gs of the university of utah on utah - forgotten books


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Holdings of the University of Utah on Utah

and the

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s

L . H . Kirkpatri ck

i s pub l i cat i on ha s be en made po s sible by a

from. the University Re search

Copyri ght Uni vers i ty of Utah



Most of the valuable and rare materials about the Mormons came to theUnivers ity of Utah Library from. Dr . John A . Widt s oe . The late D r . Whi t soe

was a Norwegian emigrant to Ame rica and a convert to the Church of Je sus Chri stof Latter Day Saint s

,commonly called the Mormons . As a young man,

h e was one

of a trio of Cache Valley boys who late r as sume d po sit ions of educati onal l eads

ershi p in the we st . Hi s companions we re Dr . Franklin we st,a dean for many

years at the Utah State'

Agri cul tural College,and then Commi s sione r -

of Educationfor the L . D . 8 . Church ; and Dr . Ge orge Thomas

,a profe s sor at the Agri cultural

College and then for 20 years Pre s ident of the Uni ve rs ity of Utah .

The s e thre e boys helped finance each other' s education . Dr . Wi dt s oe was

the first to go away and re ceive a doctorate . Hi s ri se upon hi s return was

me teoric . He quickly be came pre s ident of the Agricul tural College,and then

afte r some serious difficultie s at the State Univers ity,he was calle d to the

pre s idency at that ins titution . He re organi zed the faculty and admi ni stratives tructure so well that the framework of government he e stabli shed carried theUniversity through the next 20 years . At the zenith of a remarkable career ineducation

,from. the pre sidency of the State Unive rsity Dr . Widt soe was called

into the Quorum. of the Twe lve Apostle s of the L . D . 8 . Church . He s e rved i n

this capac i ty , , trave l i ng over the wo rld on behalf of hi s religion , for thenext 20 ye ars .

Dr . Widt soe has been ac credited publicly with the importation of fore ignstudents to the Agricultural College and Uni vers i ty t A go od d eal of our PointA program with Iran i s based upon hi s pioneering effort s . Hi s knowle dge ofdry farming and the utili zation of wate r were suffic iently renowned f or him.

to be called as a consultant to the Canadian governme nt as late as 1950 .

Dr . Widt s oe began the colle ction of Utah and Mormon items pe rsonally as

s oon as he had completed hi s own education . He urged both the Agri culturalColl ege and the State University to do likewi s e . It was through hi s effort sthat the Agricultural College acquired many of the se cond copie s in d i e famousPierc e colle ction . He deeply regretted seeing the bulk of thi s colle ctions hipped out of the state to an eastern institution . Hi s own colle cti on cameto the Unive rsity of Utah in 19A6 .

Noteworthy is the fact that while he was an offi ce r of the Mormon Church ,he di d not limit hi s colle cting to the materials wholly favorable to hi s own

religion . Some of the bittere st and must slanderou s volume s we re colle ctedalong with tho se whi ch we re almo st blindly devotional . He was e spe ci allycareful to colle ct pamphlet and pe riodical literature nggl ected by mo st colle ctors .

For many years the few items the University owned remained uncataloged .

When an attempt was made to begin the cataloging,it was soon dis cove red

that the Dewey clas sifi cation sys tem. was inadequate for a very large col l e c

tion on the Saint s . As a matte r of fact,it might be noted in pas sing that

Mr . Dewey originally was one of tho se who was somewhat biased against theMormons . He originally clas sifi ed them. as a non~Chri sti an re ligion . Infact , hi s de signation of the Latte r Day Saint s as belonging somewhere betwe enthe Jews and the Mohammedans has be en accepted by some of our si ste r instituti ons and has never been changed in tho se librarie s . The State Unive rsityfrom the beginning as s igned the Mormons a place among the Chri stian denominat ions .

The sugge sted expansion of the De cimal clas sification pre cede s the bibliography

,which i s arranged alphabeti cally with subj e ct headings used for each

indi cated o

It was likewi se di scovered that sub j e ct headings we re inadequate . The Mormon Church has theorie s of its own on s core s of items . There are likewi se facet sof Utah and Mormon hi story which de se rve spe cial li sting . Such things as UnitedOrder

,the Mormon Battalion

,and temple work

,spring to mind immediately . In

devi sing the clas sifi cation and e stabli shing sub j e ct headings,too much credit

cannot be given to Mrs . Ruth Thomson,Mr . Ralph Thomson

,Mr . Will Lund

,and Mi ss

Chi zuko Is himat su . Pre c eding their effort s and partially built upon by themwa s a clas sificat ion and sub j e ct heading system worked out by Naomi Rich andEdith Rich .

It i s hoped that the re sultant li st of clas sifi cation numbe rs and sub j e ctheadings repre sent all of the fine st and as few a s pos sible of the i ncons i s ten

cie s of earlier efforts .

It would,however

,be wrong to imply that thi s li st i s in any way perfect .

Had it be en the re sult of one person ' s cataloging,it would have been more con

si stent . Had no effort be en made to put some books into the anti- Mormon category

,there would be le s s ground for criti ci sm. As it i s

,some will claim that

a volume i s really obj e ctive and misplaced in an ant i a Mormon category ,while

others will point out that some very bitte r at tacks e scape thi s de signation .

Gene rally speaking,book s whi ch .n ot only re j e ct the Mormon theory


malign the motive s of the leaders,are tho se which are placed in thi s category .

They are the name- calling books,quite largely .

Similarly,an oc casional work of fiction will be found in the non- fiction

group . In fact,enough inconsi stencie s we re revealed to tempt the compiler of

this li st to stop and re clas sify and re catalog the whole colle ction . Yet hehad to c onclude that the re sult would probably be worse rather than better .

The annotations are de signed to give the key thought or the e s sence of

each volume . They do not reflect the Opinion of the compiler,but rathe r the

Opinion of each author . Comment s on the c omment s will be gratefully re ceived .

If thi s li st can serve as a guide to the classification and cataloging ofMormon mate rials and to the acqui sition of the se fascinating items

,it will have

se rved some small part of i t s purpose . If it can also be ac c epted as a partialmemorial to the scholar who as sembled most of the material s

,it will have

achieved an even greate r purpo se .

Utah items have be en included unde r the headings used to bring out materi al s of local intere st . The se are

,of course

,entered unde r regular headings


such as s M i ni ngm m Utah

,as well as Utah~~M i ni ng o

It 1 8 hoped thi s li st will be of some servic e to tho se who collect booksa s well as to those who us e them. Those building fine personal librarie s areurged to give some thought to their eventual housing

,as did Dr . Widt soe . Sev

eral othe r great personal librarie s in Utah have been broken up and sold p i e ce m

meal be caus e of the failure of the collector even to mention them in hi s will .

MormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMo onMormonMormonMormon






Battalion , 18h6m l 8h7°

Church o

Church and S cience .

Churchm m Apol ogeti c'

works .

Churchm w Apostasy'


Churcha ~Auxi l i ary'

organi zati ons - Periodicals .

Churchm a Cate chi sms and creed s .

Churchm m Cate chi sms and creed s - German .

Church- m Cate chi sms and cre ed s w - Swedi sh .

Churchn a Chronol ogy .

Church==Col oni zati on .

Church==Col oni zat i on=—Ari zona .

Church=w Col oni zat i onm m Idaho .

Churchw a Col oni zat i onm =San Be rnardino,California .

Churchm m Conference s (Gene ral ) .Churcna i re ctori e s .

Churcha i vergent se ct s .

Churchn =Doctri nal and controversial work s .

Church=w Doctri ne a

MormonrCharoh==Doctri ne m u Bapti sm.


onMormonMormonMormonMormonMo onMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormonMormon

Churchm a Doctri ne m =Gate chi sms and c re ed s —Dut ch .

Churchn =Doctri ne m m C§te chi sms and c re ed s —German .

Churchm m Doctri ne=m fii sp ers i on of I srael .

Churcha octri ne m a DEri me , authori ty .

Church==Doctri ne= w Fai th o

Churchw n Doctri ne m u French .

Churcho e Doctri ne m e Gatheri ng of I srael .

Churche m Doctri ne= m Ge rman .

Churchm m Doctri ne m =Godhead .

Churchm octri ne m m Indi ansa ri gi n .

Churchm m Doctri ne n =0utl i ne s .

Churchm m Doctri ne= e 0utl i ne s,syllabi

,etc .

Churchm u Doctri nem =Re storati on of the Go spel .

Church==Doctri ne n m Re surrecti on .

Churchm m Doctri ne a a Sal vat i on .

Churchu m Doctri ne m =Swedi sh .

Churchm =Dootri ne m m Ti thi ng .

Churchc =Doctri ne a m Uni ted order .

Churchu u Doctri ne m =W0 rd of wi sdom.

Churchm m Economi c poli cy .

Churchu m Educati on .

Churchu m Ep i s t l e s .

Churchm éGovernment .

Churchm i storyn w l 830m l 9h7.

Churchm a hi storya m l 8h7= l 857.

”Qhfipafiae fli s torye m Anti qui ti e s .

Churchm m Hi s tory e m Il l i no i s

Churchm i s torya m Poetry .

Churchm =Hi storym =Source s .

Churchu m Hymns .

Churchm m Hymnsa ani sh .

Churchu m Hymns—m French .

Churche m Hymns u a G e rman

Churchu w Hymns u ~Spani sh .

Churcha m Hymns m - Swedi sh .

Churchu m Hymns u w we l sh .

Churchm n Indi an policy .

manual s,et c .

evening .

ChU P Chm w M o I oAO M H Le S S OH S o

Churchm o l oA. m m Peri odi cal s .

Churchu éM o l oA. = m Songs and musi c .

Churcha eMartyrs .

Churchu u M i s s i onari e s .

Church~m M i s s i ons .

Churchm m M i s s i ons - m Austri a .

Churchm m M i s s i ons m u Dani sh .

Churchq i s s i ons - u Ge rmany .

Churchm i s s i ons m m G reat Britain .

Churchu eM i s s i ons m =Handbooks,Manuals

,etc .

Churche m M i s s i ons m m Hawai i an I slands .

Churchu eM i s s i on3 =u Idaho- m Sal mon River .

Churohu u Mi s s i ons m m l ndi ans .

Churchu éM i s s i ons a =Ital y o

Churchm u Mi s s i ons m =Japan.

Churchm =M i s s i ons m - Literature .

Churchu éM i s s i ons m u Mexi co .

Church a u M i s s i ons m _Norway

Church==M i s s i onsw eri od i cal s .

Chu rcnm e M i s s i ons m =Scandi navi a o

Churche aM i s s i ons m ~Swi tze rl and .

Church q i s s i ons - Tract s .

Charchm m M i s s i ons m u wal e s .

Churchu m Organi zat i on .

Churchm u Peri od i cal s .

Churchq e ri odi cal s u m Dani sh .

Churchm a Pe ri od i cal s - m F rench .

Churchu m Pe r i od i cal s n — Hawaiian .

Churchu m Pe ri od i cal s~~Norwe i gi an .

Church« u Pe ri od i cal s w - Welsh .

Church~~Pe rs e cuti ons o

Churchu —Polygamy .

Church z u Pri e s thood .

Churchu m Pri e s thood~~Handb ooks ,Manuals , etc .

Church u u Pri e s thood~~Le s s ons .

Churchu a Pri e s thood - Song- books .


Churchq ri mary As s oc i at i on~~Hi s tory .

Church u - Primary A ssociation —Hymns .

Church~ u P r i mary As s oc i at i onm —Songs and muS i c .




onMo onMormon

onMormonMormonMermonMormonMo on



MormonMo on




Churchm a Rs l i e f Society .

Charchm m Re l i ef Soci etya m Handbooks,manuals

,et c .

Churcha m Re l i gi on ol as s e s=aLe s s ons o

Churcha n Re l i gi on c l as s e s=m 0utl i ne s , syllabi,et c .

Churchw =Re l i gi on c l as s e s m m Stori e s .

Church==Re l i gi ous education .

Churchm =Re l i gi ous educati onm m Teachi ng method s .

Church==Semi nari e s and Inst i tute s m m Handbooks , manuals , etc .Churoh=m 8emi nari e s and Ins t i tute s==Le s sons o

Churcha m Semi nari e s and Insti tute s==0utl i ne s,syllabi

,etc .

ChU P C h®=Stak8 8 0

Church==8tati s ti c s .

Church==8unday schools .

manual s,etc .

Churoha =8u ndaya s chool s=m Hi story .

Churchm =Sunday=s chool s m e Hymnu b ooks .

Churchc m Sundaye s chool s=a Hymna books e m Dani sh .

Church==Sundayb s chool s c e Le s sons .

Churohu =8undaye s chool s m u Peri odi cal s .

Church==Teacher training cl as s es==Handb ooks , manuals , et c .

Church==Templ e work .

Churchm =Templ e s o

Church=m Templ e s=m Mant i o

Churche m Templ e s==Nauvoo o

Church==Templ e S=m Sal t Lake City .

Church==Theol ogy.

Churchc c we l fare pl an .

pione ers .

p i onee rs a éMonuments .

pione ers,Original c ompany


Tabernacle .

Tabe rnacle .

Trail .

and Mormoni sm.

and Mormoni sme eAddre s s e s,e s says ,

lecture s .



and Mormoni smm =Bi ography o

and Mormoni sme a Cal i forni a gold rush .

and Mormoni sme a Church and state .

and Mormoni sm9 =0ol l e cted wo rk s .

and Mormoni smu =Congre s s i onal enactment s .

and Mormoni sme m Di ct i onari e s .

and Mormoni sme m Di vergent Sect s .and Mormoni sme m Di ve rgent Sectsm m Davi s i te s .

Mormons and Mormoni sme c Di ve rgent s e ct s==Morri s i te s o

and Mormoni sme e Doctri nal and controve rsial works .

Mormons and Mormoni sme c Drama .

Mermons and Mormoni sme m Eoonomi c dondi ti ons .

and Mormoni sme m Educat i on .

Mormons and Mormoni sme m Emi grat i on and immigration .

and Mormoni sm - Faith promoting storie s .

and Mormoni sm - Family life .

and Mormoni sm— " Fiction .

and Mormoni sm - Genealogy .

and Mormonism - Hi story .

and Mormoni sm in Ari zona .

and Mormonism in California .

and Mormoni sm in Idaho .

and Mormoni sm in Illinoi s .

and Mormoni sm in Iowa .

and Mormoni sm in Mexico .

and Mormoni sm in Mi s souri .

and Mormoni sm in Scandinavia .

and Mormoni sm in wyoming .

and Mormoni smr éLegal status,laws

,etc .

and Mormoni sme éLette rs .

and Mormoni sme - Miracle s .

and Mormoni sme éM i s s i ons .

and Mormoni sme w Mus i c .

and Mormonisme- Periodicals .

and Mormoni sme- Poetry .

and Mormoni sme ~Pol ygamy .

and Mormoni sme w Prophe c i e s .

and M ormoni sme m Re creati on .

and Mormoni sme- Remini sc ence s .

and Mormonisme- Sermons .

and Mormoni sme ~Soc i al conditions .

and Mormoni sme- Social life and customs .

and Mormoni sm - Songs .

and Mormoni sme u Sputhern Cal i forni ae v D i re ctori e s .

and Mormonisme- Speeche s in Congre s s .

and Mormoni sme w Thre e Nephite s .

and Mormoni sme n Utaha w Hi s tory .

and Mormonisme- Women .

in literature .

in literature - Bibliography .


Form divi sions as in Dewey .

Reorgani zed Church . L . D . S . ChurchFundamentali st s .

Othe r dive rgent se ct s . 22 as signed to Aaroni c order .

Church of Je su s Christ on EarthStrangi te s .

Othe r apo state groups Church of Chri st .

Mormons and Mormoni smOutline s

,compend s

,etc .

Periodi cals .

Standard Church works .

Book of Mormon . (by date,then by edition if date s dup .

if two editions conflict i o e . 1891 - 1891 3rd ele ctro .

1852 3d ed . of Doct .

D octrine and C ovenant s .

Pearl of Great Pric e .

Doctrinal D ogmatic s Theology .

God Unity Trinity .

Life of Christ Chri stology .

Man CreationSalvation Future state ImmortalityAngels Devils SatanWord of Wisdom

Creeds C ovenants Cate chi sms

De seret alphabetSocial aspe ct sEconomi c aspe ct sChurch organi zations Book s about

,Government including

Stake s (ward s , Etc . )Prie sthood .

Sunday SchoolStudy and Teaching of .

Relief SocietyMutual Improvement As sociationPrimaryMis sionary work

,Mi s sions

Ge nealogi cal soc ietie s and Temple s,Temple work

EducationStudy and TeachingChurch s choolsSeminarie s

,In stitute s

,Latte r—day Saint s ' Busine s s College

Church mu si cCollections . Either colle ctions of one author or more than tane authorPoetry .


Fi ction . Storie s faith promoting,pionee r (Us e literature No .

instead unle s s intent of book,sub j e ct matter

,warrant s

Mormon No . )Criti c i sm.

Es saysHomiletic s


,sermons .

Philo sophyHi story (This number used for Church history only- see for

Hi story of Utah ) .

Colle ctive biographyIndividual biography (Re se rved for Pionee rs in early church (to

1869 ) and Utah coloni zation and for all church authori tie s .

Put others in . 92l ) .Antiquitie s


Anti - Mormon Literature .

A11 3b

2890 35Ah258



Aaronic Order . The book of Elias ; or,The re cord of John . Salt Lake

City,Aaronic Orde r

,19AA. l Ol p .

"The revelations within the following page s were s poken by anunseen personage to the writer with a voi ce in a slight

l . Mormon Church —Divergent se ct s .

Adams,John Quincy . The birth of Mormonism. Boston

,Gorham Pre s s


t° l 916 1 . l l ép .

"was there ever such a colos sal building erected upon. such

an absolutely valuele s s foundation? "

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme

Allen,Edward Jone s . The s e cond

Uni ted'

Order among the Menmons .

New Ye rk,Columbia University Pre s s

,1936 . l h8p .

De sire to ke ep the Saint s isolated,a tight knot e conomi c

group led first to coope rative and then logi cally to d i e UnitedOrde r .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church- D octrine—4Bni ted Orde r .

Ampere,Jean Jacque s Antoine . Promenade en Ame ri que ; Etats - Uni s



Mexique . Paris,M . Levy frere s

,1855 . 2 vol .

Attack s polygamy,Smi th

,the hateful, unsoc iable nahl re of the

Mormon s,and considers Book of Mormon a parody of the Ol d Te sta

merit o

l . U . 8 . De s cription and travel . 2 . Cuban - De s cription and travel. 3 . Mexic o- De sc ription and travel . A. Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ande rson,Edward Henry . The apo stle s of Je sus Chri st ; a br ief

ac count of their live s and act s and of the ri se and expans ion ofthe Chri stian Church up to A . D . 68 . Salt Lake City

,D e s e ret

Sunday School Union,1917. 28Ap .

De signed to be read along with act s of the apo stle s . Include smap of j ourneys of Paul .

1 . Apo stle s . 2 . Mormon Churchn - Sunday S chools - Le s sons .

Anderson,Edward Henry . A brief hrtory of the Church of Je sus Chri st

of Latte r- day Saint s . thth ed ] Independenc e,Mo .

,publ i shed by

the Mi s sions of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter-day Saint sin Ame ri ca . Pre s s of Z ion’s Print . Pub . Co .

,u°l 926 1 2h5p .

l . Mormon Church- Hi story .


Ande rson,Edward Henry . A brief history of the Church of Je sus Chri st

of Latter- day Saint s . Translated into Japane se by John W . StokerTokyo [Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Japane seMi s sion Offic e

,217p .

Conclude s : "In short,

s o - called Mormoni sm,broad i n s cope


tole rant,truth - se eking

,i s the go spel of Je sus Chri st

,and as

such i s de stined to be the religion of the future ."

SAME 2d . ed . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1902 . l 92p .

l . Mormon Church — Hi story . 2 . Mormon Church- 4Mis sions - Japan .

Utah Pam. Ande rs on,Edward Henry . Locan chronology and church dire ctory ; brief

v . 7 memoranda of the leading event s of 1899 and a church dire ctory of

the weber Stake of Zion . l 900 . 78p .

1 . Mormon Church- “ Stake s .

Utah Pam. 1 Ande rs on,Jame s A. ) The story of Alic e . Morgan


,( The author ]

V 0 79 i 9l+so 36p o

no . 9 Te stimony of a good Mormon and how he was rewarded .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ande rson,Jame s Henry . God ' s covenant race from patriarchal time s to

A5h7g the pre sent . thth ed ] Salt Lake City,De seret News Pre s s

,l 9h6 .

383p o

"God has a Plan of the i s to have "as his chief

human agents a sele cted line of de s cendant s of

dence carefully as sembled cal ls for the setting aside of pre con

c e i ved notions .

1 . Jews . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism - Sermons .

Ande rson,Jame s Henry . The pre sent time and prophe cy

,being a selec

A5h7p tion of this sub j e ct with the divine te stimonyof the prophet Jo seph Smith . Salt Lake City

,De se ret News


An attempt to interpret various prophecie s conc e rning the sedays "that we may be able to me et the c onditions which are facingu s today .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Sermons .

Ande rson,Nels . De se ret saint s ; the Mormon frontier in Utah . Chi

A5A8d cago,The University of Chicago Pre s s , t° l 9A2 J . L59p .

The story of Utah ' s D ixie colony in the main . Based on alarge part on L . D . S . Church re cord s .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church — Hi story .

81 3 .kA5h83a

81 3 .AASA8B0

81 3 .AAb333d

81 3 .AAA383do

81 3 .AA5u83p

81 3 ohA5A83r


Anderson , Nephi . Added upon, 12th ed . Salt Lake City

,t°19L2 1 .

238p o

Start s in spirit world when volunteers are called fi> r

earthly mi s sions to help re store the gospel .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sme u Fi cti on .

Anderson , Nephi . The castle builder . Salt Lake City,De seret

News , 1909. 239p .

Young Norwegian , shaken in hi s old fai ty by mini steri al i n

sistence "There i s no salvation for the dead" inve sti gate s andj oins the L . D . S . Church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme =Fi cti on .

Anderson,Nephi . A daughter of the North . tn. p . 1 191 5 . 250p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme n Fi cti on .

Anderson,Nephi . Dorian . Salt Lake City (B i kub en Pub . C0 0 ] 1921 .

2231) o

Begins with a lad Spending shoe money for books,wh i zh are

lost in fi shing out of a canal . Ends with his marryi ng thegirl

,Who in the meantime has sinned .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Fiction .

Ande rson,Nephi . Marcus King

,Mormon . Salt Lake City

,De seret

News, 1908 . 1 33p .

King was a preache r,converted to Mormoni sm who tol l hi s

old congregation of hi s new faith from the pulpit . He th enpushed a handcart we st

,whe re he taught school

,be came a bishop


finally married and settled down .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- Fiction .

Anderson,Nephi . Piney Ridge cottage ; the love story of a "Mormon"

girl . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1912 . 237p .

Che ste r sums it up "If Mormoni sm has made this girl,it

must begin it s moulding force on me==and that just as s > on aspo s sible

,I was bapti zed .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Fi cti on.

Anderson,Nephi . Romance of a mi s sionary ; story of Engli sh life and

mi s sionary experience s . Independence,Mo .

,Z ion ' s Pri nt . Pub .

Co .,1919 . l 9op .

Willard Dean "Simply an average Mormon boy" l earns iua keep


hi s temper,preach the go spel

,reform drunkard s

,and eventually to

se cure a wi fe as an added ble s sing .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Fic tion .

81 3 .A Ande rson,Nephi . Story of Che ster Lawrence ; being the completed ac count

A5A83s of one who played an important part in "Piney Ridge Cottage ."

Salt Lake City,191 3 , De seret News . 237p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm- Fiction .

Anderson,Nephi . A young folk s history of the Church of Je sus Christ

A5A8y of Latte rw day Saint s . New and revi sed ed . Salt Lake City,De s

eret News,1906 . l 82p .

Short chapters followed with que stions de signed to bring outdeductions and princ iple s .

1 . Mormon Church— m Hi s tory .

Utah Pam.An appeal to the Ameri can Congre s s ; the Bible law of marriage againstv . 59 Mormoni sm [by One of the people

,author of Opinions conce rning

no . 9 the Bible law of marriage . ) tN . P .,n . d . ) l op .

"No sane man can deny that monogamy i s the true basi s of allDemocratic institutions .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme u Pol ygamy . w *2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme(Anti - Mormon ) .

Arbaugh,George Bartholomew . Revelation in Mormoni sm

,i t s character

A66Ar and changing forms . Chicago,The University of Chicago Pre ss


t°1932 3 252p .

Attribute s authorship of Book of Mormon to Spaulding andRigdon .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm — (Anti—Mormon ) . 2 . Book of Mormon .

3 0 Smith,Joseph

,1805fl l 8ll l i o

Utah Pam. Arri ngton ,Joseph Earl . De struction of the Mormon temple at Nauvoo .

v . 62 [Salt Lake City,the author? ) l 2p .

no . 2l Hi story of growth,to near di sa s ters and final de struction

by fire,in 18A8 ; picture before and afte r . fi re .

l . Mormon Church - Temple s - Nauvoo . 2 . Hi storical markers,Mormon.

289 . 38A Ashton,Marvin Owen . To whom it may conc e r . [Salt Lake City ]

A829t Bookc raft ,19A8 . 3 35p o

Storie s and parable s , directed toward s bishops and groupleade rs . Sample title : "Bishop : do you rule or pre side > n

1 . Conduct and life . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

2770 3

816 3r

81A.AB1 67m

399» 388

Bl 89w

9790 2


917o 9hB21 3r

378 . 2Al



Baird,Robert . Religion in the United State s of Ame ri ca . Glasgow ,

Blackie and Son,18AA. 736p .

Ac cuse s Saint s of wanting to found a kind of empire in We st .

Re commends Parley Pratt ' s VO i ce of warning for a comprehensiveview of the system

,and Bennett ' s expo se for a view of their

wi ckedne s s .

1 . U . 8 . Church Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (Anti- Mormon ) .

Baker,Jame s Loring

,Men and things ; or

,Short e ssays on various sub

j e ct s , including fre e trade . Boston,Crosby

,Nichols and Co .


1858 0 287p o

A name calling chapter of Mormons predicted they would beeventually driven to other clime s or I slands of the s ea .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smu 2 . Tariff - U . S .

Ballard Frank . Why not Mormoni sm° London,Epworth Pre s s


57PAttempts to show the faith of the Mormons .

"However,it now

be purified of some of i t s former monstro sitie s,cannot be re

garded as Chri stian,

or welcomed in any avowedly Chri stianCountry .

" Cite s Linn as mo st reliable authority .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smm - (Anti - Mormon ) .

Bancroft,Hubert Howe . Hi story of Utah . San Francis co

,History Cc .


1890 o 808p o

"In a spirit of equity to pre sent both Side s,leaving the

reader to draw hi s own conclu sions ."

1 . Utah~~Hi s tory o 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Bancroft,Hube rt Howe . Retrospe ction

,political and personal . New

York,The Banc roft Cc .

,1 91 2 . 5o2p .

Says of the early perse cutions of the Mormons : "Like theChine se

,they were temperate

,kept to themselve s

,worked hard


were thrifty and hone st,and s o we re - hated by the lazy and lican

tious . Thi s wa s the real cause of their offending,as it wa s wi fl i

the Chine s e ."

1 . Pacifi c coast . 2 . U . S . Poli c 1 e s and gove rnment- l 865 3 . MOP

mons and Mormoni sm.

Banks,Johns . A document

,his tory of the Morri S i te s in Utah . [Salt

Lake City ] 1 909 . 9Ap . (A . B . The si s,Utah U . )

Contains a revelation in which the Savior authori zed othersto corre ct Spelling of Revelator Morri s but not the sense of h i s

revelations . Morri s regarded himself as a re — incarnated Mose s .

l . Morri s i te s . Mormon Church~ —Apostasy from.

1 5

Utah PamoBarcl ay ,Jame s W. Mormonism expo sed

,the other side ; an Engli sh

v .ol'

view of the case . London,N i netéenth


Century ,188A. 3op .

no . l3 Suc ce s s of Mormonism come s from. unpai d mini stry and c oncern of Church with temporal as well as spiritual well be ingof it s membe rs .

1 . Mormon Church—m Hi s tory .

2899399 Bartlett,Daniel H . C . The Mermons or



Latter- day Saints .

B280m. Whence tame they? With appendixe s on Mormon doctrine s,claims


contentions and finance . London,J . Ni sbet

,191 1 . 90p .

Cons i de rs Smith a probable epileptic,and the Book of Mor

mon a rea wri t e of Spaulding ' s novel . Accuse s Saint s of duplicity i n l 9oo’s , atrocitie s in 1800 ' s .

1 . Mormons and

Bays,Davi s H . The doctrine and dogma s of Mormoni sm exami ne d and

B361d refuted . St . Loui s,Mo .

,Chri stian Pub . Co .

, 1897. h59p .

Demonstrate s "the fallacy and erroneousness of the entiresystem

,from. a purely Bibli cal and philosophical point o f View ,


by one who was 27 years a Mormon .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme m (Anti éMormon ) .

Beadle,John Hanson . Life in Utah ; or

,The mysterie s and crime s of

B365 Mormonism. Being an expose of the se cret rite s and c eremoni e s ofthe Latte r- day Saint s

,with a full and authenti c hi story of poly

gamy and the Mormon se ct from it s o rigin to the pre sent time .

Philadelphia,National Pub . Co .

,[1870 1

5A0p .

"Afte r living among the Mormons,began to unde rstand why

people at first welcomed and then hated them."

. . such mad fanati

c i sm could not but de stroy good neighborhood .

1 . Mormon s and Mormonisme

Beadle,John Hanson . Polygamy ; or

,The mysterie s and c rime s of

B365p Mormonism; being a full and authentic history of thi s strangesect from. i t s origin to the pre sent time . [Philadelphia ,National Ppb . Co .

,°19OAJ 60hp .

"Mormons,wi th very scant c eremony indeed

,marry their own

mothers a i n- l aw and s i sters m i nu l aw,and no matter how many beloved

si sters ."

1 . Mormons and

Beadle,John Hanson . The undeveloped we st ; or

,Five years in the

territorie s ; b e i ng‘

a complete hi story of that vast region .

Philadelphia,National Pub . Co . [1873 ] 823p .

1 6

Spent more time than he had planned among Mormons whose "absurdadly literal rende ring of Scripture ama zed and amused" . Told of ac onferenc e in whi ch people voted en ma s se they would not trade withGentile merchant s .

l . The We s t~~De s cri pt i on and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm

(Ant i ormon ) .

Beadle,John Hanson . we stern Wilds and the men who redeem

B 365w ac count of seven years travel in the far we st . [18771 62Lp .

Orson Pratt de s c ribed as only man of learning in the church,

and Brigham Young "not at all a talented man in the common senseof the word

,hi s powe r i s largely the re sult of hi s immense phys

i cal potency . Had the mi ne s failed there would not be 100 Gentile sin Utah .

1 . The we s tm m De s cri pt i on and travel . 2 . Southwe st,new b - De scription

and travel . 3 . Mormons and Mormonisme - (Anti—Mormon ) .

Beal,Merril D . A hi story of southeastern Idaho ; an intimate narrative

B 3ooh of peaceful conque st by empire builders . Caldwell,Idaho


Caxton Printers,l td o

,19A2 . t p .

l . Idahom u Hi s tory . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Idaho .

Bean,George washington . Autobiography of George washington Bean , a

E367a Utah pioneer of l 8h7, and hi s family re cord s . [Salt Lake City,

Utah Print. C0 09

3 377p o

1 . Bean Family (William Bean,ft .

Bean,Willard A . B . C . hi story of Palmyra and the beginning of 'Mormon

B 367Sa i sm" . Palmyra,N . Y .

,Palmyra C ourier Co .

,1938 . 9Ap .

Trie s to pre sent the Smith family in a more favorable mannerthan was done by most pioneer write rs about Palmyra days

,quote s

evidence from noa ormon source s .

1 . Mormon Churchm - History . 2 . Smith,Joseph


Beard sley , Harry Markle . Joseph Smith and hi s Mormon empire . Bos

B653b e ton,Houghton Mifflin Co .

,1931 . A2lp .

"Joseph Smith wa s a product of h i s time and environment —a

puppet made to danc e and po sture by force s he seldom re c ogni zedand never unde rstood .


1 . Smith,Joseph

,l 805~ l 8AL . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm — (Anti

N om on ) o


Beers , Rev . R . W. The Mormon puz zle . Chicago,Funk and wagnal l ' s ,

Bhl Sm. 1887. 1 95p .

"We have not been in actual contact either with Mormon s ornon- Mormons . we have not be en on the field in Utah at all


believe the value of thi s volume as an impartial study i s the rebygreatly enhanced .

" Think s education and coloni zation onl y curefor Mormoni sm.

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme

Belcher,Jos eph . The religiou s denominations in the United S tate s ;

BA27r their hi story,do ctrine


,and stati stic s . New and

rev . ed . Philadelphia,J o E 0 Potter

,186ho 102hp o

Di scus se s Mormons as a pe ople rather than as members of areligiou s sys tem.

1 . Se ct s - U . S . 2 . Religions . 3 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm.

[Beli sle,Orvilla S . ) suppo sed author . The prophet s ; or

' Mormoni sm

Bh31p unveiled . Philadelphia , W . W. Smith,1855 . Al 2p .

Filled with abduction s,seductions

,se c ret police


debased women who "learned to drown thought by new crime s ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smp

Utah Pam. Be l l,Alfreda Eva, ed . Boadic ea

,the Mormon wife ; life- s cene s in Utah .

v . 59 Baltimore,A . R . Orton

,t°l 855 1 102p .

no . 12 Pol ygamy'

wi th men marrying othe r men ' s wive s ; women going i h


,or murde red

,or al so be coming shamele s s .

"All deadbodie s are mysteri ous l yqsp i ri ted away among the Mormons .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sme

Bennett,Fred E . A dete ctive ' s exp erience among the Mormons ; or

Bh7l d Polygami st Mormons,how they live and the land they live in ;

Mormoni sm. unmasked . Chi cago , Laird Lee,[ °l 8871 Z9Ap .

"Broken hearted mothers,negle cted children

,and the mo st

cruel social de solation are the ne ce s sary re sult s of the Mormoncre ed

,not only as taught but

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (Anti- Mormon ) .

Bennett,John C . The history of the Saint s ; or

,An expose of Jo seph

BA7l h Smith and Mormonism. Bo ston,Leland and Whiting , 19A2. Buap .

The Female Relief Soc iety de s cribed as a kangaroo court orinqui sition used to enforc e polygamy upon the unwilling .

l . Mormons and Mormoni smp


Bennion,Adam Samuel . What it means to be a Mormon . written for the

Bh72w De se ret Sunday School Union . Salt Lake City,De se ret Sunday S chool

Union . 1 917. l 7op .

1 . Mormon Church Sunday School- Le s sons . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

[Bennion,Heber ] Supplement to Go spel problems . [Salt Lake City

,n . p s

Bh725 n od e 3 1 1 213 0

Sugge st s church ele ctions should be di scus sed openly,voted on

se cretly .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm

Bennion,Lowell Lindsay . Th e religion of the Latter- day Saint s . Rev .

Bh72r and enl . ed . Salt Lake City .,L . D . S . Department of Education

[°19AO ] 309p .

Chapt ers on such topic s as L . D . S . conc ept of God,st ructure

and character of the church,Joseph Smith ' s mine

,and the like .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church - Re1 i gi ous education .

Bennion,Milton Lynn . Mormoni sm and education . {Salt Lake City ]

Department of Education of the L . D . S . Church,

297p .

"The hi story of the heroic,intelligent

,and suc ce s sful efforts

of the founders and leaders of the Mormon Church to carry out aprogram as effe ctive as it i s astoni shing .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Education .

Benson,Frank Thomas . An analysi s of Orson Pratt ' s invention in the

Pratt,Newman debate . [Salt Lake City ] 1 950 . (M . s . the s i s


Utah Univ . )C onclude s Pratt suc c eeded in proving that the Bible sanctioned

polygamy but not in making antOgoni st i c audience s feel it shouldbe practiced .

l . Pratt,Orson

,181 1 —1881 . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 3 . Poly

gamy .

325 . 2A8 Bergmann ,Loe l a Marj orie (Nelson . ) Ameri cans from Norway . [l st ed . )

BA99a Philadelphia,Lip pinc ott [1950 ] 3ZAp . (The people s of Ame ri ca

se rie s ) .A few page s devoted to c onversion of Sugar Creek settlement of

Norwegians . Author feels dominant cultural of Utah has been AngloScandanavi an .

1 . Norwegian s in the U . S . 2 . Norwegians in Utah . 3 . Mormons andMormoni sm.





Berrett,William Edwin . The re stored church ; a brief his tory of the

origin,growth and do ctrine s of the Church of Je sus Chri st of

Latter- day Saints . [Salt Lake City ) Department of Education ofthe Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s

,1936 . 5 6op .

A text de signed for us e in the senior seminarie s of t heL o D o S o Church .

1 . Mormon Churcha i story . 2 . Mormon Churchm m Doctri na .

Bert rand,Loui s Alphonso . Memorie s d ' un. Mormon . Pari s

,E . D entu


J 3231) 0

Author believe s the Mormons are the most unified peop le inthe world and that eventually the pre- eminence of our nati on wi lldepend upon the Saint s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Bibel—citete r . Kobenhavn,Ud i gi vet og forl age af Andreas Pe te rsen

1900 . l 2op .

1 . Mormon Churchm m Doctri ne .

Utah Pam.Bi ge l ow ,M . E . Zion’s bondage and redemption . Salt Lake City


V o 6



9790 2


author,1927. A8p .


Works out figure s which indicate ”the time s of the Gentile sare almo st completed?

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme u PrOphe s i e s .

Bigler,Henry William. Extract s from the j ournal of Henry W. Bigler .

(In Utah Hist . Q .,v . 5 )

Original on file at Banc roft Library in Berkeley,California .

Lengthy c omment s on such matte rs as refu sal of Mormons to takeArmy medicine . Pas sed by site of Donne r di saster ; was p re sent atdi sc overy of gold at Sutte r ' s in California .

1 . Mormon battalion, 18A6w 18h7 . 2 . U . S . Hi story=mwar


wi th

Mexico , 18A5=18A7o =Pers onal narrative s .

Billete r,Julius Cae sar . The temple of promi s e

,Jackson County

,Mo .

Independenc e Mo .,Pre s s of Zion ' s Printing Publi shing Co .


[19A6 3 l 55p

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Mis souri . 2 . Reorgani zed Chur ch ofJe su s Chri st of Lattere day Saint s . 3 . Mormon. Churchm m TempLe s .

Bird,Ge orge Robe rt . Tende rfoot days in te rritorial Utah . Bo ston


The Gorham pre s s, 1918 . 221p .

Feel s Mormoni sm has a supe rstitious bulk it must sluff off,

that much of i ts preachings "spe e ch gone to seed ." De sc ribe s


the Tabernacle a s the "Soup Tureen ."

1 . Frontier life - Utah . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Birney,Hoffman . Zealot s of Zion . Philadelphia

,the Penn . Pub . Cc .


B6l7z 3l 7p .

Feels that before such glorious fidelity and bigotry argumentsfall silent . Absolve s church leadership With regard to Mt . Meadowsma s sac re .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Frontie r life - Utah . 3 . MountainMeadows Mas sacre

,1857 .

Blake,Mary Eli zabeth (M cG rath ) . On the wing ; rambling note s of a trip

B636o to the Pacific o Bo ston,Lee and Shephard

,1883 . 235p .

Many signs of material prosperity noted,but "not an atom of

rev e rence or devotion“even in communi sm among the Saint s ." "The

few sensit ive one s looked unhappy ."

1 . The we st u m De s cri pti on and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm(Ant i m Mormon ) .

Blankenship,Rus sell . p . of : And there were men . New York


Knopf , l 9h2 . 300p .

DaVi s was "too sensible not to penetrate the then veil of de ceit"thrown over the Mt . Meadow Mas sacre . He founded a kingdom of Heaven and produced a "walla Walla Je sus"

,and another s on who wa s the

reincarnation of the Holy Ghost .

1 . Northwe st,Pac i fi c u - Hi story . 2 . Northwe st

,Pacifi c— m Bi ography .

3 . Mormons and Mormoni smv —Dive rgent Sect s - Morri s i te s . A . Mormons andMormoni smm m Di ve rgent Se ct s u m Davi s i te s .

Blis s,Robe rt S . The j ournal of Robe rt S . Bli s s

,with the Mormon

U89 battalion . (In Utah Hi st . Q .,v .A)

v .A First printing of an original j ournal on file at the Hi storicalSoc iety of San Diego

,California . Cove rs period August 18

,l 8h?

Jan . 1 3 18A8 . Entrie s range from one sentence to long paragraphspe r day

l . Mormon battalion ,l 8h6— 18A7 . 2 . U . S . Hi story —War with Mexi co


l 8A5—18A7H H Pers onal Narrative s .

Utah Pam. Bl os s om,Rose B . What we believe in the Church of Je sus Christ of

v . 6 Latter~day Saint s . Lo s Angele s,Triple S

,n . d .

"Comment s and expand s the Article s of Faith ."Our beli ef

doe s not contradict t ruths taught by other church organi zati ons,

but is an enlargement upon them."

1 . Mormon Church— ~ Doctrine .


Breitne r,Burghard . p . 72—88 o of : Mormon and med i zi nmannér .

" Zuri ch,

B835m Amalthea - Verlag t° l 93o1 l o9p .

1 . U . S . - De sc ript ion and travel .

Utah Pam. Bri gham Young University . Enduring foundations for youth to build on .

v . 78 Provo,Utah

,1 933 . 28p .

no . L "Fact s alone are not suffi cient to make a man truly educated ."

State s an introduction to a speech by Stephan Richard s,an apos tle


who point s out the L . D . 8 . Church has ability to "make new inte r

pretat i ons as new knowledge appears" and henc e confli ct s little withlearning .

Brighouse,Jame s. The voic e of the seventh angel pro cla iming the end

B855v of time,the re surre ction of the dead

,the day of final judgment


and the rule of righteousne s s and peace . South Cottonwood,Utah .

The author,1892 .

Considers the ascen sion of Brigham Young as the end of theL . D . S . Church as a true church . Predict s overthrow of imposte rsby 1893 .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm - (Anti- Mormon ) .

Brodie,Fawn (McKay ) . No man knows my hi story ; the life of Jos eph Sudfl;

8653b r the Mormon prophet . New York,A . A . Knopf

,19A5 . A76p .

Considers Smith a nwth. maker whose genius wa s due "not to hi s

reason but to hi s imagination" ."What was a dream one day could

be come a vi sion the next,and a reality the day after that .

" Demoli she s Spaulding theory of origin of Book of Mormon .

1 . Smith,Joseph

,1805~18hh . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (Anti - Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. Brown,Ben j amin . Te stimonie s of the truth ; a re c ord of manife stati ons

v . 2 of the power of God . Live rpool,S . w. Ri chard s

,1853 . 32p .

Canc e r,crushed bone s , fever

,poi son


,are all C ited

a s“te stimonie s for the truth .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm —Mi racle s .

Brown,John Newt on

,ed . Encyclopedia of religious knowledge . Bratte

boro ',Fe s senden

,1836 . 1 275p .

Mormons are mis guided by a "puerile Eastern romance" althoughthe author deplore s outrage s perpetrated on Mormon citi zen s inMi s souri .

1 . Religion — Dictionarie s . 2 . Mi s s i ons . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Brown,Joseph E . Polygamy in Utah and New Engl andi uontras ted . A. s pe ech

v . 2 delive red in the Senate of the U . S . wash i ngton, 188A . 32p .


The peaceful lawful suc c e s sion of wive s following divorc e for

non—Biblical cause s re sult s in as much polygamy in New England asin Utah .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Polygamy . 2 . Mormons and Monnoni sme

Speeche s in C ongre s s .

(Browne,Charle s Farrar ] Art emus the by

B8823ar Hingston . London,J . C . Hotten

,1885 . 192p .

Stated he had been warned about Mormons reaction to his earlierle cture .

"Mr . Stenhous e re lieve s me of any anxiety I had felt inregard s to having my swan- like throat cut by the Danite s ; butthink s my whole sale denunciation of a people I had never se en was

rather hasty ."

l . Mormons and Mormonism.

8171 3 Browne,Charle s Farrar . Artemus ward ' s le cture . London

,J . C .

E8823a Hotten,1869. 21 3p .

Make - believe inte rview with Bri gham. Young , followed by proposals to the le cturer by ugly Mormon women .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utat ama sBryce R . M . ) My reasons for leaving the Church of England andv . 2 j oining the Church of Je su s Chri ét of



Sai nts .

Liverpool,Millenial Star Offic e

,1897. Bup .

State s no one who read s his tory of Mormons without pre judic ecan deny their Church i s under the - dire ct guidanc e of God .

1 . Mormon Church .

Utah Pam. Budge ,William. The gospel me s sage ; being a di sc ourse

,giving an

v . 2 exp l anati on, of some of the prominent doctrine s of the Church ofJe sus Christ of Latte r- day Saint s delivered at Che st erfield ,August 10

,1879. Liverp ool ,

The author,n . d . l 2p .

The author was pre sident of Bear Lake stake of Zion,an

Idaho legi slator . Born in S cotland,pre sident of British mi s sion

for 3 years,for ten years a mi s sionary in Great Britain .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm - Sermons . 2 . Mormon Church —Doctrine .

Utah Pam. rBudvars on,Arthur ] Mormoni sm can it stand inve stigation?

v . 59 Phoenix,Ari zona

,Utah Chri stian Mi s sion

,tn . d . 1 2Ap .

no . 8 Dec rie s Mormon doubt s of corre ct translation of Bible , ete rnal progre s sion

,errors in Book of Mormon

,plurality of God s .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sme- (Anti- Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. Bul kl ey ,Newman . New Bul kl ey

' s vi sion ; related by himself,as seen by

V 0 57

289 0 399B9SLt

hi m in Springville,Utah on the night of Jan . 8

,1886 . Saw all the

Saint s gathered in Zion with water bursting forth where there hadbeen none before and crop production up from 1 5 to 20 bushels to as

high as 200 per acre .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Burdette,Mary G .

,Comp . Twenty— two years ' work among Mormons . W0men? s

Baptist Home Mi ssion Society,

[1905 ] l l op .

Letters from teaching mi s sionarie s among the Saint s . In Ogdenneed for background of Bible study stre s sed

,in Provo

,the reading

room li sted as the most suc c e s sful new department ; in Salt Lake City"small chance for the truth to reach them" .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Mormon ) .

Burnett,Pete r Hardeman . Re c olle ctions and opinions of an ol d pione er .

New York,D . Appleton Co .

,1880 . Ah8p .

De sc ribe s arre st s and trial s of Mormons in Mi s souri . Comment sabout Smith : "In the short space of 5 days he had managed s o to

mollify hi s enemie s he could go unprote cted among them. wi thout theslighte st danger .


l . Cal i forni au m Hi story . 2 . Pacific state s - Hi story . 3 . Mormons andMormoni sm in Mi s souri .

Utah Pam. Burns,Dawson . Mormoni sm

,explained exposed . trev . ed . ) London


v . 59no . l



Houl s t on and Stoneman,1853 . Sop

"Smith’s character it i s diffi cult to e stimate,as it i s impo se}

ble to say whether like other suc ce s sful impo sters,he did not suc

ce ed,in at last imposing on himself . No great minds among Mormons


their only excellence in architecture .

1 . Mormon Church- “ Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm~ u (Anti - Mormon ) .

Burton,Sir Richard Franci s . City of the Saint s and Acro s s the Rocky

Mountains to California . London,Longman




Robert s,1861 . 7o7p o

Mo st ob j e ctive of early Ge ntile Visitors to Utah . If unable todetermine the truth he gave both Mormon and anti - Mormon version .

One of the few outsiders to c omment on the exc e l b nt territorialLibrary .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Utah — De scription and travel . 3 .

Salt Lake City . A . Ove rland Journeys to the Pac ifi c .

Busch,Morit z . Ge schichte de r Mormonen . Le ipzig

,Ambro sius Abel

(Vorwart,1869 ) Aaup .

Brief hi story of earl y days of Church,which ac c epts theory

Spalding ' s manusc ript wa s plag i ari zed by Smith,fairly lengthy

ac count of exodus from Narnx> and life in Utah,based heavily on


Ferri s,Stan sbury

,and Gunni son .

1 . Mormon Church - History .

Burder,William. A hi story of all religions . Philadelphia

,W. W.

Harding,t°l 877J

Claims Smith was a Methodi st on probation,but fell away .

Considers Book of Mormon a p i rati ng‘

of Spaulding ' s Manus cri ptFound . Admi s sion to membership "include s a stripping" .

"Therei s no such crime as ince st" .

l . Religions . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme

Utah Pam. Cai ne,John Thoma s . Polygamy in Utah

,a dead i s sue .

v . 61 House of Repre sentative s . washington,1888 . l op .

no . 7 "It has be en suppre s sed by Congre s s ; and the great bulk ofthe Mormon people have accepted the situation .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni smr n Pol ygamy. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme m

Spe e che s in Congre s s .

Utah Pam. Cal l,Lamoni

,2000 change s in the Book of Mormon ; containing the

v e 37 way the book i s claimed to have be en th e reasonsgiven by the church for making the many grammati cal change s ,showing that the claims are inconsi stent and untrue . Bountiful ,Utah

,The author

,t°1898 l 128p .

Most are "corre cting the commone st‘

ki nd of grammaticalerrors" . Whereas

,"The Book of Mormon

,then should have been a

model of pe rfe ction ."

1 . Booku of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smp m (Anti m Mormon ) o

Callie,Charle s A . Fundamentals of religion

,a serie s of radi o addre s m

Cl é2f se s . Independence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . and Pub . Co . tl 9h5 3 . 236p .

Include such talks as "The U . S . in the Light of Prophe cy"

which point s out the de stiny "of this providential Republi c tostand while the world stands m m a beacon of hope and heritage of man=

kind,the be ckoning light and example of nations .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- addre s se s,e s says . le cture s .

Cameron,Marguerite . Thi s i s the place ; word s as c ribed to Brigham

018 Young when as leader of the pioneer band into Utah in l 8h7 he firstbeheld the valley of the Great Salt Lake . Caldwell , Idah o


Caxt on Printers ; ltd .,1939 . 350p .

Grand—daughter of a first pioneer writ e s the story of Salt Lakefor "the yough in our schools .


1 . Utah - Hi story . 2 . Salt Lake City —Hi story . 3 . Mormons and

Mormoni 8m0


Pam. Campb e l l , Alexander . Delusions ; an analysi s of the Book or Mormon Wi than examination of its internal and external evidence s

,and a refuta

tion of it s pretence s to divine authority . Boston,B . H . Greene


1832 0 l ép o

Line for line reprint of original 1830 pamphlet ."This prophet

Smith , through his stone spe ctacle s,wrote on the plate s of Nephi


in hi s book of Mormon,every error and almo st every truth dis cus sed

in New York for the last ten years . He de cide s all the great controvers i e s .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm- (Anti- Mormon ) .

378 . 2A2 Campbell,Eugene Edward . The government of Utah

,l 8L7—1851 . ( Salt

Cl 87g Lake City ] l 9h0 . 98p . (M . A . The si s,Utah Univ . )

"During the first two years of the c olony ' s exi stence,the

church government and civil functions were completely merged intoone organi zation

,and that was the church .


1 . Mormon Churchc overnment . 2 . Utah— 9 Politi c s and government .

Cannon,Abraham H . Que stions and an swers on the Book of Mormon . De

C226q signed and prepared e spe cially for the use of the Sunday schoolsin Zion . Salt Lake City

,Juvenile Instructor office

,1886 . 62p .

Apo stle,graduate of De seret University

,busine s s manager of

JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR noted for managerial rathe r than writing abilitie s .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormon Church —Cate chism and cre ed .

Cannon,Frank Jenne . Brigham Young and hi s Mormon empire . New York


Y68SC F 0 H o Revell , 3 0 191 3 ] 398p o

Here sy wa s considered the greate st crime,for it and rebellion

were "inte rchangeable terms " in a theocracy .

1 . Brigham Young,180l ~1877. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm- (Ant i ~Mor

mon } o 3 0 Utah Hi StOfYo

Cannon,Frank Jenne . Under the prophet in Utah ; the national menace

C226u of a political prie stcraft . Boston , C . M . Clark Pub . Cc .,1 911 .

hOZp .

Claims the Mormons live under a system of "teaching,dis cipline


and e spionage "which make impos sible any independenc e of thoughtand action .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Mormon ) . 2 . Utah - Politi c s andgovernment .

Cannon,Ge orge Quayle . The latter- day prophet ; history of Joseph Smith


8653ca written for young people . Salt Lake City , Juvenile InstructorOffice

,1900 . 216p .


Intended as first of a se rie s of biographie s of church leaders de signed to give Suncay School student s the hi story of thechurch through the live s of i ts leaders .

SAME . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1902m l 9l 2 . 1932 , 7 vol .

Based on*

journal s , letters and other document s of early churchhi story . Called "D o cumentary hi story of Church” often .

1 . Smith,Joseph

,l 805~l 8hh. 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Cannon , Ge orge Quayle . The life of Joseph Smith the prophet .






Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor . 0ffi c e

,1888 . 512p .

SAME,1883 . la7p . (Faith promoting se rie s

,Ninth bo ok )

Include s such details as whether Nephite s used camel s,covered

wagon s , and sail boat s ; trace s group through to setting of Ecuador and Peru .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Smith,Jo seph

,1805u 18hh.

Cannon,George Quayle .


Writing from. the “we stern Standard," published

in San Franci sc o,Calif . Liverpool

,The author

,l 86L . 5l2p .

"It is to c orre ct this feeling,to make our principle s and

belief more publi cly known,to give greater facilitie s fo r i nve s

t i gati on and to defend an innocent,much abused and injured people

again st the aspersions of their enemie s that this pape r has beenstarted .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme - addre s se s,e s says

,lecture s .

Cardon,Jo seph Emanuel . Te stimonie s of the divinity of the Church of

Je sus Christ of Latt er- day Sai nt s'

by it s l eaders . tIndependence ,Mo .

,Zion ' s Printing and Pub . Co .

,1930 ] Bl l p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Carlton,Ambrose B . The wonderland s of the wild We st

,with sketdhe s

of the Mormons . n . p .,1891 . 3A6p .

Claims Mormon hi story wi thout polygamy i s like Hamle t withPrince of Denmark left out . Quote s hymns

,folk songs

,and tomb

stone s to aid in hi s ridicule of the Saint s . Intere sting versionof "the merry Mormon" . Ends on note of hope for the Monnons .

l . Mormons and Mormonism. 2 . Utahm i story .

Carme r,Carl Lamson . Li sten for a lone some drum; a York state

chronicle . New York,Farrar Rinehart

,1836 . 38l p .

Chapter called “The Magi c Hill" trie s to sum. up Smit h brieflyand talk a little a bout Mormons of today .

"The story of Jos ephand Moroni

,true or false

,is a fol k st ory

,as are all th e narram

ti ve s which religious c re ed s are built ."

1 . New York (State ) m m De s cri pti on and travel . 2 . Se ct s . 3 .

Spiritualism. A. Fol kn l ore . 5 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.


Cartwright,Pete r . Autobiography of Pete r Cartwright

,the Backwoods

preacher . New York,Carlt on Porter

,t°1856 1 S2sp .

Says a Mormon couple,speaking in tongue s

,tried un suc ce s sfully

to break up one of hi s camp meetings,that "Joe Smith" when told

about it cursed hi m,said he would raise up a new government and a

religion that would overthrow every other religion in America .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- (Anti - Mormon ) .

Caswal l,Henry . The city of the Mormons ; or

,Thre e days at Nauvoo in

03560 l 8h2 . London,Print . for J . G . F . J . Rivington

,l8a2 . 82p .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme— (Anti—Mormon ) .

Chadourne , Marc . Quand Dieu s e fit Americain ; roman . Pari s,Artheme

S653ch Fayard [0 1950 ] Al 5p .

1 . Smith,Joseph

,l 8o5—18AA. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Fiction .

Chamb e rs ' s repository of instructive and amusing tract s . London,W .

R . Chambers,tl 852~h 3 12v . (Content s v . 7: History of the Mor

mons . )Ac cepts idea Book of Mormon wa s a plagiary of Spaulding ' s

Manu script Found . Smith added novelty and pers erverance ,a "rude


uncouth genius" to be come a non— c ommi s sioned leader of the un

guided .

l . Mormons and Mormonisme

Chandle s s,William. A vi sit to Salt Lake ; being a j ourney acro s s the

CA56v plains and a re sidence in the Mormon settlement s at Utah . London,

Smi th,Elder and Co .

,1857. 3A6p .

"It must not be suppos ed that the Mormons con 3 1 de r the ir pe cu

liar views contrary to the as sert that they alone,by

literality of interpretation,do re c eive and believe the truth con

tai ned in Scripture ."

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- (Anti- Mormon ) . 2 . Frontie r life - Utah .

Cha se,Daryl . Chri stianity through the c enturie s . Salt Lake City


the D ept . of Education of the Church of Je sus Christ of Latter- daySaint s

,De seret Book Company ,

l 9h7. 287p .

1 . Church hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Chri stensen,Carl Chri stian Anton . Poet i ske Arb e jde r Art i kl er ob

CSSAp Afhandl i nger t i l l i gemed hans l evned s l ob . Salt Lake City "Bibubens" Bi b l i otek ,

1921 . 38l p o

Religious,personal poems , original talk s on such items as


[Church of Je sus Chri s t of Latter- day Saint s ) Casagl a i d o hymn au .

C562 Me rthyrm Tydfi l ,

J . Davi s,1852 . 355p o

WA1 . Mormon Church- ~Hymn s - Welsh . 2 . Hymn s

,Welsh .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . Church radio,publi city

C S626 s and mi s sion literature committee . A short history of the Chur chof Je sus Christ of Latter—day Saint s . (Salt Lake City ) Ghurdiof Je sus Chri st of Latter~day Saint s

,t° l 938 i 239p .

1 . Mormon Churchm a Hi s tory .

( Church of Je sus Chri s t of Latterw day Saint s . C ze cho slovakian Mis sion ]C562 s Sto let Mormonism. Praze

,Cze sko s l ovenskou Mi S i i Ci rkve Je zi s e

Kri sta Svatych Po s l edni ch Dnu,

l 03p .

l . Mormon Churcna i s tory .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . Council of the Twelve0562p Apo stle s . Prie sthood and church welfare ; a course of study for

the quorums of the Melchi zedek prie sthood . (Salt Lake C ity ]De se ret Book Cc .

,1 938 . 30Ap .

Di s cus se s principle s of wealth and work,the value of tithe

paying,and utility of cooperation as a means of "bani shing

pove rty .”

l . Mormon Churchm m Pri e s thoodm m Le s s ons . 2 . Mormon Church - WelfarePlan . 3 . Sociology

,Chri stiana -Mormon authors . A . Natural re source s .

Utah Pam. Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . De seret Sunday Schoolv . 6 Union . A catalogue of books for Sunday School librari e s . Salt

Lake City,De seret News

,( 1873 ? 22p .

Sele cted from principal book sellers of east,aV0 1 d ed tale

and story book s a s top s ectarian,and emphasi zed hi story



and s cience s .

l . Mormon Church~ m Sunday Schools .

Utah Pamo tChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Sai nt S J De seret Sunday Schoolv o 57 Union

,cate chi sms no . 1 ; que stions and answers on the life and mi s

also sion Smith,1882 . 52p .

Include s que stions on first offi c ers and first act ivitie s o f

0562q the churcn. Reviews perse cutions ,mas sac re , and murde r of Saint s .

1 . Mormon Church~ ~Cate chi sms and c reed s . 2 . Smith,Jo seph


l 8aa.

[Church of Je su s Chri s t of Latter~day Saint s . De seret Sunday S chool056 2d3 Union ] De seret Sonntag s chul l i ede rbuc h fur die s chwe i ze rl i s che undG 3 deut sche Aufl . mi t Noten . Basel

,F . Tad j e ,

1 929 . l 87p .


Some general favorite s,such as "Nearer My God to The e .

" plusL . D . 8 . title s such as "Never be Late to Your Sunday School Clas s .


1 . Mormon 0hurch - Hymn s - German . 2 . Mormon 0hurch - Sunday S choolsHymns - book s - German .

( Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . D e seret Sunday S chool0562d Union ) De seret Sunday S chool song book . Salt Lake City

,De s erd ;

1892 Sunday School Union,1892 . 2oop .

A few out side hymn s . Many L . D . S . favorite s with some oldone s

,such as 'The Mormon Boy .


1 . Mormon 0hurch - Sunday School Hymn- book s . 2 . Hymns .

tChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . De seret Sunday S chool0562d5 Union . ) De seret Sunday S chool song book s . 5th ed . Salt Lake

City,D e seret Sunday S chool Union

,1901 . 216p .

Many addre s sed to the children,admoni shing them. i n some way

"Never be Late to Your Sunday School clas s ."

1 . Mormon 0hurch —Sunday Schools - Hymn books . 2 . Mormon ChurchHymns 0

tChurch of Je sus Chri st of Lattera day Saint s . Deseret Sunday S chool0562i Union ] The i ntermedi ate

Sunday School reader . Salt Lake City,

Juvenile Instructor Off .,1888 . l hhp .

Poems and storie s mainly of biblical event s . Five make reference s to Mormoni sm.

1 . Readers and speake rs . 2 . Mormon 0hurch - Sundaya s chool s - Hand


,et c .

2890 362 [Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r—day Saint s . De seret Sunday School05623 Union ] Jubilee hi story of Latte r- day Saint s Sunday Sch ool Union


1900 0

Stati stical report s on various unit s su ch as ward s,stake s


and mi s sions .

l . Mormon Church~—Sunday- schools .

[Church of Je sus Christ of Latter- day Saint s . De seret Sunday S choolUnion] Latteréday Saint s ' Sunday S chool hymn book ; the word com

panion of the De se ret Sunday S chool song book . Ath ed . SaltLake City

,De seret Sunday School Union

,1901 . 226p .

Word s- m no musi c . A few non- religious songs such as "HomeSwe et Home"

,sprinkled among sacramental songs

,children ' s song s


and L o D o S o hymns .

1 . Mormon Church - Sunday S chool —Hymn books .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saints . De se ret Sunday School0562£a2




Union . Latte r- day Saint s ' Sunday School Union . Latter— day Sains '

Sunday School treati se . 2d ed . Salt Lake City,printed by

G . Q . Cannon,1898 1 27p .

Gene ral comment s,plus model le s son for primary

,first inte r

mediate,et c .

1 . Mormon Church - Sunday Schools —Le s sons .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . De seret Sunday SchoolUnion . Old Te stament le s sons

,nos . 32- 39, 67- 76 , 85

- 1 36 .

Salt Lake City,De seret Sunday School Union

,1895- 1898 . 1 vol .

Bibli cal text,plus le s son which integrate s material with L . B . S .

doctrine on such items as location of Garden of Eden .

1 . Mormon Church— ~Sundaym s chool s - Le s sons . 2 . Bible study - 0 . T .

3 . Bible —0 . T . Study .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . De ser et Sunday SchoolUnion Board ) Parent and child ; a serie s of e s says and le s sonsfor use in the parent s ' department of the Latter- day Saints SundaySchools . Salt Lake City

,D e se ret Sunday S chool Union

191 6 ] 3 vol .

"Do everything you can to fortify your child against everyinfluence that tend s to de stroy hi s faith in hi s religion .

" Couple sreligious ideals with analysi s of influence s .

1 . Parent and child . 2 . Mormon 0hurch —Sunday S chools - Le s sons .

[Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter—day Saint s : De se ret Sunday SchoolUnion . Sunday School offic ers and teachers handbook . Salt LakeCity

,De seret Book Co .

,n . d . 8Ap .

1 . Mormon 0hurch - Sunday Schools - Handbooks,manuals

,etc .

Utah Pamo tChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . Easte rn State s Mi s sion )V 0 61

no . 1 5


A statement from Josiah an inte rview had in18th with Jo seph Smith . Some of the sayings and predictions madeby the prophet Jo seph Smith . ( New York

,1890 ] 32p .

Annotated quotations from "Figure s of the Past" followed bythought s of Smith on various sub j e ct s .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

[Church of Je su s Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s . l s t Pre S i d enc Abrief statement of principle s of the gospel ; based largely upon theCompendium (Ri chard s m L i ttl e ) with excerpt s from othe r writings


including also church chronology,prie sthood ordinanc e (and ) s e l

c oted hymns . ( Salt Lake City ] 19A3 . 36Lp .

De signed for Mormons in armed se rvice s . Urge s obedience to military discipline but loyalty to Mormon ideals . Principle s are errang


ed . under sub j e ct headings .

l . Mormon Churchn u Doctri ne .

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Je su s Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . lst Pre sidency . Ci rcu

v . 6 1ar of the First Pre sidency . Salt Lake City,the author


10p 0

No longer shal l'

pe op l e be permitted to be members of the churchif guilty of "lying

,drunkenne s s

,sabbath breaking

,profanity ,

defrauding,or backbiting the i ° ne i ghb ors .

" Outline s procedure s foreducation



,etc .

1 . Mormon 0hurchn - Government .

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter~day Saints . lst Pre sidency . Anv . 6 epistle of the First April 6

,1886 at the 56th

no . 6l general annual conference held at Provo,Utah . Salt Lake City ,

De seret News Co .,1886 . l 90p .

Point s out that pe rsecution "though very painful,has not

been without profit to the Lattereday Saint s . It has strengthened i n them. a new zeal


,and determination into the faith

1 . Mormon Church —Epi stle s .

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Jes us Chris t of Latterm day Saint s . lst Pre sidency . Thev . 6 Fathe r and the Son ; a doctrinal exp osition by the First Pre sidency

and the Twelve . Salt Lake City,1916 . 8p .

God,the Eternal Father

,Whom we de signate by the exalted

name w ti tl e "Elohim",is the literal parent of our Lord and savior

Je sus Chri st,and of the spirit s of the human race .


