHILD OF OLIVER & LEONA HENNEN (Oliver6Brooke50liver4)

3937. Agnes Marie Hennen married (1) Fred J. Stein (2) Jack Neil Enders. 1977. CLYDE BROOK HENNEN, of Brooke and Marie Hennen, born near

Hooper, Nebr. 6-6-1906; living, 1969; married 8-13-1932, Bernadine Thelma Cauffman, of Clarence and Augusta Cauffman, born Buchanan, Mich. 6-17-1914; died Buchanan, Mich. 10-28-1962. She is buried in Portage Prairie Cemetery, at Portage Prairie, Mich.

Clyde and Bernadine resided in Galien, Michigan; he now resides in Bu­chanan. Clyde was employed as a molder for Clark Equipment Company; he is now unable to work.


3938. Doris Pauline Hennen married Floyd Louis Totzke. 3939. RAYMOND LEROY HENNEN, born Buchanan, Mich. ; died (young)

Ann Arbor, Mich.; buried Portage Prairie Cemetery. 3940, Janet Faye Hennen married Gordon C. Shaffer.

1978. PAULINE M. HENNEN, of Brooke and Marie Hennen, born near Hooper, Nebr. 11-29-1908; died Chesterton, Ind. 4-6-1957; unmarried. She is buried at Three Oaks, Mich.

Pauline was employed by the Northern Indiana Gas Company, as an office worker.


1979. LLOYD WESLEY HENNEN, of Brooke and Marie Hennen, born Galena Twp., LaPorte Co., Ind. 4-23-1923; living, 1969; married 9-30-1945, Ruth Bradburn, of Clarence Webster and Leila Levee (Hostetter) Brad­burn, born South Bend, Ind. 9-16-1923; living, 1969.

Lloyd and Ruth reside in New Carlisle, Indiana; he is employed by the South Bend Range Corporation, as a sheetmetal layout worker. Lloyd serv­ed in the U.S. Army 1946-47, as a Corporal stationed in the Philippine Is­lands in the Military Police.

CHILDREN OF LLOYD & RUTH HENNEN (Lloyd6Brooke50liver4)

3941. GLEN WESLEY HENNEN, born LaPorte, Ind. ; unmarried; attend­ing Ball State University (Muncie, Ind.).

3942. ROBERT WEBSTER HENNEN, born LaPorte, Ind.; at home. 1980, BERNICE CLEO ANDERSEN, of Charles and Louisa (Hennen) An­

dersen, born Ames, Nebr.; living, 1969; unmarried. Bernice resides in Fremont, Nebraska. She received her M. E. degree

from Nebraska University and has since been a public school teacher, pre­sently at Norfolk, Nebraska. It is impossible to sufficiently thank Bernice for her help in this history. Had it not been for her great interest and fine co-operation we would have had nothing on this family of Oliver Hennen de­scendants.

Perhaps this would be a good place to reveal some of the ways used in locating many of the descendants of this vast Hennen Family. To the author of this work, no record of Oliver Hennen was found after 1880, at which time he was found in the census of Monongalia County, West Virginia. A neice, Maude Kramer, recalled that he visited his mother about 1912, shortly be­fore her death. At that time he was residing in Fremont, Nebraska. Upon learning this I wrote the Clerk of Courts there and found that one of the fam­ily had married there and their post office address had been given as Nicker­son. I next wrote the Postmaster at Nickerson; he recalled that Brooke Henn­en had been a friend of his father. He also knew that Oliver Hennen had a granddaughter, Bernice Andersen, living in Fremont. This kind postmaster sent my letter to Miss Andersen and an airmail postcard to me. A few days later I received a very nice letter from Miss Andersen and soon this family, previously unknown to us, became almost like next-door neighbors. We felt we knew them personally. This is only one example of the many nice people who have helped make this book possible.

1981. REX LUCIEN ANDERSEN, of Charles and Louisa (Hennen) Andersen, born Ames, Nebr.; living, 1969; married Alice Emma Johnson, of Charles C. and Emma Ada (Keeler) Johnson, born Saunders Co. ,Nebr.; living, 1969.

Rex and Alice Andersen resided in Dodge County, Nebraska until 1941; he worked for Montgomery, Ward and Company. They moved to Burbank, California, where he worked at Lockheed Aircraft; later he was plant super­intendent for Aero Industries Technical Institute of Los Angeles, California. He next taught Aircraft for Curtis Wright Company. From 1945 through '56 he owned and operated the Spalding Livestock Market (Spalding, Nebr.) and


sold real estate. Since 1957 they have resided in Holdrege, Nebraska, and is owner of a Real Estate and Auction Business there. He is a Licensed Real­tor and graduate auctioneer. Rex also attended Glendale Junior College, at Glendale, California.



3943. Dewaine Charles Andersen married Karen E. Lietzow. 3944. Kay Lorraine Andersen married Ronald Peterson.

1982. FRANK CHARLES ANDERSEN, of Charles and Louisa (Hennen) Andersen, born Hooper, Nebr.; living, 1969; married Johanna Marie Neils, of Neils and Elizabeth Neils, born Nyneagen, Holland; living, 1969.

Frank and Johanna reside in Kent Washington; he is employed by Boeing Aircraft Company. During World War II they resided in California where he worked in an airplane factory; he later worked as a heavy construction engi­neer.


3945. PAULA RAE ANDERSEN, born Los Angeles, Calif. 1983. UREE MARIE HOLSTEDT, of John and Maud (Hennen) Holstedt,

born Sheridan, Wyo.; living, 1969; married Carl Xavier Richter, of Karl Xavier and Pauline (Zizlemann) Richter, born San Antonio, Tex.; living.

Carl and Uree reside near LaVernia, Texas, on a ranch. Uree attended business college after which she worked at secretarial positions in various insurance companies and civil service; she also worked for the U. S. Army at Ft. Francis E. Warren (Cheyenne, Wyo.). After some time as a house­wife Uree is again a career woman serving as secretary to the Administrator of the Methodist Mission Home of Texas, in San Antonio. Carl received a B. S. degree from Texas A & M University after which he did graduate work at Texas A & I and Southwest Texas State College with Commission as 2nd Lt. in U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps from Texas A & M, during World War II. After his release from th army he was employed as Vocational Agri­cultural Instructor in High School--11 years at Castroville, Texas and 12 years in La Vernia, Texas where he is presently.



3946. Carl Xavier Richter Jr., unmarried. 3947. Katherine Anne Richter married Alvin Paul Volkmann. 3948. JOHN FREDERICK RICHTER, born Castroville, Tex., attending

Southwest Junior College, Uvalde, Tex. 3949. ROBERT WILLIAM RICHTER, born Castroville, Tex.; at home. 3950. MARGO SUZANNE RICHTER, born Castroville, Tex.; at home.

1984. JOHN HENNEN HOLSTEDT, of John and Maud (Hennen) Holstedt, born Sheridan, Wyo.; living, 1969; unmarried.

John resides in Tempe, Arizona; he is presently teaching English at the Mesa (Ariz) Community College. He attended Hastings (Nebr.) College one year before transferring to the University of Wyoming, where he graduated


in the class of 1939. He was employed as a reporter for the Sheridan Press until he became an Aviation Cadet 9-26-1941. John graduated from the Air Force Flying School at Luke Field, Arizona, and was commissioned a 2nd Lt. 4-24-1942. During World War II he served with the Air Transport Com­mand in Africa; in the years 1952-56 he was with the Military Air Transport Service in Bermuda. Having left the service in 1947, John returned to active duty in 1948 and retired at Maxwell A. F. B. (Ala.) in May, 1963, as a Lt. Colonel U.S.A. F. holding the rating of Command Pilot. He was assistant professor of Military Science at Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) 1956-59. At the end of his service John resumed his education and received a M.A. degree from Arizona State University in 1966.

1985. ROBERT EUGENE HOLSTEDT, of John and Maud (Henne~Holstedt, born Sheridan, Wyo.; living, 1969; married Mary Emily Mothershead, of James Robert and Julia (Coolidge) Mothershead.

Robert and Mary reside in Sheridan, Wyoming. Robert attended the Uni­versity of Wyoming 1938-41; he became an Aviation Cadet 11-7-1941, grad­uated from the Army Air Force Flying School at Mission Air Field, Texas, with the commission of 2nd Lt. He served in North Africa as a B-26 Pilot and was wounded on his 6th mission; he was hospitalized and returned to the United States where he was awarded the Air Medal and Purple Heart. He was discharged 11-17-1945, with the rank of Captain. Robert returned to school and received a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Wyoming in 1949. Since that time he has maintained a law practice in Sheridan and has served two terms in the State Legislature 1951-53 and 1953-55. He has also served as Police Judge, City Attorney and County Attorney. In 1968 the Uni­versity of Wyoming awarded him the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree. Mary received a B. A. degree from the University of Wyoming.


3951. Marianne Holstedt married Thomas Oran Bibbey. 3952. John Richard Holstedt 3953. Robert Brooke Holstedt 3954. CRAIG HOLDEN HOLSTEDT, born Sheridan, Wyo.; at home.

1986. DANIEL JOSEPH MCENTEE, of Bernard and Louisa (Hennen) McEntee, born Moundsville, W. Va. 10-8-1899; died Detroit, Mich. 8-20-1953; married 12-9-1929, Florence Des Roches. Daniel is buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, in Detroit, Mich.

They had no children. 1987. WILLIAM J. MCENTEE, of Bernard and Louisa (Hennen) McEntee,

born Cincinnati, Oh. 1-9-1902; living, 1969; married 11-30-1933, Phyllis E. Shafferly, of Frank O. Shafferly, born Detroit, Mich. 1-30-1909; living.

William and Phyllis now reside in Grosse Point, Michigan; he is now re­tired. William attended the University of Detroit where he received a B. S. E. E. degree in 1925. He retired from the Michigan Bell Telephone Company 8-1-1965 after 43 years of service as General Traffic Supervisor. William has supplied much of the data regarding this line of the family; thanks!



3955, Mary Alice McEntee married James Keller. 3956, Julianne McEntee married Thomas O'Gara. 3957. Phyllis E. McEntee married Douglas Pease. 3958. CAROL LYNN McENTEE, born Detroit, Mich.; at home.

1988. EDWARD BERNARD MCENTEE, of Bernard and Louisa (Hennen) McEntee, born Chicago, Ill. 6-12-1904; living, 1969; married 12-13-1930, Dorothea Amy Tracy, of Dr. B. Allen and Augusta Tracy, born Manchester, Mich, 9-12-1903; living, 1969.

Edward B. and Dorothea reside in Cleveland, Ohio; formerly resided in Detroit, Michigan. Edward attended the University of Detroit and Dorothea attended Ypsilanti State Normal; both were formerly employed by the Mich­igan Bell Telephone Company. Mr. McEntee was later employed as sales representative for the Industrial Press and more recently has been a sales­man for Webster Realty Company.


3959, Jeanna Marie McEntee married William Grau. 3960. Robert Allen McEntee married Veronica White. 3961. Michael McEntee married Barbara Szedegi.

1989, KATHRYN LOUISE HENNEN, of William and Anna Hennen, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; living, 1969; married James Earl Beard, of James A. and Mary (Bontz) Beard, born Alexandria, Va. ; living.

James and Kathryn reside in the Avalon section of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­vania. He is an automobile salesman and Kathryn is a public stenographer. They have no children.

1990, WILLIAM GEORGE HENNEN, of William and Anna Hennen, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; died Pittsburgh, Pa.; married La Verne Donnelly, of James and Mary (Hook) Donnelly, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; living, 1968. William is buried in St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery, at Pittsburgh, Pa.

William and Laverne resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he was manager of Isaly 's Dairy Store. Mrs. Hennen married, second, Timothy Carroll and they reside in Phoenix, Arizona.




3962. Sheila Ann Hennen married (1) Brian Banducci (2) Jeffrey Hollerich. 1991. THOMAS ALBERT HENNEN, of William and Anna Hennen, born

Pittsburgh, Pa.; living, 1969; married Anna R. Legler, of John and Anna (Achatz) Legler, born Pittsburgh, Pa. ; living.

Thomas and Anna reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; he is a bookbinder for the Colonial Press. Thomas was in the Navy Seabees and had overseas service in the Marshall and Marianas Islands. Mr. Hennen gave unlimited help in completing this line of the family and our hearty thanks goes out to him,


CHILDREN OF THOMAS & ANNA HENNEN (Thomas6 William5 Elza4) (both born Pittsburgh, Pa.)


1992. JOHN EDWARD HENNEN, of William and Anna Hennen, born in Pittsburgh, Pa.; living, 1969; married Helen Laheta, of John and Mary La­heta, born Burgettstown, Pa.; living, 1969.

John and Helen reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and is secretary-treasurer of the Reynolds Man­ufacturing Company, in Avonmore. John is a veteran of World War II, hav­ing served in the 14th Armored Division in France and Ge~many


3965. SCOTT WILLIAM HENNEN, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; at home. 1994. BRUCE BARTHOLOW, of Jeremiah and Maude (Hennen) Bartholow,

born Fairmont, W. Va. 1-19-1905; living, 1969; married (1) Verlo Peters, of L. Clair and Mina (Griffin) Peters, born Benton Harbor, Mich. 12-17-1904; living, 1968. Bruce married (2) Mrs. Eleanor Mueller, of Charles Snyder, born Mich. 2- -1918; died Ovieda, Fla. 2- -1967. Bruce mar­ried (3) Mrs. Cloreen Daugherty, of Arch and Carrie Cannon, born Fla.; living, 1969. Eleanor is buried in Ovieda Cemetery, at Ovieda, Fla.

Bruce and Verlo resided in Benton Harbor, Michigan; Bruce and Eleanor resided in Stevensville, Michigan, and Ovieda, Florida; Bruce and Cloreen reside near Ovieda. Mr. Bartholow has been a plasterer and cement mason, presently employed by Geiger-Jones, Contractor, of Orlando, F\frida.



3966. Robert Clair Bartholow married Clara Kudlo. 3967. Douglas B. Bartholow married Mary Jane Sill. 3968. Shirley Ann Bartholow married Gary Peakes.

1996. KATHRYN BARTHOLOW, of Jeremiah and Maude (Hennen) Barth­olow, born Fairmont, W. Va. 12-6-1908; living, 1969; married 5-14-1927, James P. Coons, of James F. and Emma (Brittian) Coons, born Pittsburgh, Pa.12-12-1903; living.

James and Kathryn presently reside in Redondo Beach, California; they formerly resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an automobile mechan­ic, manager of a shop for Hughes Aircraft Corporation.


3969. JOAN LOUISE COONS, born and died (young) Pittsburgh, Pa. 39 70. James Joseph Coons married (1) Roza Lee Kurman

(2) Ruth Gorbotkin Sweslow. 3971. Kathleen Coons married (1) Robert Kelley (2) Ralph R. Ruiz. 3972. Sylvia Dianne Coons married (1) David Holiday (2) James B. Hitt.

1997. WINIFRED ERNESTINE HENNEN, of John T. and Mary Hennen, born Portland, Me.; living, 1969; married Francis X. Schmidt Jr., of


Frank and May Schmidt, born Newark, N.J.; living. Francis and Winifred reside in Clark, New Jersey where he is employ­

ed as a methods analyst for the Prudential Insurance Company of America. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & WINIFRED SCHMIDT JR. (Winifred6John5

Elza4) 3973. Francis X. Schmidt III married Joanna Koch. 3974. JOHN THOMAS SCHMIDT, born East Orange, N.J.; at home. 3975. MARGARET JANE SCHMIDT, born East Orange, N.J.; at home. 3976. MICHAEL JOSEPH SCHMIDT, born East Orange, N.J.; at home. 3977. WILLIAM STEPHEN SCHMIDT, born East Orange, N.J.; at home. 3978, PETER FRANCIS SCHMIDT, born East Orange, N.J.; at home.

1998, MARY ILES HENNEN, of John and Mary Hennen, born Portland, Me.; living, 1969; married Eugene Feeley, of Mathew and Annie Feeley, born New York; living.

Eugene and Mary reside in Irvington, New Jersey where he is a salesman for Fisher's Baking Company. Eugene had service in the U.S. ravy.


3979. Kathleen Feeley married James Greene. 3980, Eugene Feeley Jr. married Mary Ann Pollock. 3981. DENNIS FEELEY, born East Orange, N.J.; at home. 3982, JAMES FEELEY, born Newark, N.J.; at home. 3983. MICHAEL FEELEY, born Irvington, N.J.; at home.

1999. JUSTINE L. HENNEN, of John anc: Mary Hennen, born Portland, Me.; living, 1969; married Richard Sommer, of Paul and Violet Sommer, born Lyndhurst, N. J.; living.

Richard and Justine reside in Middletown, New Jersey where he is em­ployed by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, in the long lines department. Richard had service in the U.S. Air Force.




3984. KATHLEEN SOMMER, born Newark, N.J.; at home. 3985. PATRICIASOMMER, bornNewark, N.J.;athome. 3986. MARY SOMMER, born Newark, N.J.; at home. 3987. RICHARD SOMMER JR., born Redbank, N.J.; at home. 3988, SHEILA SOMMER, born Redbank, N. J.; at home.

2000. ALICE MILLER, of William and Alice (Hennen) Miller, born De­troit, Mich.; living, 1969; married Major Joseph Cullen, of David and Em­ily (Calvert) Cullen, born Duquesne, Pa. ; living.

Maj. Joseph and Alice Cullen presently reside in Monterey, California. Joseph served 20 years in the U. S, Army before his retirement to civilian life; during this time Alice followed along with him much of the time, living at Fort Dix (N. J.) and Frankfort (Germany) among other places. After his retirement Joseph was employed at United California Bank (Salinas, Calif.) while he furthered his education preparatory to a teaching career. He at­tended San Francisco State College where he received a B. A. degree in So-


cial Science and is presently teaching in Monterey High School. CHILDREN OF MAJ. JOSEPH & ALICE CULLEN (Alice 6 Alice 5Elza 4)

3989. MICHAEL CULLEN, born Fort Dix, N.J.; at home. 3990. ALLISON CULLEN, born Fort Dix, N.J.; at home. 3991. MARILYN CULLEN, born Frankfort, Ger.; at home.

2001. MARY MILLER, of William and Alice (Hennen) Miller, born Los Angeles, Calif. ; living, 1969; married Dr. Hugh I. Schade, of Manuel Pieler and Ada Farrow and adopted son of Carl and Ada Schade, born Los Angeles, Calif. ; living.

Dr. Hugh and Mary Schade presently reside in Los Gatos, California; they formerly have resided in Los Angeles, California, and Salzburg, Aus­tria. Hugh graduated from the Medical School at the University of Southern California and served his interneship at Tacoma, Washington; he served in the U.S. Army with the rank of Lieutenant. Dr. Schade maintains a medical practice, as a General Practitioner, in Los Gatos where he and Mary are prominent citizens and civic leaders.



5Elza )

3992. HUGH I. SCHADE JR. , born Fort Benning, Ga. ; at home. 3993. CHRISTOPHER SCHADE, born Los Angeles, Calif.; at home. 3994. TERESA SCHADE, born Tacoma, Wash.; at home. 3995. MARK SCHADE, born Los Gatos, Calif. ;at home.

2002. DONALD WILLIAM MILLER, of William and Alice (Hennen) Miller, born Los Angeles, Calif.; living, 1969; married Stella Armento, of Benny and Elsie Armento, born New York, N. Y.; living.

Donald and Stella Miller presently reside in San Jose, California; they formerly resided in Campbell and Santa Cruz, California. Both are grad­uates of San Jose State College where he received a B. A. degree in History and she received a B. A. degree in Education. Both are engaged as teachers in the schools of Santa Clara County, California.


3996. STEVEN WILLIAM MILLER, born San Jose, Calif. ; at home. 2003. JAMES H. SHRIVER, of William and Icie Shriver, born Wades­

town, W. Va. 8-15-1903; died Seminole, Okla. 6-2-1962; unmarried. He is buried in the Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

James H. Shriver went west where he resided in Seminole, Oklahoma; he was district office manager for the Sinclair Oil Company for 35 years.

2004. WALTER SHRIVER, of William and Icie Shriver, born Wadestown, W. Va. 2-24-1905; living, 1969; married 6-27-1936, Ernestine Tucker, of Hiram and Zelma Tucker, born Pruntytown, W. Va. 11-7-1911; living.

Walter and Ernestine reside in Fairmont, West Virginia where he is a construction worker. Ernestine received her R. N. degree from Cook Hos­pital (Fairmont) where she is presently employed as a nurse. Walter has helped us considerably with this history and we thank him kindly.



Rebecca4) 3997. Martha Ann Shriver married James Law. 3998. Karen Shriver married Robert Wade Stewart. 3999. James Shriver married Deborah Susan Davisson.

2005. CLARENCE WILLIAM SHRIVER, of George and Emma Bess Shri­ver, born Warren, Oh.; living, 1969; married Martha Harris, of Rees and Elizabeth Harris, born Niles, Oh. ; living.

Clarence and Martha reside in Niles, Ohio where he is employed as a laboratory technician at Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation.


4 Rebecca ) 4000. Elizabeth Ann Shriver married Loren 0. Lazear. 4001. Margaret Lou Shriver, unmarried.

2006. ROBERT EDWIN SHRIVER, of George and Emma Bess Shriver, born Warren, Oh. ; died Warren, Oh. ; married Lyda Mae Rush, of Edwin and Laura Rush, born Warren, Oh.; living. Robert is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, at Warren, Oh.

Robert and Lyda resided in Warren, Ohio where he was employed as a State Fire Inspector. Robert served in the U.S. Air Corps, most of his time overseas in India.


4002, LYNDA MAE SHRIVER, born Warren, Oh.; at home. 4003. EDWIN GEORGE SHRIVER, born Warren, Oh.; at home.

2007. ANNE ELIZABETH SHRIVER, of George and Emma Bess Shriver, born Warren, Oh. ; living, 1969; married Rudolph R. Boye, of Ernest and Emma Boye, born Warren, Oh.; living.

Rudolph and Anne reside in Warren, Ohio where he is employed as office supervisor of Wean Engineering Company. Rudolph entered the U.S. Army in 1942, was in the invasion of Africa and Sicily with the 9th Intelligence Di­vision, also in the invasion of Normandy and taken prisoner by the enemy. he was liberated after 5 months and returned home. They have no children. Anne has supplied what data we have on this family and her help has been much appreciated; wish we could meet all these nice people some day.

2008. LAVERNE SHRIVER, of George and Emma Bess Shriver, born Warren, Oh.; living, 1969; married James F. McVicker, of James F. and Marie McVicker, born Warren, Oh.; living.

James and Laverne reside in Warren, Ohio where he is employed as an advertising representative of the Warren Tribune Chronicle. James served in the Coast Guard and was stationed in New York.

6 5 CHILDREN OF JAMES & LAVERNE McVICKER (Laverne George Rebecca4)

4004. JAMIE LYNNE McVICKER, born Warren, Oh.; at home. 2009, OSCAR ALBERT MAIN, of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main,

born near Claysville, Pa. ; died Wheeling, W. Va. ; married (1) Etta Arm-437

strong (2) Mrs. Alberta Lutz McLaughlin. Oscar and Etta are buried in the Kadesh Chapel Cemetery, in Brooke Co., W. Va.

Oscar and Alberta resided in Greggsville, West Virginia where he was foreman for the Wheeling Landscape Commission.

5 4 CHILDREN OF OSCAR & MAIN (Oscar6Merttie Levi )

(all born Ohio Co., W. Va.) 4005. BEATRICE FAYE MAIN married Charles Chapline. 4006. ELLA JEAN MAIN married Guy R. Lucas. 4007. WILLIAM KEITH MAIN, died young.

2010. LESLIE OAKEL MAIN, of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main, born near Claysville, Pa.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Leslie Oakel Main resides near Claysville, Pennsylvania; he is now re­tired, having previously worked at a service station.

2011. ILA BEATRICE MAIN, of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main, born near Hickory, Pa. ; living, 1968; married Russell Freeland, of Isaac and Elizabeth Nancy (King) Freeland, born Glover Gap, W. Va.; living.

Russell and Ila reside near West Liberty, West Virginia where he is a farmer.




4008. Elizabeth Ellen Freeland married W. Warren Fluharty. 4009. June Louise Freeland married Robert T. Davidson. 4010. James Merle Freeland married Carole Louise Dye.

2012. LEVI MINOR MAIN, of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main, born near Claysville, Pa. ; living, 1968; married Eleanor Patterson, of William and Bessie Patterson, born Avella, Pa.; living.

Levi and Eleanor reside in Warren, Michigan. Levi has been employed by the Precision Spring Corporation (Detroit, Mich.) for some 32 years, the last 22 years he has been a foreman for this cornoration.




4011. Janet Marie Main married David Grenke. 4012. Sheryl Ann Main married Thomas Antrom. 4013. Donald Marvin Main married Carol Kelley.

2013. JOSEPH PAUL MAIN, of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main, born near Claysville, Pa. ; living, 1968; married Flora Lucinda Clark, of Arthur and Mary (Riggle) Clark, born near West Alexander, Pa.; living.

Joseph and Flora have resided throughout their married life in the areas of Wheeling, West Virginia, and Washington, Pennsylvania; they presently reside in Claysville (Pa.). Joseph is a foreman for Finlay Refactories and Flora works as a waitress.


5Levi )

4014. Loretta Mae Main married Leroy Butterfield. 4015. Ronald Earl Main married Shirley Smith. 4016. RICHARD LEE MAIN, fatally injured in an automobile accident at


the age of 17 years; buried Claysville Cemetery, at Claysville, Pa. 4017. LINDA LOU MAIN, born Claysville, Pa.; at home.

2014. WILLIAM MAIN JR., of William and Merttie (Hennen) Main, born near Claysville, Pa.; living, 1968; married Evelyn Ringer, of Ralph A. and Frances (Beggs) Ringer, born Atlasburg, Pa.; living.

William and Evelyn first resided in the areas of Sharon and Washington, Pennsylvania while he was employed by the H & M Construction Company. He next was employed by the Sunnhill Coal Company and they resided in At­lasburg, Pennsylvania; Morgantown, West Virginia and New Lexington, Ohio. Moving to Toronto, Ohio he was employed by Aloe Coal Company, as an e­quipment operator. They returned to Atlas burg (Pa.) and he now operates heavy equipment for strip mining.



4018. SANDRA GAIL MAIN, born Washington, Pa.; presently employed at Washington Hospital as a nurses' aid.

4019. Diana Colleen Main married Kenneth Toflygen. 2015. FRANCIS LEO HENNEN, of Charles and Sally (Renner) Hennen,

born Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Ruth Virginia Bissett, of Brice and Ida (Church) Bissett, born Burton, W. Va.; living, 1969. He mar­ried (2) Mrs. Ruth Babbitt, of Forney and Bessie (Bartrug) Delaney, born Burton, W. Va.; died New Kensington, Pa. Francis Leo married (3) Mrs. Margaret Bush, of William T. and Serena (Cox) Long. born Dennison, Oh.; living, 1969. Ruth Delaney Hennen is buried in the Harmony Cemetery, at Burton, W. Va.

Francis Leo has resided in the areas of Burton, West Virginia, and of Brave and Export, Pennsylvania; the latter is the present residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hennen. Francis L. is employed, as an engineer, by the Peoples Gas Company, a division of the Consolidated Gas Supply Corporatign.


7 Levi4 )

(Francis Sally (Martha Jane)6Elsie


4020. Ralph Howard Hennen married Barbara Sherrill. 4021. Opal Madge Hennen married Ralph Taylor. 4022. GARY LEE HENNEN, born and died (young) Burton, W. Va.; bur­

ied Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 4023. GERALD LEO HENNEN, born and died (young) Burton, W. Va.;

buried Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va. 2016. HELEN LOUISE HENNEN, of Oscar and Luvina Hennen, bornnear

Wadestown, W. Va.; living, 1968; married (1) Robert Edgar Bryant, of Charles and Anna (Peacock) Bryant, born South Lebanon, Oh. 3-8-1899; died Elmira, N. Y. 2-2-1956. Helen married (2) Wales Franklin Sigmon, of Pinkney Lee and Mary Ida (Cloninger) Sigmon, born Machpelah, N. C.; living. Robert Bryant is buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery, at Elmira.

Robert and Helen resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Welcome, North Car­olina. Mr. Bryant was a veteran of World War I; attended Ohio State Uni-


versity and was a mechanical engineer. Wales and Helen Sigmon have resided throughout their married life in

the area of Charlotte, North Carolina. Wales is a graduate of the University of North Carolina; he taught school for a number of years and also was a basketball coach. He also engaged in the Real Estate and Insurance business as well as devoting time to farming; he is now retired. Mr. Sigmon is a vet­eran of World War II and is field representative for the Woodsman of the World.




4024. Ronald Leland Bryant, unmarried. 4025. Donald Lee Bryant, unmarried.

2017. CHARLES RAY CUNNINGHAM, of John and Anna (Shriver) Cunn­ingham, born Grangeville, W. Va. 1-21-1896; died Baxter, W. Va. 3-8-1951; married Carrie Umphrey, of Elias Edmond and Vanchie Ledora Umph­rey, born Rhode Fork (Marion Co.), W. Va. 3-23-1895; living, 1968.

Charles and Carrie resided throughout their married life in the area of Baxter, West Virginia where she yet makes her home. Mr. Cunningham was postmaster there for 30 years and also was store manager for the Consoli­dated Coal Company. Carrie taught school for 4 years.


Sarah4) 4026. John Edward Cunningham married Mary Curry. 4027. Paul Cunningham married Betty Melic. 4028. Charles Glenn Cunningham married Agnes Elizabeth Narog. 4029. Daniel Dee Cunningham married (1) Edith Griffith

(2) Madeline Smith. 4030. Robert Cunningham married Phyllis Helm. 4031. Nellie Josepha Cunningham married Robert Connelly. 4032. Mery Maxine Cunningham married Kenneth Kelley.

2018, GAY GRIFFIN, of Will and Cora (Shriver) Griffin, married Dewey Belnap.



4033. Edith Belnap married Dale Hayhurst. 2019. GLENN L. BEATTY, of Homer and Ida (Shriver) Beatty, born

Logansport, W. Va. 9-18-1901; living, 1968; married Mary Linville, of James T. and Amanda A. Linville, born Mannington, W. Va.

Glenn and Mary reside in Mannington, West Vir£nia. CHILDREN OF GLENN & MARY BEATTY (Glenn Ida5Sarah


4034. BETTY LOUISE BEATTY, born and died Mannington, W. Va. 4035. Mary Jane Beatty married Howard Mayne. 4036. DONALD LEE BEATTY, born and died (at birth) Logansport, W. Va.

(Mary Jane and Donald Lee were twins) 2020. ROY O. BEATTY, of Homer and Ida (Shriver) Beatty, born Logans-


port, W. Va. 9-11-1902; living, 1968; married Edna Clark, of A. M. Clark, born Curtisville, W. Va. 3-13-1902; living.

Roy and Edna Beatty reside in Charleston, West Virginia; they have no children.

2022. CHARLES R. BEATTY, of Homer and Ida (Shriver) Beatty, born Logansport, W. Va. 12-14-1909; living, 1968; married Hettie Louise Rich­ards, of Mac and Anna (Yoak) Richards, born Calhoun Co., W. Va. 9-17-1916; living.

Charles and Hettie Beatty reside in Mannington, West Vir~nia. CHILDREN OF CHARLES & HETTIE BEATTY (Charles6Ida Sarah4)

403 7. Caroline Sue Beatty married Thomas Hall. 4038. Joyce Ann Beatty married Buford Glover. 4039. Charles Howard Beatty married Andrea Long.

2021. KATHRYN MARIE BEATTY, of Homer and Ida (Shriver) Beatty, born Logansport, W. Va. 2-5-1916; living, 1968; married Douglas Ander­son, of Russell K. and Evie Anderson, born Clarksburg, W. Va. 9-21-1918; living.

Douglas and Kathryn reside in Steubenville, Ohio; he is heavy equipment operator for Standard Slag Company.


4040. DEAN RUSSELL ANDERSON, born Steubenville, Oh. 2024. HAROLD SHRIVER, of Frank and Emma Shriver, born Manning­

ton, W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried. Harold resides near Tippecanoe, Ohio. 2025. JAMES RALPH SHRIVER, of Frank and Emma Shriver, born near

Clarksburg, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Catherine Slinger. James Ralph and Catherine reside near Navarre, Ohio; he is a farmer.


4041. JAMES C. SHRIVER, born Massillon, Oh.; at home. 4042. ROSAL. SHRIVER, born Massillon, Oh.; at home.

2026. BERYL SHRIVER, of Frank and Emma Shriver, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Beryl resides near Tippecanoe, Ohio. 2027. HELEN SHRIVER, of Frank and Emma Shriver, born Mannington,

W. Va.; living, 1968; married Howard Green. Howard and Helen reside in Robertsville, Ohio.


4043. Dorothy Green married Larry Wolf. 4044. LARRY GREEN 4045. BRADLEY GREEN

2028. MILDRED SHRIVER, of Frank and Emma Shriver, born Cadiz, Oh.; living, 1968; unmarried.


Mildred Shriver resides near Tippecanoe, Ohio. 2029. WAYMAN VAUGHAN WELLS, of William and Maude (Shriver)

Wells, born Joetown, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Ollie Kuhn, of Clarence and Mary Kuhn, born Burton, W. Va.; living.

Wayman and Ollie reside in Aberdeen, Maryland. Wayman served in the U. S. Army for 15 years and is now a civil service employee.

6 5 4 CHILD OF WAYMAN & OLLIE WELLS (Wayman Maude Sarah )

4046. LINDA LOU WELLS, born Aberdeen, Md. ; at home. 2030. CHARLES EDWARD WELLS, of William and Maude (Shriver) Wells,

born Joetown, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Doris Ranard, born Ind. Charles and Doris reside in Kingmont, West Virginia where he works in

a garage; he had 2 years in the service of his country. 4


4047. PAMELA WELLS, born Fairview, W. Va.; at home. 2031. CATHERINE ERNESTINE WELLS, of William and Maude (Shriver)

Wells, born Joetown, W. Va.; living, 1968; married James F. Lemley, of Cyrus and Ellen Lemley, born Burton, W. Va.; living, 1968.

James and Catherine reside in Metz, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF JAMES & CATHERINE LEMLEY (Catherine6Maude5

Sarah4) 4048. LARRY LEE LEMLEY, born Glover Gap, W. Va.; at home. 4049. TERRY DEE LEMLEY, born and died (young) Glover Gap, W. Va. 4050, CHARLES WILLIAM LEMLEY, born Glover Gap, W. Va.

2032. LEW ROY HENNEN, Of Edward and Navada Hennen, born Wades­town, W. Va. 11-9-1903; died Cadiz, Oh. 1-6-1941; married 5-5-1924, Ethel E. Mellish, born Scio, Oh. 3-15-1905; living, 1968. Lew Roy is buried in Union Cemetery, at Cadiz, Oh.

Lew Roy and Ethel resided in Cadiz, Ohio where she yet resides. Mr. Hennen was engaged in trucking and road contracting. Ethel attended West Liberty College where she earned her degree and is following the profession of teaching school.


4051. Kathern Eileen Hennen married Kenneth E. Ferrell. 4052. Lew Roy Hennen Jr. married Louise Eickleberry. 4053. Mary Jo Ann Hennen married Ted J. Sujka.

2033. ROBERT MAPLE HENNEN, of Edward and Navada Hennen, born Cadiz, Oh. 3-8-1908; living, 1968; married 5-25-1935, Gertrude B. White, of Leotis F. and Tina E. White, born Dennison, Oh.; living.

Robert and Gertrude reside in Cumberland, Ohio where he is employed as a welder for the Central Coal Company. They formerly resided in the a­reas of Cadiz, Akron and Flushing, Ohio; they also spent some time in Po­mona, California.



4054. Robert Edward Hennen married Alice Faye Dudley. 4055. Margeret Annis Hennen married Harold Alan Jordan. 4056. GERALD LEE HENNEN, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

2034. ELIZABETH ELZENA HENNEN, of Edward and Nevada Hennen, born Cadiz, Oh. 9-25-1910; living, 1968; married 8-31-1935, Arthur Som­merville Albaugh, of Beatty A. and Hope (Sommerville) Albaugh, born Scio, Oh. 11-28-19 ; living.

Arthur and Elizabeth have resided throughout their married life in the area of Scio, Ohio where he is a dairy farmer.


405 7. Arthur Thomas Albaugh married Rebecca Sue Cope. 4058. Rebecca Ann Albaugh married Donald R. Swickard. 4059. Janet Lee Albaugh married Thomas E. Neuman.

2035. MARGARET EDITH HENNEN, of Edward and Nevada Hennen, born Cadiz, Oh. ; living, 1968; married Harry Leroy Mercer, of Carl R. and Annetta Mercer, born Short Creek Twp., Harrison Co., Oh.; living.

Harry and Margaret reside near Scio, Ohio where he is presently em­ployed by the Harrison County Highway Department. He is also a farmer and has worked in the coal mines.


Lewis4 ) 4060 .. Harry Leroy Mercer Jr. married Jo Ann Belden. 4061. Ronald Carl Mercer married Twila Marie Bower. 4062. Sara Louise Mercer, unmarried. 4063. Ruth Ann Mercer, unmarried.

2037. FLOYD HENDERSON, of A. Garrison and E. Ona (Hennen) Hend­erson, born Cadiz, Oh. 4-23-1906; living, 1968; married 11-4-1933, Grace Marie Tresch, of Hiram J. and Mae I. (Dunsmoor) Tresch, born Vincent, Oh. 5-20-1907; living.

Floyd and Grace presently reside in Caldwell, Ohio; they previously re­sided in Jackson, Ohio. Floyd received a B. S. degree in Agriculture from Ohio State University and a M. S. degree in Agriculture from Cornell Uni­versity. He is employed as County Agricultural Extension Agent, a position he has held some 35 years. Grace received a B. S. degree in Home Econo­mics from Ohio State University after which she served 4 years as County Home Economics Agent and taught Home Economics in school fol_ 9 years.


Ona5Lewis )

4064. Arlene Mae Henderson married Robert E. Titko. 2038. WILMA LOUISE HENDERSON, of A. Garrison and E. Ona (Henn­

en) Henderson, born Cadiz, Oh. ; living, 1968; married James Ralph Barg­er, of William I. and Mae Barger, born Cadiz, Oh. ; living.

James Ralph and Wilma reside in Columbus, Ohio where he is employed 443

as an electrician. Mr. Barger is a veteran of World War II, having served 4 years in Italy in special services with the U.S. Army. He attended an e­lectrical school. Wilma studied one year at Rio Grande College and Darvas School of Fashion Art (Cleveland, Oh.).





4065. CYNTHIA KAY BARGER, born Columbus, Oh.; at home. 4066. ROBERTA LYNNE BARGER, born Columbus, Oh.; at home. 4067. JAMES RALPH BARGER II, born Columbus, Oh.; at home.

2039. IDA LEMMON, of Jesse H. and Rosetta Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 9-16-1898; living, 1969; married 6-29-1927, Jefferson L. Furbee, of Jasper and Matilda (Pethtel) Furbee, born Earnshaw, W. Va. 3-6-1890; living.

Jefferson and Ida have resided throughout their married life in the area of Jollytown, Pennsylvania where he is a farmer. He is also a veteran of World War I. Ida taught school 10 years and has since done substitute work as a teacher.


5Clarissa J. 4)

4068. Charles Duane Furbee married Velma Catherine Wilson. 4069. Deanna Rose Furbee married Terence C. Rode.

2041. ROBERT M. LEMMON, of Jesse H. and Rosetta Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 7-24-1911; living, 1969; married 11-3-1928, Nora Roupe, of Harvey and Rebecca (Thomas) Roupe, born Pine Bank, Pa. 7-23-1909; living.

Robert and Nora reside near New Freeport, Pennsylvania. He is self­employed in the plumbing and heating business. Robert was formerly em­ployed by Jack Williams.

CHILDREN OF ROBERT & NORA LEMMON (Robert6Jesse5Clarissa J. 4


4070. Mary Lou Lemmon married (1) Ralph Jones (2) James Wamsley. 4071. Robert Wayne Lemmon married Betty ____ _ 4072, Linda Carol Lemmon married William Miller.

2042. JOHN MILTON CLOVIS, of Robert and Lydia (Lemmon) Clovis, born Jollytown, Pa. 8-27-1896; living, 1968; unmarried.

Milton Clovis has resided throughout his lifetime in the West Finley area of Pennsylvania where he is a farmer. He is a veteran of World War I and had overseas service.

2043. NELLIE JANE CLOVIS, of Robert and Lydia (Lemmon) Clovis, born Jollytown, Pa. 9-25-1897; died West Alexander, Pa. 12-30-1925; mar­ried 8-31-1916, Carl Dae Galentine, born 4-18-1897.


4073. Olive Valois Galentine married Marcelle Hartzell. 4074. ROBERT ROY GALENTINE, lives Elm Grove, W. Va. 4075. GEORGE RAY GALENTINE, lives Calif.


4076, GERALDINE JANE GALENTINE married Ray Henry, lives in Warr­en, Oh.

4077. HAROLD OTLEY GALENTINE, lives Baltimore, Md. 2044, DORA REBECCA CLOVIS, of Robert and Lydia (Lemmon) Clovis,

born Jollytown, Pa. 5-22-1900; living, 1968; married 5-1-1918, Russell E. Wilson.

Russell and Dora reside in Wellsburg, West Virtnia. CHILDREN OF RUSSELL & DORA WILSON (Dora Lydia5Clarissa J. 4)


2045, MARY EMMA CLOVIS, of Robert and Lydia (Lemmon) Clovis, born West Alexander, Pa. 8-23-1910; living, 1968; married 4-19-1933, Alex Joseph Berghoff.

