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2 Clare's Weekly. SATURDAY, OCT, 1(;, 1897'

heavenly-g iftcd Trcasurcr, ::tn 1 hi ohedienL kn oL flf SC l'yal1 t~, who in other eo unLri 's lYol11Ll br , ty lul (;(lllengnr~ .

Folt'I' ''scU",,­Lnllding Extension 800

both hOllses a th.:, outcome of the bl'l\in-pllns of" My l\lini;;t('l's " ! ! !

00 * *

Therr wa : lI othillg ill t il l' threc l'OltUIICtl s pc'ch that II'II S nnt llllticiplltcd by the great blllk o f the eOl1lllllllli ty, notwi thsta ndin g th' attcm pt on t h\' part, 01' the lIl'w:<papcr, II hi 'h i kn own to dirl'ct the VOI-crll 111 en t policy, to su rrollncl it wiLh all air of ll1\,stCI'\', Xot eye n in thll't port,ioll r~ la t il;g

(:'\ ~C'OYNJ,­

Police QlI!1.I'ters River l ronl Well

700 200 200

The opelling ;;ellll'l1cC is <[Ilite cnough io knock :1IlY mall 00 his

q uilibrillm-

A CHANCE, To ~l'('l1rl' It ~.rood Vt,.'hit,}(, lit n •

har;..."tdll at . ..

Station =-~Auburn t reet,

~'~llingtOl1 Carriage Co. Street (UPI" I'lltralll~' to Illy, Statioll),

pleaIing Sale ~:~:~:::: . Li\r..:to.;t ~tock itt '\l' .A.

25 per ctnt Reduction in Prices, ron •. \ ... 11 O:\l.r.

HII1!'.:'\". W'\\" 1i~ht. Jump .. , \ '(0" l'rnnpll'tt· t:2 . 't1\.~~ 1IUI),lt'1i. T\o ",.~lt ... b111J1~. 1111\\1 IH~('lIl AX~L" t: ... I. Abhott Bn'!J1\". 1 100 1 l-' 1. n·nl t 1'IlI.t\l1l1 ·.! ..... lntl~p:i C4 I. (\m\'t'rtlhlt4 P .Hlt.'tUII. h "l.mtitnlly ftllt~lll'd. I"IIg-lIbh fon'-",uiil\S!'"I', pule 'Iwl Sl ml-t.... .A l~art;,.'nil~. Phtu.·tc:m. I"\.l'r hondo I", lrhl'r triltlill ing-.;..I uup'" .. 'c", !;·IO. L·ul.le .. Hucltlt 't l Dn!(·arr. \ . ,,!'\" ... tylh .. h (·()lIlplt'h.'. l;:l!. Sulklc .... SUpt'I'iur Inihl. fretHi t:?:? DtI'.!· ''11 rt. 1"!,ur-~\:h(.'"t'1t.'<1. n'T\" thrill. !o'Ih.'ltfllfl veh;c1e, )"Oll" ... llllft .... F ... :l·.:Ii~h fore­('al'rilll1'" .\ \ .. al:ritic.·(,·, 1'\\nu(>l"'" BlI '.!r.!Y Wt\llrtUlI:'. t~\"O H.'.lt,,-, lom1 ..... ~ 'L' .. . t.::H. l 'hy ... ic.';\1I'" Gi~. ,liomh'tl. . ... ~ Sptill~". ht.·i\ntifnlh- Cphuh .. tcI't.'i1. '"l·ry ... t\"lt ... h,u hlu'l:,"1L1n , l)I-;lJ.t'.('\.rr~" 1 i. It-'tltlll'l" cn~hiull"', !-O:lit lIott'l Clr t .. h'cr,\', R ."tltll"11 to (I I, .. \ 'f· • ,\: " ., .. ~c.

.\It'u 1\ fllw I-I1.owl.luuul, Yl'1Iil'lt-to I\t Rl'11tU'ld Prlt·e~ . nl1~;.!Y 1~1I11 1h, J \)lc~ Ililtl SllQ.ft~ n il lllLllIl.

Bn)"" l'~ Call [0 I n ~l "'ct

Auburn Carl'iage Co. Sta tion-street, ! o;lpll .. it..: 011\ "t.'" 01 tl..\ltt:':-. \\rEI.KJ.Y.)


\\' I: hove n(1poillttld R, U, \Y ebh, of li'!clIlalltle, "" _-\gcnL for CI •. \ HE'S \Yf; I.;KI.Y and l:;e:>Il,IY t'IIIW"ICJ.E,

, FilII illform'ltion C.1I1 he ohtained, and plLpe:'s slIpplit!d al the oflicc,

.. High :;'~reet, Fl'emantlc,


Til" in tention of the m ltt-owning

THE Govrrnlllen(, have now been mad

MEA MINISTRY'S nmnife ,t by the for-PROGRAMME, midltble doeum Ilt

his Ex ' lIency .Lh r GO\- I'nor \Va ' forc, d to r l'ad wh n PILrliament op ned 1tS doors fo r the new ,f'l1S0n f pow-wow last W('I'K , ]1'01' l1 l'olon), which ha '

1,0 till' dete rlllination 01' tIll' (lol'I'rnlllc lI t not to r<'lIIiL allY "f the rood dutil'S, ClI nld it bl' otilerwi ~c? I) " 1I0t wc a ll know tlmt if any f Lhe fri <rh tful imposts leyit'Cl upon /!old-mining the sole profitabl indus H,Y of t he colony, wel'e tu be; ILbolished, tlmt on n; eftt wou ld be t he til'st which would IHW to go! Is iL lik ly t hat our meat-owning II I illis (,ry would dr a m of c n el1ti ng Lo any such sllcrifie ? They Covel' d upth il' pe l'somLl in ter sts a nd "reed of O'I'iLi,n, by put ting inLo the mou t hs of the move rs or the addresse, in both C hamb I'~ pl'ebisely the ~ame xpressi n s , 1\11' Rand(' 11 in Lhe

Couneil-!' Reg,'etted t hat the (: ol'el'lIl1l\)nL hat! 1I0t

seell its way to reci uce RO llle of the food du ti c~, He had 110 desire 10 sec tire whole of Lhe foocl c1uties swept away, He could howel'el', hal'e wiHlred S0ll10 reel uotion 'i Il Lhe ell! Lyon t hose a rt icles wh ich we (:ould nuL produce, and whi!:h were hu'gely 'onsumcd hy the people her', He hOlierl I ho Coulltl 'Y would take tip t he question I'ery Hol'iouRly nlHl eal' lIestly ill the nea l' future, 'l'IIl'; DII'IT 0:> 1n;,\I) ""';,\'1' II',\S Qt'I'l'E r:>,)t 'S'I'n'l.\lll,E, ,\ /(\) UIH:IIT TO IH; ,\I: n ;::ED M' SOON ,\ S


And t hat l1Iiscmhle prod uct of East t'il Au t ralian Lhought and £ ling in t he A:sembl)" .ill\'. LylLll Hall, who has ranged himsElf against hi li brethren f l'OI11 the other uolo ll i s as ltn ou t and out suppo rt e r of a lIlinisLry wiLh whom out, ide of Lhe Ol'cuplLLiof.l he fullow~ , h cannot h1\\'e an intel't'sL ill 'Ol11mon, \\'h1Lt is gi\-elt to thiR pPl 'son to ~m,\' -

.. Fl o regl'eLtecl the d'citiioll of the (:o\-el'l1' mellt which was a(l \'crse to the food dut ies, out ho kllew Lhe cause8 which lerl them to the <lcci~ ion wero weighty, fOI', with stich demands 011 Lhe reI' one, it wdB a scriOlI Lhillg to attempt to enr­tail the ir income." "-Imt a r e th se weio-hty ea,usc, ?

Fir, t, the 10SH of profit Lo Lhe Ministry, and t heirIllClLL-g l'owin g-and butcher-, hop -owniU'f suppor ter ,;, and, econd, the 'ur­tai lment ofexpenuiturefol' l R97 -8 which wou ld ensue i n the pastoml and fa,rl11-illg districts if f od dutil': wel' I'e­dnc d,

Lest anyone hould think that this laLte l' ,la,' of exp nditul' hn.s not b e n ext1'ava"lwt, in the hl'oad mean­inN of the terll1, 1 t us s e what SU111 ;; h ave I,e n nliocaLed fOl' xp 'nditure fot' the financial yelLl' now passed UI on those ucking I 'C 'hes, th so-callcd _ orth l'n ports, n,nd vil1:1O'es 1 ike Bun­burY,lIld 13usselton ",C, ( 'C, ' Ve a.r leaving out of eOTl s ide l'n,ti?n the f'normOU ou lay on lbany, 1fr­nlltntle, G r Idton, lLnd Co sauk, be­'ause they are port of IItry to the O'o ldfi elCls, Only th' p1'omin nt items <> " d

BUNRPHY-.JeLLy ~~xtenH ion .. , R o-pital ... Police Quarters ".

Do, (COIIV rt ing) Railll'ay BOllrlerl ,LOI'CS

Do, Do, ])0,

,\Inni 'ipal Buildings .. , Harhour· Im)lro\'t)l1lents, ..

Bll;;SEI:I'OX- , ,1 otty I'~xtension ...

4',000 4,,')00

(;00 250 :~1O .J ;l

500 40,000

1, 100

--- ,jO,i4:3

Mr, Pre - iJcllt :llld lIolloll\'able entletnpn, ?III', 'l1t'nkl'r alld

Gcntlemen, &c .\: ' .. &c,-" Th ' "prospects of thccnloll,l" are hrighter ,e thall at any fOI'llI!'l' I'l'riod lit 0111' e, history ."

"* * "* Thi i ' prctty O'out! I'nr a bl'gillll,i ng

amI illlplie~ an alllulIllt "I' BOl'l' IHOllesly, h\ itself uniclul', \Ye aro lli~CI'l:clit('(1 011 "lfos r iLa1 ... " '"

Hondecl :;'tol'es ,.. , ..

00 :3\009 '

765 00


- the L ondon mOIIC'Y mal'kl't. Our OUl't HOllSC Additions .. .

Post Otllce

RO'lds imd ol'idg ~ near! illtel'iOl' and coa tal L vilhges noL conneetcd ) with goldfjelds

,J cttics in· coast farming dis,! t.ricts irrcspceLive of L pl'incipRI pons 01' thOSe) a lrendy specified

Hospitals, ex\,lusil'c Of} goldfields pl'incipal ports and Lowns and those ,dready specified ,

(: aoIH and Police (~lut1'Lers! in small districts and L excl u~i I'e of those al-) rcacly specified

Agl'i l' nlt.ural Halls, }'le-1 ehani 's' and ,\1 iller,' 1n- J­stitutcs


44 i 0



!I, 2,3


ToLal I: I !J8,6'ia

\\ have assu m d that every v illage H,)1d towll l t in the colony ou",ht to have a Post tHee, Telegraph Ottice, Loc,LI CaLIrI" ' 'ehool Bou e, and th re­£ul'r, with only throe or fOU l' xcep-ions, th('~e h1we not been included,

n Ol' ha\'e we included £50,000 voled fo r l'oads 1Lnd bridges thl'ong'hout th colony, n Ol' co, t of bridO' s in celltlftl arrric~ltul'f11 di ~trict, nor £:~~~, 70U sp 'nt on P erLh Fl'emantle Perth Pa,l'k, I1nd G uildforcll'oacls, a nd widen­in" ause \Yay, The above return l' presont;; money squand el'ed in a lmost unpeopled disLl' icts rep1' en ted by 1L member of he Cabinet, or sOllle st,Lun ch supporte r. Ther is no ratum for this outl:.ty of £ 19<:,000, Itnd thaI, wild rncs"es like Carnn ryon, A sh ­burton, Broolll!', etc., should h ave hu'ge s ums of mon cy spent 011 them is sim ply mon trou. 13unbury is being kept alive on Lhe Governmen texpendi­t ure, and t he whole bu ine, s is t he mol'c lamelltable when il i remember c1 that 11,11 t h mOil y ha, to COlli out of the gold p rodu ,tion,

Anyone can se why the Govel'n­m n t tU1'1l a deaf ("11' to, the ntl'eaties for a r ed uction f fooel dutie ', but if it, chooses 1,0 limit its xpenditur fOl'

] 97-8 Lo goldfie ld s l' quil'ements, and leav s Lh' agricul tuml eli tl'ict" nlone for awhile, th duti co uld be ett ily c10lle away with,


pnprr is floaLinrr abot;t ill all directions, Our roy 'nue from 1I11' 0 11 1' profitable illllu-try , gold-mining, i~ falling oj[; 011 1'

natiollal l'en' llUe is ditto, Thc'n' i~ to be no rt'dllction of thc<lwl'1I1 \'O~t ol'~not lil' ing-bnt cx isLi l)g, l 'I'I,th i, thrl'a'll'nl'd lI'ith a :lllllllll I' lIal\.')' falllillt' It is mennccu wit.ll the ,'hadow ur l> l';lth in the ,"hapc of an oulhn'ak of (li~('a~l', Frlli t alld gl'l't'll l'egelnl,lp" for til(: g-ohl­tielel:; S\'nrc\, as \'I'rr, :--[t'llt is to bl' d l'll r\'!" , \Yl' dn lI"t kllul\' itOII' to !lily Ih t' lIational blltch,'r I1l1ll ' h:ikel' (JX 'cpt lry paper L .. aril'~ h\'II"Y illil'rl'~t, bll t 111 0111')" II'hil'h Cllllnnt Ill' ~IH\n'tl, i ' te) lrp U\'I'oted to bll.l·ill~ "l' pril,,,t\, BUL'r c-tatcs to g il- ;~lIa~'. IIhi].. lie hal'c ellorlllOIl " public ar a .. whi 'h lit' cnllllot g il'e awn)', An d yl'l -pruspl'ds a re hright'r than at allY i'CII'ull'r .. p!'l'iotl of onl' hi ::;to ry."

"* 0 "* Dcally you kllow this lllfl\' bl' :1n

<'I<,phnntin c jokc 01' th r llI('at '~I ini -try, hu t thl'n 1'0 1' tIll' lll'IIPtit "I' liJ ()~p who ha\'l~ lIot thl' (luid, Uopr hit tn '('I' it il ollg'hL to bl' so Iabl'lh'cl-" XU, Tlli: is n 'joke'," It wOllld't \'o~t 1I1111'h ill tilllC ink. . IItJl' p:l]lL'r, to do lId" II hil,' it. WOUlll ,aye a world 01' lJli~apflrl'h, 'n;.;i\ lIl.


Thl'n' i", hOllo\' 1', Ol I 1\' sih'"r li:lill_ 0 IIhich thc fnrciglIC'I''' from " Ihl-('olollie"," II'ho hal-e dral-{~('d the \\T __ \.. BOl'rs ont of the clnutl "f lIli~,llble P')I'I' l' ty-strickt'n obSl'nrit,Y in ll{it' h I hi'}' I'ornll'rly cxistt'd, can ;I!'p rt'ciatl', :lilt! that is the Ojll'"ly pX II!tant l\(1Ll' ill ~lne ('hUISl', whL'rein till' lr 1;I,t i" HI at I .. of the CII UI IIIO\l ,; a l11 0llllt uf lIork dOIlt' aneL mOllry I'xpclI\led to a~~i,t thc ,Cjll:lUrrS, ,J l'ttie· at 'lIl'IIal"On, lI[alld ' landing, ,\ ,hlr\ll'toll , Pmt

dil'LI'ibuLed ve l' jt" entir ltL' a [L populll,tion about one third of that of ldney ci ty the yice-l'egll,l speech \Va' ~h ino t pretentious ever pI' sen ted in ,u!:itntlasia, 1t Wit Ion'" L' t lmn Lh /p ' ch >" op ninO' the' British Pll,r' lil1Jllf'ilt, he Fr nch hambcl's ,and Lho e f the Unit d , tates, roll d m to 011 , ) fts <Lwful dim n 'ions, ILl· Iwt fl'om its pOlTlpOU verbo -it)' show d how nelLI' our '\\-estern Au"tl'alian frog are 1,0

bur ting point. , On would think, ind ed it wa ancient all 'onquel'inO' ] om . dilatin" on its dominion of th

of xpenditure are g Iven, a , n -tai.led list would b e too lencrthy, It must be r emrlllbereJ, too, t hat only the

(By A'I"J'lO s, )

I f I eouid h:1I'c the inefIabl pril'ilE'g 01' t il/rae Lo GOH'rntrient H ou-c, thnt i ' to ny il' my po iLioll in life cllnbled 111

1,0 hCl'O IlIC;\ Ie hnll' , hall , dOll t-clt (' r­Imoi,': .J. hIlIlY," wunl' a ~trllw hat, I'cry high do'" coll ":. r;;, and -pat ., or even huve 1\11' ocial rig ht to turll up the bottom Itl'lll' or Ill.\' troll e r~ on a l'}' sun-s hiny day, I 'f fe I ure I could ('X1;I';I ct an ;lInOllnt of enjoyment 1'1'0111

IiI" thut I don't gl' t 11 0 11', I do 1-101,

WfIllt that k ind 01' I'/ltret' tho rx-ehief groc!;,I' (11' Pl' rth, 'n cnrca bilL 'h 'I', or n L Olldon millillg p l'omotcr' -' locn l mfLna­gl' r, 'njoys , nor do I II'lIn t to O'et in on s ulTera n e with Lhe wflrm I' il' il el'­vice 'll'I'k wlto illg at Lady'lIlith'" L od<Yo ·hllriLy con cr l' t~, piny lawlI tell IIi , wiLh th "fnlllilil's,' 01' hall '" Oil to thc 1'1' '~k l cd ' nbstll ll Linl-l'ookd young (?) HHtldel1 - wlto l' 'pre ell t \\1. \.. .BOt'r loyc1ill s, I hould like to he able 1,0 wnlk in en jilln;fle, II' T could do anything, IIlnk' nny acrificc, -hort of gil'il1g n - llb~c ripti oll to a wild 0011 I' s holl', to nttnin that clld, I would uo it.

H edland and ' Rorbuck Ba,v, be­'ides a e ri of stock 1'011LeS, lLre

spet:ified as in, tances \Ihcr the people's money has been eXJ?end d, in facilitating the progress and Il1 CreaKlI1(Y the riches of t he one s l11all ,lass who hay ye r been the c urse of _\ustmlia, the , quatt.ers, _Tothing i ' said about I ttin N in froze n meat,cluty fr ,durin'" the P 'riocl the tick" impo-tu rc i. b ino­work d for all it is 'worlh, All Lhat the M ent GO\ mmeut nH.k hi, Ex 'el­leney 'ay is Llmt the cost to the III at­<TrOWer in g ttin" his produce to mlLrket i!l to be 1 'ssenecl, a nd his uh','ady' m onstrous protits incl' a, ed, while the mass or COnSUl11r l'" the 164-,000 of the 1 Gil 000 which make up th population ot th s ttle m nt, <t\' to b left to t he ir 011' 11 cle\' ice' , xpenclitu1' opt of consolidated r e­

v nu is set out, the xpenditure t)ut of I ~an lund noL coming so losely within t h scop of thi ' contention,

, LT, T Olr ALLOCATIO f:i,] 06-7,

h , WY XDH,\M -the w rid, in tead of t e outpoul'lnO's Re eiving ~hed9 ... of a Pari h Govel'Tlment of an ou of- Gnol the-w,LY ,ttlem n~" in a r~l11ote cle- :E olice (~uttl 'Lers ." pend ncy of the Bntlsh Empll' Road to aLtle Yltl'ds

And after a ll , what was the gi,t of D EHBY-

the whol £arrarro of non, nse thi. un- Hospital fortunate Go\'e~nor of a colony which ha riot yetgrn.sp' d on idea ofth m ean­in"of onstitutionalGover llm nt,hlldto wad o thr lwh? 1. 'I'h,.e the ex pendiLul'e fOl ' the (la L

tillltncial yelll' was only £:~ , :lO, les (lmn the rc\'enue.

Bltoo~m-,Jetty and Landings polic'e Quarters .. , Telegraph tR(;es .. ,

OXSI.O\\,­Tmmway ... Ho pital .. '

A S lIll R1'ON -


l ,OOO 1,000

800 300


1.1,000 1,100 3,000

.. ' 2,000

... 2,000 2, That the Prol1li sory nott!S of the colony

gil' n Lhis yenl' only Lo the cxtel,L of £.'i'}a,ooo, are HoaLing n.iJout thc LOlldon bill ,rliscounting bouses, beclluse our crecli t is not gooll enough In t he moncy mal'ket of the world , to C1mlJle u to fl oat a loan; and:

,JctLy and Approaches ... 10,000

3, 'l'hILt unless it is ele ired to delay the nHmy u I'gen L .wd lIee S,llI' .I' pu blie works now in pl'ogr'ess, 01' abouL to be under­laken, it will not he po~sible Lo remit !lily

duti" s ur otherwi:e I'educe th' aliLi 'i lmted gro~s nmount of rel'Cllue, ,\ ma~nificl'"t .I'pa r'" rl'l'ol'd thi:l a ­

the 0ll t' II1111' of the l'n'u rt~ of 0 111'

lAH.s" .\n.\~O~-

JeLLy a lid r\ ppl'oachcs l'ascill's Huspita l .. . M di e..'],1 Quart I'S Police do, l; aol \Varders' QUllrtccs Po t Orticc \Yi ndmills and Tanks

8,000 500 700 600 1.10 00

600 500 4.3U

1;:~, 100






*' "* *' on;;iuer 11011' how delightl'lIl it I\ I)lIltl

lillI" bec lI to sit ill the I'i,'c-r g al smok­ing' d ell, nbollt, 11 1J. 111. alld h 'ar ir

er:11'l1 l'x pn's- him 'l'lf lllll' ' .. trninctlh· ; g il'i llg hi.- priYlIt.e scntimellt~ I'l'$pl,cti;lg the thl' '(' I'ulllnl c;; of t waddle, pill illlo hi s hn.llds, 10 rca. l aloll il to 111('1 Il bel' , of

L the sli O'h test sugfTt'stiun of futU re re li f for them, Th put all ott d to them is simply tu plly and look pi <t­

sant, r to pay in any en 'e,

"* "* * .A an in 'olent exhibition of un­

bounded power, this tOpH everythinrr preceding it in the hi ,tol'Y of th~ Austmla ian uolonies , 'I he 111 at­owning Cabinet ha , how v I' ,one 111 ri it i3 appr ciati" , It ~nder-tand thorouO'hly whom it ha - t leal

with, n know that tit peopl of it. town: are "cont mptibl spiritless hop-keepers," and th "oldfi Id!l work- ­

er to~ much oecupi d with the delights of t.h 11' pub' a nd shantie~ to l'ar a. tinkeL" -- ",heth I' they fret th , fmnchi s or not. And ::;o it 'i: hl'utally frn,nk in it delight at b in~ of "I' at h


Ip t it: own 'Ia -s, \I-hi le denyin<r \'rTl the hope of l' lief to any oLIt ' I',

• • :::lo, a J Haid at the oubet, my demo­

eratie ;oul yearns to gl't into tile <1ris­tocl'lLti c int rior of GO\- rnlllen t lIuu"e tlul.t T might hay the pleasur' of helLrillg the pl'eHent tenant descant upon th delights of hi position as ho ,t and r 'fLder tu th " -.. \., Due l's,


RD .-\ V, OCT. 23, 1897.

J should like also to heal' his I'ea l pl'ivate sentiments l'e pectinrr his agri­'ultural tOUI'S, the Bocl's he m t with,

and the enel'rrcti' endeavors which have resulted in t h tmnsfol'mation of the ,",A, wildel'ne s in to a land flow­ing with milk (at Gd. a pint) and (im­ported) hon y.

* " * I toll that wretched attorney for

the frozen meftt company, you may re­member, how it would b if he did not rest contented with being stamped out by. the ~ieat Go\·cl'I1ment. I nevel' met with a ll1ftn who takes uch evi­dent pleasure in bing snt upon. He wrote to thi,:; joul'I1allast week to ay that, hfwin rr . tOI ped Ilis company fl'om ,'ellin '" fl'oZ n meat to ship. i'1. the .i?remnntle Roads, it was subse­quep.tly explain rl to hil1l (presumably a a conce~sion 11nd in a, e -how-benevo­lent·we are Ol't of way) that v s els on th point of ~ailin ('J' cou ld be sup­plied with meat in bond as -hip' ,tores f1' e of duty, Having made this" pl'omiH to the al'," let us see how it wa;; can·i lout, The steftmeJ'

loncul'l'y gay an ol'd r, 1tbout eight d11Ys since, Lo th company for meftt for the voya'" to th olonies. The ol'del' was supplied fwd 01/ Ih e 8ft771f rl0i/ sIll' rlf jl((1'11' I. A"'ain Oil Ihe ,sa 1/1 I' day the wl'etche 1 attorney w n t to the Uu tom to mak the en t l'i es pa,s ing the m at in bond. He W!l.S tben informed this could not be don, as the ilt"II'IICtiOItS g iven to the Collectol' of Cu, t 111, wore t hllt. frozen m at 'was not to b allowed to be sold even to ships on the }willl of .'flilill!! wile .• " dut,1J w((S ,1il'81 fluirl. But having som ca e.' of ale on boal'd another st('amer, which he had also sold to the CloncuI'ry, the ftttOl'lley asked could 'he tranship this without pftying duty, The relly wn,- Y s and the alc was pu on hoard, fhe wr('tchcd attol'l1cy, in 'QJlcluding hi, le tter,ohsel'l'es th<,J.t "it

~'. diilicult to beli ve ;; uch a state of t 'ngs could ex ist uncleI' British rul e! '

:Yhy he should Imw made slich an incunseq uen t rem,u'k I cannot under-tand. \Yh1tt on c<tI'Lh has Dl'itish l'ul

to do with i t? Hel'e is thr position. " T am, say, the P l'emicl' of a colony, T am indil'ectl? 111 th mcaL tmde; 111)'

brothel' bo 'scs it, all my fL'icnc!f; nnd suppOl't('rs are inLerested ill it, " 'e wanL to sell OUI' own 111 at aL Ollt' wn pl'icc, nnd we W,tnt to pl'e\'ent you, 1\ \1'. AttOl'l1ey selling yOUl'S, "'hat's th good of being tt Il' l11ier if I e;mnor help my-elf, my broth('1' ;tnd his ring, ,tt your expense 01' anybody cl;.;es who thl'c,ttens Lo imperil OU I'11l0stprofitable and most ardently chCl'ishec1 monopolyl I am not in the becl' tm Ie, nor is my brother. If we were ' ou should nol tl'an­'hip any ale in " b01;d " any 1110re than you do meat. As wc aA'e not in the beel' busines- T dOli t cal'e a -- how lllU 'h a le you ~hil in bonel. Another thin" is, ::'.\1'. Altol'ney that you are not under British rule. You a l' 1.1I1der th \Y.A. Boel' rul , which i::; 1t "ery different thing ind ed .

It \Yould, however, be somewhat clll'iou to know who instruct d the Coll ctor of ustoms to act as he did, Of curse that the ' ustoms" is one of th many depftl'tment. directly under the Premi I' may be mel' ly a coin­cidence. It may lmve be n the youn" lIative " 'estern Au~tmlian shop-keepel' crenius who wa, I' c ntly aJ'mnrrin rr th destinie of l ill;; 1~'1II1)ll'f who gave th ol'der. The fact that until the la t few week he was carrying on a butehering business, may Olt1y bc anoth l' coin­cidence' but th fact, patent and 'plain, ..'emftins that th(,l'e is in this wonderful ttl ment, where the pro pects w I' ncy I' hi ight('l' " - (rlde Govern0l"s , peech)- olll' I((u' ,Ii)/' 1,'If /I1ml :/'(((11-, ((111/ (moill/'/' If)r Ih e (III' h/lsines."

To us unfortunate peopl liyin rr in the pro\'ince" it stil'H up OUl' stagnant biood to rr t occasional I11formntion fro III tb capital. \Y had t legraphic J1 ws of importance fro111 Bunbury last week. It cam, of coul'se, thl'ough the maiden lady's p11pCL', and it consisted of a f>cmi-ofiic:i11] de patch of f1 mo, t important hammel', h m h l' 10c,t1 l' pre entati\'e at the capital. Thi gentleman, you may rec 11 et, is now the cOil/i'I'/'I' of ;'1. D Blowitz at Paris, I{nd nfl·. R my \\~alter of' the London Thlll 's , and th three regulate all joul'nali -tic matters of sLate ana £nance in theil' respectiy • nn.tion '.

Clare's Weekly. "Bunbu/',If has derider! 10 P l'eSfl1 t ((

memorial 10 ' ''' II' John F'o/'I'('sl." •

This is the intelligence flash d to Pal' is and London. 1 t elicted at on ' a v l'bal manifesto fronl 1\11. Faul', urging the French people to exploi t new countries, and to conquer fre, h markets. It bought a,bout a l'ise in rabbit ill LOlidoll, and the prolllptnt'-s with whi 'h thl' maidcn lady'. Bnnbllry Am­ba;; -nelor cabled the new;; to th Balik of England was the rral rea ' on why the bnnk rate \\'a 1':1i eel "1'0111 :2 pl' r cellt, to ?, pe l' cl'nt., the di rectors bein<' of opinion tlHlt there \\'onld 'be :l heavy clm in on the d. 1. ne ])rpflrLnll'nt" 1'01' thl' pllrpo e l' th' IIl l'mo ria 1.

Th('l'e Wll S a 1l1t'eting of tht' ciLizen f)f BIIIlI'lIr), at 1h(' 'it)' Hall "II the ill st. Thc L or I M.lyor Sir Tl1~lI't Jalllll'()od ']'(I'k' III'l', irl ed. He hrought UI' a "I1 It'l1Io riul '" progre, - r"port. 11. had rc(:t'i l'd liN 710111Id.s len ,,1I11;/)Ir/-' I' rom the SII rroulld i IIg district. . "'1))//­fin· jiol/lId" elfl' f/l sh illiof/,; (lml SIX­

Ilen('(' had brell prollli ed in the city it "If, and of this £3(i 6-. 6d. had been pilid "I" c((,.h ," Nl)t " lien ton's ' nor " Mongers'" n tc~ , 1101' in sil ndalwood, jal'l'>lh, nOl' pearl.'hell, hnt "In ('a, h." At fi rsL iL \I'a ~ proposrd that Il walth anti elwin -hl)uld be handed to ir ,fohn witli a -uitabl e in :;criIJtion and the ity of I3llnblll'Y arms eng r:l\'ed 011 the inner cn e, U ILimatl'ly with that. tl'l1g'ality in money matteL' , \I'hich i~ ' 0

uistincLly n prominl'nt chura 'tt'ri;;til' or th ".A, ]30(,1' , it was suggested that h:1vin,g II1n l!t' the pre~l'ntlltion, it shou ld tlten bc tllkcn away Ilncl the money devotcd to g lorifying the Bunburyonian , by illlprovilig Ollf! 0" the mnlly town re er\'l'S, and (' recti ng II (Carrara I1mrbl ) {lril'lkin g' rOllntnin, u ltimHteiy it \Va 'lleeided to continue the work of col­

le'ting, 'uutil , U' flo,.sible, £100 weI'

recl!in~d, alld 1,1](,11 todt'cide wh:lt form tu' Ll,;;timonial sllonld takt' .' "

It i ' ~ ;\d to s 'lh g\'('nt ppopll' of n g ru>lt city tllll'; divi It'd alllong Lhel1l­-elves, hut at lIl l' sa lll o tim' w (, IIlli st ,'elieilntu th wOl'1l1 on thc continllancc (," penl't', alld the inhahitallts or GI'C'nL Britaill 'II Lite' pl'O_pectol' an imlllodiate rl;'dlll'tioll ill tlte co t 01' li\-illg, rh l' Frcllch will pr" baltl.l' no t noll' attempt to conqlll'r Ill'\\' 11I11rkl'tS, alld tIll' price of rabbit s \\'ill pl'rllllp~ I'all aguill.

