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Exposing Hollywood Predators Celebrities Endure Perverted SEX Rituals for Fame and Fortune Rape – Rituals - Crimes - Arrests - Pedophiles – Sodomy – Kink You’ll Never Look at these Popular Celebrities the Same Way Again.” By THOMAS CRENSHAW Join My Private List

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Exposing Hollywood Predators

Celebrities Endure Perverted SEX Rituals for Fame and Fortune

Rape – Rituals - Crimes - Arrests - Pedophiles – Sodomy – Kink

“You’ll Never Look at these Popular

Celebrities the Same Way Again.”



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• Famous People and their Kink

• Grown “Child Actors” Speak Out About Sexual Abuse as a


• Hollywood Gossip – Who’s Doing Who?

• Orgies, And Relationships of The Golden Age of SLEAZY Hollywood

• Mae West – The Sexy Gangster Woman

• Celebrities Having Sex with their Nannies

• Jeffery Epstein’s Partial Flight Log – Those on the list may

shock you

• Famous Celebrities (as Children) Who Were Victims of Rape, Incest and Sexual Abuse

• Predator Entertainers Accused of Sexual Assault

• What Happened to Paul Lynde? The Raging Homosexual

• Celebrity Arrests – Sexual Offenses

• Over Two Dozen Elite Pedophiles Arrested- including Celebrities

• Hollywood men accused of Child Sexual Abuse

• Recently, this Shocking List of Celebrities - Accused of Sexual Harassment

• Famous People in History and their Perversions

• Hollywood Swamp and their Degenerate Sodomizing Rituals

• Short List of Celebrities Who are Secretly Homosexuals and Lesbians

• McCauley Culkin Blows the Whistle on the Satanic Entertainment Industry

• Angelina Jolie Reveals Hollywood Swamp Rituals

• Hollywood’s Dark Secret

• Stories of Lewd Behavior of Hollywood Elites

• The Hush-Hush Factor

• Exposing Sodomite Rituals in Hollywood

• Satanic Signs and Symbols Hollywood Must Display

• Hollywood Secrets – Most People Do Not Know

• Are George Lucas and Spielberg Pedophiles?

• About Joaquin Phoenix

• Top DISNEY executive Arrested – Pedophile Ring.

• Famous People You Did Not Know Were Vulgar and


• Did You Know These Celebrities are Transgender? These

Photos may Shock You.

• How to Defend and Protect Children in Hollywood


You will not find ANY political views inside this eBook. Anyone who

says that are LIARS.

I was no different than most people growing up. Most people have a

wonderment and curiosity about Hollywood and celebrities. The movies and all

entertainers were fascinating to me, as they are with most people. It is the land

of make believe and extremely talented people who make us laugh, cry and


Hollywood is this mystical place where they create illusions. In other words,

things that you know are not real, but they appear to be real. Movie stars and

entertainers in general appear to be bigger than life.

We all are caught off guard when our favorite celebrity displays his or her

human qualities. For some of us, the illusion is broken. As we grow up we learn

that celebrities are people who chose a different path than us and their passion

for their profession is sometimes outrageously huge. Many people who have

this unique passion for fame and fortune will do almost anything to get it. It

has been said that they want it more than they want their next breath of fresh


Unfortunately, the studio heads, agents and managers all know this unique

passion too well. Unfortunately, most of these people are sexual deviants.

Hollywood is the perfect playground for talented pretty people to become

victims by these demons. Many of the young actors and actresses are innocent

and become tainted, tormented and harmed by traditional sleazy Hollywood

rituals, however, many of the actors are geared for it.

As I grew older, I began hearing rumors and stories about the evils of

Hollywood. We’ve all heard about the casting couch, but we usually over-look

it. There have been many books written about the subject. It wasn’t until

recently did me and others realize the pain, suffering, the mental and physical

torment that most celebrities go through in order to be rich and famous.

In many cases the sexual abuse does not stop even though they have reached

their pentacle of success. There is always a cloud of fear that it can all be

ripped away if they do not obey their masters.

It is common knowledge now that Hollywood is "crawling with pedophiles" who

are being shielded by celebrities because of their power and influence in the


After I heard this most disgusting aspect of Hollywood, I had to bring it to light

along with all the other perversions as well and I decided to at least writing a

book about what happens behind closed doors as a warning to others. Many of

the executive mansions in Hollywood are the places where demons and

demonic rituals hide. It is repulsive, horribly disgusting and almost beyond


There is a lot of Googling involved in the research for any non-fiction book.

Some websites and sources may not be totally accurate. However, I believe

99.9% of this book is completely true. I’m only the messenger – please do not

blame the messenger.

I compiled all of this SLEAZY information in one BOOK in order to spread the

word about the often hidden, but horrific and disgusting long term tradition of

the Hollywood Predatory Swamp. I also included several famous people who

have strange sexual appetites, crimes, arrests, scandals and incarcerations.

If you’re totally disappointed and repulsed by this information, then you’re

certainly not alone.


Many people continue to ask the million-dollar question. How and where do

I receive the (should be secret) information inside my books? Well, with

permission, I'm allowed to divulge where I get my sources, but naturally,

I cannot reveal source names. I provide this info in all my books.

Google is not a great source for researching. Besides, Google, Yahoo, and

others are less than 20% of the Internet.

1. Source one: He is a former CIA operative. He provides me non-classified

information when it is needed. He has helped me when others would not.

2. Source two: She is a co-producer in Hollywood (she's one of the good

ones). She’s been around the Hollywood Swamp for nearly 30 years. She knows

nearly everyone. She knows about their private and secret lives. She is happy

to reveal almost anything to me. We trade info for each other. She knows all

the truth, gossip, rumors and secrets within the Hollywood Swamp.

3. Source three: I knew this person from my College years. We've been

friends for many years. He is an investigator for many rich and famous

people. He has loads of secrets that nobody knows. He exposes many things to


4. Source four: I use "Tor" software. It takes me to the "dark deep web".

There is a ton of secrets on the deep dark web. 80% of the Internet is on the

dark deep web". Thousands of websites, archives and a great place to find

secrets that are not usually provided on the regular “google” Internet.

I usually try to provide the "source" if any info is discovered on the Internet.

Famous People and their Kink

James Franco

Back in 2014, the actor got into trouble by seducing a 17-year-old schoolgirl on


The Scottish teenager, Lucy Clode, ran into Franco while on a trip to New York

City with her mom, and the two began messaging each other shortly

afterwards. After asking her age and if she had a boyfriend (Lucy was honest

on both counts), Franco then asked if he should rent a room for the two of


Lucy tried to brush him off, since she was under 18 and visiting with her mom.

But Franco continued to insist that she meet him. He also asked that she not

tell her friends of their exchange.

While the whole thing caused a bit of controversy when it was first reported,

people soon forgot Franco’s attempt to woo an underage girl, and he was

allowed to continue making movies with great success.

Paul Reubens

Way back in 1991, the actor who plays the lovable zany man-child Pee-Wee

Herman, got caught in a movie theatre with his own pee-wee in hand! While in

Florida, Reubens decided to enjoy an adult movie at an adult movie theatre

(this was the ‘90s, when such things were still around). However, he seemed to

forget that even adult movie theatres have certain codes of conduct, and one of

those rules is not to get intimate with yourself in the seats!

After getting caught exposing himself, Reubens was arrested in the theatre’s

lobby and charged with indecent exposure. He was taken to the Sarasota

County Jail and forced to endure one of the worst mug shots in celebrity


Reubens pleaded no contest and got off, but the blow to his career was already

dealt as papers took the opportunity to skewer the TV and film star with pun-

laden headlines. A stupid move on Reubens’ part, but no less a gross one!

Woody Allen

He’s another man who appears to have gotten away from his gross behavior

simply because he’s considered brilliant. In this case of ick, the director ended

up marrying the adopted daughter of his then-girlfriend Mia Farrow. Allen and

Soon-Yi Previn have now been together for over 23 years and Allen credits his

past as a paternal figure to her for the success of the relationship! Ew!

The two married in 1997 and adopted two children together, but most people

still can’t get over the fact that Soon-Yi was, essentially, a daughter to him

while he dated her mother.

Another source of ick for Allen is the recent allegations from his other daughter

with Farrow, Dylan Farrow, who has alleged that she endured years of sexual

abuse at the hands of Allen, which first came up in 1992 during a bitter custody

battle between Allen and Farrow. Dylan has stated that the fact that her father

has been praised by the Hollywood elite ever since has made it difficult for her

to move on.

Woody Allen’s alleged crimes have done little to darken his star in Hollywood.

He hasn’t been charged for anything, but his adopted daughter accused him of

sexually molesting her when she was a child. He also had a very public,

ongoing relationship with a woman who was essentially his daughter.

Elvis Presley

Most people will know that Elvis was married to Priscilla Wagner, but what is

not quite so widespread is that when the two began dating,

Elvis was already 24 years of age, but Priscilla was still only 14. It is worth

pointing out that Elvis is reported, by Priscilla, to have said that he did not wish

to have sexual intercourse until after they were married, by which point Priscilla

would have been 22, but Presley had openly admitted on a number of

occasions his interest in younger girls. Biographer Reubens Fine revealed that

Presley was particularly fond of sharing his bed with young teenage

girls who wear white panties.

Ian Watkins

Ian Watkins is literally the worst person on this list. He’s the former front-man

of Lost Prophets, and was sentenced to 35 years in prison after begin found

guilty of a slew of sexual offenses on children, including one on an infant.

One UK detective even said he was the most dangerous sex offender he’d ever


Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski’s scandal is among the oldest on this list. He was charged with

having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and severed 42 days behind

bars for it. The minor was a 13 yr old girl. Once he got released, he found

out a judge wanted to send him back to jail and ran away to France. Because

he’s a citizen of France, they’ll never extradite him, so as long as he doesn’t

come back to the U.S, he’s free. If he does come back, he’d be in a lot of


Vincent Margera

Vincent Margera is Don Vito from Viva La Bam, and he’s also a registered sex

offender. On August 18, 2006, Margera was arrested at the Colorado Mills

Mall in Lakewood, Colorado, on suspicion of inappropriately touching two 12-

year-old girls.

American reality television personality. Margera was known for his appearances

in Viva La Bam, Jackass, Haggard and the CKY videos alongside his

nephew Bam.

He was convicted of two counts of sexual assault on a child in 2007 after

allegedly groping two girls, aged 12 and 14. He might need to register as a sex

offender for the rest of his life.

Rob Lowe

In 1988, Rob Lowe was involved in a scandal over a videotape of him having

sex with two females, one of whom was 16. She was filmed with Lowe during

the night before the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. Lowe has

asserted that he did not know that the second girl was underage. Lowe agreed

to perform 20 hours of community service to avoid criminal charges.

Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein is famous for funding several fraudulent charities. He was

convicted and served thirteen months in jail (was allowed to go free during the

day – 12 hours) for soliciting an underage prostitute. He was a registered sex

offender in Florida. Jeffrey Epstein story does not end there.

Recently in 2019 he was either murdered, committed suicide or has been made

to disappear due to the enormous list of powerful people who were associated

with him.

He’s known to have a massive stable of young girls that he utilized in order to

satisfy the sexual appetite of his “friends” and associates. He’s known to own a

little island – nickname is PedoIsland. Bill Clinton visited PedoIsland 26 times.

Hillary Clinton was also been a frequent visitor along with many Celebrities and

politicians. A flight list of Jefferey Epstein’s jet to PedoIsland is

provided in this book.

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was accused of rape during the height of his boxing career by Desiree Washington, who said he assaulted her in a hotel room after inviting

her in. A jury found him guilty and he spent three years in prison before he was paroled.

Marvin Gaye.

You might know of Marvin Gaye because of his music, but that’s not all he’s

known for. One of the biggest stains on his reputation is the fact that he

fathered one of his children on a fifteen-year-old girl named Denise Gordy.

Mark Salling.

If you watched Glee, or were totally obsessed with it like I was during its

heyday, you’d know that Mark Salling was a main cast member on that show.

He’s also dealing with charges that he had as many as a thousand images of

child pornography on his laptop and flash drive. Before that, he was accused of

battery in 2013. He might go to jail for 20 years over this new charge.

Jeffrey Jones

Jeffrey Jones played the school principal in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, everyone

favorite movie. He registered as a sex offender back in 2003 for hiring a

teenage boy to take explicit pictures.

He got busted again in 2010 for not updating his information on the registry,

which you’re supposed to do or else you get extra charges.

R. Kelly

R. Kelly isn’t registered as a sex offender, but he still counts because of a 2003

incident where he was arrested for 21 counts of child pornography. He was

found not guilty when he was indicted, but chances are when you remember

him, you’re not remembering him for “I Believe I Can Fly.”

Sean Penn

Sean Penn had a volatile marriage with Madonna. She once went to the

hospital after he beat her with a baseball bat. In December 1988, when

Madonna tried to leave the house after a fight, Penn tied her up and left her in

a chair for hours, threatening to shave her head. He untied her hours later

after she agreed to perform sexual acts on him. Madonna escaped and

went straight to the police station.


Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has come forward and announced that she was subjected

to CIA brainwashing techniques and child sex trafficked to Hollywood at age 13

years and raped by Hollywood star Tom Hanks.

“The number one problem in Hollywood is, and has always been – pedophilia!”

Corey Feldman correctly stated. What a shame Corey didn’t just name names

when he had all the cameras on him, like we all have. Naming names is the

only way victims are going to expose the CIA child trafficking operation behind

99% of child kidnapping and child sex trafficking.

Perverted predator Harvey Weinstein is being scapegoated to cover for the

truth about Hollywood – famous male AND FEMALE pedophile actors and

producers who like to rape kids.

Head Hollywood Luciferian MERYL STREEP is of one them! She prefers to

have sex with 14 year old girls at specially organized Hollywood pedophile


That’s why Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks get on so well post-Harvey Weinstein

scandal and WHY Meryl Streep supported convicted pedophile anal rapist of a

13 year old drugged girl at Jack Nicolson’s house, and why she called Weinstein

“God” during an acceptance speech.

Anyone who has been in Hollywood for 5 years or more knew about Harvey

Weinstein. Meryl Streep lied.

Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep teamed up with another Hollywood pedophile

– Steven Spielberg, to make a shite film together. Spielberg has been raping

kids for decades, along with his pedo buddy George Lucas – whom the entire

cast of Star Wars had to have sex with Lucas in order to get their parts.

Carrie Fischer said she had to have sex with George Lucas to get the part of

Leia – and mysteriously died weeks later.

Hollywood Pedophile Rapists

Grown “Child Actors” Speak Out About Sexual Abuse as a


Whether it’s outrage over alleged Hollywood sex rings run by rich elite

producers, manipulative sexual assaults by managers and directors, or personal

memories of relatives abusing young children, Hollywood has been exploding

with unsavory news about abuse lately. It’s not only former child actors who

are taking a stand on abuse.

Adult actors and celebrities are, too, and have been for some time. Stories

shared are heartbreaking and have been tumbling out more frequently as more

and more abusers are named publicly.

Fans of Oprah Winfrey remember her own stand as if it were yesterday. It was

1986, and Winfrey was presenting a show about molestation and sexual abuse.

Winfrey unexpectedly revealed the circumstances of her own rape on that


She told the stunned audience that a relative had raped her. To make matters

worse, she was just nine years old at the time the rape occurred. Her

heartbreaking story didn’t end there. Her relative continued abusing her until

she was thirteen years old, and she became sexually promiscuous. By the time

she was fourteen, she became pregnant and her baby boy was born.

Sadly, the baby died when just an infant. That ground-breaking show was the

beginning of Winfrey’s work as an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse. When

interviewed by David Letterman, she told him that anyone who has suffered

from verbal or physical abuse will need to spend “a great deal of their life”

working to rebuild their esteem. Letterman told her that she had prevailed over

life in hell, without being consumed by it, to become the extraordinary woman

she had become.

The outpouring of frustration, anger, and shame is manifesting itself in many

ways and forums. It’s difficult to keep up with the various accounts, as more

and more find their own expressions of speaking truth.

Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough began to speak out about childhood abuse in 2013. She

explained it all in a Cosmopolitan magazine issue. She’d been sent to study

dance in London when she was ten years old. She had gone to study at the

Italia Conti Academy of Arts, and her parents did not come with her.

She said that her dance style was sensual, and that gave people the impression

that she was older than she was. She described herself as an innocent girl

whose heart was also innocent. But, she was tormented by adults. She said

that the abuse increased when she started going through puberty, but she

declined to describe what form it took or who was responsible for it.

Thankfully, she began to deal with her painful memories when she took on

filming Safe Haven. Her role as an abuse survivor allowed her to relive her

feelings and then move past them.

Corey Feldman

In the 1980s, Corey Feldman starred in The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Gremlins,

and Stand By Me-all hits. As an adult, he shared with the world his personal

childhood experiences with Hollywood pedophiles in his series on A&E The Two

Coreys. He’s also written Coreyography; his memoir, and An Open Secret; a


Feldman noted that California’s statute of limitations prevents him from naming

names. The process would allow anyone Feldman accused to legally sue him.

He understands the personal and public frustration this has caused, but he

realizes that he must carry on the fight in different ways. He continues to be

outspoken about his own childhood sexual abuse and has found avenues in the

industry to do so.

Corey Haim

Unfortunately, Corey Haim lost his battle with his darkest emotions when he

overdosed and died at the age of 39. Haim is the second of The Two Coreys in

Corey Feldman’s series. Feldman and Haim were close friends, and both were

molested by several elite men who passed them around.

While Feldman was never actually raped, Feldman has stated that Haim was.

The two friends were approached at Hollywood parties by powerful men in the

industry. Those men would present the opportunity as a great way to spend

time with important people.

The men would try to make friends with the two young boys. Feldman still

alleges that a dark network of people existed with the purpose of preying on

youngsters at that time. Haim was just eleven years old when the rape

occurred, and he spent the remainder of his lifetime struggling with drug


Elijah Wood

When Elijah Wood was a young child, he not only had a role in a remade

version of the classic dolphin film Flipper, but he also starred in The Good

Son along with Macaulay Culkin. Wood told the Sunday Times that in those

years his mother provided the protection he needed as a child actor to keep

him from parties where adults might prey on children. As an adult, he still

realizes that innocent victims are still prey for pedophiles who keep their dark

activities secret.

Recently, he accused Hollywood openly concerning what he views as the

industry’s pedophilia problem. He stated that there are many in the business

who view children as open prey, and that these “vipers” use their power to

overcome children.

He said that children’s lives are being damaged to the point of not being able to

repair them. Wood did not accuse any specific person, time, or project, nor did

he speak in detail, but it was obviously that his comments arose from concern

that victims of these situations find relief and strong voices to speak on their



When Mo’Nique took on the role of the abusive mother in Precious, she drew

on her own memories of being molested by her older brother. She was only

seven years old when the sexual abuse began. She remembered that her

brother abused her once each year for four years. He lured her into the

bathroom offering her candy. When interviewed for Essence magazine, she said

that her brother “was a monster” to her. She said she “became her brother”

each time she was on set filming “Precious”.

Her signal to change into character was the word “action”, and each time she

heard director Lee Daniels call out the word, she remembered her growing up

years in Baltimore and those abusive times with her brother.

She won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for her performance in Precious, and

when she went on stage to give her speech of acceptance for the Golden

Globe, she told everyone that she was dedicating her award to every person

that had ever been touched by abused. She told the audience that every abuse

victim must tell and that it is okay to tell.

Gabriel Byrne

Gabriel Byrne first revealed his molestation in 2010. The Irishman said that he

thought it was just the way things were in the world. He was sexually abused

twice. Once, when he was at the Christian Brothers Schools in Ireland. He was

an altar boy. He said that all the boys knew that it wasn’t good to be left alone

with a particular man.

The boys admitted that nobody should be in the dressing room with him at the

same time. Byrne said that certain sexual boundaries were crossed, and that he

was ultimately left with feelings of fear and shame. He was sexually abused

again when he was a seminary student in England.

He said that the abuse was unfortunate because it occurred when he was very

vulnerable, and he felt completely unlucky that he had suffered it again. He

said it took years for him to understand the impact these molestations would

have on him. He considered that his battles with alcoholism may have stemmed

from those early abuses.

Joey Coleman

Joey Coleman is one of several former child actors who were part of An Open

Secret, the controversial documentary about sexual predators in the Hollywood

acting industry.

Coleman’s appearance in the film included his testimony concerning his

experiences with child actor manager Michael Harrah of the Screen Actors’

Guild. Though Harrah had denied that Coleman’s allegations of involvement

were unfounded, Coleman presented a taped phone conversation as proof. In

their telephone conversation, Harrah admitted that he had made advances

toward Coleman.

Harrah also acknowledged that the advances were inappropriate. But Harrah

did not know that he was being recorded at the time. He acknowledged that he

was a molested child actor himself, and merely mentioned that it “was not

uncommon”. In the 1980s, Coleman was known for his roles in Magnum, P.I.,

Max Dugan Returns, and Lost in America.

Todd Bridges

In the 1980s, Diff’rent Strokes was a hit sitcom, and Todd Bridges famously

portrayed Willis Jackson. Bridges did so well in the role that he found it difficult

to establish himself apart from Willis. He eventually wrote his biography, “Killing

Willis” which dealt with the sexual abuse of his childhood, his criminal charges

and his drug addiction.

Bridges also was Monk in Everybody Hates Chris. His career included

appearances on Little House on the Prairie, the Waltons, Fish, and Roots-the

groundbreaking miniseries. Bridges has numerous music video, film credits, and

television appearances as well.

His work as an advocate for legislation to protect child actors has been an

integral part of his life. He has stated that legislative bills are one type of

precaution which may help to monitor Hollywood in such a way that pedophiles

will be unable to “commit inhuman acts”.

Evan Henzi

Evan Henzi was once a child actor and client of Marty Weiss, the youth talent

manager. But Henzi fought back against the manager who assaulted him

sexually over a period of five years on 30 to 40 occasions. Looking back on that

time in his life, Henzi admitted that he harbored anger for the legal system.

When Weiss was convicted of two charges against Henzi, the sentence was just

six months spent in prison. Henzi spent the years from 11 to 21 trying to

understand what happened to him and why. He took the blame for the abuse

and felt guilty for years. For a long time, he just felt confused, until he learned

that it’s simply “sick” for an adult man to want to have sex with an 11-year-old


Henzi is most recently known for his contribution to the documentary An Open

Secret. It’s said that Henzi openly wept for the entire film when it was viewed

in New York.

Samantha Geimer

Samantha Geimer was a thirteen-year-old when director Roman Polanski took

her to the Hollywood Hills home of Jack Nicholson, drugged her with some of a

Quaalude, gave her a drink of Champagne, and then raped her. She thought

she was on her way to a photo shoot for a magazine, so she took the ride with

Polanski, looking forward to her big chance at fame.

Her mother had met Polanski first and it was her mother who notified police

when she discovered what happened to Samantha. The following year,

Samantha spent most of her time telling her story again and again for the

myriad of attorneys, police officers and doctors who were involved in the case.

Ultimately, she told a grand jury, too.

Polanski was ultimately sentenced to 42 days in the Chino State Prison. After

that, Polanski fled the United States. More than thirty years passed before

Polanski was arrested. He was caught in Switzerland. Samantha eventually

married and became the mother of three sons.

She wrote a book about her story called The Girl: A Life in the Shadow of

Roman Polanski. Her writing reflects the opinion that she was more hurt by the

journalists and others in the film industry who sensationalized her story for the

purposes of their own gain. Though it took her a long time to feel “okay”, she

views her experience as simply surviving the “common crime of a very famous


Anthony Rapp

Anthony Rapp, Star Trek actor, was 14 years old when he was allegedly

sexually harassed by actor Kevin Spacey. Spacey apologized for his behavior,

but also said that he was drunk and did not remember the 1986 incident at all.

Rapp felt compelled to speak out about his encounter with Kevin

Spacey, who used the opportunity to come out as gay while making his

statement. Rapp, who was part of the original cast of Rent, is openly gay, and

felt that the multitude of allegations about Harvey Weinstein inspired many

victims of sexual harassment to share their own stories.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore is famous around the world for her role as Gertie, the little girl

in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. She is part of the famous Barrymore dynasty;

multi-generational family of stage and film actors. Her grandfather was John


She wrote her autobiography in 1989. Little Girl Lost details her memories of

her father who was abusive but left her family when she was just six months

old. Drew spent years of her childhood, smoking, drinking, drugging, partying,

and in rehab.

Michael Egan

Michael Egan accused director Bryan Singer and other influential Hollywood

men of pedophilic sexual abuse. He did so at a press conference held in the

Four Seasons hotel on Wilshire Boulevard with his mother and lawyer at his

sides. His allegations were countered with industry backlash.

He told the story of being groomed for Hollywood fame supported by working

for Digital Entertainment Network figures at the M&C estate. He remembers a

long list of rules for living there with the executives and a stock of young and

attractive men.

No clothes in the hot tub or pool areas, drugs of all kinds, drinking

and inappropriate advances. When Egan finally decided to set forth his

allegations, he included prominent gay and elite members of Hollywood, and

that is what made his announcement different from many others.

He also included specific intimate details about what was done to him. His

position is that he was an unwilling victim, while those he accused take the

position that he was a liar who traded sexual encounters for the chance to

enter Hollywood business. At the end of it all, Egan dropped his case and is

now looking at prison time for fraud.

Alison Arngrim

Alison Arngrim was famous for her portrayal of Nellie Oleson on the popular

television show Little House on the Prairie. She was just twelve years old, but

she played Nellie with a wide array of yells, screams, awful faces, and

manipulative behaviors.

She didn’t tell anyone that one of her relatives had sexually abused her starting

when she was six years old and continuing until she was nine. For her, keeping

it secret was the hardest. None of her co-workers knew that it had happened

and nobody in her family knew either. When she was young, she really didn’t

know for certain what was happening to her.

When she grew older, she understood more, and realized that things weren’t

right. She told her relative that she wasn’t going to do it anymore, and the

abuse stopped. Years later, in her twenties, she sought therapy and began to

talk about her experience. After her public announcement, she started working

on behalf of the National Association to Protect Children.

Mackenzie Phillips

Mackenzie Phillips once starred in One Day at a Time in the 1970s and 80s. She

told her story on the Oprah Winfrey show, where she presented her book titled

“High on Arrival”. She was just eighteen years old when her father raped her.

Her father was a rock star and singer with the Mamas and the Papas.

Mackenzie had been on a drug binge and passed out. The sexual encounter

incited a sexual relationship which lasted for ten years and was consensual.

Regardless, it took Mackenzie more than 30 years to get over the rape and its

consequences. As an adult, she came to understand that the incest was an

abuse of power and trust betrayed.

Teri Hatcher

Though Teri Hatcher attempted to hide the sexual abuse her uncle subjected

her to when she was five, she discarded her life-long fear and decided to tell

prosecutors what happened to her. She did so after she learned that her uncle

had a victim who committed suicide at the age of 14. That’s when Hatcher

know she had to help.

Her uncle pleaded guilty to child molestation and was thrown in jail with a

sentence of 14 years. The deputy district attorney of Santa Clara County,

California noted that the case would have been dismissed had it not been for

Hatcher’s testimony.

Dylan Farrow

In 2014, Dylan Farrow wrote a letter describing her adoptive father, Woody

Allen of sexually assaulting her. Dylan was only seven years old when the abuse

allegedly took place, and her mother, Mia Farrow, took on the position of point

person in their widely publicized legal struggle against misconduct in the star

struck world of Hollywood. Allen himself claimed that the only reason Mia stood

up for Dylan is to gain completely custody of the child.

The case has been written about hundreds of times, but Dylan wrote about it

the first time herself and explicitly described what happened to her. She wrote

that Woody Allen took her to the attic in their house, told her to lie down on

her stomach and “play with her brothers’ train set”.

That’s when he assaulted her, whispering through the event, telling her it was

their secret. Dylan has difficulty even looking at toy trains now. Woody Allen

was never convicted for the crime he was said to have committed. But Dylan

cut herself, had problems eating, and became terrified that men might touch


Hearing the name Woody Allen brings Dylan to nausea. She wrote that society

has failed sexual abuse and assault survivors, and that Allen is the “living

testament” to it. While Allen is celebrated for his movies, Dylan lives with the

memories of vulnerability. That is why she chose to write her take on the

controversy which lives on today.

Alex Winter

When Alex Winter interviewed with Adrian Chiles of BBC 5 Live, Winter

described his sexual abuse during the 1970s when he was a child star. It was

still a decade until he would reach fame starring in Bill & Ted’s Excellent

Adventure with Keanu Reeves. Winter said that he went through a “hellish”

boyhood and eventually suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder because of


Winter aptly told Chiles that young boys are not in a position of power and are

often fearful for their safety. He also said that there’s an unspoken requirement

that sexual things must be kept hushed and not public. Winter never thought

he would speak about it in public.

He said he expected that he would die with the secret, though he never

believed that keeping it within small circles of understanding people was the

right thing to do.