Joseph and Emma reside near West Alexander, Pennsylvania; they oper­ate the Berghoff store (in Beham, Pa.). Emma is a graduate of West Liberty College.


4082, ALEX CLOVIS BERGHOFF 4083, BONNIE JEAN BERGHOFF married Freeman Riggle. 4084, MARY KAY BERGHOFF married Lloyd Kimmins. 4085, GERALD W. BERGHOFF

2046. FRANCES DAYLE CLOVIS, of Robert and Lydia (Lemmon) Clovis, born West Alexander, Pa. 12-13-1914; living, 1969; married (1) 1-28-1931, John William Barnes, of John and Olive Barnes, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; died Pittsburgh, Pa. Dayle married (2) Charles J. Eigenbrad, of William and Florence Eigenbrad, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Charles and Dayle reside in Warwood, West Virginia where she is a li­censed practical nurse engaged in special nursing. Mr. Eigenbrad is em-ployed by Wheeling Electric Company.

6 4 CHILDRENOFJOHN & DAYLE BARNES (Dayle Lydia5Clarissa J. )

4086, Robert Eugene Barnes married Joann Eigenbrad. 4087. John Milton Barnes married Donna Allison.

2053, RUTH HIXENBAUGH, of Fred and Emma (Lemmon) Hixenbaugh, born Hundred, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Marvin Harold Jones, of Alex­ander C. and Emma (Ott) Jones, born Rachel, W. Va.; living.

Marvin and Ruth reside in Hundred, West Virginia; he is employed by the Columbia Gas Company, as a meter truck driver. Marvin served in World War II 1942-45.


4088, SHARON KAY JONES, born Hundred, W. Va.; at home. 445

4089, EMILY JANE JONES, born Hundred, W. Va.; at home. 4090. BARBARA ANN JONES, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; at home.

2055. ROBERT LEMMON HIXENBAUGH, of Fred and Emma (Hennen) Hixenbaugh, born Hundred, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Betty Marie Kenn­edy, of Howard and Ruth (Bradley) Kennedy, born Burton, W. Va.; living.

Robert and Betty reside in Bridgeport, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the Consolidated Gas Supply Corporation. Robert served in the U.S. Navy 1943-46.



2056. BETTY ROSE HIXENBAUGH, of Fred and Emma (Hennen) Hixen­baugh, born Hundred, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Garold Edward Bartrug, of Allie H. and Mabel (Glover) Bartrug, born Burton, W. Va.; living.

Garold and Betty reside near Hundred, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the Carnegie Gas Company, as a welder. Garold served in the U. S Army during World War II.



4093. GAROLD EDWARD BARTRUG II, born and died (young) Burton, W. Va.


2057. GLENN COTTRILL, of Charles and Ada Cottrill; married Edith

White. 6 5 4 CHILDREN OF GLENN & EDITH COTTRILL (Glenn Charles Martha )


2059, RUBY COTTRILL, of Charles and Ada Cottrill; married Basil Evenson.





2060. CHESTER COTTRILL, of Charles and Ada Cottrill; married Georgia Anderson.




2061. HAZEL COTTRILL, of Charles and Ada Cottrill; married Walter 446

Branham. CHILDREN OF WALTER & HAZEL BRANHAM (Hazel6Charles5Martha4)


2064.GEM ELMA LINGER, of Roy and Maude (Cottrill) Linger, born Gassaway, W. Va.; living, 1968; married (1) B. G. Blosser, of Lonnie Mel­vin and Bessie (Gamble) Blosser, born Morgantown, W. Va. ; died Iwo Jima. She married (2) Isaac Hill, of Henry and Bessie Hill, born Coal Hollow, Pa. Mr. Blosser is buried in the Baltimore National Cemetery, at Baltimore,Md.

B. G. and Gem Elma resided in the area of Morgantown, West Virginia; he was killed in the service of his country, near Okinawa, 5-19-1945. Isaac and Gem Elma have resided in New Cumberland, West Virginia.

CHILD OF B. G. & GEM ELMA BLOSSER (Gem Elma6Maude5Martha4)

4107. Veda Marie Blosser married ____ Reynolds. 2065. FLODA ARLENE LINGER, of Roy and Maude (Cottrill) Linger,

born Gassaway, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Charles Sweringen, of C. A. and Fanny Sweringen. Floda married (2) Ernest Sigler, born Baltimore, Md.

Charles and Floda Arlene resided in Baltimore, Maryland; she and Ern­est have resided in Chase, Maryland.


Maude Martha ) 4108. CHARLES WILLIAM SWERINGEN, born and died (young) Baltimore,

Md. 4109. Richard Arden Sweringen married Bernadine J. Marchetti. 4110. Donald Lawrence Sweringen married Mary Lou Reed. 4111. Charlene Ruth Sweringen married William Robert Di Domenico. 4112. LAURA ANN SWERINGEN, born Baltimore, Md.; at home.

2066. ROSALENE ELLEN LINGER, of Roy and Maude (Hennen) Linger, born Gassaway, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Howard Lewis, of Newman and Eliza Lewis.

Howard and Rosalene reside in New Cumberland, West Virginia where he is employed, as a welder, by Wheeling Steel Company.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF HOWARD & ROSALENE LEWIS (Rosalene Maude Martha )

4113. WILLIS ENCIL LEWIS, born Colliers, W. Va.; lost in Korean Wa­ters 1952.

4114. ROBERT ELMER LEWIS, born Steubenville, Oh. 4115. LINDA ELLEN LEWIS, born New Cumberland, W. Va.; married

Keith E. Jablonshi, of Michael and Dorothy, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 2067. OREEN ROY LINGER, of Roy and Maude (Cottrill) Linger, born

Sabraton, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Roby Mogue. Oreen and Ruby reside in Marion, Ohio where he is a mechanical en­

gineer. Oreen is a graduate of Cornell University.





2069. FRANK COTTRILL JR., of Frank and Bertha Cottrill; married June

CH-IL_D_O_F_F-RANK & JUNE COTTRILL JR. (Frank6Frank5Martha 4)

4120. FRANK DOUGLAS COTTRILL 2070. HELEN GAY STONESTREET, of Goode and Beulah (Cottrill)

Stonestreet; married A. Radcliff. 6 5 4

CHILD OF A. & HELEN RADCLIFF (Helen Beulah Martha )

4121. DIANNA LEA RADCLIFF 2087. EDITH MURIEL SHIFLET, of Hoy and Bonnie (Cottrill) Shiflet,

born Dusk Camp, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Nealus F. Clatterbuck, of Thomas A. and Sadie M. Clatterbuck, born Albemarle Co., Va.; living.

Nealus and Edith reside in Ornage, Virginia; he is employed by the Southern Railroad.


Martha4 ) 4122. Roger F. Clatterbuck married Susan Spear. 4123. RIETA L. CLATTERBUCK, born Orange Co., Va.; unmarried. 4124. Ruth C. Clatterbuck married Robert Ott. 4125. Rhoda C. Clatterbuck married Charles Shifflett. 4126. Ruby C. Clatterbuck married William Deane. 4127. ROSA LEE CLATTERBUCK, born Charlottesville, Va.; unmarried;

employed Stromberg-Carlson Corp. 2088. EVALENE MAE SHIFLET, of Hoy and Bonnie (Cottrill) Shiflet,

born Dusk Camp, W. Va.; living, 1968; married (1) John W. Roach, of George W. and Elenora R. Roach, born Orange Co., Va.; died Albemarle Co., Va. Evalene married (2) Roy E. Shifflett, of Nager B. and Laura R. Shifflett, born Rockingham Co., Va.; living.

Roy and Evalene reside in Harrisonburg, Virginia CHILDREN OF JOHN & EVALENE ROACH (Evalene6Bonnie

5Martha4 )

4128. Carolyn Sue Roach married Jack Nicholas. 4129. BRENDA JANE ROACH, born Charlottesville, Va.; unmarried. 4130. JOHN W. ROACH JR., born and died (young) Orange Co., Va.

2089. BLAIR JACKSON SHIFLET, of Hoy and Bonnie (Cottrill) Shiflet, born Dusk Camp, W. Va. ; living, 1968; married (1) Fonda White, of Earl White, born Braxton Co., W. Va. Blair married (2) Mary Lena Campbell, born Gilmer Co., W. Va. Blair married (3) Ina Kirkpatric, of Blair Kirk­patric, born Gilmer Co., W. Va.


Blair and Fonda resided in Elyria, Ohio; he and Mary resided in Weston, West Virginia. Blair and Ina reside in Orange, Virginia where he is a con­struction worker and carpenter; Ina is employed by General Electric Corp­oration, in Charlottesville.

CHILD OF BLAIR & FONDA SHIFLET (Blair6Bonnie5Martha4 )

4131. LARRY J. SHIFLET, born Sand Fork6

W. va5

; unmaFied. CHILD OF BLAIR & MARY SHIFLET (Blair Bonnie Martha )

4132. JACKIE RAY SHIFLET, born Weston, W. Va.; unmarried. 2090, MARY JEAN HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born near

Cadiz, Oh.; living, 1968; married Harold Wayne Adams, of Harold and Ruth Adams, born Harrison Co., Oh. ; living.

Harold and Mary reside in the area of Piedmont, Ohio where he is a farmer.


4133, CHERYL LOUISE ADAMS, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home. 4134. LEONARD WAYNE ADAMS, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home. 4135. MARY BETH ADAMS, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home. 4136. JACQUELINE JEANETTE ADAMS, born Martins Ferry, Oh.; at

home. 2091. DORIS ARLENE HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born near

Cadiz, Oh.; living, 1968; married Ernest Walter Mizer, of Walter and Mar­garet Mizer, born Sugarcreek, Oh.; living.

Ernest and Doris reside in New Philadelphia, Ohio where he is employed by Marsh Lumber Company, as a highlift operator. Ernest served in the U. S, Army Reserves 1959-65 and was on active duty 1959-60.


4137, DEBORAH LYNN MIZER, born Dover, Oh. 2092. NANCY LEE HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born near

Cadiz, Oh.; living, 1968; married Ronald Blaine Sproull, of Clyde and Velma Sproull, born Freeport, Oh.; living.

Ronald and Nancy reside near Cadiz, Ohio. He is employed by Baker's Market, as produce manager; Nancy is a bank teller in the Equitable Savings and Loan Company.

6 4 CHILD OF RONALD & NANCY SPROULL (Nancy Francis 5Henry )

4138. LORI ANN SPROULL, born Martins Ferry, Oh. 2093, RUTH ANN HENNEN, of Francis and Sara Hennen, born near Ca­

diz, Oh.; living, 1968; married James Lester Nabb, of Frank and Wilma Nabb, born Cadiz, Oh. ; living.

James and Ruth maintain residence near Nashville, Indiana although Mr. Nabb is presently serving in the armed forces. He was formerly employed by the Lilly Drug Company. He has been in the U.S. Reserves since 1963.


2094. CHARLES HAMPTON WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenner, born Cadiz, Oh.; living 1969; married Ruth Ellen Copeland, of Joseph and Mildred (Shay) Copeland, born Flushing, Oh.; living.

Charles and Ruth reside in Jewett, Ohio where he is an electrician; he served 21 months in the U.S. Air Force.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF CHARLES & RUTH WENNER (Charles Mary Henry )

4139. LINDA KAY WENNER, born Steubenville, Oh.; at home. 4140. CHARLES HAMPTON WENNER JR., born Barnesville, Oh.; at

home. 4141. MARY ELLEN WENNER, born Barnesville, Oh.; at home.

2095. GEORGE EDWARD WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenn­ner, born Oakland City, Ind. ; living, 1969; married Eloise Marie Essig, of Gilbert and Minnie Essig, born Canton, Oh.; living.

George and Eloise reside in Canton, Ohio where he is credit manager for Canton Provision Company; he is also treasurer for the American Le­

gion there. George served 2 years in the U.S. Army, part of which was served in Japan; he is a graduate of Canton Actual Business College. Eloise graduated from Mercy Hospital School of Nursing where she also taught nursing; she served 2 years in the U. s. Army Nurses Corps, rF Karel..


4142. SUSAN MARIE WENNER, born Canton, Oh.; at home. 4143. JENNIFER ANNE WENNER, born Canton, Oh.; at home. 4144. GEORGE GILBERT WENNER, born Canton, Oh.; at home.

2096. ISABELLA HENNEN WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenner, born Frederick, Md.; living, 1969; married Edgar Allen Wallace, of William and Bertha (Pugh) Wallace, born near Deersville, Oh. ; living.

Edgar and Isabella reside near Hopedale, Ohio where he is a farmer. He also works for Weirton Steel Company (Weirton, W. Va.). Edgar served 2 years, 1944-46, in the U, S, Air Force, being stationed in Hawaii. Isa­bella is presently attending Kent State College Branch (New Philadelphia, Oh.) preparing to be an elementary school teacher.


4145. GEORGE ALLEN WALLACE, born Martins Ferry, Oh.; at home. 4146. MARK EDGAR WALLACE, born Martins Ferry, Oh.; at home. 4147. CATHARINE ISABELLA WALLACE, born Martins Ferry, Oh.; at

home. 4148. PATRICIA ANN WALLACE, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

2097, PHILLIP EVERHART WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenner, born Lovettsville, Va.; living, 1969; married Edith Virginia Walk­er, of Melvin and Evelyn Walker, born East Cadiz, Oh.; living.

Phillip and Edith reside in Warren, Ohio where he is a Corporal in the Patrol Post and Edith is a secretary for a Rubber Lining Company, in Lords­town. Phillip served 4 years in the U. S, Navy being stationed in the Pacific,


Mediterranean and Kodiak, Alaska; he served on the heavy cruiser U.S. S. Quincy. He entered the Ohio State Patrol in 1956 and has since served in Lisbon and Warren, Ohio. Both are active in civic and church affairs and she is secretary for the Kidney Foundation, in Youngstown.



4149, RHONDA RENEE WENNER, born Dennison, Oh.; at home. 4150. PHILLIP MELVIN WENNER, born Salem, Oh.; at home. 4151. EDITH ANNE WENNER, born Salem, Oh.; at home.

2098. MARY CATHERINE WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenn­er, born Lovettsville, Va.; living, 1969; married Leland Lawrence Boals, of Lawrence and Pauline (McClure) Boals, born Hopedale, Oh. ; living.

Leland and Mary reside in Norfolk, Virginia where he is stationed with the U. S, Navy. He has more than 16 years service in the navy, as an elec­trician.



4152. CYNTHIA DENISE BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4153, FRANCES CORRINNE BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4154. ANNE LOUISE BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4155. LARRY LEE BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4156, GEORGE EDGAR BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4157. DANIEL RAYMOND BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home. 4158. COLESTA LYNN BOALS, born Norfolk, Va.; at home.

2100. VIRGINIA LEE WENNER, of George and Mary (Hennen) Wenner, born Jewett, Oh.; living, 1969; married William Lawrence Miller, of Ed­ward and Rose (Dombroski) Miller, born Louisville, Ky.; living.

William and Virginia reside in Jasksonville, Florida where he is now a manager-in-training for the Atlantic Thrift Corporation there. Mr. Miller was previously a manager for the J.C. Penney Company in Tampa and San­ford, Florida. William is a graduate of St. Joseph Academy (Jacksonville, Fla.) and had 2 years service with the U.S. Army, part of which was served in Germany. Virginia graduated from Tampa Business College and has been employed as secretary for an insurance company and the Insurance Claim De-partment of Seminole Memorial Hospital, in Sanford.


4159. DEBORAH LYNN MILLER, born Tampa, Fla.; at home. 4160. DAWN LEE MILLER, born Sanford, Fla.; at home.

2101. PHILIP NORMAN HENNEN, of Howard and Mary Hennen, born in Gallipolis, Oh.; living, 1969; married Emily L. Lutz, of James E. and Mar­tha Walker (Munn) Lutz, born Scottdale, Pa.; living.

Philip and Emily reside in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio where he is a teacher in the high school. Philip is a graduate of Kent State University where he re­ceived both a B. S. (1960) and M. Ed. (1965) degree. Emily is a graduate of Mt. Union College where she received a B. S. degree in 1965; she formerly


taught school but is now a housewife. CHILDREN OF PHILIP & EMILY HENNEN (Philip



4161. WILLIAM DAVID HENNEN, born Akron, Oh.; at home. 4162. JAMES ROBERT HENNEN, born Akron, Oh.; at home. 4163. DEBBY SUE HENNEN, born Akron, Oh.; at home.

2102. RITA BLANCHE HENNEN, of Howard and Mary Hennen, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Raul Amado Jr., of Raul and Mer­cedes (Rodriquez) Amado, born Patagonia, Ariz.; living.

Raul and Rita reside in Benson, Arizona where he is employed by the Arizona State Highway Department. Raul attended the University of Arizona and served 3 years (1961-64) in the 101st Airbourne Division of the U.S. Army. Rita graduated from Kent State University, receiving her B. S. de­gree (1965) and has since been employed as a teacher in the Benson area Schools.

The year of 1965 must have been an exciting time for this family as de-grees were granted Rita, Philip and Emily at this timfo.



0Henry )

4164. THERESA MARIA AMADO, born Sierra Vista, Ariz.; at home. 2103, RUTH ICE, of James E. and Ora Blanche (Hennen) Ice, born Man­

nington, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Dayton Lister, of Oliver Lister. Dayton and Ruth have resided in Buckhanngn and Elkins, West Virginia.



4165, DAYTON LISTER JR. married Rosemary ___ _ 2104, ALTA ICE, of James and Ora Blanche (Hennen) Ice, born Mann­

ington, W. Va. ; living, 1968; unmarried. Alta has spent most of her lifetime as a missionary for the Methodist

Church. 2105. GLADYS ICE, of James and Ora Blanche (Hennen) Ice, born Mann­

ington, W. Va.; living, 1968; married George E. Bland, of Arthur Bland. George and Gladys reside in Blandville, West Vir~ia.




2106. HELEN ICE, of James and Ora Blanche (Hennen) Ice, born Mann­ington, W. Va.; living, 1968; married James W. Mutschelknaus, of George Mutschelknaus.




2107. JAMES EMMETT ICE JR,, of James and Ora Blanche (Hennen) Ice; married Ernestine May Ward, of Hoy C. Ward.

James E. and Ernestine resided in Clarksburg, West Virginia until his disappearance in 1940. Since that time he has been unheard of and has been legally declared dead by the Harrison County Court. They had no children.

2108. ELMA JANE YOST, of John Clark and Pearl (Hennen) Yost, born near Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Tobe L. Daniels, of Levi and Lou Etta (Gilkerson) Daniels, born Prichard, W. Va.; living.

Tobe and Elma reside in Smithfield, Ohio; they formerly have resided in Mannington, West Virginia, and Brilliant, Ohio. Mr. Daniels is employ­ed in the Steubenville Plant of the Wheeling Steel Company. He served 4 years in the U. S, Marine Corps (with honor) during World War Il, being stationed on Guam.



4172. Leon Mccarl Daniels married Winnafred Brandon. 4173. Mary Jane Daniels married (1) Ronald Saxton (2) Joseph Spears. 4174. Suzanna Daniels married John Fox. 4175. Dianne Daniels married Thomas Michael Germek. 4176. JENNIE LEE DANIELS, born Mannington, W. Va.; at home. 4177. TOBIE JEAN DANIELS, born Mannington, W. Va.; at home. 4178, PHYLLIS LYNN DANIELS, born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home.

2110. HELEN LOUISE HENNEN, of Clarence and Nina Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Charles Reesman, of Arthur and Ella Mae (Sargent) Reesman, born Morgantown, W. Va.; living. Helen married (2) Dale Denver Michael, of Norval Otto and Rosa Lee (Yost) Mich­ael, born Fairview, W. Va.; living.

Charles Porter and Helen Louise Reesman resided in the Fairmont­Mannington areas of West Virginia where he was a coal miner. Charles serv~d in the U.S. Navy during World War II. This couple was divorced and both have continued to reside in the same area. Dale and Helen pre­sently reside in Ida May where he is a coal miner. He served in the U.S. Army during World War IT.


4179. Sally Jean Reesman married Lawrence L. Price. 4180, Joye Dawn Reesman married Richard Marvin Keener. 4181, Helen Roye Reesman married Jason Carl Harper.

6 5 CHILD OF DALE & HELEN MICHAEL ( Helen Clarence )

4182, DALE DENVER MICHAEL IT, born Ida May, W. Va.; unmarried. Entered U.S. Army 1968; to be assigned duty in Germany 1969.

2111. HAROLD LEO HENNEN (twin of Helen Louise), of Clarence and Nina Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Annabelle Marie Glover, of George Edward and Goldie Arizona (Wright) Glover, born Mannington, W. Va. ; living.


Harold and Annabelle reside in Rogersville, Pennsylvania where he is tour foreman for the Equitable Gas Company. Harold is a veteran of World War II, having served as a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He served overseas with the Fifth Army after which he attended the Capitol Radio Engineering School (Washington, D. C. ). Mr. Hennen is active in Boy Scout work and serves as a scoutmaster.


William4) 4183. Wanda Sue Hennen married Gary Hamilton Fogus. 4184. HAROLD LEO HENNEN II 4185. DORIS ANN HENNEN 4186. CLARENCE EDWARD HENNEN

2113. PAULINE LUCILLE HENNEN, of Clarence and Nina Hennen, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Rudolph Sertic, of Nicholus and Mary Mamula Sertic, born Benwood, W. Va.; living.

Rudolph and Pauline reside in Shadyside, Ohio; he is Erection Superint­endent with Baker Perkins, Incorporated. His employment includes extens­ive travel. Pauline graduated from the Ohio Valley Hospital School of Nurs­ing (1946) and is presently Director of Inservice Education, City Hospital, Bellaire, Ohio.


William4 ) 4187. Donna Kay Sertic (adopted) married David Clarence Beever. 4188. DEBORAH LYNN SERTIC, born Wheeling, W. Va.; attending Ohio

University. 2114. GENEVIEVE CLARENE HENNEN, of Clarence and Nina Hennen,

born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Maury L. Blount, of James William and Ella Florence (Peters) Blount, born Ward, W. Va.; living.

Maury Lester and Genevieve Clarene reside in Fairmont, West Virginia where he is a teacher of Industrial Arts, at Fairmont West High School. He entered the U.S. Army 10-7-1941 and attained the rank of Staff Sergeant, re­ceived the Purple Heart and Presidential Citation. After service he worked at the Mannington Pottery until 1960 when he entered Fairmont State College. He earned his A. B. degree in Education and entered the teaching profession.

CHILDREN OF MAURY & GENEVIEVE BLOUNT (Genevieve6 Clarence5 William4)

4189. Madonna Katherine Blount married Donald Duane Howard. 4190. MAURY LESTER BLOUNT JR., born Fairmont, W. Va.; at home.

2115. MARY JO HENNEN, of Clarence and Nina Hennen, born Manning­ton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Jack Lee Snodgrass, of Charles Wesley and Anna (Gleason) Snodgrass, born Mannington, W. Va.; living.

Jack and Mary Jo resided in Mannington, West Virginia; they are now divorced. He was a coal miner. Jack served in the U.S. Army 1943-46 and was with the Army Horse Cavalry.



William4) 4191. Judy Lee Snodgrass married Gary Hugh Farnese. 4192. DANIEL KIRK SNODGRASS, born Mannington, W. Va.; unmarried.

Presently serving with the U.S. Marines; served 1 year in Vietnam and received a Bronze Star.

4193. GEORGE EDWARD SNODGRASS, born Mannington, W. Va.; unmar­ried; presently residing Macksburg, Oh.

2116. BEVERLY ANN HENNEN, of Guy and Mable Hennen, born Mann­ington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married George Jerome Amend, of Edward Regis and Nelle (Wahler) Amend, born Uniontown, Pa.; living.

George and Beverly presently reside in Phoenix, Arizona; they have al­so resided in Columbus, Georgia; El Paso, Texas; Morgantown, West Vir­ginia; and Scottsdale, Stanfield and Cosa Grande, Arizona. Beverly receiv­ed a B. S. in Home Economics degree from West Virginia University in1954; George received a Bachelor of Music degree from the same school and the same year. They went to El Paso, Texas where Beverly taught Home Econ­omics and George served as string instructor. After one year they return­ed to West Virginia and Beverly taught art and music at Osage while George was assistant director of bands at West Virginia University; at the same time George was attending graduate school and received a Master of Music degree in 1957.

Having a yearning for the west, George and Beverly moved to Arizona and Beverly assumed a position as teacher of Home Economics in Stanfield; George became director of music there. Since 1966 Beverly has been teach­ing Homemaking in Phoenix. Since 1965 George has been working with the Migrant Opportunity Program (M. 0. P.) sponsored by the Arizona Council of Churches and is presently Education Administrator of this group and a Consultant to the Arizona State Manpower Coordinating Committee. Both are active in professional and civic organizations and both have served as Director of Personnel of School Band of America, European Concert Tour. George was commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the U.S. Army in 1954 and was a commander of the 424th Army Filed Force Band, Fort Bligs, Sexas, 19J6·


4194. JOSEPH HENNEN AMEND, born Mesa, Ariz.; at home. 2117. MARGARET ANN CORNWELL, of Thomas and Genevieve (Hennen)

Cornwell, born Fairmont, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Jackson Scott Clelland, of Walter Ramsey and Lillian (White) Clelland, born Mannington, W. Va. ; living.

Jackson S. and Margaret reside in Ridgway, Pennsylvania; they former­ly resided in New Martinsville, Wheeling and Fairmont, West Virginia. He worked for Otis Elevator Company and is now employed in the field of heat­ing and air-conditioning. He is an engineer working in the designing and placement of such equipment in homes, offices, hospitals, etc. Jackson S. attended West Virginia University and Fairmont State College, receiving a


degree in business from the latter school. He also studied in Cincinnati, O­hio 1960-61. Margaret attended Fairmont State College and also studied dress design. Mr. Clelland was a member of the 8th Air Force during World War II, serving as a tail gunner; he had overseas service.


4 Genevieve5William )

4195. Penelope Darline Clelland married John Feldman. 4196. SCOTT BRITTON CLELLAND, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

2118. SARAH JANE PARKER, of Vernon and Fay (Hennen) Parker, born McKeesport, Pa.; living, 1969; married Keith S. Ankeney, of Gordon Anke­ney, born Des Moines, Ia.; living.

Keith and Sarah resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1 year) before mov­ing to Des Moines, Iowa where tbey presently reside. Keith is a graduate of the University of Iowa and is employed as an engineer for Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company. He served in tbe U.S. Navy during World War II. Sarah Jane attended business college and worked as a secretary for Pitts­burgh Plate Glass Company before her marriage.



2119. WILLIAM VERNON PARKER, of Vernon and Fay (Hennen) Parker, born McKeesport, Pa.; living, 1969; married Margaret Lesa Falvo.

William and Margaret reside in tbe area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; he is a cabinet maker and Margaret is a nurse.


4199. CHRISTINE LESA PARKER, born near Pittsburgh, Pa.; at home. 4200. DAVID ADAM PARKER, born near Pittsburgh, Pa.; at home.

2120. LOIS GWENDOLYN HENNEN, of Rex and Gwendolyn Hennen, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; living, 1969; married John Paul Williams, born Pittsburgh, Pa.

John P. and Gwendolyn resided in the areas of Pittsburgh and Glenshaw, Pennsylvania; and Houston, Dallas and Bellaire, Texas. She now resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Lois Gwendolyn graduated from the Pittsburgh College for Women and Frick Training School after which she taught school for some time. She returned to her own education and received a Masters degree from the University of New Mexico in 1964; she now teaches in the Tomasi ta Elementary School (Albuquerque, N. M 0 ) and is also secretary of the Educational Board. Mr. Williams served in World War II, with General Patton.


Joseph4) 4201. Juditb Rutb Williams married Michael Enright. 4202. DAVID PAUL WILLIAMS

2121. JACK REX HENNEN, of Rex and Gwendolyn Hennen, born Pitts-456

burgh, Pa.; living, 1968; married (1) Frances Marie Cupp, (2) Iris Lee Carpenter.

Jack now resides in Santa Monica, California; he is a mechanic. Jack was formerly a mail carrier in the Pittsburgh (Pa.) area. He served 48 months in the U.S. Navy, as an airplane mechanic; once his plane went down and he was in the icy water 3 hours before being resc,r.ed.


4203. BRYAN REX HENNEN, born Greensboro, N.C.; presently resides Norfolk, Va.

4204. BRUCE RANDALL HENNEN, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; resides Nor­folk, Va. where he is manager of White Cross Store.

2122. GLADYS CHRISTINE WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Harry Pinder Jr., of Harry Wesley and Bessie Viola (Durham) Pinder, born Millington, Md.; living.

Harry and Gladys have resided throughout their married life in Elkton, Maryland; he works as a maintenance man for the U.S. Government, at Aberdeen, Maryland.


(all born Elkton, Md.) Christopher4) 4205. ESTHER LOUISE PINDER married Edward Lee Kincaid. 4206. BRENDA LEE PINDER, born and died (young) Elkton, Md.; buried

Gilpin Memorial Cemetery. 4207. BESSIE VIOLA PINDER, at home. 4208. HARRIETT CHRISTINE PINDER, at home. 4209. BARBARA KAY PINDER, at home. 4210. HELEN MAY PINDER, at home.

(Barbara Kay and Helen May are twins) 2123. MARY RUTH WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born

Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Edward R. Malone, of William and Edna (Shaw) Malone, born Grafton, W. Va.; living.

Edward and Mary have resided in the areas of Clarksburg, Nutters Fort and Grafton, West Virginia; they presently reside in the latter place. Ed­ward is a maintenance man for the Taylor County Board of Education. He served in the U.S. Army 1943-45, stationed at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, N. Y.) on limited duty basis due to an accident shortly before he was inducted.

5 CHILD OF EDWARD & MARY MALONE (Mary6Nellie Christopher4 )

4211. Edward R. Malone Jr. married Janet Leeanne Hardin. 2124. BETTY JEAN WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born

Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Earl Caynor, born Mt. Clare, W. Va. ; living.

Earl and Betty resided in the areas Clarksburg and Lost Creek, West Virginia; also North East and Elkton, Maryland. They are now divorced and Betty resides in Elkton where she is employed by E. I. Dupont Company.


CHILDREN OF EARL & BETTY CAYNOR (Betty6Nellie5Christopher4)

4212, Erletta Louise Caynor married Jay Glenn Slonecker Jr. 4213, Ernetta May Caynor married Warren H. Keyes Jr. 4214. MARGIE JEAN CAYNOR, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; at home.

2125. ARLIE RAY WADE JR., of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Clara Oldaker, of Charles and Nellie (Kern) Oldaker Sr., born Wallace, W. Va.; living.

Arlie and Clara have resided throughout their married life in the areas of Nutter Fort, Stonewood and Wallace, West Virginia. He is a carpenter and she is a secretary. Arlie served 3 years in the U.S. Army during World War II and was overseas.

CHILDREN OF ARLIE & CLARA WADE JR, (Arlie6Nellie5Christopher4

) (all born Clarksburg, W, Va.)

4215. Nellie Arlene Wade married John Louis Jenkins. 4216. CAROLYN SUE WADE, at home. 4217. DONALD RAY WADE, at home. 4218. CHARLES EDGAR WADE, at home. 4219. PEGGY ELLEN WADE, at home. 4220. KATHLEEN JUNE WADE, at home. 4221, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM WADE, at home.

2126. JACK WAYNE WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; died young, unmarried.

Jack Wade entered the U.S. Navy 12-21-1943 and served, as a Seaman Second Class, until he gave his life for his country in October, 1944. He had been at sea since April and was buried at sea, being only eighteen years of age.

2127, DORIS LOUISE WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Glenn D, Posey, of Jophy Lee and Artie Posey, born Clarksburg, W. Va. ; living.

Glenn and Doris have resided throughout their married life in the Nutter Fort-Lost Creek area of West Virginia; he is employed by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. Glenn served 2 1/2 years in the U.S. Navy and lyear in the National Guard.

CHILDREN OF GLENN & DORIS POSEY (Doris6Nellie5Christopher4

(all born Clarksburg, W, Va.) 4222. Denver Dale Posey married Barbara Ann Elliott. 4223. RONALD LEE POSEY, at home. 4224. DINAH LEE POSEY, at home. 4225, DAVID WAYNE POSEY, at home.

2128. PAULINE JUNE WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W, Va.; living, 1969; married William Lloyd Wood, of William S. and Emma Elizabeth (Page) Wood, born Elk Neck, Md. ; living.

William and Pauline have resided throughout their married life in the area of North East, Maryland where they operate the Piney Creek Farm, a dairy farm of 635 acres.


CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & PAULINE WOOD (Pauline6Ne11ie5Christopher) (all born Elkton, Md )

4226. DONNA LEE WOOD, at home. 4227. ELIZABETH CECELIA WOOD, at home. 4228, DORIS ANN WOOD, at home.

2129. DON EDGARD WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; died young, unmarried. Buried in Stonewall Ceme­tery, at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Don entered the U.S. Marines 9-27-1951, went overseas 5-25-1952, died 10-5-1952 on board the hospital ship U.S. S. Repose. Don had been wounded 10-2-1952 while fighting in the Korean War. He was a PFC.

2130. JAMES ROOSEVELT WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Eleanor Margaret Thomp­son, of Robert Earlen and Bertha Williams (Knight) Thompson, born Nutter Fort, W. Va.; living.

James and Margaret have resided in the areas of Clarksburg, West Vir­ginia; Manassas, Virginia; and North East, Maryland. He is employed at Shelter Cove Yacht Basin, as yard superintendent; she is Barracks Clerk for the Maryland State Police. .

CHILDREN OF JAMES & MARGARET WADE (James6 Nellie 5 Christophtr4)

4229. DANA LYNN WADE, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; at home. 4230. JAMES MICHAEL WADE, born Manassas, Va.; at home. 4231. ROBERT FRANKLIN WADE, born Manassas, Va.; at home. 4232. JULIE DAWN WADE, born Elkton, Md.; at home.

2132. RICHARD WILLIAM WADE, of Arlie and Nellie (Hennen) Wade, born Clarksburg, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Mary Lou Hicks, of Ray­mond and Berchie (Baker) Hicks, born War, W. Va.; living.

Richard and Mary Lou have resided throughout their married life in the area of North East, Maryland. He served in the U.S. Army Air Force 1962-1964.

CHILDREN OF RICHARD & MARY LOU WADE (Richard6Nellie5Christophei

( both born Elkton, Md.) 4233. KIMBERLEY RAE WADE, at home. 4234. RICHARD WILLIAM WADE II, at home.

2133. DON COLUMBUS HENNEN, of Don and Estella Hennen Sr., born Steubenville, Oh.; living; married Joan Krnjaich, of Rudy and Mary (Bishop) Krnjaich, born Weirton, W. Va. ; living.

Don and Joan reside in Weirton, West Virginia; he is employed by the Weirton Steel Company, as a crane operator. Don served in the U.S. Mar-ine Corps 1948-50.




( all born Weirton, W. Va.) 4235. CYNTHIA LYNN HENNEN, at home. 4236. CANDACE DAWN HENNEN, at home. 4237. LISA JANE HENNEN, at home.


2134. CHARLES SPRINGER HALL, of Grove and Katharine Hall, born Greensboro, Pa. 10-19-1885; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 5-16-1963; married Rachael E. Donovan, of Timothy Clark and Mary Amelia (Fee) Donovan, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 6-17-1894; living, 1968. The remains of Charles were cremated and buried in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Charles and Rachael resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. He was employed as auditor and cashier of a bank.


4238. Rachel Hall married James Sloane Higgins. 4239. Robert Elliott Hall married Natalie Watson.

2136. EUGENE GROVE HALL JR., of Grove and Katharine Hall, born Connellsville, Pa. 3-4-1896; living, 1969; married 10-1-1925, Joanna Moore, of David T. and Emma (Boone) Moore, born Washington, Pa.; living.

Eugene Grove and Joanna reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; he has had 41 years service in the public utility business. He was, for a number of years, supervising accountant for West Penn Power Company.. Mr. Hall is a veteran of World War I, having served in the U. S, Army Signal Corps as a Sergeant; he is also a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Army Air Corps, as a Captain. Joanna is a graduate of Washington Business College.


& JOANNA HALL JR. (Eugene Grove Valinda4)

4240. LINDA LOU HALL 4241. NANCY JO HALL , died young.

2137. CHESTER BLACKBURN, of Samuel and Emma (Hall) Blackburn, born 1- -1892; died Oakland, Calif. 10-11-1964; married ___ _

Chester resided in Chicago, Illinois where he was employed by Armour and Company. Previous to his death he had willed his body to the University of California, at Berkeley.

6 5 .c.C_H_I_L_D_R_E_N_O_F_C_H_E_S_T_E_R_& _____ B_L_A_C_K_B_U_R_N_ (Chester Emma

Valinda4) 4242. BLACKBURN. ----4243. ____ BLACKBURN.

2138. ETHEL BLACKBURN, of Samuel and Emma (Hall) Blackburn, died Seattle, Wash. 6- -1951; married (1) Leonard Griffith (2) Ed Scanlon.

Leonard and Ethel resided in Portland, Oregon; Ed and Ethel resided in Seattle, Washington. There were no children.

2140, GROVE HALL MOORE, of William E. and Ella V. (Hall) Moore, born near Fairchance, Pa. 12-30-1882; died Cheshire, Oh. 4-23-1962; mar­ried 6-5-1907, Harriet Smiley, of James and Sarah (Robinson) Smiley, born near Fairchance, Pa. 3-5-1887; died Cheshire, Oh. 12-20-1964 (or 1965). Both are buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, near Fairchance, Pa.

Grove and Harriet resided near Fairchance, Pennsylvania until 1918 when they removed to a farm near Worthington, Ohio. There they spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. Moore was a successful farmer throughout


his lifetime; he also engaged in banking and real estate. He was a Director of the First National Bank (Fairchance, Pa.) and Director-Treasurer of the Maple Grove Cemetery Association. Before marriage, Harriettaughtschool at Winn, Pennsylvania.


4244. William Edgar Moore married Ruth Ann Pettijohn. 4245. James Arthur Moore married Robert Hendricks. 4246. FRANK JOHNSON MOORE, born and died (young) Fairchance, Pa.;

buried Maple Grove Cemetery. 424 7. Grace Jean Moore married Theodore Lindenberg. 4248. George Carl Moore married Mary Muryn.

2141. SUSAN CLARA MOORE, of William E. and Ella (Hall) Moore, born near Fairchance, Pa. 3-22-1884; died Uniontown, Pa. 4-20-1949; married 2-14-1908, Dr. John Byron Ache, of John M. and Sarah Ann(Crow) Ache, born Masontown, Pa. 11-13-1882; died Uniontown, Pa. 4-14-1961. Both are buried in Uniontown Cemetery, Sylvian Heights, Pa.

Dr. John B. and Susan Clara resided in Uniontown, Pennsylvania; she graduated from California College with the class of 1905. Dr. Ache gradu­ated from Western Pennsylvania University (now the University of Pittsburg!---) in the class of 1906, with a D.D. S. degree.

4 CHILDREN OF DR. JOHN B. & SUSAN ACHE (Susan6Ella5Valinda )

4249. Sarah Virginia Ache married Samuel Uhl Williams. 4250. Byronetta Von Ache married Robert Dorr McGoughey.

2142. FLORA MAY MOORE, of William E. and Ella (Hall) Moore, born near Fairchance, Pa. 8-8-1885; living, 1968; married 3-8-1904, Otto B. Hustead, of William and Mary (Brown) Hustead, born Uniontown, Pa. 2-21-1883; living.

Otto and Flora reside near Uniontown, Pennsylvania where they are farmers. Flora supplied much of the data herein.



4251. Gertrude Jean Hustead, unmarried. 4252. HAROLD MOORE HUSTEAD, born Fairchance, Pa. ; died (young)

Uniontown, Pa. 4253. Ralph Lee Hustead married Ellen June Smith. 4254. Chester Cornelius Hustead married Ruth Margaret Bosworth. 4255. Virginia May Hustead married Ralph Lewis Newman.

2143. MARY FRANCES MOORE, of William E. and Ella (Hall) Moore, born near Fairchance, Pa. 2-1-1887; died 1- -1967; married 9-4-1916, William Edward Brown, of Peter Brown, born near Fairchance, Pa. 5-29-1871; died Fairchance, Pa. 2-13'-1941. Both are buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery, near Fairchance, Pa.

William and Mary F. resided in Uniontown and Fairchance, Pennsylvan­ia where they were farmers. After his death, she resided in Pittsburgh.




4256. RAYMOND MOORE BROWN, born and died (young) Fairchance, Pa.; buried Maple Grove Cemetery.

4257. KENNETH EDWARD BROWN, born Uniontown, Pa.; unmarried. 2144. BERTHA VALINDA MOORE, of William and Ella (Hall) Moore,

born near Fairchance, Pa. 6-10-1890; died Pittsburgh, Pa. ____ ; mar-ried 1-14-1916, Samuel Edmund Watters, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 10-20-1883; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 8-28-1950.

Samuel and Bertha resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Bertha gradu­ated from Adrian College of Music in 1912. Mr. Watters was, for some time, secretary-treasurer of the Pittsburgh Pirates ball Club.


4258. Samuel Edmund Watters Jr. married Azolea Boyer Greer. 2145. ARTHUR DEARTH MOORE, of William and Ella (Hall) Moore,

born near Fairchance, Pa. 1-7-1895; living, 1969; married 8-19-1920, Mary Josephine Shaffer, born Cridersville, Oh. 4-19-1899; living.