Tllt'n' i" a diIT. 'n'n·" bcL\\'rl'1I tIle Doers or ,'ollth .\rril'1l ,ll,d \\-('s 1,(' I' 11

.\lI strn lill, isn't lill'I't'? I t'~ n rllltllV ;;tlJ l'r about 'reil Hl tOdl's .nlld th'c KI'I~('J'crsLlt)l'p Ho'r -, i-II'L ' iL? :MI'. H hodes s nt il lIIall to them, wh o 5llid, "If yOIl come to Rhod 'sin 111V hoss will gi l'e e.lch of you .t fret' rami fllltl n P,1Il or oxen. _\ nd t he Boers waxed wratli, Hnd rlll'thl'r llphrlLl th pil' reputation 1'01' valoUl', hy moblting' Lhe 1111111 , Of C011 I'Se, il' all thi;; i.' I 't it I'omallce or K rl1ger'~ .. PI'(' -5" 01' a fine Ii ' of Dr. Leyd , then I wanL to kno\\' \\'hnt the cl \' il they Illolthet\ the mall for? II' the 1'1Itlll:' Emperor of II fcclcl':lt'd _\I'I'j 'il o~r I' 'd me ;t I're'c 1',11'111, l' two farm ", a pllll, 01' e\'en a mob of oxcn, J ;lIolll tl lIut :<ny it lI'a 11 ndicl rea on-

"Fo!' .1ny scientific g nt to whal hi fellow mall,

A nd if a membel' don'L agt'ee \\-ith "is 1 een, Ii ",!, whim

'1'0 lay fol' Llmt same menrhet· fot' to 'Pllt I~ head' on him."

No\\' how' \'('1'\' clilTel'elltlr 0111' f)\\,n 1111-demonstmti\'" "BoC!';: \I' c;lllcl Ilal'e bt'­ha\'e(l nlld cl' ~illlili\l' circul11 sta nce. rr our 0\\'11 eti i Rhodes hndn't cnt a IIlali to thelll th t· \' would 1I0t llll\'c 5t:nt a ilep"IIIIIOII 10 /'1;/1. They 1I't)'1l1d llilYC tnhn iI jetty 01' 'nttle "tage witll It

mil<, 01' g l'iltitude, E\'cu a ncw 'O lll't liOUSl' 0 1' nn Agl'icultl1l'nl H alI wOIlI] ha l' bl't'll met \I ith t hllllk. , and, as for a I'I'CC 1':11'111 nnd ,- POll 01' oxen , they would have tltkcli both with plca.'lIre, L1l1 -modiHtt'ly aftC'I'\\"lI'ds th('y w()nld hay' I-'la 'cd thl' l'al'llI 11l1dl'r oller 01' s,de to the '0\' l'IIl1Il'lIt, and tlte . ' pnn of ox('n would lilln' bce n shippccl by mcnns f it Ill\\' cattle :<tngc, and sold lu Ihl' P erlh )JIf'(11 I'll)f/ ' Th re is neither non, ns nor romanc about our Boer, . They can give theil' outh African prototypei'! a stone and a beating 1111y day.

* * * I see by the cabl s that mallY of

the boil r-makeL'S are indignant that an amicable settlement of their strike has been effected by their own execut­ive and the ship-builder, and thcy threaten l' pudiation, You remember

T told you last week that the £100 yearly pension awarder! to th dis­missed mil way men, by thei r union, would be too much fol' thc oth I'

unionist", lidn't T? The two million, mil Ie and file are" going" straight for that annual hundred pension, You can safely lay odd on it. Between Agitator Tillett's, "six hours day"­and the -e I en ions, the British Govel'l111l nt will hav to PUl' ue exactly the same course at " Klondike" as the \'~ . A. Boel's pursue here. Get the Oui tlandel's to extl'a.ct ,til the gold from that Eldorado, and then take it from them in the ;;hal e of taxes, The whole yi ld fl'olll British Columbia, will be required to pl'ovide th nece, sary fund :; fOl' TilJctt and hi, f 1I0w pntriots,

The ('x-chief-l ieman, who is (,til but) 11 \V.A, Boer of t hc pur !it watel', has been re-elected to th position of Pel'th 'f; chief citizen ti 11 the 111 iddle of next month. We shall now 'iee the

ltnitar)' Department hon'or I'em died, the side-walks wi ll b pl'operly I;on­structed, the roads will be finished in Perth 's best style, and" the man's a thief" will b quietly bUl'i ,d with the def1d hOl'ses under one in 'h of sand at the 1 epot But above nll, and be­yond nil, 1/ new ,1,1.' II,l/ht will be el'euted om wh('r' or oth 1', The existing

I :cll1a,n i: ju t th one to maIn' " Li ttleworth ' trem bl 111 his anci n t Egyptian 3anda,]s.

The younger brothel'" pa.p l, ,· i ngs a,n "To Triumphe" ovel' the ci rcul11 ' tanc that, up to now, no onG has had the h(tI'cl ihood to come forwal'd (tIld chall enge the family rig'hL of its pl'o· pl'ietol' to onc mOl'e I' .'ume the chief ci izen:hip of the city. Of course not. The native Boel'!'; rCNard th younger brothel" s ri,o-ht to the chail' as a gift from God and ,." for the l11i Cl'ablc, shop-lee ping forei~n 1',

" from LllI' "'llonics"-w Il you might 1'( 1) t H'.t t vi th ir wive,; childl'en, l' ,'e ll thei\' :l1other>l-in -Inw-c\-ery thinJ; t hey ndue in fa't, 'xcept hci I' stocks and th'ir weel;:'" takings, brfop th .v would dream of r esisting thc illlperi­ous will of the l'in~ b·,ss.

The Frcmantle "wi ld white SpClltI­rifts," arc \\'I'i Lh ing under Lhe vCI'b,,] I;tsh of certain CC)1ll1ll ntatol'i:; who I'egnl'd Lhe br:gade'>l ucee"s in putting out fire,;, afte r e\'el'ything has been conSllllle I, wi t h fe 1 i ngs Lhc reVel'se of eomplac 11 t .

.< Fit· ntall Sa.des saici that if t lie puhlic <. har! seen tit rec sLl' of water pumpe(l "hy the iire engine, nothing ,,"onld havc "been said. The engines conld 1I0Lget the "water and with the usnall' ariines. of the , puhlie to finrl fault, tile brigade wa ('on-

demned. " J quite agree with ,'ayle~ , T think

if the public cannot .'it quietly nncl Rec iLs "00 Is bUl'l1ed up befol' its eye>, it oll",hL to be ashamed of its If. Of c UI'SC, if there is no watel' what cnn the brigade do exeepL sit C]uietly down n,nd wltit for' th wate l' to stroll rOllnd . It. is cel'tainly not the duty of th bl'lgade, wIllIe 110 fil'es at't' on, to Illake any IU 'l 'ftngelli nti:! for Wtttel', tl'11I' )/

fir R nre on, That's th duty of another lot of fellows. Th brigade is quite ~'eady to do something at fi l' s, if Lh l'e 1S a ~ood supply of water ready with­out any trouble, lo the members, fLnd the I· ngine will only \\'ol'k when wanted to. I consider that" fOl'ema,n H::l.'tl)" while asserting that the bl'l~ade had dOll its best, admitted thnt thc> ad verse comlllents ('oncerninO' Lhe fire wouH b beneficial to the lIlen," WM insulting the brigade, _ 0

eorn III I;'n ts 'oul I . be ben 'lici~tl to the men ;mel he sho t'l ld know this, Therc i.; one cirCUlll tancc whi 'h should prove cO~iloling- to th unfortunate victims of the l'ecent conf1acrmtion­The Ball ommitt I' porL d a credit of :313. 011 th late nnnual ball. 1£ any ftwlt 1'e ts upon the hrigade as It whol therc is ccrtainly non attaching to the Hall Committee, aud 1 don'L, ec ,tfter th is tri umph, t hat, t h public has ttny right to grumble,

* * A little while sine!) th brilliant

vV st Australian native Do l' who regulates th(' d stini of the Post and Tele(Yraph D partment was a, ked' the cause of the delay in bllildin'" a certain Post OAk, and he prompLly rcplied he "didn t know." He \Va wait d on


by the "Perth Chamber of Commerce," whit h most unselfishly elesired to know when Fl'ermtntle was to b mad the port of ca,ll for the mail tamers in ' tead of Alb;tJ)y. Th budded genius replied that he 111011,1111 It WIIS detinit ly laid down in the ne\\' mail contnLCt that the steltmer, W l'e to call there a., soon as the hlll'bol' was finish('d, ,,], have heard I/{({I," l'cmarked the lIlem­bel' who had introduced the deputa­tion, 'and wantcd Lo elieit whether it W:lS '07" "1 believ it i so," was the l' ply, • ny one would have thought thftt the one man Oll earth, or W.A., which is the same thing, who should hnve known wou ld ha\'e been the Minister of the Depal'tment re­sponsible for tit nULil contmct. But as usual 11(' "dld))'1 /"//0 11'." These evidences of real talent for arililinistra­tion ollght to see l1l' his position a. Mini tel' of Post ( isn't this it lo\'ely fi.tting appellat!on 1) ev n aftel' the ForI' , t Government has c1 parted this political life.

The miserable forcigners "from th ,. \\'ho have come h r to take ou!' "old, have been ,l'lH;hing OUl' shor s ,tnd OU l' intel'ior paradi, es for six y ars. : t has taken the 'UpI' IIle Court just thlLt period to find out that it is inCOll\'enient to a man, who lind~ he 't make business pIty nt, slty Lawlers, and go s bung th l" , to come down to Pel,th fOl' ftn eX1tmination in bank­l'Uptcy. If Lhey go slow in \\YaiL a­whil they go sure and t11e 'Chief Justice has now made ttll 01'11 I' that such examination may now bc heard at any plac(' and bel'ol'(, any pf'rson ol'clered by the Court, This could hltve be('n dOll(' five years since and, only this is \\'ltit,a~whil e, it would haye heen .

The R('\'el'el!d ~I 1'. p ,'sel' has been holdin '" "PI('asant • 'unclav Aft(,I'-1100n ." ott hi l-l ,hill' 'h, and ht~ has beel! denouncipg unda,\' labol' in mineH, ditto n the I'itilintys, " llnda)' CXC Ul'­

.'ion ~ liquor n',ttli' ""'C, In fact, h hILS been gi\' ing e \'erything nnd ,'el 'hod " h 1 all round, -H e cldls the "PINtl-lllnt 'unday After­noon ," [ PI' ,tu.nw, fl.' It good- dill, ent­ing jok, 1£ th fool , who UJ' lured into his doxology hop would accept my advice th.r wuuld go for the neal' st HUII'cl' tmin, 01' evcn pub, at Ollce, instead or li~tenil1g to Lhe ton'ent of gall and hittel'n ss Llult oozc~ from his lipl-l. H e ha;; touched the 'ocial que, tion again, and 'ays" God forbid that a hnnd should be mi;; d acrainst fallrll wOlllen," and in the next hI' ath he aid" he hopecl the police wOllld be 'given power to enter immontl

hou, e, ." This Bloostel' cannot see hi, own inconsistency, so it" no use labor­in" hi s twaddlc. \Yhen he say, with r egal'd tu those who contribute towards thes women's downfall "he "would hound th m, thrash them," [ pre, ume he mak s direct I' ference to the Gov I'nm nL and the imposition of those ' lllonstl'OU, food duties that separate thou <tnd s of men fl'olll their wive ' and familic::;, Go on, my dea.r Blooster, \I ith YOlll' "pleasant, 'unday aft r11oon;;. " ,' lash 1t""ty aL the Go-

ernm n L till the duties are removed . You will do m01'e ~00c1 in this particu­lar line than in yOU1' dcnunciations of 110W(,l' trains,

The me Ie L'emorsefullittl document which the lead l' f the Opposition ha.' dmfted fol' Lhe considemtion of Parli,.­ment is not nt <tll cnlcuhtted to ('aise the bri t Ies 11 the back of the PI'C­mier, Let us 'onRider it :-

" \\'e, howevel', regret thaL your Exccl­lency'~ advisers do not propose to intl'ocill 'e any iegi. ialion with a vicw 10 !tmcnoing the tariff. aH we are of opinion it is clesirablc to I'educe th clutieR on fooll supplied, und \\'e, Lherefol' , l'eHpe ,Hull), RuggeHl that your I~x(;ellcllcy's 1<1 vi Ct'" aho)tl<l he il1\'itcd to I'ceonsi.ler theit' clccision with a view LO such rc/lu ,tiou." You will Be it is 111 l' 1y,tn expr sion of opinion 1md regret, coupled with n. ~U('f(r tion that thc Govel'l1m nt shouJd b invited to l' consider it. decision (it, hould 1111ve b en hi" decision, C011-sidel'ing it is a One-m1t)) Gov I'lllllent), and red uce, not r l' llIOI'I' 111i nd, the food duties, Hftving cal' fully eounLed hcad, , and having mad ~Ul'e, by the u uaJ undcl'ground meLhods muse 111 the seLtlem nt, of


a, IlliljOl',itv of :21, r,he ,'a.JiiUlt Pre nli er , Wltll true FfI,l~tafti<ll1 courage, re fn s!',; to look U p~)J1 t IlE' humble li LLIe motiun a s othe r tlutn one or f , no cOl1fi-d n 'e," '

J 1l!ll IIllwh lll'Jre cOlu;e rn ed in t ry­ing tu guess Iww t he wordin" 0:' t he w ellk-knt'erl lit tle ,' c ra.wl wus illTi,'ed at , H u t ' vhell we h 'ill" of iL (" Oil ~t're nce

between the Ill ,) " I' and t h~ Illa idell la dy the ni;ht [J l" ,'ious to l'utti ll .!; i t o n t he notice-p'lper, alln \\',11'11 we see t he e n ir > abse:lce 0: 11 1111 CO lll ,lIiLtal comm ent f rolll the c(, lullln ,' ( ' ~ h l'

p ap 1', and lL!':U when WI' ""lIsi"I:'I' t lutt " he" rUIH;' the Governlll l"'lIt T fo: on ILIll (;uriou :; Lo kn uw wh'Lt li ttll' a l"­mng '1 1I e ll (, i; bt': II ;'; wo r k!'d,

On thi n !! i!i ce rtain, TIll' 1II<ILion \\' ill rc ' nle i;1 soli l i f.rin ,~ the l'l) \\~ r of t he (JoV(' rll lll ~ n t, ill 1' " J"\' wa,', a nrl, this bein ,~ t!ll' (;a~ , t he l ;atllr;~1 Illl !i­tioll Ilrisc,-; - \\Th It kind " i Ill,litic,t! ."r,mlc>gy i-; it t:liLL bl'i n ;..;,· >lut ulIl.\' the Ilb:;plute W!'Uklll'';S of thp illcoh e r nt Opposition and e'llHd ly jll'O""s the ..;t rength and ullity "f the Co\"ernll1ent and its I on :1 s l il"e~ !

,nl\' ll Ot h'LI'(' waited till the weak spot:; (; I the G O\'Pl"Ill11t'n t COllt of 111<lil \\'err seen, anrl t h n pien'(' thelll !

There is sOll lC'thing n' l'y nivt)' be· hind this 1110'(;, wh e n it is tiLcitl,Y ~l pprt)\ 'f'd b,r til!-' 111Lirie li lady, \\' ilose \\'hul e PO\\ (' I' is COli ' I'll tl'Hlt'ci upon t h

e fi'OI't to keep t h e prese n t )Iinist ry 111 plac .. "

I told you o nly Il fOl'tni"ht , illce t hat thel' was trollbl a head fol' ~( w Z eitland in' connection wiLh the ad­vent, in x-chief Publican ;'ed Ion'!; colon y, of that w e ll-paid cumfol,tlLbl pfttriot, 'fillet, H e gilse t he us u;d a.dd l'es to :t meeting of wOl'kme n at ,Vellington , orne day ' sin ce, ttlld h,op I t he t ime w ould come whe n "ix hlllll'''

would be t he \vol'king dny, l' cuur 'e, in order to enj oy thi: ext ra le i"ur , it would be n ece, sal')' to mi: Wll~e;; 25 I el' cent. This would pro" id(' the extra fund s for the six-houl's 11'0ce'­. ·ion. bannel', and the i:l cl'ea!S d "ala­l'ie t he union " executive ' would re· quire to me t t he illcr ILsed xpcn li­t Ul'e cOI1,'equent on ,r,h il' improved , ocittl statu , \\T eekly receptions by )Ir, and nil·s, Pre, ident of the Hat Pre 'sers' Union, ll1uJtiplied it. the e would be by the thou and and ne oth l' lilt', a nd 1111'S , Pre,,;id ent ', would be sure to run into a lot of money, I t hink foul' hours fot' t h workin" da.y, and a, 50 pel' cent, ach'ance in walre" would best m eet th circum ta.n' ~ of the case, because it would ,' tfl.Ye off fUl'th l' a!!'i.tation for at least >;ix

Clare's mun t hs <Lnd g i" e t he ru~t of th e world,

lIot union, 1)1' itthing t i ll1 e , Hoe t tl~­

: ured, t he , f six ho ur;;" iJe L will .,. r­

III in itt , It is plan te:1 in I' ce pti " e soi I

and ' twi ll g'l'l)W II II W Cl'O il of I.LOor

t rouble" ILnd pl'Opagate it I1('W Ira r

betwee n lIlbor a nd l: iLp i ~al. Y Oll ob­

lien 'e I re,;pe.;tfully gi " hL bo l' p rece­deDee,

The} do the,e t hings e1ift' rently in

France, o r Ge l'lna.ny mLh e r, fo r when

t he ~"entl' Till et we n t over to Ham­

burg to Htir up t roubl e the l'e, t hey

first quodd ed iLllri t hen d eporte I hilll

bitck Ilgnin, Tt did not leiLd to ElIl'o­

pean cOlllplicatio ns e it he r, \Yi th us

~h e mo;;t tlrelent I at riot 1,(oe' s!tfely

Iwme to tea III the ll1ea,ntim e Ger ­

meny tak ' ~,) pe l' cen t, of B l'itish

tmd a \\'ay , ,'he will tak ,om more

owing to the e n " in cel's ' st rike , \Yh n

i t is al l gone th tl',1 Ie,.; uni ons wi ll

wo nd e r ho w the de,,;1 it ha: come

about, Tl1ilnk 'od: t li (' I' il will

WOI'I;: i ts o wn ' ure, f t is g ro wing too

<LCU t fo r t he world to stand it 111 u (; h lun"el',


The N~w Sayings of Christ.

h the" 'Q ll temp I'1\rr R eview " Dr, )1. R, ,rlllll.J~ <li s~ lI .se t he I;ew Rlty ings uf Christ \I,lt ie, l ha n l jll ,t heell di seo\'el'e(1 in Egy pt , I-Le ,ets np th e th eory that thi .. papyrns lea f i, fronl II hu"k of s!Lyingsoi (Jl11'ist, ext1'ltcte(1 It 'Oll l one 0 1' more C: ospels, 'LIHI I leM e it to he de ti t with bv t he eri ti<: a it ri esen ',,", T he theol'y t hat they nuy be excerpts fl'OIl1 (O ne 01' 1110re (,0 pds-suoh, for eJmmple, a~ the " Egyptia n l,ospel "-wolllrl sen 'e well to exp lai n t he pre 'enec ill t hem irle hy ~id e lIf e:elllents of \'IlI'iou, degree of " uthenti . city, for it is mo, t probahle t hat those ead,v !:ospel whi eh the (Jlllll'ch l't'je<:tecl <:ontltinc, l a ll aclmixtu rtl of gen uine matter

Disons ing the say ings, Dr, ,Ja me. s'l.vs of the t hird , aying:-

I t is the most imlll cliately, attracth'e uf Il II. '

" J eslIs sa ith : I stood ill the micl t of the wodd, Ilnd ill fle~h was T seen of t hem : a !HI J fuuml 11 11 mell drunken, and none fOllll' l I a hll'st ,UIl Otlg them, Rnrl my sou l grie\'eth o\'el' the sons u men, because they arc bli nd in th iI' heal 't."

A ' to thc intel'pI'etlttiliu of thi sOll1e \l'hat obseure pRs~nge, /)1 ', ,Jnmes SIl)'S :-

I t is not, cel'tainly, often that Oll\' Lrml refers to His coming nl on eal,th as a }Just evcnt ; ti ll. He does so I' fer to it: nl1l1 I woulrl submi t t haI, it is yen' po~~i h le that in t his say ing we ha\'e ,{ ,reminiscen.'e, pel' hap garbled , bilL pl'e elTulg a genu ll1e element, of II. para hIe 01' si mile ac'tua lly utter cl II.)' 'hl'ist, In any ca .. e, the sayillg is>\ \'m'y beautiful onc,

O ne of the Jubilee incident.' which eSCi.tped general attention, b u t which possessed II certain g rim s icrnificance of it , o wn, was t h 1 0plllitr delllOl1-, tmtion he ld in o ne of the Iri sh towns to c mil) morate t he :?K d ays which H e r iVI,t.iest~7 had spen ti n r rda.n 1 in th 60 yeftl ',; ur her I ' ig n,

The apeni ' I" a: Parliament was a dreary funcu ' ,I as compared with tile blilliant assemblages inciden t ta th e ceremonial In th e ather colon ies, and was in real ity more like a Qllaker s m eetin g , wh <::rc:!in no o ne speaks unt il the, 'p irit m oves h im,

,Tohll Lowle " )LP, fOJ' .Battersea, is 'omll1g out aga In 111 compallY with ,'il"

:-';001 I's Yine, Both are apo~tl es of tho 1m pel'l II I Fedenltion H oax, Ilnd ~he "mb­I)iug ~i(l t' of ,John Hullism genel'lllly : s~ we are making l)l'epal'a~ions f{)t, a sickenill<" el1l11paigll of gro"el find gush, <>

'ah'ert, the il'l'epressilJle, the fel~thel'-he(l explorer, the Di <:o"erer of \\' estern .-\.\1 • tl'a li ll, is at it again. l-Ie is h.~tling it hook, .. ,\1 ." F Olll'lh Tour in \\'. ,-\. .. wilh SUO illus­LI'lItions,

Late ,Judge \Y illfleyer WI1- ullce pussing sentence 011 II notell . 'nIne,' Illl'I'ikin, " 'hen he Ill'l'h'ed 'Ilt the' fOl'in llla, "six ('II~ ellclar month with hllrd , lahOI'," the }lI'ISOIICI'sholllerl, "-- ,"Oil, I II do that 011 Ill ," head ," The judge kept Oil, without a ltering hi .. ,'oice, .. alld 'yOIl \l'ill receive :N. strokes 01 the la~h-which you will clo ' Isewhere," ..,J


PHOTO 1\)' G REt;~ lI ,\)1 &- E" ,I~ H,

A Native Encampment.

The Spirit of the Age.

.-\.\I'n ke! IIl,V I11U SO to tho ll " hts of ,,, If, Lct weed t h ' t 'lO lile in~pire:

Unworth,l' F ltllle ! (: .. ell& gloriou, elf, ~O \\' 'Inims t hy ll 'o ill bling lyre,

Oll .. d eed ~ of Wil' thy numhel'$ mn, '1'0 " ·0111nll , wit, allfl win e,

Thon oft hnl,h }lourell n t ream of song, [II tl'ne Homeri e li ue,

Bllt cast n,way fal Re hOIl OI,'K , bilYK, Take ;\1 a m 1I10n bv the hllll (l;

'I' IiI Ce t hou, in t he, 'c degenerate day, ('I'ced' footsteps on thc, II.II(!.

Rell tha n t,hy sOlll fOl' gli t( ering gold, Thongh in t hy helll't enthml ;

To Di,'es now thy gifts unfold , (:1' at LucI'e goverlls a ll.

Ah, Hefl\'enly maid! th,l' shining forl1l, Like ,' irtue at the \'oice of , ill,

Th ,v qnil'ering lip lind looks of 8com, l'oint to t hc n.gony within,

'1'0 Youth 's bright droams thy notes were tuned,

, And I'omance made thy acccnt ' r ing ; I oung dreams are Aecl, t hy votary l'uilled,

N ow <:ash l1I enns nIL to him,

Then sing, thou soul of li"ing fire ! To heir thy sla ,'o 't is 111 et,

Fol' g reec '~nd gold and ba, eness cl ire, ( IIworthy task for one so sweet),

Take up thy lute, let faille c.lepl1 l't The l'ieh alone are wise : '

Pour fOl't~l thy sk ains my bleed ing heart, _-\.11(1 gl1l11 the worldly prize,

A, (JIl URL,

Hi s in terpotation of the mo' t l 'emark ,~l>l e of t h ~ay ings is statell by him as follo\\'s ,­" 'I'll' In t of t hese Logia to which 1 ea n here rcfol' is lhat puzzling senten<:e, ' Raise llfJ the, tOIlO, ancl tho r t"lIllU ~h fl l t . (i11l1 me; clea\'e . he woorl, n.lld t here 'till 1. ' The em, phaRis is to be laid upon tIll: hard Rnn lahori ons clllLl'll 'tel' of the aet ]l l'CScl'lbccl­t h" hea\' ing up of the stone antl the elea \'i ng of the WOO(!. \\' e shol1l cl then ha,'o a pRl'tllle l to the pl'"('epL, ' As" nnd ye shill! I'eeei" e ; S~;E" and ,'e shall find; J{~Ol''', fin d it ShlLlI he' opene~1 Ullto you: an uttel', ance in which the command ' eem to me 'Illi te 1\, il1lpol'tant an elemellL li S the pro, mise, I ~frol,t i,1 lI cces IU '" if t he knowledge of CIlI'isL is to be won, " ,

[£ Quo Il slll.lld i ~ the tl'ea' m e hou e of the wodd, .\loullt .\lorgall eel1ls to be one of ilS I'iehest <:hnll1bel" , I t i the apex amI <:one of t he conglomel'll.te rlyke uf 'entl',,1 (Jlwen ' Imld, How threc brothers nllmed )1 I'gan stumbled on t his bla<:kened, scmi) , ,lad p nk, washed the 'anct frol11 one of its Lan, f'o lored streams, found gold so abumlanL thnt in t heir amazement t hey t honght it must be "lla.tive copper," >Lmlnot gold ' is n fll.milinr tnle, .-\.s a matter of fa oL, it wa gold purer t ha ll that of minted 'o"ereigns, tlnel the a t ual 'Lone, when a ayed, y ielded 1110re th"n :3,70007., tQ the ton ! ?lorc than £6,000,000 sterling worth of gold has been bla ted, 01' rlistilled, out of that rugged lit t le peak since that wet, 'aturdll), in I 2, when he t hree .\lOl'galls w:.tShed the fir L sample

of gold frol1l one of tho rivulet on its t lnn k,

Fremantle Land Agency, H[(~H ~TR EET, FRE~IANTLE,

FOR SALE: XUl1l cron Luts in Fl'emantle, Residentia.l

amI Busines ,' ite ,

Cotte loe Be'lch, Ocean FI'olltages, COIll­:ltallcling Extensi"e Yiew of Fl'emll.ntle and Ocean, The pick of thi Fashiou. able, 'ubm b, Price from £:20 to £lOO ]Jer lot.

. 'c ,'erfl l 'hoice 'Snsine~ i'iite;;, fr'ont ing )lai n Perth-lhemnntle Road and 010 e to Cott""loe Beach, 'tation, Terms can h ItlTanged,

X,B, - \\'e holcl Lnncl, ale. e"ery ,'aturrlay Xh:h t at our, 'ale Rool1ls,

Ou t- Door Furniture , ale Arranged . I"urnitlll'e Bough~, . 'old 01' Exchange(!. Pl'llnlpt Ca h 'Sm'er , Lnl'ge t Sale amI. how· Room iil OIOl1\' , Furniture ~torecl or ,'old 011 C ll1niis:ion, . .'al eondueted nil Plu't" of the olony, Account ,'ale relldered imme<liately after t he ale,

NOTICE. \" e propose holding a ll Opel! ,'hare Call

E" ery Night, commenci ng on )lol!day, October 4th,

Note the Addres '-

Fremantle Auction Mart. (Late ,'tock Exchange,)



SATURDAY, Ocr. 23 , 1897. Clare's Weekly.


hm-ing ' t rnek a newer note in the elltcrtainm 'nt of the Vice-reg-a l yisitors wi Lh il1 their ga tes, than i,; eustonrary on Lh l' G()v~' rnor' s tonI'S to the cOli ll try d istri cts. ~'- 1>111llch picnie down the MIlrr;]), ri n'r mu st Jlal'e bee II plcasanter Lh>1 l1 li ste llillg to sp:.> ches at banqtH't , 0 1' Lh e olthodox :llidre 's. The l'in­j'"T,lh party nUlllb(' rec1 about s ixty. alld >1 Il.i cc' hlll ch , al'ter landillg :It tllC rin'r'~ lI1 out h, \l'aS nol. tIll' leasL pleasallt purt or the ouLillg . A dril' illg' party was fln otll(l' interestillg portiol' of t he ar­nlll g-e llients made i o g'ive the GOITe rllor allel party a. lIluch 1'1l'>1sure flS pos~ ibl e during their " tay at Pill jfll'l' :lh, \l'here fl

(By B usy B"g.)


The event of last we k was the wedding of :Miss Stone f1.nd Mr. Jorman K .. Ewing, wh o were united

ill the holy bon Is by the DeGtn, as­sisted by Rev. ~. J . Coyll', at t . George's Cathedral, on F riday after­noon. Evidently the b ri de had no taint of supersti tion in he l' blood, for sh e fl opped h ~'r shower houquet righ t in the face of Li',tte by electing to be marTied on thl~ so·call d unlu eky day of the we k, which is named F l·iday.

A society wedding i such a ral'ity in Per th, that, t houO'h the service was a r ran O'ed to tak p lace at 4- p.m., the Cathedral wa half full of spectators an hour earlier, and before the g uest be"'an to ani ve, thei r seats, guarded byo a eouple of white ~va r!d s, were monopolised by the umnvl t.ed, who _appeared to take a consuming in terest in t he pl'oceedings. .

