dermal fillers

All About LaViv LaViv is a unique dermal filler that uses the bodys own fibroblasts to stimulate collagen production and restore volume to the face. LaViv is FDA approved for treatment of smile lines, but it can also be used to treat acne scars as well as other lines and wrinkles on the face when performed by a skilled dermatologist with years of experience using LaViv. LaViv is slow-acting but very effective, and your friends and family will wonder how you are getting younger every day! The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego have been using LaViv for years, and they know how and where it can be used most effectively. What is LaViv? LaViv is the only dermal filler to use fibroblasts and stem cell technology to reverse the effects of aging in the skin. As we get older, our body stops producing as much collagen, which is a substance necessary for skin elasticity and volume. As our collagen levels drop, our skin loses volume and becomes loose and sagging, and wrinkles form much more easily. By rejuvenating collagen production through creation of more fibroblasts in the skin, LaViv can smooth wrinkles and even fill acne scars. Fibroblasts are cells in the dermis that produce collagen, and replacing lost fibroblasts allows the skin to produce more collagen and repair skin that has begun to succumb to volume loss and wrinkles. The LaViv process involves two steps. First, skin samples must be taken. A local anesthetic is used to make this process painless, and skin samples are taken from the back of the ear. Then, the samples are sent off to Fibrocell Science, the makers of LaViv, who harvest fibroblasts from the skin samples and send them back a few months later. Your expert dermatologist will then inject the fibroblasts into the smile lines or whichever area of the skin needs treatment. LaViv Results Three sessions of LaViv are required for full results. These sessions can be spaced three to six weeks apart. The LaViv treatment itself does not take long, and it is not painful due to the extremely small needle. Some patients may feel better if a topical anesthetic is applied before treatment for ultimate painless comfort. After the final session of LaViv, patients will begin to see results after two to three months, after the renewed collagen has begun to do its work. There are no instant results with LaViv, but instead a gradual reduction in wrinkles. LaViv is a great treatment for men and women who want very natural, gradual results. No one will be able to tell youve had a LaViv treatment done, theyll just wonder how you are getting such great rest or when you took a refreshing vacation to get such a youthful, rejuvenated look. If a patient wants instant results, LaViv is not for them. A hyaluronic acid gel filler such as Restylane or Juvederm is better for those wanting quicker results. However, if you have the patience, LaViv could be well worth your time. To learn more, please visit . All About Fat Grafting

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All About LaViv

LaViv is a unique dermal filler that uses the body’s own fibroblasts to stimulate collagen production and restore volume to the face. LaViv is FDA approved for treatment of smile lines, but it can also be used to treat acne scars as well as other lines and wrinkles on the face when performed by a skilled dermatologist with years of experience using LaViv. LaViv is slow-acting but very effective, and your friends and family will wonder how you are getting younger every day! The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego have been using LaViv for years, and they know how and where it can be used most effectively.

What is LaViv?

LaViv is the only dermal filler to use fibroblasts and stem cell technology to reverse the effects of aging in the skin. As we get older, our body stops producing as much collagen, which is a substance necessary for skin elasticity and volume. As our collagen levels drop, our skin loses volume and becomes loose and sagging, and wrinkles form much more easily. By rejuvenating collagen production through creation of more fibroblasts in the skin, LaViv can smooth wrinkles and even fill acne scars. Fibroblasts are cells in the dermis that produce collagen, and replacing lost fibroblasts allows the skin to produce more collagen and repair skin that has begun to succumb to volume loss and wrinkles.

The LaViv process involves two steps. First, skin samples must be taken. A local anesthetic is used to make this process painless, and skin samples are taken from the back of the ear. Then, the samples are sent off to Fibrocell Science, the makers of LaViv, who harvest fibroblasts from the skin samples and send them back a few months later. Your expert dermatologist will then inject the fibroblasts into the smile lines or whichever area of the skin needs treatment.

LaViv Results

Three sessions of LaViv are required for full results. These sessions can be spaced three to six weeks apart. The LaViv treatment itself does not take long, and it is not painful due to the extremely small needle. Some patients may feel better if a topical anesthetic is applied before treatment for ultimate painless comfort. After the final session of LaViv, patients will begin to see results after two to three months, after the renewed collagen has begun to do its work. There are no instant results with LaViv, but instead a gradual reduction in wrinkles.

LaViv is a great treatment for men and women who want very natural, gradual results. No one will be able to tell you’ve had a LaViv treatment done, they’ll just wonder how you are getting such great rest or when you took a refreshing vacation to get such a youthful, rejuvenated look. If a patient wants instant results, LaViv is not for them. A hyaluronic acid gel filler such as Restylane or Juvederm is better for those wanting quicker results. However, if you have the patience, LaViv could be well worth your time.