Arthur and Josephine reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Arthur graduated from Carnegie Institute of Technology (1915) with a B. S. degree (E. E.); he then worked 1 year at Westinghouse Corporation. A year later he joined the Electrical Engineering Staff at the University of Michigan College of Engi­neering, going from Instructor to Full Professor, 1916-64. Meantime he had received his Master's degree from the University of Michigan (1923). Since his retirement, in 1964, he has been an author, lecturer and inventor. His last two books have been "Electrostatics" and "Invention, Discovery and Creativity." Josephine received a B,A. degree from the University of Mich­igan in 1921.




4259. Jeanne Ellen Moore married John David Goodman. 4260. Arthur Dearth Moore Jr. married Wilma Morris. 4261. Josephine Carroll Moore, unmarried.

2146. ISA VALINDA COLLINS, of Rev. Thomas and Katherine (Hall) Collins, born Brookville, Pa. 7-27-1882; died Seattle, Wash. 7-11-1968; married 1-17-1906, Dr. James William Sherfey, of Benjamin Franklin and Kathryn Narcissus (Keibler) Sherfey, born Duth Mills, Ark. 7-25-1877; died Spokane, Wash. 12-25-1967. Both are buried in Pomeroy, Wash.

Dr. James and Isa resided in Spokane, Washington where he maintained a medical practice. He attended English College (Colfax, Wash.) after which he graduated from Kansas Medical School and attended the University of Chi­cago School of Surgery. Isa attended English College and later studied music in Spokane, Washington where she taught music for several yetrs.

CHILDREN OF DR. JAMES & ISA SHERFEY (Isa6Katherine 0 Valinda 4


4262. Dean Leroy Sherfey married Florence Elizabeth MacMonigal. 462

4263. Kathryn Marguerite Sherfey married Roy Eugene Williams. 4264. Maxine Laverne Sherfey married (1) Clarence Miller

(2) Albert Glandt. 4265. William Eugene Sherfey married Wilma French.

2147. REV. FREDERICK LEROY COLLINS, of Rev. Thomas and Kath­erine (Hall) Collins, born Scranton, Pa. 1-13-1893; living, 1969; married Mrs. Vera Corneliuson, of William Joseph and Hannah McDonald, born Spo­kane, Wash. 3-18-1894; living.

Rev. F. L. and Vera Collins reside in Tum Tum, Washington; they form­erly resided in Spokane (same state). Rev. Collins attended McMinnville College (McMinnville, Ore.) and Northwestern Business College, graduating from the latter. He has spent most of his adult lifetime as a Minister of the Conservative Baptist Church; served as State Treasurer of the Conservative Baptist Association of Washington; member of the Council of Reference for the Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Vera attended Kelsey Baird Business College.



Valinda4) 4266. Frederick Leroy Collins Jr. married Edith Starner. 4267. Hugh C. Collins married Adeline Rieger. 4268. Shirley Arlene Collins married Joseph W. Dobias.

2148. FLORENCE HALLECK, of Frederick and Sarah E. (Hall) Halleck, born Buffalo, N. Y. 6-29-1892; living, 1968; married 5-5-1910, Carl Kalten­born, of Philip and Sarah Kaltenborn, born Pittsburgh, Pa. 9-4-1891; living.

Carl and Florence reside in Santa Cruz, California; they formerly re­sided in Kennewick, Washington.


Valinda4) 4269. Ruth Kaltenborn married (1) William Willis (2) ______ _ 4270. Virginia Kaltenborn married (1) Barney Libscher (2) ______ .

2150. GERTRUDE VALINDA HALL, of Frederick and Ella Hall, born Chicago, Ill. 12-24-1892; living, 1968; married 5-14-1917, Clyde Henry Willey*, of ____ and Mary (Fountz) Willey, born Diamond Bluff, Wisc. 11-30-1892; died Long Beach, Calif. 12-7-1960.

*This family changed the spelling of this surname from Willey to Wiley, which will be used hereafter.

Clyde and Gertrude resided in Spokane and Tacoma, Washington; Port­land, Oregon; and Forest Falls, California. Clyde was a minister and sales­man; also a veteran of World War I. Gertrude attended McMinnville College.


Valinda 4) 42 71. Howard Frederick Wiley married Barbara Teal. 4272. Kenneth Eugene Wiley never married. 4273. Helen Louise Wiley married Eugene Lawrence. 4274. Paul Rader Wiley married Lyla Jean King. 4275. Ella Marie Wiley married Wesley Eugene Harty.


2152. HELEN CATHERINE HALL, of Frederick and EllaHall, born Chi­cago, Ill. 7-30-1902; living, 1969; married6-19-1926, FrankL. VanWagnen, of Orrin J. and Martha (Johnson) Van Wagnen, born Spokane, Wash. 5-11-1904; living.

Frank and Helen resided for some time in the area of Ambridge, Penn­sylvania, before their removal to Buffalo, New York, their present resi­dence. Frank is a graduate of Washington State University and was employ­ed by Bethlehem Steel Corporation, as a structural engineer; he is now re­tired. Helen attended Linfield College (McMinnville, Ore.).

It would be utterly impossible to adequately acknowledge the assistance of Frank and Helen in this compilation. Several years ago Frank had done quite a bit of work toward the compilation of a family tree, mostly on the descendants of Matthew Hennen Jr. He supplied the author of this work with a complete copy of his findings and unselfishly gave permission for the use of any, or all, of it herein. In some cases further work was then done to make this more complete, when possible; in other instances his preserva­tion of this data, at a time when more of the older ones were living, provid­ed the one and only record we could find. In addition their encouragement has been a wonderful help along the way. Thanks ! ~



4276. Frank Douglas Van Wagnen married Jacqueline Veronica Mack. 2156. JOHN HITE MORRIS, of Russell and Olive (Hite) Morris, born

Morgantown, W. Va.; living, 1968; married Margaret Giesey. John and Margaret reside near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



h . 4

Cat erme )

2157. GRACE COURTNEY, of Dr. David and Lizzie (Hite) Courtney, married Orrin Davis.


Catherine4 )

4280. CATHERINE DAVIS married Charles E. Hare. 2158. CATHERINE COURTNEY, of Dr. David and Lizzie (Hite) Court­

ney, married Gen. Phillip Brown. CHILDREN OF GEN. PHILLIP & CATHERINE BROWN (Catherine


Lizzie5Catherine 4) 4281. BETTY BROWN 4282. NANCY BROWN

2159. FRANCES COURTNEY, of Dr. David and Lizzie (Hite) Courtney, married John Tarr.

They had no children. 2160. DAVID HALL COURTNEY JR., of Dr. David and Lizzie (Hite)

Courtney, married Blowden Hughes. 464

CHILD OF DAVID & BLOWDEN COURTNEY (David6Lizzie5Catherine4 )

4283. DAVID COURTNEY 2161. JOSEPH H. COURTNEY, of Dr. David and Lizzie (Hite) Courtney,

married Helen Huston. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH & HELEN COURTNEY (Joseph6 Lizzie5Catherine1


2174. VANCE BABB, of Ernest and Katie Babb,. married . 0 5 ~ --

CHILDREN OF VANCE & BABB (Vance Ernest Mary )

4287. ____ BABB 4288, BABB

2175. ARNOLD BABB, of Francis and Gertrude Babb, married

_C_H_I_L_D_R_E_N_O_F_A_R_N_O_L_D_& ____ B_A_B_B_ (Arnold6 Francis 5

Mary 4)

4289. BABB ----4290. BABB

2176. MARY KATHERINE BABB, of Francis and Gertrude Babb, mar­ried Jennings Randolph.

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph maintain residence in Washington, D. C. and in Keyser, West Virginia. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1932 and served six consecutive terms. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1958 and his present term will expire in 1973, having served con­tinuously.



2189. ALBERT EARL HENNEN JR., of Dr. Albert E. and Florence Hennen, Sr., born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Anne Nolan Mathison, of John J. and Mildred (McNally) Mathison, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living.

Albert E. and Anne reside in Wheeling, West Virginia. He graduated from Penn State College in 1938; was a Staff Sergeant in tile U.S. Infantry from 1941 to 1945. He served as local advertising manager for The Intelli­gencer and Wheeling News-Register from 1953 tilrough June, 1966; he is now director of advertising for the two newspapers. Albert helped us to get this line of tile Hennen family completed.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ALBERT & ANNE HENNEN JR. (Albert Albert Frank ) (all born in Wheeling, W. Va.)




2190. SUZANNA HENNEN, of Dr. Albert E. and Florence Hennen, born Wheeling, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Atwood W. Haning, of N. Atwood and Josephine W. Haning.

Atwood and Suzanne reside in Wheeling, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF ATWOOD & SUZANNE HANING (Suzanne6 Albert5Frank



2191. FLORENCE KIRKLAND HENNEN, of Dr. Albert E. and Florence Hennen, born Wheel.ing, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Edward Lee North, of Edward Lewis and Jean (Smith) North, born Englewood, N. J. ; living.

Edward and Florence reside in Brightwaters, New York where he is an editor associated with the Grumman Aircraft Company, in the presentations department. Mr. North graduated from Washington and Jefferson College (Washington, Pa.) and is the author of the book "She Produces All-Ameri­cans." Florence graduated from Mt. de Chantel Academy (Wheeling, W. Va.); attended Harcum Junior College (Bryn Mawr, Pa.) and West Virginia Uni­versity.


Frank:4) 4303, PATRICK L. NORTH, serving in the U.S. Army. 4304. DIANE H. NORTH

2192, MARY ETHEL MESTREZAT, of Jean-Paul and Muna Mestrezat, born Chicago, Ill. ; living, 1968; married (1) Howard Stockbridge, of Arthur J. and Maude Stockbridge; he is deceased. Mary married (2) Warren Miller, of Clyde Smith and Clara (Groover) Miller, born Canton, Ill.; living.

Howard and Mary resided in Duncan, Arizona where he was a mine fore­man. Warren and Mary reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a veteran of 5 years service with the U.S. Navy.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF HOWARD & MARY STOCKBRIDGE (Mary Jean-Paul Eva ) (Mary Jean-Paul6 Walter5)

4305. Gladys Jean Stockbridge married Ralph Gillis. 4306. Phyllis Joan Stockbridge married Robert Burns. 4307. Karen Jerene Stockbridge married Donald Noonchester.

2193. PAULINE MESTREZAT, of Jean-Paul and Muna Mestrezat, born Red Jackey, Mich.; living, 1968; married Samuel Francis Speerstra, of Bronno Samuel and Frances (Cole) Speerstra, born Eau Claire, Wisc.; liv­ing.

Samuel and Pauline reside in Salem, Oregon where he is a prominent attorney as a member of the old established firm of Rhoten, Rhoten and


Speerstra. He attended Willamette University where he obtained a degree in law. Pauline Virginia has also taken extensive courses at Willamette Uni­versity and does a considerable amount of writing, as a hobby; she also does a great amount of traveling. Mr. and Mrs. Speerstra also have a large farm on the Willamette River, near Salem.


Eva;; (Mary 7 Jean-Paul6Walter.J)

4308. Samuel Paul Speerstra married Melanie Nagel. 4309. Carolyn Virginia Speerstra married Lorence Stephens. 4310. Jane Ellen Speerstra, unmarried.

2195. MORGAN D. MESTREZAT SPRIGG, of Harry and Mary (Mestrezat) Sprigg, born Morgantown, W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Morgan resides near Morgantown, West Virginia where he operates a tavern. He served in the 201st. Infantry Regiment W. V.N. G. and in the 29th Infantry Division N. G. U.S., as a Staff Sergeant.

2196. JANE HOPE HENNEN, of Charles and Avanell Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Peter Holland Hunter, of Thomas Holl­and Hunter.

Peter and Jane reside in Florida. Jane is a graduate of Knox School, St. James, Long Island, New York, and Garland Junior College at Boston, Mass­achusetts. Peter Hunter is a graduate of Phelps School of Malvern, Pennsyl­vania, and Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida.

2197. SALLY M. HENNEN, of Charles and Avanell Hennen, born Fair­mont, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Sally resides in New York City, New York, and Christianland, St. Croix, Virgin Islands.

2198. SUSAN HENNEN MEREDITH, of Dr. John and Mary (Hennen) Mere­dith, born Fairmont, W. Va.; living, 1969.

Susan makes her home in Fairmont, West Virginia, with her father. 2199. and 2200. GEORGE ALLEN BENNETT, JR. and THOMAS BOWEN

BENNETT, of Dr. George and Mary (Hennen) Bennett, born Philadelphia, Pa. ; living, 1969; unmarried.

George and Thomas are both students at La Salle College (Philadelphia, Pa.); George was quite helpful in securing the data for this family. Our best wishes go out to both of them, as well as to their brothers.

2201. JAMES CHRISTOPHER BENNETT, of George and Mary (Hennen) Bennett, born Philadelphia, Pa. ; living, 1969.

2202. JOHN PAUL BENNETT, of Dr. George and Mary (Hennen) Bennett, born Philadelphia, Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried.

John makes his home in Morgantown, West Virginia, with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hennen. He is presently attending Linsly In­stitute (Wheeling, W. Va.). It has been our pleasure to meet this fine young lad and we hope for only the best of everything in life for him.

2212. ABEL LEROY MARRINER, of John and Hannah Marriner, mar­ried ----


6 5 4 -=C-=H=I=L=D-=R=E::..:N~O'-F_A_B_E_L_& ____ M_A_R_R_IN_E_R (Abel John George )


2213. MARY IRENE MARRINER, of John and Hannah Marriner, born McMechen, W. Va.; died McMechen, W. Va. Buried in Estel Cemetery.

2214. EMERSON BELL, of Ebenezer and Sarah Jane (Mariner) Bell, born near Wana, W. Va. 9- -1879; died 2-2-1963; married Marty Alice Wise, of Zebb and Minervia Jane (Burnfield) Wise, born 5-13-1884: died 2-29-1952. Both are buried in Parsons, W. Va.

Emerson Bell was a carpenter. 6 5

CHILDREN OF EMERSON & MARTY BELL (Emerson Sarah J. Jeremiah)

4313. Percy Bell married Lucille Simpson. 4314. Ivy Jane Bell married Robert Olinger. 4315. Clarence Bell married Louie Moore. 4316. Lester Bell married Eulla Shaw.

2215. ERNEST BELL, of Ebenezer and Sarah Jane (Mariner) Bell, born near Wana, W. Va. 1885; died 1956; married Cecyle Furman, born 1887; died 1955. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, Wades town, W. Va.

Dr. Ernest and Cecyle Bell resided near Wadestown, West Virginia; he was a veterinarian and she was a music teacher.

4 CHILD OF DR. ERNEST & CECYLE BELL (Ernest6Sarah J. 5Jeremiah )

431 7. Howard Bell married Mary Lou ___ _ 2216. WINNIE BELL, of Ebenezer and Sarah Jane (Mariner) Bell, born

near Wana, W. Va. 1882; died 1950; unmarried. Buried Wadestown, W. Va. Winnie resided in St. Petersburg, Florida where she ran a roominghouse. 2217. MARTHA ELLEN TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Tay­

lor, born Greene Co. Pa. 6-3-1887; living, 1969; married Saul Shriver, born Wadestown, W. Va.; died Washington, D. C. (; buried Fairmont, W. Va.

CHILD OF SAUL & MARTHA SHRIVER (Martha Joshua5Lucinda44 (Martha6Drusilla5Hennen )

4318. ELENOR V. SHRIVER, died young. 2219. CHARLES EDGAR TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Tay­

lor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 7-26-1891; living, 1969; married (1) Carrie Snyder, born Hundred, W. Va.; died Hundred, W. Va. He married (2) Gladys Wade, of J. S. and Mary (Hinegardner) Wade, born Burton, W. Va.;

~q. 4 CHILDREN OF CHARLES E. TAYLOR (Charles6Joshua5Lucinda 4 (all born Hundred, W. Va.) (Charles6Drusilla

5Hennen )

4319. ____ TAYLOR, died young. 4320. EDNA HELEN TAYLOR married Lloyd Null. 4321. WADE TAYLOR married __________ _ 4322. LOUISE TAYLOR married Harry Moore. 4323. PATRICIA TAYLOR married Sidney Blochard.



2220. SAMUEL ELLIS TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 7-31-1893: living, 1969; married 9-18-1920, Mary May Teagarden, of Joseph M. and Catherine (Shriver) Teagarden, born Earn­shaw, W. Va. 3-15-1900; living.



(Samuel 6Drusilla 5ttennen 4 ) 4326. RAYMOND LEE TAYLOR married Bonnie Jean Hathaway.

2222. ORA RAYMOND TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-22-1896; living, 1969; married (1) Bertie Jobes, born Hundred, W. Va.; died Tulsa, Okla. He married (2) Bessie Thomas, born Hundred, W. Va.; died Hundred, W. Va. He married (3) Mildred And­erson, born Scottdale, Pa.; living. Bertie and Bessie are buried at Thomas Chapel.

2223. OSCAR HERMAN TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Tay­lor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 9-25-1902; living, 1969; married (1) Bertie Hunt, of Walter Hunt, born Hundred, W. Va. Oscar married (2) Goldie Minnie King, of Jackson and Raddie King, born Pine Bank, Pa. ; living.


Lucinda4J (Herman 6Drusilla 5ttennen )

4327. MARY LOU TAYLOR married Richard Beiter. 2224. MARY NELL TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Taylor,

born Hundred, W. Va. 10-24-1905: living, 1969; married (1) Jennice Bruce, born Fairmont, W. Va.; died Wheel.ing, W. Va. Nell married (2) Allen Cart­er, born Fairmont, W. Va. ; living.

2226. ROY HAROLD TAYLOR, of Joshua and Drusilla (Butcher) Taylor, born Hundred, W. Va. 6-10-1910; living, 1969; married (1) Opel Virginia Frum (2) ________ _

2230. WINNIE WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Jolly­town, Pa. 5-25-1888; died Eighty-Four, Pa. 11-3-1968; married Levi Fran­cis Porter, of Andrew and Anna Porter, born Cameron, W. Va.; living, 1969. Winnie is buried in the Pigeon Creek Cemetery, near Eighty-Four, Pa.

Levi and Winnie resided at Eighty-Four, Pennsylvania;?e was a farmer. CHILDREN OF LEVI & WINNIE PORTER (Winnie 6Mollie Lucinda


4328. Earl Porter married Mildred Hutson. 4329. Everett Porter married Helen Keifer.

2231. HARRY WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Bluff, Pa. 4-28-1890; living, 1969; married May Phillips, of Ellwood and Virginia Phillips, born Parkersburg, W. Va. ; died Washington, Pa. Buried in the Pigeon Creek Cemetery, near Eighty-Four, Pa.

Harry and May resided in Eighty- Four, Penisy lvania; he was a carpenter. CHILDREN OF HARRY & MAY WHITE (Harry Mollie5Lucinda


4330. Nellie White married Howard Criswell. 469

4331. Milo White married Mabel Myers. 4332. Goldie White married John Deems. 4333. Leona White married Less Newman. 4334. Dorothy White married Howard Sargeant. 4335. James White married Margaret Whiteman. 4336. HAZEL WHITE, born and died (young) Eighty-Four, Pa. 4337. ARGEL WHITE, born and died (young) Eighty-Four, Pa.

2233. GERTRUDE WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Rutan, Pa. 10-12-1892; living, 1969; married (1) Harrison Fordyce, of George and Lenora Fordyce, born East Finley, Pa.; died Calif. She mar­ried (2) Walter Shultz, born Wheeling, W. Va.; died Wheeling, W. Va. She married (3) John Mcclatchey, born Wheeling, W. Va.; died Wheeling, W. Va.

Harrison and Gertrude resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania, and Wheeling, West Virginia; he was a carpenter. Walter and Gertrude resided in Wheeling where he was a steel worker. John and Gertrude resided in the same place; he was a fireman.


Lucinda4) 4338. Helen Fordyce married Harry Miller. 4339. EDNA FORDYCE, born West Alexander, Pa.; died (young) Short

Creek, W. Va.; buried U.B. Cemetery, at East Finley, Pa. 4340. Lenora Fordyce married John Bowman. CHILDREN OF WALTER & GERTRUDE SHULTZ (Gertrude6Mollie5)

4341. Betty Shultz married George Criswell. 4342. Walter Shultz married Winnie Mccutcheon.

2234. GOLDIE WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Rutan, Pa. 7-26-1894; living, 1969; married (1) Jesse King, of Sylvester and Harr­iet King, born West Alexander, Pa.; died West Alexander, Pa. 3-1-1937. Goldie married (2) Charles Porter, of Marion and Anna Porter, born Wind Ridge, Pa. 4-20-1895; died __ _

Jesse and Goldie resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania; he was an e­lectrician. Charles and Goldie resided in Eighty-Four, Pennsylvania; he was a carpenter and painter. Mr. Porter was a military polife in service.

CHILDREN OF JESSE & GOLDIE KING (Goldie6Mollie Lucinda4 )

4343. Winnie King married Donald Hodgens. 4344. Blanche King married Gordon Ellison. 4345. JESSE KING JR., born and died (young) West Alexander, Pa. 4346. STELLA KING (foster child) married Ralph Ammons.

2235. NELLIE WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Grays­ville, Pa. 5-16-1890; living, 1969; married Albert Dougherty, of Daniel and Ruth Dougherty, born Dallas, W. Va.; living.

Albert and Nellie reside in West Alexander, Pennsylvania; he is a farmer. CHILDREN OF ALBERT & NELLIE DOUGHERTY (Nellie6Mollie5Lucinda)


4347. Lena Dougherty married Kenneth Kennedy. 4348. Belle Dougherty married Fisher Booth. 4349, James Dougherty married Millie Mallery. 4350, Albert Dougherty Jr. married Elaine Hanlin.

2236. HENRY WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born Grays­ville, Pa. 11-29-1900; living, 1969; married Sula Martin, born Ark.; living.

Henry and Sula reside near Keota, Oklahoma; he is a welder. 2237. IDA WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born East Fin­

ley, Pa. 2-14-1902; living, 1969; married (1) Frank Byers, born Claysville, Pa.; she married (2) Clinton McDaniels, born Wheeling, W. Va.

Frank and Ida resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania; he was a carp­enter. Clinton and Ida resided in Wheeling, West Virginia; he was a steel worker.

CHILDREN OF FRANK & IDA BYERS (Ida6Mo11ie5Lucinda4 )

4351. James Byers 4352. Frances Byers married Ronald Smith.

2238. CURTIS WHITE, of James and Mollie (Taylor) White, born East Finley, Pa. 3-25-1903; living, 1969; married Dorothy McKain, of Samuel and Amanda McKain, born West Alexander, Pa. ; died West Alexander, Pa.

Curtis and Dorothy resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF CURTIS & DOROTHY WHITE (Curtis 6Mollie5Lucinda4)

4353. Maxine White married Clyde Francis. 4354. Jean White married Duane Wilson. 4355, Thelma White married Charles Riggle. 4356. Florence White married Marvin Fonner. 4357. Nancy White married Don Mason.

2239. EARL TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, born Jollytown, Pa.; died Holland, Mich.; married Stella Lough.


5Lucinda )

4358. SYLVIA TAYLOR married Allen McClure. 4359. RICHARD EARL TAYLOR JR. married Phyllis Schultz.

2240. MAY TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married Charles Yost.

CHILDREN OF CHARLES & MAY YOST (May6Elsworth5Lucinda4)

4360. GERALD YOST 4361. LEON YOST married Margaret Dulaney. 4362. MANSIL YOST married Grace 4363. VIRGINIA YOST married Joe Yost.

2241. LUCY TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married Lester Kughn.

5 CHILDREN OF LESTER & LUCY KUGHN (Lucy6Elsworth Lucinda 4)


4364. MELVIN KUGHN married Irene Nelson. 4365. CHESTER KUGHN married Irene Belcher. 4366, PAUL KUGHN married Betty Wilson.

2242. ROSS TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, deceased; unmar­ried.

2243. CLARENCE TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married Doris Pethtel.


Lucinda4) 4367. MILTON TAYLOR married Madelyn Sims. 4368, EUGENE TAYLOR 4369. ROBERT TAYLOR 4370. CATHERINE TAYLOR married Elza C. Wilson. 4371. INEZ TAYLOR married Clarence Stockdale.

2244. INIZ TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married John Haught, of Collin and Jane (Barr) Haught, born Wadestown, W. Va.

2245. GLENN TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married Eliza­beth Kerns, of Ancel and Edna Kerns, born West Union, W. Va.


(all born Clarksburg, W. Va.) Lucinda4) 4372. GLENN TAYLOR JR. 4373. FRANK TAYLOR 4374. JEFFREY TAYLOR 4375. PAMELA TAYLOR 4376. JO ANN TAYLOR married Patrick Adams. 4377. SHARON TAYLOR married Virgil Dobbs.

2246, VERGIL TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married (1) Nellie Haines (2) Mildred Vogel, born Bay City, Mich.

4 CHILDREN OF VERGIL & NELLIE TAYLOR (Vergil6Elsworth5Lucinda )




2247. GRANT TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married Flor­ence Longstreth, of Charles and Allie (Tennant) Longstreth, born Bula, W. 1a,


4383. VIRGINIA TAYLOR married James Lear. 4384. REGINA TAYLOR married George Byrd.

2248. REGINA TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married John Griffith.


Lucinda4) 472

4385. ALLEN GRIFFITH married Mina __ _ 4386. JOHN GRIFFITH married Jo Ann ___ _ 4387. NORMA GRIFFITH married David Umphrey. 4388. NANCY GRIFFITH married Gunter Holler. 4389. SALLY JO GRIFFITH unmarried. 4390. PATRICIA GRIFFITH married Herb Crampton.

2249. ROBERT TAYLOR, of Elsworth and Sarah Taylor, married (1) Norma Roberson (2) Lois Crable (3) Madelyn Sims.


Lucinda 4



2252. ORA LOUGH, of Linza and Matilda Agnes (Taylor) Lough, born Wadestown, W. Va. 3- -1898; living, 1969; married Kinsey Shriver, of George and Elizabeth Shriver, born Wadestown, W. Va. 11- -1904; living.

Kinsey and Ora reside near Wadestown, West Virginia; he is employed in the Agricultural Conservation Program. Ora was formerly employed as a telephone operator; she supplied much of the data for this line. They have no children.

2253. HARLAND LOUGH, of Linza and Matilda Agnes (Taylor) Lough, born Wadestown, W. Va. 11-12-1899; died Wadestown, W. Va.; married Nell Hostutler, of John and Jennie Hostutler, born Hundred, W. Va. 9-23-1903; living. Harland is buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Harland and Nell resided in Wadestown, West Virginia; she now resides in Morgantown, same state.

CHILDREN OF HARLAND & NELL LOUGH (Harland6Matilda 5Lucinda 4


4394. Madeline Lough married David Hall. 4395. Carolyn Lough married Robert Ammons. 4396. Margaret Lough married Robert Hileman. 439 7. Sue Lough married James Kisner.

2254. CHARLOTTE LOUGH, of Linza and Matilda Agnes (Taylor) Lough, born Wadestown, W. Va. 6-26-1905; died Morgantown, W. Va.; married Paul Stiles #1622i.

For further data see #1622i. 2255. VERNA HAUGHT, of Lott and Elizabeth (Taylor) Haught, born near

Wadestown, W. Va. 7-23-1897; living, 1969; married John M. Haught Sr., of Simon P. and Catherine (Gump) Haught, born near Fairview, W. Va. 2-12-1897; died Fairview, W. Va. 11-2-1958.

John and Verna resided in Fairview, West Virginia where he was employ­ed by the South Penn Oil Company; he was also a veteran of World War I. Verna attended Ripley Normal College.

CHILD OF JOHN & VERNA HAUGHT SR. (Verna 6Elizabeth5Lucinda 4


4398. JOHN M. HAUGHT JR., born Fairview, W. Va.; unmarried. 473

2256, HAZEL HAUGHT, of Lott and Elizabeth (Taylor) Haught, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 12-9-1899; living, 1969; married Clemmie L, Delaney, of Henry and Mary Virginia (Thomas) Delaney, born near Metz, W. Va. 5-9-1898; living.

Clemmie and Hazel reside near Burton, West Virginia; they formerly resided in Pampa, Texas. Hazel graduated from Elliott Business College; Clemmie attended Fairmont Normal School. He has been employed by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company, as a pumper and mechanic. They have no children.

2257. DEETTA HAUGHT, of Lott and Elizabeth (Taylor) Haught, born St. Leo, W. Va. 8-8-1903; living, 1969; married Ralph Mason, of William C. and Icy (Tennant) Mason, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 3-19-1905;living.

Ralph and DeEtta reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; they formerly re­sided in Wadestown, West Virginia. He is employed by the Preston Oil Comp­any, formerly as an oil field worker and now a superintendent, with offices in Washington.



4399, LaVere Josephine Mason, unmarried. 4400. Norma Lee Mason married Harold Bradford Cumberledge. 4401. Ralph Arthur Mason Jr. married Peggy Ann Wilson. 4402. Medora Mason married Quentin Dale Knight.

2258. MAE TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born near Hundred, W. Va. 5-25-1893; died Morgantown, W. Va. 10-29-1957; married Martin Lloyd Core, of Leroy and Elvina Core, born Core, W. Va.; died Morgantown, W, Va. 8-8-1949. Both are buried in Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown.

Martin L. and Mae resided in Wadestown and Morgantown, West Virginia. 6 5 4 CHILDREN OF MARTIN L. & MAE CORE (Mae Thomas Fanny )

4403, Edwin L. Core married Jessie Porter. 4404, Ruth Core married Paul Booth.

2259. BETHEL TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born near Hun­dred, W. Va. 1-14-1895; died Wadestown, W. Va. 3-29-1965; unmarried. Buried Wadestown Cemetery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Bethel resided in Wadestown, West Virginia where she operated a gro­cery store.

2260. WILLIAM TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born near Waynesburg, Pa. 10-8-1896; living, 1969; married Bessie Mayfield, of Simon and Vionna Mayfield, born Wadestown, W. Va.; living.

William and Bessie reside in Cross Roads, West Virginia. CHILD OF WILLIAM & BESSIE TAYLOR (William6 Thomas 5Fanny4)

4405. William Taylor Jr. married Vivian Gump. 2261. DORA TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born Wadestown,

W. Va. 10-2-1898; living, 1969; married Joseph Taylor, of Willaim and Car­oline Taylor, born Frazier's Bottom, W. Va.; living.


Joseph and Dora reside near Burton, West Virginia; he is now retired. Joe is a veteran of World War II, having served in the Transportation Corps 1942-44. They have been quite helpful with this history although Dora has been confined to a wheel chair for a number of years.

2262" RAY TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 5-5-1900; living, 1969; married Okey Church, of Will and Nancy Church, born Hundred, W. Va.; died Morgantown, W. Va. 6-11-1954.

Ray and Okey resided in the areas of Wadestown and Morgantown, West Virginia; he is a coal miner.

CHILDREN OF RAY & OKEY TAYLOR (Ray6 Thomas 5 Fanny4)

4406. Thomas G. Taylor married Mildred Price. 4407. Rosalie Taylor married Raymond Riggs. 4408, Leon Taylor married Deloris Miller. 4409. Ruby Taylor married Mark Shafer.

2263. OTTO TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 4-18-1902; died Waynesburg, Pa. 1964; married Hazel Hawkins, born Metz, W. Va.; died Fairview, W. Va. Both buried Wadestown Ceme­tery, at Wadestown, W. Va.

Otto and Hazel resided in Sabraton, Metz and Wadestown, West Virginia; also Greene County, Pennsylvania; he was a rural mail ca5rier.


4410. FRANCES TAYLOR married Charles Stone. 441L JEANETTE TAYLOR married Crayton Litton. 4412. EDITH TAYLOR married James Poling.

2264. PEARL TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born Wadestown, W. Va. 9-8-1904; living; unmarried.

2265, BERTHA TAYLOR, of Thomas and Jennie Taylor, born Wades­town, W. Va. 7-5-1912; living, 1969; married (1) Paul Booth, of Jack and Mae Booth, born near Burton, W. Va. ; living. Bertha married (2) George Vedis, of Stephen Vedis.

George and Bertha reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 6 5 4 CHILD OF PAUL & BERTHA BOOTH (Bertha Thomas Fanny )

4413. Gene Booth married Shirley Allcar. 2266 through 2276. Further data not ascertained. 2280. FRANKE. RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Nettle

Hill, Pa. 4-18-1896; living, 1969; married 11-22-1919, Minnie Mae Dailey, born Washington, Pa. 2-26-1901; living.

Frank and Minnie reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; they went to Cape Cora~ Florida, for one year but returned to Washington where they had pre­viously resided. He was employed some 50 years with Hazel Atlas Glass Company, then Continental Can Company and finally Brockway Glass Comp­any. He served in World War I, 1918-19 and was overseas as a Sergeant. Frank has helped considerably with this record and we are most grateful.


6 5 4 CHILD OF FRANK & MINNIE RUSH SR. (Frank Sarah Fanny )

4414. Frank E. Rush Jr. married Patricia Morgan. 2281. LAZEAR RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Nettle

Hill, Pa. 3-29-1897; living, 1969; married Viola Mccombs, born Washing­ton, Pa. 5-23-1902; died Washington, Pa. 7- -1959. She is buried in the Washington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

Lazear and Viola resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; he was employ-ed by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company.


4415. ROBERT LAWRENCE RUSH married _______ _ 4416. HERMAN DONALD RUSH married _______ _

2282. LLOYD RUSH,* of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 3-16-1898; living, 1969; married 8-6-1930, Daisy Belle McConnell, born Donegal Twp .. Washington Co., Pa. 2-11-1894; living.

Lloyd and Daisy reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; he was employed, for more than 50 years, by Hazel Atlas Glass Company and Continental Can Company, as a machine operator.


4417. KENNETH LLOYD RUSH, born and died (young) Washington, Pa. 4418. Paul Donald Rush married Patricia Ann Bracks. 4419. Gene Walter Rush married Carole Irene Berry.

2283. FLOYD RUSH,* of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 3-16-1898; living, 1969; married 6-7-1922, Flossie Fern Hummell, born Cliff Mine, Pa. 5-5-1903; living.

*Lloyd and Floyd Rush were twins. Floyd and Flossie reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; he is now retired

after having been employed by Hazel Atlas Glass Company and Continental Can Company. I have no record of children.

2284. ETHEL ROSE RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 4-30-1901; living, 1969; married Ira Edwin Riser, born Claysville, Pa. 10-29-1895; died Washington, Pa. 5-28-1964. He is buried in the Wash­ington Cemetery, near Washington, Pa.

Ira was a veteran of World War I, having se5ved overseas. CHILD OF IRA & ETHEL RISER (Ethel

6Sarah Fanny


4420. Noreen Riser married William H. Twigger. 2285. THELMA GLADYS RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born

Nettle Hill, Pa. 7-16-1902; died Washington, Pa. 7-25-1960; married 12-21-1929, James Dorsey Iams Jr., born Ruff Creek, Pa. 9-14-1895; living.

James and Thelma resided in Washington, Pennsylvania where they con­ducted a wholesale drug business for more than 30 years. They had no child­ren.

2286. ROBERT RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Washington, 476

Pa. 7-5-1904; living, 1969; married 12-18-1945, Leah Gertrude Murry, born Mingo Junction, Oh. 9-24-1916; living.

Robert and Leah reside in Washington, Pennsylvania. He retired in 1969 after some 39 years employment in the glass industry; first with Hazel At­las Glass Company, then Continental Can Company and finally Brockway Glass Company. Robert was a veteran of World wir II.

5 4 CHILDREN OF ROBERT & LEAH RUSH (Robert Sarah Fanny )

4421. Sandra Elaine Rush married Donald Lee Palgutta. 4422. CHARLES ROBERT RUSH, born.Washington, Pa.; now in service,

stationed in Germany. 4423. Joyce Ann Rush married Dennis Edwin Paul.

2288. ESTHER LEONA RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born Washington, Pa. 4-1-1911; died W. Va. 8-15-1950; married Gerald Davis. She is buried in Bridgeport, W. Va.

Gerald and Esther resided in Clarksburg, West Virginia where he was employed by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company, as a mold maker.


4424. Robert Gerald Davis married Linda G. Lutz. 2289. JOHN WALTER RUSH, of John and Sarah (Taylor) Rush, born

Washington, Pa. 5-14-1916; living, 1969; married 11-4-1944, Kathryn E. Price, born Greene Co., Pa. 2-19-1919; living.

John and Kathryn reside in Washington, Pennsylvania; he is an agent for the Western and Southern Insurance Company. He served in World War II 1941-44, being stationed in the Pacific area.


4425, Gary W. Rush married Beckysue Martin. 4426. Judith K. Rush married Raymond Beardley Jr. 4427. TERRY R. RUSH, born Washington, Pa.; attending California

State College. 44280 SUSAN E. RUSH, born Washington, Pa.; at home.

(Gary and Judith Rush are twins) 2292, ELSWORTH TAYLOR, of Franklin and Elizabeth Taylor, born

near Waynesburg, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.; married Sarah Byard. Elsworth and Sarah resided near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he was a

coal miner. They had no children. 2293. DAVID RALPH TAYLOR, of Franklin and Elizabeth Taylor, born

Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Margaret Gephart, of William Gephart. Ralph married (2) ________ _

Ralph and Margaret resided near Greensboro, Pennsylvania where he was a coal miner. Ralph now resides in Arizona.


6Franklin5Fanny )

4429. Betty June Taylor married (1) Grant Mills (2) ___ Kdri. 477

4430. RALPH H. TAYLOR, born Greene Co., Pa.; died Guam while serv­ing his country during World War II. He was a member of the U.S. Navy and had completed 11 months service when he died at the age of 18 years; buried Arlington National Cemetery.

2294. KENNETH TAYLOR, of Franklin and Elizabeth Taylor, born near Wadestown, W. Va.; died near Carmichaels, Pa.; married Helen McMinn.

Kenneth and Helen resided in the Carmichaels-Crucible area of Pennsyl­vania. They had no children.

2295. MARY TAYLOR, of Isaac and Alice Taylor, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Arthur Shriver, of George Shriver.

Arthur and Mary reside in Clarksburg, West Virginia where he is em-ployed by the Consolidated Gas Supply Corporatio%.

5 4 CHILD OF ARTHUR & MARY SHRIVER (Mary Isaac Fanny·)

4431. MARTHA ANN SHRIVER married Martin Reagan. 2296. MARTHA TAYLOR, of Isaac and Alice Taylor, born Waynesburg,

Pa.; died near Washington, Pa.; married Rudolph Headlee, of John and Alma Headlee.

Rudolph and Martha resided throughout the short span of their married life in the Aspinwall area of Pennsylvania. They had no children.

2297. WILLIS TAYLOR, of Isaac and Alice Taylor, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Harriet Cunningham, of Orville and Ethel Cunn­ingham.

Willis and Harriet reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania where he is em­ployed by the Equitable Gas Company.


4432. MICHAEL EDWARD TAYLOR, at home. 2300. HOMER RUSSELL HEADLEE, of Oscar and Hannah (Mariner)

Headlee, born Brock, Pa. 2-27-1896; died near Mt. Morris, Pa. 5-29-1965; married Gail Wade, of A. B. and Zella (Spitznogle) Wade, born near Brock, Pa.; living, 1969.

H. Russell and Gail resided in the Brock-Mt. Morris area of Pennsyl­vania where he was a farmer and stock raiser. Mr. Headlee attended the Waynesburg Normal School after which he taught school. He also served as a road supervisor, State Assemblyman and, at the time of his death was, Township Auditor. They had no children.

2301. CHARLES E. HEADLEE, of Oscar and Hannah (Mariner) Headlee, born Brock, Pa. 3-8-1898; living, 1969; married Rachel O. Frost, of Peter and Elizabeth (Hitchens) Frost, born McKeesport, Pa. 10-10-1900; living.

Charles and Rachel presently make their home in Fort Lauderdale, Flor­ida; they formerly resided in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he was comp­troller of Westinghouse Electric Company. Charles was in army training at the end of World War I.

6 5 4 CHILD OF CHARLES & RACHEL HEADLEE (Charles Hannah John )


4433. Charles Allen Headlee married Louise Knode. 2302. ALVAH JOHN WASHINGTON HEADLEE, of Oscar and Hannah

(Mariner) Headlee, born Brock, Pa. 4-16-1902; living, 1969; married Mary Evelyn Jones, of Lindsay and Sarah J. (Wood) Jones, born Brock, Pa. 1-2-1904; living.

Dr. Alvah and Mary Headlee reside in Morgantown, West Virginia. He received a B. S. degree from Waynesburg College (1924) after which he was Principal of Aleppo High School until 1928. He served as a graduate assist­ant at West Virginia University 1929-34 where he earned a M. S. degree (1930) and a Ph.D. degree (1932). He subsequently was a Coal Chemist, Gas Chemist with the Public Service Commission of West Virginia (1935-36) and Geochemist with the West Virginia Geological Survey (1936-45). He spent a year as assistant project supervisor at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab­oratory (1945) and rejoined his previous employer, as Chief Chemist (1946-195 7); since the latter date he has served as a consulting geochemist. He has done researches in the fields of Reactions of Ethylene Oxide; Composition and Properties of Natural Gas, Petroleum and Coal; Germanium in Coal; and Secondary Recovery of Petroleum. Dr. Headlee also does farming and has recently purchased the home farm, near Brock.



4434. Mary Kathleen Headlee married George G. Marra. 4435. Hannah Ruth Headlee married Stephen P. Potter. 4436. Linden Ralph Headlee married Margaret Bracken. 4437. Nancy C. Headlee married Clifford E. Lundberg. 4438. David Alvah Headlee, unmarried.

2303. HARRY G. HEADLEE, of Oscar and Hannah (Mariner) Headlee, born Brock, Pa. 7-19-1905; living, 1969; married Ruth Kiger, of Arvel and Goldie (Renner) Kiger, born Brock, Pa. 10- -1914; living.

