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CLYDE SHIP PING COMPANY , ,,,.C«r -nd Powerful Btoajnera. Exoellent , Paeaeingcr Aowrum&d-tiaa. El«cmo

Light, {Reward* and $taw_rd«s» pirrtwl.C39T ud CHEAPEST ROUTE lor Oxteo and Live Stock to and born all part*



Co Q-LArtQOV^—fiVery Moud&y (direct J«s_ every Weaneixls? (vj» jViynioa-lj. ¦ ¦

5o LONDON (St. Katharine Dock)— pram QLASQOW- -Evcry Mon-£very Saturday (via Southampton. a j Thursday (disxt , 2 aven and Dovtaj 4 pac - i - ¦ -• . , ¦ i I '. •

ro LONUUN—Every Batura-y. Fiocn LONDON {St. Katncxsaa' Poci)—n* boato—npton mui IUUI 4 p-in. EYW7! Tlmnsdaj, -and Saturday.


MOoSff ...r a p^ F« DUBLIN - Every *•_____,

tfo PJymi/aia—hvery Weane-lny (direct)(direct) From Belfast— Erery Tuesday 7 p-m.

r" i?>ul!1Ji! xn~tvor7 8&tUI" i « m From Oox.-Every Friday (direct) 0 p-m.

To Newhaven—^Every Saturday From Plymouth—Every Saturday (dlrooi)(via Southampton) i * P-oa. From Bout&ampton—Eviery Friday (Tia

To Dover—Every Saturday (via Plymouth afternoonSouthampton and ftewhaven) 4 p.m.

To Belia^Every Saturday (dir t 1 pan From No v - x, Monda^^oSo Ooik-^Every Thursday (direot) 9 p.mJo Dublin—Every Saturday {vit From DOVOT—Every Tuesday (oarjro

Bclt_rt) 1 p-m. <mly) Evtiung u<ie

NOTE No Cabin Passenger carried to Oori . Belfast and Dublin.For Rates of freight. Passenger Fa res. and other informatiwi apply u

CLYDE SHIPPING CO., LTD., Custom House Quay. WAThRKu RJ .Telegraph Address—"Oumhrae."



In the Worlc_*Jfc~r[k

* SAILING. AQUITAN1A (building),pS^^MSi—, (witi or without Pilot to NEW VORK TO HOSTON

"B" ' .i ' » OT -Vriflh liberty tO t»W Lujitanla Sat Mar 9 IreoU, W.d Mar 1 1nr Assist V<*£els Campmla Sat., .. 16 PrancAjnia ne* ru«.A[to» iui »»t» «»" • MaureLania Snl.. .. 3! Locoou n» TUc». «


REGINALD, Eta. LONDON and SOUTHAMPTON.WLVTERFORD AND BRISTOL. "LUSITANOA" and "MAORETANXA. "Sailing from Cumberland Basin, From Qouthampton to Portland, tie

• - Ascanla ( i Ullcnia Tbu*» . Arw f 'AasoaU Thurs Apr. i t | Ausouli ( n e u i Ttiurt. U J V I


roe* > .. , o ,. | fr.u, , , o P m. ASGANIA (neweet uteamer ia OuuadiaDToe»djy 11 . .4 o p in * r«uy s 7 30 p.m D6PVl<»y.

T__£ 5-, °c P.™ ' !#>?• ij - ;; ss . Appft-SH ou «tc«? 6&& °°-J

I Ftid ', T .« 1 j» p.m Ltd., 61, Bishopegoio, London, E.O, and. , : „ , _ „ , 8 and 12, Water fit , Liverpool ; or -to theiiLoading Berth—Broad Quay, Bristol. agents—Ward Brothers and Harvey and

PtBsengBre Embark at Cumberland Son. Wateifordi; Mia M. Cotter, Baily-D . D . « . dufl; Maohael FaLey and P. Evans, Dun-fiatdn, Bnstol. garvan ; Mrs. Kate Begloy. Oappoquin ;

Average Sea Passaje, 14 to 15 honrs. J&meB Ahearne «r Jos. Geary, LismoreWATERFORD AND LIVERPOOL. ^ Sr

McGrBtb OT R" Lan<V' C&TTiCk-

fBOM WATER FORD FROM LIVERPOOL. _______________________Friday, J . . 2 o 'p.m Kr ¦•>y, 1 . 8 0 a.m "

SoaUy, 3 - 7 0 a.ta 1 Uontuj, 4 . . 100 a.rn<7tJao>br 6.. 3 c p.m ' WediKMUv . 6. . u o noonfi_—, : 8.. 3 0 pin. I Fridiv. 8.. 1 o pintonU? 10.. 7 o am Uanily. 11 .. 3 » PJ" t^fMITTlt* &T_& fKl ILRFl "Wolae y 1J.. 11 o nocn ! Weinmayn.. 6 o P.m WJ/U - B U _. fc> B MIAI l_tl|U ->

ESy 15. ' ' o a.m jiJnYiv.' ,''..'10 o i.m ROYAL MAIL TREPLE-SOREWWodo<wUy, : o . 3 o pjn. .'WriM->..».. il o am BTPlMVTI fJFriday ; s a . 3 o pjn 'C'lday zi. 11 oooon OliV/LUoUO,

(Veduokxaj. a; 11 o roon Wcio nd^T".. < 0 p. ai OLXUflU \*» ** WHS), UI A.N1LFriday. jx» .. 1 0 p.m I Kriday. X).. 7 Jo a.m <5,000 tO08) .»«n<tar. 31 ..7 o ..n, •' LARGEST STEAiMERS IN THEra. _^ _k,'T 4 t fc^X^7vkrf,- : ¦ WORLD.¦ ¦¦ : u^

-»£3SS£&k£m *L UiUILT IN IRELAND.)

.f C ££&5Sf iw*&SSl QUEENSTOWN1-AhES—WUtrtord ud tlT«pool »_i W«l»r(onl TO N'EW YORK . 1O BOSTON

«_* Prjtol-Cibin (llrurtc). 151. } Cbildrto coder t» Oiymp K rhur» . M J , . I < Cym.u sun .\p-n •ya«r« vl g< '»- ; Cabin Return, iVallftbla for Two O.IK h^ i. " Mjj rftl* Thu^ 1Morlbl (opt ional to tturo to of from Brtltol or Unr- O.canu 1>( >. . ;- V-h't Wed. . 1,*»<V tu * Cabin Re nra. ChiMrvn ttndrr is ycxn, I5& I U U L tr.djy . /> , >.vit i i i k . l !> u r« M ' r ¦&« 1 tmiit T«. 6d Ditto Cbildrcn under 11 jrean. 41.

f«--micr» booked thraucii b*i«m> Wittrtord «n4 , , , ,naiuf Ufi' ,- aiiwjj bt_uoni »_*; L«acu_r» «_ and Kgularly therearier .WMtcb'i* Railua) SUtlona.

« Hxt- aad > jrcrti Booiad thras k kxwm *0Jprlo- 'American Line Stuanier .Oral Slitloai no Great Southern tat Weetero, Orext\*(h«rA - QrtiU Wettern. Lancashire' tat Torksblrtk T. , , . , ..l*-Jou Mi Xo ti- -.veiiern . i od.n »nd fcoui Wotn. Unsurpwsed aoconimodation lor b u*\.«'«»iC»nuai«n ' Midland tUil«r»Y»toui< fTUWitirfor*. Second and Third Clrtas Pru>s<?rLjn!nB at

< H Tht Ltj iB;Mm :irx r *a\ to accept »nn undcrun Jy^ ratC3

ir-r^V '1 ' " ..STJ^Vt.? fafj""!

Third-Cia Pa«en««e 1. .air ... n M nc cent ,0 rxuitn haTtnt Yearly are ajlowed liee tickets between Newini-mrmr u ' jv »d per c.ui t'Occaiionajshippcra. Yori, Boston and Philadelphia.

>« UliN*t >ee mUo Speo-1 Form.eopplUd by _. Apply tO HarY«>- and Son, 12, jia-l-C_fPt_JP , H . stone-sireet, Quay , WaU-rford; Alessre-*TKWOKD-\» utedord It^mirJp Oo. <l_nlUel), «ar<l o^OS-, *¦ B0lXon8trana-6lrecM,

ci. — oifUe. The Maa Nitlsnmi T«u»b«u KV IS. W ateriord ; Mite Margaret Cotte*. Pi-stLlvsspooL-Wat<r<>ra ste~n-hip cs. (UaitW), q Offioe , BaUydufl , Co. Waterford , Mr. T

*S i*W^rrir«' fS»Xil?H ?,Ty't KLTr,°re> - 00- AWat?fa rriJkTC*~--i »«n«i»-«nd CumbtrUn* BaSa. McGrath, Snapping Agent . Camck-on-UMItiCK—Lower -usawi rtiniMy O_ca, Sair to James Soott and Co., Queen*-

S«B-fl3, _ «_-_, o_. <,„ a. a . ^T / anCd~»rtttertal Aiirea (e* Tt!«n__i_a ST_i_,> M Co ., Liverpool, 1 , Cocttfpor-str.-ot, S.W .

«*_rt««* UMTTMI BrtoUl,« ---_> an<] gg LeadenhaU-etreot , Undon, Ex'.


Liverpool t-u I'hilatlelpfua—Wednesdays, Oailing at Town (South Africa).Calling at Qufcvrw.own on Thursday. gcEVlC ... 12 ,5.11 tous , A pril 4.Paeeengc-M and Ucx«L- are land.-d at PERS1C ... n$u toon, May 3

Philadelphia an the Wtoarf of lh<3 BUN1C . . . 12.488 rona , . . . Jaoe IPwuusyJvania Railroad, which ha* th<3 MBl) 1( .. 11 , 084 tons , . ...ini.e 11Shortest and most piiiict Route to allplaces -in tlie Western Stcites. These Steamers o.r« twin-derv* flttod_ ¦

iu_— v«,-i, Hi ni w^10 Dll 8« keels, and bav<? been tpeciall yQuoen&tcwn to New VorU dlroot struc,

ioi Uw Oolonial TraJe. The

TbursdayB durinp Winter CHonths accommodation oompria* 6moking,ipply to Vnienicin Uno. Liverpool, P^ading. and Dining Rooms. Burgoon

firyn«Smnt£>n OT to an(1 Stett ard ¦£» cariiod. Fare.v-To Ans-wTterford-Hanvj and Son. 12, Glad- traha, £2] to C32 to Oape Town , £15

ne slreet. ' 1(te- 0d. to £24 5e. Electric Uglit tDiroug h-Waterford—Ward Bros., 2, Barronstrand- out.

Tipperary-John Oairigan, 51. Main-«t. Apply !to Local Agents as in advert |a-diwk-on-Suir-Riohard Landy. raent aW or to ISMAY Htltib & Cty^Smk_P. Nugent., 75. O'ConneJl t. Liv«->ool . 1 Oockspur etrcet S.W.. an<JDmniarvan- J. OaUinan, The 8quare. 38. J. - adcnhaU Street, E.G., London.Cappoiquin—Kate Begley. Emigration .

Ageit. ; •- ' - • : Qraigue— John Murphy, Grocer ry-v fV.Ai-rr./xr*! nlvY .it:r"i~5New Kosfr-Patrick flunt, 16, Quay, and [Q £_ii!fiR) [R2(sQilJ&

• Wi G. WiUJams. W~. , - f . . HT , , . , , 1 1Thomastown—M. Westarman, Church-6t. n{-| CAGT Tft finrtOlfiftW«tord-W. Timpwn, North Main-st. QELFflST TU OAfJttlUfl.KUn^W -W 0-IWghue. WtaldxU- Servico ol


¦ ¦ _ _ '¦ Frofm LIVERPOOL, "Empre**"1 Roya].. , - j y jj r;,_^

m<, , j. , j , |

GALVANIZED CORRUG A TED PASI; SERVICB TO CANADA .CUCD'rV : FROM BELFAST. FROvl L|\ EKIOOLb n C C l o . Ukt lL.n.tot,a MaiUi 15 Lake Ha rA • M.r 14jnCC l o. L»kt Muhitobi MaiUl 15 Ultlli r...ij . M,t i 4

For Excellence 0/ Quality and Durability fcJj O-™*"- cu'a 'r"1

!! ,'i; ¦ ! i j ££?L ] ' '•^rFm2\ ! ' P.—»engor» from' Boltaat embark by

R I I V i T H R l/Prm-a! RP4N0 Tender ai 10 ^a.m. from DonegaU Quay

BUY ! 1Kb nb*z5W] ' "K^l^f i on moming of rsadlina..1 . 'S X nj f y J ] -- Unsurpaeaodi aooommodation.

VSai i Cheap Through Tickets to ; »U ; inl«|idi ; ; and for Gcoi Value in | , dftinattoi* ; in Canada lujd United

N E ITEW R N f * P phlL, 'tan-tilo. «l«j ' _«ia fromINO BEQOlSl^ft 'VyiAK. NETTINO, 0 p " j ' ^WariTT Strooti M P.

^rr^te.^^^:00^; B_a_sra^o^^r_¦ ¦•• ¦ i:' . ." . • - : . . ' : '

: * i ¦ '¦ . I : : i Son. IS Olsdst ^D* Btroot, Wat ||fo«l. |

¦• | i ; : : r |:. :> ¦

¦. • . . | . - i I : ¦

. ,, ' V ! '; '¦ : I /- j


i This Fiipar canfe | !¦¦ ¦

•. i : :- '! IAI-I - . •• .¦ : [ ¦ . ] 1:1 " ! ; T : : ' ! ' l - '•

a Ire6 tetnrannei of iSlOO', ;: : i ^ . 'H:;i- ;;:, j - li |- ,.;..;; i . ; . .- i-, | - = |-. - i \ -i

j 'd^^^^idiiiii^fi ; (Jnaraiitee i J ;• j

^fcfiJ-^iGcw^wyt^v :X^itfeaJ ¦ :v- J• ¦ : - 'I ¦ ii


3\ umif i^e ۩nip@5tr|fe3


' * 1 . ¦ :

Accident and Guarantee Cpr£j oi>nti6n,,p im3tpd.(Empowered by SpecialAct of! Parllatneqt.) j ! , j

Firo . Burglary




CZscd CJiHSco I

Cifl oorfjato Street, Lomidoin) .T. M. A RIJ GTBODO, Ucncoer a Soerrtcro

THE WATERFOR0 N b W s . FAlKJUJ lt-©fi f lj il ™** A SSDKANCE CO.,5& _ U Ci) INSUR A NCE '

• 9' «> EGE GREEN. DOB^m./ v A • I J Now uD itfd wrth thaUcean Accident and ,

/-> • i e U N F J B I O P F l O Eguarantee Corporation , f .fE-npowtcd l.j SpediJ Act ol Pmiliwnem) ''1 " fFoundcd J710)

Principal Office : j fWj in Hocdj . .. £3.125,82836 to 44 , Moorfate St., London , E.C. o;_ r__ __

., _ , _ „ _„_"v '" " * ' - ; Fi« Insuranow in aXl its Branchja.I Workmen "a Oompanotttion <ioiludin3

r . J . Coopoo Iosnrno.ce.TUke. DUI J ^^ ^ B ^sot be detached. R

- _. ,~ Win b. paid ,,y T H > DIREOTOfRS

i' 1 111 III AN" AO


S(n I] nljilj CORPORATION , Limit *.. | rj,LJ ii j QEOQHEG'AN , Esq.u

rtfoo?t!tebt reJ "il'onion ' JOHN MOONEY. Eeq . JJ 1

K .C., to (h« legal pe.feraa) r*n.n£jilaltt< or 16* 6c"a _. _ n . , _,fill/ boldi r ol chto CoupoB-lotnrju,ce Tlckcl il Ib. JAiitES D. O'CONNOR. Efiq , B L.. JJ*i .oidcuhall b« 'KI«I or UUlly Injured bfj " accidi I . I ormrion n n'PHIIV Ra i- . I U LI ii« Uulted Klutdom to any Hallway c n. BERNARD H. O IU3LULY , ii&qi>.iiv»pa»iiK«r-ir.lninwhkh tb«bol<!cri» travtUi ". (Mrniairina Director)

l'io» de Ihat Uit ftb<mt undcrtikrn/ U lubject i.. ' ¦.t u Jc *-tiii (. rxcLU ccixfltiunj, whicll axe of Ibr | "————" . !_ LJ_lLJJ^TTT~~~~~~iS??~

CMCUC« 0, Ibe cuotract, *il- i<o) That dfetb re ilt »U*»» thlrtT «y» »<Ut Ihi I .»;- .—. _-, ._ _ « -.— «n -^acu<!<nl i (t) that thJ holier «&all. rulortirtbr i T7 T C TITT? A PT /T* 77 ' "* )iIiTe wtmo) hii(or )ieT) u»jaJ lljpuU.rc I It Vsj _j) UJ _,A _ _\J iliJO'in luk in (hv tp^ce pniTidcd undernMtb ; (c) lh i ' _* ¦<—¦ » vo»t>cc ol the accident be cWen to tb« Corpormtlonal ik Pnoclpil Office In London ulltiin (ourtcen f _____a«ts^Ucr Lie occurrenca i (rf) tbat Gnedica! ccrti .tiwiltk an < oiber inforiiiation be fumlsbed b- thr 'prrt-in t-1-iimiug opoti request for the eamc b\ rillon . andUi thl$ laiuiano appi t. | ~|— ^v I l£o P BWl (TllOTf PPOonly vo pcrKmi oTor twelTc and u,,dr- . ,„„ , Irlre, _.I1( O| C lnfipi—'y -.ITJoyr4rl I i£e, i» Hrulted ta one Coupon I.. .u-

i. - e i lor any..neboldei , and bolfU co"-1 I"' '"' ! I |«« A Ct-Jt-i^Pt ittlfl<^ P 't*,.,«ni week of IUIK only. I L . IVG OlOCH , V3 l —l-JO| C1>Thli leiunnce entltlo the holder In tit b«ne6>

>l >n n i« tuti|.-tl to. tie ccndlllons of th« •• OccaD i , Acct .rnt and Guarantee Company, Ltd ,Act , l8j>." RUka Not. a f t ) when (hey tn oo: '....oiupalibte with th. epedjl—M-lrd. ; | n p/1 —¦ C ^^f M I ? T V

The p eu-n of thU OB»po_.|._ ™_»T1«l« ' J A TvT E S \ J M I » « V ,II adm/ttcd to bt the piymeal of a prttnlma node ' _ _ n ... n _icct:..n j ot the Act. A Print oi the Acl can be etei, ' Ii UO & " WA T Kf t t - r \Rn>. itt Prucipal Of&c* cJ tbe Corporatlaa

Stj namro of bolder _ _~——

EctrblLilicd SO )t'araM A R C H 8tb ,


Vnttdmi Affus fcfidOnp o^ /fte O/t/r^ tstabllshcd Hotels lr ¦ otertord.

CMfei ftstel ephone No. TH" M A I L (C ?rir ,°' « ..H[QJ I * .«~ t .'«ri _-l-. Colbeck-street)


- i-l - - - - : - - L

j I -X-'-I . ¦" '¦" fSpetjd N ew Year Holidays ot [ WATERFORD

Foiir Courts HOTEL ; U~MINN'S QUAY, , DUBLIN, _,


100 bedrooms 'from 2/- por Night. '» bzs bemi eatabUshoil that oat Mall

I A.DIE8' COFFEE ROOM. irfff"*


RooVaurant—Popular Prices. ' _?*l'SSped- Low Tariff ; for Donrder*. . P"1"1 OatiBtacUon, aiyl U fortHc?

Banquets nod Club Diancrs catered for PtFOof \epcolaV Accommodation for Wedding b(J roq ijQjj w0 oonConily rdcommona!partl «*- I onr J. 3. Q B., Powcr'a Swallow andj

' . | 8cotob WblBbey, Honnbubyifl • • • !OiTLOliin£ Lf OD CCrtU. , Btanay and Pmro Janialoo Pnm.

"" i ' . _ I ¦ . ¦ ' - f '

Henry G. Kilhoy . \ FhAAT H?V^¦ yirc? : "Excel, DobUn." ¦• . ; 3Q $(//£&[ ;

mr. .i ii [ i__».. i.i - i- " " V" , ' ' ' . - I ' ¦: I : I ¦

" rua yieuton : Hp-o_. . , DOURrj E,,OUT,3 p /WIOKW OT. ORW»«: 6T.. . ||| :: ¦ < ^; :| Wc 1

^i WlUhWW' ox , »_U U M ox., I j «•%/ ! mtr '

I : ¦¦¦ ; : wi__Dr, i • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ - : ¦ ¦ ®Uf__d TVr~~

n:: -:. ¦ H-j : - J '^r-fSPlQectraJlJ :: eil|»-tcd. llodauW cad Jlcot i __ i i l I | :. ; . ; ; , ; ;j - .: I i . :. Oxnfortible. . ' • V i ¦ ] ' '• . ! : :•'[¦ ',[ L''- ";L'; . rJ :> : ¦ ! ; ¦ • . . . -: ¦ ; : t -. • ; • &» ii imi. ;_*_«* -'if ip«l¥l1

i °< ie-' 'H^ buajEest-nra^cttac-od.

1' ¦

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r THE/M)t AND , CpUNT, l!y!|LOAN 00., LIMITED,:i ; . :: > . 0><50N^^rJ:1eTREE(T1i j.WATERStaRp,

¦ ¦ i ; r . • ¦• ;. MiaKej-CfiiSli AKh-'onaesi <iail!y io Ladiof -J '(Jenilemanj: \ i 'F«rmen», :. j: S_oipii»6paiB;.i' 1 1 ~ '• I JJIIQJ- ' J___L_____w*jLi]-- 1 ¦ Sjoivibr'rinieiQt Offiry&'I. nrwy oi S'inedpiffhsdblie |; • • ' i ' i ¦ ¦:•¦ ^| ./Vft tViO"! I ¦ i' ll ' ¦*Wf>'aa« -inT-ny j part ' Jliekjia, •". an., ( ! • ': ¦' . ; ; . i '**/yrt*: *y i *f; \ ': . ; f ¦•^¦¦- 'i:|| ;l Approved IWsonM ^ Seiriririfjy—^oteAcrt! ' i \':'' f > A i \' IIDwARhC ill ' ^Wf1 1. -lottej

¦¦ 1 i__i:. 'i*6__~«'|:- jnobliicity. :

: H; - <jylO--V "Vft,rq|*?) lfP'- jig ¦¦ .He onnente can ip-.tnaije'W.bnStiaJJme'n^;1j »*"<*?««p"-»««««ap to«_j_ji(ki!ii«w|iiii • <^r jai unto b& ateamged.' f Th>86 iitoaiirang1

! : twf»w^'iiavaaic^<.wl!i mjd j-^^^Mnwitbi

a;- beat aijkiijntet' leltaBlieiMirianiaiera'I.:: &$vnnckig ;<m' ' &r8or 4^1Ii »3^Ju g ¦ itW' OTf«in^'ftoTrf€rrnv8-Ddpert <Joilasij wbish:

iiQ^sss - - Mali.; ; toaMiiy :!iljp£tiiSbr

TEE lWATOSFdljpl [ 1D.OMJ JCO_#AOT* ' '¦¦ S, JOHN STRltET,! WATERFORD, ! ' ¦

Are prepared to tMOT,':wlUi the gresiiest (kwfidenoe and Gecreoy, <v_ fippKoaljon?trom £2 UPWARDS, to all peroona Ion th«Ir OWN APPBOVHD PEBfiONAL

. SECURITY dn any pa<t of Lretond. !Busineaa ccip-ied on in' ji most eiraishtforward i»nd exact knanner.

Apply,—THE MANAGER ^ 8, John Street, Waterford.



«>" (Open to the GetKoel P^bUc). , ^^U DiacoUNTOp gB P^

DUBLIN. ; j oeoarity, euietlt or inter-Eptablish -'JieiM. Incorporated {£74. /?B OOn mRROYliprJ i M K H.LdANS &EANTED ON THE MOSt -O'°00


O a Afm rj PERSONS.^



J SJS^&Antfnol Income, a Qu_t*er ol a Million DV MADE, AND NO RAIJU'" • : . • Bterling. j v 1 WAY FARE . -t .

*_8KRVE r UNO,, £20.000 f()8T. ,£SS ffiDepodta itecedvcd at ihe tallowinj , Loans paid oS orr lnofer.fgd,rates of inteneet:— . and those who are -bootAt Cfill— JJPter Cept perAntmin tolborro— should -write forFor OrjwjorXwo Yeare 3 J# „ fnl] inform-lian toFar Tmi-e Yearo Si *„ ., ',

Cnrrent Aocwinte Opened, and Intereat THE STANDAPD PRIVATE FINANCE CO.nljlrjwrjd ; on the minlimun monthly bal- OP ICELAND , Ltd.*n"r <l4o6pectTi8 and all information JA,MEfl O. WAlfiHB, Sec.

FUBb H. MERGER. Secxetarv. 16 ^ &., »UBUN.

* '. 4 : 1 1 1 ' '-

P?oW.1 A?S^l'jTw«illeiry.* iBy i WnWTf 'V r UTiftTTG_M.! Saarngfis. ; FvjwtoYe . Vf ooar lUUlMU jt i-i-UM JLHerdTrAw. pio«jin3 and Property-of .„ c-pT^rtOT p,,,-./-orory . dwenptkm. Milner and otheil , IN !*?TRICXEBT PEJVAOYFireproof Safes far the security of v&lf To Formcro, 0hopfcecj«ff3. Pnb-uabtos, ¦ : . ¦ ¦

¦¦¦ Ubam, Uerohcota, CLiSjawn --*Groodi by. Post or R«il attended to, alJ other prl-aUv Lodin and Q«nite-

M,mo\ day £3 received. Bank Noted men, tri&rat csctrrity ol foes, atend FfiCfcy Orders irninMiatoljr. remitted. loV taterept. En«rjt Repayment* to¦ "•- ; :>'(•' . 1 ''

;"-'' " '¦ ¦' ""¦ • ¦ ¦ '• • • • •• ¦ '•• ¦i 1 rrilt BorrawoTB * - ccmirenicjijsei-i Dj>

' " <5trf-*tryf" <!«>/»rf»i-TT f •-r~w~ tSnca no object: Ccsb; icsat by

Old Gold end Silver Bought. Forolja odt a perconal ' lntcrvi*—J".-0-- ExchanacrX

g .

privaie BankO S*4EEOV pnu/nhrol<n, «• S0UTH »""•] °ORK.O SrtEGOY. Pawnbrottor

\ VD Jr. WKI.LE RCfi <£» C3 Ballyb J6i<on

£20 to £5,000 AOVAWOEDTHE IRISH LOAK COMPANY ""%; P^'Jnder o^ sTniPromifsory %it».

Ho BUb oJ 6-s taiea and cbsolirterinrirrv /\ r.vAnpnn priTacy euanmteed. Firot letter of cp-MOWav AOVANC0D pjibauon xoc3iTC3 promptVtenttan, and

_ _ _ . „ . . . intending botrrotTcro oro wtitjd upon byProm C2 rjpwardj to o_ KapcotaWf a tqorfaentaUvo ~r_o ¦ to'. answered' tocomplete troos-ctisn on tomx nratricHy

Perron* on their oxra Approvod Ceeority. arnangej. NO CHAnQB ' beteij sacdonnlc» Braioeca ACTUALLY COM-PLETED. enecfal QnotaUiooo tor Eh«rtLoans. Write to oon-drinoo to


.. _.... ' ' • KXCMEOUE S STREtl , DUBLIN67 , JOHN STREET . WiTERFOUD „ ," ,„ „ ' " IHoul Off lea : Corridor Ob.-razors. LeCeastor

^*exzn '¦ ' i


: "ST. AWTHOIX3V OF PADUA,"]j PRAOTiOAL SYMPATHY 10 MOST URGENTLY, NEEDEID.1 Loirors ol Bt. Aathony, do ples*o give :u* & helping hand to Complete «. Pormanont Home for the Blessed Sacrament.

At ono time we thought God had abandoned this poor Btru&jling Mission,bat it CTI3 only a trial. God wished to reveal to at that, ii we did what o«oould lor his Honour and Glory, He wooild do the rest.

Since the opening ol our aniall Eicristv-Ohurch, iust two ye^ra ago—inapite o(l much oppceutoa to oar Holy FaitL—fjxeat thlnj* have beola aoMeved.Alxeadr ! Seventy-iFonr Oonverts hav» boeo. received, and maoy morei -re underAlready | SeventyiFour Oohverts hav» boeo, received, and many morej »re nndei

¦ lMtT_3tl©_«>. ,

¦ 11 • ¦

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Thrtrash th« ganoroaity ol the Fadt^fnJ we havo , accomplirshed Four GreatThinrr3:—0) Becmxod a n_<rni—ceat"i«iit«.: i (3).Presbytery completed. (S) A beauti-ful ' Olub-room. (4) Portion of the lOharc- bjuiit. Thani God, all this h*» beeam ompUshed and paid tor and no debt: on the MJeslon. ;Wb still bara Bafflcientenerjry left to complete tho building oi|:tho muroh, ; lf y<ta, dear iUd(a, willonly rally around no and'send us Chei neooeaaty meoos for tho: pibchaso ot

i tho materlaJs- How nxaajr bodfl oi ;brio«tij will you eeodf j . ; ; ; ' ) )" '.¦ '¦.

' It ia' tre who toil to j the Sa.yio_r'b¦' Vlneyaid, but1 the 1 merits ol our';workl aroiahared, in ample meawre; Vy tho£«'|who 1 fumiah us the moana to do thoirorka ol God. : Those Mta, w« know, ofleni wmo from nriyatlona and sacrifice-TJhich are the fftm'tT*^"fii oi tha _njjtb. 1 Undoubtedly,, they rcosivJ _ :reeom-penao lroro Him to Whom thejl are oflored. Wo oan pa,y pack only I feebly by,lourprayers. but bo urarod that we dolnot nil in this stored duty for all our^^* Y+U J ** V f «* w wv ¦—_»•* ——» ***m 9 mm m m " ~~ v ^ w i w v w -

__^_r ,_, ¦ -—• *- ir« w— — ^ ^ — ^ yv« ^p_» ^^ we*'

. Berjefactors, ¦, : j " i i ;If Ofttholdcs could only reoUse for themiolvea tho {acts rolatSog to this

Etrngfflias MJeaioo, both for what i» bolngl done and what could bij done end;wh&t i« not done, It Is ,oertsin that theyl|would| be more! alive to Ihi real andIttrgent neoeaflity ,of doins aomt tbin? forjitis. Were it only to offer a little prayer'6ach day for t_o Rptcsd of that Feith- which- thoy tbinz they love dearer than!j U t o ' itsplt.1 ¦ : ' [ ' I I ' ' I ' ; " ¦

; • . . ) : - ! j i , - r j. i , j . s ; !! , , I: By hotbinff ua to complete a Permanont SComi i lor the Blesstd Bacraaa: nt you are'thus aiding oa tha OanverdoO; of Kaslwid. All OUT ht>pes of ira«is» are Injtout co-operation- Sorely rou I will . -Mi refuse I; Yon may not bo cMo to hcis.touch:• indeed, bat you ban help! a ldttto, and ft , 'multitude of "lilies ' n x a n a a1iffreat 4©a]> : for, our'people are; ihe Pdorart ol the poor. ! V |; :"r ' i ,' : koniemberl : I Tbe little' Bacritty-Ohtirch * far; too amaH. Many a»-turned i ktray Banday by Bonday (or -anVJf roo nJ HoV sad to turn av »y geeker»after: Truth. AH th_ -oould |W ,: remedied ,¦ i! you TN» I to send I yot i donation.W-I ' i -.!¦ "¦ >

¦. : ¦ ¦ i !N! j ! - . -"i i T i ! ¦: I; - ' i ¦ ! ¦ -J: * :- | ' ; - ;

ii , o^K -FATHEB W. Bj jGRAY;

Si; Aitfcony'e I t-h . Fake Jam Nor-'' i :Bpm &;, \:f . : ¦ ¦ ¦

] ' .f \ \ \r - ; i ii h! II: ¦ : i. :? j - ; - , i rf/ ij-r: P 3.i—J(|wUl gretofaHy -na;promptl;r^adtnowledse th«>, *malWsi dooatioDand ecnd wtth coy, acknowledgment «> piatar t"of thc' i Saoted-. .Heart > . ind St.|Anthpny!ol;;Pad--.. ; V : ! ;;:;j ii ; j ', j: ', : ' ,| j j| ¦ .| l . ^,; f ^

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liEo t'cj-Jcpdo, jljpdldGpQi . OcaoQopb;,,. . Cairirj>Q^o,!;;! ! [ ' (PeraridlDtsDa-oro,. omk)||. fl3<:r_o» '( .; ¦: i'- (

F T <RtftfiWj 71_\ T^ilili »?w> /HO I !!pl,at|Worte:and;iUasic^

• 1» l ^V/y

pMip' OS VUJ'o^ |j I i|j Warehbusel , ,.i ' ' .' ' I : EfetabHshed 1836. ' . ; ;: l ¦ - ¦ i

: i i ' j ! j : ' '. \

i . ! . j j i ' : Harmoniums; !! ' I : ¦ ¦ ¦ ! I ¦ Ameripan | OrgatBiI r,_ j . . '. . - j :¦ liyiolinB.Stringg.BbwB.leto.! J I Jfl Pi / [r31*!! I '! All kiQaa of MnsioalI l i t IT?! iffiil I - i ¦ I iDBtrnments'sappllea: -

1 ! _*%> ' - SSrl/ ' I i Hftnoa atilio^estPrlSs¦_SJ J|SJ j S5^ta_9 {- .- i l .c^'1 !'J '.'r Hire Pufchase

^^J__ ai^ ^ ^ lffi .'ssisii:

•Tri^^ B - : ¦ ¦ •• . - ¦. [ f . - :! OM It.rtrnmenW tab'inra- ii ¦ •"_£3^i n

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; ' : iPart Bxchan'ge-UinrocS ;1 ; ¦ ¦ 1 :: ; ¦ h . - Value Avowed::: j !

Looi oat for onr|Petkok'e Bay W i d o w Grand Dii lay \pl Irisih Mnaia. Ca> |tcmcra czo lkrvf~d to Icome i M c e tho AUi»n'e;|G^d£tte;Pi3inofQrte.: '<¦ ''¦ ¦ Me Addressesi, Quay/^aterford.U :'; ;;]

| ¦Telegrams:—" liowtoi. ; Watcrioid'." \ ' ' X :|. M fj ; : i' ¦. , ¦ ; ;i

: : '' - - : ] !. I ¦ •

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N01ICE I ' Vnder'i&Wtte & I>oatid& \

TO FARM ERS. Vdlow Ro^lBerestor tr^! _L ; 'T T

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;, iEL^fARp I ¦ JLBH, |; Riq^i;j^lii|i|_^ ^^«44.I$M4M ^^&X ^M :

. ;¦ ' IT^'cxdlCtt-^ toauikt--1 ! • . .Ar- ^-toWf-teneli^Si- •. . ¦ ' H<ri=3 c_d; 0-t_»;toaui2it_-1 • . ¦ if - rai_4»!!;lirf_^T*i£___t"; ¦¦: , . ' ! ¦ __.' I U ¦ ¦ ¦ Wreathej, etcJi; Cfrxntry] UnprEOiitat :'

TUqmab-jStr et : Wateffoitli ' . j - ! .|:; pi>iied:: • : - : C-. :l |."¦¦ 1 ! j i i ¦

L i [ ' ' '' '¦¦ \ ' i ¦ ' ¦• ' i ! n ' i 'M ¦ '¦ ' ¦'! :'- >':r


la prepared,. to rem-we Itesd and Db; ¦ . , • • Nott A'darefii»;-rT-:- ;!. ¦ j j'- ! . jabled Hoices eind Odtjle troni cay 01a** -. YELLOW BOAD'&BEllESFOBD KB, ¦'within a] rpdiu»; ol -PxEleeni MBi sp cJ 1 ':E_tb__l_h_d. " lBBa.1 !! '; ! ' l i ;¦¦ i- ¦ Watdrford, '. \ j .. \, l : , ' H '- ' H I ' M J I ' I J IJ , ; i i i ' ' ' - lkr i

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Ail Animals Imi_ediat«ly EemoTCd Co; _ . , L.I_ !i- . -|, ;_ -:i l|i ii

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Receipt o| Tclesrtaa, Lotfer JT Poatsjad. .j Y&G . GiOn, WjZterf p r d % |:. j J, . ; ; j ; , , - \ —L ,. ' ;|| j : _xt. KiKTi>s.|;» |t. |auSRKij_i_iiisi;. . atd_ii., "|Plecbo- iJTota Ad<_ca>i . ' '¦ jj j :| ' ' • ' 'Ero. ADH ' AJtD;: BEFJL-fes l j . | j

Eti WARp f WJLLSW, Tkf ci&StTcd i RTJBKBB;J iS i:iOK

CTD^I ¦ '!' I 'vrAxkmFonD. 1 : / \ I \*$*P**#.\ L M \ l '\

• : , I ! 1 ! GENiEBAL 8-U_Hw6__.: i ii ' i 1

Tflle ranb;- "rf tlti. Thiaj-Ti' E ceV PfiBdONALr ATTENTION TO A_D ! I

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. I (Vtolcsa c end Ef ctpU j . ; i' • i J ; 1, . - || ¦, | : « ."¦ , : ¦. . I , : 1 : .

Flih, ;o|ai*io, "T?^Mf|rlr, : i FOKI jMPW^V 'TROU liEi |- | -¦ a - lco j-4orco,V i . ; . -j -j ,|jjST i« ;i_ l tt_¦iar - B?-*v -isrqaBTr

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WATFRFORD '¦ . ; , Qo^Wy < wmo'TO[[*e conaesticof _tte£~H .WAICW UW. . ; . . antl npon1 tob_|lyjrf^5eT_ldneyaiCo:! I ¦ L ' ji ! ¦ : ¦ ¦ i fuifiJ these1 , peopeai; - jfonoUimtr—Ol; :riSw \y i i 1 i ! : - : . | ; ding the;blood pt ¦m imwni&eie.- 'niiy , 1

JG ^C O of the .Choiceoi : ^ SS!ff t&& f^ '--bt NTRY ORDERS ;(?ARBR LLV; i , : j lln ,

ls., : t ; . 'I , : -

;; ji i ;' l unpipEii Tp. [! :. / . M . . . ' :{! ^5Sl ;;i ]f; i - .. ij} j! :;^ ef>_4 r4 - :.i™^M' \Jrl 7f \Hm ^TUW^M $i ^TpT f *-l ,.r : i- ; : tU :-| i .i .M V.:U,L ^:)M}i|¥UiiilS*|^J

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wdjered Kidn^Tlpidl SadSteT" ffi- !PRFORD - : : : ; , V&pty 'K?I)™I* conaesticof sttS3H ¦>CBf uitW'j; , ; . antl npon1 tob_$ty/;rf l£eTi_dneyai Co- i,

L ' ji ! ¦ : ' ¦ h fuifiJ these1 , peopeai; jfonoUimtr—Ol; :riSw fi I I : - : . | J ding the;blood p i m'topaiUiH k.- ¦'Da?, "'

the Choiceoi' : <-9<> aUay. Infianpj-tlon of th piaddar . ;,"i ! i ¦ : ¦ i ! etc." m «J1: Urinary, ttioubldi • ; i i; ! i - '

Ulty. I : ! 1 ' ; : . I j I j !:¦¦»- . 1

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l)ERS ';(?ARBRlLV; .I . 'HY ^^-^rl!; ' . ' !? \yl

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i! !; i: : i ; ;j ' I ! - I ! I • " " -M I. : - ; : • ; ' !L j l i:. : . .:. M : ; : i ;

Members Vrote3t / dnstI j i

Opening of Theatre in Lent

" Insult 10 the Bishop andI Clergy/'


Election of Chairman Challenged


The monthly nj <-ft.:ng of Uuo Corporatin:: oi War.orford was hold on Tues-day m tbe 0>nino:J Oiuimbor. City HoUl.Tiie Mayo-' (VoiLnmilor . Al. K'jrvnan) put-»i:.led. and there wer» pteent—lAldwmenJ RJIWS Quintan , Dr. CSaHivan <HightSh-Tiff). M Quinlsn, T WhlMlx?, CoiUJcii-I rs Dr M.-.rv RtiT3Jtg;iKvii , Di. Manns, PW. iKeictv . Thomas O'Neill . James tfiao-kc 'X. P. <5-.iQiga.n . P . Grimes , D O\HanIan, Wm P. Mai^r . < >\w- :i Dawson, WinFitzgerald. M Mal>0!;:uJ. , \V J. Smith ,R. 'Wh rttl*. Richard Kefcme , Wm. Fitz-geraJd, P . Quanlan , R:chs.rd Grant . TFitzgwraid,. James Puuvc . Mnmmce Quin-Lu, rum.', Ed\v'arxl Wal-li, and M. Oa.s-sin. '

Messrs ; J. J F*oiy. Town. Clerk , PHigginrf , Assistant Town Clerk ; JFleming. Bocr'aug'h Surveyor , P. AMunp&iy, Law Advisor ; P Kent Borou-giiTreasurer, N. Quiiilan and E \V Clam-pett , Rate Co!3»ctras , M Onant , CityHiKih Constable , wvre m atftendamv

OPENING THE THEATKEBefore She 'business was r»r' >< '»-« 'd*'<i

with,fcLr Davson said— 1 <r -»e to , : • ;< t^ i

egama'. the tonribie insult, otfiNuvx. '., >iu.warfiiiy Bishop in Uiv owning ..: Ji*Theatre iast waning 'u. :u> n. - , .tarr i-b Us irwul i iia> tw»;n j ffer>j -jo U, tiha jxrivv^. and tliw Oatlujiic«;'uizeiu <ii Wivliurfoird , and an umult lwiiia;r>*» booni1 vCtr-rud Du She uhmiboife of thas0i>aiic;l AIKI Uie ctizeos they ropmesontas it dtvipist^l airjd dt^lionooivd

tho re-

solution passed bt-rv iwuive iaontiht agoprohibiting the ojxmuig of tlio Theatredux:ng tlie sos^un cxf Leou ^aj ipla-urfej Iha^o no iiieaiiauvu in fraying that boihMr. iCoinhs aivd the rnoBnbera of tineCo'-izuitt«ie niu> < him de«ie. v nciiltiTis trom Quo Bishop andpr^.oto aind uhe Oatholic citizen-s ofWatericuxJ Ixut tH<- full nioaoauvv of COD-tenipt /atiplanise).

hij Oialigaai- Do you intoiKl propoainga j>«»lut.ilou?

MJ Diwsjn- Why do you aak -tlbequ 'auoa?

Mr GiEwan nwulie a njmamk whichwaj anaudiilo.

Mr. MJ Quinian, )ua ,, said it soomodA bLrangu Uung dhat thi j hrubbub ^hauidix> fc-tut up lilheie that day. He did notknow that the matter ol tbo Theatre -wattto c-anw (up for dLsausaiaa. <He ivaulldliko to know how it was that the Ttan-perarce flail oiikod Mr. Watsah , *homan -who produced thfl pictures in KUe"Ehcatpe- ouite jwoontly, to ¦giw: ."them abenefit oight lovery Saturdary n%fat. Iitti 'sy oouid "hn^-e tho p:ot.ui>e$ far Ui*uibaooSt oould not Mj OaLlins ha,\\> Uvymas leaaeo ! of thu Th<<atr<s? •Again, itrDamson ; waa a mombor cf the lOatholx:Young Man's Society and the TheatricWVIB to b<J optni'ed for tlwin ttn 1'he Mon-day rt-^hi aft«r St Patrick 'a Day CVcours? 8t Patiriak 'e Day was a pai>vi-le^ed da/ •Father O"Conn«d l, ho undor-stood , wais boad of the TetiipenafK* "HSU&nd when he asJiexj to have tin- .pjctrarci:for <t3io l^nefit of the Tsmpenaaoe Hal:1.he did not think (this hubbub should "l>cgoto up about the matter

MJ O'X.^i.ll -saM he happenext t<u be *member of ,tl>e Theatre Oominict-io andhe Jia;>piii«l to be pr«s«n.t uilien *ol»e ap-plioo. . i i was iiLacJe by tho 8eo»etaxy oltho OtliO''.io Y(v\ing 'Men 's Society . Attfvan •pAruoular meetuig he (Mr 0'No3!llubjwciod \p any favouritism bewg1 ahownito tho Catholic Y<ning M»nU Society orwiy o'J>ir National! sooivty Uuoug'uoutthv city . He clarnwd that this Societyor any other «<x\iety Should not have amonopoly irtukt other eocietuos wortdebactr-x} from taOnnj; she TheaJtneWliiart '2\-i -application came up severalliiwma^rB. <per u.s^Eai, tiriltxi *to ictflu'WK'ethe m*w members to vote aooomdling HotfuiAa '•JA. o< (.(vXvii,™^

nad &e

was taked

<;<V <Xww<.6i: Oawsc<a nc/i <f<t opf<<se tf«?nppl'joafr.'t tj . . [1 o«Mir-xl \v.ry strange 4»nthat M,-; Di* ta\ el\w»W now •Stand vcp«' ¦! otKi -'inn '-he oonuuittee for their ao-• . He (Mr O'NoS'^ would •piWcst as

r i^ tlw.'o? was hft bt 'tt irn han> apaJnistC'«tli.> i<3 Y.j ma<f Men '? SocMfty b^in^

granted Uve! use of th.' Tbciaioo duringthle H i l y peasorr of lj, oJvMondaff .leth March . ;a:id h» clainved1 to'tSe aa good« Chxitiian as any bttaer nsembar rntho room . The application, (that came tipfrora the CaLhoVic Young Han'o Soouotywas refer IVK! to Mi. CoHins. tiie lessor ofthe T3\«vit.T-'. He heiiewxl there -vi-aa Vit-tle or no uae -In gcirag to the TheatreCammittee nxj et uig tor ijlic reason Hiat ifllr CoJlins p: the Oommlittoe objected toanything bein^ periarmed during Lenthe unlj arsto(Kl it was within the- irigh'tand -pj- iviii-ge of the Maj-or to hav« itoasried "Ut in th<* Large Room of tilveOily Ha-1 Tine ouiMmg belonged to ihvcitizens >>f Waierfard and not to any ft>-dividiual . and in th« oa*- of any apphxai -tiar> coQiuig up for the im? of t3ie Tiwxitmein l*"n.t of Uoe Catholic Young Mi-n '« So.cdosy he would oppose it to the last lottkir.

MJ ^loDonneU askod if tlwe ixvilniixanpadaed twelve months e#o on the motion ,h<- thoushl, oi Mr Smith , iia*l any tuair-¦j ig cm the queetion, and tf tltat wa» to 'beovorxidA;ii by the Commattoe, or if theCouncil hiad a r^ht to pa33 a resodutiomacaxnding to U» U'jnis of Qea* to ipcv-\wm any parlorinaivce feting held in 'thoTltwa-xv. Wnth rcjrard to the Oatilij oldioYoung Mcn 'a SooM'jy tliey all kr^ew tliatit wa\s the pract-jee, even, longar than any• >f thcai could reraernhor, tliat .perfann-ances were hvAd on St. Patrick 8 K lx^tvtWhnjoh ftias not counted ut all aa witivinthe a-ren weelc« of Lejit. It was a dayof no al»tHienoe wliatover. It was outout of Lomt altogether, and there novwrhad be»n any objection to any porffirm-anoeo of a national chara^tec lie wouldHke to know if ithat reooiucon onvyUiaring on the Question .

Maj or— I haw; bean told it has rioU(>arin^ whatever, (that it w wortWu^sfiand not worth the paper it i- written » >nf<ir thia (reason that ^lr Cal'zna is clwlessoe of the Theatre, and there is noal&uae in hi? lease (to paev«nt irlm iromrunning t!ic 'Thoatre for Ih* wkoV w.-arthrough. ;

Mr. McDanneU—That nwy be «o, tut Ianderatand tirhen the members .voted notto tenninatej4hat leaso ftihej' wcre: in-fluenocxl to an und«rUking given by Wr.Collins.': Thinking: tlrerjr *era caveaed '¦ tryiiha.t tBeeolntfon pcewmttng «u«ili parfornvsnoe3 iri the |Th*atnx>, a giood mtmy nv&m-bero •K.ho voted tor the Icaso tfd eo!ontoe -aiyJeiataadiag that ttfene would be noparformaTioe^ during Lent. ' : '

Mr. G-Qligan sa~4 he y aks not ewe whe-ther Shore -k&s apy corjresponidenoe onthis subject Jihat would ieaa to thca dis.ousgion.i 'He iwaii a tbembeir of theTheatnvj Committee', and it would be wlth-

.xn thieir ireoollocMon that he made several. 'effiu'is to have the Coiijj aratiom mestimeoonteol of th9 Theatre for-9everdl oieasons,

; brat it was nevpr m his JDind as one of th«.!raasona io cloie the Theatre during Lent;IWhen tine j cattet oaroo before them *obare the theatre closed daring Lent to'dissented from it. "tie could .not be looii-!ed upon a^|one ' of tho trieoda of the

; preaont leseoe. It could not be said \ hiwas am 1 ath'^este'on tho lessee'a behalf,hrtt when a patter of this Vlnd csopped

;u)> ibefore a tonrmj ltee o1 ffh« Council i»Itined to deal with jit and pii! it In a fair

. wwv and bring it home A > <himaeilf. Mr.Coilina haJdlka lease of he Corporationpremise* atw thec^ -was «|K> «lam«e in hi3tease to bend him to close tf*: thy«tna^JorifK "Larrtl Atfj i»r m the resolution;'pemu 13 months ago w.w cooeeroed, Mr.Collins oou3 open (the j Tbeatre Arr fng

1 J>enlftn«J anaphi8,iftngers|iat thteCbrpom--tic©.' fjopposinff tlhat tbd theatre m ia

- .liUO -IMUJUB <A • UUJOVUk f UM Hf «U AljK. «1NMOoUiM^-who,thenr( .«ia knierw.»*s not d»-

':p»odin{t!m« aJ7 for bi* KVelihood* on tb«theatre^BapCailDg'tbeytaV «'mui 'hithai ipolitM Tho feed .3 > itxuit''-dnl theiMBBiUid w OoooraitianAVB^tliiiD for

- aO Ott^ IJttaA.yaK~Vbi)Idit 'b«;f>lrto WtM Wmawt 4o opea «h« th«wtT« Hf r t

. p m&cti l j WP.monU>« i> ^he 7**r. i He-•;<iitfrtifttjW^# t .fibK

* »it*


. -'t^n^t&oiQonpPQwio^ 4^M*B? • 'I* tffwtt j ifft^,^^oiJdTl^*t«» B^ bpeo.


isE^ f^-ili"'!!-SS^/s-tf ,1- i;.L';f;,'.Mi : U lvM - !: . ! ! ' ; -

1 1 " i : : . ¦ - 1 ¦ ¦ • ! ! '


I I ' ¦; ; ; . ¦¦.! I ¦: i

'Ltai why doean'* it! tppJiy to'the Oity M ¦Dublin. - liaat i \wali & rcwiiccrniabta''Tf'aiioaarwil on in"lhibliii 'caHadf "Oietiter Not]lti<i«:ilie" /laugirtor). : Tbejfe were othiari(pemoiiuAiiea too. The fljwatest Scound-j>rell Living'' amd: thero ;wiux> aoenes of the'<pnsad' 'Ce it^ tho prison inortwary, * OT^-Iva1» l iunatio asylum,, 'aawi the .. vilte&e''church (laiughte);, ¦ Thien/ lb«j-,fcaid: .'the!Enipiie, ,tha Tivotli , end; the :£nKjtt3 Pio!titaea !iu the Eotinlda;, aii^ tho Payiion. latKmgdtowri. ¦ Oth«ir : ;p&rfoimafijce» .inDttblia wiare "A Ohanoo of a lif^iTim-*,""In Staraberiand,"l . and ; th» ;f^Bydad-waty ^BeUea" /laiashtftr). | In Diiblin thomaljartbyol ithe poople, ir 'at least 75 peroenl. K>f them wer« Catlip.ks. and if thia|Went on in Doablnn, what was good en-i1ouoh for Dublin was «odd leiiough for theUrbe , Intaicta. The Ratok •was open lastytar during Lent, and thoro was no (pro-test miadd by mernbera of the Council JSome good oitraeas o< 'VN'ateriood -mightbe'av-ligloiualy inelinsd ®nd might doaiBduring ttti> holy season bl Lent to go toChnerch , but othtx pooplo migh't .j -oefer togo to; t:he Th-iatre Royal Looking uipwiM.'in 'that light from a '.purely baai-n eas1point of voow

Mr. Da^yson—You slwuld not.Jook atreS^aon trom a -buadness ,pcant of view,I httva heard tlicse iffguments nsed duT-ing the past w<vk by nii\n w^ho did notknow . their CatecQ*i$in. Thay used ..the,same arguments against the, opinionsand counsel of tin? Bishop and oieirgy.

Mr. GdUigan—I dad not interrupt MrDaTvssn and he need not got erciAed.

MT. Dav.son—'I am not exoited.Mr . Giliigan—J purpose dfocu.=aing the

matt?* in ¦» oool and doliberaW way asw^'£ol)o«x>d in a very important dj c<:uf-eioii ' kt -uh ,' Debating Club of £!)•¦¦Oatholk Young ^f^ ¦t^ ^. 'So. iv4y Jas*. e-ven-ing "Whether it is - ilwirs 'Wu- to haveHome Rule in .Ireland." and I was onthe t>:il-? that dt la m: ! dcsdrabJ . 1think that

Mr. P Quintan—It -is well wo r»i.JsomwAii- tbeje to b&fk f t up.

Mr GiRigan said he expr^&vtvl h :-opinion. and aa a membotf of the Thea-tre Committee ie wished¦ to Ray that thismttttfrf wa» entirely one IOT ifr . CoUin- .He got no diroctiona from tin* Com-raittoc. and if h.?i cliosc to open tlii>thfatre or not duning Lent it wj i amai itfX for himsfilf.

Mr. .Himins—Is there n-ny correapond-<>ii«e on this mattCT? If tij oro is I thin k'ih ia di?ou.iaion ii rafter pirv\rnaTLiUiro

Town Clark—ii (haw not jot any.Mr Hifrg i hr^—Tiiat boing so I inWn.l

to gfi j1 a fen worda. 1 b-arw bo?n for agood ninii-y years a nwe mber o<f this Coi-paro,tiwi an<l I never boforf kn«w of tih i-Th?atrf Itoya) to be open durinsr Len 'Tlu>re 15 a .Rt a Uroent made t.hat triers i»no olaUiX1 in tihe AoaE<e> t») prevent th->teaspfl from opening Ilu> theatre durini?Leait If tfh«r<> wap no auoli clause putin the lease :t was ( OJ tli* 6;trjp!e rv al?< t^tihut t3te t.h»"»tr»> had never bs»Q open u.Lfnt Wiy that old ruW' h»-~ Ixvn .)•¦¦

parted from ».hia yeai? I connot nn ^tstand win RH exception aliould Vv> mn !-1

thie yeflr M sft'ius ;an cxtj- fl<-»rd : iv<'vthing .that after th<» appen.1 mad>> hv th»Biahop and ol«rgy that thds thing sluo 1

'!be perii.'-t.etl m I as ft Cathoi^c am >ur -prised , and I ihink it is wry discrxl::-abl"? t-o t.rMx*e (>art> s no rr .atteJ who th<*ymay be u> ignoro the »^ish<i; and not t> >aooadK? to tfht1 roquest of the Bcahop andKllcrgi'. That Iboing ev> ii oc-rtainly donot &sr«v witih the argument put for-ward by Mr. GiU i^-in aod othier ee.ntV-m*n , aid I would b> very miion sur.Driaed i! Uie "old rule that wa? oarr-. .lout in tihi» Council for BO many year.--would not be adhcirod to and carried outfor ttj e future (applatuw )

Aid. Wliittle—rl thurr .uplily endorseevw-T word thrft ha? b«M>n by "Mr.HJggins. There ».« ao usu in goirn; baokand aaying that .Ihie Je63t"e, is independ-ejrt. of the Corporation bocwuse thnre vno hindiing clauso in /his icase Surel yat lhe ttmo that tha Ctoportaion uvr?leasinfg over tho theatre it was in thoirmindi tiha* at dhcruid bt <sloa?*J durin?beivt a* in tin- part Mr. G^.ican haasaid tli-i* th ;ng was sprung on KIO Cor-iponrtion but it was a moat extraordin-ary thiiii; i(wi t he cain^ bh <>r ° pr>^pare.lwith pap?iv> to read out tor tl>>m

M r GiUipa n —T am alwa}^ prepared.A"!d , VMi ti)«' «ai-d Mr. GiUigan tuvj

stated that tJiia was. .spruriK cm \hvm buthe «a^ne Uijerte briefed up witfi what-wias taking iplaoe on Dublin Let Dub-lin ta!k^ oarv cf KSBH. 1K> (AH Whit,tie.) tiSuated that the citizens- of WaW-ford Would , not hav<> their cvty sulliod •¦>:haw yt' deiocrated by har inif euch p- r-focmaj ices gtong on in I^nt tn Water-ford—one of lii>> oldest olti<?R on th"map. Hv »pp?ai<-d t-> -;vor>- cj tizen inWateriord mot to attend at Uv? theatreduijng L<>nt He wu »u,rj>K«!d and lwocrrsnuiered it a terribJe Unng t<> hav<- toILSUTI in a Natuinalw: and Catho!!rcCouncil to opposition b-.nng givt>n to th»Catholic Young M«n 's Siv-iety <tr anyothor iSooujt y wflfieli VSA * of Ruoh gnvatcredit no the c»tizen.s Wiu< tlietv . heaiskpd, aiiy society wb ioh de«< r\-^d morefram 'the Corpara'flion than 'ih» Oaty vi lwYuunj Men 's 6ooi<>ty?

Mr O'N 'oiT - -Y-s . thor«- wAl.l.; W'wt.i . I t is no*. &x>ia'.ii=ni w^

wn'nt ' U v nt no Sovialum ri^.r«Mr P Ij dan—We want ru 1 oj d p<i 1-

<a/v G/tfi er V/uyg lbe?) .Aid ' Tf hJf i) ''—7Fr »:i7?>- to >SY%> P?e

barnwr o< our fn.itii and Nationa7it7 pu^-eand trriKuKieif <<xfay a* i t^ iways wo*T am iectrry t " sec any Councillor ?tand-vnff up in d< -nano> of .HIT clergy 1 don*n. think "»v would he wortlvy of tihonam#J of reiuv«entativ>'> of a Catholicand Nationalist <iitv rf wv> w^uld not fup-p»rt ill pvery way what hnf> l»vn as-lovlof -n» 1>y th^ Buiiop and cr^rstv We arcnet s^kmjj thi» lofli«* of th>» Corpoiatln nV> do now what has not been done inth? past .If tfh«> thflatro was left ojvnin the oa.-d during Lent there might b/icome roa<>on for otanding by the aTpu-ment hha-t ttrorc w«s no <;laufv? in thelea-s*1 to piv^vent it. buc wtiwn r*. ha> notbeem opened in tlie past I wilii en-deiivoiir as far as l»<t« in n>y power tokeep it closed during Ij ent (nippUm*)

MT. Fiteg-Ttfld Raid he took some littUpiaW in the- rfiscu>.-"ior i on the letting t-othe prwvnt ]<v>«»- He U R." a n«w mi^Tii-l»1 al thr > tirrw an<i he worjIH state

^ how

th^ matter < an»' l»> f .<r<- tllie Ooiincil.TTrver*' "as a \>*iWi fnem » ivvor^ndR»>nt! -J n i a n in thvj .• ts bringing nn^- rnoffloa of tilio Oniim-il tlva t play» vv r -jA'brnnt to b» rtagiyj dur ing I>ont Fol'->« -ing lip that tlwr.> -via- a !>¦-.=» I ution p^ ¦- -ed and plao'd ori tihk ' minutes that noplay? 1 whaVoever would bo staped du r-ing Lent «xc<*pt on St PSITKOK B Davaflona which was r>i. n-orf f-r r fch.? Cathnlio Young Men 'e Socifiry I' h3d boon«aid tha t tiTw lesr> <> oKf.l > iiaj> hi-«fiil(?.1rg at tii«Mii m- tiV.n> w:i.- no clauseto th^h effect ami Ws K> ,->« He ¦Kanp-saiy he ooiild. and h.; (M r Vitr^t fr fJd)nii^ht eay itbat althoug4i h«^ >upp(.>rteath<« letting thr 'ii Ive tK' they wer,1honoitrably bound by the resolutionwihlirih. was wi thin the nwlivo: io-n o!every : mraabii of tih« Council Mr. Ool-hnb cam <- In'fi [> ¦ Oio Cvuncfl and btati'dU ^at when evi'T anything WA? -.tagtrd inLiM'.t \iu »a? at . Uir= . «> <liat thi- rtto-lu 'iiiii would not inUrrte.iv wi th him atall \i\ prevrj uing piuj ¦ bfit ig ttagflU uraji fj JjL-nil. Allluj iUfc'ti 3v. nugh t»ii4'P fi ia ungxTj at Uit'iii M r O>Iil ir»sMVI,«. hbnoureuly bound n."t t - i ~tnae .inyplujys duj -iiig Leoft, and lie •h 'j ught tliatit *ad|ab.- ftriong of tlie vast, majority of ,he nVfjlut ^ay. th..> atttirua in g-iu-ra: thatthe tbt-afcv ili<nild not bo opened uvnxtgLeilt. |

M r. ,0"Hajjj on—I am not a member ofth/el Tiliic-ativ Coiumiuvj. ;l>ut I otn a mem-bar.Cf !tihe Gathalio Youn«} Hen '* Society,and |I fiotd that vf they wish ; to &bow thechijsene a good exansple j thoy will «rSSi .*fc»i? t.ityJT.ooincMit whicli ;is £i>."df for th<>18S i XIaToh and hoCd .'t j >ii; j K aj !*-r -Mon-d-ay ori at «> HIM; other tinj a. ; Ther* is inoU5« ;3DI COJIMDg ijCCV jf tllOV I BrC 1() llfOlklifre ' ir concer t duiring .tJw thnx", of JV?T>I . Iftlveyi ¦ninik to show good exanipile Id: thwnhwJid; it eomo oWicr tim->.

Jtr. IP. Quintan—Let ttv?ni put cm*, thoex-poli'ccmin tilicy have in it

Mt. O'Haolon j aid I-.*- ih.wiht h e sug-gosijj ori would gj a !or.;j ".vay .towaaidtjipravxniinj pUiy.-» or an yth ing r>i thiaJtkinq i;i Lrii» fee the fu tur>"' .

Mt. Rn ith—The le.-*f<,> ha.-.i : deal wiWithejyr1Jo!(» matt-or ait present aiid the onlyocmjroJ, •«!* 3ia\y is iliat < we jv^orve (faronrnteU'es fib* rujht to sao tJiat nothingimmoral or doubtful os. produced in itlicperforrhanxiB. . J «nd?rs{ot><3 that it WHLS'BtaSjadlthat the I meinboxa' oi tihe Thealre.Oortanltitee w«ro 'the people to]suggest tothe Reaped ?hat he ahv>u1<l; hoVI '•bwe par.forrnanoe8. I am a iij emUj c of theTlnej itro Committee, but I waslnot at 4i.els?t;;OTr<t:r,'r. awJ I wantJ to idlsawocioSemydelf ahoOJutely, a;i " r | "«i sure everyothieir mMttbar wjil Ibe 'alj -.; ;. .> , d-j»at«odateWmseJJ jfrorn iwiy su$?'l6t;i<\n thTo^rn out(hatjj it ¦» » nvitlcir ; of ah1agt>n:$m «sbv^wieeii1 ,: «j« |v:<«'- \ i [ ft,he I Co>.pwij abn j And ; ' ¦¦ th*1 c"<hryvj .' ft fe¦altoietiu-f ! « • , matter ! botwv pri thelosa<!e hnd the cleitry j •ar*^ !anyth!h? faMiherd|wwu|d[be in the 'nstuno; of a vote ofceosort. on the i lessee, •for' aturining con-p r **y . to Ihj eJeryy. and the, Corponatibnshoifdl not be looking to taJt« toy blami?.i M*. 1 i. fQuiniUb, jutm'.-}! h*>-» «i «mstjft rettp w Wr the' ctorgy M any membtvof ttri Gtancft. andj T: would toe arep uxdto go fpxthor than «ny «w|m3)iect far them,buft |I Jdaonot «fe that nationalism andneKmo&Abaa *tn> right *» Ue boxed logdt-um.u 'nBiwntai.ito le^vs roi^ioa

Qtn Olit.: ::: W< oojw ^T re <OJ*«(}IWB rBftttera of

p$>! a jn4Mn«nt,: «aj i-x * » ane going to?¦ '] .{ ¦ ! . [ || :|V : -j H' :' | - - ; : !;• • , :! 1 ¦ I . ! [ ¦ : ! ! , ¦¦'¦ i ii I - 1 1 . . '] \

j - ¦ ¦ .i .M! : |i - :. :¦. :h i'^! :N;;: ;

I •,. ¦ M I i i -r

¦•¦ ¦' ¦¦ H :- i |T | . i i f ; i : M

putt Homo Rate hofom» Home- Birila it viHbe n .bad diaad an t&a oyos ot the iwopDa ofEngliaad. - . : . i : ¦ : i ¦¦-¦ '¦ ¦ • ^ | - ¦; |j^M T.. Ke^ae —Mr.JMaycay Uw> !lw(»di eq.oialiam WAS hiioJ bead ipl itiia dioauoaionwitli a rrteivir to (toy scad (piit^a diaanper 4itbe two repi^ntativas of labour in thwOouooU <a£ainbettv j Tha'two lsibour nopnj-scDMtivea' c*« tas good Oalhcfiica 'ea L<tdi>in. tthia Chkcabter. " ]P«t90riaUy 1 -would; ibatihia last (to afler an faault to any cfliesrgy-ma-n. in the [City of Wat«r4(xiid or ' palyplawa K&e. J Idon't ebo' -tfhy ryou shouldbe disouasirig thia oiattar Jiere to-da^,bwcroaa (to' jny'-nftnd it is a nmttex mat forthxV Carponation and thfe; lessea, but feethe iSessao of ihe tbeatobiaqd; Qxe> tiJeirgy.If 3ne wanted be could iminodiiijWlyioloeethia theatre in kietfianoe oi tlbe TheatreCojnnrittoo and mot eQJow tbem to insultcmybody in tiho City df (W*terforcl.: I un-daMtand thiej ie ai» ceren men employedin tihe .tho&trq. Now i if the plab9~ isolooad far the seven wieekA of l«ent I-Tmnltto know 'what ooaudtianation rthcao'man srieto Rwt, or who -will ;belp.' tban and giivpthem a wwy for Irving -whilst thaaa Sevenwooka of (LentjaoD ipasairig over, and. beepthictir wdnnes and children trom betinghungry. f

ITJT. Kieany eaid a memUar ofthe ThBtoie Oammibtee p& -was . awarethey -knew that there wfeire oome roatric.tioiLS .pasfod on their oomduict. At thetiroo ttiat Mr. Oofllrns'a ibst woa put bq-fomn tih«m, and 'it was shown that h« hada piotaire ^how booked for any othervaojvrJt nigiht. They asked their positionia the maittei.. . ¦ ',. .in the maittei.. . .: I > i;

Pnoffn n le#al .i>a ;.pt <vf ciew Mr . Few'ijadv'fed th-'in \b**y had no power iiri thl?mat ter, thait Mr CV.l' uvs e»niM own tlb*th. 'ia^.'v if K> «-i-h«><t to t in >o Now :hetho>:ight; M.r Collins ough t to have .beenoonniBtent and (turned '<u t the r<»vi ' uttronpaAf<xl 12 months ago, and to whidi hewas a conWJi t ijT ijf partrv at. the time ,Hiewas caliad befon- ttie Conunjttoe aj>d ith<5position was czplarined to him, and it waaalso stated to him the Cornimttiee Jwii nolegal powvtr to prtirvent him onenir-;! Mv\ iis only for us bo so 'thy lj i t of i>!nys tol>9 ibnugji t iwjw and . ftopction th- % per.fornvanoes or not sanctiah .th«in. A t fn/Tas tbe openin.g of fhi? •thieotre'durrj ng Lentis oomoeinod he could do ao in do$anoe odtile Oommittf^ .

ifr Nfs-uTio? Quinta n , jiunr.—Of OOUTVI;¦h« had thie opi-n:nn of the Tboa'tire Com.mJHee first Ho «ws npt grrni" to. l>tii|h :is head asjainsi a atone wall oy doing« ">\tfh: "ig (l'/a risl Mi- - or -l i .r^ of thic ( V r v . n -'!¦! wi i lK^iit gd'A rvg pcrmi-fs'-on

Mr O'Har i l^n - - I liHve a-f»th«r r '•*¦;-* !<in to (tsik. I would Uko u> a-J; M r .Fw>-!y w>i>*tliar or n"t He fuppl. ' - 'I th" T^' .poirt -s < . Tbemtrv < • . <innv ,t h >it< wh:i^h tve¦-Mus ordorexl ' « -i' 1 iw o or t hrti<- nt 'ioi^haSao.k ' Soni" • ! it» n-j ^irt .- . .it HIVIP? me vory . .nm^ly, «x>re not roi>pl eA by Mr Fc- y

Tiro n Cle.ik -Th« only roport I sirp•>W is wlwit c H '»iw- er.acth T g- v-* rioi».' of what i.« sai< l

Wir GI U « H "- Y OH JJIV»' »'ita:t w n « n,v^»nt ' v d viri rH^; A ? an atnatour re<p<irt'lasu^ritflr''

T/vw^n P.terk ! -t v> r ^'LH ¦l ¦tf ¦> ' tin Bonv1 do oi.'fiv wrwiit I am paid f- »t

Mir Grant—Tho porsan that wnotc t.hxitV:Wr had Mr Gitligan in His »ryn (KnutJh-t<»^^

Mic G:lli<raTi-—Everybo<rv' woitu to KaviffrflUj a n In their cyva

The. Hi^rfT u ss'on then dropped n^> wt i oubn'ns takvr: :' n the matte

THF PAYMENT *Vlur '.iiuuuil y paymemts as jieocjiniiaifiiid-

. 1 by Ui« vai;ouo comniitt<;e» and ofwlmch Uie foj lirwuig JB a| aumiuar j . w-.inepab*JCt on the iiiotooji vi, Aj d ^u.:iiian ,J P. . iooondtid by vAild. WtuKU ; -Fiuaiioe Couimittitw <.ina!nj)d«i

iAtti Oq 1U I'ooi BaUiFundJ ill .33!! i S

Stoiset OommitUf 378 2 0Wiarterwunks ConmvitiU» *}1 6 «Put»Jx 'Health Comnttttee 290 16 8

foull Krpenditiuire . £2,430 8 f >For <A»nD-apondiny period last yew £g-

uui were J«>apoctiv«£iy C2.450 123 &d (in-riiuj iiJin; tl,572 17s t>d Poor fiaiU) 5"and);^I t f ) us 7d . £425 Us 7d . £268 17s ttd.I'uwJ , iUJ7G "i- UO tJ .ai) JU» 4d

Mr G idji gan—Belore they ar- passedthuj ie a &nr-iton there I wovij ..&* lo com-pladn o<f

L>r O Sull:van—Mir Mjiyoj . you put ahcpay menus ami tliey haivo be«n eeoaoxlk-d.i s MJ -GillDgan in oid'er?

T^/vk ii <.U«rk- -Aj iytxxity can objecwDr (J SuJl ivnj i—My point is tho ipmy.

i/i <ui!-» aj v pr»«j.x«ved »JM oeooudoc (Jan> *^u oi'jwV'C afiv .p Uial

MJ- O it Lsau- Tlwiii is exactly w'hai Iajn d^ 'i'titj

l'r.xa-edni^ M - GiU_ gftD said iA wafihard to gie.t .ui d /no was to be continuaJiyj iUmrupt»-c If Ui« payments are passed:UJW th«w le an in«un of £31 for «itx;tion•¦xi>tni«-.- aii«i turthta- do« n on theiigvudu 1 ltavu ¦& rwaolutiaa on Itiht- samesubjec t \VViu!id you postpone uhla ut>iJ my u^tioe J ui«>iiun ts reached ur wi'lil)"i;u aliluu iu« nu .nov« my crwfliion II*JIW '

Mayur —1 Unnx w musa go on withthe payment*.