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All About Fat Grafting

Fat grafting, otherwise known as fat transfer or fat autograft muscle injection (FAMI), is a process in which fat is taken from one part of the body to be injected into another part. It is a highly effective and safe procedure, with long-lasting results. Fat grafting is the longest-lasting type of dermal filler available, and there is virtually no risk of allergic reaction because the fat comes from the patient’s own body. Fat grafting has become popular in recent years because of how long-lasting and hypoallergenic it is. The experienced, board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego are experts in performing fat grafts, and have a long track record of happy patients.

How Does Fat Grafting Work?

For a fat grafting procedure, first, the dermatologist will extract fat from somewhere on the patient’s body. This is often an area that bulges, such as the abdomen. This accomplishes two goals: the area that the fat is taken from will reduce slightly, while the area the fat is injected into will gain volume. The fat is extracted through a tiny cannula, after which it is processed and prepared for injection. The fat extraction procedure is painless, as a local anesthetic is used around the extraction site and the patient receives mild sedation. In addition, when injecting the fat into the desired areas, a topical numbing cream can be used in order to make the injection as painless and comfortable as possible.

Fat grafting has been around for years and is a very safe procedure, with noticeable results. The dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology are highly experienced and know exactly where to take the fat from, how to prepare it properly, and where to inject it for optimal results.

Areas Fat Grafting Can Treat

The most common areas that fat grafting is used to rejuvenate are hollows below the eyes, sunken cheeks, chins, thin lips, forehead creases, laugh lines, temples, jaw lines, and to correct an uneven face. Fat grafting can plump thin lips, augment the chin and cheeks, fill hollow temples, reduce undereye circles, and smooth wrinkles such as laugh lines. In addition, fat grafting can be used for a mini breast or butt lift. By injecting fat into the breasts or butt, an expert dermatologist can shape and augment them in a non-surgical manner. If you’ve wanted to augment your breasts or butt but haven’t wanted to commit to surgery, fat grafting may be able to help.

Fat grafting results can last for three to five years, and the downtime is minimal. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately, but you may want to stay home from work for a few days due to bruising and swelling. Visible results can appear immediately after a fat grafting procedure, but optimal results take longer to show. Generally, final results appear after around four to six weeks. There will be swelling following the procedure, but this will dissipate, and after that true results can be seen.

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All About Liquid Facelift

A liquid facelift is the common term for using multiple non-invasive procedures to achieve an overall, comprehensive facial rejuvenation similar to that of a surgical facelift. A surgical facelift

will have more dramatic results, but it requires lengthy operating and recovery times, and many people don’t have the time or money to spare for a costly surgical facelift. Many people much prefer to use non-invasive procedures that do not require going under the knife, and in recent years, the popularity of the liquid facelift has surged. In today’s society, men and women prefer shorter, easier procedures that will not take a large chunk out of their day to day lives. Liquid facelifts allow for natural-looking rejuvenation that can often be accomplished in under an hour, with no recovery time necessary. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, the expert dermatologists are experienced in creating custom liquid facelifts for their patients.

Botox and Dermal Fillers

Liquid facelifts are so called because they most often involve injectable treatments such as dermal fillers and neuromodulators. Neuromodulators such as Botox or Dysport can be paired easily with dermal fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm to more comprehensively reduce wrinkles and add volume. Botox works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, thus preventing future wrinkles along with smoothing existing ones. Dermal fillers can then be used to further smooth any particularly deep leftover wrinkles. In addition, while Botox is great for dynamic wrinkles such as crow’s feet and frown lines, dermal fillers are better for static wrinkles such as marionette lines. Working together, dermal fillers and Botox can better smooth wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.

Liquid Facelift Combinations

A liquid facelift does not have to involve only injectables. In many cases, to achieve a fully rejuvenated look, other types of non-invasive procedures are recommended. Ultherapy is often used in liquid facelifts to tighten and lift sagging skin. Ultherapy is great for reducing jowls and contouring the neck and jawline, and it can be safely used in conjunction with dermal fillers or Botox for wrinkle reduction elsewhere. In addition, laser skin resurfacing can be used to reduce brown spots and brighten dull skin. IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a great treatment for reducing the appearance of both brown and red spots. An experienced dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology will be able to have a discussion with their patients about optimal goals and come up with a customized treatment plan that takes each skin concern into account.

Liquid facelifts are so attractive because they can be done quickly and the patient can immediately resume his or her daily activities as soon as they leave the office. The treatments are not painful, and side effects are minimal, most often involving swelling or bruising that disappears after a few days. Results are very natural, and patients will end up looking refreshed, not like an entirely new person. A liquid facelift could be the ideal solution for the man or woman on the go!