1 . Mormon

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Gene ral Board of Educav . 6 tion . Circulars no . A, 6m 8 , 1889- 1892 .

Outline s purpose of church s chools,qualifi cations of teachers


sugge sted basi c library, and warns ; "we think it would be opposedto the spirit of true education

,for any s chool to make profe s sions

of work,which i s incapable of properly fulfilling .


l . Mormon Church~~Educati on .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Gene ral Board of Educa0562£e tion . Le s son book for the religion clas se s in the Church of Je su s

Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Salt Lake City,1 9 .


,songs and morals arranged by grade s . A

great deal on basi c Chri stian a s well as Mormon ideals .

1 . Mormon 0hurchm u Re l i gi on clas s e s - ~Le s sons .


Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Ge ne ral Board of Educati ai .

0562ou Outline s in religious education for us e in the s chools and seminari e s of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Salt LakeCity

,De seret Book 00 .

Five se ctions,each with outline s on such topic s as Mormoni sm


Nephite Di spensation,Old Te stament

,et c .

1 . Mormon Church - Religion clas se s —Outline s,syllabi

,etc . 2 .

B i b l e m - Studye - Outline s


,etc .

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . General Boards of M . I . A .

V 0 62

no . 1 6

The pionee r summer way for M . I . A . l 9Sugge sted make - believe treks in pionee r clothe s

,organi zed in

l o' s, 5o

' s,and l OO? s

,to give a real meaning to printed ac count s

of pione er days .

1 . Mormon Church - Handbooks,manuals

,etc .

2890 363 Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s . Gene ral Board of Relief05620 Society . A centenary of Relief Society

,l 8A2— 19L2 . Salt Lake

City,General Board of Relief Society

,19A2 . 96p .

Hi story of society from Nauvoo days,with illustrations


hope that L . D . S . women will re cogni ze "the inspiration that guide si ts de stiny .


1 . Mormon Church— ~Relief Society .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Gene ral Board of the0562h Relief Society . Handbook of the Relief Society of the Church of

Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . [Salt Lake City,National

woman ' s Relief Society of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterday Sai nt S J 1 931 . 212p .

1 . Mormon Church —Relief Society - Handbooks,manuals

,etc .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . General Board s of M . I . A .

0562mu and M - Men and Gleaner songs . Salt Lake City,General Boards of

M . I . A . [19391 1 6p .

With the exception of two national recreation as sociationsongs

,the se might be called pep songs of the L . D . S . Church .

1 . Mormon Church - Song books .

2890 378 Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . General Board s of M . I . A .

0562m M . I . A . songs ; songs for everybody . [New rev . ed . ) Salt LakeCity

,General Board s of M . I . A . [19AOJ ll2p .

Include s many familiar songs of patrioti sm,and camp songs


Christmas carols plus L . D . S . hymn s and new words for ol d tune s,

such as"The explorers are on the ir way (sung to Polly welly Doodle ) ,

"Fighting for the right" (Anchors Aweigh ) , Scout Praye r Song


(Marchet a ) and The Be e~hive girls are glad girls (It ' s a long,

long way to Tipperary . )

l . Mormon - Song books .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day' Sai ntS i Ge sangbuch de r Heil

C562g6 igen de r let zten Tags . 6 . Aufl . Berlin,Die D eut sche Mi s sion

G 3 de r Kirche Je su Christi de r Heiligen de r let zten Tags , 1901 .

32hp o

Songs of faith,hOpe , prayer

,and trust . Music and Ge rman

text 0

l . Mormon Churchm n Hymns - w Ge rman . 2 . Hymns .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Ge sangbuch fur dieC562g5 Schwei ze ri s che und deut sche mi s sion . 5th improved and enl . ed .

G 3 Bern,Sute r and L i erow

,. l 890 . 299p .

Espe cially de signed to teach Mormon doctrine and historicMormon event s . words set a well known and beloved memory .


1 . Mormon Church - Hymns - ~Ge rman .

Utah Pam. [0hurch ofi Je Sus Chri st i of Lattera day Saints . ) The great - prb cl ama

v . 7 ti on; . or, the* trumpet mess aget Liverpool

,Mi l l eni al


,m.d .

Ap e

Include s a reprint of April 6,18A5 proclamation to rulers and

people of all nation calling up on them to help build the citie sof _Zi on and Je rusalem.

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Handbook of instructio ns0562h for stake pre sident s and counselors

,bi shops

,stake and ward clerks


and other church office rs . no . 1 Salt Lake City .

Outline s duti e s and how to pe rform them. such as Stak e Hi stori

cal record,stake quarterly hi stori cal report

,Patriarchal ble s s

ings with inst ructions on how they should be re corded wi th warn~

ings against payment s orgratui ti e s .

1 . Mormon Church~~0rgani zati on .

Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Hawaiian Mi s si on . Dir0562d e ctory [of the gene ral church and mi s sion authoritie s . Salt Lake

City ] Adverti sing Pub . Co .,1 93A.

1 . Mormon Church —Dire ctorie s . 2 . Mormon Church —Mi s sionsHawaiian I sland s .


Utah Pamo tChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Sai nt S J House of the Lord ; hi sv . 6O tori cal and de s c riptive sketch of the Salt Lake Temple . Salt Lake11 0 0 5 City

,N Q W O Plib o CO O

,1893 0 36p o

Hi storical and de s criptive sketch of Salt Lake Temple . Followe dby complete guide to interior with explanatory note s . Entire dedicatory praye r included .

1 . Mormon Church — Temple s - Sa1 t Lake City .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint 3 1 Hymne s a l ' usage de s

0562h branche s francai s e s de l ' Egl i s e de Je sus Chri st de s Saint s de s deru

F8 niers j ours . Berne . Bureau de la mi s sion Sui s se,1899 . l 6op .

Long~hand , or hand print . HOLY CITY i s in Engli sh with no transl ati on o

1 . Mormon Church~

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte ru day Saint s : paral eC562in lel Scripture refe rence s to prove the Latter~day Saint s faith and

doctrine s . hp .

Outline s article s of faith with citations of Bible which supportthe se . Space at end of pamphlet for li sting local meeting place s ofthe Saint s .

1 . Mormon Church— m Doctri ne .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Latte r- day Saint hymns .

C562£a Salt Lake City,De seret Book Cc .

,[°l 927 i Al9p .

Based earli e r collections . Some hymns have be en di s carded andothers given new settings . Metronome markings included as guide sto choristers . Indexed 5 ways .

1 . Mormon Church~~Hymns . 2 . Hymns .

Utah Pam. 0hurch of Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Saint s . Latter~day Saint Temple s .

v . 62 5th print ing . [Salt Lake City ,1 9A~ J [18p ]

no . 20 Include s a hi story of temple s in general a s well a s L . D . S .

temple s,plus a statement of the purpo se s for temple s . Illustrated


some interior photo s .

1 . Mormon Church m — Temple s .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Sai nt S J The latter— day Saint s '

05622 3 psalmody . 3d ed .,rev . and enl . Salt Lake City

,De se ret News


1 906 0

A numbe r of hymns are improved in diction and rhythmn ,all are

s et to mu si c,in the main by local c ompose rs .

l . Mormon Churchn — Hymns . 2 . Hymns .


[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter~day Saint s . Norwegian Mi S S i on :

C562 s i Si s te Dage rs He l l i ge s sangbok . £05 1 0 : Norske M i s jon ved A .

Richard Pete rson,

0 1938 . l 76p .

Mo stly non- se ctarian Chri stian hymns with good sample of Zion .

Four part s,wi th music .

1 . Mormon Church - Hymns — Norwegian .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte rw day Saint s . Pre siding Bishopri c .

0562a Aaronic prie sthood choruse s . Salt Lake City,

[° l 9A5 : 127p .

Based upon the need for songs suitable for boys ' voice s .

Part s arranged for soprano,alto


,and baritone . One of the

most inte re sting i s a story in song introduction to "Come,come ye

Saints ."

1 . Mormon Churchu m Pri e s thood~ - Song books .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . Pre siding Bi shOpri c . Di r

C562d e ct ory of the general authoritie s and offic ers of the Church of

Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saints . Salt Lake City,l8v .

The se dire ctorie s give the name s and addre s se s of all the officers of the church from the smalle st unit

,the ward

,through the

pre sidency and c ouncil of apo stle s .

SAME . Salt Lake City,l 9h3 ° 56p o

l . Mormon Churchm - Dire ctorie s .

Church of Je su s Chri st of Latterm day Saint s . Pre siding Bi shopri c .

CS62w ward teache rs ? handbook . Salt Lake City .

In se ct ions,with reading time indicated

,with the ob j e ct of

ward teach i ng summari zed s "To vi sit the home s of the Saint s andto teach them how to live i n harmony with the go spel of Je susChrist .

" C ondensed ward teachers report form on page s 328 to 333 .

l . Mormon Churchm m Teache r training clas se s - n Hand- books,manual s

,eh .

2 . Mormon Church u m Organi zat i on .

Church of Je su s Christ of Latte rm day Saint s . Primary A s sociation . AC562h handbook for the officers and teachers in the Primary As sociation

(Religion clas s ) . [Salt Lake City : 1930 . l 95p .

Outline s growth from 1878 wi th one group to 1928 with 108, 576

enrolled in 1 2L3 primarie s . De scribe s organi zation and activitie sof eleven groups

,such as Lark s

,Bluebird s , etc .

1 . Mormon Church - u Pri mary As s o c i at i onm - Handbooks,manuals

,et c .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r n day Saint s . Primary As sociation :The primary s ong book . 2d ed . Sal t Lake City

,1907 . 93p .

Preface c ontains a note : "Be patient,do not tire of repeti

tion . Be thorough . Be sure the children unde rstand the meaning of


the word s they sing . Teach exact pronunciation and do not mi stakeshout i ng

’for singing .

" C ontains many songs,patrioti c

and seasonal .

l . Mormon Church - Primary As sociation - Songs and music .

Church of Je sus Christ of Latteréday Saint s . Program [of : auxiliary0562p group conventions

,1921 - 1937 . [Salt Lake City

,1921 - 1937:

2 V0 1 0

1 . Mormon Church -Auxiliary organi zations .

[Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter—Day Saint s . Psal mer til B rug forC562p6 Je su Chri sti Kirke af Si d ste~Dage s He l l i ge . 6 . udg . K j obenhavn


D1 J . C . Van Cott,1861 . 392p

Predemi nantl y ScandanaVi an,and European hymns , mainly in

Luthe rn Tradition . word s only to Mormon,Luthern

,and other

s e cl ari an hymns .

l . Mormon Church - Hymn s-~Dani sh .

[Church of Je sus Christ of Latter- day Saint s : Ready referenc e s,a

CS62re2 compilation of Scripture t ext s arranged in sub j e ctive order withnumerou s annotations from. emi nent writers . [2d ed . : Salt LakeCity

,D e seret News Cc .

,1887 . l 68p .

To prove what they taught from. the Bible,to aid their mem

ory and to help other mi s sionarie s,a couple of Elde rs c ompiled

thi s book .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter~day Saint s . Sacred hymns and spir0562 3 9 i tual songs

,for the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s

in Europe . 9th ed .,rev . and enl . Live rpool

,F . D . Richard s


1851 . 379P °

No music,although mete r i s indicated . Mo stly L . D . S .

verse about prophet,vi sions


,and the tribe s .

1 . Mormon Church— m Hymns . 2 . Hymns .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s : Salme r til Brug .

05628 Salt Lake City,A . W . Winberg

,1888 . L96p .

Dl Dani sh colle ction,mainly general hymns

,with a few L . D . S . ;

indexed of title s and first line s .

1 . Mormon Churchm m Hymns m u Dani sh . 2 . Hymns,Dani sh .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Lattern day Saint s : Sange til Brug forC562 sa3 de S i d ste - Dage s He l l i ge s Sondags

~skol e r . 3 . udg . Kobenhavn,

Dl H . J . Chri stiansen,191 6 . ll6p .


Has hymns of othe r churche s,plus some about Zion . One in par

ti cul ar,beginning "Do not think when you come to Zion" warns about

the need for work even in Zion .

l . Mormon Church- ~Sunday S chool - Hymn book s - Dani sh .

Church of Je sus Christ of Latter—day Saint s . Scandinavian jubilee al

bum [1850w 1 900 : I s sued in commemoration of the fiftieth anni ver

sary of the introduction of the Go spel to the three S candinaviancountrie s by Elder Erastu s Snow

,an apo stle of Je sus Chris t


fellow laborers . [Salt Lake City,Pre s s of the De seret News

,1900 :

z39p o

Nume rous picture s with date s of Scandinavian publications,wid i

a li st of mi s sionarie s,year by year . Contains picture s and b i o

graphi cal sketche s of ove r 300 convert s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Scandinavia . 2 . Mormon Church - Mi s s i ai s

in Scandinavian . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Biography .

Utah Pam. Church of Je sus Christ of Lattern day Saint s . A sele ction of seventeenv . 62 songs made from. ove r uplifting and soul- inspiring songs conno . 1 3 tai ned in our new song book The songs of Zion . Chicago


State s Mi s sion,Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s

, [1 9083

[20p ]

17 most popular L . D . S . songs of the day .

1 . Mormon Church~~Hymns .

[Church of Je sus Christ of Latterm day Saint s : D e Skandi navi shka S i sta05628k Dagarne s Religas koal b ok . Salt Lake City

,Tryckt a De se ret News

TW Cke P i91895 0

Has Swedish Dani sh words . arranged in L part s .

1 . Mormon Church~~Hymns —~Swedis h . 2 . Mormon Church - ~Hymn s —Dani sh .

[Church of Je sus Christ of Latter—day Saint s : The s ongs of Zion . ChicaCS62 s c go ,

Pub . by the Mi s sions of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterday Saint s


U 1908 . 2a3p .

Include s some ol d favorite s of othe r groups,

such as"Count your

Ble s sings" and "God be with You ."

1 . Mormon Church~ ~Hymns . 2 . Hymns .

Utah Pam. Church of Je sus Christ of Latte ra day Saint s . Souveni r program for thededi cation of the L . D . S . Idaho pione e r monument at Fort L i mh i

(on Aaronic Prie sthood Day ) . [Pocatello,Form. L i mh i Pione e r Mon

ument committe e : 1 950 . 1 2p .

Hi story of Salmon River mi s sion from the first call for it to

the attack on i t which led to i t s abandonement .

1 . Mormon pione e rs - Monument s . 2 . Hi storical marke rs,Mormon .

3 . L imhi,Fort Idaho .

Utah Pam. [Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s : The That cher episode ;v . 3 a c onci se statement of the fact s of the case ; intere sti ng

letters and document s ; a review of That cher ' s claims,ple as and

admi s sions . Salt Lake City,De seret News Pub . Co .

,1896 . A7p .

Mose s Thatche r had been disfellowshipped for go i ng vagai nst

c ouncil . So much go s sip ensued . thi s pamphlet was print ed topre sent the reasons for punishing apo stle Thatcher .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . That cher,Mo se s .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Saint s : U . S . mi s sion tract s .

C562u [Salt Lake City : n o d .,2 vol .

Include s some outlining Mormon doctrine,others giving

church hi story,and di scourse s on the spirit world



Lord ' s day,bapti sm

,etc .

1 . Mormon Church - Mi s sions and tract s .

289. 36h Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterw day Saint s . wells Stake,Mc

C562fu Kinley ward . The fullne s s of living ; an activity guide for.Aaroni b pu i e sthood age girls . Rev . ed . Salt Lake City


Kinley ward,wells Stake

,19h3 , [19th ] l hhp .

C ontains explanatory material s and then an outline o f re

commended activitie s ranging from. m3 ture study and fine art s tobowling and ping pong . Intere sting pedigree chart folded in backof volume .

1 . Mormon Church

2890 3 Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s . women ' s committe e .

C562m. Mormon women ' s prote st,an appeal for freedom

,justi c e


equal right s ; the ladie s of the Church of Je sus Chri st o f Lat~

te rm day Saint s prote st against the tyranny and inde cency offede ral officials in Utah

,and against their own di sfranchi se~

ment without cause . Full acc ount of proceedings at the greatma s s meeting held in the Theatre

,Salt Lake City



March 6,1886 . (Salt Lake City

,n . p .

,1886 : 91p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme—Women . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm?

Church and state .

Utah Pam. Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterm day Saint s . The Word of Wi sdom. i n

v . 62 practical terms ; extract s from addre s se s del i vered°

i n the Taberno o2 nac l e . Salt Lake City

,[1931 ] 1 6p .

Cite s experienc e s in athletic s to prove benefit s of ab staining from tobac co and alcohol .

1 . Mormon Church u m Doctri ne~~Word of wi sdom. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme w Addre s s e s

,e s says

,lecture s .


Ut ah Pam. [Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Saint s : Manual for

V o SL senior clas se s . l 9l bm 1 5 .

Thi s volume i s devoted to the vocations of man,the teache r

and home - make r are credited wi th being the two greate st influenc e sin the background of children .

1 . Mormon manuals,etc . 2 . Mormons and

Mormoni sm.

Ut&h Pamo IChU T Ch Of Je sus Chri St Of Latt e ru day'

Sai nt S ] Y OM OM O I OAO Manuals .

v . 54 1907w l 910 .

Topic s from year to year inc l uded church hi story through biographie s

,the making of man (phys i cally ,

mentally,and socially ) ,

Jos eph Smith as a scienti st,and spiritual growth .

1 . Mormon manuals,et c . 2 . Mormons and

Mormoni sm.

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s ; : Zions Sange en Samling05628 0 af Udval gte Sange for de Si d s t e m Dage s He l l i ge s Moder . Salt LakeD1 City

,Udgi vi t og Forl agt af Je sus Kristi Kirche af de Sists - Dage s

He l l i ge ,1910 . 211 songs .

Dani sh text of above in current us e in mi s s ion field .

1 . Mormon Church~~Hymns m m Dani sh .

[Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterm day Saint s : Zions sanger en samlingC562 s o af utval da sanger for de Si sta Bagera He l i ge s Moten . Salt LakeS9 City

,Utgi fven och forl agd af Je sus Chri sti Kyrka af Sista Dagers ,

He l i ge , 1910 . 209 songs .

Wide sele c tion of most popular L . D . S . hymn s,wi th a smaller

s ample of ol d Swedish hymns .

1 . Mormon Churchm ymns m m Swed i sh .

Utah Pam. The city of the Saint s ; containing views and de sc riptions of principalv . 5 poi nts of intere st in Salt Lak e City and vic inity . Also brief sket

che s of the hi story and religion of the Latte r- day Saints . SaltLake City ,

Ge orge Q . Cannon Sons,n . d . 67p .

Written during pre sidency of Lorenzo Snow . De scribe s old SaltLake theater as well as some ho te l s no longer in exi stenc e .

1 . Salt Lake Ci tye - De scription . 2 . Mormon Church_ - Doctrine . 3 .

Mormon Churchm m Hi story .

Clark,John Alon zo . Gleanings by the way . Philadelphia

,W . J . and

0593g J o K 0 S imon,l 8h2 o 352p o

1 . U . S . a - De sc ription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm — (AntiMormon ) .


Utah Pam. Cl ark, Joshua Reuben . American free enterprised ; addre s s de

V 0 80

11 0 0 12

the Allied Trade s dinner of the MountainState s Travelers . [Salt Lake City

,The Author

,19h6: l 5p .

"In a practical world unequal wage s are inevitable,

be cause not all work is of equal value ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s .

Utah WPamacl ark,Jo shua Reuben . Slipping from. our old moorings ; addre s s

V 0 80

11 6 0 1 3



067l m

9l ooh06750

the annual me eting of the Utah PoultryProduce rs Coope rative A s sn . [Salt Lake City

,The author


19h7 l 1 5P °

Point s out dangers to all Ame rica from a lo s s of faith .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni smr - Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s .

Clemens,Samuel Langhorne . Roughing it

,by Mark Twain

,pseud .

New York,Harpe r


M i xe s ‘mockery'

wi th serious criticism. Considers Bookof Mormon chloroform in print

,marriage to homely Mormon

women an act of kindne s s .

1 . The We st —De scription and travel . 2 . Hawaiian I sland sDe scription and travel .

Cluff,Lavon H . Their gala days . [lst ed . : Lo s Angele s


tonhous e,

2l 3p .

"It i s my de sire to impart,be side ente rtainment


of the fundamentals of,and

,something of the s o- called

mysterie s pertaining to,Mormoni sm.


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm—~Fi ction .

Codman,John . The Mormon c ountry . A summer with the "Latter

day Saint s" . New York,United State s Pub . Co .

,187A. 225p .

Arrive s at conclusion that though Mormon s have many falsebelief s

,they should be prote cted and allowed to evolve into

the "true path to heaven ."

1 . Utah - D e s c ription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism

(Anti - Mormon ) .

Coffin,Charle s Carleton . Our new way round the world . Bo ston


J . R . Osgood Co .,

[1859] 52hp .

Young combine s "police systems of Fouche,of the first

empire of Ignatius Loyola and the Orde r of the Je sui t s toke ep law and orde r in Utah

,a theocratic state .


1 . Voyage s around the world . 2 . Mormons and Mormons i sme

(Anti - Mormon ) .


910 .A Coffin , Charle s Carleton . Our new way round the world . Boston,

06750 Este s Lauri ot,1881 . 52Lp .


l . Voyage s around the world . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (AntiMormon ) .

Utah Pam. Col fax, Schuyler . The Mormon que stion ; being a spee ch of vice - pre si

v o6l dent , Schuyle r Colfax,at Salt Lake City . A reply thereto by

no . 9 Elder John Taylor . Salt Lake City,De seret News Offi ce

,1870 . 25p .

Colfax says he has no quarrel on really religious que stions ;but that the Mormons must obey laws they feel are unconst i tuti on

al until the court s rule otherwi se . Added that the Book of Mormoncondemned polygamy .

1 . Mormon Church~- Apologeti c works . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smPolygamy . 3 . Mormoni smr u Congre s s i onal enactment s .

Pam. Cons ti tuti onal and governmental right s of the Mormons,as defined by

Congre s s and the Supreme Court of the United State s ; containingthe full text Organi c act of Utah Territory

,the Anti

polygamy l aw of 1862,the Poland law of 187A , the Edmunds law of

1882,the Edmund s- Tucker law of 1887, the United State s Statute

of Limitations,Poor convict Release Act

,and the Idaho Te st Oath

law,to whi ch i s appended a dige st of the de ci sions of the Supreme

Court of the U . S . applicable to "Mormon" Lake City,

J . H . Parry,1890 . l l 6p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Congre s sional enactment s .

Conyb eare , William John . Es says e c cle siastical and social . Longmans ,1855 . Atop

The arti cle on the Mormons appeared in the Edinburgh Review in185A. Contains some intere sting refle ctions on pains and penaltie swhi ch are the portion of a minority in the Great Republi c .

1 . Church of England . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme - (Anti - Mormon ) .

[Conyb eare , William John : Mormonism. London,Longmans , 185A. ll2p .

A retrogre s sive cult who se man cente red system i s only approached by Egyptian monks . Suc c e s s due to living prophet

,obedience to

followers,gene ral participation in office holding and materiali sm.

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme— (Anti—Mormon ) .

Cook,Alonzo Lake r . A study of the go spel of Our Savior . [Indepen

C77l s dence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . Pub . Go . : 19A6 .

Strong on word of Wisdom,need for blood atonement and chastity»

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.


1 . Mormon Churchm m Doctri ne .

Cox,Jame s . My native land ; the United State s . St . Loui s

,Mo .


0877m Blair Pub . Co .,1895 . hoop .

Admired the industry of the Mormons while deploring polygamy,

Danit e s,and "s om cal l ed" reve l ations .

l . U . and travel . 2 . U . S . m ~Soc i al life and customs . 3 . Indians of North America . A . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (AntiMormon ) .

Utah Pam. Coyner , J . M . Letters on Mormonism. Salt Lake City,Tribune Print .

V 0 58 and Puh o CO O,18790 2hp o

"I am. al s o well as sured that if the Mormon church eve r againobtains absolute c ontrol in this Te rritory

,all non—Mormons


eve r notable their work,however pure the ir live s

,or howeve r self

sacrifi cing their labors,will be compelled either to b ow the knee

to the God of the Mormons or flee the country ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm- (Anti m Mormon l .

Cree r,Leland Hargrave . Utah and the nation . Seattle

,Wa shington


C91 University of washington pre s s,1 929. 275p .

Excellent political hi story-

of the Mormons .

l . Utah- m Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Crocheran,Augusta (Joyce ) Repre sentative women of De seret ; a book of

C937r biographical sketche s to ac company the picture bearing the sametitle . Salt Lake City

,J . C . Graham

,188A. 1 3l p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Bi ography .

Utah Pam. Curran,Garret William. From. the Roman Catholic to the Mormon Church ;

v .oz A former membe r of the Roman Catholic Church for many years tellsh o ol7 why he ac cepted the doctrine of the Church of Je sus Chri st of

Latte rm day Saints (Mormon ) . tSal t Lake City,The author


°l 939 1

32p o

Since 2 churche s wi thin Christianity claimed to be true,


must have been a liar,and s c ripture s are used to prove catholi ci sm

i s gU i l ty o

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Curran,Garrett W . Fathe r O’Bri en and the Mormon mi ss ionary ; thei r

v . 6 di scus sions . [Salt Lake City ] The author,

[1939 ] hOp .

An imaginary dialogue based on writings of Mormon Jame s E .

Talmadge versus Catholic s Conway,Knox

,and Gibbons .

1 . Mormon Churchm —Doctrine .


Utah Pam. Curran,Garret William.

The heavenl yanumb er three . [Salt LakeV 0 6 Ci tY ] The author

,n o d o 6hp o

Says the L . D . 8 . Church has agreed to remain neutral on hi swritings which he admit s severly te st i t s oacceptance of the truthfrom any source .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormons and Mormonism - Fiction .

Utah Pam. Curran,Garret William. Which i s the only true Church of Chri st

v . 60 Roman Catholic or Mormon . [Fre sno,California, The auth or ]

1950 0 AOp .

"The Roman Catholi c God,that de s c ribed by the Vati can

Counc il,i s a false

,non- exi stant God and one Which Chri st com

mandad mankind to di s card ."

1 . Catholic Church . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Curti s,Mrs . Bardella Shipp . Sacred s cripture s and religiou s

O978s philosophy ; a comparative study . Caldwell,Idaho

,The Caxt on

printe rs , ltd .,l 9h2 . 32op .

Trie s to re conc ile various hi stori cal attitude s toward s"purpose of mostal e state .

" Interpret s various 19th centurywritings which might be c onstrued as favorable to Mormoni sm.


l . Mormons and Mormoni smr - Doctri nal and controversial work s .

2 . Mormon Church - Theology .


Pamacurti s,George Ticknor . A plea for religiou s liberty and the right s

v . ol of conscienc e ; an argument delivered in the Supreme Court of theno . l A U . three case s of Lorenzo Snow, plaintiff in erro r v .

The United State s or writ s of error to the Supreme Court ofUtah Territory . washington, Printed for the author by Gib sonBro s .

,1886 . oap .

Argued that introducing women as One ' s wive s did not c ons ti tute cohabitation . Intere sting summary of L . D . S . views onmarriage

,made by a Gentile lawyer . Point s out the se marriage s

we re legal when contracted .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Pol ygamy . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smCongre s sional enactment s .

Utah Pam. Dani e l s,William M . Corre ct account of the murde r of General s

v . 60 Jo seph and Hyrum. Smi th at Carthage on the 27th day of June,

no . 6 l 8AA. Nauvoo,Ill .

,Pub . by John Taylor for tthe Proprietor


0 26p 0

Nonc Mormon who went to Carthage out of curio sity relate sremark s and Spee che s of tho se who incited the murders andparti cipated in them.

1 . Mormon Church —Hi story . 2 . Smith,Jo seph

,l 8OS- l 8ha.


Darter,Franci s M . The kingdom of G od ; the U . S . A.

,Briti sh Empire .

D226k Salt Lake City,Utah Print . Co . l 9al . ohp .

Author list s himself as "High Prie st - Kingdom of God SurveyorCivil Engine er .

" Di scu s se s washington ' s Vi sion ; the mi s sing tribesof I srael

,predict s nearne s s of last days with the next pre sident

of the L . D . 8 . church to be a divine leader .

I . Mormon Church - D octrine .

Utah Pam. Darter,Franci s M . The Lord ' s strange work ; the return of John

,th e

v . 37 Revelator,a voic e of warning

,the approaching end . Long Beach


California,1917 . l 85p .

Feels some of the elders have stumbled in Judgment , be comespiritually drunk

,and worldly in financial matters .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Darte r,Franci s M . Our Bible in stone

,it s divine purpose and pre sent

D226o day me s sage,the myste ry of the age s unveiled . Salt Lake City


De se ret News Pub . Co .,t° l 931 1 l 79p .

Analysi s of prophecie s and their fulfillment as indicated on fire

Great Pyramid of G i zek,"the equi valent of the handwriting of the

Almighty ."

Darter,Franci s M . The time of the end . Lo s Angele s

,[Wet zel Pub .

D22ot Cc .,1 928 . 295p .

An interpretation of the 70 week- year Vi sion given Dan i el ;offe red the average man so that he can prepare for Judgment Day .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine . 2 . Bible - Prophe cie s .

Darte r,Franc i s M . Zion ' s redemption . Salt Lake City

,De se ret News

D226 z Pub . Co .,1933 . zzhp .

Thi s book i s to instruct the saint s as to the true characteri st i c s

,qualifications and power of the se prophet s s o they might

"refrain from following de c eivers ."

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Prophecie s . 2 . Mormon Church — D octrine .

Daughters of Utah Pione ers . Heart throbs of the We st . Salt LakeD238h City

,Daughters of Utah Pioneers


A potpourri of remini sc ence s and extract s from family diarie s .

l . Utah —Hi story . 2 . Frontier and pione er life —Utah . 3 . Mormonsand Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Daughte rs of Utah Pioneers . Hi storical miracle s in pione er days . Corrp .

V -7O by Kate B . Carter . [Salt Lake City ) 1938 . l op .

no . 10 Irrigation,sugar from cottonwood tree s and seagulls de st roying

cri cket s are the three developed most extensively .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm —Miracle s .


Utah Pam. Daughters of Utah Pioneers . Military life in the We st . Compiled byv . 70 Kate B . Carter . (Salt Lake C i ty ,

J l 9LO. 3op .

no . 3 A hodge - podge of quotations from Creer,California . Hi s

torie s,j ournals

,and the like . Location of j ournals not given .

1 . Mormon Battalion,l 8A6- l8a7 . 2 . Utah - Hi story .

Utah Pam. Daughters of Utah Pioneers . Publi c works and social se curity ofv . 70 the pione e rs . Comp . by Kate B . Carter . {Salt Lake C i ty ] 1936 .

no . 2 l Sp .

Di scus se s such enterpri ze s as meeting house,canals


gati on dit che s,temple

,and tabe rnacle with not e s on the use of

tithing sc rip as currency .

1 . Mormon Church - Welfare plan .

Utah Pam. Daught ers of Utah Pioneers . They came in ' h7; c omp . by Kate B .

v . 70 Carter . (Salt Lake City ] l9a7 .

no . 7 Alphabetical listing of l 8h9 pionee rs with date s and plac e sof birth and death

,with some li st s of later c ompanie s also .

1 . Mormon Pione e rs,Original C ompany

,l 8h7. 2 . Utah —Pioneers .

Davie s,John Johnson . Uncle Sam and the Mormons . (In Utah Hi st .

U89 Q 0,19h1 , V o9) o

l . Mormons and Mormonisme- Poetry .

Davis,Ine z (Smith ) . The story of the church ; a hi story of the

D262 s Church of Je su s Christ of Latter—day Saint s,and of it s legal

suc ce s sor,the Reorgani zed Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter

day Saint s . 3d ed . Independenc e,Mo .

,Herald Pub . House


l 9h3 . 575D °

l . Mormons and Mormonism. 2 . Reorgani zed Church of Je sus Chri stof Latter- day Saint s .

Utah Pam. Davi s,MCLai n W . Mormoni sm. New York

,Outlook Cc .

,1906 .

v o 59 Confli ct between Mormons and Gentile s i s irrepre s sibleno . 1 5 be caus e of the arrogant claims of Mormoni sm. The effort s of

the church to dominate political and e conomi c life around it .

"The effe ct of the material and political domination of the Mormon Church i s

,as it could not fail to be

,pernicious .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Soc ial life and cu stoms . 2 . Mormonsand Mormoni sm — (Anti—Mormon ) .


Davis,S . J . S . The origin of the Book of Mormon

,together With an

D26ho account of the ri se and progre s s of the Mormon Church . Loui svi lle,

Ky .,Pente co stal Pub . Co .

,1899 . 1AAp .

Book of Mormon inspired by Prie stley ' s the orie s on origin of

Indians,Spaulding ' s Romance and held togethe r by Orson Pratt


brain be hind Smith and Young

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism - (Anti - Mormon ) .

De Jong,Gerrit . Greater dividends from religion ; a di s cus sion of the


Utah Pam. The


practi cality of some religious teachings of a pe culiar pe ople . Foreward by Milton Bennion . Salt Lake City

,De seret Book Co .

,{1950 1

l 37p °

"It i s hoped that some reasonable and reali sti c thinking willbe pre sented that will be of help to those who want to strengthentheir determination to live fully the Go spel of Je sus Chri st


it has been re stored in the di spensation ."

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. Doctrinal and controve rsial works .

delegate from Utah ; the po sition of George Q . Cannon to whom theseat in Congre s s was awarded . Salt Lake City

,De seret News Co .


1881 —1882 . 3 part s .

Cannon re ceived vote s to 1 300 for Campbell,but the lat

ter made numerous ob j e ctions,most of whi ch are listed and answered

in thi s pamphlet .

1 . Cannon,George Quayle

,1827- 1901 . 2 . Campbell

,Allen G . 3 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm —Spee che s in Congre s s . A . U . S . Congre s s - HouseConte st ed ele ctions .

979oh De Rupe rt,A . E . D . Californi ans and Mormons . New York

,J . W . Lovell

Dh38c 1881 . loop .

The Mormons re cogni ze only church gove rnment ; some of theirs e rmons would make a courte san blu sh . Says he believe s Mormoni smi s based on a l i e .


Will apologi ze if a saint can show h i m theplate s of the Book of Mormon .

1 . California — De s cription and travel . 2 . San Franc i s co —De s

c ri pt i on . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - (Anti—Mormon ) .

Di ckinson,Mrs . Ellen E . New light on Mormoni sm. N ew York


and wagnal l s , 1885 . 272p .

D e s cendant of Spaulding give s all po s sible ways Smith mighthave been influenc ed by Spaulding . Thinks Mormons got hold of

and de stroyed original "Manus cript Found" .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme — (Anti - Mormon ) . 2 . Book of Mormon . 3 .


,1 761 - 181 6 .

9l O. hD577

9170 3D621n

9170 3D621n8


Dilke,Charle s Wentworth . Greater Britain ; a re cord of travel in

English speaking countrie s during 1866 and 1867. London,

Macmi llan,1868 . 2 vol .

Considers Mormons succ e s sful pione ers,but the women sad of

countenanc e and the men extremely c redulous .

l . Voyage s around the world . 2 . Great Britain — Colonie s . 3 .

U . S . - De scription and travel . A. Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Dixon,William Hepworth . New Ame ri ca . Philadel phia

,J . B .

Lippincott,1867 . h95p .

1 . U . S . - Social life and customs . 2 . Se ct s,U1 8 . 3 . Mormons

and Mormoni sme ~(Ant i - Mormon ) .

Dixon,Wi l l i am. Hepworth . New America . 8th ed . London

,Hur st

Blackett,£1869 ] Ah8p .

"They live and thrive,and men who live by the ir own labour ,

thrive by thei r own enterpri se,can be altogether mad .

" Di s cus sedtheate r among Mormons at some length .

1 . U . S . - Socia1 life and customs . 2 . Sect s,U . S . 3 . Mormons

and Mormoni sme— (Anti - Mormon ) .

D octrine and Covenant s . The do ctrine and covenant s,of the Church

of Je sus Chri st of Lattera day Saint s,c ontaining the revelations

given to Jo seph Smith,Jr .

,the Prophet

,for the building up of

the kingdom of God in the last days . Divided into verse s withreference s

,by Orson Pratt

,Sen . Salt Lake City

,Georg e Q .

Cannon Sons Co .,1891 . 5o3p .

The latter editions differ from. the fi rst mainly in indexingand arrangement . Later editions include Word of Wi sdom

,offi cially

adopted as Church doctrine many years after i ts ‘ori gi nal promul

gat i on .

Do ctrine and Covenant s . The doctrine and some additions by hi s suc c e s sors in the pre sidency of the church . SaltLake City

,Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s

,l 9h6 . 312p .

The 1835 fi rst edition contained a customary phrasing of titlepage s of the period "Carefully sele cted from the revelati ons ofGod .

" Not all revelations given membe rs or leade rs be came officiel doctrine . The first publi cation of compiled revelations wasthe ext remely rare Book of Commandment s

,publi shed in Mi s souri in

1833 . Most copie s we re de stroyed by a mob .

Utah Pam. Doctri ne and Covenant s . The Lord ' s law of health ; Word of Wi sdom.

V 0 62 Se ction 89 of the D octrine and Covenant s . ( Salt Lake Cit y ]Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s l 93 8p .

No annotation,simply a copy of se c . 89 bhwfi afl ! 0P

81 3 .AD76SS




Draper,John Smi th . p . 297- 312 cf z Shams


,Uncle Ben ' s experience

with hypocrite s . Chi cago,C . C . Thompson Cc .

,t°1899 1 Al2p .

was impre s sed with Tabe rnacle but then told pe ople in themiddle seats couldn ' t hear a word . Convinced money i s mainspringof Church ; that the leade rs never intended to fini sh the Temple


ke ep building and getting money from faithful foreve r .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme— (Anti- Mormon ) .

Driggs , Ben jamin Woodbury . Hi story of Teton Valley,Idaho . Caldwell


Idaho,The Caxt on printers

,1926 . 227p .

Based on information gathered "while some of the ol d pioneerswere still living .


1 . Teton Valley,Idaho — History . 2 . Mormon Church - Coloni zation

Idaho 0

D riggs,Howard Ros coe . The art of teaching ; a teachers t raining course

de signed for quorum instructors and auxiliary clas s teachers of theChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latte réday Saint s . Salt Lake City


e ral Boards of the Auxiliary Organi zations of the church,1919 . 121 p .

"Teaching i s one of the fundamental activit i e s of"Practically all active members of the Church are called upon at sometime in their live s to teach in some capacity or other .


1 . Mormon Church - Teacher Training Clas se s —Handbook s,manuaks .

Driggs,Howard Ro scoe . Mormon trail ; pathway of pione e rs who made the

de se rt s blos som. New York,Ame ri can Pioneer Trails A s sn . t

°l 9h7 3

95p o

Even the ink in this book seems to blos som in thi s ac count withi t s maps

,picture s

,and mileage s .

l . Mormon trail .


2 . Utah Emigration and Immigration .

Dunn,Jacob Piatt . Ma s sac re s of the mountains

,a hi story of the Indian

wars of the far We st . New York,Harper

,1886 . 78hp .

Bitter attack on "Mormon de cit unde r their dogma of higher law ."

Claims George A . Smith arrranged the Mt . Meadow mas sacre .

1 . Indians of North Ame rica —Wars . 2 . The We st - Hi story . 3 . Mormonsand Mormonism.

Dwye r,Robe rt Jo seph . Th e gentile come s to Utah ; a study in religious

and social confli ct (1862 washington,D . C .

,The Catholi c

uni ve ri syt of Ame rica pre s s,l 9al . 270p .

well documented . Criti ci ze s earlier writers for not us ingmore mate ri al s from federal archive s .

1 . Utah — Hi story . 2 . Utah - Socia1 c onduct . 3 . Mormons and Mormonism.


Eventual peace and union in the world under Mormon brotherhood .

l . Mormons and Mormonism.

Evans,John Henry . Birth of Mormonism in picture ; s c ene s and incident s

E92b in early church hi story from photographs by George E . Anderson .

Salt Lake City,De seret Sunday School Union . t

° l 909J 62p .

Picture s of various home s of Smith,place s he worshipped and

re ceived vi sions,Hill Cumorah

,and the like .

1 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Evans,John Henry . Black Gypsy and other storie s

,written for the re

E92b que st of the General Board of Religion Clas se s of the Church ofJe su s Chri st of Latter—day Saint s for the primary department .

Salt Lake City,D e seret News

,1907 . 1 52p .

True storie s of Mormon experience s written by L . D . S . authors .

Moral driven home by que stions such as one about the story of

little Johnny who re ceived a good j ob after taking a bath .

1 . Mormon Church~~Re l i gi on clas se s - Storie s .

Evans,John Henry . The heart of for the seminarie s

E92h of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterb day Saint s . Salt LakeCity . Pub . for the Department of Education by the D e seret Book Co .


1 930 . 529p o

Based on the author ' s sugge stions that there be a change of

emphasi s from hi story to a clear understanding of the me s sage s ofthe church

,including showing how the church has all the strength

of one—man powe r,yet all the qualitie s of democracy .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine . 2 . Mormon Church —Hi story .

Evans,John Henry . One hundred years of Mormonism; a hi story of the

E9202 Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s from 1805— 1905 . 2d

ed . Salt Lake City,De seret sunday School Union . 1909 . 536p .

Trie s to stre s s principle s,to explain on sociological

grounds the fri ction between Mormons and othe r groups,to show

the church i s a model of effi ciency,having all the strength of

one —man powe r ani yet all the developing qualitie s of great C

democracy .

1 . Mormon Churchm — Hi story .

Evans,John Henry . Our church and people , written for the De seret

E920 Sunday School Union . Salt Lake City,De seret Book Co .

,l 92h . 298p .

The lo s s of the prie sthood and what that did to the churchduring the Middle Age s

,and then the coming of Smi th and the L . D .

S . Church are de s cribed .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.


Evan s,John Henry . Step a little higher . Salt Lake City

,D e seret

E925 Book Co .,

£0 1937] 1 36p .

In spirational me s sage s to Mormon youth,on home life


anc i al independence,word s of Wi sdom

,and the like .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Evans,John Henry . The story of Utah

,the beehive state . N ew York


E92st Macmillan Co .,1933 . AhSp .

Simply written text and often in story form.

1 . Utah~~Hi story .

Utah Pam. Evans,Ri chard C . Forty years in the


Mormon church ; why I left it .

v . 71 Toronto,The author

,tl 92ol l 73p .

no . 10 When people told him Smith had practiced polygamy he c ould"no longer believe that God and Chri st vi sited and conver sedwith Smith" .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm — (Anti- Mormon ) . 2 . Reorgani ze d Churchof Je sus Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s .

Evans,Richard Loui s . At thi s same hour . tl i st ed . ) New York


E92at Harpe r,rl 9h9 ) 207p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni smr —Addre s se s,e s says

,lecture s .

2 . Homileti cal illustrations .

Evans,Ri chard Loui s . Thi s always . New York

,Harpe r


E92t rl 9h2 1 2oop .

"C ontains,topi cally arranged

,mo st of the broadcast

se rmonette s that have been pre sented" on weekly CBS broad cast sfrom Temple Square .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm —Addre s se s,e s says

,lecture s . 2 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm - Se rmons .

Evans,Richard Loui s . Unto the hills . New York


,t° l 9hOJ

1 51p o

Sermonette s "talked off on a dictaphone,under the pre s sure

of a relentle s s weekly broadcast s chedule .

1 . Mormons and MOrmoni smy - Addre s se s,e s says . 2 . Homileti cal

illust rations . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Se rmons .

Eyri ng , Heinrich . Ei n'

WOrt der Verthe i di gung ober Antworten aufE98w Fragen in Betreff de r Lehren de r Kirche Je su Chrs ti der H eil

igen der let zten tage . Bern Herausgegeben,von J . U . Stucki


1875 0 l ép o

l . Mormon Church- w Cate chi sms and cre ed s - German .

Eyri ng , Henry . The j ournal of Henry Eyri ng , 1902- 1935 . (Salt LakeE98a City

,Henry Eyr i ng and Harold W . Bentley

,1951 ]

"The very pove rty I had to pas s through wa s a ble s sing in di s

gui se and an agent to prepare me for the reception of the plan of

salvation,as revealed through the prophet Joseph Smith .

" Converte dafter 2 months of study in 1855 . Tells of mi s sion among Indiansand one in Mexi c o .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Fage rs t j e rna ,P . W . P . The light of Me s siah on the go spel of freedom


and the order of Me s siah . Vol . 1 . San Franci sco,C . W. Gordon


1888 o 38op 0

Contains revelations urging Utah Mormons to come back into thefold of the Re organi zed Church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smP —Divergent Se ct s . 2 . Je su s Chri st - Mi s c .

Faithful,Emily . Three vi sit s to Ameri ca . Edinburgh

,D . Douglas


Fl 7ht 188ho 377p °

Compari son discipline of Mormon church with that of Je suit s,

and state s early sermons were couched in language s o coarseRabelai s could not have surpas sed it . Simple convert s led to

believe church got government land for them. D oe s note Americandivorce laws lend some support to Mormon claim that much practic ediffe red from. pol ygamy only in name .

1 . U . S . Social life and customs . 2 . womann - Social and moralque stions . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormons ) .

FaIk,Alf red i "T rans aPac i fi o gshe tche s ifia tofirtthroughu thé

‘Uni ted JState s

Fl 9l t add oCanadat v-Me l bourne , G . Robert son

,1887. 31 3p .

Felt that Mormoni sm was originally a "farrago of ancient Jewi shceremonie s

,grafted upon a spurious kind of Chri stianity" but that

would have been all right had not polygamy turned it into a socialcanc er o

l . U . S . ~—De scription and travel . 2 . Canada - De s cription and travel . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Utah PamoFarnsworth,S . M S . M . Farn sworth ' s vision ; related by hims elf


v . 57 seen by h i m in Nauvoo,Ill .

,early in the Spring of 18LA.

Angel said "A s evere trial was ne ce s sary to Sift out tho sethat we re not worthy .


l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm.

Farr,Julia . The great expe rienc e . Salt Lake City , De s eret News ,

F2 393g 1920 . 22Ap .

C ruelty to convert s in some instanc e s by relative s who lat e rrepented and we re conve rted and brought to happine s s in Z ion .


Farr,Julia . Venna Hastings ; story of an Eastern Mormon convert .

Independence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . Pub . Co .

,1919 . 200p .

Venna i s an heire s s,married to a rounder

,whom she pro

perly leave s to live in the c ountry . There she witne s sed ababy healed by faith through mi s sionarie s and was he rself converted . First husband shot by a woman he wronged . Learns that"women in the East don ' t know how to really en j oy life" . Shegive s away mo st of her money in orde r to marry a poor Mormon .

Die s happily on a battlefield .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme—Fi ction .

Ferri s,Benjamin G . Utah and the Mormons . From personal ob servati on

F39hu during a six months ' re sidenc e at Great Salt Lake City . New York,

Harper,1854 . 3h7p .

Ferri s was certain Mormoni sm was on the de cline . He feltBrigham Young would have been out shown and neve r heard of had heremained in the East .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Ferri s,Mrs . Ben j amin G . The Mormons at home . New York


P 39hl m Edwards,1856 . 299p .

Little defe rence paid to women,"I suspe ct it to be one of

the effe ct s of polygamy ." was quite ready to c onclude a large

portion of female Mormonism i s made up of "good- natured,stupid

fools . Felt Utah might operate as a "Botany Bay" to societygenerally .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) . 2 . The We st —De scriptionand travel .

First century of national exi stenc e ; the United State s as they we reF527 and are o oby an eminent corps of s c ientifi c and literary men .

1872 Hartford,Conn .

,Publi shed by L . Stebbins

,1872 . 585p .

2 page s on Mormons s c orn going into "hi story of this impo s

ture" , instead summari ze such beliefs as "They believe thatthere are many

1 . United State s . 2 . Mine s and mineral re s ource s w —U . S .

3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

81 3 oh Fi sher,Vard i s . Children of God ; an Ameri can epic . New York

,Harpe r


F53630 [0 1939 ] 769p .

Attempt s to give story of Mormons in fictional form with i ma

gi nary s c ene s involving Smith as well as Young . Motivation ofboth i s physiological rather than metaphysical .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm — Fiction .





9770 3F77l h

378 o2h2





Foley,Samantha T . Brimhall . Canc ione s de Sion 0 del culto Mormon .

Salt Lake City,Skelton Pub . Co .


°191 1 . 197p o

Spani sh word s,no musi c . Divided into sacramental

,fune ral ,

children ' s,songs of life and death

,and songs from Book of Mor

mon . Hymnal source indi cated .

1 . Mormon Church - Hymns,Spani sh .

Folk,Edgar Este s . The Mormon monste r . New York

,F . H . Revell


1890 0 372p o

The killing of Smith was more than a crime "It was a blunder",

be cause Mormoni sm at that time "wa s practi cally dead ." "Blind ,

unreasoning obedience to the prie sthood i s the mark of highe stvirtue among the Mormons .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

(Ford,David ] The Mormon lion ; chapters from the se cret memoirs of

David Ford . London,John Long

,(1 91 5 ) 320p .

Forced marriage s,murde rs

,and mas sacre s make thi s a study in

read and black .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) — Fiction .

Ford,Thomas . A history of Illinoi s

,from i ts commencement as a state

in 1818- l 9u8 . Chicago,S . C . Griggs and Co .

,185A. Lh7p .

The governor who could not or would not prote ct Smith from as sass i nati on give s hi s impre s sions of Nauvoo and the Mormons .

1 . Illinoi s —Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Illinois .

A critique of mortality stati sti c s with spe cialFox,Karl August .

[Salt Lake C ity ) 1938 . (M . A . The si s,

reference to Utah .

Utah UH l V o )

1 . Mormon Church - Statisti c s . 2 . Utah - Stati sti c s,Vital .

Frand sen,Erne st . A work book to be used in the study of Old Te stament

history . n . p .,n . d .

,l o9p .

Diagrams of c reation and pre—mortal life bring out L . D . S . doo

trine,100 pro j e ct s for student include s maps

,chart s

,qui z ze s


synopse s .

1 . Bible 0 . T . Study - 0ut l i ne s,

syllabi,etc .

Outline s,syllabi

,etc . — 0 . T .

tute s u — Outline s,syllabi

,etc .

2 . Bible study3 . Mormon Church - Seminarie s and Insti

Frankau,Gilbert . My unsentimental j ournal . l s t ed . London


s on (n o d e ) 285p o


289 0 399F88l s

2890 399





Impre s sed with charm,industry

,and hospitality of Mormons .

Conclude s perse cution was sourc e of their strength .

1 . U . S . - D e sc ription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Fre e ce,Hans P . [New York

,Wolfe r 73p .

The author tried to give talks to prove the Mormon Church"ha s been led astray by prie stcraft" . Claimed poor membe rs hadbe c ome vi ctims of des igning leaders .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Anti - Mormon ) .

Frere,Rev . John . A short hi story of the Mormonite s

,or Latter- day

Saint s .


With an ac count of the real origin of the Book of Mormon .

London,J . Masters

,1850 . ZLp .

"It i s impos sible to charity herself to exp e ct any good of asociety which springs from such an origin a s theirs

,e spe cially


when the mi schief of their fanatical superstition

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ani t- Mormon ) .

Froi s eth,Mrs . Jennie Ande rson . The women of Mormoni sm; or

,the sto ry

of polygamy as told by the victims thems elve s . Detroit,C . G . G .

Paine,1882 . Al 6p .

"First wive s s eem. to carry the signs of care and s orrow~ ~a

mark of Cain,as it we re" . Slander was the weapon often us ed or

threatened to force women into polygamy .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Amit- Mormon ) . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smPolygamy .

Fuller,Metta Victoria . Live s of female Mormons

,a narrative of

fact s stranger than fi ction . Philadelphia,G . G . Evan s


(18593 1 326p .

A fooli sh,love si ck girl become s a se c ond wife


numbe r one to die of heartbreak . Numbe r two in turn i s made un

happy by numbe r three,and goe s out to le cture against the Mormons .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti 4Mormnn ) — Fi ction .

Gardne r , Cele stia Snow . Hi story of the William Snow and Robe rt Gardne r familie s ; pione e rs of 19A8 and 1850 . Salt Lake City


Print c CO O, 18313 0

1 . Snow Family (William Snow,1806 2 . Gardne r Family

(Robert Gardner,1819 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Biography .

Gash , Abram Dale . The fal se star ; a tale of the Oc cident . Chi cago,

W . B . Conkey Co .,1899 . 578p .

289 . 36hG 2593h



G 326h


Wive s die of broken heart s,

or go insane ; young men are muti l ated or murde red . Revelations are faked by bi shops

,stake pre s r

dent s and prophet s .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism (Anti - Mormon ) .

Gate s,Mrs . Susa (Young ) . History of the Young Ladie ' s Mutual Improve

ment As soc . of the Church of Je su s Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s .

Revi sed and publi shed by the Gene ral Board of the SaltLake City

,De seret News

,191 1 . A88p .

Thi s organi zation originated among the daughters of BrighamYoung to aid in retrenchment . It has Since become a strong branchof L . D . S . youth organi zations .

1 . Mormon Church

Gate s,Mrs . Susa (Young ) . John Stevens ' c ourt ship

,a story of the Echo

Canyon war . Salt Lake City,De se ret News

,1909. 377p .

"An avowed purpose of this book i s to show that there i s plentyof romance and color in everyday life - i f the eye be not colorblind .

" One L . D . S . gi rl die s both "dead and di sgraced" from havi ngtrusted a Gentile soldier .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme— Fiction .

Gedde s,Jo seph Arch . Crime a s a Mormon culture problem. Logan



Utah State Agricultural College,19hl .

1 . Crime and criminals . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Gedde s,Jo seph Arch . The United Orde r among the Mormons (Mis souri

phase ) an unfinished experiment in e conomi c organi zation . SaltLake City

,The De se ret News Pre s s

,192A . l 72p .

Based on private property,held unde r steward ship from the

Lord or the church,with le ss incentive to the unusual man than

capitali sm offers,but more to the ave rage

,or poor .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Mis souri . 2 . Mormon Church - D octrineUnited Order .

Genealogical Society of Utah . Handbook of Genealogy and Temple work .

Salt Lake C ity,

( Pub . by the society ] l 92a. 336p .

"The se ordinanc e s must b e pe rformed in thi s life,

of if for thedead

,vicariou sly by some one who i s in mortality

,the living acting

a s proxy for the dead ." Henc e the need for genealogi e s to furni sh

li st s of fami ly membe rs .

1 . Genealogy . 2 . Mormon Church — Temple work .


Brigham Young and young Jo s eph Smith both lo st the keys of thehave not had any revelations a s it has been pro

mi s ed ." Give s a li st of bad practice s of the church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Gile s,Henry Evans

,comp . Latter—day Saint s congregational hymns . l s t

GL72£ ed . Independenc e,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . Pub . Co .

,191 9 .

"Standard hymns of Zion in such form as Will enable the peopleto sing with the spirit and understanding .


1 . Mormon Church —Hymns . 2 . Hymn s .

Utah Pam. G oodri ch,E . S . Mormoni sm. unve i l ed .

,188A. l 2p .

v . 6 Use s stati sti c s of crime in te rritory to prove Mormons look fav

orab l e compared with tho se who denounce them.

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. G oodwi n,S H . Additional studie s in Mormnni sm and Ma sonry . Salt

v . 37 Lake City,The author

,1932 . 62p .

Says Book of Mormon echoe s charge s of anti - Masonic movementagainst ancient se c ret societie s .

1 . Free Masonry . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. G oodwi n,S . H . Mormoni sm and Masonry ; a Utah point of view . Salt Lake

V 0 37 City,1921 . 24.5p .

Explains why Mormons are not admitted to Utah ma soni c lodge s .

1 . Free Masonry . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Gove,Je s se Augus tu s . The Utah expedition

,1857—1858 . Concord

,N . H .


G72lut N ew Hampshire hi stori cal society,1928 . AAZP .

Letters of Captain Gove to Marie and children,plus some he

sent New York Herald under the name of "Argus ."

1 . Utah - Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Graham,Stephen . Tramping With a poet in the Rockie s . New York

,D .

G 7A2t Appleton,1922 . 279p .

Vachel Lind say and Graham in Canada - ref1 e ctions on Mahometlike nature of Mormon s

,Rigdon ' s influence ending on note "Mormon

i sm i s the story of a pas sionat e sensual man With a fake religion ."

1 . Rocky Mountains . 2 . Lindsay,Nicholas Vachel

,1879- 1931 . 3 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Grant,Hebe r Jeddy . Go spel Standards ; sele ctions from the sermons

G762g and writings . ( Salt Lake City,The Improvement Era ) l 9hl . 38hp .

Begins with the note many agree the L . D . S . church i s a fineorgai i zat i on if only people did not have to believe in JosephSmith .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Collected work s .

Utah Pam. G ras s,Eric T . Thought s of reality ; a chal l ange to the churche s and

v . 37 to the Mormons in parti cular . Salt Lake City,The author

,m. d .

32p 0

Claims the Mormons are panthei st s with no real basis for claimto authority as a true church . Demands "a de c ent answer to how

they got divine power ."

1 . Mormons and

Gray,A . F . The menace of Mormoni sm. Anderson

,Ind .

,Go spel Trumpet

O77S Co o,( ° l 926 1 128p .

Smith lacked moral fitne s s ."In fact

,moral fitne s s doe s not

seem to hold a very large place in the Mormon s cheme" . Politi calpower and wealth of Mormons are a menac e to the libertie s of theNation .

1 . Mormons and

The great We st,it s attractions and re source s . Philadelphia


H83 lin Pub . Co .,1880 . 528p .

Tend s to exaggerate physical manife stations of Mormons,i g

norance of the people,with a note that the be st of them had

apo stati zed .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Greave s,Halbe rt Spencer . Public Speaking in Utah

,l8a? to 1869.

G787p (Madi son,Wi s . ) 1941 . (The si s , Wisconsin Univ . )

Based largely on the Journal of Discourse, q . v .

l . Utah- m Hi story . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story . 3 . PreachingHi story

b - Utah .

Green,Gilbe rt M . Science uprooted . Salt Lake City


0 1938 ]

1 32p o

Compare s word of s c ienc e with word of God,with science being

mi sty but God ' s word eternal .

1 . Religion and science . 2 . Cosmology . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Green , Nelson Winch . Mormoni smz it s rise,progre s s

,ani pre sent con

G797m dition . Embracing the narrative of Mrs . Mary Ettie V . Smith,of

9790 2


her re sidenc e and experienc e of fifteen years with the Mormons .

Hartford,Conn .

,Belknap Bli ss

,1870 . L72p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti m Mormon ) .

Gregg,Thoma s

,The prophet of Palmyra ; Mormoni sm reviewed and examinei

in the life,character and care er of i t s founde r . New York

,J . B .

Alden,1890 . 551p .

"Not only as to what Mormoni sm now i s,but made acquainted with

the origin,hi story and development of thi s the mo st wi cked and dan

gerous folly of the nineteenth century ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) . 2 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm i t

Illinois . 3 . Smith,Joseph

,l 8o5- 18AL . A . Spaulding



181 6 .

Gregory,Herbe rt Erne st . Population of southern Utah . 19LSJ

Reprint from. Economi c Geography a stati stical hi story of

settlement s at base of Hurri cane Cliffs,With few comment s on churdi

leade rs and the ir infl uenc e s .

1 . Utahw - Population . 2 . Utah - Coloni zation . 3 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Guers,Emile . Irvingi sm and Mormoni sm

,te sted by

with prefatory notice,by Jame s Bridge s . London

,J . Ni sbet


185A. 9Ap o

Mormoni sm appeals t o c redulous imaginative people of l ow

clas se s ; Irvi ngi smi s the "share of the high" . Smith called "anincomprehen sible medley of ignorance


,and impudence .


1 . Catholi c apo stoli c church . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—More

Gunni son,John Williams . The Mormons


,Latter~day Saint s in the

G976m Valley of the Great Salt Lake . New York,John W . Lovell Co .

,(°l 852 ]

1 681) o"In fact the re seems to be as fair a sample of intelligence


moral probity,and good citi zenship as can be found in any nom

inal Chri stian community ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

378 . 2L2 Halford,Reta Latime r . Nauvoo— u the C ity beautiful . (Salt Lake C ity ]

Hl 69n (M . s . The sis,Utah Univ . )

Based on a s i zeable number of contemporary works and early churdi

periodicals . Book outline s Smith ' s plan of C ity building for theentire c ontinent

,and note s it application to Nauvoo .

1 . Mormon Church— w Hi s toryn w l l l i nO i s . 2 . Nauvoo

,Illinois .

Utah Pam. Hal l,Henry . Inte rvi ew with Pre sident Smith

,(n . p l , n . d . ] 1 5p .

v e 37

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Halls,William. Sele ction s from. the writings of William Halla with

Hl93s an autobiographical sket ch of the author . Ed . by Edward HAnde rson . 2d ed . Salt Lake City

,D e seret News

,1 912 . 1A9p .

Mainly di scourse s on basic Mormon creed s,with one chapter

proving inhabitant s of Mars are not fur skinned sinc e they toomu st be children of God .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Utah Pam. Hancock,G . Harri s . Beware the Mormons . m. d .

v . 37 Leaflet warns Mormon Elders are in Ipswi ch and that thousand sof Engli sh women have been tempted and de c eived into going toUtah and "forced into marrying brutal Mormons who have alreadymany wive s .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti SMormon ) .

Handbook of refe rence to the hi story,chronology

,religion and country

H236 of the Latter—day Saint s,including revelation on c ele stial mar

ri age . Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor Off .

,1884 . 1 57p .

Written to answer those from the East who "allowed theireagerne s s to run away from their ve racity .


1 . Mormon Church - D octrine . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story - Utah .

Hand - book on Mormoni sm. Salt Lake City,Hand- book Pub . Co .

,1882 .

H236 95p °

Some 25 arti cle s,ranging from expo se of endowment c e remonie s

polygamy to a defen se of Gentile s in Utah and an ac c ount of mi ssion work in the t e rritory .

"The Mormon hierarchy i s pre— eminantl y a se cret as sociation "with plans of empire .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Hannett,Arthur Thoma s . In the days of Brigham Young

,by Arthur

H2hhi New York,Broadway Pub . Co .

,t° l 9l h l l o9p .

The hero,who tells the story

,grows up in ignoranc e and

polygamy until a Gentile swe etheart challenge s h i m to inve stigate hi s own religion . He doe s and leave s it

,aided by hi s

father ' s attempted forced marriage of hi s swe etheart,then i s

sentenced to death by a church c ourt .

1 . Mormons and Mormonismr —Fiction .

378 o 2h2


H27l t


289 0 39H287s

HBl ht


Hardy,Kenneth R . Construction and validation of a scale measuring

attitude s toward the L . D . S . church . ( Salt Lake City ] 19L9 .

(M . s . The si s,Utah Univ . )

Measure s variations of attitude s among 1 62 adult Salt LakeL . D . S . Di scovers religiou s attitude of Spous e has more influenc ethan parental opinion .

1 . Attitude (Psychology ) . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Hardy,Mary (McDowe l l ) Duffus , Lady . Through citie s and prairie land s ;

sketche s of an Ameri can tour . Chi cago,Belford


,1882 .

338p o

De sc ribe s social life among the Mormons . The men "genial and

goad natured , but as a rule coarse and sensual looking" . Note s "theyseem to have gathered together the scum of all nations to be cleans ed and purified by the pro c e s s of their patent piety" .

1 . U . S . —D e s c ription and travel . 2 . Canada - D e sc ription and travel .

(Harme r,Earl W . comp . Some sugge stions for Latter- day Saint Mi s sion

ari ed from the field of suc c e s sful commercial sale smanship . ( 3d ed .

Salt Lake City ] The De seret News Pre s s,19A8 . 1 30p .

Bas ic principle s of human behavior,since rity

,knowledge of

the product,persi stenc e

,and the like with 20 que stions which

mi s sionarie s should ask themselve s .

1 . Mormon Church - u M i s s i nnari e s .

Harme r,Mabel . The story of the Mormon pione ers . Salt Lake City


De seret News pre s s,

(“19h3 3 28hp .

Include s quotations from many personal j ournals,diarie s


conversations .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Fronti e r~~Utah .

Harri s,Franklin Stewart . The fruits of Mormoni sm. New York

,MacMi l

lan,1925 . 1 46p .

Cite s educational sys tem,production of leaders

,war re cord


welfare program as evidence s that the conditions where Mormoni smprevails are favorable to mankind .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm — Soc ial conditions . 2 . Utah — Socialc onditions .

Harri s,Franklin S tewart . (Te st s of a church ; addre s s e s ove r Radio

Station KSL . Salt Lake City,Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day


(1932 1"We Should apply s cientific t e s t s of analyse s

,of measuring

and weighing,to se e wherein the organi zation re spond s to the de

mand s that are made of it ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sms - Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s .

Haywood,John . The book of religions

,compri sing the views


c reeds,sentiment s

,or opinions of all the principal religious

se ct s in the world . 5th ed . Conc ord,N . H .

,I . S . Boyi


c°18h2 3 Ab o

Contains Smith ' s ac count of the golden plate s,the beliefs

of the church,a dige st of the Book of Mormon with note s on new


revealed document s,and a sample revelation . State s : "Nauvoo

i s said to signify the city of God ."

1 . Religion . 2 . Se ct s .

81 3 .A Henry,Alfred Hylas . By order of the prophet ; a tale of Utah .

H521b New York,F . H . Revell

,1902 . A02p .

The breakdown of even happy marriage under polygamy .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) - Fiction .

Hensel,Rudolf . Ame rika aus Tagebuchb l attern eine r Rie se . Dre sden

H526a (°1929J 287p .

Note s the progre s s of what had be en a "comi c se ct",attri

bute s much of it to mineral wealth of state . Much impres sed byTabe rnacle organ . Note s the saying "Babi e s are Utah ' s be st crop .


1 . U . S . - ~De s c ription and travel . 2 . National characte ri sti c s,

Ameri can . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. A. Salt Lake City —De scription .

Heroine s of Mormondom. Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor Off .