There was a slig ht attempt at decorating t he altar by meftns of a few pot-plftnt- abo ut t he chancel and a few po ies of flower's on t he comm union table, while a s trip of eocoa-n ut matting

down t.he a isle and ou t over steps. (It should have reached

the caniage, b ut i t did not). 'rhe g ue. t· straggled in by one's and

two', from about 3.30 un t il t he ap-" D 'f pointed hou r had 111'rived, ]\1[1'. n -

field and Miss Dmper being among~t the fi rst to take t heir seat . Then .came S ir James and Lady L ee Steere, Mi s L ee 'teere, aud T Ul·nbnll. After them, ir Alexand r, Lady, f1nd Ii s Onslow, Mr. George L eake,

lVLP., and other:>, while, puoetuall y to the hour, earn the Pl'emi l' and Lady FOlTest.

The bl' id O'l'oom, ftccomI <tnied hy his uppor ter, ]\>11'. H . P. J?ownio <Y, had a

1000' wait before t he bl'lde, 0 11 t ire arm of her father (Mr. J ~l tice Stone) en­tered . the Cathedral, to the 'iinging of "The 'Voice That Breath ed O 'er Eden," by the s urr liced choir.

The bride wore the or thodox cos­t um , the go wn b inO' the g ift of her O'mndmother, 1\1rs. 'henton. It wa ~f white duehe .. e ' ft t in, made with 'our t tr'lin, which was adol'lled with sprays of orange-blossoms down one fiide. The bodiee was trimmed wit h fin e lace, pearl embroielery, ehiffon, an d orange· bIos om , a wreath of the :::lame, a nd t ulle Yeil , completing t he toilette. She eal'l'i d Gt very lovely bouquet in. a ":;howe l''' desig n, C0111-po ed of white ro",es nud tl'ailing buds, with their foliage, a nd othel' choie white bloom, including bou vftrd ia and eLll'nation. It was ornamented with str eam er of broad white ribbon, t he ends of which were oI'llamented with love knots of omnge flowe r buds.

The trio of hl'ide. mftids, l\lisses May, EYa, and Edith 'tone, s is ters of the bride, wore s tylishly-made frocks of ivory benga.line; t.he skirts plain, with box pleats stltnding well out n.t the back; the bodic ., formed with a diagonal draping acl'OSS the bust, and opening to one side, whcre a frill of lac wa p laeed . The cos. t ume had t ig h t-fitLing . sleeves of white l'lleked eh iffon , lace fall ing around the. wris ts, a nd puffs of b en­galine at the top: also wais t-belti; of ell'aped silk. Tbey wore very pre tty h ats, formed of drawn whi te ch iffon, t r immed with pGtle g reen, and clusters

llorLicnltul'U1 . how. a ballquet, and all of pillk roses . Eaeh cal'l'iecl a pl'etty adclrt's::: \\ <:1' other items 011 th e pro­bouquet of p ink and , white r osebuds, (;1':1 111 II1 C.

veiled in adiantiul'n fern. The bride's mother W;tS d rellsetl in a cosLulne of Th e Prilliro c Qundrille _'- ssl' lI1bly bhtek moire ILlltique, t rimm d with g ill'C' a phrill alld fa ney dre s bull at violet silk and jet o!'Oam nts, and h 1" Yi ct,u ri a lJall, Subiaco, last F riday, bonneL was of jet and h eliotl'op whell dan ·illg wn. ' co ntin ued to a ycry fl owers. late Il'l lll'. Among- t those present

LaJy Forrest's toilette wa ' in mauve w(' re JUl'. G 'orge, M .L.A ., alld 1111'S.

a nd black; the eh'ess, of ma uve satin , Gt·o rg, M I'. C . H. Oldham, M. L.A. , was " e il d in tmnfll a l'en t strip d HIllI M rs . Oldhnm, th e 1\1 ayor or black g remLd ine ftS Hn e :tS chiffon , a nd S nbinc a ll d Mrs. Doyle, Mr. Ha rt, t h e bodice was co verecl with b lack J.I ., IH,d M I'. H ar t, l\>J 1'. alld Mr~ . lace; Gt bu tte r fly UOW Imd enel s of North, M r . Vin cent, M rs. H. C IlIl­black .'atin e.i bbo n being placed as a lIi ll g- ham, :Miss F o tel', M I' . ,nd M I" . fini sh to t he wais t . H er' bonnet was Smith . Severa l appe'lred ill fancy co ' ­a mix t ure of jet. and m a uve chiffon tl'll1e s l1ch a ' .. Primro' e ," "Gitnna," and Howe l·s. Lady L ee Steere WfL in H Oll,lle ('I N oh', "Summl'r R oses," &e. a put'pl go wn, black lin ed, ftnd MI'. all! M r. . F. Ha ll'lcy were nl 0 trimmed with b lack lace; Horal bon- present. ne t of a p Ul'ple tint. Lady Onslow wore th e b laek and white chel.:k : ilk .with black sash that she is mmally

,.seen in, and a pin k flol'a l toque. M iss L ee Steer e was in a peach-blossom tin ted eostume, an d hat cover'ed wit h l'ed flowers ;" her ' sister wore a t oilette of m uslin, and Horal hat.

MrS. Goldsm it h's go wll was bi scui t colored . il k; Mrs . Salte r WOre black­

T he cycl ing spor t in aid of the Lady Sm it h L odge was well attended by lad ies a ll Saturday, the menber." s tand and lawn being qu ite bl'lg h t with sprin g eostnITICs.

Lady Smith and M iss Sm ith, nt­te nded by M I'. Gerard Smitb, were present .

rai lJe gown, blac k velvet jacj,et , nnd BRE ~D AND 'BUTTER D A NCE. black a ll d whi te bon net. A hands()me

"'own of gold snti ll , veiled wi t h black T he bread and butter dance, held at flo ra l g reIl Hd il)e, was lI'orn by onl' of St. George's Hall on F ri lay las t, wa. t ir e g- uc::;ts, and nnother hnd on a one of the pleasantes t ,)f t he cri es held s ty li sh costnme of heliotrope il~ . and thi s sea on, the c'li11pany not being too wore a hat to Ir arm oni se. ]\i(l's. T UI'II - numerous ro r t he enjoymell t of dall cing. bl1 ll W H ill a pink costume, a nd wore a NIr ·. W illi . , wh o is the leadi ng- sp irit hnt of t he mo .. t v ivid p i Ilk tolar. of the e ITery nice r .un ions, wore II I'cry A nothl' r ' t riking' to ilette was a gown of hand ' ome gown of prilll ro e fn illc, wade whi to an ! black t ri ped silk t l' imme,l s ty li shly. Mr . Driffield' r ich. wlrite witlr pit selllcnterie, th bod ice b() ill g atin dl'e s wa p retilly ma 10, And covel"! wit h diagonal ba rs of jet t l'i mm d with floral cmbl'oid cl'ie'. lVIl':> . t l' i1l1nli( ,g ; bonnet to match. J . S. R eid's go wn wa . also or white

1111's. J)l'ifli eld wo re the most beauti- sntill j the sleeves were los' fitting iul go wn to bc sc"n on the occasion. I t nllu formed or shi rred white chiffoll, th e wn s ur t he mos t del'cate shndc a \' g reen, cor snge trimmed with pink. ~Jrs . like th e lime flowl'l' in tint. nnd wa s Bl'nlliugtoll wore black silk toileLt(', flOll'ered in a patt(J rn of white. Tiro tire bodice co vcpu wi th accord eon­bodice or white dnehesse, was covered pleaL('d black (·hiJro ll , nnd adorn ed Irith with renl lace, alld pend embroide"y, natural 1'0 cS. Mis B ennill gto n wa, and her white lwt was a lUass of white in a prctty frock or pa l" blne bl'oended n .' t rieh feathers nnd fluffy white chi ffo ll : sil k tr imm ed Il'ith sort lace . )1I's. The " IVedcling 1:1 rch " wns phryerl by ,\r thll l' Hassell 's gown wa ' :l handsome lVIr. L eteh (Catl lt'c1 l'al org'allist) ns tire o ll e of ivory d ll che ntin trimll le( ! with prin ·i pll l ' in the ee l'f' l1lollY "':lIked golLl pas,w lUell tl' ril'. Mr. M l) ne.I' woru doll' II ll!' !l isle aftr r . ig ning tho II blll·k urocadl' d res' wi th handsume jet J't'gi te l', and th e bride's raCl' was orn amcnt.' . ]\li R5 Pule H orc was in \ . Ilrilillg mosL pr ollollncrclly ns : he pro- Jlretty rrock of Cl'cam ~a till wiLh rUg y ccecl ed on t he al'llJ of 11(' 1' Illi . ba nel, chi ffo ll s. betwee n the lines of 'pec tilt(,r: 011 her :l\li sses Edith, May, and B\'a ton e way to t he enning-e, her I'rit'llcl s 5ho\\' l'r- 11'01'0 thei r bridesmaids' fl'ocks of il'orv in g' rose petnl 011 her p athwny . MI'. Benga line, t he eiri J'[o ll ~ I ee l'e Hild yoke"s Justieo Sto ll e's re- id ence "H.ose Hill" r(' lIl ovl'd 1'0 1' cYeliing wea l', lliid ca rri ed Adelaide T l'J'I'H Ce, was de ·oratrd Wi t h Lheir wcdcl illo' bo uqllets 01' I illk 1'0 'os. pnlm. nlld foliage plnll1 5, f1 oll"rs, &e., · ]\i( is Marmion wore a "'0 11'11 of whi te I'll' the oCC' lI sio ll of th' brea kfa s t" nnd :t si lk , :Mi 's E . . ]\'fn rmi on \l'as ill black s trip or cn rpd II'll S lai d I'I'l1ln t he si lk, trimm ed wi th chiffon to mntch. Yt'rancl'lh to tIl e l' ntrar~('e g ilt... On li ss Ford " ap l'i cnt.ti nted ' ilk rrock the arril' f11 of th" \\'edd ll1g party tlrc)' was trin lllled wi th ru ches of t he , ame were POS(" ! in a g roup O l~ th e la wn,. t he lIl ~te ri u l. Thfiss T\:. F orde was in white bride and brid pg room, With the bl'ldr - s ilk. mnid ,tne! b('s t man being thc centra l Jis ' B. Brown's dre S wa I' crea m figurc, nnel \\'ere thus" look''' by the atin with l'l1ek ed . lce l' e or c hiO'O Ii flild ill evitflbk nIan With the eant ()l':l. CUI' agc tr imming of the sam e PI' .tty B roakfa s t \1':1 t lt en pn r taken of, the ma terinl. ]\i(i ~ Shera rd 's frock of ll ealth o j' t he bride being proposed by sulphnr yellow mCIT wa : pn'tty, and S ir Alexander 011 ' loll', nft ' ]' \\'hi clr MI'. so \l'n Miss K ellnctly's whi te ::"a tin and 1\11' . E wing- d rol'e to thcir rlltnre which wa ' tl'llllnIed with g ree ll v('l\-c t res id e ll ce at outh Pt'I'th. The bride' alit! ch ifro n. l\1:i " S)'dncy K nn edy going' a ll'ay dress lI'a ' of blue cnllra s WI1 ill n. rrock of primrose crepe, ~I oth Ol'() r bille s il k, t rimlll ed with prettil.v fini ~ h ed with fnltc'e hwc chin'on nlld jet Ol'l1 nmellts, alld her hat abouL the '0 1' ngc. l\li ' s Orchard wore 11'[l S compos~d of blue ehif-Yon, II lorn ed white atill cff'ecti\-ely t rimml'd with wi t h lilie of the ,'alley Hnd white spAngled net. o tl'icll t ips. 1'111 :> M eecham wa s in a PI' tty

toilett(, or lemon color a lld blnck M:i ss T he ladil' of Pi ll ja rrnh il re to b K triek la ll d 11'01',' a s ty li h frock of

congratlli ated 011 the fnet of t he; r Il(d iotrope ' ilk . Miss :Me se r wa rn

Nicholson FO~ Nicholson FOR Nicholson Are AGENTS fo r the


«Co. Pianos & Co. Music & Co. RONISCH PIANOS.


black net ol'er black silk, pink roses Oil

t he bodicl' . Amongst the nlldienee nt Herr

li'rancik' co nccrL on Thlonday c\'ening \\'ere Si r Alexa nder a li t! LilLly Un :;low, with Llleir daughters, 1\1rs. nnd Miss Bennington \\'i t h M I'. Kernon, )11'. and .:\Ir' . onllig-l'Iwc and :Hi~s ('OIl1l igral'e, Mrs. Hi tclr, ~h. alH! Mr~. Plt I'SCJIIS.

',hrn will sing'e r.' a n 'i l'e at the knOll ledge that iL is 11101'(' hunorable and dignified io relu:;e a so-ca lled enco/'e Lltan t il retllrn :It tire bi(hling of a fe\\' clamorollS rri"nels? A t i\lollday's coneert, l\1r~ . H. E. Oldham was t he ollly one \\'ho had LII' 1Il0l'nl cOll rng" to rd use what 1\';1 S a to lerably ge neral rocall al'ter 111' 1' first so ng'. btl t as other voca li s ts retlll'll cd !It Lhe SOli li d of oue 01' two s ticks bJing h:lnl merecl OIL the floor, h L' r exalllple II' U ' f,mlld to be no gu ide, thcrl' rore, \\'hen a 11I 0re pro­noun cl,dl'llco/,I' g-reeted her eeo lld so ng she J'l's[Jondee! tu till' SUII1!110n ".

B ecau se or th e pcrsi tent encores t he )IrugTHnlmc was draggc'd out uniil the pati C' ll el' or the Hudience II'IlS I'ai dy eX hausted, Hlld tire I'act or t here bein g ma llY nlcallt chairs, wa~ empir a i:ell by a num be r of p~{)plc Ica"in1:\' the hall lit 10 o'(' lotk, wllielr is tho 110111' at whi c: h nll cO ll ce rts hould tel'mil1ilte. Wben Lh e sllIall and \'e ry mu ch bored audienee left St. Geo rge' Hall on ]\1011-clay evenillg , ihe irand of thc clock pointed Lo ] 0. 30, the 1I'(,ll ry tim e of two il~Jd a half hour IUl\' ing beell spent in l istening to ft pro."' ramme that should only ha\'e occupied an hour and three qua rters.

\V hen singers are l'('called, a l'etul'l\ to the stage, and a pol ite bow, or a succes­sion of bows, ill response, is qui te enough fo r all purpose' , ilnd if v(lcali sts would only be fi rm in their refll sal to repeat th e item. or to ubst iLute another ong, the nC01'e lI uisa nce would oou

abate. Of coul" e, it has been looked upon for 0 1011 0' a tiu le a a fll!ttering tribute to a sillger's ability nnd power to please, that it D,ny eem like a ' king too much when the' aI" implored to g ive it up, but if-the \cou ld 11y renl ise how g ratt fn l the )1ll1j&ri-t-y- 01' their hClu'ers would feel towards them, th ey would Iwve 0 e cOlllpell ' ntion. One h(l only to n tice tl ' iril 'glancc whiel1 are tll ri\ ecl 01( th e prime offe uders in t ire n '·l i· , ln ch'rstnncl that it is di ta tefnl ill a 11io' 1 dl'g r (J- a (>1'OI'Y on but thf' fell' wllO u1' • til' ooi ·e.

Ench sin g-e r, 01' p'r\'orlllcr, at a co n­cert hn ' a rew pa r t ial critics and I'nmiliar fri ellds amongst tire il ud ir nce, an d th ese Ihink thry 1I'0uid be ra ilillg in thei r duty l\'l' re th!!y (0 II cgl ~ct to applaud in the nniSl'st mann er possible. ~nd 11 0 one is ill clined to hlamc thcm

1'0 1' clapping un ti l tir('i r palms ache if it 1'1ea'eR them to do .0, but as the amlieneo co mes to hca r a certai n pro­g ramme set dOll'n \'0 1' thl' (' \'e lling's ent 'I'Ln i III II en t, tlwy should I)' a 1l0wl'd to hea r it. :lIld II Ot "he roreed to liste ll to mol'': Lha n thc I' desire. ...Tei th (' r is it fail' to Lh e .. il ;ger. wll< :lg'rce to g il'e certain numbers, ftnd thl'y shoulll 1I0t be taxed beyond th eir inclinations or pO ll'er . .

One of the it inS on the vice-l'eg,Ll pl'og ram me for the we Ie wa' a y isi t to the p retty vi Jla"'e of Uuilclford, t h put'po e being that th Govel'Dor should lay th founclation to ne of a IVe ley Church there.

Thel'e :eem, to be a "fllump " in pearl and diamond jeweller), just now, considering that a n ecklace whieh co t the late D uke of Manehe ·ter £ 11,000 wa p ut up at a al of such things at the famo us 'hri .. t ie a nd ]\la nson's London auction l'ooms, <tnd only was bid up to £5,:200.

The GOl'dons Family H otel, Bunbury, aud the Pier Hotel, aCljoining, have been sold to ~lr. Fred. Cndislc, fOJ medy interested us a hotel propri tor 011 the ;\Iurchisoll, Ilnd la te of the Ta tiollal HoLel, l~rematltIe . The sale wa, etfected by lIlr. Lambert Bonnar, hotel broker, of t. (-leorge' T I'race, P rth, at a very s'ltisfactory i'igurc. Mr. 'arli Ie takes possession of his new establishment cady this week.

Nicholson FOR


& Co. Instruments yeTY De.rcript.ion

Clare's 6

'" ~ \

From the Circle. vel1.tion, which CO li ple tcly spoiled

Weekly. On Satnrday evelling the Perth people will

have an opportuni ty of witne sing the pedormRllces of t hc Ada Delroy Company, probably t he best of its kind that has yet visited this eolollY. Miss Delroy i , of (-01\l'se, well known [or her famons Co·bra eli Capello dltnce, to which she has recently added new anel startling effects never before wi tllessml. The \>,'h ite Mahatma is .1nother womler- a p yohological mystery t hat still nwa its solution . .Jam s B 11 isfllnn,Y nough to rh'aw laughtcr fl'OIll " . 'toio, anel t hc other members f the company, together with the Lumiere incmatogro.phe, mltke np It CO I11 -

billatioll exLrcmclv hard to beat. 01' c,'en to I'i ml. '

In the Gveenroom.

H emy Hu t ton, assistant stage manllger at t he Theatre Royal, is a brothel' to Jimmy Wooclhlll'J1, the English jockey,

;'II is Alice. 't, .John is in Perth IIgai n, after hcr ellgagell1ent in Albany, Bad h ,11th has 'au sed a temporary absence fl'om t h boal'd~,

'1'0 111 IInnU I11 lea"CS mo t prohably for 'oolgMd ic next week, to join !III'. 'Y ilkin­

,on' company,

SATURDAY, O CT. 23, 1897

A Fragment.

Behold , I was a dweller of the earth-A wan~'ring unit il.1 fair NatUl'e's scheme; A pas Ing shadow III the fields of light v"hich point man onward to the great

Ideal! And I, a HLudent of the mysteries Wbich hold 011l' kind with tight, I'elelltless

rein, Did try with clim, yet rlal'ing thought to

trace The sem'et of that wOIHIl'oUS Xutlll'e ; and I't In t my sight grew clear, ami 10, I saw fhat i ~ was useless to p\lrsue a seRreh In winch n mortal can proclaim sn~ccss, Ex 'eptll1g ill the company of Doath ! Allrl so I left my lon£ and fruitlcss work, And tU l'l1 ecl in discontent; I lit, IlS I tnrned, !lIethollght I heard a voice behind me

Sit\,-" J\ IOl'tal , "ho 'eeke t for supernal light \Vhom Nature in her plan endowed with

truth, ~nd with the maje ty of dl'tu crowned, 1 hOIl hast been formecl to fill a certain

place-Th R ·hem of H IT. Francik's

concert, rr i "en at t. Georg 'R R a ll on Monday nigh t, contain d n o Hp cial features, I nde d i t was ,ome what monotonou, as there were nly tw instru J1l nta l number!;, ea 'h for violins. Jt had its 11 aSfI,n t feature, howev r, for t h re wer eventl vocal number s. which w rc in ter pr ted by the fortunate posses or of E'xceptionally ~ood voice, . In t hi s ',ttaO'orY Mrs, \\. E. Oldham takeH nr5t pla~c . This lady has a voice of yery nne quali ty, It is a true ml'::O .. 'OPI'1f111J, It tircul't1 'tance whi ch is by no mE'l1 n s as common m; one wou ld t hink. It touches t h e range of both sopr:tno ,wd contral to, and throufYhout its compas ' it is mellow and ~weet, a nd

'I, all ace's pre,tty bn.llad, Hc sang a f ll('()l'e nu mber " w et Mari ," lI'[r, Lingyard has u. good llatuml ten or voice of high mng, w hi ch PI' perl y used, would be valuab le. '1'0 , ing such son gs as the oncs namc 1, wit hout fLny appreciation of t he 'r me:1l1ing, may be 0' e rlooked in a , u.ri ty Hall, but not in a conce['t, ['oom,

Ir. \Yalter SlaughtCl', t he compo er of the "Fren 'h ~I a id ," is a brothcr-in-Iaw to l>II', (-ieorge Lalll·i.

:1;0 1110ve in a constrninetl, presenbcd phere; ] 0 be It \\'orker in the realms of Time

A play, found ed on the life and adventures of MarK/lret CaLchpole, hns been stage 1 in Sydney , As se"CI'al of the lady s cles encl­flll tS now occupy high posit ions in t lult city, t here should at leu t he a few in te rested speetfltors fl l11 0ngst t he aurliellces.

As Tatul'e shall tl ictata. Thou art no more

Hert' ]rancik's two violin solos were doubled by two encore numbers , As an ex ecutant he i d ecid ed ly uneven . Thus, Ernst's w 111m wn t ra nscript ion of HunO'[Lrian a il' waH play d mo 't

III her grent ,cherne th.ln is th~' meanest brothel',

Tho' he be rearetl to ,-iee allel thou to virtue'

Ami , kll owin~ t id -the most that nuw should know-

irregularly , H i ' bowin O' on t h heavier strings is "ood and hi. tone pure, hut as soon as he touches t h e cantino the necessary to pre­serve the tone unimp:tr d, di. n.ppe,tr, a nd there is u. s 'ratch iness which is not plea, u.n t. to li, ten to, I n I fL, sages played (f/le,rJl'o molio hi s detinition is fl1,r from tlear. On tlie othl' r hllnd hi s dOl1bl n stopping i g lOci, tL1lcl ill hi s seco lld nUlll be r, a fa ntll ' ia or Artot's 0 11 ai rs frolU BelliJ1i'S npcr:>;;. Piratl' and , 011 1/11 IIIIJ1l III , Iw cli~pla'y (' 1 quit(' ('X('('p­tio.lal skill. [t is p ·rhaps II cOlllpli ­ment to that skill to ~HI' he \\'a5 h p:wd

Aceonli llg to the Londoll "Era," singing fit p"ivflte entertainments is a very profit­able part of a' primaclOl1nil'" labors, 1\l ar!ame :Nlelba liltS ullg th irteen times at lJr inlte houses clurillg t he sea 0 11 nt a fee of -£300 011

eaeh occasion . 1\laclame Eames get £200 a night, ancl ~rarlaJ1l e Calve. eveu moro. )1 r. Astor has eugagcr! for his gnests Pa(lere­wski, at £1,000; ~l elha. at £300; and P lan-

Begollo upon thy way, allel seek no mOl'e ! But hold-thou artdefiallt ; therefore this: po as thy heart Shill! say, 01' do it not, rhou still clost do thnt N aturc's wondrous

Inw \>,hioh work forever so inex'mhly'"


flexibl e. Abo\'f' all it if; deeply sym-

«on anr! ncona, at £100 cach, 'I'he H unga riall GO"emment has author­

iser! t he. tateBanl, of Buda-Pesth toengl'Rve portraits of the most note<'l singers and actresses on its 1000 florin note , "The idea is, I supposc, says "Dangle" in Lhe London " larion," ,. to pay singers for t heil' notes ill t heir own coi n, a one may sa)'. Allyway , pretty actresses will , he be~te l ' to look fit ~han stupirl monarchs,'

'cclle: Hay-street. OliO pedestrian ac­?~:s another: "AI!, Jac:k !" ,. '1..0, Bill !'I

.... ou foullr! that out all right ,," " Yes !"

pathet,ic , M rs, Oldham has not yet

to lw, t advalllHg-' in .)n" e/l('or~ J1L1tn b('r,

acquired the art of cl a r enunciat ion, \;Jut she has a. ve!'l' beautiful voic. v\ ith thre si.nge!'s like i\Iiss , Yoodfield, }\fr ,'. OI(lham, fLnd Miss Elvi ra L e , P r th ought to do much mor on it conc r t platforms, than i.t has ' 0 far dom', Mrs, Oldham san g a ballad of Lohr', '~IIII'garita," a.nd an extremely pretty Lullaby, the name of t he com­poser being omitted from t he p ro­gramme, an d to each sh e impl1l' ted t h eir diffe r nt ch,ll'lLcteri t ics with quite a rti sti' perception. ~lis~ I11arg ueri te Johnson san g t.he <11 ways welcom "Av Maria " of Gou Dod's, wi t h violin obli IY,tt0 by Her r, Francik. ,'he ha a powerful 'but uneven voic, It l ~ lackin<Y in that I fO(/to quality which is so E'. sential fo r the clue expres, ion of mu.' ic uSllltl to the concert platform, Tt i, better adapted for declamatory or concerted singing and to the~c styles lIE"s .Johnson mi .... ht with advlLnta<Ye, dil'c 'L h erself. t:;he was wal'm1y applaud d for .her del iyel')' of the Gounotl number and sang 'Only La t Yc:1\' in 'weet >.' ptClOber." In the second part she san« two hmcketecl compositions - ,. Lll tight," by Kjcrull, and "Th 1\lacll'igal, " by CIHLI1illlacle, I1lrs, K rfe l'd, who, r am informed, Imi'> only I' cenLly appeared publicly, sang thc ' Alia. 'tella Con £d nte" of Hobaucli, the best knOWll c mpu 'itioll ot th<Lt w riter 's, to a violin ohligato by Herr Francik, and

Wi th regard to the priees 0, ked in mericall thlk'l.tre', ~ I, Dillingham (who iH

t he manager of n "e,'y successful company hom tlte States, now pl.Lyi ng in London), when I'ecently in ten 'iewed, quiekly showed why stall seats Hl'e so low-pri ced . We ha"e no pi t , Tho whole of the ground floor is devotorl to stalls, It would not oceur to one of my countrymen to clHlrge half-a­dollar for a sea~, find call it the pit, when he could make it two,anc1-a-half b," making

" There yOI~ are. 1 told you so. I've got a mcmory like u goosebc/'I'\' whon I like!" " \'~ ell, [ admire youl'siniile," ,o,ys Jack, .. you .\ HE rather l:In:~:N!" " B'd1!" re­turned the othl'lr, "It·s wOlnl::wfuL how lIIenlhol' of one fumily 'all pick ;I"h .'lthol' out !"

,\ short com ]111sitioJ1 hy ' :: ra;;a te, OJ1e (If t he most diffi,tdt or cont'LlIporary yiolilli st- to follo\\'. 1 twas oll e of tho . e ski lful tmnsc rij)li ll J1 of SpaJ1 i-h nil' '' by thl' gTrat 13rlsqlle yiolilli st, the titl e of whiGh [Ilavc f(II'gott n, but its T elt tonic nlll1l e is a il'e J1 to me a s ., l': igl' l1 llerwei ' se n." J.t i5 I' 'mini sc 'u t of :::h:hnmnn ll" cle,' !' r compo tttll ll kllOWII ft the "Banjo," whi ch Sn rasate adapted to the yi o1in with great sncc s . A l1tl encore to thi h plH)'l'cl the last mo\'e l'ltl' lIt of Lcollnrcl" " Henwmbrll tlce 0'1 Haydn .' It c ntllitl ' musical fire­work ill th 5hft P l! of prizz lcalo efl' ects that tax the' skill of thC' perfo rm er, but wlti 'h do Il llt cnh:l ll ce hi,' n'p"tnlio n ns a 11111 il:iall , H l'IT F ra IIcik. h(m ' \-c r, '-. as g rct'tl'cl n'ei­l'e ro tJ ~ly fo r hi s perfurll1 ullce, J must not forget to say t hat t h 1'(' is one accon lpanist in Pel,th who is hend and should l'S aboye a,U otllers, IWU that is ~Irs , Russell.

T H To; A T R E ROY ~i L. Telephone No, 1//, I

it, into a stall. Again, \I'e ne,-er get a orowd wai t i ng outside Ollr t heatrc, . 1~ ,·et'Y eat is hookerl, ~o VOIl hq,ve onlv to wo,lk

I-ight in just hofore'the play begins. whaL­ever pl'icc you poy for your eat."

A number of llrl,ist,s well· known in Au -trali a are 'Ippcltring ltt th London Tivoli. Among them rlre l>liss Florence ]~sdai le, !lIt-. (i. Ff . hi l'gwin, the 'Yhite-eyed ]Z rlflir, and 'I' IIn)'soll I1nel O'UOl'mo,n, the patter artists,

The Elsie Aclnir ComJllln," is now playing at Bata";'I, whellee it will d it Hong KOllg,

hanghai, ,lnc1 Yokohama.

Lessee '" :Messrs, J ones and 1 .. a\\ I'elll·e. Un ler the management of 1Ir, James Bell.

The A1IU. Ij; MEN'I' EVFNT of t h Yl!:AR I SIl/.

Farewell tour of Au, tl'l1ll1sin of 2Il1H ADA DELROY'" CmlPA Y,

ell on of PO 'ITIVELY EV1~N NHilT'l\ ONLY,

ommenciug TO.l: WHT, , ATURUA t, OCTOBER 23.

A Comhillation of Artists of HmH I'; T "\I£RI'I'_ and REPU'I'.-\TIO ,

. '?I ho, !) NOVI~L anu U~ IQUE PER1'OR!l IANCES

HIl.\'e met with emphatic approluLtion f/'Om thc cIILirc

I£tWLISH, .AllERICAX, allel _\ USTIlA­LlA.~ PRI~,",


1I1i ·s l>cll'0Y'R innoyntions the OBRA DI CAPgLLO l)A 'UIE

\Vi tll entirely lie" aud btal'Lling eirects neYel' beforc witnesRcd,

Fitzgerald's eircu' urew hu'gc 'rowel or peopl wilhill its cn ll vas rolLl ' al1 last week. J t has h,I(1 children nt the Saturday malinces ill hUllclrecls, nnd cycli·ts in t'YC'lItics, a nd mall o r l;u'g'e folk, the pCrrO rl1lll ll C ·s ~ccm cll to plC'ase oye ryo,lc . I t8 R a.lon fillished ln ~t Tu 'llay lIi~ht" wlH'1l th ere W:l nn enormous Httl' lI t!all ·C' . I tak ' ml' fnre­well to " Lizzie" th f' }<; Iep h:ltl't with p rofottlld n'grl·t. A s a rc - tnnrallt loungeI', ,)S:\II Italian orgft n g rind 'I', n,

, A Cowl'a eO\Te~ponc1ent Rencls the follo \l ­ing incielcnt to the ,. :-iunday Timc.," whic,h he vouehes for ltS heing an ab~olute fact :­,. Two eld'd y farmers of ullmi~talmbly HjbCl'l1i .tn eXLraction were conver illgoutsiric of a hull in the plaee lIamcd, where the cinem,o,tI'ographe wns heing exhibitcd. . 'l1id thc hr~ I, furm or: • Dnll, ilre yez going to s e t hi s phty to-nighl '!' 'l!'aith, 1 am nOL, ' " - IlS the reply, • :-iure T ~aw Dall Barry phlY it herc se,'clI years ago ! ..