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Types of Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler is a blanket term for any injectable treatment that helps to add volume to the skin. Dermal fillers should not be confused with neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, which work by blocking nerve signals in order to relax certain muscles. Dermal fillers do not relax muscles; all they do is add volume, making them a great choice for hollow cheeks

or temples, lip augmentation, and filling static wrinkles such as marionette lines. Often, a combination of neuromodulator and dermal filler will achieve the most comprehensive results for a patient. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, the expert, board-certified dermatologists have years of experience working with all kinds of dermal fillers.

Hyaluronic Acid Gel Fillers

Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid gel are what come to mind to for many people when they think of fillers. Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero are all examples of dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid. These fillers are great for spot treating wrinkles, adding volume, augmenting the lips, and enhancing the chin or cheekbones. Belotero in particular is good for treating circles under the eyes, as it is of a softer consistency than the others. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps the skin to retain moisture, and these dermal fillers consist of a gel made primarily of this substance. The gel varies in consistency depending on the particular filler; for instance, Juvederm Ultra Plus is firmer than Belotero, making it perfect for cheekbone augmentation but not so good for undereye circle reduction. The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology are very familiar with each filler and can recommend particular fillers for particular problems.

Collagen-Building Fillers

The other main type of dermal filler is those that work by stimulating the skin to produce more collagen. Sculptra and Radiesse are the main examples of this type of filler. Radiesse works by using calcium-based microspheres to boost collagen production, while Sculptra uses a poly-L-lactic acid formulation to accomplish the same thing. These two fillers both boost collagen, but they have different uses. Radiesse is often used for hand rejuvention, while Sculptra is used to restore volume to the face. An expert dermatologist knows when to use each one for maximum results. These dermal fillers do not work instantly, but rather gradually build collagen over the course of a few sessions.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is a type of dermal filler which uses the patient’s own fat as a filler. The fat is harvested from a different area of the body through liposuction, then processed and turned into a filler for use on the face. Fat grafting tends to last longer than other fillers, and because it comes from the patient’s own body, there is no chance of allergic reaction. Results from fat grafting can last for three to five years, making it the longest lasting filler available. It can also be used in the breasts and butt for minor, non-invasive augmentation and contouring.

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Hand Rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers

As we get older, our bodies stop producing as much collagen as when we were young. This lack of collagen results in volume loss and wrinkles, as the skin is not elastic enough to prevent wrinkles from becoming deeper. Our hands also suffer the effects of collagen loss, becoming thin and wrinkled over time. The hands are some of the most visible areas of the body, and thin, wrinkled hands with prominent veins and bones can give away age as well as cause self-consciousness. Luckily, there are treatments available that can non-invasively restore the hands

to a more youthful and healthy appearance. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, the experienced, board-certified dermatologists are experts in hand rejuvenation using dermal fillers.

Turn Back Time on Your Hands

Radiesse is the dermal filler most often used for hand rejuvenation. Radiesse uses calcium-based microspheres to stimulate collagen production and restore volume, resulting in plumper, smoother, more youthful hands. Radiesse is also FDA approved for use in the hands. After a few Radiesse sessions, your body’s own collagen will begin to replenish and you will notice that your hands become smoother and plumper. Radiesse does not work instantaneously, and it takes a few sessions for optimal results. However, after a few weeks, results will appear, and these results generally last around a year. Radiesse and Sculptra are some of the longest-lasting dermal fillers, but Sculptra is not recommended for the hands.

A Radiesse treatment session for the hands does not take long, and can be accomplished over the course of a lunch break. There is no downtime required, and you will be able to use your hands as normal immediately following treatment. The injections themselves are as painless as your dermatologist can make it, with tiny needles and a topical anesthetic used if the patient wishes. It is important to only have Radiesse injected into the hands by a skilled, experienced, board-certified dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, as they are knowledgable about hand anatomy and know exactly where to place the injections for optimal results without hitting any veins or tendons.

Combination Hand Treatment

Hands may also have sun damage, resulting in telltale brown spots. For a full hand rejuvenation, your dermatologist may recommend a laser treatment such as IPL to reduce the appearance of brown spots along with Radiesse for volume restoration. IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a skin resurfacing treatment that can help to reduce the appearance of brown and red spots, and is safe for use on the hands. Other laser skin rejuvenation treatments may be used as well. Your dermatologist will discuss with you the best combination of treatments to help achieve optimal results for your hands.

The hands are constantly in use and almost always visible, so many men and women wish to rejuvenate them for a more youthful appearance. Hand rejuvenation can be quick, easy, and safe when done by the right dermatologist.