H559 188A. 96p . (Noble women ' s live s seri e s . Se cond book ) .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smu - Biography .

He s s,John W . John W . He s s

,with the Mormon battalion . (In Utah

U89 Hi s o Q 0,V 0 14. ) o

v ou A rewrite by Mi s s wanda Wood of Davi s County high school .

Not day by day entry .

1 . Mormon Battalion,l 8h6- l 8h7 . 2 . U . S . Hi story

~4war withMexi co

,18A5m l 8h8m - Personal narrative s .

Hickman,Jo siah Edwin . The romanc e of the Book of Mormon . Salt

H628r Lake City,The De seret News pre s s

,1937. 283p .

Aim. of the book i s to show that the findings of s cienc e re

veal the Indian ' s early hi story has clo se agreement to the Bookof Indians are of Hebrew origin .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 3 . Indians - origin . a . I srael

,ten lost tribe s .


Hickman , William A . Brigham' s de stroying angel ; be ing the life,


H628b fe s s i on and startling di s closure s of the notorious Bill Hi ckman,the

Danite chief of Utah . N ew York,G . A . Crofutt

,1872 . 219p .

Hickman ' s first doubt s "by hi s statement,were caused by th e

nume rous prophe cie s utte red by Brighambefore the Mormon War,every

one of which proved untrue ."

l . Utah - History . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti- Mormon ) .

Higbe e,Emma (Carroll ) Se egmille r . Personal memorie s of the United

U89 Orde r of Orderville,Utah . (In Utah Hi st . Q .

,v . 7 )

v . 7 Author lived as a child and young woman in the Unit ed Order .

1 . Orde rville,Utah . 2 . Mormon Church —D octrine - United Orde r .

Hill,The re sa (Snow ) . Storie s from the Book of Mormon . Salt Lake

H6A8s City,De seret Book Co .

,(°19A8 J 254p .

Simply written stone s from Book of Mormon re - written for theauthor ' s children .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Hinckley,Bryant Stringham. Dani el Hanmer Wells and event s of hi s time .

WL53h Salt Lake City,The De se ret News pre s s

,19A2 . AAAp .

Include s public career as member of First Pre sidency,Mayor of

Salt Lake,Chancellor of U . of De seret

,plus an insight into a happy

polygamous family .

1 . wells,Daniel Hanme r

,181A- l 891 . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 o Utah— “ Hi StOIy o

Hinckley,Bryant Stringham. (Radio talk s

,addre s se s over Radi o Station

H659r KSL . Salt Lake City,

( Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter—day Saints,

Two fundamental aspe ct s of Mormonism whi ch appeal to hi m: "Iti s chee rful religi on" and "it i s a practi cal religion" .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Addre sse s,

e s says,lecture s .


Gordon Bitne r . What of the Mormon s ? A brief study of theChurch of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . (Salt Lake City ]Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . (

°19A9J 23l p .

Brings out such fact s as"twenty- S ix generals

,offi c e rs and the

Dre s i dent s of the mi s s ions are given living allowance . Add to thi sa few Spe ciali st s and a staff of offic ers who gave the ir full working time to the church .

" Beautiful illustration s .

SAME (Salt Lake City ] Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s,

2221) o

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church - H i story .




l 87h

H9Al m


A few page s de s cribing Utah,mentions polygamy

,se cret temple

rite s and unprepared speake rs .

1 . U . S . - De s c ription and travel . 2 . Mexi co - De scription andtravel . 3 . Salt Lake City - De scription . 4 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Howe,Eber D . Mormoni sm unvailed : or

,a faithful ac count of that

singular impo sition and delusion,from i ts ri se to the pre sent

time . Paine sville,Ohio

,The author

,1834 . 290p .

Based on contradi ctory affidavit s of former neighbors of

Smith,this book wa s the re sult of wo rk of Hurlbutt

,an excommun

i cated and embitte red former Mormon .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Howells,Benjamin F . The development of the Teutoni c township system

in Utah o [Salt Lake City'

] 29p 0 {B o A0 The si s Utah U . )"As a religiou s body


,under the religious organi zation

they should settle ."

1 . Utah - Politi c s and government . 2 . Utah —Hi story . 3 . MormonChurch - Government .

Hfibner,Joseph Alexander

,graf von . A ramble round the world , 1871 .

Tr . by Lady Herbe rt . London,Ma cM i l l an

,1874 . 2v .

Tirade against Young as a sensual,cruel

,and cunning pract i

ti one r of the role of prophet,sovereign

,and general . Remarks

of ordinary Mormon : "Parent s hardly know the numbers or name s of

their children ."

1 . Voyage s and travels . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 3 . Salt LakeCity - De scription .

Hume,Hugo . The superior Ame rican religions . Los Angele s

,The Liber

tarian Pub . Co .,1928 . l 70p .

Serve s up several religions with Vinegar dre s sing ."Sinc e

Smith was born D e c embe r 23 , and saviors were suppo sed to arriveD e cember 25 , thi s shows he wa s 2 jumps ahead of the othe rs .


1 . S e ct s . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Hunt,Jame s H . Mormoni sm; embracing the origin

,ri se and progre s s of

the s e ct,With an examination of the Book of Mormon

,also their

trouble s in Mi s s ouri and final expul s ion from the stat e . l s t ed .

St . Loui s,Ustick DaVi e S

,1844 . 304p .

"We are indebted to Mr . E . D . Howe ' s labor for a portion of thefore— part of thi s work .

" Contain s a c opy of Ri gdon ' s famous "salts e rmon" delive red at Far We s t

,Mi s s ouri . Include s nume rous deposi

tions agains t the Saint s in Mi s s ouri .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Hunter,Milton Reed . A brief hi story of the Latter- day Saint s .

S967u (In Sutton,Wain . Utah

,a c entenni e l hi story ,

1 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Hunter,Milton Reed . Brigham Young the coloni ze r . Salt Lake City ,

H946b The D e se ret News,1940 . 383p .

The planned settlement of Utah,with leade rs and spe ciali st s

sent to various regions,i s carefully de s cribed .

1 . Mormon Church - Hi story . 2 . Mormon Church - Coloni zati on .

3 . Young,Brigham

,1801 - 1877 . 4 . Utah - History .

Utah Pam. Hunter,Milton Reed . The Mormon corridor . (Logan



v . 63 State Agri cultural College ] 1 939.

no . 14 De s cribe s the strip of village s which we re to be ac ce s soryto a trade route from Utah to the Pacifi c .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm — Hi story .

z Hunter , Milton Reed . The Mormons and the Ameri can frontier . SaltH946m Lake City

,L . D . S . Dept . of Education

,1940 . 280p .

Trie s to relate Mormon settlement to the other development sof th e American frontie r .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Hunter,Milton Reed . Pearl of great price commentary ; a sele ction

H946p from the revelations,translations and narrations of Jos eph

Smi th . l s t ed . Salt Lake City,Stevens walli s

,1948 . 264p .

Explains origin of Egyptian manus cript s upon whi ch. thi s i sbased . Point s out Smith ' s Source of info rmation and ins pirationwas more potent than all the human scholarship on Egyptian atthe time 0

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm - D o ctrinal and controve rsial wo rk s .

Hyde,John . Mormoni sm: i t s leaders and de signs . New York

,W . P .

H994m Fetri dge Co .,1857 . 335p .

Much quoted volume by an apo state who claimed all L . D . S .

marriage s for eternity must be consummated on earth . Cla imedMormons Oppo sed education sinc e it led inevitably to apo stacy .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Hyde,Joseph Smith

,comp . Orson Hyde ; one of the first Counz i l of the

H994h Twelve Apo stle s of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter - day Saints .


Je rusalem,Nauvoo

,Salt Lake City . Items of hi storical intere st .

(Salt Lake City,The author

,1933 ] 67p .

A sketch of travels and work of Orson Hyde,including letters

written during hi s mi s sion in Jerusalem.

l . Hyde,Ordon

,1805- 1878 . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Idaho (Te rritory ) Supreme Court . The Idaho te st oath . Salt Lakev . 30 City

,D e seret News

,1888 . h5p .

Que stion whether in addition to swearing non— polygamy or noncohabitation a man might be asked to swear non- membership in anyorgani zation endorsing either .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Congre s sional enactment s .

The illustrated book of all religions from the earlie st age s to thepre sent time . Chicago

,Star Pub . Co .

,( 1897 ) 592p .

Mormons are clas sed as infidels,with the Book of Mormon a

plagiari sm.

l . Religions . 2 . Chri stianity and othe r religions . 3 . Mormonsand Mormoni sm.

Inman,Henry . The Great Salt Lake trail . New York

,The Macmillan

Company,1898 . 529p .

Travel ac count of experience s and Sight s on the way to SaltLake with only 1 chapter on Mormons .

l . Pac ific wagon road s . 2 . Frontier 1 ife - The We st . 3 . Indian sof North Ame ri ca — The we st . 4 . The we st — De s cription and travel .

I sraelsen,Andrew Martin . Utah pioneering ; an autobiography .

Salt Lake City,De seret News Pre s s

,r c 1938 1 328p .

Many details of the life of the author,a devoted member of

the L 0 D o 5 0 ChurCh o

1 . Frontie r life —Utah . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ivins,Anthony Woodward . The relationship of "Mormoni sm" and free

I95r masonry . Salt Lake C ity,The De seret News Pre s s

,(° l 934 ] 254p .

Trie s to show faulty origin of masonry among pagans and heathens .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Free masons .

Jakeman,Jame s T . Album ( of the ] "Daughters of the Utah Pione ers and

J25a the ir mothers ." (Salt Lake City ] We ste rn Album Pub . Cc .

,(191 5 1

[40p . ]

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Biography .


Jakeman,Jame s T . Album ( of the ) "daughters of the Utah pioneers

J25ad and their mothers ." ( Salt Lake City ) We stern Album Pub . Co .

( 108p . J

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- Biography .

Jame s,George Wharton . Utah

,the land of blos soming valleys . Bo ston


J27u Page Co .,1922 . 371 p .

Sympatheti c ac count Mormon group life . Acknowledge s Smith"was one of the wonders of hi s time .


1 . Utah . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Jaque s,

John . Cate chi sm for children,exhibiting the prominent doc

J36c trine s of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . Salt1872 Lake City

,G . Q . Cannon

,1872 . 80p .

Used as a textbook in early L . D . S . schools in Utah . Que stions and answe rs on God



,word of Wis dom

,etc .

1 . Mormon Church - Cate chi sm. and creeds .

Jaque s, ,

John . Cate chi smus voor kinde ren . Amste rdam,G edrukt bi j

J36c Roe l offzen Hubner,1877. 91p .

d9 A mixture of L . D . S . hi story and doctrine in que sti on and1877 answer form with authority given for most answe rs .

1 . Mormon Church —D octrine - Cats chi sm. and cre ed s - Dut ch .

Utah PamoJaque s , John . The Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s ; it sprie sthood

,organi zation

,do ctrine s

,ordinanc e s and hi story .

Salt Lake City,De seret News Cc .

,1882 . 32p .

As si stant hi storian of the church from 1889 to 1900 0 formereditorial as si stant of Millenial Star

,and De se ret News

1 . Mormon Church . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Jaque s,John . Der Kate chi smus fur Kinder . Bern

,F . F . Sch arrer


J 36c 1892 . 72p .

G 3

1 . Mormon Churchw —D octrine - Cate chi sms and creed s - German .

Utah Pam. Jarman,W . Hell upon earth ; the do ctrine s and practi ce s of the

v . 37 Latterw day Saint s in Utah . 1 5pCharged Mormons were not Chri stians

,were murderers and

polygami st s .

1 . Mormons'

and Mormoni sm (Anti- Mormon ) .


Utah Pam. Jarman,W . The Mountain Meadow mas sacre and the confe s sion and exe cu

v e 37 tion of the Mormon bi shop,John D . Lee . n . d . ] 8p .

Claims Higbe e said Pre sident Young ordered that "all the Emi

grant s must be put out of the way"

. Curse of G od "se ems to havefallen" on Mountain Meadows .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Jarman,W . U . S . A.

,Uncle Sam' s abs ce s s ; or

,Hell upon earth for

J 37u U . S .,Uncle Sam. Exeter


,Printed at H . Leduc ' s Steam

Printing Works,1884 . 1 94p .

Cartoons Show a church whi skey store,sacred throat cutting

mas sacre s of gentile s . Text include s items like "the Polygamictrollops of that "Hell on Earth" have to find their own "grub anddud s" or go without

,and that Brigham Young Junior pro claimed him.

self the Princ e of Utah .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti- Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. Jens on,Andrew . A chronology of important event s of the year 1885 .

V 0 2




(1885—18871 Supplement to the Hi storical Re cord s . Salt LakeCity

,1887 o

Jenson wa s church hi storian under who se dire ction was laidthe foundation for hi storie s of every unit of


the church ; he alsobegan the Journal Hi story of the Church

,and compiled the L . D . S .

biographical encyclopedia .

1 . Mormon Church —Chronology .

Jenson,Andrew . Church chronology ; or

,A re cord of important events

c onne cted wi th the hi story of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterday Saint s

,and the Territory of Utah tl 8o5- l 884 ] Salt Lake City


1886 o l i 2p o

1 . Mormon Church- ” Chronology . 2 . Utah (Te rritory ) .

Jenson,Andrew . Encyclopedia hi story of the Church of Je sus Chri st

of Latte r - day Saint s . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1941 . 976p .

Alphabetical brief hi story of variou s stake s and ward s of thechurch

,and under name of state

,the hi story of the Mormons in that

commonwealth .

l . Mormons and Mormoni smw — Dictionarie s . 2 . Mormon Chur ch — Hi story .

Jenson,Andrew . History of the Scandinavian Mi s sion . Salt Lak e City


De s e ret News Pre s s,1 927 . 57op .

Ba sed on manu s c ript materials . Tell s of difficultie s withothe r churche s

,e spe c ially With regard s to publi c me etings


hundred s of conve rt s and mi s sionari e s briefly mentioned .


1 . Mormon Church —Mis sions - S candinavia . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in S candinavia . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni smr —Biography.

Utah Pam. Jens on,Andrew . Infancy of the church ; an elaborate and detailed

v . 61 de scription of persons,place s and incident s c onne cted with the

no . 2O early ri se and progre s s of the Church of Je su s Chri st of Latterday Saint s . Salt Lake City

,1889 . 62p .

1 . Hi storical markers- w Mormon . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Jenson,Andrew . Jo seph Smith ' s Lavnet s l ob . Salt Lake City


S653j ea hos . Cannon Young,1879 . 252p .

1 . Smith,Jo seph

,1805—1844 . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .


,comp . Ki rkens hi s tori c

,fra profeten Josephs dod

S653j ea ti l l i gemed en ki rkenhi stori sk kronol ogi . Salt Lake City,

Trykt ho s . D e seret Néws Co .,1883 . 252p .

1 . Smith,Jo seph

,1805—1844 . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

3 . Mormon Church - Chronology .

Jenson,Andrew . Latter—day Saint s biographical encyclopedia . A

J54£ compilation of biographi cal sketche s of prominent men and womenin the Church . Salt Lake City

,A . Jenson Hi story Co .


1 . Mormons and Mormons i mr - Biography . 2 . Utah - Biography .

Utah Pam. J ens on,Frank Valdemar . Bapti sm as taught and practi c ed by the

v . 60 Latter- day Saints . (Lo s Angele s,the author


0 1947 ] 17p .

no . 9 The L . D . S . Church claims all authority to bapti ze disappeared afte r the death of apo stle s contemporary to Je sus untile stabli shment of their church in 1830 .

1 . Mormon Church- m Doctri ne —Bapti sm.

Jenson,Frank Val deman . Marriage among the Latte r— day Saint s .

J54m London,Mit re Pre s s

,( l 9 46p .

Di scu s s e s the beli ef that tho se "who are faithful to certain

conditions may have their marriage s also endure for time and forall eternity .


1 . Mormon Church- n Doctri ne m —Marriage .

Johanns s on,Jon . Kol l un til guad s ri ki s . Reyk javik


,1902 .

J65k 223p .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .


Johanson,Maria . Stjarnon 1 natten ; Sandy Utah

,Pa eget forl ag 1927 .

J6SSt 71p °

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Johnson,Joel Hills . Hymns of prais e for the young ; sele cted from

J67h songs of Joel . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1882 . 344p .

Words of thi s book (no musi c given ) "dictated by the HolySpri ri t of Promi se .


1 . Mormon Church~ ~Hymns . 2 . Hymn s .

Jone s,Charle s Sheridan . The truth about the Mormon s ; se cret s of Salt

J76t Lake City . London,W . Ride r s on

,ltd .

,1920 . 1 29p .

"To che ck re cruiting by the Mormon mi s sionarie s,something

more than denunciation i s ne ce s sary . we exactly inwhat it i s that the real menace and horrow of Mormoni sm consi st s"

Sub servienc e s of individual and polygamy the dangers .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Anti —Mormon ) .

Jone s,Daniel web ste r . Forty years among the Indians ; a true yet thri l

J76f ling narrative of the author’s experience s among the native s .

Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor Off .

,1890 . 4o0p .

Meetings and dealings with Indians as a guide and governmentagent in the 19th century .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Frontie r 1 ife —The we st . 3 . Ih

dians of North Ame rica .

Jone s,Milton Jenkins . The Gospel plan

,an encyclopedia of the step s

J78g in the Go spel plan . ( Salt Lake City ] De se ret News Pre s s,1947 .

88p 0

Organi ze s mainly s c ripture s into such headings as Spirit World,



,Cele stial Kingdom.

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm~ ~Doctri nal and controversial work s .

Jone s,Nathaniel Vary . The j ournal of Nathani el V . Jone s

,with the

U89 Mormon battalion . (In Utah Hi s t . Q .,v . 4 )

v . 4 Journal cover from July 16,1846 Aug . 24 , 1847 . Paragraph

de s c riptions of mi s sions at San Diego,remains of Donner party


San Luis Rev . Lo s Angele s made no impre s sion .

1 . U . S . History - ~War with Mexi c o,l 845~ l 848m e rs onal narrative s .

Jo s eph son,Marba (Cannon ) . A thumbnail sket ch of Mormonism. Salt

J83t Lake City,Bookcraft

,(0 1 946 ) 95p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.




8l 3 . hK41 t



Kelly , William. Acros s the Rocky Mountains from N ew York to Californiawith a vi sit to the celebrated Mormon colony at the Great Salt Lake2d ed . London

,Simms and Mc Intyre . 1852 . 240p .

Impre s sed with Mormon ladie s and L . D . S . ho spitality,but the

religious servic e s offered little profundity or difficulty .

1 . The We st - De scription and travel . 2 . Overland j ourneys to thePacific . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Kelsch,Louis A . A practical refe rence to s criptural pas sage s on the

doctrine s of the gospel . Salt Lake City,The author

,1899 . 24p .

Bibli cal verse s arranged unde r topic s which are Vital part s of

Mormon doctrine,such as offi c e rs in the church

,bapti sm and the

like .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Kennedy,Jame s Harri son . Early days of Mormonism; Palmyra



and Najvoo . London,Reeve s and Turner

,1888 . 275p .

A crude cumbersome religion improvi sed when Smith "saw by

experienc e the amount of nonsense that fanati cal ignoranc e wouldenable mankind to ac cept and dige st .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Kerr,Alvah Milton . Treen ; or

,The Mormon ' s daughte r ; a romantic

story of life among the Latter—day Saint s . Chi cago,Belford


(1899 1 l 84p .

A girl who defied the elders,scorned polygamy

,and ended

with a Gentile husband and an anti—Mormon le cture tour .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism (Anti - Mormon ) - Fiction .

Kidder,Daniel Parri sh . Mormoni sm and the Mormons . New York

,pub .

by G . Lane C . B . Tippett,for the Methodi st Epi s copal church


at the C onfe rence Off .,1845 . 342p .

"Attempt s to counterfeit the Voice and word of G od,for the

l ow and sole purpose of de c eiving the ignorant ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Kimball,Hebe r Chase . Pre sident Hebe r C . Kimball ' s j ournal . Salt

Lake City,Juvenile Inst ructor Office

,1882 . l o4p . (Faith p ro

moti ng s e rie s . Seventh book ) ."N o man

,perhaps Jo s eph Smith excepted

,who has belonged to

the Church in this gene ration ever pos se s sed the gift of prophe cyto a greate r degree than Brother Kimball .


l . Mormon Church - M i S S i ons — Great Brita i n . 2 . Mormon ChurchHi story .


Utah Pam. K imbal l , John Calvin . Mormonism clergyman ' s view of thecase

,copied from. the Index . Bo ston

,1884 . l 7p .

Quote s from. G enti l e writers to prove the Mormons we re actuallysober

,hone st

,worthy Ameri can citi zens .

l . Mormons and Mormonism.

2890 3 Kimball,Solomon F . Thrilling experienc e s . Salt Lake City


K49t Magazine Print . Co .,1909. 1 57p .

A serie s of incident s which as sured the writer of th e truthof the L . D . S . Church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

King,Hannah (Tapfi e l d ) An epic poem; a synopsis of the ri se of

K52e the Church of Je sus Christ of Latte r- day Saint s . Salt Lake City,

Juvenile Instructor Off .,m. d . 62p .

Faith come s through in bette r shape than such verse as"His simple word s I here will poeti ze - they bear the ring oftruth and no di sgui se .


1 . Mormon Church —Hi story - Poetry .

Kinney,Bruce . Mormoni sm; the Is l am. of Ame rica . New Yerk


K55m. H . Revell Company,( °l 9l 2 l 189p .

"Pre sent s clearly,the dange rs inherent in the de signs


tions and method s of the all powe rful hierarch,whi ch ab solutely

controls the affairs of the church and the live s of everyone ofit s membe rs .


1 . Mormons and

Kirkham,Franci s Washington . A new witne s s for Chri st in Ameri ca


K59n the Book of Mormon ; contemporary hi storical data concerning it s"coming forth" and publi cation . tIndependence , Mo .

,Zion ' s

Printing and Publi shing Co . ; 1942 ] 420p .

A study de signed to show the Book of Mormon was insp ir edfrom_ab ove and not from. b e l ow .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Lamb,Martin Thoma s . The golden bible ; or

,The Book of Mormon ; is

L2l 8g it from God? New York,ward Drummond


,1887. 344p .

Claims Book of Mormon undermine s the Bible and that mo stSaint s are infidels .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Anti - Mormon ) .




Lambourne,Alfred . The ol d j ourney ; remini s c enc e s of pioneer days .

(Salt Lake City ) G . Q . Cannon,t°l 892—97 l 53p .

A revi s ion of the "ol d sketch book",carefully revi sed


lengthened de s cri ptive port ions "of that memorable pilgrimagefrom the borders of civili zation to the Great American De sert .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Remini scence s .

LaRue,William Earl . The foundations of Mormoni sm; a study of the

fundamental fact s in the hi story and doctrine s of the Mormons fromoriginal s ource New York

,F . H . Revell . 243p .

"Thi s work should also appeal to the intelligent clas s amongthe Mormons .

"Mormoni sm i s a religious and political autocracy .

It i s clanni sh,selfi sh and uncomprising .

" Give s example s to

illu s trate "the credul ity of the Mormon people ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm

Laur i t zen,Jonre ed . Arrows into the sun . New York

,A . A . Knopf


19h3 0 3llp .

Partly told in form of a diary in the l 86o' s .

Mormons versu sNava j o s . Indian thought s on polygamy and other Mormon ideas given .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sms m Fi cti on .

Lee,He ctor R . The three Nephite s ; the sub stanc e and signifi canc e of

the legend in folklore . Albuquerque,University of New Mexi c o

Pre s s,1949. 1 62p .

l . Legendsu n Ameri ca . 2 . Legends—éMormon . 3 . Mormons and Mormon

i smv s Thre e Nephite s . 4 . Nephite s .

Lee,John D oyle . Journals of John D . Lee

,1846- 47 and 1859. edited

by Charle s Kelly . Salt Lake City,Priv . print . for R . B . watt

by we stern Printing Company,1938 . 244p .

Re cord s partially Spe e che s of L . D . S . leaders as we l l asdaily doings of John D . Lee .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Young,Brigham

,1807- 1877.

Lee,John D oyle . The Mormon menace ; being the confe s sion of JohnDoyle Lee


,an official as sas sin of the Mormon church uh

der the late Brigham Young . New York , Home protection publi shing Co .

,(1905 ) 368p o

Church teache s treason as well as immorality . Editor make sa martyr of Lee .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mountain Meadows Mas sacre ,1875 .


Lee,John Doyle . Mormoni sm. unve i l ed : or

,The life and confe s sions

L478mo of the late Mormon bi shop,John D . Lee

, (written by hims elf )embracing a history of Mormoni sm. from. i ts inception down to thepre sent time

,with an expo sition of the se cret history



symbols and crime s of the Mormon Church . Also the true hi storyof the horrible butchery known as the M ountain Meadows ma s sacre .

Told from.

"memory alone,without the aid of my memorandum books"

and po s sibly sensationali zed by the publi sher .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. aAnti - Mormon ) . 28 Mountain MeadowsMas sacre . 3 . Brigham Young .

ah Pam. L egl er ,Henry Edward . A mose s of the M ormons ; Strang' s city of

refuge and i sland kingdom. Milwauke e,Wi s .

,1897. 179p .

Of all pretende rs to the fallen mantle of Joseph Smit h,

Brigham Young "feared none of them a s he did Strang ." Compare s

Strang with Smith in having revelations to silence Oppo sition .

l . Strang,Jame s Je s se e

,181 3- 1856 . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 . Beaver Island,Mi chigan- Hi story .

Le slie,Miriam Florence (Fol l i ne ) . California ; a pleasure trip

L636c from. Gotham. to the Golden Gate (April ,May



York,G . w . Carleton

,1877. 286p .

De s cribe s sympatheti cally meeting pe rsonally a polygamousfami l y o

l . California - De s cription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 . Salt Lake City - De s cription .

Le ste r,John Erastus . The Atlanti c to the Pacific ; what to s e e and

L642a hOW'

to s ee. i t . Bo ston,Shepard and Gill

,1873 . 36sp .

"In vain did we look for the woe - stri cken face s which hadbe en de s cribed to us

,and for the signs of degeneracy in the

children ."

1 . The We st - De s cription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 . Utah - De scription and travel .

Utah Pam. L i b era1 party of Utah . Proc eedings of the te rritorial convention .

V 0 77 Salt Lake City,Pre s s of Tribune Job Print . Co .

,1892 . 65p .

no . 22 Voted and argued against home rule or statehood for Utahfor fear the Church would dominate everything .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Congre s sional enactment s .

Light on Mormonism. The little encyclopedia of Mormoni sm; beingL724£ the . vol ume s of Light on Mormoni sm. Cleveland

,Utah Go spel

Mi S S i ony 19070 V 0 ]. 1922= l 927 0

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.


Linn , Wil liam Alexande r . Th e sto ry of the Mormons,from the date of

L758s the i r origin to t he year 190 New York,The Macmillan Company


1 902 . 673p .

The author goe s to conside rable pains to quote the Mormonsagainst themselve s . Writing before p sycho

m s omat i c medicine,he i s

parti cul arly skeptical of faith healing .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti e Mc rmon ) . 2 . Utah—~History .

Lippincot t Sara Jane (Cl arke ) . p . l l ~ l 71 1 of s New life in newL765n lands ; not e s of trave l by Grace Greenwood [pseud . ] London

,8 .


,Low and Sear le

, 1873 . Lp .

Note s "The wonde rful working colony unparalleled for vigor,

constancy,and cohe sion" but i s very hard on polygamy which en

tails ”the c ert ainty of unfaithful ne s s ."

l . The we s ta e s cri p t i on and travel .

L i ttle,Jame s Ama sy . From Kirt l and to Salt Lake City . Salt Lake

L778f City?J o AO Li t tle

,1890 0 260p o

Litt l e wa s a convert . Hi s early hi story i s based on suchsource s as Gai l ’s autobiography

,hi story of Joseph Smith


of various Saint s,probably from mat erial now in H . O .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism. 2 . Utah— m Hi story .

Littl e,Jame s Ama sy . Jacob Hambling a narrative of hi srp ers onal ex

Fl 7h peri ence as a frontiersman,mi s s ionary t o the Indian s

,and ex?

plorer o Sal t Lake C i ty,Juvenile Instructor Off .

,1881 . l LLp .

(Fai thm promc ti ng serie s,Fif th Book } .

Covers pe rs onal exp eri enc e s from. Nauvoo days including "thefall of the mantl e of the prophet Joseph" whom Brigham Young sentt o hunt Indians . Hamb l i n was convinced he was not to harm them.

Never fai led to conci l iate them wi thout blood shed .

1 . Hambl in,Jacob

,1 819e 188c. 2 . Mormon Churchm m Ind i an Poli cy .

Utah Pam. The Living Age . {The Mormons,an ext rac t from the Living Age ] April

v . 63 3 , 1852 . Bo ston,Littell

,1 852 .

no . 15 Mormoni sm ”originated in s e l fm convi cti ng imposture s of a profl i gate vagabond .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah PamoL i z z i e Le s ter ; or,The Mormon‘s Pl ot . London

,G . Potte r

,n . d . 6hp .

v . 59 Kidnapped by the Indian s for sale to the Mormons,Li z zie is

no . 7 re scued by a supposed Indian who turn s out to be white and eligiblefor her hand .

1 . Mo rmon s and Mormon i sm (Anti Mormon ) .


Logan temple le cture s ; a s erie s of lecture s delivered before theL831


L9l l u

910 °hL9h3e


Temple S chool of Science during the years 1885- 86 . Logan,Utah


The Utah Journal Cc .,n . d . l h3p .

Literature,politi cal science

,hi story

,interpreted in light

of Mormon experience s . For example "For to the vicious system ofTe rritorial Government i s due most of Utah ' s afflictions .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sme—Addre sse s,e s says

,lecture s .

Longworth,Maria There sa . Tere sina in Ameri ca . London



1875 0 2V o in l o‘

Welsh girl,inspired with hol y horror by polygamy ani not by

"poor Joe Smith,who was a mere maniac .


1 . U . S . —~De scription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Los sing,Benson John . C omplete hi story of the United State s


the di scovery of the Ameri can continent to the pre sent time .

[New York,Pub . for the Home Educational League of Ameri ca by

Gay Brothers .0 1902 ] 2v . in l .

Favorable,brief ac c ount of Mormon exodu s from Illinoi s .

1 . U . S . Hi story . 2 . U . 8 . Biography . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Lovett,Ri chard . p . l ot—l 7h of z United State s picture s drawn with

pen and pencil . tLondonJ The Religious Tract Society,1891 .

223p .

1 . U . S . ~- De s cript ion and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm

(Anti - Mormon ) .

Lucy,S i r Henry William. East by we st ; a j ourney in the re c e s s .

London,R . Bentley

,1885 . 2v .

Found the people "remarkably dull looking and unattractive"

and the tabernacle "like a prodigious tortoise that has lo stit s way .


1 . Voyage s and travel s . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ludlow,Daniel H .

,Comp . Latteru day prophet s speak ; sele ctions from

the se rmons and writings of the pre sident s of the Church of Je susChrist of Latterm day Saint s . [Salt Lake City ] Bookcraft

,l 9h8 .


"The most important do ctrinal writings and teachings out ofthe (then ) six out of eight pre sident s" of the church ; arrangedtopically .

l . Mormon Churchu —D octrine . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme

aAddre s s e s,

e s says,le cture s .

917 0 8



Lud l ow,Fit z Hugh . The heart of the cont inent ; a re cord of travel

acro s s the plains and in Oregon,With an examination of the Mormon

principle . New York Hurd Hough ton,1870 . 568p .

Report s tal ks wi th Kimba l l,Port er Roc kwell

,attendance at

Tabe rnac l e’

and Sa l t Lake Theater . Claims Mormon bad reputationprobabl y was treasured a s helping them b e left alone . Fe els the

church s tate was something un eAme ri oan .

l . The We s tn - De s cription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm

(Ant i Mormon ) .

Utah Pamo rLum,Dye r Danie l } . SoC i a l pro blems of today ; or The Mormon que stion

V 0 89

no . so

in i t s e conomic a Gentile (p s eud . ) Port Jervi s,New

York,D o D o Lum

,1886 0 9op o

Argue s that oppre s s ion of t he Mormons wa s based on e conomi c sroyal i s t Oppo s i tion to Mormon coope rative s

,democ racy

,and conce rn

for the wo rking man .

i . Mormon Church e m Ap c l cget i c works .

U tah Pam. tLum,Dye r Daniel . Utah and i t s people ; fact s and s tat i s tic s bearing

37 0 61

11 0 0 5



2890 33L962c

on the "Mormon prob l em" by A Gentile (An ex U . S . official )(ps eud . : N ew York

,R . O . Pe rri er

,1882 . h7p .

Contra s ts Mormoni sm with "s chool s of critici sm profe s s ion to

b e a religion ."

1 . Mormon Churchw e Apc l oge t i c work s . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme n

Pol ygamy .

Lunwal i,Nel s Ben jamin . A s s orted gems of pri cele s s value

,N . B .

Lundwal l,compile r and publi s he r . Salt Lake City ( l 9kb i 37op .

Exce rpt s from church pub l i cat i ons,plus signed and wit ne s s ed

s tatement s from pe op l e who had experienced faith promoting inci~

dents ; such as a Vi s i t from one of the three Nephit e s .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church- c otrine .

Lundwal l,Ne l s Ben j ami n

,comp . Thi s booklet compri s e s part s I and I I

of th e compi l ation entitled : As s ort ed gems of pric ele s s value .

Sal t Lake C i ty,

t l 9h- J l l 5p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Churchm —Doctrine .

L undwa l i,Ne l s Ben jami n . compilat ion containing the le c ture s on

fai th as de l ivered at the School of the prophe t s at Kirtland,Ohio


w i th added reference s on the Godhead and the Holy Gho st . SaltLak e Ci ty

,( The author , L9A3 1 97p .

Compi l ed from MESSENGER AND ADVOCATE,and early editions of

DOCTRINE AND COVENENTS . The se le cture s we re excluded from lateredi tio ns s ince they were not revela t i ons to the church .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i a Mormcn ) . 2 . Mountain Meadows mas saore .

Utah Pam. Lyman ,Richard Roswell . Fundamentals of Fre edom. Salt Lake City


V oé [éj p o

Stre s se s advantage s of arbitration over force,and advantage

of ac cepting group de ci sion within the church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smy m Se rmons .

Lyon,John . The harp of Zion

,a colle ction of poems

,et c . Liverpool ,

L99l h S . W . Richard s,1853 . 223p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smm a Poetry .

Lyon,T . Edgar . Introduction to the Doct rine and Covenant s and the

L99li Pearl of Great Price . Salt Lake City,L . D . S . Department of

Education,l 9a8 .

Explains purpose of D octrine &. Covenant s which we re "thetreasury in whi ch the revelations of the formative years of thechurch are pre se rved .

" Point s out prophe ci e s may be conditional .

1 . The D octrine and C ovenant s . 2 . The Pearl of Grea t Price . 3 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm v octri ne and c ontrove rs ial work s .

Mabie,Hami l ton Wright . A t opical h i story of the Unit ed St ate s . Foot

print s of four centurie s ; the st ory of the Ame rican people .

Philadelphia,Int ernational Pub . Co .

,1894 . 8Sl p .

A few page s on the "Prote s t ant cance r" which should be e l i mi n

ate s from the American body pol i t i c .

l . U . 8 . Hi story . 2 . U . S . Economi c c onditions . 3 . U . 8 . Sociallife and customs . A . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

M cCarthy ,Justin . Remini scence s . New York


,1899 . 2v .

Note s upon vi siting Brigham Young that he then knew how

Tartuffe should be played .

1 . Great Bri tain,Biography . 2 . Young


,l 80l - l 877 . 3 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm.

M cCl i ntock,Jame s H . Mormon se ttlement in Ari zona ; a re cord of peace“

ful conque st of the de sert . Phoenix,Ari zona

,1921 . 307p .

Now quit e rare since a flash flood de stroyed mo st unsold copie s .

1 . Mormon Church and coloni zation in Ari zona . 2 . Mormon s and Mor

monism in Ari zona . 3 . Ari zonam ~Hi s to ry .


M cConki e , Oscar walte r . The Holy Gho st . Salt Lake C ity,De seret

M1 29h Book Cc .,19Lh . 239p .

How the personage of the Holy Spirit or Holy Gho st may giveman a fullne s s of knowledge and cleanse his soul .

1 . Holy Spirit . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Doctrinal and c ontrovers i al works . 3 . Mormon Doctrine - Godhead .

Utah Pam. McDonal d Angus . Propheti c numbers ; or,The rise

,progre s s and future

v . 5 de stiny of the Mormons . Salt Lake City,W . M . Egan

,1885 . loop .


Worked out a key to S cripture s which gave hi m prophe ti cpowers through 19A5 . Li sted 1896 , sanctuary cleansed


Go spel to Gentile s,l 9h5 re stitution of peace .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

McGavi n,Elme r Ce cil . The hi stori cal background of the D octrine and

M1A5h Covenant s . ( Salt Lake City,Paragon Printing Cc .


°l 9u9 . 223p .

"Must be read in the full light of the hi storical movementof the time

,else many of the se divine me s sage s be come rathe r

meaningle s s and ambiguous ."

l . Mormons and Mormoni smp - Doctrinal and controversial works .

2 . Doctrine and covenants .

McGavi n,Elme r Ce cil . The Mormon pioneers . Salt Lake City .

M t m Stevens walli s, l9a7 . 23Ap .

Weave s songs,diarie s

,and poems into a story of the trek

to Zion .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sms m Hi s tory . 2 . Mormon battalion,l 8aom

1BL7 .

McGavi n,Elmer Ce cil . Mormoni sm and masonry . Salt Lake City


Ml h5m De seret News Pre ss . £6 1935 ] 87p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Free Masons .

378 . 2A2 McKay ,Alic e Smith . A psychological examination of a few prophe cie s

M1 53p of the early founders of Mormoni sm. {Salt Lake City ] 1930 .

(M . S . The si s,University of Utah ) .

written before extra sensory perception,oh -the' work 'of Rhine


thi s thesi s i s a i l i ttl s hard on somehof ,the earl yhpi oneers .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm- w PrOphe c i e s .

Mackay,Charle s . Life and lib erty in Ameri ca ; or

,Sket che s of a

M1 53£2 tour in the United S tate s and Canada in ed .

London,Smi th


,1859 . 2v .


Conce rn with Mormons deals with th eir relation to the federalgovernment . Conclude s there i s no room for such fanatic s in Ameru

1 . U . S . - D e s cription and travel . 2 . Canadam e s ori pt i on and

travel . Sub . Anal y s i sm ~Mormons and Mormoni sm.

(Mackay,Charl e S J o Th e Mormons g or Latte rw day Saint s . hfith memoirs

M1 53m of the life and death of Jo s eph Smi th,the "Ameri can Mahomet .


London,Offi c e of the National Ill us trated Library ( Pref . 1851 1

526p o

Predi ct s Mormonism will develop . Trie s to give Mormon ideasas well as gentile cri tici sms .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i m Mc rmon ) .

McKay ,David Oman . Ancien t apo s tle s . Salt Lake City

,D e s eret Suns

M1 53a day School Union,1918 . 277p .

An ac c ount of the live s of Christ ' s apo stle s with a view of

developing faith of children in principle s of the Go spel and th edivine organi zations of the church .

1 . Apo stle s . 2 . Mormon Church- m Sunday School sm e s s ons .

81 3 . L Macknight,Jame s Arthur . Hagar ; a tale of Mormon life . New York

Ml é93h A. L . Burt,[3 1889] 32i p .

Courted by polygamous elde rs,inc l uding one ol d enough to be

he r father,who turned out to b e her fathe r . Hagar foiled them


converted s ome to monogamy,and one to a le cture tour . She

,ala s


did not survive .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm

M cKni ght ,William John . Heaven on earth ; a planned Mormon society .

Oxf ord,Ohio

,The Mis sis sippi Valley pre s s

,1 9h0 . 262p .

"The e c onomi c theory of Jo s eph Smi th may b e likened to apyramid wi th individuali sm at the base supporting an apex of

communi sm."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

M cQuarri e ,John G . Talk s to the Saint s . N ew York

,n . p .

,1906 , 6 3p .

Ml 7 i t Native of Utah and one e ti me pre sident of Ea ste rn state s mi s sionof the Church .

1 . Mormon Church- m Doc tri ne .


tah Pam. McRae,Joseph A.

,comp . Story of old Carthage jail ; where an

v . o2 angry mob martyred Jo seph and Hyrum Smith . Carthage,11 1 .

no . 8 ( The author ] n . d . 3l p .

Based on early newspaper account s,S cofield ' s hi story

of Hancock County,with favorable quotations from non

Mormons about Smith .

1 . Carthage jail- “ Smith,l 8o5- l 8AA. 2 . Mormon Church

Hi StOI'y o

Mae ser,Karl Gottfried . School and fi re side . [Salt Lake City ]

Skelton [0 1898 ] 3h8p .

Talks and e s says on various aspe ct s of education .

Mae ser believed in higher education for the common peopleas well as for the elite . He felt religious education wasjust as vital as the common branche s of learning .

1 . Educati on . 2 . Mormon Church - Education . 3 . UtahUniversity .

Ma j or ,Gertrude Keene . The revelati on in the mountain . N ew

M23Ar York,Cochrane Pub . Cc .

,1909 . l oop . (With an introduction

by Judge 0 . C . Goodwin ) ."Now in tho se days a Mormon took another wife as easi ly

and with as little exp enditure of ene rgy as an ordinary manwould use in changing from. hi s winter to hi s summer und erwear .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Malan,Stephen . The ten tribe s di s covered and identified ; th e

M237t four hi stori c phase s of the house of Jacob conside red .

(Ogden,Utah ] A . L . S coville Pre s s

,1912 . l 7op .

Believe s we re s cattered among "nations of the north,

and that they are even now being gathered as Latter - daySaint s .


1 . Mormon Church n —Doctrinen —Gathering of Israel .

9173 3”

Marj ori banks , Alexander . Travels in South and North Ame rica .

MBAAt London,Simpkin


,1853 . A80p .

1853 "The supe rstit ion of the Mormon s doe s not pre senttheir being industrious

,and skillful work- people

,and a

ve ry thriving community ."

1 . U . S . - De sc ription and travel . 2 . Bra zil —De s c riptionand travel . 3 . Slave ry . A . Mormons and Mormoni sm (AntiMormon ) .

2890 38h Marle r,Ezra L . Highway helps . Short di s cus sions on the mean

M347h ing and purpo s e of life,With emphasi s on the fact of i t s

823 0 7M 363mo


M 3691;


289 0 399M 383m

Mu27m191 1


c ontinuity after death . ( Independence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print .

and PU b o CO O,

° l 9h5 1 38Ap oMost of the article s "have appeared before a s editorials

in L i ahona the Elders ' Journal ."

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm- " Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s .

Marryat,Frede ri ck . Monsieur Violet

,hi s travels and adventure s

among the Snake Indians and wild tribe s of the great we ste rnprairie s . London

,T . Hodg son

,tl 8h93 303p .

Jo s eph Smi th i s portrayed as a genius,but an evil one who

built hi s church upon the c raving of the common man for title s andre cognition .

1 . Indians of North Ameri ca . 2 . The We s tm u De s cri pti on and travel .

3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i n Mc rmon ) .

Marshall,wai te r Gore . Through Ame rica ; or

,Nine month s in the Unit ed

State s . London,Sampson


,1881 . L2Lp .

"Blasphemy,rubbi sh and bad grammar are the leading characte r

i sti c s of the Book of Mormon ." Quote s from se rmons



hymns including s everal stanzas of "The Merry Mormons ."

l . U . S . - u De s c ri pt i on and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (AntiMormon ) .

Marston,Edward . Frank ' s ranch ; or

,My holiday in the Rockie s being a

contribution to the inqui ry into what we are to do with our boys,

by the Author of "An amateur angler9 s days in Dovedale ." 3d ed .

London,S . L ow


,Searle Rivington

,1886 . Zl hp .

Trie s to quote fab orab l e and unfavorable lett ers on polygamy .

1 . Th e We s t u n De s cri pti on and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 . Salt Lake C ity,D e s c ription .

Martin,Stuart . Th e mystery of Mormoni sm. London

,Odhams Pre s s

,ltd .

[1920 3 3i 8p .

Think s Mormons ma de a mi stake in e stabli shing schools ."By

s o doing they have committed theological suicide ." Believe s going

into busine s s will weaken their faith also .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism (Anti m Mormon ) .

Mather,Irwin F . The making of Illinois ; hi storical sket che s .

Chicago,A . Flanagan Co o

,t° l 9l l l 276p .

Attribute s unpopularity of Mormons in a large part to theirrefusal to pe rmi t out side rs to make arre st s in Nauvoo .

l . Il l i noi s m n Hi s tory . 2 . Mormon Church — Hi story .



2890 39Mol 2u

81 3 . tM6363£


(Mayhew , Henry ] The Mormons ; or Latter- day Saint s . With memoirs ofthe life and death of Joseph Smi th

,the "American Mahomet .


London,Offic e of the National Illustrated Library

,( 1851 ) 32op o

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Anti - Mormon ) . 2 . Mormon ChurchHi story .

Meakin,John Phillips . Leave s of truth ; Utah and the Mormons .

Papers,poems and letters ; an appeal for noble r manhood .

Salt Lake City, tThe author ) 1909. 27Ap .

Devout Mormon explains the fate of the damned i s the "le s sof powe r to advanc e"

,compare s Bri gham. Young with Columbus .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Meli sh,John Howard . Franklin Spence r Spalding

,man and bi shop .

New York,The Macmillan company

,1917. 297p .

Bishop Spalding,an Epi sc opalian

,tried to understand the

Mormons and put a favorable const ruction on their words and act s .

1 . Spalding,Franklin Spence r . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism. 3 .

Prote stant —Epi s copal .

Meyer,Eduard . Ursprung und ge s chi chteder Mormonen . Hal l ea .

S .,M . Niemeye r

,1912 . 300p .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

M i gonette [pseud . ] Little Gentile ; a D e seret romance of captive andexi le in the "New Jerusalem." Chi cago

,Religion Philosophical

Pub . House,1879 . 9hp .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Ant i —Mormon ) — Fiction .

Utah Pam. M i l l roy and Haye s , pub . Guide to the route'

map of the MormonV 0 61

11 0 0 6

pioneers from Nauvoo to Great Salt Lake,1846— l 8h7 . Salt Lake

City tl 8L7 ] 31p .

Based on j ournal entrie s made by church leaders,a day by

day account of trek acros s the plains .

l . Mormon Church— u Chronol ogy . 2 . Mormon pionee rs,Original

company ,18A7 .

Milner,Vincent L . Religious denominations of the world

,compri sing

a gene ral View of the origin,hi story

,and condition of the var~

ious se ct s . A new and improved ed . Philadelphia , W . Garretson,

1871 o 609p 0

Brief,trie s to be ob j e ctive

,include s Spaulding theory of

origin of Book of Mormon .


1 . Re l igi on . 2 . Se ct s . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

378 . 2A2 Mitchell , Margaret Barker . The Spe e ch art s as fo st e red by the MutualM68Z 3 Improvement As s o c . of the Church of Je sus Christ of Latter- day

Saints . {Salt Lake City ) 1935 . (M . A . The si s,Utah University ) .

Regular clas se s in spe e ch,conte st plays

,pageant s

,and the

like help make the M . I . A. a mixture of re c reation and self - improvement .

l . Mormon Churchm o M . I .A. 2 . Spee ch- m Study and teaching .

Montgomery ,Rev . 1 0 W . The Mormon de l usion ; i t s hi story and the out

i ook in Utah . Bo s ton,Congregational Sunday

~Sohool Pub .

Society ,twl 890 3 354p .

"Thus t he caree r of the prophet wa s planned in outline by hi smothe r even before he wa s born .

" Recommended disenfranchi sementof Mormons and infl ux of Gent ile s .

l . Mormons and

Ut ah Pam. Mcrgan, Dale Lowel l . A bi bliography of the Church of Je sus Chri st,

v . 63 organi zed at Green Oak,Pa o

,Jul y 1862 . tSal t Lake City


no . 18 versity of Ut ah , l 9AO] 28p .

Thi s was a small di vergent s e ct whi ch grew out of the MormonChur’ch o

1 . Church of Je sus Chri s t m u B i b l i ography . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smD ivergent Se ct s .

U tah Pam.Mormon Battalion Monument Commi s sion . The Mormon battalion and it sv . 62 monument . ESal t Lake City

,i 920? 1 8p .

no . 1h De s c ribe monument , include s history,re solution s

,and poetry .

1 . Mormon Batt alion ,18A6 u l8u7.

A Mormon b i s hop and hi s s on; fragment s of a diary kept by G . Miller,

M6h8m Sr . by H . W. Mi ll s . (L ondon? l 92u ] 91 p .

Based on fragment s of a l og kept by Patriarch Ge orge Miller,

muC h hay i ng been de s troyed by a female relative . Miller feltYoung was a zeal ou s usurper of authority . Book also containsremin i s c ing l ette rs on hi s tory of the Church .

1 . Mi l l e r ,Ge orge


Mormoni ad . Bost on ,A . Wi l l i ams

,1858 . loop .

N86 5

l . Mormons and


Musick,John Roy . The Mormon s . (In his Storie s of Mi s souri

,1897 .

M9878 p . 196

Tells of Mormon trouble s in Mis souri whi ch would not haveoccurred ”If they had not plundered t he Gentile s .


l . M i s s ouri ~~Hi s tory o 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam.Mus s e r,Amo s Milton . The fruit s of for the most

v . 2 part brief extract s from letters,addre s se s

,le cture s

,etc .


non- Mormons . Salt Lake City,De seret News Steam Printing

E s ta b li shment,1878 . 35p .

"By the ir polygamy,

s c oi al immorality i s totally repre s sed ."

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm.

Utah PamoMus s er,Amo s Milton . Mali ciou s slanders regard to

v . 2 the pretended “cri s i s” in Utah . London,Millenial Star

,n . d . 8p .

Claims there were ”no poor i n Utah,no pro st i tutx; drunkard s


or insane .”

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

tMuus,Rudolf ) Mormone rn e s P i gefangst . Kri s tiania

,P . Omtvedt s

M993m Forl ag (1906 3 o0p .

Boy me et s gi rlm - only h e i s a Mormon with all the bad re sult s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i- Mormon ) .

The mys terie s of Mormoni sm; a full exp osure of i t s secret practi ce sM998 and hidden c rime s

,by an apo s tl e

i s wife . N ew York,R . K . Fox . 69p .

Gory,sexy pic ture s

,With a text whi ch ac cuse s even "Urchins

of e ight or nine kncw more of what they should not know than youthsof s ixte en or eighteen in a refined community .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm (Ant i m Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. N eal,R . B . The stick of Ephraim vs . the Bible of the we ste rn contin

v . 37 ent : or,the manus c ript found vs . the Book of Mormon

,pt . I I .

Grays on,Ky o

,{ 0 1899 3 l 7p .

Attack s Smith ' s clai ms a s a linguist ,says Hebrew would b e

like shorthand when compared with Egyptian,and that any one who

us ed Egyptian as space saving should be conside red a "first clas scandidate” mfor the we ek minded institute”.

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm

378 . 2ul Neff,J . Elwood . Stre s s analysi s of a roof trus s in the L . D . S .

N 3838 tabe rnacle . {Salt Lake City ] l 9h2 . (B . S . the si s,Utah Unive r

S i ty o )


289 0 3







Include s graphs and chart s of weight di stribut ion and hugeblue print s of the buildings .

1 . Roof s . 2 . Tre s se s . 3 . Mormon Tabernacle .

Nel son,Henry . Utah and per pe culiar people . Chic o



Published in the Chic o Enterpri se tl 930- l 932 1 Newspaper clippings .

Memorie s of his own life among the Mormons generally favorable exc ept about revelations .

l . Mormons and Mormonism.

Nelson,Nels Lars . Preaching and public speaking ; a manual for the

use of preachers of the go spel and public speakers in general .

Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1898 . aaup .

Include s subj e ct s for sermons,how to think well

,etc .

I . Preaching . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Nelson,Nels Lars . S cientifi c aspe ct s of Mormoni sm. New York


G o P o Pu '

tnamS ' S,l QOho 31+7p o

“Written from the point of view that Mormonism i s good,

and true,and beautiful ; and that consequently

,it s detractors

should improve their judgment,or mind their manne rs .


l . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Nelson,Nels Lars . What truth i s . Salt Lake City



t° l 9h7 l 208p .

Es says de signed to prove Truth the loftie st of human concepti ons , one se ction . One se ction on pro

- exi stenc e,another on

the Adame Eden epoch,et c .

1 . Creation . 2 . Mormons and Mormonismr - D octrinal and controver

sial works . 3 . Truth .

Nelson,Mrs . Rhoda Louise (Smi th ) . Thi s is fre edom. New York

,D odd

Mead Co .,l 9h0 . 302p .

Story of Mormon trek told by a reluctantly admiring Gentile

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm — Fi ction .

New York . Public Library . Li st of works in the New York Publi cLibrary relating to the Mormons . (Detached from i t s Bulletin .

New York,1 909 . v . 1 3 , p o 183- z39) o

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Bibliography .


Nibley,Pre ston . Brigham Young

,the man and hi s work . Salt Lake C i ty





De seret News Pre s s,1936 . 551 p .

Relate s tho se incidents whi ch illustrate "h i s grasp of gospelprinciple s

,hi s perfe ct faith

,and hi s great self— reliance .


1 . Young,Brigham

,l 8ol — l 877 . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Nibley,Pre ston . Exodus to greatne s s ; the story of the Mormon migration .

Salt Lake City,D e seret News Pre s s t

° l 9h7 l L38p .

Based on j ournals,diarie s


,and the other materials

found in church archive s . Event s of the day told in word s of thosewho lived them a s much as po s sible .

1 . Mormon Church—~Hi storye - l 830- l 9h7 .

Nibley,Pre ston

,Inspirational talk s for youth . Salt Lake City


D e seret News,l 9hl . 320p .

From. vari ous L . D . S . topically arranged in such rubri c s asthe Constitution



,happine s s

,home and the like .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- Addre s se s,e s says

,lecture s .

N i bley,Pre ston

,comp . Three Mormon clas si c s : Leave s from my

j ournal {by } Wilford Woodruff ; My first mi s sion tby ] George Q .

Cannon ; Jacob Hamblin {by } Jame s A . Little . Salt Lake City,

Stevens U Walli s,l 9hh. BAOp .

Hamblin state s "My whole life has been a te stimony to thetrut h that the Lord doe s not slack on hi s promi se s to hi s children .


Two others are equally devout .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Nibley,Pre ston

,comp . The witne s se s of the Book of Mormon . Salt

Lake City,Stevens wallis , l 9h6 . l 92p .

Book re st s on conviction that "it would be impos sible for fourmen to be togethe r and all of them be de ceived in s e e ing an angelde s cend from heaven .


1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism. 3 . Cowde ry,Oliver


1806—1850 . A . Whitme r,David

,1805—1888 . 5 . Harri s


,1783- 1875.

Utah Pamo N i chol s on,John . Comprehensive salvation ; or

,the Go spel to the living

v . h and the dead . [Live rpool ] Pub . by wm. Budge at the Latte r—daySaint s ? print . pub .

,and Emigration office

,1880 ] l op .

Genealogical worker and one time s taff member of MillenialStar

,De seret News and Juvenile Instructor .

l . Mormon Churchn - Doctrine .

Ol l me

01 52g


Ol 73£


l . Reorgani zed Church of Je su s Chri st of Latter- day Saints . 2 .

Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti AMormon ) .

Oaks,Lewi s We ston . Medical aspe ct s of the Latte re day Saint WOrd of

Wisdom. Provo,Utah

,Brigham Young University

,t°l 9291 l 2op .

Quote s from notable doctors,

one of whom says,

"The effe ct of

cigarette smoking i s to unsex young women by producing prematuredegeneration of the s ex gland s .


2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 3 . Hygiene . L . Al

5 . Tobac co —Physiological effe ct . 6

7 0 COffe e o

l . Word of Wi sdom.

cohol —Physiological effe ct .

Tea~ ~Phys i ol ogi cal effe ct .

Oi Dea,Thomas F . A study of Mormon value s . {Bo ston } l 9h9, 1 36p .

Based on 3 months of re search,but author feels much careful

reworking would be nece s sary for any final report and asks permi s sion be sought before he i s quoted .

l . Mormon Church - Doctrine . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Olshausen,The odor . Ge schichte der Mormonen . Gottingen

,Vandenhoe ck

und Rupre cht ' s verlag,1856 . 2Ahp .

Based largely on Gunni son,Ford


,but doe s include some

reprint s from Time s and Seasons,letters by Smith

,Smith ' s plat

form as a pre sidential candidate,excerpt from "Salt Lake City

News" et c .

1 . Mormon Church - History .

Olson,Deon (N ethe rcott ) I bend to the wind epic of Mormon pione eri ng

[Salt Lake City,The author

, AOp"Game s and songs and danc e s

,storie s of their God and all hi s

glorie s l ed them on ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm—m Poetry . 2 . Pione e rs - Utah —Poetry .

O? Re i l l y ,Harrington . Fifty years on the trail ; a true story of

we s te rn life . 2d ed . London,Chatto Windus , 1890 . 38l p .

A few epi sode s among Mormons,such as me e ting Young


with a polygami s t family,and a bri ef summary of a "pe culiar"

pe ople .

1 . Nels on,John Young

,l 82o 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti

Mormon ) .

l s t ed . Salt Lake City,Orme ,

Gilbe rt Charle s . L . D . S . S cripture s .

Bookcraft ,l 9h7 . 5hl p .

l 9oo quotations cove ring 300 sub j e ct s in alphabetical arrange

ment .


l . Mormons and Mormoni s mr - Doctrinal and controversial wo rk s .

Oswalt,M . L . Pen picture s of Mormonism. Philadelphia

,Ame ri can

O8op Bapti st Publication Society,1899. 95p .


Mormons are anti—Chri st,enemie s of civili zation . Th ey are

totalitarian and polythei stic ."Polygamy and the mode rn danc e

go t ogether ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti- Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. 0utl i ne s of the doctrine s of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- dayv . 57


378 . 2h2


378 . 2L2

Pl l 97st

2890 399Pl23f

Saint s . H od o z7p o

Reference s to Bible and L . D . S . sacred'

b ooks li sted undervariou s topic s

,such as s Creator


,pre- existence


ment and the like .

1 . Mormon Church~~Doctri ne —Outline s .

The overthrow of infidel Mormoni sm. London,W. Horsell

,A . Chamber


£1850 1 l 75p .

Book of Mormon merely a romanc e,bapti sm with water and for

the dead false dogma,whereas faith in Prote stant God and Bible

the real way to Heaven .

1 . Mormons and

Oviatt,Alton Byron . The Mormon que stion in Congre s s

,1830- 1857 .

[Salt Lake City ] 19h3 . (M . A . The sis,Utah U . )

Based primarily on printed materials available in mo stlibrarie s . No citation of previously unpubli shed material .

I . Mormon Church~~Hi s tory . 2 . Mormon Battalion,l 8A9— l 857 .

3 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Spee che s in Congre s s .

Packe r,Jame s D emar . A study of ferti l i gy change s in Mormon society

based on the us e of genealogi cal re cord s . {Salt Lake Ci ty ]1951 0 (M o S o The si s

,Utah U 0 )

It was found that socio- e conomi c factors operated in decrea sing average family si ze among the Mormons

,but tho se more

active in their religion were les s effe cted by such facto rs .

Found G e oeal ogi cal Library helpful in hi s study .

1 . Utah - Population . 2 . Mormon Church - D octrine~- Marriage .

3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Paddock,Cornelia . The fate of Madame La Tour ; a tale of great

Salt Lake . New York,Fords

,Howard Hulbert

,1881 . 3 52p .

Mysterious di sappearance s,lustful church leaders

,fo rced

marriage s,with death


,and excommuni cation us ed to

Pl2 3f


P361 3h


U89v . 7

l OO

force them.

I . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Paddock,Cornelia . In the toils ; or

,Martyrs of the Latter— days .

Chicago,Dixon Shepard

,1879 . 3ol p .

Forced marriage s,promi scuous husbands

,fake mi racle s


the us e of women for cheap manual labor s pell out the evils of Z iaz .

l . Mormons and

Parry,Edwin Franci s . Sketche s of mi s sionary life . Salt Lake City


G o Q 0 Cannon,1899 0 l lfll p o

Attempt s to stimulate faith among youth by telling of instanc eswhere the familie s of mi s s i onarie s of the mi s sionarie s themselve swere taken care of when nothing but faith wa s in s ight for them.

1 . Mormon Churchn e M i s s i cnari e s .

Pears on,Lorene (Hobb s ) The harve st wait s . Indianapoli s


Merrill ,tc l 9bl i hhl p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Fiction .

Pe ck,Reed . The original Re ed Pe ck manus cript

,purcha sed Nov . l 9a3

from Peck ' s granddaughters Mabel Pe ck Mye r and Hazel Pe ck Cas s inBainbridge

,N . Y . by Fawn M . Brodie . l SZp . (Photo stat copy of

original ) .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism in Mi s souri .

Pendleton,Mark A . The Orderville United Orde r of Zion . (In Utah

Hi s t o Q 0,V 0 7 )

Based on memory , the si s prepared in Orde rville by Ordervilles tudent s and the manus cript "Hi story of Orderville " by Franci sL . Porter .

1 . Orde rville,Utah . 2 . Mormon Church — Doctrine — United Order .

Utah Pam. Penro s e,Charle s William. Blood atonement as taught by

‘l ead i ng elders

V 0 2

no . 57

of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter —day Saint s . Salt LakeCity

,Juvenile Instructor Offic e

,188A . Shp .

Th e blood of Je sus Chri st cleanse s s i n,but there are some S ims

"that can be commi tted from which they cannot be cleans ed by the

blood of Chri st ." Murde rers and adulterers can atone only by de s fl i ,

but the "church has no power to exe cute the death penalty ."

1 . Mormon Churchq octri ne u m Atonement .


Utah Pam. Pete rs on,William Henry . The miracle of the mountains . tManti



v . 62 The Author,

°l 9a2 J 2Ap .

no . 9 "Tells of founding a settlement to teach the native inhabitantshigher and better ways of life . Living in dugout s

,fighting snake s


building stone fort s all included .

1 . Mormon Church - History .

Piercy,Frederick . Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake

P618r together with a geographical and hi storical de s cription ofalso

,an authenti c hi story of the Latter- day Saint s ' emigration

from Europe . Ed . by Jame s L i nforth . Liverpool . F . D . Richard s,

1855 . 120p .

Excellent lithographs of Kane sville (Council Bluff s ) , Salt Lakeand the like .

1 . Mormon Church - Hi story . 2 . Utah - De s cription and travel . 3 .

U . S . —De scription and travel .

Pierrepont,Edward Willoughby . Fifth Avenue to Alaska . New York


P622f G o P o PU tflfiHl ' S Sons,l 88l+ o 32913 0

Found the Mormons "the mo st severely orthodox of any se ct wehave met .

" Make s a few judgment s except an adverse one on polygamy o

l . The We st - De s c ription and travel . 2 . Alaska - De s cription andtravel .

Pi rani an,David W. Prakti scher Fuhrer fur Genealogie und Tempe l arb e i t

P667p in der Kirche Je sus Chri sti der Heiligen der Let zten Tags . Berl h n

193A. 53P °

l . Mormon Church - Temple work .

Utah Pam. Pl atform of principle s of the pretended reformers of Utah ; an editorial in the Salt Lake Daily Tribune of March 6


on the foregoing editorial . Salt Lake City,March 1881 . 7p .

The e s sence of this e s say i s that "what the young Mormons wanti s to be freed from the enslavement of Mormon authority .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Pome roy,Franklin Thomas . An allegorical symposium on life and being .

P785a£ Clippings from the geneological and historical magaZ i ne . Assembled into allegori cal from many L . D . S . teachings

,with biblio

graphical footnote s .

l . Mormon Church —Doctrine .


378 0 2A2



P91 6d

2890 39P916e

2890 3P91 61


Pooley,William Vipond . The settlement of Illinoi s from 1830 to 1850 .

Madi son,University of Wi sconsin

,1908 . 309p .

Sifts confli cting statement s for a core of a greed on fact s .

1 . Illinoi s - Hi story,1778- 1865 .

Poulsen,Alton B The Mormon outpo st of San Bernardino

,Calif .

[Salt Lake City ] 19h7 . (M . S . The si s,Utah U . )

Based in part on materials in Church hi storian ' s offi ce .

1 . Mormon Church - Coloni zation - San Bernardino,Californi a .

2 . San Bernardino,California - History .

Pratt,Orson . D et c ele stiale Aegte shab . Kjob enhaven,

Adgi vet ogforl agt af John Van Cott

,1855 . 60p .

A Dani sh t ranslation of Pratt ' s ideas on ce l e s ti al lnarri age .

The se are given in English in the SEER,a periodi cal pub li shed

in washington,D . C .

Pratt,Orson . Divine authority ; or

,the que stion

,was Jo seui Smi th

sent of God? [Liverpool,18A8 J 1 6p .

Cite s conve rsions,miracle s

,logi c

,and scientific di s covery

to prove Smith ' s mi s sion . Bears printing . no . 1

1 . Mormon Church —D octrine - Divine authority .

Pratt,Orson . Exodus of modern the daily diary of

Orson Pratt on the exodus of the Latter—day Saint s from. Nauvoo

to the Rocky Mountains . N . B . Lundwal l,comp . and pub .


Salt Lake C i ty, 19h7? 96p .

Pratt de s c ribed animals along the trail,vegetation

,hi s

invention of a mileage measuring devi c e,the return of Sam

Brannan with news from California including mention of d i e Donner party tragedy .

l . Mormon Churchm - History .

Pratt,Orson . An int ere sting ac count of several remarkable vi sions

and of the late di s covery of ancient American re cord s . l s t Ameri can ed . New York

,J . W . Harri son

,18hl . 36p .