, ynopsis of the Dancc. 1. The obra di apollo. - 2, Dreams. - :3, Sunset.-4.

Romalle tItle cal·f·dllllce, -.1, The Firma­mcnt, - ti. The Lily,

The Latter Dance It BEWILDJ~lUl\G 'l' I~1 PI' H01H~AN


pianofort ac 'ompllniament by ]l,J rs , ] usscll. The in~trumcntatioll was vcry ?ood but to~ stron fY for the pretty dmwmg 1'0011.1 YOlC 'Mrs, Kerf9rd ha . It is :t III"::/} "'O IJI'((t/IJ quilc even Itl1d sweet, but it is not powerful and l a~k. exprcs ion, It was quite r f r l'shing to h a r a pretty pastorale in th ~hape of lIn o ld 110r!IIl'/If hy ])cnza, given by the two ::\li s~es Tremere-L egg in pe rfect t('tll/H) and wiLh much xprc sion . The" w re r ec<LlI d, nncl with com­men'd,tble tnste I' pe.tted the 111. tv l'se. They were Bot quite 0 ae 'eptabl in ,Ln old duet of Gloyer's' ' r the nil!. O'er th Dale," with whi 'h they opened the concert, but th ir "oi~ ~ blend d admimbly,

~l.l' .. A .. J. Cumpble is not It p wel'­£ulbal'itone,buthehasafin flexibl ,'oice .Lnd de p tone. ] U Pil1suti's " Bedouin Loye • 'ong," and a dmlllatic Rcelle by E. B. R:tl'per, "A Bandits Life," he secured the good will of the audi nce. Mr , JIorace Lin~ard was ItlllbiliouR enough lo aLlempt 'Come into lhe Garden )1 a.ud," and .. There is a flower that lJloometh," twO IlIO, t c1iflicult ballad's to t'ing sati, faclorily. He made the fin,t too dramatic while it should be given 1"!I!li'I"~::'1 and the latter too slow and !lIuch ton loud, FInally he in tl'ocluced It cildenz,t of hi own in-

Miss Acltt Dull'o), l111el hel' company will appear at tile Thoatl'e Roy(!,1 to· night (~aturday) .

'ad Hel'tz is sa id to hn" c netted £2,:iOO as /\ I' suIt of his \;r 0 traliall tUlII'.

" uiki , t, <1 ' the Ghn m and co nfidallte or Prillce the Lion , Li zzie is eqnally boot! :\1111 "at Iwn]('." 11(, 1' re"olviug Lub walk i- orntcl'rnl :1I1d (l('lil'ate, she [lois"s 011 th(' 11IO\' ing harr!'1 a ' lightly as It

buttcrny 011 II rO:"l' Jenf, "Iltl call't ,he wink allfl tntlll pet! !! To see th (l~(' twillklillg eyes or Iter., nlill to h ear hpl' piall issimo pI1~~ngl'S wit 'Il ' he sings. are 've' lll:; lo b,' rellH'11Ibered, 'he is t h e example which proves the

rule about 'white 1 phants "-Lizzie is the exacL obver,e. I also take off my hat to CommodoJ'('," ,1l1d think

how very l11uch superior hi , mentally,

to Lhe avenL"e member of parliament.

Those in tollig nt nine white horscs

which .1\11'. Fitzgerald talks to in plain

Engli 11, <\fld who :;0 thoroughly under­

stand our hLng11l1ge; the clever lady

and O'cntleman riders, :tnd Lhe 11I00n­

eyed Japane e, I ~hall remember th m

all wi th regret that ' V .A . is not large

enough (in populltLion) to keep them

with us for:L much long r time than

they have stlty d,

Tho \\' nlrlrons, budes([ue a rt ir,ts aile! specialty dancer., hnye macle It hit at the , 'rd ney Ti "01 i.

<:mttfln Rigg i playing" The Irish De­tcctive" in Sy,lney,

'1'he Paris "FigaJ'O" has !'een entertaill­ing its reaclcrs IIttely with Icttcl's recei "ecl from emi llent writcl'!<, to \I·hom corLRin questions touehing on m:1tters have been sublllitterl, The qucstions have varicd according to the style of the writer ltel(lrcssecl, but an opinion on th " ll1d ics' ohstl'l1ctive h,tt" Wll~ pr tty gCl/emllY solicited. OncolTospolldent suggests tllllt as long as ladies pcrsist in wcariug the hnls the.\' do, ilion should not rcmo,'e theirs; whilst anolher t'olTespolldellt on being asked if the ,' izc of hnts is likely to he mailltailler!, HltyS: •• Yes, but the" will I/O

longel'inconv nience us, for \\'0 ha,'c s ats so constrnct'cl that 'tnyone siLting bohiml,t hat that illlped~s his view will be ahle hy putling a penny in the lot, to cau~c' tl~e sc~t occupied b~· the oftimding p:U'ty to he nOI lcssly low red some 12 or l4 inches.

,Jut before the circus performed the oth~r lIight it was discovered that one of thc horses hud fallen si('k, aud woultl he unahle to " l)lay his part." R 'course was thcn had to ]'l,es rs. CllStie>lu, who kinclly ~ent ~lIeof theJr horse, an old Coolglmlic ldentlty IULmod "Kangaroo," III oreler to s~\Ow the wonderful command ~lc'~srR. ~"lzgernld exerCIse o,-er Lh equine rae'e, it IS ollly lIece~sary to stMe that the new I1n(~erstu(~'y we~t throl1gh his paces to the en tll 'C slLtlsfactlOn of thc "pe 'tato/'s.

The U .. es in thi . Dance contains over :300 Yards of • ilk.

THB \\' HITE ~L-UL-\TM A, In hh .. weird dream vi~iollH

A PSYCnOLOc:r AI.. Blm-ll:DIm­)mNT,

First exhibition in \Y. A. of the original Xo. I

LU!lIIERI£ cnm~r ATO(: RAPHJ~ • 'upedol' in C'-Cl'), I'e pcct Lo the man" so­

en !led ineomtogrnpiteH that IH1"e heei, ex­h!biLc~1 in ~his colony. AbRolutely ~o "lbmtlOlI. 1 he Pl'tUl'CS nl'e as eleal' find "i,;<! as real li fe.

Box-plan Arrallgement· '1~hc Rox-plan is open at 110 s~,~" lTichol­

son s 11n '10 Depot, where scats can be re~e /'\'cd .for the whole season , Aclmis, ion­Uross ell'clo, -los.; 01' 'he~tm ,'tlills '3 ('f resel'vcd 45,); Hlall", :2~, : Famil~.' (;r;'cl~ JL -

, J.-\~m.' :nOH<:_\X Busme,s 1Innnger for lIi"s da Dl:h~)y,

FITZG RALD BROS.' Huge Combined Shows,




A. (~rec.'\t • ·uccct-'s.

Acknowled"ccl the (:rentcst 11mll "lost . cnsaLional ~how E"el' ,'cen ~()ulh of the Line,

SATURDAY, OCT, 23, 1 97,

From All S ides. --+--

T he i\liieller Botall ic Boaiety possesse a n en thusiastic lendOl ' ill ~r l ' , Eo ,J, Bi ckfor(l , who gave a capi tal lectuI'e dl1l 'ing the week before a Illrge and in telligent a udience on t he subject of the l?lora inrligenous to ' Ves­kalia, He gl1xe a short resume of t he va rious !for ts made by I)otanists, fl'om bhe ),e,u' 1,nO to the I l'cSe ll t t ime, in colleetillg a nd class ifying plants here, SLating that ou t of 106 orders and 1,40n gellera which are cattered o,-e l' A u 'tralas ia, 40 pel' cent, of

t he w llOle are fou lld in \V,A , The fact of t he wealth of color in t he wild fl owers in ,t his colollY he lLt t l'i bu te,l to the presence of i1'OI1 iu t he soi 1. A s t he lectUl'e was illus­tntt etl by means of t h la ntel'll, which , hawed (l iagrallls of v'lI' iet les of t lte Orchi­daceou fa ntily , it \Va made very inst r llc­t ive, especially as t he speake r was ella ble(l to imbue his hea l'e rs w ith SOlll e of !J is own enthusiasm, H e la id gl'eat stl'ess on t he necess ity fol' care in p ick illg tlt e flowers when people go out on exeurs iolls for the p\ll'pOS~ of gatherillg t hem in q ua nti t ie , as otherWIse th~ I 'e would be g rave wa~te a nd 10SB of , pecle , I t woulc! be 'L p ity if t he ge rms 01' roo ts were destroyed , as in that case t he heaut ies of t he flower d istrict would soon be a th iog of the past ,

~'I O lln t Leonora has now a market ga rrleLl i n which a ll t he commoner ,'ege ta bles are g l'owing w it h l'e lIHH'lmble vigol', W hen t he inland mi ner wi ll onsent to p la nt cab­bages flround his humpy a nd remember to wa ter t hem omet ime , t here will be a rema rka ble slulI1p ill ti nned dog,

In its learler of Tuesday last, the" 11101'11 -ing H era ld " clearly demons trated tlllt t t he P remier ' fi ca l policy was pret ty well rui n­ing this colony, A ll d then, after t his ca.thing condcmnation, it wound up wit lt ­

a n appcal to mc mbers to support Lhe "N() Confidence" motion ~ No fea r, T his is what it wOllnd up with :- " If , , t he Premier wi ll persist in his decla red poliC;y ill regard t o the foorl d ll t, i e~, i t seems to us tha t the ver')' nea l' future w ill most as­slll'ed ly COll\'ince h im t hat he has commi tted a gra ,~e elTor of judgment, and t hat he has worked, alt h()ug h, perhaps, un witting ly, a very great injur), to, t he colony ," Good H eaven ! i( poor, ' il' J ohn should e,7e1' ha ve to rea lise thi ~ how will hi ml1gnifi cent shadow dwindle a way and g row less ! N evel' mind abo'L1 t he blfLrsterl country; let us th in k ahout the a wful misery of the Premiel' realis illg that he had comm itted a "heITor!" \Ye ll , when you a re s itt ing on a rail your cloak IlIUSt be very long if you want to hide t he ra il.

" Excul' ionist" writes :- " I not ice t lmt when t he VVesleyan , 'ynod (Conference suiLs any "titcr colony ) gets on its legs anrl sll ivel. o'-el' BUllday work, it is mO"L pa r t icula r about railway employ"s ttnd cxeursioll t m ins, 1)0 they fce l really a ny y mp<t t hy for t he employes, 01' is it that t he 'xcurdion traill s kcep the people h om church a tHl so the p la te suffers 'f "

The N OI,'- \"'''cst 't)ckl'oach , of whom we (" N ortherll Pul>lic Opi lli on ") have had s() m uch to chronicle, depltr ted for hi fut ure scene of life, R ottnes t , on ~J O nchLy , A rather tl'iking trihll,) di play wus g i,-en hy his (other) woma n as t he p oli 'e hoa t mo,"el[ off' t he heach at Cosaacl" I n accol'dance wi t h triba l cllstom, t he woman commenced a corl'Oboree, bL'llud ishing over her head t he bottom of ,t brokell bottle, " ,-(th wh ich she evet'y now and then sCOl'eel her forehead and scalp, The police on l.tnrl were oon on t he pot amI t ook the nati " e in clmr"e, t hus

preveuting hel' from ca using furtller se lf­infl icted inju r ies , W e el id not think a ny­oue would ig h a t t he lepal'tll re of t he villa in , bll t it seems, sp ite his tl'ait of t wist illg IJllti,"e fentales' necks, there is st ill a soft spot in somoone's hefLrt,

'rnE l1;';DAY C I!HOl< ICI"i-: contain I1ll t he lat~et sporting in telligence, a lld is br'ig ht a nd l ive ly from heading to imprint,

A new offence was hLi rl to t be chal'ge of the , alvaiion A rm}' by 'Mr, Chas, Sal ter ma nagel' of t he Rvya l Insul'lLll ce COIlIPI1 Ily' ill t he la te t of his period ical compla in ts t~ to t he Pl'Ilh l'lln City Council aga inst t he "Army ," Mr, Sal ter objected to t he Army parading t,he st reets, wi t h " eli ­eordant drums, tambourines, a nel bmss ins,t L'lHll ents and other vehicles of distrac­tion, ill a manner of a cross between a n i t inerant circus allel nigger minstre ls, to t,b'! d~nge~' of life by fr ig htening ' horses and bICy clIsts, to t he g l'eat depreciation of pro­perty, " &0, The compla int met wit h no better fate t han its preelecessors, It was " received, " which , being interpret ed , means that t he a rmy ba nd will cont inue to frighten the bicycles tha t come wi t bin i ts range with out let or hindrance from t he P rabmu City COUIICll,

The followiug intere t ing item is froUl t he Paraguay Briti sh on Ill'S repor t elated 19th ~lay , J807 :- The most s~lcees ful colon ist s in Pamg llay arc t he I tal ialls German~, a lld wi , T he Englishman, a~ a rule, J S the WOl'St , He rloes L1 0t work so ha rd as the ot ber' foreigners, H e CfL nllot adapt bil1' ~elf LO h i stlrrounrlings wit h t he sa me facility ~s an Indiall Or Ger man, and he lacks t heir p atience, II) a ,' cry short t ime he becofHcs dissatisfi ed wit h his posi­t ion a nd pl'Ospect', a lld then either ta kes t o drinking and loafing, or, having wisely come to the conclusion t hat he can after a ll do hetter il1 a British colony, leaves the coun t ry , The foullders of t he Cosme Colony forlll a nutable except ion to t his r ule, T hese men m'e nearly a ll of them A ustraliall , and teetotallers without cxceptioll, They were forlllerly melllbersoft he 1I0W defunct" New ~ustL'!\ lia" colony, but owing to d ifferences

Clare's Weekly. t hey wi thd rew from t hei l' olrl associa tes, a nd set to work to foulld a new 'home fO l' t hem­selves , F or over t wo years t hey have lahol'ed wi t h pmiseworthy cllel'gy a nd extnlOl'(lin ory persevera nce, a n,1 their e flo rt', Sf) fa l', luwe hee ll cl'owll e(1 " ' it h Sllcc:ess, The colony is now ent irely self-suppl I,tillg , It IS ab le at least to produc" 1111 the food stu ffs rcquil'cd, The s llrplus of t he pl'od uce is sold , anti t he mOIl"y used to pUl'chase such necessarics as !Ll t , clothes, soap, la mp-oil , medicines, nnd NltLle, Among the ,'!'.r ioll s build ings ,,-hi ch t hey have erected, is It

school a nd a lih l'al'Y, perha ps t lt e s lllalles t li bra ry ill t he world, but well stockerl with books and papers, III their leisu re t ime, t hese stnn ly seLtlel' dmlce fLnd s ing, 0 [ ' g ive read ings a nd ree it>ttions, and occasiolllLl ly p lay crioket, Th e working time is ,!! day weekly, of eigh t hours per day; a ny time workerl over t his is cl'edited to t he ma n workillg it , T ilis savcd-up time becomcs a means f internal excha nge, lengthy rle cr iption howe,'er, of t his comll1 ullal ettlement hard ly contes wi t hin the sco pe of

t his r eport, alld t he oUly ob ervation t hat need be arlded here, is t hat Cosme i,s w i t h­out a doubt one of the most, if not t be mos t orded y a nrl bes t cooclncted colony in P a raguay ,

~W estel'll Austral ia , for a compa l'l1,t ively new coun try, It a p layed a \'ery fa il' pa r t ill some of t he w d d's tmgedies whieh have been enacterl in recent t imes, Th e notOl'iollS Deeming, it w ill be rememhered, I'islded fO l' some mont hs in t he colony pri or to hi s a rrest here, a nrl h is cottage a t Son t hern Cross is still in exist ence, a nd poin ted out as t he ce lie of a llo t her of ,his contem pla ted "illia ni es , of whi cb t he motto seemefl t o he, "Man 'y in 1m, te, a nd cement I1t le isure," Lik e wise, the equa lly II1 Ul'del'ous Butle l', who late ly pa id his I •• s t, forfeit, chose t he neig h­borhoo(1 of BI'o.ul Arrow for his tempol'al'y p laygrollnrl: ill fact , i t is by no means cer ­t a in t hat he W Il not re pO lI sihle for t he disap peamnce of one 01' two miners f!'O lll thnt locali ty, L as t,ly comes the 'ase of MI'S, F eltbi em, who, as ~liss Yea l'ley , spent her yout h in P er t h, fll1d was subse!luell t ly Ill a l'-

MR. E. J.

ti ed to t he Germa n gentlema n of a bnormal height about who e disappeara nce in L ott­(Ion some commotion has I'ecent ly been nuserl, a11d a n order for t he exhl1mation of whose boely has (SlLYS \ V ,A , " l~e vi ew") been gmll ted by t he H Ollle ,'ecretal'y ,

T b" p ublic deb t of New South WI11es 1I 0W totals £ 61 ,000, 000,

The lud ie ' gaUel'Y in t lte Assembly "'a crowded a ll T l1 es,lay CY ning, many pre­fe n 'I1Ig to stand ra thel' t han not be p resent, 1\. good many WCHt at 4- o'c lock to heal' the com mencement of t lt e P rem iel 's speech , a!, cl took the il' p l>tces aga in I1t 7, l'ell1l1ill illg t Ill t he house adjourned, III t he gallery were notIced Lady FOl'l'e~t, Mrs, \\' i tte­n ool1~, M l's, P iesse" .:\ll's, E wing, .lIfrs, DI 'lffield , nlt-s, Chl'1stle, M rs, Bennington AIl'S, Ill ing worth , M rs , G, K Roc Misse~ StOlle, Miss .Lee , 'teet'e, 1IJiss Ben:'inaton, T he pOI,tion of t be lad ies' gaUel'Y !'ai l e~l off f~:H' t he use of the Spenke l" s fl'i ends, was fiyerJ ead y in the e ven ing, a nd as ,L:1dy J!orl'est came la te, not only did she find no scats iwm la ble, but ma ny Indies were pl1t iell t ly standi ng, As oon ns it was noticed t hat t he w ife of the P l'emier was in the ' pusit ion of not being able to obt!Lill a , eat, a lady k inrUy vacated in hor fayor,

Tennyson up to date :­T he s ta tely booms go on

1'0 t heir havens down ill the gmve ; But alas ! fo r a touch of t hc v fLnished p il e

Ami t he sOll nel of t he wild -hoom rave, B us t! bu t ! bust !

I I) t he fl attened ta Wil , 0 boom ! But t he t encl er' g l'acr" of It stake t ha t is

ga lle H as gone t ill t he com ing of doom,

I II Gt' 1'll ' fl ll," , ('fl <: h mi l1illg pros pectus I11I1 ~t pri II t th' 1'CP01' t oj' t he GOVCI'll­n~ " " t U,, '.)log ist 0 11 its pl'O pl'rt,l', s id by ;: Id l' With t he other 1'P p<ll' ts , Ollly ~ IIP J.> I1 ,' :"uch n law \\ 0 1'1' pas<ell in \V,A, \Vhat ('O Il"tC1'l1 niiOIl an [ d ismay it wOlIll[ C<l nSe ill the t e n t ' of the P hili still (,s !


President of the Mueller Botamc Society.

Mr, E , J, Bickfurd, who i a n!l tive of Victo ria, became a student of the scienee of bota ny at an ead y age, having inher ited his love of hort icul­ture from hi s father, who was, for many yellors, curato r of the pa rks and gardens of 'Melboul'l1e, I' inee ('oming to this colony, i hr'ee years ago, .Mr, B ickford ha vLken an ab .. orbing in lere~t in the wonderful flo,m ",hi ,It abounds h'r re, a,nd is the fo undor of a societ) for the study of bobmy, to which h as bee n given the nal~le of Miif' lle l', in memol'Y ofBarnnFercillHLnd V a ll J\1:Liellel', \\'ho wa" Mr, B ickford 's reverod mentor uurin cr t he time be w a s in otlice as CUI ator of the b'Jtanical gardens, 'G pon the B iloron 'u l'e"olllillendation, t hedisEi netion of being el1l'olled as a Fellow of t,he

Linme~m Society was conferred upon ~r, ~lCkford, who is in tensely earnest JI1 h I. studies, a nd is now makin O' a special eJfol't to cla,ssify the Orchid­aceous family, which is so numerous a,mong t the fio ra indiO'enolls to t his colony , H is nn excellell t speak r, having given botanica.l lectures i n cO II,ne,cti01~ with varions li terary somet lc II I ~1:el boul'l1 o, and is an nth,u i~sti c organiser of eollecting

parti e::; 11\ connection WI th tho M,B,S" wh o go out periodicall~7 to gathcr sppe ill1en,' ; and, under his fosteringc3re, t he society which held i ts inaugural meeting in Juno and now numbers 200 mcmbers, is takulg a prominent posit ion in the city,


Answers t o Correspondents. -~

B ,S, (Ka now na),-fltrellgthen last t wo verseR a nd selld ill again,

Ro,oll1 ' ,- We ha vcn' t been ncar t he ThcfLtre Royal since t hat 'awfu l nig ht, when Bar nes tUl'lIed us out, ' ,Ve ha.~ a sp,we sh ill ing, hu t didn't li ke to Wll te it , H ow­ever, we nrc going to aee ArIa Del 1'0 y ,

p , vV,-Deat h eO lllp,u'ed to a bOl1l:ne from whi ch no trave ller ret Ul' lIeth is too star t­li ngly novel for us, Your effusion Ius gOlle to that boume from which no "('opy" returneth,

STAl1XO ll AJ) ~llIlElt (Mouut JJargaret) ,­By a ll means semI us any interesting i tems t hat Y9 u call str i ke,

Vlo,-Youi' li bellJll W, .d, to hanel. Call on OUI' stt-aight-hairerl nccOllll tant amI he w ill settle wi tb you, '

!.l Ul'DAIl ,-SorTo wful ve,'ses 0 11 leav inO' t he E ast declill ed, An ode to your (I ep>lr~ t ure from th e \Vest wonlrl howe"cl' be inserted - if for patrioti c I 'ea~ons only , '

H ,\Jmv,-You must be a selfi h brute to want nch a lIice g id all t o yourself,

JOYEUSE,-You wri t e : I have ll. Ill Q;lel lI ul·1II-1aw. 'hl' ItC\"CI' i ll t('r fl'I'cs No 1l1n.tter if r $UlY out. late, or II/we tuo IIl1\11y l~ee l'~ . No 11In t tcl' jf [ ~l1Ia('k thoclll ld , OJ'cnl! tllt> w ife a l1HII IC ~y ma.·iTl-law 11011'[. ~n.r H word, she's nl w,lY.'; jU!'it the'


A Liver Complaint. -+-

The st rea m of l ife lu ns bri" h t with some, My li fe's a sullen slugg i ~11 r i" e r '

The cha ng ing s~asofl S go a mi come: I VIew all thlllgS t hl',)Llg h " iaioll glum

And writhe beneat h ,t dem OIl 's thumb ' F or my sou l is rl a mn d by a hob:nniled

liver ,

FOI', me life bears uo beauteous t h ing, ( ,lad ,va te r ' t ha t fi a nce, g reen leaves thfLt

q Ul vel'-Sweet bin ls t hat soar on sun bit wing

Gla,d laughte r' of children BO sOI;g efLfj s ll1g

To th~ l1ea l' who~e each r esponsive 8ting , I ,Ja ngled a nrl Jan erl by It hob- l1!Li led


I've a sweet \'()11l1g wi fe who loyes me well And surely Illy hear t's hest 10,'e I gi v~

her ' I ought i.o be ha ppy , hut . ael to t ell

\Vha t should be H eaven, is sometimcs H ell,

A nd our heart ' beat tilll e in love's death knell

As tolled by my fi ell,lish hob-na iled li\'e l'"

Wl~en pale DCl',th come' witll au icy glare, '[0 d rag me O\'CI' th e dark some I'i,'er­

AmI I stalld at the ga tl's of lhe city fai l' Old P etelwill wink Lo t he a ngel th el'e

All rl l'e lllfLtk-as he hauls me in hy the hair-

" P oor ,netch! HiR H ell W flS a hob-nailed li'"er , "

~~'E!i " 1 ' i r j

",,'Int ' ''' ~ .... ' I 11 Cal'! inge Company nUIlOUllce JI , • s t d ays of their cleal'ing sa le of

vel cles, ln ~lndll1g buggie" phae tons, dog­('~\: s' , sulk, ,_ , f I'll) I" ~ hugg,v-,waggouB, &c" c, The p rI ces for t hese yehlCles ha ve b~en , ~lt e ,' red uced owing to the cx­pll'a~lOn .or- t he company's presen t lease in Statl~n- 1;I::eet , ~1f : ;>'Tell illgtoll-stl'eet, Per t h , Ra tlrng aI'/! ~'l-a ny of t hese lines ca n be secm ed, Vi sitors 0 t he Gnildford show a re welcome to inspect t he exhibits t he company has there,

T"I,EI' UOS t: ~ 63 ,



Beaufort St" Highg a te Hill ,

Per th,

'fcJepholle lUil.

Tid. H olel i. broutifll ll J' Ri tll ' RLt.'(l. cOllll1lnntling a view of th~

ity unll St1l'1"ol1lUl ill!:!~.

E XCI.: r.ld': N'r A OCO)DI Oll " (' l OX


b e.t \V ISES &: LIl,! UORS Kil l" !',


' BU8 to the Doo.',

P ItOI' HII':l'O ,


MARTIN & CO., Homceopathic & Dispensing

Chemists ~ 1 I BARRACK STREET,

PERTH, And nt Mundumh Rond, Fremnnt lc

Stock and Sharebrokers,


TO, 3 Exchange Court, , t , GeOl'ge's- t errace_ ~lE1IDER ' O}' TILE ,' TOCK EXOHANGE

OF PEWl'H, lIJ ines In pee ted a nd Reported Upon :

R egistered om e Me IfLY's \ \' elcome n,M_ Co, and Lady ~l enzies G ,M,Co,


Af1ENTS, 'r elephone 1,022, Code' usell­nloreing & N ea l's, Bedford .:\l cN eil 's,


, pecial Facilit ies For DCl1lillg 011 T.ondon _\Iarkets,

\Y E ''I' .,\1,; " I'HALIAN CHA~LBER,', , ' t, George's Terl'<wc, PeL'lh, '-


8 Clare's Weekly . . AT 1:RDAY, O CT. 23, r897

Johnny's Column.

Racing in " ' .. \ . is intcn 'stin O' because of fI cer tni n naivete that rnn th rollg h it nil. En>rything i, ab~ol u tely nbo\'e boa rd On the IUlI' n t hp world find the half world ru b sh01l1dr r" in all t h in no­cence or t he Garden of Eden. n the cour e t he hoI' c t hat i ~ de t ined to win, win - fi nd fc w thero b , that know it, By t he bye, n cold nnal 'y" i or t~ 1 P ~· th Cup, 1 !l7, t nki nu in to · e011'1deratlO n the ex tnlOl'clin nry i ll cident t hat Ilfl p? ened ill the , tra ig ll t- hvl\' tni ' inciden t affccted the order of the hon" at the

f t will he intere. ting Lo 11C' .lr of t hc nrst I'.e ncontr b twee n Calyer t :llld onr " n ecord " 'Mayor on It racecollr,:e at home, W hat a lot of good t hing s t.h ey will Illt\'o to tell each other !

con noi sem or ar t to reel t hn t on hea r 1Inri l' Lloyd agai n for a ,Y ear ?

won't The . Clm'gy ' llOlllC 0 ' night. : when "'hole there will be a dai ly paper edited a nd

writtell lip to thc tnnuard of th e " ' ki bhcr 'e n Sen t inel. " Wh ere, &e" <'c. I t i - a fin c t ext. "Per th is as

" P er th, at tIle present mom nt, i just tl far behind M el bourn e as Mel-110 111'11 (> i behin ..! L on do n ' a weal thy \ rieLor i:1ll , ni I to me. H e 01 itn t ill reg:l rd to civili snt ion- in regard to the pa "sin g from the chaotic to t he '0 mie. H c llI ea nt th nt the d ny will co me wh n t he lawYl' rs here wil l, to so me extent, b,'c(1)1 (' . m aster ' or common law and ('q u it." ins !, rad of th ' sch'lolboy ga me of " eoc kill g lip Xc " " :- Wh ' n the

' /

Zeb, L ane of " T he G rea t B onlcl l'r " wi ll 500 n be bne!;: in ' V,A . TIc thrpat-

n d to tay :1 \\'ay t hrre yenrs, bnt (' \-(' ry­onc who kllOw, him , kn ell' t ha t he mean t to s tay three mont h- . H e has bcen tn ying- at t he Oecil , lunching' in t he city, (l ini ng a t the Cafe Hoya L (Em pirc to foll ow). Then he li n, bren to " Pa rec," din cl at the " .\ m ila ssll-

". '



The Governor's Speech at Katan ning. . . . ' Hi Excellenny, ill respollding. saicl t hat he was \' ry Ill llch obli ' cI

to thom for tho warm mann l' in wh ich t hoy hnrl I'e 'e i v~d t he t on~t . H e ol.~ I" .c! from the toast Ii t t hat he hlld to speak !I.~! duri ng t he voning, a nd ho wOlll (1 conti ne hi mself to expressing his t hanks fo r t heil ' \\'elcome. l i e 'horisherl n vcr)' plea8a ns t'Cll1cmbrlln '0 of his first " isit to 1 ata nning on hi arriva l in th colony . On thuL occusion he fir t beca me aware of hi own vel' uti li ty, f OI' d m'ing tl mt night's jOll l'l1c,Y from .A lbany to P erth he h!HI to get ou~ of the calTiag.c seyen 01' eight tim~s ami ~Ieli vcr s]leecl;cs ill I'e. pon~e tn the "er,\' kll1d addresses whteh ~" ere p rc cnted to hlln , Ht, welcome !tt Katl~lInilig 0 11 th ' occasIOn to whtch he wa t'efelTlIlg wus one of t he Wlll'lnest he had I'C' i \' ' d ,"

Eyirlently not so WRl'm a ~ he . outhel'll ross welcome ! ! !

fa r behin d M elbonrne as l.Ielbonrne i behi1ll1 L ondoll ."

[Qll ry fo r Yi cton a n : h M elbourne behi nd London? E D.]