When the scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein broke open, he changed his

mind and began to speak openly. The one best thing for him about the time of

his abuse was that his top hit film Bill & Ted, as he spoke about it, gave him a

very sweet world where he could have fun and ultimately get the therapy he

needed from that.

Anthony Edwards

Though best known for his roles in ER, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Top

Gun, Zodiac, Revenge of the Nerds and many more, in 2017, Anthony Edwards

became the author of an essay published on Medium. His essay was titled “Yes,

Mom. There is Something Wrong”. It was subtitled “From victim to survivor.”

Edwards described the truths he knew about his mentor Gary Goddard being a


Up until his essay, his mother had only heard rumors, but she wanted her

fourteen-year-old son to be able to speak with her about it. At the time, he

denied the rumors. He’d been learning about acting, studying, and friendship

from Goodard from the time he was only twelve, and he belonged to a group of

five friends who shared the same things.

Goddard was what Edwards termed their “sick father figure”. Goddard had

indeed molested Edwards during a production for youth theater of Peter Pan.

Goddard also raped Edwards’ best friend. For years, the five friends kept quiet

about it.

Their “gang” as Edwards described them, depended on Goddard for love and

support, and unfortunately were taught through abuse that love was

conditional upon their behaviors.

He eventually was able to overcome his shame and remove the secrecy by

writing about his experiences. He wasn’t able to have the conversation with his

mother that he wanted to have, but he had it later with others.

Eliza Dushku

Eliza Dushku was just 12 years old when she was working on True Lies, playing

Dana, the daughter of Harry and Helen Tasker. This past

molested her while she was on set.

He was the stunt coordinator for the film and Dushku wrote that he showered

her with attention and flattered her. Then one day, he encouraged her to come

to his hotel room in Miami, and then disrobed before he molested her.

Dushku also indicated that the day her friend confronted Kramer about his

behavior, Dushku had a stunt injury, even though Kramer was supposed to be

certain that she would not be harmed. Dushku’s Facebook post was followed by

women who posted their own stories in support of her. She thanked them for

being brave and for the strength that they all shared with her as a result of her


Jamie Lee Curtis, who portrayed Helen Trasker in True Lies responded to

Dushku’s reveal by telling the Huffington Post that Dushku had told her about

the sexual abuse years ago, and that she was saddened and shocked when she

first heard the story. Curtis acknowledged that she was still feeling the same

way about the private disclosure as she was years ago. Source

Former Disney Child Star Ricky Garcia Says He Was Used as ‘Sexual

Plaything’ by Hollywood Pedophiles. SOURCE

Former Disney Channel star Ricky Garcia has become the latest child star to

blow the whistle on the Hollywood pedophilia epidemic, accusing his former

manager of sexually assaulting him for years and allowing other Hollywood

pedophiles to use him as a “sexual plaything.”

Garcia claimed the abuse by Joby Harte of Hot Rock Media began when he was

just 12 years old. The abuse continued for years afterwards, a lawsuit filed in

LA County Superior Court claimed.

The manager allegedly then used alcohol to rape Garcia, according to the filing.

At the age of 16, Harte was reportedly sexually assaulting the star “on an

almost weekly basis.”

Hollywood Gossip – Who’s Doing Who?

James Dean

Hollywood rebel who SEXED his way to the top. SIXTY years after his death an

explosive book reveals that James Dean had an insatiable sexual appetite and

counted Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe among his conquests.


The Hollywood says, Dean Would Have Sex with Anyone to Get Ahead.

He lived fast, died young and left a corpse mangled beyond recognition. Sixty

years after James Dean’s fatal car crash a shocking new biography reveals the

insatiable libido and tormented psyche.

He had three or four sexual conquests each week and though he wasn’t the

most handsome man, didn’t have a great body, had two false front teeth and

was often rude, but women and men threw themselves at him.

Dean’s secret lovers included Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford

and Judy Garland.

He would have SEX with anybody to get ahead

Dean was an equal-opportunity lover indulging in flings with Marlon Brando,

Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, Rock Hudson and Spencer Tracy.

Amazingly Dean dreamed of marrying Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.

Dean met Monroe in 1955 and the pair quickly adjourned to a romantic

weekend at a beachfront cottage. “He was very loving, very romantic,” Monroe

told actress Shelley Winters. “I’ve agreed to marry him one day.” GETTY

Dean’s secret lovers included Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan

Crawford and Judy Garland.

MONROE was jealous of Liz Taylor, “She’s got a voracious sexual appetite and

the morals of a truck driver. I hear that unless she shaves constantly, she is

hairy. One of her former lovers told me she even has hair growing between her


But the affair grew serious and Dean told Taylor’s husband Michael Wilding:

“I’ve fallen in love with your wife. She is going to divorce you and marry me.”

Dean bedded some of Hollywood’s legends including Joan Crawford and

Tallulah Bankhead.

Judy Garland became an occasional lover, even partaking in a threesome

with Dean and actor John Carlyle. “I don’t really remember who did what

to whom,” Dean admitted. “Judy gave us some pills after popping a few


Other conquests included sultry singer Eartha Kitt and Woolworth heiress

Barbara Hutton. Kitt confessed: “Our love for each other just happened.

Natalie Wood, his co-star and lover while filming Rebel Without A Cause,

revealed: “Sometimes Jimmy liked to hurt his partner and be hurt. I don’t

go in for that.”


Pictured is James Dean, Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor

Dean was omnisexual. His affairs were often opportunistic and designed to

further his career. He was an unknown actor when introduced to Spencer Tracy

who took Dean to bed only to burst into tears.


James Dean had a love affair with motor racing and cars.

“I don’t like who I am,” sobbed Tracy, who at the time was involved with

Katharine Hepburn. In the morning Dean slipped away taking Tracy’s wallet and


Dean met Paul Newman in 1952, both chasing the same roles, and quickly

seduced Newman. Eartha Kitt claimed she enjoyed a threesome with Dean and

Newman, saying the romp “ranks as one of the most celestial experiences of

my life”. Rock Hudson and Dean were lovers while filming Giant together in

1955 until Hudson dumped him.

On September 30, 1955, Dean was speeding to a race in Salinas, northern

California, when he struck a car turning across his path. His Porsche flew 50

feet into the air, somersaulted and crashed into a telephone pole. He died with

a broken neck, his forehead and chest caved in.

Dean was a thrill-seeker with a love for speed and liked to tempt death so that

he could experience life all the more. He paid the ultimate price.

Scotty Bowers And The Secret History Of Hollywood': The Man Who

Sold Sex To The Stars

Scotty Bowers, pictured here in his Marine uniform, ran a gas station in post-

WWII Hollywood that provided a unique service for many movie stars of the


Scotty talks at length about Hepburn and Tracy: He says Spencer Tracy and

Katherine Hepburn were never lovers – she is a lesbian and he is homosexual.

They were simply friends. The Studios made it as though they were lovers.

They were not in the bed department together at all. He says Tracy, drunk,

would ask him to spend the night, and then, the next morning, would act as if

nothing had happened. Scotty obtained 150 female sex partners for

Hepburn. She had an inassimilable sexual appetite.

Here are a few other celebrities who Scotty provided his SEX services for: Cary

Grant, George Cukor and Rex Harrison. Bowers would rent out a trailer in the

back of a gas station on Hollywood Boulevard for $20 per session and also

make house calls, sometimes matching the celebrity with his desires, and often

having sex with them. Scotty kept all of this secret, until almost all had died

and he felt free to publish his salacious tell-all memoir in 2012.

Bowers not only serviced the stars himself, but he was also a pimp for the

Stars. He helped countless sexually deviant Stars acquire their preference of

sexual activities.

Orgies, And Relationships From The Golden Age Of SLEAZY


These stories are another example of the Illusion “Hollywood” creates for

audiences and the fans of celebrities. Most actors and actresses are

frauds. They are not who they pretend to be in the movies or in their public


Anthony Perkins

Anthony Perkins is best known for playing Norman Bates in Alfred

Hitchcock's Psycho, and he was nominated for an Academy Award for his role

in Friendly Persuasion.

Perkins was intense, sensitive, and complex, according to Scotty Bowers. He

was married with two kids but also gay. His longest gay relationship was with

actor Tab Hunter, but he saw many men.

Perkins always wanted someone different. Bowers writes, 'Who've you got

who's different, Scott?' 'Who do you have for me for tomorrow night that will

surprise me? Anything really new?"

“Of course, he was carrying on with Tab Hunter for a long time, we were told

on good authority,” artist Don Bachardy told author Charles Winecoff. Only in

mixed gatherings, such as a party at acting teacher Elaine Aiken’s, would

Perkins allow himself to be seen with Hunter.

They would go on movie dates but buy tickets separately and sit apart. The

Vista Theater, near the predominately gay neighborhood of Silver Lake,

attracted a primarily male audience, and Perkins felt comfortable sitting with

Hunter there.

“Tab Hunter was a known homosexual at the time,” camera operator

Leonard Smith remembers. “I don’t think Tony was, he kept to himself. But he

used to have Tab come on the set two or three times a week, and they’d have

lunch or something.

The crew made a lot of jokes about it; they were cruel. Of course, Tony was

upset. He’d go off to his dressing room and answer them in a way that said he

didn’t want any more of it. If guys made cracks, he’d get upset and just walk

away from them.”

Katharine Hepburn

Katherine Hepburn, knew that socialite and pimp Scotty Bowers set actors up to

have sex with almost anyone they wanted. Hepburn said, "I know about your

reputation, Scotty, “When you get a chance, do you think you can find a

nice young dark-haired girl for me? Someone that's not too heavily


Over the next 50 years, Bowers became very close friends with Hepburn. He

said, "In the course of time, I would fix her up with over 150 different women.

Most of them she would only see once or twice, and then tire of them."

Bowers said there was one exception. Bowers set Hepburn up with a 17-year-

old trick named Barbara. Shortly after they started seeing each other, Hepburn

bought her a brand-new two-toned Ford Fairlane as a gift. Hepburn saw

Barbara on and off for 49 years.

Three months before Hepburn passed away in June 2003, Barbara, who had

married no less than three times during that period, received a letter from

Hepburn's attorneys. With the letter was a check for $100,000.

Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy was nominated for nine Academy Awards and won two

for Captains Courageous and Boys Town. He made nine movies with Katharine

Hepburn, and studios concocted a phony romance between the actors that was

so well-managed the public accepted it without question. Tracy and Hepburn

were always given trailers, dressing rooms, and hotel suites next to each other

to keep the myth alive.

Scotty Bowers recalls how Tracy called him to come look at his hot-water

cylinder in his house. As Bowers fixed the hot-water heater, Tracy drank an

entire bottle of Scotch. Bowers offered to cook for him and Tracy opened

another bottle of Scotch. Then, Tracy came on to Bowers.

Bowers writes, "He began to undress and begged me not to leave him. I did

not have the heart to say no." Bowers got undressed and climbed into bed with

Tracy, who was so drunk and difficult to understand. Bowers tried to calm him

down, but Bowers said Tracy "lay his head down at my groin, took hold of my

penis and began nibbling on my foreskin."

A few hours later, Bowers woke up to the sound of Tracy stumbling around the

bedroom trying to find the bathroom door to pee. Bowers said, "He fumbled for

the light switch but couldn't find it, so he just let loose. One moment he was

urinating up against the drapes, the next into an open closet, then all over the

carpet. Finally, he fell back into bed and immediately lapsed into a deep sleep,

snoring like an express train."

Bowers continued to have sex with Tracy, which always included Tracy drinking

himself into a stupor. Bowers said, "The great Spencer Tracy was another

bisexual man, a fact totally concealed by the studio publicity department. That

is, if they ever knew about it at all."

George Cukor

George Cukor was a legend in the movie industry. He had directed Camille,

starring Greta Garbo, along with classics like Romeo and Juliet and The

Philadelphia Story.

Cukor had sex with Scotty Bowers. In their first encounter, Bowers writes that

Cukor "moved over to me, began to fondle my balls, then rapidly stroked me to

a full erection. In no time at all he started to suck on my erect penis. He was so

good at what he was doing that before I knew I was dizzy with ecstasy and

simply lay back until I experienced an absolutely exquisite orgasm." Then,

Cukor quickly showered, asked Bowers to shower, and insisted on paying

Bowers. Bowers realized that he always has blunt sexual encounters like this.

"There was never any foreplay or necking. There was no preamble, nor was

there ever any form of penetration. Anal sex was out of the question. To put it

crudely, just like my friend, Cole Porter, George just wanted to suck dick. And

he would do it with a quick, cold efficiency."

Cole Porter

Cole Porter was a composer and songwriter, and he won the Tony Award for

Best Musical for Kiss Me, Kate.

After one year he dropped out of Harvard Law School, where he had resided

with Dean Acheson, the future Secretary of State. His unwavering D-grades in

all his law courses resulted in a transfer to the School of Music in 1914 for his

second year at Harvard. For a time he studied music with Pietro Yon, who went

on to become famous as organist at NYC’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Porter, who was exclusively homosexual, met his future wife Linda at a

1918 wedding reception in Paris, where he had lingered after serving in France

in a volunteer ambulance unit during the final year of WW I. At least that's

what he told Linda. Although Cole appeared on the streets of Paris in various

military uniforms, later biographers revealed that Porter never served in the

military of any country.

Porter maintained a luxury apartment in Paris, where he entertained lavishly.

His parties were extravagant and scandalous, with a little of everything

sprinkled in for good measure – much gay and bisexual activity, cross-dressing,

international musicians, Italian nobility, and a large surplus of recreational

drugs. For a twenty-something boy born on a farm in Peru, Indiana, things

were moving fast.

Linda Lee Thomas (at right), a fabulously wealthy socialite divorcée, was

descended from the Paca family (one of whom was a signer of the Declaration

of Independence) as well as from the Lees of Virginia. Linda was well aware of

Porter’s homosexuality, but they nevertheless married on December 12, 1919,

and remained based in Paris as bon vivants of hedonistic high style until 1937,

when war clouds forced their return to the U.S.

Many of their circle suspected that Linda might be lesbian or bisexual, while

others thought of her as asexual. Whichever was true, their marriage was

without sex, but certainly not without love. They adored each other. Years later

Linda miscarried, but it is not certain whether Cole was the would-be father.

Linda was known to have affairs of her own, but it cannot be determined if they

were sexual. It’s all a cloud of ambiguity.

After their honeymoon in southern France and Italy, Cole sought further formal

musical training, enrolling at the Schola Cantorum in the Latin Quarter of Paris.

He soon abandoned his notion of writing serious orchestral music, however,

and did not complete the curriculum.

Linda, thirteen years older than Cole, provided him with a passport to social

landscapes he could never have traversed on his own. Their world was a fusion

of outrageous Bohemianism and mad-cap Roaring Twenties liberation, tossed

together with moneyed misfits, exiled royalty, show business personalities and

assorted impoverished creative geniuses. Included in their social circles were

Coco Chanel, Lauritz Melchior and Arthur Rubenstein, who loved to sit down at

the piano to play Cole Porter songs. In short, they knew anyone worth


Soon after their marriage, Linda bought a much larger Parisian residence in

1920 at 13, rue Monsieur, a street just one block long, not far from Les

Invalides and the Rodin Museum (and purchased for more than $10 million in

today’s money). The rear garden backed up to the house of Nancy Mitford, the

British novelist, biographer and socialite, who was involved in a romance with

the homosexual Scottish aristocrat Hamish St. Clair-Erskine. But I digress.

In Full Service, Scotty Bowers says Cole Porter asked Bowers to bring two or

three Marines over to his house. When Bowers arrived, several young

handsome men were there — and his wife, Linda, was not.

Bowers writes, "I soon learned that Cole's passion was oral sex. He could easily

suck off twenty guys, one after the other. And he always swallowed."

On another evening, Bowers took nine of his best-looking young guys over to

Porter's house and Porter "sucked off every single one of them in no time.

Boom, boom, boom and it was all over."

Bowers had sex with Porter also. Bowers said Porter "loved to suck me off and

then have me fondle him until he reached his own orgasm."

Porter was insecure and told Bowers to throw a dinner party and invite a group

of 12 or 14 people who had all known Porter for a long time. Porter said he'd

hide under the dinner table and eavesdrop as Bowers asked them questions

about Porter. They covered the dinner table with three large bed sheets and

Porter crawled underneath the table. He heard the entire dinner conversation

and never once came out from under the table.

Greta Garbo & Mercedes de Acosta

Greta Garbo was an Academy Award-nominated actress best known for Anna

Karenina and Camille. Mercedes de Acosta was a poet, playwright, and novelist.

In William J. Mann's Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped

Hollywood, he writes, "For a time in the 1920s, [Garbo] lived openly with John

Gilbert; later, she conducted her relationship with playwright and poet

Mercedes de Acosta with similar directness and lack of pretense."

Garbo was very controlling but photographer Cecil Beaton recorded in his 1958

memoir, "Mercedes is [Garbo's] very best friend and for 30 years has stood by

her, willing to devote her life to her."

Mann writes that the public sensed that Garbo was not like most women, with

photos of her and Dietrich, both wearing pants, running under the banner

"Members of the Same Club."

Charles Laughton

Charles Laughton was an English actor best known for The Hunchback of Notre

Dame and for his Academy Award-winning role as Henry VIII in The Private Life

of Henry VIII. In Full Service, Scotty Bowers recalls a story about Laughton's

scat fetish.

Bowers brought over a young man to Laughton's house, and Laughton

proceeded to carefully wash crisp lettuce leaves and tomatoes and place them

on two slices of bread while the young man was told to strip completely and

perch up on a counter top.

He put the sandwich on a plate and grabbed a pot. He told the young man to

follow him, and they were gone for 15 minutes. When they came back, Bowers

could see that the lettuce and tomatoes had been smeared with a light brown

substance. Bowers writes, "It looked like gravy or peanut-butter or some sort of

sandwich spread."

The young man looked sheepish. He looked at Bowers and pointed at the bread

slices on the plate and then lightly patted his backside. Laughton had asked the

young man to defecate into the pot so he could smear his poop on his


Laughton then sat down and ate the sandwich.

Rock Hudson

Rock Hudson (homosexual) was best known for his Academy Award-nominated

role in Giant with Elizabeth Taylor and Pillow Talk with Doris Day.

Rock Hudson's homosexuality was carefully kept secret by his gay agent, Henry

Wilson, and the studio. They managed to conceal his sexuality right up until the

time he died of AIDS in 1985.

He was married to Phyllis Gates, who was a lesbian. In Full Service, Scotty

Bowers writes, "Over the year I arranged many tricks for [Gates]. She liked her

female sex partners slim, dark-haired, and young."

In William J. Mann's Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped

Hollywood, an 80-year-old man talks with Mann about the 1950s when it

seemed everyone in Hollywood was gay. He said, "Don't repeat all that crap

about how tough Rock Hudson had it. You know how he had to pretend to be

straight and live a lie and all that.

That was just surface. Rock Hudson had it easy. You just have to ask any Joe

from Peoria what life was like for him. Who didn't have to lie? Who didn't have

to pretend? The difference was, in Hollywood, our bosses lied for us. They

protected us. We had a whole community, for God's sake. We had — dare I say

it? — power. Where else in America did gays have such a thing?" Hudson died

of AIDS.

Cary Grant & Randolph Scott

Cary Grant was an English actor and considered one of classic Hollywood's

definitive leading men. (They were lovers) He was nominated twice for an

Academy Award for his roles in Penny Serenade and None But the Lonely

Heart. Randolph Scott was an actor best known for Heritage of the Desert, a

film that established him as a Western hero.

Cary Grant was married to Barbara Hutton, but he was sharing his house with

actor Randolph Scott. Scott was also married.

When Bowers was with Grant and Scott, he writes, "The three of us got into a

lot of sexual mischief together. Aside from the usual sucking — neither of them

were into fucking, at least not fucking guys, or at least not me — what I

remember most about the first encounter was that Scott really liked to cuddle,

and talk, and was very gentle."

Grant and Scott's relationship lasted for years. They eventually ended up

sharing a home together behind the famed Chateau Marmont Hotel in

Hollywood as well as their Malibu beach house.

Tyrone Power

Tyrone Power was an actor most known for The Mask of Zorro and Blood and


Bowers writes, "Women swooned over him and he bedded quite a few of them,

but he much preferred men."

He preferred young men in particular, and "some of his sexual tastes were

rather odd and offbeat, but none of the guys seemed to mind. He was always

meticulously careful about who he saw. He fiercely guarded his reputation at

the studio and his position as a highly visible actor, so few outside of a very

tight circle could point a finger at him and accuse him of indiscreet behavior."

Bowers had a ménage à trois with Power and a random girl, even though

Power was married. Bowers writes, "As we romped around that rather grimy

hotel room that night it was patently clear to me that Ty had a healthy and

inventive sexual appetite, but one that was infinitely more focused on me than

it was on my girlfriend. I felt truly sorry for the poor guy. It must have been

very tough for him to have to perpetually hide who he really was."

William Haines & Jimmy Shields

William Haines was the No. 1 box-office silent film star in the country for just

one year — 1930 — but he was in the top 10 for another five, from 1926 to

1931. He was most known for The Midnight Express and Brown of Harvard, but

he gave up acting in his thirties when MGM didn't approve of his sexuality.

Haines was rumored to have stormed out of MGM mogul Louis B. Mayer's office

when he insisted that Haines give up his relationship with his lover, Jimmy


"My happiness with Jimmy is more important than my career in your lousy

motion pictures, Mr. Mayer," Haines is reputed to have said.

In William J. Mann's Wisecracker: The Life and Times of William

Haines, Hollywood's First Openly Gay Star, Mann writes that Haines met Shields

in early 1926. "I think Billy picked him up on the street," said Arch Case, who

became a friend in the 1950s.

Jimmy was a sailor and had been born James Shields Fickeisen and didn't have

money, so Haines found him a job at MGM as an extra and stand-in. Haines

indulged him, and Mann writes, "As the steady boyfriend of movie-star William

Haines, Jimmy took himself quite seriously — ironically affecting the kind of

attitude Billy loathed in others."

"Jimmy's real name was Fickeisen," said longtime friend Michael Pearman. "I'd

always tease him, calling him Chicken Fricasee. He didn't think it was funny. He

didn't really have any sense of humor."

Jimmy realized how well-off they were, and his nephew, Charlie Conrad, said,

"Jimmy was quite bountiful throughout his life. He loved very good things, and

I received many beautiful items from him."

Mann describes how Haines and Shields' relationship was the first openly gay

relationship in Hollywood. Reporter Samuel Richard Mook described the house

they shared together as very "uncommon" and a blend of colonial New Orleans

and 18th century England. They had lavish dinner parties, and at one party,

Haines provided necklaces made of gardenias for all the female guests. Mann

writes, "In 1927, he had the town eating out of his hand."

Vincent Price & Coral Browne

Vincent Price was best known for his career in horror films, most notably

for House of Wax and The Fly, but he received the only award nomination of

his career for his performance as Mr. Maranov in The Whales of August. Coral

Browne was an Australian-born actress most known for Auntie Mame and The

Killing of Sister George.

Scotty Bowers writes that Browne "worked primarily in England and although

she was a dyke — I know because I would fix her up with many tricks with

young women in future years — the couple were devoted to one another."

Bowers writes that they didn't have a sex life for years, and Bowers was

sleeping with Price. He writes, "Sex with him was pleasant, unhurried, gentle.

There was what I can only refer to as a kind of refinement about it. It was

erotic, tantalizing, fulfilling. High class stuff all the way."

Marlene Dietrich

Marlene Dietrich was a well-known actress who was best known for The Blue

Angel, Shanghai Express, and Desire.

In William J. Mann's Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped

Hollywood, Mann writes that Dietrich had come of age in postwar Berlin, where

the LGBT culture thrived, so she came to the US with a more open viewpoint on

her sexuality. At the German premiere of Der Blaue Engel, she walked out on

the stage with a bunch of violets pinned to the crotch of her gown. Violets were

the symbol of lesbianism — sure to be understood by her friends in Berlin.

Dietrich also formed a passionate partnership with Mercedes de Acosta and

other women while married to Rudolph Sieber. (If you'll recall, Acosta also had

a fling with Greta Garbo.)

"I haven't a strong sense of possession toward a man," Dietrich told a reporter.

"Maybe that's because I am not particularly feminine in my reactions. I never

have been."

Ramon Novarro

Ramon Novarro was a Mexican film, stage, and television actor who is best

known for Ben-Hur and Across to Singapore with Joan Crawford.

Novarro was fairly open about his sexuality among industry insiders. In William

J. Mann's book Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood,

Mann writes that Novarro was Haines' polar opposite: quiet, reserved, a devout

Roman Catholic...yet at the same time, he was as much involved in the gay

subculture as Billy Haines — although he usually prayed for absolution the next


He and Haines were scolded by MGM's producer, Louis B. Mayer, for

patronizing a male brothel on Wilshire Boulevard.

Novarro loved oral sex so much he referred to semen as "honey."

Bowers writes, "He would call me up and say, 'I need some honey. Urgently.

Tonight. Help me out and find me a few guys. Please.'"

Bowers would bring five or six young guys over to his house, and Novarro, who

had a drinking problem, would summon each young man in one by one while

Bowers sat in the living room with the other men.

Bowers writes, "Within the space of half an hour he would go through them all

and then stumble out and call the first one in again." But the first man could

not ejaculate again since he already ejaculated, so Novarro would get mad at

Bowers, but he was so drunk, he quickly forgot.

His alcoholism got out of control. On the morning of Oct. 30, 1968, his body

was discovered by his servant in his North Hollywood home. He had been

beaten to death by two young male hustlers who thought he had thousands of

dollars in cash stashed away in his house. He didn't.

Tennessee Williams

Playwright Tennessee Williams was most known for The Glass Menagerie and A

Streetcar Named Desire.

Williams was still grieving over his longtime companion, Frank Merlo, a sailor he

had met who died of cancer in 1963, when Bowers met him. Bowers started

sleeping with Williams, who Bowers said "proved himself to be a horny devil

once we got to know one another."

Bowers remembers him as a very insecure man. Merlo's death, his unhappy

childhood, his sister Rose's mental illness and institutionalization, his fractured

relationship with his younger brother Dakin, his depression, and his addition to

prescription drugs all took a heavy toll on him.

Claudette Colbert

Helen O'Hagan, Liz Smith, and Claudette Colbert

Claudette Colbert was a French-born American actress who won an Academy

Award for It Happened One Night.

She said, "No man ought ever to marry an actress. A man can be ideally happy

only if he is married to a woman who is completely interested in him. An

actress never is."

When Robert Shaw first met Claudette in the late 1950s, she was very close

with a painter, Verna Hull. They broke up and Helen O'Hagan became her

constant companion. "I don't know if she ever used the word (lesbian) or not,"

Shaw said, "and I know she cared about Jack Pressman (her husband) a great

deal. But after he was gone, she told all her friends they should treat Helen the

way they had treated Jack — as her spouse."

She was rumored to have also had an affair with Marlene Dietrich.

Mae West – The Sexy Gangster Woman

Mae West quipped, "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is

enough.” She was born on this date in 1893 ... or so she claimed.

1. Mae West's first performance was at a church social when she was five

years old. By 14, she was a vaudeville stage actress known as Baby Mae.

Her early roles involved cross-dressing and blackface. She was

"discovered" at 18 and cast in bigger shows.

2. West later starred in her own plays, which she wrote under the

pseudonym Jane Mast. In 1927, Sex landed her 10 days in jail and a $500

fine for obscenity. She got off two days early for good behavior.

3. Paramount Pictures offered West a motion picture contact in 1932. She

was 38.

4. Though known for her hourglass figure, Mae West is most beloved for

her favorite figure of speech, the double entendre. A few examples:

“Women like a man with a past, but they prefer a man with a present."

“I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing.”

“I'm a woman of very few words, but lots of action.”

She later joked, "If I asked for a cup of coffee, someone would search for

the double meaning."

5. Mae West wasn't just reading lines. She wrote nine of the 13 films in

which she starred. It all started when she re-wrote her first role in Night

After Night and stole the show. West once described herself as "the lady

who works at Paramount all day ... and Fox all night."

6. Dorothy Parker's famous lines are sometimes attributed to Mae West

and vice-versa. The two were born the same year, wrote screenplays, and

were known for their sharp wit. But there are a few big differences. While

Parker is best known as a literary writer and critic, West is most

remembered as an actress.

Parker and her friends famously comprised the Algonquin Round Table.

West was more of a lone wolf. Parker was a depressive, sometimes

suicidal, alcoholic. West didn't drink, smoke, or dwell too much on

sadness. Parker was a brunette; West was a bottle blonde. Parker grew

up in Manhattan; West was from Brooklyn. And so on...

The simplest way to tell if a quote came from either Parker or West is to

ask yourself, "Sad or sexy?" That said, it's not always easy! Can you

figure out who's responsible for these lines? (Scroll down to the bottom

for the answers.)

A: "To err is human — but it feels divine."

B: "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."

C: “She's the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success wrong by


D: "That woman speaks eight languages and can't say 'no' in any of


7. That famous line from 1933's She Done Him Wrong is actually, "Why

don't you come up sometime and see me?"