Harry and Ruth reside in Silver Springs, Maryland where he is manager of the Maryland Book Exchange, a large modern book store in College Park. Harry received a Bachelor's degree from Waynesburg College after which he was principal of Aleppo High School 1929-36.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF HARRY & RUTH HEADLEE (Harry Hannah John )

4439. Barbara Jean Headlee jTiarried James Houck Jr. 4440. Carolyn Headlee married Gary R. Kluckhuhn. 4441. JOSEPH PHILLIP HEADLEE, unmarried.

2304. WILLIAM RALPH HEADLEE, of Oscar and Hannah (Mariner) Head­lee, born Brock, Pa. 1-14-1911; living, 1969; married Jean Miller, born Spencer, W. Va.; living.

Ralph and Jean reside in Shepherdstown, West Virginia; he owns a chain of College Book Stores. Ralph received a Bachelor's degree from Waynes­burg College; Jean has her Master's degree from West VirITTnia University.




2305, DOROTHY TAYLOR, of Oscar and Catherine (Mariner) Taylor, born St. Clairsville, Oh.; living, 1969; married William F. Spears, born Cameron, W. Va. ; living.

William and Dorothy presently reside in Tarpon Springs, Florida; they formerly resided in St. Clairsville and Bethesda, Ohio, and spent some time in California.


4445. Robert W. Spears married Shirley Gill. 4446. Dorothy Lee Spears married Raymond Cook. 4447. Theodore L. Spears married Jeanie Gibbons. 4448. Sandra Jean Spears married George Carless.

2306. OSCAR A. TAYLOR, of Oscar and Catherine (Mariner) Taylor, born St. Clairsville, Oh.; living, 1969; married Etta K. Johnson, of Thomas A. and Elizabeth Johnson, born St. Clairsville, Oh. ; living.

Oscar and Etta reside near St. Clairsville, Ohio (on tbe home farm); he is a self- employed farmer.


4449. Richard Lee Taylor married Jo Ann Hall. 4450, Donna Jean Taylor married Joseph W. Garrett. 4451. JOYCE CHARLENE TAYLOR, born St. Clairsville, Oh.; at home.

2307. CHARLES A. TAYLOR, of Oscar and Catherine (Mariner) Taylor, born St. Clairsville, Oh.; living, 1969; married Lena Jones, of Albert and Maggie Jones, born Okla. ; living.

Charles and Lena presently reside in Novato, California where he is a clerk in the post office. Charles retired from the U.S. Air Force after hav­ing 22 years service.


4452. Bonnie Lou Taylor married Robert Lloyd. 4453. Rita Lee Taylor married Dennis W. Sumrow.

2308. PAULE. MARRINER, of John and Cora Marriner, born near Pine Bank, Pa.; died Washington, Pa. ; married Olive Ewart, of Harry and Belle (Martin) Ewart, born near Rogersville, Pa. ; died ______ . Both are buried in Rosemont Cemetery, near Rogersville, Pa.

Paul and Olive resided in Waynesburg and Washington, Pennsylvania; he was a long time employee of Huffman Furniture Company. He was later em-ployed by the Penn Manufacturing Company. "


4454. Eleanor Marriner married (1) ____ Longdon (2) Lloyd Martin (3) Turner. 480

4455, Louis Marriner married _______ _ 2309, ETHEL I. MARRINER, of John and Cora Marriner, born near

Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Louis Kottner. CHILD OF LOUIS & ETHEL KOTTNER (Ethel6John5John4)

4456. Madolyn Kottner married John McCullough Jr. 2310, FLOYD L. MARRINER, of John and Cora Marriner, born near

Pine Bank, Pa. ; died near Waynesburg, Pa.; married June Headley. Floyd and June resided in the Waynesburg area of Pennsylvania; she now

resides in California. Floyd graduated from Waynesburg College after which he taught school. He served in the U.S. Army 1941-45.


4457. CAULETTA MARRINER 2311. ALBERT MARRINER, of John and Cora Marriner, born near

Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Ola Scott, of James E. and Lucy (Rush) Scott, born near Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

Albert and Ola reside near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. Albert received a B. S. degree from Waynesburg College and a M.A. degree from West Vir­ginia University; he is presently supervising principal of the West Greene School District.


4458. Donna Marriner married Richard Berryhill. 2312, JAMES E. MARRINER, of John and Cora Marriner, born near

Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Sylvia Wilson. James and Sylvia reside in Washington, Pennsylvania where he is em­

ployed by Drakenfield Company. CHILD OF JAMES & SYLVIA MARRINER (James 6John5John4 )

4459, Sharon Marriner married John Diamond. 2314. GRACE HEADLEE, of Eli and Rose (Mariner) Headlee, born near

Mt. Morris, Pa.; living, 1969; married Arnold Fox, of Forney and Ethel (Lemley) Fox, born near Mt. Morris, Pa.; living.

Arnold and Grace are now divorced and she resides at Mt. Morris, Penn­sylvania. Grace attended California Teachers College and West Virginia University; she is now a math teacher in Perry Township. Arnold is a coal miner; he served in World War II.


4460. James Nelson Fox married Nancy Jo Brand. 2315. KATHLEEN ZIMMERS, of Walter and Elizabeth (Marriner) Zimm­

ers, born Ceylon, Pa.; living, 1969; married David Jerry Stouffer, of James and Nancy (Heck) Stouffer, born Freed, Pa.; living.

David and Kathleen reside in the area of Crucible, Pennsylvania.



John4) 4461. Nancy Elizabeth Stouffer married William Rex. 4462. Loretta Jean Stouffer married William White. 4463. David Henry Stouffer married Naomi Day. 4464, MALE SON STOUFFER, born and died young. 4465. KENNETH RAYBURN STOUFFER, died young.

2316. THELMA MAE ZIMMERS, of Walter and Elizabeth (Marriner) Zimmers, born near Carmichaels, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.; married (1) Elmer Lee Edgar, of Benjamin Franklin and Anna Elizabeth Edgar, born Washington Co., Pa. Thelma married (2) Paul Shultz, of Will and Minnie Shultz, born Waynesburg, Pa.

Thelma worked as a nurse's aid in both the Waynesburg and Washington hospitals.

6 4


4466. Dorothy Irene Edgar married Paul Provinson. 4467. SARA LEE EDGAR, born Jefferson, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa.;

buried Lone Pine, Pa. 2317. GLISE EDWIN MARINER, of Jesse E. and Stella F. Mariner,

born Cleveland, Oh.; living, 1969; married Alice Elizabeth Thompson, of John and Emma Elizabeth (Stephens) Thompson, born Kirby, Pa.; living.

Glise and Betty resided in Arlington, Virginia, some 6 months before taking up residence near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, where they yet reside. Glise attended Waynesburg College and later graduated from Echels College of Embalming (193 7). He was employed as a funeral director with the firm of George I. Church 1940-57; became a partner in Church and Mariner in 195 7; since 1962 he has been a partner in Mariner and Milliken Funeral Home. Glise is a veteran of World War II, having served 4 years in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and stationed in Panama. Betty worked for 9 years as a secretary-bookkeeper for Greene County Credit Bureau and the Hillman Coal and Coke Company.


4468. John Edwin Mariner married Linda Joyce Rohanna. 4469. STEVEN AUSTIN MARINER, born Waynesburg, Pa.; prsently at­

tending Fairmont State College, majoring in Hospital Administration. 2318. RUTH MARRINER, of Martin and Nellie Marriner, born Jollytown,

Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Lawrence White, of John and Rachel White, born Waynesburg, Pa. Ruth married (2) Melvin Harrick, of Harry and Bess­ie (Thomas) Harrick, born Cincinnati, Oh.



4470, Robert White married Gloria Schebig. 4471. Gerald White married Elizabeth Flask.

2319. PAULINE MARRINER, of Martin and Nellie Marriner, born Jolly-482

town, Pa.; living, 1969; married Clark Cumberledge, of Charles and Loma Cumberledge, born Pine Bank, Pa.; died Elderton, Pa.


John4) 4472. Joseph Cumberledge married Betty Shields. 4473. Kay Cumberledge married Louis Shirley. 4474. Duane Cumberledge married Susan Rearick. 4475. Darlene Cumberledge married William Barris. 4476, Glenn Cumberledge married Nancy Beers. 4477. CHARLES CUMBERLEDGE, born Latrobe, Pa.; presently attend­

ing College. 2320. JEAN MARRINER, of Martin and Nellie Marriner, born Jollytown,

Pa.; living, 1969; married William Binning, of William and Margaret Binn­ing, born Turtle Creek, Pa. ; living.


4478. Sandra Binning married Joseph Byrd. 2321. VIRGINIA MARRINER, of Martin and Nellie Marriner, born near

Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Thomas Roberts, of David and Mary Ro­berts, born Turtle Creek, Pa.; living.

CHILDREN OF THOMAS & VIRGINIA ROBERTS (Virginia6Martin5John) (both born Pittsburgh, Pa.)

4479. THOMAS ROBERTS, at home. 4480. RICHARD ROBERTS, at home.

2336 & 2337. Further data not learned. 2338, WALDO A. SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va.

4-21-1898; died Albuquerque, N.M. 9-7-1954; married Mary Hostutler, of Spencer and Estella Hostutler, born Garrison, Pa. 2- -1900; living, 1969. Waldo was buried at Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.

Mary now makes her home in Beach City, Ohio. 6. 5 4

CHILDREN OF WALDO & MARY SIX (Waldo Donley John H. )

4481. Bert Six married Dora Antil. 4482. James Six married Judy ___ _ 4483. June Six married Oran Smalley. 4484, Norma Six married Francis Kleinheinz. 4485. Alice Clara Six married ____ Conley.

2339, LUCILLE ASHCRAFT SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born near St. Cloud, W. Va. 7-5-1900; died Wheeling, W. Va. 11-28-1925; married Sellers Stockdale, born Garrison, Pa.; died 1967. Lucille is buried in Oak Forest Cemetery, at St. Cloud, W. Va.; Sellers is buried in Rosemont Ceme­tery, near Rogersville, Pa.

They had no children. 2340. AUDREY E. SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born Fairmont, W. Va.

2-9-1901; died Hundred, W. Va. 11-14-1950; married Ada Estel, of John and Matilda Estel, born Garrison, Pa. ; died ___ _


Audrey Six was a rural mail carrier. 4 6 5

CHILDREN OF AUDREY & ADA SIX (Audrey Donley John H. )

4486. Viola Six married Charles Phillips. 4487. John Six married Ada Stewart. 4488. Janice Six married James Core.

2341. HAGAN SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born Fairmont, W. Va. 10-9-1904; living, 1969; married (1) 1928, Gertrude Wise, of Jasper and Mary Wise, born Wadestown, W. Va.; living. Hagan married (2) 1951, Mrs. Es­ther Bogard Thomas.

Hagan and Esther reside in Hundred, West Virginia where he is an auto-mobile salesman.

4 CHILD OF HAGAN & GERTRUDE SIX (Hagan6Donley5John H. )

4489. Carolyn Six married ____ Day. 2341. MARTHA PAULINE SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born Keyser, W.

Va. 11-28-1905; living, 1969; married Edward Meighen, of Dennis and Eliza­beth Meighen, born Pine Bank, Pa. ; living,

Edward and Pauline reside near Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; he is employ­ed by the Pennsylvania Highway Department. They have no children.

2346. ELIZABETH SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 2-3-1911; living, 1969; married Walter F. Phillips, of Edgar and Alice Phillips, born Pittsburgh, Pa.; living.

Walter and Elizabeth reside in Fairmont, West Virginia; he is an engin­eer and she is a Public Accountant.


4490. Walter Phillips married Betty Sue Dugan. 2347. IRENE SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 1-20-

1913; living, 1969; married 3-30-1929, William Lemmon, of Abraham and Maude (Kerr) Lemmon, born near New Freeport, Pa. 6-15-1909; died New Freeport, Pa. 4-29-1968. He is buried in Rosemont Cemetery, near Rogers­ville, Pa.

William and Irene resided near New Freeport, Pennsylvania; she yet re­sides there. William was employed by the Pennsylvania Highway Department, as an equipment operator. He was also a farmer.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & IRENE LEMMON (Irene Donley John H. )

4491. Imogene Lemmon married Richard Bickerstaff. 4492. Madolyn Lemmon married James Renner. 4493. Inez Lemmon married (1) D. L. Hoy (2) Frank Patrick. 4494. William Lemmon married Donna E. Eddy. 4495. Gary Lemmon married Dianna Headley.

2348. HARLEY SIX, of Donely and Ola Six, born St. Cloud, W. Va. 11-16-1914; living, 1969; married Helen Gapen, of George and Lillian Gapen, born Mapletown, Pa.; living.


Harley and Helen reside near Mapletown, Pennsylvania; he is a farmer and she teaches school. They have no children.

2350. MARY SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born St. Cloud, W, Va. 5-17-1919; living, 1969; married (1) Ralph Estel, of Jesse and Jewel Estel, born New Freeport, Pa. Mary married (2) Joe Toney, born Aliquippa, Pa.

Joe and Mary reside in Monaca, Pennsylvania. 6 5 4




4499. DIEDRA TONEY, born Sewickley, Pa.; at home. 2351. MILDRED SIX, of Donley and Ola Six, born St. Cloud, W. Va.

8-29-1921; living, 1969; married Carl Smith, of Thomas and Dossie Smith, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living.

Carl and Mildred reside at Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; he is employed by the Pennsylvania Highway Department. .

CHILDREN OF CARL & MILDRED SMITH (Mildred6 Donley5 John H. 4)

4500. Ronald Smith married Marietta Stockdale. 4501. THOMAS EDWARD SMITH, born Sewickley, Pa.; unmarried; works

as an apprentice iron worker. 2352. DELPHIA LEE STEWART, of Norman and Martha Ellen (Hixen­

baugh) Stewart, born Pine Bank, Pa. 1-26-1906; died near Kuhntown, Pa. 6-24-1956; married Cecil Headlee, of Francis M. and Laura (South) Head­lee, born Brock, Pa. 2-9-1904; living, 1969. Delphia is buried in Claugh­ton Chapel Cemetery.

Cecil and Delphia resided near Pine Bank, Pennsylvania; she was a school teacher. Cecil is a farmer in addition to driving truck for Wayne Township area.


M. Ellen5Mahala1

4502. Charles Wesley Headlee married Virginia Shoup. 4503. Carl Duane Headlee married Lois Stewart. 4504. Mary Ruth Headlee married Darrell Keener.

2353, LINNIE APRIL STEWART, of Norman and Martha Ellen (Hixen­baugh) Stewart, born near Pine Bank, Pa. 4-1-1901; living, 1969; married Sanford A. Fox, of Taylor and Salome (Guthrie) Fox, born near Kirby, Pa. 6-13-1902; living.

Sanford and Linnie reside near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he is a self­employed carpenter. Linnie attended Waynesburg Normal College and Cali­fornia State Normal after which she taught school some 9 years. Linnie has supplied most of the data for this family.



4505. Inez Juanita Fox married James Shriver. 4506. Charles Arthur Faux married Mary Carter. 450 7. Lloyd Crayton Faux married Patty Stockdale. 4508. Ernest Virgil Fox married Marion Virta. 4509. Norman Glenn Fox married Shirley Park. 4510, Furman Francis Fox married Janet Reed. 4511. Delbert Paul Fox married Mary Patricia Smith. 4512. Dorothy Evalyn Fox married Harry Stickles. 4513. Orville Lynn Fox married Nese Ozdiker. (NOTE: The two older boys in this family use the name Faux)

2354. INA OPAL STEWART, of Norman and Martha Ellen (Hixenbaugh) Stewart, born Pine Bank, Pa.; living, 1969; married Walter W. Brewer, of Seymour and Olive (Rose) Brewer, born Davistown, Pa.; living.

Walter and Ina reside near Kuhntown, Pennsylvania; he is a retired farmer and saw-mill operator.


4514. Mildred Louise Brewer married Porter T. Reagan. 4515. Martha Etta Brewer married Paul H. Roupe. 4516. Harold Stewart Brewer married Mary Lou Moore. 4517. Ruth Naomi Brewer married Robert William Vetler. 4518. Raymond Samuel Brewer married Mary Susan Byard. 4519. Delores Mae Brewer married Leon H. Ridge. 4520, Vernon Maurice Brewer married Mary Lou Culp.

2355, EDISON KING, of Albert and Emmaline (Hixenbaugh) King, born Kuhntown, Pa.; living, 1969; married Mary Lemley, of Lonnie and Addie Lemley, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living.

Edison and Mary reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he is a self-em­ployed painter.


4521. Robert King married Sue Shirk. 4522. Donald King married Margaret Ann Thralls. 4523. Gary King married Susan Wise. 4524. Jean King married John Knight.

2364, SUSANNAH ZORGER, of Henry and Priscilla (Ross) Zorger; married ____ Ruggles.

CHILD OF & SUSANNAH RUGGLES (Susannah6Priscilla5John4)

4525, CHARLOTTE LOU RUGGLES married Johnson. ----2367. GRACE BEATTY, of William and Rosa Beatty, born Switzerland

Co., Ind.; married Ed Courtney 2368. EVERETT BEATTY, of William and Rose Beatty, born Switzer­

land Co., Ind. 1-12-1890; died Switzerland Co., Ind. 3-19-1952; married 486

Bessie Coy, of Allen and Jennie Coy. Everett and Bessie resided in Vevay, Indiana where he was a farmer.

CHILDREN OF EVERETT & BESSIE C. BEATTY (Everett6William5 4 Susanna)

4526. DOROTHY MAY BEATTY married George Boulton. 4527. ALDEAN MARIE BEATTY married Lillard Scudder. 4528. RUBY CATIIERINE BEATTY married Lee Scudder. 4529. EVERETT BEATTY JR. married Della Mae Webster. 4530. CARROLL LEE BEATTY married Naomi Lorene Tharp. 4531. GRACE ELIZABETII BEATTY married Clifford Swargo.

2369. FRANCIS MARION BEATTY, of William and Rosa Beatty, born Switzerland Co., Ind.; living, 1969; married Edith Whithan.

Francis and Edith resided in Florence, Indiana; he wis a farm[r. CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & EDITH BEATTY (Francis William Susanna4 )

4532. MABLE BEATTY married Walter McCreary. 4533. RAY BEATTY married Lucy Niccum. 4534. ROSA BEA TTY married Rodger Saterfield. 4535. WILLIAM BEATTY married Margaret Robinson. 4536. ROY BEATTY

2370 through 2383. Further data not received. 2384. EVA DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Jacksonburg, W. Va.

10-23-1899; living, 1969; married David Ray Hostutler. CHILDREN OF DAVID R. & EVA HOSTUTLER (Eva6William5Eliza4 )


2385. MADGE DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Hundred, W. Va. 9-13-1903; living, 1969; married (1) Oscar Orndoff (2) Francis Bradley.

Francis and Madge reside in Hundred, West Virginia CHILDREN OF FRANCIS & MADGE BRADLEY (Madge(;William5Eliza4)

4540. Robert Bradley married Patricia Donnelly. 4541. Jane Bradley, unmarried. 2386. GERTRUDE DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Hundred, W. Va.

8-15-1905; living, 1969; married (1) Walter Mardos (2) Manny Friedenperg. CHILDREN OF WALTER & GERTRUDE MARDOS (Gertrude6William"

Eliza 4


2387. RUTH DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Hundred, W. Va. 12-5-1907; living, 1969; married Richard Boyles.


4544. Ann Boyles married James G. Waston. 487

4545. Dotty Boyles married George Nicholas Beckwith III. 2388. VIRGINIA DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Hundred, W. Va.

7-26-1910; living, 1969; married Thomas E. Virgin Sr., of David Franklin and Elizabeth Harris (Moose) Virgin, born Andersonville, W. Va. 1-7-1909; died Hundred, W. Va. 3-31-1969.

Thomas and Virginia resided in Hundred, West Virginia where he was employed, as a division engineer, by the Manufacturers Light and Heat Company. A veteran of World War II, he was retired from the U.S. Army as a major. Mrs. Virgin now resides in Bradenton Beach, Florida.

The death of Mr. Virgin occurred only three days after his only son was killed in an automobile accident.



Eliza4) 4546. Barbara Elizabeth Virgin married John Samuel Stewart II. 4547. Thomas E. Virgin, unmarried.

2389. CLARA DYE, of William and Ella Dye, born Hundred, W. Va. 2-7-1916; living, 1969; married Robert Lively, of Dr. C.C. Lively.

Robert and Clara reside in Michigan City, Indiana where he is employed by the National Steel Corporation. Robert graduated from Waynesburg Coll­ege and attended Carnegie Institute of Technology. He is presently general superintendent of the Midwest Division (Portage, Ind.ti of his iompaW,.


4548. BARRY LIVELY, holds Ph.D. degree in Psycology from the Uni­versity of Michigan.

4549. ROBBIE LIVELY, attending Yale's Divinity School. 2391. EDNA GEHM, of Henry A. and Florence (Hennen) Gehm, born

DeSmet, S. D.; living, 1969; married Henry J. Peters, of John and Emelia (Witt) Peters, born Scribner, Nebr. 10-19-1894.

Henry and Edna reside near Bloomfield, Nebraska. CHILDREN OF HENRY & EDNA PETERS (Edna6Florence5Jeremiah4)

4550. CARON LEE PETERS, born Bloomfield, Nebr.; at home. 4551. HENRY PETERS JR., born Bloomfield, Nebr. ; at home.

2392. KENNETH GORDON GEHM, of Henry and Florence (Hennen) Gehm, born Manchester, S. D.; died (young) Manchester, S. D.

2393. FRANKIE JOY GEHM, of Henry and Florence (Hennen) Gehm, born Huron, S.D.; living, 1969; married Kenneth L. Johnson, of Jason and Lottie (Callahan) Johnson, born Fremont, Nebr.; living.

Kenneth and Frankie reside in Hastings, Nebraska. CHILDREN OF KENNETH & FRANKIE JOHNSON (Frankie6 Florence5

Jeremiah4) 4552. SANDRA LOU JOHNSON, born Fremont, Nebr.; unmarried. 4553. RODNEY KENT JOHNSON, born Grand Island, Nebr.; at home.

2394. NANCY JANE PERRY, of Frank and Florence (Hennen) Perry, born Fremont, Nebr.; living, 1969; married Kenneth E. Strecker, of Albert


and Martha (Bender) Strecker, born Russell, Kans.; living. Rev. Kenneth and Nancy reside in Waterloo, Iowa where he is Pastor of

the St. Ansgars Lutheran Church. Rev. Strecker graduated from Midland College and Central Seminary; Nancy attended college 2 years.

6 5 CHILDREN OF REV. KENNETH & NANCY STRECKER (Nancy Florence (both born Omaha, Nebr.) Jeremiah4)

4554. STEPHEN JAMES STRECKER, at home. 4555. MARY SUSAN STRECKER, at home.

2395. GEORGE KEITH PERRY, of Frank and Florence (Hennen) Perry, born Fremont, Nebr.; living, 1969; married Rachel Elizabeth Sw!nson.

CHILDREN OF GEORGE & RACHEL PERRY (George6Florence Jeremiah1


2398. HENRY SYLVANUS MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born near Wadestown, W. Va. 5-19-1876; died Cadillac, Mich. 4-10-1913; married Minnie Morgan. He is buried in Cadillac, Mich.

2399. MARTHA ANNARA MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born near Hundred, W. Va. 1-25-1878; died Jay Co., Ind. 2-22-1945; mar­ried 3-15-1899, James Albert Wright, of Aaron Foster and Catherine Wright, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 7-17-1875; died Jay Co., Ind. 6-13-1948. Both are buried in Fort Recovery, Oh.

James A. and Martha resided in Pleasants County, West Virginia for a short time before moving west and settling near Portland, Indiana; they were farmers.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JAMES A. & MARTHA WRIGHT (Martha Nancy Rachel )

4563. Mabel Gay Wright married Leo Worth Meehan. 4564. INA MARJORIE WRIGHT, born Pleasants Co., W. Va.; died Pleas-

ants Co., W. Va.; buried Pt. Lookout, W. Va. 4565. Bessie Jane Wright married Wilber Manor. 4566. Albert Edwin Wright married Helen Esther Snyder. 4567. ROLLIE LEONARD WRIGHT, born and died (young) Redkey, Ind.;

buried Ridgeville, Ind. 4568. Mary Catherine Wright married Harold Lake Nichols. 4569. BERNARD GALE WRIGHT, born and died (young) Pleasants Co.,

W. Va.; buried Pt. Lookout, W. Va. 2401. NOAH JASPER MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born

Ritchie Co., W. Va. 6-30-1883; died Kalamazoo, Mich. 9-21-1941; mar­ried 9-5-1908, Fannie Mae Searles. He is buried in Hartford, Mich.

Noah and Fannie resided in Kalamazoo, Michigan; they had no children. 489

2402. EBER CONSTINE MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born Ritchie Co., W. Va. 4-20-1885; died Detroit, Mich. 7-16-1916; mar-ried 12-21-1912, Nora ____ _

2403. PERRY JVIILTON MARSELLIS MAIN, of William and Nancy(Wright) Main, born Ritchie Co., W. Va. 6-22-1886; died Muncie, Ind. 9- -1938; married 2-28-1906, Mary McCamey. Perry is buried in Elmridge Ceme­tery, at Muncie, Ind.

6 5 4 CHILD OF PERRY & MARY MAIN (Perry Nancy Rachel )

4570. Robert Ernest Main married (1) Oneita Keys (2) Margaret Suntag (3) ____ Hensley.

2405. WILLIAM LEONARD MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 3-10-1893; died Indianapolis, Ind. 4-18-1949; unmarried. He is buried in the Black Cemetery, near Albany, Ind.

William served in the U.S. Army during World War I. 2406. INA ALDA ADA MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born

Pleasants Co., W. Va. 3-26-1895; died Muncie, Ind. 11-27-1968; married 2-26-1913, George Harley Seidner, of Wilson and Mary May Seidner, born near Ridgeville, Ind. 2-12-1892; died near Dunkirk, Ind. 9-24-1966. Both are buried in the Black Cemetery, near Albany, Ind.

George and Ina resided near Dunkirk, Indiana where they were farmers. Ina helped considerably with this history and her letters were always most interesting; we are only sorry that she did not have the opportunity of see­ing the finished work. May her family enjoy it fgr her.


4571. ROBERT SYLVANIS SEIDNER, born and died (at birth) Ridgeville, Ind.; buried Emitsville Cemetery, near Ridgeville.

4572. CLATIS LEON SEIDNER, born and died (at birth) Ridgeville, Ind. 4573. Gerald Victor Seidner married Dorothy Staton. 4574. Leoma Marie Seidner married Harry Fodrea. 4575, Madeline Dorothelma Seidner married John Stafford. 4576. Mary Jane Seidner married Estel Love.

2407, ORVAL RAY MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 7-24-1899; died near Muncie, Ind. 8-16-1953; un­married. He is buried in the Black Cemetery, near Albany, Ind.

2408. CORA GAY MAIN, of William and Nancy (Wright) Main, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 7-24-1899; died Redkey, Ind. 5-24-1928; married Cleo Barnell, of James and Mattie (Rinfrew) Barnell, born Redkey, Ind. 10-31-1900. Cora is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, near Albany, Ind.

Cleo and Cora resided in Redkey, Indiana where he was a farmer. He was also employed in a glass factory and as a sheet metal worker.


4577. Martha Jane Barnell married Edmon Harold Fulk. 4578. CLEO BARNELL JR., born and died (at birth) Redkey, Ind.


2412. FERN WRIGHT, of Perry and Ella Wright, born Centerville, Ind. 1893; living, 1968; married Ernest J. Christman, of Abraham and Laura Christman, born Lake Charles, La. 1896; living.

Ernest and Fern reside in Lake Charles, Louisiana; he is now retired. They formerly resided in Houston, Texas where he was a produce broker. At the time of his retirement he was Port Director at Lake Charles. Fern supplied the data for this branch of the family and it was a great pleasure working with her.

6 5 4 CHILD OF ERNEST & FERN CHRSITMAN (Fern Perry Rachel )

45 79. Robert Christman married Louise Corney. 2412. CECIL WRIGHT, of Perry and Ella Wright, born Centerville, Ind.

1897; died New Orleans, La. 1961; married Thelma Hotfelter, of Lewis and Jeanette Hotfelter, born New Orleans, La. 1903; living, 1968.

Cecil and Thelma resided in New Orleans, Louisiana where he was a salesman. Thelma continues to reside there.


4580. Clive Wright married Rita Tabor. 2416. PAUL WRIGHT DRUMMET, of Rev. William and Matilda "Minnie"

(Wright) Drummet, born Eureka, Ill. 4-10-1898; living, 1969; unmarried. Paul resides in the area near Houston, Texas where he owns and oper­

ates the H & H Guest Ranch Country Club. This is the first and only Guest Ranch Country Club in Harris County; the Ranch was founded in 1946. The project contains six hundred acres of land and lies just south of the largest Intercontinental Jet Airport in the world. The entrance to the airport goes through the western portion of the ranch, thus making the ranch the "Gate­way to the World." Mr. Drummet provides facilities for golf, swimming, horseback riding, fishing, aeronautics, picnics and a club house for winter activities. There are thereon accomodations for some 60 overnights guests.

Paul attended Rice Institute (Houston, Tex.) 1 year and then transferred to A & M College (Bryan, Tex.). He served in World War I and then return­ed to college, receiving a degree (with honors) in Electrical Engineering in 1921, from A & M College. He taught school some time, along with his add­itional work at A & M, and received a Master's degree in Industrial Educat­ion in 1930. During his education he had worked, with his father and assoc­iates, at Pierce Junction Oil Field and in the Humble Oil Field. He did a great amount of work with the young people of the area as a teacher, co­ordinator and director of various activities.

Some time ago Paul Drummet, seeing the need for a permanent museum type World's Fair Exhibition, began attempts to construct a building which would contain museums of the following types:

In the center of a reflection pool is a Temple of Love, Peace and Under­standing surrounded by museums of the major religions of the world. This would be encircled by museums of science, oil, Texas, law, industry and an outdoor theater. This would, in turn, be encircled by an outer circle con-


taining shops depicting motifs of agriculture and trades of each individual country of the world. Nearby would be a World Bank and a Hall of Govern­ors off icing the Consulates of the World. The monorail from Houston, down Drummet Boulevard, to the Intercontinental Airport will have a stop at the Drummet Intercontinental Center and the World Bank. There will also be an Around-the-World educational type Disneyland containing such things as the Seven Wonders of the World; plans also include a western frontier town with an "Old McDonald Farm" and museum.

May his dreams all come true. We have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Drummet and have appreciated all the help he has given.

2417. LILLIAN HENWOOD, of George and Caroline (Wright) Henwood, born Centerville, Ind. 1894; living, 1968; married (1) 11- -1913, Edwin Kellam, of Charles and Mary (Willets) Kellam. Lillian married (2) 8- -1936, Harry Lahrman, of Clem and Agnes Lahrman.

Edwin and Lillian resided in Wayne County, Indiana; he was a carpenter and greenhouse owner and operator. Harry and Lillian reside in Richmond, Indiana; he is a farmer and carpenter. Harry served in World War I 1917-1919. 4


Rachel )

4581. Esther Kellam married Charles Miller. 4582. Horace Kellam married Nica Jean Smith. 4583. Letha Kellam married (1) William Hickman (2) James McWhorter.

2418. VIOLET HENWOOD, of George and Caroline (Wright) Henwood, born Centerville, Ind. 1896; Living, 1968; married 12-31-1919, Perry Mort­on Stoops, of John Morton and Hannah Maria (Gates) Stoops, born Conners­ville, Ind. 1894; died Wayne Co., Ind. 6-30-1960. Perry is buried in Bry­ants Chapel Cemetery, in Wayne Co., Ind.

Perry and Violet resided near Milton, Indiana where they were farmers; they later moved to Richmond where she still resides.



4584. Barbara Jean Stoops married Donald Gilbert. 4585. Roberta Arlene Stoops married William Brown.

2419. HAROLD HENWOOD, of George and Caroline (Wright) Henwood, born Centerville, Ind. 1900; living, 1968; married 11- -1926, Martha La-mott, of Omer and Leona (Stewert) Lamott, born ___ ; died 1938. Har -old married (2) Janet Smith.

Harold and Martha resided in Richmond, Indiana; Harold and Janet re­side in Connersville, Indiana where he is a mechanic.


Rachel4) 4586. Richard Henwood married June Church. 4587. Anna L. Henwood married Al Edmondson. 4588. James Henwood married ----




2420. WAYNE M. HENWOOD, of George and Caroline (Wright) Henwood, born Centerville, Ind.; living, 1968; married 8- -1931, Ruth D. Planken­horn. of John Curtis and Minnie (Dynes) Plankenhorn.

Wayne and Ruth reside near Centerville, Indiana where he is a farmer. CHILDREN OF WAYNE & RUTH HENWOOD (Wayne


4591. Alan C. Henwood married Joyce Eileen Hofman. 4592. Robert D. Henwood married Carolyn Sue Dale.

2421. MARSHALL HENWOOD, of George and Caroline (Wright) Henwood, born Centerville, Ind. 1910; living, 1968; married 1932, Adah Rice, of Jess­ie Boone and Olive May (Noggle) Rice, born New Madison, Oh.

Marshall and Adah reside in New Paris, Ohio where he is an electrical engineer employed by the Aluminum Company of America. Marshall served in the U.S. Army Air Force 1942-45. They have no children.

2422. GWENDOLYN WRIGHT, of Sylvester and Florence Wright, born Marion, Ind.; Living, 1968; married (1) William Dale DeRome, of James and Molene DeRome, born Greensboro, Ind. Gwendolyn married (2) Robert Greek, of William and Belle Greek, born Indianapolis, Ind.; living.

Robert and Gwendolyn reside in Melbourne Beach, Florida where he is a furniture refinisher. He operates his own shop there, the Beach Craft Shop.

6 5 CHILD OF WILLIAM & GWENDOLYN De ROME (Gwendolyn Sylvester Rachel4)

4593. John Dale DeRome married Betty Jean Wimberly. 2423. ELOUISE WRIGHT, of Sylvester and Florence Wright, born Kirks­

ville, Mo. ; died Swampscott, Mo.; married (1) 1924, Orville Clinton McKee, of William and Mary Ellen (Heimlick) McKee, born near Marion, Ind. ; died Marion, Ind. Elouise married (2) Petrus Villem DeGroot, born near Leydan, Holland

There were no children of either marriage. 2424. VIVIEN HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb,

born Wenona, Ill. 1887; died Downers Grove, Ill.; married Frank Kemp, who died in Calif. 1967. Both are buried in Streator, Ill.

Frank and Vivien resided in the area of Streator, Illinois; he was a farm­er and dairy worker. Vivien was a professional singer and m1:lcsic teacher.


Noah ) (born in Streator, Ill.)

4594. LUNETTE KEMP married Jack Pahl. 2425. LOIS HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb, born

Del Norte, Col. 1889; died Baltimore, Md.; married Clay Duvall, of H. C. and Mrs. DuVal I, born Baltimore, Md.; died Baltimore, Md. Both are bur­ied in Baltimore, Md.


Henry Clay and Lois DuVal resided in Baltimore, Maryland. He was trained for the priesthood; later became an executive witb the Baltimore Telephone Company. Lois was a professional singer.




) (all born Baltimore, Md. except first was born Streator, Ill.)

4595. FRANCES DuVAL married ____ Sollers. 4596. HENRY CLAY DuVAL III 4597. LESTER DuVAL, died young. 4598. LOLITA DuVAL 4599. ARLENE DuVAL married Robert LaFollette.

2426. HARRY HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb, born Del Norte, Col. 1891; died Morris, Ill.; married Esther Formkole.

Harry and Esther resided in the rural areas of Illinois; he was a coal miner and maintenance supervisor in a paper mill.

4 6 5 CHILDREN OF HARRY & ESTHER HOLCOMB (Harry Florence Noah )

4600. JOEL HOLCOMB, born Streator, Ill. 4601. HENRIETTA HOLCOMB, born Streator, Ill. 4602. RUTH HOLCOMB, born Garfield, Ill.; married Tim Hagge. 4603. RACHEL HOLCOMB, born Garfield, Ill. 4604. CARL HOLCOMB, born Morris, Ill. 4605. DAVID HOLCOMB, born Morris, Ill.

(Ruth and Rachel Holcomb were twins) 2427. LESTER HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb,

born Wenona, Ill. 1893; died Santa Barbara, Calif. ; married Martha Horech, born Streator, Ill.

Lester and Martha resided in the area of Streator, Illinois; he was a truck driver, trucking contractor and later a greenhouse builder.


Noah) (all born Streator, Ill. )


2428. LYLE HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb, born Wenona, Ill. 1894; died Chicago Heights, Ill.; married Mabel Kelly, of Ed Kelly, born Streator, Ill.

Lyle and Mabel resided throughout most of tbeir married life in the a­rea near Streator, Illinois. Lyle was a truck driver and contractor before becoming a school teacher; he was a grade school principal for tbe last 27 years of his lifetime.



) (all born in Streator, Ill.)

4610. EVELYN HOLCOMB married Robert Hooker. 4611. MAXINE HOLCOMB married M. R. Hudson. 4612. ROBERT HOLCOMB married ____ Jurgenson.


4613. EDWARD HOLCOMB 2429. FRANCES HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb,

born Streator, Ill. 1895; living, 1969; married Eldon R. Burn, who died in Ontario, Can. ; buried there.

Eldon and Frances resided in New York City, New York. Frances left school to become a professional singer. About 1933 she achieved a certain fame with the National Broadcasting Company, as "Alice Joy." She contin­ued as a singer for a number of years. Eldon was a Canadian, a college graduate, and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross in World War I, in the C.R.F.C.

6 5 4

CHILDREN OF ELDON & FRANCES BURN (Frances Florence Noah ) (born in New York City, N. Y.)


2430. LOLITA HOLCOMB, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb, born Streator, Ill. 1905; died Streator, Ill. (young).

2431. EUGENE HOLCOMBE, of Carl and Florence (Merriner) Holcomb, born Streator, Ill. 10-11-1908; living, 1969; married Helen Wells.

Eugene and Helen reside in Indianapolis, Indiana; he is the only one of this family to use the spelling Holcombe, rather than Holcomb. He has work­ed as salesman and sales manager; also as a writer and consultant in busi­ness. He is presently Director of Advertising for a large agricultural Sup­ply firm. Helen attended business school and worked for a time as a secre-

tary. 6 5 CHILDREN OF EUGENE & HELEN HOLCOMBE (Eugene Florence

(first 5 born in Chicago, Ill.; last born Aurora, Ill.) Noah4) 4616. BARBARA HOLCOMBE married Frank Gilman. 4617. BETTY JANE HOLCOMBE married Roger Singer. 4618. EUGENE HOLCOMBE JR. married Joan Aalbregtse. 4619. ALICE JOY HOLCOMBE, died young. 4620. MARCIA PHYLLIS HOLCOMBE, died young. 4621. BONNIE JUNE HOLCOMBE married Thomas Johnson.

2442. EVELYN DALE HAWKINS, of Perry and Lillian (Merriner) Hawk­ins, born Streator, Ill.; married Marion Paul Ingalsle.



2443. NINA VIRGINIA HAWKINS, of Perry and Lillian (Merriner) Hawk­ins, born Streator, Ill.; married Richard Wilson ~road.

CHILDREN OF RICHARD & NINA BROAD (Nina Lillian5William L. 4 )



2444. ELENORE ROSE HAWKINS, of Perry and Lillian (Merriner) Hawk­ins, born Streator, Ill.; married Woodrow Wilson Crank, born Washburn, Ill.; died 1959.

Woodrow W. Crank served in World War II, receiving injuries which re­sulted in his death in 1959.


(all born Streator, Ill.) William L. 4) 4628. MARSHA ROSE CRANK 4629. SYLVIA DALE CRANK 4630. STEPHEN EDWIN CRANK 4631. MELVINA IRENE McNICAL, foster daughter; married Richard

Bourne. 2445. HELEN ELIZABETH HAWKINS, of Perry and Lillian (Merriner)

Hawkins, born Streator, Ill.; married Eugene Burt Talbot. Eugene B. Talbot is a graduate of Lincoln Bible College (Lincoln, Ill.)

and is now a Christian Church Minister, in Illlinois. CHILDREN OF REV. EUGENE & HELEN TALBOT (Helen6Lillian5


2456. PERRY IRVIN CONNER, of Pierce and Lavina (Stewart) Conner, born 12-29-1888; died 7- -1938; married Caroline Emma Merriner#993, of Thomas and Sarah Merriner, born 11-27-1888; living, 1969.

Caroline now resides in Streator, Illinois. 4


Nancy ) (Caroline5Thomas


4636. ____ CONNER, died young. 2457. RALPH RAYMOND CONNER, of Pierce and Lavina (Stewart) Conn­

er; married Eva Greening. Ralph was a veteran of World War I; he served as a State Auditor of the

state of Illinois. They had no children. 2458. JAMES DANIEL CONNER, of Pierce and Lavina (Stewart) Conner;

married Sue ____ . 4



Nancy )


2459. DEWEY LEE CONNER, no further data available. 2460. BLANCHE IRENE STEWART, of Daniel T. and Bessie (Smalley)

Stewart, born Streator, Ill. 2-7-1894; died Streator, Ill. 2-14-1917; mar­ried Roy Dean. Blanche is buried in Riverview Cemetery, at Streator.

Roy and Blanche resided in the area of Streator, Illinois; he was a farm­er.


CHILDREN OF ROY & BLANCHE DEAN (Blanche6Bessie5Esther4

) (all born in Streator, Ill.)

