discourse, social and societal change? encounters with indigenous and non-indigenous residents of...

Maria Xenitidou Democritus University of Thrace Discourse, Social and Societal Change? Encounters with indigenous and non- indigenous residents of Greece The research project is implemented within the framework of the Action «Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers» of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (Action’s Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and Technology), and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State .

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Maria Xenitidou

Democritus University of Thrace

Discourse, Social and Societal Change? Encounters with indigenous and non-indigenous residents of


The research project is implemented within the framework of the Action «Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers» of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (Action’s Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and Technology), and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State .

AIM• To explore the ways in which participants orient to issues, notions and policies associated with citizenship, civic rights and political participation in Greece, triggered by Law 3838/2010.


METHOD• Individual and group interviews with 50 indigenous residents and citizens of Greece and non-indigenous and non-citizen residents of Greece, Thessaloniki in particular.

• Analysis based on Critical Discursive Social Psychology (CDSP) (Wetherell, 1998) focusing on o regularities in discourse and in the lines of argument

mobilised, both in terms of content, common places (Billig, 1991) and dilemmas Billig et al. (1988) around which these developed and

o discursive strategies used by participants (Edwards and Potter, 1992);

o paying attention to the ways in which participants orient to issues and position themselves and considering the local and macro-social implications. 


Regularity• interplay between dominant, majoritarian representations and minority representations of citizenship and political participationo Citizenship associated to legalityo Criticism of opportunismo Citizenship more than civic, formal preconditionso Political participation as a serious issue involving

national interestso Political participation (lack of) associated to political



Some points from existing theory

• Citizenship and the dialectic of inclusion/exclusion

• Claims making and the plea for recognition


Extract 1 – right in principle/(national) interests at stake in practice

Melli: Look sure: (.) sure it concerns the (.) the resident of x y municipality who: (.) is either as we said an alien or Greek (.) it concerns him (.) because he lives there (.) it is ju:st: (.) maybe it is something deepe:r the political (.) issue (.) that affects (.) all our lives a:nd (.) its culture (.) our history? That is to say it has to do with all these (.) and many foreigners (.) and I have experienced this first hand (.) don’t know Greek history (.) e:h (.) maybe how should I put this? Their view on the issue of election (.) would affe:ct negatively (.) the Greeks who live here (.) who live more with these people (.) they know what it is about (.) have a clearer vie:wΜaria: you mean the politicians? Melli: the politicians yes (.) the politicians and the country’s history (.) this because from there:: the whole: issue begins (.) now ok you will tell me for local elections you are asking me (.) I don’t know (.) I believe that in some: sense: (.) they have a right (.) since they live here (.) in the x municipality (.) bu:t (.) it is something that affects all of the rest of Greeks and maybe they don’t have an appropriate view (.) to vote


Extract 2 – voting right is a big responsibility so these rights should not be granted lightly

Toula: = And not be a Greek citizen (..) it is a big responsibility (..) because even one vote has huge gravity ((importance)) and it is a big responsibility (.) e::h (.) with the vote with your choice (.) to determine the future of a country (..) and now I go back to that (.) e:h the co-ethnics came right? And I know tha:t (.) they have received citizenship in a much easier way


Extract 3 – formal preconditions not enough in order to be a Greek citizen – Greek citizenship not proof of Greekness

Toula: Ε:h (.) ok I will resp (.) let’s say I that I am a foreigner (.) to me what does it mean to be a Greek citizen (.) I will tell you this very procedurally (.) e:h that at least ten years have to pass to be able to get the citizenshi:p what does that mean? >We have to pass an interview in which we have to know the language (.) and the history< (.) despite all these I don’t think that these are enough to be citizen of a country (..) e::h (..) in order for you in order for someone to be Greek citizen (.) look (..) he has to fee:l (.) the values o:f Greekness ((Hellenism)) (.) that is I don’t know if someone who (.) is from abroad (.) and does not understand what is happening around if he can indeed be a Greek citizen (.) like I don’t think that you should definitely be born here (.) to be a Greek citizen (.) you could be: more Greek than the Greeks (.) without being a Greek citizen (…) e:h for someone to be a Greek citizen (.) nice question (…) look (.) again I say that obviously to belong in a culture (..) to have grown up with some mores and traditions (..) e:h to: have Greek (..) how should I tell you (.) to say it Greek mentality is too much* to say it this way (..)


Extract 4 – Greek citizenship not proof of Greekness

Efi: may be it is this (.) to partake in all whatever is in the country where he isKaiti: it is the civilization (.) the cultura:l (.) the culture (.) everything (.) to get into the spirit Efi: because there are here that come with Greek identity card (.) and don’t know how to speak Greek (.) we cannot communicate (.) and they are in Greece for years


Some thoughts • Interplay between dominant, majoritarian representations and minority representations of citizenship and political participationo Why? Banality? Banal versus pro-active constructionso Why not? Dominant representations as wide-spread understanding on which minorities draw

• Reproduction of majoritarian representations – otheringo Indigenous speakers other non-indigenouso Non-indigenous speakers other other migrants (double)

• Reproduction of majoritarian representations – claims-makingo How would reproducing majoritarian representations from a minority position enable

claims making?o Social mobility at the expense of civic rights?