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Dermal Fillers for the Chest

It is common for women to protect their face by using sunscreen and moisturizer every day, but unfortunately, the chest and neck are often neglected. This can result in a disparity between how old a person’s face looks versus how old their chest looks, and may result in them looking older than they actually are. A combination of collagen loss and sun damage accumulates over the years and results in a wrinkled, sagging chest. Older women may be reluctant to wear swimsuits or low-cut blouses due to the look of their decolletage. However, the chest can be smoothed and restored through the use of dermal fillers. The board-certified dermatologists at

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego are experts in treating aging chests, and will come up with the best combination of fillers for each individual patient.

Rejuvenating the Chest with Fillers

Dermal fillers can be used to add volume and smooth lines and wrinkles, creating a more youthful looking chest. Your dermatologist will assess your condition and decide if a hyaluronic acid gel filler, such as Restylane or a collagen-boosting filler such as Radiesse, or a combination of both, is best for you. Hyaluronic acid gel fillers have immediate results and generally last six to twelve months on the chest, while collagen-boosters help to stimulate the body’s own collagen production for more gradual results that last for up to two years. Both types of filler are FDA approved and have been used with great success in rejuvenating the chest.

Depending on the condition of the individual’s chest, other treatments may be recommended in addition to the dermal fillers. Ultherapy is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that has recently been FDA approved for use on the chest. Ultherapy may be recommended for initial skin lifting and tightening, while dermal fillers are used to fill in any remaining wrinkles after the treatment. In addition, if the chest has many brown spots due to sun damage, laser skin resurfacing may be recommended. There are many types of lasers that can reduce the appearance of sun spots. A combination of these treatments can result in a much younger-looking, rejuvenated chest appearance.

About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers for the chest are longer lasting than those to certain areas of the face, because there is less muscle activity to wear it down. Filler treatments for the chest generally take less than an hour, and there is no downtime needed. Patients can return immediately to their everyday activities following dermal filler injections. Side effects are generally limited to bruising or swelling at the injection site, and these will usually go away within a few hours or days. How long dermal fillers last depends on the individual, as each person metabolizes differently. The injections are not usually painful, as the needle used is extremely small. If a patient is nervous about potential pain or discomfort, however, a topical local anesthetic can be applied to make the injections as comfortable as possible.

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Facial Fillers for the Jawline

Many men and women have complaints about their jawline, from sagging skin to chin dimpling to a weak chin or jaw. However, dermal fillers can help with most of these concerns. Facial fillers such as Resylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse are great for helping to shape the jawline, add volume, reduce wrinkles, and create an overall more aesthetically pleasing look for the jaw. The expert, board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego have years of experience using dermal fillers to help with jawline concerns.

Dermal Fillers for Sagging Skin

As we age, our skin begins to lose volume and start to sag. Loose skin around the neck and jaw can cause a turkey neck effect, and is a sure sign of age. Hyaluronic acid gel fillers such as Restylane and Perlane as well as collagen-boosting fillers such as Radiesse can help to restore volume and lift the jawline. These fillers work best when skin is just beginning to sag; if there is already a lot of loose skin and sagging, a non-invasive skin tightener such as Ultherapy may work better to tighten and lift the skin. Talk with an expert dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology to find out what treatment plan is best for your individual case.

Fillers and Neuromodulators for Chin Wrinkles

Many people have an overactive chin muscle that can cause wrinkling and dimpling on the chin. This overactive muscle combined with skin that is less elastic due to age can mean the chin becomes extremely wrinkled or dimpled. Dermal fillers can help to fill in and smooth these wrinkles and dimples, and are often best when combined with Botox or a similar neuromodulator in order to relax the hyperactive underlying muscle. These treatments allow the skin on the chin to become smooth once more.

Fillers for Weak Chin and Jawline

For those people troubled by a weak or receding chin, a non-surgical chin augmentation using dermal fillers may be the solution. Dermal fillers have been proven effective at creating the illusion of a stronger chin, and the treatment is completely non-invasive with no recovery time needed. Your expert dermatologist will shape the chin using a combination of dermal fillers that is right for your individual case. Both hyaluronic acid gel fillers and collagen-stimulating fillers can be used for chin augmentation; which is best for you will be decided during your consultation. Fat grafting can also be used for chin augmentation. Fat grafting is a type of filler which uses your own fat taken from another part of your body for use on the face.

Weak jawlines are another issue that many men face. Most men prefer the look of a strong jawline, and dermal fillers can be used effectively to create a stronger jawline. The fillers will be carefully placed by your dermatologist in order to create the most optimally contoured jawline for the patient’s features. Following the procedure, the patient can immediately return to their everyday activities.