Town <_t]o)rk — riele^b HOtiiu owe mx»vie£th« Bu.M*.'n.-> ;ut» ->f tlie staiuiing oirdenB.

Mi G.:U#u n Why did mol you StotethaJt v, h«3ii llr Dawoan got op tn> iipoa/l(•m ¦fh'f theaiine .(jelare tho -t>n»ine^) own-

Twfn V.^Sr»T{A TWa\ ^sMSiss.'AVi \vy. U«tboMro wa« en ' -r»-ty aul oi nrrtu:

Mr G-rffl^Aii M y pr>tnA oi vw* m Uia\A* my DorLnoe of? iiH«t;W .< t ,M> tn»r down&iul uue iparymeDta aire now guiu^ cloTcrugi>I wntu!ti lik e to apeidi to rt {!¦>-«

M.oryoir—You wiil tmv© t» move tlie 6ua.!».T)H.on \ii Ui«- hiianriirsg <.niiirt> i xiJone\ uru can do thai

M;r Oiillogan—\V«\H ihia moiurv wit beIf ecsn&i ui>» , «nd 1 f mppcta> it «-J! be dor*wAii tor aU ttmt

Dr. O'SuUivan—You can l altar n ntwMJ, GuJ trga t i—It wi'A riake onjy two.

ihj iido or forty meinbv.w ol thu Huiksti4 Commons "Co actjourrij the »ibx>)e pro-ooeiliniga to tna-iso aury point of order , andhxiM: 40 members of tho Watnrford Ooc-panttiim oan't aUo»' me to d-CTUsd i mo-tion until tbe tiroo comes (laughtor')

Mr MshT iinwt takv- th<3 itemsr«[<jQp«-tiv«l -.

Tho du-^nj.-i- - . : . . >. - i tl: a uUj<-ct. ..i tlin-rjdpfippt^

Air O Ne.fc thtMi rt»i>e caiui objtfted toH'l lU'in <ui rUtt: |vio in. tit tf hluvt f«r -rualt»m>k.s .-iuj>piUiiJ u '.*>/>tt-i iiUk. . He 'undtjr-ic <x l 1K> Ma i< i . Ui- —- »*ri. rot I r - .citi nianu-la< l.u!v . tllit'y iwvi- utii<irt*Ti truia Eng-land , ikii.l tue w<|uki lik* to know who ao.Uu.rLsoo Uiesi- Oxiku t«> bo sirppUed oon-trairy Ui A ¦roMihution of th Ooiunoil tlitatwhore p<xu;b.V' guod a ^honjj<i l»e of Irushmaivu(a<.-tu.rf

M,r hVi ly I <r< n t ktunf an y Phi n# *b<xut'tl 'Vi .1 l*^(»K>

M r I I N P fl -They ar« E.n<jHih tiumu-ta« !urv

Town (Jlcrk -Them a* somo Uhjrigshat a-ff. Bii^ sli .Mi,'in-iifa<:t4int' that can 'tf Hindi' n ir v UnnA

M.r O'NVsII—Those l»wk« amid be gotat Hs-n-'f '.' or i rtcj« arv? other Natinna-Li»t 'printm !? lioueea in th«." Citv

Mr K-arre . I nso to draw tho n t U ' t i -tion of •!¦'

¦ S- '<«>t On mm t."p- n r l tlieinenibi.r.i i - l l. '» < ' iuniP.l t» a neeot::men-d at ion I ron- •¦lm < C -min-.ltee. Mr M arycr,ihi? C-rtu 't ' i ! «»l- r ' t - 'd the f a r wages r- - -j o lu tv .'i ul I 1' - ( I .ope of Commoi". and IJiii)J< ti/x- u.'i .^»rrr!.< for the omc^l.> andfire brffadc im-n sh iu d 'h«i\v licen gotfrom a trades <un ' on iihop, an<l M far a-s Iund'-tr.-itaiid th«ne <«v <-'" y tj uve ol :hcmin Wttterford. I hope .tihrnt Ui fuiurv th jStrvot Gonnn"'»r<'<' «' ;M e«uo to it thsri atradfj union tiouw Khould get tho ordar.

Mayjt r—That mflJ bo aiiivatti-r for con-sideration wliion the contract COIDC upagain, Mir. Koame. i

Coming hack again to^.tiro £tatioi»erycoatJiiact on a ouoation by iltr. O'JIed)!,Mr. Kenny aakea wUvme UIOTO are aevoraQdifiij flxiru departments wai| it usuJsJ "foremploy.os to order «nd iiko dolivtf.ry aletatione'r'y without an ord^ir from thehead of tta Dopartment? I Hf that) was so,it was vory irregular, 'arid jhe thoughtshould not ibe aHoined. fie I trusted (that83 « Tosui-t ol tire discussion tfhte thingmould now be put in ocxter 'and that infiii'uivj when an ord*r for stationory wasglvon from a deparfm.paU the ibeid cf*li<at dopartment would be held vttipon-i3iblo for the torni!. of t|io xcxler beingcarried out. i . :

Mr. BI. iQu.iiiilan, iunr^UAnd I I tMnkthe staitiortery eu-pphod tf> rthcin ohbuldbo of Irish: manufacture.' ; i 1

Mr. O'Neill then dww ottiention : to an••torn, of £1 1B 0d an ttoe fiteet paid:1<o jAme^ Aylward for a pair of top boot."ha eurpjxQed to D. iNeyina'.: !Mr. O'JT«il!«tet<»d Tie '-w&i a member oi tbie tnado »nd ihe laipair.of toj> hotrts : or eewcisygobooks oonfld not be mad« at that jxrioe un-less they were m&do by-smeateid Ia1>otM;It waal explained t|iat tojl boots mm

nTsd* by conimct. ' i : '¦ ; - I - •:Mf. O^NeiH oald ¦fher ffekj cheap"!at'thejprioe. ;He IWomght tbw conM not!be!

rmww any ^harc at ;tJva k jr ifigiaoe .: . i ITb* d.iflotwsion on tfhv joyine'nts thenendVd «nid they wore doclsned poeoed.1 . :


Tlw ; newt .biMrinoss cat ihe i agenda«<a3 lo eject nine, reprcaernUpves ckn i tho

i#-i lfeuarJ't>'itonlon+-i nj iinj c, you toouiuwiihdmw^UuiV tot thJaf leases ;tstm& he-ioa ' th j (OoTmoJl ibeiire. and -ween iailydiscussed in. cpnvmitte> s^and it ia notj nioe<jo pbjest.1tjp !'Uiem ;ndv i , pnd say Usey >noimpo&trble.. !"; ; 1- - 1 : ' - i | . . ':'. '. : j - !-':-".- -

I 414J. M.f'QttittlB,f)-7]i; ia not : oj iblt olbajmi.] . . :¦' ¦{ -1 ' ¦¦ :J ' . n:- ' 1 j j ! - . - ¦-, : - | i:-'|. ' ¦ • '¦'¦¦'^afj iJrltigeraldr- t :«»yi I.wcwilid- no.t*ign-ihomWsai.:;: (-., 1 , -. p | i : . '. -• .- ' .f •:• ¦ :

Miri - QilJikAn-rDItto ihews^ :/.;¦ |; .; - .;. -¦Mrl ¦¦Hahep-Op.l yoa :>"i io egtreement

i orllohcJe. -, h : j I ' ! - .• \ ', \- • • • ' ! . - |' ¦? :' '' Mr^piUiganr-i-a tbdnk dJt is o jvefy.eiMy,

: rivoloi|i3 tranea^tion ftp i- 4ease property

w.Jkyl'ioi people iwiho can't prut! one iiriok

. «r^r another-unpil 11934.! j ' ' ; I ' |I iV-iPit^eraldT-rlhopo thia |will effteotB. delitlenwntj betiveon the parties ooneern-W J

! !¦- ! . [ ! I . ¦¦- ! , . !Aid. M*urJ<;o 9u in!an—1» it to j the

laridWd of ithiesA .h»ufea' or Wtfhd peoplewho are resident! theory 60 wears yon wouldgive a. tease P : ' j : [

SevftM ^Volcesf—To |the; peoj>Ie.

'¦ Sir. iFitzgarald eadd the Ihouses .w«reth* property of IBlr. Durmet N»!,matterhow he got :th«ni they1 -were has property.,and he oouj dlsriap fits lingers at theCorporation for ilamotber, 12 yoara. H3thought if t«nante were still in becutwmon ! Mr. . Dudne <j otrld demand ' ren'from them at ile^st . fo^ Uie. flWxt 10 or 12years, and if ;he: did (not get a lease p ecould leave' tliel premises there derelicton the side of the etireet and npt allowone brick ' to jbdj put lover <anotbe<r. TJh-rates amounted io about £12 a year, andif Air Dunne-was to keep the premisesclosed t>j< : tintilj 1924 it would mean alos»> of abjmt SSf lO to tihe Corporation.

Aild. Maurice JJuinlnn—It as Teryi en-jit?! not to g ivt> the |ooeupying tenantsa lease. -, II ' ' ¦'. . ;¦

Mr FjUgerald4©ut 1 eiay this is an .ex-traordinary CASCJ I :*ould be an . ls!n>izr)f granting teaies ' all round1 to +he oc-<wpyiacr tenantej ^trtft Itbds is a <sase inwhich I would not erfgin. the te-asea my-»«elf under tho cVnditj rons. They - -woum¦vp imposwbu* foif th? Itenantfi .

MT. O'Neill—I ;;pwpose you go on -withtflne next bj i.cin<fce> j

It was decided, to Have the l-?as«o re-ferred back. ; ' :¦ j

THE BROWIJ [ > iANE HOUSESThe Public '.Health | Committe© recom-

mended that sii hoiiaes in Brown'sI.ane b» leve'lkd.

Mr O'N«11 pr .pre^d, and AM. Quiti-lan etconded , tht adoption of fhe recom-mendation .

Mr. Gilligah—<I want to move animvtxlnient , Mr. Mayor^ In my opinionth«»> houfc'?^ ought aot bt lfevelLod be-rauw f you are gainx to level suchhouses all round the crito you will simplybe (ij -iwn? the propfl>» trom ore port ofUi»- <y .ty to aliotliw You have houee11in VVuU.'rford corifiddelably woree than!.h« ¦ &i x houses are ; and yet ¦no order«a.s nnad e to (have them levelled. Ifyou puil them dawn you will have a bigopen space, a rtctv* there and the con-gowtion won't be rfclieived at aOl. I:hj nk you should relelr the whole mattftTU) the Borough : Survieyotr and eoe whatIt would cost, it he -undertook to putUwni into nepair. TJie reparlps' can t>edon-e omt of tliie neveiiue, and surely youcan aifocrd it for such' a purpose, ilf notre-advertise the- place and Vet someone£<•• than who will put them into re-pair, but I would not be for having themlevelled. L

Vfr. O'Hanlon—iWe aflj know ¦tih«nD ua nsal want of thds olass of houses- intlie city at prefient dtn<J tf you knockth«rn down you art* knocking dofwnhouses you want -VerJ- badly at. pt osetif .-.The whole lat- ehouhd be made habitabl«aiPd dbne itnihediately.

VIr M Quinlnn, j tinr —This matterhas taken up! 60 misrfh tiroe oireadytfrtat some oi ius pot :dijgusted -witti thsarguments and 1 tn^r,'. one that piroposedtb<» houses be .taken <town at tlw FMIBHC*Committee. . ! I

Vfr Kenny—It nvas I>r Mornie pTO-pof/?d it.

Mr. Ouinlan—'Exciuie me it was T.Mr. KVnny—I say it was Dr. Morris.VIr QuinCon—WeU I will- ask Mr.

Feiely.Mr FeeJy—Oh., sore; it <toP6 not matter.Mr Quinlan—Th?y decided, to od-

vertile it at firsts and when a tender wasffnt trom Mr.! Richard Whittle at a cheaprate at was. oppbsed.i The people who<*ptix»e<l it suBgc-cVd|it should no ad-v.-rt t*e<i again, /Hr«r) itih»y wanted U.turn the open apalce .'into a ploy ground' "hdfldren/ and noV they seem-to bea. turning tail arid they want th»1 es teveued.

:r . Gilliaan—iNo ohe hae turned tail.vlr. Quinlan—It seem« a starangei thing

Iww peopl/* oM> tura thieir faces. Mr.Whit-tle offeiod to ptit the (houBes intorepair alt ft ' cjheapssr prioe than the Bor-oaith Survieypj'a eshijhate. Did he not?

Borough 8 urvayar—>He did ¦ • - •VLr. R. \yhittJe—dt comes es a gireat

surprise bo rae to hear certain: igftoiile-nii?n advoca'ing! 1hp levelling 01


Vlr Gtiligan-T-Nianvo, please.vfr . Whittle—J eay it comets as a SUT-

[nmv- to me to hiear Mr GaUigan—now[ «iJl name him—being opposed1 to tbe

Ikivtillin? of .'OiflJ hautta. UP sujiportedA w TOO CwTcriSiSw^Saajft "wiiaV » j n txrf -I 'I you laioe ¦up Y&a y iJE>weumg INewp" olth«? &vonlDg altp r that Finance Com-mrt/t«.v you will ifind ihiere a garblied re-port presumably1 fluppJied by flfrn, GilJd-?m in w toh nd stated he reoommendiedthat these houses be levelled for tho pur-P')Sf of makinp l a plajr trround for the<4i.iMrej i of Brawn's Lane. Is that, I•a*k . consistent IwKh his argument to-day ' 1 certadiily R*y the Oorporationrannot nepair these bouses unless theyta-ke the moniey! out of xevie-nue andHr.rakt a rate of 2d. in tba £ in tho com--ng 7>ear. Yoii will have to inoreas* thorat«s and do the wvirk and wait untilthe rate art coiloetou bnfere you niai-»any outlay . Tf you are satisfied .to dotiii* -I ?> i r>k VOU - CBH p a l the hfiiu*>8tintoa hn 'v in V " o->ndition ch papur than Oil'utAid o individual, aaid y«u ought toi^ap at it. 1 , i

Aid. Whittle—I did : not intend to j takeany part in this discussion but I heardlire- name- of Whittle 1 mentioned. JJowfrom tihe finst I advised him not to haveany thing to do with th/'ee house* at all.J « a-s called to »?«.' . the condition oit.hiem o-txi 1 mast c*?rtainly say someoneou^h.t IA) pirt trrem a habitable con->litiiun. According to (.the garbled icport. h«ne is what happened about wese¦houses (piroduoing a I •putting -from I the"Evening News"). Well I won't bothern-adinjj it. How'evej .il will wy the .Cor-poration ar.v not liko a private indivi-<htaJ taking up this i work at all; theyran't put their hand& in their pocketAacs a private indfvidiiaJ can and spend!two or three hundred pounds on thiawork. They would hive to strike a rateand wait until the mfeney w*3 got in.

Mr. Dawsion—I be(j to support ¦theamendment.! It -appearg to me to be avary foolish, reicpmin^ridation to knockhouses down wh(fn! wxi have a tender forrepairing tlfem biju (wo get £12 5S. ayrar out of these h<>uses. It sOenwto me to bo foolMj tb recoromeoid theyIv knockod dowri! -wheh we can get theseraits and have tliom for the pooripeople.

Mayor—-Wie waiht' a (n-eat many noneesof this «>rt now for the poor. I men-tioned that: in hiy Inaugura) address.I think Uiere is A grcht need for a niim-lier of dwellings ! for |lihie poor. ¦. * - - j :

Aid. M. Quiman-i-I [prppoRe you : build:houses tha>e liktf| you ] are "building ' pre-icrW-ly . at Al«x.-ind?.r-slreet. , | :

Mr. 'b'HanJon-frYonlcan't do that,:theplace )6 too ' narrow, in'r^ tbo local jGo-vern-nifj it B(oaTd| "Would not sanction afcian for thrit jnMpose,!, (i AI<1, M. ¦Quinlin-.We'll build 4nwkind of a flat thpj ^? asla tenement; hoiise.T.he Ute B(iro.arrlj Surveyor. Sir. Fliem-¦»ng. hliilf a ' ihoiifle. at the Abattoir andit w AS j like a' fj kj rl etcnipeir. I j ^ j

After furU»er diucusston ithe it'attex m'asreferred back -to hi Finance Comm-ittexv


' i i ' : ! I . | : i

¦ - -

¦¦¦ ' ¦ I

\ Tiw [ollowing: notice jof motion etanddngI Tlie [allowing:nloticebf motion fiUnding "Sir^S I^il iSinSJ t

I : ' . !. j . j : j ; : ' :! ¦ . !• refueedtol&aviB the chair. TJWBI . «mflijUI hereby1 imwo noUoci (hat at"One nixt1 tee jjcouldi poottono. j .durtep^B j prescgt

rheeitW «f-itlie.! ©cqioiuih i Conncll J will V*a , «ndl speaifainff I fornthw Cda aotl.'t f ,'<iiill;!.ffia«al5ott-Itd -'onTiaf tSe^acta: ol eBpj oee,. . . w* vaaafktoa, Sw .oorarftteete?he ¦ytS tef aniui Qomniittiae irf '-titetioii to P«w

^^ <wj*Mnl?a3y vali-

W^.JKfbe election -of ChniTmin land ''Via&Chtli*- V«» sedings they -ware ta\ ibjs j ( xafbgninan.llon iMondaJf/dJHi i PeKmuoy;. .1913, JM* > *$** ** ;wo«Bd »Ma nW«ng i^sindj i< iveocssftryi • m >v>3 a nescdraticn JM > *¦* » *wch*?« WJ TftSLgEt'

<Mo^<atth(3 Colncij Jttndffo ^^nedto flSrti GS* S S'l

ste & BtaScall ot[exttioa tf the <»oo6edms»;of;flie ' theJ> ^-^ jZ iLTfeta ^wSb: «eof tho Titmost importanoe to th!« Caunoa i-AA in the nhsnr it 1 jontr? i f n *&<toltv Jak>

nw ana enunfi u» ao xiraanoB j ¦wiui yn« increase, of yn aia Vtie vwt *ated; ¦ «r ' «ni»i—nT_.".~n-^pr-~ -« | . , j : \- ¦¦',.¦ opniet wc* fwoioJibe-iHeaee ant

-! AldrpVhitUe-^Ij iriAe I o A point: of aadesr. «an»Mrgen by the ttudittt . ¦ }I y mtaltA ieaaw. i t tbe Qcmnoil Ibw |m. that I f' <e Council qSvS,' tf 0 ithJn«;todowithil hi9oo itrolof the W»ter- of flu Ootonflttw irf the T5wwnb»(0cma&U*ln_ ttr**tl»<&eciUmt>t «M| dtoU < mother a ee jv pwtbe GbMmktx <aod yfc< -<3 a mn*u of thti v«neU fair .tt»--«*»«**»¦. c (•! \O(«niD«t«o. l» <wnbefn« I.T ' -¦ ¦,> !)] U . ••- CfMrinnan ftw!i >e-ph:rtni 4p:

¦:l4 l Bl It ite -J iiif lSiilfSHiwi

Wa'Pemnid and "Jfo*r 'Bosa lout BaniJft'.'yAuthomtgr for osie yw ccl.l 'if ipa..i^ify ^- "'UiAj»nU !xiie3fli.f|'n»|fcllotmffltjf 'tft e th« p <|-eoot 'troareseDtAOTQS,1. rnhi: tftJ»; WMttle; Want, ip'SuOivimrCoun.oillora iBaolwitt.-'Hoatnie,- MAhetey^Iurray,Atjd Oassin. \Mt.' Muoir«y h*mto?a»tirediiKnb th« €«qnail (by irerta-Uon ia acft e) U ¦iljle foT';a«<!!l6oiti»n.-4 l;'V i; ;:..) Kl.\ .H-V-j ¦ A. 1

Mr. i Fit2gOTald*-I : xropcea w> mssaa ofHtfclMayor M eahetitjuWi iotn'Mjr. : Mtir>jj aVjas 6e bis itttirpo. ¦; : : :• [ . '&J ', : V \:.'i iMr.. .QilU^ain' «a^ei.i .- :-.-S>] '": - '•. :Thiifl wa3.-iunaniinv>Baly':pgrBed! to. j . j•' .]' I . ':'J ' - - . . I i - ¦ '¦ i ; - : :-;rT '.i V "'- •' "'

\aOUNTYi ,OQUNOIL3!iQENiERAX 'j| OiaDi ClU1- V' ! .I'- . - (

Hie ftpj*)antnnan.t of '.two" ateiftbefs ' onthler Abova wiaa theai takfeq lUp';-)'] .

•\r— rL;n:_.« M.I J *.i»k« ;lu ' tOTii.t.t.Vhad boau appointoekj on Itihia JoAincil i*sttime tor <iihreo years,1 and he fliij oat seewhy a member shouM -ba.a.too«j -ated,lc«rtba^ length of

tfea.1.' Jt wag this Woranianbimaeilf' mho treaaarked some nlfthteB agoChiat no man shbt^Ld have,a tmonopaly ofauy-appointtmeatJ HB no^.prbjKj aed.tlhalthie .Mjarjor 'ond Ji igK.Sberiii tec tbo timebeing be appointed tba twonKsmbansfrom thte Corporatkm on:'th£:Qnuncii aethey iauaw antoro abcmrl. iffljj SwoH^'ng oftho CSonnoi'l' diirlns iSibeir tf ouQtot office.

The Mayor—I consider Aid. iwhtttte Isa vory -useiSui man on tb© Ocruhty Counielk' GMaeral COUTK£I, amti J afeoconaidartht Mayor wij ll 'have eitcni S' 'to <fc> dnothlor wtajya dturmg hda.teran of .offioe. 1 Iproposa ,AW; WWittte ind. ,'ibto HfehShoiifi be elected*. ' ' ' ¦ • ¦ «*¦

1 Mr O->JkiH"ll—I bog to second Mr G;l-I '.gah'a -Tvaolution.

The Mayor—It-would be vany unfau to. Mik-s tlie .position 'from Aj d. 'WSjj tile as beh«M done his dutiy on th>i!t Caunotl vnelL

Dr. O'Suillivan— I' tlie Mayor decline!to .'ttl'dow his name to go forward JShwn, Mr.

tGiJlig^n'a maWon cannot go on.j It^vts titaen dVjcided to Brppoint thollighiSif'triff and Aid. . Wh.'ttle as. re^preisenta-t. ve^ of tb? CnrixJWiMon On the CountyCaUticils ' G-entja;! Council.


It was lu n an imouaLy decided on th-epropofition of AM. IWhittJe . sanded ^byMr. M. Oassin that hilja Latxishjlp. MostR-ov, Dr. Sh'eehan*. be ne-a.ppointe4 on thisBnind ¦ . -



TIK- auDvv Comitmttee recomiuenideti—That 0 trevexai/wiary lea«e be granted to

Mr. Jaiiwis Piywar, of preniuwa JJo 6t2 .Baltybriciten, IOT a t»rm of 57 years, fromMaroli , 1924, at a maximum yeaTly remirf £0, he covennnting to expend £15& aipermanent unprowmieintu tliereon withrn12 nronth? from dafte of , and subject 10.tine sanction of the Local Ghovornmcm'tBoard The xvi&e to conta.iti a coven-ar>t safoffuardaiiK- the Corporation in casetrj ey1 are not awe to put .the Le*s.-e jntotnamodiate poasf*aion on 25th March .1934.

That a peveraionry ieaae be <granterf toMT Thomas Dunphy, of premisea No. QBBaUyibrioken, and two email cabins atneme .thereof in Ohapel Lame, far 76 yea™,from 25th Mia.roh, 1924, at a juimnnuinyoanly nant of £11. he oovien«inltin^ to eatpenrf £300 ttihlarooii within 12 months Srocmdate of . and subject to the .sanction of theLooal Government Board. The Lease tocontain a covenant aafejruardiang tiheCorporation rn cose ithey ane nctti uble toput itlhe Lessee into immediafce posses-sion <vn 25th March , 1924.

Aid. Mowrice Qoinl-an—I horn? verygpealt pleaauire in ^proposing 1ihi> ladoptinnof that irecoinnMOidatiori. It has boemfully discosaeVl at tbe Finanoe and LawC-ommittoe and wia» utntler conaidimitlonfor •orner haif a.-n hour when it wos.deculedto neoorrnnend that th>- -pociuiRyinig ten-ant, iget the option of taking aiit » levorrtcm-airy leoae Ln th ia o»ae Mr. Howeris 20 yeans in the promises and he »[urtipaired to eiopejid a aum of £165 on theplaoe. Thorefora, I think he IS enftJUied

1o tihis 'lease it waa recommandled by22 oi the commiffcf 1'. and it -was no "heflea.nld corner" Tn»>eittn*r that eejft Jt. up.

^f^ GiJ'lriyan—I beg to second AldwnaanQuintan 's motimj .

Town Clerk—I bad hetter mead- the-tut-UPT I have reoeiv»-») fr om Moosign'irFWnn on thds subjwt

The following wa» thun read —81. Aon 'ii Hill , (Hydro,

Oo OarkOentlemien—The PtaasKio Comni «

has xecommendied tha-t a a>everscoii».-yl<\ase be grf ven to Mesare Power andrtanctij ', vf JVallybmalLen, who have appliwd for same. Had I kliown the casewas to come off hefowo aaid Comnt:tt«e I«i«i)d have been presant to etate myposition. Faalrng that J i

^nrte-ndied tp bepn«ent at thi s meeting of tfhfe C?»rpora-ti ink and make, o>y statement. TTnfortun-ataly an accidenit prevented mv txrirj gpresent 'to-day aa I am detained hare un-der .medical treatment I wauld task you .therefore, as a specdaJ fwvour to 'po»t,porwChe -hoarj ey of ca.-in' twitiJ your nc tx )¦w\cy s}r5

• XW .K^JE "SYi. Yi \i oji r? pi5&1

t>iv \ ten to m«> h-ut w "5 i r > \ AI B.U p re-j udioe tihe case ain ) v ')} enable Vh*C\ >rponatioD to h»«r l»>th &ldee ol t~hvq uestion before oomj ng to a dociaiou ansuch an important matter/— I am, - MirMayor nnd gentlemen, yours faithfully .

P. F FLTKNMr GMigam—Did that letter oome be-

fore the Oouncdl wlhetn the granting <j tfthe teaae first osone on?

Town Clerk—N^o ; not until th* appJioa-tiions {ram Mr. Power and Mx Danphiycame up an 'tihe 'usual way

Mr. M. Quinlan, funr. —I thinflt Mr1*1X0phy'a leaae came op six Tnoirtha opoIt seems to me a stran^a caoa that Mrr>un.pftiv oe.k<ed for a lease six monthsag»>and it was shelved up to now

Town Olark—It was not shelved , therewas a condition rmit tn -flhst Mr Dirrnp>ivacquire thie inteirvmring praperty. Neyo^t fitlons have since b*ii-n po:n on whicht» <vk u-p some time, that te Ifhe neoaan :thas not been brought on before flow

Mr M QuinJan— I wa« inking to MrIhinphy 12 morutho ago, and Qw •wuc tlwminclined for a ?.IPVU&

OoiiucilLotr Dr M or.ria— I undcr>t audt-hcav :6 someUiing peeuliar about tihuslcaae end the ciincrumstances- under wfhushit IB to be given, I beg to propose thatthia recommendation be ipoa^poned to betaken up si the uiooibjy meeting ofuru> Canpotration.

Mr. Hi^gind—I beg to secondtliat. Onioj tunateJy Mona^nor Flytvn 13abtik-iii and the least wo ought to d'o ispay him the courtesy oi granting hta re-qu>«t and 'po3lpocje vale TocCffamoindal-aon.

Aid. 'Whittle—-Ae one wlao is in favourof ttiJa irecanunaridation aind wfho votedfuor Jt on Committed oind n1bo aeeB no re*-,-on to ohange oay opinioh 1 thimik weought to refer it |baek. I xton 't eee thatth-ere id an>*tihin^ the Corporation needbo afraid of en thgfr m-oliluriwihen it coniesup before us aj faln and for tjua ireason—ami t!|:.» reason alone—I Ohifnk the mat-ter ought -to .be treferred back and giveMcnslgmr Klyiui an opparUinity of bomgpntawit. -is far as- 1 cam gather the-ifninddof tihe anemiberd of the iCorpar tion (fix; al-ready made up, ajnd1 Uw-ro ia DO danger ofthis ilease not baen prantied; it the nextimonjtih. ly meeting. As fair 'as I oajn gatlher¦trom ilie fctj lings of tiho tniinberia they^Sill; vote in tthe majority ojn this daym<fnth lor'DtinpJiy and lPoAVer| ind otmijjhi li prejudice the case if:i |ttialdia;notad; worn it to-day |i it mdclht K<> 'betO!K> theL.:<J. (Board ihd lodgiM): »• «8a3 -w«ruelied, the matter,: eo I &ay, ib jr |ist5c& toall, oariicoTnied'j it (is bettor .t<i;baye-','MDn-signoi: -Flrynm [beforie- us Svihlenitbe ' mattercom63 iup £ar n^naf decision ; lit iwon't de-lay anybody, and tl^e ' i postponementwon 't, make any tliffHtv-nce. , 1 . 1 *Mi , W. Fiizg>er«4d—A« one vWosuppart-o<! the recominonirlaftion in ctaupittee. Ial.4o support itihe cesoluti^n to ha>:<j it &entbabk or adjouTDod and gfairij M^nacffnprFlynn 'e Toijutfat hi 60 doinj .j 11: thini itis Jonlj* very ireasonabiei ito 'texpeet ; woshwld| do so.j There are many .UVings tob?; oonsWexoa. and as far .*« ¦ -T ' kno-ortlifrfi ' ifii nothing bo prevent the. tnembtfrswhoj hwe made TM> : thefir ndnda ;to eup^port1 tojrecora^endatlon fwmidoi^g so.

\lt . jDawson—11 eugge&i it*he; twfeirTCdba«A;.t» KW Fioante and.Liw. CommWttie.Aid. Mamrioe Qnhjiara—I object«:ito that,it lias neen ft illy idisousw^d thea«.' . !: :<Tbo:Mayor ithen pot' tbo \m6ti<m of Tit.

Mptausl which! was «econii«d .by Mir. <Hli?-zin^—4i)at thie explications be mefenredbaWtJ HnxJ ?t -t«i3 «arB|edl;:-::: -!¦ . :f j - - - i-r '

TW I followiirj^ 'weicorameacMAxii -wasthtj ijtaien «p:—| H . [. j j \ - - .'|- : - : ':! • .'« 1

IFhat rcA'w^naTr/ kiaacs^be-l'fiirantod toMim,1 \Vjnelan'and |Mia3J Doitaxd of thcalprtniise» in Baarop«trand-stoeeft,|Bubiadtlo'- tibtei 'rants,I cownantij. iand; conditionsto^

be hart?ofter (letarniittod.1 1 1 :' . ¦ ; .- '. Alderman Haurice iQulnlasl—I pporpofeeti»^ tpeoommondatlpn -pel adopted". ,1 aSS.po eeiv -wiHl- have Ito go tawkjto the Tin-andalarkt Law Oanunittac U> have1 tie/Toht»; flMd. r : 1

J ¦

i . -: M L - n - i "-ITT - "- l i ' '- .i MT -• Mti O^Haniidn-jI sedo^ j tMt ; J>ropo6t-'ittorti : 1L. . 1 1 ,

¦ ¦ I . : - I i : '. i; ¦ '¦] : : ¦ . . I ¦

n»i Mijw;! put : -the! motion, «B4 i feb>foi oWw A s pa6£«d—— :l ! :j i . -:!r - ; . ! V \: ':

• ) J i r PStafflar«(!d eiftl I mnet dSasent InoniCyitiMJr.i Mayor. i i: cbnsjs tefitiy voi^d;»{<ainsi:it in Commiiteo; It, ia •HA 1 ' int.pq»Mbl 3. -leux). «nd haj I ;^wti !d not irtanWi 1 ms 'siw


(PP.4;pS|P-;K'iOJoTJ I, WAD - 00(UUl :i CbOJZUmiiQ 1 Bl Kmaxniij au Iahd Vice^Chainoiii, and th3! c5>mmittee'ahoiM irepx>rt;-tp,:[tb^ Cori nca'-tbeir'aicta.and jpx oc^edinCT fapm tene rto|lini» which.:woald:be aabjectjito the ObnnwEJ 1

. . 'Jj- - :\\-We,, K^nny-rAiJ actsiofj coiariiittee.aiiva,su jetot to Ab^con'Mt 'O' toe Cofi Bcil and!aae of the sola <a. Committee-' iwaa Htw <Election of .Chairmiin and Viop -0 wxzapkCL!In conobction1 witjh. that sta'tite:!! wish,!the ntemibena <A wx» Caui c&rp- : !; '• -A 'C- ';]-AW. •¦Vtottfe-<Wi'the '.pt inl|Wi xdeay &afax|sa,ll caa - underdfand Irojn the. l>aw ;Adfiaer the.-Ooon(fj l fhias-ipo rjjm-n iap what-soever to interfere]'Wish, the acsti m, of theWA.lerwoirks' ConUndtte6 In ih» cdectibn'of j ahaitman and: 'Vioe-<Ilhainnkn- ; AUother buamd&s in !ecmnek|tian, <irithi the!Waiterwoinks CkMramttee iras' Ibe ¦ aub-1triitj tSed for-.the'san^tioiitor app oval of the"Council. The CoimnitW aoe not caJleciupbn to ' report, ' who ' . they Japboint aaChairman ox Vioe-iCBvainnan. I I ¦'. ¦

Us. GUliganr—Is this a ipot >t of andferar i speech? ii I is len «x TC ordinarypedat of 'onder; -; !' . - !' -.' ' ' • ' |: ;

Aid. Whittte|--My polnt|- is' tfiat : this:Ooxkncil has no power l-pihatscKivier: to dia-;cuss ithia matter.1 [ -TJa6 <^xrmiuitee 'have:futfpower to apparnt tin aococtxlalnce wath;the staitiute' their j.Ohatrnian1 1i-aipd iVice-sfSiiirman. . TJbat. mower \a aJtogethiOT |in ;theThands of thelOommittee Tlf thgy i•wema subtjiect to th^ Cauoiil in lhat thierjl¦wenild 'have to rep^pt

to firis Ccrtincil tihe;eledtiion at Ohainnan and Ohairman: ¦I adihmit that theaiotiice of mcti|mia notin, order. ' ' ¦' 'Mj r. M. Qu.-JnCen, j oinr—j J>id &: iy meal-,

betrfof the C<mimitt)ee dTatr Sli*- 1 ittewtooHiof the Oommitteo |to th« fact! t lafc t.Tifeyweme not acting lejga'Jy en th-b K I thiisryworb aibout to pMrfoJroPh : I - ¦ j

M!r. -Kenny ^—That -wi'il .a l come)out. !Mr. MJ Qui nian-riAttarttionttTas c»'i5ed

to the faot fh*t is msii ouitel Jllegall toelect a- Chafrma-ri j and "j VicefiCj hairmanwhen the time bin -rwt arrxy&il.

A] d. Whi-ttU^-No! frieimbe.r 1 ' ™ho waa¦present at the.ti -Tn* of I. tiHe ele :tion ofCShnp-rman and Vi«-C5h|airpnan ; nadie anyobjection—<not a «dmlgfle ' roeimbetr :

Mir. Kvnny—Aldqnm^nj Wbitfce; Js paft-i*Ur. IV»'UU.y-—.-uu^iuiuii;itii, ivii.^ 4u 1"*

? —

ly meht. . : i jMd. Whittle—Do yovl;anile. |Mt!. .May^ar .

¦thai M/r. -Kenny i- inl '.oiW-or , in] face jaf 1

the 'opi-^an of the Lad 1 Aqviser?, : - :Tfc- .'.layor—I riu|» Jjlir. .Kenny is tin

ord^r ' | j ¦

Mr jK onny—If the cojnmi tee k properly(vfl ivrnH. ll:»n I say' <Jii -p -aifP enu-o>v. /ib n sheir v.-;y ht in e-llect mg s!. C !ia,:rrranand Vioe-CharVman and. tl :'* Comncil <sin-nof revoke ^.hat selection TJinifoctuna'elythva nneetiiwf was not 60 convened Itwas properly convened Si ao |_fcr *s no-tict! waa sent out , but tie njieet,:ng wash»-ld befone ihe aippointed: iitne.i

Mr Haokeit—I dene' ftlhati 1Md . W hitttlp— Tt is abwifutefy tmtroe-.Maynr—iHear Mr , Kenny ;MJ . GWligan—Let iri heat the bald

facts \ ]wit-1 . jMr Kflrnnv— "Wriern any membejr is noti-

fied to attend & rnefftaj aglof ibh< CounlcUand the meeting is to1 :be; h«l<^

it a oar-

tain time that t ime :i;j ¦ consiijter ¦<! to ,beths» .pttrnlic time whwh is »h pwii by libepab'j o olockfl rn th^s th^ (P- «?¦ Offjoedock or the cJoctks Teaulajled \>y it. ThePost Offloe clock gives] tb^ etaiidard timefar ail) otihetr elocika, rtlhej Cl>ainb?r |ofComrneirce clock, tee cjpeik at|thi ¦rafl'Wayand that bare at the niunicipflj ouildiriga.

Mayor^—I would notlreilr^ ail that cfloiik.

Mir. Kemmy «aid it Was inndera <sod itbatthesp i^lor:k,<i (rave the iubiic iiins. If Jhecame Vone :.he stavaet o ai meoti lg wlhdcihwas nt ->-iit "» l to be h«<} jat i|<rp t|w *>tweJv*. nr> did aot go- 'byi hii/ -watch; ih©wont, hv tih" firt t .ruthlirt rfbcklhe' sKW. Hhe -saw t^i ' i i was' twpuitiy JftmuteB j^

totwelw "' -1 'A he }ira . a Mil; to jmskepewould say to hime*U he iwouldlbe bicikin time for t1i-» maeting ash1 [(Mr Kenpy kdid on thcB occasion Si fihp 'IWsfticrwofksCommittee mtietcng w iio!) wns ifixed icx]¦a, ouarter to .twelve. jH<i .made| the daZiland -%c bfl"k 'o find Jiai bj "the puftilicclock il was sixteen 4nd ,a iaJf; minrajties'to tw^iv* Hf might eijy that he;had ipjre-:VIOUH I V 1-«-i,i» ^ur e of t)hie< >t<iiua -by settinghis w.aich wi th the (Ppst Offl<j e ' cloci|iaflthe othor niernbera ,-aflso K id aa. .they Ij ad'he«nd coiu^th 1 ng of waat tniaht 'be done,and he f o u p.d '.hat thi&lcloak 1 in.the CJItyHa31 was >;:. u-t 7 right witlh, ithe Pi>st;

Office clock , it* cam4 *i thie [Hall j at164 minutes to 13, U ?iin!utie8 before jthelime of the meeting. !Hd cainei throttgihth« vestibule and entaredi the 1 Mayor'sOffloe just in time t*> spe Mr. Feely fcaod-:ing Che book for ratiifimrbn of .the mdfru,tes 01 tlw .pNvitiiv 'm. ^tipg

wh ch had

bean read altihorugh it rwi» not llien tthi9:hoar presoribed tor tb >! oieetingj but coteand a half minutes be One it. One of themembwrs inxmediatel(y (after the] minraiteaware signed suggested that tihe first busi-ness was tihe ej ection ofiChainijnan SndVioe-Chairman for the ensuing,year. TheChairman (Mr. Hack^ttMaaid 'they tUaldalready ibeeni eiLeoted'. ; The wooed.Tirie| attbe Camnu'ttee was ' reynlatedfj by the pro-,odutre at the Council meeting iand it waaar. estj iaordanaiy : ipxocKicture to e-joct theOhairjnan amd Vio^-Cthaicj inon before the;rain lifts were lead.: At, thie Caiinal anoet-'ing ft waa usual, 'before [the] «l«ctnan of 1Mayor to read the nimrutes ol tne pire-.vuctos proceedings. At the|tne«tiiijt| of-tho iWatjeirwoirks Commifdca /it was usnaL

l *«lci.ti\. *&«> \SX«SSSSR«, ¦«&. *Jn& -ys isi c^, ^ss tV-1 Sng be T*aA a^u cft-ofiuBifi fcfcfci* sssg!' ¦busjnieas was dona, j jit [ appeared- thhatj1 tar . some peouliair reaihnl lia^- Was nbV'dune in thus case. ¦ The business of hemeeting was 'proceeded •wdth] b^fcoe (heresiding ot the mjenrtes. { S.f. {votes «dthan, the prooewtinrfs wiere i3*igaj bayjngconanenced before h«> ' a,i>por?n.t'ed time.The Chairman pain adito the ploik in tho!Mayor's Offlca and sajd. ?'Bcj: th\at ol^cilI go; thnt i& tihe" ©lock I iahvays go iby."iH^ .Mr. Kenny) taini fcha't 'Waa notj ai!jmbiic dock as the ipubljo or the meinv:bera of the Cojnnj iite& had -npjt access: Oojthat clook which -was tn the Mayor's pni,vatp office. Whem the ttoctr ot th»iM«y»r'e office was olceedl itH'e tncmbbra!:wih<» were assembled in t tjb^i yasfUihiile!¦maat by the Clock' <*ut>side;. T3ie|pi>ooeBd-inza ¦were commanoed^ UefonEj tfie tiibe.amid thena wi&s -a member present, be nn-dexstood,*. -vrhd pjotestedj arid whten jhesugfejJated .that at wi&3 notiyet|th<iappctin-tedTtijne tie -wii ov^nroled and tii© me

et-iftgi went ma. iThiei ¦proceiading opimne »-eid iTlegallry thtwe ot four lminWes beforethej appointed iime aocardfiragfj lo tihe pub-Jio dock. The mew ing ooanm^iced injril-letgility and it was ocarfdmied am- illegality,and] thie tsesolt wias, (jha'-fall thAt hApperi^dat that m>e*atiin^ <w£& iillegQll. That cot ldootj be corrected bfc( any ;-atrt |iaftj eewands.Even wihen ithe time aimih ed me rprocioed-ings could not <be <msde! -letnl becausethey could not art , tQw procwdngs «ind '6ayi ail that hes -gone 'befoojej ' na fllegalAnd) all that follow ia'legal,! j so that jalllthioiproaiodings of ibhat m»e«iti5ng -weoe -S-ilegal and fell tb tpe ground^ Hie imitfurther than that and- protested, as (be 'could not stand ttn>der; aid illwal OhoSr-'trnuwhipj or remairi at ci nt&tiiix $hopro^eediTiga loT ^fhloh-: -vreireTlabaointlefliy,VfhimpTMR! -TTA Amn.riKaofirMi .TwiU\iVKt^c4. Jhrr '•walkirvfr (nit. _ Other menibers| iespses^edtheniselves cimilsrly. Oufceaf I memibexs¦hndj nB(rulatied»tlheir! iwatches py the P^stOffice clock ia they partly ustectted whatwould happen. He nxn^eastoodml ma notthe (first time each a -thjn^fhappened witihregind to the election af uharraian cf ,theWatj arworia Committee. [They, iteuiatedtheit -w&tphes to eaa itbat ny etto i illegalprocedure would .be I brc<a«h,t iii 1 wok, Kgat least have, it eirpoBed |to tbo public.He|rv<aa qptiM «Tire M, tbs grourd, [for theyVent Toxn^d1 <to |the <j lock « 4ibe' ?ost jOmiaeand coanpared ithe I tinre, andlTrtiGci thyyCAQtE) ouft< ^Vffirt-H' •iixic?!: ^OQTnryfl-TCy • tun?FT¦*at hea with. the iPSt :OfBos elc<i le^t,periiapa, in tbe linUtrv&l -the jC itfy (EDafficlock m jht h*vB clteied, burt'they againfout d fcaat the latter wee eadafctly tmghtwiti: tflve (Poit Offkji ti.miei TJufe -iJoclk tnihei'il&yoi'a bfBod was JoidtedlxVuiito laing theidock tjb&lmeeting¦? - Tene ne-gal* ted jfy .: :[" Ho atebil tibatfi ; .n«» obtacot nate and rW-aa i botF-in, ketjr'irtg :-w1tih. 'fhej publib tinted . Tjbs: Ms yor; {Mt Haio-iketi eaidlbediid-not knowTth^t lAirt tlWt.ho iVaa : not : concerned1 wfth - '¦tttair. tlja(Ml. iKeiaiy>;ohiiai)eng]e^ 'him to Mme out1and eee thia C%,'Hall I clock aiid| eadd itwaa not tyjert (he tuple far the iny^tinig 11-thiat tth mo 'Ohaitnia n ftnd IVice-ChainiH o

mKv W^m

i S|y |j ! ;if-l;:'iM>i¦:! m&tWwm^^ l j !itejp^H=- -:"- Catalogue^r¦'ir r: . ¦ \: . - ¦: '!"¦ -: cveryj tpunst.

¦ ¦ ^y pic foi- tlie LargrFipid^1 i 'abtc p^tschcloscajin^ pocl!

:| - /^^;^A ;. ¦ ¦¦ ; ' ! ! RUDGE

I - - -: J l i . - i j : .!. "- 1. - . - - ; - ! ; ; n

Mr.| Gfil igan—I beg to second tb» ine-aoiutii^(al (ptr<>pos€d ;and eo ebOry epakento ,by . Oaanj aililor I Kenny. 11 irriaiy, . em.for miyseM -that in tfche nnst! dustanoe Ihad It&otwn feianj .-what I ooedsidered ID bea most reliable source thai thla'pisotioe¦had betolgioiij s on. :. : : = • " - - ) ; ! * : ] : ' ¦] > '

MtrJ Maibar-I-Who •was. the iifarmex?:

Mr^ Gilligan—I took ! jolly Igoodj oareto'b e' iri time on Shaft- occasion, i ' i

MrJ F. 1Quinlan'-<He coold not f f O V i[ a.

f^rarri Lnfoirriatdon. , i , . i I :Mr.j Mah-nf-It soost bft this fellow

who aendW information to ths! iPress.MTJ P. Q nirilan—VA etas cbajp ibier in-

qOiiyj . : - : . . ; ' : . !M;T» pilli jan—I get most valuable^ fn-

foitmation wery day ,and'I mi^ht i pro-duce I abm« whidh would sttrprle* fedmeof thb m?n ibers here. <Joptinuing,. j Mr.Gilliigan: sa:d|ho arrived tin. minutee jbe-fona (the hatir appodnted for the meat-,in? <if the Waterworks , -ConinHttee.irTheMay-clr .aivndlih ei Town Cl^rk -n^e in theMaydr'6- Office. He .goti infoirmaj tion-ifh at,the rn«e,tini Was usually held before' theappa nt4d fiinie and;.othW rn«m)^ers|w«irethicot tb c^>eak for thAinfidlTOS. 'iErrery,•woxd thiat CounaJltor .Kenny; had lyydkenwith ne^ard to' thi3 motion | he (fullyagreii witH and tharoragb-lyj endbrsed | asfosdri j* idenrate witih TestBX d' tct the-1 Iffimeand What tpok plaoe. He didi not fcnotw:at &tst I that ; tfhe eleotdon 'of Chairman!«n/l V.f»ojnhntrmnVi Kiwi tntertn TiTfl«iJ!Thf!Towtri Clerk i fiynsred* ion. the. notice! [withiregand ito: the ', meetings «f thasipartioulaj !Committee aa Secretarj*. It -wag signedby t|iie>JSooratiary'and tihe meeting \ i Mcoorven^d fir the Council Chamber |i[hotthe Mayor'6 .Office. I . 1 j i !

Maiyor—Ijhat ia the 1 usual invitanom!to a jm«tirig| : ¦ : i hj =Mrj Gilligjan eaid the, proceenEj igs; Trerqrushed:ri& asked was not |ithe .i- : iflibtbusiitess Oite election: Of Chairman!'aridVide^Chairm; a and - tte was* told thati ' litwas over i.lond ¦f/hat'rtJiey 'were aireadyo scifdj ; He fnlljr .- e^iaed'iSatdtha llmfflineas |was iire^ular and'that, in! (adoponthe'tneelna was -held before, the propertimeJ As to, prooeeding -w-ithj- flie .'ttus^ne&s I before ib» minutes were ' w'gtied,«taip] memMrs- 'mithtl eay, -tiuit .theycould riot ^0 on ¦wtithanft someone' ift thechabj .but ii dex thia old regmlationa thecubst-qm|wa< to rrxut the Town jCQerk [inthe chair be are tb© Mayor was "elected.

Air1. Wm Rtzgeraild^-Onj ai tmiut^ ofordec as to. (that paxticdlar. point I|:niaysay that at t&e meeting of the TechnicalCoimmittee j tb» Most Bar. Dr. ,'8h^ehanwas. |appani ted Chairman ' -before];Jj -^heminuted were j -ead or signed. Hhe meet-ing did] not take place until the1 appoint-edi tame, butj the minutes were not' read ora'gnxid .unf^l l the Chairman and :ySoe-Chairman w^re etectad. ; 1 1 1

\I.A /JilViirAn—<T AhofromoOviv . <%nnAtn>«w? TOoidTMr- 'Kenny has' &iiA' X 1 1 . j

¦Aid.- iWhiltile—<I w£s the metn"ber¦'¦•yhopropctjed :tn6 OhairnJan' and yiiio&<Cl|aiir4man I at1 the! Waterworks, -CammitteeJ- andI .prdteat hfej-e anil J: Bay solemnly; thattihe meeting was, |held at .the ! japrpcoi tad,hour and cduot a moanent, a second1 xitr ,apartaclei of far1 .second; inrevious to flhte apjSoin^ed: timej. ^I.oouM swear i that IJ tib-

cly if 11' waa put on my, solemn 0 ith;i MV.: Kenny—B* •what «aack?: « i ! i jAid 1 Whittlef-i&j ; the • clpik- ;in |i the

Maya's Office. Two minutesheiteri thsappointed time—tjhirteen minutes- itotwelve j o'clWk. it Mx. ; Kenny land: hiscolleague iwere.pifesent-!— ' ;

' ' ' |! I r :

toL . feittw&xt-CWtSeaiBws. , vi , { <, \\&&L ^ .QTaC &—"B&& «asssa ¦OS.-tOTEtoa.'

would taveT been 'elected. Xh» majoritiT;is i&e.,-. I ] ¦ ., ,V . '¦ ) . \

¦: ™\T\

Miri. P. G^Uiganr-Qmesticia.1 i ¦: 'n i l iAid, .yfMmle-^Ir.' Kenny who.'T raridex-;

sWndj >vras a candidate fe^ls'teirmblyl'irjid-1sppo&ted tE rt he wtaa ixrt in itrme.'i i \ 1 j ]

Mil. TCenrij—I (wtfuaed itc-'-W & oandi.'dafe.l ' I - ! : |j i . M r i i j l i '

Aid. .'Wihiittl©-(We bear ai :gneat |ifl6aHabout- iillegt|lfty and 'the auditor oomiogdoWij to'au;'change ms ioi\ 316gal I'pay-1mflnrts, "but it is -am. eatiraoAl rJiary ?hirtgthat j llhds w ui rbhe only day Jc* theJj pasttwelve months ttait Mr. iKaiiny Wid 'ieopr^xnipt;1 ¦H«]'was:a member:-far 4W jMst;itwellva aiiOQtns and on\jr ¦attended; rone!rnioetlng.i i Ite nktst have had i ! tettpikRai^tetst^e 01 thisj rparticiiLaToccasionJ| itda curtraxxrdinairy he was- so catefol' of th»interifstj «f tjhe.na1epayeaa for!-|;thie ! tmsitwpHhl«e momtt s ttibat he ocmld tawy -aS t^hdon© meeting'. People, are not|-bl*.nd. ,! || j

Mir j ¦¦Kenny-ThWy- could I nc* :see i!1lhetime ItiKat day daughter)! ' , | i' H j| i 'Aid,, iWMtdo eaia Mr. ''Kenny'a~ llitaiemcraepient failed. I'M; Murpby had. givenM^ opinion m. theloruiestion h©1 was asted.Thia Action ofiithe:Wat)e^c^^;iCo7nmrtl!e&wob'' letaJ.- inleleoting :*he Cauumanj'aifadVipeJC&amnrteii at! that partkj ulax' -mreot-

eaoUlcniof ;t|ie Act by which tlie .Watte-wojrkii Corrim!i't4ee were called -ii ion. to to-port to i the bext | Councul1 : mefting lihiat;th^y p sd | ;a >pointed a ; Ohaiirpian iandiVi<%J TUairmon ioi the eDsuiiig;y«BrJ- i]Lfth^xe was one sy-llible ia tti» Ai?t jthsA!qiu3t on h« ejibmiitle^ the Coun-cUj w^ula ih-eai havb power to override- the :Committee ill EhiaiT action.- - HeJ Submittedthat Jlhe lOoubcil'ibad no powar or ;OM- :thomi^y over jtho addon ctf tbe- WaterwiickiOprnmitteoin iappoiatdna: a Ohaiirman ah J

'Air. Mumihyjliri1 Jeply: said the Oam-mate > had |everyj power t» ellect *J«arChairman.: and : Vice-chairman1 < in : .tfoeusual way.f J [Thie Section of the Act;pro-vided tib^t' the Committee phouJd raxjtrtto th^ Council their : pr oceedings . tromtirtie <o .timei [and 'octa <ol the CommittJ^snouid ba a<ihject>. lo tb* oonftx^l <xt. [the'CapoM'1. ! Tlie, CouncH bad ati, <\ controlover I he OomindtfxaeB apjtoidtment of lt|ieChtir nani art^ VJce-Ohatonan; j thatlliaywith lilte iCotpmiittiee -tbemsefofe: 4o-ij«jp»paJtit the iChainman andiVioe^hiairntaii;Mr. M. iQuinlan. unr.-rtiwf w*to«l!2jwthe| CoiamDtt« to eledt a Ohiirmaa ;aiidVia&qh&mnsA ilkgally?i . Ii ;:.!!| r ; i f i j i )Mr.: Morphs—Tiiat is a dtfferorit; qittpitiOQ^-' ; ; ' i j : ^TJ :! ' >] i ¦ ' y u j \ j ) : !^ - .*-ALd; 'Wljj ittlc—I:« iaasentj:|«j»d!.i aoonsi pioteated at tlie itime. i| ;J ' | l i . i i , . ¦;Mr.1 M.I^Qiiii nlan—The tti'Jni|.' .|fai W»-'0uW: l i jj - . I .' : - ¦¦ I i |; !;

¦; n j. | - - i | ; > ;Mr.1 'Kennyj - -I- take exception 'to, CODJ-meiuaj ig1 j the mioceediiiga wfore! jtbie iprio.'¦ Aj ld.f^iitUe —On: & point iof : oirioBer.; KbelLaw -Ajdviser v as hot osked a singlej <jue&-tioi cbauiitlfc'time, ;l ; : (; ' :i ' - :j ! : l - f ij 1!•• Mr.jKennyj -'-You!.iar^ mUing so |aanaay:

poihta' of Knaar. i I faiak to'« ruling. Jj ;|¦Ald. |: '\Vttitt eH-Tfon* 'lioiata.; jiajre i'ktotBtrongi-enough '3wt,!!jny..Dojr.j- j l j j j ir f ij ;. 'Mr h j i Kennj—Your |poinfta i,df : <*«»:m^bitijbdrralarlf .nointa of dieoixJerH ' jit / :.SdjIWhffitV—M'r: :xr~- .v_ ifcUTI l«i»Ji . —p. — . . -ji"ij »'" fFVPTTPTTgwhitsoever W|in|: eSewnop :tp JtSI Si. 'il 1 I ' T I a i i ^i I, A ¦ r ' l - . ..< - : .» . : , - ' I. •»• - I I I I H

thaipoadb-of;< rdarJt'Mri- MtuphyrA5;t|iglaw; a^visdr, k ay 01 may -n^t kaye ledme1-th'.Cg^issy, YCra flin) nbt'elbW'tA* cnt\iet/r <t iyf ear.¦ '¦:. I !; - i j I , .'jl | rMTI iKaanry--1 rfnant ipa aoctsti- in. 'T iiafbiziff j iBjKttln; out;jod ililsjE&di. - ' ; j. j i ' h \:<: Afd.Jiwhfttk-^yoii.aiw. Betting lidt (ifharW. |;I thins yoro oughiwait<own,!mjrbow. i!' :.'- !lv :: ' i i l^ ,i U i -[Am j r 4i fi' flfc Ktonyr-I fffljt ,h<>t:*itdo*i(>j! ..iSnp,aid! dicWtiing 1 o |tbe law 'itdvidel-ii \f , ithef M»ytDr7oV a nffing;; i^rj tMwTlhon**; 1 dU^l-s trhtoJt;. j -,;¦ !:;j :'.>!•¦ ;'H'|- '

¦ ^

la j yot j il!*!c>oWtidri 4b «rive ma onih nit ii«to; u*j tta*.1 1 cnte* tent Myfiwi'Triat <givi :bS« P^P- -:c ;1 LSJS "veb Bid fitrW in Ettao ksr tim0 «iv I ¦:

'-TW l 'i' tfl AiMf ia OKI ^Wt:It H i;'"-4i i--'rf 1" ftl i M

i^Jtc gdllilvyhiltworthi' i ;j ;;' ¦'¦

Ch|i-of j iietchahge- j . j i f fkttj in eac^ftalo'gue.; jj' 'I - I I ': ¦¦ • [. --!. "--I . • ¦ - i - - i- i i ' *i

Jckrd ii^^

nd' | - ,

] l t i

L - 4HIWJ0|RT;H, ¦ Ltd.; : I ! ;; ['

1 Uiiiimswrannn ! . -< . : , !!

H. . - II ^ : - J l l . l l-n ¦_11_JLLLJ

! :| -l ii • • M i l . I ' ' ' . I I . ! J i . |' 1 1! Townl CB«mkf-B& ia aoTS &mng An opi-

nion oA tbat.1 ! ! : : i ' . ¦ ! i iM ' !-¦[.^.Mvmiij [rrlt ia; meeting vraa aulaa

fbt 'ftoeiiltiain'tiane! eiJditasauesaiw&flj tnans-acrtied : \xd ar j fflfat itime it wouLdVielob-viaasly- 'iBegal. l ! j J ' ! . - ' - . . , j!: l ! :-

; Mr. KennyU-Leaye ttba anatteirjc^ tha{.When Inotmy^ciit was starteen aadia half :minutiae £0 -bifdlve |o-1dock. •¦ . ||. - |;

: A) iCattrwaibtr clsted -WES ai tnortih,1 mileto maloe euchj <t 1 f cm\ about a minute landd bui:i ¦ : ¦ T]: j r : . j 1 in !. .

I Mr.1 M., >imr.—d thitik j ft ca iaaextraofdina.Ty|:ilhiingj .tlhat- ti»" jm infatesw«ije noi signed I' tmtil after tie electioaof :|Chaflnnsan; and ! Vice-Ohainnan.11 Itn«B}tiibe!-a'csst !of rush,- that :tlhW ytemafiaar} that eoin eone| would: caroe lorymadas. i candidaj ie [or the chair. 'Why! didn'tthey- .refcJd - ithja 1 ininutes and gat 4ihiems^neclJi

It fieeOi an)

eocmaorainaTy. wirng.I «ifways saw- 1 be tmimitea Hignod, (bolc«ianjjtlbjng was <: one'. | ' ; I! ' . i :!

|-Mr.i;I*fflg«rtild| i6se—— i i | i ; i : '' Mir.- ¦ jM. - omlan, I Junr.—I kntoyr _ ij fcat

yott are goinfe;7 ;o! lefer to—tne election oftbij Onainnan of -tihe Technical Conurat-1j«>:- w^ibave;nothing jto do wdth ¦fioiUtoh-nicM I 'busine$B.]We;haye a -right to' j udgefoiilanrselveslj.;: \ '- j I i |j -Mel GaUi«aiH-We «re thie premjefr body.1 MiJ Ktegeiald—W was the sameVpfloce-

duije ;as was!parried out in eleptdiig Dr.SbeB-han'Chairman of tlie Tedhaaical In-swtetfej ';|| j ; ! I 1

¦ \i\ .

';¦ Mr-' Giligan1-T^fo iwrongs don't -makea l4olhtL : . I l l l i i I i ! . , i l l : I ¦

; -'Mr.] JKenny-rfWhai j'was .the liixwbbedure¦wth aesandltil ths election of the jllisryor.

Mr.: Mnitpn^-j -As tjojthe quastidn|of ithe'mdmrtaa, the ir^-adfing

of tbeminrot^s aftor-wards in nryppinioln; wedd not inrrolM' ett»|al«tioa-;[irj ¦ L : . ' ' i- '-' l'¦ MrJ itcDoop«U-riI may say with pj egard£0 thsa iime I came! in it was sixteen nxn-utes ti>] twelve oViick by the, cliok inthe)-Mayor's I office) Unfortunately I donot always canir, a [watch, and) I ioannoieeer iwlwpbariif tn'e ] clock wasj j ighit: ari¦wrong, j ^(VVaen J. came jn th^.'w^iseBS•wai dbcroft tq j cvxxjejii I bayeliioiReason'to .thmk-thtat Siisj ppm mencea Jaaam seetime.! I thon^t^wasqniteaboWibaazdand that thefelwtidri took plaoe' lot; thaproper,! t&n)e'I and) plkce. I think 11 iims-the.: only;, man! that Jfnew Mr. ¦Kenny :TBaoini tha Testibt^e, 'ad *hen I was oodangdaI eaw hasmi cMningi along the MeiUL ,iXhoelection .was ceuriM1 crai. elt onoe,| and , 1don't! tMnk ' jUhiat | the members, I th^raiahorb^hrt .!.t!hat raie:>:nie was not I Tip.; Ithcrughft, andjilelieye jthat th«i tiin|e , -wasrally m>i Ijdc not krtow ii the ^proceed;ingb w&eaUeac J bof tttie mimitw rtdt beinrread first. .Mi, Murphy earys ata t« quosHOQ 2OT Use V PQUI'1^1-

iue vvmiuii,;!:/'

thobgnt Jfrey 1 rerej payisg o ctxmrjj imsntto 'Itiao(present Mayor. 1 ¦ ¦ ' h j i i l I ¦

•4lr,;.Pi;: Qujij ian-p-They fliaa .ii ;iright M1 leave it}ie mdn pmt was m Sit twenty ye^vrstbare; hTheyj i fp t iM have .done hdf ttentt-ed,;H;rt,bey w^i ted his vote, | : : t |: | :' -

' Mr. O'HJantoi :said|he had esperi^ceof greiat deaflirigs in the (procedure jo t 0">n>-miiteei. LUhjeiS vasla great Uss a'f uttoattihesej m&etij igB . I I . . : | . ' ! .| j ; '

lAIdwinan 0,'Snililtvaii—-I «m noV.fl j ;ieiu-r j ol tfe .¦Waterworks Clominittee.j \Ttu-whole', Ihing :reao5ved iteelf into a. roawtcof ^un?> |il-pwi eturpaisedj: that eolmuchtjir^, ^3trald]be| taken aq> overs matter GOtriyialT ;.Wit& regand Ito 'the olcok: an tbeCity HaQ IiHva !«pjksite. and I' .hew s onCfljpocftinityliOfj observing its antics, andit yen !foHaw itl-em! jyou. will find it) some.times, bem f i r s to tea mhrntes'tHow.[ • ' .-/ ' ^/ & 2<sa ^<{«» ^i»2^;)i»,j«iE?U anybow-. 'iii |- ( • ; | I1 i • j ;; j i ( | ', '-;¦' MA. !Q^dl3Jtuaar--Ii i>sa.y9 rasson; kvaxr

i! Mir.. G|ilJi5ginWrTui«vr it in tHa scrcp

^S.' 6'Sodiifuif|Tt ! is' vary baid to

know. - rhkii'clock !ia ingh-t. It iq o ivecyemail hing; tip; cmarrel, abaat and|TTBdtooaij tipie/overl J Withiregamd to> tinwthe'minutes; Were :-aiened rt is "imcnateridlto rahel issue1 [and Idoes not need to todwelt dn.' !i: ! ' : ! I ; ¦ ; ' i ! • '¦ :i, Mr. p:NeiUf-I ihappiai to he onii d tbamemberawhoiieft the meeting a& a p r o -tefitj erfainst! the I : action of Cc anciUorjff«6loen;j I . 11 W>i, there at .the; ap pointedthat Mr; I Kenny, Mr; Gilligan' and I ¦ rai^ed putiide. ,;|Ibati£tA'tem£iit is nit true.I had pot seen them until I , BM . them'in thel foonir hHiero;! the ' moetii: k ! wes

,helcIMW-heri. Iigojt. ihcere J aeked j>bc£bxxthey ¦$ere> '£tong j to > proccred with-- theelection .iof ;Chairinan and Vice-IChair-man.! Jtiwasj th^ first tima-I e tiendedthese anid I!load {not any jab ; to do, sothat x rwas fr^^-h<>nded

and free-fmirided.

Tbe TnwJeedingsibad gome as iaq B* theelec.tiprt !of <Jh urnian and • VXCE-Ghais-man-; [|i : jl j l -I i | I :' . i l . i ) ;. .- '¦;: Mayor-rTWsre .the , minuter aflex beingsurriedH f i .'.' il j ' j ; I I. '¦ • ' ¦; ¦; ¦ !| -. IJT MJ. !OWedBrprpti at thlat timeill ^ThatXTH6- about 15 Lminutee to tvwIVe.J Can-tniuing Mr. ' Oiwill eaid .-' be tbld i tbo:Mayor lie objeJcied:. I He ' fMfl ipj^eiU)iraij aj traya :«pte!t6 istat© tog ownjenev-ances :*iuioilli bny i intenferemx^i Ha j w»iadepesndeati.andl ne^did not want [to b?booked down Stoi any party. He)'[wouldnotj let hansetfi be :pulled or digged byany I man in1 t foj Council althonsh- emwattempt: hadij been! made. Hi& wal db- ij ec t lon|Was that [h had been iut-! ivarioT}-*committees and he 'kn?w • something atii.«.- l K-l-l. • -«j : i t 1 m— ...1. . . ¦ ¦ °— ¦iwiuofhjv' 'l" xva O ClOOK 1 V/0 0 i U16 ¦tisual hour f<$ jtl « m. -'ting oj Ithfe jPerr s:Goznmiftee, but vhen n job ^nasj iito-be!done, thie' eackin; of three m«n,Hit iwaiheld at] Another houi when poaaibly thetwo !3aboiiT repreieritatiTOs cvcDd 'Mt at-tend, j TJli

¦¦; l|;' 1 . i | - | ' I i ! i' |¦I ..T^wn <f rx1i~2f). was held tttj tbe jnsual ¦ •i honir. (>! ¦- ¦ ' ! ii { ' ii I ; < ¦ ¦ ¦. . I i 'i ¦: ' ¦ • ¦ : ¦Ij -Mh Q'P[eMl .It k! the ,ustMj icrni- when ¦ ^\ihiy, Want: to;do anything. I aari'as£Tire; you B :*'iMj *e" iiefe at any : boar; ' IAH nrid- i|n%ht;iij^ecessary: |.J was tiold there j». !!a.job, iq this. Vaterwprks Commit fee and : !wore ,arei men:; nj anyasaiDg: for "ft! ww.: IBy ;;el$oting'B' ij CyMiJiman if -mcanj ?.-Hwa ' iy^tea-]JCLII Wat; fb^Be it is • a <ju4sWoh '' !whethet^'wciWd,: ;T ts - for; Hie jptwent IChaimtoj li| #Tnot? think I wcuM;1 for : I¦I :d6 n6t j thinlj ; .he' -is 'fit for ibe1 tibair. - -i[I-'i do jnoti Vfiw toi be personal ijoiaSnst iany; man,i butitn-y ;OpLnron ia :'Uhat ! weichot ildii ibaTe'4- &:! m' n : thaS nnderstonda ;ithas^. «j«mini4t«fe,( and I think' tbsb iChe :" i¦.Chanaaoij .of .jth^1 : iWaterwwks >\ jCiam- : imittse j j onI4iflje| A tradesmto.: ! -i ;i "•¦ 1-... -I Miy»biNr3rou;3>ad no tiradiesman :bn ietii i i,'Boaia. R I'i". iMI! !- i ' ? i ' ¦ , ¦ i- - l!iT.i- ; -^ ; ;:i-Mi.JMbDoniii^l—Mr. O'Neiri ' #«WriL • ; :;ip ;M < ; jj OSreiH-rJ-' would ¦ .vote |!'fwj .Mart ¦.; •:.iilOrt ne^ jtoqv:l*riuld have marei[iinoVr ; ,Jed»> that wdutdlteiraqtBred tbaW 'any- !;¦LAM*lwiittte;to'!MTj !O'NeaNilB; fivf: , ;iBto rttJsTjfa' tWpfMttyor's -Officei| Hidbe* \*};Me«rs !aejriny: i3illiBan en(area. Tb* ¦;:

jWJri^inle ill: ™*.j^ad::*tept:Ti»: h ilai w; 1j o b 'as i id-oewii mentfonedv eo' ¦titn<tm»j .mmpAyiffl 1' fatoet' tha^ I Chairme N ;w;:'':;;;.tores. -. fe/hnffi lnp- axe-to grinkj . ¦ rf a$ '-:S

life ^ f 5? 5 (f ^^1 ^ J f ^ ^ ^ "y^^^^ 9 ™ I ¦K*rt ^ *" M^ H»

Sf l




: ¦

i ¦ . : • I

¦ . I j •


taa&d five- meetings <5fk thft pajt (year. :; Aid. I Whittle—And Mr. Kenny - attend-jod ms. \ '•:

¦• i ! ' ¦ ' " ' . MHr. QiJJigaD—Mr, Kesmy jh enga^^d-

jn ta»! Division of Kiibany.1 , •¦ jMr- -Seano—How many tisaes can a:

inaoheFiof the Council addnera a meet-1

in* an©: on« eubject? ; ';V f owa Olerk-^Onoa anty- i ¦'.

ilayoa—I tihink it is iune . to .diaw the!Hoe. •. - ¦ ' ; ¦¦ ¦ ¦ !

Mr. Hacteit—I mQ bo bnirf en my TC-marka.1 -1 did not esuwasB «ary<me for theposition of Chairman'<xf. -tha WaterworksOoEiiiiJltae.! Mr. O\N«iD spoke here ofsomeone ,trying to drag him • about. '¦ WellJ never, "mentioned the Choinnaaj ship ofthe Waterworks Ooanmattee to tany mem-ber. I' was in the MaiyarV Office at tienjninutes ' <\o eleven and I was sittingdown there wlhen Mr Gflligan put in hiphead and went out iagain. A M. Whittleand Mr. Grimes came ' in some timeafterwards. I v.-aie sitting dmvt» Trading«nd when tlie hands of tine clock cameto dfi minutes to 12 Aid . Whittle aadd itvas bettor not to .be losing time the*?and that we craghti to go on -with thebnsiiese. He moved that 'I take the<jh«ir. 11 took th-a chair. Mr Fedly saidthe first business was to elect ei Chair-m»n and-Vi<*-Chaixman. It iws mowd&at I be Chairman for the ensucmg yeai,and after that it was proposed that Mr.MoDonaell be elected yioeXJh&irmanThen the minutes "were being; read at th?time Mr. Kenny and Mr. Gilligan oameinto thvs room I solemnly 3»y that atthe lino til-ay oame into the^rooj n! it wasabout 13 minutes to 12. As to the- re-marks fhat have been mad? with -regardU> ray Blnees ior ithe chair they will notpve me munh trouble. Going back toMr. Jvj enny 's s-tatem-eut as to traf: publicd6cks I ivauld nek an7 reasonable manis it the public doake we have to ;go by.Aro TO to go out and sae the puMibclocks before we go on with a committeemeeting. Ihe-o-ock in the Mayor's Office,is always tBe tin» the meietings go -appears that there was eome' disap-pointment, but I -am satisfied that theman who ejected m? did .so ui a bonamanner. It fe slated too that >t!he elce-tion was rushed , but if iIr.iKenny*e andMr. Gil!:?nn '8 word is to •'be IbeffievedAgainst four oth.«r members of ith« Oor-ixjration I do not see whlexe majorityrule oomes in. If four other mearirjKrs«nd mveeH included say that the rime¦trsvs up is it because Mr. -Kenny hassome motive or tame splaen lUiat MrKenny and Mr. GiltKan wolZ be beliiovedagainst the ward of four other m«mbers.lit. McDonnell a.-J«yi -was the tnn»> up

And at mas. I do cot see that there wiasanyi departure from th* procodume a«iop-ted in tho eleoton of Cttvairnran for years«ml JOSJS. Every notxj e you ^ot

to at-

tend a committee meeting appoints it forU» Council Cham her. biit ail these Coon-mittee meatf -nge are hf id Six the Mayor 'soffioe .