On more hock! T his ti m e it i a ya rn told Ill l' by a n ind l\ridnal g ifted with a B o. well in "t inct, a ll el po e. eel of every facil ity for acqui ri ng ill for­mation of t his natu re. A t t h Adelaicie F l'cleral Con n'ntion, which took placc a few month ago, one eyening after busi­ness wa s Ion a rew representa tives of the differen t eolonie W re chatt ing i n the I'efre hmen t room. udden ly one tu rned round to a ' V.A. delecrate and said :- ' Y ou W est Au, t ralia ns are n good you can ' t d rink !" " Ca n 't do what? " said t h ' Y. A ., bl ushin <Y. " Look here, " -a id t. h ,En ternel', ' I wil l pu t u p a m an a mong our d elega te:; \\'ho will see an y of you und r the taule " The ' V este l'l1er took him up, a nd, ne b y on ,th other coloni s chi1 p d in , each cOllcributing a re­pI' ,"ent 1tt iv to uphold the honor of his colon y . "6<'1t whi ky was th II/odus IJI' Ili. a nd th champion: ,'at in a row and olemnl y emptied t heir gla es­ula ' fo r gla 's- al1round. After t hey h ad got well into double fig ul'es oTadua ll y 'ome ,hail' became vaca n one by on t he h roe::; di appeared until Itt; la ,t on ly one l' mnined. H ,looked at his watch , took a nigh t·cap amI helped to p u t t he othel' to bed. H e \vas t he " t Au::;tra lian !

B y t ravelling .·econ d cIa is between P er t h a nd Frema n I you will get a mu ch bette r g r ip o£ t he ondi t ion of t he eonntl',Y t ha n by l' ading t he daily paper. The oth r d ay I h E'll I'd a ma n say :- " L ook ' rei Bill t hi , 'ain t no plae £0 1' y ou wi t hou t you't· 1.1 F ree­nJason It 'and " I' p 1', 0 1' a hinamnn ."


__ TELEPH ONE 1100.-"""

Auctioneer and

R. Land Agent




Fremantle Land Agency,



FOR SALE: Xllmerous Lot in Fl'emantle. Re ' idential

nnd Busine ites. Cotte loe Beach, 9 cean. F rontalZes, com.

mandmg Exten I\'e 'IeI\' of li"remn t l and Ocean. The pick of this Fa h?on


able, ubllrb. Priccs fl'om 2 to £ 100 P [' lot .

. 'everal ~hoi 'e Busine s ,'i tes, front in :'l am I erth·Fremantle Road aud clo ~ to otte 10e Beach , tation. Terms can he arranged . ,B;- W e hold Land, 'ales every .\Iondll.y ~ Ight at our, ale Rooms, '

Fremantle Auction Mart, Out.Do~ll' Furniture ,ales Arranged,

Fllrlll ture Bought, old or Exclum d. Promt)t a h Buyel. Largest ale and. how·Room in olony. l!'urnitUl'l!

tor d anrl , old on ommi. ion. 'al s OllClll ted all parts of the olony,

Ac ount ales rcndered immediatcly aftol' the Ie,

NOT ICE. vV purpo e bolding au pen

Eyery Xi ' ht, COlllmencing o tober!.

Nole the Addl'css-

hure all n Ol'l\bout

fini sh-tlH' re1ntion .. hi p 01' t hl' stp \\'nnl " toward ' l he OWl1cl',hip or tI ll: hO I'"e~ il1yolnd-:ln(l the r ' lntion -hi p or lh

dc n r~, " d i tm 'tcd hims If a t " Tht' RI' c1 M ill, ' :lIld uppcd at lh l' ,. Allicri t'a ill." _\ . there i ' noth ing ,Is ' lel't to do bnt - eithcr to die 01' to 'ollle back to \ \ ' . .A .. he i;; n'turlling- slIlll!l\:\nb.

, cl lll lllllln ,. tl'r" lI ill k llo\l' II hil t choo l th l'.\' II l' l'p l'd uClIll'd ill , :Ind wi ll I (I ~ , ~ , ~ lIl1l l' SII l't (If II lll't;'I'l'p i ll~t . :111 or pla,\ in ~ tI ll' 1'11,,1 ill H cap :111. \ !.({)\\I\

II Iii, 'h thl' IIlL'nl slllp "ho]! ' IIlall \I .. ell tn Il'l IIl1t I'llI' I'UIII' \ drl' ~~ L1 :11 Ct'~ : ­

" ' Ill' 1I tht' L aity ,;"n't h(l', ' [ 0 :;l'C

Fremantle Auction Mart,

(Late, ' lork Excllllngc), tcwnrd~ in thc mat l!'J' of \la~l'I'~ on t Ill'

snid hor ~l' " would U1n kc a gnl nc1 plot ro r a: ·yolum!' lion'!. WIlPr ' i" t he W .. \.

It l1Iu ' t bl' 1111 :llIflll IITCIICh tu n

HWH ,' 1'1 EET, FR E~LL ·'I'LE.

R. G. WEBB, .1ul'l ionccl·.

SATUR DAY. OC'r. 23, l H!) 7.

The Lost Chord. (FOR U r ,AH I':'~ \\Tm' KLY. )

In hl'cathless !twe. like t hc swi ft chnnge Unseell hu t fel t in youthful slumbers ,

vVild sw~et, hut u llcom1l1uuicably stl'ange, Th~u brcathcst now in fast ascend ing

number . _, IIEJ.U"' , to "Con ta ll t ia singing."

I n nil old llil npidatl,d Lt' llllll ent ili t il<: western pOl' ti n of L---- treet, ea ru in bnt a -hort t illil' ag<> lI~'m uli sh~c1) d welt for many yen rs nil II ltere:; tl llg fam ily. It was lI ever a I!l rge rnm il y, and when the drenry creaking old hOlls,," was fi rst t urned into a d wl'i ling-placc by them, only co nsistl',l of t wo pt'rson;: . O ne of these wa II solelllll , g ray- IIH lr. d

Clare's Weekly. Oil t ill' road til I'nll((, . 1,o"k ;l1,-" for lln l'd wi Lh deli<rht to t he t il1l l' wilPIi he 'onld tak,' hi s ; la,I((1 ns a 11'11(1<- 1' ill L1H' llln ~ i cH I worl d, la ' 1I. )I' \;e(l dil ig·l," t ly. S n c('!' ~s C('() WII I'd h iR I ' Ho l' t~. a lld III' ~ct ul'cd a ~pll' lllIi d clI gagclI ll' ll t. 11] nil II Li IIg' s tcadi ly upwa rd, hi s Il alli p hnd bl'eli ollJ a byword with ti ll' pco ple', II'h cli h ' 1I ((:t a ll d lovcd a 11 0tl,d y tll lli g ueHllty . Thi ~ Wll . th l' t il I'll ill'" poil lt ol' h i:; lil'l' . HI' wa ;; almo;; t poor, ~Ie h"Hlll,y waS rieh, n.1le! . thoug h "IH;OIlI';t g ill g' hill l 1'01' 51'\'(' 1',,1 IIi Oll tho! , (po' iuly 1'1)1' t hl' sake .01' l~ i 5 gC lli n ), II hl' lI hc spoke 11 1.- Im'c III hi:; m'lTons 5ell ,; itiw lI ay , si-P Inllglll ·d "t his pas­: ioll and SI'lI t 1': 111 "c1 l' il' t.. H I' li ed M- -- ill a \'" in en(\ I'''\'OIl I' to 1'0 1'­g'd. Ilu t ctll rld .l Ie forget ? A h, 11 0,

hnrpi ll l' ~ s passerl 1'1'0111 hilll , bll ~ ill it~ placl' wa s a ;;C' ttled liL'jec titlll, a 1l10nl'liflll ),{IOOlll .

H ifl genius was on, M lancholy­gra ve-ha unting maiden uut of ex­quisite form and beautiful face, and she made the constan t recital Llf his ROtTOW!'; an eSRen t ia l of lif. U nder her influence he fed on these his sOl'row ' t ill the con templation and exeeution of things mournful and sad because t he cheriRhed child ren of his hear t .

A s the unprogressingehm'ch organist, h e lived a soli tar'Y and uneventful life for several yea rs. One day, however, an old compani on fo und him out and besough t his aid. H e was a consumpt-

Tuart Forest (T HE VAS E) .


p lace and there were times wh n a lone at his organ, fo rgetting all things a round h im, t he oldes t SOlTOW would r ise . Then the reeds and pipe. would tell again the mourn ful story, t rem bl­ing t he while wi t h wails a nd moan !!' t ill they :;pok e like a lost soul re­p roaehing i ts mak er.

As the ye,~l" wen t by, .Millie g rew in "'race and goodnes ' ,LOd t he orgah­i ·t '" loved her in a way he did not comprehend . It hapl eo'ed one day, h owever, (;;h had j ust left h l' nine­teenth birthday behind) that he saw hel' walkinO' in t he street wit h a well-e dressed young man. There was a sudden pain in hi hl'a r t as he thought that she woul d oon leave him, but it

man of abon '. fil'ty years, the othC' l' , ,t ligbtly bu il t, . nnny-I'ne II g- irl of t wenty .

for hi ~ JO\'C' wa S st roll l\C' r than hi will ' Sorro\v settl('cl it s 1r t' '' \'Y Jln ll upon him. Ambitio n eli I'd \\"it lr Irop!'.

i ve, and had b ut a few hours to live. The Ql'ganist took him in an d tended him k indly, but withil1 a w k t he suffer l' died, leavi ng to h is friend's care a pretty golden-haired child of ahout five yeltl's of age.

waR not the pain of a gua l'dian par ting with his ward. Th I' was jealousy in it, and it d istr sed hi U1 . Sh told him af ter wardR, for h had no secrets from him, all about t he III eting, and there was no love in the Rtol'y. But he could not rest now. The t rivial meet­ing had made h im aware of the natur of his feelings, and be r esolved to end her a way . H e did so, intend­ing her to stop away for a considerable period . he came back in a week,

The f rmer, olonl on F ord lw IlHme, was a mu ician . and pa id his "lI o),ldly way on a alary rec 'i\'ed for hi err icl' as a city church 0rganist . H e \\' H ~ a g reat master. bll t altogeth er un nm bi t io\1 s . L ivi ng comfor tably cll our;h on what he received fr om hi s chur(; h, h troubled noL, tboug h he could IHwb comnlancled a hi g h place in th e musical \Tod d of th e day . Fame had no nlll11'CUlcll t.- 1'01' him. Am bit ion wn dead .

Yet he had been amhitio n once. In hi arly l1lnnl lC'od, " rtl'r workin g

indu t rio usly for yca r ~, n pe rforl1ln n 'C' 0 11

the ,'iolin called forth . pcc i'l l noLice from the cri t ics, and cast 111lwn UlA ny bnl'l' iers

A yea!' aft er he re-appl·arl'tl in the ciLy, bll r t Ile lin, I)" brig ht-tcmpore 1 yont h wa no mo l' '. In Ir is place was a moroSC n nd gloomy man.

"\V ith hi - change of tempenlll lC' nt (: nm c A I. 0 a ch:.w gc in his 111 nsicnl

tnd ie . lic fo}"ool\: the vi lin for thc orgon. ni~ . olemn fin d SO IT wfnl ririt I'u llud solace in t he saen'cl illlpressiven ' 8

of t he in trum en t of hi ad option, alld findin g t hn - an outlet for hi :; heart's cleo pair, hi s wh olc be ing bcca me lI'I'npt u[ in mOlll'llfnl memor ies. JI ~ st 50,

wri t r , pnr ticuhrly poets, find ola(;c in the dcpiction or their own dc- pa ir. l n-

D eal' little M illie, whft t a v,t~ancy did she fill in the lone man's hea r t . Of a pIa. tic 10ve,1ble nat ure "he soon got u ed to her g uardians quiet ways . H er influence fell on him like a sun­beam, and hi s heart wa rmed to her . S be g rew into hi ::> music as well as hi affection and t he people of t he church (Ull consciously to the organist) were t reated t(I tunes ligh t l' a nd brigh ter than he had ever played t hem before . B ut t he old love still retained i ts

and begged not t o be ent a way again, and ov ['come by '0 much affeetionIhis pa sion overwh elmed him. That evening l illie was happy in an en· gagem nt to marry her guardian.


The marriage took place on hel' twentieth birthda,y, and together they took up their abode in the old hou 'e in L-- street, the free use of which was a marriage allowance from the church.

And now the organ spake no more its moul'Oful stories. In their place came brig ht, bekwtiful m elonies which bre<tthed of content. H a ppine " a lmost r eign ed in the h eart of t he organis t . Thi eontillued for a year, a t t h e end of which time the gid wife g<tve birth to a son. But alas! with life cau e al~o death. The child lived, the mother passed <tway, and once mor~ \Va,s the oeganist' heaet the hom of soreow and de, pair.

On '0 ngain the org an trembled with hi5 gri ,r, find day flfter LI'ly till illl' ]lallds lay stili find cold th e ree 15 ~p(lke ev(' r the ~aU1e-sorrowrul so rrowi'1I1 s trai ns-picture 01' poem of dl>~pair.

Only one th in g now bound the old Dian to the world. He Wll a fnther. J n n d('spnir ing way he 101'ed hi child and nurtured him I~i th mncil COTe, seenling' afra id that he, too, would bl' tnken fr m him. A pretty li ttle child he \l'a with g reat erions eyc~, so the nurse cmp:oyed took to ealling him, and the name did not I al'c him.

As the yeArs roll<,d on the boy grnw wenk find icklr. The fHth er watched with pHi n the I)nllid cheek g row whiter, tl1e emaciated limb grow thinn er, and hIS love g rcw deeper and deepcr as I)(\]lc . eemell to By. He mndv tlle laLl his con tant companion, EI' ery dny thcy wen t to the cl111l'ch, and thc old man plllyed,"the other Ii tcning eagerly the wllill·. .\ml the . gellius of thc father pll sl'ci to the so n. The so lpHln ,tnlins woke in tllC bd's heart a hi .... h and holy in pimtilJn . The oleL yiolin (ulItollcheeL by thc organist fo r 0 lll any yenr5) II' :\S

brought again inio use. Thl;; lad s tudied diligently, and, a - Ilis lofty genius r:1pidly uufoldeeL it5l>lJ', Ilis body C}\st olt it" wcakness. A5 \\,~lter to n withering fle,wer, so was music to his failing l'ncrgics. He ~e",m ccL to tllke :I

new life, and th. 1'0 C began to bloom on hi s cheeks. The old n'1I1n noticed the e th in gs, lind through all hi . gloom hi5 heart was glad .

"\nll UOIl' 19ns of Hpprlll1chin~ tli s­solutioll bl'cilllle CI-irl ent in t.h e organi t. The old mall grew \ cry i'eeolc, and scemcd to bc softly fadin g a\\'~\y. But he till rl'tai ned his posit.ion at the chl1reh, and hi5 comnHllcd ol'er t il iust ,rument wa ' as pr)\rerful a cyer. One Snnclay, 110Il'e, er, a funcr:11 en ' iee was 11l'ILl nt the chlll'ch . The di scourse ,,·a. Ol'cr, amI thc old man sta r tet! th . solemll, a wful "Dead 1\larch in Saul.' Fllr :1 time he plnyed as he bad nCI'cr p layed set mll ' ic before. Hi - whole 5pirit entered in the strain, hi \\'llOlc gCllins crowncd it wiih unutterable rlilelAncholy. The Illini- tel' paused in hi ' pul~it: the co nrrrcgatio ll at trans iixt'd . Thcy had fe lt the old mnll· · power before-it elwined them now.

I..nd how wa it wi th the pe rforllle r. Thc choir, t.he chlll'ch, even the note the organ \\'(~re all lost. (n their plact' was the idealized form of a beau tffll l woman - hi . first 1017e. Shinin'" with the radian ce of heaven th ug h all around WA ldark. She walked slowly up to him, milino- sweetly, ti.ll at last her bren,th seemed h ot on Ill ' chcek, then with a laugh he vani hed . F rom the ",loom l1eceeding there came serenely before him the form of hi young wife, the blackne s fleeil~" before h er as niO'ht from the mornmg sun.

o . h With IVord of joy and hApplll ess s e ran to his side. The old man wa_ about to clasp her to his brca t, but she fell, a corpse, before hi m, and the dark­n e . e(>med deeper t han beron'.

T11en the blackne faded away lind thcre Clllll e to hi wond ering ig ht a vision of heal'en, g lorious, oh how g lorill ll s ! The throne with th(' AIllli"llt~ God, th myriad anO'cls, t he wall of j,l slw r, the treets of gold, nil wcre th reo But his eyes fixed UpOli the gntt' , fo r tandinO' there beckoning to him 101' ing l,v, wa the figure of n WOlllan. Agaill hi . first Ion'. Hp smih·t! lo her in n·turn, and she beekolH·d him on. Thl'n as h(' gnzed, he ~l\W a pprlllH:lting the forlll or hi - weet O'irl wife. The woman at the gate saw her n];;o, and became tran form ed. Thc g irl wire prcs ' l'llon. .. Eden'S bar' ""S open, her fool pa1l 5ed not upon the step, bllt a shu entered the charmcd pla \.'e. thi s

Clare's Weekly. SATURDAY, OCT. 2<>, 1897.

womal~ , llis firs t lore, noll' a raging sh€'­del' il, clnsped her in fi1tIIY al'lll 3, and s preading' Ollt her mon ' trou ;; pill ions, de ccnded- descellt!ed. Thell the 01d lIlnn's tott 'rillg rC'a ~O Il g''''e way. The cong regation h 'ard a ·h:lnge in th e s traill, thl'n a hid eous c1a;;lllng-n\\'fnl di scol'll, wi t h II tl' l'l'ibl r 'ig nificl1nc(' , and th e o ld man fe ll froUl hi ~ ~C'a t scnsell·ss.

Th ('y took him homc in an uneon­~c i ou s cond iti on. H e recol' t' reeL ufTi­cient ly in a I'l' w day. to 1I'1111e nboll t }'an­ill g' npo n hi s son'5 arnl, bnt !'l'a ' on and hi s mig lety llln ' ieal po wer5 seemed gone ror e\,er.

Thc church l'! ll1 pl(),Yed an other orgnn i::. t, lint tl.ey allo"'l>t1 ihe 01<1 1ll:1 11 to roam abont a Il c h ' hHd lc)\7ed to do in tlle clny- of yore. .A n<1 it II' fl fL sael ~ight to sec him, aetOllll'flll i ·d hI' E!'I lest." "'ancler to hi~ old 5l'at in 1he orga n room and rlln his fingcrs on' r t il e well-1I'0rn keys. Till'y rcspollded on ll' with di scord, an 1 the 01L1 mfln would turn a way and sigh . III hi ' mind there still seemed to be a ~lil11rnc ring of the past. 'l'hey Iyerc on ly I'aillt g lenn.. llowel'cl', . 00 11 ' wailowecl lip by the darklles til at bOll nd hill!.

1 apid a5 hnd bt' n h is declille bel'ort'. it was 5till more ra lJidnow. His I'is its to the chu reh became fewer and fewcl', and finally w('re abandonecl "ltog·ether. One day, howel'er, Erncst had ll'I't hinl ,)lone 1'01' :1 I'ell' minutc" _,I111e of hi s old st rength sl'l'metl to reilll' 11 , and alone hi' . onght the chu rch . ' pal<,l at the orga n he ran lli5 fi ngers along the keys . Di,; ·orrl, di c 1'1 (lnly, and t he trained ears knell' it . vVith :I g r(>at pnin at h('art his head sa 11k 0 11 h i~ hrea~t , :l nel it eCllled as though he would mO I<e no more. Wlll'll with a sudd!,11 cry and all exultant SIll ill', he d r(' 1I' hi s bend np, and hi s fing-ers so nght the kl'Y s. Fo r a while the church rall!! with a mighty t ri ul1lplwil t ]>ooal1. Then all wils still. A fe ll' minutes arter, E rll c~t I'ound ilim 011 the Ol""an scat with hi s head Ilnd a!'lllS th rown on' r t il<' kl'l's ill 1'1'0 11 t . But the ~p i r it with thlltPl~l;1l had pastice! away 1'01' en· r. The oltl n1>ln had rou nd "Tilc Lost Ohord."

E. S. E~ l l:: lI ~ON.

Mammon & Gamlnon. The P erth Chamber of Mines has

been ubj ected to an unp1ea ant jar by t h e 0001gardie Cha.mber, which has r efused to co-operate in the inteI'change of mining statistics . Coolgardie j , in this instance, shortrsighted, and fail to see that the i ne of varying monthly recorcls by ' the diElerent eh<tlUbers is likely to be lJl0re hurtful even to Ooolgardie itself, tha,n the admission of 1.he Perth Ohamber as a recognised institution.

Brown Hill Junctions keep firm <tt <tbout 79. 6d. The new winding plant hfts b en completed, and work is now p rogressing below. The main shaft is a.t 210ft., <tnd judging by t he underlay at t he 200ft. levol, the lode should be met at 260ft. . t the 200ft. the lode i. mnch broken, but canies gold up to 1tozs. pel' ton, and is 8LX feet wide.

The Golden K y is. coming into prominence, and h a been the s ubject of some enquiry during the week. 0 one seems, however, to know what the exact position of th claim is, or any­thing <t to it share capital or manage­ment.

The King Solomon M ine at Cool­gard ie is looking well, and shares have changed hands at 198. during t he week .

Hannan's Eureka has £456 on hand.

Oassidy" H ill main Rhaft h n. reached the 260ft. level, anda promising chanrre of country is reported. 0

The Mount Cha rlotte has cut the Hannan's Reward lode at l07ft. Th Oompany is tl'ying to arrange for a. supply of water, and as Hoon as this is Il.Rsured a battery will be erected. The cr OHscut at the 400ft. level is being push d on mpidly, and i t is hoped t hat the of t he 10 Ie at this level will be ;Lttended by (L considerable influx of water.

\\' ithout Ill' ing- pr~5imi~lic we fire of opinion that a g ra l'e period of depressio n will a ":lin -ct in on thc fields in le .. s than twell'(' months time, nnl(";,; thc watcr diffi 'nlty i ~ either -l1rmolllltct!. 01'

soli 1 arl"lngcments a re nuder wa)' to 5e ttle th e qLl c5 tioli . Tht: principal lllin 5 are aIre/tdy hort of watcr, and it is I'er), viLl cnt thAt th ere is no at1.equate

11 pply for the lm'ge in rea (' or ba ttcry powl'r in contemplation by thc \':1rions cO ll1]lunics opemtiw, on th e fi eld. , and a t K algoorli e (,5peciall.\'. Those min e. po~se~ - ill O' very hig h cln ores will be al.Jl e to eo ntinu c l'xporting becHu sc th('y call s lallt! th e enOl'lllOU' expense, but th o e II'hieh l.'anllot afford to export-­and they HI' in the majority, and their cl'Ushillgs in th e aggregate forlll the larger proportion of th e productioll­nl ll st rIo c down .

The GoWen Zon is cll'il7 ing in hard dioritc country, and os yet no inclicl1tion of th e reef i to be lraced . It is expected thnt t he re f will be cnt in about tlll'ce weeks t ime.

The Hanl'nll'S ellt1'l11 No.1 i driv­ing fo r the Ivanhoe lode, and expect to

reach it in about 25 feet .

The Goldcn Zone N orth i pushing developmcnt vigo rollsly, and i noll' at the 2:30 fl' ,t lev I, intr nd ing to si nk a fnrther 70 fl't't before opening out. Whell this levrl i reached pronlising devl'lopmellts may be expected, as the lode at t he 200 reel level nS-flyed JO Ilnd 12 dwt ., and it i' alcull1ted thnt on the lodc at t h ' I\J I\'er lel'fll it will be neCeS5:l ry to open out but n few reet befor!' tuppinO" it aga in . '

The Boulder Oentral Extended, which has attracted some little f1.ttention of late, is working two lodes at the comparatively shallow depth of 85 feet. At this level the eastern lode is considered the more promising, and consists of <t large felspathic dyke 16 feet wide, and intersected with iron, stone <tnd QUf1.l·tz st.ringer s. The lode j.s becoming bett l' defined as depth is atta.ined, ::Lnd goon del7elopments are anticipated ,tt t he next level.

The lode has been cut in the Boulder main r e f at the 275ft. level. It is reported very rich showing free gold and tellurides Itll through .

The Brown Hill Central has a big lode 54 feet wide, but of very low as. ay value at the 200 f€;let le"e1.· Pre, parations are being made to CktrTy t h e shaft down 11 further hundr d feet a s quickly a .. pos ib1 .

Good work is being done on the 01'00 us Proprietary, the sha.ft, which i now 240ft., is being carried to Lbe 300ft. level. A number of 10<tders are being met with of varying width, but h eavily ch <trged with mineml and carrying gold. It is hoped that at a depth these lead rs will be found to junction into a strong ore -body.

The Associatcd ' are fioatin rr alloth er pup. Thi s is the Iron Duke, a 2-1:-acl'e lease between the K algllrli and the Brown lIill. The capital is £] 50,000, with £35,000 as working capital. E rcsent holders of A ssoc iateds get one bonus sharo lor el<c ry fil'e held, and also the rig ht t o subscribe t o the work­ing capitnl issue 0 1' whi t; h 1.iO,000 bare iJee n 1" en -eel for the colonic ' .

Lake \Tiew Oo n:;ols hal-e dcelnred l\

divid cnt! or lOs. pel' h im !, t hDug h the date of pnyment i5 not yet kn@wn here. I find th e divitl end a littl e bi t di ap­p ointing, fl l felt confident the dll'ec tors would hold their hand nntil the.Y 1\,(' l'e in It po. iti on to pay £ 1 pOl' hnre. It is much to be rcgrettcd that the mill e is ~hort of wat~r, and is, cI'cn now, cart ing lor bnttery purposes. I t. is possible that pa rt or the powcr may Lc hung up bebre t hc ummcl' close' .

A cable from Shanghai states th<tt the rel resentative of the Hooley Syndi­cate declares th<tt he ha complet d the agl'eement with the Ohinese Government £01' <t 5 per cent. loan of £16,000,000 stirling, to be is ued <tt 95, upon the securi ty <tlre,tdy negoti<tted, the syndicate h<tvin cf t h l'i Cfht to

. 0 '" construct railways in t he future be-twe~n Hangchow and Sha.ngha.i.

The Nobel Explo ive ' 'ompnny have decided to fOl'l11 a.n entircly llrw concern to take over and work tl;c amlllun ition lIn ine5 which it recently purcha' ed rrom the Birmingham Small Arm ' Factory. The new unde rtaking will be ca rried on nnder the title or the Bir­ming ham 'Metal and Munition Oom­pany, and the capital is £GOO,OOO ill £5 s hares.

The School of Mines qnestion will donbtlcs be brought before Parliament thi5 ses.ion, and lye may t'xpeet to deril'!' ' omc amn ement from the action or the l'fll'ious citio I1nxiou$ to . eclll'E' its location within thei r own bOllndaries.

'oolgnnlie and Kalgoorlie journals will rel'i\'(~ and:l centllatc tht'ir old :end bitter ril'alry, and in their internccine truggles their nttention will be di l'cl'ted [rom Pe rth, which ,,·ill probably SeCl11'C t he cOI' etcd prizl' .

Gen!;' ral Gordoll Extentlet! sha re­holders lHwe deeillml at length to carry 01L until general cxemplion, and in the Uleantime to look ont for another property to inye_t tl1l' £-1,OUO ill han(1. At tIle Ill t'eting in ~\tlelaide one gentle­lllan described the G. eneral G.ordon crushin g as a rarc , nllli seemed to be of the opinion thnt it ' poorne was the r ·sults E markct opel'l1tion . Profe SOl' Krau <,'s - ilence i' nnexplicl1b1e, yet . ig nifi cant.