Give s the faith and doctrine of the church in hi s word s andwith hi s own inte rpretation "we believe that G od will co ntinueto give the Saint s are guided into all truth s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Pratt,Orson . The ma j e sty of God

,a disc ourse delivered in the 1 6th

ward as sembly rooms . Salt Lake City,Sunday afternoon , March 1A,

1875 o 18p o


Argue s that the Lord would not s end revelations on variou s sub

j e ct s if He did not want them to try to analyze and understand them.

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Pratt , Orson . Ma sterful di s cours e s and writings . Salt Lake City,N .

P91 6m B . Lundwal l [1 9A6 J 620p .

Pratt was one of the mo s t brilliant and spe culative of earlysaints . The se writings include reminiscence s

,thought about the

coming of Chri st . The divinity of the Book of Mormon and th e like .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Colle ct ed works .

Pratt,Orson . A se rie s of pamphlet s . Liverpool , F . D . Richards


1851 .

Variou s paging s . Use s prophe cie s of the Bible,witne s se s

to the golden plate s,delineation of the nece s sity for modern

revelations,and ac count s of latter—day miracle s . To defend

Smith and the Book of Mormon .

SAME Salt Lake City,Cannon S ons

,1891 . Bl hp .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sms - Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s . 2 . Mormon

Church~- Doctrine . 3 . Mormon Church~ 4M i s s i ons~ — Great Britain . A .

Mormon Churchm m M i s s i ons —_Italy .

Pratt,Parley Parke r . En advars e l s ro st til undervi i sni ng for alle

P91 63v3 folk . K j obenhavn,J . Van Cott

,1861 . 211 .


1 . Mormon Church —Doctrine .

Pratt,Parl ey Parke r . The autobiography of Parley Parke r

bracing hi s life,mini stry and travel s

,With extract s in prose

and verse from hi s mi s cellaneous writings,edited by h i s s on


Parley P . Pratt . New York,published for the editor and propri

etor by Rus sell Bro s .,187A. 5o2p .

Full of vi sitations and s trange manife stations c ementing hi s

faith in the Go spel .

1 . Pratt,Parley Parke r

,1807- 1857 . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Pratt,Parley Parke r . Eine Stimme d e r warmung and Belehrung fur

P91 6 3v3 alle Voke r . Berne,Suter L i e row

,1892 . l thp .

G 3

1 . Mormon Church— " D octrine .

Utah Pam. Pratt,Parley Parke r . Good tidings ; or

,the new and eve rla s ting go s pel .

v . 6 Liverpool,Millenial Star

,n . d . up .

Que stions and answers including "Is it not uncharitable to con

Side r the Chri stian wo rld al l wrong ? " and the ans we r "no" and the

P91 63m

P91 63r


G 3

P91 63v3

2890 33P91 63v8

289 0 33P91 63v



Pratt , Parley Parker . Mormoni sm unveiled ; Zion ' s watchman unmasked andits editor , Mr . L . R . Sunde rland

,exposed . Truth vindicated


devil and prie stcraft in danger . 3d ed . New York,0 . Pratt


E . Fordham,1838 . L8p °

Explains "it would require a standing army of writers and printers in constant employ" to answer all the lying slanders about thechurch .

1 . Sunde rland,La Ray ,

1802- 1885v - Mormoni sm exposed and refuted .

2 . Mormons and Mormoni smp —Doctrinal and controversial works .

Pratt,Parley Parker . A reply to Mr . Thomas Taylor ' s "Complete fail

ure," et c .

,and Mr . Richard L i ve s ey ' s "Mormoni sm exposed .

" ManChe ste r

,W . R . Thoma s

,18A0 . l 2pt

"The Latter—day Saint s ask no man to believe any book or princi p l e which i s not e stabli shed by two or three witne s se s

,and even

then we do not ask them to believe in anything contrary to thes cripture s .

" Sugge st s if that doe s not suffice,they pray for a

me s sage on the matter .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Doctrinal and controversial works . 2 .

Taylor,Thoma s ; "Complete Failure" . 3 . Live sey

,Richard ; " Mormoni sm

expo sed ."

Pratt,Parley Parker . S chus sel zur Gotte s— Ce l ehrthe i t o Berne



G . C . Naegle,1895 . 99p .

1 . Mormon Church —Do ctrine .

Pratt,Parley Parker . A voice of warning and instruction to all peo

p l e o o o Brd ed o reV o N ew York,J o W . Harri son

,18AZ O 180p .

SAME Sche ckl eton Son,18A1 . 227p .

Based on spirit of truth and revelations of Smith and Rigdon ,with the intention of giving the publi c corre ct information aboutan abused people . Summary of Book of Mormon and i ts di s cover .

l . Mormon Church — Doctrine .

Pratt,Parley Parker . VO i c e of warning

,and instruction to all people;

or,An introduction to the faith and doctrine of the Church of

Je su s Chri st of Latte r—day Saints . 8th ed . Liverpool , F . D .

Ri chards , 185A. 199p .

1 . Mormon Church — D octrine .

Pratt,Parley Parker . Une Voix d ' ave rt i s s ement et instruction a tous

l e s peuple . Tr . de la 6 . ed . anglai s par L . A . Bertrand . Jers ey ,

A0 L o Lamoreau,1853 0 180p .

1 . Mormon Church —Doctrine .

9l O.AP953a



R1 3Aw


Prime,Edward D . Griffin . The Mormons . (In hi s Around the world

sketche s of travel through many lands and over many seas ,1872 0 p 0 25" 35 ) o

Out side of Mormoni sm. i s fair enough; , but the atmosphere .

1 . Voyage s around the world . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Pryor,Elinor . And never yi eld . New York


,19A2 .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Fiction .

Pyper,Ge orge Dollinger . Storie s of Latteréday Saint hymns , their

authors and composers . tSal t Lake City, the author ] 199 , 21 2p .

Di s cus se s such side light s as the de ci sion of Pre sidentGrant to make le s s militant the l i ne s "On the ne ck s of thy foe s ,thou shalt tread" and "Gentile s shall bow neath thy rod .


Trace s tune origin as we l l as verse .

1 . Mormon Church- Hymns . 2 . Hymn s .

Quaife,Milo Milton . The ki ngdom. of Saint Jame s ; a narrative of

the Mormons . New Haven,Conn .

,Yale uni vers i ty


pre s s , 1930 .

2814) o

The career of an aspirant to the headship of the Mormonchurch . Strang founded hi s own church

,brought forth his own

revelations on Beaver Islands .

1 . Strang,Jame s Je s see

,181 3- 1856 . 2 . Beaver Island

,Mi chigan

Hi story . 3 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Rae,William Frase r . we stward by rail ; the new route to th e East .

New York,D . Appleton

,1871 . 39l p .

Saw in Utah suppre s sion of free thought and pe rverte d justice,

compare s Gentile s with abolitioni st s . Young the slave of avari ceand lust .

1 . U . S o n - De s c ription and travel . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (AntiMormon ) . 3 . Overland j ourneys to the Pacific .

Rays of light from all lands,the bible s and beliefs of

a complete st ory of all churche s and communions . tEd .


b y J

E . C . Towns,A . J . Canfield

,George J . Hagar . New Yofir


Bro s .,{ 0 1895 1 8o6p .

Contains a chapter by Franklin D . Ri chard s commenting onrepre s sive legi slation aimed at the church and defending cele sti al marriage on scriptural grounds and on basi s of it spractice .

1 . Religions . 2 . Mormon Church . 3 . Mormon Church - Doct rine andmarriage .


Utah Pam. Heas one r,Cal Vi n . Church and state ; the i s sue of civi l and religious

v . h libe rty in Utah . Salt Lake City,The author

,1896 . 1 39p .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm—~Church and state . 2 . Thatcher,Mo se s


l 8A2- 1909 .

Utah Pam. Reas ons for a legi slative commi s sion for Utah,by a citi zen of Salt

Lake,n . d . 2l p .

Claims church exerC i zed power ever political and e conomi clive s of its members de spite L . D . S . denials .

1 . Utah (te rri tory ) m - Politic s and gove rnment . 2 . Mormons and Mor

moni sm.

Utah Pam. He ed College,Portland

,Oregon . France s Greenburg Armitage pri ze

v . 63 winning e ssays ; Armitage competition i n Oregon pioneer hi story,

no . 7 Reed College,19A6- A7 . Portland , Oregon ,

19A8 . 87p .

Paper by wm. Smart di s cus se s how the Mormons at one t i me cons i d ered settling in Oregon

,but settled on Salt Lake for the sake

of i solation . Note s the few saint s in Oregon were called to Utahin 1858 .

1 . Oregon . 2 . Whiteaker,John

,1820—1902 . 3 . Mormons and Mormon

Ree s,Alfred C . Blatter aus der Ge schichte de r Kirche Je sus Chri sti

R328b de r Heiligen der Let zten Tage . tZuri ch,Schwei zerisch—D eut sch en

mi s sion der Kirche Je su Chri sti der Heiligen der Let zten Tags ,1902 ] 2Oap .

Story of Smith and the Book of Mormon,using Smith ' s word s in

many instance s,translated faithfully into German . Include s the

arti cle s of Faith of the L . D . 8 . Church .

1 . Mormon Churchw - Hi story . 2 . Utah - Hi story .

378 . 2A2 Ree s,Thomas M . Mormon mi s sionary work among the we ste Indians .

R3286m [Salt Lake City ] 1 922 . (M . A . The si s,Utah U . )

Di scus se s 10 mi s sions or tribe s,8 individual mi s s ionarie s

plus a mi scellaneous chapter on faith,healing

,prophe cy


the like . Based on letters,diarie s

,and othe r manus cript mat

e ri al s,most of whi ch are on file in church Hi storian ' s offi c e .

1 . Mormon Church — Indian Policy . 2 . Mormon Church —Mi s sionsIndians . 3 . Indians of North Ameri ca~—Utah .

Remy,Ju l e s . A j ourney to Great Salt Lake a sket ch of

R392j the hi story,religion

,and customs of the Mormons . London


W 0 Jeffs,

2V 0

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Utah - De sc ription and travel .

11 0

289. 36A Ri chards,Claude . The man of tomorrow ; a di scus sion of vocational

R5l A2m succe s s with the b oy of today . tSal t Lake City ] General Boardof Young Men ' s Mutual Improvement As soc . of the Church of Je susChri st of Latter—day Saint s


°1917, 296p .

Discus se s 18 vocations,with a chapter on factors leading to

suc ce s s and another one on worthy use of spare t i me .

1 . Vocational guidance . 2 . Mormon Church - Le ssons .

Ri chards,Franklin Dewey . A compend i um of the doctrine s of the gos

pel by Franklin D . Elder Jame s A . Little . Rev .

ed . Salt Lake City,De seret Book Cc .

,1925 . 290p .

"This book containing not only the s criptural proofs of ourprinciple s

,but also corre sponding pas sage s from the leading

publicatio ns of the church,place s in the hands of the Elders

convenient means of comparing the se publications with the scripture s

,and of proving they teach the same doctrine s .


SAME Liverpool,Orson Pratt

,1857 . 2A3p .

l . Mormon Church - D octrine .

Richard s,Le Grand . A marvelous work and a wonder . Salt Lake City


R516m D e seret Book Co .,1950 . 376p .

1950 An outline of Mormon doctrine and the Mormon story withscriptural quotations on such topic s as re storation of the prie sthood

,bapti sm

,et c .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni smn - Doctrinal and controve rsial works .

(Richard s,Lela (Horn ) Poplars acro s s the moon ; the story of Tula

Krus o,by L ee Nevill (p s eud . ) Bo ston

,L . C . Page

,t° l 936 1

3A6p o

Two adopted daughters,rai sed in "Lemhi"

,one to be come a

great singer ; the other an icy blooded apostate .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Fi ct i on .

81 1 .A Richard s,Loui s a L . (Greene ) Branche s that run over the wall ; a

R51 6b book of Mormon poems and other writings . Salt Lake City,The

Magazine Printing Cc .,190A.

The Book of Mormon t ranspos ed into blank verse with someromancing added . Hi storic portions are marked "H" and suppo sitions marked "S" .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Poetry .

(Richard s,Robert ] The Californian C rusoe ; or

,The lost treasure

R517c found ; a tale of Mormoni sm. London,H . J . Parker

,185A. l 62p .

De sc ribe s meeting Smi th a s a conve rt,hearing a se rmon by

h i m at Nauvoo,a s cene in which Smi th wa s

"de cidedly far gone in

B52l h

1 1 1

a state of intoxi cation" .

l . Mormons and

Richards,Stephen L . The church in war and


peace . {Salt Lake City ]Z ion ' s print . and pub . co .

“l 9h3 3 22l p .

A variety of sermons,ranging from the gospel of wo rk


orthodoxy in religion,to the counsels of George Washington .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme u Addre s s e s,e s says

,le cture s .

Richardson,Albe rt D . p . 338- 365 of g Beyond the Mi s si s sipp i ; from

the great rive r to the great - l 867 . Hartford,

Conn .,Ame ri can publi shing Cc .

,t° l 867l 572p .

Accompanied C olfax to se rmon by Young,reported Young’s call

on Col fax,

and the P GtU Pn . Vi S l t l tO the L i on ' Hous e and the Bee

Hive House ."It was the free st and franke st discus sion ever held

in the office of Brigham Young ." Stated many re canting wive s

left t erritory under military e scort .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . The we st - “ De scription and t ravel .

Utah PamoRi chard s on,S . C .

,comp . Th e national pre s s looks at the Mormons .

V o7

3 5390

Chi cago,m. d . 1 5p .

Photographic reproduction of favorable arti cle s from Sat .

Eve . Po st,Reader’s Dige st

,National Geographi c

,and various

newspapers . Mainly l937 o

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church- ~Welfare Plan .

Richard son,Sullivan Calvin . was it planned ; common things that

can be only through the power of a being "Higher up ." [Indep en

dence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . and Pub . Co .


0 1936 ] 66p .

Di s cu s se s oxygen , water and other phenomena to prove a divineintelligence planned it all .

1 . Ontology . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ri chard son,Sullivan Calvin . Wonders of our universe and what they

mean to u s . ( Independence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Print . and Pub . Cc .


0 1936 ] 60p .

Links some teachings of Smi th (spirit i s matter ) to mode rns cienc e

,parti cul arly physic s .

1 . Rfil i gi on and s cienc e . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Ricks,Eldin . Combination refe rence s ; a simple and orde rly arrange

ment of selected reference s to the standard works of the Churchof Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Saints . [Salt Lake City ] De se retBook Cc .

,t° l 9h3 3 6Ap .


R569s 3



00\Lo b

.) “3


2890 399E599m

289 o 39R6h3h


Reference s to the Bible,Book of Mormon

,Do ctrine and Cove

nant s to prove such L . D . S . beliefs as the pro- mortal exi stenceof spirit s .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Riddle,Albert Gallatin . The portrait

,a romance of the Cuyahoga

valley . Bo ston,Nichols Hall

,l 87a. t

° l 873 1 378p .

Sket ch of Smith as impudent,courageous gambler

,whose suc

ce s s wa s "in the common blindne s s and weakne s s of the race broughtfrom. the cave s and woods of i t s far— off pilgrimage .


l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Riggs,Timbe rline Wale s . A skepti c discovers Mormoni sm. [3d ed . )

Overton,Nev .

,[c l 9hh l . 200p .

Joined the church be cause Mormonism satisfied hi s mind,then as

he lived the religion be came really converted .

1 . Mormon Church- ~Doctrine .

Riggs,Timbe rline wale s . The Ten commandment s and other sub j e ct s .

roverton,Nev .


0 19A6 . J l 3op .

Explains how voluntary obedience i s only common sense,and only

compulsion to do the will of another robs one of free agency .

Tells of a friend pulled back from complete ruin through tithing .

l . Commandment s,Ten . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Riley,I saac Woodbridge . The founde r of Mormonism; a psychological

s tudy of Jo seph Smith,Jr . New York



,1902 . AL6p .

Attribut e s Book of Mormon to a remarkable se rie s of selfinduced hypnoti c trance s on the part of Jo seph Smith .

1 . Smith,Jo seph

,1805- 184t . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ani t

Mormon ) .

Rit chie,John . The Mormons and their doctrine s . Kilmarnock


land,The author

,n . d . 1 5p .

"The Mormon c reed i s a complete denial of the fundamentaltruths of the Chri stian faith

,a corruption of the grace of God


a caricature of the Church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Robert s,Brigham Henry . A comprehens ive hi story of the Church of

Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . C entury I . Salt Lake C ity,

De se ret News pre s s,1930 . 6 vol .

Care fully con siders nearly eve ry as pect of Church history

?890 39R6A3mo

s ettlers were also factors .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Mis souri .

Robert s,Brigham Henry . The Mormon battali on ; i t s history and achieve

ment s . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1919. 96p .

Excellent,conci se hi story based on manuscript materials in

the archive s of the church . Robert s make s it clear that creditfor the introduction of irrigation into Utah may have be en due tosome member of the battalion who saw irrigation us ed in New' Mexi co .

l . Mormon Battalion ,l 896u l 8A7 .

Robe rt s,Brigham Henry . The Mormon doctrine of Deity ; the Robert s

R6A3m Van der Donckt di s cus sion to which i s added a di scourse,Je sus

Chri st z The revelation of God ; also a collection of authori ta

tive Mormon utteranc e s on the Being and nature of God . SaltLake City

,The D e seret News

,1903 . 296p .

Revelations have "not only made known the being of God,but

the kind of a be ing he is ." Thi s book grew out of article s by

Robert son and a Catholic prie st arguing the Mormon ideas of deity .

l . Mormon Churchu - Doctri ne m éMarri age .

Robert s,Brigham Henry . New witne s se s for God . Salt Lake City


D e seret News,1909= ll o 3 vol .

Volume one i s devoted to li f e and teachings of Smith ; volumetwo to the Book of Mormon

,i t s external and inte rnal evidence s ;

volume three di scus se s obj ections to it and hostile theorie s as

to i t s origin .

SAME Cannon and Sons Co .,1895 . A86p .

1 . Mormon and Mormoni sme u Dootri nal and controversial works .

2 . Mormon Churchm m Doctri ne m mRe storati on of the gospel . 3 . Book of

Mormon . A . Mormon Church history,antiquitie s .

Robert s,Brigham Henry . Outline s on e c cle siastical history . 3d ed .

Salt Lake C ity,D e s e ret News

,1902 . A26p .

An outline of the hi story of the religion and i t s error fnbm

the time of Chri s t until Joseph Smith,plus a history of the

Mormon Church and i t s beliefs .

SAME G . Q . Cannon,1893 . Ao7p .

l . Apo stasy . 2 . Church hi story . 3 . Reformation . A . Mormon

Churchu w Doctri ne ~ - Re storation of the gospel .

Z89. 38A Robert s,Brigham Henry . Ra s ha the J ew ; a me s sage to all Jews .

R6A3r Salt Lake C ity,De se ret News Pre s s

,1932 . 1 56p .

Answer to a Jewi sh s cholar who brought Scripture s "to provethat there wa s no need of Je sus " . Re concile s ol d and new Te sta

2890 39R6A3r

R6A3s e



289o 3R663s


ment,quote s J ews a s e l der s of L . D . S . sacred work s .

1 . Je sus Chri s t~ ~M e s s i ahsh i p . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm~ ~Ad~

dre s s e s,e s says

,le cture s . 3 . Jews .

Robe rt s,Brigham Henry . The ri s e and fall of Nauvoo . Sal t Lake

City,The D e s e ret News

,1900 . A57p .

1 . Mormon Church~ ~Hi s tory . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Ill inoi s .

Robe rt s,Brigham Henry . The Seventyi s cours e in

and ed . by El de r B . H . Robert s . Sal t Lake City,De s ere t News


l 907w

Deals with the four book s of S c ripture s recogni zed by theChurch ; The Bible

,Book of Mormon

,D octrine and Covenant s


Pearl of Great Pri c e .

1 . Mormon Church e e Pri e sthood= e Manual s,

etc . 2 . Mormon Churchu w

D octrine .

Robe rt s on,Frank Ch ester . The Mormon trail . London

,W . Collins


( 0 1931 3 251p .

Novel about a cowboy who helps the Mormons re cover cattlestolen by Gentile rustlers .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Fi cti on .

Robert son,Frank Che ste r . The rocky road to Jericho

,by Che ster

Field (pseud . ) New York,Hi l l maa url

,t°l 935 j 288p .

The di s appointment s of lo s ing one ' s love in polygamy andthe fai th shaking whi ch ensue s .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sme u Fi c ti on .

Robinson,Ph i l . S i nne rs and s aint s ; a tour acro s s the s tate s


around them; with th re e months among the Mormons . Bo s to nRobert s BP 0 5 0

91883 0 37op o

Found the Mormons a sober,hard working mi s u repre s ent ed

people . De scribe s happy polygami s t s,but propose s the ory that

polygamy will soon be impos sible exc ept to the rich,

"twentydoll ar bonnet s" will kill it .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . U . 8 . De scription and travel .

Rogers,Aurelia Read (Spencer ) . Li fe sk et che s of Orson Spenc er and

others,and hi s tory of primary work . Salt Lake City

,G . Q .

Cannon,1898 . 333p .

Include s letters,such as one from Orson Spenc e r i n 1 8A7

de s c ribing starvation and unemployme nt in Ireland . Tells of her

9l 7. 3Sl 59a


Sl S9a


289o 399SL76

l 88t

2890 399Si 7o

l 89l

1 16

de sire to have "an organi zation for little boys and have themtrained to make better men"

,and how the primary grew from that .

l . Utah —Biography . 2 . Spencer,Orson

,1802- 1855 . 3 . Mormon

Church Primary As so ciation Hi story . A. Mormons and Mormoni sm - Biography .

Romney,Thomas Cottam.

World religions in the light of Mormoni sm.

[Independence,Mo .

,Pre s s of Zion ' s Printing and Publi shing Cc .


19h6 1 1.27p °

Use s Bible and Mormon Scripture s to disprove claims of othe rreligions .

l . Religions . 2 . Mormon Church —Do ctrine .

Sala,Ge orge Augustus Henry . Ame rica revi sited . New York

,I . K .


e l 880 .

1 . U . S . De s cription and travel . 2 . U . 8 . Social life and cus a

toms . 3 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Sala,George Augustus Henry . Ame ri ca revi sited ; from the bay of New

York to the Gulf of Mexi co,and Lake Mi chigan to the Pacific .

London,Vi zete l l y ,

1882 . 2v .

"It is the poor and ignorant Co smopolitans (convert s ) whohave converted the vall ey of the Great Salt Lake into a land ofmilk and honey . It i s the Mormon bi shops and elde rs who ' bos s '

the Mormon rank and file and who live on the milk and honey ."

One chapter only on Mormons .

1 . U . S . De s cription and travel . 2 . U . S . Social life and customs . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Salt Lake fruit ; a Lattere day romanc e,by An American . Boston



Avery ,188A. 328p .

l . Mormons and 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smPolygamy .

Salt Lake fruit ; a thri lling Latter- day romance,by an Ameri can .

New York . M . W . Jone s,1891 . 328p .

The blighting effe cts of polygamy on women - insanity,child

ren lost in childbirth .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i u Mormon ) . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni smPolygamy .





SSl ht


l . Mormons a nd Mo rmoni sm.

Scowc roft Ri chard . Children of the covenant . Bo ston,c ghton

Mifflin Co .,l 9h5 . 292p .

Al l t he L . D . S . are rathe r stupid,but t h e chie f vi l l ain i s

the Word of Wi sdom.

l . Mormons and M ormoni sme w Fi c ti on .

Scrap book of Mormon l it e rature ; re l igiou s tract s . Chicago,B . E .


2 vol .

An anthology of mate rial from sermons,tra : t s

,and p e riod i cal s

of the Saints .

1 . Mormon Church~=Doctri ne o 4 . Tracns,Religious .

Sc raps of biography . Sal t Lake City,Juveni l e In structor Off .


1883 . t p . (Faith promot i ng s e rie s . loth book ) .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme e B i cgraphy . 2 . Knight,Newell

,l SOO=

1847 . Journal .

Seibe l , George . The Mormon saint s ; the story of Jo s eph Smi th , hi s

golden bibl e,and the church he founded . Pitt sburg

,Le s sing Cc .


1 91 9 . l OBw .

"Beginning as a mys t ic with hal l ucination s,Joe Smi t h developed

into a profe s sional high prie s t of humbug ." Today "The apologi st

insi s t s hi s faith imp ose s no great er tax upon huma n credulity thanthe i rs .


l . Mormon s and Mormon i sm (Ant ieMo rmcn ) .

Seife rt,O swal d . Der prakt i s che geneal oge . Basel

,1 920 . nOp .

l . Mormon Church m u Temp l e work .

Seward,William Henry . Travels around the world . Ne w York

,D .

Appleton,1873 . 730p .

Heard a se rvi ce in the Tabernacle,claimed the reverence of

the Mormons toward Young ma de all othe r religi ons s eem i nd i ffe r ~

ent toward their leader s . Thought the Mormons might survivewi thout polygamy .

l . Voyage s around t he world . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Sheldon,Henry C l ay . A fourfold te st of Mormoni sm. New York , Abing~

don Pre s s,

:° i 9l h l l Sl p .

Di s cuss e s youthfu l l ack of reputation of Smith,te st s of hi s


trans lating s kill by outside rs,the probability that he stole

the plot for the Book of Mormon from. Spaul d i ng , and the contentof book giving evidence to it s "modern fraudulent concoction .


l . Mormons and

Utah Pam. Shook,Charl e s Augustus . Ame rican anthropology di sproving th e

V 0 80

{10 0 2


9l Ooh861 3m

Book of Mormon . 2d ed . Cleveland,Utah Go s pel Mi s sion

,1 930 .

2op o

Cla ims e rrors in Book of Mormon,i o s .

,early inhabitant s of

Ame ri ca i coul d not write,we re not civili zed or cultured


Ameri can Indians were not de s cendnats of children of I srael,

that early Americans we re not ext erminated,their c i vili zation was

not imported,and they did not have Egyp tian language . Book of

Mormon claims the affirmative to all of the s e .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti éMormon ) .

Shook,Charle s Augustus . The true origin of Mormon polygamy .

Cincinnati,Standard Pub . Cc .

,l 9l h . Zp .

Claims Joseph Smi th i s early environment of s upersti tuti on ,

dishone sty and lus t . Father of l ow intelligence,mother a

wi t ch . Planned to introduce polygamy while translating Book ofMormon . Prac tic ed it s e c retl y and each pers on who expo sed hi m

was cut off from. church . Polygamy practic ed at Nauvoo . Membe rsof High Council learned Joseph had revelat i on authori zing it


began it also .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sms a Pol ygamy . 2 . Polygamy . 3 . Mormonsand Mormoni sm (Anti e Mormon ) .

Sill,Charle s . Economi c s dictated by rea s on and revealed religion .

Bayt on ,Utah

,m. p . g 1 925 . l 9op

Trie s to show how unde r religious principle s men must in"mate rial things b e alike and share alike .


l . Mormon Churchm ~Economi c po l i cy . 2 . Church and state w eMormon

Church . 3 . Mormons and Mormon i sme m Church and s tate .

Simps on,William. Meeting the sun ; a j ourney al l round the wo rld .

London,Longmans , Green

,Reader and Dye r , 1874 . hl 3p .

Claims Brigham Young was stil l looking for a place th e Mormons might live undi s turbed by Gentile s . De scr i be s Young as aman of admini strati ve ab i l i t i e s m w note s the Mormon fondne s s for

re creation . Felt se clus ion of women t o the harem would followin time if polygamy endured .

l . Voyage s around the world . 2 . China w De s cri pt i on and travel .

3 . Mormon s and Mormonism.

1 20

SJodahl , Janne Matt s on o The reign of Antichri st ; or The great "falling8625r away,

" a study in e c cle siasti cal hi story o Salt Lake City,De se ret

News,191 3 0 1 38p °

John the Revelator stated the exi le of the church should last1260 days

,or years , but if the s e are lunar years

,then 1830 would

be the year of re - e stab l i shment o

1 0 Church hi s tory o 2 ° Catholi c Church o 3 ° Mormon Church — Do ctrinaRe storation of the go spe l o

Utah Pam. SJodahl , Janne Matt s on o Temple s ancient and modern ; including an ao

v . 2 count of the laying of the capstone of the Salt Lake City Temp l e o

[Salt Lake C ity ) De seret News Co o,n o d e 28p o

Goe s back to Solomon and Herod,and come s down to Salt Lake

Temple ; picture s,prayers

,de s c ription of proc e s sional and the

l i ke o

l o Mormon Church - Temple s °

Skidmore,Rex Austin o Mormon re c reation in theory and practice ; a

So28m study of soc ial change o Philadelphia,l 9hl o 1 37p °

"To the Mormon people,play i s an integral part in man ' s

exi stenc e . It helps to bring hi m Joy in thi s life and to prepare him for the life to come o


l . Re creat i on o 2 ° Mormons and Mormonism~ - Re creat i on o

Skousen,W e Cl e on o Prophe cy and modern t i me s o 3d ed o Glendale


8628p 3 Calif o,The Pre s s of Griffin Patterson Co o

,t°l 9b8 3 l7lp °

l o Mormons and Mormonism —Prophe c i e s o 2 ° PrOphe c i e s °

Utah Pam. Skous en,Williard Cl e on o The story of the Mormon p i one e rs o San

v o 62 Fernando,Calif o

,rl 9h7 ) 42p o

no . 10 One manu sc ript source u sed in 1 51 refe renc e s o Pri mafil y a goodre - write j ob in story form of the trek from Nauvoo to the foundingof Salt Lake C i ty o

l . Mormon Church —Hi story o 2 0 Utah pioneers °

Utah Pamo S l oan,R 0 W e The great conte st ; the chief advocate s of anti—Mormon

v o8 measure s reviewed by the i ~S pe e che s in the House of Repre s entat i ve s o

Salt Lake City,The author

,1887 0 98p o

Exc erpt s from anti -Mormon speeche s followed by paragraphsexplaining e rrors and i nconS i s tenc i e s o

l o Mormon s and Mormoni sm - Sp e e che s ~i n Congre s s o

Small,Charle s Herbe rt o Corne r— stone s of faith ; or The origin and

characte ri sti c s of the Chri stian denomination s of the United


289o 3 Smith,George Albert o Corre spondence of Pale s tine touri st s o Salt

Lake City,1875 0 386p o

l o Mormons and Mormoni sm —Letters o

Utah PamoSmi th,George Albert o The ri se

,progre s s and travels of the Church of

v 0 2 Je sus Christ of Latter- day Sai nt s o 2nd ed o Salt Lake City,

De s eret News Offic e,1872 0

Member of the church sinc e early l 830 ' s , historian Wi o beganc ompilati on of documentary history

,legi slator

,and explore r for

whom. St o Ge orge was named,spoke from first hand knowledge on many

matters ,

l o Mormon Church - Hi story o 2 ° Mormon Battalion,18A6~18L7o 3 °

Mormons and Mormoni sm- ~Pol ygamy o Lo Utah - Hi story o

Utah Pams Smi th,George Al bert a The ri se

,progre s s and travels of the Church of

v ool Je sus Christ of Latter- day Saint s ; being a serie s of answers tono o2h que stions

,including the revelation on c ele stial marriage and a

brief ac count of the s ettlement of Salt Lake Val l ey o Salt LakeCity

,Printed at the De s eret News Offic e

,1869 0 L9p o

Two page s devot ed to Mormon Battal i on o Mentions providentialencounter with wild bulls when food was exhausted and di ffi cul

tie s the Saint s had with the military surgeono

l o Mormon Church hi s tory o 2 ° Mormon Battali on,18h6m 18t7o 3 °

Mormons and Mormoni smo t o Utah hi story o

Utah Pams Smi th,George Albert o The ri se

,progre s s and travels of the Church of

V 0 61 Je sus Christ of Latte r—day Sai nts o Salt Lake City,De seret News

Offi c e,1872 0 71 p o

l o Mormons and Mormoni smv - Pol ygamy o 2 ° Mormon Churchw - Hi s tory o

BeUtah - Hi story o h e Mormon Battalion ,IBA6 - 18L7o

2890 38 Smith,George Albert (8th Pre s o

,L o D o 8 0 Church ) Shari ng the gospel

Sou833 with others o [Salt Lake City ] De seret Book Co o,19h8 °

"If the gospel of Je sus Christ doe s not make me a bette r man,

then I have not developed as I should,and if our neighbors


in thi s church,

can live among us from year to year and s e e noevidenc e of the benefits that come from keeping the commandment sof God in our live s

,then there is ne ed fo r reform in I s rae l o


1 0 Mormons and Mormnni sm~~Se rmons o 2 ° S ermons,Ame ri can o

Utah PamoSmi th,Heman Conoman o True suc ce s sion in church pre sidency of the

V 0 71 Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s,being a reply to

no o o Elde r 8 0 H o Robert s on "Suc ce s sion in the pre sidency of thechurch o

" Lamoni,Iowa

,Fub o by the Board of Publication


Reorgani zed Church of Je sus Chri st of Latterm day Saints,1898 ,

167p o


l . Robert s,Bri gham. Henry , 1857- 1 933 . Suc ce s s ion in the pre si

dency of the churcn . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sms - Doctri nal i nd controvers i al works .

Smith,Jo seph . Jo s eph Smith ' s t eachings ; a clas sifi ed arrai gement

SéSBp of the doct rinal sermons and writings of the great Latte u dayprophet . c omp . by Edwin F . Parry . Salt Lake City

,The De seret

News,1912 . 192p .

"Being largely devoted to amplifying and expounding theHoly scripture s

,they ar ea supp l ementary to what i s contained in

the Bible,the Book of Mormon

,the Doct rine and Covenant s


the Pearl of Great Price ."

1 . Mormons and Mormonisms —Doctrinal and controve rsial works .

Pam. Smi th,Jo seph . The King Follet dis course ; the Being and kind of

being God i s ; the immortality of the intelligenc e of man . SaltLake City

,Magazine Print . Co .

,1926 . 32p .

Longhand note s on a fune ral addre s s given by the prophet inApril ,

l BAA. The doctrine taught in this s ermon has been "throwninto the following aphori sm by Lorenzo Snow

"As man now i s,God onc e was ;

A s God now i s,man may in othe r word s eternal

progre s s ion .

Dr . Widt soe onc e remarked a church whi ch teach ed eternal prom

gre s s i on could hardly be ac cused of denyi ng the po s sibilitie s of

evolution .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Utah Pam. Smi th,Jo seph . Origin of American polygamy . Lamoni

,Iowa . HeraMd

V 0 80 Fub o [1 903 ] 39p o

no . l The sons of Jo s eph Smith and hi s wife,Emma

,denied Smith

taught or practic ed polygamy . The Nauvoo Expo sitor i s brushedaside as a pack of lie s

,although some who signed affidavit s

the rein have earli er statement s quot ed as authoritative .

l . Mormons and Mormonism-~Polygamy . 2 . Reorgani zed Church ofJe sus Chri st of Latte r- day Saint s .

Utah Pam. tSmi th,Jo seph ] The t e stimony of the great prophet of thi s nine

teenth c entury . Liverpool,Millenial Star , n . d . hp .

Reprint from Time s Seasons in 18h2 ; Smith ' s story ofBook of Mormon and organi zafion of church .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Smith,Jo s eph Fielding . Blood atonement and the origin of plural

865Bl b marriage . Corre spondenc e between Elder Jos eph F . Smith,Jr .


of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter~ day Saints,and Mr .


Richard C . Evans,s econd couns elor in the pre sidency of the "Re

organi zed" Church . tSal t Lake City ] The De seret News,1 905 .

1121) o

Denie s church ever practi c ed "blood atonement" on apostate sor any one els e .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme—Polygamy . 2 . Mormon Church —Doctrineatonement .

Smith,Joseph Fi elding . Es s s enti al s . i n church history ; a hi story of

86531 e the church from the birth of Jo s eph Smith to the pre sent t imeSalt Lake City

,De s eret News Pre s s

,1922 . o9hp .

l . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Smith,Joseph Fielding . Es sential s in church hi story ; a history of

86531 e11 the church from. the birth of Jo seph Smith to the pre sent timeed . Salt Lake City

,De seret News Pre s s

,l 9h6 .

[° l 922 ] 7l op .

Excellent brief summary of origin of various doct rines andpublications of the church . Appendix on church publi cationsgive s first date of publication and plac e for important itemsin church bibliography .

1 . Mormon Church - History .

Smith,Jo seph Fi elding . the Engl i sh,


86532g Jean wunderl i ch l ( Basel ) Schwei ze ri s che - Deuts ch und Deut s chG 3w Oste rreichi sche Mi s sion der Kirche J s eu Chri sti de r He i l gener

Let zten Tage,1926 . 803p .

l . Mormon Church - Doctrine . 2 . Mormon s and Mormonisme- Addre s se s,

es says,lecture s .

Smith,Jos eph Fielding . Go spel do ctrine ; s ele ctions from the s er

86532g mons and writings of Joseph F . Smith,sixth president of the

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter—day Saint s . Ath ed . SaltLake City

,De se ret Book Co .

,1928 . 7oop .

Excerpts from confe renc e report s and church periodi calsarranged in order that Pre sident Smith might have a writtenwo rk by which to be remembered .

l . Mormon Church —Doctrine . 2 . Mormons and Mormnni sm - Addre sse s

,e s says

,lecture s .

Smith,Jo seph Fielding . Origin of the Reorgani zed Church and the

que stion of suc c e s sion . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1 909.

1 39P °

Point s out that common consent e stabli shed Brigham Young andthe Counc i l of the Twelve as head of the church

,and that common


1 26

Smith , Robert William. Sc riptural and s e cular prophecie s pe rtainingto the last days . . hth ed .

,rev . and conden sed . tSal t Lake City


Pyramid Pre s s,

°19AOJ 223p .

A compilation of prophetic utterances of L . D . S . leadersplu s such Gentile s as George washington

,George Sylve ster Vier

e ck , Emil Ludwig,H . G . wells

,Thomas Edi son

,Bernarr Macfadden

,etc .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Prophe cie s . 2 . Prophe cie s .

Utah Pam. Smi th,Samuel H . B . An appeal for justic e . pre sident

V 0 2




John Taylor . Salt Lake City,The author

,1887. 30p .

Brother Smith tells how he started s elling milk through theTithing office

,and then was refus ed the privilege afte r he had

built up a thriving busine s s .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Smith,Willard J . Jo seph Smith

,who was he ; and did he practi c e and

teach polygamy? Grand Rapids,Mich .

,Glad Tidings Pub . Hous e


18990 18613 0

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Doctrinal and controversial works . 2 .

Mormon s and Mormoni smp - Polygamy .

Smith,Willard J . What the re storation movement teache s conc e rning

God . Port Huron,Mich .

,t°l 935 1 l l l p .


l . Wood , Samuel , l 87h;"The Infinite God .

" 2 . Mormon s and Mormoni sme- Doctrinal and c ontroversial work s .

Snide r,C ecil A . A syllabus on Mormonism in Illinois from the pre s s .

Newspaper sourc e mate rials l 838- l 8a8 . [Iowa City,Iowa

,1933 )

ll7p .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm in Illinoi s . 2 . Nauvoo,Illinoi s .

3 . Illinoi s - Politic s and government .

Snowden,Jame s Henry . The truth about Mormonism. New York


H . Doran Cc .,(1926 ) 369p .

Says Joseph Smith ' s story of re c eiving golden plate s is"invention" . Claims Smith hims elf wrote te stimony of the 3 wi t

ne s s e s in the Book of Mormon . Claims Jari di te s ' boat s c ould nothave made the trip . Cite s mi stake s in Book of Mormon . Says muchmat erial stems fr> m religious controve rsie s of the day and somewe re autobiographi cal .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Sonn,Conway Ballantyne . Knight of the kingdom; the story of Rich

Bl88s ard Ballantyne . (lst ed . ) Salt Lake City,De seret Book Co .



Eulogi stic novel as writt en by a grand son . Deals primarilywith family

,mi s sion and founding of the Millenial Star in India .

Illustrated .

1 . Ballantyne,Richard

,1817- 1898 . 2 . Mormon Church - sunday

S chools - Hi story .

Sorens en,Virginia (Eggertsten ) Th e evening and the morning . lst ed .

87l 33e New York,Harcourt


,tl 9h9] 3Alp .

l . Mormons and Mormonisme—Fiction .

Sorensen,Mrs . Virginia (Eggersten ) A little lowe r than the angels .

871 332 New York,A . A . Knopf

,19A2 . A27p .

l . MOrmons and Mormoni sme- Fiction .

Sorensen,Virginia (Eggersten ) On thi s star . New York


871 330 Hitchcock tl 946 1 275p .

l . Mormons and'

Mormoni sme - Fi ction .

South Place In stitute,London . Religious systems of the world ; a

contribution to the study of comparative religion . A collectionof addre s se s delivered at South Place 1888

89 and 1891 ] [10th ed . ) rev . Longon,G . Allen

,1911 . 32hp .

Chapte r on the Mormons prepared by Elder Jame s H . Ande rson .

1 . Religion s,Sect s . 2 . Mormon Church —Doctrine .

Utah Pam. 8pahr , Charle s Barzill ai . Ame rica ' s working people ; part x,the

v . 59 Mormon s . New York,Outlook Co .

,1900 .

no . 1h Predict s that education and exp osure of the ir youth tothe out side world as mi s sionarie s will eventually end Mormoni smas a reli gion .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Spencer,Orson . Letters exhibiting the mo st prominent doctrine s of

87A5£6 the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter— day Saint s,in reply to the

Rev . William Corwe l . oth ed . Liverpool,Wi l l i am. Budge , 1879.

232p o

"If the re has,in part of the volume

,been the appearance of

seve rity toward s the religions of mode rn Chri stianit y,it has be en

prompted solely by the impuls e of truth,in orde r to denol i sh

error . 0 0

l . Mormon Church — Doctrine .


Standers on, Grantly . The hundredth wave ; a novel written to ac compli sh

S785h two strongly int erlinked purpo s e s . Chicago,C . H . Ke rr

,1916 .

538p"Revelations of s cience deny the Mormon concept of God" .

Give s disbelief to story of Adam and Eve ."No human —will ever

know how,whe

,whe re Cosmos - had it s origin" . Gene si s and next A

book s of Jewi sh Bible are legend s . Spiritual life had to waittill a high enough typ e of animal life evolved to afford physicalhabitation .

l . Mormons and

Ste ele , John . Extract s from the diary of John Steele . (In Utah Hist .

U89 Q 0,V 0 6 ) 0

v . 5 Excerpt s from May 18A6 on,include s a petition to the High

Council of the Church to "do something for us,the s oldier boys .


1 . Mormon battalion,18A6- 18L7. 2 . Utah Pioneers . 3 . Parowan


Utah . A . Las Vegas,Nevada . 5 . Pione ers - Utah .

Stenhous e,

lady ' s life among the Mormons ; a re cord of per882552 sonal ed . New York

,Ameri can News Co .

,1872 .

221p .

Cite s re sult s in individual cas e s of polygamy . One wife leavesand goe s back t o England . Another lo s e s her mind . Case of a manmarried to a widow and also to one of he r children . Author wondens

which of several wive s can claim the husband in next world if helove s each equally .

l . Mormons and Mormonism (Anti—Mormon ) .

St enhous e,Fanny

,"Mrs . T . B . H . Stenhouse" . An Engli shwoman in Utah ;

the story of a life ' s exp erienc e in Mormonism. With introductorypreface by Mrs . Harriet Bee cher Stowe . Including a full ac count ofthe Mountain Meadows mas sacre

,and of the life

,c onfe s sion and exe

cuti on of Bishop John D . Lee . New and cheaper ed . London,8 . Low



,1882 . At .

Convert to Mormoni sm,married mi s s ionary in England . Moved to

Utah . Rebellion at introduction of polygamy . Affe ction for orphangirl who lived with Mrs . Stenhouse . Girl confe s se s love for Mr .

Stenhous e on death bed . Is sealed to Mr . 8 . after he r death withMrs . S . acting as proxy . Mr . 8 . also take s 3rd wife . Mr . Mrs .

- lStanhggsavl eave l church and twri te And t l e cture .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) . 2 . Mountain MeadowsMa s sac re

,1857. 3 . Le e

,John Doyle

,181 2- 1877.

Stenhous e,

[Fanny ] Tell it all : The story of a life ' s experience inS825t Mormoni sm. Hartford

,Conn .

,A . D . Worthington

,1890 . 655p .

1890 Author see s Methodist Minister conve rted to Mormoni sm afterargument over s cripture s with mi s sionary . Difficultie s in cro s sing

917. 9AS867b





Sti sted,Georgiana M . The true life of Capt . Sir Richard F .

written by hi s ni e c e with the authority and approval of the Burtonfamily . London

,H o S o Nichols

,1896 0 Al gp .

About the Mormon vi sit,

" It i s generally agreed that he repre

s ented the s e strange people in too favorable a light" . Note s Young ' sprivate school was "large enough to accommodate a huge village .


"The experienc e of 35 years,too

,has proved our traveller unsound

in predicting a great future for the MOrmons ."

1 . Burton,Sir Richard Franci s

,182l ~ l 890 . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Stoddard,Charle s Augu stus . p . 185- 191 of : Beyond the Ro ckie s ; a

spring j ourney in California . London,8 . Low


,189A. 21Lp .

"How great a state Utah might be come if it were free from thedomination of the se ct whose cruelti e s and abominations have disgraced the nineteenth c entury l n thi s land"

,they are a s ect gatha

e red out of many nations,mostly from the ignorant and superstitious .

l . California- w De s cri pti on and travel . 2 . The We st s - De s criptionand travel .

Stoke s,Jeremiah . Modern mi racle s . Salt Lake City

,Bookc raft [19A5 J

1 96p o

Healing by faith of injuri e s or di seas e s,ranging from c rushed

skulls,stomach ulce rs


,to cance r

,with date s

,name s


witne s se s li sted .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Mi racle s . 2 . Faith cure . 3 . Miracle s .

Stoke s,Je remiah . The soul s fire . lst ed . Lo s Angele s

,Suttonhous e

1936 0 2g1p o

Sympathetic account of Mormon suffe ring und er perse cution bas edon experienc e s of author ' s parent s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Fi ct i on .

Stookey,walt e r M . Fatal de ci s ion ; the tragic story of the Donner

party . Salt Lake City,De s e ret Book Cc .

,1950 . 209p .

Excellent photos,and Careful re~tracing the trek of the

Donne r party ove r the mountains,into the valley

,and acros s the

Salt Flat s .

l . Donne r Party . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Strang,Jame s Je s sie . The book of the l aw of the Lord ; cons i sting of

an inspired translation of some of the most impo rtant part s ofthe law given to Mo se s

,and a very few addit ional commandment s


with brief not e s and referenc e s . Printed by command of the Kingat the Royal pre s s

,Sa i d , Jame s

,A . R . I . ( Beave r I sland


Michigan, 336p .




81 3 .AS979e

1 31

Has very inte re sting serie s of answers to cont emporary crit i c i sms of Smith . The main part of the volume i s a re st orationof God ' s word s to Mos e s .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sme- Divergent se ct s .

Stre et,Julian . Abroad at home ; Ameri can ramblings

,obs erva tions ,

and adventure s . New York,C entury Co .

,t° l 9l h l 517p .

Pre sident Jo s eph F . Smith "and the men around hi m. L> oked

like a group of strong,prosperous

,dogmatically religious New

Englanders,such as one might find at a directors ' meet ing in

the back room of some very solid old bank in Maine orflMa s sachu~

s ett s ."

l . Mi chigan - D e s c ription and travel . 2 . Mi s souri - De s cnpti on

and t ravel . 3 . Chicago - De s cription . A . Salt Lake Ci tyy —D e s cription.

5 . The we st - De s c ription and travel . 6 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Sunlight and Shadow of America ' s great citie s,by the Authar of

"Heroe s of the plains,

" etc . Philadelphia,we st Pub . Co .


£°189l J 606p .

Claims Solomon Spaulding wrote "Mormon bible" and Jo sephSmith stole it . Said Mormons engaged in act s puni shable by lawout side of Mormoni sm.

1 . U . 8 . Social c onditions . 2 . U . 8 . Soc ial life . 3 . ll ormons

and Mormoni sm. (Anti - Mormon ) .

Swenson,Rus sell Brown . New Te stament literature ; a study fo r col

lege student s . Salt Lake City,L . D . 8 . Dept . of Education


t° l 9AOJ 1 17p .

An elementary guide or help in reading and studying the Newi s to be used as a supplement to the New Te sta

ment it s elf . The latt er Should be the real text .

1 . Bible —New Te stament introduction. 2 . Bible - Introduction,

New Te stament . 3 . Bible - New Te stament,study . A . Bible —Study


New Te stament . 5 . Mormon Church - Seminarie s and Institutes le s sons .

Swit ze r Jennie (Bartlett ) . Elder Northfi eld ' s home ; or Sacrific edon the Mormon altar . New York

,J . H . Brown

,t°l 882 J 319p .

Forc ed marriage s,mi staken court ships of si st ers by brothers


murders,and sui cide s qualify thi s for inclusion as a st andard

novel on for the time s .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) - Fiction .

Utah Pam. The sword of organ of the Ame rican Anti - MormonV 08 As sociation . Grayson

,Ky .

,1912 Monthly .

Attempt s to di sprove Book of Mormon history of early Ame rica

378 . 2A2


T1 38 5


T1 38

289-399T1 39m

289-33T1 51a

1 32

With archaeological claims and contradi ctions . Di spute s autho rityof Mormon Elders to bapti ze .

l . Mormon s and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Sylve ste r,Robert H . Dr . John Milton Be rnh i s e l ; Utah ' s first delegate

to C ongre s s . (Salt Lake City ] l 9h7 . (M . S . The si s,Utah Univ . )

Contains many unpubli shed letters,excerpts from a biography

writt en by a membe r of the family and the like .

1 . Be rnhi s e l,John Milton . 2 . Utah - Hi story . 3 . Mormon Church

His tory o

Talbot,E . L .

,comp . Souvenir of Utah and Utah a

hi storical sketch of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latte r— daySaint s

,by O . F . Whitney . Salt Lake C ity

,C . Q . Cannon

,n . d .

Excellent lithograph s of church leade rs and buildings .

Sket ch of Mormons take s them up to pre sidency of Loren zo Snow .

1 . Salt Lake City —D e s c ription - Views . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story .

Talbot,Ethelbe rt . My people of the plains . New York

,Harpe r

,1906 .

26Ap .

"Whatever may be said of the immoralitie s and corruption ofthe Mormon system

,as a busine s s ent e rpri ze it i s conceded to be a

marvel .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . The we st .

Talbot,Grace . Much—married saint s and some sinne rs ; sketche s fnam

lif e among the Mormon s and Ge ntile s in Utah . N ew York,Grafton

Pre s s,

t°l 902 l l 30p .

The distre s s of a man with "five Wive s and only e ight children" . A child brought ove r from. Europ e by a mi s sionary

,and kept

again st her Wi she s ." A girl ' s romanc e ended when suitor finds

she i s child of a polygamous marriage .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

Talmage,Jame s Edward . The arti cle s of faith ; a serie s of le cture s

on the principal doct rine s of the Church of Je sus Chri st ofLatter- day Saint s ; written by appointment and publi shed by theChurch . Salt Lake C ity

,De seret News

,1899 . h90p .

Make s clear through c omments,the Chri stian

,l aw— abiding


non- Communi stic nature of the Mormon church . Author an apo stleof the Church and one time pre sident of the Unive rsity of Utah .

1 . Mormon Church- ~Doc trine .

1 3h

Talmage , Jame s Edward . The story of "Mormonism,

" and the philosophyT1 51 8 of "Mormoni sm.

" Salt Lake City,De seret News

,191L . l 36p .

Outline s acceptance of Bible by Mormons exc ept whe re it hasbeen mi st ran slated

,the reasons for ac cepting the Book of Mormon


with nine ideas whi ch form the philosophical foundation of Mormoni smo

1 . Mormon Churc h —History . 2 . Mormon Church —D octrine .

Utah Pam. Talmage , Jame s Edward . The vitality of Mormonism,an addre s s . Pub .

v . h by the Church . Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1917 . 25p .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm.

Talmage,Jame s Edward . The vitality of Mormonism; brief e s says on

T1 5l v distinctive do ctrine s of the Church of Je su s Christ of Latter- daySaint s . ( Salt Lake City

,De seret News Pre s s


c 1919, 19L8 1 36l p .

An attempt to support in detail some of the generali zationsac cepted by the Saint s and prove they are no "fungi of fallacy .


1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormon Church- Doctrine .

Utah Pam. Tal mage , Thomas De Witt . The Utah few fact s withv . 37 regard to the Utah Latter- day 8p .

"Unle s s we de stroy Mormoni sm,Mormoni sm. wi l l de stroy us .


1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm (Ant i- Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. Tanner, Alva A . Fact s about the Book of Mormon . Oakley,Idaho


v . 8 1918 . (2A1p .

Says no Chri stian religion on this continent before Columbus .

Claims part s of Book of Mormon taken from. N ew Te stament . SaysBook of Mormon conflict s with Bible .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Tanner,Joseph Marion . Old Te stament Studi e s . Salt Lake City


Des eret Sunday School Union,1917 . 2 vol .

Each chapte r contains ext ens ive quotations from Bible . Fewreferenc e s to L . D . S . belief s .

l . Bible - Old Te stament study . 2 . Bible — Study —Old Te stament .

3 . Mormon Church - Sunday'

School s —Le s sons .

Tanner,Obe rt Clark . New Te stament studies (Salt Lake City ] Dept .

Tl 67ne of Education of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s,

1932 . 667p .

Eighty chapters are given to a s tudy of the life of Chri st ; 2Ato vari ous books of the New Te stament . Typical chapter begins wi fil

1 35

a general di scus sion of parable s and then considers four spe cificparable s .

1 . Bible - New Te stament Introduction . 2 . Bible —Introd l ct i on

New Te stament . 3 . Bible —New Te stament study . A . Bible - St udy NewTe stament . 5 . Mormon Church —Seminarie s and In stitute s—éLe s s ons .

Tanne r , Obert Clark . Student s ' j ournal for u se with the New Tes taT1 67st ment speaks . h . d . l 122p .

Student write s a book chapte r by chapte r answering que stions .

1 . Bible - New Te stament - Studye 0utl i ne s , syllabi

,et c . 2 . Bible

Studya —Outline s


,et c . 3 . Mormon Church - Out1 i ne s e e Semi nari e s

and In stitute s,syllabi

,et c .

Tayl der ,T . W . P . The Mormon ' s own book ; or

,Mormonism tried by it s

T236m. own standard s . London,Partridge and Co .

,1857. 228p .

Citie s "Barbari sms" of language in early editions dTBook ofMormon . Says Book of Mormon contradi ct s it self . Says chronology i s inconsi stent with Bible . Call s "

whole syst em. a cheatand a lie" . Says Mormons arrogant

,pre sumptuous .

"Mormoni sm. .

. . i s reprobat e" .

l . Mormons and 2 . Smith,Jo sep h , 1805

Utah Pam. Tayl or , John . Di s course delivered in the Tabernacle . ( Sal t Lakev . 80 City

,De seret News 1885 . 1 5p .

no . lo Point s out th e in justice s of’

the Edmund s Act and Why hecould not in cons c ience submit to it .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme- Addre s s e s,e s says

,lecture s .

Utah Pam. Tayl or , John . An epi stle to the pre sident s of our stake s,high

v . 80 councils ; bi shops and othe r authoriti e s of the church . Saltno . 9 Lake City . ( Church of Je sus Chri st of Lattere day Sai nt S J

1882 o llp 0

"Better for our own people to do our own trading than forthat clas s of out side rs who are our avowed enemie s to !l o it .


1 . Mormon Church - Epi stles .

Taylor,John . An examination into and an e l uci dati nn of the great

T2A3e principle of the mediation and atonement of our Lord and SaviorJe sus Christ . Salt Lake City

,De s eret News Co .

,1882 . 2o5p .

Based on the Bible,the in spired t ranslation of the Bible


and revealed document s given the Saint s .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

1 36

Taylor,John . An examination into and an elucida tion of the great

T2A3e principle of the mediation and atonement of our Lord and SaviorJe sus Chri st . Salt Lake C ity

,De seret News Co .


,205p .

Based on the Bible,the inspired translat ion of the Bible


and revealed document s given the Saint s .

1 . Mormon Church —Doctrine .

Taylor,John . The go spel Kingdom; s elections from the writings and

T2A3d di scourse s of John Taylor . ( Salt Lake City ] The Bookcraft Co .,

( °l 9A3 J AOl p .

Reprint s of se rmons and other writings of Taylor from suchsourc e s as Journal of Di s course s and Millenial Star

,i ndl ude s

such items as "Selection and payment of teachers" .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm~~Addre s s e S,e s says

,le cture s

,sermons .

Utah Pam. Tayl or ,John . The government of God . Liverpool

,8 . W . Richard s


V ° 3 1852 0 1 1813 0

Point s out wi ckedne s s of Civil government s of Europe,errors

in othe r churche s,the inability of sociali sm or communi sm to

help,and that only e stabli shing the kingdom of God on earth i s

the final answer .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctri ne o

Utah Pam. Tayl or , John . Items on pri e sthood,pre sented to the Latter- day Saint s .

v . 3 Salt Lake City,De seret News Co .

,1882 . A3p .

Explains differenc e between Aaronic and Melchis edec Prie sthood,basing hi s remarks upon the BIBLE and DOCTRINE COVENANTS . Use sinstanc e s in L . D . 8 . hi story to illustrat e hi s points .

1 . Mormon Church - Prie sthood .

Utah Pam. Tayl or , John . Items on prie sthood pre sented to the Latt er~day Saint s .

v o 6 l Salt Lake City,G . Q . Cannon

,1899 . 3op .

no . 2l A re - print of a carefully outlined,council of 12 approved

statement on the diffe renc e s between Aaronic and Melchisede cprie sthood s .

l . Mormon Church — Prie sthood .

Utah Pam. Tayl or ,John . On marriage . Salt Lake City

,De s eret News

,1882 .

v . 7 8p .

Only tho se deemed worthy may be permitted cele stial marriage ;by tho se who can not have the higher law may be married by aBishop rathe r than by a justi c e of the peac e .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine - Marriage . 2 . Mormon Church - Prie sthood .

1 38

G . E . Richard s de sc ribe s c eremony in Endowment Hous e . Calls it"blasphemy and mumme ry" .

1 . The We st —De scription and t ravel .

Utah Pam. Thoma s, R . M . Bryce . My reasons for j oining the Church of Je sus

v . 63 Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . 2d American ed . Independenc e,Mo .


no . 5 Pre s s of Zion ' s Print . and Pub . Co .,1 902 . 3l p .

Read the Book of Mormon,studied the Bible

,and be came con

vi nced only the L . D . 8 . Church had the st ructure and ideals of theprimitive Church of Chri st .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism.

378 . 2A2 Thomson ,Woodruff Chri stian . Ors on

F . Whitney,Mormon writ er . ( Salt

TA8650 Lake C i ty d 19A9. (M . A . The si s,Utah Univ . )

Enough of the background of the Mormon poet and e s sayi st toenable one to unde rstand "the definit e perse cution complex whichshows in much of his writing" and how all hi s experienc e s actor


mi s sionary,teache r

,hi storian united in hi s writings .

1 . Whitney,Orson Ferguson

,1855—1931 . 2 . Whitney

,Orson Ferguson


l 855- 1 931 - C ritici sm and interpretation . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

81 3 .A Tourge e , Albion Winegar . Button ' s Inn . Bo ston,Robe rt s Bro s .

,1887 .

[4,18p o

"The idea of pe rsonal guidance by sign s and tokens of thedivine W1 11 which was so notable a characteri stic of the Puritanfaith

,yi elded some st range fruit s when freed from the re straint s

of e stablished

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah Pam. Townshend,Ge orge . Why I am not a Mormon . Denver

,Alexande r &. Meyer


V 0 80 19070 3op o

no . 7 Jo seph Smith s elf delusion . Finding of gold plate s i s"melodrama and supe rstition" . Vision wa s pure fab ri cati nn . Somestatement s of Book of Mormon not in ac c ord with Bible . Others con

trad i ct s cience . Mormon church i s narrow . People are complac ent .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti - Mormon ) .

Traum,Samuel Wegner . Mormoni sm against it s elf . Cincinnati

,Standah l

T777m Pl i b 0 CO 0 1910 o 321 1) o

Mormoni sm' s whole s cheme i s "wi cked" . Says there i s no unmi s

takable evidence of any civilization such as Book of Mormon claims .

Says Mormons do not have proofs,only as sumptions .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Anti—Mormon ) .

1 39

Triplett,Frank . Conqueri ng the wilde rne s s ; or

,New pi ctorial

hi story of the life and time s of the pioneer heroe s and h eroine s of Ame ri ca . Minneapolis

,Northwe stern Pub . Cc .

,1 888 .

7h2p o

"Mormoni sm founded on bare m faced frauds" . Says Mount ainMeadows Ma s s acre "dwa rf s the ma s sac re s of our borde r Indi ansinto insign i ficanc e .


l . Th ea We st—~Hi s tory . 2 . The We sta—B i ology .

Truth,devoted to que s tions politi cal

,soc i al

,e conomi c and reli

gi ous . Sal t Lake City,Truth Pub . Cc .

,1935 . Monthly .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Anti eMormon ) peri odi cal s .

Tucker,Pomeroy . Origin

,ris e and progre s s of Mormoni sm. Bi ou

T893O graphy of it s founders and hi story of it s church ; perso nal re

memb rance s and hi stori cal colle ctions hitherto unwri t tei . New

York,D . Appl eton

,1867. 302p .

Uglie st portrait of Smith as a young man« n even charged withnever known to laugh" .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm (Ant i m Mormon ) . 2 . Book of Monnon .

3 . Smith,Joseph

,l 805—18AA.

Tul l i dge , Edwa rd W . The hi story of Salt Lake C i ty and it s found ers . .

T9i 8h Salt Lake C i ty,the author

,1883 .

Contai ns c opie s of many document s,

such as entrie s f romj ournals

,treati re s wi th Indian s

,epistle s from. the L . D . 8 .

Church presidency,letters from government s offi cal s and the

like,but no sourc e s given .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Salt Lake Ci tyh u Hi story .

3 . Utah u u B i ography .

Tul l i dge , Edward W . The life of Brigham Young ; or,

tah and herT685tu founders . N ew Yo rk

,Tul l i dge Crandal l

,1876 .

1 . Young,Br i gham

,1801~l 877. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

3 . Utahm m B i ography .

Tul l i dge , Edward w. L ife of Joseph the pr0phet . N ew York,

Sésst l i dge a Crandal l l 1878 . 5L5p o

1 . Smi th,Jos eph

,1805- 18AA. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Turner,J . B . Murmoni sm i n al l age s ; or the r i se

,progre s s


T9A8m cause s of Mormoni sm; w i th the b i cgraphy of its author and

founder,Jos eph Smi th

,Jr . New York

,Platt Pete rs , t

“i 8A2 ljOAP o

l bO

"Mormoni sm. al ways fight s with de speration" . Says Mormonsdefend Book of Mormon by "Ridi culing the Bible" .

"Ob j ect - i s toshow s ~i f Book of Mormon i s ridiculous - ~Bible i s so too .

" Call sMormoni sm a " st range and extravagant enthusiasm.


L . Mormons and Mormoni sm. (Ant i —Mormon ) .

Tutt l e,Daniel Sylve ster . Remi ni s cence s


of a mi s sionary bi shop .

New York,T . Whittaker t° l 906 3 A98p .

Not ed lack of rowdyi sm among the young Mormons,the good

Engl i sh and manne rs of Brigham Young in private conve rsationstel l s of Utah Magazine and the Godb e i te defe ctions

,the large

numbe r s of offic ers ve rsus "private s" in the Mormon church,the

appeal t o sac ri fice on part of woman and not e s polygamy was nota corne rstone of the church . Felt the "opportune death" of Smithand energy of Young made the church .

1 . M i s sionari e s . 2 . Utahw u Hi s tory . 3 . The we stm- History . L .

Mormons and Mormon i sm.

Tyler , Dan i e l A conci se history of the Mormon battalion in theT981 0 Mex i can war

,18A6m 18h7. tn . p . ] 1881 . 376p .

writ ten i n chronol ogi cal order,but not in diary form. Con

s i de red by Banc roft the leading authority on the sub j ect,even

though writt en from. Mormon p oint of view .

1 . Mormon Battal ion,l 8h6~ l 8h7 . 2 . Mormons and Mormonism.

Tys on,Thoma s . Jo s eph Smith

,the great American impo st er ; or


T99hj moni sm p roved to be fal s e,by a fair examination of it s history

and pretensions . London,Hall

,1852 . 59p .

The " invent i on of the pl ate s is onl y a clumsy act for a pretended prophet" .

"Mysteri e s of the Temple of Nauvoo" were fooli shr i d icul ou s and "dis gus t i ng ri te s and pra c ti c e s" . Cite s two st riki ng feature s of Mormoni sm.

"hi gh pretensions and horrid vilene s s" .

l . Mormons and Mormonism (Anti m Mormon ) .

Utah Pam. U . S . Congre s s . The admi s sion of Utah : argument s on the admi s sion ofv . 76 Utah as a state made before the Committee on Te rritorie s of the

House and of the Senat e . wa s hington,D . C .

,Govt . Print . Off .


888u l 890 .

l . Utahu w Pol i t i c s and gove rnment . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

U . 8 . Congre s s . Senat e . Commit tee on privilege s and ele ctions .

Proc e edings before the Commi ttee on privilege s and electionsof the Un i ted State s Senate i n the matter of the prote st sagains t the r i ght of Hon . Reed Smoot

,a senator from the State

of Utah,t o hold hi s seat . washington

,Govt . Print . Off .


chool s . Note s a bandonment of polygamy and a "church" party inpolit i c s .

1 . Utahu u Pol i ti c s and Government . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Urs enbach 9 Octave Frede ri ck . Deity and law . Los Angele s,Aetna

U82d Pre s s,

t° l 933 1 122p .

" To exc l ude progre s sive God from a progre s sive unive rs e i st o admi t Hi s i ncomprehen sibili ty


,if not Hi s non

exi st ence ."

l . Mormon Church~~Doctri ne .