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Non-Surgical Nose Job

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery, as many men and women are unhappy with the shape of their nose. However, some people may not want to commit to surgery for their nose. For these people, changing the shape of their nose temporarily with dermal fillers could be a good solution. While the results provided aren’t permanent and are not as dramatic as a surgical rhinoplasty, dermal fillers can nonetheless help create a more pleasing shape, all without needing any knives or recovery time. At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, the board-certified dermatologists are experts in non-surgical nose jobs.

Dermal Fillers for the Nose

Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse can be used to help improve the shape, tip, and contour of the nose. Fillers can only help to improve the appearance of the nose. Functional issues such as a deviated septum or breathing problems will need to be taken care of surgically, as will issues with the size of the nose. Facial fillers can not reduce the size of the nose. However, if the issue is otherwise cosmetic, chances are that dermal fillers can help. Nasal features that dermal fillers can help with include a flat nasal bridge, projecting nasal tip, retracted columella, nasal hump, saddle nose, large nostrils, or fixing a poorly done previous nose job.

Facial fillers can also help with bunny lines, which are the lines that appear at the top of the nose when scrunched. These lines become deeper and more noticeable over time, and dermal fillers can help to minimize their appearance. Botox is also used for bunny lines, and for optimal effect, a combination of Botox and fillers might be best. Botox will actually prevent the muscles that cause the wrinkles from contracting, thus allowing existing wrinkles to smooth out and preventing new ones from forming. Dermal fillers can help to fill in any remaining deep wrinkles that the Botox couldn’t take care of.

Dermal Filler Facelift

Just as facial fillers can be used for a non-surgical nose job, they can also be used in combination with other non-invasive treatments for a non-surgical facelift. A surgical facelift is a big commitment, as it requires hours spent in the operating room as well as weeks of recovery time. A non-surgical facelift with fillers, neuromodulators such as Botox, skin tighteners such as Ultherapy, or laser skin resurfacing can take years off the face while still remaining very natural looking, and requires no downtime at all. The results won’t be as dramatic as a surgical facelift, but many people view that as a good thing, since they don’t want people to know that they’ve had work done.

Facial fillers generally don’t take much time at all, and an entire non-surgical facelift can be performed over the course of a person’s lunch break. This is a great benefit for men and women who are busy with life and don’t have a lot of time to spend on procedures and downtime.

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Dermal Fillers for Temple Rejuvenation

As we age, we lose volume in our face. The temples, which are the areas on the face between the cheekbones and the brow bone, are especially susceptible to volume loss. While the temples are not always the first area of the face that comes to mind when thinking about restoring youthfulness, in fact, restoring volume to the temples can lead to a much more youthful and refreshed appearance. When the temples are hollow due to volume loss, they can cast unflattering shadows. When volume is restored, these shadows disappear and the face appears much brighter and rejuvenated. The experienced, board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego are experts at temple rejuvenation, and can take years off your face in just one session.

How Do Facial Fillers for the Temple Work?

There are two kinds of facial fillers. One kind is a gel made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps with hydration. The other kind actually works to stimulate collagen production in the dermis, leading to very natural results created by the body’s own collagen. The hyaluronic acid fillers tend to have quicker results and can be used for specific purposes, while the collagen-building fillers take a longer time to show results but are good for all-over, natural rejuvenation. Juvederm and Restylane are examples of hyaluronic acid fillers, while Radiesse and Sculptra are collagen builders.

A dermal filler procedure involves simple injections into the areas to be rejuvenated. The dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology have years of experience performing facial filler injections, and know how to take an individual’s face shape into account when placing the injections for optimal results. They only use FDA approved fillers, and they place a high priority on the comfort of the patient. While the injections are not usually very painful, a topical anesthetic can be used if the patient wishes for a completely pain-free, comfortable experience. Fillers for the temple generally last around 6 to 12 months.

Facial Rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers

It is common for a patient to have other procedures done at the same time as a temple rejuvenation, for more comprehensive results. Cheekbone augmentation, undereye circle reduction, and crow’s feet reduction are some popular procedures which can be done at the same time as fillers to the temple. Complete facial rejuvenation generally takes less than an hour, and can take years off a person’s face in that short amount of time. Talk to your dermatologist to find out what combination of procedures is the best for your specific issues and how you can get the results you want.

Facial fillers are safe and effective, and can have a great rejuvenating effect on your face. If you are suffering from volume loss and unflattering shadows, fillers for the temple could be a great option for you. Be sure to visit an experienced dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in order to get the best care and results!