8. West said, "Marriage is a great institution. I'm not ready for an

institution yet." She was secretly married at age 17, but only lived with

her husband for a few weeks. They didn't legally divorce until 31 years

later. The actress was rumored to have secretly married another man, but

preferred dating younger men. Her long-term partner Paul Novak was 30

years her junior.

9. By 1935, West was the highest-paid star in Hollywood — and the

second highest-paid person in the United States. The first: newspaper

tycoon William Randolph Hearst.

10. Fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli — Coco Chanel's rival — designed a

number of West's costumes. The buxom star is also rumored to have

inspired a Coca-Cola bottle.

11. Frequent Schiaparelli collaborator Salvador Dalí also considered Mae

West a muse. His painting Il volto di Mae West imagines the bombshell as

an apartment. He later designed a surrealist sofa called Mae West Lips.

12. The inflatable, body-hugging B-4 life preservers used in World War II

were nicknamed "Mae Wests." In parachuting, a "Mae West" is what

happens when the canopy malfunctions and contorts into the shape of a


13. When the Beatles asked permission to use a picture of West on the

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band album cover, the actress joked, "What

would I be doing in a lonely hearts club?” When the Beatles finally

convinced her, they put her (#3) next to Lenny Bruce (#4), another comic

known for pushing the boundaries of freedom of speech.


Mae West’s Career Took Off After She Was Sent to Jail.

Mae West, the drop-dead gorgeous actress whose film career began at 38, is a

symbol of charm and self-assurance. But her movie career might have never

been, coming only after battling with opposition from her own family. In fact,

she didn’t hit the big time until she was in her late 30s.

West was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1893, to John and Matilda West. She

was originally named Mary, but her family called her Mae, a moniker she kept

as her stage name.

She was passionate about acting and stardom from a very young age. At three-

years-old she was already mimicking friends and relatives, and fell in love with

the vaudeville performances that her mother took her to see from a young age.

Mae West

West first stepped onto the stage herself in 1907, at the tender age of 14,

according to Biography.com. She signed up with Hal Clarendon’s stock

company, working the vaudeville and burlesque circuit. Her first taste of

Broadway came in 1911 with a minor part in A La Broadway.

While the show was a failure, West’s performance revealed a very promising

actress, leading to a part in Vera Violetta and opening the door to roles in off-

Broadway productions.

Despite the success of Sometime in 1918, in which she famously danced the

shimmy, West remained a feature in vaudeville up until 1926 when “she came

to notoriety with her self-penned play.

Despite her clear talent for acting, West’s family was not supportive of her

career path. Her father, in particular, struggled to embrace West’s fame and

controversial image.

Her mother was more supportive — having had a career in modelling she was

able to relate to the experience her oldest daughter was living.

As a sexy and outspoken actress who loved attention, West decided to make

her personality and charm her main asset. In the 1920s, she began writing and

producing her own plays.

Using word-play to carry sexual jokes, West became at the same time very

popular and a public figure with a contested image, one that was considered by

some a “bad” role model.

A pair of “trick” platform shoes worn by Mae West in films to make her look

taller, which also contributed to her unique walk.

In 1926, West wrote and starred in the Broadway play Sex. The play was an

immediate success, but was sanctioned as obscene, and resulted in West being

sent to jail for ten days.

Because of her good behavior, she was released after only eight days. The

whole affair was an effective career-booster for West, proving the rule that no

publicity is bad publicity.

Mae West, 1936

This sulfurous and sexy image would become intrinsic to West’s career. She

kept writing plays for several years, and had actors learn two scrips. One of the

scripts would contain her original writing, while the other would have a more

prude version for a more reserved audience.

It was during that time that West wrote Diamond Lil. The show was a massive

hit, with more than 300 performances on Broadway alone.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, West was recognized for her ironic tone,

which was successful at ridiculing society’s codes and perceptions of sex.

Publicity photo with W. C. Fields for ‘My Little Chickadee’ (1940)

Her success on stage slowed down with the Great Depression, as the global

economy took a hit. Eager to remain on the top, West decided to leave New

York and relocated to Los Angeles.

The success West had endured as an actress and play writer had not gone

unnoticed. In 1933 she starred as Lady Lou in She Done Him Wrong,

Paramount Pictures’ adaptation of her Diamond Lil.

‘Diamond Lil’ returning to New York from Hollywood, 1933

Mae West was finally offered a motion picture contract in 1932 by Paramount

Pictures, when she was already 38 years old. This contract not only launched

her cinema career, but saved Paramount from bankruptcy.

Celebrities Having Sex with their Nannies

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck, who announced his divorce from Jennifer Garner in June, has

denied reports that he cheated with the nanny. (Angela Weiss/Getty Images)

Though he has vehemently denied having sex their 28-year-old nanny,

Christine Ouzounian. After announcing his split from Garner in June, a round of

paparazzi photos showed Affleck meeting up with the nanny.

Jude Law

Jude Law publicly apologized after he was caught sleeping with his nanny while

engaged to Sienna Miller. (Bennett Raglin/WireImage) Back in 2005, British

heartthrob Jude Law was engaged to actress Sienna Miller – that is until his

nanny Daisy Wright detailed their trysts in a London newspaper. Law went on

to issue a public apology for the affair.

Ethan Hawke

Ethan Hawke married his nanny after splitting up with Uma Thurman. Actors

Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman's six-year marriage came to a screeching halt

in 2004 when he reportedly cheated with the nanny, Ryan Shawhughes, who

was responsible for caring for their two children. The "Boyhood" actor shot

down the rumors at the time but ended up making the nanny his wife in 2008.

Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger reportedly cheated on Jerry Hall with the couple's nanny. The

couple was never able to overcome Jagger's infidelity with the nanny, whom he

allegedly had sex with on the kitchen counter while Hall slept in another room.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on Maria Shriver and had a secret love child

with the housekeeper. The former California governor's cheating scandal came

to an end when it was revealed that his affair with the family's housekeeper,

Mildred Baena, resulted in a love child. Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

divorced in 2011.

Robin Williams

Robin Williams reportedly cheated on his first wife with his second wife, who

was the couple's nanny at the time. The late Robin Williams reportedly cheated

on his first wife Valerie Velardi with the couple's nanny, Marsha Garces, whom

he later married.

Williams and Garces divorced after 21 years and had two children before he

moved on to his third wife, Susan Schneider.

Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe was accused of sex assault by his nanny. (Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic)

Rob Lowe found himself the target of what he alleged was an extortion attempt

by his longtime nanny in 2008. She said she feared reporting the alleged

incident would lead to her firing. The suit was later tossed.

Peter Cook

Peter Cook cheated on Christie Brinkley with nanny. Feeling unsatisfied in his

marriage to Christie Brinkley, Peter Cook began philandering with his 18-year-

old assistant, Diana Bianchi.

The Hamptons architect tried to pay Bianchi to keep quiet, to the tune of

$300,000, but she later spilled the beans about their affair in court. Brinkley

and Cook divorced in 2008.

Jeffery Epstein’s Partial Flight Log – Those on the list may shock you.

Many of your favorite Entertainers and Politicians have flown with Epstein on

his private jet to PEDO orgy island. The names on this list may surprise you.

More and more names will be listed and discovered as time goes on.

Famous Celebrities (as Children) Who Were Victims of Rape,

Incest and Child Sexual Abuse.

Celebrities are not IMMUNE from incest, rape or sexual assault. Several

celebrities fit within this shocking statistic, as they suffered sexual abuse in

their adolescence. Several famous people share their experiences to help other

survivors cope with the aftermath of sexual assault.

Who is the most famous person who was sexually abused? Marilyn Monroe tops

this list. Monroe spent a great deal of time in the foster care system as a child,

and she suffered sexual abuse from the men in her life. Monroe was one of the

first public figures to discuss her experience with abuse in public.

Some famous men have also been victims of sexual abuse. Marilyn Manson

suffered from childhood sexual abuse. Manson worked the topic of abuse into

his album "Smells Like Children." Gabriel Byrne was abused as a child by

Christian Brothers while he was training to be a priest. Byrne says that he was

"deeply hurt" by the abuse of the clergy member.

Are you surprised that so many famous people have suffered childhood sexual


Sally Field

In the memoir, the two-time Oscar winner alleges that her stepfather -

stuntman/actor Jock Mahoney - abused her when she was 14 years old. She

claims he called her into his bedroom alone. Mahoney died in 1989. "I knew. I

felt both like a child, helpless, and not a child. Powerful. This was power. And I

owned it.

Anthony Edwards

Top Gun actor Anthony Edwards announced in 2017 that he was molested by

Gary Goddard as a child. Goddard - the CEO of the Goddard Group, an

entertainment design firm - allegedly molested Edwards and several of his

friends in the 1970s. Edwards said the abuse made him feel powerless and


Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was passed around the foster care system as a child, and she

suffered sexual abuse from the men in her life. Monroe was one of the first

public figures to discuss her experience with abuse in public.

Tyler Perry

Actor and director Tyler Perry was raped by the mother of a childhood friend,

who held him hostage in her house until he had sex with her.

Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr suffered from childhood sexual abuse.

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson suffered from childhood sexual abuse. Manson worked the

topic of abuse into his album "Smells Like Children."

Mike Tyson

In 2014, boxing champion Mike Tyson revealed that he was sexually abused

when he was seven years old. It was a one time abuse, when a man Tyson did

not know briefly kidnapped him off the street.

Queen Latifah

Rapper and actress Queen Latifah was sexually abused by a babysitter as a


Fiona Apple

In 1989, Fiona Apple was raped outside of her family's apartment. She was

only 12 years old at the time.

Maya Angelou

In 1936, poet Maya Angelou was raped by her mother's boyfriend. She was

only eight years old at the time.

Henry Rollins

Henry Rollins was the victim of childhood sexual abuse. Rollins is best known

for his spoken word albums and for being the front man of the groups Black

Flag and Rollins Band.

Vanessa Williams

When she was 10 years old, Vanessa Williams was sexually molested by a

female member of a friend's family. She details the experience in her memoir

You Have No Idea.

Teri Hatcher

Teri Hatcher was raped by her uncle when she was just five. In 2002, she

testified against the man, and he was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Axl Rose

Axl Rose suffered from childhood sexual abuse. Rose is best known as the front

man of the rock group Guns N' Roses.

Missy Elliott

Missy Elliot was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Elliot revealed her past

experience with abuse on an episode of VH1's "Behind the Music."

Rosie Perez

Actress Rosie Perez was the victim of childhood sexual abuse.

Gabriel Byrne

Gabriel Byrne was abused as a child by Christian Brothers while he was training

to be a priest. Byrne says that he was "deeply hurt" by the abuse of the clergy


Billie Holiday

In 1926, singer Billie Holiday was raped by a neighbor. She was only 12 years

old at the time.

Antwone Fisher

Author Antwone Fisher was emotionally and sexually abused as a child. His life

story was adapted into a movie starring Denzel Washington.

Robert Blake

In Cold Blood actor Robert Blake was abused physically, sexually, and mentally

as a child.

Jonathan Davis

Korn frontman Jonathan Davis was sexually abused by a neighbor. Many fans

thought that Davis was abused by his father after hearing the song "Daddy,"

but Davis says the song was about his parents not believing him when he told

them of the neighbor abusing him.

Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige was the victim of emotional abuse and childhood sexual abuse.

Blige frequently incorporates a message of rising above the pain into her music.

Lincoln Park frontman Chester Bennington was a victim of childhood sexual


Anne Heche

Actress Anne Heche was raped by her father from the time she was a toddler

until she was only 12 years old. Heche says that he also gave her the STD



Erin Gray

Silver Spoons actress Erin Gray was sexually molested as a child.

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Santana went public

with his experience to help other victims.

Paula White

Evangelist and motivational speaker Paula White was the victim of childhood

sexual abuse.


“American Idol" alum Fantasia was raped by a classmate when she was in high


Maynard James Keenan

Maynard James Keenan was a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Keenan is best

known as the frontman for the rock group, “Tool”.

Eve Ensler

Playwright and actress Eve Ensler was a victim of incest as a child.

Derek Luke

Antwone Fisher star Derek Luke was a victim of sexual assault when he was a


Johannes Brahms

Composer Johannes Brahms was the victim of childhood sexual abuse.

Mike Patton

Mike Patton was a victim of neglect and childhood sexual abuse. Patton is best

known for fronting the rock group Faith No More.

Rita Hayworth

Rita Hayworth was repeatedly raped by her father, who tutored and trained her

as a dancer, traveling the country when she was young. It wasn't until

adulthood that she realized that the incestuous relationship was not common

between father and daughter.

Pulp Fiction actor Tim Roth is a survivor of incest that occurred when he was

growing up in England.

Sandra Dee

Child star and "Gidget" actress Sandra Dee was repeatedly raped by her

stepfather between the ages of five and 12.

Rufus Wainwright

Singer Rufus Wainwright was raped and robbed in Hyde Park in 1987. He was

14 years old at the time and escaped the incident when he faked a seizure.

America Ferrera

Actress America Ferrera shared her own story of sexual assault.

"First time I can remember being sexually assaulted I was 9 years old. I told no

one and lived with the shame and guilt thinking all along that I, a 9-year-old

child, was somehow responsible for the actions of a grown man.

Scott Weiland

Weiland revealed that he was raped at 12 years old by a senior high school



Predator Entertainers Accused of Sexual Assault or Sexual


Hollywood have been flooded with allegations from women and men, who have

come forward to tell their story of abuse. Source

Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons was accused of making aggressive sexual advances and

ripping off the clothes of 17-year-old fashion model Keri Claussen Khalighi.

According to a report by The Los Angeles Times, Simmons forced Khalighi to

perform oral sex and later interrupted her shower and penetrated her without

her consent. The model claimed that Simmons' friend Brett Ratner watched the

first sexual interaction occur and accused the two men of being "in it


Dustin Hoffman

Hoffman was accused of sexually harassing a 17-year-old on the set Death of a

Salesman. The former intern claimed that while taking the actor's lunch order,

he said, "I'll have a hard-boiled egg … and a soft-boiled clitoris." She also

claimed that he asked her about her sex life and told a production assistant that

he wanted her right breast for lunch. "When I was walking Dustin to his limo,

he felt my ass four times," she recalled. "I hit him each time, hard, and told him

he was a dirty old man,"

Weeks later, Kathryn Rossetter detailed "a horrific, demoralizing and abusive

experience at the hands (literally) of one of my acting idols." The actress, who

co-starred with Hoffman "One night in Chicago," she wrote, "I felt his hand up

under my slip on the inside of my thighs. Five additional accusers shared stories

of Hoffman's alleged predatory behavior. The claims range from sexual

harassment to assault, including an allegation that he masturbated in front of a

15-year-old when he was 36.

James Toback

More than 300 women have claimed that James Toback sexually harassed or

assaulted them. Stars such as Rachel McAdams, Selma Blair and Grey's

Anatomy's Ellen Pompeo have revealed their disturbing encounters with the

director, who has been accused of masturbating in front of actresses without

their consent, among other crimes.

Matt Lauer

Matt Lauer was terminated from his longtime post as co-anchor 36 hours after

NBC News received a detailed complaint from an unidentified staffer about

"inappropriate sexual behavior" in the workplace, stemming from an incident at

the 2014 Sochi Olympics that continued thereafter, according to sources.

Shortly after, as many as five additional accusers, all anonymous, came forward

with claims ranging from Lauer allegedly exposing himself to sexually assaulting

a female staffer.

Charlie Rose

The longtime broadcast journalist stands ACCUSED of sexual harassment by

eight women, several of whom are his former employees. The women's stories

had many similarities, alleging Rose made lewd phone calls, exposed himself

and groped their breasts, behinds and genitals, in incidents ranging from 1999

to 2011.

Brett Ratner

Actresses Olivia Munn and Natasha Henstridge were among the six women who

accused Brett Ratner of sexual misconduct. Ratner has also been accused of

teaming up with Russell Simmons to harass women

Tom Sizemore

Tom Sizemore was ordered to leave the Utah film set for Born Killers after an

11-year-old actress told her mother that the actor touched her genitals

while filming a scene in which she had to sit on the actor's lap. Sizemore was

sentenced to half a year in prison in 2003.

Louis C.K.

After five women accused the famous comedian of masturbating in front of

them Louis C.K. confirmed the allegations, saying, "There is nothing about this

that I forgive myself for.

Jeffrey Tambor

The Transparent star faced accusations of harassment and assault from two

transgender women, including his co-star Trace Lysette. The actress alleges

that in between takes on the acclaimed Amazon series, Tambor made sexually

aggressive comments and pressed himself against her while waiting for the

crew to set up.

Al Franken

Senator Al Franken has been accused of groping six women, five of them when

he was a comedian and one when he was an elected official. Lindsay Menz told

CNN that Franken grabbed her behind in 2010 while she was taking a photo

with him at the Minnesota State Fair, after he had been in office for two years.

Leeann Tweeden, an ABC radio host, had previously accused him of groping

and kissing her without her consent in 2006, when he was still on Saturday

Night Live. Franken issued three apologies. In early December he tried to

forcibly kiss her after a taping of his radio.

Mario Batali

Celebrity chef, restaurateur and talk show host Mario Batali has been

accused of sexual harassment by multiple women. A former manager also

assaulted a server at NYC hotspot The Spotted Pig. The four women accused

Batali of "inappropriate touching in a pattern of behavior that spans at least two

decades using sexual innuendo in the workplace. Batali said he would step

away from the day-to-day operations of his businesses for an unspecified

period of time in response.

Danny Masterson

Danny Masterson is facing multiple allegations of rape that the LAPD has been,

along with a potential Church of Scientology cover-up, since March 2017. Three

women came forward at the time alleging that the actor had sexually assaulted

them after a 16-year-old's claim was brought to light via Leah Remini's A&E

docuseries Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. On Dec. 20, a fifth

woman came forward. Model Babette Riales, who previously dated Masterson,

claimed on Twitter that the star "repeatedly" raped her. "I stayed quiet long

enough," - "All I seek is justice and to prevent this from ever happening to

anyone else as it has for some time. My truth will be heard.

T.J. Miller

Former Silicon Valley star T.J. Miller was accused of sexual assault and violence

by an anonymous woman in a resurfaced claim in a Daily Beast story on Dec.

19. The woman alleges that while she and Miller were seeing each other in

college at George Washington University in 2001, the actor strangled her and

punched her in the mouth during sex. She also said he penetrated her anally

without her consent, and later did the same using a beer bottle.

Jeremy Piven

Eight women have come forward to accuse the former Entourage star of sexual

assault, including advertising executive Tiffany Bacon Scourby, who

told People that Piven attacked her in 2003 at the Trump International Hotel

and Tower. Playboy Playmate and reality star Ariane Bellamar was the first to

speak out against the actor this year; she says Piven groped her on two

different occasions. Actress Cassidy Freeman

Ed Westwick

The Gossip Girl actor has been accused of sexual assault by three women. One

of the accusers was actress Kristina Cohen. She filed a police report.

Mark Schwahn

Mark Schwahn, former showrunner of The CW's hit One Tree Hill, was accused

of sexual harassment by the cast and crew of the show. Writer Audrey

Wauchope was the first to come forward when she tweeted, without publicly

naming Schwahn, that she and her writing partner were harassed with

inappropriate comments, touching and nude photos while working on the


Gary Goddard

Gary Goddard, a writer-producer, has been accused of molesting underage

boys by actor Anthony Edwards. Edwards, best known for his work on ER,

published a story on Medium alleging that Goddard grew close to him and his

group of friends when they were 12 years old, gaining their trust until he

molested Edwards and raped his best friend, who was unnamed in the piece. In

2014, Goddard was also named in a teen sex abuse lawsuit, but the case

collapsed and landed the accuser in prison.

Tavis Smiley

PBS host Tavis Smiley has been indefinitely suspended from his late-night talk

show after the public broadcaster found "credible allegations" of sexual

misconduct against the host. " Smiley lost his Walmart sponsorship.

Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas has been accused of masturbating and making inappropriate

sexual comments in front of a former employee. Douglas openly discussed

affairs with co-star Kathleen Turner and a European heiress, and he also used a

crude term for female genitalia during their first one-on-one session. At a script

meeting in Douglas' apartment, Braudy said the actor "inserted both hands into

his unzipped pants" and began "rubbing his private parts."

Robert Knepper

Robert Knepper has been accused of sexual assault by Hollywood costume

designer Susan Bertram, who claims the actor assaulted her during filming of

the 1992 film. Bertram recalled putting clothes on a rack in the actor's trailer,

when Knepper allegedly "jumped up" and reached under her dress to grab her

genitals. According to Bertram, he then shoved her against a wall and told her,

"I'm going to fuck your brains out" before she managed to break free and run


Joel Kramer

On Jan. 13, actress Eliza Dushku accused stunt coordinator Joel Kramer of

sexually assaulting her when Dushku was 12 years old and the two were

working together on the 1994 movie True Lies.

In a Facebook post, the Dollhouse actress accused the Blade Runner 2049 stunt

coordinator of grooming her and assaulting her in a hotel room after promising

Dushku's parents he would take her to the pool and out for sushi. Dushku

added that on the day an older adult friend confronted Kramer about Dushku's


Andy Dick

Andy Dick was immediately dropped from his independent feature film Raising

Buchanan following allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct on the

film's set. Dick allegedly engaged in inappropriate behavior, including groping

the genitals of others, unwanted kissing and licking and making sexual

propositions to at least four production members. Dick joked of his known

controversial reputation, saying, "My middle name is 'misconduct.'

Oliver Stone

Actress Melissa Gilbert alleged that the director sexually harassed her during a

1991 audition for his film The Doors. Gilbert told Andy Cohen on his radio show

that Stone made her perform a sexual scene he had written just for her, and

that she ran out of the room crying. Former Playboy model Carrie Stevens also

accused Stone of groping her breast at a party, after which he "grinned and

kept walking." In a statement responding to the Gilbert accusation, Stone said

it was “a safe environment for all actors who auditioned.”

Scott Baio

In a series of Twitter posts, actress Nicole Eggert accused her Charles in

Charge co-star Scott Baio of having "molested" her repeatedly, beginning when

she was 14 and continuing for three years (Baio would have been in his mid-

20s at the time). She described the alleged assaults to one user by saying,

"What is ur explanation for him fingering me at age 14?"

Charlie Walk

Charlie Walk, the president of Republic Records and a judge on Fox's The

Four, was accused of sexual harassment in an open letter posted on the official

site of Life Lab. In it, Tristan Coopersmith wrote that Walk abused his power

during her year working under the exec when she was 27 years old, saying

Walk "made me feel sick to my stomach almost every day. For a year I

shuddered at the idea of being called into your office, where you would

stealthily close the door and make lewd comments about my body and share

your fantasies of having sex with me."

Coopersmith said the exec would send her "vulgar" comments via instant

message and touched her inappropriately at business dinners. One night, she

wrote, Walk attempted to trap her in his bedroom while his wife was in the

room next door.

Murray Miller

Girls writer Murray Miller faced a sexual assault allegation by actress Aurora

Perrineau, who filed a police report against him. The actress and daughter of

actor Harold Perrineau accused Miller of raping her in 2012, when she was 17

years old.

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone was accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl on the

set of the 1986 film Over the Top. The allegation was published by the Daily

Mail after the tabloid got a hold of a filed police report. The then 40-year-old

actor allegedly gave the fan a key to his room at the Las Vegas Hilton.

After having sex with Stallone, the teenager said that she was forced to give

oral sex to Stallone's bodyguard Mike De Luca. She told the police that the

situation made her "very uncomfortable," though she felt she had "no choice"

but to stay.

Following the sexual interactions, the accuser claimed Stallone threatened her

to not tell anyone what happened or else "they would have to beat her in the


L.A. Reid

One of the women was accused Russell Simmons of sexual abuse also claimed

harassment under another former boss, Antonio "L.A." Reid. Drew Dixon

told The New York Times Reid allegedly began sexually harassing her while she

was an A&R executive at Arista Records. "It was a quid pro quo: 'I have power,

you want access, sleep with me — or I'm going to be really mean to you the

next day.

Ben Vereen

Multiple women accused Broadway actor Ben Vereen of sexual harassment and

assault. The accusers told the paper that during a 2015 community theater

production of Hair in Florida that Vereen directed, Vereen forcedly kissed

women, initiated unwanted physical contact and propositioned female cast

members. The women who rejected Vereen's advances "would inevitably be

humiliated in the circle later."

Carter Oosterhouse

Kailey Kaminsky, who worked on HGTV star Carter Oosterhouse's Carter Can as

a makeup artist in 2008, in December that he coerced her into performing oral

sex multiple times during production. She said the experience eventually led to

her becoming hospitalized for depression and she lost her job. Kaminsky

explained that she acquiesced to his demands for oral sex when the reality TV

star threatened her employment after months of incessant badgering. "I was so

worn down from his advances, so I did: that day, on that occasion. It was the

first time.

Then thereafter it was most every time we would shoot — 10 to 15 times he

put me in this position." She repeatedly rejected his advances, she says, and

his advances were even more surprising because she identifies as a lesbian.

Mark Halperin

Five women alleged that Mark Halperin, former ABC News

grabbed the breasts of one woman against her will. Three of the five women

also alleged that Halperin pressed his erection against their bodies.

Bruce Weber

Bruce Weber, one of fashion's foremost photographers, was accused of sexual

harassment by male model Jason Boyce in a lawsuit filed Dec. 1 in New York.

Boyce alleged that Weber pressured him to take off his clothes and touch his

own genitals, among other claims, during a photo shoot. Boyce "suffered

humiliation, emotional anguish and lost economic opportunities, including the

end of his modeling career in New York" as a result of Weber's actions,

according to the documents.

The court papers state a belief that Weber has "engaged in similar conduct with

other male models" and a second male model, Daryl Janney, described a similar

experience in a new book, Blacklisted. Conde Nast has since distanced itself

from both Weber and Testino, the latter also a photographer adored by

celebrities, magazines includingVogue and members of the British royal family.

Andre Balazs

Hollywood hotelier Andre Balazs was accused of sexual misconduct by actress

Amanda Anka, wife of actor Jason Bateman. In November 2014, Balazs

allegedly groped Anka at a dinner party.

According to the report, Balazs grabbed Anka's crotch while she was climbing a

firehouse-style ladder, part of Balazs' tour for the evening guests. In addition to

Anka's allegation, Balazs was also accused of being the perpetrator in two other

instances of abuse.

Chris Savino

Nickelodeon fired The Loud House creator Chris Savino after a dozen women

accused him of sexual harassment, inappropriate behavior and unwanted

advances. Savino was also accused of threatening to blacklist female colleagues

who decided to stop being in consensual relationships with him.

Tyler Grasham

Actor Tyler Cornell filed a police report against Tyler Grasham, a former APA

agent, following an interaction that took place in early 2017. Los Angeles Police

Department Officer Irma Mota said, "A sodomy crime [report] was taken

against Tyler Grasham." Numerous men have come forward and accused

Grasham of sexual assault, including filmmaker Blaise Godbe Lipman, who

shared his personal experience as part of the #MeToo awareness campaign.

David Guillod

David Guillod has resigned from his position as co-CEO of Primary Wave

Entertainment, a talent and literary agency, following sexual assault allegations

by Jessica Barth. The actress has accused Guillod of drugging and sexually

assaulting her back in 2012.

Adam Venit

claims that he was assaulted by WME's Adam Venit in February 2016 while at a

party. During an interview with Good Morning America, Crews said that Venit

directed "bizarre" tongue movements at him. "He comes over to me. I stick my

hand out, and he literally takes his hand and puts it and squeezes my genitals.

I jump back like, 'Hey, hey,'" he recalled. "I have never felt more emasculated,

more objectified. I was horrified.

Peter Rofe

Veteran voice coach Peter Rofe was accused of sexual misconduct by 16

women. He was accused of exposing himself, groping and encouraging women

to strip during his training sessions. The dates of the alleged incidents range

from 2000 to 2017.

What Happened to Paul Lynde? – a Raging Homosexual Who

Mostly Used Male Escorts.

Not so very long ago, a lifetime ago, those words took Americans somewhere

wicked. In the ’70s, if that sentence was uttered by a contestant on Hollywood

Squares, lights would flash around the center cube in a grid of celebrities —

those of the stripe who wind up on game shows — and settle on a genuine

star. He was tanned, with shining teeth, if no leading man.

He was in his 40s but looked older, and he had a whinnying snigger. But when

it came to providing risqué answers to questions posed by the NBC show’s host,

Peter Marshall, he could not be matched.

The audience would roar approval at his bawdy jokes, and Lynde would flash

his Cheshire-cat grin. He delivered that performance thousands of times in the

14 years after the show’s 1966 premiere. Between Lynde’s center-square

residency and his guest spots on sitcoms and variety shows, the actor was

booking up to 200 televised hours each season by the mid ’70s.