Ursenbach , Octave Fred eri ck . The que st . Salt Lake City,Bookcraft


l 9h5 E3 1 9h71 289p .

"2d ed ."

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- Fiction .

Ursenbach,Octave Frederick . Why I am. a Mormon . Salt Lake City


The author,1910 . 21 2p .

”Coming down to the nineteenth c entury we find the wo rldreplete W i th profe s sed Chri stian se ct s

,none of which had re ce i v

ed a spe cial delegation of God ' s authority ."

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah,a pe culiar people . (In Time

,v . L

,no . July 21

,19h? ) A

U89 mixture of admiration and leg pulling .

l . Mormon Churchu u h i story .

Utah Pam.Utah and statehood ; ob j e c tions conside red,simple fact s told wi th a

v . 77 br i ef synopsi s of the s tate constitution,by a re sident of Utah .

no . 19 New York,Hart Von Arx , 1888 . llp .

L. Mormons and Mormon l snw ~Church and state .

Utah . C ent enn i al Commi s s i on . Arhs Di vi s i on . Source book ; basi c0397s mat e r i al s on mu sic




,parade s for the Utah

C ent enni al , 18L7~19L7 . Salt Lake City tl 9h6 1

l . Utah u ~Centenni al celebrations,

etc .

Utah Pam. The Utah pioneer e l eb rati on of the entranc e of the pione e rs intoGreat Salt Lake valley

,thi rty

m th i rd ann i versary,Jul y 2L , 1880 .

no . 2 Sal t Lake C i ty 9De se ret News Print . and Pub . Establi shment

,1880 .

52p o

Sunday school s me t at school hous e s,then marched to main pro

ce edi ngs . The pro c e s sion is de s c ribed,the prayers and spe e che s

re c orded and a li st of the pioneers of l 8a7, l iving and cb ad .

l . Utah e e Hi s t ory . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Utah sings,an anthology of contemporary ve rse . Provo



U89 Academy of Scienc e s,art s and lette rs


Biographical sket che s and poems of over 100 Utah wri te rs .

l o Ame ri can L i te rature e m Utah » col l e cti ons . 2 . Ameri can. p oetrya

20th c entury . 3 . Poet s,Ame rican . 4 . Mormon s and Mormoni sme e

Poetry .

Utah s tatehood ; reas ons why it s hould not be granted . Salt LakeU89 Ci ty

,Tribune Print .

, 1887 . 7l p .

The nonéMormons ”do not believe the re i s any real int entionon the part of the Mormons to abandon o r punish the c rime ofpo l ygamy

,or to renounce political c ontrol by ec cle siastical

organi zation .”

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Utah (Territory ) .

378 . 2L2 Valentine,Dee J . Inventaire e t discus s ion de la l i tteratur e fran

V157i caiac s ur l e s Mormons leur hi st oire,leur rel igion et leurs

moeurs . (Salt Lake City ? 19AW

. (M . A . The sis ; Utah Uni n )Cons i ers Remy mo st hone st and obj e ctive of French writers


although Val entine felt i t wa s not fair to compare s chools inte rritor i al Utah w i th tho s e i n Franc e . The relianc e of s eve ralFrench authors on one or two s ourc e s noted .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Bi b l i ography.

8u3 o8 Verne , Jule s . Around the world in eighty day s . New York,C .

VSBl At Sc ri bne r i s s on s,1906 . 3i 0p .

Jean Pas separt out li st ened to a l e cture on the Mormons,but

thoughts of polygamy canc ell ed out the me s sage .

1 . Voyage s around the world .

Vivian,Sir Henry Hus sey . Note s of a tour in Ame ri ca


V858n Augus t 7th to Novembe r 17th , 1877. London,E . Stanford ,

260p o

Worried about ri s e of water to old shore line s of LakeBonnevi lle

,not ed that co st of women’s clothe s had given a

"s e r i ou s blow to po l ygamy .


l . U . S . w ~De s c ri pti on and trave l . 2 . U . S o w — So cia l life andcustoms . 3 . Mormons and Mormonism.

U tah Pam.wande i i Charl e s we sley .

V 0 61


(fl . t o, ‘fl l

00 1'

l h5


History of the pe rse cution s endured bythe Church of Je sus Christ of Latte r- day Saints in Ameri ca .

Sydney,Print ed by A . Mason {1852 ? J 16p .

Mainly reprint s from Pratt ' s Hi story of Lat e Pers e cutions,

and newspaper art icle s of the day,such as Quincy Argus

,Bo ston

Atlas,and repc rt s of Te st i mony given in trials .

1 . Mormon Churchm u Hi s s ory . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm—~Doct rinaland ccntrcvers i al work s .

Go s pel phil o s ophy ,showing the absurditie s of infidelityWard

,J o H o

Saltand the harmony of the go spel with s cience and religion .

Lake City,Juveni l e Inst ructor

,188A. 21 6p .

"To gathe r into a small compas s the leading argument s ofi nf ide l writ ers

,and to refut e them by we l l n known fact s ; to show

the caus e of t h e conflict between sc ience and religion ; and toharmoni ze tr ue s cience wi th the t eaching of God ' s wo rd

,has been

th e de s ign in Nr i t i ng this little work ."

1 . Reli gion and s cienc e . 2 . Mormon Church- « Doct rine .

The hand of providence,as shown in the hi story of naL‘Ia lfi d

gJ o H o

Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor Off .

,tions a nd individual s .

i 883 0 l p o

Bu ild s up progre s s of man in s cienc e,but note s "they had

remai ned s tat i onary'

i n rel i gion" .

1 . Mo rmons and Mormonism.

Salt LakeWash burn,Je s s ee ALvi n . Stcry of the Old Te stament .

Dept . ofC i ty q {Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s . )

Education,l 935 . Léhp .

" In imag i nat i on we have traveled over the anci ent Bible worldto i t s oute rmo s t part s . If teachers

,in a similar manner


“ive wit h students t hrough the Ol d Te stament narrative


centrCVe re i e s and t e chni C a l i t i e s,it wi l l be a pleasant and pro

fi tabfe coars e .”

Bib e w e Ol o Te stament Studye n Textb ocks . 2 . Bible Study- “Text

roc k s,Ol d Texi ament . 3 . Mormon Churchu - Seminarie s and Institutes

Le s s ons .

We bb,Robert C . The case against Mormoni sm; a plain di s cus sion and

anal ysi s cf the stock al legation s and argument s against the Churchof Je sus Chri s t of Latter » d ay Saint s and it s founde r

,Jos eph Smith .

New York,L . L . walton

,191 5 . l 57p .

Di s cus se s early attacks on Smith and then conclude s that the( l o tions of the pre sent diffi cultie s of civil i zation are repre

e nted by the sy st em popularly called "Mormoni sm" .

1 . Mormons and M c rmcni sm.

Polygamy in Utah ' s Dl e c entered around a young third wife,

later left behind for a younge r bride . Excellent s c ene s of hardships of pionee ring in Dixie .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Fic tion .


,comp . The story of a trail

,being an authentic re cord

W58BS of the breaking of the Mormon trail between the Inter—mountain em

pire and California ' s "Land of Sun shine,

" with the story of thefounding and building along thi s hi storic pionee r highway of theSalt Lake route ; a de scription of the marvelous re sourc e s containedwithin the area tributary to thi s new and dire ct line of railway now

in operation between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific . Lo sAngele s ; San Pedro

,Los Angele s Salt Lake railroad

,1905 . l 73p .

1 . Utah Hi story . 2 . De s c ription and travel . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. A . California —Des c ription and travel . 5 . Salt Lake City - De scri pti on and travel . 6 . Mormon trail .

Whit ehead,Earne st L . Th e house of I s rael ; a treatis e on the de stiny

W592h hi story and identification of I srael in all the five branche s .

Independence,Mo .

,Zion ' s Printing and Pub . Cc .

,[°1 9A7J 589p .

An attempt to follow the four branche s and the main root ofI s rael

,showing the survival of the ancient tribe s and their per

p etuati on in the mod ern world .

1 . Mormon Church —Doctrine - Di spersion of I srael .

Utah Pam. Whi tmer,David . An addre s s to all believe rs in Christ

,by a witne s s

v . 60 to the divine authent i c i t i y of the Book of Mormon . Ri chmond,Mo .


no . 8 David Whitmer,1887 . 75p .

Insi st s Book of Mormon is genuine,but that Smith fell into

e rror .

1 . Book of Mormon . 2 . Church of Chri st (Whi tmeri te s ) . 3 . Mormonsand Mormonisme —Dive rgent s e ct s .

8l l oh Whitney,Orson Fergus on . Elias ; an epic of the and anno

W621 3e tated ed . [Salt Lake City,The author


°l t J Ibup .

" It i s an att empt to pre sent in ve rse form,hi storically


do ctrinally,and prophetically

,the vast theme comprehended in

what the world te rms "Mormoni sm" .

l . Mormons and Mormoni sm— m Poetry .

Utah Pam. Wh i tney ,Orson Ferguson . Go spel theme s ; a treati se on salient fea

v . o2 ture s of "Mormoni sm." Wri tten for a dedicated to the high prie sts ,

no . 6 s eventie s and elde rs of the Church of Je sus Chri st of Latt er— daySaint s . Salt Lake City

,l t . 1 67p .

Based on sc ripture s acc ept ed by L . D . S .,arti cle s in church

9790 2

8l l oAWol

pe riodi cals with oc casional quote s from. Emers on,Carl yle


Shake speare etc .

1 . Mormon Church —Doctrine . 2 . Mormon Churchm m Pri e sthood m u

Handbook s,manuals

,et c .

Whitney,Orson Ferguson . Hi story of Utah . Salt Lake City

,G . Q .

Cannon Sons Cc .,1892u l 90h . AV .

1 . Utahe - Hi story . 2 . Utah- ~Bi 0graphy . 3 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

Whitney , Orson Ferguson . The poetical writings of Orson F . Whitney ;poems and poet i c pro s e

,compiled and publi shed by the author .

Salt Lake City,Juvenile Inst ructor Off .

,1899. 208p .


Writt en to " show that the author of the s e line s,if he cane

not c reate poetry,can at least admire it


" and that the "nameMormon i s not nece s sar i ly a synonym for c oarsene s s" .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sme m Poetry .

Whitney,Orson Ferguson

,Popular hi story of Utah . Salt Lake City


The De s e ret News,191 6 . 588p .

1 . Utahm m Hi story . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm.

hh i tney ,Orson Fergus on . Radio talks ; Sunday evening le c ture s de n

live red over station KSL,Salt Lake City

,Utah .

,October 1 3 t o

D ec ember 29, 1 929. A Comp endi um. of Mormon hi story,aims


ideals . Rev . Ed . {Salt Lake Ci ty,De s e ret News Pre s s

,1 930 )

l i Sp .

A mixture of Mormon hi story and doct rine emphasi zi ng thepatrioti sm of the Mormons and the hope the Elders wi ll s ave thisNation in the hour of it s ext reme st peril .

l . Mormons and Mormon isme w Addre s s e s

,e s says

,lecture s . 2 .

Mormon Churchm m Doc tri ne .

289 . 38A Whitney,Orson Ferguson . Saturday night thought s ; a serie s of

W62l s di s s e rtations on spiri tual,hi storical and philo sophical theme s .

Salt Lake City,De sere t News

,1921 . 323p .

Based on a serie s of articles print ed i n the Des ere t Newsfor tho se unable to attend church on ac count of the influenzaep i demi c .

i . Mormon Churchm octri ne . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sms - Addre s s e s,

e s says , l e cture s .

Utah Pam.Whi tney ,Orson Ferguson . The strength of the Mormon po sition . Inde u

v . 8O no . 3 p endence , Mo .,Zion ' s Print . Pub . Cc .

, A8p .

Owe their strength to a gift of pe rc eptive powe r from the HolyGho st , a spiritual illumination which cannot be had from books .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism —Doctrina1 and controve rsial works .

Widt soe , John Andreas . Evidence s and re conciliations ; aid s to faith int l e a modern day . ( Salt Lake City ] The Bookcraft Company tl 9h3 ]

Answe rs various que stions,such as "Doe s the Kon—tiki voyage

c onfi rm the Book of Mormon? "

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm - Doctrinal and controve rsial works .

Widt soe,John Andrea s . Fornuftmae S S i g theologi . Ove rs . fra Engel sk

t l r af Dr . Charle s L . Olsen . ( Salt Lake City ] Bi kub en' s B i b l i otek,

D1 0 1917, 256p .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .

Widt soe,John Andreas . How the de s e rt was tamed ; a le s son for toi ay

W6hl h and tomorrow . Salt Lake City,Des e ret Book Cc .

,tl 9b7 ] 83p .

Told how the Mormons developed i rrigation and wat e r law praotic e s to meet the ir need s .

1 . Frontier life - Utah . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sm. 3 . Utah - Frontie r life 0

Widt soe,John Andreas . In search of truth ; comment s on the Go spé. and

Wobli Mormon thought . Salt Lake City,De s eret Book Cc .

,t°1930 1 120p .

"The re is no limitation placed upon the truth that may beacc epted by the members of the church . Eve ry fact of scienc e orhi story or of any othe r department of learning i s acc epted by thechurch .


1 . Truth . 2 . Religion and s cience . 3 . Mormon Church and s cienc e .

Widtsoe,John Andreas . Jo seph Smith as a s cienti st ; a contribution to

S653wi Mormon philo sophy . Salt Lake City,The Gene ral Board

,Young Men ' s

Mutual Improvement As so ciation,1908 . l 73p .

Point s out how many of Smith ' s conc ept s on time,matte r


logy,and the like have been supported by mode rn s cience

,whi ch

henc e support s true religion .

1 . Mormon Church and s cienc e . 2 . Smith,Jo s eph

,1805- 18AA.

289. 38h'

Widt soe,John Andreas . Man and the dragon

,and other e s says .

W6h1m [Salt Lake City ) The Bookc raft Co .,l 9h5 . 26 3p .

Mainly editorials from the Millenial star directed agains t"the dragon

,that old s e rpent

,which i s the devil

,and Satan .


1 . Mormons and Monnoni sm —Addre s se s,e s says

,le cture s .

Wéhl w

289-33W6L1 58Dl

W6h1 3r


378 . 2h2



1 50

Widtsoe , John Andreas . The word of Wi sdom; a mode rn inte rpretation . .

hth ed . [Salt Lake City ] De seret Book Cc .,1938 . t

°1937 1 263p .

Sci entific backing for Mormon doctrine of mode ration in alldiet and avoidance of tobac co



,and alcoholi c beve rages .

1 . Mormon Church,Doct rine - Word of Wi sdom. 2 . Alcohol- PhyS i ol ogi

cal effe ct . 3 . Tobac co —Physiological effe ct .

Widtso e,Osborne John Pete r . Evange l i et s Geng i ve l s e . Oversat fra

Enge l sk af John S . Hans en . [Salt Lake City ) "Bi kub ens" Bibliotek 1921.

0 278p o

1 . Mormon Church — Doctrine . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story . 3 , Smit h ,

Jo seph .

Widt soe,Osborne John Pete r . The re storation of the gospel ; With an

introduction by Jo s eph F . Smith, j r . Salt Lake City

,De s eret

News,191 2 . 2h3p .

"What was re stored‘p How was it re store s ? "

1 . Mormon Church — Hi story . 2 . Mormon Church — Doctrine - Re s tora

ti on of the Go spel .

Williams,Eli zabeth Whitney . A child of the s ea

,and life among the

Mormon s . Brooklyn,J . E . Jewett

,1905 . 229p .

Tells about life on Beaver Island unde r "King Jame s St rang ' sbran ch of the Mormons . De s cribe s short hair and dre s se s of Mormonwomen pre sc ribed by revelation .

1 . Mormons and Mormoni sm~ - Divergent se ct s . 2 . Strang,Jame s

Je s se e,1 81 3— 1856 .

Wilson,David Parry . The Mormon battalion . [Salt Lake City ) 19A1 .

(M . A . The si s,Utah Univ . )

Trie s to re concile pro- Mormon and ant i JMormon ac counts ofthe battalion . writer had ac c e s s to some manus c ript material .

1 . Mormon Battalion,l 8h9—1857

Wilson,Lycrugue Arnold . Outline s of Mormon philo s ophy ; of The

answe rs given by the go spel as revealed through the prophet Jo sephSmith to the que stions of lif e . Salt Lake City

,De seret News


"The ob j e ct of thi s work as intimated by the text,i s to

sugge st a firm c entral point about which may be grouped in orde rl y arrangement

,all our knowledge

,and our guide shall be revela

tion .

1 . Mormon Church - Doctrine .



378 . ZAZ




Utah Pam. Young ,Brigham.

V o s

1 51

Winche ster,Benj amin . A hi story of the prie sthood

,from the begin

ning of the world to the pre sent time ; writt en in defense ofthe do ct rine and position of the Church of Je sus Chri st o f Latt e rday Saint s . Philadelphia


,Bicking Guilbert

,L843 . lo8p .

Begins with Adam,u se s Old and New Te stament s to show what ori

gi nal prie sthood was like,then cite s dreams and prophecie s to show

prie sthood was to be re stored and in Ame rica .

1 . Mormon Church- Prie sthood . 2 . Mormons and Mormoni sme—Doct rinal

and controversial works .

Winthrop,Theodore . John Brent . Boston

,Ticknor and Field s

,1862 .

359P °

Thi s mi ght be sub - titled,or the Luring of Ellen by false

hood into a polygamous fat e worse than death and her e scape fromthe effi cient but beast—like Mormons .

1 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm Anti - Mormon ) - Fic tion .

wood,Evelyn Ni els on . A centenni e l radio pro j e ct for elementary

s chools . [Salt Lake City ] 19A6 . {M .A. The si s,Utah Univ . )

Contains in structions whi ch led to creation of 28 programsby elementary student s . Sample programs are included such as"Utah ' s he ritage"

,and "The old Spinning Whe el .

1 . Utah - Frontie r life . 2 . Radio in educati on . 3 . Monnon Pione ers .

world ' s fai r e c cle siasti cal hi story of Utah . C omp . by repre sentative sof the religious denominations . Salt Lake C ity

,G . Q . C annon

Sons Co .,1893 . 318p .

1 . Utah - Churc h hi story . 2 . Mormon Church - Hi story . 3 . Mormonsand Mormoni sme- Bibli ography .

Young,Brigham. Di scourse s of Brigham Young . . s e l e cted and arranged

by John A . Widt soe . Salt Lake City,De se ret Book Co .

,t°1925 3

7oop .

Exc erpt s from se rmons of Brigham Young .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme — S e rmon s .

The re surre ction ; a di scourse delive red i n the newTabe r nacle

,Salt Lake City at the general c onfe renc e , Oct . 8


1875 . Salt Lake City,D e s eret News . llp .

"At the sound of the t rumpet of God eve ry particle of ourphysical st ructure s ne ce s sary to make our tabe rnacle s perfe ctwill be

l . Mormon Church - Doctrine —Re surre ction .

1 52

Utah Pam. Young , Jo s eph . Hi story of the organi zation of the Seventie s . Saltv . 5 Lake City

,De seret News

,1878 . lop .

no . 61 " Taken from manus c ript and a Ixnfidrwr from memory ."

1 . Mormon — Prie sthood .

Young,Kimball . Sex role s in polygamous Mormon famili e s . (In

Society for the Psychological Study of Social I s sue . Readingsin Social Psyc0 1 0 gy . New York

,19A7. p . 373

1 . Polygamy. 2 . Mormon s and Mormoni sm - Family life .

1 37 . 0A Young,Kimball . Variations in personality manife stations in Mormon

S933 polygamous familie s . (In Studie s in personality . New York,

1 9h2 . P . 285—31A) .

1 . Mormons and Mormonisme- Family life . 2 . Polygamy .

Utah Pam. Young , Richard W. Mormoni sm exposed ; the c onstitution and the terriv . 8 torie s

,a lawyer ' s view . New York

,1885 . ll3p .

Argue s people of a territory should have same regret s ofself- government and be no more sub j e ct to national legi slationthan people of a state .

1 . U . S . C on stitution . 2 . Juris di ction territorial . 3 . Mormonsand Mormoni sm.

Zion ' s Printing and Publi shing Co . Independenc e,Mo . Handbook of

Z79h re storation ; a s election of go spel theme s dis cus s ed by variousauthors ; also other items of intere st to gospel[lst ed . ) ( Independence ° l 9Ah ] 70Ap .

" In thi s volume the compiler has tried to bring togethe r asmany as po s sible of the most valuable and mo st us ed di scus sionson the various go spel topic s .

" Modern tracks and authors .

1 . Mormon Church—~Doctrine .

Utah Pam. Zob e1 1,Albe rt Levi

,comp . Aaronic prie sthood re storation . (Salt

v oo3 Lake City,Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s , l 9A— J

no . 3 (8 1p .

Three in spirational ane cdot e s .

l . Mormons and Mormonism —C olle cted works .

Utah Pama Z ob e l l,Albert Levi

,comp .

"An angel from on high ." ( Salt Lake

City,Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Saint s

,l 9a9 . ) 2

pt s . l —2 part s .

Short ane cdote s told by church leaders to inspi re or reinforce faith .

1 . Mormons and Mormonism — Colle cted works .

1 55


The ent rie s in the card catalog unde r Utah are far more inclusivewould be the case of othe r state s . In fact

,there has be en almo st a double

entry under plac e as well as unde r the ordinary sub j e ct heading . Here,

agai n, .we have not been wholly c onsi st ent . Yet th e li st which follows i ssufficiently inclus ive to be of real value to student s of Utah history .



have left it arranged unde r sub j e ct headings sinc e the prime intere st he rewill be sub j e ct headings rather than author.

Should demand for thi s li st be great enough,it probably can be re

print ed and modified . Therefore,c ritici sms and sugge stion s will not only

be welc ome but are likely to influenc e the format of a future li st .

1 56


979-2 Blair,George E .

,ed . The mountain empire Utah ; a brief and rea

E635m s onab l y authentic pre sentation of the mate rial c onditions of astat e that li e s in the heart of the mountains of the we st .

(Ed . and published by George E . Blair R . w . Sloan,Salt Lake

City 26p .

Utah Pam. Col b orn,Edward F . A glimpse of Utah

,its re sourc e s



v . L8 and natural wonders . I s sued by the Pas senger D ept . of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad t

° l 9l O] . 26p .

Daughte rs of the Ame rican Revolution magazine,September

,1937 .

washington,D . C .

,National Soc iety of the Daught ers of the

Ame rican Revolution . Vol . 71 ,no . 9 .

Utah Pam. Denver and Rio Grande we stern Railroad Company . A few fact s aboutv .AO the climate and re source s of the new state of Utah . tEd . and

i s sued by the Pas senger Dept . of the Rio Grande we stern Railway

,Salt Lake City

,1896 . 6Ap .

Donan,Patrick . Utah ; a peep into a mountain- walled t reasury of

D6767u the god s . Rhyme s by Cy warman . Buffalo,N . Y .


Northrup Cc .,

0 1891 , 96p .

Hand—book of refe rence to the hi story,chronology



H236 try of the Latter- day Saint s,including the revelation on

c ele stial marriage . Salt Lake City,Juvenile Instructor Off .


Utah Pam. Hans en,George H . A regional redi stricting plan for the state of

v . 38 Utah,by George H . Hansen . Provo


,Brigham Young Uni

versity Pre s s 59p .

Utah Pam. Hol l i ster,Ovando Jame s . The re sourc e s and attractions of Utah .

v -3h, 58 Salt Lake City,A . Ze ehande l aar

,1882 . 93p .

Jame s,George Wharton . Utah

,the land of blo s soming valleys ;

J27 and fantasti c rock formations,and of its fertile gardens in

the shelte red valleys ; a survey of its rapidly developing i h

dustri e s ; an ac count of the origin,development

,and beliefs

of the Mormon Church ; and chapte rs on the flora and fauna ; andon the s c enic wonders that are a heritage of all Ame ricans .

Bo ston,Page Co .

,1922 . 56 plate s .

Kenner,Scipio Africanus . Utah as it i s

,With a c omprehensive

K36u statement of Utah as it wa s ; showing the founding,growth and

pre sent status of the commonwealth . Salt Lake C ity,The

De se ret News,190A. 639p .

Utah Pam. S l oan,Robe rt w . Utah ; her attractions and re sourc e s as inviting

v . 3u the attention of touri st s and tho se seeking pe rmanent home s .

Companion e s says by O . J . Holli ste r and S . A . K enne r . SaltLake C ity

,G . A . Me ears (1881 1 . 20p .

1 58

Utah Pam.Veri ta s [pseud . ] Utah affairs ; Congre s s and polygamy (by Veritas,

v . ol p seud . ] Salt Lake City,Printed at the De seret News Steam

no . 7 Print . E stabli shment,187L . 3op .


378 . 2h2 Clark,Owen Morrell . Ec onomi c aspe ct s of agri culture in Davi s

O59Ae County,Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1936 . (M . S . The si s


Univ o 0

Utah . Agricultural College,Cedar City . Alumni A s sociation .

A277l B . N . S . —B . A . C . alumni hi storical booklet,l 9h0 . [Cedar City


AA7b Utah,1950 1 .

The Agric ola ; annual student publication of the Branch Agri cul turAZ


I al C ollege . Cedar City,Utah . 19


Utah . Agricultural College,C edar City . [Mi s c ellaneou s publi ca

A277mi tion s of the southern branch of the State Normal School ) C edarCity

,1898— 191 1 .

378 . 2A2 Kupfer ,


Ve rn K . Prediction of academi c suc c e s s in mathematic s andK96p Engli sh by the student s of the Branch Agricultural College .

[Salt Lake City ) 1950 . (M . S . The si s,Utah

61A. 07 Demon stration Work shop in Teacher Education for Health,Logan



D38Ahe ,19A? l 9h7 Report of the partic ipant s from the six- state area of






,in the Demon

strat i on Work shop on Teache r Training for Health Education .

Spon sored by U . S . Office of Education in cc — Operation with theNational Tube rculo si s A s sociat ion and Utah Agricultural College .

(n . p . l (19A? ) 1 v . (unpaged ) .


Ericksen,Ephrai m. Edward . A commentary upon the maj ority report .

G721 3ire [Salt Lake City,19A3° l o

Fonne sbe ck,Le on . Reply to Dr . Ericksen ' s Commentary on the maj or

0721 3i rf ity report . ( Salt Lake City,

Utah Pam-Utah . Agricultural C ollege,Logan . Proceedings of c eremonie s com

v . 75 memorati ng the semi — centennial anniversary of the founding of theno . 20 Utah State Agricultural C ollege . (Logan


,1 938 1 32p .

Utah PamoUtah . Agricultural College,Logan . Utah state farme rs ' in stitute s

v . 10 for the year ending June 30 ,1907, (Ed . by Lewi s Me rrill . Salt

Lake City,Skelton

,1907 85p

Utah Pam. Utah . Unive rsity . To maintain efficient institutions of higherv . 68 learning in Utah

,salary inc rea se s are nec e s sary (by ) a j oint

no . 7 commi ttee repre senting the board s and facultie s of the Unive r

1 59

s i ty of Utah and the Utah Stat e Agricultural C ollege,

19AA? 3 . (Al p .


Utah Pam. Hunt sman,Sara . Book of the word s ( of ? a hi storical pageant of the

v . 9 Utah Agricultural college ; pre s ented on the college campusJune 5 , 191 5 . Logan

,Utah . 38p o

Utah PamoUtah . C ollege C ommi s sion . 1906 . Summary of the ma j ority report .

v . 5h 1906 , l ep o

Utah . Governor . Committee to Inve stigate the work of the UniversityG721 3ir of Utah and the Utah State Agri cultural College, 19AZ . Report

of the Committe e appointed by Gove rnor Herbert B . Maw . Roy D .

Thatcher,Chai rman . [Salt Lake City

,19A3 J .

Utah Pam. K i ngsbury ,Jos eph Thoma s . R

eason s why the Agri cultural College and

v o ua the University of Utah should be c ombined . Salt Lake City,

De seret News,1905 . 3op o

Utah Pam. CUtah . Legi slature . S enate Committe e on education ) . Special re

v .AA port of the audit of the books of the Agricultural College ofUtah and the University of Utah . 1907. tl él p .

Utah Pam. Rob i ns on,D . E . S erving a c ommonwealth . 1919. 32 , tl l p .

v oba ”Utah . Agri cultural College,Logan . Bulletin

,vol . 18

,no . A ,

Jan . 19190"

Utah . Agricultural College,Logan . Faculty As so ciation . Annual

A2781 faculty re s earch le cture . l stm 19A2~ Logan .

Fl h3r

Utah Pam. Utah . Agricultural College,Logan . Ext ension servic e . County

v o 36 agricultural planning activitie s in Utah,19A1 . h37p .

The Buz zer ; annual publication of the A s sociation Student s of theA2781 Utah State Agricultural College . Logan

,Utah . 1 910=


Utah Pam. Utah . Agricultural Experiment Station,Logan . Annual report . lst


V O S8 1890 0

Utah . Agricultural Experiment Station,Logan . Colorado River and

U89 Utah’s by W. P . Thomas and otherS J Logan,

A278c Utah,Agricultural Experiment Station

,l 9A9. 33p .


Utah PamoUtah . Agricultural College,Logan . Extension se rvic e . County

V o 36 agricultural planning activitie s in Utah,19Al . A37p .

1 60


Harri s,Franklin Stewart . ( Scientific papers of F . S . Harri s . v . p .


£131 4 5 V o d o j o

Johnston,David Leon . Some factors affe cting Utah ' s agricultural

economy . (Salt Lake City ) l 9Al . (M . S . The si s,Utah

Thomas,W . Pre ston . The future of Utah ' s agriculture . Logan


Faculty As sn .,Utah State Agricultural College

,l 9A7. 28p .

U . S . Agricultural adjustment agency . The A . A . A . program forUtah ; 1943 handbook Rev . 19A3 . 36p .

U . 8 . Production and marketing admini stration . Utah annual report,

1933 0 Salt Lake City,1 933 .


378 . ZAZ Stucki,Me rrill . An e c onomi c study of farme rs ' cooperative bus i r

S9325e ne s s as s oc i at i nns in Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1933 . (M . S .

The si s,Utah


Peterson,William. Hi story of agriculture in Utah . (In Sutton


S9o7u wain . Utah a c entennial hi story . 19A9. v . l,p . 33


378 . 2A2 Snyde r,Georgia Willey . A pe rsonality study of alc oholic s and non

Sé75p alcoholi c s . A c omparative study of the soc ial- ad justment andself—ad ju stment of alcoholic s and of non—alcoholic s . Salt LakeCity


,19A9. (Salt Lake City ] 1950 . (M . S . W . The si s


1950 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Samuelson,John A . A quantitative compari son of the algal pOpu

Sl 93q lation in two wasatch Mountain streams . [Salt Lake City )1950 . (M . s . The sis

,1950 , Utah

Tul l i dge ,Edward W. Life of Brigham Young ; or

,Utah and her found

Y685tu e rs . New York,Tul l i dge C randall

,1876 .


Wrigley,Robert L .

,Jr . Utah and northern railway co a brief

W95Au hi story . (In Oregon hi storical quart e rly . Portland,19A7, p .

571 0 7573 Cummings,Byron . The ancient inhabitants of the San Juan Valley .

C97l a Salt Lake City,Utah . Unive rsity of Utah

,1910 . l 7p .

Enger,wai ter D . Archaeol ogy of Black Rock 3 cave , Utah . (In

Utah . University . Museum of Anthropology . Archaeology andethnology papers . Salt Lake City

,19A2 ; and in Utah . Univer

s i ty . Dept . of Anthropol ogy . AnthrOpol i gi cal papers . SaltLake City

,Univ . of Utah Pre s s

,1950 . p . 7A- 9h o é.

Gillin,John Philip . Archaeologi cal inve stigations in central Utah .

Joint expedition of the University of Utah and the Peabody mussum

,Harvard unive rsity

,by John Gillin . With an analysi s of the

animal bone s,by Glover M . Allen . Camb ridge

,M a s s .

,The Museum


0 50p 0

Jame son,Sydney John Smith . Archaeologi cal note s on Stansbury Is

land,Utah . tSal t Lake City } 1948 . (M . S . The si s

,l 9b8 , Utah

Judd,Neil Me rt on . Archaeologi cal inve stigations at Paragonah


Utah . washington,Smi th son i an Inst itution

,191 9. 22p .

Judd,Neil Me rton . The c l i ffm dwe l l ers of the San Juan Valley .

(Salt Lake Ci ty j 1911 0 (B 0 AO The si fi,191 1 0 Uta-h Uni V o ) o

Judd,Neil Me rton . Note s on c e rtain prehi stori c habitations in we st

ern Utah . washington , D . C . (U . S . National Mus eumi 1917 .

l l 9=l 2hp . Ext ract from proc e edings of the Ninet eenth Inte rnati ch ai Congre s s of Ameri cani st s


,De cembe r 191 5 .

Kidder,Alfred Vincent . Expl orations in southwe stern Utah in 1908 .

[Norwood? Mas s o j 1910 . 337=359p o (Archaeological Instituteof Ame ri ca . Papers of the School of Ame ri can Archaeology

,no .

Reprinted from Ame rican Journal of Archaeology,2d se rie s .

Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America . vol . XIV

(1910 ) no . 3 .

Mal ouf,Car l ing I . Th e archaeology of the De ep C reek regi nn,


by Carling Malouf,Charle s E . Dibble {and } Elme r R . Smith . n

Utah ,Unive rs i ty . Mus eum. of Anthropology . Archaeology and eth

nol ogy papers . Salt Lake City , l 9AO. g and in Utah . Unive rsity .

Dept . of AnthrOpol ogy . Anthropol i gi cal papers . Salt Lake City,

Univ . of Utah Pre s s,1 950 . p . A3=68 ) .

Malouf,Carling I . Prehi stori c exchange in Utah . (In Utah . Univ e r

s i ty . Mu s eum of AnthropOIOgy . Archaeology and ethnology pape rs .

(Salt Lake C i ty } and in Utah . Unive rsity . Dept . of Anthro

pol ogy . Anthropol i gi cal pape rs . Salt Lak e City,Univ . of Utah

Pre s s,1 950 . op o ) .

Utah PamoMors s,Noel . The ancient culture of the Fremont rive r in Utah ; report

V O 1¢2 on the explorations unde r the Claflin Eme rson fund,l 928- 29, by

Noel Mors s : Cambridge,Mas s .

,The Museum

,1931 . (Papers of the

Peabody mu seum of Ame rican archaeology and ethnology,Harvard

uni ve r8 1 ty . vol . XII,no .

1 63

Reagan,Albert B o Anciently inhabited cave s of the Vernal (Utah )

di stri ct,wi th some additional note s on Nine Mile Canyon


northeast Utab e 7op o (In hi s (Papers on Ame rican archaeologyand ethnol ogy j ) o Reprinted from Transaction s Kansas Academy of

S cienc e,V o 36 , 1933 0

Reagan,Albert B o The basket makers and the people of the ancient

culture of the Fremont River in Utah o [A l p o (In hi s ( Pape rson Ame rican archaeology and ethnol ogy ] ) o Reprint ed from Northwe st s cience

,v o7, no o 3 , Sept o

,1933 0

Reagan,Albe rt B o {Pape rs on American archaeology and ethnology ]

Pape rs on Ame ri can archaeology and ethnol ody ] ) o Reprintedfrom. Proceedi ngs of the Utah Academy of S cienc e s

,Art s


Lette rs,V 0 XI

,l 93h o

Rudy,Jack R 0 An archaeological reconnai s sanc e in washi ngton

County , Utah ,l 9A99 by Jack R 0 Rudy and Robert D o Sti rl and o

{Salt Lake City,Unive rsity of Utah Pre s s

,1 950 : 66p o (Utah

Uni vers i ty o Dept o of Anthropol ogy o Anthropological pape rs,

nO o 9 ) o

Smith,Elme r Ri chard o A brief de s cription of an Indian ruin near

Shone sburg , Utah o (l g Utah o Uni vers i ty o Mus eum of .Anthropol=

ogy e Archaeology and ethnology pap ers o (Salt Lake City )19A0 ; and in Utab e Uni vers i ty o Dept o of Anthropol ogy o Anthro

pol ogi cal papers o Salt Lake City,Univ o of Utah Pre s s

,1950 0

p o 38° h2 ) 0

571 0 7373 Smith,Elme r Richard o Utah anthropology

,an outline of it s hi story o

Séhéu p o Reprinted from Southwe stern lore,VO1 0 XVI , no o 2 9

Septembe r,l 950p o

571 0 7373 Smith,Elme r Richard e Utah type metate s o Ephraim



Séhéut Junio r College,1936 0 (Museum of c entral Utah o Bulletin

,VO1 0

l,no o l ) o "Pub l i cati nas in archae ol ogy o


571 0 738 Steward,Julian Hayne s o Ancient cave s of the Great Salt Lake region


58A9an by Julian Ho Steward o washington,U 0 S o Government Print e Off o ’

1937 0 1 31p °

91 3 0 792 Steward,Julian Hayne s o Archaeological re connai s sance of southern

s849a Utah o (Detached from U o S o Bureau of Ame rican Ethnol ogy e

Bulletin 12 8 0 washington

,l QAl o p e t275} 356 ) o

91 3 0 792 Steward,Julian Hayne s o Pue blo material culture in we stern Utah o

88h9p Albuque rque,1936 0 on, (16 1 p o (Unive rsity of New Mexi co o

Bul l eti n o AnthrOpol i gi cal serie s,v ol

,no e 3 , whole no o 287 ) o

353 0 9792 Utah o Dept o of Public Ins truct i ono Utah ' s land and early peop l e o

P976ul Salt Lake City, l 9h7 o l ABp o

Utah PamoUtah o Semi m centenni al Commi s sion o Catalogue of the relic s,souvenirs

v oél and curio s as sociated with the pionee rs of Utah,now on exhibi tion

no o l O i n the Hall of Re l i c s o [Spencer Clawson,chariman of Semi w cene

1 6A

tenni al Commi s sion ] Salt Lake City,G o Q 0 Cannon

,1897, 32p .

Utah e Uni vers i ty o Department of Anthropol Ogy o Anthropological

pape rs o l Salt Lake City,University of Utah Pre s s

,1950 9

Utah o Uni ve rs i ty o Museum of AnthrOpol ogy o Archaeology and ethnology pape rs o NC S o l —8 o l 939— l 9h7o Salt Lake City



l 9A7 e"Edit or of s eri e s m - Elme r R 0 Smi th o



378 0 2A2 Jame s,Frank K 0 The ant s of Red Butte Canyon o tSal t Lake City ]

J27a 1950 0 (M o S o The si s,1950 , Utah Uni v o ) e


917 0 92 Art work of Utab e Chicago,W 3 H o Pari sh Pub o C o o

,1896 o Publi shed

A792 in twelve part s o

720 0 979 we ston,Jo seph Harry s Mormon archit ecture

,edited by Jo seph H o

W535m We s ton o Salt Lake City,we ston t

° l 9h91 108p o


01 5 0 792 Survey of Federal Archi ve s o Inventory of fede ral archive s in theS963i Ser o 3 0 state s o Serie s III o Department of the Treasury o Salt Lake

City? (N 0 0 Utah ) o

01 5 0 792 Survey of Federal Archi ve s o Inventory of fede ral archive s in the89631 Ser o 70 s tate s o Series VII o Department of the Navy o Salt Lake City


1939 0 (N 0 0 Utah ) 0

01 5 0 792 Survey of Fede ral Archi ve s o Inventory of fede ral archive s in theS963i Se r o l l o state s o Serie s XI o Department of Labor o Salt Lake City

,l 9AO.

(N 0 0 hBo Utah ) o


709 0 792 Horne Alic e (Merri l l ) o Devotee s and their shrine s ; a hand book of

HBl Sd Utah art o Salt Lake City,De seret News , l 9l 1 58p o


973 0 89 Mabey,Charle s R 0 The Utah batterie s

,a hi story ; a complet e ac count

M1 1 2u of the muster- i h,s ea voyage

,battle s

,skirmi she s and barrack

life of the Utah batte rie s,togethe r with biographie s of offi

c ers and muster— out ro l l s o Salt Lake City [Dail y Report e r Co . )

1 900 0 l BOp o

9790 2


973 0 89N l l Zu

378 0 2A2


9790 2


9790 2


979 0 2


9790 2


9790 2

DhSl u



Sutton , wain,

ed o Utah,a centennial hi story o New York

,Lewi s

Historical Pub o Co o,l 9h9o

Mabey , Charle s R 0 The Utah batt e rie s,a history ; a complete ac count

of the mu st e r- i h,sea voyage

,battle s

,skirmi she s and barrack

life of the Utah batterie s,together with biographie s of offic ers

and muste r— out rol l s o Salt Lake City (Daily Report er Co . ) 1900 .

l BOp .


Selande r,Richard Brent e The Bli ster beetle s (Meloidae ) of Utah .

[Salt Lake City ] 1951 0 (M o S o The si s,1951 ,



Taylor,Fred G reen e Note s on the development of the beet sugar indus

t ry i h Utah o (In Sutton,wain . Utah

,a centennial hi st ory . l 9h9 .

v oz, p o 917- 9as ) o


U 0 S o Library of Congre s s o Centennial of the settlement of Utah exe

hi b i ti on June 7, 18h? August Bl , 19A7; an addre s s by the Hon .

Arthur V0 watkins on the oc casion of the c eremonie s Opening theexhibition commemorating the settlement of Utah at the Library ofCongre s s

,togethe r with a catalog of the exhibition . washington

G OV o Pri nt o Off o, 7zp o


Alter,J o Ce c i l e Utah

,the storied domain

,a documentary history of

Utah ' s eventful career,compri sing the thrilling story of he r

people from the Indians of ye sterday to the industrialist s oftoday

,by J o Cecil Alte r o Utah biography (gratuitously publi shed )

by spe cial staff of wri ters o Chicago and New York,The Ame rican

historical so ciety,i nC o

,1 932 .

( Carpente r,George E 0 ] Souvenir history of the Salt Lake fire depart

ment,1852 to August 1901 0 (Salt Lake City

,De seret News Pre S S J

l90l o l OSp o

The De se ret New s o Utah,the inl and empire

,the story of the pionee rs


re sourc e s and industrie s of the state,attractions of Salt Lake

City,leading men of the communi ty o Salt Lake City

,1902 . l l Op .

Es shom,Frank El l wood o Pionee rs and prominent men of Utah

,compri sing

photographs,genealogie s

,b i ographi e s o o o the early hi story of the

Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter- day Sai nt s o [Ed e de Luxe ] SaltLake City

,Utah Pione e rs Book Pub . Cc .

,191 3 . l Bl 9p .

2890 3921


9790 2



Gardne r , Hami l ton o Hi story of Lehi,including a biographi cal

section ; publi shed by the Lehi pionee r committee,written by

Hamilton Gardner e Salt Lake City,Utah

,The De s e ret News


191 3 0 A63p o

Gardne r , Hami l ton o Pionee r military leade rs of Utah o (Sal t LakeCl LY? ] nop 0

9n od e

Hi story of the bench and bar of Utah o Salt Lake City,Interstate

PP G S S O AS S OG O PU b 09191 3 0 221p o

Jenson , Andrew s Latterm day Saint biographical encycl opedi a o Acompilation of biographical sket che s of prominent men and womenin the Church of Je sus Christ of Latterm day Saint s ; by AndrewJenson Salt Lake C i ty

,A o Jen son Hi story company


Kenne r,Scipio Afri canus o Utah as it i s

,wi th a comprehensive

statement of Utah as i t was ; showing the founding,growth


pre sent status of the commonweal th o Salt Lake City,The De se ret

News,190h o 6 39p o

Mabey,Charle s R 0 The Utah batte rie s

,a hi story ; a complete acc ount

of the musterw i n,s ea voyage

,battle s

,skirmi she s and barrack

life of the Utah batterie s,togethe r with biographie s of officers

and musterm out rol l s o Salt Lake City {Daily Reporte r C0 0 ] 1900 0

1 301) 0

Rogers,Aurelia Read (Spencer ) o Life sket che s of Orson Spenc e r and

others,and hi st ory of primary work o Salt Lake City

,G o Q 0

Cannon,1898 o 333p o

The Salt Lake Tri bune o Sketche s of the Intere mounta in state sUtah

,Idaho [and ] Nevada

,18A7m l 909; together with biographie s

of many prominent and progre s sive citi zens who have helped inthe devel opment and hi s tory

b maki ng of thi s marvelous region eSalt Lake City

,19090 376p °

Stout,Mayne Dunhams Our pioneer ance st ors ; geneal ogi cal and b i o~

graphi cal hi stori e s of the Cox e Stout familie s,by wayne D o

Stout e {Salt Lake City,Uta h

,The author ] 1 9AA0 L5 1 - A05p o


,ed o Utah

,a centennial h i s tory t New York

,Lewi s

Hi st ori cal Pub o Co o,l 9A9o

Tul l i dge , Edward W5 The hi story of Salt Lake City and it s founders ;incorporati ng a brief hi story of the pioneers of Utah


st e el portrait s of repre sentative men,togethe r with a carefully

arranged index and an elaborat e appendix c Salt Lake City,The

author,188 3,

Tul l i dge ,Edward w ; Life of Brigham Young ; or

,Utah and he r founders o

New York,Tul l i dge Crandall

,1876 0

Tul l i dge ,Edward Whe e l ock o Northern Utah and southern Idaho o Salt

Lake City,Juvenile Instructor

,l 889o AAOp o


Utah Pam.N oodbury , Angus Munn ev . 67,no . l 7

378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 0 2h2

H27l b

378 o2b2


378 o2h2


378 o2b2



U89v . 39,no . l 6


,ed o

Whitney,Ors on Fergus on o

Utah sinc e statehood,hi storical and biographical .

Ed a by Nobel warrum,as sisted by Hon e Charle s Wt Mors e for Bench

and bar,and We Brown Ewing for the medical chapte r o Chicago


Salt Lake City,S o J o Clarke Pub o Co o


History of Utah , comprising preliminary chapt e rs on the previous history of her founde rs

,ac count s of early

Spanish and Ame ri can explorations into the Rocky Mountain region,

the advent of the Mormon pioneers,the e stablishment and di s sol ué

t ion of the provi sional government of the State of De seret,and

the subsequent creation and development of the terri tory o ByOrson F o Wh i tney o Salt Lake City


,G o Q 0 Cannon sons Cc .


1892~ l 90ho

Who’s who in the New Deal (Utah edi ti on ) o A biographical dictionarywith brief summari e s of the agencie s c reat ed through the enactmentsof the C ongre s s of the U 0 S o in furthe rance of this programo SaltLake City

,Democratic Pre s s {

3 1936 3 2L7, tAJp o


Biotic relationship s of Zion Canyon ,Utah with

spe cial referenc e to succe s s i on o A survey of the geological,bot

ani cal,and zoologi cal interrelationships within a part of Zion

National Park,Utah

,by Angus M o WC odbury t Berkeley

,Mus eum of

ve rt ebrat e s zoology,University of Cal i forni a o 9Ap o


Prote ctive coloration in the Brewe r sparrow .Barton,Sherman Stewart o

(M o S o The si s, 1951 9 Utah Uni V o ) o 73p o[Salt Lake City


The bird rocke r i e s of the island s of GreatBehle,Wi l l i am. Harroun o

(M e A , The sis,1 932 ,

UtahSalt Lake o (Salt Lake C i ty ) 1932 0

Uni V o ) o 108p o

Bird s of pinon and shad s cale near Pric e,Utah o ( SaltHardy

,Ro s s o

(M o 8 0 The si s,1 937, Utah Uni v o ) oLake City } 19370

The nighthawks of Utah o {Salt Lake City ] 19A8 .Higgins,Harold G o

vase(M o S o The s i S,1948 ,

Utah UH i V o ) o

The l ife history of the thick—bill ed redwi ngedLinford,Jean Hul me o

( Saltblackbird,Agelaius phone i ceous forti s Ri dgeway

,in Utah o

Lake City ] 1935 0 (M o S o Thesi s,1935, Utah Uni v o ) o 1 62p o

A sy s tematic study cf some geographicallySelande r,Robe rt Ke i th o

[Salt Lake City ] 1 951 0 (M 0 8 0variable bird s of northern Utah o

The sis,1951 ,

Utah Uni v o ) o 1 9Ap e

Annotated che cku l i s t of the bird s of Utah , byWoodbury,Angus Munn o

SaltAngus M o Woodbury,Clarenc e Cottam and John We Sugden o

Lake City,Unive rs ity of Utah ,

19A9 o AOp o


Utah Pam. Utah . Building Board . 1931— 32 .

v °h7

Utah . Bureau of Servic e s for Children . Report of the director con~Sh91 r cerning the admini stration of Juvenile Courts

,child welfare

servi ce s (and ) Youth Training Program. 19A6 , A8 ( Salt LakeCity ] v . Biennial .


378 . 2h2 Wils on , Morri s Me rriam. A study of distributive education in southernW751 s Utah as affe cted by the tourist trade . {Salt Lake City ] 1952 .

(M . S . The si s,1952 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Fl andro , Royce P . The development of a public s chool camp in Provo,

F585d Utah . ( Salt Lake City ] 1950 . (M . S . The si s, 1950 , Utah

98p .


B7B . 2L2 Pack,Mo sher Franklin . Report on some building stone s submitted for

the Utah capitol . [Salt Lake City ] 1912 . (M . A . The si s, 1912 ,



U . S . Library of Congre s s . Cent ennial of the settlement of UtahU583c exhibition June 7, l 8h7 Augus t 31 , 19L7; an addre s s by the

Hon . Arthur V . watkin s on the c eremonie s opening the exhibitioncommemorating the settlement of Utah at the Library of Congre s s


togethe r with a catalog of the exhibition . wash . Govt . Print .

Off .,19h70 72p .

Utah . Centennial Commis sion . Art Division . Final report,Septembe r

C397f 15 , 19h7. Salt Lake City ,l 9h7 .

Utah . Centennial Commi s sion . Ge neral report,19A7 . ( Salt Lake

C397r City,1 9h? ) llop .

Utah . Cent ennial Commi s sion . Art s Divi sion . Sourc e book ; basic0397s mate rials on musi c




,parade s for the Utah

Centennial l 8h7—19A7 . Salt Lake City ( 19L6 1 .

Utah Pam. Utah . Cent ennial Commi s sion . Thi s is the place ; Utah centennial ,

v . 80,no . 8 l 8h7- 19A7 . (Salt Lake City ,

°19L7J 25p .

Utah . Cent ennial Commi s sion . Ge ne ral report , l 9h7 . [Salt Lake0397r City ,

19A? ) l l Op .

Utah PamoUtah . Centennial Commi s sion . This i s the place ; Utah centennialv . 80

,no . 8 l 8h7~l 9h7 . [Salt Lake City


°19A7J 25p .

Utah . Centennial Commi s sion . Art s Division . Final repo rt,

C397f Septembe r 1 5 , l 9h7. Salt Lake City,l 9a7 .

Utah . Centennial Commi s sion . Art s Divi sion . Sourc e book ;0397s basic materials on music



,pageantry ,

parade sfor the Utah Centennial 18A7~19A7. Salt Lake City [19A6 1 .

Utah Pam. Utah . Chamber of Comme rc e . Utah and the intermountain empire .

v o77,no . 35 Salt Lake City [19L6 ] 32p .


,ETC .

378 . 2h2 Johns on,Willi am Oti s . Psycho

m s oc i al factors and child pla cement .

J7l p A de s criptive analysi s of six p sychom s oci al factors pre sent in

the intake record s of the Children’s S ervi ce Society of Utahwhen natural parent s sought plac ement of their children in 1939and (Salt Lake City ] 1950 . (M . s . w o 1950 , Th e si s


Utah Uni V O ) o

378 . 2A2 Sage rs,Paul Smi th . Factors in boarding home sele ction . A situa

8129f tion analysis of factors pre sent in fi ftya e i ght boarding home s of

the Children’s S e rvic e Society of Utah,1950 . [Salt Lake City )

1950 0 (M o S o We The si s,1950 , Utah UH i V o ) o

Utah . Defense Counc il . Child Welfare Commi ttee . Standard s for dayD21 3c s care of children in defens e ars as in Utah . tSal t Lake City ]

State D ept . of Public welfare , [19A2 ] Alp .


wate rs,Clarence I . Hi s tory of the Chri stian Science movement in

S967u Utah . (In Sutthn,wain . Utah a c ent ennial history . 19A9 .

V O Z9 p o 809=' 812 ) o


Utah Pam. The Church review . Salt Lake City ,L895 . o8p .

V 0 36

Shermer,Florenc e . Chronol o ical development of mi s sions in Utah .

55530 [Salt Lake Ci ty d 1910 . B . A . The si s , 1910 , Utah

World’s fair e cc l e s easti cal hi story of Utah . Comp . by repre s entaW927 tivs a of the rel igious denominations . Salt Lake City , G . Q .

Cannon Sons Co .,1893 . 318p .



Utah Laws,statute s

,etc . Official Utah rule s of civil pro c edure

U89 1950 including explanatory note s and refe renc e s as promulgated by theSupreme Court of the state of Utah

,Novembe r 30 , 19A9 to be effe c

tive on and after January 1,1950 . 1950 edition . Salt Lake

City,Paragon Printing Cc .

,1950 . 217p ¥


Utah Pam. Htah . Defen se Council . Report of the Council of Defense of the statev . 77,no . 3h of Utah . Salt Lake City

,F . W . Gardine r Co .

,1919. 72p .

Utah . Defense Council . Child Welfare Committ e e . Standard s for dayD21 3c s care of children in defens e areas i n Utah . ( Salt Lake City ] State

D ept . of Public welfare,

( 1942 ) Al p .

Utah Pam. Utah . Defens e Council . Food Supply and Conse rvation Committe e . werkv . 77,no . 33 ac compli shed by the woman ' s committe e on pre servation and con se rva

tion . Report s of the exe cutive committe e . Salt Lake City,1917.

1 5p .

Utah . Defen se Council . Utah state civil defense plan . ( Salt LakeD21 3u City, 1951 1 .


061 Utah . University . Utah Humanitie s Re s earch Foundation . A bibliographU89 v . 38 of the archive s of the Utah Humanitie s Re search Foundation


l 9h7 . Comp . by He ctor Lee . Salt Lake City I19A7J Al p .


378 . 2A2 Burnham,Robert C . The climate s of Utah . {Salt Lake City ] 1950 .

B966c (M . s . The si s,1950 , Utah


378 . 2h2 Parsons,Mary Franc e s . A social audit of private agencie s rec eiving

P2693 state sub sidie s,1925—1935 . [Salt Lake City

,1936 . (M . A .

The sis,1936 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Mumcu,Hasan H . Study of various coal mine s in Utah , Colorado and

M9628 wyoming . (Salt Lake City ] 1950 . (M . S . The sis,1950 ,

Utah Univ .

Utah Pam. Standard Coal Company . Salt Lake City . Standard coal ; the story of

v . 17 the mining of Standard coal . Salt Lake City ,

° l 9h7 . [1 6 1 p .

l 7h

Utah . C ommittee to study operations of state government . Report ofG722rh the sub— c ommittee s on the Home stead exemption propo sal and taxa

tion . Oct obe r,1936 . ( Salt Lake City 1936 ] lo3p .

Utah . Committee to Study Ope ration of Stat e Gove rnment . studyG722pu of Utah ' s public walte r C . Neville

,author of Uti l i t

report 0 o 0 [Salt Lake City,1936 g2p o


3786 2h2 Stucki,Roland . A traffic survey of Utah . [Salt Lake Ci ty d 1932 .

S9325t (M . s . The si s,1932 , Utah


353 -9792 Utah . Constitution . Constitution of the state of Utah as amended .

0758 l 9a7 Pub . by E . E . Mon son,secretary of state . ( Salt Lake City ] l 9h7 .


Utah . Con stitution . Constitution of the state of Utah as amendedC758 1937 with annotation s . Publi shed by E . E . Monson

,s e cretary of state .

(Salt Lake City,1937] L5p .

Utah . Constitution . Constitution of the state of Utah as amendedC758 1933 with annotations . Publi shed by Milton H . welling

,Se c retary of

state . [Salt Lake Ci ty J 1933 . h5p .

Utah . Constitution . Constitution of the state of Utah as amended0758 1931 with annotation s . Pub . by Milton H . welling

,s e c retary of state .

[Salt Lake City ] 1931 . M p .

Utah . Constitution . Constitution of the state of Utah as amended .

C758 1923 Pub . by the sec retary of state . {Salt Lake City ] Ro se Print .

CO O, 1923 0 351)

Utah . Constitution . Con stitution of the state of Utah as amended .

C758 191 3 Pub . by the se c retary of state . ( Salt Lake City ) Ros e Print .

CO O,191 3 0 3513 0


Morgan,Dale Lowell . The state of De seret . (In Utah hi storical

U89 v . 8 quarte rly . Salt Lake City ,l 9h0 . v . 8

,[65 1 "Consti

tuti on of the state of De se ret" : p . rl 56 1— 1 63 .


3h2 . 792 U . S . Utah Commi s sion . [Mi scellaneou s report s of the Utah Commi s sion ]U587m Salt Lake City

,Tribune Print . and Pub . Cc . ; washington , Govt .

Print . Off 0 etc 0 1883— 1896 0



378 . 2h2 Davi s , Margaret . Pri son Labor in Utano [Salt Lake Ci ty d 1932 .

D263p (M . A . The si s,1932 , Utah 1A9p .

Utah Pam. U . S . The Pri son Indust rie s Re organi zation Admini stration . TheV 0 53 pri son labor probl emw i n Utah . 1937 .


33A. 6 Hall , Fay E . Producers ? coope ration . Salt Lake City,Utah work

Hl 75p Pro j e ct s Admini stration,Divi sion of Profe s s i nnal and Servi ce

Pro j e ct s,1939. 31 p .


Utah Pam. Hi chard,Thomas Arthur . The Utah copper enterpri se . San Franci s co

v . 17 1919. l O7p .“From. Mi ni ng and Scientific Pre s s of Dec . 28



378 . 2A2 Mad s en,Gibb R . The e c onomi c factors affe cting the development of

Ml 83e the c oppe r indus try in Utah . tSal t Lake City ] 1951 . (M . S .

The si s,1951 , Utah 102p .


Utah Pam. Cherdron,Otto Philippe . Thought s and meditations upon beholding

v . 72 ,no . 1 1 the Utah copper mine,by Otto P . Cherdron . Salt Lake C ity


Utah . (Privately printed,19A3 J .

Utah Pam. Ri chard,Thomas Arthur . The Utah copper ente rpri se . San Franci s co


v o l 7 1919 . l o7p ."From. Mi ni ng and Scientifi c Pre s s of De c . 28



Utah . Committee to Study Operations of State Government . Dome sticO722d and Foreign corporation study

,state salary comparisons and life

insurance survey . [Salt Lake City,1936 ] t p .


378 . 2A2 Tani e l i an,Beat ric e Spence r . A study of family living expenditure s

Tl ohst of Farme rs ? Home Admini stration borrowers in Utah and Idaho,

19h9. [Salt Lake City ] 1951 . (M . S . The si s,1951 , Utah Univ . )


B7B . 2L2 Ke sler,Bette Smith . The style s of outer wraps and headgear worn by

KAZS women of the pioneer period of Utah 1BA7- 1875 . ( Salt Lake City ]l 9h7. (M . A . The sis

,19A7, Utah

Utah . Cent ennial Commis sion . Art s Division . Sourc e book ; basicC397s mate rial s on mus ic



,pageantry, parade s for the Utah

C entennial 18A7- l 9h7. Salt Lake City (19A6 ) .

378 . 2A2 walkup,Fairfax Proudfi t . Utah pionee r dre s s

,18A7- 1875 . (Salt

W186u Lake City ] 1 9m. (M . s . The si s,


Utah Pam. Parm. Journa1,Inc . Market Re search Department . Utah

,county basic

v . 72 ,no . l A data ( comp . and pub . by the Market Re search Department,Farm

Journal,Inc . Philadelphia

,l 9h5? l t31 ] p .


378 . 2A2 Taylor,Verl L . A uniform system of ac counting for the countie s of

T2A6u Utah . [Salt Lake Ci ty i 19Al . (M . S . The sis,19Al , Utah

Utah Pam. Utah County publi c s chools . Payson,Utah

,1897 B i —we ekly . Edi

v . 75 tor : 1897 D . H . Chri stensen .


Utah . Department of Employme nt Security . Utah County indust rialE55ui p U89 patt ern

,first unit Oc cupational employment data

,wage rat e s and

age s September 19h7o Employment and wage s by industry,De c embe r

3 , 1947 . Oc cupational Indust rial data . tProvo,

Utah ] l 9a8 .

Utah Pam. Utah County,Utah . Board of Education . C ircular and outlined course

v . 7h of instruction of the di stri ct'

s chool s of Utah County,Utah .

Provo,Enquirer Co . [et c . i



Hi stori cal record s survey . Utah . Inventory of the county archive sH673i no . 25 of Utah . No . 25 . Utah c ounty (Provo ) Ogden


,19L0 . 329p .

3AS . 52 Dickson,William Howard . (Brief s ; a collection of arguments by


W. H . Di ckson concerning various court case s pre sented before theThird Judicial Di strict Court of Utah . Salt Lake City


Print . Cc .,

etc .,1887— 1 902 1 .


378 . 2A2 Gustafson,He rbe rt wayne . A stati stical summary of the social char

G982s acteri s ti c s of sex offenc e rs c onvicted in Utah during the decade

1 78


B78 . 2AZ Yashko, Ruth E . Ahi storical study of pionee r dancing in Utah .

Y29h [Salt Lake City ) 19A7 . (M . S . Thesis, 19A7, Utah


Utah Pam. Reagan, Albert B . Geology of the Deep Creek Re se rvation,Utah and

v .A3 it s environs . 1929. 105— ll6p ."Reprinted from Kansas Aca

demy of S cience,Transactions

,vol . 32 ,

Utah Pam. Utah . Defens e Council . Our duty to maintain the s chools at a highv . 7h,no . l degre e of efficiency

,a statement from Pre sident Wilson


a li st of offic ers and members of thecouncil ] Salt Lake City

,1917, 1918 .

Utah Pam. Utah . Defen s e Council . Report of the Council of Defense of thev . 77,no . 3A State of Utah . Salt Lake City

,F . w. Gardine r Cc .

, 1919. 72p .

Utah . Defense Council . Utah stat e civil defens e plan . [Salt LakeD21 3u City

, 1951 3 .

Utah . Defense Council . warrum,Noble . Utah in the world war ; the

N295u men behind the guns and the men and women behind the men behindthe guns . Memorial book . ( Salt Lake City ] Utah State Councilof Defens e

,192A . xi

, A56p .


3A5 . 2 Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . State council of defense act s . [Salt

U95d Lake City ] Utah Stat e Council of Defen s e,19Al . 29p .

Utah . Defen se Council . Child welfare Committee . Standard s for dayD21 30 8 care of children in defense areas in Utah . (Salt Lake City ]

State Dept . of Public welfare,£19A2 J Al p .

Utah Pam. Utah . Defense Council . Food Supply and Conse rvation Committe e . WOrk

v . 77,no . 33 ac c ompli shed by the Woman’s committee on pre servation and cons ervation . Report s of the executive committee . Salt Lake City


1 917 0 l sp o

Utah Pam. Democrati c party . Utah . Utah Democratic song book for 1902 . Saltv . 77,no o 3 Lake City

,1 902 . tl h l p .

353 0 9792 Utah . Department of Agri culture . Offi C i al Utah standard s fo r fruit sA278o and vegetable s

,1 937 revi sion

,with regulation s relat ing to the

sale of farm product s . 1 39p .

Utah . Department of employment security . Analysi s of earning .

E55an (Salt Lake City ] .

Utah . Department of employment security . Analysi s of wage s inE55aw exc e s s of pe r year . [Salt Lake City ] .


E55ui p8 386


ESSui pC26A

1 79

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Annual report . lst - A3 ,A8 , 50 , 51 , 53 , 56 , 57, 1937 Salt Lake City .

Utah . Department of employment s ecurity . Beave rb éMi l l ard —Juabcountie s

,industrial pattern as of Septembe r 30 , 19A7. [Salt

Lake City,19A7. ] 38p .

Utah . D epartment of employment se curity . Busine s s births and deathsin Utah

, l 9A2- 19A5 . Employer ' s ac count s removed from or addedto c overage under the Utah Employment Se curity Act tabulated byreason

,s i ze m ofm f i rm and industry ac cording to effective date s

of liability . tSal t Lake City,19A6 ] .

Utah . D epartment of employment se curity . Carbon—~Emery - Grand —SanJuan c ountie s

,industrial pattern as of Septembe r 30 , 19A7 .

[Salt Lake City,l 9A7J . A9p .


Crandall,Lowell w . Propo s ed revision of Utah ' s unemployment i nsur

anc e law ; a supplementary report submitted t o the Utah Legi slativecouncil on it s proj e ct no . 8 . tSal t Lake City 19A8 J .

Utah . Department of employment s ecurity . Duche sne - Uintah~ - Daggettcounti e s

,industrial patt ern as of Septembe r 30 , 19A7. [Salt

Lake City,1947: 37p o

Utah . Department of employment s e curity . Employment in Utah Industrie s (On nati onal “Bw Di g i t

W Basi s ) [Salt Lake City ] . Reproduced from. typ e

e wri tten c opy .

Supplement,July 19AA Dec ember 19AA .

Utah . Department of employment s e curity . Garfield- ~Kane - Washington~— I ron c ountie s i ndd stri al pattern as of September 30 , 19A7.

[Salt Lake City,19A7J . A9p .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Guide for employe rs .

[Salt Lake City ] 19A7 . 12p .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . A guide to Utah employs

ment,indust rial and occupati nnal information . [Salt Lake City ]

up .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Industry servic e s . Asurvey of some re c ruitment and training problems in Utah garmentmanufacturing e stabli shment s . Salt Lake City [19A7] .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Jobs in Utah ' s non- fer~

rous metals industry . [Salt Lake City, Alp .

