evolution of accommodation in ghana i

Evolution of Evolution of Accommodation in Ghana Accommodation in Ghana I I University of Cape Coast Department of Hospitality & By Emmanuel Gamor 2014

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Evolution of Evolution of Accommodation in Ghana Accommodation in Ghana


University of Cape Coast

Department of Hospitality &

Tourism Management

ByEmmanuel Gamor


• As already known in the previous the lecture, accommodation has existed for a long time.

• Ghana boasts of being the gate way to Africa….A hospitable country…….

• Accommodation in Ghana begun long before independence.

• The earliest form of accommodation has evolved over time.

The Colonial EraThe Colonial Era• The earliest form of accommodation in the Gold Coast was owned by colonial merchants

•Compagnie Française de l’Afrique Occidentale (CFAO)

•United Africa Company (UAC)

• These companies owned chalets that were located in the mountain areas of Aburi and along the beaches.

• The chalets were built often in very cosy wooded surroundings.

• They were small self-contained wood-huts built for the relaxation of the European residence in the country.

• These facilities were guarded all year round and were used solely by expatriates and their families.

• The structures that were located inland were referred to as Rest Houses

Pre –Independence EraPre –Independence Era• The first hotel to be established in the Gold Coast was……– Sea View Hotel (Accra- High Street)

• With set tone by Sea View, this era saw the establishment of hotels in the Gold Coast.

(Mostly private owned facilities)

• By independence, (1957), six hotels registered in the country

Hotel Location Ownership

Aams Hotel Accra-Nswam road Private

Ambassador Hotel

Independence Avenue

Government owned

Ringway Hotel Osu, Accra Private

Avenida Hotel Boundary road, Accra


Lisbon Hotel Airport, Accra Private

Sea View Hotel

High street, Accra Private

• Ambassador hotel was the biggest of all hotels present at the time with over 100 rooms.

• The reason why the government built the hotel was to accommodate guests who will come and join in the celebration of Ghana’s independence.

• At this time the state owned hotels were of better standards than the privately owned hotels