4640. THOMAS DEAN 4641. MARVIN DEAN 4642. VERDA DEAN married William Schreck.

2461. ADA CAROLINE STEWART, of Daniel T. and Bessie (Smalley) Stewart, born Streator, Ill. 2-2-1896; died Los Angeles, Calif. 7-29-1962; married Harry W. Johnson, of Axel Johnson, born Galesburg, Ill. 10-7-1891. Ada is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, at Los Angeles, Calif.

Harry and Ada resided in Galesburg, Ill.inois, and Los Angeles, Cali­fornia; he was a brick layer and mason contractor.


4643. NEAL S. JOHNSON, born Lorain, Oh. 2462. JESSIE DEAN STEWART, of Daniel T. and Bessie (Smalley) Stew­

art, born Streator, Ill. 10-28-1897; living, 1969; married George Sopher, of John and Rosa Sopher, born Streator, Ill. 2-10-1877; living.

George and Jessie have resided in Chicago and Streator, Illinois, and Santa Rosa and Livermore, California. He was employed in the glass man­ufacturing business (Owens-Illinois) and as a safety engineer with Kemper Insurance (Chicago). They have no children.

2463. MABEL MAY STEWART, of Daniel T. and Bessie (Smalley) Stewart, born Streator, Ill. 11-21-1899; living, 1969; married Victor W. Wagher, born Victoria, Ill. 3-10-1877.

Victor and Mabel resided in the areas of Galesburg and Victoria, Illi-nois where they were farmers.



2464. ESTHER DALE STEWART, of Daniel T. and Bessie (Smalley) Stewart, born Streator, Ill. 6-13-1902; died Santa Rosa, Calif. 11- -1941; married Earl W. Nickelson.

Earl and Esther resided in Streator, Illinois, and Santa Rosa, Califor­nia; he was employed as a chauffeur and parcel deliveryman in Streator. In California he worked as a ship builder, at Napa.



4650. ROBERT NICKELSON, born Streator, Ill.; married Eileen Brown­ing.

4651. RICHARD NICKELSON, born Streator, Ill. 4652. DALE NICKELSON, born Santa Rosa, Calif.


2465. BYRON THOMAS STEWART, of Daniel T. and Esther (Smalley) Stewart, born Streator, Ill. 10-21-1906; living, 1969; married (1) Lucetta Moran (2) Julia Fox.

Byron has resided in Detroit, Michigan; Los Angeles, California; and Gresham, Oregon. He was first a plasterer and later employed in the Rail-way Postal Service.



4653. ADA STEWART married James Galusha. 4654. ARLENE STEWART married Charles Bauder. 4655. JUDY STEWART married Carl Bondy.

2475. WlLLIS RUSSELL SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley, born Yakima, Wash.; living, 1969; married Dessa Jacobs, of James Byron and Josephine (Beaty) Jacobs, born Chemawa, Ore.; living.

Willis and Dess a reside in Depoe Bay, Oregon where he is a motel man­ager; he formerly was Stereotyper Pressman for a newspaper and driver for Mayflower Van Lines.



5Esther )

4656. JOSEPHINE MARVELLE SMALLEY, died young. 4657. Willis Russell Smalley Jr. married Beverly Jean Yeiter. 4658. Marvin Douglas Smalley married Rosie Margaret Jackson. 4659. Burton Lee Smalley married Marjorie Gail Williams.

2476. ERMYL BERNICE SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley, born Yakima, Wash.; living, 1969; married Robert Francis Sneddon, of Robert and Alice Sneddon, born Marshfield, Ore.; living.

Robert and Ermyl reside in Salem, Oregon where she is a secretarial worker for the state of Oregon. Robert is now retired, having worked as a truck driver.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ROBERT & ERMYL SNEDDON (Ermyl George Esther )

4660. Phyllis Arlene Sneddon married Alvin Emil Hornschuch. 4661. Sandra Dorene Sneddon married Charles M. Harris.

2477. GEORGE HAZARD SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley, born Portland, Ore.; living, 1969; married Norma Elizabeth Roberts, of Solomon William and Anna (Dudding) Roberts, born Salem, ore.; living.

George and Norma reside in Lynnwood, Washington where he is an in­terior and exterior painter.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF GEORGE & NORMA SMALLEY (George George Esther )

4662. George Gerald Smalley married Alberta Hillgers. 4663. Beverly Diane Smalley married Gary L. Shaff. 4664. Robert William Smalley married (1) Claudia Sherman

(2) Rose Ilene Rubash 4665. LINDA VERNA MAY SMALLEY, at home.

2478. ARLENE EVELYN SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley, born 498

Seattle, Wash.; living, 1969; married George Pickens, of Charles Mitchell and Dora (Idlewine) Pickens, born Gervais, Ore.; living.

George and Arlene reside in Salem, Oregon where he is a Classified Worker for the Salem School District, having been employed by them for some 35 years. Arlene is a homemaker and has supplied most of the data for her line of the family. Thanks so much; may you enjoy our book.

6 5 4 CHILD OF GEORGE & ARLENE PICKENS (Arlene George Esther )

4666. Barbara Joan Pickens married Charles Robert Knytych. 2479. DONALD DOUGLAS SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley,

born Seattle, Wash.; died Stayton, Ore.; married (1) Erla Mauk Lewis, of E. J. Mauk. Donald married (2) Marjorie Tucker. Donald is buried in the Willamette National Cemetery, in Portland, Ore.

Donald served, as a Corporal, in the U.S. Air Force; he was in Ger­many in 1945-46 in the Army of Occupation. At the time of his death he was employed as a heavy construction driver.

6 5 4 CHILD OF DONALD & ERLA SMALLEY (Donald George Esther )

4667. Carol Lou Smalley married Robert Fisher. 2481. MAXINE AUDREY SMALLEY, of George and Essie Smalley, born

Portland, Ore.; living, 1969; married Orland J. Cox, of Jess C. and Dor­othy Cox.

Orland and Maxine reside in Fresno, California where she is a secre­tary for Pittsburgh Glass Company. Orland is owner-manager of a Humble Service Station. Maxine attended college one year before marriage. Mr. Cox served in the U.S. Army, as a Sergeant.

CHILDREN OF ORLAND & MAXINE COX (Maxine6George5Esther4) (all born Salem, Ore. )

4668. MICHAEL COX, at home. 4669. MELINDA LEE COX, at home. 4670. DENISE LYNN COX, at home. 4671. DANA KAY COX, at home.

2485. KATHERINE MERRINER, of Stacy and Matilda Merriner, born Streator, Ill.; living, 1969; married William Pile, of David and Louise (Diehl) Pile, born Streator, Ill.; living.

William and Katherine reside in Streator, Illinois where he is a paint­ing contractor--owns and operates "Bill Pile-Streator Decorators." He is a veteran of World War II. Katherine is employed at Myers Sherman Comp­any. They have no children.

2486. PHYLLIS MERRINER, of Stacy and Matilda Merriner, born Streator, Ill.; living, 1969; married Glenn Brown, of Matt and Florence (Hoag) Brown, born Streator, Ill.

Glenn and Phyllis reside in Streator, Illinois where he is employed as a prinetr at Streator Times-Press. He is a veteran of World War II, as a member of the 87th Infantry, Company B, T/Sergeant. He was wounded in Germany and a Prisoner of War 89 days.



) (all born in Streator, Ill.)

4672. Kristine Kay Brown married Mark F. Nettleingham. 4673. RANDALL MERRINER BROWN, presently attending Northwestern

University (Evanston, Ill.).. 4674. MARK BYRON BROWN, at home.

2487. ARLENE ROSE JOHNSON, of Louis and Susie (Merriner) John­son, born Streator, Ill.; living, 1969; married Ray Mahannah, deceased.

Arlene is residing in Van Nuys, California where she is a secretary for the Christian Churches of the Los Angeles area.

2488. CHARLES ARDELLE JOHNSON, of Louis and Susie (Merriner) Johnson, born Streator, Ill.; living, 1969; married Claudia Stephens.

Charles and Claudia reside in Toluca, Illinois. CHILD OF CHARLES & CLAUDIA JOHNSON (Charles




4675. CHARLES ALAN JOHNSON, born Streator, Ill. 2489. VIRGINIA ROSE MERRINER, of Arley and Verna Merriner, born

Streator, Ill.; living, 1969; married Carl W. Soderstrom, of R. G. Soder­strom.

Carl and Virginia reside in Streator, Illinois. Virginia attended the University of Illinois, graduating in 1937, with High Honors; she was elect­ed Chairman Y. W. C. A. She made all honors up to and including Torch, e­lected to Phi Beta Kappa, and was only 1/2 point under making the Bronze Tablet. Carl was a young attorney (son of the President of the A. F. L. in Ill.) who set up practice in Streator, Illinois. He was elected to the House of Representatives, State of Illinois, in 1950 and is now serving his 20th year as a Legislator there.

CHILDREN OF CARL & VIRGINIA SODERSTROM (Virginia6 Arley5 (all born in Streator, Ill.) Thomas 4)

4676. Carl William Soderstrom married Emily Canellos. 4677. Virginia Jeanne Soderstrom, unmarried. 4678. Robert Merriner Soderstrom, unmarried. 4679. JANE ANNE SODERSTROM, attending University of Illinois. 4680. WILLIAM REUBEN SODERSTROM, at home.

2490. LIDA JANE SIX, of Alex and Florence (Butcher) Six; married Willie Thomas.

CHILD OF WILLIE & LIDA THOMAS (Lida6 Florence5Nimroct4)

4681. GLENN THOMAS 2491. MARY A. SIX, of Alex and Florence (Butcher) Six; married

Frank Himmelrick/ CHILDREN OF FRANK & MARY HIMMELRICK (Mary6Florence5Nimrod)

4682. EMMA HIMMELRICK married Edwin Hixenbaugh. 4683. DESSIE HIMMELRICK married Fred Eakin. 4684. LOUIE HIMMELRICK married Kenneth Hixenbaugh.


4685. KATHERINE HIMMELRICK married Russell Hopkins. 4686. JUANITA HIMMELRICK married William Hopkins.

2492. OSCAR SIX, of Alex and Florence (Butcher) Six; married (1) Sadie Scrichfield (2) Esther Taxlor.

CHILD OF OSCAR SIX (Oscar6 Florence5Nimrod4)

4687. CARL SIX 2493. DESSIE SIX, of Alex and Florence (Butcher) Six, married C. C.





4688. ELEANOR LOUISE STRAIGHT married R. B. Tapp. 2496. OSCAR BUTCHER, of James Benton and Mary (Ullom) Butcher,

married Mamie Barber. Reside Hundred, West Virginia.

CHILDREN OF OSCAR & MAMIE BUTCHER (Oscar6 James 5 Nimrod'1 (Oscar6 Mari Martilla'1


2497. HATTIE BUTCHER, of James Benton and Mary (Ullom) Butcher, married Donley Himelrick.




(Hattie 6Mary5Martilla 4 ) 4696. JUANITA HIMELRICK married Nick Raspa. 4697. ___ HIMELRICK

2503. CHARLES HAUGHT, of Elza and Matilda (Butcher) Haught, mar-ried Mary Coleman.



2504. HAROLD HAUGHT, of Elza and Matilda (Butcher) Haught, mar­ried Lillian Cumberledge.





4706. FRED HAUGHT 4707. MARJORIE HAUGHT 2505. PAUL HAUGHT, of Elza and Matilda (Butcher) Haught, married





2511. DORA ELIZABETH ANN MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Pleasants Co., W. Va. 12-27-1891; living, 1969; married 6-21-1913, Own­ey F. Barlow, born Gallia Co., Oh. 12-29-1891; living.

Owney and Dora reside in Muncie, Indiana. CHILDREN OF OWNEY & DORA BARLOW (Dora6James



4710. James Lester Barlow married Genevieve Retter. 4711. Vista Evelyn Barlow married Aubrey M. Rogers.

2512. HENRY VANCE MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Pleas­ants Co., W. Va. 1-7-1894; living, 1969; married 2- -1913, Leota Fran-ces Seidner, born 2-7-1894; living.

4 CHILDREN OF HENRY & LEOTA MAIN (Henri James5Lucinda )

4712. Clatious La Vaughn Main married (1) Helen Iona Pippin (2) Pat Rees.

4713. Francis LaVern Main married Gladys Merle Stafford. 4714. Dorothy Marie Main married Hubert Evert Love. 4 715. Robert Dale Main married Ethel Mae Burgess.

2513. WILLIAM DANIEL MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ritch­ie Co., W. Va. 9-9-1896; died 1-21-1957; married 11-25-1922, Marie Clev­enger, born Randolph Co., Ind. 10-19-1903; living, 1969.



4716. Dolores Lorene Main married William Sanford Sharp. 4 71 7. William Howard Main married Lillian Stanley. 4718. MARJORIE LEE MAlN

2514. ADRIAN DARCY MAlN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ritchie Co., W. Va. 3-27-1899; living, 1969; married 11-28-1918, Treva Maude Seidner, born Randolph Co., Ind. 9-12-1899; livini.

CHILDREN OF ADRIAN & TREVA MAIN (Adrian James5Lucinda 4 )

4719. Thelma Louise Main married Donald H. Brown. 4 720. Harold Milt Vance Main married Minnie Thelma Garrett.

2515. ASA EMORY MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ridgeville, Ind. 9-10-1900; died 12-7-1963; married 10-24-1935, Lela Lucille Zeigler, born Randolph Co., Ind. 9-17-1901; living, 1969.

4 CHILDREN OF ASA & LELA MAlN (Asa6James5Lucinda )


4721. James Larry Main married Joyce Elaine Lindsey. 4722. Jeanna Ann Main married Ronald Rhoades.

2516. BERTHA ALICE MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ridge­ville, Ind. 1-7-1903; living, 1969; married 6-28-1930, Lloyd Albert Manor, born Randolph Co., Ind. 8-5-1902; living.


Lucinda4 )

4723. Richard Lloyd Manor married Betty Sue Shawver. 4724. Marilyn Kay Manor married Richard Lee Rogers.

2517. MARTHA FLORENCE MAJN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ridgeville, Ind. 7-25-1905; Living, 1969; married 10-5-1926, Harrold Del­bert Miller, born 5-1-1908; living.


4 725. Barbara Alice Miller married Claude Boils. 4726. Donna Juniece Miller married Donald LeRoy Godfrey.

2518. HARRY RAYMOND MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Ridgeville, Ind. 2-15-1908; living, 1969; married 12-29-1928, Irma Irene Manor, born Jay Co., Ind. 2-28-1910; living.

4 CHILDREN OF HARRY & IRMA MAIN (HarriJames5Lucinda )

4727. GLORIA GLEE MAIN, born Muncie, Ind. 4728. Jane Ellen Main married Marvin Roy Schlichting. 4729. Jack Gene Main married Rita Sue Talbert. 2519. LEWIS EARL MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Redkey,

Ind. 4-8-1910; living, 1969; married 5-4-1935, Mary Grace Gossage, born Burksville, Ky. 3-6-1913; living.

CHILDREN OF LEWIS & MARY MAIN (Lewis6 James5Lucinda 4) (both born Muncie, Ind.)

4730. BETTY JO MAIN, died young. 4731. Linda Lu Main married Robert Longfellow.

2520. VIRGINIA AGNES MAIN, of James and Matilda Main, born Red­key, Ind. 5-18-1917; living, 1969; married 1-23-1943, Kelley Elmer Sew­ell, born Tentress Co., Tenn. 11-24-1908; living.

Kelley and Virginia reside in Selby, Indiana; she supplied what data we have on this branch of the family.

4 CHILDREN OF KELLEY & VIRGINIA SEWELL (Virginia6James5Lucinda) (all born Portland, Ind.)

4732. Beverly Lynne Sewell married Benjamin Franklin Martin. 4733. REGINALD DEVON SEWELL 4734. RONALD ELDON SEWELL 4735. LOREN KELLEY SEWELL 4736. THOMAS WAYNE SEWELL

2526. PAUL STERLING CARLEY, of Rush and Hortense (Ice) Carley, born Gifford, Ill. 7-5-1898; died Manteno, Ill. 1-1-1955; married Ruth An­derson, of O. W. Anderson.


Paul Sterling Carley graduated from the University of Illinois Medical School (Chicago, Ill.) after attending the University of Illinois (Urbana, Ill.) as a "pre-med" student. He was a malarial expert with the Rockefeller Foundation for some 16 years, serving in Palestine, Jamaica, the Philip­pines and in South Carolina. The later years of his life were spent as a member of the staff of Manteno, Illinois, State Hospital.



2528. MILDRED NELLIE STRITSKY, of Lewis and Mel Dora (Ice) Strit­sky, born Spokane, Wash.; living, 1968; married James T. Patterson.

James and Mildred reside in Oakland, California; she works at the U.S. Naval Air Station (Alamedo, Calif.). They have no children.

2529. ERROL BATHURST MIDDLETON, of Earl and Marinda (Ice) Middleton, born 1-23-1898; living, 1968; married Grace Irene Nichelson, of Thomas Nichelson, born 12-10-1899; living.

Errol and Grace reside in College Station, Texas. Errol received his B. A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois; he taught chemistry at Texas A. & M. University from 1922 until 1962, when he re­tired. His retirement was very brief before he accepted a position teach­ing chemistry at Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia, Kans.) where he remained until his next retirement in 1968.


5Nancy )

4 741. Grace Elizabeth Middleton married A. J. W. Mortimer. 2530. VIRGIL WAYNE MIDDLETON, of Earl and Marinda (Ice) Middle­

ton, born 12-12-1900; died 3-8-1934; married Louisa Hammerly, of Jacob Hammerly.

Virgil was a graduate of the University of Illinois, in Civil Engineering. They had no children .

2531. JAMES DENT MIDDLETON, of Earl and Marinda (Ice) Middleton, born Decatur, Ill. 5-12-1905; living, 1968; married Clara Lois Evans, of Walter Evans.

Dent and Clara are separated; she resides in Miami, Florida and he re-sides in Austin, Texas.


4742. JAMES DENT MIDDLETON II, unmarried. 4743. BARBARA ANN MIDDLETON, unmarried.

2532. DAVID DENT WALKER, of David C. and Laura (Ice) Walker, born Cleveland, Oh.; living, 1969; married (1) Beverly May Crow, of A. B. C. Crow, born Missoula, Mont.; living. David married (2) Mrs. Mary Veronica Bugni, of J. Sheehan.


David and Beverly were divorced; he and Mary reside in Butte, Montana. David is a graduate of Montana University School of Mines, currently em­ployed by the U.S. Government as a Mining Engineer. He is a veteran of service with the U.S. Navy (Lieutenant) and had overseas service mostly in Japan.



4744. Terri Lee Walker married Jeffrey L. Hodies. CHILDREN OF DAVID & MARY WALKER (David Laura5)

(born Butte, Mont.) 4745. DEBRA LYNN WALKER, at home. 4746. PATRICIA KAREN WALKER, at home.

2533. DELBERT RUSSELL WARD, of Delbert and Nellie (Ice) Ward, born Granado, Tex.; living, 1968; married (1) Evelyn Schumann (2) Helena May Parrish, of Robert E. and Kathryn Helena Parrish, born New Rochelle, N. Y.; living.

Delbert and Helena reside in Houston, Texas. Mr. Ward is a graduate of Texas A. & M. University, in Civil Engineering. He is a veteran of World War II, having se_rved 3 years with the U.S. Air Force with overseas service; he held the rank of Colonel. He is presently a Civil Engineer and Executive with Brown and Roat Construction Company. Helena is a secre­tary and housewife.


4747. PATRICIA ANN WARD married ___ Hunter. 2534. JAMES STERLING WARD, of Delbert and Nellie (Ice) Ward, born

Granado, Tex.; living, 1968; married (1) Louise Howell (2) Margaret ___ . James and Margaret reside near Harlingen, Texas; he is a farmer and

also does custom slaughtering and freezing. CHILD OF JAMES & WARD (James6Nellie5Nanci

4748. LEROY WARD 2535. DAVID LOUIS WARD, of Delbert and Nellie (Ice) Ward; living,

1968; unmarried. David resides near Harlingen, Texas where he is employed in the Postal

Department. He is a veteran of World War II, having served in the U.S. Army, as a Captain.

2537. JANEICE DENT BRAMAN, of Leslie and Constance (Ice) Braman, born Champaign, Ill.; living, 1969; married (1) Edgar Arthur Martin II, of Edgar Arthur and Vera (Light) Martin, born Jacksonville, Fla.; living. She married (2) Henry James Wright, of Frederick Bonar and Bertha (Jones) Wright, born New York, N. Y.; living.

Edgar and Janeice resided in Jacksonville, Florida where he was Presi­dent of the Maryin Garden Stores; they were later divorced.

Henry and Janeice have resided in Pelham, New York; Madison, Wiscon­sin; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Houston, Texas; and their present residence,


St. Louis, Missouri. Janeice attended Florida State University, at Talla­hassee where she obtained a L. I. degree in 1938. Henry is a graduate of Yale University where he obtained a B. S. degree in Industrial Engineering (1942). He served, as a Lieutenant, in the U.S. Navy (as a bomber pilot) during World War II. Mr. Wright is employed as an Administrative Officer with Western Electric Company.


Nancy4) 4749. Edgar A. Martin Ill, unmarried. 4 750. Lawrence Dent Martin married Sarah Covington Holid~y. CHILD OF HENRY & JANEICE WRIGHT (Janeice6Constance )

4751. Janeice Wright, unmarried. 2538, MARJORIE HORTENSE ICE, of Dr. Noel and Zelma Ice, born

Cleveland, Oh.; living, 1969; married Don Irwin. Further data on him has not been forthcoming.

Don and Marjorie reside in Austin, Texas; they formerly have resided in McAllen and San Angelo (Texas). Marjorie received her B. A. degree from Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Oh.) in 1940 after which she taught in the schools in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) before assuming a position as teacher in San Angelo Junior College; Don also taught in this latter school. Marjorie received her Master's degree from the University of Texas and is presently teaching high school in Austin.

A request for information as to the personal statistics of Don Irwin has not been answered. The bits of data we have was supplied by Marjorie's sister. He has followed the profession of teaching school and both he and Marjorie have taught in the McAllen High School.


4 752. Stephanie Irwin 4753. JUDY IRWIN, born San Angelo, Tex.; at home.

2539. BARBARA JOHANNA ICE, of Dr. Noel and Zelma Ice, born Will­oughby, Oh.; living, 1969; married William Andrew Weinkamer Jr., of William Andrew and Ethel Mae (Mapes) Weinkamer Sr., born Cleveland, Oh.; living.

William and Barbara now reside in Mentor, Ohio; they formerly resided in Willowick (Ohio). William received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engin­eering from Case Institute of Technology (1942) after which he was employ­ed by the Aluminum Company of America. In July, 1943 he became an En­sign in the U. S, Navy; in 1944 he became Lieutenant J. S. and was made an ordnance officer for Airgroup 60, being sent to the Pacific just before the war ended. Since his return from service he has been employed by the Cleveland Graphite Company (now a division of Gould, Inc.) where he is pre­sently Chief Engineer. Barbara attended Western Reserve University 2 years before transferring to Texas State College for Women (now Texas Women's University) where she received a B. S. degree in Home Economics, in 1942.


Barbara worked 1 year for National Lead Company, in Cleveland, before giving up a career to become a housewife and mother.


4754. William Andrew Weinkamer III married Laura Engel. 4755. Dianne Elizabeth Weinkamer married Robert Wittlinger. 4756. STEVEN MICHAEL WEINKAMER, born Cleveland, Oh. 4757. LISA MARJORIE WEINKAMER, born Cleveland, Oh. 4758. CHRIS ALAN WEINKAMER, born Cleveland, Oh.

2540. NOEL VICTOR ICE, of Dr. Noel and Zelma Ice, born Cleveland, Oh.; living, 1969; married Minnie Lee Smith, of Robert Cleveland and Ona Lee Smith, born Bogalusa, La.; living, 1969.

Dr. Noel V. and Lee Ice reside in Fort Worth, Texas; they have form­erly resided in San Diego, California; McAllen, Texas; New London, Conn­ecticut; and Temple, Texas. Noel Ice received his M. D. degree from Tu­lane University after which he served his internship at the Naval Hospital in San Diego, California, as a Lt. J. G. He returned to McAllen and prac­ticed medicine with his father until the latter died in 1952. This same year Dr. Ice was called into active duty with the U.S. Navy Submarine Service. After 10 years in the U.S. N. R. Dr. Ice again went into private practice. Mrs. Ice is a R. N. and is presently attending Texas Christian University in addition to being a housewife and mother.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF DR. NOEL V. & LEE ICE (Noel Noel Nancy )

4759. NOEL CARLYLE ICE II, born San Diego, Cal.; now in college. 4760. GEOFFREY ICE, born Corpus Christi, Tex.; at home. 4761. JOHN ICE, born McAllen, Tex. ; died Ft. Worth, Tex. 4762. JAMES ICE, born Temple, Tex.; died Ft. Worth, Tex.

These two last children died of a rare bone deficiency disease which halts the growth of the long bones of the body and stunts stature.

2547. VIRGINIA MAE BUTCHER, of James David and Clara Butcher, born Wind Ridge, Pa.; living, 1969; married Nathan Guthrie, born Aleppo, Pa.; died Waynesburg, Pa. He is buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery, at Wind Ridge, Pa.

Nathan and Virginia resided at Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania where she yet resides. Nathan was employed by the Columbia Gas Company; Virginia is a graduate of Waynesburg College and presently teaches in the West Greene School District.


Elroy4) 4763. Rosemary Guthrie married Robert C. Andrew. 4764. KEVIN GUTHRIE, born Waynesburg, Pa.; attending West Virginia

University. 2549. BENJAMIN DAVID BUTCHER, of James David and Clara Butcher,

born Wind Ridge, Pa.; living, 1969; married Dorothy Klinge. Benjamin and Dorothy reside in the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania; he


is a graduate of Robert Morris Business College and is a veteran of the Armed Forces, having served in Germany and the Aleutian Islands.


(born in Pittsburgh, Pa.) Elroy4 ) 4765. BARBARA BUTCHER, at home. 4766. DEBRA BUTCHER, at home.

2550. JESSIE ETHEL BUTCHER, of Harry and Anna Butcher; living, 1969; married William Lawrence Stiles#l 708.

For further data see #1 708. 2551. HAZEL STEWART, of Charles and Virginia (Butcher) Stewart,

born near Sycamore, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Tom Seals (2) Palmer.

Hazel resides in the area of Pittsburgh, PeW=sylvania. CHILDREN OF TOM & HAZEL SEALS (Hazel Virginia


4767. SEALS ---4768. ___ SEALS 4769. ___ SEALS 4770. ___ SEALS

2552. PAUL H. STEWART, of Charles and Virginia (Butcher) Stewart, born near Sycamore, Pa.; living, 1969; married Viola May Stockdale.

Paul and Viola reside near Rogersville, Pennsylvania where he operates a service station and drives school bus.


4771. Paul Stewart Jr. married 4772. Elaine Stewart married (1) Scandale (2) 4773. Carol Anne Stewart

2558. NELLA HOSKINSON, of Robert and Margaret (Smith) Hoskinson, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 2-11-1893; living, 1969; married 6-24-1921, Ralford Baily, of Frank and Edith (Conkle) Baily, born Clay Center, Kans. 3-15-1894.

Ralford and Nella resided in Atlantic City, New Jersey where she yet resides.

4 CHILD OF RALFORD & NELLA BAILY (Nella6Margaret5Mary )

4774. PEGGY LOUISE BAILY 2559. HUGH HOSKINSON, of Robert and Margaret (Smith) Hoskinson,

born Nettle Hill, Pa. 12-2-1894; died Los Angeles, Calif. 1-10-1958; un­married. He is buried in the Garden of Prayer, in Glendale, Calif.

Hugh resided in the areas of Waynesburg and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; also Los Angeles, California.

2560. CLARA HOSKINSON, of Robert and Margaret (Smith) Hoskinson, born Nettle Hill, Pa. 3-15-1896; living, 1969; married Joseph Garside, born Pawtucket, R. I. 4-26-1891; died ___ _

Joseph and Clara resided in Atlantic City, New Jersey where she yet re-508

mains. They had no children. 2561. ALBERT DAVID STRAWN, of Hiram and Cora (Lemley) Strawn,

born Washington, Pa. ; living, 1969; married Florence Supler, of Willard and Lydia (Prall) Supler, born Washington, Pa. ; living.

Albert and Florence resided throughout most of their married life in Washington, Pennsylvania; they have recently moved to the area of Eighty­Four (same state). Albert graduated from California State Teachers Coll­ege after which he taught school for several years in the small one-room elementary schools of Washington County. He gave up teaching to become a driver for the Greyhound Bus Company, a position he held somg 43 years.


4775. James Richard Strawn married Lucille Monjulizzo. 4776. David Strawn married Shirley Kay Wallis.

2562. WILBERT MADISON STRAWN, of Hiram and Cora (Lemley) Strawn, born Potamic, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Ida Mounts, of 0. Homer and Grace Elizabeth (Pettit) Mounts, born Washington, Pa.; living.

Wilbert and Ida reside near Washington, Pennsylvania, on a part of the home farm of his parents. Wilbert has been a farmer most of his lifetime, but is now employed at Brockway Glass Company also. He is a veteran of World War II, having seen action in Africa and Europe. Ida was formerly employed by the Hazel Atlas Glass Company.



) (all born in Washington, Pa.)

4777. DOUGLAS EUGENE STRAWN, serving in the U.S. Navy. 4778. KAY FRANCES STRAWN, attending Penn Commercial College. 4779. ELIZABETH ELLEN STRAWN, at home.

2564. ELIZABETH BELCH, of Lee and Ida (Lemley) Belch, born near Deep Valley, Pa.; living, 1969; married Jacob Isiminger, of Henry Wise and Lucy (Whipkey) Isiminger, born Mt. Carmel Ridge, Greene Co., Pa.; living.

Jacob and Elizabeth reside in Woodruff, West Virginia where he is now retired. Jacob served some 41 years as a rural mail carrier out of the Woodruff Post Office until this office was discontinued (1963); he then worked out of the Cameron Post Office until his retirement. Elizabeth served as assistant Post Master, at Woodruff, for several years; she also served as substitute mail carrier and worked as a clerk in a grocery store operated by the Post Master there, Mr. C. E. Gray. Elizabeth has been a wonder-ful co-worker in compiling this family history. It has been very rewarding to have made her acquaintance and we \cannot sufficiently thank her for her help. May she enjoy our book.



David4 ) (all born Woodruff, W. Va.)

4780. ROBERT WAYNE ISIMINGER, died at the age of 6 years; buried Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Mt. Carmel Ridge, Pa.

4781. BERYL ALLEN ISIMINGER, died at the age of 9 years, his acci-509

dental death resulted from his becoming entangled in a rope with which he was playing; buried Mt. Carmel Cemetery.

4782. Garland Joe Isiminger married Sherlene Ankrom#3182. 4783. Michael Charles Isiminger married Martha Ann Molnar.

2565. THOMAS ORANGE BELCH, of Lee and Ida (Lemley) Belch, born near Deep Valley, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Mildred Joblinger, of Joseph and Mary (Thalman) Joblinger, born Morgantown, W. Va. ; died Wheeling, W. Va. Thomas married (2) Anna Jo Phillips, of Lawrence and Anna (Keller) Phillips, born Ardmore, Okla; Living.

Thomas and Mildred resided near Deep Valley, Pennsylvania, and Cam­eron, West Virginia. He served in World War II, first as a Sea-Bee, then as a Marine; saw action on Guadalcanal in the South Pacific ahd reached the rank of Master Sergeant. He also served in the Navy before returning to civilian life and his work as a driller in the oil fields of Pennsylvania, Texas and Oklahoma. For the past several years he has been employed as a fireman on the Santa Fe Railroad in Texas and Oklahoma. Thomas and Anna Jo reside in Ardmore, Oklahoma where she is a secretary and cashier in the Peoples Federal Savings and Loan Association. Mildred was employ­ed as manager of the State Food Store in Cameron, West Virginia; her acci­dental death resulted from her being crushed between the store building and a truck unloading groceries. She is buried in Highland Cemetery, in Cam-eron, West Virginia. Thomas and Mildred had been divorced.


5David )

4784. David Lee Belch married (1) Marjorie Stern (2) Mrs. Betty Lou Jones.

4785. Joseph Ray Belch married Sandra Sue Stein. 5


4786. Barbara Ida Belch married Jerry Wayne Holmes. 4787. Martha Ann Belch married Joe Donald Willis.

2566. ROBERT LUTHER BELCH, of Lee and Ida (Lemley) Belch, born Mannington, W. Va. ; living, 1969; married (1) Mildred Huggins, of John and Vada Ann (Anderson) Huggins, born Littleton, W. Va. ; died Dearborn, Mich. Robert married (2) Mrs. Genevie Gorby, of John and Anna (Strait) Anderson, born Deep Valley, Pa.; living. Mildred is buried in Cadillac Memorial Cemetery, at Dearborn, Mich.

Robert and Mildred resided in Deep Valley, Pennsylvania, and Dear­born, Michigan; she was a waitress. They were divorced and she married, second, Robert Kerr. Robert and Genevie reside in Dearborn, Michigan where he is employed at the Chrysler Plant.




4788. ROBERTA ANN BELCH, born Deep Valley, Pa.; at home. 4789. ROBIN SUE BELCH, born Dearborn, Mich.; at home. 4790. ROBERT LEE BELCH, born Dearborn, Mich.; at home.


4791. TAMALA BELCH, born Dearborn, Mich.; at home. 4792. BRENDA GORBY (step-daughter), born Deep Valley, Pa.; at home.

2567. VANCE E. FORDYCE, of William and Minnie (Lemley) Fordyce, born Littleton, W. Va.; died Garrison, Pa.; married Virginia Loar, of Thomas and Ona (Earnest) Loar, born near Deep Valley, Pa. Vance is buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

Vance and Virginia resided in Garrison, Pennsylvania; he worked as a driller in the oil and gas fields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They had no children.

2568. RUBY OPAL BARNHART, of Joseph and Sarah Jane (Lemley) Barnhart, born near New Freeport, Pa.; died Dearborn, Mich. ; married (1) Alex Mahaney (2) Carl Fritchle, of Charles and Stella (Baldrey) Fritchle, born Newton, Ill. Opal is buried in Cadillac Memorial Gardens, in Dear­born, Mich.

Alex and Ruby Opal "Jerry" resided in Texas, Pennsylvania and West Virginia during their married life; he was a coal miner. Carl and Jerry resided in Dearborn, Michigan where he has been employed many years at the Chrysler Plant.




4 793. Geraldine Mahaney married William Humphrey. 4794. MALE MAHANEY ) twins born Farmington, W. Va.; died 4795. FEMALE MAHANEY) young; buried Marion Co., W. Va. 4796. Wayne Mahaney married Phyllis Bentley. 4797. Dean Mahaney married (1) Sophia Monadiski (2)Mrs. Ruth Kimbrato.

2571. BETTY YOST, of Lindsey and Sarah J. (Lemley) Yost, born Farm-ington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Pete _____ (who died in World War II) (2) William Smith (3) ___ Ward (4) ___ Coker (3)

Pierce. ----Betty is presently residing in Detroit, Mich/tan.


4 798. Sharon Smith married Kenneth Dowey. 2596. NORMAN JOHN GROVE, of Kenneth E. and Sara (McClelland)

Grove, born Lorain, Oh.; living, 1969; married Diane Mavis Nutt, of Will­iam Joseph and Elizabeth (Turner) Nutt, born London, Eng. ; living.

Norman and Diane presently reside in Los Angeles, California; they pre­viously resided in Dover, New Hampshire. Norman attended Allegheny Coll­ege where he received a B. S. degree (in Mathmetics) in 1962. He then en­tered the U.S. Air Force and was stationed at Pease A. F. B. in New Hamp­shire; while there he attended the University of New Hampshire, graduat­ing in 1969. He obtained both a B. S. and M. S. degree in Electrical Engin­eering and attained the rank of Captain in the Air Force. He has now been re-assigned to the Space Missile Systems Organization, at the Los Angeles Air Force Station, as an electronics engineer with the Air Force Systems Command.



4799. TIMOTHY SCOTT GROVE, born Palo Alto, Calif.; at home. 4800. DAVID JOHN GROVE, born Kittery, Me.; at home.

2597. JANET KAY GROVE, of Kenneth and Sara (McClelland) Grove, born Lorain, Oh.; living, 1969; married John Denman Young, of Ralph Emerson and Genevieve (Purdy) Young, born Marion, Oh.; living.

John and Janet reside in New Hampton, New York where both are now teaching in the schools of Middletown (N. Y.). Both John and Janet received B. S. degrees in Education from Ohio State Univirsity

5 in 1:J,1e Class of 1962.


4801. STEVEN JOHN YOUNG (adopted), born New York, N. Y,; at home. 4802. AMY MARIE YOUNG, born Middletown, N. Y.; at home.

2607. GEORGE A. HINERMAN, of Isaac and Bessie Hinerman, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Arlene Warren, born Morgan­town, W. Va.; living.

George and Arlene reside in Moundsville, West Virginia; he has been employed as a metal worker and a policeman. The past few years he has served as Police Chief of Moundsville.


Marietta4) 4803. Richard Lee Hinerman married Winnie Yoho. 4804. Willard A. Hinerman married Bonnie Davis.

2608. WANDA MAY HINERMAN, of Isaac and Bessie Hinerman, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Charles Schreiber.

Charles and Wanda have resided through most of their married life in the area of Moundsville, West Virginia; he is employed in the steel mill, as a roller.


Marietta4) 4805. BEVERLY JANE SCHREIBER, died young. 4806. Charles 0. Schreiber Jr. married Nancy Warren.

2609. HELEN LOUISE HINERMAN, of Isaac and Bessie Hinerman, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Michael A. Holliday.

Michael and Helen have resided through most of their married life in the area of Moundsville, West Virginia; he is employed as a machinist. Mr. Holliday served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, having more than 2 1/2 years as a fireman.


(all born in Moundsville, W. Va.) Marietta4 ) 4807. Michael William Holliday married Donna Hall. 4808. MELVIN RAYMOND PAUL HOLLIDAY, in U.S. Navy. 4809. JOSEPH ALBERT HOLLIDAY, at home. 4810. DIANNE LYNN HOLLIDAY, at home. 4811. TARYLAN HOLLIDAY, at home.


4812. ZENDY GAIL HOLLIDAY, at home. 4813, ELLEN SUE HOLLIDAY, at home.

2610. J. T. HINERMAN, of Patrick and Austa Hinerman, born Mounds­ville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Melable Rickman.

CHILD OF J. T. & MELABLE HINERMAN (J. T. 6 Patrick5 Marietta4)

4814. Gary Hinerman married 2611. GARNETTE MAE HINERMAN, of David and Gertrude Hinerman,

born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) George Klem (2) James K. Shook.

There were no children of either marriage. 2612. LILLIAN PEARL HINERMAN, of David and Gertrude Hinerman,

born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Victor Games (2) Melvin Hartley (3) Robert E. Drain.

Victor Games served in the U.S. Army during World War II, having died in an Army Camp.

CHILD OF VICTOR & PEARL GAMES (Pearl6Davict5Marietta 4


4815. Roy Victor Games Jr. married Margaret Snedon. 2613. PAUL D. HINERMAN, of David and Gertrude Hinerman, born

Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Blanche Harrison (2) Agnes Fox.



4816. Sylvia Hinerman married Carl Carmichael. 4817. David Edwin Hinerman married (1) Shirley __ _

(2) Lavonne ___ _ 4818. Paul D. Hinerman Jr. married Michelle ----

2614. MARY KENNEDY, of Furman and Minnie (Stiles) Kennedy, born Jollytown, Pa. ; living, 1969; married Lester Bowman, of Holmes and Fann­ie Bowman, born near West Finley, Pa. ; living.

Lester and Mary reside in the area of West Alexander, Pennsylvania where he is a farmer. Mary has helped with this history and we wish to take this opportunity to thank her for her kindness.


4819, Earl Bowman married Katherine Milliken. 4820. Mary Ethel Bowman married Marvin Hughes.

2615. MILDRED KENNEDY, of Furman and Minnie (Stiles) Kennedy, born Jollytown, Pa.; died West Alexander, Pa.; married Kenneth West, of Robert and Jennie (Reed) West, born near West Alexander, Pa.; living, 1969. Mildred is buried in the West Alexander Cemetery.

Kenneth and Mildred resided near West Alexander, Pennsylvania; he was a farmer, now retired.




4821. Mary Alice West married Robert Rickey. 2616. ESSIE KENNEDY, of Furman and Minnie (Stiles) Kennedy, born

near West Alexander, Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried. Essie resides near West Alexander, Pennsylvania. 2618. EARSEL KENNEDY, of Furman and Minnie (Stiles) Kennedy,

born near Claysville, Pa.; died West Alexander, Pa.; married Gladys Crow, of Wylie Crow.

Earsel and Gladys resided in West Alexander, Pennsylvania; they had no children.

2619. FREDA STILES, of Owen and Blanche Stiles, born Jollytown, Pa.; died Carmichaels, Pa.; married (1) Arthur Taylor (2)Harvey A. Redman, born Royal, Pa.; died Greene Co., Pa. Harvey and Freda are buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Arthur and Freda resided in Greene County, Pennsylvania; he was a coal miner. Harvey and Freda also resided in Greene



4822. JAMES TAYLOR married Georgia Statler. 4823. THELMA TAYLOR married Raymond Inghram.

2620. MARY STILES, of Owen and Blanche Stiles, born Jollytown, Pa.; died ____ ; married William Bane.

William and Mary resided in Moundsville, West Vir~nia. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & MARY BANE (Mariowen Mari)

4824. LUCILLE BANE married Wilbur Siburt. 4825. WILLIAM BANE JR.

2621. JAMES STILES, of Owen and Blanche Stiles, born Jollytown, Pa.; died Washington, Pa. ; married Victoria Yost, of Perry and Rose Mae (Ammons) Yost, born Monongalia Co., W. Va.; living, 1969. James is buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

James and Victoria resided throughout most of their married life in the area near Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; she now resides in Waynesburg. James was a coal miner.