Utah . Department of employment security . Morgan county,industrial

patt ern as of Septembe r 30 , 19A7. [Salt Lake City,19A? J 1 2p .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Oc cupational analysi s forE550 0 Utah industry . [Salt Lake City ) 19A8 . 61 p .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Ogden,Utah . Chamber of

Oerco Comme rc e . [Oc cupational survey,Ogden area

,Septembe r

,19A6 J

[By ] Ogden Chambe r of Commerce and webe r College inCoope rationwi th the Utah Department of Employment Se curity . Ogden



l 9A6? i .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Piute —Wayne countie sindustrial patt ern as of Septembe r 30 ,

19A7 . [Salt Lake City,

1 914—7 1 22p 0

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Policy and pro c edure s forpre s entation of factual data . {Salt Lake City ] n . d . unp .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Po stwar solvency study ofthe Utah unemployment re se rve fund . [Salt Lake City ] De c ember19A3 o

Utah . Department of employment s ecurity . Putting employme nt s e curityE55p on the plus side of our economy . [Salt Lake City

,19A5 ) .

Utah . D epartment of employment se curity . Re conversion employment picE55re ture in the Ogden area . February 19A7 . weber College and Ogden

Chamber of Commerc e in cooperation with Utah Department of Employment Securi ty . 19A7 3 .

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Ri ch - Carhe — Box ElderE55ui p countie s indust rial pattern as of Septembe r 30 ,

19A7 . [Salt Lakemes City

. mp .

Utah . Department of employment security . Rule s and regulations govE55r e rning contribution s


,report s

,payments of benefit s ,

appeals ; Salt Lake City,[19A5? J 25p .

Utah . D epartment of employment se curi ty . Salt Lake county o c cupaE55sa t i onal employment in industrie s sub j e ct to unemployment insurance ,

Septembe r 19A6 . Include s supplementary state data to March 19A7.

[Salt Lake City } 19A7 .

Utah . D epartment of employment s ecurity . Sanpete county industrialE55ui p pattern as of June 30 ,

19A7 . [Salt Lake City,19A71 1 6p .


Utah . Department of employment se curity . S evie r county . Industrialpatt e rn as of June 30 ,

19A7 . l Ap .

Utah . Department of employment security . Speaking about the po stwarperiod . Salt Lake City [19A5? J .

Utah . Department of employment s e curity . [Special report to the Gov

ernor of Utah . [Salt Lake City,19A3 J . 25p .

eau of Economi c and Busine s s Re search,Unive rsity of Utah

,[and ]

Department of Employment Security,Indust rial Commi s si on of Utah .

[Salt Lake City ] Septembe r 1950 . l 27p .

Utah . Department of employment s ecurity . wasatch - Summit c ountie sE55ui p indust rial pattern as of Sept embe r 30 ,

19A7 . [Salt Lake City,

19h73 2hp o

Utah . Department of employment se curity . Employment Se rvic e . AnnualE553a report

,Utah Farm Placement Program. 19 Salt Lake City


1 9‘ V 0


Utah . Me rit system council . Me rit system regulations of the Department of Employment Security ; State and County Dept s . of PublicWelfare ; Utah State Dept . of Health . A s amended to August 1


19A2 . [Salt Lake City ] n . d . l 7p .

Utah . Department of Financ e and Purchase . Budget Divi sion . Biennial Salt Lake City . v .

Utah . Department of Health . A bibliography of health

Utah . Department of Health . Clas sification and compensati nn plansfor the State Department of Health . [Salt Lake City? l 9h3 ]

Utah . Department of Health . The control of communicable di sease s .

[Salt Lake City ] American publi c health as sociation,19L2 . 85p .

(Reprint No . 1697 from Public health report s,U . S . Publi c H ealth

Servic e,rev . l 9LO) . "Report of the Sub- commi ttee on Communi cable

Dis eas e Control of the C ommittee on Re search and Standard s ."

Utah . Department of Health . Ob j e ctive s and s e rvic e s . [Salt LakeHABLO City ,

l 9hh 31p .

Utah . Department of Health Division of Indust rial hygiene . UsefulHAZhi h c rit e ria in the identification of c ertain o c cupational health

hazard s . l 9h5 . l l Sp . (Utah Oc cupati onal Di sease Study ) .

Utah . Department of Health . Divi sion of Mate rnal and Child HealthCoope rative activitie s in school and c ommunity health programs inUtah . 1 937 . 22p .

Utah . Department of Health . Divi sion of Mate rnal and Child Health .

Handbook for expectant mothe rs . Salt Lake C ity,m. d .

,unp .

Utah . Department of Health . Division of Mate rnal and Child Health .

Manual of information on nut rition ; infancy,child 1 to 2 - 2 to

6 . [Salt Lake City,1 939 ] 25p .

"Prepared e speciall y for publichealth nursing staff

,for use in field

,not for di stribution to

mothe rs ."

353 0 9792



353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792


353 0 9792P97ocom

353 0 9792

P976e c



Utah . Department of Health . Divi sion of Mate rial and Child Health .

Proc edure s and poli cie s for conducting mate rnal health confe rence s in Utah under the maternal and child health program.

[Salt Lake City , 1939] l op o"The se proc edure s and polici e s

supe rs ede all previous editions ."

Utah . Department of Health .

and Sanitation . The pit privy .

Dept . of H ealth,l 9hl . l up .

Divi sion of Public Health Engine e ringSalt Lake City

,Utah . Stat e

Utah . Department of Health .

and Sanitation . State of Utah plumbing code .

Utah . State Dept . of Health,l 9hl . 2Ap .

Divi sion of Publi c Health Engine e ringSalt Lake City



Utah . Me rit system. counc i l . Me rit system. regul ati ons of the Dept .

of Employme nt Se curity ; State and County Depts . of Publi c we i e

fare ; Utah State Dept . of Health . As amended to August 1 , 19A2 .

[Salt Lake Ci tY ] nod e l 7p o

Utah . Annualreport .

Department of Placement and Unemployment Insuranc e .

lst » Salt Lake City,1938= 39o

Utah . Department of Placement and Unemployment Insuranc e . Personnelstandard s of the Dept . of Placement and Unemployment Insuranc e


including minimum standard s promulgated by Social Se curity Boardand excerpt s from. Soci al Se curity Act and HatchM Law . Salt LakeCity,

19A0 . 3i p .

An in strument for evaluation of[Salt Lake City ] l 9h8 . 23p .

Utah . Dept . of Publ i c Inst ruction .

elementary s chool practi ce s in Utah .

The correlation of fine art and dome stic art,with

Salt Lake City,State of Utah Dept .

35p o

Bastow,Mary .

sugge stions for appli cation .

of Public Inst ruction,1921 .

Character education bulletinSalt Lake

1 33p o

Utah . Department of Publi c Instruction .

for the elementary and s econdary schools of Utah .

City,State of Utah Dept . of Public Instruction


Utah . Department of Publi c Instruction . Community beginnings inUtah . [Salt Lake Ci ty l 19h6 .

"Thi s i s the s econd of a s erie sof three bullet in s giving storie s and information about


wri tten by children for children to read ."

Cox,Jean . Economi c s of the home . Salt Lake City

,Divi sion of

Vocat ional Education,State of Utah Dept . of Public Instruction .


n o d o 3 35p o

Utah . Department of Public In struction . Guidance se rvi c e s hand~

book,prepared by Fred M . Fowler

,dire ctor of guidanc e s e rvic e s .

[Salt Lake Ci ty J l 9h8 . 1 32p .

353 0 9792


353 0 9792

P976i s19h8

353 0 9792






Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Helps in dictionary study,

supplementary to the Teaching Guide for the elementary schools ofUtah . Salt Lake City

,Divi sion of Elementary Education

,State of

Utah,Dept . of Public Inst ruction

,l 9L7 . 22p .

Utah . Department of Publi c Inst ruction . Information bulletin on se conary educat i nn . Salt Lake City

,Utah State Dept . of Public Inst ruo

tion,19L8 . 25p .

"Thi s pamphlet de scribe s ( the ) external phase sof the s e condary

Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Laidlaw Publishing Company .

Art outline s,prepared by the Laidlaw Publi shing Company


l i shers of the Art appreciation textbooks . Part s I I- VIII . SaltLake City

,Di stributed by State Dept . of Education .

Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Language art s course of studyfor se condary s chools . Rev . ed . Salt Lake City


Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Law ob s e rvanc e and enforc ement . Salt Lake City

,1929 . Al p .

Utah . Department of Publi c Inst ruction . Meeting community needs inUtah . Salt Lake City

,19A9. 203p .

"This i s the third of aserie s of three books giving storie s and information aboutwritten by children for children to read .


Utah . Department of Public Inst ruct ion . Publi c s chools of Utah ; stati sti cal table s

,1947. Salt Lake City tl 9h8 . )

Utah . Department of Publi c Instruct i nn . Report of l 939- AO Utah s choollibrary survey . Authori zed by the Utah State Board of Education

(Uniform s chool fund ) . Salt Lake City,Dept . of Publi c Instruo

tion . Charle s H . Skidmore,Superintendent [19AO ] . Sop .

Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Report of the Supe rintendentof Publi c In struction of the State of Utah . l ~ 1896 [SaltLake City ] 1897w v .

Utah . Department of Publi c Inst ruct ion . Re search circular,1

Salt Lake City,Division of Re search

,Stat e of Utah

,Dept . of Pub

lic Inst ruction ,l 9h7~ v . Each numbe r has spec ial title .

Utah . Department of Publi c Inst ruction . Social studie s supplement toa teaching guide for the elementary schools of Utah . (Salt LakeCity } 0 0

Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Stat e supe rintendent ' s it emsfor d i strict s chool supe rint endent s . Salt Lake City


Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Statisti cal table s . 1

Salt Lake City , l 9h5~

Stevens,Lenore . A study of the adequacy of three juvenile encycl o

pedias in meeting the requirement s for social studie s materialspecified in the Utah State C ourse of Study for Junior High


Utah . Department of Publi c Instruction . Teaching the effe ct s of alcohol

,tabac co

,and othe r narcotic drugs . Rev . and approved by the

State Textbook Commi s sion and the Stat e C ourse of Study Committee,

April,1951 0 Salt Lake City

,1951 0 78p o

Utah . Department of Publi c Instruction . Tentative statement of aims,

purpo se s and proc edure s of education in the publi c schools of Utah .

Prepared by committe e of Utah citizens,May

,l 9k6—June , I9L7 . Salt

Lake Ci ty'

tl 9h7 l .

Utah Pam. Utah . D epartment of Publi c In struction . U . S . work pro j e ct s admi ni s

v . l 9 trat i on . Utah . Consume r problem manual . Salt Lake City,Salt

Lake committee on con sume r problems and worke rs ' education s e ction,

n od e

3n5 . 2 Utah . Department of Public In struction . Utah . Laws,statute s

,etc .

U95s £ S chool laws of the stat e of Utah,18 Salt Lake City


Utah [et C o ] 18 V 0

Utah . D epartment of Public Inst ruction . Utah rehabilitation s e rvic e,

P97ore r biennial report,l 9A6 - AS . Salt Lake City

,Divi sion of Vocational

19h6- h8 Rehabilitation,State of Utah Department of Public Inst ruction tl 9L9J

( l OJp o

Utah . D epartment of publi c inst ruction . Utah - re source s and acti vi

tie s . Supplement to the Utah,state course s of study for elementary

and s e condary s chools . Department of public instruction,Charle s

H . Skidmore,superintendent . Salt Lake City

,Utah [The Paragon ]

1 933 . A58P °

Utah . D epartment of Public Instruction . Utah stat e plan for vo catio naleducation

,1947—52 , approved by the Utah State Board for Vocational

Education on Septembe r 3 , l 9h8 and November 5 , l 9t8 . Salt LakeCity ,

19L9. 1h3p .

Utah . Department of Publi c In st ruction . Utai . Unive rsity . Dept . of

Home Economi c s . Report of a preliminary study of college programsfor student s in Home Economi c s . The United Stat e s Office of Education

,The Utah State Dept . of Education

,the University of Utah

cooperating . [Salt Lake City,

Utah . Department of Public Instruction . Utah ' s land and early people .

P976ul Salt Lake City,19A7 . l t .

"Thi s i s the first of a serie s ofthre e books giving storie s and information about bychildren for children to read .


Utah . Department of Public Inst ruction . Utah ' s community beginnings .

P976uc Salt Lake City,l 9h9 . 2a9p . Thi s i s the se cond of a serie s of

three books giving storie s and information about writtenby children for children to read .


Utah Pam. Utah . Department of Public Inst ruc tion . Vocational education in Utah ;v . 7h,no . 2 what it 1 8

,what it doe s and how it operate s

,what it may do in the

future . Salt Lake City,1950 . 25p .

353 0 9792 Utah o Department of Publi c welfare . A fiscal and fi nanci al trendP978f study and current anal ys is of the countie s

,s chool di stri cts

and citie s of the state of Utah,a financial handb ook o (Salt

Lake City,1935 ] 539p o Prepared by the Divi sion of Re search

and Stati stic s?State Dept o cf Public wel fare o

Utab e Department of Public welfare . How public as si stance i s ad

mi ni stered in Utah a {Salt Lake City ? State Dept o of Publi cwelfare s Bureau of Re search and Statistic s unp .

Utah o Department of Publi c we l fare o Rule s and regulations for theguidanc e and management of the state g county and di strict depart«ment s of public welfare . Adopt ed and in forc e February 11

,1936 .

(Salt Lake Ci ty J 1936 0 52p .

Uteb o Department of Public welfare » Public as s i stanc e in Utah aV 0 £1 3 0 “ March 1936« Salt Lake Ci ty o




378 . 2h2 Ki dne i gh 9 John 0 0 An anal ysi s of the ratings of training and exper

Khéa i ence for candidate s for profe s s ional pos it ions in public welfarei n Utab e {Salt Lake Ci ty fl l 9hl o (M o A0 T he s i s

,l 9al , Utah Univ ) o



353 0 9792 Utah o Me ri t system. counci l o Me rit system. regul at i ons of the Dept o

M563m of Empl oyment S ecurity : State and County Depts o of Publi c welfare ;Utah Stat e Dept o of Heal th o As amended to Augus t 1

, l 9h2 o [SaltLake C i ty ) n . d o JVp .

353 0 9792 Utah o D epartment of publ i city and i ndus trial deve1 0pment o Some im

P977S O portant fact s about Uteb o Sal t Lake City, l 9h8 ° 82p o

353 0 9792 Utab e Department of publi city and 1 ndustri al deve l opment o Utah ,

P977u l and of c olor o [Salt Lake Ci ty ? BAp o

Uteb o Dep artment of publi c ity and industrial deve l opment o Utah ,

P977ut land of endle s s s cenic d i s covery o Sal t Lake Ci ty'

t0 19h8 1 (28 3p o

Utah PameUtah o Department of publi city and i nduetr i al deve l opment o Utah ,V o72 the friendly state o Salt Lake C i ty {19h8? 1 , [8 3 p o

Utah PamoUtah o Department of publicity and indus tri a l deve1 0 pment » Utah ,

v o809no . 25 the rainbow land in the c ent er of s c eni c Ameri ca o (Salt Lake

C i ty ] ° l 9h2 0 (BZ Jp o

Utah Pam. Utah o Department of publ ic ity and indus tri al deve1 0pment o


Wealthv . 80

9n0 0 29 and re s c arce s of Uta h . {Salt Lake City ?

l 9h3 ] lv .


U tah PamoUtah o Department of Publicity and Indust rial Deve l opment o What youv o80

,no o l h want to know about Utah o Bd o printing

,rev o Salt Lake City


58p o

353 0 9792 Utah o Department of Heal th o Divi sion of Maternal and Child HealthHABAmc Cooperative activitie s in s chool and community health programs in

Utah o 1 9370 22p o


9790 205 Ackley,Ri chard Thoma s o Acro s s the plain s in 1858 0 (In Utah hi stor

U89 V 0 9 ical quarte rl y o Salt Lake City,l 9hl o 23cmo v o9, p o tl9o )

9170 9 Alte r,J o Ce c i l e Through th e heart of the scenic We s t o o owi th 65

Ahééth i l l ustrati ons o Salt Lake City,Shepard Book Co o

,1 927 0 220p o

"Limited,spe cial ed i ti cn of one thousand ccpi e s o Autographed

copie s ; no s o 81,279, 288 , 523 0

9790 205 Alter,J o Ce c i l e W 0 A o Ferri s in Utah

,1830m l 835 o (In Utah hi stor

U89 V 0 9 ical quarterl y o Salt Lake City,l 9hl o 23cmo v o9, p o t8l J—l o8 o

11 1113 0 0

622 0 06 Ame rican Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engi ne ers o [SouvenirA51 2$ booklet pre s enting the mining and allied indust rie s of Utah o

Prepared for the l o8th meeting (August 1 91A) of the American Institute of Mining Engine e rs by Alfred Frank

,chai rman l o

Salt Lake City,19l h o l 92p o

Utah PampAri zona Highways Magazi ne o (Utah I s sue ] Phoenix,Ari zona Highway

V 0 60,n0 0 12 Dept o

,l 9h7o 32p o

050 Bailey,Alfred Marshal l o De s ert river through Navaj o land o

WithN277 illus o from photographs by the author and Fred G o Brandenburg ov . 92 ,n0 0 2 (In the National Ge ographic Magazi ne o washington

,l 9h7o illus .

(part col o ) 25 cm» “92 , p o tl h9m l 72 3 ) o

917 0 92 Be ckwith,Frank o Trips to point s of intere st in Millard and nearby


8 397t written and compiled for the Boy S cout s of Millard county,Utah o


,Print c by Art City Pub o Co o

,l 9h7o l hhp o

917092 Bjarnas on ,Lofter o The geography of Utah o (Rev o ) (New York ) Mac

8626g millan Co o,

c 1932 0 L8p o

91 70 8 Bowle s,Samue l o Our new We st ; re cord s of travel betwe en the Mi s sis s

B787o ippi river and the Pacific oc ean , ove r the plain s , ove r the mountains

,through the great int e rior bas in

,ove r the Sierra Nevadas ,

to and up and down the Pac i fic coa st o Hartford ,Conn o

, HartfordPU b o 00 0

,1869 0 52813 0

050 Bre ed,Jack o Utah’s arche s of atons o (In the National Geographic

N27? Maga2 1 ne o wa shington, l 9h7o 2S l/2 cmo

,v o 92 , p o l 73~ tl 92 l

v 0 92 ,n0 0 2 col o i l l us o ) o

1 90

Morton ,Wi l l i am. Al b ert . Utah and her people . Salt Lake City

,G . Q .

M89lu Cannon,1899. £56 ] p .

The Pi cture sque touri st,a handy guide round the worl d ; for the use

Poll of all travelers betwe en Europe,Ame rica


,New Zealand


1877 India , China,and Japan ,

ac ro s s the Ame rican continent . 2d ed .

London,H . Adams

,1877 . BOp .

Piercy , Frederi ck . Rout e from Liverpool t o Great Saltgethe r with a geographical and histori cal de s cription ofalso , an authentic hi story of the Latte r—day Saint s ' emigrationfrom Illus . with steel engravings and wood cut s fromsket che s made by Frede rick Piercy . Ed . by Jame s Li nforth . Liverpool

,F . D . Richard s 1855 . l ZOp .

Pierrepont , Edward Willoughby . Fifth Avenue to Alaska . With maps,

by Leonard Forbe s Be ckwith . New York,G . P . Putnam’s Son s


B29P °

(Rand,M cNal l y and Company J . The Rand—McNal l y guide to California via

"the Overland Route," by A . Darlow and Harry Brook . Chicago

[ 0 1903 ] 2h2p o

Remy,Jule s

,1826 A j ourney to Great Salt Lake City ; by Jule s

Remy,and Julius Brenchley

,M . A. ; with a sketch of the hi story


religion,and customs of the Mormons

,and an introduction on the

religiou s movement in the United State s . By Jule sten steel engravings and a map . London

,w . Jeffs

,1861 .

Richard son,Sullivan Coral . tHol e - i n~the l rock

,photographs by S . C .

R525h Ri chard son on the hi st ori c "Mormon dugway ."

Utah Pam. Sal t Lake City . Chambe r of Commerce . Utah the unique . l 9h7 . 32p .

V oho

917292 Savage,Charle s Ro s coe . Pictorial reflex of Salt Lake City and vi c

S263p inity,including letter- pre s s de s c ription and illust rations of

public edifi c e s,hotels

,busine s s blocks

,churche s



bathing re sort s,etc .

,and a variety of information valuable

for the tourist or re sident,from reliable sourc e s . Salt Lake

City [The author , A7p .

Savage,Charle s Ros coe . Views of Utah and tourist s ' guide ; con

8263v taining a de s c ription of the views and gene ral information forthe travele r

,re sident

,and publi c gene rally

,from authentic

source s . Salt Lake City ( The author,

°18871 30p .

Utah Pam. S l oan,walter J . Ame rica ' s Alpine s c enic highway . (Salt Lake

v . hl City,We stern Print Co .

, 38p .

Strahorn,Robe rt B . To the Rockie s and beyond ; or

,A summe r on the

5896t2 Union Pacific railroad and branche s,sauntering in the popular


,and hunting re sort s of Nebraska








,and Montana .

2d ed . rev . and enlarged . Omaha ,New we st Pub . Co .

,1879 . 2lop .

Tal mage ,Jame s Edward . Ge ography of Utah . n . d . l op .

Tl Sl ge

Utah PamoUni on Pacifi c Railroad Company . Utah ; sight s and s c ene s for thev . 9 touri st . Omaha

,Neb . [ G l 888 ] . A8p .

Utah Pam. Utah . Chambe r of Commerc e . Utah and the intermou ntain empire .

v . 77,no . 35 Sal t Lake C i ty 32p .

Utah . Department of Publ i city and indus tri al development . Utah,

P977u l and of col or . fiSal t Lake City,19A8? ] BLp .

Utah . Department of publici ty and i ndust rial development . Utah,

P977ut land of endles s s ceni c di s covery . Salt Lake Ci ty'

tc l 9h8 1

E28 l p o

Utah Pam. Utah . Department of publicity and indust rial development . Utah,

v . 80,no . 25 the rainbow land in the cente r of s ceni c Ame rica . (Sal t Lake

City ,

! 19A2 i . EBZ i p .

Utah Pam. Utah . Department of publicity and indust ri al deve1 0pment . Utah,

v . 72 ,no . 12

the friendl y state . Salt Lake City El9h8? i , m8 1p .

Utah Pam. Utah . Road Commi s s i on . Utah,l and of endle s s s c eni c dis covery .

v . 80,no . 26 ESal t Lake City , El éi p .

Utah . Stat e Pl anning Board . A survey of sc enic and re creationalP71 28u re sourc e s of Utah . {Sal t Lake Ci ty i 1936 .

ward,Aus t i n N . Mal e life among the Mormons ; or

,the husband in

W256m. Utah z detail ing sight s and s cene s among the Mormons ; withrema rks on their moral and s ocial economy . By Austin N . ward .

Ed . by Maria ward . Ph i ladel ph ia,J . E . Potte r and company

£186 3 3 . El S l u l p .

White,Douglas . Th e story of a trail

,being an authentic re c ord of

W583 3 the breaking of the Mormon tra i l between the Inte r—mountainemp i re and Californ i afi s ”Land of Suns hine


wi th the story of thefounding and bui l di ng al ong thi s histo i c pione e r highway of the

Sal t Lake route ; a de s c ri pti on of the marvelous re sourc e s conta ined withi n th e area t ributary to thi s ne w and direct line ofrailway now i n Operat ion be tween the Ro cky mountains and thePacifi c . Los Angele s ; San Pedro

,Lo s Angele s Salt Lake Rail

road ,l 905 . l 73p .

wood,Stanl ey . Over the range to th e Go l den Gate . A complet e

N879o touri st fi s gui de to Col orado , New Mexic o,Utah


,California ,

1897 Oregon,Puget Sound and the Great Northwe s t . Chi cago ; R . R}

Donnelley Sons Co . 1897 . 283p .

Zi nneBryce Natural History As s oc i ation . National parks and nationalZ79n monument s of Utah . Zion National Park


,Zi onn Bryc e Natural

Hi s t ory A s sociat i on ( 1 0473 hi p .

1 92


Johnson,Humphrey . Sc eni c guide to Utah . tSus anvi l l e

,California ]

J67s ° l 9h7 . loop ."Fifth in a serie s of travel encyclopedias cover

ing our we ste rn State s ."


C rofutt,Ge orge A . Crofutt ' s overland guide ; consi sting of ove r s ix

C9hl c thousand mile s of main tours and thre e thousand mile s of sidetours . Chic ago


,McNal l y ,

1890 . 283p .

Johnson,Humphrey Cyril . Sceni c guide to Utah . tSusanvi l l e


Jo7s i forni a ) °l 9h7. l OOp ."Fifth in a s erie s of travel encyc l oped

ias covering our we stern State s ."

Look (Pe ri odi cal ) . Look at Ame rica,by the editors of Lock . Bo ston


L863£ v . h Houghton Mifflin Co . [l 9h6

Utah Pam. Sal t Lake daily doings,official touri st s ? guide .b ook . Salt Lake

v . 79 City,1923 .

Sheare r,Frederick E . ed . The Pacific touri st . Adams Bi shops

8539p illust rated trans - continental guide of t ravel from the Atlanticto the Pacific ocean . A complete travele r ' s guide of the Unionand Central Pacific with spec ial contributions byProf . F . V . Hayden

,Clarence King

,Capt . Dutton

,A . C . Peale


Joaquin Miller and J . B . Davis . New York,Adams and Bishop


1885 [°l 879] 372p .


Writers ' Program. Utah . Utah,a guide to the state

,compiled by

W95'workers of the write rs ? program of the WOrk pro j ect s administ ration for the state of Utah . Sponsored by the Utah state institut e of fine art s cc - sponsored by the Salt Lake county commi s~sion . New York

,Hastings house

,l 9hl . 595p .


Art work of Utah . Chicago,W . H . Pari sh Pub . Cc .

, 1896 .


Buel,Jame s William. Ame rica ' s wonde rlands

,a pictorial and de s

B92Sa cri pti ve hist ory of our country ' s s c enic marvels as delineatedby pen and came ra . St . Loui s

,Mo .

,Hi storical Pub . Cc .

,1893 .

503p o

Look (Periodical ) Look at Ame rica ,. by the editors of Lock . Bo ston

L863£ v . h Houghton Mifflin Co . £19L6

Soul s,John P . A few views on the line of the Denve r and Rio Grande

S722f we stern railway,between Ogden


,and Denve r

,Colo .


graphs by John P o SOl l l e o Bo ston lv o

1 9A

s c enery, 5 0 1 1 productions . Phil adelph i a,People s Pub o Cc o


591P °

330 0 9792 Mahoney,J o Hol l a o Some probable effe ct s of war and indu st riali zation

D89l pro j e ct s on the e c onomy of Utah o (In Utah economi c and bus i ne s

v o l ,no o B revi ew o Salt Lake City,l 9h2 ° v o l

,nc oB, p 0 3u 8 j o

330 0 9792 Mahoney,J o Rol l a o wartime economic change s and postwar industrial

U89l read justment in Utah o Sal t Lake City,1943 0 l O8p o (In Utah

v 0 2,no o2 e c onomi c and busine s s revi ew v o 2

,n0 0 2 } o

378 0 2h2 Nelson,Claron E 0 Measuring Utahf s bus i ne s s o {Salt Lake City ]

Nh25m i gl+8 o (M o 8 0 The S i S Q 1 9A8 9 Utah Uni V o ) o

378 0 242 North,Erwi n King o The building and loan as so ciation as a factor in

N86Ab the e conomi c development of Utano {Salt Lake City ] 1 925 0 (M vThe si s

,1925, Utah Uni v o ) o

378 0 2A2 Robin son,Mauri ne o Some basic feature s of migration

,oc cupational

3es3s di stribution and income flew into Utano [Sal t Lake City ] l 9h2 o

(M o S o The si s,1 9142 9 Utah Uni V o ) o

Utah Pamp Utah o Department of publicity and indus trial deve l opment o Wealthv o80

,no o29 and re source s of Utah o {Sal t Lake City ,

19A3 3 0

330 9 9792 Utah e c onomi c and bus ine s s reviews v o l,nO o l ~ Dec o l 9tl m Salt

U89l Lake City,Bureau of Economi c and Busine s s Re s earch , S ch ool of

Busine s s,Univ o of Utah o

Utah,Inve stigating C ommittee of Uta h Gove rnmental Uni t s o [Re ports o ]

Salt Lake City various pagi ng o

Utah o State planning b oard o A serie s cf indust rial studie s for Utah1935 0 [Salt Lake City ] 1 936 0

Utah o S tate planning b oard o A state plan for Utah ; progre s s reportApril 1 5 , 1935 0 [Salt Lake C i ty

,1935 1 0

Utah o Uni ve rs i ty o S chool of Bus i ne s s o Bureau of Economi c and Busine s s Re s earch o Measure s of e conomi c change s in Utah l 8h7‘19b7o

Salt Lake City,19A7o l OLp o (In Utah e conomi c and busine s s re

view,v o7, no o l o ) o



330 0 9792 Mahoney,J o Rol l a o wartime change s and po stwar industrial read

U89l justment in Utah o Salt Lake City,195 0 108p o (In Utah

v 0 2,no . 2 economi c and busine s s review

,v 0 2

,n0 0 2 ) o

353 0 9792 Utah o Department of publicity and industrial deve1 0 pment o AfterP977a victory; plans for Utah and the wasat ch front o Report of the

cooperative planning program. Compiled unde r dire ction of OraBundy

,dire ctory of po stwar p l anni ng o Salt Lake City

,Utah .

The Utah State Dept o of Public ity and indust rial development ,l 9h3 o

Utah Pams Utah Manufacture rs As sociation,Salt Lake City s Build Utah

,a t en

v o72 ,no o l o year plan o [Salt Lake City,1936 3 0

331 0 1 37 Utah a Uni vers i ty o Bureau of Ec onomi c and Busine s s Re s earch e

U89eb Utah e c onomy ; employment t rend s,s easonality

,e c onomic patte rns ,

future OUtIOOk o o o prepared by Bureau of Economi c and Busine s sRe search

,University of Utah

,£and ] Department of Employment Se curu

ity,Indust rial Commi s sion of Utah o [Salt Lake City ] Septembe r

1950 o 1 27p o


Utah Education As s oci ati on o Report of an inve stigation in the SouthSanp ete S chool Di s trict

,Sanpete County


,an example of the

importanc e of fair termination proc edure s and sound personnel

pol i c i e s o Salt Lake City,Utah Education As sociation

,1951 0 llp e

Bateman,Richard A0 The hi story of the Utah Stat e S chool Board s A s so

ci ati nn and it s function in Utah educati ono tSal t Lake City ]1950 0 (M o 8 0 The si s

, 1 950 , Utah Univ o )

Bean,Ben j amin B o Pupil achievement in 1BA5 and l 9h8 ° (Salt Lake

City } 1 949 0 (M o S o The si s,1. 9t Utah Univ o )

Brunson,Rachel M 0 The teaching of art in the elementary s chools of

Utah o ( Salt Lake City ] l 9t9 o (M o S o The si s,19A9, Utah Uni v o ) o

Church,John G o The life and education cont ribut ions of Mos i ah Hall o

[Salt Lake City ] 1950 0 (M o Ao The si s,1950 , Utah UH i V o ) o

Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene o A study of se condary educat ion in Utah a Chi

cago,191 3 0 (M o A o The si s

,191 3 , Chicago Uni v o ) o

Cox , Jean e Economic s of the home o Salt Lake City,Division of V0

cati nnal Education,State of Utah Dept o of Public Instruct i on o

rn od o ] 35p o

378 . 2h2 Crawford , Mauric e L o The profe s sional status of the Utah public0899p school admi ni strator o [Salt Lake City ] l 9h9o (M o S o The si s


19A9, Utah Uni v o ) o

1 96

378 0 242 Davi s , Franc e s G i l roy o A hi s tory of the William M o Stewa rt SchoolD26l h l 89l u l 9hOo {Salt Lake City ] l 9AOo (M e S o The si s l 9hOo Utah

Univ o o

378 °2h2 Dobson , Carol i ne o Needs and guidance of kinde rgarten children inD635n the stat e of Uta h o {Salt Lake City ] l 9hOo (M e S o The sis


Utah Univ o o

378 o 2h2 Freeman ,Wilford Lae o Scholastic achievement cf high school s eni ors o

P8SS5 {Salt Lake City ] 1950 0 (M o 5 0 The si s,1950 ,

Utah Uni v o ) o

378 o 2h3 Rime s,El l ve rt Hi rame An evaluative study of student personnel s e r

Ho57e vice s at Brigham Young Uni vers i ty o {Sal t Lake City ] 1950 0 (Ph oD o

The si s, 1 950 , Utah Uni v o ) o

378 0 2A2 Hyland , Cai rnn OABri eno The preparat i o n of teachers of social studie sH996p in Utah high s chools in 1 9A7~h8 o {Salt Lake City ] l 9h9o (M v

The si s,l 9a9, Utah Uni v o ) o

378 0 2h3 I saksen,Henry L o Terminal student s in the genera l education program

I7At at the unive rsity of Utah,l 9h8 to 1950 0 zSal t Lake City ] 1951 0

(Ph oD o Th e si s, 1951 , Utah Uni v e }o

Utah Pamo Joi nt Teachers Institute of Salt Lake ,Utah Web er Counti e s o Pro

ceedi ngs o Salt La ke City tetc o ] 1889

378 9 2A2 Lally,Robe rt C o The life and educational contri buti cns of Charlotte

L211 Z Stewart o [Salt Lake City ] 1950 0 (M o S o The si s,1950 , Utah Univ o )

Larsen,Bent Frankl in a Art teaching in the junior and senior high

s chools of Uta h o {Salt l ake City ] 1922 0 (M v The sis,1922 ,

Utah Uni v o ) o

Lemmon,Claud C o Audio visual education i t s status and a programo

ESal t Lake City ] 1938 0 (M e S o Th e s is,1 938 , Utah Uni v o ) o

Lewis,Hazel we st o A study of pre sent day practic e s in the teachi ng

of poetry in the primary grade s of Uta h o (Salt Lake City ] 19AOo

(M o 5 0 The sis,] 9uo, Utah Uni v o ) o

Loutens ock,Hyrum W3 A s tudy of the relat i onship betwe en lab or and

educat i on in Utah o {Salt Lake City ] 19A9o (M o A o The si s,

19h9, Utah Uni v o ) o

McKenz i e ,William Howard o A hi story of se condary edu cation in Utah

sinc e statehood 189o w l 9al o [Salt Lake City ] l 9hl o (M e S o The si s ,l 9hl ,

Utah Uni v o ) o

Moffitt,J ohn Clifton , The hi story of education in Utah o Provo , Utah

privat ely printed? l 9hoo 375p o

Moffitt,John Cl i fton o John Rocky Park in Utah ' s frontier cul ture o

(Salt Lake City ] l 9h7o l OOp e


of Utah o Prepared by committee of Utah citizen s , May,l 9h6

June,i 9h7o Salt Lake City {l 9u7

Utah o Department of public i nstructi ono Utah rehabilitation service ;P976rs r biennial report

,l 9h6—h8 o Salt Lake City

,Division of Vocational

l 9h6- h8 Rehabili tation,State of Utah Dept o of Publi c Instruction {l 9h9 l

{l OJp o On cover : Vocational reha bilitation,a publi c se rvi ce to

rebuild the di sabled civilian o

3790 792 Utah Education As s oc i ati on o Dol lars and s ens e o [Salt Lake City,Whee

U892d wright Lithographing Co o,l 95o] l ép o

"t n of the data pre sentedin Dollars and Sen se came from.

’The Fortym Ei ght State School Sys

tems,9 a publication of the Coun cil of State Gove rnment s o


Utah Educational Survey Commi tte e o Co st of higher educat ion in Utah,

U89c a continued report of two committe e s appointed by the Hon e Ge orgeH o Der n ,

Gove rnor of Utah,Pre sident E 0 E 0 Greenwood of Utah Edu~

cat i onal As s ociation,and Dr e Ge orge Thoma s Pre sident of the

Universi ty of Utah o Sal t Lak e City,1933 0

3790 7A Utah o Educational survey commi t t e e o Publ ic education in Utah,the

U89nep report of the fact finding body appoint ed in 1939 by th e govern orof the state of Utah o Salt Lake City

,Utah , i 9hOo 37p o

353 0 9792 Utah o Inve s tigating Committee of U+ sh Gove rnmenta l Uni t s o {Reports 1162r Salt Lake City {1936 ] (various pagi ngs } o

353 0 9792 Utah s chool health apprai sal,

Sponsored by Utah Congre s s of Parent sHu3hus and Teachers and Divi sion of Mate rnal and Child Health

,Utah State

Board of Heal th o {Salt Lake City ] l9uoo

016 0 371 3 Utah o Uni vers i ty o Department of s econdary educat i on o Teachi nge

U89t learning aids in the social s tudi e s ; an annotat ed compilation offree and inexpen sive ma terial s , with s pec i al refe r ence to tho seaids which are of particul ar inte re s t to the teach e r s of s c C i al

studie s in Utah o {Ed e by Margaret Lake and J o l e cn McCl eary ] ,Salt Lake City

,Univ o of Utah {l 9h9

wardrop,Calvin L O The development and pre sent status of drive r edu

cation and t raining in Utah public senior high s chool s o {SaltLake City ] 1953 0 (M o S o The si s 1 951 , Utah Uni v o }o

watkins,Warren Olive r o An apprai s al of the standard ized te sting

programs in Utah9 8 s ch ool d i stri c ts o {Salt Lake Cit y ] 1952 0

(Ed o D o The si s, 1952 ,

Utah Uni v o } o

Wilcox,Ge nevieve Hart e The status of spee ch educat i on in the senior

high schools of the state of Utah o {Salt Lake City ] 1 933 0 (M 0 8 0

The s i s,1933 , Utah Univ o )

378 °2L2‘

Willey,Wi l l i am. Wal l ac e Eugene o Th e population a sis cf educational

W7l hp pol icy i n Utah o {Salt Lake C i ty ] l 9LOo (M o A o The s i s ,l 9h0 ,

Utah Uni v o } o

378 o2h2 Williams,Dwi ght J o The sup ply and demand of Utah publi c s chool

W722 5u teache rs for l 9h7 -h8 o{ Sal t Lake City ] Univ o of Utah l 9h9o


(M o A° The si s,l 9a9, Utah Uni v o ) o

378 0 2h2 Winget,Lerne w; Lo cal practic e s in the sele ction of textbooks

W769£ from. the state approved li st in Utah o (Salt Lake City ]1950 0 (M o 8 0 Th e si s

, 1950 , Utah UH i V o ) o

Utah Pamp Utah Education As s oc i ati on o conventi on o . o Salt Lakev 027 Ci ty o l 9l a°

Utah Pamo Utah Education As s oci at i on o . o oAnnual State Teachers ' As sociationv 0 27 of Uteb o Ogden


,Dec o 2oth—29th , 1895—9oo

3790 792 Utah Education As s oci ati ono Dollars and s ens e o [Salt Lake City,

U892d Wheelwright Lithographing Co o,1 950 ] "Much of the data pre sented

in Dollars and Sens e came from.

' The Fortye Ei ght Stat e School

Syst ems,’a publication of the Council of Stat e Governments o


Utah PammUtah Education As s oci ati on o Utah N o E 0 Ao guide and handbook ;v 0 27 fi fty

a fi rst annual convention,Salt Lake City

,July 5th—12th ,

i 91 3 ° 76 , £2 ] p o


378 0 2h2 Clark,Gwyn Roue che o The written language of eleven and twelve year

CS93w ol d s o (Salt Lake City ) 1952 0 (M o S o Thesi s, 1 952 , Utah


378 0 2h2 Nielsen,Lloyd K 0 An inve stigation of Utah ' s compul sory school

N669i attendanc e law o [Salt Lake City ] l 9h5 0 (M o Ac The si s,19h5 ,

Utah Univ o 0

Utah Pamo Utah Education Counci l o Current educational is sue s in Utah ; reportv o 75 ,no o l 7 of Utah Education Council submitt ed to sponsoring institutions


Marbh 19, l 9h2 ° (Salt Lake City,l 9a2 1 0 AOp o


378 0 2h2 Hammel,Lee S o The status of geography in st ruction in the s e condary

H22hs s chools of Utah o [Salt Lake City ] l 9h8 o (M oS o The si s,l 9a8 ,

Utah Uni V o ) o

Utah PamoUtah . D epartment of publi c i nstructi nn o Supplement to Utah cours eV 0 1 5 of study; medical inspe ction

,health supe rvi sion and physi cal

education in the s chools,by B o G o Gowan s

,State Superint endent

of publi c i nstructi on o Salt Lake City,1918 0 Sop .

Utah PamoUtah County,Utahs Board of Educati on o Circular and outlined course

V o7h of inst ruction of the di stri ct schools of Utah County,Utah .

Provo,Enquirer Co o reto o l


Utah PamAworl tcn,Jame s Ti mb re l l o Salt Lake City experiment s with curri culum

v . 75 ,no o 1 6 development,by Jame s T o WC rl ton and Arthur E o Arne s eno New York


Columbia Unive rsity,1939. 1 35~1 56p o

"Reprinted from TeachersC ollege Re cord o v ohl , no o 2 (l 939 ) o


378 . 2h2 Hil’1 Ralph F 0 The status of aud i on vi sual educati nn in the Davi s

H6h7s S chool District,wi th rec ommendations for improvement [Salt

Lake City ) 1950 0 (M o s o The sis,1950 , Utah Uni v o ) o

378 . 2A2 Whit e,John Stephen o A survey and evaluation of the elementary

W5853u musi c program in Davi s County o {Salt Lake City ) 1952 0 (M 0 8 0

The si s,1952 , Utah Uni V o ) o


Utah o Department of publi c i ns tructi on o A survey of Duche sneP9768 County School Di strict

,Stat e of Utah

,authorized by the

D82 Board of Education of Duche sne County Di strict,conducted by

the Stat e Depar tment of Educati ono Salt Lake City,1930 0


378 0 2A2 Sorensen,Loi s N o An evaluation of physical education programs in

S71 3e elementary s chool s o [Salt Lake City ] 1950 0 (M 0 5 0 The si s,1950 ,

Utah Uni V o ) o


378 , 2L2 Cook,Clifton L o Progre s s in defining a minimum program for the

O77l p Utah public s chool s o {Salt Lake City } l 9b9o (M 0 8 0 The si s ,1949, Utah Uni v o i o

D ixon,Henry Al dous o The admini st r at ion of state pe rmanent school

D62la funds,as illu strat ed by a study of the management of the Utah

endowment,by Henry Aldous Di xon o Lo s Angele s

,Calif »


University of S outhern California pre s s [0 1936 3 0 l bsp o

061 Fri s chkne cht,Re ed L O The government and financing of higher educa

U89gb no o 9 tion in Utah o [Salt Lake City ? Institute of Gove rnment , Unive rsity of Utah

,1950 0 l ép o


Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene . A survey of the Murray s chools




M98A7c conducted by LeRoy E . Cowle s [authori zed by the Board of Educationof Murray ) Salt Lake C ity

,Extension Divi sion

,Univ . of Utah



378 . 2A2 Thoma s , Adrian A . A fol l ows up study of the male graduate s of PleaTASAf sant Grove High School . [Salt Lake City ] 1951 . (M . S . The si s


1951 , Utah


378 . 2h2 Pas s ey,Earl Fredrick . An hi storical study of publi c education in

P287h Ri ch County,Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1951 . (M . S . The si s

,1951 ,

Utah Univ . 0

Utah . Department of publi c instruction . A survey of Rich CountyP976 3 s chools


,Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 19AO .

Eh9 l 9h0

353 -9792 Utah . Department of public instruction . Survey of Ri ch S chool Di s

P976s RA9 tri ct,Rich County

,Utah . Salt Lake City

,1931 .


Utah Pam. Sal t Lake County . Board of Education . Circular of the publicv . 7h s chools of Salt Lake County containing cours e of study

,sugge s

tions t o t eachers,the s chool law . Salt Lake City



378 . 2L2 Anderson,Lars . A history of education in San Juan School District .

A5A78h [Salt Lake City ) 1952 . (M . S . The si s,1952 , Utah


378 . 2h2 Talbot,walter D . A study of Cit iz en ship training in Utah se condary

T1L2s s chools . [Salt Lake City ] 1952 . (M . S . The si s,1952 ,



378 . 2L2 Danielson,Melvin D . Hi story of education in Sevier County . [Salt

Dl 86h Lake City ) 1951 . (M . S . The si s,1951 ,




Utah . Department of public inst ruction . Public schools of Utah ;P976 19h? stati stical table s

,19A7. Salt Lake City [19h8 1 .

Utah . Department of public instruction . Statisti cal table s . 1

P976st Salt Lake City,1945


Utah . Department of publi c instruction . A survey of the UintahP9765 County School Di st rict

,reque sted by the Board of Education


U33 Uintah County School Di strict,conducted by a committe e [David

Gourley,Chairman ] of the Stat e Department of Publi c Inst ruction .

Salt Lake City ,19th .


Utah Pamoweb er County,Utah . Board of Education . Annual report of the super

v . 7h i ntendent of di stri ct s chools . Ogden,Utah


Utah Pam.web er County,Utah . Board of Education . Manual of the publi c s chools

v . 7a of webe r County,Utah

,c ontaining a li st of officers and t eachers .


,Po st Pub . Co . [etc . J

,l 892 n

3a5 . 2 Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . School laws of the state of Utah


U953 £ Salt Lake City,Kaysville

,Utah [et c . ] 18

Utah Pam. Utah Educational Campaign Committee . Utah ' s educational program.

v . 7h, no . 6 [Salt Lake City,192- 1 . 34p .


378 . 2L2 London,George H . The legal and administrative aspe ct s of the com,

L8A7z munity us e s of the publi c s chool buildings . [Salt Lake City )1950 0 (M 0 8 0 The si s

,1950 , Utah Uni V o ) o

Utah Pam. Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . An act for the e stabli shment and support

v . 77,no . 12 of di stri ct s chools,and for other purpose s . Salt Lake City


Ackerman,Pratt wach

,1887 . l hp .

Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . School laws of the state of Utah


U95s z Salt Lake City,Kaysville

,Utah [etc . J 18

Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene . The Utah educational program of 1919. [Be rke

C875u ley ] 1926 . 27op o (Ph . D . The si s,1926 , Unive rsity of Gal i forni a o )

Utah . Educational Survey Committe e . Co st of higher education in Utah ,

U89c a continued report of two committ e e s appointed by the Hon . GeorgeH . Dern

,Governor of Utah

,Pre sident E . E . Gre enwood of Utah Edu

cation As sociation,and Dr . George Thomas

,Pre sident of the Uni

versity of Utah . Salt Lake City,1933 .


379 . 7h Utah . Educational survey committ e e . Public education in Utah,the

U89uep report of the fact finding body appointed in 1939 by the Governorof the stat e of Utah . Salt Lake City


,19LO. 37p .


tains the c onclusion s and re c ommendations of the committee ."


Jacob,Carl Hebe r . A readership survey of student s of the University

J1 5Ar of Utah and the high schools of Salt Lake City,Ogden

,and Provo


Utah ; including a study of student s ' use s of the agencie s of ma s scommunication s and a study of c ertain student conc ept s of freedomof the pre s s

,with a sec ondary comparative study of the student s

of the Stat e Indust rial School,Ogden

,Utah . [Salt Lake City )

1950 . (M . A . The si s,1950 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Rogers,Catherine J . The life and work of Ge orge Newport Child .

R72A£ [Salt Lake City ) 19Al . (M . A . The si s,19al , Utah


3h5 . 2 Utah . Laws,statut e s

,et c . Direct Primary law

,as amended by laws

U95dp 1939 of 1939 and Corrupt Practice s Act . [Compiled by ) E . E . Monson,

Se c retary of Stat e . [Salt Lake City ) 19AO . 53p .

3AS . 2 Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . Direct primary law . Chapte r 29, Laws

U95dp 1937 of Utah,1937. [Compiled by ) E . E . Monson

,Secretary of State

[Salt Lake City ) 1938 . 31p .


O61 Ballard,Rene N . The primary convention system in Utah (a review

U89gb no . 2 of Utah ' s l 9h? election law ) . [Salt Lake City ) Institute of

Government,Unive rsity of Utah

,19u7 . 16p .

378 . 2L2 File s,Jame s A . A quantic analysi s of paid political propaganda in

Fh8l q Utah ' s 1950 ele ction for the Unit ed State s Senat e . [Salt LakeCity ) 1951 . (M . S . The si s

,1 951 , Utah

3A2 . 792 U . S . Utah Commi s sion . [Mis c ellaneous reports of the Utah Commi s sion )U587m Salt Lake City

,Tribune Print . and Pub . Co . ; washington ,

Govt .

Print . Off .,

etc .,1883—1896 . 1 v . (various pagings ) .


U . S . Fede ral Powe r c ommi s sion . Power requirement s survey ; stat e ofU58p Utah l 9h6 . 1 50p .

"Prepared j ointly by the San Franci s c oregional offic e of the Fede ral powe r commi s sion and the Coloradorive r committee of the state of Utah .


Evans,John - Henry . The Utah expedition . [Salt Lake City ) 1906 .

E92u (B . S . Thesis,1906 , Utah

Gove,Je s se Augustus . The Utah expedition

,1857—1858 ; letters of

G72lut Capt . Je s s e A . Gove,l 0th inf .

,U . S . A . to Mrs . Cove


special corre spondenc e of the New York Herald edited by Oti sG . Hammond Concord

,N . H .

,New Hampshire hi stori cal so ciety


1928 0 o

061 Paul sen,F . Robe rt . Utah experienc e with cons ti tuti nnal home rule .

U89gb no .u [Salt Lake City ) Institute of Government,Unive rsity of Utah


19148 0 l ép o

061 Stringham,B . H . Utah experienc e with the city manager idea


U89gb no . 3 B . G . Stri ngham. and Dale wm. Jame s . [Salt Lake City ) Institute of Gove rnment

,University of Utah

,19A7 . 12p .


Gregory,He rbert Erne st . S cientifi c explorations in southern Utah .

G822s [wa shington,1945 ) p . [5271- 5L9, cove r- title .


Utah . Department of employment s ecurity . Employment s ervic e .

E553a Annual report,Utah Farm Placement Program. 19 e Salt Lake


Utah Pam. Ne l s on,Lowry . Utah farm vill age of Ephraim. Provo



v . 38 Young Unive rsity,1928 . Alp .

Utah PamaL i ons Club,Vernal

,Utah . A Utah field house of natural hi story t

V 0 6h,n0 0 11+ Vernal,Utah o 191414 0 [1 2 1p o


Utah Foundation . Fact s and figure s of government in Utah ; an encyc l opedi a of taxe s and public expenditure s in Utah . Salt LakeCity ll3p .

Utah . Department of employment s e curity . Po stwar solvency study ofthe Utah unemployment re s e rve fund . [Salt Lake City ) Dec embe r19A3 o

Utah . Department of publi c welfare . A fiscal and financial trendstudy and current analysi s of the countie s

,s chool di strict s and

citie s of the state of Utah,a financial handbook . [Salt Lake

C ity,1935 ) 539p . Prepared by the Divi sion of Re search and

Stati stic s,State Dept . of Publi c welfare .


Utah . Legi slative budget c ommittee . Fi rst report submitted toL51 3r twenty

e s i xth Legi slature convening January 8,1945 . [Salt

Lake,191+l+o 9513 0 J o


3A5 . 2 Utah . Laws,statute s

,et c . Fi sh and game laws . Revi sed for

U95f years 1937- 1938 . Newell B . Cook,State Fi sh and Game C ommi s

s i oner . Salt Lake City,1937 . 8Ap .


MacDowe l l,Syl . we stern t rout . Introduction by Paul R . Needham.

Ml 38w [lst New York,A . A . Knopf

,19A8 .

Utah Pam. Utah Flood Commi s sion . 1930 . Torrential Flood s in northern Utah,

v . 34 1930 . Logan,Utah

,Utah Agri cultural Experiment Station


1930 . 51P °


Utah Pam. Bai l ey ,Reed W. Flood s and ac celerat ed erosion in northern Utah .

v . 3u washington,Govt . Print . Off .

,193A. 21p .

Utah Pam. Utah Flood Commi s sion . 1930 . Torrential flood s in northern Utah,

V o BA 1930 . Logan,Utah

,Utah Agricultural Experiment Station

,1930 .

Sl p o


378 . 2A2 Heinecke,Ge rtrude K . Tree s and flowe rs of Utah for nature study .

Ha68t [Salt Lake City ) l 9al . (M . S . The sis,19A1 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Ke sler,Bonnie Adams . Utah pionee r home s - ~inte rior de c oration and

Kh2u pionee r obj e ct s . [Salt Lake C ity ) 1950 . (M . A . The si s,1950 ,

Utah Univ o o


63A. 9097 U . S . Fore st Se rvi c e . The national fore st s of Utah . PhotographedU58n by the Fore st Se rvi ce

,U . S . Department of Agriculture . [wash

i ngton,D . C .

,[A0 ) p . of mounted photograph s .

Utah . State planning board . A survey of scenic and re c reationalP712 su re source s of Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1936 .

Utah foundation . Re search report . no . 1 Salt Lake City,l 9h7


Utah foundation . Special report on propo sed tax measure s ; e st imatedtax inc rease s and de c reas e s from Senate and House Bills int roduced prior to February 3 , 1949. Utah state legislature . [SaltLake City

,19A9J , (various paging ) .

Utah foundation . Surveys of Utah government . no . 1 Salt LakeCity

,l 9h7

Utah foundat i nn Unemployme nt compensation in the Mountain state s .

Salt Lake City,19h8 . (Surveys of Utah gove rnment

,no .


378 . 2L2 Moffett,Jame s W. A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some

M695q Utah streams variously affe cted by eros i nn . [Salt Lake City )1935 . (M . A . The si s

,1 935 , Utah


Widtsoe,John Andreas . How the de sert was tamed ; a le s son for today

W6Al h and tomorrow . Salt Lake C ity,De seret Book C o . [19A7 ) .

378 . 2h2 wood,Evelyn Nielsen . A c entennial radio pro j e ct for elementary

W87hc schools . [Salt Lake City,19h7 ) . (M . A . The si s

,19A7, Utah Univ .


378 . 2A2 Eri ck sen,E . Gordon . A sociological study of funeral customs and

E688 legal burial requirement s in Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1 939°

(M . S . The sis,1939, Utah


378 . 2h2 Ke sler,Bonni e Adams . Utah pionee r home s - interior de coration and

Kh2u pionee r ob j e ct s . [Salt Lake City ) 1950 . (M . A . The sis,1950 ,



3AS . 2 Utah . Laws,statut e s

,etc . Fi sh and game laws . Revi s ed for years

U95f 1937— 1938 . Newell B . Cook State Fi sh and Game Commi s sioner .

Salt Lake C ity,1937 . Sup


Utah Pam. Utah . Public se rvic e commi s sion . Brief of Ogden Gas Company and Utahv . h7 Gas Coke Company in the matter of the application of John



Utah Pam. Davi s,William Morri s . The basin range prob l en . 1925 . 387- 392p .

v . 3A "Reprinted from the Proc e edings of the National Academy ofS cienc e s . vol . 11

,no . 7, July

378 . 2A1 Daw,R . H . Geology of the East Tintic contact

,by R . H . Daw and J .

D269g F . W0 0 1 1 ey , jr . [Salt Lake City ) 191 1 . The si s,1 911 ,


Utah Pam. De i s s,Charle s Frederick . Cambrian formations and se ctions in part

v .A2 of the Cordilleran Trough . N . Y . Geological Society of Ameri ca1938 . l O67- ll68p . (Bulletin of the Geologi cal Society ofAme rica

,vol . A9) .

Utah Pam. Eard1 ey ,Armand John . Stratigraphy of the southe rn wasatch Moun

v .A3 tains,Utah

,1933 . 307~ 3Ahp .

"Reprinted from. Pape rs of theMichigan Academy of S cienc e

,Art s and Lette rs

,v . 18


Utah Pam. Hunt i ngton ,Ellsworth . The Hurricane fault in south—we stern Utah


v . L2 by E . Huntington,and J . W. Goldthwait Chi cago

,Unive rsity

of Chicago pre s s,n . d .

, A6—62p ."Reprinted from the Journal

of Ge ology, vol . XI,no . 1

,Jan- Feb .


Intermountain As sociation of Petrol eum. G eol ogi st s . Ge ology of theU89gh no . 6 Canyon

,House and Confusion Range s

,Millard County

,Utah .

[Salt Lake City ) Dist ributed by Utah Geologi cal and M i neral ogi cal Survey

,1951 . l l 3p e

Utah Pam. Internat i onal Ge ological Congre s s . 1 5th s e s sion,U . S .

,1933 .

v . 3A The Salt Lake region . Prepared unde r the dire ction of John M .

Boutwell . washington,Govt . Print Off .

,1933 . 149p .

378 . 2A2 Jacobson,A . Thurl . Ge ology of the North Fork and Upper Duche sne

J l 7g Rive r region . [Salt Lake City ) 19A1 . (M . A . The si s , 19Al ,


Utah Pam. Johnson,Douglas Wilson . A geological Excursion in the Grand Can

v .A2 yon di st rict . Bo ston So ciety of Natural Hi story,1909 . 1 35- l6lp .

"Proc e edings of the Bo ston Society of Natural Hi story . vol . 3A,T10 0 6 0


Utah Pam. Kay ,J . L eRoy . The Tertiary formations of the Uinta Basin

,Utah .

v .A2 193A . 357- 371 p ."Reprinted from the Annals of the Carnegi e

Mus eum. Vol . XXIII,p . 357— 371 , 193A.


378 . 2A2 Kemme re r,John L .

"Gilsonit e" [Salt Lake City ) 193A . (M . S .

K31g The si s,19BA, Utah

378 . 2L2 Kemme rer,Mahlon 8 Rock alt eration at the Tinti c Prince mine ,

K31 r North Tintic Di strict,Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1935 . (M . S .

The si s,1935 , Utah

Utah Pam. Nathew s,Asa A . Lee . Me s o zoic stratigraphy of the c entral wasat ch

v .A2 mountains . Lorain,O .

,1931 . 50-

p . (Obe rlin College laboratorybulletin

,new serie s

,no .

378 . 2A2 Morri s,Hal T . The igneous rocks of the east Tintic mining di strict .

M8761 [Salt Lake City ) 1 9A7. (M . S . The si s,19A7, Utah

B78 . 2Al Pack,Fred Jame s . Some salient feature s in Utah geology . [Salt

P1198 Lake City ) 190A. (E . S . The sis, 190A, Utah

378 . 2A2 Payne,Anthony . Hydrothermal Dolomiti zation of Cambrian s ediment s


P3L6h Tintic di st ri ct,Utah . (M . S . The si s

,1950 , Utah

Utah Pam. Schne i der,Hyrum. Ge ologic proc e s s e s and their relation to human

v .A2 , 68 activitie s in Utah . l 59~1 62p . (Utah Academy of S cience s,Art s

and Lette rs,vol . XII i .

557.A Spe i ker, Edmund Maute . The t ransition between the Colorado plat eausU89gb no .& and the Great Basin in Central Utah . Salt Lake City

,Utah Geo

logical So ci ety,19A9o 106p o

378 . 2Al Taylor,Edward A . Local geologic al phenomena . [Salt Lake City )

T2393 n . d . (The si s , Utah

Do c . A19ol3 Thomas,Harold Edgar . and ground—wat er re source s of

993 Cedar City and Parowan valleys,Iron county


,by H . E .

Thoma s and G . H . Taylor . Prepared in coope ration with the stateof Utah . E . H . wat son

,stat e engineer . washington

,U . S . Govt .

print 0 Off 09

0 2101) o

557oh Utah geologi cal society . Guidebook to the geology of Utah . no . 1

U89gb Salt Lake City,19h6~

557.A Utah geological society . Guidebook s to the geology of Utah . EachU89gh guidebook i s cataloged by author

,title and sub j e ct .

Utah Pam. Utah . Univers ity . Wonders of Utah geology . [Salt Lake City,1919 )

v . 67,no . l 3 2Ap .

378 . 2A2 Wi l cken,Phylli s D . The brazer formation in the Be ck Spur area


W6665b Central wasat ch Mountain . [Salt Lake City ) 1936 . (M . S . The si s,

1936 , Utah

Williams,Jame s Stewart . Geological studie s in Utah . Logan


A27B1 Faculty As sn .,Utah Stat e Agricultural College

,l 9a8 . 2hp .

Fi A3r no . 7

378 . 2Al Woodbury , Harri s on Bray . The geology of the north end of the OquirrhW88Ag mountain s , by Harrison Bray Woodbury and Levi Muir . [Salt Lake

City ) 1909. (E . S . The sis,1 909, Utah


378 . 2A2 Peterson , Re ed H . Microfo s sils and correlation of part of thePA85m. Frontie r format ion


,Utah . (M . S . The si s

,1950 ,

UtahUniv o o


557 . h Hunt,Charle s Butle r . Guidebook to the geology and geography of

U89gb no . 1 the Henry Mountain region . Salt Lake City,Utah geologi cal

soc iety,19h6 . 51p .


557 .A Mackin,Jo seph Hoover . Some st ructural features of the intrusions

U89gb no . 2 in the Iron Springs di strict . Salt Lake City,Utah geologi

cal society,19A7. 62p .


Utah Pam. Goul d,Laurence McKi nl ey . Geology of La Sal Mountains of Utah .

v .A3 1926 ."Reprinted from. Mi chi gan Academy of Scienc e

,Art s and

Lette rs . Pape rs,vol . VII



B78 . ZA1 Jens en,Jo seph . Some salient feature s of the geology of Newhouse


J5h3s Utah,and vicinity

,by Joseph Jens en

,R . C . Towler

,Ralf R .

Wooley,Erne st S . Bowman

,H . E . Havenor and V . B . He rbst .

[Salt Lake City ) 1908 . 35p . (B . S . The sis,1908 , Utah


378 . 2A2 Amin,Surendra R . Heavy mine ral study of the intrusive rocks of

A517h the Antelope range,Piut e County

,Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1950 .

(M 0 8 0 The sis,1950 ,

Utah Uni V o ) o


Stoke s,Wi l l i am. Lee . Geology of the Utah—Colorado Salt Dome region


U89gb no . 3 with emphasi s on Gypsum Valley,Colorado . Salt Lake City


geologi cal society,19A8 . 5op o


Utah Pam. Gunne l l,Frank H . The Braze r formation of northe rn Utah and it s

v .A3 Te l otremate Brochi opod s . 282- 301p . (in The Ame rican MidlandNaturali st

,vol . XIII

,no . 5 , Sept .


557-A Hint z e,Ferdinand Frii s

,Jr . contribution to the geology of

U89h the was atch Mountains,Utah

,by Fe rdinand Frii s Hint ze

, j r .

(in New York Academy of Science s . Annals . New York,De c .


1 91 3 0 23cm. p o85— l b 3 0 V o pl o , fold o map ,d i agrS o ) o

2l h


Jone s , Garth Nelson . A plan for the consolidation of Salt LakeJ77p City and County Health Department s . [Salt Lake City ) 1948 .

(M . S . The si s,1948 ,



Woodbury,Betty Gunderson . The taxonomy of aquatic and s emi - aquati c

Hemiptera of Utah . [Salt Lake City ) 1950 . (M . S . The si s,1950 ,


Peterson , Vadal . An hi storical study of the Utah High School Athl eti c As sociation . [Salt Lake City ) 1946 . (M . S . The si s


Utah Univ o 0

Utah hi storical quart e rly . v . 1 1928~ Salt Lake City,

Utah State Hi storical Society.


Alter,J . Ce cil . Utah

,the storied domain

,a documentary hi story

A466u of Utah ' s eventful care er,compri sing the thrilling story of

her people from the Indians of ye ste rday to the indust riali st sof today

,by J . Ce cil Utah biography (gratuitously

publi shed ) by spe cial staff of write rs . Chicago and New York,

The American hi st ori cal society,inc .

,1932 .

Utah Pam. Ari zona Highways magazine . [Utah i s sue ) Phoenix,Arizona Highway

v . 60,no . 12 Dept .

,1947. 32p .

Ashton,Wendell J . Voic e in the we st ; biography of a pione er news

pape r . New York,Duell

,Sloan Pearc e

,1950 . 424p .

978 Aue rbach company . 80 anniversary, 1864- 1944 . Salt Lake City,

A91 Utah,Auerbach company [l 944 ) . [22 ) p .

Banc roft,Hubert Howe . Hi story of Utah . San Franci sc o

,Hi story

B2l3h Co .,1890 . 808p .

Brook s,Juanita . The Mountain Meadows Ma s sac re . Stanford


E873mo ford University Pre s s 243p .

Call,Louis e . Hi story of the children ' s s e e ce society of Utah .

01 56h 1884- 1941 . [Salt Lake City ) 1943 . (M . S . The si s,1 943 , Utah

Ua o 0

289-3921 Cannon,Frank Jenne . Brigham Young and hi s Mormon empire

,by Frank

Y685c J . Cannon and George L . Knapp . New York,F . H . Revell


Carlton,Ambrose B . The wonderlands of the Wild we st

,wi th sketche s

C285w of the Mormons . n . p .,1891 . 346 , [2 1p .

21 5

C entennial jubilee numbe r,April 6

,1830 April 6

,1930 [of the )

C397 Salt Lake City,Beobachter

,El kubeh

,Utah Posten

,De Utah

Nederl ander . Salt Lake City,1930 .

Utah Pam. [Church of Je sus Chri st of Latter~day~Sai nt8 1 Gold in ' 48 ; side

v . 62 ,no . 1 5 lights on the hi stori c discovery . [Salt Lake City,

[10 Jp o

Cole,Gordon . Pete r Maugham, Cache Valley Pioneer . [Salt Lake

C689p City ) 1950 . (M . S . The si s,1950 , Utah

Cooley,Everett L . The Utah war . [1847ml857 ) [Salt Lake City )

C774u 19h7o (M . A . The si s, 19h7, Utah

C re e r,Leland Hargrave . The founding of an empire ; the exploration

C9l 3f and colonization of Utah,1776m l 856 . Salt Lake City


tstp .