M>r. P. Quinlan—We A3 JUIOW the classof men MT . Kenny and Mr. Giltiffan are.Tie othw four men are friur iprofesionaltrinnnera and ri^gors ^aTrplause). I -willprove one by arue that tho four of themtfimmed and wirryglfd.

Aid. Whfttle^Thfl* «rpr«s&jori ia ju^tin keeping with the reputation oi thepenlileman who madie it. v

Mr. Haobett—Hear. hear..-Ud . Whittle—H i« not warth w-Hite tak-

ing ¦any motice cA it . I •wtnid be v«rysorry to have to go to Patrick Quintanfew a reputation . I would euaiely be far.gotteu bv a-U my feilow cititens

Mr. P."-Quinlan—The last election willt«!l yaa.

Aid. Whj '-tie—I -B-VMjld indeed ibe for-gotten by all my fellow aJtfeeiw if I lhaidto Pa to. Psddcr Qtrinkin for a Teprutatdoa.

Mr. Sraitlt—If it w-as a rrwvtier of aimplytaking the -jvnrds of two members therem'igljt bo some compromise, bat whenfiiey had two membexs bearing out em-pb&ScaCy nihat Mr. Kenny had «did.Thoy netid iia*. KO ouCkido the election oiMayor there. With regard to the Tech-nical SAool he bad been a member olteat Committee JOT four years and he haid«?va seen a -me<< uiTig oonductwi withionAtto aiirajteo being first road. He was re-forcing to tihe agenda, sxul to thte besft oftea Tecalectton the leading of the mmu.t?s TTss »he first thing on ihe og«nda. MirKt^eraJd had stated thait «t a reoeritoiaBtiny &ia Chairman and Vioe-CShair-laan were eJedted betoov the rm motes wereKEKJ. '

¦Me. W. Fitegerald—I stated exactlyisSist ooenrred-. - ' '¦¦¦

Mr. Smith—Yon stated -what your ex-perience was. My experience waa.invai-iably that ihe minutes were read feat.<Jarte a diffcirent prooedura was foilowddin the case ol the Watarvnarka Commit-tee. There was some reason far thearrange of flie prooediure.

I Mr. Htwkcrlt—The minutea were neverread xratn : tJio CSiairman. • -vraa elected-Tiflre waa' no departura torn' the osualproc«dnj «.:J

Aid. Whittle—Ton oauM not «ad themiuutes Tinfesa someone was j n the chair.

•?itr. Smith—I must support. CouncillorK';nny—We must declare ube whole thingwiid and -absolutely irregular.

Mr. Benny proposed—"That the Ooun-cfl becng- satisfied that &aa meeting of theWaterworks Oommittee pitrportaig toiave been held on thv.- 19th Fobruary notkeing oondBioted in acooTdance wtth the,«<a'.-u-tarv usages si though providing toej ect a 6haxman and Vice-Ohairman thatthe propc-ediosrs oi the said meeting bequashed and the W«terw«rk3 Comirtotleebe directed to convene a further meetingto e'fet a Chairman and Vice-Chairmantnc transact other buf-j -ness.

Mr. Kenj iy, proc»"»rding, asked the law«dviser what wiaa the ordinary mterpreU-Icon oi time that itlbey aay in the- not**ol a meeting to be he id at a quarter to12. In ihie eyes of tJve .lawwhat wyj aldtiie interpreta-tion of that not-ce moan.?

; Mir. Murjt hy—-It would be a quarter totwelve actual Irish ti me. I do not tlu-rtkyon cotdd follon any pa-rfccular cloak It¦would be a mattar oi wid'aruv

: ilr. Kcnay—I taie tlie most aouj -atecjockfl to b»; those in the Post Offioo orthe teiepvaph offioe , they would give ttoe»ctuail ILinh time.

Mr Marphy—In the matter oi evidenoe ,I fancy.

Mi. Kedny—W ould :n U)e mat tier oleriderK-e.-j f this maU*-r «>s-e pr;?esfd.^caild h be eumedent for tli<? Cha irmanor orther membes- to t-uggvit lhat .h\'meeting now start and in loakuig -up atfee clock on ihe wail, I saw by that it,was* quarter to 15 and I did not go any-where :else to see tbptime.

Mi. iMuipin'—Jf that wnc tiio usualpwoedure and the clock in th* committeeroom jwas bept for that committoo, andhaving evidence that >*ivey did follow the<£ock there.

Mr. iKenhy—Would an ardinaiy mem-bar haw a . rdgbt to fcoej) •unduiating be-tween | the vestibule and the .Mayor'*rjock to aee exactly wbat time be shouldattend a metting?

Mr. I Murphy—No, no.Mr Kenny ac-ied how was the ordinary

member who convened by notice to dooide . tbe time.1 Mr. i Mnrahv—HA I>A« of rnur.<« in allcases I to tAe fthe actual time. U ytraSM pjiag to catdi & train you have U>«peod on; your watch. An interpretedin o court of Jaw tha nsarost time would**,**»¦ Poet OfSce <&<*&. ; : iMr.iO'Harilon rose to a, point of . oacder.JK dock tb?y hod to >go by he eaid w»ho elook (a the Mayo/'a Offlc* whether«at ,TO ri^it ox wrong-. The Post Offlo?«• the; oiber clooij had nothing <o dowith |ii .|

Maror—Thfy took their time from thedock] In the Mayor's Office wliethw -itwaa right 'or wrong. Thfy toct it foT-Canttd it was righi.

iix\ Kenny—If they did ; tihev did notuife itha tdoabio'-. iniiellher members lookv> a«oartain whether" it vras rifeht iff

.*a»p.i They did not. take the pre-

.ewtion to' see : whetfier jit w*8 fivpnnuSos or i ten minuteB or a quarter of«n hour elour or: fast. We did teie tb>muble to £ nd od what thie actual Irieh

.uBU ^sas .land wo found 3V minutes dif-*»««». l\ wo* pot a candidate i for the™ut. It WAS proposed to me but I eaidiW tiAt I .-wotdd prei« :not; io. be / *ftwiqidiito lefl . my attendance there doen?»' •nxaat it1 beca.u» I|: have! otherraw mga to *ttend on- the same . . daygw *»e l iquid I did pot think K couldfw ili close stOantJon and I .refused it.:* *>j rtli»iper&aa«a j a t M reti til ' I

M>yox—-Wo h»v* bad «ooa$b <4 ^ thV>* «i ffoodn«a tawM.h , , •' ¦' ¦ ' <\•Mfe iKitey^-iBjr •way '«: *' dosing **•**£.il>*»'«r that *lit*xrf i$tien v*»«we nmnles diffcaenoe totween Jhe tinie<*t&e «}ock|in Hba MayotVofBie*nd thfe»5?.f tte dock cne toe minaoe to the®5f«l»l hofldinM «t tfaeToateet of the!?>2Jfto|« .jKWifeST-wsrt tonekr lgtin, «siiHa «P%i,"*'tai4 -K3o&i7*-- *»•iSS r- gin*; fc»id, r4fjj *Jisic«oBoi>». *aftdr<WB.

lt-:fiMBS*HWw5»ilj1»i«.."i- 7"T

¦ : :i ; i i: '

! ¦ ! " ¦ ¦ \ y ^ - : •

i '¦

¦¦¦: ;|J4| ti#^r;

^. . .

^ . —-'pr . . , ; » )| T , y~ . .H -i ¦ < . ; - • ; ,. ¦ - • ¦ | ¦ - ,- -fT**} «¦¦.•¦.rTIVTT , ) , • - ; . . . -., 11 :

for Mr. Kenby f l frestfiofioa:—AldecmttaJaztlea -Quanian : OiancSlora iDr. Manyatsnantrmaa, T. f i -NeiU, Pi .Quinlatt W. 3.Smith, MauTDoei IJuEalan, junr .; R Kcamos,P: fW. 1 Kenny, I ¦. Gi!UJs*ttet9,,. ~%-U-1.'L - .¦_ l (A«&inst — Aldermen Dr. CSalliMan,Thomaa Wihnttlel, lOoamcdllara Dawjjoa , E.Weltto , T. Kteg&-aldt Jarnea HacVett, R.Grant. M Cassurw«P Moher; M McDon-rielf*: W. Fitzgerald,'iP. Oiimes, and itite¦ar«w-i3... . j it H i. , p- .:-| :The Mayor] dewared thi> r'osolutiort &>-f4ateid, and the pcunccj «barat-ed. | S ,

j ADDrTOR'S liEPORT^¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' L' i '¦ I ¦[The L. G. (Boaidi foinrAjidwl o. copy ol ,

,toa report oi itho .Aiuditoff in hts audirt. ofitlia Corparaiion laocounta far lh« yoaiahded 31st MAroh. 1911, ¦with attested.ab-staaota of accounts. < . ;

iTbe reporl was1 as follows:— jWaterfowl; 31st aanuajry.. '13.

•Gentflemen—1 bavo tlh« honour io-ie-part that I havo audited the above; ]ac-oounta and I enclose the ab^iCMicLa - oisame duly certified. Tho returns of. rateooilec-'Jon for the1- year atte ¦&& folloysf;-1-

Oolioccor ClamJ>ci..t'd ¦K-ornuat amountedto £13.310 7s. 4d., and ol tihxs eud £573•R-OS suruiik off ua bad ; £231 10s <ld re-presented rates on ¦the artisans' mrnul-ings and on houses tof email valuitionswhich v.>ai« uneollbotable, iand aboui £l£iremains outstaiiidJnK -at the 'pavientjtime.

ColltMtor Qairitaii, e -wniinraat amountedto £7,677 13s. Id.,, and ol this aumj £350was struck off oa bad; £786 -pepreseatedrm'j o a on axt-saas' Idwellings "and onhouses* of smiuUi valuations wJiich I wnireuncollectahle, and abauri £44 rciiOdueoutsta-nding at tho pmesen4. time. ,

Regar&mg theee rj ibes now outstadding,true ooLieotioxs ttauo th-at 'they are in I mostcasea inrcoovcrabia cmvog to/ the povertyof the ooaupiexs. .Vs legal proceeditgshave been futile on previous occasionsfor the trooovory of rates toom suoh occu-pieirs, tbe oollootors Ihave not resor<ifd tosuch action, and I conaixiar ithat theyshould iBXrt on the pow'exa they possessrundiar .thedr warrants, at Least, in- -somocases, and report -the ruauii. to tbe E\in-ark« Cammittte.

Attar tho o3oaa of the oJilootiion -eajch¦yeair o<n, "tho 31St Matdh a-nd wiven thearrears sho<Ms have ibeen prod-uoed to theOjuncoJ, .the Tcxwn CDiork aiould be direct.ed. by them to verj fy Uie accuracy ofsarrto t>y sending Hw notices reffvxed toin> Axt.'do 101 of the Pubiic IiodiosOrder to a!.1 (Wa-uilaeirs whose names appear oa the micoj sheets. Thia ia ofmore importance as the receipts and de-mand notes ane nal filled and iaswd toth*- cx>llectors us preiSorDbed by Article90 of tho OrVkir. At pxesomt tbe cAMi>c-tars rU! lup these r«coipte and diemandnotes thieansel vea.

To beMer safeguard the checking olrate ct>UecU>r>»' wwskjy rretUxas the cus-tody of rate books ehould 'bo giyeai \s>the Boixxugb Treasurer arid copies I ,Isame g.xvn by the Town OLerk to th« coilectors. The alternative to this courseif , far adiequatQ reasonw, it oannct be car.ri«id out is' that the Town Clemk musH . rocompliance with tho iPAibbc Bodies 'CXrdarhave tihe neoea^ptiS •and' demand notea writ--ten oip ID his office and -given to the col-lectors The present eyate-ro as whollyunsatisfactory, and thiough I mefciroad to'the matitwr in a former report, r»o dhan-gwhas ibe«tn made.

Th«3 total rate ior tihe year 19)0:11amounted to 9s. 3d. in tho £ (exclusive ofdomestic water rate of lOd. in ithe t)Thkj netirentaliof estaties of tbe Carpora-t3oo i& about £7,609, neaofly equal |to araise of S3. G<1. in the £ , and in view ofthis income the rate ffoma rather hi(rhThe estate from whiohtho aaid reutittl' isderived is charged with the interest aicd,einii-ng fund oi 'the DebontruTC SiotOc.irtiich represents a debt of kiibaut £67|,O(X).an cCd dtabt, tramsfanred to the new >CpT-poration in the year 1S42. and these an-nual eh&Tjpes would equal a rate of Abotulle 2d in tho £

A4 the present time I undfaistaod fromth« Town Cldnk ,. sums arrKjaotiitg |toabout £3.000 (mada UT> of CapitSttonGranit. FLshguard and -RosMare Railwayrefunds, etc.) are due to the Carpora-trionPoor Rate Account. Wiith the rat>>« nowraised to reduce tly; ovoxdrAft on this 6c.count, the receipt of theso due cranteougibt to bring it to a narmaJ ocmditkinOn <the aR.h« hiwid the in-oxeaeed demandfrom the LunAfcc Asylum miist be oonisi-deircid, and I am of opinion that thio iie-mand WTJI have to -be met by a oonsidtr-a"bly increased rate. ¦

The oirstirlg printed rental of th* Ctr-poratJon proporty has ntot, I und^Tatand,been revised tar '.14 yeaas. There halveboem nuroerous dbanges in the reJiWlsinoe, <tnd many; of this TiUhia R4ntcharges have becm (redeemed; al«w a largepart of the Aericulfcurial . property hasbeen eold to thj o. itefnantR, so thai thieprinted rental- ie -misleading. I

, A now TeJit^l should bo pre-pared vriih-onit delaiy by tihe Town Oloiik. and shoildbemeviKod eact year Bind c«rtifi-ftd by JiJm ,and this rental shouM bo ' sent to theBorough Treasurer ns hr's wuHirant to <iol-lect tho Tents as nhbwn thopcin 1

With pefeoerioo to ''jhe copies of tho nktebooks mentioned! above, thest copteoought to be prepared immediiately wiShUl6 rate book.a so a." to avoid delay instarting the ctaDeotioJi of the rai*.

The co-leci'<-tis do not ir t th^r vxu-nants .:fn pmytoT time to onrpmenco tbecollection of the first tnodoly They<hou>d be pnBblcH fo comrrwnce Befor*-the «rvd «x' A|ay if due <>XT>«t; twn weremnde in the jvrepaxa/.ion of the books —I am frenUemen, y*Mir obfKJiont Rpr^artt.


CORRESPONDENCEA Councillor's Stjtement

Coatradicted.Tbe Cttdhcdral, Watcrford,

Gti March. 1913IV:&r Mr Editor—I n your account of ibe

proceedings of yesterday'6 moetung af theCorporation MJ . QuiBfl'an, jun x., is re-ported as foijows — "He (Mr . Quinlan)ivoold like to, Jsnow how i-t was thait "SheTemperance Hall asked Mr. Watson, theman who produced tiie pictures in <th«-Theatre quite, recently, <to pive them abenefit night ev-ory Saturday niffht Itth<-y coufd have the pictures for theirbenefit could not Mr. Collins have themas lessee of the Theatre. . . FatherO'ConneU , h<j understood, woe head ofthe Temperance Hall, and when ha ask-ed to have the iprctures for the bca'efltof the Tempoiranco Hall ho did not !thinkthis hubbub iliould be got up about [thematt-ar." I take it that this reporu uoor.rect I

I—I n Ptiply I b»>g to state that I hiiveneveT fipoken a wnrd or written a Ijni inmy life to Mr. Wateon. I have my kiiowi .<d«e1 ev«n eecn him. No-body on my behalf ever approaobedhim It ig flhsalutediy unfirue then tosay that directly or indlrcctVy I evern4i;d to "ha\t e those pictures for theIx-neifit of «h4 Temperance Hall. ,,

fl—•! have not been absent from anyoommi"ee nieetlnj f hold in Ah-s Tdmper-anoe I ' all ;-ince Mr. Wateon favouredus w: I ihis, presence in this cit y . Atthos? committee rnoctings no -word cv«rtrenfipirod about Mr. Watfon or hje pio-tujres. So the Committee of thai Tom-p^ranoe fial| made no application forthose picluroa. i3-HI happeri to be the President ] jof theTfmpenanc« Ha.U, and I pevex <ray«, in-structions or authority to any individualnvrnber theru to Vntw into «ny orpang*-m'ent wibatsc e-ver with Mr . Wataan.From time io tlnK> we have had wn-certf. In the Hall, but never one j lurlngthe Holy Bej fon oi Lent. i j

YouiU faithftiLl y, i1 WIULTAM O'OOKKELL

SKiMAGH a^TARRHi: And Digtatli ve TroubltB Cured by

DR. CASSELL'6 TABLETS! "Mrs. BU^k. SI Marlbour St., 1 >ablinjwrites: "I suffered over two v«aXB ifetoivary severe I polins in the j stomadh andd^estive trouMee and wa» so 'badjthaf] Icould Jiardlj - sleep or eat.j and no foodwould stop on my stomach. & itrtedmany different medMixs in vaLnTe-ad Jgot vfry w«)ak and low.1- Then 4 itried

Dtr. iCaasell'B Tablets and, elmokt' atonoe my fo4d agreed ,iwth mo, ond, nonfI l oan eat ahvthin? and Umv «. M1 t&T **nlwtoman." Dr. Oassell's T&blata .¦will \ cuinAall forms of nerve, organic; and pfwacaaw)»kne$)g in cb.fldtaen.or -fcdrflta.1 Prj icoll)il U. l}d. ana 2s. 3d. ©fall lohernfetsiSi'rid 3d. xn stamps to Dr. Cese&U'A Co,U4., King fit! ;W... WtBWneBterJ for ' «%e trial -Eek :' I ' ' :¦ - i i , - - • j . • ' . ; I

ii WHY flUPPOBT TORErQMEEfi !WflULB TODi ,HAVE JRWHMEaf TO|.j- • . ; ; : i gyppQBp;, , ~ .; ; T

PATRICK OKIEBY. POCLTEBEB, Eic '.> ( - . : • : CAR^OT snra* ; i : i IW|iW^bte;

'.Pifloai fW '»U ctieiesctf f Fe*lb««( w«Qld KA (New).. «IM totHide* and 8km «nd Horse «i <T Cto*•H*ir.' Atta ob Ram * Mak * '*£lki tM-cfejSoir and p ?boifj*5*ofe»

lr %qi)ip^dltaiBUMift dn;i tiUdM*** it f q m i . [ , ; :T4r : > - ¦ -( ¦ ¦ ¦' :¦"nkTT,v^«¦—s JJ

— /' ;- . >i i . -'¦£•<• i'1*

17ATERFORD<5T!$TW VTir' iA^^ir T?^©JrJiMJi 'b' ^&a)iL2iiiaS>

!Tne i ^ity CoramlGsion

iuaioe aaitrxthat j ustl-'beAaw tbetti. I :Htmt at ieittfotnnd tfne p]and he toM

V'JaK ^PiS ^


t t^eia- iia «nby B4itJ I. P.rW»p3rM,;i>olr., »un«aa:i ed^M^ O^ -A ^ lW10?*f'K l!!!3JW6tt 'f11iMj 5m*;-vil?t9 «£), *« l >e--:Tspond*nfi . •:": ¦" H !^ SpJ j» fc]t Wtoxtf<t£smti$l ir iik' vriVndMdbin^thattoarning: ; 104, acres. :«t , Knoc^briuiidten., ioUaf i. hrtin 'fl t'ery.M- 'iV; T^- -;f "'-f

&li2$il '?3$ul hl,!(!en* l«teM^or Clo'ear ey>T tere«to(f the

ipSnti« <ft3- flw«13 d fe ii* '4-1

at *» «*"¦ p».i*o>:©rfsoneiwj debreei'jfoitiiwni iift 7HnkwSvm,i'! isiSa •, «3*J dnM,- vTmt '-ymt'O»i * rhbn pftWSt Sa- w itS^ S I fS l^M Pfe' :95S^ri:wWW55iW*!<I »« mmB liWM.T Soot pudncv ccrnTStt dec«oii tato rowment W flht i dtt J iwi ooshzhctm. Vltdntil %¦* in 111*

¦f' "' 'f ¦ " "'' ¦' ; ' -1 ' '¦{ ". ' - ¦' ' j ¦¦) I '¦¦. * ¦ * ' i .*'* o ft •¦ i ¦' I ' - '¦' ' ¦ ' - L i ' ¦ i ! ' I I 'I- ¦ i I ; • fr 'j t . ¦ I ' ' ¦¦) ! '"¦ ' i '¦''¦ ' •' ¦' - i V > * ¦ !*¦¦)•;

, waSnit;niorAioff'i'Off*bCP0j6JP ; >Boom*. fTinhd MUij:

j UA'Mjp Hf l'¦Cwn .;¦ SM ;

e Crown Case.


City Satis ncitory and Peacable

' ! rHas Lordsliip the Right Hon. Juatic*

Gribson opctnod tho Commission olA&size foi this City of "Watarjord in theCJcy Courthouse Wednead'ay at ,11 o'doakHis Lordahip wis accompanied on thuBench by tihw City High 6.. riff(Alderman Dr. qiSulli-van).

Hon. £ Ciib36n, Repistrar; Mr w.\. Dobbyn, jOleiik of the Crown andiVaoe; M. Hi. F, Fedlry, C.P.8., DeputyClerk of the Grown; Mr. M P. Devereux,Bub^Shorifl, \|ero'in atteadance.

TH? GRAND JORYChe followHiig- gentiemen wiaro ewxtrn

OL On; Gr-omid J ury:—Dr . G. 1. Mitckesy,J.P. (foreman), Ald^ Thomao Whittiv,Moiander N^laon, D.L; Ja-mea Oahill ,Da\-nd McDonald , 'Bernard O'Sliaugh-mssy, Janii-s: Hackett, TXD; Dr. W. R.Morris, TJO; ' F. W. Bailey, J. H.Courncnay, J , M. White, J.P; David1 O'Hanlon, TJO| ' James Power , T.C ;William RoberUxin. J- R- Hammond ,Walter Walsh, X.'aurenoe (J'Biicn, Aid .W R. Wand, ¦ J P


Hia Lordflhip add3«ssing the GrandJury said thtre was only OIK case—ac-aso p i mo grpat importance!—to bo con-eid>jT6d by thjesn at the pr ent AisaiK-t .Th(«e -K-ere two persons charg

in rf-spodt of miTglhry or houst- breaking int "the Pipe Factory of Me&sre Hanlry Mr -dtd not intend wiiih g-antlemen <-t !¦}»>: roxpcffienoe to; discus tiht *\\i d«-nc« indt-tail. As fair tvs possible he avotdodtud}1ng the Ucpositjons in such n way

[LE, to fir ia hbs iinind any cleai .ljuprt-a-sion of facte \xiore a case came on fartriitl Shortly the fac W wrc that on Uu-12tli January thia Pipe Factory wasbroken into and money abstracts . T-li«-evidence agajalst t!i* persons ijiarjft'y wasalU*!«tber oiryumstantial First tliereK\\ro certain ffmark^ iiLa<i s- by th»prisoners justi before the occurrai*secondly t'wro was pipe olay found onftwi r Tl»t.»i«s Uiis b ine a -parrK-u:«x)yatiruisive ii.r t.ici e fl-nd very hard to gvt irid of ( .-rtain footprints were found |whioh oorr«ipOnd'«l witfi tli- boots wcni |by the prcdun«re. In add. t;on to thattln'-re was the 'Large -amount of nuxwy ,which the irtwonwa appeared t - > J« -'lavishinx to gratify their deairf Un 'dnnk . In ali the circuni*tan(5t6 it wtw ¦for the Grand Jury to say wbetther -r ;r»rt <A wiw- & nase which would luitifyfh^m in ftnd i iig A 'JUC bill. Witti re-cvard to thv genejal cor>dition of th<- cityit was O6 usual satistaiotory—quit<? sati.factory and peaceable He was dol ighu ,ed to see the town should prt^nt itsu/iual favourable appaarancy? «u.<i t.'hattho:i bridge was mcaring (vuiip '.vti<.nwhich is a blessing they had long being-ynarning for. H'e was always deb'g'h.t*<ato come to Wtftarford ae it «-vae in thiiC'»urit that ho .received has fi r»^t oirciirtbnct The only tthing whacih mad<> him-ilent »<h<^i IK came to this city for«'Ju<-h he had such affectionate fwlang»<v«.s that so f^v» of his old tra«-nd.« "f iort yout; v«'ar« ago ^xipe left. He di«i not•thdni he had rtjho ploasuxe of knowingany nf Uimn pareonally oroept Dr.Mffckrt -Hy. When they Bad found theirbill !«¦ would be delighted to liboharset,n»rH

The Gran d Jury tihen Tvi uipd io ron-6id« T the 'b-.U


The Grand Jury having found o. truebill . John Walsh and Jamea H UTA olWaterford . were j ndkted for ha-vnrvg- onthw I7th Jai»uary, 1912. Momously (<tol«icertain monej , tho property of WilliamChapman , and on » eacona count theyware oharged with felonioue ly ff^ahngsamo.

Mewra .Battors-by. K.C., and C<.\rvan,K C uiirtruxy-rH by Mr 'Twwody. CrownSolicitor) pnistciTted on beh aLf o-f theGrown , and Mr. Krnahan, B.L (in-stTucte.d by Mt . P. R Buggy, soli ) de-f«>iid.«1 tlue priBoiver Waitah

The- prison-ore pleadod not gMiity . andtho following jury was eworn to tnv thecase:—John J. iBreen <foreman>, Thos.M Murph-J. WiilJam JotWA. JosepOiGilligan, MatthQIT Caaain, John Aylward,Dani<fl R»\gan. .William J. filiallo?.J/o&eiph Jones, John Arnold, WilliamFitzpatriok . Rdbort F. Phelan

The follow ing were challengr-d by MrFluggy on bohaU of tho pn^.iixre -Thoa D»' »l-an. Benj amin Gxahftm . W BM,.red:th Samuel Strangroan , H Si LA --K <ns

Thorn** O'NeiU dopowd that he aa-pists in tlx? management of tb\* PipeFactory of Messrs Hanley On tho 16rhJanuary ho was working in <jhe pr-e>-mirti» anil exAiuknied them when h»? leftat 630 on that evening and found tlrey¦w-ro pjoporly. -cl<wed,. The pr<-m:B9?» <ro fitiiaUid In Jnlin 's Lano <>n th*n.-x: morning at a -(TuarU-r past- <ughti c ' ock »-h<n he went th-ere r»- fomndthje dmk m tie packing ' shop wasbrok«> n into arid CAA was mussmg H."informed true polio? about nrne o -cilociknnd iDide a turtih«r examination withlht>m He PAW footprints in S>v kilnl.-ading to the. ahaft.

Orasp-rxAm-.tiM by Mr K.- aahiuv- 1Riippase there ia o considerable am,«nit «fhiwi coming tro>m Bhe shaft'

Witness—T<w.Wiuit wBS - on top r f :!"> k .l .i, .jiAt y>u

eaw the forttprLn ts »-n ' • !"*ust of hncknnd dust of pifK' c lay .

W&j the fife tn tlw oven at the Uma.-—No.

t\irth«r q-u<v3tSone<l t-h<? witn»»s.s etaUidtiiiviv wie two kiln.- ami f<iui t$k .v|! .^ht&m the pkioe.

Patrjci O'Neill «.tat<vi he was nmnaifiol tbe. estahliahnMril arj<i »vt> jn th«- tiln»j'aborut 11.30 «n fih<? night of Uu? 16t0i. Jan-¦uary and hue ih«hard th<> vo.oes of tte twHiprisono-re oute'.dc.

His LardshiJ)—-H ow did you k nowtherniP

Witn^s—I 'kfrcw thecn as tlujy \n nfc«iayb oangiruj around. Hunt ?aid- Wecannot get in there.

His LardshiTf—How near was Iw toyou?

Witness—He!wfts just out^ido tbe .shut-ters. Walsh then said , "That will be allright." I did not listen to on; n iore arxtwont fcway (o '>fd as I was not wcJl nnd\vtw laid op t^ws fallowing day I hadcharge of tho money .that was .ij) thedesk and it arr ounted to about £1 10s or£1 15s. j n siWor. The desk was lookedthe night before. When the policebrought the. clothes of the accused, to (thej>3aoo I found pip* clay on ihe ©ollair ofWfllsh'B ooat end -the-ldiist of ih* Jriln onhia troraserri. The Splpo clay oa hieMrt Vw*-* VAN 'riftinvft. &zil lit w*afl difficult toget i>sp« day <faft of icflothcs. Thc<i» <waa ^y ¦ ' . ' .u „ „ w>opipe oily 'also «i (Hunt's coat but noli). M«\ Bnggr-We got conaiaj eriMelsums•M % on fiis trcuscra ,irthi<* wa^ n«w «nd advanced Jtom tune- to time frojn tt».h«S evidently been charged. The-r> tfere soli-ctoi of the estate. Albont 6 yea *imrh of pipe clsy on tbe boota I wa "»d a hai ago I patd hnn £173 3?. lOd.shown i He •* l'v 'ng with ids family; apd hei

OroiUxomtwd ty lli, Klnahcrv-Yao *** hi* brofliers Jraye thia property ,beHwere looking ?pr p^r* clay, that «a» wihat An»n themj and pnA ofjt

is B$tnnHy|

you expectied \o find wh«n you examined th<» site of the Pipe Factory. ,rt^ clothcsT-X <s HJS LcwUhipr-And- toe] may , hav^

Yc<u e«y tbit l-pi pe clay h dfffloult to thought he|- might , mjW » "Jf'get out of Wh: iTnot <iha t the <aiamac <'«U8htcr) . ilt ?s one of th« moU un-tcs of tmr ivyjider « ¦ plnasant eplscodea I'ri*?* iheard . i

WitneSffi ^ difficult to get out when Mr. JSngg* •*" rWoWi «M entitkd toit ia -wet ¦' ' • : • a fourth; part <A £1/00. : , | : ¦ ¦

Further pxt mined,; wHneas stated that Hf* ^ ?ihJp I{Jlc, lri$? ft*s iWihe had several dealing* vriths ttoe money J^M. 'J^ - i TvSjiH? fclL, J

iHfeMI gH^issscribed .Walfi l BP a. iounger j who <ro al- ing'01 appeals. j , , ; . |l i ! ( : |wavb about tiocotatTa., i 1 . : • I ; APPtJAI Q * : ! : :

Bis I/>r4ship-It aeema a pity as he ' ; ; i W*14

! i : '. :¦ |



f t ' i . '• E^0TMBOT!:OH. i | : !

JW rKSB.'^i .iM'biadto'have Jsefflen : Mary. 0'BT^n, defe^uiilnt , ! irtj>eiao4removed irpn > stoat bii vbu* at OhiteV trora a decree iox poaseeBioin of a. holdingmao. :.: I ' !¦ • A« (ICtvnnWi<i,TrfoTi:*oth rr«ifti»i£2 I 'f m\imxnldv\. ;: w. ' .! .¦ ' ! ¦ , at fKJjoofcbaarfon:with «>tt9i£2 ia8 ^r«nU>dMr. K\w0*ui: how he Knew in i&ioar 61 Wr. i&nB? IP- CHeamit yiaxfcnte;- wiere ! ouWd» ; h-is (plaintiff) Twroondeni. - ; i . $¦ i ' i | ; -i^t iin qnwiiioa he eaid MT..D. Jj O'-Praeau B.L. linsiaMed by

[op *e: aoefaa tbe doof .to Mf. J. J. O^fflie*; U.7..W.)'.' waMlor 1fl»H«; aruepectod Wa!rfi *nd appeiUirjit.Urid Mr..«ei]y, 3,t:> (i&f af iaVrai».|«B4;N©n |bK>k«4.. into van), far the•rtspbndvfiit'i J "" M !; " ¦"' ¦: !hW too^fct «6J to be beard ; Thfe: wa» an lejecUriurti «) tt» kilto oin dMntnng that tawrning. ; 104, acres.) «t i KnockbrandoTi', ¦ <uiidW >

Askedthat the

¦ '• ' -

¦ ! i ¦ - ¦ " ¦

! '

. i - i ' i - - . : ' •¦• .

whiskey, j f\ ^tfusa: got "a pinrtj Ul ! ,*«5».,-Hunt paid : or j-the driaka «ac6 pn the'beer,¦whiioh :Wist:hi paid for, : A iriatt warnedKeilly, -w-tob had breakfast *iUi (thiwri .else.;bad a daial |al' W«!Lsh'«. Witness got" A ;glass a^dTa!lhiay'dfM^vlhij l|<(yryhiciQ 'ibo.put in a ibotte'and' csar-J^d^wayi iWith Jhim. ='¦ ¦ ¦ ' - | ! i ; ; :

Mi Ratleraby—Yoa did riatidj rlnk it. |Watness—No. , ¦ '~ '' ; : ' :His Uord9hij>—Ho iPAlt jA oiijtnide not>

insido (lanj ighto '). . ¦ i !' ¦:.Witrtass.te^ttUa ihat' thie olhcfimcn took ,

their drinka.Bis Ixwdeiiip—Did yon eVer'get a ,treat

from this man it that haur lbeiaiie? rWitness—Wa sh ia a niaa wth»- olwiaye

had money. I . ¦ ; • ! ¦ : ' ¦'Mr. iBattor^b;^-Bis Lordshiip aaka did

you over get a drink Irom Walsh beloreat that 'hour. i ' i '¦

WiUncss—Yea- WaSab often had &pound, i '

Wh*, ia hb businiess?—*Ho SVad nio oc-casion to wtorrk. 'He always had pl-ority ofmoneiy.

Mr. Battersbyi-'He hai 'pnivito meana.In turth-ej- eviconoe witness stflitad: ithait

be went wWh- Hunt .to Roche's probliohouse in tibe Mayor's W&lk ahd thca«•Jrivy had two'drtnis eachTfor wlhdoh Huntpaid Hun/t had stood hon Several drittobefore. . , '

Hia Lo«iship-^Is hie o. man oi iprivaterosouiroe Jiiso?—lie iaboars in the coun-try AJtor iihiery had- a drini with a an<anoamed DmiluaQ iHiuait went to have aishave. I

His Lordshdp—I sa-n mrvBali .tihi9 morn-ing, gentteraon, -pi moat icnvptiivatuig ipQacoM IK tUtoi hridgo : with tfhlci inaprdption"rueait and natty" (laiughtex). To witness—Did yon hauvo anything done to ytCxnr*1seflf?

Witness—I had1 a shave too (Taiushter).Mr. Battenkby—Did tor 'dtP—

Yes, sir (jaiughlter).¦Wiitrr&as went on to say, in uoply to Mr

Battorsby tihj at th>ey had anoihieT drinkwitib a -man named Hutohj cson in an-otiher pUi!?e. Asked a? to tho conditionof Hunt that morning ho sadd he couldnot state that bo "Wad cjroiiik.

Mir. SatTj anslry—Did he look like as arre was "Bpnur^" from drink-?

Witness- -<H« might Took » little"fihalbby" to my eyea < iaiigliteT).

lies Lorxlsh^p--- ! u« beand tlvat be»fort

M r Kui;tb«i n -Did h-e flook 3 ike a mann >i "> Ifui 'l l**f n six 'Tirf- iD.' a n :grit ei it —\V tn . -vv .)- ii not ¦ncji lj

H a Ixvlah^> -Wn»r* dxi ymi conn!Iron Do Cour&.-y 1 You iLa^ie a wiry good¦ Ml :uam«

VV -.I IKBI, -vFrou: U fit».H'1<rr< i i -n .< ,ixtH.,i I^oxisKip - I ? stj ibh y ,Ui* w«jc\l

tlv-T u,s«. in Wnr^rfonl f<- - thai/ 1 i.cuogiii-Ws ¦ W.T - y<i\. . i i lit i i- nrii.iiMft '

WitiiOi*. -1 » »w-. my :<fr > .I> .1 y i i u Varii ti!*' w , >r>d -haiibi n jhe

n I d a 1 ( liHughw r i-r. whitih Mjtntss,n« il l>ut <t~.-d not r»rt>ly,M: K.nahan /jroaa-tocajiunJig—I5*fore

v<iu w««.ni to R<.ichc's publx house .nowOJJTP- twiok to the first putoic housei taiu ht-er; I ought t»i jr>t. o-nytlnng IHmnl i<m di \>; m IIU » . my lore

11. i .ro»> -«ftaiii>'in'n t£ji| ii"fj uj i(i of Lin-r* r \& n.. <¦ was el-.crte<J

G<«orifo Onuirolil suvMl tha.1, iit waa inrr»vrg<.' of the Munwtcj- D umg Rooms, and<« ' i Sh m<iriiu)g «i th»- I2tih. January ac-oui*'' ><ai!TV> thero with a man namodK -jy H C I . : De CVjunpoy and Ihaid brtvalkfasft.1 «r wh . .i H-un t pn.xl . ti-mWiitg A 2S. or23 6r ; >« -<• .

M . ¦ > Margan'l Bgan bannaid inWaUJi ' s public house, r&ated thiat thepnsontir and two other men came intotihe &rt»p about 7.30 an thio morning of;ho 1 7th January and .haid four glassesof wji-ijskey and loror g'jnsses oi be«r forwhitii H-uxm p a rj d. gnven; hot a halfnrmw n

MT« Hao.itah Roalie tieposed to thepn«>iiwns corning into hiar pubbo houeoarad geluag drink far wihn'ab Hiunt plklfl

M-.-s W-.nifrod O'Heu Jly deposed thuJt6 Die saw tAw iriftonere In McGirath'B pab-ho ruiu.1* iin ttt« night o thie 16th Jan-uary Shie had often w-er •Jhem thcaiebvfor*

M -uv K M io ine M< vGrn.ti. Stu-ptien 8t. .gave aimolar evidence

TrvoajNu Bnennaji , publjcan, Mayor'sWaiik . statod that W alsh and two othterinien oajn^ into h ^ 1K> UX3 9 A m

«nd <Tff-

-.tfirttl th-reo half glatisas oi whitkei for\»biioh. r»» ffa-\ e ii> payTTBent. a 2& piode.H^ k now W nil&h tiut kn™ not.h«ng fbouft.

u* affairsM iss Oo.onran was next «aJi«Hl•H i* I.oTKlsKip <to nhv j iiry>-T'>« ia o

•v«-u>ar flnra; <l!«p!iay . gentlemen ( h-Usr

Mm? icViltimaTk. in Mrs O'Retlljr's<ixajp»-j-v vsstabliahmerrt Chm Quay , gaveevipcbeiuie W> thje <>frodt (that ,>n tlw monn-ing of '.he 17'-h JaraoAiry -H"utvt eaine intoth« ah<»p A - I<J bought a U<«u«irs and pantsl.v which tw paid 4*.

Tr»mw» H'>naD stated ih*> lnvoo at theWind KBIU. Or> the J>i«h(l ol the 17thJaniMiry ho &n!» W«J!cli m tihe ntirancoUttv

B7 Mrr K- iiaiian-- -A.tx .ui. hoiV. pati tlireei". titui h<- h*aj-<i »>nv lum'blliiiga* .1 ¦K>m< <xnje was eoittnug ttio place.

Jama K Vly deposed tflial h> Jin*t tlie• »o nr..v>nor'a about 8JO on the morrang.if the date given above Ho sH-'ipt an itih©san* t*-nean«nt house »i tih r w of themami 'vr. Wna.1 nxurning -tihjey l\a*l L>rc>akfa8ti-TR-«th<ir nt ithe M-u nstor Dining Rooms ,a sstat«v. Ho cou'jd not caiy -whether thefUYTU-s<"d .hj ud driTik tak^n at tiho tiurte or

.Serp<- .:it Good deposed th clt he arresU¦ ti Wi 'ih o|i th * 17th Jan.-uamy at « quar-ter In twelve o 'clock We had difficulty.r ( admission to the house. Tibiadoor waj shut and he posted a ooasWbleat tho back . After nome d^ lay he«) by ihe aoeusod'o brothieir.Walsh appoomod tto haw had "a h«vvyie«l" of drink . He WOP in b*-<1 and wit-n<\<;-s arrf»»r.<i hi mta idr^.-w. In 'his clothesIn? fnai-nd no anoney. hot und«r a pilloirh* found two ihffllf OTOWTIB -and JE 3-jd inoopper? As they wore leaving ConstableRrOvxL&H «aw w«lsh m-.iiko a grasp -at ahrown pa-p r whiich wmo full of coppare,rind W smvd . "This ;-s mine." ItVinxmtel i-o 2a 6d. in cojnpv<rft. Ho hadrxr-£<in .-.r Tomanded and s- .-'-pVed with'>ih«r cJcrhes. On the clothee W»'eh waswax-rig: h»- founVl traces of dust.

S.rii- ant John Ryan deposed that h!?lipr iuu 'it Hunt's <ilothes no Uue factoryarid MT O 'Nei lO examined them He¦ ¦<.3nrxu<>d r/>nif footprinL* « n h a bootpriidMc.'d Tlu'iK- 'wcro the niarkft of sixfiails on Ui-? outsade Of this boot and at;,ijp which showed on the lxnprvKsidn he¦rt« r. tb' dAifit. Th* 17th was a wvtmiirnuvK He exr- >Me<i Hunt just afvrthe p\ii)l!t<h<yn«vi oLo»ort that nigh*. Hewas wr v runk Mid on tliat charged himwitV. ' !> -¦ n'^wnt offrmne <m the (qll<tv.-> i • ¦• n T. He also mentioned thatM-- .. . ' - Ix'i 'lJreg «t <rv, Thohiaa'sH. " i' . . :c'<en into on thn> f iune hhght« ; . ¦!. -! .-. 1 " i » h that as- -well Ac-™» ci i -i i l . "I kn- •-*- noihini? about it;I was <> m '>! Waterford for the past thieiewfe; I wns -\TOTkin g at rk tmetebrddgeand <-nnii> to Carriek-on-Suii , I returnedt» Watcrfard about 5 o'clock on themorning of tho 17th Jai>uaj -y "

Thu s clof*d the CTCMTI CA£«.MT !' .R Buggy, solr,;. wa.» -examined

l..i the d;?f"n - on behalf erf Wottsh. Inreply to Mr. Kinahan he 6toltec| thatapart from tV criminal dhaTge he hadbovn artiii(r ns ttolioitor for Walsh' sine*he (aocu.-cd) canue of oge a1>ouft : twoyear* ago. A Te-lntive of h^"a, ! Mr9.Johanna Browne-, l«Dt onsWerablft pro-prrty out of which the f -hsip e coming tohim amount»?d to about £40C '

HU -Lordshij>—When di<J he jioueh

on ibeli&U^ivMajdr; Cheainuey,' ibid XImore; acdaliej irrtereel jol.'/Mra.' ; Q'Bnianwas 'kc«Jt>»cl;d<iwn|to iMejor; Qhealriwy ,01ffiaA figurajit J' ^M

1 ": " ^ U"f'M- :f -' > 'Mf.1 <Htiis8nJ ,Cy, ' StiKSttVHafl '.p'rdwedttol'exeotrffolr-iM'tlbe .-adff§6if tent"by the':Kich 8hoirflHoj Maijor 'ChvamLeiyl aod;by¦f i fa * wbcciti;|w»rte produood],.! ln '««p!iy w

iMxJ O*firien :.hia : a<lniiiil«<i the had; writtenno endarbement of i [thje easdgnment joo the.intort^t (A tthle defendant on the f f f a * Wo-,

i Michael O'E^len, eon oi waaBM eotDinkred ib/ Mr. O'Bri,ea. ah<i'stkt>dthat h»-^altiy»;i!'w1hrfwaB thte;iteniipt j daedjrAteBtato iriilflpfl loavang- his (witneaa'e)rnother • (Ui(5~-d«£«n<sant), anid: himself is6ole] posSfiilon.1 -Hift prdducteH' -theiooxlarfixing the-ltilir rerit'iin- hi» fathieir'J3J)hamein! tine y«jar )385I aod the (reoiaijpta -j for.' eOT-terfrl|yeaT8,'.>| ¦ - ' "| ' ' : ' :l i : 'I 1: Mir. O'tBrreii ooritendod that thai defeb-dajn'ji Ihjvci^&ri^ :>egvr]-ts(bl» tq-tereit. '. In thefa-rra aa fthe {jviJdbw :<tf tih^:d«ciea9edi| ten-ant,] and the' Sheriff caufld [not f ecalQ aneqiiJ|t<iiWo'intliKjalt; and 'dr>' any case itbathe only tx>13} <tutt interest and cofild nottell ithe:iir\%>eat of the eon who was' theonly oih r&Htaf-fcinV ' « ! ' : ;

His Lordship ask^ld if any Wfleri pi ekUtleaient; hiad) ;boen mado erij !wasj dnfom-ed tlbat tw^Wkts' rent had' (ill! &\ebg bocnoffeuicd -by. tne (j snaat. I

Mr. O'Shee-leaid tha>t the <m& «LaSmadin tif oe cavil jbilla «guiet the cfefandahtK'aBJidhieifly , n ioMi talanoe for ihe pie-nous fifteen years, land that! tihe taq&nit—the deaeasedi! tenairt—ihaHi - biJd IM tlhetrf teim yeiaia ;up to fhfe death j a toial oi£310. The fudJcd-al renit had, been, fixedby the Ixiind iSob-Coramfasion at il6 10B

Hca Lordship asted whether MajorOhearn.le,y and iflvia agent wert present-,and was" infQrqped i-tbat they wiare^not.His Lordehlr* addod (that it was.& casethat1 dught fto be Bettled. He askedplaintin"« ooninsel to consider tftue ipos-siboSty at iibe defendant and her eontaking equity proceedinge af proosedinpto .realise their interest in the farm, andtho other assets of diseased tenant andto protpc.t themselvies. This was a aeiriouflmaitter for the •consideration of thep-laictift'e counad ii the case was ad-j riiirj iod to : the neort Ass-i»;«

Mr Sealy-rl am prepared to meet that.H»3 Lordship—d kno\f you are pre-

paivH to nv^t jpnyttoing.Tlw oane vj if accordingfiy adjoined

V> th»> next Assizes. His Lordahdp ex-orvwsti ng the hope tliat a eatUftlnentwould bo Arrived at.

rWIKHOLME v HAKRIfl.r ius was n cat*; of ejectment againet

-, purmissiv)* occupant in w.hoch a -de-, »> for possession and £2 L2fi. costs hadbeen Kiven froan nihiicb tibe deifendant,Patric-it Harris, appealed , the piaintifland nefipond«nt beang Mi«« CarolineG-raco Fairholme.

Mri E. A. Bwoyne, BJ> (instructed byMr 3. J O'Sbeie, M.V) was lor <he ap-pellant, and Mr SeaHy, B L. ^:ti«tractedoy Mr J P. WJliams, 6O1T , Dungarvan)fox the respondent.

The lands are «iituatod at MahonRriiige ami th* plainUfl obtaint-d a de-cree 'ior rmnipayment of rent some yearaago In 190S puiiintiff aorved* an evictionmade easy notice under the J-And Aotof 1687. This ejectment -was against ithodefendant as oareitaker.

Mr 8ealry, for the respond<nit, said thatt,h-^ ejectment decree waa losjt. Mr.Hunt , solicitor for tihe p laintiff ,1 had re-tired from practice.

Hi^ Iiard&hip made inquiciee as to thehealth of Mr. \Huni and expressed re-gret on hearing that h» w'ue not w>ell.He a&ked on what evidenoe (tie couldact, the decree being lost.

The Clierk Af the J\ itu*'e, book wa&tbtsi produced, and hda Lordship eaid itdid not contain sufHcien^ parU«)ular& to.prove that ttyo noitioo- under eectlon 7was c-Trectly , pneparod in accordano*with the decBGa.

Mr. 0. Langley, J.P . agent, was ex-aanm -J and stated that Due premise!!ron&Kited of A dwieUin^houfe arid forgeand « Bmall paroefl of iand about a char-ter of a mUe away. He had aigned trK-cainctoker'a nojioi in the year 1900 whichwas sej it Io htm from Mr . Hunt's office.An affidavit was produced proving Mhoeervice of notice.

Mr. Sw&yne, lor tho appellant, sardUna wa« not an agricultural holding aswas admitted , by Mr Uangl^y. It con-ewtrtd only of a dw^elLinghouse and forgeand a small piece of land He producedthj e oartifloati? oi valuation and the poorlaw valuation of buildings was only £1and 1h* land only )0s. If thait was «orw iDotioe under section 7 of the Act of1887 could be used to determine tlho ten-anqy, and th)j: tenancy could' only be de-termined by tho ao(ruaJ execution of theojeotment decre*, and as tJhat had not¦tJTen done tiha tanan<y etill eubeista,and thc."pLaibti6 uhould proceed on hisoriginal eedctment diecreo or Unng a newej ectni*nt for non-^payioe-nt of rent

Patrick ttawia , in *«Ply to Mr Hwayne,deposed that he lived oy doing Bmiih-wari only and he did not carry on anyfarming except to HI) hie plot wdthpotatoes and* mangoSjdB. He had beenin trta pl»oe for 35 voari and offered aaalbtliament to Mies Pairholtne. He wont-ed to buy iand lib? toe •ther tenantson tbe estate who had signed purahafieagreements thjee or lour yn-ars igo. Thisoffer had been made through lus eoiicitor(Mr. O'Shee) ;to buy a; a pride -whiohwould make his annuity £3 10a.

HU Lordship said he coiild not givea decree in tbe absence of the originalejectment decrees iAe regards the legal-itv of th« notice Berved under eection 1of the Aot he; was inclined1 vo take the\iew tUat th-a- defendant waa stopped byreason of his having allowed live originaldecti* in 1908 to go against him -whenhe could 'has'c ra«ed the pomt., HeQootidered that a settlement ouglht tobe roado. In any case he ah|)uld'edtlhierdismiss the action now or adjourn t'h ecase with a view to giving plaintiff anopportunity U) make furtner search fortlie original ejfctmeint decree. Ii thoplaintiff did hot wish for an adjourn-ment he would have to act on ai& viewand dismiss the Hectment.

Mr. Sva'iy ctud tho plainUfl .-nould prem-ier to have the cafe ad-journed to tbene-xt A6siiefi. and hie Lordship aooord-;ng ly adjonrn^l H


In true remitted action of Jaines Nolan,New Koo6 (plaijj iiiff) v J otui J . Rogers,Watertj cd (defendant), both sppeaiadagainst a decree for £1 gram4*d agadnstJohn J. Rogers wi'Jh £0 7s Ud cost9 an! theplaintiff' s claim, far damages (or assi)Ailt.

Mr. Hami!tom, B.L. (inetruoted by Dt.W. it" Heojn , New Roes) wae fox theplaintiff, and Mr . 8*ay ae, B.L. (instruct-ed by Mir. Henry D. Keanc, solr.) for thadefendant. : . ¦ i

Jam«e Nolira,, plaintifl euid appeflan^,deposwdi that hi) wiis a car driver in -tlhieemployment of -Philip Hartliey of NewBoss. He was engaged to drive to Bo-icawhere he waa going; to attend; a fait; i£ediovn' tq tho train at New Roi3|«n,d, |mietdefendant. They 'e&opped at; a IpuWiohtotie* where, they, 'nad tw<? of threedrinks. j. i ¦ . : i ' |||

•Mir. SwaynerrThew were p£I |drunki \(¦Hd« Loedishap—That ie no'veaepnl faxbeating' a man. I ' ¦ , :' ; ;ij

¦Pla5ntifl."coniia'uing, etatenl'thfey droveas far asiSallyaune and RogeaB weHtJin/toanother oatilic ihattsr leaving! ht^n : u> fwoitoutside lor I an hour. Rogfera ibeat tbebor^a whenj tno got ion truo i «&r ' ;cgain..;Wbwi wiitoces apoke to him ho leafed pQtho!car and'&tiAuck him on tht head w^th.a stick. ¦ -j ,

Mr. Hamilton—Did he hurt you? ,;, Witneaa—Ho d&d.i ¦ i ¦ ¦!) I-

Wiena you bleeding?—I "was., Heihit me¦oeviral 'times. H i ' i - < ! i | i . !- :i His Tjordahfip-^-Hod yx >\* *ny - Quarrel'vJth hhn before.that? . j : J.' sj , ;;

Wttnws—XoverIin my Wte. i | - f i ; - ; ' . ¦: What '•was - ho drinkini?HWhiskey. j ; :

His Lordship—If wasTthe pad Ifiad : ofwhiskey hie drank ihat did |it'<ljwshite-r).

i M.r. ' Hamflt«ni-W«« (you [Orvxtit ¦ OutnlaSitf-r-No. i - i •¦ i ' ¦ ! H |TT. - f t ! !i :

Hia lordshijpr-tlt waa Ithalfthifi key wasto 'Uame not the,defendant ai all. h , i' Witness esSd be hod ito:yali b<ick;tojj ew Eo£s; *i drietaooe ol iivfenojr lAabtmiles and hjp got home! at il ijuertertotw<i iin ;th« rrtozning. Hls-tiM hand ihdad>-«PO all oitcUr. - ¦

.-¦ I ¦ -¦. ¦¦: :' I - . } | j l - . 1 i )¦ ¦ l¦-.

CrasSj eaamLned 'by Mr. :l Jtr^ynifefl-wJ^.neaa earid he1 drove JRogtrs Wteit fJbffore.D<fendant did , not .viti t Hhd ihoueefli toirthe purpose tyt what was ine nkp taai ''rang-ing"' tor pig«, that ia pping toTmoet thef adtmera to eee, i4e*& ne tpiM giei! pigsto- jbtwP—There was not a hia viilv Jfiioetliat. He did not compWn oJ Ihtf i &yat Ali, He told Rbgtenj ho \vik f l<A.gciiagto iftaldi him to iBorxis anaj ppe - id^nfeo ,striking the defendant or raJHng him into<M ;dl-tch. :, H« dtd! nod I tot the^WrM) goaim: «Snen <2ta defendant caught ibid jcrf

^ it¥' ! i: V:^Vv ' !- -¦' •

ijonsj. In :b< c=JtJh6i (W^.A .dtninfcffiBd' IjWW' notpeep Mm In 'tnyr"«m ploffiiiBiii

";JUJT 6}wiayK<e—Haj ia .a little.bitj cantiiirdenims'.irihten .'hehas1 «ny drinkiii '^ "'

¦") ','¦¦'* , ",i; Witr«M^n(4«riy,an4iUi!!5Sig$ypjlred .-fwtt prfcsbed.; j , ! : i ¦ , ; - . -| ¦

Thla wi4' tlhi$ pladotifl'e cose.: |:h Jom> iRoig«TB .tbeldefendaot, < iainiibodJbyj Mr. S*ayne, stated (that he ;i 'as »j p igtraryer tad'-engagod « oar to go y> Bomsfai)t|ia fit WA^ tnt'only: w.a^.tor;«et.H}ieaeonrtinft to|th>i rsilw-aty etrikfe. -' He viia»'<3|nlydriven by th* defej adaat -as i far 4s GlynnfHlth ai had -w&V 'foaWiNeW iftfes ". • (He¦Ms not terigibg forpiga, buttue *aa mak-ing dixoiiiries avcrtrt' tlhfem.' * ' . , *' 1 - ; *J•I FRM f ArA nhim—How flontr arte.voii m th<¦traairJetor '; I i - . <r . [\ ,- ' i .. ' ¦ I; Wiindar-rTwo yeara; I '¦ ' ' ' ' '' "Whiat igb ,«jia yaui?—81 yearfl. :

Hia liaaahfp—Yo/u- lodk very (yxmnrj.' Mr.1 8w»yno—He is ajma-iwed man. !¦ Hia I/jmdshJp (to d/efendantyr-'Vhy did

yoai; beat ttiiri man about <&e lit id? .' I >IJcdferjdarj.'lr-rlt was his own faklt. He

Mftieed )tol drive me end he strruck meixnktet, the inmcklea 'when' I <was turningthfa thorse'e head.! > He. wiantod to go back<o |'Rase', {He strvJokU m e . a o r o a s ^heknraoklosi, ca-nght me by ,th«' Mhr >at &fidknocked jm« ddwn' in the ditch. :; !¦ - i ': iHi4,Lords!hd.p—vHodiyou a'tfanei' rith youor al etioi?' ' : ! ,

Ddfeaiant-Tharo was -a cane in thecarJ.j ¦ |

¦JDijd ycb strike him iwdth the;dtiak?— I<Kdj not fitrdke him wit3i the- stiak at al>.I bit hini wten J got opt of the <Ktchv>¦ Did yon cut ihi« hiftoa1?—I diUjnot seeanty l cutlon him. Hie got contrary andwoj iia'TIM drive me. '[ He h!ad* a goodntany drHnke. \ . '¦ ij , ""

His Litffidarrtp—"Hbw many' : druiks had:yonif—A |good many tod,my loa . daiugh-¦ter)] 1 |.- ,

' ¦ '. ' " ¦¦! • ¦¦ ,. j

How m&nv?--Fiv6 or eix. | |Wbat ' ikind i .of drinks were thtr/ .f—

Whiisikeyj and, port wini. '" ' ¦i 'Hpy ixudahap—I thofagbt th*a waa a

wohian'e' dnnik (Iaughrter): . , | '1 Wdtmei$l oantinuine, I stated that !hle

drorie the hWMhiniselfttoBttrrwIaud lrradi* careiiilly put up^ari lrvejy. H*drove the hor&e- book on tho followingday. Mr. Hartffey eentj a man «i£ter ihimto otat him an ^ew Rosa. I

Orpss «kamined by j -Mr. Haimifltoa>—Whlon tlhery came otft o? the pubQiio (housedn Qlynri Nolan ireEused i to dirifve himaay tunllheT. Thiere' -wes 'no -beiaftiixg ex-cept tbe [beating Nolan ga,-ve hiini

MSr HBiiiilton—^Haw many publilo hauaeoweifla you dn that ttwi "was aot inP ;

His lordship—It would be bdtter farymX to liarve him more eober than itheothw main: lest he wicnfld be more than amatch let 'him (Jaughtet). !

Edward Tobdn -was texainimed: -for the de-fence. He said he waa gloting to {the fairale<> and! Was on ithe car with, &Ee otherparlEes. iRog-irs was dm the potblio house,in Glyrmi and Nol-an was oulstde! waittngfor | him.; When he came out tlhey gotinto a sort of "fumble", on the iwid. Wit-ness ' got ^between -tibem when thfey wareflghtlng <to the (road. I

M*. 9\Vayne—Who was the tori dog?WitnesS-^Nolan was the top d<w du the

diich (laughter). I' took Noton dffRogers alid wh^ n Rog«re RCtt iup Nolansaid ito him: "Tou thought to choKe me."Ropars <lir<Jive off a.Tid Qeft thie o'd- manCNVftan) on the rood. ' .

Crose-eitamined .'<by Mir. HfimdlVm—Thetre w&s no qmarj fel except a-hoirt thehorse. Dtefendant gave She horse' a prod.He only saw him do so^noe. H<3| sarw no¦w ounds on Ncttan'o head. Tharo, was molight on thie car and the night Was vetrydar.k

His Loirdahto—Who do you think gotthie womst of it? • ' I" ¦"¦ ' ' |

Withesf—Ii they .Tner* left. 4 it 1would &ay ~that the old' man woald beathim (lattuih-tor). I

His LoSxlship—The great th-imj , 1 be-Ij evf, ia to bo light, on j tho iegs. lentthat the great thing in nghsing nowadays—not weight but agilifty? daughter).

Mr. S^ayne^—Foot wonk (laughter).Mir. Htirm3ton—It wa& the prodding of

thie (horse that carrtmencai \h& u-fidle'busiveissf—lit was. ' ]

Witness also stalled lhat Rogew' Dedkwas Swollen from the way in whiah Nctoncaught hihn .- ' \\Hia LoMshLp said the irct> ofTniin couMnot guesd what happened on^Qrrt night.Tivihnlt he sttnehed great importance towas lie ^munds. Rogers himseM saidrtrtf .Vifnff nlwitf. Ki« nprf»Jc haimff ' wallfinand Nol-sn had some- dujuried. Tbelearned County Court , Judge i\ti greatexperience end womJld' urideratana the pro-babil£ties' of « row oi- this kirft^ betterthan the Jcdge of Acsizea.' "Tt w-as verymuch in favour oi tbe Countj ConrtJudge's deciaon that Nolan WOB dis-eatMed with tho amount of the d^amagto?(£11 awarded him, and the defendaxlt hadalso, appetled. 'When both jcligants weredj ssatisfiid the strong jjprdbabiility wastHat ithe Oonnt.y Court J-ud«e wala right,therefore he WOTJM nfBTm tho decree of£) wiihottt fo.«t» of fie appeaJ. ' (

'TOe ObtiTi. thiT i odjou rr^d tarti} Tharsdey morning r l



i JLe Ki^in Huu. uhe IdDird Ottel i&aj-ODo^tvietl UI.K

.i ->mnv.,<^.<-.i) ui tub I apautig

.ioaai«) ior uie UUDl/ «U WoiAii iund mCCM v,-oiuliiiy Omrt ai, IS o-'ciobK thisJtUuTUxltg, UJU1 nj i UxM&BLp WHUS acCOlii-|> ud toe tanoh L.y .ur. K, xi uobus,Cicuni/y iixgh Sheriff.

M JT. IW , uobDyn, Cierk oi the Orowuana i*«3aoe; Mi.' J . 'i1. Jiudscn, iittb-iNiorJil, ana ilajar IXkObyai, . L oveinoio) mo AV'aturloia Gaol^ rvvune prbseoit.|llfw folioua<j WJ&TO awbxn on ihfe lirand

Jurjr:—<sir »Vni. l"cal, iJiaurt., ¦fjj allyglinironemaii; ;; Sir ; Johri Kean^J Bart.,iJ l>.. i '«.t>i>ooain HousJ: Sir Wrii. Q. 1) .u u., uappoquju n»u»i; ou mil. <j . XJ .Graft , iiart., DJJ. Xiteiiville; j iir JohnKxihardsbJi, K.O.B., (Touxtan* JohnUongrvW, Mount Oong^ove; Co . B. T.Carcw, IJ.L. , H- ^'Tti'-iP""* Parl ; Thos.Um. A ndemon, IJ.L., Graoediou; Oapt.Wol. Pojcivali Maxvrelli DJL., ^oorhiiljUbarh-s (Niugent Humtue, DSi i Clon-c&skoranf ; ud. Wm. Grove iWiute, D.t.,RooHfle-ld, ; Gerald iViiltera Stuam, D.L.,R:oh!mon«l; Major Henry, ChavAase. JJ",WhLtn«ld Court; Alei John1 PaUlckWybe. J>?., Belleville! Park ; ! EdwardWankoulliarron, J.P., Woodatoiro; JohnKedda-r furlong, JJ», '3alliaa-p*ria; Col.Jolin C! GoTdan, JiP.lj C.B., ;Lisrnoie;i'lircry Siiiyth , JJP., : Hesdboxoi;] j amesPendcec j J P., M.V.O.J Usmarel castte;Herbert Gofl Davj a l iGoff . J!P... May .ParJi; James Riohird Roasej l, JjP., Oea-jfield; Cajptain R. Ci Oarew, JJ?., Bailin.dud-j - .Wm. GaUweyj J.P., RooldieldrandG«o>ge'D«nnehy, |J.P.,|LaTOenton- |

: 'Hi9 Lordship -ftddreseing ' j tihoi GrandJurly saW—Sii Wm.: Paul and genttemeno(f j -the Giand Jury of the jQaunty | of ¦Waterfoid, I am| hapriy to inform youyonir, duties a^the plreiont Afisiaas web. beextremely light, lighter .than 'any AssizesI .renienibeu- in tins cojuntyj i [flwre 'ore'b/uti ,wo (oases ito go jbefpre ;you j\rhi:ch 'are!of .fe light aina trilling batiur-d. ) One Is &'casie of i&ahioriesty in iwhiah two bilUwill bo Ij sent ilo you. One cUsirge is acrime aiiiounting to livroerjy, j and jtbe 'other is of obtaining a .biciyclexmdei' fils«¦prepenoi*;. jKeaxy tne i cruesfjoni.ior ,ywuis wi«lier yoii-be'tieve knere wisij any|iin-teri(tlon 'tif dlshanesly on ' the';.pkjrt of |the:aoQtisod.l This oUwr ccse ii orj of <jon-ceaflrrj onl of .fbirllh. in I whocE it , appearsfrotit' the deptieitiaas me.t.iheie; w-aal nointention ia any way toinitirertiio'ch-ild;that it ims thie first hkth and -that it jw«*Niused 4>y reason of the umbxlcal <iordhairing ljeen cjut % the imotbbr,! not koowrint enough about ;Jtb. i ' .TBify ;'&•! the Ion--tire'business jyou have So inve&Vxate. ITn4y.*a^ I

havia never jhad a iighter. Ical-enaar ih thai county, It is Jin an]iex-WrocCyl peaciiiful state, I tan happti to

i.t-d^]rycni and, oj /souree, yaasare i betterawjdre than I; ftnl oi tiue stateW ithie KJo.oi |.Watcrfard at | piestot.: Ii frtek it ityptry satisfactory- The ictnrii .of oriimesubmiltod by ,th© ConstttbaJ^rJy-^in r-)fer>enbe:£ol the i Uii&_ ti the County at pre-eeat [ ia A Ba isfactory- one.; i In j factt .theorjibea ; repnr odj byl; the policy consistonly ofJlhetwo Ki asea l jbavTO'mfQtionod toyoju 'iof trial here. ! iTbere, -fas a caseof h iUegad oraaa ; £n tfeferonai ,to wjmohthk-te wcl£-be laorao civil praofee&ngs. iToa*m n»li ib* troubled.with it; ! 3 Remember¦«!,tMnet»(rfeid. jwhjen I the tnttfth of thiaP Qxpfy Jww pJ3raiettt«d:by boyccttitig, aon-spirocwJs and crimes 1 that; description.ari l (heartily xJijgxatuQatj ei!iao, on -thepresent! «tate| od Itjie ioiunw. \ I '' hope ; ITrt^ .belftblejtn fdiachirgo ryou Hn a fewm ithite* -vi 'ien jwra eeM down ifr^esB illa.;. j.T&to Orai; V JurV' teving1iretir«J «ftprn-*d eiftet :a.i«W' ironoteJi confiuitation a>ndf*»p)d tiracbil^,to toe*,t4irea;awea.. ; > -

j ;!; 1 : i ; . .:A !NJ|w|K.p."i;| \\: ¦. ¦ . '] ¦

j ^Vr^ tbA JSniiftjij ilry


¦uacoaaap\«*MBVBBasg jair. votrurau,, :¦ r*tr:¦coWgratuJated.Mm on hi&iite'iHpoeitiqnto. f 1«J*iwiSh ls« l3rdBhIp em h© : a4'*eJl j t f r : if cj : ¦¦«

I- i &i..<lofov*rwl:»m itery.m vdS* rb] i«d .< ' ¦» ^Via roaj my-Mri-- :;-. : . :IF¦ '-: -. -iM '- j : ¦ • •_•; . ov-;- ;gj * .V

i i ip BB»}?A|j (^Tf|;iMr.i 3?pj t ifj t .¦ 'k lM .

i£> i ^2v|»J Ii jr ' -j LVt-T.'- ¦ j \,ta t »i a 2t J *w * 'At*, w ]-lH it WKflOB I (Baa, m 4 QVBK0* mm * Jl • <J O Vfli W U 3 Rni80.p|6Mbv;%.'jM«*ro«to<t ill*

!. . .- 5; - : i - - - ]-V \i \ -¦ \ .-\ mii! ; : lit;,:. . ; - qrvuj : ; :ii

I :.' ,: ! : .'¦ i i i- i - . 1 - '¦: M i: rfHH

I ¦¦ [/:¦{!: ¦' ' -l^ ' - 'U-M 'M W j ^iy ' V:

ri ' \ tm

J SeM yovs $tM:l

C16( . ^Md; i ^welle]ey• ¦ x ' j ' ' i :: !¦¦¦ rl 'uB pair^w "i . i j ' : :: !:'i ; i ; :i I

¦¦if- '

f i ! •'Tl iel Best <Hoins6 |iii:; tbe I Gity foir: Repairs. , : ' : • I j;J I'J iJ : . ',, •• | j |3'[ ,| 1 - .^ !: U ? i : i i ^^' ! ' | (Three Doora from P bylnclal Baiifc) ; ! I i

¦ Wihiba fine jOrowa! J/my weria Ibeirijewosatibe ia&>u£ied jchallehgext iaetBralj'oitl tEein,and them Ties oonaidieriable time lbst ibe-f < s x wxs, &Bp toeg&n'. . : . ! . i ,/| :; ,!J ;; ¦.. ¦

]¦ Mach»3lj'SergeaQtj jwqs; !£he cfixEi wit-jiess . <^!and widieiWeod jne .'waa.iri tho< mpkkiaan4 of hoi :<unole aid l rtiuai iibe| iaj i cycle jmooh&nioi ^st .'OsippNjKtudn. i !I P&-i lembier 1"EWdaiy, I OSHh, iDemuber. - J>ef ea-< ant came to any Imncle'e elhi p ta< a' nit 11<^'oloak. jH* aaked me h^ |I- bicycles (forIhire. j I paid iyei land ibanM ham i! Cgin.Raleigh, cydle,1 value about) £6J The! fol-l-ow:ni day'he idattae dn -between Ql jond12 and started he iwbmted Hod bicycJ ej -tplgo•to Lisniocre ind Said he would cozne backtihat iight. | He id id not1 come back [andpaid po rnoney. -I sa-w him no [mote: .un-til thi^ &tH EJebrairy dn tbe custody, pi} -ahajxiiuoa &i Lujaiuore. ' iix lonx ' ne

woe sever

gTVOTlbock.; I received a tetter fjwmj. thieahief rcatOflloeiOank, iand i signed DenisO'Biriin. I ; ' ,

¦ ' f ;¦ ¦ I i f i r 1Croas-e-joariiirjed ihy defendant^—On tlie

30cb December wh«n I took the bicycledid I terjd<4 y]oruj money?—You j>ut ^ourhand n rjjauir rj |0c!k)8t-hTlrt. I SSTV^ BO ractBey.

Hia l wisniip—j Qid I you , refvee?—[We'sgree*.: ihe bhioaddi 'ipaiy when ibe oanw back.

D«f< ndimtj—Doiyoni remember sayingyou had fbujyciM out, for weaki j ind¦weekB?—I i njigbv have said somiethingabout tihey being oiit for a few datfe. butnot dot wjaeks. ' • ¦ ' ' , r J i ¦

Do p>cnj rernember reoeivi'my' a letter(prodioad) Jrom toe on; the 25tb January?—Y«s I h-aio it hea?e. . ' |

The 'letter asted the orioe of i\i.e ina-me 1 j «n«riasj Toa uie prioe m u e ma-chine and stAtedl defendant would boy! it. ;

' What da |oundo vritii that lettei ?-Myuncle lob^c % to the police. . j

You'&t»-to^ you never met meiefore?Do you rkneinber meeting me in a bar-ber's $hop Bjt lOappoquin? You met; linethere?-5—"ijes;! you came in there- butthere were Others came in.

Do- you (remember meeting me on- the22nd?il dorj 'it. , :T, .