It made him rich enough to buy Errol Flynn’s L.A. mansion, where he lived with

his dog, a terrier named Harry. “There was no one funnier than Paul Lynde,”

says Whoopi Goldberg, who took over the center square in the Hollywood

Squares revival that premiered in 1998. “I don’t know if the public thought

about his sexuality.”

Being gay was the secret of Lynde’s success, even though it was a (half-

hearted) secret. He hid his truth in plain sight, reveling in a camp persona. All

these years later, people still don’t know what to make of him. Lynde’s

brilliance was rooted in gayness, but he was deeply conflicted about it. “Paul’s

following was mostly straight,” says Cathy Rudolph, author of Paul Lynde: A

Biography. “He was afraid if his following was mostly gay, it would open the

eyes of his fans that he was also gay and that would end his career.”

Lynde was both a role model and a walking stereotype. There was no one else

quite like him on any screen. “He was probably the first gay person — whether

he was using the word or not — in a lot of people’s homes across America,”

actor-comedian Billy Eichner says. “He was ahead of his time in terms of being

as overtly gay as one could be, unlike so many stars of that time.”

Lynde was born in Mount Vernon, Ohio. His father was a butcher, and as a

child his only real experience of show business was playing the bass drum at

school. When he entered Northwestern University in 1944, Lynde found theater

and wowed his drama classmates with witty self-written monologues.

After graduation, he moved to New York City and eventually landed his big

break in 1960 in the Broadway hit Bye Bye Birdie. Lynde stole the show in the

role of harried father Harry MacAfee (after whom he would name his canine

companion). Performing slightly effeminate blundering outrage — not playing

gay, exactly, but not not gay either — Lynde set a pattern.

He later reprised MacAfee in the 1963 movie version of Birdie, which led to

parts in comedies such as Beach Blanket Bingo. “He was someone whose dog

whistle of gay humor little gay kids could hear,” recalls Frank DeCaro, The Daily

Show veteran and author.

In 1965, Lynde landed a recurring role as Uncle Arthur on the ABC

sitcom Bewitched. “His personality was the same off camera as it was on

camera,” says Bewitched director Richard Michaels. “There was nobody really

like him; he saw everything as a joke, and it made him a natural.”

Lynde introduced small- screen audiences to a new kind of trope — a gay-

seeming character who wasn’t a victim or object of mockery, but a man who

fearlessly dished up snark. “He became a pioneer because people were

laughing with him, not at him,” says Rudolph.

Wealth and fame never made Lynde happy. He drifted from one relationship to

another, often with paid escorts, and longed to be taken seriously as an actor.

Short-lived attempts were made to build a series around him, such as the 1972-

73 sitcom The Paul Lynde Show, which put him in the role of an Archie Bunker-

like father. “[Writers] found the humor in him — walking the razor’s edge

between gay and straight — but it didn’t work for a sitcom lead back

then,” Hollywood Squares producer Les Roberts says.

In 1979, a frustrated Lynde briefly quit Squares, feeling his career was literally

boxed in, then he waited for Hollywood to offer something better. “He thought

somebody’s going to call him,” Rudolph says. “Nobody did. He ended up going

back to Squares.”

Justin Bengry, lecturer in queer history at Goldsmiths, University of London,

notes that for decades gay characters were always desexualized. “As much as

[Lynde’s] humor and innuendo played with sexuality, people weren’t imagining

him seducing someone or having sex,” Bengry says. “They were going along

with the jokes he is making.

But it's interesting that as this camp character he could only be a television

personality and never leading man. But someone like Rock Hudson – who was

in that leading role and was sexualized – shielded his sexuality from public view

even at the very end of his life as his AIDS diagnosis was being disclosed and


Lynde’s personal life was volatile. The actor was a heavy drinker and

infamously cruel when intoxicated. “Every word out of his mouth was

venomous, with a sting that really hurt, into every unexpected vulnerability a

human might have,” musician Jack Holmes said in another biography of

Lynde, Center Square by Steve Wilson and Joe Florenski. Lynde’s behavior led

to public-intoxication arrests and an incident where the actor launched into a

drunken racist tirade at a Chicago Burger King.

But Lynde believed the most damaging hit to his reputation was when a friend,

actor J.B. Davidson, 26, fell to his death after hanging off the balcony of

Lynde’s room at San Francisco’s Sir Francis Drake hotel. When Davidson began

to lose his grip, Lynde desperately grabbed his arm but couldn’t hold on. The

accident was witnessed by two police officers standing outside, who cleared

Lynde of wrongdoing. But whispers about the incident dogged him for years.

“There were rumors Paul had something to do with it,”

Rudolph says. “When he didn’t get roles, he would wonder.”

As society changed, Lynde was offered gay parts, but he refused them. In a

1976 People magazine cover story, he said he was glad his following was

“straight” and infamously declared, “Gay people killed Judy Garland, but they’re

not going to kill me.” Yet the article also mentioned a friend, Stan Finesmith,

described as his “chauffeur-bodyguard.”

And Rudolph recalls that Lynde privately criticized antigay activist Anita Bryant,

saying, “She attacked my people.” “He was, unfortunately, a self-loathing

homosexual, so he wasn’t exactly a role model in real life,” DeCaro says. “But it

took balls to do what he did. He provided a lot of hope for a lot of us who are


Lynde remains inspirational to some: RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant

BenDeLaCreme performed as Lynde during a “Snatch Game” episode in 2018.

“Paul Lynde’s success was not in spite of, but because of, how queer he was

when it could not be spoken,” BenDeLaCreme says.

In 1982, Lynde died alone in his bed of a heart attack at the age of 55. Six

years earlier, the actor had made an appearance on The Tonight Show during

which Johnny Carson asked why Lynde didn’t talk about himself more often.

The answer was as real as Paul Lynde ever got. “I really don’t know — other

than I’m absolutely scared,” Lynde said. He crossed his arms protectively across

his chest. “ ... scared of coming out and being myself.” Source

Celebrity Arrests - Sexual Offenses

Here's a list of big-time celebrities who have been accused, arrested, or

convicted of a sex offense. You might be shocked by who's on the list!

Martin “Marty” Weiss

An Open Secret describes Weiss as a manager in Hollywood for about 15 years.

He was known to have sleepovers with his young clients and would insert

himself fully into their lives through things like screening parties and taking

them trick-or-treating. Corey Feldman has publicly named WEISS as one of his

and Corey Haim’s abusers.

In 2011, Weiss was charged with molestation charged with molestation after

one of his clients came forward with a recording of Weiss admitting his crimes.

He was sentenced to a year in jail and five years probation. An Open

Secret revealed he served only six months of that time in jail. He currently

registered as a SEX offender in California. The film claims he is still managing

and working to “lighten sex offender laws” in California.

Jared Fogle

In July, law enforcement agents raided the home of Jared Fogle, Subway's

former pitchman, as part of a child pornography investigation. In August, Fogle

pled guilty to possessing and distributing child pornography, and crossing state

lines to pay for sex acts with at least two teenage girls. (He admitted to paying

about $12,000 a year for sex.)

Then, just yesterday, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years and eight months

in prison. He also has to register as a sex offender, receive treatment for his

sex disorders, and pay $100,000 to each of the 14 victims — $1.4 million in

total — who were secretly photographed or paid to have sex with him.

Not surprisingly, Subway cut ties with Fogle in August, when the allegations

were publicized. So, you know what that means: If you've lost 200-plus pounds

eating Subway sandwiches, and you're not a pedophile, you might have a shot

at becoming Subway's new spokesperson.

Bill Cosby

Last year, multiple women came forward to accuse Cosby of sexual misconduct

and assault. Since then, almost 60 women have publicly claimed that

Cosby surfaced with accusations that go all the way back to the '60s.

Cosby’s mode of operation – get the girl, drug her until she is out cold, then

have sex with her lifeless body.

Cosby has been criminally charged and he faces a huge amount of civil lawsuits

from his accusers.

Plus, the media has made sure Cosby loses all his connections to the

entertainment industry. Multiple TV stations have discontinued reruns of The

Cosby Show and his other shows, and multiple institutions — including the U.S.

Navy — have revoked honorary titles they've given him over the years. It is

said that he prefers a woman’s body to be lifeless during sex – emulating

having sex with a dead body.

Josh Duggar

No list of celeb sex offenders would be complete without mentioning the oldest

son of the Duggar clan. Earlier this year, Josh Duggar was exposed for allegedly

molesting multiple girls when he was a teenager. Disturbing accusations, yes.

But the backstory is even more unsettling.

According to reports, Duggar fondled five girls when he was a teen — four of

whom were his sisters. Instead of notifying authorities, Duggar's parents met

with their church elders and sent him to a "Christian" counseling program for

treatment. The Duggars only notified a police officer when Josh returned from

his "treatment," but that officer failed to report the case to an investigator.

Three years later, law enforcement opened up a felony investigation. However,

because the statute of limitations had expired, the investigation was dropped.

But this kind of family secret couldn't stay hidden forever — especially when it

belonged to a family that made a lot of money off their "wholesome" image. In

May, InTouch published a story about the claims that Josh Duggar sexually

abused minors as a teenager. In response, Duggar issued a Facebook apology,

stepped down from his post at a Christian lobbying organization, and entered

treatment for a sex addiction.

Duggar hasn't been charged with any crimes, but he has faced plenty of media

backlash. Plus, considering 19 Kids and Counting has been pulled from TLC, it's

safe to say that pretty much no one wants to learn their "family values" from

the Duggars anymore.

Mike Tyson

Tyson is one of the world's best heavyweight boxers. He's also a convicted sex

offender. In 1991, Tyson was accused of raping an 18-year-old beauty contest

winner. Tyson claimed the sexual encounter was consensual, but the jury didn't

agree. Tyson was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years prison.

Anthony Kiedis

In 1989, the Red Hot Chili Peppers played at George Mason University in Fairfax

County, Virginia. After the concert, RHCP's rowdy frontman allegedly exposed

himself to a woman outside the band's dressing room. He was convicted of

indecent exposure and sexual battery.

Originally, Kiedis was given a $1,000 fine for each charge and sentenced to 60

days in jail. But Kiedis appealed the ruling, and the sexual battery charge was


Jim Morrison

Speaking of rowdy lead singers… In 1969, The Doors' front man Jim Morrison

was arrested four days after a news story broke that he allegedly dropped his

pants in front of 12,000 fans at a concert in Miami. Morrison was charged with

one count of lewd and lascivious behavior (a felony), two counts of indecent

exposure, two counts of open public profanity, and one count of public

drunkenness (all misdemeanors).

Morrison denied the allegations, and bandmate Robby Krieger still insists that

there is no photographic evidence to prove he actually exposed himself. Even

fans have disagreed on whether he did it or not.

In 1970, Morrison was found guilty of the misdemeanor charges of indecent

exposure and profanity. He was sentenced to six months in jail and received a

$500 fine. His lawyer immediately appealed the conviction, but Morrison died of

a drug overdose before the appeal was reviewed.

Forty years later, Morrison was granted a posthumous pardon by Florida

Governor, Charlie Crist and the state's clemency board. During the hearing,

Christ spoke on Morrison's behalf, saying there were still doubts about whether

the iconic rocker actually exposed himself. The pardon was granted to

recognize "Morrison's artistic legacy," not his reputation for drunkenness and


Tupac Shakur

In 1993, the 23-year-old rapper was arrested on charges of first-degree sexual

abuse, weapons possession, and sodomy. A 21-year-old woman alleged that

Tupac and three other men, including Tupac's road manager, forced her to

perform oral sex on the group.

Tupac and his road manager, Charles Fuller, were convicted of first-degree

sexual abuse. (They were acquitted of the weapons and sodomy charges.)

Tupac was sentenced to 1.5 to 4.5 years in prison, but he only served eight

eight months. Less than a year after his release from prison, Tupac was fatally

shot after leaving a Las Vegas fight featuring (ironically) fellow sex offender,

Mike Tyson.

Robert Kelly (a.k.a. R. Kelly)

R. Kelly is a deeply troubled man with a disturbing soft spot for underage girls.

He's been arrested and sued, but he's never been convicted. Here's the laundry

list of reasons R. Kelly is a creep:

• In 1994, Kelly married now-deceased R&B star, Aaliyah. A falsified Cook

County marriage certificate listed her age as 18, but she was only 15 at

the time. (The marriage was later annulled).

• Between 1996 and 2002, Kelly was sued by three women claiming he

had sex with them when they were underage, and by another woman

claiming she was unknowingly videotaped while having sex with Kelly.

Since then, an unspecified number of women have threatened to file

similar lawsuits. (Kelly has settled all lawsuits for undisclosed amounts.)

• In 2003, a videotape was leaked to the Chicago Sun-Times, which

allegedly showed Kelly having sex with an underage girl. That video was

sent to the police, and Kelly was indicted on 21 counts of making child

pornography — each count for a specific sexual act depicted in the tape.

Kelly's indictment was reduced to 14 counts.

• In 2008, Kelly was found not guilty on all counts. Jurors said they were

certain Kelly was the man in the tape, but they couldn't verify that the

woman in the tape was underage.

Fast forward to 2015, and Kelly's still churning out hit songs. He might not have

been punished for his alleged sex crimes, but perhaps now you'll think twice

about singing along when "Do What You Want" comes on the radio.

Michael Tyler (a.k.a. Mystikal)

In 2002, rapper Mystikal was arrested and charged with aggravated rape and

extortion. Allegedly, he and two of his bodyguards forced his former hairdresser

to perform oral sex on them at his apartment in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

In exchange for Mystikal's guilty plea in 2004, his charges were reduced to

sexual battery. He was sentenced to six years in prison and was required to

register as a sex offender in the state of Louisiana.

Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski, the Oscar-winning director behind Rosemary's Baby and The

Pianist, is what you might call the 'poster child' of celeb sex offenses. In 1977,

Polanski was arrested and charged with statutory rape, sodomy, and child

molestation after allegedly drugging and having sexual relations with a 13-year-

old girl. He pled guilty to statutory rape and spent 42 days behind bars.

When Polanski was released, he fled to France after hearing word that a judge

might send him back to jail. Since Polanski is a French citizen, he can't be

extradited to the U.S. However, he has a bench warrant for his 1977 arrest —

which means if he returns to the U.S., he'll have hell to pay for his crime.

Jerry Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky was a retired defensive coach at Penn State University. Then, in

2011, he was charged with 52 counts of sexual abuse. The indictment was the

result of a three-year investigation of alleged child molestation that occurred

between Sandusky and young boys he met through a youth charity

organization, The Second Mile (which Sandusky founded in 1977).

By the time Sandusky went to trial, his charges were reduced to 48 counts.

Sandusky was found guilty of 45 of the 48 counts. In 2012, he was sentenced

to 60 years in prison, with eligibility for parole after 30 years. Considering

Sandusky is already 71 years old, it's a safe bet this Penn State pedophile

will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Harvey Weinstein

He pleads not guilty to two new charges of predatory sexual assault as trial

delayed. SOURCE

‘The Sopranos’ star Annabella Sciorra alleges that Weinstein raped her in 1993.

Harvey Weinstein pleaded not guilty on Monday to two new charges of

predatory sexual assault, as his trial was pushed back by several months. The

producer entered the plea in a Manhattan courtroom where the charges were

added to his upcoming New York trial in a new indictment.

Prosecutors have previously indicated that the new indictment lays the legal

foundation to enable The Sopranos star Annabella Sciorra to testify against the

movie mogul. Sciorra alleges that Weinstein raped her in 1993.

While the alleged attack is said to have happened too long ago to be

prosecuted under state law, prosecutors want to use Sciorra’s testimony to

bolster the predatory sexual assault charges against Weinstein

and demonstrate that the alleged behavior was part of a pattern.

The defense criticized the new indictment in court papers, calling it an “11th-

hour manoeuvre” that “raises significant legal issues” and could delay the


Weinstein’s sexual assault trial, which was supposed to begin on 9 September,

has now been pushed to January.

Weinstein previously pleaded not guilty to charges accusing him of allegedly

raping a woman in 2013 and allegedly performing a forcible sex act on a

different woman in 2006.

Those two women are among the roughly 70 people who have accused the

movie producer of sexual misconduct allegedly dating back decades.

Latest News - Harvey Weinstein Gets 23 Years in Prison for RAPE!

Weinstein, 67, arrived at his sentencing hearing in a wheelchair and in

handcuffs. He had faced between five and 29 years on first-degree criminal

sexual act and third-degree rape. Gets 23 years in prison!

Get the source of this info here.

Over Two Dozen Elite Pedophiles Arrested Including


There are dozens of politicians, government officials and celebrities –including

Harvey Weinstein, Jefferey Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Mark Salling and eleven

Democrat mayors – who have been arrested or are currently embroiled in

major sex or pedophilia scandals since Trump’s election victory.

The powerful peers of these sexual predators and pedophiles have vigorously

protected them for decades; however, now they’re no longer safe. The new

president is fully committed to exposing and stopping the sexual criminality.

Child sex trafficking has been growing by leaps and bounds and child sex is

extremely prevalent in Hollywood for far too long – its time to drain the swamp.

Authorities have recently arrested over 1500 individuals for charges related to

pedophilia. There are thousands of additional arrests yet to come. The

mainstream media refuses to report on all the child sex trafficking among the

wealthy elites. They’ve actively covered up for pedophiles because many in the

media are also involved.

Even Mayors Arrested for Pedophilia, Rape and Child Porn

Pedophilia and sexual perversion is also often found in government. As you

know, sexual perversions also extends to high ranking government officials.

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray (D) (child porn as young as 4 yrs old)

Stillwater, New York and Rick Nelson Resigned arrested for child porn.

The remaining mayors arrested for these hideous crimes can be found here.

Huge Online Pedophile Ring Busted

An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the

world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said


The European police agency had identified 670 suspects and that 230 abused

children in 30 countries had been taken to safety. More children are expected

to be found, Europol said.

It said that so far 184 people had been arrested and investigations in some

countries were continuing. Most of those detained are suspected of direct

involvement in sexually abusing children.

They abusers include teachers, police officers and scout leaders, AP

reported. One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of

abusing some 100 children over five years.

Jimmy Savile

BBC turned a blind eye as celebrity presenter raped victims unhindered for

decades. This man is probably one of the most degusting creatures to walk the

earth. Thankfully, he’s dead now.

The BBC is facing extraordinary criticism for failing to stop sexual predator

Jimmy Savile abusing more than 70 people, including children, on its premises.

Some say, it’s closer to 500 people. Many people are saying he provided young

children for pedophiles in the Royal Family and possibly celebrities.

Key points:

• Report finds Savile abused 72 victims over between late 1960s and late 1980s

• 'Atmosphere of fear', 'reverence' for stars prevented whistleblowers coming


• BBC director-general accepts the report's conclusions, will launch independent


An inquiry into sexual abuse at the BBC by Savile said a culture of "reverence"

for celebrities helped him rape and molest victims unhindered for decades.

The report found Savile had abused 72 victims — both male and female and

nearly half aged under 16 — in studios, dressing rooms, lifts and canteens

between the late 1960s and the late 1980s.

His youngest victim was aged just eight.

Former Appeal Court judge Dame Janet Smith, author of the 793-page report

into the BBC and Savile which has taken over three years to complete, said the

presenter had been "opportunistic and shameless" and that his "preferred

target" was teenage girls.

One female victim asys some members of BBC staff were "aware" of Savile's

abuse but did not report it due to an "atmosphere of fear" about whistle

blowing which persists to this day. "There was a feeling of reverence for them

and a fear that, if a star were crossed, he or she might leave the BBC," Dame

Smith said.

Savile was one of Britain's top celebrities from the 1960s until his death aged

84 in 2011, famous for his shock of white hair, outlandish clothes and charity

fundraising activities.

He used his position as host of some of the BBC's most popular programs,

including music chart show Top Of The Pops, to meet young fans and

subsequently abuse them.

The report found Savile committed eight rapes and 47 sexual assaults, plus 21

other instances of "inappropriate sexual conduct" in connection with his work

for the BBC.

One junior female employee at the BBC's headquarters in west London was told

"keep your mouth shut, he is a VIP" when she complained that she had been

sexually assaulted by Savile to a supervisor, the report found.

The report is only the latest to highlight the scale of abuse committed by Savile,

which is thought to total hundreds of victims over five decades.

Last year, a series of investigations found that 177 people, mainly women or

girls, had complained he abused them in hospitals, including one where he was

appointed as a fundraiser by Margaret Thatcher's government in 1980.

"People were either too dazzled or too intimidated by the nation's favorite

celebrity to confront the evil predator we now know he was," health secretary

Jeremy Hunt told Parliament at the time.

As Britain struggles to come to terms with the scale of abuse committed by

celebrities and in institutions run by the state during the second half of the 20th

century, the biggest investigation has still to report.

That is a judge-led probe into how institutions ranging from churches to local

councils failed to protect children from sexual abuse. As you can see, the

“Royals” were very close to Jimmy Savile. We already know that Prince Andrew

was great buddies with Jeffery Epstein. What else needs to be said?

Hollywood men accused of Child Sexual Abuse. Mentioned in the

documentary, An Open Secret. SOURCE

Marc Collins-Rector-

According to An Open Secret, Collins-Rector played a huge role in the

organization of this Hollywood pedophile ring. He was the creator of an internet

company known as DEN, which created original programming exclusively for

the internet (kind of like the modern YouTube) and mainly starred child actors.

The actors in the documentary described how Collins-Rector would throw

extravagant parties at his home for the kids and the older DEN investors. He’d

offer the young children alcohol and drugs. One of the victims claimed Collins-

Rector would force everyone to enter the hot tub naked after dark and lace the

young boys’ drinks.

In 2000, one of the victims came forward and filed a suit against Collins-Rector.

A New Jersey federal grand jury indicted Collins-Rector on five counts of

transporting a minor across state lines with the intent to engage in sexual


In 2014, Buzzfeed released a report on Collins-Rector’s whereabouts in the

years since his indictment, and they are not pretty. He fled to Spain where he

stayed until 2002 when Spanish police arrested him and held him for over a

year before sending him back to the United States, where he was eventually

convicted, REGISTERED AS A SEX OFFENDER, and sentenced to three years of

court supervision.

According to An Open Secret, Collins-Rector flew to Britain in 2006 for brain

surgery and never returned to the U.S. A year later, he applied for a civil union

with an 18-year-old boy and in 2011 renounced his U.S. citizenship. Over the

years following his indictment and conviction, Collins-Rector attempted to build

new business, though none were successful. He managed to lurk under the

radar for the most part, but in 2014 Buzzfeed found him alone in his apartment

in Belgium.

Brock Pierce

You probably remember Pierce best from his role in The Mighty Ducks. Collins-

Rector made him Executive Vice President of DEN when Pierce was only 18

years old.

When word of the shady activity at Collins-Rector’s home came out in 1999,

Pierce resigned from his position at DEN. Pierce told Buzzfeed in 2014 that he

cut all ties with Collins-Rector. “I figured out rather quickly that there was

nothing to be accomplished with Marc and instead decided to go off on my own

to pursue my own entrepreneurial activities.” In 2014, he became a Bitcoin

Foundation board member, an election that caused at least a dozen

resignations due to Pierce’s connection to Collins-Rector and DEN.

Bryan Singer

Yes, that Bryan Singer. The same man who produced popular television shows

like House and directed all the X-Men films was also a prominent investor in

Collins-Rector’s DEN. In 2014, one of the victims profiled in An Open

Secret filed a lawsuit against Singer, accusing the director of sexual abuse and

exploitation. The allegations are truly horrific and weren’t the first (or last)

against him. However, he was never convicted, and despite the many suits

against him, Singer continues to find success. He’s directed and produced

multiple blockbuster films and shows since the allegations first surfaced.

Brian Peck

While Brian Peck is certainly not a household name, his IMDB credits are fairly

extensive. He’s had a number of small parts in children’s shows and movies.

Between 2000 and 2002, he worked on the set of the Nickelodeon show All

That. Lo and behold, in 2004 an unnamed Nickelodeon star came forward

alleging that Peck sexually assaulted him. Peck was then convicted “of a lewd

act against a child and oral copulation of a person under 16,” according to Daily

Mail. He had to register as a sex offender.

So where does Peck fit into all of this? According to An Open Secret, Peck

worked closely with Singer. He even joined Singer for the X-Men commentary

(in which he also had a small acting role). Despite Peck’s conviction, he

continues working on children’s shows and films in Hollywood.

Michael Harrah

Harrah was the only man in the alleged pedophile “in” crowd An Open

Secret interviewed. He was one of the founders of the Screen Actors Guild

Young Performers Committee, now known as SAG-AFTRA. One of the victims

interviewed claimed Harrah invited him to stay at his house, where he allegedly

had other boys living with him.

Another victim even called Harrah on-camera and talked about the time Harrah

abused him. “I didn’t like when you tried to have me sleep in your bed and

touch me and everything,” the former child actor said, to which Harrah replied,

“that was something unwanted I shouldn’t have done.” According to An Open

Secret, Harrah is a former child actor himself. When asked if he had ever faced

abused in the industry, he told filmmakers that abuse “was not uncommon.”

After the film was released, SAG threatened to sue the creators over their

inclusion in the documentary, claiming that Harrah was no longer affiliated with

them and had not been at the time of filming. As of today, no charges have

ever been filed against Harrah. An Open Secret revealed that he retired after

the release of the documentary, though he “still has a couple clients.”

Bob Villard

According to An Open Secret, Villard was a prominent Hollywood publicist and

child photographer. He worked closely with Harrah, photographing his clients.

The documentary noted that Brock Pierce, who you’ll remember went on to

work closely with Marc Collins-Rector, was one of Villard’s favorite subjects — it

all comes full circle. Parents interviewed for the film explained how they soon

found their children’s photos being sold on eBay and traced the sales back to


In 2012, many child abuse cases in Hollywood. The report claimed that Villard

had been on LAPD’s radar since the late 80s when he was indicted and later

convicted in New Jersey for child pornography. Yet some-how he still managed

to keep a thriving career surrounded by child actors until 2005, when he was

convicted of performing a lewd act on a child he was coaching. An Open

Secret reported that he’s since been released from prison and still sells photos


Martin “Marty” Weiss

An Open Secret describes Weiss as a manager in Hollywood for about 15 years.

He was known to have sleepovers with his young clients and would insert

himself fully into their lives through things like screening parties and taking

them trick-or-treating. Corey Feldman has publicly named Weiss as one of his

and Corey Haim’s abusers.

In 2011, Weiss was charged with molestation after one of his clients came

forward with a recording of Weiss admitting his crimes. He was sentenced to a

year in jail and five years of probation.

An Open Secret revealed he served just six months of that time in jail. He

currently registered as a sex offender in California. The film claims he is still

managing and working to “lighten sex offender laws” in California.

Recently, this Shocking List of Celebrities have been

Accused of Sexual Harassment

• Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios, has been

accused of sexual harassment by producer Isa Dick

Hackett, according to the New York Times. He has since


• Andy Signore, creator of Screen Junkies and the popular

“Honest Trailers” series, has been accused of sexual

harassment by at least five women, according to Variety.

He has since been fired by Defy Media.

• Ben Affleck has been accused of groping actress Hilarie

Burton on the set of MTV’s TRL in the early-2000’s,

according to CNN. Affleck has since apologized.

• Bob Weinstein, super producer and brother of Harvey,

has been accused of sexual harassment by Amanda

Segel, an executive producer of the Weinstein Co.-

produced TV series The Mist, according to Variety. A

Weinstein representative has since denied the charge.

• Matt Mondanile, the former guitarist for the band Real

Estate, has been accused by several women of sexual

misconduct, according to SPIN. Mondanile has since

denied any wrongdoing.

• Oliver Stone has been accused by actress Carrie Stevens

of groping her at a party once. She tweeted this

allegation in response to Stone tepidly defending

Weinstein in the early aftermath of the charges against


• James Toback, director of films such as Black and White,

has been accused by literally hundreds of women of a

range of sexual harassments, according to Los Angeles

Times. He has since vehemently denied the charges,

while Beverly Hills police have launched an

investigation whose scope includes both Toback and

Harvey Weinstein.

• Lockhart Steele, the creator of popular websites such as

Curbed and Racked, has been accused of sexual

harassment by a former Vox employee, according

to Variety. Vox has since fired Steele.

• Mark Halperin, the reporter, author, and media

personality, has been accused of sexual harassment by

several women going back many years, according to

CNN. He has admitted to some misconduct, although his

account is in dispute, and he has since been dropped by

several of his employers, including NBC News, MSNBC,

and HBO.

• Andrew Kramer, the Lionsgate executive, has been

accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant,

according to Vulture. He has since been dropped.

• Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize-winning author and human-

rights advocate has been accused of groping a 19-year-

old in 1989, according to Salon. Wiesel passed away in

2016 and is thus unable to confirm or deny the account.

• Leon Wieseltier, formerly an editor at The New Republic,

has been accused by several female colleagues of sexual

harassment, according to the New York Times. Wiseltier

has admitted to some “offenses” and funding has since

been pulled from the new magazine he had planned to


• Twiggy Ramirez a/k/a Jeordie White, the bassist from

Marilyn Manson has been accused of rape, according

to Variety. He has since been fired from the band.