Cre e r,Leland Hargrave . and th e nation

,by Leland Hargrave

C91 Greer . Seattle,wash .

,Unive rsity of washington Pre s s


Daughte rs of Utah pionee rs . Heart throb s of the we st . Salt LakeD238h City


,Daughters of Utah pione ers

,1939= C ompiler

Mrs . Kate B o Carter .

Utah Pam. Daughters of Utah Pione e rs . Military life in the we st . Comp . byv . 7o,no . 3 Kate B . Carter . [Salt Lake City ) 1940 . 36p .

Daughte rs of Utah Pionee rs . Eme ry County Company ."Castle Valley ;


D238c a hi story of Emery County,comp . by Mrs . Stella McEl prang .

Produc ed by the Eme ry County Company of the Daughtersof Utah Pioneers 343p .

Daughters of Utah Pione ers . Garfield County . Golden nugget s ofD238g Pionee r days ; hi story of Garfield County . [Garfield C ounty

Chapt er of the Daughters of Utah P i oneerS ) 374p .


Daughte rs of Utah Pionee rs . Salt Lake County . Tale s of a tri ums

D238t phant people ; a hi story of Salt Lake c ounty,Utah

,1847- 1900 .

[lst ed . Salt Lake City,Stevens walli s Pre s s

, 356p .

Daughte rs of Utah Pione ers . Sanpete C ounty . our fathers ;D238th a centennial hi st ory of Sanpete county 1849 to 1947. Spring

ville,Utah . Art City Pub . Co .

,l 9h7o 253p .

Daughte rs of Utah Pionee rs . Summit c ounty . Echoe s of ye sterday ;D238th Summit county centennial hi story

,c omp . by Marie Ro s s Pete rson

as si sted by Marie M . Pearson . [Salt Lake City,Mountain

State s Bindery ) 1947. 335p .

Daughters of Utah Pioneers . Uintah c ounty . Builde rs of Uintah , aD238bu centennial history of Ui ntah county

,1872 to 1947. Spring


,Art C it-y Fub o CO O

,19147 0 314713 0

21 6

Dwyer , Robe rt Jo seph . ge ntile come s to Utah ; a study in reliD993g gi ous and so cial conflict (1862 by Robert Jo seph Dwyer .

washington , D . C ., The Catholic university of Ame ri ca pre s s

,1941 .

270p . (Ph . D . The si s , 1941 , Catholic unive rsity of Ame rica ) .

Utah Pam. El l i s,Charle s . Utah

,1847- 1870 . Salt Lake City

,The author

,1891 .

v . 4 32p .

Evans , John Henry . The story of Utah,the beehive stat e . New York


E92st Macmillan Cc .,1933 . 445p .

Evans , John Henry . The Utah expedition . [Salt Lake City ) 1906 .

(B . S . The si s,1906 , Utah

Fi sher , Mrs . Margaret May (Merrill ) . comp . Utah and the civil war,

F535ut being the story of the part played by the people of Utah in thatgreat conflict , with spe cial refe renc e to the Lot Smith expeditionand the Robe rt T . Burton expedition ; compiled and edited by Margaret M . Fi she r

,as sisted by C . N . Lund and Judge Nephi Jensen


unde r dire ction of the J . Q . Knowlt on po st of the G . A . R . [SaltLake City

,the D e se ret Book Company

,173p .

Gardne r , Hamilton . Hi story of Lehi,including a biographic al section ;

published by the Lehi pioneer committe e,written by Hamilt on

Gardner . Salt Lake City,Utah

,The De seret News

,1 91 3 . 463p .

Gove,Je s se Augustu s . The Utah Expedition

,1857—1858 ; letters of

Capt . Je s se A . Govt,l oth inf o

,U . S . A . to Mrs . Gove


spe cial corre spondenc e of the New York edited by OtisG . Hammond . Concord

,N . H .

,New Hampshi re Historical Society


1928 . 442p .

Greave s,Halbe rt Spenc er . Public speaking in Utah

,1847 to 1869 .

(Madison ) 1941 . (The si s , Univ . of Wi s dons i n ) .

Harri s,Wi l l i am. Ri chard . The Catholi c Church in Utah


an exposition of Catholic faith by Bi shop Scanlan . A reviewof Spani sh and mi s sionary exploration . Tribal divi sions

,name s

and regional habitat s of the pre—European tribe s . The j ournalof the Franci s can explorers and dis cove rers of Utah Lake . Thetrailing of the prie st s from Santa Fe

,M .M .

,with map of route


illustrations and delimitations of the Great basin . By VeryReverend W. R . Harri s . Salt Lake City


,Inte rmountain

Catholic Pre s s 350p .

Hickman,William A . Brigham' s de st roying angel ; being the life


H628b conf e s sion and startling disclo sure s of the notoriou s BillHickman

,the Danit e chief of Utah . Written by himself

,wi th

explanatory not e s by J . H . Beadle . New York,G . A . C rofutt


1872 . 219p .

Hinckley,Bryant Stringham. Daniel Hamme r wells and event s of

W453h h i s time , by Bryant 8 . Hinckley . Publi shed by Pre sident Hebe rJ . Grant . Salt Lake City


,The De se ret News Pre s s

,1942 .

hhhp o


Ree s , Alf red C . Blatter aus de r Ge s chi chte de r Kirche Je su Chri stiR328b der Heili gen de r Let zten Tage ; von der Geburt de s Prcpheten Jos eph

Smith bi s zur gegenwahti gen Zeit . [Zurich,Schwei zeri s ch- Deut

schen mi s sion de r Kirche Je su Chri sti de r Heiligen der Let ztenTags , (1902 ) 204p .

Rogan , Franci s Edward . Patrick Edward Connor,an army officer in

R721 p Utah,l 862~1866 . [Salt Lake City ) 1 952 . 1 57p . (M . S . The si s


1952 , Utah

Rose , Blanche . The hi story of medicine in Utah . [Salt Lake City )R795h 1939 . (M . A . The sis

,1939, Utah

Utah Pam. Smi th, George Albert . The ri s e

,progres s and travels cf the Church

v . 2 of Je su s Chri st of Latte r—day including the revelat i onon cele stial marriage and a brief account of th e settlement ofSalt Lake 2d ed . Salt Lake City

,De seret News Offi c e


1872 o 71 p 0

Utah Pamo Smi th,George Albert . Th e ri s e

,progre s s and travels of the Church

v o 6l,no . 24 of Je sus Chri st of Latte rm day Saint s : being a s e rie s of answers to

que s ti nns , includi ng the revelation on c ele s tial marriage and abrief ac c ount of the settlement of Salt Lake Vall ey . . Salt LakeCity

,Printed at the De s eret News Off .

,1869 . 49p .


,ed . Utah

,a c ent ennial hi s tory . New York

,Lewi s Hi s“

tori cal Pub . Co .,1949.

Sylve ster,Robe rt H . Dr . John Milton Be rnhi s e l ; Utah ? s first dele

gat e to Congre s s . [Salt Lake City ) 1 947 . (M . S . The si s,1947,


Tul l i dge , Edward Wheelo ck . Ncrthe rn Utah and s outhern Idaho .

Salt Lake C i ty,Juveni l e Inst ructor

,1889 . 440 , 372p .

Tuttle,Daniel Sylve ster . Remi ni s c ens e s cf a mi s s ionary bishop


by the R i ght Rev . D . S . Tutt l e . Ne w York T . Wh ittaker [ 6 1 906 ]

498p o

Utah Pam. Utah . C ent enn i al Commi ssi on . Thi s is the pl a c e ; Utah cent ennial ,

V 0 809n0 0 8 18Z+7~1 9h7 o [Salt Lake City ,

0 1 9A73 25p o

Utah Pam. The Utah pionee rs,celebrati on of the entranc e of the pionee rs

v . 60,no . 2 i nto Great Salt Lake Valley ,

thirty - third annive rs ary , July24, 1880 . Salt Lake City , De se ret New s Print . and Pub . Es ~

tab l i s hment , 1880 . 52p .


,ed . Utah sinc e statehood

,hi storical and b i ograph


W29 ical . Ed . by Noble warrum, as s ist ed by Hon . Charle s W . Mors efor Bench and bar and W . Brown Ewing for the medi cal chapte r .

Chicago,Salt Lake C i ty

,S . J . Clarke Pub . Co .

,1919 .

White,Douglas . The story of a t rail

,being an authentic re cord

W583b of the breaking of the Mormon t rail between the Int e r -mountain empi re and Californ i a ' s "Land of Sunshine" wi th the story


21 9


of the founding and building along thi s hi storic pione e rhighway of the Salt Lake route ; a de s cription of the marvelousre sourc e s contained within the area t ributary to thi s new anddirect line of railway now in ope ration between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacifi c . Los Angele s ; San Pedro

,Lo s Angele s

Salt Lake Railroad,1905 . l 73p .

Whitney,Orson Ferguson . Hi story of Utah

,compri sing preliminary

chapters of the previous hi story of her founde rs,ac c ount s of

early Spani sh and Ame rican exploration s in the Rocky Mountainregion

,the advent of the Mormon pione ers

,the e stabli shment

and di s solution of the’

provi s i onal government of the Stat e ofDe s eret

,and the sub sequent c reation and development of the terri

tory . By Orson F . Whitney . Salt Lake City,Utah

,G . Q . Cannon

Sons Co o,l 892— l 90h .

Whitney,Orson Ferguson . The making of a state ; a s chool hi story

of Utah . Salt Lake City,De se ret News

,1908 . 327p .

Whitney,Orson Ferguson . Popular hi st ory of Utah

,by Ors on F . Whit

ney . Salt Lake City,Utah

,The De se ret News

,1 91 6 .

Woodbury,Angus M . A hi story of Southe rn Utah and it s national

parks [Salt Lake City,Utah Stat e Hi storical Society

,1950 ]

Rev . and reprinted from Utah Hi storical Quarterly,vol . 12

,nos .

3- h, Jul ye Octob er

,l 9hh .

writers ' program. Utah . Utah ' s story,c omp . by Worke rs of the

Writers ' program. of the Wb rk Pro j e ctS‘Admi ni strat i on for the

state of Utah . Sponsored by the Utah State Institut e of FineArt s

,co— sponsored by the Utah State Road Commi s sion

,c oopera

tion of Utah State Dept . of Publi city and Indust ri al Development .

Salt Lake City 9op o

Young,Levi Edgar . Chief episode s in the hi story of Utah

,by Levi

Edgar Young . Chi cago,The Lake s ide pre s s

,1912 . Sl p .

Young,Levi Edgar . The founding of Utah . New York

,C . S c ribner ' s

S ons ( 0 1923 1 0 hhsp o

378 . 2h2 we st,Ray B . Utah hi story and tradition as a sourc e of mat erial for

lite rary treatment . tSal t Lake Ci ty i l 93h . (M . A . The si s,l 93h,

Utah University ) .

UTAHu m HISTORY¥ ~1847- 1896— w SOURCES

378 . 2h2 Carlisle,Emily 8 . (McDonal d ) . Pionee r life of Utah as refle cted

02835p in the writings of Edward Steven son . tSal t Lake City ] 1952 .

(M . S . The si s,1952 , Utah


Gardne r,Hamilton . Pione e r military leade rs of Utah . ( Salt Lake

G227p City? ) n . p .,n . d .


Utah hi storical quart erly . v . l 1928 Salt Lake City,

U89 Utah State Hi storical So ciety . Publi cation suspended Nov . 1933De c . 1938 0 Editors : 1928—h5 , J o C o Alter .


Periodical The Advocat e,a j ournal of co- Operation . Salt Lake City


Treasure Rm. Snell,July 1

,1875 B i - weekly .

The Alta Independent ; suc c e s sor to the Utai Pionee r,v . l o— l l

,Aug .

l 905- April 1907. Alta (Salt Lake County ) Utah,Pub . by Inde

pendent Pub .,Co .

,1905—1907. 1 reel . Mi c rofilm Copy

,Negative .

Made by the Universal Mi c rofilming Corp .,1951 . weekly

,not to

be c onfus ed with the Alta Daily Independent .

Ame rican Fork Citizen,v . l l —v . 2h, Aug . lo- Aug . 23 , 1935 . Ame rican


,191 3- 1935 . 1 reel . Microfilm copy

,Negative . Made

by the Universal Mi c rofilming Corp .,1 951 . weekly .

Film The Ame ri can Fork Item,v . 2- v . 3 , Oct . 27, l 89h- April 18

,1896 .

238 Ame rican Fork,Utah

,l 89hr l 896 . 1 reel . Mi c rofilm copy


tive . Made by the Universal Mi c rofilming Corp .,1951 . we ekly .

The Argus ; a S ociety,politi cal and legal j ournal

,v . l —v . 5 , June

189h—June 1896 ; V 0 2—V o li , Sept . l 9o7- Aug . 1909 0 Salt Lake City,

l 89h— 1909. 1 reel . Mic rofilm copy,Negative . Made by the Uni

versal Mi c rofilming Corp .,1951 . weekly .

Corinne daily j ournal,v . l

,no s . l —78 , May 2

,l 87l - July 30 ,

1871 .


,Kenyon Merrick

,1871 . 1 reel . Microfilm Copy


Po sitive . Made by the University of California,Library Photo

graphic se rvic e £1950? J o

Corinne daily mail,v . l v . 3 , Sept . 2

,l 87h—Oct . 12

,1875 . Corinne


185- 186 Utah,l 87h— l 875 . 2 re els . 1 1 2 ft .

, 9A ft . Mi c rofilm copy,

Po sitive . Made by the Unive rsity of California,L i brary Photo

graphi c s ervic e

Film Corinne daily reporter,v . 1 April 9, 1869- Oct . 1 5 , 1873 .

l 79- l 8h Corinne,Utah

,1869—1873 . 6 reels . Mi c rofilm Copy

,Po sitive .

Made by the Unive rsity of California,Library Photographic

se rvi c e

Film Daily Union Vedette,v . l - v . 8

,Nov .


,186 3- Nov . 27, 1867. Camp

228 - 231 Douglas,Utah ; Salt Lake City

,Pub . by offi c e rs and enlisted

men of the California Voluntee rs [etc . J,1863— 1867 . A re els .


Utah . Dept . of public in stru ction . Community beginnings in Utah .

[Salt Lake City ] 1 9A6 . 2285 Typewritten .

Utah . Department of public instruction . Me eting community need sin Utah . Salt Lake City

,19A9. vii

,203 p . illus . Reproduced

from. typ ewri tten copy .

Utah . Department of public instruction . Salt Lake City,l 9h9 .

Utah ' s community beginnings . viii,Za9p . ill us . Reproduc ed

from typewritten copy .

Utah . Department of public inst ruction . Utah ? s land and earlyP976ul people Salt Lake C ity

,l 9h7. l h3p . illus . Re produc ed from

typewritten C Opy o


378 . 2h2 Ke sle r,Bonnie Adams . Utah pioneer home s m m i nteri or decoration and

Kh2u pione e r obj ect s . [Salt Lake City ] 1950 . vii,1255 . illus .

The si s (M . A . l 950 ) ~ —Art department,Unive rsity of Utah .


378 . 2L2 Linford,A . Me rrill . A study of housing conditions of single non

L75hs re sident male student s at the Unive rsity of Utah . ( Salt LakeCity ] 19A8 . v

,86 numb . 5 . form

,table s . 29cm. The si s (M . S .

19A8 ) Department of soc ial education,University of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Jone s,Garth Nels on . A plan for the consolidation of Salt Lake

J77p City and County Health Department s . [Salt Lake City ] l 9h8 .

96 numb o z . il l us .,table s 29 cm. The si s (M . S . 19h8 )

Department of political scienc e,University of Utah .

Utah . Public health as sociation . Commi ttee on publi c heal th educaP976hc tion .

"Community health organi zations," a c ompilation of sug

ge stions to community leade rs int ere sted in eff e ctive organizati on for the ac complishment of more adequate public healthmeasure s . 26p .


66A. l Taylor,Fred Green

,1875 A saga of sugar

,being a story of the

T2Ll s romanc e and development of beet sugar in the Rocky mountainWe st

,by Fre d C . Taylor . [Salt Lake City

,Utat daho Sugar Co .


l 9hb ] 8 p o l o,23hp o illus .

,plate s

,port s . (1 col . ) 2 3 cm.

Primarily a history of the growth of the Utah- Idaho Sugar Co .





Alter,J . C e cil

,1897w ed . Some useful early Utah Indian refe r

U89 v . l =2 ence s . (In Utah histori cal quart erly . Salt Lake City,1928—29.

9790 205U89 V 0 9

9790 205U89 V 0 6

U89 V 0 2

230m. V 0 19 p o 52 0 56 , 75m 86 , V 0 2

9 p 0 18° 25 , hé—sh ) oExc erpt s from. the writings of Lahontan

,Garc e s

,and Es calante .

Alte r,J . C e cil

,l 879= w . A . Ferri s in Utah

,l 830=1835 . (In Utah

hi storical quarterhy. Salt Lake City ,19Al . 23cm.

108 . illus . )

Bennion,I srael

,l 860= Indian reminisc enc e s . (In Utah hi stori

cal quart erly . Salt Lake City,1929. 23cm. v . 3 , p th3 J- L6 ) .

Empey,Je s sie K . The las t Squaw fight . (In Utah historical quar

terl y . Salt Lake City,l 9hl . 230m. V o9, p . ( 1 37Jm l h0 ) .

Farrow,E . A . The


Kai bab Indians . (In Utah hi storical quarterly .

Salt Lake City,1930 . 230m. v . 3 , p . 57=59 ) o

Gibbs,Jo siah Franci s

,18A5 Black Hawk ' s last raid 1865 . (In

Utah hi storical quart erly . Salt Lake City,1931 . 23cm. v . h,

p o t99 l m 108 0 map ) .

Hambli n,Jacob

,l 819m l 886 . Earl y


days in "Utah ' s Dixi e ." (In Utah

histori cal quart e rly . Salt Lake City,1932 .

23cm. v . 5 , p . [1 31 1

1 3A . illus . ) Reprint ed from. the De seret News,April A

,1855 .

Lyman ,Albe rt R Pahute bis cuit s . (In Utah hi storical quarterly .

Salt Lake C ity,1930 . 23cm. v . 3 , p . 1 18m 120 ) .

Palmer,Wi l l i am. R . l 877m Pahute Indian gove rnment and laws .

(In Utah hi storical quart e rly . Salt Lake City,1929. 23cm.


i7 0 3 , p o

Palmer,Wi l l i am. R . 1877= Pahute Indi an

home l and s . (In Utahhistorical quarterly . Salt Lake City

, 1 933 . 23cm. v . 6,p .

88- 102 . map ) .

Palmer,William R . l877a Utah Indians past and pre sent ; an

etymological and his tori cal study of tribe s and tribal name sfrom original sourc e s . (In Utah hi stori cal quarterly . SaltLake City

,1928 . 23cm. v . 1

, p . t35 3m 52 . port s . )

Ree se,John Ma j or . The Indian prob l em. i n Utah

,l 8h9- 1868 . [Salt

Lake City ] 19h3 . vi, 127, 29cm. The si s (M . S . 19A3 ) ~

Department of history , Unive rsity of Utah .

Reminis cence s of the early days of Manti . (In Utah hi storical quarterl y . Salt Lake City

,1 933 . 23cm. v . 6

,Reprint ed

from the Home sentinel,Manti

,Utah .

Snow,William Jame s

,l 869~ Utah Indian s and Spani sh slave t rade .

(In Utah hi stori cal quart erly . Salt Lake City,1929. 23cm.

V oz, p o [673m 73 0 1



Some sourc e do cument s on Utah Indian slave ry . (In Utah histori calquarte rly . Salt Lake City

,1929 . 23cm. v o2

,p . 73

Taylor,Eli F . Indian re se rvations in Utah . (In Utah hi storical

quarte rly . Salt Lake City,1 931 . 23cm. v .A, p . 29

Tyler,Samuel Lyman . Before Es calant e

,an early hi story of the Yuta

Indians and the area north of New Mexico . [Salt Lake City ] 1951 .

ix,231 maps . The si s (Ph . D . 1951 ) m ~Dept . of Hi story


Univ . of Utah .


Wells,Dani el Hanme r

,181An 189l . Daniel H .


We1 1 8 9 narrative . (InU89 v . 6 Utah hi storical quarterly . Salt Lake City

,1 933 . 23cm. v . 6

p . 12A~l 32 ) Reproduc ed from M5 at the Banc roft Library,Berk

eley,California .

Woodbury,Angus M . l 886= A hi story of Southern Utah and its

NB8A national parks . [Salt Lake City,Utah . Stat e Hi storical Soc

lety,1950 ] p o l o9- 223 photo s . Rev . and reprint ed from Utah Hi s

tori cal Quart erly,vol . 1 2

,no s . 3=A, Jul y

=0ctob er,19LA.


378 . 2A2 Call,Verne P . A speech and hearing survey of Navaj o Indian children

01 5638 at the Interm Mountai n Indian S chool,Bri ham City

,Utah . [Salt

Lake City ] 1 952 . 935 . table s . The sis M . S .,1952 ) - Dept . of

Spee ch,Univ . of Utah .


Utah . Industrial Commi s sion . Unemployment compensation . Chapter 1,

I38un Laws of Utah,1936 . As amend ed by laws of Utah

,1937. [Salt

Lake City? 16p .

Utah . Indust rial c ommi ssion . Mi nimum. wage divi sion . Report on c ostIA2r of living survey and wage studie s . [Salt Lake City ] 1939. 79p .

table s .

Utah . Indust rial union c ouncil . Proc eedings of the annual conven

U95i tion,Salt Lake City . 19m


378 . 2A2 C rook,John G . The development of early industry and t rade in Utah .

C9A8d [Salt Lake City ] 1 926 . 8p o z o,1 36 numb fi o

,table s . 29cm.

The si s (M . A . 1926 ) m ~Dept . of hi story,Unive rsity of Utah .

338 . 09792Cutler , Ivan B ."This i s the place" for indust rial development .

C989t [Salt Lake City,The author , l 9h7] 1 53 . Typewr itten .

Utah Pam. Defens e Plant Corporati nn . Defen se plant s of Utah , gene ral data .

v . 72 ,no . 1 7 washington , 19A~ Various pagings

,i l l us .

, p l ans . (In UtahPamphlet s .


Utah Pam. Sal t Lake City . Chamber of Comme rc e . Salt Lake City and Utahv .A8 gene ral survey and indust rial analysi s . 192A? LS p . illus

map . (In Utah Pamphlet s,v .A8 ) .

Union Pacific railroad company . Re sourc e s of the stat e of Utah .

U577r 1Ath ed . Omaha,Neb .

,Union Pacifi c railroad c ompany

,1911 .

11 6 p . 20cm.

U . S . National Re covery Admini stration . Utah . Code of fair com

U58c petition for the [various industrie s and trade s in ] the stateof Utah , 1933— 3A. Salt Lake City [etc . J Chambe r of Commerc eAdmini stration Office ; washington

,D . C .

,Gov . Print . Off .

[193A] 2 v .

Utah Pam. Utah As sociated Industrie s,Salt Lake City . Report of pro ceedings

v . 72no . 2 [of ] Utah Industrial Council . Annual dinne r meeting of the UtahAs sociated Industrie s

,Novembe r 7, 1927. Salt Lake City

, 1927 .

l O6p . (In Utah Pamphlet s . v . 72 , no . 2 ) .

Utah . Committ ee to Study Operations of State Gove rnment . Dome sti cG722d and foreign corporation study

,state salary comparisons and life

ins urance survey . [Salt Lake City,1936 ] l oAp . table s .

Utah . Department of employment s e curity . Analysi s of wage s inE55 aw exce s s of per


year . [Salt Lake City ]

Utah . Dept . of employme nt s e curity . Beaver - Millard - ~Juab counE55ui p tie s

,industrial pattern as of September 30 , 19A7. [Salt Lake

8 386 City,19A7 ] 38p . table s .

Utah . Dept . of employment s ecurity . Busine s s births and death sE55b in Utah

,19h2 - 19A5 . Employe r ' s ac counts removed from or added

to cove rage unde r the Utah Employment Security Act tabulat ed byreason

,s i zem ofw fi rm and industry ac cording to effe ctive date s

of l i ab i l i ty w [Salt Lake City,19A6 J Mimeographed . unp .

table s,chart s .

Utah . Dept . of employment s e curity . Carb onm m Emery- « Grand —SanE55ui p Juan countie s

,industrial patt ern as of Septembe r 30 ,


C26A [Salt Lake City,19A7 ] h9p table s .

Utah . Dept . of employment se curity .

E55ui p countie s,industrial patte rn as of Septembe r 30 ,

19A7 . [SaltD829 Lake City

,19A7J 37p . table s .

Utah . Dept . of employment s e curity . Employment in Utah industrie sE5565 19Ah (On national "3m d i gi t

" basi s" [Salt Lake City ] Reproducedfrom typewritten Copy .

Utah . Dept . of employment s e curity . Utah employment sub j ect toE55ut unemployment insuranc e

,19L2~ 19A5 . [salt Lake City ] 19A6 .

1A numb . z . d i agrs .

Utah . Dept . of employment se curity . Utah industrial pattern as ofE55ui p Sept embe r 30 ,

19A7, with data by countie s . [Salt Lake City,

19A? )


Utah . Dept . of employment s e curity . Utah manufacturing guide .

[Salt Lake City ]

Utah . Dept . of employment se curity . Utah non- manufacturing guide .

E55ung Utah nonw manufacturi ng firms clas sified ac cording to ma j orindustrial activity , A digit detailed base s

,Social se curity

indust rial clas sification code . [Salt Lake City ] l 9a7. 20p .

table s 0

Utah . Dept . of employme nt se curity . Utah statistical table s —payeE558tp roll and employment

,1937~19h3 o [Salt Lake City ] l 9h5 . unpaged .

di agrs .

Utah . Dept . of employme nt —=Summit countie s indusE55ui p trial pattern as of Septembe r 30 , 19A7. [Salt Lake City

,l 9h7]

W312 2hp . table s .

Utah e conomi c and busine s s review . v . l,no . 1 De c . l 9hl Salt

U89l Lake City,Bureau of Economi c and Busine s s Re s earch

,School of

Busine s s,Univ . of Utah . v . illus .


,d i agrs .

,tab l e s . 28

29 0111 0

Utah . Stat e planning board . A seri es of indu strial studie s forP7128 e Utah 1935 . [Salt Lake City ] 1936 . 8 p . Z .

,106 maps


table s,di agrs . 27 cm. Mimeographed .


Utah . Dept . of employment se curity . A guide to Utah employment,

E558 industrial and oc cupational information . [Salt Lake City ]l 9h7. AA p . forms . Guide to publi shed material in thi s field .


378 . 2h2 McKe l l,Charle s Robe rt . Hi story of the Utah State Ho spital , Provo .

Ml Shh A study of the evolution of publi c care for the mentally ill .

[Salt L ke City ] 1948 ix,172 numb . z . tables

,forms . 29cm.

The sis M . S . 19h8 ) Department of sociology,Univ . of Utah .

Utah Pam. Utah . Stat e Ho spital,Provo . v . Biennial (In Utah

V 0 51 Pamphlet s,v . 51 ) .


378 . 2h2‘Bell

,Ian L . A study of the sucking li ce (Anoplura ) on rodent s in

Bh33s Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1950 . 55 numb . Z . xi plat e s . The si s

(M . S . l 950 ) —~Dept . of Invertebrat e Zoology and Entomology,

Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2h2 Edmund s,Ge orge F .

,Jr .

,A preliminary study of the mayflie s of

E2Lp Utah . [Salt Lake City ] l 9h6 . 281 295 . di agrs .

29 cm. The si s (M . S . of Biology,Univ . of Utah . .

378 . 2A2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2L2


378 . 2h2

Ml 83a

378 . 2A2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2A2

T9l Ls


Gaume r,Rowland Eastman . Taxonomy of some Utah aquati c mite s

(Hydracari na ) with note s on their biology . [Salt Lake City ]1952 . The si s (M . S . l 952 ) - Dept . of Inve rt ebrate Zoology andEntomology

,Unive rsity of Utah .

Graham,Jay E . A preliminary study of the gnat s or midge s of the

tribe Tendi ped i ni in northern Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1 950 .

The si s (M . S . l 950 ) - Dept . of Inve rt ebrate Zoology and Entomology .

Larsen,we sley Pratt . The dragonflie s (Ani soptera ) of Utah . [Salt

Lake City ] 1952 . 95p . The si s (M . S . l 952 ) —Dept . of Zoology,

University of Utah .

Lewi s,warren . The taxonomy and not e s on bionomi cs and c ontrol of

the Tabanidae of Salt Lake County,Utah . [Salt Lake City ]

l 9h9 . The si s (M . S . l 9a9 ) —Dept . of Invertebrate Zoology andEntomology

,Univ . of Utah .

Mad sen,Marion J . Aquatic inse ct s of City Creek . [Salt Lake City ]

1931 . The sis (M . A . 1931 ) - Dept . of Zoology,Univ . of Utah .

Sedman,Yale S . The Syrphidae of Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1952 .

The si s (M . S . l 952 ) —D ept . of Invert ebrat e Zoology and Entomology .

Univ . of Utah .

A preliminary study of Utah fleas . [Salt LakeStark,Harold E .

The si s (M . S . l 9h8 ) Dept . of Biology,Univ . of Utah .City ] 1948 .

Smith,Jame s Victor . A study of the control of the gnat


conop s kerte s zi var . ame ricanus Carte r,in North Salt Lake

City,Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1950 . Th e si s (M . S . 1950 )

Dept . of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology . Univ . of Utah .

Todd,Ge orge Kendall . The adult wate r be etle s of the Provo Rive r .

[Salt Lake City ] 1 952 . The si s l 952 ) - Dept . of Inve rts

brate Zoology and Entomology,Unive rs ity of Utah .

Tuft,Theodore O . A study of the effe ctivene s s of biological control

program on the European earwig in Salt Lake City,Utah . [Salt

Lake City ] 1950 . The si s (M . S . l 95o) - Dept . of Inve rtebrateZoology and Entomology

,Univ . of Utah .


Utah unemployment in suranc e,

[Salt Lake City ] 1950 .

Utah . Dept . of employment se curity .

program standard s and history .

C randall,Lowell W . Propo sed revision of Utah ' s unemployment i nsur

anc e law ; a supplementary report submitted to the Utah Legi slat ive Council on it s pro j e ct no . 8 . [Salt Lake City? l 9h8 ]

Crandall,Lowell W . A summary of the comparisons betwe en the "Pay

roll Variation Plan" and the "Benefit - ratio Plan" of paying un

employment insurance . [Salt Lake City? ] l 9h8 . Mimeographed .






,l 866~ Early irrigation in the we stern State s .

Th5e [Salt Lake City ] Univ . of Utah,1948 . 63p .

U . S . Bureau of Re clamation . Dixi e pro j e ct,Utah . [Propos ed ]

U58d pro j e ct planning report no . 3—8b . 18 20- 0 . [washington,

Govt . Print . Office ? ] Nov . 1949 . Mimeographed (vari ouspaging )

U . S . Bureau of Re cl amat i n n. Emery County pro j e ct , Ut ah . SaltU58e Lake City

,Septembe r 19A7 . Mimeographed


, 79p .

Utah Pam. Utah (Te rritory ) Irrigation Commi s s i nn . Report of the Irrigationv . 77,no . 29 Commi s sion of the territory of Utah to the third National Irri

gati on Congre s s as sembled at Denver,Colorado

,Sept . 3- 10 ,


Comp . and prepared by Charle s L . Stevenson . Salt Lake City,

Ackerman Print Co . 189A . 24p . (In Utah Pamphlet s,


378 . 2h2 Aoki,Hi sa . Funct i nnal analysis of monc e rac i al i ngroup s z Ni sei

A638f congeniality primary groups on the Unive rsity of Utah campu s .

[Salt Lake City,1950 ] The si s - Dept . of So ciology

Uni versity of Utah .

378 . 2a2 Maruyama,Takuya . Fact ors i nvolved in the changing si ze of selec

M 389f te d Japane se familie s in Salt Lake City through thre e gene rations . [Salt Lake City ] 1950 . The si s (M . S . - l 95o) - Dept . ofSo c iology

,Unive rsity of Utah .


378 . 2L2 Knight,Ralph A . Sani tary survey of the Jordan Rive r . [Salt

X7l s Lake City ] l 9h9. The si s (M . S . l 9h9l e u tDept . of Bact eriology ]Univ . of Utah .


Alter,J . Ce cil

,l 879n Early Utah j ournali sm; a half century of

forensic warfare,waged by the we st ' s mo st militant pre s s . By .

J . Ce cil Alter ; 8l illus . Salt Lake C ity,Utah State hi s tori

cal society. 1938 0

Mulde r,William. Utah ' s Nord ic - language pre s s ; aspect and i ns tru

ment of immigrant culture . [Salt Lake City ] 19A7 . The si s (M . A .

i 9h7) Department of Engli sh . Unive rsity of Utah .

Robert son,A . Ri chard . A comparative hi story of periodicals of the

Church of Je sus Ch ri st of Latter- day Saint s . [Salt Lake City ]1951 . The si s (M . S . — l 951 ) ~ - Dept . of Journali sm

,Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A2 Tatai,Koh . Sport s cove rage of the we ekly

,daily and i nte rnati nnal

T21658 news papers and their reflections on the Utah pres s . [Salt Lake

City ] 1951 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) m m Dept . of Journali sm,Univ . of

Utah .


378 . 2L2 Reynold s , Gertrud e . A study of curri culum method s of j ournali smRh63s educati nn in high school .


[Salt Lake City ] 1952 . The si s (M . S .

l 952 ) —Dept . of Journalism,Univ . of Utah .


E78 . ZAB C ro s s,Wi l l i am. Carl . Student personnel service s in Utah public junior

0951 3 c ollege s . [Salt Lake City ] 1 952 . The sis (Ed . D . l 952 ) - Dept .

of Educational Psychology,Univ . of Utah .


36h. 3é National Probation and Parole As sociation . Juvenile court s in Utah ;N277j report of a statewi s e survey . [New York City

,1929 ] 79p .


Tatton,Donald Fred

,1920m A survey of the attitude s of four

groups of parent s in the Sal t Lake area toward the Utah StateIndustrial S chool e stablished as a treatment and rehab i l i tati nn

cent er for juvenile delinquent s . [Salt Lake City ] 1950 . The si s

(MSW 1950 ) —Graduate School of Social work,Univ . of Utah .

Beal,Owen Franklin

,1882m The labor legislation of Utah


spe ci al refe rence to the period of statehood . Logan,Utah

,1922 .

l 3op o The s i s m m Col umb i a Univ .


Utah . University . Bureau of Economi c and Busine s s Re search . UtahU89eb e c onomy ; employme nt trends


,e conomic patte rn s


ture outlook prepared by Bureau of Ec onomi c and Busine s sRe s earch

,University of Utah

,[and ] Department of Employme nt

Se curity,Industrial C ommi s sion of Utah . [Salt Lake City ] Sep~

tembe r 1950 . 127p . mimeographed .


378 . 2h2 Beeley,St ephen Johnson l 92hu The archeology of a Utah Lake site .

Bhl hha [Salt Lake City,l 9h6 . ] The sis (M . S . 19A6 ) e ~Department of socio

logy and anthropology,Uni vers i ty of Utah .


Utah . Committ ee to study ope rat i nns of state gove rnment . ReportG722rh of the sub - committee s on the Home st ead exemption propo sal and

taxation . Octobe r,1936 . [Salt Lake City ? 1 936 ]


Utah Pam. Utah . State law library. Catalogue of the Utah stat e library .

v . 65 Comp . by H . W . Griffith [et c . ] Salt Lake City,Kelly

,[etc . ]

1896 (In Utah Pamphlet s )

Utah Pam. Utah (Te rritory ) Library . Catalogue of the Utah Territorial library .

v . 65 Salt Lake City,1850~l 896 . (In Utah Pamphlet s ) .


,ETC .

Morgan,Dale Lowell

,191A Th e state


of De s eret . (In Utah hi sU89 v . 8 tori cal quart erly . Salt Lake City

,l 9h0 . 23cm. v . 8

,p [65 ]

251 . map s ) A pro j e ct of the Utah Hi storical Rec ords Survey .

Utah . Legi slature . Directory and rule s of the s e s sion of theL5o7d legi slature of the state of Utah . Salt Lake City

,l 896~


378 . 2L2 Hair,Mary Jane Stewart . A program for the training of s chool lib

H1 53p rari ans in Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 19A7. The si s (M . A . Librarys cience dept . ) —Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A2 Marchant,George H . A study of library facilitie s of elementary

M3158 s chools sele cted at random in the stat e of Utah . [Salt LakeCity ] 1936 . The si s (M . S . 1936 5— m Dept . of Education . Univ . of Utah .

Salt Lake County . Free Public Library,Midval e . Annual report


Sl 765£r Midvale,


Utah . Dept . of public instruction . Report of 1939~AO Utah s choolP976 s £ library survey . Authori zed by the Utah State Board of Educa~

1939- l o tion (Uniform school fund ) Salt Lake City,Dept . of Public

Inst ruction . Charle s H . Skidmore , supe rintendent [19AO ]

Utah Pam. Utah . State law library . Report of stat e librarian for the year ,v . 65 1896 Sal t Lake City

,De se ret News [et c . ] 1896 . (In Utah

Pamphlets ) .


O6I Denny ,Edgar M . State liquor control s monopoly and lic ens e systems .

U89gb no . 8 [Salt Lake City ] Institute of Gov .,Univ . of Utah

,1950 . 1 6p .

(Utah . Univ . Institute of Government . Bulletin Se rie s no .


Utah Pam. Sal t Lake Tribune - Telegram. Market fact s about the intermount ainv o l 7 empire and the Salt Lake market . 1935 . L8p . (In Utah Pam

phl et s V 0 17)


Behle,Wi l l i am. Harroun

,l 9o9~ Biography of Augustu s C . Behle


Bhl 9b M . D . ; with an ac count of the early history of St . Mark ' s Hospital

,Salt Lake City

,Utah . Salt Lake City

,19A8 . Litho

printed o


Allen,Mary Moore . Origin of name s of army and air corps po st s


AA270 camps and stat ions in world war II i n Utah . Gold sboro,N . C .

[The author ? n . d . l Mimeographed l op .


Prentis s,A ed . The history of the Utah volunte ers in the

P927h Spani shm Ame ri can war and in the Philippine Island s ; a complete

hi story of all the military organi zations in whi ch Utah mens erved . A . Prenti s s

,ed . ( Salt Lake City ] W . F . Ford

(Pref . l 9OOJ ABOp .


378 . 2A2 Larson,Blaine Cowley . The e conomi c factors influenc ing the loca

L 33b5e tion of ele ctrolyt ic refine rie s for copper,lead

,and zinc in

Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1932 . The sis (M . S . l 932 ) - ~Departmentof e conomi c s

,University of Utah .


Utah . State dept . of health . Divi sion of industrial hygiene .

HLBAi hu Utah minerals and their toxi cological significanc e . [SaltLake City? ) 19A7 . 27p .


American In st itute of Mining and Metallurgical Enginee rs . [SouvenirA51 2s booklet pre senting the mi ning and allied industrie s of Utah .

Prepared for the 108th meeting (August l o- i h ,i 9l k ) of the Amer

ican In stitute of Mining Enginee rs by Alfred Frank,chairman )

Salt Lake City,191A. 192p .

378 . 2A2 Juste sen,O smon . Early day iron mining in Utah [Salt Lake City ]

J96e 1918 . The sis (M . A . 1918 ) — ~Dept . of hi story,Univ . of Utah .


Kantne r,Harry N . B . A hand book on the mine s


,and minerals

Kl 6h of Utah . Salt Lake City . B . W. Sloan £1896 ] 3A6p .

B78 . 2A2 Lewi s,Anna Viola . The devel opment of mining in Utah . [Salt Lake

L673d City ) 19A1 . The si s (M . A . l 9al ) m - Dept . of history,Univ . of Utah .

Palme r,Wi l l i am. R . Other Spani sh mine s . (In Utah hi storical quar

U89 v . 9 terl y . Salt Lake City,l 9hl ) o

Utah Pam. Sal t Lake City . Chambe r of Commerc e . The mining industry of Utah .

Salt Lake City l 930~

Utah Pam. Sal t Lake City . Chambe r of comme rc e . Utah and it s mine ral wealth .

v . 17 Salt Lake City,1930 . 36p .

Stenhou se,Thomas B . H . The Rocky mountain saint s ; a full and come

s825r pl ete history of the MOrmons from. the first vi sion of Jo sephSmith to the last court ship of Brigham the development of the great mineral wealth of the te rritory of Utah .

New York,D . Appleton

,1873 . 761p .

Union Pacifi c Railroad c o . Re source s of the state of Utah . l hth ed .

U577r Omaha,Neb .

,Union Pacific railroad company

,1911 . ll6p .

U . S . Ge ological Survey . Precious and s emiprecious metals in Utah inU585mi 1912 ; mine production

,by V . C . Heike s . washington

,D . C .

1912 Govt . Print . Off .,191 3 . 35p .

Utah Pam. Varl ey ,Thomas C . Utah fl s mineral wealth ; repre sented by stati sti c s

v . 17 and graphi c chart s compiled from. offi ci al government and statereport s

,by Tho s . Varley

,C . C . Stevenson

,W. Spencer Reid .

Sal t Lake City,Commercial Cl ua hamb er of Commerc e

,1921 . 31p .


Brewste r,Burt Boynton . A brief history of mining in Utah . (In

S967u Sutton,wain . Utah a c entennial hi story . 1949. v . 2

,p o875- 9l 6 ) o


Speirs,John D . The history of money and ba nking in Utah . [Salt

S7A25h Lake City ] 1935 . The s i s (M . S . 1 935 ) Department of busine s s,

University of Utah . 179p .


378 . 2A2 Mccloy,Jame s S . A prel iminary study of the Chaob ori nae of Utah .

Ml 65p A preliminary study of the Chaob ori nae of Utah . [Salt LakeCity ] 1950 . The si s (M . S . l 950 ) —Department of inve rt ebratezoology and entomology

,University of Utah . t .

378 . 2R2 Newson,Harold D . Mo squitoe s of Salt Lake C ounty infe cted With non

N 558m human malaria . {Salt Lake City ] 1950 . The sis (M . S . l 950 )Depa rtment of inve rtebrate zoology and entomology

,Unive rsity of

Utah o 56p o

Salt LakeC i ty . Mosquito Abatement Di stri ct . An informative bulletinSl 7émb on mo squito abatement in Salt Lake City

,ed . by Don M . Ree s .

Salt Lake City,l 9Al . Bap .

Salt Lake City . Mo squito Abatement District . Summary of the annualSl 76m report . l a Salt Lake City


Utah . University . Dept . of Invert ebrate Zoology and Entomology .

U89m Survey of mosquitoe s and mosquito abatement work of Salt LakeCity

,1 929= Annual report pre s ent ed by the Department of

Zoology,University of Utah to the Board of trustee s of the Salt

Lake City Mosquito Abatement Distri ct . {Salt Lake City,Univer

s i ty of Utah ] 1929

webe r County,Utah . Mosquito Abatement Di stri ct . Annual report for

W376m 1 9m m Ogden,Utah

,Publi shed by the Board of Trustee s



Fl owers ,Seville

,l 900n Common Utah mos s e s . ( Pri ce



Pouko Carbon County High School,1935 ] A8p .


Paulsen,F . Robe rt . Utah experience with constitutional home rule .

{Salt Lake City ] Institute of Gove rnment,Unive rsity of Utah


l 9A8 . lop . (Utah . University . Institute of Government .

Bulletin Serie s no . A)

Stringham,B . H . Utah experience with the city manager idea


B . H . S tringham and Dale Wm. Jame s . tSal t Lake City ] Institute of Gove rnment

,University of Utah

,19A7. 1 2p . (Utah .

University . In stitute of Government . Bulletin Serie s no .

Thorsen,Thoma s W . The Utah Muni cipal League

,by Thoma s w . Thorsen

and Evan A . Ive rson . (Salt Lake City ) Institute of Government ,

University of Utah,19A9. 1 2p . (Utah . Unive rsity . Institute

of Gove rnment . Bulletin Se rie s no .


Strevell Charle s Nettleton . Story of the Strevell Museum; a lifet ime hobby ; spe cimens of prehi storic life . Salt LakeCity

,Board of Education

,1950 . 96p .

Utah Pam. Tal mage ,Jame s Edward . The De seret Mus eum. Salt Lake City

,191 1 .

v . 1 3 (In De seret Museum Bull o,new se rie s no . 1

,Aug . 1 6

, 32p o


378 . 2A2 Brown,Ada May . A study of the natural re source s of Jordan School

88773 Di strict and thei r use in the elementary school program. [SaltLake City ] 1 950 . The sis (M . S . l 95o) - Department of elementaryeducation . University of Utah . 228p .

Utah . State Con se rvation Commi s sion . Preliminary report . SaltC755p Lake City

,1909. 128p .


Alter,J . Ce cil . Early Utah j ournali sm; a half c entury of forensic

warfare,waged by the we st ' s mo st militant pre s s .

By J . CecilAlter ; eighty- one illustrations . Salt Lake City

,Utah state

historical society,1938 .

378 . 2A2 Mulder,William. Utah ' s Nordi c m l anguage pre s s ; aspe ct and instrument

M95A of immigrant culture . {Salt Lake City ] 19A7 . The si s (M . A . 19A? )Department of Engli sh . Unive rsity of Utah . 237p .


Utah . Department of Employment Se curity . Job s in Utah ' s non- fe rrousmetals industry . [Salt Lake City

,1950 ] Al p .


B78 . QAQ Rordame Mildred De rri cott . The nursing education facilitie s neededR787n in Utah to meet the nursing se rvic e need s . ( Salt Lake City ]

1950 . The si s (M . S . of Educational Psychology,Uni

versity of Utah . 105p .


Brown,Almeda Pe rry . Nutritional statu s of some Utah population

A278l groups . Logan,Utah

,The Faculty As sociation

,Utah State Agri

Fl ABr no . 3 cultural College , 19AA. 2Ap .


378 . 2A2 Romrell,Clarence Loren zo . A study of vo cational trends in Utah .

R7oo5s [Salt Lake City ] 1936 . The sis (M . S . l 936 ) - Dept . of so cialeducation

,University of Utah . 6 3p .

Utah . Dept . of employment se curity . Job s in Utah ' s non— fe rrousE55j metals industry . [Salt Lake City

,1950 ] Al p .



Utah Pam. Durham,George Homer

,191 1 . Public servi c e in Utah . [Logan


v . 68,no . l Utah? ] l 9AO. Reprinted from. Utah Educational Review


l 9h0 o Ap e

Utah . Merit system council . Me rit system. regul ati ons of the Dept .

M563m. of employment s ecurity ; Stat e and County Dept s . of Publi c we ifare ; Utah State Dept . of Health . As amended to August 1

, l 9h2 .

[Salt Lake City ] n . d . l 7p .

Utah . Se c retary of State . Utah official ro ste r . Salt Lake City,

Shhouo 1897


,ETC .

378 . 2A2 Young,Elmer R . A comparative analysi s of salarie s paid in various

Y7l c Utah stat e department s . [Salt Lake City ] 1937 . The sis (M . S .

1937) Department of busine s s,University of Utah . 50p .


378 . 2A2 Hansen,Melba Kathleen .


Mothe rs ? pensions in Utah : hi story andR2L9m. admini st ration . [Salt Lake City ] The si s (M . S . 1936 )

Department of sociology and anthropology,Univ . of Utah . loap .


Eddington,E . Keith . The c reative proce s se s in the painting "Fathe r

Escalante di s covers Utah Lake" . ( Salt Lake City ] 1950 . The si s1950 ) Dept . of Art s

,University of Utah . 29p .

Erickson,Frank . A landscape of Mount Olympus . [Salt Lake City ]

1950 . The si s 1950 ) Dept . of Painting,Univ . of Utah

,l hp o

Le Cheminant,Vi ctor H .

“Summe r mountains” a land s cape painting[Salt Lake City ] 1949. The si s 1950 ) D ept . of painting


University of Utah . 28p .


Utah Pam. Utah . Board of Pardons . Biennial report . l 9o7- O8 .

v . 53


378 . 2A2 wright,Eugene Dewey .

"Suc c e s s and failure of re c ent Utah parole e s"

W9A8s an analysi s of the record s of Utah State pri son parole e s placedon parole to the State Department of Adult Probation and Paroleduring the biennium July 1

,19AA, to June 30 ,

l 9h6 . [Salt Lake

City ] 1950 . Th e si s l 95o) ~ — Graduat e s chool of S OC i al

work,Unive rsity of Utah . 70p .


378 . 2A2 Port er,Richard D . The Hungarian partridge in Utah

,with special

P8A7h reference to e c ology and life hi story . (Salt Lake City ] 1951 .

The si s (M . S . l 95l l ~~Dept . of Vert ebrate Zoology,University of

Utah 0 90p 0


378 . 2b2 Malouf,Phe l on Jo s eph . Counselors in the Salt Lake City s chools ; a

M258c j ob analysi s . ( Salt Lake City ] 19A7 . The si s (M . S . l 9h7 )Dept . of Educational admini stration

,University of Utah . 1 32p .


Utah Geological and Maneral ogi cal Survey . The oil and gas pos s i b i l

U890 itie s of Utah ; c omp . by George H . Hansen and Mendell M . Bell .

Salt Lake City,College of Mine s and Mine ral Indust rie s


s i ty of Utah,l 9h9o 3hl p °


557 .A Int ermountain As sociation of Petroleum Ge ologist s . Petroleum geoUEn n y of the Uinta Basin . Authors of article s and road logsno . 5 Orlo E . Child s [and others ] A . J . Eardley

,editor . (Salt Lake

City ] Distributed by Utah Ge ological and Mine ralogi cal Survey,

1950 0 l 5l p o


Utah Pam. Mans fi e l d,George Rogers

,1875 Some problems of the Rocky moun

V oh2 tain phosphat e fi eld . £1930 ] ”Reprinted from Ec onomi c geology,

vol . xxvi,no . A, June— July



378 . 2a2 Gregory,Marva Hod son . The life and educational contributions of

G823£ Eugene Lusk Robe rt s . [Salt Lake C ity ] 1952 . The si s (M . S .

l 952 ) — ~Dept . of Health,Physical Education and Rec reation


ve rsity of Utah . l 85p .

378 o 2h3 Hall,Vaughn L . An evaluation of the physical education program for

Hl79e boys in Utah senior high s chools . (Salt Lake C ity ] 1951 . The si s(Ed . D . ~ — l 9Sl ) Dept . of Health

,Physical Education and Re c reation


Unive rsity of Utah . o5p .


Utah Pam. Skous en,Willard Cleon . The sto ry of the Mormon pioneers . De signed

v . 62,no . l O and illus . by Eric and Bl and Larson . San Fernando

,Publi shed

by the 223rd Quorum of Seventie s,San Fe rnando Stake [l 9h7 ] h2p .

Utan Pam. Ste ed,Thomas

,1826 - 1910 . The life ofThoma s Steed

,from his own

v . 79,no . 1 3 diary , l826n1 910 . [Farmington,Utah

,n . p . 1 9A LBp .

St eele , John,l 82 l ~ l 903 . Ext ract s from the diary of John Steele .

U89,v . 5 (In Utah hi storical quar t erly . Salt Lake City,

Utah . Dept . of Public Instruction . Community beginnings in Utah .

P976com [Salt Lake City ] l 9h6 . Typewritten . 288p .

Utah . Dept . of Publi c Instruction . Meeting community need s in Utah .

P976m. Salt Lake City,l 9h9 . Reproduced from typewritten Copy . 203p .

Utah . Dept . of Public Inst ruction . Utah’s community beginnings .

P976uc Salt Lake City,l 9h9 . Reproduced from. typewr i tten Copy . 2h9p .


Diamond jubile e of the coming of the Utah pione e rs,July 22- 23- 2h— l 922 .

D53 Salt Lake City,Utah

,publi shed by the committ ee s

,1923 . Unp .


378 . 2h3 Haws,David Virgil . Inherited developmental and st ructural anom

H398i alie s of the bone s of the extremit ie s of membe rs of a largekindred of pol ygamous origin . tSal t Lake City ] 1952 . The sis(Ph . D . m - l 952 ) Dept . of Genetic s

,Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Ballard,Rene N . Public repor t ing in Utah state gove rnme nt . [Salt

Bl 89p Lake City ] 19A7 . The sis (M . A . l 9h7 ) . Department of PoliticalSc i ence m u Uni vers i ty of Utah o

Campbell,Eugene Edward . The gove rnment of Utah — l 8A7- l 85l . [Salt

Cl 87g Lake City ] l 9h0 .,The sis (M . A . of hi story


Univ . of Utah .

4 890 399 Cannon,Frank Jenne

,l 859~ Unde r the prophet in Utah : the

C226u nati nnal menac e of a political pri e st c raft,by Frank J . Cannon

and Harvey J . O‘Hi ggi ns . Bo ston,Mas s .

,the C . M . Clark

publi shing Cc .,1 91 1 . First publi shed in Everybody ' s magazine .

378 . 2L2 C ooley,Eve rett L . The Utah war . [l 8h7w l 857 ] [Salt Lake City ]

C77hu 1 9A7. The si s (M .A. i 9h7 . Dept . of Hi story ) — Univ . of Utah .

Utah Pam. Democrati c Party . Utah (Te rritory ) . The fact s of the Utahcas e .

v . 77,no . 1 1 Salt Lake C i ty,Tribune Job Pri nt i ngCo .

,1892 . 23p . (In Utah

Pamphlet s,

Durham,George Homer . A memorandum on state administrative organi za

U89d tion . Submitt ed t o Mr . Lewi s H . Lloyd,Director of Re search


Utah Legislative Council . [Salt Lake City ] 19A8 . Mimeographed .

Durham,George Homer

,191 1 “ Public administration arri stat e govern

U89dp ment in Utah . Logan,Utah

,Nov . 1 5 , 19AO . (Utah Stat e Agri

cultural College . Dept . of politi cal s cience . Studie s in publicaffairs . Serie s 19A0m hl , no . Mimeographed .

378 . 2A2 Erickson,Velt G . The libe ral party of Utah . [Salt Lake City ]

E6855 19A8 . The sis (M . A . 19A8 ) Department of hi story and politicals cienc e

,University of Utah .

Howell s,Benjamin F . The development of the Teutoni c t own ship system

H859d in Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1911 . The si s (B .A. l9ll ) ~ - Department of Engli sh

,University of Utah .

Kenne r,Scipio Africanu s . The practical politician ; a di ge st

' of

ready information a s to the fundamental difference s betwe en thegreat political parti e s

,their ri s e and progre s s

,with past and

pre sent is sue s,also a li st of the pre sidents and the ir cabinet s


the vic e pre sident s , the proc edure in the matt e r of election ofpre sident s


,congre s smen

,et c .

,with a review of the

local polit ical situation . Salt Lake City,Utah

,Star Printing

Cc .,1892 . i Sl p .

Lambert,Asael Carlyle

,1893» Aspe ct s of the entanglement of pub

L222a lic relief and parti san politic s in Utah . 19A8 . Mime o .

Larsen,Mi ri am. Fay . Your state and mine ; a plea for e c onomy rather

than. waste in Utahfl s government . [Salt Lake City,The author ,

(3 1950 24.8p 0

Morgan,Dal e Lowell

,l 9l h= The state of De seret . (In Utah hi stori

cal quarterly . Salt Lake City,19AO . 23cm. v . 8


maps ) .

Rigby,Kathryn J . Planning in Utah local government . [Salt Lake

City ] 1 950 . The si s (M . A . of politi cal s cience ,University of Utah .

Thomas,Ge orge . Civil government of Utah

,by Ge orge Thomas .

U89tho Bo ston,New' York {etc . l D . C . Heath Co . [ 0 191 2 ] 199p o

378 . 2L2 Thorsen,Thoma s W . City manager expe rienc e in Utah . [Salt Lake

TS2Z0 City ] l 9h8 . The sis (M . S . 1948 ) Dept . of political s cience,Univ .

of Utah .

Utah Pam. U . S . Congre s s . The admi s s i nn of Utah ; argument s on the admi s sion ofv . 76 Utah as a stat e made before the Committee on Territorie s of the

House and of the Senat e . washington,Govt . Print . Off .


1890 . lv . (various pagings ) (In Utah Pamphlet s . v . 76 ) .

3h2 . 792 U . S . Utah Commi s si on . Report of the Utah Commi s sion to the SecretaryU587m of the Inte rior

,1882~l 896 . washington

,Govt . Print . Off .


l 882~l 896 . (In it s mi scel laneous report s ) .


Utah . C ommi tt ee to Study Ope rations of State Government . Report ofthe Sub m commi tte e on Utah state gove rnmental organi zation . Septembe r 1 936 . {Salt Lake City ? 1936 } 96p .

Utah . C ommi ttee to Study Ope rations of State Gove rnment . Report of

the Inve s t igating committee of Utah gove rnmental unit s . Appoi n

ted pursuant t o chapter 86,Laws of Utah

,1933 , as amended by

chapte r 2L, Laws of Utah,1933 , se cond special se s sion . Salt

Lake,Legal printing Cc .

,tl 9 l 2b . 286p .

Utah foundation . Re search report . no . l a

Utah foundation . Surveys of Utah government . no . l Salt Lake[1885 City


Utah . Legislative council . Report and recommendations of the UtahLSl Are Legi slative Council . Salt Lake City

,1948 . h3p . Compiled and

edited by A . C . Lambert .

353 0 9792 Utah . Legi slature . Hous e of Repre sentative s . House Journals,Sept .

L508j 185l ~ Salt Lake City,Tribune Print . Pub . Co . ( etc . l 1851

Williams , Joe . Political par tie s of Utah . {Salt Lake City ) 1933 .

W72hp The s is (M . S . 1933 l a ~Department of Hi story and political s ci ence .

Univers ity of Utah .


061 Frost,Henry H . To have and to hold ; the family and population

U89 change s in Utah . Salt Lake City,Unive rsity of Utah . l 9h9 .

v . 39,no . l 5 z8p o (Frederick William Reynolds lecture,1 3th , 19A9 ) . Utah .

Unive rs ity . Bul letin . Vol . 39, no . 1 5 .

Gregory,He rbert Erne s t , 1869“ Population of southern Utah .

G822p l QhS l ”Reprint from. Economi c Geography,Jan . l 9h5 , vol . 21 , no . l "

Mahoney,J . Be l l a

,i 89bm Migration as a factor in e conomi c wel

U891 farew tah and we st ern state s . (In Utah e c onomic and busine s sv . l

,no . 2 review . Sal t Lake City

,l 9hl . )

378 . 2L2 Neville,walte r Curtis . A stati stical and qualitative analysi s of

N 5258 population differentials of Utah . {Salt Lake City ] 1932 .

The s i s of s ociology,Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2h2 Packe r,Jame s Demar , 1925 A study of fe rtility change s in Mor

Pl l 978t mon s ociety based on the us e of genealogical record s . (SaltLake City } i 951 . The si s - De pt . of Sociology , Univ .

of Utah .

Utah . State planning board . A state plan for Utah ; progre s s reportP71 2 st April 1 5 , 1 935 . {Sal t Lake City

,1935 ] mimeo . Submitted by

S . R . DeBoer,consultant .

Commi s sion of Utah as a report on offi c ial pro j e ct c o o conductedunde r the auspic e s of the Utah Works pro j e ct s admini stration .

[Salt Lake City?

353 0 9792 Utah o Tax Commi s sion o Property tax manual for the use of countyT235pr off i ce rs o [Salt Lake City? ) 1938 0 (Various pagi ngs ) o


979 0 2 Reherd,He rbe rt ware

,1869“ An outline hi story of the prote stant

S967u churche s of Utah o (In Sutton,wein o Utah a c entennial history .

19h9 o v o2, p o 6h9- 690 ) o


BASOSZ Braffet,Mark P o Applicant e [Mark P o Braffet

,Appli cant

,VS o State

R812m of Utah,prote stant

,vs o Pleasant Valley Coal Company

,inte rvenor .

Matte r involving appli cation of a site as coal l and s o Reportfiled in the Unit ed State s Land Offi ce o Salt Lake City

,1919 )

BV o

Smith,Cal vin Schwart z o o oPub l i C s chool land poli ci e s of the state

of Utah 0 0 by Cal Vi n Schwart z Smfis h o Chicago,Ill o

,1928 . Type

written (carbon cOpy ) o The si s (Ph oD o ) - University of Chicago,

1928 0

United State s,comp l ai nant o [United State s


,vs . C o M .


,i n the matter of "dummy entry pro c e s s o" De

fendant’s brief filed in the United State s Land Offi c e at SaltLake Ci ty e Salt Lake City

,1910 ] l l 3p o


378 °2A3 Ame s,John L e A study of sixth grade newcome rs in selected Salt Lake

A51 38 area s chools with special emphasi s on social i ntegrati on o [SaltLake City ] 1952 0 The si s (Ed e D o l 952 ) - Dept o of Elementary Education

,Univ , of Utah o

378 °2L2 Hart i vi gs en ,Elme r J o A study of state school funds in Utah wi th

H336 s special refe rence to equal i zati ono [Salt Lake City ] 19h5 .

The si s (M 0 8 0 19A5 ) —~Department of education,Univ o of Utah o

378 °2L2 Thorpe,Ve rne B o A study of the Utah publi c s chool co st s of the

T522 5 W e P o AO rec reation pro j e ct for the school year of l 939- l 9LO .

{Salt Lake City ) i 9h2 0 The si s (M o s e 19L2 ) Department of physical education

,Unive rsity of Utah o

378 o 2h2 Thurbe r,Ma rj ori e Bens l ey o A study of the di st ribution of i nte l l i

T536 s genc e of high s chool seniors in the state of Utah o [Salt LakeCity ) 1930 0 The si s (Mv 1 930 ) Department of psychology


Unive rsity of Utah e


378 0 2A2 wahlquist , John Thoma s o Junior high school in Utah o (Salt LakeW1 375j City ] 1925 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 1925 ) Department of Education


versity of Utah o

378 0 2A2 White,Vivian Niel o A survey and apprai sal of public s chool trans

W5887s portati on pe rsonnel po sitions and practice s in Utah o [SaltLake City ] 1952 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 1952 ) - ~Dept o of Educational Admin~i strat i on, Unive rsity of Utah o

378 °2L2 Willey,William wallace Eugene o The population basi s of educational

W71Ap policy in Utah o (Salt Lake City ] 19hOo The si s (M v l 9AO)Department of Education

,Unive rsity of Utah o

378 o2h2 Williams,Douglas Freemano The guidance need s of South High

W722g school student s o (Salt Lake City ] 19h6 0 The si s (M 08 0 1946 )Department of Se condary Educati nn

,University of Utah o


378 0 12 Dixon,Henry Aldou s

,1890= The administration of state permanent

D62l a school fund s,as illustrated by a


study of the management ofthe Utah endowment o Lo s Angele s

,Calif o

,The Unive rsity of

Southe rn California pre s s ( c o l 936 1 (Southe rn CaliforniaEducation monographs o no o 9 ) o


378 o2h2 Sheehan , Pat e Judicial review of orders and de c i S i onS i ofisthe Publi cSSAl j Servic e Commi s sion of the state of Utah c ( Salt Lake City ] 19A9o

The si s (M os o , l 9h9)=m Dept o of Political Sci enc e,Univ o of Utah o


353 0 9792 Utah o Committe e t o Study Operat i nn of State Government o A studyG722pu of Utah’s public ut i l i ti e s o walte r C o Neville

,author of

utility report o [Salt Lake City,1936 ] 92p o


378 0 2h2 Davie s,Ve rnon o The rehabilitation of employable relief client s in

D257r Garfield County,Utah o The si s (M 0 8 0 of soc

i ol ogy , Unive rsity of Utah o

360 0 9792 Lambert,A sael Carlyl e

,1893~ A spect s of the entagl ement of

L222a public relief and parti san politic s in Utah o (nop e ) l 9h8 o

Mi me ographed o

360 0 9792 Lambert,A sael Carlyle

, 1893m Proposal for a nonw part i san stat eL222pr welfare Board and a single admi ni strator o Provo , Utah , Brigham

Young University [19A8 J l hp o

Utah Pamo Lamb e rt,A sael Carlyle

, 1893m The propo sal t o financ e "all welfarev o78 ,no o l O activiti e s" in Utah from the sale s tax ; a unit of a report to the

Utah Tax Study commi tte e o (Provo,Utah ) l 9h6 o Mi meographed o

(In Utah Pamphlet s v o 7s , no o l O ) o

Utah PamoLamb e rt,Asael Carlyle

,1893~ Publi c relief and welfare in Utah ;

v o78 , no o9 a s emi u f i nal report of the summary and rec ommendations to th eUtah Tax Study commi tte e o (Provo

,Utah? ) 19h6 o Mimeographed .

(In Utah Pamphl et s o v o78 ,n0 o 9 ) o

360 0 9792 Lambert,A sael Carlyle

,1893 Utah ' s conflict s in granting pub

L222u lic as si stanc e ac cording to "ne ed o" (Provo? l 9h8 ) Mimeographed .

378 0 2A2 Rasmuss en,Alma Ve rnon o The gove rnme nt work relief program in Utah .

R225g i 932n -19i oo (Salt Lake City ) i 9tz o The si s (M os e l 9h2 )~- Dept o

of e conomi c s,Univers ity of Utah o

352 0 0792 Salt Lake County o Department of Public welfare,Salt Lake City

,Utah .

81765 P97SS Publi c Welfare s tati s ti c s o [Salt Lake City? )


Utah Pac oday' s work o [Salt Lake City ) Works Progre s s Admini stration in

v o77 Utah,1935 0 (In Utah Pamphl et s ) o

362 0 7 U oS o National Youth Admi ni s trati on o Utah o The National Youth AdminU58u l 9h3 i strat i on of Utah

,a documented summary of the activitie s of the

Nati onal Youth Admini stration in the state of Utah for th e pe ri od of l 935~19h3 o Denve r

,National Youth Admini stration

,19L3 .