Don 't j ioiu remember meeting iy o onthe 22nd when there was a clergyraam inthe shot ?—jYes;' I remenVber FatherG-leeson ip«ing- tijesre. |

'Don't you] remember speating fo j inethene?—Welli I might have addjeefX'dyou. i I i ¦ ¦ • : ' [¦ ¦

|'Not by barhe, I suppose?—I don.'tj thiik

«>. : . I "¦ • ;¦ "¦ ""


¦¦] ' ¦"

fonmai j iitrodu^tion to make yo iz Ja<i-nj iaintan<te?rL'W-e'll no. bu^ IL'wasn'S fa«Wrdtucedl UK ypii-' wr ffid'. notLktuyw 1 700Tname.; i ! i ., • ¦' ,¦¦: ¦ . 1 1 ¦'

Now: on th.e ,^th of Deeeinbesr to yoii

rmnemrber; .mjeetipy jne?—I doa'i. . . , . • . i , iMr. Berg^ent rrruat I ireinirwi yoTi of lall :

those deteilsi. Don't yon. remembir you-<and a young;!ady met me. A yonni? lady 1wtth Whom ^ou seemtid to be on ft endiryteVms. inj fact to (be quite "epoony" \<iaYou were ! teaching nex the "MerryWidow" j» the Boat -Clitb?j—Idon't fchwik \L -«dw "spoony;". ,'Jn facV Inever sa>i ths /ipoori. pau^ler). . - .1,1- ,

And alter meetnng'me'eOi often y'fltt 'stpj t*hare you 'did! not know mej-r-i kridV youto be iaookm^-, ifbout Cappooaii, tratdid not kiow yoirr icame or Anytbioj «3eaabout jroi. | , , - , , , v \\

Do you remember me engaging th*bicyol-e?—[I d|o. : , _ ' \ . . '¦

.Cad ' asking you the hire payrxentlofsame?—Yes. ! ' ' ' \ ; ¦ i | ¦ !

Do yaw (r<member I offered TTXKI pesyrjrnerrt?—>![o; you!pat your ihtods in your;pockets but ii i9iiw no maaey. ' : ;¦ j

Didn't jyoo tell me it (waa oonmoh'to:have people I keep out ticyclee far weeks!and w©aks?-t-I aidn\:inej i1lk>nj,ttMit. , !i I|sadd day4, but then, of course^ we ifcniervftbe (people, i ' !' .- . j|[ :!

Ttanes O'KeeSe was itlia next •« itn^ssjcwonii and jhe d«posedi !he l ioss: a cycle Iaechamc) a_r)d bad >a ¦btrsiaeaa at ( tepipo-

«v^ n D n n,,ir Tia AiA *,** (u>iiMna °°7 i»joia w<nat part.O4 . it sna ore origirjat-

Sworn by Mt. OfKeeffe. Th* tkyd* -Was guaef wSt: ite «ailSji lTSSiSff'' H :got in &>aahford fitatiob, ,lh«yinFbeen; . fj£M tei£rit i^T i 7 ^ k '

~s!jF.£d:flSc'-Hi«u»,:!>t '**$¦¦¦, sss.'s ra F- H'* - ' i'

?lfe^ fe. : Jrfeai *l rM! Ii]mmmmm

;j i ! <ii I 'k f .lL=i±±'ii!-:![:iliteiA^feS^SIIlliffli S|.]' -:!|i 'I!! ||::T»UK^P«lt v

lonj; tojday :.Mr. ; J-u?(i< e GibBOpefl) tfie Beackigjof 'f psK. fl» in til*nwG.'. i^r^wnia jTit^«ifld.:-! «i

SSIiiiil' i' "i • ' • ¦' ¦' '' ¦?' ) l i 't ' '

¦'•¦¦'' '¦ :" ' i?!T^' ;'"- ' ; ir;i i

'H' - ^ ;:' l;l '-F -' :|:'' lj

: ; 'i!!:.i ' r ' :-^;

I , . !'!li l ¦¦

Diwricsuujjprj irtlth lis !iapt&«r. The:|<rkfi: .wMoa iwaa j deBtroyed; yaafioot' yisiMe* .irom the Tramore - road: , Ovb - tho1- -:18tJs.Avgusti -laetih)e.-^E3 ion- /thej; road abani itiaU j -waY ibeiwieen.- the rials! and; bio sawn;;hauaej['1 He 'w-tts. riot;at j th^Jiaces tiiatiday..1Tj iajtarak. Tvaa'tbie jxroduoej erf ajboat ifiox .ttw-s (Irish). 'He met !Mi;i<3«piteie etej*-.lieaeon that, night dbo\H 10 6 and -accttirv.puniiedi h6ui part of! the Ivatyj to his houpet. IAfter.' he left ih-im;4i» iBet' Ec'biiii 'Piywte'i .tO-^whom he spote. for about, j 30' minirtes. |They/ Raw .;-thie, light dai thy !sfcy! and *e-<mank-ad tihat::-it must ibe^tra Ii j ht itMa't !was fbiing tuiriedj ioh tlie an&iiiy-g' wraurids.';as there were1 a -ojimbei jol peop iw in iowo, Ithat: day. jHej wenSt InoinelalDii Werjt iai-bed. He wasl. calfed jaboj»t!|20 (mimites'past eleven by1 Xh'oitfad jOanjrioir: and wen*:oult and saw Itfhle Tiok beinfl' burineid. I Ha ,¦looked! acound to isee if; ifflry ;lji4d flad ipeen .-madia or. emy hay! otawin ¦vnii 'lor j that. Ipurpodaiburt. couM find no fagn of fchat; :the hay was'burning at ¦botfc :end^.' j |; ¦

Mr. Swayne—'Djid) yoiinfoxm i any. j opb—nion l<j>oking at ithe oooditoori of ,|hi f uSk..thai JiLght AS io-wihleTe the fire oragjnaledi?'. i

Witness—^FTOBQ, hbotjh ends ;. I caqie ito- jthat odnchtsiah in Uhe t idd tlhiat nxgiit. |:- (

Carttlrmirig,Iwiij triea3 beplry,j /» ]Mr. Sn^aryne thmt! be tail a'|man rtaiaed! :iWalsh j in his employment Bpme lme|ago iand they .parted jon disagrefeajbie) terms.

i As: far as hia relations!-with i-WiaiWb' w«re. .oonn^nned he found hiix (Walsh) Wnr^ iitihiraug-h tie iand [with ja |:gwiri after narw ¦¦And he fwitnes^iobgebtm, l and h» htcH.wilnfesa had a iway of iirvine::«nd .ioimndit, ; .Witness «aidj ','wh'a't cOTildlyojnj di) .except I -was ',asteepj'] ¦ j i He'. tL^Ui, jsojoie'troufoe with a, man naineJd j Ucocklelsb.This mao eettied ffffth jhim to wori: Anj it-h*haavest for' 2s 6d !« daVJ • J3t I waa| aj ipoifr-traary time, and afterj jwariing iSpx eameitime be dem&ndeJd 3s and he -waald|not> icarrtiarue for less. He jveni away and took :&wiy..«H theotter;men.jw{th.: hiTh:| .When !he .'found anyone oomiig to !work: he tboldShern/ iJoi to do>6. M F;' ; i" i ' ' .' !' :lEa Loird&hip>-rWten .was thiia?: j i I,

Witmei& -Lagt hamres|i ¦. forii) ' ea*sl ' 11Cross-exainined by.'MJc. Gibipn—fDoyw :-sugsoH that iWalsh !oi! lAHobck feet !fix&t^irJekf- ¦- , .| ;- | 'j j ; . . : i i^ , | | fl lr --' Wifaiej s-rl y me, gander ihat j unpresscon....-Mr'i 'GitisdnHAtiex JWif :ye.airs;'opi4lthey;;j4|d4 hji a

iin.tlh«\meahtimte.!' I - I [¦ • - , -i, Thr^maS, Connox8;8Wied! J5iat.h«|,w3s in '

the amploymerit of, tha iWatarford. and:T^x^orei. 33fl^'-GOinpBrj^;:m\l-AjuiMsi' .Ja^^-H^B^.Hflw'ia^idff^' iafe^rJthB Ilast train; had! anwved.l'He ¦wen j to'-Mr.' -IFitzgeralii and called I fiim. i It took Mm jabdut-'foitty; mimrteS y >. ge&> there. I JH«' iwieint ; into.; the : field1 ^hierJa ,ti&e> tick -was ;and found it burning art; 'both •ends'. There,waj e gap ifroni-,tiie ipublic road into ihe ' ifield. 1 '

¦' - . ' ' 'r : i | |p : | j ; : : ;!| -| , :..,- ! jKobert.PowiM- eta-ted [that on Ithe ' night: iof Che 154h> /.ugostt ;hel met j iWaJBh and jAloook a*'--the nr*&a4 .'bipdge. Ii; Se;after-: ;!wards met 4£r. KtzgeraW'j sbd wftiile they i; ¦were speaking to adht OUO<M theari DJatioeQ;1 :the gJare in . ihteT dkyj iTHe^awerparda ¦; '.ment i»mg and did ', not I h^aj r , anything: ; •about the dsHj being |bprn^i|riunti| next'•• Mr; &teph«nflon d«.po(sed. .ffiaf hei liviea-i:about a mile from Fitzaenald'f house, i Her. «-had been 'living ther^l Icurj nhe padt Si ,yearns; ,Hie knew [where the Iriokiof iWay!.r !|<was placed and it .wottldlait ,lbo possiMa ']for any person to eeeii, from[.any: paction i !of the i64d. He;nevet|i'riajrl a'ny IllroaMa ' jifrom teamcs5nithafl.8oca!;tyl tl ili^Jrampg' ;;did not as.a anlei go alongi-fihe '.olid) roarf l i ibui bjy thle nevr.njad.1 jl -i: .- ; ! i' l i j 1 J ! j -: |j ..f ij ;

Bmene©: .woaj :- givjeri iby , ' Ewaardpr 1O'Goemab, George Dal^m, -aadli iliamea::?jPeroryi -who,live;in' the looaMty.lto, t?w f &i lfeot itnatl'they neve-r; 6aw-' any 'tramps'¦;goir^|aSarjg.tbia r^ald,! I } ; - :|'- . r.j . | - : ;¦';: ¦:1 Thofi -was the.appEcapt'scase.. ,' ;; I 1 ¦¦: ' ¦

Acting,Sergeant;Greene <was |es!aminea::.for th)e defence : ,and B\ k'ted thai] Iia twa3 : ::eftatdohed in Tiwmare Iia litalcraEt 'East.V

^gWnj &IS !i j isM S|t i ^ i)|]|






!Ni . P ¦ '• ¦ : !

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>%' M' ; ¦ ¦

r i i i ¦ H"1 ¦ ¦ t '

i 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ; ¦ • ¦ '

i .-

' ¦¦¦v '

.mff l

Our New Dresa Materials are nbw on vievr one} care a very choice cbllection, the

outstanding feature ia material is TJhlp CofCf, which we venture to think vzill

be verylipopular, as it iB go6d taste and hangs and make3 up well. " Proirio

Browns " and " SargossaIt will be a

Oar DreG3maIdnrt is Giving the Greate



A Novelty. —Tho New Amorlcan Bolssors6harpener , a useful llitlu tnstrumoD*,

4$<J. each, a* Boll' s, 62 Quay. Watortorfl.A RE Yon Baking ? Yon "will flud BelJ' »A ' t&moae Baking Powder excellent ; soldIn large tins, 6d. and I I ¦ each , 02 and 89

<jB»y:_ .. _ A NTI8EPTIC Throat PastUos, excellentA for that nasty tickling In the throat.

•fid. & box tit Boll's.

* CEDINE , one of the best cough enrt uA ever produced. 1/ and 2/6 a bottle atBall's.11 & 89, Qnay. _ _ _ALL Suflorere from Tapeworm quick ly

relieved , Particulars frqe. -Hl^si-u ,¦2J7--N. Church Street , Nottlnfjhain.

PPLY Milk Dopot , Patrick ritreet, IIyon have rich New Milk , Botturrul lS,

or Bklra Milk for dlBpc-al~\ BTlFiciAL Teeth Bought , alsoJ\ Broken Watches. Old Jewellery.Gold and Sliver of any kind. Full valneremitted by return post ISruco i Co .Barber Road, Sheffield

BRASS Taps lor Bee r and Stou t from

2/8 each. Beer Palls from 50/- man-tac tared on tbe premises. Edmonds,Makers Bar and bottling F1U1»R». Factory :Wbltefriar Street, Dublin.BATH Wanted, reclining, secood band ,

In good condition No flttlujjs requiredexcept outlet. Replii H 4188 tbls offlco.

I J OTTLEKS of Ale and Stont can nave13 samples of our Corks post free, so asto bring our goods rightly to their notice ,and enable them to note tbe quality andvalop. Edmonds, flo neler St reet, DnbUnCORKS for Wines and Whiskies, manu-

factured from tbe rlgbt qualitymatured corkwood. Large Stock. Quickservice. Edmonds, Aungler Street, Dublin/ 1LUTCUE8—Doekand Hen ; guaranteed\J tertll ; linmoaw table bltds- t ills]Walsbe, Balllaaueeshagb. pOKSTlPATicTN Cured by ualni White's\J American Curative Digestive 8yrup.Prepared according to tbe pto3crlptlon of aFamily Doctor. To be had only at Goo.White <6 Kona, Ltd., Waterford .

ON T Coagh ! A botlle of Paxlna CongbBalsam will give you Instant relief.

Easy to take , easy to buy. Bottles 1/- and1/0 from Geo. White & Sons, Ltd., Wator-tord. _ ___DECORATE with Mlrella Gold Paint

Easy to use and ontuxnlsliable.Prioea, 8d., 1/- , 2/ , 3/ and 5/ per bottle,from tbe agents, Ooo. White & Sons. Ltd.,Waterford.EDWAKD DKEVY & Co., Ltd., Water

ford, require a few smart boya aeApprentices to Drapery _No fee.


~Plajrlng Cards,

sffbid endless amusement for thelong winter evtnlngs, and are vary easy tolearn. Price, 2/ per pack, with gilt edges,or 2/2 post free, from Poole's Btorea andLibrary, 131 Qnay, Waterford. __ __"li^URNISHED Apartments to let ; termsJC moderate. Mre. Oboar, 4, BcotobQuay. WUIIam Btrect , Waterford.FOR SALE—Sociable Trap as good as

new. Apply 4182 this officeFOR SALE Valuable Policy ot Assurance

for £500 with profit H in a flrst-elamOomp?ny, ontciod in 1002 on a precariouslife, ' w aged 55 Surrender Value £ 18016« i n&ly-yearly premium £10 J» . 6d.Offe .J Daniel Du.-.f ird. Solicitor. Water-

FOR Salt by rclvate Treaty - Fee SimpleProperty—Bcaviow Cott&ge, Bonmahon.

Thls beautiful Cottage, with about throestatute acres of land, contains five bedrooms, bath room (with hot and cold watersupply), w.c, Drawing and Dining Rooms,Kitchen, Pantries , etc. Tbe outofScosconsist of stables, coach house., fowl andcoal bouses, eta The cottage and oat-offices were erected about five years agoalmost regardless of expense by the lateBonmahon Mining Co. for their Engineer,Mr Marks, and are In excellent repair andoondltlon and ready for Immediateoccupation. Tbe Cottage and Lands areheld In Fee Simple and occupy a splendidposition overlooking tbe Bay of Bonmahon,and there la excellent fishing and shootingin the district Tbe premises are mostsuitable for persons desiring a comfortableborne tree of all ronj, as a Shooting LodgeOT Seaside Residence for the snmmermonths. Further particulars from, or offersto be submitted to D Dunford. Solicitor,Watorford.GUN Repairs— Bend all your gun repairs

to Eeegan ; lowest prices ; boat work-manship; lmmedlato attention. IllustratedCatalogues froe. L. Keegan , GunmaliorInns Quay, Dublin. GUN Cartridges—Don 't waste time uulng

bad cartridges, Bboot with Kecgan's,they are tbo best on tbe market ; tradesupplied. Catalogues froe. Koegan , Gnumaker. Inns Qnay,. Dublin.C\ UNS— New and.8econdhaitd--Largo<ilVJ Stock In Ireland. Best valneln theTrade. Guns on approval. Illustratedcatalogues froe. L. Keegan, Gamnabcr,Inns Quay, Doblln.TF yon Buffer from a bad stomach o$o Dr.X Jordan's Wind abd Stomach Mixture,1/6 per bottle, oaly »t Goo. Wtiito A Sons,Ltd., Waterford. ' ___JOSEPH CONWAX, IndcoiurcdOWmBey

Cl OldSJ&6T| • IhOVOUtfbJy nnf tm j tjmdfl AU

Boa*« Xane (ofl Maycr'a WaUdt ' '¦°| OST; March 4tbj in City, bctwpon Fair

JLJ Green *n&<inhny,£l0 Hoto. Finderj c rgaraefl at this offltte. ' ¦ . • ¦• ¦j ¦ :, . i

LOST—Canary. , Anyona .brtostos sameI to Ballln&monal Park vrfll bb camrded

MRS. OSCAR, tbo only tady Hair-dresser In Waterford, will be pleased

to attend Ladies for! flair -cutting Singeing,Shampooing, at thefi own reSldan.50 for1/6. , Ladles' Comljlngs made Dp to anystylo, switches, plncnrlB, poffa, eto., at theshortest notice at I/- per ounce. Address:4, Bootob Qnay, WllUam Street, Watorford.NEW, Polishing Clc ths, 4Jd. e^cb, worth

II- , from acd. Whito & COM, Ltd.,O'ConnpU Street, Watertord. 1

UTDOOB ABslBtant wan od¦ to : thoGrocery and Spirit Trade.l State ex-

perlenoa, »ge tn& saiixy ezpcc:«d to 4181<Ma offlpe .

; -' ' !¦ ¦; '¦ "

. - '¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

Otit) False Toeth bpnght, tnj condlOon.4fLperpl»tinnB) jpinnod tooth' glrefl oh

-mJcaalie,9d-on Silver, 1/5 on gotd, 2/8 onBUtlannu Btrictly jjtnnlne. Casti bf rotorn.luton Uoyds. ll. Raybuni Mid Co.,SttaeoDQM, Steeet Itanaheat ar.. .

PEOFESSOE J.\ Oscar, ExWt Chlro-, poOtst, treats »na ctw Oorn«,

BOBIOM. InAowtag TOMWU*. 1 etc, atStJUtm td gmUemen's, own reddenoe», by4mwiatmea», 'or **'. A, BoiUtt Quay,' IfSSwrfetrtet; Waterford. Highly re-ttaaBMBfied bjr! Ib* mofllca) p (oteawion otW*l«f««.u i - M .•


;!! ¦ ¦:¦¦ ! ¦ .¦

:¦ '¦! ¦ ' ; ¦

jyy titO S-dai 'ea'* Oomtjf table ' and;O>. . bo««>Iw(nploM: »» «d-T>« > »ten»:rbrioii aadWlo^ l Biai *n,H **ma l*VA

¦iKiili iif'lis ill

¦ ¦,: i


Grey's/' will be very much

pleasure to show Ladies oui


OUK» BXJ lTJSiSSHave returned f rom the Great Centresof Fashion with a M agnif icent Selectionof Novelties and Style s of the Moment

— at -


Beaut if ul Nc vj tiauNew Children 's Mi lime

New Costumes. New Blouac .New Flo v/era 6* Feathers , Ribbons . Laces ,

New Dress Ma terial \New Hosiery and Glovt j

M ow Dross Linens and Dclsmo, etc., etc 'All Departoeots Crowded r.ilb New Qoodt at Moderate Prict

di8 u f tr aHOM I L L I N E R S , D R A P E R S , O U T F I T T E R LTI


f* fl fpft fs1 (o

A sf s f or Power sIRISH

Guaranteed Pure Fermented Apple Jm,Analy tical Report—

" This is genuiue Cider of good quai.CHARLES A. CAMEROK . Public AJIAIVE


l« :»y of Certificate fromMEsHiu t CRAIG. GARDSEK i

Auditors and Sccoamn.40 & 41 , Dame Stroo. DabK

Dau 8ir k GDLEfJT AUCTDO. i«t b KOD .. WTbe lottera In tho above were opened by us ID yoar proseno

frhan we (ound that the blgbeat bid was made by tbe Rovd b ^B RUCE , OroonQeld, Clarctaount Road , 8andymounl, DuDi.Yonra (aitbfoi.

CRAIQ. Q4.RDNE U a (\To tlesnro. POHLMANN <S CO ., LTL

Pianoforte llakern and Mercbau40 , DawBon Street , DDBL.

M7~H . OILL & SOh, ~htda d

Tbe Light of tbo Woa), and ptborWay aide Papers Sir Wm. Butler

Net 3 6 iThe Life ot John Henry Cardinal I

Newman. By Wilfred Ward 2' vols. INet 30 0 '

Tbo Coward By Rev R. U. Bdneoo 6 o \Irish Plresido Songs. By P. J. McOall 1 6 |Home Rule. By Patrick J LJtUe, B.A. 0 1 I

RAT PDAGUB END8.—Rats arorapidly \ V^AMED an

Assistant to tho Grocery ,oxtennlbatod with Rodlne fiat Poison ; ., . . w 'ue ana 8Pirit BnBlnoss. Indoor.

triey eat U and die ; dry up, loav<3 uo smell ; "U8t "8 a striot t.t., and nnaerstand theahsolulo «earance assured. 63.. l».. 2*. oo?1?' thorongbly. Apply in own hand-3d., 5B. Post 2d. Hurley, Cbonist.lPe^b .Agents—n. Bell , chemist. 62, ¦! Quay,Waterford ; i J. ' Tyrio Tnrne , chemist ,Carrick-on-Boit.

5X0Dn/i an fljC^n rpWtw LnJ JiLJuViUD u


A "SELF" If ': Bee iat this trademark, ; S Xj a rod "P.'ln-a diamond ' ' .' '/ \ ]p: X| la printed on drcry label. . X yf .

'pHE English Motor Body V ork*, Ltd.,L ! are unequalled for High- ilats Work

and eloganoo of design. Bend i ouii;ohassl«to as and iare 20 %. Book of doslflns andprices frqo. I Preferential tent is arraogodwith Hanofaotrirers and Agents Mar«ton'«14, Bradford Btreel, Blrmlngha p. i ' ;

'nRAV^ULER. Wino Bbl jpera' are1 ! prepared to glvo their w[ resiatatlon

t<ft Wat^rfonl and district to su table party¦a side linu ou commission, full particulamneoea8arj(! to; : "-Wine " tloul Metropolo,Doblln j| - ;¦; • ; ¦ ' ¦ • . !• ¦ ; >T.TNFURNIBUEU Rooms t ) let , : 16,V Ijombsrd WtretJ ; lucdor ito.! Apply

B^WfUUBJI Street. ; : ¦ !: ¦ITT A HIT IB D — An ApprorJuco to tbay l -, Grocery sad Bpldt bualn iss; a well*

educated ) && about 14 year? \ t& their Indoororotrtdoor. Apply -by letter o ily to H7tthll 0]Boa« |.' ; 1 ¦ ¦ ! ' . i ; ! I; . ' ' ' '

V[f Aldip U&IUi tot H & f r t rolL Any W nP *?«>« **&t tor Hosierjf «nfl

a* whotaaWei yrloea. 6n> «t k «««»«*. ' y>"y. w Qfi»r, Watertort.; . . . .• ¦ : jWW iWte.i£jffm«i tor p &a tattna


PWaanoBUy.-WaatediGoodHaad-jihi» olMjr tab teanlr», Depf.JBaai The , Xf« wtftera work at home) <Parttec£rsgg^2x^. r ^' ^'.BSRSfiKB1* 8^fW'"

i i \ '- ".: ;• ; . ¦) : r.|:l ; l !

i ' .j , !'

worn and look very 8Ei:\rt¦ new stook.

!st Satisfaction.


LL 4 6©o,

" Prize M&d&?OIDES;


The Open Becret o( Ireland. T lKettle S

Notts on Harmony By Rov J Botre.. Net ?

Civil Servioe Year Book for 191: 7Connaoght. Ulna. B> Alex. WUllame ?Prose Writing of William Roouey Not IVoouis by Irish PrlosU . Net '

WEIrSlSY.To be bad from all Wlno and¦ tiplrit llerchonts.

y tpm POWEB 6 coy, United: ¦ ¦ [ ' . I DlstlUora, DXJBCiIH.

writinff with copies of tcstlmonlais ands alary expectod to 4180 office ot this faaporWHE N purchasingTea», Wines,Whiskies; caU to w. j. Morphy, ArnndeJEqaire; who does things well. AU drintola prlxoo condition. Established 60 fearaTF/-E, hare tbe largest stock In Watdrtord

ferred. Address 417» this offlco " I ¦ ¦

TSrAHTBI>-7ontb at Apptdntlcb to thoT, T arooery and 8plriliri!:lijcs3. |Fcowanlred apd weU tecommendod.; Apply4163 News offlco. _L-iL_ l]jYl/r .ANTED-+-AB Ootdoo? Apprentice to: » *. . thelJrapary and Beadytoado c5o»h-toji also Tonng L tdy for &mine« ana

: ,:[¦!:; ¦¦ , :¦ ; ¦ ¦





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I f - ' - *. i i

i\Tsa:£ E&VeefJ WQ JripaKe e;.'specialBipptciy of ^ tjj idetr tBt&sp M ki^ats,

: Sma 'Ta)l -jfna<ie ' Costumessurid lksiin-coQ,ts< !

* i . r 4

We can gitte fyo u the Largest SI ZG

and Smartest cut in Blai&nds atvthe iLottf &st Prices, ;


JJi/JiisJafl v it ©s» (UOooyMichael Strcot



KEW SFHKfGEverything Up-to-Date Jn theGentlemea s Suitings in all the LeadingH I G H - C L A S S T A I L O R I N GLadies Costumes to.-Order a Speciality

M. AMMMM, 2 & 3 Patrick §t5'•rc™V.-,," WATEHP0KD

Jii V? \i '•B \i V5 *»» V5 Vi «tt *»tf Vi Vi >H >

n n (f MI i?J (c?

ee our installation of High-Power Gas Lights at Waterside;1,500 Candle Power from on©Rfflantle. Cheapest Hiprh Powerlight obtainable Extensivelyused in London , Paris, BorliJD ,for street lighting, 00en spaces,yards,factories,shop fronts, i*,G

Information Grs ftlo.

Waterfo rd GasShowrooms : THE QUAY.Gas Worko : WATERSIDE.

SmportaiE to Faranara IFOE THE BEST QOALITY


Apply to WHIT!M %Parliamen t Street , WATERFORD.

New Season MairmakdeW( h*w OOD traded for & very laogo supply tib aeasoin, and m ctoiie of bijh

pr xxa cx( 6U3V;r oe ecu oflor at tfco foilowlaj priaas —

lib. JAB. / flb. JAE.


2lt Jar charged Jd. ; 3frD>«. chaired Ud extrA

m ft •* fST/»,t .' « «* ^ v . 1 , - 1 ™ _ . ^ - _ ' ' . ¦ " I f ', i - i ' - - V . 'Q4RRICK :—Main StrwJl.! 'TRA.5IORE:—3Hun Stepet.

, ?IIiKENJ(Y:-S6, HiSTetreat,Bonua op Diac0unt\ Od. Given

i i i

GAM, >W-H», Oasty - Btwet- , iNEW laO83:—8; Cbaf ae Bireot.WATEBPOBD:+^ addhl. Bo gV.

with ovary ff p akdof tea

12a ¦©!I.Gc3jkbyiq ST., WA^ERPORB), " : i j

IFIRE 4 !LWS! ^sy^^cg^ei^i'^^

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i bofue, Gariep. ltRtr,od!a.tQ lyfeaeswn. - MM otAoungr, - jQatdeo, eto.; onj.' ten¦ HOUSB ^D' fflo j ^ W. klUia' '- '^LoiLj ii^Mii^ ¦'; ¦ ; ' ' \ \

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GOODS.Drapery Line,ldlnf? Irish Makes


3Ub. JAB.

Allowed Khon returned


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NIE^V; EVSEBTTHUKQ;. !| ; ;: ; ,.JHA: JM1NQ ¦ IJBW j FAfilH3ON&. ¦ |: ¦ : •*

: SEEJ tHE Iwnmo a, |j ^ |-

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OR TiHE GARDEN and FARM.'he, Finest the World can Produce.

enulne OUT iron

fc FOW11 !© -CO,Seed Merchants andNurserymen. |

1o Travellers.

i : :Our Latest acquisition in Oiroiras and ; Machlnon; ^aecessltated by j tbe extraordinary Eiiparaclon of ¦

«or "jTracSo is nov; complete.WB NOW

¦ ' M ¦ ' ' i

¦' '

Mf i TERF ORD ^MD TB/fnoRE. ;TelU l£0. ¦

Stock© wmjeraHLEASE NOtTE THAT :


i ¦

IHiH ward j O'ECeefe ilido^GRAOEDOEU, WAT^RFCjRd, ', |!


same nenwxved from | any pfl«}a imtihdn a reasaaaibie 'distanco i l l|

; ¦ ¦ :¦.

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team Waterfard. , ' :¦ ¦ ' ; ) ! 'i - ¦¦ ¦ i | i • - : I : ; .. j r

All anlnals {m itediateljy icmored cn' irec&jrtloi ' Teleurama: • ' ¦ > ; !

O' Ksefo's, jj (S r ced i 3(ij:: j^g|fc<3ri;« d!! j; ¦ ; - ! ¦ ! ¦ , | ¦¦ ¦ ! ! ! • ¦

i!:ir !:7:f"q*t i I H'-H^ :::!! - ;; : ' r: IiHIOHE91 PEICfeS PAip FOla LTV? HOESE8 BROUGHT XO . OUB WQHK#' ¦'


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6'KeefeasI jpav . Higl eij ' Priced thai 1011 'It i F rin. 'i^ :'i!¦ i ; • ¦ ¦ r - iIi - -; ;. - j 1 j i r i M " !ii | : H - i l l ^.; -:.^:l


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11 the Superior . PB"®c3tac1iB|on arid erao?"«ouo output of our "flJew Proceco"Sread are contained the best recourcecaurchacabiej in Bakery En&lneering v/itli theoKcluoivo lice only of the Highest Grades oflatent Flonra ( obtainable from jth'e! mostscientific tr illing of ; which v/e are theruaranteed Largeot Consume^ and furthernnanced by ; the IncSisponcabCo Factor—4 ^ certified Expert Knoy/ledge and valuable

'ofi'ooinafl Suraepvlbl'OBui" ¦

The outcome of these uncivalloc! adparitoEpo iodluBtrated in the Superiority of our '••Hewf Proceao"Bread ao atteoUe^ by Wed leal AJmkilyGllo and

Lafgoo* Sal)©. ''

j | ,- ; j j LgL| .k««

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Di=taasj}o9 object. Goats cant ia ellpiBia '<jf. J rT^H. I ¦

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! ¦; FILLING. : :i

4}d. per tin. 6frt. pcet tree, i! MaAsj hy— i . j j :

1KB QVEUiE J CO., CHEMISTS.i '¦ i : NBWEY. : 11 ,

] ! ¦¦ ¦

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Agents-!Waterford : B. ;Poole .landSon; <Jeo; ||wJiit^;

j and . Son.] TalioT -Z.Hefring. lismorieUA. Hick^y. '¦:

' . ¦ : . , i , : i 1 : ! : i



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i :AJI Baoel OaloiB1 made andidasnatciaad!. •bjj Betttra Pos*:-!j- - ; ¦ j "

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SS&- I §53* !£?¦'&"* Ecdto, ^^v ;pcr ; jWhipa «aid 8pnra. i j I J :¦i A 8p<aciaJ Lot o Ladies' end Gei&o

!; A lFew B .j of j^aiscmd-lffina wAr^UJi .flouf Collar, Co!vwo.. i Moi2lE9, Le3£5. i:;CK|f ; iWxitei^iMliDcc BeqnfaHSirr i

T§|CAj:« GO., LTOiis, U, i i , ie, ioAin i STBEEI/, puBtiiii.!Wf>S|ra:atfi<i lJwijt ab,1'Dublin.

'" ' i :

|Telepb'p ie--618i;ih;: | J j • . ; i |! • ;) : ! -• EcJanlLhi!di lSC3. i : . , |j ' ¦;¦ i l • ¦! ': i ¦¦; I' ; :• ;

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I . ' j ^ii : ' -AwM«|Wir'8pei(Bali6t», -. ; V- .: | • :iW|:PATtoOK; ;8|rBiEET; i COEK:! :

|lOB©fiRs;}i|vi^&MSEAfiS.|i cod- »i6«neal ;:Mhiijlibilo :( forl Ho^ *ia

ii:. §m£B. Pf :isiipiiii


150 Years' Reputation IG sufficient Guaranto© for the vvorli turmod out of our Woifeshop. All Clacsoo of Work executed pnthe Premised by Experienced WorEimon,


Address WEa,Ejyfl\j ) QUAY.

[IClOCEirJASOPPILE,NEAR PASSAGE EAST,(5 mllos from Waterford).


fpO BE SOLD BY AUCTION , on1 MONDAY , llth MARCH , 1012, at 12o'clock , on the lands, by directions of Mr.William G. Gough, the Interest In his Farmknown as Knocknagopple f\Ylthin5 miles ofWaterford on the Passage East Road) onwhich is eructed a comfortable TTro-8torySlated Dwelllog Houso and Out-offlcesin exc«llcDt condition, standing on abont60 acres, statute, of good sound pastureland, well watered and fenced. An agree*ment to imrchaso tho Fee-Simple of saidLands pursuant to the Irish Land Act ,190,'i, ha- bt-t'D sigperi , and the holdingwhen vcsteil will be subject to an annuityof£2 1 : ID : 10, payable to the Irish LandCommiusion

The Tenement VaJuation Is £S5 0 : 0 .Immediately after will be Bold about 10

tons of good cattle bay, pony governesstrap, rubber tyres, almost new. jS

For farther particulars apply to IsP. A. MURPHY , Solicitor ,

O'Connell 8treet , Waterford.¦OrTHOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers,

The Mall , Waterford.


.VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL HOLIXIN<Jstanding con ai3 Acres, StatuteilostUTf of Grass arui Tillage Land,

>itb)e«'t to £45 19.% 9d per annum.F O R S A L E .

TO BE SOLD BY JU.'iBIJC AUOTUO.Noo THURSDAY , 14th Nf AJitTH , 1912. al13 o ciock, on tie Lands , 07 directionsof Mes.<x? Hugh and K V Malcom&antheir Interest in the Valuable ,R\>eidential Holding known as "MOU.NTBOLTON" (sitviaoe within Ii miilas ofFiddown Railway Station) containing213 ,.\CKB Statute Measure of Grass andTfllage land , long range of Buildingsfirr Cattle and Harass Car Houses, iBarn,Herd'es House.. 2 Ijaxge Galvanized HaySUeds, Kemiefi Hou£*.>s for 4 paiclkA ofhounds. Huiitman 's. H^use, Meal andBoii-.T Hi'tt-M, Stabling far 6 iHuaters ,Motor and Coach Housee, HarnessRoom, etc.

TlLe 7>ewJ y-built Resident* is on highground, commands unmvalTlad viows ofthe surrounding country It is approach-ed fcem tiTK? main road by aa Avenueplintecf with ornamental sbnibs. ItasKaios Dining and Drawing Rooms,Study, Hall , 5 Large Bedrooms andDressing Rooms, 2 Bali Rooms. Hot andGoM W afer , 3 w e 'f, Servants' Apart-ments, Pantries, Servants' Hall, KitchenTith Eanpe, |ScuiltTWt>, Larder, eta. HeMtinder Lease I dated 16*Jh Drcember, 1KM.for a tenn of 31 years b-m 1st Ntavwn-bar, 1894, at the yearly rmt of £60 OsOJ., but in respect of v-iu«sh an agreo-mer.' sf been signed 1 1 r ¦the purctoseof p^ne an fee-simpl<\ pursuant to tihrprovisions c-f the J riAh I>and Purchase.' C4F . and will be p ibjvct, ¦w.bun vested,'.0 a terminable annuity of £45 19a. 9d

7h« Preiiuoeo ar- fUeo erubjeot totwo Und Lnrprovemea. Iiwis of £110 and£105, rqpayabie :n .ha'i-YwirV instal-ment c/ £3 Ue Gd. and £3 bi. 3d., T¥-rtivcly on 5th Apt) I and 10th October .

£rtt expiring in October, 1922, andthe: fveoond in April, 1334.

The Holding 1* conwntently situate.ciosj to Railway Station, in centre ofgood Iranting; district, and -within easyreach of six important CaUfle and Hers*?Fairs.

Cards to view and further pfiaticula jcan be bad from '

Messrs . McMAHON AVD TWEEDY.Solicctoiv far \%-IX 1 OT.H . 13 HumeStreet , Dublin ;

THOMAS WALSH .VN,D SON .Auctioneers,

Thv Mall . Wa'xrfard




yALC ^BI^E iLU'EXSKD . (rROGERY acuJPROVISION .Bl'SI.VRSS PKEMISfESLon I>afo. Rent £15 per annirm

TO BE "SOLD BY JT.IU.IC M'GTrONat Our S \IJ iRtW)MvS, THE ILMA . .WATERFORD, r.n TI KSDAY . 13diMARCH , 1912, at 12 oVUxik . W dirtc-tionB of Messrs BdwArd . PatriA B2>dWilliam McNamuira, tfine- I nterest in tfh*.'Newrly-buih Red BrU-k Pmnuws known83 29 Barronstrand Strctfl and Siodk-triArs, \VaU-rioj<l . 111 whj«ch an exU-Jiav!Win*-, Spiri t . G rowry and Picrvisijnn¦Bufcin ss w».* <•' ¦ !> .)ucr. v] for many y&arsby Hie 'lat.- Mr I'alrrclc McNsroara.

.It cent tti nt- Large Sh<ro fiaafteWEyfitted writ 11 Cou nters and aheVv«;, 'Din-ing and Drawnie Rooms. 6 Bwircnms,Kitchen , w .c , Pantrr.*, Colrars andYaH. T':uy n»-afiir

on tbe Nortii 6Stoet 6 inchcc . ?<>u-Ji 53 fuet 6 in-dtoee.,East 10 f-^ t 0 Jnektw. West 20 leet Gincho inor.! OT l<>is. Hi-M under Teasefrom Wal< - rfurii OjrTXTrrafian for a teniiof 75 yean from Sith M aroli. 188S. rat tin1Low SVarf-v Ri-ni of £15 fts Od

Thus newly m<cted Comer Block oBuildings are nroet attractive and builtTyranUiV" »f f<>st. Arc situate in pr<>btfoly th»> mot <N n;rnl and best busirresiparts of the H ity, clo«- to tlie Quay andjRaSiways.

Tih-siy ar. a«.ltiuniWy (Kiirrted for anytrtfiajea.

The Teni in. nt Valuation \s £30 Ou. Od.Far lurttior pan*..ilcu>ars and OonddtSons

Cf Salei apply to ;Ub\MreL DUNTX)RD , Sdlicitar,

O'Coruiell Street . Waterfard;


Trie Mali . Waterfowl

Lady 2Ja.n.e, Waterf ordConifortobBo UovJly lQu l

QUOSG IRQ HO'JSO H OT OabHead Bent £i Ot. Oil pur »nnum-


PO be Bold by Auction on

FRIDAY , 22ndX MARCH, 1912, at 12 o'clock, at ourSalerooms. The Mall. Watorforfl , bydirections of th e Executor of too La to JoaophStephenson, Esq., '

The interest In Uie Newly Built DweUlngHouse Rltnatea at comer of Lady Lino andColbcck Btreet, Waterforfl, held nnaciLeas« from the Waterford Corcoratloa fora term of 99 years, from tbo 19th Septem-ber, 18M , ot the low Annoal Besd Benl oit4 0a.od. Poor L*w Valuation £14 10s. Oa.t Tne Hooae contains two Bitting Booms,•otee Bedrooms, Kltofaon with Range, twoW.C's md Yard. Itlatt present let si £33Pe»»aoum, TeJuint paying T«xe«. y \ . . ;; *cr farther p«rtlcuUr» ¦pplT to- : Ucesn. rubbyn & MoOOT, Bolldton0r(0 : | ColbeckBtree*. Witerford; ,

THOUAB WALBH 6 BOS, : i> . ! ' ¦ Anctlwieers, ; j :• • ¦ l»v ; i . i ;

¦ - TheM»IL Watertotd.

¦' rjMHT Bed eaiDotj^bast to grow foil

jmoihUjSiiqpWi 'aEbiL £>rt72rw. V\< ' g^Io tM*. BBINKWO

BTH A 80HSam

\\Sale by Mr. John Murpliy.


(Within 4 tulles of Waterford and I milo otUloverne).

Enocutors' Saio by AuotforOF VALUABLE FARM HELD IN


TO bo Sold by Auction, at tho PropertySalerooms, O'Conboll Street , Water-

ford, at 12 o'clock, aooD, on WEDNESDAY,17th MARCH , ig i2 , by dlreotion ol theExecutois of the late Mr. Laurtnce WalBh .

Tbe compact Farm of souoa tillage andgrass land at Bollyrowra Rb, Co Kllketny,close to supreme, oontnlnlng Z9a. lr 22p.Statute Measure, and bold in Fee-Simplesubject to an acoolty to tho Irish LandCommlBRlon of £10 7B. 4d. Poor LawValuation £23.

This holding Is now all In OrasB. withthe exception of a Rinall portion r«ady fortillage. Ample water supply, good fenceaU3d gbeltor , &c.

The buildings oonslBt of a good twostoried slated Dwelllog House , Cow HouseCar House, Btabliog, &c.

Immediate possession can be gtvon.For further particulars appl y to

Messrs. DOBBYK & McCOY , SolicitorsCalbeok Streot, Waterford :

O»JOHN M URPHY , Auctioneer.

11 , O'Connell Btreet, Waterford .



KNOCKHO O8E LOWER, n e a tWiterford City, within one mile fromBorough Boundary, WILL BK BOLD bydirection of the Execntorj of the Ut«Philip Fahy, E«q , by PUBLIC AUCTION,ou MONDAY , 25th MARCH , 1012 , at Oneo'clock, on tho Lands

Tbe Farm contains n4 Acres BtttutOMeasure It was held under judicialtenancy from tbe Watn-ford Corporation.Aa Agreement to Purchase was signed tn1906 and the holding will very noon bovested In Fee Slmpl».

The Old Bent was £101 The Interest! atpresent payable Is tho nominal sum ol£41 2s Od. yearly, and when the VestingOrfler ts made it will be farther reduced tc£S« 2i. 9d. C£ZSJ

Thare is a fine GENTLEMAN'S MODERNRESIDENCE on tbe Farm containing DiningRoom, Drawing Room, several Bedrooms,and other apartments. There ts also awalled tn Fruit and Vegetable Garden. ThuDwelling bousa has been occupied by Mr.Davlee nnder a temporary letting tor tbopatt four years. He has arranged to gltepossession to Vendors on the 20th inst. Tbehoase is now in the most ap-to-dste c rtler.Tbe Farm Buildings are in perfect ordor.They are all slated and Include largomodern stables.

The Land Is of PRIUB FATTEIUNOQUALITY and 1B all laid down In grass.

There are two entrances. Tho MainEntrance with gate lodno is from theButlerstown Rood, and tbo Farm EntraoceIs from Gracodieo Road

Immediate possession can be given topurchaser.

Immediately after the sale of tho Farmwith Residence there will bo sold

10 3 Year Old Bullocks and3 t Year Old Bullocks

And some MlsceUsnoons ArticlesFor farther particulars and Conditions

of Sale see Auction Bills, or apply toUesarB J. 3. O'BHEE & CO.,

Solicitors bftvlog Carriage of Bale ,Clonmol and Carrlck-oo-Bolr ;

Or to BTOKES & QUIRKE ,Auctioneers, Clonmel.

M. PHELABI,Gener al Engraver

Door . Window and "fflco PlatoB.MeiiK rUl and Every Descri ption ol

Brass Plates.Btencil Plate * for Marking BoiGS.

Export CBRO S , BaRf , eto.MouoiinitDS and Inscriptions Engraved

on Watches. Modkls, Cutlery,Silvorplate, eto.

12 John 's Avenue , Waterford

ETOAL NOTICE.Immediate Proceediogs wi]l be

instituted for Recovery ofRCVteo outstanding after the15th March. «

Oflice Days , Tuesdays andFridays, l(J a.m. to 3 p.m.

E. W. CLAMPETT ,)N QUINLAN , j R010 Oolloctors

Town Hall , Waterford , 1st March, 1012

DIED.W ALSH—On March 2nd, 1912, at Imchi-

exxre , Dublin John WoJ&h (late of '&Hit * Sue«-t. Watorihrd.-iRl.P

WHiTK— March 5th, at 1. St. Andniw t,liwrm-v . H#iu-y Duckett White, elderBon ol Erf-mem A. Whito, in 'his Mtii

O'RiULLY—On Titwodnn. March 7tb, atBr-dg.> Suoe*. , Watexford, EK«j, tliebeloved wife of WiUiatn O'Railly. Be-mains will be tuJsm to Calhedrfil on'uhi> w aung at 7 o' clock .—R.I.P. Thef\ir«rel will leave after Office and HijfhMass at 12 o'clock to-morrow to iBally-hneken.

Ord ANN-rV'BESAJlY.In sad and:tarring memernbrancc of my

dear unole, James Dnggan. lato ol 63,Stephen Stroet, who dopartad this WoMejch 6lh, liXB. Sacred Heart of J«=u»have mercy on Ihia acroi.—R.1JP.

Your noi farcotten, uncle dearNOT ever ah&ll ywn t>e;As long is lite> end memory lost1 wili aetnember thoe.

Inserted by; !his iovinsr ribphew, JoouphF; Croke. Sew York.


GOALS. COALS. -Best Bod Aeh CotdlffHouso Coals dollveiofl In the City,

SO/- per ton- | Apply Kelly & Co., John'sLane, O'Connell Street, Nowrath . ,WANTEOl oe&r Eoniscorthy, an , ex-

perienced working Gardener ; somehelp ; If married pno ohild only. . Wcges,U/- a week, two rooms In bouse andallowance. Apply Mrs. Hogan's Registry,Waterford., j ] ,_ , 1 ;TJBTANTED, for Co. Waterford, a goodf V Kltehonmald. Apply Mrs-Hogan's

:Befil8try, Watortoxa. ¦ I . ; | ! ¦

TTIAEMEK'8 .dangbtor { would takeI- - dtnatlori as General Serraot oir would

do house vrork. Apply 4184 this office, iA N T E D—Comiortablo \ Combined! Boom: and Board in Nowtown 01

district; state terms. Apply 4185 thUaQoo. ' I ' M - ' : ' ¦ !OOB 8A1 E—Two good Dairy OqwaJduey . to calf. J6hp W. Robertson, Eally luff ,

HyinSe*deB.. ; , i ¦ i I ! :

1 O8T, Febroiury, 7th, twtrrees I A^plot> Karket and Cantand, Twb| Eeya.

Kindly retnra to Hewg effloe. . ¦ i ; •i7BE8B EW wanted by Honryi V, bita

:j r: .fOft < OPMTj Wit«ftota. : ' ; .;rr V '- . ; .STBATEI> IfrptB too I*nda|of Botlers-

t6wn> WatertotdT Latge' eu£ LightGrey Male Dank**. • InfohnaUon itunk-

r- .»0ot0n«, WmtertoTa. ;v ;ir | . i - . : Otem«»1c5firoe< 'te toe pa™»*:


.., ..^ -

J ; , - -^ ; ¦ ( ¦ ;

JTB&YEXX ItrptB too I*nda|of Btrtlers- of con»i)d«jti i uio Shop ribora* ct. T to , Sanitary.: eub-Qffioir. Nwife Jwing-'i ', onJ town> Watertord, Latge BU» tight P"»« -wMrasrudea fromlifiamastirjg,Jaiti t&& 1*lave was not In 'Attenrianitt?. Sanl-rey Mala ponkty. ¦ InfohnaUon itkknk- « Hast b«li a.doeen M .tbf members wtwj «aiiy 8oM)fBoar v*n«vsri aborted thatilly reoetred ibyl th* oirnw, iTb^mw *»epddd!|fl.• t?kedos, In tpo prf&o inter- j bo made the osuafl|'in cci'jon;D( (enr>lontaaey, t tu M M, MaloiftaBet, Oarttsk- eati'tojgph!: aJi « «fopj»i» of tbaprbcwU-l ment ;lv>fts<*, l^conindn ' Jodgiiiglwttess,a-Sdr.wwkariaipoUcediSinir iXtts&a *"«»• • *W«i ;t«^-to!*ipe a* aoaonnt atom1 and OT&B! laboisJ He dWrrlactod!bouses

ssaaw^^ fP 1^ 5s^3£ jaa,: *w us&^$^

-tt&£t^ ilL^T 'v^ H i^: OT t ^^ S!5* ®1' <*'h*^\>*-ecbtij &lm/.iMMmsaaaswagBatSa 5^ss?rfj»™ ¦ f terate

^mmmmm^mmm^mM^ lilllii

tolly [teoetTMt;iby! tiua..<iwnw, |TMBML»

«n 8m>, or nttm police twlan., !lf I «n4rttbwy.peaool aiiu tola wMw kU I towMa^TtaTivriTFv^rilTTnri i : - ,:r;-|^BBal«*toIfAValnmljU>BeWBD»y

m «S S: W!B m


lloni; l Eve. ; Uotn. Eve.0.40 —0.58 ' • 9.7 0.53

tcc:jTit:3.yp nncn'j r.u

To-o!2hi -. 6.53

I i ''

I -

I ¦





We one. gLad to b able to state that tho. n.-cr: bwd' slab cnx r tin? Sea 5iar&e monru-nK nt 'has, fia W£s auggestod' an aiho Even.w<j N rwt last Tojosday, boen reniwet} no aplace ot safety, irndea1 dipnetjon of theCounty SUTVTXFOT, a<)aing far tbe CoruntyCunincJ in Vlioii> (iho anonument is vest--d

.•Vh MJ B«nnar suggests .in h:s lt-Wn-r .pobJiKhod ckx"Ki)reJe, thero oAi ht to beno difficulty J I I gwtuLng suhsomj^Loas Uh«-v»? tha momiiTMat re-»'Peot*J in a auiVfijble pLaoa.

i mil-i ll


iho j amaina ol tho iat« (JuiioeTHudgiv.l . 63rU Battery B.F.A. , who lostUia Irif Lhrougii being ttokied by ahome, wero Caad to rest a-j tho ComeujmrJuim 'a ttZfl , cm T\ieaiay . »viU\ tabmilitaa-y Iwmours.. Tlw bodj- of tluodtoeased 6oldj<.T was removed hxnn t!heCounty and City Infirmary and placedou a gun earn age drawn by four horeeaM*d convoyed to Lhx- Cemetery Ovextho coffin was pjajoxl tho vBrttieh flat,tbd -uniform of tlho deoeasod, and' soon¦beaiutihil -wmeiaths. (Behind tbe bittf wasled hia tnooper, the officers , 31 .CO. 'a andman of the Battery in pjoo&soionaJ cottarand with carbinea roversod waiking inth« irear . Tho parents of tihe de« eaeod;«!dliar and tus broahar wore -tliet dhilcrfitiourjiors. Afew the tintennent the" Last Post" -was sounded by Kinotrumpeteis and -Uire*- volleys firen byUwi unng party . WxeaUia were sentfrom the Officexa , iN .C.O. 'e. and tho menof hi* Sub-9e<rtion, and one from thnvvtui!« Bafttory Lieuterusaits Maredenami Massey load change of Ifhe fu nesralparty, aaid Vea^y Ren-d I>'An Raolrett(ifl i< -iat<v) at tihic gravesidv


Tot- aj intLal nit-euitx vi shairrfiolder.o( th«.' Watej foi^l aixi Tranxxn? Rtulu-j(' • was hold ;n tbe { onipany 3 OttH-W A.i«riord 6Ution, on Tue-sday 1 ivlnl.Urwins dine\-t.>ro wre pj i«?nt-— MJ C1. IVnny ( in :.lw ohaar), &r W ti i>Oon . M eAsii. J.)hn N. White. J i ( . \V(iaLl»<-> £d«(ir Whj De. ami Mr Aj'Tossor . ScCTJ'kuv.

T.i. S <ire tar\ j La'v .ng r<^a^l the

tuj l^ot -cvn^'n:^)} tlii' nx'tir^. thi Ch*'jrmanpropt»v-d , aad S 'rr William Gofl uticoad-f i . th:i* Uu; report ajud rtai^inej it of ac-r<>unt<s (<JT th»- haff-ywar end«-d 31.«t l>e-i-enibijr . Hill . In- jvoarvwl and adopt<'d.and lii .- motion was passed unaninnausly

The report ' a:id htAtej aent of acvounUi(IAW aJ reu-ly appi'arud in c-olumnc

On the motion of the Chairman .B>XY>nd 'd dy Mr J. >' Wh ite, a dividendai tlw ra">' o.f f> p> t a>nt peT annum ««>itac.lOTi'd «»i tl' u' preiorence aKaie <?apitaJnf thv C'>n) _- iM'.y for the half-year ,and on tbe n.otion <rf the Oaa>man, f*ax>ndeii by Mx William Galt^va iliwKtend at Uve rate of 6 pier cent, peH i niuiii ^"A.* ilctiLaiped on the orvginaJsrauv ^f 1-Iu> Oompany for thj son.-IH-nod. ^aad dividendo io \y payable (JIIt.hv n2th Instant.

Mr. J.Jui N Whj u-, J P »w- n-olltcted a directurr on tho nvtion of M:Oatlwv.y Moomtad by Sir Willtani Gofl

1 in the motion ¦¦>( <.h«> ChiariMiian-Vi)i »i> 'd b> ^!r. <iaA !w«j . Mr >ja.W^H'.*- »S3 rv-*>l(<^e<l a dir«.«li

!l >a> i>mt»i-<:d by Sir W JLkain U¦»•• •< . ml.- .I liv M r . K W.h:U> Mi.l M-' John AJlan3JiB.n1 In- ,->^'!i\-w-/i i i . l i t »i: The m.f«*tinp tlu>n cil»se<\

\\ v. TKRKuRU C/) UNTY ( > ) I ' N C I i i . -SPEG1.U . M.BETJNG

\ >[>rtcj al nl<N 'tinp "f Wnt» rf'xr i1 Count)l'-'uncii vviU tx' lu"!<l m ti\r Oooin Hou.seD<in(rarvan. hi-morrow. at 12 i/oliick,H- . n ' *'•"" ri ^

aLr""The tolkmin t; 1* th«> biisniiv^ t^ b*> ' '-"' •¦""">'

traru'faoted — Consideration o! <«ui>schemes to KVUTP the grant (RtvilMitialano-) fcx>m tihe TTea-xury App Doatiut,for U-uve to <r,t -\ a bne of t*nlemvph«bmtwj i finily.tonaph Cri«» Br»a<ls «not.hf (ouiity rx>un( lAry . BaD.-ymal!«t- (>nW -

Notice ot IbrCMWi (k* follcrwfi -"Ihi'vneby Rive notioe that I shall nil therv 'nl ra .-etinfi of the County Council.m»i\v That th<>. CompuLsory Cla-ilSBs o(thf E^lucatioti Act he pu! into opcratioru. tiu- Pannh'Ss of Rms antt OldI'liritj *-. "—Thotnae Po»v:


i\X T-uej ids) *<• of Uie «.(Mp->ra-lK«n a l<-ltej NWUS road Irani -uho Swinolaryof tbe Ohitmlwr of Conuiivroe. Dl ram. asfoLVws — "A» ilk* Shopu' UU1 wull ouinoiiwo foroo on U10 Ut May aext, ffih<;n« vortlx> Oorporatimi or your r'lnanoB and LawCammitteib art com i<iejinfi true uuitUaithia Ohambttr will bo lad to M.-nd a do-putat:on to Auhmit opinions which bvxvebeea expreeHxl tbereon .by a darjjo mini-bea- of our n*<mboTs w'ho WJ II ibo affectedby *J»JU provisions 04 the Act "

Tlu.' letter was referred to ¦the Financeami Law Commtfteo.


iNogociatiioos for the purohose ol tiieSanbt-y Estate in iBaHiaacloirjli North,wihidh had been en progress for a consi-derable time past ha ve been concJiidedartel Ithe IkinAnt* Kavc now signed A^ree-ments !for pmrchvase oa terms whxih thoyconsider eaftfsfactorv. In order to effecttho sale ttw [estate had to be partWoncdas 'between tho cmctra. '


At the recent rooeCos of ftho iBoat 'CDubit was stated ithul w» had printoii eomofalse news -about the Club. We can <x&jsoy Gliat what v«s printed was coinnntiu.cated to rua by 11 ¦JsvOl-Juwwa' menibarj oltihu Club. \V« had no reason to doubthis good fa?: 1;, neither lie nor wo had anyintention or Jcaxno ol creatiajj nxiAundei1-Btandings. t rosy be -boat tha'ti the piro-oeedings of cotiinisttv.* rrieetinff3 shjovWtc hx?i3i on 'j: rivate, bnit Ihore will atwaysbe A JeotaK-;- Ofid jt might, be ijuit aa weM1( tli6' local jjireis got an ofllaial repoirt.,howtr%Ter , imvigre—>£hat 13 -vrthen there jaanything"to 1 KIJ . We irrigbt roentiiin thattho first <ini mation' we <bnir] of tho Axingof a date f t tho regatta tvus to mad aetatemont csocrat it tn a'Xroblin ipapar.This i3 bo. wiT, wa aubmlt, to- tKat PM>Waterfc-id press. ¦ . ; '-

I : M*

AKOTHpiprSTANCE. !' { ; . 'The Boat Ctiib ia not, ol COUTWJ, the

oniy iocal b< dy which occasaonally Ignaroanoimpttpext. ¦ L»st Friday tho Chamber ofOtaaKOos'l ela «me«U29:far ti>e pdrpce*of con*i>4eii *'uve Shop ribnrs'.Act. Thepn>AS iwrtmoxuded from liiia masting, hutat least ball « down M .tbf tnembprsSrtw'AttepdeVI W • twd os, in the pabiio intar- jipati to job' * « «Hwai* of th« prbdedcttags. 'W«;t »<I Ja->»>« &D aoaonnt njian1ireisBreiMkidao+topQbiiabli. A nepcrtol <ix> proiedin .ppo^red io ; • :i Sdt!


1 ; ' ¦i l - ¦ ¦ > . V : I- ; !




n, i


M'IBB lily Luoy A student of 6t] Aone'11B!«!h School :Ureiiliw:Oonyeiit, : hi» jvtstbeBn: awarded1 the.jdb'plomlai of i f a . <Maiir>>Dupfoyan Shcithind Sogicty pGjiifjrjngthat she ibas & , tJvairon i ifcnowpctg'e '¦Vho r<?pqntiBj fltjiK), : . |'j |

STATE INSURANpfi.A lately attandod meeting of the >AniSl-

ganwited iSooieiiy'^of ToiloTa <Wat«)?iard

Branch) mas hdla on Wednesday j night atthe Xrodies Hall in. oonnoction -tTith theLnsur.ance.Aclt. Oi& tbe propoaition ol MrKi^e^ eeoondcd hy Mr. MaGknran th©fo'Jjotwmc wwnlntion vnaa iya<«eiil (unumd.kV^kWW,-- • »* , «VWAU.V*VA« ¦ > ¦»* # |/W^WH* -^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦

uiou&ly . oopies ol wHioh ¦weno ordttneicJ ¦&>b*. iarwanfed' Ho ti» City and ; Countymembers ol Parliament:—"That 10. thismembers of tbe Wtttarford Jinanch >af itfhiaAmalgamated Society oi Tailons, regretdXoeeudn^Ly the exclusion oi Ireland liramMedical Beinafite oindor the 8tatjo Insnxr-anoe Act, and we heraby call on the IrishPartly to lae itheilr bndeavemrs ito have anAmending Act passed1 at onoe for the iprun>rxMo of haying inadioal beDenta <rc6tx>ned.Fnnrther. that we ©onaiidoT lihat the pme-s»'rtt; diappnsairy syfttem da totnflly inade-quate, as wef! aa -berfrw degTaduiij to flbewonlceT -who \a conrfx'tled to sows PoorLaw pel iel '


It U rumoured that Mr Mieliadl O'Con-nor , whv recently j resigned, the ferryqollectorship, will, hg. a labour candidate,oppose Mr. John Itodnjond at the nextgeneral election (ai (food ¦w«ly olhead asyet we trust) lor the parliamentary fle-pr»--st-ntat4on of (htsi city


¦¦ m >«eitii nf of rtihr Pubui H ej ilth Coimni ' t .-r was h<i)d hi th-.> Mnynr'fc OfBce

( '..;*. Had ! yv-Aterday Trw- Mayor COounc.:\.Uf M Kir w an) ptnTii/diHXl. and inert» r*> ai>* r>r,->. ot—-t 'ouiicililor.x T>t MairyStraniciii«« . l i r Mam. T rn > n i a « Fitz-irnrald \V j Smith . (' ( riG to^an . JamrePowv . Pa.LrjrJ( QxihilMt. 1 r fT -mea P.W K«-nny. Riahard Wj ' .uu, WilliamFnzgvmld 1 'I 'Nej li . li- Kcmi.- an.) WP Mah»v

[>r Keniuei ty M.S.I > >. M. P Hrw-?i n.v E i<?cutivp iSarutori' <'ifhc«i: and JrfrJ Flt-rauig. Borough Hruu-v«>yo: w»ine insttendanc


The ofl<T ol tlue "W&terfora Her/re,"Llo, U «upml}- 6 number oi copiesof the W aterford JliastraUx; thlide. aspecimen copv of Whi'ci"i »ai B/uhnutUad,vra aoipUyi . aii<: Uit rjyht wasgranfled to pubtj .sh U» puude oiidMr (heaoiiy>ix3es <rf Us- (. 'orporai'.^n lauiiie a-s intiho y*'J)J lfllv

1L retanenee to Uuc1 sot«exnc ol ad-\isaUFJng 'if M r K H Oosaley, &cre-larj- of Uiv Iruih Touru- DevelopmentAssociation, ttv- <.Vwi»nutt> w d<eculed thai!Mir <;a>Mi i«!y t>i- oonirnuniKMitiec with tothu- e£Iecv tivai the i<ciinainiU« * wero not}>r>'pujv<j U) oojiiadw ji iuniL" thin yv&i a=no d««*iv> » ^a\TH J»aV Ui^' would Xx:prepared to t»iiAjdej mil* y^a,.' if pro-j «ex j nfo.Tiui.tuc. an>l d>:n .n.- *.iro give n ,Uj«rt beang a iloutot a» '« '"hb JxigalLto' o(oontr^buurut u Uu.1 6»-.(»<• in

I 4 I A . K N T hU' HLS I N J ' iP-

\ i»;tt«-; » n«- n-iui 11» «:i 'uh» i-x;ivJ Govi<riui)«"ii '> rwrfwr ;nt »¦ Un-u c<«li-nmnniation ol D«i.vliit»-: low and pre-vi, u > o>rrnsp«>h.i^rin''e - 1 ' tilt .-yii 'Wj o'ttw iiifc^JftKin bj- tJi«-j r liisptn-loXA IX; i.( > « •? lUgp i an-! Mr P C- O< "* 11T 1 . SJK IUieir rt'p<nrU' ou tru- sftartaj- % :-t ii - in -nce, and adiiuni&tirati'>i. <* U H - J i <>r

i>ugifi uf WaUirford . a/i<J askuif t*¦ Jv i! >ior ni'V w ha.1 lu -ijoai hin' .- jn-v )» vr ,uaki'j. WJ U. J»J« DMioe W t.'w m>nnni« -n -i-nt .u>n > ountamed in tjhwJL' tvp< «-ti»

J; »«-¦» ord<v»<l that Ihe U HTIL , GOVIIII -m. ni fJoard t»- iiLf<<rin<ri tho.\ 6 ep<«dalnnf..iH !>- <uinuujcie/l lir th&\ <bi.y <woHlia\ 1- . o 'cloc k U' take mti <* .iisj*iex3U<.nt h t r»-[j . 1 r. p-f'-rn-n

H- M SI> D i x i Y l J - . HTRI .H"

A j -tU ' A/U- r»v«l Jroro \U. ICeaxij wy.¦Vm"«li'>'ni w i t h rx'Jf^erns- U th«> luxus e-.-.1. I >< o' K^-^urv^^ f< , - wihjc. ^It * had «.;•-D !•¦« '. ,*• a r-wrsi.iriiiT? j f j i z * Ktatin ''¦tiai vui. - w"iild !»¦ t > ¦

J " ¦ 1 I;.-U>jtalbl« 'a:»- -nh 1-ur ' i« - IK I H .

.'' iR r >KATJ ¦ •- H ' ¦!!¦.•» .

Ni .. l^-'lin.j iiO lo- ri ( "iUii t <Kr . f ~;v >r U'<i Uuit (' Qir hoUi>v » t; Sioti A vunueint! l irartigt l^ rr^K v l«>T ikin* v iu*jmt but*»T<- rt^x-«'uj>i> -d ¦w ittriii a fov day*. Al '.ili«- 'rv>uix v ar< DIW >»5oupiMG Thi" ri - -:>. >r w&r oonHidt ir exl AaU Hfactluny. He»./_-* 1 nnp<>rU -<i lliai ttu1 naivS1* Ui thon <u."f~ al Mrssm Povaa arm Pixnrestal,B HJ- RU k^-tn t-i and H»wn> M '11111 SionV\>-^iu. »Tcn- KOXT , out am; nurw ones*-.n> r--« iU.i.rt». It ww-" i <r*lvne<i that taj iyc

SKV H I " i , l . I H S

1'ittii- *--n ~u:iiruUe.a b^ Al«--»r* J oiinH< am<- 1'iia - I .TI- . <^ t» 0 now ti -u*es nnthe Watereide for Mr Oaffnoi) &i\tl wer<?ajxprovyxl of by tiii> Jkwr>ug.r Surveyorarui SupennbandBnt Mtsii i 'i? Offlcer ,->fHealth Plans were. rece i v«*i trom the^ .h ler-* •> [ Meroo' of & mi technical*\h<*.! ir iPhilitHstroi'i whwh ¦«¦««• ttl&oa/^pr^ve<i

i>i ,\L- <) 'Hrj «i. Uttle Patrick3trv<it . sulim-'ttttd iurui-ndi-c plans oi a> ne inent hrau-v whiflh wiac ateo ftjiprov^)f rabjtv . to oeltiu n alUvhtirwis ln'ugDMUli

T t - 'I !>-nru».h Ri»rwyo' r<[ y iirt (Kt wj tlr-t^r-'iid" U> w- alhtrT b"a..-<l> for thj e Gnr-p<<ratii )n l»ou»'? in ilaj iruck -tX ri>(<-, anJC' lmp laj nU trom ttu> <ionij».<'J > vath ire-gard tx> OAhjiit opes of th<- iK'i * c»t.ta.a jpx^'ntVy *TtKted. and h«i sta'<sl tiutt thedixrra *ui5j ;<»i(»d <vx>uid no (touht runvvienttVw wtnid from blowing pa-por« mbout , bu1rw did not oon*id«r theon noouisary. II«•&/> orderfxl that tlie Borough Surveyorand Ri>ni Oo&x;tor make a fiirthior re-port on the weathor boards ai»d thennf«essity

Mr 0 NoLan submitted pJan ^of th«

new church m I^ady Laru1. arid same tvwsiMJCTred to O10 S^M JO.H and BoroughSurvoyoi


Mr Dabby 11 , V JS. j-ei>or;ed that MessrsKelly and Co.. John a Lane ; MichaelHoulihan. PiuUp-stnewt ; Jame HartcryiPiw Aiky Lone, and Jaanes (Pendsr,Grace's Lane , were kex>pfcn<j cattle onpremises which mexe unsuitable for tjhlapitrpoue, and it wtD OTdotCd that noticeSo «ervod i>n them to have the nremtaeakept in accordance with -tie by Jaw*.

On the prorxi&ition oi Dr. Mortris, itwas directed that Dr. Kennedv mepoxt onth« question of closing tbo noi*s«j inLittle Mlchaal-etreet.

A sub-ooanmittee consisting o{ Mes£asT. O'Neill * R. WhitUe. and Pomxr re-ported that they had visited tho pre-mise* in Cirrigeeh. Luno, .and1 thev etatedthat in tbetT apihfon ttey were most un-sanitary, and that the report of SanitarySub-Officer Narris waa itxuo in e\y<ry. re-spect. It vro& ordfffed that tho own«r "bescrv<vd with notice to put 6ame in a«(\nit.airy condition, falling which thatJ>r. Kennedy inspect tjba promises' andgive evidancq' on ibeholf of •fbe;1 Oorpor-«tion in any prdoocdinca that

^may be

f«.k*n. ' i I



¦High Constable Grant ropoibod ihatthfl rtttttpts Irani ' <ti»' • eWtoir for |<ihe•K«& ending Wth FcPtnary TSKPO £1 fis.3d; 31th Fobrnary, £1 i 1«. ft}., «nd, 2ndMarch, £1; Js. ¦ . 1; : : |- | ¦! . ! : ; :; r

iKSPECuioN8..i: ' i . ! i v i ' ¦[ :. ^l ' A :

. . epoHedi lhat: tl»

fiite Uf M^m.1^¦faxccfl ldHj vat

¦ AaerWBar-tfwst \\4sbeing ;u£iul ! a.(i a dopot <foj all' iikind* '61\flltb. ! iTftti ilpryor mrimiaeU 'to 'ijwik : tqthe. JXlsWcti Inqpeictoir. iR.I.O. i$a osdieir totueiv« <M«ba taken itfepreronVinjnSdeaifiicinidntepinffl! iuKbleh:1 in Jba"plalwi.' '¦ ', '¦ \ '. : ¦ ¦

; •?*¦; fte . oideii^:i1ibat'natlod toej 'sjmvedto:hav)a housos 'in Firo lAHfey Lane m hdefhw«r« reported to' |be In: a «hnoiuoi|st«toorfj filth; jput I pn :'a prorjarleabitaiV! con-dition; ; and on -tht? gneoojricnfendaWm1 ofH& MhdacBll: OfBcer thai a Ineaiyy iron tin'hie hook<jd felthe wall:to actj aa an &9h*pit.( 8am9 to be cfleaaed.iauiti daily,1 '1 ¦ ;¦ Sauiiary Bulb-Officer KaTOttagh^iport-«d thhi J e iha/i inspected 663 jM-itee; andprerniKva, 68 !i lodgihglhoxisea, I 7 meatshioip's, . fir ¦wwi&s'hiaps, e f i g yawls, ': icel-l-ots. 9 elaiuhtexhicruan, etc.,! rooking atotal # i^OQi inpectionB.

The w ial jxaymBnta .-were passed, findthe Ovnulnittee adjourned liAvinir irsenoccupied I tram M Bia>, until 2 m.