• Tyler Grasham, the Hollywood agent, has been accused

of sexual assault and sodomy by actor Tyler Cornell, who

has also filed a police report, according to Variety.

Grasham has since been fired by his agency, ACA.

• Ethan Kath, the producer/performer behind Crystal

Castles has been accused by former bandmate Alice

Glass of sexual assault, according to the Guardian. Kath

denies the allegations.

• Chris Savino, the creator of Nickelodeon’s The Loud

House, has been accused by multiple women of sexual

harassment, according to Deadline. He has since been

fired from the show.

• Knight Landesman, the Artforum publisher and a power

broker in the art world, has been accused of sexual

harassment by at least nine women, who have filed a

joint lawsuit, according to the New York Times.

Landesman has since resigned from Artforum.

• Robert Scoble, the veteran tech blogger who has worked

with Fast Company before, has been accused of sexual

assault and also misconduct, according to The Verge. In

a recent blog post, Scoble disputes the accusations.

• George H.W. Bush, the former president, has been

accused by several women of groping them while

making a bad joke, according to the Chicago Tribune.

(Punchline: “David Cop-a-Feel.”) Rather than denying

the charges, Bush has issued a statement through his

spokesperson, introducing the world to the concept of a

“good-natured” groping.

• Kevin Spacey, the star of Netflix’s House of Cards, has

been accused by actor Anthony Rapp of making

unwanted sexual advances when Rapp was 14 years old,

according to BuzzFeed. Spacey released a statement

claiming he was drunk and did not remember the

encounter, and Netflix has since suspended production

on the sixth season of House of Cards. (Update: several

employees on House of Cards have said that Spacey

made the show a toxic environment, with one employee

outright accusing him of assault. Netflix has

since severed all ties with Spacey and is

considering killing off his character and moving ahead

with the announced sixth and final season of the show.)

• Jeremy Piven, the actor most famous for his role on

HBO’s Entourage, has been accused by actress Ariane

Bellamar of groping her on multiple accusations during

the filming of that show, according to Business Insider.

Piven has denied the allegations.

• Hamilton Fish V, the publisher of The New Republic, has

been accused by multiple female employees of sexual

harassment, according to the New York Post. He has

since taken a leave of absence.

• Andy Dick, the famously assault-prone comedic

performer, has been accused of sexual harassment by

multiple people on the set of the indie film, Raising

Buchanan, according to Vulture. He has since been fired

from the film.

• Brett Ratner, the director behind hits such as Rush Hour,

has been accused by six women of a number of sexual

offenses, according to the Los Angeles Times. Ratner’s

lawyer has disputed these accounts.

• Dustin Hoffman, the veteran actor from films like The

Graduate and Tootsie, has been accused of sexually

harassing Anna Graham when she was a 17-year-old

production assistant in 1985, according to People.

• Michael Oreskes, a top editor at NPR, has been accused

by multiple women of sexual harassment, according to

CNN. He has since resigned.

• David Guillod, a manager and producer on films

like Atomic Blonde, has been accused by actress Jessica

Barth of sexual assault. Barth originally raised her

allegation in 2012, but Guillod threatened to sue her if

she proceeded. According to The Hollywood Reporter,

Barth is now ready to press charges.

• Adam Venit, an agent at WME, has been cited as the

unnamed person Terry Crews referred to in a viral series

of tweets about being groped by “a high-level Hollywood

executive,” according to Variety. Venit has since taken a

leave of absence.

• David Corn, editor and chief executive at Mother Jones,

is being investigated for inappropriate workplace

behavior, according to Politico. The investigation stems

from a pair of newly surfaced emails from 2014 and

2015, which detail offensive jokes and unwelcome

touching of female staffers.

• Steven Seagal, star of ’90s action films such as Under

Siege, has been accused of sexual harassment by

actresses Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies, and Rae

Dawn Chong, according to Jezebel and other sources.

• Ed Westwick, an actor best known for his work on

Gossip Girl, has been accused by two women of rape,

according to New York Magazine’s The Cut. Westwick

denies the charges, and LAPD is investigating.

• Louis CK, one of the most popular comedians in the

world, has been accused by five women of forcing them

to watch him masturbate. The public allegations follow

years of quiet but persistent speculation.

• Eddie Berganza, Group Editor of DC Comics, has been

accused of sexual harassment by multiple women,

including former employees, according to BuzzFeed. DC

Entertainment has since fired Berganza.

• Gary Goddard, a film producer, has been accused by

actor Anthony Edwards of molesting him over a period of

years in the late-1970s, starting when Edwards was just

12 years old. The allegation emerged in a Medium

post penned by Edwards.

• Jesse Lacy, frontman for the band Brand New, has been

accused of sexual misconduct by a minor 15 years ago,

soliciting nude photographs from a woman who was 15

when Lacy was 24, according to NME. Lacy has since

apologized for the misconduct.

• Matthew Weiner, the writer and director most known for

creating the show Mad Men, has been accused of sexual

harassment by former Mad Men writer Kater Gordon,

according to The Information. Weiner has since denied

the charge.

• Richard Dreyfuss, has been accused of sexual

harassment over a period of years in the mid-1980’s by

writer Jessica Teich, according to New York Magazine.

Dreyfuss has since denied “exposing” himself to Teich,

but confirms that he did try to kiss her and seduce her in

a manner he now regrets.

• George Takei, legendary actor and internet personality

most famous for his role on Star Trek, has been accused

of sexual assault by former model Scott R. Bruton,

stemming from an incident that occurred in 1981. Takei

has since denied the allegation.

• Andrew Kreisberg, show runner on The Flash, has been

accused of sexual harassment by a young female writer

on the show. Kreisberg has since been suspended by

Warner Brothers TV, according to Deadline.

• Tom Sizemore, star of such films as Saving Private Ryan,

has been accused of molesting an 11-year old girl on the

set of a film in 2003, according to The Hollywood

Reporter. According to the report, the actor was kicked

off of the set after this incident, although he later filmed

some additional scenes. Sizemore has declined to


• Mark Schwahn, showrunner on One Tree Hill, has been

accused of sexual harassment by several members of

the cast and crew of that show, according to Variety.

Update: Schwahn has since been accused of sexual

harassment by several members of the cast and crew

of The Royals, where Schwahn had been serving as

showrunner until recently. (He was suspended after

the One Tree Hill allegations emerged last week.)

• Jeffrey Tambor, Emmy Award-winning star

of Transparent, has been accused of sexual harassment

by an actress and a crew member from the show,

according to Deadline. He has since denied the

accusations and parted ways with the show.

• Matt Zimmerman, Senior Vice President of Booking for

News & Entertainment at NBC, has been accused of

inappropriate conduct with two women in the News

division, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Zimmerman has since been fired.

• Al Franken, the Minnesota senator and erstwhile comedy

writer, has been accused of unwanted kissing and

groping by a reporter, Leeann Tweeden, stemming from

an incident that took place in 2006, according to The

New York Times. The groping allegedly occurred while

Tweeden was asleep, and a photo taken at the time

supports her account. Update: at least five more women

have since come forward with similar accusations

against Franken.

• Sylvester Stallone, the actor and director most famous

for creating the character Rocky Balboa, has been

accused of sexually assaulting a minor in 1986,

according to The Daily Mail. Through a representative,

Stallone denies any wrongdoing.

• Murray Miller, a writer formerly of HBO’s Girls, has been

accused of sexually assaulting actress Aurora Perrineau,

according to The Hollywood Reporter. Miller adamantly

denies the charge.

• Glenn Thrush, a star political reporter for The New York

Times, has been accused of inappropriate behavior by

several younger female reporters, according to Vox.

Although Thrush has since downplayed what he’s been

accused of, The New York Times has suspended him

pending an investigation.

• Charlie Rose, the longtime television host, has been

accused by eight women of sexual harassment. The

Washington Post reports that over a period over more

than 20 years, Rose allegedly made unwanted sexual

advances toward women who worked at PBS’s Charlie

Rose show. They allege he made lewd phone calls,

groped them, and walked around naked in front of them.

Rose (who also works for CBS) has issued an apology in

which he acknowledges his “inappropriate behavior”

while also questioning whether “all of these allegations

are accurate.” PBS and Bloomberg LP have suspended

distribution of Charlie Rose, and CBS has suspended

Rose while the network investigates the claims.

• John Lasseter, head of Disney Animation, is taking a

leave of absence from Pixar. He announced the decision

as The Hollywood Reporter prepared to publish a story

in which several former and current colleagues allege

that Lasseter engaged in a pattern of sexual

harassment. One longtime Pixar employee claims that

Lasseter was known for “grabbing, kissing, making

comments about physical attributes.” Lasseter released a

memo to his staff in which he acknowledged his

“missteps” and apologized if staffers who had received

“an unwanted hug” felt he crossed the line.

• Nick Carter, member of the Backstreet Boys, has been

accused of sexual assault by Melissa Schuman, a singer

from the pop band Dream. In a blog post, Schuman, 33,

alleges that Carter raped her and forced her to perform

and receive oral sex when she was 18. Carter denied the

allegations in a statement to People.

• Matt Lauer, host of The Today Show, has been fired for

sexual misconduct, , according to NBC News, following

an internal review. A comprehensive New York

Times investigation has reportedly been underway for

weeks, and may be surfacing soon.

• Garrison Keillor, radio producer and former host of long-

running show A Prairie Home Companion, has been fired

by Minnesota Public Radio for “improper conduct” with a

female colleague, according to The New York Times.

Keillor has admitted to running his hand up a female

colleague’s bare back through her open shirt.

• Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and

other countries, has been accused of sexual misconduct

by two women–first by model Keri Claussen Khalighi,

and then screenwriter Jenny Lumet–according to The

Hollywood Reporter. Although Simmons initially denied

any wrongdoing when Khalighi came forward, he now

says he is stepping down from his businesses.

Update: several more women have come forward with

accusations against Simmons, including three who allege


• Israel Horovitz, a veteran playwright, has been accused

of sexual conduct by nine women, according to The New

York Times. Horovitz has apologized ” to any woman

who has ever felt compromised by my actions.”

• Bruce Weber, the venerable fashion photographer, has

been accused of forcefully kissing and groping a male

model, according to the New York Post.

• Dylan Howard, the top editor for the National Enquirer,

Us Weekly and other major gossip publications, has

been accused of sexual misconduct by several former

employees, according to the Associated Press.

• James Levine, legendary Metropolitan Opera conductor,

has been accused of molesting a teenage boy for a

period of years in the 1980s, according to the New York

Post. He has since been suspended by the Met.

• John Hockenberry, a now-retired public radio icon, has

been accused of sexual harassment by several female

colleagues, as well as a guest of his radio show, Suki

Kim, according to a report Kim wrote for New York

Magazine’s The Cut.

• Leonard Lopate and Johnathan Schwartz, two longtime

hosts at WNYC, have been put on leave effectively

immediately pending investigations into allegations of

inappropriate conduct, according to WNYC.

• Jon Heely, the director of music publishing at Disney,

has been charged with child sex abuse against two

young girls about a decade ago, according to

Variety. Heely’s attorney has denied the charges.

• Mario Batali, world famous chef, has been accused by

four women, three of whom once worked for him, of

inappropriate touching over the last two decades,

according to Eater. Batali has said the allegations “match

up” with ways he has behaved, and he has since

stepped away from his empire.

• Ryan Lizza, a star reporter for The New Yorker, has been

let been go by the magazine for engaging in improper

sexual contact, according to The Daily Beast. Lizza has

denied any wrongdoing.

• Johnny Iuzzini, host of The Great American Baking

Show, has been accused of sexual misconduct by several

former employees, according to Variety. ABC has since

pulled the show off the air.

• Tavis Smiley, talk show host and author, has been

suspended by PBS following an investigation into alleged

sexual misconduct, according to Variety. The host is

alleged to have engaged in sexual relationships with

multiple subordinates, whose employment status was

linked to the status of that sexual relationship. Smiley

has issued the following statement: “I have the utmost

respect for women and celebrate the courage of those

who have come forth to tell their truth. To be clear, I

have never groped, coerced, or exposed myself

inappropriately to any workplace colleague in my entire

broadcast career, covering 6 networks over 30 years.”

• TJ Miller, actor and comedian best known for his role

on Silicon Valley, has been accused of sexual assault and

physical violence, according to a lengthy expose in The

Daily Beast, over a relationship that took place during

the early-2000s while both Miller and his alleged victim

attended college. Miller has since denied any


• Jann Wenner, founder of Rolling Stone, has been

accused of sexual assault by a former

employee,Jonathan Wells, based on an incident

stemming from 1983, when the employee was 28,

according to SPIN. Wenner has since responded to the

allegations, telling BuzzFeed News “he believed the

encounter was consensual.”

• Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball, was revealed

to have been accused by a female staffer of sexual

harassment, according to The Daily Caller. The staffer

complained that Matthews made inappropriate

comments and jokes about her in front of other people,

and eventually received a severance from NBC that Daily

Caller claims was intended as a settlement.

• Chuck Close, world-famous artist, has been accused of

sexual harassment by several women who came to his

studio to pose for him, according to The New York

Times. Close has acknowledged that he has spoken to

women candidly and even crudely to some women about

their body parts, and apologized for it.

• Andrew Creighton and Mike Germano, top executives at

VICE, are among many at the company to be accused of

fostering a toxic atmosphere at the company, as well as

committing sexual harassment themselves, according to

a lengthy expose in The New York Times. Creighton and

Germano have since been suspended.

• Peter Martins, the longtime leader of the New York City

Ballet, has been accused of sexual harassment and

physical and verbal abuse, according to The New York

Times. Martins denies all wrongdoing, but he has retired

from NYCB since the allegations came to light. Source

Famous People In History and their Perversions

Charlie Chaplin:

Guilty of: Being a playboy, stripping women in 'auditions'

Who's this guy?

THE single most famous actor of the silent film era. Even small children who

have never heard of his name inevitably remember his hat-and-cane image.

What's his story?

Chaplin was obsessed with young women, having confessed to having had sex

with over 2000 women. He would find young women to star in his movies,

oftentimes just teenagers, seduce them, and then drop them for the next one

as soon as the girl began to fall in love.

When they would get pregnant, he would tell them to get abortions and show

his contempt for them. One girl, whom he married in secret after she became

pregnant, was standing outside on the platform of the back of train after the

ceremony, and Chaplin walked up to her and said, "This would be a good time

to put an end to your misery – why don't you jump?"

According to film historian Kevin Browning, "Charles would only communicate

with the actress he was auditioning via caption cards and mime, supposedly to

test their ability to 'perform' in silent movies.

The cards would become ever more lewd and suggestive as he got them to

undress, and he would fondle their breasts in an exaggerated silent movie

acting manner..."

What's more, at the end, Chaplin would make them stand naked while he threw

pies at them. If they cried out, they failed the audition because, apparently,

that made them unfit to mime.

Eric Gill

Guilty of: Incest, bestiality, pedophilia, being Eric Gill, etc.

Who's this guy? A successful sculptor and typeface designer. Many of his

fonts are still used today.

What's his story?

Although he claimed to be a devout Catholic, he was also a complete pervert

who went much further than extra-marital affairs (though he had those

too). This guy would totally be in jail if he were alive today.

Let's start with his sculptures. Though magnificent, his sculpture entitled

"F**king" of a couple entwined in complete ecstasy. The models? His sister

(who he was incestuous with during the time of the creation of the sculpture

and for most of his adult life) and her husband.

Gill is said to have incestuous relationships with both his sisters, Angela and

Gladys. Additionally, he abused his two eldest daughters, drawing almost erotic

pictures of them nude in prepubescent stages. "Girl in Bath" depicts a young

teenager crouching in a bathtub; "Hair Combing" shows a plump girl with long,

flowing hair. Many of these drawings were later transformed into wood carvings

and are some of Gill's most celebrated work.

Gill was obsessed with sex, abusing his maids, prostitutes, even his animals.

Should his art be celebrated or condemned?

Lewis Carroll

Guilty of: Child pornography

Who's this guy?

Author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Horrible

mathematician in real life (he wrote Alice in Wonderland to ridicule the study of

complex numbers).

What's his story?

Carroll was perhaps one of the first people to take up photography as a habit.

He took about 3000 photographs in his life, of which only 1000 have survived.

About 500 of those were of little girls.

You see, unlike Charlie Chaplin and HG Wells (both of whom are on this list),

Carroll did not have any affairs with women. He remained a bachelor

throughout his life. Unfortunately, that meant he always had an entourage of

little girls around him. He would write poems, riddles, and other fun stuff for

the girls, as well as... love letters. Alice Liddell, the inspiration for Alice in

Wonderland, was one of them. The moment the girls reached puberty, he

would kick them out.

Carroll enjoyed taking pictures of his little friends. They were harmless at first,

but in the 1870s, he started taking pictures of them with no clothes on. What's

more, their families were fine with it. All but four of the nude photos have

survived to this day.

Carroll only liked English girls. American girls were too rude for him. As for

boys, he wrote, "I confess I do not admire naked boys in pictures. They always

seem... to need clothes, whereas one hardly sees why the lovely forms of girls

should ever be covered up."

According to Carroll, he was tormented by the "inclinations of my sinful heart"

and often lay down in bed thinking to ward off his "unholy thoughts." Let's just

be glad that he dropped photography in 1880.

T. E. Lawrence

Guilty of: Masochism, possible pederasty (relationship with a teenage boy)

Who's this guy?

Better known as Lawrence of Arabia, which is a pretty self-explanatory name –

he played a major role in the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire. He was

also an archaeologist.

What's his story?

Lawrence was a celibate who hated being touched, and his friends believed he

was asexual, but according to some, this changed when he met Dahoum, a 12-

year-old Syrian boy who worked with him in archaeology.

The two allegedly fell in love and lived together. It has even been claimed that

Lawrence wrote about 'sweet' embraces in his journal and made a naked model

of Dahoum, although none of these claims have ever been verified.

In his memoir The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (which was dedicated to Dahoum,

by the way), he claims that he was captured by Turks in 1917, brutally beaten,

and raped. Many say, however, that there are subtle tones of eroticism during

these excerpts. He said he felt "delicious warmth, probably sexual, swelling

through me."

What's more, he regularly asked his pal John Bruce to whip his buttocks over a

period of 12 years. He would ask to be flogged 30-75 times in a tent,

sometimes with a witness, then have them write an account of the flogging to

read later. His excuse?

An uncle identified only as 'R' (who probably never existed) asked him to be

disciplined. It's believed that Lawrence was reliving his physical and emotional

trauma through the whippings, either consciously or unconsciously.

John F. Kennedy

Guilty of: Nude swim parties, lots of affairs (including with questionable

girlfriends) probable homosexuality.

Who's this guy?

The guy you met in history class when you were learning about the Cuban

Missile Crisis. However, what you've read about JFK in history books may not

be the whole story. You decide. These are photos of Lem Billings, his

HOMOSEXUAL best friend, who lived at the White House until JFK was killed.

What's his story?

JFK reportedly loved swimming to soothe his aching back. Investigative

journalist Seymour Hersh thinks otherwise. According to Hersh, JFK enjoyed

having nude swim parties with women in the White House swimming pool,

including with two of his assistants, Fiddle and Faddle. Secret Service officers

closely guarded the pool and the secret within. Once, Jackie decided to go for a

dive in the pool, and the three had to duck for cover.

Other claims by Hersh include mob ties through a common girlfriend, extra-

marital affairs, narcotics use, and a previous, non-terminated marriage (pretty

much everything you don't want from a politician).

If you think those claims are far-fetched, just wait till you read the websites

that say he was the boyfriend of Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and Zsa Zsa


Many people say that the rumors of Kennedy being a womanizer were lies and

they were created to hide his homosexual affair with his long-term lover who

also lived in the white house. His long-term friend, homosexual, Kirk

LeMoyne "Lem" Billings (April 15, 1916 – May 28, 1981)

George Gordon Byron

Guilty of: Lots of affairs, collection of... hair

Who's this guy?

One of the prominent Anglophone literary figures of the early 19th century. A

national hero of the Greeks for fighting against the Ottoman Empire.

What's his story?

Another bisexual poet who fell constantly in love.

Byron was sent to Harrow in 1801. During his time there, Lord Byron fell in love

with Mary Chaworth, "the first object of his adult sexual feelings." He also

developed several close friendships with his fellow students.

In one poem, he wrote, "Ah! Sure some stronger impulse vibrates here,/ Which

whispers friendship will be doubly dear/ To one, who thus for kindred hearts

must roam,/ And seek abroad, the love denied at home." One of his best

friends was John FitzGibbon, 2nd Earl of Clare. According to Byron himself,

he "could never hear the word 'Clare'" without "a murmur of the heart."

Then, at Trinity College, he had another friend, John Edleston, who, in Byron's

own words, "has been my almost constant associate since October, 1805, when

I entered Trinity College. His voice first attracted my attention, his countenance

fixed it, and his manners attached me to him forever." Later in his life, he

described the episode as "a violent, though pure love and passion."

He was a man who had many women. In 1812, he went on to love Lady

Caroline Lamb, a woman who happened to be married. Lamb described Byron

as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know." After their breakup, Lamb continued to

pursue (stalk) Byron, and even dressed up as a page boy to get to his house.

By then, Byron was already interested in other women, including Jane Elizabeth

Scott, Anne Isabella Milbanke (whom he married)... and his half-sister


Augusta's marriage with her cousin George Leigh was an unhappy one. From

1804 onwards, Augusta wrote to her half-brother regularly and became his

confidante. The two were said to be in love and, according to some (including

jealous Lamb), had an affair. It is said that this is the reason why Byron went

abroad (and then had an affair with Claire Clairmont, Mary Shelley's


In Venice, Byron fell in love with Marianna Segati and Margarita Cogni. Both

were married. The latter separated with her husband to live with Byron.

However, their relationships ended, and Byron often spent the night in his

gondola. Cogni jumped into the Venetian canal after Byron told her to get lost.

He eventually married a young woman called Teresa Guiccioli.

Hans Christian Andersen

Photo: Public domain

Guilty of: Masturbation addiction, talking to prostitutes

Who's this guy?

The guy who wrote all many of your favorite fairy tales as a child, including The

Ugly Duckling and The Little Mermaid.

What's his story?

Although a celibate, he also masturbated like crazy. Every day, he would do his

daily act of self-pollution, then mark it in his diary with two crosses (++), e.g.

"When they left, I had a double-sensuous ++." In Paris, he would often visit

prostitutes to talk to them (but not to touch them).

Then he would return to his hotel room to do his dirty work. He also had

crushes on both men and women. He would often write open love letters to

young men he liked. More occasionally, he would write love letters to women

that he knew would for sure turn him down. The Little Mermaid was based on

his experience with one man who eventually married.

This guy's life was far from happy. Being an ugly child, The Ugly Duckling was

actually based on his own gloomy childhood. His family was poor, even poorer

than his friend Charles Dickens's. When his mother made him work at the local

mill, the other workers stripped him to ''If I were a boy or a girl."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Photo: Public domain

Guilty of: Foot fetish (feetish?), lots of affairs

Who's this guy?

One of the most famous American authors. Wrote The Great Gatsby.

What's his story?

Scott had a foot fetish. However, that was nothing compared to his notorious


Scott is said to have attributed his success to his wife Zelda's private parts. He

also drank a lot – a LOT – and had sex with many other women, including the

wealthy lady Beatrice Dance. Eventually, Zelda got tired of it and had an affair

with a French aviator. Scott didn't care at first, but soon enough, Zelda wanted

to leave him.

What did Scott do? He locked her in their house for a month to make her break

up with the lieutenant. Scott later boasted to a mistress that he won a duel in

the process. He later claimed he had orchestrated the affair to base a fictional

character on his wife's suffering.

Afterwards, the two engaged in more affairs, and the marriage was pretty

much broken. Then, Zelda went mad, had various suicide attempts, and went

to an insane asylum. Their disastrous marriage was reflected in Zelda's

novel Save Me the Waltz. Scott was furious, not for exposing his womanizing,

but for stealing material that he wanted to use in his novel Tender Is the Night.

H. G. Wells

Photo: Public domain

Guilty of: Lots of affairs, explicit content in sci-fi

Who's this guy?

One of the two pioneers of the science fiction genre, along with Jules Verne.

What's his story?

HG Wells's first marriage with his cousin did not turn out well. He remarried in

1895 to his student, Amy Catherine Robbins. That wasn't quite enough for

Wells, though. He had affairs with – Margaret Sanger, Amber Reeves, Rebecca

West, and Elizabeth von Arnim. Although Amy (known as Jane) was faithful,

she agreed to let her husband love other women until her death in 1927.

Wells also had illegitimate children with Reeves and West, whom he supported

despite encouraging their mothers to marry other men.

"The desire for sex... needs to be constantly satisfied," wrote Wells. Excellent

excuse, Herbert. The desire for shoplifting needs to be constantly satisfied, too.

Now go and steal!

A guy named David Lodge even wrote an entire novel about Wells's

affairs. According to the book, Wells managed to have nearly 200 affairs.

Another author named Andrea Lynn wrote a book entitled Shadow Lovers: The

Last Affairs of H.G. Wells after six years of research.

Still, he was brave to admit his wrongdoings. He wrote H.G. Wells in Love:

Postscript to an Experiment in Autobiography, which went into detail about his

secrets. In compliance with his wishes, it was not revealed until 1984, when the

last woman, West, was dead. "I have done what I pleased, so that every bit of

sexual impulse in me has expressed itself. This is my intimate diary and the

story of my amatory life."

Aleister Crowley


Aleister Crowley was a British writer, prophet and magician, though not quite

the bunny-in-a-hat type that most people enjoy. The kind that does a lot of

drugs, doesn't shower and has sex with people as part of his religion.


He was a well-known occultist. As prophet of his new religion, Crowley

developed Thelema, a polytheistic religion that ushered in the belief its

followers should follow their own "True Will" and neglect their ego. Basically he

was a famous almost-real-life-warlock who stirred up a bunch of people at a

time when it was relatively easy to stir people up. Hillary Clinton is a follower of


Apparently, the faith parallels that idea the (at the time) new 20th century

would usher in a new ethical code that would be followed as the beginning of

the Aeon of Horus: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."


Crowley not only founded a religion based on magik, he also founded

something called "Sexual Magik" (no, this wasn't discovered by the Red Hot

Chili Peppers or Sting,) which is basically just using climax and/or arousal (and

sometimes fluids) as parts of a spell. That's the class that Hogwarts doesn't

teach until the last year.

Here are some great quotes on his particular brand of magic, and how best to

go about it (take out your pens and pads!):

- In the "New Comment" to The Book of the Law, "the Beast 666 adviseth that

all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of coital act,

as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their


Translation: all kids should see every kind of act as soon as they get control

of their motor skills. They also have to witness a birth. Never lie to your kids.

Sigmund Freud


Freud is the founder of psychiatry and the initiator of the "Talking Cure" (aka,

$300/hour for a person who won't chew your head off if you don't shut up

about your life). He identified the study of psychoanalysis, bringing forth

repressed thoughts and feelings into consciousness. Oh, and he recommended

a great antidepressant: cocaine. He also believes we all want to bang our



He broke down the psyche into three components of personality: the Id

("pleasure principle", wants us to bang everything), the Ego ("reality principle"),

and the SuperEgo (the aim for perfection, mainly unconscious and contains the

person's "ego ideals" aka the conscience).


Freud went through a phase of doing ‘pressure treatment’ on women’s foreheads

and bodies in his darkened consulting room, telling them to remove any tight

clothing and then searching their bodies for their ‘hystereogenic zones’, while

coercing them to tell him details of their sexual history.

Freud admittedly had sexual feelings for his mother and his following

work/research. Obviously, this turned into excellent research material, where

Freud conceived the "Psychosexual Theory", identifying 5 key stages of libido


Yes, the libido begins developing at birth. After all, according to Freud, infants

are primitive sexual beings. The stages of development are aptly titled the Oral,

Anal, Phallic, Latency, and Genital stages.

As part of the Phallic phase, Freud "uncovers" the subconscious sexual

attachment children have to the parent of the opposite sex. Naturally, this leads

to jealousy and a host of other emotional issues, which then contribute to

repressed memories and feelings, ultimately driving up the cost and time of

"talking cure" sessions.

Of course, Freud never tested his theory on babies himself, but did use the

findings of his adult patients' psychoanalysis to uncover these "truths".

"Hey, so uh, pretty sexy kid ya got there, mind if I ask you a few questions?..."

When asked about sexual perverts, Freud identifies his own father for his

sexual perversion and contribution to his brother's hysteria. "I learned it from

watching YOU!"

Charles Lindbergh Had Multiple Families

You may only know Charles Lindbergh as the heroic aviator who became world-

famous for flying across the Atlantic alone in a tiny airplane without dying. But

he was also one of the world's biggest celebrities in his day, becoming a prize-

winning author and (unintentionally) the target of one of the most infamous

crimes in modern history. He was always a straight-laced type, a seemingly stiff

and puritanical family man (even if he was a bit of a Nazi sympathizer).