Ben · e, Teare ~,~/~) ~f) & Co ~ to/ '1V . • ,

~~~J~ ~~ Importers of Mining Material

and Engineers' Furnishings.

Engines, for Oil, Steam, or Gas.

Purn pS, Vertical, Hori;ontal and Cen­

trirugal, for every lift and duty, sinking, boiler,

feeding, irr igating, etc., etc.


BOI LERS of all types and d ime nsions, '

TANKS to any capacity, STON EJlUgA KEU ,


WIRE ROPES, ~ining and Flexible.

Candles Dynamite, Pipes and Fittings

Depots nnd Stocks carried at-

Penh, Cooigardie, Melbourne & Sydney


Tangys Limited.

SATURDAY, OCT. 23, : 897·

Personal. - - -+

Captain F earby i 011 h is way back to t)1is colony. Lan ), Goodrich is al 0 about t o r e um. So we not going to sink, after' n.ll. The rals a re coming back


Amongst vi i tors no"· on the gold ficlds a rc 1\T essrs. Rickards, ,'Late (ienlogist of Colol'ado, U. '.A., !tnt! Pitnmn, Uove l'nmellt Geologist 'of New South \\·ales.

Clare's Weekly. But, never mind, Mr. R owe ; so long as you cn.n keep r eligion and immorality a stone· throw ap l\,rt you will have earned y<;)Ur st ipend, your t rip E ast, and the adoratIOn of t he mult it ude-all of which are, we know, rl ross in your eyes.

It is reported from Pretoria hy t he Cape­tOWI. corre pondent of t he " D,tily ll.Jail" that 'Mr s. Kriiger is m ging her husband to reti re from the forthcoming P residell t ial contcst on the understand ing t'aL he r e­ceives a pen ' ion of £4-,000 01' £,),000 pel' an"unl. "If Lhc rresidenl doe th i ,<:ene­ral .Joubcrt will have all easy \' ictory," adds the eorrespondcnt.

referred to in the Bible, when it was written: " The meek shall Lnheri t t he earLh."

F . '. B. V osper c1el ivered a grand omtion on \'Verlnesday afternoon. The membel' for East Coolgarrlie was in h is be t fo rm anl his attack on t he GovCI'nmcnt poli cy was the Etrongest yet heard in thc ] louse. He tore t he P remiel"s a rgu mcnts into shreds, H,nd carried t he war \."tcl, into the ell c11ly'R camp wiLh dioritc facts and alTO" s pointed with sarcasm. The impre 'sion left by the speech wa unden iable. Vosper has made h is mark in thc Hou. e llS n. dehater.


mocl'aticc ond it ions. Their way of looking at t hiugs, t heir hab its of speecb , t heir politica.l st,wclpoin t , is much more American than Brit ish. "

Captaill Oats, H. L. A.. has heen pre­sented by his admircrR \\'i~h fI, portrait .of himself, pn.inte l by the well -knowlI ttl'tlSt "Boz" (Miss A. J. Campbell ).

Charles A. Dmm, t he wcll -knowlI Ameri­can pl'essmn.n and polit iciall i dead, at the of sel·enty-eight. " -ond l' is t hat, being a pre mn.n, hc managed Lo .hang out in t his val of tea rs so long. Perh n.p p oli t ics helped him to pull through .

Clive , l11i t h, one of K .tlgoor\ ie's e(tr\ iest and most popula r .brokers, has joinerl t he :61'111 of H einemann all<1 Co., Adelaide and Lonrlon and leal'es d ire ·t ly to represe ll t t.he fil 'I;1 in the capitu l of Lhe sister' pro-

A cert,tin \V . A. lIati I'C has a rent-roll of £ lG,OOO ller' an ll lIl11 , p rincipally frolll In.nd in Perth. \Vhen ccrtn.i n I ·a es fu ll th rough, t his aUlOlIll t will be i ncren.serl ltt least t h ree­fold-in fac t , hc fl,ppel1rs l ikely to del'elop in to a second Duke of We t rnillster if t he colony keeps on gr(Jwi n!:(.

;\-li ss Moore, who takes a ll active in tere t in t he Orphanage, hel,l hel' annua l li ttle bazaar ill its a irl "'L he.r residence, " \;..ranga," 1>10m1 t -stree t, CO,llmenci[,g on T hursd n.y .

In out· ad ver tising colu1l11ls will be found part iculnrs of l\ con ul tation promoted by MI' . . J. Chn.r! es, n. well -known Perth resident, ior the d istribntion of some of the most valuable properties in \Vest Australia, and two sweeps on the Perth Cup . 1'he 111'izes. offcrerl in the three n.rc vcry Lempting, and to Lho e who al'c of a speculath'e tUl'lI of mind n.n opportunity it; pl'esented of securing a compelency for life for the very moderate outlny of one Hovel'eign, or the more mode t crown. The tirst prize in the properLy dis­t rihution is t hat splendid hlock of buildings, knowlI a :IIlcNe. 's AI'cade, situn.ted :1t the comer of Hay and Barrack streets, Perth, facing the Town Hall , the income from which i estimated ",t £5,000 pel' annum. g it h" r of t he next t hree p ri zes would make t he fortulIfI,te drawcr secure of an income for life, and the e ar c subsiderl by over 100 othe r property prizes varying in value down Lo £ lO. There l\1'e al 0 t wo sweeps 011 t he Perth Cup, and Lhis mode ot adclillg intere t to t he greatest spor t ing event of OUl" yen.r is

Admil'el'S of Dr. Ueorge MacdOll ald will b pleased to fi nd in the.Tu l yCA~ADT,\ l\ Il \\'arl1l eulogy of t heir hero from the not too C0111-plim ntary pen of David .Christie Murray­])1'. Macdollald wrote at a t ime when. 'cots were not so powerfu l OLI the prcss as now, else he would in M I'. Mm:my's Opill ioll IlfIxe been 1I10re extell i I·ely boo rlled t han ftlly of t he Kn.i lyal'd group. I . These two," he says, " ]k George Macdonald, and ;\11' . . J. ],J. Ba rrie, a rc the men who wor th ily d UTY on ill their sep'trate and distinct fn.shi ol1 s, t he t l'l1d itioll wh ich ' ir '~Tn.lter esbhli herl ," bll t Dr. :'-lacrlon'llld is the gren.ter a,nd more

o popula r t.hat its filling is as m ed.

London, t he capi tal of the world , Lon­dOli , a na tion with its four and a half millions, is butthe generic name for a COIl ­geries of li t tle towns and yillages (says an E lIglish wri te r). To pervert ~11' . Pinero, Lon,l on may be Lhe name we " give ont' little p a ri h of St . J ames's." London th e cos­mopolitan, t hat can receive a Duse, a l:lernhardt., a R cjane, l\lld an Odilon in t urll, t lHlt has i ts F rench Hoho, its I talian Saffron H ill , its Easter lJ .Jewry, is sunoundet\ by a b el t of subl1l'hia t hat is as local as t he

vince. Mrs. H ugh Passmore, who wi th her son,

11-11'. I? P assmore, has been stayillg [01' J,

c~ lI s iderahl e time a t t hc P alace H otel, has taken ~.J I'. a llndel's's house, Ad la ide-tc r · m ee, d uri ng the ex-Mayor'H absencc in hngln.llfl.


H elT OSCfl,l' Blank, I' .R.C. I. , mel' hant, of Hamburg, and formerly an old resident of t he l~[lstern colon ies , a rr il' erl in oolgal'r1 ie from P erth on Sunday morning. Since his a ni va l in t he Coollt ry h ha received ad­vices from bis H am hl1l'g . offi ce t hat t hey have been given an order. f ". hlaekblltt for ~hip deckings. ~s tl~l s l",~d of t lmlJer growS abundantly III \\ estmlla, ~Ir. Bl;l~·' k is an xious to lDspect the fo rests . I he question is : \\,hy wa H err l~lallk allowerl

to escape to 'oolgardie without heing

" - rotc Ben. Tillet from New to " lJnn¥.lo" in a recent. (\ Clarion " : - " The Queen s proclJssion, I , is t.n tfl,l,e 20 minutes to pass a given point. H ow mallY rlay. would t he ]j;m pire's squa lor a nd pover ty tnke ,!I'

Whiteln.w '[ eid , specin.l enl'''y of the American P aL t he .J uuilec, told an Englishman :_ " [ seen a goorl deal of your 'o lonia l Premie rs, and t il e olle th illg t ha l lilts impressed mc "boll t thelll is t hat t hey a re ,.11 Yanl,ee . '1'11<")' arc much more lik e Al llericllIlR than t hey are like "it izens (\ f Lho old COUllt!' -. They a rc Ellglishmen who de\'elo~ierl under wlmt J Rhould "n. ll A ,ncr .can cOlI' liLions. That is to ay, the,\' are li"ing ill neW 'olln tr ie~ deali ng WiLli the problem of gOl'el:~lmen t lI ucler de-

mallest t<lwnleL of t he provinces and nearly a modem as Klollfl ike.

A Westralian ·Scene.

properly " lookell aflcr" ill Perth. 'l'he expenditure of n. bot tle of ch,tmpaglle and 11

r a ilway pass woult! at times gil'c onl' illd us­tries a smprising lift when fo reign investors arc about . They mal1llge those things belter in coolgn.rd ie.

1\l a r<:us Clarke, Li n(bay (jordon, and Barcroft \:lo,tke wero ill t h il' YO ll t h a ll k icked on t he head by hllr~cs. 1>oes th is nnply t h,tt the poetic faculty can he trans­mi tterl by means of n. subtle n.ppliC<ttion of horse- hoof '! The question might be gone in to hy some of onr loe" l rl eblllillg socieL i e~ .

Baron A I' l ilalln, of ' Pig f:itO llt" fa ille. is about to ,-jsit AlIstmli ,t. Tra fli e-mflllltger J ohn D,wies has beell

gl'UlI led six mOll t hs' leal'o of ahsene·.

. '\'he other day two youllg ladies-new arri l

7als-saw !Il l'. V ospcr, 1l 1. L. A., IIcar

t he City Railwn.y .tat ion . . 1 Oh !" ex­clain1erl Olle of t hem, "what a fU llny lookillg man ! " 'rhe other, who hall bcell keeping her eye on t he slreet Ilc\Yert isemen ts, l1 'ove t hn.t home with t he I' ply, " Oh , hu t there's u. oi reuS in to,\~n ! "

Chief ,Justice \Yny is whn.t is commonly termed a self-made mall , ha l·ing begnn li fe in outh .t\usLralia a - an'ren li ce boy on t he staLion of which he is nOI\' proprietor, and where he raisc cattle that take the l ead iJlg prizes at the agricul tural shows in t he colOllY·

Lord DouglllS, of Hn.wick, better known to Coolgardians of the early day as LOI·d Percy Douglas, has gone to Klondike.

T he death is announced of 1>Ir. T homas T . BelVick, the well-knol\'nci \'il and min ing engineer, and head of the firm of :IIl essrs. Bewick, Moreing & Co.

Rey. G. K Rowe has lJeen glYmg us away in Adelaide. H~ told a I'ep.ortel' therc that immorahty fioul'lshes wlthm a stone­throw of his chlll'ch. This sounds bad for Perth. It also sounds bad for the chu rch .

A n Ea.-tern wri te r, referring to t he Hyd­ney ,. ,' hil'oo," slates t hn.t Illtrl V ictoria soli,\l y joined New i')outh \\-ale ill cllltl­leng ing Cll lHtl representation at t he outset, it would Imve been a sheer waste of t !me to prolollg t he sitLings. A haH been , MI'. Peacock, MI'. Deakin , and \)1'. Quick wo.:t(ecl h n. rd , pr ivat ely anrl publicly . to s(we t hc it uation. Just so. 'rhey saved t he siLllaLioll of t ile T ories, wi th the help of Lhe 1'asl11!tllia ll a lld .Toh ll F orrcst'S srjlHtd of rlnmmi eR.

The pcople of B ll1l bury a re suhsori \Ji ng wiLh the object of e recting a statne of ~i r Johll 'FOl"l'est-(nows iLem). .AfLer hcn.r­ing our .Jack's dc[ence of Protec­tion wc of reI' t hc BunburyiLes a l ll~sic suggestion. T hus you see t be slatuc-

With t\. Buubul"Y spud gripped i ll its " loJk/" (Which tlJ lw III\l.m'l.ll ~hunl!l bc wax)

upon i t'K fuee tile l'u lIlIlng look, T hn.t ~tl'ong')1 HI 11 '1' weaI'8 whell nit: 11'1' :\ttnck~.

PCl'chul higll i ll iHlI11ptioll!ol.Sl'1f-cUIIl'eit. 1\ ho\'0 the witllCl'illg" scorll oi mUll,

An A.jax nl'W Illld 1\11 (·omplt!tc. Strollg, hl'n.inlcs~, o.mi iJlt rbal'illll.

~Iark 'fll'ainl8 la test, opropoS the millions of the John Bull race over wh ioh Queen V ictoria holds sway in all parts of thc world, is that t he E nglish must hal'e been



COMPANY, Ltd. CBrewerv, Cottesloe

now prepared to receive execute orders.


Fop Tepms, &c., apply to V. GEARY, Secpetapy, at the pegisteped office of the Company,

171 Mu ppay- stpeet, Pepth.

TELEPHON1~ NO.'.-BRE\\'ERY, 93.3; HEAD 0l!'FICE, 1194-.


Authors al1d --­(By JuSTIN1~) .


To t hose readers ovcr whom, lIIany years ago, fell thc glamour of "Lady .A u(lIey's :::iccrd," t be intere'tlng ill't iele ill thc Sep­tell luer IlUmbel' of the " \Vim!. 01' l\laga­zinc" ('11 th~ hallIe of Miss RI'Ilc1rIOlI, wi ll COI11C as n refrcshcl' of pleasallt memories,

:' Iiss Mary D ickcns writes of the pic­tUl'esquc cOllnhy hOl1<e of the celebralcd Ilovclist at Hicbmond, in the Xcw FOI'cst­a romantic spot, the \-C"y atmospherc of wh ich is condnciye to conjmings of the of the inlllg inlltion.

Miss Brnddoll \i\Ir-s, :'faxwell ) wa' h01'1I in 1887, so that she is IIOW (lO, yet she is as illdllSU'ious and imaginn.ti \"c as ,,'hcn in he r p ,i me, She has wielded a faeilc pcn for oyel' t hil,ty years, P l'oc111cing l'egulal'1y a book each year for a com,irlprahle t imc; a nd, t hough OIlC cou lr1 inval'iahly tcll after I'enrl ing hel' fi l' t chapter how t hc StOl Y w~s going to cnd, yet they were t l'UC llo\' elS ancl ful filler! the ir mi.sioll, which was to ,\mU8e and act as reCreation for the mi nd , lIow ma llY so-called works of nction now issued fl'olll t he pre s do this ~ They gellcrally tend to hano,," , disgust, or ti I'e th rcactel' ,

Cer ta inly, l\lis Brudrlon' heroes were a ll l ike cut papc l' p attel'Lls of one ,.nother, and on hel' p lll' t icula r p attern most of t he "LonrlolJ .Joul'lIal" a nd "Fa mily R eadcl'" heroes wel'c nlodelleel ,

:'Ji ss 13mddon i ill appeal'a.n ce aIm t as p ietll\'e q ue as her bea ut ifu l h ome, H el' OT/ CC ahundant wa vy brown hail' is now a lma t whi te, 'lIJd hel' eyc farl ed ; bu t she has a cha rming n,a ll nel' when a mongst bel' fl'iellCls, t hough na t llra l1y a li tt,le r"se l'ved to st rll llgers. She lI ever affected fashion-

Clare's which in itself will g i\'e added interest a lld inrluce rcady sal , \"\' ho that has read­before the era of p roblcm 1I0\'ols-" 'had es 0' "Ialley " (;an eycr fOl'get t he cha rm of t he story? T he memory of it cOllies aCrOss the mcntaL hOl'izol1 li ko t he sn lell of rain after a drought, ai' the Rcent of Ile,,'·mown hay at twilight.

A limited editioll of .Mr, .J . l\J. Barrie 's WOt'ks Itns becn plllJlished ill America hy the Scl'ibuel'~, alld in England It)' !Todder and . 'toughton. The limit iR only }.'jO copies, which are IJcautifu!ly printed 011 Ja]lallese paper, amI the'iIlusLl'I1tions are by elllillent artists Limited editions of Kipling and Mel'edith arc also published in America alld England,

A sccond edit ion of Prince Runjitsinhj i's book on cricket is cOlll illg out, as the G,51J0 vo Lu nle, of the first cditioll arc n ady old out, T here wel'c onlv 8,000 'opies 'Of t he 2.'5 . ed it ion, 'lnd thcH€; wellt ofr likc wild­fi re, a lso t he famous and beautiful edition cle luxe at £J pel' copy,

A chi ldren's tory book, liy t he late P ro­fcssor Dnlnulloncl, with iIIu sLratio ll by Lou is W ain, is to be puulishecl by Messrs , lJ odclcr & • tc-ughton ~hol,tl'y . Pcrha ps i t will come OUL as a Uhristlll uS num ber,

That very sati l'ipal w ritcr J ohn Oliver ITobhes (J\hs. Um iglee ) ha' spent the lust two years in writ ing a book fo r whi ch she has hosen t he Li t ie " The School fo r '" in ts," It is descriptive of poli t ical l ife i;J

t he midd le of th ~ presell t cent ury, a,nd ODe of t he le!td illg chfu,>v;ters i uPP<l 'ed to be modell ed on t ha t of a n emil\\!nt politician who made a fig ure ill p ul:llic life at t hat t ime. '

able attire, und, t hough Ilever d t·c sing in a B " " T he oak mall say t hat H enry L aw­

g rotesque 01' eccen t ri c ma nner, she yet son bas "caug h t on " wit,h t he Brit ish p re ents a q uain t fig ure l ike to some old pu blre, ~lcl y!:at his uook " W hile t he Billy port rait pa in t ing. B 'I " , ,~ , E L db '

H er house at Richm ond was bui lt in , o~ s l S 1D great req ues t III ~ ng ~n, elDg 1720, and is of the style termed" Georg iftn" ID . act, t he book of the mont h ID E nglalld , in architecture, She has lived quietly and /' stud iously here for many years, a nd d UI·i.fff James Payn's Intest story ":A ~lOther' s tha t time has followed, hp.r hobby of/ col- Burden " is reckoned a mongst c,n tws as a

old chilla ; conseql1ent t!-l:e r1;ome is cu t above his recent "rot bOllet's,." t he t hings f':Sl1r-a1t countries. hero, Lord La rkspur, belllg a dehght fu l

am;. room" wlljsJ1 is panelled in whi t a character a lld a t rue hero. wood , ":tas It P;''' wa ll a lmos t covered with china pl~~f e very couceiva ble and rare kind, amongst them being ma ny pieces of "Crown Derby, " the rich color being viv idly showu up by the p ure whi te back· g round.

H er study, or writ ing 1'00111, is crowded wi t h book in the uest bindings-as M iss Braddon does not care t o ha ve shabby covers of rare, or fi rst edi t ions, in her pretty I'oom, Though she is careless a bout her OWll elress, sh e likes her fa vori te books to present n sup erfine appearance.

, "London Pride " is t be name of t he la t est 1I0yel f rom t he peu of Miss Braddon, who says sh e fOllJld t he plot of t he SLOI'Y ill a n account ill t he " State T ria ls " of t ha t of Lord Grcy of \V ar k, ~he r ead the t ri al 40 yea rs ago, a lld the story was never for· go tten, The seed tha t fell 0 mallY yeal' ago ha now borne fnri t 40 fold,

There i a I'eyival of interest in the fas i . nating stol'i es of 'had es Level', a publish ing fil'll1 in London (Downey &. Co, ) being en. gaged in bringing out a n ex 'ellent editiOIl

onta ill ing all t he p la tes by Cl'Ui ck ha nk ,

M ,', A , E. W , Mason has sli pped in to t he back uumbers of t ime to fi ud matter for his Ilew no,'el " Laurellce Clavering" as t he scenes are laid a mongst t he d usty t apestries a nd ruined cast les, pel'ta ining to a n age w hich had it s being two and a -half cent uri es ago. L ike so many novels t he story of " L anrenc!' Clavering" hinges upon a n old docnment or ma nuscl'ip t found a fter ma ny days.

The latest novel uy t he S,A, a uthor, Guy Booth by, g ives more e videnceof nm nufacture t ha n a ny of h is previollS star'ies. " The Fa eination of t he King" i - in the fir t p lace a misleadillg ti t le. The reader ex­pect s somet hing fl'om a novel , wit h a, good t it le and in t hi ca e t he sC l'lpt ul'e IS ful­fi lleci for we a re g iven a st ne instead of bread , That Guy Boot hby has had some success as a wri te I' of fi ct ion is u ndcniaule, but tha t it is due chiefl y to adve l' t ising is a l 0 trqe, His wad e is to ephemeral , to brillg him a ny li t erary kudos" t.he padding is t oo appa ren t, a nrl t hc bm m power t oo ha l'd to discel'n,


* * This w eek our Stock win a g ain be largely added t o

4 33 Cases and Bales

Weekly. His eal'licr 1I0\'el , thoug h cl'udc, a nd

had ly constru ·terl, had some show of li fc, and dash of arh ent l1 rc in them, but t he more hooks Boothhy writes, the mol'C al,ti­n(:iaL <1oes his work appcar.

Thc mi stakc t his a nt hol' (l ike so many others) mukcs, is placing his ch,tracto l's in sccncs t hat hc knows uothing, 01' ve ry little of, illstcac1 of kecpi n!! t hem in t he atmosphel'c thaL he u lldcl'stall r\s, \Vhy should a ~outh Australian natiye lakc his char'adcr's to Yelli ce, thc atmosphcl'e of which is tota lly fOl'eign to him '! Is t lwre not enough 1'00111 in his OW11 COUlltl'Y~ His 0\\ n par't iculal' colony is large enough to accommorJatc Ii hundrcd Y cnices, alld ElIgl ish I'cadel's would ' l1Iuch I',lthel' know something ahout ROllth Au t ralia and it scenes and modes of l ife, than of t he city of tbe Adriatic, whi ch has heen done to ,leath hy hunrl l'CcJs of bctter w ri ters t han Guy Boothby.

Of CO lll 'SC it is hard to cxpect good work f rom an nuthOl' who tu rns out, haLf-n-dozcn llooks in .0 -hort a time as the aut hor of " ])1', Nkiolil" alld "The J~eal1ti ful " -hite ])evi l,' hut one good novel would makc fO l' h im a gl'catcr 11l1I1IC than six medioCl'e ones. Of making uooks thcre i no end, a l1 (l it is pitifu l to t hi nk of all thc waste of good mater ial t hcre is abounding ill t he w rid of latc.

A go d deal of t hc matier ill t he hook undcr 1I0ticc c0111rl Ire obta ined in hetter for l11 from a tour ists' g ui de book , a mI t he ill tCl 'C.,t is not c\'cn awa kened until the I'eadcl' is IH.1f way t hrough t he story . ,

It is lu i icl'ous to /l oLicc how 1I0veli ts pl'ly t.he ga me of ,. follow y0 111' lead 1',", ill t he writ in !,; of t heir s tor ies. Af ter B lIam,.Y stu l' ted , people wi t h t,he novel ty of Ill S " L ooking Backwa rds," sOl11e , haJf.doze,Ll stories of n. simila r kmd were fJlIl ckly on hiS tr'aclc " The Mys tery of a H a ndsome Ca u," inaug urated a series of shilling-shockers, a nd Mrs. Humphrey WllI'd ha t he dist inc. tion of ill it iatillg the semi-relig ious analyti­cal noveL with hel' "Robert E lsmere."

The detective stD,'y is becoming like the gras hopper of E cclesiastics, a nd t he old document, 01' musty M.S,S. t r ick in t he foullrla tion of a plot for a novel has been sprung UpO Il t he public very many t imes, yet each t ime it is looked upon as n. guide, and followed by other w ri t,ers , Dippi ng into t he m l1~ ty past and p ict ur ilJg scenes w hich OCCUlTed in t he vanished pa t, is st a rterl by some writ er who wauts to get away f rom the beateu track , and immedia . t ely he is followed with a pack in full cry and h is marIe i t he rage

Rider H nggard made a bid i or fa me in ex-ploring t he powels of the ear t h t o find a " locus ta ndi" for his heroes and heroi nes , and wallowed for a time in the gotesqlle a ncl fearsome, but his cla im was jumped by others, a nd when he turned frolll t he unreal to t he commonplace he found his ha nd had lost its eun ll illg.

S igllifi cant adver tisemen t a ppear'ing in a Sydney paper :- " Ceylon Cheap Laborcl's, such as domestic se l' va n ts , watcher , garden keepers , nu rses, lad ies' a ttenda nts, cled, s, nnd conductors, etc. , could be supplied to t he f'1\'mel' a nd othel' res idents in Alls­tl'alia n Colon i e~ . Correspondence inv ited . w--- a mi Co" Colombo, Ceylon,"

H ow 0111' lI eig hbors see us :- Not long ago (SllYS ' T hc B ulleti n ' ) Ii Chi nnma n, 1I 11 a bie to spcftk a word of E nglish, a n'i" ed in 13un hlll'y (\V , ~ . ) fro l11 Per th wi t h a t icket fa teneri to his COlLt. H e wa add re sed- as li ve stock -cal'r iagc paid, to a prominent \\' cstl'ltlia ll .

AT U RDAY, OCT. 23, 189 7


Miller's Cafe &. Grill Room


&: LATE lJPI'EHS B'bClllClIL of Cr ossla nd Cha mber s, Ba r raCk-St .,

(oPP(':-.itc 'rl'en.:uI'Y.) .

IJ AIIlIJUf':lSSE It & Tou.\4'l'OXlS'!' BI'LI.UltI> H OO)J, 3 T.\ BJ.I':S .




Auction ~l\. l c:o: eonductcrl ill allY lHl't 0 1 t.le Uul,luy ][UII'-\.'S aurl Lallll for ~Hlc allli to Let ill all parts.

Auctioneers and Agents.

The . .

Prison HULK~ ~

"Success" Company, Lim ited.

I s hereby given that ORIP

OERTIFIOATE, o. 14-0. for 100

SHA} ES in the above Oompany,

numbered 4148 to 4247 Unclusive), in

the name of P aul Ell wood, of P er th ,

vV.A ., having been LOST 01' DES­

TROYED, it is the inten tion of the

Oompany to ISSUE

SORIP for the said Share

t wenty-one days from date hereof

providing no clainl i made on the

said Oompany in respect to uch

Share before the expirat ion of such

time. The holders of the original

SC: l'i p, if any, a re hcreby warned

against any dealinO's therewith.

A , W - OOLES, 'ecretal'\",

Melboul'ne, eptember , ]~!Ji . ·


Or at DOsplay

Per s.s. Cuzeo, s.s, China, a nd s . . Cornwall,

T hc last·named i 1l0W UlllOlld ing in th e ha rbour.

is acknowledged to be the most perfect 111 West Australia,

Comprising as it does a Co mple te Assortment of eve rything

Visit Boan Bros. for all

you want

* * O ur Prices are by f ar the

Lowest in the City.

Wearing Appa r el Millinery Furnishing C loth ing Fanc y GOOd s Li noleums Trunk s Cric k e t W are

And a Thousand

* *

MuslinsandSilks (in ri ch profu ion )

Prints Boots Carpe t s Bed ding

Portmanteaus BOoks, St ationery

other L ines.

~~ BOAN BROS. (opposite the Station).



ATURDJ\.Y, OCT 23, 1897. Clare's Weekly. 13

WEIDENB CH'S \ VE lD E BAC ! l 'S FOR SU ~DIER DRESS ;\IATERIAL In all New Fabrics, most fa _hion­ab le desig ns, induding all this season's latest fashi o! . , from the leadi ng centres of manufacture, are now placed for your selection at the most popular prices in the city.

Spring and

\\ E I DE,NBACH ' FOR fILLINERV. All the leading a nd most nrlVelties of the s <.:a;;on. :\11 Parisian styles of Tnmmed Hats, Bonnets . etC., are !epresented from French models by an excellent milliner.

\I ! ~ lj)1 '\ B,-\ C H 'S FOR LADI ES' UNDEHWEAR o f every descripti'Jl1, ex " 1, , 1011 :' " I-i. thruughout, besidp.s the greatest stock to selec t from. ~Ios[ special va ll' '\ in cor5ets.

. Summer WElDEN BACH'S FOR THE LATEST in ;\Iantles, Co Willes, Children's

Dresses, Blouses, Pinafores, A prons, etc., the best house in Perth for t:\'erytiling .

\VEIDENBACH'S the best and cheapest GlO\'e HOllse: in the city, splendid new makes just opened.

\ VEIDENBA H'S FOR MANCH ESTER GOODS. Their splendid White Calicoes are cheapest and best. Their Towels, Qu ilts, &c. in all prices, below any others.

c; ~'- The Excellent Value

Display WEIDENBACH'S FOR CURTAINS, ART l"I uSLI:\., eTC. des igns. W'onderfu lly good value.

B~alltiful new Splendid Variety & Wonderful Display WEIDE IBAC H'S FOR LINOLEUMS, CARPETS, DOOR l\iAT5, eTC.

Splendid new patterns. . Nearly all buy from them, for the ir prices ca nnot be touched by others.

WEIDEr BACH'S FOR SHEETINGS, ETC. lew Wl;ite Twill and plain \\'a~hed Sheetings-all widths . All prices. Best value in the c it y.

WEIDENBACH'S FOR EVERY LI NE WANTED. The best and cheapest house in the city.

throughout surpasses ~all others.

\ VEIDENBA C H 'S for Gent.s', Boys' and Youths' Straw Hats, 6d" l /6, 1/1 r, to 4/ 6. The prices are below a l] others.

Weidenbach & Co., Hay St., Perth

\VEIDENBACH'S for Shirts, Ties, Braces, Socks, E tc ., in best makes . prices are below all others.


WEIDE BACH'S for Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing, etc . The new eason's Trousers, Trousers and Ves ts, and Suits a re wonderful value.

\;\,'EIDENB \CH' for Boys Sailor Su its in all new makes, si zes 'lnd prices . -The best value in town. W e ide nbac h's invite all to in peet their huge :\'ew . 'en on '~ Vi play.

Shares artd Shocks.

(By '['ilE YlD.)

,\V11ite Feather 1Iain Reefs are rmnhot' bOllth E xtendeds h ld thei r Th reckles ftot,Ltion of . 1 feline stational'Y at "bout ·-s. Gd. The com .. ewn nt a g radll ally improl' illg l~l'ice, but .eccentricities" by un crupulollS boom­pany is running 20 head of . tamps it i' difficult to find ' olid rca ' Oil S foJ' the sters, aided by~ ale rep rt.· -0£ sUlldry !tnd very favorable deveJepments have ri se. Ii i- . aid that the western lode highly-gi c1, miscalled ·minill ....

• <:>

The market still cont in ues