• Follow£tr& erf fjhla Wia/lerfotd Houndsmet yesterday at IWMegg and liad amost . .jerjjoyable dap'b outing. The¦roeatnei1 wias iaJl that cwuffld be desLredi tax¦hunting, jand tihte iha e attendance pr£-eent wierB afforded aome escetlenii oruns.cStiartiug at from Faithlegg ei £ox WaisuirprUt.d '.at the otmjre, andJle4 tho (partyacross Kill fiu NJohioiaB where (he ran *Qgro\m<l. Finding agoSa the bomnds got& ejpik'iidy imn to iBanetBtowii, into'Kii-;cop and .hoick ««ain wtoore the few efcudtedhis £uUoiw]eis after a most'1 runof nearly an hour. Soon after anothershort run , »«3iaflcyrded, and aWler 'tmntrseveral olier, covers th» party retuirnednxtom. Amongst those- out wero-Will4iaynes apd tpie ecrvants o< th« hiunt;Mi. and Mis$ Paul , Mra. and) MissG nuves, Air. K, W. Baron and Mm (Bsr-ron, Mr. Geoirce CthJapman, Manor Power,Mr* JoaerVh Widger and Miss NancyWidow, taue Miasea Murphy Miss Mor-gan, Mr T F SJveedy. Mr. Richard iSM-ford, Mr |J. J Stafiord and Mite Stafford,Mrs Biroornh«ad, Mr. John Sbraaigman,Mm aAd |Mi5a Bosanquet, Mr. B Mur-ptiryi. Christendom , LieouL Maes«y.R.F. A . - MJr. Gvraird, M,r A Hunt, MrFrank Henebeny. Mr «jid Mtaa Andter-«>n . MJ.* iRJohardMOn , Mrs Oapt iiloom-fieJd . Mr |R Dubbym iBaQuiaJsil . Mr. BNolan <und M »s« Noliaji . eto. ii,



The grand Aniftial St.. Patrjck a Con-cert will be hefltl in the Thieatme Royal,under the aai*piots oi the abovti Society,on Monday, Manch ilRtfli. The1 ajtieleswill tnolude Mr 'Edrniond O'SuUiman,the yoang Jirinh tenor; Mkss Efleen Hety-den, (Jw reDOwmad soj»ran<j . Mr FrankTwigg,..iWa,1)eirford'» p<B>uJlar tjaritone;Praf«»»oT H MaCWJiiv. H.I A.M . andMT T«/ra Dunne, tflits ce5.vlimn.u-d humour-jfrt A apeciaa ejrihihitjon of aVap danc-imr iviLl .E»e given toy tht Fvonous AjitianeTroupp The oxmoort will be conducoedby ii ns. Minrjay The doors wiH opennrt 1* o'clock , and tidkert, ho()<l«irt5 wiU beiwlinirtii sl t>y «ia>rfl.y d*)ca>. Tickets canb liuivu tromi Miss Priwu-r,>»j t; Mir. 11 . /Dawson. J(ihTi^st«>et;Nf.«-irB F'oiJe c flj e Mat! , ait '-tae hi/11 ofthe Sox'.iei'y.. or (from the hon «X'».,M v«n- JVrtr>ck F Htxsan and J J .O'Shin i KjIii mwsy Tlio priotw of adinassion» vt i iti . (u-i usual

ST P \ T R I U K ' B 1X.AY

\ «xiriv-sporkieut, wmttng under olifilunumt dt tjutrrt off "Shopti'iepeT." aays:- N. ,w Umt «t riatrick V Da^ -dalila onSti [¦.€i»-wv * wDiftt 'al»ui Mmxtivy an- a gomer'alh" , .I J I V - I n iMrfJin , 1 ' irk mO LiYme-¦ -K ;t , H i U bv A holiday Mua -*ie be,1 • -i -.- f bcl»m€ tn VVatar'ord?"

M -\,S'! ni S I . TH1 AIU.U3 TtXJ U LNA S.

I'lw F IMUSI o( St ThoiiMvs Awiuinaji waaff»ibxated at Si Savvovu-'e OamffnicaT)O-'ur<^ yiesterrliay rnoitrj ig 'n & modt•- :.( IJII . mij i-Tiiprvtwnvc mam. -

\ i . O M E VOKWi

Itfe iium y p> -r>> xriaj f.ri ' -iuUi »TJI1 be|.k'H.s( ^>

hiar tlhati a Jedtwr was

.Twceoved¦ .tAV"-fr<im Aid M E Yr>ur« who is ati -n ^n t m a parvase h<xspital M &unl i!n:n which he etauej i he U rajmlty >n he1 ¦ i-rJ-rut j and rs-pew to rn» l«uik ayj»in nV\' At<iH ' irx l in a terw week *


Motor Bicycle Found in Flames

What mighi havK rv^uiu-d iii a vomy&erioo« fire , bait w-as happily <Ji*corverod111 ti nMr . oooUTired lost ervetung at a>bDUitl'J 15 at the Granvulle trloteO. the Quay.

11 appears that at tlhe txick of itihe hotel,.-< a 6*nreToam wfauib is m»ed lar tlie con-venience of patran-H A mctUnr ttcyaleV/ UD stored here. At line' .hour utalbed oneof tlie hobd servanto entered the stoneand found the 'bicycle an flannee, tbie1petrol having beoenne ignited1. Imine-duattioJy the alarm was raised1 and /thepcflnoe an duty at the olock towex, Con-etaihlee Kdhoe and Olurpby. ¦were cippcrdfl-ed tdnd iinmodiatelt proceeded to theroom where tth« ilighlt«d machine ¦maa omdfound tfhe -whole plate in flames. In tbemefiintiine' the- stofl ol the. hotel werebusH J engaged drawing -mator. Wb>cn theconstable entered qrue oi them notioOdtiWiiihe pas .pip© had melted and tnat 42ieescaping gas was TaipoSv bmrtxjw, addingto the dansar atoeady existing. Apincers was proetulied, and with com-mendable pnimptoe6S the mp a was cutoiT and pinched up. OonaUMa Murphyertdesvvaured to tftefla the fire araand themotor using1 a damper and had hoe band1severely framed

Alter «fl»ui (half on ihorar'e wank theflanks wofe eabdned hofoDe to fim ex-tended to, any oi Iho otitot apaj4men 8.HadnoHtaio fl«n«5i;b«en notiefcd fn time: t ia moot jccrtiia dkaslteana'Dc offta otfltjfollc|w tor] at: the b^dk of (he botdf *o liho<x3 and oplonr etarcoof Mciys. {Cteap Uand Co., rfmd djajidns i«7iSBe i «j»o4o|ifipoexoised pi Me56tfl QSieGxrjd &nd Opw# con*toinlng, as it does a, toda of diiaQtliyinflcanm>aplo;natur\ TA» (Jantago7c£Seis Icicfrily not Ibeavy. The oonaa of "theane da uninown. I .


<Xi\ Wednesday a TTojnan danwd Mrs,'Briilget KtageraMi,. residing 1 at ; JBallyvvalla, Slibvarue, *a3 found, Apowntid!atSpringfldd BE), «eoar tba mivni1 SUIT. Shohaid (beenl oniwcU djotr same |tmo' iatd iped;iam}y .radticeci 1 tlinjt hba mlm wafe iefvlngvrtitf .l On1 ' thd piornlng of Gvoj wwHuTy dnejeAjihomifj sti6,30 a.m., her falAijly! believe!ing| hat Bh<» ; kvat : ' going ; i ]U> j SMovuroa:'Chiwoh; IShorfly aitejwarda JL ieyj :notioe!4that |sho bad riot, titicen h«r< haotS.TTath bar,ftrtd; ieft:ohce !' vlo-jit |:n searxih itid! ,t>roce4hor > U lWo iher • toxhr u asj ;fyun<i;in ithepaif | ThqyCmi lktclj-Kipior ed Aije 'irnVr .tor to tbd police . anxl Son iahtl Rollins''Stfe^emve, liptJi tbs (body lamoved wiUioutdeloji ahd: cominurncated 1 1 with itheGOOD nor, forj South • (Kilkenny 1 DK'i Dchi*

^ft: : .4-Pr' -M \j f iU f' •• '¦ ¦ • ¦¦ ¦

. STHR '.«V£»TlfJ»T :¦ I i ! . -i i ':^^iVTip-T?1 / .': (Ml•Ai. 'iooueSt 'Ws toeld'M'IDallryiiLa toja

yiialordlay.: ;, iA 1 k»peio:«Jjl{| fctt ', -¦ sraasitti(i) I wt whioh" .Mr. ' EolwabcJ ! l*h«fl«ti,Mrteipok. waa I forpnan; !lEr. |:,Oo(g!hU«.NeftirAfl), «ndl6t!b( ir !Tritiaees» i|mte «mv>d<7^Ja >Hioh fcbom id that thid dep&taed'anjjrjd'.IBM unhiiw 4' and [alW1 toat rflouraalon'rthe b t oJ ieinw wfl&' fainw,1fW ant OoHTjw, .n btar «?pchi >ted itoetiva!o« i«otJ oritics t tha . ddotnal. I ' «wod

n4U3>« < red! aktiaf aVl tWt!^: eta

iwa*:,ifota«Ji <y *nrf,thait < wr .ianriTj. did !#.%cmlld 'W^:.U»' <»BC(oinotin< e4-. N - .ritjl' i" Tbi ¦ory |oto4 , «!vertj i(t y tlltA<'

no hl^nfl^W J r|«*(M! T< *B r.pow

a1n sojuieewtt wittii 3J«4eaiiJ4 ¦ jji --- - ..Ljf f.

«*> iqrMilWlnsSfc:.p ;.'...4 u n ; ii ? i' I Si

S: ffl i iCi : :jg-i UM .i^|-|iffl|

.j . i. : : ¦ ..;. ' j :; . !^ i . • L ' .nCORRESPONDENCE

- ! i: "t ' Us./ i ; : -h-iri^rr- V"iJ- - - " 5-- -- :^^ -S"-

; Sea Eorce Monnincnt:

:|, i4 tfc JBdHwr '-"T totarfa|l iNeTO'VJJ 'Jpsat \ fiir—With . irefereiioe to $10111

ptxagTAph in "iBv»ning NewfiV. of the6th j met; regarding damage! done <oi SeaBorso Moniunsnt,: T\itoag t» state J Banv^raUnj to An .office 1; of! tip East ILan-cafihiro "BeginjeHt iwio I know toKes :av<jrsy deep uateieat in anytjiing xmtiretoj the above ilWatoi .txan6port.-«Yauirstrnly, ' : : : I • • • ¦ - . -' I

i J. MAlQEBSY, Oapt.¦ ' &th Royal Alrtinste. • FuailieT».

iTranioTje, ,7th Maicb, 191 . : '

[The East Tarnmrihirrft 'Bi6gi nieTrt isl ttteIbid1 Kfth- Tba Sea HOTEO tnifi hiirigang|bomo trom the ;BenJnsuli the J£9th

; wfhen; in Jianoary; 1B16, shfe -mis dlfrtieni ilnto iTjamaaaliKay and 3B3 lives taeiro; 1h»t.-kEd«ar VWij N."] j i '

'! To jthe Editor ''Waterford Hews."'I ' Taiajhoire.

. : 1 8th lMlarch, 1912.I J jSip—Tihe slab wOmdi dhrenScilea the ead

faiiejof 00 many gallant imeii, I TPVOUO dostinje*!' laves in Traro«re Bay) j*earj|y J00yeara 4go, now iieg dardjlot on tihe'' fljiia" [uUi»re happy galfere spent heatoydaVS Tiji to quit© ireceotly, iwjt »<hjich,al$s| ii now given- over to .the devoui-inff m aif of the mSihty ocean. ;

: fWJhit|is ewryibodV? bnidoesa ia no»focxiy's pusiniess,' 'but if the. powers thatho] an& caorelesa or callous enotigh to per-

occurrences of itihe last oentnr to

rema'ia¦wl ez'p iA ia to be ewialilc<w«id IUH by the eea,su:!ely HI lore ana etiiBI a few people left whoare saS cdentliy interested to suibsaribe aarelhfJH ttim—a £10 note ¦would do <H,-thiaugfh oonfiiderabfliy more dould omctBlvaund, be pcrafitobiy employed—to me-moy« and re-erect it to a position ofsatefry.

person ail ly, I shall be very1 happy tojoin ony| movement that may pe made :nth:a diinbctwin —I am, etc.,


rhe Boat Clnb

;0 ¦Quay . Waterford,x ft* 12

To the Editor "Waterforod JJ«w». 'Dear Sir—Owing to a statement) pub-

Efltoed ih yow paper of March 1st re ami^Kestiin made J&y the Warjexford BoatClub lOoinirki/ttee at their last anet-ting,and tfhe bubeequent deaial; by the (SnauT-man at the general meeting, in jvpdy toMr. Edwaird Kelly , the impression seeira¦ta hold ,aniongst same of the nnermber.sthat the i etatemant waa inspired1 by my-srilf. I \f-JBh to «/tate tjhlat I waa unawareof tihe until ©ome days aiterit« publibation, and that aa canva«8 my knowledge, made on my ibeihailif

Tmatirig yrju will give pu.blici.ty 10 -Juslettusr in your paper.—I am , <m, yv«iratrnxlry.


CT.M.S. and the Y M C A

Ob the £difcor " Waterfard News. 'DfcaT Sir—(n youT report of Tuesday's

Corporatlbn imJeting Councillor GiSliganis coported to have eaid itiiat on thepreviouai night ire nras present at a meetring of tlw GatihioUo Young Men's SocietyDebating Club at which o discussiontook plate on "The D snahility of hav-ing iHomle Rule in Ireland," and that hefpote on the aid? of Home Rule.

According to your report. Councillor P.Qoinlan thereupon supp>ementad Oaun-cillor G-ilUfrAn 's rrawwiks by nayjng 1hat"It W d-s wvl l we had someibody ' jercto back 'it uip "

The orily af>>rence to be drawn byyour readers iom this is that if the sub-ject of '"Horn!? Rule" came up for Jis-o,\isRLon in ',hie Cfathciilc Youn Vlen JSocietv Class that it was absohrtefly e?-Stintial from a Hrane Rule point of vjewto have &n mportaiion prespnt to >lefen<fit8 cau£j.

Now ai a oiattor cf fact this suAjeethai not b«en on th<> agenda of ChinC.Y.M.8. Debating Clnse mis. eeason yiet.and I cah assure 5x>w (readers <Wat, when-UWT »u<ih a diwufisrion arises at thea.bov« Ofass that thene i* ample intellecta|id ebondarroe of enthusiasm tn UvCntholio i Young M n'8 Soo«% for theca.uf« ofi Home Rule sufficipnt to renderit sbaolTK'ftly unnecessary 'to go outsiderts own rtanks tx> have Its causa nldvocatprlandl advocated "Well and to have the jtast¦ctWme of Ireland in this jvspoct vindi-00*1(1(1. [ have been assured to-tlay thatCouncillor Gillijjan has been miweport-ed. and the Tefercnce he made was. tot)i <> Y.M.. C.A . Dehating OTub. That tbesubstitution of the -words "Ymitls- Men'sChristiari Aissocia'tion" for the vord*"Cathoiic Yoang Ikfcn'e 8oorety!> mala*m thif oASf all tho dnffenenoo in th^world is tlie opinion of—Yours faithfully ,

i OATKOiJO YCTONO MAN[V OTV lAety it was to the Christian

Young Men'9 Association MJ. Gitliganreferred A reporter may naasonoblybe excused for confusing institutionsone of: which is etytod C.Y.M.S. andtho OUICJ CYiMuA.—Ed. 1 » . V . "l

Should the Tbeaire be Opened.a Lent ?

To tne ivditar "Wnterford Kew b. 'Dear Mr cAnor— Might 1 be-1 allowi-j

to olfter uij upinion egardmg thw dis-ouseion, or ratber the controvorsy. thathas arigen out of the opening of tlwTheatre during l<?nt? Ae one who ha--Ireijuentki Uw ThVjatue constantly foriiiany y<iais I think if tiere was anycause for coinploini I might have OIK ;but if the <Bi£hop or clergy never spokeon uie suoieci d wouia never aream 01going to ihi Theatre during Lent.

It hai been a1 pkac^co or custom oi

long-standing in Waterford not1 to openour TbiattB durina lient; ilii4 customwas not! instigated Pp ] Bdsl»p oy Priest,it was the practice Buring the t4ne wl&nour Oorjporatrin "was; mostly Prtoestant.ytt we ihad no munmiir or complaint,iiajly of the grand odd pr&ctiiccs of dayegone by are fast disappearting1; are w«gojiig ti aUo\jr d-tfll ; anobhj?r to pasawy? Our Bishop and dleigy have mad<3a strong appeal -to ue! io sland by ourold 'and boncrured cusiam. Were toesnot;,-justified ,in doing bo? j ¦ !: Mas 0 ny.hody iuaered in the past: bythipriprictic j1 ! I| think not, Yet vrtbenthi Bisliwp ar jakB'mo have unfortunatelymany to rtusa thie' ex's -what aTxnit ithemcri employed ait; |the Theatro—viho isgofrig t<4 pay]IU» n>? , Afl far. ea I kjuttthoaa cnipJoyicd in he|'n»wrtre tare in ¦ re-ceipt of: independent vascts.j arid il faavipeen thle Theatrs jdoaed j for -Weie3i8|' atother seasons of the year; and nobody«3dea oFsiarvyt.ioi.! ] \ '. . :

, 'It' is !not iWth •Whai fc| p]ayed in theTheatre I that jibe clbjocrtiorJ liea; it W&K<rr^aUna» of a tiadi pPecelieint, ¦ and |the¦wiping out of a |gobd custom. ':Is it notlamontalljl-'* thkt we! have imong onr CityFjiUferal men! !so | impulsiye as ¦ to speakasithcryj did jat flart Ttteidavs-meirtijn^?Tliio-v may W d<bat-ri Wtt J'toi afraijth y aiic noi 01 IciJaled Ito inspire |ourcrUzens! with! thut- irefpeoi for 'disoipJJnearjd! T«ltj?ion l ivhMb our- fou?fathcra"»ere¦rem'aTkiible fox. !j ' | I i ' i i - : J ; • (

The cbise t vat ijd up to thia; [departureI dm not .goirKr to ! discuss; BufBcient tofafiiffexisti . i • ) ! ' :> [


I •. . .'¦!. r<it nie in con illusion ejfpreas- the IjopetKftt fot the!l«'narnu« portion. of ¦ ihieHjoly, Sfeason! oi I nt ino | ftntbesr' j don>pihy mav 'bej pngagedlin oaf Theatro.: Ica'fi'sp^rK ' forj manv at OUT citizens IwTiW)I iwiy tnat Mr. Col|in4 -will he Complying£r|th thi vJahlol ihii Lowknip. the clieW.bid1 hifi tdAmr-criittna, and In ppit* 01any! P«l*y pr j-adic^s that:hl8 acton j naycau»3 ytt wihjm the.wiair 1912:<0osea ; nayI iexpnif! too Wwt that

wiS toe 1 onethe .wxi dnbniiiUyH . '.!¦ ¦ «• . .r. . :r; :— < ¦ „¦:

I i ' l . , -¦ •¦. I I ; -TTT".. : - ' i • • " ¦.L . | . ., .-

*o ihe <Ji«r .V.W»teiilojd;-K«wa.f • ¦" ¦]¦ I j


-¦ j - Manor StawsMCfoy, ;¦ ¦¦ '¦'[( • | ' ' ! . ; • '[• . ' ¦'¦ ¦: Wedneeday...iDear Mr. I Edilor -I «e te| Tufc day

right's . "N«*£r i»j tei TE orted|tt»rt Mr;Kpano; TX?| ac y tktet the .*Un 1 «en

d at W Thesire-; i«mld bg in «Mf i ie flhpaire' -«te *hrot dotanglow,! Air tm [Eovpn pano'ns :«reid dming £be>:d«r W f oHon %:—> emparjed by tfia OotpowtSon;a vanman1; :cu»jliA*! » *ionft&tJc i •with jit|» o tttK foafte; oneeM tajtelPw tndjyiitoirJ t*p *refmn. T»gr|wnnii. ¦-BC II VODI IBCBC HCBbJ 4UJL WCW^Kit I zu TDM HjWi yj- '" FVB*do' ybeVtt .ft *55Ej»bBifttm

nad :, AimBettnS^ffioflW: fijJr|

Ci:. ; ' - / ¦¦¦, '• p ' l':4lH<>ir 'CHftJBi 30

w Mftt^v '-'uv ; ".tv>L . ;%: WS


> :• '!»! ¦ ¦ . J ' i . 'r '. ';i !'vHv *- - :Vr


':• ; BO/jrvIAHON MINES.;

1 ;, ,;l^ :pmoleB9lp'?jilia r!;,;

Hoptfip- ond Ma(5tlntrjrj|jkl&n^j . ' ! . ¦ ¦: :!; :.I •• • • : - !' . ' : !: - - ;

''l- - | ' i :; .• Accused Sm for T?rial ! •

: A; sliradibally pedlty. aessiatts ;ort Fiiday,before'Mrj Wmi Onr/K.M1. (ia thKJ Ohaii;,ahd:!Mr. thomio Tobijn j sevexil" 'oat»esarising m% of alleged depJedaiibna at toon.1aaahon, ; iniiies .'war« hoard;1 ¦!¦ . I '¦ ¦! j I '

'Fiauosf Dwane, : Xaooktoihon,' . -r. . ivaE.'ohaigied that Be:did in !Ui© moatJi of Eob-Iruaijy («nJiMv.iultJy steal, tite land -cacrvawajy ttoux diweJliing; houses, ivatoeTifor!motra' tbatf i3, the. property of Jr Janiea'iPqwar;;!a debenture : tbidex in: toe. 'Bon-anaipi ']M4ni.Tig;Compiniyj Johni Kocae,Se&tkildv "was dhaged ' tf&o stealing;' ucupboard with glasa doors; value! for wer£5; > Jaines iKionran, ipuhlicati, | Koock-!ntahonv'!'WBS cihaTged mltia stealing twosafes, a roll' top deskj tfeo ailrvanised- iirantanka, :thiei.tpta]i lvalue pi vy'iiioh! ¦sha« over£5. Trritre;-J7ere| also] eharg S: I againstThomae .'BjObeDU, Knoiikatte, foirj tuje'dl-Ik ed ilabceny of a Xangye <pium'p>; Jd:ujWiillfh,;TiMirK)ure, fox |he Lairoemy cd a/ blc;ei.trudk lamoved by hus[nijn ,and: vnoiuedait about £ilO: .PsOk. P ier, Canrigoalstle,for the larceny of tfsvxi doaidi: of timiber and;sbeieli iron/'valuid aiti ajborart £3.' j ¦ :,/

Diatniit Inspeotox pLyon jprosecniteii.Miri."J.' . .E; Wflloam^; isoir., ©uiisaryau,

.represented the accused, wAh iiliW ««W"-tioa [of Walah who ^"to Kjxr<:iseiited ibyMr. E- ' . [Ryeso!, eoli.j Dungirvftn; j. ;'

Thp caselagiain&t Kisyran •was fkroi ti<jceeded witih. " ' ' j j j i i :

Me Lyon said1 tibia jwasi a iratlbej ] a >uisuait case: As their ¦«¦ ore hops d ubttessfcoew theieTPas <al ve <jf oapper discoveit-ed cliaseiolBomnahon nd'ftno mjn<i rdAwortaxi for; some yetpa. Ik 1907 it vra^wonked out and a moe Jtiha't Bimte! ilt< -'a'lnot beeai wvxnked. JEvex amice tbej ino-chnnery and ottier things had been iieTtithere> and-far 6<xme' fcrne; a cafetialkea:,aa appointed, ibrutj ifor : Alie dasfti 12

montiis no one appeaited tx> ,be in ohiTge.The comrpaniy weaU. into l.'quidat/ioooj tod& tboug;hl ;at would ib^ .proved that Siraines Power had ¦bee'njappo;nted!onicia!i«*uMator of the company since Kuvem-«r last, and praotioatiy ¦upitoiiastjinoin.UttUiere 'had been mhole alle lhiroenv(ol|' pro.pexty rrom| this mine. Vaihiflibte:1 ima-cruoery ft>ad been takenjawaiy, andi one ofthe deiendante waa aotuallly changed rwitihstealing Icdr •houses -wh ch 6eemed|o lareeordiea- btfbiiti-was perfecUy tone as wpuldliDeproved. Tljeae summonses:-were broughtand Sir Jmjnes Power, was named] as 'tbeowner, being one of tbe olebentmona WLdersiof the companry. : I

OD tihe. suggestion, of Mr. .WiHiama, whosa)i«J that, ihe ibeilievedl the magiittaJteswouiM come, to .the ooncflHiaion not to eemdlriue oasea -i<i iU&aX when they ibadi heardihe cases foir trioil tvihen' they heard1 him.It waa decided .to hep tihe ¦ evidencerihortily before pTOceeding to take depoaf-tiioms. , ; I I

'.n tbe case against James iKirwjan—Seirge*Dt Buttle deposed—On <i» laist

.November James Kiirwjain inforniki' roe'~ltat Ihe went to Sir Jam£ts< Pomer on Sup-

ay, 19tij November, U> con&ult (him in.¦eferenceitiO). the property in tiha genieral-vfflce oj iBonmahoa min&. He aaked 'Sdiramea if'iw wxxold ppoteecute if hejwasoiid! who "VfCTe taiiog Ithiaga trom tbe

mJ TKX. HIT I J-B OOB9 «UQ I]© WOUJO IH OIi.He IfoJd Kirwan to fieotpe the office Idoorand thal ihiej; wooDdi bd over 'at tjbe{maneain a few 'days. On the|2(Mih% Kirwaii din-iarmed me tha'ti fee 6ecmr4d the office, doorsand •windorjs that haU ibeeii broken openon .the n%ht of Hlhe }Otlu On. 'tile rnghtof tihe 20th! the office, «Joor -sras briieaopen and .tWo pneeses iaro ta'keii oub—tbey \rene ik wardrobe ndi a flriind olbooioaae. They were value for about £3.He told me when he fctond Ui-.vjJ weretaken t>hat h«- wetit to t i© office arjd.. [tookU-»e foiloiAiiiig >artic£€.s. amongst otibers: —2 'Jan safes, one xoll tdp desk;, and: twogaflvanised iron tanks which appeared' tobt» value far ovwr £5. t raw the article}in h« poase&sion. He daiitl h-> took fihiaaeartici«vs for safety andwrtiid de'.ivsr Dhttmu.p ff ifoe owner turned' Imp for them; Ibelfeve theV ai» in Ihie! pissscsiojn btfll.They were the prppai% 'oi ttie ©onmahonM'-iu-Qig eonnpamy). ' !

Oro&ss ramined by Mr. WiJlmms—-|Mir.Ktmvian carries on an exteasi've biisirtassas grboer andI puoiican in ilfhe vllagft ofBonmahon?—Yea. ' j |

Phe axfacJes wjien you saw tihsm ivroriain hia yard! and und«r cover?—Yes; Itlheywrtre i^xoept soup aneftA .pipes. arnewere in hi« shtap awi onuei w«re in hCayard. : ! ; j

Sir Jianaeq, A. Bomnea", tTramore, «iaa tfhanext witne a and stated—J am aideWn-tuna Ibolder of the 'Sonmabon MiningComrtany. »I prodvtpe iny tbn!e|debHn-tures-J J «memter the dlafendant ((Jaa.Kiirwan) cottirng to Jny blada ai TPainoreon; Sunday!, tibej .lStih, JJovembar, IlflU -He t ld aid that 1 Uhere weire goodia 'being:taken away, from the .mihes, arid bea-^ked my permission tio gp into thja offilceand itemov some of tfhje goods an I he«ix>ul4 tafc$ change,, of tham. |I ean-phaticaEy ] refnsed .him permoission.I (haVe no reoollootion of his eayiig |ariy-tihing about proieoittioiis. I . isranftdhim against removing the goods and ed-dvd that ho and! othrwft if their weqre |todo sd would be (liaUe fo 'Ua prcfeeouted.f have no recollection (A eaying | thalj Iwould not prosecute, -but J would ad-mit that iti Would ih in my mihd| not ! todo eo as (^ would be §low to inci-lr \niUity, NorjjO of tba goods vhioh iKirwsm& tf lippesed to have stolen have beienretunhed '¦ to roe. ! ' ; I '

Oross-ex rhined by JH>. WiiUanaEr-rlWd

>you write1 - itha-tl postocrd to Mr. |(Kir-nan ?- d^d. l

I IFurther questioned be said1 he dent the

teietftam f rodiaoed and: the lotted] rharik-f i\ ttj. and be instructed his «alxitor,Mr. Dunla d, to iwxrte tbe fcttar E to ¦ MrK ;irwian idpemanding tfhb oetona lot, fcheproperty, ¦ . | j ' ; :

SsriJamej Power was flross«Exaininedaft, B^ngth f by MT. Wslliajns wtoo | con-te.nd"ejd thai ho bad no lowhersHtrp in'tirepropurty as, tho (cwmpany was in I liquid-ation and 'nnder' the oontnol of lie Offi-cial [Receiver. He denied! that fW> : .rjadrernt>V€>d; any nrtialE from: tbe|of£<a ex-;cot 'some idocniments fox ite papricao! ofievidenoei usjs he pas acting on1 beltalf, ofli.u, cb-dobenture hnldexa. , ' ' P ; ' I

Mt W^Hanis-rAViy did !you: not. take;ciivil prp© iiedin s? ; I ; | , I j

8ir Jain -is Powier—I ;ddd not move ' in¦t be uatjei lof otimin«l|pTOOee4ingSlJ- ! JAnswea : my question, i If you' thinjcyou Are bv ¦per "Why didnt 'you fta&ej civilproocediiMS?—I Iddd nat want to .go totih- j-rouWH. ' . ! j ! ' ! I : I ¦

Ftartbep traestj»ned be denipd I forcingthe iocko yt tbe .offlofti ox| that Jig .eolqany ol thei Aoo Es ' of tjie mice, life .Bid"not lend « tradaon engine and a^ ;Jmr«jand jcart b- taka away «oodf-! frfcrh littimine^He hadTtoet £SX»0>toi£3;000 ibythe MOB. ahd liWihoiiffh lit had I bet!»offered : ttiij OffioMl l iBe a r f v e rshiJpj ' i hewould not acoeift'it on iecoun of fthecondjictiiOl Mr. j WlDiama'icaiehtS i 1

' : V i: In the' course I of a. Seea3; arKun «*nt fMrWilllama iaid—If 4 debenture': boWejtake^, aver iposs4«sion ;oi .th> pio! lerty, o<the • >thera I and commits it to ;fil&! own

« r • t '' A \ 9 a . t l l< - - 4 l i . l . A - - ^ -1

use l e is diafrondang *hte other , delbienturVihoidSs.!! Tl ; ¦ r. ' M F' ' iT| . !j ; \ - \

Mr O irfiBut the w<bole cowttysid^bad ndt:ket invjmiey :in! ¦U». m|xiel, j : | i . I ¦ ; j

Afte* |bx)iisiderabie disciiasioni idoj i Mr:WillknLS'c! poinjt es to 'tSte qnasUoa ofSir Jameej Power being n«med ;af- ^own< r, jievjdeiioe Vasi toopetidjed 1*1%and Jje: accused, James fjmnan, iKa& re-tutnS W!triaa| on bail, to next IWaPier-ford Own .er jSeariona I ' j . . 1 \ \ \< \\ \ '

: J'In find case|«Kainst John Roche-H !, ' '< ' 'Se. geanl,! ButOe' deposed—11 <wtei i at

Bora ishoii! wJtiU •Constafatei ¦Began <tv Ihjenigh ¦¦ of % iOth Ncn'ombex last, ¦ ¦tlea'vvRdcJ e in, his mmdoor vriiMn a fe w iy»rd3ol !'tjr e xpiwe office..' He!JrW, nfi t bai timein one of ihe artine'honlwei H » hadlllsome.timber aid boards and: ?be£t rojfc jb -lotennirlto the gc-neraili (j>ffioe,ii:;Ui ¦> I)pus«.I aiSaw jhdmTvMre he. gott lhim>.i H4!sapcthe, tij>dk!ibU eiiaie of .thira. :J:» ked tosnabout twaiprea«s that h id bt*.ii 4 oienfr<oj tH omcei 4 ittaut a bo ith'.tc vi<jbsly.H» beedtaledljolr some [tirao and tolllrnifith9i:lh«W aic«i'faiifflA hiiu«: MS ElaUfhe; could «e, them on tihe folloirfng da(jr

wBeieLtt^¦wto. MAold J &'»oi;:**i> EiB.

paeel dt ithtoe .piesse M te mfebt »« pro.,i«3ted;iater on, ari^H'H d Jb»]«o*5W*f!

Sf Mr. WHlrf'aW-afe '<W'«**t t ifeivbomlhe bcnleht *bemifaim, of ' rtwit bkxb>M Ifor1. ;tW . He filed < fterWa dM ih«t9Uima»yis <T|roae tioo' ttewm hMhsmi«hlf.(«4l! the r«pn« !df W Je peri an -inno

1 &f. 3JmV>* ?o>Br de«k« . • nri» ten^ hSdtc *S fp *Im* i^tSS


!•: ;;i- ..I : h. ;. .. J . I-: ; . .; !. jV |!-. >!jl ." : : i - M TJ ;;

Li •Jvr^v :i^ !!-;|!!!k }' •¦> ¦- l i i

Holyhead Service tq bi; SnspendedQ^;;!;- ;J:i4fS- i]|K||r j . :i;' Mr: Asquitl 1 ¦ spl atin, j t i tke iiibetsX!

Party: lunabe in Art jitirkk a ' fJolda'y sai4¦fibe ' Governmt nt. wietriv spa ing; no \ ¦ sffoxtsto Ibring' iabon.1 peace iin j tih. 1 caal di ipntel;and.jhe:istill eatiezfalncid;

* iha iopjsl ttettbe cooitrovi&rsy! wodld1!pt leeitied |iy innagreement honcraraJbl^iltp both pariiea. !

« . . . I ¦ ¦ ¦

1 i ~ : l| ' i I ^ | , , ¦' ¦¦ r - " ¦


j Oiving t» thle ooaljl»tri](»' tbo Ncarth-¦Wea{eiin': iEaJl(way yiU.: j : 'stispend ., ' j itheirnight'services I biatjivioen inglandj aiixj -ireJlarid| via ;!Holyibeai^" *d' ijIhibjUol l .tomMonday nart. Passenger ibookan j "be-ltween Hotyfhe id and'iGTeieKira kviflj [Cancelled. , ; -J T ' '^U .-; '

|i RepresentativeB of til e ifei.d'.'jigj Raj!hpay::

Coropaniea in | the Vn ted- (K'lng<i'oan| inw*!. at the Home Office -kw «y to confc'dteir'ttieisituation^ created by t' bj coal s-lHka and!to Ascertain Ihtow fai itibi :cpmipanrje3 cisa !¦continiue;to be^plbecj |.ffi 'n*i opeky , Tbejprooeedirigs were,.private an d at the oloa&ino tetafement was if3ii4di ¦ i < ' :

. T&iii Miners !Exeoutn|e |ni< t the Premier Ilate! this afternoon. ! | ' i : ' ' '- ' '•

1 1 1 1FuUg' ien • thousand! I wo iers are:jx£e

to-dlay in Glasgow ihanooiir'lj_ i . : .

the Premier Speaks Out

: Speaking in Londorl So-daly, I ' Mr.AaqoiUh eaid the- fiovarimah.1, 'hioped

! andi intendted to iRftinn' thfe BJcmse:of ' 'Lords, and! ;at l 'ii . l i vtiiy - . l^ailydate the floiae Rule; (Bifl • Vaild! t>e :

1 introduced. Stch « Tneasure' BB' tb» In-jsTjisnoe.Act must •b&<<Titittea down" from] &n electoraJ paint of vHJTvjnat as dase4 buti'a .liabdliitty. Th -Partly wopid 1notjventure to' lay a finj^n-ilttpon ana of '

;ita fundaanental prinoiipJes. ' ; r


I I ¦ . •1

¦; 1

¦ The Daily Chroniclt has to- iay ireoeivedcoK&smatibn of tha iBJtelligjenoe/i of thediscovery ot the South"; Poi3!by; CapiaJuvAnrandsen. The eatpdjowa-'a haarratirvo ianow! being cabled 'izvia' Hobarb 'and) iwillbe jlrablLsbed .by HJhe Daily Chronicle: to-mortraw roaming. !;! . 1 ¦ '. ,

' DEATH OF i FORMER :misH' $$& ' . ¦ ; [ \

I . x " '• . !, ;J |

j : ' ! : i

i TfoeiSight Hon Henry Bwien : died fttCortojf today, ihe> was fstehtykihoee J&SB.jDeopased .lepreseb ted. Joiinty |Camlaiw '¦ 6aitie JOansecvaliye jnterest|fwm '5(7' ta' 185.iPjpfessox 'Heiwins. was[jto-da(y jaoimjuated.Unionist candodate fox 'HeireJoird !and dc-blaired duly «Deated. :. i ' j j V ¦ . : I : ¦

i. J: ¦ •¦ Mil ii ' ! ¦¦


1 coAL - sTRikiE: i i M r l :

r ¦.Mi:d.t

Waterford is beginning to fool the |puK3»of tha coal strike jQt last.] ; i ! ., ' . ! . | !¦¦¦: . ¦

Owinx to tbo strike the isteamer ¦nihaf!» iieaya iWaterford; for • i Fjahwaaidi I BTO T Imoxning, and that leaving Kshguaid loxWatierlard, -will sail, •itaca. Fridaytl neit,oa alternate days oily, i vf oia Steaiaboateeryiqe, by the .way, >£a: not ;to ¦ be icoa-fouaded with tihe steam[boait;eervicei»^twe^n iFishmiard and tBadtoe. . . ¦ . - •

. Ooal i3 <n»w up to £383. per ioni : So tea ]tbe -poxes of food,commodities tavia ndVbeen 'effected though! fanner3 complaia|that ip|g3 and QtheiTlrire stock areletdb-;,inb ''miseiBiblid prices owning bd fha eWSe.-¦'* :

We arie iaformed thatltbe'Gj S; ianiS IW.1RaUwjay' fiaa given npMce ti> etmplioytoi'trisb it may efhantlyj -b&. necesaqyito jour- ;tail rkhe ataa, mtiag to' tiie Sesseq menbej' ;of Itfaina am. | •¦ ' ! ¦¦ : 1 , ; ; l ; j ;j J !

Messrs. Wallace: and McOollagb oarve:stock for « month toBuifU'their o6ntr«cte, Iibut lauppJies to olfher c toiniars, ftc. ; Sm'ay jhave to be curtailed. MeisaisJ Mama <a» ¦&toc<!oed for two^weeks ohjy!. I f.? . . - ¦ "

:• ¦ ' ¦ " i: ;: ' :|[ih ' ! ! ;; :i:


'' ¦ ¦ ¦ i .- ¦ : : l ! - | . i . ! • ; .; : '

- ¦: ¦ r i - i i l i ' HN ;the pump and putttirng! it onto, his car. 'I :ask>t biiri why (He inJerfered-, .-wiftli tba!Tangye ,pump. He! gave;noi exeaae; andf!w'iieaiheiiirafl leaviiig 'hiei said", fliiatila iany > use to yon I <wul- leahrei [it to iyoa." iI Wd Mm he might Sxestr: about it later.on, -thalt be mMrt, Ibe ¦prrosaouted. II jfe«-lieye]'3t' would' be ; ;worth.: £3O or £50.'LI 'did not) see H ox -the neinnani3 of jit em«.

Cross-examined (by Mr' VKlliUa&ff lesthe WvoLe of the ¦purnp.iiii the carbP -jYes;:•:t tj>os broien up ;in- i small; j joeB1.]I rH»wasassirfted by a yaani? boy! named, JohnKeanie'.'who ran avrayj i jTsihea he jaaiwi qie.I caxne upon Utoem1 •rijiawaijes. 1 1 • ¦¦ j! [' !i . ;

Sir: James Power -Was again examinedand c.ta^d:—The .pumQi; which id tih'e{ sub-ject1 of ' the <s}*a3K?| iv(fts ; op e : |xf j tteee•Tangye pumps. wb'chieiconaidlaredij-wwnBvaluable assets .of i .tbe' mine. ' Ai ininaowi usr some tiime belope; -wanteidi ta

iboyone of these jnnhps. •! Ijl believe; dft | was.vatjw for about i£S0 or £60.; : I atscam-pn i}:j o d the mimo owner'and went to (tban>i v» in |1UJS njotoir !car : Be askpd sfoaQdI CP anyone elso sefll ; pny o| he;plant''arpua»p«. :I sa'Jd'Tw! were riot prepared' toseM tfha plamt, :paittwif]ftrly "the frutipB.

Mr j Williams-iExcepi at tie JpeScto-i' - i ;.' $ir\ James Powor- -iNo, *I didjinot jgaythat. : Jl<m eaid St.-II ' : ¦ -. ' i \ '. ' : 'L ;¦ j. i¦ Mn Ryan said he.1 dh<ralc also, poroc ed

dn itbe case csainist j IVancia : J^ropiij forEtealin? !4 tin .houses, j Jf rthia cads fitoodover jaTl-l j the house)*! in Boniuaihbn 1 ictWdisappear (lattgWer).]!, . ¦ I : :: ! t,; \ l \ ? : !i fy ir : .ijifl PoWf* :d»ipo*fd fl afr t^ieae; •• 'eire'official' bemses at th^ mne.

Ef ig &ye, tJ»

dtefjendaot no authority [to ,ta(k». [davra ,any iof : these bo-uses;. ¦- oe> gpjt ' «l wpftr.Wd telezram from ii man naniejd Eobarfaasking if ne, . <Hxu]ji |WkB i dawn,1 . Jcniri: b'ahoises. I He: replied! no.' 'He' kad:!neverieen; Ihran bfore. j iTJier.qo: wes cow £400or .f£300 1 ,to-.WiW.i- - j - iI |: 'iT -i; , :j I . i iH -ri i ;

I /if*. WfUlams-Dq !you!;ki ^rwt If -be p rea ¦Oie Hndlodd of.«ie jttntf >h^^hWb,]fhff .lbottais'»toodf—I-d<» ; wiL !- i, :: ' ¦. . , '(.¦:(¦ ', P

I Do you know!if *lEnmd rent waa par«'4ble Tn ;»eapect of tw.i «rioandi;pni*:f?jMi ¦:. hev 1 vwe

¦ buili?-i-iWonft ikno-vJ.!::] W«:

i jold1 ifl^,JeeTSUDpje'jBlndi:w>;!: .woniW| ?(*'JTi'; HITO to:pay.-*;eiirtsid! *e»*. !- :;i : |i : - ij-,; - ¦¦" •'¦

The 4efendaat©7-iEf cha, EobdrW :w»d(Dmane were rfso 'iariMly retwpedi fortrisiliat iV erfcadlQtltetef Sessioilisi J:«al»ng epted ,!<6*;.«jJeSr Appticti pAe.. ;!'.I - i ! ¦ lil'- . ¦ I - . '. i ; ''||| •'

¦ : : ' '- . . ' ' j '.h. 'i[ .;: J ; |:[.; :V lj |ji ' . [: ;!!;, :; ji fl -li ': <Fox 4 ttlles;.iB)Cc'o«at! '0*. l t °rTJ' n<#d*!'fng he?examinatton,-«rt j8ir Ift.t«« C itti-;^ mbroor 'o "Eyembg ?T«nft-'r) ;!. !¦;• |'|i

' u \ SHffraSl i siii:!¦¦¦¦ i « : ¦!

- i '"-|- -¦¦i-yj''r i' ;' ni »: i . : !l:

if ' i ' V I ! I - •:¦: !r : ':; Hbr'J 'l ;

' ¦¦ i ' - "- P

ahippii^;into :»nd. oS of tt«( pflff<ajiH>";" s iciiadeddeffSttmSS^M Kw|&«|S $Mknar toejBDecte&ttfia Mmmmti liitioi!fl».«Sk«M<e(i:- ved4-«.;M4,lor Suttdrt JAd."


— 'if¦V'1' I!


i : i ¦• i . I





A meeting of tbo EiocntWo Committeeoltbo WatcrtorU City Branon Goollo Leaguevrlll bo add at .do Gaelic Loagao Booms, 24William-street, on Wednesday, March ISth.The agenda 18 a very important ODD andineludeB (1) Final arrangements lor St.Patrick's Day Procession r»nd publio meet-lag, (2) Appointment of niarBtials, etc., tosupervise the procession.

RT. P S.TEUOK S O S.Y MEETING.Tbe Important question o( essential Irish

In tbe nubllo primary schools of Irelandwill ba dealt witb at tao public mooting on8t. Patrick's Day by Ur. P. El. Pe&rse. B.A,B.L., member ol tbe Central Executive.Tnere Is hardly a nian In Ireland morocaraile of treating tblb nubjoct than Mi.Pears", who na« ha1 a <vlde experience inthe oduc itlou <l worl l, ami as Hoad Miibterof St. E D a's College , Dublin , he has givenconvinolng Ki ">>f< < of tho signal successTrtitch oan be achieved bv a system oleducation couduotod thr ngb tbo mediumof tbe Irish laDgnarft,


The Rov Canon O'Goncell, M.A, Lecturorla Irish, QoeenlB University, Belfast, de-livered a vory Interesting lecture recentlyon the subject "Patriotism and Langnago "In tbe BclLi-t College ot Irish before alarge audience 'Tin. rQrely English-speak-ing Irishman," Caorm O CunnolIsaia, " hadno perspective. '. Kor him Irish historybegan with tbe year '9S or the Battle otthe Boyne or 'he landing of jStrongbow.Fox Bucb Bborl»l|;riiU 'AM L-ti . the stqdy ot thoIxi3b langnago *»as an excellent corrective.It annhled one IO renllza that Irish blstorvtra« not confined to the last 700 years.""In my opinion .*" be added, "tbe nationallanguage la tbe birthright of every Irish-man, Independent of creed or polltlos, andto say that we should bavo nothing to dowith tbe IrlBb Ubgoaee becauBf ills spokenprincipally by Catholics and Nationalistsla AS senalblo as though I refusod to go ona namcar and to< ts ' Bbanfc'B tnare ' be-einse the majority ot the tram conductorsware Orangemeu. " (l aughter and ap-plause).


A meeting of delegates from tbe differentbodies taklog part In tha St. Patrick's DayProcession WBS held In tbe Qaelio LeagueBooms, 24, William-street, on Wednesday,March 6in. Rov. L. Ormond (PresidentGaelic League) preiided, and tbero was anextremely largo attendance ol delegatesfrom tbo bands, schools, trades Bodetlcs,eodal olcbs, etc., etc., in tbe city .

Correspondence WAS read from tha fol-Unrmg:- Rev. Brother Thomas, DirectorDo lift Salle Training Collogo,; Air. J J.Fealy, Town Clork ; BUT. Brother Gall ,Principal De La Salle Schoole ; Mr. M.Cbi&sty, Hon. Boo. Cork Cotters Society ;Mr. P. W. Cnllen, Hon. Boo. Irish Bailers'National Amalgamated Union, and Mr.P. W. Lavelle, Hon. Beo. Pioneer T. AAr-nclatlon.

Th« following bodies sent delegates Cotha meeting or iberwise notified their In-tention of taking part in tbo procession—Barrack Street Brass Band, Trades BallBrass Band, Erin's Hope Flfo and DramBand, T. P. Mesgher Fife and Dram Band,Irish National Foresters Warpipe Band,Christian Brothers' Schools, Mount Slon,St. John's an>i St. Patrick's, Do La SiOleSchools, Stephen-Btreot, Ferrybank Boys'School, T. F. Weigher Hnrltng Clob, JohnMltchel Bn ling! Cinb, St. Joseph's Ternporance Hall, Irish National Foresters (E.L RJce Branch), I Irish National Foresters(St. Ita's Branch), Trades Ball Club,Pioneer T. A. Association, United Tradesand Labour Council, Irish Drapers' Assist-ants Association) Irish Transport Workers'Onion, Coopers' Society, CarponteiB.Society, Tallora'! Society, TypographicalSociety, Corkcnttora' Society, CorporationUnited Workmen*' Society, AmalgamatedSociety of Railway Servants, AsylumAttendants' Society, Firemen and Sailors'rinlon.

Rev. Brother Thomas, Director De LaSalle Training College, wrote stating thatthe students would bo permitted to takepan, provided that tbe circumstancesunder wblcu tbo procession Is held will botbe a&toQ as last year.

Mr. P. J. Murray, representing the localbranch A.O.H., stated that thB Societywhich be represented was in tborongbsympath y wltb tbe objects' of the GaelloLeague, la fact tbs alms and objects of and the Gaello Loagoe weresynonymous , and they (tbe A.O.HJ weremost anxloud to' make the prooestlon annnqn&llneJ BUCCCSS, but it ' go happenedthat tbe majority! of their members belongto o;hcr bodies taking part In tho demon-oration , and consequently the Hibernianswonld be taking part In different sectionswhich would moan, ol c urse, that therewould not be very mnny membjre left tovrzlk under tbe A.O.U. banter. So theirbranch, vfblcb ts at present only In tbolnl i»l stages ot organisation, conalflcrodthat it would Dot bo advl able to take anyofficial part In ibe proceos.oa this year,-hatbe tMr. Murray) could assure them thatevery Individual member of tho A.O.H.would do bis ntmimt to mateo the demon-stration a record Saccesa.

Mr. .1. Matoows , Gaelio League, proposedand Mr. Jitmes Aylward, Drapers' Assist-ants Association, 'seconded, that tbe prooesslon start at 1 |15 p.m. Tbe propositionwas passed onammontly

ROUTE OF PROCESSION.Mr. P J. Murray , A.O.Q.. proposed, and

Mr. James fivanb , Pioneer X. A. Association, seconded, that tbe procession startfrom the Mall and take tbs followingroute—Parcel! str/uo', John stroet , Michaelstreet, Patrick < street , Ballybrlcken,Morgan streotj tbe Glen , Thomas stroet,O'Connell street, Bcldgo etieet , tbe Quays.The motion was passed unanjmonsly.

OBDEH OF WoCE$SIO&It was decided t|iat tho different bodies

bo arranged In alphabetical order as Inprevious years. H was also agroed (batthe T. F. Meagher; Fife and Dram wandrnarcn in front pi tbe Irish TransportWorkers' Union. ' 'AHOTHEB DE&BGATE 81 MEETING:It -was arranged'that In case the neither

woold be inclemenlj on St. Patrick's Daythat a meeting of delegates bp i.eld In thoGaelic League Rooras at 11 aim. on Sunday,March 17th, to ta^e'any hction which maytie deemed adris&bld, la the circumstance*.

THE POBLio MBETING!The pnblio laoeilng will boj 'beld a ' tho

Larga Boom. City Hall, immediately, afturthe proacsalon, OWJOJ , J.SO I pan.: His

! . Worship the ^lajo*. (Conccfllor inchacl; £irw&n)/BUl preside.. Besoioilons fioalmg

, with the objects ' or toe GMllo Leagae,CCTentlal Irish in I tho public primaryschools, will be proposed. \ \ [ , \

BEACHT1IA1N NA GAEpHILGE.A epeclol J general meeting of the

members: ofj the Wat^rtord j i city1 Branob Gaelic; Lesguo .was field ! In the

Gaello Lesgne! Boornd, J*, WUliansj 'Blreet,oa Toesday. Uarcb'Cth. Bey,;D.Ormonde,

( OX). (President) prosidod, ana there was aA!: I tocA atteadaaoe pi , member^ Arraogo-; ¦ : . ments were made tor the hoase to honse

... ( : coUoetlon in aid of I the : IrtaM i I«Bgaage• I . Trma which is to be held through the, dty•. .' ; ; after 81. Patrick's Day. ; Collectors veto

' .f i r appointed to oollecilhe yartons dlaWotd.i i :• , Ii was decided, to send coUeottag cards to''' i i¦, i 'the flif"" ' e Uioaiioaat lnstliotlons! and: .; ;!! wdettas la Wfterfprd. ; Thel^eetlon of: , jr; making »:eoflectlon in tna s nots; os SI.:;!.Mi ; •. P»ttic|t'»D»y W*«iWcti«sed trait noj acttoa

f i i i OTB PBbOBAAfMB OF THEjImAfrirraa

?,~ V - ~ ' '' ''tvamnt 0'Eo4fWi««oleIn'iho"Irishi<|:i ;;. ; . iiSSowa EeTiWlfoc Marcjan* ov«-$0'> ewfle* protranuw [fon stnaentl Io .tha\-V,>, ', ' ¦ toaintsld--'GolMteir omes ; :*k » verym&\?*p£&:«3*pT aa emeakno' &Wik [ SgaHftU^SeiDti^evozk dutaoaMagIff;;'- «5T3«W--*f«BW UJfteiaaa. W*h' > MaM'Ml f : ¦;¦.»» ¦ fogVuSmft ^mattoi} tbellSli

Oli ,SS ..jSiS»i .. FTh« imt , of theH fil .Tnil.fni biipwtffg m# Owl owing to '

mSSSSSmmm w»M i »>•»,


I lejirn on escellont authotlty that theheads! of tho Training ; Colleges haverepeatedly taado representations to thoCommissioners of the "National " Boardrequesting them to rednce tbb'bomber .ofinbjoqts Ih the programme' of ih'o TrainingColleges, a^ tho system Of "cram," whichit was abiiolotcly necessary to adopt if thestadepts were to pass the examination,bad a most perniolouB effect on tbe mindsand character of tbe scholars. Bat the"National " Board has Btudioosly bruBhedaside all | those suggestions for reform oftheir programme, and It appears as II tbepolicy of I tbo Gaello Leagnoj Is tbe palyfeasible one in the circumstances, viz.,tho re-construction ot the "National" Boardso as to; bring it into ltn!o with theeducational requirements of tbo country 7

OOOD INTENTIONS (?)For the post few years tbo Commissioners

ot tbe " National " Board have made anumber at pious Intentions to do somethingfor tb(l Irish language—to mallo it essentialfor enirance into tbe Training Colleges—at"no f ardlatantdate." But the Irish languageIs jusc. in as ansaUsfaotory a position in thoTraining Colleges to-day as (t was beforethe Commissioners Bant out thoir slips ofgreen paper outlining their gobd latentionB.Tbo CommlRSlonors of the; "National "B.iard, or ratbor tbo croBtyold Tories whoare roltnt> tbe roost, have jboen triflingwith tbo question of esaontlal Irish in tbeTraining Colleges tor a good: while, theyhave been keeping tbe country In snsponoeon ibe pretence that tboy were going tomakoja second Ungrjaqo obligatory at tbeend 07 soob and »uuh a yeAr. Bnt alltbelr good Intentions evaporated towardsthe end of December, aud thoy Btatodagain with tbe usual blnff that thoy wouldoottle matters thb ensalng year.

WATERFORD FEI8.The syllabus for Waterford: Fels, which

will be neld on Sunday, July 7th, in thecity, Is now publtshi d. It 1B tho most com-prehensive programmo ever Issued for tboWatertord Fcis. There are Afty one com-petitions which include story telling,singing, : Irish language competitions,jigging, addle playing, etc , itc. Tho FeisCommittee offer , as in previous jeorn, avaluable scholarship prize, tenablo at Rim;Irish College I expect to see a big entryfor this competition, which is by far thomost important as well as tbo most valu-able item on tha ByllabnsJ There areseveral dnglDg competitions, I and judgingby the class of test songs arranged thecommittee seamed to have taken very greatcare to select Che most suitable- pieces fortha different competitions. ' There aresome {additional dancing competitions for1912. > Three hand-reel competitions forseniors and juniors respectively will beheld for the first time thlB yeir, and shouldprove tverty Interottlng. A viry attractiveteaturb of tbo 1811 Feis vs|aa^

the bandcontests, [and great interest was taken inthe competitions. Tho committee bavoagain decided to hold similar mnslcalcompetitlbns for brass hands, fife and drumbands, a»!d war-pipe bonds. Another com-petition has been added In this section,viz. :-^War plpe Solo, open to all Ireland,and I' expect thero will be ', a very largoontry tor It Copies of the syllabus can behad from Sthe Hon. Sees. Gaelic Loagne, 24William street, Watorford.

; iI



(tho Dog and the %?olf).

An 5A"04ft Agus An niACcme.

X) i s^tt<\p ^s WLcAejvaCc TJ<5 pernoft)Ce t>p e&$ rpetp ^e^UI$e. "DoCAf<iti rruCcipe <iip. 6l <m J^vOAp gocotuijce LAiTMp r\j eartiA\r\. t)l <inrriACcIpe 50 aaol Ajur go lom AS ^V50 h-ocfiAC.

" lp fT)Op jn 10115^1 tiom," pr^nmacdpe,. " cur^ COrh be^Cm§Ce *sarmire COth 10m. 1f cpeipe 4gur ippe<Sp Curti p<j t><Mj me 'n& tu , Agur-jreuC , if ipe^pp A CoCulJean curM t<sp6tn 'ni pi/ip f(5<iT)dim-re me pem x>oCoCugisOi Conup <s O6infl^n cfl 6 ?"

" n\' l 0<»c opcr-4 Cu pein x)o CotuS^OCOrii rtiAiit ^sup Cottj igimre m6 f6 \ndCc 50 rrbe^nF^ip ^n snd A t>einim ,"jpf^n giiWMp.

" CJu \ An X &%*\ 5n0tA 6 ?" App^nm<sCclpe. ' til ne^Bpuigpii n j - 6 gupgno pd 6pujiiT5 til peud^in cu m<sppeuCp^o 5^T>.»|i 1 »6at) m^pO 6obAip. '1

TIOd rVA 'or'S tiuic c*t» 6 An 5n6 6, "'Apr<Mii5aiS4p. " Dion opm an C15 TVpdipe jir-Oo(t)Ce JEU f n i OiCparrt0,115•DO 6fbipc. "

Ah tndion A tuillc ? App/inm^eclpe

ni t>(on ii tuille . " jpp^in 5<v6<ip," AS V V rUT) T Fe^rP '"•* T An< f' l- A On$no ip: jre<ipp A CJitneon Uom 'ni e."

" An-OAtg," apran miiCcfne , " ifbpeJg 005 A tmUean cu ITX> t>e&t&,&svr mipe 45 rguAbjt) n<» 5<inuc <ippe^* Ceicpe n-uaipe piciiTj b1 f6it)ip,go mime, puL A OpdgAim lin pno O61I¦oe BIA "

ni I j omne $i MpAit) ope ," appanJj O.Ap.

" Ap rhipoe Oom DU I I nrAOnfe^CcteAtfA Atvoip/' AppAn rriAiicipei "' STT)6Anp4t) n obAip A t)Cinc|n cupA ?"

" C6AnAm ope," AppAn 54t)Ap. ''" t)( An Oeipc A5 rot)Atj lo coip A

Cfiile , Ag t>^AnAm Ap Ah t>ci5 ' 'riAp6Ain An jAt>Ap leip. pCudAinc t)M¦ocug 4n mACcipe Ap ftitiinpAt An§At»<vin £otiAtc Y& pu-o 615111, . ,

CAt) 6 An ptAn * pin A 61m , Ap norhuinpM ?" Ap peipeAn teip Ah n5At)Ap.

" Ad! n1 pit biopin A'fl ^ pn ,"^Pr^ n S^*Afi. " Hi't Annj pan AteptAh Afi cpL*DpA A OIop opm 1SCAiCeAtti An UAC 5At)^p i "opo fimiocAUi; ij -eAfi m6, Agup 'pA C^Ap rn6CeAn5AL| 1 gcAiCeArti AD IAQ V s ti-eASlAt)A t)CI5^A'O AOr» C<3rfiAppA ' lfC<?A'<; gOmBfiApp.^ inn tip." . ¦ • I i j - i '

i i ' f A5ur A'inWon pUBrwi AQ ' VOrtiump4t j sc<5ite4rh #n vie '" j aripAnrnA^cfpe Agup ionj;nA Atp. | | \ \ • ¦ ;' ¦

! "t)fori ,">prAn SjAttAp, ' 4lc| 'nudiji8^i* CA ti£e A5AC ftp ni iu|ip.4 putmAp bit ' Atm/ ' i l ::' i

"ArribApJ, A rhetc 6," ipi 'Ati rnAC-clpe, ';ti) Cuippnnpb pu lmJA inJ l i t M5ceAnsV .ct mAp pn me po OpijTrtnnAn ceAn ^Al n6 tACcpnn j n 6 \ f f i n .itilop cuij eAti Aon CeAnj At' j i Atri 16pmAjup • n| cappap CottiCe. \ 1» ^eapptipm no CotdSdO T6"'

oUujji 6idSup cipAT) mo Cop, cp<5 Cniic- ,icj Agurcrte CoiuciO, 'n.d -oo CoCugAO-ra X)ApJADAH; If , ^S VT "°O ftAOpA I I ,JOT)tifii«iiii |<lin l" X) o t j in pft! tdficUi« AKop kup f & An pfii* 0-CuAit>v6.

¦.; i : I I : . ¦ ¦ ; \ \ \] \ .;; |. ,;:- :. ! L An :m(5ineATj ,' i \ . |U ;! ji|* m4ip5 A ¦OlolpA* 6 $6 n \&p An-tpifa^ f6.

¦ '¦ '¦ ' ¦. : , \ i j i;- i

til piitsein pAot* «>cmo pUopJiJ ,' !:• j : .; : ! 1 - I . - ' ¦ ': " ¦'. t \ . ': ] I

; . : i : T^VELIiINO. ?!RUrlS& :! j i - I, Hboae in wiat of above, of fix d daks]wall do «tU .to see 'Walter, vi*\*h- iaiSon*" eioc) ctjtbem befor* i*»oli*sln8j******** I-*! '- -

¦- : i ; : . . ^n

1 = '. | - . 'l| :- 'f= =* r . . . . . 1 : . 1 I ;.Intpeh'a ¦Tt S*»

L«»e. Deioloo» be.JFQSJ L* Ol QD 3S9vD#' 1 ' ''¦ * v - ¦ '* 1 r " 1 ' '

I f7 I^> <W|BK-'FL4Df,7riLT.! !¦Iv l-i-ii v- ' !• *lfli ]BA!BBBDJ-H; :' -i ;:i '- Wteb* 4> »}iraedwl th»loHMt p* %-. \MAM w at i- aAj jaj i l.^S,'

v.Tj .: ff- - ., .' ' .v."}*";!:. ' '"':''! ,'h J' 1 - ' ' ! - I '. ¦!'TP '- : '¦' v''i;i ' '.V'!'; r.<{: ^ : i ; ': v j m nmmnin»,t iiipw.iui wt- .V ,TT s*"*."s.j • ; : - - . - .. . 1 ¦ 1 . t -

tofcik W ii*|. »»JA; t*, 8 , & 5 3 i A ,.?in»t. Quatliy!Pnwaridan1


. SUGRADH GAEDHJ5AL.; : ¦¦-^^-j,.vPOpportunities for Competltoro

\1iua pp oem a a a a oi ooinpctiftioria.for thiayto aip'a Oireacbtoa wiiiioh, haa jusl feecafxiblislued in., booklet Jt«im ehoraa that -UwOommitlea in cinvrge iatond to aMnf devery t«<uhiiceiDeat to oompaiHiare.: IV is'•well wcurtto th& jtewtsal of all, and Trillbpnvinoa tho most: Indifioxenti that thernen tnkt vromon ol tbe Irish revival -axeCb mano laddoste bufpraotioai beinzB whoatla masolved that ftbo oaimtiry fllmil Workout Ha dostdny in its own WJty,' unletteredand untraminolled by outaioVo influoaoes.1 , Th»'Xitoraty .section in particralair da ofengross 1«7 istoreal, &Dd catwn* lor th«varied tastes oi <alLnrcHers. A more com-preherwive se>l oi campeUtora it would bedifficnilt to ootnpite; whilst <tho difiarentsubject« -tobe tPettted *ro ¦ one* -• whichehoorid command the earnest considera-tion oi the Icdsh peqple. Too oiten oardeli bomtioas aro canductdd in Englishapd there 6&n be <no doubt <boi ia ireturnto Iriati «s tluj , vehicle oi inrt#roouroaufould result in ^anar tbinkiDg and in amane steadfast gszo bedug kepi on thanooessdiiea of oruf cram oonmitjy. Tho ef-forts ot thta Odsnaacbtias Oomm ttee to civeour <Ih<«8shte « masked tendency Iriah-vrarda o'is deaetvinif oi ovary support.

For 'the best book ID ilrtish publishedduring 1911' or <up to the Oiifeaxshtas 1012,tha ihandsame txrizo of £20 is ibeimr oflot-td. When one oonsiderB tho diffloultiesin tbe matter of publicaltdon which besetan author it -will be seen haw temptingthie prize will be. Tbe mnnnber -w&o ireodpubluxitdoiLS in Ixi&h is still Oimitod, andthose who try to innroase our literary out-put should o© iboiped in {(very "iiay. Itrequires oaon&ge and porecvxsraiioe tow<xrk in the untilled £old and essay toplace orie'a -thoughts ibeforo the publioclothed is a language -wtttioh haa ibocnpooscribed for ccnWries. IBuli erf farmono iinpocrtaax» than tbe monetaryTOJme Of the prize -will be tbe healthyrivalry aroused amongst the diflcrantatythoTii as to whom shall win theOiroaolitas blue ribbon ; and the factth«t th«j Gaedic League is not unmuidlulof Uie writers' labaujs will bp « lurtii«rlTKvntivie to place of their best beforetho public.

Thia wiriti ng of a nJi ree-act f>)<vy is anambitkjus undertaking. To write one J>¦whidh the inler«st iu> ne-vonr allowwl u>flag, in . n hirih I'Jbe socrtn-noe is j>r©S6rv<?d,and above all v-hioh LS Inxv to life in nomvan achiovemont One 's rxrwor oidelinesiLktn mini be nvomo t.h.a.n tbo?" orftho m<re novice Thnt the product nnof such worita in Ir« h \vl] maiorioMyhelp UUB language movement >s cv-tainty Gonarou* prize * ape being <VfTvredin thia competition , artd ther* fa nolimi t as to t!he subj -ct All tf ho desirovMritimg on a historioal one 'haversuffi-ci«nt matftrinj on ¦which to draw . : Ourhi-Siiory 1<sem? wi'.h <*t>rr ;jt epoo xiep, andwe shflil be gratotmi to the prloi'riifhtawho place tham b-for^ us m (Jramaticform


Mi Thomas Lough , M .P. , hiis pub_^b-ed iin pampihlen form the papor on l r.snKnance 'v.idich h» road jeoentity botore tooRoyai Society oJ Economxs.

He ,tosc«td thM tins present mMe cdhanding the nation's money m.Uf>l beomendoa. Rookdcss expeadituje is ayur-iously affeoting ail ciasat« ol tlto COJD-muniirjy. Evexvfteiig is txung done w&s!&-ftiily and without .any TOgaaid fos- ,theecaaarxtia oonditibas which exist in * KIAoountiry.

MT . l>augh pamta out thai nearly 40,000ooUe en .itavo been baint in ;>mmaJ di&tricUfor the labourer. A chairge of 36 pox oerrt.ot the annujai oost of theso causes fallson the miWpayej is addition to nn avxir-cgo sptvciail rale of 4d. m tho £1 on thek>eaAiti<ii all over lmaLand Th« bouaoshave not m all oases twan given to .tliemod destitute but wro orton ooairjujed bytrtLsaiw Then MJ Lough calls atttmfcoDto tb» Old Age Pensiona iwbidh cost thevast Gum oj 2} milihons of taonep aamiaJ-ly witbiout pavducing aa effective or jiip>pipeciab'.e reduction oj Poor Law expetfidi,tttro or wAhout helping us Jto get tod <Atbe JOO great workhousea wihiah txa acavtened over tho country.

In sarrw respectfl (coatixruDa Mr. Lxragh)the wocik of the Land Oommiseion is QIEOdem<n\ailiirjig : t&th X&ndQords &nd ia^m-ors aie awoeiving ipscuniairy ibenefitB' fromtho taxpayer; o%"JOt«i tenants, or eventhose whose anjopstara wem ovttobed, andocoTrpiwra of uneoonomic hol!dang» ere me-oeiv-ing vaiiuabte giita of land or housesor stock, in aome oases nil -threw ; and itcan b*- hairdlv poAsiblo in every case tosoour« fjiat the outlay shall be reocupedby tJie ben flcaary. Owing to tbe j landwar, no doubt, same nu*\h conrpeiisatbanafox «<-ti>Ml euHorina vvjie mevitablB. , butserious risks and dangers axe incurredwfien many years «nc ofl owied to elapsewhen transactions are mdnfinibefly .pro-traotied - and tbma old sores CTO kopa,open. The law of I89a under whiidh luakfthe ratej on agTicuh.uraS boJd-ijiaB are d<>-frayed by UK> State vhiile onaai rtfliofis wathlield ironi indnstirjee which are ina mane preoajioiia_oorrvAvu.cM). m lunjustand deinoxalisiag The rra.-ir<? warkung <>fthese .soheroefl and the othoi departmenloof Government ocoupiee an arany ox offi-cials, of whom we hna\r that 4 ,397 !havx>salaries above the iiucome tax line , anddira.iv £.1,400,000, as against 044 parsonsetnpioyod m similar ocoupations in pooc-lanri—a more wealthy oounty — who w.coive £519 257 In sradi a condition ofaflairs Mir. Laugh asks if It LS any wonoSir that industrial enUoprue m Lreiairt>jia dhak«<d and ithot aid eyes are tuamed tothe State fox ireliof or far employ meru.that be#jfin3 for State jobs has becorrwa naitioijial vice

How, then, <aro we to \acklo llu; evilswrhiich wre oojirtiptuig tile b<xly polWc.One method flucaesfcod i» to throw th«whole burden oftaxaitior and of expendi-ture at IMMS on tbo shouldora of the Iiiiahpeople. Th« otier da to offlow Greatfciiain to oontmue Oo levy taxed and tohand ovor to ImLand a fixed annual sum.