And a family man he was. So much, in fact, that he kept three separate secret

lovers, fathered a total of seven children among them, and divided his Dad

Time between these families.

His choices for secret lovers were absolutely classic porn film fodder, too; one

was his secretary, and the other two were sisters. How did that happen?

Well, taking advantage of being one of the few people in the world who actively

flew around at that point, Lindbergh happily enjoyed women in Europe.

First to succumb to his high-flying charm was his secretary Valeska, who later

introduced him to her friends, the sisters Brigitte and Marietta, both of whom

he had sex with.

All three women had his children, although none of them ever discussed this in

public, choosing to honor a vow of secrecy they gave to Lindbergh. We only

know about this because Brigitte's children chose to bring the subject to light

after their mother died in 2001, thoroughly surprising the "official" Lindbergh


We're not lawyers, but we think these bastards now technically own half of


Despite Charles being a serial adulterer and loudly pro-Nazi, all three women

remained loyal to him and never married another man. This might be because

Lindberg loved these ladies even more than he loved racial purity; both Brigitte

and Marietta had walking disabilities, yet Eugenics Charlie didn't give it a


There's also the fact that, despite having a lot of Dad shoes to fill, Lindbergh

filled them all. By all accounts, he was a loving (if rather absent) father and

husband to his families.

King Edward VII Fucked So Much, It Required Special Furniture

History may remember Edward VII of England as the monarch who brokered an

important treaty with France, but we'd like to remember his other important

achievement: commissioning the invention of f**k chairs for fat guys.

Queen Victoria spent her life in search of the perfect image for the British Royal

Family. Fortunately for this article, these ideals were constantly thwarted by the

actions of her eldest son Bertie (the future Edward VII).

Bertie had already fallen from his mother's graces at an early age, when his

army friends in Ireland set him up with a local prostitute. The notoriously

prudish queen didn't exactly approve of this, and her husband Prince Albert

chastised the young prince for jumping into "the hands of one of the most

abject of the human species, to be by her initiated into the sacred mysteries of

creation, which ought to be shrouded in holy awe until touched by pure and

undefiled hands!" That was an actual quote, by the way. He had that kind of


Poor Bertie's fate as a black sheep was sealed when Albert caught pneumonia

and died on his way back home. The queen blamed it all on her son, and never

forgave him. Having experienced a fall from royal grace that would last until

Victoria died four decades later, Bertie shrugged, decided that he might as well

do some more sleeping around since he was already out of favor, and

proceeded to have roughly all of the sex, forever.

Edward went on to become a renowned expert in all things related to getting

sex. He was a pioneer in the fine field of wife-swapping, and a world-famous

perv. His sexual appetites were so well known that women openly made passes

at him on the street. He had innumerable lovers and conquests, including

affairs with famous actresses such as Sarah Bernhardt and Lillie Langtry.

He was also an avid patron of the finest brothel of Paris, where he had a room

of his own, complete with his royal coat of arms on the wall. There he liked to

bathe prostitutes in champagne (in a bathtub which, for some reason, was

decorated with the image of a were-swan -- the guy would have loved deviant

ART), and "entertain" his "guests" in his very own heavy-duty love chair:

King Edward VII – This is his SEX Chair.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, Time magazine's man of the century, is the most famous

scientist in the history of the planet. However, he’s a liar, a fraud and a

TWISTED sexual pervert.

He was the first to postulate the theory of relativity, which later, he admitted

was total bullsh*t. He convinced FDR to build the atomic bomb, he was offered

the chance to be the first president of Israel and is considered the father of

modern physics.

Secretly Einstein admitted the atom bomb was a hoax. Nuclear bombs cannot

explode. They simulated what an atom bomb might look like on propaganda

films. The Japanese shared in the secret that there is no such thing as an Atom

Bomb. Their two cities were bombed with napalm bombs…same bombs the US

later used in Vietnam. (Fire-Bombs)

You wouldn't automatically think of a physics geek as getting more sex than

any celebrity.

Behind Closed Doors...

Einstein spent his time inserting his wiener into as many women as possible.

Even though he was married twice (once to his cousin), he cheated on both of

his wives with about 10 different women. Though in his defense, he presented

his first wife with a list of rules, one of which was "expect neither intimacy nor


Before Einstein finally settled on his cousin Elsa, he apparently almost married

her 22-year-old daughter instead (Elsa was his first cousin through his mother's

side AND second cousin through his father's side.

In addition to the theory of relativity, Einstein was the only human capable of

conceptualizing the branches of his own family tree that he had sex

with). Then he supposedly got some side action from Elsa's sister when they

were younger, which he defended in a letter to Elsa by pointing out "You can't

blame me; we were young and she was willing."

We imagine he used the same defense when he was caught having sex with his

best friend's niece years later.

A Short List of Celebrities that You May Not Know are

Homosexuals or Lesbians

• Billie Holiday – singer

• Cary Grant – Actor

• Randolf Scott - Actor

• Eleanor Roosevelt – A 1st Lady

• Greta Garbo - Actress

• Leonardo da Vinci -Artist

• Oscar Wilde - Director

• Tennessee Williams - Author

• Virginia Woolf - Actress

• Walt Whitman - Author

• Kevin Spacey – Actor

• Brad Pitt - Actor

• John Travolta - Actor

• Andy Warhol - Artist

• Aliester Crowley - Author

• Ralph Waldo Emerson - Author

• Sal Mineo - Actor

• Cole Porter - Singer

• Walt Whitman - Author

• Johnny Mathis - Singer

• David Geffen - Producer

• Tab Hunter - Actor

• Barry Diller – Producer

• Sheppard Smith – Fox News

• Tim Cook – Apple Computers

• Suze Orman - Author

• Anderson Cooper – CNN

• Steven Crowder – Blaze

• Jodie Foster – Actress

• Neil Patrick Harris – Actor

• Holand Taylor – Actress

• Wentworth Miller – Actor

• Merideth Baxter – Actress

• Barry Manilow – Singer

Hollywood Swamp and their Degenerate Sodomizing Rituals

A compelling video was published that made outlandish claims about the

Hollywood system. Here’s a sample of the claims that were made:

• Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and other big-name stars are not

immune from ritual sodomy. Many top stars are and have been

sodomized by many cult members over the years. This keeps them

inside the club.

• Benny Medina and Quincy Jones sexually initiated actor Will Smith, yes

he was totally sodomized. (sodomized means being fucked up the ass –

in case you do not know.)

• If someone in the Kabbalah cult likes or wants the daughter of a star,

he/she must relinquish their child in order to move up in Hollywood

status for more opportunities.

• Queen Latifah initiates Hollywood women using a strap-on.

• Monster’s Ball movie with Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton featured

live sex ritual. She was initiated by Billy Bob with live sex in the movie.

(not many people knew it was live sex) She received an award for this


• Jewish produced “Ghetto Gaggers” not just a porn but also in Hollywood.

• Porn stars go to Pandora’s Box Hollywood sex parties, initiate stars.

• Tony Braxton was driven out of her mind over what she had to give up

to be famous.

The video explained how Hollywood actors are controlled: their sexual hazing is

recorded on video and used to manage their future behavior so it’s in line with

Hollywood elite interests. When actors go off the rails, or refuse to submit to

the demands of their bosses, “rumors” are leaked that destroy their reputation

and acting jobs are withheld from them.

What I think happened is that Will Smith’s “owners” gave Alexis the information

to publish in exchange for later favors while making it appear as a “leak.” But if

you examine the final three sentences of the Facebook post above, it’s easy to

see how those words are coming from the men who write Smith’s paycheck,

warning him to get his wife in line immediately. And she did. Not even half a

day later, she thanked the Academy for their response.

Every major actor in Hollywood has made a deal with the devil, and has had to

trade things that you wouldn’t, often starting when they were children and

passed around to pedophiles, as Corey Feldman revealed. Therefore,

Hollywood looks not for talent, but for souls, explaining why you can’t

even name more than five actors who are actually good. This is the

industry that has sway not only among the mainstream American public, but

the world as a whole.

Leonard DiCaprio must satisfy his masters by helping their leftist agenda in

order to receive a reward. We can only guess what private rituals DiCaprio had

to submit to before becoming a top contender for the award—which he did

win—especially when he was a child actor. There is dirt on all the stars, and

even most of the famous musicians and rappers. If you research the issue

further, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than what I’m describing.

In my opinion, the younger a person is when they enter the entertainment

Hollywood swamp machine, and the lower amount of natural talent they have,

the more likely they have submitted to deplorable degradations in order to be


I realize this stuff is extremely disgusting for most people, but there is much

more to the story. Many celebrities are treated as human toilets by the club

members. I’m sure singers like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry serve as personal

port-a-potties to the Hollywood Swamp controllers. In fact, Hollywood is

probably where the Saudis got the idea to use paid “models” as hired toilets.

Unfortunately, nearly all Hollywood actors and singers have traded their dignity

for fame and money. This is a fact. Yes, even the actors and actresses you

have come to respect and have influenced you.

This is not a rumor – this is a FACT! All the “masculine” Hollywood actors you

like watching in films have certainly been sodomized or privately humiliated. At

worst, they are devil worshipers who practice every degenerate cause known to


One actor who quit Hollywood said, “I fully denounce Hollywood and their leftist

views, their communism, and their sodomizing. There is no room for them in a

man’s life, and I personally won’t be casually brainwashed and influenced by

the anti-American and degenerate content they dish out.”

McCauley Culkin Blows the Whistle on the Satanic

Entertainment Industry

Former child star McCauley Culkin has blown the whistle on the entertainment

industry elite to reveal that Hollywood studio executives are “blood-thirsty

Satanists ” who ritualistically “ murder child actors.”

The Home Alone star has exposed movie business execs as “Satanic

pedophiles”, who “ritually abuse children in the industry.” Culkin claims he only

got out alive because he was a “smart and suspicious kid” who “got too famous

to be killed like some of the other kids.”

“You learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you,

and which of them have even darker tastes,” Macaulay Culkin said,

explaining that “the worst of them wear shoes made out of the skin of children

that they ritually murdered.”

Attention Reader: Nearly all whistleblower articles on the Internet have been

scrubbed by the powerful Hollywood Swamp. It is difficult to find more

information unless you actually know victims.

Angelina Jolie Reveals Hollywood Swamp Rituals

Jolie describes taking the Hollywood swamp initiation of rituals so as to get

established in Hollywood. She even explains the horrible and frightful ritual

required to join them. She reveals that in the rituals include they tie up

the body of anyone who comes to join the sect and other members

rape and torture the newbies.

There have been many comparisons of such rituals to the S&M, but she claims

there are differences in these particular rituals. Jolie looks demented and

bewitched while revealing her experiences with the Illuminati Masonic

Secret Society to her friends. She accepts to have sacrificed a snake and took

an inscription of tattoo for her initiation ritual.

Engraving tattoos’ have been regarded as a part of such ceremonial rituals as

one of the ways to sacrifice more blood to Satan. Jolie was required to kill and

sacrifice a snake for the ritual.


There have been numerous claims that several celebrities in Hollywood join a

Luciferian secret society for the establishment of their successful career in

Hollywood’s cutthroat business and make it to the top leading actor/actress.

The video reveals her encouragement to other fellow celebrities on initiation

and joining Illuminati for getting the desired result. The video also reveals

showing the recording of an Illuminati rituals shared by Jolie with one of her


According to one of the two friends of Jolie, she explains viewing of the film

Jolie bought that night in a halting tone. The idea of viewing sexuality and

compromising pictures of normal people and celebrities and feeling great about

it is the darker side of people.

Hollywood’s Dark Secret: Pedophilia, Child Actors

and Those Who Escaped

Elijah Wood Talks:

Child abuse runs rampant in Hollywood, according to former child actor Elijah

Wood, star of The Lord of the Rings, in a recent interview in The Sunday

Times. Wood said there’s a dark underbelly of Hollywood, filled with “vipers”

who only have their own interests in mind: “If you can imagine it, it’s probably

happened.” He compared the situation to BBC’s DJ Jimmy Savile, who is

believed to have sexually abused at least 500 women, girls and boys over four


Wood said that his mother protected him from abuse when he moved to

Hollywood, by keeping him away from the parties where a lot of the abuse

occurred. Others weren’t so lucky.

Wood’s claim is substantiated by another former child actor, Corey Feldman,

best known for his roles in ’80s classics like Stand by Me and The Lost Boys.

Feldman told a British paper that he was “surrounded” by abusers at a young

age and that older men were “like vultures” preying on the young actors.

Hollywood’s Perversion is Getting Worse, Not Better

Corey Feldman says the problem of sexual predators in Hollywood isn’t going

away. “I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was and is and

always will be pedophilia,” said Feldman.

The “vultures” he described were “Hollywood moguls” who sexually abused him

and his friend, child actor Corey Haim, among others. Feldman believes the

abuse contributed to Haim’s death in 2010, as Haim’s drug addiction was a

method of coping with the sexual abuse that occurred.

“There are people in this industry who have gotten away with it for so long that

they feel they’re above the law,” Feldman said. “That’s gotta change. That’s

gotta stop.”

“They reach out to little kids on Twitter, they reach out to little kids on

Facebook, and they say, ‘I’m a big producer and I can help you.’ With social

media, we have more access than ever to everybody,” said Feldman. “It’s a

growing problem, not a shrinking problem.”

Feldman said that at least one of his molesters still works in Hollywood — in a

prominent position — although he won’t say who. “I would love to name

names,” he said. “I’d love to be the first to do it. But unfortunately, in

California, conveniently enough, there is a statute of limitations that prevents

that from happening. Because if I were to go and mention anybody’s name, I

would be the one that would be in legal problems, and I’m the one that would

be sued.”

Feldman added that all of the men who passed the two Coreys back and forth

were friends, and used intimidation and threats to keep the boys silent about

the abuse.

Anne Henry, one of the founders of BizParentz Foundation, a group that

supports child actors and their families, said that all child actors have come into

contact with a child molester at one point in their career. “I do not think it is an

exaggeration to say that every child actor would have brushed shoulders with a

pedophile,” she told Fox News. “For us, the pedophilia issue is not new at all

and, sadly, is something we have had to educate ourselves about since no one

in the entertainment industry was recognizing it.”

Bryan Singer and the Open Secret

The parties Wood referred to are well-known around Hollywood, parties that

allow “the young and impressionable to rub up against Hollywood elite —

including prominent writers, directors and actors…” but which left damaged

children in their wake. These parties were apparently used by the “Hollywood

elite” to hand-pick young boys to abuse for their own sexual perversion.

Bryan Singer, X-Men director and one of the most powerful gay men in

Hollywood, is now involved in litigation for alleged sex crimes against young

men who attended his parties. According to Gawker, Singer’s “henchmen”

would scope out young boys at the parties and bring them to Singer for sex.

The young men, who desired to break into the acting scene, believed that this

was their way to the top.

Peck is an actor, dialogue coach and convicted sex offender who had a cameo

in Singer’s X-Men, reports The Daily Mail. Though he’s barred from working

directly with children, he is not prohibited from working on shows featuring


Hollywood’s Dark Secret: Pedophilia, Child Actors and Those

Who Escaped

The dark underbelly of Hollywood has recently come to light as former child actors

expose the "open secret."

Jonathan Images for Samsung

Child abuse runs rampant in Hollywood, according to former child actor Elijah

Wood, star of The Lord of the Rings. Wood said there’s a dark underbelly of

Hollywood, filled with “vipers” who only have their own interests in mind: “If

you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.” He compared the situation to BBC’s

DJ Jimmy Savile, who is believed to have sexually abused at least 500 women,

girls and boys over four decades.

Wood said that his mother protected him from abuse when he moved to

Hollywood, by keeping him away from the parties where a lot of the abuse

occurred. Others weren’t so lucky.

Wood’s claim is substantiated by another former child actor, Corey Feldman,

best known for his roles in ’80s classics like Stand by Me and The Lost Boys.

Feldman told a British paper that he was “surrounded” by abusers at a young

age and that older men were “like vultures” preying on the young actors. He

later suffered from alcohol and drug abuse.

Pedophilia is Getting Worse

Feldman says the problem of sexual predators in Hollywood isn’t going away. “I

can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was and is and always

will be pedophilia,” said Feldman.

The “vultures” he described were “Hollywood moguls” who sexually abused him

and his friend, child actor Corey Haim, among others. Feldman believes the

abuse contributed to Haim’s death in 2010, as Haim’s drug addiction was a

method of coping with the sexual abuse that occurred.

“There are people in this industry who have gotten away with it for so long that

they feel they’re above the law,” Feldman said. “That’s gotta change. That’s

gotta stop.”

“They reach out to little kids on Twitter, they reach out to little kids on

Facebook, and they say, ‘I’m a big producer and I can help you.’ With social

media, we have more access than ever to everybody,” said Feldman. “It’s a

growing problem, not a shrinking problem.”

Anne Henry, one of the founders of BizParentz Foundation, a group that

supports child actors and their families, said that all child actors have come

into contact with a child molester at one point in their career. “I do not

think it is an exaggeration to say that every child actor would have brushed

shoulders with pedophiles. “For us, the pedophilia issue is not new at all and,

sadly, is something we have had to educate ourselves about since no one in the

entertainment industry was recognizing it.”

Bryan Singer and the Open Secret

The parties Wood referred to are well-known around Hollywood, parties that

allow “the young and impressionable to rub up against Hollywood elite —

including prominent writers, directors and actors…” but which left damaged

children in their wake. These parties were apparently used by the “Hollywood

elite” to hand-pick young boys to abuse for their own sexual perversion.

Bryan Singer, X-Men director and one of the most powerful gay men in

Hollywood, is now involved in litigation for alleged sex crimes against young

men who attended his parties. According to Gawker, Singer’s “henchmen”

would scope out young boys at the parties and bring them to Singer for sex.

The young men, who desired to break into the acting scene, believed that this

was their way to the top.

One young man who attended Singer’s parties recalled how he asked another

boy whether he was trying to sleep with someone at the party. The young man

responded, “Well, I’m trying to be an actor and this is how it is.” When asked

why he didn’t just go to an audition, the boy replied, “Well there are 1,000

people who go to an audition, but I can just get a director or a producer’s

phone number.”

Singer wasn’t alone in his alleged predatory acts. An Open Secret, a

documentary about “the alleged pedophilic ring of convicted and accused

molesters linked to lavish, drug-fueled parties,” outs several Hollywood names,

such as Singer’s associates Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackman, former child

actor Brock Pierce (The Mighty Ducks), and Brian Peck.

Peck is an actor, dialogue coach and convicted sex offender who had a cameo

in Singer’s X-Men. Though he’s barred from working directly with children, he is

not prohibited from working on shows featuring children.

Polanski: Convicted Pedophile, Hollywood Hero

Director Roman Polanski’s well-publicized sex abuse case highlights the problem

with pedophilia in Hollywood and the difficulty law enforcement has in

prosecuting the cases — particularly when the offender is not an American

citizen. In 1977, Polanski raped a 13-year-old girl he had plied with champagne

and drugs. Although he pled guilty and served 42 days in a California

jail, he fled to France before his final sentencing. Far from being an outcast,

Hollywood has embraced Polanski, ignoring the attempts to press charges.

Since the sexual abuse of a minor occurred in 1977, Polanski has made

numerous movies and won an Academy Award for the 2003 film, The

Pianist. Directors Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, Woody Allen and many others

signed a petition in 2009 calling for his release from a Swiss jail on the

statutory rape case, while film producer Harvey Weinstein described the original

charge a “miscarriage of justice,” adding, “Whatever you think about the so-

called crime, Polanski has served his time.” In reality, it appears that Polanski

has only actually been incarcerated for 42 days.

In a new development this week, Poland’s justice minister has revived an effort

to have Polanski extradited to the United States, asking Poland’s Supreme Court

to annul a ruling blocking Polanski’s extradition.

The Importance of Parental Protection

Michael Harrah, a children’s talent manager in Hollywood, confessed in his An

Open Secret interview to sexually abusing at least one child actor. What Harrah

said on camera spoke volumes about the importance of parental control and

protection, as well as the expectation that to get ahead the child actors had to

allow themselves to be abused: “Many of the kids that I worked with couldn’t

have even been able to take advantage of being in the industry had they had

their families move here with them.”

Mara Wilson, who played little Natalie Hilliard in Mrs. Doubtfire “7 Reasons

Child Stars Go Crazy.” for child actors. Although she didn’t experience sexual

abuse personally (she describes her Jewish parents as supportive and

responsible), she was the subject of a porn website when she was 12 years old.

Wilson survived her stint as a child actor without abuse because her

parents “were always very protective of me,” she said. Wood said he was

spared, in part, because he said his mother was “far more concerned with

raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career.”

While these actors may have not appreciated it at the time, their parents’

protectiveness appears to have saved their innocence — and may have saved

their lives.

Pray for the protection of those who enter the field of entertainment,

particularly those who are most vulnerable. Source

Stories of Lewd Behavior by Hollywood Elites

America’s sweetheart, Shirley Temple, said an MGM producer exposed himself

to her during a 1940 meeting, when the icon was only 12 years old. Judy

Garland had numerous run-ins with MGM bigwigs beginning at the age of 16,

when—as she wrote in her biography—they began trying to get into her pants.

The worst of the lot, according to her biographer Gerald Clarke, was MGM head

Louis B. Mayer, who had a habit of telling Garland in meetings “this is where

you sing” while placing his hand on her chest; it wasn’t until four years into this

ordeal that she finally stood up to him by saying, “Mr. Mayer, don’t you ever do

that again. If you want to tell me where I sing from, just point.”

Joan Collins claimed that, in the early 1960s, she lost the lead in Joseph L.

Mankiewicz’s epic Cleopatra after the studio’s top dog (presumably Maurice

“Buddy” Adler) explained that the price for such an illustrious part was sex. “I

had tested for ‘Cleopatra’ twice and was the front-runner,” she later recounted.

“He took me into his office and said, ‘You really want this part?’ And I said,

‘Yes. I really do.’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘then all you have to do is be nice to me.’ It

was a wonderful euphemism in the Sixties for SEX. But I couldn’t do that. In

fact, I was rather wimpish, burst into tears and rushed out of his office.” A $1

million publicity stunt later, and Collins was out, replaced by Elizabeth Taylor.

Marilyn Monroe, known to have been targeted by lecherous producers and

studio executives, famously referred to Hollywood as “an over-crowded


Tippi Hedren has repeatedly discussed the physical and psychological abuse she

suffered at the hands of Alfred Hitchcock. Helen Mirren said she was forced to

show off her body for director Michael Winner while seeking a role in one of his

projects in 1964.

Goldie Hawn found herself unexpectedly confronted with an unclothed casting

agent when she was just 19.

Susan Sarandon says, during her youth, she found herself at the mercy of a

higher-up, stating “I just went into a room, and a guy practically threw me on

the desk. It was my early days in New York, and it was really disgusting.”

Casting Rules Dark Hollywood Rituals Revealed

Hollywood is in shambles right now – and with good reason. Entertainers (more

specifically, MALE entertainers) are quitting. More and more courageous women

are stepping forward and telling their dark stories of how men in power have

been treating them over the years.

Making their careers (and personal lives) one giant nightmare. While people in

the outside world suddenly find themselves shocked at the news, people who

work in the industry are not surprised in the least. And these virtuous women

finally breaking their silence is life-altering.

Hollywood, since its conception, has always been a dark place, crawling with

villainous predators looking to prey on the ambitious and starry-eyed does.

Even certain rituals were put in place for those who relish in the fame that

comes with the job. However, if they pull the curtain back and see the REAL

Hollywood, they might not be so eager to pursue a career in HOLLYWOOD. It’s

not glamorous. It’s not enticing – usually very EVIL.

Here are 16 common (yes, common) Hollywood rituals that almost every

actress (and even actor) have had to go through in order to be a super-star.

They have all paid the price of fame - their dignity.

Sexual Casting Realities For Women

Hollywood women, by the HUNDREDS (and most likely soon to be thousands),

are finally stepping forward to face off against the people who harmed them

and abused their power when they were in vulnerable positions.

No man is safe against these women because they’ve finally had enough. When

it comes to obtaining certain roles in films, these actresses had to endure more

than what an actor would have to in order to get the part.

Some of which included having SEX with the producer, director, or studio

executive in order to land a certain part in a coveted film. Harvey Weinstein,

one of the founders of the Weinstein Co., is the poster boy these days when it

comes to accusations because he made the women who would audition for his

films into living, breathing, objects. Thankfully, the era where women dread the

casting couch is coming to an end.

Hollywood’s Obsession With Women's Sizes

You can’t mention the dark side of Hollywood without bringing up the town’s

obsession with weight. Not really with the weight of the men who occupy the

town, but rather the women.

If you take a look at some women who came onto the entertainment scene

proud about their full-figures (women like Jennifer Hudson and America

Ferrera), they were more often than not bullied into losing the weight because

it, quote, “wasn’t as appealing” to be a larger woman.

Comedians like Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson are trying to shift the

narrative on Hollywood’s obsession with women’s weights, but even they are hit

with criticism about their bodies. It’s a shameful obsession that fame has with

weight, and it needs to stop because it’s setting women back by a thousand


"Nudity" Talk With Producers

This is the awkward talk that every actor and actress has to have with their

agents: whether or not they will do nudity in any of their work, or have a body

double. What’s strange is that everyone in the normal world doesn’t have to

address this issue when it comes to their job.

If they were asked if they’re willing to do nudity at, say, in their manager

position at Staples, someone would be fired for harassment. Yet, it’s something

that actors have to address.

There are some actors who famously flat out refuse to do a nude scene (Sarah

Jessica Parker, Anna Kendrick, and famously Mila Kunis, who penned an open

letter to the producer who told her she’d “never work in this town again” after

she refused to pose half-naked for a magazine) while others have done a nude

scene only once (Scarlett Johansson, Blake Lively).

“Whitewash" Certain Roles

Whitewashing has become a massive issue these days in the entertainment

industry. It’s where producers and directors hire a white actor to play the role

of a minority character. It’s been an outdated practice that has been going on

for years (like when Mickey Rooney played an Asian man in Breakfast at

Tiffany’s) and is STILL going on today.

Back in 2015, the director of Aloha received major backlash after Emma Stone

was hired to play Allison Ng, a half Chinese and half Native Hawaiian character.

Recently, Scarlett Johansson played a famous anime character brought to life

in Ghost in the Shell, outraging people all over the world.

It’s a practice that SHOULD be stopped, but apparently, studios aren’t getting

the memo, and their box-office weekends are suffering some major hits for it.

Scripts Aren’t Authentic (Script Doctors)

If you didn’t know before, you’ll know now. Almost every single film you see on

the big screen has been written by more than one writer. Sure, you have your

films that are credited to multiple writers, but I’m not talking about those. I’m

talking about the famous movies like Pulp Fiction or Good Will Hunting and

other award-winning movies.

Script doctors are usually brought in to turn crap into pure gold without taking

credit for the work. They almost always have to sign a non-disclosure

agreement and while they aren’t famous in the public eye and barely anyone

has heard their names, they are the known unknowns of popular Hollywood

circles and the best are extremely expensive and elusive. But, my god, are they

worth the trouble. Hollywood wouldn’t be Hollywood without them.

Disturbing Underground PEDO Rings (Mostly Involving Young Boys)

Actor Corey Feldman has been speaking out against abuse in Hollywood for

YEARS before the Harvey Weinstein allegations came to light. However, it

hasn’t been about abuse against women, but rather abuse against young boys.

Feldman has been saying for years that young Hollywood actors have been

involved in underground pedophile rings run by famous actors, producers, and

studio heads. “Everyone deals with things differently,” Feldman told The

Hollywood Reporter back in 2016. “I’m not able to name names.

People are frustrated, people are angry, they want to know how is this

happening, and they want answers – and they turn to me and they say, ‘Why

don’t you be a man and stand and name names and stop hiding and being a

coward?’ I have to deal with that, which is not pleasant, especially given the

fact that I would love to name names.”

Mental Illnesses Should Be Under Wraps

This is actually a practice that is dying away as I type this very paragraph. In

the past, entertainers have been told to keep their personal problems,

especially if they struggle with mental illness, under wraps.

This would often lead to suicide rates skyrocketing in Hollywood because actors

were forced to struggle alone. However, these days, entertainers are taking

back their power by being open and honest about their struggles with their own

mental illnesses and are taking to social media in order to reach out to people

about it.

Lady Gaga has been open recently about her battle with depression and anxiety

while Kim Kardashian has publically stated that she herself struggles with body

dysmorphia. These particular entertainers (and many more) have been open

with their issues in hopes that more and more people will step out of the

shadows themselves and get the help they need.

Scandals and Affairs Are Encouraged

There is no such thing as bad press – especially when it comes to promoting a

new project that’s about to drop. Years ago, Brad Pitt was happily married to

Jennifer Aniston and they lived a blissful life as Hollywood royalty. Enter

Angelina Jolie.

Pitt and Jolie were paired up to play a husband and wife spy couple in the

film Mr. and Mrs. Smith and when rumors started swirling that the two were

having an affair, the press blew the story wide open.