been reported of late, so some im of tIle lYanJlOe trnyer e the block, but engineers, sapped the eoufideilce of the

firm, and provement may be expected. This t hi.- i' a mere supposition, others, that British an, Continent,tl iny ' tor at the

month's crushing, hOI\,evel', will not be the L ondon and Globe F inance Co. very outset,' ··te a COlTe. pondent of ~

some notable imprOl'ementE' have taken

place Ju1'in'" t Ile week. Tllllre is an absence or any thing of a booming '

1lature, and slich pnrcha es eem to be for illl·t'. tm nt, nnd not for

.gambling pnrpo:es.

a, high one, all only low t'rade stuff is wish to purchase for the hanhoe Com- a Gold field papel·. -..c m ;-fina.n .ial

being put through. pany. or fo r slIb idiary pm·pOS!! . In corporation and pm'Rte n"IlI~ unoel'-

neither cas do the' e seem to hal"e any took to flont mines It l' ckles ly a "

'Ih Brown Hill and Brown Hill solid ha. is. boy blow bubble. . Each, fLccorcling

Rxtended directorates nre di. cussing

, tL scheme £01' the alu algama.tion of th Brown " Ril1 Cen tl'al "vore 111 g reat In some in .~ tances .' tockil have d d'

to the pel'fervic1 imnginatiol1 ohhe lir c­

tor , would 1/ Cl'll h a ton of "old to the

ounce of quartz." ,\Vith pt'ophetic

vision they . aw t lll'ough the '>olid

gl'ound to t he yel'y chimney tops of

Sheol, nwreathec1 in It cnnopy of

_weakened ror a clay or two, but this t wo mines in order thnt developments elllfind ul'lng the early part of t he

may be attri buted to profit-taking at; a depth Illay be accelemt~d and

operation-. H eayy excllange hal"e much unnec s 'aryexpenditur avoided .

oecnrrecl in 0111 of the lower priced tock, notably Boulder, Central ' Ex­

tended, B rown Hill .Junctions, Ivanhoe

Junctions, ancl Ben Lomond.

:'Ironto Chri . to share. arc bein .... talkecl

about, and these as well a the Hannan' .­

Hill W est, would hal'e a chnnce of :L

week as a consequence oE the reported

discul'ery or telluride. The discovery 'oE

elllll'id s so far ha ' nn important bear­

ing on the pro~pect of tIle many lolY r­

priced prop r tie ituate III that portion

of the Kalgoorlie field ..

ulphurou . mokeclouds. They youched

that the lode di. app a,led right down

the chimney, payable gold

t.he whole way. J n fact, the ne:l.l'e1'

the make tack - of 'heol were <LP-Coolgar~ie Mint. ' have weakened to ri se if the mallagement were to take Om speeialr porter at the Kanowna proached, the ricbel' would be t he

26;; ., ]Jre umably on account of few affairs ill llancl I ropedy and gin' them ru sh wires :_.1 Pro-pects ve ry good. eru hings. )l ow, fot· th mo ot part,

operations; but an improvement may the attention they des en-e. It i abso- '.lITeral on splenrlicl gold. Men lw ri Ying the. e financiers walk about with the be looked for. Chaffer' also a re

Intely criminal for tho direetol" of these da ily." last shreds of th ir I·eputntion. flap-weaker at ., no confirmation of the reported del'elopment in this mine eompan ie to pur. ne an indifferent and

The Boulder 1: orth Extended ha ' ping in the wind, clothing their llak d­

ne s in 1/ lopped and window d rag­

gedne ." E"erywher they are

haun ted by the specb:es of wild cats

which 'refu e to be bUl·ied. Theil'

dreams are di. turbed by the dole-

being to hand. lazy policy at a time lile the present, only £ii50 in ham!, which expected when fre h deyclopm nt. m\, eon-

Bnnk of England and Lake View tantly occurri ng

Sonth s arc being extcnsi l-ely tipped, and neighbomhood of

,'t rise i' quite n the cards within the (n the l\Ionte

in the immedin to to lust two months ' 0 nnother call

t hese


mny be expected at nllY arly date. prop I' t ies.

t here nr montL.

The Queen Mat'garet line is receiv­

ing attention, and con idel'able trans­

actions have taken place in Royals, -Centrals, and No.1 ·ouths.

thou and of ton , of surface cement The I vanhoe .Tunction has £l,flOQ ful ries-miaoux! miaoux! miaotLx!

of a payabl& character, from wllich dl'y- ill llancl, and "bout £300 more to come It . eem' impossibJ to de,-ise any

blower. have obtained lm'Ne quantitie of in, so, lInle- for machinery plll'pO e ,a plan by which the tiotation of 1 feline

gold, and which is being still worked call on thes share ' may be cOll'idere 1 ecc ntricitie" can be wholly pre-with .-ncct' ". unlikely for som m, nth ' to COll1e. "ented.

4 Clare's Weekly. SATUIWA r. O CT. 2;3, 1 '!J7

I '~--------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------

Political Prods. vVell, Georp;e Lenke has moved lli ~

\'ote of No Conficlrnce. or COll r,;e he lli ll. If hr didn't Si/' Joho FII/'/'P8/ l/1iljllt Ill ipoillt ,'Ol1lelJIIP e{,;e l errril' /' 0./ Ihl' ojJjio"ilioll. Y on can t be Lhe nominal lcade r 01' a nomillal part ' unless yo n nct lIJl to the pnrt ,om timc ,

The faet tha t tll'cn ty-six rn t sieck ll1l'n, sIH:Ii [J' sleel' 0' ni'",hts-nnd rlnr­ing clrbntes-sat on th e Gove1'11mctl t Bench's, ",hil t a hun g ry-luoking' ten occupil'd t'othE'1'sicle, did not daunt }\ir. Lcal,e H , kn ell' what he " 'II about, and gr)i tlrrough it , clespi1.r n de., p mte ill'lillatirJll to p111'11 fl'cqllently. Tl'ne, the Ll'ake he otrcl'l'd th Gov '1'11mcnt to : wnlluw wn s lIot 111\ pa In table-cer-tai nly not poisllnous - bnt h' plnyed hi~ part cretlitahl,l' , allli gai l,l d

YCII I hl' c() tnlll emlatio n or the' Premi e r, \\'ho tn 1' nl'c1 nml "liZ d lit hi111 aL illter­vals lik ' a uellcl'~ l l'lI t lio ll.

member-s. H e 1m w that h must win , and b e seized t he Op! ol"tunity to g ive his oppo nents tL dr-ubbing. 'Whic h h e lid. The Premie r has the fac ul ty of being wrathfully in Cll, rne t, w hich, at times, ways hUl II1.n nature mor'e than cast-il'on facts. And t hen h e i such a jolly old Falstaff, so frank, so h ear ty, s uch tl, stron g per­sonality-and, therefore, all the more danger-ous when on the w rong side. At t imes h e rose even to elo · quence, especially when he strove to show that h e and h is confre res had endeavou red to ri , e with the t ide at prngrp;;s, hlldri~kecl 'P I'c ry ~h illg in order "to lIlak e this a ~reat 'o lln t ry. " ' Vn s it ' irllng inllti o ll , or

did hi s voir' fn ltc' r wh"l1 It IInnOUnl'l,r[ the de5 ir of 'J\! r. Burt to 1'1: igll tlie . \ ttor ll r .l', ; 'nera il ? Thr rr ' mier': loya lb' to the (Illciell /'egillll' hallg's l ib: ,1

millstonl' r011nd hi . nrc k. Lt a l-o Hcr 1I1nj ,;t)";: rPLHinto ri e 111 \f.A. hfln gs like II millstonl' .rolllld th e · 11('l·k

we I" 11 1\ t ll erc, fI ' befitted the oc fl ' I)f t h is colony . , iOIl. Tlwre w~re ]]i s Mnjl"ty , t il( ' \\' hen i\Jr, II lill g wort h got up to G r'al M og ul of BIIllbnry . the King 01: s l1 pport t li p L ea k r or tlir Oppositio ll , I\.ntlllllllng, the Crund Mo.nnrqu , ?f BreI' All'ck took B, ' . \ \T ood ou t 1'01' a :Northam, the \ iccro,)' ()I Vletol'la drink. . \ b()ut a llozr l; o th l'r Illcmlll' l's Plains, Burt YJ I. who i ~ t hc lin eal 1'01l0wC'd, but whl'thrl' they .. ~clln'd " 01'

d ':c 'ndant of Phllnloh" lcan kine, t he not is not ch ron icl 'd , • \ Il L t hu an GI'Cllt Hi H: III ()r Ji'1"lI1nntlc olomon intrl'l'"ting it' lll is Il' l't t(1 }1pp~ll r nmong II., Pre 'iUl'li t \\' :1shington G co rge of th' page or un J'('col'decl h istn l'Y , '00kl'1'1In)1. :1I1d IlU1l1 'ro ns oth'rs. Theil a young In:1n I' l'o m T oody ny

Bl'cr r\ Ie·k wa S t ll cre too, IYenring a l'e:1 l'cd 111' '(HI hi s hilld kg,;, :wel • 'I"l'ngo l'lic ' milc, II'hich delloted bene- read out 11 nJaH~ of figures whic h \'01(' 11(;(' alllL :1 ri m', " 'hich, ill like proved-figul'e~ can p rove ' any-

, IlI Hnll' l.' s ig ni fied indu~'tIY. - thing- in how ~ hol' t a time galh:n'ie' cnn be cleared i n ca~e of fi r . H e 1'1r I' l' I\'el'c reI\' challgl's :1 ppo l'cnt in

indi"id u:11 U1 Clllbl'I'S. L l'rroy i st ill a wandet'ed from N ewcll tie to T oodyay, fit'rI' and untaml'd rarnll' r. J t is and from l' nts In s ma ll ,pox- in !lhol't,

• I l' I ' r I I fl 'om D a n to B C'1·sheba., I t WaH onl)7 (' I' idcuL t 1C C Iete ci\'i i ' atlon 0 )CI'[ I wh n h e said that he c. kne w al; mu c h

Ii ns 1I0t spp iled llinl, and hc is ;;ti ll I I

,. . :1bou t r ents as an"one h e r " th,Lt l' 'ad I' to l't1isr t.l' \\'!ll'-\\' lOOp I" (;1\1;:;' ln J

honorable m e n bel'S kne w he hnd goL nt :Iny mOI1l ' nt. -

d own to Rolid fa ·tH. .A ftennt rds, a The I'PI)l'c ' entnti,'e or thc ill nrnly

.. Flat~" still retaill ' his g rac I'ul mode ur lolling' on his bench :llld dis­playillg hi ~ ~()cks to t he ladie;;' gH II l' I'Y, llis attitude is l"L'll ini:;cellt of a dog Oil a bag. We rercl' '.0 the aLtitude of cunrsl:-llot th' m,l1I , 'fhi ' mel11ber also Iw ' :\ hahit 01' lIlaking- idiotic illtel'­jeeLioll~ ami supplyillg th hll1"hte l' irim i'plf.

MOl'gau _ sits llt th fag' 'nd or th Opposition cro~s belle'hes, 11 ar 1\lol'an, who occnpips:1 ,' imil:11' positi n on the

'OI'l'I'1II11Cn t cross-bcllc Irl':-a sort of .\ -i,t :)Illl "\lIll' l'icn, wiLh Behring' tmit ill ·betwpell. linll": ' -e r to sholl' tl III t rxtl'l:11\CS may not ollly mcet, hnt may also IImalgamatl'. Wl' lHl "c only to -tate that l,-algoorlie lUler 011 touk 'oolgfl r lie ou t for a d rink, Thi touching illci Icnt f()1' ,lramlltic eiTect c'ould bl' on ly cC[ nalled uy a 'Ol"ica n Brothl'r ra lLin IY

II pon the neck (If hi ' I' r .

The 'l'os5hellchl's nl'e still red()lel1t of .wild cat.s, bein~ mostly oc 'npied by golJfi Ids 11\embers. Y 'nny'5 1011g' bca rlL ncts a: :1 1;:il1d of conntc l']Je> i'c to Vos­per's long hair: most of the othcr l1I el11· bcl's bein g' by the way, on the \'erg or baldheadedlle;:' .

Th' PCl' II tlelil'c rpd by Lh lendel' of til ' Oppos ition wa s full of the ,;tock llr()'t1111l' l1 ts that h:lI'e bec l1 in el'l' ryd ody's muuth for n .\'(':11' pa st, hut iri s molil' of nttnck was the rel'l' I"!) of CCln l·i ncing . H e 1;1 'k" fir' and rOl'CC, :ll1d the ,. d il' ine di ' ('ontl'nt " ,,'hieh ca rrics .\I'a\, \l'h,I" '1)Id l' ':I SO li i 1Ig' f:l il ~. He 10 k('~l as if 11(' were pla."i'~'" n pal' alit! a sad on . . \ :; :1 11 Oi'atn r IH' req uire th s timull1 :> or intl'rrl lptioll to brillg hill1 nt. Amid H

rnnll ill'" lirl' of intcrjectiolls he Will tLppl'ar almost brilliant, but leal'{' him ,11()lIe lind he' ll b ~in to wobble like a r lln-down top.

\Yhen the Pr mier rose to ('epIy, it was n.t onc 'cen that he meant to deal it out hot and strong to intcndinCT l' ealeiLmnt::;. Hi, face by no means indicaterl tem joy at lI1eeting' foemen wo~·thy f hi teel. He lipped fine SCOl'll, sp eiaily for th goldfields

d eputation eomistin g of t his ~70tmg man from Toodyay, and anothe l' Govprnment benche r, wait('d on the J alJ1e~ Party (1) }Lnd inrlul O'crl in friendly com 'or, . The J ames Party (1), Irow vel', I'e lllained finn anel united, and wou ldn't hudge, \Vhethcl' th y wanted him to "0 to the re­freshment-J'00m 0 1' mel'ely to the GOI-ernment benches, which wel'e not, nearly HO b l', h as ,t]:.;o heen un­recorded.

AJt I' 1\J I'. GC'll'gl' had ~p()kt-n, ~I 1'.

Ewing gal'e the I'ast t irillg 11 ou~r :;OIllC SIll:1rt clehnt(', :llId SOIn,' eq uall y f!l1lnrt [,ppartee . JHr, }'lI'in'" i ~ o ll e or Ih e nblcst d ,bn t(' r~ ill the I i ollst' . a nd if "My wil' 's l' 'lation s" dOIl 't tll1'11 him , lie will l' main a s ha1'p 11 10 1'11 ill lil l' s id e or t he GOY'I'llnlt:nt till Lh e tim \), COIllCS 1'01' him to tnk up 1I1 AttoJ'll r.v GC' Il l' ral ship ill >1 nell'mini , lry.

::-'[1'. Ewing, a 1)1' 1)11 IIlg Opp si­Lionist, ami a ll of tit best d"batcrs in the H Ollse, h l1~ recently marricd into, The Familie ' . Qu('ry: Whell docs he mig mtr?

:NIr, L eake : " Hull bur)" el'l' ll Bun­b1l1'Y, thr natil'e honl e or t h ' potnto, iUlport s tillll l'd milk. l'l1l'y can't e V(,1l

"TO W t hat.' (1\ I' ice : " They can grOll' po l itil'iall~.") ,In t so : nnd n good payi ng crop it 'cems to bl'.

~Jr, Lenke: . Reduce dutie..s ;'-Holl ?l1l'l1 lbl' r 1'0 1' C:t1'l1:lI'l'OIl : •. • \lId 1'!'lIt~ •

.:\h. L rak': c· , Vell t hc lanllord ' al" nll on the othC' r s id, or t ir e Honst', ,0 [

le:1 I" it to t hem ,"

11'. Lenke>: (after oeill g' intcrrnp tl'C1 by Mr, Alitk FOI'1' ,~t) .• L l, now the H () n . 1cmb l' kilO\\" nil Llle ment ring , and the quatt('J',' ring, fllld I am :.IlIxiou to hcar Iii : vil'lI's ."

ir Johll l"o l'1'e t "cma rked III Lhe HOllse on Tuc:,d:!y t hat t h t ies of l-/1I"ltip a rc just fI ~ l1 'o llg in VlT.A. a in :lll)' other part of the' world, SwilleY loll', oj, 1"other5ide I'0litical I'c r e pl1'lwr~

Ah, how wc long for a jOl'ial song, And lho sight of familiar face. !

For tho t ies of kinship aro ju -t as strong Right hero as in othOl' p laces.

oe Asco·

But the teal' rh'Ops start for we','e iolt at he,ll' t .

AmI we sleep with our feet to the easL· ward,

Ancl dream, 0' nights, of denierl delights, Allrl wakc with" curse fOI ' t he We t wal'd

For t he poisoned galllik a scourge doth fall, As we swallow t he groper leavell ,

For Oltl' kind l' d tie -there is no di sguise, Are 'onfillcrl to Lhe " families sevell ."

' ir J ohll F orr st ( rcrerr ing to t he \ Vnkr S ,hem 'c) • J CIlI\ ' L l1nelerstalld goldfield;; mrmbr [':>, e pcc ially tho .e of thl' s()lIth 'rn gold f:i c ltl ~, idillg wiLh men II'ho wou ldn 't I-e ll g il'(' t h '111- 'old ,,'at!'1' .

The PI' 'm il' r : ' . 'heap i'ood. is Il ot t h o nly l h l1l 1::\' ill li re ," Sir ,John pro­bab ly Iia I in h i" m ind t he Pn" >lmii'el'Ou .Age, en' 'al tai ll O:1ts, l ike Ly salldpr or old . had I'ui llrcl hiH co untry hy in tl'O­l~u l' ing li l t llY lucre in to it.

Thc P remi l' r took the most l'rutl'c­tio ll-l'ur 'ed 'o lony or Lilt' "rou jl- Vic­tori:l-as an example to prOI" t hat \V,A" nrLel' all "'a. 1lot . 0 uad ly ttLx ed .

, it, ,John (a rgu ing against Fr I'tl'l1de') .. Thl' r ' are oilly t\\'o Fre t rnclc cOl1 l1tri e: i1l th ' I\'o rld . Gn'at Britflill :lI ld J ' II'

South Wall'S." At t h' SU 1l le t ime r ll' () u t h \Va les i" t he 111 0;; t ;;olieL

l'oln ll \, " I' t h , Au t rnli<1 11 " 1' tI[! , whil st thl' ~\ Lothe r 'ol1ntry 1 nels t Il e l'ntire ,,'o rld.

.. T don't wnnt my cou lltrymen ( aid t h ' Bnl!ou ry 0105s\1s) to co mp 'tr ag;Lillst ro rc ign (' r ~" p 'cially if they lillI'(' co lor i1l tlll'I1l." ThePremie r" statioil on the Gn eO)' IH' nre worked mostly by blnck.-who, or co urse. are 1lot 1'01' ' ig 1l­ers , T hi s IH'ol'cs wh a L we hal'e nlIl'H}" nrg ued-tlIH t nigge r_ are l\1uch Ul orc the CO li 11 trl'tlIcn ot :::iiI' J 0 1111 FO ITe~t than tlrc T'\;L h !' r~ider~ .

1\J 1'. Illing worth: '. I de1l)' that nil th l' in trg-rity or t lrl' L.'l\i " l'1'~e . or of lili co ulltry i~ (J 1l the TJ'(';ls nry R elll' l!.

:.vir, C.i 'OI'ge p1I11'1':1Y): "I have ill my l'lcC' t.,rutc tIll ' 11I a ll II'ho work~ 1'0 1' hi s d:;ily "" ~'!' . 111111 th!' r CO nH111 or thi::: (:010'11\' : " 11I i'!,J'('nc', tIl;' Inttl'!' d(h',;n't ,,'o rk ' : wh ic h i~ mos t ly tril l' .

Tl. e Premil'l' ll S(,S the term •. My People" 1I (,:1 riy a nften ns tilr K fl i. l'

or C.iel'11lnny 11. l'S it. I rlll',,,id"My Rl'lntioll ~ .'·· he "lIul([ hI' IH':ir ' r the mark.

, 'fl'. Gc'o r~(' ( 1111'1':1 y) : "I ad1llire tile H Ull. :YIl'l1llll'r (Mr. Leake) ror hi s plllck i1l l1lol'i ng a llIotio1l (hnt ha;; brought tlllll'l1 ou him till'l' itnpemLio1l of an f1,ng ry Pn'mlcl'. " ( Laug hter.) .

iI', EII'ing: ' The ~qll:1tte r il in the N nrth 1'11l piny I'e ry I itilr In bour," ( j\ l el11be r~ : .. Y l", black labonr !") .1\ 11', hwing: 011' mill e on the go ld­fiL'ld s e l11 pl(ly ~ 111 0 rc m'll thon nil the stations ill the ~or:h ,"

ir ,Ioh l\ I ~ol'l'e~t utLcrcd :1 lIotHble threat on 'Thur:>day night. H e sa id that ir the Jll'oplc would 1I0t c lllLil'!Ltl' thc IUlld, t h ' I11 r mbcls or t hc (jO\'l'I'II­ment, like 50 mnlly C il1 ('inn ati, would ct thrill the xlll11]lk If thi la:ld :1ble

intention W('l'P I1l'ri,t! a lit th e q Ul'stion wo uld 1)(', lIoL how mu ch 111 01'1.' lnncl wonltl bc cllltivllied, unt hoI\' many mo l'c rat bille ts lI'"uld be Cl'clltl'd 1'0'1' Sa ndg ~'o l'c l' ~ ,

MI'. EII'illg: .. I I' I rotl,tt.ioll is nl'CCS-5111'.1' noll' that w[' han' :1 Jal'A' , mllrket withill our 0 11'11 dOll 1';;, hull' n\uch mol' J\ e'cei'S:l ry lI'ill it be l\'il(']1 I\'e ha,'c l:trge ill tl' l'l',l1 'IIn1Jwti tioll: '

. ' TIl(' tics or kill ~ hi p a 1'<' n~ , Lrollg II ith li S a wilh IILIIl'r I "'''I' ll','' ' Hiet . lh e [1'l'l'Il i(' r , Th is i~ pntting it l11ildly , Thl' ti 's or kill ~ hip nrc , trongcr with thl' \\' .. \ , R Ol' I'S th3n with nny nth '1' I'nce 011 ('fi r th . \ \Tl' I1 Il1 t g lIHek to the H ighl:lnd 'Inll~ of two hundred rar ago to find thei r equal s.

'ir ,J ohn Ji'o l'rl'st : ,. I am of course PI' judiec<l 011 thi s qncstion (tile F ood I).lui ') though I t ry not to be. ' Thi s kind or op 11 conl't,~;;ioll may be good 1'0 1' t il e soul , but oHt~id' \\ .. A. it would damn any Pl'rm icr '0 I':lr n - th is world is o ll cCl'llcd,

tiolli-t ill Victoria, MI'. JIlill"lI'oI'Lh : "And I am no w. " The P remicr: ( ' cnrnl'u lly ) c. Thell I ' l! wn ' l;(> 110 l1Io re 11 wtl r l' () I'cr yon."

Th, Prel11ier : '. First he (the 'I."othl' rs icll' r) comes over to ee I f he is inclined to settle hcre : h t' send s uppo r t io his wire and rami ly, aneL th'l1, nrter tl\'rlv IIlOl1th ' I' ,0, he brings theUl ol'cr,' \ 11(1 whnt dm'ing that tll'l'he 1Il ()lIth~ :-Ilil' id ed homc . drillk, iUIL\l(lI'f1lity, danlllation.

The PI' 'mier ( 1' 'ferring to th' mon'y ~oing Ollt of till' cololly) ' . Lei us gi \-e IL to Ollr 0\\, 11 pe"plc.' · Ji'xnetly . Thc'l'cin lies the keynote of Lhe whole VUVe l'lIl1\Cllt policy, l'l11ullein cd ill 0 11 '

s illgl' ~en tenl'e by the l:'l'cllli 'j' l li 111 Sdl'.

Why Should not Men and Women be Friends?

(By ~loPoKE.) There al'e Hel'eral powerful "ca. on, why

they shouldn't, 1 shoulrl say, And thc strongest that has come wit.hin

my ken, nel the J]1 'st t hat will occur to !lily one who

think it ont, Is t he fact that there .1 I I': women and ARv.


And their habits are 0 rli fTerenL, and their ways ,0 wide apart,

Anrl their I:om'CI' ation of SlIc·h rlifl'erent Lhillgs,

That a man can't IIndel'sland 1I womnn, nOI' ('an WOtllan nHl11,

More than crows can chip in ",h 11 Il mag· piu sillgs.

V\'ouilln wom>lll when sIt!: mects \ ' 011 011 a hot and dusty day ,

, ay, "By jo,'e, it's hot, leL's go and have a lr illk . '·

And lead you to a wect sedud d ba" ancl pn:r fOl' tWO't

Easily I giles your answer "I don't think, "

For a womltll rloe8n 'l uml I' tanel the plea· sure that il givcs

To 111hricat.e \'our t horax when I'oa're dl'\', N<ll' the fUll t1Utt comes of c1rinking with' II.

thil'sty friend or two, Nor the S\\" etllcAA of •. it we" ,!I'op

, eye."

, he iA 1I0tal ltll eonvivial, ami CUlI't appre. eiaLe

How hnrd it is a hostelry to pa$s, Alld she hu~ 1I0t the leasL irlea how fail' the

wod(l appears \ \ h n lookerl at through Lhe bottom of a gla8~ ,

\\'hen you mcet her all a journey, ancl shc Rile! I'OU are in

By acc'irlenL, of onrse- thc ,moking,cal' Do you think it at all likely that she will

produce her CII . e, ' Allcl oner .I'OU, in friendship, f1, ·ig'1.I'·t

And again, a fellow wouhln'L like to "il'e him 'elf away 0

r(l a gi.-l when he went .• bl'okc" some night ill t.OWll ;

Alld enm if he dirl holl' mnllywomen ,10 you kilO""

iYho could 01' 11'011 leI hlllll him half-a, crown ~

\\'hen tll'O fe\lows go together in a mme:!r or n 'hU8,

Each pays hi fare, ami it rloes not occur To either to pay hot.h . hut if you a"k a girl

to rirlc The chance.' l1I'e .1'011 luwe to pay for hel'.

' he I lIl~ got. to weari ng trousers amI she ricles uJlon hel' wheel, '

.All(1 she bets and kl10ws where therc'. a private tote;

Bat there's line thing t.hat a woman never' knows R t hing ahout,

'I'hc loved of man, th mey allcerloLe. -

If a man rloe: like a womall, anel a womall Iik s ,L man.

And they llIal~t! theil' l1lillrl~ up that t.hey will be fr'iend ,

,'0011 t l~e mnn propose5 malTiugc !llld the ma,dell she accept.,

Ami they mal'ry and just therc the friend hip enrls,

And this, then, )S the reason why thc sexes can't be I:ienrls,

Ancl why every ffort to 0 make them fcLiI :

Not tlllll hath do not deRil'e iL, but th is fact kecp them apa,·t,

The fact that 50ll1C are felllaies nll(l OIllC males.

Harrow School, Cottesloe.

H ead ~laste(': .K HYACIXTIl TO'M'E~ J[ "I ~l.A. ' ,

Will he Opened at .-mns llY Tir e Premier: H TIl<' H on. J embl'r 1'01' C' IILrnl M.nrchisoll 1I':1 ~ n Protec- HI HO.r OR THE RmE JU. '1'1 E.

Comprisin g 150 rooms, hot and cold water baths, electric b ells throughout Can be reached by b oat and r oad, or rail. An excellent cuisine and every convenience.

~---GUILDFORD R OAD. Smith & B rockwell, Proprietors,

Beautifully situated on the prettiest part f the, 'wan RivCl', with wild flowers, bOllLif,lg, fishing, , hooting alld swimming ill thc "i einity .

SAT URDAY, OCT 23, 189 7.

By flood and Field. --(By HElnll 'I'.)


,y t;RTERli Al'ST){'II, I.1 October '27, 28, n,nd :~O.-Mt1 rchison (;old­

fi el cis R.C. -b'ollrth Anmml il leet illg . Nominations for Hano icaps, except Larlies' Bracelct anrl Hack Race. closed () Il August '26. .,:.ccepth ll Cl'S fcll due on October ](j at 8 p. m.

October 30.-Cn,nil ing Park Tu rf ' lub.

·Y 'C'I·Ol{lA. o ·tober '2(j. - £,]aribyrnong Racint( Clnb. OeLouer 2S. - ;\l elltonc Rac ing lub. . October :30. - VictOl·ia Ral!ing Club (Sjlr ,ng

;\leeting).-First payments. ~! ltl'lbyr­non" Plate 4Lh OctobCl'; forfe it, 2Sth Oet~ber: 'seconr! forfeit, ,\lelboll.l·ne Cup, :l6th Oetobel' : . general entn es. J I th OctoIJCI'; hanc1lcaps for Hurd le Race, Steepleeha.e, HoLham HanrlClap, ano Coburg Stakes, 25th .october; for other eycnt , on the mOl'lllng after the pre,ious da~" s racing.


It is particularly l'e'1t~csLed that a ll COnl ­munications upon spOl·.tmg, n~attc l 's "may l~c addressed to tuC, portlllg J,d ,tor of lare s " 'eekly "

As tr',my ('orrespondents, when t hey sub-mit 'i uestions to ,\n \\'CI', cnclo e postage

for a reply b): letter, we beg to under no Circumstances rio we

~....J"tr\~ \" ' el by post, but only in the columns of paper.

<:.16' •••• · ... ,,·; ••• 'of mcing ami sporting clubs nviterl to forward pr'ognunmes of the

clubs they I'epl'csent.

QU};Ry.-('lell1en ee~ thc rla l~l of :Mel'sey, was only "l ·epol' ·' al< hemg the dam of 't',,(leas tcl'. The malter W,\S nel-el' I'e ry cleady settlee!' .

R. ' .-J~uro ·lydon hold.s th :2"1 1111 Ie _,~~;ot'(l for Australasia. ' l illie, :3nl1 l1 . ;" '1 sec. ~J ade in IS\);' at Chl'isLCh ll l'('h, N .. ~. H e is by Gorton . .

PL.\ ·1, .-ln Engla ncl Lhc 1'(' 'Oglll"Cll oc1d~ for )1,1(;c betting al'c tiS fo llow,. Tf clgh t ~iarters or morc, .ollc-'I" 11 I ·te ~· t hg odds fOI: ] 0 3 ' or one-thll'Cl od,j~ fOll , ~ . If less tl;:~ i tartel'~ nO beLting fo r 1, 2, 3, a nd

lh' het t ill" fo r 1, 2 . ,.01 "_AS a O ;'ule, Treillon t hrows better

, T~c:tts t han fi llies. I t dcpends l\ lot 011 t he he is p ut to. . .

T O'J'E _ Ten pel' ent. i t he co m1111 8510n

11 ' ' c(l b" t he Governn,ent to be de-a 0 \\ .' . d' '1 d N rlt1cted from totalisator ~\' I ( en . . 0 f raction of a In llmg 1S pald n,t Canmng Pa rk. .

Qt11'STro~. - Annf 1'0nR, cngagecl in t he ~]n,l'i by rnong PlaLe, IS I.WL a fu~l brothel' to Atinllll and AUI·an a . 'He Id a half­brothel' , heing by Rohi llson l ' usoe~ltI t of Aura, awl is owued by ;-'1,'. \'> . R. Wil on . .

I'nA IN~;D FE'I' I.O K.- K ecp t he horse stand-in er in t he cold water t wo 01' .tl ll·ee hours

° 1 D o not t hink of bhstel'Ulg ti ll a cay. . t he join t is q Ul te cool. .

E - ' l' l, e l'e nl'e specll.l.l nets a nd ap-

'N'l· llH •. - ' I d ill li n,nces 110 \\' nmrle by a, goo sac ( er. 101' thi s purpose; .l)mmOIl oc ulTence In Australia and N cw rl. " .

\y __ The term " iileglt1mate, as appli ed ~~) ilUrd ler'acing and s.Leeplechasll'g from t he fact thn,t, prlOr to t he fOl'mat l ~n of t he 'ational Hunt Comnll ttee . 1Il

, l ' 1 these t wo branche of racUJg E n

lg 'In(, de of law~ a nr! were unrecog­

har no co "'b I 1'1 I . I ban)' raclIlg tn una . 10Ug 1 111 sec y' . f 1 still used , t he terlll IS ou t oe ate.

I F · l ~c r was v(' r V wra t h O\'cr t he l!'ran;: '1C (\ . " . b d

I . nllt Par t henopmlls, was Ja lll e

~vay "~ m?'l ' ~ll the way in t he Caulfi eld III on t Lle l a l , '

CIl:~e_Metford , t he t wo· yelw-o}d by Cal 'bil~e out of F elicita , thc cla m of l! or t uua tus, IS

yer ' highly spoken of. . 'I~he ~lerry Boy is t he hope of MI' .. a m

Co~k in t he "DJelbou\'Ile np, a nd wheu 1t 1

b . . 1(1 t.hut he won ha rd hell from

orne 1ll mil I) lb . t V R C Coil both carr y ing 7st. J:.. ., III t le .. " '. I t 'ear hc must have a n umle­

H ,, "d lCap as) , ' rh mile ,,,HI t hree-niabl,' "'oor! show. e .

" 0 t out ill t he race mentIOned q uarter was cu . ill amino 7:t ec. t l I Jel'i al P ro-

Dieu Donne, I"ho w n I ml t Il duce Sta kes of six furlongs, ae.c;oun ec !lst ,'a tu rf/ay fo r t he ~ ri el d le P apk .E l at~ of D?O so\'s. arloed to n, sweepstake of ,35 SOl s.

'eaeh. ' Di rae li a nd \Yild flower fi lled Lhe p laces. I' t

Coi l is t he fitte L horse in Aus~ra Ja a t he present momeLlt . and t he " • 'peCial COIll,; missioner ,. of the ~telbou l'l1e" sa 'S ; " I neyer saw a f-itter hOl'~e nl I.ny life.' He moreover adds t llLLt coupled wlt l'l Positano and Aurum Lhey are the on ly nags '\I'orthy to bc clas ed as weig ht-for-age

Clare's Weekly. Th e Ilominations fo r t he I V.A. Tatter­

all's nleeting were yery saLisfactory. In t Ile 'r attersall" Cup, of 250 SOI'S, t here 2:i cnt ri es, and ill the P,·ince of \Vales Stakcs t hc"e are 30.

The h n,bi t ofpn tting horses up fo r' auct,ioll , ' just prel' ious to expecting a win at t he next meeting, is an old amI rather weak way of l.t'.l' ing to pu t t he pnbli c of!'. I am of opinion t hat. tearlfa t, A Ihion, Aggie, and Cbn c are t ill run hing in t he same in terests.