The mrlncipai dimovjQtieo which are potfarw-aid by statesmen wlho are pjoclarnving tfoeix deeiro to treat Lroiaad with n

' reasonable amount of corwkieratkm orethe (Porioe, Laiad Porchaso, and Old LiEBPensions. Tbe cost of tbo .Royal IrishConstabulary is three times ea much thecost of Scotland's police {farce. Thbcountry, Mr. Laurzh eubmitej could W aveao efiootivTe faroa anr one third otf Che pne-Pent cost ;A» to Land Purchase: the costof thds eoioirmous scheme IB meaUy againstIieland, foe Iielaod muet nt ke goon .thetenants' annuities ahoufld the 'tenants

tap to oorrjp lj with bargaina which jawconstrud^d on a commensal basis.Gx^ccvt dftoin must iu all foirneco <pzywhat eb» promdaed to tihe Updlords whotc ad ea bar garrison for centuries, andtty cost oi xaifflng the land which tboTreasury h&q rrKsmanaged end tbe ooatof adnnDistrotian until iihe -yrhole tran»-a6^don is «aded must «0fio be boj -ne by .thepwdorniDant partnor. Wo epe loft tbepwl^h the; fiaoi oonaMeraUon—OU AgoPefiaioas. Ireland ci hctudf \ 'ta her pre-cent oantlitkn> "ROOM noyer have tmdari.taken thin costly pennon eebxano. HOP I!t waa * <«£9& of lumping in the impover •isbed coojatry with tbe rWh country, tax IOwsit Britain must: aaskt ;<ihe poare •nation <to carry out * (bargain imade; with •out ;oano;i>eTatioaa for Jrcj anK) |6 oatrrparatlv^' povierly. ; Thds pension, change wilgraaaallv |diminish: meantime England1sbciuM, J4l «U fairness, ^ve'a .oon&idarjsbUi oontributkm to the cost of .maintaiaJiogj ft edheme inAuyuj ii-tndj pximaTily foxUiejbcmcflt' ox beff bvrn p^opuJQ,: i ' i' JJr.! Lonigh oonctodes my eajydng that

If vn tmt mn\nr<vl nrith AlffkU Tn Jiraino of

ing]A edhem* ioauyuratod p d m ta i lj fox £hock to ;SaiIyduiI. (Thoy! hoU atronythelboneflt ot her bvm peopda.; i ' ; hopes of ; yio1onr and] <5onaldcred I theiri Mr.! Lough oonoludea my eaiyuia that worst locklirould not <] eem them 'moreIf wo toe widowed with &\£aH imeaBuno ofj than a score: op the vnpng &j de;CWV5"1 *»«Join. » TO^ijallowed

t?( The Meashtera nrere i oonfldent of : ancarajr t>a «nrr ^«onal atons •watli «*r easy rtWng. -They showed [themeelvea aorwri nwneff, «nd If the natJouiil oxpendi- WKU train«l, ; ilirul buncfaX Thefa! foir-

,W w»nMd on :m ccm»mw;_ .*aso woV'belumd «plendoUr and made the"IwkDd would t*ko her i pflaco -wirtbout moot of eyeViopportTinity ; I One couldtne^aaeogt^M i^-Klhp 6hi


\ not help fegrettW that the city:!

foot,hrtel.the strengffi and Abo., tfxay ol! thai bailers do not bull together *8 tiue h«rl-Brttj dh1 Empire." • ¦ • -. ; ¦ > ] • .! i ' ' ¦ ¦ era. Wben tiA do ffiri dirnl rfinmnlnn:

WIIATDOESAeABOEflUSE"W> BtWuubtaktij rlBa-'A'MioBT:


PAftTOB RAZOR.ntn*.•mt m SiruLimmm. m at nw

• ¦ 1 1: ::¦¦. - . ::6Mngi woHK:- .1 .r:" -- -, '¦> '

ADi klodfl dope oo t3» Pttwke*.-:mdtec Wwlah t r nf ivp a, Bwroortriod-alirBeL1

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HEWS FKOM ' GAELDOM'. ¦ ' ! ' ¦ ~"|. ,

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! .' . jStfiriJiAYTBi

'HI3ETJDI&£ ."j :'¦'

1 At CappooTiiii—iLi*m«rel v.i Kinsaldbeg(West Division c^iw fa^Mlj iflrial); AtJtradibaUy—Clonea :frj Zhihgaxyiin (WestDivisioni senior h/ueling; final): ' . ¦ •:¦ ;-J.i>

i . I . : ¦ : | - l . 'IF ;¦ i • ¦ ¦> . -, •i THE TiIEAGHER3:l OA3|rriERj HOME.Those' Who visited. ;tbe> <^loV;Barvueh bn

a-undar in hopes ot a rikifeo contest wprerudialy difiappointed • TJse senior eventwan a1 runaway vkwoay |for :. toa ohMn-pdons. iBaUydnft ¦w ane JuJpcflea^Iy : out-classed in ewry ipoini of tho game. Thecity &ide. wKiit aor a .win. irnnieaiatery- tbestarting rwhistle aoaoderi Without anypmdiminailjea they stooiied to eoore 43 ifthpiro was no oppoBiludn Tibai VHtaJd"und itibeir . faHowerB j , M ire' camjfleWSfy

taken ' Iby '¦• eurporj^a.j • | ' y : donbtcrfly' theMeagher* ana the!besti Huriingi conibin-ni.'hn ¦rrM. TKTVvtn/wV liT ' Wlat(>Tfir<l' 'Thfchliinf>aon6liipi, ianJi6hai eome12iii% ;unfbTe-&eea tuorns up, ¦vrdlJ'fbe flieire;for" anotheryear,* for neither Otopea par! Dungatyancan hope to get .through'' \i\Ssm\ on' &rm-day's farm. I i] ; "

THE OAllBj \The junior event between Butilerstown

and Glon«a IL waa finst tio "come oSj MrP. F. liuiiplhy htoLdincii tbe <rhistlet; Attimea the playi "was. intsjreBtint, aom<-good .bonus .being iwdtneosed, ibut on thewhole the oonteelti | waa boor.1 , ©utjora-town dr«sw ffljat blcbd wifli 4 goal, eoonadding a point. A CDoneajman wasUien ordcired off aild their j chances ofvictory vanlshedi. I Butjerspoiwn con-tirmoa Bup«rA>r aid before Ure firstmoiety ended hod ! edded two gooCaClonea did bettor MJ fla Beoond1 hall.Thciir forwards iwierd Wealk and missed 0few ohoJices. However Hheyi continuedto press and sont 5n a xnoobr' ondi aminor esore. iButleratown came on againand after a strnggiLe; found Hie net. FOTthe re mainder they continufad to ta(veth.; best of maiteaie iind findaried winnersb 4—1 to 1—a. 1

M T . Coake then got fflie Benioxs tobusiaosB. BaJljydufl I sent thei bal to theMeagh rs goai 'It vnas returned at oncvand a point sent in for tihe ohonmioiriiThis was repeated ¦ after the pucknoutPi ay continuod about the. Ballyduff "21"and MOrrtd cliffver city play ended in ognat Miirpliy pucked out well anditfillvd'ufT got a little eas*i But theMr«£ tuws neBranoci pr«>.suxe end the TO-stanoo was pall tip. The: chamipitonp

s^nt in scares rapidly; Qharlie 'MTirphyf i l e not u/pholdrng| In goal the reput-«utjnn wihjon he m«d» as fuHliback. Aheavy showor fsrait ch» plmwrs xacring forthe dressing-iooma. 1 BaflJyaufl v>vre moreallive on Hiwurnln^ Ibut wore never dvn-jmiu*. The Meagbefe attaokKVi eg'aiii»nd again, nearly always with gucCBss.Thie first 'half end>ad with, the champions1/tad.itig by 6—6 to aiL On resuimina tlh>-Meajrhiejs got a.-worj>. PJay irfemainied fors lon^r time in BaWjydnff ground but thetvisiKfjiTrc* was mmt? foraaidabJe than hithe fiTst moiety The MeaShere sent ms conl BaUydufl pat posefession from<M5 v<aiy and vLsited citly fcejritoiy. Th«W! w«Tit over and Quinlan gdt his "firstpuol(H>ut He 6eeino<i anidous for 'tivpjihot bitt (lid not ifcroubfle to take tlhr"i^ametto from his morrSh. The

rihiolm-p:ons quickly brought play to the other»nd. Ballyduff oame ibaok a ain butthf ball went wide. Th? Mei !h)e.Ti9 niab-«<d to the attack and sent ' in anottikrsjna.1 Play tjecsumP tiniry ¦nninteroetdrw•.o tin? end wihpn tih Mvagblprs were ortoo br tbe comfortoW'o ricrtre of 7—6 tonffl The nef^refui^r in this as in th»-trrpvioits oontftst vrts vory capably p?r-IrvrmetL

OOUNTY BO/LRD MBETJJIO-Mr P. F M urphy presided at a mwl

ins of the County Board1 held an Dungaxvan on 8unday evening Tiiif follow-ing merrklxTs attended : —Messrs JohnC00I0-. Socretairy , W. 'YVadah.; M itcJielBB.R Btftt , Moaghnrs; W SWkiha. DurutaT-van W . I>aW, ljs«nore , J. ! Ooss, Cap-f»quin , J Gahian. iButflioirstdwn . M KCni-ey Stradbajly ; P Gough, CTonea, airjP lj omior, KjJmjttoCbomas.

The sen wo- football] flnaj , .should itlii» betwwn Rathgorrruic and LiOTiftre,was fix^d. fcir Waterford SpOrtefleld on'24ih Alarcli. llx. T. F. Norria Tefertie,shouM it lie batrmAm Kathgormac alklK.msaMvjj foj LisBWre. aame dato MrJohn ( "noire referoe>.

Th»- s«nior hurling flnai was fixed forWatMrford abould it lie between tbeMK^hens and CEonpa, far :.Dun&arvan^umSd it lie between the Meagjiers andDimearvan on 31st MArdh. •

The ^ink)T Jrunlin g final bdVawen Bu *-lons'<r« n and Shamrock** III . waa 6xedfor "WattTfoTd on 31st Marcih, MT. P. FAlurphn- U> refwnM-

On the motion of Mr Coofef, ««;ond?iby Mr OTJ*ry. MesAr* Oa>lagh«>r (W«-teTfiwd), MjJher (Tipperary) and Ko%(Ijrn«ir.ick) were nominatnd a* Munster"y rpwnUitives on Centrtofl Oorrjicill

GA£IJO PARa, 'A mating of the Central Council was

lit Ul in Dublin on Sundry , AldermanNVn.ian piwiiding. Thruribea was fixedas; tho vonue n>f the AM-lnvLand burlingfinal Mr. O'Rfearxlon of Uinoniak de-H N T-tJ an ultimatum to the t-fiiect tihatunUvvi Conk waa reifixed as the wenueUif G-arrjimwen mtn woufld WiitihdTawrr«>m llu Association. On a division(\>rk t . -o^iv^d but tvixi votew. and a fur-ther amendment in £a.vour of IDungar-va - i was 1' si by five votes to tour.

LmuTick • may dtave a mueivanorft4iairu>' i.ho govvming body of thie G \ \tmt UnTe li nolhm(f t<> justify them incutting thtmse'lvTes a!i from tbo rest ofIrnland . B»-fon? ithe 21at April' arrives¦ - ¦ > ¦ ? w.:J : probably li^de to go to Tihur-

I Ijsinore and Kinffaljb-g wiM decideih«- W*»«A Divri&ion a-tuor football 'final< n Sunday at ChppoQU>in. Jtany fancyi'rit> winners for the final tussle afeainMRat hgarmfflc '

DuQgaxvan and O'-OnRa wil l crossoaninns art StradliaUy on &urrOjor/k TheGlonea riieh fehouJd easily will as the01<J Boxoueh toam 3ia.v\» negiocted tticgame for almost a year.

Tho Chairman ruled at jftuKlayVCounty Board moefihjg; that Mri BillStoltes was" suspended,' being ia :m«nlbftr.oi th» Dungarvan' Fooibollir Olub. Ifth<? ruling ia iirtholdlabSei ¦vKMraant; «»nhave Mr. Dan : iFraJvea- obj<ct?«d. :lo at aMunster ox- Central : Councij. nieetlne, hebdirur. at} Mr\ fitakfcs, a' ul&niibeT of th,9Old Borough footbaii cluib i It may,howwer, b& a diffeTenoe. ij fr . . lEfcnjbeTis not a [hegistered. xnemperi 61 .tne OldOJorougJi clup ¦whilst Jr, . tdses seem-ingly JS. , 1 .M; .| .

Tho cftanvpionship wil^ i'bi finished 'be*fmt> the county is ciliUxl on to tflelid" atwam for. tio: 0rr&e 0op filial.. ' Thd try-ing of oonoluBionB bet»T^n ILMrnoip endKinsalobeg and 'between 'RathgxAroac andtho winners will mik© ii {Jjrttty eiasy toBel«ct th£ ibeat Baventoon to1 fight is£itti\.'RisJitly' orjUTSibngly th&i men! of. fti* .Westbt/Iicvo tlwt tl iov- couad'flcldia fsir trohff*x team than tn» "Redfe" geloction. The1ondirrj; of i3ic chjfinploiiiihl'pj viii removeall doubt Ion this point. ! j 1 ¦ I

TU6" CSaantyiilioaTd rcfcttni oh Sunday-waa * taj no' affair, ^verl' the .."boot be-tween the Chairman and: Bill Slokea wasgood : huinriured. It i»|hoti misy to Quar-rel witb P.! V,. Munphy. . :Ha la .elHiay.soool, and|th)opKh etronj in 1 ;eey ib awe*, -ibseni fronj : hirra." ' ;: Sunday, A !tout must Juavc bech a rude

fchip ebouW Iga ' that vr n f . i ! I • i l l , - ' -; ; , : ; !• ( , ': ¦ ¦ i l l i i ¦ ' - - I -' il I : ' :


For ^M4L Ir* .1 'ikMMtflM BWkfottlerkrtf«td WpoWBil&fl to^*nd[. I)o<il»ri W«t«rfArrtr i; | ; ~

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" ; DUWGAIRVAN URBAy " \;4: 1 - COUNCIL I . !

V ;!:^-:

': ' ¦ ' !

Xha unoantiiiyi .stetAitary medfing oi; thaU»ban Council'iwjiB (iie!d on. Monday; MaTltojnaa ' Po\V«r, <J>badinnan,: j pnesSding.Atoo:.present I -srere-inMeasirs Denial wan,J. •V."KictoJ Jani«3>Duarw, .Wan. Ba-wttox,Jdkn OumrisiJ M. J.:.CBsey,iJi J-iO'Sbiea.'

• '; BylAN iy oatNbn.] \ ¦ [ . <Mir.. WiUianis i Woto-11 'hsyo .beoa

aarv«3d mutih '¦ notioo **f toi efl«1f Hi at j u»amount!lod^^ in omxrt

has ' n tooepU

ed Regarding Mr.iEyaCi « Jetter ol|tba17Ubi inst. diem^ridrag'ipffyinerit df 4 qrrar-te<r 'e satoiy • I am Jnolinpi :toj tbcilk] Jfthe opimion Cotunsoil $sv<» conderniarf &&/mcf. oaa quartar 'a salary «»d ; fox, ( thtotouW are,;I .tear, Jboiind to:ipfty.;M*.Hvan dwing1 gxsrioid f i t bTugjenaian. 1 ,.

Tba dha^iaalsaid that rwhea Counsel™«™ <i iit oniniort tlie 'il.. «S. ©oairo, reportcelaitive to the «nqftn!y bad .not'Lteea .«-^ed by the Qounoi. |»» wrxiW,^ktibo Peri» UtWr -portion of thenrin&nt ' • Ii f . 1 ! !

The "dlenk-. eeid tibat poatriSonicif the 10-port wiidh 6et out thkit Mir. Ryan* awingto other .oppointmenta,- |did n<j>t deryotatlie oarai and efttentdpn^epjoianedl to th»M-fllmwat «i -tShe OoutioU'd OTdfems pnd *«**•inx out that if . a siiUKfadtory appaepent«we drawn betwtch 'Mrl Ryan and tjhBQMSXH deflnidg tile diMea tibe X. Q.Board would; i»:pr*|>oa«d tto ap-prove «fMr Ryan's resumiiik dufey, 1 .:

Ohladrnittn—Wo' rvrfJI -1 eHk pur. eoiwitorto oonsider Ithat poxtjori of the j reportand the application, for the salary , ,

Mr O'Stoa-fHow mucSi has Mri Rs&nnow accepted foi the artiBans dWdiw^i?

Csairman—£60; what <re decided tiojrvve (him. ¦ .. » .

Mr 0'Shea—And hotf nrucih did ha

Chairman—A majority 'of this OoundlVoided to piw hirn - CJI65 but TOb-iw<iarti% hna claimlwfis tedimed to £120.He liaa now accepted £XO what ire de-aided to giw Wto. ' Notwithstanding tineapposition -we met wfJth Jve hive at lastsucceeded in having justice don* to taoratepayers and tbcj tenants Membersof thin board have acted absolutely andjoW, aa the fri<sndfc cA Mr. Ryan ra BnMmattei and againsti -the 1 interests of tbefgjjpff >a.ydr8.

ALr Oirran—The' Council took advant-age of Uife defend* because fibifl WMabove £50 and thcie wae no bond, ThtCouivdil took advantagj? of that

Chairman—That ,doe3 ' not oostitj ti<notion oi the members of the board wlwopposed the irrtervist of the ratepayBraThe noattor is now| settled

Mr Our.ran—J am vefy glad it iA ,Mr. O'Shca the* he wished to

correct Mr. iCurxan). Tbe Counci didnot take advantasb of ¦ the clause Mr.Cun-an mentioned, Tf t ?y wished todo that they r»ood pay Inoiaing as tbayihad been infonmed by I ooonsel. Yetih-py ?M him £G0.

Mr Curran—You ware bound to pay

"¦Mr O'She^a—We were (not, but wa hodf \ \n <>urr ward to day it. and we paid (St.

!tyr Ryan—Mr. Cijinpan could not assistMr. i^yan and asal&t the CounwU. Noman nan serve two ImaStera O«(ugh!terV

CThairmon—iIf \MA CuTTran would aoOy<vssust -the CaunoJl ih«tea<i of

MT Ounran—That's .not my pravinoe.'(TKaiirnran—No'; that is not your pro-v-ncr lit ie to destroy not to build op.

Mr tV'Shea asked WIIBS had Mrr. Noaryr«r<?n'«d for thie: last scheme of Brti3an3F

..Iwelanea .rterk--£12 Kte.\tr Ourran—Ifc got £23 and there wo

£.3 extn-aa ap<nit'on 4ach House afterwards'. ¦v 6taircase4. ' Ho! ihrad 'wily laddors inUK-rn. ¦ '

\IT O'Shea—TBvat has nothiia to eayto engiineeriTig f»?es. We ] gave Mr. Kyanrrwre for this; scjheroe fiiati MT Beaxy gotlnf tho bvno a beTneo. .

OhiaSrman—rYe3, >t3»at ie ao.Mr O*8hea|—I only wish to ohow Uiat

wo p aid MT Ryan a moderate sum tlfstcniuW not be aodd to bd mnjust or on.rpnsonable

The soliSoltdT <wna aaked iU> oon aider theL G Boanfs letter aiidl fts reJata'on. 5fany, 00 enginjeer's cpplicitdon for eaiary.


MT . Williains o'u'bm'itU'd copy of lettepih<- had wrtrten to MT. , SlatleTy. Mr.Stolkes' solialoir. ere artteana' droiefllings00ntract —"Dear Sir—The OTban. Coiun-ci i ere now p eparod to trifloe over p o s s e s -<ri<m of - the attlsarts 'dweUings of tbeajtaearuj' dwellibigB 'irom ', your dieaatla,Messrs. StoikeB and 6on,| Bubjexft to tiefollowing oond/Jtion .:—That yone oltenttihouLd consent t/> tba dedtadtion of a suaiof £12 Is Irom any] sum I oi money thatmay be found! dluie oh foou of tlhe contractowing to the faTliinj to carry out the speox-iicabijon 'as to; cost' pi etojaes of footpath)arid atoo give; an lundartsking that w»?yviill oantpleto] tiho footpaib and .road inaooardaooe vfth the sp»5cifibation. The

deemed to be pri ;abindoninent off any oftho olaiiras of tli© Coundil against youreliieots owing M * thiei f&Jhire. to caoiry outoocrtnadl wib&rh the tome linxtod by tihaxagraement, p o - Bhttll Ut be[dearned in anyway to pwjud ice tihi .proxseediaga Peno-iog botw£ea> liassra Qtotod and tbe Ounio-ci-1." ' i ¦ . I

Mr. MxJGratb, Cterk of odka, was ask,ed about the 'ootpatib' and ho sail} lhaSacoonding to the iGpeo^ncaAioq .thiemasbauCki bL.faurrj incibo^ of aoleing and twoinohlL-s o) e aveli ¦¦ ' . 1

MJ Oasey ehidj mhat thiry ho-uW ¦takeovee tho houaeaj There jvras too mucbdelary. 'Why didItheyloot Wke tberoover.1

Air. O'Shea sai^ Bbfry vweto tinetit diilear^ing this bind 1 oli tali (fr<*3 Mr. Casey.Hhd JAr . Cas«ry|' 'allhongfc .vising liketfiia -ai'l along, intida|any .JHlicbicai valua(or Mhe .taking? over <tf 'tho houses. . Thaitho ICbuncjl wooa aveu now ih a iposi-;ton ,to taiko ovipri tiho hciasia ¦wcu not CM.T. Ca&ej oe to friend*, bnlt %o otSujn!¦merUbew of thie i iBoird. j If Mr Caseywould, iosleadi .of ia|U this taOk, pui anoOjoe of -same Wbd m -nwiiing it woatdfsKt'litaUi 'tih© Councul Ixorudhi more.

Mr. Casey—I : «•<«'I be ilnrllieo*. jMir. O'Shea-HA iitillio pliin talk is no!

barn) occasionally. 1 1 ;Mir. Ciwnan aala.tbu.t he dad not think

tlhatj this 'mtto irdattor fibcr id delay tihftakthg over of th^,h«uso3. I ¦

Mr: Caaey—Yqu figlntiMT, Uuuvan suo: W!>t mey bad now a

oerUftoata troni' ithe esghxixr they senttli«rt—Mr Barr—tlj ai 't very ticing ihas keen

, iivanedied. j j ' ' 1 :: Cbairman—The L. G. (Board, Xnapediarcaaed atfydatiori ;tb. thti tfocrtj rtath. . ;

'iiti Gcomge 8iokca; luar., 'fibo wisout-eido, hvaa, ,caU«d[befotr^ tba laaetirig andhe .vj4» Wd by i«b» Cl ateu in to.a^a Mr.

iWiilLimai on the matter < nd ho oomldcom)rbadi to th ilniotrir i

i j ! ¦ • - I i l ! ¦ ! I

* Tbo I^ucanosj lOoiTOiHioitira1 iwoteire Seeturcs on ¦ibssiratr^^o' Aic ti. j h . ;

MffU I^nner-<Ph«y ;oiught q»t to c^Iect

Sainiraay nightJ |Th!i1j ja not a i goodlightlJ ! I ] ¦ M L ¦ i i ' - ;

Jb|itfa« oroenxl Ipial I Jiir. Juhyca t>e in-loxnujd thft tfhd h(*ll -oukij 'be

at their

flSspo ial' 0^1 «ny, 'eymircj lut Sut rEd^y>vend!8- ;i J , i I Ml - Ir : ;i ii i j "PUPaLIip CENfiOB." I . ; •

¦A 1 -sveilln^ Oolnjxirly -wraa for ^ tbbise O IfoeifOwn HiaJiK || " I ; ¦ ir ThH |Ckmk said' Uifctlhe theftigh this nustho Ciiwibay Camnsiw that bt*a ihefe, a»-oenUjlJ 7n • ¦ \%\ ! ; . ' I i

I Mr. peJij-j I tbint th-iy; ^iauld nqt gep

1-Cia |j—ki*giro4 !w|tJi 'yUi: I ! ! ¦ ' jOha jm ati— ;We ¦wjlil 1; jrefasiei ' dt. Th«>

Serik dah «|soeotalit jwW prtoo thoy j rooiiku sel i ipay and itbonl he canlAoe if iioa120 sf BDBl c^n^panyf 1 . 1 ! '¦¦ , ¦ - ';'. . i.yCte&V-iwpjfy w«*i !¦ : i j '

1 ' 1 i i'. 'Mr JiSbea--We<ixoicpoiia'tirijyoiiiprab-lII 1 I ¦**- ¦ • ii ^_X ! ', I I 1 ' 1 I . ¦ Ic^i .t odrtaogM«r)i | | h

¦; ¦ j ; ;,'

Mr! ^yipropot^.itHat t)iey loonier¦f attorneiy: OQ tfl«4r irent collec-j. OfMeaso, in 1 taonncfation cWisanH o>reulngs.|| N j 1 ; J. . ^isey-t-I' <«piU !0ac ivd iluA','\ It i* aKj lutwn. J Iaartr; (when ai they eat.;« rtnt (ioUectcjr lie~ oOuer day,:iettWi, to look on ' <J*oBbfter). , J

¦ j

fioliiltoo wie' p« t E»d 4^ isntoi JOS- !¦.:]i|i |:- :fliM -h : ; ih . - : T;i3«iwrir IPE iAjJDh-fi^i ¦ ', :. i" ;¦;¦,] ¦. ¦ - bBfiiftj^Ate ».;f; ; ' j , . • •f ;;1:.i :ty jS i }] ^ikvUitt'tf*'!

in'in «pew 01 • ] 1 tf neti oftrsi I, :¦¦¦'

If ii ir- i- pitm ;ifcJ ; f ^-a bail

' • ¦ : ; ¦¦ , , v.r..;. .- ,>• , • . j,U c . t - .S'.'. - M

i i - :-h - ii" -v .:r- ! T i - : - id 1^1; ::¦ - ,-. .-i_ ; .|.J .:¦

¦; I ; ::" .

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¦ '-'Jf f . !

¦• ' ¦ ¦


! - J_ - :; ¦. • ; . j | - ' ;FW : «s5v •

; Mri ¦ Bjyail '• said ttja . Mr. t 0 i^y 's re-uamks had Isame ceffcici (l*tga4- r)- !: iMir. i Oasey—It Is Vey gbnl'-t'u: (.atisl)-!*«'• ;¦

1 • : i ; i l - . = LLf ' !!¦¦ ¦ ¦ i: AM M.P.'B.; : JOTJp. i ; ¦¦' I

Mir.i J» 4.. O'fibee, .M-Pi-wpdrte .—"Iam obligedl te your iattec of; tba MiainBtt. lencloisang oqjpy.j of rjpsoluCipp-adopt-ed 'by sow iCoUneil lurking ^he r^peal afthat part ' ot Hbe Gooaf Oovwrninerit Act]of 1878 which mettdavicld; Qaiolopdis of thedates'I ~co tbeir ! fcitiaiitet :. ' Ihouje? vi^an.anWal Vialueiof '£4 tir. ilese.: !. I : en-¦ tiredy ;«onoiir-w?fih the neeoi ikon, and afit j s BanaraUy 'i adoptiid thy criinaapalbodies da Ireland! tile change aoVaciatedrtrt'U ham a good dbarke of macoiviiig Par-liatneritaTy sabctionL i J. • I : ¦.-; [

The 'Cbairinafi &atd [treat he aaw that*Mr. Muldoon raised the!matter , in. the .Hoiwe- oi Commanis « (few <aayo •ago, buttie was told that his request oovtH not becomplied with . . \ \ ¦ ,

Mr. XTuxiran—iA ipriv tefmembiar oonJuintraddoe a bill. , ! ,

Chaiiman- -iPirobably I it! will be intro-daced later on. ' I i !


A ire ohitiian in farviwJr ol iaareased payfar tbo BJ C. was Teadjtrom ithe Xondon-iiemg Corporation. '

Mr. Ctorran—Let it bo ledcnred to tbeHome jRule PadJaTneiai. • j ¦

Ohiairman- yes, the Home Rialo Par-liametLt <wxll be Oakcng overi thie;' controlof the i polBce onoT we %d •d£lvr\ it nntilthen pending the ipo33ing of the HomeRule measure. \ ...; - JMr. Onrraa—That is norw certain.

Mx. Casey—There .is nqthinz 0ertaintMr. Ourran—No, not ewn j tibej Ihorases.Mr ..Casey—They aria Beat the - mack

now. They are omprcwins like the wea-SboT. . . T ¦_

>UR WATERPOIII^ GUIDE.The "Waterford1 Newi" Iwroie asking it ¦

CounoiJ w<«ild oantiau'e their advertise-;m«at in tbe Waterford CTulde. [

Mr. Kiely—Thai h a rnoat innpoAant iadvertisement aiicl a -very good photo-,graph. ! . .. ;

MT. Ourram— It la ve^yj nioefliy taniea!out. ; i

Mr. Oasey—It is well-sctent. money. 'The Council deoidyd .tinanirrjously tb.oontinne adveiiiaenient. I j

i WTREOE. iTAhe Oommisaionelia of 1 Irish "Ligtets

wrote axjknowiedging raoeiit of letter!Irom the CoTmcir of the 2l3t ult. trans-!mittrng a oorpy of a notice itojMiariniera ire-]latfve :to tftie ddBoontinua: io« of tho lighooa tliKgham Buoy jniaifl img the "lior-esty" WTook, and in rejiy japprovedj of!same "provided wreck h. 18 been enMnaliy*removea." \ i '

Mr O'iShea—I koev a -wlas :not obli-gatoay. i

Ma-. Kfoly—Pbat earfqgiiards vs.Mir Rraan—Mir. Casey jwvss right in/

haviDg the act ice drawn (by ths fioflicitox.

"HE ATJDIT.Mr. J. Moone OTarreli gafve notice ol

his approaching oudJt.. jUJaDBcYNCSE OF TIDE STAFF.

Tibe, tflerk read a. letfc a- irom Drun>me} and Sana re the inaurajjoa of ithesb&B.

It was decided to linvf e tendjara.Mi Ounran—You bava ao eteamnolQ-

lrrj f man now. '

THE TEGHNIOAL OOMMITTEB. IThe Clenk tniormed tlte Council tibatithey had appointed only) i {<aa membera I

on th« Country Teahnioal Committee omdithey were entitled IU> Gvi. ' ¦¦ ' IOn the (propoeitipn of Mr. Oasey, Mr i

P Dunne was added to the tommittea. !WAS IT THE VtTXp? \

The Acting Borough 9jirv«(yar repeat-:od:—"I beg to eaknowledgo tbsjt two :of the, Sweet* Ooian>itiiaej y -J! Messrs jJ. Dunne and J. 1'. Ir'etay ana. niyeellf in- '¦Gpoclod the YorugbaJ xoaU^aidJoLning the !JjDnaind, It was lagnoed 'tlhat ai cheap pro-teclton <»uld ibe famned . of. thie ikirtrobauld«rs tihat ane on the foireahore. TiixSwarik oould be canned oiut any time be-fore ncrxi winter. Tht (breaidorwii on .thefootipath at Mrs. (Kiiely% .ryv*Jm.H oraght repaiired imniediately; faijo the usderj-pj nniog to the sea iHaH' •aii[ th^ cross liead-rng to the spring. ' There Trer* ar.biatiiirrgboaea yispIaoedT last WedBeodtajr mann-ing. Two were Mbrqwn out 6n tho con-crete platform, tbe ithens. to |tihe Steadd".I oaanot eay -wihetbtr £t was! the stoonjg'wind or some mtiscfhievioua; persons caus-ed thifl. I got (them removed to tlbehigh waii that leads from the ladiesbathing piaoe. That1 eame iughti litree ofane boxes were tetlsen- from "whwre tbqywere placed, carried 'back! aga£m> to theoonoretejplatform and oh to tboStnand wifene tboy got badilry'injiKed'. Iirnrnediatelry reported the matter to tibepolice. I asketf Mms. Cullinan fox, thewaterikeyis and tbe stfcltioacope iaat weekShe said efhe knew notbing about them.These ought to .be looiked after, especiallythe latter. .1 recarnmieTid Ttstj er pip© beextended 16 feet appaiite i entrance toB.I.O. .banracks. j i estimate uWk atStrand, £3; for repairing footpiath] at MITBKlely'e marsh, 02a 6d; ^ox'iindenpiriningaeb wall, fil Ms.; for darn«ge|tobaaiingboxes, X4; irepaara to : breakwater anaiplatfarm. £10; Quay ! retaa&B, EW.1

The Cbairmaa eaid tisft it was a eer-ions matter about the vrlaterdkeyB.Mr. KWy ea'Uf s]c» ^A e a, tenant df tbeBoard and that they tShcnfld ; take pro-oeedinga to gait up ti|w j w-atexk' eys. HeBjooght the CCerft augbrt to dropi her a¦lino that foe anrj th«l Barougli Surveyorv<mM call to g t ihemj ' ! "¦

T t\. C£?ey,~ IS"ouid -P01 Hte at «31-Let the Clerk call. I w'aaTd! take Ibex bysajrorese- Oa-ughtaT). ¦ 1 ' 'Mi O'fihea—As -you oftei did 'othors(laiughtex) . 1 ' ;The Ctarii; of WoTlkB.asj id skr* CultinantoM him nthen he-adSd loir ifbem ' thatah* inew nptihing «1boAitithem..' |L'V 'etetaj o-scope would coat a'bciu)t ;£8 i | !! Iit was dwsi<fed thiaf trie A^ing BoroughSurvteyor an<fc the Clerk ahAuld oall f aitbo instirpments. : T\ ^T il : '

/The Chairrnan aadd Jie^ tvcrold prefer toW^e the •ebony vf ixti'. Und I tide far fflbedeJtauctwn of the batiJife boxes thin ioomao eonne one in tlw1 Hotwi> ! i

safety. Constable Cttanly .TfiS riiakirixdn.qmj iea into tba maWer.fl ¦¦] T^ f *

rJfc ^ 9 wiaia coons'matter,an4 tbero waa^iWei ttat!|n»c»arhflge might be ©bskSLT -Hfaitf notUwak -X was useapDJr tbi wiaJ oi tbowestlor. ; Hb ipropoierl; hsA t&iy dfler o

idamagori.tbe haxe.; !i; I v| ': . ]aJO.1 Mr. Casey-a-eojondmt. :¦ r ¦

! ( Mr: lianrtor—It ia : flienwank «f. black.tfuaiVis. .¦ ' ¦

1 :¦ 1 1 ; s < . ¦ j . ;

: Mr. Oasey edited; aStielntion.; j io tha postsjwta *(b were thrown dowS! Ti i| TI Mr; ,Ryto- said that thelpofcla j frwk not1 propariy embedded Jristoiie aad tih'aticttav 1

1 3^J


w^idirfited to 9Avf tSmatter Tepai red J ¦ !¦• ¦¦M f . .I 1 iiy< • ttrwa»a«Md*i to' referitfee/rVOjfk «t th»'braWater to a oomTait,£q8 fifeTwpXJohn DoJull, !road «<«wlrdnappll«8 far330 ywpdsiof «tiries; i<rr:fili»:£S&t« *ndroads. ; He pn»t imA «U ^Enb, contract «toxik«M :thay jSeqnti-ed mareli ! ¦:!"¦ ' ¦¦"5- o^wn paid . that df Jfhie y, g >f aJrundred yanda oow; they,.xraSd i et j fitt*stock Jater 6n pi it -waa neonnred iThe

£eaS>er.j^v«*!*F<^w«r.; <Sd|«u thatstock rtdgtot ndt !be neoes^aiy,v !) ^v (*£i3ia*lZ ?i **.<*«>&';«W» hjo a'hundred {yards At aresBttt; ^. A •; Mr. Kyan edod 4ihat they out <mt a lnnV

«*<rtoed stock. « ere irosarrj ovfcttworaty do^fcr next ye&.;: if ,:f^ . T

!It .iraB <feci(Jc4; fchaft a.£ebdw:ah MS : be.Tbe lOhasrmari adfcdd tB»;r©ptf ¦ itefljard

' mjproye. ,.U» fcrpaeangjj ,;;;, . ..: , ¦ . _:i¦ ; ' ¦ RESOI! Wki fi*; '}:A i ' f- ; '

.^^^.U^oUjiito ^rteaMwi' the r« &rtjol-<h.stfS'lfeii

: • ¦;¦ ¦ ¦/ ¦¦

1 ¦ , • ' ; I ' :: ' - ¦ '. '¦- < ' V \ I - 1 l ; ; : : ¦¦ f :" '

: :¦ : :r : • . . ¦ : ¦ . :/:• I i l | . 'l /f :i ] i |:i i^i- t I - i \ : &\ Uj ; ; v- .¦ ¦: " H ;n;i- ! : i - H ' ^ L^l.J:^:- liU .-i .j; i. --ii - v - - - ¦

, :;ll:;: , h .;;jio|i!1 d '-. :: iv* : ffi

- VTY*ii3M.! .! • ¦ ' I.. : IS .- .I«¦.; ;•. ¦ t^]M'": - ' -V .!-] ; .i i - ; | :

- i L . ;\ . {- r t M- | V 5 1' - hi j ¦ ij

I-; ; LtBEl;: : :,ji| : ^r : I i |-^|;|.|.:; 'NT : l; - f \ . 'I

I liUshter bnd; nte-. nl J H •¦iH^ • IJh ¦ ¦ l'H l i: : ' I' ' .srf Wsi j! i: . ?! ;i; ; fi

I V : •' ¦ ' i' 6i lo .cowr «»|. Pf&» •* «Wf* • ;: M: . ! :j j fi;

!? Buiki's art fcy far the |iarg«s? shijroerevo^ Bottled , \' V • ¦ i Whiskey from the Port ofj pubH| i || i ;ffl1

J ¦

' ¦ : i ; ! : . [ ¦ '¦ ¦ ! j . ' : ¦ ' : : :; ' ' ;K

! I ! ©lOTT ir iLEei I M : ff® !™,- j ! SiI ? !. ] ^:

BURI!K h i ¦ i

=======—sf =rr=s77==f =i ¦~\ < \ \. ;; i - : ¦ 1 1 1 i i i . : | I ' • i

«aseeir»W,c«!tam lands f^T»»WifoT(n^Ofc|j ¦

; jjgj eB-OC- *>i ']j-; j I ; !tSr«Bl sySemlcd sewar^. and 8*1 | cauarman'-Oould you draw it yjaxr-

T^Bwikd have direcEesdi tbeerleoliato^, i Masfjerr-I. conto't. , - l i ,, ',: ,td lnsl^tiCenuUel to prepart: _»^

i^najW JIMr. -IWaWi-OfBar.- nun JE2 :!5a. to . de-HrovaaioaalOnd r in wyjoiraancewiu**as liver it < ; ' ¦ hi . 1 ! , :ErSyor^iibe rietitdttn. . i Tlie 'Board. d£ .; Mr. Bjan-How many -tan do yon

^^t^xSlnMn^^S ^tUUWtlt- ionl I don't U^oa^Ooder v^nSTiD. .any W «M to get jmore flhaij J ^ant it a trrno as ittS^^tbel

Oomxsil to store or, treS, thai gets ihnoien and; to not ^exy good, - i .^S cSfthe jflSfof tanft- to be acquir^ * Mr. 'PoTW-^CauMn't yon cent HurleyrTeuchlai nianiar «3 tc» 'giv«; rise toja, vritb the house to -A t - ;SiS^eaid ^t^befOTe ltSe qbestjoo.dfj . Master^I ' ©paid not. ': _

^et^ioning a loan, to diefeary £he cost 4i , Chainnan-ABe wou^sure. Master, yontSTStorte eaaTtei coasSdered fall <M- aw son WacingjMx. -Daggan m; a Idnf-tStod ' ipCans. epUfl<»t»n.And estamate ificnlty. Hto ; is: mettBberj

of -.Jua Biardins? W Emitted for apprwtol. P i 1 land could; riot b* .tcontraotor under £oOO^^Tif^

re^n^bla. j J : , P^ l^.'iLn U rJt a member oi


p. ,J j j ¦ f>^rdj j ™%™?% f f i Z Ff j g

MT \kiiam3-iwrote tiiatilbaaiad 'eeenj brother ' TbomasJis <tte' gj ia^dian . |(Mff GedWe Strffies; yahiJi ^bo!caU»d'<?n ; H;Mr, iWals^-FVcil offer £2 J5s. a tpn.bdm •bTWeottoTotf fl» CoUctl iglatiye•! ' Mr.;Power-Straw is de4. -now. ;[ Thoto tbetSa ¦

¦gn l -whiob tha Couiron \< >sir«l toldiera- in ; Olonmel axe jj«ying, I \eexr,

nrnrtatf«i3 to take'over thte arf^ans' dwili £3 1(U. a ton fqr straw . for litt&rujjrlHn«a 'friim! tba 'coniractoTA. He suag«,verf to Mr. HtolwQ1 'Betting 'bis eolSfttoi.M.r. SluHiteny; to •wnto to -tara <Mirj 'vyij -'.iaims) accepiing ttito condftioiiaj :set pnitjjrp ii.-w letter ol itihfl &B1 .Marbbiaf iWbioh ywbirvie a loopy .-wlikn the d-ireQirigB caa jbata**™ over, ' ; | j • l | j j- I !i'

The OaaijciH raado an order 1 .that Inpworlos be ibaiker> ttvex on TieceJpitl|of the .Kli-ter from 'Mr. IX F. Slsttery.- i : - ;. |i|;

BOEOUQH'SITEiVBTOE AGAIN. : jij !I - i ¦' :¦ ¦[ ¦ - ¦ ¦ } !

¦ . . : . ¦¦ '

. -'¦ >iTba Clemk said that he ihiad received te

minAitaa' ofi evidence -of tbe enquiryi irftpjthe L. G. IBoarxl .vft&ah (bad 'been faskledior .by .the Coumccaj I J . , !jf |

Mi. Ryalni proposed the .iaBoiwing «>eolmtkm! which Mr! Kiely.©ecobdddL . Jj l

"Tbalt! a Icommiiftee conastiiig oi «»<CaaknKb, ^. vTKiely, John J. O^attMJft;Jsanea Itanrie',, W. Lafwlioir,; and ItenwEyan, mitH the jasa staaba of the <Coonr<cii 'a aolicittojr, oi jneceEealy, J>e hemabx jappointed '-6 deal tetiheff |wito'.;report!<y:tale L. O. Board irtiJative 1 to -inquiry moiBorough! Swvtfjw,, -that; |they : i coJQteist.inj iuiurUulof ejVDa^bce ¦with 4aid ^eport ahid 'tblsA .tha Besalt. |of their delbietaticins: if t:drawn 1 <up fox Council's consideration ;a-;.next irj eetiair." jl ' - ; ; ' . I ' ,: i - ' • ¦!} '

Mir. Ottsey fiaiciitliflt dt lodked too oneBided. I -I j | 1 ' ¦;,'. ! : ' 1 : "I 1'

Mt. Ryan-pK will ;be i tawKht be&*«;the Oott5cilj IEv^sry.'menibar oi tbo Coriricil *\lll:Oaavaa.'vfaa«>tt 1. ; . ', . i ' j '

Mir.' piisey-rr-Itj JwiU bo fbaitdhed Oaiugtt..ter) iaud| tbeni ibr.oruchitj ixca IQCDO? put dowionr tbroatsii(laijs!litsx). | . . . ¦ " :. !: ^

Cbairina'n-T'Ifl ithere any' aroendmertt to)thaa? I j: : ' :!' I ' .- 'i I ' . : ' : ; ' :

¦Mm. Oisey-^I dissent item «.. . : ¦ ¦ ¦;Mir Cubran eaikl ifeat the report shoulc

oe tKepi an mo omce. aac <*n ngm lemaji!tber». I j !' !' , i: l,j .

•ChaincM)—Do:you:wiflb . * lto inaaroatoanythdnfj? J ' : j : ; l ¦ ¦¦ - i l j l

Mr. Ooroan—I fvrii^h. to say tihat *h53 Ttf-\(port diobld rem aia in the office "when tbecojnmitrtee' are .fthishted^wdtb-it ': ' - ; Ni l

JUs. lEyaiiNTha't osperfectn^-niglbt/oridit wiCJ rettnain fnl tba bf&cev' ¦• ¦ ¦¦' .¦ III{

Mr. .O'Shea—It ia tbe propeiitnr ol.tih^Council and1 should bo kept in toe .offlcseJ

PerbajU tfrfty jreatrs.. ibenca it: might 09intereatiij igpead&rgj . : .: |. : . ; .; :|||

Obairman;—Is tbare any «rnendmeril tiothat ife^oiuitian? i i¦ • ; . . ; • -; . . |: . :||

M>_ Quisei'—t dio^ent frorri it. ; ' ii ; |OKa-inHafr^-IWell the; Tesohrtdrm Aa >aass.

j ed. 'Mir, iCasay ldissentana*. • ¦¦ ¦ ;¦ i :|'¦ Mr. KSmranJ remarken that tfheyiikep't: the Chairman I a ilong Itime indie* witnessI ohair at iisa emroiry and pumpact ihSm eij far as they;, icoul'd. ¦; , - :' ' ¦ ." . j i I 1 ' ; ;lI Chairrriari- !-y«s; asaisted by you: -YoiI w«re o-feistrng yourt frienld , 'Sir.: TStjm. "';lj Mar. <>uinran-j -I.: would iaUvraVs lika to doI a torn fot a'frdond (landitei). j ! 'i|1 Mr. •R ^iamr yt-s, ;and vota for i hainiagainst thft .in'jeseiaai ol your condiitnientej

1 Mx. :Ournan-pAnd. Vote far .hw irrespeo-j tirre'ol. eonsagrnenoeB. ¦ : ¦ '¦ ¦' . - '. ¦:! This' cond-aded : the busiri'esa 'of !' ffliajme^ing.

j :; .j | . ; , ;•] ¦ , .i ; |¦ ., . M ,.|J ; J ;

] . DIJWGARVAI^ itftjuMij -!

' ""; ! - 1 . I ) '

'1 -

''':!; 1 - ' ¦¦¦

'¦'¦¦ \ \


¦ Tjbe tisi al:weekly";meeting p t the Dar*gajrvani^ard f it Goard i A i t s j^u i . toeldon . Tuesjiayy Mr. Fnok iStnartlpresidetng: Alool present—Meesis John \Val3li.Mrcbael FhiMii, Olboonas Bower, iadkenrdarra; ¦Jlifchadl RyaiUT: •: 1. ; TT^:I Also piasejnt|'Rero~MesOT.iJ!.R :Do^rex :Olerk • .fTiiomas Waleh, Maaier' -: liasinsi¦Deo, RO; Ediarid Kielv E.o/ ; lUi.'ttuiWlj nn, lAfflWtaJit CJemki . f > ~T ~!

I MJ.. KielyhEiO.l «poirt«i that !be foatreceived »ottoe| (i(xm Drj WbiU, KeijeenH'lw;^diJ^oeiyed a subpoenajtd at.tend at Ji» Assazea n^ .Waterfand on Wwnesday-an K»n^«rtjon;'.T.rth .iihe ..Troy cawat-'Ba0ylBm<)n.| | . , , ; , ; ,

¦¦¦: ¦. . ¦ ¦. ; - , 'rH:

1S*% ; iC0


?» ;!iEfw»tt«p>cij] Sn Ma,$u ^r- *!1 T ^pnwnon 0*99 you.-hSve]rro option prat to appoint «, eiihstitnte .

¦¦|aba&m6try*ry:| ei!i^-.. -'v;n. : •-• u-l ¦ ;- . " {•¦ " !JClark-jTCBB; .then; ;<krder

;.,djl Jbe i iat1

jto. MaWo^y libo;.top<rini0d'?owBn ten n»'iri KAa. ateanoa jof \p)r;, White, at the « ateOi fmir tntme~vi mrr '¦wniAr ' -. T ^ol frmx; gj im^i (POT'wBe4..M;> . . .J .J ; .- .._.:¦!. 1 : ' :kAijraai'8'.;kiHP6ET. !¦ '•'¦ ; ¦'Lj

¦¦"- :| - : • jF 'j - ' t F ? : : : - !i . . H.i ;, ^ r •>iThe.Ma^l ^,n>i«irted:: :; thjrt oits' he

land j waq^s , *, yeas'B U«*- bv7ijfe;; grveneSglrt crops and last! year's aroria wasleft for veeatHbleB.!-.- i - i i r ;; !¦ : TT;!, ; ; .-

Mr) :W«MbHr"Wie : bsro no;i»bjeciionii '"¦-Jtfaster-Ta2»nB lis '¦ no xasa i jpsMSa u }n»sed at PT^etod T^la&djvoBldflrant

. Mr Pcractejp-ifllbat |- -ia|l i».!i TCry pWttoii*nj^B6»iori)tp ghj B it » reet Jor boa year.The ¦,repp^ j w^japiprpT^d|:oL . ' ;*". . : j -

i ¦ '¦ ; . ¦ 'N i p ' j ' i

1 !' '. ' i i 1 ¦.

'¦ ': '¦: '¦'¦' ''¦"', } • '; ii|. p^ito^p^ nj :

::r; :;

The loowwvarnjnenii ;BdMdl:"irrrif«Aanct oniM A tba nayanteat of la. &rxm of

: Tbe Loc*l flbineiTirnent BpiiVl .irrote'wlog M jiolojiaMaioa i»'"V»adtoaltfcfr

¦¦¦ ¦¦ •¦^l? h'.':;

'vb 't^'i!}i^^5:^. - . %:¦ TBNM- Bib iBbmwJ^MSr :^Aii. iliisfegi'Mr.,1! icbielp^pm ;.!Se n^Si


BUT-1' ^—,. "T*:r?^i ' - ' i | i ¦ -I ¦

1 ¦¦( : ; 1 1 - -t 1

¦¦:! , 1 1


> John Dahiil, Iload SSiawArd, and Ppk.MiJcalbyi Town i Clerk; ¦tprote applyingtar the hroken Istoaes at 2&. 2d iper cubicvSd ?n sbehalf of the .Urban; Cojincp:.j 'Mi Wate&r—'nfcey want tfrem tadly- andthat isX'tlieir : full' valiie: I move ¦ tjhey.get tSianirr i : : ^

'' i . ' I ':Ti 'dark—.The practice ¦¦ KeTatofoM <hzabeen to aHwrtise and coihsid«x tendiexs.

i !IMT. iWalsh—Thit ; is oi pretty i feoodtffl&L -iJ ii iv^f f

¦¦. ' : ;ii ,. : ; i l ,

;iS&; iPow«r>—The!.price 1 rather low.!ijabaflxmait|-'W«llL unless, tbey get ahemthere lis no•'tise to[tentlter.;!: The roads .areeteaxn [rolJled novrj . . i :| ' " - j | ¦

[ . Mr. 'lFJynii—Arid we areivery poor.)! :;Tbe Matter vji^n -asked said t lia^'i enore i«Ma5rbh'; theVL est 2sJ! 5d. 'Der cubidone (jcoaSrbhv tneyi, get 2sJ| 5d. .psr cubioyard ' iorTt4ipn.; f P' ( : I '¦¦'. , < ¦

Mr.^JWalsni-fiaj 2d. in theix full v iiuB.Mr POTerr-We' Tvai. invite competf Jon.: Ghaifrmah—If •! you' do ;|it wiu | codV

aearlyl £lfi;te adyeTtisa them and. youmjg'htfnoti'rhake '^ny more) or aa nwjdh.^Mr.';Power—Whit, wbold'the adviriiie*irlg rooet,;;Mr. llprWef? | ' II ' ' ' : ] | ¦

;Oisrfe— Aioout ;it*n ox twelve ehillin ja a6appase'. !'}! !.V. ';: 4 1 ¦¦• I :| I ' l l 1

; :Mr.; |Walsh—"TKia is th#[ fd'.l valu ; oltie; tetone^l.and -it jis better to aobeii . it./ Mr. Bower—Very ¦well. :!i C^aiimian^-'Wejj iire 'all; an! favour o: ac-

cepttng this tendj ir. ' 'i\ ' . '. 1.: Oerk—You enri] |accept the tendexj tbestores I to j be rcinorved byithe> Ehgii eer.

1 The ,Ma3tier *aiidj that 1 the Council hada box, :a yiajpd meajume, wiiich iber 1 isedinf their imaaTieal and tb<?y cohfd bomeaetujedj b'y th t ' !

|ChoinnanfHVery well.' ! ' 1

/ I : DlfkpENSARY REQUI9ITE3.i: . | ! - I ' V 1 . ! ¦•¦ : i l l .

¦ ¦ ; I I ¦ ¦ i

: iD]r. White, TiTOte for ' coal and ocberd&pensary ! requ&tas: wbiph -were giiairUed. !, - . i j ' ¦: !¦:! • • I !! I ¦ : - ¦ : i l l : ¦ - j l

, pierk;—T.he: .matter of the; firop!acei incoTne ol the <iis;ibrxsar,y \| rooms•«<hjch Wae under discussion) at laist rr. eet-jng|was: lefeircd to Mr; McGrath tof oTeyort iana; perhaps, it woud be ' as. i welll' "toj hear: $he| rppo« new. i | : 1 Iiii. McGratih ; aaiTd that j li «viaiteti ea'directed,anSihsd laj catalogije Bating otii

the . stoves ¦ tha't tould be: "sditable.! HorebouTwnenloVed onq (of thein j ' I

• ifT.< W jhb—Is:lit obtainable hi tovm?¦ iMr. 'McGrath-YxB. ) | ; |Cl<rfc—One -is ', to ibe provided at ho»-

loeran DispenaoryJ fnd th*r4 v;z& a stctv©ai ; Kereea. pispenfekry ¦ bht ! it \/oa out ! oftepair. j Could tha* one be repaired?

•Mr. McGraih-^-I|don't think so.. | ! I¦wonld not i^oanKmend lhavirur it repaired.rfjaexk—Then ybileay 1 two] stoves ! or©

required.. I ; I i : . | I i ¦ ¦ < ¦ | I I ; j .MT. McGrath-i-Ycs. Yoiu could i get

thisibnfe that I consider suitable tor £1. ff»« • ;* ¦.' 1 : . :: I 'i i: ' 1 1 1 ¦ : [ ! : I ; \- \.j, - ;¦¦] ¦ v - : ; . ¦ . < 1 1 ;


Mar. WaJsh-i-y rj- wdll. wfe will get!tvsr>oi 4lhatiktedJ A^fio \riH ej ct them? !M#. McGrath—il iwill arrnbfrn to1 hA-™

trrem .ereo' dl .Sojne ;piping will be-i»yqnrr^d. | You l oouwl Triake :an order "forsioyes. and, flttm^fl .-will;get thtm deed.Jt NraS: ordered: that'ilr lrfcGraih ppr>: Cnre !f3se '. BtovfM and Attings l arid seo to

j theJr!-eroetjori. \A ' ;| , ; . j L ; ! ; :;! ! ; ¦ '¦;.ApTnio MJ ).V REPORT. ' |;i| -

I Br.:

1 atonek A nJ vMtdLtl Ofam ,•Tep»r:sfl i thaUw recommended that KateJfoore; fufleiw froin ;; defective vision,{b& serrt t t ej .dp^diali treatment. ' : ; ¦ ' ?. Chairmm-Ml maji|o anloidor in i -t ieReeving.Offloer 'Afetha^ $» be!scnt.

; i«i fi|fWta!3 'EfAY ' kxTR.\sJi: CBw;rmanf Daui

give tWe inmates

FM«terUxn, :yes, Iv?*- arjili- iave &^^wlraeeMnglW fit. ;PatV'»%*&.

and »« .cau' al yith.-jt ; ! ^"iiHT^W cTc»;!«tad-da it ^ufdkly ;by.ftoF Rtf : I nt^j W-^"l*j£& [Sf1 ;*«K !«uj?niitted U

; fniUwl

i^h . ;: -|iiihi^^;$:iMvv :ij !j ¦; M' ;- j : ) - - j i;-.f ;» l ip..! f i - j T: •' ¦ ¦

• : i | :

PWhett;r 1 . . _ *i ISSfta , ^


i' ]


tfETATRICAL PERF0I&1ANCESr " W'iaHti"- : - i4 ' :r^- !;:||i ¦ ¦

: ; : • ¦, • " i ' : : " :


The Bishop Enterc D Solemn ' Protest ; ' ¦' '.V: r

^References In 1 the City 'Churchec

Befor e g,xviirg Benediction of, tho HoaiHoly su/ciajnent in the Cat&jedral on 6ui-day night Ma Lonctahip th&Most ROT. DrSheehsn, Bishop of ibe: - Dioctase, in

p<uituis>i4i j»k>e3, with tniina-' and <sroaior,•app.r*«_<l tih<e altar rails &nd oddre&dadih« . crowded congregation. His Lcadslhip»a:<l . - 1 a;n informed .that our CityTaeatto is to open daring '&he , i own-ing wvok for purposes of amuo&.mtmt 1 deem it my duty ' toexpciiM I my etrorvg condemnationof su^'b aot..on and. to address .toyou S.- UH.1 tvouvls of instruction aikl tuclior-1at.1i.xn regarding it. Evtiry Cathioiicfcnews tUiat tho- Holy S*-i**>n of Lent isprtf^snmontly one ot pcuana; and alnvwsm-ujj. The letter of th<; Olitfndh 'Bian L.P4A J only prvscriUis (Fasting andAbotiLdnce. but th-e spirit of iljab Law iathe iutvntion of ttw Onurch as well as inth« pjactiic* of all good Ca.tiholix54 OB op-pose so r/ulftie amiv-enients of everyktrjd ; ainl 1 am lunppy :o be &bla to thinikthat on ihp ;x>;nt our Protestant /riJcw-

it w (• «iA 6y 41. \!-a.«d&(ii4 custom whichB?M>U 1<I !»¦ ' a rnaM/eir of puvio far all oi /usthe M-V*:JVS of WaUrland )i,as ahraya beenrsJ o rl';$r\l ae.iirist sifrfi amuaomentjoui i.t: -.his H.Jj Season. Why it should1* »>p»- ' s»l n<itt- far th^ first time k. is notf.»r in-.. :.' say. but ii L* fr>r me to insisturv>n 'J J .-. p. int—that no man at body oim«i J , AV ,- . a right to iise the Theatre,wJ i .c li «s tihe property o( ¦Qw.- citizeins, tora p {ir)- '~e calculated u> wound itlhetr <roli-g.o.ui< feeling? and sensibilities. I knowmany of the rwmbars of tho Corporationwho h*.M , th)^ buildin-s as tniustwja lort!w public , and I am Valisfied that they¦Rould not knowingly be parties to any-thing calculated to igi-w -us pain, tout Inm-si tv permitt**! to say that an old,and iwh.u T may caJl a .mcred, customsbould rv .t be departed from iin 1W in-t-<r*St« of nny irwiV:dua5 . I !«-a\v Tf oorcaiVr m your hands now You fcnr «-ymr <iutv and [ believe Ton w j d<i ].: .

On Sunday n5usn. preaching at tfwCatlit<dj-aJ at thi; 11 and 12 o dock Mai»e#Revd T F flirkmg. Adm., addressedtlie oimirri.'gauoos presrtii on th>.- tut)-jtiCt of tiw obbfTVante of Lent , accord-ing: u. the intentions of the Church inaistetuung tli-.- h-oh- and perhet«n-iajs.»asoa T.Ot- rtmi. preaoOwr ivmindedh.r- ht'arers Uiat l,ont was a tim* of¦¦ipi-cia; prayer , oi fabtinj; and of &i?)f-deiiiaJ . Having bjx>k«ji on the efficacyand tiw iitiC«.s.-a:-y of prayer and fastingj- a j> >u6rfu ; nu'atis of mafcing atone-Dw r nt ;..> Diviii«- J u tjU'e tor our biiu andoi 4<2vi i :n'ini? tlu "oue tlun« necefcaary "- vCw -ia.vir.tiii of our tM>u!e— thu- rvvd.-.>afiK r a<Jdr«f»>«l son*- apooiail wx)r»la¦ )ii ill- aiilij'tvt of salif ionial and in

v-Mjiiig uf t'hus eubjoot he said tliur-'«ere, ct mo Umi t wtiieh all spiritoal«-r:t(jrs mentioned that Ohnstia-ns Bbxnrlidalxstsun Z roin duri ng line holy SU&ISOD oiLt-ntj and th«« were dajioeg and <tbea-thriqal perfornianoes. lie painted outhow muoh opposed to the spirit of Lontthas«; entertaiiuiieuts were , attd lie re-marked that for very many years tj»epeopfo of Watcrfoid, iite Mayors, andCorppraLjon gaw a epUindid exainple to,tha rust vi Iwland by the tnn&Jlonouredcu.v.oni »vh:ch was eit&l>Lsh**i to liaveth Lh*-.Ti:jv> cl<we<3 difring Lent, ©o thattherd ii>igh.t be no temptation or «'-tractlot: placed before (. !<• pelapie to air :AWAV iroui tSas Lealei .Levotions cai:.t-<loi n ills ohurchos . anng this a aaono! jcu anct* and pra.v -<r Tho iwd.V:>»di< -r congrafciafod tire Corpoxationo! Wat/.-r!ord for Q-.avin^ 6o faitlnfully ob-f-irred n >d presv.-vod Uus cu&tom, andi:i rem.--rko.l that . i ¦> > is only iair to eaiy'.ha-- t.. - pri.-cj it K. . <¦ of the, theatrehad done nis part in cat. ' . '!y maintain-ics this good old custom up i ¦> fho pr°-toot year But he »a; soar}' to ii&ve 1<>nr iiia.: tn. -rc wits & <J<ipsj-tirrr from itthu L» 'iit . for it was odv.. irui-se«i :n theloca! tti Tjors that tho tht-atre woul d beopened this w.vk aiul ihat p a-foniunKn Hwould take ;>!ac» owry night of Cheweek . Now he ha<i nothing to sayagainst the company who v rv going totfiww t i u i r aiumaited i>i< 'turej in ' li*theatre dunr.i; the w<-<A . but he von'gtronyly oljj vi i. »l 'M tli'i violation «fwhat- ha uii^lil oa 'ri '.lie .- acred oust< pr»-VKtiie<l lur .-o nutny year^ of Jiiflv -itia; ii" perforinanoos m ihe theatre ofliU nai iv i city duni j I/ - -nt . Tii»Tc W.-JI - .Iw oliwrv.-<i , -IG w^'ks <lunng the y^arfor cnUiisnm. 'iit f - in liio 0J».-atre art tlii^-ilx>uJd ii :.t yrii.!'.'(.- si's w<v_ ks of the yearU. t"ri>' ap.- f t a iiMioiir and s.-rvioe ofGod aiul r<t yum aiul Hie salvation oftheir si u i / - Th> - r v.! j^rt-aoher 'begifi-dto be • xi - m-< > l fur i l> . ?ai i i in g 'J IK r<in -crvjpdti"u H'lnli- oiiV.r;ii(.' if iU ' matters oi3«aJ :n cOiini 'i 't i 'Wi w Hi this eubj-ft .and ta: l iJ |at his I/ ->r<t . 'i i i > , the B:ih<rr,of tih* O IOQI- V', -i-iritual fat.h«r .gu:dn nihl aia.' . i r i t \ i>n <--ooh maittt -r.-, inb.i ixat'-i - ii ail t- .lu^lu.l- f '>r tilt spir:tAia.wel'ir. il l J i « : i if n 'k init ruoted 'him toci'il rtn i:> i|. piiiiy-T of ll i- inly *o a-k hisWv-a-fi.p «hy tib." th-ain- was bv:ng open-ed a.ld ii-Tffirinan rtv U> bi- g-ivv n duringtlii i \ \ i . k J lHVTn f oairr icd out I VI - I- Ix>nd-bliip 's r n-tr i ) . t I I I H mid tia%-ing t-w ».•.- it>-b?rvi<?M«il tfc • Nfay nf ami Iffis^i 1 of tin'<,heatre and h a v . u i' d'..-< Mi -,<.fd HI lengthttin* 'Hi . -t."ii « . l i i - nf i i 'i.. »> c-orry "o6av tl.iiI th iJ N . ml- l ""I « ¦« tb«Lr way to»;op I . M • • pOrfnri:Uiii< "'•" l«joke.d. bu: as-

fcittvil h im I IKT.. ttoiil dt»- no oth<\r en-t«'rta:ii iW in til Th.ntjv biwked {orthe rrst of • bent . Kat5K r F UI I OIIK re-marked t l : a t j i i . ,-¦ .n-id« n>l ihe Waun? inthiK ma,;u>r MiNuld l>e fairly apportionedand <>> •* iviiH t.hiit t l>e lest»3e of QfeTh-\VJre.<t3t <Kl 11 li> |ir- «'ii« and in thatof the Muyjir that rn- <th? ltvwee) 5iadno noti i - n oi oiion'mj? the Theatre m:rid?Lent un. ;.l It «a.- su«?<-sted U> bun byBOJne ni' r.ibj r nr ir. nili"r> i f tlw TheatreCommii' ..^. tj > do wi Th<; A< limnie»triiH»rdealt w ill .inu- oi the <rt)jections raidedby s"jpr> Tiers ot th*i op nhic of trieTheatre .iurinj Lent and wild that tvll>r.«we are i-r. 'pa r. i to fciUo-vv any good ex-ample 'r.^rn Dublin . Cork or Lini*.rJ«J ,or ever fr-nn I^ndon or Li\-enioo.l *eought n«.t follow ?uoh cities in a;ay bador indiff c r. -n examples, and we oi htoe j ^aJour o[ preserrping t hie eplenxlid in-hexilano> !r<»in our forrtatJiers of keep-ing the TbratTo cl<»o<l in Lent. Finaflytin* ire^ \i!tn ;n;sJnitor earneetly exnott-ed his " I '.ir.- rf and all good Orrristiansanxiouj: f'.ir the prworvaiion ol the in-ter«*U ¦ f rf- ii fr ion to rr r^^o!- and oj>?7tlw BL'bip's advice in HiU matter and tohand down untarhi-sbed to ooming §<a»?r-a'iofis the grand oxample of a religionsan<i;Go'l-ff3irin? people ew.r anxious , (6rUie frlory of Go.]. -IV w'elfarv of toeteaching of J,-wiii • Olmtt and the sal-vation .if ioul?. '- '. . . . . .

The Hev , "W. J. O'O.nnoll deliveredan eloqivent t»-rmo(n at th* 7, 8 and 10o'clock ilap?e<? in Ui-» Cathedral, as -didalto; the Rev. W. K<«hoi ftt 9 o clockMaSB on game subject , oxhortiiig iCbk?people with great z°il :to carry out theBishop's instructions, and to giTO BOeapptot to nsrformances in ihe TnecUourmj -tent nxcopt thAt in ODflebratl>n

of ihe National AnoJtb. St. Patrick.

ST. SAVIOXJE'e j CHURCH. . , ,The prks'i wlehrating fhe difjprent

Masses ia The Ohurcii ot 6t; Bavicon,Bridge fitiee t. appealed to tlu? ' cofl-pegations not to patronise- the Tneottedtn-mg Lent- .as 'ltey eaid it was mostanbpcoming of these who cailod ttwrn-eelves faithful and ko;al Oatbx>bcs Bogo to any : place of pTofane annueementauring the 1 |Ho8y gea on. ,

'; ; : ST. iJOHKS CHURCH. '

la : tba caurEe of a i Tcierenoe to. tiwsubject Bey. P. P FitzgenCd, ASm.,' , 1K-tara,beginning hia sermon at he «reja-irw 'devotions on fit ¦ JoOm'6 Churohw*} that the openlrw of tht» HheatrA toLent had been faeai at -with itoep <11»-Bstialaction ;by (the iBiaiwp i and ciei^r-Xh».«eT. gejrtleraan pftinrtft} out *S*tChei pcactio©: of cpenioff,tfae?TtBatte| for

teaaan of itSit iiyesi^rjsly: <m: Gmor»Uan,u ojipoted [to iO?& epioi', <rf Lent, Arid,

in • Catholic community soch •» this,- i» ioa« -which should Aol bs •appotted.ifai doubt itbeae; migW be a0**"?**?:]?1

oo*ito»7i»DQ» to tiMt' lo fl : WatorfctdliHHiiiiiil l p4 riiiii ' Diitilin camnnm tjrniiiikil i ilawjs' ntaftw of ' ' S**0"

^U^^l&ni.iriifl " iteS

itoave th»:result 'off having i dsthoHcisibken.!:froin- th« - cboroh-dcTotiono X}UIHin? tljds penetientiall season and -wouldBwMo . tljw-^^'Wainstrtltt-'iipiiptt and"I>.«M«*.9J W 'lC&tE .gh p^ nraus'lv-out the world, father ilWtsgeJrald, «oo-tinuin, ', referoedsto' >th<s ' a6ted eonoosta'which ware soaiei iimcsl iejii

i _ during

I»ent. It .;;•*•*» unno easary to ipoiht outthat being isacoed, ibcty ,v%ire quite dif-ferent |to other conoorta which wine hlaldoutside 1toj perIqd~oI Lentri6t. P triok'oDay, .Jj«i jetaled;/waa a\j4»y m-Jiiclh t»e-!cause jof, HB , NoiionaJ ,• obs<irw ii ie w^Vip^AS QU^WO 'fjfie Ijenten 'eoaSwi iftni thare-fo«! an «S<i5ptiOn ¦w

^as' thto) ¦ ir tho ©aee!of condertj ¦-heid on iial the laigecity haJls and some times ln* th^ Tiieattire.He -.* as; stire tbat. the CalhVili .af Wa-terfowl i -would 'xattend -Ib' thb a>jk«l madeMiat (Jay—;the,appealiof jii L»ds)hip thoJiighop _ tixroogh -; tbei - jjcriAsjtsJ to theCatholic' paople <&sklng '(or .thjei • supportin diacountienairiSing what is/entirvs\y op-posed to tho.ispirjt ofiral gioh as prae-tiaad by Catholics du.rW . thi . L«ntent^aaon. ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ • ' ' IHis Lordsliip'i rho&sag* wa tldo con-veyed by *he pxieste oa ebjr ng th»morning Mas.'Ws to the couyropations utrOendin* in the church. t

fRA-NGlSCAN CHbKCHAddressing the consivgaiion. dt iwolve

o 'clook Maw in tho Franfiscanl ChurchVerj- Rev. C. F. ' BcBVe.yi 'OjP.iNI.. re-ferTod to the BiEbop' j»isaage| of dis-approval of tho opening d! thei Th<eatroduring Lent, and in the oi oiae al hie. re-nLaxka said (the people i ad ' pfenty ofnrw during: tbe yaai lor Dnterljainnipntand spending th«ur tjpaae ipon yi outsadothe period ot fho ho\y oasot) Theu ltnk\ 5var w&a ioog enough, in a cityiLke yf alcOoni to Qwvte amifsu/pem (Rjfffli-out opening the Theatre dmjiri Lent.H.J ap.p«ialed to Hum to hive'the ooair-nee of tiieaj oonviotians i nd iby theiraction cthmv thart. itjh<jy di iapnroved oftl-je intertdu'd opening of tha lOhAatre byai yiing fltway from it. If uidi 'jidiuall ioasor sain vj-aa ito 'he an ejtcuse people couldfind justification for doanjf lanjrtl injf .1 his was.' a time feen davotioi And! seriousthought and not for frivolity. 'Tthte Cor-poTation had providjcid a Tlteattt ' eo thai<he repnesejitatrves of tlhe iritiitrtfl couQd¦1'avie contra] and prevent tie :pryjiductionr.i ojnvor|hiy piajs. There was b»i VBSI innking up a eiib>?ct /ind iaJWnfc about

¦i . and h/p oanolud-?d by agban ajipeajini;•o thorn ,as Catbobct to h ive the coui-» RC oi thevr cnnviiction anjd eltajy awayfrom .th» TOwatr* dunny thf holy seasonof I ^IJI t


¦At BaiHybncken Chun-cly alsol nofei-enc* was made to ihe , openjing ofthe Thoatre and to the rpraWaco of inold->ng dances during Lrait. Itov. 'Fii . Eg&oat tlie 10 SO and 12 o'clook M as£>es aadd howas dinecttetd *> warn hie i sonsnelg'atiotaa"ot to irthatBrt. such places diuprljj theH -ly Seaooai'of Lend It vrj)3, Ihelstatdd,aaBJost tie regulations of 'the dburoh»TIO (h*d «ft aside Lent as a oeasan oifspecial devotion, of prayej and fastingfor itfw Jaitbful. Wo iraamed ftamnteajaaitst aftloWBJVg th«ci children, Soye orgirls , to fcreicpierrt dances kiurki Lentand exhorted tihein to be laiAhfuli to tboteach ng.s. of tlie dnrrob which itriotlyftrbod the .trequentatiaa of p'iioo ofarrmiSeinetJt durine the S(&s>M of Lent


Professor O K eefc , Queyp e Calling*",MaynoodJi, writes in tho .March n umberof '"The. Iriefa EducaJional, li-<v-imv" ascathing ¦ arfiote dealing '»iitli thi?- pro-grajnme of Irish draining Co01fgi>s. "Adt-pret&inc document" he CRIIO rt. Andit certainly appears to be .a \vrj' et't>dinstance of pedajjeg-.c stupjuiity. Pro-fessor O'KoeJe's expOMina ' is completeand moreover displays a ky^en sense olhumour A-hr?n he comes upojn a' partncujorV y idiotic re rulatkm. He : mak«.M someuseful suggestions as to m thotiui of re-ltering 'Me. eadly ovorloadtxl! pTC«raninv.with an ie}-e! to ptreeervin - the litt,U-ohildren id the country from the porni-cious eifeCtt "f tine system lindw whiclith<ar teadhers are prepared for thip workof edncaqion. The Rig-ht Bevrf. MgrH aliinan on h ies contribution on "MixedEducation" makos dear the toachnvg ofthe nhurdh as to tihie " indissrilutfleunion betwvmn religiows and *scular ddu-oa.';on ." Pr< f' ssar Stuckwy writes cmthe Catholic CUvurcfti in G«rnuiny. afruitiul subject. Thie ''EduoataxnoJNote*" deal with the LdnJerJck con-fejynce of teachidra, manageajs and mem-> *> r>» o( Parhamejit; oducaiiannl! fund*under Home Rule , "practical edtn-oa - Kin " . hi heT d^me.ntAry BQhot>!n. Wein. '.* an appeal pub.-wh'ed in this issue.,n<ldressed to the profeesorB $sui f -twdesntsi> ( I rt- lanii. t" ji" thyir a.'*gMance to aii '- wjy fortired sw-i^Vf f«r {hm promotaon• if the I rtah language in secondaryrvlio'ils and coUtgas onl in teaohx-imtirninin p oollrg''*. It has bt in foundledby Revd Canon A rthrur Ryan tm cotppl.^m«nt "bdt not to oixiraacih m»» tiie»i rk of the Craelic L&ague "

"Every rrctorfteJls o 8>jry '

j / rnki^p


rhrumatLom, au aching, croofced back,having to get up 6evera] times m themght to rtliOTe rttuo bladder,] einckineeaof the limbs, and a gradually failing.-fght. Doan's ibackache kidney pillshave done! wndexa -fox old Jjersons, bykeeping- tin? kidneys in a heaJtiy nctiveJate. Hfjalthy Jcidnsys nv&n freedom

from backactho And urinaryl treoknees,better bloid ,and A better condition ofthe nervtfl, liience btAUir sjj;ht,: bettersleep, mop eneiw. Jtheumbtisin maybp nrp.venwwt ,bv lopoDrinjr the kidnervewell .