Soon, Pitt was leaving Aniston for Jolie and fans were split into two. You were

either #TeamAniston or #TeamJolie – either way, you were talking about it.

This sort of thing is encouraged in Hollywood, especially to drive up ticket sales

– which it did in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Major Cover-Ups for Powerful Studio Executives

The entire Harvey Weinstein incident was considered a “known secret” that

everyone in Hollywood knew about but refused to do anything about it. Mainly,

the MEN of Hollywood knew what was going on, but didn’t speak up. When

Gwyneth Paltrow was still with Brad Pitt, she had a scary run-in with Weinstein

and told Pitt, who then threatened Weinstein. But that’s as far as it went.

Both Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were well aware of Weinstein’s abuse of

power when it came to women (especially the women in their lives), but they

refused to speak up about it or defend these women because they were afraid

it would be damaging to their careers.

So many people knew (including Leonardo DiCaprio) but a gag order was

placed, which is why so many women are angry with men in the industry, even

if they have no accusations against them.

The Bizarre Mob Had A Hand In Movies

The rumors were most definitely true - the mafia always had a heavy hand in

all Hollywood matters. And for a time, even RAN Tinsel Town. There’s a scene

in The Godfather that was actually loosely based on superstar Frank Sinatra’s

ties with the mob: a famous director denies to put a singer Johnny Fontaine

(whose film career was started thanks to mob connections) so he wakes up to

find the severed head of his prize horse in his bed with him as a “persuasion”


In real life, Sinatra was denied the role of Private Maggio in the film From Here

to Eternity by studio head Harry Cohn. Cohn then received a visit from famed

mobster Johnny Rosselli who “convinced” Cohn to cast Sinatra, and if he

refused, he’d get a bullet to the head instead.

Yes, There Is Such A Thing As The Illuminati

People have been saying for years that the Illuminati, a secret society

composed of numerous famous and rich people, actually exists and has a heavy

hand over religious and political power in the public eye. Basically, they’re the

puppet masters and have been for hundreds of years.

People have long believed that both Beyonce and husband Jay Z are high

members of the Illuminati, so much so that she even addressed it in her single

“Formation” with the lyric “Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess." Other

famous members include Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth

II, Kim Kardashian, and Kanye West.

At one point, any famous and powerful person has been excused of being a

member of the Illuminati and while they still haven’t brought the society back

to the surface, evidence suggests that it’s still alive and well.

The “Hush-Hush” Factor

It’s been long said that if you come out of the closet as a famous actor or

actress, your career will be shot down the drain.

Even though Harris successfully was able to play a straight womanizer for nine

seasons on How I Met Your Mother, other actors feel that they would be type-

casted if they spoke about their personal preferences.

It’s been long believed that actors like Tom Cruise and John Travolta prefer

the company of men as opposed to women but are forbidden to come out of

the closet due to their Scientology beliefs.

While their religion keeps them in a stronghold, Hollywood usually tells their top

earners to keep their sexuality a secret if they feel it will harm the box office.

Marriage Agreements And Fixed Relationships

Sure, we all want to think that when two of our favorite entertainers get

together, it’s an organic relationship and the chemistry is real. However, when

it comes to certain couples, it’s anything BUT organic. Before actor Tom Cruise

got together with Katie Holmes, rumor has it that his agents were interviewing

other famous actresses to take on the “role” of Mrs. Cruise.

This mainly had to do with Cruise and the Church of Scientology – he needed to

find an “acceptable” woman that met all the criteria of the church. Numerous

actresses were interviewed (including Scarlet Johansson) but declined to be a

part of such a union until Holmes agreed. This is actually NORMAL.

Hollywood “Fixers” Clean Up Messes

While, yes, these still exist (just watch the show Ray Donovan) they were more

popular during the Golden Age of Hollywood back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s.

These were men who stepped in to clean up a mess made by anyone in the

entertainment industry, whether they were an actor or producer.

A “fixer” would be paid top dollar to make whatever the problem, disappear for

good. And yes, this meant getting their hands dirty. The most famous fixer in

Hollywood history was Eddie Mannix, whose official Hollywood title was

“producer and studio executive”.

He was brought in to hide the private lives of stars if they were deemed too

colorful. Two of his most infamous “fixes” involved Clark Gable (who he helped

get out of a drunken hit-and-run incident) and Spencer Tracy (who he helped

get out of a statutory charge with a minor).

Hollywood Minor? Your Money Can Easily Disappear

If you’re a child actor working in the industry, there’s a law referred to as The

Coogan Law that’s supposed to protect you and your earnings against your

parents (more often than not, parents of a child actor tend to spend all of the

child’s earnings before they become of age, sadly enough). However, there are

serious loopholes in the law.

For example, only 15 percent of the minor’s earnings must be set aside and put

into a blocked trust account (known as a Coogan Account), so what happens

with the remaining 85 percent is in the hands of the guardian.

Many child actors have gone toe-to-toe with their guardians over their own

money in court, actors like Macaulay Culkin, Gary Coleman, Shirley Temple, and

LeAnn Rimes.

Hollywood Can Make Pregnancies “Disappear”

It was a classic Hollywood secret that a majority of actresses knew about and

dreaded from the 20s, well into the 1950s.

As a form of mandatory birth control, more often than not movie studios would

require that if an actress (especially a box office darling like Judy Garland, who

went through it) found herself in a delicate situation, she would be forced to do

the taboo (at the time) procedure of “getting rid” of the problem altogether.

So yes, if an actress found herself pregnant, the studio would force her to

undergo an abortion, even if it was illegal at the time.

Studios attempted to preempt such occurrences by placing a “morality clause”

in the contract of an actress that prohibited them from getting pregnant.

Exposing Sodomite Rituals in Hollywood in order to Achieve

Fame and Fortune

One Celebrity explains it like this: Below is how the ritual starts and ends.

The following summaries are not my claims but merely notes on the videos

made by others. As in the other series installments, links to the actual videos

will precede the summaries. Source. These video interviews have since been

mostly scrubbed from the Internet by the Hollywood executives.

Video 1 - interview

• Hollywood not really glamourous but all about rituals, demons, and


• Hollywood parties called “Pandora’s Box”, something out of Eyes Wide


• Hollywood producers bring women to orgy casting couch; when

someone is sodomized, it is called “gravy”, which you can here some

stars refer to in interviews.

• Sodomy ritual just the beginning of abuse.

• Male stars allow themselves to be sodomized in order to move up in

Hollywood; if they don’t comply with the sadistic requests, they are

bankrupted, scandalized, or worse.

• Gay sex tapes used to blackmail stars.

• John Travolta, Soulja Boy, P Diddy, Stephen Hill, Nas, Bow Wow

implicated in sex tape blackmail

• David Letterman sexual blackmail

• Girl’s Gone Wild creator Joe Francis forced to pose in internet extortion


• Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and other big-name stars not immune

from ritual sodomy

• Benny Medina and Quincy Jones sexually initiated actor Will Smith

• If someone in the Kabbalah cult likes the daughter of a star, he/she

must relinquish their child in order to move up

• insider claims U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy wanted his 14-year-old


• Queen Latifah initiates Hollywood women using a strap-on

• Monster’s Ball movie with Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thorton featured live

sex ritual.

• Jewish produced “Ghetto Gaggers” not just a porn but also in Hollywood.

• Porn stars go to Pandora’s Box Hollywood sex parties, initiate stars

• Tony Braxton driven out of her mind over what she had to give up to be


• Cassie is P Diddy’s slave

• Matt Damon in drag, Samuel L. Jackson kisses Jamie Foxx

• Hollywood rituals, hierarchy used to control stars

Video 2 Interview

• Celebrities can’t get publicity without obeying the Kabbalah cult

• Stars eat feces, drink urine in some rituals

• Trayvon Martin’s father a freemason, sacrificed son

• The more wealth you have, the more rituals you will have to do

• “98 percent of Hip Hop is gay”; two percent of them got out

• All actors have homosexual sex

• Stars only allowed to hang out with other compromised people, as form

of control.

• Kim Kardashain and Kayne West—a match made by the Illuminati

• Almost all actors have herpes.

• Hollywood donkey rituals with Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rabbi Shmuley

Boteach, Google co-founders, H. Ty Warner, Derrick Rose, Chicago Bulls,

Chicago White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf, Congressman Mike Quigley,

Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk, William Wrigley, Rahm Emanuel,

Kanye West, Sam Zell, Rocky Wirtz (Chicago Blackhawks), Groupon co-

founder,, Valerie Jarrett, NBC news anchors Allison Rosati and Brian

Williams, ABC’s Ron Majors, Wyatt Rockefeller, Hillary and George Soros

• Shaquille O’Neal’s “worthy of worship” masonic ring

• Hollywood stars hate to be alone and have no mirrors in their houses

because once someone sells their soul, they see images of demons; this

is the purpose of having entourages.

• Rituals are constant; Satan demands more and more

• Crystal City in Arlington, Virgina a place for politicians to engage in


• Media groups conspire on editorial direction

• Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did rituals with U.S. President Barack Obama

on Halloween

• Stars’ family members sacrificed to keep stars in fear and obedience

Video 3 Interview

• Government cokeheads; former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

a cocaine user

• New World Order usurping world’s resources in preparation for collapse

• Masonic one-finger gesture

• Hollywood red carpet and blue dresses are colours of the Illuminati

• Jay Z doesn’t have to do rituals anymore because he’s “crossed over”

and is master mason; but he has to give Satan souls

• Kayne West an apprentice mason; gave up his mother in order to move

up in music industry

• Rick Ross also gives souls


• French Montana initiated into Illuminati

• Elton John masonic checkerboard floor and masquerade in Pepsi Cola


• Lebron James part of Satanist weekend group

• Killing babies, eating hearts, bonking donkeys

• Food poisoning by mega corporations part of child sacrifice

• Jay Z and Hollywood’s bible is Aleister Crowley’s Book of the Law

• Jay Z, Easy E say Lord’s Prayer backwards and prat to Satan in return to

get inspired to write and perform music

• Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing In the Dark”: demons for dancers

• Hollywood stars and artists turn lights out and summon demons,

“friendly spirits,” in order to help them write and perform

• Left Eye from TLC had lot of demons

• Whitney Houston goes to Africa to fight demons

• Star whackers went after Anita Baker after she failed to comply with


• Demons and their occult slaves spy on Hollywood stars/artists

• Michael Jackson, Rockwell song “Somebody’s Watching Me” reveals

Hollywood demons watching stars; Kabbalist succubus under the bed in

this music video.

• Joel Osteen consulted by demons, reports Hollywood troublemakers to

high priestess/priest

• Moguls pray to Satan over their food

• Tupac (2pac) Shakur and Michael Jackson broke out of their

programming early

• 700,000 missing people in America, many used for Satanic ritual

• Satanists and politicians required to eat hearts

• Smuggling of immigrants fuels Satanic rituals in America

• CIA behind illegal immigration.

• Hollywood’s stars must obey their Illuminati handlers or their families will


• Hollywood looking for souls, not talent

Go Here for Source.

Satanic Signs and Symbols of the

Entertainment Industry

“About the One-Eye Sign”

Entertainment Celebrities are like Sheep.

They do whatever they are told to do for fame and fortune.

The One-Eye Sign: Its Origins and Occult Meaning Why are there so many

pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the

One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the

powers that be.

The sign is everywhere: In music videos, on magazine covers, on movie

posters, in advertisement and so forth. The sheer number of these pictures is

simply staggering. One-Eye sign simply cannot be the result of coincidence.

Indeed, there is a clear effort to have this sign displayed everywhere.

Why is this sign everywhere and what does it mean? The symbol of the eye

always had a mystical and spiritual dimension assigned to it. Eyes are the

windows to the soul. For this reason, the symbol of the eye is particularly

important in occult circles and Mystery schools.

The All-Seeing Eye esoterically represents the ultimate goal of occultism:

To attain divinity through one’s own means. This is done through the activation

of the pineal gland – the Third Eye.

The Modern One-Eye Sign

Considering the fact that the world today is ruled by what we call the “occult

elite” (because of its ties with occult orders), it is no surprise that its main

symbol is found everywhere. However, it is all done in a deceitful way. Today’s

entertainment industry thrives on control, manipulation, and distortion.

It is also all about debasing the masses from everything that is true, pure and

healthy. Today, the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye is now about a select group

of people oppressing, monitoring and controlling the world population.

When you hide one eye, you effectively block half of your vision. In symbolic

terms, you become half-blind to the truth. By hiding one eye, celebrities

symbolically “sacrifice” a vital part of their being for temporary material gain.

And, since eyes are the “windows to the soul”, this gesture symbolizes the

partial or total loss of one’s soul.

In Mind Control

The One-Eye sign is also an important symbol in the occult elite’s secret

obsession: Monarch mind control. Known by many as project MKULTRA, mind

control aims to turn humans into slaves through abuse, trauma, and

programming. There is an actual culture revolving around Monarch mind

control, complete with its own universe of symbols. And the One-Eye sign is

part of it.

Proof of Absolute Control by the Occult Trash

The omnipresence of the One-Eye sign in mass media also serves another

purpose: It proves that all outlets of mass media are owned by a very small,

elite group. Indeed, in order to have the same exact sign appear consistently

and repeatedly across all media platforms and across the world, there needs to

be a centralized source of power that forcibly makes this happen.

Think about the amount of money, power, and influence that is required to

have all of these celebrities perform this specific gesture in videos and photo

shoots. Now, ponder on the amount money, power, and influence that is

required to have this specific sign plastered across magazine covers, movie

posters, music videos and anything else that might reach the eyes of the


In short, this symbol represents the global elite and all of its agenda: The

debasing of the human psyche, the promotion of Satanism, the normalization

mind control, the normalization of transhumanism, the blurring of genders and

more. The ultimate goal: Straying the masses as far away as possible

from Truth, health, and balance.

Nowadays, the entertainment industry revels in the twisting and corruption of

powerful symbols in the pursuit of its debasing agenda. The omnipresence of

the One-Eye sign now symbolizes the omnipresence of the occult elite. It is

them saying: “Look at who we control”.


Disney Director James Gunn will go down in history as the catalyst for

finally bringing to light to the public of the absolute epidemic plague of

PEDOPHILES in Hollywood.

His tweets that were uncovered from nearly a decade ago were not humorous,

they are absolutely sickening and scream of involvement in violent criminal

behavior against children.

Who exactly was Gunn a decade ago? Essentially, a child predator it seems, but

that was blatantly his ticket to becoming a powerful Director in Hollywood with

Disney. Literally tweeting about child rape and being a member of NAMBLA was

his ticket to fame, power and stardom.

The Gardens of the Galaxy franchise that James Gunn has been at the helm of

have been some of the few successful films that Hollywood have produced

lately. Disney is revealing very serious Pedophile Ring arrests of their

employees at their vacation parks and one of their music executives

has also been arrested were quick to fire Gunn after a review of his tweets.

Child rape is humorous? Claiming to be a member of NAMBLA (North American

Man Boy Love Association) is humorous? On what planet is there humor in

that? Child rape is a violent criminal sexual act against a CHILD! There is no

consent. It is a violent criminal sexual act that gets you guaranteed time in


Every human being with an ounce of empathy, compassion and a basic

understanding of what is right and wrong should be not only disgusted and

repelled of Gunn but also demand that he and his associates and in particular

those he tweeted with be criminally investigated. One of those he tweeted with

has already been outed as a convicted PEDOPHILE.

Those in Hollywood now tweeting in support of Gunn have put themselves

under a spotlight and microscope. Actor Michael Ian Black among others we

now see has a history of child rape tweets too. Some victims of these

Hollywood Predators are now getting attention as well.

Sarah Ruth Ashcroft has bravely named her assailant as Tom Hanks. Director

Steven Spielberg has also long been the subject of being involved in this

horror against innocent children too.

This is indeed only the beginning of hearing about this plague of child predators

in Hollywood. "Steven Spielberg is...[pause]...a pedophile! Yep! See how easy

that was, Corey? I didn’t need ten million dollars. I just said it.”

Note: If you get a chance to view “An Open Secret” documentary about the

darkness of Hollywood, then it will certainly open your eyes. Hollywood has done

everything they can to squash the existence of this extremely important


Hollywood Secrets -Most People Do Not Know

The Secret Long-Term Affair of Harrison Ford and Carry Fisher

Carrie Fisher made headlines when she went public with her nearly four

decades old affair with Harrison Ford, which went down on the set of the original 1977 Star Wars. She has revealed that Harrison Ford, who is known as a

very private person, isn't happy with her decision to expand upon their tryst.

According to Fisher, Harrison Ford told her to 'Lawyer Up' upon learning that she was about to reveal their intimate secret. While the iconic Princess Leia

actress has offered a few juicy tidbits already about her hook-up with the original Han Solo, her memoir The Princess Diarist will offer even more details

about how it all went down.

Harrison Ford was 33-years-old, married with two children at the time he

seduced Carrie Fisher, then just 19-years old. They first hooked up after a birthday party for Star Wars creator George Lucas. And it lasted for three


At this time, Harrison Ford has not publicly commented on his Star Wars affair. And he has denied all requests from various media outlets to make his feelings

known to the public. But Carrie Fisher, who called the affair 'intense', has made it known during her most recent press rounds that her co-star isn't happy with

his former flame.

Speaking with The Guardian, Fisher admitted that her feelings for the actor have never completely died off, and that she still holds a torch for Ford forty

years after they first worked together. She says this.

"I'll always feel something for him."

Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher reunited on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2014, and shared a few memorable scene together where their characters, who had become estranged after their son turned to the dark side,

reunited to take down the First Order. Fisher discovered her diaries when she went through boxes of her old stuff to find inspiration in falling back into the

character of Princess Leia, now a general.

"I was 19. I was not a sort of cavalier person. I was sad. I was so insecure, and it's very raw. Obviously, I didn't expect anyone - including myself - to read it."

It wasn't long after re-reading her old diaries that she decided to call Harrison Ford on the phone, and disclose her decision to go public. That didn't go well.

The two have remained lifelong friends

"He's incredibly private. I feel a little bit bad about doing that to him. But yes, I told him I had found the journals and that I was going to publish them. He sort of went, 'Lawyer.' When you're on location-this is something I discovered- everything is permitted. I didn't know that, I haven't been on location since."


George Lucas of Star Wars – Sex Before Fame? Is Spielberg

a Pedophile?

Carrie Fischer exposed that she had to have sex with George Lucas to get

the part of Leia, in Star Wars – and mysteriously died weeks later.

Is Spielberg a Pedofile?

It’s been rumored among many of the swamp members, that Spielberg has

been raping children for DECADES. The swamp is being drained and the scum

of Hollywood and their sins are being exposed. Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer and

even Dustin Hoffman exposed. Former Hollywood child stars seem to all be

pointing fingers in one direction. Let's examine the dark side of Steven


Plenty of disturbing rumors are spreading about certain film studios acting as

money launderers for child pornography, and sadistic ritual abuse and

trafficking of children.

It’s interesting what we find when we examine those at the very top of the Hill.

In the Movie “Indian Jones” There was a scene that clearly exposes

Jones as a pedophile. Hence; Pedo Jones

There’s a transcription of a pre-production story meeting for the first Indiana

Jones film that is fascinating. The Raiders of the Lost Ark story meeting is

between George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Lawrence Kasdan and if you

read it, you literally are a witness to the birth of Indiana Jones and his

pedophilia fetish.

Indiana Jones had sexual intercourse with an 11 or 12 year old girl. It was

justified by making it seem like the child the was promiscuous one who came

onto him, and “knew what she was doing.” Sounds like the defence Quentin

Tarantino made to excuse Roman Polanski from raping a 13 year old girl, and

this becomes extremely suspicious when you take into consideration the

Polanski/Samantha Geime case.

Friends with Roman Polanski

On 10 March 1977, Polanski, then aged 43, became embroiled in a sexual

assault case involving 13-year-old Samantha Jane Gailey (now Samantha

Geimer). A grand jury charged Polanski with five charges:

1. rape by use of drugs

2. perversion

3. sodomy

4. lewd and lascivious act upon a child under fourteen

5. furnishing a controlled substance to a minor

This ultimately led to Polanski's guilty plea to a different charge of unlawful

sexual intercourse with a minor. This took place on 10 March 1977, at the

home of actor Jack Nicholson in the Mulholland area of Los Angeles.

At the time the crime was committed, Nicholson was on a ski trip in Colorado.

Just to make things a little weirder, here is a picture of Roman Polanski and

Steven Spielberg on a little Ski Trip in 1977.

If Spielberg was skiing buds with Polanski, there is a good chance that he

knew of his sexual perversions, and this was just a little nod to the disgraced


When the film was adapted to a novel, Campbell black created more back story

and used the actual age difference of the actors to determine that the Marion

and Indy affair happened when she was 15 and Indy was 24. Even in that case,

Indy still slept with a minor.

Spielberg & NABMLA

Nabmla is known world-wide as Man and small boy love! It is actually a club for

pedophiles. American actor, Crispin H. Glover who played George McFly in Back

to the Future, believes Spielberg likes little boys. In his essay called "What

is it?" he wrote:

Is Steven Spielberg a member of NAMBLA. Does he like little boys? Is he a part

of a child trafficking ring and are his nefarious activities being covered up?

Maybe, maybe not. Source

Spielberg’s Focus and Obsession on Children

Many, many years ago, Adam Parfrey wrote an essay titled “Pederastic Park?”

The piece made a fairly shocking -- but convincing -- claim concerning the

oeuvre of Steven Spielberg; namely, the fact that his films allude to a

staggering amount of seeming paedo subtext.

Now, I’m not really the biggest Spielberg fan out there; generally, the only two

films of his that I can say that I truly enjoyed were “Schindler’s List” and

“Lincoln,” whereas the totality of his filmography I would describe as flippantly

overrated. With Parfrey’s little thought nugget in mind, however, the cinematic

works of the most acclaimed Hollywood director of all time becomes something

a bit more interesting -- and without question, more unnerving as well.

To begin, pretty much EVERY movie Spielberg has directed or produced has

had a pretty huge emphasis on child actors. “E.T.,” “Hook,” “The Goonies,”

“Super 8” -- all films rife with young thespians, whom frequently find

themselves coming into close contact with older male characters.

Whether it’s Roy Scheider kissing his son on the lips in “Jaws,” Sam Neil giving

that one kid mouth to mouth in “Jurassic Park” or even Daniel Day Lewis

draping his son over his back and lugging him around like a potato sack in

“Lincoln,” there’s certainly an aberrant amount of adult-on-young person

touching going on Spielberg’s movies.

Similarly, a large portion of Spielberg’s oeuvre relies upon the same motif: a

young child encounters a “magical” grown up who, to some extent, helps them

in the uneven transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Spielberg even takes this thing trans-species, with the peculiar mentor-mentee

relationships of both teenage soldiers and thoroughbreds in “War Horse.”

If you’ve ever taken a class on film theory (or, unfortunately, any kind of

"gender studies" course), you’ve probably heard of something called the “male

gaze” before. In essence, it’s the concept that the camera that records the film

itself is a male, and as such, has a tendency to linger on the female form during


Well, needless to say, there is not a whole lot of lingering on the female form in

Spielberg’s works, but there sure is hell is a lot of lingering on the form of the

child. Who can forget the obsessive lock on Haley Joel Osment in “A.I.,” or the

way the lens basically fawned over 12-year-old Christian Bale throughout

“Empire of the Sun?” Word has it on that last one, more than four thousand

boys were screened before Spielberg found the right “lead” for the picture, too.

Similarly, have you ever noticed how much bare skin Spielberg has his younger

actors showing in his films? Elliot in “E.T.” spends half the movie shirtless and

hooked up to medical equipment, the “Lost Boys” in “Hook”, merrily prance

about in their underwear and even in “The Goonies”, executive producer

Spielberg has an overweight kid rubbing his fat much to the amusement of his

abusive colleagues . . . and, perchance, the man behind the camera, as well?

While Spielberg seems to have a fixation on the male child form, he seems to

have an opposite obsession with the young female, with an over-representation

of child actresses in his films serving as terrorized objects. Carol-Anne in

“Poltergeist,” the girl that’s almost turned into a velociraptor chew toy in

“Jurassic Park,” Dakota Fanning in “War of the Worlds” -- and of course, the

little girl in the red dress in “Schindler’s List,” who ultimately found herself

heaped upon a tower of dead bodies sans a single line of dialogue.

In Spielberg’s works, the boy (or at least, the image of the boy) is endlessly

celebrated, while the young female is perpetually imperiled. Even in Spielberg’s

animated forays, such seems to hold true; Taking things a step further, there

doesn’t even appear to be female children.

That’s not to mention the heavy amount of incestuous overtones in Spielberg’s

films, be they directly stated (“The Color Purple”) or slyly implied -- lest we

forget Michael J. Fox’s played for laughs spit-swapping session with his mama

in the first “Back to the Future” flick.

Maybe, just maybe, the guy does have a huge “Peter Pan” hang-up, and he

finds it easier to capture through child actors. But, with such unusual recurring

themes playing out through his entire filmography, it does make one wonder a


Perhaps, or perhaps not, the following may be worth noting. According to

Wikipedia, among other properties Spielberg has considered turning into film

projects are the titles “Chocky” and “A Steady Rain.”

“Chocky” is about a young boy whose mind is possessed by an alien spirit, who

hails from a planet with only one sex. Meanwhile “A Steady Rain” is a drama

about a young Vietnamese child who is ultimately killed and eaten by a Jeffrey

Dahmer analogue.

Needless to say, it’s hard to think of an auteur better suited to handle the

material at hand, no? Source

About Joaquin Phoenix

Joker star Joaquin Phoenix had an NON-TRADITION early childhood, living in

Venezuela, Florida, and eventually Hollywood with his peripatetic parents and

siblings Summer, Liberty, Rain, and late fellow actor River.

Until Phoenix was around three years old in 1977, the family were followers of

the Children of God, a cult helmed by a rogue preacher called David Berg that

would later become notorious amid allegations of child sexual abuse.

And he’s not the only celebrity who spent some of their early years in the

group—Rose McGowan also spent part of her childhood in the cult. Here’s what

you probably might want to know.

Who are the Children of God?

In 1968, preacher David Brandt Berg called Teens for Christ, which at first

consisted of young runaways and hippies. This particular church became the

Children of God, which had about 15,000 members.

The church believed in group living and include hundreds of communes.

Members of these communities are isolated, as they didn’t work—people who

worked real-world jobs were called “systemites”.

Berg’s church melded worship of Jesus Christ with ’60s-era free love, and

preached the apocalypse was coming, and soon. This doomsday predication

encouraged his followers to live hand-to-mouth rather than making long-term


The cult became nearly famous for its sexual practices, which included what

Berg dubbed “flirty fishing,” and which found him ordering female followers to

have sex with men in order to bring them into the cult. In 1979, he reported

that “flirty fishers” had added 19,000 members to the group’s ranks. "It was

religious prostitution.”

Joaquin Phoenix told Vanity Fair that the introduction of the "flirty fishing"

policy drove his parents to leave the group.

His mother, Heart Phoenix, told the magazine that "it took several years to get

over our pain and loneliness" after leaving the group.

Some in the cult reportedly extended its sexual policies to children, allegedly

permitting and even encouraging child sex abuse. Berg himself was accused of

sexual abusing young girls, including his daughters and granddaughters. "It

definitely wasn’t a safe place to grow up.

To the outside world the sect, created by David Brandt Berg, was wholesome.

A Christian family living in harmony, helping the needy and performing music.

But that was a front for the evil indoctrination that was experienced by the likes

of Charmed actress Rose McGowan, 46, and original Fleetwood Mac guitarist

Jeremy Spencer, 71, as well as Joaquin’s hippy parents John and Arlyn Bottom

in the 70s.

The family became so entrenched that John was named after the Archbishop of

Venezuela. Joaquin’s eldest brother, tragic actor River, was just four when he

had sex.

Kids were taught to fear the outside world as it was “full of non-believers who

wanted to kill them”.

The teachings on sex were more disturbing.

Curse of The Joker: How Batman's arch-nemesis messes up actors who play

him. Sex was deemed the most glorious way to praise Jesus and members

were instructed to “share” their husbands and wives.

“Group sex was common and Berg also taught that children needed to

“explore their sexuality”.

He wrote all sex pleased Jesus, no matter if it was an adult with a child or even

incest. Child abuse was rife. Berg’s own stepson, Davidito, was a victim.

In 1982, when he was seven, the cult published a book about child rearing

which described, with photos, Davidito’s “sexy experiences”, including cult

members performing sex acts on him.

He eventually left the cult and changed his name to Ricky Rodriguez.

Unable to escape his memories, he fatally stabbed a woman who allegedly

abused him then shot himself dead. He was 29. Juliana Buhring, 38, born into

the sect with her two sisters, believes the cult could have scarred Joaquin’s life.

She said: “Even if a child is removed from the Children of God at an early age

and has blocked out or doesn’t recall exactly what happened, it’s highly likely

the fear inbred from your birth will subconsciously affect you in later years.”