Reproduc ed from. typ ewr i tten copy o


353 0 9792 Utah o Dept o of Publ ic we l fare o How publi c as si stanc e i s admi ni s

P978h te red in Utah o [Salt Lake City ) State Dept o of Public Welfare,

Bureau of Re search and Stati stic s unp o


353 0 9792 Utah o Eme rgency reli ef admi ni s trati on o Stati stical re port s 193AE533 t 1935 0 Salt Lake City

,Utah o Mi meOgraphed o

353 0 9792 Utab e Emergency Reli ef Administration s Statistical summary of exESBs ta pendi ture s and ac comp l i shment s o [Salt Lake City

,1936 ) Covers

pe riod from Aug o 1932 n Feb o 1936 0

353 0 9792 Utah o Eme rgency relief admi ni strati on o We rks d i vi s i on o A reportof the wo rks d i v i s i on o Compiled by the Enginee ring De pt o (SaltLake City


,1936 ) 302p o


Utah PamoFarm Journal , Inc a Market Re search Department o Utah,county basic

v o 72 ,no o l h data [comp o and pub o by the Market Re search Department,Farm

Journal,Inc a ( Philade l phia , 19AS? ) [Bl l p o (In Utah Pamphl ets o

v o72 ,no o l h )

378 0 242 Ralph,Leonard S o Employment opportunitie s and training ne eds of

Rl 635e retail store s in Utah o Salt Lake City } 1950 0 Variou s pagi ngs o

The sis (Mv 1 9AO ) Department of bus ine ss,Uni v o of Utah o


378 0 242 Barber,Jame s Vaun o The hi s tory of highways i n Utah from 18A? to

BZt 1869 0 [Salt Lake C i ty ) 1 949 0 The sis (M oS o,l 9L9 ) n n Dept o of

Hi story,Univ o of Utah o

Utah PamoGood road s automobilist,an illust rated magazine devoted to the

v 0 52 inte re st s of automobiling and good road s ; offi cial organ of theInte rstate Go od Roads A s sociation

,the State Highway Commi s sion

the automobile Club of Utah [and ] Utah Good Reads As sociation sSalt Lake City ° (In Utah Pamphlet s

,v oss 3o

353 0 9792 Utah s Legi slative Council s A study of Utah Highway need s o PreparedLSl hh for the Utah Legislative Council

,by Harold S o Carter s Sal

Lake C ity,1950 0

353 0 9792 [Utah o Road Commi s sion o ) Po st—war cons t ruC t i cn o [Salt Lake City,

R628po 19th? ) Mi me ographed o 9p o

353 0 9792 Utah o Road Commi s s i on s Highway Pl anning Dept o Utah comparativeR6280 0 truck and bus survey t l 9h6 m uh o In cooperation w ith U 0 S o Public

Road s Admini st ration s [Salt Lake Ci ty o l 9h6? )‘

M ime ographed o

Unp 0

353 0 9792 Utah o Road Commi s s i on s Highway Planni ng Dept o Utah State road sys~

R628£o tem. l og ,January 1

,l 9h7o o o i n cooperation with U o 8 0 Publi c Roads

Admi ni strat i on s [Salt Lake City,1 9A? ) Unpaged o

353 0 9792 Utah o Road Commi s sion o Highway planning dept o Tra ffic on UtahR628t highways , 1 937, 1 9A0 , 19A2 , l 9hh ,

l 9t6 0 [Salt Lake City , l 9h6? )

62p o

353 0 9792 Utah o Road Commi s s i on s State o wi de Highway Pl anning Survey s Tenta~

R6288 ta tive report of muni cipal road mileage by type and road systemsIn c oope ration with U oS o Bureau of Publi c Roade o [Salt LakeCity? ) 1 936 0 M

i me ographed o Unp o

388 o l Utah o Uni ve rs i ty o Bureau of Economi c and Bu sine s s Re s earch o Finan~U89f cing ne eds and allocating co st s of hi hgway s among highway use rs i n

Utah o Prepared for the Le gi s l a o i ve Council of Utah o [Salt LakeCity ) 1950 0


378 °2hl wooll ey,Jed F 0 III o Urban limited ac c e s s hi ghway o [Salt Lake

N9l 3a City ] l 9l 7o The si s of Utah o


378 0 2A2 walker,Violat o A hi s t ory and analysi s of re c reation in Salt Lake

W185h Ci ty o [Salt Lake Ci ty l l 93h o The si s (M e l 934 )= e Department

of education,Unive rsity of Utah o


353 0 9792 Utah o State planning commi tteéo Health conditions and facilitie sP7l 2h in Utah o [Salt Lake C i ty

,1936 ] M ime ographed o


378 0 242 Eyre,Sherman G o ‘ An examination of the adequacy and equity of

E98e Utah’s state c ontribution to pupi l transportat i on o (Salt LakeCi ty l 1952 0 The sis (M as , l 952 ) u m Dept o of Educational Admi ni s m

trat i on, Univ o of Utab e

378 o2h2 Wh i te,Vi vian Niel o A survey and apprai sal of publi c s chool transa

W5887s portati on pe rsonnel positions and practic e s in Utab e [Salt LakeCity ] 1952 0 The si s (M os e l 952 ) e =Dept o of Educational Admi ni stramtion

,Unive rsity of Utah o


378 0 2L2 Hansen,Ce cil Ray e A comparative study of Utah ' s small rural school

H2l 9eo library fac i l i t i e s o [Salt Lake City ] 1952 0 The si s (M os ,

Dept e of Educational Admini strat i on,Univ o of Utah o


378 o2h2 Bushne s s,Wi l l i am. G l en o A proposed uniform financial ac counting

B979p system. for Utah s chool di stri ct s o [Salt Lake City ] 1952 0 The si s(M 0 8 0 l 952 ) u - Dapt o of Educational Admini st ration

,Univ o of Utah a


371 0 6 Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene

, 1880“ A s chool building survey of the ea st

08758 side of Grani t e School Di strict,Salt Lake C ounty

,Utah o Authoru

i zed by the Board of Education of Granit e S chool Di stri ct o SaltLake City

, 1 928 0

371 0 6 Pace,Henry Ao An i nve stigation of the maintenanc e expense of s chool

Pl l Si building s in c e rtain d i strict s in Utab e Provo,Utah


Young Unive rsity,1927 0 The si s (Mv ) u w Bri gham Young Uni ve rs i ty o

353 0 9792 Utah o Legislative Counc i l o School Survey Commi tte e s The schoolLSIAl s c s plant need s of Garfield and Wayne county school di stricts


summary of a study made by Howard Barke r,Roald P o Campbell

[and ] David G ourl ey o (Salt Lake City ] 1950 0 Mime ographed,lap s

353 0 9792 Utah o School buildings commi s s i on s Rule s of the School buildings8372r commi s sion of the state of Utah adopted May 20

,191 5 0 Salt

Lake City,The Arrow pre s s

,191 5 0 28p o

Utah o Uni vers i ty o College of Educati on o School plant need s inthe North Summit School Distri ct ; study by z Graduate clas s inThe School Plant (Educational Admini stration 250 ) Universityof Utah

,di re cted by Dr o Roald F 0 Campb e l l o Authori zed by

Board of Education,North Summi t S chool Di strict


,Utab e

{Salt Lake City } 1951 0 79p o

Utah s Unive rsity s Department of Elementary Education s Developingschool plant programs

,report of School Plant Confe rence s held

at the University of Utah,Summe r of 19A8 o Edited by Roald F 0

Campbell and John E 0 Marshal l o Salt Lake City,Department of

Elementary Education,Unive rsity of Utah

,l 9a9o 76p o


378 0 2h2 Jame s,Robert Campton s The utili zation of se condary school buildings

J28u in the Ogden City S chool Di strict s {Salt Lake City ] 1951 0

The si s (M os e l 951 ) of Educational Admi nistration,Univ o

of Utah s


D ixon,Henry Al dous

,l 890w The admini st ration of state permanent

s chool funds,as illustrated by a study of the management of the

Utah endowment,by Henry Aldous Dixon s Lo s Angele s , Calif o


The Unive rsity of S outhe rn Califo rnia pre s s [ 9 1936 3 0 (SouthernCalifornia education monographs o no o 9 ) o

Smith,Calvin Schwart z s Publi c school l and pol icie s of the state of

Utah 0 0 0 by Calvin Schwa rt z Smi th o Chicago , 11 1 0,1 928 0 Type

written (carbon C Opy ) o The si s of Chicago , 1928 0


379 0 792 Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene

,1880u Organi zation and admini stration of

C87So 1952 public education in Utah [by ] LeRoy B o Cowle s in collaborationwith Paul C o Fawley and Das i l As Smi th o New and rev s ed o SaltLake City

,Unive rsity of Utah

,1 952 0 21 5p o Reproduc ed from

typewritten copy s

378 o 2h2 Miller,William P o Utah s chool board membe rs

,their status and opin

M652u i ons o [Salt Lake City ] l 9h2 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 l 9h2 ) ~ mDe pa rtme nt ofeducational admini stration

,Univers i ty of Utah s

378 . 2h2


378 . 2h2

Pl l Sh

378 0 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2h2


378 . 2A2

Cl BBl u

378 . 2A2E2A6p


Jami son,Basil E . A study of s oc 1 a

l activitie s in rural high schoolsof Utah


,and California with sugge stions for their con

trol {Salt Lake City ] 19BA. The si s (M .A . l 93A) ~ - D epartment ofeducation

,Unive rsity of Utah .

Pace,Iram Acord . A hi story of the Utah school for the deaf . [Salt

Lake City : l 9A6 . The si s (N . S . l 9L6 ) Department of education,

University of Utah .

wangs gard , Scott'

Workmenfi s compensation law as applied to Utahs chool di strict s . (Salt Lake City ) 1 9L8 . The si s (M . S . l 9u8 )Department of educational admini s t ration

,Unive rsity of Utah .

wynn,Willis Dean . A study of physi cal education in the elementary

s chools of Iron County . [Salt Lake City } 1952 . The si sl 952 ) —Dept . of Health

,Physi cal Education and Rec reation


Univ . of Utah .


Bushnell,William Glen . A propos ed uniform financial ac c ounting

system for Utah s chool di stri ct s . {Salt Lake City ] 1952 .

The sis (M . S . i 952 ) - » Dept . of Educational Admini stration,Univ .

of Utah .


Child s,Be rt rand Al onzo . A study of the po s sibilitie s of the con

solidation of Roosevelt high s chool in Duche sne County andAl te rra high school in Uintah County . [Salt Lake City ) l 9LO .

The si s (M . S . l 9AO) —Department of s e condary education,Univ . of

Utah .

Squire s,Fred Boyd . A study of the school consolidations that have

actually taken plac e within the county unit s of Utah . [SaltLake City ] 1932 . Th e si s (M . S . 1932 ) Dept . of educati on

,Univ .

of Utah .


Utah’s basketball champions,a study inCampbell

,Kenneth Floyd .

The sis —Dept .relief . [Salt Lake City ] 1 951 .

of Sculpture,Unive rsity of Utah .

Edvalson,Raymon C . A problem in high relief sculpture depicting

John Paul Jone s and hi s saying " I have not yet begun to fight ."

(Salt Lake City ] l 9h9 . The s i s (M . S .- l 9h9 ) ~ - Dept . of Fine Art s


Unive rsity of Utah .

378 . 2h2


378 . 242


B78 . 2AZ


378 0 2h2

G 98Zs

378 . 2A2




Knapp,Lamont Poulte r . Part I . The hi story of Solon Hannibal

Borglum; Part II,The si s sculpture "Kinde rgarten .


Lake City ] 1950 . The sis l 950 ) w =Dept . of sculpture,

Univ . of Utah .

Maxfield ,David Orton .

"Teamwork"m ~a study in sculpture of footbal l playe rs . [Salt Lake City . The si sof S culpture

,Univ . of Utah .

Port e r,Elbert H .


W0 rk of s cul pture in l ow relief depicting theprogre s s made in th e field of ele ct ri city .


[Salt Lake City ]1950 . The sis of s culpture

,Univ . of Utah .


Gu staf s on,He rbert wayne

,l 927~ A stati sti cal summary of the

social characte ri stic s of s ex offende rs convicted in Utah duringthe de cade l 9hOm l 950 . [Salt Lake City ] 1951 . The si s (M . S . 19A1 )Dept . of Sociology

,Univers i ty of Utah .

Parker,L . Mayland . Economic geography of Utahfi s she ep industry .

[Salt Lake City ] 1951 . The si s (M . S . 195l ) - Dept . of Geography,

University of Utah .


Aue rbach,Herbe rt S . Old trails

,ol d fort s

,ol d trappe rs and trad

e rs . (In Utah hi s torical quarte rly . Salt Lake City,19hl ) o

Beller,Jack . Negro slave s in Utah . (In Utah hi stori cal quarterly .

Sal t Lake C i ty,

Palme r,Wi l l i am. R .

,1877m Pahute Ind i an gove rnment and laws .

(In Utah hi storical quarte rly . Salt Lake City,

Snow,Will iam Jame s

,1869u Utah Indians and Spani sh slave

tra de . (In Utah hi storical quarte rly . Sal t Lake City,

Some source document s on Utah Indian slavery . (In Utah hi storical

quarterhy. Salt Lake City,


Dwyer,Robe rt Jo s eph . The gentil e come s to Utah ; a study in relia

gi ous and so cial conflict (1862m 1890 ) by Robert Joseph Dwyer .

washington,D . C .

,The Catholi c unive rsity of Ame rica pre s s

,l 9hl .

The s i s - Catholic unive rsity of America,l 9hl .


Ge dde s,Jo seph Arch

, l 88h Institution building in Utah .

A278l Logan, Utah ,Utah State Agricultural College

,19L9 . ZLp .

El r no . 8 (Annual faculty re search le cture . 8th ) .

Harri s,Franklin Stewart

,188h The fruit s of Mormoni sm


H31Lf Franklin Stewart Harri s and Newbe rn Isaac Butt New

York,The Macmillan Company

,1925 . l hép .

378 . 2A2 Ludwig , Ine z Jeppson . The social adequacy of familie s re siding inL9h8 3 Che ste rfield . A study of e

“sub- marginal communfii y . (Salt

Lake uCi ty ] l 9hO. The si s (M .A . 19hO) - D epartment of social work,

Unive rsity of Utah .

Parson s,Virginia Elie s . The institutional care of the indigent

P271 1 aged in Utah . [Salt Lake City ] 1935 . The si sD epartment of sociology

,Unive rsity of Utah .


378 . 2h2 Wilc ox,Larry . The availability of a re c ommended list of fi ction

W667a and biography in Utah publi c high s chool librarie s . [Salt LakeCity ] 1950 . The si s (M . S . l 950 ) - Dept . of Educational Admi ni s

trat i on,Univ . of Utah .


Bailey,Florence Augusta (Me rriam) 1863 My summer in a Mormon

B1 55m village . Boston,New York

,Houghton Mifflin

,189k . l7lp .

Folde s,Lili (Bendy ) . Two on a continent

,by Lili Folde s . New

F663 York,E . P . Dutton C ompany

,Inc .

,19L7 . 25Lp .


378 . 2L2 An inquiry into the ac c eptanc e of a governmentalF666 i agency : the Soil Conse rvation Servic e .

( Salt Lake City ] I9L9 .

The si s l 9h9) - Dept . of sociology,Unive rsity of Utah .


378 .2L2 Ivi e,Wilton . A preliminary li st of the spide rs of Utah . (Salt

I95p Lake City ] 1932 . The sis (M . S . l 932 ) - Department of zoology,

Unive rsity of Utah .

378 . 2L2 Laffe rty,Kathleen M . A preliminary study of the spide rs of Red

L163p Butte Canyon . [Salt Lake City ] 19h9 . The sis (M . A . i 9h9 )Department of Inve rtebrate Zoology

,Unive rsity of Utah .


Utah PamoUtah (Territory ) Legi slative As s emb l y o First Biennial report of thev oas Tru stee s of the Te rritorial Reform S chool e Salt Lake City


G o C o Lambert,1890 0 (In Utah Pamphlet s

,V oh5 ) o


Utah PamoMande l l ,Jame s E 0 Hi story of the Utah State Pri son

,1850 to 1935 »

v 0 53 tSal t Lake City ] The author [1935 ] 21p o (In Utah Pamphlet s,

V o53 0 )

378 °2dé Morgan,Stanley R 0 The education program of the Utah State Pri s on o

M8A9e [Salt Lake City ] 1951 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 l 95l ) - Dept o of EducationalAdmini st ration

,Univ o of Utah o

Ni cholson,John

,1839—1909o The martyrdom of Joseph Standing ; or


The murder of a “Mormon" mi s sionary o o o also an appendix givinga enceint It ] de s c ription of the Utah penitentiary and some dataregarding tho se who had

,up to date of thi s publication


ed incarc e ration through the ope rations of the Anti- "Mormon" c ruade begun in 1884 0 written in pri s on o Salt Lake City

,De seret

News Co o,1886 o 159p o

Sorensen,Alma Garth o Social case work te chnique s in the c l as s i fi

cation of inmate s at the Utah state pri s on o (Salt Lake City ]l9uoo The si s (M v l 9AO) - Dept o of social work

,Univ o of Utah o

Utah PamoUtah o Board of Corre cti ons o Rule s and regulations for the dis civ 0 53 pline and gove rnment of the Utah State Fri son e Approved and

adopted by the Board of Commi s sione rs,1896 0 1 5p o (In Utah

Pamphlet s,v o 53 ) o


tah Pamo Curt i s,George Ticknor

,1812—189A o Admi s sion of Utah ; limitation

v ol} of s overe i gni ty by compact with the United State s,an opinion .

New York,The author

,1877 0 22p o (In Utah Pamphlet s

,v 0 1 3 ) o

328 0 73 U 0 S o Congre s s o [Utah documents 1884- 1892 3 (washi ngton ,Govt o

U58u pri nt o off o , 188A~1892 1 Various pagi ng o


378 0 2A? Robinson,Mauri ne o Some b as i c feature s of migration

,o c cupational

Roo3s di stribut i on and income flows into Utah o [Salt Lake City ]1 9h2 0 The si s (M os , l 9a2 )~—Department of economi c s

,Univ o of Utah °

353 0 9792 Utah o Dept o of Public We l fare o A fi s cal and financial trend studyP978f and current analysi s of the c ountie s

,school di st rict s and citie s

of the state of Utah,a financ ial handb ook o [Salt Lake City ,

1935 1 539P °



Fox,Karl August o A cri tique of mortal igy stati stic s with spe cialrefe renc e s to Utah o {Sal t Lake C i ty ] 1938o The sis (M bAo

1938 i w e Department of sociology,Uni ve rsity of Utah o

Nevil l e,walt er Curt i s o A stat i stical and qualitative analysi s of

populati on differentials of Utah o tSal t Lake City } 1932 0

The si s (M 0 8 0 l 932 ) - =D epartment of sociology,University of Utah a

N i col ays on,Mack o A sociological s tudy of the i ndustri al l y=stranded

population in Tooele county o The si s (M v l 93h§m m Department of

s ociol ogy,University of Utah o

353 0 9792 Utah a State planning commi tte e o Health conditions and facilitie sP7l 2h i n Utah o {Salt Lake C i ty

,1936 3 Mi meographed o


378 °2L2 Riches,L o Vi ctor o The ste e l u us i ng industri e s of Utah o tSal t

B529s Lake Ci ty i l 9Sl o The si s (M 0 8 0 of Utah o


Utah PamoPl ummer,Arthur Perry o How to re s e ed Utah range lands

,by Arthur

v oBA Pe rry,Richard M o Hurd

,and C o Kehneth Pears e o Ogden



Inte rmountain Fore s t and Range Exp eriment Stat i on,June 1943 0

22p o (Inte rmountain Fore st and Range Exp e riment Station Re m

s earch paper no o l ) o (In Utah Pamphl et s,v o jhi o


378 °2h2 Sedman,Yale s o The Syrphidae of Utah o {Sal t Lake City ] 1952 0

SAL? The s i s (M oS o 1952 ) u =Department'

of Invertebrate Zoology andEntomology

,Univers i ty of Utah o


353 0 9792 Utab e Tax Commi s s i on o Final report on the survey of de l inque ncyT235fp on gene ral property taxe s in Utah o Publ i s hed by the State Tax

Commi s s ion of Utah as a report on offi c i al pro j e ct 0 0 0 conducat ed unde r the aus pic e s of the Utah works proj e ct s admini strat i on o tSal t Lake C i ty ? i l 939? i

353 0 9792 Utah o Tax C ommi s sion o Property tax ma nual for the us e of c ountyT235pr offi ce rs o (Sal t Lake City? ) 1 938 0 (Vari ou s pagi ngs o )



Brems,Robe rt wo Partnerships ve rsus corporations : the ir formation

and taxation in Utai o [Salt Lake City ] 19A9 o The sis (M os o19A9 ) e e De partment of ac counting

,Unive rsity of Utah p

Durham, Geo rge Home r,l9ll Utili zation of tax re sourc e s by state

gove rnment in Utah a A report to the Tax study committee o o o

D ilworth walker,Ph oD o

,director of re s earch o [Salt Lake City


Utah state tax commi s sion,l 9b7 l 78p o Mi meographed o

Rasmus sen,Jewell J o Inequalitie s i n the Operati on of the prope rty tax

in Utah o [Salt Lake City ] 1936 . The si s (M os ° l 936 ) - Departme ntof bu sine s s

,University of Utah s

336 0 228 Rasmus sen,Jewell Jens o S everance taxation i n

Utah . [Salt LakeR225 City? l 9A8 ] The si s (Ph oD o ) —Stanford Univ o

378 0 2A2 Shirley,David E 0 Individual income taxation in the state of Utah ,

8558i [Salt Lake City ] l 9h9o The si s (M oS o,l 9a9) - Department of e con

omi c e,University of Utah a

378 0 2L2 Snow,Glenn Edward s The hi story of the Stat e Board of Equali zation

Sc7hh and As s e s sment o [Salt Lake City ) 1929 0 The sis (M 0 8 0 l 929)Department of e conomic s

,University of Utah o

378 °2L2 Tanne r,She l don Clark e Hi stori cal

,c ritical and comparative anal y

Tl o7hi si s of the Utah state system of taxation [Salt Lake City,

1925 ] The si s (M sAo l 925 ) —University of Utah o

353 0 9792 Utah o C ommittee to study operations of state government o Report ofG 722rh the sub m commi ttee s on the Home stead exempt ion proposal and

taxation s Octobe r,1936 0 [Salt Lake City? 1936 ] 1 63p o

Utah Foundat i on o Spec ial report on propo s ed tax measure s ; e st imatedtax inc rease s and de c reases from Senate and House Bills introduced prior to February 3 , 19A9° Utah state l egi s l ature o [SaltLake City

, l 9A9J Mi me ographed o (Various pagi ng ) o

Utab e Inve stigating Committe e of Utah Governmental Unit s a [Re port s o l

Sal t Lake City [1936 ] 9 pt s o (variou s pagings ) °

Utah o Tax Commi s s i on s Biennial report,lst Salt Lake City ,

1932 0

353 0 9792 Utah o Tax Commi s s i on s The minimum school program and the prope rtyT235m tax ; a factual study by N o L o Wi l s on o [Salt Lake City ) 1951 0 32p o

353 0 9792 Utah o Tax Study Committe e s Report o [Salt Lake City? l 9h6 ] l p o


353 0 9792 Utah o Tax Commi s s i on s Report to works Progre s s Administration onT235rea re s app rai sal and equali zation of improvement s in Utah [March

l 938 ,and supplemental report July 1939 ] [Salt Lake City ,

19391 0

378 . 2L2


378 0 2h2


378 . 2L2


378 . 2A2


Utah Pam. Havi ng headache s,Mr . Legi slator .



Teache rs ' sick—leave poli cie s in the publicSalt Lake City

,1953 .

Unive rsity of Utah .

Ande rson,George Albe rt .

s chool di strict s of the state of Utah .

775 . The si s (M . S . 1953 )

Met calf,Roy C .

s chool dist rict .

Univ . of Utah .

Sick—leave benefit s for teachers in webe r countySalt Lake City

,The si s (M . S .


S eife rt , Elwood Paul . Re c reational activitie s of teache rs in select ed Utah di st ri ct s . Salt Lake City

,195L . 2255 . The si s (M . S .

l 95a) University of Utah .


Child,Clyde Compton . The e conomi c status of publi c s chool teachers

of Logan,Utah . Salt Lake City

, 1951 . 585 . The si s (M . S .

1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

Salt Lake City,Alumni of the

v . 68,no . l 7 institution of highe r learning in Utah

,l 9a9 .

Lamb ert,Asael Carlyle

,1893 Salary and finance study of the

L222s Carbon County consolidated school di strict . Provo,Brigham

Young Unive rsity Stenographic Bureau,1933 . loop .

378 . 2A2 Met calf,Roy C . Sick- leave benefit s for t eachers in Webe r county

M5885 s chool di stri ct . Salt Lake City,l 9h5 . 505 . The si s (M . S .

19h5 ) Unive rsity of Utah .

378 . 2L2 Nelson,Jame s Byron . The conversion of the Utah State Teacher

NA27l c retirement system to Federal So cial S ecurity . Salt Lake City,

1953 . 1225 . The sis (M . S . 1953 ) University of Utah .

378 . 2L2 Noell,Matthew F . S ome of the factors which influenc e t eachers '

N7a3s salarie s in the state of thah . Salt Lake City,1925 . 935 .

The si s (M . A . 1 925 ) Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2L2 Nuttall,D rayton B . The effe ct of state support on the salar1 e s

N979e of the teache rs in the State of Utah . Salt Lake City,1 9L1

1065 . The si s (M . A . l 9h1 ) - Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2L2 Skidmore,Charle s Jay . A study of the 19h3- ah teachers ' salary

S628s s chedule s in Utah with spe cial referenc e to House b 1 11 28 .

Salt Lake City,Utah . 101 5 . The si s M . S . l 9hh . Univ . of Utah .

Utah Education As sociation . Re search Department Teache rs salarie s ,U892t a manual for local c ommittee s . Salt Lake City

,1953 . Mimeo .

rL .

L K. )Q

Utah o Governor o Me s sage of Governor J o Bracken Le e to the firstG721ms s spe cial se s sion of the thirtieth l e gislature of the state of

Utah on s chool retirement and fi nanc e o Dec emb e r h, 1953 . 20p .

Utah PammUtah o Uni ve r s i ty o To mai ntai n efficient i nstitution s of highe rv . 68

,no o7 learning in Utah

,s alary inc r eas e s are ne ce s sary by a j oint come

mi ttee repre s enting the board s and facultie s of the Universityof Utah , and the Utah Stat e Agricultural Col lege

,n . p o


378 . 2h2 Vietti , Edward M o The status o f re tired teache rs and nonm teachi ngV66 3 employee s of the s chools of the state of Utah . Sal t Lake City


1952 0 301 3 0 The sis (Ph oD . Unc of Utah o


379 0 792 Utah Education As s oci ati on o Report of an inve stigation i n the SouthSl 96u Sanpete Di s t ri c t

,Sango ue County


,an example of the import

ance of fai r termination pro c edure s and sound pe rsonnel poli cie s .

Salt Lake City,Utah Educa tion A s sociation

,1951 0

Comb s,Charle s Albe rt o Tenure of phys i cal education instructors .

C729t Salt Lake City,1952 0 87£ e The si s (M OS .

,1952 ) o Univ o of Utah e


Allen,Merle E , S election and gu i danc e of prospe ctive public

school teache rs in Utah9 s i nst i aut i on of highe r l earni ng o SaltLake City

,1950 0 1122, The s i s (M os e l 950 ) - Univ o of Utah o

Koplin,Martin Ri chard . A s tudy of teachers ? reactions to i ne serVi ce

teache r t raining practi ces in the Granite S chool Di stri ct o SaltLake City

,1953 0 973 0 The s i s (M 0 8 0 1953 ) Univ o of Utab e

McMi l l an, Mi chael Elmc o An evaluation of the off- campus elementaryeducation workshop o Salt Lake C i ty , l 9uoo l l Bl o The si s (M 05 0

l 9h6 ) Univ o of Utah .

Merkley,Mari on Gibb o The 1938 summe r se s sion of the Univ o of Utah

as a factor i n the profe s s i onal training of teache rs i n s ervi ce o

Salt Lake City, 1939 0 7353 0 The s i s (M 08 0 1939) Uni v o of Utah o

Peters on,Ted Tangwal l o An appraisal of ce rtai n i nm s ervl ce teacher

training practice s in the Jordan School D i stri c t o Salt LakeCity

,1952 . 1 1 01 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 1952 ) Univ o of Utah o

Ririe,Edna Crowther o ,A s tudy of the p reparation of music teache rs

in Utah high s chool Salt Lake City,1933 0 81 5 0 The sis

(M OAo 1 933 ) o Ul l i v o Of U): 0

Robinson,William B o Preparat ion of Utah s e c ondary mathematic s

teache rs e Salt Lake City,3 953 0 685 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 1951 )

Uni v o of Utah o


Rogers , Sadie . An evaluation of the i h—se rvice education programfor teachers in wasat ch School Di strict 1951—53 and an analysi sof lite rature to e stablish principle s for i h — se rvi c e education .

Salt Lake City , 1953 . 1985 . The si s (M . S . 1953 ) Univ . of Utah .

Sharp,Emma . A hi story of elementary school teache r trai ni n in

Utah , 1850- 1900 . Salt Lake City, 19h1 . 1 385 . The si s M . S .

19A1 ) Univ . of Utah .

Willey,Darrell S . A history of teache r- training at the University

of Utah,1850- 1950 . Salt Lake City

,1952 . 321 5 . The sis

(Ph .D . 1952 ) Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2h2 Compton,Lane A . Teaching load of Utah senior high school teache rs .

C78t Salt Lake City,1951 0 1031 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2u2 McPhi e,walte r Evan . Compari son of the t eaching load of beginning

M1720 and experienc ed s e condary school teache rs . Salt Lake City,

1953 0 1033 . The si s (M . A . 1953 ) Univ . of Utah .


Sutton,wain . Utah

,a centennial hi story. New York

,Lewi s Hi stori

S967u cal Pub . Cc .,l 9a9 . 3v .


Sutton,wain . Utah

,a c entennial hi story . New York

,Lewi s Hi stor

S967u ical Pub . Co .,l 9h9 . 3v . port s .



,1850 Church chronology ; or

,A record of

JShc important event s conne cted with the hi story of the Church ofJe su s Christ of Latt e r—day Saint s

,and the t erritory of Utah .

1805- 188h . Salt Lake City,1886 .

Utah Pam. Ri chard s,Franklin Dewey

,1821 —1899, comp . Latte r- day Saint s in

v . 2 Utah . Opinion of the Hon . Z . Snow upon the official c ou rseof Hi s Excellency Gov . Bri gham. Young . Plea of Ge orge A . Smithand charge of the Hon . Judge Snow

,upon the trial of Howard Egan .

A bill to e stabli sh a te rritorial gove rnment for Utah .

Utah Pam. Utah Board of Trade . The re sourc e s and attraction of the te rrit oryV o 58 of Utah . 1879 0

Utah Statehood : reasons why it should not be granted . Salt LakeU89u City

,Tribune Print .

,1887 .



Wilson,Morri s Me rriam. A study of di stributive education in

W7518 southern Utah as affe cted by the touri st t rade . Salt LakeCity

,1952 . 1 173 . The sis (M . S . 1952 ) Un1 v . of Utah .


Utah regional t raffic court c onf e renc e s,19A7 . Spon sored by

U89tc National Safety Council and others . Salt Lake City,19A7 .

Mimeographed . (Various paging ) .


Settle,Raymond W . l 888= Empire on whe els by Raymond W . Settle


A95e and Mary Lund S ettle . Stanford,Standard Univ . Pre s s

,19A9 .


Chri s t ensen,Earl M . The e cology and geographi c distribution of

oak brush (Queneus gambelli ) in Utah . Salt Lake City,19t9 .

703 . The s i s (M . S . 19A9) Univ . of Utah .

Dougall,Patricia . The shade tree s of Salt Lake City

,Utah . Salt

Lake City , Utah ,19t2 . 903 . Th e si s (M . S . 19A2 ) Univ . of Utah .

Heine cke,Ge rtrude K . Tree s and flowe rs and Utah for nature study .

Salt Lake City,l 9t1 . 1823 . The si s (M . S . 19Al ) Univ . of Utah .

Houston,Walte r R . A preliminary study of some factors affe cting

he rbage production in theaspen type of c entral Utah . Salt Lake

Ci ty p1952 0 The s i S ‘M OS O 1 952 ) Univ o Of Utah .

Lind say,De l be rt W . A tre e u ri ng study in we stern Utah . Salt Lake

C ity, 19t9 . 903 . The si s (M . S . 1949 ) Univ . of Utah .

Mine r,Erne st Lavon . A study of Utah tree s in thei r wint er c ondi

tion . Sal t Lake City, 1929 . 1 583 . The sis (M . A . 1929) Univ .

of Utah .


B78 . 2A2 Rasmus sen,Alma Ve rnon . The gove rnment work relief program in Utah ,

R225g 1 932- 1940 . Salt Lake City,19A

2. 1903 . The si s (M . S . 19t2 )

Univ . of Utah .

Utah . Unive rsity,Bureau of Ec onomi c and Busine s s Re search . Utah

U89eb e conomy ; employment t rend s s eas onu al i ty ,economic patterns ,

future by Bureau of Economic and Busine s sRe search

,Unive rsity of Uta]

,and Department of Employment Sc our

ity,Industrial C ommi s sion of Utah . Salt Lake City , Sept .

,1950 .



Utah . Dept . of Employment s e curity . Utah stati stical tabl e sE55stu unemployment benefit s

,1938- 19AA. Salt Lake City

,l 9h5 .

unpaged .


Utah . Agricultural College,Logan . Monographs . v . l 1953

A2781 FIRBm. Logan,Utah State Agricultural College

,1953 .


Ame rican A s s ociation of University Profe s sors . Report of theU897am committee of inquiry on conditions at the University of Utah .

191 5 o 8zp o

Utah Pam. Angl emen, Sydney Winfield . The University of Utah and the war .

v . 68,no . 1 3 Salt Lake City

,The author

,19A5 . Typewritten . 53 .

378 . 2Al Archibald,Lloyd W . De sign of 1000 kilowatt Unive rsity transmi s

A673d s i onl i ne . Salt Lake City,1928 . AO3 . The si s (B . S . 1928 )

Uni v 0 Of Utah 0

378 . 2A1 Burme ste r,Laurence . Hydro- ele ctric development for the Unive rsity

E962h of Utah,by Laurenc e Burme ster and Claude B e ebe . Salt Lake City


1933 0 123 0 The si s (B 0 8 0 1933 ) Uni v o Of Uthh o

Darl stnn,He rald LaMar . A study of placement at the University of

C28As Utah from. l 936=l 9hl . 1063 . The si s (M . S . l 9Al ) Univ . of Utah .

Utah Pam. Coray ,Ge orge Quincy . The Unive rsity of Utah . 1895 . l AO—1 56p .

v .AA illu s . (In Utah Pamphlet s,v .hh) . "The Ame rican univer

s i ty magazine , vol . l I,no . 2


,1895 , p . 1AO

Cowle s,LeRoy Eugene

,1880~ University of Utah and World _war II .

U897co Salt Lake City,De se ret News Pre s s

,19A9 .

D owney,Nancy Dowden (Gunn ) . Prediction of s cholastic suc c e s s in

D7a8p t raining for law at the Univ . of Utah . Salt Lake City ,1951

573 . The si s (M . A . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

Ericks en,Ephraim. Edward . A commentary upon the ma j ority report .

G72l 3i re Salt Lake City,l 9h3? A1 2 .

Fonne sbe ck,Leon

,1886~ Reply to Dr . Ericksen ' s Commentary on the

G721 3irf ma j ority report . Salt Lake City,l 9h3? numb o l eave s .

Hunt sman,Oriondo A . Ele ctrical powe r survey of the Unive rsity of

H956e Utah campus,by Orl ondo A . Hunt sman and J . Vernon Sharp . Salt

Lake City,1930 . 303 . The sis (B . S . 1930 ) Univ . of Utah .


Utah Pam. Ki ng sb ury ,Jo seph Thoma s

,1853- 1 937 . Growth and development of the

v . 66 no .4 Unive rsity of Utah,unde r the management of Jo seph T . Kingsbury .

Salt Lake City,Unive rsity of Utah

,1921 . 1 5p . (In Utah Pams . )

Utah Pam. Ki ngsbury ,Jo seph Thomas

,1853- 1937. comp . Reasons why the Agri cul

v .AA tural C ollege and the Unive rsity of Utah should be combined .

Salt Lake City,De seret News

,1905 . (In Utah Pamphlet s ) .

370 Mae ser,Karl Gottfried

,1828~l 901 . School and fire side . Salt Lak e

M1 8As City,Skelton [1898 1 3A8p .

Utah Pam. Nevada . Unive rsity . The student rec ord . v . (In UtahV o i+6

378 . 2A1 Smith,Robe rt F . A propo sed plan for the physi cal development of the

S658p Unive rsity of Utah 1950—2000 A. D .,by Robe rt F . Smith [and ] David

R . Veit . Salt Lake City,1950 . 253 . The si s (B . S . 1950 ) Univ .

Of Utah .

378 . 2A2 Strain,AndreW ' C . The development of j ob de s c riptions for the build

S896d ings and grounds department of the Univ . of Utah . Sah; Lake City,

1951 . t33 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A1 Street,Montfort G . The de sign of a X .V. University of Utah

S91 5d tran smi s sion line and c onside ration of the e c onomic value andfeasibility of building a transmi s sion line from Logan to theUnive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City

,1928 . 703 .

( The 3 1 s(B . S . 1928 ) Univ . of Utah .

Taylor,Milt on B . University land grant s . Salt Lake City


U897ta author,1950? BA3 .

061 Thomas,George . Economi c aspe ct s of educational problems and the

U89 v . 30 growth and development of the University of Utah . (In Utah .

University o Bullet/in o l 9l+0 0 V o 30 , no 0 17 ) 0 With th l s i sbound s Jame s

,Fleming . The law and social change .

Utah Pam. Utah C ollege C ommi s sion,1906 . Summary of the ma j ority report .

v . 5A 1906 . 1 6p . (In Utah Pamphlet s,v . 5A) .

Utah . Gove rnor,Committe e t o Inve st igate the Work of the Unive r

G72l 3i r s i ty of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College , 19A2 .

Report of the Committe e appointed by Governor Herbe rt B . Maw .

Roy D . That cher,chairman . Salt Lake City

,19A3 . 663 .

Utah Pam. Utah . Legi slature . Senate Committee on education . Spe cial reportv .AA of the audit of the book s of the Agricultural College of Utah

and the Unive rsity of Utah . 1907 . 16p . (In Utah Pam.,v .AA) .

378 0 7A walke r , Dilworth ,1893~ Report on the economi c status of the fed

U89w e ral land grant s to the Unive rsity of Utah,Salt Lake City

,1933 .

378 . 2A2 Wilson,Jame s R . Job analysi s and the development of j ob de s c ri p

W7A9j tion for c e rtain clerical Job s on the Uni vi ve r8 1 ty of Utah cam

pus . Salt Lake City,1951 . 373 . The si s (M . A . 1951 ) Univ . of

Utah .


378 . 2A2 Richard s , Joel Nevin . The prediction of enginee ring succ e s s fromR51 6p the pre— engineering inventory and from. the co—operative achieve

ment t e st s . Salt Lake City,19A8 . 563 . The sis (M . S . 19A8 )

Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A2'

We stwood,Dale . Predicting academi c achievement of senior engine e rs

W538p with the Ge neral aptitude te st batt ery . Salt Lake City,l 9A9 .

51 3 . The si s 1 939) Univ . of Utah .


Utah . Unive rsity . College of Medicine . Clas s 1951 . Medicine manU897 a publication of the Clas s of 1951 , College of Medicine

,Unive r

ML8C 1951 s i ty of Utah . Salt Lake City,1951 . 57p . Editor : Burton F .

Bra she r 0

Utah . Unive rsity . College of Medicine . Clas s of 1952 . MedicineU897 man : a publi cation of the Clas s of 1952 , College of Medicine


MA8c 1952 Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,1952 . 75p . Editor

Ge rald P . Stevenson .


Utah . Unive rsity . College of Medi cine . Clas s of 1951 . MedicineU897 man : a publication of the Clas s of 1951 , College of Medicine ,MA8c 1951 Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City

,1951 . 57p . Editor

Burton F . B rasher .

Utah . University . College of Medicine . Clas s of 1952 . Medi cineU897 man : published by the Senior clas s

,College of medicine , Uni

MA8c 1952 versity of Utah . Salt Lake City,l 95h o 76p . Editor : David

Ao Thiele o


Utah . University . Committe e on Gene ral Education . Report . SaltU891 Lake City

,19A7. Mimeographed ,

12, A L .

G 326r


Chambe rlain,Ralph Vary

,1879 Life scienc e s at the University

U897ch of Utah,background and hi story . Salt Lake City , Univ . of

Utah,1950 . Al7p . Li st of publications : p . 356 - 385 .



378 . 2A1 Burton,John T . De sign of c ivil engineering building , by John T .

B97Ad Burton and Arnold W . Coon . Salt Lake City ,1 9A8 . 393 .

The si s (B . S . l 9h8 ) Department of civ1 1 enginee ring,Univ . of

Utah .


B78 . 2A1 Cannon , Heber Stanley . Un i vers ity of Utah civil engi neeri n gradeC226u uate s i n. revi ew . Salt l ake City

, 1950 . 203 . The si s %B . S .

1950 ) Univ . of Utah .

B78 . 2A1 Parmelee,Richard A . Pro j e cted de sign of a Civil engine e ring build

P253p ing . Salt Lake City,1950 . 683 . The si s (B . S . 1950 ) Univ . of

Utah .


Campbell,Roald F . c omp . Mi scellaneous papers on s chool plant

Cl 89m. planning ; pape rs given by b fi tt,Lambert




walker and Barker we re given [s i c l at the Educational Admini strators Conferenc e , Unive rsity of Utah . June 21 - 26

, 19A8 . SaltLake City

,19A9 . Various pagings . Chart

,Table s

,typed copy .


Chambe rlin,Ralph Vary

,l 879= Life s cienc e s at the University

U897ch of Utah,background and hi story . Salt Lake City

,Univ . of

Utah,1950 . Al7p . Li st of publi cations : p . 356—385 .


Chamberlin,Ralph Vary ,

l 879=i '

L i fe science s at the UniversityU897ch of Utah

,background and hi story . Salt Lake City

,Univ . of

Utah,1950 . Al7p . Li st of publi cations : p .



378 . 2A2 Olsen,Erna Pers ch . An hi storical study of physical education for

o523h women at the Unive rsity of Utah,by Erna Persch Ols en . Salt

Lake City,1919. 123p . The si s (M . S . l 9t9) Univ . of Utah .


Chambe rlin,Ralph Vary ,

1879= Life s cienc e s at the UniversityU897ch

' of Utah,background and hi story . Salt Lake City

,Univ . of

Utah, 1950 . Li st of publi cation s : p . 356u 385 . A1 7p .


Chambe rlin,Ral ph Vary

,l 879n Life s cienc e s at the University

U897Ch of Utah,background and hi story . Salt Lake City

,Univ . of

Utah,1950 . Li st of publi cations : p . 356m 385 . Al7p .



378 . 2A3 Ande rson , Be rt D . The national college s ophmore te st s and achieveA5A5n ment in gene ral education . Salt Lake City

,1952 . 2293 . The si s

(Ed .D . 1952 ) Univ . of Utah .



378 . 2Al Forbe s,Home r R . Illumination in the Enginee ring Hall . Salt Lake

F69B1 City, 1950 . 353 . The si s (B . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Stewart,Ruth Pe rs e l l . An apprai sal of the selection proc edure s

S851a for student nurse s at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,

1953 . 91 3 . The si s (M . S . 1953 ) Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2hl B e chtol,Gilbe rt E A preci se survey of the Unive rsity of Utah

B392p experimental mine,by Gilbert E . B echtol

,John R . Call


William S . G ear . 213 . The si s (B . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Hadlock,Alton P . An hi storical study of the s ervic e s of the Uni

H1 31h versity of Utah Extension Division . Salt Lake City,1950 . 853 .

The si s (M . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .


061 Utah . Unive rsity . Exten sion divi sion . s e rvic e for UtahU89 v . 16 busine s s men . (In Utah . University . Bulletin .


Utah . University . of faculty membe rs of the Unive rsityof Utah

, 1921 - 1922 . In Utah . University . (Bulletin . 1921 ,

v ol2,no . 3 ) .

O61 Widt soe,John Andreas . addre s s at the first faculty

U89 v . l l meeting of the autumn quart e r,Tue sday

,Septembe r 23 , 1919 .

(In Utah . University . Bulletin . 1920 . v . 11,no .

378 . 2hl



378 . 2A2


378 -ZA2


378 . 2h2



U89 V O 16


378 . 2A1


378 o2hl




Abbott , Maurice . Boile r te st of Unive rsity of Utah heating plant


by Maurice Abbott and Raymond Home s . Salt Lake City,1937 .

A01 . The si s (B . S . 1937 ) Univ . of Utah .


A brief historical sket ch of the De se ret University . Be rkeley,

Unive rsity of California,Photographi c Se rvi c e

,l 9h6 , 1 reel .

Mi crofi l m. 0 0py of th e original in th e Bancroft Library,Uni

ve rsity of Califo rnia .

Davi s,France s Gilroy . A hi story of the Wi l l i am. M . Stewart School

l 89l - l 9AO. Salt Lake City,l 9LO. 1 29i . The si s (M . S . l 9h0 )

Univ . of Utah .

Engar,Keith Mauric e . Hi story of dramati c s at the Unive rsity of

Utah from beginning s until June,1919 . Salt Lake City

,l 9h8 .

2783 0 The si s (M 0 8 0 19A8 ) Univ o Of Utah .

Moffitt,John Clifton . John Rocky Park in Utah ' s frontie r culture .

Salt Lake City,l 9a7 .


Lindford,A . Me rrill . A study of housing c onditions of single non

re sident male students at the University of Utah . Salt LakeCity

,l 9h8 o 865 0 The si s (M OS . l gb8 ) Uni v . Of Utah .


Paul,Jo shua Hughe s . Syllabus in Engli sh for fre shman engin

e e rs,English EE

,1925- 1926 . (In Utah . Unive rsity . Bulletin




Stephens,Even . Memorial Ode written for the dedication of the John

R . Park Memorial Building,June 9, 1919 .


Lundbe rg,Fred . Ac cous ti c s [fil of Kingsbury Hall

,by Fred Lundbe rg

and Frederick N . Neal . Salt Lake City,lv . (variou s pagings )

The si s Univ . of Utah .

Lyon,George Hiram. Acc ous t i c s of Kingsbury Hall

,by G . H . Lyon ,

and w . H . He s ton . Salt Lake City,19t9 . a7r. The si s (B . S .

19A9 ) Univ . of Utah .




378 . 2A2


378 . 2AlV22r

378 . 2A2M1 9Aa



Me rrill,Reed M . An evaluative study of s cholarship probation in

the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,l 9h6 . 423 . The si s

(Mv l 9h6 ) Uni v . Of Utah .

Richard son,Mary


L o


Predi cting university s cholarship from i nte l l i

genc e te st score s and high s chool grade s . Salt Lake City,1929 .

81 1 . The si s (M . S . 1929 ) Univ . of Utah .

Yeaman,Elaine . The Ohio Stat e University psychological te st as an

index of s cholastic suc c e s s at the University of Utah . SaltLake City

»l 9h3 0 50 916 numb oz o The si s (M os o 19h3 ) Univ . Of

Utah 0


Jones,Ruth Me rrill . Guide to the University of Utah Library .

Salt Lake City,Univ . of Utah Stenographic Bureau

,Seibert W .

Mote,di re ctor

,l 9h8 . 1273 . Mimeographed .


Faust,Augustus F . A study of the organi zation of lowe r divi sion

programs in state uni versitie s and othe r large public support edinstitutions of high learning . Sal t Lake City

,19A7 .

The si s Uni v . of Utah .

Lindsey,Rex B . Predicting suc c e s s in the lowe r divi sion of the

Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,19A7 . 603 . The sis

Univ . of Utah .


Vance,Robe rt O . Rede sign of the University of Utah machine shop .

Salt Lake City,19AZ . 193 . The si s (B . S . l 9a2 ) Univ . of Utah .


Wi l housky ,P ete r J . University of Utah Summe r Fe stival chorus

rec ordings . 5 sid e s,12i n . 78 r . p .m.


Maginni s,David The admini st ration of the Cont ract Naval Re se rve

Office r Tral ni ng Program. at the University of Utah . Salt LakeCity

,1952 . 1263 . The si s (M . S . 1952 ) Univ . of Utah .



378 . ZAZ Ande rson,Clair L . A study of the relationship of physical fitne s s

A5A5st to scholastic achievement in the army spe ciali zed training program at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City

,19A7. 835 .

The si s (M . A . 19A? ) Univ . of Utah .


B78 . 2al Fagergren ,Alvin . The new hydro— electric plant at the University of

F1 53n Utah . Salt Lake City,1 930 . 31 5 . The si s (B . S . 1930 ) Univ . of

Utah 0

378 . 2A2 Jone s,Ge orge Me rrell . Mode rni zation of the Unive rsity powe r- plant .

J77m Salt Lake City,1933 . 655 . The si s (M . S . 1933 ) Unl v . of Utah .


O6I Widt soe,John Andrea s . addre s s at th e first faculty

U89 v . l l meet ing of the autumn quarte r Tue sday,Septembe r 23 , 1919 . (In

Utah . Unive rsity . Bulletin . 1920 . v . 11,no . 6 ) .

Widt soe,John Andreas . addre s s at the first faculty

meeting of the autumn quarte r . Tue sday,Septembe r 21

,1920 .

(In Utah . Unive rsity . Bulletin . 1920 . v . 11,no . 7 ) .



378 . 2A2 Grant,Claude W . A fol l ows up study of veterans t raining under public

G76l f law 16 at the University of Utah . Salt Lake City,19A7 . 51 5 .

The sis Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Ralph,Ray B . The predictive effi c iency of the Gene ral aptitude

R1 636p te st batte ry in the College of Medi cine . Salt Lake City,l 9L9 .

595 . The si s (M . S . 19A9) Univ . of Utah .

Utah . Unive rsity . S chool of Medi cine . Clas s of ' AA. Salt LakeU897 City

,19AA. l O7p .

ML8c l 9hh


Utah . Uni ve rS l ty . School of Medicine . Clas s of ' AA. Salt LakeU897 C ity

,l O7p .

MA8C 19Ah


DeGooye r ,Melvin H . Validation of the coope rative general achieve

ment te st in mathematic s at the . Uni vers i ty of Utah . Salt LakeCity

,19148 0 The si s (Mv Univ o Of Utah o

Downey,Nancy Dowden (Gunn ) . Predicti on of scholastic succ e s s in

t raining fo r law at the University of Utah . Salt Lake City,

1951 . 575 . The si s (M .S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

D re chsel,Lionel Gu stav . The const ruction and validation of an en

trance mathematic s te st for fre shman enginee rs . Salt Lake City,

1951 . 875 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

Enkoj i , Renso Y . The relationship between the degree of self- insight,

and intelligenc e,age

,quarters completed and grade - point aver

age . Salt Lake City,1952 . 655 . The si s (M . S . 1952 ) Univ . of

Utah .

Gordon,Oakley J . A factor anal y 3 1 s of aptitude



studiousne s s sc ore s of 233 unive rsity college fre shmen . SaltLake City

,1950 . The si s (M . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .

Hall,B everly . A study of the attitude of fre shman women at the

University of Utah toward s physical educati on activity . SaltLake

Ci ty ,1941 . 585 . The si s (M . S . 19h1 ) Univ . of Utah .

Hansen,Paul C . A comparative study of the mental and s cholastic

ratings of frate rnity and non- frate rnity men at the Unive rsityof Utah . Salt Lake City

,1933 . 585 . Thesis (M . S . 1933 ) Univ .

of Utah .

Hat ch,Sharon L . The influence of persi stenc e and int elligence on

scholarship in c ollege . Salt Lake City,19BA. 525 . The si s

(M . A . l 93i ) Univ . of Utah .

Hunt,Ethel Aleen . A de sc ription of hearing lo s se s and some related

factors found among student s ente ring the Unive rsity of Utah .

Salt Lake City,1 951 . 2095 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

I saksen,Henry L . Te rminal student s in the gene ral education program

at the Unive rsity of Utah,19A8 to 1950 . Salt Lake City

,1951 .

The si s (Ph oD o 1951 ) Ull i V o Of Utah .

Jex,Frank Bird . Predicting scholasti c achievement at the Universityof Utah

,1 9A5 to l 9A9 . Salt Lake City ,

19A9 . The si s

(Ph . D . 19h? ) Univ . of Utah .

Ke rr,Knnght Belnap . A fol l owa up study of c ertai n Public law 1 6

vete rans at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,1952 . 1 31 5 .

The sis (M . A . 1 952 ) Univ . of Utah .

Landward,John M . Factors related to the degree of academi c suc ce s s

of l ow e ab i l i ty student s . Salt Lake City,1950 . 105 . The sis

(Ph oD o 1950 ) Univ o Of Utah o


Like s , Eula Waldram. The married student at the Unive rsity of Utah .

Salt Lake C i ty,19Al . 1225 . The si s (M . S . l 9h1 ) Univ . of Utah .

Linford , A . Me rrill . A study of housing condition s of single non

re sident male student s at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt LakeCity

,19A8 . 865 . The si s (M . S . 19A8 ) Univ . of Utah .

McCl eary , Jo seph Leon . Attitude char acteri stic s a s found in threeupper- clas s college referenc e groups . Salt Lak e City

,1950 .

100 t o The si s (M 0 8 0 1950 ) Univ o Of Utah o

Maginnis , David . The admi ni stration of the Cont ract Naval Re se rveOffic er Training Program at the University of Utah . Salt LakeCity

,1952 0 126£ o The s i S (M 0 3 0 1952 ) Univ o Of Utah o

Malouf,Phe l on Jo seph . Factors related to suc c e s s and failure in

intermediate algebra at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,

1951 . The si s (Ph . D . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

Pehl ke,Donald E . The orientation of fre shmen in state Universitie s .

Salt Lake City,1952 . 218

,6 numb . 5 . The sis

Univ . of Utah .

Pennock,John Albe rt . The study of the s exual attitude s and behavior

of two hund red single c ollege men . Salt Lake City,19A9 .

The si s (M 0 8 09

Univ o Of Utah o

Plummer,Harry . D etermination of correlation betwe en oral and S i ?

lent reading ability of one hundred Unive rsity of Utah student ssele cting a course in oral reading . Salt Lake City

,1937 .

h1 5 . The si s (M .A . 1937 ) Univ . of Utah .

Ralph,Ray B . The predi ctive efficiency of the General aptitude

te st battery in the College of Medicine . Salt Lake City ,1 9A9 .

595 . The sis (M . S . 1959 ) Univ . of Utah .

Ralph,Sara Jeanne . The prediction of suc c e s s in the college of

pharmacy at the Uni versity of Utah,by Sally Ralph [p seudonymj

Salt Lake C i ty,19A8 . 70 num. 5 . The si s (M . A . 19A8 ) Univ . of

Utah .

Ra smus s en,Alex L . Engli sh achievement measured by alte rnate forms

of Engli sh cooperative achievement te st s of University of Utahstudent s who have had diffe rent training programs in English .

Salt Lake City,1950 . SAP . The si s (M . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .

Ra smus sen,Mary Jane W . C ompari son of the pe rformance of two

groups of sophomore student s from. d i ffe rent gene ral educ ationprograms at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City

,1950 .

The si s (M . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah . 66p .

378 . 2A2 Richard s,Joel Nevin . The predi ction of engine e ring suc c e s s from

R516p the prem engi neeri ng inventory and from. the co- operative achieve

ment te st s . Salt Lake City,l 9A8 . 565 . The si s (M . S . 19A8 )

Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2

8531 c

378 . 2A2

S6Sl s

378 . 2A3571 3n

378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 o792



378 . 2h2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2A2


378 . 2h2

M56 3n

Senior,Noel . An analysi s of the effe c t of four years of college

tral ni ng on gene ral ap titude te s t battery s c ore s . Sal t LakeCity

,1952 . 1 145 . The sis (M . S . 1952 ) Un1 v . of Utah .

Sharp,Hebe r Cannon . A comparative analysi s of the Ohio State p sy

chol ogi cal s c ore s of the yearly groups of Univer sity of Utahfre shmen . Salt Lake City

,19A5 . 755 . The si s (M . S . 19A5 )

Univ . of Utah .

Smith,Jame s Arthur . A study of s ome of the facotrs thought to

be as sociated with academic failure s in the s chool of educati onof the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City

,1 929 . 505 . The sis

(M . S . 1929) Univ . of Utah .

Non- intelle ctual factors related to suc c e ssSorenson,Alma Garth .

91 67p . The si s (Ph . D . 1950 )in college . Salt Lake City,1 950 .

Univ . of Utah .

The relationship of biographical informationSalt Lake

Thompson,Mary Lou .

to s cholasti c achievement of c ollege fre shmen women .

City,1951 0 81 5 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .

Thurman,C . G . A stati stical analysi s of the predictive efficiency

of the Gene ral Aptitude Te st Batt ery with biological and physic als cienc e student s . Salt Lake City

,1949 . 51 5 . The si s (M . A .

19A9 ) Univ . of Utah .

Utah . Unive rsity . Coordinator of Veterans . Stati stical informati onconc erning the veteran student s enrolled at the Unive rsity ofUtah for the winter quarter 1952— 53 under the G . I . Bill (Publi claw as amended ) . Salt Lake City

,1953 . cover- title . 125 .

Predicting academi c achievement of seni or enginWe stwood,Dale .

Salt Lake City,e ers with the General aptitude t e st battery .

l 9i 9 . 51 5 . The si s (M . S . 19a9 ) Univ . of Utah .

Predicting grade s at the University ofWitherspoon,Younge r T .

675 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ .Utah . Salt Lake City,1951 .

of Utah .

The predictive efficiency of the Ge neral apt iWoodhead,Marj ori e J .

Salt Lake City ,19A9 .tude te st batt ery in social s cienc e s .

565 . The si s (M . S . 19A9) Univ . of Utah .


Aoki,Hisa . Functional analysi s of mono u rac i al i h — groups : Nisei

congeniality primary groups on the Unl ve rs i ty of Utah campus .

Salt Lake City,1950 . 865 . The si s (M . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .


Me rkley,Mar l on Gibb . The 1938 summe r se s sion of the Unive rsity of

Utah as a factor in the profe s sional training of teachers l n

323 o 35hNA28m

378 -2A2



378 . 2A2




Heaps,Marian Be rn s . Factors contributing to treatment termination

by vete rans in a mental hygi ene ,

c l i ni c . Some factors contributing to the treatment te rmination by fifty- one veterans following five or fewer treatment inte rviews in a Veterans Admini stration mental hygiene clini c in Salt Lake City . Salt Lake City


1950 . 985 . The si s 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .

Kerr,Knight Belnap . A fol l owe up study of c ertain Publi c law 1 6

veterans at the Unive rsity of Utah . Salt Lake City,1952 .

1 31 5 . The si s (M .A . 1952 ) Univ . of Utah .

Utah . Unive rsity . Coordinator of Veterans . Stati stical information conc erning the vete ran student s enrolled at the Unive rsityof Utah for the winte r quart e r 1952- 53 unde r the G . I . Bill(Publi c law 3A6 as amended ) Salt Lake City

,1953 . cover- title

l 2£ 0


Nelson,Lowry , 1893 The Mormon village ; a patte rn and technique

of land settlement . Salt Lake City,Unive rsity of Utah Pre s s


1952 0 29613 0


Ku,Yah—Sheng . An appraisal of the George- Deen Act and the Ge orgeBarden act as applied to di stributive training in Utah . SaltLake City

,19A9 . 985 . The si s (M . S . l 9t9) Univ . of Utah .


U . 8 . National Re covery Admini stration . Utah . Code of fair compet ition for the various indust rie s and trade s in the state ofUtah , 1933— 193A. Salt Lake City

,et c . Chamber of Commerce

Admini stration Office ; washington , D . C .,Government Print .

Offi ce,~l 9A5 . 2v .


Eskelsen,Quinn Morri son . Geology of the Soapstone basin and



,and Duche sne c ountie s

,Utah . Salt

Lake City,1953 . AS 5 . The si s (M . S . 1953 ) Uni v . of Utah .


U . S . Publi c Health Service . Divi sion of wate r Pollution Congrol .

water pollution and sanitation aspect s of the webe r Basin pro

j e ct , prepared j ointly by : California and Great Basin DrainageBasins Offi ce

,Division of wate r Pollution Cont rol , Public Health

Servic e,Fede ral Security Agency

,and Di v1 s i nn of Sanitary Engin

ee ri ng . Dept . of the Interior . washington? 1 951 .


B78 . zAl Knight , Kenneth Y . Power pos s i bilitie s of the state of Utah,by

K69Ap Kenneth Y . Knight and Clare K . Olsen . Salt Lake City,19A9 .

51 5 . The si s (B . S . 1949) Uni v . of Utah .

U . S . Fede ral powe r commi s s i nn . Powe r requirement s survey; stat eU58p of Utah

, 19A6 . i 50p ."Prepared j ointly by the San Francis co

regional offic e of the Fede ral powe r commi s s i nn and the Coloradoriver committ ee of the stat e of Utah .



Blaney , Harry French , l 892a Consumptive use of wate r in theirrigated areas of Upper Colorado River Basin (provi sional )April 19A9. by Harry F . Blaney and wayne D . Criddle . Preparedunder the dire ction of George D . Clyde


,Divi sion of

Irrigati on and water Conse rvati on . U . S . Dept . of Agriculture,

Soil Cons ervation Se rvice,Re search 19A9? A95 .

Connell,Lyle D . Adaptability of Salt Lake Valley wat er supplie s

for industrial purpo se s,by Lyle D . Connell and Wi l l i am. J .

Lucas o Salt Lake City,l 9A3 . 665 . Thesi s (B . S . l 9A3 ) Univ .

Of Utah 0

Utah Pam. Daughters of Utah Pioneers . Pione e r wat e r supply . C omp . by Katev . 70 ,no . 8 B . Carter . Sal t Lake City

,l 9A8 . 19A7. 153w 2l 6p . (In Utah

Pamphlet s Also in "Heart throb s of the we st ."

378 . 2A2 Hunt,McCown E . A study of exi sting and po s sible financ ing plans

H95ZS for sewerage and water>

wo rks pro j e ct s in the state of Utah .

Salt Lake City, 1953 . 21 55 . The si s (M . S . 1953 ) Univ . of Utah .

Thoma s,Harold Edgar

,1906m Ge ology and ground—wat e r re source s

of Cedar City and Parowan valleys,Iron County


,by H . E .

Thomas and G . H . Taylor . Prepared in cooperation wit h thestate of Utah . E . H . watson

,State engineer . washington ,

U 0 S o GOV'


o o print . Off O‘9 2l Op .

378 . 2Al Thompson,William H . Surfac e wat e r re source s not utili zed in Utah .

TA78s 3 Salt Lake City,1950 . 295 . The sis (B . S . 1950 ) Univ . of Utah .

U . S . Federal Powe r Commi s sion . Powe r requirement s survey ; stateU58p of Utah . l 9A6 . 1 50p .

"Prepared‘joi ntl y by the San Franci sco

regional offic e of the Fede ral powe r commi s sion and the 001 0

rado rive r c ommitt ee of the state of Utah ."

Uppe r Colorado Rive r Bas i n . Company Commi s sion . Engine e ring AdU68c e vi sory Committ ee . Final report by Engineering Advi sory Come

mi ttee to Uppe r Colorado Rive r Bas in Compact Commi s sion ,Nova

ember 29, l 9A8 . Denver , Colorado , l 9A8 . Coverm t i t l e (Various pagings . ) Illus . (incl uding maps ) .

Upper Colorado rive r basin compact,ent ered into by the state s of

U680 Ari zona,Colo .

,New Mexico


,wye . Santa Fe



Utah . Eme rgency relief admini stration . Report on propos ed re serE53p voi rs in Utah to Governor Henry .H . Blood . 1935 . 2Aop o Fold .

map in pocket . He ctographed .

Utah . wate r and power board . wate r for Utah . Report of the UtahW3l Aw water and powe r board

,Salt Lake City


,July 1

,l 9A8 .

Salt Lake City,l 9A8 . 128p .


Thoma s,Harold Edgar

,l 906~ Geology and ground

m water re sourc e sof Cedar City and Parowan valleys

,Iron county


,by H . E .

Thomas and G . H . Taylor . P repared in coope ration with thestate of Utah . E . H . wat son

,state engine e r . wa shington


U . S . Govt . print . Off .,l 9A6 .


378 . 2A2 Petersen,Dan Lloyd . Re i nventory of surfac e soil and plant char

PA8Ar acteri sti c s,Morri s wate rshed . Salt Lake City

,l 9sA. A85 .

The sis (M OS O,

Univ o Of Utah o

378 . 2A2‘

Winte rs,wayne Stre et . Re i nventory of soil and plant characte r


W788r i sti c s of Mille r watershed . Salt Lake City,l 95A. 955 .

The si s (M . S . 1954 ) Univ . of Utah .


378 . 2A2 Lowe,Calvin Dean . An analysi s of the channels of distribut ion of

L91 3a Utah wool . Salt Lake City,1952 . 1055 . The sis (M . S . 1952 )

Univ . of Utah .

378 . 2A2 Parker,L . Mayland . Economic geography of Utah ' s sheep indu stry .

P2Al é Salt Lake City,1 951 . l 9A5 . The si s (M . S . 1951 ) Univ . of Utah .


Utah Pam. The Utah world ' s fair advocate . Salt Lake City,Utah world ' s fair .

v . 77 commi s sion,1892 v . illus . (In Utah Pams . ) Monthly .

Official organ of the Commi s sion .


U . S . National Youth Admini stration . Utah . The National YouthU58n Admini stration of Utah ,

a documented summary of the activitie s19A3 of the National Youth Admini stration in the state of Utah for

the pe riod l 935- 19A3 . Denve r,National Youth Admini stration


19h3 o