Doan'e bacliach« ikldney jpiplsi aremaking life more oonjfortable for thous-ands oi eldarly j>ereon8. JVien pastmiddle ago, it is ¦well to; uae mis iMmaJyoccasionally !s s<a kiihioy! h nic. i for abusy -life waaia ,thio Mdneya. and. :ivhfcnUiey gsA -wiaaik and Gli jifilJ. Ufc>| bfceomesa round ol pain: and1 misery. I '| j

Doan's backache kidney pi la i tro coldin one ali« package only, &. 0a. & box,six boxes J33. 3d. Never sold !jloos«. Ofall chemists and etore?,1 or fn«a tbo nro-prietore. PosteriiloOlellan Oc.lle .] We4 i<Street, Oxford BtreeV I/Midon , ,W.I Doa'1ask for backadhe or kldnej jpilu—takdistinctly for Doan'« baciaao Jd&oojpills. . .. i : - i! I f

Chn TOU read tie follorwinj}? w ien bold-ing tha from 13 to ll inc5iM;fr<Ja the

. ' . Yon | recjulre Epactacl»: i :I you cannot read toull type u CJOM altbii CJU K¦ fensaty. f i

¦ J : i ; J [

II yoo itnd mats BfM U rtqulrtd la rcid or lew¦ comforuhty. : ;. , . ¦

i ' -I i " : ¦U looking itUatlrclj *t xinrthlnc «anu i jonii tjc* to¦j w»t«r,bec«ni«ured, or fetl beaTy. • ; | ¦ [ •U Itx tjt* d a book btcomo mlrtd. . . , I '- ) .• ¦ i

H wt I will last y x m. tteht 'h &Wdiiiigoend fit Toa iriU> do piDt>er fijtsao. ' I:hxt *;-y r$i *. experknooj Mid oioctea ,fa<os&- caaot. ' ¦ ; ' ¦ I ¦ ' ¦

j |; . !"

.MT.K JONBB. OplittiAlmic Uiba^:;:' ,

¦' "' ' ¦ , {: ¦« ' J :: :Q. Qnay. -W*ittSoiil¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 4 . , | , II ¦! I I | ~k* I I ' ' i

" TSS SAVUMMABt.- ' ULOWMfiL. '¦ i. . ¦ : i > , i . i

** Tb* KiKtIoo*lW" tt xnb! Ithed *atntime* «T«rrj week.- fi £u: tip jtaqperti ^tot i *1 p o o i l, Temrtfibii «nd BparW1 HV %t,L ¦»# »H M« 4tf^^M _¦# I j i ii Ul.tof).^4l#vn|. i DX. - f * *: wm/mppl -v? ipTrojfl©TnHnfll , l i i ww *i t flyjiH. :.Lfl 3 k * *MWTiHDff

QMtatifl . AiJaE«MC.Vl08XMttl»' ;. ¦ . j . ;.':'¦;¦'. ajL: j ,- ; icmJOTki l *&&*!,¦ ¦•> -j - :f !-j -v i8gpeg ' ,; ' • r- '',!rf ' -',j i Mr::. llMldoi Alt, To«» r'de 'l Lfax*i tt»

il*>y';ygf jT .-y'?1'*.T?r>' •¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; '• : ¦ ! ! ' :

ff!-i ?""{7 :'!>?-r«i »f?ai!j«-K». ' ii •' . . . - ¦! '. !"' ¦ MIr;^ 'iMi-- ^^H-i '!,* :r.: , : ; . - - : .. ;: . . ' ! ; :

i- T !


¦ ;.j i ; ;jrp f~ ; - -. , •¦ .

An nual: Gene ral Meeting.

he; Year's : Workinri

No Rowifl^ Successes,But Ck ndftlonof Club Snitsfaciurj'

Election of ip'illcers' - and' i Committee

Interesting bl^c -y ^


The annual' sen -rill moetriig of UKW-aterford Boat Cuib 1 wai lUiM in tlieConnnitAte1 Room, io*n HaJJ , was heldon Wednesday. Mr J J -1' , V H- -I'T!.'-sideht; occuptec the I chair, and t!h. rvwere aJs<^ PKS9?

IL '.— Jletisrs U, t". Crokt r,captain; 1 11. V. V\.-aki , vioe-capl^:n , J .C. : MoOiiUagii, ;on. truasuiur ; A 1'0'lirien, l iwn. ¦ fi>creta ^y ;

A. J. Plu-.aii.

assistant hon. -s.e ; w. C. Mercer, IiO'Grady . : F :Pb*:ar.. - t . W . b.vwer, JT. Domuivg;, C, \V . Mn$ley, T.i i' fihe^dy.A. J. Finning, J. D. lJ ali.-er. V Aylwarv'l.A. IS. J5odlMtt. K. Ji Bern*n. W. J.Boyd, L.! Bonben, J . HlBrop hy, T Cantv.vU. M. iDoyle, \V. Panning, P. FUbcoR. J: urionz, W. K. <JougK. Ef. J Gormaiv3i. HdU. iM. 'J. liigg'ws, P II. IMlasidJ. H. Jejfosnn. CUi ; JE. W. i Kelly, H.Kelly D. .Kennedy. Ji .Kinviln. 1» . I.Lyndh , O. ilonahan, ,(8 . Mrtnabiin . 'EH. Meredith, R. H. Meredith, W. BMerxy, J . B iMcDonaM, P. Peacock , 15T Eeevesj W- R- Russoll . John A Ryian,C £ - \V. Sage, J. Spencer. W J Thundlw,H. Wbatlpy, and J. L. Yaun^r.

Mi. \A_ P. O'Btfien, Hon.. Secreitary,read tho minutes of the previous caret-ing wlhdoh ««>Je signed


The Secretary read the folJoiving—Dur-ing nine past, year the aiunkber oi newmern.bars rjoinm? uhe C!ub was \v>;i] up totho orvarewo, .but owing ;o deadly. Ka.gna-tioais, anq TeinovaJs irom U aUj riard th<-aumlia oi the member irou diowa & de-oreasa oa compared Mxth iLast "«M.T.

Tlio taalhwise wad iwpajnted , ». :n<-sjiLall te(pfUTS to premises oanr- . J i - u i .and now oui>h.ooa provided far "le p.msure boat$. ' I n oyn eqc.enae. ; i n n y , .1damage djone during .tiw <f . > uv .u ;h<.present KIBUV . eome further .vi.n rs t a i cbecomo D6oas.>aTy, and w-il ' i ¦ - i • i ,undent aJcei immiediateJy.

In cjcooodAtioe with an uovtertakinggiven at JDO last aun-uaJ mcwtting, theCommilAeX' fiUmmoined i, special gonemaJmeotinj oi Maioh 31rt (o dismiss the ad-viaabfli-ty iol engaging a traiinor for ;iiecrews. Tne meeting decided lo proourea trainer 'and Mr. 13. i. Whir*) «via «n-^

ii^UU UJI UUt; VUU11111*IL X3 1 1 HUM ? IV» l l l^

sjeason. As a further Lnldu<3ein.-Hit to row-ing membons, a rtew "flin© Four" of themost modern, type was .purchased, a eertof twelve [first cdaaa iracing oara beingvery Jcindlhr presented bV Mr. (3 ChnistatM Liar, aira? a oonsidaraole sum was spenton sending crews to Regattas. Takingtlib forego ing' expenditure into account,the ¦financial result of the y«vr may becorusidenod 6»W6factary.

The eccqtcji racee took plaoe on May30th, and .vie veil attfitlded by merpben*and their Sriwixls. A band, performed alltbo dub dnirrn^ the erening, end tea WJIS.a_s usuaJ , provided. It .ib a maitler iar iwRiret Una-t tive/Stim aubsoriih-id wvts not suf-ficient to pay. expenses.

The ajuwisl regatta was heM on Jul y17*. Tb» day was etarfcny. aud aejirtus-l.y interfered with raring, while at. pro-hnb'y aocoriiw'cd for the attemdumoe ai theGrand 8tard being less than tfiaJt of larfyeaT.

Your crolvs connpeted at Dui»ljin , Cofk .CappaquLn( and Wutprfwl Regattas, butdid not succeed in raising a winningHag Thus result us th* nv\re disapwxnt-ins as no qfiw 'p \»-»re> spared iby true offiCOTS. tih« Oremittee, or the UraJmer to en-courage a revival of interest in raningarut to nnocnote "tho micoc?!* of the cnew :-

TilF. < H.\IRiLVN-8 A DiDR-BSS

In .n.»:ii(f to propoae the «.k>ption .ifthe report *nd s ateioent of a>ax>unts th-Ghauman said-^Gerrtlaineji— In. nisihgto propose Uib adoption of ilxo reportand 6?.atienwnt of accounts J fool it is notncvusairy fox | me to occupy nmch timebitause all th» facts of the working ofthe Club afe given mlnuteiy and in de-tad in .boaJi the report *nd statement otaocounte which you iiave had an op-portunity tf rcaaing. The nett resultof our working for the year ID Uiat weaie about t30 in n worae financial posi-tion than this time twelve montlkj. Thereceipts weie. practically about th« samebut there w|as an increase in expenditureprincipall y in connection with rowingeipeni»*s . training fees, etc , which a3lcost about C103 I£te. as againnt £56 9s.last year Of course in that ia includedC35 6s for ft nvw 'boat -«hioh is oi .coursein stock, ft is most iVgret!aW<> thni \Ai*• xpendatuxq on rowing, the enip' n-iii^ntuf a traimjr and the sendfng of orewsto the difloj-ont r?gattas bas not resuLtedin ajiy aucpo* to tho Club, and theOommittee did all they thoug'ht, good fort h*- Club &i\d the members assiirled thata trainer dl ould be got and a ne"»- boatbought, bu owing to some caiw wihft^I oannot account for we war\>i not suc-reesful in «ny 5in il" even.t pitlwr at ourmvn OT at )uiv of the regattas to whichw* sent crinvs It is most ngrtfttable.I Aiitjoipate<] thai wlu?n we wnt to allthis eipenii? we would have some goodresult and tiliat ii wie could not attain the*uoc»eijM we ;hod in the paat we might stleast re.t,rioTe 60mething. I iiope ffui- nc;th*-. coming; season that a beittej ftp ¦ 'wil l t>? maini&'Sted aroonffst tflee rov.^rv?men and th -t e-ven without tltw aa= st-ance of a trainm n-e wtill be a:ble tomalo? «otnc progTecs (hepT, heir) Bamwsay . of counts it was rodj)cuk>u* to i»penHM > much mt>n?y on rowing. I flee] thatit was a n rnark mudi experienced andwa« very g^neja.1 amongfrt the m«mb»sr<of the dub. but I would 1 lila- to Bay tirethat unless you haw scpne mwceen ym\jcannot keep up th« 'OhJl) . We tnust tryto put cnewk on tho water, and if abettor Bpirit js maniCest amongst usthan in th« past few maars p#rlLa.t» wemay etill rr]ak* some strides and ortoepalong until j \y« shall atlain nometiiinglike tho «iuohiK9 -Rie have| attained in thepast fbear. lA car). Ihirlrw tb» comingyear there fill be conaroenable expenseto be ineurK*! in oonriexjtion ¦wcth dam-ape done to the Boat 01ab buildingand other rrwts of'the i groum whichoccurred during .the late Were ¦weaihtsr.Yon may depend on the new <Jpmmitteewho will bb elected heite to-n«ht Uiatihev will h ivo the -wor done las econ-omically as possible and anytaimj -thatIs necessary -will be undejrtaken. J don'tthink realty in proposing the .adoptionoi the repoi t ana statement oi accountsthat I hove] very much nSore tojssw , bnt<Ju>re is on* remark I |-would ' !ife tomake. I kavc Gcen Dy etme correspond-ence in tW press thai, there is pomedixpatisfactitn ever tho (late of our fix-ture fox on: : riext Regalia. 14 •clasheswith one of thie 'days of {be AcrkultnralSho-w.i \VtC1 i . now I thirik " there lhaabeen A good <Vpa1 'of nas|pprob9nsiont «sto the posit tn «f the Ol,u.b in jLhat re-apect. On hei 17!i)i Eobruary iye; bad amxiting of tie • Oomrhlttoe and pro-viaionally1 tied thte 17tDi or 18th of Judyfor our iflxttire. : I 1 may 11 lentiorj that wecannot of onr elveis d fin telry fix

¦& date.The day k fixed and | must i bo approvedof by the flowing Unio 1,! ,4116 A&socia-Uon that Igc wrna all xot tinj iii: Ireland,and on the 23rd of February there waya meeting1: o iWe (Rowing Union at wfllidhMr. ¦ ltoa«ey Vras 'prceent on year behofliandi there ta> 17th :of July -waa fiiedfor W8O * to fit in wp, i othe tr*ga(.tO3in ilreJand. This is done BO tfytt cadhft-gatta i ma" \ have creyr;. raving at' it.Under tho I 'iroumstano.'&il jdon't1 Uiinkthere is the elighteat oto: ico of cur beingable to choogei tho ' flxtire, to anotherdale, j Woi dre altogether guidoij by andrul«I ! by: ibp: Rowing Unjion. Tbu dayhas j been <fixod lax us'and other Jiegattasare fbsed hi oaxmectaon • nth ttiia and itia aiwoyo tib 'p racbiai t> ihavn rasattaaas close to onei enoihor so pcisiWei tothat eaxfli najt have ere goong fromone to anot lerj. <I tbougit H wa» mtoefl-Mir-r jfor mvto mention thrs t^nd undothe misniOTJcihenaion that exi*<dlin con-nection Wrt i the res&ttt . and I IbdUerethe'AgxiculfuxaJ atteting; Vaa tte)d aftertho date that our fixture appeared : intie, l?ubiin ipApe^a as deflniWly fixed.Inw prop'>ae;iht3 adoptjop of tbe reportund «tatnm(!hVoi acoonata. , \ :: Mr. C: ¦W.lMo&kry eecqnded. ' ' :! Mrj Boyd-UBefore yen pass 'the ' Te-pOEt jndi Afcccfunte'I •would like to eaya! tew -wordW. 11 tbfnk iE hemrdj-you 'eayw© wexd X30 for»* bfl ih*n UIM 'daytwe vis monib ri W«fl, ! Mt*imit«nd , thVnew bo ctWt, '£»." Tb<t '-toa* paid outof ourrait ¦tjxpebdfcare,'r« nd1 if W kwead

s«*tB-ioq y &t i ib 1 presa ne rthe *<mt .willU nywj pint th*t *»;iriB b».no; > ; i - :H H 5"f • - v - -.; ¦ ¦

• n- - l - \ . , \- > . J

TlVkTv t Ifttt 4.^4 'trJ^flft ) jT ^"iiti*1i»»l.- i 4flw*. - M .MT'-w*w-« ¦ v«« -W m—tr /%«*« •- „ < 7* [tlUUA i lUUd JXUU

Tovrin merab ta' inSght object tb ttiat tpenaittire. ' Ifast ' ~ear, to'wev<erj np6'|i*!a srp*hdid; public;;Aaiiv4Sf;:i ua|piibsorij)•jionj froin f A p publ.i»! flame tin : iili'an<our canvass ty\as .bpartaiy weerpbnded idIf you taka.jsa a "&&}'¦,>})«' lexpenses ido!-'f :boat out !.'*f ¦ lltwtl 'gnbor'e

¦ account jdon't think we -win have any ro&ean > Udt-plpr© tlioi year AMI; ' ! i- j | • . ; - . ' ,

i Clialrman-iWith' rcgand ; to' wlhatr MrKayd feays jabiout'ithB , «3ppwa?s of 'Vbtl>o.-»t coming- but of iflurTent .'expenses vr<

i j noi, 46\ othorwist; Last I year ¦•»«¦w - i ' »v?j fo. ij \\i «f oumeni'j exyjenbes imt in1 -ear.

¦ . ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦.Ti.'t A»pof.t 'and statement of l accounfji

«• '.-[> then <fmt \ and carried unanlinioudry.

| EI.EOTMON OF mgfD&tfT.

-. - moving;.then took- up rtlx<j ejectioni ¦¦ itioer* fpr tbe iensuing yeiar. ,'. Jitt^nnan—Thi ' offi cer to be eloot-i :8 Vh.*' Presilenfr. and ' as you know¦ 1 .'-a? ¦ hilwqya ;be<a .euatomriry for -us to1 .:.. M ayor orf Waterford! for the

uine i>..iing as ;our President; : , We arei TV j>roud to have th* Mayjor of Water-loxd and tbe' iChtof ' Majgiiitrate] cho»eh bvtii » ropreik-'ntatives of the ' ¦peontle. Iiiv talte this opportunity of offering

n r .si iKvri; thanks to the tnembej-a of ihiOorporation of Wa erford .for t^he many'•a .¦ AiMea fhvy h ve-gn-en w both at the>r;.«ent tint* and in tlK pa^l, When the

i>i\-scnt C'\xch -was started wie had noLocal Govietfnment Board Auditor andtae Corpojatiori voted us a aum of £59.

I n.o;r kindnt s has etijl oontinued but¦- -»r ?enerc*ii-!y I iam eorny to. 6ay !ha.H

w;i - .| l".-caude th? Local (Jovexnment,^.>rd would not now allow th^m to givv.. PUm tor our ( purposes.. :l tluink it isuiy <lu:y on p a n i r, 'liihelM to tender to theCj-iipor&Vson OTJrv ;rn«* ssnoem "SnnriHs tortli« VindTiei*> tiicjy inav» &rKrwn to tliememberd of thii lOiub at aU'. Hiimes fromth« startling otf ^ 1ihe Oub to thei pre-sent ttme I novf propose tbo Mayor ofWaterford bo elected President, and 1a*k you to oairry the proposition withiiicclamatiion.

Air Mosley seconded. an>d the pro-l»< - ition was put and carrded with ao-. nination.

Mr ¦G«rald K allj'—With rpferwnce toi<3 rocommendatuon of officers fox tbe

cmii ng y<jax I utKknstflnd tlhat was a!l-wiaij-d j. -ft n the tiiaodd of the Commiitte©,a:i<j I « a» .-> juck by on inoudvmt the otheirn fe'ht of a name or name.- ¦appeaining intt..j pnestt rweomrnendiiig them for ofEoers.I oan 't .remember -at tJiw prtwont momenttiie oajite or names that appeared, .but 1« j uld Jula- to (know ii tti«r« was any paj--tnjuiair iruason for sitggvstiuug any oer-¦ ain n>eiflb«r &houkt bo vow far by theinenHlxTS oi the oluib

Mr . Pheian—So far a« tllke p a v e s is corn,OATjued we have alw-^yi iept our oomandtrUH> meetings private and h&ve not givenany repontt to tie press in connectionM- th th« proooedirm6 wiuoh took placeUw otiwr luglht. Nor lia/ve -wia givenany auuaunoument fur publication¦From the eomnrenotiment oi the oiub ithad .been Uiie ouistom for tlhe committee ItoSAtggrui Rome names -far Hhe diffeipsnt offi.oes. At ttu' a'ame. tinie tih» members ofth« ohib had p«rftiet Itbeuitiy .in voting,arkd ihe committed w<>udd not be in theSi igihtost ufienJud if tlie naiuk.* put far-wauxl ftvre not ejected. Thtire was a feel-ing MJ OCH y«"iif^ a o thuu thjs oourse wouldseeon a» a k: ud uf ducta-turn trom tlie oom-m;t;e»- to Oi« nit'inbere and th*t orf tiltemornlvrs put tou^ aird by t ie comani:ltt>;».-were nut oiecUi it ' ivouid b a biau on tihocammdi.U« So bx broiught the matiterbofupe & ge>n«ra.l m« aod the q'ue*-tion was put wlheth«r tlie uian.bia-t wish-ed the committee lo suggest Dames foioflioes. I wall ask Mr O Ilrion Do readthe nilavtM of tltat inviting on dhe eub-jecl.

Mir. <0'Brieo tben rea<i tJiv mireuto ofthe incetang statjng it WAS unanimouslycanDted the oomrmtbee oold safestiianwti lo Uh« rrKsmlfcTs ct! (,«n*c»n3 quali-6«*1 w> ifiO oftlocs.

MJ Edward Kell y—Thexe. was an at-tempt mad'c* 'W oaj>v«si9 me Uliis moruimg.I would rat tier not UT anything as IdonH know tbe niam**» augg«?ttd . bat Iwouid like to a jk m .thono any depaj .upethat yv<ar Iroir the rule'

Mr Ph*ilan- - Tli«re wa» rtoi The"Now ;" gav* icacourata part cu l ax !.T/nire was no mention by thw oormn!t;<Mof Che 6iib)ect TliY! preips put them ;nth<" wrfmg « tog»'th»ir aru'. inade a ftntc .ment tha: >u mot tirvn

Tho discus&ion t'laen crmicni '


Me&sro J .jhn A liyaii O E. , W JBoyd, C K Mei*<l.UD , Uiirald Keily, H.W Ualiy . und J Ki rtvan w»sr« appmnU-docruttneeji for Uie ipurposo of tlie ejectionof officers.

The. pod resulte>J us fallows —.VJce-President. Mr J. J Wnelan , 6fcTetary ,W Brewer , d*. , A P O'.Brien ,Tn ajJiuj.-u- Mr N Downey

The ruuues wimt rroo»»\xl with Uuuda

llhairniaii - llr .N Downey la not am*inbnr oi the oiuti H-- rcaigned and«rruU> to tlie .soonetary ri -.s.-giung rua mem-bership some time ago. A couple at daysago be tendered h» subscription ito tioTr«asur«r and he was told tihe Mot wasclosed and h<? couLd not be aocoptod with-nit cocfiul latron with the oomiruittee. MxDow ney L», therefaro, not a member ofthe club

llr. Fonnull—Mr. Chairman ho toSd mou say he saw Mr. McOul lagh who toddhjm if 1>« paid his s/uibecm.ptiiwn Jie ooufdi-ri 'oy the privileges of the olub

MJ . McOullagh— MJ Dowiruey wrote itotho Secretary resigning tfie dub. A fewdays ago he spake to in* avor tbe tele-phone asking me if ihe was within, histijrhsa in paying bi« subwaription as theI IAI was aleeed I told hum if he hadros'-gned the club and was nrairknx} off thelt f t I could nc' taJc« «ny rosponsihdLity,t/Ut than if tie *ent dowT» the money Iwould coce'p'. it and then put tho mattea-before the cormmtt'ee for them to decJwith it. That is my duty a« Treaaurea-

MT . Fenireill— A S a maMe.r ©f fact wasnot Mr CogMan sen1 T«>uiid for the•nancy :

Mr MoCuilagh—I d-d r>ot send him.Mr Cantw^ll—Why was thie money ac-

cv.^ txl n be was -not a member?

MT McOuJiagh—-I tafco all the moneyI can get (laiuehAen. Of oourGe I toldhim rt would have to -go bofore the <Jom-mitnee

MJ Ayuward—Now , what rule applieflw»th regard to mejiibexsh-p , if A mem-ber .resigns in July &rnd paye hifl sub-soniption ID Auguist \& he sull a member?

Mr. Ohaiirman—iAs tho question liaatxym raised I 'tbiak I can explain myparsonad position in tihe matter. It wasfound out last year that ho lhad not paid.Mir Cbgiilan was sent round to get sub-dcriptriona trom two men. Mr.' .Downeywas one of them. He <was asked if hiwouW romain on flie roll, but Ml. Dow-ney Hold Coghlan Hi 14 name was not onthe hat and that he was nut entitled to aguinea irojn Mm. Hje did not pay andthe committee took the vierw itihai no traanot a member of thelalub Oaghlan didgo but Mr. Dor.raey old him ho

'shouldnot pay a guinea co tta namo was not onthe. fist.

Mr. Fennell—When Mr. Coghlan. |cam<for thv guiiu a Me. L(j\vii ey oldn't iknowwihat it wao all about aa ho had. been inDutxkuv and d:«J not lundorstand ihow itwas (he » a.i oaEt>d on. He &aid 1}« wouldgo around and fioe Mr. MaOiilLc n anddiscover how he steodV

Mi. MxjOuilagh—I £o«ld not gave ihiaaonry in we iniwmation tiban I give yomnow. 1 got hca resignation lp , .writingfrom h:& brotht-r. Mr. O'Brion bad biare&Knatiion from ihimseU. : ¦ : ' •

Vu. Fennell—If ihp tendered hd xo-signatkm liow . w it you sent, lox; hisguinear . . . , ¦ ' 1 ¦ ¦

lit. MoaulIasHi-r-Hd left .Waterford andwhen he came baok ho •wanted- to knowif hs ricnihi 'be a member again,! be-c.iuae wben mamlxiraj leave tho <i;ty andcorno back again we try to got 'them backinto thje ohtb, ' ' . : ) . . .

Mr. Alyward—Will the Chairman kind-ly answer me ja qvrestionP Supposing «g«ntJemam's name did not appear on i theroll to.ri%i,t anil ha tenderod'hU,guinea-would he;.be considered a membexP i

Chairmin—-He waald not be a;memb&roi the club, -i : I :M 1 ;

. Mr. Ayhcaid—I aiavo known jcasejwhene it ocounred lor I certain purpoBee,

Mir. McOulLtgh—1 tav« always ( beenvailing to accept <& inembter'a i oabperip-tion vrfy ia in |«iiK«ii, but Mr'. 'Dawneffhad tenden-ed- 'his creaignation : otherwiseI 1 would riot have tnot^ht it belorie thecommnttoo. ; ¦ - -I " ¦ . . . ; ¦ \ >- ! : .• Mr. Moaley -Wihat time does iroar yearend? , - :¦ ¦ i : ' Y ' ¦ . '. [j: | ;

. Mir.1 MoOullaarh—Our flnancwil I 7earended on the 34th <H FebrnarJ1: 1 1912.Anyone whx> :{xtid fitter that got o« re-ceipt. ' ¦ ' '¦ t. \ < ; ¦ ¦; '" '¦;. ii: | : ¦

Mir.! Aj-JwArd^—Hoa*ny gentiecnen whopaJti you r sine© voted heire ttwilgbt? Ipresume aHl in!th« ro<>m vtJted.1 l|, ¦' ]¦ '

Mr. iMbOuUagh—I don't know :sohie 04tbe genaamensTreserftipoTBOnally'. | . '

Mr. L AylwartJ-^W«U wtppoae; a-; gentle-man' ixsre- to-nagM *** Jn arrriax* ampaid ihia «nbecrrption ainoo ithe 3i*t cloadd

. Mf. McOaiTah—If 1 te lhAd tKt reason-ed •nd mii ap hSa arresra I -wpuM tbfnk90. 1 ' l| ' I ' ! ' ' • ' ¦'

! • IMr. A^fwaod—^Tbe goastion A re«$rno.

tjom to toero <piiWble.i r- ¦ • • j ' .' j i . ;-. Mr. 'McOtfilaah—1 hope you < an't; mean

ihH. tamlf ; I would ncr {ake;I4is

iM^h£&Jim%\ ki,I icaponairr^ty.-pt - Bcser>iin*-a Gtbvsrip.Uion1 itorn ajiyiaan T$itia 'Jh&i} dl.Jiitei yrfl»WiK^ 'iw i'Ul>>ti*; aoouaShil f'th,:;! ooir ).iautt .'! |li 1 :< >ui4 oojltaW j could kothat' I ;<»-ttld Accept- infttatofeA iat Lt? ow akw«et !iffati » - i ; . f --";. ;FpTi i i - 1 :i ¦ ¦p-T¦ •)1 'iJfc'.TAybrwdrr'l 'doniti attMbuto' tb* tb-ma*k ;to. you at"«JJ- -W»J MoQulhiijal : I1 Mr. j G.itll.- K«01jr aaia -wihien otc-epffci g

: th-6| money Mr; McOaEagli: did eo' on ce >ta i ft conditions, and W toctui jbt • tie, men >¦bi".- 'pieient: could «4ai)y; Sde Dbw bya v.W'6 Aether M*.' Downey was A :mein-¦borW iuot. ' i • ' ¦ ¦: [r* .l T i¦ " j " f ' I¦Mi . : M(tetey l<''?wlv;en't, 1 !tl ;e'., leas^Wa'-soM ieoliRst-In iba rtiaoer on any poow.,but 1 |thit_-', Ii d« 'lUto^etbcr ja: inotteir for

.tt-ffl^crhiijitWo to

If exnd t, ; and -1 bwe' tipobject in eayinj soj only to t<x.low ¦t/tw pro.por oouree. ' " :. ; i ¦ ' ! • . '¦ ' . ! ¦ '• i i ' . . ! I :tiMr. A. J. Phelah-I .don't wisl io ed-

varip3 ! ony ctpinionloi iiiylown . It ia! e.Qiieition, whioh'-will lately depend op%Jt Downey's opinion* an. lie "matte*.S fa» as pi undewtond ' U(i» fcuota of theca*?, :4ro|. these. ¦ Mr? , I omviyi delfin_V;ely: lifmtered:j biTT 'r sjgbatloiii inKiiung iM it haa nitjv ' >b< on. . d«fjniteilirwathidra-yHn." It AoM been injpiiedly; botti|e question, Wihetierl thtat' uppjoca f x Jthj-"drSynl is a good: «w>e ik sujrely. a [maitkiroi-.- .'ippinion-Tto' sKtoe' 1 extent "ctf' i- Mil -'Dcr\¥ri*-y's pp;inion—-biitLlbe (Mr. Phelah)thought it atoouldi 'be tfeft 1 to! th Cantim'rUec to decade and if Itihey detedde he isa mciiber he has 'be n dieiftlared' lelfeotedTicar..w«f and theireia>ia !he wali ©ontiniifi: iV lhHt offlcc. ¦ i l • •

¦' : M

AfU) r a oonault'ation. (i« Ch-airrr an d*ieid'd'M r. PowTiey was aot^a menber ofthe Olub and deolarod jHia ielectioii void.

Mr. Prank Phelan was U«m >3ectiedTreaeurer unanimously but, d-solmed

l otfloe. Th-J was not ¦ ,tatiep hy ] ttifrHueixxfeteti , ^ MT . Pli«lo.w 'TsuhaeaaCD.U'X[dwded ia a<toep< afffi ^f- 'lfr: nownejiI fel t sotiafled w-jtb thp deoiwoh of r '. thjaiCointrtittee. He would , he stated,j BeoIMr1. Downey befoire hie undertook^ thiedufies. ¦ ;

The other offlcara and Commdtteoware «(k«ted as follows:-^ j

I Committee—-W. C. MaHcer, E. O'GxaotyT. TF: Sh->edy. A J Fanning, !. ¦ V.IPeJmer , 3 Parle. J. C . McOnllagii! W.!J Boyd. A J. Rheleo, M. V. VeaJe,0 R; Meredith. G. T. Ctoker.

Auditor*—G H Kelly, W. W.Robinson.


An Urgent Cose.

A Traraone resident a&kb us to draw at-.tentijon to lh« Sea Henso Monument oa•the Sta-and The tej) alab of this momi-ineni ihas .been dispiacod by tbe recenthigh tides wihioh flooded t2>e golf linka,and iit now lies dn a ipnooairious condition.Urtleas at is immediately (removed ito Aplace orf safety the iletitiexing on this o>!dTramttre landmark »-ffl! be damaged ibe-yond the rpossgbiii tiy of irepairatflon. Thesuggestion thait is maxlk- JB <tihat the <alabf^rould be placed an a float—itihe ooSt ofthus method of loiandling h would be com-Sarollvoliy trifling—and oonvieyed for tbepre ant io a safe Bpot. &nd 1ihat the mae-onry work on which it aiesta should besuboequentfly removed aimd thait the sholeiimnument aliould be re-erected in thoopen roadway epace near th)e end ot thw<¦ . .r mwialJ .

Ii may -wt be genefpalJty kno«m fchoJnnnat) orf n-h- Jfll-rfAted1 .vciyiagers on;tih«Jiea Hnrse weire buried in old Dmrmcan-iion oh u rohyaird. The pneeemt mounmenti.« not a tombstone—no bodies -are buriedtaneatlh it . It -woe enacted im commem*oraition of the many runrecogmnBed 'bodteaWhich wore waeihed up on tine ibeaah sad"*Hhi£ii w«ine buried Ln vajaaue plaaesalong th<! strand.j Tlhe iwreck of the Sea Horse i» <!he mostroiispiouoois event in the history of Tia-rnnre. and vveTyane who talkes Any intejr-K<t in tlhe tow n of tlhe big sbrano aughd(ITO to contribute hris rreirte towards thei'maorvation of the. .monum-j>nt on (the

jnand. And whatever is to be donehotild be done at onoo. A dalaiy oven

Of a few days frkay owsullt in the destm/o-I ¦ n of th»- i nscribed slab

We ahuJJ be glad to hear tram «nyonovrio is willing to gi-vw any heJp in thisttt tuf aex.

UseVlI Mfor cleaningKitchen UtensilsJust shake a little VIMon to a damp doth, rubbriskly over the surfaceto be cleaned, and all dirtand grease will quickly

disappear.For woodwork, glass,china , metal, marble,paint, nothing cleans' soeasily and well as VIM.

Don't work sohard—use VEML

( •Made by W ' ' ' ', ' - iq |!Leve* Brothers limited, ! Iand sold everywhere inSifter -top tins al | :

' I d., 3d. and Sd. \ \ \WATEBFOBD MOiNTIlLY :Fi rR.|

!. !|

i The inorjtylih fair was hleid; iljbnday on; |iBai.lyhricfc?n Own, , mb > was BmbiJiowing|;chjefly to Una bid |weatiherj prcj-lfailing. Buyers oAtcndod j frarq U con-:toes but |lhs eapplita wnnj ; jUmjited andiieniaiidi'waia quiet. Pirio<»r-Tihiiee»-y4at-

qldsj £12 t* £15; t™o-yearMQida, £9! to£lt:|W)artin$» £S to £7; beiA 4ba, to 66stpeaf jcwtj IrxruWon,1 ft iunited Supply, at;

; irota 6d.] u> M. pea Jbi/mijdh cows and:«pritigi*rfi,i qudat demand, j Moteer mansing;:'' al 'from l !£I6vto'£17.:<. Tfastejiwtty A^iaqge:supply! of \lqB but prioeft wj: fe e firef 4qddexnand kruate. 8tor<6 pjga sold at'linarni

jaiai-ito'J-^. i.jlbolaaium ttM .\\84} 'io; S3a.i ':.sawai with litteora . fttein !!E5 io-jM.' 1 lie;l.6re»[Uf ?feM ; <>i4iaL •;:! '.;' i j ' .. j , : '.| . ¦. \\

' . , . i!.itii(Na^OL JWc».:.M i- ! ' ; ¦

: 1 T I Tl IWATEHFORD. I - ' ' : !,Hex *- io wi •notU*' to bii JriaDOM «n.o

1 doirTtoHiWelrwd to:-Ibpt ,P\ « [T \ ]

tatipiiil ommnaioaiton*, fhoij d bf «d->

:^^S^pbc »^^todJ|:nmn^'"'^"'-'^'1" ^ ' 1^}^I . : .' - . ¦ • • ',! :

¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦y rJ 'S irihvvvk > • :

v.-i-r-NoiJEsj- 'PRbM :- '- ' :^r"TBE : FARto;St - GA2?lI[rE.r

' !¦ Qni'iiB.B- ;}-ANi! AkswEE8¦ : •• : ;• • ¦ I - '. ' .-! - J ' . 1 • ' ¦ ¦ i I ¦v ¦ ¦ : '¦ I ;- I

tl i'¦ ¦ t • ! t J - - ¦ ' 1 • . '- :- '• ¦ : ; ' -:;' prdss , Wed!;iDxtti -L baT« lij, Irlsli

ac qs-on whlch I braw tnrolps last sc^iibh,aodj U j ls; ipy in »ntiph to! pat oats; andbailey'ia thisI&n 1 now anditb-.n lay downto pennsbant!'pasture. : Will yoa kindly

:pa qel : a-; jjood n ixtab ot i seeds, i/ivingqnft^tlilesi ht .«a< t> per Irish to 6?

\ Tht*laud fa beaVy anarank; Answer—BeforeinotitlcnlDg I a 'buitaple «oed tuixtura - wa}

vroutd lisa io point «iit that as t)Ue lana ixheiry ftcdiaiik,.the bwloy you propose togrovf ,-wpnlctj be very liable to lodie, and IfIt old so lti ifottld >Orb(ipa iDJaro be yoou^grasses.: t/io fo lowlog uulxta: i-'shonldpfoVej duliaple, por Itlah [ aort i H lbi.',P 'ltjnolal rye grai 3. 9 lbs.Italian rye crass,0 Jfen.r ooil/sfoot, G lbs, t motdy, 4 lhg.¦ v

¦# vi ¦ 1 t^ tW m mm V* # V w ¦ * 'u p . r 1 g nr ^ ¦¦ j j ^ ^ ^**nw

itueiflow fobctall, 4 lbi. meadow le'son, 5lb*.|talfc- !fo 'MdV B ibs, ron^h icalked| bieiaoyr-;Srafeg,;31bs.'wbit< cloyo>, 5 lbs. oow graas,SltAi alnlW olover ; '' j- 1 i ;¦ \-.\ .. , : ; j "•'¦ feUli|'6j ban fcr iiarkot-TCaDi yon gjvo-

.mojtbB correct metbodicf prppi lug £re8b'cresml for tnarketP'-Ia tbore any processfor I jtnlcbenln,g; .Jl ; orjjglVlog it a richcolonr ? It a BO,' plciaee give it. I faavepot Jgot a sdpaifltor. -; :AnB wer -As yon havtino Beparntyj yiori oaly plan Is to Btlm tbbpreSm ioff tbe milk in 'tUo usanl way aftergetting by thbaUaHoW setting ot,preferably,thednop1 ee' lng[ flyBteni , naajrai the creamia agitable jars. I , Thero is of ciur^e theprodtjfli -Ifor f rnaklDg DdVonsbtr^ clottedoreanj whldn yoa [might &y.< We bope tobarb-fiit tuty 6) 6pa!tbiit,Bn} >)ec (B0Pp : The: to t\ \l»SkY'. xo ««t,tV * ;W. 1*t«>eo!» . :'i.*opni!»,(oiff-tb6j! : maj; now bo bid '&V-ftIf.p/c|i£F-aDdj than yon can obtain; thlpS orihla* cream aa desired.I Cattlp and Blnder twlno—Kindly sap «It li j eafo to allow tho binding ,twine orsbeives w |mijJ wuh tho straw which iaOBed as fodder! for cattle. -Borne of myneighbours a re carefal to pick it oat, otberado not. lilt 1 mna injurlonB vjoula it not bewell, to have the twine of a different colonrfrom tho straw so as to facilitate Itsrombtal ? .Answer—Injary bss certainlyoccurred ad times from calves eatingbinding tnloq, bat soon Instances are rareenoog'h, and j If yoa wish to be on tbe safesideilt might, bo aa -well to have tbo twinepicked ont I'when threshing. Wo areInformed that Bometlmca potato factorswllllbay tbe bbder twins It it* Is oolleated,for tlylng op potato bags, and if It is so itmight pay to have a little boy at time ottbrenbing to collect tbe twine and keep itfor that parprs'e. : It conld be collectedeasily enough without colonrtng It , bat wesboiilrl not 1 thlDk that even If it werecoloured the cattle would be prevented(ronjeatlngjit.

Meat for Fowls—When moat is given tofowllto help 1 3em to lay onghdt to be givencootocd oe raw ? Answer—Fruh me ^i t , snobas Hirer, light >. windpipes, p&unches, eto.,Bboald be b >lled ; the brotb can be need toBcald tbe food one day and the oboppedmeat given t! ie following day or when thebroth la all ised | up. Cooked liver willkeep 'for several days in winter. Driedmeat ,' that Is wha» Americans call " beefporap, " Is simply BOifeed belore use- Meatmeat , which1 Is extremely convenient to use,is mixed with fioVon or eight times itsVTelgltt of meals < and $hen scalded asreqnlred. Green hone ; that to, raw boneteoai the batober, Is simply oat into smallploces by mfcins of a spoclal machine. ItIs a good egfi l proilacer, bot tbo cuttiog isdeolJodly trodbiesome. Coohert bonoB fromtbe bouse are ot no use tor the1 purpose.

Feeding Ewesr-I am giving nay broodoweij.tcangols; are these lojnrioas to theEDlIlil or do they eaase it to curdle In tbolotnti'sBt^mttoh 1 :I. lost some of ffly licubslast year -which were about elx weeks old,and ion opening them foaofli the milk inoardk ln their stomaoh. When my ewesyean 1 pat tiem 6n a field ot fresh grassthaO'Was sotni down the provtous spring.Aro Diaogelslos good for hoggeta aa turolps,as the turnips are soarce witb me and Ihove a good fiPPPly of mangels? Answer'—From excellent of a flock of over 500

l _ . * . l » * • . m ~ « !> *. 1_ t A.%^breeding ewes, whioh were ted with bothmaDgols and turnlpn, we never fottod tbetoangels Injurious unless fed too early, aaybefore Christmas Ime.

If fed after NewYear's Day ' mangels make a wholesomeand nutritions food when fed'in sime -wayas tcrolpn. Bocae formers prefer! tnrntps,however, but at same time If , yon f* finger"or ptilp sonod mangels' the sheep snonld getno Ul effects from their use. . On tbeconttary they torm a r^aliy first olasstoodiand ire would certainly recommend yoa totry tjhem. We should tblnkthe curdling oltbo milk Is due tb some other caoso.

Cost of Bearing and Feeding Tbrkeys—(1) flow much should be paid foi roaringand providing! all food for torkeys mitU endof Septietdber? ; They;are then to be givenover I to tattoo- (2) How tnnch stioold bepaid,for feeding foar turkey hens aod codefrom' now until end of September, or by theyear ? Answer—tt) The cost w_o?Ud varywlthj the atnonnt ¦; of borne : grown foodavallablo, such as milk, oat meal, etc., andwhether tbei purchased foods;were boughttn laige or small quantities. In tbls casealso tbe labour of looking after tbe turkeysmasti be ' lnetadod and, 1 everythingconsidered, we think Sd. per bird per week,or 5l- each!to tbo end of September, areasonable amount to pay. (2) 63. eaob poryoarjnhonia bover all expense of food ; 6d.per month from this date uutU Septumbor.Htock turkey* on a good range are veryeasily fed '

Sweated Barley for Seed—Can yob. tellmo definitely whether barley,1 bought froma brtwory, and which hns been sweated,wonirt tbqrelfore be|lnjuriuUBly"aff()oted .fQruse sis uepd?j I am tuld tbe straw, IB liableto bo weak and will oot staod |up, but have00 p'ractl'oal. experience of it) roypelf , «ndcannyt Opd anyone who ban.; ADSvrer-rAgroai deiU 'dppen s,

on tho, amonni vt

ewooitlng whiqb bas ocoarred.l It fbla baagone! to tooi great] extent there ctrt&lnlywould bo danger that tbo orop next yearfrom! sacb seed might bo weak. We wouldstrongly adviso yoa In this case to send asample to the i Seed Testing Station ot tboDepartment 1 of Agriculture and have ittoBtwl tor goiiblnaflng power. If *oa gtt alargo proportion of, tho grains, say within al wedk or tendayo, yoa may safely u^o ^he eoed..

A ! FEW ! WjOiftpS ABOUT! GOATS. ;

Goats, It will bej borne in mind (sayB awriti dr> the "Farmer ' QaieUe") arigi''lialiy oim«i to <ihese> Islands fxorn hotcouritrios; theretore they do iiot thrive eow<IU I «i darbp wet land, and tb>y batexainj ' They do: ibfaat on mountains, andcomnionsi iThero .Shfej/ can: loamlas iiieyiai«.| wt fcnhat they uike, i«nd can jgoflo-raJW ifind aorne .Bhtiter' when "it jtaraa *floosd land; unbabbl sd. If tethea»9 out inajfkdd' tlie plaooj uraat he; changed everyday jto w fj b

~pl >t -ofT«r< nd. Choota

pboaon tib^ groTii d (or tbamselveal -thfa. naWell (known: pow, -. - .j ¦ ¦ ! ;

¦ '¦.. . . •[.¦.-J-'i- ' i,

!' Xhfc-y; «ioW.haoV8SMg..W U wntettorad.tan ei la| oonsta rt «hanga of- tood, wiiaonIs nw3t !nedessaii jfo&ithoi*,A goit, ahfcruld|neve' be put from dry foodtuddeWyjon, io Jeak y jukry ipod <ffi freshnasiJ except in «mau :qroantiti'e»:. . norsuddenly (from foeah loM \W>' 1 dry ; ,twashould iba idono !gradaally< «nd tihe coatc<y>t oa'Maii iraioonls. ol the;other jkiad c*ood vixi 'rt riving the-n^w| 4IJJ *dcusv»n-»d W ithiekihAng«i iili <i few 4a3?> ¦ ¦ ' ¦'

>Gtokt3l bhouM ! not be put wit at grass!x<3epi Iwim I toidlw ot Maoelv taU! end olipitif-inber il iiiodmtinueijfine. Radne

and bQatW erAaa l Are ! 'bad; lor them.Xhieji do hoi thawe "we|l on day) or;iwifitlanai taiJ no!.bettor jpo crave!,' «BHI best ontbalky wai 'dnainoi 6Oi3a and bills. N«rtWard tbad thwe t<»ts stoott'.d toe icopt on¦\ui cicbeu They |can bei urunj wiflx ocwe,who (take (ell me long grasses axid Qeavethe slvOTt lor the| gbata. I ' i : ¦ I 'I QotHa like' a vreat TOtrety. of , food, andWill ; «at;*|weed in the igraas'wbriclji ia todfor cows. They p a n eat olH. gradnp, gnas-$es, , lbiuah 3) l etc.| ecwept- jaw, Wjipdodenrdrotnsj privet ¦ «nd I prrrat 1 'bajriesj espoc-ialJyJ i totmlMhoad j pdds lofj takmirnpin,Jauml; leaW/'or bkdder1, ©enna; titeas areMJ ipbjsonotts to :bhfam. Bait is wry! ne-eet»«y,i «nd a, Ua » <pb$etl olj : rook «altahetutd iaJ «ya be bfept in 43

K marker)—or

llok,1 1'but eroail' Idces lOboald ; £fet *«ffnvn: as 'tilery rwjSK swa llow, these wlcGe,and'fn spring: tftrk jabie «a«t: 8lwo!ic '.bemixetf in ibilood. ] 'In: a wild; irt&te g^ats'ria ilrovel 'long iidJartaocW icb . ea t, «nd'fUl llSjk it lOr;« lS».i i ( ¦ . . "

Tb. 8 «houW. bi <pven ta'.« Terrc ieanMil kai attkerraqn |in cold -wealbe r; aft r

food leave lit: tor * qnarter (of «{n boatand' bhen [tfiko • it Away. Goat* on, freehfood wjll iw*tit ka i. than }ibo«e:<», to}4 go<d mtlkcr iaiwaenally alaaod onnk<T| tk>, tb v i sbtnua .foe, eaoOuTagwJj .toInnli iby'lrnfJog ft-Tety i oW»n ce, ' her

f i\V \ ipt take; \H, !«atneiim$9 tahis IJ t, a

;-| ii r Si ysjra^?piij|[D| 'iM rtist ,i hwc 1J |"fry i i ylidj' PancikeBl :; I te»:<tj

KQbnSj "(wV* ' 101 nODu) (9J > OO O PSW• met y r ty n -IwatfdJ Unit n»' '}*lteMM{te.'fYput rogeririipIJi i . it ai k Mai 1A1* Wf l ;}tn

niM l Ir-) ^' 'h '-J%A- Y/ :: !L i' 'Va?ai ii[i i":'- ' ; ' v-- w "^ f

- N H r r v 1 1 .M I r 11 ; , - ' * ' ' ' ' ;:v ' • ¦¦' ¦ ¦- ' H 1^^^ ^",-- .. . .;,. .— „ . 1 j n i l l ) i j .|1y>.

?rJi, ,rr ,| . | 1 1 „ u«i'>|.,iljiii.i T g?tt, !n f li», L J i i i i :

''foyER^Atpi/u' ': . . ' . '• '' H#ji ti: lwi!.L|bN ifj ^usa - JMrvJ-4! U8! :H i6

¦- jgm\ qVedrsiexperience T^ ;; I '^REMIpr^o; and vTMlg^reborn mend '-/^^ ^&\ !

^ne^'iyieiotte." 4P W& m %Wm

wifckTAlodua. .- lH|l § HP

i Ttaveliing- EepureaentaUYe1 'i lineland:j-Mr. $. C. Langxao, 179 Bathgtax: Boadihiblini ; i 1 I 1 ¦ , '

ANYTHIWGIn Asbestos, Rubber & LeatherMechanical GOOCIB ; Pa<i}uDga,Beltings, Houe, Wat tej , Oilsand Lubricants. Ala > Machii-nW, Tools, Shaitingj Pulleys',and, E n g i n e e r s Storeygeneially, can best be! rt tainedfroip |;tOCK & CO., LTD*rLOW»fR ABBEY STREET, '

DUBLIN.' EstabUshed 1850.; , 1

Catalogue Free on Request 'Jelijrams •• Toclcs.Dublln.7 TeterjiOM,57J.


AdBTCULI Bk. ' ;

^ Pado Del' fXlorto' ,: 0S03): ¦¦ { ' ] ¦ ' l

B5 Eager dam by. St.! fiiknAn. ; [A beo-titifui BOT Htose 1 atimdin^ 16

tianda h5gb, Tritli <big bon y splendidrein and e ouldtere, ¦ and built on! themost syiruoetrical lines, with perfectaction. | . ' ; • !. . j. 1 j !

; His Blie,: Eager, is « noble fine ijofee,and in tiie zenith of IhSft grcat form ontie Turf looked like ccffrydni 14£)t tohiounda. . J

¦¦ ¦: 'PASO DEL NOKTB'fi dam is by the

mighlty fit.;Simon. > ' ' [ ' ¦', Fee, £3 0* 0d. ; NamimAed Mares, £1

(Mi Od. IQwXan'B Fw, to. 6d. ' | - . 1 : ] H '1 PASO i DEL NORTE will etind at' MiB.

WiaL3h.'a Tard, BaUyibricken;: Watarfardion Wednesdays and. all .Fair Days; atK2U od Mondays, end the Tema^nderof week lat .the OWnen'e iplace at Tramcwe'.

;JJo Mir«J attended, to oa fiiWCajye. 'fle vici Fees to ibe pa-y JtJyj t&j 19121iGroomTfl Fees at FEret eerrceji ;¦Best care wall "be it&BD ff i t ;M««B and

Foate, but Owner will not ibe iasponsibTafor aceddenta. ' : ¦ 1 1 1 I ' ,';

For Wrtlbeir particttlais"aipplj- to •' ,;4, ?• IEAEKINBON. ::'draino<ne. |

TH0H6UGHBKED e ;F|0!R' :l£li2. , 1BegiKbered under !the| Demxtmeni of

Agricu,ltnre) - f ' !|

"M UiaSTJSR. : ¦ '!, . Folalod 5^X1. :| ¦¦¦'. > ¦ j

Tbe ' Property <xf MADRTIN : KENT^BDY;8tonfthonse .Kilmeaderi, Clo.\ OTaiijrfordi' MUNflHEB i« a Bay tHoraa jrjra'Ji Wwchpoints, ktand& 16 baxHA bi^h;\ydiix greatdepiii. 4ndi power . and, rmminse' bone,nh» iiv(*i?a , under knee. : I ' ! 1

I fHie'damJ Alert JTi., winnrir) of!severalF5x«t Pr>ast indudW First) Prize* ejWaterfoid nd ilTwk 6bxwa,'lap03 j <OpefClasses)}! and tied;with "Partiridga"j forFjrst Impel ialt iTerk, '1904. The latter toastawarded' First Prize -at Dublin I Show;309 '- : | 'I '' i ;: -i

' 1 MUNfiHEE-iSine ni a taaige numberof Prize 1 Winner at ti» princrpialt Shows;incliidiri Mr. CDOttyte fr-yearfoJid Hnn-terjtrdnner of the Champion Oup Kiyenl atWaterfard lor the JBest 1 Huntoi in Sbol.™Yard, 1911. His l OoDte are ajlihn^ at

bi^pwsea. : i : • ¦ I I ! . . : U."iMUN 'FEB will stand: 'Wednesdaysand Satttrdiys at •W terford.[indi the- re-mairide* of! -woek at! Owner a, Reiideboe¦ I . TEKiia : - i ' l i r : • - i r

G^Qtlamen's Mavei, £4 0s. Odi; G«xan sPpesl-6at i- ¦ ! \ H> ¦ ' 1

' Working iParmera'i Maws; £3 0a. OdJ;6Toom'«.|j F0es, 23. 6d. ¦' . ' ;| ! : . ' : |

Kominated Ntanea (fea f iX B l - by CoC%iJnitV»)i. ¦Qroom'is FeeB.ito &L; ! ; '

iGmorrils Fee *o ibe paid at First1 SOT •vice-' . i ! I ¦ ' l I I ' i> ¦ I i l BHDIQREE. ' |:| ' i M . I-

1 iMpNf TEft , by Yoiing Manfe a 'by Qja^dfen, by Henni*; .his; dam. AJIaf 1 ill..; <jfw|aiktor¦¦to l Manttty by peJectrVfej byiRdbesi& Devia, }.d. AlAJtoTiy Pttds M Pros:sdAj .ff.d. ynuy; jmnunderbp t;|«.|: .dF aowa. iV •Newaairwter; i^.g.dT'LadyFnaoces by venfeoni. :; J ; l ! i ' : h .- |•\ ff iot.naswei paarlicMara se^;S ntdi Sdo ,vol. ixx I D. 14): - - if.- -: - - j j i f - i j : ::rr No • awnlntwbility', far abrJ aocidfeatthat jntsri -hipped to Manes or Foala centtbr thia J>ww. : " ' ; i i! 1 1 •'• . ' ¦j -No- MiresJ ettend?

to on ttppdpys. _ . ' 'd

JOOGEG' VERopra.: ''¦ W<5 : axe convinced eTCry iarmet >

!:niikt! i« interested in th^fver icts |f &rivetli At by^ mbn i whoja e kbly ;Piiualifi 'Mi -. :o pass jucjgmei

on| the

j|, nfcY:CT ie in the "yeterinajy world/- jI which tias already feayed mai y thou- isands of calves from thej" tprpblejkyagei o{ whiie Scour. . XU s ejxc,el- ;] ent retaedy is the VVeteriiw Gpfdjial ;

j ?owide i(,"[ahd' ha| gained- th'e| well ,de crv ad '. teputatijan !• of: W " ev

er :

! 1 aifiijg cure."! : The Rev. IP. Pciwer.;:Clojima. ' says:-f "I hi&t ! never:!knewn;;it|i:o faU."- [ MJ. J. K >na.yne, - |]tfidletph,! Go. Co«c, ¦¦'wnj-fi: x f .ilidletph; Go. Co*, ¦•'whJ.« : Triri*tte1 inly. tfaing I ¦¦ have, found . ible: ;':tOiiure;"

¦ Mr. O'Britn.iCuss kr. ie}; Co.'Vekforjl ip'l!-, fottnd;.itiU: perfect'-!unife ery timeL", , jCaptBlwmfiela.'WlSfltlWaterfaidijr 'fffli edMny'.;aiidbld iC tras M bte'lic (tihd.? !:vm hc y.'fi"*^!5! : *& &G ¦'-,tti.ttfnSadrr it tte t>e$tik|i iyloM" ;oiM teoduce." J EnynM , OiC ,'\Mhxom. WajerfOrd J fW Wr«"bvf jwbich . ed %Jippel f *»"!'|.M jjmy ¦pthdri'-tesfirnpma « ¦ • are-jt6::-

toUiile li'j'J which.- Jsn-Bolor ; iy!i j-fl»>:xmM Wty ;Btii^J 41 srig&rtffi R »».Qtjay. Wat« 'W'fflfrt ,-


:»- L U: J , ~ ! iJ "»r ; f—» •¦?

mM^MX^mMSBKf;. : m> m ¦; s e

JTHJB HtBS-|:.;J i pSEijifiEAPEST;•ifdjISTEB ¦ Id.; TliJJ ippi ¦RlijpIDb^! i

¦i Spp

ifeili!TS^ ^L» li : li.: . :iiJiJ4i«&

: . i - ! •? i-i l'.H'»" i 1 : i ' . i r-.-J W - . - l i i - i rThis Great Inreiiiion -Bill paoBiico'- o

lustre trNBQTJMiLKD; by exq*. oGtar: ' . ' |M : ' ¦ M ' 'L 'i ' i j 1 ' jTlhe M., 4id., end 6}d. Eaa t/ ca Ohssisr

SUipr , i ji . i i p TJ ; _ ';j ,j] |ALL LEADIN

L, K>RE3-

mocm. ra.- i¦¦ - PAim PEOPLE y \ o-. <¦

:i ¦¦ ¦ • . - !;!t»uj ' . :-:.! - K1

. .P-!

: : . -j jff^'itl:! :^Por Porifyttj 1 id Earicilag tteBIooj;A UtMcizta \it froa'PretK Hetfa.,;

PsU NeirDtood Polmtlaj throat dc'

. . . .^ EefSCB» l«I«rla8 '- . .| .f;-. _11ui:; f ', 'Xrjua fil>«iaijji»tfiJnv E«ema,! T: 14'i 1 Serofola, .or KIat'»£vi|,rOtapZalat; M.SweUBks*. Bont'jDl»«aM,:.|B»d! Ltsi¦¦ Abi'eessei, Boils,1 PaOrUsit, JZiaj* -M! . Tforn," sn i Blood,' Boae, and ''¦¦ }

. SUn . Dluisei !pf. .. retr ;''! ' ' rlpti4a;wlll fin* it \: I . ' \¦ |;. ' asp«edyuu!(ffcc4 \ ! -I:

' . ':. toaI ,': B«af(lr. : \ ¦

. j _ • • ¦¦

1 8OU> Bt' ALL"CaBSOSTBLT; i'i 7» &«fe* Wi f f l i 'Wt/ f 'e&k. f(inTmnH'n Unflhinn On I T4Juoiicuu 0 actuiuo IJUII JJCUI.; 32 OTPEB BaCGOTl ST, DMUg. • ' 1IDisttQiiittu A«»t»Ti-E»T<«. Ooaxngbaa as^i ' ' : j BnMnvnJ ud.',pnblm.' !. '! ; ' "" : I

«t» ..mi J fte* e»w«Mf tr>Hj Scosr'l>:'(!ilm.tsd

P«Storrawi iriiii»rrtitliM:-.|. j r! j . ' V j i ' i ' iPraa >3 «• cas (^Mr.'iMar RM*H h tbe (BM!

' . Cain* mwaOr. Mr.!Jbo lu»pr^wdhlin«U to.

b.Oa PBMJC bcaefictor, «oi w« whh lUa rieb neeai-jr

-fu Wrt HofflatoKt- lUor SfJt itor . . 'IM ;-' . UnSdMoS Owaaotolpl/esln*wWcHtojtoplJM*.

L. KSUI, 1*98. . * • '' ¦¦ - pi! " ! - ; | ', ii : i ri ''! ' • • ' !¦ •, 'b; i(|(iBlaf>lilIi>'B«ic4r,iaiiha*a«icrwKtt.kai igs

to WL-"IrtiiFlimla(tW«rtd,-April I*U, »S9i. j' ;ta-l Jfatoclt fcwiUiteii-if il i I ¦•• ¦ i - i \\\V.

¦ ¦¦ ¦' t; |.

f*> Spectfe-1 can idtoits my ;iernw •j*A>o 1h«t H b »L n moat tantiuH* KanedT fer : «nM it*«' r«* **.¥' •cotnta CitU« Drtote» b»»f to contend .-with, tb (—;I "B««a'ia C>lTM,<S(]b«Ju |«Uch hUh(rtohu b2ae4I V«tertaiTT«Ua. For: th« port two voim I hare kadm,I IMP by lb» «taat.iM lotbt ItA p a tl xirolnhWnrDC yonrStwific when the lint symptom* rater. (Tanar1 fill ti rtccounrod (Limd. JwcukTiftlie an-OwrQftrodUBntrtobt wilboalJt ' JI '; 'i . : - ¦ ' ¦ I |:p . 1 ¦; . ¦ . . . .M| Juiet Brnrc, E«j, JJ», : iQ : j.. . ' - WaJMj>wn:Ca<Ue.CUte «wiirKSl«. ; :

A l''mat m (ftcr ' mtrcJiat* fat tadlcwc* ywr ' :U - Specific* ta tk» ma»{ li&WbloRramlyt era Wo* .. amTl tart k»4 trUh of too+ for U< just «» ytso j" laf»attl*lanlaaU«UUc1w^>s ammnalty.' ) j ; 1

: '. h J . . ¦ ; . .- U4icf. A aynf >.<*}&Mt. I j,rt T»ii tad from InTOtnri*J«* IW**arfa» va'HWsK PS* ta* ; : .l ! - ! ¦ : ! - , -

LJ ;"| - L i i f - UF- -»«Awn-SA w HOJ»r^«ff"t'«»sir: .


fcona fcwa .tmwtat «p j»tiS< OaJwU ;We% s

o KouNi n.. .. .: • , i_-, ; ; ' .

~ ! |. i O : l |- ;

I Aftal-i-QEO. ¦ XTHttE & SONS, JSfATBOJSaj!


crrnnrjQ THBM ithd KERVBO

1 : ! ajvnn ApiOj cbwoLO.- ;'ttnlAtrhim, TrnatBori with Ettidto3«.tad Qtcgal-DtMUty;^peedilj «ar»d.

% DO H0O8EH0LD f7"

; fl '. - COUPL ETE ¦;¦•«!* i- .;

K- r :tnnirotJTi ¦!• ¦' ¦%} '* !>¦¦¦ -Si ¦ i "- : - ' orttW' ! ' '' '¦'m- y r''i

; ' 013lpEIJ3*nf »aiteg.;'. I': RHEUUAT|I9M[ ¦ GOUT; f f' .

: qOIATICA AND UJfclE fX: ' ^

M; ¦ '.' -Virr - cliiiueei.- .D^'iHi. ,' . ¦ I--.-. - Bofli, Oats pad Span* j • l .riv-

. WITH AUAZIMQ BAi»l lrTYi• ¦¦v. -^^'':iMiBbi*ir '*Hiy-i;;-;i;-1^.

. : . ;; . , l - ; :^:- ^ ' ¦;. !l- l '^iM : j f :- . ljj .*r- ¦ '¦: '. ]

r,'; ' i /. |-i:^;f !N t'ij(*^.!-i;J! »j ' . - ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦

. . BWkl'L/ IT'li H ¦. •tT - i- - 'I ft' :, ::!; - ; B|Clii;lpgi: yith' Wo-ands tlut'>diSciWaf tw^M ij

; ¦¦ ¦ otherai8e,|p«iitopa^4 "W»n<w41!|'i''

¦ 1 on ibe .<Ttw»Trwfti' p& ."'H jliftve* 1 ' 11' .: . thp lmpree8lo»HJ!:sat.|*&?ittdar:!!) 'il; ¦

'the rfrin .bimpoJoodVi,wiWb|»-p' i; defies AU^TteeS JimMv*'; !':;• ¦twoIteD.i iUiie. io llji .ry v 5


:¦ ¦; "> y h ,i¦

. . : av r ¦

jg&Npbk MKFESi London. Tharoday.

THE POSTPONEMENT:The date of the TOtPoduo: ian of the

Homo Buie Bill hag again boon postjpon-cd, *nd it ia said tiuA lh» xeison ioi thopostponement is the dislocation of ipiibliobusiness brought about >by tba o«al efcri&o.Gome say that the cool etai&elia mcmeSyput forw-aad as a,n excuse; thafo the tnwceasoa is that the Government fdoee ncttliie to mai« pubiio the oociwnte of ithoiarDill in front oi ¦tihe ConvenVJon, to be heldia (Dublin At Eastern. If ,th» fatter as.thareason for .the. postponement it cs v«nyeasy to altar the,date of the holding erf theObnvenltkra. ,

rt da understood in Notionalist oinckssthat th« chief difficulty now ;s not one ofFinance but df Ulrter.

The defeat at South ¦MAnchnteter has on-doubtedty given tthe Gorvernnl-ent an uglychaScine. And just now with <£hje coal6trfke jm tall owin$ any disturbance ofQio poLitioal machine is nflrvo-shalkingn may be that the postponement of KheHCBIKJ Rule iBiU' tw iJ] be to /the advantageof iTvlaad. far. no doubt , many- TShingstrfxLch are now oOonvulsing'parliament «vndIho prublio will bo arrangeo before Eastnr.

TJItE StfFFIUGETTE OiUT-KRBAiK .The Sufiju#eMe outbreak ifl a most ex-

traordinary ixuMn«ss. Mif4 Qiris/tabelP»nih-tmtt has lUisappMnvd and the po&inecan find 110 cJue to the whereabouts of theAreii'-Distutrbereas. Amongst, Hhe chargeshoard yesterday iwas one against Mrs.J&eotxs, wife 01 liw author oj "ManyGaj©>e&.'' M rs. Jacobs ankisid hansel fby <br-ea3ring the/windows of if . Poet Oflic*Mr. Jacobs was in court and ' d ciLarodtiia't he believed hos -wife- 60 lx> ' .perfectlycane. The Government, he <idd£o, shouldnot have played with the • question offrsna&e aufiraco. By pTja<yinff -With' in theybad brought his¦¦ wife aiiJa oftber: -unhappywomen to the vasstrd pitch.I ; Tt»!» ¦magis-trate raid the the meet lenient treatmentbe could: me'je out to Mrs. Jacobs was amonth's impmisoircment with ihattf labour

THE MODERN GERM V X GIIiLGerman parents, «a e. ruLei Silos to keep

Urtxx girls under the »he.-jer|ol tbear owniainily, and encourage them in tfco cult ofdomesfticity as tihi domina&t faaitAiire oftbedx livea. But graduafty the woman'e"right-to-woxk" movementi \h breakingdown thia national ta&it in the FaSihpar-land, and mare than that iFaminism iatnHTig jtoeli seriously, it promises to con-duct the struggle for entrance into themale province with character isuia Ger-man methods of thoroughness. Etvildenoeof this ia foupcl in tihe uA U -Wainan Ebdui-botrfon" in 'Beiflin . an «-lwch the acihieni'VvmentB of the eex are cihown in every artfrom engtinoi'rinj artd httrsc-shaeinf topoetry and mxklkig-nia&rng.: The modeirnGerman gial protnisedto be very modemn."Hem are women la«-y«rs, .womien doc-tors, women aix&itioetfl , and there ia not eprrofeasdoii in -which tihe Ihighyl ediuicatodCksnoan woman iihas not ate-idy got. hoifooturpon the laddior

THE COST OP FUEL.8ooner or later tine public l\ad to pay

in (bigh<» price* if or grcialt labour agiUi-tioES. Travelling costs mati as « icaultof the Taiiway strSie liast year, amd «x>may be suse t&3t ihe coal CMS is wall 'havethe <sffeoti ot .pannauently ioawasing. thecost of ihousoboild tneQ O6al tuas been&t famtme prioe« ntfthin tihb Jecollocfjond thb Jiving. It was so, during thoGnimean wax ; agam in 1873, afU» theJPr»noo-Genn»n war , amd dione reoentlyia 1893, during tihe .grjwt stmike of theMkUand miners. These were exooptaon-ol periods, but tafcng- ardinary timee.coal ooeta tho fiousehoiier an LondonnesiCy lhalf as much again w it dx\ aKcnematton ago. The poor, and those u-hoIivie in small working-class flats, who canODly bny or etane a 'hutidrod-'ttTieght at atime, are now paying oip to 60s. a ton ormore lor their coal. As a jmlo, there istittle anargiil for oconomiaing Among ithiacVsa of (peopie, who li ie from hand tomonifh bnt it is diHerent tn Ivundiwds afthousands of the bett«r-.provid«I, middle-tSasa homos, and a popjiJair movementfor "doing w'.th. les«" might 'be ntade »wary effective nKianyfor JoweHng the highprioee of hmisehoCd oominadities

¦HIBPS" SHAiGlEDThe jxrodncton of the ooitil "KLppa" a*

A drama ithia w«eJc reminds 1U3 tha» manypeople iliko Mr.jiH. .G. Wells better inSMoh iomely fitorios of !i\vti liiio as"KipipB" and 'UVove and Mr. iLowis.bam, "th&n in .lliuse scientific ditiecuiry tonuMniuiS.irfth whioh tbe endiis oi this author ihasestablished lh£s reputation ola 4 novdkdt.Thait ia saying a.' good dead, for romanoe.Ho is a sort of liip to-date Jules Venne.capable o'/toachdng in a highly enterta-u-ing way, the jxrboiples whixh the &cien-toJte of the la*esr half of tba ninetiertthosntury ihavie made familiar to our int<ili.genoea. Much, of the faijihinlness ol"Kippe" is due to e3& fact that, in his«irrty iife th»e author served A ¦term as &<Jxapar'e assistant. 'He was mmdo fami-liar, from bitter <apeijence .i Ahi the pre-vailing Bystem <sf "Living in , " aivd ha*dona muob to let the light of publicityrir upon a trade custom, wtiidh oertaiji-

has many disadvantages.: H the f t o -<iuetioin of "Kippa" as a drama, servesatCl more to focus UN- ipruUli c O)-? uponthis form of emploj n^m, it will <Jo apuM io sorvioe.


Loitering In a Church.

Cruelty to Cruelty

The Mayor (CouncaEar M KiD»<m) ixro.«i<ded at lie abovt sessions to-dajy, whenthe other magistrates pnosent were.—Messrs. Alex. X«!wjn . Dl ; Ja». Young,A. HaJTrur, R.ML; and Edwaird Phjelan.

SCHXXXL ATTENUXN'CE CASES.K)e 8dhoo] Attjendance Conundtbeo sum-

mooed toe foUowing pareMe for not their children to school; v«.:—JohnLijmfley, Boau street; James .Wliitty, RoaeI*ne; Biciiard |D©ady, Uj>pei YftHowtoad; J<$f \ Flymm, Upper YcJow iroad;Detitis Dot^laa' Gtraoeaiem jjooxi.—A fineof 6a was ibnpxKett in e&dh cope.

Attendance Oijders were made againstAndrew Fleming, Oastlj amsot; WjiliamAnthony, trammer HJ EI ; Danael 0 .Ne£E,Clargan etreet : Wdliiain Dahcrty, GibbetHflJ , and Pfttmiiek Tuatywrs, The CKtta. .