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Earlobe Restoration

Many women find that as they get older, their earlobes become thin and stretched out. This is often the result of years of wearing heavy earrings, which pull on the lobe and cause it to stretch. In recent years, there has been an influx of women wanting “Eartox,” the colloquial name for earlobe rejuvenation. Eartox is a misnomer, however, as Botox is not used to repair earlobes. Rather, dermal fillers can help to reshape and plump earlobes that have succumbed to age and gravity. Botox is a neuromodulator that stops muscle contractions in order to smooth wrinkles, while dermal fillers generally use a hyaluronic acid gel to restore volume. Dermal fillers used for earlobe rejuvenation include Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero, Radiesse, and Sculptra.

Dermal Fillers for Earlobe Rejuvenation

There are surgical procedures which can be used to reshape and restore the earlobes, but many people prefer the non-surgical dermal filler method. With a quick injection, the earlobes can regain their former plumpness and shape. Earrings will look much better on earlobes that

are not stretched thin, and the earlobes are one more part of the body in which signs of aging can be reversed. The earlobes, along with the chest, hands, and neck, are a “tell zone” which can give away a person’s true age despite having a youthful face. Now, though, dermal fillers can quickly and easily plump and shape the earlobes into a more youthful appearance.

Earlobe rejuvenation with dermal fillers should always be done by well-qualified, board-certified dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego. Only a dermatologist with extensive knowledge and experience will know exactly where the injections should go in order to achieve the best results possible. Visiting someone who is not experienced and not qualified in giving dermal filler injections, such as your dentist, family doctor, or local day spa aesthetician, could have disastrous results, especially if they use a non-FDA approved filler.

The Dermal Filler Process

Having a filler injected is safe, effective, and relatively painless, as long as it is done by an experienced dermatologist. A filler procedure for the earlobes generally takes only around ten minutes, and some results can be seen immediately. The injections themselves are done with an extremely small needle, and a topical numbing cream can be applied beforehand if the patient is worried about pain or discomfort. Side effects can include bruising or swelling at the injection sites, but these effects are minor and generally disappear quickly. If a more serious reaction occurs, talk to your dermatologist as soon as possible. Most dermal fillers can be reversed with hyaluronidase.

If your earlobes are looking worse for wear, dermal fillers to restore their youthful plumpness and shape could be a good solution. Talk to an experienced dermatologist to see if you are a candidate for earlobe rejuvenation through facial fillers. Your earlobes do not need to remain a stretched-out reminder of all the heavy earrings you’ve worn; with a simple injection, you can turn back time on them!

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Dermal Fillers for the Lower Face

The lower face, comprised of everything below the nose, can show age in a variety of ways. Marionette lines, vertical lip lines, smile lines, and thinning lips are all signs of age that happen in the lower face. As we age, our skin stops producing the necessary collagen and elastin to keep our skin smooth and elastic, leading to volume loss and wrinkles. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero can be used to fill specific wrinkles with instant results, while fillers such as Radiesse and Sculptra can be used for overall, gradual rejuvenation through rebuilding collagen production. The expert, board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology are highly experienced in treating the lower face with dermal fillers, and can help you to look younger and rejuvenated through these non-invasive injections.

Treating Marionette and Smile Lines

Marionette lines are those vertical lines that start at the corners of the mouth and continue downward toward the chin, while smile lines, also known as nasolabial folds, are the lines that run from the sides of the nose to the outer corners of the mouth. These lines are often deep and pronounced, and can age a person’s lower face. These lines can be easily and effectively

treated with dermal fillers. Juvederm and Belotero are the fillers most commonly used to treat these types of lines. Sculptra and Radiesse can also be used to help treat these lines. Juvederm and Belotero work by injecting a hyaluronic acid gel into the lines for instant volume and smoothing, while Sculptra and Radiesse work more slowly by actually rebuilding production of collagen in the skin.

Treating Lip Lines and Thin Lips

Lip lines, also known as smoker or perioral lines, are the small, vertical wrinkles that radiate out from the lips. These lines are more difficult to treat, but dermal fillers can help. Restylane is often used to help reduce the appearance of lip lines. Thin lips are another side effect of growing older, as more volume is lost in the lips. Restylane can also be used to help treat thin lips, by adding volume and creating a fuller shape. Lip augmentation plus smoothing of lip lines can help take years off of a person’s appearance!

Lower Face Rejuvenation

Facial fillers can also be combined with other non-invasive treatments for a full rejuvenation of the lower face. For instance, while Restylane helps with thin lips and Juvederm helps with smile lines, Ultherapy can be used to tighten and lift sagging jowls or loose skin on the neck. Laser skin resurfacing can also help with tricky lip lines that might not be able to be treated fully with fillers, and can help to reduce the appearance of brown spots or melasma. A combination of treatments can often provide better results, and you can leave your dermatologist’s office feeling like a new person, with a freshly rejuvenated and refreshed appearance. Plus, these non-invasive treatments require no downtime, meaning you can get right back to your everyday activities following treatment!