Juliana, who co-wrote the bestseller Not Without My Sister about growing up

within the cult, said kids considered disobedient or rebellious were beaten by

adults and often not protected by their parents.

She left in her early 20s and said: “I had to face all my demons, whereas I’ve

seen other survivors who were removed from the Children of God struggle to

accept what happened to them, especially later.”

When Joaquin was four his family quit the cult, stowing away on a ship from

Venezuela to America and changing their surname to Phoenix to symbolize

their new start. Joaquin has said his parents joined the sect with good

intentions, believing “they’d found a community that shared their ideals”.

They eventually moved to Hollywood, and launched the careers of all five of

their kids: Joaquin, Rain, Summer, Liberty, and River, who found stardom in

1986’s Stand By Me. In 1993, Joaquin saw River, aged 23, died of a drug

overdose outside the West Hollywood club, The Viper Room.

Top Disney Executives Arrested

for Operating Pedophile Ring

(A Sex Child Sex Trafficking Ring)

The brain behind Disney studios was created by a man named Walt Disney. He

was an obvious Pedophile. Many of his minions and decision makers within the

organization are also pedophiles.

Former vice president of Walt Disney

sentenced to more than 6 years in Portland for

Child Sex Abuse Investigation

A former vice president for the Walt Disney Company has been sentenced to

more than 6 years in prison following a child sex abuse investigation.

The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office said Michael Laney, 73, was

sentenced on Friday to 81 months in prison.

Along with his prison sentence, Laney will have to register as a sex

offender and pay a $4,000 fine.

Laney was found guilty of four counts of first-degree sexual abuse on May 7.

Evidence presented during trial showed that in March 2017, a young girl

disclosed she had been sexually abused by the Laney. The disclosure

was first reported to law enforcement in Washington state where the victim

lived at the time of her disclosure.

The Portland Police Bureau assumed the investigation after it was determined

that the abuse had occurred in Portland starting in approximately 2009 when

the victim was about 7 years old, the attorney’s office said.

The court found sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that

Laney was guilty of repeated sexual abuse involving the girl.

While conducting their investigation into the first reported disclosure of rape

and sexual abuse by the defendant, PPB detectives learned of other allegations

of sexual abuse involving Laney. Source

John Heeley. Police busted a massive pedophile ring at Disney World.

A Senior TOP Executive at Disney was also charged with three felony

counts of child sex abuse.

Jon Heely, a long-term employee of DISNEY, the family entertainment

company, was also arrested on three counts of lewd and lascivious acts on

a child, according to Variety.

Heeley, 58, of Santa Clarita is accused of abusing two underage girls, one

whom was 11 years old, approximately ten years ago. Director of music

publishing at Disney Jon Heely (pictured) was arrested on November 16 and

released on $150,000 bail.

The news of the senior executive’s arrest comes days after police

announced they have uncovered a huge pedophile ring at Disney World,

Florida. OVER 35 Disney employees arrested for alleged child rape offences.

‘The Disney employees, arrested, include people from management, a

concierge, a tour guides, and ticket sellers. They were all implicated in the Child

Sex Trafficking Ring.’

Disney has downplayed the arrests, insisting that the theme park is so large

that those arrested account for a just a tiny percentage of its overall workforce,

however the arrest of the senior executive has led many to believe the

pedophilia problem is systemic within the company.

Daily Mail reports: Heely was arrested on November 16 and released on

$150,000 bail, Variety reported.

According to an affidavit, one of the girls was 15-years old at the time of the

alleged incident. The other victim was allegedly abused over a four year span

which started when she was 11. Heely, who oversees the licensing of music

from Disney films, faces just over nine years in prison if convicted of the

charges. Source

It is almost common knowledge of all the hundreds of SEXUAL images that

Disney studios inserts into their cartoon movies for CHILDREN to view. Many of

the images are inserted as subliminal sexual images. Disney is obviously a

Satanic organization armed and ready to harm our children and rob them of

their innocence. Please do not allow your children to watch any

production created by Disney Studios. We must boycott all Disney

created productions.

Famous People You Won't Believe Were Vulgar and Perverts

President Lyndon B. Johnson (D) may have been the most VULGAR and most

PERVERTED of any President in History.

So, exactly how repulsive was Johnson? Anyone who came into contact with

him was at risk of encountering a spectacle of burping, farting, nose-

picking and crotch-scratching.

Congressman Richard Bolling, “Johnson was vulgar — he was barnyard.”

Worse, Johnson had no sense of personal space and treated conversation as a

creepy hands-on affair.

For women, the ordeal was even worse, and Bradlee claimed that Johnson

groped Katharine Graham and was “bumping” up against the breasts of

Washington Post writer Meg Greenfield.

Reporter Sam Schaffer toured Johnson’s Texan ranch and was stunned when

Johnson urinated right in front of him, in the open. Arthur Goldschmidt, a friend

and United Nations official, was in the Oval Office with Johnson when the latter

suddenly headed for the washroom, “took a crap, then shaved and showered,

all the while continuing his conversation as though what he was doing was for

their entertainment.

As for what Johnson was actually saying during all the above, he was known for

folksy aphorisms that were crude, sometimes racist, and often weird, including

“it was raining as hard as a cat pissing on a flat rock,” “as straight as an Indian

shits,” and the importance of fighting an opponent “till he’s shitty as a bear.”

Biographer Woods learned that Johnson would tell close friends that his own

wife, the delightfully named Lady Bird, was “the best piece of ass I ever

had” (but he still cheated on her).

Recorded Oval Office telephone conversations include a 1964 exchange with

staffer Ralph Dungan concerning female appointees to government positions.

Johnson kept asking Dungan about their looks. Former staffer Yolanda Boozer

told Miller that Johnson would comment if female White House

employees gained any weight, provoking anxious dieting.

Regardless of gender, Johnson’s treatment of subordinates could be appalling.

Johnson’s own vice-president, Hubert Humphrey, informed Miller that Johnson’s

need to control people caused him to say of certain individuals that, “I’ve got

his pecker in my pocket.”

President Lyndon B. Johnson, right, talks with Secretary of Defense Robert

McNamara, sitting, after McNamara had returned from a fact-finding trip to

Vietnam, at the White House on March 13, 1964. And then there was the N-


Although Johnson is known by a civil rights crusader and did make progress on

race relations, he still presided over a United States torn by racial violence. His

public and private statements showed that he never realized he himself may

have been part of the problem. For example, Robert A. Caro says he referred to

the manual labour of his youth as “n—-r work.” Johnson looked at blacks as

only votes for his party. He is heard saying, “Dems will have all the N*igger

votes for the next 100 years.” THIS IS WELL DOCUMENTED.

A recorded 1964 telephone conversation with the hapless Jack Valenti touched

on Johnson’s electoral chances in Texas for an upcoming presidential race: “I

think I can take every Mexican in the state and every n—-r in the state.”

Several weeks before that presidential vote, Johnson spoke before a New

Orleans crowd about how Southern politicians constantly twisted all issues

towards race.

That was a valid point, but then the speech became strange: “All they (the

voters) ever hear at election time is n—-r, n—-r, n—-r!” Woods

discovered that somebody sanitized the official record of the speech,

substituting the word “Negro,” but witnesses confirmed what was really said.

Robert Dallek learned of a 1967 meeting in the Oval Office with Texan state

official Larry Temple, concerning possible black candidates for the Supreme

Court. Johnson stressed he would consider only high-profile people: “When I

appoint a n—-r to the bench, I want everyone to know he’s a n—-r.” Yes, LBJ,

was creepy, vulgar, repulsive and a RACIST.

Perversion among geniuses and famous people is an often occurrence.

The reason is nearly unknown.

As it turns out, perversion issues among artists, statesmen, and spiritual

leaders. None of what you're about to read necessarily detracts from any of the

great things they accomplished -- we're not saying that. We're just saying that

behind closed doors, they liked to get freaky.

Gandhi Slept in a Pile of Naked Women (Including His Niece)

Gandhi is arguably the most famous spiritual leader in modern history and was

responsible for the civil rights movement that eventually broke British Imperial

Rule over India. He was known for peaceful acts of non-cooperation, including

hunger strikes, boycotts, and a 241-mile march to the sea to gather salt, an act

prohibited by a bizarrely specific edict of British law.

Gandhi was revered as a holy man until he was assassinated by a religious

fanatic, which sadly is what tends to happen to people like him. History repaid

Gandhi for decades of self-sacrifice in the name of his fellow man by making a

movie about his life starring the bad guy from Species.

But Behind Closed Doors ...

It's true that Gandhi took a vow of celibacy when he was 37 years old.

However, this did not stop him from heroically encouraged young “girls” to

sleep naked with him until he was well into his 70s.

He claimed that this was merely an extension of his vow. According to the strict

rules of Gandhi's ashram, these women weren't even allowed to sleep with

their own husbands, yet they were all but required to participate in the

Mahatma's creepy old man slumber parties, which included not only sleeping

nude with Gandhi, but also bathing with him and giving him stripteases,

because the path to a temptation-free existence is apparently paved with nipple


That's not even the shadiest part. Gandhi took his young grandniece on a trip

with him to Bengal and commanded her to share the nudity bunk with him for

their entire stay, a move he rationalized by telling her that they might be killed

at any moment by angry Muslims. That's right -- Gandhi told his YOUNG niece

to take off all of her clothes and climb into bed with her equally naked great

uncle because the two of them might suddenly be murdered.

We're not even saying he was secretly slipping these girls the G-bone every

night -- we have no knowledge of that. We're saying that commanding

everyone to sleep in a nude Gandhi pile, purely for the purpose of not engaging

in sex, is somehow way freakier.

Benjamin Franklin Liked to Bang Lots of Old Women

In addition to being one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of

America, Benjamin Franklin was an inventor and a tireless innovator,

responsible for bifocal spectacles and odometers, the flexible urinary catheter,

and a dominating presence in rap lyrics. He was an early adopter of

environmental awareness, formed libraries and founded hospitals, organized

the first fire service, and pushed for anti-slavery legislation before his death in

1790 of an acute over-dose of righteous awesomeness.

But Behind Closed Doors ...

Benjamin Franklin was an avid poonhound specializing in dusty cooz. That is to

say, he prided himself on keeping the oldest and most busted mistresses he

could find, for a list of reasons that prove he was just as much an innovator of

morning-show-DJ chauvinism as anything else.

"Welcome back to Crazy Ben's Morning Zoo! Who's ready


Ben Franklin advised that elderly concubines were the best choice because they

were so deflated by age that they would do anything to keep a man interested

in them.

Rickety old women, he continued, are also by nature more discreet, more

experienced, and less likely to become pregnant, which would spare you from

any of that ridiculous "children" bullshit. You're less likely to feel bad about

having sex with them, because throwing one into a raisin-skinned bone sack is

much less sinful than deflowering some pretty young lady who made the foolish

mistake of trusting you.

Granted, he had his more polite, old-timey way of putting it:

"... I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you should prefer old

Women to young ones ... Because there is no hazard of Children, which

irregularly produc'd may be attended with much Inconvenience ... Because thro'

more Experience, they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an Intrigue

to prevent Suspicion ... and lastly they are so grateful."

And so on. Yeah, you don't exactly have to read between the lines there.

He also makes the salient point that being vain in your selection of a mistress is

pointless, because all women look the same from the waist down, which is the

only part of them that matters anyway:

"Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill

the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and

wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing

to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and

regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know

an old from a young one."

"Goddammit, Jim, no means no!" That's right; all women look the same if you

cover everything above the vagina "with a basket." Thanks, Ben!

Winston Churchill Liked to Be NUDE and Shock Unsuspecting


Sir Winston Churchill was Britain's prime minister and first lord of the admiralty

during World War II. He was a celebrated wit and a NOBEL PRIZE WINNER and

is arguably one of the most famous national leaders in history. He also enjoyed

a steady diet of alcohol cigars and walked around dressed like a banker.

But Behind Closed Doors ...

Churchill liked to parade around naked, ambushing unsuspecting staffers and

foreign dignitaries.

Apparently, anyone who had an appointment with Churchill ran the risk of

walking in on him striding around his office in his pasty nude fat body,

conducting the business of the nation.

A rare photo of him (left) engaging in a friendly contest of

"Shout Obscenities at Eisenhower's Crotch."

His naked shenanigans weren't limited to just his personal staff, either -- both

Franklin D. Roosevelt and his son Elliot were exposed to mini-Winnie. FDR

stumbled upon a nude Churchill, only to have the prime minister remark, "You

see, Mr. President, I have nothing to hide."

Meanwhile, Elliot, responding to Churchill's specific request to meet with him,

opened the door to Churchill's office to find him standing totally nude smoking

a cigar, dictating a letter to his male secretary.

When Sir Winston visited the White House later that same year, he made a

habit of wearing absolutely nothing while in his room, seemingly oblivious to

the near-constant stream of attendants.

"Take off the hat? Oh, man, I thought you'd

never ask -- wait, where are you going?"

Lord Byron Collected Pubic Hair


Lord Byron was a leading figure of the Romanticism movement in Europe. He is

best known for the epic Don Juan, which has become a universal term for an

incorrigible lover of women, in addition to being constantly confused with a

Johnny Depp movie. When Byron died at the age of 36, the country of Britain

mourned. Also, he kept bears as pets.

Plus, he always walked in slow motion in the wind, so he looked ultra sexy.

But Behind Closed Doors ...

We've already discussed Byron's tendency to have sex with absolutely everyone

in the entire world, including his half-sister. Today, any self-respecting

womanizer would be likely to keep pictures or stalk the Facebook accounts of

his various conquests, but back then it was more common to keep a lock of

hair, which was a practice Byron totally participated in.

However, rather than trim a honeyed curl from the head of one of his beautiful

ladies and tie it with a wistful ribbon, Byron preferred to chop a tangled clump

of matted wirebrush from her bristling angry pubic mane and stuff it into an

envelope like an electric bill. He did this because he was both eccentric (see

"pet bears," above) and a lunatic (see "half-sister sex," above).

"What really matters is which half of her was my sister."

Byron collected genital beard trimmings from every lover he could and kept

them on file at his publishing house.

A Bunch of Famous Authors Had Foot Fetishes

If you're into movies at all, you're probably already aware of Quentin

Tarantino’s foo fetish.

... but that's just a Hollywood thing, right? People in the movie business dabble

in wholesale weirdness. It's not like you'd see the great masters of modern

literature jerking off to pictures of painted toenails.

But Behind Closed Doors ...

As it turns out, the list of famous people with foot fetishes reads like including

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Hardy, Victor Hugo, Goethe, Pushkin, and


For instance, when he wasn't busy writing Faust, Goethe managed to find a

woman named Christiane von Vulpis who shared his interest and would send

him pairs of her "danced-out shoes," which is like mailing a guy your dirty

underwear, only much more unsettling on a deeper level.

Von Vulpis also nicknamed Goethe's penis "Herr Schonfuss," or "Mr. Nicefoot,"

which we assume indicates that he put toenail polish on his dick and/or kept it

bunched up in a wingtip loafer.

Meanwhile, Victor Hugo indulged his foot fetish in an entire foot-torture scene

in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which doubtlessly left him harder than the

stone gargoyles in the Disney adaptation:

"I saw your foot, which I would have given an empire to kiss, that foot by

which to have been trampled upon would have been to me happiness, I saw it

encased in the horrible boot that transforms the limbs of a living being into a

bloody mess."

Pushkin literally says he would rather stare at a girl's foot than her breasts or

her face, which in addition to many other things is the precise definition of a

foot fetish.

The second they all start doing the moonwalk, it's considered an orgy.

So what we're saying is it would seem that something about being a tradesman

of the written word makes people hungry for bunion sex.

In fact, if you take a look at Quentin Tarantino's filmography, you'll see that

he's a more prolific writer than director, which could explain his trademark

predilection as being the product of a predisposed urge that was awoken inside

of him after spending so much time in close proximity to Uma Thurman's

walnut-crushing gorilla feet.

Charlie Chaplin Held Orgies and Sexually Harassed Women With Pies

Charlie Chaplin is one of the most instantly recognizable film stars of all time.

Chaplin's left-wing (communism) voice led him being investigated by

the FBI and subsequently exiled from the US. Communism is evil. Chaplin was

a pedophile.

"Fine, I'll go. But I'm taking this strange child with me."

But Behind Closed Doors ...

Chaplin did his very best to have sex with every single woman he came into

contact with who wasn't already related to him. He organized ORGIES with

fellow comic star Fatty Arbuckle, which whom most women would only fuck by

gunpoint. Fatty Arbuckle was a morbidly obese man. Arbuckle is most famous

for being accused of literally RAPING a woman to DEATH! (though was NOT


Fatty, having a good chuckle, reading the court transcripts.

Also, Chaplin was allegedly the first person to implement the "casting couch"

method of auditioning new young actresses.

This being the silent film era, he would use caption cards to prompt the girls

into various actions that would steadily become more and more suggestive until

they were eventually just standing there with their clothes off.

Chaplin would then do a little mime soft-shoe over to the couch and start

groping them in a bizarrely exaggerated fashion, presumably in sepia tones

with a jaunty piano accompaniment. Chaplin’s favorite thing was to stand the

naked girls against the wall and throw PIES at them!

Did You Know These Celebrities are Transgender? Yes, it

might shock you.

It wasn’t all that long ago that you didn’t hear the term “transgender” very

much. But these days, more and more public figures are speaking out about

their experiences with gender identity. Some celebrities, like Chaz Bono and

Caitlyn Jenner, have transitioned in a very public forum. Other transgender

celebs have become inspirational spokespeople for the very real challenges that

transgender people face in this country and around the world. But there are

many transgender celebrities that haven’t been in the spotlight quite as much.

Most people probably know about Chaz Bono (below). “Cher and Sonny Bono’s”

daughter who became transgender (male) Below is Chaz Bono today.

Jake Zyrus

In the late 2000s and early 2010s, Charice Pempengco became a bit of a

sensation. After booking a recurring role on Fox’s hit show, Glee, the YouTube

singer’s star began to rapidly rise. These days, though, Pempengco has made

headlines for a different reason: He revealed to fans that he would like to be

known, not as a female, but as a male named Jake Zyrus. Zyrus’ fans have

been largely supportive since he announced his transition in June 2017.

Jamie Clayton

Jamie Clayton as Nomi, a trans blogger and hacktivist sensate. The actress

comes by the role honestly — she is, herself, transgender. Clayton first got her

start in Hollywood on the VH1 makeover series, TRANSform Me. And she also

gained some attention in 2011 when she guest-starred as Kyla — and kissed

Thomas Jane — on Hung.

To date, she’s appeared in a handful of projects, including Are We There

Yet? and the 2016 thriller The Neon Demon. However, Clayton has been

vocal about the difficulties she’s faced in trying to establish a career as a

transgender woman.

Janet Mock

At 18 years old, Janet Mock underwent gender confirmation surgery. In 2011,

she revealed her journey to the world in an interview with Marie Claire, where

she worked as a contributing editor. Mock has brought a vibrant energy to her

work as a journalist. And she’s also made the most of her platform, working

hard as an advocate for LGBTQ issues.

Laura Jane Grace

When Against Me!’s lead singer, Laura Jane Grace, announced plans to

transition her gender from male to female in 2012, fans were surprised. In the

years since, the punk rock frontwoman has been open and honest about the

struggles she’s faced since coming to terms with her identity.

In 2016, she said, “The cliché is that you’re a woman trapped in a man’s body,

but it’s not that simple. It’s a feeling of detachment from your body and from

yourself.” Later that year, she released a memoir — Tranny: Confessions Of

Punk Rock’s Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout — that combined her reflection on

being transgender with her childhood journals.

Caroline Cossey

Playboy pinup, model, and Bond Girl — Caroline “Tula” Cossey built an

impressive career in her early years in Hollywood. And she did it all with VERY

FEW PEOPLE KNOWING that she was transgender. At 17 years old, she began

hormone replacement therapy and underwent gender confirmation surgery

several years later in 1974.

Cossey did her best to hide her former identity as she pursued a career as a

model. But the tabloids revealed her past in 1978. Cossey prevailed, and went

on to enjoy several high-profile gigs: from being an extra in the 1981 James

Bond film, For Your Eyes Only, to being the first transgender woman to appear

in Playboy in 1991.

Valentijn de Hingh

When Valentijn de Hingh first hit the international fashion scene, she turned

heads due to her ethereal beauty. While it may have come as a surprise to

some, fans in her native Holland already knew that she was transgender. She

participated in a long-form documentary, Valentijn, which chronicled her

experience in transitioning from male to female. By the time she was 18, she’d

had gender confirmation surgery.

These days, de Hingh is still making waves in the fashion industry.

Ian Harvie

Comedian Ian Harvie knew that he was transgender from a young age. And he

talks about that part of his identity openly, both in interviews and in his stand-

up routines. He’s made waves for making jokes about being trans — and

helped move the needle when it comes to LGBTQ-positive comedy. And he’s

appeared in series like Amazon’s Transparent. Harvie isn’t content to simply

remark on his own gender identity, though.

Isis King

When Isis King first competed on Cycle 11 of America’s Next Top Model, she

broke serious ground — even though she was eliminated pretty early on. That’s

because she was the first transgender contestant on the popular reality series.

In the years since, King has built an impressive career in fashion and

entertainment. She has appeared on The Tyra Banks Show, in Seventeen

magazine, Out Magazine, and on the cover of Swerv Magazine. And in 2012,

she became the first openly transgender for American Apparel.

Jazz Jennings

Growing up is hard enough, but Jazz Jennings took on a brave endeavor when

she began chronicling her experience as transgender when she was a young

child. Beginning in 2007, at the age of six, Jennings stepped into the public eye,

appearing in interviews on The Rosie Show and 20/20 and eventually starting

her own Youtube series. In 2013, Jennings released a book, I Am Jazz.

Hari Nef

As a model, actress, and writer Hari Nef - she is transgender. In fact, it seems


though there are few areas within the entertainment industry that

Nef isn’t willing to try her hand at. She’s appeared on television series

like Transparent, in music videos, and in a promotional campaign.

Erika Ervin

At 6-foot-8, it’s no wonder that this model and actress is sometimes known as

Amazon Eve. Erika Ervin hasn’t been working in Hollywood all that long, but

she’s managed to make quite an impression. In 2004, she completed her

gender transition and set her sights on a career in Hollywood.

Andreja Pejic

In 2010, Andreja Pejic — then known as Andrej — appeared in women’s clothes

in Vogue Paris. From that point on, Pejic was known throughout fashion circles

as a captivating androgynous model. But Pejic wasn’t content to be identified as

a male. She had gender confirmation surgery in 2014, and re-emerged on the

scene soon after, ready to talk about her experience. Pejic’s career is busier

than ever.

Candis Cayne

In 2007, Candis Cayne. She appeared on the ABC series Dirty Sexy Money.

She also wound up breaking ground for transgender actors everywhere,

because she was the first trans person to have a recurring prime-time TV gig

playing a transgender character.

While Cayne’s professional career certainly had a boost, she’d been hard at

work for years. As a drag performer and choreographer, she’s appeared on

stage for decades, and had roles in films like Always Something Better and To

Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar — a film that she also

choreographed. Cayne also had a role on RuPaul’s Drag U and Necessary


Lana Wachowski

The Wachowskis have, in many ways, become synonymous with the word

“innovative” when it comes to their work in Hollywood. As directors of films

like The Matrix Trilogy and V for Vendetta. When they first got started, Lana

Wachowski was known as Larry. She became the first Hollywood director to

come out as transgender in 2012.

Lilly Wachowski

Like her sister, Lana, Lilly Wachowski has built an incredible career as a

filmmaker. She stood by her sister’s side as she announced that she was

transgender. And, also like her sister, she has recently come out as being

transgender herself. In 2016, she announced that she was undergoing gender

transition, after struggling to come to terms with her identity for many years.

Nikkie De Jager

Nikkie De Jager, who is known to fans on YouTube as NikkieTutorials, came out

as transgender via a video on her popular channel. “Filming this video scary,

but it’s so liberating and freeing,” she said at the beginning of the video. “I’ve

been wanting to share this side of myself to all of you for so long but I could

never figure out the timing.”

The 25-year-old makeup artist and beauty vlogger revealed that she was “born

in the wrong body” and started identifying as a girl at age six. When she was

14, Nikkie started hormones and used growth stoppers to prevent her from

becoming taller. When she was 19 and while she was already making YouTube

videos, Nikkie fully transitioned. “Yes I am transgender,” she said. “But at the

end of the day I am me.”

Andreja Pejic

Pejic, who formerly went by the name Andrej, made headlines in the fashion

industry for modelling both men's and womenswear. In 2014, she underwent

gender reassignment surgery.

Lea T

The gorgeous Lea T made history last year when she was named the new

spokesmodel for Redken haircare. "I love working with Redken because they

appreciate all kinds of beauty," Lea T stated at the time.

Laverne Cox

If you're an Orange Is The New Black fan, you'll already know who Laverne Cox

is. The stunning star became the first transgender person to be nominated for

an Emmy in an acting category in 2014.

Conchita Wurst

Otherwise known as the "bearded lady", Conchita is an Austrian recording artist

and drag queen. Wurst came to international attention for winning the

Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Rise Like a Phoenix".

Ines Rau

Transgender model Ines Rau has posed with everyone from Tyson Beckford to

Kate Moss. "Having a sex change is not the answer to insecurities or other


Isis King

America's Next Top Model fans will recognise Isis King, who was revered by

Tyra Banks for her incredible bone structure. King's inclusion on ANTM has

been called an "unprecedented opportunity" by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance

Against Defamation.

Jenna Talackova

Jenna Talackova first came to media attention when she successfully waged a

legal battle to be allowed to compete in Miss Universe Canada.

How to Defend, Protect and Eventually Create a New Type

of Hollywood – the old one is Demonic!

The Importance of Parental Protection

Michael Harrah, a children’s talent manager in Hollywood, confessed in his An

Open Secret interview to sexually abusing at least one child actor. What Harrah

said on camera spoke volumes about the importance of parental control and

protection, as well as the expectation that to get ahead the child actors had to

allow themselves to be abused: “Many of the kids that I worked would

not have been abused in the industry had their families move here

with them.”

Mara Wilson, who played little Natalie Hilliard in Mrs. Doubtfire, said in her

article “7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider’s Perspective)” that “sexual

exploitation is just part of the package,” for child actors. Although she didn’t

experience sexual abuse personally (she describes her Jewish parents as

supportive and responsible), she was the subject of a porn website when she

was 12 years old.

This was an excerpt from an article written in the Washington Post.

Wilson survived her stint as a child actor without abuse because her

parents “were always very protective of me,” she said. Wood said he was

spared, in part, because he said his mother was “far more concerned with

raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career.”

While these actors may have not appreciated it at the time, their parents’

protectiveness appears to have saved their innocence — and may have saved

their lives.

Pray for the protection of those who enter the field of entertainment,

particularly those who are most vulnerable.

Talent agencies and entertainment lawyers can do more to protect their clients.

Agents could start circulating a list internally: “Here are the people who have

been reported for treating clients of ours unprofessionally.” If an agency’s own

client lands on that list, the agents should question their complicity in

potentially criminal and certainly damaging behavior.

And if an agent or manager advises a client who has been mistreated not to say

anything, that advice should be followed by, “I’ll say something and make sure

you’re protected.”

Also, if an actress or actor tells their lawyer that they’ve been emotionally

abused or physically assaulted, that lawyer should feel an obligation to contact

the abuser’s lawyer and put them on notice. The Guilds—Writers, Directors,

Producers and Screen Actors—could gather and spread more information.

Journalists can make a difference, too.

Some names of offenders crop up repeatedly, and reporters should follow those

leads. If those reporters get the silent treatment from the network, studio and

managers, that complicity should become part of the story.

Julie Warner had a lovely idea: women—and men—in the industry should meet

in private and confidential settings to share their experiences. If some victims

still didn’t feel comfortable speaking candidly, they could scribble down names

and throw them anonymously into a hat.

When a name comes up more than once, the group could be alerted and given

the chance to come forward together. Perhaps just knowing that we’re all

comparing notes would change the worst behavior.

The ultimate goal is that the assaulters are not just tried in a court of public

opinion, but in an actual court of law. So far, many Hollywood predators seem

to be a step ahead of prosecution. After all, Weinstein was on the lose for

decades, but now, “thank god”, he’s behind bars.

Sadly, there is no way of knowing how many children could have been

victimized by Hollywood pedophiles. Some are afraid to come forward, some

have been threatened, and some are now enjoying successful careers, but have

many scars and mental issues.

They worry about their image or upsetting the wrong people or (their masters).

They fear of losing their much-enjoyed career and their fame and fortune.

Many celebrities enjoy their fame and fortune more than they do the welfare of

others. Many celebrities join the Satanic Hollywood club and are very much part

of the demonic and harmful aspects of Hollywood.


One can only hope that as more sexual assault victims come forward, more

predators will be held accountable for their actions of these HOLLYWOOD

PREDATORS! Hollywood is losing their audience daily.

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