Soliool AttandaBoe Offiajr Campionprored the ceoeal i ,

IXJITERING IN a CHURCH.Ellen .Ryan, who maiio no oppemaxux ,

im.prosaonted |by Head1 Oor stdble Allenfar having been 1 fatmd Ioit( nia3 in St.Palriok'e Chun&l on this m< rnin .! Mr. iWin. Haaftfery, sexton., deposed S10opened tihe Chnrcih at 7 o'cloik and hear-ixra eomeoae «xrarfiing ho Wnt up toGaJSery gncl fo jnd Eilen Byaa standing iaa Pftsffiss . On-a bench Ira; a' 2!b. floafeaaB: a, mitttri... • [He haH ouspiGioa on a>previoas occasion of sonwone jiaving sleptto A Confcssiona!l; et night, iaiid though heoaoally eapreWljf iospecteld ttie dhunchbrforo looking •np at night be Witts 'unable4o detect a trespasser. | '

Tbe Bencih ¦ fined itJhie eewnsod 21s. <x o' . . dooiil A ij ) 11 Mpi n )frypWfy]fpi '

; . I ; . HBGiLEOT OF Wira AOT) ILbREN.: . ; . John- Tiixf og)& !season., inns p«,«ecu-. ted tb(7 42u> N JPX)£L for iw aUng IbisL : ; : wifaind«hadien. . f p | .¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ , ' Sir. Keame, eo!r., • for tha Sooiety, told

: thetix ¦worj&ipfl that; tha case «iiu ibef ace'] : • ; «hem soa» 'weei» «go, and tbaii it (hold; ; ' beeapcy^rjodilo eive eoouscid a hirthor

cb&noe. P*nnanj was emretJtod'in LOQZ-' - i tocd aitar pdttinj tihe Socwtjy to a good' ' . . de»l of expenaej having Ufa I if<fllowed; : • from piaofl yb pjaoe Hiidmgl*^ *he ooontry.: : ( Wbem >h« w&4 Wonght jp at W«t>«lortJ he'. . 1 : w«a diseS»4rg%dby w.- HtBMr'aAr Mwnto.: : : ing to prt tO|-#olft. He did7 ) n5 tfave• ¦ ¦ ¦ ' '!] bSs .-Mfifa aS*."-tftW fi rst -we*;J!to<i 'a£ o(Jrti: ; : 'wwfcyiut lhft third wwijiwiMn^pJlto< [ < . |w«A «3t^ai ih5fl empCfcfrerl ttkl sent for; :i ' i him and hoaeft town instpnc iaa hiH irtfoH? ;. ] . :;: -j.Boft to go to <i« Uaion- nn:il) 'i«ar Hi»f :J - 1 -i:BoaPdday,;riq that, said Mr <Sem, faai;. 1 ¦ f :|wooJdhav* ibJtdf a et*rt.' le.wMiitKrw#¦1 v ¦j»on<.- -M<,rTftei»nei »sikai'toi Ihi l«jl*.90Toi*

.I t f .r-' lTlS tl .IhWtenNjeipLO.O., oor-¦

fii'i' '2 #?»WH«!»'»?e!;ca«e!:fcir>;|4J;/ ^.1cab M ««f|''.,«cciiged >l' farfjter

if pl»: i: i¦ -¦si n


A Surcbarrje I Remitted 'I ! ! • ¦ ¦' ¦¦ -: ' •


I i ' j ' . ; ' :K i! : : 'Doctor's Substitute. ' ;

The' ifieekiy tooetjDg of the I VyttterfordBoard, of Gmardians was hield ,ch Wed-nesday, Mr.' D. Hyiand Ereri.ded', andth»*re , v ¦er? olea ptest x i—jiitsi, lYwd ;Mcssre Maurktt Pvwi,' PjitijeJ; Power,Edward WaU. James Youiia J JP., andP. Fl in. , : ¦

I : : .iTMB OF THE HjQTJfeE;. ,

i - i ¦Rema nipg in tho hapao on 6&tarday,

766, as against 7M5 for . the Batoe weeklaijt yes r. Tharo woe en of '11in Uit lospital awi 1 in tbe fcver hos-pital i i idoaitted, 98; discharged, 123;daed, 6; in fovcr liasp&al, 2; oosi of pro-viaions oonsumid X137 IBs. a* against£122 li a. 2d average general ost, , &3.4d. oga nst 3s. 2d; in irtfixmary Sa HJd ;in feve hospital, 43. 9d. against 4a. 9d.On outdoor j<?Kicf, 681: persons ajgainst797 coi t in moiiov, £33 lla against £3617s fid


Tho Marrtm in Jus report ositd if <heBoard v oald allow th« inmafce the usualextra3 >n St. Patrick's (Dayv i

He oAbmitted a letter inm tiOxi Bupor-ioreas of < lie Wiatexford IrKrusMiJ School«ilati\ e to the. discharge of two| ohildreuriamed : Thompson trom thftt inatitution,and tl« matter was Mft in the taaScir'flhands. I

No action »as takvii with n. ference tothe citinas on St. Patrick 'a U&y.


Mr. Jlearne, Ctwk of Works,| deported;ihat jthf coiling in tlu> nigjit nuree'e roomwas in ji dan rous ocmditjon arid sh<5uJ dbo taken down immediately> Provision- hould ibe , made fotr « inoom i>r the nur-nwhite itjie ' cell Ing is boing mepa3r*y.

It wai ordored that thte noiea Ibe aDoM -ed two wcfekB lodsane monor ff riewssary


Thfi Local Oovwniment Tkaird urotostating! i that tiicy had undor Joonsider-ation The application of Uif ChairmanaggrwNlNi against tho aunchargo of £1by the' Auditor They found Hiat thetuichar^p was lawful W made, .but thesubnecti rnattor uhRroof w«s iaounredund/er such ctrcumsuuioes o,s:tt>.mak€ re-mit ort fair and oqultabZe. ajid Uiey hadmade in ard<y aitxurdingly.

The lotter wie marked "noWd withth'Ankft.*'


TTu; Local Government iBofirdl forward-ed extracts irom the report dated SlatJanuaj<S\ 1013, of the Senior DistrictSchool Inspector, Mr. Brown, on th,-J»Twkhquse boys' «chool The generalcondition of the echool wan ttusa'tted ai"\-eny 'good," and be added- —'Theschool has impcrovod, and on the wholevery good work is being doria Thepupttsvi eapseJaVy the seniors, are ai-toJligiently taught, and the rrJatione be-.twiecn thom and t)w> teaohord ttre vary.<atisfaotory."

The *iejjk>rt wia» coasj<i?r«id Aatafw-tontv. ¦


Mr. Jlichard Gamble. )ur*r (Cullrnagh)«Tote on buhailf of his broUuTe andsisters ami himsel f thanking 1i>« guard-fans far th«^u- voti> of sympathy on thedeath oi thmr father, MJ . GeorpaGambl«

It was <jrd«o»'d t!kat lix letter be in-«< led on the minutea.

R< lARIlBf>OrT

Tbo followang chUdren nwra orderedto be boarded-out OD the usual oon-ditiorks::—Mary Carroll, 4 yvare. withMJB. Mary Doherty . Rohar . do. Kil-kenny; Bridget Puwwr , 13 years, andOatihraine Pbwtw S\ years, with Mr*.Frances P<™>


The Local Government Board CTrot*inquiring whethoir th<" dofaT>7tors underthe Vaccihation AcU jn th6 EOlid Di-"-pensory district had oompfliad' with tholaw.

It was ;st»t«l that tliie BfllievfngOfTioer was making lhK> nvcas^ory n-quijifes and would report in duo o<7ur»'


Or. M T Gocx . Dublin, wrote 6t.-i.C1nfthat though I>r Stciphenson. Mjedif.i,OQVoor 'Waodstow n Dispensary was muchJrapiuvcd ihe would not be fu to t^mw«wk for tbe nwet fartnigiht, and hisleave was extended for that 'period

LOOTM THNiENS.Mr. J Ktenrrxiy., R.O.. reported that

Dr O'S-illivan havrng iiuotmod lumthat owing to thr Asiiaes he oould notaxrt &3 tejaporany Medicaj2) Officer to.Woodstowti district icir the wtei he pro-ouDod fch»: eeTVioe3 of Djr Carroll .Mwttcal Officer Kilmoaden, fi> diechau-gethe duty it four guineas a "s eck and oarfare Owing to other engaiera nts thecity docttjirs could not undortake thework .

Ft was d»Ki<l««J that tho L 6. Boarithe a.»ked to sanofjon this rxangement.

Thj? BohTd thjen odjoumeii.


Progress of the Work.

A meeting of Uw J uint Comm^Uice aJMivnagtanent of the Wa'erlarol new biadgewns lield on y<wtcr<kiy in t)b« CouncciC'tLiiunber . City H aiL Mr, |Jamej Hac-Jj ett , T,C , pivs.dod and 'iJt<-ie *-ero pre-sent—Dx . U ¥ O'Fiyun JJf , Olbhmel ;AJd«roiaD iThoinas Whittle, Mesars. J. E.Grubb, J.P., O!uricJt-on.Suir J M. CosatnT/: ; M IMcDonneJl, T.C.; E. Phelan,J.I' : P.. brant . J P., MX-'JC. ; P. .W.Kenny. JMr. f . J Foely. Secretary ; A. M. Bur-den, consulting engj'nefer; M.ri 'Friel , (resi-dent «ajinear ; P A Murpyiy, Jaw isdviser,wena in a ttendanoe.


Mr. 'BAm ien roportod:—J (bte 60 reportas fallQWd to dale, 22nd IMATCU, li>12. Thegcnerali px)gress of the vrorjk] 'dujring thepast iwuih h!as tx«n good. lAll thecyUndoes with tho exception >l two 'pit?™ol ithe north side have 'been oaniloted tocorrect jlev eJ . A commeooeiae at nag beenmade wth the euperstruoUire. The tim-ber doljphiw are practically ooinpleted.Tiw eupplj of tnatariala in the work has'been sufficient and sdiisfactor)) in'ooaKty.iTito OU-ikii oi .Wanks tava > attended re-gularly land satinlaotorflly to' t icir dalics.! Mr. Burien eabmrttwt' ¦ tho following,dated ton Mardh:—I Ikarobx J«Jrtify Ahat.Marsra.i (K' noon. Moodio iiui 1Q0., thacqntnactcTJ for the constnuotswa ] of thonow Water [ord: bxidso hav» bropirjy per-formed 'a o irtain portion of •Lujur (coaLrictand ara ectitk'd thereunder to|«i 'paymenton •aocqunll of two thousand (our Jiuadredipoitnos tn aa:—Total -work erecirUid ;• ... £35,650Lees 16 pen cent. ! ... i 6,378

! 30,472i-23,072Less ptevttma oartinc&ies

: ¦ j , ¦

; !I alBo| ottrtify that tho folo

ments iie Wue to J. H. <W«Hc Pemrroaar. £21, bemjrtflve wcelia

£2400wing; ¦pay-

saistantsalasy toOerk dlirrdon £16Ifor P. J.\&3; !J.1 ;: - i

/ have we

22nd Mardb; io R. JennircaJWarftijiia IOSJ do.; to ATQ. i16a being, ifiCaxy un.«dVano<Rice, CQerk of Workft- to etlU. WAMT SM di-ving boiM .-

:Mr, <Jjdbb—How nrokai <moito .bankf j J ¦ ' ; ' : ;

i floaniteij—NsaiOy £3,000 anreceived to-day trora W&Urf"Counca. [. - ¦ !• ¦ ¦ '!¦ ¦: Mr. iBWlen d«jw tatientiontaUfng *hfch was about'bed<R« Hid not) tbioi it was snfBcithongb-t thit ii the committeeHum ftittvftd bo ietter to hi

» £1,300rd County

.1 1 ;. . |.bo a band-« erectea.:nU eodbettiu'horisod?e jaa cde-

xtMy. Tip.dSgB wouldg.i * • i .• poJ table

¦«>d [ ot.- . ¦U tf OQk 4boi# t a<nr jn»

ll-fci 1*;

ooff 't«f{lrne ene«t»bb «»fci the ft«t Cook cpuaatua the fai¦the propoedd »»ilien'a'jf iy gswikn thaeeadted was approly-HAre ibo moiws)j ooantwi paidin


M*Sc*£ h .

¦ ¦' ,• ! ,: . ;


¦ n r. '*r«;i«teB: ( ¦: " ' ¦ ' ' ¦' • i_llii

'»TQ .HQBOV fpnnui|Viticcjfonl 4t>d:Nc0tusj iSodgodin tb»ibii•' ¦:i1*r i''fL'MiJItot$ ot wnjuiKUOm&Vm Mioamii


¦ I ,i 1

ifii 1 1 jj JV-!;*- >.¦

. •¦ ; • .,« * '. -v , . - . - . : . 1 , . - -.v i : . - i - : . - ; - - : i - : .. ¦= -¦ .

I CL.fvIM FOR DAMAGESAR Wo-tenfarcl Aesisea on; Wednesday,Una, Marearet Pottle. Goboia'Ufi, idain>

eil the sum of ' £117 lls &dA !from 1Ih» ad-ministrator of the late (Mr. Jaa. Bomon,<ii BaJJymacarte, Clonmelj money due forwank and labour and eeovittea1 rendered iotihedeoanaedirom June 100SJ to Maiy; 1909.:!Mor. Gibson, K.C., fox tho (ptaaatifli arJJ

Mir. Kiaahan, B.L., for (the defendant.:-|Mr. Gibson stated tho Ijijaiatiff was a

married woman indtad two dhildnen.Sba rov*ied .with hier hoiaband «ra to (1001when tbwy separaiied tluough a mtUe do-njestic idoflerenoe. Th»| plaintifl - itihenwexHi to live, with ihar 'brother, (PatrickV^alh

at Goonlaun, and H 3906 ahe: mot

the deceased. Patrick Bonaoco. y / ho, asioeAbtor to go ana mamagie his buBiueas at{B3fflotmacatte, as ft vat .running .down.He promised he would &» hex oil Tiitgfh/t.Sho agreed to go down and manage tiiadhop. It was a email coucitiry store) carxy-ing on baiemy and provisions, «iri<J thepiaiatiff bad to ieop books, issue br»irwiw vanmen, do houseBwi, and attend tothe shop. Far eome time 'before her ur-nval *bo 6hop wais'olosedi from monriing¦to etvenicg owing to <t!he iilnesa of Mrs.¦pamom and ithat was ¦wihy tho dieoeooddengaged the pdaintiff to manage theplace. She had a good . dead of haupe-woaik to do be&ides bar iwomk in the shiqp'Oftid had to attend' on ithe farm servantsand get. their meals ireadiy. Some timeftfr-or Mrs . Bomon d:cd and tiua plaintiffQndins tfhe buainrtis too mutch, for herleft and went to her brother .Walter Woaiit Oastlerea, in the Suor ;Valey. Here•Uomain followed; hor and rnduoed her-'.U>«t> , bacOt promilsing iher he womld giveiUy t any money she (asked and remeanborherr. i;he went back and managed' thobushvasi) until ho died and after this detntheiho faivnd everything had been madeovex on his oephew. She (had nothing to.get. She therefore olaimod for daTnia csfor the three years she had1 been 'in theplace. The deoaas«i was a larige farmorand ha<l several farms «ome mdles distantfrom ..'nch othe'r and .was also a wtwicontractor. He ihad A good many menemploy<>d, moat of whom tho plain/tiffHad Do cook for.

WiaJtor Wall d«pos-'«i to the deceasedeoinMx? to his hou. for the plnint.ifl andaAking h»ir to $0 back Tmuv w«a rtoirontJuii of morury at the tune.

J^mett Wall dppo&od he had dmnor atCaniJorofigh "ono day wlion 1 nwit <1: TTX1Itbgdher. It was the pla.ntiil who hadgot (he m a! rcidy .

Niohoi-.'ift Garnb '.e d ix^ J he v.iis a,boiker . in the cnip 'on-iiwu't ol Mr Bunion ,a'. CastHerengh He kn<^» Mrs Btnrion1o <ib tbe cooking and make tnrt'er

For the def(>nc« i; was *Ui1<*il tliw. tliw•p l'ain.41ff had offered to go ilhore 0.5 *tuooad no home of Iwr o»-n . Uu.1 Mr B"iu-»nitn<i h'-st mAe hn.J lr en very k:rt < I t». l i. r .That stt*» had n<vt the amount <>f w«irk todo ufc h she aU»-^vvl , «s a servant Vi-nsk<>-pt and a cttuTWDriLan arxi liiat she hadtven ruCJly compensnto<1 bv h<.»r board for th»- uane nru> »ia:s in th,. nlr.xv.

(At tlxe af Che court on nulrmng Mr Onnrnfan , K.C , imeii-tinn -d f.hat this ca c had burri fettle<i on-linrnid that n<vd not Jx» menUoned . the-d^'fftn-dant would pay the jury

Mr Just.oe (Jibson th>-n d-lteluwigvdtho jury with Vtv remarJt thai « puirvea•<\as ii«ru£y 2s ea<*h for thp tflove n gen-itilcnion oompaiiny tht- jury Inn not oii'i^oCnuzbtar)


Dear 'Mr EdiKr- The nw-eti .ng oi trioC-ouTVty Oounc l1 » hjch -in was a/t iirit pj»-(posed should be held on Saturday, find1March, wm finally ducided far Manoh Sifli ,n'iit Satnirday , Chat rlihje entma OouDty dni-pcrovement auin'mn nuglht be rnit before¦the Council , ond by ¦Uieru neiit on to thoTreanu r|y, with itis . .fveral proposalacomplete in reypfct ai taapo plans an<Justi-ntatiia. Work u nuw about beingoommenced at the Heimok pier. Th<-Dapartmeui of u^rr.icul tune liave, 1 undur-tjiand, written the 'Urban OouncrSk laakirtgthuJm to abandon any harbour roghrls th-7it»ay po.s.««s jn tbe ¦v icmi vy <»f tihe v:"-posod now pior Th»> Urbam dnincdl wil. .lam SVHV . piao' rn.' "betacio :n t3ie wayTho rttgrine^r who u> t<> cont/rcfl tUuu workshad alntady. 1 Iwarn. engstgod & (reAidertce'.11 the errvironm»'.m of the townCEXS0R8HI!

I hear that Ui>* Tiw-n Council now haveresumed die jole of t>eD6«rs in tho matterof .the fi?lay 8 and akf tdhes that ana boingput before iihe townspeople in tho Town•iJaS by travelling oampanie It is ool y.proper of cour.-se . in the Aalting out <irthe >hatl that "they should take reaaonjiih.epreeau'itfun.s that r»>thinx ehonJd i>o stap-tti w.hioh might cause onence

TALLOW NOTESTHE r NTTED H DuVT <3L/U B\ HK'eUtig of the abc\ - cliil' iU««k pfcuoo at

Ciurajflnsa on Wcdne.-xl aiy It was ono of"Ao ia<rg<.'&t meets "f rtu1 eoasoa The w«n-ifmsr Vi&s dry ami tiraciog—a welcomeosange from the extremoly wet andmucky wioath«r tixpe(ru*nc«d U VT dometime pasit—and unpart<;d a plcaaing cn»leihd1ani.tnig U'st w the dory's ajom. Short-ly after UJU—'U/c tnjiio a xpoiDtod for ihr.meeting—u movt- was made for .Fool sgoree at. Lawv r Gfcjihoujic , w-b:icfh WBSsearched wiuh vigour .' -r some tiinv wilii-out cesuJt. The oog* wore th«n <^alllc<l offto DpptJT Glasshoui*.1 whore Obey IW»TOmore »>iicces8ful . fr<r thay tmd swuncelyentered (the fylantfflfl(.on .at the northern&kie wliwi reynard was seen to ^meffgeand nisike for GJ<mabay Tlho dW a wornat once in hot pursuit , fol lowed by theiBTge oompaTiy who evidently «rtjoyed tberun, though tlie country was difncult anduneven. At Glonabqy itlht fax scema lohave found no reiuge and so went on inthe directuoni of Kiiihoall mountain, nurdthence across the glen to La/iken nih«i7v-he entered corpn. Glenffcmra and Gar-man's £X>rse *t OurTrikwKn ¦WHTO Tieit tniodb,u.t wiDiotft avail, and t 'bi-ing then w<<klaidvanciid in the ovemmg the dogs werecay d off and the. company seipanatod fortn Jix Toopecti've homea bavmj: had n-riwoa& day'e huntNATJOJUL INSURANCE

ITI -the MerrJset House hone r<ioen:tily ameeting -was heid tor the purnputk- ol con-sldoxing tie National Inauramco Act. MJ .QxaToa Govexnment Organifser, under tiheAtcrS att*?ndv-d and gave an explanatdoa aato it« pnovisions, etc. Tho attendance wndatntdl, said it must .be cold that the f ?tn-e|a) feeling on this eubjodt hene is oneof aparthy. The Land and Labour Soedotywliich it is <inteadie<d to form in West)\Vaterford and of -which Mr. P F. WniMh .M.C.C., ia the organiser, soems to bemaking sJaw progress.'M. BETXN'G.

A mei»tioj of the Town Improvenwrit-vand Tjeniperance Hall Oomraitlece •will1 beIhtOJ-on next StttTjrday evening •wftuca im-portinS mattors, including the considera-tion of ge ins itp *n crrtortaiinment ;fortlj« laudable ipuirpoBe of defraying the tax -tenses in connection with the l ighting ofSio town will be considered. Impart)-ant maitters in connectinn with thht ftpton-dud1 institution—Vh» Temperanoe Hofll—will also .be under consideration, and afull Attendance of imembera t& both, com-tniteea in expaotied.

The-; §isty-sis! Bopjk^i^ty;sis: delicious dishesore described in the"Sixty-sis" Recipe BpoliA (post free Id. fromBrowii & Poison, Paisley.Write for it).

•patchT torn Flouris:as ' necessary !to the c66k aswpper and ?f lt. . ; ' Savouries,Siuces,. ' Cheese '. ¦ \ and ; j Fishrecipes, hot and Icold Sweets,nitural Fruit JelJI^s, Custards,steamed Puddings, Blanc-frmn-g«|s, i&c, are made! easily artddelidously, at the j lowest ei-pense with its aid. j i ; ': j

W& ' ¦¦ ! ' . i " 1. : ,1 ! ! : ; - -

~~^H Brown : & ; Poison's

f!»«!j ¦! • PatentrI : ti Ao porn

JFloor for I economy,, . . . ¦" ; Yott;mea«)BJ^hbj||eTcJjj

' 1 •poootnb'Hpot heapeiL~gri ¦ Note!. die ' diffiarenclo.T I, : ' ;^! V ' : r " .j:-O-! 'Tj: 1: . ! - - -T :' |i ' - i ' - ' - - - '

¦ '¦' . ; f i " ;i i ;/'^


SUPJPOaED WED0E OFF !WAlE$.- <POBD OCMBTTI:- . !- ! :. - !. 1 r ^ -v

On Saturday a c&fea of coented epontmarked "DJJ.K" SaiWs. a IHabuay; withthe nam s "Koajutb, I Kiun>a" ! end aboat'e name board |With th« word Lubeckpainted oh it w«ro w(aah»d -Ofiore at An-uestorwn;to tb* Wateajomi: <JM4*.' OTtesearticto*'"wtere taken podsbeaioa of by theOoaBteiiards! ¦whp :!comniunic|ated withMs. ,Eaw«rd'Jacob; iQlovxi'tf i enit at'Wa-texiard,' It as ffearod that' aj i yeeaal'basboen i-wreckod quite ;reoonitljr. af t \\i» coastbut no information lias Ijaeu; obtained eato tbe size or nama|oi the craft, mar isi( known : that any vessel1 boand''by theooast roilte 'ih&s bees losi iThsr6 ( i3 DOtnuWh Ln Hho statement that itih* oaroa es oianimala or any wreckage except Uhefti ofwhiclh paxtioulars 'uppear larbove havebeen washed ashore! on tha coast.


On Saitnundagr evertag'ia .the. I/ectiuroHsiU at the i>e La SaJie Cjollcgo, iKev.Brather Philip, 'B.Sc-.. deHivike4 a vwyinteresting -and instructive lecture on themode o! workirrs vjnirelesa tejieffraiphy.The opacLonS hall wpa filled by a largeauditmoe, comprising Hlhe etudemts .andtheir friends and the Brothensjol tbe Col-lege. ;

During ifhe course of Ihcfl ieotnwe Bro.Philip deruanatnated tbp working of thesystem in a oloaT end Jracid manner.Wirtii- a miniiature appana-to be sentwircdesa messages fi om one en/i of thestage to the 'other tf ua givon^ (his

aiudu-enco th» advantage oi a ipnacrtbcal eochibl-tion af the modtu optrondi.

A/t the oondrasionl of <\hs lecture, thestodeats &ang "A Ifation . Oaoe Afijin"It may bo moniiJaiiodj that Brothior VMHph»9 ulready fi«nt-m'e3sage8 from one partof tho College Ho another idjilat theoperations engaged |mere not. vieible toeach othet .nor wdth'jp apeaikdng d&tooce.Satifxiay wight's lao*pne wiaa much appre-oiatied aimd waa a SOTUIW ot oSelrfl know.1«»d$re to those wlir> had the fdoasuio ofheing pr«5ant .

O()LF LINKS FOB VfATERFORD CITY\rrangement8 hav£ twun oiad- * to Jay

.nit goif links at the Vear of KnookanvCast* on the auimnlt of Mount MieejwTiie site was Tecen'Jy aoqurrtd by Mi.(r- iro Nolan.

THE WATERFORD HOUN DSIt :8 bltaJted in the "Sporting CSuronicle"

or«d otlvor rmwispapars that ILr. JosoplhW idgex 13 baking over the WiattarfordHtmrvda. We ainderatand that this state-m«mt- is dnconrewt and tout it is Mr. E.Winston Baatron who has arranged totalre .j\'ysr tiie hounds next year Mr.Baopon wi'i f na them lor one seasonftoccirdirg to pxesent jviTrangements. !Phlarew ;Jl l>e al>out Pwo fl icturos a week. TbeKennole are tio iremam at OurTaghmoj»5,but many wtiU iregrett to (hear tlhat thepftcik vnil not be under thle vtup of WillHayrK'S, wlio has 0iyen notioe at resign-ing the bunrtsrmamJhip after thia eeason.Yhevo Is no doubt tihat TO, damns hisr«-ien at Oumaghmoire, ¦bred the finestfor.n.mnAi :n Ireland

H > M E RULE XXT) ITS ENEMIES1; is sigafncant Jo sew a powerful

tnturtilily wi Oh live particruiarly Saxonno'iie of The Eng liSh Hevina devotingsome fltwen pages to an ar'Uiole on HomeRilte, in which the hopolfeaaness of thoUnionist fight ia shown in ¦the most con-rinou ng manner. The ouitrent mnnber ofthe Ktview should beorvad by ail N«Snona-kiBW who desire 10 howo a masteriynsume erf OUT oonrftibutionol stmiggle forsnllifiivwnmiyit. In it they will find ex-actly why tlw Unionists call themselvessnu h . aiiJd exactly why . frw.^y as* so de-&po.T«t«iy «nxiou* U> crf &tii B Home Rulecriiita


H>«' young man who wiai> aTr<^Wi las',wftak on a charge of misappnopiriaiUngturns of money received1 by Him on be-ruilf orf hi.s eiiiployeriS, bT>?- rproprititar.i ol<'«rrjek-on-3uir Brewery, wilt) , w<? umicr-staml . t>e again taJden before a magiii-trat.- on 8aturdoy on the termintlon ofth< c:ght day* remand. It is po-dbaM*that a furtivar remand will .be gTantodu. lenablla th? proeeootion to completeth«" avidenee.


1. LS with feelings of regret that weanj*iun>cx.<i yestidrday the death off "MrsEiien 0 Reilly. oi Boudgo fitreeU Waler-foro Tht dieoeaaed was wife of Mr.Wiilinm (.)'R?illy , car proprietor an.lhor5 deader, with whom and their Aon^ami .laughters much sympathy will befeh. Mrs. O'Eciily, who ivas of a quietan.l (tfmrica'bte disposition, had been inindifferent health for some little time,and despite careful nureinK and medicalattention , she passed to iior reward atat»»ui. nijue o doeik yestorday mooro-11 i-c The remains will bo takrai to theCattifdral this (Friday) evening at 7cviiick . aivi the funetrad \rill t«jci? plac»>aft.T <)rTic«i and High Maes on SaturdayU. BalljbrJcken.

DB 'i 'H OF MR JOHN W 1LSHT\- .K ^> h t.rok place on Saturday at

1 ¦ r- i ' i ' - H v . Inohdcore. EVublin , of Mr.J :^n \Va ' -'!i . who wa6 a native of thise i j 1'tue (deceased wps aa upholster*r byi,na<t»' IITI 'I .aix'Tit a niiimbeir Cif years IMXVin the tmp'cy of like Wotarford andDur.KfUTvnn Ra.: !nr.ny (j1<>nfi(wmy . On th« ab-* rfrtrjon of tl>e Oomp<uiy by the GreatSimi rwrn and Wes^oro Ratl'way Com-p»i "i tie TO.1 t^ansfenvid to Inohionrew^tr.k 3 whore he wa? err»ployiod up to thetitn* of his death F'i Iris vonnpor d«uy»ti.> rp.sid-d at New Pt-.x>t The dfwwsodl - Oi a promirtend part (in rtlb* '67 m<r\Te-mnnt and was a consi5?tent Nat.ionalrrfRETREAT AT THiE CATHBDaAL.

The annual retreat far the female andma3ip members of tfhe Oonfraternity ottfw Sacred Heart will be opened at theconclusion of the 12 o'clock blase in tileCathedral on Sunday, 17th Marcli, andwill continue for two weeka. The first«wk vv-ill ,be for woinen and fhe eecwadw«>.-:k for men. The \ retreat vriti be con-'1n<-bed by Fathers 61 >Uw Redemptorist')rd<T . Lunerdrok. I



Founder of Watcrford College

A cahlosnam to itflifa- De la •BoTie Ool-lqg« announces <th© feath.of Rcvd. Bro.JiEjtin; Wcilahon, Provincial of Chte D^la Sailo Ordar, NeWiiYoxklj at I A ripe olijage. 1\h« ; dooeaaod:i' rdHgueae ¦ was ,,.4natiro j 1 of -i Caehel,*: : Oo. . Tipperary,; ,"an4spenjt jboane . <jreaxs' :tn!j iWewraoid: '..vwWAS Bupeiior at fiteffihcn jStrcct'Cohomsfrom:'£3 to '03; and jnighrtji bo*vaid to botho founder of (the De la.BaOlflColllGei; ctNovrtown,1 for it TvusiTOhflj it fhtei was her^nogotiations were flrai ee^iloii foot iorits etootiibn, 'Before! coraW to WfiUJar-ford! ho; w*a Pxdrincit4 ofji^oe' provdnoiof Oalifornia. He -vrna , subsequentlyPresident; lof Manfliaitan Oollege, Paaraictont of DB la Sailc: OOJMJM, fSti. I/OuW.and latterly was Pxovinoial oil the Ordarat Nowl, York. . His ldeath; tfell bft'itearnodwBth d qp fejivst :on i both;! eidea oi IheAitlantie. ¦ ! . : i - . ¦ ; | - I : l I :

jauBuns i'lxiurea ;

'WATEBPORDoioiJiNDiS. v"": , l ! : : i - MARCH. . ¦: :

Monday aith-^Kitaiactlhamaft.I tirsdayil4th}-ti«cedi«iu. I '^'Friday 15(i— 2>q.nrwr. i) |

.Monday 18th,—CorrdQa OKKS , '¦•Tbnraday1 aist-HoJy! CrcraTi . , ' '¦Friday &nd-Ownta«. , ' \ - \ : . ! - .»»•;

• , : To -finish - ilia! oeako.i • : < '. ';':'

; ¦! : : ' '¦¦>¦- '] ¦

I : . ! i i ¦' ¦ 1TOiTfcTJEVMvn i*TTi nbiif/ttmIT<ik*<M^«* u*M/ 4U1V ¦ 1 J-™ "11* ' lYf fT

: . . . ; : ' I HASRIEES I ¦ i ' ! | ¦ i ^¦ ¦ ¦ ] ¦ ¦ | /! ' - MABOH. 'I ¦' ! : i ' i L"

SatMay 0»h-i-5 X Koada Kflbturr. :<i. ¦ ¦ '. [ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ^UJK o'docS.1 ¦ ".• ! . ; • : , ]

TIP^BRARY FOXHOT7MI>3.. i ' ¦ ¦¦ • •¦¦¦ ; '¦: '. : ' . , 'FlXWKBa. I •¦ I . - ¦ . i • >v ;¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦

.¦-; i - i . | i ; m^dSi I ; ;; i - : \ \Saltrttrdsy.ia-MHemriok'B Qtcaa' '. : . -=i

: Mo'ndajv-^—Neifl'Inn, jl^

i . '/i . ! - . '>

' SatmSUy^ lV-<k«¥8towooEtt2e' ' > '' ' ; : ¦¦' ';2_!J i !l^W 6 Sdk, i|. 'Tj j^ ':¦ -. -: ¦ • .]rc430.UbVUK| ITMAK' OVpT'cniPB Bsd'OCW j; • • ¦• ,{i:^ °£g^*gj»i t-i' \-\ " *•

\ . MIXK PANS Ajrp_BDOKEl&. . I : ^! t o i m m n M t atiu*' ¦ ' ¦;¦

M&M&MM wi$Mi Ammm isii ii

nJ -. 'H .t:- :. : . 1 . '. r :-;.; U A . >. q -- : l lJ -. '!M:- :. : . 1 . •. |- p - ; . . : \ \. .

¦¦ [ [ , : ¦ ! : ; :] ¦'- Itom^mwism^

^ [ ^'¦Jt' qi -f- ^i:\- :) !-4fer,^^4~-l '' :M ' - - i -:} [

l.45-ibU35FBW; ¦ MjAliDEiN' i ;-aUM>lEH : IXAjOE|;ol 70. eorau—TwojtoiJda.' 1 ¦¦ . ;

' Poe4iLwinaatc^<Tiladgi31>: A 4, uembani

2;i JOianicwd Btrtid,' 3: , - '. | j ¦ I i -|! j ' }¦;M4o\ iah -Honn 3Wk, 'South 'Sown;aridTlAnesthetid;. '< |! . ! i • : ! I j j ' : '

:(Betting :i»', S east?-wJtane«_J !• ! I2ll54^EUCVlEiB ': iSEitiLrNG; j BxE[EIPIUB-

; OHAfiE of 70 eovs.—3Vo \tnSes and.¦ ! . 10FpS«iflt -^. r I I ' ¦; 1 1 1 i I ' I i(0ai5taui!iBell:|<,W, I 'Paiym, 1; Ulnte, 3;

Peniwat,' ;.S« ; :: ' .¦ j 'i -I 1 1 i , , : iAl^:Tanf-tAic&aJicn]Si an4jShiiD4x; iLI. 1BetlingLi-T ito'i A ori rannfen: I 1 i J2.45-4&KVCKraiJL I! HA DttOAP. HTI1B-

E>LE i BACE jofi 160; aofra Ewo; ooQed.Lin^ga '(Diilter), M FopJ 3;, Avmroa, 9.LUSO rak—iBoJavii.l'Quii.btio 'j B a t i b, Btil-

chi fthd~

Mistop3 ! F oririL : , \ ¦¦¦ r ,

Beitfngi—3 ;i toj' !il ' afeati '¦ -winner. ¦3;l6-iFAiSTAFF : HiANiDIOAu? j OTBE(-

PI^ECHASBJol f t BOSTA—Tyro miteand 100 yards;.ii ] ' . ; ' ¦ i

2; Snap., 3. • - ! | . : i J , ' ;AHIb ran—(PeM FaqrreBy and Riviera. ;Betting--* toi 4 ' sgst wahner. ' ; . :

3.45-i-FKiavY !! BElSilNia aU-RDiLEAAJOE- af 70 so™,—Trwo milBa. r

S&.' Baltic I^Baryrne). li The ' Rifl, 2;«)ed i !«hoirk , 3.1i' ' i! I

Al$o ran—Boabda II.Betting.—2 U>i n on! winnor. !

O5-J1URNHAM i OTDEJEPJiEOHAfiE oi75 sovs.—Ttkae inileo. ' : I

(Bridge IV. (Pool«): -wialKed over.


HiURDLE RAOEi of Oisova.—Q mites.ObtrudGr <GOE)W»!I1), 1; Imperial ' Dj.ver,

2; French Bomiety 8. Betting;—U to 10aest -winner. ' ' J.2J5—MAJIDEN Sl\EEPLECHiAflE of 70

siovis.—Two mileft. J ;Bftttietq <R.; Wjafd!), i; (Diirnploa, 2;

ShJUott, 3: A3s> ran-j- rW Gejneral.JBettonc -6 Id 5 'ori Wnnci. ', :

2 46-HOOTON PARK HURDLE RACEof 600 6ovs. -Two mtDcs.

Henbejt Vincent (Ekrl)l 1; Phune, 2;8alamandar. S. . ;

Also ran-^Licus, 1 KirliMcoin, Gora^M<iKittrid«e ard .BuarnoTia.

BeUing—6 to 4 .vogat winner.3 i.v-MBRSBY SEELING HANWOWIP

STEEPiLECiKA'StEof to sov*—2 mOea.OaJn.naai (N- »w«y)i , 1: j Kin s (Pluto, 2:

(XstltMiijatson . 3 Al^o Tan—Young BucikIJ Dodger II.( Mylpnidoo.

.B<-t t mi;—6 toi 4 on winiaer .3 4.v- ROaeMQRE WJiLTER FLAT

RV OE of 300 «ovs.—^Two milos and o(tiart 'J o .rrt.tje flat.

Sp.otney (E. Wh^atkv) , 1 . Bloodstone,2 . D-ilnodaroph, a. Also ran—THLetorj,OMIW , WiawjJesB, PTic6ta,«B;rid Thlar.-inoni^tca- . iBeitang^T to A aval winner.4.15-iHtWTEHS' itt.*NJMK3iP STEE-

PI.POH.-ASE qf 70 swVf>.—3 miles. :ir-itury Princi> <M!r H TJ< ^-1. Parn-

»ist . 2 , .Uthiroyl 3. Ahso Tan—.Prter Sim-pV B.!tting-k to. 2 ag«t winner.


BUTTfiR—On Satmriday last lowftrkin6 ol batter wore solo in the cityinarknta from 113s. to l2to- pw cwt. 83a^a>ni>t 12 firklna COT the contespondingw<«K o< iast y;uir -wiben.' the price was90J -to 104&. ¦ ,

Hay—70a. toi 60HI per, lion tor firstquality ; Interiojr, 65s. to . 6&s.. per ton.

Straw -Oaten, 60a. Od. to 67«. 6d. perton. i ' '

Wheaten Sheaf—100a. p e l tonTucru.|>$—12s -to J4B. pin- ton.Mangolds—14a ioi 16&. jwr ton.Potatote—6d. to 6kl. pit stone (whals-

iM&e) .PIG8-

BaJlybrlcken Report-|-Baoanfl, toppnioe, 50a JOllar Reportr-Top jlrioe, 4ft=-. p aswt

FTHH AND POULTRYj-Messrs. Flyiu,md Younff return Vrootiiion* is onderSalmon, 3a id. peaj Di); trout. Is 3d parjb . sole and tttrpot, Is. 6d. per 2b. ;uhll , .Od , cod, hiako dind plaice, 6d.;

dory. 6d , haddock, I *fJ-; ten-rings , ls par doz.; -whiting;, 2d toid. eaoh. Good suppHefii of mixed {har-

bour fish. ¦ '<POULTRY—Chidrens, •»». ed to 63. par

pair ; ducks, 4a 6d to fc p4r p*ir ; turkeyshens, 9s, to 123. par pair/: cook«. ICJ. to28s. per pair ; n&bbits, 8c «cch. Bupptyof tuirkevj scarce.

Eg»8—103. to 10s. 6d. ptr i20 for ducJwAnH ri«n«

GRA LN—Bhaxik Ot*-Vcr>- dull ot :1s. Gd. per

barrel.Barley—None offering.Klour—20s. to 301 for :retail , and 333.

Od. for best bakers.Red Pollard—1e. Sd. ti> 8s. per ewt.White—0a. per cwt.White Bran—6a 9d. to 9s. per owt.Rod .Bxan—76. 9d bo 83 p e r cwt.Barley Meal—17s. 6d per 2 cwt.Indian Meal—20a. to 2&. Bd. per sack.

Kelly and Od., Ltd—Irish Flour, 29». Od. to SOs.Irish Red Bran, 7». 6d. to 8s. per cwtIrish White Bran, 8s. to 8s. 6d. pen

cwt.Irish Bxowa Pelted, 7a. to 83 per ovrt.Irish White Polterd. Be. 6d. to 9s. per

Irish Barley Meal . 63. 6d. to 03 pelcwt. j

I ndian Meal, BOA. 6<L p* sackiliest Engii&h tuiiseed Cake, 12s pen-

cft-t. ' 'Pure Crushed Fbjx Bood', Ss. per ctono.Dwortieated Cottbn Cake, 103. 8d. par

cwt . j!..-tsh Oatmeal, 3J9. pet sack.Kelly 's FMak© OatmealJ 13s 6d per cwt.-Kelly's OaHfiMeal 2s. pw etane.Foreign Linssad <Jike, ilia. 6d per enrt.

STOCK EXCfiAKGE PRICES8th March , 19)2.

24 % ')ODBOLI — I ._ ... 77JJspao li % Klriit . l3-.uc ... 97JOrand Tmnk .Ofdlnary ... 23j

Ditto Ut proferet 00 ... 110}Ditto 2nd; do. ... 99Ditto 3xdj , do. ... 52J

Moxtcsp Railway | ... ... 494Ditto let Pfofereico ... 1374

Central Argonttoe Raliw y Ord . 106|Atchlson, Topoka |& Sac 'a f i

B. B. Com. ... „ ... 108}Baltimore A Onlo . ... ... loiiCariadlao Patilflo ' ... ... M5JErie Railway I ... .. 34 IMCOntario bad Western ... ... S7ifenaRyljcBnld ... . 03 jR< utborn Railway ... 29 11«16Boothorp Polclflo 121J0. 8. Btool Corporation ...6015-16Union Paclfli .. .. . 172*Brlghtoo "A[" 'fle thoa) ,.: 118!Caledonior D.-.-ierw O ... 20jG'f a» KI.S4erjn ! ... ... 6i{N irtn BHHi^ - .'. StgNortb Ekstorn Ooo; ols .!.l .1222GroM' WeBtem j : u« :.J H7J

ittlidl«nai .. .... 1: :... . . ¦ i.1 i 71,,IionaoD (S, No«b WistirD!• ' - ..i 1332CnaWp<Jo!|8ot)tbjAfrlC£ „! 26/3 '

.lCon'«>U(Jiitca Qol4 fl 'elds ... ; tt& ¦¦B»nk. ol ;ttela!na j j j !. -'- • ¦ .U . • -275

' UnnBter;a'nd !Dotnsto( Banb .1.1 ' 4- :

r L - ¦ n i ! > ry6v WILL

1 , . FEEL f t 1:—to aft 1 popnlorexp vuiai —!wh« 1 Voa tuva <iperii oeedjui*Jlnflfjcnco of iBeechii i'* Pali»rer •tomlodi ioi Ihrerkroublci.L, .; .1 1. > I : t:I aoy • msa j

or womul whojwi oeep ed to try thtko, wh leJtill icjepticat it: to ihiif vji 0,ha* dUcoVered wtth irett 'c e-il<ht 4»tjthey hsr« ¦Tvrbndt r-foUjrljwificio^ effect. So

if,79a need |i dlfesUrt tojoiq, at ifTQo in oat of tori* !a tar.wi y,Voti will y trf Mo ^a Hnd yourl :l<Icnjoybi thtt j beit .ol . bet' th

lUtnU&ulumttiHiUailUui In.

'-FniniirHB'HBWB ipilo iec Watcb Tth 1882;" ;;¦: j j r .- r .; i_|il\;;*! : ii ': : ' • ¦;¦ itH B PAS8A!&iE5 ilUL LWAXl Blbli. " :

' We- percelte |thrt; the iTVakertonr anaPassage Railway BUI hab pass&I th Honsoot Oommoni without p^posJtton, w»fl maytherefore bejconiMete4i«ne law. ' We aop :pose tbat Ut oaelay/wll t a iaj t a & bctorertbe oommenoemeBt of: She!earthjworM,which will afford oonsiae raW« employment,Bqrmnoh nested at the 1 weaenj: Ume. J9f oate told that the: • Mai iol« ol! Watorfordwill contribute £sO,qW tow*rt»tho C!om-:panyJ ;Whin tne llnd «biUHbP>Mned,kwsge wUllbe waoJieft ftoin-Watetford^n85 or! 20 mJintfls.ianaiTwerartre ibe mostdaDrieronB, ah also tbe moitteoions part 01

abodti two Iour8,!-may »*,, ajtogesher U

ntociss&iy, Stoldedjliy: 8«o»BiJ «•* ¦«"»«* ;vess&a: in a e* days to»eleoWo teleg h ¦,wiU be In owraUon bet few this city_ ftod ,•Passage. tWe have! b iard:ithat ,» Bteam ,to?wlU tt e«tabUsb Sd at Pasaage, and ;also! *: aultablq pier ¦: conatrnetcd; tboro. :T/ith these advantagei| to addition to *n;unrivalled rpadBtead, !ftci w«!^!*J5fl,the port, diy, and barbour ot Waterfdrdhave all the 'elements of prosperity beforethem. While congratulating the promoterBor the ;BJH , iwe tojoioe at . «be prospect ofthe nnmetoUB advanugus to jtha. bprt and :looaiityiby thto measnrit tha rarnqcatjonij |ot wblob ara only Identified; at present bytue most experienced I Informed -personfe, in the front rank otwbloh wo may | _tnentloa Lord Watetford. : '¦ I »

THE 6OIBEB. | ;The iaBt $oint of 1

season was held;

at the , ABSdmbly Booma, * Xawn HaU, onMonday olgbt. Tbe guests jn ere| not aanomerous as the previqua Igailierlng, pro-bably owing M *ue pietolngj isoldi of thenight, f The .refreshment*! were, suppliedby Mr. John Power.v Ot . the Clob, in hlsusual excellent style!, and the Band ol tbeWaterfprd Artillery plaMifo r:tbedaoelng.AmongBt tbose present] were-rto^ Earl olBoriUngdou, Lord Hasttaga and the MlsseiBlacker («), Major and Mrtl Meara |end thiMIB36S, Meara (2j, Sir Kdbelrtj Paul, MrPntcell G- Fitzgerald, tie' Iklind ; Mr. P. JJPower, Woodlands; Mrs. Power ana vxtMisjes Blake (i) , JohulA. iBlike, M.P., tb«Misses i Power (2), of frallhlegg ;; Captai>Meagher, Mrs. Benny abq ithe MlsseiKenny, Kilmacow ; Captain MaoBfleld ; MnPower, Snow Hill ; Mrs} Cbnghlau, Tramore ; MUa BooUy and Miss1 SherlockTramore i Mrs. PaUtsern Mlss; Fltagerald,Belmont ; Mr. Tyndall and tbe MlsBesTynd»a, Oaklands, NeW IRos^; Mr- *• •«Mrs. S- Malcomson, Mr., i Pirn and MtaaBandy, Kilkenny; Mr. |and - the| MissesBracken. Mr. Speed, Miss Bitler and Mis8peed, Lieutenant Roberts! 68tn BegimentMXB. Samuel Eoberts1 ! and [Mra. [ColoneKooercs, u»n«. ±toDena, uz.^a.

u. nuuKM

Captain PtilUlps, S6tb Regiment |; Capt.and Mrs. LVoyd, 36tb Regiment; Mr. S. T.QrnbD, Mr. George, MorrlsL MrvW.m. EUDfand tbe Mlssos Klng, Mr. , Webb. ^|L ! Mr.;Mrs. and Miss Morris, RbcUngbfem ; Mr.Medlycott , Mr. Richard Moms, Mrs. andMr. Fleming, Jan., Mr. Hairy Bargent, Mr.George Mltward, .ur, H« ir> Prossor andMrs. O -bea. '


The Oily, High SbetW, (Tames Kearney,BBO... &ceomi panlea by his^delputy^MlohaeRoberts, Esq., entered tbejCisy Court ateleven o'clock this morning, When the folflowlnc were empanelled • by the > DeputyClerk bf the Crown, U PenBehyJEeq., onthe Grand Jury—Sir Benjamin Morris, D.L,Foreman, the Mall ; J. 'Matoptnaon, AdelpblTerrado; Pierse Cox, the MaU j SimonNewport, the Mall ; John :?ower, King-street ( William Lloyd, ; ftewtown ; H-Gallwey, Little Goorge'8-street; JohnUacKosy , tbe Moll : ThosJ B Proasor, thetlall; T. F. Klely, Little looorge'i-street ;Smyth Axdagb, Paul's Square ; A. Ryan,KnockhoDse ; P. A. Power* King-street JP. K. Reid, Queen-street ; P. D, Walab,Beresford-stroet; Morgan Iy6ry, the Quay;John Maher, Broad-street \ \ R- Ardagh;Catherlne-ntreet; T. W- Jteop, Mary-street ;Albert White, Ferry bank; £. Clibborn,Mary-street ; J. Spatrow, IBeresford Btceet ;J. S. Blchordflen, Mary-street.


Those who build oor tratocars, ocunlbuEcaand third-alass railway carriages alwaysgo ou ibe assumption; that Provldenoe hasmade Qb all alike, ana, all of j A small-stocksize. ¦ AB a oneaqoenco, people .if bo haveto travel muob In public conrey&aaus,frequently find tbomselte i wedged lnbetween three or tour stoui persons, whooccupy more space than they pay for. IfIs a species of discomfort fhat ls mot withmore or less on nearly all the {railway1,tracucar, and omnibns; systems thijonghouthe country, and la nowobrolmore trylnithan It is on ' the 'Loofloa road-trsJBqottTlcoa. When tborq } B a Mil com,plementof passengers there is disc )mfoct tor all, Itan,y are of more ban average fcize ,esueolaily ln wlntor tltpo vrben people arewearing overooats apdi tbloU clothing.The Gjnoty Coancil; Id order to save themtram the crush, are tunning ttamcars torwomen only, and the public Would be gladIf tbey would run. apeojai oars lor tatpeople, charging thea< double (ares if tbeyUkud. In tbe early dayri Jot omnlbous, Itwas not unusual for exttcme " oqt-slzes"to pay tor two seats, bat ipu ujodern co's,Will opt recognise any system (or dealingwith " ovorwelghts" in pasgeocors.

"ACQUIRED TBE88B8.]1,Few women of fashion! ero without

" acquired " tresses ot t Ivirs stylts—atinjog a plait is deemed bocesgary, aotbers a tew curls, or perihqnco a coll, ac-cording to tbe time ot day and tbe Icircnm-Btaaccs. But as a matter ot l fact elaborat<hatrdrcBslnd ls only necessary in tbo attarnoon, when tbe hat 1B likely t6 be discardedfor ln ihe morning the dainty /bou4olr capls usanJly worn until U 9 batlla donned torthe morning walk act luocbeon while lithe eveolnij tbe modish head-dress la 8<elaborate that little oil thai bair 'is evenThe latter taihlon how^\<|c p'rpmises to beless and less in evidence as, spring advancesas U Is too] econDjjiisal|!i^ 1 suio : those,cpneetoed ttt tbe. purobdse 'attd dieting otiartificial halrT . iHAIR OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. !

Hair merchants generally ip^aklpg go to!Brittany for the dark h ilr.and to Gi rtuanyfor the flaxen locks they reqiilre, while thebcantifnl black hair that;:his, the Indigotints of the raven's win 1, hoi s froni epalnand Italy. Pnre whi e, add also reallygolden hair-fa- very rajre colbnr—rieedlCBs!to say : fetch high prices. Ash colour Isanother shade that is d icidedly expensive,probably for the reason no id] eglvei a goodaeb bos. . i Ij ¦ : . ITHE piTURBiHAT.;: J j . ' i : i I. jTbe plctaro hat has losf 'nonet- ot itspopularity, And ironch mil|lncra bavo hadrecotu-Bo,, oil loto toj on© jjot - th ^ mostplcturtsquo i periods ot Erencb: history-8;uie. .ol thoir new i modoW baVo been on:view laUly in itoodon^ where they havO;met wlf;u cxnsi orablo admiiation,fwhich ;they^qultfl d. sserve. ,¦ Tho crowns are .very .high, t diminishing towojrda tlio topi : The itrhnmlDg, niaally «f flat;ostrich feathers !ontlinbd vrlt i the tiniest flbvfers, is placed 'on the brim, ¦ vhich cnrveti sharply up wai da, ;That theso jheyri hats ', ¦ till , have a vogue itilUD U JiLblD UUUUL , ' : . - ' .• i ; . ¦ ; . • - i - in; - = - - = i ¦ i = I

¦ ¦ ¦ :THE KEW IBLOUBEB. , !

Tbo now blouses are Ba!d to tie reap, rasihlefot ; the. . ;BbapIine88 :!of onjtllne, moreespecially at! tha 'waist,; o which fashion iaslowly perh*p*,ibut no e tb less purely,rooming. jTho ¦ attempt ; to introducebasques to b ouses has not :mt t] Witn muchsuccess; sinde they: 6uit| very few figures,and dostroy i thoi trijnneai ! Which Isassociated w ith this, u*ofal, ga rment!. ThaGaribaldi, at othhr ne- ftepar 4 i moresuited to the young! girl thin ioi her sldera,and wiu pw bably ahart thei fafa pf the

;basque.' . At iwjbest,1. 0 e Garibald : looksmere Uko al latalan-.costL tliaa * bib iso.MAGXASiKJili^ POipnLARl i v j : "/

The nBwes i verstonor tbeiiljaayar jlousafojr day woftt lscer lnlj very smart Thosloping ghoul fl or its fltlll 1 s chief cba -ActCr-lstio. Eat It need no iriogefbftcut ln oneplica Wheti the lecjtBs larB'Bet A theBhouldeJ; tbe1 ee»ms arp blddoi bji t ftchn ,or by BOfapSjOf some trtmmlag.-The tleeve !Is Witboot futoftis,;and knittod:frlll4flni>hthe neck. , (A. -pretty ¦ ilouaa for eyenlagw ar iuky be tinhlont a oil wft . bli «k orwhite sutlnj oter ^»bl % ' ¦ Ma^X. ' or white,tulle otoet (In contrast ; s draped jo followth> oallintsj of itbe ftgb e, finishing at the'waist with a;bolero]eOMt, (wbUrt^t it nati» folded etafleWwbeW th« lidloe la cnllow. i*; h UvviMht»A i««t ftiw«h*» boterO)atldflohn. ): A wbita at 41 b oi iap hfrhaa?o»n iu,b«,ld.y..l*BaJ J^ttHp^fWjIdrtjsbrejovenirtton. ^i d

^IV • 0 1 j..f-. . ¦. ;• -:

'1 i j- -¦ ' ¦ f ' ffTr tff *?**—- !] ?!!? Tf** * ¦¦] - ¦

;".¦ j

'!W MeUirii ir^oB*,-'. d;«p«, aoiMi.-


:; f ;l :!-^-^!f : . : . i;:?!iT:^;' ¦ - 'Y^ : '¦ ' ': - I - J L :

'* ' ¦'• '? :

i ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦'¦ > ¦

^¦' ¦jl i -^ f^pi'"-^'! i V\\ \ A :\S\.\t : - ::-.-y '-. 'r ' 1 ¦¦'.

M3BSR¦ TH3S fk^TlW liJHk'BAEL-m i bOilBANX <>IVE^«*;TI<fe| ' UHAT Pf OONSEQI OEOFr ii S^OOiii STRIKE -TpE»Mr \ 'imvm "<»:;*HBI!B•BOXTO ' ,^HBWEEN'; " - -WAT|aB-FDEi) lAM> CPISHOTJABD WpJ.BE i '•flSMBOBABILY 1SO >N-TDfU: !DJ ASa TteCAl..ON:.'ANDFfiipif - MONDAft. MEXT,: «U»mm H, -nBffi|BOATa WILI.{BEBUjN Olj ALTERNATE DATS


. , j ;: {] jli JFR^XS-i ¦ ¦¦ .' ¦

. ••


I { : ; !aATUEi>AYS. ' .

I i .jFBJANK POTTBB,¦ I : i ¦ '] \ 'G«n»nal lMcaWj

BaddiiitTtoa1 Station,

Sufi-Postmasters and O tb^r^i

EJrcohip!%rabn4 ipsEarqncoii j .T .¦ Tf" ,¦ •[ * |.. ; • ' : . ]• ; j j it

flbpo BJ lojjenft of Lopal flBonusmHE Byard; of Trade ara prepared toii resolyo applications from reabonriblf)plreonii tic undertake, during part[of fbelrtime, ;he dntlea ot Jjoeal ?4geuti.fpp th)Admin sliratlon of Unemployment Insuranceunder Part II of |tbe National Insurant; 3Act, In thfc following places : j i

f rksHORE. : DUNOARV|N.; :iLocal Acentj will be required tq provide

and m ilntaln an Office for tbe performanceot thel f dntdei, which will include, among! totherThlriga :— ' 1 • |

¦ ! i ¦

! Ij The annual Issue of insurancebopliatq workmen In tbelnsuredtrade^

2] The receipt of claims fiom, sncl1 wirkineri for .nnemployment benefit ;1 tb) dailyiefjlstratlon of those Claiming;j snd| the' piyment ot . benefi t uodSr: in itrqotibns! received. ! If |'Tbe Offloe i will not need to be open.for

tbe -wboladay or to be used solely .f6r tb'epnrpoae^ pi the; Local Agency.. Ltcenoi dpremlses/h >wevet,' cahnot be usec for! «uc b:purpose;, M : ' ' ' I ' "

iThejretidneratlon will depend apon ttye;nbmber l f insurance books isiiui

d jn the

aiea ojf ^be agencyV<-«.. upon the numberof insprei .Woifkrabnt and' ls expected foran«e frbroiabiijt £S (in the smnlii's: Rr<ns)»O £80 (In lij fpwIdfitho'lurKer are» .; ! ! : |

I Forma {pfj appllcrytfop and lurtt or iinrqr-matlon may be jcibtalned 'r m thi) LjaboiirExchange |DMBibnar Office, Dublin, :towhich' they mast b? returned by 16 bJfaroa, 1812. j The ' t-nvelope ehoulA l ieetdoMei! I'"(Loool Agency.1' ' ; :j |_ j_l j i. 1 .

I ; : i ~ i 1



j j !

:Dp«HBVAN. |i..j

'NOTICE 18 i HEREBY GJVDEN, ' thattbe Audit of the ! Aocou&ts ol th:e abo e-nmned 0ounc3j tot tba Financial Periodebdedj thje.SLst March, and 30th j Sentem-ber, I9ia, Trill ,'be opewd in .ttoa Boordrroom, VTorkhopsa, Dungamran>| by 1 J.More lO'JerraHl Esq., Local GoTrexnmentAuditteJ on M lith day f Msidhv *$(£at this l our of; 10,30 o'clock ; when ast\jib3T«i <i >>ectronfl : •&>! any matteff cobtaiDWl in tihe said several Aoootmts -wilbe heanit. The Accbunto will >be opEiduran; Office hours,to the Inspection oall paniona : interested, for eeyen daysbefore tile Auditi ' >. . ¦ \\ '

\ DeAkd thfei28th day of February, 1912.ErOHN! R. 3&0W£R. ; [ ,

id'exi. of the 'OcranciLJ

^ oncE' :P,U.HT.TSHTN<3- TIME AND;! PLA(k! OF AtJDIT. . i ;| i j


NOTli(E m '< HEREBY GIV^N, thatthe Ajntijt ]ol the lAocounts bf 'this Guard-ians <f>f |toe:*l)OTta-riam€dcUnioii' iox - UbeHaM-yW* «ndcd the fflflt Mardh aod BOih'8epte5|nbiir} lSil/-wffil be.opened at toe,B awipoom of ithe •Wonkhiouse !jof tbeUnionlj ty¦ J Mone O)F«rraffl , Esq., LocaGoverbriilent Aiidil<ir,,on the 13tb, day toMarch, 1912, at ,>the hour of 10.30 |b'clocJt';i-niben ¦ami -irtnero cjbjgctions to any mattercefmtaincid in! thi? ¦esiA e&veral Awsonntewall h6 H'eaird. The Accounts will Ibe openopnm yp u t t oouis yo tue ancpecwon otaiil pinsidni interested, for seven d'ays.b&orB|iflla |'Amiit.- ' \ ' ¦ | i

[Datid tWe 2ath: day c4 February, 1912.' iJOHNtR. DOWER, 1 / ]f1 j I ;' Clerk of the ' JnionJl

n "T ;i ¦ . . ; . I ¦ ; ~rJ. tWATEEiFORD COUNTY COUNCIL.

J 'v:

i : 'i '' • > ' "¦ • ¦ if 1VALUATION OREIiAND) ACTS, 1B52L

J1674, and : lORIXBR ; IN OQDNOEL,.made [(index fee. 105, Local Goverh-jment arifland) Act, 1833; ' j :


jNOTJ<?.2'f .l9 (H;£REBY:G;iy.£N that,in acocntajioe -with, the jaxrrisaoca of theabove j Atat , . and .Order in Council, theCfnnmisfflohex qf iValuation ttasd on thjo1st. day pfj MaMi, 1912, tramsroittod tome liila! ojf . i!h wveral : tenometiffi andh iedjJ aTjJenits -qontained in : jlKoch To^-olaca lip >hi- County wjaterford(nxceiti ?|i the: p<"-s'"f TJrhan District )wtth 1 heir • fecpective !'valuations, arid'big si 0-4 1. in twie lists'the revusioiw olthe yAluitjjqn's ' Witioh h!av« bee 1' madliby him yurinjr'phs pact year, |Th«SQ H^sti arc. now iop&n fa* inspec-tion at my; Offloe.1 and . «?an be «en. anyday brtw.*'n thq hours of. 10 *.n . end>|4pin. :: [ • I ¦¦ • : ¦ ¦ : . , : ; " .

[Dated this '1st <fay of MaTexi, 1912.f ' FR.jG. PAUL, ¦ ¦ , • - I

¦ Sjcretary of Coorruty Ooimct!.

OPUNTY COUNCIL 'OF, WATBRFORI11 : l - i ! i ' : - 1 < : - ¦ ¦. -: - i - . i

1 ¦¦

J . - ! rr ¦. '. • • ¦ 1 , . : !TXOTiqi 3 IS I][EaiBBY; GIVEN tbjilt

the County I Council1 of Waterfbrd' attheir Qmrteriy i. jMceting held on. tibi2dth day ¦ ">pf (• , Fepruairy.. il913, ¦' faadiB i I aFinal - 1 . Deckirotion. spooUying :' | certainRoads lid tbte<: Oaunity i sel oUd Dy. then)as- suitable' to oc j maintained by] Diiectlabour.) I J . ' - j i - 'j - i1 ¦;: ~ TV ^- :1 ¦¦ ¦} ¦¦¦

A . Boh4*uleI; off dieee Boards his: beta,sent to-: the €fter& <?{ ejusa- ;RuroJl pistric,in.- the County: tind 1 may I be tna>ecte<fteo- of: charge; l

;' : • ; - , - ! ¦ • ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦

. : ¦ ¦ . ! ! ¦.: J

¦ ¦ } l ! ¦i:->Nfe .-?ATIL;.;'fifi«etiij:;ij;

Ocranty Secretary'a 1 Office . Dungarvaa:'¦ ' ',1: ais^Febrnary.iigia. T: ¦ ¦¦r'4 - \ - h \- '\U^\4- ':- - \i

. ¦ ¦ \ \ - < & \ i \ \ i \ : \:*>- W- - rr,- -.iO)UNTY| BOROrUtKH* OF '

' ! ;¦

, ¦ ; . I WATiBRKJRD..

¦¦; • , : '}

. . [ ] \ \ jfaATEft.RATES. • '¦ ¦ ¦}

¦ '¦: : ¦ '¦ ThSstAL[NOTICE. ' • ' ;¦

' ' . ¦! '


- - i .1 -i- ii : ¦ ! ¦ : - .¦ ¦

. •¦• •' ¦ ¦

NOTliqS Ma ' KE&HBYl iJIVEJ '.'U*lli ;i»ewbn >; j ndw lOwtog W»ter Eafaa-nsjuirea to) nawl e4ma -at 1 the, Bor«*llj;l>ewbnijnew lowing W»ter Erefjuinqd teijpaiy eanio.'aV'.thiactlrreaaureitB:,Offlc>»'.ll3, ¦The' MaQ,oijd, oh (rj *Sore MONDAY,: 18

Leeal'!» iwedlpba watt-i bo.; ;liwithoal- S ith irlnoUc*: igainit .WDBJHJED 1 jn «ntrw . ¦ ¦ . . • . . . . 1 . ;- ¦

. . . [,Oy- -0W«. i I ! i . i ' . ! ' 1 '-. ! , :-^': 1 • '¦*¦•' ¦

¦¦...Towniiffii^: 6« i-MaroTC ".TOBt-U^?¦iA .:\- ;/. -m--:F .~'f '.f :

Of *o^';: : Hoia >f}t&{'j iivi^&*tet»l> i dd l'*fe Btfapi'-ioT* A7gS\Qittaeir-i i v» STOUCK

¦-*ba'f';W8r>''ji ernln»tet b< i ¦ «r.8lx « f r ibA not rooteltb

thafri b>c li lll if r*«CSrSi *ra6Hi


[; ¦ ;: j i r JQaall y j Style,JyQ|[ne. - .^ j , ¦ ':

H qronajibowo jl ow 8pring Snlttaflg,,

j :-; :- :tidlM TillolriDj a Sociality; |,u - - \i\ y i -• i -.;- :|

¦ :|¦ ¦¦ j

U0m :\] ?H ^ : :- . i ; ' . |J-

j i ^ | VlfAf^RiFO|RD. ' 1; jI' R. ! ij lTZWTtflCKj |& CoJ¦' • ¦ : ! ' ¦ Proprietors I ' ! i |

" = ; i - S - : - l = i - - . ! MIT -"' ¦ ¦¦

1 ¦ ¦ : - . i.-i 1 - ¦ H I

¦ " iM

¦ JLiig«\ig aJLa wwiU.j i.^*j i *!>># ;i j^ l i- ll '¦ ¦ i l ¦ • ' • : ! ! ' ' ,

; . iroTIOE ^|0HARiTABLE | .l ! | : ; ! i ' BB&uilSHsl i-

: • ¦ iTl I- i 1 ¦¦

In thJ Goods ol MARY HAYffil .tern-' eriv iOf iBay Vi«tr ¦Cottage, and left^ of1 i»r«at»' Road.' MinoTe, :in the ConptyI of W&terfard, Widow, vrhd died onithe' 38th [doy ctf Jajitiarj, W12L . . _ .

I'vOTiCB IS' (HEREBY' i GIVEN, .pur-suant tW tbe Statute 30 andl 31 Vic., cap.54; tbat1 thie *ai<l Mary Hayes by herWiU dited 8th : day of Jupe, 1909,

¦; !{*-

aoeatbed! I tha ] following j ChaTustoWei.-eac3c3:— j . ' : ! • ! L :

¦lo t i4i'per.-«n; iho at tfa* time of her .d<i«th Should lilil ithe position known!-as .,\libot of j Mount; [Melfcsay L-ibbey/Oappo- !•udia Cbi-i Wateiford, for j Masses to bece;ebrait«<i in all Church OJJ Chapel in \Irelan4?l-vy'bile oiptn SOT Ppblic Servicefnr 'th*: riniiic lof Kari eoul land the soulof: he/:lfi& husbandV£10p ! l C

'To the i Treaeiuifar, At 'tBe. time of her ;death of the Sd&ef r of Sakit Vinoant de.Paul at Tramoife. for fW rehet of:;tne,poor persons : i»Jsited . by itbe . Society inS»: iMxicl-m.j j ;. • !] ¦ . , ; ; ¦; ¦ ; •: To i the l 8upMlWeas at th'4 tune ,*! her ;death]of! the e^fes.of iphWity ;at • Tra-more for ih« Oateritabte purpoofis of tils IComnronity—£2d.| ' ! ' | l ¦ ¦ : : ;! ' ; /: The Teatatrisi bequeathed, toe residue/oi! her propiartyTjot levery Jaiid after pay*meat of 'debts,' funeral and] testamentaryexpentea' M th T iParidi iPriest ,of Ti?i-mare et tha time jof -hsr deith, to be] cpplied towards paying off the debt;on , tb'<

Romahi ICUfholid Church I at Tramctfe,aip-r«seid.! | \ i ; I \ \ 1 ', 1 '

iiliej ' saidi Testatrix- died!on th? G8O1day of January,jll£)12.:and|Probatie of herWill wiih six •Cotiiails lirisl an -tha i fi8thdaj) of: FebruarvJ 1912,', graated forth ofthie, ' Wat«fonl JjDigt,rict Rt^Btry oi i&&High Court of Jusiiee. in Ireland, King'sBcnchi' ; Divisdori <Probatej), i fo the! [VeryRevdJ Pierse Canon' Qofte-y, -P.P,., I Tra-rnore;! Daniel SJ Po.wenv Npvtctwn House^Tramare, :Esq:/ijand Patreek J . ; Kenny,SoTCcitrir, ; Wat^r oird, the Executors : ap-.pointcld fty said iWiil . f | I ' ; : :

uavai mocis 29W jiray ui t^uruary^ JJJ

*.' ;: ¦ ¦

KENNY j.4pID -STJEPHENBOX,] "- ] '¦:, . ! !6oliicttara ;for' tJisinExecutore-i 4:; I Glsd-stonfe Street. Vaterfard,1 and'¦¦ ', ¦¦ 30[ Mpleswoith Str:-*t, Dublin.,i .Tp jtU6 ! OQmmifisaonerB ! of Ohar&tabie.

Donation^ and' Bequests irj Ireland' andto sQ. Others wboin1 it may conoernJ;¦ ; ; ! ¦

¦ • i ;

:. !i ¦¦ " :

: : ! ! . - • I

¦ '¦ -

: ' ::


/TUEB NOTICE that it is y Intention to-!1 ¦ '¦ '. aiipiyattbejnext Qcartt r Sessions tobe be;L)8more , In aod fcjr the Uivlslonof: LWi d'ore and Qoanty of \Vaterford. on'tbe20th day of March next , for[tiieMngiatratcs-C*rtlilcate to eptltld roe to i-i celve aLloensie to «e)l Beer, Cideij, and Spiriti byretail, id |ba consumed on j tbe prcmiBeSBl^nate at Mill 6trc. t, Capnoquin, io'|the.F.Arisb! of i liismcjrc, Barony 1 of Coahmoreaiiii Coflhbride flnfl County 'of Watecfprd,and la'tily licetsed ¦ for sucli sale in tbe>name bt Mary Bjlrn«*. I I - ' ! | . • :

i 1 -Dated this find I day of March, 1912. '¦ ¦ J j .: H JOfHN lOOflLINl; A-pp&sant. : ¦I-! : . JOHN F. i WTLLIAMiS, Solicctor

J . ! ;, - i 'for Applicant, Diingarvari. I . / ¦Toi A. J. iP.jWtee.i Esg. J.Pj Major Hi. I*

! j Cheaml-eyi JJB,|-JJ »«Jstrates . residjenfV next' my house at l Mill-etrbaft, aforfejid»i jW-A '' Odlibpa, [Es .: Oleiik lof tho OrqwiJ

i sind Pwice far ¦, the CouWy of! Wibsp-'. ., ford ¦ G(i ; A Mdrant, fift. DJI! JlfX)

.r ifoc j the ; Distrdcitj of. Oappoquin;: ,i , ;

ftMKE ffOTICe |bat it isUy inttntjibn to¦ ! : ' .:»pply at th(j next Quarter Rrsslbbs tobe I lield jat j Dnrigkrvan. in l and for! theDivision !0f : Dun&irvan an(l Countyi ofWHteriJprd; < n the 88th day of Slarchittext,for, ! thi: Sla lstraHs 'CerMflcHt- to entitleme1 to receive a Ljc*n<e to" sell Bet r. Older,and Spfrlts by retail , tb be consumed on thepremises 8liu<te !at KnocU^npowi r. In thoPa-iahjof Hlngafioniifih, Bawwy of Ulciea;\Vlthln| Drum- and C.'ouuty it WnJe««rd»'aiid lately ; lie nse«J for smch Balo id thename oi Mary Borgln. ' j | i- ¦. 1 •

Dated this 2nd, idiy ofiMand^llflji,'•! •: • 'CH1ANNAH BERGI'N:,{Applicant-j i : . 'JOHN. l\ |W1LLL\JIS, Qolihitor ^1 ¦¦ v ifor , .Applicant,' Dungarvaul ! ¦;

Ioi Thomas'Flynn, Esq. IJJ» ; ThtjinaSiI O'Connor,;' Esq. [ JSP ; TWomas jHfrtyniEsq,l JlP.; Magistrate® . feftssdciat, i next

! and Peace tor. the CouMy of VfiiteT.i ford Di RJ* for /fhe to-U-' Iwwjt of, I '.pungyyan. .- |[

¦ ;¦ :j ¦• ¦•

j ffqr |tiip lJE'Mhdry .jj ¦ " ;| ,

^¦FfeiSckffli; - ¦• 'i .'K 't i j I - : i - jj } '¦ ''¦ W '- ' ¦ ' , : ; \

I jQlricitf ffivSRELlABLEi '||-t tt s^V3d;*.jd^3 i|!

: .9 j ,; :. i nf t a Cnitoas \ fiTenrwhere. |;;| • ¦

iliRlMoiifS ,ft.:;fpf6MN

f L- |n :: ;::i;H-l;::;:!T- i .- ' .;. - :1 . . - r ¦:§¦ -

mmMm^;¦ ;• - !. ;,W*iRnif!! Jf*««rsyp«fe«d9ta)i:r--. }|i' ; : = } •

¦"|Aj p M tp i Qpuftty 'Tinrtirj teoslstisci \ol : '¦¦>*fe |W»4 taUBtfiata^Sagv:; ;;SKSP^Sflfel 1 - l0 *°

awpmjftiiitui:' i:

IwiMSsifipk-'**w*- st« 't!5iwlwK r'w !pif ' '

iiippp lil