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Dermal Fillers for Cheeks

Cheek enhancement used to be a surgical procedure involving implants to create more defined, prominent cheekbones, but nowadays the same result can be accomplished in a much less invasive manner. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, or Perlane can add volume to the cheeks, resulting in defined cheeks without the need for surgery and its accompanying scars and weeks of recovery time. A dermal filler procedure simply involves an injection of a gel made from hyaluronic acid into the area of the cheek to be highlighted, and requires no downtime or scarring. The expert, board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego can augment the cheekbones with dermal fillers to create the best results for your individual case.

How Do Dermal Fillers for the Cheek Work?

Juvederm Ultra Plus is the dermal filler most often used for cheek enhancement. This is a hyaluronic acid based gel that is thicker and harder than other types of dermal fillers, and is ideal for adding volume and contour. The filler will be injected into the area of the cheek to be enhanced, and results can be seen immediately. Placement of the dermal filler requires expertise and knowledge of facial anatomy for ideal results. It is very important to only have dermal filler injections done by a board-certified dermatologist who knows exactly where to

place the injections for the best results. The placement of cheek enhancement injections will vary from person to person depending on their individual facial structure. The same techniques used when applying blush and highlighter are used to determine where to place injections to create the optimal contour.

Facial fillers do not take long to inject, and they require no downtime, making them ideal for busy people on the go who do not want to deal with the long operation and recovery times of surgery, not to mention the expense. Side effects are minimal, most often involving bruising or swelling at the injection site. These side effects generally disappear on their own after a few hours or days. If more serious side effects occur, it is vital to contact your dermatologist right away. Most fillers can be reversed with the use of hyaluronidase.

Dermal Fillers and Liquid Facelift

Fillers can easily and safely be used in combination with other non-invasive treatments to create a more comprehensive effect. For example, while using fillers to enhance the cheekbones and treat static wrinkles, Botox can be used to smooth and prevent dynamic wrinkles such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines. In addition, laser skin resurfacing can reduce the appearance of brown spots, even skin tone and texture, and reduce acne scars. Skin tightening treatments such as Ulthera can also be used to lift and tighten loose, sagging skin. When combined, these treatments can effectively create a mini facelift, which is why combining non-invasive treatments is usually called a liquid facelift. Having a liquid facelift can take years off the face and rejuvenate the entire appearance!

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All About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have become very popular in recent years, due to their ability to refresh and rejuvenate the face, neck, chest, and hands in a completely non-invasive, non-surgical manner. There are a wide variety of FDA approved dermal fillers, and there are just as wide a variety of issues that dermal fillers can treat. Plumping thin lips, reducing the appearance of static wrinkles, enhancing the cheekbones, adding volume to the face, and reducing dark circles under the eyes are just a few of the uses dermal fillers can be put to. Facial fillers should always be injected by a board-certified, experienced dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego.

What Can Dermal Fillers Treat?

Dermal fillers are generally made of a hyaluronic acid gel which is injected into the problem area to instantly add volume. Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero are of this kind. Then there are other kinds of dermal fillers which use different formulations to actually spur the production of collagen in order to naturally plump and rejuvenate the skin. Radiesse and Sculptra are two of this kind of dermal filler. Radiesse is a popular choice for rejuvenating the hands, while Sculptra is used for restoring volume and reducing fine lines and wrinkles in the mid face. Hyaluronic acid gel fillers are generally best for lip, chin, nose, and cheek augmentation, specific wrinkle reduction, and instant addition of volume.

The type of dermal filler that is best for your specific issues will be discussed in a consultation by your dermatologist. Each individual is different, and different fillers will give different results. Your dermatologist will discuss with you your concerns and the results you are hoping for, and determine which filler would help you to obtain optimal results. The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology understand that each person is different, and will work with each individual to create a custom treatment plan right for their specific issues. There is no such thing as a one size fits all treatment at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler treatments generally take less than half an hour, and you can return to your everyday activities immediately following treatment, with no recovery time necessary. Side effects are limited to temporary bruising or swelling at the injection sites, which usually goes away within a few hours to a few days. The procedures themselves are not painful, due to the small size of the needles and the option of a topical numbing agent for further reduction of pain.

Dermal fillers are also great for combining with other treatments such as Botox or laser skin resurfacing for more comprehensive results. A “liquid facelift” can provide the results of a mini facelift without needing surgery. Combining non-invasive treatments can target multiple problem areas at once, and leave a person looking totally refreshed and rejuvenated. A liquid facelift generally takes much less time than its surgical counterpart, and requires no recovery time, making it the perfect solution for today’s busy men and women.