4826. Edward Stiles married LaNelle Cowan. 4827. Joanna Stiles married Thomas Maley. 4828. Glenda Stiles married Robert Smith.

2622. GAYLE STILES, of Owen and Blanche Stiles, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Daniel Cain.

Daniel and Gayle have resided throughout their married life in the area of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. He is a mechanic.




2623. GRACE STILES, of Owen and Blanche Stiles, born Greene Co., Pa.; died Washington, Pa.; married Edgar Croxton. Grace is buried in Greene County Memorial Park, near Jefferson, Pa.

Edgar and Grace resided in Washington, Pennsylvania; they had no ch.ildren.

2625. MARY OPAL TAYLOR, of Charles and Jessie (Stiles) Taylor, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Wilbur Knight, born Greene Co., Pa. ; living.

Wilbur and Mary Opal reside near Jefferson, Pennsylvania; he is now retired.

CHILD OF WILBUR & MARY OPAL KNIGHT (Mary 0. 6 Jessie5Mary4 )

4831. Marjorie Knight married Michael Zoric. 2626. DALE LOOMAN, of William and Ida (Warricks) Looman, born

Mannington, W. Va.; living, 1969; married _______ _ Dale resides in Mingo Junction, Ohio where he is employed in a steel

mill. 6 5 4

--'-C--'-'H""I""L~D_R'----E---'-N'------'-0_F_D-'----A_L_E_& ____ L_O_O_M_A_N (Dale Ida Belle )

4832. 4833. 4834.


2627. ESHMEL MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Emery Rutan, of Charles and Minnie (Chambers) Rutan.

Emery and Eshmel reside in Newton Falls, Ohio where he is employed in a steel mill. They formerly resided near Cameron, West Virginia where he was a farmer.



4835. Jay Rutan married Lucille Lane. 4836. Robert Rutan married Alice Esau. 4837. Gerald Rutan married Arlene Esau. 4838. Ruth Rutan married Paul Murphy. 4839. Milton Rutan married Marlene Doolittle. 4840. Richard Rutan married Judith Doolittle. 4841. Eugene Rutan married Sue Fullen. 4842. DENNIS RUTAN, born Warren, Oh.; at home.

2628. VELDA MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Thomas Miller, of Downey and Rachel (Strope) Miller, born Marshall Co., W. Va.; living.

Thomas and Velda reside in Greene County, Pennsylvania, in the small community that used to be known as Morford; he is a farmer.




4843. Paul Miller married Evelyn Moose. 515

4844. Richard Miller married Marge Ressler. 4845. Bruce Miller married Marie Dunn.

2629. JEAN MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Ross Schenck (2) Arthur Blake.

Ross and Jean resided in Baltimore, Maryland; he was a superintendent for a railroad company. Arthur and Jean reside in Baltimore also.




4847. 4848. 4849.


2630. DARRELL MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) ______ (2) __ _

Darrell resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he is a truck driver for Gulf Oil Company. He has no children.

2631. EILEEN MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married John Bryner, of Leslie and Jessie (Watters) Bryner, born Greene Co., Pa.; died ____ . John is buried in the Sand Hill Cemetery, near Garrison, Pa.

John and Eileen resided in Newton Falls, Ohio where he was a steel worker; she still resides there.




(Darlene and Marlene Bryner were twins) 2632. HELEN MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born

Greene Co., Pa.; died Newton Falls, Oh.; married Lawrence Salmons. Helen is buried in Newton Falls, Oh.

Lawrence and Helen resided in Lewittsburg, Ohio where he is a steel worker.






2633. HARRY OGLE MASTERS JR., of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co., Pa. ; died Italy; unmarried. He is buried in Newton Falls.


Harry Ogle Masters Jr. died in Italy while serving his country in World War II.

2634. LOIS MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, born Greene Co. , Pa.; living, 1969; married Steve Chermansky.

Steve and Lois reside in Newton Falls, Ohio where he is a: construction worker.





2635. WAYNE MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, married Jane Ramanoff.

Wayne and Jane reside near Newton Falls, Ohio where he is a steel worker.


Belle 4



2636. DUANE MASTERS, of Ogle and Ina (Warricks) Masters, married Arlene Orr.

Duane and Arlene reside in Newton Falls, Ohio{; he Js a st_rel worker. CHILD OF DUANE & ARLENE MASTERS (Duane Ina Belle )

4867. ROBIN MASTERS 2639. BERYL RAY, of William and Ila (Warricks) Ray, born Mounds­

ville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Al Gatts. Al and Beryl reside in Cadiz, Ohio where he is a mill worker. I have

no record of children. 2640. MARY VIRGINIA STILES, of Albert and Edith (Warricks) Cole,

born Jollytown, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Frank J. Wiedziewicz, who died in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary married (2) Earl Oliver Simpson.

Earl and Mary reside in Costa Mesa, California. 5



4868. Frank John (Wiedziewicz) Simpson married Stephanie Lynn Lamb. 4869. WALTER CHARLES SIMPSON, born Hackett, Pa.; at home. 4870. JUDY ANN SIMPSON, born Monrovia, Calif.; at home.

2641. JAMES EARL COLE, of Albert and Edith (Warricks) Cole, born New Freeport, Pa. ; living, 1969; married Agatha Robinson.

James and Agatha reside in Library, Pennsylvania. 4


Belle )


4871. Mildred Lorraine Cole married 4872. Donna Lee Cole married

2642. MILDRED LORRAINE COLE, of Albert and Edith (Warricks), born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969; married Carlo Teodori.

Carlo and Mildred reside in McMurray, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF CARLO & MILDRED TEODORI (Mildrea6Edith 5Belle 4)

4873. Carol A. Teodori married Robert Anthony Hartledge. 4874. Terrence Attillio Teodori married Joanne ___ _

2643. HOWARD KENNETH COLE, of Albert and Edith (Warricks) Cole, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Jeanne Marilyn Walther.

Howard and Jeanne reside in Laguna Beach, California. CHILDREN OF HOWARD & JEANNE COLE (Howarct6Edith



4875. CYNTHIA MARILYN COLE, born Fontana, Calif.; at home. 4876. KAREN ELIZABETH COLE, born South Laguna Beach, Calif; at

home. 2644. JOSEPH FELIX KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks) Konop-

ka, born Cokeburg Junction, Pa.; living, 1969; married ______ _ Joseph and ___ reside in San Francisco, C~lifornJa.

CHILD OF JOSEPH & KONOPKA (Joseph Edith Belle 4


4877. KONOPKA ----2645. HELEN MARJORIE KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks)

Konopka, born Coverdale, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) Robert Thomas, who died in Albany, N. Y. Helen married (2) Harold Weisgraber.

Harold and Helen reside in Norwich, Connecticut. CHILDREN OF ROBERT & HELEN THOMAS (Helen6Edith5Belle4)

4878. KATHLEEN THOMAS, born Albany, N. Y.; at home. 4879. Joyce Thomas married Frank Szarka.

2646. STANLEY PAUL KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks) Konop­ka, born Coverdale, Pa.; living, 1969; married Barbara Schotting.

Stanley and Barbara reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 4


Belle )

4880. RHONDA LYNN KONOPKA, at home. 4881. BARBARA LEE KONOPKA, at home. 4882. STANLEY PAUL KONOPKA, at home. 4883. JAMIE ANN KONOPKA, at home. 4884. JOHN PETER KONOPKA, at home.

2647. EDWARD KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks) Konopka, born Coverdale, Pa.; living, 1969; married Arlene McComis.

Edward and Arlene reside in Library, Pennsylvania. CHILDREN OF EDWARD & ARLENE KONOPKA (Edwara6Edith



(all born in Pittsburgh, Pa.) 518

4885. KIMBERLY KAY KONOPKA. at home. 4886. DOREEN LYNN KONOPKA, at home. 4887. DARLENE MARIE KONOPKA, at home.

(Doreen and Darlene are twins) 2648. CHARLES RAYMOND KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks)

Konopka, born Coverdale, Pa.; living, 1969; married Patricia Bruno. Charles and Patricia reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.



2649. RONALD ZIGMOND KONOPKA, of Felix and Edith (Warricks) Konopka, born Coverdale, Pa.; living, 1969; married Marguerite Burns.

Ronald and Marguerite reside in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania6 CHILDREN OF RONALD & MARGUERITE KONOPKA (Ronald Edith


(both born in Pittsburgh, Pa.) Belle 4) 4892. CYNTHIA KONOPKA, at home. 4893. RENEE KONOPKA, at home.

2652. JANET GRAY, of Hutchinson and Alta Gray, born Limestone, W. Va.; living, 1969; married John Mysliviec, of John Myslivie%.




2653. GENE GRAY, of Hutchinson and Alta Gr~y, born Limestone, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Joan Kittlewell, of John Kittlewell.

They have no children. 2654. JOCLAIRE GRAY, of Charles and Ruth Gray, born Woodruff,

W. Va.; living, 1969; married James Berry, of Marion Steele and Virgin­ia (Kidder) Gray, born Moundsville, W. Va.; living.

James and Joclaire reside in Moundsville, West Virginia where he is in the grocery business. Joclaire is a graduate of West Liberty State Coll­ege and now teaches school.


(both born Glendale, W. Va.) 4896. JAMIE JO BERRY, at home. 4897. VIRGINIA RUTH BERRY, at home.

2655. RICHARD GRAY, of Rev. Glen and Inzie Gray, born Woodruff, W. Va.; died in Germany; unmarried.

Richard Gerlain entered the service of his country soon after his grad­uation from Cameron High School, in 1943, was sent overseas the next year and killed in action, in Germany, in March, 1945; he was only nine­teen years of age. His body was buried in Henri Chapelle, Belgium, but a marker was erected to his memory in Mt. Carmel Church of God Cemetery,


Greene County, Pennsylvania. 2656. MARVIN ANDERSON GRAY, of Rev. Glen and lnzie Gray, born

Woodruff, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Lois Kroepel, of Walter and Gert­rude (Lavendosky) Kroepel, born Detroit, Mich. ; living.

Marvin and Lois reside in Moundsville, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the West Virginia State Road Commission. Lois is employed as head nurse at Reynolds Memorial Hospital, Glen Dale, West Virginia.

CHILD OF MARVIN & LOIS GRAY (Marvin6Glen5James4)

4898. GWENDOLYN RENEE GRAY, born Glen Dale, W. Va.; at home. 2657. JACK CARROLL GRAY, of Rev. and Inzie Gray, born Woodruff,

W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried. J. C. is a graduate of Findley (Ohio) Church of God College and is an

ordained Minister in the Church of God. He is presently residing in Clara, Michigan where he has charge of a church; he was formerly serving a church in Bloomfield, Indiana.

2658. BETTY GRAY, of Clarence and Pansy Gray, born Cameron, W. Va.; living, 1969; married (1) Ralph Wade, of Charles Edward and Elizabeth (Blake) Wade, born Littleton, W. Va.; living. Betty married (2) Paul How­ard, of Patrick and Sue Howard, born Cameron, W. Va.; living.

Paul and Betty reside in Cameron, West Virginia where he is now re­tired, having formerly been steward at the Moose Lodge. Betty works in the State Food Store there. Paul had been previously married and had four children.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RALPH & BETTY WADE (Betty Clarence Samuel )

4899. GARY WADE, born Wheeling, W. Va. CHILDREN OF PAUL & BETTY HOWARD (Betticlarence5)

(all born Wheeling, W. Va.) 4900. INFANT HOWARD, died young; buried Highland Cemetery, at Cam­

eron, W. Va. 4901. PAUL OWEN HOWARD, at home. 4902. PATRICIA MACHELL HOWARD, at home.

2659. EVELYN PAULINE GRAY, of Clarence and Pansy Gray, born Andersonville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Raymond Aston, of Joseph Aston.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RAYMOND & EVELYN ASTON (Evelyn Clarence Samuel)


2660 & 2661. It has been requested that this family not be included in the book. Sorry the request was received too late to omit altogether.

2664. RAYMOND "JERRY" Gray, of Raymond and Wanda Gray, born Cameron, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Sandra Mae Ruxton, of Edward and Margaret (Montgomery) Ruxton (of Salem, Mass.).


Raymond and Sandra reside in Salem, Massachusetts where he is em­ployed for the United Parcel Service.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RAYMOND & SANDRA GRAY (Raymond Raymond Albert)

4906. JERI LEE GRAY, at home. 4907. ROBERT WAYNE GRAY, at home. 4908. JOY LOU GRAY, at home.

2665. ALBERT WAYNE "BOB" GRAY, of Raymond and Wanda Gray, born Cameron, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Margaret Alice Borden, of Raymond and Alice (Johnson) Borden (of Salem, Mass.).

Albert and Margaret reside in Salem, Massachusetts where he works for Sylvania Products.


5 Albert4 )

4909. RICHARD WAYNE GRAY 2666. THOMAS LARRY GRAY, of Raymond and Wanda Gray, born Cam­

eron, W. Va.; living, 1969; unmarried Thomas is presently serving in tile U.S. Navy, having been in Viet Nam

three times. 2670. MARCIA DIANE HENNEN, of Frederick and Lena Hennen, born

Hundred, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Larry Bruce Sterling, of William F. and Lillian (Reed) Sterling.

Larry and Marcia presently reside in Kennesaw, Georgia where he is employed by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. They fromerly resided near Bridgeport, Ohio and he was employed by Ormet Company. Larry is a vet­eran of service in the U.S. Navy.



4910. TRACEY DIANNE STERLING, born Marietta, Ga. 2671. ERMA JEAN HENNEN, of John W. and Gladys Hennen; married

Charles G. Amon, of Lawrence A. and Sara A. Amon. Charles and Erma reside in Stoney Brook, Long Island, New York; he

is employed by Grumman Aircraft Company, as an engineer. Erma attend­ed Robert Morris College (Pittsburgh, Pa.) and Charles attended New York University where he received a B. S. degree in Engiieering.


6 John Martin )

4911. CURTIS ANDREW AMON, born Washington, D. C.; at home .. 2672. JOHN WAYNE HENNEN, of John W. and Gladys Hennen;married

Mary Ann Garfiardi, of Thomas J. and Mary E. Garfiardi. John and Mary Ann reside in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania where he is em­

ployed by Fisher Governor Company, as supervisor of Order Control De-partment. John served in the U.S. Army.

5 4 CHILDREN OF JOHN & MARY HENNEN (John6John Martin )

(both born Coraopolis, Pa.) 4912. LORI ANN HENNEN, at home.


4913. JOHN WAYNE HENNEN JR., at home. 2673. MARLENE HENNEN, of John and Gladys Hennen; unmarried. Marlene resides in Alexandria, Virginia where she is a secretary for

Allegheny Airlines; she attended Pinkerton School (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 2674. SARA BUCHANAN HANNON, of Dr. John W. G. and Sara Hannon,

born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married William Herron Meanor, of James Beatty and Jean (Herron) Meanor, born Pittsburgh; Pa. ; living.

William and Sara reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sara attended Wilson College where she received a B.A. degree in 1954; for the next 9 years she worked as a mathmetician with Westinghouse Atomic Power, in Pittsburgh. The next 2 years she was employed as Computer System Ana­lyst for Radio Corporation of America, at Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Will­iam received a B. A. degree from Washington and Jefferson College (1950) and left soon thereafter for Korea; he served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Ko­rean War and in Greenland. After his discharge he entered Carnegie Insti­tute of Technology where he received a M. S. degree in 1956. He is pre­sently an Executive Vice-President with the Gibbs ~itting Comgany.


4914. NANCY HANNON MEANOR, at home. 4915. JAMES BEATTY MEANOR, at home.

2675. NANCY LUCILLE HANNON, of Dr. John W. G. and Sara Hannon, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married Thomas Pascoe Gordon, of Robert Miller and Mary (Pascoe) Gordon, born Rosslyn Farms, Pa.; living.

Thomas and Nancy reside in the Thornburg area of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­vania. Nancy attended Chatham College where she received a B. A. degree in 1956 after which she taught in the elementary schools of the Mt. Lebanon School System. Thomas graduated from Phillips Academy (Andover) Mass.), Harrow School (London, Eng.) and Princeton University. He received both M. S and Ph. D. degrees from California Institute of Technology (Pasadena) in 1959; he is presently Vice-President of Gordon Terminal Compg-ny.



2676. ROBERT MEIGHEN JR., of Robert and Madeline Meighen, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married Jeanatte Damn.

Robert and Jeanette reside in Opa-Lockay, Florida; he was formerly employed by the Tygart Valley Glass Company, of Washington (Pa.). Ro­bert is a veteran of service with the U.S. Marines.



2677. BARBARA JEAN MEIGHEN, of Robert and Madeline Meighen, 522

born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married John N. Johnson, of Ray and Lucille Johnson.

John and Barbara reside in Miami, Florida. 6 5 4



2678. JAMES WILBUR HANNON, of John and Nora Hannon, born Garr­ison, Pa.; living, 1969; married Mary Copeland, of Judd and Gladys (Will­iams) Copeland, born Grand Rapids, Mich.; living.

James and Mary reside in Gaylord, Michigan where he is employed by Michigan Consolidated Gas Company.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JAMES & MARY HANNON (James John Harry )

(all born in Reed City, Mich.) 4923. LARRY JAMES HANNON 4924. DEBORAH HANNON 4925. DARLENE HANNON

2679. CLEO J.A. HANNON, of John and Nora Hannon, born Garrison, Pa.; living, 1969; married Bobby Esch, of Asa and Lola (Messer) Esch, born Remus, Mich.; living.

Bobby and Cleo reside in Reed City, Michigan where he is employed by Gardner Denver. Cleo is a book-keepe6 for t;Iome ~il Company there.


4926. CINDY LOU ESCH, born Reed City, Mich. 2680. ALICE GAYLE HANNON, of John and Nora Hannon, born Garri­

son, Pa.; living, 1969; married Robert John Bull, of John and Encie (Mead) Bull, born Luther, Mich.; living.

Robert and Alice reside in Barryton, Michigan where he is employed by Michigan Consolidated Gas Company.


5Harry )

(born Reed City, Mich.) 4927. GARY ROBERT BULL 4928. TERRI LANE BULL

2681. RUBY LORRAIN HANNON, of John and Nora Hannon, born Garri­son, Pa.; living, 1969; married Edward Decker, of Henry and Judy (Green) Decker, born Grandville, Mich. ; living.

Edward and Ruby reside in Reed City, Michigan where he is employed by Gardner Denver; Ruby is a telephone operator for Michigan Bell Tele-phone Company there.

6 5 4

CHILDREN OF EDWARD & RUBY DECKER (Ruby John Harry ) (born Reed City, Mich.)


2682. LENORA LEONE HANNON, of John and Nora Hannon, born Reed City, Mich.; living, 1969; married Daniel Boyer, of Carl and Bernice Boyer,


born Detroit, Mich.; living. We do not have further data on Daniel and Lenora. 2683. RUSSELL ALWARD GALAHER JR., of Rev. Russell and Virgin­

ia (Hennen) Galaher, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married Willie Cline Clay, of James Varderman and Lola (Ethridge) Clay, born Martin, Miss. ; living.

Dr. Russell and Willie reside in Laurel, Mississippi where he main­tains a practice as a Chiropractic Doctor. He attended Lincoln Chiropract­ic College (Indiana, Ind.) 4 years and has been in the U.S. Army Reserves 9 years, holding the rank of Sergeant. Dr. Galaher also is a Distributor of Apco Industrial Solvents in the southern states. Willie attended college 3 years but is now a housewife and mother.


Harri) 4931. GAIL GALAHER, born Indianapolis, Ind.; at home. 4932. GARY RUSSELL GALAHER, born Indianapolis, Ind.; at home. 4933. GREGORY CHARLES GALAHER, born Clifford, Miss.; at home. 4934. GWEN GALAHER, born Laurel, Miss.; at home.

2684, RODNEY CHARLES GALAHER, of Rev. Russell and Virginia (Hennen) Galaher, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married Janet Marie Cavender, of Elvin and Eva Cavender, born Charleston, W. Va.; living.

Rodney and Janet reside in Anderson, Indiana where he is employed as a machinist for Warner Press. He attended Anderson College 2 years and Janet attended the same school 1 year.

CHILDREN OF RODNEY & JANET GALAHER (Rodney6Virginia5Harr/) (born Anderson, Ind.)

4935. TINA LOUISE GALAHER, at home. 4936. DIANE SUE GALAHER, at home.

2685. CARL H. WILSON JR., of Carl and Marjorie (Hennen) Wilson, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1969; married Maxine Wright, of William and Mary Wright, born Vanceville, Pa.

Carl and Maxine reside in Washington, Pennsylvania where he is owner and operator of the Suburban Bus Company. Carl served 4 years in the U. S. Air Force.


(born Washington, Pa.) 4937. CAROL JOY WILSON, at home. 4938. CATHY JO WILSON, at home.

2686. HELEN DOLORES WILSON, of Carl and Marjorie (Hennen) Wil­son, born Washington, Pa. ; died Detroit, Mich.; married Victor Anthony Gizoni, of Charles and Adele Anselmi Gizoni; living, 1969. Helen is bur­ied in Washington Cemetery, at Washington, Pa.

Victor and Helen resided in Mt. Clemens, Michigan; he is now married to Jeannie Bryan. Victor attended Waynesburg College 4 years after which he attended Wayne University, obtaining his Masters degree. He is a teach­er in Lake View School; he served in the Korean War. Helen attended Penn


Commercial College. 5 4


4939. TONI LYNN GAZONI, at home. 4940, TERRI LEE GAZONI, at home.

2687. FLORENCE KAY HENNEN, of Harold and Mildred Hennen, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969; married Robert Knotts, of Frank and O­pal Marie (Borror) Knotts, born W. Va.; living.

Robert and Florence Kay reside in Washington, Pennsylvania where he is employed at Federal Paper Board Company, as a glue macgine op1rator.

CHILDREN OF ROBERT & FLORENCE KNOTTS (Florence Harold (born Washington, Pa.) Harry4)


2686, BETTY MABEL HENNEN, of Harold and Mildred Hennen, born New Freeport, Pa.; living, 1969; married James Richard Church, of Char­les William and Grace Irene (Rodocker) Church, born Washington, Pa. ; liv­ing.

James R. and Betty reside in Washington, Pennsylvania where he is a draftsman; he attended the Washington School of Drafting.


5Harry )

(born Washington, Pa.) 4943. CATHY SUE CHURCH, at home. 4944. CARRIE LYNN CHURCH, at home. 4945. CODI JO CHURCH, at home. 4946. JAMIE RENEE CHURCH, at home.

2693. BERNARD LAWRENCE HENNEN, of Glen and Betty Jane Hennen, married Ethel Wrenshall, of Neville and Adelle Wrenshall6 5 4



2694. GLENDA ANNE HENNEN, of Glen and Betty Jane Hennen, mar­ried William Benito Aloia, of Lucido and Stella Aloia.


4949. CHRIS ANTHONY ALOIA, at home. 2695. DAVID ERIC HENNEN, of Glen and Betty Jane Hennen, married

Lois Louise Beaman, of Orville and Lillian Beaman, born De4roit, Mich. CHILDREN OF DAVID & LOIS HENNEN (David6Glen

5Harry )

4950. TERESA MARIE HENNEN, at home. 4951, TAMERA LOUISE HENNEN, at home.

2696. WILLIAM EDWIN HENNEN, of Edwin and Ruth Hennen, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1968; unmarried.

William received a B. A. degree from Waynesburg College and is pre-525

sently a student in Stetson University School of Law (St. Petersburg, Fla.). He served 4 years in the U.S. Air Force, as a Captain, being stationed in Texas, California and the Philippine Islands.

2697. CAROL ANN HENNEN, of Edwin and Ruth Hennen, born Sharon, Pa.; living, 1968; unmarried.

Carol Ann is now attending Indiana University (Indiana, Pa.) 2698. ROBERT LANE CONNER, of Dr. George and Helen (Hennen)

Conner, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1968; unmarried. Robert graduted from the University of Wisconsin after which he served

in the U.S. Army, as a First Lieutenant, stationed in Korea. He returned to his studies at the University of Wisconsin, toward completion of a Mast­ers degree.

2699. JEANNINE HENNEN CONNER, of Dr. George and Helen (Hennen) Conner, born Washington, Pa.; living, 1968; married David Robert Cass­ell, of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassell.

David Cassell and Jeannine were married after this data was received. Jeannine graduted from the University of Wisconsin after which she worked as a Systems Engineer with IBM, in Chicago, Illinois.

2700. DONEL STANLEY SHEETS, of Fred and Jessie (Headley) Sheets, born Belleville, W. Va. ; living, 1969; married Dorothy Britton.

Donel and Dorothy reside in New Bedford, Massachusetts. I have no record of their children.

2701. WILLIAM McCLELLAN BRYAN, of George and Cora (Headley) Bryan, born Akron, Oh.; living, 1969; married Averil Mair.

William and Averil reside in Akron, Ohio where he is employed by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. We have no record of children.

2702. CHARLES BRYAN, of George and Cora (Headley) Bryan, born Akron, Oh.; living, 1969; married Deloris Perillo.

Charles and Deloris reside in Akron, Ohio. 2703. MARJORIE PROVANCE, of David and Emma (Headley) Provance,

born Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Clayton Young, born Widen, W. Va.; living.

Clayton and Marjorie reside in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he is employed by Wilson Packing Company.

CHILDREN OF CLAYTON & MARJORIE YOUNG (Marjorie6Emma5 4 (born Parkersburg, W. Va.) Belle )

4952. DAVID THEODORE YOUNG, at home. 4953. SANDRA KAY YOUNG, at home. 4954. BRIAN KEITH YOUNG, at home.

2704. BERYL ANN PROVANCE, of David and Emma (Headley) Provance, born Parkersburg, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Edward Greathouse, born Spencer, W. Va.; living.

Edward and Beryl reside in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by 0. Ames Company.

CHILDREN OF EDWARD & BERYL GREATHOUSE (Beryl6Emma5Belle4 ) (born Parkersburg, W. Va.)



2705. DELORIS HEADLEY, of Roy and Opal Headley, born Akron, Oh.; living, 1969; married Roy Foster.

Roy and Deloris reside in Farmington, West Virginia. 2706. HARRY LEE HEADLEY, of Roy and Opal Headley, born Wheel­

ing, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Billie Dailey, born Athens, Oh. Harry and Billie reside in Parkersburg, West Virginia where he is em­

ployed by Marbon Chemical Company. 2707. DAVID EUGENE HEADLEY, of Roy and Opal Headley, born Farm­

ington, W. Va. 2708. PEARL SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Brave, Pa.;

living, 1969; married (1) William Sprouse (2) Charles lindsor5 4


4958. John William Sprouse married Patricia Ganoe. 2709. HELEN SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Brave,

Pa.; living, 1969; married John Kent. 6 5



4959. Grace Kent married Allen Sweeney. 4960. Joan Kent married Ted Copeland. 4961. Wesley Kent married Mary Lou McDougal. 4962. Scott Kent married Sylvia Roberts#l855.

2710. OPAL SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Quaker City, Oh.; living, 1969; married Dewey Cumberledge.


4963. Penny Cumberledge married Joe Luding. 4964. Josephine Cumberledge married Alfred Bersick. 4965. Regina Cumberledge married Carl Ostrich. 4966. Sandy Cumberledge married Russ Pedley.

2711. MELBURN SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Quak­er City, Oh.; living, 1969; married Edith Lowe, of Stanley and Oscie (Wil­son) Lowe.

They have no children. 2712. TED SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Quaker City,

Oh.; living, 1969; married Minnie Miller6 5 4


4967. Jeane Snell married Peter French. 2713. MARGARET SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Spen-

cer Station, Oh.; living, 1969; married Robert McMannes. 6 5



4968. JOHN R. McMANNES, unmarried. 4969. Mary Lee McMannes married Sam Miller.

2714. GLEN SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Spencer Station, Oh.; living, 1969; married (1) Minerva Cumberledge (2) Hazel Cumberledge.

CHILDREN OF GLEN SNELL (Glen6 Grace5 Spencer4)

4970. Sandy Snell married Gary Cole. 4971. Janet Snell married William Cross. 4972. ELAINE SNELL, at home. 4973. TRINA SNELL, at home. 4974. PATRICIA SNELL, at home. 4975. ANETTA SNELL, at home.

Gary Cumberledge (step-son) married Sherry Dulaney. James Cumberledge (step-son) married Katherine __ _

2715. JEAN SNELL, of Harry and Grace (Blue) Snell, born Spencer Station, Oh.; living, 1969; married Tom Higginbotam.

5 4 CHILD OF TOM & JEAN HIGGINBOTHAM (Jean Grace Spencer )

4976. CARRIE LYNN HIGGINBOTHAM, at home. 2716. HAROLD BLUE, of Owen and Sylvia Blue, born Brave, Pa.; liv­

ing, 1969; married Lisalotte Stellar. Harold and Lisalotte reside in El Paso, Texas.

6 5 4 CHILD OF HAROLD & LISALOTTE BLUE (Harold Owen Spencer )

4977. HAROLD HANS BLUE, at home. 2717. DORIS BLUE, of Owen and Sylvia Blue, born Brave, Pa.; living,

1969; married George William Evans. George and Doris reside in Brave, Pennsylvanil.


5Spencer )


2718. GERALDINE BLUE, of Melburn and Jessie Blue, born Brave, Pa.; died New Kensington, Pa. ; married Donald Rush, of Lester Rush, born Fentress, W. Va.

2719. JOSEPHINE BLUE, of Melburn and Jessie Blue, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Irving Dean, of Stanley and Mary Dean, born Blacks­ville, W. Va.; living.

Irving Dean is a graduate of Syracuse University and Josephine is a graduate of Penn Commercial College.

2720. RALPH BLUE, of Melburn and Jessie Blue, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Kathleen Eddy, of Samuel Eddy, born Jakes Run, W. Va.; living.

6 5 CHILDREN OF RALPH & KATHLEEN BLUE (Ralph Melburn Spencer



4980. DAVID BLUE, born Morgantown, W. Va. 4981. DENNIS BLUE, born Morgantown, W. Va. 4982. CONNIE BLUE, born Ohio. 4983. LARRY BLUE, born Ohio. 4984. PATTY BLUE, born Renova, Pa.

2721. JACK BLUE, of Melburn and Jessie Blue, born Brave, Pa.; liv­ing, 1969; married Alice Mae Egloff, of Joseph Egloff, born Murrysville, Pa. ; living.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JACK & ALICE BLUE (Jack Melburn Spencer )

4985. MELBOURNE BLUE, born Murrysville, Pa. 4986. RANDY BLUE, born Shelocta, Pa.

2722. BETTY JANE GROSICK, of Jack and Clara (Blue) Grosick, born Ingomar, Pa.; living, 1969; married David A. Hovis Jr., of David A. and Elmira (McKee) Hovis Sr., born Bullion, Pa.; living.

David and Betty reside in Ingomar, Pennsylvania where she is employ­ed in the U.S. Post Office and David is a telegrapher for the B. & 0. and C. & 0. Railroad. David attended Carnegie Tech University two years and had more than 4 years service for his country, as a Warragt Officer, J. G.

CHILDREN OF DAVID & BETTY HOVIS JR. (Betti Clara Spencer4) ( these two children are twins)

4987. JO ANN HOVIS, at home. 4988. DAVID A. HOVIS III, at home.

2723. MARTHA ANN GROSICK, of Jack and Clara (Blue) Grosick, born Ingomar, Pa.; living, 1969; married James Zimmerman, of Philip Edward and Jane (McClen) Zimmerman, born Towanda, Pa.; living.

James and Martha reside in Bradford Woods, Pennsylvania. Martha attended Comptometer School after which she worked as a secretary before her marriage. James graduated from Pitt University and served 6 months in the U, S. Army; he is now a salesman with the National Lead Company.


4989. JAN ZIMMERMAN, at home. 4990. JILL ZIMMERMAN, at home.

2724. KAYE GROSICK, of Jack and Clara (Blue) Grosick, born Ingomar, Pa.; living, 1969; married Elizabeth Fishinger, of John Lewis and Georgia (Dehner) Fishinger, born Pittsburgh, Pa. ; living.

Kaye Edward and Elizabeth reside in Ingomar, Pennsylvania where he is a foreman for the Highway Equipment Company. Kaye served 18 months in the U.S. Navy; Elizabeth was employed as a secretary before marriage.


4991. CATHERINE GROSICK, at home. 4992. PATRICIA GROSICK, at home. 4993. MICHAEL GROSICK, at home.

2725. ROBERT BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Waynesburg, 529

Pa.; died _____ ; married Anne Sestile, born Ambridge, Pa.; living. Robert and Anne resided in Ambridge, Pennsylvania; he served in the

u. S. Navy during World War II. 6 5 4

CHILD OF ROBERT & ANNE BLUE (Robert Ralph Spencer )

4994. ROBERT BLUE, JR., born Ambridge, Pa. 2726. JO ANN BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Fayette Co., Pa.;

living, 1969; married James Franks, born Uniontown, Pa.; living. James and Jo Ann reside in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania; he is em­

ployed by the U.S. Steel Company. 6 5 4 CHILDREN OF JAMES & JO ANN FRANKS (Jo Ann Ralph Spencer )

4995. JAMES FRANKS, JR., born Uniontown, Pa.; at home. 4996. DALE FRANKS, born Fairless Hills, Pa.; at home. 4997. CARROL FRANKS, born Fairless Hills, Pa.; at home.

2727. JAMES BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Fayette Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Shirley Sorge, of Edward and Louise Sorge, born Washington, Pa.; living.

James and Shirley reside in Washington, Pennsylvania where he is self-employed. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Wa~.

CHILDREN OF JAMES & SHIRLEY BLUE (James6Ralph5Spencer ) (born Washington, Pa.)

4998. JAMES BLUE, at home. 4999. MARK BLUE, at home.

2728. DAVID BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Fayette Co., Pa.; living, 1969; married Connie Arnold, of Merle and Corine Arnold, born Clarksville, Pa.; living.

David and Connie reside in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; he is a school teacher with the Central Greene School District, presently teaching at the Mt. Morris school. David served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.



) (born Waynesburg, Pa.)

5000. KIM SUE BLUE, at home. 5001. LORI BLUE, at home.

2729. SHEILA BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Clarksville, Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Sheila is presently residing in El Paso, Texas; she is a Registered Nurse and a member of the Army Nurses Corps.

2730. DONNA BLUE, of Ralph and Wanita Blue, born Clarksville, Pa.; living, 1969; married John Liddick, of John Liddick, born Enola, Pa.; liv­ing.

John and Donna reside in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania where he is a driver for a freight company.

CHILDREN OF JOHN & DONNA LIDDICK (Donna6Ralph5Spencer4) (born Camp Hill, Pa.)


5002. JON LIDDICK, at home. 5003. HOLLY LIDDICK, at home. 5004. PATRICK LIDDICK, at home.

2731. MARY JO BLUE, of Delmont and Opal Blue, Born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Aldren Hillberry.

Aldren and Mary Jo reside in Fredericktown, Pennsylvania where he is employed as an electric welder. I have no record of children.

2732. BILLIE SPENCER BLUE, of Delmont and Opal Blue, born Brave, Pa.; died Korea; unmarried.

Billie worked for the New York State Gas Company before entering the service; he was killed while serving his country in Korea and his remains were returned to this country for burial in Greene County Memorial Park.

2733. KAREN SUE BLUE, of Delmont and Opal Blue, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Teddy Lee Tuttle, born near Fairview, W. Va.; liv­ing.

2734. JERRY BLUE, of Delmont and Opal Blue, born Brave, Pa.; liv­ing, 1969; unmarried.

2735. LINDA KAYE BLUE, of Delmont and Opal Blue, born Brave, Pa.; living, 1969; married Samuel Dodson.

2736. WALTER L. STROSNIDER, of Michael and Florence (Dodge) Stro­snider, born Blacksville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Lucille Hocken­berry.

Walter and Lucille reside in Blacksville, West Virginia. CHILDREN OF WALTER & LUCILLE STROSNIDER (Walter



(born Blacksville, W. Va.) Eliza ) 5005. MICHAEL STROSNIDER, at home. 5006. JOLEEN STROSNIDER, at home.

2737. ANNA MARGARET STROSNIDER, of Michael and Florence (Dodge) Strosnider, born Blacksville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Harold J. Moore.




5007. Janet Moore married James Johnson. 5008. BARBARA MOORE, at home. 5009. PATRICIA MOORE, at home.

2738. ROBERT INGHRAM, of Harold and Eva (Dodge) Inghram, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Delilah Jean Roberts#l858.

For further data see #1858. 2739. JAMES INGHRAM, of Harold and Eva (Dodge) Inghram, born

Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Nancy Barnes. James and Nancy have resided in the area near Waynesburg, Pennsyl­

vania; he is employed as a barber in the Fort Jackson Bar%6r Sh<;f. CHILDREN OF JAMES & NANCY INGHRAM (James 6Eva Eliza )




2741. PAUL R. MORRIS JR., of Paul and Maude (Dodge) Morris, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Ann Kniseley.

2743. WILLIAM LLOYD DODGE, of Melvin and Kathryn Dodge, born Spraggs, Pa.; living, 1969; married Geraldine Stewart.


5014. RICHARD DODGE, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5015. BLAINE DODGE, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5016. SUSAN DODGE, born Anchorage, Alaska; at home. 5017. CAROL DODGE, born Ft. Lee, Va.; at home. 5018. ROGER DODGE, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home.

2744. BARBARA JOAN DODGE, of Melvin and Kathryn Dodge, born Spraggs, Pa.; living, 1969; married John McDougal Jr.


5Eliza )

5019. KATHY ANN McDOUGAL, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5020. DOUGLAS McDOUGAL, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5021. TERRY LEE McDOUGAL, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5022. TRINA JO McDOUGAL, born Waynesburg, Pa.; at home. 5023. ROBIN McDOUGAL, born Amherst, Oh.; at home. 5024. SHARON McDOUGAL, born Amherst, Oh.; at home. 5025. KAREN McDOUGAL, born Amherst, Oh.; at home. 5026. CHARLES McDOUGAL, born Amherst, Oh.; at home. 5027. JEFFREY McDOUGAL, born Amherst, Oh.; at home.

2745. ELINOR LOUISE DODGE, of Melvin and Kathryn Dodge, born Blacksville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married William Weber.

CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & ELINOR DODGE (Elinor6Melvin5Eliza4) (born Lorain, Oh.)

5028. SHAWN WEBER, at home. 5029. DREW WEBER, at home.

2746. WILLA ANICE DODGE, of Melvin and Kathryn Dodge, born Blacksville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Stanley Cree.

They have no children. 2747. MARJORIE JOYCE DODGE, of Melvin and Kathryn Dodge, born

Spraggs, Pa.; living, 1969; married (1) E. J. Dockery (2) Quinton- Simmons. CHILDREN OF QUINTON & JOYCE SIMMONS (Joyce6Melvin5Eliza4}

5030. BOBBY SIMMONS, born Swainsboro, Ga.; at home. 5031. RICKIE SIMMONS, born Swainsboro, Ga.; at home. 5032. GREGG SIMMONS, born Lorain, Oh.; at home. 5033. WILLIAM SIMMONS, born Lorian, Oh.; at home.

2748. DAVID LYLE DODGE, of Melvin and Kethryn Dodge, born Waynesburg, Pa.; living, 1969; married Janice Hawkins.


) 532

5034. SANDRA DODGE, born in The Azores; at home. 5035. DAVID DODGE, born Norfolk, Va.; at home.

2749, GRETTA YVONNE FLAHERTY, of Joseph and Alphie (Lemley) Flaherty, born Ned, Pa.; living, 1969; unmarried.

Gretta is employed as a secretary for Weirton Steel Company, in the Industrial Engineering Department; she was formerly employed as a sec­retary for Smith, Marion and Balaban, in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.

2750. DONALD EUGENE FLAHERTY, of Joseph and Alphie (Lemley) Flaherty, born Ned, Pa.; living, 1969; married Elizabeth Durilla, of George and Martha (Crow) Durilla, born Independence, Pa.; living.

Donald and Elizabeth reside in Weirton, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by the Cottrell Motor Company; he was formerly manager of the Genuine Parts Company outlet in Weirton.


(born Weirton, W. Va.) Burns 4 ) 5036. KATHY JEAN FLAHERTY, at home. 5037. DONALD EUGENE FLAHERTY, at home.

2751. SHIRLEY ANN BISSETT, of Arch and Amy (Lemley) Bissett, born Deep Valley, Pa.; living, 1969; married D. Gene wgst.


5038. KANDI DARLENE WEST, born Martins Ferry, Oh.; at home. 5039. MARY AMY WEST, born Kissimmee, Fla.; at home.

2755. GLENNA McGUFFIE, of Otley and Dolly McGuffie, born Little­ton, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Miller M. McDougal.

2756. PATTY McGUFFIE, of Otley and Dolly McGuffie, born Mounds­ville, W. Va.; living, 1969; married Larry Wessett.

2758. EVELYN MAE LEMLEY, of Dorsey and Harriett Lemley; mar­ried Crawford Moore.

I have no record of their children but have been informed they are the parents of twenty children.

2759. BETTY LEE LEMLEY, of Dorsey and Harriett Lemley; married Harold Shriver.

6 5 4



2760. GEORGE THOMAS LEMLEY, of Dorsey and Harriett Lemley; married Vivian Sapp.

6 5 4


5043. ERAINA LEMLEY 5044. LEMLEY ----

2761. DONALD EUGENE LEMLEY, of Robert and Ethel Lemley, mar­ried Geraldine Null.



George4) 5045. LINDA SUE LEMLEY married Dallas Yeater.