Snapshot has done p lcnty of good se l'Yice­able \\·ol·k in com1)>lIlY wi th Trell tham and Tarquill , amI should shake up a two mile or one ami I hl'ee-quarte r hurdle I'Uce SOOIl no,,·.

Chi ron is a likely cnstomer for a wi ll shortly . He wears bandages, but what of tlmt. Ovcr five and six-ful'loug com es the

hoI'S - ~ in A II Stl':tl ilL. Ce ,·tlli nh' A llI bm'ite SO li of Prolllctheus aud Aspen is very sl ick. m l1. t be added to t hi~ li st. Ife prefers t he Per th COtll'. e, a' he 'an hty

Auru m Ims heen repor ted as gone wrong cl own to it better. or t he lasL few clays. H e certn,inly spli t aM,'. \" '\I'd, the O\\'ner of Sat,anella, has It

hoof, bll t t hat is 1I0thillg mnr:h. T he on ly li ttle t l'lllll P card to play one fine day, th ing II'C \\'ant to fillcl Oll t i if he has gone in t hc 'shape of a mare hy ;\IisLake \\'rong from oLhe .. cau~es . He is one of t he fr om Poppet (Lottie's dam). ,he bent IllOSt II nli ke ly colts in t he wol'lrl, ac 'ol'(ling YaLhcroo rather easily j ust prCl' ious to t he to hi illakc, to go wro llg. Amberi te, how- }<'relllantle ,\I ceting. 8I' CI', is worth bnck ing. H av ing noticed yari nus suggcstions for

F leet Arlm im l was not nearly strll ng up baCJ ldng horses, I would recommelld as a in t he (: uineas and mil I'cry forward in t hat systcm thc re lig ion' fo llow ing of ccond race. Hc is Olle of t he besL of hi , year, [t ll rl favo ri tes, or even 1 hircl fn,\'or ites, in a om.v do something exLra : n"1.rt bcfore many sequence. Thus, fOI' ake of a rgument, pnt ,-:eeks ,II'C 01'01' . • fi l'o on · the fi rst; that goe down. P ut 10

'l'arfJui n has becll baclcecl 1I 1reiuly t l) wi n on t he IIcxt; t hat lose . F ifteen on the somethillg l ike ::1,000 SOI·S. fo r tl{o Pe r t h ' next; a nother loser. T wc," ty-five on t hc Cup, Ily h is own CO li li e ·tions.. lIext, n,lId we will suppose it WillS, at el'en

AndJer ite's nUl1l ber waR W, whIch C0. I'I·e· :3 to 1- n, short p"ice ellough for ,\ sccond 01' spo llderl with Lhc. cllL)' of th e l1I onth. As third fa\'llriLe. t he "'!elbou l'lle 'up is r ull 011 NOI'el1lher 2, The stake money lost amoullt to :30 the ho rsc Lhat sholl ld cOITe'polld is Coi l , (poullds or shill ings) . Th e amount 11'011

and a right dow II goo ( show he ha, too. cOl1les LI) (2,) x 3) 7.5 (pou l,cls 01' shillings), Ayrsh il'e proved what I sairl a coupl!' of thus giving II ncL win of 4;3 (pou ll ,ls 01'

weel,s ago, viz., that tI,e Roll of DUlliop can shilli llgs). stay, al1d hump we ig ht as well . thongh 1 If a horse Wi llS, and is orlds on, 'onllt it nt ust descl'L hilll fo r t he .\ !elbclllI·ne ·up. as a I{lse,·. Whell a will nel' is backed at

News comes front South _" usLmli,L thaI Vakecl shows returnin g forn l. odds 'tga.inst start the sequence afresh.

Battali on scmtchcel for the Melbolll'lH' Take your Hequence on in t he same mLio Cup is 'lot t he top wcight (by Battalious)" at the next meeting from where you left but t he T rcnto ll hOI'. e weig hted at (j t. 71h. ofr.

Battalion ( b .1' Hattll l i ()II~). wh o wa~ Cj lIlLl'- AI\\,ll.I·8 Imck fi rst favor iLes in a sellillg a nLined ill Nell' Sou t h \r ,des, hitS IICUII t'fl'·C .


mi le has been can ' eel out at home by DOl·I1-roscher at Nottingham this eason in ] min. :36 3-5ths sees. , whilc t his t i me has beeu beaten at Lingfield two seasons ago, where it was r un ill 1. 36 hy a 1,0[, e callen Wood ­stock, w ho WOll a th ird-class hanrlicap there with hi month open, h)' ix lellgth . Talk-ing of time, it should be remembered t hat most English cou rses carry longer grass and are slower than the ones here. But neit hel' ill tr ials nor ill meing do tminers put any faith in time, over there. \ \'hat the,\' go by is " line," \I hich Lhey obtain through a schoolma tel', who is sent out in a race to obtain the' time of da\'.' The time of a race in J~ngl all(l may vary "er,l" con iderauly, amI is rlue to the pa"e made in the eitrlier part of the !'fLce anrl the period at which they take up the cudgels in real earnest.

T he curse of l~nglish nlci lLg is the num­ber of "five-furlong spr ints." Lt , is ' t,he sudrlen sllap t hat breaks the corrl. and i t is the jumpillg offancl p ull in!! up, "nc!, finally, the lightni ng da:h in these races that tells on the sillews of t.he horses' legs. Proof of lhi. mal' be fouml i ll thc fact t.hat ho rses trained- to run long distan('es last 10llger than spl'illLers. Bee wing and Alice H,\w­thomc were winning hig mces long after they were aged, while lIumbers of Aus­tmlinns may I,e qllotecl ill support of the Ilrgument, as Pal'is, &'c. , &.c. .

Climate is what we ill the 'olonies ,Ire ill­rIebterl to fol' th ex 'ellellce of our 1001' 'es, fo r the blood that wc I1scel fol' hreeeli ng is fl'om England. Coming in thc first in~tance fro m Central Asia, the hOl'se LI, rives better in a lI':trlll limate.

Referri Hg 1.0 the (l'lCstion of elefe ·tive wind and roar'ing in Lhe gllglish hoI'. e, \\' hich has attmcterl much attentioll of 1I1Le yeal's ;-The lead illg authoritics are agreecl thaL this is canserl partly hy the elimat.e amI pllrtly hy the contractioll of the IICt'I'es either in the head or tln'oat, due generally to a se\'et'e eh ill. PU],lIolH\ry d i~eases are often hcreditary, hut 1I0ise caused hy th tightening <if the hll·ynx. a. occasioned by chills, is not hel'ec1ital'l'. 'I'hc fOl'llmtiou of the head and neck, &c~, illdic:atc the cause.

In .tmilling the['e are nccessal'ily a nllm­her of diff"I'ell(,es of s.vstcm, c:onsecjuent upon the vicissitueles of climate at home,

. notably more c:oclelling and less frccelum . ~ome t.miBCI·S li kc La sec their charges mn big, as is the general cllstom in tIle ('olonies, others again prefel' to slip plenty of work into their hOl'ses, \'ery otten regardle s of making them look like greyhounds. \rith young tel' a bac1 pnwticu in big stuels is that of feerlin ... up with mashed root' alill other soft foo(1, prel' iolls to selldil'" them up for the ye:\rling s·,les. All this soft, IIse­le tis ' ue has 1.0 be worked off, f!Lr qllicker than is good for the animal, (;~using a gene­ral deterioration in the sl'stem, whereas the cpl t bred by a . mall owuer i geuemlly allowed L haye more f l'eeelom ancl is fed l1pml a fail' amount of oats l\nrl carrots, with .t fell' old beans 01' pea in cold wen.ther, which with an 0~ca8ionnl do~e of linseed oil, hrings him into a natnl'lllly bn,rdcl' condition llIuc·1 SOOllcr.

J., eph CnUIlOI), Kewll)'uket (Eug.), ,,·ho has l"ld as- nmny YOlUlgsl"t'>i throllgh his

, bands as most tminers, follo\\'s the folloll'­iog sy ten1. \Yithout au)' ' pccial prepara­bion, he tl'ic h i ~ yeltd i ng~ twicc Ol-el' t wo or th ree fn rlong wit h l\ Ii 'ht weight . He feed t h ree t i mes a clay. l'nshed on,ts and

\aif ing uo long ha :. Hre g ivcn at 7 a m.

An Up-to- Date C y clist.

a llowed to cn tel' Victoria, a lld ntay be heard of before long . A great ha nd icap hOI'Re.

On Slimming up t he ~ I 'st accept.or 1'01' t.hc g re,.t m 'e at F leming ton I accept the fol­lowing as t he ·rcam .of t h? ba llll icap ;­Coil, 9st 31b ; The ~\Ierry Boy , S t 41b ; Mora, S t 21b ; T oreador, Sst; Wa it-a-b it, Sst ; DeVOll , 7s t 13Ib; . Fucile, 7st l:~ l b; TI 'ent, 7s t!JIb; Dreamland , 7 t SIb; P osi­t,a no, 7st 7lb; B undook, (jst I l1 b; R osella , 6st 7lb. I do 1I0t g il'e A urum ,\ cha lice, good col t t hat he i, .

I cfining t h is lot down , I li ke Coil, 'I' he Merry Boy, \¥ait-a-b it, Del'on, lJreamlulld , anel P osita no.

The sixth volum e of t he " Austt-a lia n S t ud Book," compiled a nd pnblished by fi ll'. A rch ibald Y uille (of Messrs. Y uille a nd Co. ), i ' to ha nd. ' I'he book contain s (i00 pages of the fu llest illfornmtion a nd a nthen­ti c s tud retn l'lls to t he end of IS96.

Mr. W . Ba iley , t he owucr of Coil a n 1 Cocos, has been l.tid up for scveml mont hs in J3al iA.rat, bu t is a g reat cleal het ter. He has nev I' seen Cocos yet, t hough he gn ve 1,] 50 g ui ll eaR for hi m.

The On knpm'inga Racing lu b in to nel buildillg ,\ lIew grand-s tanr! t o seat 1.000 ])eoplc, unci also it totali sn,tor building . This latter lI'ill , when fini shed , be the la r­gest in A ustralia .

Sy mmeLry. w ho won t he ursery lIa n-(licap at a nlfielel last 'a tnl'day , is a hi1. lf­b roLher to Ulla l'ing, being by Tren ton ont of ButLercnp.

R esolu te has t.u rned whistler a nd ma,v not.' he a ble to get a journey in t he fnLure, t hong h many instances exist of horses Si1ll ilarl y a fli icted being ab le to stay.

English and Colonial Horses.

(By lIEI~)n1·) .

Con tinued .from lasl issue.

H A nNe: seen a g reat number of both Colo­nial as well as English t.horoughbreds under ma ny circumstances, I am olid ly of opinion t hat t he laLter show more blood, bu t a re bred more now-a-days fo r spr ill t races. In temper they a re more li vely a nd uncerta in, )J1'obably a.used hy in lweccling a nd t he (;oldcr ·Ii :nat e. Spcaking of c~)Urse as a lot, Lhey show less honc, but of filler a nd les porons CJ uali ty. This, agaill , is reasonably ,\ ~L I ' I bn t,\ble t o thc cli ma tic cond i t ion . In ~u Lni lia, r.he heat beiu. g greater, t he growt h 1S g reat.el· a nd consequently fa tel', ;lightly 'rleter iora t ing t he quali ty by porosilY.

Here, I wCLulri st!1te, t hat on past resul ts, a nd t h"ir gener f\1 a ptit ude to stay t he Colon ial hOl'ses lI' ill a . a n ile ti hllle t~ ad­""nLage o\'e r long rli sta nce.. .MOLlS Meg, R lIlgmaster, P a r is I ll., }!ermn,n , &c" a ll gninerl t heir \I' inlling b raoket over a (lis­ta ncc .. Furt hel', t houg h we \'er)' much wish to see 1 t , the be t t haL \\'e can end will II el'er , save in a ~' e ry poor year (il Lhen ), bc capa ble of lowel'lng, at weight for age, t he colours of Lhe hoI' e a t home, that is In t he class of top not,cher. \v it.h ewha\'en fi L a nd wcll we shall have t hi bOl'l1e out 1.0 t he It t ter, I feel confidel' t .

In t he colonie e\,el'yone is inclined to Lhe theory that. , . t ime is t he essence of t he 'on t m ct .. " \' ou . heltr a llIan say . " o-anrl­

so ran hI n11le III 1.40, a nd con equenlly 'a nnot be beaten. " N ow evcn on ti me the

Golden Age Hotel PROl'RI"TOR : :\Ir. Waltcr Wing (La te of Goldfields).


The oltly F irst-class H otel Open in t he ,' uburbs. "I'erms Moderate. 4 ll Latest Convellienccs. All cock's Bi ll iard Table.

-\ ,,,, on h gi\'es tllCllI a . nacl<, a llcl a full feed at .- 'P. m. I hen they a l'c done lip. Of conrse they m'e a llow ed t he par1rl ock fo r a while d u rillg the day. _\J ost trainers give four feeds in tead of t h ree.

If fo nnd capahle of beating a good elling­p late r over fivc furlo ngs, about "\!al'ch at about 121h . , the t\\'o-yea l'-olrl is consiclererl il) have satisfactori ly answcred a Cj II · stion .

General Peel's P eLe l' (H crmit-Luth' ;\[11 ha m) gM'C t he highe~L y a rling "lid l\ls'o t wo-year -old t ri al 011 recor,l in Engla llcl. On Clll' istltlas lJa.\' , .l /./ , ILt 1\ difference of 1 Olbs. , he beaL \Yandercl', a ll old hOI'se, a head . . ol'el· th.ree fn d Qng·. By the fo llow­l ng :\Iarch .(2.\T . old) hc had improved 171b . , as he Lhen wa able to snu ff' "Van­dere!' out, gi l' illg h im ilbs. I II t he same month as t he trial vV,tndel'er ran Oxon ian to a head in t he Burcleu ·It CUI) n,t NOI·thamp­tOil , a lld nexl . day at the sallie meeting ca;~L'i ed all' t he Delaprc H a nd icap wiLh top \I eigh t .

A curious 110t.ioll of Lhe owner of PeLel' w~ t hat t he cOlTect way to l)t'eed a Derby WInner shou ld be "lw the wi nncr of the

t. L eger out of the \\,'inuer of t he Oa ks."

Charles W a tson a nd Harry H aines will exec ute

C0;\IMI SIONS on Caulfie ld and _\1; 1-bourne up, Derby &. Cup. i':ipor t illg

Guide grntis on a ppli '''.tion or on receipt of tamped add re ed elw elope. N ote t he

add re s, 2fi :3 1'. (; lmROf; s T ERRACE (near new tock E xcha nge).

YOll'r~ Next. A. BRESSLER, So \Vtliting

Premier Hairdresser & Tobacconist, Welling ton Street, Pert.h.

hoil'{':.:.t Bnllllh; of 0iJ.,'llN nJlci TubaccCh. 'rhe Larg ·~t 1\1111 Rrctt:l.>:it aiuou til the.· ulollY·

l XTE1:X- Illllltl.s nlway~ g'oing. Note the Rt1tlrc:o'';' :






]!'IXTUR E.· .

R.A CI·; MEJ'T I ~"~ .-W.A. Cycli ng lub,Octo, I et'23and :~O; nomination 'clo 'ed October9. (~oldfield Cycling 'lub, -o\'ember 9, Port Oyclillg 'lilh, N ovembe L' G a lld 9, Fre, nHlutle Bi \'cle Cluh, No\-ember 13 a nd 20, Friendly, ocieties' ,'ports, Dece"!1' hel' 26, 'Frell'luntle Hi 'ycle Club, J a nua lT 23 a nd :2(;,

In last issue of th 'I'~O,\ Y Cl!1to~l ' W; it was stilted t hllt, at t,he Chal'ity ynling meetin~, the judge, UI', t uart, asked 1\

competItor hi~ chttnces, and t hen went o\'er to the e nclo"lII'e fence ancllaid a wager, l'hi , statelllent \I ' IIS ent irely fal~e, and aro e fl 'OI1l a misapprehension on t he part of a reporter, who. e ear~ apparently helied him, As i well k'lown, Dr, Stual't i one of the stmighte- t'goers conuecteo wi t h sport ill 'W,A" and step will be ta ken in next issue of the HR(l~l I ,}; to con ect the errol'.

\Ynlne, the Queen lamieI', executed t he 11I 0~t hrilliant I'iding yet een in Adelaide. H e won t he Fir, t Class Hallllicap ill 2min (j :~ , .ise C' , 'Beatillg (ireen (Ellgland) and '" a lker (Yi ctnria) aftel' a ' l1Iagnificent finiHh.

Bill Mart in rcceived 14 days, wi t h hanl labor fOl' his lit t le pel'Hona l (re)marks on Frnllk Rililey, The oUllcil of ,A, League a lRo wiped him out for ~ix month"

1\1. Coomer befit J.i opponent ill tbe Bevede.\', YOl'k Roarl Race, overing t he 22 mile in I hi' (;J,111in,

Porta lelll'es for Coolga r I ie after t he Yf .. .\,C. '. meeting 011 the 2:{rd and :30th inst.

~li (lrl leton left for the fielrl' 011 Tue clay last, Both he a lld Portlt \I·ill probably be en , gaged to competc Itt Adelaide on the :20th ]\o\'ell1ber, an,l qle Au , tral me ting in 1\Ielboul'lle on llecell1 ber :2ancl 9,

Fitzgel'/llcl's mo\'emellt~ are unreL·tain, but he \\ill pl'Oba hi,\' com pete. on • o\'em bel' (; and 9, at the Port yclillg meetillg,

J, Vi' , ,tocks now hoI Is the mile cham , pioll hip of the worlrl (flying tart), At the Crystal Pala e, on . 'eptcmber ).'i , h beat 1>latt',13etts' pre\'ious reCOI'el,


(By OLIl '(;~,) Frolll recent ('lIhle ad\'i 'es we leUI'll t hat

Jallle: " 'my, th .x, f>, \\'. scu lle .. , who ha bcell in England for man," month pa t eeking matches, has, unfortunately for a ll

concerlle(l , so far found the tl'ipa most un, ]lrofital.l one,. He recently challenged G, 'l'own~, a fellow cololli t, after the latter's yi 'tory over BaIT.\', for a malch , hut he c1e, dine!l " 'ray's otler f :3 ee" ticking out for It further conce . iOIl of2 ec, 111 0re, which ha~ not led to bu in ss, "' ra \', who e\' i, dently m IIns bl1 ine ~ and Ie s self,ad \'er, tisement in the papel's-a pmctice which evidently is gainillg gl'Ound amongst a ll cia se~ of profes lOnals-ha made a claim ;? t he , p~I'ts lll a ll, h a~l en~e up, won hy I owns, wIll h alTle With It the champion,

sh ip of EnghLnd, 011 t he 'I'ound of Towns !'~f~18illg t,o a 'cept 1,Ii 'hallenge to a match, ,1111" action 011 hiS part I1lU t commend Itself to a ll true portH, and if TO\l'ns can, not be inrillceci to ome oown from his fool, i h positioll, it i only fail' t hat a 'uller who call and will accept a ll reasonab le chal, lenges should !,e i:h,e holdel' of the 'up.

, Bal'l ',\', who IS endelltl", not. sati sfied with IllS recent defea t by Towns, hus aga in is uerl 'L challenge fo .. a match for £200 a s ide ovel' the Putne\' to ~rortlak e Our e with n pl'Odso thl1t the .. a e llIuSt tak~ ]ll l1ce hefore Chl'istll1as, \Yb n '1'O\\,IIS left here it was, thought that he aimed at t.he wod(r~ cha mpion hip, hut his recent actions rio n t 10 k us if that were either his obje t IJr a lllhi t ion, :Fancy a would,be wodd 's challlpion a king and delllandillg 1\ stUl't of fh'e, econds fl 'om an opponent, ann in t he e \'cnt of the tllrt not being fOI 'thcomillg, refusing to rOW, Jf T own he l'e lying UpOIl the MiI' ice of those behind him, t hen the 800nel' he hl'ows them ovel' the better fOL' him elf nnd t.he good nallle that A ustmliun s 'ullel ' hn \'e borne in Lhe Pllst ,

E:c:,chl1mpion Edward Trickett, who, in hi d ec: lining yea l'S, hilS for aken the ,spOI't, for whi (, h he was a t l'ue upholdet" and nO\l' has become a peakeI' in the mo\'ement Imown as the hristia n Endea\'ol' Associa, tiOIl, recently in ~Ielhourne, mther "fell in" o\'er a story wit.h the title of ", aul 'eeking his Fathel" A, e ," and I'ecotlllteci a s tory as o.-erhearcl hy himself, a nd which t he a udience wa led to believe \\',lS 1\11 orig ina l one, ~l lInr correspendent ha\'e, however, writt en to the paper stating t hat t he story is all old one, of t hat well,known, cotch di\'ine, D an Ral1ls~y, publi hed n fal'lll\ck as I 70, Oh, Edwanl, ,vou harl hetter by far ha" c kept to the old sport, and not yelltu red on t he rough track that lecturers I",,'e to tread !

\Yh uL hns be oll1e of ex,cha mpion , tan, bur" '~ Has he gone to Klondike, 01' is he tllk"ing a I' t umlel' the fig'Lree at bi honle np t,h Pllrl'!lll1l1tta ~ ~Jethinks the wa nt of exel' 'i e, and long absence froll1 the ri\'er, ,,·ill unfit the old oue to e\'el' rcco\'er his 10 t laurcls, and ere long many will pring up, whose IIl1l11e will he on e\' ryolle lip , while the old x,champion" ill he almost forgotten, It WII e\'er t hus with the fallen,

YOULg Tim E,rck, who defeated the pick of the :unuteHr scullers at t he recent H nle,\' Regutta, i to b beard of before long in other "ank Limn as lin amMeul', Sevel'lLI well ,k no\n1 'cullers speak ,'el'" hig hly of the futm'e t hat may be befol~e him, anti !I~ doubt the older Tim Eyck know~ sumclent of th ~~me, to pL'e\'ent the ,Young one !I'om oyerdo ll1g It : fOl' lIIa ny a Itkely boy III all spon " \I'ho e future

Clare's Weekly. S \"T RDA Y. O CT . 2:), 1897

i hright, is 'lean clone up with too m'lch work whell not strong enoug h, or before they a re :et,

A ustl'Rlia ns could not send an a mateul' scullel' to compete at Henle,", if he \\'el'e a tl'Rr\ esman, but even the Ya nkee Rportillg paller doubt t he elig ibili ty of ~im Eyck to compete, and when t he cule 'l a nks peak tllU~, you mlLy 1'e t as UI'ed t h'Lt the re is something wrong somewhere,

A hitch ha' vidently oCC UlTed in con' nection wi th t he ln te l'coloni .tl aight'ou r contest. The venue of t he next race is ill Queensland, cluring t he month of April, hut at t he pre ent t he cel' taillty of the rllce com ing off i not of a too rosy ha.racter, Ne\\' South \'\ a les point blallk refu 'es to compete uncleI' t he present ruies-I'tlles t hat a ll t he othel' colonies agreed haye a basi that uit all partics, and iL looks t hat if t he !'ace is to take place at a.1I, K ell' Routh 'Va les mu t simply be ignored, un ti l it learlls a li ttle reason, The chanccs of a West Austl'Rlian 'rew going to Queens, lancl lIext April, is a. very bla nk one, Since OUl' men took purt in t he last Intercolonial race, instead of it being an incentive to 1)\1, h rowing on, it ILppears to I"we been just t he 1'e,'e l' e, , urel), a ll t he energy t hat rowing mell a re proverbial for hM' illg, ha ~ not been put forth for olle special eft'o rt a nd t hen to die a way, a nd the sport to languish a nd ge flat , Ha\'e we not amongst li S a few enthusiast s, eve n if they he .of the old :chool, who can help t.o Ih'ellmat.ters up a 'quatically '!

Tbe As 'ociation a fter ,l, long Ri p Van Virinkle sleep, ha at last rOllsed it. elf, a ncl held a meeting on Monday e \'tming la t, when it was decided to holrl t he race for the

ha mpi on FoUL'S allr\ Scull s, The \Y est Austl'R lian Rowi ng luh, now

that they hll \'e star ted t)te ball of Bucce s roiling, intend to keep i t g0ing, anri 11m', pose holding club l'R 'es for t he mcm er e,'e l'v mont h, If th is he calTied out the I'apia adYaneell1ell t of t he club is a surecl, for noth ing hrings forth latent talent like the holding of cluh race, 'as i t otfel' a la l'ge inducement to the mcmb rs to attenrl pract ice at t he boat,sheel s, If the other club will only do the a me, rowing, a a sport, will take th JJluce that it shou ld in our mid t , a nd l'Rpi I," ad \'ance,


In'ing f>uy les, who L'e 'cntl,\' hcat E, \Y, Hi.ll'l'i s in a hundrerl rani nllLtch for £30 and a trophy, lea \'c, ~lelho\ll'n e to,clfL.\' for 1: erth, Hi engagement here \\' ill h st for eight weeks,

Dr, Gres well re 'ently inform ed the .'lel , houme Board of H eal t h t hat hewing'gul1I conta ined 1 ii % of " utterly indige tih le" paraflin wux, a nrl that. it wu ru inous to healt h, The Board hilS l'erluested the 'it,\' Counoil to pro, ecute all \' elldors of the urticle,

,'ll1nley Rowle,)' ma lllLged t .1 Spi ll \'el' lOll yard in 10 ee, lIlIder ad\'c r e cOllditi n8 at the Australa iUIi Championship , 'por ts, tlll1~ equa lling \Y . T, }[cPhe rson' N,S,W, lima, tel'll reconl.

D ri)Yshi re, the ulanchester swinlllltlr, will meet H ellings, the Rydney lIIan, over 100 yaL'd , the contest to take place at \Yest, millRter, 1.1 11 Octo bel' 27, Tye l '~ has bit ,ked out.

The first Q.uoit ham1i c>Lp of the • 'outh Leeden'ille Club, waB held at the Golden Age Hotel, (,,' alt.el' " ' ing's ), on, I1turdl1Y lust, Thc,'e were thirteen entl'ie , The pitching in many cases was v"I'Y neat, a nd it rocluirerl a good dea l of measllI 'illg to rlote,', mine who 11'011, First prize ",as a \\'arded to Bro\n! ( l~a t Pel,th) : second to J, Kllowles, a un t hiro to Alex, Gor'don, of South L eeder, \'ille, There was a lal'ge attendance of spectators, nnd evcl'ythillg passed off s'Ltisfactory.

1<'. A, ll'edale playing fO!' ''''averle,v againsL outh Syrlney, made 85, when he was unforLunately I'tln ont. He recei\'cel a gl'eat o\'lttion . Tn t he 'ame match AURtin took 5 wickets for 21i for \Y Iwerley, all being cleall bowled,

~eorge (THfen is gh' ing plenty of t rouhle agai n with the willow, Playing for \V ORt Adela ide he compiled 98 hefore he was dis, missed, H e followed t his np \\'ith 4 wi ckets for ,i4.

In the" Nineteenth Century" Mr, Lionel PhjJ(ip replies to , ir .Tohn Willoug hby's papor ill t he July nUlllber, ~1t-, Phillips's paper is lit.t le mOL'e than a 1'0 ·apitull1tion of the el'idence \\'hich he ga\'e before the

ou t h Africall Committec, Hc brillg~ out into cleILl' relief t lmt at Johanne bU I'~ th y did not wallt Jameson to come in until t hey . ent fOl' hi m, 'rhey expected him 1,0 hring frol1l 1,2 0 t o 1,.-00 men, wi t h 100 spur ' l'i fle, and tlmt the , heot'llnehor of t.he .Johanne burg p la n of caml a ig n WIL ' t he surprise of thc Preto l'i !!. I1rsenal, \Vhi h was to be: seized by :l00 insurgents, who w uld ha\'e had no dilti clllty in o\'erpowering the guard , which cOllsi ted of only 100 I1l cn, and p , se ing themselves of LO,OOO rifl es and a dozen fi eld pi ccs, wi t h any amoun t of amll1twi t ion, By J l\ l1l e on s ud,lell plunge across the frontier with only 500 men a ll chance of th is surpri 0 wa, dest l'oyC(!. Thc Boel's had eig ht hoUl's' no t ice earli er t hall .JoilauneshUl'g, and nothing was done, ~lr, Phillips if vel'ypo iti\'e that J ohannesblll'g ne\'or 'ontemplated sending a ny men out to joi n hanclR with Dt" .J!lme on, The \' had only l30 hOl'scs ,avl\i lable for t ho PIl;'PO e, and uch a ,tlllug as t he possibility of J a meson needlllg ,help ne\'er C1'os~ed t heir minds, H e \l'as coming to help then' : they were not needed to help hilll,

' The l~inanc i il. 1 Relations of t he Empire: Can they he Illlpl'O\'ed '?" i ' t he q ue t ioll which Sil ' GeOl'ge 'B!!.clen,Poweli di cusse, at Special Tyres for W.A. length ill t he .July lIumber of t he" .Toul'll!!.1

of th" Roy.Li Colollia l In t.itute." H e illus, GUal'anted 12 'Months, trates the anomalies which exists a t pre ent by showing that a British ~uhjeet 'has to pay three incomc,taxcs, if the income is made in Victol'ia, I' cei\' erl ill Tllsma nia , a mi spent in England , a nd t hat a Calladian \'e el visiting Au tralia pays lig hting clues, wbile :Ln Australiall \'essel in Camulian waL~ L'S pay nothing t.o keep up tho lig ht, house system, He pleads in general fOl' g reater uniformity, and no overlapping in regard to Cnstoms tariH: , commercia,l trea, ti es , boun t ie, tamp dutie , shipping dues, death du t ies, income, tax, public debts , suh, irl ies, ancl sta tistic, H e gladly welcomes

the beginning murle on his initiative in re, ganl to death duties, whi ch so far as paid ill

the Colonies, a rc not required to be paid Brown & Brown a fresh in (heat Brita in, He claims t hat he , has g i" en t he fil 'st comprehensive yiew of t he immen. e and compli cated pl'oblelll, Q EE J T PERTH

Great~ Sporting Consultations

'l'ATTER.'ALL' ," are of J. ' I L\ R l ,E~,

Box 109, G,P,O" Pert.h'

01' "i Bal'l'ack , treet: Perth,

1 eferen 'es : d P t D· t . b t' Bank of K ew , onth \Yale , Pel,th, an roper y IS rJ U Ion.

The Property Distribution.- 7,i ,500 xr 20 f;AC IJ. 1st prize, t hat ~lagnificent Block of Tew Building kllown a ;\I'N e S'S.d1 calle, cornel'

of H ay a mi Bfl.I'l'nck , treets, Perth, \'!due ,iO,OOO, e'timated rental 5,000 pel' 1\1)1.11111, amI 110 othe r pl', Ya l'y ing from 9,000 to 12 : 2nd prize, East Perth Hot I, n,oo ; Sr.' prize, W House, :,j l1rmy a nd Wellingtoll 'treets, G 30 , rental 036 ; 4th pl'ize. Royal l'l",tcl, K lllgoodi e, (;,200, l'entn l (;24 ,

Sporting Events.- Perth Cup- 50,OOO AT 20, 1 t hOI'd, ].;,000: 2n.d , ,) ,000: 3rrl :2,.,)00; star ters rli\' ide :3,000 ; nOll,starteL ,4,500;

alld 2,,300 extra prize", I) 0,000 nt .3,-, I st prize, H, "iO ; 2nd, 1,2.30 ; :lrrl , 6:2.3 ; sial't!!r eli\'ide iiiO: and 72.; cush prizes,

Pel' Qual'tel' 65. 6d, Subscription , . Six Months " 135,

" Annum 265.

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