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Lip Enhancement with Dermal Fillers

Some people have naturally thin lips, while others have lips that have thinned due to the aging process. As we age, our lips tend to shrink in size, resulting in thinner, less aesthetically pleasing lip shapes. Lip volume loss is just one result of aging skin, with wrinkles, sagging skin, and facial volume loss also happening as our skin stops producing elastin and collagen, two substances responsible for skin elasticity and volume. However, there is a quick, easy, non-invasive way to plump the lips. Dermal fillers, when injected by a board-certified, expert dermatologist such as those at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego, can help to add volume and shape lips in a natural manner.

How Does Lip Augmentation with Dermal Fillers Work?

Juvederm and Restylane are the two most popular FDA approved dermal fillers for lip augmentation. Both of these fillers are made of a hyaluronic acid gel, which can add volume when injected into the skin. Juvederm and Restylane are both proven safe and effective for use in lip plumping, and are a great alternative to surgical lip augmentation. Surgical lip augmentation uses silicone implants for a permanent fuller lip; however, surgery requires far more of a time commitment in terms of time spent in the operating room and recovering. Plus, since surgery is permanent, you can’t reverse it easily if it turns out you don’t like the way your lips turned out. Juvederm and Restylane are long-lasting, but they last around nine months and can be reversed with hyaluronidase. In addition, dermal fillers do not leave a scar.

Juvederm and Restylane should always be injected by an experienced board-certified dermatologist who knows facial anatomy and where to place injections based on a person’s individual features which will create the best results. If injected by someone inexperienced, it is possible to end up with unnatural “duck lips.” At Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, the expert injectors know how to create optimal, natural results.

Benefits of Lip Augmentation

Thinning lips are a sure sign of age, so plumping the lips with dermal fillers is a great way to take a few years off the face. Thin lips can also contribute to a gummy smile, which is when the upper gums are exposed during an open-mouthed smile. Plumping the upper lip can help to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile! Plus, many women want fuller lips for purely aesthetic purposes, as full lips are considered attractive in modern society.

Lip injections with Restylane and Juvederm are relatively painless, as the needle used is tiny. In addition, Juvederm and Restylane Silk both have lidocaine added into the formula. Lidocaine is a commonly used numbing agent, and the addition of it into the dermal filler formulation allows for further comfort when having a procedure done. If a person is still hesitant, a topical numbing cream can be used as well to provide the most comfortable experience possible. If you want fuller lips, dermal fillers are the best way to get them!

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Dermal Fillers for Undereye Circles

As we age, our skin tends to lose elasticity and volume due to reduced production of collagen and elastin. This loss of two essential substances in the skin causes skin sagging and wrinkles, and also contributes to dark circles under the eyes. Prominent dark circles can cause a person to look tired and older than they actually are, and many men and women wish to reduce the appearance of their dark circles. Luckily, there is a way to do this which is noninvasive and relatively painless. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero can help to plump the hollows under the eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles, allowing for a more youthful, refreshed look. The expert dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology are dermal filler experts, with years of experience treating all manner of concerns with a wide variety of FDA approved dermal fillers.

How Can Dermal Fillers Help With Dark Circles?

Dermal fillers are a good choice for dealing with dark circles because they can noninvasively plump the area under the eyes. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero are gels made of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body which is responsible for hydration. Hyaluronic acid is often used topically to help restore moisture to the skin. The hyaluronic acid gel which most dermal fillers are made of can be injected under the skin to restore or add volume.

Belotero is the most common dermal filler for use in the eye area, as its formulation is softer and more malleable than the others. Belotero provides very subtle, even, natural results and is ideal

for use in the delicate skin around the eyes. Belotero can also be used to help fill crow’s feet and frown lines around the eyes. The board-certified dermatologists at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology in San Diego are known as expert injectors, and know exactly how to inject dermal fillers for the best, most natural results.

What is a Dermal Filler Treatment Like?

Dermal fillers are a quick, easy, mostly painless treatment. Having a dermal filler procedure involves strategically placed injections into the skin in order to add volume. The needles used are the smallest possible, and while the injections are not generally very painful, if the patient is worried about pain or discomfort, a topical numbing gel can be used in order to make the experience as comfortable as possible. The treatment generally takes twenty minutes or less, depending on the individual and the areas treated, and there are minimal side effects and no recovery time needed. The most common side effects are bruising or swelling at the injection site, which generally disappears on its own after a day or so.

Dermal fillers for dark undereye circles are very popular, as the treatment is so quick, safe, and effective. Reducing dark circles can have a significant rejuvenating effect on the entire face, and can remove years from the appearance. If topical creams don’t work and you are tired of your dark circles dominating your face, try dermal fillers!

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