2762. SHIRLEY MAE LEMLEY, of Robert and Ethel Lemley, married Dwain Poland.





2763 through 2768. Further data not received. 2769. OWEN LEMLEY, of Richard and Leah (Gorby) Lemley, born

Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Mary Lou Stokum. Owen and Mary Lou reside in Moundsville, West Virginia where he is

employed, as a bookkeeper, at the state prison. CHILD OF OWEN & MARY LOU LEMLEY (Owen




(Owen 8mchard Bertie


5048. OWEN LEMLEY, JR. 2770. FRED LEMLEY, of Richard and Laeh (Gorby) Lemley, born

Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Ruth Ann Gamble, of Harry Gamble.

Fred and Ruth Ann reside in Wheeling, West Virginia where he is em­ployed by Culley Plumbing and Heating Company.



) (Fred

8Richard 7Bertie



2771. LEMOYNE GORBY, of Harry and Donis Gorby, born Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Billy Lee Yoho, of Aria and Osta Yoho.



2773. RODGER LEE GORBY, of Harry and Donis Gorby, born Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; married Gail Shultz.

Rodger and Gail reside in Moundsville, West Virginia; he is employed by H. E. Newman, of Wheeling.

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RODGER & GAIL GORBY (Rodger Harry Ola )


2774. DONNA FAY GORBY, of Harry and Donis Gorby, born Wetzel Co., W. Va.; living, 1968; unmarried.



Page 29 #10 Rachel Hennen born 10-25-1794; Robert Butcher Jr. born12-12-

1796 Page 57

#245 Eva May Hennen married Walter Alexander Mestrezat #813 Page 60

#2 78 Sarah Anne Hennen married Daniel Parvin #47 Frances Ann Butcher born 11-24-1818

Page 61 #48 James Harrison Butcher born 1-18-1821 #49 William Jackson Butcher probably born 4-8-1822, not 1821

Page 62 #50 Matthew Hennen Butcher born 12-9-1823 #51 Jane Elizabeth (not Elizabeth Jane) Butcher born 7-10-1826; Abner

Himelrick born 3-3-1827 #314 Frances Ann Himelrick born 2-10-1849

Page 63 #52 George Washington Butcher probably born 1-15-1829, not 1832 #53 Thomas Jefferson Butcher born 10-3-1831 #54 Lydia Ann Butcher born 8-3-1835


Page 49 #143 William Thomas White married Mary Ann Hennen #193, not #206 #147 Morgan P. White married Frances Mahala Six #913, not #910

Page 90 #125 Anne Hennen and her husband, John P. White made their home in Switzerland County, Indiana until their deaths. This has been shown by research into the records there. John preceded Anne in death and his will is dated 1916. Having no children of their own half of the estates went to the heirs of Anne's sister, Rebecca Hennen White.

Page 96 Mahala Frances (or Frances Mahala) Six should be #913, not #910

Page 121 #256 Jeremiah Mariner--! have been advised that this person died in Morgantown, W. Va. and is buried at Wadestown, W. Va. ; also that he served in the Civil War.

Page 130 #292 Elizabeth Jane Mariner (or Merriner) may have been born 10-9-1842, rather than 10-19-1842. Likewise the death date may have been 8-18-1921, not 8-19-1921

Page 130 #293 William Leonard Mariner (or Merriner) Jr. -- more recently re-


ceived data gave the birthdate as 3-9-1845; he and Nina Short were married 9-29-1875. Page 131

#297 Thomas Jefferson Mariner (or Merriner) may have been born on 1-3-1859, not 1858.

Page 141 #2009 Lillie Ivy Sheeks should not be capitalized.

Page 161 #1282 Thomas Hennen married Margie Clark, not Margie Cook.

Page 211 #1791 Norris Durbin married Virginia Higgins.

Page 213 #659 Clyde Earl Hennen died in Florida late in 1969.

Page 216 #673 Harry Roberts died in Waynesburg, Pa. 1969.

Page 224 #694 Earl Malcolm Hennen Jr. married Mary Roberts.

Page 228 #1971 Norma June Cooke, not Norma Jean Cooke.

Page 229 Frank Hennen should be #734. Emmitte Brooke Hennen should be #735.

Page 230 Mary Louisa Hennen should be #736.

Page 250 Walter Babb should be #825.

Page 289 #2629 Jean Masters married (2) Arthur Blake.

Page 290 #2640 Mary Virginia Stiles married (2) Earl Oliver Simpson.

Page 291 #2645 Helen Marie Konopka married (2) Harold Weisgraber. #2646 should be Stanley Paul, not Stanley Peter Konopka.

Page 293 #2664 through #2666 should not be capitalized. #2667 JOYCE DARLENE GRAY, born Cameron, W. Va.; died young. #2668 JANET JOAN GRAY, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home. #2669 DEBORAH DIANE GRAY, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home. #2669a ROGER GRANT GRAY, born Wheeling, W. Va.; at home.

Page 295 #2687 Florence Kay Hennen married Robert Knotts, not Frank Knotts.

Page 292 #1136 Mary Lou Gray--this data was supplied by a very reliable source and was therefore included; we have since been informed that the family does not wish to be mentioned. I offer my sincere apologies and shall not continue this line further.


Page 298 #1167 Clara Jane Blue, born 8-15-1899; died Bellevue, Pa. 1-1-1962; married John C. Grosick, of Andreas (or Andrew) and Magdalena (Stuebinger) Grosick, born Ingamar, Pa. 12-7-1897; died Woodville, Pa. 12-15-1960. Clara is buried in Allegheny County Memorial Park; John is buried in St. Johns Lutheran Cemetery.

Page 299 #2723 Martha Ann Grosick married James Zimmerman. #2724 Kaye Edward Grosick married Elizabeth Fishinger. #2725 should be Robert Blue, not Donald Blue.

Pages 348 and 349 Recently received data on #1451 through #1462. #1451 Myrtle Ivy Hannan CHILDREN OF ROBERT & MYRTLE IVY McKINNEY (Myrtle6 Thomas


Wesley4) 3205a. ROBERT McKINNEY married Ethel McGowan. 3205b. RICHARD McKINNEY married Lucy Fleming. 3206c. DAVID McKINNEY, unmarried. #1454 Thomas Smith Hannan _ CHILDREN OF THOMAS & DORA HANNAN (Thomas6Thomas5Wesley4}

3205d. MARY HANNAN married Harold Bradham. 3205e. JAMES HANNAN married Meryl Bodah. 3205£ . THOMAS HANNAN married Bernice Mes chives. 3205g. SHEILAH HANNAN married John Schneid. #1455 Helen Lucille Hannan

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF ROY & HELEN BRENNEN (Helen Thomas Wesley )

3205h. GUY BRENNEN married Afton Eubanks. 3205i. JOYCE BRENNEN married William Scott. #1456 Hilton Brooks Hannan CHILDREN OF HILTON & GERTRUDE HANNAN (Hilton6Thomas5

Wesley4 ) 3205j . MARY HANNAN married ___ Pescoglia. 3205k. DONALD HANNAN married Susan Mary Kriegsman. 32051. ALBERT HANNAN, unmarried. #1457 Ralph Emerson Hannan

6 5 4 CHILDREN OF RALPH & ETHEL HANNAN (Ralph Thomas Wesley )

3205m. JOHN HANNAN, unmarried. 3205n . JANE HANNAN, unmarried. #1458 Margaret Catherine Hannan CHILDREN OF RALPH & MARGARET McGARY (Margaret6Thomas5

4 Wesley ) 32050. MICHAEL McGARY married Karen Starcher. #1459 Virginia Carol Hannan




4 Wesley )

3205p. BETTY WHITE, unmarried. 3205q. ROBERT WHITE, unmarried.

;~~~D~~;l~~~:~;~a;OROTHY HANNAN (Dale6Thomas5Wesle/

3205r. SALLY HANNAN, unmarried. 3205s. SUZY HANNAN, unmarried. #1460 Geraldine Vera Hannan


Wesley ) 3205t . THOMAS HITE married Janet Macy. 3205u. NANCY HITE, unmarried. #1462 Karl Joseph Hannan

6 5 4 --'C_H_I_L_D __ OF_KA __ R_L_& ____ H_A_NN __ A_N (Karl Thomas Wesley)

3205v. BEVERLY HANNAN, unmarried. Page 403

#1806 Mary Renner, born 4-25-1900; living, 1969; married Elmer Raw­don, born 1890; died Pittsburgh, Pa. 1941. Resided Akron, Ohio; Rochester, New York; and Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­vania. Mary was employed as a bank teller. #3691 Robert Edwin Rawdon married Ave Maria Little. This name should not be capitalized as recent data has been received. #180 7 Kathryn, not Catherine, Renner, born 4-9-1902; living (1969) in San Diego, California. Her first husband was Russell Vangilder.

Page 404 #1811 Martha Minor was a Registered Nurse, having graduated from Wheeling Hospital School of Nursing. Guy is a veteran of World War II, having served 1942-45; now employed by State Food Stores. #3695 G. Quinn Ford is a graduate of Potomac State College. #1812 Mary Minor is a Registered Nurse, having graduated from the Wheeling Hospital School of Nursing. John Mekos is a veteran of World War II, having served 1942-45; he is presently supervisor of the Beech Bottom Power Plant. #3697 Hal Mekos, born Wheeling, W. Va.; graduate of Potomac State College.

Page 428 #1970 Virginia May Cooke married Beryl A. Russell, of Neil and Lura (Wilson) Russell. Beryl is employed as a machinist. #3933 Roger Russell married Judy Gaeger.

Page 508 #2560 Clara Hoskinson died 1969.

Page 532 #2745 should read CHILDREN OF WILLIAM & ELINOR WEBER



1. HENNEN, Matthew and Elizabeth 15 3. Thomas and Anne Woodruff 23 3. Thomas and Cynthia Brock 24 4. William and Rebecca Stafford 25 6. Matthew and Nancy Butcher 27 9. George and Mahala Argo 29

10. Rachel and Robert BUTCHER 30 11. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Young 31 13. David and Phoebe Phillips 34 14. Alexander and Sarah Roberts 34 16. John and Sarah Pitzenberger 39 17. Rebecca and Joshua HEADLEE 40 18. Matthew and Mary Stine 41 19. Jane and John ALLEY 42 20. George and Jane Munyon 45 21. Levi and Anna Stoops 46 22. Martha and Jonathan TUSTIN 47 25. Stephen and Katharine Russell 48 25. Stephen and Mary Jane Granlee 48 27. Cynthia and Thomas WHITE 49 28. Elizabeth and Benjamin WALKER 49 29. James and Sophronia Stafford 50 29. James and Mary Breakiron 50 30. John and Rebecca Roberts 51 30. John and Nancy Bowers 51 32. Enoch and Lucinda Stafford 52 32. Enoch and Eliza Duvall 52 33. Thomas and Jency Berdine 53 34. William and Louisa Dye 53 35. Alexander and Anna Stoops 54 35. Alexander and Rachel Russell 54 36. Robert and Elizabeth Wilkins 55 37. Levi and Phoebe Everly 55 38. Washington and Justina Shay 56 40. Thomas and Mary Sterling 57 42. Elizabeth and James MARINER 58 43. Jane and STINE 59 43. Jane and Adam SIX 59 44. Frances and Aaron ROSS 59 45. Jeremiah and Eliza Stoops 60 45. Jeremiah and Mary McCans 60 45. Jeremiah and Minerva Stiles 60


47. BUTCHER, Frances and William MARINER 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

James Harrison and Nancy Mariner William Jackson and Marinda Ullom Matthew Hennen and Jane Mariner Elizabeth and Abner HIMELRICK George W. and Louisa Hixenbaugh Thomas and Esther Ullom

55. HENNEN, Hannah and Wesley LEE 56. Sarah and James JONES 57. 60. 62. 72.

Christopher Y. and Mary J. Keenan Minor B. and Nancy Passley Esther and David DUMFORD Jane and John LEMLEY

61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 65 67

73. Mary and Thomas BLAND 67 74. David and Ruth Cumpston 68 75. Van and Cassander Shriver 68 76. Nancy and Job HALE 69 76. Nancy and Samuel GRAY 69 79. John and Rebecca Cumpston 70 80. Robert and Margaret Pollick 71 81. Minerva and Isaac BLUE 71 84. Lucy and Jarrett LEMLEY 72 85. George Nelson and Margaret Bartrug 75 86. Asby and Nellie Glover 76 86. Asby and Elizabeth Wycoff 77 87. Sarah and John GLOVER 77 88. HEADLEE, Ephraim and Keziah Thorn 78 91. Stephen and Deborah Brock 79 93. Lucinda and Alfred BURGE 80 99. HENNEN, Cynthia and Henry MASON 81

100. HANNAN, Wesley Smith and Sarah Headlee#97 81 101. HENNEN, Thomas and Rebecca Kirkman 82 102. ALLEY, Thomas and Mary Steel 83 104. Martha and William FLUHARTY 83 106. 107. 108.

William Leeper and Matilda Sibert Rebecca and Charles MORGAN John K. and Martha Richmond

no. Uriah and Brucie Clouston ll4. HENNEN, Martha and John TAYLOR ll5. Deborah C. and John TAYLOR ll6. Thomas M. and Rachel Taylor ll8. Spencer and Dora Carter 122. Rebecca and Thomas WHITE 126. TUSTIN, Nancy and James LEACH 128. Thomas and Mary Meredith 129. Joseph and Mary ___ _ 130. Martha and James BIBBEE


84 84 85 86 86 86 87 88 89 90 90 91 91

133. HENNEN, Thomas and Cora Dolbear 92 134. Matilda Phillips 92 135. Rev. Russell and Martha Wise 92 136. Belle and Rev. John WOODRUFF 93 137. John W. and Nancy Hennen#219 94 138. Louisa and Marion STAGGERS 94 140. Elizabeth and Leroy CLOVIS 95 141. Dr. Stanton and Lucy Fox 95 143. WHITE, William Thomas and Mary Hennen#206 96 146. James Irwin and Elizabeth Wilson 96 147. Morgan P. and Frances Mahala Six#910 96 148. Cynthia Mary and Walter P. MANNING 96 175. HENNEN, John Henry and Mary Klink 98 177. Jane and John McGLUMPHY 99 178. Eliza and James DYE 99 178. Eliza and Joseph DARLING 100 180. Perry and Artemace Pryor 100 182. Thomas J. and Nancy Cumpston 101 183. Solomon and Martha McDonald 101 184. Alexander and Lucinda Taylor 102 185. Enoch and Eliza Jane Six 102 186. Henry and Susan Catherine Six 103 188. George and Frances Main 103 189. Matthew and Hannah Roberts 104 190. Mary and William ROBERTS 104 191. HENNEN, Martha and Eli WHITE 104 192. William and Lydia White 105 196. Katherine and Benjamin PHELPS 106 203. John and Evelyn Rogers 107 197. McDonald and Leanna 106 201. Rebecca and John PHELPS 106 204. William Thomas and Sarah Fletcher 107 205. Daniel and Allie Reed 108 206. Monroe and Icie Lemley 108 207. James Oliver and Urie Brook 108 212. Elza Lytle and Mary Ann Whalen 109 213. Rebecca and Adam SHRIVER 110 214. Levi and Matilda Lemley 110 215. Elroy and Adaline Pryor 111 216. Sarah and Jacob SHRIVER 111 217. Lewis and Elzena Clovis 111 218. Clarissa Jane and William LEMMON 112 220. Martha and Rev. Fred COTTRILL 112 221. Henry S. and Lillie May Phillips 113 222. William Mc Carl and Sarah J. Haskins 113 223. Joseph P. and Sarah E. Berdine 114 224. Christopher C. and Lucy Haskins 114


225, HENNEN, Valinda and Leroy HALL 114 226. Catherine and Isaac HITE 115 227. Helen and Charles MESTREZAT 115 228. Matthew and Mary Peckinpaugh 116 231. Frederick and Ella Coyle 116 238. Isabella and Francis REYNOLDS 117 239. Mary and 0. BABB 117 240. William and Mary Stinehart 117 241. Fanny and Thomas WEST 117 242. James W. and 118 243. Frank and Anna Morgan 118 245. Eva and Walter MESTREZAT 118 250. Lawrence and Elsie Wilfong 119 253. Thomas and Nellie Cochran 119 254. MARINER, Stevenson and Lydia Butcher#54 120 254. Stevenson and Rebecca Simpson 120 255. George W. and Rebecca Headley 120 255. George W. and Frances Taylor 120 255. George W. and Barbara Bissett 121 255. George W. and Caroline Lough 121 256. Jeremiah and Catherine Collins 121 257, Lucinda and Henry TAYLOR 121 258. Van and Matilda Headley 122 259. Fanny and Francis TAYLOR 122 262. William and Pleasant Simpson 123 263. John and Elizabeth Roberts 123 263. John and Elsie Gump 123 266. Mary Ellen and John PHILLIPS 124 267. STINE, Eliza and William SIX 124 268. SIX, Frances and Henry CHURCH 125 270. John and Elizabeth Kendall 125 270. John and Martha Renner 125 273. Mahala and Henry HIXENBAUGH 126 275. ROSS, John and Marinda Ullom 126 277. HENNEN, William 0. and Mary Wbite 127 277. William O. and Elizabeth Hayes 127 278. Sarah and Daniel PARVIN 127 281. Eliza and William DYE 128 284. Jeremiah and Anna Showalter 128 287. Margaret and Kinsey RENNER 129 290. MARINER, Rachel and Henry WRIGHT 129 291. Rebecca and Noah DEBOLT 129 292. Jane and Thomas McGLUMPHY 130 293. William and Nina Short 130 294. Nancy and Jeremiah STEWART 130 295. Levi and Elizabeth Smith 131 296. Hester and George SMALLEY 131


297. MARINER, Thomas J. and Sarah Zerby 131 298. BUTCHER, Sarah and A. Jackson HOSTUTLER 132 299. Robert and Harriet Debolt 132 300. Nimrod and Harriet Davis 132 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308.

Matthew Hennen and Melinda Leazer Rachel and ____ MURPHY Lucinda and William MAIN E. Thomas and Nancy Church Nancy and James K. ICE David and Ella ___ _ Isaiah and Jeremiah and _______ _

309. Marion and _______ _ 311. Isaac and Effie ___ _ 313. Louisa and John GROVES 320. Martilla and George ULLOM 321. Elroy and Hannah Himelrick 321. Elroy and Elizabeth Curry 322. David and Mary Church#922 322. David and Mahala Elliott 336. HENNEN, Clara and Felix GARRISON 341. LEMLEY, Mary Ellen and Hugh SMITH 342. David and Elizabeth Anderson 347. Belle and Newton SEALS 348. Ruth and William RUSH 350. 351. 353.

John and Rebecca Harris Maude and LaSalle GIRTS Eva and John K. McCLELLAND

354. BLAND, Sarah and Robert WHITLEY 357. Harriet and Samuel SHEEKS 359. Lucy and Ed MARTY 360. John and Anna Newcomb 364. HENNEN, Marietta and Thomas HINERMAN 369. HALE, Mary Edith and James STILES 370. GRAY, Belle and George WARRICKS 371. Charles and Rosa Thompson 371. Charles and Olive Burley 372. James A. and Margaret Stewart 373. Samuel and Mary Nightler 376. Stephen and Effie Matthews 377. Albert and Minnie Straight 378. HENNEN, Mart.in and Elizabeth Hamilton 3 78. Martin and Violet Hariff 380. William and Alice Renner 382. Mary and Joseph MEIGHEN 383. Harry and Nora Miller 383. Harry and Victoria Bissett


133 133 133 134 134 135 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 138 138 139 139 139 140 140 141 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 144 144 145 145 145 146 146 147 147 147

384. HENNEN, Charles and Mildred White#l864 147 389. BLUE, Bell and Rezin HEADLEY 148 390. Spencer and Leona Rice 148 391. Eliza and Melville DODGE 149 395. Mary and Julian BURGARD 149 401. LEMLEY, Burns and Lucy Null 150 402. Alta and John McGUFFIE 150 403. George and Norma McDougal 151 404. Ola and Harry GORBY 151 408. HENNEN, John and Rebecca Bissett 155 409. George and Maggie McClure 155 409. George and Margaret Sturgeon 155 410. Sarah and Simon GLOVER 156 411. Levina and George H. SINE 157 412. HANNEN, Sarah and Charles HARTMAN 157 416. Caroline and Stevenson MERRINER 158 417. Grace and George KINNEN 158 418. Susannah and F. Marion ASHBY 158 419. Brice and Lou Harvey 159 421. Elenora and Lashley ASHBY 159 422. Malinda and Samuel WOODRUFF 159 426. Florence and Samuel WOODRUFF 160 429. HENNEN, Jesse and Hattie Lee 160 430. Fanny and Wyley POWELL 160 431. William and Agnes Dawson 161 431. William and Danska Dawson 161 432. Russell and Lucy Hendershot 161 433. May and Charles MURPHY 161 434. GLOVER, Penninah and James M. WOODRUFF 161 435. Solomon and Mary Hibbs 162 436. Isaac and Ida Phillips 162 437. Adolph and Alice Sellers 162 438. HEADLEE, Lorenzo and Loretta Smith 163 439. Lucinda and John HIBBS 164 440. Emily and Samuel MOATS 164 441. Thomas and Eunice Rexroad 164 442. Leroy and Mary Six 165 443. Sarah and Fred BENDER 165 444. Frances and Sherman WINDOM 165 445. Ella and Henry PERRINE 165 446. Rebecca and Isaiah MARSHALL 166 446. Rebecca and Phillip HAMRICK 166 447. James and Lizzie Sloan 166 449. J. F. and Adaline Sloan 167 455. BURGE, William and Mary Mendenhall 167 456. Rebecca and Henry WEA VER 168 457. Joshua and Ellen Layfield 168


458. BURGE, Rachel and George SIX 461. 462.

Amanuel and Anna Schrader Alfred and Gertrude Schrader

463. Virginia and David KING 464. John and Bessie Richards 423. HANNEN, Levi and ________ _ 467. MASON, Martha and Lemuel RICHMOND 469. John and Sarah McDowell 470. Hannah and Todd HUTCHINSON 471. 472.

Sarah and Clarence SHEPHERD Alvilda and Mace THOMAS

473. Sidney and Lena Shepherd 474. Thomas and Elizabeth Lydick 475. Joseph and Rebecca Yoho 476. HANNAN, Harvey and Melissa Hardwick 483. Thomas and Mary Hilton 483. Thomas and Martha Adams 484. Wesley and Eva Nowery 487. HENNEN, Ida and Stephen HUGGINS 488. William and Agnes Robinson 489. George and Ida McNurlen 490. ALLEY, Isaac and Louisa Headley 491. Eliza J. and Robert HENDERSON 492. 493. 494. 498. 499. 501. 501.

Permelia and David HEADLEY Amanda and Phillip SPENCER Sarah and William LONG

FLUHARTY, Rebecca and Uriah STACKPOLE John K. and Sarah Miller William and Jane Talkington

504. ALLEY, 504.

William and Inex Cunningham John and Viola McHenry John and Clara Blake

506. 508. 509. 511. 512. 514. 515. 517. 518.

E. Sheridan and Mary H. Young MORGAN, Mary F. and Edward KENT

Martha D. and Joseph CLARK Florence and Ed COAST Eliza and Ferman DAWKINS John and Clara Byers Rose and John RICHMOND Laura and Frank HAGER Charles and _______ _

520. ALLEY, J. Foster and Ida Morgan#513. 522. Margaret and Lindsey CRISWELL 525. Webster and Sarah F. Kent#l553 527. Wood and Bertie Palmer 530. TAYLOR, Martha and Thomas BLATCHLEY 532. Homer and Alice Bland


169 169 169 170 170 159 171 171 171 172 172 172 173 173 173 174 174 175 175 176 176 177 177 177 177 178 179 179 180 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 183 183 184 184 185 185

535. TAYLOR, Mary and Charles TAYLOR 185 539. HENNEN, Ocie and Lindsey LIGHTNER 186 542. Lon and Bess Moore 187 543. Monad and Salome Shape 188 545. WHITE, Lydia and John STILES 188 547. Sarah and Cephas MANNING 189 548. Simon and Lydia White 189 549. Levi and Metta Watson 189 550. Homer and Jessie Joyent 190 551. Alexander and Elizabeth Renner 190 553. LEACH, Lucinda and Doane SAMS 190 554. Olive Anne and Joseph SCHULTZ 191 555. Mary and David COOK 191 556. Idella and Oren SAMS 191 558. TUSTIN, William and Clara White 192 562. Mary Olive and John ARMSTRONG 193 564. Clara and Dewey FORE 193 567. BIBBEE, Dora and Lorenzo MICK 193 568. Allie and Benjamin HAMMOND 194 571. HENNEN, Maud and Orange SIMMS 194 573. John Percy and Ida Rigby 195 575. Erminnie and Berton RAYBECK 195 578. Blanche and Otho MAYFIELD 195 579. Maydew and Elza LAMBERT 196 580. William R. and Mamie Black 196 585. WOODRUFF, Maude and Benjamin KENT 197 586. W. Lorne and Mabel C. Bonar 197 587. E. Wesley and Cora Rush 198 588. Alice and Nicholas COLLINS 198 589. Vee and Pearl Perry 198 591. HENNEN, Chester and Marie Marple 199 593. Harry and Gunhilda Lanning 199 594. STAGGERS, Frederick and Virginia Stewart 199 595. Flossie and Elwood KIMBLE 200 597. CLOVIS, Leroy and May Phillips 200 599. HENNEN, Mary and Julian FLETCHER 201 601. WHITE, Elmer and Lucy Talkington 201 602. Edward and Lucy Shriver 201 603. Harriet and Joseph William STILES 201 605. Trainer and Maude Wise 202 606. Bertie and Forest CLOVIS 202 607. Mollie and Charles SHOUGH 202 608. T. Clyde and Dora Wise 203 610. MANNING, Warren and Maude Kinney 203 611. Milton and Mary Taylor 203 612. Jessie and Brice KENNEDY 204 619. McGLUMPHY, John Milton and Rebecca Reid 204


622. DYE, Mary Matilda 204 623. William and Maggie Burge 205 625. A. Jefferson and Della Smith 205 625. A. Jefferson and Ida Herrington 205 626. DARLING, John Henry and Lucy Martin 206 627. James Allen and Dora Hennen#381 206 629. HENNEN, Martha and Lewis POTEET 206 629. Martha and William WOODRUFF 207 630. Samuel and Ella Byer 207 631. John and Mary Poindexter 207 633. Elijah and Blanche Creel 208 635. Hattie and Joseph WITHERS 208 636. David Hudson and Catharine Tustin 208 639. William and Anna Henderson 209 640. Elizabeth and George HENDERSON 209 641. Clara Bell and Lincoln SHRIVER 209 644. Clark and Anna Pethtel 210 645. Frank and Zora Cumberledge 210 646. Martin and Matilda Renner #232 7 211 648. Francis and Sara Burge 211 649. Nancy and James DURBIN 211 650. Charles Owen and Lucreasy Thomas 212 655. Fred and Georgia Cumberledge 212 656. Eva May and Benjamin CLOVIS 213 657. Ota and Fred AMMONS 213 659. Clyde and Luda Frye 213 660. Dora and David RENNER 214 660. Dora and Ray RENNER 214 661. Louie and George MINOR 214 662. Cora and Enoch PRITCHARD 214 665. Della and James DAVIS 215 667. Melvin and Mary Edgar 215 668. Ona and Bruce SHAW 215 669. Donley and Hazel Terwilliger 216 673. ROBERTS, Harry and Minnie Stricklin 216 674. Franklin and Jessie Cole 217 676. James and Daisy Stewart 217 677. Ray and Emma Pitcock 217 678. Blaine and Dossie Cole 218 679. Sherman and Hattie Brown 218 680. WHITE, John G. and Eliza Main 219 681. James and Margaret Renner 219 682. Lucinda and George SIX#925 219 683. Martha and Marion WISE 220 684. Charles and Jane McCans 220 685. Edward and Rosa Lemmon 220 686. HENNEN, Ida May and George RENNER 220


687. HENNEN, Charles Everett and Lucy Rice 688. Frederick and Ada Mapel 689. Alice and Barnett LEMMON 690. Winona and Phillip SHOUGH 691. Ray and Cora Hagan 692. Lizzie and Charles LEMMON 693. 693.

Cassie and Richard WADE Cassie and Milton TAYLOR

694. Earl and Josephine Stenger 695. PHELPS, Nancy and Alfred MARTIN 696. Evelyn and Mack MYER 6 9 7. Henderson and Lilla LeMasters 698. Elias and Minnie Joy 701. Mary and William ARMSTRONG 705. HENNEN, Leola M. and George Cain 710. PHELPS, Lucy and Joseph McFARLAND 714. HENNEN, Francis and Sarah Ogle 715. Charles F. and Pheba Corbitt 71 7. Walter and Idah Ellis 719. 722. HANNEN, 723. 724. 725. 733. HENNEN, 735. 736. 737. 741. 742. 745. 748. 749.

Anna and Ira Ralls Zora and George REESE Dorothy and Charles COOKE Jerry and Lavina Dale Blanche and Ben ATKINSON Mattie May and Alfred COUNTRYMAN Brooke and Marie Dittmar Mary Louisa and Charles ANDERSEN Maud and John HOLSTEDT Louisa May and Bernard McENTEE William V. and Anna Schwarzkopf Maude and Jeremiah BARTHOLOW John Thomas and Mary Iles Alice and William MILLER

750. SHRIVER, William Hennen and Icie Wilson 751. George and Emma Bess Zipf 752. HENNEN, Merttie Ellen and William S. MAIN 753. Charles and Sally Renner#2328 755. Oscar and Luvina Kimble 758. SHRIVER, Pleasant and John CUNNINGHAM 759. Cora and Will GRIFFIN 760. 761. 762. 764.

Ida and Homer BEA TTY Georgia and Francis ROBINSON Frank and Emma Hildreth Maude and William WELLS

220 221 221 222 222 223 223 224 224 224 224 225 225 225 225 226 226 226 227 227 228 228 228 229 229 229 230 230 231 231 231 232 232 232 233 233 233 234 234 234 234 234 235 235

765. HENNEN, Edward Clovis and Nevada Maple 235 76 7. Elizabeth Ona and Garrison HENDERSON 236 768. LEMMON, Jesse and Rosetta Six 236


769. LEMMON, Lydia and Robert CLOVIS 770. Mary and William L. MAIN 770. Mary and William HIXENBAUGH 771. Owen and Cassie Taylor 772. Emma and Fred HIXENBAUGH 774. COTTRILL, Charles and Ada Groves 775. Leona and Wade BLACKSHIRE 776. 778. 779. 780. 780. 782.

Maude and Roy LINGER Frank and Bertha Linger Beulah and Goode STONESTREET Harry and Carrie Moyer Harry and Josephine Nicholson Bonnie and Hoy SHIFLET

783. HENNEN, 784.

Francis Paul and Sara Nash Mary and George WENNER Howard and Mary Mellernee Blanche and James ICE Pearl and John YOST Clarence and Nina Burr

785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 792. 793. 796. 798.

Guy and Mable Morgan Genevieve and Thomas CORNWELL Faye and Vernon PARKER Rex and Gwendolyn Edwards Nellie and Arlie WADE Don C. and Estella Trewren

799. HALL, Grove and Katharine Springer 800. Emma and Samuel BLACKBURN 801. 802. 804. 804. 806.

Ella and William E. MOORE Catherine and Rev. Thomas COLLINS Sarah and Frederick HALLECK Sarah and Edgar MILLS Frederick and Ella Palmer

80 7. George and Mary Duniform 807. George and Bertha McDonald 810. HITE, Olive and Russell MORRIS 811. Lizzie and Dr. David H. COURTNEY 818. HENNEN, Anna and Clarence LANTZ 820. REYNOLDS, Francis and Jessie Knight 821. Nina and Luther CAISKADON 823. Hal and Jennie Caiskadon 825. BABB, Walter and Marguerite Mignot 826. Ernest and Katie Bell 827. Francis and Gertrude Scherr 828. Justine and Walter SCHERR 829. Mabel and Clarence VOSSLER 837. WEST, Sarah and ___ KINSEY 838. Minnie and MILLHOLLAND ----


236 237 237 237 237 238 238 238 239 239 239 239 240 240 241 241 241 242 242 242 243 244 244 245 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

839. WEST, Grace and WEBB 250 840. Alice and SMITH 251 841. Helen and Harry MARKWOOD 251 844. HENNEN, Albert E. and Florence Kirkland 251 845. MESTREZAT, Jean-Paul and Muna Musgrave 251 846. Mary Helen and Harry SPRIGG 252 848. HENNEN, Charles McMinn and Avanell Morgan 252 850. Mary and Dr. John MEREDITH 253 850. Mary and Dr. George BENNETT 253 851. MARINER, Thomas and Jennie Rush 253 852. Rachel and SMITH 253 853. Cynthia and Hailman RUSH 254 857. Jesse and Mary 254 857. Jesse and Cassie Kiger 254 862. John M. and Hannah Estel 254 864. Sarah and Ebenezer BE LL 255 866. TAYLOR, Joshua Henry and Drusilla Butcher#1016 255 868. Grant and Anna Edwards 255 869. Mollie and James WHITE 256 870. Elsworth and Sarah Anderson 256 871. Matilda and Linza LOUGH 257 873. Elizabeth and Lott HAUGHT 257 876. Thomas and Jennie Hixenbaugh 257 877. Erastus and Retta Montgomery 258 878. John and Mary Montgomery 258 879. Dennis and Zelma Owens 258 880. Sarah E. and John RUSH 259 881. Nancy and Win CAIN 259 882. Franklin and Elizabeth Pitcock 259 886. Isaac and Alice Shannon 260 887. Mary and Charles CLAYTON 260 890. MARINER, Hannah and Ocsar HEADLEE 260 892. Catharine and Oscar TAYLOR 260 894. John and Cora Roberts 261 895. Rose and Eli HEADLEE 261 896. Elizabeth and Walter ZIMMERS 261 897. Jesse and Stella Dulaney 262 898. Martin and Nellie Jones 262 900. Ray and Lucy Connor 263 918. CHURCH, Elsie and Spencer RENNER 263 923. Hattie and Marion STAGGERS 264 928. SIX, Donley Adam and Ola Ashcraft 264 932. HIXENBAUGH, Martha Ellen and Norman STEWART 265 933. Emma and Albert KING 265 934. ROSS, Esther and Thomas PITTS 265 935. Henrietta and Charles COOK 265 936. Priscilla and Henry ZORGER 265


937. ROSS, Savannah and Alfred COLLISON 266 944a. BEATTY, William and Rosa Hinman 266 944b. Roena and Harvey FORD 266 944c. Sarah and Abram BAILEY 266 944e. John and Elizabeth Marillon 267 944£. Joseph and Priscilla Bennett 267 944g. Eliza J. and John WHITE 267 944h. George and Lillie Courtney 267

945. DYE, William A. and Ella Gorrell 267 946, HENNEN, Mary Leota and Silas PASCOE 268 951. Florence and Henry GEHM 268 951. Florence and Frank PERRY 268 952. RENNER, Mabel and S. Carson STEWART 268 953. WRIGHT, Nancy Jane and William MAIN 269 954. Noah Jackson and Clara Parish 269 955. Perry and Ella Goudy 269 956. Matilda and William DRUMMET 270 958. Esther Caroline and George HENWOOD 270 959. Sylvester and Florence Parish 2 70 960. MARINER, Florence and Carl HOLCOMB 271 961. McGLUMPHY, Frances and ___ DONALDSON 271 962. Mary and Benjamin ALLEN 271 963. Jane and ___ CHADD 271 964. Lottie and William ____ 2 71 970. MERRINER, Lillian Dale and Perry HAWKINS 272 975. STEWART, Daniel and Myrtle Nichols 272 976. Leonard and Maude Strosnider 977. Lavina and Pierce CONNER 980. SMALLEY, Bessie and Daniel STEWART 981. 983. 984. 989. 991. 994.

Jessie and James CARTER Oscar and Nina Funk George W. and Essie Shortell Leonard and Doris Sage

MERRINER, Stacy Thomas and Matilda Huesel Susie and Louis JACKSON

272 272 273 273 273 273 274 274 275

995. Arley and Verna Stucker 275 1010. BUTCHER, Florence and Alex SIX 275 l0ll. Sophronia and Emerson HIMELRICK 275 1012. James Benton and Mary Ullom#l052 275 1013. Jackson and Daisy Ullom 276 1014. Matilda and Elza HAUGHT 276 1015. 1018.

John and Alberta R. and Harry MAYNE

1022. MAIN, James Harrison and Matilda Jones 1024. BUTCHER, Amos and Mary Talkington 1028. ICE, Hortense and Rush CARLEY 1031. Mel Dora and Lewis R. STRITSKY


276 276 277 277 277 278

1033. ICE, Marinda and Earl MIDDLETON 278 1035. Laura and David WALKER 278 1036. Nellie and Delbert WARD 279 1037. Constance and Leslie BRAMAN 279 1039. Noel and Zelma Jockisch 279 1041. BUTCHER, Marinda and Mack FARRAR 280 1044. Roy and______ 280 104 7. Hazel and Walter LITTLE 280 1058. James David and Clara Gillispie 280 1059. Harry Benton and Anna M. Cumpston 280 1060. Virginia A. and Charles STEWART 281 1062. Louisa and John STRAIGHT 281 1077. SMITH, Clara May and William TAGUE 282 1078. Maragret and Robert HOSKINSON 282 1079. LEMLEY, Cora and Hiram STRAWN 282 1080. Ida and Lee BELCH 283 1081. 1083. 1083. 1084. SEALS, 1086. RUSH, 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092.

Minnie and William FORDYCE Sarah and Joseph BARNHART Sarah and Lindsey YOST

Ethel and Russell HAWKS William and Lina Emerick Grace and King BRESOCK Worley and Laura Ullom Goldie and Clyde LUSK Charity and Elsworth HARTZELL Hally and Madge Hobaugh Blanche and John HORNER

283 283 284 284 284 284 284 284 285 285 285

1093. Charles and Delphia Caldwell 285 1099. McCLELLAND, William P. and Nellie Moran 286 1101. Sara and Kenneth GROVE 286 1107. SHEEKS, Sceola and Joseph KOVANDA 287 1109. Ivy and ____ WATT 287 1116. HINERMAN, Isaac and Bessie Shaw 287 1118. Patrick and Aus ta Morris 288 1119. David and Gertrude Lightfritz 288 1122. STILES, Minnie and Furman KENNEDY 288 1123. Owen and Blanche Six 289 1124. Jessie and Charles TAYLOR 289 1126. WARRICKS, Ida and William LOOMAN 289 1127. 1128. 1130. 1130.

Ina and Harry MASTERS Ila and William RAY Edith and Albert COLE Edith and Felix KONOPKA

1131. GRAY, William and Nettie Suter 1132. 1133. 1134.

Hutchinson and Alta Yocum Charles and Ruth Earnest Rev. Glen and Inzie Isiminger


289 290 290 291 291 291 291 292

1135. GRAY, Clarence and Pansy Strait 1136. Mary Lou and Floyd CLARK 1139. Raymond and Wanda Jones 1139. Raymond and Gladys Neeley 1140. HENNEN, Frederick H. and Lena Whipkey 1141. John William and Gayle Taylor 1144. HANNON, Dr. John W. G. and Sara Buchanan 1145. MEIGHEN, Robert and Madeline Mountz 1147. HANNON, John W. and Nora Taylor 1148. HENNEN, Virginia and Rev. Russell GALAHER 1149. Marjorie and Carl WILSON 1150. Harold and Mildred Sellers 1151. Paul and Lorraine Irwin 1152. Glenn and Betty Edmonds 1156. Charles Edwin and Ruth Gray 1157. Helen and Dr. George CONNER 1159. HEADLEY, Jessie and Fred SHEETS 1160. Cora and George BRYAN 1161. Emma and David PROVANCE 1162. 1164. BLUE, 1165. 1166. 1167.

Roy and Opal Smith Grace and Harry SNELL Owen and Sylvia Keck Melburn and Jessie Parsons Clara and Jack GROSICK

1168. Ralph and Wanita Phillips 1169. Delmont and Opal Bissett 1172. DODGE, Florence and Michael STROSNIDER 11 73. Eva and Harold INGHMM 11 74. Maude and Paul MORRIS 1175. Mildred and Burleigh LeMASTERS 11 76. Melvin and Kathryn Rush 1183. LEMLEY, Alphie and Joseph FLAHERTY 1184. Amy and Arch BISSETT 1188. McGUFFIE, Otley and Dolly Robinson 1189. LEMLEY, Dorsey and Harriett Dunington 1190. Robert and Ethel Dent 1191. GORBY, Percy Bannon and Myrtle Booth 1192. Leah and Richard LEMLEY#2807 1193. Harry and Donis Snyder 1194. HENNEN, John and Margaret Stilwell 1197. Minnie and William ROSE 1199. Lula and Lora EDGELL 1200. 1202. 1203. 1204. GLOVER, 1205.

Dora and Francis TUCKER Ida and Alpheus WYATT Clyde and Levenia Shreve George and Charlotte McGlumphy Bertie and Jesse LEMLEY


292 292 293 293 293 293 294 294 295 295 295 295 296 296 296 297 297 297 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 299 299 299 300 300 300 301 301 302 302 302 302 303 303 307 308 308 308 309 309 309 310

1208. GLOVER, Carrie and Joseph BARTRUG 310 1209. Clement and Margaret Leezer 310 1213. SINE, John and Hallie Kiefer 311 1214. Jettie and John HAMRICK 311 1215. Margaret and Randolph FLOYD 311 1216. Charles A. and Mary Jane Carson 312 1218. Oscar Lee and Fannie Arnold 312 1219. Ida and Thomas TOOTHMAN 313 1221. Rozyl and Mamie Follis 313 1227. HARTMAN, Laura and Andrew MILLER 313 1228. MERRINER, Theresa and Frank WOHNHAS 313 1230. Sherman and Margaret Loy 314 1231. Effie and Clarence LITTMAN 314 1233. Marvin and Ethel Thompson 314 1235. Harley and Mary Sims 315 1236. Aletha and William HOPKINS 315 1246. HENNEN, Lewis Asby and Blanche Hayes 315 1248. ASHBY, Clyde and Anna Henry 315 1249. Jolly and Icie Staley 316 1252. Goldie Emma and George HARRINGTON 316 1273. HENNEN, Helen and Clark MORGAN 316 1274. Frances and George BUZZARD 316 1275. Ruth and Harold HODGE 316 1277. Paul and Mary 317 1278. Merle and Martha Shaffer 317 1279. June and Lonzo BROWN 317 1280. Betty and William GORDON 317 1281. Billie and Robert SHAPLEE 318 1282. Thomas and Margie Clark 318 1283. Alice and Anthony PERONE 318 1284. Mary and Joseph MONTANO 318 1290. GLOVER, Oscar and Lucinda Gump 319 1291. Russell and Emma Cross 319 1292. John and Ada Phillips 319 1293. Flossie and Melvin HARDING 319 1295. Rossell and Pearl Ludwig 320 1297. John 0. and Anna Ross 320 1298. Ora and Clyde EDGE LL 321 1299. Roy and Addie Leezer 321 1300. Lottie and Berchie DA VIS 321 1302. John and Margaret Adams 322 1305. George and Nellie Wiles 322 1306. Nellie and Albert ANDERSON 322 1309. Fred and Josephine Hinzman 323 1310. Warner and Gwladys Howell 323 1311. Helen and B. L. INGRAM 323 1312. Margaret and Rowland POWELL 323


1315. HEADLEE, 1317.

Mary and Walter HENDRICKS Leeman and Ruth Headley#l158 Raymond and Madolin Swearingen Myrtle and Earl TAYLOR

1318. 1329. 1333. 1335. 1336. 1337. 1338.

Emma and Herbert CARPENTER Mary and Elmer HOFFMAN Serena and Roma GARDNER Paul and Rowena Wagley Peter and Helen DePue

1339. BENDER, Clarence and Estelle Hutchison 1341. Ruth and Jesse DAVIS 1342. WINDOM, Inez and Henderson DUNCAN 1343. Mabel and Herbert FLANAGAN 1345. James Edgar and Bessie Haney 1349. PERRINE, Ruth and Kenneth BAXTER 1352. Ralph and 1354. MARSHALL, Ada and Ross RICHARDS 1355. Zula and Harry BURGY 1356. Pearl and Rev. Clyde DYE 1358. HEADLEE, Osceola and John CLARK 1360. Wilbert and Estella Secrest 1361. Lulu and Edward HOWARD 1365. BURGE, Rose and Daniel JOHNSON 1372. WEAVER, Mary and Charles GILPIN 1373. Rachel and Frank BURRIS 1374. 1375. 1377. 1378. 1379. 1380. 1381.

Ella and Joseph WHITE John and Florence Johnson Joshua and Ida Burris Oscar and Clara Neal Bessie and John WHITE Emma and Harry JACKSON Arthur and Rhea Combs

1382. Robert and Anna Harvey 1383. BURGE, Frances and George BRETHAVER 1385. Alfred and Edith __ _ 1386. Walter and Eula Lewis 1389. SIX, Virginia and Reno MOATS 1391. Elizabeth and Hugh PEYTON 1392. Martha and Okey SCHRADER 1394. Sarah and Grover GARRE TT 1396. BURGE, Ernest and Zella Brewer 1398. Justine and Dennis DEEM 1399. Freda and John FRIEDLEIN 1400. 1401. 1403. 1404.

Samantha and Emmet MERCER Harriette and Loring DOLCH Clyde and Gertrude Lucas Paul and Stella Taylor


324 324 325 325 325 326 326 326 326 327 327 327 328 328 329 329 330 330 330 330 330 331 331 331 332 332 332 333 333 333 334 334 334 335 335 335 336 336 336 337 337 337 338 338 338 339 339

1405. BURGE, Keith and Hermoine Waller 339 1406. KING, Edward and Blanch Carson 340 1406. Edward and Pearl Adams 340 1407. Flora and Roy CHAPMAN 340 1409. BURGE, Charles and Carrie George 340 1411. Evelyn and John GALLAHER 340 1412. John and June Nusbaum 341 1413. Jack and Eileene Fetters 341 1416. RICHMOND, Florence and Elza RUTAN 341 1417. Jeremiah and Mary Travis 341 1417. Jeremiah and Blanche Cochran 342 1418. William and Pearl Young 342 1419. MASON, Lula and James CUNNlNGHAM 342 1420. Minnie and Okey RICHMOND 343 1422. SHEPHERD, Leta and William TITTLE 343 1423. Nora and Alvin DEAL 343 1424. M. Lee and Rebecca Jordan 344 1426. Avis and Irwin DENAPLE 344 1427. Velma and Claude TINCHER 344 1428. THOMAS, Velma and Loren ALLEN 344 1430. MASON, Leta and Benjamin BONAR 345 1431. Clarence and Millie Blake 345 1432. Sidney and Nora Robinson 346 1433. Nathan and Bertha Hall 346 1434. Helen and William BERESFORD 346 1434. Helen and Earl ANKROM 346 1435. Eula and Jay DA VIS 347 1439. Elsie and J. F. CLAYTON 347 1440. Hazel and H. C. ELLERY 347 1442. Keziah and Frank RUTAN 347 1443. Ocie and William WAYT 347 1444. Nell and Charles GORBY 348 1448. HANNAN, Melvin and Wettie Furr 348 1448. Melvin and Jessie Haught 348 1449. Bessie and John ZINN 348 1463. Howard and Tillie Hahn 349 1464. John and Virgie Routon 350 1467. Lillian and William BENTON 350 1468. HUGGINS, Mary and L.E. EVERLY 350 1469. G. Offerd and Rosa Batson 351 1472. Winnie and Charles STEINHOFF 351 1473. Bonnie and Walter SNYDER 351 1474. Carl and 351 1475. Imogene and Robert FRAME 351 1476. Ray and Cora McKinney 352 1477. Frank and Ida Wilson 352 1480. HENNEN, Pearl and Herbert DE NGA TE 352


1481. HENNEN, Olive and George ATHERTON 1482. Ruth and Harold MEEKER 1483. 1484. 1485. 1486. 1487.

Edgar and _____ _

Carl and Elisabeth Melnik Violet and Charles BEST Naomi and Donald NICHOLS Pearl and Raymond WINNE TT

1494. ALLEY, John F. and Alice Hawkins 1495. Mary and George HAWKINS 1496. HENDERSON, Vincent and Matilda Postlethwaite 1497. John W. and Flossie McCoy 1498. Kittie and John VANDINE 1500. Charles and Hazel Vandine 1501. HEADLEY, Stella and Wren THOMAS 1502. Blanche and Clyde STEWART 1503. 1504. 1505. 1507.

Isaac and Inez Davis John and Blanche Thomas Thomas and Olive McDougal Lola and Dewey HAMILTON

1516. LONG, Earle and Clara Monger 1517. 1518. 1519. 1520. 1521. 1522. 1522. 1523.

Bessie and Ray LONG Patrick and Freda Hickman Marie and Dewey CROSS Victor and Opal Robinson Carl and Opal Shreve Don and Mae Postlethwaite Don and Maycelle Canterbury Wilbur and Esther Wilson

1524. STACKPOLE, Emma and Lee WHARTON 1525. Della and William AKINS 1526. FLUHARTY, Vada and Samuel GRIFFITH 1528. 1532. 1533. 1534. 1535. 1536-1537. 1539. 1540.

Ada and William WHARTON Homer and Opal Nixon Martha and William HERRON Hazel and Weston GRIFFITH Daisy and William CANNON Mildred and Harry PITTS Irene and Lawrence ANDERSON Virginia and Robert DREW Intha and Gilt MELETTI

1541. Wilma and Herman LEWIS 1544. ALLEY, Ella and Charles WILSON 1546. Melvin and Martina Blake 1547. .1551. 1585. 1586.

Forrest and Vella Church Willard and Maxine ---Wilfred and Winifred Davis Naomi and George WELLENREITER


353 353 353 353 353 353 354 355 355 355 356 356 356 356 357 357 357 357 357 358 358 358 358 358 359 359 359 359 360 360 360 360 361 361 361 361 362 362 362 362 363 363 363 363 364 364 365

1587. ALLEY, John Rupert and Alice Rush 1588. Charles and Madge Sands 1594. Bertie and Edward SANDERS 1595. Herbert and Ethel Sampson 1596. Bernice and Frank WILLIAMSON 1597. 1598.

Denzel and Judy Wade Otis and Gretta Baker

365 365 365 365 366 366 366

1599. Walter and Mary Wise 366 1600. William and Dorothy Curtiss 366 1601. Victor and Loretta Goff 367 1604. BLATCHLEY, Jennie and Charles THROCKMORTON 367 1605. J. William and Daisy McNay 367 1609. TAYLOR, Glenn and Leila Robey 368 1610. Ina and John KNIGHT 368 1613. Samuel and Orletta Wickham 1614. LIGHTNER, Ralph Hennen and Evelyn Bryan 1615. HENNEN, Cicely and Arden TURNER 1617. Conrad and Florabel Dulaney 1619. Kenneth and Helen Crouse 1620. Noma and Kenneth CUPLER 1621. Neva and Robert MYERS 1622. M. James and Dorothy Tennant

1622b. STILES, Ada and Edward LEMLEY 1622c. 1622e. 1622f. 1622g. 1622h. 1622i.

Milton and Blanche Tennant Rebecca and Vance ATKINSON Donley and Flossie Tennant Lucy and Melford TENNANT Harry and Donna Randolph

1627. WHITE, Paul and Charlotte Lough#2140 Robert and Maude Talkington Philip and Fern Thomas 1629.

1630. 1631. 1634. 1640. 1645. 1649. 1651. 1655.

Josephine and Dewey BOND Charles and Ruth Woods Wilma and Willard SHOECRAFT

SAMS, Mary and Christopher OSBORN SHULTZ, Nancy and T. M. COLLINS COOK, Harold and Letha Nicholas

Anna Mary and Harold WOODGERD ARMSTRONG, Doris and Earl MILLER

1656. Neal and Virginia Murphy 1658. FORE, Patty and Carol LOEBIG 1661. MICK, Clyde and Velma Stutler 1663. Bessie and Lacy HUFF 1668. HENNEN, Glenn and Lucille Weeks 1669. John and Martha Seaman 1670. RAYBECK, Wanda and Charles McNEIL 1673. MAYFIELD, Bertha and Jack GRIGGS


368 369 369 369 370 370 371 371 371 372 372 372 372 373 373 374 374 374 375 375 376 376 376 376 376 377 377 378 378 379 379 379 380

1674. 1675. 1677. 1678.

MAYFIELD, Paul and Helen Grice Raymond and Eleanor Bridegroom

LAMBERT, Alberta and Chester McKITRICK JR. Dorothy and Cletus Warren WEBSTER

380 380 380 381

1680. HENNEN, Isaac and Madeline Tabet 381 1681. Naomi and Rev. Ulysses HOLSTEIN 381 1682. Lucille and Forrest COTTRILL 381 1683. Cloyd and Eunice Ray 381 1685. Doris and Dennis TOWNSEND 382 1687. KENT, Arthur Glen and Alta Monroe 382 1688. Mabel and Howard ROBINSON 382 1689. WOODRUFF, William Lorne Jr. and Dorcas 383

Poindexter 1691. Paul Byron and Louise Blankenship 383 1693. Rev. Ferris and Dorothy Joseph 383 1695. COLLINS, Vera and Ernest McCORMICK 383 1698. HENNEN, Doris and Herschel BISSETT 384 1701. STAGGERS, Kathryn and William HUFFMAN 384 1702. Frances and Graydon WENDT 384 1703. KIMBLE, Denzle and Olive Wright 385

1706b. WHITE, Minnie and Kenneth CAMPBELL 386 1707. Ralph Shriver and Josephine Canan 386 1708. STILES, William Lawrence and Jessie Butcher#2550 386 1 709. Clark E. and Thelma Payne 386 1710. Mary and Charles STILES 387 1712. Margaret and Thomas GRIMES 387 1713. Ruth and Edd CROSS 387 1714. WHITE, Alta and Gilbert LYNCH 387 1715. Stanton and Clara Mills 387 1716. Archie and Ann Shriver 387 1 71 7. William and Helen Sharps 388 1718. CLOVIS, Gertrude and Wayman PARK 388 1720. SHOUGH, Charles Robert and Betty Troy 388 1721. WHITE, Cecil Earl and Muriel Polen 388 1722. Carol and William LEWIS 389 1724. McGLUMPHY, Ida and Charles HENDERSON 389 1725. Myrtle and Elias ISIMINGER 389 1733. DYE, Ruth and Raymond FINCH 390 1734. Albert Jefferson and Madeline Brookover 391 1735. DARLING, Elsie and William LYNCH 391 1736. Alta and William J. WILSON 391 1737. 1738. 1739. 1741.

Jacob and Vesta Wilson Paul and Mary Kurtz Floyd and Sally Staggs Glen and ---

1744. WOODRUFF, John and Virginia Fair 1745. HENNEN, Emma and Kenneth BAKER


391 392 392 392 392 393

1748. HENNEN, Mary and Carl WITHERS 393 1749. John C. Jr. and Arretta Gwinn 393 1750. Rhea and John BROWN 393 1752. Ruth and Claude FITZPATRICK 393 1754. Frank and 394 1755. WITHERS, Ernest and Helen Cushinery 394 1756. Mary and Robert ROGERS 394 1762. HENNEN, Myrtie and William HAMILTON 395 1763. HENDERSON, Wilbur and Verena Hixenbaugh 395 1764. Edna and Gail STOCKDALE 395 1765. SHRIVER, Leota and Scott WOODS 395 1769. HENNEN, Russell and Virgie Hamilton 396 1770. Albert and Ethel Kimble 396 1771. Edison and Wanda Johnson 396 1772. Maude and Olen FORDYCE 396 1776. Paul and Lydia Taylor#1912 397 1777. Glenn and Irene Boyd 397 1777. Glenn and Willa Brundage 397 1779. Ray and Mabel Phillips 398 1780. Floyd and Jeanette Headley 398 1783. Mildred and Ralph HIXENBAUGH 398 1784. Harley and Maxine Bosworth#1137 398 1785. Edwin and Hazel Barr 399 1787, Lillian and Paul JACKSON 399 1788. Henry and Martha Ralph 399 1790. DURBIN, Glenn and Louise Cumberledge 400 1791. Norris and Virginia Higgins 400 1792. George and Reba Tennant 400 1793. HENNEN, Harold and Gail Cross 400 1794. Marjorie and Paul COOKE 401 1795. Earl and Maude Cumberledge 401 1797. Elizabeth and Charles CLOVIS 401 1798. Louise and Eldred WOTRING 401 1800. CLOVIS, Kathryn and Raymond BARNES 402 1801. Cecille and Dale STURM 402 1802. Freda and Bobby STURM 402 1806. RENNER, Mary and Elmer RAWDON 403 1807. Catherine and R. D. VANGILDER 403 1809. MINOR, Arthur Ray and Myrtle Wiles 403 1810. Jeanette and John HARRIS 403 1811. Martha and Guy FORD 404 1812. Mary and John MEKOS 404 1813. PRITCHARD, Jack Hennen and Birgit Johnson 404 1814. Jean and Dr. Vincent RIVIZZINO 404 1815. DAVIS, Henry and Pearl Fisher 404 1817. James and Leoda Sharp 405 1818. HENNEN, Paul and Naomi Barnhart 405


1819. HENNEN, Mabel and Paul CAMP BE LL 405 1820. Stanley and Kathryn Main 405 1821. Helen and Delmont KIMBLE 406 1822. Vera Kathleen and Thomas KNIGHT 406 1823. Nella Jean and John ROUPE 406 1824. SHAW, Robert Carl and Doris Lefever 407 1824. Robert Carl and Margaret Gorrell 407 1825. Dorothy and Edward PATTERSON 407 1825. Dorothy and Jack ANDERSON 407 1826. Roberta and Joseph WARE 407 1827. HENNEN, Donley Jr. and Olive Eagon 408 1828. ROBERTS, Marie and Lester JOHNSON 408 1829. Thelma and Lewis BARNHART 408 1830. Carl and Virginia Reeves 408 1841. Mary and John MORRIS 409 1843. Raymond and Oberia Brumley 409 1845. Ruth and Raymond MORRIS 409 1846. Ewing and Clara Giles 410 1847. John Sherman and Allene Whitlatch 410 1849. Evelyn and Charles HOUSER 410 1851. John Franklin and Dorothy Martin 411 1852. James and Julia Phillips 411 1853. Robert and Jean Haines 411 1854. Ruth Ann and Earl MASTERS 411 1855. Sylvia and Scott KENT 411 1856. Blaine Jr. and Lorraine Lemmon# 3835 412 1858. Delilah and Robert INGHRAM#2738 412 1859. Phyllis and James RADAKER 412 1860. Wilma and Percy David SANTMYER 413 1861. Sherman Jr. and Mary Emma Morris 413 1862. James and Mary Johnson 413 1863. Charles Allen and Ernice Palone 413 1865. WHITE, George and Lucy Mobley 413 1866. Daisie F. and Jesse HAINES 414 1866. Daisie F. and Charles TAYLOR 414 1867. Everett and 414 1870, SIX, Floyd and Avaline Kimble 415 1870. Floyd and Nellie Bartrug 415 1872. WHITE, Mary Jane and Clyde WEIK 415 1873. James F. and Helen Ruhland 415 1876. HENNEN, Jacob Leroy and Mabel Vanvoorhis 416 1878. Everett W. and Alzaida Brush 416 1880. Lydia Gay and Walter KITCH 417 1881. Edmund Ray and Nellie Hazen 417 1882. Ida Irene and John HANLEY 417 1886. LEMMON, Dora Evelyn and Jacob L. RICE 418 1887. Thomas Henry and Pauline Smith 418


1888. SHOUGH, 1889. 1892. 1894. HENNEN,

Lydia Jane and Cecil WASSON Mary Ruth and Ray BILLINGSLEA Lottie and George SHULTZ Kathleen and David JACOBS

419 419 419 419

1897. LEMMON, Nancy Ethel and Francis PETTIT 420 1899. Edward S. and Lucy Barnes 420 1901. Guy V. and Pearl Antill 420 1902. Luke and Fern CONNOR 421 1908. TAYLOR, Earl Kay and Audrey Brown 421 1909. Lorna Rhea and Paul CHAMBERLAIN 422 1911. Marinda Mae and Harold GOODIN 422 1913. George William and Helen Coughlin 422 1916. Earl M. Jr. and Mary Roberts 423 1918. MYER, Essie and Nelson FELTER 423 1919. Clara and James MASTON 423 1920. 1922. 1923. 1927. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1950. 1951. 1952.

Raymond and Beryl Howard Kencil and Margaret Byers Patrick and Hallie Gault Lillian and Don BRADFIELD

HENNEN, Sara and John COTTRELL Harold and Hazel Tanner Goldie and Charles TUCKER Hattie and Adrian TENNANT Edith and Charles CRISS Exel C. and Rebecca Camp Romie V. and Nina Marks Raunda and Violet Mitchell Charlotte and Cluster DYE

1956. RALLS, 1957.

Ira F. and Julia Mozaros Evelyn Faye and Roderick BAGWELL Leona May and Frank BURTON Kenneth and Geraldine Keenan Marilyn and Harold GOLDSMITH Clarice and James F. WILLIAMSON Florence and Roy T. HOUTS Jr.

1958. 1959. 1960. 1966. COOKE, 1967. 1968. 1969.

C. Loren and Helen Smith Birta and Van LANNING

423 423 423 424 424 425 425 425 425 425 426 426 426 427 427 427 427 427 427 428 428 428

1970. Virginia and Beryl RUSSELL 428 1971. Norma June and James West HOY 429 1975. HENNEN, Oliver W. and Leona Parren 429 1977. Clyde B. and Bernadine Cauffman 429 1979. Lloyd W. and Ruth Bradburn 430 1981. ANDERSEN, Rex and Alice Johnson 431 1982. Frank and Johanna Neils 431 1983. HOLSTEDT, Uree Marie and Carl RICHTER 431 1985. Robert E. and Mary Mothershead 432 1987. McENTEE, William and Phyllis Shafferly 433


1988. McENTEE, Edward B. and Dorothea Tracy 433 1990. HENNEN, William G. and LaVerne Donnelly 433 1991. Thomas A. and Anna Legler 434 1992. John E. and Helen Laheta 434 1994. BARTHOLOW, Bruce and Verla Peters 434 1996. Kathryn and James COONS 434 1997. HENNEN, Winifred E. and Francis SCHMIDT JR. 435 1998. Mary Iles and Eugene FEELEY 435 1999. Justine L. and Richard SOMMER 435 2000. MILLER, Alice and Maj. Joseph CULLEN 436 2001. Mary and Dr. Hugh I. SCHADE 436 2002. Donald W. and Stella Armento 436 2004. SHRIVER, Walter and Ernestine Tucker 437 2005. 2006. 2008.

Clarence and Martha Harris Robert E. and Lyda Rush Laverne and James McVICKER

437 437 437

2009. MAIN, Oscar L. and______ 438 2011. Ila B. and Russell FREELAND 438 2012. Levi and Eleanor Patterson 438 2013. Joseph and Flora Clark 438 2014. William and Evelyn Ringer 439 2015. HENNEN, Francis Leo and Ruth V. Bissett 439 2016. Helen and Robert BRYANT 440 2017. CUNNINGHAM, Charles and Carrie Umphrey 440 2018. GRIFFIN, Gay and Dewey BELNAP 440 2019. BEATTY, Glenn and Mary Linville 440 2022. Charles and Hettie Richards 441 2021. Kathryn Marie and Douglas ANDERSON 441 2025. SHRIVER, James Ralph and Catherine Slinger 441 2027. Helen and Howard GREEN 441 2029. WELLS, Wayman and Ollie Kuhn 442 2030. Charles E. and Doris Ranard 442 2031. Catherine E. and James LEMLEY 442 2032. HENNEN, Lew Roy and Ethel Mellish 442 2033. Robert M. and Gertrude White 443 2034. Elizabeth E. and Arthur ALBAUGH 443 2035. 2037. 2038. 2039.

Margaret E. and Harry MERCER HENDERSON, Floyd and Grace Tresch

Wilma L. and James R. BARGER LEMMON, Ida and Jefferson FURBEE

443 443 444 444

2041. Robert and Nora Roupe 444 2043. CLOVIS, Nellie Jane and Carl GALENTINE 444 2044. Dora R. and Russell WILSON 445 2045. Mary Emma and Joseph BERGHOFF 445 2046. Dayle and John BARNES 445 2053. HIXENBAUGH, Ruth and Marvin JONES 445 2055. Robert L. and Betty M. Kennedy 446


2056. HIXENBAUGH, Betty and Garold BARTRUG 205 7. COTTRILL, Glenn and Edith White 2059. 2060. 2061.

Ruby and Basil EVENSON Chester and Georgia Anderson Hazel and Walter BRANHAM

2064. LINGER, Gem Elma and B. B. BLOSSER 2065. 2066.

Floda Arlene and Charles SWERINGEN Rosalene and Howard LEWIS

206 7. Oreen Roy and Ruby Mogue 2069. COTTRILL, Frank Jr. and June __ _ 2070. STONESTREET, Helen and A. RADCLIFF 2087. SHIFLET, Edith and Nealus CLATTERBUCK 2088. Evalene and John ROACH 2089. Blair and Fonda White 2089. Blair and Mary Campbell 2090. HENNEN, Mary and Harold ADAMS 2091. Doris and Ernest MIZER 2092. Nancy and Ronald SPROULL 2094. WENNER, Charles and Ruth Copeland 2095. 2096. 2097. 2098. 2100.

George and Eloise Essig Isabella and Edgar WALLACE Phillip and Edith Walker

2101. HENNEN, 2102.

Mary C. and Leland BOALS Virginia L. and William MILLER Philip and Emily Lutz Rita B. and Raul AMADO JR.

2103. ICE, 2105. 2106.

Ruth and Dayton LISTER Gladys and George BLAND Helen and James MUTSCHELKNAUS

2108. YOST, Elma and Tobe DANIELS 2110. HENNEN, Helen and Charles REESMAN 2110. Helen and Dale MICHAEL

446 446 446 446 447 447 447 447 448 448 448 448 448 449 449 449 449 449 450 450 450 451 451 451 452 452 452 452 452 453 453 453

2111. Harold L. and Annabelle Glover 454 2113. Pauline and Rudolph SER TIC 454 2114. Genevieve and Maury BLOUNT 454 2115. Mary Jo and Jack SNODGRASS 455 2116. Beverly and George AMEND 455 2117. CORNWELL, Margaret and Jackson CLELLAND 456 2118. PARKER, Sarah Jane and Keith AKNENEY 456 2119. William and Margaret Falvo 2120. HENNEN, Lois G. and John P. WILLIAMS 2121. Jack Rex and Iris Carpenter 2122. WADE, Gladys and Harry PINDER JR. 2123. Mary and Edward MALONE 2124. Betty and Earl CA YNOR 2125. Arlie Ray Jr. and Clara Oldaker 2127. Doris and Glenn POSEY


456 456 457 457 457 458 458 458

2128. WADE, Pauline and William WOOD 459 2130. James R. and Margaret Thompson 459 2132. Richard and Mary Lou Hicks 459 2133. HENNEN, Don Columbus Jr. and Joan Krnjaich 459 2134. HALL, Charles S. and Rachael Donovan 460 2136. Eugene Grove and Joanna Moore 460 2137. BLACKBURN, Chester and______ 460 2140. MOORE, Grove H. and Harriet Smiley 461 2141. Susan C. and Dr. John B. ACHE 461 2142. Flora M. and Otto HUSTEAD 461 2143. Mary F. and William BROWN 462 2144. Bertha V. and Samuel WATTERS 462 2145. Arthur D. and Josephine Shaffer 2146. COLLINS, Isa V. and Dr. James SHERFEY 2147. Rev. Frederick L. and Vera Corneliuson 2148. HALLECK, Florence and Karl KALTENBORN 2150. HALL, Gertrude V. and Clyde WILEY 2152. Helen C. and Frank VAN WAGNEN 2156. MORRIS, John Hite and Margaret Geisey 2157. COURTNEY, Grace and Orrin DAVIS 2158. Catherine and Gen, Phillip BROWN 2160. 2161. 2174. BABB, 2175.

David H. and Blowden Hughes Joseph and Helen Huston

Vance and _____ _ Arnold and _____ _

2176. Mary Katherine and Jennings RANDOLPH 2189. HENNEN, Albert E. Jr. and Ann Mathison 2190. Suzanna and Atwood HANING

462 462 463 463 463 464 464 464 464 465 465 465 465 465 465 466

2191. 2192. 2193. 2212.

Florence and Edward Lee NOR TH 466 MESTREZAT, Mary Ethel and Howard STOCKBRIDGE466

Pauline and Samuel SPEERSTRA 467 MARRINER, Abel L. and______ 468

2214. BELL, Emerson and Marty Alice Wise 468 2215. Ernest and Cecyle Furman 468 2217. TAYLOR, Martha Ellen and Saul SHRIVER 468 2219. Charles Edgar and______ 468 2220. Samuel Ellis and Mary M. Teagarden 469 2223. Oscar Herman and Bertie Hunt 469 2230. WHITE, Winnie and Levi PORTER 469 2231. 2233. 2233. 2234. 2235. 2237.

Harry and May Phillips Gertrude and Harrison FORDYCE Gertrude and Walter SHULTZ Goldie and Jesse KING Nellie and Albert DOUGHERTY Ida and Frank BYERS

2238. Curtis and Dorothy McKain 2239. TAYLOR, Earl and Stella Lough


469 470 470 470 470 471 471 471

2240. TAYLOR, May and Charles YOST 2241. Lucy and Lester KUGHN 2243. 2245. 2246. 2246. 2247. 2248. 2249.

Clarence and Doris Pethtel Glenn and Elizabeth Kerns Vergil and Nellie Haines Vergil and Mildred Vogel Grant and Florence Longstreth Regina and John GRIFFITH Robert and ----

2253. LOUGH, Harland and Nell Hostutler 2255. HAUGHT, Verna and John HAUGHT SR. 2257. DeEtta and Ralph MASON 2258. TAYLOR, Mae and Martin CORE 2260. 2262. 2263. 2265. 2280. RUSH, 2281. 2282. 2284. 2286. 2288.

William and Bessie Mayfield Ray and Okey Church Otto and Hazel Hawkins Bertha and Paul BOOTH

Frank and Minnie Mae Dailey Lazear and Viola Mccombs Lloyd and Daisy McConnell Ethel and Ira RISER Robert and Laeh Murry Esther and Gerald DAVIS

2289. John and Kathryn Price 2293. TAYLOR, Ralph and Margaret Gephart 2295. Mary and Arthur SHRIVER 22 9 7. Willis and Harriet Cunningham 2301. HEADLEE, Charles and Rachel Frost 2302. Dr. Alvah J. W. and Mary Jones 2303. Harry and Ruth Kiger 2304. Ralph and Jean Miller 2305. TAYLOR, Dorothy and William SPEARS 2306. Oscar and Etta Johnson 2307. Charles and Lena Jones 2308. MARRINER, Paul E. and Olive Ewart 2309. Ethel and Louis KOTTNER 2310. 2311.

Floyd and June Headley Albert and Ola Scott

471 471 472 472 472 472 472 472 473 473 473 474 474 474 475 475 475 476 476 476 476 477 477 477 477 478 478 478 479 479 479 480 480 480 480 481 481 481

2312. James and Sylvia Wilson 481 2314. HEADLEE, Grace and Arnold FOX 481 2315. ZIMMERS, Kathleen and David Jerry STOUFFER 482 2316. Thelma Mae and Elmer EDGAR 482 2317. MARINER, Glise E. and Betty Thompson 482 2318. MARRINER, Ruth and Lawrence WHITE 482 2319. Pauline and Clark CUMBERLEDGE 483 2320. Jean and William BINNING 483 2321. Virginia and Thomas ROBERTS

566 483

2338. SIX, Waldo A. and Mary Hostutler 2340. Audrey E. and Ada Estel 2341. 2346. 2347. 2350. 2350. 2351.

Hagan and Gertrude Wise Elizabeth and Walter PHILLIPS Irene and William LEMMON Mary and Ralph ESTEL Mary and Joe TONEY Mildred and Carl SMITH

2352. STEWART, Delphia Lee and Cecil HEADLEE Linnie April and Sanford FOX Ina Opal and Walter BREWER

2355. KING, Edison and Mary Lemley

2353. 2354.

2364. ZORGER, Susannah and ___ RUGGLES 2368. BEATTY, Everett and Bessie Coy 2369. Francis M. and Edith Whithan 2384. DYE, Eva and David HOSTUTLER 2385. 2386. 2387. 2388. 2389.

Madge and Francis BRADLEY Gertrude and Walter MARDOS Ruth and Richard BOYLES Virginia and Thomas VIRGIN Sr. Clara and Robert LIVELY

483 484 484 484 484 485 485 485 485 486 486 486 486 487 487 487 487 487 487 488 488

2391. GEHM, Edna and Henry PETERS 488 2393. Frankie and Kenneth JOHNSON 488 2394. PERRY, Nancy Jane and Rev. Kenneth STRECKER 489 2395. George Keith and Rachel Swanson 489 2399. MAIN, Martha and James A. WRIGHT 489 2403. Perry M. and Mary McCamey 490 2406. Ina A. A. and George SEIDNER 490 2408. Cora and Cleo BARNELL 490 2412. WRIGHT, Fern and Ernest CHRISTMAN 491 2414. Cecil and Thelma Hotfelter 491 2417. HENWOOD, Lillian and Edwin KELLAM 492 2418. Violet and Perry STOOPS 492 2419. Harold and Martha Lamott 492 2419. Harold and Janet Smith 493 2420. Wayne and Ruth Plankenhorn 493 2422. WRIGHT, Gwendolyn and William DeROME 493 2424. HOLCOMB, Vivien and Frank KEMP 493 2425. Lois and Clay DUVALL 494 2426. Harry and Esther Formkole 494 2427. Lester and Martha Horech 494 2428. Lyle and Mabel Kelly 494 2429. Frances and Eldon BURN 495 2431. HOLCOMBE, Eugene and Helen Wells 495 2442. HAWKINS, Evelyn Dale and Marion P. INGALSLE 495 2443. Nina Virginia and Richard BROAD 495 2444. Elenore Rose and Woodrow CRANK 496


2445. HAWKINS, Helen Elizabeth and Rev. Eugene TALBOT496 2456. CONNER, Perry and Caroline Merriner#993 496 2458. James Danile and Sue___ 496 2460. STEWART, Blanche I. and Roy DEAN 497 2461. Ada C. and Harry JOHNSON 497 2463. Mabel M. and Victor WAGHER 497 2464. 2465. 2475. SMALLEY, 2476. 2477. 2478. 2479.

Esther and Earl NICKELSON Byron and _____ _ Willis and Dessa Jacobs Ermyl and Robert SNEDDON George H. and Norma Roberts Arlene E. and George PICKENS Donald D. and Erla Lewis

497 498 498 498 498 499 499

2481. Maxine and Orland COX 499 2486. MERRINER, Phyllis and Glenn BROWN 500 2488. JOHNSON, Charles and Claudia Stephens 500 2489. MERRINER, Virginia R. and Carl SODERSTROM 500 2490. SIX, Lida Jane and Willie THOMAS 500 2491. Mary and Frank HIMMELRICK 500 2492. 2493.

Oscar and ---Dessie and C. C. STRAIGHT

501 501

2496. BUTCHER, Oscar and Mamie Barber 501 2497. Hattie and Donley HIMELRICK 501 2503. HAUGHT, Charles and Mary Coleman 501 2504. Harold and Lillian Cumberledge 501 2505. Paul and Betty Hepburn 502 2511. MAIN, Dora Elizabeth and Owney BARLOW 502 2512. Henry and Leota Seidner 502 2513. William and Marie Clevenger 502 2514. Adrian and Treva Seidner 502 2515. Asa and Lela Zeigler 502 2516. Bertha and Lloyd MANOR 503 2517. Martha and Harrold MILLER 503 2518. Harry and Irma Manor 503 2519. Lewis and Mary Gossage 503 2520. Virginia and Kelley SEWELL 503 2526. CARLEY, Paul and Ruth Anderson 504 2529. MIDDLETON, Errol B. and Grace Nichelson 504 2531. James Dent and Clara Evans 504 2532. WALKER, David Dent and Beverly Crow 505 2532. David Dent and Mary Bugni 505 2533. WARD, Delbert and Evelyn Schumann 505 2534. James S. and______ 505 2537. BRAMAN, Janeice Dent and Edgar MARTIN 506 253 7. Jane ice and Henry WRIGHT 506 2538. ICE, Marjorie H. and Don IRWIN 506 2539. Barbara J. and William WEINKAMER 507


2540. ICE, Dr. Noel and Minnie Lee Smith 2547. BUTCHER, Virginia and Nathan GUTHRIE 2549. Benjamin and Dorothy Klinge 2551. STEWART, Hazel and Tom SEALS 2552. Paul H. and Viola Stockdale 2558. HOSKINSON, Nella and Ralford BAILY 2561. STRAWN, Albert and Florence Supler 2562. Wilbert and Ida Mounts 2564. BELCH, Elizabeth and Jacob ISIMINGER 2565. Thomas and Mildred Job linger 2565. Thomas and Anna Jo Phillips 2566. Robert and Genevie Gorby 2568. BARNHART, Opal and Alex MAHANEY 2571. YOST, Betty and William SMITH 2596. GROVE, Norman and Diane Nutt 2597. Janet and John YOUNG 2607. HINERMAN, George and Arlene Warren 2608. Wanda and Charles SCHREIBER 2609. 2610. 2612.

Helen and Michael HOLLIDAY J. T. and Melable Rickman Pearl and Victor GAMES

2613. Paul and Blanche Harrison 2614. KENNEDY, Mary and Lester BOWMAN 2615. Mildred and Kenneth WEST 2619. STILES, Freda and Arthur TAYLOR 2620. Mary and William BANE 2621. James and Victoria Yost 2622. Gayle and Daniel CAIN 2625. TAYLOR, Mary Opal and Wilbur KNIGHT 2626. LOOMAN, Dale and _____ _ 2627. MASTERS, Eshmel and Emery RUTAN 2628. Velda and Thomas MILLER 2629. 2629. 2631. 2632. 2634.

Jean and Ross SCHENCK Jean and Arthur BLAKE Eileen and John BRYNER Helen and Lawrence SALMONS Lois and Steve CHERMANSKY

2635. Wayne and Jane Ramanoff 2636. Duane and Arlene Orr 2640. STILES, Mary and Earl SIMPSON 2641. COLE, James E. and Agatha Robinson 2642. Mildred and Carlo TEODOR! 2643. Howard and Jeanne Walther 2644. KONOPKA, Joseph and _____ _ 2645. Helen and Robert THOMAS 2646. 2647.

Stanley and Barbara Schotting Edward and Arlene Mccomis


507 507 508 508 508 508 509 509 509 510 510 510 511 511 512 512 512 512 512 513 513 513 513 513 514 514 514 514 515 515 515 515 516 516 516 516 517 517 517 517 517 518 518 518 518 518 518

2648. KONOPKA, Charles and Patricia Bruno 2649. Ronald and Marguerite Burns 2652. GRAY, Janet and John MYSLIVIEC 2654. Joclaire and James BERRY

519 519 519 519

2656. Marvin and Lois Kroepel 520 2658. Betty and Ralph WADE 520 2658. Betty and Paul HOWARD 520 2659. Evelyn and Raymond ASTON 520 2664. Raymond and Sandra Ruxton 521 2665. Albert and Margaret Borden 521 2670. HENNEN, Marcia and Larry Bruce STERLING 521 2671. Erma and Charles AMON 521 2672. John Wayne and Mary Garfiardi 521 2674. HANNON, Sara and William MEANOR 522 2675. Nancy and Thomas GORDON 522 2676. MEIGHEN, Robert Jr. and Jeanette Damn 522 2676. Barbara and John JOHNSON 523 2678. HANNON, James and Mary Copeland 523 2679. Cleo and Bobby ESCH 523 2680. Alice and Robert BULL 523 2681. Ruby and Edward DECKER 523 2683. GALAHER, Russell A. Jr. and Willie Clay 524 2684. Rodney and Janet Marie Cavender 524 2685. WILSON, Carl Jr. and Maxine Wright 524 2686. Helen and Victor GIZONI 525 268 7. HENNEN, Florence and Robert KNOTTS 525 2688. Betty and James CHURCH 525 2693. Bernard and Ethel Wrenshall 525 2694. Glenda and William ALOIA 525 2695. David and Lois Beaman 525 2703. PROVANCE, Marjorie and Clayton YOUNG 526 2704. Beryl and Edward GREATHOUSE 526 2708. SNELL, Pearl and William SPROUSE 527 2709. Helen and John KENT 527 2 710. Opal and Dewey CUMBERLEDGE 52 7 2712. Ted and Minnie Miller 527 2713. Margaret and Robert McMANNES 527 2 714. Glen and Minerva and Hazel Cumberledge 528 2715. Jean and Tom HIGGINBOTHAM 528 2716. BLUE, Harold and Lisalotte Stellar 528 2 71 7. Doris and George EVANS 528 2720. Ralph and Kathleen Eddy 528 2721. Jack and Alice Egloff 529 2722. GROSICK, Betty and David HOVISJR. 529 2723. Martha and James ZIMMERMAN 529 2724. Kaye and Elizabeth Fishinger 529 2725. BLUE, Robert and Anne Sestile 530


2726. BLUE, Jo Ann and James FRANKS 2727. James and Shirley Sorge 2728. David and Connie Arnold 2730. Donna and John LIDDICK 2736. STROSNIDER, Walter and Lucille Hockenberry 2 73 7. Anna Margaret and Harold MOORE 2739. INGHRAM, James and Nancy Barnes 2743. DODGE, William and Geraldine Stewart 2744. Barbara Joan and John McDOUGAL Jr. 2745. Elinor and William WEBER 2 74 7. Joyce and Quinton SIMMONS 2748. Lyle and Janice Hawkins 2750. FLAHERTY, Donald and Elizabeth Durilla 2751. BISSETT, Shirley and Gene WEST 2759. LEMLEY, Betty and Harold SHRIVER 2760. George and Vivian Sapp 2761. Donald and Geraldine Null 2762. Shirley and Dwain POLAND 2769. 2770.

Owen and Mary Lou Stokum Fred and Ruth Ann Gamble

2771. GORBY, Lemoyne and Billy Lee Yoho 2 773. Rodger Lee and Gail Shultz 1451. HANNAN, Myrtle Ivy and Robert McKINNEY 1454. Thomas and Dora Neal 1455. Helen and Roy BRENNEN 1456. Hilton and Gertrude O'Donnell 1457. Ralph and Ethel Smith 1458. Margaret and Ralph McGARY 1459. Virginia and Charles WHITE 1460. Dale and Dorothy __ _ 1461. Geraldine and Francis HITE 1462. Karl and ---


530 530 530 530 531 531 531 532 532 532 532 532 533 533 533 533 534 534 534 534 534 534 537 537 537 537 537 537 538 538 538 538